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Author  ^i  <        7  >  fVV\XW|*  H-ev?nx,| 


i  his  b<*k  should  be  retu/ned  on  or  before  inflate  last  marked  below, 



Late  Professor  of  Histology  and  Embryology 
in  Cornell   University 





COPYRIGHT,  1941,  BY 


All  Rights  Reserved 

Copyright,  1908,  1917,  1920,  1925,  1932,  by 
Ail  Rights  Reserved 

Copyright,  1936,  by 


All  Rights  Reserved 



the  memory  of 


pupil ',  friend,  and 

master  investigator  who 

opened  new  paths  to  the 

human  mind. 


IN  revising  the  matter  for  this,  the  seventeenth,  edition  of  The 
Microscope  changes  have  been  made  in  every  chapter  in  text  and  often 
in  illustrations  to  render  the  subject  more  easily  understood. 

Attention  has  been  called  to  the  newly  devised  Electron  Microscope 
with  its  greatly  increased  magnifying  power  and  resolution  over  the 
ordinary  microscope;  to  Polaroid  for  the  micro- polariscope;  to  some 
new  plastics  for  mounting  in  place  of  Canada  balsam;  to  the  high- 
pressure  mercury  lamps  for  ultra-violet  radiation  and  the  bright 
mercury  lines  for  photographing  objects  with  the  microscope. 

In  general,  however,  the  book  retains  its  former  character,  and  it  is 
hoped  that  it  will  continue  to  serve  students  and  users  of  the  micro- 
scope in  understanding  the  underlying  principles  involved  in  micro- 
scopical work. 

As  a  final  word,  I  wish  to  express  my  thanks  and  appreciation  for 
the  new  cuts  loaned  and  other  aid  rendered  by  the  American  manu- 
facturers, the  Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Company  of  Rochester  and 
the  Spencer  Lens  Company  of  Buffalo.  The  heads  of  those  com- 
panies, Edward  Bausch  and  Harvey  N.  Ott,  have  been  my  friends 
and  advisers  for  many  years  and  have  been  ever  ready  to  help  me 
over  the  rough  places  in  my  microscopical  career. 

Likewise  it  is  a  pleasure  to  render  thanks  to  my  University  col- 
leagues and  to  my  fellow  microscopists  for  their  friendly  interest  and 
help;  also  to  Clara  Starrett  Gage,  Ph.D.  for  aid  in  preparing  illus- 
trations, making  corrections  and  revising  the  index  for  this  edition. 

May  20,  1941 



INTRODUCTION  AND  THE  ELECTRON  MICROSCOPE  .    .         i-3A          1-6 

CHAPTER  I         1-66          4~4ia         7-50 

Microscopes  and  Their  Parts. 
CHAPTER  II        .  .        67-169       42-64         51-120 

Bright-Field  Microscopes;  Lighting,  Natural  and 
Artificial;  Experiments  with  Microscopes. 

CHAPTER  III  .  .  .      170-215       65-90       121-169 

Dark-Field  Microscopy  and  Its  Application. 
CH\PTER  IV  216-272       91-119     170-221 

The  Polarizing  Microscope;  Optics  of  the  Mi- 

CHAPTER  V 273-302     120-124     222-239 

Micro-Spectroscope;    Pocket  Spectroscope. 
CHAPTER  VI        303-324     125-130     240-2 s«S 

Ultra-Violet  Microscope;   Physical  Analysis. 
CHAPTER  VII      325-358     131-142     259-27^ 

Interpretation  of  Appearances. 

CHAPTER  VIII    359~398     i43~i67     279-316 

Magnification  and  Micrometry. 

CHAPTER  IX 399~45o     168-199     317-363 

Drawing  with  the  Microscope  and  with  Projec- 
tion Apparatus;  Class  Demonstrations. 

CHAPTER  X     451-507     200-214    364-402 

Photographing  Embryos  and  Small  Animals; 
Photographic  Enlargements;  Photographing 
with  the  Microscope. 

CHAPTER  XI   508-615     215-249     403-463 

Cabinets;  Slips  and  Cover- Glasses;  Mounting, 
Labeling  and  Storing  Microscopical  Prepara- 



CHAPTER  XII 616-663    250-266 

Fixing  and  Preservation  of  Tissues,  Organs 
and  entire  Organisms;  Infiltrating;  Imbed- 
ding, Sectioning,  Staining  and  Mounting  for 
the  Microscope. 

CHAPTER  XIII      .  

Serial  Sectioning  of  Organs,  Small  Animals  and 
Embryos;  Preparation  of  Models. 


Micro-Incinerations  and  the  Optical  Appliances 
for  their  Examination 

CHAPTER  XV    ... 

Brief  History  of  Lenses  and  Microscopes. 


INDEX      .    .  .... 

MEASURES      .    .  .    .  ... 



664-702     267-277    496-520 

703-730    278-299    521-546 

300-313     547-579 




IN  dealing  with  the  possibilities  and  use  of  any  method  of  investi- 
gation, any  machine  or  piece  of  scientific  apparatus,  the  writer  or 
teacher  will  naturally  proceed  as  seems  to  him  best  from  his  personal 
experience,  from  his  general  theory  of  education,  and  from  his  con- 
ception of  the  style  and  method  of  presentation  which  will  render 
his  book  most  helpful  and  acceptable  to  his  possible  readers. 

As  stated  in  the  preface  to  the  sixth  edition,  this  book  had  its 
origin  in  the  laboratory,  and  its  purpose  was,  and  still  is,  to  give 
the  guidance  by  which  those  unfamiliar  with  the  microscope  and  the 
methods  of  work  with  it  can  gain  an  intelligent  understanding  of  the 
instrument,  its  limitations,  and  its  possibilities  for  aiding  one  to 
arrive  at  truth.  It  has  also  the  added  purpose  of  bringing  together 
the  scattered  information  concerning  new  apparatus  and  method  so 
that  older  workers  may  make  use  of  them  with  a  minimum  amount 
of  time  and  effort. 

In  working  out  the  plan  the  following  landmarks  have  been  kept 
constantly  in  sight: 

(i)  To  most  minds,  and  certainly  to  those  having  any  grade  of 
originality,  there  is  a  great  satisfaction  in  understanding  principles; 
and  it  is  only  when  the  principles  are  firmly  grasped  that  there  is 
complete  mastery  of  instruments,  and  full  certainty  and  facility  in 
using  them.  The  same  is  true  of  the  methods  of  preparing  objects 
for  microscopic  study,  and  the  interpretation  of  their  appearances 
when  seen  under  the  microscope. 

Much  good  work  can  be  and  has  been  done  by  the  rule  of  thumb 
method,  in  which  there  is  no  real  understanding  of  the  underlying 


reason  for  any  of  the  operations;  the  worker  simply  knows  that  good 
results  follow  a  certain  course  of  action.  Probably  most  of  the  work 
of  the  world  is  done  by  rule  of  thumb.  But  for  the  highest  creative 
work  from  which  arises  real  progress  both  in  theory  and  in  practice, 
a  knowledge  of  principles  is  indispensable. 

(2)  Need  of  abundant  practical  work  to  go  with  the  theoretical 
part  has  been  shown  by  all  human  experience.  In  all  the  crafts  and 
in  all  the  fine  arts  mastery  comes  only  with  almost  endless  effort 
and  repetition,  the  most  common  example  being  the  attainment  of 
facility  in  music.  Hence  in  this  work  there  have  been  introduced 
many  practical  exercises  so  that  the  worker  might  gain  the  deftness 
needed.  It  is  also  a  part  of  human  experience  that  in  successfully 
going  through  the  manipulations  necessary  to  demonstrate  principles, 
there  is  acquired  not  only  skill  in  experiment,  but  an  added  grasp  of 
the  principles  involved. 

After  observing  the  work  of  students  in  my  own  and  in  other 
laboratories,  the  conclusion  was  reached,  and  expressed  in  the  third 
edition  of  this  book  (1891)  that  "  simply  reading  a  work  on  the 
microscope,  and  looking  a  few  times  into  an  instrument  completely 
adjusted  by  another,  is  of  very  little  value  in  giving  real  knowledge. 
In  order  that  the  knowledge  shall  be  made  alive,  it  must  be  a  part 
of  the  student's  experience  by  actual  experiments  carried  out  by  the 
student  himself." 

Beale,  in  his  work  on  the  microscope,  expresses  it  thus:  "  The 
number  of  original  workers  emanating  from  our  schools  will  vary  as 
practical  work  is  favored  or  discouraged.  It  is  certain  that  they  who 
are  most  fully  conversant  with  elementary  details,  and  most  clever 
at  demonstration,  will  be  most  successful  in  the  consideration  of  the 
higher  and  more  abstruse  problems,  and  will  feel  a  real  love  for  their 
work  which  no  mere  superficial  inquirer  will  experience.  It  is  only 
by  being  thoroughly  grounded  in  first  principles,  and  well  practised 
in  mechanical  operations,  that  any  one  can  hope  to  achieve  real 
success  in  the  higher  branches  of  scientific  inquiry,  or  to  detect  the 
fallacy  of  certain  so-called  experiments." 

And  Hon.  J.  D.  Cox,  skilled  alike  in  the  arts  of  war,  statesman- 
ship, and  science,  in  his  notable  address  upon  Systematic  Instruction 



in  the  Microscope  at  the  University,  before  the  American  Micro- 
scopical Society,  in  1893,  says:  "  I  wish  to  urge  the  desirability  of  a 
somewhat  extensive  course  of  technical  training 
in  regard  to  the  microscope.  ,  .  .  Any  one  who 
desires  to  devote  himself  seriously  to  investiga- 
tion with  the  microscope  will  find  great  advan- 
tage, as  it  seems  to  me,  in  devoting  some  time 
to  the  study  of  the  instrument  itself  in  all  its 
parts,  and  the  history  of  their  development." 
The  study  of  this  whole  address  is  urged  upon 
the  person  interested  in  the  just  appreciation 
of  the  different  parts  of  the  microscope  and 
their  successful  employment  or  improvement. 

Sir  A.  E.  Wright,  in  his  book  "  Principles  of 
Microscopy,"  says  this:  "  Every  one  who  has 
to  use  the  microscope  must  decide  for  himself 
the  question  as  to  whether  he  will  do  so  in  ac- 
cordance with  a  system  of  rule  of  thumb,  or 
whether  he  will  seek  to  supersede  this  by  a 
system  of  reasoned  action  based  upon  a  study  of 
his  instrument  and  a  consideration  of  the 
scientific  principles  of  microscopical  technique. 
The  present  textbook  Qiis  "  Principles  of  Micros- 
copy "]  has  no  message  to  those  who  are  con- 
tent to  follow  a  system  of  rule  of  thumb,  and 
to  eke  this  out  by  blind  trial  and  error.  It  ad- 
dresses itself  to  those  who  are  dissatisfied  with 
the  results  thus  obtained  and  who  desire  to 
master  the  scientific  principles  of  microscopy, 
even  at  the  price  of  some  intellectual  effort." 

From  the  observations  made  during  the  last 
fifty  years  I  am  confirmed  in  the  belief  that 
for  attainment  in  study  with  the  microscope,  as 
in  all  other  human  endeavor,  a  person  must  pay  for  all  he  gets. 

(3)  In  considering  the  microscope,  it  may  be  looked  at  as  a  ma- 
chine composed  of  glass  and  brass  complete  in  itself,  or  it  may  be 


FIG.  i.  A  SIMPLE 

Object  The  object 
to  be  seen  by  the  eye. 

Lens  The  double 
convex  lens  acting 
as  a  magnifier  or 
simple  microscope 
to  aid  the  eye  in  see- 
ing a  near  object. 

Cornea  The  cor- 
nea of  the  eye. 

r  The  single  re- 
fracting surface  in 
the  schematic  eye. 

cl  The  crystalline 
lens  of  the  eye,  also 
the  center  of  the  re- 
fracting surfaces  or 
the  nodal  point  of 
the  eye  where  the 
secondary  axial  rays 

ri  Retinal  image; 
it  is  inverted. 



considered  as  an  artificial  aid  to  the  eye,  like  a  spectacle.  When 
complete  in  itself  it  is  properly  called  a  projection  microscope, 
for  it  produces  an  image  wholly  independent  of  the  eye  of  the  ob- 
server. This  image  may  be  fixed  on  a 
photographic  plate  or  used  as  a  basis  for 
a  drawing  (fig.  3).  On  the  other  hand, 
when  used  as  a  microscope  in  the  ordinary 
way,  the  eye  of  the  observer  is  an  inte- 
gral part  of  the  optical  combination,  just 
as  integral  a  part  as  the  objective  or  the 
ocular  (figs,  i,  2).  This  being  the  case 
the  optical  perfection  of  the  eye  is  as  in- 
fluencing on  the  final  retinal  image  as  the 
perfection  of  the  other  optical  parts. 

Quoting  again  from  the  preface  of  the 
third  edition:  "  In  considering  the  real 
greatness  of  the  microscope  and  the  truly 
splendid  service  it  has  rendered,  the 
fact  has  not  been  lost  sight  of  that  the 


r  f 




Mirror  The  plane  and  concave  mirror  to  re- 
flect light  through  the  object. 

Object    The  small  object  to  be  seen  by  the  eye. 

Objective  The  objective  of  the  compound  micro- 
scope to  form  a  real  image  of  the  small  object. 

Axis  The  principal  optic  axis  of  the  micro- 

/  Principal  focus  of  the  ocular  and  of  the  ob- 

r  im  The  real  image  formed  by  the  objec- 

Ocular  The  double  convex  lens  enabling  the 
eye  to  see  the  real  image  formed  by  the  objective. 

cr    The  cornea  of  the  eye. 

rs    The  refracting  surface  of  the  schematic  eye. 

L    The  crystalline  lens  of  the  eye. 

r  i  The  retinal  image;  it  is  erect  with  reference 
to  the  object,  but  inverted  as  compared  with  the 
real  image. 


microscope  is,  after  all,  only  an  aid  to  the  eye  of  the  observer,  only 
a  means  of  getting  a  larger  image  on  the  retina  than  would  be 
possible  without  it,  but  the  appreciation  of  this  retinal  image, 


whether  it  is  made  with  or  without  the  aid  of  a  microscope,  must 
always  depend  upon  the  character  and  training  of  the  seeing  and 
appreciating  brain  behind  the  eye.  The  microscope  simply  aids  the 
eye  in  furnishing  raw  material,  so  to  speak,  for  the  brain  to  work 

(4)  While  the  objective  and  ocular  are  the  fundamental  constit- 
uents of  a  microscope,  it  must  never  be  forgotten  that  for  their  most 
effective  use  provision  must  be  made  for  so  lighting  the  objects  to  be 
studied  that  their  structural  features  may  be  brought  out.     This 
involves  the  use  of  a  substage  condenser  to  insure  an  adequate 
aperture  of  the  illuminating  light.     This  again  necessitates  a  suffi- 
cient source  of  light  either  natural  or  artificial.    If  it  is  artificial,  it 
must  be  sufficiently  brilliant  on  the  one  hand,  and  on  the  other  it  is 
a  great  advantage  to  have  it  of  daylight  quality,  such  as  that  given 
by  the  Chalet  Lamp  with  its  daylight  glass  screens  (figs.  46,  47). 

(5)  For   gaining   glimpses   of   structure   and   physical    condition 
beyond  what  can  be  gained  by  the  microscope  lighted  with  ordinary 
visible  radiation,  either  reflected  or  transmitted,  one  now  has  avail- 
able dark-field  illumination;    illumination  by  polarized  light,  and 
radiation  by  the  invisible  ultra-violet.    Perhaps  also  in  the  future, 



radiation  by  the  long  waves  of  the  infra-red  may  reveal  structural 
details  not  hitherto  known.  In  a  word,  to  gain  the  deepest  insight 
into  microscopic  structure  every  possible  source  of  information 
should  be  utilized,  and  new  ones  constantly  looked  for. 

An  Electron 



Electron    r 
Condenser  u 



Objective  Q 

A  Projection 




Object!  v 



Project  I  on[ 

Screen  Image 


Screen  Image 




THE  MICROSCOPE  with  glass  lenses  or  glass  lenses  combined  with 
lenses  of  natural  transparent  minerals  like  fluorite  or  quartz  may  be 
so  constructed  as  to  give  almost  any  degree  of  magnification  and 
thus  make  minute  objects  visible  to  the  eye.  However,  for  the 
showing  of  details  as  separate  things,  that  is,  for  resolution,  such  a 
microscope  is  limited  by  the  length  of  the  waves  of  light  to  a  mag- 
nification of  about  1500  diameters. 

Hence  investigators,  knowing  that  details  beyond  the  ability  of 
the  ordinary  microscope  to  reveal  are  probably  even  more  pervasive 
than  those  visible  with  the  best  microscopes,  have  sought  radiations 
of  shorter  wave  lengths  than  those  of  visible  light,  hoping  thereby 
not  only  to  add  to  the  magnification  but  to  produce  the  correspond- 
ing increase  in  resolution. 

It  is  believed  that  in  the  newly-invented  electron  microscope  using 
electronic  waves  i/ioo,oooth  of  the  wave-length  of  visible  light, 
25,000  to  100,000  magnification  with  accompanying  resolution  can 
be  attained.  This,  of  course,  would  make  possible  an  almost  un- 
believable exploration  of  minute  objects  with  their  details,  and  it 
may  be  added,  corresponding  difficulties  in  interpreting  the  appear- 

The  possibility  of  making  such  a  microscope  depends  upon  the  fact 
that  the  electronic  waves  are  propagated  in  straight  lines  like  light 
waves  and  that  they  may  be  concentrated  and  focused  by  electro- 
magnets something  as  light  is  concentrated  and  focused  by  glass 
lenses.  Also,  depending  on  the  strength  of  the  current  in  the  electro- 
magnet, the  variable  concentration  and  focusing  are  comparable  to 
the  concentration  and  focusing  in  the  light  microscope  by  means  of 
different  curvatures  of  the  glass  lenses. 

As  the  electronic  waves  are  wholly  invisible,  their  images  must  be 
made  visible  either  by  using  a  fluorescent  screen  or  by  means  of  a 
photographic  plate.  Therefore  the  electron  microscope  is  to  be  com- 
pared with  a  projection  microscope  in  which  the  image  formed  is  en- 
tirely independent  of  the  eye.  It  is  not  like  the  microscope  into 
which  one  looks,  for  with  this  the  eye  of  the  observer  forms  a  part  of 


the  optical  train,  and  the  final  image  is  formed  upon  the  retina  of  the 

In  the  accompanying  diagrams  the  constituents  of  an  electron 
and  of  a  projection  microscope  are  shown  for  comparison;  an  electron 
source  in  one  and  a  light  source  in  the  other;  for  illuminating  the 
object  a  magnetic  condenser  in  one  and  a  glass  condenser  in  the 
other;  for  producing  a  real  image  of  the  object,  a  magnetic  objective 
and  a  glass  objective  respectively;  and  finally  a  magnetic  projector 
and  a  glass  projection  ocular  to  form  the  screen  image  in  each  case. 

The  size  of  the  final  screen  image  may  differ  greatly  in  the  two  in- 
struments, but  varies  most  with  the  electron  microscope,  in  which  it 
may  be  as  great  as  X25o  while  with  the  light  microscope  it  rarely 
exceeds  xio  or  xi5. 

In  the  diagram  the  projection  microscope  is  represented  as  pro- 
ducing a  screen  image  of  xiooxio  =  xiooo  and  the  electron  micro- 
scope xioox6o  =  x6ooo;  but,  as  has  been  said,  their  respective 
possibilities  are  as  great  as  about  xi5<Do  for  the  light  microscope  and 
x 2 5,000  for  the  electron  microscope;  and  this  magnification,  in  some 
cases  at  least,  might  be  increased  to  xioo,ooo  in  printing  the  nega- 

There  are  three  other  differences  that  should  be  mentioned:  (i)  The 
initial  cost  of  the  best  ordinary  microscope  is  in  the  hundreds  while 
that  of  the  electron  microscope  is  in  the  thousands  of  dollars.  (2)  All 
parts  of  the  ordinary  microscope  can  be  used  in  the  air  of  any  room 
while  all  the  effective  parts  of  an  electron  microscope^  must  be  in  as 
complete  a  vacuum  as  possible.  (3)  With  the  ordinary  microscope 
the  object  can  be  of  considerable  size  and  thickness,  and  mounted 
upon  a  glass  slip  in  air  or  some  transparent  medium  like  glycerol  or 
Canada  balsam.  With  the  electron  microscope  the  object  must  be 
small,  very  thin  and  dry  and  mounted  on  a  film  of  collodion,  which 
in  turn  is  supported  by  a  perforated  disc  of  platinum  or  a  fine  wire 

It  will  be  seen  from  the  above  that  at  present  the  electron  micro- 
scope is  not  available  for  ordinary  biological  study,  but  is  to  be 
welcomed  for  the  uses  to  which  it  is  adapted  now  and  for  the  possibili- 
ties in  its  future  development. 



BURTON,  E.  F.  AND  W.  H.  KOHL. —  The  Electron  Microscope,  233  pages, 
no  figures  and  many  plates.  New  York,  1942. 

DAVIS,  WATSON.  —  Science  News  Letter,  Oct.  12,  1940.  Abstract  in  Reader  s 
Digest,  Nov.  1940. 

HALL,  C.  E.  AND  SCHOEN,  A.  L.  —  Application  of  the  electron  microscope  to  the 
study  of  photographic  phenomena.  Journal  of  the  Optical  Society  of  America, 
Vol.  31,  pp.  281-285.  This  paper  gives  the  requirements  for  using  the  electron  mi- 
croscope. It  is  also  well  illustrated. 

HOWARD  AND  SCOTT.  —  Review  of  Scientific  Instruments,  Vol.  18,  1937. 

KAEMPFFERT,  VV.  —  New  York  Times,  March  31,  1940,  p.  8D. 

LAURENCE,  WM.  L.  —  New  York  Times,  Dec.  30,  1938,  p.  i. 

MALOFF  AND  EPSTEIN.  —  Electron  Optics,  N.  Y.  1938. 

MARTIN,  L.  C.  -—  Nature,  Vol.  142,  1938  and  Journal  of  the  Royal  Microscopical 
Society,  Dec.  1939. 

MARTON,  L.  —  Physical  Review,  Vol.  56,  1939,  p.  705. 

The  Electron  Microscope.  —  Engineering  Products  Division,  RCA  Manufactur- 
ing Co.,  Inc.,  Camden,  N.  J.  Pamphlet  with  illustrations  of  the  RCA  electron 
microscope  and  of  pictures  taken  with  it. 

ZWORYKIN,  V.  K.  —  Science,  Vol.  92,  July  19,  1940  and  Sigma  XI  Lectureships, 
1941.  (Image  formation  by  electrons.) 

ZWORYKIN,  V.  K.  —  Image  Formation  by  Electrons.  Science  in  Progress,  third 
series,  pp.  69-107,  46  illustrations.  1942. 


§§  1  TO  66;   FIGURES  4-41 


§1.  Definition  of  a  microscope.  —  As  the  word  itself  indicates,  a 
microscope  is  an  optical  instrument  with  which  one  can  see  small 
things,  often  so  small  that  the  unaided  eye  could  not  see  them  at  all. 
It  is  from  two  Greek  words:  /u/cp6s — mikros,  small,  and  <rK07rcu> 
—  skopein,  to  see.  The  word  was  compounded  and  given  a  Latin 
form  by  Giovanni  Faber  of  the  Academy  of  the  Lincei,  as  shown 
by  a  letter  of  his  to  Cesi,  President  of  the  Lyceum,  dated  April  13, 
1625.  Faber  says:  "  As  I  also  mention  his  E  Galileo's]  new  occhiale 
to  look^at  small  things  and  call  it  Microscopium."  Jour.  Royal 
Microscopical  Society,  1889,  p.  578;  Carpenter-Dallinger,  p.  125. 
The  microscope  serves  its  purpose  by  increasing  the  visual  angle. 
This  may  be  done  in  two  ways:  (i)  by  means  of  one  or  more  lenses 
used  as  a  kind  of  spectacle  by  which  the  eye  is  enabled  to  form  a 
sharp  image  on  the  retina  when  optically  so  close  to  the  object  that 
without  the  artificial  aid  a  sharp  image  could  not  be  produced  (figs. 
i,  2,  6). 

(2)  The  second  way  of  increasing  the  visual  angle  is  by  means  of  a 
projection  microscope,  which,  wholly  independent  of  the  eye,  pro- 
duces a  sharp,  greatly  enlarged  image  of  the  object  upon  a  white 
surface  or  other  screen.  The  eye  then  looks  at  this  image  as  though 
it  were  the  object  itself  and  of  that  size  (fig.  3,  §  445). 

The  fundamental  difference  in  the  two  forms  of  microscope  is  that 
in  the  first  the  image  is  formed  in  the  eye  by  rays  directly  from 
the  microscope,  in  the  second  by  rays  from  the  screen. 

In  this  book  the  first  form  of  microscope  is  mainly  considered 
except  in  Ch.  IX  and  X,  where  the  projection  microscope  is  much 


[CH.  I 

Compound   Mleroocopo 





§  2.  A  simple  microscope  or  magnifier  is  a  lens  or  a  combination 
of  lenses  to  use  with  the  eye.  But  one  image  is  formed  and  that  is 

upon  the  retina.  The  en- 
larged image  has  all  its  parts 
in  the  same  position  as  they 
are  in  the  object  itself,  that 
is,  the  image  appears  exactly 
as  with  the  naked  eye,  except 
that  it  is  larger  (figs.  5-6). 

§  3.  A  compound  micro- 
scope is  one  in  which  a  lens, 
or  combination  of  lenses, 
called  an  objective,  forms  a 
real  image,  and  this  real 
image  is  looked  at,  by  the 
eye  and  a  magnifier,  or 
ocular.  The  image  seen  has 
the  object  and  its  parts 
inverted.  In  the  compound 
microscope  then,  two  images 
are  formed,  one  by  the 
objective  independent  of  the 

„  TT  eye,  and  the  other  on  the 

tie.  4.    tiNE  PRINT  SEEN  BY  THE  UNAIDED        .  . 

EYE  AND  THROUGH  A  MAGNIFIER          retina  by  the  action  of  the 

eyelens  of  the  ocular  and 
the  cornea  and  crystalline  lens  of  the  eye  (fig.  i). 

§  4.  Real  images.  —  A  real  image  is  one  formed  by  a  lens  or  other 
optical  instrument,  like  a  concave  mirror.  It  is  called  real  because, 
entirely  independent  of  the  eye,  it  forms  a  picture  of  an  object.  This 
is  the  kind  of  image  which  makes  photography  possible,  also  the 
magic  lantern,  and  moving  pictures  on  a  screen. 

§  5.  Virtual  images.  —  In  all  diagrammatic  drawings  showing 
the  microscope  when  looking  directly  into  it,  an  enlarged,  imaginary 
object  is  shown  out  in  space.  This  is  frequently  called  a  virtual 


Daylight    Giaaa 

Artificial    Daylight 
Section     Knlvee     Free     Hend 
PUagente    Si  Idea     Frame 
Victoria)    Culturaa    Alloye 

Hl»toiegy    Equivalent 
Ciaea    Demanatratlon    Foe* 

Magic     Lantern 
Projection  Mloroacopo 
Dutch    Mlcroacope 
Keplorian     Mlcroaeopo 
Parrlfln    Method     Book 

Cnlargemente     Pointed 

Opaque    Metala 
Photographing     Large 



image.     In  the  projection  microscope  there  is  an  actual  or  real, 
enlarged  image  on  a  screen  which  the  observer  looks  at  as  if  it  were 





Object  The  object  to  be  seen;  it  is  at  a  distance  of  250  millimeters  from  the 

r  i    The  retinal  image;   it  is  inverted. 


A1  Bl    The  object  within  the  principal  focus  (F)  of  the  lens. 

S  M    A  double  convex  lens  acting  as  a  simple  microscope. 

Cr    The  cornea  of  the  eye. 

R    Single  refracting  surface  of  the  schematic  eye. 

L    The  crystalline  lens  of  the  eye. 

B'2  A2    The  retinal  image;   it  is  inverted. 

A3  B3  The  virtual  image  projected  into  the  field  of  vision  at  250  milli- 
meters; it  is  erect,  and  the  appearance  is  exactly  as  if  the  virtual  image  were 
an  object  as  in  fig.  4,  and  no  lens  were  present. 

a  large  object  (fig.  3).  If  one  keeps  in  mind  that  virtual  images  are 
purely  imaginary,  and  that  real  images  are  produced  by  actual  rays 
of  light,  it  will  help  to  avoid  confusion  and  wrong  interpretations. 




In  every  case  where  an  object  is  seen,  light  rays  must  pass  from  the 
object  to  the  eye,  and  these  rays  entering  the  eye  must  form  an 
image  on  the  retina.  It  is  the  retinal  image  which  furnishes  the 
brain  the  stimulus  for  vision. 


Whether  one  is  using  a  microscope  or  not,  the  apparent  size  of  any 
object  seen  depends  upon  the  visual  angle. 

§  6.  Visual  angle.  —  This  is  the  angle  made  by  the  border  rays 
of  light  from  the  object  to  the  retina,  and  crossing  at  the  nodal  point 
or  optical  center  of  the  eye  (figs.  143-144). 

As  the  visual  angle  depends  upon  the  distance  the  object  is  sepa- 
rated from  the  eye,  any  means  by  which  the  object  can  be  brought 
closer  to  the  eye  will  result  in  giving  a  larger  apparent  size  to  the 

object,  or  in  magnifying  it.  The  lenses 
of  the  microscope  used  with  the  eye 
enable  it  co  get  very  close  to  the  object 
and  thus  increase  the  visual  angle,  and 
depending  on  the  closeness,  finer  and 
finer  details  of  the  object  are  separated, 
for  they  subtend  an  angle  of  one  minute 
or  more  (see  §  359),  and  the  object  as  a 
whole  has  a  much  greater  apparent  size. 
For  further  discussion  see  §§  359-36°- 

§  7.  Pinhole  card.  —  Use  a  piece  of 
paper  about  the  size  of  a  library  card. 
If  the  slip  is  black  or  of  a  dark  color 
it  makes  the  experiment  a  little  easier 
than  when  white  paper  is  used.  Make  a 
hole  in  this  with  a  needle  (fig.  7).  If 
now  one  holds  the  slip  up  close  to  the 
eye  and  gets  the  hole  in  the  optic 
axis,  the  eye  can  see  brilliantly 
lighted  objects  very  clearly.  If,  to  start  with,  the  object  is  off 
about  i  meter,  quite  an  extent  of  it  can  be  seen,  and  it  will 



appear  small.  Now  go  up  closer  and  closer,  and  still  the  object  is 
clearly  seen,  and  constantly  appears  larger.  The  closer  one  gets  the 
smaller  is  the  visible  field,  but  the  larger  will  the  parts  seem  to  be. 
If  the  hole  is  quite  small,  one  can  get  the  object  within  4  or  5  cm. 
of  the  eye  and  still  see  the  image  clearly,  and  see  details  which  could 
not  be  seen  at  a  greater  distance. 

As  shown  in  the  figures  of  the  visual  angle  (fig.  144),  the  closer  the 
eye  gets  to  the  object  the  greater  will  be  the  visual  angle,  hence 
details  are  shown  which  did  not  appear  at  a  greater  distance.  One 
of  the  best  methods  of  trying  this  experiment  is  to  use  for  object  a 
small  mark  made  with  ink  or  a  glass  pencil  on  a  window  or  on  a 
milky  or  transparent  lamp  shade.  Then  there  will  be  plenty  of  light. 
The  physiological  explanation  of  the  power  to  see  clearly  through 
the  pinhole  at  a  distance  of  5  cm.,  when,  if  the  eye  looks  directly 
at  the  object,  it  should  be  about  25  cm.  from  the  eye,  is  that  with 
the  pinhole  the  beam  is  so  narrow  that  the  rays  entering  the  eye  are 
practically  parallel.  If  one  takes  away  the  card,  the  beam  gets  very 
wide  and  the  eye  has  only  a  blurred  impression,  the  diffusion  circles 
are  so  large. 

In  case  one  loses  his  spectacles  or  has  the  accommodation .  paralyzed 
by  atropin  for  testing  the  eyes,  it  is  possible  to  read  fairly  well  with  the  per- 
forated card  if  the  print  is  in  a  brilliant  light.  The  field  which  can  be  seen  at 
one  time  is  very  small,  so  one  must  move  the  print  or  the  head  almost  constantly. 


The  usual  and  most  effective  means  for  increasing  the  visual  angle 
when  examining  small  objects  is  by  the  use  of  lenses,  singly  or  in 

§  8.  Lens.  —  A  lens  means  a  mass  of  glass  or  transparent  mineral 
substance  with  one  plane  and  one  curved,  or  with  two  curved  sur- 

The  lens  is  usually  a  segment  of  a  sphere  or  of  two  spheres  (fig.  8). 
In  dealing  with  lenses  mention  must  frequently  be  made  of  the 
optical  center  of  the  lens,  the  principal  axis,  secondary  axis,  and  the 
principal  focus.  These  are  illustrated  in  figs.  8,  11-12,  and  are 



[CH.  I 

(i)  Optical  center.  —  The  point  in  or  near  a  lens  through  which,  if 
rays  pass,  they  will  suffer  no  angular  deviation,  and  the  emerging 

ray  will  be  parallel  to  the  incident  ray 
(fig.  8  c.l). 

(2)  Principal  axis.  —  The  axis  pass- 
ing through   the  centers  of   curvature 
of    the     two     spheres    whose    surfaces 
bound  the  lens  (fig.  8). 

(3)  Secondary  axis.  —  Any  axis  oblique 
to     the     principal     axis,    but    passing 
through  the  optical  center  of   the  lens 
(figs.  11-12).    A  ray  along  a  secondary 
axis    undergoes   no   angular   deviation, 
although  it  may  suffer  displacement  as 
a  ray  in  traversing  a  piece  of  plane  glass 

(fig-  99)- 

(4)  Principal     focus.  —  The     point 
where    rays    of    light,    parallel    to  the 
principal    axis,    cross    after    traversing 
the  lens  (fig.  10).     Every  lens  has  two 
principal  foci,  one  on  each  side  (fig.  10.) 

With    concave    lenses    the    foci    are 
virtual  (fig.  9). 

§  9.  Refraction.  —  By  this  is  meant  the 
change  of  direction  of  oblique  light  in  pass- 
ing from  one  transparent  medium  into  an-  ' 
other  of  different  density.  The  possibility 
of  the  production  of  images  by  lenses  de- 
pends upon  refraction.  (See  §  239  for  non- 
oblique  light  and  refraction.) 

The  amount  of  bending  of  the  oblique 
rays  depends  on  two  things: 

(1)  The   difference    of    density    of    the 

two  refracting  media;    the  greater  the  difference,  the  greater  the 

(2)  The  obliquity  with  which  the  light  strikes  the  second  medium. 



Axis  The  principal  optic 
axis,  the  line  joining  the  two 
centers  of  curvature  (c  c'}. 

c  c'  Centers  of  curvature, 
—  centers  of  the  two  spheres 
from  which  the  lens  is  de- 

r  r'    Parallel  radii. 

/  /'  Tangents  at  the  ter- 
minal points  of  the  radii. 

cl  Center  of  the  lens,  — 
point  where  the  line  joining 
the  radii  at  the  tangential 
points  crosses  the  principal 


CH.  I] 


The  greater  this  obliquity,  the  greater  the  bending  of  the  light,  in 
accordance  with  the  law  of  sines  (§  240). 

§  10.  Geometrical  construction  of  images.  —  In  this  book  the 
lenses  shown  are  thick,  but  the  course  of  the  rays,  for  simplicity,  is 
shown  to  be  as  if  the  lenses  were  infinitely  thin,  that  is,  they  show 
all  the  bending  at  one  plane  (the  refracting  plane,  figs.  11-12).  In 
reality  there  is  one  refraction  at  the  incident  or  entering  surface  and 
one  at  the  emerging  surface.  With  thick  lenses  like  those  figured, 
there  will  be  no  an- 
gular deviation  for  rays  2  ^  \lf 
traversing  the  optical 
center  of  the  lens,  but 
there  will  be  a  certain 
amount  of  displace- 
ment, although  the 
emerging  ray  will  re- 
main parallel  to  the 
entering  or  incident 
ray  (fig.  64). 

For  the  construction 
of  images  it  is  necessary 
to  know  the  position 
of  the  principal  focus 
and  the  optical  center 
of  the  lens. 

FIG.  10. 


Axis    The  principal  optic  axis. 

F    The  principal  focus,  —  the  point  on  the  axis 
(at  which  rays  parallel  with   the  principal  axis 
The  arrows  indicate  the  direction  of  the  light. 

It  should  be  remembered 
in  making  the  drawings  for 
the    geometrical    construc- 
tion of  images  that  there  are  two  fundamental  laws  which  must  always  be 

(1)  Light  rays  extend  in  straight  lines  in  a  transparent  medium  of  uniform 
density,  and  whenever  the  direction  is  to  be  changed  the  light  must  meet  a 
different  refracting  medium,  or  a  reflecting  surface.    That  is,  the  direction  of  a 
ray  of  light  may  be  changed  by  using  a  mirror,  or  by  putting  in  its  path  a  trans- 
parent medium  of  greater  or  less  refracting  power. 

(2)  The  second  law  is,  that  objects  are  always  seen  in  the  direction  in  which  the 
light  reaches  the  eye,  regardless  of  the  actual  position  of  the  object.    This  will  be 
abundantly  illustrated  in  the  chapter  on  drawing;  and  every  one  knows  that  ob- 
jects seen  in  a  mirror  are  not  where  they  appear  to  be  in  the  mirror. 


[CH.  I 

v^— L— -*« 

V-  lm»ge      ^ 

Fro.  it-12.  GEOMETRICAL  C'ON- 

Object,  Object  The  object  of 
which  an  image  is  to  be  formed. 

Axis,  Axis  The  principal  optic 
axis  extended  above  and  below 
the  lens  to  the  object  and  image. 

S  Axis,  S  Axis  Secondary  axis 
passing  from  the  object  through 
the  center  of  the  lens. 

ft  ft  ft  f  The  principal  foci  of 
the  two  lenses. 

r-p  The  plane  of  refraction 
(the  ideal  plane  at  which  all  the 
refraction  is  made  to  occur  in 
diagrams  of  thick  lenses). 

R.  Image     Real  image. 

F.  Image  Virtual  image  indi- 
cated by  broken  lines  as  it  has  no 
real  existence. 

o  b,  r  m  Rays  of  light  indi- 
cated by  lines  passing  from  the 
extremities  of  the  object  to  the 
extremities  of  the  real  image, 
which  is  inverted. 

o  b,  i  2,  3  4,  v  m  Lines  rep- 
resenting rays  of  light  from  the 
object  passing  in  a  diverging 
manner  above  the  lens,  and  ex- 
tended by  broken  lines  below  the 
lens  to  form  a  virtual  image  at 
their  crossing  points,  v  m. 

§  11.  Construction  of  real  images. 

—  (i)  The  object  must  be  situated 
outside  or  beyond  the  principal  focal 
point  (fig.  n). 

(2)  From  some  point  in  the  object, 
draw  a  line  to   the  refracting  plane 
of   the  lens   (§   10)   parallel    to  the 
principal  axis,  and  from  this  crossing 
point  at  the  refracting  plane  of  the 
lens   to   the  focus  of   the   lens,  and 
continue    the    line    indefinitely    (fig. 


(3)  From   the  same  point  of  the 
object  as  in   (2),  draw  a  secondary 
axis   through   the  optical  center  of 
the  lens  and  extend  it  indefinitely 
(fig.  n). 

The  image  of  the  point  in  the 
object  from  which  the  two  lines 
were  drawn  will  be  located  at  the 
point  where  the  two  extended  t  lines 
cross  above  the  lens  (fig.  n). 

The  image  of  all  the  other  points 
of  the  object  may  be  determined 
by  drawing  lines  from  them  exactly 
as  just  described. 

If  the  image  is  known  one  can 
find  the  object  by  reversing  the 
process  just  described. 

§  12.  Construction  of  virtual  im- 
ages. —  (i)  For  these  the  object 
must  be  somewhere  between  the 
principal  focus  and  the  lens. 

(2)  From  some  point  in  the 
object  draw  a  line  to  the  refracting 
plane  of  the  lens,  parallel  to  the 

CH.  I] 


principal  axis,  and  from  this  point  through  the  principal  focus,  and 
continue  it  indefinitely. 

(3)  From  the  same  point  of  the  object  as  in  (2)  draw  a  secondary 
axis    through    the  op- 
tical center  of  the  lens 
and   extend    it   indefi- 

The  two  lines  will 
not  cross  above  the 
lens,  but  if  they  are 
extended  below  the 
lens  (fig.  12)  they  will 
cross,  and  the  crossing 
point  locates  the  image. 
But  as  there  are  no 
light  rays  extending  in 
this  direction  the  im- 
age is  imaginary  or 
virtual.  That  is,  it 
looks  as  if  the  rays 
reaching  the  eye  origi- 
nated from  the  point 
where  the  rays  would 
cross  if  extended  back- 

§  13.  Relative  posi- 
tion of  object  and  im- 
age. —  The  general  law 
is  that  the  nearer  the  object  to  the  principal  focus,  the  farther 
away  is  the  image;  and  conversely,  the  nearer  the  image  is  to 
the  principal  focus,  the  farther  from  it  must  be  the  object. 
And  from  the  law  of  similar  triangles,  the  size  of  the  image  is 
to  the  size  of  the  object  as  the  distance  of  the  image  from  the 
center  of  the  lens  is  to  the  distance  of  the  object  from  that 
center.  In  a  word,  the  nearer  the  object  to  the  principal  focus 
the  farther  away  the  image  from  that  point,  and  the  greater  the 


Axis,  Axis  The  principal  optic  axis  extended 
above  and  below  the  lenses. 

/>  />  /»  /    The  principal  foci  of  the  lenses. 

L  c,  L  c  The  same  lens  with  the  object  farther 
from  and  nearer  to  its  principal  focus. 

A  B,  Bf  A'  The  object  and  its  inverted  image 
when  the  object  is  far  from  the  principal  focus. 

A  B,  B'  A'  The  object  and  larger  inverted  real 
image  when  the  object  is  near  the  principal  focus. 



[CH.  I 


FIG.    15.     TRIPOD 


relative  size  of  the  image.   This  is  equally  true  of  real  and  of  virtual 
images  (figs.  13-14)- 

§  14.   Mounting  of  simple  microscopes.  —  Magnifiers  are  arranged 

in  mountings  to  be  held  in  the 
hand;  for  example,  reading  glasses 
and  pocket  magnifiers.  The  tripod 
magnifier  (fig.  15)  may  be  held  in 
the  hand  or  supported  by  its  legs 
over  the  object  to  be  seen.  Some- 
times there  is  a  special  support  with 
arrangements  for  focusing  as  well  as 
holding  the  magnifier  in  any  desired 
position  (fig,  17).  This  arrangement 
is  especially  desirable  when  mag- 
nifiers are  used  for  dissection.  For 
the  purposes  of  dissection  and  examin- 
ing objects  under  a  small  magnification,  binocular  arrangements  like 
spectacles  are  very  convenient,  as  one  can  move  the  head  and  bring 
the  object  into  view  at  will. 


§  15.  Compound  microscope.  — This,  as  shown  in  figs.  2  and  18, 
and  explained  above,  aids  the  eye  in  obtaining  an  enlarged  retinal 
image  by  two  steps,  viz.,  the  for- 
mation of  a  large  real  image  by  the 
objective  and  a  retinal  image  of 
this  real  image  by  means  of  the 
microscope  ocular,  and  the  cornea 
and  crystalline  lens  of  the  eye,  the 
ocular  acting  in  general  like  a 
simple  microscope  (§2). 

For  holding  the  objective  and  oc- 
ular and  focusing  the  microscope,         FlG  l6    TRIPOD  MAGNIFIER  WITH 
there  are  a  number   of   mechan-     A  SECTION  REMOVED  TO  SHOW  THE 

v          Two   COMPONENT,   CONVEX  LENSES 
ical  arrangements  necessary,     .tor     AND  INTERVENING  DIAPHRAGM. 

illuminating  the   object   there   is 



usually  a  mirror  and  often  a  condenser.  It  is  customary  and  con- 
venient to  divide  the  parts  of  a  compound  microscope  into  two 
groups:  (i)  the  optical  parts,  and  (2)  the  mechanical  parts  (fig.  26). 


§  16.  Objective.  —  This  is  a  lens,  or  combination  of  lenses,  which, 
under  the  proper  conditions,  produces  an  enlarged,  inverted  image 
of  some  object  (figs,  n,  18). 

Base    The  heavy  base  supporting  the  lens  holder. 
Coarse  Adjustment    The  rack  and  pinion  for  focusing  the  lens. 
Joint,  Joint    The  joints  enabling  one  to  put  the  lens  in  any  desired  position. 
Lens    This  is  held  in  a  spring  fork  or  in  a  socket. 

Practically  all  microscopic  objectives  are  composed  of  one  or  of 
several   combinations  of  lenses.     The  purpose  of  combining   the 



[Cn.  I 

lenses  is  to  produce  an  image  as  nearly  as  possible  like  the  object 
itself,  by  doing  away  with  certain  defects  or  aberrations  inherent  in 
simple  lenses  (fig,  19-21). 

§  17.  Optical  designation  of  objectives.  —  As  will  be  seen  in 
sections  20-34  objectives  are  designated  in  various  ways  to  indicate 
one  or  more  of  their  special  qualities.  They  have  also  been  merely 
lettered  or  numbered.  This  method  is  purely  arbitrary,  and  gives 

no  infcrrration. 

In  striving  to  find  some 
method  of  designation  which  in 
itself  would  give  some  definite 
information  to  the  user,  micro- 
scope makers  adopted  the  plan 
of  engraving  the  equivalent/oca/ 
length  or  focus  (E.F.)  upon 
each  objective,  thus  indicating 
that  at  any  given  distance  the 
objective  composed  of  several 
lenses  would  give  an  image  of 
the  same  size  as  a  simple  lens 
of  the  designated  focal  length. 

The  given  distance  agreed 
upon  by  practically  all  makers 
at  which  to  measure  the  image 
is  10  inches  or  250  millimeters, 
as  this  distance  is  assumed  to 
be  the  one  giving  to  normal 
adult  human  beings,  the  most 
perfect  vision  for  near  objects. 


/    Focal  point  of  the  objective. 

r  i    Real  image  formed  by  the  objective. 

r  t    Retinal    image    in    the   eye. 

cr    Cornea  of  the  eye. 

When  the  long-tubed  microscopes 
were  in  use  it  was  natural  to  adopt  10 
inches  or  2  50  millimeters  for  the  tube- 
length,  then  the  virtual  image  (fig.  18) 
would  appear  to  be  at  about  the  level  of  the  stage  of  the  microscope  where  the 
actual  object  is  situated,  and  the  appearance  to  the  observer  is  as  if  the  object 
itself  were  of  that  size.  From  the  optico-physiological  standpoint  this  was  a  very 
logical  tube-length  to  adopt;  but  with  the  study  of  living  things  and  of  objects  in 
liquids  it  is  almost  imperative  that  the  microscope  be  vertical  and  thus  give  a 


horizontal  stage  (fig.  26).  With  the  microscope  vertical,  however,  the  top  of 
the  ocular  was  so  high  that  the  observer  needed  to  use  a  very  high  chair  for 
the  ordinary  table,  or  an  especially  low  table.  To  overcome  the  difficulty,  the 
tube  of  the  microscope  was  shortened  and  is  now  almost  universally  160  mm. 
from  the  level  where  the  objective  is  inserted  to  the  top  of  the  tube.  With  the 
250  mm.  or  lo-inch  tube-length  the  special  or  initial  magnification  of  the  ob- 
jectives and  the  oculars  was  found  in  the  usual  way  by  dividing  250  mm.  or 
10  inches  by  the  equivalent  focus  (e.f.).  For  example,  if  the  objective  has  an 
equivalent  focus  of  25  mm.  (i  in.),  its  power  would  be  rated  as  250/25  —  10, 
or  10/1  =  io.  With  an  ocular  of  the  same  equivalent  focus  the  magnification 
would  be  found  in  the  same  way,  and  would  likewise  be  io.  Then  the  total 
magnification  of  the  microscope  with  a  25  mm.  objective  and  a  25  mm.  ocular 
would  be  10x10  =  100.  Working  on  this  plan,  it  was  necessary  merely  to  mark 
the  objective  and  ocular  with  their  equivalent  foci  (e.f.),  and  the  observer  could 
make  any  desired  combinatipn. 

When  the  short  or  160  mm.  tube  came  into  use,  while  the  magnification  of  a 
given  ocular  remained  as  before,  the  magnification  of  the  objective  x  of  any 
given  e.f.  was  proportionally  lessened  by  the  shortened  tube.  For  some  time, 
however,  the  rating  of  the  objective  was  not  changed,  and  the  total  power  of  the 
microscope  was  made  correct  by  giving  the  ocular  a  rating  sufficiently  below  its 
actual  power  to  compensate  for  the  error  introduced  by  shortening  the  tube. 
This  was  not  a  satisfactory  solution,  and  finally  in  1901-2  the  Spencer  Lens 
Company  of  Buffalo  introduced  the  plan  of  giving  the  objectives  their  true 
magnifying  power  on  the  short  tube,  and  the  oculars  their  true  rating;  and 
instead  of  marking  only  the  equivalent  focus  on  the  objectives  and  oculars,  the 
initial  magnification  was  added.  For  example,  an  objective  of  16  mm.  e.f.  was 
given  an  initial  magnification  of  lox  with  the  short  tube,  and  the  25  mm.  e.f. 
ocular  was  marked  tox  also.  With  this  combination  the  total  magnification  of 
the  microscope  would,  then,  be  10x10  =  100. 

With  this  method  of  designation  it  is  very  simple  to  make  any  desired  com- 
bination by  selecting  the  initial  magnifications  of  objective  and  ocular  which 
when  multiplied  together  give  the  power  needed.  It  should  be  remarked,  how- 
ever, that  one  must  not  rely  on  this  if  exactness  in  a  given  case  is  necessary,  for 
even  when  one  makes  the  combination  indicated  there  is  considerable  variation 
as  one  can  see  by  consulting  the  table  on  page  67.  In  any  special  case  one  must 
determine  the  exact  magnification  of  the  combination  used  by  one  of  the  methods 
given  in  Chapter  VIII. 

§18.  Determination  of  the  initial  magnification  of  an  objective  with  the 
160  mm.  tube-length.  —  The  tube-length  is  made  exactly  160  mm.  This  is 
most  easily  and  accurately  determined  by  inserting  into  the  open  body  and 
draw-tube  of  the  microscope  a  slender  rod  precisely  160  mm.  long.  A  block  of 
wood  or  other  flat  object  is  held  against  the  opening  for  the  insertion  of  the 
objective  to  stop  the  rod  at  the  right  point.  Then  the  draw-tube  is  adjusted 
until  the  upper  end  of  the  rod  is  just  on  the  level  with  the  top  of  the  draw-tube. 
It  should  be  noted  that  with  some  of  the  earlier  microscopes  the  mark  of  160 
mm.  on  the  draw- tube  indicated  the  proper  tube-length  without  the  revolving 
nose-piece;  hence,  to  get  the  proper  160  mm.  tube  if  the  nose-piece  is  used, 
the  draw-tube  must  be  pushed  in  as  many  millimeters  as  the  nose-piece  adds 
at  the  lower  end.  With  the  newer  microscopes  the  160  mm.  mark  on  the  draw- 
tube  indicates  the  tube-length  with  the  nose-piece  in  place.  All  of  which  em- 
phasizes the  need  of  making  a  special  determination  in  each  case  if  real  accuracy 
is  desired  by  the  worker. 

After  the  tube-length  is  made  correct,  the  given  objective  whose  initial  mag- 
nification is  to  be  found  is  screwed  in  place  and  a  lox  ocular  is  put  into  the  tube. 



[Cn.  I 

For  object  a  stage  micrometer  in  i/ioth  and  i/iooth  mm.  is  placed  on  the 
stage  and  sharply  focused.  The  lox  ocular  is  then  removed  and  a  icx  positive 
ocular  with  micrometer  rulings  in  i/ioth  mm.  is  inserted.  The  ocular  mi- 
crometer is  sharply  focused  by  raising  or  lowering  the  eyelens  or  combination, 
and  then,  without  changing  the  focus  of  the  objective  in  the  least,  the  draw-tube 
is  pulled  out  or  pushed  in  until  the  lines  of  the  stage  micrometer  are  perfectly 
sharp  upon  the  ocular  micrometer.  Make  the  lines  of  the  two  micrometers 
parallel  and  see  how  many  of  the  spaces  in  the  ocular  micrometer  are  required 
to  measure  one  or  more  of  the  spaces  on  the  stage  micrometer. 


Axis    The  principal  optic  axis  of  the  objective. 
fl    The  front  lens  of  the  objective. 

be    The  back  combination  composed  of  a  concave  and  a  convex  lens. 
Stage    The  stage  of  the  microscope  in  section. 

Mirror    The  mirror  is  above  the  stage  in  this  case  and  reflects  light  down  upon 
the  object. 

rl    Reflected  light  from  the  object. 

$/,  sp    The  glass  slide  and  the  specimen  on  the  slide. 

eg     Cover-glass  over  the  specimen. 


Axis    The  principal  optic  axis  of  the  objective. 

be    Back  combination  of  a  double  convex  and  a  plano-concave  lens. 

me    Middle  lens  combination. 

fl     Front  lens  of  the  objective. 

eg,  s/>,  si    The  cover-glass,  specimen,  and  slide. 

Stage    The  stage  of  the  microscope  in  section. 

Mirror    The  mirror  reflecting  parallel  rays  up  through  the  specimen. 

i    The  front  lens. 

2,  3,  4    The  three  combinations  of  lenses,  the  back  combination  (4)  composed 
of  three  lenses. 


§  19.  Names  applied  to  parts  of  objectives.  —  As  objectives  have 
usually  two  or  more  combinations  of  lenses  (figs.  19-21)  it  is  con- 
venient to  have  a  name  for  each  combination. 

(1)  Front  combination.    This  is  the  part  of  the  objective  nearest 
the  object. 

(2)  Back  combination.    The  combination  of  lenses  farthest  above 
the  object,  and,  hence,  nearest  the  ocular. 

(3)  Intermediate  or  middle  combination.    The  lenses  between  the 
front  and  back  lenses.     Sometimes  there  are  two  or  more  inter- 
mediate combinations  (fig.  21). 


Depending  on  their  construction  or  iranner  of  use,  objectives  have 
received  special  designations  or  names. 

§  20.  Dry  objectives.  —  These  are  objectives  in  which  air  is  be- 
tween the  objective  and  the  object  or  cover-glass  (fig.  43). 

§  21.  Immersion  objectives.  —  With  these  there  is  some  liquid 
between  the  front  of  the  objective  and  the  object  or  the  cover-glass 
(fig.  20).  Immersion  objectives  are  usually  designated  by  the  name 
of  the  liquid  used. 

§  22.  Water  immersion  objectives.  —  With  these  there  is  water 
between  the  cover-glass  or  the  object  and  the  front  lens. 

§  23.  Homogeneous  or  oil  immersion  objectives.  —  The  immer- 
sion liquid  in  such  objectives  has  the  same  refractive  index  (see  §  269) 
as  glass,  hence  the  light  suffers  no  refraction  in  passing  from  the 
glass  slide  and  cover-glass  into  the  immersing  liquid,  and  from  that 
into  the  objective.  As  the  liquid  used  with  these  objectives  is  nearly 
always  thickened  cedar-wood  oil,  they  are  mere  frequently  called  oil 
immersion  than  homogeneous  immersion  objectives. 

§  24.  Achromatic  objectives.  —  These  are  objectives  in  which  the 
image  is  practically  free  from  rainbow  colors.  They  are  composed 
of  one  or  mere  combinations  cf  convex  and  of  concave  lenses  (see 
§  257,  under  chromatic  aberration).  All  good  microscope  objec- 
tives are  achromatic. 

§  25.  Aplanatic  objectives,  etc.  —  These  are  objectives  or  other 


pieces  of  optical  apparatus  (oculars,  illuminators,  etc.)  in  which  the 
spherical  distortion  is  wholly  or  nearly  eliminated,  and  the  curva- 
tures are  so  made  that  the  central  and  marginal  parts  of  the  objec- 
tive focus  rays  at  the  same  point  or  level.  Such  pieces  of  apparatus 
are  usually  achromatic  also. 

§  26.  Apochromatic  objectives.  —  By  this  is  meant  objectives  in 
which  by  means  of  special  forms  of  glass  and  a  natural  mineral  (cal- 
cium JIuor  id,  Jluor  tie,  fluor-spar)  the  color  and  the  spherical  correc- 
tions have  been  made  especially  perfect,  that  is,  rays  of  three  spec- 
tral colors  are  combined  into  one  focus  instead  of  rays  of  two  colors 
as  with  the  ordinary  achromatic  objectives. 

§  27.  Fluorite  objectives.  —  These  are  objectives  containing  one 
or  more  fluorite  lenses  with  lenses  of  the  new  kinds  of  glass.  They 
are  more  perfect  than  the  achromatic  objectives,  approximating  the 
apochromatics,  and  are  good  for  photography. 

§28.  Non-adjustable  or  unadjustable  objectives.  —  Objectives 
in  which  the  lenses  or  lens  systems  are  permanently  fixed  in  their 
mounting  so  that  their  relative  position  always  remains  the  same. 
Lower  power  objectives  and  those  with  homogeneous  immersion  are 
mostly  non-adjustable.  For  beginners  and  those  unskilled  in  mani- 
pulating adjustable  objectives  (§  29),  non-adjustable  ones  are  more 
satisfactory,  as  the  optician  has  put  the  lenses  in  such  a  position  that 
the  most  satisfactory  results  may  be  obtained  when  the  proper  thick- 
ness of  cover-glass  and  tube-length  are  employed. 

§  29.  Adjustable  objectives.  —  An  adjustable  objective  is  one  in 
which  the  distance  between  the  systems  of  lenses  (usually  the  front 
and  the  back  systems)  may  be  changed  by  the  observer  at  pleasure. 
The  object  of  this  adjustment  is  to  correct  or  compensate  for  the 
displacement  of  the  rays  of  light  produced  by  the  mounting  medium 
and  the  cover-glass  after  the  rays  have  left  the  object.  It  is  also  to 
compensate  for  variations  in  tube-length  (§  149).  As  the  displace- 
ment of  the  rays  by  the  cover-glass  is  the  most  constant  and  im- 
portant, these  objectives  are  usually  designated  as  having  cover-glass 
adjustment  or  correction.  (See  also  practical  work  with  adjustable 
objectives,  §  149). 

§  30.  Variable  objective.  —  This  is  a  low  power  objective  of  36  mm. 


(4x)  to  26  mm.  (6x)  equivalent  focus,  depending  upon  the  position  of 
the  combinations.  By  means  of  a  screw  collar  the  combinations  may 
be  separated  or  brought  closer  together.  If  they  are  separated  the 
power  is  diminished;  and  if  brought  closer  together,  the  power  is 

§  31.  Illuminating  or  vertical  illuminating  objectives.  —  These 
are  designed  for  the  study  of  opaque  objects  with  good  reflecting 
surfaces,  like  the  rulings  on  metal  bars  and  broken  or  polished  and 
etched  surfaces  of  metals  employed  in  «inicro-metallography.  The 
light  enters  the  side  of  the  tube  or  objective  and  is  reflected  verti- 
cally downward  through  the  objective  and  thereby  is  concentrated 
upon  the  object.  The  object  reflects  part  of  the  light  back  into  the 
microscope,  thus  enabling  one  to  see  a  clear  image. 

§  32.  Dark-field  objectives.  —  Objectives  for  the  microscope  con- 
structed with  a  numerical  aperture  low  enough  so  that  no  light  from 
the  dark-field  condenser  can  enter  the  objective  directly.  For  ho- 
mogeneous immersion  objectives  this  is  accomplished  by  inserting 
a  reducing  diaphragm,  or  by  a  special  cons  true  tion  or  mounting  of 
the  objective.  (See  also  §  183.) 

§  33.  Ultra-violet  objectives.  —  Objectives  constructed  of  quartz 
or  ultra-violet  transmitting  glass. 

§  34.  Low  and  high  objectives.  —  A  low  objective  is  one  that 
magnifies  relatively  little,  and  a  high  objective  is  one  that  magnifies 
much  (figs.  19-21).  By  looking  for  the  equivalent  focus  or  the  initial 
magnification  of  an  objective  one  can  tell  precisely  concerning  its 
magnification.  The  mounts  of  objectives  are,  for  the  most  part, 
so  nearly  alike  that  it  is  not  easy  to  tell  them  apart  at  a  glance. 
It  is  possible  so  to  mark  them  with  different  colored  rings  that  no 
confusion  need  arise  when  one  is  deeply  immersed  in  thinking  about 
the  structures  being  examined.  The  author  has  adopted  the  follow- 
ing color  scheme:  The  colors  chosen  are  those  of  the  sun  spectrum. 
The  color  of  longest  wave-length,  red,  is  used  for  the  objective  of 
longest  focus  (40  or  32  mm.);  for  the  16  mm.,  pink;  for  tjie  8  mm., 
orange-yellow;  for  the  4  mm.,  green;  for  the  3  mm.,  blue;  and  for 
the  oil  immersion,  black.  Colors  avoid  this  confusion  or  loss  of  time 
in  trying  to  see  the  equivalent  focus  or  the  initial  magnification. 


[CH.  I 

Perhaps  a  better  method  would  be  for  the  manufacturers  to  make  the 
mountings  of  the  objectives  so  different  that  there  could  be  no  confusion. 


§  35.  An  ocular  or  eyepiece  for  the  microscope  consists  of  one 
or  more  converging  lenses  or  lens  systems  next  the  eye.  Its  main 
purpose  is  to  act  with  the  eye  as  a  magnifier  of  the  real  image 
formed  by  the  objective  (fig.  18).  Incidentally  the  ocular  also  serves 
to  correct  some  of  the  defbcts  of  the  objective. 

Oculars  may  be  divided  into  groups  according  to  their  construction 
or  action. 

§  36.  Positive  oculars.  —  With  these  the  real  image  of  the  objec- 
tive is  formed  below  all  the  lenses  of  the  ocular  (figs.  22,  23)  hence  all 
the  lenses  of  the  ocular,  together  with  the  eye,  form  a  real  image  on 

the  retina,  of  the  real  image  formed 
by  the  objective. 

§  37.  Negative  oculars.  —  In 
these  the  real  image  formed  by 
the  objective  is  between  the  lenses 
(figs.  24,  25). 

In  a  negative  ocular  the  lower 
or  field  lens  acts  with  the  objective 
to  form  the  real  image,  while  the 
upper  or  eyelens  acts  with  the  eye 
to  form  a  retinal  image  of  the  real 
image  (figs.  24,  25). 


Axis  The  principal  optic  axis  of  the 

(/,  ri  The  ocular  diaphragm  and  the 
real  image  formed  by  the  objective  below 
all  the  lenses  of  the  ocular. 

Fl    The  field  lens  of  the  ocular. 

El    The  eyelens. 

Eycpoint  The  eyepoint  in  section 
and  in  face  view,  looking  at  the  upper 
end  of  the  ocular. 

CH.  I] 


Positive  and  negative  oculars  can  be  readily  distinguished  by  in- 
spection, as  the  ocular  diaphragm,  at  the  level  where  the  real  image 
of  the  objective  is  formed,  is  between  the  lenses  of  the  negative  type, 
and  below  all  the  ocular  lenses  of  the  positive  type  (figs.  22,  23,  24). 

Eye-  Point 

Ey«- Point 


Axis    The  principal  optic  axis  of  the  ocular. 

d>  ri    The  ocular  diaphragm  and  the  real  image. 

FL    The  field  combination  composed  of  three  lenses. 

EL    The  eyelens. 

Eye- point    The  eyepoint  in  section  and  as  seen  by  looking  down  upon  the  enc 
of  the  ocular. 

Axis    The  principal  optic  axis  of  the  ocular. 
FL    Field  lens  of  the  ocular. 

d,  ri    Diaphragm  and  real  image  between  the  ocular  lenses. 
EL    Eyelens  of  the  ocular. 

Eyepoint    The   eyepoint  seen    in   section  and  by  looking  down  upon  the 
end  of  the  ocular. 




Eye- Point 

§  38.  Huygenian  ocular.  —  A  negative  ocular  devised  by  the 
Dutch  astronomer  Huygens  is  the  most  common  ocular  used  on  the 
microscope,  and  consists  of  a  plano-convex  field  lens  and  a  similar 
but  higher  power,  eyelens,  the  convex  surfaces  of  both  facing  down- 
ward (figs.  24,  25).  Theoreti- 
cally the  focal  length  of  the  field 
lens  is  about  three  times  that 
of  the  eyelens,  but  in  practice 
the  ratio  varies  with  the  power, 

.»^^^^^^_y       being  i  to  1.5  or  i  to  2  with  low 

il       (/   ~"t        fi^^BI^^^       powers  and  nearer  i  to  3  with 

the  high  powers.  The  ocular 
diaphragm  is  placed  approxi- 
mately at  the  focus  of  the  eye- 

§  39.  Ramsden  ocular.  — 
This  is  a  positive  ocular  com- 
posed of  two  plano-convex 
lenses  with  the  convex  faces 
turned  toward  each  other, 
and  so  arranged  that  the 
real  image  is  formed  below 
both  lenses  (fig.  22),  not  be- 
tween them,  as  with  the 
Huygenian  ocular.  In  the 
best  mod*ern  forms  of  Rams- 
den  ocular  the  simple  lenses 

FIG.  25. 


Axis    The  principal  optic  axis. 

FL    Field  lens. 

d,  ri  The  diaphragm  and  real  image 
between  the  ocular  lenses. 

EL    Eyelens. 

Eye-point  The  eye-point  in  section 
and  face  view,  looking  down  upon  the 
upper  end  of  the  ocular. 

are  not  used,  but  achromatic 
combinations.  The  Ramsden 
form  is  often  used  for  ocu- 
lar micrometers  (§378). 
§  40.  Compensating  oculars.  —  These  are  either  positive  or  nega- 
tive oculars  chromatically  overcorrected  to  compensate  and  correct 
the  residual  color  defects  in  the  extra-axial  portion  of  the  visual 
field  due  to  the  non-achromatic  front  lens  of  the  objective  (fig.  23). 
They  are  regularly  used  with  apochromatic  objectives,  and  may  be 

CH.  I] 





used  to  advantage  with  high-angled  objectives  of  the  ordinary  type. 
(See  further,  §  260.) 

§  41.  Telaugic  oculars.  —  These,  as  the  name  indicates,  have  a 
high  eyepoint  making  it  possible  for  persons  who  wear  spectacles 
for  eye  defects  to  keep  the  glasses  on  while  looking  into  the  micro- 
scope. Most  oculars  of  the  usual 
form  have  the  eyepoint  so  close 
to  the  ocular  that  one  cannot 
wear  spectacles  and  get  the  eye 
close  enough  to  the  eyelens  to 
see  the  entire  microscopic  field 
(§  145).  Besides  the  high  eye- 
point,  these  o,culars  give  a  large, 
flat,  brilliant  field.  The  lox 
used  by  the  author  is  positive, 
and  is  composed  of  two  com- 
binations with  the  convex  faces 
inward,  and  the  plane  faces 
outward  as  in  fig.  22. 

§  42.  Projection  oculars.  — 
These  are  oculars  in  which  the 
upper  combination  of  lenses  is 
movable  to  enable  one  to  focus 
the  real  image  upon  different 
distances  of  the  receiving  screen. 
They  are  especially  useful  in 
photographing  with  high  powers 
(§  474b). 

§  43.  Ultra-violet  oculars.  — 
Oculars  whose  lenses  are  com- 
posed of  quartz  or  ultra-violet 
transmitting  glass. 



Mirror,    Condenser,    Objective,    Ocular 
The  optical  parts  of  the  microscope. 

Tube-length  This  is  the  space  between 
the  insertion  of  the  objective  below  and 
that  of  the  ocular  above.  It  is  most  com- 
monly 1 60  millimeters. 

Mechanical  parts  These  are  named  in 
order  from  the  base. 

Trade  names  for  oculars.  —  These  are  very  numerous  as:  holoscopic, 
hyperplane,  orthoscopic,  planoscopic,  etc.  In  these  the  simple  Huygenian  and 
Ramsden  forms  are  usually  somewhat  modified  with  the  purpose  of  improving 
the  optical  qualities. 


So-called  demonstration  oculars  are  also  available  by  which  two 
persons  can  look  into  the  same  microscope  at  once.  This  recalls  the 
devices  of  Harting  and  Nachet  by  which  two,  three  or  four  persons 
could  look  into  the  same  microscope.  (Harting,  vol.  3,  1866,  figs. 

§  44.  Designation  of  oculars.  —  Formerly,  oculars  were,  and  to 
some  extent  at  present  still  are,  lettered  or  numbered  A,  B,  C,  D; 
i,  2,  3,  4;  I,  II,  HI,  IV;  etc.  This  is  a  purely  arbitrary  designation 
except  that  the  earlier  the  letter  or  the  lower  the  number,  the  lower 
the  magnification. 

At  present  the  progressive  manufacturers  give  the  equivalent  focus 
or  the  initial  magnification  or  both.  If  the  magnification  is  given,  it 
shows  how  much  the  ocular  increases  the  magnification  of  the  ob- 
jective. If  the  power  of  the  objective  is  given  (§  18),  one  can  get 
the  magnification  of  the  combination  approximately  correct  by 
multiplying  the  power  of  the  objective  by  the  power  of  the  ocular,  but 
see  the  table  on  page  67.  However,  the  exact  magnification  in  any 
given  case  must  be  especially  determined  (§§  367,  396). 


Very  early  in  the  history  of  the  telescope  and  of  the  compound 
microscope,  as  nature  has  endowed  us  with  two  eyes,  it  was  insisted 
upon  that  both  eyes  should  be  used  in  examining  objects  instead  of 
using  only  one  eye.  This  required  two  similar  microscopes  or 
telescopes  side  by  side  and  the  right  distance  apart  for  the  two  eyes. 
There  still  persists  in  the  common  opera-glasses  the  original  binocu- 
lar Dutch  telescope-microscope. 

§  45.  Binocular  microscopes  with  two  objectives  and  two  oculars. 
—  These  are  in  principle  like  the  original  binocular  microscope  of 
Cherubin  d'Orleans  (1677)  except  that  his  had  no  erecting  prisms. 

These  instruments  have  been  greatly  improved  in  every  way,  and 
with  the  devices  for  quickly  changing  the  paired  objectives  are 
indispensable  in  a  biological  laboratory,  especially  where  much  dis- 
section under  the  microscope  must  be  undertaken,  and  where  objects 
ire  to  be  seen  in  relief,  like  the  villi  of  the  intestine,  etc.  The 



mountings  of  these  binoculars  are  as  varied  as  the  uses  to  which 
they  are  put.  One  of  the  simple  forms  of  binocular  dissecting 
microscopes  is  shown  here  (fig.  27). 
The  reader  is  advised  to  secure  cata- 
logues of  the  manufacturers  in  which 
are  illustrated  all  the  different  forms. 
He  can  then  select  the  one  best  adapted 
to  his  purpose. 

§  46.  Binocular  microscopes  with 
two  oculars,  but  with  a  single  objective. 
—  The  double  microscope  with  two 
complete  tubes,  two  objectives,  and 
two  oculars  is  not  available  for  high 
powers,  for  the  two  objectives  cannot 
be  close  enough  together  to  bring  an 
exceedingly  small  object  into  the  field 
of  both  microscopes  at  the  same 
time.  Naturally,  therefore,  an  effort 
was  made  to  use  a  single  objective  and 
to  divide  the  light  passing  through  it 
so  that  half  should  go  to  the  right  and 
half  to  the  left  eye.  The  first  success- 
ful binocular  of  this  kind  was  invented 
by  Riddell  of  New  Orleans  in  America 
in  1851.  In  this,  four  prisms  are  used 
just  above  the  objective  which  serve  to 
divide  the  light  equally  and  to  pass  it 
on  to  the  two  eyes  through  two  parallel 
tubes,  each  with  its  own  ocular.  Later 
a  satisfactory  form  was  invented  by 
Mr.  Wenham  of  England  in  which 
there  is  but  a  single  prism  (fig.  28). 
Neither  of  these  forms  permitted  of  very  high  powers. 

The  light  from  two  sides  of  the  objective  was  separated  and  sent 
to  the  two  eyes  just  as  if  the  single  objective  were  divided  into  a 
right  and  left  half.  This  gave  to  each  eye  half  the  aperture  and  half 


(Outline  drawing  based  on 
Microscope  KA,  of  the  Bausch 
&  Lomb  Optical  Co.) 

1-2  The  drums  containing 
the  Porro  erecting  prisms. 
These  may  be  rotated  to  give 
the  correct  interpupillary  posi- 
tion to  the  oculars. 

3    Focusing  wheels. 

4-5  The  two  similar  objec- 
tives. 4  is  fitted  with  a  fine 
adjustment  to  compensate  for 
difference  of  focus  of  the  eyes 
of  the  observer. 

6  Hand-rests  when  dissect- 
ing an  object  on  the  stage. 


the  diffracted  light  from  any  one  point,  and  therefore  gave  only  the 
resolution,  brilliancy  and  clearness  of  image  of  half  the  aperture.  It 
was  believed,  however,  that  since  the  two  eyes  receive  all  the  aper- 
ture, the  brain  in  fusing  the  two  images  would  give  the  impression 
that  would  be  received  by  one  eye  receiving  the  full  aperture,  and 
besides  would  give  a  stereoscopic  effect.  These  binoculars  were 
rather  large  and  cumbersome,  and  were  not  much  used  for  serious 

§  47.  Necessary  qualities  of  binocular  microscopes  (§§  45-46).  — 
i.  The  light  to  each  eye  should  be  of  the  same  color  and  of  the 
same  intensity. 

2.  The  real  image  formed  by  the  objective  in  each  tube  must  be 
of  the  same  size,  then  similar  oculars  can  be  employed  (§  49). 

3.  The  full  aperture  and  equal  diffracted  light  should  be  supplied 
to  each  eye. 

4.  The  ocular  tubes  should  be  laterally  adjustable  so  that  the  eye- 
points  of  the  oculars  may  correspond  with  the  pupillary  separation 
in  the  eyes  of  the  observer. 

5.  The  entire  microscope  should  be  focused  by  a  coarse  and  a  fine 
adjustment  as  with  monocular  microscopes. 

6.  There  should  be  a  special  focusing  device  on  one  side  to  com- 
pensate for  slight  differences  in  the  two  eyes. 

7.  For  single-objective  binoculars,  objectives  of  all  powers  should 
give  good  results. 

§  48.  Advantages  and  disadvantages  of  binocular  microscopes.  — 
The  advantage  of  using  both  eyes  is  unmistakable.  Both  are  trained 
and  stimulated  alike  as  in  naked-eye  vision.  The  advice  is  common 
to  keep  both  eyes  open  and  to  use  the  eyes  alternately  with  the 
monocular  microscope,  but  this  advice  is  easier  to  give  than  to  fol- 
low. As  it  is  easier  to  see  with  the  naked  eye,  the  eye  outside  the 
microscope  is  likely  to  dominate  the  situation  and  the  microscopic 
image  disappears,  consequently  most  users  of  the  microscope  shut 
one  eye  when  looking  into  the  instrument.  It  is  easy  to  keep  both 
eyes  open  by  means  of  the  screen  or  shade  close  to  the  unused  eye 
(fig.  36);  but  the  experience  of  many  people  who  have  used  the 
monocular  microscope  during  many  years  has  been  that  the  eye 

CH.  I] 


most  used  gains  in  ability  to  see  fine  details,  but  loses  in  sensitive- 
ness to  light.    This  is  easily  demonstrated  by  using  a  high  power  on 

(From  Carpenter). 

A  Section  of  the  microscope  with  the  two  converging  tubes.  By  pulling 
out  draw-tubes  the  oculars  are  separated  for  the  correct  pupillary  distance  of 
each  observer. 

L  R    The  axes  of  the  left  and  right  tubes. 

a    The  prism  which  divides  the  light  from  the  object. 

c  b    The  field  lenses  of  the  two  oculars. 

B    Enlargement  of  the  dividing  prism. 

o,  6,  c,  d    Path  of  the  light  in  the  prism  for  the  left  eye. 

As  shown,  the  light  to  the  right  eye  extends  straight  upward.  This  arrange- 
ment is  limited  to  rather  low  powers. 

fine  details,  and  looking  first  with  one  eye  and  then  with  the  other. 
No  matter  how  sharply  the  image  is  focused,  the  "  microscopic  eye  " 
can  see  the  most  detail,  but  the  other  eye  sees  a  brighter  image,  but 
less  detail.  No  doubt  beginners  can  get  the  sense  of  depth,  that  is, 


the  stereoscopic  effect,  more  easily  with  a  binocular  than  with  a 
monocular.  For  those  who  have  learned  to  judge  of  the  relative 
vertical  position  or  depth  of  objects  by  focusing  up  and  down,  no 
great  help  is  given  by  the  binocular,  and  even  with  the  binocular 
the  final  test  of  relative  depth  must  be  by  focusing  up  and  down. 

Among  the  disadvantages  of  the  binocular  may  be  mentioned  its 
greater  cost,  and  for  many  at  least,  the  increased  light  necessary  for 
illumination.  The  tube-length  must  be  varied  in  lateral  adjustment 
for  the  pupillary  separation  of  different  observers,  and  this  changes 
the  magnification  which  may  interfere  with  the  optical  corrections 
(§  143).  For  micrometry,  photography,  the  micro-spectroscope  and 
micro-polariscope  it  is  not  so  well  adapted  as  is  a  monocular  instru- 
ment. To  overcome  these  difficulties  the  manufacturers  have  pro- 
vided a  device  for  pushing  the  prisms  aside  and  thus  making  a 
monocular  instrument,  or  the  entire  binocular  tube  arrangement  is 
removed  and  a  monocular  tube  put  in  place  —  that  is,  in  all  modern 
forms  provision  is  made  for  converting  the  binocular  microscope 
into  a  monocular  one  (figs.  35,  36).  Several  manufacturers  now  pro- 
duce binocular  eye  pieces  for  monocular  microscopes. 

While  it  is  a  great  advantage  to  use  both  eyes  in  vision,  as  far  as 
the  microscope  is  concerned  this  is  largely  outweighed  by  the  weari- 
ness that  conies  from  holding  the  head  so  rigidly  to  keep  the  eyes 
over  the  eyepoints  of  the  two  oculars.  In  some  cases  workers  in 
industrial  plants  have  asked  to  go  back  to  monoculars  on  account 
of  the  tiring  effect  of  the  rigid  position.  Of  course,  the  advantage  of 
using  both  eyes  as  in  natural  vision  is  gained  by  using  some  form  of 
projection  microscope  like  the  Euscope  described  under  drawing  and 
demonstration  (§  444).  Finally,  it  should  be  remembered  that  the 
more  unlike  the  two  eyes  are,  the  less  the  usability  of  binocular  in- 
struments other  than  correcting  spectacles. 

§  49.  Modern  single-objective  binocular  microscopes.  —  In  1902 
Mr.  Frederick  E.  Ives,  in  a  paper  before  the  Franklin  Institute  of 
Philadelphia,  showed  how  it  was  possible  to  construct  a  binocular 
microscope  using  one  objective  in  which  each  eye  received  the  full 
aperture  from  each  point  of  the  object  and  also  shared  equally  the 
diffracted  light.  This  microscope  could  be  used  for  all  powers  from 

CH.  I] 



the  lowest  dry  to  the  highest  immersion  objective.  At  that  time  he 
had  constructed  and  used  such  a  microscope  (fig.  29).  Instead  of 
dividing  the  light  reaching  the  objective  into  two  halves,  each  half 
with  half  the  aperture,  he  utilized  a  half-silvered  prism  which 
allowed  half  the  entire  light  of  every  beam  to  pass  through  the  tube 
to  one  eye,  and  reflected  half  to  the  other  eye.  '  In  this  way  each 

Ocular  I 




(Journal  of  the  Franklin  Institute,  Dec.  1902). 

Objective    The  single  objective. 

pb    The  prism  box  at  the  lower  end  of  the  tube. 

a,  b,  c    The  prisms  dividing  the  light  equally  from  each  point  to  the  two  eyes. 

a,  b  The  transparent  silvered  surface  m  the  prism  allowing  half  the  light  to 
pass  through  and  half  to  be  reflected  to  the  right. 

c  Prism  at  the  right  reflecting  the  light  upward  to  the  right  eye;  as,  adjust- 
ing screw  to  tilt  the  prism  c,  at  the  correct  angle  for  the  position  of  the  right 

apd    Adjustment  for  the  pupillary  distance. 

Ocular  i,  Ocular  2    The  oculars  for  the  right  and  the  left  eye. 

Axis  i    The  principal  optic  axis  for  the  left  eye. 

Axis  2    The  principal  optic  axis  for  the  right  eye. 

Due  to  the  length  of  the  prism  c,  this  axis  is  optically  of  the  same  length  as 
Axis  i  for  the  left  eye. 


eye  receives  the  full  aperture  of  light  from  each  point  of  the  object 
and  also  an  equal  share  of  the  diffracted  light.  Furthermore,  he 
showed  that  by  a  proper  extension  of  the  glass  in  the  reflecting  prism 
of  the  second  tube  the  two  optical  paths  were  made  equal,  hence 
gave  equal  magnifications,  and  similar  oculars  were  used  for  each 
tube,  (fig.  29,  Axis  i,  Axis  2.) 

Every  point  in  which  the  new  forms  of  binoculars  are  superior 
in  optical  performance  over  the  original  forms  of  Riddle  and  Wen- 
ham  was  clearly  stated  by  Ives,  except  that  now  the  half-silvered 
prism  is  half-coated  with  platinum  instead  of  with  silver.  The 
platinum  gives  a  more  equal  color  to  the  two  images. 

It  is  evident  that  the  actual  path  in  millimeters  is  greater  for  Axis  2  of  fig.  29 
than  for  Axis  i.  This  would  result  in  the  magnification  being  greater  in  the  tube 
with  the  longer  axis  but  for  the  optical  device  of  extending  the  glass  prism  on 
that  side  sufficiently  to  elevate  the  position  where  the  real  image  is  formed  with- 
out increasing  the  magnification.  As  in  fig.  52  A,  B,  C  the  object  seems  to  be 
raised  by  the  thickening  of  the  cover-glass,  so  extending  the  glass  prism  in  the 
binocular  raises  the  real  image,  and  when  the  right  thickness  is  used,  the  two 
tubes  of  the  microscope  are  made  optically  equal.  The  practical  opticians  speak 
of  this  as  a  shortening  of  the  optical  path  by  means  of  the  extra  thickening  of 
the  glass  prism  (figs.  29-31),  For  Mr.  Ives'  original  paper  see  the  Journal  of  the 
Franklin  Institute,  vol.  154,  Dec.  1902,  pp.  441-445-  See  also  Conrad  Beck, 
Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Soc.,  1914,  pp.  17-23. 

§  50.    Converging  or  parallel  tubes  for  binocular  microscopes.  — 

The  first  binocular  microscope  (fig.  289)  and  all  erecting  binoculars 
at  present  have  converging  tubes.  This  is  mechanically  necessary 
to  bring  the  two  objectives  close  enough  together  and  to  separate 
the  oculars  sufficiently  for  the  two  eyes. 

The  single-objective  binoculars  of  Riddle,  Harting  and  Nachet  had 
parallel  tubes.  That  of  Wenham  had  converging  tubes.  The  mod- 
ern forms  are  also  divided  on  the  arrangement  of  the  two  tubes. 
That  of  Ives  had  converging  tubes  (fig.  29),  and  those  of  the  English 
opticians  and  of  one  American  firm  are  also  converging.  The  Con- 
tinental opticians  and  one  American  firm  have  the  tubes  parallel. 

The  adherents  of  the  converging  form  urge  that  as  naturally  the 
eyes  converge  for  distinct  vision  at  the  near  point,  the  tubes  should 
converge  accordingly.  Those  who  use  the  parallel  tubes  urge  that 
in  microscopic  work  the  eyes  should  be  at  rest  as  for  viewing  distant 
objects  and  therefore  that  the  eye  axes  should  be  parallel. 

CH.  I] 



In  considerable  experience  with  students  and  with  others  not 
especially  familiar  with  optical  instruments,  it  was  found  that  with 
the  converging  tubes  the  binocular  effect  was  more  easily  obtained 
than  with  the  parallel  ones.  For  some,  however,  the  effect  was 
quickly  and  easily  gained  with  either  form  indifferently.  Most 
observers  can  learn  to  use  either  form.  Occasionally  a  person  can 
never  get  the  binocular  effect  with  the  parallel  tubes,  and  not  very 
satisfactorily  with  the  converging  ones. 



(Conrad  Beck,  Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Soc.,  1914.) 

In  Fig.  30  the  arrangement  is  for  parallel  tubes,  and  in  fig.  31  for  converging 

Object    The  object. 

06    The  objective. 

/,  r;  I,  r  The  right  and  left  beams  of  light  emanating  from  the  same  point  of 
the  object. 

As  these  beams  extend  through  the  objective  and  into  the  prisms  they  are 
equally  divided  so  that  half  the  right  beam  goes  to  the  left  and  half  to  the  right 
eye,  and  so  with  the  left  beam.  This  is  indicated  by  the  heavy  and  light  broken 
lines  by  which  the  two  beams  are  indicated. 

i,  2,  3,  4;  i,  2  The  four  prisms  in  fig.  30,  and  the  two  prisms  in  fig.  31.  The 
prisms  are  of  the  necessary  length  to  make  the  optical  path  of  the  light  equal  for 
the  two  tubes,  hence  the  magnification  is  equal  for  the  two  eyes. 


[CH.  I 


(Courtesy  of  the  Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Co.) 

CH.  I] 




TM  EN  T 

0  U 



'  '       ' 

'BO  R  K  "If  PIJ 


(Courtesy  of  the  Spencer  Lens  Co.) 



§  51.  Student  microscopes.  —  A  great  deal  of  beginning  work 
with  the  microscope  can  be  done  with  relatively  simple  and  inexpen- 
sive apparatus.  Fortunately,  the  manufacturers  now  furnish  all  their 
microscopes  with  excellent  objectives  and  oculars  so  that  the  achro- 
matic objectives  and  Huygenian  oculars  on  their  cheapest  instruments 
are  of  the  same  quality  as  those  with  the  more  expensive  outfits. 

For  student  laboratories  in  colleges,  medical  and  technical  schools, 
junior  colleges,  and  the  more  advanced  preparatory  and  high  schools 
the  microscope  should  have  at  least  the  character  and  parts  shown 
in  figure  26.  Such  microscopes  are  now  (1941)  supplied  by  practically 
all  the  great  microscope  manufacturers.  Examples  of  two  American- 
made  ones  are  illustrated  in  figures  32-33. 

§52.  Microscope  stand.  —  As  seen  in  the  figures  32-33,  the 
mechanical  parts  are  rugged.  This  renders  them  stable  and  gives 
the  durability  called  for  by  the  hard  usage  they  will  be  likely  to  meet 
in  actual  laboratory  use  by  beginners. 

There  should  be  a  triple  or  a  quadruple  nose-piece  with  parfocalized 
objectives.  A  mechanical  stage  is  often  convenient. 

§  53.  Optical  equipment  for  laboratory  microscopes.  —  (i)  There 
should  be  a  plane  and  a  concave  mirror. 

(2)  There  should  be  a  substage  condenser  of  1.20  to  1.25  N.A.  with 
iris  diaphragm.     The  top  element  should  be  removable;    then  the 
lower  element  alone  can  light  the  whole  field  of  the  lowest  objective. 
Furthermore,  if  the  top  is  removable,  a  dark-field  element  can  be  put 
in  its  place.    This  will  serve  for  much  dark-field  work.    (See  §  181.) 

(3)  There  should  be  three  achromatic  objectives:    (a)  a  16  mm. 
divisible.    When  the  front  combination  is  removed  or  turned  aside 
the  upper  combination  forms  a  serviceable  32  mm.  objective;    (b)  a 
4  mm.  objective,  and  (c)  an  oil-immersion  objective. 

(4)  There  should  be  two  Huygenian  oculars,  one  of  $x  or  6.4X  and 
one  of  i  ox. 

§  54.  Royal  Microscopical  Society  standards.  —  Down  to  1857  and 
even  much  later  with  many  microscope  manufacturers,  each  one  had 
a  different  screw  for  his  objectives  and  a  special  size  for  oculars  and 

CH.  I] 




substage  condensers,  tube-length,  etc.  In  the  year  1857  the  Royal 
Microscopical  Society  of  London  urged  standardization  and  began  in 
earnest  by  designing  a  standard  screw  for  objectives.  Later,  in  1896 
and  1899,  the  Society  again  worked  on  standards,  perfecting  the 
" Society  Screw"  and  recommending  standard  sizes  for  oculars  and 
substage  condensers.  It  is  a  great  advantage  to  have  all  the  parts 
standardized,  then  one  can  use  on  the  same  microscope  stand  the 
optics  of  any  manufacturer.  (See  Beck,  1938  ed.,  pp.  18-19.) 

§  65.  Pointer  in  the  ocular.  —  This 
is  a  slender  rod  of  some  sort  situated 
at  the  level  of  the  real  image  in  the 
microscope,  and  it  appears  with  the 
specimen  in  the  field  of  view  (fig.  34). 

A  pointer  may  be  inserted  in  any 
Huygenian  ocular  as  follows: 

Remove  the  eyelens  and  with  a  little 
mucilage  or  Canada  balsam,  fasten  a 
hair  from  a  camel's-hair  or  other  fine 
brush  to  the  upper  surface  of  the 
ocular  diaphragm,  and  let  it  project 
toward  the  center  of  the  free  opening. 
The  pointer  will  then  appear  in  the 
field  with  the  image,  and  by  moving 
the  specimen  or  rotating  the  ocular  any 
particular  structure  can  be  pointed 
out  just  as  one  indicates  the  part  of  a  magic  lantern  image  on  the 
screen  or  on  a  chart. 

If  one  uses  positive  oculars,  a  pointer  can  be  put  in  the  same  way 
upon  the  top  of  the  ocular  diaphragm. 

The  ocular  pointer  was  devised  by  Quekett.  His  was  movable  and 
was  made  of  steel.  It  was  called  an  indicator  and  the  whole  ocular 
was  called  an  index  eyepiece  (Carpenter-Dallinger,  p.  381 ;  Carpenter, 
6th  ed.,  1881,  p.  112). 

§  56.  Research  microscopes  (figs.  35-36).  —  For  over  fifty  years 
our  country  has  been  especially  strong  in  the  manufacture  of  the 
best  stands  and  objectiyes,  and  during  the  last  twenty-five  years  our 

Fro,  34.     POINTER  OCULAR  AND 

P  P  The  pointer  attached  to 
the  diaphragm  of  the  ocular  and 
extending  out  into  the  free  space. 

At  the  right  a  field  of  blood 
corpuscles  with  the  pointer  indi- 
cating the  position  of  a  leucocyte. 


[CH.  I 


CH.  I] 


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microscope  makers  have  exerted  all  their  skill  to  meet  the  demands 
from  the  biologist,  the  physiologist  and  the  workers  in  the  chemico- 
physical  sciences.  Fortunately,  now  almost  any  required  arrangement 
of  the  mechanical  parts  and  range  in  the  optical  parts  can  be  obtained 
from  American  manufacturers,  whose  products  are  of  the  highest 
quality.  Fortunately  also,  optical  glass  of  the  widest  range  is  now 
produced  here  in  any  desired  quantity.  Furthermore,  the  microscope 
makers  are  ready  and  anxious  to  make  apparatus  of  all  kinds  which 
shall  meet  a  real  demand. 

While  it  is  true  that  most  of  the  fundamental  discoveries  that  have 
been  made  by  the  aid  of  the  microscope  have  been  made  with  rela- 
tively simple  apparatus,  still  for  ease  and  certainty  of  accomplishment 
the  more  elaborate  and  precise  modern  instruments  are  desirable. 
But  after  all,  it  must  be  held  in  mind  that  it  is  the  brain  of  the  ob- 
server and  not  the  elaborate  apparatus  that  determines  the  final 
outcome  of  research. 

When  one  is  ready  to  buy  a  microscope,  it  is  wise  to  get  the  latest  illustrated 
catalogues  of  the  various  makers  and  select  the  form  within  one's  means  which 
seems  best  adapted  to  one's  needs.  Students,  teachers  and  investigators  are 
strongly  urged  to  visit  some  great  optical  works  like  those  of  the  Bausch  &  Lomb 
Optical  Company  in  Rochester  or  the  Spencer  Lens  Company  in  Buffalo  and  see 
with  their  own  eyes  the  many  and  complicated  processes  that  are  necessary  to 
produce  a  microscope.  It  is  amazing  that  they  can  be  made  so  well  and  so  cheaply. 


§  57.  Stand  of  a  research  microscope.  —  It  should  be  rugged  so 
that  there  will  be  the  minimum  give  with  the  various  manipulations. 
The  foot  should  be  large  so  that  the  microscope  can  be  inclined  to  any 
angle  without  losing  its  balance.- 

Commencing  below,  the  equipment  should  consist  of  a  strong 
mirror  fork  with  set-screw  to  hold  the  mirror  in  any  desired  position. 
The  substage  fitting  should  be  centerable  so  that  the  substage  con- 
denser can  be  put  in  accurate  axis  alignment  with  the  objective  and 
ocular.  It  should  be  on  a  rack  and  pinion  so  that  it  may  adjusted  up 
and  down;  and  if  there  is  a  special  fine  adjustment,  it  is  of  great 
advantage  in  the  most  critical  work. 

The  stage  should  be  of  the  circular,  revolving  type  to  enable  the 
observer  to  put  the  object  in  any  desired  orientation  for  photography 
and  for  polarization. 

CH.  I] 



There  should  be  a  mechanical  stage  which  may  be  removed  when  a 
broad,  free  stage  is  demanded.  It  should  have  a  wide  excursion  so 
that  entire  slides  of  serial  sections  can  be  studied. 

The  revolving  nose-piece  should  be 
quadruple  so  that  a  battery  of  objectives 
may  be  used  successively  when  necessary. 
It  should  be  fixed  to  the  movable  focusing 
block,  then  the  monocular  and  binocular 
bodies  can  be  changed  without  disturbing 
the  objectives  or  the  focus  of  the  micro- 
scope (fig.  37). 

The  monocular  body  should  have  a 
graduated  draw-tube  with  a  Society  Screw 
at  its  lower  end  for  very  low  objectives  and 
for  use  with  the  apertometer  (fig.  117). 

A  coarse  and  a  fine  adjustment  are  in- 

§  58.  Optical  equipment  of  a  research 
microscope.  —  There  should,  first  of  all, 
be  a  good  mirror,  concave  on  one  side  and 
plane  on  the  other.  If  the  microscope  is 
to  be  used  for  fluorescence  effects,  the 
mirror  should  be  of  the  first-surface  type 
with  the  newly  devised  chromium-alumi- 
num vapor  film.  Such  a  mirror  is  good 
also  for  all  microscopic  work.  It  reflects 
the  ultra-violet  and  is  much  more  con- 
venient than  the  quartz  prism  reflector 

(§  304). 

Second,  it  should  have  an  aplanatic, 
1.40  N.A.  condenser  with  a  removable  top 
element  and  central  stops  (fig.  282). 

Third,  unless  one  has  a  dark-field  microscope,  there  should  be  avail- 
able one  of  the  special  dark-field  condensers  (figs.  74,  77,  84)  to  use  in 
place  of  the  aplanatic  condenser. 

Fourth,  there  should  be  some  form  of  polarizing  outfit  unless  one 
has  a  special  polarizing  microscope  (fig.  92). 


It  was  suggested  by  W.  B. 
Carpenter  in  1875  for  the 
Stephenson  binocular,  and 
put  in  practice  by  Browning's 
modification  in  1881,  and 
Swift's  in  1887. 

i,  i  Bar  attached  to  the 
movable  focusing  block  for 
holding  the  nose-piece. 

2    Screw  to  clamp  the  body 
in  place. 
•   3    Coarse  adjustment. 

4    Fine  adjustment. 

0  Objectives  in  the  nose- 
piece.  Their  position  is  not 
disturbed  in  changing  bodies. 

T   Large  body-tube. 

160  Draw-tube  at  the  160 
mm.  tube-length  mark. 



[CH.  I 

Fifth,  one  should  be  supplied  with  at  least  four  dry  objectives: 
a  40  or  32  mm.,  and  a  16,  8,  and  4  mm.  There  should  be  also  an  oil 
immersion,  the  8  and  4  dry;  and  the  oil  immersion  objectives  should 
be  supplied  with  iris  diaphragms  so  that  the  aperture  can  be  adjusted 

Front  View 

Side  View 


With  this  microscope  the  observer  sits  in  front  of  the  instrument,  the  light 
reaching  the  mirror  from  behind.  A  monocular  body  goes  with  it  for  photography. 
It  is  the  first  of  the  modern  Mega-Microscopes. 

(Line  cuts  through  the  courtesy  of  the  Arthur  H.  Thomas  Co.) 

at  will  (Ch,  III  and  XIV),  As  to  the  quality  of  these  objectives,  the 
achromatic  modern  objectives  are  excellent  for  general  work  and  are 
relatively  inexpensive.  If  one  wishes  to  use  objectives  for  the  most 


correct  color  value  and  for  photomicrography,   the  fluorite  and 
apochromatic  objectives  are  superior  but  more  expensive. 

Sixth,  the  ordinary  Huygenian  oculars  are  good  for  the  achromatic 
objectives.    There  should  be  one  of  5x  and  one  of  lox.    If  one  must 


The  observer  sits  in  front  of  the  stage,  and  the  light  source  is  behind  the  mi- 
croscope.   There  is  a  single  tube  for  photography. 

(Courtesy  of  the  Spencer  Lens  Co.) 

wear  glasses,  oculars  with  high  eye-points,  like  the  telaugics  (§  145) 
or  the  wide-field  oculars  of  various  manufacturers,  are  desirable.  If 
apochromatic  objectives  are  to  be  used,  one  must  have  a  group  of 
compensating  eye-pieces;  sx,  lox  and  isx  are  to  be  especially  recom- 
mended. The  i5x  is  particularly  effective  for  dark-field  work  with 
all  types  of  objectives. 

Seventh,  for  micrometry  one  must  possess  some  form  of  ocular 


micrometer.  The  one  with  drum  and  movable  scale  is  most  accurate 
and  easily  used  (figs.  158-159;  §§  376~378)-  of  course,  a  stage  mi- 
crometer is  a  necessity  (§  366). 

§  69.  Mega-microscopes  (figs.  38-39).  —  During  the  last  few  years 
most  elaborate  research  instruments  have  been  devised  by  various 
manufacturers.  These  from  their  size  and  complexity  may  properly 
be  called  mega-microscopes.  They  have  certain  advantages  in  that 
there  are  present  all  the  modern  devices  in  one  instrument.  However, 
their  size  makes  them  unhandy  to  move  about,  and  their  very  ex- 
cellencies make  them  rather  confusing;  they  are  also  very  expensive. 
Finally,  the  possessor  will  probably  find  that  they  will  not  of  them- 
selves produce  great  discoveries;  that,  as  stated  above,  depends  on 
the  brain  of  the  observer. 

Instead  of  one  elaborate  instrument  to  serve  for  all  the  needs  of 
an  investigator,  it  seems  to  the  writer  from  much  experience  that  it  is 
better  to  have  several  instruments  of  rather  simple  fundamental 
design  especially  equipped  for  his  various  needs.  Then  each  one 
can  be  kept  in  perfect  adjustment  and  is  available  at  a  moment's 
notice.  For  example,  there  should  be  one  fully  equipped  for  bright- 
field  work,  one  for  the  dark-field,  one  for  polarization,  and  one  for 
fluorescence  effects.  These  four  would  not  cost  more  than  the  single 
mega-microscope  and  could  be  purchased  as  needed  in  one's  researches. 

§  60.  General  care  of  the  microscope.  —  The  microscope  should 
be  handled  carefully  and  kept  clean.  The  oculars  and  objective 
should  never  be  allowed  to  fall,  for  that  might  injure  or  displace  their 
lenses.  When  not  in  use,  the  microscope  should  be  covered  or  kept 
in  a  place  as  free  as  possible  from  dust.  All  parts  of  the  microscope 
should  be  kept  free  from  liquids,  especially  from  acids,  alkalies, 
alcohols,  xylene,  turpentine  and  chloroform. 

§  61.  Care  of  the  mechanical  parts.  —  To  clean  the  sliding  me- 
chanical parts  put  a  small  quantity  of  some  fine  oil  (olive  oil  or 
petrolatum  and  xylene,  equal  parts)  on  a  piece  of  gauze  or  lens  paper 
and  rub  the  parts  well;  then  with  a  clean,  dry  piece  of  cloth  or  lens 
paper  wipe  off  most  of  the  oil.  If  the  sliding  parts  are  kept  clean  in 
this  way  a  special  lubricator  is  rarely  needed.  In  cleaning  lacquered 
parts  xylene  alone  answers  well,  but  it  should  be  quickly  wiped  off. 
Do  not  use  alcohol,  as  it  dissolves  the  lacquer. 


§  62.  Care  of  the  optical  parts.  —  These  must  be  kept  scrupulously 
clean  in  order  that  the  best  results  may  be  obtained.  Glass  surfaces 
should  not  be  touched  by  the  fingers,  for  that  almost  invariably 
clouds  them.  Whenever  an  objective  is  left  in  position  on  the  mi- 
croscope or  when  several  are  attached  to  a  revolving  nose-piece,  an 
ocular  should  be  left  in  the  upper  end  of  the  tube  to  prevent  dust, 
lint,  etc.,  from  falling  down  upon  the  back  lens. 

As  pointed  out  by  Wright  (p.  93),  one  of  the  surest  ways  to  detect  anything 
wrong  with  the  objective  is  to  examine  the  eyepoint  with  a  magnifier.  The  field 
should  be  lighted  well  and  the  aperture  of  the  objective  filled  about  f  full  of  light. 
If  there  are  any  defects,  as  smears  of  balsam  or  liquids  on  the  front  lens,  unsealing 
of  the  combinations,  or  dust  on  the  upper  face  of  the  back  lens,  the  defect  can 
be  seen  in  the  eyepoint. 

Another  and  very  certain  method  of  detecting  imperfections  is  to  rotate  the 
different  elements  while  looking  into  the  microscope.  If  the  defects  are  in  the 
mirror,  they  will  change  in  position  when  the  mirror  is  moved,  and  so  with  all 
the  other  elements.  Defects  in  the  ocular  are  strikingly  shown  by  rotating  it. 

§  63.  Lens  paper.  —  The  so-called  Japanese  filter  paper,  which 
from  its  use  with  the  microscope  I  have  designated  lens  paper,  has 
been  used  in  the  author's  laboratory  since  1884  for  cleaning  the  lenses 
of  oculars  and  objectives,  and  especially  for  removing  the  fluid  used 
with  immersion  objectives.  Whenever  a  piece  has  been  used  once  it 
is  then  thrown  away.  It  has  proved  more  satisfactory  than  cloth 
or  chamois  because  dust  is  not  present  and  because  of  its  bibulous 
character  it  is  very  efficient  in  removing  liquid  or  semi-liquid  sub- 
stances. Some  other  workers  with  the  microscope  have  found  that 
absorbent  cotton  has  the  desired  qualities  for  cleaning  optical  parts. 

§  64.  Removal  of  dust,  etc.  —  (i)  Dust  may  be  removed  with  a 
camel's-hair  brush,  then  the  lens  wiped  with  lens  paper. 

(2)  Cloudiness  may  be  removed  from  the  glass  surfaces  by  breath- 
ing on  them,  then  wiping  quickly  with  a  soft  cloth  or  the  lens 

Cloudiness  on  the  inner  surfaces  of  the  ocular  lenses  may  be  re- 
moved by  unscrewing  them  and  wiping  as  directed  above.  A  high 
objective  should  never  be  taken  apart  by  an  inexperienced  person. 

If  the  cloudiness  cannot  be  removed  as  directed  above,  moisten 
one  corner  of  the  cloth  or  paper  with  95%  alcohol,  wipe  the  glass 
first  with  this,  then  with  the  dry  cloth  or  the  lens  paper. 


(3)  Water  may  be  removed  with  soft  cloth  or  the  lens  paper. 

(4)  Glycerin  may  be  removed  with  cloth  or  lens  paper  saturated 
with  distilled  water;  remove  the  water  as  above. 

(5)  Blood  or  other  albuminous  material  may  be  removed  while 
fresh  as  in  (4).     If  the  material  has  dried  on  the  glass,  it  may  be 
removed  more  readily  by  adding  a  small  quantity  of  ammonia  to  the 
water  in  which  the  cloth  is  moistened  (water  100  cc.,  ammonia  i  cc.). 

(6)  In  general,  to  remove  any  foreign  substance  from  a  glass  sur- 
face a  solvent  of  the  foreign  material  must  be  used.     For  example, 
Canada  balsam,  damar,  clarite,  or  cedar-wood  oil  is  best  removed 
from  the  front  lens  of  an  objective  by  wiping  it  with  lens  paper  or  a 
soft  cloth  moistened  with  xylene,  toluene,  or  chloroform,  and  then 
wiping  it  dry  with  a  fresh  piece  of  lens  paper  or  gauze. 

(7)  It  frequently  happens  that  the  upper  surface  of  the  back  com- 
bination of  the  objective  becomes  dusty.    This  dust  may  be  removed  in 
part  by  a  brush  but  more  satisfactorily  by  using  a  piece  of  the  lens 
paper  loosely  twisted.    When  most  of  the  dust  is  removed,  some  of  the 
paper  may  be  put  over  the  end  of  a  pine  stick  (like  a  match  stick) 
and  the  glass  surfaces  carefully  wiped.    Sometimes  it  is  necessary  to 
moisten  the  wiper  with  water  and  then  wipe  dry. 

§  66.   Care  of  the  eyes.  —  Keep  both  eyes  open,  using  the  eye-shade 
if  necessary  (fig.  40),  and  divide  the  labor  between  the  two  eyes,  using 

. ^^ 


(Devised  by  Lister;  Quekett,  pp.  170-171.) 


one  eye  for  a  while  and  then  the  other.  It  frequently  happens  that 
one  eye  is  much  more  perfect  than  the  other,  then,  of  course,  the  more 
perfect  eye  is  used  all  the  time  (see  Quekett,  pp.  170-171). 

The  binocular  microscope  has  certain  advantages  in  that  one  uses 
both  eyes  all  the  time  as  in  naked-eye  observation.  If  a  binocular  is 
used,  however,  one  must  adjust  it  accurately  so  that  each  eye  sees 
an  equally  sharp  image  (§  163). 


This  table  is  122  cm.  long,  61  cm.  wide,  and  73  cm.  high  (2x4  feet  on  top, 
and  29  inches  high). 

The  corners  and  edges  are  rounded  and  the  top  is  stained  with  aniline  black. 
The  front  of  the  rail  is  cut  out,  and  the  drawer  is  at  the  right  so  that  it  can  be 
opened  without  moving  the  stool. 

In  the  beginning  it  is  not  advisable  to  look  into  the  microscope  continuously 
for  more  than  half  an  hour  at  a  time.  One  never  should  work  with  the  micro- 
scope after  the  eyes  feel  fatigued.  After  one  becomes  accustomed  to  micro- 
scopic observation  he  can  work  for  several  hours  with  the  microscope  without 
fatiguing  the  eyes.  This  is  due  to  the  fact  that  the  eyes  become  inured  to  labor 
like  the  other  organs  of  the  body  by  judicious  exercise.  It  is  also  due  to  the 
fact  that  but  very  slight  accommodation  is  required  of  the  eyes,  the  eyes 


[Cn.  I 

remaining  nearly  in  a  condition  of  rest  as  for  distant  objects.  The  fatigue 
incident  upon  using  the  microscope  at  first  is  due  partly  at  least  to  the  con- 
stant effort  on  the  part  of  the  observer  to  remedy  the  defects  of  focusing  the 
microscope  by  accommodation  of  the  eyes.  This  should  be  avoided  and  the 
fine  adjustment  of  the  microscope  used  instead  of  the  muscles  of  accommoda- 
tion. With  a  microscope  of  the  best  quality,  and  suitable  light  —  that  is, 
light  which  is  steady  and  not  so  bright  as  to  dazzle  the  eyes  nor  so  dim  as  to 
strain  them  in  determining  details  —  microscopic  work  should  improve  rather 
than  injure  the  sight. 

If  artificial  light  is  used,  give  it  daylight  qualities  by  placing  a  piece  of  day- 
light glass  between  the  source  of  light  and  the  microscope.  This  will  give 
one  a  very  soft  light  like  that  from  a  white  cloud  (§76). 

§  66.  Position  and  character  of  the  work-table.  —  The  work-table  should 
be  very  firm  and  large  (61  X  122  cm.  on  top,  and  73  cm.  high;  24  X  48  X  29 
in.,  figs.  4 1-41  a),  so  that  the  necessary  apparatus  and  material  for  work  may 
not  be  too  crowded.  The  table  should  also  be  of  the  right  height  to  make 
work  by  it  comfortable.  An  adjustable  stool,  something  like  a  piano  stool, 
is  convenient;  then  one  may  vary  the  height  corresponding  to  the  necessities 
of  special  cases. 




(Desk  designed  by  Dr.  V^A.  Moore;  about  one-twentieth  natural  size.) 

The  size  of  the  top  and  the  height  are  the  same  as  for  the  laboratory  table  (fig. 
41,  §66).  ^ 

At  the  right  there  is  a  cabinet  with  combination  lock  (10,  cl)  for  a  microscope, 
and  above  a  drawer  with  combination  lock  (a,  cl}. 

At  the  right  is  a  writing  shelf  (s)  above  the  four  drawers  (6,  c,  d,  e). 

Near  the  bottom  is  a  brace  (br)  which  also  serves  as  a  foot  rest. 

M    Compound  microscope  with  the  Chalet  Microscope  Lamp  in  front  of  it. 


NELSON,  E,  M.  —  On  the  Origin  of  the  Society  Screw.    J.R.M.S.,  1910. 
RIDDELL,  J.  L.  —  On  the  Binocular  Microscope.    Amer.  Jour.  Science,  vol.  65, 
1853,  p.  68;  Quarterly  Jour.  Micr.  Science,  vol.  ii,  1854,  pp.  18-24,  4  figs. 




§§  67-169;   FIGURES  42-64 

§  67.  Bright-field  lighting.  —  With  the  great  majority  of  micro- 
scopic work  the  objects  are  viewed  on  a  light  field,  the  general 
appearance  being  like  dark  or  colored  letters  on  a  white  sheet  of 
paper.  The  light  may  be  directed  upon  the  surface,  as  in  all  ordi- 
nary vision  with  the  naked  eye,  or  the  light  may  be  made  to  shine 
through  the  support  and  the  object  from  behind  as  in  the  glass 
signals  for  automobilists,  or  commercial  signs  on  glass.  When  the 
microscope  is  used  \dth  a  light  field,  it  is  called  a  bright-field  micro- 
scope in  contradistinction  to  a  dark-field  microscope  where  the 
object  is  bright  and  the  field  dark  (§  170). 

§  68.  Lighting  ^  ith  daylight.  —  Full  sun- 
light is  not  used  in  ordinary  work.  North 
light  is  best  and  most  uniform.  When  the 
sky  is  covered  with  white  clouds,  the  light 
is  most  favorable.  To  avoid  the  shad- 
ows produced  by  the  hands  in  manip- 
ulating the  mirror,  etc.,  it  is  better  to  face 
the  light;  but  to  protect  the  eyes  and  to 
shade  the  stage  of  the  microscope  some 
kind  of  screen  should  be  used.  The  one 
shown  in  fig.  4.2  is  cheap  and  efficient.  If 
one  dislikes  to  face  the  window  or  lamp  it 
is  better  to  sit  so  that  the  light  will  come 
from  the  left,  as  in  reading. 

It  is  of  the  greatest  importance  and  ad- 
vantage for  one  who  is  to  use  the  micro- 
scope for  serious  work  that  he  should 

jo    cm 


It  is  composed  of  heavy 
paper  hung  over  a  bent 
wire,  which  in  turn  is  an- 
chored in  a  small  tin  dish 
filled  with  lead. 

comprehend  and  appreciate  thoroughly  the  various  methods  of  illu- 



[Cn.  II 

ruination,  and  the  special  appearances  due  to  different  kinds  of  illu- 

§  69.  Reflected,  incident,  or  direct  light.  —  By  this  is  meant  light 
reflected  upon  the  object  in  some  way  and  then  irregularly  reflected 
from  the  object  to  the  microscope.  By  this  kind  of  light  objects  are 
ordinarily  seen  by  the  unaided  eye  and  the  simple  microscope  (figs. 

4-5).  In  histology,  reflected  light  is 
but  little  used;  but  in  the  study 
of  opaque  objects,  like  whole  in- 
sects, etc.,  it  is  used  a  great  deal. 
For  a  simple  microscope  and  low 
powers  of  the  compound  microscope, 
ordinary  daylight  that  naturally 
falls  upon  the  object,  or  is  re- 
flected or  condensed  upon  it  with  a 
mirror,  or  a  bull's  eye  condens- 
ing lens,  is  sufficient.  For  high  pow- 
ers, special  apparatus  is  necessary. 
(See  §  31). 

§  70.  .  Transmitted  light.  —  By 
this  is  meant  light  which  passes 
through  an  object  from  the  opposite 
side  (figs.  20,  44).  The  details 
of  a  photographic  negative  are  in 
many  cases  only  seen  or  best  seen 
by  transmitted  light,  while  the 
print  made  from  it  is  best  seen  by 
reflected  light  (figs.  19,  43). 

Almost  all  objects  studied  in 
animal  and  vegetable  histology  are 
lighted  by  transmitted  light,  and 
they  are  in  some  way  rendered  trans- 
parent or  semi-transparent.  The  light  traversing  and  serving  to  illu- 
minate the  object  in  working  with  a  compound  microscope  is  usually 
reflected  from  a  plane  or  concave  mirror,  or  from  a  mirror  to  a  con- 
denser, and  thence  transmitted  to  the  object  from  below  (fig.  18,  44). 


Axis  The  principal  optic  axis 
of  the  objective  extended. 

SI  The  glass  slip  on  which  the 
object  is  mounted. 

0    Object. 

c    Cover-glass  over  the  object. 

W  The  working  distance  be- 
tween the  cover  and  the  objective. 

Mirror  The  mirror  is  repre- 
sented as  above  the  stage  and  re- 
flecting parallel  beams  upon  the 

FC  Front  combination  of  the 

BC  Back  combination  of  the 
objective;  it  is  composed  of  a 
plano-concave  of  flint  (F)  and  a 
double  convex  lens  of  crown  glass 


CH.  II] 



§  71.  Axial  or  central  light.  —  By  this  is  meant  light  reaching  the 
object  in  such  a  way  that  it  is  symmetrically  arranged  around  the 
optic  axis  of  the  microscope,  then  the  object  will  be  equally  illumi- 
nated from  all  sides.  If  bundles  of  parallel  rays  are  reflected  upon 
the  object  from  the  mirror,  they  must 
be  so  disposed  that  the  object  will  re- 
ceive an  equal  quantity  of  light  from 
all  sides.  If  the  bundles  of  light  are 
made  up  of  diverging  or  of  converg- 
ing cones,  then  the  axes  of  the  cones 
should  be  coincident  with  or  parallel 
with  and  symmetrically  arranged 
around  the  optic  axis  of  the  micro- 

§  72.  Oblique  light.  —  By  this  is 
meant  light  which  reaches  the  object 
with  its  axial  beam  oblique  to  the 
optic  axis  of  the  microscope.  With 
oblique  light  the  object  cannot  be  il- 
luminated equally  from  all  sides,  but 
largely  from  one  side,  and  consequently 
the  light  is  said  to  be  unsymmetrical. 

If  no  condenser  is  used,  oblique 
light  is  obtained  by  turning  the 
mirror  so  that  parallel  rays  strike  the 
object  obliquely  to  the  optic  axis  of 
the  microscope  (fig.  44c)  or  the  axis 
of  the  converging  or  diverging  beam 
from  the  concave  mirror  strikes  the 
optic  axis  obliquely. 

If  a  condenser  is  used,  oblique  illu- 
mination is  produced  by  making  the 
diaphragm  opening  eccentric,  or  most 

simply  by  putting  the  finger  or  other  opaque  body  between  the  mirror 
and  the  condenser  to  cut  off  part  of  the  light  (figs.  62,  135).  The 
result  in  all  cases  is  that  the  object  is  lighted  unsymmetrically. 


Axis  The  principal  optic 

Mirror  This  reflects  the 
light  up  through  the  object. 

A  B     Central  light. 

C    Oblique  light. 

Stage  The  microscope  stage 
in  section. 

0    The  object. 

7  Immersion  liquid  between 
the  objective  and  object. 

FC  The  front  lens  of  the 

M  C  The  middle  combina- 

B  C    The  back  combination. 


§  73.  Use  of  a  diaphragm.  —  A  diaphragm  is  an  opaque  disc  with 
an  opening,  and  is  placed  somewhere  between  the  object  and  the 
source  of  light. 

At  the  present  time  an  iris  diaphragm  is  almost  universally  em- 
ployed. It,  like  the  iris  of  the  eye,  can  be  expanded  or  contracted, 
and  thus  gives  a  large  range  of  openings  to  meet  different  conditions. 

The  object  of  a  diaphragm  is  to  cut  off  adventitious  light  and  to 
vary  the  aperture  to  suit  the  object  and  the  objective. 

§  74.  Size  and  position  of  the  diaphragm  with  a  mirror  only.  — 
When  no  condenser  is  used  in  addition  to  the  mirror,  a  diaphragm 
opening  about  the  size  of  the  front  lens  of  the  objective  may  be 
employed.  Its  position  may  be  close  to  the  object,  in  which  case  it 
admits  the  greatest  aperture  of  light,  and  cuts  off  the  most  adventi- 
tious light.  In  this  position  it  lights  the  smallest  field,  however. 

If  the  diaphragm  is  far  enough  below  the  object,  the  field  may  all 
be  lighted,  but  the  aperture  will  be  smaller  than  when  it  is  close  to 
the  object,  as  one  may  see  by  removing  the  ocular  and  looking  down 
the  tube  into  the  back  lens  of  a  16  mm.  (lox)  or  8  mm.  (2ox)  objec- 
tive. On  the  other  hand,  while  the  aperture  of  the  objective  may 
be  filled  even  with  a  small  diaphragm  opening  close  to  the  object, 
the  field  of  view  (§  93,  fig.  132)  may  be  but  partly  lighted.  In  that 
case  the  opening  must  be  increased  until  the  entire  field  is  illumi- 
nated. One  must  learn  by  practice  how  to  get  the  best  results, 


§  75.  Artificial  light.  —  While  daylight  is  preferred  by  many  for 
all  microscopic  work,  every  one  who  must  do  much  of  that  kind  of 
work,  realizes  very  keenly  its  defects.  It  continually  varies  in 
intensity  and  color  from  sunrise  to  sunset;  and  in  most  regions 
where  work  is  done  it  is  frequently  cloudy  or  stormy  and  sufficient 
light  is  not  obtainable.  Then,  too,  it  often  happens  that  work 
should  be  continued  into  the  evening  when  no  daylight  is  available. 
Frequently,  also,  the  worker  must  be  in  a  room  where  suitable  day- 
light cannot  be  secured,  no  matter  how  favorable  the  day  may  be. 
For  all  work  it  is  advantageous  to  have  a  source  that  is  uniform 


both  in  intensity  and  in  color.  This  is  especially  necessary  for 
photography.  All  forms  of  artificial  light  have  been  used  at  some 
time  for  microscopic  work;  and  for  a  long  time  various  means  have 
been  taken  to  make  the  artificial  light  as  nearly  like  daylight  as 
possible.  This  desire  for  artificial  daylight  is  natural,  for  the  eye 
was  developed  for  daylight,  and  all  its  standards  of  color  and  shading 
have  been  worked  out  for  that  quality  of  light.  In  all  of  the 
ordinary  forms  of  artificial  light,  the  relative  intensity  toward  the 
red  end  of  the  spectrum  is  much  greater  than  with  daylight,  hence 
color  values  with  artificial  light  are  distorted,  and  with  most  people 
the  excessive  intensity  of  the  red  produces  glare  and  a  lack  of 
contrast,  which  is  trying  to  the  eyes. 

§  76.  Artificial  daylight.  —  For  the  production  of  artificial  day- 
light it  is  obvious  from  the  curve  (fig.  45)  that  there  are  two  pos- 
sible means:  (i)  The  selection  of  two  kinds  of  artificial  light  in  which 
the  lack  in  one  is  made  good  by  the  excess  in  another,  and  by  mixing 
these  in  the  right  proportions  the  resulting  light  will  have  the  same 
relative  intensity  in  different  parts  of  the  spectrum  as  is  found  in  sun- 
light. This  is  the  "  addative  "  method  and  has  been  quite  success- 
fully realized  by  combining  a  mercury  arc  light  with  its  deficiency  in 
the  red,  but  its  richness  in  intensity  in  the  blue  end  of  the  spectrum, 
with  a  mazda  incandescent  lamp  with  its  excessive  red  intensity. 
If  these  two  lights  are  enclosed  in  a  glass  globe,  and  the  right 
amount  of  each  used,  very  good  daylight  is  produced. 

(2)  As  there  is  excessive  intensity  in  the  red  part  of  the  spectrum 
it  is  evident  that  if  this  excess  can  be  absorbed  by  a  light  filter  of 
some  kind,  then  also  the  relative  intensity  of  the  light  will  be  like 
that  of  natural  daylight.  This  is  the  "  subtractive  "  method,  and  is 
the  method  employed  wherever  a  light  filter  or  colored  liquid, 
colored  gelatin,  colored  glass,  or  a  combination  is  used.  From  time 
immemorial  various  colored  liquids  like  solutions  of  copper  salts  and 
colored  glasses  have  been  used  to  whiten  the  artificial  light. 

During  the  last  few  years,  however,  the  problem  has  been  solved, 
and  now  colored  glass  is  made  which  gives  to  artificial  light  true 
daylight  qualities.  As  each  artificial  light  has  its  own  special  curve 
of  intensity  for  the  different  parts  of  the  spectrum,  naturally  a 


[CH.  II 

special  light  filter  must  be  worked  out  for  each  light  source.    Up  to 
the  present,  glass  filters  have  been  produced  for  the  Welsbach  gas 

i    r~n 

12  Violet       BUi0 

Green        Yellow  Orange        Red 


.41    .43    .45    47   .49    .5t    .63   .65    .57    .69    .61    -63    .65    .67    .69 
Wave  Length  in  Microns   o>> 




light,  and  for  the  incandescent,  nitrogen-filled  tungsten  (mazda) 
lamp.  It  may  be  said  in  passing  that  these  glass  filters  whiten  any 
artificial  light,  but  that  true  daylight  color  values  are  given  only 


under  the  precise  conditions  for  which  the  glass  was  worked  out. 
It  is  also  gratifying  to  note  that  this  successful  solution  o£  a  long 
vexing  problem  came  only  when  the  rigid  training  in  physics  and 
chemistry  and  the  facilities  of  a  great  manufacturing  plant  were 
brought  together. 

§  77.  Daylight-lamp  or  lantern.  —  In  the  practical  use  of  the 
daylight  glass  filter,  it  was  found  that  the  light  should  be  enclosed 
in  some  kind  of  a  lantern  or  lamp-house  so  that  all  the  light  de- 
livered to  the  microscope  might  be  of  the  daylight  quality,  and  none 
of  the  unfiltered  light  scattered  about  the  workroom. 

After  much  experimenting,  a  lantern  having  the  general  form  of  a 
Swiss  chalet  was  decided  upon  as  it  fulfilled  all  the  requirements, 
and  besides  by  its  extending  roof  excluded  all  light  from  entering  the 
eyes  of  the  observer  directly,  one  of  the  greatest  causes  of  eye- 
fatigue.  The  old  opticians  and  astronomers  knew  and  stated  well 
the  conditions  for  the  clearest  vision,  viz,;  that  no  light  should  enter 
the  eyes  except  that  which  came  from  the  object  being  studied. 

It  was  found  also  that  the  best  effect  was  secured  when  the  100- 
watt  lamp  filament  was  opposite  the  middle  of  the  window  of  day- 
light glass  (ms  fig.  46), 

§  78.  The  daylight-glass  filter.  —  Experience  showed  that  the 
windows  in  the  lamp-house  or  lantern  should  be  about  82  mm. 
square  in  order  to  give  sufficient  area  for  lighting  all  the  different 
powers  from  the  lowest  to  the  highest.  It  also  served  to  supply 
light  at  the  side  of  the  microscope  for  drawing  and  note  taking. 

For  the  lower  objectives,  i.e.,  from  the  lowest  up  to  the  4  mm. 
(4ox),  it  is  well  to  have  one  face  of  the  glass  filter  ground  with  fine 
carborundum  or  emery  flour  to  diffuse  the  light  so  that  the  image 
of  the  lamp  filament  will  not  show  in  the  field.  Formerly  for  these 
powers  it  was  recommended  that  both  faces  be  ground,  but  since  at 
present  all  loo-watt,  gas-filled  lamp  bulbs  are  inside  .frosted,  it  is 
necessary  to  grind  only  one  face  of  the  daylight  filter  to  give  the 
desired  diffusion.  For  objectives  of  3  mm.  (6ox)  and  less  equivalent 
focus  and  higher  powers,  it  is  better  to  have  one  of  the  daylight  glass 
windows  smooth  or  polished  like  plate  glass  on  both  faces.  If  two 
students  are  to  use  the  same  lantern  at  the  same  time,  then  it  is 


[CH.  II 

better  to  have  both  windows  with  one  ground  face.  Even  with  the 
highest  powers  the  ground  glass  window  gives  light  enough  if  the 
lamp  is  brought  close  to  the  microscope.  For  powerful  lamps  to  use 
with  the  dark-field  microscope,  for  seeing  the  blood-circulation  and 
for  photography  (figs.  78-82). 

§  78a.  For  a  discussion  of  the  requirements  for  the  production  of  artificial 
daylight,  and  the  means  so  far  employed,  and  the  uses  of  artificial  daylight,  see: 

Herbert  K.  Ives.  Artificial  Daylight.  Journal  of  the  Franklin  Institute, 
vol.  177,  May,  1914,  pp.  471-499.  19  figures. 

Simon  H.  Gage.  Artificial  Daylight  for  the  Microscope.  Science,  N.  S., 
vol.  42,  October,  1915,  pp.  534-536.  One  curve. 

M.  Luckiesh.  Artificial  Daylight.  Science,  N.  S.,  vol.  42,  November,  1915, 
pp.  764-765. 

Henry  Phelps  Gage.  "Daylite  Glass,"  a  color  screen  for  producing  daylight 
artificially.  The  Sibley  Journal  of  Engineering,  Ithaca,  N.Y.,  Vol.  XXX,  No.  8, 
May,  1916.  4  quarto  pages,  6  figures. 

Simon  H.  Gage  and  Benjamin  F.  Kingsbury.  Some  apparatus  for  the  micro- 
scopical laboratory.  Anatomical  Record,  Vol.  X,  No.  8,  June,  1916,  pp.  527-536. 
7  figures  showing  the  use  of  the  daylight  glass  for  microscopic  work. 

Anthony  J.  Brown.  Some  uses  of  artificial  daylight  in  the  psychological  labo- 
ratory. American  Journal  of  Psychology.  July,  1916,  Vol.  XXVII,  pp.  427-429. 

(About  one-fifth  natural  size.). 

The  metal  part  of  the  lantern  or  lamp-house  is  enameled  white  inside  or  pref- 
erably painted  with  aluminium  powder  in  a  suitable  lacquer.  The  outside  may 
be  painted  with  any  desired  color  of  lacquer,  or  coated  with  black  bakelite. 

dg-dg  Windows  of  daylight  glass  about  82  mm.  square.  One  is  ground  on  one 
surface  with  very  fine  emery  or  carborundum,  to  diffuse  the  light,  and  the  other  is 
left  clear,  or  the  glass  may  be  polished  on  both  faces. 

CH.  11] 


ms  mazda  C  lamp  bulb  of  100  watts.  The  filament  of  the  lamp  should  be  op- 
posite the  middle  of  the  daylight  window. 

5  The  lamp  socket  with  snap  switch  on  the  left,  and  the  entering  electric 

v  v  v  Ventilating  spaces  at  the  top  and  at  the  bottom.  The  lamp-house  has 
legs  at  each  corner  to  elevate  it  and  give  free  ventilation  at  the  bottom.  The 
roof  is  supported  at  the  two  ends  and  has  ventilating  spaces  over  the  two  walls 
containing  the  daylight  filters,  (figs.  53,  83,  198-199). 


The  lamp-house  is  i  J  cm.  lower  than  the  one  shown  in  fig.  46.  This  change  was 
made  to  bring  the  shorter,  new  form  of  loo-watt  mazda  lamps  at  the  right  level 
with  the  window  (W).  E  Plug  to  screw  into  the  lamp  socket  of  the  supply  wire. 


§  79.  Focusing  a  microscope.  —  Focusing  is  mutually  arranging 
an  object  and  the  microscope  so  that  a  clear  image  may  be  seen. 

With  a  simple  microscope  either  the  object  or  the  microscope  or 
both  may  be  moved  in  order  to  see  the  image  clearly,  but  with  the 
compound  microscope  the  object  more  conveniently  remains  sta- 
tionary on  the  stage,  and  the  tube  or  body  of  the  microscope  is 
raised  or  lowered  (fig.  26). 

In  general,  the  higher  the  power  of  the  whole  microscope,  whether 
simple  or  compound,  the  nearer  together  must  the  object  and  the 
magnifier  be  brought. 

§  80.  Focusing  a  simple  microscope.  Use  a  reading  glass,  or  any 
form  of  simple  microscope  such  as  the  tripod  magnifier  (figs.  15,  16). 
Hold  the  magnifier  over  a  printed  page  and  look  through  the  magni- 
fier. The  letters  and  words  will  appear  as  they  do  with  the  naked 
eye,  but  larger  (fig.  4). 


In  order  to  get  the  sharpest  image  it  will  be  necessary  to  raise  and 
lower  the  magnifier  until  the  best  position  is  found.  This  mutual 
arrangement  of  magnifier  and  object  is  called  focusing,  or  getting 
into  focus. 

§  81.  Size  of  the  field.  —  With  any  given  magnifier,  the  size  of  the 
field,  that  is,  the  diameter  of  the  area  which  can  be  seen  at  one  time, 
can  be  determined  by  using  the  ten-centimeter  rule  as  object  and 
noting  how  many  centimeters  or  millimeters  can  be  seen  at  one  time 
without  moving  the  magnifier  or  the  measure  sidewise.  It  will  also 
be  found  by  trial  that  the  greatest  field  can  be  seen  when  the  eye  is 
at  the  level  of  the  eyepoint  as  with  the  compound  microscope 
(§  99)- 


§  82.  Opaque  objects.  —  For  these  the  light  strikes  the  surface 
and  is  reflected,  mostly  in  an  irregular  manner  so  that  the  object  can 
be  seen  almost  equally  well  illuminated  from  any  angle.  Ordinarily 
the  daylight  falling  upon  the  object  will  sufficiently  illuminate  it, 
also  the  light  of  a  lamp. 

Place  a  printed  page  in  bright  daylight  or  near  a  lamp  where  the 
light  can  shine  upon  it  and  then  look  at  it  with  the  simple  micro- 
scope held  in  the  hand,  on  the  legs  of  the  tripod  (figs.  4,  15-17)  or 
held  by  a  special  stand.  By  varying  the  distance  between  the 
microscope  and  the  object  one  can  soon  find  the  best  focus,  and  by 
changing  the  position  of  the  object,  the  best  position  for  the  light 

Of  course  if  one  wishes  to  discriminate  colors  precisely,  daylight, 
natural  or  artificial,  must  be  available. 

§  83.  Transparent  or  semi-transparent  objects.  —  For  these  the 
light  should  pass  through  the  object.  Use  a  lantern  slide  or  printing 
on  very  thin  paper  and  hold  it  up  toward  the  window  or  some 
artificial  light  with  one  hand,  and  with  the  other  hold  the  magnifier. 
Look  into  the  magnifier  and  move  it  toward  and  away  from  the 
object  till  a  clear  image  is  seen.  Here  the  light  passes  through  the 
object  into  the  microscope  and  then  to  the  eye  instead  of  being 
reflected  from  the  surface  as  in  looking  at  the  page  of  a  book. 

CH.  II] 



§  84.   Putting  an  objective  in  position  and  removing  it.  —  Elevate 

the  tube  of  the  microscope  by  means  of  the  coarse  adjustment  (fig. 

26)  so  that  there  may  be 

plenty  of   room  between 

its  front  or  lower  end  and 

the  stage.     Grasp  the  ob- 
jective   lightly    near    its 

lower  end  with  two  ringers 

of  the  left  hand,  and  hold 

it  against  the  nut  at  the 

lower  end  of  the  tube  or 

the    revolving   nose-piece 

(figs.  48-50).    With    two 

fingers  of   the  right  hand      ^  ^     DQUBLE  NosE.PIECE  wmi  THK 

take   hold    of    the    milled  OBJECTIVES  IN  PLACE. 

ring    near    the    back   or 

upper  end  of  the  objective  and  screw  it  into  the  tube  of  the  microscope 

or  nose-piece.     Reverse  this  operation  for  removing   the  objective. 

By  following  this  method 
the  danger  of  dropping  the 
objective  will  be  avoided, 
§  85.  Putting  an  ocular 
I  in  position  and  removing 
it.  —  Elevate  the  body  of 
the  microscope  with  the 
coarse  adjustment  so  that 
the  objective  will  be  2  cm. 
or  more  from  the  object, 
grasp  the  ocular  by  the 

milled  ring  next  the  eye- 
FIG.  40.    TRIPLE  NOSE-PIECE  WITHOUT  ,       °     .  1^1 

OBJECTIVES.  lens    (fig.    26)     and    the 

Devices  for  quickly  changing  objectives  of  differ-  coarse  adjustment  or  the 

ent  powers  date  back  nearly  150  years.     (See  tube    of    the    microscope 
Carpenter-Dallinger,  8th  ed..  1901,  pp.  200-205.)  ,  . 

p  fe  and  gently  torce  the  ocular 



[Cn.  II 

into  position,  In  removing  the  ocular,  reverse  the  operation.  If 
the  above  precautions  are  not  taken,  and  the  oculars  fit  snugly,  there 
is  danger  in  inserting  them  of  forcing  the  tube  of  the  microscope 
downward  and  the  objective  upon  the  object. 

§  86.  Putting  an  object  under  the  microscope.  —  This  is  so  plac- 
ing an  object  under  the  simple  microscope,  or  on  the  stage  of  the 
compound  microscope,  that  it  will  be  in  the  field  of  view  when  the 

microscope     is    in    focus 
(§§  93,  79,  fig.  40). 

With  low  powers,  it  is 
not  difficult  to  get  an 
object  under  the  micro- 
scope. The  difficulty  in- 
creases, however,  with  the 
power  of  the  microscope 
and  the  smallness  of  the 
object.  It  is  usually 
necessary  to  move  the 
object  in  various  direc- 
tions while  looking  into 
the  microscope,  in  order 
to  get  it  into  the  field. 

Time  is  usually  saved  by  getting  the  object  in  the  center  of  the 
field  with  a  low  objective  before  putting  the  high  objective  in  posi- 
tion. This  is  greatly  facilitated  by  using  a  nose-piece,  or  revolver 
(figs.  48-50)- 



§  87.  Focusing  low  objectives.  —  Place  a  mounted  fly's  wing 
under  the  microscope;  put  the  16  mm,  (rox)  objective  and  the  5x 
or  6x  ocular  in  position.  Select  the. proper  opening  in  the  diaphragm 
and  light  the  object  well  with  transmitted  light  (§  70  V 

Hold  the  head  about  the  level  of  the  stage,  look  toward  the 
window,  and  between  the  object  and  the  front  of  the  objective;  with 
the  coarse  adjustment  lowei  the  tube  until  the  objective  is  within 


about  half  a  centimeter  of  the  object.  Then  look  into  the  microscope 
and  slowly  elevate  the  tube  with  the  coarse  adjustment.  The  image 
will  appear  dimly  at  first,  but  will  become  very  distinct  by  raising 
the  tube  still  higher.  If  the  tube  is  raised  too  high,  the  image  will 
become  indistinct,  and  finally  disappear.  It  will  again  appear  if  the 
tube  is  lowered  the  proper  distance. 

When  the  microscope  is  well  focused,  try  both  the  concave  and  the 
plane  mirrors  in  various  positions  and  note  the  effect. 

Pull  out  the  draw- tube  4  to  6  cm.,  thus  lengthening  the  body  of 
the  microscope;  it  will  be  found  necessary  to  lower  the  tube  of  the 
microscope  somewhat.  (For  reason,  see  fig.  151.) 

§  88.  Pushing  in  the  draw-tube.  —  To  push  in  the  draw  -tube, 
grasp  the  large  milled  ring  of  the  ocular  with  one  hand,  and  the 
milled  head  of  the  coarse  adjustment  with  the  other,  and  gradually 
push  the  draw-tube  into  the  tube.  If  this  were  done  without  these 
precautions  the  objective  might  be  forced  against  the  object  and  the 
ocular  thrown  out  by  the  compressed  air. 

§  89.  Focusing  with  high  objectives.  —  Employ  the  same  object 
as  before,  elevate  the  tube  of  the  microscope  and,  if  no  revolving 
nose-piece  is  present,  remove  the  16  mm.  (lox)  objective  as  indi- 
cated. Put  a  4  mm.  (4ox)  or  higher  objective  in  place,  and  use 
5x  or  6x  ocular. 

Light  well,  and  employ  the  proper  opening  in  the  diaphragm,  etc. 
(§  74).  Look  between  the  front  of  the  objective  and  the  object  as 
before  (§  87),  and  lower  the  tube  with  the  coarse  adjustment  till  the 
objective  almost  touches  the  cover-glass  over  the  object.  Look  into 
the  microscope,  and  with  the  coarse  adjustment,  raise  the  tube  very 
slowly  until  the  image  begins  to  appear,  then  turn  the  milled  head  of 
the  fine  adjustment  (fig.  26),  first  one  way  and  then  the  other,  until 
the  image  is  sharply  defined. 

In  practice  it  is  found  of  great  advantage  to  move  the  preparation 
slightly  while  focusing.  This  enables  one  to  determine  the  approach 
to  the  focal  point  either  from  the  shadow  or  the  color,  if  the  object  is 
colored.  With  high  powers  and  scattered  objects  there  might  be  no 
object  in  the  small  field  (§  93,  fig.  51  for  size  of  field).  By  moving 
the  preparation  an  object  will  be  moved  across  the  field  and  its 


shadow  gives  one  the  hint  that  the  objective  is  approaching  the 
focal  point.  (See  also  §  81.)  If  one  lowers  the  tube  only  when 
looking  at  the  end  of  the  objective  as  directed  above,  there  will  be 
no  danger  of  bringing  the  objective  in  contact  with  the  object,  as 
may  be  done  if  one  looks  into  the  microscope  and  focuses  down. 

When  the  instrument  is  well  focused,  move  the  object  around  in 
order  to  bring  different  parts  into  the  field.  It  may  be  necessary  to 
refocus  with  the  fine  adjustment  every  time  a  different  part  is 
brought  into  the  field.  In  practical  work  one  hand  is  kept  on  the 
fine  adjustment  constantly,  and  the  focus  is  continually  varied. 

§  90.  Focusing  with  scattered  or  transparent  objects.  —  If  the 
objects  in  a  preparation  are  few  or  much  scattered,  or  if  they  are 
unusually  transparent  it  is  sometimes  difficult  to  find  and  focus 
them.  To  overcome  the  difficulty  one  can  use  a  low  power  and  get 
a  specimen  in  the  middle  of  the  field.  It  is  also  advantageous  in 
making  such  preparations  if  fresh  to  make  a  delicate  cross  (X)  in  the 
middle  of  the  slide  with  India  ink,  or  preferably  a  red  glass  pencil. 
It  is  then  easy  to  focus  the  highest  powers  at  the  right  level,  when 
the  scattered  objects  can  be  found  by  moving  the  slide.  If  a  diffi- 
cult preparation  is  permanently  mounted,  a  delicate  cross  on  the 
middle  of  the  cover  glass  will  aid  one  in  getting  the  objects  in  focus. 

The  above  suggestions  will  greatly  assist  with  glass  micrometers, 
fresh  liquids  like  milk,  blood,  unstained  bacteria,  etc. 

§  91.  Parfocal  oculars  and  focusing.  —  On  changing  the  oculars 
from  a  higher  to  a  lower  or  the  reverse,  it  is  necessary  to  refocus  the 
microscope.  Formerly  the  change  in  focus  was  very  marked  in 
changing  from  one  power  of  ocular  to  another,  but  since  Mr.  Pen- 
nock  introduced  parfocal  oculars  (1881)  and  their  almost  universal 
adoption  since,  very  little  change  in  focus  is  necessary  in  passing 
from  power  to  power  of  ocular. 

According  to  E.  M.  Nelson,  such  oculars  were  suggested  by 
Varley  and  constructed  by  Powell  as  early  as  1839  (Jour.  Roy. 
Micr.  Soc.,  1908,  p.  149). 

§  92.  .Parfocal  objectives.  —  These  are  groups  of  objectives,  of 
different  power,  so  mounted  that  when  screwed  into  the  revolving 
nose-piece  of  the  microscope  very  little  change  in  focusing  is  neces- 

CH.  II] 



sary  in  passing  from  objective  to  objective.  This  arrangement  of 
objectives  was  a  natural  outgrowth  from  the  parfocalization  of  the 
oculars,  the  ocular  remaining  the  same  (§  91). 

In  case  the  objectives  are  not  nearly  enough  parfocal  so  that  the 
object  is  visible  in  turning  from  one  objective  to  another,  the  de- 
fect can  be  corrected  easily  by  getting  one  of  the  objectives  in  exact 
focus  and  then  turning  the  others  successively  into  place.  If  one 
notes  whether  it  is  necessary  to  focus  up,  then  it  will  be  known  that 
the  objective  projects  too  far  down  toward  the  object;  if,  on  the 
other  hand,  one  must  focus  down,  then  the  objective  is  too  high  up. 
To  correct  this  lack  of  parfocalization  use  the  objective  which  pro- 
jects farthest  toward  the  object 
as  standard.  Focus  it  sharply 
and  then  turn  another  in  posi- 
tion. Unscrew  this  slowly  until 
the  image  is  also  sharp.  Now 
wind  a  thread  or  string  around 
the  lower  end  of  the  objec- 
tive screw  and  then  turn  it 
in  place  and  slowly  screw  it 
into  the  revolving  nose-piece 
until  it  is  in  focus.  Proceed 
with  all  until  the  entire  number 
are  in  focus  at  the  same  level. 
With  parfocal  oculars  and  par- 
focal  objectives  much  time  and 
annoyance  are  saved,  for  one  can 
see  the  specimen  in  turning  from 
power  to  power,  and  it  is  neces- 
sary to  make  only  a  small 
focusing  adjustment  to  get  the 

best  image.  Microscope  manufacturers  prepare  thin  washers  that 
ran  be  put  on  top  of  the  objectives  for  parfocalizing  them.  The 
washers  are  better  than  the  string,  but  the  string  will  answer  if  the 
washers  are  not  at  hand.  While  it  is  relatively  simple  to  parfocalize 
different  oculars,  a  group  of  objectives  on  a  revolving  nose-piece  can 





A  The  field  of  the  2  (gox),  4  (4ox), 
8  (2ox),  1 6  (IQX)  and  32  (4x)  mm.  ob- 
jectives without  an  ocular. 

B  Field  of  the  same  objectives  with  a 
5x  ocular. 

C  Field  of  the  same  objectives  with  a 
i  ox  ocular. 

32  (4x),  16  (TOX),  8  (aox),  4  (4<«),  2 
(gox).  Equivalent  focus  of  the  different 
objectives  whose  fields  are  shown. 


be  accurately  parfocalized  for  only  one  ocular.  The  lox  ocular  is 
generally  selected.  Fortunately  when  parfocal  for  the  rox  ocular, 
the  objectives  will  not  be  far  from  parfocal  for  the  isx  and  the  6x, 
the  other  oculars  most  used. 

§  93.  Field  or  field  of  view  of  a  microscope.  —  This  is  the  area 
visible  through  a  microscope  when  it  is  in  focus.  When  the  field  is 
properly  lighted  and  there  is  no  object  under  the  microscope,  it  ap- 
pears as  a  disc  of  light.  When  examining  an  object,  it  appears  within 
the  light  circle,  and  by  moving  the  object,  if  it  is  of  sufficient  size, 
different  parts  are  brought  successively  into  the  field  of  view. 

In  general,  the  greater  the  magnificatibn  of  the  entire  microscope, 
whether  the  magnification  is  produced  mainly  by  the  objective,  by 
the  ocular,  by  increasing  the  tube-length,  or  by  a  combination  of  all 
three  (§  368),  the  smaller  is  the  field. 

The  size  of  the  field  is  also  dependent,  in  part,  without  regard  to 
magnification,  upon  the  size  of  the  opening  in  the  ocular  diaphragm. 
Some  oculars,  as  the  orthoscopic  and  periscopic,  are  so  constructed 
as  to  eliminate  the  ocular  diaphragm,  and  in  consequence,  although 
this  is  not  the  sole  cause,  the  field  is  considerably  increased. 

§  94.  Method  of  determining  the  size  of  the  field,  and  table  with 
different  objectives  and  oculars.  —  Use  a  stage  micrometer  (fig.  148) 
as  object,  and  read  off  the  number  of  spaces  required  to  measure  the 
diameter  of  the  light  disc  as  seen  in  the  microscope.  Use  first  a  low 
objective  16  mm.  (tox)  and  a  low  ocular  (5x  or  6x),  then  use  a  higher 
ocular  (tox  or  i5x).  Do  the  same  with  the  4  (4ox)  or  8  (2ox)  mm. 
objective  arid  the  two  oculars.  Make  a  table  giving  the  diameter  of 
the  field  in  each  case  and  compare  with  the  accompanying  table. 
The  tube-length  (fig.  26)  should  be  160  mm.  when  making  the 
measurements.  To  see  the  effect  of  lengthening  the  tube,  pull  it  out 
as  far  as  possible  and  note  the  effect  on  the  size  of  the  field.  (The 
longer  the  tube,  the  smaller  the  field). 


§  96.  Put  a  50 -mm.  (3-2x)  objective  on  the  microscope,  or  screw 
off  the  front  combination  of  a  16  mm.  (lox)  and  put  the  back  com- 

CH.  II] 



bination  on  the  microscope  for  a  low  objective.  For  object,  use  some 
letters  or  numerals  printed  on  thin  paper  and  mounted  in  Canada 
balsam  (§  330).  Place  on  the  stage  so  that  they  are  erect  to  the 
naked  eye.  Light  as  brilliantly  as  possible  with  transmitted  light. 

Differences  in  the  magnification  and  the  diameter  of  the  field  with  the  same  objective 
but  with  different  oculars  having  the  same  designation. 

of  1  6  mm. 

5x  Huygenian 

i  ox  Huygenian 

i  ox  Positive 

i5x  Posi- 

focus  (e  f  ) 

I  OX 









16  mm.  lox 

i.Q5  mm. 


1.48  mm. 


.Q5  mm. 




16  mm.   lox 

2.1    mm. 


.21  mm. 


.67  mm. 




1  6  mm.  i  ox 

2.3    mm. 

51.  2x 

.40  mm. 


.70  mm. 




16  mm.  lox 

i.  98  mm. 


•53  mm. 


.67  mm. 




16  mm.  rox 

1.85  mm. 


.45  mm. 


.52  mm. 

IOQ.  2X 



16  mm.  lox 

.64  mm. 


.10  mm. 

113.  2X 


i  fox 

16  mm.   lox 

.27  mm 


Differences  in  the  diameter  of  the  field  and  the  magnification  of  different  objectives 
but  with  the  same  ocular. 


16  mm.  (e.f.) 

8  mm    (e.f.) 

4  mm.  (e.f.) 

3  mm.  (e  f  .) 


IQX  objectives 

2ox  objectives 

4ox  objectives 

6ox  objectives 

I  OX 









I  OX 

i.  60  mm. 


0.80  mm. 


0.37  mm. 


0.27  mm. 


I  OX 

1.67  mm. 


0.85  mm. 


0.37  mm. 


0.26  mm. 


I  OX 

i.  60  mm. 


0.76  mm. 


0.39  mm. 


0.27  mm. 


I  OX 

1.65  mm. 


0.80  mm. 


0.42  mm. 


I  OX 

1.64  mm. 


o  94  mm. 


I  OX 

i.  53  mm. 

102.  8x 

0.74  mm. 


It  U  evident  from  the  above  tables  that  the  magnification  of  the  microscope 
obtained  by  multiplying  the  designated  magnification  of  the  objective  and  of  the 
ocular  would  be  only  roughly  correct.  For  the  exact  magnification,  that  for  every 
combination  must  be  individually  determined. 

In  place  of  an  ocular  put  a  screen  of  ground-glass,  or  a  piece  of 
lens  paper,  over  the  upper  end  of  the  tube  of  the  microscope. 

Lower  the  tube  of  the  microscope  by  means  of  the  coarse  adjust- 
ment until  the  objective  is  within  2  to  3  cm.  of  the  object  on  the 
stage.  Look  at  the  screen  on  the  top  of  the  tube,  holding  the  head 
about  as  far  from  it  as  for  ordinary  reading,  and  slowly  elevate  the 


tube  by  means  of  the  coarse  adjustment  until  the  imagfe  of  the 
letters  appears  on  the  screen. 

The  image  can  be  seen  more  clearly  if  the  object  is  in  a  strong 
light  and  the  screen  in  a  moderate  light,  i.e.,  if  the  top  of  the  micro- 
scope is  shaded. 

The  letters  will  appear  as  if  printed  on  the  ground-glass  or  paper, 
but  will  be  inverted. 

If  the  objective  is  not  raised  sufficiently,  and  the  head  is  held 
too  near  the  microscope,  the  objective  will  act  as  a  simple  microscope. 
If  the  letters  are  erect,  and  appear  to  be  down  in  the  microscope 
and  not  on  the  screen,  hold  the  head  farther  from  it,  shade  the 
screen,  and  raise  the  tube  of  the  microscope  until  the  letters  do 
appear  on  the  ground-glass. 

95a.  Ground-glass  may  be  very  easily  prepared  by  placing  some  fine 
emery  or  carborundum  between  two  pieces  of  glass,  wetting  it  with  water,  and 
then  rubbing  the  glasses  together  for  a  few  minutes.  If  the  glass  becomes  too 
opaque,  it  may  be  rendered  more  translucent  by  rubbing  some  oil  upon  it. 

§  96.  Aerial  image.  —  After  seeing  the  real  image  on  the  ground- 
glass  or  paper,  use  the  lens  paper  over  about  half  of  the  opening  of 
the  tube  of  the  microscope.  Hold  the  eye  about  250  mm.  from  the 
microscope  as  before  and  shade  the  top  of  the  tube  by  holding  the 
hand  between  it  and  the  light,  or  in  some  other  way.  The  real 
image  can  be  seen  as  if  in  part  on  the  paper  and  in  part  in  the  air. 
Move  the  paper  so  that  the  image  of  a  letter  will  be  half  on  the 
paper  and  half  in  the  air.  Another  striking  experiment  is  to  have  a 
small  hole  in  the  paper  placed  over  the  center  of  the  tube  opening; 
then  if  a  printed  word  extends  entirely  across  the  diameter  of  the 
tube,  its  central  part  may  be  seen  in  the  air,  the  lateral  parts  on  the 
paper.  The  advantage  of  the  paper  over  part  of  the  opening  is  to 
enable  one  to  accommodate  the  eyes  for  the  right  distance.  If  the 
paper  is  absent,  the  eyes  adjust  themselves  for  the  light  circle  at  the 
back  of  the  objective,  and  the  aerial  image  appears  low  in  the  tube. 
Furthermore,  it  is  more  difficult  to  see  the  aerial  image  in  space  than 
to  see  the  image  on  the  ground-glass  or  paper,  for  the  eye  must  be 
held  in  the  right  position  to  receive  the  rays  projected  from  the  real 
image,  while  the  granular  surface  of  the  glass  and  the  delicate  fibers 


of  the  paper  reflect"  the  rays  irregularly,  so  that  the  image  may  be 
seen  at  almost  any  angle,  as  if  the  letters  were  actually  printed  OP. 
the  paper  or  glass. 

The  function  of  an  objective,  as  seen  from  these  experiments, 
is  to  form  an  enlarged,  inverted,  real  image  of  an  object,  this  ima£e 
being  formed  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  objective  from  the  object 
(figs.  13,  18). 


§  97.  Using  the  same  objective  as  for  §  95,  get  as  clear  an  image 
of  the  letters  as  possible  on  the  lens  paper  or  ground-glass  screen. 
Look  at  the  image  with  a  simple  microscope  (fig.  15),  as  if  the  image 
were  an  object. 

Observe  that  the  image  seen  through  the  simple  microscope  is 
merely  an  enlargement  of  the  one  on  the  screen,  and  that  the  letters 
remain  inverted.  Remove  the  screen  and  observe  the  aerial  image 
with  the  tripod  magnifier. 

Put  5x  ocular,  i.e.,  an  ocular  of  low  magnification  in  posi- 
tion (§  85),  Hold  the  eye  about  10  to  20  mm.  from  the  eyelens 
and  look  into  the  microscope.  The  letters  will  appear  as  when  the 
simple  microscope  was  used  (see  above);  the  image  will  become 
more  distinct  by  slightly  raising  the  tube  of  the  microscope  with  the 
coarse  adjustment. 

The  function  of  the  ocular,  as  seen  from  the  above,  is  that  of  a 
simple  microscope,  viz.,  it  magnifies  the  real  image  formed  by  the 
objective  as  if  that  image  were  an  object.  Compare  the  image 
formed  by  the  ocular  (figs.  2,  18)  and  that  formed  by  a  simple  micro- 
scope (figs,  i,  6). 

It  should  be  borne  in  mind,  however,  that  the  rays  from  an  object 
as  usually  examined  with  a  simple  microscope  extend  from  the  object 
in  all  directions,  and  no  matter  at  what  angle  the  simple  microscope 
is  held,  provided  it  is  sufficiently  near  and  points  toward  the  object, 
an  image  may  be  seen.  The  rays  from  a  real  image,  however,  are 
continued  in  certain  definite  lines  and  not  in  all  directions;  hence,  in 
order  to  see  this  aerial  image  with  an  ocular  or  simple  microscope,  or 


in  order  to  see  the  aerial  image  with  the  unaided  eye,  the  simple 
microscope,  ocular,  or  eye  must  be  in  the  path  of  the  rays  (figs.  1,2). 

§  98.  The  field  lens  of  a  Huygenian  and  other  negative  oculars 
makes  the  real  image  smaller  and  consequently  increases  the  size 
of  the  field;  it  also  makes  the  image  brighter  by  contracting  the 
area  of  the  real  image  (figs.  24,  25),  Demonstrate  this  by  screw- 
ing off  the  field  lens  and  using  the  eyelens  alone  as  an  ocular,  refocus- 
ing  if  necessary.  Note  that  the  image  is  bordered  by  a  colored 

When  looking  into  the  ocular  with  the  field  lens  removed,  the  eye 
should  not  be  held  so  close  to  the  ocular,  as  the  eyepoint  (fig.  24) 
is  considerably  farther  away  than  when  the  field  lens  is  in  place. 

§  99,,  Eyepoint.  —  This  is  in  the  plane  above  the  ocular  where 
the  emerging  rays  cross  (figs.  22-25).  If  the  eye  is  placed  at  this 
point  it  will  receive  the  greatest  number  of  rays  from  the  microscope 
and  thus  see  the  largest  field.  If  the  eye  is  too  far  from  or  too  near 
the  ocular,  part  of  the  rays  cannot  enter  the  pupil  of  the  eye  and  the 
microscopic  image  is  restricted. 

Demonstrate  the  eyepoint  by  using  a  16  mm.  (lox)  objective  and 
a  5x  ocular.  Light  brightly  and  then  focus  the  microscope  on  some 
transparent  specimen.  Open  the  diaphragm  widely  so  that  the 
entire  aperture  of  the  objective  is  filled  with  light  (fig.  61).  Shade 
the  ocular  with  the  hand  or  a  screen  and  hold  above  the  eyelens  a 
piece  of  ground-glass  or  of  the  lens  paper.  By  raising  and  lowering 
the  glass  or  paper  one  will  find  the  level  where  the  sharpest  and 
brightest  light  circle  is  located.  The  height  varies  with  different 

The  eyepoint  is  also  known  as  the  pupil  of  the  lens;  exit  pupil; 
Ramsden  disc  or  circle;  or  Lagrange  disc. 

One  can  find  the  eyepoint  of  a  simple  microscope  by  placing  it 
on  the  top  of  the  tube  of  the  compound  microscope  after  removing 
the  ocular.  Then  a  piece  of  ground-glass  or  of  lens-paper  is  held 
over  the  simple  microscope  and  moved  up  and  down  until  the  bright- 
est point  is  found.  This  is  the  eyepoint,  and  if  the  eye  is  at  that 
level  in  looking  into  the  simple  microscope  or  magnifier,  the  largest 
field  can  be  seen. 


§  100.  Erect  and  inverted  images  with  the   microscope.  —  By 

glancing  at  fig.  i,  6,  it  will  be  seen  that  with  the  simple  microscope 
the  retinal  image  is  inverted;  that  is,  the  arrow  is  turned  end  fox 
end.  In  like  manner  the  retinal  image  of  any  object  seen  with  the 
naked  eye  is  also  inverted  (fig.  5). 

On  the  other  hand,  with  the  compound  microscope,  the  retinal 
image  is  erect  (figs.  2,  18);  that  is,  the  arrow  points  in  the  same 
direction  as  the  object.  This  happens  because  the  eye  does  not  see 
the  object  directly,  but  the  real  image  formed  by  the  objective,  and 
this  is  inverted.  From  the  crossing  of  the  rays  on  entering  the  eye, 
this  inverted  real  image  is  reinverted,  and  thus  gives  an  erect  knage 
on  the  retina.  Now  as  objects  or  their  images  do  not  seem  to  be  on 
the  retinal  screen,  but  out  in  space  in  the  direction  of  the  light  rays 
entering  the  eye,  it  is  very  evident  that  if  the  light  rays  are  traced 
from  the  retinal  image  to  the  object  or  to  a  virtual  image,  this  will 
appear  to  be  erect  when  the  image  on  the  retina  is  inverted  as  with 
the  simple  microscope,  and  will  appear  inverted  when  the  retinal 
image  is  erect  as  with  the  compound  microscope,  because  of  the 
crossing  of  the  rays  in  passing  the  pupil-  of  the  eye  (figs,  i,  2,  6,  18) 
on  their  way  to  the  retinal  image,  or  on  their  way  from  the  retinal 
image  to  the  apparent  position  of  the  object  or  the  virtual  image. 


§  101.  Working  distance.  —  By  this  is  meant  the  space  between 
the  simple  microscope  and  the  object,  or  between  the  front  lens  of 
the  compound  microscope  and  the  object,  when  the  microscope  is 
in  focus.  This  working  distance  is  always  considerably  less  than 
the  equivalent  focal  length  of  the  objective.  For  example,  the  front- 
lens  of  a  4  mm.  (4ox)  objective  would  not  be  4  millimeters  from  the 
object  when  the  microscope  is  in  focus,  but  considerably  less  than 
that  distance,  viz.,  less  than  half  a  millimeter.  If  now  a  cover-glass 
of  half  a  millimeter  or  more  in  thickness  were  used  it  would  be  impos- 
sible to  get  the  4  mm.  (4ox)  objective  near  enough  the  object  to  get 
it  in  focus. 

§  102.  Free  working  distance.  —  (i)  Where  no  cover-glass  is  used, 


[CH.  II 

this  is  the  distance  between  the  front  of  the  magnifier  or  the  front 
lens  mount  of  the  objective  and  the  object  (fig.  52  A). 

(2)  If  a  cover-glass  is  used,  it  is  the  distance  between  the  upper 
surface  of  the  cover-glass  and  the  magnifier  or  objective  when  the 
microscope  is  in  focus  (figs.  52  B,  43).  Strictly  speaking,  it  is  the  dis- 
tance between  the  objective  front  and  the  upper  surface  of  a  cover- 
glass  of  the  exact  thickness  for  which  the  objective  is  corrected. 


Slide    The  glass  slide  upon  which  the  object  is  mounted. 

A     Working  distance  with  an  uncovered  object. 

B  Working  distance  when  a  cover-glass  is  used  and  the  object  is  in  contact 
with  the  cover-glass.  The  object  represented  by  the  solid  black  oblong  appears 
to  be  elevated  one- third  the  thickness  of  the  cover  to  the  level  Obj.,  where  it  is 
represented  by  dots. 

The  objective  is  elevated  corresponding  to  the  apparent  elevation  of  the  object. 

C  Working  distance  when  a  cover-glass  is  used  and  the  objects  are  dis- 
tributed in  a  stratum  of  Canada  balsam. 

It  is  evident  from  this  figure  why  the  focus  must  be  different  for  objects  at 
different  depths  in  the  balsam. 

As  the  working  distance  of  an  objective  is  practically  always  less 
than  its  equivalent  focus,  one  must  take  care  to  use  cover-glasses 
thin  enough  so  that  any  suitable  objective  can  be  used  for  studying 
the  specimen.  Furthermore,  as  microscopic  specimens  have  con- 
siderable thickness,  the  cover-glass  should  be  thin  enough  so  that  the 


objective  can  be  lowered  sufficiently  to  enable  one  to  bring  the  lower 
strata  of  the  specimen  in  focus  without  bringing  the  objective  front 
in  contact  with  the  upper  surface  of  the  cover-glass  (fig.  52  C). 

§  103.  Determination  of  working  distance,  no  cover.  —  Some 
manufacturers  state  this  in  the  description  of  their  objectives.  The 
information  serves  as  a  guide,  for  if  a  cover  thicker  than  this  working 
distance  is  used,  the  objective  cannot  be  put  in  focus.  Occasionally 
students  and  even  experienced  workers  put  unlabeled  slides  under 
the  microscope  wrong  side  up.  With  low  powers  the  specimen  can 
be  focused  through  the  thickness  of  the  slide,  but  the  high  powers 
cannot,  because  the  slide  thickness  is  greater  than  the  working 
distance.  The  working  distance  is  always  less  than  the  equivalent 
focus  of  the  objective  because  the  center  of  the  lens  combination  is 
some  distance  above  the  lower  face  of  the  front  lens. 

To  determine  the  distance  with  low  powers  make  a  wooden  wedge 
10  cm.  long  which  shall  be  exceedingly  thin  at  one  end  and  about 
20  mm.  thick  at  the  other.  Place  a  slide  on  the  stage  and  some 
dust  or  an  ink  or  pencil  mark  on  the  slide.  Do  not  use  a  cover- 
glass.  Use  a  16  mm.  (lox)  objective  and  focus  the  dust  or  mark 
carefully,  and  when  the  objective  is  in  focus,  push  the  wedge  be- 
tween the  objective  and  slide  until  it  touches  the  objective.  Mark 
the  place  of  contact  with  a  pencil  and  then  measure  the  thickness  of 
the  wedge  with  a  rule  opposite  the  point  of  contact.  This  thickness 
will  represent  very  closely  the  working  distance.  For  measuring  the 
thickness  of  the  wedge  at  the  point  of  contact  for  the  high  objective, 
use  a  steel  scale  ruled  in  \  mm.  and  the  tripod  magnifier  to  see  the 
divisions.  Or  one  may  use  a  cover-glass  measurer  (§  518)  for  deter- 
mining the  thickness  of  the  wedge. 

For  the  higher  powers,  if  one  has  a  microscope  in  which  the  fine 
adjustment  is  graduated,  the  working  distance  may  be  readily  deter- 
mined as  follows: 

Use  the  marked  slide  as  above.  Get  the  dust  or  mark  in  focus, 
then  lower  the  tube  of  the  microscope  until  the  front  of  the  objective 
just  touches  the  slide.  Note  the  position  of  the  micrometer  screw 
and  slowly  focus  up  with  the  fine  adjustment  until  the  dust  or  mark 
is  again  in  focus.  By  noting  the  total  and  partial  revolutions  of  the 


graduated  fine  adjustment  the  working  distance  will  be  known.  For 
example,  suppose  it  required  5.5  revolutions  of  the  micrometer  screw 
to  raise  the  objective,  from  the  surface  of  the  slide  where  the  object 
is  located  to  a  point  where  the  microscope  is  in  focus,  and  the  mi- 
crometer screw  raises  the  objective  o.i  mm.  for  each  complete  revo- 
lution, then  the  total  elevation  will  be  o.i  X  5.5  =  0.55  mm.,  that  is, 
the  working  distance  in  this  case  is  0.55  millimeter. 

§  104.  Free  working  distance  in  covered  objects.  —  Use  a  4  mm. 
(4ox)  objective  and  the  fly's  wing  or  any  covered  object.  Set  the 
fine  adjustment  head  at  zero  (o).  Lower  the  objective  carefully 
with  the  coarse  adjustment  until  the  objective  just  touches  the 
cover-glass.  Now  focus  up  with  the  fine  adjustment  until  the  object 
is  in  sharp  focus,  noting  the  total  and  partial  revolutions  of  the 
screw  to  accomplish  this.  The  distance  the  objective  was  raised  is 
the  free  space  between  the  front  of  the  objective  and  the  cover-glass. 
Suppose  it  required  3.2  revolutions  of  the  fine  adjustment  to  focus 
the  objective,  then  if  each  revolution  represents  o.i  mm.  the  total 
elevation  is  3.2  x  o.i  =  0.32  mm.  for  the  free  working  distance  in 
this  case. 

§  106.  Effect  of  the  cover-glass  on  the  working  distance.  —  It  is 
obvious  that  if  an  object  is  covered  with  a  layer  of  glass,  the  free 
space  between  the  front  of  the  objective  and  the  object  will  be 
lessened,  and  if  the  layer  of  glass  is  considerably  thicker  than  the 
working  distance  of  the  objective,  then  it  will  be  impossible  to  get 
the  object  in  focus.  If  the  layer  of  glass  is  relatively  thin,  then  it 
will  be  possible  to  focus  the  microscope  on  the  object,  but  from  the 
law  of  refraction  it  necessarily  follows  that  the  focus  of  the  micro- 
scope with  and  without  a  cover-glass  will  not  be  the  same. 

Now  from  the  refraction  of  the  rays  in  passing  from  one  medium 
to  another  of  different  refractive  power,  it  follows  that,  when  an 
object  is  in  or  below  a  stratum  of  glass  or  water  or  other  highly  re- 
fractive body,  the  object  will  appear  as  if  raised  (figs.  52  B,  64),  the 
amount  of  the  apparent  elevation  depending  on  the  refractive  index 
of  the  covering  body,  —  the  greater  its  refraction,  the  more  the 
apparent  elevation.  The  general  physical  law  is  that,  the  eye  being 
in  the  air,  the  apparent  depth  of  an  object  below  the  surface  when 


viewed  perpendicularly  is  the  actual  depth  multiplied  by  the  recipro- 
cal of  the  index  of  refraction  of  the  covering  body.  The  index  of 
refraction  of  the  cover-glass  is  1.52  or  approximately  1.50,  and  its 
reciprocal  is  T*T>  =  §•  That  is,  the  apparent  depth  is  only  |  its  actual 
depth,  or  in  other  words  the  object  seems  to  be  elevated  f  of  the 
actual  depth. 

Now  if  the  object  is  apparently  higher  up,  the  microscope  must 
be  raised  an  amount  equal  to  the  apparent  elevation  of  the  object. 
This  is  illustrated  in  figs.  52  B-C.  From  this  it  follows  that  the  free 
working  distance  of  the  objective  on  a  covered  object  is  not  lessened 
the  full  thickness  of  the  cover-glass,  but  only  f  of  that  thickness. 

§  106.  Demonstration  that  the  v,  orking  distance  is  lessened  only  § 
the  thickness  of  the  cover-glass.  —  Use  a  clean,  flat  glass  slide.  Put 
an  ink  or  pencil  mark  on  the  upper  face  for  object.  Employ  a  16 
mm.  (IQX)  objective  and  a  lox  ocular.  Focus  the  microscope  on  the 
ink  or  pencil  mark,  then  measure  the  free  space  between  the  slide 
and  the  end  of  the  objective  \\ith  the  wooden  wedge,  as  directed  in 
§  103.  This  is  the  free  working  distance  (\  102)  without  a  coverglass. 

Cut  a  glass  slide  up  into  two  or  three  pieces  for  cover-glasses. 
Measure  the  thickness  of  one  of  the  pieces  with  the  cover-glass 
measurer  or  in  some  other  good  way.  Place  this  over  the  mark  on 
the  slide  which  was  in  focus.  If  now  one  looks  into  the  microscope, 
the  mark  will  not  be  in  focus  with  the  glass  cover  over  it.  Focus  up 
carefully  until  the  mark  is  again  in  focus.  Measure  the  space 
between  the  top  of  the  cover-glass  and  the  objective  as  before.  This 
will  represent  the  free  working  distance  with  this  cover-glass. 

Subtract  the  free  working  distance  with  this  cover-glass  from  that 
with  no  cover-glass  and  the  difference  will  be  the  amount  the  free 
working  distance  has  been  lessened  by  the  addition  of  the  cover. 
This  amount  compared  with  the  thickness  of  the  cover-glass  will 
give  the  ratio  of  lessening  of  working  distance  by  the  addition  of  the 

In  an  actual  case  the  results  were  as  follows: 

Free  working  distance  without  cover 4.62  mm. 

u  u  "        with  cover 3.54  mm. 

Lessening  of  the  working  distance  by  the  cover-glass i  .08  mm. 

The  actual  thickness  of  the  cover-glass  was 1.62  mm. 


That  is,  the  lessening  of  the  free  working  distance  was  not  so  great 
as  the  thickness  of  the  cover  (1.62  mm,),  but  less;  viz.  1.08  mm.; 
that  is,  in  the  proportion  of  ~%~  =  f  of  the  actual  thickness  of  the 

§  107.  Determining  the  thickness  of  the  cover-glass  with  mounted 
objects.  —  From  what  has  been  learned  about  the  free  working  dis- 
tance with  covered  objects,  it  is  possible  to  determine  the  thickness 
of  the  cover-glass  over  an  object  if  the  object  is  in  contact  with  the 
cover.  If  it  is  below,  as  shown  in  fig.  52  C,  and  the  mounting  me- 
dium is  Canada  balsam  with  approximately  the  same  refractive  index 
as  glass,  then  it  is  possible  to  determine  how  great  is  the  combined 
thickness  of  the  cover-glass  and  layer  of  Canada  balsam  over  the 

Demonstrate  the  method  as  follows:  (i)  Where  the  object  is  in 
contact  with  the  lower  surface  of  the  cover-glass  (fig.  52  B).  Use  a 
4  mm.  (4ox)  objective  and  a  cover-glass  7^  mm.  thick.  Make  a 
black  ink  mark  on  one  side  of  the  cover  and  a  colored  ink  mark 
directly  opposite  on  the  other  side  of  the  cover,  or  use  glass  pencils 
of  two  colors.  Set  the  graduations  of  the  fine  adjustment  at  zero 
(o).  Place  the  marked  cover  on  a  glass  slide,  and  put  under  the 
microscope.  Focus  with  the  coarse  adjustment  on  the  mark  at  the 
upper  surface  of  the  cover.  Then  focus  down  with  the  fine  adjust- 
ment until  the  mark  on  the  lower  surface  appears  sharp.  For  veri- 
fication, focus  up  until  the  upper  mark  is  again  sharp.  The  eleva- 
tion will  of  course  be  the  same  as  the  lowering.  If  the  total  and 
partial  revolutions  of  the  fine  adjustment  screw  are  noted,  they  will 
show  how  much  the  objective  was  lowered  to  get  the  lower  mark  in 
focus.  In  the  case  here  given  it  was  lowered  i  revolution.  Now  as 
each  revolution  moves  the  objective  up  or  down  o.i  mm.,  the  objec- 
tive was  moved  down  o.i  or  -^  °f  a  millimeter.  As  this  represents 
|  of  the  thickness  of  the  cover  from  the  effect  of  refraction,  the 
whole  thickness  must  be  -*-  f  =  0.15  mm.  For  a  cover  of  un- 
known thickness  with  the  object  in  contact  with  its  under  surface, 
put  an  ink  mark  on  the  upper  surface  of  the  cover  and  proceed 
exactly  as  above,  focusing  successively  on  the  object  and  on  the 
ink  spot. 


(2)  Where  the  object  is  somewhere  below  the  cover-glass  (fig. 
$2C).  In  this  case  the  thickness  of  the  cover-glass  cannot  be 
determined,  but  one  can  determine  very  approximately  the  com- 
bined thickness  of  the  cover-glass  and  the  mounting  medium  over 
the  object  as  follows:  Put  an  ink  or  glass  pencil  mark  on  the  upper 
surface  of  the  cover-glass.  Focus  the  mark  with  the  coarse  adjust- 
ment after  setting  the  graduations  of  the  fine  adjustment  at  zero 
(o).  Then  focus  down  with  the  fine  adjustment  until  the  object  is 
sharp.  Note  the  number  of  revolutions  and  the  partial  revolution 
of  the  fine  adjustment  drum.  As  this  amount  represents  only  f  of 
the  actual  thickness  of  the  glass  and  mounting  medium  over  the 
object,  divide  the  observed  amount  of  movement  by  §  and  the  quo- 
tient will  represent  the  total  thickness  over  the  object. 

For  example,  in  one  case  the  microscope  was  focused  on  the  ink 
mark  at  the  top  of  the  cover,  and  then  it  was  necessary  to  focus 
down  13  revolutions  of  the  fine  adjustment  screw  to  bring  the  object 
in  focus.  That  is,  it  was  necessary  to  focus  down  0.15  mm.  As  this 
represents  but  §  of  the  actual  thickness  of  the  cover-glass  over  the 
object,  the  entire  thickness  must  be  (0.15  -s-  f )  f  or  0.225  mm.  But  as 
the  specimen  was  mounted  in  balsam  which  has  nearly  the  refractive 
power  of  glass,  it  represents  the  combined  thickness  of  cover-glass 
and  balsam  mounted  object.  Probably  in  this  case  the  cover-glass 
was  0.15  mm.  and  the  object  0.075  mm- 


§  108.  Daylight  with  a  mirror.  —  As  the  following  experiments  are 
for  mirror  lighting  only,  remove  the  substage  condenser  if  one  is 
present  (see  §  114,  for  condenser).  Place  a  mounted  fly's  wing  under 
the  microscope,  put  the  16  mm.  (lox)  or  other  low  objective  in  posi- 
tion, also  a  5x  ocular.  With  the  coarse  adjustment  lower  the  tube 
of  the  microscope  to  within  about  of  the  object.  Use  an 
-opening  in  the  diaphragm  about  as  large  as  the  front  lens  of  the 
objective;  then  with  the  plane  mirror  try  to  reflect  light  up  through 
the  diaphragm  upon  the  object.  One  can  tell  when  the  field  (§  93) 
is  illuminated  by  looking  at  the  object  on  the  stage,  but  more  satis- 


factorily  by  looking  into  the  microscope.  It  sometimes  requires 
considerable  manipulation  to  light  the  field  well.  After  using  the 
plane  side  of  the  mirror  turn  the  concave  side  into  position  and  light 
the  field  with  it.  As  the  concave  mirror  condenses  the  light,  the 
field  will  look  brighter  with  it  than  with  the  plane  mirror.  It  is 
especially  desirable  to  remember  that  the  excellence  of  lighting  de- 
pends in  part  on  the  position  of  the  diaphragm  (§73).  If  the 
.greatest  illumination  is  to  be  obtained  from  the  concave  mirror,  its 
Dosition  must  be  such  that  its  focus  will  be  at  the  level  of  the  ob- 
ject. This  distance  can  be  determined  very  easily  by  finding  the 
.ocal  point  of  the  mirror  in  full  sunlight. 

\~Jfr  109.  Use  of  the  plane  and  of  the  concave  mirror.  —  The  Ifcrirror 
should  be  freely  movable,  and  have  a  plane  and  a  concave  face 
(fig.  1 8).  The  concave  face  is  used  when  a  large  amount  of  light  is 
needed,  the  plane  face  when  a  moderate  amount  is  needed  or  when 
it  is  necessary  to  have  parallel  rays  or  to  know  the  direction  of  the 

§  110.  Axial  or  central  light  (§71).  —  Place  a  preparation  contain- 
ing minute  air  bubbles  under  the  microscope.  The  preparation  may 
be  easily  made  by  beating  a  drop  of  mucilage  on  the  slide  and  cover- 
ing it.  (See  §  334.)  Use  a  4  mm.  (4ox)  objective  and  a  5x  ocular. 
Focus  the  microscope  and  select  a  small  bubble,  one  whose  image 
appears  about  i  mm.  in  diameter,  then  arrange  the  plane  mirror  so 
that  the  light  spot  in  the  bubble  appears  exactly  in  the  center. 
Without  changing  the  position  of  the  mirror  in  the  least,  replace  the 
air  bubble  preparation  by  one  of  Pleurosigma  angulatum  or  some 
other  finely  marked  diatom.  Study  the  appearance  very  care- 

§  111.  Oblique  light  (§  72).  —  Swing  the  mirror  far  to  one  side 
so  that  the  rays  reaching  the  object  may  be  very  oblique  to  the 
optic  axis  of  the  microscope.  Study  carefully  the  appearance  of 
the  diatom  with  the  oblique  light.  Compare  the  appearance  with 
that  where  central  light  is  used.  The  effect  of  oblique  light  is  not  so 
striking  with  histological  preparations  as  with  diatoms. 

It  should  be  especially  noted  in  §§  iio-m,  that  one  cannot  de- 
termine the  exact  direction  of  the  rays  by  the  position  of  the  mirror. 


This  is  especially  true  for  axial  light  (§  no).     To  be  certain  the 
light  is  axial  some  such  test  as  that  given  in  §  334  should  be  applied. 


§  112.  Lighting  with  a  kerosene  lamp.  —  For  this  a  lamp  with  a 
flat  wick  from  3  to  5  cm.  wide  is  best.  It  should  be  turned  up  well, 
but  not  enough  to  smoke.  The  face  of  the  flame  should  be  turned 
toward  the  microscope  for  low  powers.  For  moderate  powers  the 
flame  should  be  made  oblique,  and  for  high  powers  the  edge  of  the 
flame  should  be  used.  This  is  because  the  thicker  source  of  light 
gtves  a  greater  brilliancy.  Use  the  fly's  wing  or  any  well-stained 

As  the  light  is  in  diverging  beams,  it  is  best  to  use  the  concave 
mirror  to  partly  overcome  the  divergence.  One  must  learn  by  ex- 
perience and  trial  how  far  off  to  have  the  lamp.  A  distance  of  15  to 
20  cm.  is  usually  satisfactory.  There  should  be  an  opaque  screen 
between  the  lamp  and  the  microscope  to  protect  the  eyes  of  the 
observer  and  to  screen  the  stage  of  the  microscope  (fig.  42). 

This  lamp  illumination  is  brilliant,  but  the  color  values  are  quite 
unlike  those  given  by  daylight. 

§  113.  Lighting  with  artificial  daylight.  —  For  the  source  of  light 
use  preferably  a  loo-watt  nitrogen- filled  mazda  lamp  enclosed  in 
a  kind  of  lantern  (figs.  46,  53).  Have  the  lamp  filament  at  about 
the  level  of  the  center  of  the  microscope  mirror,  and  a  frosted  disc 
of  daylight  glass,  before  an  aperture  in  the  lantern. 

For  object,  use  a  fly's  wing  or  any  good,  well-stained  specimen. 
It  would  be  interesting  to  sit  near  a  window,  and  to  turn  the  mirror 
in  such  a  way  as  to  bring  in  daylight  a  part  of  the  time.  In  this  way 
one  can  get  a  good  idea  of  the  real  similarity  of  the  artificial  and  of 
the  natural  daylight.  If  one  also  had  an  electric  lamp  without 
any  light  filter  one  could  pass  in  order  from  real  daylight,  through 
the  artificial  daylight  and  then  on  to  the  unmodified  artificial  light. 
Without  seeing  these  in  comparison,  one  is  hardly  able  to  appreciate 
the  likeness  between  the  natural  and  artificial  daylight  and  the  great 
unlikeness  of  unfiltered  electric  light  and  artificial  daylight. 



[CH.  II 

§  114.vCondensers.  —  These  are  single  lenses  or  lens  systems  to 
aid  in  illuminating  objects  by  either  direct  or  transmitted  light 


(About  one-fifteenth  natural  size.) 

CL    Chalet  microscope  lamp  with  two  windows  of  daylight  glass  on  opposite 
sides  under  the  overhanging  roof.    The  roof  serves  to  protect  the  eyes  (fig.  46). 
M     Laboratory  microscope,  slightly  inclined. 

It  will  be  noted  that  the  table  rail  is  cut  out  in  front  to  avoid  interference  with 
the  knees  of  the  observer.  A  table  drawer  at  the  right  can  be  pulled  out  without 
moving.  The  revolving  piano  stool  can  be  adjusted  to  any  desired  height. 

(§§  69-70).  For  direct  or  reflected  light,  such  as  is  required  for 
opaque  objects,  condensers  are  usually  simple,  and  are  called  "  bull's- 
eyes."  They  are  mounted  on  a  stand  for  holding  them  at  different 
heights  and  in  any  desired  position  (fig.  127). 

Condensers  for  transmitted  light  (§  70)  are  complex  optical  appli- 
ances, sometimes  almost  as  complex  as  objectives. 

The  student  might  fairly  ask:  Why  be  bothered  with  anything 
more  than  a  mirror  for  lighting  translucent  objects.  A  glance  at 

CH.  II] 



fig.  54  will  show  him  that  with  a  mirror  only  a  narrow  cone  of  light 
can  be  sent  to  the  object.  He  will  find  in  actual  work  that  for 
powers  of  8  (2ox),  4  (4ox), 
and  2  (QOX)  mm.  the  object 
cannot  be  lighted  with  a  suffi- 
cient angle,  or  aperture,  as  it 
is  now  called,  to  bring  out  the 
details  of  structure  that  he 
is  trying  to  see  and  under- 

If  anything  is  certain  in 
vision,  it  is  that  the  details 
which  can  be  made  out  clearly 
depend  upon  the  aperture  of 
the  light  from  the  object  to  the 
eye.  If  that  be  true,  then  it 
is  essential  that  the  object 
be  supplied  with  light  at  an 

0.25  N.A. 

The  diagram  represents  the  light  origi- 
nating from  a  white  surface  or  from  the 
sky,  and  the  small  part  which  the  micro- 
scope mirror  can  receive  and  reflect, 
aperture  great  enough  to  fur- 
nish the  required  aperture  of  light  for  the  eye. 

With  opaque  objects  like  snow,  white  paper,  etc.,  the  reflections 
are  in  all  directions  and  if  the  light  by  which  they  are  illuminated  is 
brilliant  enough,  any  aperture  up  to  i.oo  N.A.  will  be  satisfied  if 
there  is  air  between  the  white  surface  and  the  microscopic  objective. 
If  a  greater  aperture  than  i.oo  N.A.  is  required,  as  for  immersion 
objectives,  then  the  proper  immersion  liquid  must  be  between  the 
object  and  the  front  of  the  objective. 

It  is  sometimes  stated  that  if  one  points  the  microscope  toward  the 
sky  out  of  doors,  the  aperture  of  any  microscope  objective  will  be 
filled  with  light.  This  is  true  for  dry  objectives  which  never  re- 
quire an  aperture  greater  than  i.oo  N.A.  An  immersion  objective 
with  an  aperture  above  i.oo  N.A.  would  not  be  filled  even  from  the 
sky,  as  can  be  seen  easily  by  trying  the  experiment  (§124). 

§  115.  Angular  and  numerical  aperture  in  microscopy.  —  By  angular 
aperture  is  meant  the  angle  in  air  formed  by  the  border  rays  of  the  light 
passing  from  the  object  into  the  front  lens  of  the  objective  (fig.  116). 


If  the  light  entering  and  leaving  a  lens  or  lens  system  were  always 
from  and  into  air,  angular  aperture  would  be  entirely  adequate;  but 
as  the  light  in  immersion  instruments  (objectives  and  condensers) 
is  from  or  into  a  medium  with  greater  refractive  index  than  air,  the 
cone  of  light  is  modified  by  the  refractive  action  of  the  medium 
which  it  traverses,  hence  the  index  of  refraction  of  the  medium  in 
which  the  light  cone  passes  must  be  considered.  Abbe  devised  an  ex- 
pression which  meets  the  needs.  It  is  called  Numerical  Aperture 
(N.A.),  and  is  found  by  multiplying  the  sine  of  the  semi-angle  of  the 
cone  of  light  in  the  medium  by  the  refractive  index  of  the  medium. 
Stated  mathematically  it  is:  N.A.  =  n  sin  u.  In  which  ;/  stands  for 
the  refractive  index,  and  sin  u  for  the  natural  sine  of  half  the  angle 
of  the  light  in  the  medium. 

The  following  generalizations  can  be  made: 

(a)  With  two  media  in  contact,  the  sines  of  fhg  a,ns1e<;  °f  ^e  rays 
of  light  in  the  two  media  are  in  inverse  ratio  to  the  index  of  refrac- 
tion in  the  two  media;   consequently,  the  greater    the  difference  in 
refraction,  the  greater  the  difference  of  the  anjle  of  the  same  light  in 
the  two  media.     Knowing  any  three  of  the  factors,   the  fourth  is 
readily  found. 

(b)  The  numerical  aperture  (N.A.)  of  the  light  passing  from  one 
medium  directly  into  another  remains  constant,  no  matter  how  great 
the  change  in  its  angle. 

(c)  The  numerical  apeiturc  (N.A.)  of  the  light  in  any  medium  is 
the  sine  of  the  semi-angle  of  the  light  multiplied  by  the  index  of 
refraction  of  the  medium  (N.A.  =  n  sin  u).    Knowing  any  two  of  the 
factors,  the  third  is  readily  determined. 

By  referring  to  fig.  116  and  fig.  55,  one  can  get  a  graphic  view  of 
the  significance  of  these  terms. 

In  fig.  55  A,  the  angle  of  the  light  in  the  air  is  180°  and  the  sine  of 
half  this  angle  is  i.oo  (sin  90°  =  i.oo).  If  now  this  180°  of  light  in  air 
passes  directly  into  glass  with  an  index  of  refraction  of  1.52,  its  angle 
will  be  reduced  from  180°  to  82°,  but  its  numerical  aperture  (N.A. 
=  n  sin  u)  is  not  changed,  and  is  i.oo  in  both  air  and  glass. 

Suppose  the  light  is  passing  from  the  glass  into  the  air,  as  most 
'requently  happens  with  condensers,  then  the  light  cone  of  82°  will 

CH.  II] 


expand  into  180°  or  the  whole  hemisphere  in  the  air. 
numerical  aperture  (N.A.i)  remains  unchanged  as  before. 

But  the 


The  diagrams  show  that  in  each  case  the  angle  of  light  re- 
quired in  the  glass  represents  a  numerical  aperture  equal  to 
the  refractive  index  (n)  of  the  overlying  medium.  The  dark 
parts  of  the  hemispheres  in  A,  B  and  C  represent  the  seg- 
ments not  lighted.  In  D  the  whole  sphere  is  lighted.  Any 
light  in  excess  of  this  aperture  is  reflected  back  into  the  con- 

In  fig.  55  D  where  there  is  glass  below  and  homogeneous  liquid 
above,  the  angle  of  the  light  is  180°  in  both  and  the  numerical  aper- 
ture is  1.52,  agreeing  with  the  refractive  index. 

§  116.  How  to  tell  the  part  of  the  aperture  filled  with  light.  — 
When  an  objective  is  focused  upon  any  object  one  can  tell  the  aper- 
ture of  the  objective  being  used  by  taking  out  the  ocular  and  looking 


[CH.  II 

Table  Showing  the  Angle  of  Light  in  Different  Media  for  the  same  Numerical 
Aperture  with  Dry,  Water  Immersion,  and  Homogeneous  Immersion  Objectives 
or  Condensers. 

(From  the  Journal  of  the  Royal  Microscopical  Society.) 

(n  sin  u  =  N.A.) 

Angle  in 

(n  »  i) 

Angle  in 

(n  =  1.33) 

Angle  in 

(n  =  1.52) 


1.  00 



1  80° 
44°  10^ 





down  the  tube.  The  bright  spot  seen  is  the  back  lens  of  the  objec- 
tive. If  it  is  all  lighted,  then  the  entire  aperture  is  filled.  If  there 
is  a  bright  spot  in  the  middle  and  a  dark  rim  around  the  edge,  then 
it  is  but  partly  filled.  For  experiment  use  a  transparent  object  like 

a  stage  micrometer  or  a  very 

B      07j«t,'vTe      C      Obj'lctlv0       thin,   lightly  colored  section. 

Use  the  16  mm.  (icx)  objec- 
tive. Focus  the  object.  Then 
take  out  the  ocular  and  look 
down  the  tube.  Probably  the 
whole  of  the  back  lens  will  be 
lighted.  Close  the  iris  di- 
aphragm slowly  and  the 



(From  Nelson,  Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Soc.) 
A     The  cone  of  light  from  the  condenser    margin  of    the   back  lens  will 
fills  the  aperture  of  the  objective  (B).  uavp  „  ,Joru  r:m   «rrmnri  :*  ac 

D    The  cone  of  light  of  the  condenser    naVC  a  dark  nm  around  lt  as 
only  partly  fills  the  aperture  of  the  objec-    the  iris  gets  so  small  that  the 

is    not    filled.     Turn 

A  and  D  the  condenser  and  objective 

are  shown  in  section;   in  B  and  C,  the  back  the  4  mm.   (4Ox)  objective   in 

lens  of  the  objectives  is  shown  in  face  view  niarp   flnri    rf,npPf.    f-v,-  PYnPri 

as  when  looking  down  upon  it  with  the  pla°e  and    repeat   tne  exPen- 

ocular  removed.  ment.    It  is  to  be  no  ted  that  the 

iris  must  be  wider  open  for  the 

4  mm.  Uox);   and  wider  still  for  the  3  mm.  (6ox)  (fig.  56),      One 
can  determine  more  easily  and  accurately  the  amount  of  aperture 

CH.  II] 


filled  in  the  objective,  the  centering  of  the  condenser  and  the  light- 
ing if  a  central  pinhole  cap  is  placed  over  the  top  of  the  tube  and 
one  looks  down  through  the  pinhole  (fig.  58). 

§  117.  Aperture;  and  centering  the  condenser  by  the  eyepoint 
— -  As  stated  by  A.  E.  Wright,  the  part  of  the  aperture  of  an  objec- 
tive lighted  in  any  given  case  is  most  easily  and  accurately  deter- 
mined in  the  focused  microscope  by  examining  the  eyepoint  with  a 
magnifier.  One  of  the  aplanats  of  10  to  15  magnification  is  good  for 
this.  The  magnifier  can  be  held  in  the  hand,  by  a  lens  holder  or  by 
Beck's  lens  holder  for  the  eyepoint  (figs.  24,  57).  If  the  focused 
microscope  is  brilliantly  lighted,  the  eyepoint  can  be  seen  and  its 
position  determined  by  the  use  of  a  piece  of  thin  paper  or  by  the 
use  of  ground  glass,  §  99.  If  the  magnifier  is  held  above  this  point 
and  raised  and  lowered  the  eyepoint  can  be  focused  as  if  it  were  an 
object.  When  in  focus  one  will  see  an  image  of  the  back  lens  of  the 
objective  and  of  the  diaphragm  opening.  Open  and  close  the  iris  and 
change  the  focus  of  the  magnifier  if  necessary  to  make  the  diaphragm 
opening  sharp.  By  closing  the  diaphragm  the 
back  lens  of  the  objective  will  be  only  partly 
lighted.  With  low  powers  it  is  easy  to  open  the 
iris  wide  enough  to  light  the  entire  back  lens. 
It  will  be  seen  in  this  experiment  that  the 
higher  the  power  the  wider  open  must  be  the 
iris  to  fill  the  back  lens  with  light.  This  means 
that  the  higher  power  has  a  larger  aperture  and 
hence  must  be  lighted  by  a  wider  aperture  from 
the  condenser;  and  that  necessitates  a  wider 
opening  to  the  iris.  By  looking  at  the  eyepoint 
with  the  magnifier  one  can  tell  exactly  how  much 
of  the  back  lens  is  lighted.  That  can  be  deter- 
mined less  certainly  by  taking  out  the  ocular  and 
looking  down  the  tube  of  the  microscope,  or  by 
using  the  pinhole  cap  (fig.  58). 

As  pointed  out  by  Wright,  p.  93,  a  study 
of  the  eyepoint  by  means  of  the  lens  (fig.  57) 
or  pinhole  cap  (fig.  58)  gives  very  definite  information: 

Focusing  Glass 




[Cn.  II 

(1)  Whether  the  back  lens  of  the  objective  is  filled  with  light,  or 
how  nearly  filled.     One  can  then  judge  whether  the  diaphragm  is 
opened  the  right  amount. 

(2)  Whether  the  condenser  axis  is  centered  to  the  axis  of  the 
objective.    If  it  is  not  the  opening  of  the  diaphragm  will  be  closer 
to  one  side.    If  centered  the  diaphragm  opening  will  be  in  the  center 
of  the  back  lens  of  the  objective. 

(3)  Dust  or  other  opacities  on  the  back  lens  will  be  brought  out. 

(4)  The  presence  of  air  bubbles  in  the  immersion  liquid  will  ap- 

§  118.  Experiments  in  centering.  —  Use  a  transparent  or  very 
translucent  specimen,  and  focus  the  microscope  with  any  objective. 
It  is  better  to  begin  with  an  8  mm.  (2ox)  or  a  16  mm.  (xox)  objec- 

Close  the  iris  as  much  as  possible,  and  then  examine  the  eyepoint 
with  the  magnifier.  Or  use  the  pinhole  cap  in  place  of  the  ocular 

(fig.  58).  The  opening  of  the  iris  should 
appear  in  the  middle  of  the  back  lens  of 
the  objective.  Open  the  iris  slowly  while 
looking  into  the  magnifier,  and  note 
whether  as  the  iris  opens,  it  disappears 
around  the  edge  of  the  back  lens  uniformly 
or  whether  it  remains  in  sight  longer  on 
one  side.  If  the  small  bright  spot  seems 
to  be  in  the  center  of  the  back  lens,  and 
the  iris  disappears  all  around  the  back 
lens  at  the  same  time,  then  the  condenser 
is  centered.  If  the  small  opening  is  ec- 
centric, and  if  the  diaphragm  does  not 
disappear  all  at  once  on  opening  the  iris, 
then  the  condenser  and  objective  are  not 
centered,  that  is,  are  not  on  the  same 
optic  axis. 

If  they  are  not  centered,  and  the 
substage  fitting  has  centering  screws  (fig.  60)  these  should  be 
turned  with  the  two  hands  while  looking  into  the  magnifier  until 


A     Top  view. 

B    Sectional  view. 


the  small  opening  seems  central,  and  then  until  the  iris  disappears 
equally  all  around  the  border  of  the  back  lens. 

If  there  are  no  centering  screws  to  the  substage,  as  in  student 
microscopes  and  some  others,  one  can  ignore  the  fact  if  the  eccentric- 
ity is  slight,  or  if  the  work  is  not  too  exacting.  If  the  eccentricity  is 
great,  it  is  best  to  send  the  microscope  to  the  makers  for  centering, 
unless  the  user  has  the  knowledge  and  mechanical  skill  to  make  the 
corrections  himself. 

With  some  microscopes  the  iris  diaphragm  is  so  placed  that  the 
condenser  projects  a  real  image  of  it  above  the  stage.  If  one  closes 
the  iris  and  uses  a  16  (icx)  or  8  (2ox)  mm.  objective,  this  real  image 
of  the  iris  can  be  seen  in  the  field  by  focusing  up  from  the  position 
where  a  specimen  would  be  in  focus.  In  some  cases  one  might  need 
to  focus  down  slightly.  If  the  image  of  the  iris  opening  is  in  the 
middle  of  the  field,  the  condenser  is  centered  to  the  objective;  if  it 
is  not  in  the  middle,  one  can  center  by  using  the  centering  screws 
(fig.  60). 

Sometimes  also  the  iris  can  be  made  eccentric  by  means  of  a  milled 
wheel,  therefore  before  trying  the  centering,  one  must  be  sure  that 
the  iris  diaphragm  is  centered,  and  not  eccentric  to  the  condenser. 

§  119.  Experiment  with  the  sky  as  light  source.  —  Remove  the  body 
of  the  microscope  with  its  objectives  in  the  nose-piece  from  the 
microscope  stand.  Put  some  lens  paper  in  the  tube  and  insert  the 
ocular  firmly.  This  is  so  it  will  not  fall  out  when  the  tube  is  pointed 
to  the  sky.  Take  along  the  magnifier  to  look  at  the  eyepoint  or 
use  its  pinhole  cap  in  place  of  an  ocular  (§117).  Go  out  in  the 
open  and  point  the  microscope  up  at  the  sky.  Use  the  objectives 
in  turn.  Each  of  the  dry  ones  will  have  its  aperture  completely 
filled;  but  the  immersion  objective  if  of  over  i.oo  N.A.  will  not  be 
filled.  There  will  be  a  dark  rim  around  the  objective  representing 
the  aperture  above  i.oo  N.A. 

§  120.  Aperture  filled  by  a  white  opaque  object.  —  Put  a  white 
card  or  any  thick  piece  of  white  paper  on  the  stage  of  the  micro- 
scope. Put  the  microscope  in  a  window  where  the  sun  can  shine  on 
the  paper,  or  use  some  brilliant  artificial  light  and  focus  on  the  upper 
surface  of  the  paper  under  the  objective.  The  daylight  lamp  (figs. 


79  or  80)  for  dark-field  work  is  excellent  for  this  experiment.  The 
success  of  the  experiment  depends  upon  a  bright  light;  how  it  is 
obtained  is  not  important. 

Focus  first  the  16  mm.  dox)  on  the  top  of  the  card.  The  back 
lens  will  be  full  of  light  showing  that  the  whole  aperture  is  satisfied. 
The  same  will  be  found  for  the  4  mm.  Uox).  Now  turn  the  homo- 
geneous immersion  objective  with  an  aperture  of  1.25  to  1.40  in 
place  and  focus  it  down  almost  to  the  paper.  The  back  lens  will 
now  have  a  dark  rim  around  it. 

To  satisfy  the  aperture  completely  some  homogeneous  liquid  must 
be  put  between  the  paper  and  the  front  lens  of  the  objective.  Keep 
the  eye  over  the  magnifier  above  the  eyepoint  or  use  a  pinhole  cap  and 
with  a  small  brush  or  in  some  other  way  put  some  homogeneous 
liquid  on  the  paper  at  the  edge  of  the  objective.  It  will  run  under 
by  capillarity;  and  as  it  spreads  over  the  face  of  the  objective,  the 
dark  rim  will  disappear.  Prove  this  is  true  by  focusing  up  until  the 
homogeneous  immersion  is  broken.  The  dark  rim  will  reappear. 
Now  focus  down  until  the  objective  again  becomes  immersed  and 
the  whole  aperture  will  again  be  filled  with  light.  In  a  word:  These 
experiments  show  that  a  numerical  aperture  not  exceeding  i.oo  N.A, 
can  be  supplied  to  the  microscope  by  light  in  air. 

§  121.  Aperture  with  transmitted  light  from  a  mirror.  —  With 
transmitted  light  through  thin  white  paper  or  ground  glass  or  other 
light  scattering  substance,  the  entire  hemisphere  will  also  be  filled 
with  light  by  the  mirror.  This  is  easily  demonstrated  by  placing  a 
piece  of  glass  ground  on  both  surfaces  on  the  stage  of  the  microscope, 
and  lighting  it  well  with  the  plain  mirror.  If  any  dry  objective  is 
focused  on  the  upper  granular  surface  of  the  glass,  its  aperture  will 
be  found  entirely  filled  with  light.  If  now  a  homogeneous  immersion 
objective  is  focused  on  the  granular  surface,  its  aperture  will  be  only 
partly  filled  with  light.  Just  as  when  pointing  the  objective  toward 
the  open  sky,  the  central  part  of  the  back  lens  will  be  lighted,  but 
there  will  fee  a  dark  border  all  around  it.  This  border  may  be  dimly 
lighted  by  the  diffracted  light,  but  it  will  not  be  anywhere  near  as 
light  as  the  central  i.oo  N.A.  Now  while  looking  at  the  image  of  the 
back  lens  in  the  eyepoint  (§117),  if  some  homogeneous  immersion 


liquid  is  put  on  the  glass  at  the  edge  of  the  objective,  it  will  gradu- 
ally run  in  between  the  objective  front  and  the  glass  and  as  it  does 
so,  one  can  see  the  whole  aperture  becoming  filled.  If  the  objective 
is  focused  up  until  the  immersion  liquid  breaks,  leaving  air  again 
between  the  ground  glass  and  the  objective  front,  the  aperture  will 
again  be  filled  only  to  the  i.oo  N.A.  as  shown  by  the  dark  border. 

If  rather  thick  cedar  oil  is  used  for  the  immersion  liquid,  it  is  pos- 
sible by  focusing  up  carefully  to  have  the  oil  column  only  partly  un- 
cover the  front  lens  of  the  objective,  then  the  part  uncovered  will 
show  the  dark  rim  of  unfilled  aperture  while  the  other  part  will  be 
completely  filled.  By  careful  focusing  one  can  make  the  immersion 
liquid  flow  back  and  forth  over  the  front  lens  and  see  the  change  in 
aperture  from  the  covered  to  the  uncovered  portion.  After  such  an 
experiment  one  can  never  again  doubt  the  efficiency  of  an  immersion 
fluid  of  greater  refraction  than  air  for  increasing  the  aperture  of  the 

§  122.  Aperture  with  translucent  objects.  —  If  the  object  does 
not  scatter  the  light  as  with  ground  glass  or  thin  paper,  etc.,  then 
the  aperture  of  the  light  going  to  the  object  will  pass  on  to  the  ob- 
jective and  will  determine  the  amount  of  aperture  the  objective  has 
available  for  forming  an  image. 

Aperture  with  translucent  objects  lighted  by  a  mirror.  —  Use  any 
translucent  or  transparent  object  like  a  stage  micrometer  or  a 
thin  histological  section.  Turn  the  condenser  aside,  and  use  the 
mirror  only  for  illumination.  Use  first  a  16  mm.  (lox)  objective. 
Focus  the  well  lighted  specimen  and  examine  the  back  lens  by  the 
pinhole  cap  after  the  ocular  has  been  removed,  or  by  looking  at 
the  eyepoint  with  a  magnifier  (§117).  With  a  16  mm.  (lox)  of 
N.A.  0.25,  the  entire  aperture  will  be  filled  with  light  either  from 
the  plane  or  from  the  concave  mirror.  With  a  16  mm.  (xox)  ob- 
jective of  0.30  N.A.  the  5  centimeter  mirror  barely  fills  the  aperture. 
A  mirror  of  6  centimeters  diameter  fills  the  aperture  completely. 
As  the  usual  microscope  mirror  is  rarely  over  5  centimeters  in  diam- 
eter, it  can  be  stated  that  with  a  mirror  alone  only  about  0.25  N.A. 
can  be  supplied. 

§  123.  Aperture  with  translucent  objects  lighted  by  a  substage 


condenser.  —  Use  a  translucent  object  mounted  in  Canada  balsam, 
but  put  the  condenser  in  position  and  close  to  the  object.  Light  with 
the  plane  mirror.  First  use  the  16  mm.  (lox)  objective;  open  the 
iris.  Look  down  the  tube  or  at  the  eyepoint.  The  aperture  is 
completely  filled.  Turn  a  4  mm.  (40*)  objective  into  position,  focus, 
and  then  look  down  the  tube  or  at  the  eyepoint  with  a  magnifier. 
Open  and  close  the  iris.  By  opening  it  widely  the  entire  aperture 
will  be  used  as  shown  by  the  back  lens  full  of  light. 

Now  turn  the  homogeneous  immersion  into  position,  and  without 
adding  any  immersion  liquid,  focus  the  objective.  Look  at  the  back 
lens  and  it  will  be  found  only  partly  filled  with  light,  although  the 
iris  is  wide  open.  Add  the  homogeneous  liquid  so  that  there  will  be 
immersion  contact  with  the  objective  and  specimen.  Look  at  the 
back  lens  again,  and  it  will  be  found  that  the  aperture  is  more  com- 
pletely filled,  but  there  is  still  a  dark  rim  around  the  outside  just  as 
there  was  when  looking  at  the  sky  (§  119).  This  is  in  spite  of  the 
fact  that  the  immersion  objective  is  in  homogeneous  immersion  con- 
tact with  the  object  or  its  cover-glass.  In  §  120  when  the  homo- 
geneous liquid  made  immersion  contact,  the  aperture  was  completely 
filled  with  light;  why  is  it  not  in  this  experiment?  With  §§  120- 
121  the  object  itself  scattered  the  light  and  filled  the  whole  hemi- 
sphere above,  consequently  when  the  homogeneous  liquid  was  added, 
the  full  aperture  could  be  satisfied.  Tn  this  case  the  specimen  does 
not  scatter  the  light  to  any  extent,  and  the  objective  receives  only 
the  aperture  of  light  that  went  from  the  condenser  through  the 
object  to  the  objective. 

But  as  the  substage  condenser  has  an  aperture  of  1.20  to  1.40 
N.A.,  why  does  it  not  supply  the  adequate  aperture  to  the  object 
so  that  the  objective  aperture  will  be  completely  satisfied?  The 
law  of  optics  by  which  no  aperture  greater  than  i.oo  N.A.  can 
pass  from  a  denser  medium  to  air  prevails  here,  for  there  is  air  be- 
tween the  top  of  the  condenser  and  the  under  surface  of  the  glass 
slip  bearing  the  specimen,  hence  the  object  cannot  be  lighted  by  such 
an  arrangement  with  a  cone  with  an  aperture  greater  than  i.oo  N.A. 
The  way  the  difficulty  is  overcome  is  shown  in  the  next  section. 

§  124.   Immersion   substage    condenser.  —  If   the   substage   con- 


denser  has  air  between  its  upper  face  and  the  under  surface  of  the 
glass  slip  on  which  the  specimen  is  mounted,  the  condenser,  no 
matter  what  its  possible  aperture,  can  send  into  the  air  only  an 
aperture  of  i.ooN.A.  (fig.  55  A).  If  the  condenser  is  to  illuminate 
the  object  with  an  aperture  greater  than  one,  then  there  must  be  a 
medium  of  higher  refractive  index  than  air  between  the  top  of  the 
condenser  and  the  under  surface  of  the  glass  slip. 

This  statement  is  very  easily  verified  by  the  following  experiment. 
Use  a  homogeneous  immersion  objective,  and  some  rather  transpar- 
ent object,  or  take  a  clean  glass  slip  and  with  a  fine  pen  make  a  line 
in  the  middle  with  India  ink.  This  is  to  give  something  to  focus  on. 
Use  the  homogeneous  immersion  fluid  on  the  objective  as  usual  and 
focus  the  ink  line,  then  move  the  slip  so  that  the  black  line  will  not 
obscure  the  field.  Open  the  iris  diaphragm  to  its  full  extent  so  that 
the  condenser  will  have  a  chance  to  work  at  full  aperture.  Light 
well  with  the  plane  mirror.  Examine  the  eyepoint  with  a  magnifier 
(§  117)  or  use  the  pinhole  cap  (fig.  58)  and  note  that  there  is  a 
dark  rim  around  the  margin  of  the  back  lens  of  the  objective  just  as 
there  was  when  the  microscope  was  pointed  toward  the  sky  or  used 
with  the  ground  glass.  That  is,  as  only  a  numerical  aperture  of 
i. oo  could  be  supplied  by  the  condenser  with  air  between  it  and  the 
glass  slip,  only  a  numerical  aperture  of  i.oo  of  the  objective  is 
filled.  Without  changing  the  objective  in  any  way,  lower  the 
condenser  and  put  on  its  upper  face  a  good  drop  of  the  immersion 
liquid,  and  then  slowly  run  it  up  until  the  oil  on  its  upper  face  comes 
in  contact  with  the  lower  face  of  the  slip.  Now  look  at  the  back 
lens  of  the  objective  and  note  that  the  aperture  of  the  objective  is 
filled.  To  make  still  more  striking  the  demonstration,  while  looking 
at  the  back  lens  of  the  objective,  lower  the  condenser  very  slightly. 
This  will  break  the  immersion  contact  on  one  side.  Lower  till 
about  half  of  the  aperture  shows  immersion  contact.  On  the  side 
where  the  immersion  is  lost  the  dark  rim  will  show,  and  on  the  side 
still  immersed  it  will  be  absent  (§§  120-121). 

If  then  one  is  to  use  the  full  aperture  of  any  objective  with  an 
aperture  greater  than  one  i.oo  N.A.,  both  the  objective  and  the  con- 
denser must  be  immersed  in  some  fluid  with  a  higher  refractive  index 


than  air.  In  the  experiment  the  homogeneous  liquid  was  of  much 
higher  index  (1.52). 

§  125.  Correlation  of  objective  and  condenser  aperture.  —  It  is 
evident  from  the  experiment  in  §  124  that  if  the  objective  is  to  be 
used  at  its  full  aperture  the  condenser  on  the  microscope  must  be  of 
sufficient  aperture  to  satisfy  the  objective.  Strange  as  it  may  appear, 
however,  many  microscopes  are  regularly  supplied  with  objectives 
of  1.25  to  1.30  N.A.,  and  much  is  made  of  the  fact,  but  the  con- 
denser supplied  on  the  microscope  has  at  the  outside  not  over  1.20 
N.A.  and  not  one  in  a  hundred  who  uses  such  a  microscope  ever 
makes  immersion  contact  with  the  condenser  and  glass  slip,  and 
therefore  never  uses  more  than  an  aperture  of  i.oo  N.A.  The  few 
that  would  like  to  utilize  the  high  aperture,  of  which  so  much  is  said 
in  the  microscope  catalogues  of  all  manufacturers,  cannot  do  so 
with  the  low  apertured  condenser  regularly  supplied. 

Fortunately  it  is  now  becoming  the  fashion  of  users  of  the  micro- 
scope to  know  something  of  the  optics  of  their  most  efficient  servant 
and  the  manufacturers  are  helping  to  spread  the  knowledge  needed, 
and  to  supply  most  excellent  condensers  to  meet  the  most  exacting 
requirements.  It  is  to  the  credit  of  the  British  microscopists  and 
manufacturers  that  they  have  always  been  in  the  lead  in  such  mat- 
ters. —  (See  Brewster,  Carpenter-Dallinger,  Nelson,  Coles,  and  Con- 
rad Beck,  etc.) 

§  126.  Experiment  with  a  1.20  N.A.  condenser  (fig.  59)  and  an 
objective  with  1.25  to  1.40  N.A.  —  Use  a  transparent  specimen  in 
Canada  balsam  like  that  used  in  §  125.  Connect  condenser  and 
glass  slip  with  homogeneous  liquid  (§  125).  Use  the  homogeneous 
immersion  objective  with  as  high  an  aperture  as  is  available,  and 
employ  the  correct  homogeneous  liquid.  Focus  sharply.  Now  look 
at  the  back  lens  of  the  objective  and  open  and  close  the  iris  diaphragm 
so  that  the  opening  shows  unmistakably.  Now  open  the  iris  to  its  full 
extent.  There  will  still  be  a  dark  rim  around  the  outside.  That  is, 
a  condenser  with  an  aperture  of  1.20  cannot  supply  an  aperture  of 
1,25  to  1.40  N.A.  even  though  it  is  in  immersion  contact  with  the 
under  side  of  the  slip. 

If  one  has  available  a  substage  condenser  of  1.40  N.A.  and  it  is  in 

CH.  II] 




immersion  contact  with  the  glass  slip,  the  full  aperture  of  the  objec- 
tive can  be  filled.    For  the  methods  of  determining  the  numerical 
aperture    (N.A.)    of    objectives   and    condensers 
see  §  261  et.  sq. 

§  127.  Diffracted  light  and  aperture.  —  With 
many  objects  when  illuminated  by  transmitted 
light  there  is  considerable,  and  with  all  objects  a 
certain  amount  of  diffraction  of  the  light  going 
through  them;  consequently  there  is  a  greater  or 
less  amount  of  diffracted  light  in  addition  to 
the  original  cone.  This  additional  diffracted 
light  may  be  so  great  in  amount  that  the  whole 
aperture  of  the  objective  of  1.30  to  1.40  N.A.  may 
be  filled,  although  the  condenser  may  have  an  CONDENSER 
aperture  of  only  1.20  N.A.  In  most  cases  the  vc 

diffracted  light  is  very  weak  as  compared  with   Iris  diaphragm. 
that  directly  from  the  condenser  and  object,  hence 
the  aperture  supplied  by  the  condenser  will  be  very  bright  in  com- 
parison with  the  aperture  filled  by  the  diffracted    light,   and    the 
zone  at  the  edge  of  the  objective  appears  as  a  gray  rim  around  the 
edge.     If  there  were  no  diffracted  light,  it  would  look  black,  be- 
yond the  aperture  supplied  by  the  condenser. 

Much  has  been  said  in  recent  years  about  the  supreme  importance 
of  diffracted  light  in  microscopy.  As  diffracted  light  forms  an  im- 
portant part  of  all  light,  no  one  can  doubt  that  it  is  of  importance. 
It  seems  to  the  writer,  however,  that  this  constituent  has  been  by 
some  over-emphasized  and  given  undue  prominence  in  microscopic 

§  128.  Optical  corrections  of  the  substage  condenser.  —  Funda- 
mentally the  substage  condenser  has  for  its  purpose  the  illumination 
of  the  object.  One  of  the  pictures  showing  the  use  of  a  condenser  for 
the  microscope  is  given  by  Descartes  (fig.  312)  and  is  a  plano-convex 
lens  with  the  plane  side  toward  the  source  of  light. 

In  the  early  period  of  uncorrected  lenses,  and  also  at  the  present 
time  with  the  popular  Abbe  condenser,  which  is  neither  achromatic 
nor  aplanatic,  the  main  purpose  seems  to  be  to  supply  an  abundance 


of  light.  If  one  bears  in  mind  that  no  matter  how  carefully  corrected 
the  objective  may  be,  if  the  light  received  by  it  from  the  condenser 
is  full  of  chromatic  and  spherical  aberration,  it  is  not  fair  to  expect 
the  objective  to  make  a  perfect  picture.  Over  100  years  ago  Sir 
David  Brewster  appreciated  the  difficulties,  and  stated  with  great 
clearness  what  seemed  to  him  the  means  for  obtaining  correct  micro- 
scopic images.  He  says  of  illumination  in  general:  "  The  art  of 
illuminating  microscopic  objects  is  not  of  less  importance  than  that 
of  preparing  them  for  observation."  "  The  eye  should  be  protected 
from  all  extraneous  light,  and  should  not  receive  any  of  the  light 
which  proceeds  from  the  illuminating  center,  excepting  that  portion 
of  it  which  is  transmitted  through  or  reflected  from  the  object." 
So  likewise  the  value  and  character  of  the  substage  condenser  was 
thoroughly  understood  and  pointed  out  by  him  as  follows:  "  I 
have  no  hesitation  in  saying  that  the  apparatus  for  illumination 
requires  to  be  as  perfect  as  the  apparatus  for  vision,  and  on  this 
account  I  would  recommend  that  the  illuminating  lens  should  be 
perfectly  free  of  chromatic  and  spherical  aberration,  and  the  greatest 
care  be  taken  to  exclude  all  extraneous  light  both  from  the  object 
and  from  the  eye  of  the  observer."  (See  Sir  David  Brewster 's  treatise 
on  the  Microscope,  1837,  pp.  136,  138,  146,  and  the  Edinburgh 
Journal  of  Science,  new  series,  No.  n  (1831)  p.  83.) 

While  the  simple  and  relatively  inexpensive  substage  condensers 
of  the  Abbe  type  (fig.  59)  serve  fairly  well  for  student  and  general 
work  it  is  evident  that  for  the  most  exacting  work  achromatic-apla- 
natic  condensers  are  required.  If  it  is  true,  as  all  agree,  that  for  a 
perfect  image  of  an  object  no  light  should  reach  the  eye  except  from 
the  object,  then  it  is  readily  seen  that  an  achromatic-aplanatic  con- 
denser must  be  used  for  it  is  only  by  such  a  condenser  that  the 
object  can  be  so  lighted  that  no  light  reaches  the  eye  except  from 
the  object.  Condensers  with  both  chromatic  and  spherical  aberra- 
tion cannot  direct  their  entire  cone  of  light  upon  the  object  and 
hence  much  light  must  reach  the  eye  which  does  not  come  from  the 
object.  In  so  far  as  that  is  the  case,  the  image  will  be  imperfect. 

The  clearness  of  the  images  with  the  best  dark-field  condensers 
gives  abundant  evidence  for  this  contention.  With  the  highest 

CH.  II] 




powers,  if  perfection  is  sought  for,  the  object  must  be  mounted  on 
glass  of  cover-glass  thickness,  and  a  homogeneous  immersion  objec- 
tive used  for  condenser  as  well 
as  for  forming  the  microscopic 
image,  and  both  are  in  homoge- 
neous contact  below  and  above 
the   object   respectively.     Or   a 
condenser  of  objective  perfection   csl 
must  be  used.     Special  homoge- 
neous immersion  condensers  are 
demanded  by  some  workers,  and 
are   willingly   produced    by   the 
opticians.     However,    the   com- 
mon practice  of  using  the  same 
substage  condenser,  dry  or  im-        ^  6o    ACHROMATIC.APLANATIC> 
mersed,  as  occasion  requires,  is      CENTERING,  SUBSTAGE  CONDENSER. 
justified  from   the   fact  that  the   (From  the   Catalogue  of   the   Spencer 
working    distance    of    the    sub-       CA    coarse  Adjustment  for  the  con- 
stage    condenser   is    exceedingly  denser. 

,  ,    ,  .,          ,      .    ",        FA     Fine   adjustment   for   the  con- 

short,    and*  hence    its    spherical  denscr> 

and    chromatic    corrections    are       OS',  CS    Centering  screws  for  center- 
v  i  -LI          cc     *.  A        u  4.1-        ing  the  condenser. 

very    slightly   affected   whether     klr    Handle  for  working  the  iris  dia. 

used     dry     or    immersed.       Of  phragm. 

.-  ,  .Obi    Milled    head    for    working    the 

course,   if   an   aperture    greater  oblique-light  iris. 

than    i. oo   N.A.   is   desired   the 

condenser  must  be  immersed.    (§§  124-125.) 

g  __8a.  The  writer  is  indebted  to  Mr.  H.  N.  Ott  of  the  Spencer  Lens 
Company  for  help  in  this  matter.  Mr.  Ott  says:  "If  the  object  were  in  optical 
contact  with  the  objective,  that  is,  the  working  distance  reduced  to  zero,  and 
the  condenser  in  like  manner  in  optical  contact,  there  would  be  no  difference 
whether  the  objective  or  the  condenser  were  immersed  or  not.  The  working 
distance  of  the  objective,  small  as  it  is,  is  relatively  great  as  compared  with  the 
working  distance  of  the  condenser.  The  working  distance  of  the  condenser  ap- 
proaches so  nearly  to  zero  that  there  is  no  great  difference  in  its  chromatic 
and  spherical  corrections  whether  it  is  immersed  or  not.  Hence  all  forms  of 
condensers,  the  Abbe  type  and  the  aplanatic-achromatic  type,  may  be  used 
either  immersed  or  not  as  required.  It  is  of  course  impossible  to  get  an  aper- 
ture greater  than  i.oo  N.A.  unless  the  condenser  is  immersed." 

§  129.   Condensers  for  student  microscopes.  —  These  are  usually 



[CH.  II 

of  the  non-achromatic  or  Abbe  form  (fig.  61);  and  the  construction 
of  the  modern  microscope  is  sufficiently  accurate  so  that  they  are 
nearly  enough  centered  for  all  practical  purposes 
(Beck).  Sometimes  they  get  so  badly  decentered 
that  they  should  be  either  sent  to  the  makers,  or 
should  be  put  right  by  some  one  with  mechanical 
ability  connected  with  the  laboratory. 

§  130.  Mirror  and  light  for  the  condenser.  — 
It  is  best  to  use  light  with  parallel  rays.  The 
rays  of  daylight  are  practically  parallel;  it  is 
best,  therefore,  to  employ  the  plane  mirror  for 
all  but  the  lowest  powers.  If  low  powers  are 
CONDENSER  WITH  used,  the  whole  field  is  not  illuminated  with  the 
PARALLEL  LIGHT.  plane  mirror  when  the  condenser  is  close  to  the 
obJect5  furthermore,  the  image  of  the  window 
frame,  objects  outside  the  building,  as  trees,  etc., 
would  appear  with  unpleasant  distinctness  in  the  field  of  the 
microscope.  To  overcome  these  defects  one  can  lower  the  con- 
denser and  thus  light  the  object  with  a  diverging  cone  of  light,  or 
use  the  concave  mirror  and  attain  the  same  end  when  the  condenser 
is  close  to  the  object  (fig.  57). 

§  131.  Lighting  the  entire  field  with  a  condenser.  —  With  the 
condenser  there  are  two  conditions  that  must  be  fulfilled;  the  proper 
aperture  must  be  used,  and  the  whole  field  must  be  lighted.  As  seen 
in  §  124  the  diaphragm  of  the  condenser  regulates  the  aperture  of  the 
illuminating  cone  but  does  not  affect  the  size  of  the  lighted  field 
unless  it  is  far  below  the  condenser.  The  size  of  field  that  is  lighted 
by  a  condenser  can  be  modified  in  two  ways: 

(1)  Suppose  that  the  image  of  the  source  of  light  is  focused  on  the 
object,  the  size  of  that  image  will  determine  the  size  of  field  which 
is  illuminated  in  a  given  case.    If  the  illuminated  field  is  not  so  large 
as  the  objective  field,  then  the  source  of  light  is  too  small,  or  too  far 
away.    In  that  case,  use  a  larger  source  or  bring  the  source  closer  to 
the  microscope. 

(2)  By  lowering  the  condenser  or  using  the  concave  mirror  a 
much  larger  object  can  be  fully  lighted,  as  it  is  in  a  diverging  cone 

CH.  II] 



of  light  above  the  focal  point  of  the  condenser  where  the  light  is 
spread  over  a  greater  area  (fig.  61). 

For  quite  low  objectives,  35  (4.5x)  to  60  mm.  (2.6x)  focus,  it  is 
better  to  remove  the  condenser 
and  use  the  mirror  only.  The 
whole  field  can  be  illuminated 
easily  and  sufficiently  in  this 

§  132.  Substage  condensers 
with  removable  top.  —  In  most 
of  the  good  modern,  sub  stage 
condensers  the  upper  or  top  ele- 
ment is  removable,  and  the  ele- 
ment next  the  mirror  used  alone. 
With  this  lower  element  a  suffi- 
ciently large  field  can  be  lighted 
to  satisfy  nearly  all  require- 
ments. Indeed  the  lower  ele- 
ment is  so  well  corrected  that 
for  most  purposes  objectives  as 
high  as  the  4  mm.  (4ox)  are 
well  lighted,  provided  the  con- 
denser is  placed  at  the  right  dis- 
tance below  the  stage.  One  can 
easily  determine  that  by  trial. 
As  the  lower  element  is  of  much 
longer  focus  than  the  entire 
condenser,  it  must  be  lowered. 

FIG.  62. 

(From  Chamot). 

The  iris  diaphragm  is  opened  com- 
pletely and  the  light  from  one  side  is 
blocked  out  by  inserting  the  finger;  this 
gives  unsymmetrical  light  and  all  of  it  is 
oblique  to  the  optic  axis. 

For    the    dark-field    element   to 

go  with  these  separable  condensers  see  §  181. 

§  133.  Axial  and  oblique  light  with  the  condenser.  —  To  demon- 
strate the  effect  of  the  methods  of  illumination  when  a  condenser  is 
used,  take  any  striking  preparation  like  a  diatom  (Pleurosigma 
angulatum,  for  example);  employ  a  4  mm.  (4ox)  objective.  Being 
sure  that  the  condenser  is  centered,  fill  the  aperture  of  the  objective 
about  f  full  of  light  (§  124).  Study  the  preparation  with  the  central 


light  and  note  the  appearance  of  the  markings.  Cover  a  part  of  the 
diaphragm  opening  by  putting  the  finger  or  some  other  opaque 
object  between  it  and  the  mirror  (fig.  62).  Note  that  the  markings 
come  out  more  strongly.  Hold  the  finger  in  position  and  open  the 
diaphragm  widely  and  see  if  the  markings  can  still  be  made  out. 
Now  remove  the  finger  so  that  the  object  is  lighted  by  the  full 
aperture  of  central  light.  Probably  the  markings  will  not  appear  at 
all.  Put  the  finger  back  in  position  to  give  oblique  light  and  the 
markings  will  again  be  seen.  Remove  the  finger  and  slowly  close  up 
the  diaphragm,  When  the  proper  aperture  is  reached  the  markings 
will  again  appear. 

For  histological  preparations  the  oblique  light  is  not  a  help  in 
bringing  out  details  of  structure.  There  the  end  is  reached  by  using 
the  proper  aperture,  regulating  the  source  of  light,  and  by  differen- 
tial staining. 

§  134.  Lateral  swaying.  —  Frequently  in  studying  an  object, 
especially  with  a  high  power,  the  image  will  appear  to  sway  from 
side  to  side  in  focusing  up  or  down.  A  glass  stage  micrometer  or 
fly's  wing  is  an  excellent  object.  Make  the  light  central  or  axial, 
focus  up  and  down,  and  notice  that  the  lines  simply  disappear  or 
grow  dim.  Now  make  the  light  oblique,  either  by  making  the 
diaphragm  opening  eccentric  or,  if  simply  a  mirror  is  used,  by 
swinging  the  mirror  sidewise.  On  focusing  up  and  down,  the  lines 
will  sway  from  side  to  side.  What  is  the  direction  of  apparent  move- 
ment in  focusing  down  with  reference  to  the  illuminating  ray? 
What  in  focusing  up?  If  one  understands  the  experiment  it  may 
sometimes  save  a  great  deal  of  confusion. 

§  136.  Critical  illumination.  —  This  expression  strictly  used  means 
that  the  image  of  the  source  of  illumination  is  projected  upon  the 
object  by  the  condenser  (fig.  63).  The  object  then  appears  in  the 
image  of  the  light  source.  If  the  image  of  the  light  source  is  to  be 
used  with  the  chalet  lamp,  then  the  daylight  glass  filter  must  be 
polished  on  both  sides  and  the  bulb  be  of  transparent,  not  frosted 
glass.  The  filament  is  not  large  enough  to  cover  the  field  except 
when  using  high  objectives. 

CH.  II] 





C,  Fl  The  light  is  in  the  center  and 
illuminates  the  object. 

Exc,  Fl  The  light  is  at  one  side  of  the 
center  and  does  not  illuminate  the  object. 
(The  field  is  not  fully  lighted,  as  a  low 
powe.r  is  used  to  center  the  object  and 
the  light.) 

Used  less  strictly  it  means  any  very  exact  method  of  illumination 
which  will  give  the  clearest  image  in  any  given  case.  Many  good 
workers  get  a  sharp  image  of  the  source  of  light  upon  the  object  and 
then  focus  the  condenser  down 
just  enough  to  throw  the 
image  out  of  focus.  If  one 
uses  ground  daylight  glass  or 
ground  ordinary  glass  over 
the  window  of  the  chalet 
lamp  for  example,  the  ground 
glass  becomes  the  source  of 
light  and  if  that  is  focused  on 
the  specimen,  the  granulation 
of  the  surface  takes  away  from 
the  sharpness.  This  is  en- 
tirely obviated  by  throwing 
the  image  of  the  ground  glass 
just  out  of  focus.  A  lamp 
flame  in  like  manner,  or  the  coils  of  an  incandescent  lamp  have 
irregularities  that  injure  the  microscopic  image  if  the  image  of  the 
light  source  is  sharply  focused  on  the  object.  Unless,  then,  the 
light  source  is  entirely  homogeneous,  it  is  better  to  have  its  image 
out  of  focus  on  the  object. 

§  136.  Aperture  of  the  condenser  with  critical  illumination.  — 
The  most  general  rule  followed  —  the  Nelsonian  rule  —  is  to  open 
the  iris  diaphragm  of  the  condenser  till  about  three-fourths  of  the 
aperture  of  the  objective  is  filled  with  light.  For  moderate  powers 
one  can  tell  easily  by  taking  out  the  ocular  and  looking  down  the 
tube  of  the  microscope  at  the  back  lens  of  the  objective.  About 
three-fourths  of  the  lens  should  be  lighted.  One  can  judge  by  open- 
ing and  closing  the  iris  until  it  is  judged  that  three-fourths  the 
diameter  is  bright,  and  one-fourth  dark.  For  high  powers  one  can 
tell  more  accurately  by  looking  with  a  magnifier  or  the  pinhole  cap 
(§  1 18,  fig.  58)  (figs.  57-58,  §  1 17)  at  the  eyepoint  above  the  ocular  when 
the  microscope  is  in  focus.  In  the  actual  study  the  diaphragm  is 
frequently  closed  more  or  less  and  opened  to  get  the  best  effect  in 


any  given  case.  One  has  to  keep  in  mind  always,  however,  that 
the  amount  of  fine  detail  that  it  is  possible  to  see  depends  upon  the 
numerical  aperture  by  which  it  is  studied.  As  will  appear  in  the 
next  section  the  amount  of  aperture  which  is  usable  in  a  given  case 
depends  partly  on  the  size  of  the  source  of  light,  and  the  character 
of  that  light. 

§  137.  The  source  and  character  of  the  light.  —  The  statements 
of  three  British  workers  are  so  to  the  point  in  this  connection  that 
they  are  quoted:  —  Sir  David  Brewster,  1831-1837.  "  The  gieatest 
care  (should)  be  taken  to  exclude  all  extraneous  light  both  from  the 
object  and  from  the  eye  of  the  observer."  Wright,  "  Principles  of 
Microscopy, "  p.  219:  "  The  necessity  for  the  regulation  of  the 
source  of  illumination  will  appear  when  we  consider  the  optical 
conditions  which  obtain  where  an  extended  radiant  field  such  as  is 
furnished  by  the  sky  or  a  broad  lamp  tlame  is  employed  as  a  source 
of  light.  With  such  an  extended  source,  its  image  will  be  larger 
than  the  field  of  any  objective. . 

From  the  radiant  points  included  within  this  illuminated  area 
beams  will  pass  into  the  aperture  of  the  objective.  Those  from  the 
center  of  the  field  —  always  assuming  that  their  numerical  aperture 
does  not  exceed  the  numerical  aperture  of  the  objective  —  will  pass 
through  the  aperture  unmutilated.  It  will  be  different  with  respect 
to  the  beams  which  proceed  from  the  periphery  of  the  field.  These, 
taking  the  aperture  obliquely,  will,  unless  in  the  case  where  their 
numerical  aperture  is  much  less  than  that  of  the  objective,  be  cut 
down  in  an  unsymmetrical  manner  by  the  margin  of  the  objective, 
exactly  in  the  same  way  as  would  be  the  case  if  transmitted  through 
an  elliptical,  or,  in  the  extreme  case,  through  a  slit  aperture. 

"  It  follows  that  while  the  radiant  points  in  the  center  of  the  field 
will  be  represented  in  the  image  by  circular  antipoints  whose  dimen- 
sions will  be  determined  by  the  full  numerical  aperture  of  the  objec- 
tive, the  radiant  points  on  the  periphery  of  the  field  will  be  represented 
in  the  image  by  elliptical  or  linear  antipoints  whose  long  axes  will  in 
each  case  be  disposed  radially  to  the  aperture,  overlapping  the  anti- 
points  in  the  center  of  the  field  in  such  a  manner  as  to  fog  the  image." 

Conrad  Beck,  Journal  of  the  Royal  Microscopical  Society,  1922, 


pp.  399-405,  and  in  his  book  "  The  Microscope,"  Part  II,  1924,  p. 
105:  "  For  the  correct  delineation  of  a  microscopic  object  seen  with 
transmitted  light,  no  light  should  reach  the  eye  that  has  not  passed 
through  the  object."  It  is  well  also  to  keep  in  mind  what  was  found 
out  by  the  older  opticians,  viz.,  that  for  the  discrimination  of  the 
fine  details  of  an  object  one  is  far  more  successful  when  working  in  a 
dark  or  a  dimly  lighted  room  so  that  the  light  from  the  object  under 
the  microscope  or  seen  through  any  optical  instrument  is  the  only 
light  entering  the  eye.  The  astronomers  also  found  long  ago  that  no 
successful  study  could  be  made  of  the  faint  nebulae  on  a  bright 
moonlight  night. 

—-§  138.  Brightness  for  the  best  visual  acuity. — For  the  best 
visual  acuity  with  the  naked  eye  it  is  believed  that  light  objects 
should  be  illuminated  by  i~  to  3-foot  (10-  to  3o-meter)  candles.  Dark 
objects  must  have  a  proportionally  increased  illumination. 

As  the  microscope  gives  an  apparent  increase  in  the  area  of  the 
object  looked  at,  i.e.,  in  proportion  to  the  square  of  the  magnifying 
power,  it  follows  that  if  the  same  brilliancy  is  to  be  maintained  the 
light  must  be  increased  in  the  same  proportion.  That  is,  if  a  square 
centimeter  of  an  opaque  object  had  a  given  brilliancy  when  seen  by 
the  naked  eye,  when  magnified  10  diameters  giving  an  area  of  100 
square  centimeters,  the  illumination  must  be  increased  100  times  if 
the  brightness  remains  constant. 

For  translucent  objects  lighted  by  transmitted  light,  the  matter 
is  complicated  because  microscopic  objectives  vary  in  aperture  from 
the  lower  to  the  higher  powers  regularly,  and  with  the  same  powers 
depending  on  their  construction,  also  on  the  aperture  of  the  cone  of 
light  sent  to  the  object  by  the  mirror  or  through  the  condenser.  As 
the  brilliancy  varies  directly  as  the  square  of  the  numerical  aperture, 
but  inversely  as  the  square  of  the  magnifying  power,  both  the  aper- 
ture and  the  magnifying  power  must  be  considered  when  estimating 
the  intensity  of  the  light  required  to  maintain  a  constant  favorable 
brilliancy  of  the  object  for  the  discrimination  of  its  fine  details. 

Conrad  Beck  in  his  recent  work  on  "  The  Microscope,"  Part  II, 
p.  104,  taking  into  account  the  aperture,  the  magnifying  power  and 
the  light  losses  in  the  microscope,  gives  the  following  table  of  de- 


sirable  foot  candles  for  different  powers.    Candle  meters  in  round 
numbers  have  been  added  in  the  third  column. 

Mag.  power  Foot  candles  Candle  meters 

50  16  172 

100  20  255 

300  So  538 

600  80  86 1 

1000  250  2691 

2OOO  1050  H3O2 

Diffuse  daylight  can  rarely  supply  more  than  100  foot  candles 
(1076  candle  meters)  and  hence  is  not  sufficiently  brilliant  for  powers 
above  500  to  600  diameters.  Besides  it  is  exceedingly  variable  in 
intensity  during  the  different  hours  of  daylight,  and  in  different 
seasons  of  the  year.  For  these  reasons  many  workers  discard  day- 
light altogether  for  exacting  work,  and  utilize  some  artificial  source 
like  one  of  the  different  daylight  lamps  (figs.  46,  80),  the  "  tungsarc" 
or  the  "  pointlite  "  lamp.  Even  the  petroleum  or  kerosene  lamp  has 
its  enthusiastic  advocates  where  color  values  are  not  involved. 
From  personal  observation  the  yellow  petroleum  light  does  not 
permit  so  clear  an  appearance  of  fine  details  as  the  daylight  lamp. 
Furthermore  it  is  much  more  tiring  to  the  eye  with  most  observers 
who  have  made  comparative  tests. 

For  some  special  work  it  has  been  found  desirable  to  use  color 
screens  or  even  pure  spectral  colors.  In  general  the  shorter  the  wav^ 
length  of  the  light  used,  the  finer  the  detail  that  can  be  made  out. 
For  example,  with  rulings  and  diatoms,  finer  lines  and  finer  markings 
can  be  seen  with  blue  light  than  with  red. 

In  recent  times  there  has  been  a  revival  of  the  use  of  polarized 
light  for  the  study  of  microscopic  objects,  and  much  is  hoped  from 
that  source  (§216).  It  is  anticipated  that  the  ultra-violet  micro- 
scope will  add  even  greater  information  (§  303). 

§  139.  Glare  and  fog  in  the  microscope.  —  Even  when  one  has  a 
good  microscope,  the  image  may  not  be  sharp  and  clear,  but  in- 
distinct and  hazy.  This  may  be  due  to  mist  on  some  of  the  lenses. 
For  example,  on  a  cool  morning,  mist  may  collect  on  the  ocular  from 
the  breath  of  the  observer,  or  from  the  moisture  emanating  from  the 
eye.  No  clear  image  can  be  seen  through  mist.  Again,  the  dry 


objective  may  have  been  smeared  with  immersion  liquid  or  with 
Canada  balsam  or  other  mounting  substance.  No  clear  image  can 
be  seen  through  dirty  glass  surfaces. 

Although  the  microscope  lenses  may  all  be  clean  and  of  excellent 
quality  there  may  also  be  glare  and  fog  from  the  illumination.  It 
is  well  also  to  keep  in  mind  that  the  image  may  be  greatly  interfered 
with  or  even  spoiled  by  the  glare  of  an  air  bubble  in  the  mounting 
medium  near  the  object,  or  in  the  immersion  iluid  for  the  objective 
or  the  condenser.  See  Sir  A.  E.  Wright,  pp.  219-222. 

§  140.  Experiments  for  glare  and  fog.  —  Use  a  stage  micrometer 
or  some  other  very  transparent  specimen  under  a  cover-glass  in  air. 
Put  the  microscope  facing  a  window.  Use  a  16  mm.  (lox)  objective 
and  a  rather  high  eyepiece  (lox  to  25x).  Have  the  condenser  up 
close  to  the  glass  slip  carrying  the  object.  Put  an  ink  spot  or  a  faint 
mark  with  a  glass  pencil  near  the  object  so  that  it  will  be  possible  to 
focus  easily.  With  the  iris  of  the  condenser  nearly  closed,  focus  the 
specimen.  Then  while  looking  into  the  microscope  gradually  open 
the  iris  and  note  the  gradual  dimming  of  the  image.  When  the  iris 
is  wide  open  it  will  look  as  if  a  veil  or  mist  were  over  the  image,  or 
the  image  may  be  wholly  obliterated.  This  occurs  because  there  is  so 
much  light  around  and  near  the  object  that  gets  into  the  microscope 
with  the  light  from  the  object  itself.  One  can  prove  that  it  is  the  light 
which  is  not  from  the  object  in  this*  way:  (i)  Use  a  piece  of  dark, 
thick  paper  and  make  a  hole  about  10  millimeters  in  diameter  in  it. 
Hold  this  opening  between  the  window  and  the  mirror  so  that  the 
light  reaching  the  mirror  comes  only  through  the  10  millimeter 
opening.  The  outline  of  the  object  will  again  appear.  It  may  be 
necessary  to  use  a  screen  with  even  a  smaller  hole.  Restricting  the 
source  of  light  cuts  off  the  adventitious  light  which  did  not  come 
from  the  object.  (2)  The  second  method  is  to  eliminate  the  more 
oblique  rays  of  the  cone  of  light  by  closing  the  condenser  iris  to  a 
greater  or  less  extent.  Remove  the  screen  with  the  10  mm.  aperture 
and  let  the  full  light  of  the  window  strike  the  mirror.  Then  gradu- 
ally close  the  iris  of  the  condenser.  The  image  will  appear.  One 
can  make  it  appear  or  disappear  by  opening  and  closing  the  iris. 
In  case  the  specimen  is  not  so  delicate  as  the  lines  of  a  stage  microm- 


eter  ruled  by  a  diamond,  the  specimen  may  not  disappear  entirely, 
but  it  will  become  much  fainter  when  flooded  with  light  by  the  full 
aperture,  as  many  of  the  oblique  rays  enter  the  microscope  that  did 
not  come  from  the  object.  In  practice  one  really  makes  use  of  both 
the  iris  diaphragm  and  the  regulation  of  the  source  of  light  for 
rendering  the  image  distinct.  However,  if  the  finest  details  are  to  be 
seen  the  aperture  must  be  retained.  It  is  not  to  be  forgotten,  too, 
that  an  aperture  above  i.oo  N.A.  cannot  be  obtained  except  by 
immersing  the  condenser  (§  124). 

Fortunately  objects  mounted  in  Canada  balsam,  or  other  medium 
with  the  refractive  index  of  glass,  are  not  so  subject  to  the  disturbing 
effects  of  glare  as  when  mounted  in  air  or  in  media  of  low  refractive 
index,  hence  one  can  use  the  full  aperture  of  the  objective  most 
satisfactorily  with  balsam  mounts. 

As  stated  in  §  136  Mr.  Nelson  makes  the  generalization  that  the 
best  results  are  obtained  in  critical  work  by  using  about  three-fourths 
the  aperture  of  the  objective.  Conrad  Beck  contends  that,  with 
the  proper  source  of  light,  one  can  use  the  full  aperture;  he  also 
emphasizes  the  statement  that  to  avoid  the  glare  from  the  surround- 
ing parts  of  the  specimen  while  one  should  use  the  whole  aperture  of 
an  objective,  the  iris  of  the  condenser  should  be  opened  only  enough 
just  to  fill  the  aperture. 

The  whole  matter  may  be  understood  if  one  keeps  in  mind  the 
fundamental  principle  that  for  the  clearest  vision  only  the  light  from 
the  object  should  enter  the  microscope  and  form  the  image  in  the 
eye.  In  the  first  method  there  is  the  defect  that  the  whole  field  may 
not  be  illuminated  although  the  whole  aperture  of  the  objective  may 
be  filled.  The  second  method  restricts  the  aperture  of  the  objective 
and  hence  in  so  far  limits  the  resolving  power  of  the  microscope. 
By  a  judicious  selection  of  the  size  of  the  source  of  light,  and  the 
correct  intensity,  and  by  regulating  the  aperture  in  each  special  case 
one  can  get  the  best  results.  This  ability  comes,  like  other  good 
things,  only  by  much  practice  even  after  the  principles  are  under- 

§  141.  Microscopic  objectives  for  research.  —  For  the  modern 
researcher  there  are  three  types  of  objectives  to  choose  from:  (a) 


Achromatic  objectives  with  lenses  made  wholly  of  glass.  —  With  these 
the  spherical  aberration  is  corrected  for  one  spectral  color,  the  one 
selected  being  in  the  brightest  part  of  the  visible  spectrum  in  the 
yellow  green.  For  chromatic  correlation,  two  colors  only  can  be 
brought  to  one  focus.  While  this  statement  might  lead  one  to  think 
that  such  objectives  were  very  inferior  optical  instruments,  in  prac- 
tice this  is  found  not  to  be  the  case  for  the  corrections  being  made  in 
the  part  of  the  visible  spectrum  brightest  to  the  eye,  the  defects  in 
the  outer,  less  brilliant  parts  (red  and  blue  ends  of  the  spectrum), 
while  they  exist,  are  overpowered,  in  the  words  of  the  older  opti- 
cians, by  the  more  brilliant  part  of  the  spectrum  and  hence  do  not 
obtrude  themselves  unduly. 

(b)  Fluor  tie  or  semi-apoclromatic  objectives.  —  This  second  group 
now  coming  largely  into  use  for  the  more  exacting  work  has  added  or 
substituted  for  one  of  the  glass  lenses  in  the  combination,  a  lens  of 
the  natural  mineral  fluorite.    This  with  its  moderate  refractive  index 
and  very  small  dispersion,  makes  it  possible  to  construct  objectives 
with  more  perfect  corrections  than  the  achromats.    They  are  very 
good  for  photography. 

(c)  A  pochromatic   objectives. — These   were   so    named   by   Abbe. 
Their  characteristic  is  that  spherical  correction  can  be  made  with 
two  colors,  and  chromatic  correction  for  three  colors  of  the  visible 
spectrum.    As  it  was  next  to  impossible  to  make  the  full  corrections 
in  the  higher  power  objectives,  a  special  series  of  oculars  were  made 
to  go  with  the  apochromats  and  finish  the  corrections.    These  are 
for  that  reason  called  compensation  oculars. 

Besides  the  use  of  fluorite  in  apochromats  and  fluorite  ob- 
jectives, all  modern  objectives  and  other  optical  apparatus  make 
use  of.  new  forms  of  glass,  which  is  now  made  in  America  as  well  as 
in  Europe.  With  these  new  forms  of  glass,  and  their  range  of  re- 
fractive and  dispersive  power,  it  is  now  possible  to  render  all  optical 
instruments  more  perfect,  even  without  the  use  of  fluorite.  For  the 
most  perfect  results,  however,  fluorite  must  be  used. 

It  is  strongly  advised  that  every  one  who  is  to  use  the  microscope 
for  research  should  become  thoroughly  familiar  with  experiments 
such  as  were  devised  by  Abbe,  and  made  possible  with  his  test- 


plate.  Without  these  experiments  it  would  be  almost  impossible  to 
believe  that  thickness  of  cover  and  length  of  the  tube  of  the  micro- 
scope could  make  such  a  difference  in  the  clearness  of  the  image  seen 
with  high  objectives. 

With  this  test-plate,  too,  one  can  get  a  most  striking  proof  of  the 
higher  corrections  of  the  apochromatic  and  fluorite  objectives  over 
even  the  best  achromatic  objectives.  After  such  a  clear  demonstra- 
tion as  the  test-plate  affords,  the  researcher  can  never  again  feel  that 
it  is  a  waste  of  time  to  make  sure  that  the  optical  apparatus  is  ad- 
justed to  enable  it  to  give  its  best  effects. 

§  142.  Condensers  for  research.  —  From  what  has  been  said  in 
this  chapter  it  must  be  evident  that  to  get  the  full  benefit  of  the 
best  research  objectives  one  must  use  with  them  a  well  corrected 
condenser  with  sufficient  aperture;  and  furthermore  it  must  be  borne 
in  mind  that  no  condenser  can  pass  on  to  the  object  an  aperture 
greater  than  i.oo  N.A.  unless  the  slide  is  connected  with  the  con- 
denser by  means  of  a  medium  of  sufficient  refractive  index  (fig.  55). 

§  143.  The  Abbe  Test-plate  and  the  method  of  its  use.  —  This 
test-plate  is  intended  for  the  examination  of  objectives  with  reference 
to  their  corrections  for  spherical  and  chromatic  aberration  and  for 
estimating  the  thickness  of  the  cover-glasses  for  which  the  spherical 
aberration  is  best  corrected. 

"  The  test-plate  consists  of  a  series  of  cover-glasses  ranging  in  thick- 
ness from  0.09  mm.  to  0.24  mm.,  silvered  on  the  under  surface  and 
cemented  side  by  side  on  a  slide.  The  thickness  of  each  is  written 
on  the  silver  film.  Groups  of  parallel  lines  are  cut  through  the  film 
and  these  are  so  coarsely  ruled  that  they  are  easily  resolved  by  the 
lowest  powers,  yet  from  the  extreme  thinness  of  the  silver  they  form 
a  very  delicate  test  for  objectives  of  even  the  highest  power  and 
widest  aperture.  Full  directions  accompany  the  test-plate. 

§  144.  Oculars  to  use.  —  The  Huygenian  oculars  with  magnifica- 
tion of  2x  to  IQX  answer  very  well  for  the  achromatic  and  fluorite 
objectives  of  all  powers,  but  for  the  apochromatic  objectives  oculars 
should  be  so  constructed  that  they  compensate  for  defects  in  the 
objectives.  These  so-called  compensating  oculars  are  also  good  for 
the  high  power  modern  achromatic  and  fluorite  objectives,  when  high 


power  oculars  are  to  be  employed.    This  is  especially  true,  for  dark- 
field  microscopy,  as  is  shown  in  Chapter  III. 

Besides  the  compensating  oculars  strictly  so  called,  a  great  and 
successful  effort  has  been  made  in  the  last  few  years  to  give  the 
ocular  a  greater  optical  perfection  by  the  use  of  combinations  of 
lenses  instead  of  the  simple  lenses  of  the  Huygenian  form.  These 
go  by  various  trade  names  as  indicated  in  §43a. 
~*$  145.  Oculars  and  spectacles.  —  As  the  eye  of  the  observer  is 
the  last  link  in  the  optical  chain  forming  a  microscope,  the  perfec- 
tion of  the  magnified  image  depends  in  part  at  least  upon  the  per- 
fection of  the  eye.  As  the  seeing  brain  must  gets  its  data  from  the 
retinal  image,  no  argument  is  needed  to  show  that  this  retinal  image 
is  of  supreme  importance.  Indeed,  the  whole  purpose  of  the  entire 
microscope  is  to  aid  in  making  a  perfect  retinal  image. 

At  present  nearly  every  researcher  must  wear  spectacles  to  correct 
dioptric  eye  defects  such  as  astigmatism,  etc.  Fortunately  the  area 
of  the  eyepoint  of  the  microscope  is  so  small  that  only  a  small  part 
of  the  cornea  of  the  eye  is  involved,  and  the  iris  of  the  eye  serves  to 
cut  out  border  rays  that  would  make  confusion.  Nevertheless  a 
defective  optical  part  of  the  eye  cannot  give  a  perfect  retinal  image, 
and  if  the  spectacles  serve  to  make  the  retinal  image  more  perfect  it 
follows  that  the  spectacles  should  be  worn  in  exacting  microscopic 
work.  The  difficulty  in  keeping  the  spectacles  on  in  microscopic 
observation  is  that  the  eyepoint  of  most  oculars  is  so  close  to  the 
eyelens  that  one  cannot  get  the  eye  close  enough  to  the  ocular  if 
spectacles  are  worn.  This  is  especially  true  if  the  curved  toric 
glasses  are  used. 

To  make  it  possible  to  wear  spectacles  for  microscopic  observation, 
Swift  of  London  has  produced  an  ocular  —  "  telaugic  "  (airy  17,  eye; 
rrjAe,  far)  —  of  two  combinations  having  a  high  eyepoint.  With 
such  an  ocular  the  spectacles  can  be  worn  without  interfering  in  any 
way,  and  with  the  advantage  of  vhe  correction  to  eye  defects  which 
the  glasses  give.  Twenty-six  (26)  oculars  of  all  types  and  of  five 
different  makers  were  examined  for  the  distance  of  the  eyepoint 
from  the  eyelens  of  the  ocular,  that  is,  the  height  of  the  eyepoint. 
For  measuring  the  height  of  the  eyepoint  a  Beck  swing-out  lens 


holder  (fig.  57)  was  used.  In  place  of  the  magnifier,  a  piece  of 
ground  glass  less  than  i  mm.  thick  was  put  on  the  holder.  The 
microscope  was  focused  on  a  very  transparent  object  and  brilliantly 
lighted  with  a  daylight  lamp  (fig,  199). 

With  the  ground  glass  over  the  ocular  it  was  very  easy  to  find  and 
to  focus  the  eyepoint.  The  distance  from  the  upper  surface  of  the 
eyelens  to  the  ground  glass  was  then  measured  with  a  millimeter 
scale.  To  make  sure  that  the  eyepoint  was  sharply  focused  and 
that  the  measurement  of  the  height  was  accurate,  a  low-power 
magnifier  was  used.  It  was  found  that  the  eyepoint  was  practically 
constant  in  height  with  objectives  from  20  (8x)  to  2  (QOX)  mm. 
equivalent  focus,  consequently  the  low  power  was  used  throughout. 

The  following  is  a  summary  of  the  findings: 

5  different  5x  oculars         Height  of  eyepoint  10-14  mm. 

6  different  oculars,  6x,  6.45X,  yx  and  7,$x   7-10  mm. 

9  different  oculars,  TOX   6-20  mm. 

4  different  oculars,  1 5x   4  5-18  mm. 

i  Compensation  ocular  of  2ox 12  5  mm. 

i  Periplane  ocular  of  25X 2  oo  mm. 

i  Telaugic  ocular  of  lox 20  oo  mm. 

From  this  summary  it  will  be  seen  that  there  is  at  present  great 
variety  in  height  of  eyepoint  even  for  the  same  magnification,  there- 
fore it  seems  quite  possible  to  construct  a  series  of  oculars  for  users 
of  spectacles.  See  "  telaugic  "  oculars,  §  41. 

§  146.  Centering  of  the  ocular.  —  From  the  size  of  the  lenses  of 
oculars,  an  exact  correspondence  of  the  optic  axis  of  the  ocular  with 
that  of  the  objective  and  the  condenser  is  not  so  essential  as  with 
the  condenser  and  objective.  The  tubes  of  microscopes  are  so 
mechanically  perfect  that  when  the  ocular  is  in  place  its  axis  will  be 
sufficiently  near  the  center. 

§  147.  Changing  objectives  and  centering.  —  With  student  micro- 
scopes and  those  for  most  purposes  are  now  so  well  made  that 
one  need  not  worry  overmuch  about  the  centering  in  passing  from 
one  objective  to  another  by  means  of  a  revolving  nose-piece.  If  one 
wishes  to  test  a  microscope  for  centering  of  the  condenser  with  the 
different  objectives  the  directions  given  in  §  118  will  serve  as  a  guide. 
Of  course  it  is  very  easy  for  any  one  to  see  whether  an  object  in  the 


center  of  the  field  with  one  objective  is  also  in  the  center  of  the  field 
when  the  other  objectives  are  swung  into  position. 

§  148.  Exact  centering  impracticable.  —  A  perfect  microscope 
would  have  the  condenser  centered  to  each  objective,  and  at  the 
same  time  an  object  in  the  center  of  the  field  with  one  objective 
would  be  in  the  center  for  all  the  others  on  the  revolving  nose-piece 
or  with  any  other  form  of  objective  changer.  While  the  approxima- 
tion is  good,  no  microscope  has  yet  been  tested  which  shows  the 
perfect  centering  of  both  condenser  and  field;  and  microscopes  of  the 
principal  makers  have  been  critically  examined  for  this  information. 

On  the  whole  the  revolving  nose-pieces  have  been  found  as  ac- 
curate as  the  more  expensive  objective  changers;  and  the  revolving 
nose-piece  is  very  much  more  convenient. 

In  exacting  research  and  with  the  dark-field  microscope  the  ques- 
tion of  centering  is  a  very  vital  one.  For  research,  the  condenser 
should  not  only  be  of  the  best  quality  (§  128),  but  it  should  be  sup- 
plied with  a  centering  device  (fig.  60)  by  which  its  axis  may  be  put 
in  line  with  the  axis  of  the  objective  bein^  usei.  From  rigid  tests 
with  many  microscopes  of  many  different  makes  the  writer  is  forced 
to  the  conclusion  that  if  successive  objectives  are  to  be  centered, 
none  of  the  objective  changers  or  revolving  nose-pieces  are  suffi- 
ciently accurate.  The  different  objectives  must  be  screwed  directly 
into  the  lower  end  of  the  body  tube  of  the  microscope.  Even  then 
there  will  be  slight  differences,  for  so  exacting  are  the  requirements 
that  no  two  objectives  have  yet  been  found  by  me  that  put  in  place 
successively  will  be  exactly  centered.  The  difference  is  usually  very 
slight,  much  less  than  with  a  revolving  nose-piece,  but  still  the 
centering  is  not  perfect.  For  the  most  perfect  correlation  the  sub- 
stage  condenser  should  be  centered  for  each  objective. 



§  149.  Adjustment  for  objectives.  —  As  stated  above  (§  29)  the 
aberration  produced  by  the  cover-glass  (fig.  64)  is  compensated  for 
by  giving  the  combinations  in  the  objective  a  different  relative  posi- 



[CH.  II 


tion  than  they  would  have  if  the  objective  were  to  be  used  on  uncov- 
ered objects.    Although  this  relative  position  cannot  be  changed  in 

unad  jus  table  objectives,  one 
can  secure  the  best  results 
of  which  the  objective  is 
capable  by  selecting  covers 
of  the  thickness  for  which 
the  objective  was  corrected. 
Adjustment  may  be  made 
also  by  increasing  the  tube- 
length  for  covers  thinner 
than  the  standard  and  by 
shortening  the  tube-length 
for  covers  thicker  than  the 

In  learning  to  adjust  ob- 
jectives, it  is  best  for  the 
student  to  choose  some  ob- 
ject, like  Pleurosigma  whose 
structure  is  well  agreed 
upon,  and  then  to  practise 
lighting  it,  shading  the 

stage  and  adjusting  the  objective,  until  the  proper  appearance  is 
obtained.  The  adjustment  is  made  by  turning  a  ring  or  collar  which 
acts  on  a  screw  and  increases  or  diminishes  the  distance  between  the 
systems  of  lenses,  usually  the  front  and  the  back  systems  (fig.  44). 
§  150.  Directions  for  adjustment.  —  (i)  The  thicker  the  cover- 
glass,  the  closer  together  are  the  systems  brought  by  turning  the 
adjusting  collar  from  the  zero  mark  and  conversely;  (2)  the  thinner 
the  cover-glass,  the  further  must  the  systems  be  separated,  i.e.,  the 
adjusting  collar  is  turned  nearer  the  zero  or  the  mark  "  uncovered." 
This  also  increases  the  magnification  of  the  objective  (§  368). 

The  following  specific  directions  for  making  the  cover-glass  adjust- 
ment are  given  by  Mr.  Wenham  (Carpenter,  yth  Ed.,  p.  166): 
"  Select  any  dark  speck  or  opaque  portion  of  the  object,  and  bring 
the  outline  into  perfect  focus;  then  lay  the  finger  on  the  milled-head 



Axis  The  extension  of  the  principal  optic 

Cover    The  cover-glass. 

z,  2,  3  Three  rays  originating  from  the 
object  mounted  in  balsam. 

r,  r,  r  Points  of  refraction  as  the  three 
rays  emerge  from  the  upper  surface  of  the 
cover  into  the  air. 

0    Object  from  which  the  rays  originate. 

j,  2,  3  The  three  levels  from  which  the  rays 
seem  to  originate  when  traced  backward  from 
their  points  of  emergence.  This  gives  the 
effect  of  spherical  aberration  (Ch.  IV). 


of  the  fine  motion  and  move  it  briskly  backwards  and  forwards  in 
both  directions  from  the  first  position.  Observe  the  expansion  of  the 
dark  outline  of  the  object,  both  when  within  and  when  without  the 
focus.  If  the  greater  expansion  or  coma  is  when  the  object  is  with- 
out the  focus,  or  farthest  from  the  objective  [i.e.,  in  focusing  up], 
the  lenses  must  be  placed  further  asunder,  or  toward  the  mark  un- 
covered [the  adjusting  collar  is  turned  toward  the  zero  mark,  as  the 
cover-glass  is  too  thin  for  the  present  adjustment].  If  the  greater 
expansion  is  when  the  object  is  within  the  focus,  or  nearest  the 
objective  [i.e.,  in  focusing  do\*n],  the  lenses  must  be  brought  closer 
together,  or  toward  the  mark  covered  [i.e.,  the  adjusting  collar 
should  be  turned  away  from  the  zero  mark,  the  cover-glass  being 
too  thick  for  the  present  adjustment]."  In  mcst  objectives  the 
collar  is  graduated  arbitrarily,  the  zero  (o)  mark  representing  the 
position  for  uncovered  objects.  Other  objectives  have  the  collar 
graduated  to  correspond  to  the  various  thickness  of  cover-glasses  for 
which  the  objective  may  be  adjusted.  This  seems  to  be  an  admirable 
plan;  then  if  cne  knows  the  thickness  of  the  cover-glass  on  the 
preparation  (§  518)  the  adjusting  collar  rray  be  set  at  a  corresponding 
mark,  and  one  \ull  feel  confident  that  the  adjustment  will  be 
approximately  correct.  It  is  then  only  necessary  for  the  observer  to 
make  the  slight  adjustment  to  compensate  for  the  mounting  medium  or 
any  variation  from  the  standard  length  of  the  tube  of  the  microscope. 
In  adjusting  for  variations  of  the  length  of  the  tube  from  the  stand- 
ard it  should  be  remembered  that:  (i)  If  the  tube  of  the  microscope 
is  longer  than  the  standard  for  which  the  objective  was  cor- 
rected, the  effect  is  approximately  the  same  as  thickening  the. cover- 
glass,  and  therefore  the  systems  of  the  objective  rrust  be  brought 
closer  together,  i.e.,  the  adjusting  collar  must  be  turned  away  from 
the  zero  mark.  (2)  If  the  tube  is  shorter  than  the  standard  for 
which  the  objective  is  corrected,  the  effect  is  approximately  the 
same  as  diminishing  the  thickness  of  the  cover-glass,  and  the  systems 
must  therefore  be  separated  (fig.  44),  i.e.,  turned  toward  the  zero 

In  using  the  tube-length  for  cover  correction  shorten  the  tube  for 
too  thick  covers,  and  lengthen  the  tube  for  too  thin  covers. 


Furthermore,  whatever  the  interpretation  by  different  opticians 
of  what  should  be  included  in  tube-length,  and  the  exact  length  in 
millimeters,  its  importance  is  very  great,  for  each  objective  gives  the 
most  perfect  image  of  which  it  is  capable  with  the  tube-length  for 
which  it  is  corrected,  and  the  more  perfect  the  objective  the  greater 
the  ill  effects  on  the  image  of  varying  the  tube-length  from  the 
standard.  The  plan  of  designating  exactly  what  is  meant  by  tube- 
length  and  engraving  on  each  objective  the  tube-length  for  which  it 
is  corrected,  is  to  be  commended,  for  it  is  manifestly  difficult  for 
each  worker  with  the  microscope  to  find  out  for  himself  for  what 
tube-length  each  of  his  objectives  was  corrected  (see  Ch.  IV). 

§  151.  Water  immersion  objectives.  —  Put  a  water  immersion 
objective  in  position  (§  84)  and  the  fly's  wing  for  object  under  the 
microscope.  Place  a  drop  of  distilled  water  on  the  cover-glass,  and 
with  the  coarse  adjustment  lower  the  tube  till  the  objective  dips  into 
the  water,  then  light  the  field  well  and  turn  the  fine  adjustment  one 
way  and  another  till  the  image  is  clear.  Water  immersions  are  ex- 
ceedingly convenient  in  studying. the  circulation  of  the  blood,  and  for 
many  other  purposes  where  aqueous  liquids  are  likely  to  get  on  the 
cover-glass.  If  the  objective  is  adjustable,  follow  the  directions 
given  in  §  150. 

When  one  is  through  using  a  water  immersion  objective,  remove 
it  from  the  microscope  and  with  some  lens  paper  wipe  all  the  water 
from  the  front  lens.  Unless  this  is  done  dust  collects  and  sooner  or 
later  the  front  lens  will  be  clouded.  It  is  better  to  use  distilled  water 
to  avoid  the  gritty  substances  that  are  likely  to  be  present  in  natural 
water,  as  these  gritty  particles  might  scratch  the  front  lens. 


§  162.  Refraction  images  are  those  mostly  seen  in  studying  micro- 
scopic objects.  —  They  are  the  appearances  produced  by  the  re- 
fraction of  the  light  on  entering  and  on  leaving  an  object.  They 
therefore  depend  (a)  upon  the  form  of  the  object,  (6)  upon  the  rela- 
tive refractive  powers  of  object  and  mounting  medium.  With  such 
images  the  diaphragm  should  not  be  too  large  (§§121-122). 


If  the  color  and  refractive  index  of  the  object  were  exactly  like  the 
mounting  medium,  it  could  not  be  seen.  In  most  cases  both  refrac- 
tive index  and  color  differ  somewhat;  there  is  then  a  combination  of 
color  and  refraction  images  which  is  a  great  advantage.  This  com- 
bination is  generally  taken  advantage  of  in  histology.  The  air 
bubble  in  §  333  is  an  example  of  a  purely  refractive  image. 

A  purely  refractive  image  like  that  given  by  an  air  bubble  or  a  fat 
globule  gives  a  dark  border  for  central  transmitted  light,  and  a  light 
border  on  a  black  field  with  very  oblique  light,  such  as  is  given  by 
the  mirror  turned  far  to  one  side  or  by  a  central  stop  when  the  con- 
denser is  used  (§§  138,  340).  In  both  cases  the  object  is  in  outline. 
As  pointed  out  by  Wright  (p.  5,  41)  the  visibility  of  the  object 
shown  in  outline  depends  on  the  width  of  the  outline  and  not  on  the 
diameter  of  the  whole  object.  If  the  width  of  the  outline  is  too 
narrow  to  include  the  necessary  visual  angle  of  i  minute  (§  360)  the 
whole  object  fades  into  the  background  and  is  no  longer  visible.  On 
the  other  hand,  if  the  object  is  colored,  then  it  is  visible  so  long  as 
its  entire  diameter  gives  a  visual  angle  of  i  minute  or  more. 

One  can  see  from  the  above  what  a  tremendous  advantage  it  is  in 
studying  the  finest  details  of  structure  to  have  them  brilliantly 



As  stated  above  (§  23),  these  are  objectives  (fig.  44!)  in  which  a 
liquid  of  the  same  refractive  index  as  the  front  lens  of  the  objective 
is  placed  between  the  front  lens  and  the  cover-glass. 

§  163.  Refraction  images.  —  Put  a  homogeneous  immersion  ob- 
jective in  position;  employ  a  condenser.  Use  some  histological 
specimen  like  a  muscular  fiber  as  object;  make  the  diaphragm  open- 
ing about  9  mm.  in  diameter,  add  a  drop  of  the  homogeneous  immer- 
sion liquid,  and  focus  as  directed  in  §  89.  The  object  will  be  clearly 
seen  in  all  its  details  by  the  unequal  refraction  of  the  light  traversing 
it.  The  difference  in  color  between  it  and  the  surrounding  medium 
will  also  increase  the  sharpness  of  the  outline.  If  an  air  bubble 


preparation  (§  334)  were  used,  one  would  get  pure  refraction 

§  154.  Color  images.  —  Use  some  stained  bacteria  as  Bacillus 
tuberculosis  for  object.  Put  a  drop  of  the  immersion  liquid  on  the 
cover-glass  or  on  the  front  lens  of  the  homogeneous  objective.  Re- 
move the  diaphragms  from  the  illuminator  or  in  case  the  iris  dia- 
phragm is  used,  open  it  to  its  greatest  extent.  Focus  the  objective 
down  so  that  the  immersion  fluid  is  in  contact  with  both  the  front 
lens  and  the  cover-glass;  then  with  the  fine  adjustment  get  the 
bacteria  in  focus.  They  will  stand  out  as  clearly  defined  colored 
objects  on  a  bright  field. 

If  one  closes  the  diaphragm  until  one-half  or  three-quarters  of 
the  aperture  of  the  objective  is  used,  the  image  will  be  a  combined 
color  and  refraction  image. 

§  155.  Shading  the  stage  of  the  microscope  and  the  eyes  of  the 
observer.  —  As  emphasized  before,  the  clearest  possible  image  of  an 
object  can  be  obtained  when  the  only  light  reaching  the  eye  comes 
from  the  object.  With  opaque  objects  and  with  the  dark-field 
microscope  this  is  literally  true.  With  the  bright-field  microscope 
where  the  light  is  transmitted  through  and  around  the  object  it  is 
necessary  to  exclude  any  other  light  than  that  which  is  transmitted 
by  shading  the  stage  of  the  microscope  so  that  the  image  will  not 
be  blurred  by  light  upon  the  object  from  various  angles  above  the 
stage.  This  shading  is  easily  accomplished  by  means  of  a  screen 
(fig.  42)  if  daylight  is  used,  or  by  having  a  shield  as  shown  with  the 
chalet  microscope  lamp  (fig.  46).  Both  the  screen  and  the  shield  in 
the  daylight  lamp  also  keep  the  light  from  the  eyes  of  the  observer. 

§  156.  Removing  homogeneous  immersion  liquid  from  glass 
surfaces.  —  Homogeneous  immersion  objectives,  condensers  and 
other  glass  surfaces  covered  with  cedar  oil  or  other  homogeneous 
liquid  are  cleaned  as  follows:  —  The  main  part  of  the  liquid  is  re- 
moved by  a  clean  piece  of  gauze,  then  a  piece  of  gauze  or  lens  paper 
is  wet  with  xylene  or  chloroform  and  the  glass  surface  wiped.  Im- 
mediately afterward  a  fresh  piece  of  the  lens  paper  is  used  to  wipe 
away  the  last  traces  of  the  solvent.  This  leaves  the  glass  surfaces 
clean  and  ready  for  the  next  experiment. 



§  157.  Arranging  the  microscope  for  binocular  vision.  —  Until  one 
has  had  some  experience  with  binocular  microscopes  it  is  not  easy 
to  tell  whether  one  is  seeing  with  one  eye  or  with  both.  In  order  to 
see  with  both  eyes  it  is  necessary  that  each  eye  should  receive  the 
beam  of  light  from  its  own  ocular  at*the  same  time,  and  this  can 
occur  only  when  the  oculars  are  spread  the  right  amount  to  bring 
the  eyepoints  the  same  distance  apart  as  the  pupils  of  the  eyes  of 
the  observer,  and  the  eyes  are  at  the  correct  level. 

Hold  the  head  close  to  the  oculars  and  look  into  the  microscope. 
Focus  as  usual  and  the  image  will  be  satisfactory.  Now  to  tell 
whether  the  image  is  seen  with  one  eye  or  with  both,  hold  the  head 
still  and  shut  the  eyes  alternately.  If  only  one  eye  is  being  used  no 
image  at  all  will  be  seen  when  that  eye  is  closed,  but  when  the  other 
is  closed  there  will  be  no  change  in  the  appearance  (§  158). 

If  it  is  found  that  only  one  eye  is  being  usei,  change  the  spread  of 
the  oculars  by  grasping  the  prism  holder  or  drums  or  the  tubes  above 
these  with  the  two  hands  and  increase  and  diminish  the  distance 
between  the  tubes  until  both  eyes  are  receiving  the  light,  and  there 
is  an  image  in  each  eye.  When  this  occurs  and  one  once  gets  the 
stereoscopic  effect  there  will  never  be  any  doubt  in  the  future 
whether  the  vision  is  monocular  or  binocular. 

§  168.  —  In  some  makes  of  binocular  microscopes  (the  Spencer 
Lens  Co.'s,  for  example),  there  is  a  little  shutter  just  above  the 
objectives  which  can  be  turned  to  either  side,  covering  the  back  of 
the  corresponding  objective.  If  the  image  is  still  apparent  which- 
ever objective  is  covered  then,  of  course,  both  eyes  are  seeing  the 
image,  but  if  the  image  is  wholly  obliterated  when  the  shutter  is  on 
one  side,  that  is  the  only  side  giving  an  image,  and  the  tubes  must 
be  changed  in  position  to  get  the  correct  pupillary  distance  of  the 


§  159.   Opaque   and  transparent  objects.  —  Place   the   binocular 

microscope  (fig.  27)  near  a  window  where  there  is  an  abundance  of 


light  or  if  artificial  light  must  be  used,  employ  the  dark-field  lamp 
(figs.  79  or  80)  or  a  bull's-eye  condenser  (fig.  127)  to  concentrate 
the  light  upon  the  object.  At  first  use  low  power  objectives  and 
oculars.  As  it  is  somewhat  easier  to  get  the  stereoscopic  effect  with 
opaque  objects,  use  a  black  background  like  a  piece  of  black  velvet. 
Put  a  flower  or  some  folded  white  gauze,  a  bunch  of  keys  or  other 
familiar  object  under  the  mic?oscope  and  look  at  the  object.  Focus 
sharply.  Make  sure  that  both  eyes  see  the  image  as  directed  above 

(§§  157,  158). 

After  trying  various  opaque  objects,  and  becoming  familiar  with 
the  necessary  adjustments,  use  a  large  transparent  object  like  a 
preparation  with  the  blood  vessels  injected.  The  different  levels  of 
the  blood  vessels  will  stand  out  with  amazing  distinctness. 

The  double-objective  binoculars  are  excellent  for  studying  the 
circulation  of  the  blood  and  all  injected  preparations.  For  dissection 
the  microscope  is  mounted  on  an  arm  which  may  be  swung  into 

§  160.  There  are  three  precautions  to  keep  in  mind:  The  oculars 
must  be  the  right  distance  apart  for  the  observer's  pupillary  sepa- 
ration; (2)  the  two  oculars  must  be  of  the  same  power;  and 
(3)  finally  the  observer  must  make  sure  that  the  image  is  in  focus 
for  both  eyes.  In  all  the  best  modern  binoculars  of  all  kinds  ad- 
justments are  provided  for  this  purpose. 

If  the  special  focusing  device  for  eye  differences  is  at  the  left  as  in 
fig.  27,  then  one  closes  the  left  eye  and  focuses  the  microscope  for  the 
right  eye  as  sharply  as  possible.  The  right  eye  is  then  closed  and 
the  image  examined  with  the  left  eye.  If  it  is  equally  sharp  with 
the  left  eye,  the.  microscope  is  properly  adjusted  for  both  eyes,  and 
will  give  a  good  binocular  image.  If  the  image  should  not  be  sharp 
for  the  left  eye,  then  without  changing  the  focus  of  the  microscope, 
one  turns  up  and  down  with  the  focusing  device  on  the  left  objec- 
tive^ until  the  image  is  sharp  to  the  left  eye.  Make  sure  that  it  is 
also  sharp  for  the  right  eye.  If  it  should  not  be,  one  must  repeat  the 
entire  operation.  In  this  way  one  can  have  a  perfect  image  in  each  eye. 

Correct  movement  of  the  specimen  or  instruments  under  an  erecting  microscope.  — 
For  one  who  has  become  thoroughly  trainee1  in  using  the  ordinary  inverting  com- 


pound  microscope  it  is  very  difficult  to  make  the  proper  motions  to  move  the 
specimen,  or  to  move  the  dissecting  instruments  correctly  under  an  erecting  com- 
pound microscope.  This  illustrates  the  power  of  training.  The  beginner  with 
the  inverting  microscope  finds  it  hard  to  move  his  hands  in  the  opposite  way  from 
what  his  eyes  dictate,  but  when  the  correlation  between  the  appearance  and  the 
motion  necessary  has  become  fixed,  it  is  equally  difficult  to  move  the  hands  in 
the  direction  which  the  eyes  indicate,  although  it  is  known  that  this  is  now  cor- 
rect. This  difficulty  is  soon  overcome  by  practice. 

Under  the  simple  microscope,  however,  in  which  there  is  no  reversal  or  in- 
version, the  eyes  and  hand  work  together  automatically  as  with  the  naked  eye. 


§  161.  Experiments  with  low  powers.  —  Arrange  the  binocular 
microscope  so  that  it  stands  squarely  before  you,  otherwise  it  will 
not  be  easy  to  hold  the  head  so  that  the  eyes  are  directly  over  the 
eyepoints  of  the  two  oculars. 

As  it  is  simpler,  use  first  an  opaque  object  like  some  loosely  woven 
gauze  or  other  white  cloth,  a  light  colored  insect  or  other  opaque 
object  with  very  definite  features  which  are  at  different  levels. 
Light  well  by  having  the  microscope  before  the  window  or  by  the 
use  of  a  bull's-eye  lens  or  best  of 'all  by  the  use  of  the  dark-field 
microscope  lamp.  Use  a  low  objective,  one  not  higher  than  16  mm. 
(IQX)  and  low  oculars  x5  or  x6,  and  make  sure  that  the  oculars  are 
of  the  same  power.  With  the  eyes  in  the  correct  position  and  the 
object  well  lighted  there  should  be  no  difficulty  in  getting  the 
stereoscopic  effect.  It  is  well  also  to  close  one  eye  and  get  the  ap- 
pearance, and  then  the  other,  or  to  use  a  monocular  microscope  and 
compare  the  appearance  of  the  object  with  monocular  and  with 
binocular  vision.  For  many  who  have  had  considerable  experience, 
the  image  looks  just  as  stereoscopic  with  one  eye  as  with  both. 

For  transmitted  light,  use  some  translucent  object  like  a  section 
in  which  the  blood  vessels  have  been  injected.  These  are  thick  and 
when  well  lighted  by  the  mirror  or  the  mirror  and  condenser  show 
the  stereoscopic  effect  very  strikingly.  Try  all  powers,  including  the 
homogeneous  immersion.  A  fly's  wing  mounted  in  balsam  is  good 
for  all  powers. 

§  162.  Unlikeness  of  the  two  eyes.  —  If  the  two  eyes  are  markedly 
unlike,  true  binocular  vision  is  impossible.  If  the  difference  is  not 


great,  correction  can  be  made  with  spectacles,  or  with  the  special 
focusing  adjustment  on  one  side. 

With  the  mon-objective  binoculars  the  correcting  device  for  un- 
likeness  of  focus  of  the  two  eyes  is  usually  on  the  left  tube  below  the 
ocular.  It  may  be  on  the  right  as  in  fig,  35.  To  make  sure  that  the 
two  eyes  have  sharp  images,  proceed  as  described  for  the  double- 
objective  binocular  (§  160),  only  in  this  case  the  correcting  device  is 
on  the  tube  of  the  microscope  and  not  on  the  objective. 

§  163.  Experiment  with  unlike  oculars.  —  It  occasionally  happens 
that  oculars  of  different  powers  get  into  the  two  tubes  of  the  bin- 
ocular. It  produces  great  confusion  as  one  can  see  by  an  experi- 
ment. Use  some  well  known  object  with  like  oculars  and  get  the 
image  as  perfect  as  possible,  then  put  a  higher  or  lower  ocular  in  one 
of  the  tubes.  Get  both  images  sharp  as  directed  in  §  162.  If  both 
eyes  are  then  opened  there  will  not  be  a  good  single  image  of  the  two 
differently  magnified  images,  although  separately  both  are  good. 

§164.  Change  from  binocular  to  monocular  observation. — The 
method  first  adopted  was  the  removal  of  the  binocular  arrangement 
and  the  substitution  of  a  monocular  tube.  It  takes  only  a  moment 
to  make  the  change  (fig.  32).  The  latest  device  is  to  slide  the 
binocular  arrangement  side  wise.  When  this  is  done  the  prism  of  one 
tube  is  swung  aside  and  this  gives  one  tube  in  the  main  axis  of  the 
microscope  to  serve  in  place  of  the  single  tube  formerly  employed. 


§  165.  Testing  the  microscope.  ~—  To  be  of  real  value  this  must 
be  accomplished  by  a  person  with  both  theoretical  and  practical 
knowledge,  and  also  with  an  unprejudiced  mind.  Such  persons  are 
not  common,  and  when  found  do  not  show  overanxiety  to  pass 
judgment.  From  the  writer's  experience  it  seems  safe  to  say  that 
the  inexperienced  can  do  no  better  than  to  state  clearly  what  he 
wishes  to  do  with  a  microscope  and  then  trust  to  the  judgment  of 
one  of  the  optical  companies.  The  makers  of  microscopes  and 
objectives  guard  with  jealous  care  the  excellence  of  both  the  mechan- 
ical and  optical  part  of  their  work,  and  send  out  only  instruments 


that  have  been  carefully  tested  and  found  to  conform  to  the  stand- 
ard. This  would  be  done  as  a  matter  of  business  prudence  on  their 
part,  but  it  is  believed  by  the  writer  that  microscope  makers  are 
artists  first  and  take  an  artist's  pride  in  their  work;  they  therefore 
have  a  stimulus  to  excellence  greater  than  business  prudence  alone 
could  give. 

What  has  just  been  said  does  not  by  any  means  imply  that  the 
purchaser  of  a  microscope  should  blindly  accept  anything  which  is 
offered  him.  It  simply  means  that  if  one  has  no  knowledge  of  a 
microscope  one  can  hardly  pass  expert  judgment  upon  it. 

§  166.  Mechanical  parts.  —  All  of  the  parts  should  be  firm,  and 
not  too  easily  shaken.  Bearings  should  work  smoothly.  The  mirror 
should  remain  in  any  position  in  which  it  is  placed  (fig.  26). 

§  167.  Focusing  adjustments.  ~—  -The  coarse  or  rapid  adjustment 
should  be  by  rack  and  pinion  and  work  so  smoothly  that  even  the  high- 
est power  can  be  easily  focused  with  it  by  an  experienced  observer. 

This  coarse  adjustment  is  liable  to  work  too  hard  or  too  easily.  If 
it  works  too  hard,  the  bearings  of  the  pinion  are  too  tight  or  the 
gliding  surfaces  are  sticky  and  not  properly  lubricated.  If  the 
bearings  are  too  tight,  loosen  the  screws  very  slightly;  if  the  bear- 
ings are  not  lubricated  or  the  surfaces  are  covered  with  sticky  oil, 
wet  a  cloth  with  a  good  lubricating  oil  and  rub  the  gliding  surfaces 
well.  This  will  clean  them  and  lubricate  them  at  the  same  time. 

If  the  tube  runs  down  too  easily  the  bearings  of  the  pinion  are  too 
loose  and  the  screws  should  be  tightened  a  little. 

§  168.  The  fine  adjustment  is  m'ore  difficult  to  deal  with.  — 
From  the  nature  of  its  purpose,  unless  it  is  approximately  perfect, 
it  would  be  better  off  the  microscope  entirely.  It  has  been  much 
improved  recently. 

It  should  work  smoothly  and  be  so  balanced  that  one  cannot  tell 
by  the  feeling  when  using  it  whether  the  screw  is  going  up  or  down. 
Then  there  should  be  absolutely  no  motion  except  in  the  direction  of 
the  optic  axis;  otherwise  the  image  will  appear  to  sway  even  with 
central  light.  Compare  the  appearance  when  using  the  coarse  and 
when  using  the  fine  adjustment.  There  should  be  no  swaying  of  the 
image  with  either  if  the  light  is  central  (§§  133-134)- 


§  169.  Testing  the  optical  parts.  —  As  stated  in  the  beginning, 
this  can  be  done  satisfactorily  only  by  an  expert  judge.  It  would  be 
of  very  great  advantage  to  the  student  if  he  could  have  the  help  of 
such  Q.  person.  In  no  case  is  a  microscope  to  be  condemned  by  an 
inexperienced  person.  If  the  beginner  will  bear  in  mind  that  his 
failures  are  due  mostly  to  his  own  lack  of  knowledge  and  lack 
of  skill,  and  will  truly  endeavor  to  learn  and  apply  the  principles 
laid  down  in  this  and  in  the  standard  works  referred  to,  he  will  learn 
after  a  while  to  estimate  at  their  true  value  all  the  parts  of  his 

If  one  can  compare  a  new  or  unfamiliar  microscope  with  one  with 
which  there  is  entire  familiarity,  a  very  good  estimate  can  be  made. 
The  first  principle  is  to  use  some  microscope  with  which  one  is  familiar 
and  to  use  microscopic  preparations  of  which  one  knows  the  structure; 
then  a  fair  judgment  can  be  made  of  the  excellence  of  the  per- 
formance of  the  new  instrument.  If  there  seems  to  be  any  defect  in 
the  image,  make  sure 

(1)  that  the  lighting  is  good; 

(2)  that  the  proper  aperture  of  the  objective  is  being  used  and 
that  the  condenser  is  centered;   (§§  123,  118). 

(3)  that  the  stage  is  shaded; 

(4)  that  the  tube-length  of  the  microscope  is  that  for  which  the 
objectives  were  corrected. 

(5)  that  the  preparation  is  clean  and  gives  a  good  image  with  the 
microscope  with  which  one  is  familiar.    If  all  the  precautions  have 
been  taken  and  still  a  good  im£ge  cannot  be  obtained  one  should  get 
some  more  expert  friend  or  the  makers  to  show  wherein  the  trouble 


The  same  as  for  Chapter  I.  Consult  the  catalogues  of  the  Micro- 
scope Manufacturers,  and  the  small  guides  they  send  out  with  their 


§  170.    Comparison  of  bright-field  and  dark-field  microscopy.  — 

In  most  work  with  the  microscope  the  entire  field  of  view  is  lighted 
and  the  objects  to  be  studied  appear  as  colored  pictures  or  as 
shadows  —  in  extreme  cases,  as  silhouettes  —  on  a  white  ground. 
As  the  field  is  always  light,  this  has  come  to  be  known  as  Bright- 
Field  Microscopy. 

FIG.  65.  FIG.  66. 

Bright-  and  dark-field  photo-micrographs  of  the  same  objects  (starch  grains). 

In  contrast  with  this  is  Dark-Field  Microscopy  in  which  the  field 
is  dark,  and  the  objects  appear  as  if  they  themselves  emitted  the 
light  by  which  they  are  seen. 

The  study  of  objects  in  a  bright-field  probably  comprises  95  per 
cent  of  all  microscopic  work,  and  is  almost  universally  applicable. 
On  the  other  hand  dark-field  microscopy  has  a  more  limited  appli- 
cability, and  yet  from  the  increased  visibility  given  to  many  objects 
it  is  coming  to  be  appreciated  more  and  more. 




[Cn.  Ill 

§  171.  Definition  of  dark-field  microscopy.  —  In  its  comprehensive 
sense,  Dark-Field  Microscopy  is  the  study  of  objects  by  the  light 
which  the  objects  themselves  turn  into  the  microscope. 


•   FIELD 

DARK    * 


FIG.  67.    FKESH  BLOOD. 
Half  the  field  is  with  dark-ground  and  half  with  bright-ground  illumination, 

There  are  two  principal  cases:  (A)  The  objects  which  are  truly 
self-luminous  like  phosphorescent  animals  and  plants;  burning  or 
incandescent  objects,  and  fluorescent  objects.  (B)  The  objects 


which  emit  no  light  themselves,  but  which  deflect  the  light  reaching 
them  from  some  outside  source  into  the  microscope. 

These  two  groups  are  well  represented  in  astronomy.  If  one  looks 
into  the  sky  on  a  cloudless  night,  the  fixed  stars  show  by  the  light 
which  they  themselves  emit,  but  the  moon  and  the  planets  appear 
by  the  light  from  the  sun  which  they  reflect  to  the  earth,  the  sun 
itself  being  wholly  invisible  at  the  time.  As  there  is  relatively  very 
little  light  coming  from  the  intervening  space  between  the  stars  and 
planets,  all  appear  to  be  self-luminous  objects  in  a  dark  field.  This 
reference  to  the  sky  at  night  will  serve  to  bring  out  two  other  points 
with  great  clearness:  (i)  The  enhanced  visibility.  Everybody 
knows  that  there  are  as  irany  stars  in  the  sky  in  the  daytime  as  at 
night,  but  they  are  blotted  out,  so  to  speak,  by  the  flood  of  direct 
light  from  the  sun  in  the  daytime,  ^hile  at  night  when  these  direct 
rays  are  absent  and  no  light  comes  from  the  background  the  stars 
and  the  planets  show  again  by  the  relatively  feeble  light  which  they 
send  to  the  earth. 

(2)  The  other  point  is  that  in  dark-field  microscopy  the  objects 
must  be  scattered,  not  covering  the  whole  field  (fig.  66). 

§  172.  Light  in  the  workroom.  —  As  brought  out  in  the  previous 
section  in  referring  to  the  stars,  they  appear  brighter*  in  a  dark 
clear  night,  so  with  dark-field  microscopy.  If  one  works  at  night 
or  in  a  dark  room  the  effects  are  more  satisfactory  for  two  reasons: 
(i)  The  scattered  light  of  daylight  or  lamp  light  does  not  enter  the 
eye  and  thus  lessen  the  effect  of  the  dark-field  appearances  in  the 

(2)  In  a  darkened  room  the  eyes  of  the  observer  are  adapted  for 
relatively  dim  light  and  therefore  the  details  of  structure  in  the 
dark-field  microscope  are  apparently  emphasized,  just  as  when  one 
goes  into  a  relatively  dark  room  from  a  brightly  lighted  one.  At 
first  almost  nothing  can  be  seen,  but  when  the  eyes  become  adapted 
to  the  dim  light,  much  can  be  seen. 

§  173.  Dark-field  and  ultra-microscopy.  —  In  both  of  these  the 
objects  seem  to  be  self-luminous  in  a  dark*field,  and  no  light  reaches 
the  eye  directly  from  an  outside  source,  but  only  as  sent  to  the  eye 
from  the  objects  under  observation. 


The  terms  simply  represent  two  steps,  and  merge  into  each  other. 

Dark-Field  Microscopy  deals  mainly  with  relatively  large  objects, 
o.2ju  or  more  in  diameter,  that  is,  those  which  come  within  the  re- 
solving power  of  the  microscope. 

Ultra-Microscopy  deals  principally  with  objects  so  small  that  they 
do  not  show  as  objects  with  details,  but  one  infers  their  presence  by 
the  points  of  light  which  they  turn  into  the  microscope.  This  can  be 
made  clear  by  an  easily  tried  naked-eye  observation.  Suppose  one 
is  in  a  dark  room,  and  a  minute  beam  of  brilliant  light  like  sunlight 
or  arc  light  is  directed  into  the  room.  Unless  one  is  in  the  path  of 
this  beam  of  light,  it  will  remain  invisible;  but  if  there  are  vapor  or 
dust  particles  present,  they  will  deflect  some  of  the  light  toward  the 
eye  and  will  appear  as  shining  points.  The  character  of  the  particles 
cannot  be  made  out,  but  the  points  of  light  they  reflect  indicate  their 
presence.  As  Tyndall  used  this  method  in  determining  whether  a 
room  was  free  from  dust  in  his  experiments  in  spontaneous  genera- 
tion, the  appearance  of  the  shining  dust  particles  is  sometimes  called 
the  "  Tyndall  effect." 

The  two  forms  are  said  to  merge,  because  in  studying  objects  like 
saliva,  etcv  with  the  microscope  designed  especially  for  dark-field 
work,  some  of  the  objects  seen  will  show  details,  but  some  are  so 
small  that  they  show  simply  as  points  of  light  usually  in  the  form  of 
so-called  diffraction  discs.  The  larger  objects  in  the  saliva  come  in 
the  province  of  dark-field  microscopy,  and  the  smallest  ones,  of 
ultra-microscopy,  and  in  this  case  the  instrument  used  might  with 
equal  propriety  be  called  a  dark-field  or  r,n  ultra-microscope. 

§  174.  Visibility  and  resolution  with  the  dark-field  microscope.  — 
Visibility  refers  only  to  the  possibility  of  seeing  that  some  object  is 
present;  resolution  to  the  possibility  of  seeing  details  so  that  one  can 
judge  not  only  that  an  object  is  present  but  also  see  some  of  the 
structure  and  relations  of  the  object.  These  two  terms  come  over 
from  the  ancient  science  of  astronomy  where  the  questions  were 
whether  what  seemed  a  single  bright  point  in  the  sky  was  a  single 
star  or  a  double  or  triple  star  or  a  star  cluster;  and  whether  the 
surface  of  the  planet  Mars  was  uniform  or  had  markings  and  whether 
the  planet  Venus  was  always  a  round  disc  of  light  or  had  phases 


like  the  moon.  The  telescope,  which  increased  the  visual  angle  under 
which  the  different  things  could  be  seen,  added  a  certain  amount  of 
resolution,  and  details  were  made  visible  which  are  invisible  to  the 
naked  eye. 

It  is  contended  by  some  workers  that  the  whole  purpose  of  the 
dark-field  microscope  is  to  make  objects  visible,  just  as  the  stars 
and  planets  are  visible  on  a  clear,  dark  night.  Other  persons  are 
equally  emphatic  that  the  dark-field  microscope  not  only  makes 
objects  visible,  but  it  also  is  a  powerful  aid  in  resolution,  bringing 
out  details  of  structure  not  even  visible  with  the  bright-field  micro- 
scope. The  matter  is  admirably  stated  by  Beck,  and  has  the  writer's 
emphatic  endorsement:  With  the  dark-field  microscope  when  skill- 
fully used,  "  There  is  no  glare  or  flooding  and  the  whole  aperture  of 
the  object-glass  is  evenly  filled  with  light  so  as  to  give  the  maximum 
resolution.  There  is  no  foundation  for  the  statement  that  has  been 
made  that  this  form  of  illumination  does  not  give  the  full  resolving 
power  of  the  object-glass  in  use.  Anything  that  can  be  resolved  by 
transmitted  illumination  can  be  resolved  by  dark-ground  .illumina- 
tion, and  in  general  with  much  greater  brilliancy,  because  of  the 
increased  contrast  between  different  parts  of  the  structure," 

§  175.  Naked-eye  demonstration  of  dark-field  effects.  —  Use 
some  black  velvet  and  scatter  upon  it  some  minute  pieces  of  white 
paper,  also  a  small  piece  of  black  velvet.  Place  in  a  well  lighted 
window  or  light  well  by  a  bull's-eye  (fig.  68)  or  the  dark-field  lamp 
(fig.  80). 

The  paper  reflects  the  light  to  the  eyes;  the  small  piece  of  velvet 
is  very  obscure.  For  comparison  with  bright-field  appearances,  use 
a  piece  of  white  paper  and  put  on  it  small  pieces  of  white  paper  and 
a  piece  of  the  black  velvet.  These  experiments  bring  out  clearly 
the  advantages  of  contrast  as  well  as  the  light  and  dark  back- 

§  176.  Dark-field  effects  with  light  above  the  stage.  —  Use  a 
16  mm.  (IQX)  or  lower  objective,  and  a  low  ocular.  Place  some  black 
velvet  on  the  stage  of  the  microscope,  and  upon  it  a  glass  slip  on 
which  are  some  grains  of  flour  or  starch  or  other  white  powder. 
Place  the  microscope  near  a  well  lighted  window  or  let  the  light  from 



.  lit 


a  lamp  fall  upon  the  top  of  the  slip  (fig.  68).  In  the  microscope  the 
particles  will  appear  brilliantly  white  on  a  dark  background.  In  all 

work  with  the  microscope, 
whether  with  bright-  or  dark- 
field  illumination,  one  would  do 
well  to  remember  this  experi- 
ment, for  it  illustrates  how 
light  from  above  the  stage  may 
enter  the  microscope.  Such 
scattered,  irregular  light  often 
spoils  the  sharpness  of  the 
image  with  transmitted  light. 

This  is  why  it  is  best  to  have  no  light  strike  the  object  from 
above  the  stage  when  the  lighting  is  from  below  the  stage,  whether 
for  bright-  or  for  dark-field  illumination. 

§  177.  Dark-field  effects  with  light  from  below  the  stage.  —  As 
commonly  understood,  dark- 
field  illumination  refers  espe- 
cially to  light  from  below  the 
stage.  The  light  may  be 
directed  upon  the  object  from 
some  source  as  in  fig.  68,  or  it 
may  be  reflected  from  a  mirror. 
For  the  higher  powers  it  is  nec- 
essary also  to  use  a  condenser 
to  light  the  object  with  a  suffi- 
cient aperture. 

Use  the  same  microscope  and 

the  same  specimen  as  in  §  176.  Swing  the  mirror  far  to  one  side 
and  direct  the  light  very  obliquely  upon  the  glass  slip  supporting  the 
white  granules;  or  use  a  bull's-eye  to  direct  the  light  very  obliquely 
upon  the  object.  The  purpose  is  to  have  the  light  all  so  oblique 
that  none  of  it  can  get  directly  into  the  objective.  The  only  light 
that  should  pass  into  the  objective  is  that  reflected  from  the  white 
granules.  If  light  were  to  pass  directly  into  the  objective  the  back- 
ground would  be  light. 


69.      LAMP    AND    BULL'S-EYE 



Just  as  with  the  bright-field  microscope  the  mirror  alone  does  not 
give  light  of  high  enough  aperture  for  the  modern  objectives  used  and 
a  condenser  must  be  employed,  so  with  the  dark-field  microscope  a 
condenser  must  be  used  to  give  rays  of  sufficient  obliquity.  With  the 
bright-field  microscope  the  light  illuminating  the  object  is  in  the  form 
of  a  solid  cone  (figs.  61,  287-290),  but  with  the  dark-field  microscope, 
where  only  oblique  rays  must  light  the  object,  the  central  part  of  the 
solid  cone  must  be  blocked  out  somewhere  in  its  course  and  only  the 
oblique  rays  forming  a  hollow  cone  of  light  must  be  permitted  to 
illuminate  the  object.  If  the  objects  in  the  field  are  thus  illuminated 
by  rays  so  oblique  that  none  of  them  can  enter  the  objective  directly, 
the  objects  will  appear  bright  by  the  light  which  they  deflect  into  the 
microscope  and  the  background  or  field  will  be  dark ;  that  is,  the  ob- 
jects will  appear  to  be  self-luminous  in  a  black  field,  as  with  the  moon 
and  the  planets  in  the  sky  at  night. 

The  light  reaching  the  condenser  from  the  mirror  is  mostly  in  the 
form  of  a  solid  beam  of  parallel  rays,  and  the  stop  to  eliminate  the 
central  part  of  the  beam  may  be  below  all  the  elements  of  the  con- 
denser as  in  figures  70,  84,  279,  or  it  may  be  between  the  elements  of  the 
condenser  as  in  figures  71,  77,  280-282.  In  all  cases  the  central  part  is 
blocked  out  and  only  the  outer  shell  or  hollow  cone  composed  of  the 
most  oblique  rays  is  permitted  to  pass  on  and  illuminate  the  object. 
This  is  shown  in  the  illustrations  of  all  the  dark-field  condensers 
(figs.  71,  74,  77,  84,  126,  279,  280-281)  except  figure  70. 

§  178.  Spot  lens  and  refracting  condensers  for  dark-field  effects.  — 
Besides  the  early  devices  for  dark-field  shown  in  figures  68-69,  a  con~ 
densing  lens  with  a  black  central  patch  cemented  to  the  middle  was 
much  used.  Since  1854  at  least,  the  achromatic  and  non-achromatic 
bright-field  condensers  have  been  found  to  give  excellent  black  back- 
grounds if  central  stops  are  used.  (See  Ch.  XIV.) 

In  general,  these  refracting  condensers  are  entirely  satisfactory  for 
use  with  low  objectives,  that  is,  those  of  8  (2ox)  to  16  mm.  (lox)  equiv- 
alent focus  and  still  lower  ones.  (See  also  §§  717-723.)  They  have  the 
further  advantage  of  lighting  a  large  field.  By  using  care  in  lighting,  by 



[CH.  Ill 

selection  of  slips  of  the  correct  thickness  and  by  the  use  of  brilliant 
light,  dark-field  work  can  be  done  satisfactorily  with  objectives  of 
8  mm.  (2ox)  and  4  mm.  (e.f.)  Uox),  provided  the  numerical  aperture 
does  not  exceed  0.60  to  0.66.  Homogeneous  immersion  objectives  of 
2  (oox)  to  3  mm.  (e.f.)  (6ox)  and  indeed  dry  objectives  of  any  power 
and  aperture  can  be  used  provided  there  is  inserted  a  reducing  dia- 
phragm to  bring  the  aperture  slightly  below  0.65.  For  the  higher 
powers  one  must  use  a  strong  light  and  it  is  also  of  great  advantage 
to  use  homogeneous  immersion  liquid  between  the  condenser  and 
glass  slip  bearing  the  object,  for  then  the  most  oblique  rays  can  pass 
into  the  slip  and  illuminate  the  object  up  to  the  refractive  index  of 
its  mounting  medium.  For  the  16  mm.  (lox)  and  lower  objectives 
immersion  contact  of  the  condenser  and  slip  is  unnecessary  unless 
especial  brilliancy  is  needed. 

§  179.  Thickness  of  slips  to  use  with  refracting  condensers.  — 
The  object  should  be  in  the  focus  of  the  condenser  (figs.  70,  77), 
hence  the  slip  used  should  be  of  the  thickness  to  put  the  objects 
upon  it  at  the  level  of  the  focus.  This  is,  of  course,  more  important 
with  the  higher  powers  than  with  the  lower  ones.  The  ordinary 
Abbe  condenser  does  not  have  a  sharp  focus 
on  account  of  its  aberrations,  consequently 
one  need  not  be  so  particular  about  selecting 
the  slips.  With  the  achromatic  condensers, 
however,  there  is  a  sharp  focus  and,  as  a  rule, 
it  is  quite  near  the  surface  of  the  top  of  the 
condenser,  hence  thin  slips  should  be  used. 
Fortunately  many  microscope  makers  give  the 
equivalent  focus  of  their  condensers  and  also 
the  working  distance,  that  is,  the  distance  be- 
tween the  top  of  the  condenser  and  its  focus. 
This  working  distance  shows  the  thickness  of 
slip  to  use,  and  if  the  slip  is  of  that  thick- 
ness, it  will  bring  the  focus  of  the  condenser 
at  the  upper  surface  of  the  slip  where  the  ob- 
ject is  situated,  and  thus  insure  the  most  brilliant  illumination. 
If  the  makers  do  not  state  the  equivalent  focus  and  working  dis- 

FIG.  70.  REFRACT- 


tance,  one  can  find  it  by  holding  the  condenser  with  its  lower  end 
toward  the  sun.  The  sun's  rays  are  practically  parallel  and  hence 
will  be  brought  to  a  focus  above  the  upper  end  of  the  condenser.  If 
one  measures  the  distance  between  the  focal  point  and  the  top  of 
the  condenser  it  will  show  the  working  distance.  A  piece  of  ground 
glass  is  a  good  object  to  use  to  show  where  the  focal  point  of  the 
condenser  is  situated.  This  working  distance  indicates  the  thick- 
ness of  the  slide  to  use. 

§  180.  Size  of  the  central  stop  required.  —  Evidently  the  central 
stop  must  be  of  a  size  to  exclude  all  rays  which  could  pass  directly 
into  the  microscope  objective,  and  allow  those  to  pass  which  were  of 
an  aperture  greater  than  that  of  the  objective  in  use.  The  size  can 
be  easily  determined  in  any  given  case  as  follows:  The  iris,  dia- 
phragm is  opened  widely,  and  the  light  reflected  up  through  the 
condenser.  The  objective  should  be  focused  on  a  transparent  speci- 
men; the  ocular  is  removed  and  one  looks  directly  down  the  tube  of 
the  microscope.  The  back  lens  of  the  objective  will  be  brilliantly 
lighted.  Now  slowly  close  the  iris,  and  soon  its  edge  will  be  seen 
all  around  the  bright  area.  Close  the  iris  until  sure  that  it  is  clearly 
seen.  Then  slowly  open  it  until  its  opening  is  just  at  the  edge  of  the 
back  lens  of  the  objective.  The  use  of  the  eyepoint  magnifier  or  the 
pinhole  cap  is  convenient  in  this  connection  (figs.  57-58).  This 
opening  of  the  iris  which  just  fills  the  aperture  of  the  objective  indi- 
cates how  large  a  central  stop  is  necessary  to  exclude  all  this  light. 
Turn  the  microscope  over  on  its  side  and,  with  fine  pointed  dividers, 
measure  the  diameter  of  the  iris  opening.  Make  a  central  stop  of 
the  size  of  the  iris  opening  or  slightly  larger  out  of  thick  paper  like  a 
visiting  card.  As  shown  in  figure  70  there  must  be  three  or  four 
arms  left  to  support  the  central  stop.  Blacken  the  paper  with  black 
ink,  and  put  it  in  the  holder  under  the  condenser.  If  now  a  suitable 
object  is  put  on  a  slip  and  the  objective  focused,  there  should  be  a 
dark-field,  and  the  objects  present  should  shine  as  if  by  their  own 
light.  If  the  field  looks  gray  instead  of  black  it  is  because  the 
central  stop  is  too  small  or  is  not  centered,  or  the  white  particles 
used  on  the  slip  are  far  too  numerous  and  do  not  leave  enough  blank 


One  can  determine  what  is  at  fault  thus:  The  ocular  is  removed. 
If  the  central  stop  is  too  small  the  back  lens  of  the  objective  will 
show  a  ring  of  light  around  the  outside.  If  the  central  stop  is  not 
centered  there  will  be  a  meniscus  of  light  on  one  side.  If  the  ob- 
jects are  too  numerous  the  whole  field  will  be  bright.  To  verify 
these  statements  one  can  use  a  specimen  with  flour  or  starch  all  over 
the  slide. 

For  the  meniscus  of  light  when  the  central  stop  is  decentered, 
purposely  pull  the  ring  holding  the  stop  slightly  to  one  side  and  the 
meniscus  will  appear  in  the  back  lens.  To  show  the  ring  of  light  due 
to  a  too  small  size  of  the  stop,  the  easiest  way  is  to  use  a  higher 
objective,  say  one  of  3  (6ox)  or  4  mm.  (40%),  in  place  of  the  16  mm. 
(lox)  objective.  While  it  is  necessary  to  eliminate  all  the  light  which 
could  enter  the  objective  directly,  the  thicker  the  ring  of  light  which 
remains  to  illuminate  the  objects,  the  more  brilliantly  self-luminous 
will  they  appear,  therefore  one  uses  only  the  stop  necessary  for  a 
given  objective.  If  one  makes  central  stops  for  the  different  objec- 
tives as  described  above,  it  will  be  greatly  emphasized  that  the 
objectives  differ  in  aperture;  in  general  the  higher  the  power,  the 
greater  the  aperture,  and  consequently  the  larger  must  be  the  central 
stop,  and  the  thinner  the  ring  of  light  left  to  illuminate  the  object. 
As  one  needs  more  light  for  high  powers  instead  of  less  than  for  low 
powers,  the  deficiency  of  light  caused  by  the  large  central  stop 
must  be  made  good  by  using  a  more  brilliant  source  of  light  for  the 
high  powers. 

->  §  181.  Dark-field  element  for  refracting  condensers.  —  Recently 
there  has  been  devised  a  dark-field  element  for  the  improved  Abbe 
:ondensers.  The  upper  lens  of  the  condenser  is  removed  and  in  its 
3lace  is  a  lens  with  the  lower  end  ground  away,  and  blackened 
directly  or  by  means  of  a  special  diaphragm  which  can  be  placed 
very  close  to  the  lens.  By  this  arrangement  only  the  very  oblique 
rays  at  the  edge  of  the  solid  cone  can  enter  the  sides  of  the  upper 
element,  and  dark-field  illumination  results  as  the  rays  in  the  hollow 
cone  which  illuminates  the  object  are  all  too  oblique  to  enter  the 
objective  directly  (fig.  126). 

These  dark-field  elements  do  not  give  so  perfect  dark-field  illumi 

CH.  Ill] 



nation  as  do  the  regular  paraboloid  or  reflecting  condensers,  but  they 
do  have  the  advantage  that  they  are  relatively  cheap,  and  serve  to 
light  rather  a  large  field.  As  with  the  regular  dark-field  condensers, 


FIG.  71. 



(For  full  explanation,  see  fig.  126.) 

it  is  better  to  have  the  slide  in  immersion  contact  with  the  con- 

§  182.  Light  for  dark-field  work  with  refracting  condensers.  — 
For  objectives  of  8  mm.  (2ox),  16  mm.  (lox),  and  lower  powers, 
ordinary  daylight  or  lamplight  answers  fairly  well,  and  the  Chalet 
microscope  lamp  answers  for  the  8  mm.  (zox)  objective.  If  the  4 
mm.  (4ox)  of  0.66  N.A.,  or  the  immersion  objective  reduced  to  0.80  or 
0.85  N.A.  is  to  be  used,  then  the  dark-field  microscope  lamp  gives 
more  satisfactory  results.  For  many  objects  it  is  advantageous  to 
have  a  piece  of  finely  ground  glass  in  the  path  of  the  light.  For  all 



[Cn.  Ill 

powers  the  light  through  the  piece  of  daylight  glass  without  any 
condenser  (fig.  82)  is  good  for  many  purposes.  As  for  the  reflecting 
condensers,  it  is  well  to  keep  in  mind  that  too  great  intensity  of  light 
tends  to  make  the  background  gray  from  the  stray  light  which  gets 
into  the  field. 

§  183.  Objectives  and  oculars  for  dark-field  work  with  refracting 
condensers.  —  With  the  dark-field  element  in  place  one  can  use  all 
powers,  including  an  oil  immersion,  but  the  lower  powers  are  the  more 
satisfactory.  For  the  4  mm.  and  the  oil  immersion  it  is  advantageous 
to  have  their  iris  diaphragms  closed  somewhat  more  than  when  using 
the  cardioid  or  paraboloid  condensers. 

With  the  ordinary  refracting  condenser  of  1.20  to  1.40  N.A.,  fairly 
good  dark-field  effects  can  be  produced  by  using  the  proper  dark-field 
stop  (fig.  282)  if  the  objectives  of  8  mm.  and  higher  powers  have  iris 
diaphragms  that  can  reduce  the  apertures  sufficiently.  They  light  a 
large  field  and  permit  change  from  dark-  to  light- 
field  without  disturbing  the  specimen  (§  718). 

As  was  first  pointed  out  by  Wenham,  1850- 
1856,  refracting  condensers  are  not  so  well 
adapted  for  obtaining  the  best  ring  of  light  for 
dark-field  work  as  a  reflecting  condenser,  on 
account  of  the  difficulty  in  getting  rid  of  the 
spherical  and  chromatic  aberration  in  the  re- 
fracted bundles  of  such  great  aperture.  He  first 
(1850)  used  a  silvered  paraboloid  and  later  (1856) 
one  of  solid  glass  as  is  now  used.  Within  the  last 
10  or  15  years  there  have  also  been  worked 
out  reflecting  condensers  on  the  cardioid  princi- 
ple (Fig.  77).  The  purpose  of  all  forms  is  to 
give  a  ring  o{  light  which  shall  be  of  great 
aperture,  and  be  as  free  as  possible  from  chro- 
matic and  spherical  aberration,  and  hence  will 
form  a  sharp  focus  of  the  hollow  cone  upon 
the  level  where  the  objects  are  situated. 

FIG.  72.  HIGH- 
(From  Chamot.) 
D  Funnel-shaped 
reducing  diaphragm 
screwed  into  the 
lower  end  of  the 
"boot"  (opposite  #). 

CH.  Ill] 



In  the  reflecting  as  in  the  refracting  condensers  the  central  part  of 
the  light  beam  from  the  source  is  blocked  out  by  a  central  opaque 
stop  and  only  a  ring  of  light  enters  the  condenser  (figs.  70,  75,  77, 


While  the  purpose  of  the  reflecting  condenser  is  to  produce  a  hol- 
low cone  of  light  of  great  aperture  for  illuminating  the  object,  it  is 
seen  at  once  that  the  law  of  refraction  will  prevent  the  light  from 
passing  from  the  condenser  to  the  object  unless  the  glass  slip  bearing 
the  object  is  in  immersion  contact  with  the  top  of  the  condenser. 





The  diagrams  show  that  in  each  case  the  cone  of  light  in 
the  glass  must  have  an  aperture  equal  to  the  refractive  index 
of  the  overlying  medium:  For  air,  N  A  i.oo;  for  water, 
N  A  1.33;  for  glycerol,  N  A  1.47;  for  homogeneous  liquid, 
N  A  1.52.  Any  aperture  of  the  light  cone  in  the  glass  in 
excess  of  the  refractive  index  of  the  medium  above  is  beyond 
the  critical  angle  and  is  therefore  reflected  back  into  the  con- 



[Cn.  Ill 

If  the  objective  is  traversed  by  the  light,  then  the  aperture  will  be 
limited  by  the  refractive  index  of  the  object.  In  like  manner  any 
medium  between  the  objective  and  the  object  limits  the  aperture 
depending  on  the  refractive  index  of  the  medium. 

Figure  73  shows  the  maxi- 
mum aperture  that  can  pass 
from  the  condenser  to  the  ob- 
ject where  there  is  (i)  air,  (2) 
water,  (3)  glycerin  or  (4)  ho- 
mogeneous immersion  between 
the  top  of  the  condenser  and 
the  glass  slip.  If  there  is 
homogeneous  contact  then  the 
only  limit  up  to  1.52  N.A.  is 
the  mounting  medium  of  the 
object  itself. 

§  184.  Numerical  aperture 
of  reflecting  dark-field  con- 
densers. —  This  must  be 
greater  than  the  objective  with 
which  it  is  to  be  used,  and  the 
central  part  of  the  cone  of 
light  up  to  the  full  aperture  of 
the  objective  must  be  stopped 
out,  leaving  a  hollow  cone  of 
light  all  of  whose  rays  are  at  a 


SB  Solid  beam  of  light  from  the 
mirror  to  the  stop,  which  permits  only  the 
border  rays  to  pass  on  to  form  the  hollow 
cone  of  light.  greater  aperture  than  that  of 

/,  2  (cd  in  §  181)    The  lower  movable      \         .     \ 
and  the  upper  fixed  elements  of  the  con-      the  objective, 
denser.     The   closer   the   elements   the 
thicker  can  be  the  slide,  the  farther  sepa- 
rated the  thinner. 

SI,  c  Slide  and  cover-glass  in  immer- 
sion contact  below  with  the  condenser  and 
above  with  the  objective. 

By  means  of  a  screw  the 
upper  and  the  lower  elements 
can  be  separated  or  approxi- 
mated to  change  the  position 
of  the  focus  of  the  hollow  cone 
and  thus  to  make  it  possible  to  use  slides  of  different  thickness.  The 
closer  the  elements  the  thicker  can  be  the  slide,  the  farther  apart  the 
elements  the  thinner  must  be  the  slide  (Beck,  p.  132), 


In  practice  it  has  been  found  safer  to  reduce  the  aperture  of  the 
objective  to  0.80  or  0.85  N.A.,  then  one  can  get  a  dark-field  with  any 
good  dark-field  condenser.  (The  writer  has  not  found  the  reducing 
diaphragms  furnished  by  the  makers  to  exceed  0.90,  and  some  were 
even  as  low  as  0.60  N.A.)  See  further  under  §  186. 

§  185.  Homogeneous  objectives  for  dark-field  microscopy.  — 
From  the  uncertainty  in  the  use  of  these  reducing  diaphragms,  it  was 
urged  in  the  former  edition  of  this  book  that  opticians  prepare 
homogeneous  objectives  especially  for  dark-field  work.  As  a  result 
of  tests  of  several  of  the  standard  reflecting  dark-field  condensers 
of  both  the  paraboloid  and  the  cardioid  form,  it  was  found  that  an 
objective  aperture  of  0.80  would  give  a  dark-field,  hence  this  aper- 
ture is  mentioned  as  safe  for  all  the  standard  makes,  although  in  some 
cases  an  aperture  as  great  as  0.90  could  be  safely  used. 

In  1921,  at  my  earnest  personal  solicitation,  the  Bausch  &  Lomb 
Optical  Company,  and  the  Spencer  Lens  Company  did  construct 
homogeneous  immersion  objectives  with  an  aperture  of  0.80  to 
0.85  N.A.  for  dark-field  work.  These  have  proved  thoroughly  satis- 
factory for  the  dark-field  work  and  also  for  most  of  the  work  in 
histology  and  pathology  where  the  substage  condenser  was  used  dry 
and  therefore  could  not  supply  an  aperture  greater  than  i.oo  to  the 
object  and  to  the  oil  immersion  objective.  (See  discussion  of  the  need 
for  a  homogeneous  immersion  condenser,  §§  124-125.) 

In  England  and  on  the  Continent  homogeneous  immersion  objec- 
tives of  about  3  mm.  (6ox)  focus  have  been  produced  for  some  time. 
Some  of  these  have  an  aperture  below  i.oo  N.A.  for  dark-field  work. 
In  the  special  micro-catalogue  of  Zeiss  No.  306,  received  in  1922, 
there  was  found  an  announcement  of  two  apochromatic,  homoge- 
neous immersion  objectives  especially  designed  for  dark-field  work. 
They  are  designated  X  (60)  (f.  3  mm.)  and  W  (120)  (f.  1.5  mm.). 
Each  has  an  aperture  of  0.85,  and  both  are  excellent  for  dark-field 
use  and  also  for  bright-field  work. 

§  186.  Dark-field  condensers  for  high  apertures.  —  During  the 
last  two  years  there  have  been  developed  in  England  by  the  veteran 
optician,  Edward  Nelson,  and  by  the  Messrs.  Beck,  dark-field  con- 
densers which  permit  the  use  of  homogeneous  immersion  objectives 



.  Ill 

up  to  1.25  to  1.40  N.A.    The  type  of  Nelson's  condenser  is  known  as 
a  Cassegrain  reflecting  condenser  and  is  produced  by  Watson  &  Sons 

(fig-  75). 

The  high  apertured  condenser  by  Beck  is  known  as  a  "  Special 
Focusing  Dark  Ground  Illuminator  "  and  is  said  to  give  an  illuminat- 
ing aperture  from  1.32  to  1.45  N.A.  It  is  described  in  Beck's  last 
catalogue  and  in  Conrad  Beck's  book,  "  The  Microscope,"  Part  II, 
1924,  pp.  128-129.  In  general  it  is  like  fig.  74  which  gives  an  aper- 
ture from  i  .00  to  1.40.  The  special  focusing  condenser  used  with 
slips  of  0.5  mm.  thickness  gives  an  aperture  of  1.32  to  1.45,  and 
objectives  of  an  aperture  of  1.25  can  be  used  successfully  with  it. 

While  the  Nelson  Cassegrain  reilecting  condenser  permits  the  use 
of  high  apertures,  even  up  to  1.40  according  to  Dr.  F.  J.  Brislee, 
President  of  the  Liverpool  Microscopical  Society,  in  Watson's  Micro- 
scopic Record,  Sept.  1924,  pp.  4-7,  it  must  be  remembered  that  such 
high  apertures  require  a  mounting  medium  of  high  refractive  index, 
for  the  aperture  of  light  finally  entering  the  objective  is  limited  by 
the  medium  of  lowest  refractive  index  between  the  objective  and  the 

object.    It  is  also  evident  that 

objects  like  blood-corpuscles 
which  are  normally  in  a  medium 
of  about  n  I)  1.33,  cannot  be 
viewed  by  an  aperture  greater 
than  the  mounting  medium. 
Furthermore,  the  very  great 
obliquity  of  the  high-apertured 
light  is  a  severe  test  of  the  cor- 
rections of  the  condenser,  and  is 
likely  to  cut  down  the  intensity 
of  the  illumination. 

§  187.  Combined  dark-field 
and  bright-field  condensers.  — 
Every  one  who  uses  the  dark- 
field  microscope  for  serious 
work  often  feels  the  need  of  bright-field  observation  upon  the 
identical  object  to  make  it  possible  to  arrive  at  a  just  interpreta- 

FIG.     75.       NELSON'S     CASSEGRAIN 
1.00  N  A. 
,(From  Watson's   Microscope   Bulletin.) 

c-s  Central  stop,  these  are  of  differ- 
ent size  depending  on  the  aperture  of  the 
objective  to  be  used. 

s-s  Silvered  border  of  the  upper, 
reflecting  element. 


tion  of  a  given  appearance.  To  meet  the  insistent  demand  three 
Continental  opticians  have  designed  and  manufactured  three 
different  types  of  combined  condensers,  and  they  all  enable  one  to 
see  the  same  structure  by  a  slight  change  in  the  accessories  of  the 
condenser,  but  no  change  in  the  specimen  under  observation. 

In  the  form  of  Leitz,  by  the  change  in  position  of  a  central  stop 
and  an  iris  diaphragm  either  bright-  or  dark-field  illumination  can 
be  used,  and  when  the  iris  is  open  and  the  central  stop  turned 
aside,  both  kinds  of  illumination  can  be  used  at  the  same  time.  This 
condenser  is  better  for  dark-  than  for  bright-field  illumination,  and 
like  the  following,  not  so  good  for  either  as  condensers  especially 
designed  for  one  purpose. 

The  form  of  Reichert  is  a  supers tage  condenser  in  which  is  present, 
besides  the  upper  element  of  the  dark-field,  a  disk  with  central  stops 
of  different  sizes,  a  ground  glass  for  mild,  low  power  bright-field 
lighting,  and  a  very  convex  lens  serving  the  purpose  of  an  Abbe 
condenser.  These  different  elements  are  brought  into  the  optic  axis 
by  rotating  the  disk.  This  is  a  convenient  and  effective  instrument, 
and  when  once  centered,  is  satisfactory  (§  189). 

The  form  of  Zeiss  is  a  modification  of  his  paraboloid  condenser  by 
the  addition  of  elements  below  the  paraboloid  proper  and  changed  in 
position  by  means  of  two  levers.  One  of  the  levers  turns  the  central 
stop  in  position  for  dark-field  work,  and  to  one  side  for  bright-field 
work.  The  other,  shorter  lever  actuates  an  element  which  adjusts 
the  condenser  for  slips  of  different  thickness  between  i.oo  and 
2.00  mm.  This  makes  it  possible  to  examine  successfully  prepara- 
tions which  were  not  especially  mounted  for  dark-field  work.  On 
the  whole  this  condenser  is  easiest  to  work  with  and  gives  satis- 
factory results  with  a  wide  variety  of  thickness  of  slip,  and  different 

All  of  these  condensers  require  immersion  contact  of  the  slip  and 
the  top  of  the  condenser.  For  low  powers  water  immersion  is  suffi- 
cient. For  high  powers  the  homogeneous  immersion  contact  is  best, 
and  it  gives  more  brilliant  pictures  for  all  powers  because  of  the 
additional  aperture  that  it  makes  possible. 

§  188.  Focusing    dark-field    condensers.  —  With    dark-field    con ' 


densers  the  thickness  of  the  glass  slip  is  determined  by  the  fixed  focal 
distance  and  working  distance  of  the  condenser,  and  unless  the  slip 
is  of  the  corresponding  thickness  the  object  will  be  above  or  below 
the  apex  of  the  cone  of  light  and  therefore  not  in  the  most  favorable 
position  to  bring  out  its  details  of  structure  (fig.  77). 

Beck  Limited  of  London  and  Zeiss  of  Jena  have  designed  dark- 
field  condensers  in  which  the  focal-point  and  consequently  the  work- 
ing distance  can  be  made  to  vary,  and  hence  make  possible  the 
successful  use  of  slips  of  different  thickness.  This  is  convenient 
when  examining  objects  not  originally  mounted  for  dark-field  work. 

With  the  Beck  form,  by  means  of  a  lever  below,  the  elements  of 
the  condenser  (fig.  74C,  d)  can  be  separated  or  approximated  for 
slips  0.5  to  1.85  mm.  As  evident  from  the  diagram,  the  nearer 
d  is  to  c  the  thicker  the  slip,  and  the  farther  d  and  c  the  thinner  the 
slip.  Furthermore  \uth  this  form,  by  using  a  very  thin  slip  (0.5 
mm.),  it  is  possible  to  increase  the  aperture  of  the  condenser  and 
hence  to  irake  it  pcssille  to  use  higher  apertured  homogeneous 
irrrrersion  objectives  and  thereby  gain  the  advantage  in  resolution 
rrade  possible  by  the  added  aperture.  With  the  form  figured,  Beck 
says  that  with  the  adjustment  made  for  a  half  millimeter  slip  and 
specimens  mounted  upon  it,  an  aperture  as  high  as  1.20  in  the  objec- 
tive may  be  used.  See  also  §  186.  The  Zeiss  form  is  focused  for 
different  thickness  of  slips  (i.oo  to  2.00  mm.)  by  drawing  a  short 
lever  to  the  right  for  thin  and  to  the  left  for  thick  slips.  According 
to  leaflet  No.  365,  this  displaces  an  element  within  the  condenser 
without  changing  the  position  of  the  upper  lens.  Therefore,  as  with 
the  Beck  form,  the  immersion  contact  with  the  under  surface  of  the 
slip  bearing  the  specimen  is  undisturbed. 

§  189.  Superstage  dark-field  condensers.  —  These  are  dark-field 
condensers  to  put  on  the  stage  instead  of  in  place  of  the  substage 
illuminator.  They  are  made  with  the  same  exactness  as  the  sub- 
stage  form,  indeed,  in  some  the  optical  part  is  exactly  the  same 
as  for  the  substage  condenser.  In  its  use  the  bright-field  sub- 
stage  condenser  is  turned  aside  and  the  light  reflected  by  the  mirror 
directly  into  the  condenser  on  the  stage.  The  only  special  difficulty 
in  its  use  is  that  in  moving  the  preparation  to  find  a  desirable  field 


one  is  likely  to  get  the  condenser  out  of  center,  as  it  is  held  in  place 
only  with  the  stage  clips,  or  the  mechanical  stage. 

Reichert  has  overcome  this  difficulty  by  attaching  arms  with 
pegs  to  fit  into  the  holes  in  the  stage  designed  for  the  spring  clips. 
The  sliding  joint  of  the  two  arms  connected  with  the  condenser  and 
the  pegs  is  clamped  when  the  condenser  is  centered,  then  it  is  almost 
as  fixed  as  the  substage  condenser,  and  the  preparation  can  be 
moved  freely  without  much  danger  of  decentering  the  stage. 

§  190.  Immersion  contact  of  condenser  and  glass  slip  for  high 
apertures.  —  As  shown  in  §  1 24  for  the  bright-field  condenser,  and 
as  indicated  in  the  diagrams  (fig.  73)  showing  the  aperture  of  light 
that  is  required  to  fill  the  hemisphere  above  the  condenser  with  light, 
if  a  high  aperture  is  required,  it  can  only  be  obtained  by  making 
immersion  contact  between  the  upper  face  of  the  condenser  and  the 
lower  face  of  the  glass  slip  bearing  the  object  to  be  studied. 

As  will  be  seen  by  the  different  figures  in  this  group  the  numerical 
aperture  that  can  illuminate  the  object  is  limited  by  the  refractive 
index  of  the  medium  in  contact  with  the  upper  face  of  the  con- 

A  general  and  complete  statement  is  that  the  aperture  of  light 
which  can  be  concentrated  upon  an  object  is  limited  by  the  medium 
of  lowest  refractive  index  between  the  condenser  and  the  object, 
hence  the  advice  to  use  homogeneous  immersion. 

As  in  the  reflecting  condensers,  practically  no  light  can  escape 
from  the  condenser  which  has  an  aperture  greater  than  i.oo,  objects 
mounted  in  air  require  immersion  contact  of  the  mounting  slip  and 
the  top  of  the  condenser,  although  this  would  be  unnecessary  with 
refracting  condensers  (§178).  If  in  air  or  water,  it  would  seem  that 
water  immersion  of  the  slip  and  condenser  would  suffice;  if  the 
object  were  in  glycerin,  then  glycerin  immersion,  and  if  in  Canada 
balsam  or  other  medium  of  the  refraction  of  glass,  then  only  would 
the  homogeneous  immersion  seem  to  be  necessary  (fig.  73). 

It  is  advocated,  however,  that  in  all  cases  the  homogeneous  im- 
mersion be  made  with  the  condenser  for  two  reasons:  (i)  If  there 
is  homogeneous  contact  between  condenser  and  slip,  not  so  much 
light  will  be  lost  by  reflection  from  the  lower  face  of  the  slip.  H  not 



[Cn.  Ill 

immersed,  this  loss  is  very  great  from  the  obliquity  of  the  light  from 
the  condenser  to  the  slip.  (2)  It  is  advantageous  to  use  the  homo- 
geneous immersion  contact  because  some  of  the  objects  mounted  in 
air  rest  directly  on  the  glass  slip,  as  is  also  the  case  with  any  fluid 
mounting  medium.  Being  in  contact  with  the  glass  slip  the  light 
passes  directly  from  the  glass  into  it  up  to  the  aperture  of  the  index 
of  refraction  of  the  object;  hence  the  object  in  optical  contact  with 
the  glass  slip  receives  a  greater  aperture  of  light  than  the  surround- 
ing medium  could,  and  is  therefore  more  brilliantly  illuminated,  as 
the  illumination  is  as  the  square  of  the  aperture.  One  can  see  the 
importance  of  this  consideration  by  a  very  simple  experiment: 
Clean  the  top  of  the  condenser  thoroughly,  then  illuminate  as 
strongly  as  possible.  The  top  of  the  condenser  will  remain  relatively 
black.  Scatter  a  few  grains  of  Hour  or  powdered  starch  upon  the 
face  of  the  condenser  and  those  that  are  in  optical  contact  with 
the  condenser  will  be  very  white  from  the  light  passing  from  the 
condenser  to  them,  and  being  reflected  by  them  (fig.  y6B). 

§  191.  Slips  and  cover-glasses  for  dark-field  work.  —  As  most 
dark-field  condensers  have  a  fixed  focal  distance,  and  the  object 
must  be  placed  in  the  focus  to  be  properly  illuminated,  it  follows 
that  one  must  select  glass  slips  of  the  thickness  to  bring  the  objects 

mounted  upon  them  at  the  level 
of  the  focal  point.  Slips  0.05 
less  and  0.05  more  than  the 
standard  are  permissible  with 
most  dark-field  condensers.  The 
makers  mark  upon  the  con- 
denser mounting  the  thickness 
of  slip  to  use,  hence  one  can 
select  those  of  the  right  thick- 
ness by  the  use  of  micrometer 
calipers  (figs,  219, 220).  Dealers 
in  microscopical  supplies  will 
also  furnish  slips  of  the  required 
thickness.  As  these  measured 
are  often  used  over  and  over  it  is  better  to  have  them  of  a 


A    Glass  surface  perfectly  clean. 

B  Starch  granules  in  optical  contact 
with  the  glass. 


permanent  glass.  Those  of  a  slight  greenish  tinge  now  made  in 
America  are  much  to  be  preferred  over  the  white,  unstable  glass  so 
common  in  the  market. 

Cover-glasses  should  be  about  0.15  to  0.18  mm.  in  thickness. 
That  is,  they  should  not  be  thicker  than  the  working  distance  of  the 
highest  objectives  to  be  used. 

§  192.  Cleaning  slips  and  covers  for  dark-field  work.  —  From 
much  personal  experience  the  writer  urges  all  who  are  to  undertake 
serious  work  with  the  dark-field  microscope  to  use  the  method  of 
Stitt  for  cleaning  the  slips  and  covers.  This  method  is  given  in  full 
in  §§  512,  515. 

§  193.,  Test  preparations  for  the  dark-field.  —  As  the  most  perfect 
effects  are  obtained  with  some  difficulty,  it  is  advised  that  prepara- 
tions be  made  with  slips  and  covers  of  known  thickness  by  which  the 
performance  of  the  dark-field  condenser  can  be  tested. 

Suppose  the  thickness  of  slip  to  be  used  with  a  given  condenser 
is  1.30  mm.  Select  a  slip  of  exactly  1.30  mm.  and  a  cover-glass  of 
0.15  mm.  in  thickness.  Clean  well.  In  the  middle  of  the  slip  write 
the  thickness  with  thin  white  ink.  A  delicate  brush  is  good  for  this. 
Some  parts  should  appear  white  to  the  naked  eye  and  others  must  be 
very  faint.  After  the  ink  is  dry,  add  a  drop  of  Canada  balsam  and 
put  on  the  cover-glass  and  press  it  down  well.  The  particles  of 
which  the  white  ink  is  composed  serve  well  for  deflecting  the  light. 

When  ready  to  undertake  the  study  of  some  preparation,  if  this 
standard  is  used  to  get  the  optimum  lighting,  one  can  feel  confident 
that  the  conditions  are  favorable  for  the  object  to  be  investigated. 
This  may  seem  like  too  much  trouble,  but  no  trouble  is  too  great  to 
enable  one  to  get  the  best  possible  results  if  the  work  is  worth  doing 
at  all. 

§  194.  Determining  the  thickness  of  slip  for  the  best  results  with 
a  dark-field  condenser.  —  The  writer  has  not  always  found  the 
thickness  of  glass  slip  recommended  by  the  makers  of  the  apparatus 
the  most  perfect  for  that  particular  condenser.  Indeed,  sometimes 
the  results  obtained  by  using  the  recommended  thickness  of  slips 
were  very  imperfect. 

With  dark-field  condensers  of  the  cardioid  form  which  give  a  sharp 


focus,  the  proper  thickness  of  slide  to  use  for  the  best  results  can  be 
readily  found  by  the  use  of  slips  of  various  thickness  ground  on 
one  face. 


SB  Solid  beam  of  light  from  the  mirror  (M)  to  the  central  stop,  which  cuts 
out  all  but  the  border  rays. 

I,  2  Lower  and  upper  elements  of  the  condenser.  There  is  reflection  from  the 
lower  element  only.  Compare  with  the  cardioid  form  (fig.  84),  where  there  is 
reflection  from  both  elements. 

HC    Hollow  cone  of  light. 

F    Slide  of  the  thickness  to  bring  the  object  in  the  focus  of  the  hollow  cone. 

A  Slide  too  thick,  bringing  the  object  above  the  focus.  There  will  be  a  dark 
central  spot  in  the  field. 

B  Slide  too  thin.  This  will  locate  the  object  below  the  focus  in  the  hollow  cone 
and  give  a  dark  spot  in  the  field. 

To  determine  the  thickness  the  smooth  glass  surface  is  connected 
with  the  top  of  the  condenser  by  homogeneous  liquid.  The  micro- 
scope is  brilliantly  lighted  by  an  arc  light  or  by  one  of  the  lamps 
used  for  dark-field  observation  (fig.  80).  Of  course  sunlight  can  also 


be  used.  Employ  a  low  objective  and  low  ocular.  Focus  the  spot  of 
light  on  the  top  of  the  glass  slip.  As  it  is  much  too  thick,  there  will 
appear  a  ring  of  light  with  a  black  center  (fig,  77).  If  one  uses 
thinner  slips,  the  bright  spot  on  the  top  of  the  slip  will  grow  smaller 
and  smaller  and  the  central  black  spot  disappear.  The  slip  showing 
the  smallest  bright  spot  is  the  one  of  correct  thickness,  for  it  brings 
the  focus  of  the  hollow  cone  of  light  from  the  condenser  at  the  sur- 
face of  the  slip  where  the  object  to  be  examined  is  situated.  If  one 
uses  a  slip  much  thinner  than  required,  there  will  also  be  a  ring  of 
light  with  a  dark  center  (fig.  77).  For  measuring  the  thickness  of  the 
slips  a  micrometer  caliper  is  used.  For  grinding  the  surface,  a  piece 
of  plate  glass  or  other  smooth,  flat  glass  is  used  for  the  grinding  sur- 
face. On  this  is  placed  some  very  fine  carborundum  or  emery  flour, 
and  a  small  amount  of  water  added.  The  glass  slip  is  then  put  down 
on  the  grinding  powder  and  rubbed  around  on  the  plate  glass.  After 
a  little  experience  one  can  grind  one  face  of  a  glass  slip  in  20  to  30 
seconds.  After  being  ground  the  surface  is  well  washed  with  water 
and  wiped  dry.  For  use,  the  unground  surface  of  the  slip  is  con- 
nected with  the  top  of  the  condenser  by  homogeneous  liquid.  The 
ground  surface  will  then  be  up  and  it  serves  to  show  the  ring  or  spot 
of  light  from  the  condenser  exactly  as  the  ground  glass  in  a  photo- 
graphic camera  shows  the  image.  A  ground  glass  slip  serves  also  to 
aid  in  centering  the  condenser  (§  202). 

In  practice  one  must  be  sure  that  the  glass  slip  is  pressed  down  in 
close  contact  with  the  top  of  the  condenser.  If  there  is  a  consider- 
able stratum  of  the  homogeneous  liquid  between  the  slip  and  the 
condenser  the  thickness  of  the  slip  is  thus  virtually  increased  in 
thickness  and  one  would  conclude  that  a  thinner  slip  was  needed, 
which  would  be  wrong.  If  one  works  in  a  warm  room  and  uses  an 
immersion  liquid  which  is  not  too  thick,  it  is  easier  to  make  proper 
contact  between  the  slide  and  the  top  of  the  condenser.  This  is 
taken  advantage  of  when  by  necessity  or  mistake  an  object  has  been 
mounted  on  too  thin  a  slip.  By  using  plenty  of  the  immersion 
liquid  between  slip  and  condenser  the  condenser  can  be  lowered 
sufficiently  to  bring  the  focus  at  the  level  of  the  object  on  the  upper 
surface  of  the  thin  slip. 




§  195.  A  glance  at  figures  70,  74  and  84  will  give  a  clear  notion  of 
how  little  of  the  light  passing  through  the  condenser  is  deflected  by 
the  object  into  the  microscope,  consequently  the  source  of  light  must 
be  of  great  brilliancy  or  there  will  not  be  enough  to  give  sufficient 
light  to  render  the  minute  details  of  the  objects  visible,  when  high 
powers  are  used.  This  visibility  of  minute  details  involves  three 
things:  (i)  The  aperture  of  the  objectives;  (2)  The  aperture  of  the 
illuminating  pencil;  (3)  The  intensity  of  the  light. 

The  most  powerful  light  is  full  sunlight.  Following  this  is  the 
direct  current  arc,  the  alternating  current  arc  and  then  the  glowing 
filament  of  the  gas- filled  or  mazda  lamps,  and  the  "  pointolite,  or 
tungsarc  "  lamps. 

The  reflecting  condensers  are  designed  for  parallel  beams,  con- 
sequently the  direct  sunlight  can  be  reflected  into  the  condenser 
with  the  plane  mirror  of  the  microscope.  If  the  arc  lamp,  a  mazda 
lamp,  or  any  other  artificial  source  is  used,  a  parallelizing  system 
must  be  employed.  The  sirrplest  and  one  of  the  most  efficient  is  a 
planoconvex  lens  of  about  60  to  80  mm.  focus  with  the  plane  side 
next  the  light  and  the  convex  side  toward  the  microscope  mirror 
(fig.  81),  i.e.,  in  position  of  least  aberration.  This  is  placed  at  about 
its  principal  focal  distance  from  the  source  whether  that  be  arc 
lamp,  mazda  lamp,  or  any  other  source  and  the  issuing  beam  will 
be  of  approximately  parallel  rays.  These  can  then  be  reflected  up 
into  the  dark-field  condenser  with  the  plane  mirror. 

In  dark-field  work  it  is  wise  to  recall  that  it  is  somewhat  like 
studying  the  planets  and  the  moon,  that  is,  one  is  observing  objects 
which  are  seen  by  light  deflected  by  them,  hence  it  is  better  to  work 
in  a  dark  or  dimly  lighted  room  so  that  the  comparatively  mild 
light  from  the  object  shall  not  be  rendered  obscure  or  misty  by  an 
admixture  of  scattered  light  reaching  the  eye  at  the  same  time. 

§  196.  Direct  sunlight.  —  The  early  workers,  Wenham,  Shad- 
boldt,  Stephanson,  Edmunds,  Quekett,  Carpenter,  etc.,  advocated 
the  use  of  full  sunlight,  and  that  is  the  best  light  for  the  most  diffi- 
cult demonstrations.  For  continuous*  observation  one  must  use  a 


heliostat  to  keep  the  light  in  position.  Unfortunately,  also,  clouds 
are  likely  to  obscure  the  sun,  and  night  is  sure  to  come  before  the 
study  is  completed.  Hence  artificial  sources  of  light  are  utilized. 
For  many  purposes  sunlight  is  too  brilliant,  but  that  difficulty  is 
easily  overcome  by  the  use  of  one  or  more  pieces  of  ground  glass 
between  the  sun  and  the  mirror. 

§  197.  The  arc  lamp.  —  Next  to  the  sun  the  arc  lamp  gives  the 
most  brilliant  light.  Small  forms  have  been  devised  using  4  to  6 
amperes  of  current  (fig.  78).  The  direct  current  arc  is  most  satis- 
factory for  there  is  but  one  brilliant  crater  supplying  the  light.  The 
alternating  arc  has  two  equally  brilliant  craters,  and  the  double  light 
is  not  easy  to  utilize. 

FIG.    78.     SMALL   ARC   LAMP   FOR   DARK-FIELD 

A  Support  for  the  lamp;  H  C,  V  C,  The 
horizontal  and  vertical  carbons.  With  direct 
current  the  upper  carbon  is  made  positive  and  the 
lower  one  negative. 

Ch  The  hood  and  sleeve  to  cover  the  crater  and 
contain  the  parallelizing  lens. 

R  The  resistance  or  rheostat. 

W  2,  3,  4    Wiring  for  the  arc  lamp. 

So,  K  S  p  Socket  with  its  key-switch  and  sepa- 
rable plug  below. 



[CH.  Ill 

Like  sunlight,  the  arc  is  brighter  than  necessary  for  much  of  the 
work  with  the  dark-field  microscope.  It  can  be  softened  to  the 
desired  brightness  by  pieces  of  ground  glass  between  the  lamp  and 
the  microscope. 

§  198.  6- Volt  headlight  lamps.  —  Next  to  the  arc  light,  and  far 
more  satisfactory  to  use  is  a  6-volt  headlight  lamp.  This  has  a  very 
small,  closely  coiled  filament  or  a  band  filament  giving  a  source  not 
much  larger  than  the  crater  of  the  arc  lamp  and  hence  closely 
approximates  a  point  source  of  light.  The  brilliancy  is  also  very 
great  as  the  filament  is  at  about  2800°  absolute.  Thfe  two  sizes  that 
have  been  found  most  useful  are  the  7  2- watt  and  the  io8-watt 

FIG.  79.  ADJUSTABLE  6-voLT,  1 08- WATT  LAMP 

1  Coiled  filament,  6-volt  lamp. 

2  Mogul  base. 

3  Connection  for  the  iio-volt  circuit. 

4  Step-down  transformer,  i.e.  no  to  6  volts. 
5-5    Mistakeless  connection  for  the  lamp. 

6  Mogul  socket  in  the  lamp-house. 

7  Lamp-house. 

8  Tube  with  condenser. 

9  Screen  carrier  to  attach  to  the  condenser 

jo-ii    Adjusting  screws  for  tipping  the  lamp, 
and  raising  and  lowering  it. 

(Modified  from  the  Catalogue  of  the  Bausch  & 
Lomb  Optical  Co.) 

CH.  Ill] 



In  use  these  lamps  require  some  means  of  reducing  the  voltage 
from  1 10  or  220  to  6  volts.  A  rheostat  is  sometimes  used,  but  this  is 
exceedingly  wasteful.  If  the  current  is  alternating,  a  step-down 
transformer  accomplishes  the  reduction  with  practically  no  loss. 
As  the  wattage  is  the  voltage  into  the  amperage,  it  follows  that  the 

FIG.  80.    ADJUSTABLE,  6-vot/r,  IO&-WATT  RESEARCH  LAMP. 

(Modified  from  the  Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Co.'s  Catalogue.) 

1  Daylight-glass  screen. 

2  Frame  for  holding  water  cell. 

j    Handle  for  opening  and  closing  the  iris  diaphragm. 

4  Handle  for  focusing  the  condenser. 

5  Lamp-house. 

7     Ribbon-filament  of  the  upper  cylindrical  lamp. 

8-9     Coil-filament  and  cylindrical  lamp. 

w  Water  cell  of  a  glass  tube  with  heat  absorbing  faces 
(Dr.  H.  P.  Gage). 

ii  -12  Set  screws  for  the  inclination  and  elevation  ad- 

13    Adjusting  screws  for  centering  the  lamp. 

14-15    Mistakeless  connection  for  the  lamp  cable. 

16-17  Step-down  transformer  (no  to  6  volts),  and  con- 
nection for  the  no-volt  circuit. 

transformer  in  reducing  the  voltage  from  no  to  6,  must  raise  the 
amperage  a  corresponding  amount.  Then  the  ys-watt  lamp  with  a 
6- volt  current  requires  —  or  12  amperes,  and  the  io8-watt  lamp  ^ 
or  1 8  amperes  of  current. 


The  heating  of  the  lamp  filament  depends  upon  the  amperage. 
It  is  also  to  be  remembered  that  the  greater  the  amperage,  the  larger 
must  be  the  wire  conducting  the  current.  Hence  the  wire  from  the 
transformer  to  and  from  the  lamp  must  be  of  much  larger  size  than 
the  wires  to  and  from  the  transformer  to  the  no- volt  circuit  of  the 
ordinary  lighting  system. 


Supply  wires  from  the  no  volt-circuit  to  the  primary  (P)  side  of  the  trans- 
former with  its  many  coils. 

Transformer  to  step  the  voltage  down  from  ITO  to  6. 
P    Primary  side  of  the  transformer  with  many  coils. 

5  Secondary  side  of  the  transformer  with  few  coils. 

6  Volts    The  number  of  volts  in  the  wires  to  the  lamp  but  as  the  voltage  is 
stepped  down  the  amperage  is  proportionally  increased  to  hold  the  wattage  con- 

M  C  Mistakeless  connection.  A  connection  which  prevents  joining  the  lamp 
wires  with  a  no-volt  circuit. 

Lamp  wires    These  must  be  heavy  to  carry  the  high  amperage. 
D  G    Polished  daylight  glass,  and  L  parallelizing  lens. 

Ordinary  cable  used  on  desk  lamps,  etc.,  is  plenty  large  enough  to 
carry  the  current  to  the  transformer,  but  from  the  transformer  to 
and  from  the  lamp  the  conductor  should  be  much  larger.  Heater 
cable  has  been  found  good,  especially  if  a  double  cable  is  used  as 


shown  in  the  diagram,  (fig.  81.)  To  avoid  mistakes  in  connecting  the 
lamp  and  transformer  there  should  be  a  connection  wholly  different 
from  that  connecting  the  transformer  to  the  ordinary  lighting  circuit. 
If  the  6- volt  lamp  is  connected  directly  with  the  i  lo-volt  lighting  cir- 
cuit, the  lamp  will  burn  out  almost  instantly. 

The  transformers  for  use  with  the  dark-field  microscope  lamp 
should  be  substantial  and  designed  for  continuous  use.  Furthermore, 
in  introducing  them  into  the  circuit  between  the  lighting  system  and 
the  6-volt  lamp,  one  must  be  sure  to  connect  the  6-volt  side  or  wires 
with  the  lamp  and  the  no- volt  side  with  the  lighting  circuit.  If 
the  transformer  is  reversed  the  voltage  would  be  stepped  up  a  corre- 
sponding amount  and  the  fuses  in  the  lighting  circuit  burned  out. 



In  this  lamp  the  daylight  window  for  bright-field  illumination  is  on  the  side. 

The  transformers  are  clearly  marked  on  the  two  ends  either  by 
the  voltage,  or  as  they  are  often  used  for  ringing  door  bells  the  end 
for  the  circuit  is  marked  "  line,"  and  that  for  the  bell  is  marked 
"  bell."  The  "  bell  "  wires  are  the  ones  to  connect  with  the  lamp. 
If  one  looks  at  the  wires,  it  will  be  found  that  those  on  the  6-volt 
side  are  much  heavier  than  those  on  the  no- volt  side,  for  they  must 
carry  12  to  1 8  amperes,  while  the  wires  on  the  lighting  circuit  side 
(no- volt  side)  have  to  carry  less  than  i  ampere.  The  transformers 


sent  out  with  the  6-volt  lamps  are  usually  so  wired  and  their  con- 
nectors so  arranged  that  there  is  no  chance  of  mistake. 

§  199.  Chalet  microscope  lamp  (fig.  83).  —  The  Chalet  Micro- 
scope lamp,  while  not  designed  for  dark-field  work,  answers  fairly 
well  for  the  lower  powers,  i.e.,  up  to  objectives  of  8  mm.  (2ox)  used 
either  with  a  refracting  or  a  reflecting  condenser.  If  it  is  to  be  used 
for  the  highest  powers,  it  is  better  to  remove  one  of  the  daylight 
glasses.  In  all  uses  of  this  lamp  where  there  is  no  bull's-eye  con- 
denser the  lamp  should  be  brought  up  close  to  the  microscope.  If  a 
bull's-eye  lens  is  used  with  the  lamp  the  distance  may  well  be  20  to 

30  centimeters.  If  the  lamp  is 
used  without  the  daylight  glass 
in  the  window,  that  is,  with  the 
lamp  bulb  direct,  one  often  gets 
better  results  with  the  concave 
mirror,  as  that  tends  to  make 
the  rays  from  the  lamp  more 
nearly  parallel.  If  the  ground 
daylight  glass  is  used  or  if  the 
naked  lamp  is  used  with  a 

bull's-eye  lens,  the  plane  mirror 
FIG.     83.      ORIGINAL  CHALET  DAY-     •    _¥.r.,_  ~{r0/>f  •,  ~ 
LIGHT    MICROSCOPE  LAMP    WITH    Two     1S  more  enecuve. 
WINDOWS.  §  200.  Dark-field  condensers 

with  small  attached  lamps.  —  In 

order  to  meet  the  needs  of  those  who  can  have  very  limited  space, 
and  therefore  require  minimum  bulk  of  apparatus,  substage  condenser 
lamps  of  small  size  are  connected  directly  under  the  condenser. 
These  give  fair  results,  but  are  not  satisfactory  as  a  laboratory 
instrument,  for  the  light  is  not  brilliant  enough  to  meet  the  varied 
demands  made  in  a  laboratory,  and  for  research  on  difficult  subjects. 
§  201.  Blackness  of  the  dark-field  and  intensity  of  the  light 
source.  —  A  perfect  dark-field  condenser  would  give  a  perfectly 
black  field  with  any  source  of  light.  Tests  made  on  ten  different 
forms  with  the  arc  lamp  and  uranium  glass  have  shown  that  in  all 
forms  a  certain  amount  of  the  light  from  the  source  does  pass  into 
the  microscope  without  being  directed  by  the  objects  in  the  field  of 

CH.  Ill] 


view.     This  tends  to  render  the  background  grayish,  instead  of 

leaving  it  perfectly  black  as  it  would  be  if  absolutely  no  light  entered 

the  microscope  except  that  deflected  to  it  by  the  object.     The 

amount  of  this  adventitious  light  increases  with  the  brilliancy  of  the 

illumination,    even    when    the 

condenser  is  perfectly  centered, 

the  correct  thickness  of  slip  used 

and  the  lamp  and  microscope 

mirror  in  the   most   favorable 


With  all  forms  of  dark-field 
condensers  the  background  may 
be  rendered  darker  by  lessening 
the  intensity  of  the  light  either 
by  using  a  weaker  light  or  by 
putting  in  the  path  of  the  beam 
from  the  lamp  one  or  more 
sheets  of  ground  glass.  These 
ground  glass  sheets  are  conven- 
iently held  in  wooden  blocks, 
then  they  can  be  placed  any- 
where in  the  beam  of  light. 
The  closer  to  the  microscope 

mirrnr     HIP    rhnrp   brilliant    the      FlG'  84-     CARDIOID  REFLECTING  DARK- 

mirror,  the  more  brilliant  tne  FlELD  CoNDKNSBR> 

light.    If  the  unmodified  ground  (slightly  modified  from  thc  wr  c^ta. 

glass    subdues    the    light     too  logue  of  the  Bausch  and  Lomb  Optical 

much,  the  ground  surface  may  Coj$ansyjid  beam  from  the  mirror  (M). 

be  oiled,  and  most  of    the    oil      Only  the  border  rays  of  great  aperture 

pass  on  to  form  the  hollow  cone  (HC). 

i,  2  Lower  and  upper  elements  of  the 
condenser.  In  the  cardioid  form  both 
elements  reflect.  Compare  with  the  bi- 
spheric  forms  (figs.  74,  77)  where  the  re- 
flection is  only  from  the  lower  element. 

rubbed  off  with  a  clean  cloth. 
With  the  paraboloid  condens- 
ers (fig.  84)  the  field  can  also  be 
made  darker  by  closing  the  iris 

more  or  less.    This  is  because  in 

closing  the  iris  the  outside  part  of  the  ring  of  light  entering  the  con- 
denser is  blocked.  A  glance  at  the  figure  will  show  that  in  closing 
the  iris  the  outside  rays  that  are  excluded  are  those  which,  after  the 


single  internal  reflection  by  the  condenser,  become  the  inside  rays 
at  the  least  aperture.  The  rays  of  greatest  aperture  are  left  to 
illuminate  the  object  under  the  microscope.  With  the  cardioid 
forms  of  condenser  with  two  internal  reflections,  closing  the  iris 
would  exclude  the  most  oblique  rays.  This  would  darken  the  field, 
but  at  the  expense  of  the  most  favorable  part  of  the  light  for  dark- 
field  illumination. 


A  Sectional  view  of  an  optically  perfect  dark-field  condenser  in  which  the  sun 
is  represented  as  focused  nearly  to  a  point.  No  such  condenser  exists. 

B  Sectional  view  of  a  possible  condenser  focus.  It  is  drawn  out  somewhat 
and  spreads  laterally.  The  variation  in  the  thickness  of  slide  which  might  prop- 
erly be  used  is  shown  by  the  two  parallel  lines  enclosing  the  elongated  focus. 

C  Sectional  view  with  a  still  more  elongated  focus.  The  parallel  lines  show 
that  the  variation  in  thickness  of  slide  permissible  is  correspondingly  increased. 

The  apparent  size  of  the  sun's  image  is  shown  on  the  axis  above  in  each  case. 
It  is  least  sharp  in  C,  and  represents  fairly  the  paraboloid  condenser  where  the 
different  zones  have  different  foci,  and  hence  permit  of  considerable  latitude  in 
thickness  of  glass  slip,  and  give  a  large,  lighted  field. 

c  d  The  white  line  above  the  letters  A  B  C  is  at  the  level  of  the  top  of  the 

a  b    The  vertical  elongation  of  the  focal  point.    It  is  very  marked  in  C. 

It  is  to  be  remembered  that  any  device  for  darkening  the  field  — 
except  of  course  the  correct  arrangement  of  the  apparatus  and  lamp 
—  makes  the  object  less  brilliant  at  the  same  time  that  it  darkens 
the  field;  and  it  is  the  intensity  of  the  light  that  determines  the 
smallness  of  the  object  which  can  be  seer.  This  is  easily  demon- 
strated by  using  a  preparation  like  fresh  blood  with  very  fine  ele- 
ments (fibrin  filaments,  chylo-microns,  etc.),  (fig.  89).  With  a 
brilliant  light  all  the  elements  can  be  clearly  made  out.  Insert  one 
or  more  sheets  of  ground  glass  in  the  path  of  the  beam  from  the 


lamp  and  the  smallest  elements  seem  to  disappear.  That  is,  -as 
shown  in  fig.  67,  minute  details  may  be  swamped  by  the  excessive 
surrounding  light,  and  they  may  also  be  obliterated  if  the  light  from 
them  is  so  faint  that  not  enough  reaches  the  observer's  eye  to  make 
them  visible. 


§  202.  Centering  a  substage,  dark-field  condenser.  —  While 
centering  the  condenser  and  objective  is  important  with  a  bright- 
field  condenser,  it  is  far  more  important  if  one  is  to  realize  anything 
like  the  perfect  images  that  are  possible  with  a  dark-field  condenser. 
To  render  centering  certain  and  easy,  most  makers  put  a  small  ring 
in  the  middle  of  the  upper  face  of  the  dark-field  condenser  (fig.  76). 
The  ordinary  bright-field  condenser  is  removed  from  the  substage, 
and  the  dark-field  inserted  in  its  place.  It  must  be  possible  to  raise 
the  condenser  so  that  it  is  at  the  level  of  the  upper  face  of  the  stage, 
otherwise  it  cannot  be  brought  close  to  the  glass  slip.  When  it  is  in 
position,  the  iris  diaphragm  of  the  substage  is  'opened  widely,  and 
also  that  of  the  condenser  if  one  is  present.  For  centering  it  is 
advantageous  to  use  a  low  ocular,  and  a  low  objective,  say  one  of 
50  mm.  (3x),  then  the  end  of  the  condenser  can  be  seen  as  a  whole 
as  well  as  the  little  ring.  The  condenser  is  lighted  as  strongly  as 
possible  and  the  upper  face  brought  into  focus  by  the  coarse  adjust- 
ment. If  well  lighted  and  clean,  the  centering  ring  will  appear  as  a 
shining  circle  for  it  allows  some  of  the  light  to  escape  from  the  con- 
denser and  scatters  it  in  all  directions.  Now  with  the  special  center- 
ing screws  of  the  condenser  or  with  the  substage  centering  screws, 
change  the  position  of  the  condenser  until  it  is  exactly  in  the  middle 
of  the  field  of  the  microscope.  It  should  then  be  in  a  favorable 
position  for  all  powers,  although  as  the  different  objectives  may  not 
have  their  centers  in  exactly  the  same  line,  some  further  slight  ad- 
justments may  be  necessary. 

§  203.  Special  methods  of  finding  the  centering  circle  of  the 
condenser.  —  Wipe  the  end  of  the  condenser  with  clean  gauze,  using 
also  xylene  if  necessary  to  remove  any  cedar  or  other  immersion 


oil.  Raise  and  tilt  the  lamp  used  for  dark-field  work  till  the  beam 
crosses  the  condenser  face  at  right  angles.  The  little  centering  ring 
usually  appears  with  much  brilliancy.  Often  when  the  ring  does  not 
show  with  the  light  coming  from  below  it  will  appear  if  the  end  of 
the  condenser  is  made  thoroughly  clean. 

Another  excellent  method  of  centering  the  condenser  whether 
there  is  a  small  centering  circle  or  not  is  to  employ  a  slip  of  the 
proper  thickness  with  one  ground  face  (§  179).  The  unground  face 
is  put  in  immersion  contact  with  the  condenser  and  the  light  di- 
rected up  through  the  condenser  by  the  mirror.  One  can  see  with 
the  naked  eye  when  there  is  a  bright  spot  on  the  ground  surface  of 
the  slip,  Look  into  the  microscope  and  tilt  the  mirror  in  various 
directions  until  the  smallest,  brightest  spot  is  in  the  middle  of  the 
condenser  face.  The  condenser  and  this  spot  of  light  are  then  put 
exactly  in  the  middle  of  the  field  of  the  microscope  by  means  of  the 
centering  screws.  By  this  method  both  condenser  and  light  are 
centered  at  the  same  time.  See  the  following  section. 

§  204.  Centering  the  light  for  the  dark-field  microscope.  —  If 
an  arc  lamp,  the  6-volt  headlight  lamp  or  tungsarc  is  used  it  should 
be  about  25  centimeters  from  the  microscope,  and  the  lamp-con- 
denser should  be  in  a  position  to  give  practically  parallel  light.  This 
can  be  brought  about  by  focusing  the  arc  crater  or  the  lamp  filament 
on  a  white  wall  5  to  10  meters  from  the  lamp.  One  can  work  at 
night  for  this  adjustment  if  the  room  cannot  be  darkened.  When 
the  position  is  once  determined,  a  mark  should  be  made  on  the  lamp 
so  that  it  can  be  adjusted  at  any  time.  If  the  chalet  lamp  or  one 
having  no  condenser  is  used,  the  lamp  should  be  as  close  as  possible 
to  the  microscope. 

Arrange  lamp  and  microscope  so  that  the  light  strikes  the  middle 
of  the  mirror.  Use  a  ground  slip  of  the  proper  thickness  for  the 
particular  condenser.  Connect  the  unground  face  to  the  condenser 
with  homogeneous  liquid,  turn  the  mirror  until  the  light  passes  up 
through  the  condenser  and  forms  a  spot  of  light  on  the  ground  face 
of  the  slip.  Look  into  the  microscope  and  focus  the  spot  of  light. 
Turn  the  mirror  until  the  smallest  and  brightest  round  spot  is  ob- 
tained. This  should  be  in  the  exact  middle  of  the  upper  face  of  the 


condenser.  One  can  also  see  whether  the  condenser  is  accurately 
centered  to  the  objective  (§  202). 

If  a  suitable  preparation  like  fresh  blood  (§§  211-212)  is  substi- 
tuted for  the  ground  glass  and  a  homogeneous  objective  used  in  place 
of  the  very  low  power,  the  elements  of  the  blood  should  appear  with 
great  brilliancy.  Sometimes  a  slight  change  in  the  mirror  will  in- 
crease the  brilliancy. 

§  205.  Focusing  the  dark-field  microscope  with  immersion  ob- 
jectives. —  The  object  on  a  slip  of  proper  thickness  is  put  in  immer- 
sion contact  with  the  condenser  and  a  drop  of  immersion  liquid  is 
put  on  the  cover-glass  in  the  middle  of  the  preparation.  The  mirror 
is  arranged  so  that  the  light  shines  in  the  drop  of  immersion  liquid 
on  the  cover.  The  objective  is  then  focused  down  until  it  touches  the 
immersion  liquid.  When  this  happens,  a  flash  of  light  will  be  seen  if 
one  works  in  a  dimly  lighted  room  and  looks  toward  the  lower  end 
of  the  objective.  When  one  is  sure  that  the  objective  is  in  the  im- 
mersion liquid,  look  into  the  microscope.  There  will  be  a  diffuse 
bright  area  or  field.  This  will  be  the  appearance  whether  the  ob- 
jective is  above  or  below  the  focus  of  the  object.  To  make  sure  that 
it  is  not  below,  focus  up  slightly.  If  nothing  appears  focus  down 
slowly.  As  the  objective  approaches  the  focus  of  the  object  the 
field  will  be  very  bright  all  over.  As  one  continues  to  focus  down 
the  field  will  become  gray  and  in  many  cases  appear  like  a  bank  of 
clouds;  focusing  still  farther  down  the  field  will  become  darker  and 
darker  and  finally  the  field  will  be  dark  with  the  bright  objects 
appearing  as  if  shining  by  their  own  light  in  blank  space. 

§  206.  Indicator  to  aid  in  focusing.  —  The  above  assumes  that 
there  are  enough  particles  so  that  there  will  be  some  in  every  field. 
In  case  a  liquid  is  being  examined  where  there  are  few  particles, 
and  therefore  the  possibility  of  blank  fields,  it  is  a  good  plan  to 
make  a  faint  x  with  a  red  glass  pencil  on  the  middle  of  the  slip 
before  the  preparation  is  added.  One  can  then  focus  on  the  red 
cross  and  feel  sure  that  the  objective  is  at  the  right  focus  to  give  an 
image  of  any  particles  which  may  be  in  the  preparation. 

§  207.  Objects  suitable  for  the  dark-field  microscope.  —  Fresh 
preparations:  Any  of  the  body  fluids, — saliva,  milk,  blood,  chyle, 


lymph,  pleural,  pericardial,  peritoneal,  and  all  other  normal  body 
fluids,  secretions  and  excretions;  all  pathological  fluids  and  the 
body  fluids  in  pathological  conditions  of  the  body;  isolated  elements 
of  the  tissues  of  the  body. 

In  biology,  use  all  the  body  fluids  of  plants  or  animals  and  their 
isolated  tissue  elements  and  for  minute  organisms  —  microbes  —  the 
entire  organism  (bacteria,  protozoa,  etc.).  For  the  most  satisfactory 
results  the  elements  must  be  scattered  so  that  there  will  be  blank 
space  between  them.  If  they  are  so  numerous  or  so  close  together 
that  the  whole  field  is  filled  with  light  from  them,  the  benefit  of 
contrast  is  lost.  Ordinary  thick  microscopical  sections  are  therefore 
not  suitable.  Very  thin  sections,  stained  and  unstained,  may  be  used 
for  the  difference  of  refractive  index  is  sufficient  to  give  differentia- 
tion, and  if  the  differential  stains  used  are  fluorescent,  this  will  help 
in  the  differentiation. 

Dr.  Chamot  has  pointed  out  that  the  dark-field  is  of  great  help  in 
the  study  of  foods,  fibers,  crystallization  phenomena,  sub-microscopic 
particles  and  colloids.  He  adds  further  (pp.  35-37):  "  This  method 
is  invaluable  for  demonstrating  the  presence  of  very  minute  bodies  or 
those  whose  index  of  refraction  is  so  nearly  the  same  as  that  of  the 
mounting  medium  in  which  they  occur  as  to  cause  them  to  escape 
detection  when  illuminated  by  transmitted  light,"  that  is,  the  or- 
dinary light  used  for  bright-field  microscopy. 

§  208.  Mounting  fluid  preparations.  —  Take  saliva  for  a  trial 
specimen.  The  tongue  is  rubbed  around  on  the  gums  and  cheeks  and 
the  saliva  brought  to  the  lips.  Some  of  this  saliva  is  transferred  by  a 
clean  toothpick  to  the  middle  of  a  suitable  glass  slip.  A  cover-glass 
is  put  over  it  and  pressed  down  moderately.  If  any  liquid  is  pressed 
out,  it  is  wiped  away  with  a  piece  of  gauze.  Then  with  a  fine  brush 
the  cover-glass  is  sealed  by  painting  a  ring  around  the  edge  of  the 
cover.  For  the  sealing  one  can  use  some  thick  oil  like  castor  oil,  or 
thick  automobile  oil  or  shellac. 

With  watery  preparations  like  saliva  the  cover-glass  is  likely  to  be 
dragged  around  in  moving  the  slip  for  studying  different  parts,  be- 
cause of  the  viscosity  of  the  immersion  liquid.  The  shellac  cement 
dries  quickly  and  anchors  the  slip  firmly. 


Some  workers  prefer  the  immersion  liquid  made  of  heavy  white 
petroleum  mixed  with  alpha-bromo-naphthalene  because  it  is  not  so 
sticky  as  cedar  oil. 

In  case  very  few  particles  are  present  in  the  liquid  to  be  studied, 
remember  to  make  the  faint  red  cross  on  the  slip  to  aid  in  focusing 
(§  206). 

§  209.  Preparations  to  show  spirochsetes.  —  (a)  Those  of  the 
mouth,  Spirochala  bucalis:  Especially  around  the  base  of  the 
teeth  next  to  the  gums  in  most  adult  human  beings,  there  are  spiral 
micro-organisms  which  show  the  cork-screw  form  and  movements  of 
that  group  of  organisms  with  great  clearness.  Those  from  the  mouth 
are  large  enough  and  numerous  enough  to  make  them  easy  of  ob- 
servation and  thus  to  gain  some  adequate  notion  of  the  character- 
istic appearance  and  movements  of  spiral  organisms  (Treponema, 


For  making  the  preparation  use  a  fresh  toothpick  and  collect  some 
of  the  material  around  the  base  of  the  teeth  and  put  it  on  the  middle 
of  a  suitable  glass  slip.  Add  a  drop  of  saliva,  and  put  on  a  cover- 
glass  and  seal  the  cover  (§  208). 

Focus  as  described  in  §  205,  and  in  the  field  will  be  found  salivary 
corpuscles,  and  large  epithelial  scales  from  the  lining  epithelium  of 
the  mouth,  minute  particles,  bacteria,  motile  and  stationary,  and 
the  cork-screw-like  buccal  spirochaetes.  It  is  of  great  help  to  get 
thoroughly  familiar  with  the  appearance  and  movements  of  these 
apparently  harmless  spirochaetes  in  preparation  for  the  detection  of 
the  spirochaetes  of  Vincent's  angina  and  those  of  syphilis. 

(b)  Spirochceia  pallida;  Treponema  -pallidum  of  syphilis.  —  This 
spiral  micro-organism  discovered  by  Schaudinn  in  1905  in  the  lesions 
of  syphilis  is  rather  difficult  of  demonstration  by  any  method,  but 
most  easily  shown  by  the  dark-field  microscope  in  fresh  preparations. 
The  use  of  the  dark-field  microscope  for  such  demonstrations  has  had 
great  influence  in  bringing  the  possibilities  of  the  dark-field  to  the 
attention  of  the  medical  profession,  and  has  stimulated  the  micro- 
scope makers  to  make  convenient  and  efficient  lamps  and  condensers 
for  general  use.  The  biologist  has  thus  put  at  his  service  a  powerful 
aid  in  pure  research.  Wenham,  Edwards  and  many  others  years 


before  had  shown  how  clearly  living  microbes  could  be  demonstrated 
by  its  help,  but  it  was  the  practical  application  that  brought  the 
dark-field  microscope  into  general  use. 

The  method  of  making  an  examination  for  diagnostic  purposes 
here  given  is  compiled  from  Stitt,  Thro,  and  from  personal  observa- 
tions in  a  clinic  held  in  the  office  of  Dr.  M.  A.  Dumond. 

Slips  and  covers  are  first  carefully  cleaned  and  placed  in  a  con- 
venient position.  Then  the  suspected  lesion  is  rubbed  with  a  match 
stick  or  a  toothpick  around  which  has  been  wrapped  some  cotton  or 
a  strip  of  gauze.  The  rubbing  is  continued  till  the  covering  is  re- 
moved and  the  lymph  commences  to  exude.  Stitt  recommends  that 
the  lesion  be  first  washed  with  alcohol  and  dried  with  cotton  or 
gauze.  In  a  few  minutes,  (3-5),  a  clear  lymph  will  exude.  A  drop 
of  normal  saline  solution  is  placed  in  the  middle  of  a  slip,  and  with  a 
pipette  or  a  platinum  loop  some  of  the  serum  is  transferred  to  the 
salt  solution  and  mixed  with  it.  Then  the  cover-glass  is  added. 
Or  the  cover-glass  is  touched  to  the  exuded  serum  and  then  put  over 
on  the  slip  with  the  salt  solution.  The  edge  of  the  cover-glass  can 
be  sealed  with  oil  or  preferably  with  shellac  so  that  it  will  be 
anchored  firmly  and  not  be  displaced  when  moving  the  slip  around, 
due  to  the  viscosity  of  the  immersion  liquid  between  it  and  the 

The  covers  are  set  up  in  grooves  in  a  cork  so  that  they  can  be  easily  grasped 

by  the  edges. 

objective.  The  organisms  are  sometimes  few,  requiring  much  search- 
ing, hence  the  microscope  should  have  a  mechanical  stage  to  aid  in  a 
systematic  search.  If  present,  and  the  specimen  is  examined  soon, 
the  active  movements  of  the  spirochaetes  will  help  in  their  detection. 


After  becoming  familiar  with  the  appearance  of  the  organism  they 
are  easily  detected  when  motionless.  In  the  preparation  there  will 
be  many  minute  particles  undergoing  the  Brownian  movement. 
There  may  also  be  present  blood  corpuscles,  white  and  red.  The 
spirochaetes  are  so  characteristic  in  form  and  movement  that  there 
should  be  no  confusion. 

§  210.  Infusoria  and  other  micro-organisms  in  ditch-water  in- 
fusions. —  A  world  of  interesting  forms  can  be  easily  obtained  for 
study  with  the  dark-field  microscope  with  all  powers  by  getting  some 
water  from  a  long  established  ditch  or  pond,  and  adding  to  it  some 
of  the  grass  along  the  edge  of  the  water.  If  this  mixture  is  kept  in  a 
warm  room  the  organisms  will  multiply  with  amazing  rapidity.  If 
some  of  the  scum,  scrapings  from  the  plants  or  mud  on  the  bottom 
is  placed  on  the  center  of  a  glass  slip  it  can  be  studied  with  the  16 
mm.  (IQX)  and  lower  objectives  without  any  cover-glass.  If  the 
Abbe  condenser  is  used  with  a  central  stop  (fig.  70)  below  the  entire 
condenser  the  field  lighted  will  be  sufficient  for  the  16  mm.  (lox) 
objective;  if  the  higher  powers  are  needed  then  a  dark-field  element 
(§  181)  or  a  paraboloid  dark-field  condenser  works  well.  The 
lighted  field  will  be  of  sufficient  size  for  the  lower  powers.  For  both 
forms  it  is  best  to  have  the  slide  in  immersion  contact  with  the 
condenser,  although  with  the  dark-field  element  one  can  get  fairly 
good  results  without  immersing  the  slide.  For  the  highest  powers 
the  reflecting,  cardioid  dark-field  condensers  are  most  satisfactory 
because  of  the  sharp  focus  of  the  hollow  cone  of  light.  These  must 
always  be  in  immersion  contact  with  the  slide.  For  all  objectives 
above  the  16  mm.  (lox)  the  specimens  must  be  covered  with  a  cover- 
glass;  it  is  well  to  seal  the  cover  glass  so  that  it  will  not  move,  and 
so  the  liquid  will  not  evaporate.  A  study  of  such  a  preparation  will 
give  a  wonderful  insight  into  the  form  and  activity  of  these  lowly 
creatures,  and  reveal  a  beauty  of  design  that  will  always  be  re- 

§  211.  Fresh  blood  and  the  dark-field  microscope.  —  Perfectly 
fresh  blood  is  one  of  the  best  objects  to  study  by  this  method.  As 
pointed  out  by  Dr.  Edmunds  nearly  50  years  ago,  blood  with  the 
dark-field  illumination  appears  like  a  new  object  so  many  things  are 



[CH.  Ill 

seen  with  the  greatest  distinctness  that  are  wholly  invisible  or  merely 
glimpsed  when  examined  by  the  bright-field  method. 

(1)  Carefully  cleaned   slips   and 
cover-glasses    of    the    right   thick- 
ness are  placed  where  they  can  be 
easily  grasped  (fig.  86). 

(2)  For  obtaining  the  blood  the 
part  to  be  punctured  is  washed  with 
soap  and  water  and  then  cleaned 
well  with   a  piece   of   gauze   well 
wet   with    95%   alcohol   to   which 
has  been  added   2  grams  of  mer- 
curic   chlorid    to    the    liter    (two- 
tenths  of   i  %).     A  needle  or  Dr. 
Moore's  haemospast  is  cleaned   by 
the    alcohol   also    and    then    the 
puncture   is    made.     The    ball   of 

FIG.   87.     LARGE   SLIDE   TRAY      the  middle  finger  of   the  left  hand 
WITH   SUPPORTS   FOR   THK    GLASS     has  been  found  a  favorable  place 

SLIPS      SO     THAT     THE      IMMERSION        ,  ,      ,,          U1         ,        rp.  •  r 

LIQUID   ON  THE   UNDER   SURFACE  to   get   the    blood-    Tie   a  Piece  of 

SHALL  NOT  TOUCH  THE  TRAY.  gauze    around    the     base    of    the 

A     Face  view  of  the  slide  tray.  finger    and    then    squeeze    it    and 
B    Sectional  view.  °  M 

In  all  experiments  the  prepara-  a  drop  of  blood  will   exude.     The 

drop  should  be  fairly  large.  Now 
grasp  the  cover-glass  by  the  edges 
with  the  thumb  and  index  of  the 
right  hand  and  touch  the  cover 

to  the  top  of  the  drop.  Enough  blood  will  adhere  to  the  cover. 
Put  it  on  the  middle  of  the  cleaned  slip  and  the  blood  will 
spread  out.  It  should  be%pressed  down  moderately  with  curved 
forceps  or  by  a  finger  covered  with  gauze,  and  the  blood  running  out 
at  the  edge  of  the  cover  should  be  wiped  away  or  it  will  run  back  by 
capillary  attraction.  Some  parts  of  the  preparation  should  appear 
almost  transparent  to  the  eye.  If  it  looks  red  all  over,  the  blood 
layer  will  be  too  thick  and  not  leave  enough  blank  spaces.  Seal  the 
cover-glass  with  heavy  oil.  The  fibrin  network  will  adhere  to  both 

points  may  be  cleared  up  by  re- 
examining  earlier  preparations. 


slip  and  cover  and  hold  the  cover  in  place.    No  diluting  substance 
is  added  to  the  blood. 


§  212.  Appearance  of  blood  under  the  dark-field  microscope.  — 

(a)  The  erythrocytes  will  appear  like  dark  discs  with  bright  rims 
owing  to  their  convex  borders. 

(b)  The  leucocytes  appear  as  real  white  corpuscles  owing  to  the 
granules  within  them  which  turn  the  light  into  the  microscope.    If 
the  room  is  moderately  warm  —  20°  C    or  more  —  the  leucocytes, 
some  of  them,  will  undergo  the  amoeboid  movement,  and  the  picture 
they  present  will  be  a  revelation  to  those  who  never  saw  it  or  saw  it 
only  with  the  bright-field  microscope.     From  the  clearness  with 
which  everything  can  be  seen  the  minutest  change  can  be  followed, 
and  also  the  most  delicate  pseudopod  detected.     Another  striking 
feature  will  be  noticed  in  the  moving  ones,  that  is,  the  vigorous 
Brownian  movement  of  the  granules  jn  the  part  of  the  leucocyte 
with  the  amoeboid  movement.    In  those  showing  no  amoeboid  move- 
ment there  is  usually  no  sign  of  the  Brownian  movement  of  the 
granules;  also,  if  a  part  of  the  leucocyte  is  not  undergoing  amoeboid 
movement,  the  particles  in  it  are  usually  motionless. 

(c)  The  fibrin  network  will  be  seen  like  a  delicate  cobweb  between 
the  corpuscles.    In  different  parts  of  the  specimen  one  can  find  all 


the  appearances  of  the  fibrin  shown  in  textbooks  on  the  blood  (fig. 


(From  the  American  Journal  of  Anatomy,  Sept.  1924.) 
A  3    Microscopic  field  in  fasting  with  3  chylomicrons  in  the  counting  net. 
B  gi    Microscope  field  4  hours  after  a  full  meal. 
The  counting  net  encloses  91  chylomicrons. 

The  numerals  along  the  curve  show  the  number  of  chylomicrons  during  each 
hour  of  the  digestive  cycle  of  10  hours. 

(d)  Chylomicrons  appear  everywhere  like  bright  points  in  the 
empty  spaces  between  the  corpuscles.  They  are  in  every  active 
Brownian  or  pedetic  movement.  These  chylomicrons  will  probably 
be  the  most  unusual  part  to  those  studying  blood  with  the  dark-field 
for  the  first  time.  The  term  Chylomicron  is  from  two  Greek  words, 
xOX6s  (chylos),  juice  or  chyle,  and  p,ucpov  (micron),  any  small  thing. 
In  modern  metrology  it  signifies  the  millionth  of  a  meter  (§  380).  1 


have  introduced  this  word  to  show  the  origin  of  these  bodies  from 
the  chyle,  and  to  indicate  their  average  size.  In  1840-1842,  Gulliver 
called  these  minute  granules  the  "  molecular  base  of  the  chyle  "  and 
showed  that  they  were  identical  in  the  thoracic-duct  and  in  the  blood 
vessels  of  the  same  animal.  He  gave  their  average  size  as  1/36,000 
to  1/24,000  of  an  inch  (i/z  to  o.5/z).  They  have  been  called  by  others 
free  granules  or  granulations,  elementary  particles,  haemokonia, 
blood  dust,  etc.  (fig.  89). 

(e)  A  very  striking  view  of  the  fibrin  network  may  be  obtained  by 
irrigating  a  thick  unsealed  blood  preparation.  If  a  drop  of  normal 
salt  solution  is  placed  on  one  edge  of  the  cover-glass  and  a  piece  of 
blotting  paper  on  the  other  the  liquid  is  drawn  through,  washing  out 
many  of  the  erythrocytes.  If  the  washing-out  process  is  watched 
under  the  microscope,  the  erythrocytes  will  be  seen  gliding  over  or 
through  the  fibrin  network,  or  some  of  them  will  be  anchored  at  one 
end  and  if  the  current  is  rapid  the  corpuscles  will  be  pulled  out  into 
pear-shaped  forms. 

The  leucocytes  look  like  big  white  boulders  in  the  stream,  wholly 
unmoved  by  the  rushing  torrent  around  them. 


§  213.  If  one  has  available  a  good  light  source,  a  good  dark-field 
condenser,  an  immersion  objective  of  suitable  aperture  for  the  con- 
denser, cover-glasses  and  glass  slips  of  the  proper  thickness,  and 
finally  suitable  objects  for  study,  one  soon  learns  to  get  good  results; 
but  with  this  instrument  the  technique  is  far  more  exacting  than 
with  the  bright-field  microscope.  Troubles  which  might  not  be  very 
noticeable  with  the  bright-field  microscope  will  spoil  a  dark-field 
image.  All  of  the  troubles  hereafter  mentioned  have  repeatedly 
blocked  the  way  of  the  writer  or  his  pupils,  and  many  others  are 
likely  to  occur;  but  the  results  when  they  are  good  are  so  satisfac- 
tory that  no  one  minds  the  labor  necessary  when  once  a  good  dark- 
field  image  of  a  familiar  object  is  seen. 

(i)  Lack  of  a  dark  background.  This  may  be  due  to  either  of  the 
following  causes,  or  possibly  a  combination  of  them: 



[Cn.  Ill 

(a)  The  aperture  of  the  objective  may  be  too  great  for  the  con- 
denser so  that  direct  light  from  the  condenser  enters  the  objective. 
This  is  quite  likely  to  happen  from  forgetting  to  insert  the  proper 
reducing  diaphragm  when  large  apertured  immersion  objectives  are 
being  used.  This  is  a  strong  reason  for  the  belief  that  for  dark- 
ground  work,  immersion  ob- 
jectives of  suitable  aperture 
be  furnished  by  the  opticians 
(§  185).  If  the  aperture  of 
the  objective  is  near  the 
limit  of  that  of  the  condenser 
there  is  liable  to  be  a  halo  on 
one  side,  especially  if  the 
condenser  is  not  perfectly 
centered  to  the  objective 
(fig.  90).  This  halo  is  more 
likely  to  appear  with  a  low 
ocular  having  a  large  field 
than  with  a  high  ocular  with 
a  smaller  field. 

(6)  There    may  be    an  air 
bubble  in  the  immersion  liquid 

which  directs  a  flood  of  light  into  the  objective.  By  moving  the  prep- 
aration this  air  bubble  can  be  got  out  of  the  way,  but  sometimes  it 
persists  in  keeping  in  the  way.  In  such  a  case  it  may  be  necessary  to 
focus  the  objective  up  and  wipe  away  the  immersion  liquid  and  add 
a  fresh  drop.  Air  bubbles  in  the  immersion  liquid  between  the  con- 
denser and  the  glass  slip  sometimes  cause  trouble.  These  can  often 
be  squeezed  out  by  pressing  the  slip  down.  In  case  it  does  not 
remedy  the  evil,  lift  up  the  slip  and  add  new  immersion  liquid. 

(2)  Impossibility  of  getting  a  good  image.  This  has  many  causes, 
but  one  is  not  infrequent.  If  not  enough  homogeneous  liquid  is  used 
either  above  or  below,  when  the  slip  is  moved  about  in  searching  the 
preparation,  the  immersion  liquid  gets  spread  out  and  there  is  not 
enough  to  make  good  contact  between  the  slip  and  condenser  or 
between  the  objective  and  cover-glass.  This  condition  should  be 



kept  in  mind  and  if  it  seems  necessary,  add  more  immersion  liquid. 
It  must  be  remembered,  too,  that  if  the  condenser  is  lowered  the 
stratum  of  immersion  liquid  may  be  broken  and  leave  the  condenser 
unimmersed,  or  if  the  stratum  of  liquid  is  not  broken,  it  is  extended, 
thus  virtually  thickening  the  glass  slip.  Finally,  it  sometimes 
happens  that  no  immersion  liquid  is  put  between  the  condenser  and 
the  slip.  In  that  case  the  preparation  cannot  be  lighted. 

(3)  Violent  or  moderate  motion  of  the  particles  of  the  preparation 
when  focusing.    This  is  due  to  the  thickness  of  the  preparation.    In 
focusing  for  different  levels  in  it  the  end  of  the  objective  comes  in 
contact  with  the  cover-glass  and  presses  upon  it.    Furthermore,  the 
thick  preparation  lifts  the  cover  up  into  an  unstable  position  and  the 
pull  of  the  viscid  immersion  liquid  causes  it  to  rise  and  fall  in  focus- 
ing even  though  the  objective  does  not  touch  the  cover-glass.    The 
remedy  is  to  make  the  preparations  thinner. 

(4)  Impossible  to  get  the  objective  in  focus.  —  This  may  be  due 
to  a  cover-glass  thicker  than  the  working  distance  of  the  objective. 
Sometimes  owing  to  the  dim  light  in  which  one  works  or  to  inatten- 
tion, the  preparation  is  put  on  the  stage  of  the  microscope  with  the 
cover-glass  down  next  to  the  condenser  instead  of  up  toward  the 
objective.     The  glass  slip  is  too  thick  to  focus  through  when  using 
a  high  power. 

(5)  There  may  be  too  small  an  opening  in  the  stage.    In  that  case 
the  condenser  cannot  be  raised  high  enough  to  touch  the  glass  slip, 
and  no  good  image  can  be  obtained  even  though  the  space  between 
them  were  rilled  with  the  immersion  liquid,  for  that  would  bring  the 
focus  of  the  hollow  cone  of  light  from  the  condenser  much  below  the 
object.    It  would  be  like  using  far  too  thick  a  glass  slip. 

In  other  cases  the  opening  in  the  stage  may  be  just  large  enough 
to  receive  the  condenser  top,  but  leave  no  room  to  change  its  posi- 
tion in  centering.  The  only  remedy  is  to  use  a  different  condenser 
with  narrower  top  or  to  have  the  opening  enlarged.  With  some 
microscopes  there  is  a  removable  piece  which  may  be  taken  out 
thus  increasing  the  size  of  the  opening  in  the  stage. 

(6)  The  substage  may  not  be  able  to  rise  high  enough  to  bring  the 
upper  end  of  the  condenser  at  the  level  of  the  top  of  the  stage. 


There  are  two  ways  to  remedy  this  in  some  cases.  The  condenser 
may  be  screwed  up  in  its  sleeve,  thus  bringing  it  at  a  higher  level 
when  the  substage  is  run  up.  The  other  change  is  to  shorten  the 
stop  for  the  substage  by  screwing  it  downward  or  by  removing  it 
altogether.  Then  one  has  to  be  careful  and  not  to  get  the  upper  end 
of  the  condenser  much  above  the  level  of  the  upper  face  of  the  stage. 
(7)  The  glass  slide  may  not  be  in  contact  with  the  condenser 

(§  194). 


§  214.  Dark-field  condensers.  —  Those  now  available  offer  consider- 
able choice.  In  making  a  selection  one  should  be  guided  by  the  work 
to  be  done  and  by  the  facilities  and  space  at  command.  If  space  is 
limited  and  facilities  few,  one  of  the  supers tage  condensers  or  one  of 
the  substage  condensers  with  attached  light  might  wisely  be  chosen 
(§  189,  §  200). 

In  a  biological  laboratory  in  which  many  different  persons  are  to 
make  use  of  it  on  a  great  diversity  of  material,  one  of  the  parabo- 
loid condensers  is  recommended.  This  gives  fully  lighted  fields  for 
objectives  of  16  mm.  (lox)  and  higher  objectives.  It  does  not  re- 
quire great  skill  to  get  fair  results.  It  gives  good  results  with  quite 
a  wide  range  of  glass  slips,  and  is  not  so  sensitive  to  exact  centering 
as  the  cardioids.  In  general  it  will  give  good  results  with  unskilled 
workers,  and  for  those  really  skilled  it  will  give  excellent  results  for 
all  powers  of  the  microscope. 

If  one  wishes  to  get  the  most  perfect  results  with  high  powers,  then 
a  condenser  of  the  cardioid  form  is  to  be  chosen.  It  gives  a  very 
sharp  focus  of  its  hollow  cone  of  light,  and  serves  to  light  the  objects 
at  its  focus  in  the  most  perfect  manner,  and  gives  a  very  dark  back- 
ground. It  requires  more  skill  in  its  use  than  the  paraboloids,  but 
the  results  obtained  with  it  are  worth  the  extra  trouble. 

It  is  not  satisfactory  for  low  powers  because  of  the  small  spot  of 
light  it  gives;  but  that  is  unimportant,  because  for  the  low  powers 
the  Abbe  condenser  with  a  central  stop  or  a  dark-field  element 
(§  181)  answers  very  well. 


Those  made  by  the  American  opticians  have  been  found  of  the 
highest  excellence,  also  those  made  in  England  and  on  the  Con- 
tinent. When  one  of  the  cardioids  is  perfectly  centered  and  lighted, 
the  clearness  of  minute  details  in  suitable  structures  and  in  minute 
living  organisms  give  a  certainty  to  the  picture  that  is  unbelievable 
to  a  person  who  has  used  only  bright-field  illumination  on  them. 

Of  course,  it  is  desirable  to  have  several:  one  of  the  paraboloid, 
one  of  the  cardioid,  one  of  the  combined,  one  of  the  supers tage  forms, 
and  one  with  the  dark-field  element  (§  181).  This  is  not  commonly 
possible  except  in  laboratories. 

Whatever  form  one  possesses  it  is  desirable  that  it  be  accurately 
centered  to  one  microscope,  and  that  that  microscope  be  devoted  to 
dark-field  work.  It  will  then  always  be  ready,  and  one  can  work 
with  it  with  the  same  ease  and  certainty  as  with  a  bright-field 

^  215.  Lamp  for  dark-field  work.  —  In  the  selection  of  a  lamp  for 
dark-field  work  one  must  also  be  guided  somewhat  by  circumstances. 
The  best  lamp  that  the  writer  has  used,  and  he  has  tested  them  all, 
is  the  6-volt,  io8-watt  lamp  (figs.  79-82).  This  gives  ample  light  of 
daylight  quality.  It  is  no  trouble,  for  when  once  properly  connected 
and  arranged,  it  will  go  on  giving  its  full  light  as  long  as  the  lamp 
lasts.  It  is  economical  when  used  with  a  transformer  as  it  draws 
only  about  one  ampere  from  the  no-volt  circuit.  It  is  admirably 
adapted  to  photo-micrography  and  many  other  purposes  where  a 
brilliant  light  is  needed.  It  is  available  also  for  bright-field  work 
with  the  highest  powers. 

The  microscopical  training  of  nearly  every  worker  has  been  with 
bright-field  illumination,  and  consequently  the  appearances  given 
with  this  form  of  light  furnish  the  standard.  Under  the  dark-field 
microscope  the  same  objects  have  a  wholly  unfamiliar  look,  and 
indeed,  as  Edmunds  pointed  out  in  187 7,  seem  like  new  things.  It 
is  quite  conceivable  also  that  for  an  investigator  who  had  used  the 
dark-field  microscope  only,  the  bright-field  image  would  be  equally 
puzzling.  In  order,  then,  to  interpret  these  two  images  of  identical 
objects,  the  objects  should  be  studied  with  both  forms  of  illumi- 
nation. The  more  this  is  done  the  less  unlike  do  the  objects  seem, 


until  finally  one  can  interpret  the  appearance  whichever  form  of 
illumination  is  used. 

While  the  combined  light-  and  dark-field  condensers  (§  187)  are  not 
perfect  for  either  light-  or  dark-field  work  they  do  serve  to  show  the 
identical  object  first  with  one  and  then  with  the  other  form  of  illumina- 
tion with  t)nly  a  slight  change  in  the  illuminator  and  no  change  in  the 
position  of  the  object.  As  shown  in  Chapter  XIV,  §§  717,  721,  this 
result  is  also  easily  attainable  with  the  ordinary  refracting  condensers. 

Of  all  the  reasons  for  non-success  with  the  dark-field  microscope, 
the  most  constant  one  is  an  inadequate  light.  Then  also  the  use  of 
unmodified  electric  light  when  it  is  bright  enough  to  bring  out  the 
minutest  details  and  particles  is  very  hard  on  the  eyes  of  the  observer 
unless  it  is  given  daylight  quality  by  the  use  of  a  daylight  glass 
filter.  From  an  abundant  experience  of  over  10  years  with  the  dark- 
field  microscope  the  writer  is  positive  that  the  continuous  use  of 
the  brilliant,  unmodified  light  would  be  injurious.  Of  course,  for 
a  diagnosis  requiring  a  few  minutes  the  unmodified  light  answers, 
but  for  continuous  study  for  several  hours  a  day  the  light  should  be 
given  daylight  quality.  This  for  most  observers  is  not  only  easier  on 
the  eyes  but  gives  a  sharpness  of  detail  that  cannot  be  gained  by  the 
unmodified  light. 

As  stated  above,  the  io8-watt,  6-volt  headlight  lamp  (figs.  79-80) 
furnishes  abundant  light  for  all  uses.  The  lamp  is  so  constructed 
that  for  photography  and  projection  work  the  full  intensity  may  be 
used  by  removing  the  daylight  glass  filter.  Of  course,  also,  any 
other  filter  can  be  substituted  for  a  special  purpose. 


BECK,  CONRAD.  —  The  Microscope,  1038,  pp.  128-142. 
BECK,  R.  AND  J.,  LT'D.  —  Dark-ground  Illumination  (special  pamphlet). 
CARPENTER,  WM.  B.  —  The  Microscope  and  Us  Revelations,  1856-1901. 
CHAMOT  AND  MASON.  —  Handbook  of  Chemical  Microscopy,  Vol.  T,  pp.  84-92. 
EDMONDS,  J.  —  On  a  New  Immersion  Paraboloid.    Mon.  Micr.  Jour.,  Vol.  18  (1887), 

pp.  78-85. 
GAGE,  S.  H.  —  Modern  Dark-field  Microscopy  and  the  History  of  Its  Development. 

Trans.   Amer.   Micr.  Soc.,  Vol.  30  (1920),  pp.  95-141.     Stain  Technology, 

Vol.  13  (1938),  pp.  25-36. 
GORING  AND  PRITCHARD.  —  Micrographia.    London,  1837. 


HALL,  J.  C.  —  Quart.  Jour.  Micr.  Sci.,  Vol.  IV  (1856),  pp.  205-208.    Figures  the 

"spotted  lens." 

LISTER,  JOSEPH  JACKSON.  —  Trans.  Roy.  Soc.,  Vol.  120  (1830),  pp.  187-260. 
METZNER-ZIMMERMANN.  —  Wissenschaf tlichen  Mikroskopie,  2d  ed. 
QUEKETT,  JOHN.  —  Practical  treatise  on  the  use  of  the  microscope.    Editions  of 

1848,  1852,  1855. 

READE,  REV.  J.  B.  —  See  pp.  227-231  of  Goring  &  Pritchard. 
SHADBOLDT,  G.  —  Trans.  Micr.  Soc.  London,  Vol.  Ill  (1851),  pp.  132,  154. 
SII:DENTOPF,  H.  —  Vorgesichte  der  Spiegelkondensoren,  Zeit.  wiss.  Mikr.,  Vol. 

XXIV  (1907),  pp".  382-395-  ^.       o       T      ,       __  .    TTT 

WENHAM,  F.  H.  —  Reflecting  Condensers,  Trans.  Micr.  Soc.  London,  Vol.  Ill 

(1850),  pp.  83-90.    Quart.  Jour.  Micr.  Sci.,  Vol.  II  (1854),  pp.  145-158.   Trans. 

Micr.  Soc.  London,  in  Vol.  IV  (1856),  Quart.  Jour.  Micr.  Sci.,  pp.  55-60. 
WRIGHT,  A.  E.  —  Principles  of  Microscopy,  Chapter  XIV. 


§§  216-272;    FIGURES  91-119 

A  polarizing  microscope  is  one  in  which  a  microscope  and  a  polar  i- 
scope  are  combined  for  the  purpose  of  studying  microscopic  prepara- 
tions illuminated  by  polarized  light. 

For  the  biologist  the  definite  information  to  be  gained  by  using  the 
polarizing  microscope  may  be  stated  thus: 

(1)  Whether  the  object  under  the  microscope  is  isotropic,  i.e.,  non- 
polarizing,  or  anisotropic,  i.e.,  polarizing. 

(2)  Whether  the  object  is  uniaxial  or  biaxial. 

(3)  Whether  it  shows  interference  phenomena,  i.e.,  a  black  cross 
or  colors. 

(4)  Whether  the  object  rotates  the  plane  of  polarization. 

(5)  Whether  the  object  shows  pleochroism. 

While  the  full  theoretical  meaning  of  all  the  phenomena  may  not 
be  clear,  the  biologist  can  be  certain  tint  the  different  appearances 
with  p3larizecl  light  indicate  definite  physical  or  properties. 

§216.  Polariscops;  polarizer  and  analyzer.  —  A  polarizer  is  an 
optical  device  for  producing  polarized  light,  and  an  analyzer  is  a 
device  to  aid  the  observer  in  determining  whether  the  object  illumi- 
nated with  polarized  light  has  any  effect  upon  that  light. 

The  polariscope  most  frequently  used  with  a  microscope  consists 
of  two  prisms  of  Iceland  spar  (transparent  calcite,  CaCO.s).  The 
light  traverses  them  lengthwise.  The  prisms  are  cut  along  a  diagonal 
and  the  cut  surfaces  polished.  The  two  halves  of  each  prism  are 
then  cemented  together  with  Canada  balsam  or  linseed  oil. 

One  prism,  the  polarizer,  is  placed  between  the  source  of  light  and 
the  object,  and  serves  to  polarize  the  light  before  it  reaches  the  object. 

According  to  the  classical  theory,  ordinary  light  from  the  sun  or 
any  other  source,  is  vibrating  in  all  planes  transverse  to  the  direc- 
tion of  propagation  of  the  light.  When  such  light  enters  the  cal- 
cite prism  polarizer  it  is  divided  into  two  parts.  One  of  these  parts, 


CH.  IV] 



called  the  ordinary  ray,  is  refracted  most,  and  meets  the  cemented 
surface  at  an  angle  greater  than  the  critical  angle  for  calcite  in  con- 
tact with  the  cementing  medium.  It  is,  therefore,  reflected  to  the 
side  of  the  prism  and  does  not  pass  on  to  illuminate  the  object. 

The  other  ray,  called  the  extraordinary  ray,  is  bent  less  and  can 
therefore  pass  through  the  cementing  medium  and  the  prism  to  il- 
luminate the  object.  Both  rays  are  polarized,  but  one  is  eliminated. 
The  object  is  thus  illuminated  by  light  vibrating  in  one  definite  plane. 

It  will  be  noted  that  only  half  the  light  gets  through  the  polarizer  to 
illuminate  the  object,  hence  one  must  have  plenty  of  light  to  start  with. 

Objects  illuminated  by  polarized  light  look  the 
same  as  though  they  were  illuminated  by  ordinary 
light,  except  those  exhibiting  pleochroism  (§  233). 

The  addition  of  another  Nicol  prism,  the  an- 
alyzer, so  turned  that  it  excludes  the  light  from 
the  polarizer,  serves  to  show  whether  the  object 
under  the  microscope  has  produced  any  change 
in  the  polarized  light.  This  is  brought  about  as 
follows:  In  fig.  91  the  diagonals  of  sections  of  the 
prisms  are  parallel.  In  this  position  the  polarized 
light  passes  directly  through  both  prisms.  If  the 
analyzer  is  rotated  90°,  none  of  the  polarized  light 
transmitted  by  the  first  prism  can  pass  through  the 
second.  When  so  arranged  that  no  light  can  pass 
through  both  prisms,  they  are  said  to  be  crossed. 


Polarizer  The  Nicol  prism  under  the  stage  of  the 

Analyzer    The  Nicol  prism  over  the  ocular. 

Stage    The  stage  of  the  microscope. 

Object    The  object  on  a  slide. 

Objective    The  microscopic  objective. 

S  Set  screw  for  clamping  the  analyzer  to  the  tube  of 
the  microscope. 

Ocular    The  microscopic  ocular  in  position. 

Pointer  and  Scale  The  graduated  ring  and  pointer  to  show  the  amount  of 

a  Handle  for  raising  and  lowering  the  analyzer  to  arrange  it  properly  with 
reference  to  the  eyepoint. 

L'E  t  *,-] 


§  217.  Polaroid.  —  Instead  of  Nicol  prisms  for  the  polarizer  and 
analyzer  a  substitute  has  been  recently  devised.  It  is  called  Polaroid, 
and  is  composed  of  a  multitude  of  fine,  elongated  crystals  imbedded 
in  a  cellulose  matrix.  This  matrix  is  usually  mounted  between  thin 
plates  of  glass  or  heavy  safety  film. 

The  polaroid  can  be  used  with  any  microscope  and  shows  the 
phenomena  of  polarized  light  satisfactorily.  It  is  considerably 
cheaper  than  the  Nicol  prism  polariscopes.  However,  for  the  most 
accurate  work  with  polarized  light  it  is  necessary  to  have  an  accurately 
graduated  analyzer,  a  centering,  graduated  revolving  stage,  an  ocular 
with  cross-hairs,  means  for  using  the  quartz  wedge,  and  a  selenite 
plate  for  red  of  the  first  order.  Such  an  instrument  is  shown  in 
figure  92.  (See  Martin  Grabau,  Polarized  Light  and  Its  Applica- 
tion, 1940.  Polaroid  Corporation,  Cambridge,  Mass.)  7 

§  218.  Iso tropic  and  anisotropic  objects.  —  An  iso tropic,  singly  re- 
fracting or  non-polarizing  body  is  one  which  does  not  divide  the  beam 
of  light  traversing  it  into  two  beams  vibrating  in  different  planes,  but 
the  entering  light  vibrates  in  all  planes  as  when  entering.  Such  an 
isotropic  substance  is  glass,  and  when  it  is  placed  between  the  crossed 
polarizer  and  analyzer  the  light  is  not  restored.  When,  however,  an 
anisotropic,  doubly  refracting  or  polarizing  object  is  placed  between 
the  crossed  analyzer  and  polarizer,  it  divides  the  light  from  the 
polarizer  into  two  beams  and  one  of  them  can  pass  through  the 
analyzer.  The  object  will  then  glow  with  a  soft  light  on  a  dark 
background.  Cotton,  linen,  and  other  vegetable  fibers  are  aniso- 
tropic, and  so  are  many  crystals,  and  animal  tissues  like  muscle  and 


Whether  the  polarizing  microscope  is  simple  or  elaborate,  there 
are  some  definite  tests  that  should  be  made  before  accepting  the 
results  obtained  by  its  use. 

§  219.  Testing  the  polarizer  and  the  analyzer.  —  The  polarizer 
is  usually  as  perfect  as  the  manufacturers  can  make  it,  and  so  is 
the  analyzer.  It  is  simple  to  find  out  whether  the  polarizer  and 
analyzer  exclude  all  light  when  crossed,  and  allow  it  to  pass  when 
in  any  intermediate  position.  For  this  test,  and  indeed  for  all  the 

CH.  IV] 



tests,  one  should  work  in  a  dark  room,  if  possible,  so  that  all  extra- 
neous light  is  absent. 
The  condenser  is  removed,  also  the  objective  and  the  ocular. 

(Outline  Drawing  from  the  Catalogue  of  the  Spencer  Lens  Co.) 

The  analyzer. 

The  set  screw  to  hold  the  analyzer  in  place. 

Focusing  wheel  for  the  coarse  adjustment. 

Slit  in  the  tube  above  the  objective  for  the  quartz  wedge,  etc. 

Fine  adjustment  wheel. 


6  Revolving  nose-piece  with  three  objectives  in  place. 

7  Spring  clips  for  fixing  the  slide  in  place. 

8  Handle  of  the  iris  diaphragm  of  the  condenser. 
g  One  of  the  centering  screws. 

10  Screw  for  fixing  the  stage  at  any  position  in  its  rotation. 

11  Fork  and  contained  substage  condenser. 

12  One  of  the  centering  screws  for  the  condenser, 
i?  The  polarizer. 

jj  Nut  for  fixing  the  inclining  pillar  in  place. 

75  Wheel  for  the  rack  and  pinion  for  raising  and  lowering  the  condenser, 

16  Mirror. 

17  Foot  of  the  microscope. 


With  the  polarizer  in  the  zero  position  and  also  the  analyzer,  the 
tube  of  the  microscope  is  lowered  as  far  as  possible  to  bring  the 
polarizer  and  analyzer  near  together.  Then  light  is  directed  through 
the  polarizer.  If  the  polariscope  is  perfect  there  will  be  two  posi- 
tions, o°  and  1 80°,  when  there  will  be  total  darkness.  In  other  po- 
sitions there  will  be  twilight,  and  when  either  element  is  rotated 
45°  there  will  be  the  brightest  light.  Apparently  it  is  not  possible 
to  make  a  polariscope  so  perfect  that  there  is  complete  extinction 
of  light  when  the  nicols  are  crossed.  Some  of  the  light  emerging 
from  the  analyzer  may  not  be  completely  polarized  on  the  one  hand; 
and  on  the  other,  when  used  with  various  optical  parts,  the  scattering 
and  depolarization  of  a  part  of  the  light  by  the  lenses  of  the 
condenser,  ocular  and  objective  leave  some  of  the  light  in  a  position 
enabling  it  to  pass  the  analyzer. 

It  is  also  intelligible  that,  if  the  light  from  the  source  is  excessive, 
even  more  of  it  will  be  in  condition  to  pass  the  crossed  nicols.  In 
any  case  the  field  may  not  be  perfectly  black  when  the  nicols  are 
crossed  in  the  most  perfect  instruments.  On  the  principle  of  con- 
trast, however,  the  field  may  appear  densely  black  if  there  is  only  a 
small  amount  of  polarizing  material  under  the  microscope.  For 
example,  cotton  fibers  polarize  so  brilliantly  that  the  field  about 
them  appears  absolutely  black  at  first.  If  one  moves  the  slide  so 
that  there  are  no  cotton  fibers  present  it  will  be  seen  that  the  field 
is  not  black  but  dark  gray.  (See  Beck,  part  ii,  p.  200;  Chamot  and 
Mason,  vol.  ii,  p.  274). 

§  220.  Testing  the  condenser.  —  After  one  is  convinced  that  the 
polarizer  and  analyzer  are  satisfactory,  it  is  well  to  test  the  con- 
denser. For  this  the  condenser  is  put  in  place  above  the  polarizer 
and  the  diaphragm  opened  wide.  The  light  is  then  sent  up  through 
the  polarizer.  No  object,  objective,  or  ocular  should  be  in  place, 
and  the  analyzer  should  be  at  the  zero  or  crossed  position.  If  the 
condenser  is  isotropic,  the  field  will  remain  just  as  dark  with  crossed 
nicols  as  it  is  without  the  condenser.  Sometimes  the  condenser 
lenses  are  under  strain,  then  they  become  polarizing,  and  the  field 
cannot  be  made  dark  in  any  position  of  the  polarizer  and  the  ana- 
lyzer. Such  a  condenser,  although  it  may  be  perfectly  good  for 


ordinary  light  observations,  should  be  discarded  for  polarization  ex- 
periments, and  an  iso tropic  one  used.  . 

§  221.  Testing  the  objectives.  —  Many  objectives  have  one  or 
more  of  the  lenses  under  strain,  and  therefore  aniso tropic.  With 
such  objectives  the  field  will  not  be  dark  when  the  nicols  are  crossed, 
and  they  are  not  suitable  for  polariscopic  work,  although  they  may  be 
perfectly  good  for  ordinary  microscopic  observation.  To  test  an 
objective,  put  it  in  place,  cross  the  nicols  and  light  the  microscope 
well.  If  the  objective  is  isotropic  the  field  will  remain  dark  with 
crossed  nicols.  If  the  objective  is  under  strain,  the  field  cannot  be 
made  dark.  Oculars  are  not  so  likely  to  be  under  strain,  but  those 
to  be  used  with  the  polarizing  microscope  should  be  tested  in  the 
same  way  as  the  objective. 

It  will  be  noted  in  these  tests  that  the  position  of  the  analyzer 
for  the  most  perfect  darkness  or  extinction  is  very  precise.  A 
rotation  of  5  degrees  either  way  renders  the  field  gray,  and  it  be- 
comes lightest  at  90°,  and  again  darkest  at  180°, 

§  222.  Testing  the  glass  slips  for  the  polariscope.  —  Glass  is  one 
of  the  isotropic  substances,  but  when  under  strain,  it  becomes 
anisotropic.  The  majority  of  glass  slips  and  corex  glass  slips  tested 
have  been  isotropic,  but  occasionally  one  is  anisotropic.  If  the 
glass  slip  on  which  an  object  is  mounted  is  polarizing,  no  exact 
estimate  of  the  character  of  the  object  being  studied  can  be  deter- 

To  test  the  microscopic  slips  on  which  objects  are  to  be  mounted, 
place  one  on  the  stage  of  the  polarizing  microscope  and  rotate  the 
analyzer.  If  the  glass  slip  is  suitable,  the  appearance  will  be  exactly 
as  if  it  were  absent,  but  if  no  dark  field  can  be  obtained  when  the 
polarizer  and  analyzer  are  crossed,  the  slip  must  be  doubly  refract- 
ing, and  should  not  be  used  for  mounting  objects  for  the  polariscope. 

Dr.  Chamot  informed  the  writer  that  often  the  slips  used  in 
chemical  microscopy  where  they  had  to  be  heated  over  the  Bunsen 
flame,  became  markedly  anisotropic.  It  is  advantageous  to  have  a 
glass  slip  which  one  knows  is  polarizing  so  that  the  appearance  may 
be  definitely  fixed  in  mind.  To  prepare  such  a  slip,  heat  it  all  over 
till  it  is  too  hot  to  hold,  then  with  forceps  hold  one  end  in  the  flame 


of  a  Bunsen  burner  till  it  is  a  dull  red.  Cool  slowly  by  waving  in  the 
air.  If  it  happens  to  break,  try  another.  When  it  is  cool,  put  the 
end  that  had  been  heated  under  the  polarizing  microscope,  and  cross 
the  polarizer  and  analyzer.  A  dark  field  will  not  result.  Move  the 
slide  till  a  part  that  had  not  been  heated  very  hot  is  in  the  field. 
Probably  a  dark  field  will  result  when  the  nicols  are  crossed.  If  so, 
one  can  see  on  the  same  slip  an  isotropic  and  an  anisotropic  appearance. 

§  223.  Centering  the  revolving  stage.  —  A  very  practical  way  to 
get  it  approximately  centered  is  suggested  by  Dr.  Chamot:  A  disc 
of  metal  with  a  very  small  central  hole  is  put  into  the  opening  of 
the  stage  of  the  microscope.  One  can  focus  on  this,  and  with  the 
centering  screws  put  the  small  hole  directly  under  the  crossing  point 
of  the  cross  hairs.  As  the  centering  disc  must  fit  accurately  the 
opening  in  the  stage,  its  removal  is  greatly  facilitated  by  having  a 
segment  removed  from  the  edge;  then  with  the  finger  nail  it  can  be 
easily  lifted  up. 

The  other  and  the  most  exact  method  of  centering  is  to  use  a  clear 
glass  slip,  and  with  a  fine  pen  put  a  minute  dot  of  ink  on  the 
middle  of  the  slide,  or  one  can,  with  the  aid  of  a  writing  diamond, 
make  a  delicate  x  on  the  middle  of  the  slide.  This  is  moved  about 
by  the  hands  until  the  spot  or  x  is  exactly  under  the  crossing  point 
of  the  cross  hairs  of  the  ocular.  The  stage  is  then  rotated  clear 
around  and  the  spot  will  again  be  under  the  crossing  point.  Now 
rotate  the  stage  until  the  spot  or  x  is  farthest  from  the  crossing 
point  of  the  cross  hairs  of  the  ocular.  With  the  centering  screws 
move  the  spot  or  the  x,  half  the  distance  toward  the  crossing  point 
of  the  lines  in  the  ocular.  Then  with  the  fingers  or  mechanical  stage, 
move  the  slide  till  the  spot  or  x  is  directly  under  the  cross  hairs. 
Revolve  the  stage.  The  centering  may  not  be  perfect  the  first  trial, 
but  by  continuing  one  can  center  the  stage  so  accurately  that  the 
object  under  examination  will  remain  directly  under  the  cross  hairs 
of  the  ocular  for  that  particular  objective.  If  another  is  turned  in 
place,  the  centering  may  not  be  quite  perfect;  but  usually  it  is 
approximately  so.  For  perfect  centering  the  stage  must  be  re- 
centered  for  each  objective.  The  rationale  of  this  proceeding  is 
that  the  crossing  point  of  the  lines  in  the  ocular  and  the  center  of 


rotation  of  the  revolving  stage  must  be  put  on  the  same  axis.  If 
they  are  not  on  the  same  axis,  any  spot  originally  placed  directly 
under  the  crossing  point  in  the  ocular  will  describe  a  circle  when  the 
stage  is  rotated,  and  the  spot  or  x  will  be  at  the  periphery  of  that 
circle.  It  should  be  at  the  center  of  the  circle,  that  being  at  the 
center  of  rotation  of  the  stage. 


§  224.  Physical  analysis.  —  The  importance  of  the  physical 
analysis  of  animal  and  plant  structures  has  long  been  recognized  by 
many  workers,  but  this  physical  analysis  has  been' carried  out  only 
in  a  desultory  way.  Now  with  thef  exact  apparatus  at  a  reasonable 
cost,  and  the  almost  perfect  artificial  sources  of  light  available,  it 
seems  possible  to  proceed  in  a  systematic  manner  to  determine  just 
what  and  how  much  the  different  minute  organisms  and  the  tissues 
and  organs  of  the  higher  animals  and  plants  are  polarizing.^'  There 
is  certainly  a  difference  in  the  physical  organization  of  organic  as 
well  as  inorganic  substances  \\hen  they  behave  differently  in  polar- 
ized light,  i.e.,  whether  they  are  isotropic  or  anisotropic.  Every  hint 
concerning  the  intimate  structure  and  arrangement  of  the  materials 
of  biology  helps  to  give  a  truer  insight  into  their  organization.  It  is 
believed,  then,  that  the  information  gained  by  the  polarizing  micro- 
scope and  the  ultra-violet  microscope  will  aid  in  helping  to  under- 
stand the  living  world.  Fortunately  this  physical  analysis  can  be 
applied  to  living  as  well  as  to  dead  matter,  and  it  is  independent 
of  the  possible  changes  wrought  by  the  highly  artificial  staining 
processes  after  treatment  with  varied  chemicals. 

It  is  hoped  that  in  the  future  the  definite  determination  of  the 
physical  properties  of  living  and  fresh  animal  and  plant  substances 
will  be  sought  for  as  persistently  and  faithfully  as  their  staining 


Make  sure  that  the  polarizing  microscope,  and  the  glass  slips 
used  for  mounting  the  objects  to  be  studied  are  suitable  for  their 
purpose  (§§  219-222). 


§  225.  Vegetable  material.  — -  The  tissues  of  plants  are  as  a  rule 
more  strikingly  doubly  refracting  than  those  of  animals,  and  are 
very  easy  to  prepare  in  the  living,  fresh  and  fixed  or  dried  condition. 
Potato  is  one  of  the  best  objects  to  begin  with,  for  both  the  starch 
and  the  cellulose  walls  of  the  vegetable  cells  are  strongly  polarizing. 
Use  a  fresh,  firm  potato.  Wash  the  surface  well,  then  with  a  sharp 
knife  or  a  razor  blade  make  a  very  thin  slice,  including  some  of  the 
skin.  Mount  in  water  or  in  normal  salt  solution.  Cover  and  em- 
ploy first  a  16  mm.  (lox)  objective,  then  an  8  mm.  (2ox)  or  a  4  mm. 
(4ox)  objective.  Some  of  the  starch  grains  are  very  large,  and  some 
quite  small.  Some  will  be  free  in  the  mounting  liquid  and  many  of 
them  will  be  in  the  cells  of  the  potato.  The  cellulose  cell- walls  will 
be  bright  when  the  nicols  are  crossed,  showing  that  they  are  aniso- 
tropic.  The  starch  grains,  whether  large  or  small,  will  also  be  bright 
and  will  show  a  black  cross.  This  will  rotate  as  the  analyzer  is 
rotated.-  This  black  cross  will  be  met  in  many  cases  of  doubly 
refracting  bodies,  and  is  one  of  the  characteristic  features  of  starch. 
If  one  wishes  to  study  dry  starch,  it  is  better  to  mount  it  i  i  Canada 
balsam.  In  case  one  finds  it  dilicult  to  get  a  thin  en:u*h  section 
of  the  fresh  potato,  a  preparation  which  will  show  all  the  points 
may  be  made  by  scraping  the  fresh  cut  surface,  and  mounting  the 
scrapings  in  water. 

§  226.  Cotton  and  linen  fibers.  -  If  cotton  or  linen  fibers  are 
mounted  in  water  or  in  balsam,  very  brilliant  polarization  is  shovvn 
with  crossed  nicols.  Plant  tissues,  whether  fresh  or  .fixed,  give  good 
polarization  effects,  and  show  with  the  greatest  clearness  the 
minutest  layers  or  strands  of  cellulose,  anisotropic  crystals,  etc.  No 
one  interested  in  the  microscopic  structure  of  plants  can  afford  to 
neglect  this  means  of  investigation. 

§  227.  Mounting  specimens  for  both  polarized  light  and  ultra- 
violet radiation.  —  For  this,  mounting  slips  which  are  non-polarizing 
on  the  one  hand,  and  which  transmit  ultra-violet  radiation  on  the 
other,  must  be  used.  Such  slips  are  composed  of  fused  quartz  or 
of  corex  d.  glass  (fig.  218).  The  polished  fused  quartz  slips  are  very 
expensive,  costing  from  $3.50  to  $12.00  each.  The  corex  d.  polished 
slips  cost  about  75  cts.  each.  Slips  cut  from  sheets  of  corex  glass 


answer  very  well  even  if  not  polished.  Cut  from  the  sheets,  the 
slips  cost  about  $6.00  per  hundred.  With  ground  edges,  the  cost  is 
considerably  more. 

§  228.  Mounting  media  for  polarized  light  and  ultra-violet  radia- 
tion. —  These  media,  like  the  mounting  slips,  must  be  free  from 
polarization  and  entirely  transparent  to  the  ultra-violet  radiation. 
Canada  balsam,  cedar  oil  and  many  of  the  ordinary  media  used  for 
mounting  are  highly  fluorescent  in  ultra-violet  radiation  and  cannot 
be  used.  Fortunately  water  and  normal  salt  solution  are  available 
and  suited  for  fresh  specimens.  For  permanent  preparations  one 
may  use  glycerin.  It  is  slightly  fluorescent,  but  in  the  thin  layers 
used  answers  very  well.  It  also  mixes  with  water,  which  is  a  great 
advantage  for  many  specimens.  For  dry  or  dehydrated  objects  it 
was'  found  that  the  mineral  oil  used  in  medicine,  whether  of  a 
naphtha  or  of  a  paraffin  base,  is  transparent  to  ultra-violet  down  to 
0.3/1.  Its  refractive  index  is  high  (1.48).  It  is  therefore  a  fairly 
good  substitute  for  Canada  balsam.  It  is  also  good  for  use  in 
making  the  immersion  contact  with  the  condenser  and  slip,  and  for 
the  immersion  liquid  for  the  oil  immersion  objectives.  (See  table, 
§  269.)  If  used  for  permanent  mounting  in  place  of  balsam,  the 
cover-glass  must  be  sealed  as  with  glycerin  mounts  (§  530). 

§  229.  Annual  tissues  and  organs;  minute  animals  with  polarized 
light.  —  As  with  plant  life,  living  and  minute  animals  and  living  and 
fresh  tissues  of  animals  should  be  studied  with  the  polarizing  microscope 
and  the  appearances  later  studied  with  the  ultra-violet  microscope. 

§  230.  For  living  animals,  the  water  in  which  they  are  found  in 
nature  is  the  best  mounting  medium.  For  the  higher  forms,  the 
living  and  fresh  tissues  should  be  mounted  in  some  isotonic  solution 
like  normal  salt,  Ringer's  solution,  etc.  The  most  perfect  isotonic 
solution  is  the  body  juices  in  which  they  are  naturally  bathed  in  life. 
It  is  not  easy  to  get  these  in  all  cases,  hence  the  use  of  normal  salt, 
etc.  One  must  remember  also  to  use  quartz  or  corex  slips  if  the 
specimens  are  to  be  compared  under  ultra-violet  radiation. 

§  231.  Example  of  isotropic  substances.  —  For  an  isotropic  object 
put  an  ordinary  glass  slide  under  the  microscope.  Cross  the  nicols. 
The  field  will  remain  dark. 


As  an  example  of  iso tropic  crystals,  i.e.,  those  belonging  to  the 
cubic  system,  make  a  solution  of  common  salt,  sodium  chloric!  (NaCl). 
Place  a  drop  of  the  salt  solution  on  a  slide  that  has  been  tested  and 
found  free  from  strain  (§222).  As  the  water  evaporates  crystals 
will  be  formed.  Place  the  slide  under  the  microscope,  shade  the 
stage  well,  if  not  in  a  darkened  room.  Cross  the  nicols.  The  cubical 
crystals  of  salt  will  remain  dark. 

§  232.  Examples  of  anisotropic  substances.  —  As  an  example  of 
uniaxial,  anisotropic  crystals  make  a  fresh  preparation  of  carbonate 
of  lime  crystals  like  that  described  for  pedesis  (§  348),  or  use  a  prep- 
aration in  which  the  crystals  have  dried  to  the  slide;  use  a  4  mm. 
(4ox)  objective,  shade  the  object  \\ell,  remove  the  analyzer,  and 
focus  the  crystals;  then  replace  the  analyzer.  Cross  the  nicols. 
In  the  dark  field  will  be  seen  multitudes  of  shining  crystals,  and  if 
the  preparation  is  a  fresh  one  in  water,  part  of  the  smaller  crystals 
will  alternately  flash  and  disappear.  By  observing  carefully,  some 
of  the  larger  crystals  will  be  found  to  remain  dark  with  crossed 
nicols,  others  will  shine  continuously.  If  the  crystals  are  in  such  a 
position  that  the  light  passes  through  parallel  with  the  optic  axis 
(§  232a),  the  crystals  are  isotropic  like  salt  crystals  and  remain 
dark.  If,  hovever,  the  light  traverses  them  in  any  other  direction, 
the  ray  from  the  polarizer  is  divided  into  two  constituents  vibrating 
in  planes  at  right  angles  to  each  other,  and  one  of  these  will  traverse 
the  analyzer;  hence  such  crystals  \ull  appear  as  if  self-luminous  in  a 
dark  field.  The  experiment  with  these  crystals  from  the  frog  suc- 
ceeds well  with  a  2  mm.  homogeneous  immersion. 

As  a  further  illustration  of  anisotropic  objects,  mount  some  cotton 
fibers  in  balsam  (Ch.  XI),  also  some  of  the  lens-paper  (§  54).  These 
furnish  excellent  examples  of  vegetable  fibers;  striated  muscle  fibers 
are  also  very  well  adapted  for  polarizing  objects. 

§  232a.  The  optic  axis  of  doubly  refracting  crystals  is  the  axis  along  which 
the  crystal  is  not  doubly  refracting,  but  isotropic  like  glass.  When  there  is  but 
one  such  axis,  the  crystal  is  said  to  be  uniaxial;  if  there  are  two  such  axes,  the 
crystal  is  said  to  be  bi-axial. 

The  crystals  of  carbonate  of  lime  from  the  frog  (§  232)  are  uniaxial  crystals. 
Borax  crystals  are  bi-axial. 


§  233.  Pleochroism,  Pleochromatism.  —  Polarizing  or  anisotropic 
bodies  may  remove  some  of  the  wave  lengths  of  light  traversing 
them.  The  wave  lengths  removed  depend  upon  the  plane  in  which 
the  light  passing  through  the  substance  is  polarized  with  respect  to 
the  optic  axis  of  the  crystals.  For  demonstrating  the  color  changes 
in  pleochroism  only  one  element  of  the  polar iscope  is  used.  As  it  is 
usually  easier  to  remove  the  analyzer  than  the  polarizer,  the  polari- 
zer is  the  element  left  in  place. 

If  the  substance  under  examination  is  uniaxial,  but  two  colors  are 
shown,  and  it  is  called  dichroic. 

If  the  substance  is  biaxial,  then  three  colors  may  appear,  and  the 
substance  is  called  trichroic. 

An  easily  prepared  dichroic  substance  is  haemin  (§  233a).  Find  a 
large  haemin  crystal  in  the  preparation  and  place  it  at  the  inter* 
section  of  the  cross  hairs  of  the  ocular.  Note  the  position  of  the 
stage,  then  rotate  it,  and  note  the  changes  that  take  place  in  a  com- 
plete revolution,  also  note  the  number  of  decrees  of  rotation  required 
to  make  the  changes.  With  the  h'jemin  the  crystal  will  be  dark  twice 
in  the  revolution;  and  twice  it  will  appear  light. 

Crystals  of  acetate  of  copper  show  strikingly  the  dichroic  change, 
the  crystals  being  a  part  of  the  time  greenish,  and  a  part  of  the 
time  bluish. 

A  striking  and  instructive  demonstration  to  show  the  difference 
between  pleochromatic  and  non-pleochromatic  objects  may  be  made 
by  adding  part  of  a  cotton  fiber  to  the  haemin  or  the  copper  when 
the  specimen  is  prepared.  The  cotton  will  not  change  in  color  during 
the  entire  revolution  of  the  stage.  If  now  the  analyzer  is  added  the 
cotton  fiber  will  be  seen  to  polarize  brilliantly. 

§  233a.  Haemin,  hydrochlorate  of  haematin  (C34  H35  N4  -  N4  FeO6  -  HC1)  is 
easily  obtained  from  drie  1  blood.  The  blood  may  be  fresh  or  old,  it  serves,  there- 
fore to  differentiate  the  red  or  brown  stains  of  blood  from  other  reddish  brown 
stains.  Hyemin  is  easily  prepared  by  placing  a  drop  of  fresh  blood  on  the  middle 
of  a  glass  slip  and  spreading  it  about  in  a  small  area.  When  dry,  a  crystal  or  two 
of  common  salt  (sodium  chlorid  NaCl)  is  added  and  a  cover-glass  put  over  the 
mixture.  If  old  blood  is  used  it  should  be  powdered  and  several  crystals  of  sail- 

With  a  pipette  add  enough  glacial  acetic  acid  at  the  edge  of  the  cover- 
glass  to  fill  the  space  under  the  cover  and  immerse  the  blood.  Heat  in  some 
way  till  the  acid  steams  well.  It  is  better  not  to  boil  the  liquid.  Examine  under 


the  microscope.  If  successful  the  brownish  red,  rhombic  crystals  of  haemin  will  be 
present  in  abundance.  If  not  add  more  acetic  acid  and  heat  again.  When  plenty 
of  crystals  are  present,  remove  the  cover-glass  and  let  the  preparation  dry. 
There  should  be  plenty  of  crystals  on  the  cover-glass  as  well  as  on  the  slide. 
When  thoroughly  dry,  add  a  drop  of  Canada  balsam  and  mount  (§  534). 

Haemin  is  much  used  for  the  detection  of  blood  in  medico-legal  cases.  It  can 
be  obtained  from  stains  no  matter  how  old.  Hsemin  is  dichroic  (§  233)  and  ani- 
sotropic  (§  232),  but  non-fluorescent. 

§  234.  Production  of  colors.  —  Many  polarizing  substances  show 
the  most  gorgeous  coloration  under  the  polarizing  microscope.  A 
striking  example  is  white  human  hair.  Short  pieces  mounted  in 
balsam  or  other  highly  refractive  medium  make  a  wonderful  prepara- 
tion. As  the  pieces  are  at  various  angles  with  the  plane  of  polarization 
some  are  almost  sure  to  glow  with  great  beauty.  By  rotating  the 
stage  or  rotating  the  specimen  by  hand  different  pieces  will  be  in  the 
right  position  to  give  the  best  effects. 

A  crystalline  substance,  sulphonal  (CHs^CCSC^Hs^,  is  excellent 
for  the  dark  cross  and  for  the  most  brilliant  coloration.  To  prepare 
a  specimen,  put  a  large  drop  of  Canada  balsam  in  the  middle  of  a  slip 
and  warm  it  till  it  is  quite  liquid.  Then  add  about  a  third  as  much 
dry  sulphonal.  Heat  till  the  sulphonal  melts.  Stir  with  a  toothpick 
to  distribute  the  crystals  evenly,  and  then  warm  a  cover-glass  and 
press  it  down  on  the  melted  mixture.  Cool  the  slide  by  placing  it  on 
a  cold  body  or  by  putting  some  alcohol  on  the  back.  If  the  specimen 
is  successful,  and  it  usually  is,  it  will  show  a  great  variety.  By  rotating 
the  stage  or  the  analyzer  the  black  crosses  will  also  rotate  and  the 
colors  will  change  to  their  complements. 


BECK,  CONRAD.  —  The  Microscope,  1938  ed. 

CHAMOT,  AND  CHAMOT  AND  MASON.  —  Chemical  Microscopy. 

CLARK,  C.  H.  —  Practical  methods  in  microscopy  (gives  sulphonal  experiment). 

HARDY  AND  PERRIN.  —  Principles  of  Optics. 

QUEKETT,  JOHN.  —  Practical  treatise  on  the  use  of  the  microscope. 

SCHMIDT,  W.  J.  —  Die  Bausteine  des  Tierkorpers  in  polarisiertem  Lichte. 


§  235.  Optical  facts  of  prime  importance  for  the  microscope.  — 
In  considering  the  optics  of  the  microscope  six  fundamental  facts 

CH.  IV] 



concerning  light  must  be  kept  constantly  in  mind,  for  all  of  them 
are  involved  to  a  greater  or  less  degree  in  every  microscopic  obser- 

(1)  Light  is  composed  of  radiation   which  for  visual  purposes 
consists  of  waves  from  Ao.4/z  to  Xo.y/x  in  length. 

(2)  Light  in  a  uniform  medium  extends  in  straight  lines. 






The  spectrum  in  this  diagram  is  magnified  50,000  times  vertically  and  hori- 
zontally.   The  visible  part  of  the  spectrum  extends  only  from  about  X.y/x  to  \.4ju. 
D  represents  the  dark  sodium  lines  in  the  solar  spectrum.    Incandescent  sodium 
in  a  lamp  flame  shows  a  bright  line  at  this  level. 


(3)  Light  may  be  reflected. 

(4)  Light  is  refracted  in  passing  from  one  medium  to  another  of 
different  density. 

(5)  Light  may  be  dispersed  or  separated  into  colored  bands  from 
the  fact  that  rays  of  different  wave  length  are  differently  bent 
(figs.  1 20,  2). 

(6)  Light   may   be   diffracted,    it   i.e.,  bends   around   small   ob- 

(7)  Light  may  be  polarized. 

Stated  in  briefest  terms  light  exhibits  the  properties  of: 

(i)  Wave  motion;  (2)  Rectilinear  propagation;  (3)  Reflection; 
(4)  Refraction;  (5)  Dispersion;  (6)  Diffraction;  (7)  Polarization. 

§  236.  Wave  motion.  —  From  a  body  like  the  sun,  the  electric 
arc  and  other  sources  of  energy,  radiation  is  given  off  which  in  most 
respects  acts  as  if  it  consisted  of  transverse  waves,  i.e.,  waves  at  right 
angles  to  the  direction  of  propagation.  The  radiation  which  is 
visible  forms  but  a  very  small  segment  of  the  total  radiation.  In 
fig.  93  the  visible  radiation  is  shown  between  wave  lengths  Xo.4ju  and 
Xo.7/x,  measured  in  air  or  in  a  vacuum.  Shorter  waves  are  called 
ultra-violet,  and  longer  waves  infra-red.  The  infra-red  waves  are 
shown  only  up  to  a  length  of  2/x,  although  many  of  much  greater 
length  exist. 

In  the  ether  of  space  the  different  visible  waves  move  with  equal 
velocity,  but  in  the  various  transparent  bodies  on  the  earth,  the  ve- 
locity depends  upon  the  wave  length  —  the  shorter  the  wave,  the 
slower  the  motion  (§  245). 

§  237.  Light  moves  in  straight  lines.  —  In  a  uniform  medium 
light  moves  in  straight  lines.  Any  body  in  which  light  can  tranverse 
freely  is  said  to  be  transparent.  If  light  meets  a  body  which  it 
cannot  penetrate,  it  is  either  reflected  (§  238)  or  absorbed;  if  ab- 
sorbed, it  is  changed  to  some  other  form  of  energy,  usually  heat. 

§  238.  Reflection.  —  If  light  meets  the  surface  of  a  body  of 
different  refractive  index  from  the  medium  which  it  is  already  trav- 
ersing the  light  will  be  changed  in  its  course. 

If  the  surface  is  smooth  and  the  light  is  reflected,  the  incident  and 
the  reflected  rays  will  be  in  the  same  plane  and  will  make  equal 

CH.  IV] 



angles  on  opposite  sides  of  a  normal  erected  at  the  point  of  reflection 
(fig.  94).  The  eye  can  see  the  light  only  when  in  the  path  of  the 
lay,  or  when  light  is  deilected  from  the  ray  by  dust,  etc.  (§  173), 

If  the  surface  is  irregular, 
the  reflection  will  also  be 
irregular  and  the  light  will  be 
reflected  from  the  point  of  in- 
cidence in  the  form  of  a  hemi- 
sphere (fig.  95),  hence  light 
would  reach  the  eye  from  any 
point  in  the  hemisphere. 

§  239.  Refraction.  —  As  or- 
dinarily considered,  this  is  the 
change  in  direction  which 
light  undergoes  when  passing 
obliquely  from  one  transparent 




(From  Optic  Projection). 
The  angle  of  incidence  i,  is  equal  to  the 
angle  of  reflection  r;  and  the  incident  and 
reflected  ray  are  in  a  plane  perpendicular 
to  the  reflecting  surface. 

niedium    into    another    (figs. 


A  broader  statement  covering  all  the  phenomena,  whether  the  ray 
passes  obliquely  or  normally  from  one 
medium  to  another,  is  this:  Refraction  is 
the  change  in  velocity  of  the  waves  of 
light  in  passing  from  one  transparent 
medium  into  another. 

§  240.  Law  of  refraction.  —  The  amount 
of  bending  depends  upon  two  factors,  —  the 
relative  density  of  the  two  media  and  the  ob- 
liquity of  the  incident  light.  The  greater  the 
obliquity  of  the  incident  ray,  and  the  greater 
the  difference  in  density,  the  greater  will  be 
the  refraction.  The  precise  law  gov- 
erning the  course  and  relation  of  the 

ray  in  the  two  media  is  known  as  the  sine  law  of  Snell  and  Des- 

FIG.   95.     IRREGULAR  OR 
(From  Optic  Projection). 
A  ray  of  light  meeting  a 
rough  surface,  like  a  piece 
of  white  paper,  is  scattered 
almost  equally  in  all  direc- 
tions,   making     a     hemi- 
sphere of  light. 

cartes.    It  is  expressed  thus: 

sin  ^ 


index  of  refraction,   That  is,  the 

sine  of  the  angle  of  the  incident  ray  with  the  normal  to'  the  dividing 



[CH.  IV 

surface  divided  by  the  sine  of  the  angle  of  the  refracted  ray  with  its 
normal,  gives  the  relative  direction  of  the  ray  in  the  two  media,  i.e., 

the  index  of  refraction.  For 
example,  in  fig.  96,  showing  the 
passage  of  light  to  water,  the  ray 
being  at  60°  with  the  normal  in 
air,  and  40°  38'  in  water,  the  real 
relationship  in  this  and  in  all 
other  cases  is  not  the  relative 
size  of  the  two  angles,  but 
the  sines  of  the  angles,  thus: 
sin  i  or  0.86603 

=  i-33-      That 

sin  r  or  0.65115 

is,  the  sine  of  the  angle  in  air 
is  1.33  times  the  sine  of  the 
angle  in  water;  and  this  would 
hold  true  for  any  other  pair  of 
sines,  so  that  the  law  is  universal 

FIG.    96.     REFRACTION   OF   LIGHT   IN 

N  Normal  at  the  point  of  refraction. 
sin  i  In  this  example  sin  60°  or  0.86603 
sin  r  In  this  case  sin  40°  38'  or  0.65115 
-  1.33,  average  index  of  refraction  for 
air  and  water. 

for   the    wave  length  of  light 
giving  this  index  of  refraction. 

The  sine  and  corresponding 
angle  are  always  greater  in  the 
rarer  medium  and  consequently 
less  in  the  denser  medium.  It 
follows  from  this  that  when  the 
ray  passes  from  a  rarer  to  a 
denser  medium  and  the  angle  is 
made  less,  the  ray  must  bend 
toward  the  normal.  Conversely, 
in  passing  from  a  denser  to  a 
rarer  medium  where  the  angle 
is  greater,  the  ray,  must  bend  sinr  In  this  example  sin  $4°  45'  or  0.57000 
from  the  normal.  This  is  a  gen-  a^lasT*^  ^  °f  refraction  for  air 
eral  law  (see  figs.  98,  100-102). 

§  241.  Absolute  index  of  refraction.  —  This  is  the  index  of  re- 
fraction obtained  when  the  incident  ray  passes  from  a  vacuum  into 


N    Normal  at  the  point  of  refraction. 
sin  i  In  this  example  sin  60°  or  0.86603 

CH.  IV] 



a  given  medium.  As  the  index  of  the  vacuum  is  taken  as  unity,  the 
absolute  index  of  any  substance  is  always  greater  than  unity.  For 
many  purposes,  as  for  the  object  of  this  book,  air  is  treated  as  if  it 
were  a  vacuum,  and  its  index  is  called  unity,  but  in  reality  the  index 
of  refraction  of  air  is  about  3  ten-thousandths  greater  than  unity. 
Whenever  the  refractive  index  of  a  substance  is  given,  the  absolute 
index  is  meant  unless  otherwise  stated.  For  example,  when  the  in- 
dex of  refraction  of  water  is  said  to  be  1.33,  and  of  crown  glass  1.52, 
etc.,  these  figures  represent  the  absolute  index,  and  the  incident  ray 
is  supposed  to  be  in  a  vacuum. 
§  242.  Relative  index  of  re- 
fraction. —  This  is  the  index 
of  refraction  between  two  con- 
tiguous media,  as,  for  example, 
between  glass  and  diamond, 
water  and  glass,  etc.  It  is  ob- 
tained by  dividing  the  absolute 
index  of  refraction  of  the  sub- 
stance containing  the  refracted 
ray,  by  the  absolute  index  of 
the  substance  transmitting  the 
incident  ray.  For  example,  the 
relative  index  from  water  to 
glass  is  1.52  divided  by  1.33. 
If  the  light  passed  from  glass 
to  water,  it  would  be  1.33 

Fir,.  g8.     REFRACTION  OF  LIGHT  IN 
N    Normal  to  the  refracting  surface. 
sin  i  In  this  case  sin  34°  45'  or  0.57000 
sin  r  In  this  case  sin  60°       or  0.86603 


If  figs.  97  and  98  are  compared  it  will 
be  seen  that  the  ray  of  light  follows 
exactly  the  same  path  in  leaving  the 
denser  medium  that  it  took  on  entering 

divided  by  1.52. 

By   a   study   of    the   figures 
showing  refraction,  it  will  be  seen 

that  the  greater  th£  refraction  the  less  the  angle  and  consequently  the 
less  the  sine  of  the  angle,  and  as  the  refraction  between  two  media 
is  the  ratio  of  the-  s\nes  of  the  angles  of  incidence  and  refraction 

(  — — 1,  it  will  be  seen  that  whenever  the  sine  of  the  angle  of  refrac- 
\sin  r/9 

tion  is  increased  by  being  in  a  less  refractive  medium,  the  index  of 
refraction  will  show  a  corresponding  decrease  and  vice  versa.  That  is. 


the  ratio  of  the  sines  of  the  angles  of  incidence  and  refraction  of  any 
two  contiguous  substances  is  inversely  as  the  refractive  indices  of  tlose 
substances.  The  formula  is: 

(Sine  of  angle  of  incident  ray\  _   /Index  of  refraction  of  refracting  mediumX 
Sine  of  angle  of  refracted  ray/  ~    \Index  of  refraction  of  incident  medium   / 

Abbreviated  f5J5-ij  »  (j~r™|).   By  means  of  this  general  formula  one 

can  solve  any  problem  in  refraction  whenever  three  factors  of  the 
problem  are  known.  The  universality  of  the  law  may  be  illustrated 
by  the  following  cases: 

(A)  Light  incident  in  a  vacuum  or  in  air,  and  entering  some 
denser  medium,  as  water,  glass,  diamond,  etc. 

(Sine  of  angle  made  by  the  ray  in  air        \  _  /Index  of  ref .  of  denser  med.\ 
Sine  of  anglelnade  by  the  ray  in  denser  med./  ~  \     Index  of  ref.  of  air  (i)     / 

If  the  dense  substance  were  glass:  f^-H  =  f^-J.  If  the  two  media  were 
water  and  glass,  the  incident  light  being  in  water  the  formula  would  be: 

(!EL?  ]  «  (  i^Y     If  the  incident  ray  were  glass  and  the  refracted  ray  in 
sinr/       \i.33/ 

water:    ( ^-H  =  (•— ^  V     And  similarity  for  any  two  media;    and  as  stated 
\smr/       \i.S2/ 

above  if  any  three  of  the  factors  are  given  the  fourth  may  be  readily  found. 

§  243.  Critical  angle  and  total  reflection.  —  In  order  to  under- 
stand the  Wollaston  camera  lucida  (fig.  168)  and  other  totally  re- 
flecting apparatus,  it  is  necessary  briefly  to  consider  the  critical 

The  critical  angle  is  the  greatest  angle  that  a  ray  of  light  in  the 
denser  of  two  contiguous  media  can  make  with  the  normal  and  still 
emerge  into  the  less  refractive  medium.  On  emerging,  it  will  form 
an  angle  of  90°  with  the  normal,  and  if  the  surface  is  flat  the  re- 
fracted ray  will  be  parallel  with  the  surface  separating  the  two  media. 

Total  Reflection.  —  In  case  the  incident  ray  in  the  denser  medium 
is  at  an  angle  with  the  normal  greater  than  the  critical  angle,  it  will 
be  totally  reflected  at  the  surface  of  the  denser  medium,  that  surface 
acting  as  a  perfect  mirror.  By  consulting  the  figures  it  will  be  seen 
that  there  is  no  such  thing  as  a  critical  angle  and  total  reflection  in 
the  rarer  of  two  contiguous  media. 


To  find  the  critical  angle  in  the  denser  of  two  contiguous  media:  — 
Make  the  angle  of  refraction  (i.e.,  the  angle  in  the  rarer  of  the  two 

j-  \      o       i      i      Ai_  i  .        /sin  A      /index  r\ 

media)  90    and  solve  the  general  equation:     - —    =    — ; ;  . 

y  5  M  Vsinr/      \mdex  */ 

(i)  Critical  angle  of  water  and  air:  sinr  (90°)  is  i,  index  of  water 
1.33,  whence 



sin  i  =  0.751  -K  This  is  the  sine 
of  48°  45',  and  whenever  the  ray 
in  the  water  is  at  an  angle  of 
more  than  48°  45'  it  will  not 
emerge  into  the  air,  but  be 
totally  reflected  back  into  the 

(2)  Critical  angle  of  glass  and 
air:  sin  r  (90°)  is  i.     Index  for 

glass  is  1.52,  whence  ^ 


sin  i\  /  I  \  .  ,  OF  LIGHT  IN  TRAVERSING  AN  OBJECT 


This  figure  is  to  show  that  while 
there  is  no  angular  deviation  of  a  ray 
of  light  in  traversing  a  dense  medium 
with  plane  faces,  there  is  displacement; 
but  the  emerging  ray  (r)  is  parallel 
with  the  entering  ray  (i). 

Air  Glass  The  two  media  through 
which  the  ray  is  traveling. 

i  n  Incident  ray  and  normal  at  the 
point  of  entrance  into  the  glass. 

i'  Incident  ray  continued  by  dotted 
lines  to  show  the  path  which  would 
have  been  followed  if  no  glass  had  in- 

n'r  Normal  and  refracted  ray  on  em- 
ergence from  the  glass  to  the  air  again. 

rr  Path  of  the  refracted  ray  traced 


whence  sin  i  =  .875,  sine  of  critical  angle  in  glass  covered  with  water. 
The  corresponding  angle  is  approximately  61°. 
The  last  shows  the  advantage  of  water  immersion  when  a  large 

=  sin   o. 

which  is  the  sine  of  41°  -f-.  Light 
having  a  greater  angle  in  glass 
than  41°  is  internally  reflected  as 
from  a  mirror  (fig.  94). 

(3)  Critical     angle     of     glass 
covered  with  water. 

/  sin  i 

\sin  r  (sin  90°  = 

/index  water  (i.33) 
\indexglass  (1.52) 

\        /sin  i\ 
7  °r  \    i    / 

i  go 


[CH.  IV 

angle  of  light  is  desired.    With  homogeneous  immersion  there  would 
be  no  critical  angle  for  the  glass. 

§  243a.  Critical  angle.  —  As  defined  by  some  physicists  the  critical  angle  is 
the  least  angle  at  which  light  undergoes  total  internal  reflection  at  the  surface  of 
the  denser  medium. 

I  have  followed  the  rrnre  common  definition  which  makes  it  the  greatest  angle 
at  which  a  ray  can  emerge  into  the  rarer  medium;  the  emerging  angle  will  then 
be  90°  and  its  sine  i  .000. 

§  244.    Table  of  refractive  indices  nD.     (From  Chamot.) 
(Temperature  20  to  22  C.) 

Index  of 

Name  of 

Point  °C. 



Methyl  alcohol 


o  79 


,   Ethyl  ether 


o  71 


Ethyl  alcohol 


o  79 


Cajeput  oil 






i  48 




i  61 




o  86 


Castor  oil 

o  96 




o  86 




o  88 


Clove  oil 



Cedar  Wood  oil 

o  98 




I    OO 


Carbon  bisulphide 


I   29 

1.52  ± 

Canada  balsam 





§  244a.  Index  of  refraction  and  wave  length.  —  As  the  shorter  waves  of  the 
blue  end  of  the  spectrum  are  more  bent  than  the  long  waves  of  the  red  end  in 
it  indicates  that  the  index  of  refraction  is  greater  for  the  blue  end  than  for  the 
red  end.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  the  index  of  refraction  (n)  is  that  of  the  D 

line  in  the  spectrum,   and  if  written   out  entire  the  index  would  read      — 


At  the  H  line  it  would  be  expressed  thus  — 


Specific  cases  from  Watson's  Physics: 

no  for  water  1.334  nn  for  water i  .34 

no  for  flint  glass  1.584  nH  for  flint  glass 1.614 

It  is  further  to  be  noted  that  there  is  not  perfect  regularity  in  the  increase  or 
decrease  of  the  index  of  refraction  according  to  the  wave  length  of  the  light.  The 
exact  index  in  each  case  must  be  determined  experimentally.  As  will  be  seen 
later,  this  irregularity  makes  it  possible  to  construct  achromatic  instruments 

(§  258). 

CH.  IV] 



§  245.  The  sine  law  and  the  velocity  of  light  in  different  media. 

—  In  the  ether  of  space  all  wave  lengths  of  light  move  with  equal 
velocity,  but  on  the  earth  the  velocity  depends  on  the  wave  length. 
While  all  wave  lengths  are  retarded  by  shortening  the  waves,  the 
shorter  the  original  wave  the  greater  the  retardation.  As  the  re- 
fraction of  the  light  is  one  of  the  phenomena  of  this  retardation,  it 

FIG.  ioo. 

FIG.  101. 


N    Normal  to  the  refracting  surface. 

sin  i  In  this  case  sin  48°  45'  or  0.7519        i  ,  ...     ,  , 

-: —  r      i  •  .        o  -  =  ,  in   accordance   with   the  general 

sin  r  In  this  case  sin  go          or  i.oooo       1.33 

formula : 

sin  i      index  r 

sin  r       index  i 

I  Light  ray  at  the  critical  angle  and  emerging  into  the  air  parallel  with  the 
surface  of  the  water. 

d  d'  Ray  of  light  at  an  angle  greater  than  the  critical  one  and  being  internally 
reflected  back  into  the  water;  the  angle  of  incidence  and  reflection  being  equal 
(fig.  94)- 


N    Normal  to  the  refracting  surface. 

sin  i  In  this  case  sin  41°  +  or  0.65780         i  ,  ...    A.  . 

— —  T     .,.  .        o          — ^~^ >  m  accordance  with  the  general 

stnr  In  this  case  sin  90       or  i.oooo       1.52 

.         ,       sin  i      index  r 

formula:    -: —  =  T—J — . 

smr      index  ^ 

b  Light  ray  at  the  critical  angle  and  emerging  into  the  air  parallel  with  the 
surface  of  the  glass. 

d  d'  Ray  of  light  at  an  angle  greater  than  the  critical  angle  and  being  re- 
flected back  into  the  glass,  the  angle  of  incidence  and  reflection  being  equal  (Fig. 


follows  that  the  shorter  the  wave  the  greater  the  bending.  This  is 
shown  by  the  action  of  the  prism  (fig.  120,  2),  in  which  the  blue  is 
more  deviated  than  the  red. 

The  retardation  of  any  given  wave  length  (i.e.,  the  relative 
shortening  of  the  waves)  follows  the  sine  law  in  passing  from  one 
transparent  substance  to  another.  For  example,  in  passing  from  the 
ether  to  water,  the  speed  in  water  would  be  represented  by: 

or  1.334  for  waves  at  the  D  Fraunhofer  line.  (Nichols,  South- 
sin  r 

all,  Watson.)     This  means  that  if  the  speed  in  the  ether  were  i, 

in  water  for  this  wave  length  the  velocity  would  be .     In  terms 


of  the  angle  of  the  light,  if  the  sine  of  the  angle  in  the  ether  is  i,  the 

sine  of  the  angle  of  this  wave  length  in  water  would  be . 


For  crown  glass  the  waves  opposite  the  fixed  line  B,  if  possessed  of 

a  speed  of  i  in  the  ether,  would  have  a  speed  in  the  glass  of . 


Opposite  the  H  line,  with  the  shorter  waves,  the  speed  would  be 
in  crown  glass. 

That  is,  then,  just  as  in  refraction  (§§  239-240),  if  the  velocity  in 
one  medium  and  the  index  of  refraction  of  the  two  media  are  known 
the  velocity  in  the  second  medium  can  be  determined;  and  in 
general,  knowing  any  three  factors,  the  fourth  can  be  determined. 

While  for  the  discussion  of  lenses  the  narrower  view  of  refraction 
may  suffice,  for  optical  instruments  generally  it  is  of  fundamental 
importance  to  realize  that  there  is  just  as  much  effect  on  light  waves 
striking  the  surface  of  the  refracting  body  perpendicularly  as  ob- 
liquely. In  one  case,  that  of  the  oblique  meeting,  the  ray  is  bent 
because  of  the  shortening  of  the  waves  in  passing  from  a  rarer  to  a 
denser  medium.  If  the  waves  meet  the  denser  substance  normally 
to  its  surface,  the  ray  will  not  be  bent,  but  the  shortening  of  the 

CH.  IV] 



waves  will  be  the  same,  leading  to  an  optical  shortening  of  the  path 
of  the  ray.  This  is  of  prime  value  when  designing  optical  apparatus 
where  two  optical  paths  must 
be  made  equal,  although  the 
actual  distance  in  millimeters 
may  be  unequal.  The  binocular 
microscope  is  a  striking  example 
(figs.  29-31).  The  shortening 
of  the  path  is  also  very  strik- 
ingly illustrated  by  the  cover- 
glass  (figs.  52  B-C,  §§  105- 

§  246.  Dispersion  by  glass, 
etc.  —  This  is  the  separation  of 
the  waves  of  white  light  into 
groups  according  to  their  length; 
and  these  different  groups  ap- 
pear of  different  colors  to  the 
normal  eye.  When  white  light 
is  dispersed  by  a  glass  prism 
there  results  a  spectrum  or 
rainbow  with  the  red  at  one 
extremity  and  the  blue-violet  at 
the  other, 
into  colors  is  made  possible  by 


N    Normal  to  the  refracting  surface. 
sin  i   In  this  case  sin  61°  -f-  or  0.8750 
sin  r   In  this  case  sin  90°      or  i  .0000  "* 

— —  in  accordance  with  the  general  for- 

,    sin  i      index  r 

mula  — —  =  . — ; . 

sin  r      index  i 

b  Light  ray  at  the  critical  angle  and 
emerging  into  the  water  at  an  angle  of 
90°  from  the  normal. 

d  d'     Ray  of  light  at  an  angle  greater 

As   this  diversion       than  the  critical   angle  and  hence  re- 
AS  mis  dispersion  .   ^ted  ba(±  ^  ^  glas?>  ^  anglg  of 

incidence  and  reflection  being  equal, 
the    different    refrangibility    of 

the  different  wave  lengths,  one  would  expect  that  the  amount 
of  bending  would  be  in  exact  proportion  to  the  wave  length. 
This  is  true  if  one  uses  a  grating  and  produces  a  normal  spec- 
trum (fig.  121).  When  a  prism  is  employed  to  produce  the  dis* 
persion,  the  refraction  is  not  in  exact  relation  to  the  wave  length.  In 
general,  the  blue  end  of  the  spectrum  is  expanded  arid  the  red  end 
contracted.  Different  kinds  of  glass  and  transparent  minerals 
(quartz,  fluorite,  etc.)  refract  differently.  This  makes  achromatism 
possible.  As  pointed  out  by  Newton,  if  the  refraction  were  in 
exact  proportion  to  the  wave  length,  as  with  gratings,  whenever 



[CH.  IV 

dispersion  is  overcome,  the  general  refraction  would  also  be  over- 
come and  no  achromatic  combinations  of  lenses  would  be  pos- 

§  247.  Diffraction.  —  This  is  the  bending  of  light  past  the  edge  of 
objects.  Instead  of  the  light  all  going  in  a  straight  line  beyond  an 
object,  especially  a  narrow  strip,  some  of  it  extends  as  if  split  off 
from  the  main  beam  at  the  edge  of  the  obstruction.  These  dif- 
fracted beams  may  give  rise  to  independent  or  so-called  spurious 
images.  With  low  powers  the  diffracted  light  does  not  cause  com- 
plications, but  with  high  powers  the  diffraction  fringes  and  diffrac- 
tion disc  rr.ay  produce  effects  very  difficult  of  interpretation.  (See 
§  270  \vhere  there  is  a  discussion  of  the  part  played  by  diffracted 
light  in  microscopic  images). 


§  248.   Lenses.  —  A  lens  is  a  transparent  body  having  one  or  both 
of  its  opposite  sides  curved.    The  curves  are  most  frequently  spheri- 
cal, and  may  be  either  convex 
or  concave.    If  both  the  sur- 
faces are  curved,  the  lens  may 
be  considered  as  composed  of 
segments  of  two  spheres.    These 
spheres   are   of    like   radius   if 
the     surfaces     are     similarly 
curved,  and  of  unlike  radius  if 
the  surfaces  are  unlike.   While  a 
FIG.  103-104.   A  CONCAVE  LENS  SHOW-   lens  with  one  plane  face  may  be 
ING  THE  PRINCIPAL,  VIRTUAL  Focus;  AND   considered  a  segment  of  a  single 
CONVEX  LENS  SHOWING  THE  REAL  PRIN-       ,  ..,.., 

CIPAL  Focus  (F  F),  sphere,  optically   it    is    better 

to   consider    two    spheres,  the 

curved  surfade  from  a  sphere  of  finite,  and  the  plane  face  from  a 
sphere  of  infinite  radius  (fig.  107,  3,  6). 

§  249.  Images  formed  by  lenses.  —  As  light  entering  a  dense 
transparent  body  obliquely  is  bent  toward  the  normal  at  the  point 
of  entrance,  it  follows  that  if  the  lens  has  convex  faces,  the  light 

CH.  IV] 



rays  will  be  made  more  convergent;  if  it  has  concave  faces,  the 
light  rays  will  be  rendered  more  divergent  (figs.  103-104).  From  the 
change  in  the  direction  of  the  rays  on  entering  and  on  leaving  a  lens, 
it  is  possible  to  form  images  of  objects 
by  means  of  lenses  (figs.  105-106). 

§  250.  Forms  and  principal  fea- 
tures of  spherical  lenses.  —  As  shown 
in  fig.  107,  lenses  may  be  convex  on 
both  faces,  or  convex  on  one  face 
and  plane  or  concave  on  the  other. 
Lenses  may  also  be  concave  on  both 
faces  or  concave  on  one  face  and  plane 
or  convex  on  the  other. 

If  lenses  are  thick  in  the  middle 
and  thin  on  the  edge,  they  make 
the  rays  of  light  entering  them  more 
convergent.  On  the  other  hand, 
if  they  are  thin  in  the  middle  and 
thick  on  the  edge,  they  make  the 
light  rays  entering  them  more 
divergent.  In  a  word,  then,  thin 
edge  lenses  are  called  convergent, 
and  thick  edge  ones,  divergent 
lenses.  This  follows  inevitably  from 
the  rule  that,  on  entering  a  denser 
medium,  any  oblique  ray  of  light 
is  bent  toward  the  normal,  and 

on   leaving   it   for  a  rarer  medium,  it  is  bent  from   the   normal 
(§  240). 

§  251.  Principal  features  of  spherical  lenses.  —  (i)  Principal 
axis.  This  is  the  straight  line  passing  through  the  lens  and  joining 
the  centers  of  the  two  spheres  supposedly  contributing  to  the  forma- 
tion of  the  lens  (fig.  107,  4^  c'). 

(2)  Optic  center.  This  is  the  point  in  a  lens  or  near  it  through 
which  light  rays  pass  without  angular  deviation.  That  is,  the  ray 
passing  through  the  center  of  the  lens  continues  in  a  line  parallel  to 

FIG.  105.  To  SHOW  THE 
LENS.  (COMPARE  FIG.  11-12). 

The  size  of  the  image  depends 
upon  its  relative  distance  from 
the  center  of  the  lens.  If  it  is 
farther  from  the  center  than  the 
object,  it  will  be  larger  than  the 
object,  but  if  nearer,  it  will  be 
smaller  (fig.  152). 


[CH.  IV 

the  original  direction  as  it  does  in  traversing  a  piece  of  plane  glass 
(fig-  99)* 

Is  TO  THE  PRINCIPAL  (VIRTUAL)  Focus.  (COMPARE  FIG.  154-155)- 

As  shown  in  the  diagrams  (fig.  107),  the  optic  center  is  found  by 
drawing  parallel  radii  from  the  two  curved  surfaces,  or  from  the 
curved  and  plane  surface,  and  joining  the  ends  of  the  radii.  The 
center  of  the  lens  is  at  the  point  where  a  line  connecting  the  ends  of 
the  radii  crosses  the  principal  axis  (fig.  107  d.}  The  reason 
light  rays  traversing  the  optic  center  have  no  angular  deviation  is 
evident,  for  the  radii  are  perpendicular  to  the  surface  of  the  lens,  and 
the  tangent  plane  perpendicular  to  the  radius  is  tangent  to  the 
sphere  at  the  end  of  the  radius.  As  the  tangents  of  two  parallel 

CH.  IV] 

1  2 


FIG.  107. 


(1)  Double  convex  lens  showing  the  two  spheres  from  which  it  was  derived. 
c-c'  the  centers  of  the  two  spheres  with  the  principal  axis  of  the  lens  on  the  line 
joining  the  centers. 

(2)  Double  concave  lens  and  the  two  spheres  from  which  it  was  derived.    c-cf 
centers  of  the  spheres  and  axis  of  the  lens. 

(3)  Plano-convex  lens  with  the  sphere  from  which  it  was  derived.    In  this  case 
the  axis  is  on  the  radius  dividing  the  lens  into  two  equal  parts. 

(4)  Double  convex  lens  showing  the  two  spheres  from  which  it  was  derived; 
rrt  parallel  radii;   tf  tangents  at  the  ends  of  the  radii;   cc'  centers  of  the  two 
spheres  from  which  the  lens  was  derived.     The  line  connecting  the  centers  is  the 
optic  axis.    The  center  of  the  lens  (cl)  is  on  this  axis. 

(5)  Double  concave  lens  showing  the  same  features  as  in  (4). 

(6)  Plano-convex  lens  showing  the  same  as  in  (5).    In  this  case  the  radius  of 
the  curved  face  is  determined  as  usual,  but  that  of  the  plane  face  may  be  con- 
sidered infinity,  so  that  any  line  perpendicular  to  the  plane  face  is  a  part  of  that 
radius.    As  shown  in  the  figure  the  center  of  the  lens  must  be  then  at  the  convex 
surface  of  the  lens.  \ 

(7)  Plano-concave  lens  the  parts  are  practically  like  (6). 

(8)  Thin  edge  or  converging  meniscus  .lens  with  the  two  spheres  from  which 
it  was  derived.     The  inner,  concave  face  is  from  the  greater  sphere,  and  the 
optic  center  (cl)  is  wholly  outside  the  lens. 

(9)  Thick  edge  or  diverging  meniscus  lens.    In  this  case  the  concave  face  is 
from  the  smaller  sphere,  and  the  center  of  the  lens  (cl)  is  on  the  concave  side. 


radii  must  themselves  be  parallel,  it  follows  that  a  ray  of  light 
passing  from  one  tangential  point  to  the  other  is  traversing  a  body 
with  parallel  sides  at  the  point  of  entrance  and  exit,  and  hence  it 
will  suffer  no  angular  deviation.  The  ray  may  be  displaced  as  in 
traversing  any  thick  transparent  body  (fig,  99).  With  meniscus 
lenses  the  optic  center  (fig.  107,  8,  9)  is  on  an  extension  of  the  line 
joining  the  centers  of  curvature,  and  wholly  outside  the  lens. 

(3)  Secondary  axis.     This  is  any  line  which  passes  through  the 
optic  center  of  the  lens  and  is  oblique  to  the  principal  axis. 

(4)  Principal  focal  point.     The  principal  focal  point  or  focus  of 
a  lens  or  of  a  lens  system  like  an  objective,  a  simple  microscope,  etc., 
is  the  point  on  the  principal  axis  vshere  rays  of  light  parallel  to  the 
principal  axis  before  entering  the  lens  or  lens  system,  cross  the  prin- 
cipal axis  after  leaving  the  lens  or  objective  (figs.  103-104).    The 
focus  is  also  called  the  burning  point.    With  a  concave  mirror  it  is 
the  point  on  the  principal  axis  where  rays  parallel  with  the  principal 
axis  before  meeting  the  mirror,  cross  the  principal  axis  after  reflec- 
tion from  the  concave  surface.    This  point  is  situated  half-way  be- 
tween the  face  of  the  mirror  and  the  center  of  curvature. 


§  252.  Spherical  aberration.  —  This  is  a  defect  of  spherical  lenses 
shown  in  fig.  108.  That  is,  the  parallel  ray  at  the  edge  crosses  the 
principal  axis  or  comes  to  a  focus  nearer  the  center  of  the  lens  than  a 
ray  near  the  axis.  If,  then,  the  full  aperture  is  filled,  as  shown  in  the 
figure,  with  rays  parallel  with  the  axis,  there  will  be  a  series  of  foci, 
those  of  the  border  rays  being  nearer  the  lens  than  those  near  the 
middle  of  the  lens  (fig.  108,  fi,  f2,  f3). 

§  253.  Correction  of  spherical  aberration.  —  It  is  possible  by 
selecting  convex  and  concave  lenses  of  different  material  and  hence 
of  different  refractive  power,  to  overcome  the  spherical  aberration 
of  the  convex  lens  with  an  equal  and  opposite  aberration  in  a  con- 
cave lens  without  overcoming  the  converging  action  of  the  convex 
lens.  Consequently  rays  will  all  come  to  one  focus.  Such  a  lens 
combination  is  said  to  be  aplanatic  or  spherically  corrected, 

CH.  IV] 




Axis  The  principal  optic 

123  Ray  i  at  the  edge 
comes  to  a  focus  at  /  i;  ray 
2  at/2,  and  ray  3  at/3,  that 
is,  the  nearer  the  optic  axis, 
the  longer  the  focus;  and  the 
nearer  the  edge  of  the  lens, 
the  shorter  the  focus. 

If  the  correction  were  not  quite  sufficient  so  that  the  border  rayc 
still  came  to  a  focus  slightly  nearer  the  lens  than  the  middle  rays, 
the  combination  would  be  under-corrected. 
If  the  concave  lens  were  too  strong,  the 
border  rays  of  the  convex  lens  would 
come  to  a  focus  farther  from  the  lens 
than  the  middle  rays,  and  the  com- 
bination would  be  said  to  be  over- 
corrected.  Sometimes  under-correction 
or  over-correction  is  designed  to  com- 
pensate for  parts  of  the  optical  appara- 
tus which  the  rays  will  meet  later,  or  for 
aberrations  produced  before  the  light 
reaches  the  objective.  The  common 
ahd  almost  universal  example  is  the 
spherical  aberration  introduced  by  the 
cover-glass  over  the  specimen  (fig.  109). 

§  254.  Cover-glass  correction.  —  By  referring  to  fig.  109  it  will 
be  seen  that  the  effect  of  the  cover-glass  is  precisely  like  the  spherical 
aberration  due  to  the  unequal  refraction  of  the  different  zones  of  a 
convex  lens;  that  is,  the  border  rays  are  more  bent  than  those  nearer 
the  axis,  as  the  obliquity  of  the  rays  is  greater  (§  240). 

Now  to  overcome  this  there  must  be  introduced  into  the  objective 
an  under-correction  just  sufficient  to  balance  the  effect  of  the  cover- 
glass.  If  the  lenses  are  fixed  in  position  in  the  objective  it  will 
be  evident  that  one  njust  select  a  cover-glass  which  is  of  the  exact 
thickness  to  satisfy  the  correction  of  the  objective.  The  makers  of 
objectives  are  now  very  precise  in  stating  exactly  how  thick  the 
covers  should  be  for  their  objectives,  and  it  is  the  part  of  wisdom 
to  pay  heed  to  their  statements  if  one  hopes  to  get  the  best 

If  one's  objectives  are  adjustable  (§§  149-150),  it  is  possible  to 
arrange  the  combinations  so  that  quite  a  range  of  cover-glass  thick- 
ness or  mounting  medium  thickness  can  be  used  and  still  get  the  best 
optical  effect  by  balancing  the  aberrations  (§  256). 



CCH.  iv 


-  Slide 



Axis  The  principal  optic  axis  extending  through  the  condenser  and  up  through 
the  object  and  microscope. 

Slide  The  glass  slide  on  which  the  object  is  mounted. 

Object  The  object  to  be  studied;  it  is  mounted  on  the  slide. 

Balsam  The  medium  in  which  the  object  is  mounted.  It  has  practically  the 
same  refractive  index  as  the  cover. 

Cover-glass  The  thin  glass  plate  over  the  object. 

I  2  3  The  light  rays  extending  obliquely  upward  from  the  object. 

3  2  i  Light  rays  traced  backward  to  their  apparent  origin,  the  most  oblique 
ray  (j)  being  most  bent,  thus  rendering  its  origin  apparently  highest. 

rrr  Points  of  refraction  of  the  three  oblique  rays. 

§  255.  Tube-length.  —  The  length  of  the  tube  on  the  micro- 
scope must  be  made  of  the  standard  for  which  the  objective  used 
was  corrected  or  aberrations  will  appear. 

If  the  tube  is  shorter  than  the  objective  was  corrected  for,  the 
effect  is  the  same  as  thinning  the  cover-glass.  That  is,  it  introduces 
under-correction.  This  makes  it  possible  to  compensate  for  too 
thick  a  cover  by  shortening  the  tube  (§§  150,  256). 

When  homogeneous  immersion  liquid  is  used  one  does  not  have  to 
trouble  about  the  exact  thickness,  but  care  must  be  taken  not  to 
use  so  thick  a  cover  that  the  free  working  distance  will  be  too  short 

(§  101). 

By  consulting  the  catalogues  of  microscope  manufacturers  one  can 
find  for  what  tube-length  and  thickness  of  cover-glass  their  unad- 
justable  objectives  are  corrected.  For  example,  in  the  last  editions 
of  the  catalogues  of  the  Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Company  of 
Rochester,  and  of  the  Spencer  Lens  Company  of  Buffalo,  it  is  stated 

CH.  IV] 




that  the  tube-length  is  160  millimeters  and,  as  shown  in  the  accom- 
panying figure  (fig.  no),  it  includes  the  parts  from  the  upper  end  of 
the  draw-tube  to  the  nut  into  which 
the  objective  is  screwed. 

The  cover-glass  thickness  is  given 
as  o.i  8  millimeter,  and  the  user  is 
warned  that  for  the  higher  powers 
a  variation  in  thickness  from  this 
standard  of  0.03  or  0.04  mm. 
would  deteriorate  markedly  the  per- 
fection of  the  image.  The  state- 
ment is  furthermore  made  that 
with  the  homogeneous  immersions 
no  harm  would  result  from  varying 
thickness  of  cover-glass,  but  on  the 
other  hand  great  care  must  be 
exercised  there  to  use  the  correct 
tube-length  or  aberrations  will  be 

§  266.  Table  showing  cause  of  spherical  aberration  in  the  microscope 
and  means  of  correction.  — 



FIG.   1 10.     THE  MICROSCOPE 

Under-correction  produced  by: 

1.  Too  weak  a  concave  element  in  the 


2.  Too  close  an  approximation  of  the 

lenses  of  the  objective. 

3.  Too  short  a  tube,  that  is,  the  ocular 

and  objective  are  too  close  to- 

4.  Use  of  too  thin  a  cover-glass. 

Over-correction  produced  by: 
i  a.   Too  strong  a  concave  element  in 

the  objective. 
2a.   Too   great   a   separation   of   the 

lenses  of  the  objective. 
3a.   Too  long  a  tube,  that  is,  the  ocular 

and  objective  are  too  far  apart. 

4a.  Use  of  too  thick  a  cover-glass. 

Any  defect  can  be  neutralized  by  applying  the  right  amount  of 
what  would  produce  the  opposite  condition.  For  example,  the  over- 
correction  produced  by  too  thick  a  cover-glass  can  be  corrected  by: 
(4)  using  a  thinner  cover-glass;  (3)  shortening  the  tube;  (2)  putting 
the  lenses  of  the  objective  closer  together;  (i)  using  a  weaker  con- 
cave element  in  the  objective. 


If  there  is  under-correction  from  too  short  a  tube  it  can  be  neutral- 
ized by:  (3a)  lengthening  the  tube;  Ua)  using  a  thicker  cover-glass; 
(aa)  separation  of  the  lenses  of.  the  objective;  (la)  using  a  stronger 
concave  element  in  the  objective.  And  similarly  with  under- 
correction  or  over-correction  from  any  cause;  opposites  neu- 

§  257.  Chromatic  aberration.  —  Spherical  aberration  which  has 
just  been  discussed  is  present  in  lenses  even  when  the  light  is  of  one 
wave  length;  chromatic  aberration,  on  the  other  hand,  appears  in 
addition  when  composite  light  traverses  a  lens.  That  is,  every  wave 
length  of  necessity  is  differently  refracted;  the  shortest  waves  most, 
the  longest  waves  least.  If  then  a  single  beam  of  white  light  trav- 
erses a  lens,  the  different  wave  lengths  will  be  refracted  differ- 
ently and  the  blue-violet  waves  made  to  cross  the  axis  first,  the  red 
waves  last.  There  will  be  then  a  series  of  colored  foci  extending 
along  the  axis,  as  shown  in  fig.  in.  Every  simple  lens,  then,  whose 
aperture  is  filled  with  composite  light,  will  show  both  spherical  and 
chromatic  aberration,  and  the  greater  the  aperture  and  the  shorter 
the  focus  the  more  pronounced  will  be  both  forms  of  aberration.  In 
order  that  perfect  images  may  be  produced,  both  aberrations  must 
be  eliminated. 

Fortunately  the  visible  spectrum  does  not  include  a  greater  range 
of  wave  lengths  (fig.  93),  and  if  it  were  markedly  less,  the  optician 
would  find  his  task  greatly  lightened.  As  shown  in  fig.  210,  the 
brightest  region  of  the  spectrum  to  the  eye  is  really  limited,  and  the 
old  opticians  made  good  instruments  for  visual  purposes  by  over- 
coming the  aberrations  in  large  part  in  this  very  limited  region;  but 
with  the  requirements  of  photography  and  for  the  most  complete 
visual  study  of  the  phenomena  and  objects  of  nature  by  means  of 
optical  instruments,  greater  and  still  greater  demands  were  made  for 
optical  instruments  including  at  least  the  whole  visible  spectrum, 
and  for  some  purposes  extending  into  the  infra-red  and  the  ultra- 

§  258.  Correction  of  the  aberrations  of  lenses.  —  From  the  very 
law  of  refraction  bound  up  with  the  different  wave  lengths  of  visible 
light  it  would  seem  impossible  to  obtain  the  refraction  necessary  to 

CH.  IV] 



produce  images  (figs.  105-111)  without  at  the  same  time  dividing  the 
light  up  into  its  colors.  If  the  refraction  of  each  wave  length  were 
in  exact  proportion  to  its  length, 
as  with  a  diffraction  grating,  it 
would  be  impossible  to  pro- 
duce achromatic  images.  Newton 
thought  the  refraction  was  always 
as  with  a  grating,  and  he  ex- 
plained the  satisfactory  images 
produced  by  lenses  on  the  ground 
that  the  narrow  part  of  the 
spectrum  most  brilliant  to  the  eye 
overwhelmed  the  dimmer  parts 
so  that  the  colored  images  on 
both  sides  of  the  visual  image  were 

If  one  compares,  however,  the 
spectrum  produced  by  the  diffrac- 
tion grating  (fig.  121)  with  that 
produced  by  a  glass  prism  (fig. 
122),  it  will  be  seen  that  the 
refraction  of  the  different  wave 
lengths  (dispersion)  differs  very 
markedly  in  the  two  cases,  al- 
though the  total  length  of  the  spectrum  is  the  same  in  both. 

The  red  is  much  contracted  and  the  blue  expanded  with  the  glass 
prism.  One  can  then  have  what  might  be  called  a  mean  refraction 
with  the  glass  prism,  the  refraction  of  the  individual  groups  of  wave 
lengths  not  being  in  proportion  to  the  lengths.  Now  it  is  from  this 
irregularity  of  the  refraction  in  different  parts  of  the  spectrum,  and 
because  the  irregularity  differs  with  different  transparent  substances, 
that  it  is  possible  to  have  the  refraction  necessary  to  produce  images 
without  having  the  light  dispersed  into  colors  at  the  same  time. 
This  is  shown  in  fig.  112,  2,  where  a  smaller  prism  of  flint  glass  pro- 
duces the  same  amount  of  dispersion  as  a  larger  prism  of  crown  glass. 
If  these  prisms  are  with  their  edges  opposite,  the  spectrum  produced 


White  light  A  beam  of  white  light 
composed  of  all  the  colors  meeting  a 
lens  and  the  different  wave  lengths 
being  differently  refracted  breaks 
the  composite  light  up  into  its  con- 
stituent colors. 

Red  Blue  The  long  waved  red 
light  is  less  refracted  than  the 
shorter  waved  blue  light.  After 
crossing  at  the  foci  the  blue  light  is 
on  the  outside  of  the  diverging 

fb,fr  The  focus  of  the  blue  light 

b)  is  nearer  the  lens  than  the  focus 
of  the  red  light  (fr). 

Axis  The  optic  axis  of  the  lens. 

The  dispersion  or  separation  into 
colors  differs  with  different  trans- 
parent substances,  and  is  not  in 
proportion  to  the  mean  refraction. 



[CH.  IV 

by  the  flint  glass  will  be  brought  together  by  the  crown  glass  and 
white  light  will  result;    but  as  the  mean  refraction  of  the  larger 


(1)  White  light  (W)  traversing  two  equal  crown  glass  (CC)  prisrns  with  their 
bases  opposite.    The  dispersion  into  a  spectrum  by  the  first  prism  is  overcome  by 
the  second  prism  and  the  light  is  recombined  into  a  white  beam  (W1),  which  is 
displaced  as  if  it  had  traversed  a  piece  of  plane  glass. 

Red  Blue  The  red  and  the  blue  edges  of  the  spectrum.  The  blue  is  more 
refracted  than  the  red. 

(2)  White  light  (W}  traversing  a  flint  glass  prism  (F)  and  being  dispersed  into 
the  spectral  colors.    The  spectrum  formed  by  the  flint  prism  is  recombined  by  the 
crown  glass  prism  (C),  but  the  emerging  ray  of  white  light  (W2)  is  refracted  mark- 
edly toward  the  base  of  the  crown  glass  prism,  showing  the  possibility  of  an 
achromatic  image.    The  arrows  show  the  direction  in  which  the  light  is  extending. 

crown  glass  prism  is  greater  than  that  of  the  flint  glass  prism ,  the 
ray  of  white  light  will  not  extend  parallel  with  the  original  direction, 
but  be  bent  toward  the  base  of  the  crown  glass  prism.  As  a  lens 
may  be  considered  an  infinite  number  of  prisms  combined,  it  be- 
comes intelligible  from  this  how  it  is  possible  to  produce  colorless 
images  by  combining  flint-glass  concave  and  crown  glass  convex 
lenses;  or  other  pairs  of  lenses  where  the  dispersion  and  refraction 
give  comparable  results. 

In  making  the  color  corrections  for  the  lenses,  the  spherical  cor- 
rections were  also  made;  the  extent  of  both  corrections  attained  up 
to  the  present  is  discussed  below. 

§  259.  Corrections  in  Achromatic  and  Apochromatic  objectives.  — 
(i)  Spherical  aberration.  In  achromatic  objectives  the  spherical 
aberration  is  corrected  for  one  color  only,  in  apochromatic  objectives 
for  two  colors.  (2)  Chromatic  aberration.  In  achromatic  objectives 
correction  is  made  for  two  colors;  in  apochromats  for  three  colors. 


In  the  apochromats  it  was  found  impossible  to  make  the  high 
corrections  necessary  even  with  all  the  new  glasses  made  available 

(From  Lewis  Wright's  Optical  Projection). 

CCCCCC    Thin  edge  or  converging  crown  glass  lenses. 

F  F  F  F  F  F  Thick  edge  or  diverging  flint  glass  lenses.  The  flint  glass  over- 
comes the  dispersion  without  overcoming  the  mean  refraction,  hence  all  these 
combinations  are  converging. 

by  the  Jena  glass  works;  but  with  the  new  forms  of  glass  and  a 
natural  mineral,  fluorspar,  fluorite,  calcium  fluoride,  with  its  very 
low  index  of  refraction  and  small  dispersion,  it  was  found  possible  to 
make  the  fundamental  advance  in  microscope  objectives  represented 
by  the  apochromatic  objectives. 

The  possibility  of  bringing  three  colors  to  one  focus  makes  the 
apochromatic  objectives  especially  valuable  for  photography.  The 
visual  and  actinic  foci  are  coincident,  and  if  the  apparatus  is  well 
constructed,  there  is  never  any  difficulty  in  getting  sharp  pictures, 
for  the  photographic  image  is  sharpest  when  it  appears  sharpest  to 
the  normal  eye. 

§  260.  Compensation  oculars.  —  As  the  front  lens  of  objectives  of 
high  power  (figs.  20,  21)  is  not  a  combination  but  a  single  lens, 
aberrations  are  inevitably  introduced  which  must  be  eliminated  by  a 
subsequent  part  of  the  optical  train.  The  most  striking  and  trouble- 
some defect  is  the  so-called  difference  of  chromatic  magnification, 
that  is,  the  differently  colored  constituent  images  forming  the  final 
image  are  of  different  magnitudes,  the  blue  one  being  larger  than  the 



[CH.  IV 

red  one.  This  defect  is  more  easily  corrected  in  the  ocular  than  in 
the  subsequent  combinations  of  the  objective.  The  ocular  is  then 
constructed  to  give  a  red  image  sufficiently  large  to  bring  its  mag- 
nification up  to  that  of  the  blue  image,  and  hence  the  final  image  as 
seen  by  the  eye  is  correct..  The  low  power  apochromats  could  be 
corrected  for  this,  but  for  the  sake  of  using  the  same  oculars  on  all 

(From  Spitta,  p.  no). 

C  F  C  The  field  lens  is  composed  of  two  double  convex  crown  lenses  and  one 
double  concave,  flint  glass  lens. 

C  The  eyelens  is  of  crown  glass,  and  is  separated  from  the  field  combination 
the  right  distance  to  give  the  necessary  excess  magnification  of  the  red  image  to 
make  it  balance  the  blue  image  which  was  over  magnified  by  the  objective. 

Red  Blue  The  red  and  blue  rays  limiting  the  image.  It  is  seen  here  that  the 
rays  are  not  parallel  but  divergent,  as  they  extend^  above  the  ocular.  When  pro- 
jected by  the  eye  to  the  virtual  image,  the  rays  cross,  throwing  the  red  one  to  the 
outside,  thus  giving  a  larger  image  than  is  given  by  the  blue  ray,  and  the  orange 
haze  at  the  margin  of  the  field  when  looking  through  the  ocular  toward  the  win- 
dow or  the  sky. 

§  259a.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  wonderful  optical  qualities  of  fluor- 
spar were  known  to  Sir  David  Brewster,  and  recommended  by  him  for  aid  in 
achromatization  (Brewster's  work  on  the  microscope,  1837,  P-  m);  and  before 
1860  our  own  Charles  A.  Spencer  used  fluorspar  in  one  of  the  combinations  of  his 
objectives  (Proc.  Acad.  Nat.  Sci.,  Phila.,  Vol.  LVI  (1904),  p.  475J  Trans.  Amer. 
MJcr,  Soc.;  1901,  p.  23). 

CH.  IV] 



powers  the  defect  is  left  or  purposely  introduced  into  all  the  apochro- 
mats.  It  will  be  seen  from  the  above  statement  that  for  projection 
or  for  photography  the  apochromats  cannot  be  used  satisfactorily 
without  the  ocular  to  complete  the  corrections.  (See  figs.  114-115.) 
The  over-correction  of  the  ocular  necessary  to  give  the  greater 
magnification  to  the  red  constituent  of  the  image  leads  to  the  posi- 
tion of  the  red  on  the  outside  of  the  projected  (virtual)  beam;  hence 



(From  Spitta,  p.  106). 

Ordinary  action.    (H). 

If  the  rays  are  traced  on  the  left,  it  will  be  seen  that  the  field  lens  (C)  brings 
the  rays  to  a  focus  at  the  diaphragm  (D),  and  that  they  cross  and  pass  on  to  the 
eyelens  slightly  divergent;  but  in  passing  through  the  eyelens  (C),  the  red  and 
blue  constituents  are  made  parallel  to  each  other,  and  are  projected  into  the  field 
of  vision  in  close  parallel  (virtual)  bundles  and  hence  appear  achromatic. 

Compensating  action  (C). 

For  this  the  field  lens  is  of  flint  glass  (F),  and  the  eyelens  of  crown  glass  (C). 
Or  the  eyelens  may  be  an  over-corrected  combination.  The  result  is  the  same, 
viz.,  the  red  image  is  magnified  more  than  the  blue  image  by  the  ocular,  and  this 
balances  the  excess  magnification  of  the  blue  image  by  the  objective,  and  in  the 
projected  (virtual)  image  the  red  is  on  the  outside,  producing  the  orange  haze 
at  the  margin  of  the  field  when  looking  through  the  ocular,  toward  a  window,  or 
the  sky. 


in  looking  through  a  compensation  ocular  toward  the  window  or  the 
sky,  an  orange  haze  appears  around  the  margin.  As  the  ordinary 
Huygenian  ocular  has  an  under-corrected  eyelens,  the  blue  constit- 
uent will  be  on  the  outside  of  the  projected  (virtual)  image  and 
there  appears  a  blue  haze  around  the  edge  of  the  field  (Spitta,  pp. 


§  261.  Angular  aperture.  —  By  this  is  meant  the  angle  of  light 
which  passes  from  the  object  to  the  objective  and  becomes  effective 
in  producing  the  microscopic  image  (fig.  116).  It  has  been  known  for 
a  very  long  time  that  the  clearness  of  the  image,  other  things  being 
equal,  depends  upon  the  width  of  the  angle  of  light  coming  from  the 
object;  and  that  the  resolution  of  details  depends  very  largely  upon 
the  angular  aperture  of  the  objective.  The  difficulty  of  overcoming 
the  aberrations  also  becomes  greater  as  the  angle  is  increased;  and 
it  was  the  triumph  of  the  early  American  opticians,  Spencer  and 
Tolles,  that  they  were  able  to  make  the  corrections  for  high  powers 
with  very  large  angular  aperture. 

§  262.  Numerical  aperture.  —  With  the  introduction  of  immersion 
systems  into  modern  microscopy,  it  was  seen  and  pointed  out  with 
great  distinctness  by  Spencer  and  Tolles  that  the  aperture  of  such 
immersion  objectives  might  exceed  180°  of  light  in  air.  For  the 
average  microscopist,  however,  this  seemed  an  impossibility.  By 
referring  to  figs.  100-102  the  matter  becomes  very  easily  intelligible, 
for  it  is  seen  that  light  in  water  in  passing  into  air  spreads  out  so  that 
an  angle  in  water  of  48°  45'  on  each  side  of  the  normal  (97°  30') 
spreads  out  into  an  angle  of  180°  in  air;  therefore  light  at  an  angle 
of  97°  30'  in  water  is  equal  to  180°  in  air,  and  if  the  water  immersion 
objective  receives  and  transmits  for  the  formation  of  the  image  an 
angle  of  light  in  the  water  greater  than  97°  30',  its  angle  is  greater 
than  an  air  angle  of  180°.  The  critical  angle  for  glass  to  air  is  41°  on 
each  side  of  the  normal,  and  a  total  "angle  of  82°  in  the  glass  would 
spread  out  to  form  the  whole  180°  in  the  air.  Therefore,  if  with 
homogeneous  immersion  objectives  an  angle  above  82°  is  transmitted 

CH.  IV] 



by  the  objective  for  the  formation  of  the  image,  the  angle  is  so  much 
greater  than  180°  in  air. 

The  confusion  was  reduced  to  order  by  Abbe,  to  whom  makers 
and  users  of  optical  instruments  owe  so  many 
debts.  He  applied  the  simple  laws  of  trigonom- 
etry, using  the  sine  function  of  the  angle, 
and  taking  into  consideration  the  medium  of 
the  lowest  refractive  index  between  the  object 
and  the  objective.  If  it  were  air,  unity  was 
taken;  if  water,  the  index  of  water  —  1.33;  if 
glass,  1.52;  and  if  any  other  immersion  fluid, 
the  refractive  index  of  that  fluid.  By  thus 
considering  the  index  of  refraction  of  the 
medium  immediately  in  front  of  the  objective, 
it  becomes  possible  to  make  comparisons 
which  are  rigidly  exact,  and  express  in  terms 
which  do  not  seem  to  be  impossibilities,  like  an 
angle  in  excess  of  180°  entering  a  flat  surface. 

The  nomenclature   introduced    by  him  and 
now  universally  employed  is  Numerical  Aper- 
ture,   and    includes    in    its    significance    both 
the  angle  of  the  light  and  the  index  of  refrac- 
tion of  the  medium  from  which  the  light  passes 
into    the   objective.    The   formula  is  N.A.  = 
n  sin  ut  in  which  n  is  the  index  of  refraction 
of  the  air  for  dry,  the  water  for  water  immersion  and  the  cedar  oil 
for  homogeneous  immersion;  and  u,  is  the  sine  of  half  the  angle  of 
the  light  entering  the  microscope  objective,  no  matter  what  medium 
is  between  the  object  and  objective. 

As  there  are  three  factors  in  this  formula,  if  one  knows  any  two  of 
them  the  third  is  readily  found. 

§  264.  Significance  of  numerical  aperture.  —  It  is  now  universally 
agreed  that,  the  corrections  in  chromatic  and  spherical  aberration 
being  the  same,  the  power  to  define  minute  details  depends  directly 
on  the  numerical  aperture;  the  greater  the  numerical  aperture,  the 
greater  is  the  resolution  (see  also  §§  271-272). 

FIG.  1 1 6.  ANGULAR 

Axis,  The  princi- 
pal optic  axis  of  the 

B  The  object  just 
outside  the  principal 

ADC  Diameter  of 
the  front  of  the  objec- 
tive and  base  of  the 
angle  of  aperture. 

A  B  D  Half  the 
angle  of  aperture  (u)', 
AD  representing  the 
sine  of  u  (see  §  262). 



[CH.  IV 

§  264a.    Table  of  the  usual  group  of  American  objectives  with  their  numerical 

aperture  (N.A .)  and  the  method  of  obtaining  it.    Compiled 

from  the  manufacturers1  catalogues. 

objectives  with 
initial  magnifi- 
cation at  1  60  mm. 



Natural  --ine 
of  half  the 
angular  aper- 
ture (u) 

I  if  lex  of 
of  the  me- 
dium in 
front  of  the 


(N.A.  = 

n  sin  «) 

32  mm.  (x4) 


sin  5°45' 
=  0.10019  sin  u 

;i  =  i.  oo 

N.A.  =  n  sin 

u  —  -\- 

16  mm.  (xio) 


sin  i4°3o' 
=  0.25038  sin  u 

n  =  i.oo 

N.A.  =  n  sin 

u  =  o  25  -f 

8  mm. 

(X2I  Or  X20) 


sin  30° 
=  0.5000  sin  u 

n  =  i.oo 

N.A.  =  n  sin 

u  =  o  50 

4  mm. 

(X43  or  44) 


sin  4i°3o' 
=*  0.66262  sin  u 

n  -  i.oo 

N.A.  =  n  sin  u  =  0.66  -j- 

3  mm. 


sin  5  8°  1  5' 
-  0.85035  sin  11 

n  =1.00 

N.A.  =  n  sin 

u  =  0.85  + 

i.o  mm.  1.8  mm. 
oil  immersion 
(xpy  or  X95) 


sin  55°i5' 
—  0.82165  sin  u 

n  -  1.52 

N.A.  =  n  sin 

U     =s    I    25     — 

Table  of  a  dry,  a  water  immersion  and  a  homogeneous  immersion  objective 

to  give  a  comparison  of  the  angular  aperture  required 

in  each  to  give  a  uniform  N.A.  of  0.50. 

Dry  Objective 


sin  30° 
=  0.5000  sin  u 

n  =  i.oo 


=  n  sin  u  —  0.50 

Water  immer. 

44°  20' 

sin  22°io' 
=  0.37594  sin  u 

n  =  T.33 


=  n  si.i  u  —  o  50 

Homo,  immer. 


bin  1  9°  1  4' 
—  0.328947  sin  u 

n  -  1.52 


=  n  sin  u  —  0.50 

§  264b.  The  values  for  the  index  of  refraction:  n,  i.oo  for  air;  n,  1.33  for  water; 
and  n,  1.52  for  homogeneous  immersion  liquid  used  in  determining  numerical 
aperture,  are  not  strictly  accurate  nor  are  the  sines  and  numerical  apertures;  they  are 
approximate  round  numbers.  It  will  be  seen  also  that  in  each  case  the  sine  of  half 
the  angle  of  aperture  may  be  found  by  dividing  the  N.A.  by  the  index  of  refraction 
(n)  of  the  medium  in  front  of  the  objective,  for  air  by  i.oo,  water  by  1.33,  and 
homogeneous  liquid,  1.52,  It  follows  also  that  with  dry  objectives  the  N.A.  will 
always  be  the  sine  of  half  the  angle  of  aperture. 

§  265.  Why  a  homogeneous  immersion  condenser  is  required.  —  If  the 

definition  of  minute  details  requires  adequate  numerical  aperture,  it  is  evident 
that  it  is  of  fundamental  importance  that  the  substage  condenser  be  able  to 
supply  the  light  at  the  adequate  aperture. 


Assuming  that  the  substage  condenser  is  properly  constructed,  the 
question  is,  can  it  illuminate  the  object  with  the  proper  numerical 
aperture?  ^ 

By  referring  to  §  262,  and  to  figures  100-102,  it  is  evident  that  an 
object  mounted  on  a  glass  slide  and  separated  from  the  condenser  by 
a  stratum  of  air  can  get  light  from  the  condenser  only  up  to  the 
critical  angle,  that  is  41°,  on  each  side  of  the  normal,  or  a  total  of  82°, 
corresponding  to  a  numerical  aperture  of  i.  The  objective  maybe  capa- 
ble, however,  of  receiving  and  utilizing  a  numerical  aperture  of  1.40. 

If  now  the  condenser  also  has  a  numerical  aperture  of  1.40  and  it 
is  connected  to  the  slide  by  means  of  homogeneous  immersion  liquid, 
the  entire  aperture  will  illuminate  the  object  and  can  enter  the 
homogeneous  immersion  objective. 

If  the  substage  condenser  is  in  immersion  contact  with  the  glass 
slip  by  means  of  water,  then,  as  shown  in  figs  100-102,  73,  the  object 
can  be  illuminated  with  a  light  cone  of  122°,  that  is,  an  aperture  of 
n  sin  «°,  in  this  case  1.52X0.875  =  1.33  N.A.  If  the  greatest 
possible  aperture  is  required,  as  in  dark-field  illumination  (§  190) 
and  for  some  of  the  most  exacting  work  with  the  bright-field  micro- 
scope, then  the  condenser  must  be  in  homogeneous  immersion  con- 
tact with  the  glass  slip  (figs.  73,  84). 

§  266.  Determination  of  the  aperture  of  objectives  with  an  aper- 
tometer.  —  Excellent  directions  for  using  the  Abbe  Apertometer  may 
be  found  in  the  Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Soc.,  1878,  p.  19,  and  1880,  p. 
20;  in  Dippel,  Czapski  and  Spitta,  Chapter  XIV.  The  following 
directions  are  but  slightly  modified  from  Carpenter-Dallinger,  pp. 
394-396.  The  Abbe  apertometer  involves  the  same  principle  as  that 
of  Tolles,  but  it  is  carried  out  in  a  simpler  manner;  it  is  shown  in 
fig.  117.  As  seen  by  this  figure  it  consists  of  a  semicircular  plate  of 
glass.  Along  the  straight  edge  or  chord  the  glass  is  beveled  at  45°, 
and  near  this  straight  edge  is  a  small,  perforated  circle,  the  perfora- 
tion being  in  the  center  of  the  circle.  To  use  the  apertometer  the 
microscope  is  placed  in  a  vertical  position,  and  the  perforated  circle 
is  put  under  the  microscope  and  accurately  focused.  The  circular 
cd^e  of  the  apertometer  is  turned  toward  a  window  or  plenty  of 
artificial  light  so  that  the  whole  edge  is  lighted.  When  the  objective 


is  focused  on  the  perforated  circle,  the  draw-tube  is  removed  and 
in  its  lower  end  is  inserted  the  special  objective  which  accompanies 


As  shown  in  the  figure  the  face  bears  two  series  of  figures.  Those  at  the  top 
give  the  numerical  aperture,  and  the  lower  ones  give  the  angular  aperture.  It 
will  be  noted  that  there  is  no  angular  aperture  greater  than  that  represented 
by  a  numerical  aperture  of  i ,  the  sine  of  90°. 

the  apertometer.  This  objective  and  the  ocular  form  a  low  power 
compound  microscope,  and  with  it  the  back  lens  of  the  objective, 
whose  aperture  is  to  be  measured,  is  observed.  The  draw-tube  is 
inserted  and  lowered  until  the  back  lens  of  the  objective  is  in  focus,  — 
"  In  the  image  of  the  back  lens  will  be  seen  stretched  across,  as  it 
were,  the  image  of  the  circular  part  of  the  apertometer.  It  will 
appear  as  a  bright  band,  because  the  light  which  enters  normally  at 
the  surface  is  reflected  by  the  bevel  part  of  the  chord  in  a  vertical 
direction  so  that  in  reality  a  fan  of  180°  in  air  is  formed.  There  are 
two  sliding  screens  seen  on  either  side  of  the  apertometer;  they 
slide  on  the  vertical  circular  portion  of  the  instrument.  The  images 
of  these  screens  can  be  seen  in  the  image  of  the  bright  band.  These 
screens  should  now  be  moved  so  that  their  edges  just  touch  the  periphery 
of  the  back  lens.  They  act,  as  it  were,  as  a  diaphragm  to  cut  the  fan 
and  reduce  it,  so  that  its  angle  just  equals  the  aperture  of  the  objec- 
tive and  no  more." 

Determination  of  numerical  aperture  (N.A.}  by  means 
of  a  thick  plate  glass.     (H.  P.  Gage.') 

For  this  the  apparatus  needed  is:  (i)  A  microscope  with  the  ob- 
jectives and  the  condenser  to  be  tested. 


(2)  A  strong  illuminating  device  like  one  of  the  dark-field  lamps 
(figs.  79-82,  46),  or  direct  sunlight  may  be  used  if  it  is  available. 

(3)  A  slip  of  plate  glass  5  to  10  mm.  thick  and  face  of  37  X  75 
mm.    One  face  of  the  glass  should  be  given  a  matt  surface  with  the 
finest  carborundum  or  emery  (§  95a).    The  other  face  should  be  left 

(4)  A  pinhole,  opaque  disc  about  10  mm.  in  diameter  should  be 
cemented  to  the  middle  of  the  smooth  surface  with  Canada  balsam. 
This  then  should  be  covered,  and  in  balsam,  something  like  a  tissue 
section  (§  533).    Tin  foil  or  dense  black  paper  may  be  used  for  the 
opaque  disc,  and  a  sewing  needle  or  small  pin  can  be  used  to  make 
the  central  opening. 

(5)  Fine  dividers  and  a  scale  such  as  is  used  in  determining  the 
magnification  of  the  microscope  (§  364)  for  measuring  the  diameter 
of  the  light  cone. 

The  thickness  of  the  glass  slip  should  be  known.  It  is  most 
easily  and  accurately  determiried  by  one  of  the  micrometer  calipers 
(figs.  219-220).  The  refractive  index  of  the  glass  slip  must  also 
be  known.  If  a  refractometer  is  at  hand,  it  takes  but  a  few  minutes 
to  find  out  the  refractive  index.  If  a  refractometer  is  not  available 
an  index  of  1.515  maybe  assumed  as  a  sufficiently  close  approximation. 

§  267.  Obtaining  the  data  for  determining  the  N.A.  of  objectives. 
—  Place  the  slip  of  plate  glass  on  the  stage  of  the  microscope  with 
the  pinhole  disc  up.  Focus  the  pinhole  with  the  objective  to  be 
tested,  then  clamp  the  slip  so  that  it  will  not  move.  Make  the 
microscope  horizontal.  Remove  the  ocular  and  point  the  tube  di- 
rectly toward  the  lamp.  Remove  the  condenser  and  the  mirror. 
Mutually  arrange  the  lamp  and  the  microscope  till  there  is  seen  a 
circle  of  light  on  the  ground  surface  of  the  slip.  With  the  fine  ad- 
justment, focus  sharply  the  pinhole.  One  can  tell  when  the  sharpest 
focus  is  gained  by  the  diameter  of  the  circle  of  light  for  then  it  will 
be  greatest.  Measure  the  diameter  with  the  dividers.  If  one  works 
at  night  or  in  a  darkened  room  greater  exactness  will  be  possible. 

If  a  homogeneous  immersion  objective  is  to  be  tested,  homo- 
geneous liquid  must  be  used  to  make  immersion  contact  with  the 


The  data  thus  obtained  give  all  that  is  needed  for  finding  the 
numerical  aperture,  n  sin  «=N.A.,  for  the  diameter  of  the  light  cone 
gives  the  diameter,  A-C.,  of  the  cone  and  hence  the  base  of  the 
angle  (fig.  116).  The  thickness  of  the  plate  glass  gives  the  height 
(fig.  116,  A-C,  B-D}.  The  refractive  index  by  observation  is  1.515. 

§  268.  Aperture  of  a  condenser.  —  For  this  the  plate  glass  slip  is 
turned  over  bringing  the  pinhole  down.  It  is  put  in  immersion 
contact  with  the  top  of  the  condenser.  The  microscope  is  made 
vertical,  and  with  the  plane  mirror  a  strong  light  is  reflected  to  the 
condenser.  The  pinhole  should  be  at  the  focus  of  the  condenser. 
To  do  this  it  may  be  necessary  in  order  to  get  sufficient  distance 
between  the  top  of  the  condenser  and  the  pinhole,  to  place  a  glass 
slip  under  the  plate  glass.  The  slip  must  be  in  immersion  contact 
both  with  the  plate  glass  and  with  the  condenser.  It  is  well  to  try 
first  a  slide  not  over  i  mm.  thick.  In  order  to  make  sure  that  the 
pinhole  is  at  the  focus  of  the  condenser,  the  body  tube  of  the 
microscope  is  removed  and  light  is  thrown  straight  down  through 
the  plate  glass  and  pinhole  to  the  condenser.  By  turning  the  plane 
mirror  at  the  proper  angle  the  image  of  the  pinhole  will  be  seen  and 
one  can  tell  whether  or  not  the  pinhole  is  in  focus  by  the  sharpness 
of  the  edges.  If  it  is  not  in  focus  because  too  low,  then  a  glass  slip 
must  be  added.  If  one  has  already  added  a  glass  slip  the  pinhole 
may  be  too  high. 

Measuring  the  diameter  of  the  light  cone.  It  is  not  easy  to  see 
the  light  cone  by  looking  directly  down  for  the  light  in  line  of  the 
pinhole  is  so  brilliant.  By  looking  obliquely  the  border  of  the  cone 
can  be  seen. 

§  268a.  Determination  of  the  N.A.  after  the  above  data  have  been 
secured.  —  Referring  to  fig.  116,  let  BA  and  BC  be  the  limiting  rays 
of  the  light  cone  from  the  objective  or  condenser  after  passing  the 
pinhole.  The  thickness  of  the  plate  glass,  BD,  and  the  diameter  of 
the  bright  disc  A.C.  have  been  measured. 

The  angular  aperture  of  the  objective  or  condenser  in  glass  is 


ABC,  and  the  half  angle  is  ABD.    —  is  the  tangent  of  this  half 




angle,  i.e.,  — ,  or  if  the  thickness  of  the  glass  is  t  and  the  diameter  of 

a'  d 

the  light  spot  (AC)  d,  then  tangent  -  equals  —  •    From  trigonometric 

a'  a' 

tables  the  value  of  sin  —  is  found  corresponding  to  tangent  — .     This 
2  2 

is  multiplied  by  the  index  of  refraction,  and  the  result  will  be  the 
numerical  aperture. 
Examples.    Suppose  the  thickness  of  the  plate  glass  slip  is  10  mm.; 

a            5 
the  diameter  of  the  light  disc  5  mm.,  then  tan  -   is  or 

2  IO  X  2 

.25.  The  angle  whose  tangent  is  .25  is  i4°2/  and  the  sine  of  this 
angle  is  .2425.  If  this  is  multiplied  by  the  refractive  index  of  the 
plate  glass:  .2425  X  1.515,  equals  .3673,  the  numerical  aperture  of  the 
dry  objective  in  glass.  To  find  the  angular  aperture  in  air,  find 
the  angle  corresponding  to  the  sine  .3673.  It  is  the  sine  of  21°  33', 
that  is,  half  the  air  angle.  If  this  is  multiplied  by  2  there  will 
result  the  total  air  angle  (21°  33'  X  2  =  43°  6')- 

In  an  actual  experiment  it  was  found  that  the  thickness  of  the 
plate  glass  was  6.7  mm.;  its  refractive  index  1.5135.  The  diameter 
of  the  disc  of  light  obtained  from  a  condenser  in  immersion  contact 

with  the  plate  glass,  is  22.4  mm.    Then  as  above:  —  equals 

2  X  0.7 

1.672,  which  is  the  tangent  of  59°  7'.  The  sine  of  59°  7'  -  .8582. 
This  multiplied  by  the  refractive  index  of  the  plate  glass  gives: 
.8582  x  1.5135  equals  1.30,  the  N.A.  of  the  condenser.  It  will  be 
noted  that  the  ray  proceeding  at  an  angle  of  59°  7'  from  the  axis  in 
glass  would  be  totally  reflected  at  the  glass  surface  and  would  never 
have  got  into  the  plate  glass  in  the  first  place  if  it  had  not  been  in 
immersion  contact  with  the  condenser.  Also  the  sine  of  59°  7',  .8582 
multiplied  by  the  refractive  index  of  the  glass  gives  a  number,  1.30, 
that  is,  greater  than  unity,  greater  than  is  possible  for  any  angle, 
and  no  ray  corresponding  to  this  can  exist  in  air. 

§  269.  Refractometer  tests  upon  various  liquids.  —  In  order  to 
investigate  adequately  the  optical  properties  of  the  liquids  used  for 


homogeneous  immersion  and  other  purposes  in  microscopy,  it  is 
necessary  to  employ  a  refractometer,  and  to  test  all  at  the  same 
temperature.  The  one  used  by  the  writer  for  the  data  given  in  the 
following  table  was  loaned  to  him  by  Dr.  Chamot  of  the  chemical 

The  refractive  indices  are  all  at  20°  centigrade  and  for  the  D  or 
sodium  line  of  the  solar  spectrum  (fig.  123);  and  the  average  separa- 
tion into  colors  between  the  lines  F  in  the  green-blue,  and  C  in  the 
red  of  the  solar  spectrum. 

For  homogeneous  immersion  liquid  nothing  has  been  found  up  to 
the  present  as  satisfactory  as  thickened  cedar-wood  oil  from  Junipe- 
rus  mrginiana.  Practically  all  modern  homogeneous  immersion  objec- 
tives are  designed  for  use  with  this  immersion  liquid,  which  has  an 
average  refractive  index  at  the  D  line  of:  nD  =  1.51565.  The  av- 
erage dispersion  of  these  8  samples  is:  vF  —  vC  ~  0.01080. 

The  first  substance  purposely  employed  for  homogeneous  immer- 
sion with  objectives  by  Tolles  was  Canada  balsam  from  the  balsam- 
fir  (Abies  balsamea).  Its  index  of  refraction  is  somewhat  greater  and 
its  dispersion  somewhat  smaller  than  that  of  thickened  cedar-wood 
oil,  but  in  case  cedar  oil  is  not  available  it  might  still  be  used  with 
successful  results. 

It  will  be  seen  by  consulting  the  table  that  there  is  no  single 
liquid  which  can  take  the  place  of  cedar-wood  oil  for  immersion 
purposes.  Different  workers  have  found  the  viscidity  of  the  cedar 
oil  a  disadvantage  for,  in  examining  preparations  in  thin  liquids, 
the  cover-glass  is  likely  to  be  pulled  about  by  the  adhesion  of  the' 
cedar  oil  to  the  objective.  In  looking  for  a  substitute  in  which  the 
viscosity  would  be  less,  the  heavy  mineral  oils  of  the  paraffin  and 
naphthalene  series  have  come  into  use  (§  309).  Their  refractive  in- 
dex and  dispersion  are  somewhat  different  from  cedar  oil  so  that  they 
do  not  make  a  perfect  substitute  alone,  but  mixed  with  alpha-bromo- 
naphthalene  they  can  be  brought  to  the  same  refractive  index,  but 
not  exactly  to  the  same  dispersion.  Such  a  mixture  answers  for  most 
purposes  and  they  have  the  advantage  of  not  being  volatile  and  of 
having  little  viscidity.  Their  odor,  however,  is  not  so  pleasant  as 
cedar  oil.  In  passing,  it  might  be  said  that  the  homogeneous  im- 

CH.  IV] 



mersion  objectives  may  be  used  without  any  immersion  liquid,  or 
with  water,  with  castor  oil,  glycerin,  etc.  It  should  never  be  for- 
gotten, however,  that  for  the  best  effects  one  must  employ  an  im- 
mersion liquid  for  which  the  optician  corrected  the  objective. 

Table  Showing  the  Index  of  Refraction  at  the  D  line  ("D}  and  the  Mean  Dis- 


persion    (nF-nC)    between   the   Fixed  Lines   F  and  C,   and   the  v-valite 

With  Various  Homogeneous  Liquids  and  Other  Substances. 

Name  of  Substance 

Index  of 

Mean  Dis- 

v-  Value  of 




(A)  Homogeneous  Cedar  Oil 

I    ^IQO 

o  01125 


(B)            "                  "        "  


o  01072 

48.  14 

(C)            «                  "        "  


o  01065 

48  50 

(D)            "                  "        "  


o  01089 

47.  10 

(E)             "                  "        "  


o  01066 


(F)             "                  "        "  

.  Ci2Q 

o  01082 

4.7    37  -4- 

(G)            "                  "        "  


o  01085 

4.7  .4.2  — 

(Ga)          "                 "        "     .     .. 

(  .  *i78cr. 


/4.8  40 

Averages  for  Cedar  Oil     

\     5i78cl. 

o  01066 

148  52 

(H)  BrN  18  %  in  mineral  oil,  Naph.  . 
(J)  BrN  17.25%  in  mineral  oil,  P.. 
Aqua  distillata  (II  >O)     


o  01270 


(Tap  water)  (H2O)         


o  00626 


Alpha-Bromo-Naphthalene  (d0H7Br.) 
Canada    balsam,    Pennock's    paper- 


.  t>2O2 

o  013485 
o  00958 

54  30 

Canada  balsam  thinned  with  xylene 
Carbon  tetrachlorid  (CC14)    



55  58 
46  89 

Castor  oil  (Oleum  ricini)               ,  .  . 


o  00892 

C2      7Q 

Cedarwood  oil  (Florida  extra)  

•  S°35 


47  32 

Cedarwood  oil   very  thick           .... 

.  "s2O^ 

o  01072 


Chloroform  (CHC13)  




Clove  oil  (Oleum  caryophylli)  old  .  . 
Glycerin  (C3H5(OH)3)              





Nujol  (mineral  oil)    


o  00885 


Petrolatum  liquidum,  Parf  


o  00875 


Petrolatum  liquidum,  Naph  


o  00898 


Sandal  wood  oil  



Turpentine  (commercial)  



44  3° 

Xylene  (CgHio)  pure     

i  .  4965 



Xylene  (commercial)   

I  .  4934 



If  the  immersion  cedar  oil  gets  too  thick,  the  best  substance  for 
thinning  it  is  the  thin  cedar-wood  oil  (Florida  extra). 


§  270.  Diffracted  light  in  microscopy.  —  As  most  microscopic  ob- 
servation depends  upon  directed  light  from  some  source  like  the  sun 
or  a  lamp  sent  to  and  through  the  object  by  a  mirror  only  or  by  the 
aid  of  a  condenser  or  a  mirror  and  condenser,  the  phenomena  of 
diffraction  are  present.  It  is  evident  that  if  the  objects  observed 
were  self-luminous  the  conditions  would  be  different  from  those 
existing  when  the  object  must  be  viewed  with  direct  light  from  some 
outside  source. 

In  traversing  small  orifices  or  slits  and  objects  with  minute  details 
the  spreading  out  of  diffracted  light  is  a  necessary  accompaniment. 
The  diffracted  rays  are  shown  by  broken  lines  in  the  accompanying 
figures  from  Wright  (fig.  118).  As  seen  from  these,  there  may  be 
two  systems  of  diffracted  rays,  one  from  the  object  and  another 
from  the  border  of  the  objective,  and  these  two  systems  of  diffracted 
rays  act  differently. 

The  r61e  played  by  the  diffracted  light  has  been  variously  inter- 
preted by  opticians.  By  Abbe  and  his  adherents  diffracted  light  is  of 
supreme  importance,  and  microscopic  vision  is  a  thing  by  itself  (sui 
generis)  and  not  to  be  interpreted  by  ordinary  geometric  optics. 
Certain  very  striking  experiments  have  been  devised  to  show  the 
accuracy  of  this  hypothesis,  but,  as  pointed  out  by  many,  the  or- 
dinary use  of  the  microscope  never  involves  the  conditions  realized 
in  those  experiments. 

While  the  supreme  importance  ascribed  by  some  to  the  diffracted 
light  may  not  be  accepted,  no  one  will  deny  the  presence  of  diffrac- 
tion phenomena  in  microscopic  vision.  If,  furthermore,  the  dif- 
fracted rays  are  brought  by  the  microscope  to  the  final  focus  with 
the  undiffracted  light  passing  from  the  object  through  the  micro- 
scope, the  image  will  be  conceivably  more  perfect  than  as  if  the 
diffracted  rays  produce  secondary  images,  or  mere  blur. 

§  271.  Depths  of  focus  and  aperture.  —  It  is  known  to  all  workers 
with  the  microscope  that  with  objectives  of  low  aperture  it  is  pos- 
sible to  change  the  focus  rather  markedly  up  or  down  without 
seeming  to  lose  in  sharpness,  while  with  objectives  of  great  aperture 
a  sharp  focus  is  almost  immediately  lost  in  focusing  up  or  down 
beyond  a  point.  The  reason  for  this  is  made  strikingly  evident  by 

CH.  IV] 



(From  Wright's  Principles). 

Object  (grating)  lighted  with  a  narrow  beam  (/)  from  the  condenser  and  giving 
off  diffracted  rays  which  are  brought  to  a  focus  with  the  dioptric  beam  (I)  above 
the  objective  in  part  (full  lines);  and  in  part  forming  diffracted  beams  on  each 
side  above  the  objective  (broken  lines).  These  diffracted  beams  not  brought  to 
the  same  focus  as  the  dioptric  beam  cause  imperfections  or  confusion  in  the  image. 

Small  diaphragm  (C  D)  below  the  condenser  focused  on  the  grating,  A  B,  and 
from  this  point  the  dioptric  beam  (solid  white)  and  diffracted  light  (broken  lines) 
extend  through  the  objective  and  finally  focus  at  B'  A'.  By  looking  at  the  eye- 
point  with  a  magnifier  the  image  of  the  back  lens  shows  not  only  the  diaphragm 
image  (Dr  C'),  but  secondary  images  of  the  same  (Df  C*  and  D"  C).  See  small 
figure  in  the  middle  also. 



[Cn.  IV 



(From  Wright's  Principles  of  Microscopy,  p.  77). 

(1)  To  show  the  definiteness  of  the  focus  (/)  with  a  large  aperture.    Either 
above  or  below  this  is  a  large  diffusion  circle  (a  b)  due  to  the  size  of  the  section  of 
the  aperture. 

(2)  Indefiniteness  of  the  focus  due  to  the  fact  that  a  cross  section  of  the  aper- 
ture considerably  above  or  below  the  true  focus  (/),  gives  so  small  a  diffusion 
circle  (a  or  6),  that  it  can  hardly  be  distinguished  from  the  true  focus. 

(3)  Low  aperture  and  an  opacity  in  the  path  of  the  light.    Tt  is  so  large  rela- 
tively here  that  a  clear  image  would  be  impossible. 

(4)  The  same  opacity  in  a  larger  aperture. 

(5)  The  same  opacity  in  a  still  larger  aperture.    There  is  now  enough  of  the 
beam  outside  the  opacity  to  make  the  object  visible. 


fig.  119  i,  2.  Let /be  the  most  perfect  focus;  if  one  turns  to  a  or 
b  the  appearance  is  almost  unchanged  in  the  low  apertured  objective 
(2),  but  the  diffusion  circle  is  very  marked  in  the  high  apertured 
objective  (i).  Furthermore,  the  brilliancy  of  the  image  must  be 
markedly  greater  with  the  larger  aperture  (Wright,  p.  77). 

§  272.  Aperture  and  the  effect  of  opacities.  —  Between  the  retina 
and  the  object  there  are  many  possibilities  of  opacities  in  the  image- 
producing  beam  of  light  —  for  example,  the  eye  lashes,  particles  of 
dirt  in  the  tears  over  the  cornea,  besides  particles  on  the  glass  sur- 
faces. Figure  119  3,  4,  5  show  graphically  the  relative  obscuration 
which  must  result  with  the  same  opacity  in  beams  of  different  aper- 
ture. In  (3)  the  shadow  is  so  great  that  almost  the  entire  aperture  is 
obscured,  and  vision  made  difficult  or  impossible.  In  (4)  with  a 
larger  aperture  the  shadow  is  not  so  overwhelming,  and  in  (5)  with 
the  large  aperture  there  is  still  possibility  of  fairly  good  vision  in 
spite  of  the  shadow. 

It  is  believed  that  the  inevitable  narrowing  of  the  beam  in  high 
power  magnification  and  the  presence  of  opacities  in  the  eye  form 
the  bar  to  resolution,  and  that  if  the  apparatus  and  the  eye  could,  on 
the  one  hand,  be  free  from  opacities  to  throw  shadows  and  thus 
obscure  the  image,  or  on  the  other  hand  the  terminal  beam  could  be 
opened  up  to  make  the  aperture  greater,  the  eye  could  discriminate 
beyond  the  limits  heretofore  ascribed  to  it  (Wright,  Ch.  XVI). 

As  the  higher  the  power  of  the  ocular  the  smaller  is  the  eyepoint 
(figs.  24-25),  it  is  evident  that  any  obscurities  have  a  greater  effect 
with  the  high  ocular.  The  rule  to  use  as  low  an  ocular  as  possible 
is  a  good  one  to  follow  with  bright  field  illumination  (Wright,  p. 

For  dark-field  illumination,  the  high  power  oculars  are  mostly 
better  (§  181). 

Consult  Carpenter-Dallinger  and  Beck,  Part  II,  Chamot  and  Spitta, 
and  Sir.  A.  E.  Wright  for  further  information. 


§§  273-302;   FIGURES  120-124 


§  273.  Visible  and  invisible  radiation.  —  From  any  primary 
source  of  light-energy  like  the  sun,  the  electric  arc,  etc.,  not  only  is 
given  off  the  energy  which  to  the  eye  is  appreciated  as  light,  but 
wave  lengths  of  energy  both  longer  and  shorter  than  those  affecting 
the  eye.  As  shown  in  fig.  93,  the  segment  of  the  energy  spectrum 
which  is  visible  to  the  eye  is  exceedingly  limited,  being  included 
between  about  Xo.4/x  and  \O.^/JL.  Under  special  illumination,  waves 
shorter  than  Ao.4/4  and  longer  than  Xo.7/z  can  be  seen,  but  the 
extension  into  the  infra-red  or  the  ultra-violet  is  slight,  and  is  not 
used  for  ordinary  visual  purposes. 

It  is  fortunate  for  optical  instruments  that  the  visible  spectrum  is 
so  limited.  Indeed,  if  the  visible  spectrum  were  even  more  limited, 
as  shown  by  the  use  of  monochrorratic  light,  it  would  be  easier  to 
obtain  perfect  images,  for  the  aberrations  arising  from  the  different 
wave  lengths  would  be  avoided. 

The  spectroscope  has  for  its  object  the  giving  of  information  con- 
cerning the  visible  spectrum,  and  it  has  proved  of  great  help  indeed. 
It  should  not  be  forgotten,  however,  that  the  color  effects  produced 
by  the  spectroscope  are  not  the  only  ones  and  in  some  ways  not  the 
most  important.  What  it  really  does  is  to  divide  the  wave  lengths 
into  groups,  and  in  absorption  phenomena  the  important  thing 
is  that  some  wave  lengths  are  not  present  or  are  cut  out  by  the 
absorbing  medium  and  hence  there  are  present  dark  bands  in  the 
spectrum  (absorption  bands).  These  absorption  bands  could  be  seen 
and  their  significance  appreciated  by  a  person  wholly  color  blind 
—  and  there  is  occasionally  such  a  person. 

§  274.  A  micro-spectroscope,  spectroscopic  or  spectral  ocular,  is 
a  direct-vision  spectroscope  combined  with  a  microscope  ocular  of 


the  Huygenian  form.  At  the  usual  position  of  the  ocular  diaphragm 
is  substituted  a  special  slit  mechanism.  The  spectroscope  part  of 
the  combination  consists  of  an  Amici  prism  of  considerable  dis- 
persion placed  in  a  tube  hinged  to  the  top  of  the  ocular  and  fastened 
by  a  spring.  This  makes  it  possible  to  swing  the  spectroscope  aside 
and  look  into  the  ocular  in  the  usual  way.  In  making  spectroscopic 
observations,  the  spectroscope  is  brought  over  the  ocular  in  the  line 
of  sight. 

The  spectroscope  is  made  complete  by  the  eyelens  of  the  ocular 
and  the  slit  mechanism  in  place  of  the  ocular  diaphragm.  This  slit 
should  be  parallel  to  the  apices  of  the  prisms  which  are  located  at 
the  focal  point  of  the  eyelens.  Light  traversing  the  slit  is  rendered 
approximately  parallel  by  the  eyelens  of  the  ocular. 

At  the  diaphragm  level  is  a  prism  for  reflecting  horizontal  rays 
vertically.  This  device  is  for  a  comparison  spectrum  side  by  side 
with  the  spectrum  of  the  object  on  the  stage  of  the  microscope. 

Finally,  near  the  top  is  a  lateral  tube  with  mirror  for  the  purpose 
of  projecting  a  scale  of  wave  lengths  upon  the  spectrum  under 

In  this  Amici  prism  the  excess  dispersion  is  given  by  the  flint 
glass  prism  or  prisms,  and  the  parallelization  by  the  crown  glass 
prisms;  and  following  the  rule  that  the  shortest  waves  are  bent 
most,  the  colors  have  the  position  indicated  in  figure  124.  But  if 
one  looks  into  the  direct  vision  spectroscope  or  holds  the  eye  close 
to  the  single  prism  (fig.  120),  the  colors  will  appear  reversed  as  if  the 
red  were  more  bent.  The  explanation  of  this  is  shown  in  fig.  120,  2, 
where  it  can  be  readily  seen  that  if  the  eye  is  placed  at  £,  close  to 
the  prism,  the  different  colored  rays  appear  in  the  direction  from 
which  they  reach  the  eye  and  consequently  are  crossed  in  being 
projected  into  the  field  of  vision  and  the  real  position  is  inverted. 
The  same  is  true  in  looking  into  the  micro-spectroscope.  The  actual 
position  of  the  different  colors  may  be  determined  by  placing  some 
ground-glass  or  some  of  the  lens-paper  near  the  prism  and  observing 
with  the  eye  at  the  distance  of  distinct  vision. 

§  274a.     The  author  wishes  to  acknowledge  the  aid  rendered  by  Professor 
JS.  L.  Nichols  in  giving  the  explanation  offered  in  §  274. 



.1  * 


1  The  spectroscope  is  shown  in  position  on  the  microscope,  the  tube  of  the 
microscope  being  much  shortened  to  save  space. 

Stage,  the  stage  of  the  microscope  on  which  is  a  watch  glass  with  sloping  sides. 

Objective    The  objective  of  the  microscope. 

S  S'  S"  Screws  for  clamping  the  apparatus  and  for  changing  the  position 
of  parts. 

Slit  The  slit  of  the  spectroscope  between  the  ocular  lenses  in  the  position  of 
the  ocular  diaphragm,  i.e.  where  the  real  image  of  the  object  to  be  examined  is 

Hinge    The  hinge  on  which  the  prism  can  be  turned  off  the  ocular. 

Amid  prism  The  direct- vision  prism  composed  of  a  middle  flint  and  two 
crown-glass  prisms. 

Red  Yellow  Blue  Arrangement  of  the  colors  as  they  emerge  from  the  prism. 

Scale  tube  and  Mirror  The  mirror  to  throw  light  into  the  scale  tube  and 
project  an  image  of  the  Angstrom  scale  into  the  field, 

2  Prism  showing  that  with  the  eye  close  to  the  prism  the  colors  seem  re- 
versed'from  the  position  actually  occupied. 

3  Comp.  prism    The  prism  introduced  under  the  slit  and  serving  to  reflect 
up  into  the  microscope  a  spectrum  for  comparison  with  that  extending  along 
the  axis  of  the  microscope  from  below.     C  L    Liquid  in  the  tube  whose  spec- 
trum is  to  be  compared  with  that  of  the  liquid  in  the  watch  glass  on  the  stage 
of  the  microscope. 

4  The  slit  mechanism  and  comparison  prism  (/>). 

5  S    Set  screws  for  changing  the  width  and  length  of  the  slit. 

CH.  V] 




By  a  spectrum  is  meant  the  colored  bands  appearing  when  the 
light  traverses  a  dispersing  prism  or  conies  from  a  diffraction  grating, 
or  is  affected  in  any  way  to  separate  the  different  wave  lengths  of 
light  into  groups.  When  daylight  or  some  good  artificial  light  is  thus 
dispersed  one  gets  the  appearance  so  familiar  in  the  rainbow. 

§  275.  Continuous  spectrum.  —  In  case  a  good  artificial  light, 
as  the  electric  light,  is  used,  the  various  rainbow  or  spectral  colors 
merge  gradually  into  one  another  in  passing  from  end  to  end  of  the 
spectrum.  There  are  no  breaks  or  gaps. 

§  276.  Line  spectrum.  —  If  a  gas  is  made  incandescent,  the  spec- 
trum it  produces  consists,  not  of  the  various  rainbow  colors,  but  of 
sharp,  narrow,  bright  lines,  the  color  depending  on  the  substance. 

All  the  rest  of  the  spectrum  is  dark.    These  line  spectra  are  very 

V  B  G  Y  O  R 

-^-T— * — r 


G  F  E  *D  C        B 


In  the  normal  spectrum  produced  by  a  grating  the  refraction  is  directly  pro- 
portional to  the  wave  length  of  the  light;  here  the  red  is  a  broad  band  and  the 
violet-blue  narrow.  (Compare  the  prismatic  spectrum  where  the  red  is  narrow 
and  the  blue  broad.) 

Xo.4ju  Xo.yju,  the  wave  lengths  between  which  the  radiation  is  visible  (see  fig. 

V  B  G  Y          < 

G  F  E  D  C    B 


As  glass  does  not  refract  the  different  wave  lengths  in  direct  proportion  to  their 
frequency,  the  width  of  the  bands  of  color  are  strikingly  unlike  those  of  a  normal 
spectrum.  That  is,  in  a  glass  spectrum  the  blue- violet  forms  a  relatively  broad 
band  and  the  red  a  narrow  one. 


strikingly  shown  by  metallic  vapors  heated  to  incandescence,  e.g. 
sodium.  These  spectra  are  usually  obtained  by  heating  some  salt 
of  the  substance  (see  §  287). 

§  277.  Absorption  spectrum.  —  By  this  is  meant  a  spectrum  in 
which  there  are  dark  lines  or  bands.  The  most  striking  and  interest- 
ing of  the  absorption  spectra  is  the  Solar  Spectrum,  or  spectrum  of 
sunlight.  If  this  is  examined  by  a  good  spectroscope  it  will  be  found 
to  be  crossed  by  dark  lines,  the  appearance  being  as  if  one  were  to 
draw  pen  marks  across  a  continuous  spectrum  at  various  levels, 
sometimes  apparently  between  the  colors  and  sometimes  in  the  midst 
of  a  color.  These  are  the  so-called  Fraunhofer  lines.  Some  of  the 
principal  ones  have  been  lettered  with  Roman  capitals,  A,  B,  C,  D, 
E,  F,  G,  H,  commencing  at  the  red  end.  The  meaning  of  these  lines 
was  for  a  long  time  unknown,  but  it  is  now  known  that  they  corre- 
spond with  the  bright  lines  of  a  line  spectrum.  For  example,  if 
sodium  is  put  in  the  flame  of  a  spirit  or  Bunsen  lamp  it  will  vapor- 
ize and  become  luminous.  If  this  light  is  examined  there  will  be 
seen  one  or  two  bright  yellow  bands  corresponding  in  position  with 
D  of  the  solar  spectrum  (figs.  121,  123).  If  now  the  spirit-lamp 
flame,  colored  by  the  incandescent  sodium,  is  placed  in  the  path  of 
the  electric  light,  and  it  is  examined  as  before,  there  will  be  a  con- 
tinuous spectrum,  except  for  dark  lines  in  place  of  the  bright  sodium 
lines.  That  is,  the  comparatively  cool  yellow  light  of  the  spirit- 
lamp  cuts  off  or  absorbs  the  intensely  hot  yellow  light  of  the  electric 
light;  and  although  the  spirit  flame  sends  a  yellow  light  to  the  spec- 
troscope, it  is  so  faint  in  comparison  with  the  electric  light  that  the 
sodium  lines  appear  dark.  It  is  believed  that  in  the  sun's  atmos- 
phere there  are  incandescent  metal  vapors  (sodium,  iron,  etc.),  but 
that  they  absorb  the  light  from  the  sun  which  corresponds  with 
their  own  wave  lengths,  and  hence  the  dark  lines.  If  the  incan- 
descent vapors  could  be  seen  by  themselves  without  the  intense 
light  behind  them,  they  would  give  bright  lines  as  shown  by  the 
bright  sodium  lines  seen  in  the  alcohol  or  Bunsen  flame. 

§  278.  Absorption  spectra  from  colored  substances.  —  While 
the  solar  spectrum  is  an  absorption  spectrum,  the  term  is  more  com- 
monly applied  to  the  spectra  obtained  with  light  which  has  passed 

CH.  V] 



through  or  has  been  reflected  from  colored  objects  which  are  not 

It  is  the  special  purpose  of  the  micro-spectroscope  to  investigate 
the  spectra  of  colored  objects  which  are  not  self-luminous,  i.e.,  blood 
and  other  liquids,  various  minerals,  as  monazite,  etc.  The  spectra 
obtained  by  examining  the  light  reflected  from  these  colored  bodies 
or  transmitted  through  them  possess,  like  the  solar  spectrum,  dark 
lines  or  bands,  but  the  bands  are  usually  much  wider  and  less 

A     3  C 

)         ] 

Mill    1 

:          F 




;  *,  .  I    I.. 










Solar  Spectrum  The  spectrum  of  daylight  showing  the  dark,  fixed  lines 
(Fraunhofer  lines)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G,  and  the  wave  lengths  in  microns,  .70,  .60 
.50,  .40. 

Sodium  The  spectrum  of  incandescent  sodium.  With  this  spectroscope  it  is 
a  single  bright  yellow  band  (D)  at  about  Xo.5Q;u,  all  the  rest  of  the  spectrum 
being  dark. 

Perman.  potash  The  spectrum  of  a  solution  of  permanganate  of  potash.  It 
has  five  absorption  bands,  two  being  especially  dark  and  sharply  outlined. 

Methaetnoglobin  The  spectrum  of  methaemoglobin  with  several  absorption 
bands,  the  two  in  the  yellow-green  being  darkest.  The  blue  end  of  the  spec- 
trum is  also  greatly  shortened. 

These  spectra  have  the  blue  end  at  the  right  instead  of  at  the  left  (compare 
figs.  1  21-122. 

sharply  defined.  Their  number  and  position  depend  on  the  sub- 
stance or  its  constitution  (fig.  123),  and  their  width,  in  part,  upon 
the  thickness  of  the  body.  With  some  colored  bodies,  no  definite 
bands  are  present.  The  spectrum  is  simply  restricted  at  one  or 


both  ends  and  various  of  the  other  colors  are  considerably  lessened 
in  intensity.  This  is  true  of  many  colored  fruits. 

§  279.  Angstrfan  and  Stoke's  law  of  absorption  spectra.  —  The 
waves  of  light  absorbed  by  a  body  when  light  is  transmitted  through 
some  of  its  substance  are  precisely  the  waves  radiated  from  it  when 
it  becomes  self-luminous.  For  example,  a  piece  of  glass  that  is 
yellow  when  cool  gives  out  blue  light  when  it  is  hot  enough  to  be 
self-luminous.  Sodium  vapor  absorbs  two  bands  of  yellow  light  (D 
lines) ;  but  when  light  is  not  sent  through  it,  but  the  vapor  itself  is 
luminous  and  is  examined  as  a  source  of  light,  its  spectrum  gives 
bright  sodium  lines,  all  the  rest  of  the  spectrum  being  dark  (fig.  123). 

§  280.  Law  of  color.  —  The  light  reaching  the  eye  from  a  colored 
solid,  liquid,  or  gaseous  body  lighted  with  white  light  will  be  that 
due  to  white  light  less  the  light  waves  that  have  been  absorbed  by 
the  colored  body.  For  example,  a  thin  layer  of  blood  under  the 
microscope  will  appear  yellowish  green,  but  a  thick  layer  will  appear 
pure  red.  If  now  these  two  layers  are  examined  with  a  micro- 
spectroscope,  the  thin  layer  will  show  all  colors,  but  the  red  end 
will  be  slightly,  and  the  blue  end  considerably,  restricted,  and  some 
of  the  colors  will  appear  considerably  lessened  in  intensity.  Finally, 
there  may  appear  two  shadow-like  bands,  or,  if  the  layer  is  thick 
enough,  two  well-defined  dark  bands  in  the  green  (§  295). 

If  the  thick  layer  is  examined  in  the  same  way,  the  spectrum  will 
show  only  red  with  a  little  orange  light,  all  the  rest  being  absorbed. 
Thus  the  spectroscope  shows  which  colors  remain,  in  part  or  wholly, 
and  it  is  the  mixture  of  this  remaining  or  unabsorbed  light  that  gives 
color  to  the  object. 

§  281.  Complementary  spectra.  —  While  it  is  believed  that 
Angstrom's  law  (§  280)  is  correct,  there  are  many  bodies  on  which  it 
cannot  be  tested,  as  they  change  in  chemical  or  molecular  constitu- 
tion before  reaching  a  sufficiently  high  temperature  to  become  lumi- 
nous. There  are  compounds,  however,  like  those  of  didymium, 
erbium,  and  terbium,  which  do  not  change  with  the  heat  necessary 
to  render  them  luminous,  and  with  them  the  incandescent  and  ab- 
sorption spectra  are  mutually  complementary,  the  one  presenting 
bright  lines  where  the  other  presents  dark  ones  (Daniell). 



§  282.  The  micro-spectroscope,  or  spectroscopic  ocular,  is  put  in 
the  place  of  the  ordinary  ocular  in  the  microscope,  and  clamped  to 
the  top  of  the  tube  by  means  of  a  side  screw  for  the  purpose. 

§  283.  Adjustment  of  the  slit.  —  In  place  of  the  ordinary  dia- 
phragm with  circular  opening,  the  spectral  ocular  has  a  diaphragm 
composed  of  two  movable  knife  edges  by  which  a  slit-like  opening  of 
greater  or  less  width  and  length  may  be  obtained  at  will  by  the  use 
of  screws  for  the  purpose.  To  adjust  the  slit,  depress  the  lever 
holding  the  prism-tube  in  position  over  the  ocular,  and  swing  the 
prism  aside.  One  can  then  look  directly  into  the  ocular.  The  lateral 
screw  should  be  used,  and  the  knife  edges  approached  till  they  ap- 
pear about  half  a  millimeter  apart.  If  now.  the  Amici  prism  is  put 
back  in  place  and  the  microscope  well  lighted,  one  will  see  a  spectrum 
by  looking  into  the  upper  end  of  the  spectroscope.  If  the  slit  is  too 
wide,  the  colors  will  overlap  in  the  middle  of  the  spectrum  and  be 
pure  only  at  the  red  and  blue  ends;  and  the  Fraunhofer  or  other 
bands  in  the  spectrum  will  be  faint  or  invisible.  Dust  on  the  edges  of 
the  slit  gives  the  appearance  of  longitudinal  streaks  on  the  spectrum. 

§  284.  Mutual  arrangement  of  slit  and  prism.  —  In  order  that  the 
spectrum  may  appear  as  if  made  up  of  colored  bands  going  directly 
across  the  long  axis  of  the  spectrum,  the  slit  must  be  parallel  with 
the  refracting  edge  of  the  prism.  If  the  slit  and  prism  are  not  thus 
mutually  arranged,  the  colored  bands  will  appear  oblique,  and  the 
whole  spectrum  may  be  greatly  narrowed.  If  the  colored  bands  are 
oblique,  grasp  the  prism  tube  and  slowly  rotate  it  to  the  right  or  to 
the  left  until  the  various  colored  bands  extend  directly  across  the 

§  285.  Focusing  the  slit.  —  In  order  that  the  lines  or  bands  in 
the  spectrum  shall  be  sharply  defined,  the  eyelens  of  the  ocular 
should  be  accurately  focused  on  the  slit,  The  eyelens  is  movable, 
and  when  the  prism  is  swung  aside  it  is  easy  to  focus  the  slit  as 
one  focused  for  the  ocular  micrometer  (§  375).  If  one  now  uses 
daylight  there  will  be  seen  in  the  spectrum  the  dark  Fraunhofer 
lines  (figs.  121,  123). 


To  show  the  necessity  of  focusing  the  slit,  move  the  eyelens  down 
or  up  as  far  as  possible,  and  the  Fraunhofer  lines  cannot  be  seen. 
While  looking  into  the  spectroscope  move  the  ocular  lens  up  or  down, 
and  when  it  is  focused,  the  Fraunhofer  lines  will  reappear.  As  the 
different  colors  of  the  spectrum  have  different  wave  lengths,  it  is 
necessary  to  focus  the  slit  for  each  color  if  the  sharpest  possible 
pictures  are  desired. 

It  will  be  found  that  the  eyelens  of  the  ocular  must  be  farther  from 
the  slit  for  the  sharpest  focus  of  the  lines  at  the  red  end,  than  for 
the  sharpest  focus  of  those  at  the  blue  end.  This  is  because  the 
wave  length  of  the  red  is  markedly  greater  than  for  blue  light 
(figs.  93,  124). 

Longitudinal  dark  lines  on  the  spectrum  may  be  due  to  irregular- 
ity of  the  slit  or  to  the  presence  of  dust.  They  are  most  trouble- 
some with  a  very  narrow  slit. 

§  286.  Comparison  or  double  spectrum.  —  In  order  to  compare 
the  spectra  of  two  different  substances  one  must  examine  their 
spectra  side  by  side.  This  is  provided  for  in  the  better  forms  of 
micro-spectroscopes  by  a  prism  just  below  the  slit,  so  placed  that  the 
light  entering  it  from  the  mirror  at  the  side  of  the  drum  shall  be 
totally  reflected  in  a  vertical  direction,  and  thus  parallel  with  the 
rays  from  the  microscope.  The  two  spectra  will  be  side  by  side,  with 
a  narrow  dark  line  separating  them.  If  now  the  slit  is  well  focused 
and  daylight  is  sent  through  the  microscope  and  into  the  side  to  the 
reflecting  or  comparison  prism,  the  colored  bands  and  the  Fraun- 
hofer dark  lines  will  appear  directly  continuous  across  the  two 
spectra.  The  prism  for  the  comparison  spectrum  is  movable  and 
may  be  thrown  entirely  out  of  the  field  if  desired.  When  it  is  to 
be  used,  it  is  moved  about  halfway  across  the  field  so  that  the  two 
spectra  shall  have  about  the  same  width. 

§  287.  Scale  of  wave  lengths.  —  In  the  Abbe  micro-spectroscope 
the  scale  is  in  a  separate  tube  near  the  top  of  the  prism  and  at  right 
angles  to  the  prism-tube.  A  special  mirror  serves  to  light  the  scale, 
which  is  projected  upon  the  spectrum  by  a  lens  in  the  scale-tube. 
By  means  of  this  scale,  the  wave  lengths  of  any  part  of  the  spectrum 
may  be  read  off  directly,  after  the  scale  is  once  set  in  the  proper 


position,  that  is,  when  it  is  set  so  that  any  given  wave  length  on  the 
scale  is  opposite  the  part  of  the  spectrum  known  by  previous 
investigation  to  have  that  particular  wave  length.  The  point  most 
often  selected  for  setting  the  scale  is  opposite  the  sodium  line,  where 
the  wave  length  is,  according  to  Angstrom,  0.5892/4.  In  adjusting 
the  scale,  one  may  focus  very  sharply  the  dark  sodium  line  of  the 
solar  spectrum  and  set  the  scale  so  that  the  number  0.589  is  opposite 
the  sodium  or  D  line ;  or  a  method  that  is  frequently  used  and  serves 
to  illustrate  §§  276-277,  is  to  saturate  some  asbestos  cloth  in  a 
strong  solution  of  common  salt  (sodium  chlorid,  NaCl)  or  bicar- 
bonate of  soda  (NaHCO3).  Heat  in  a  Bunsen  or  alcohol  flame  and 
the  incandescent  sodium  will  give  the  bright  D  lines. 

If  now  ordinary  daylight  is  sent  through  the  comparison  prism,  the 
bright  lines  of  the  sodium  will  be  seen  to  be  directly  continuous 
with  the  dark  lines  at  D  in  the  solar  spectrum  (fig.  123).  By  re- 
flecting light  into  the  scale-tube  the  image  of  the  scale  will  appear 
on  the  spectrum,  and  by  a  screw  just  under  the  scale-tube,  but 
within  the  prism-tube,  the  proper  point  on  the  scale  (0.589^)  can  be 
brought  opposite  the  sodium  band.  All  the  scale  will  then  give  the 
wave  lengths  directly.  Sometimes  the  scale  is  oblique  to  the  spec- 
trum. This  may  be  remedied  by  turning  the  prism-tube  slightly  one 
way  or  the  other.  It  may  be  due  to  the  wrong  position  of  the  scale 
itself.  If  so,  grasp  the  milled  ring  at  the  distal  end  of  the  scale- tube 
and,  while  looking  into  the  spectroscope,  rotate  the  tube  until  the 
lines  of  the  scale  are  parallel  with  the  Fraunhofer  lines.  It  is 
necessary  in  adjusting  the  scale  to  be  sure  that  the  larger  number, 
0.70,  is  at  the  red  end  of  the  spectrum. 

The  numbers  on  the  scale  should  be  clearly  denned.  If  they  do 
not  so  appear,  the  scale-tube  must  be  focused  by  grasping  the  outer 
tube  of  the  scale-tube  and  moving  it  toward  or  from  the  prism-tube 
until  the  scale  is  distinct.  In  focusing  the  scale,  grasp  the  outer 
scale-tube  with  one  hand  and  the  prism-tube  with  the  other,  and 
push  or  pull  in  opposite  directions.  In  this  way  one  will  be  less 
likely  to  injure  the  spectroscope. 

§  288.  Designation  of  wave  length.  —  Wave  lengths  of  light  are 
designated  by  the  Greek  letter  X  followed  by  the  number  indicating 


the  length  in  some  fraction  of  a  meter.  See  fig.  93  where  the  visible 
spectrum  is  indicated  as  lying  between  wave  lengths  Xo.y/z  and 
0.4/4.  In  this  book  the  micron  (JJL)  is  taken  as  the  unit  as  with  other 
minute  measurements.  Other  units  are  also  employed,  especially 
smaller  ones  so  that  the  wave  lengths  will  appear  as  whole  numbers 
instead  of  decimal  fractions.  (See  §§  380-382). 

§  289.  Lighting  for  the  micro-spectroscope.  —  Opaque  objects  are 
illuminated  by  placing  the  microscope  in  a  strong  light,  or  by  re- 
flecting light  upon  them  by  a  mirror,  or  by  the  use  of  a  bull's-eye  or 
other  condenser.  The  light  from  one  of  the  dark-field  lamps  is 
excellent.  For  transparent  objects,  the  amount  of  the  substance  and 
the  depth  of  the  color  must  be  considered.  As  a  general  rule,  it  is 
well  to  use  plenty  of  light,  as  that  from  a  substage  condenser  with  a 
large  opening  in  the  diaphragm  or  with  the  diaphragm  entirely  open. 
For  very  small  objects  and  thin  layers  of  liquids,  it  may  be  better 
to  use  less  light.  One  must  try  both  methods  in  a  given  case,  and 
learn  by  experience. 

The  direct  and  the  comparison  spectra  should  be  about  equally 
illuminated.  One  can  manage  this  by  putting  the  object  requiring 
the  greater  amount  of  illumination  on  the  stage  of  the  microscope. 

Furthermore,  one  should  be  on  his  guard  against  confusing  the 
ordinary  absorption  bands  with  the  Fraunhofer  lines  when  daylight 
is  used.  With  lamplight  the  Fraunhofer  lines  are  absent. 

§  290.  Objective  to  use  with  the  micro-spectroscope.  —  If  the 
material  is  of  considerable  bulk,  a  low  objective  (16  mm.  lox)  is  to  be 
preferred.  This  depends  on  the  nature  of  the  object  under  exami- 
nation, however.  In  case  of  individual  crystals  one  should  use  suffi- 
cient magnification  to  make  the  real  image  of  the  crystal  entirely  fill 
the  width  of  the  slit.  The  length  of  the  slit  may  then  be  regulated 
by  the  screw  on  the  side  of  the  drum,  and  also  by  the  comparison 
prism.  If  the  object  does  not  fill  the  whole  slit,  the  white  light 
entering  the  spectroscope  with  the  light  from  the  object  might  ob- 
scure the  absorption  bands. 

In  using  high  objectives  with  the  micro-spectroscope  one  must 
very  carefully  regulate  the  light  and  sometimes  shade  the  object. 

§291.  Focusing  the  objective. — For  focusing  the  objective  the 


prism-tube  is  swung  aside,  and  then  the  slit  made  wide  by  turning 
the  adjustable  screw  at  the  side.  If  the  slit  is  open  one  can  see 
objects  when  the  microscope  is  focused  as  with  an  ordinary  ocular. 
After  an  object  is  focused,  it  may  be  put  exactly  in  position  to  fill 
the  slit  of  the  spectroscope,  then  the  knife  edges  are  brought  together 
till  the  slit  is  of  the  right  width;  if  the  slit  is  then  too  long  it  may 
be  shortened  by  using  one  of  the  mechanism  screws  on  the  side,  or 
if  that  is  not  sufficient,  by  bringing  the  comparison  prism  farther 
over  the  field.  If  one  now  replaces  the  Amici  prism  and  looks  into 
the  microscope,  the  spectrum  is  likely  to  have  longitudinal  shimmer- 
ing lines.  To  get  rid  of  these,  focus  up  or  down  a  little  so  that  the 
microscope  will  be  slightly  out  of  focus. 

§  292.  Amount  of  material  necessary  for  absorption  spectra  and 
its  proper  manipulation.  —  The  amount  of  material  necessary  to 
give  an  absorption  spectrum  varies  greatly  with  different  substances, 
and  can  be  determined  only  by  trial.  If  a  transparent  solid  is  under 
investigation,  it  is  well  to  have  it  in  the  form  of  a  wedge,  then  suc- 
cessive thicknesses  can  be  brought  under  the  microscope.  If  a  liquid 
substance  is  being  examined  a  watch  glass  with  sloping  sides  forms 
an  excellent  vessel  to  contain  it,  then  successive  thicknesses  of  the 
liquid  can  be  brought  into  the  field,  as  with  the  wedge-shaped  solid. 
Frequently  only  a  very  weak  solution  is  obtainable;  in  this  case  it 
can  be  placed  in  a  homeopathic  vial,  or  in  some  glass  tubing  sealed 
at  the  end,  then  one  can  look  lengthwise  through  the  liquid  and  get 
the  effect  of  a  more  concentrated  solution.  For  minute  bodies  like 
crystals  or  blood  corpuscles,  one  may  proceed  as  described  in  the 
previous  section.  (See  also  §  302.) 


§  293.  Put  the  micro-spectroscope  in  position,  arrange  the  slit 
and  the  Amici  prism  so  that  the  spectrum  will  show  the  various 
spectral  colors  going  directly  across  it  (§  284),  and  focus  the  slit. 
This  may  be  done  either  by  swinging  the  prism-tube  aside  and  pro- 
ceeding as  for  the  ocular  micrometer  (§375),  or  by  moving  the 
eyelens  of  the  ocular  up  and  down  while  looking  into  the  micro-spe^ 


troscope  until  the  dark  lines  of  the  solar  spectrum  are  distinct.  If 
they  cannot  be  made  distinct  by  focusing  the  slit,  then  the  light  is 
too  feeble  or  the  slit  is  too  wide.  With  the  lever  move  the  com- 
parison prism  across  half  the  field  so  that  the  two  spectra  shall  be  of 
equal  width.  For  lighting,  see  §  289. 

§  293a.  Pocket  spectroscope.  —  Many  of  the  purposes  for  which  a  micro-spec- 
troscope was  specially  designed,  can  almost  as  well  be  accomplished  by  a  much 
cheaper,  pocket,  direct-vision  spectroscope  (Bleile,  Trans.  Amcr.  Micr.  Soc.  1900, 
p.  8).  To  use  this  with  a  microscope,  it  is  clamped  in  some  kind  of  an  adjustable 
holder  like  the  lens  holder,  (figs.  17,  127),  the  ocular  of  the  microscope  is  removed, 
and  the  pocket  spectroscope  is  put  over  the  top  of  the  tube  and  in  line  with  the 
optic  axis  of  the  microscope.  As  the  slit  mechanism  and  the  parallelizing  lens 
form  a  part  of  the  spectroscope,  one  has  simply  to  open  the  slit  the  right  amount 
and  focus  it  by  pulling  out  the  tube  of  the  spectroscope.  All  the  other  opera- 
tions are  the  same  as  for  the  larger  micro-spectroscope.  The  object  to  be  ex- 
amined is  put  in  the  center  of  the  field  of  the  microscope.  For  this,  of  course  the 
ocular  should  be  in  place.  After  the  ocular  is  removed,  one  can  adjust  the  pocket 
spectroscope  so  that  the  object  sends  the  light  transmitted  through  it  to  the  spec- 
troscope. If  one  has  a  research  lamp  like  figure  80,  the  iris  of  the  lamp  can  be 
made  smaller  and  larger  by  closing  or  opening  it.  Also  the  image  of  this  opening 
focused  on  the  object  by  the  condenser  can  be  made  larger  or  smaller  by  chang- 
ing the  distance  between  the  lamp  and  the  microscope. 

The  real  image  of  the  object  should  be  at  the  level  of  the  slit  of  the  spectro- 
scope. This  is  easily  determined  by  using  a  piece  of  ground  glass  over  the  upper 
end  of  the  tube,  and  focusing  until  the  real  image  is  sharp  on  the  ground  glass. 

This  opening  or  closing  of  the  iris  of  the  lamp  and  varying  the  distance  between 
the  lamp  and  the  microscope  condenser  enables  one  to  enclose  the  object  and 
exclude  outside  objects  almost  as  effectively  as  the  arrangements  in  the  micro- 
spectroscope  for  shortening  and  narrowing  the  slit  (§  291.) 

§  294.  Absorption  spectrum  of  permanganate  of  potash.  —  Make 
a  solution  of  permanganate  of  potash  by  putting  a  few  crystals  in  a 
watch  glass  of  water.  The  solution  should  be  of  such  strength  that 
a  stratum  of  3  to  4  mm.  thickness  will  be  transparent.  Place  the 
watch  glass  under  the  microscope.  Use  a  16  mm.  (lox)  or  lower 
objective  and  open  widely  the  condenser  diaphragm;  light  strongly. 
Look  into  the  spectroscope  and  slowly  move  the  watch  glass  into  the 
field.  Note  carefully  the  appearance  with  the  thin  stratum  of  liquid 
at  the  edge  and  then  as  it  gradually  thickens  on  moving  the  watch 
glass  still  farther  along.  Count  the  absorption  bands  and  note 
particularly  the  red  and  blue  ends.  Compare  with  the  comparison 
spectrum  (fig.  123).  For  strength  of  solution  see  §  292. 

§  295.  Absorption  spectrum  of  blood.  —  Obtain  blood  from  a 
recently  killed  animal,  or  flame  a  needle,  and  after  it  is  cool,  prick 


the  finger  two  or  three  times  in  a  small  area;  then  wind  a  handker- 
chief or  a  rubber  tube  around  the  base  of  the  finger  and  squeeze  the 
finger  with  the  other  hand.  Some  blood  will  ooze  out  of  the  pricks. 
Rinse  this  off  into  a  watch  glass  partly  filled  with  water.  Continue 
to  add  the  blood  until  the  water  is  quite  red.  Place  the  watch  glass 
of  diluted  blood  under  the  microscope  in  place  of  the  permanganate, 
using  the  same  objective,  etc.  Note  carefully  the  spectrum.  It 
would  be  advantageous  to  determine  the  wave  length  opposite  the 
center  of  the  dark  bands.  This  may  easily  be  done  by  setting  the 
scale  properly,  as  described  in  §  287.  Make  another  preparation, 
but  use  a  homeopathic  vial  instead  of  a  watch  glass.  Cork  the  vial 
and  lay  it  down  upon  the  stage  of  the  microscope.  Observe  the 
spectrum.  It  will  be  like  that  in  the  watch  glass.  Remove  the  cork 
and  look  through  the  whole  length  of  the  vial.  The  bands  will  be 
much  darker,  and  if  the  solution  is  thick  enough,  only  red  and  a 
little  orange  will  appear.  Reinsert  the  cork  and  incline  the  vial  so 
that  the  light  traverses  a  very  thin  layer,  then  gradually  elevate  the 
vial  and  the  effect  of  a  thicker  and  thicker  layer  may  be  seen.  Note 
especially  that  the  two  characteristic  bands  unite  and  form  one  wide 
band  as  the  stratum  of  liquid  thickens.  Compare  with  the  follow- 

Add  to  the  vial  of  diluted  blood  a  drop  or  two  of  ammonium  sul- 
phide, such  as  is  used  for  a  reducing  agent  in  chemical  laboratories. 
Shake  the  bottle  gently  and  then  allow  it  to  stand  for  ten  or  fifteen 
minutes.  Examine  it  and  the  two  bands  will  have  been  replaced  by 
a  single,  less  clearly  defined  band  in  about  the  same  position.  The 
blood  will  also  appear  somewhat  purple.  Remove  the  cork  to 
admit  fresh  air,  then  shake  the  vial  vigorously,  and  the  color  will 
change  to  the  bright  red  of  fresh  blood.  Examine  it  again  with 
the  spectroscope  and  the  two  bands  will  be  visible.  After  five  or 
ten  minutes  another  examination  will  show  but  a  single  band.  In- 
cline the  bottle  so  that  a  thin  stratum  may  be  examined.  Note  that 
the  stratum  of  liquid  must  be  considerably  thicker  to  show  the  single 
absorption  band  than  was  necessary  to  show  the  two  bands  in  the 
first  experiment.  Furthermore,  while  the  single  band  may  be  made 
quite  black  on  thickening  the  stratum,  it  will  not  separate  into  two 


[CH.  V 

bands  with  a  thinner  stratum.  In  this  experiment  it  is  very  instruc- 
tive to  have  the  watch  glass  of  arterial  blood  under  the  microscope 
and  the  vial  of  blood  to  which  has  been  added  the  ammonium  sul- 
phide in  position  for  a  comparison  spectrum. 

The  two-banded  spectrum  is  that  of  oxy-hemoglobin,  or  arterial 
blood;  the  single-banded  spectrum  of  hemoglobin  (sometimes  called 
reduced  hemoglobin)  or  venous  blood.  The  respiratory  oxygen 
is  present,  in  the  two-banded  spectrum  but  absent  from  the  single- 
banded  spectrum.  When  the  bottle  was  shaken  the  hemoglobin 
took  up  oxygen  from  the  air  and  became  oxy-hemoglobin,  as  occurs 
in  the  lungs,  but  soon  the  ammonium  sulphide  took  away  the  respir- 
atory oxygen,  thus  reducing  the  oxy-hemoglobin  to  hemoglobin. 
This  may  be  repeated  many  times  (fig.  124). 

(From  Gamgee  and  McMunn). 

1  Absorption  of   arterial   blood,   oxy-hemoglobin.     There   are   two  definite 
bands  between  wave  lengths  0.60^  and  0.50;*,  that  is,  in  the  yellow-green,  and 
the  blue  end  of  the  spectrum  is  cut  down  markedly. 

2  Single  dark  band  of  the  venous  blood,  hemoglobin,  in  the  yellow-green.  The 
blue  end  of  the  spectrum  is  less  cut  off  than  with  arterial  blood. 

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  11  Fixed  lines  of  the  solar  spectrum  .90,  .80,  .70,  .60,  .50,  .40; 
wave  lengths  in  microns  in  the  different  regions.  These  spectra  have  the  red 
end  at  the  left  instead  of  to  the  right,  as  is  now  more  usual  (figs.  120-122). 

§  296.  Met-hemoglobin.  —  The  absorption  spectrum  of  met- 
hemoglobin  is  characterized  by  a  considerable  darkening  of  the  blue 
end  of  the  spectrum  and  of  four  absorption  bands,  one  in  the  red 
near  the  line  C  and  two  between  D  and  E,  nearly  in  the  place  of  the 
two  bands  of  oxy-hemoglobin;  finally  there  is  a  somewhat  faint, 
wide  band  near  F.  Such  a  met-hemoglobin  spectrum  is  best  ob- 
tained by  making  the  solution  of  blood  in  water  of  such  a  concentra- 
tion that  the  two  oxy-hemoglobin  bands  run  together,  and  then 


adding  three  or  four  drops  of  a  o.i  %  aqueous  solution  of  perman- 
ganate of  potash.  Soon  the  bright  red  will  change  to  a  brownish 
color,  when  it  may  be  examined  (fig.  123).  Instead  of  the  perman- 
ganate one  may  use  hydrogen  dioxide  (H^C^). 

§  297.  Carbon  monoxide  hemoglobin  (CO-hemoglobin).  —  To 
obtain  this,  kill  an  animal  in  illuminating  gas,  or  one  may  allow 
illuminating  gas  to  bubble  through  some  blood  already  taken  from 
the  body.  The  gas  should  bubble  through  a  minute  or  two.  The 
oxygen  will  be  displaced  by  carbon  monoxide.  This  forms  quite  a 
stable  compound  with  hemoglobin,  and  is  of  a  bright  cherry-red 
color.  Its  spectrum  is  nearly  like  that  of  oxy-hemoglobin,  but  the 
bands  are  farther  toward  the  blue.  Add  several  drops  of  ammonium 
sulphide  and  allow  the  blood  to  stand  some  time.  No  reduction  will 
take  place,  thus  forming  a  marked  contrast  to  solutions  of  oxy-hemo- 
globin. By  the  addition  of  a  few  drops  of  glacial  acetic  acid  a  dark 
brownish-red  color  is  produced. 

§  298.  Carmine  solution.  —  Make  a  solution  of  carmine  by  put- 
ting o.i  gram  of  carmine  in  100  cc.  of  water  and  adding  10  drops  of 
strong  ammonia.  Put  some  of  this  in  a  watch  glass  or  in  a  small 
vial  and  compare  the  spectrum  with  that  of  oxy-hemoglobin  or 
carbon-monoxide  hemoglobin.  It  has  two  bands  in  nearly  the  same 
position,  thus  giving  the  spectrum  a  striking  similarity  to  blood. 
If  now  several  drops,  15  or  20,  of  glacial  acetic  acid  are  added  to  the 
carmine,  the  bands  remain  and  the  color  is  not  markedly  changed, 
while  with  either  oxy-hemoglobin  or  CO-hemoglobin  the  color  is 
decidedly  changed  from  the  bright  red  to  a  dull  reddish-brown,  and 
the  spectrum,  if  any  can  be  seen,  is  markedly  different.  Carmine 
and  0-hemoglobin  can  be  distinguished  by  the  use  of  ammonium 
sulphide,  the  carmine  remaining  practically  unchanged  while  the 
blood  shows  the  single  band  of  hemoglobin  (§  295).  The  acetic  acid 
serves  to  differentiate  the  CO-hemoglobin  as  well  as  the  O-hemo- 

§  299.  Colored  bodies  not  giving  banded  spectra.  —  Some  quite 
brilliantly  colored  objects,  like  the  skin  of  a  red  apple,  do  not  give  a 
banded  spectrum.  Take  the  skin  of  a  red  apple,  mount  it  on  a  slide, 
put  on  a  cover-glass,  and  add  a  drop  of  water  at  the  edge  of  the 


cover.  Put  the  preparation  under  the  microscope  and  observe  the 
spectrum.  Although  no  bands  will  appear,  in  some  cases  at  least, 
yet  the  ends  of  the  spectrum  will  be  restricted  and  various  regions 
of  the  spectrum  will  not  be  so  bright  as  the  comparison  spectrum. 
Here  the  red  color  arises  from  the  mixture  of  the  unabsorbed  waves, 
as  occurs  with  other  colored  objects.  In  this  case,  however,  not  all 
the  light  of  a  given  wave  length  is  absorbed;  consequently  there  are 
no  clearly  denned  dark  bands;  the  light  is  simply  less  brilliant  in 
certain  regions  and  the  red  rays  so  predominate  that  they  give  the 
prevailing  color. 

§  300.  Nearly  colorless  bodies  with  clearly  marked  absorption 
spectra.  —  In  contradistinction  to  the  brightly  colored  objects  with 
no  distinct  absorption  bands  are  those  nearly  colorless  bodies  and 
solutions  which  give  as  sharply  denned  absorption  bands  as  could  be 
desired.  The  best  examples  of  this  are  afforded  by  solutions  of  the 
rare  earths,  didymium,  etc.  These  in  solutions  that  give  hardly  a 
trace  of  color  to  the  eye  give  absorption  bands  that  almost  rival  the 
Fraunhofer  lines  in  sharpness. 

§  301.  Absorption  spectra  of  minerals.  —  As  example,  take  some 
monazite  sand  on  a  slide  and  either  mount  it  in  balsam,  or  cover  and 
add  a  drop  of  water.  The  examination  may  be  made  also  with  the 
dry  sand,  but  it  is  less  satisfactory.  Light  well  with  transmitted 
light  and  move  the  preparation  slowly  about.  Absorption  bands  will 
appear  occasionally.  Swing  the  prism  tube  off  the  ocular,  open  the 
slit,  and  focus  the  sand.  Get  the  image  of  one  or  more  grains  di- 
rectly in  the  slit,  then  narrow  and  shorten  the  slit  so  that  no  light 
can  reach  the  spectroscope  that  has  not  traversed  the  grain  of  sand. 
The  spectrum  will  be  satisfactory  under  such  conditions.  It  is  fre- 
quently of  great  service  in  determining  the  character  of  unknown 
mineral  sands  to  compare  the  spectra  with  known  minerals.  If  the 
absorption  bands  are  identical,  it  is  strong  evidence  in  favor  of  the 
identity  of  the  minerals. 

§  302.  While  the  study  of  absorption  spectra  gives  one  a  great 
deal  of  accurate  information,  great  caution  must  be  exercised  in 
drawing  conclusions  as  to  the  identity  or  even  the  close  relationship 
of  bodies  giving  approximately  the  same  absorption  spectra.  The 


rule  followed  by  the  best  workers  is  to  have  a  known  body  as  control 
and  to  treat  the  unknown  body  and  known  body  with  the  same 
reagents,  and  to  dissolve  them  in  the  same  medium.  If  all  the 
reactions  are  identical,  then  the  presumption^  is  strong  that  the 
bodies  are  identical  or  very  closely  related.  For  example,  while  one 
might  be  in  doubt  between  a  solution  of  oxy-  or  CO-hemoglobin  and 
carmine,  the  addition  of  ammonium  sulphide  serves  to  change  the 
double  to  a  single  band  in  the  0-hemoglobin,  and  glacial  acetic 
acid  enables  one  to  distinguish  between  the  CO-blood  and  the  car- 
mine, although  the  dmmonium  sulphide  would  not  enable  one  to 
make  the  distinction.  Furthermore,  it  is  unsafe  to  compare  objects 
dissolved  in  different  media.  Different  objects  as  "  cyanine  and 
aniline  blue  dissolved  in  alcohol  give  a  very  similar  spectrum,  but  in 
water  a  totally  different  one."  "  Totally  different  bodies  show  ab- 
sorption bands  in  exactly  the  same  position  (solid  nitrate  of  uranium 
and  permanganate  of  potash  in  the  blue)  "  (MacMunn).  The  rule 
given  by  MacMunn  is  a  good  one:  "  The  recognition  of  a  body 
becomes  more  certain  if  its  spectrum  consists  of  several  absorption 
bands,  but  even  the  coincidence  of  these  bands  with  those  of  another 
body  is  not  sufficient  to  enable  us  to  infer  chemical  identity,  what 
enables  us  to  do  so  with  certainty  is  the  fact,  that  the  two  solutions 
give  bands  of  equal  intensities  in  the  same  parts  of  the  spectrum 
which  undergo  analogous  changes  on  the  addition  of  the  same  re- 
agent. It  should  be  borne  in  mind  that  the  position  of  a  band  may 
be  changed  greatly  through  increased  or  diminished  dissociation, 
and  that  the  absorption  bands  given  by  a  crystal  may  be  quite 
different  from  those  given  by  the  same  material  in  solution  and 
furthermore  that  the  absorption  spectra  are  sometimes  different  in 
different  directions  through  the  crystal  "  (Chamot,  p.  112).  This 
is  easily  demonstrated  if  one  has  a  centering,  revolving  stage  on  the 
microscope  (fig.  92). 

For  the  use  of  the  spectroscope  with  the  ultra-violet  microscope  for 
determining  the  character  of  fluorescent  light,  see  §  314. 


§§303-324;    FIGURES  125-130 


The  necessity  of  sunlight  for  green  plants  and  its  beneficial  effect 
upon  animal  life  have  been  the  common  knowledge  of  mankind  for 
unnumbered  generations. 

The  knowledge  is  relatively  recent,  however,  that  the  radiation 
from  the  sun  and  from  artificial  sources  is  composed  of  waves  of 
varying  length,  and  that  only  a  narrow  band  of  that  radiation  is 
visible  (fig.  93).  The  knowledge  is  still  more  recent  that  the  short 
waves  beyond  the  visible  spectrum  (ultra-violet,  x-rays,  etc.),  have  a 
profound  effect  upon  living  things,  and  that  the  appearances  given 
to  various  structures  by  these  invisible  waves  promise  to  give  much 
definite  information  concerning  their  physical  make-up. 

So  difficult  is  the  complete  understanding  of  the  function  and 
structure  of  organic  nature  that  it  seems  worth  while  to  make  use  of 
every  means  available  to  aid  in  making  the  structure  and  the 
function  more  completely  understood.  From  what  is  already  known, 
it  is  certain  that  the  ultra-violet  radiation  has  not  only  a  profound 
physiological  effect  upon  animals  and  plants,  but  also  gives  definite 
appearances  to  various  structures  and  thus  throws  light  upon  their 
chemical  and  physical  constitution. 

The  effect  that  ultra-violet  radiation  has  upon  living  things,  is 
primarily  upon  the  individual  structural  units  or  cells  of  which  they 
are  composed.  If  then  the  structural  units  can  be  studied  before, 
during  and  after  the  ultra-violet  treatment  by  means  of  a  suitable 
microscope  (an  ultra-violet  microscope)  in  which  all  powers  can  'be 
used,  it  is  hoped  that  enough  of  the  changes  can  be  discovered  to 
enable  the  biologist  to  gain  some  understanding  of  the  changes  that 
occur  in  the  animal  or  plant  as  a  whole. 



It  is  already  certain  knowledge  that  the  ultra-violet  microscope  is 
of  use  in  what  may  be  called  the  physical  analysis  of  living  things, 
and  of  their  individual  tissues  and  organs,  for,  some  of  them  at 
least,  when  excited  by  the  short,  invisible,  ultra-violet  radiation, 
emit  visible  radiation.  In  that  case  the  tissues  or  organs  glow  with  a 
soft  radiance  of  their  own,  and  become  visible  by  their  own  lumi- 
nescence. When  they  do  thus  become  luminous,  they  are  said  to 

Some  structures  do  not  fluoresce  when  radiated  by  ultra-violet. 
Such  structures,  then,  remain  dark  in  ultra-violet.  (See  §§  317-318.) 
Although  a  structure  or  organism  does  not  fluoresce,  it  may  be 
profoundly  affected  by  the  ultra-violet  radiation.  For  example,  it 
has  been  known  for  decades  that  bacteria  and  other  microscopic 
forms  are  killed  by  ultra-violet  in  excess.  Physicians  also  have 
learned  that  in  applying  ultra-violet  to  animals  and  to  men,  the 
amount  must  be  limited  or  serious  results  occur.  Every  one  knows 
about  sun-burn,  and  how  painful  it  may  be.  Mountain  climbers 
found  long  ago  that  sun-burn  was  almost  sure  to  occur  on  the  snow- 
and  ice-covered  peaks  if  one  did  not  take  the  precaution  to  smear 
the  face  with  some  substance  opaque  to  ultra-violet  and  to  protect 
the  eyes  by  colored  glasses.  We  think  now  that  it  is  not  so  much  the 
visible  light  that  does  the  damage,  but  the  invisible,  ultra-violet. 

§  303.  Ultra-violet  or  fluorescence  microscope.  —  This  is  a  mi- 
croscope under  which  small  objects  can  be  submitted  to  ultra-violet 
radiation  and  the  results  observed. 

For  such  observations  there  must  be,  first,  some  source  in  which 
the  ultra-violet  is  abundant.  Best  for  the  microscope  is  the  lately 
perfected  high-pressure  capillary  mercury  arc  (loo-watt  H4  lamp) 
of  the  General  Electric  Vapor  Lamp  Co.  (fig.  129  A). 

The  carbon  arc  using  specially  filled  cored  carbons  is  also  good. 

These  sources  also  produce  a  great  amount  of  visible  radiation, 
which  must  be  excluded  by  the  use  of  suitable  screens  so  that  only 
the  ultra-violet  radiation  is  present  in  the  radiation  utilized.  It  is 
also  highly  important  to  know  just  what  wave  lengths  pass  through 
the  screen  so  that  any  observed  effect  on  the  object  can  be  ascribed 
to  the  wave  length,  or  wave  lengths  producing  the  effects.  For 



[CH.  VI 

example,  if  the  object  is  fluorescent,  it  is  desirable  to  know  what 
wave-lengths  excite  the  fluorescence. 


1  Incline  ocular.    The  usual  straight  ocular  is  satisfactory. 

2  Housing  of  the  prism  to  give  the  inclination. 

3  Wheel  of  the  coarse  adjustment. 

4  Wheel  of  the  fine  adjustment. 

5  Nosepiece  with  three  objectives. 

6  Spring  clips  for  holding  the  specimen  in  place. 
7-7     Mechanical  stage  movement  screw  heads. 

8  Joint  in  the  pillar  for  inclination  of  the  microscope. 

9  Jointed  pillar. 

10  Centering  screw  head  for  the  condenser. 

1 1  Aluminum  vapor  mirror  for  reflecting  ultra-violet  radiation. 

1 2  Tightening  screw  head  for  the  mirror  mounting. 

§  30i.    Aluminum  vapor  mirror.  —  Some  kind  of  a  reflector  is  necessary  to 
change  the  direction  of  the  illuminating  beam  in  microscopic  work.     The 

CH.  VI] 



ordinary  mirror  with  silvered  back  does  not  answer  for  ultra-violet  reflection 
for  so  great  a  number  of  the  short  ultra-violet  wave  lengths  are  absorbed  by 
the  silver  and  the  glass.  Formerly  a  quartz  prism  was  used  as  reflector,  This 
is  heavy,  expensive  and  rather  difficult  to  manipulate.  Since  the  publication 
of  the  1 5th  edition  there  has  been  developed  a  practical  means  of  making 
vapor  deposits  of  metals.  A  first  surface  mirror  on  ordinary  glass  of  aluminum 
has  given  the  author  as  good  results  as  ever  could  be  obtained  by  the  quartz 


1  Beam  of  fluorescent  light  entering  the  front  lens  of  the  microscope  objective. 

2  Front  lens  of  the  objective. 

3  Beam  of  ultra-violet  radiation  at  so  great  an  angle  that  it  cannot  enter  the 

4  Corex  glass  slip  in  immersion  contact  with  the  top  of  the  dark-field  con- 

5  The  hollow  cone  of  ultra-violet  radiation.    The  central  part  of  the  cone  is 
stopped  by  the  opaque  diaphragm  at  the  base  or  lower  end  of  the  quartz  dark- 
field  element  of  the  condenser. 

6  Lower  quartz  element  of  the  dark-field  condenser. 

7  The  aluminum-vapor  mirror  on  the  front  of  glass  or  the  back  of  quartz. 

8  Beam  of  ultra-violet  radiation. 



[CH.  VI 

prism  reflector,  and  is  easier  to  manipulate.  To  toughen  the  soft  aluminum 
film  there  is  first  deposited  a  chromium  film  and  on  this  the  aluminum.  In 
spite  of  the  toughening  by  the  chromium,  the  surface  becomes  more  or  less 
scratched  and  dimmed  by  long  usage  and  much  cleaning.  To  have  the  ad- 
vantages of  a  back  or  second  surface  mirror  on  a  hard  transparent  substance,  by 
the  efficient  aid  of  Dr.  H.  P.  Gage  of  the  Corning  Glass  Works  and  the  "The 
Evaporated  Films  Company  of  Ithaca,  N.  Y."  the  author  has  secured  alumi- 
num vapor  reflectors  with  the  aluminum  film  on  the  back  of  polished  quartz 
discs.  These  are  especially  brilliant  reflectors  of  the  ultra-violet  and  the 
protection  of  the  aluminum  film  by  the  quartz  covering  will,  it  is  believed, 
preserve  the  aluminum  reflecting  surface  with  its  original  brilliance  indefi- 
nitely. From  determinations  by  George  B.  Sabine  of  the  physics  department  of 
Cornell  University,  the  percentage  of  reflection  averaged  for  the  second-surface, 
quartz  mirror,  waves  238  to  377  m/j,  89%.  Such  mirrors  are  mounted  in  the  us- 
ual way  for  the  fork  of  the  mirror  holder,  or  the  unmounted  mirror  can  be 
stuck  to  the  glass  mirror  with  beeswax. 

It  may  be  stated  in  passing,  that  such  aluminum  mirrors  are  excellent  for 
all  microscopic  work  including  photography  with  the  microscope. 

§  305.  As  the  ultra-violet  is  invisible,  it  is  necessary  to  use  some 
means  for  knowing  when  the  radiation  is  directed  from  the  source  to 
the  reflector,  whence  by  proper  manipulation  of  the  reflector  it  is  sent 
up  through  the  condenser  to  the  object  on  the  stage  of  the  microscope. 
A  card  smeared  with  a  strong  emulsion  of  anthracene  in  cane  sugar 
and  dried,  makes  a  good  detector  of  ultra-violet  from  its  strong 
fluorescence.  See  also  §  315  to  make  sure  the  object  is  well  illumi- 


FIG.  127. 


§  306.  Ultra-Violet  condenser.  —  The  substage  condenser  and  the 
bull's-eye  condenser  (fig.  128)  must  be  made  of  quartz  to  insure  the 
transmission  of  the  ultra-violet  radiation. 

CH.  VI] 



§  307.  Quartz  dark-field  element.  —  The  upper  element  of  the 
condenser  should  be  for  dark-field  (§  181)  illumination.  The  object 
will  then  be  radiated  with  the  ultra-violet  at  so  great  an  angle  that 
none  of  it  will  get  directly  into  the  microscope  objective  (§§  171,  178). 
If,  however,  the  object  is  fluorescent,  the  luminous  object  will  send 
visible  light  to  the  objective  and  thence  on  to  the  eye  of  the  ob- 
server. The  relatively  small  amount  of  ultra-violet  which  is  de- 
flected by  the  object  into  the  objective  will  not  cause  sufficient 


1  Outline  of  the  lamp-house 

2  The  quartz  condenser  on  adjustable  stand  for  directing  the  ultra-violet 
radiation  from  the  mercury  lamp  to  the  quartz  prism  of  the  ultra-violet  micro- 

3  Ultra- Violet  microscope.    Here  it  is  shown  with  the  usual  vertical  tube 
for  the  ocular. 

4  Sliding   screen   carrier.     The   dark   part    is    the    red-purple   screen,   and 
the  white  part  the  corex,  ground  glass  to  transmit  the  full  mercury  radiation. 
It  is  also  shown  over  the  window  in  the  lamp-house. 

5  Card  with  a  coating  of  anthracene  to  aid  in  directing  the  ultra-violet 
upon  the  quartz  prism. 

6  The  mercury  lamp  head  opposite  the  quartz  tube  of  the  lamp. 

7  Piece  of  uranium  glass  on  the  table.    It  is  one  of  the  most  perfect  detec- 
tors of  ultra-violet  radiation. 

8  Metal  shelf  for  holding  the  lamp-house. 

9  Table  for  the  microscope,  etc. 

10  Regulating  mechanism  for  the  current  with  the  mercury  arc.    The  feet  of 
the  lamp  and  of  the  table  have  pads  of  thick  felt  under  them  to  diminish  vibra- 


fluorescence  of  the  glass  or  of  the  Canada  balsam  used  in  sealing  the 
lenses  to  interfere.  If  the  regular  top  element  of  the  condenser  is 
left  in  place,  the  amount  of  ultra-violet  getting  past  the  object  and 
into  the  objective  is  likely  to  cause  so  much  fluorescence  in  the 
objective  that  the  appearance  is  like  looking  into  a  bright  fog. 

§  308.  Ultra- Violet  transmitting  slips.  —  For  mounting  slips  one 
must  use  a  non-fluorescing  substance  like  quartz  or  corex  D  glass 
of  the  Corning  Glass  Works  (fig.  218).  The  corex  slips,  if  cut  from 
sheets,  cost  about  $6.00  per  hundred  while  the  quartz  slips  cost  from 
$3.50  to  $10.00  each.  As  the  quartz  and  the  corex  appear  so  much 
like  glass,  the  author  has  had  them  made  in  a  special  size,  65  X  25 
mm.  (fig.  218).  He  found  it  wise  to  mark  them  with  a  writing 
diamond  also. 

For  the  cover-glasses,  those  ordinarily  used  answer  well.  They 
transmit  the  fluorescent  light  from  the  object,  and  help  to  eliminate 
any  of  the  ultra-violet  which  is  deflected  toward  the  objective. 

§  309.  Immersion  media.  —  Non-fluorescing  liquids  must  be  used 
or  the  objects  will  appear  in  a  bright  fog.  Fortunately  for  an  im- 
mersion liquid  there  is  available  the  medicinal  mineral  oil  (petrola- 
tum, nujol,  etc.).  Both  those  with  a  paraffin  and  those  with  a 
naphthalene  base  are  wholly  non-fluorescing  for  the  ultra-violet  most 
useful  for  microscopy  (fig.  129),  that  is,  the  ultra-violet  from  the 
mercury  or  carbon  arc  which  is  transmitted  through  the  screens 
used  to  eliminate  the  visible  light. 

Fortunately  also,  the  water  in  which  the  small  organisms  live  is 
non-fluorescing,  and  the  isotonic  solutions  used  in  physiological 
experiments  are  likewise  non-fluorescing,  so  that  all  desired  physio- 
logical tests  can  be  made  with  living  things  and  living  tissues. 

§  310.  Permanent  mounting  media.  —  Canada  balsam  is  fluoresc- 
ing  and  therefore  not  available.  The  medicinal  mineral  oil  answers 
very  well,  but  the  cover-glass  must  be  sealed  with  shellac  or  other 
sealing  cement.  The  steps  for  permanent  preparations  -  are  exactly 
as  for  balsam  mounting  (§§  534-535)  except  that  the  mineral  oil  is 
used  instead  of  the  balsam.  Its  index  of  refraction  (nD  1.48)  is 
almost  as  great  as  Canada  balsam  and  cedar  oil,  so  that  it  can  be 
substituted  with  little  loss  in  optical  results. 

CH.  VI] 



§  311.  Ultra-violet  lamp.  —  The  recently  developed  loo-watt 
H4  capillary  arc  (fig.  129  A)  is  the  most  satisfactory  source  of  ultra- 
violet for  the  microscope  and  for  photomicrography  (see  §  470). 
It  is  also  good  for  naked-eye  fluorescence  phenomena  shown  by  chloro- 
phyll solutions,  colored  cloth  and  masses  of  any  substance  (see  p.  257). 



(/)     Lamp  House    The  metal  container  of  the  capillary  mercury  arc  bulb  (j). 

SC  Screw  for  holding  the  tube  containing  the  electric  cable  to  the  socket. 
It  serves  to  regulate  the  height  of  the  mercury  arc.  This  is  in  a  tube  fastened  to 
a  metal  plate  that  can  be  moved  toward  or  from  the  front  of  the  lamp  house, 
to  change  the  position  of  the  mercury  arc. 

Lamp  This  word  is  placed  just  above  the  polarized  socket  of  the  cable  going  to 
the  lamp  socket. 

S  This  is  placed  under  the  middle  of  the  sloping  screen  to  shut  off  the  radiation 
which  would  extend  upwards  to  the  eyes  of  the  observer. 

C  Free  opening  of  the  lamp  house  when  both  visible  and  invisible  radiation 
is  desired. 

RP  CA    Red-Purple  Corex  A  filter  to  transmit  radiations  between  250  m/x 



[Cn.  VI 

and  410  m/£.  The  clear  opening  and  the  ultra-violet  filter  are  in  a  sliding  carrier 
so  that  either  may  be  used  at  will.  The  actual  size  is  indicated  by  the  lo-cm.  scale 
at  the  bottom  of  the  lamp  house. 

(2)  Alternating  current  regulator  for  the  capillary  arc. 

Ln    Plug  for  connecting  with  the  line. 

Lamp    Polarized  plug  for  connecting  with  the  cable  to  the  lamp. 

R    Part  of  the  regulator. 

The  oval  openings  on  the  two  sides  of  the  electric  cables  near  the  top  are  for 
screws  to  hold  the  regulator  in  place.  For  the  inexperienced,  it  would  be  wise  to 
have  the  manufacturers  add  the  cables  with  plug  and  socket  to  the  regulator. 

(j)  Transparent  view  of  the  capillary  mercury  arc  bulb  with  its  glass  case. 

CA     Capillary  arc  within  its  glass  sheath.    (Two-thirds  natural  size.) 

(4)  Block  for  holding  the  filter  in  photomicrography. 

S    Screen  or  filter  5  to  7.5  cm.  square. 

n-n    Two  of  the  four  headless  nails  to  hold  the  screen  upright. 

W    Wooden  block  and  (L)  lead  on  the  bottom. 









Mi  Mi-Microns 


In  the  curves  the  base-line  or  abscissa  shows  the  wave  length  in  millimicrons, 
and  the  vertical  line  the  transmission  percentage  for  the  different  wave  lengths 
of  the  radiation. 

RP  CA.  Red-Purple  Corex  A.  It  shows  transmission  between  250  m/i  and 
410  mjLt,  the  maximum  being  between  280  mju  and  370  m/z.  As  there  is  some 
transmission  from  390-410  mju,  there  is  a  limited  amount  of  visible  radiation  in 
this  filter. 

CC  D.  Clear  Corex  D.  This  curve  also  shows  transmission  commencing  at 
250  m/x  with  the  maximum  ultra-violet  at  360  m/x.  From  that  point  onward  there 
is' between  90  and  100%  transmission. 


It  takes  about  five  minutes  for  the  lamp  to  emit  the  full  amount 
of  ultra-violet.  In  working  with  the  high  pressure  mercury  arc  one 
should  wear  goggles  with  glass  opaque  to  ultra-violet,  or  should  be 
careful  not  to  look  at  the  full  light.  The  eyes  might  be  injured. 
The  crystalline  lens  of  the  eye  is  highly  fluorescent.  If  much  ultra- 
violet got  into  the  eyes  everything  would  appear  as  in  a  bright 

§  314.  Spectroscope  used  with  the  ultra-violet  microscope.  — 
This  enables  one  to  determine  the  wave  lengths  of  visible  light 
present  in  the  fluorescent  radiation  from  the  object.  Sometimes 
all  the  colors  of  the  rainbow  are  represented.  As  the  fluorescent 
light  is  rarely  pure  white,  some  of  the  colors  will  be  more  intense 
than  others.  Sometimes  only  a  part  of  the  colors  are  represented, 
and  in  some  cases  there  will  be  absorption  bands.  (See  Fluorescence 
of  the  Uranyl  Salts  by  Nichols,  pp.  120-121.)  In  case  one  does 
not  possess  a  micro-spectroscope,  a  pocket  spectroscope  (§  2Q3a) 
will  answer  fairly  well. 

To  make  sure  that  all  the  light  passing  through  the  spectroscope 
comes  from  a  definitely  fluorescing  object,  one  must  be  careful  to 
have  the  object  limited  by  the  slit,  or  be  the  only  object  lighted 
(§§  291,  293a). 


§  315.  Anthracene  crystals.  —  This  is  an  example  of  mixed 
crystals,  both  of  which  are  highly  fluorescent.  It  illustrates  the 
manner  of  arranging  the  microscope  on  the  one  hand,  and  of  detect- 
ing mixtures  on  the  other. 

The  room  is  darkened,  or  one  works  at  night.  The  mercury  arc 
lamp  is  lighted  (§  313),  and  the  microscope  put  opposite  the  lamp- 
house  window  at  about  22  cm.  distance.  The  quartz  bulPs-eye 
condenser  is  placed  at  about  8  to  10  cm.  from  the  lamp  window.  To 
determine  quickly  and  certainly  when  the  microscope,  the  bull's- 
eye  condenser  and  the  radiation  from  the  lamp  are  in  line  and  prop- 
erly arranged,  one  can  use  a  card  smeared  with  anthracene  in  a 
strong  solution  of  cane  sugar.  This  fluoresces  so  brilliantly  that 


one  can  adjust  the  different  elements  accurately.  The  ultra-violet 
beam  should  be  focused  on  the  specimen.  At  first  one  can  focus 
the  light  on  the  reflector.  Then  to  get  the  beam  up  through  the 
condenser  to  the  specimen,  one  can  use  a  corex  slip  mount  of  the 
anthracene  in  sugar.  When  the  radiation  reaches  it,  it  will  fluoresce. 
Then  by  looking  through  the  microscope  with  a  16  mm.  (lox)  ob- 
jective and  a  sx  or  other  low  ocular  in  place,  focus  the  crystals, 
and  by  adjusting  the  prism  or  the  bull's-eye  quartz  condenser  or 
both,  get  the  brightest  light  possible.  This  is  the  procedure  up 
to  the  present  for  all  specimens,  the  anthracene  slide  acting  as  a 
guide  or  indicator.  For  the  actual  study  of  any  specimen,  the  under 
side  of  the  corex  slip  should  be  in  immersion  contact  with  the  top  of 
the  condenser,  using  the  non-fluorescing  immersion  petrolatum,  (§  309). 

If  one  studies  the  anthracene  preparation,  a  part  of  the  crystals 
will  fluoresce  blue,  and  a  part  yellow-green.  The  yellow-green 
crystals  are  in  excess  of  the  blue  ones.  The  blue  crystals  represent 
the  pure  anthracene,  and  the  yellow-green  ones  contain  chrysogen 
(Nichols  and  Howe,  Fluorescence  of  the  Uranyl  Salts,  p.  12).  By 
moving  the  screen  carrier,  one  can  see  the  appearance  in  the  full 
mercury  arc  radiation. 

§  316.  Elastic  tissue,  physical  analysis.  —  This  tissue  is  abun- 
dantly present  in  all  adult  vertebrates  with  the  possible  exception  of 
three  of  the  lowest  forms:  Amphioxus,  myxine  and  the  lamprey. 
It  is  present  in  increasing  quantity  as  the  animal  series  advance  in 
the  zoological  scale  until  finally  in  adult  man  almost  all  of  the  con- 
nective substance  in  the  body  contains  a  greater  or  less  amount  of 
elastic  tissue. 

It  is  relatively  late  in  appearance  in  the  embryo,  and  steadily 
increases  in  amount  with  the  added  years.  Like  all  the  other  tissues 
of  the  body,  it  is  surrounded  by  and  in  a  kind  of  matrix  of  collage- 
nous  or  white  fibrous  connective  tissue.  It  is  easily  obtained  in  a 
nearly  pure  form  in  the  elastic  ligament  of  the  neck  (ligamentum 
nuchae)  in  grazing  animals.  The  only  drawback  of  this  tissue  for 
illustrating  the  advantages  of  physical  analysis  is  that  there  is  no 
striking  difference  in  appearance  to  the  naked  eye,  nor  in  its  reac- 
tions when  alive  and  when  dead. 

CH.  VI] 



§  317.  Fresh  material.  —  A  piece  of  the  ligamentum  nuchae  of  a 
recently  killed  beef  animal  is  secured  and  its  satiny  appearance 
noted  by  the  naked  eye. 

With  a  sharp  razor  or  safety  razor  blade  wet  with  normal  salt 
solution,  make  as  thin  a  section  as  possible  free-hand  across  the  end 
of  the  ligament  or  a  part  of  it.  Place  on  a  corex  slip  and  add  a  drop 
of  normal  salt  solution.  Cover  with  an  ordinary  cover-glass.  Make 
a  similar  section  lengthwise  of  the  ligament,  and  mount  on  a  corex 
slip  as  before. 


They  look  like  positive  and  negative  images  of  the  same  thing.  Compare  with 
C,  D. 

If  the  mercury  arc  has  been  lighted  for  five  minutes  or  more  so 
that  the  full  amount  of  ultra-violet  is  being  given  off,  hold  the  piece 
of  ligamentum  nuchae  in  the  path  of  the  ultra-violet.  It  will 
fluoresce  with  a  white  light  slightly  tinged  with  blue.  The  appear- 
ance is  striking  and,  when  once  seen,  will  not  be  forgotten.  The 
sections  will  also  fluoresce  so  that  they  stand  out  on  the  corex  slips. 

§  318.  Microscopic  examination  of  the  fresh  sections.  —  Making 
sure  that  the  ultra-violet  is  passing  up  through  the  quartz  con- 
denser by  the  use  of  an  anthracene  specimen  (§  315),  put  the  cross 
section  of  the  elastic  tissue  in  place  and  in  immersion  contact  with 
the  top  of  the  condenser.  Use  first  a  16  mm.  (lox)  objective,  and 


later  an  8  mm.  (2ox)  objective  or  a  higher  one.  When  the  micro- 
scope is  in  focus,  it  will  be  seen  that  the  cut  ends  of  the  elastic 
fibers  glow  with  a  soft  bluish-white  radiance.  Between  the  cut 
ends  the  specimen  will  appear  dark.  Note  carefully  the  location 
of  one  of  the  light  areas,  or  set  the  pointer  of  the  ocular  (fig.  40) 
upon  it.  Then  move  the  screen  carrier  along  until  the  visible  light 
from  the  mercury  lamp  passes  to  the  object.  One  will  get  a  dark- 
field  image,  and  what  was  dark  with  the  ultra-violet  radiation  will 
appear  brilliantly  light  in  the  dark-field  picture.  The  elastic  fibers 
by  contrast  will  appear  dark.  That  is,  the  two  appearances  are  the 
positive  and  the  negative  images  of  each  other  (fig.  130  A,  B). 

Remove  the  cross  section,  and  put  under  the  microscope  the 
longitudinal  section  of  the  elastic  tissue.  Use  the  ultra-violet  and 
the  visible  light  of  the  mercury  arc  by  moving  the  ultra-violet  filter 
in  place  and  then  the  corex  glass.  Here  the  elastic  fibers  will  be 
seen  in  their  length,  and  will  fluoresce  just  as  did  the  cross  sections. 
The  ordinary  connective  tissue  will  also  behave  as  in  the  cross 

§  319.  For  the  spectral  colors.  —  Make  sure  that  the  fluorescent 
light  is  as  brilliant  as  possible  with  the  ultra-violet  filter  in  place. 
Remove  the  ocular  and  put  in  its  stead  the  spectroscope.  This  will 
show  the  colors  making  up  the  fluorescent  light.  The  spectrum  will 
show  all  the  colors,  but  the  brightest  part  will  be  in  the  blue-green. 

§  320.  Elastic  tissue  with  the  polarizing  microscope.  —  Use  the 
same  preparations  as  for  the  ultra-violet  experiment.  Put  them 
under  the  polarizing  microscope,  and  cross  the  nicols.  The  elastic 
tissue  does  not  polarize  under  ordinary  conditions,  therefore  it  will 
remain  dark  with  crossed  nicols.  The  white  fibrous  tissue  does 
polarize,  that  is,  is  anisotropic  when  the  fibers  are  at  right  angles  to 
the  axis  of  the  microscope,  but  not  when  seen  in  cross  section  or  in 
oblique  positions.  Then  the  fibers  will  remain  dark  with  crossed 

Comparing  the  polariscopic  picture  with  the  dark-field  appearance, 
it  will  be  seen  that  the  dark  areas  are  relatively  very  large  and  the 
bright  part  very  small.  This  is  due  to  the  fact  that  most  of  the 
fibers  of  the  ordinary  connective  tissue  are  not  at  right  angles  to 

CH.  VI] 


the  microscope  axis,  and  hence  join  the  elastic  tissue  in  producing 
dark  areas  (fig.  130,  B,  C). 

C  D 


In  C  the  connective  tissue  with  fibers  at  right  angles  to  the  axis  of  the  mi- 
croscope polari/e  light  while  the  elastic  tissue  and  the  connective  tissue  not  at 
right  angles  to  the  microscope  axis  remain  dark.  Compare  with  the  true  amount 
of  ordinary  connective  tissue  shown  light  in  B  and  dark  in  D. 

In  D.  the  ordinary  connective  tissue  was  stained  blue  and  the  elastic  tissue 
pink  with  Mallory's  connective  tissue  stain. 

§  321.  Fixed  Elastic  Tissue  with  the  ultra-violet  microscope.  — 

It  was  found  that  elastic  tissue  fixed  two  or  three  days  in  a  mixture 
of  Mueller's  fluid  and  formalin  (Mueller's  90  cc.,  strong  formalin 
10  cc.),  washed  in  water  for  half  a  day  and  then  imbedded  in 
paraffin  in  the  usual  manner,  and  sectioned  with  a  micro- 
tome, gave  all  the  reactions  shown  by  the  fresh  material.  The 
sections  should  be  thin,  5/1  to  ni.  No  albumen  fixative  should  be 
put  on  the  slide  for  it  fluoresces.  The  slips  for  mounting  should  be 
of  corex  or  quartz.  After  the  sections  are  dry  on  the  slip,  the 
paraffin  is  removed  by  xylene  and  the  sections  covered  with  an 
ordinary  cover-glass  on  which  *is  a  large*  drop  of  the  petrolatum. 
Seal  the  cover  with  shellac.  Examine  exactly  as  for  the  fresh  ma- 
terial, both  with  the  ultra-violet  and  the  polarized  light.  The 
appearances  are  practically  the  same  as  for  the  fresh  material. 


[CH.  VI 









Microscope  with  Corex 
Glass       Filter       and 






For  Colors  in 










In  Comparison  with 
Physical  analysis 

§  322.  Comparison  by  different  methods.  —  It  is  of  great  interest 
to  compare  physical  appearances  under  the  polarizing  and  ultra-violet 
microscope  with  neighboring  sections  of  the  same  tissue  stained  in 
various  ways;  also  of  incinerated  specimens.  Such  a  comparison 


gives  one  a  conception  of  how  complex  are  the  structures  of  the  body, 
and  how  limited  is  the  information  gained  by  any  single  method  of 
treatment  (see  fig.  130  AB,  CL). 

Fcr  the  staining  see  under  elastic  stains  in  §  582. 

Fcr  the  orcein  stain,  ccunterstain  with  methylene  blue  to  bring 
out  the  nuclei,  and  note  that  these  are  confined  to  the  ordinary 
connective  tissue,  none  being  found  in  the  clastic  tissue. 


§  323.  Minute  animals  and  ultra-violet.  —  To  test  the  effect  of 
ultra-violet  on  minute  animal  life,  make  a  preparation  of  the  living 
forms  found  in  an  infusion  (§§  210,  543).  Use  corex  for  a  slip,  and 
the  water  in  which  the  animals  naturally  live  for  a  normal  mounting 
medium.  Make  immersion  contact  with  the  condenser  and  allow 
the  ultra-violet  passing  through  the  red-purple  corex  (fig.  129)  to  act 
on  the  organisms  for,  say  five  minutes,  then  examine  them  with  the 
visible  light  of  the  daylight  lamp,  (fig.  79,  or  80).  Have  a  similar 
preparation  under  the  usual  dark-field  microscope  as  control.  Com- 
pare the  appearance  of  the  two  preparations.  Continue  the  short 
exposures  to  ultra-violet  and  find  out  how  long  the  animals  live,  and 
what  changes  take  place.  To  prevent  the  drying  out  of  the  mount- 
ing liquid,  seal  the  cover  with  oil  as  for  a  fresh  blood  preparation 
(§  21 1).  Do  the  same  for  the  control. 

For  a  preparation  of  ciliated  cells,  scrape  the  roof  of  the  throat  of 
a  live  frog.  Mount  on  a  corex  slip  using  aqueous  humor,  or  the 
blood  of  the  frog  for  a  mounting  medium.  SealAh&  cover  as  for 
blood.  Prepare  a  control  in  the  same  way.  ExpSe  to  ultra-violet 
as  directed  for  the  minute  aninials,  ajjd  note  any  effect. 



§  324.  Fluorescence  of  plant  structures.  —  The  fact  that  the 
green  substance  of  plants  fluoresces  red  [was  discovered  by  Sir 
David  Brewster  in  1833.  (See  Stokes,  Philis.  Trans.,  Vol.  142,  pp. 
463-464.)  Brewster  used  a  solution  of  chforophyll  in  alcohol,  and 


that  is  still  the  ordinary  method  of  showing  the  amazing  change  in 
color  when  chlorophyll  is  submitted  to  ultra-violet  radiation, 

It  is  not  necessary  to  put  the  chlorophyll  in  solution  to  get  the 
red  fluorescence.  This  was  strikingly  shown  by  the  chloroplastids 
obtained  from  the  leaves  of  the  snapdragon  (antirrhinum)  which 
had  become  macerated  in  a  flower  vase.  Following  this  hint,  sec- 
tions were  made  free-hand  of  the  green  leaves  of  many  different 
plants,  mounted  on  corex  slips  in  water,  and  examined  under  the 
ultra-violet  microscope.  All  of  them  showed  the  red  chlorophyll 
bodies.  It  was  found  later  that  the  easiest  and  most  effective  way 
to  get  sections  of  the  most  favorable  thickness,  and  to  secure  isolated 
chloroplastids,  was  to  put  the  blade  of  grass  or  the  other  chlorophyll- 
bearing  structure  on  a  corex  slip  in  some  water  and  scrape  it  with  a 
moderately  sharp  scalpel  or  other  knife.  The  fragments  thus  ob- 
tained show  everything.  One  of  the  most  strikingly  beautiful  and 
instructive  preparations  was  made  in  this  way  by  placing  a  blade 
of  grass  on  a  corex  slip  and  scraping  it.  Some  of  the  fragments 
showed  the  individual  chloroplastids  in  their  cells.  Other  chloro- 
plastids were  free.  All  fluoresced  a  beautiful  red.  The  cellulose 
veins  extend  lengthwise,  and  fluoresce  a  brilliant  bluish  white. 
The  appearance  was  then  like  a  ribbon  with  brilliant,  narrow,  white 
stripes,  and  broad  red  ones. 

Under  the  polarizing  microscope  with  crossed  nicols  the  cellulose 
glowed  with  a  brilliant  white,  but  the  chloroplastids  did  not  polar- 
ize. However,  the  light  given  off  by  the  cellulose  veins  and  the  cell 
walls  of  the  plastids  and  the  parenchyma  of  the  tissue  is  enough 
to  bring  out  the  green  color  of  the  chlorophyll.  Occasionally  in 
these  scraped  preparations  some  of  the  chloroplastids  are  iso- 
lated, and  if  one  is  studied  with  a  high  power,  it  will  be  seen  that 
the  wall  polarizes,  and  that  the  chlorophyll  is  green  even  with 
crossed  nicols. 

It  is  believed  that  the  physical  analysis  by  means  of  the  ultra- 
violet microscope,  the  polarizing  and  the  dark-field  microscope  will 
prove  of  as  much  help  to  the  botanist  as  to  the  animal  histologist. 



Unless  one  has  paid  attention  to  such  matters,  it  is  unbelievable 
that  the  same  object  under  different  kinds  of  light  or  radiation 
should  appear  so  strikingly  different.  For  a  good  example,  take  a 
cheap,  red  bandanna  handkerchief.  Look  at  it  by  daylight,  by 
kerosene  light,  and  by  the  ordinary  mazda  light.  Then  hold  it  in 
the  beam  of  ultra-violet,  next  in  the  visible  mercury  light.  Chloro- 
phyll has  already  been  cited.  Quinine  in  water  does  not  show  at  all 
in  daylight,  but  in  the  ultra-violet  it  glows  with  a  wonderful  blue- 
white  radiance. 

Figured  dress  goods,  cheap,  brightly  colored  handkerchiefs,  neck- 
ties, etc.,  give  a  change  in  appearance  which  is  truly  marvelous. 

These  naked-eye  appearances  with  different  radiation  make  the 
thoughtful  person  appreciate  how  many  facts  must  be  taken  into 
consideration  in  order  to  gain  a  true  conception  of  the  appearance 
of  what  seem  the  simplest  things  in  nature  and  art.  After  such  an 
exhibition  one  feels  deeply  the  need  of  caution  in  one's  statements, 
and  the  danger  of  being  dogmatic  about  anything,  unless  all  the 
conditions  and  the  circumstances  are  thoroughly  understood. 


In  the  first  place  should  be  mentioned  the  fundamental  contribution  of 
George  Gabriel  Stokes.  Philos,  Trans,  of  the  Royal  Society,  Vol.  142,  p.  555  et. 
sq.  Change  in  the  Refrangibility  of  Light.  On  p.  470  in  a  note  at  the  bot- 
tom he  says:  "I  do  not  like  this  term  (David  Brewster's  Internal  Dispersion) 
and  am  almost  inclined  to  coin  a  word  and  call  the  appearance  Fluorescence,  from 
fluor-spar  as  the  analagous  opalescence  is  derived  from  the  name  of  a  mineral.  " 
This  term  has  received  universal  approval. 

On  p.  503  in  describing  fluorescence  he  says:    "We  may  express  the  result 
extremely  well  by  saying  that  the  fluid  or  solid  medium  (which  fluoresces)  is  self- 
luminous  so  long  as  it  is  under  the  influence  of  the  active  light." 
NICHOLS,  EDWARD  L.  AND  HOWES,  HORACE  L.  in  collaboration  with  MERRITT, 
ERNEST,  WTLBER,  D.  T.  AND   WICK,   FRANCES   G.  —  Fluorescence   of   the 
Uranyl  Salts.     The  Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington,   1919.     A  funda- 
mental monograph.    The  historical  summary  is  very  helpful. 
NICHOLS,  EDWARD  L.,  HOWES,  H.  L.  AND  WILDER,  D.  T.  —  Cathode  Lumines- 
cence of  Incandescent  Solids.     Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington,  1928. 
The  definitions  in  the  field  of  fluorescence  are  of  great  help.    The  main  part 
of  the  monograph  deals  with  what  may  be  called  the  fluorescence  of  hot 


HERSCHEL,  WILLIAM.  —  Annalen  der  Physik  Bd.  7,  1801.  pp.  137-157.  Dis- 
covery of  infra-red. 

RITTER,  JOHANN  WiLHELM.  —  Annalen  der  Physik  Bd.  12,  1803,  pp.  409-415. 
Says  he  found  the  ultraviolet  blackened  chlorid  of  silver  Feb.  22,  1801. 

POLICARD.  —  Built,  d'histologie,  1925,  Ultraviolet  in  histology. 

GATES,  FREDERICK  L.  —  Study  of  bacteriacidal  action  of  ultraviolet.  Studies 
from  the  Rockefeller  Institute,  Vol.  73,  pp.  9-26. 

RUSSELL  &  RUSSELL.  —  Ultra- Violet  radiation  and  actinotherapy.  3d,  edition, 

KING,  MCKENZIE.  —  Practical  Ultra- Violet  Light  Therapy,  1926. 

LUCKIESH,  M.  —  Artificial  Sunlight,  combined  with  radiation  for  health  and 
for  vision.  1900. 

DANCKWORTT,  P.W.  —  Lumineszenz- Analyse  im  filtrierten  Ultravioletten  Licht. 
Zweite,  erwerterte  Auflage.  1929.  American  Journal  of  Physical  Therapy, 
1924-1931.  British  Journal  of  Actinotherapy,  now  British  Journal  of  Physical 
Medicine.  Strahlentherapie  Bd.  1-41.  Quarterly  Cumulative  Index  Medicus, 
1916-3  r .  For  current  work  on  all  medical  topics  including  ultra-violet.  Journal 
of  the  Optical  Society  of  America. 

GAGE,  H.  P.  -  Hygienic  Effects  of  Ultraviolet  Radiation.  Trans.  Illuminating 
Engineering  Soc.  Vol.  XXV,  1930. 

MAUGHAM,  GEORGE  H.  AND  DYE,  J.  A.  —  Biological  measurements  of  ultra- 
violet sources.  American  Journal  of  Physical  Therapy  (1924-1931).  De- 
cember, 1930,  January,  1931. 

CALKINS,  GARY  N.—  Effect  of  ultraviolet  rays.  Biol.  Built.  LVII,  pp.  59-68. 
For  fluorescing  substances  see  all  of  the  above  and  especially,  Stokes  and 

LUCAS,  FRANCIS  F.  —  The  architecture  of  living  cells —  Recent  advances  in  methods 
of  biological  research  —  Optical  sectioning  with  the  ultra  violet  microscope. 
Technical  publications  of  the  Bell  Telephone  System,  Monograph  B  514,  Oct. 

LUCAS,  F.  F.  AND  STARK,  MARY  B.  —  A  study  of  livirg  germ  cells  ...  by  means  of 
the  ultra  violet  microscope.  Jour.  Morphology.  Vol.  52,  (1931)  pp.  91,  115. 
Many  photo-micrographs. 

MORGAN,  DR.  ANNA  H.  —  Field  Book  of  Ponds  and  Streams.    N.  Y.  1930. 

KIDLKY,  GRANT  AND  TRTPP.  —  Fluorescence  in  Ultra-violet  Light,  being  Vol.  7  of 
a  series  of  monographs  on  applied  chemistry.  Second  edition,  1935. 


§§325-358;   FIGURES  131-142 

§  325.  Appearances  which  seem  perfectly  unmistakable  with  a 
low  power  may  be  found  erroneous  or  very  inadequate  with  high 
powers;  for  details  of  structure  which  cannot  be  seen  with  a  low 
power  may  become  perfectly  evident  with  a  higher  power  or  a  more 
perfect  objective.  On  the  other  hand,  the  problems  of  microscopic 
structure  become  more  and  more  complex  with  increased  precision 
of*  investigation  and  more  perfect  optical  appliances,  for  structures 
that  appeared  intelligible  with  a  less  perfect  microscope  may  show 
complexities  in  their  details  of  structure  with  the  more  perfect 
microscope  which  open  up  an  entirely  new  field  for  interpretation. 
Further,  if  the  specimen  is  viewed  with  the  dark-field  microscope, 
the  polarizing  and  the  ultra-violet  microscope,  wholly  new  appear- 
ances are  almost  sure  to  arise  (§  357,  Ch.  Ill,  IV,  V,  VI). 

One  must  always  be  on  the  lookout  for  errors  in  judgment  induced 
by  color  effects  due  to  purely  optical  means  and  to  color  in  the  speci- 
men, and  also  to  avoid  confusing  refraction,  reflection,  and  diffrac- 
tion effects  with  pigments,  or  actual  structures  of  any  kind.  It  is 
not  infrequent  in  searching  for  malarial  pigment  in  the  red  blood 
corpuscles  to  mistake  the  dark-looking  crenations  on  the  corpuscles 
for  the  pigment  sought  (§  326). 

The  need  of  the  most  careful  observation  and  constant  watchful- 
ness lest  the  appearances  may  be  deceptive  is  thus  admirably  stated 
by  Dallinger.  (See  Carpenter-Dallinger,  p.  427):  "  The  correctness  of 
the  conclusions  which  the  microscopist  will  draw  regarding  the  nature 
of  any  object  from  the  visual  appearances  which  it  presents  to  him 
when  examined  in  the  various  modes  now  specified  will  necessarily 
depend  in  a  great  degree  upon  his  previous  experience  in  microscopic 
observation  and  upon  his  knowledge  of  the  class  of  bodies  to  which 
the  particular  specimen  may  belong.  Not  only  are  observations  of 



any  kind  liable  to  certain  fallacies  arising  out  of  the  previous  notions 
which  the  observer  may  entertain  in  regard  to  the  constitution  of 
the  objects  or  the  nature  of  the  actions  to  which  his  attention  is  di- 
rected, but  even  the  most  practised  observer  is  apt  to  take  no  note 
of  such  phenomena  as  his  mind  is  not  prepared  to  appreciate.  Errors 
and  imperfections  of  this  kind  can  only  be  corrected,  it  is  obvious,  by 
general  advance  in  scientific  knowledge;  but  the  history  of  them 
affords  a  useful  warning  against  hasty  conclusions  drawn  from  a  too 
cursory  examination.  If  the  history  of  almost  any  scientific  investi- 
gation were  fully  made  known,  it  would  generally  appear  that  the 
stability  and  completeness  of  the  conclusions  finally  arrived  at  had 
been  only  attained  after  many  modifications,  or  even  entire  altera- 
tions of  doctrine.  And  it  is  therefore  of  such  great  importance  as 
to  be  almost  essential  to  the  correctness  of  our  conclusions  that  they 
should  not  be  finally  formed  and  announced  until  they  have  been 
tested  in  every  conceivable  mode.  It  is  due  to  science  that  it  should 
be  burdened  with  as  few  false  facts  [artifacts]  and  false  doctrines 
as  possible.  It  is  due  to  other  truth-seekers  that  they  should  not 
be  misled,  to  the  great  waste  of  their  time  and  pains,  by  our  errors. 
And  it  is  due  to  ourselves  that  we  should  not  commit  our  reputation 
to  the  chance  of  impairment  by  the  premature  formation  and  publi- 
cation of  conclusions  which  may  be  at  once  reversed  by  other  ob- 
servers better  informed  than  ourselves,  or  may  be  proved  fallacious 
at  some  future  time,  perhaps  even  by  our  own  more  extended  and 
careful  researches.  The  suspension  of  the  judgment  whenever  there 
seems  room  for  doubt  is  a  lesson  inculcated  by  all  those  philosophers 
who  have  gained  the  highest  repute  for  practical  wisdom;  and  it  is 
one  which  the  microscopist  cannot  too  soon  learn  or  too  constantly 

The  general  law  for  the  whole  matter  is  to  study  the  object  in 
every  way  possible  (§  358). 

For  the  experiments,  §§  327-340,  no  condenser  is  to  be  usedy  except 
in  a  part  of  §  340. 

§  326.  "The  distinction  between  a  dark  element  which  is  referable  to  pigment 
and  a  dark  element  which  is  referable  to  the  deflection  of  light  can  generally  be 
made  by  watching  the  effect  produced  by  the  alteration  of  the  focus.  Where  the 

CH.  VII] 



dark  element  corresponds  to  a  point  from  which  light  is  deflected  a  change  of  the 
focus  will  be  associated  with  a  change  from  dark  to  bright.  Where  pigment  is  in 
question  a  change  of  focus  will  substitute  only  a  more  diffuse  for  a  less  diffuse 
dark  element."  (Wright,  p.  44.) 

§  327.  Dust  or  Cloudiness  on  the  Ocular.  —  Employ  the  16  mm. 
IQX  objective,  4x  or  5x  ocular,  and  fly's  wing  as  object. 

Unscrew  the  field  lens  and  put  some  particles  of  lint  from  dark 
cloth  on  its  upper  surface.  Replace  the  field  lens  and  put  the  ocular 
in  position  (§  85).  Light  the  field  well  and  focus  sharply.  The 
image  will  be  clear,  but  part  of  the  field  will  be  obscured  by  the 
irregular  outline  of  the  particles  of  lint.  Move  the  object  to  make 
sure  this  appearance  is  not  due  to  it. 

Grasp  the  ocular  by  the  milled  ring  just  above  the  tube  of  the 
microscope  and  rotate  it.  The  irregular  objects  will  rotate  with  the 
ocular.  Cloudiness  or  particles  of  dust  on  any  part  of  the  ocular 
may  be  detected  in  this  way. 

Unscrew  the  field  lens  and  remove  the  lint  before  proceeding. 

§328.  A  small  bright  field. — With  low  objectives  (25-50  mm. 
[5x~3.2x])  if  too  small  a  diaphragm  is  used  and  put  close  to  the 
object,  only  the  central  part  of  the  field  will  be  illuminated,  and 
around  the  small  light  circle  will  be  seen  a  dark  ring  (fig.  132).  If 



A     The  field  completely  illuminated;    a  net  micrometer  is  used  as  object. 
B    The  field  is  only  partly  illuminated;    the  same  net  micrometer  is  used  as 
object,  but  not  all  of  it  appears  in  the  partially  lighted  field. 


the  diaphragm  is  lowered  or  a  sufficiently  large  one  employed,  the 
entire  field  will  be  lighted  (fig.  131).  (See  also  §  131  for  diaphragms 
with  the  condenser). 

§  329.  Relative  position  of  objects  or  parts  of  the  same  object.  — 
The  general  rule  is  that  objects  highest  up  come  into  focus  last  in 
focusing  up,  first  in  focusing  down. 

§  330.  Objects  having  plane  or  irregular  outlines.  —  As  object 
use  three  printed  letters  in  stairs  mounted  in  Canada  balsam  (fig. 
133).  The  first  letter  is  placed  directly  upon  the  slide,  and  covered 
with  a  small  piece  of  glass  about  as  thick  as  a  slide.  The  second 
letter  is  placed  upon  this  and  covered  in  like  manner.  The  third 


letter  is  placed  upon  the  second  thick  cover  and  covered  with  an 
ordinary  cover-glass.  The  letters  should  be  as  near  together  as 
possible,  but  not  overlapping.  Employ  the  same  ocular  and  ob- 
jective as  above  (§327). 

Lower  the  tube  till  the  objective  almost  touches  the  top  letter; 
then  look  into  the  microscope  and  slowly' focus  up.  The  lowest  letter 
will  first  appear  and  then,  as  it  disappears,  the  middle  one  will  ap- 
pear and  so  on.  Focus  down,  and  the  top  letter  will  first  appear, 
then  the  middle  one,  etc.  The  relative  position  of  objects  is  de- 
termined exactly  in  this  way  in  practical  work. 

For  example,  if  one  has  a  micrometer  ruled  on  a  cover-glass  0.15- 
0.25  mm.  thick,  it  is  not  easy  to  determine  with  the  naked  eye  which 
is  the  ruled  surface.  But  if  one  puts  the  micrometer  under  a  micro- 
scope and  uses  a  4  mm.  (4ox)  objective,  it  is  easily  determined.  The 
cover  should  be  laid  on  a  slide  and  focused  till  the  lines  are  sharp. 
Now,  without  changing  the  focus  in  the  least,  turn  the  cover  over. 
If  it  is  necessary  to  focus  up  to  get  the  lines  of  the  micrometer 


sharp,  the  lines  are  on  the  upper  side.  If  one  must  focus  down,  the 
lines  are  on  the  under  surface.  With  a  thin  cover  and  delicate  lines 
this  method  of  determining  the  position  of  the  rulings  is  of  consider- 
able practical  importance. 

§  331.  Determination  of  the  form  of  objects.  —  The  procedure  is 
exactly  as  for  the  determination  of  the  form  of  large  objects.  That 
is,  one  must  examine  the  various  aspects.  For  example,  if  one  were 
placed  in  front  of  a  wall  of  some  kind,  one«  could  not  tell  whether  it 
was  a  simple  wall  or  whether  it  was  one  side  of  a  building  unless  in 
some  way  one  could  see  more  than  the  face  of  the  wall.  In  other 
words,  in  order  to  get  a  correct  notion  of  any  body,  one  must  ex- 
amine more  than  one  dimension,  —  two  for  plane  surfaces,  three  for 
solids.  So  for  microscopic  objects,  one  must  in  some  way  examine 
more  than  one  face.  To  do  this  with  small  bodies  in  a  liquid  the 
bodies  may  be  made  to  roll  over  by  pressing  on  one  edge  of  the 
cover-glass.  And  in  rolling  over  the  various  aspects  are  presented 
to  the  observer.  With  solid  bodies,  like  the  various  organs,  correct 
notions  of  the  form  of  the  elements  can  be  determined  by  studying 
sections  cut  at  right  angles  to  each  other.  The  methods  of  getting 
the  elements  to  roll  over,  and  of  sectioning  in  different  planes,  are  in 
constant  use  in  histology,  and  the  microscopist  who  neglects  to  see 
all  sides  of  the  tissue  elements  has  a  very  inadequate  and  often  a 
very  erroneous  conception  of  their  true  form. 

§  332.  Transparent  objects  having  curved  outlines.  —  The  success 
of  these  experiments  will  depend  entirely  upon  the  care  and  skill 
used  in  preparing  the  objects  in  lighting  and  in  focusing. 

Employ  a  4  mm.  (4ox)  or  higher  objective  and  a  lox  ocular  for 
all  the  experiments.  It  may  be  necessary  to  shade  the  object  (§  155) 
to  get  satisfactory  results.  When  a  diaphragm  is  used,  the  opening 
should  be  small  and  it  should  be  close  to  the  object. 

§  333.  Air  bubbles.  —  Prepare  these  by  placing  a  drop  of  thin 
gum  arabic  mucilage  on  the  center  of  a  slide  and  beating  it  with  a 
scalpel  blade  until  the  mucilage  looks  milky  from  the  inclusion  of  air 
bubbles.  Put  on  a  cover-glass  but  do  not  press  it  down. 

§  334.  Air  bubbles  with  central  illumination.  —  Shade  the  object, 
and  with  the  plane  mirror  light  the  field  with  central  light  (fig.  20). 



CH.  VII] 

Search  the  preparation  until  an  air  bubble  is  found  appearing 
about  i  mm.  in  diameter,  get  it  into  the  center  of  the  field,  and  if 
the  light  is  central  the  air  bubble  will  appear  with  a  wide,  dark, 

circular  margin  and  a 
small,  bright  center.  If 
the  bright  spot  is  not 
in  the  center,  adjust 
2  +^f>  the  mirror  until  it  is. 

This  is  the  simplest 
and  surest  method  of 
telling  when  the  light 
is  central  or  axial  when 
no  condenser  is  used 
(§  no). 

Focus  both  up  and 
down,  noting  that,  in 
focusing  up,  the  central 
spot  becomes  very  clear 
and  the  black  ring  very 
sharp.  On  elevating 
the  tube  of  the  micro- 
scope still  more,  the 
center  becomes  dim, 
and  the  whole  bubble 
loses  its  sharpness  of 

§  335.  Air  bubbles  with  oblique  illumination.  —  Remove  the 
substage  of  the  microscope  and  all  the  diaphragms.  Swing  the 
mirror  so  that  the  rays  may  be  sent  very  obliquely  upon  the  object 
(fig.  134).  The  bright  spot  will  appear  no  longer  in  the  center,  but 
on  the  side  away  from  the  mirror  (fig.  136  A). 

§  336.  Oil  globules.  — -  Prepare  these  by  beating  a  small  drop  of 
clove  or  other  oil  with  gum  arabic  mucilage  on  a  slide  and  covering 
as  directed  for  air  bubbles  (§  333),  or  use  a  drop  of  milk  in  a  drop 
of  water. 

§  337.  Oil  globules  with  central  illumination.  —  Use   the   same 


j  The  light  is  shown  to  be  oblique  with  ray  c\ 
rays  A  B  are  central.  The  arrows  indicate  the 
path  of  the  rays.  (For  the  objective  see  expla- 
nation of  figure  44.) 

2  Abbe  condenser  with  an  eccentric  dia- 
phragm (j)  admitting  light  only  on  one  side. 

Axis    The  principal  optic  axis.    Ob    Objective. 

S  A  xis     Secondary  axis. 

CH.  VII] 



diaphragm  and  light  as  above  (§  334).  Find  an  oil  globule  appearing 
about  i  mm.  in  diameter.  If  the  light  is  central,  a  bright  spot  will 
appear  in  the  center.  Focus  up  and  down  and  note  that  the  dark 
ring  is  narrower  than  with  air  and  that  the  bright  center  of  the  oil 
globule  is  clearest  last  in  focusing  up. 

§  338.  Oil  globules  with  oblique  illumination. 
—  Remove  the  substage,  etc.,  as  above,  swing  the 
mirror  to  one  side  and  light  with  oblique  light. 
The  bright  spot  will  be  eccentric,  and  will  ap- 
pear to  be  on  the  same  side  as  the  mirror  (fig. 

FIG.  136.  SMALL 

The  arrow  indi- 
cates the  direction 
of  the  light. 

§  339.  Oil  and  air  together.  —  Make  a  prepara- 
tion exactly  as  described  for  air  bubbles  (§  333), 
and  add  at  one  edge  a  little  of  the  mixture  of  oil 
and  mucilage  (§  336);  cover  and  examine. 

The  substage  need  not  be  used  in  this  ex- 
periment. Search  the  preparation  until  an  air 
bubble  and  an  oil  globule,  each  appearing  about 
i  mm.  in  diameter,  are  found  in  the  same 
field  of  view.  Light  first  with  central  light,  and 
note  that,  in  focusing  up,  the  air  bubble  comes 
into  focus  first  and  that  the  central  spot  is  smaller  than  that 
of  the  oil  globule.  Then,  of  course,  the  black  ring  will  be 
wider  in  the  air  bubble  than  in  the  oil  globule.  Make  the  light 
oblique.  The  bright  spot  in  the  air  bubble  will  move  away  from  the 
mirror,  while  that  in  the  oil  globule  will  move  toward  it  (fig.  136). 

As  the  air  bubble  is  of  less  refractive  index  than  the  mucilage,  it 
will  act  like  a  concave  lens  (fig.  137),  while  the  oil  globule,  having  a 
greater  refractive  index  than  the  mucilage,  will  act  as  a  convex  lens 
(fig.  137,  §  33Qa). 

It  is  possible  to  distinguish  oil  and  air  optically,  as  described 
above,  only  when  quite  high  powers  are  used  and  very  small  bubbles 
are  selected  for  observation.  If  a  16  mm.  (lox)  objective  is  used 
instead  of  a  4  mrn.  (4ox),  the  appearances  will  vary  considerably  from 
that  given  above  for  the  higher  power.  It  is  well  to  use  a  low  as 
well  as  a  high  power.  Marked  differences  will  also  be  seen  in  the 



[CH.  VII 

appearances  with  objectives  of  small  and  of  large  aperture,  as  the 
larger  aperture  takes  in  more  oblique  rays  and  hence  the  black 


margin  is  narrowed  (§  341). 


137.     AIR   BUBBLES   AND 

Axis    The  principal  optic  axis. 

F,  F  The  principal  foci  of  the  air 
and  oil.  As  the  air  is  less  refractive 
than  water  its  focus  is  virtual.  The 
focus  of  the  oil  globule  is  real,  as  its 
refraction  is  greater  than  water. 

It  should  be  remembered 
that  the  image  in  the  compound  micro- 
scope is  inverted  (fig.  18);  hence  the 
bright  spot  really  moves  toward  the 
mirror  for  air,  and  away  from  it  for 

£  340.  Air  and  oil  by  reflected 
light.  —  Use  the  same  prepara- 
tion as  in  §  339.  Cover  the  dia- 
OIL  phragm  or  mirror  so  that  no 
transmitted  light  can  reach  the 
preparation.  The  oil  and  air 
will  appear  like  globules  of  silver 
on  a  dark  ground.  The  part 
that  was  darkest  in  each  with 
transmitted  light  will  be  lighted, 

and  the  bright  central  spot  will  be  somewhat  dark.     Use  also  the 
condenser  and  dark-ground  illumination. 

Experiments  in  which  the  substage  condenser  is  used  (§§  341- 

§  341.  Distinctness  of  outline.  —  In  refraction  images  this  de- 
pends on  the  difference  between  the  refractive  power  of  a  body  and 
that  of  the  medium  which  surrounds  it.  The  oil  and  air  were  very 
distinct  in  outline,  as  both  differ  greatly  in  refractive  power  from  the 
medium  which  surrounds  them,  the  oil  being  more  refractive  than 
the  mucilage  and  the  air  less  (fig.  137). 

Place  a  fragment  of  a  cover-glass  on  a  clean  slide,  and  cover  it 
(fig.  138).  Use  it  as  object  and  employ  the  16  mm.  (lox)  objective 
and  8x  or  lox  ocular.  The  fragment  will  be  outlined  by  a  dark 
band.  Put  a  drop  of  water  at  the  edge  of  the  cover-glass.  It  will 
run  in  and  immerse  the  fragment.  The  outline  will  remain  distinct, 
but  the  dark  band  will  be  somewhat  narrower.  Remove  the  cover- 
glass,  wipe  it  dry,  and  wipe  the  fragment  and  slide  dry  also.  Put  a 
drop  of  50%  glycerin  on  the  middle  of  the  slide  and  mount  the 

CH.  Vll] 



FIG.  138.  FINE 

fragment  of  cover-glass  in  that.    The  dark  contour  will  be  much 
narrower  than  before. 

Draw  a  solid  glass  rod  out  to  a  fine  thread.  Mount  one  piece  in 
air,  and  the  other  in  50%  glycerin.  Put  a 
cover-glass  on  each.  Employ  the  same  optical 
arrangement  as  before.  Examine  the  one  in  air 
first.  There  will  be  seen  a  narrow,  bright  band, 
vuth  a  wide,  dark  band  on  each  side  (fig.  i3Qa). 
The  one  in  glycerin  will  show  a  much  wider 
bright  central  band,  \\ith  the  dark  borders  cor- 
respondingly narrow  (fig.  i3Qb).  The  dark 
contour  depends  also  on  the  numerical  aperture 
of  the  objective  —  being  \\ider  with  low  aper- 
tures. This  can  be  readily  understood  when  it 
is  remembered  that  the  greater  the  aperture  the 
IT. ore  oblique  the  rays  of  light  that  can  be  received, 
and  that  the  dark  band  simply  represents  an 
area  in  which  the  rays  are  so  greatly  bent  or 
refracted  (fig.  137)  that  they  cannot  enter  the  objective  and  con- 
tribute to  the  formation  of  the 
image;  the  edges  are  dark 
simply  because  no  light  from 
them  reaches  the  observer. 

If  the  glass  rod  or  any  other 
object  were  mounted  in  a 
medium  of  the  same  color  and 
refractive  power,  it  could  not 
be  distinguished  from  the 

The  effect  of  the  immersing  liquid  on  the  contour  bands  around 
any  transparent  object  is  made  of  practical  use  in  the  determination 
of  the  refractive  index  of  crystals  and  other  bodies.  When  the 
crystal  and  liquid  are  of  the  same  index  there  will  be  no  band,  and 
the  more  they  differ,  the  wider  will  be  the  band.  As  shown  in 
§§  333~~34°>  lighting  with  oblique  light,  also  focusing  up  and  down, 
will  indicate  whether  the  crystal  is  of  greater  or  less  index  than  the 

FIG.  139. 


a  Glass  rod  in  air  and  viewed  by 
central  transmitted  light. 

b  Glass  rod  mounted  in  50%  gly- 
cerin; the  dark  border  is  narrower  than 
when  mounted  in  air. 


liquid.  For  this  method  a  series  of  liquids  of  known  index  of  re- 
fraction must  be  at  hand.  For  a  complete  discussion,  see  Chamot, 
p,  185,  Chamot  and  Mason,  vol.  I,  p.  366. 

A  very  striking  and  satisfactory  demonstration  may  be  made  by 
painting  a  zone  or  band  of  eosin  or  other  transparent  color  on  a 
solid  glass  rod,  and  immersing  the  rod  in  a  test  tube  or  vial  of  cedar 
oil,  clove  oil,  or  turpentine.  Above  the  liquid  the  glass  rod  is  very 
evident,  but  under  the  liquid  it  can  hardly  be  seen  except  where 
the  red  band  is  painted  on  it.  This  is  a  good  example  of  a  color 
image  and  of  a  refraction  image  to  the  naked  eye  (§  152). 

§  341a.  Some  of  the  rods  have  air  bubbles  in  them,  and  then  there  results 
a  capillary  tube  when  they  are  drawn  out.  It  is  well  to  draw  out  a  glass  tube 
into  a  fine  thread  and  examine  it  as  described.  The  central  cavity  makes  the 
experiment  much  more  complex. 

§  342,  Highly  refractive.  —  This  expression  is  often  used  in  de- 
scribing microscopic  objects  (medulla ted  nerve  fibers,  for  example), 
and  means  that  the  object  will  appear  to  be  bordered  by  a  wide, 
dark  margin  when  it  is  viewed  by  transmitted  light.  And  from  the 
above  (§  341),  it  would  be  known  that  the  refractive  power  of  the 
object  and  the  medium  in  which  it  was  mounted  must  differ  con- 

§  343.  Doubly   contoured.  — 
This  means  that  the  object  is 
bounded  by  two  usually  parallel, 
dark  lines  with  a  lighter  band 
between  them.    In  other  words, 
FIG.  140.    SOLID  GLASS  ROD  COATED      t^e  Object  ;s  bordered  by  (i)  a 
WITH    COLLODION    TO    SHOW    DOUBLE       ,    ,    ,.       /  s       r  u  <.  r       i        j 
CONTOUR.  dark  hne>  (2)  a  "§"*  ban(1,  and 

(3)  a  second  dark  line. 

This  may  be  demonstrated  by  coating  a  fine  glass  rod  (§  341)  with 
one  or  more  coats  of  collodion  or  celloidin  and  allowing  it  to  dry, 
and  then  mounting  in  50%  glycerin  as  above  (§  341).  Employ  a 
4  mm.  (4ox)  or  higher  objective,  light  with  transmitted  light,  and  it 
will  be  seen  that  where  the  glycerin  touches  the  collodion  coating  there 
is  a  dark  line,  next  this  is  a  light  band,  and  finally  there  is  a  second 
dark  line  where  the  collodion  is  in  contact  with  the  glass  rod  (fig.  140). 


§  343a.  The  collodion  used  is  a  6  %  solution  of  soluble  cotton  (parlodion,  collo- 
dion, pyroxylin)  in  equal  parts  of  sulphuric  ether  and  95%,  or,  preferably,  ab- 
solute alcohol.  It  is  well  to  dip  the  rod  two  or  three  times  in  the  collodion  and 
to  hold  it  vertically  while  drying.  The  collodion  will  gather  in  drops,  and  one 
will  see  the  difference  between  a  thick  and  a  thin  membranous  covering  (fig.  140). 

§  344.  Optical  section.  —  This  is  the  appearance  obtained  in  ex- 
amining transparent  or  nearly  transparent  objects  with  a  microscope 
when  some  plane  below  the  upper  surface  of  the  object  is  in  focus. 
The  upper  part  of  the  object,  which  is  out  of  focus,  obscures  the 
image  but  slightly.  By  changing  the  position  of  the  objective  or 
object,  a  different  plane  will  be  in  focus  and  a  different  optical  sec- 
tion obtained.  The  most  satisfactory  optical  sections  are  obtained 
with  high  objectives  having  large  aperture.  : , 

Nearly  all  the  transparent  objects  studied  may  be  viewed  in 
optical  section.  A  striking  example  will  be  found  in  studying  mam- 
malian red  blood  corpuscles  on  edge.  The  experiments  with  the 
solid  glass  rods  (fig.  139)  furnish  excellent  and  striking  examples  of 
optical  sections. 

§  345.  Currents  in  liquids.  —Employ  a  16  mm.  (lox)  objective, 
and  as  object  put  a  few  particles  of  carmine,  starch,  or  chalk  dust  on 
the  middle  of  a  slide  and  add  a  drop  of  water.  Grind  the  carmine  or 
other  substance  well  with  a  scalpel  blade;  leave  the  preparation 
uncovered.  If  the  microscope  is  inclined,  a  current  will  be  pro- 
duced in  the  water,  and  the  particles  will  be  carried  along  by  it. 
Note  that  the  particles  seem  to  flow  up  instead  of  down;  why  is 
this?  How  would  it  appear  to  flow  with  an  erecting  microscope? 

§  346.  Velocity  under  the  microscope.  —  In  studying  currents  or 
the  movement  of  living  things  under  the  microscope,  one  should  not 
forget  that  the  apparent  velocity  is  as  unlike  the  real  velocity  as  the 
apparent  size  is  unlike  the  real  size.  If  one  consults  (fig.  51,  it  will 
be  seen  that  the  actual  size  of  the  field  of  the  microscope  with  the 
different  objectives  and  oculars  is  inversely  as  the  magnification. 
That  is,  with  great  magnification  only  a  small  area  can  be  seen. 
The  field  appears  to  be  large,  however,  and  if  any  object  moves 
across  the  field,  it  may  appear  to  move  with  great  rapidity,  whereas 
if  one  measures  the  actual  distance  passed  and  notes  the  time,  it  will 
be  seen  that  the  actual  motion  is  quite  slow.  One  should  keep  this 


in  mind  in  studying  the  circulation  of  the  blood.  The  truth  of 
what  has  just  been  said  can  be  easily  demonstrated  in  studying 
the  circulation  in  the  gills  of  necturus,  or  in  the  frog's  foot,  by 
using  first  a  low  power  in  which  the  field  is  actually  of  considerable 
diameter  (fig.  51;  Table,  §94)  and  then  using  a  high  power. 
With  the  high  power  the  apparent  motion  will  seem  much  more 
rapid.  For  spiral,  serpentine,  and  other  forms  of  motion,  see  Car- 
pen  ter-Dallinger,  p.  433. 

§  347.  Pedesis  or  Brownian  movement.  —  Employ  the  same 
object  as  above,  but  a  4  mm.  (4ox)  or  higher  objective  in  place  of 
the  1 6  mm.  (lox).  Make  the  body  of  the  microscope  vertical  so 
that  there  may  be  no  currents  produced.  Use  a  small  diaphragm 
and  light  the  field  well.  Focus  and  there  will  be  seen  in  the  field 
large  motionless  masses,  and  between  them  small  masses  in  constant 
motion.  This  is  an  indefinite,  dancing,  or  oscillating  motion. 

This  indefinite  but  continuous  motion  of  small  particles  in  a 
liquid  is  called  Brownian  movement  or  pedesis;  also,  but  improperly, 
molecular  nlovement,  from  the  smallness  of  the  particles. 

The  motion  is  increased  by  adding  a  little  gum  arabic  solution  or  a 
slight  amount  of  silicate  of  soda  or  soap;  sulphuric  acid  and  various 
saline  compounds  retard  or  check  the  motion.  One  of  the  best  ob- 
jects is  lamp-black  ground  up  in  water  with  a  little  gum  arabic. 
Carmine  prepared  in  the  same  way,  or  simply  in  water,  is  excellent; 
and  very  finely  powdered  pumice-stone  in  water  has  for  many  years 
been  a  favorite  object.  Pedesis  is  exhibited  by  all  solid  matter  if  it 
is  finely  enough  divided.  For  high  powers,  and  with  the  dark-field 
microscope  a  very  dilute  mixture  of  carbon  ink  in  water  is  excellent. 
For  the  dark-field  microscope  the  chylomicrons  of  the  blood  show 
the  Brownian  movement  admirably  (§  212). 

Compare  the  pedetic  motion  with  that  of  a  current  by  slightly 
inclining  the  tube  of  the  microscope.  The  small  particles  will  con- 
tinue their  independent  leaping  movements  while  they  are  carried 
along  by  the  current.  The  pedetic  motion  makes  it  difficult  to  ob- 
tain good  photographs  of  milk  globules  and  other  small  particles. 
The  difficulty  may  be  overcome  by  mixing  the  milk  with  a  very 
weak  solution  of  gelatin  and  allowing  it  to  cool  (10  %  gelatin  is  good). 


Until  recently  no  adequate  explanation  of  this  movement  had 
been  offered.  At  the  present  time  it  is  believed  to  be  due  to  the 
kinetic  activity  of  matter,  and  in  itself  to  be  one  of  the  best  proofs 
of  that  activity.  This  is  what  is  said  by  Rutherford:  "The 
character  of  the  Brownian  movement  irresistibly  impresses  the 
observer  with  the  idea  that  the  particles  are  hurled  hither  and 
thither  by  the  action  of  forces  resident  in  the  solution,  and  that 
these  can  only  arise  from  the  continuous  and  ceaseless  movement  of 
the  invisible  molecules  of  which  the  fluid  is  composed."  "  What- 
ever may  be  the  exact  explanation  of  this  phenomenon,  there  can 
be  but  little  doubt  that  it  results  from  the  movements  of  the  mole- 
cules of  the  solution,  and  is  thus  a  striking,  if  somewhat  indirect, 
proof  of  the  general  correctness  of  the  kinetic  theory  of  matter." 
Nature,  Vol.  81,  1909,  pp.  257-263;  Science,  N.  S.,  Vol.  30,  1909, 
pp.  289-303. 

By  the  aid  of  the  ultra-microscope  it  has  been  shown  that  the 
particles  in  smoke,  etc.,  exhibit  the  pedetic  movement  even  more 
strikingly  than  do  those  in  liquids. 

§  348.  Demonstration  of  pedesis  with  the  polarizing  microscope. 
—  The  following  demonstration  shows  conclusively  that  the  pedetic 
motion  is  real  and  not  illusory  (Ranvier,  p.  173). 

Open  the  abdomen  of  a  dead  frog  (an  alcoholic  or  formalin  speci- 
men is  satisfactory).  Turn  the  viscera  to  one  side  and  observe  the 
small  whitish  masses  at  the  emergence  of  the  spinal  nerves.  With 
fine  forceps  remove  one  of  these  and  place  it  on  the  middle  of  a  clean 
slide.  Add  a  drop  of  water,  or  of  water  containing  a  little  gum 
arabic.  Rub  the  white  mass  around  in  the  drop  of  liquid  and  soon 
the  liquid  will  have  a  milky  appearance.  Remove  the  white  mass, 
place  a  cover-glass  on  the  milky  liquid,  and  seal  the  cover  by  paint- 
ing a  ring  of  castor  oil  all  around  it,  the  ring  being  half  on  the  slide  and 
half  on  the  cover-glass.  This  is  to  avoid  the  production  of  currents 
by  evaporation. 

Put  the  preparation  under  the  microscope  and  examine  with  first 
a  low  power,  then  a  high  power  (4  mm.  4ox).  In  the  field  will  be 
seen  multitudes  of  crystals  of  carbonate  of  lime;  the  larger  crystals 
are  motionless,  but  the  smallest  ones  exhibit  marked  pedetic  movement. 


Use  the  micro-polariscope,  light  with  great  care,  and  exclude  all 
adventitious  light  from  the  microscope  by  shading  the  object  (§  155) 
and  also  by  shading  the  eye.  Focus  sharply  and  observe  the  pedetic 
motion  of  the  small  particles,  then  cross  the  polarizer  and  analyzer, 
that  is,  turn  one  or  the  other  till  the  field  is  dark.  Part  of  the  large 
motionless  crystals  will  shine  continuously  and  a  part  will  remain 
dark,  but  small  crystals  between  the  large  ones  will  shine  for  an 
instant,  then  disappear,  only  to  appear  again  the  next  instant.  This 
demonstration  is  believed  to  furnish  absolute  proof  that  the  pedetic 
movement  is  real  and  not  illusory. 

For  the  help  given  by  the  micro-spectroscope  see  Ch.  V. 

§  349.  Use  of  dark-ground  illumination  for  interpreting  appear- 
ances. —  Dark-ground  illumination  is  almost  invaluable  for  bringing 
out  details  of  structure  and  for  showing  movement  in  living  things. 
The  granules  and  different  parts  in  living  cells  and  minute  organisms 
are  of  so  nearly  the  same  refractive  index  that  it  is  exceedingly  diffi- 
cult to  differentiate  them  with  the  ordinary  methods  of  illumination. 
On  the  other  hand,  with  dark-ground  illumination  the  different 
structures  stand  out  with  the  greatest  clearness. 

§  350.  Specimens  to  use  for  dark-ground  illumination.  —  (i)  Or- 
ganisms from  hay  infusion.  Use  for  the  infusion  a  small  fruit  jar  or 
other  glass  dish.  Go  to  a  stream  or  pond  and  from  a  shallow,  stag- 
nant pool  along  the  edge  take  some  of  the  surface  of  the  mud  and 
put  it  into  the  jar  with  some  of  the  water.  Add  some  of  the  dead 
grass  found  along  the  edge  of  the  pond;  cut  up  into  short  pieces. 
Set  in  a  warm,  dimly  lighted  or  dark  place  for  a  day  or  longer.  This 
should  soon  be  alive  with  all  sorts  of  minute  living  things. 

If  it  is  not  easy  to  get  the  water,  mud  and  dead  grass,  fairly 
good  results  are  obtained  by  putting  some  ordinary  hay  in  water  of 
any  kind. 

With  fine  forceps  take  a  leaf  or  piece  of  stem  of  the  dead  grass  and 
put  it  on  a  slide.  Move  it  around  and  press  it  down  so  that  a  good 
drop  of  liquid  and  debris  will  be  on  the  slide.  Remove  the  grass  and 
cover  the  liquid  with  a  0.15  mm.  cover-glass.  This  should  be 
studied  fresh  with  a  4  mm.  (4ox)  objective,  lox  ocular,  and  trans- 
mitted light.  Then  put  in  place  the  dark-ground  illuminator,  center 


it  and  add  some  homogeneous  liquid  to  the  top  of  the  condenser  and 
run  it  up  till  the  liquid  is  in  contact  with  the  under  side  of  the  slide. 
Put  a  drop  of  homogeneous  liquid  on  the  cover-glass  and  use  a 
homogeneous  immersion  objective  in  which  the  aperture  has  been 
cut  down  to  0.85  N.A.  or  less. 

(2)  Saliva.    Put  a  drop  of  saliva  on  a  slide  and  cover  it  with  a 
0.15  mm.  cover-glass.    Examine  as  in  (i). 

Note  the  pedetic  or  Brownian  movement  of  the  granules  in  the 
rounded  salivary  corpuscles,  the  minute  granules  in  the  broad  oval 
epithelium,  etc. 

(3)  Fresh  blood.  —  For  preparing  and  studying  this,  follow  the 
directions  given  in  §  211. 

§  351.  Difference  of  appearance  due  to  difference  of  focus.  — 
If  one  takes  a  geometrical  pattern  like  that  shown  in  fig.  141  and 
looks  at  it  in  the  ordinary  way,  the  appearance  is  that  of  white  spots 
on  a  dark  field.  If  now  the  head  is  held  closer  and  closer  to  the 
picture,  an  inversion  \\ill  take  place  and  the  appearance  is  of  dark 
spots  in  a  ^hite  field.  This  illustrates  how  difficult  it  is  to  deter- 
mine the  real  appearance  under  the  microscope  of  objects  having 
geometrical  patterns,  especially  if  there  are 
several  of  them  superimposed,  as  with  the 
wire  gauze  experiment  (§  355).  The  image 
is  often  just  as  satisfactory  in  one  focus 
as  in  another,  although  the  appearance 
changes  very  markedly  in  the  two  posi- 

§  352.  Comparing  two  microscopic  fields 
side  by  side.  —  It  is  so  difficult  to  carry 
in  the  mind  the  exact  appearance  of  any  PA^RNI4ITO  GSH°O™£ 
structure  or  complex  pattern,  that  many  FERENCE  OF  APPEARANCE 
efforts  have  been  made  to  have  the  micro-  D*PENDING  ON  THE 
scopic  images  side  by  side  so  that  they  can  (From 
be  looked  at  at  the  same  time.  This  has 
been  accomplished  by  using  two  microscopes  and  projecting  two 
fields  side  by  side,  as  can  be  done  by  having  two  microscopes  like  the 
one  shown  in  fig.  182. 



[CH.  VII 

Another  method  is  by  means  of  a  comparison  ocular  (fig.  142). 
Then  two  objects  under  two  microscopes  have  the  images  side  by 
side  in  the  ocular,  half  the  field  being  taken  up  by  one  object  and 


Two  MICROSCOPES  SIDE  BY  SIDE.     (Rl  R*). 
(Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Co.,  from  Chamot). 

T1    To  fit  into  the  tube  of  the  left  microscope. 

T2    To  fit  into  the  tube  of  the  right  microscope. 

P  Prisrn  to  reflect  the  beam  from  the  right  microscope  to  the  prism  722, 
whence  it  is  reflected  up  through  the  ocular  (O)  into  the  right  half  of  the  field 
shown  above  in  the  face  view. 

Pl  Rl  The  prism  and  left  half  of  the  field  shown  in  face  view  in  the  diagram 
at  the  top. 

half  by  the  other;  then  the  eye  can  compare  two  structures  side  by 

§  353.  Muscae  volitantes.  —  These  specks  or  filaments  in  the 
eyes  due  to  minute  shreds  or  opacities  of  the  vitreous  humor,  some- 


times  appear  as  part  of  the  object  as  they  are  projected  into  the 
field  of  vision.  They  may  be  seen  by  looking  into  the  well-lighted 
microscope.  They  may  also  be  seen  by  looking  at  brightly  illumi- 
nated snow  or  other  white  surface.  By  studying  them  carefully  it  will 
be  seen  that  they  are  somewhat  movable  and  float  across  the  field 
of  vision,  and  thus  do  not  remain  in  one  position  as  do  the  objects 
under  observation.  Furthermore,  one  may,  by  taking  a  little  pains, 
familiarize  himself  with  the  special  forms  in  his  own  eyes  so  that  the 
more  conspicuous  at  least  may  be  instantly  recognized. 

§  354.  Miscellaneous  observations.  —  In  addition  to  the  above 
experiments  it  is  very  strongly  recommended  that  the  student  follow 
the  advice  of  Beale,  p.  248,  and  examine  first  with  a  low  power  then 
with  a  higher  power;  mounted  dry,  then  in  water;  lighted  with  re- 
flected light,  then  with  transmitted  light,  the  following:  potato, 
wheat,  rice,  and  corn  starch  (easily  obtained  by  scraping  the  potato 
and  the  grains  mentioned);  bread  crumbs;  portions  of  feather 
(portions  of  feather  accidentally  present  in  histological  preparations 
have  been  mistaken  for  lymphatic  vessels  —  Beale,  288) ;  fibers  of 
cotton,  linen,  and  silk  (textile  fibers  accidentally  present  have  been 
considered  nerve  fibers,  etc.);  the  scales  of  butterflies  and  moths, 
especially  the  common  clothes  moths;  the  dust  swept  from  carpeted 
and  wood  floors;  tea  leaves  and  coffee  grounds;  dust  found  in  living 
rooms  and  in  places  not  frequently  dusted  (in  the  last  will  be  found 
a  regular  museum  of  objects). 

§  355.  Wire  gauze  experiment.  —  For  a  very  striking  illustration 
of  the  need  of  care  in  interpretation  with  naked  eye  observation, 
take  two  pieces  of  wire  gauze  such  as  is  used  for  milk  strainers,  or 
some  slightly  coarser.  Place  these  over  each  other  and  look  through 
them  toward  the  light.  Where  there  is  but  a  single  layer  the  weave 
is  evident,  but  where  the  two  pieces  overlap  the  appearance  is  very 
puzzling,  and  changes  constantly  as  one  piece  is  rotated,  bringing  the 
threads  and  meshes  at  an  angle.  One  could  hardly  believe  that  the 
structure  is  so  simple  when  looking  through  two  layers  of  the  gauze. 

If  it  is  necessary  then  to  see  all  sides  of  an  ordinary  gross  object, 
to  observe  it  in  various  positions  and  with  varying  illumination  and 
under  various  conditions  of  temperature,  moisture,  and  in  single  as 


well  as  multiple  layers  to  obtain  a  fairly  accurate  and  satisfactory 
knowledge  of  it,  so  much  the  more  is  it  necessary  to  be  satisfied 
with  the  interpretation  of  appearances  under  the  microscope  only 
after  applying  every  means  of  investigation  at  command.  Even 
then  only  such  details  of  the  image  will  be  noted  and  understood  as 
the  brain  behind  the  eye  has  been  trained  to  appreciate. 

§  365a.  Experiment  with  wire  gauze.  —  F6r  this  very  striking,  naked-eye 
experiment  with  the  wire  gauze  the  author  is  indebted  to  a  suggestion  from 
Dr.  Chamot. 

§  356.  Inversion  of  the  microscopic  image.  —  As  all  the  images 
produced  by  the  modern  compound  microscope  are  inverted  unless 
they  are  erected  by  a  special  arrangement  of  prisms,  one  must  learn 
to  interpret  the  appearances  in  an  inverted  image  with  the  same 
certainty  as  in  erect  images  seen  by  the  naked  eye  or  through  the 
simple  microscope.  It  may  be  remarked  in  passing  that  with  the 
compound  microscope  the  image  is  actually  erect  on  the  retina  of 
the  eye  (figs.  2,  18). 

With  the  compound  microscope  it  soon  becomes  as  easy  to  move 
the  slide  in  the  right  direction  to  see  a  desired  part  as  it  is  to  make 
the  proper  motions  when  examining  an  object  with  the  naked  eye, 
although  the  motions  are  directly  opposite  in  the  two  cases.  Indeed, 
so  natural  does  it  become  for  the  worker  with  the  compound  micro- 
scope to  make  the  proper  motions  for  the  object  giving  the  inverted 
image,  that  if  he  uses  a  compound  microscope  with  an  erecting  prism 
he  almost  invariably  moves  the  preparation  in  the  wrong  direction. 
With  the  simple  microscope,  however,  it  seems  like  naked-eye  obser- 
vation and  there  is  never  any  difficulty. 

This  goes  to  show  that  by  experience  it  is  as  easy  to  interpret 
inverted  as  erect  images.  This  is  further  illustrated  by  the  printer 
who  learns  to  read  type  without  difficulty,  although  it  is  a  great 
puzzle  to  one  who  has  learned  to  read  the  appearances  only  after  the 
type  has  been  printed  on  paper. 

§  357.  Physical  analysis  by  the  dark-field,  the  polarizing  and  the 
ultra-violet  microscope.  —  If  one  looks  at  objects  with  the  bright- 
field  microscope  only,  there  may  seem  to  be  a  complete  revelation 
of  the  structure  and  form.  But  how  inadequate  that  revelation  is 


will  become  apparent  if  one  or  more  of  the  special  microscopes  are 
used.  For  the  application  of  these  special  microscopes,  see  Chapters 
III,  IV  and  VI.  Do  not  fail  to  get  the  additional  information  if  the 
instruments  are  available. 

§  358.  Summary  for  proper  interpretation.  —  To  summarize  this 
chapter  and  leave  with  the  beginning  student  the  result  of  the 
experience  of  many  eminent  workers: 

(1)  Get  all  the  information  possible  with  the  unaided  eye.     See 
the  whole  object  and  all  sides  of  it,  so  far  as  possible. 

(2)  Examine  the  preparation  with  a  simple  microscope  in  the 
same  thorough  way  for  additional  detail. 

(3)  Use  a  low  power  of  the  compound  microscope. 

(4)  Use  a  higher  power. 

(5)  Make  sure  that  the  mirror  is  in  the  best  position  to  give  the 
most  favorable  light.    Vary  the  aperture  by  opening  and  closing  the 
iris  diaphragm  to  find  the  aperture  which  gives  the  clearest  image  in 
each  case. 

(6)  Shade  the  top  of  the  stage  of  the  microscope  to  cut  off  the 
light  from  above  and  thus  avoid  confusion  from  that  source. 

(7)  Use  the  highest  power  available  and  applicable.    In  this  way 
one  sees  the  object  as  a  whole  and  progressively  more  and  more  de- 

(8)  If  one  has  the  apparatus,  it  is  a  good  plan  to  examine  speci- 
mens with  a  binocular  microscope  to  gain  the  best  notion  possible 
of  the  relative  position  of  parts  of  the  specimen. 

(9)  Use  the  dark-ground  illuminator   (§  349),   the  spectroscope, 
the  polariscope,  and  the  ultra-violet  microscope  (§§  312-318,  357). 

(10)  Try  staining  the  preparations  to  be  studied  in  various  ways 
to  bring  out  the  structural  details;  remember  also  the  advantage  of 
a  color  picture  over  a  pure  refraction  image  (§  152)  and  especially  of 
a  combined  color  and  refraction  image.    Keep  in  mind  also  that  the 
microscopic  image  cannot  be  expected  to  reveal  structural  details 
that  are  not  in  some  way  clearly  differentiated  in  the  specimen. 

(n)  If  artificial  light  must  be  used,  employ  a  screen  of  daylight 
glass  (§  76)  between  the  source  of  illumination  and  the  microscope; 
then  one  can  obtain  true  color  effects. 


(12)  The  composite  picture  derived  from  all  available  means  of 
observation  is  much  more  likely  to  be  correct  than  that  obtained  by 
only  one  or  two  means  of  observation. 

(13)  According  to  Wright,  p.  46,  it  is  far  more  difficult  to  prepare 
and  illuminate  a  specimen  properly  than  to  get  a  good  image  of  it 
after  it  is  thus  prepared  and  lighted. 


For  general  discussions:  Carpenter-Dallinger;  A.  E.  Wright,  Principles  of  Mi- 
croscopy, Ch.  V;  Beale;  Spitta,  Microscope,  Ch.  XVIII;  Chamot,  Chemical 

For  pedesis,  see  Jevons  in  Quart.  Jour.  Science,  n.s.,  Vol.  VIII  (1878),  p.  167; 
Rutherford,  Science,  N.  S.  Vol.  XXX,  1909,  pp.  289-302.  For  the  original 
account  of  this  see  Robert  Brown,  "  Botanical  appendix  to  Captain  King's 
voyage  to  Australia,"  Vol.  II,  p.  534  (1826). 

For  overcoming  pedesis  for  photography  see  Gage,  The  use  of  a  solution  of 
gelatin  to  obviate  pedesis  in  photographing  milk  globules  and  other  minute  ob- 
jects in  water,  Transactions  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  Vol.  XXIV,  1902,  p.  21. 

For  figures  (photo-micrographs,  etc.)  of  the  various  forms  of  starch,  see  Bulle- 
tin No.  13  of  the  Chemical  Division  of  the  U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture.  For 
hair  and  wool,  see  Bulletin  of  the  National  Association  of  Wool  Growers,  1875, 
p.  470;  Proc.  Amer.  Micro.  Soc.,  1884,  pp.  65-68;  Herzfeld,  translated  by  Sal- 
ter,  The  technical  testing  of  yarns  and  textile  fabrics,  London,  1898. 

HAUSMAN,  L,  A.  —  A  micrological  investigation  of  hair  structure  of  the  mo- 
notremata.  Amer.  Jour.  Anat.,  Vol.  27,  1920,  pp.  463-488.  Many  figs. 

For  different  appearances  due  to  the  illuminator,  see  Nelson,  in  Jour.  Roy.  Micr. 
Soc.,  1891,  pp.  90-105;  and  for  the  illusory  appearances  due  to  diffraction  phe- 
nomena, see  Carpenter-Dallinger,  p.  434;  Mercer,  Trans.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  V. 
18  p.  321-396;  also,  A.  E.  Wright's  Principles  of  Microscopy,  especially  the  first 
five  chapters;  and  chapter  IX  and  the  appendix.  Conrad  Beck.  The  Theory 
of  the  Microscope.  Cantor  Lectures  before  the  Royal  Society  of  Arts,  Nov.  Dec., 
I9°7-  59  pages,  London,  1908.  See  also  collateral  reading  in  previous  chapters. 


§§359-398;   FIGURES  143-166 


§  359.  The  fundamental  reason  for  using  a  microscope  lies  in  the 
structure  of  the  eye  and  its  possibilities  of  adjustment  for  objects 
at  different  distances. 

The  sensory  receptors  or  neuro-epithelium  (rods  and  cones)  of  the 
eye  stand  in  general  \\  ith  their  long  axes  \*  ith  the  parallel  rays  of  light 
entering  the  eye,  hence  the  image  of  any  external  object  falls  on  the 
ends  of  the  sensory  receptors.  Now  it  is  believed  that  if  any  image 
falls  wholly  upon  one  of  the  receptors,  it  will  appear  as  a  point; 
and  if  the  image  of  two  objects  close  together  were  to  fall  on  one 
receptor,  the  two  objects  would  appear  as  one. 

§  360.  Robert  Hooke  (1674),  in  dealing  with  the  power  of  the  hu- 
man eye  to  distinguish  double  stars  and  to  see  two  points  or  two 
details  of  an  object  as  two,  concluded  that  the  two  stars  or  the  two 
points  of  any  object  must  be  at  least  far  enough  apart  to  rtiake  the 
visual  angle  one  minute.  A  few  people  can  distinguish  double  stars 
with  a  visual  angle  less  than  one  minute,  but  for  many  people  the 
visual  angle  must  be  greater.  If  the  visual  angle  is  too  small,  then 
the  two  stars  or  two  points  appear  to  fuse  and  form  one.  The 
visual  angle  of  one  minute  then  does  not  represent  the  limit  of 
visibility,  but  the  limit  of  resolution,  that  is,  seeing  two  objects  as 
two  separate  things. 

Now  as  the  visual  angle  under  which  any  given  object  is  seen 
depends  upon  its  distance  from  the  eye,  and  the  power  of  accommo- 
dation for  distance  in  the  eye  is  limited,  if  very  small  objects  are 
to  be  seen,  or  the  parts  of  larger  objects  are  to  be  distinguished  as 
separate  details,  there  must  be  some  means  of  enabling  the  eye  to  get 
very  close  to  the  object. 





The  microscope  serves  to  increase  the  visual  angle  under  which  an 
object  is  seen,  thus  virtually  making  it  possible  to  get  the  eye  very 


RI  Retinal  image.  To  keep  this  of  constant  size  the  visual  angle  must 
remain  constant. 

Object  The  object  varying  in  size  directly  as  the  radius  to  keep  the  visual 
angle  and  the  retinal  image  constant. 

The  radii  in  this  figure  are  in  the  proportion  of  i,  2,  4. 

close  to  the  object  and  still  retain  the  sharpness  of  the  retinal  image. 
Or  to  put  it  in  another  way,  the  microscope  helps  the  eye  lo  produce 
a  larger  retinal  image,  and  makes  the  details  large  enough  to  fall  on 
more  than  one  of  the  retinal  elements,  thus  making  resolution  pos- 

The  sensory  receptors  of  the  retina  —  the  rods  and  cones  —  are 
quite  close  together  and  over  the  greater  part  of  the  retina  are 
commingled,  there  being  more  rods  than  cones.  In  the  region  of 




greatest  visual  acuity  (fovea  centralis  of  macula  lutea),  only  cones 
are  present.  In  general  the  rods  are  2ju  and  the  cones  6/i  in  di- 
ameter. In  the  fovea, 
however,  the  cones  are 
slender,  being  only 
about  2}Ji  to  3/i  in 
diameter.  These  sizes 
give  a  clue  to  the  size 
the  retinal  image  must 
have  in  order  that 
there  be  resolution, 
that  is,  that  two  points 
appear  as  two  or  two 
lines  appear  as  two. 

If  we  assume  that 
Hooke  was  correct  in 
the  assumption  that 
for  two  points  to  appear 
as  two  a  visual  angle 

of  i   minute  is  neces- 
sary, the   diameter  in 


R I  The  retinal  image  varying  inversely  as 
the  distance  of  the  object. 

V  A  The  visual  angle  varying  with  the  dis- 
tance of  the  object  from  the  eye. 

Object  The  object  of  constant  size  but  varying 
distance  from  the  eye.  The  distance  of  the  object 
is  in  the  ratio  of  i,  2,  4.  The  entire  circle  is 
shown  at  the  right,  but  only  a  small  arc  in  the 
other  figures. 

millimeters  or  inches  of 
the  object,  or  the  sep- 
aration of  the  two 
points  to  render  them 
visible  as  two,  is  easily  determined  as  follows. 

The  nodal  point  or  optic  center  of  the  eye  is  considered  to  be  at 
the  center  of  a  circle  (fig.  143),  and  the  object  at  the  circumference. 
No  matter  how  great  or  how  small  the  visual  distance,  the  object 
must  subtend  one  minute  of  the  arc  of  the  circle  at  whose  circum- 
ference it  is  situated,  in  order  that  its  two  extremities  shall  appear 
separate.  And  so  with  any  two  details;  they  must  be  far  enough 
apart  to  make  the  visual  angle  one  minute. 

To  determine  the  actual  length  in  millimeters  required  to  subtend 
one  minute  of  arc  in  any  case,  it  is  necessary  to  remember  only  that 
the  entire  circumference  is  6.2832  times  its  radius  (2wr),  and  that 
this  circumference  is  divided  into  360°  or  21,600  minutes. 


If,  now,  the  radius  of  the  circle,  or  the  distance  of  the  eye  from 
the  object,  is  i  meter,  the  circumference  of  the  circle  will  be  6.2832 
meters  or  6283.2  millimeters.  As  there  are  21,600  minutes  in  the 
entire  circumference,  the  actual  length  of  one  minute  with  a  circle 
having  a  radius  of  one  meter  is  6283.2  mm.  divided  by  21,600  equals 
0.29088  mm.  That  is,  the  eye  at  one  meter  distance  requires  two 
points  or  two  lines  to  be  separated  a  distance  of  0.29088  mm.  in 
order  that  they  may  be  seen  as  two  and  not  appear  to  be  fused  to- 

It  is  assumed  by  workers  with  the  microscope  that  the  distance  of 
most  distinct  vision  for  adults  when  looking  at  objects  for  details  of 
structure  is  254  mm.  or  10  inches.  This  is  the  standard  distance 
selected  for  the  determination  of  magnifying  power  in  microscopy 

The  question  now  is,  how  large  a  retinal  image  will  be  formed  by 
an  object  giving  a  visual  angle  of  i  minute  at  the  standard  distance 
of  254  mm. 

First  must  be  found  the  actual  size  of  the  object  to  give  a  visual 
angle  of  i  minute  at  254  mm.  distance.  It  is  known  from  the  above 
calculation  that  for  one  meter  or  icoo  mm.  the  object  must  have  a 
size  of  0.29088  mm.  Now  for  254  mm.  the  length  must  be  -fi^fa  of 
this  number  or  0.07388352  mm.,  that  is,  a  little  more  than  one- 
fourth  the  size  at  i  meter. 

Now  to  determine  the  size  of  the  retinal  image  at  254  mm.  image 
distance,  the  distance  from  the  center  or  nodal  point  of  the  eye  must 
be  known  as  well  as  the  image  distance  and  the  size  of  the  object. 
The  distance  of  the  retinal  image  from  the  nodal  point  is  assumed  to 
be  15  mm.  (Ho well,  p.  311);  then  the  size  of  the  retinal  image  will 
be:  0.07388352  :x  1:254 : 15  =  0.00436  mm.  or  4.36^1,  and  this  size 
would  make  the  image  fall  on  at  least  two  of  the  cones  of  the  fovea, 
and  therefore  there  would  be  resolution  and  any  two  points  would 
appear  as  two  and  not  as  one. 

§  361.  The  magnification,  amplification,  or  magnifying  power  of 
a  simple  or  compound  microscope  is  the  ratio  between  the  apparent 
and  real  size  of  the  object  examined.  The  apparent  size  is  obtained 
by  measuring  the  virtual  image  (figs.  145-146).  For  determining 



magnification  the  object  must  be  of  known  length  and  is  designated 
a  micrometer  (§  366).  In  practice  a  virtual  image  is  measured  by 
the  aid  of  some  form  of  camera  , 

lucida  (figs.  149,  169),  or  by  double 
vision  (§  363).  As  the  length  of 
the  object  is  known,  the  magnifica- 
tion is  easily  determined  by  divid- 
ing the  size  of  the  image  by  the 
size  of  the  object.  For  example,  if 
the  virtual  image  measures  40  mm. 
and  the  object  magnified,  2  mm., 
the  amplification  is  40  -s-  2  =  20, 
that  is,  the  apparent  size  is  twenty- 
fold  greater  than  the  real  size. 

Magnification  is  expressed  in 
diameters  or  times  linear;  that  is, 
but  one  dimension  is  considered. 
In  giving  a  scale  at  which  a  micro- 
scopical or  histological  drawing  is 
made,  the  word  "  magnification  " 
is  frequently  indicated  by  the 
sign  of  multiplication:  thus,  X4$o 
upon  a  drawing  means  that  the 
figure  or  drawing  has  the  width 
or  length  of  every  detail  450  times 

as  great  as  the  object. 

§  362.  Magnification  of  real  im- 
ages. —  In  this  case  the  magnifi- 
cation is  the  ratio  between  the  size 
of  the  real  image  and  the  size  of 
the  object,  and  the  size  of  the  real 
image  can  be  measured  directly. 
By  recalling  the  work  on  the 
function  of  an  objective,  it  will  be 
remembered  that  it  forms  a  real  image  on  the  ground-glass  placed 
on  the  top  of  the  tube,  and  that  this  real  image  could  be  looked  at 


Axis  The  principal  optic  axis  of 
the  microscope  and  of  the  eye. 

/  The  principal  focus  of  the  mi- 

A1B1  The  object  just  above  the 
focus  (/). 

B2  A'1  the  retinal  image;  it  is  in- 

A*  B*  The  virtual  image  at  250 
mm.  from  the  eye;  it  is  erect. 

Cr    Cornea  of  the  eye. 

R  Single  refracting  surface  of  the 
schematic  eye. 

L    The  crystalline  lens  of  the  eye. 



[Cn.  VIII 

Axis    The  principal  optic  axis  of  the  microscope  and  of  the  eye. 

//    Principal  focus  of  the  objective,  and  of  the  ocular,  r  im,  the  real  image 
formed  by  the  objective  just  above  the  principal  focus  of 

the  ocular. 

cr    The  cornea  of  the  eye. 

rs    The     single     refracting      /    \j  /    \       surface  of  the  schematic  eye. 

/    The   crystalline    lens   of     I        W        1      the  eye. 
The  retinal  image;    it     |      ^JJBU^/.   I      is  erect. 

The  tube-length  of  the  mi- 
limeters,  and  the  image  dis- 
250  millimeters.  For  more  com- 

croscope  (fig.  26)  is  160  mil- 
^%         tance    of    the    virtual    image, 
%  rs    plete  explanation  see  fig.  18. 



with  the  eye  or  measured  as  if  it  were  an  actual  object.  For  ex- 
ample, suppose  the  object  were  three  millimeters  long  and  its  image 
on  the  ground-glass  measured  15  mm.,  then  the  magnification  is 
I5  +  3  =  5>  that  is,  the  real  image  is  5  times  as  long  as  the  object. 
The  real  images  seen  in  photography  are  mostly  smaller  than  the 
objects,  but  the  magnification  is  designated  in  the  same  way  by 
dividing  the  size  of  the  real  image  measured  on  the  ground-glass  by 
the  size  of  the  object.  For  example,  if  the  object  is  400  millimeters 
long  and  its  image  on  the  ground-glass  is  25  millimeters  long,  the  ra- 
tio is  25  4-  400  =  iV,.  That  is,  the  image  is  iV  as  long  as  the  object 
and  is  not  magnified  but  reduced.  In  marking  negatives,  as  with 
drawings,  the  sign  of  multiplication  is  put  before  the  ratio,  and  in 
the  example  the  designation  is  X  TB  .  In  photography  and  when  us- 
ing the  magic  lantern  and  the  projection  microscope,  the  images  are 
real,  and  may  be  measured  on  the  screen  as  if  real  pictures  (fig.  147). 

§  363.  The  magnification  of  a  simple  microscope  is  the  ratio  be- 
tween the  virtual  image  (figs.  6,  145,  A3B3)  and  the  object  magnified 
(A1!}1).  To  obtain  the  size  of  this  virtual  image,  place  the  tripod 
magnifier  near  the  edge  of  a  support  or  block  of  such  a  height  that 
the  distance  from  the  upper  surface  of  the  magnifier  to  the  table  is 
250  millimeters. 

As  object,  place  a  scale  of  some  kind  ruled  in  millimeters  on  the 
support  under  the  magnifier.  Put  some  white  paper  on  the  table 
at  the  base  of  the  support  and  on  the  side  facing  the  light. 

Close  one  eye,  and  hold  the  head  so  that  the  other  will  be  near  the 
upper  surface  of  the  lens.  Focus  if  necessary  to  make  the  image 
clear.  Open  the  closed  eye  and  the  image  of  the  rule  will  appear  as 
if  on  the  paper  at  the  base  of  the  support.  Hold  the  head  very  still, 
and  with  dividers  get  the  distance  between  any  two  lines  of  the 
image.  This  is  the  so-called  method  of  double  vision  in  which 
the  microscope  image  is  seen  with  one  eye  and  the  dividers  with  the 
other,  the  two  images  appearing  to  be  fused  in  a  single  visual  field. 

§  364.  Measuring  the  spread  of  the  dividers.  —  This  should  be 
done  on  a  steel  scale  divided  to  millimeters  and  J  mm. 

As  |  mm.  cannot  be  seen  plainly  by  the  unaided  eye,  place  one 
arm  of  the  dividers  at  a  centimeter  line,  and  with  the  tripod  magni- 

286  MAGNIFICATION  AND   MICROMETRY  [Cn.  VIII  count  the  number  of  spaces  on  the  rule  included  between  the 
points  of  the  dividers.    The  magnifier  simply  makes  it  easy  to  count 

a  6 


(From  the  Essays  of  George  Adams). 

A  B    Mirror  reflecting  the  parallel  rays  of  the  sun  upon  the  condenser  (C  D.) 
abcdef    Parallel  beams  of  light. 
C  D    The  condenser. 

N  O    The  stage  of  the  projection  apparatus. 
E  F    The  object. 
G  H    The  projection  objective. 

L  M    The  screen  upon  which  the  real  image  is  shown. 
/  K    The  real  image  of  the  object  (R  F). 

the  space  on  the  rule  included  between  the  points  of  the  dividers  — 
it  does  not,  of  course,  increase  the  number  of  spaces  or  change  their 

As  the  distance  between  the  points  of  the  dividers  gives  the  size 
of  the  virtual  image  (fig.  145),  and  as  the  size  of  the  object  is  known, 
the  magnification  is  determined  by  dividing  the  size  of  the  image  by  the 
size  of  the  object.  Thus,  suppose  the  distance  between  the  two  lines 
at  the  limits  of  the  image  is  measured  by  the  dividers  and  found  on 
the  steel  scale  to  be  15  millimeters,  and  the  actual  size  of  the  space 
between  the  two  lines  of  the  object  is  2  millimeters,  then  the  mag- 
nification {815-5-2  =  7.5;  that  is,  the  image  is  7.5  times  as  long  or 




wide  as  the  object.    In  this  case  the  image  is  said  to  be  magnified 
7.5  diameters,  or  7,5  times  linear. 


0.1  mm 


The  tenths  millimeter  (o.i  mm.)  spaces  are  divided  by  short  lines  making  the 
whole  micrometer  one  with  o.i,  0.05,  and  o.oi  millimeters. 

The  magnification  of  any  simple  magnifier  may  be  determined 
experimentally  in  the  way  described  for  the  tripod  magnifier;  but 
this  method  is,  of  course,  only  possible  when  the  observer  has  two 
good  eyes.  If  he  has  but  one  eye,  or  his  eyes  are  very  unlike,  then 
the  magnification  can  be  determined  with  one  eye  by  using  a  camera 
lucida  or  the  eikonometer  (§§  367,  390). 

§  365.  The  magnification  of  a  compound  microscope  is  the  ratio 
between  the  final  or  virtual  image  and  the  object  magnified. 

The  determination  of  the  magnification  of  a  compound  microscope 
may  be  made  as  with  a  simple  microscope  (§  363),  but  this  is  fa- 
tiguing and  unsatisfactory. 

§  366.  Stage  or  object  micrometer.  —  For  determining  the  mag- 
nification of  a  compound  microscope  and  for  the  purposes  of  mi- 
crometry,  it  is  necessary  to  have  a  finely  divided  scale  or  rule  on 
glass  or  on  metal.  Such  a  finely  divided  scale  is  called  a  micrometer, 
and  for  ordinary  work  one  mounted  on  a  glass  slide  (i  X  3  in.,  25  X 
76  mm.)  is  most  convenient. 

The  spaces  between  the  lines  should  be  o.i  and  o.oi  mm.  (or  if  in 
inches,  o.oi  and  o.ooi  in.).  Micrometers  are  sometimes  ruled  on  the 
slide,  but  more  satisfactorily  on  a  cover-glass  of  known  thickness, 
preferably  0.15-0.18  mm.  The  covers  should  be  perfectly  clean  before 
ruling,  and  afterwards  simply  dusted  off  with  a  camel's  hair  duster, 
and  then  mounted,  lines  downward  over  a  shellac  or  other  good 



[CH.  VT;I 

cell  (  §  525).     If   one   rubs   the    lines    the    edges    of    the    furrow 
made  by  the  diamond  are  likely  to  be  rounded  and  the  sharp- 

ness  of  the  micrometer  is 
lost.  If  the  lines  are  on  the 
slide  and  uncovered  one 
cannot  use  the  micrometer 
with  an  oil  immersion,  as  the 
oil  obliterates  the  lines. 
Cleaning  the  slide  makes 
the  lines  less  sharp,  as 
stated.  If  the  lines  are 
coarse,  it  is  an  advantage 
to  fill  them  with  plumbago 
or  graphite.  This  may  be 
done  with  some  very  fine 
plumbago  on  the  end  of  a 
soft  cork,  or  by  using  a 
soft  lead  pencil.  Lines 
properly  filled  may  be  cov- 
ered with  balsam  and  a  cover-glass  as  in  ordinary  balsam  mount- 

ing (§  533)- 

§  367.  Determination  of  magnifica- 
tion. —  This  is  most  readily  accom- 
plished by  the  use  of  some  form  of 
camera  lucida,  that  of  Wollaston  being 


most  convenient,  as  it  may  be  used  for  ET^G'WJ|£  A   RING   ONTHE 

all  powers,  and  the  determination  of  the  LINES. 

standard  distance  of  250  millimeters  at 

which  to  measure  the  images  is  readily  accomplished  (fig.  149). 

Employ  the  16  mm.  (lox)  objective  and  a  5x  ocular  with  a  stage 
micrometer  as  object.  For  this  power  the  o.i  mm.  spaces  of  the 
micrometer  should  be  used  as  object.  Focus  sharply. 

It  is  somewhat  difficult  to  find  the  micrometer  lines.  To  avoid 
this  it  is  well  to  have  a  small  ring  enclosing  some  of  the  micrometer 
lines  (fig.  150).  The  light  must  also  be  carefully  regulated.  If  too 
much  light  is  used,  i.e.,  too  large  an  aperture,  the  lines  will  be 


drowned  in  the  light.  In  focusing  with  the  high  powers  be  very 
careful.  Remember  the  micrometers  are  expensive  and  one  cannot 
afford  to  break  them.  As  suggested  above,  focus  on  the  edge  of  the 
cement  ring  enclosing  the  lines;  then,  in  focusing  down  to  find  the 
lines,  move  the  preparation  very  slightly,  back  and  forth.  This  will 
bring  the  lines  into  the  field  and  the  shadow  made  by  them  will 
indicate  their  presence,  and  one  can  then  focus  until  they  are 

After  the  lines  are  sharply  focused,  and  the  slide  clamped  in 
position,  make  the  tube  of  the  microscope  horizontal  by  bending  the 
flexible  pillar,  being  careful  not  to  bring  any  strain  upon  the  fine 
adjustment  (fig.  26). 

Put  a  Wollaston  camera  lucida  (fig.  149)  in  position,  and  turn  the 
ocular  around  if  necessary  so  that  the  broad  flat  surface  may  face 
directly  upward,  as  shown  in  the  figure.  Elevate  the  microscope  by 
putting  a  block  under  the  base,  so  that  the  perpendicular  distance 
from  the  upper  surface  of  the  camera  lucida  to  the  table  is  250  mm. 
(§  37o)-  Place  some  white  paper  on  the  work  table  beneath  the 
camera  lucida. 

Close  one  eye,  and  hold  the  head  so  that  the  other  may  be  very 
close  to  the  camera,  lucida.  Look  directly  down.  The  image  will 
appear  to  be  on  the  table.  It  may  be  necessary  to  readjust  the  focus 
after  the  camera  lucida  is  in  position.  If  there  is  difficulty  in  seeing 
both  dividers  and  image,  consult  §  408.  Measure  the  image  with 
dividers  and  obtain  the  power  exactly  as  above  (§  364). 

Thus:  If  two  of  the  o.i  mm.  spaces  are  taken  as  object  and  the 
image  is  measured  by  the  dividers,  and  the  spread  of  the  dividers  is 
found  on  the  steel  rule  to  be  9.4  millimeters,  the  magnification 
(which  is  the  ratio  between  size  of  image  and  object)  is  9.4  -5-  0.2  = 
47.  That  is,  the  magnification  is  47  diameters,  or  47  times 

Put  the  IQX  ocular  in  place  of  the  5x,  and  then  put  the  camera 
lucida  in  position.  Measure  the  size  of  the  image  with  dividers  and 
a  rule  as  before.  The  power  will  be  considerably  greater  than  when 
the  low  ocular  was  used.  That  is,  the  virtual  image  (fig.  146)  seen 
with  the  high  ocular  is  larger  than  the  one  seen  with  the  low  one. 



[Cn.  VIII 

F.  Image  10 


The  farther  the  object  from  the 
principal  focus  '  L.  F.)  the  nearer 
the  image  to  the  lens  (F.  Object,  N. 
Image),  and  the  nearer  the  object  to 
the  focus  the  farther  will  be  the 
image  from  the  lens  (N.  Object,  F. 
Image).  The  sizes  of  the  images 
will  vary  directly  as  their  distances 
from  the  upper  or  conjugate  focus 

Lengthen  the  tube  of  the 
microscope  50-60  mm.  by 
pulling  out  the  draw-tube. 
Remove  the  camera  lucida  and 
focus;  then  replace  the  camera 
and  obtain  the  magnification. 
It  is  greater  than  with  the 
shorter  tube.  That  is,  the  real 
image  (fig.  151)  is  formed 
farther  from  the  objective 
when  the  tube  is  lengthened, 
and  the  objective  must  be 
brought  nearer  the  object. 
The  law  is:  the  magnification 
varies  directly  with  the  rela- 
tive distance  of  the  image  and 
object  from  the  center  of  the 
lens  (fig.  152). 

§  368.  Varying  the  magni- 
fication of  a  microscope.  — 
There  are  five  ways  of  varying 
the  power  of  a  compound  mi- 

(1)  By  using  a  higher  or 
lower  objective. 

(2)  By  using   a   higher   or 
lower  ocular. 





(3)  By  lengthening  or  shortening  the  tube 
of  the  microscope. 

(4)  By  increasing  or  diminishing  the  dis- 
tance at  which  the  virtual  image  is  projected 

(fig-  153). 

(5)  By  changing   the  relative  position   of 
the  combinations  in  an  adjustable  objective 
(§§  29,  149)  or  by  the  use  of  an  amplifier 

(§  369). 

§  369.  Amplifier.  —  In  addition  to  the 
methods  of  varying  the  magnification  given 
in  §  368,  the  magnification  is  sometimes  in- 
creased by  the  use  of  an  amplifier,  that 
is,  a  diverging  lens  or  combination  placed 
between  the  objective  and  ocular  and 
serving  to  give  the  image-forming  rays 
from  the  objective  an  increased  divergence. 
An  effective  form  of  this  accessory  was 
made  by  Tolles,  who  made  it  as  a  small 
achromatic  concavo-convex  lens  to  be  screwed 
into  the  lower  end  of  the  draw-tube  (fig.  26) 
and  thus  but  a  short  distance  above  the  ob- 
jective. The  divergence  given  to  the  rays 
usually  increases  the  size  of  the  real  image 
about  twofold.  Object 

§  370.  Standard  distance  at  which  the  FIG.  152.  To  SHOW 
virtual  image  is  measured.  -  For  obtaining  ^^J^D^E™ 
the  magnification  of  both  the  simple  and  the  UPON  ITS  RELATIVE 
compound  microscope  the  directions  were  to  CENTE^ 
measure  the  virtual  image  at  a  distance  of  JECTIVE. 

250    millimeters.     That    is,    some   standard      obJect . x    The  .object 
,.  A  ,    ,         ,  „.,    A     ,.-.         ^    one     unit     of     distance 

distance   must  be   chosen   so    that   different  from  the  center  of  the 

workers    can    compare    their    results.      The  lens  (££)• 

'£.     *.-  u  i-     £        j      A.     i         *.  Image  i,  2,  3,  4    The 

magnification  could  be  found  at  almost  any  image  four  units  of  dis- 

distance,  and  in  getting  the  magnification  of  *ance  from  the  lens  and 
.  ,       .  ?.  .  ,  hence  four  times  as  long 

drawings   the  image   distance   is   rarely  ex-  as  the  object 



[On.  VIII 

actly  250  millimeters.  Whenever  the  magnification  of  the  micro- 
scope as  a  whole  or  of  the  objective  or  the  ocular  is  mentioned,  how- 
ever, it  is  always  understood  that  this  magnification  is  at  the 
standard  distance  of  250  mm.  The  necessity  for  the  adoption  of 
some  common  standard  will  be  seen  at  a  glance  in  fig.  153,  where  is 
represented  graphically  the  fact  that  the  size  of  the  virtual  image 

depends  directly  on 
the  distance  at  which 
it  is  projected,  and 
this  size  is  directly 
proportional  to  the 
vertical  distance  from 
the  apex  of  the  tri- 
angle of  which  it 
forms  a  base.  The 
distance  of  250  milli- 
meters has  been 
chosen  on  the  sup- 
position that  it  is  the 
distance  of  most  dis- 
tinct vision  for  nor- 
mal adults  when 
examining  details. 

In  preparing  draw- 
ings it  is  often  of 
great  convenience  to  make  them  at  a  distance  less  or  greater  than 
the  standard.  In  that  case  the  magnification  must  be  determined 
for  the  image  distance  actually  used, 

§  371.  Magnification  and  relation  of  the  object  to  the  principal 
focus.  —  As  shown  by  figures  154  and  155,  independent  of  the  equiv- 
alent focus  of  the  simple  microscope  or  the  objective,  the  real  image 
or  the  virtual  image,  as  the  case  may  be,  will  be  larger  the  nearer 
the  object  is  to  the  principal  focal  point. 

In  figure  156  it  is  shown  also  that  if  the  object  or  the  real  image  is 
in  the  plane  of  the  principal  focus,  the  rays  emerging  from  the  simple 
microscope  or  the  ocular  will  be  in  parallel  bundles,  and  when  pro- 


a    Size  of  image  at  a  projection  distance  of  25  cm. 

b    Image  at  3  <;  cm. 

The  sizes  are  directly  as  the  projection  distances. 

C  The  camera  lucida  and  under  it  a  spectacle  lens 
to  aid  the  eye  in  focusing  the  pencil  point;  this  is 
only  needed  by  those  with  defective  eyes. 





Axis  The  principal  optic  axis  extended  above  and  below.  A  B,  B  A  The 
object  and  the  inverted  real  image.  /,  /  The  principal  focus  above  and  below 
each  lens.  Lc  The  lens. 

The  object  is  the  same  size  in  the  two  cases,  but  the  images  differ,  depending 
upon  the  distance  of  the  object  from  the  principal  focus,  being  longer  the  nearer 
the  object  is  to  the  focus. 


A  B,  A  B  The  object  and  the  virtual  image.  //  The  principal  focus.  L  The 
lens,  ep  The  eyepoint.  c  The  single,  ideal  refracting  plane. 

As  with  real  images,  the  size  of  virtual  image  in  a  given  lens  depends  upon 
the  nearness  of  the  object  to  the  principal  focus, 



[Cn.  VIII 

jected  by  the  eye  must  also  be  in  parallel  bundles.  It  is  further 
shown  in  such  a  case  that  the  rays  emanating  from  any  point  in  the 
object  or  real  image  will  not  in  that  case  form  a  virtual  point 


///Object  \\ 

///  !  \\\ 


// ' 



Axis    The  principal  optic  axis. 

Object    The  object. 

Objective    The  objective  of  the  compound  microscope. 

r  i     The  real  image  formed  by  the  objective. 

Ocular- Magnifier  The  ocular  and  magnifier  for  the  real  image  in  the  com- 
pound microscope,  and  for  the  object  in  the  simple  microscope. 

Eyepoint    The  most  favorable  position  for  the  eye  of  the  observer. 

Below,  at  250  mm.,  the  usual  position  of  the  projected  image,  no  image  is 
formed  with  parallel  rays.  These  only  seem  to  come  from  a  point  at  a  dis- 
tance where  their  separation  is  less  than  one  minute  of  arc  (§  359-360). 

focus  at  the  standard  distance  of  250  mm.,  as  shown  in  fig.  145,  but 
will  remain  parallel.  At  that  distance,  then,  the  image  on  the  retina 
would  be  a  diffusion  circle.  In  order  that  there  be  the  appearance 
of  a  point  focus  the  distance  must  be  great  enough  so  that  the 
parallel  rays  from  a  point  will  be  separated  less  than  one  minute 

§  372.  Table  of  magnification  and  of  the  valuations  of  the  ocular 




micrometer.  —  The  table  should  be  filled  out  by  each  student.  In 
using  it  for  micrometry  and  drawing  it  is  necessary  to  keep  clearly  in 
mind  the  exact  conditions  under  which  the  determinations  were 
made,  and  also  the  ways  in  which  variations  in  magnification  and  the 
valuation  of  the  ocular  micrometer  may  be  produced. 

OCULAR                                 OCULAR 

5x                                           lox 





—  MM. 




—  MM. 

TUBE  IN.   OUT  —  MM. 

























SIMPLE  MICROSCOPE.              x 


§  373.  This,  as  the  name  implies,  is  a  micrometer  to  be  used  in 
connection  with  an  ocular.  It  consists  of  rulings  of  fixed  or  of 
movable  lines  on  a  cover-glass. 

This  form  cf  micrometer  is  placed  at  the  level  where  the  real 
image  is  formed,  i.e.,  at  the  level  of  the  ocular  diaphragm  of  all 


oculars.  With  positive  oculars  it  would  therefore  be  outside  the 
ocular  (figs.  22-23)  and  with  negative  or  Huygenian.  oculars,  be- 
tween the  lenses  (figs.  24-25).  The  image  of  the  object  under  the 
microscope  appears  to  be  directly  upon  or  immediately  under  the 
ocular  micrometer,  and  hence  the  number  of  spaces  on  the  ocular 
micrometer  required  to  measure  the  real  image  may  be  read  off 
directly.  This,  however,  is  measuring  the  size  of  the  real  image, 
and  the  actual  size  of  the  object  can  be  determined  only  by  finding 
the  ratio  between  the  size  of  the  real  image  and  that  of  the  object. 
In  other  words,  it  is  necessary  to  get  the  valuation  of  the  ocular 
micrometer  in  terms  of  a  stage  micrometer. 

§  374.  Valuation  of  the  ocular  micrometer.  —  This  is  the  value  of 
the  divisions  of  the  ocular  micrometer  for  the  purposes  of  microm- 
etry,  and  is  entirely  relative,  depending  on  the  magnification  of 
the  real  image  formed  by  the  objective;  consequently  it  changes 
with  every  change  in  the  magnification  of  the  real  image,  and  must 
be  especially  determined  for  every  change  modifying  the  real  image 
of  the  microscope  (§  368). 

It  will  be  seen  when  the  ocular  micrometer  valuation  is  found  for 
different  objectives,  that  the  greater  the  magnification  of  the  objec- 
tive, the  less  will  be  the  ocular  micrometer  valuation;  and  con- 
versely, the  less  the  magnification  of  the  objective,  the  greater  will 
be  the  ocular  micrometer  valuation. 

§  375.  Obtaining  the  ocular  micrometer  valuation  for  an  ocular 
micrometer  with  fixed  lines.  —  If  the  ocular  micrometer  is  on  a 
cover-glass,  place  it  on  the  diaphragm  of  the  $x  or  lox  ocular  after 
removing  the  eyelens.  Screw  the  eyelens  back  in  place,  and  put  the 
ocular  in  the  tube  of  the  microscope.  Put  a  16  mm.  (lox)  objective 
in  place.  Use  the  stage  micrometer  as  object.  Light  the  field  well 
and  look  into  the  microscope.  The  lines  of  the  ocular  micrometer 
should  be  very  sharply  defined.  If  they  are  not,  raise  or  lower  the 
eyelens  to  make  them  so;  that  is,  focus  as  with  the  simple  magnifier. 

When  the  lines  of  the  ocular  micrometer  are  distinct,  focus  the 
microscope  (§  367)  for  the  stage  micrometer.  The  image  of  the 
stage  micrometer  appears  to  be  directly  under  or  upon  the  ocular 





Make  the  lines  of  the  two  micrometers  parallel  by  rotating  the 
ocular  or  changing  the  position  of  the  stage  micrometer  or  both  if 
necessary,  and  then  make  any  two  lines  of  the  stage  micrometer 
coincide  with  any  two  on  the  ocular  micrometer  (fig.  157).  To  do 
this  it  may  be  necessary  to  pull  out  the  draw-tube  a  greater  or  lesser 
distance.  See  how  many  spaces  are  included  in  each  of  the  microm- 
eters (figs.  157,  165). 

Divide  the  value  of  the  included 
space  or  spaces  on  the  stage  mi- 
crometer by  the  number  of  divi- 
sions on  the  ocular  micrometer 
required  to  include  them,  and  the 
quotient  so  obtained  will  give  the 
valuation  of  the  ocular  microme- 
ter. For  example,  suppose  the 
millimeter  is  taken  as  the  unit  for 
the  stage  micrometer  and  this  unit 
is  divided  into  spaces  of  o.i  and  o.oi 
millimeters.  If  with  a  given  optical 
combination  and  tube-length  it  re- 
quires 10  spaces  on  the  ocular  microm- 
eter to  include  the  real  image  of  o.i 
millimeter  on  the  stage  micrometer, 
obviously  one  space  on  the  ocular 
micrometer  includes  only  one-tenth  as 
much,  or  o.i  mm.  -7-10  =  o.oi  mm. 
That  is,  each  space  on  the  ocular  micrometer  includes  o.oi  of  a  milli- 
meter on  the  stage  micrometer,  or  o.oi  millimeter  of  the  length  of  any 
object  under  the  microscope,  the  conditions  remaining  the  same. 
Or,  in  other  words,  it  requires  100  spaces  on  the  ocular  micrometer 
to  include  i  millimeter  on  the  stage  micrometer;  then,  as  before, 
i  space  of  the  ocular  micrometer  would  have  a  valuation  of  o.oi 
millimeter  for  the  purposes  of  micrometry.  The  size  of  any  minute 
object  may  be  determined  by  multiplying  this  valuation  of  one  space 
by  the  number  of  spaces  required  to  include  it.  For  example,  sup- 
pose the  fly's  wing  or  some  part  of  it  covered  8  spaces  on  the  ocular 

Fip.  157.  THE  IMAGES  OF  THE 

o.m  Ocular,  s.m  Stage  mi- 
crometer lines. 

A  Lines  of  the  ocular  mi- 
crometer opposite  the  middle  of 
the  lines  of  the  stage  micrometer. 

B  Lines  of  the  ocular  mi- 
crometer at  the  right  side  of  the 
lines  of  the  stage  micrometer 
(compare  fig.  165.) 




micrometer;  it  would  be  known  that  the  real  size  of  the  part  meas- 
ured o.oi  mm.  X  8  =  0.08  mm.  or  8o/x  (§§  380-382). 

Proceed  in  exactly  the  same  manner  to  get  the  ocular  micrometer 
valuation  when  using  any  objective,  whether  it  is  of  higher  or  lower 
power  than  the  one  in  this  section. 

Any  Huygenian  ocular  may  be  used  as  a  micrometer  ocular  by 
placing  the  ocular  micrometer  at  the  level  of  the  ocular  diaphragm 
where  the  real  image  is  formed.  If  there  is  a  slit  in  the  side  of  the 
ocular  and  the  ocular  micrometer  is  mounted  properly,  it  may  be 
introduced  through  the  opening  in  the  side.  This  was  a  common 
method  with  the  older  microscopes.  When  there  is  no  side  opening, 
the  eyelens  may  be  unscrewed  and  the  ocular  micrometer  on  a 
cover-glass  laid  upon  the  ocular  diaphragm. 


§  376.  Ocular  micrometer  with  movable  scale.  —  The  form  here 
shown  is  a  Huygenian  ocular  with  a  micrometer  scale  on  the  diaphragm 

of  the  ocular.  The 
eyelens  is  adjustable 
up  and  down  for  fo- 
cusing the  scale,  and  a 
drum  with  100  divi- 
sions is  attached  to  the 
screw  which  moves  the 
scale  from  side  to  side. 
Each  interval  on  the 
drum  represents  o.oith 
of  a  complete  interval 
on  the  scale,  thus  en- 
abling one  to  measure 
an  object  o.oith  the 
size  of  one  requiring  a 
whole  scale-interval. 
This  ocular  micrometer 

combines  the  advantages  of  the  ocular  micrometer  with  fixed  lines  and 
the  filar  micrometer.  To  complete  the  measurement  of  an  object  not 


(From  the  Catalogue  of  the  Spencer  Lens  Co.) 




included  exactly  between  any  two  lines  of  the  scale,  the  drum  need 
be  revolved  only  partly  around. 

§  377.  Valuation  of  the  movable  scale  ocular  micrometer  (fig, 
158).  — Use  a  4  mm.  Uox)  objective  and  proceed  exactly  as  for  the 
micrometer  with  fixed  lines,  ex- 
cept that  a  partial  stage  mi- 
crometer space  can  be  measured 
by  rotating  the  drum  until  the 
ocular  micrometer  exactly  coin- 
cides with  the  stage  micrometer. 
Make  sure  that  the  lines  of  the 
two  micrometers  are  correctly 
related,  as  shown  in  figs.  157 
and  165.  One  can  then  count 
up  the  number  of  spaces  on  the 
ocular  micrometer  required  to 
measure  one  or  more  spaces  of 
the  stage  micrometer.  To  this 
is  then  added  the  ifo  spaces  on 
the  drum.  For  example,  sup- 
pose that  three  o.oi  mm.  spaces 
of  the  stage  micrometer  are 
taken  as  object,  and  that  it  re- 
quires seven  complete  spaces 

LAR  (Fio.  158). 

The  arrow  indicates  that  the  scale  may 
be  moved  in  both  directions. 

o,  5,  io,  15,  20  These  figures  indicate 
the  20  spaces  in  groups  of  5.  Each 
space  represents  a  total  revolution  of 
the  screw  (screw  with  \  mm.  pitch). 
Each  of  the  100  divisions  on  the  drum 
(fig.  QI)  represents  then  ^fa  mm. 

Object  The  circular  object  in  the  field 
measures  5  intervals  on  the  ocular  mi- 
crometer and  45  intervals  on  the  drum, 
hence  the  entire  diameter  of  the  object  is 
5.45  intervals  on  the  ocular  micrometer. 

the  ocular  micrometer  and 
on  the  drum  to  include  the 
three  spaces  on  the  stage  mi- 
crometer; then  each  space  on 
the  ocular  micrometer  would  be 
equal  to  0.03  mm.  divided  by 
7.50  =  0.004  mm.  or  4/z.  One  of  the  spaces  on  the  drum  which 
represents  one  hundredth  of  an  interval  on  the  ocular  micrometer 
would  have  a  valuation  under  these  conditions  of  w  divided  by 
100  =  0.04  microns.  This  gives  a  notion  of  the  minuteness  of  the  ob- 
ject which  can  be  measured,  and  of  the  smallness  of  the  error  in 
measuring  large  objects,  even  if  the  observation  erred  in  getting  the 
obiect  one  or  more  of  the  drum  divisions  too  large  or  too  small. 


For  an  actual  measurement  with   this  ocular  micrometer,   sec 

§  387. 
One  would  proceed  exactly  as  above  for  getting  the  valuation  with 

any  other  objective. 


§  378.  This  form  of  ocular  micrometer  usually  consists  of  a 
Ramsden  ocular  with  fixed  cross  lines  and  a  movable  line  (fig.  161). 

For  obtaining 
the  valuation  of 
this  ocular  microm- 
eter proceed  as 
follows:  Employ  a 
4  mm.  Uox)  ob- 
jective. Carefully 
focus  the-i^ir  mm. 
lines.  The  lines  of 
the  ocular  microm- 
eter should  also 
FIG.  160.  FILAR  MICROMETER  OCULAR.  be  sharp;  if  they 

(From  the  i6th  ed.  of  the  Catalogue  of  the  Bausch  &   are  not,  focus  them 

Lomb  Optical  Co.).  ,  .        , 

This  is  a  Ramsden  ocular,  and  the  recording  drum  is  by  moving  the  OCU- 
divided  into  TOO  equal  divisions,  and  as  the  pitch  of  the  lar  up  or  down  in 
screw  is  0.5  mm.,  each  division  on  the  drum  represents  f,  cliHino-  tiihp 
an  actual  movement  of  0.005  mm.  of  the  movable  line.  L1JC  ""uiug  LUUC. 

Make  the  vertical 

lines  of  the  ocular  micrometer  parallel  with  the  lines  of  the  stage  mi- 
crometer (figs.  157,  165).  Note  the  position  of  the  graduated  drum 
and  the  teeth  of  the  recording  comb,  and  then  rotate  the  wheel  until  the 
movable  line  traverses  one  space  on  the  stage  micrometer.  Each  tooth 
of  the  recording  comb  indicates  a  total  revolution  of  the  wheel,  and  by 
noting  the  number  of  teeth  required  and  the  graduations  on  the 
wheel,  the  revolutions  and  part  of  a  revolution  required  to  measure 
the  o.oi  mm.  of  the  stage  micrometer  can  be  easily  noted.  Measure 
in  like  manner  4  or  5  spaces  and  get  the  average.  Suppose  this 
average  is  ij  revolutions  or  123  graduations  on  the  wheel,  to  meas- 
ure the  o.oi  mm.  or  io/i  (see  §§  380-382),  then  one  of  the  gradua- 




ations  on  the  wheel  would  measure  lo/j  divided  by  125  =  0.08/4. 
In  using  this  valuation  for  actual  measurement,  the  tube  of  the 
microscope  and  the  objective  must  be  exactly  as  when  obtaining  the 
valuation  (§§  368-377). 

The  valuation  of  the  filar  micrometer  can  be  obtained  for  any 
objective  by  proceeding  exactly 
as    above.       (See    §  388    for 

Micrometry  is  the  determina- 
tion of  the  size  of  objects  by 
the  aid  of  a  microscope. 


§  379.  With  a  simple  micro- 
scope (i),  the  easiest  and  best 
way  is  to  use  dividers  and  then 

with  the  simple  microscope  de- 

,        ,,          .   .       f  ,i  FIG.  161.    FIELD  or  THE  MICROSCOPE 

termme  when  the  points  of  the    SHOWING  THK  LlNES  AND  THE  RECORD- 

dwiders  exactly  include  the  ob-    ING    COMB    OF    THE    FILAR    MICROM- 

ject.  The  spread  of  the  dividers    ET*R  (FlG*  l6o)' 

is  then  obtained  as 
(§§  363-364).  This  amount  will 
be  the  actual  size  of  the  object, 
as  the  microscope  was  used  only 
in  helping  to  see  when  the  di- 
vider points  exactly  enclosed 
the  object. 

The  recording  comb.    Each  tooth 
represents  a  complete  revolution  of  the 

fW  mflv  mir    the    nhiWt 

Une  may  put  me  oDject 

cross  lines. 

'ml',  nil     The  movable  line. 

The  arrow  shows  that  the  movable 
line  can  be  moved  in  both  directions. 

0  Object,  the  full  movable  line  (ml) 
shows  it  at  one  edge  of  the  object  and 
the  broken  line  shows  it  at  the  other 
edge  of  the  object.  The  intervening 

the  comb  show  that  the  screw 

___ned  two  whole  revolutions  and 

under  the  simple  microscope  and    the  recording  drum  showed  90  divisions, 

rhpn     a*     in     rterprrmnintr     the    making  two  and  nine  tenths  revolutions 
tnen,  as    in    determining    me    Q£  the  drum  to  carry  the  movable  line 

power     (§  363),    measure    the    from  one  edge  of  the  object  to  the  other, 
image  at  the  standard  distance. 

If  the  size  of  the  image  so  measured  is  divided  by  the  magnification 
of  the  simple  microscope,  the  quotient  gives  the  actual  size  of  the 
object.  One  might  use  the  eikonometer  also  (§  391). 


Use  a  fly's  wing  or  some  other  object  of  about  that  size  and  try 
to  determine  the  width  in  the  two  ways  described  above.  If  all  the 
work  is  done  accurately,  the  results  will  agree. 


There  are  several  ways  of  varying  excellence  for  obtaining  the  size 
of  objects  with  the  corr pound  microscope,  the  method  with  the 
ccular  micrometer  (§  373)  being  most  accurate. 

§  330.  Unit  of  measure  in  micrometry.  —  Most  of  the  objects  measured  with 
the  compound  microscope,  and  many  of  those  in  physics  and  chemistry  are  smal- 
ler, often  much  smaller,  than  any  of  the  originally  named  divisions  of  the  meter. 
To  express  these  very  small  dimensions  in  common  or  in  decimal  fractions  of  a 
meter  or  millimeter  is  not  only  cumbersome,  but  likely  to  give  rise  to  errors; 
consequently  workers  in  microscopy,  in  physics  and  in  chemistry  have  sought  to 
avoid  the  difficulties  by  selecting  and  naming  as  units  such  small  divisions  of  the 
meter  that  the  minute  dimensions  can  be  expressed  as  whole  numbers. 

The  Micron  unit  (pt)  has  been  generally  adopted  in  microscopy,  and  is  widely 
used  for  minute  sizes  in  all  branches  of  science.  Harting  recommended  it  for  mi- 
croscopy in  1859,  but  he  named  it  micro-millimeter,  or  milli-millimeter,  and  gave 
as  a  symbol  mwm.  Since  the  definite  meaning  for  micro,  as  one  millionth  of  the 
unit  before  which  it  is  placed,  has  been  decided  on  by  metrologists,  micro-milli- 
meter should  mean  one  millionth  of  a  millimeter,  not  one  thousandth.  Harting's 
Milli-millimeter  is  correct,  but  awkward.  Occasionally  one  meets  the  symbol  ju/i 
for  millimicron  (mju).  ;u/i  should  stand  for  the  millionth,  not  for  the  thousandth, 
of  a  micron. 

Up  to  the  present  three  such  special  units  have  been  designated  and  have  re- 
ceived the  sanction  and  use  of  the  highest  authorities.  They  are: 

§  380a.  1.  The  Micron  (symbol  JJL).  This  is  the  one  millionth  of  a  meter 
(o.oooooi,  m.);  one  thousandth  of  a  millimeter  (o.ooi  mm.);  one  thousand 
millimicrons  (1000  mju);  ten  thousand  Angstrom  units  (10,000  A). 

§  381.  2.  The  Millimicron  (mju).  This  is  the  one  billionth  of  a  meter  (o.opo 
ooo  ooi  m.);  the  one  thousandth  of  a  micron  (o.ooi  ju);  ten  Angstrom  units 
(10  A.). 

§  3*2.  3.  The  Angstrom  Unit  (A.)  or  Tenthmeter  (To~10  m.).  It  is  the  one 
ten  billionth  of  a  meter  (  ooo  ooo  i  m);  the  ten  thousandth  of  a  micron 
(0,000  i  /x);  the  one  tenth  of  a  millimicron  (o.i  m/x). 

See  Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Jour.  Soc.,  1888,  p.  502.  Nature,  Vol.  XXXVII,  p.  388; 
Bit.  Bureau  Standards,  Vol.  VIII,  p.  540. 

§  383.  Micrometry  by  the  use  of  a  stage  micrometer  on  which  to 
mount  the  object.  —  In  this  method  the  object  is  mounted  on  a  mi- 
crometer and  then  put  under  the  microscope,  and  the  number  of 
spaces  covered  by  the  object  is  read  off  directly.  It  is  exactly  like 
putting  any  large  object  on  a  rule  and  seeing  how  many  spaces  of 
the  rule  it  covers.  The  defect  in  the  method  is  that  it  is  impossible 


to  arrange  objects  properly  on  the  micrometer.  Unless  the  objects 
are  circular  in  outline  they  are  likely  to  be  oblique  in  position,  and  in 
every  case  the  end  or  edges  of  the  object  may  be  in  the  middle  of  a 
space  instead  of  against  one  of  the  lines;  consequently  the  size  must 
be  estimated  or  guessed  at  rather  than  really  measured. 

§  384.  Micrometry  by  dividing  the  size  of  the  image  by  the  mag- 
nification of  the  microscope.  —  For  example,  employ  the  4  mm. 
(4ox)  objective,  and  $x  or  lox  ocular.  For  measurement  use  a  prep- 
aration of  the  blood  corpuscles  of  the  frog,  necturus,  or  other 
animal  with  large  oval  corpuscles.  Obtain  the  size  of  the  image  of 
the  long  and  short  axes  of  three  corpuscles  with  the  camera  lu- 
cida  and  dividers,  exactly  as  in  obtaining  the  magnification  of  the 
microscope  (§  367).  Divide  the 
size  of  the  image  in  each  case  by 
the  magnification,  and  the  result 
gives  the  actual  size  of  the  blood 
corpuscles.  Thus,  suppose  the 

image  of  the  long  axis  of  the  cor-       FIG.  162.    BLOOD  PREPARATION 

i.0  J  j.1-  •£.  WITH    A    RING    AROUND     A    GROUP 

puscle  is  18  mm.  and  the  magnifica-     OF  CORPUSCLES. 

tion      of      the      microscope      400 

diameters  (§361),  then  the  actual  length  of  this  long  axis  of  the 

corpuscle  is  18  mm.  -5-  400  =  0.045  mm.  or  45/4  (§  364). 

As  the  same  three  blood  corpuscles  are  to  be  measured  in  three 
ways,  it  is  an  advantage  to  put  a  delicate  ring  around  a  group  of 
three  or  more  corpuscles,  and  make  a  sketch  of  the  whole  enclosed 
group,  marking  on  the  sketch  the  corpuscles  measured  (fig.  162). 
The  different  corpuscles  vary  considerably  in  size,  so  that  accurate 
comparison  of  different  methods  of  measurement  can  be  made  only 
when  the  same  corpuscles  are  measured  in  each  of  the  ways. 

§  385.  Micrometry  by  the  use  of  a  stage  micrometer  and  a 
camera  lucida.  —  Employ  the  same  object,  objective  and  ocular  as 
before.  Put  the  camera  lucida  in  position,  and  with  a  lead  pencil 
make  dots  on  the  paper  at  the  limits  of  the  image  of  the  blood  cor- 
puscles. Measure  the  same  three  that  were  measured  in  §  384. 

Remove  the  object,  place  the  stage  micrometer  under  the  micro- 
scope, focus  well,  and  draw  the  lines  of  the  stage  micrometer  so  as  to 


include  the  dots  representing  the  limits  of  the  part  of  the  image  to  be 
measured.  As  the  value  of  the  spaces  on  the  stage  micrometer  is 
known,  the  size  of  the  object  is  determined  by  the  number  of  spaces 
of  the  micrometer  required  to  include  it. 

This  simply  enables  one  to  put  the  image  of  a  fine  rule  on  the 
image  of  a  microscopic  object.  It  is  theoretically  an  excellent 
method,  and  nearly  the  same  as  measuring  the  spread  of  the  dividers 
with  a  simple  microscope  (§  364). 

§  386.  Micrometry  with  the  ocular  micrometer  with  fixed  lines.  — 
Use  the  4  mm.  (4ox)  objective,  and  the  ocular  with  the  ocular  microm- 
eter. For  object  use  the  same  corpuscles  as  in  §§  384-385.  Make 
sure  that  all  the  conditions  are  exactly  as  when  the  valuation  was 
determined;  then  put  the  preparation  under  the  microscope  and 
find  the  same  three  red  corpuscles  that  were  measured  in  the  other 
ways  (§  384). 

Count  the  divisions  on  the  ocular  micrometer  required  to  enclose 
or  measure  the  long  and  the  short  axis  of  each  of  the  corpuscles, 
multiply  the  number  of  spaces  in  both  cases  by  the  valuation  of  the 
ocular  micrometer,  and  the  results  will  represent  the  actual  length  of 
the  axes  of  the  corpuscles  in  each  case. 

The  same  corpuscle  is,  of  course,  of  the  same  actual  size,  when 
measured  in  each  of  the  three  ways,  so  that  if  the  methods  are 
correct  and  the  work  carefully  enough  done,  the  same  results  should 
be  obtained  by  each  method. 

§  387.  Micrometry  with  the  movable  scale  ocular  micrometer.  — 
Use  the  same  preparation  and  objective  as  before.  Arrange  the 
micrometer  ocular  so  that  the  long  axis  of  the  corpuscle  will  coincide 
with  the  cross  line  in  the  micrometer  scale  (figs.  158-159).  Get  one 
end  of  the  corpuscle  exactly  level  with  one  division  of  the  microm- 
eter scale.  Note  the  position  of  the  drum,  and  then  rotate  it  until 
the  other  end  of  the  corpuscle  is  exactly  against  the  nearest  line  of 
the  micrometer.  Count  up  the  entire  intervals  required  and  the 
partial  interval  on  the  drum.  Suppose  it  requires  5  entire  and  0.60 
intervals  (see  explanation  of  fig.  159);  then  the  whole  corpuscle 
must  be  5.60  intervals  multiplied  by  4/1  (§  37?)>  tne  value  °*  one 
interval;  5.6  X  4  =  22.4ju. 


§  388.  Micrometry  with  the  filar  micrometer.  —  Use  the  same 
preparation  and  objective  as  before,  but  use  a  filar  micrometer. 
Note  how  many  graduations  on  the  recording  comb  and  drum  (fig. 
1 60)  are  required  to  measure  each  dimension  of  the  corpuscle,  and 
multiply  by  the  valuation  as  in  the  other  cases. 

The  advantage  of  the  filar  micrometer  is  that  the  evaluation  of 
one  graduation  is  so  small  that  even  the  smallest  object  to  be  meas- 
ured would  require  several  graduations  to  measure  it.  In  ocular 
micrometers  with  fixed  lines,  small  objects  like  bacteria  might  not 
fill  even  one  space;  therefore  estimations,  not  measurements,  must 
be  made.  For  large  objects,  like  most  of  the  tissue  elements,  the 
ocular  micrometers  with  fixed  lines  answer  very  well,  for  the  part 
which  must  be  estimated  is  relatively  small  and  the  chance  of  error 
is  correspondingly  small  (§  389). 

§  389.  There  are  three  ways  of  using  the  ocular  micrometer,  or  of 
arriving  at  the  size  of  the  objects  measured  with  it: 

(1)  By  finding  the  value  of  a  division  of  the  ocular  micrometer  for 
each  optical  combination  and  tube-length  used,  and  employing  this 
valuation  as  a  multiplier.    This  is  the  method  given  in  the  text,  and 
the  one  most  frequently  employed.     Thus,  suppose  with  a  given 
optical  combination  and  tube-length  it  required  five  divisions  on  the 
ocular  micrometer  to  include  the  image  of  0.2  millimeter  of  the  stage 
micrometer,   then  obviously  one  space  on  the  ocular  micrometer 
would  include  f  or  0.2  or  0.04  mm.;  the  size  of  any  unknown  object 
under  the  microscope  would  be  obtained  by  multiplying  the  number 
of  the  divisions  on  the  ocular  micrometer  required  to  include  its 
image  by  the  value  of  one  space,  or  in  this  case  0.04  mm.    Suppose 
some  object,  as  the  fly's  wing,  required  15  spaces  of  the  ocular 
micrometer  to  include  some  part  of  it,  then  the  actual  size  of  this 
part  of  the  wing  would  be  15  x  0.04  =  0.6  mm. 

(2)  By  finding  the  number  of  divisions  on  the  ocular  micrometer 
required  to  include  the  image  of  an  entire  millimeter  of  the  stage 
micrometer,  and  using  this  number  as  a  divisor.    This  number  is 
also  sometimes  called  the  ocular  micrometer  ratio.    Taking  the  same 
case  as  in  (i),  suppose  five  divisions  of  the  ocular  micrometer  are 
required  to  include  the  image  of  0.2  mm.,  on  the  stage  micrometer, 


then  evidently  it  would  require  5  -r  0.2  =  25  divisions  on  the  ocular 
micrometer  to  include  a  whole  millimeter  on  the  stage  micrometer, 
and  the  number  of  divisions  of  the  ocular  micrometer  required  to 
measure  an  object  divided  by  25  would  give  the  actual  size  of  the 
object  in  millimeters  or  in  a  fraction  of  a  millimeter.  Thus,  suppose 
it  required  15  divisions  of  the  ocular  micrometer  to  include  the  image 
of  some  part  of  the  fly's  wing,  the  actual  size  of  the  part  included 
would  be  15  -r  25  =  |  or  0.6  mm.  This  method  is  really  exactly  like 
the  one  in  (i),  for  dividing  by  25  is  the  same  as  multiplying  by  -^ 
or  0.04. 

(3)  By  having  the  ocular  micrometer  ruled  in  millimeters  and 
divisions  of  a  millimeter,  and  then  getting  the  size  of  the  real  image 
in  millimeters!  In  employing  this  method  a  stage  micrometer  is 
used  as  object  and  the  size  of  the  image  of  one  or  more  divisions  is 
measured  by  the  ocular  micrometer,  thus:  Suppose  the  stage  microm- 
eter is  ruled  o.i  and  o.oi  mm.  and  the  ocular  micrometer  is  ruled 
in  millimeters  and  o.i  mm.  Taking  0.2  mm.  on  the  stage  microm- 
eter as  object,  as  in  the  other  cases,  suppose  it  requires  10  of  the  o.i 
mm.  spaces  of  i  mm.  to  measure  the  real  image,  then  the  real  image 
must  be  magnified  i.o  -f-  0.2  =  5  diameters,  that  is,  the  real  image  is  five 
times  as  great  in  length  as  the  object,  and  the  size  of  an  object  may 
be  determined  by  putting  it  under  the  microscope  and  getting  the 
size  of  the  real  image  in  millimeters  with  the  ocular  micrometer  and 
dividing  it  by  the  magnification  of  the  real  image,  which  in  this  case 
is  5  diameters. 

Use  the  fly's  wing  as  object,  as  in  the  other  cases,  and  measure 
the  image  of  the  same  part.  Suppose  that  it  required  30  of  the  o.i 
mm.  divisions  =  3  mm.  to  include  the  image  of  the  part  measured, 
then  evidently  the  actual  size  of  the  part  measured  is  3  mm.  4-  5 
=  f  mm.,  or  0.6  mm.,  the  same  result  as  in  the  other  cases.  See 
also  §  390  on  the  eikonometer. 

In  comparing  these  methods  it  will  be  seen  that  in  the  first  two 
the  ocular  micrometer  may  be  simply  ruled  with  equidistant  lines 
without  regard  to  the  absolute  size  in  millimeters  or  inches  of  the 
spaces.  In  the  last  method  the  ocular  micrometer  must  have  its 
spaces  some  known  division  of  a  millimeter  or  inch.  In  the  first  two 




methods  only  one  standard  of  measure  is  required,  viz.,  the  stage 
micrometer;  in  the  last  method  two  standards  must  be  used,  viz., 
a  stage  micrometer  and  an  ocular  micrometer. 

§  390.  Eikonometer  for  magnification  and 
micrometry.  —  The  eikonometer  is  something 
like  an  eye.  It  has  a  converging  lens  serving 
in  place  of  the  crystalline  lens  to  focus  the 
rays  from  the  eyepiece  of  the  compound  micro- 
scope, or  from  the  simple  microscope  upon  a 
micrometer  scale,  the  scale  taking  the  place  of 
the  retina  in  the  eye  (figs.  145-146).  This 
scale  is  ruled  in  o.i  mm.  Above  the  scale  is  a 
Ramsden  ocular  of  25  mm.  equivalent  focus, 
giving  a  magnification  of  10.  The  eikonometer 
scale,  therefore,  is  a  millimeter  scale  when  seen  at 
the  distance  of  250  mm.  in  the  visual  field  of  the 
normal  human  eye,  and  it  enables  one  to  put  a 
millimeter  scale  on  the  image  of  any  object 

To  use  it  for  magnification  a  stage  microm- 
eter is  put  under  the  microscope  and  carefully 
focused.  Then  the  eikonometer  is  put  in  place 
the  ocular.  The  microscopic  image  of  the 


stage  micrometer  and  the  scale  of  the  eikono- 
meter will  then  appear  in  the  same  field  as 
with  the  ordinary  ocular  micrometer  (§  375). 
The  two  sets  of  lines  should  be  made  parallel 
(§§  374~3?6).  See  how  many  divisions  of  the 
eikonometer  millimeter  scale  are  required  to 
measure  one  or  more  of  the  divisions  of  the 
image  of  the  stage  micrometer.  Suppose  it 
requires  6  intervals  or  millimeters  of  the 
eikonometer  scale  to  measure  the  image  of  0.03 
mm.  on  the  stage  micrometer.  The  size  of  the 
object  is  then  0.03  mm.,  and  of  its  image  6  mm. 
tion  is  therefore  (§  361)  6  •*-  0.03  =  200. 


FIG.  163.  WRIGHT'S 


(From  Sir  A.  E. 
Wright's  Principles 
of  Microscopy). 

o    Object. 

vi  Virtual  image. 

ob    Objective. 

Microscope  Ocu- 
lar, the  objective, 
tube  and  ocular  of 
the  microscope. 

Eikonometer  The 
Ramsden  ocular  (Ro) 
magnifying  10  diam- 
eters, and  field  lens 
(fi)  above  the  ocular 
of  the  microscope. 

es  The  real  image 
formed  at  the  dia- 
phragm of  the  eikon- 

The  magnifica- 


For  determining  the  magnification  of  a  simple  microscope  the 
eikonometer  is  placed  over  the  simple  microscope  as  it  was  over  the 
ocular  above.  With  this  instrument,  as  with  the  camera  lucida,  only 
one  eye  is  used  (figs.  149,  169). 

§  391.  Micrometry  with  the  eikonometer.  —  In  the  first  place  the 
magnification  of  the  microscope  must  be  determined  as  described 
in  the  preceding  section;  and  one  must  keep  in  mind  the  factors 
which  will  vary  the  magnification  (§  368).  The  object  to  be  meas- 
ured is  put  under  the  microscope  and  focused  and  the  eikonometer 
put  in  position.  The  virtual  image  is  then  measured  in  millimeters 
by  the  scale  of  the  instrument.  The  size  of  this  virtual  image  is 
then  divided  by  the  magnification  and  the  result  will  be  the  actual 
size  of  the  object  as  in  §  384. 

For  example,  suppose  the  long  axis  of  a  necturus'  red  blood  cor- 
puscle measures  9  mm.  on  the  eikonometer  scale.  If  the  magnifica- 
tion of  the  microscope  is  200,  as  found  above,  then  the  actual  length 
of  the  corpuscle  is  9  mm.  -*•  200  =  0.045  mm.,  or  45/z. 

§  392.  Micrometry  by  the  aid  of  the  condenser  image  of  a  scale. 
—  Probably  every  one  is  all  too  familiar  with  the  cross  bars  of  the 
window  "in  the  field  of  the  microscope.  This  is,  as  well  known,  a  real 
image  of  the  window  produced  by  the  condenser  at  the  level  of  the 
object.  The  possibility  of  projecting  a  real  image  at  the  level  of  the 
object  is  taken  advantage  of  for  purposes  of  micrometry  as  follows: 
A  lantern  slide  is  made  of  net  lines  (fig.  164)  or  of  any  parallel, 
equidistant  lines.  The  lantern  slide  is  then  set  up  exactly  10  cm.  or 
some  other  exact  distance  in  front  of  the  microscope.  A  good  light 
from  the  window  or  from  one  of  the  daylight  lanterns  (figs.  46,  53) 
must  traverse  the  lantern  slide.  This  light  is  reflected  up  through 
the  condenser  by  the  plane  mirror.  The  condenser  will  form  a  real 
image  of  the  network  or  parallel  lines  at  about  the  level  where  the 
object  is  placed  on  the  slide.  If  now  one  focuses  a  16  mm.  (lox)  or 
other  objective  upon  this  real  image,  it  will  appear  very  clearly  in 
the  field  of  the  microscope.  In  order  to  utilize  the  image  for 
micrometry  the  valuation  of  the  spaces  must  be  determined  by  the 
use  of  a  stage  micrometer  as  with  the  ocular  micrometer  (§  375). 
Place  a  stage  micrometer  under  the  microscope  and  focus  the  lines 



sharply.     Then  with  the  screw  or  rack  of  the  substage  condenser 
focus  the  condenser  up  and  down  until  the  image  of  the  lines  or  net 



on  the  lantern  slide  is  also  sharp.  Arrange  the  stage  micrometer 
so  that  the  lines  are  parallel  with  the  lines  of  the  condenser  image. 
Make  any  two  of  the  lines  coincide.  Count  the  number  of  spaces  in 
the  condenser  image  included  between  any  two  of  the  lines  of  the 
stage  micrometer,  and  divide  the  value  of  the  space  in  the  stage 
micrometer  by  the  number  of  spaces  of  the  condenser  image  in- 
cluded. The  quotient  will  represent  the  valuation  of  the  spaces  of 
the  condenser  image  in  millimeters.  For  example,  suppose  the  stage 
micrometer  is  ruled  in  o.i  mm.  and  that  12  spaces  of  the  condenser 
image  are  included  in  9  spaces  of  the  stage  micrometer;  then  each 
space  of  the  condenser  image  has  a  valuation  of  0.9  mm.  -r  12  = 
0.075  mm- 

As  the  size  of  the  image  varies  with  the  distance  of  the  object 
from  the  center  of  the  condenser  (§  362),  if  the  object  (lantern 
slide  of  the  lines)  is  always  placed  exactly  the  same  distance  in  front 
of  the  microscope,  the  real  image  formed  by  the  condenser  will  be  of 
the  same  size,  and  hence  have  the  same  valuation  for  micrometry 
regardless  of  the  power  of  the  objective  or  the  length  of  tube 


used.  It  is  a  very  convenient  method  of  micrometry  for  all  coarser 
objects,  but  not  exact  enough  for  the  finer  objects*  A  movable  scale 
or  filar  ocular  micrometer  should  be  used  for  the  most  exact  work. 

Example  of  an  actual  measurement  by  means  of  the  condenser 
image:  The  long  axis  of  a  red  corpuscle  of  necturus  measured  0.61 
of  a  space  of  the  condenser  image.  As  each  space  represents  0.075 
mm.  the  length  of  the  corpuscle  is:  0.61  X  0.075  =  o-°4575  mm-  or 
45.75/x.  (See  Chamot,  pp.  155-15?.) 

§  393.  Remarks  on  micrometry.  —  In  using  adjustable  objectives 
(§§  29,  149)  the  magnification  of  the  objectives  varies  with  the  posi- 
tion of  the  adjusting  collar,  being  greater  when  the  adjustment  is 
closed,  as  for  thick  cover-glasses,  than  when  open,  as  for  thin  ones. 
This  variation  in  the  magnification  of  the  objective  produces  a  corre- 
sponding change  in  the  magnification  of  the  entire  microscope  and 
the  ocular  micrometer  valuation;  therefore  it  is  necessary  to 
determine  the  magnification  and  ocular  micrometer  valuation  for 
each  position  of  the  adjusting  collar. 

While  the  principles  of  micrometry  are  simple,  it  is  very  difficult 
to  get  the  exact  size  of  microscopic  objects.  This  is  due  to  the  lack 
of  perfection  and  uniformity  of  micrometers  and  the  difficulty  of 
determining  the  exact  limits  of  the  object  to  be  measured.  Hence, 
all  microscopic  measurements  are  only  approximately  correct,  the 
error  lessening  with  the  increasing  perfection  of  the  apparatus  and 
the  skill  of  the  observer. 

A  difficulty  when  one  is  using  high  powers  is  the  width  of  the  lines 
of  the  micrometer.  If  the  micrometer  is  perfectly  accurate,  half  the 
width  of  each  line  belongs  to  the  contiguous  spaces,  hence  one  should 
measure  the  image  of  the  space  from  the  centers  of  the  lines  border- 
ing the  space,  or,  as  this  is  somewhat  difficult  in  using  the  ocular 
micrometer,  one  may  measure  from  the  inside  of  one  bordering  line 
and  from  the  outside  of  the  other,  that  is,  from  the  right  side  of  all 
the  lines,  or  from  the  left  side  of  all.  If  the  lines  are  of  equal  width 
this  is  as  accurate  as  measuring  from  the  center  of  the  lines.  Evi- 
dently it  would  not  be  right  to  measure  from  either  the  inside  or  the 
outside  of  both  lines  (figs.  157,  165). 

It  is  also  necessary  in  micrometry  to  use  an  objective  of  sufficient 



power  to  enable  one  to  see  all  the  details  of  an  object  with  great  dis- 
tinctness. The  necessity  of  using  sufficient  amplification  in  microm- 
etry  has  been  especially  remarked  upon  by  Richardson,  Monthly 
Micr.  Jour.,  1874,  1875;  Rogers,  Proc.  Amer.  Soc.  Microscopists, 
1882,  p.  239;  Ewell,  North  Amer.  Pract.,  1890,  pp.  97,  173. 





(From  Chamot). 

The  fine  lines  are  those  of  the  ocular  micrometer  and  the  coarse  ones  of  the 
stage  micrometer  (compare  fig.  157). 

As  to  the  limit  of  accuracy  in  micrometry,  one  who  has  justly 
earned  the  right  to  speak  with  authority  expresses  himself  as  fol- 
lows: "  I  assume  that  o.2ju  is  the  limit  of  precision  in  microscopic 
measures  beyond  which  it  is  impossible  to  go  with  certainty."  W. 
A.  Rogers,  Proc.  Amer.  Soc.  Micr.,  1883,  p.  198. 

In  comparing  the  methods  of  micrometry  with  the  compound 
microscope  given  above  (§§  383-390),  the  one  given  in  §  383  is  im- 
practicable; that  given  in  §§  388-390  is  open  to  the  objection  that 
two  standards  are  required  —  the  stage  micrometer  and  the  steel 
rule;  it  is  open  to  the  further  objection  that  several  different 
operations  are  necessary,  each  operation  adding  to  the  probability  of 
error.  Theoretically  the  method  given  in  §  385  is  good,  but  it  is 
open  to  the  very  serious  objection  in  practice,  that  it  requires  so 
many  operations  which  are  especially  likely  to  introduce  errors. 
The  method  that  experience  has  found  most  safe  and  expeditious, 
and  applicable  to  all  objects,  is  the  method  with  the  ocular  microm- 
eter. If  the  valuation  of  the  ocular  micrometer  has  been  accu- 
rately determined,  then  the  only  difficulty  is  in  deciding  on  the 
exact  limits  of  the  object  to  be  measured  and  so  arranging  the  ocular 
micrometer  that  these  limits  are  enclosed  by  some  divisions  of  the 
micrometer.  Where  the  object  is  not  exactly  included  by  whole 


spaces  on  the  ocular  micrometer,  the  chance  of  error  comes  in,  in 
estimating  just  how  far  into  a  space  the  object  reaches  on  the  side  not 
in  contact  with  one  of  the  micrometer  lines.  If  the  ocular  microm- 
eter has  some  quite  narrow  spaces,  and  others  considerably  larger, 
one  can  nearly  always  manage  to  exactly  include  the  object  by  some 
two  lines.  The  ocular  screw  micrometers  (figs.  158,  160)  obviate 
this  entirely,  as  the  cross  hair  or  lines  traverse  the  object  or  its  real 
image,  and  whether  this  distance  be  great  or  small  it  can  be  read  off 
on  the  graduated  wheel,  and  no  estimation  or  guess  work  is  neces- 


§  394.  Independent  magnification  of  an  objective.  —  The  inde- 
pendent magnification  of  an  objective  is  like  that  of  a  projection 
microscope  when  the  objective  alone  is  used  (figs.  147,  166).  As 
pointed  out  in  §  370  it  is  necessary  to  select  some  standard  distance 
for  the  projection  of  the  real  or  of  the  virtual  image,  for  the  size  of 
the  image  varies  directly  as  its  distance  from  the  center  of  the  lens 
(fig.  152  for  real  and  145  for  virtual  images;  in  the  latter  the  pro- 
jection distance  is  from  the  nodal  point  in  the  eye  to  the  image). 
The  image  distance  for  magnification  most  commonly  employed  is 
250  mm.  (§  370). 

While  the  magnification  distance  in  microscopy  has  been  fixed  as 
250  millimeters  by  general  agreement,  in  actual  use  with  a  short  or 
160  mm.  tube,  the  magnification  of  the  objective  is  less  than  that 
which  would  be  found  by  getting  the  magnification  at  the  standard 
distance  of  250  mm. 

Now  that  the  actual  magnification  produced  by  the  objective  on 
the  short  tube  is  used  in  designating  it  and  this  magnification  number 
is  correct  no  matter  what  kind  of  an  ocular  is  used,  it  is  worth  while 
to  know  how  it  is  obtained.  In  section  eighteen  the  method 
is  given.  Briefly  it  is  as  follows:  A  stage  micrometer  is  put  upon  the 
stage,  and  the  objective  to  be  used  is  put  in  place.  A  Huygenian 
ocular  is  inserted  in  the  tube  which  has  been  set  for  a  tube-length  of 
exactly  160  millimeters  (figs.  18,  26).  The  stage  micrometer  is  then 
focused  as  sharply  as  possible.  The  Huygenian  ocular  is  removed 


and  a  Ramsden  micrometer  ocular  put  in  its  place.  Without  fo- 
cusing the  microscope  the  least  bit,  the  micrometer  ocular  is  moved 
in  the  tube,  or  the  tube  is  lengthened  or  shortened  as  necessary  to 
give  again  a  sharp  image  of  the  stage  micrometer.  The  lines  of  the 
two  micrometers  are  made  parallel  and  the  image  of  one  or  more 
spaces  of  the  stage  micrometer  measured.  Suppose  the  image  of 
mm.  on  the  stage  micrometer  measures  i  mm.,  then  the  magnifica- 
tion of  that  objective  with  the  short  tube  is  10,  and  this  number  is 
the  one  now  marked  on  objectives  of  16  mm.  (lox)  equivalent  focus. 

§  395*  Magnification  due  to  the  ocular.  —  The  final  magnifica- 
tion of  the  microscope  (fig.  18)  is  due  to  the  magnification  of  the 
objective  multiplied  by  the  magnification  of  the  ocular.  That  is,  the 
objective  gives  a  real,  magnified  image,  and  the  ocular  as  a  whole 
gives  a  magnified  image  of  the  real  image  formed  by  the  objective. 
The  image  formed  by  the  ocular  is  measured  at  250  millimeters  dis- 
tance, not  at  1 60  millimeters  as  with  the  objective. 

One  of  the  best  ways  to  determine  the  magnifying  action  of  the 
ocular  is  to  determine  the  magnification  of  the  whole  microscope 
(§§  365,  367).  Knowing  the  entire  magnification,  and  knowing  the 
magnification  due  to  the  objective,  the  part  played  by  the  ocular  is 
the  entire  magnification  divided  by  the  objective  magnification. 
For  example,  if  the  objective  gives  a  magnification  of  10,  and  the 
entire  magnification  of  the  microscope  is  100  then  W  -  *o>  that  is, 
the  ocular  must  also  have  magnified  10. 

If  the  ocular's  magnification  is  10  for  a  250  mm.  image  distance, 
its  equivalent  focus  must  be  W  =  25,  and  the  designation  of  this 
ocular  would  be  lox,  or  25  e.f .  and  have  an  equivalent  focus  of  25  mm. 
It  would  magnify  10  diameters  with  any  objective. 

It  may  be  puzzling  to  see  how  an  objective  with  a  magnification  of 
10,  for  example,  could  give  the  same  final  image  with  positive  ocu- 
lars, as  with  the  negative  oculars  (figs.  24-25).  The  field  lens  serves 
to  make  the  real  image  of  the  objective  smaller  (figs.  24-25)  while 
the  real  image  of  the  objective  is  formed  below  all  the  lenses  of  the 
positive  oculars  (figs.  22-23)  and  they  all  unite  in  acting  as  a 

The  difficulty  is  overcome  in  this  way:   The  curvature  of  the 





e  I  Eyelens  of  the  ocular  serving  to  project  a  real  image  to  the  screen. 

//  Field  lens,  the  lower  lens  in  a  negative  ocular;  it  reduces  the  size  of  the 
real  image  formed  by  the  objective. 

r  i  Real  image  formed  by  the  objective  and  field  lens. 

rf  i'  Position  and  size  of  the  real  image  if  no  field  lens  were  present. 

The  screen  distance  of  250  millimeters  is  measured  along  the  axis  from  the 
eyepoint,  not  from  the  eyelens. 

eyelens  or  combination  as  the  case  may  be,  is  made  enough  greater 
to  compensate  for  the  reducing  action  of  the  field  lens,  and  thus  the 
ocular  as  a  whole  gives  the  desired  increase  in  magnification,  and  its 
total  action  may  be  indicated  with  the  same  definiteness  as  with 
positive  oculars,  hence  the  magnification  number  on  a  Huyge- 
nian  ocular  while  it  gives  no  clue  to  the  action  of  the  individual 
lenses  composing  ity  does  indicate  its  final  effect  in  producing  the 
magnification  of  the  microscope. 

§  396.  Nelson's  projection  method  of  determining  the  magnifica- 
tion of  the  entire  microscope.  —  This  method  which  has  been 
rigidly  tested  by  several  observers  and  by  myself  side  by  side  with 
the  camera  lucida  method,  gives  such  uniformly  accurate  results 
that  it  is  recommended  for  general  adoption.  It  is  illustrated  clearly 
by  fig.  1 66.  As  used  by  the  writer,  the  work  was  done  by  night  or 
in  a  dimly  lighted  room. 

The  microscope  is  made  horizontal  and  fastened  to  a  block  which  slides  on 
an  optical  bench  (fig.  179).  A  dark-field  lamp  (figs.  79-80)  is  placed  in  line  or 
at  right  angles  to  the  microscope  opposite  the  mirror  (fig.  182). 

A  vertical  white  screen  or  a  piece  of  finely  ground  glass  is  set  up  on  a  movable 
block  beyond  the  ocular.  The  microscope  is  moderately  lighted  and  the  microm- 
eter lines  focused  with  extreme  sharpness,  then  by  means  of  a  white  card  or  piece 
of  ground  glass  the  position  of  the  eyepoint  of  the  ocular  is  determined,  and  the 
white  vertical  screen  placed  exactly  250  millimeters  from  the  eyepoint.  This  is 
important.  If  the  distance  were  measured  from  the  top  of  the  ocular,  it  would 


not  give  the  correct  result,  and  the  error  would  be  greater  the  higher  the  eye- 
point,  as  with  the  "telaugic"  oculars  (§§  41,  145).  The  light  in  the  microscope 
is  now  made  as  brilliant  as  possible,  and  the  lines  of  the  micrometer  made  as 
sharp  as  possible  on  the  \\  hite  screen  by  a  slight  turn  of  the  fine  adjustment. 

With  bow-dividers  or  other  fine  dividers  the  image  of  one  or  more  spaces  near 
the  middle  of  the  field  is  measured,  and  the  spread  of  the  dividers  determined 
?s  in  §  364.  The  total  magnification  can  then  be  found  by  dividing  the  size  of 
the  image  by  the  actual  size  of  the  micrometer  space  measured  by  the  dividers 
(§  367)-  (E-  M.  Nelson,  Jour.  Quekett  Micr.  Club,  vol.  xii,  1913,  pp.  374~379-) 

§  397.  Phelps  Gage's  method  of  obtaining  the  magnification  for  ocular  and 
objective,  and  for  the  whole  microscope.  — 

(1)  A  stage  micrometer  is  used  as  object  and  fcci  sed  sharply  on  the  scale 
of  an  ocular  micrometer  in  a  positive  ocular,  Loth  rricron  eters  bdrg  in  fractions 
of  a  millimeter. 

(2)  Make   the   microscope   horizontal,    light   brilliantly  \\ith  the   io8-watt, 
6-volt  or  other  lamp.     Determine  the  position  of  the  eye-point  of  the  ocular 
(§  99).     Put  a  vertical  \\hite  screen  250  rr,m.  from  the  e>e~pcint  and  focus  the 
stage  micrometer  on  it.     If  the  ccular  micron:  eter  is  not  also  in  focus  on  the 
ecreen,  raise  or  lower  the  positive  ocular  con  hination  until  the  lines  are  sharp. 
Refocus  the  stage  micrometer  if  necessary. 

(3)  With  bow  or  other  fine  dividers  measure  one  or  more  spaces  of  each 
micrometer  image. 

(a)  The  image  of  the  stage  micrometer  will  represent  the  magnification  of  the 
entire  microscope,  objective  and  ocular. 

(6)  The  image  of  the  ocular  micrometer  v\ill  show  the  separate* magnification 
<f  the  positive  ocular. 

(t)  The  magnification  of  the  whole  microscope  divided  by  the  ocular  magni- 
fication will  represent  the  magnification  of  the  objective  on  the  160  mm.  tube. 

If  one  knows  the  magnification  of  the  objective,  the  magnification 
of  any  ocular,  positive  or  negative,  can  be  found  by  dividing  the 
magnification  of  the  whole  microscope  obtained  as  in  30  by  that 
of  the  objective. 

As  the  field  lens  of  the  negative  ocular  reduces  the  magnification  of 
the  objective,  one  can  find  the  amount  of  the  reduction  by  getting 
first  the  magnification  of  the  whole  microscope  with  the  field  lens  in 
place  and  then  with  the  field  lens  removed.  As  the  eye-point  is 
higher  when  the  field  lens  is  removed,  one  must  readjust  the  micro- 
scope or  the  image  screen  to  make  the  screen  distance  250  mm.  from 
the  eye-point  when  getting  the  magnification. 

§  398.  Magnification  of  drawings.  —  In  determining  the  magnifi- 
cation of  a  drawing  made  with  a  camera  lucida  or  with  projection- 
apparatus,  by  far  the  best  method  is  to  remove  the  specimen  and 
put  in  its  place  a  stage  micrometer  and  project  the  image  of  the 
micrometer  upon  the  drawing  paper.  Make  a  few  lines  of  the 
micrometer  image  and  indicate  the  value  of  the  spaces  (fig.  172) 


then  at  any  time  one  can  determine  exactly  what  the  magnification 
is  (§  409)- 


Sir  A.  E.  Wright's  Principles  of  Microscopy.  Chamot,  Chemical  Microscopy, 
Chamot  &  Mason. 

For  those  especially  interested  in  micrometry  in  its  relation  to  medical  juris- 
prudence the  following  are  recommended.  They  treat  the  subject  in  a  practical 
as  well  as  in  a  scientific  spirit.  The  papers  of  Prof.  Wm.  A.  Rogers  on  microm- 
eters and  micrometry,  in  the  Amer.  Quar.  Micr.  Jour.,  Vol.  I.  pp.  97,  208; 
Proceedings  Amer.  Soc.  Microscopists,  1882,  1883,  1887.  Dr.  M.  D.  Eweli, 
Proc.  Amer.  Soc.  Micr.,  1890;  The  Microscope,  1889,  pp.  43~4S;  North  Amer. 
Pract.  1890,  pp.  97,  173.  Dr.  J.  J.  Woodward,  Amer.  Jour,  of  the  Med,  Sci., 
1875.  M.  C.  White,  Article  "  Blood  Stains,"  Ref.  Hand-Book  Med.  Sciences, 
1885.  Medico-Legal  Journal,  Vol.  XII.  For  the  change  in  magnification  due  to 
a  change  in  the  adjustment  of  adjustable  objectives,  see  Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Soc. 
1880,  p.  702;  Amer.  Monthly  Micr.  Jour.,  1880,  p.  67.  Carpenter-Dallinger, 
p.  270  and  end  of  §  196. 

If  one  consults  the  medico-legal  journals,  the  microscopical  journals,  the  Index 
Medicus,  the  Index  Catalog  of  the  library  of  the  Surgeon  General's  Office,  and 
The  Quarterly  Cumulative  Index  Medicus  under  Micrometry,  Blood,  and  Juris- 
prudence, he  can  get  on  track  of  the  main  work  which  has  been  and  is  being 
done  in  legal  medicine. 

Optic  Projection,  S.  H.  &  H.  P.  Gage. 

Microscopy,  E.  J.  Spitta. 

The  Microscope  and  its  Revelations,  Carpenter-Dallinger. 

Journal  of  the  Royal  Microscopical  Society. 

Transactions  of  the  American  Microscopical  Society,  especially  the  address  of 
Hon.  J.  D.  Cox,  1884,  pp.  5-39  on  Aperture,  and  1893,  pp.  1-16,  and  A.  C. 
Mercer,  1896,  pp.  321-396. 

John  C.  Shedd,  The  Index  of  Refraction.  School  Science  and  Mathematics, 
Vol.  VI,  1906,  pp.  678-680. 

(This  article  gives  a  brief  history  of  the  discovery  of  the  law  of  refraction; 
it  also  discusses  the  ratio  of  velocities  in  different  media,  and  shows  that  the 
coefficient  of  retardation  of  velocity  in  a  transparent  medium  is  the  reciprocal 
of  the  index  of  refraction.) 

According  to  Nelson,  "Par-focal"  oculars  have  been  made  by  Powell  since 

NELSON,  E.  M.  —  Eyepieces  for  the  Microscope.  Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Soc.,  1908, 
p.  149.  See  also  for  other  discussions  of  oculars  by  Nelson,  same  journal,  1907, 

BECK,  CONRAD.  —  The  Microscope;  Theory  and  Practice,  London,  1938,  pp.  45- 
47,  225-226. 




§§399-450;   FIGURES  168-199 

§  399.  Methods  of  drawing.  —  There  are  five  principal  methods 
for  obtaining  drawings  in  general,  and  all  the  methods  are  applicable 
to  the  production  of  drawings  of  microscopic  objects: 

(i)  Free-hand  drawings.  This  is  the  simplest  method  if  one  has 
natural  ability  and  adequate  training,  for  one  needs  only  an  object, 
pencil,  pen  and  paper. 

(2)  Camera  lucida  drawings.     By  this  method  the  outlines  and 
proportions  can  be  accurately  traced  (§§  401-408). 

(3)  Camera  obscura  drawings.     By  this  method  the  real  image 
obtained  in  a  photographic  camera  can  be  traced  (§  410). 

(4)  Projection  drawings.     In  this  method  real  images  like  those 
of  the  magic  lantern  and  projection  microscope  can  be  traced  di- 
rectly upon  the  drawing  paper  (§  418). 

(5)  Line  drawings  on  blue  prints  and  on  the  back  of  photo- 
graphs (§§  413-414). 

In  many  laboratories  all  the  methods  are  used,  sometimes  sepa- 
rately, but  more  often  combined. 

§  400.  Free-hand  drawings.  —  Microscopic  objects  may  be  drawn 
free-hand  directly  from  the  microscope,  but  in  this  way  a  picture 
giving  only  the  general  appearance  and  relations  of  parts  is  obtained. 
For  pictures  which  shall  have  all  the  parts  of  the  object  in  true  pro- 
portions and  relations,  it  is  necessary  to  obtain  an  exact  outline  of 
the  image  of  the  object,  and  to  locate  in  this  outline  all  the  princi- 
pal details  of  structure.  It  is  then  possible  to  complete  the  picture 
free-hand  from  the  appearance  of  the  object  under  the  microscope. 

§  401.  Camera  lucida.  —  This  is  an  optical  apparatus  for  enabling 
one  to  see  objects  in  greatly  different  situations  as  if  in  one  field  of 
vision,  and  with  the  same  eye.  In  other  words,  it  is  an  optical  de- 
vice for  superimposing  or  combining  two  fields  of  view  in  one  eye. 


[CH.  IX 

As  applied  to  the  microscope,  it  causes  the  magnified  virtual 
image  of  the  object  under  the  microscope  to  appear  as  if  projected 
upon  the  table  or  drawing  board,  where  it  is  visible  with  the  draw- 
ing paper,  pencil,  dividers,  etc.,  by  the  same  eye,  and  in  the  same 
field  of  vision.  The  microscopic  image  appears  like  a  picture  on  the 
drawing  paper  (§  4O4a).  This  is  accomplished  in  two  distinct 

(i)  By  a  camera  lucida  reflecting  the  rays  from  the  microscope 
~*^  so  that  their  direction  when 

they  reach  the  eye  coincides 
with  that  of  the  rays  from 
the  drawing  paper,  pencil, 
etc.  In  some  of  the  camera 
lucidas  from  this  group 
(Wollaston's,  fig.  168),  the 
rays  are  reflected  twice,  and 
the  image  appears  as  when 
looking  directly  into  the 
microscope.  In  others  the 
rays  are  reflected  but  once, 
and  the  image  has  the  in- 
version produced  by  a  plane 
mirror.  For  drawing  pur- 
FIG.  168.  WOLLASTON'S  CAMERA  LUCIDA.  poses  this  inversion  is  a 
Axis  The  optic  axis  of  the  microscope,  r,*™*  ^i^ti™  «  '4- 
Ocidar  The  upper  end  of  the  ocular.  8reat  objection,  as  it  IS 

A,  B    Two  rays  outside  the  axis  to  show   necessary  to  invert  similarly 
that  they  cross  twice  and  hence  have  the    Oii    ft,_    A^n\\«      A  A  A    t 
same  relative  position  as  when  they  emerge    a11    the    details    added    free- 
from  the  ocular.  hand. 

Camera  lucida     The  quadrangular  piece  of         /-\   T>,  i      •  i 

glass  giving  the  double  internal  reflection  to  W  By  a  Camera  lucida 
change  the  direction  of  the  axkl  ray  90°.  reflecting  the  rays  of  light 

CD.  AB  The  virtual  image,  drawing  pacer   r         ,1      j 

and  pencil  partly  overlapping.  \Vhere  they  f r°m  the  drawing  paper,  etc., 
overlap  the  appearance  is  that  of  one  field.  so  that  their  direction  when 

they  reach  the  eye  coincides 

with  the  direction  of  the  rays  from  the  microscope  (fig.  169). 
In  all  of  the  camera  lucidas  of  this  group,  the  rays  from  the  paper 
are  twice  reflected  and  no  inversion  appears. 


The  better  forms  of  camera  lucidas  (Wollaston's,  Grunow's, 
Abbe's,  etc.)  may  be  used  for  drawing  both  with  low  and  with  high 
powers.  Some  require  the  microscope  to  be  inclined  (fig.  168)  while 
others  are  designed  to  be  used  on  the  microscope  in  a  vertical  posi- 
tion. As  in  biological  work  it  is  often  necessary  to  have  the  micro- 
scope vertical,  the  form  for  a  vertical  microscope  is  to  be  preferred 
(fig.  169). 

§  402.  Avoidance  of  distortion.  —  In  order  that  the  picture  drawn 
by  the  aid  of  a  camera  lucida  may  not  be  distorted,  it  is  neces- 
sary that  the  axial  ray  from  the  image  on  the  drawing  surface  shall 
be  at  right  angles  to  the  drawing  surface  (figs.  168,  170). 

§  403.  Wollaston's  camera  lucida.  —  This  is  a  quadrangular 
prism  of  glass  put  in  the  path  of  the  rays  from  the  microscope,  and 
it  serves  to  change  the  direction  of  the  axial  ray  90  degrees.  In 
using  it  the  microscope  is  made  horizontal,  and  the  rays  from  the 
microscope  enter  one-half  of  the  pupil,  while  rays  from  the  drawing 
surface  enter  the  other  half  of  the  pupil.  As  seen  in  fig.  168,  the 
fields  partly  overlap,  and  where  they  do  so  overlap,  pencil  or  dividers 
and  microscopic  image  can  be  seen  together. 

In  drawing  or  using  the  dividers  with  the  Wollaston  camera  lucida 
it  is  necessary  to  have  the  field  of  the  microscope  and  the  drawing 
surface  about  equally  lighted.  If  the  drawing  surface  is  too  bril- 
liantly lighted,  the  pencil  or  dividers  may  be  seen  very  clearly,  but 
the  microscopic  image  will  be  obscure.  On  the  other  hand,  if  the 
field  of  the  microscope  has  too  much  light,  the  microscopic  image 
will  be  very  definite,  but  the  pencil  or  dividers  will  not  be  clearly 
visible.  It  is  necessary,  as  with  the  Abbe  camera  lucida  (§  404),  to 
have  the  Wollaston  prism  properly  arranged  with  reference  to  the 
axis  of  the  microscope  and  the  eyepoint.  If  it  is  not,  one  will  be 
unable  to  see  the  image  well,  and  may  be  entirely  unable  to  see  the 
pencil  and  the  image  at  the  same  time.  Again,  as  rays  from  the 
microscope  and  from  the  drawing  surface  must  enter  independent 
parts  of  the  pupil  of  the  same  eye,  one  must  hold  the  eye  so  that 
the  pupil  is  partly  over  the  camera  lucida  and  partly  over  the 
drawing  surface.  One  can  tell  the  proper  position  by  trial.  This  is 
not  a  very  satisfactory  camera  to  draw  with,  but  it  is  a  very  good 



[CH.  IX 

form  to  measure  the  vertical  distance  of  250  mm.  at  which  the  draw- 
ing surface  should  be  placed  when  determining  magnification  (fig. 


§  404.  Abbe  camera  lucida.  —  This  consists  of  a  cube  of  glass 
cut  into  two  triangular  prisms  and  silvered  on  the  cut  surface  of  the 
upper  one.  A  small  oval  hole  is  then  cut  out  of  the  center  of  the 


Axis,  Axis  The  axial  ray  of  the  microscope  and  from  the  field  of  the  drawing 

Ocular    The  upper  part  of  the  microscope  ocular. 

Mirror  The  mirror  of  the  camera  lucida  reflecting  the  rays  from  the  drawing 
surface  at  right  angles  to  the  axis. 

P,  P    The  drawing  pencil  in  the  field,  and  the  prism  of  the  camera  lucida. 

Q    The  quadrant  attached  to  the  mirror  to  give  the  angle. 

G    Smoked  glass. 

a  b  The  silvered  surface  in  the  prism  with  a  hole  made  in  the  center  for  the 
light  to  pass  upward  from  the  microscope.  The  silvered  part  reflects  the  rays 
from  the  drawing  surface. 

The  geometrical  figure  at  the  left  gives  the  angles  when  a  45°  mirror  is  used. 


silvered  surface  and  the  two  prisms  are  cemented  together  in  the 
form  of  the  original  cube  with  a  perforated  45  degree  mirror  within 
it  (figs.  169-170).  The  upper  surface  of  the  cube  is  covered  by  a  per- 
forated metal  plate.  This  cube  is  placed  over  the  ocular  in  such  a 
way  that  the  light  from  the  microscope  passes  through  the  hole  in 
the  silvered  face  and  thence  directly  to  the  eye.  Light  from  the 
drawing  surface  is  reflected  by  the  mirror  to  the  silvered  surface  of 
the  prism  and  reflected  by  this  surface  to  the  eye  in  company  with 
the  rays  from  the  microscope,  so  that  the  two  fields  appear  as  one, 
and  the  image  is  seen  as  if  on  the  drawing  surface  (figs.  168-171, 
§  4°4a). 

§  404a.  For  some  persons  the  image  and  the  drawing  surface,  pencil,  etc.,  do 
not  appear  on  the  drawing  board  as  stated  above,  but  under  the  microscope,  ac- 
cording to  the  general  principle  that  "objects  appear  in  space  where  they  could 
be  touched  along  a  perpendicular  to  the  retinal  surface  stimulated,"  —  that  is,  in 
the  line  of  rays  entering  the  eye.  This  is  always  the  case  with  the  Wollaston 
camera  lucida.  The  explanation  of  the  apparent  location  of  the  image,  etc.,  on 
the  drawing  board  with  the  Abbe  camera  lucida  is  that  the  attention  is  concen- 
trated upon  the  drawing  surface  rather  than  upon  the  object  under  the  micro- 
scope. With  some  observers  it  is  possible  to  make  the  image  appear  under  the 
microscope  or  on  the  drawing  surface  at  will  by  concentrating  the  attention  of 
one  position  or  the  other.  (Dr.  W.  B.  Pillsbury). 

§  405.  Arrangement  of  the  camera  lucida  prism.  —  In  placing 
this  camera  lucida  over  the  ocular  for  drawing  or  for  the  determi- 
nation of  magnification,  the  center  of  the  hole  in  the  silvered  surface 
is  placed  in  the  optic  axis  of  the  microscope.  This  is  done  by  prop- 
erly arranging  the  centering  screws  that  clamp  the  camera  to  the 
microscope  tube  or  ocular.  The  prism  must  not  only  be  centered 
to  the  axis  of  the  microscope,  but  it  must  be  at  the  right  level,  or 
more  or  less  of  the  field  will  be  cut  off.  In  all  the  good  modern 
forms  of  this  camera  lucida  it  is  fastened  to  the  tube  of  the  micro- 
scope by  a  clamp  which  enables  one  to  raise  or  lower  it  so  that  it 
may  be  at  the  right  position  with  reference  to  the  eyepoint  of  the 
ocular  being  used  (§99). 

One  can  determine  when  the  camera  is  in  a  proper  position  by 
looking  into  the  microscope  through  it.  If  the  field  of  the  micro- 
scope appears  as  a  circle  and  of  about  the  same  size  as  without  the 
camera  lucida,  then  the  prism  is  in  a  proper  position.  If  one  side  of 
the  field  is  dark,  then  the  prism  is  to  one  side  of  the  center;  if  the 



[CH.  IX 


field  is  considerably  smaller  than  when  the  prism  is  turned  off  the 
ocular,  it  indicates  that  it  is  not  at  the  correct  level,  i.e.,  it  is  above 

or  too  far  below  the 

§  406.  Arrangement 
of  the  mirror  and  the 
drawing  surface.  — 
The  Abbe  camera 
lucida  was  designed 
for  use  with  a  vertical 
microscope  (fig.  169). 
On  a  vertical  micro- 
scope if  the  mirror  is 
set  at  an  angle  of  45°, 
the  axial  ray  is  at 
right  angles  with  the 
table  top  or  drawing 
board  which  is  horiz- 


MAKE  THE  Axis  PERPENDICULAR  WITH  DEPRESSED    ontal,   and   a  drawing 


A,  Axis,  Axis    The  axial  ray  from  the  microscope 
and  from  the  drawing  surface. 

made  under  these  con- 
ditions is  in  true  pro- 

Ocular    The  upper  part  of  the  microscopic  ocuhr.    p0rtion    and    not    dis- 

\A ' iwnv       TV»£»  mirrrvr  nf  t\\&  r^amArn   liifirlo*     if  10  HA_       * 

torted.  The  stage  of 
most  microscopes,  how- 
ever, extends  out  so  far 
at  the  sides  that  with 
a  45°  mirror  the  image 
appears  in  part  on  the 
stage  of  the  micro- 
scope. In  order  to 
avoid  this,  the  mirror 
may  be  depressed  to 

some  point  below  45°,  say  at  40°  or  35°  (fig.  170).  But  as  the 
axial  ray  from  the  mirror  to  the  prism  must  still  be  reflected  hori- 
zontally, it  follows  that  the  axial  ray  no  longer  forms  an  angle  of 
90°  with  the  drawing  surface,  but  a  greater  angle.  If  the  mirror  is 

Mirror  The  mirror  of  the  camera  lucida;  it  is  de- 
pressed from  45°  to  35°  to  make  the  axis  from  the 
drawing  surface  perpendicular  to  the  axis  of  the  mi- 

A  —  B  The  drawing  surface  elevated  20°;  that  is, 
twice  as  many  as  the  mirror  is  depressed  belo,v  45°. 

W    Wedge  under  the  drawing  board. 

P,  P  The  drawing  pencil  and  the  prism  of  the 
camera  lucida. 

Q    Quadrant  of  the  mirror. 

B  Geometrical  figure  to  show  why  the  drawing 
board  must  be  raised  twice  as  many  degrees  as  the 
mirror  is  depressed  to  keep  the  axial  ray  perpendicu- 
lar to  the  drawing  surface. 


depressed  to  35°,  then  the  axial  ray  makes  an  angle  of  110°  with 
a  horizontal  drawing  surface  (fig  170  B).  To  make  the  angle  90° 
again,  so  that  there  shall  be  no  distortion,  the  drawing  board  must 
be  raised  toward  the  microscope  20°.  The  general  rule  is  to  raise 
the  drawing  board  twice  as  many  degrees  toward  the  microscope  as 
the  mirror  is  depressed  below  45°.  Practically,  the  field  for  drawing 
can  always  be  made  free  of  the  stage  of  the  microscope,  at  45°,  at 
40°,  or  at  35°.  In  the  first  case  (45°  mirror)  the  drawing  surface 
should  be  horizontal,  in  the  second  case  (40°  mirror)  the  drawing 
face  should  be  elevated  10°,  and  in  the  third  case  (35°  mirror)  the 
drawing  board  should  be  elevated  20°  toward  the  microscope. 
Furthermore,  it  is  necessary  in  using  an  elevated  drawing  board  to 
have  the  mirror  bar  of  the  camera  lucida  project  directly  laterally 
so  that  the  edges  of  the  mirror  are  in  planes  parallel  with  the  edges 
of  the  drawing  board;  otherwise  there  will  be  front  to  back  dis- 
tortion, although  the  elevation  of  the  drawing  board  avoids  right  to 
left  distortion.  If  one  has  a  micrometer  ruled  in  squares  (net 
micrometer)  (figs.  131,  164),  the  distortion  produced  by  not  having 
the  axial  ray  at  right  angles  with  the  drawing  surface  may  be  very 
strikingly  shown.  For  example,  set  the  mirror  at  35°  and  use  a 
horizontal  drawing  board.  With  a  pencil  make  dots  at  the  corners 
of  some  of  the  squares,  and  then  with  a  straight  edge  connect  the 
dots.  The  figures  will  be  considerably  longer  from  right  to  left 
than  from  front  to  back.  Circles  in  the  object  appear  as  ellipses  in 
the  drawings,  the  major  axis  being  from  right  to  left. 

The  angle  of  the  mirror  may  be  determined  with  a  protractor, 
but  that  is  troublesome.  It  is  much  more  satisfactory  to  have  a 
quadrant  attached  to  the  mirror  and  an  indicator  on  the  projecting 
arm  of  the  mirror.  If  the  quadrant  is  graduated  throughout  its 
entire  extent,  or  preferably  at  three  points,  45°,  40°  and  35°,  one  can 
set  the  mirror  at  a  known  angle  in  a  moment;  then  the  drawing 
board  can  be  hinged  and  the  elevation  of  10°  and  20°  determined 
with  a  protractor.  The  drawing  board  is  very  conveniently  held 
up  by  a  broad  wedge.  By  marking  the  position  of  the  wedge  for  10° 
and  20°  the  protractor  need  be  used  but  once;  then  the  wedge  may 
be  put  into  position  at  any  time  for  the  proper  elevation. 



[CH,  IX 

§  407.  Abbe  camera  and  inclined  microscope.  —  It  is  very  fati- 
guing to  draw  continuously  with  a  vertical  microscope,  and  many 
mounted  objects  admit  of  an  inclination  of  the  microscope,  when  one 
can  sit  and  work  in  a  more  comfortable  position.  The  Abbe  camera 
is  as  perfectly  adapted  to  use  with  an  inclined  as  with  a  vertical  micro- 
scope. All  that  is  requisite  is  to  be  sure  that  the  fundamental  law 
is  observed  regarding  the  axial  ray  of  the  image  and  the  drawing 


(From  the  Catalogue  of  Zeiss). 

This  drawing  board  can  be  elevated  and  tipped;  it  can  also  be  inclined,  carrying 
the  microscope  with  it. 

surface,  viz..  that  they  should  be  at  right  angles.  This  is  very  easily 
accomplished  as  follows:  The  drawing  board  is  raised  toward  the 
microscope  twice  as  many  degrees  as  the  mirror  is  depressed  below 
45°  (§  4°6) ;  then  it  is  raised  exactly  as  many  degrees  as  the  micro- 
scope is  inclined,  and  in  the  same  direction,  that  is,  so  that  the  end 
of  the  drawing  board  shall  be  in  a  plane  parallel  with  the  stage  of 


the  microscope.  The  mirror  must  have  its  edges  in  planes  parallel 
with  the  edges  of  the  drawing  board  also  (fig.  171). 

§  408.  Drawing  with  the  Abbe  camera  lucida.  —  (i)  The  light 
from  the  microscope  and  from  the  drawing  surface  should  be  of 
nearly  equal  intensity,  so  that  the  image  and  the  drawing  pencil  can 
be  seen  with  about  equal  distinctness.  This  may  be  accomplished 
with  very  low  powers  (16  mm.  (rox)  and  lower  objectives)  by  cover- 
ing the  mirror  of  the  microscope  with  white  paper  when  transparent 
objects  are  to  be  drawn.  For  high  powers  it  is  best  to  use  a  substage 
condenser.  Often  the  light  may  be  balanced  by  using  a  larger  or 
smaller  opening  in  the  diaphragm.  One  can  tell  which  field  is 
excessively  illuminated,  for  it  is  the  one  in  which  objects  are  most 
distinctly  seen.  If  it  is  the  microscopic,  then  the  image  of  the 
microscopic  object  is  very  distinct  and  the  pencil  is  invisible  or  very 
indistinct.  If  the  drawing  surface  is  too  brilliantly  lighted,  the 
pencil  can  be  seen  clearly,  but  the  microscopic  image  is  obscure. 

When  opaque  objects,  that  is,  objects  which  must  be  lighted  with 
reflected  light  (figs.  19,  43),  like  dark  colored  insects,  etc.,  are  to 
be  drawn,  the  light  must  usually  be  concentrated  upon  the  object  in 
some  way.  The  microscope  may  be  placed  in  a  very  strong  light 
and  the  drawing  board  shaded,  or  the  light  may  be  concentrated 
upon  the  object  by  means  of  a  concave  mirror,  or  a  bull's-eye  con- 
denser or  the  small  arc  lamp  may  be  used. 

If  the  drawing  surface  is  too  brilliantly  illuminated,  it  may  be 
shaded  by  placing  a  book  or  a  ground-glass  screen  between  it  and 
the  window,  also  by  putting  one  or  more  smoked  glasses  in  the  path 
of  the  rays  from  the  mirror  (fig.  169).  If  the  light  in  the  microscope 
is  too  intense,  it  may  be  lessened  by  using  white  paper  over  the 
mirror,  or  by  a  ground-glass  screen  between  the  microscope  mirror 
and  the  source  of  light  (Piersol,  American  Monthly  Microscopical 
Journal,  1888,  p.  103).  It  is  also  an  excellent  plan  to  blacken  the 
end  of  the  drawing  pencil  with  carbon  ink.  Sometimes  it  is  easier  to 
draw  on  a  black  surface,  using  a  white  pencil  or  style.  The  carbon 
paper  used  in  manifolding  letters,  etc.,  may  be  used,  or  ordinary 
black  paper  may  be  lightly  rubbed  on  one  side  with  a  moderately 
soft  lead  pencil.  Place  the  black  paper  over  white  paper  and  trace 


the  outlines  with  a  pointed  style  of  ivory  or  bone.  A  corresponding 
dark  line  will  appear  on  the  white  paper  beneath  (Jour.  Roy.  Micr. 
Soc.,  1883,  p.  423). 

(i)  It  is  desirable  to  have  the  drawing  paper  fastened  with  thumb 
tacks,  or  in  some  other  way.  (2)  The  lines  made  while  using  the 
camera  lucida  should  be  very  light,  as  they  are  likely  to  be  irregular. 
(3)  Only  outlines  are  drawn  and  parts  located  with  a  camera  lucida. 
Details  are  put  in  free-hand.  (4)  It  is  sometimes  desirable  to  draw 
the  outline  of  an  object  with  a  moderate  power  and  add  the  details 
with  a  higher  power-.  If  this  is  done,  it  should  always  be  clearly 
stated.  It  is  advisable  to  do  this  only  with  objects  in  which  the 
same  structure  is  many  times  duplicated,  as  in  a  nerve  or  a  muscle. 
In  such  an  object  all  the  different  structures  can  be  shown,  and  by 
omitting  some  of  the  fibers  the  others  may  be  made  plainer  with- 
out undesirable  enlargement  of  the  entire  figure.  (5)  If  a  drawing 
of  a  given  size  is  desired  and  it  cannot  be  obtained  by  any  com- 
bination of  oculars,  objectives,  and  lengths  of  the  tube  of  the  mi- 
croscope, the  distance  between  the  camera  lucida  and  the  table 
may  be  increased  or  diminished  until  the  image  is  of  the  desired 
size.  This  distance  is  easily  changed  by  the  use  of  a  book  or  a  block, 
but  more  conveniently  if  one  has  a  drawing  board  with  adjustable 
drawing  surface  like  that  shown  in  fig.  171.  (6)  It  is  of  advantage 
to  have  the  camera  lucida  hinged  so  that  the  prism  may  be  turned 
off  the  ocular  for  a  moment's  glance  at  the  preparation,  and  then 
returned  without  the  necessity  of  loosening  screws  and  readjusting 
the  camera.  This  form  is  now  made  by  several  opticians,  and  many 
of  them  add  graduations  so  that  the  angle  of  the  mirror  is  readily  seen. 

§  409.  Scale  of  drawings.  —  The  scale  should  be  given  for  every 
drawing  (fig.  172).  Sometimes  the  drawing  is  larger  than  the  object, 
as  with  microscopic  specimens,  and  sometimes  it  is  of  the  same  size 
or  much  smaller,  as  in  drawing  large  objects. 

In  getting  the  scale  at  which  an  object  is  drawn  with  the  micro- 
scope or  projection  microscope,  the  object  is  removed  and  a  microm- 
eter in  half  millimeters  for  low  powers  and  one  in  tenths  and 
hundredths  of  a  millimeter  (fig.  148)  for  high  powers  is  put  in 
place  of  the  specimen.  The  image  of  the  micrometer  lines  and 


spaces  will  be  of  the  same  enlargement  as  the  drawing,  provided 
nothing  has  been  changed  except  the  micrometer  for  the  object.  If 
now  a  few  of  the  lines  of  the  micrometer  image  (figs.  148,  172)  are 
traced  at  one  corner  of  the  drawing  paper  and  their  actual  value 
given,  the  enlargement  can  be  determined  accurately  as  follows: 
Suppose  the  micrometer  spaces  are  tenth  millimeters,  and  the  image 
of  the  spaces  measures  2  millimeters.  The  enlargement  must  be  the 
size  of  the  image  divided  by  the  size  of  the  object  or  2  ~  o.i  =  20; 
that  is,  the  image  is  20  times  the  size  of  the  object. 

In  using  the  photographic  camera  for  negatives  or  for  tracing, 
if  the  metric  scale  (fig.  173)  is  put  with  the  object,  its  image  will 
appear  with  the  image  in  the  negative  or  in  the  tracing,  and  the  en- 
largement or  reduction  can  be  found  as  above.  Suppose  the  image 
of  .the  10  cm.  scale  on  the  negative  or  in  the  tracing  is  2  cm.  long. 
Obviously  the  picture  must  be  2  cm.  •*•  10  =  i\  or  |,  that  is,  the 
picture  is  only  one-fifth  the  size  of  the  object. 

For  any  form  of  projection  apparatus  (figs.  178-183),  the  magic 
lantern  or  projection  microscope,  after  the  image  is  traced,  the  ob- 
ject is  removed  and  a  micrometer  in  half  millimeters  for  the  magic 
lantern  and  low  powers  of  the  microscope  is  put  in  place  of  the  ob- 
ject and  the  image  of  the  scale  projected 
upon  the  drawing  paper.  Suppose  the  image 
of  one  of  the  micrometer  half  millimeter 
spaces  measures  15  millimeters,  then  the 

scale  of  the  drawing  must  be  30  (i.e.,  15  -r  \  _/IG-  J72-  MAGNIFIED 

6                    °     ^      '     °       *  MICROMETER  SPACES  TO 

=  30) .  SHOW  THE  METHOD  c  F 

If    one    is    drawing    from    the    projected  INDICATING  THE  SCALE 

°                 . ,    .    .  AT    WHICH     DRAWING 

image  of  a  negative  or  lantern  slide  it  is  neces-  WAS  MADE. 

sary  to  know  the  scale  at  which  the  negative 

or  slide  was  made  as  well  as  the  scale  at  which  the  drawing  from 
the  projected  negative  or  slide  is  being  made.  For  example,  if  the 
scale  of  the  negative  is  50  times  the  size  of  the  object,  and  the  draw- 
ing is  10  times  the  size  of  the  negative,  the  final  drawing  must  be 
10  x  50  =  500  times  the  size  of  the  original  object. 

If,  on  the  other  hand,  the  negative  is  -rV  the  size  of  the  original 
object  and  the  drawing  is  5  times  the  size  of  the  negative,  the  final 




drawing  will  be  the  size  of  the  negative  (TV  the  original)  multiplied 
by  the  magnification  (in  this  case  5)  which  is  i\  x  5  =*  A  or  %. 
That  is,  the  drawing  is  one-half  the  size  of  the  original  object. 

For  the  projection  microscope  with  objectives  of  40  to  16  mm. 
(4x  to  IQX)  a  micrometer  in  |  mm.  is  good.  For  objectives  above 
16  mm.  (IQX)  it  is  better  to  use  a  micrometer  in  o.i  mm.  and  o.oi 
mm.  (fig.  148). 

After  the  drawing  has  been  made,  remove  the  specimen  and  put 
the  micrometer  under  the  microscope  and  draw  a  few  spaces  of  the 
micrometer  image  (fig.  172)  giving  the  actual  value  of  the  spaces; 
then  one  can  compute  the  enlargement  of  the  drawing  by  measuring 
the  image  spaces  and  dividing  by  the  actual  value.  For  example, 
suppose  the  image  of  one  of  the  o.i  mm.  spaces  measures  on  the 
drawing  4  cm.  or  40  mm.  The  scale  of  the  drawing  or  its  magnifica- 
tion is  40  +  o.i  =  400. 

§  409a.  For  diagrams  and  other  large  objects  a  very  serviceable  micrometer 
can  be  made  by  using  the  10  cm.  metric  rule  (fig.  173)  as  object  and  making  a 
negative  of  it  on  a  lantern  slide  exactly  natural  size  or  half  natural  size. 


The  upper  edge  is  in  millimeters,  the  lower  in  centimeters 
The  metric  system 

The  most  commonly  used  divisions  and  multiples. 
Centimeter    (cm.)    O.OE     Meter;      Millimeter    (mm.),    o.ooi 
Meter;    Micron  (ju),  o.ooi  Millimeter;  the  Micron  is  the 
unit  in  Micrometry. 
Kilometer,  1000  Meters;   used  in  measuring  roads  and  other 

•     long  distances. 
Milligram  (mg.),  o.ooi  Gram. 

Kilogram,  1000  Grams,  used  for  ordinary  masses,  like  groceries, 

Cubic  Centimeter,  (cc.),  O.OOT  Liter.    This  is  more  common 

than  the  correct  form,  Milliliter. 

Units  are  indicated  by  the  Latin  prefixes;    deci.  o.i;   centi, 
o.oi;  ntittij  o.ooi;   micro,  one  millionth  (O.OOOOOT)  of  any  unit. 
^  Multiples  are  designated  by  the  Greek  prefixes;    deka,  10  times;    hecto,  100 
times;    kilo,  1000  times;    myria,  10,000  times;    mega,  one  million  (1,000,000) 
times  any  unit. 





Divisions  of  the' 





§  410.  Drawings  by  the  aid  of  a  photographic  camera.  —  The 

photographic  camera  (camera  obscura)  gives  help  for  getting  pictures 
of  objects  in  three  ways: 

(1)  By  producing  real  images  which  can  be  traced  (§  411). 

(2)  By  producing  negatives  which  can  be  projected  upon  the 
drawing  paper  and  traced,  or  the  drawing  can  be  done  directly  on 
the  print,  and  all  but  the  drawing  removed  from  the  print;   or  the 
drawing  can  be  made  on  the  back  of  the  print  (§§  413-414). 

(3)  By  producing  large  prints  for  retouching  (§  416). 

411.  Real  images  by  the  camera.  —  For  drawing  with  a  photo- 
graphic camera  it  is  a  great  help  to  have  a  frame  with  a  piece  of 
clear  glass  to  use  instead  of  the  ordinary  ground-glass  focusing 
screen.  The  tracing  paper  is  stretched  over  the  glass.  The  object 
is  arranged  as  desired  and  placed  in  a  strong  light.  The  camera  is 
then  arranged  to  give  the  desired  view,  and  the  bellows  pulled  out, 
and  the  whole  camera  moved  toward  or  away  from  the  object  until 
the  desired  size  is  obtained.  This  tracing  is  transferred  to  the  draw- 
ing paper  in  the  usual  manner  and  inked  in.  A  camera  like  that 
shown  in  fig.  174  answers  well;  also  a  copying  camera. 

While  inking  in,  and  indeed  whenever  free-hand  and  optical 
methods  of  getting  drawings  are  combined,  the  object  should  be 
available  for  constant  observation  so  that  accuracy  may  be  obtained. 

§  412.  Negatives  by  the  camera.  —  The  object  is  arranged  as 
desired  and  placed  in  a  good  light.  A  photographic  camera  is  then 
used  and  a  negative  on  glass  made  in  the  usual  manner.  If  the  nega- 
tive is  to  be  used  for  prints  on  which  to  trace  and  draw  with  ink  or 
pencil,  the  negative  is  made  the  size  of  the  desired  finished  picture. 
On  the  other  hand  if  the  negative  is  to  be  used  for  projection,  it 
should  be  of  about  the  size  of  a  lantern  slide  (§  416). 

§  413.  Drawings  upon  blue  prints.  —  This  is  especially  available 
for  objects  with  definite  outlines  and  clear  details  like  the  wing  veins 
of  insects  (Comstock)  or  apparatus,  furniture,  etc. 

A  negative  of  the  object  is  made  of  the  desired  size  and  a  blue 



[CH.  IX 

print  made.    Then  with  waterproof  India  ink  all  the  lines  are  gone 
over,  and  all  the  points  indicated  which  are  to  be  shown  in  the 
finished  cut. 
Bleach  out  the  blue  by  soaking  the  print  in  a  solution  of  10% 


T    Table  about  =50  cm.  high  and  50  cm.  by  70  cm.  on  the  top. 

d  d    Drawer  with  combination  lock. 

Base    The  heavy  base  of  the  vertical  camera  support. 

p    Pillar  in  which  the  graduated  rod  (vgr)  rotates. 

ss    Set  screw  to  fix  the  graduated  rod  in  any  position. 

c  s,  c  s  Set  screws  to  enable  the  operator  to  set  the  camera  bellows  at  any 
desired  extension. 

wr  Magnification  rod  with  its  set  screw  rs.  When  any  desired  magnification 
is  arranged,  the  rod  set  screw  is  tightened;  then  by  loosening  the  camera  set 
screws  (cs)  the  bellows  can  be  moved  up  and  down  on  the  graduated  rod  to  get 
the  focus. 

Fs  Focusing  stand;  this  is  a  microscope  stand  with  coarse  and  fine  adjust- 
ment (cf)  and  two  stages  (st  st)  for  supporting  the  object  or  the  dish  containing 
it  (sp  c). 

Ob    Photographic  objective  in  the  lower  end  of  the  camera. 

VC    Vertical  camera  bellows. 
fg    Focusing  glass. 


neutral  oxalate  of  potash.  Wash  in  water  and  dry  on  gauze.  Only 
the  ink  lines  will  show  in  the  finished  print.  This  line  drawing  can 
then  be  lettered  in  any  desired  way,  and  the  engraver  can  make  a 
line  cut  for  the  printing  press. 

Ordinarily  it  is  best  to  make  the  picture  two  or  three  times  the 
size  of  the  final  engraving.  Defects  are  minimized  in  the  reduction. 
Always  have  the  object  in  view  in  finishing  the  drawing. 

§  414.  Drawings  on  the  back  of  photographic  prints.  —  The 
easiest  way  to  obtain  line  cuts  of  many  objects  is  to  make  a  photo- 
graph of  them  and  then  draw  the  outlines  on  the  back  of  the  photo- 
graph. This  is  an  application  of  the  old  method  of  tracing  the  veins 
of  leaves  and  the  details  of  other  objects  by  holding  against  a  well 
lighted  window,  and  making  the  tracing  on  a  sheet  of  paper  over  the 

A  negative  should  be  made  of  the  size  desired  or  a  small  negative 
is  made  and  a  large  print  obtained  by  projection  (§  484).  Prints  of 
both  sides  of  the  negative  should  be  made.  A  print  from  the 
front  or  film  side  will  give  an  erect  image  like  the  object.  One  from 
the  glass  side  or  back  of  the  negative  will  give  a  reversed  image. 
The  tracing  on  the  back  of  the  reversed  or  inverted  image  will  give 
an  erect  image  like  the  object. 

If  one  prints  by  projection  (§  484),  the  erect  image  is  made  by 
making  the  negative,  film  side,  face  the  printing  paper;  the  inverted 
image  is  obtained  by  having  the  glass  side  of  the  negative  face  the 

If  the  original  negative  is  of  the  desired  size,  one  print  is  made  by 
putting  the  sensitive  paper  in  contact  with  the  front  or  film  side  of 
the  negative.  For  the  inverted  or  reversed  print  the  glass  side  is 
placed  up  in  the  printing  frame,  and  the  sensitive  paper  put  on  the 
glass.  This  will  make  the  print  slightly  out  of  focus,  but  by  print- 
ing this  image  with  the  plate  holder  a  meter  or  more  distant,  and 
directly  under  the  printing  light,  a  moderately  sharp  print  can  be 
made  except  for  very  thick  glass  negatives.  There  will  be  no 
trouble  with  films. 

§  415.  Making  the  tracings.  —  When  the  enlarged  prints  are 
ready,  proceed  as  follows:  Work  in  a  dark  or  dimly  lighted  place. 




Use  a  drawing  shelf  containing  a  glass  window  (fig.  180),  or  use  a 
table  with  a  heavy  glass  set  in  a  window  in  the  top.  Have  a  100- 
watt  lamp  in  a  reflector  underneath  to  illuminate  the  print. 

Place  the  inverted  print,  face  down,  on  the  glass.  The  light 
shining  through  the  print  will  make  it  appear  almost  as  if  the  face 
were  up. 

Trace  all  the  outlines  with  a  lead  pencil,  using  a  triangle  or  T- 
square  for  the  straight  lines.  In  doing  the  tracing  it  is  advantageous 
to  have  the  erect  print  to  look  at,  and  occasionally  one  should  hold 
the  tracing  in  a  good  light  to  see  that  all  the  lines  are  present. 

After  getting  the  outlines  with  a  pencil,  the  lines  are  inked  in. 
For  this  one  should  work  in  a  well-lighted  place,  and  have  the 
actual  object  in  view  and  the  erect  print  to  serve  as  guides.  Some 
additions  may  be  put  in  free-hand.  One  may  also  wish  to  add 
accessory  apparatus,  or  enlargements  of  some  of  the  details.  This 
was  done  with  figures  80  and  180. 

The  paper  used  for  photographic  prints  is  excellent  both  for  the 
draughtsman  and  for  the  photo-engraver.  There  is  some  advantage 
in  using  double-thick  paper  for  the  tracings,  as  the  prints  are  flatter. 
The  single  thickness  of  paper  shows  the  details  of  the  print  some- 
what more  clearly. 

Of  course,  one  could  make  tracings  on  the  back  of  blue  prints, 
and  then  no  bleaching  would  be  necessary,  but  the  details  are  not 
so  sharp  and  definite  in  blue  prints  as  in  silver  prints.  One  can 
draw  on  the  face  of  silver  prints  and  remove  the  silver  print  with 
chemicals,  but  that  is  not  so  satisfactory  as  drawing  on  the  back  of  a 
reversed  print  as  described  above. 

Many  of  the  line  drawings  in  this  book  were  made  by  tracing 
them  on  the  back  of  inverted  photographic  prints.  Much  has  also 
been  made  of  the  method  for  all  sorts  of  objects  during  the  last  ten 
years,  and  its  usefulness  is  increasingly  appreciated.  The  amateur 
artist  has  the  advantage  of  correct  proportions  and  perspective 
without  the  trouble  of  many  measurements;  he  is  also  perfectly 
free  to  add  artistic  touches,  and  to  combine  free-hand  sketches. 
The  line  cuts  have  the  great  advantage  of  definiteness,  and  can  be 
printed  on  any  good  book  paper.  For  lettering  the  drawings,  see 


§  427.  Do  not  make  the  lettering  so  prominent  that  the  drawing 
itself  is  submerged. 

§  416.  Retouching  photographs  for  halftone  reproduction.  —  For 
pictures  of  animals,  organs,  and  dissections  to  be  reproduced  by  the 
halftone  process,  very  successful  drawings  can  be  made  as  follows: 
Arrange  the  object  as  it  is  to  appear  in  the  finished  drawing;  light  it 
to  bring  out  clearly  the  features  desired;  then  use  a  long  focus  pho- 
tographic objective  and  get  a  small,  sharp  picture.  The  negative 
should  be  about  the  size  of  a  lantern  slide.  Make  a  large  print  on 
thick  developing  paper  exactly  as  described  in  section  484.  This 
print  should  not  be  dark,  but  two  or  three  shades  lighter  than  the 
usual  print  to  give  opportunity  for  the  added  shading.  The  picture 
should  be  erect. 

When  the  print  is  dry,  put  it  on  a  drawing  board  and  with  a  car- 
bon drawing  crayon,  pen,  India  ink,  and  an  air  brush,  if  it  is  avail- 
able, the  picture  can  be  made  almost  perfect  with  a  minimum  of  labor. 

In  case  the  negative  shows  parts  not  needed  or  if  the  background 
is  not  as  desired,  the  superfluous  parts  can  be  eliminated  and  the 
background  made  perfectly  white  by  painting  on  the  glass  surface 
of  the  negative  Gihon's  or  other  opaquing  medium.  In  the  print 
there  will  be  pure  white  where  the  opaque  is  painted  on  the  glass. 
Use  a  fine  brush  and  put  on  a  layer  which  does  not  allow  any  light 
to  pass.  The  opaque  is  put  on  the  glass  surface  so  that  it  can  be 
removed  easily  if  desired.  In  case  some  parts  are  not  light  enough 
or  white  points  are  to  be  added,  use  some  of  the  white  recommended 
by  the  photo-engravers  (Blanc  d  Argent,  etc.). 

As  in  all  drawing,  the  actual  object  should  be  before  the  artist 
when  retouching  the  photograph,  so  that  accuracy  may  be  secured. 

§  417.  Tracing  pictures  natural  size  on  drawing  paper.  —  It 
frequently  happens  in  preparing  the  drawings  for  a  book  or  for  a 
scientific  paper  that  figures  from  another  book  or  scientific 
paper  are  needed.  If  there  is  to  be  no  modification  in  the  figure,  the 
simplest  method  is  to  borrow  an  electrotype.  If  this  cannot  be 
done  and  the  picture  is  not  available  to  put  in  the  hands  of  the  pho- 
to-engraver for  a  new  cut,  or  if  one  wants  to  make  minor  changes,  it 
is  very  easy  to  get  a  tracing  on  any  good  drawing  paper  as  follows; 

CH.  IX] 



Put  the  picture  on  the  glass  of  the  drawing  shelf  (fig.  180)  and  place 
over  it  some  good  drawing  paper  like  Whatman's  hot-pressed 
drawing  paper  or  Reynolds'  bristol  board.  Turn  on  the  light,  and 
even  through  the  thick  drawing  paper  the  outlines  of  the  picture  are 
so  clear  that  the  tracing  can  be  made  with  ease.  After  the  outlines 
have  been  traced,  the  finishing  can  be  done  on  a  drawing  board  with 
the  original  picture  for  reference. 

§  418.  Diagrams  by  projection.  —  For  light  use  an  arc  lamp  or  a 
stereopticon  mazda  lamp ;  use  a  negative  which  is  not  too  dense  or  a 
lantern  slide.  It  is  placed  in  the  lantern-slide  holder  and  by  means 
of  an  ordinary  projection  objective,  or  better  by  a  photographic 

(From  Optic  Projection). 

A  small  arc  lamp  connected  with  the  house  lighting  system  is  used  for  light  in 
this  case. 

W,  So,  S  —  p  Electric  wires,  lamp  socket  with  key  switch  (s)  and  a  separable 
attachment  plug. 

R    Rheostat. 

Condenser,  W    A  three  lens  condenser  with  a  water  cell  to  absorb  radiant  heat. 

LS   Lantern  slide. 

Axis,  Objective  The  principal  optic  axis  of  the  condenser  and  of  the  objective 
in  one  line.  The  cone  of  light  crosses  within  the  objective  at  (c). 

Screen  Image    The  real  image  projected  upon  the  screen. 

objective,  the  image  is  projected  upon  the  drawing  paper  (fig.  178). 
For  the  proper  size  either  the  projection  apparatus  or  the  drawing 
surface  must  be  movable. 

When  the  size  is  correct,  and  the  image  sharply  focused,  one  can 
trace  directly  on  the  drawing  paper  with  a  pencil  all  the  lines  and 
details  which  it  is  desired  to  represent.  Then  the  drawing  can  be 
inked  in  at  leisure,  remembering  always  to  have  the  object  for  con- 
stant reference  and  thus  insure  accuracy. 


In  projection  it  is  very  easy  to  make  the  picture  as  large  as  desired 
provided  the  projection  apparatus  or  the  drawing  surface  is  movable. 
The  projection  method  has  the  advantage  of  being  applicable  to  all 
forms  of  objects,  gross  and  microscopic.  The  only  precaution  is  to 
make  the  negative  rather  thin,  not  dense;  then  the  details  come  out 
clearly  in  the  projected  image. 


§  419.  This  is  the  most  satisfactory  method  of  drawing  small 
objects.  With  it  one  can  draw  large  diagrams  or  small  figures 
directly  from  the  objects;  and  if  the  apparatus  is  properly  con- 
structed one  may  make  diagrams  from  objects  60  to  70  mm.  in  di- 
ameter down  to  those  of  half  a  millimeter  or  less.  This  method  was 
much  in  vogue  and  was  highly  commended  by  the  older  microscopists 
who  used  the  solar  microscope  (Baker,  Adams,  and  Goring).  Since 
the  general  introduction  of  electric  lighting,  drawing  with  the  pro- 
jection microscope  has  become  once  more  common  and  is  the  most 
satisfactory  method  known,  especially  for  the  numerous  drawings 
necessary  for  the  preparation  of  models  in  wax  or  blotting 

§  420.  Drawings  with  low  powers.  —  For  objectives  of  30  to 
100  mm.  focus,  the  best  method  is  to  use  a  projection  outfit  with 
a  three  lens  condenser  as  shown  in  fig.  179. 

For  a  radiant,  a  large  or  a  small  arc  lamp  is  best  (figs.  179,  181), 
but  a  250-  or  400-watt  concentrated  filament,  stereopticon  mazda 
lamp  filled  with  nitrogen  also  works  fairly  well.  The  mazda  lamp 
has  the  advantage  that  it  can  be  attached  to  any  lighting  circuit, 
and  when  once  centered  and  properly  arranged,  requires  no  attention 
except  to  turn  the  switch  on  and  off.  A  dark  room  is  desirable,  but 
one  can  draw  in  any  room  at  night. 

Arrange  the  object,  the  lamp,  and  the  condenser  so  that  the  object 
is  fully  lighted;  then  focus  the  objective  and  place  the  drawing  sur- 
face and  objective  at  a  distance  apart  to  give  the  desired  size  of 
drawing.  Focus  sharply  and  trace  with  a  pencil  the  outlines  and 
details  which  it  is  desired  to  show.  Finally,  with  the  object  where  it 

CH.  IX] 



can  be  examined  at  any  time,  ink  in  the  lines  and  details.     (For 
erect  images  see  §  435). 

(From  Optic  Projection). 

+w  The  positive  wire  going  to  the  upper  carbon  (He),  and  -w,  wire  to  the 
lower  or  vertical  carbon  (Vc)  of  the  large  arc  lamp  with  direct  current. 

Axis,  Axis,  Axis  The  principal  optic  axis  from  the  source  of  light  (L)  through 
the  condenser,  the  microscope  and  to  the  screen. 

W    Water  cell  to  absorb  radiant  heat. 

Stage  The  separate  stage  of  the  microscope  with  its  water  ceil  for  cooling 
the  specimen  by  conduction. 

Microscope  In  this  case  the  microscope  has  an  objective  ( nly;  compare  fig. 
1 80,  where  an  ocular  is  present  also. 

Each  element,  lamp,  condenser,  stage,  and  microscope  is  on  a  separate  movable 
block  (block  i,  2,  3,  4)  which  slides  independently  along  the  optic  bench  or  base 

§  421.  Use  of  a  45°  mirror  or  a  prism.  —  While  one  can  draw  on 
a  vertical  surface,  it  is  far  easier  to  draw  on  a  horizontal  surface. 
This  is  available  for  all  powers  by  using  a  plane  mirror  at  45°  or  a 
drawing  prism.  The  mirror  may  be  at  a  distance  from  the  objec- 
tive, when  it  must  be  large  (fig.  181);  or  it  may  be  close  to  the  ob- 
jective, when  it  may  be  small  (figs.  180,  183).  The  drawing  surface 
must  be  movable  to  vary  the  size  of  the  drawing  and  the  magnifica- 
tion. Figures  179-181  show  the  two  principal  methods  of  varying 
the  distance  between  the  objective  and  the  drawing  surface,  and 
consequently  the  scale  of  the  drawing.  (For  erect  images  see  §§  430- 


§  422.  Drawing  with  objectives  of  25  (5x)  to  8mm.  (20x)  focus.  — 
For  this  the  best  way  is  to  use  a  three  lens  condenser,  as  shown  in 
figs.  179,  1 80,  and  for  a  microscope  use  either  the  special  one  for 
projection  or  the  ordinary  microscope  with  large  tube.  For  radiant 



[CH.  IX 

use  a  small  or  a  large  arc  lamp.    Remove  the  substage  condenser 
or  turn  it  aside  and  arrange  on  the  optical  bench  so  that  the  image 


(Modified  from  Optic  Projection). 

DB  Drawing  board  with  a  25  x  30  cm.  glass  plate  in  the  middle  for  tracing 
on  the  back  of  photographs.  It  is  placed  on  the  brackets  to  form  the  adjustable 
shelf  (ADS). 

Is    Leveling  screws  in  the  bottom  of  the  table  legs. 

Rheostat    The  balance  for  regulating  the  electric  current  of  the  arc  lamp. 

c  c,  ks     Electric  cable  and  knife  switch. 

Table  The  projection  table  with  drawer  (d).  This  table  is  100  cm.  high,  and 
the  top  125  cm.  long  and  50  cm.  wide.  It  is  stained  by  aniline  black. 

ADS     Adjustable  shelf  with  a  drawing  board  having  a  glass  center  25  X  30  cm. 

bt    Bolts  with  thumb  nuts  holding  the  shelf  at  any  desired  height  on  the  legs. 

N  R  Mazda  lamp  and  reflector  to  throw  the  light  up  through  the  picture  which 
is  being  traced. 

c    Cable  with  separable  cap  to  attach  to  the  lighting  system. 

Arc  Lamp  The  right-angled  carbon  arc  lamp  for  supplying  light  to  the  pro- 
jection microscope. 

Condenser    The  three  lens  condenser  and  water  bath  (fig.  178). 

Microscope    The  compound  microscope  with  substage  condenser  and  ocular. 

m  45°  mirror  or  prism  for  reflecting  the  light  directly  downward  upon  the 
drawing  shelf. 

Axis,  Axis    The  principal  optic  axis. 

of  the  light  source  from  the  large  condenser  falls  directly  on  the 
specimen.    Focus  and  arrange  the  drawing  surface  to  give  the  right 

CH.  IX] 



size  and  magnification,  then  trace  the  outlines  and  the  details. 
Later,  ink  in,  using  the  specimen  to  check  up  with.  (For  erect  images 
see  §§  430-437.) 

After  one  has  had 
sufficient  practice,  the 
drawing  can  be  partly 
or  wholly  completed 
under  the  projection  ap- 
paratus. For  this,  one 
must  light  tHe  drawing 
surface  enough  either 
by  means  of  a  portable 
lamp  or  by  some  means 
of  letting  in  daylight. 
At  the  same  time  there 
must  be  a  screen  to  cut 
off  the  image  where  one 
is  doing  the  finishing. 
By  removing  the  screen 
the  image  appears  at 


(From  Optic  Projection). 

The  projection  table  has  the  dimensions  given 
in  fig.  1 80. 

The  arc  lamp  is  automatic  and  the  rheostat 
for  current  may  be  adjusted  to  give  from  10  to 
20  amperes. 

The  condenser  is  of  the  three  lens  water  cell 
type,  and  the  microscope  with  separate  stage; 
the  microscope  has  an  amplifier  in  place. 

The  drawing  table  (Dr.  Table)  is  of  a  conven- 
ient height  for  sitting  beside.  It  is  76  cm.  high 
and  the  top  100  cm.  lon^  and  75  cm.  wide. 

The  45°  plate  glass  mirror  is  large  (75  cm.  long 
and  60  cm.  wide). 

any  time  and  serves  to 
check  the  work. 

§  423.  Drawing  with 
high  powers,  8  (20x)  to 
2  mm.  (90x)  focus.  — 
For  this  high  power 

drawing  one  should  use  an  ocular  as  well  as  an  objective,  and  a 
substage  condenser  in  addition  to  the  condenser  of  the  lantern  or 
small  lamp  (fig.  182),  or  light  of  sufficient  aperture  will  not  be 
supplied  to  the  microscope.  In  using  the  highest  powers  it  is 
also  well  to  connect  the  substage  condenser  to  the  slide  by 
homogeneous  liquid,  as  described  in  §  124.  The  large  or  small  arc 
light  or  the  concentrated  or  ribbon  filament,  io8-watt,  6-volt  head- 
light lamp  is  needed  for  good  results. 

If  one  has  a  drawing  room,  a  large  or  small  arc  lamp,  and  direct 
current,  the  arrangements  shown  in  fig.  180  are  best,  but  if  direct 



[CH.  IX 

current  is  not  available,  excellent  results  can  be  obtained  by  using 
the  small  arc  lamp  or  the  io8-watt  lamp  on  the  alternating  current, 

house  electric  lighting 
system,  and  the  micro- 
scope, shown  in  figs. 

The  light  supplied 
to  the  substage  con- 
denser should  be  ap- 
proximately parallel. 
This  is  attained  with 
the  small  lamp  by  put- 
ting the  arc  at  the 
focus  of  the  condenser. 
With  the  large  lamp 
one  should  use  a  long 
focus  lens  for  the  con- 
denser, as  shown  in 

fig.  184. 

In  all  cases  the  sub- 
stage  condenser  should 
be  shifted  up  and  down 
slightly  until  the  best 
effect  is  produced. 
The  substage  condenser 
should,  of  course,  be 
centered  carefully  before  commencing  to  draw  (§  118). 

§  424.  Drawings  for  publication.  —  The  inexpensive  photographic 
processes  of  making  cuts  for  the  printing  press  bring  within  the 
reach  of  every  writer  the  possibility  of  appealing  to  the  eye  by 
means  of  pictures  and  diagrams  illustrating  the  facts  which  are 
presented  in  the  text.  Artistic  ability  is,  of  course,  indispensable 
for  a  perfect  representation,  but  any  one  willing  to  give  the  time 
and  the  pains  can  make  simple  drawings,  especially  if  one  or  more 
of  the  helps  above  described  are  available. 
The  various  helps  for  making  drawings  described  in  this  chapter 


(From  Optic  Projection). 

S,  Sp  The  lamp  socket  and  separable  attach- 
ment plug. 

Rh  The  rheostat  not  allowing  over  5  amperes 
of  current  to  flow. 

Lamp  The  small  arc  lamp  at  right  angles  to 
the  microscope. 

Microscope    The  microscope  on  a  block  (B). 

mr,  mr  The  mirror  of  the  microscope,  and  the 
mirror  over  the  ocular  to  reflect  the  light  directly 

Image  The  picture  of  the  microscopic  object 
reflected  down  upon  the  drawing  paper. 

Sh  Opaque  shield  to  screen  the  light  from  the 
drawing  surface. 

CH.  IX] 



will  be  found  useful  to  the  born  artist  as  well  as  to  the  person  who 
has  not  great  artistic  ability,  for  by  means  of  the  optical  and  me- 



(From  Optic  Projection). 

The  microscope  is  of  the  handle  type  (H)  with  the  fine  adjustment  (fa)  on 
the  side  below  the  coarse  adjustment  (c  a). 

The  ocular  is  of  the  Huygenian  form  with  the  real  image  at  (r  i). 

Prism,  the  right-angled  prism  beyond  the  ocular  to  reflect  the  light  directly 

chanical  helps  the  outlines  and  proportions  can  be  secured  with 
fidelity  by  any  one.  Then  the  born  artist  can  use  the  time  saved 
for  making  the  pictures  more  artistic,  and  the  plodder  can  feel  con- 
fident that  his  efforts  are  correct. 

Young  authors  are  urged  to  get  the  Style  Brief  furnished  by  the 
Wistar  Institute  of  Philadephia.  This  is  a  guide  for  the  preparation 
of  manuscript  and  drawings  for  publication  in  the  scientific  journals 
published  by  the  Institute.  The  hints  to  contributors  given  on 
the  second  page  of  the  cover  in  all  the  journals  give  in  a  nutshell 
the  main  points.  These  journals  are:  The  American  Journal  of 
Anatomy;  The  Anatomical  Record;  The  Journal  of  Morphology; 
The  Journal  of  Comparative  Neurology,  and  The  Journal  of  Experi- 
mental Zoology.  The  little  book:  Preparation  of  Scientific  and 



[CH.  IX 

Technical  Papers  by  Trelease  and  Yule,  2d.  ed.  1927,  gives  excellent 
advice  which  is  illustrated  by  abundant  examples. 



(From  Optic  Projection). 

A  The  substage  condenser  is  within  the  focus  (/)  at  a  point  where  the  long 
light  cone  is  of  about  the  same  diameter  as  the  substage  condenser. 

B  The  substage  condenser  is  beyond  the  focus  (/)  of  the  long  focus  main  con- 
denser at  a  point  where  the  diverging  cone  is  of  about  the  same  diameter  as  the 
substage  condenser.  This  is  the  better  position  for  the  substage  condenser  of  the 
ordinary  microscope. 

Arc  Supply    The  right-angled  carbons  of  the  arc  lamp. 

L\  LI    The  first  and  the  second  elements  of  the  main  condenser. 

Wafer  CelL    This  is  to  remove  the  radiant  heat. 

Axis    The  principal  axis  on  which  all  the  parts  are  centered. 

/  The  principal  focus  of  the  second  element  of  the  main  condenser.  In  both 
cases  the  focus  is  long. 

Substage  Condenser  This  is  the  first  or  lowest  element  of  the  substage  con- 
denser. It  is  of  the  achromatic  type. 

A  great  many  good  hints  can  be  found  by  studying  the  illustra- 
tions in  well-printed  books  and  in  scientific  journals,  especially 
those  dealing  with  the  subject  in  which  one  is  interested. 

§  425.  Size  of  drawings.  —  For  most  draughtsmen  it  is  wise  to 
make  the  drawings  two  or  three  times  the  size  of  the  final  cut  for 
publication.  It  is  easier  to  make  the  details  clear,  and  then  little 


defects  are  minimized  by  the  reduction,  The  photo-engraver  can 
make  the  cut  any  desired  reduction,  but  one  should  remember  that 
the  lines  should  be  heavy  enough  for  the  reduction  desired,  otherwise 
the  finest  details  are  likely  to  be  lost. 

§  426.  Reduction.  — -  There  is  some  confusion  as  to  the  meaning 
of  reduction  in  the  minds  of  authors.  For  the  engraver  this  term 
has  a  perfectly  definite  significance.  It  is  linear  measure,  and  never 
area  or  solid  measure,  that  he  considers.  For  example,  if  the  en- 
graver is  directed  to  make  the  cut  half  the  size  of  the  drawing,  he 
will  make  every  line  half  the  length  of  the  corresponding  line  in  the 
drawing.  The  area  will  then  be  one-fourth  that  of  the  drawing. 
If  the  cut  is  to  be  reduced  to  one-fourth  the  drawing,  each  line  will 
be  only  one-fourth  the  length  of  the  original,  and  the  area  will  be 
one-sixteenth  that  of  the  drawing  (figs.  185-186). 

§  427.  Lettering  drawings.  —  After  the  drawings  are  finished  the 
details  must  be  indicated  in  some  way.  This  may  be  by  having  the 
full  name  of  the  part,  an  easily  intelligible  abbreviation,  or  a  letter 
or  a  numeral  upon  or  near  it  (fig.  188). 

The  lettering  should  be  done  with  discrimination  in  two  ways: 

(1)  The  letters,  words,  etc.,  should  be  artistically  arranged  and 
then  put  on  straight.    For  this  one  may  need  to  use  a  T-square  and 
straight  edge.    Most  persons  cannot  letter  neatly  enough  to  letter 
with  a  pen.    Printed  words  and  letters  can  be  pasted  upon  the  draw- 
ing.   In  the  final  cut  the  appearance  is  as  if  words,  letters,  or  nu- 
merals were  printed  on  the  picture  (fig.  26.) 

If  the  letters,  abbreviations,  etc.,  are  not  upon  the  parts  they  are 
meant  to  indicate,  then  "  leaders,"  that  is,  full  or  broken  lines 
should  be  drawn  from  the  part  to  its  designating  letter,  numeral, 
abbreviation,  or  word  (figs.  18,  26). 

(2)  The  size  of  type  to  be  used  should  correspond  to  the  size  of 
the  picture  and  the  amount  of  reduction.    The  letters  should  not  be 
the  most  prominent  thing  about  a  picture,  neither  should  they  be  so 
small  that  one  needs  a  microscope  to  read  them.     By  consulting 
figs.  185-186  one  can  get  a  clear  notion  of  the  appearance  of  various 
sizes  of  letters  when  reduced.    If  one  has  a  camera  (fig.  174),  it  is  a 
good  plan  to  put  letters  of  different  sizes  upon  the  drawing  and 


then,  having  the  bellows  set  to  give  the  reduction  desired,  look  at 
the  image  of  the   drawing  and   lettering  and  see  how  they  wit 
look  in  the  final  picture. 
For  photo-engraving,  Gothic  type  gives  the  best  results  (fig.  185). 

24  Point  Type   A  a 
123456789 10 

18  Point  Type  A  R  S  2  3  4 

12  Point  Type    ABCabc    1234 
10  Point  Type    ABC    abc    12345 

8  Point  Type   ABCD     abed     12345 
6  Point  Type      ABCDabed12345      I   II   III   IV 

ABCD          a    b    o    d       123456789    10         I    II    III    IV   V    VI 

(From  Optic  Projection). 

§428.  Fastening  the  letters  to  the  drawing. — The  letters,  etc., 
should  be  printed  on  thin,  smooth,  very  white  paper,  and  they 
should  be  black,  not  gray.  Tissue  paper  is  often  used,  but  that  is 
not  so  easy  to  handle  as  a  paper  about  like  the  so-called  "  Bible 

The  words,  letters,  and  numerals  for  a  drawing  are  cut  out  and 
arranged  on  the  drawing  to  get  the  best  effect.  Then  using  a  T-- 
square and  straight  edge,  each  letter  or  word  is  stuck  to  the  drawing 

CH.  IX] 



in  the  proper  position  as  follows:  Some  fresh  starch  paste  is  made 
by  placing  in  a  small  tin  or  aluminum  dish  5  grams  of  laundry 
starch  and  adding  50  cc.  of  cold  water.  Stir  with  a  spoon  and  then 
heat  gradually  with  constant  stirring  on  a  stove  or  over  a  gas  flame 

24  Point  Type    A  a 


123456789  10 

18  Point  Type  A  R  S  2  3  4 


12  Point  Type    ABCabc   1234 

10  Point  Type    ABC    a  b  c    12345 

SPolnlTyp.   ABCO    •   0   0   d     12345 

24  Point  Type   A  a 



18  Point  Type  A  R  S  2  3  4 


12  Point  TyM   A  •  C  •  k  c   1  1  1  4 


(From  Optic  Projection). 

until  the  paste  is  formed.  Mucilage  and  paste  which  has  been  made 
for  some  time  are  not  good  for  pasting  the  letters.  Mucilage  turns 
the  paper  yellow  and  the  old  paste  is  lumpy.  Any  good  library  paste 
will  answer,  also  stainless  rubber  cement. 

Use  a  fine  brush  to  put  the  paste  on  the  letters,  and  then  use  fine 
forceps  (fig.  138)  to  pick  up  the  letters  and  transfer  them  to  the 


proper  position.  Press  down  with  the  finger  covered  with  tissue 
paper  or  very  fine  cloth  or  with  fine  blotting  paper.  Press  directly 
downward  or  the  letter  is  likely  to  be  displaced  or  distorted  by  a 
lateral  thrust. 

§  429.  White  letters  for  black  background.  —  The  white  letters, 
words,  or  numerals  are  most  easily  procured  by  photography.  The 
letters,  words,  etc.,  are  printed  on  tissue  paper.  This  is  used  as  a 
negative  by  placing  it  face  down  on  a  glass  plate  and  in  a  printing 
frame.  Use  some  developing  paper,  of  the  contrast  variety.  Print 
as  for  any  negative  and  develop  with  a  contrast  developer  so  that 
the  whites  and  blacks  will  be  perfect.  The  white  letters,  etc.,  are 
then  cut  out  and  pasted  on  the  drawing  as  described  above.  This 
photographic  paper  is  rather  thick  and  will  show  a  white  edge 
where  it  is  cut.  Blacken  the  white  edges  of  the  letters  or  words 
with  carbon  ink  after  the  letters  are  stuck  in  place  (fig.  188). 


§  430.  It  is  desirable  to  make  drawings  like  the  object  without 
any  inversion  whatsoever,  provided  the  object  has  rights  and  lefts, 
etc.  For  structural  detail  like  cells,  etc.,  it  makes  no  difference 
whether  the  image  is  erect  or  not,  but  with  symmetrical  organs  and 
animals  it  is  very  confusing  to  have  the  parts  inverted  in  the  draw- 
ing. For  example,  it  is  unsatisfactory  to  have  the  liver  shown  as  if 
on  the  left  side  and  the  heart  on  the  right  side. 

In  order  to  avoid  inversions,  it  is  necessary  to  know  what  inver- 
sions are  produced  by  the  different  optical  appliances  used  to  assist 
in  drawing.  Then  one  can  so  arrange  the  object  that  the  image 
will  be  exactly  like  the  object.  It  is  believed  that  the  following 
directions  will  enable  the  worker  to  arrange  his  specimen  and  the 
apparatus  so  that  erect  images  may  be  produced  without  undue 

The  simplest  of  all  ways  to  get  the  image  without  inversion  is  to 
arrange  the  slide  on  a  piece  of  white  paper  so  that  the  object  is  erect 
and  then  to  write  with  a  very  fine  pen  the  letters  a,  k,  on  the  cover- 
glass  of  the  specimen  to  be  drawn  (fig.  187).  Now  with  the  low 

CH.  IX] 



power  (16  to  60  mm.  [lox  to  2.66x])  objective,  project  the  image 
of  the  specimen  and  letters  upon  the  drawing  paper.  One  can  then 
continue  to  rearrange  the  slide  until  the  letters  are  erect;  the  speci- 
men will  then  also  be  erect. 

§  431.  Images  to  be  traced  in  the  photographic  camera.  —  These 
images  are  wrong  side  up  and  the  rights  and  lefts  are  reversed.  This 
can  be  corrected  by  drawing  the  picture  on  the  tracing  paper  in  th6 
inverted  position  and  then  inverting  the  tracing  after  it  is  finished; 
or  the  specimen  can  be  put  in  the  inverted  position,  then  the  image 
will  be  erect. 


(From  Optic  Projection). 

This  slide  is  also  to  show  how  to  mask  preparations  which  are  to  be  used  in  class 


Demonstrate  this  by  putting  the  metric  card  in  position  and 
tracing  some  of  the  larger  letters  or  figures  on  the  tracing  paper. 
Then  turn  the  drawing  paper  around  180°  and  the  letters  or  figures 
will  appear  erect. 

Put  the  metric  card  wrong  edge  up  to  start  with;  then  the  letters 
or  figures  will  appear  right  side  up  on  the  tracing  paper. 

§  432.  The  use  of  a  negative  for  projection  and  tracing.  —  Put 
the  face  of  the  negative  that  reads  correctly  next  the  source  of  light 
and  wrong  edge  up;  then  it  will  appear  erect  in  every  way  on  the 
drawing  paper.  This  is  the  way  lantern  slides  are  put  in  the  holder. 


§  433.  The  Wollaston  or  Abbe  camera  lucida.  —  With  these 
camera  lucidas  there  are  two  reflections  of  the  rays  (figs.  168-169), 
consequently  there  is  no  inversion  produced  by  the  camera,  but  the 
microscope  inverts  the  image  the  same  as  the  photographic  objec- 
tive, and  erect  images  are  obtained  either  by  inverting  the  drawing 
after  it  is  made  or  by  putting  the  object  in  an  inverted  posi- 
tion under  the  microscope,  just  as  with  the  photographic 

Demonstrate  that  this  will. produce  erect  drawings  by  using  the 
letters  (fig.  187)  and  making  sketches  of  their  images  by  the  camera 
lucida,  having  the  letters  right  edge  up  on  the  stage  in  one  case  and 
wrong  edge  up  in  one. 


§  434.  Erect  images  with  an  objective  only  or  with  an  objective 
and  amplifier. — There  are  two  cases:  (i)  When  opaque  drawing 
paper  is  used.  In  this  case  the  object  must  be  put  on  the  stage 
with  the  cover-glass  toward  the  light  and  the  slide  toward  the  ob- 
jective, and  it  must  be  lower  edge  up.  Only  low  powers  (16  mm. 
(IQX)  and  lower  objectives)  should  be  used,  for  the  thick  slide  intro- 
duces aberrations  (fig.  64)  and  is  likely  to  be  too  thick  for  the  free 
working  distance  (fig.  52  B). 

(2)  When  a  translucent  drawing  paper  is  used  and  the  drawing 
is  made  on  the  back.  In  this  case  the  specimen  is  put  on  the  stage 
lower  edge  up,  but  with  the  cover-glass  facing  the  objective.  All 
powers  can  be  used.  This  is  similar  to  the  conditions  described  for 
the  photographic  camera  where  the  tracing  paper  is  used  on  the 
clear  glass  (§  431). 

Test  the  correctness  of  the  directions  by  using  a  preparation  with 
the  letters  a,  k,  on  the  cover-glass  (§  430,  fig.  187). 

§  435.  Erect  images  with  an  objective  or  an  objective  and  an 
amplifier  and  a  prism  or  45°  mirror.  —  Place  the  specimen  on  the 
stage  lower  edge  up  and  with  the  cover-glass  toward  the  objective. 
The  image  will  be  erect  on  the  opaque  drawing  paper.  Test  with 
the  lettered  specimen  (fig.  187). 





H3i3iMixN3O  ot 

3JUH  H3T3MITVT3O  01 





FIG.  1 88.     i,  2,  3,  4,  ERECT  AND  INVERTED  IMAGES  OF  THE  METRIC  SCALE. 
(From  Optic  Projection). 

i.  Erect  image.    2.  Inverted  image.    3.  Mirror  image.    4.  Inverted  mirror  image. 

§  436.  Erect  images  with  an  objective  and  an  ocular.  — 

(1)  Opaque  drawing  paper.     Place  the  specimen  on  the  stage 
right  edge  up,  but  with  the  cover-glass  facing  the  light,  the  slide 
toward  the  objective. 

(2)  Translucent  drawing  paper.     If  the  drawing  can  be  made 
on  the  back  of  translucent  paper  the  specimen  is  placed  on  the  stage 
right  edge  up  and  with  the  cover-glass  facing  the  objective.    Test 
with  the  lettered  specimen  (fig.  187). 

§  437.  Erect  images  with  an  objective  and  ocular  and  a  46° 


mirror  or  prism.  —  Place  the  slide  on  the  stage  top  edge  up,  and 
with  the  cover-glass  facing  the  objective.  The  image  will  be  erect 
on  an  opaque  drawing  surface.  Test  with  the  lettered  preparation 
(fig.  187). 


§  438.  Demonstration  microscopes.  —  Ever  since  the  microscope 
was  invented  physicians  and  naturalists  have  made  the  greatest  use 
of  it  for  demonstration  purposes.  It  was  a  favorite  expression  of 
the  older  writers  that  the  instrument  had  created  a  new  world  of 
the  minute.  Naturally  in  the  beginning  each  person  used  the  in- 
strument for  himself  as  with  the  simple  microscopes  of  Roger  Bacon. 
However,  soon  after  the  invention  of  the  compound  microscope 
Kepler  and  Scheiner  discovered  the  way  to  get  projection  pictures, 
and  these  have  been  much  used  for  demonstrating  to  groups  of 
people  the  enlarged  screen  pictures. 

Recently  the  powerful  lime  and  electric  lights  have  made  it  pos- 
sible to  carry  on  these  demonstrations  to  an  extent  beyond  the 
hopes  of  the  earlier  workers;  and  have  put  into  the  hands  of  the 
teacher  facilities  which  are  beyond  estimation  in  value  for  helping 
students.  Still  for  many  things  and  for  many  persons  having  charge 
of  large  classes,  the  individual  simple  or  compound  microscope  is 
still  and  always  will  be  much  used. 


§  439.  Simple  Microscope.  —  Holding  the  simple  microscope  in 
one  hand  and  the  specimen  in  the  other  has  always  been  used  for 
demonstration,  but  for  class  demonstration  it  is  necessary  to  have 
microscope  and  specimen  together  or  the  part  to  be  observed  by 
the  class  is  frequently  missed.  Originally  blocks  of  various  kinds  to 
hold  both  microscope  and  specimen  were  devised,  but  within  the 
last  few  years  excellent  pieces  of  apparatus  have  been  devised  by 
several  opticians  for  the  purpose. 

The  tripod  magnifier  and  various  pocket  magnifiers  are  excellent 

CH.  IX] 



for  the  purpose  (figs.  15-16).  Where  the  microscope  and  object 
should  be  held  in  a  fixed  position,  the  focusing  stand  for  the  simple 
microscope  is  good  (fig.  17). 

§  440.  Compound  demonstration  microscope.  —  This  was  origi- 
nally called  a  clinical  or  pocket  microscope.  It  is  thus  described  by 
Mayall  in  his  Cantor  Lectures  on  the  history  of  the  microscope: 
"  A  small  microscope  was  devised  by  Tolles  for  clinical  purposes 
which  seems  to  me  so  good  in  every  way  that  I  must  ask  special 
attention  for  it.  The  objective  is  screwed  into  a  sliding  tube,  and 
for  roughly  focusing  the  sliding  motion  suffices;  for  fine  adjustment, 
the  sheath  is  made  to  turn  on  a  fine  screw  thread  on  a  cylindrical 
tube,  which  serves  also  as  a  socket  carrier  for  the  stage.  The  com- 



pound  microscope  is  here  reduced 
to  the  simplest  form  I  havt  met 
with  to  be  a  really  serviceable 
instrument  for  the  purpose  in 
view;  and  the  mechanism  is  of 
thoroughly  substantial  character. 
I  commend  this  model  to  the 
notice  of  our  opticians." 

Since  its  introduction  by  Tolles 
many  opticians  have  produced 
excellent  demonstration  micro- 
scopes of  this  type,  but  most  of 
them  have  not  preserved  a  special 
mechanism  for  fine  adjustment. 
With  it  one  can  demonstrate  with 
an  objective  of  6  mm.  (3ox)  sat- 
isfactorily. It  has  a  lock,  so  that 
once  the  specimen  is  in  the  right 
position  and  the  instrument 
focused  it  may  be  passed  around 

the  class.    For   observation   it  is  necessary  for  each  student  only 
to  point  the  microscope  toward  a  window  or  a  lamp. 

A  modification  of  this  clinical  microscope  was  made  by  Zent- 
mayer,  in  which  the  microscope  was  mounted  on  a  board,  and  a 

FIG.   189  A,  B.     POINTER  OCULAR 







[CH.  IX 

lamp  for  illuminating  the  object  was  placed  at  the  right  posi- 

§  441.  Traveling  Microscope.  —  Many  years  ago  the  French  op- 
ticians produced  most  excellent  traveling  microscopes.  Now  the 
opticians  of  America  and  other  countries  make  serviceable  instru- 
ments. For  the  needs  of  the  pathologist  and  sanitary  inspector  a 
microscope  must  possess  compactness  and  also  the  qualities  which 
render  it  usable  for  nearly  all  the  purposes  required  in  a  laboratory. 
This  instrument  is  a  type  of  much  apparatus  which  has  grown  up 
with  the  needs  of  advancing  knowledge. 

§  442.  Indicator  or  pointer  ocular.  —  This  is  an  ocular  in  which 
a  delicate  pointer  of  some  kind  is  placed  at  the  level  where  the  real 
image  of  the  microscope  is  produced.  It  is  placed  at  the  same  level 
as  the  ocular  micrometer,  and  the  pointer,  like  the  micrometer,  is 
magnified  with  the  real  image  and  appears  as  a  part  of  the  projected 
image  (fig.  189  B).  By  rotating  the  ocular  or  the  pointer  any  part 
of  the  real  image  may  be  pointed  out  as  one  uses  a  pointer  on  a 
wall  or  blackboard  diagram.  By  means  of  the  indicator  eyepiece  one 




9  ® 

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can  be  certain  that  the  student  sees  the  desired  object,  and  is  not 
confused  by  the  multitude  of  other  things  present  in  the  field.  This 
device  has  been  invented  many  times.  It  illustrates  well  the  adage: 
"  Necessity  is  the  mother  of  invention/'  for  what  teacher  has  not 
been  in  despair  many  times  when  trying  to  make  a  student  see  a 
definite  object  and  neglect  the  numerous  other  objects  in  the  field? 
So  far  as  the  writer  has  been  able  to  learn,  Quekett  was  the  first  to 
introduce  an  indicator  ocular  with  a  metal  pointer  which  was  ad- 


justable  and  could  be  turned  to  any  part  of  the  field  or  wholly  out 
of  the  field. 

It  is  not  known  who  adopted  the  simple  device  of  putting  a  fine 
hair  on  the  diaphragm  of  the  ocular,  as  shown  in  fig.  189.  This  may 
be  done  with  any  ocular,  positive  or  negative.  One  may  use  a  little 
mucilage,  Canada  balsam,  or  any  other  cement  to  stick  the  hair  on 
the  upper  face  of  the  diaphragm  so  that  it  projects  about  halfway 
across  the  opening.  When  the  eye-lens  of  the  Huygenian  ocular  is 
screwed  back  in  place,  the  hair  should  be  in  focus.  If  it  is  not, 
screw  the  eye-lens  out  a  little  and  look  again.  If  it  is  not  now  sharp, 
the  hair  is  a  little  too  high  and  should  be  depressed  a  little.  If  it  is 
less  distinct  on  screwing  out  the  ocular,  it  is  too  low  and  should  be 
elevated.  One  can  soon  get  it  in  exact  focus.  Of  course  it  may 
be  removed  at  any  time.  Ordinary  hair  is  too  coarse.  The  tip  of 
one  of  the  hairs  in  a  camel's  hair  brush  is  excellent. 


§  443.  Projection  Microscope.  —  One  of  the  most  useful  and 
satisfactory  means  at  the  disposal  of  the  teacher  of  microscopic 
anatomy  and  embryology  for  class  demonstrations  is  the  projection 
microscope.  With  it  he  can  show  hundreds  of  students  as  well  as 
one,  the  objects  which  come  within  the  range  of  the  instrument. 

It  is  far  more  satisfactory  than  microscopic  demonstrations,  for 
with  the  projection  microscope  the  teacher  can  point  out  on  the 
screen  the  structural  features  and  organs  which  he  wishes  to  demon- 
strate, and  he  can  thus  be  certain  that  the  students  know  exactly 
what  is  to  be  studied.  Unless  one  employs  a  pointer  ocular  (fig. 
189),  there  is  no  certainty  that  the  student  selects  from  the  multi- 
tude of  things  in  the  microscopic  field  the  one  which  is  meant  by 
the  teacher.  Like  all  other  means,  however,  the  projection  micro- 
scope is  limited.  With  it  one  can  show  organs  both  adult  and 
embryonic,  and  the  general  morphology.  For  the  accurate  demon- 
stration of  cells  and  cell  structure  the  microscope  itself  must  be 
used.  As  a  general  statement  concerning  the  use  of  the  projection 
microscope  for  demonstration  purposes,  it  may  be  said  that  it  is 




entirely  satisfactory  for  objects  and  details  which  show  under  the 
microscope  with  objectives  up  to  16  mm.  (lox)  equivalent  focus, 
For  objects  and  details  requiring  objectives  higher  than  16  mm. 
(IQX)  focus  in  ordinary  microscopic  observations,  the  projection 
microscope  is  unsatisfactory  with  large  classes. 

With  small  classes  (10  or  15)  where  the  screen  distance  can  be 
reduced  to  about  one  meter,  demonstrations  with  oil  immersion 
objectives  are  satisfactory.  However,  when  the  finest  details  of 


structure  are  to  be  seen  most  successfully  under  high  powers,  each 
individual  must  look  into  a  microscope  for  himself  and  attend  to  all 
the  finer  adjustment  and  lighting. 

§  444.  Euscope  for  testing  laboratories  and  for  demonstration.  — 
In  1924,  Dr.  W.  G.  Exton  described  in  the  Jour.  Amer.  Med. 
Assoc.,  Vol.  82,  pp.  1838-1840,  a  device  to  enable  the  observers 
in  testing  laboratories  to  look  at  the  microscopic  image  with 
both  eyes.  It  is  a  small  self-contained  projection  microscope. 
The  microscope  is  vertical  and  over  it  is  fitted  a  pyramidal  box  with 
a  screen  at  the  far  end  to  receive  and  reflect  the  image.  At  the 


top  of  the  tube  receiving  the  tube  of  the  microscope  is  a  totally 
reflecting  prism  which  projects  the  originally  vertical  beam  hori- 
zontally to  the  screen.  For  demonstrations  to  a  small  group  the 
opaque  screen  is  removed  and  an  extension  put  in  its  place.  At  the 
far  end  of  the  pyramidal  extension  is  a  screen  of  finely  ground 
glass.  The  illumination  is  by  a  small  arc  light  or  by  one  of  the  108- 
watt,  6-volt  lamps  (figs.  78-80). 

For  individual  use,  the  observer  looks  into  a  kind  of  hood  which 
makes  it  possible  to  use  the  instrument  in  a  light  room.  Although 
not  an  essential  part  of  the  apparatus,  there  is  a  special  magnifying 
lens  at  the  eye  end  of  the  instrument  into  which  the  observer  looks. 
This  instrument  in  the  hands  of  the  author  has  served  an  excellent 
purpose  for  demonstration  to  small  groups.  It  is  more  satisfactory 
with  low  than  with  high  powers.  The  Euscope  is  manufactured 
by  the  Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Co.,  and  is  fully  described  and 
illustrated  in  their  catalogue,  pp.  304-305. 


§  445.  Preparedness.  —  From  the  great  difficulty  in  making 
really  good  projection  demonstrations  with  the  microscope  the 
preparation  should  be  thorough.  The  following  are  some  of  the 
most  important  things  to  look  after: 

(1)  If  any  of  the  objectives  used  are  of  the  photographic  type 
and  have  an  iris  diaphragm,  that  should  be  opened  to  the  fullest 
possible  extent. 

(2)  The  microscopic  slides  to  be  used  should  be  in  order  so  that 
they  can  be  grasped  easily. 

(3)  If  the  slides  have  many  sections  upon  them,  as  in  a  series, 
then  the  slide  should  be  masked  by  putting  some  orange  paper  over 
the  cover-glass  with  openings  for  the  sections  to  be  shown;    then 
these  can  be  found  quickly  and  with  certainty  (fig.  193). 

(4)  Indicate   in  some  way  which   edge  of   the  slide   should  be 
up.     This  will  save  time,  and  add  to  the  respect  for  the  exhibi- 


(5)  It  is  often  a  great  help  to  have  stated  on  the  preparation  the 
objectives  best  adapted  to  bring  out  the  special  feature  desired. 


(From  Optic  Projection). 

(6)  For  holding  the  specimens,  a  slide  tray  may  be  used  (fig.  193) 
or  one  of  the  slide  boxes.    In  any  case  they  must  be  so  that  the 
slides  can  be  grasped  easily. 

(7)  It  is  for  many  lecturers  easier  to  manipulate  the  projection 
microscope  themselves  and  to  use  a  pointer  held  out  in  the  cone  of 
light.    The  pointer  appears  as  sharply  as  when  put  on  the  screen. 

(8)  For  all  but  the  highest  powers  a  substage  condenser  is  not 
needed;  and  one  can  light  objects  up  to  50  or  60  mm.  in  diameter  if 
the  object  is  placed  in  the  right  position  in  the  cone  of  light  (fig. 

(9)  For  objectives  of  higher  power  than  4  mm.  (4ox)  a  substage 
condenser  should  be  used,  and  if  an  ocular  is  used  as  well  as  an  ob- 

CH.  IX] 



jective  then  the  substage  condenser  is  advantageous  for  powers 
above  8  mm.  equivalent  focus.    For  lighting  see  §§  119,  122,  477. 


(From  Optic  Projection). 

The  object  must  be  put  in  the  cone  of  light  at  a  point  where  it  will  be  fully 

For  high  powers  it  will  be  at  or  very  near  the  focus  (/).  For  larger  objects  and 
low  powers  at  2  or  3,  or  even  closer  to  the  condenser  face. 

Arc  Supply    The  right-angled  carbons  of  the  arc  lamp. 

L\  £2    The  first  and  second  elements  of  the  triple  condenser. 

Water  Cell  The  water  cell  for  absorbing  radiant  heat  (§  446).  It  is  in 
the  parallel  beam  between  the  first  and  second  elements  of  the  condenser. 

Axis    The  principal  optic  axis  on  which  all  the  parts  are  centered. 

(10)  One  of  the  most  important  points  is  to  have  a  very  white 
screen.  A  cloth  or  wall  screen  painted  with  artist's  scenic  white 
gives  a  very  perfect  screen  which  does  not  yellow  with  age,  and 
it  is  restored  by  an  occasional  coat  of  fresh  white.  Semi-mirror 
screens  are  successful  only  in  narrow  rooms. 

For  short  screen  distances  (i  or  2  meter  screen  distances)  white 
cardboard  or  a  sheet  of  very  white  bristol  board  gives  excellent 

The  apparatus,  in  contrast  to  the  screen,  should  be  dull  black. 

§  446.  Heat-absorbing  glass  and  water  cell;  objectives,  amplifiers 
and  oculars.  —  As  the  cone  of  light  from  the  condenser  (fig.  194) 
must  be  focused  on  the  object,  the  object  is  likely  to  be  overheated 
and  spoiled  by  the  longer  waves  of  radiant  energy  in  the  light  or 
accompanying  it.  These  longer  waves  represent  about  90  per  cent 
of  the  radiant  energy  from  an  artificial  light  source  like  the  arc 
lamp,  and  the  visible  waves  only  about  10  per  cent. 



[Cn.  IX 

If  in  some  way  the  invisible  90  per  cent  of  energy  could  be  ab- 
sorbed, a  larger  amount  of  energy  represented  by  light  could  be  used 
and  the  pictures  made  more  brilliant  without  injuring  delicate 
specimens  or  living  objects.  This  possibility  has  been  realized  by 
the  combination  of  heat-absorbing  glass  and  a  water  cell  by  Dr. 
H.  P.  Gage  of  the  Corning  Glass  Works.  (See  Trans.  Soc.  Mov.  Pict. 
Eng.  May,  1924,  pp.  38,  42). 

With  this  combination,  osmic  acid  preparation,  Golgi  and  Weigert 
stained  sections  and  living  infusoria  have  been  projected  from  half 



(From  Optic  Projection). 

The  Objective,  Condenser,  and  Arc  Lamp  are  on  separate  blocks  which  move 
independently  along  the  optical  bench. 

c    Center  of  the  objectives  where  the  rays  from  the  condenser  should  cross. 

i,  2  The  first  and  second  elements  of  the  three  lens  condenser  with  a  water 
cell  for  absorbing  radiant  heat  between  the  lenses  (§446). 

V    The  ventilating  hood  of  the  lamp  house. 

LA,  VA  The  mechanism  for  fine  adjustment  of  the  arc  lamp  to  the  sides  and 
vertically.  These  are  a  necessity  for  projecting  with  the  microscope,  otherwise 
the  crater  cannot  be  kept  centered. 

FS    The  fine  adjustments  for  the  two  carbons. 

PWR  Separable  attachment  for  the  wires  from  the  outlet  box  to  the  table 

Wi    "Wire  from  the  table  switch  to  the  upper  carbon. 

Wz    Wire  from  the  table  switch  to  the  rheostat. 

Wi    Wire  from  the  rheostat  to  the  lower  carbon. 


a  minute  to  10  minutes  and  longer  without  injury  when  a  10  ampere, 
direct  current  was  used  for  the  arc  light. 

For  individual  use,  objectives  and  oculars  of  all  powers  can  be 
employed  for  projection.  For  classes  it  is  not  satisfactory  to  use 
objectives  higher  than  8  mm.  (2ox)  to  4  mm.  (4ox);  and  with  the 
larger  classes  it  is  better  to  use  the  large  condenser  (fig.  194)  without 
a  substage  condenser,  and  to  use  the  objective  or  an  objective  and 
amplifier  for  projection.  A  much  larger  and  more  brilliant  field  can 
be  shown  in  this  way  than  when  an  ocular  is  used,  especially  when 
the  narrow  tube  for  the  ocular  is  removed  and  a  wide  (5  cm.)  tube 
is  present  on  the  projection  outfit. 

§  447.  Centering  the  optical  parts  on  one  axis.  —  This  is  one  of 
the  most  important  procedures  of  all  and  no  good  projection  can  be 
accomplished  without  it.  The  easiest  way  is  first  to  arrange  the 
crater  of  the  arc  lamp,  the  central  point  of  the  large  condenser,  and 
the  microscope  objective  all  at  the  same  height  from  the  baseboard 
(fig.  179).  If  then  the  lamp  is  turned  on  and  the  objective  placed 
in  the  focus  of  the  main  condenser  cone,  the  image  of  the  crater  of 
the  arc  lamp  should  be  formed  on  the  end  of  the  objective,  the 
brightest  part  on  the  front  lens.  If  the  image  is  to  one  side,  above 
or  below,  then  the  microscope  should  be  raised,  or  lowered.  After 
being  once  carefully  centered,  the  centering  will  vary  slightly  with 
the  burning  of  the  carbons.  To  compensate  for  this  there  must  be 
fine  adjustments  to  raise  and  lower  the  carbons  and  to  move  them 
from  side  to  side.  No  good  projection  can  take  place  unless  the  full 
cone  of  light  shines  upon  the  end  of  the  objective. 

To  get  the  very  best  effect  in  the  easiest  way,  there  should  be  a 
dull  black  shield  over  the  end  of  the  objective  (fig.  196)  so  that  the 
image  of  the  crater  can  be  seen  without  hurting  the  eyes.  When  the 
crater  is  focused  on  the  end  of  the  objective,  the  specimen  is  moved 
up  until  it  is  in  focus,  the  .objective  not  being  moved.  Of  course 
this  means  that  the  stage  must  be  separately  movable  (fig.  179). 
See  also  §  422. 

§  448.  Demonstrations  with  a  vertical  projection  microscope.  — 
Many  specimens  must  be  mounted  in  liquids  and  cannot  be  set  in  a 
vertical  position;  therefore  the  microscope  must  be  vertical  and  the 


object  remain  horizontal.  In  such  a  case  project  the  light  from 
the  large  condenser  (fig.  179)  or  from  the  small  arc  lamp  (fig.  78) 
upon  the  mirror  of  the  microscope  and  reflect  it  directly  upward, 
and  then  use  a  mirror  or  prism  to  change  the  direction  from  vertical 
to  horizontal.  (See  figs.  180,  183,  to  recall  how  the  beam  is  changed 
in  direction  90°). 



(From  Optic  Projection). 

A    Longitudinal  section  of  the  objective  to  show  the  metal  hood. 

B  End  view  of  the  objective  with  the  crater  of  the  arc  lamp  directly  in  the 
center,  at  the  left,  and  to  one  side  of  the  center  at  the  right.  The  adjustments, 
VAj  LA  in  fig.  195  are  to  enable  one  to  center  the  light  easily. 

A  most  striking  preparation  is  one  of  the  hay  infusion  (§350) 
projected  upon  the  screen.  A  water  immersion  objective  of  2  to  3 
mm.  equivalent  focus  is  excellent  for  projecting  such  preparations. 
It  is  especially  necessary  to  have  a  sheet  of  heat-absorbing  glass 
somewhere  in  the  light  beam  before  it  reaches  the  living  organisms 
(§  446). 


§  449.  Special  microscopic  demonstrations.  —  As  stated  above, 
if  one  is  to  see  the  finest  details  of  structure,  there  is  no  satisfactory 
way  but  to  look  into  the  microscope  direct.  There  is  also  in  every 
laboratory  for  microscopic  work  considerable  waste  space  if  depend- 
ence is  put  upon  daylight.  If  artificial  light  is  used  regularly,  the 
method  here  given  is  also  applicable. 

The  main  points  for  this  kind  of  demonstration  were  worked  out 
by  Dr.  B.  F.  Kingsbury  for  his  laboratory  of  histology  and  em- 

CH.  IX] 


A  round  top  demonstration  table  of  a  size  for  8  microscopes  is 
made  and  in  the  middle  a  single  mazda  lamp  of  200  or  250  watts  is 


(From  the  Anatomical  Record,  June,  1916). 

T  Top  of  the  metal  tube  and  the  separable  attachment  plug.  This  tube 
reaches  about  2  meters  above  the  floor  so  that  the  supply  cable  will  be  out  of  the 

N  S    The  single  2  50- watt  mazda  lamp  with  its  metal  support. 

i,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8  The  shields  (677;  with  a  disc  of  daylight  glass  (a)  in  each 
at  the  level  of  the  microscope  mirror. 

installed  (fig.  197).  Around  this  lamp  are  8  shields,  each  containing 
a  piece  of  daylight  glass. 

With  this  arrangement  8  microscopes  can  be  used  at  once  (fig. 
197). and  the  light  is  sufficient  to  enable  the  student  to  use  all 
powers  of  the  microscope  up  to  the  highest  oil  immersion.  This 
method  of  demonstration  has  already  been  in  use  during  the  college 
years  of  1915-1931  and  has  proved  successful  beyond  expectation. 

§  450.  Demonstrations  with  the  polarizing  and  the  ultra-violet 
microscopes.  —  For  the  best  effects  with  polarized  light  a  dark  or 
at  least  a  dimly  lighted  room  is  most  successful.  That  is,  no  light 
should  get  to  the  eye  that  has  not  passed  through  the  microscope. 


[Cn.  IX 

(Above  one-ninth  natural  size). 

The  Chalet  microscope  lamp  with  two  windows  (fig.  46)  serves  well  for  two 
observers  on  opposite  side  of  the  same  table,  or  two  tables  may  be  placed  side  by 
side  and  the  lamp  rested  partly  on  each. 


(From  the  catalogue  of  the  Spencer  Lens  Co.). 

This  lamp  serves  well  for  demonstrations  with  four  microscopes.  It  is  also  good 
for  use  by  four  students  if  on  a  square-top  table. 


For  the  ultra-violet  microscope  the  fluorescent  light  is  relatively 
so  faint  that  it  is  almost  necessary  to  work  in  a  darkened  room. 
The  eyes  are  then  adjusted  to  twilight  vision,  and  the  delicate 
radiance  may  be  seen  with  much  satisfaction.  See  also  the  dis- 
cussions in  Chapters  V  and  VI. 


ATWELL,  W.  J.  —  On  the  conversion  of  a  photograph  into  a  line  drawing.  Anat. 
Record,  Vol.  10,  pp.  39-41.  The  lines  are  made  on  the  face  of  the  photo- 
graph, then  the  photographic  image  is  bleached  out  by  means  of  hypo  and 

COMSTOCK,  J.  H.  —  The  Wings  of  Insects,  1918.  Blue  prints  were  made  and  the 
India  ink  lines  made  on  their  face.  The  blue  was  then  bleached  with  po- 
tassium oxalate,  etc. 

GAGE,  S.  H.  AND  H.  P.,  Optic  Projection,  Ch.  X. 

HARDESTY  AND  LEE.    Laboratory  drawing. 

FRELEASE,  S.  AND  YULE,  E.  S.  —  Preparation  of  Scientific  and  Technical  Tapers, 
2d  ed.,  1927. 




§§451-507;    FIGURES  200-214 


§  461.  From  the  beginning  of  the  art  of  photography  scientific 
men  have  used  it  to  paint  for  them  the  forms  in  nature  and  the  com- 
plex structures  found  in  the  physical  and  the  biological  world;  and 
it  has  been  so  good  a  servant  that  it  is  more  and  more  called  into 
requisition  to  delineate  all  the  phenomena  as  well  as  the  forms  of 
nature  and  art.  This  is  especially  true  now  that  successful  methods 
of  color  photography  have  become  available. 

§  452.  Photography  with  a  horizontal  camera.  —  The  most  con- 
venient position  for  the  camera  obscura  is  the  horizontal  one, 
and  for  most  of  the  photography  actually  done  it  is  very  easy  to 
arrange  the  objects  to  be  photographed  in  a  vertical  position,  but 
for  much  of  the  photography  of  science  it  is  very  convenient  to  use 
a  vertical  camera,  leaving  the  objects  in  a  horizontal  position.  With 
objects  in  liquids  this  is  a  practical  necessity. 

§  453.  Photography  with  a  vertical  camera.  —  The  object  can  be 
left  horizontal  as  well  as  the  camera  by  the  use  of  a  mirror  or 
totally  reflecting  prism,  but  this  gives  the  inversion  of  a  plane 
mirror,  and  as  shown  in  §  435  it  will  render  the  image  erect  on  the 
film  side  of  the  negative,  but  when  the  negative  is  printed  the  image 
will  be  inverted.  To  meet  all  the  difficulties  the  object  may  be  left 
in  a  horizontal  position  and  the  camera  made  vertical  (fig,  200). 

Since  1879  such  a  camera  has  been  in  use  in  the  Anatomical  De- 
partment of  Cornell  University  for  photographing  all  kinds  of 
specimens;  among  these,  fresh  brains  and  hardened  brains  have 
been  photographed  without  the  slightest  injury  to  them.  Further- 
more, as  many  specimens  are  so  delicate  that  they  will  not  support 



their  own  weight,  they  may  be  photographed  under  alcohol  or  water 
with  a  vertical  camera  and  the  result  will  be  satisfactory  as  a 
photograph  and  harmless  to  the  specimen. 

A  great  field  is  also  open  for  obtaining  lifelike  portraits  of  water 
animals.  Chloretoned  or  etherized  animals  are  put  into  a  vessel  of 
water  with  a  contrasting  background  and  arranged  as  desired,  then 
photographed.  Fins  have  something  of  their  natural  appearance 
and  gills  of  branchiate  salamanders  float  out  in  the  water  in  a 
natural  way.  In  case  the  fish  tends  to  float  in  the  water  a  little 
mercury  injected  into  the  abdomen  or  intestine  will  serve  as  ballast. 
The  photographs  obtainable  in  water  are  almost  if  not  quite  as 
sharp  as  those  made  in  air.  Even  the  corrugations  on  the  scales  of 
such  fishes  as  the  sucker  (Catostomus  teres)  show  with  great  clear- 

While  the  use  of  photography  diminishes  the  labor  of  artists  about 
one-half,  it  increases  that  of  the  preparator;  and  herein  lies  one  of 
its  chief  merits.  The  photographs  being  exact  images  of  the  prep- 
arations, the  tendency  will  be  to  make  them  with  greater  care  and 
delicacy,  and  the  result  will  be  less  imagination  and  more  reality  in 
published  scientific  figures.  The  objects  prepared  with  such  care 
are  more  likely  to  be  preserved  for  future  reference. 

In  the  use  of  photography  for  figures  several  considerations  arise: 
(i)  the  avoidance  of  distortion;  (2)  the  adjustment  of  the  camera 
to  obtain  an  image  of  the  desired  size;  (3)  focusing;  (4)  lighting 
and  arranging  the  object. 

(i)  While  the  camera  delineates  rapidly,  the  image  is  liable  to 
distortion.  I  believe  opticians  are  agreed  that,  in  order  to  obtain 
correct  photographic  images,  the  objective  must  be  properly  made, 
and  the  plane  of  the  object  must  be  parallel  to  the  plane  of  the 
ground-glass.  Furthermore,  as  most  of  the  objects  in  natural  his- 
tory have  not  plane  surfaces,  but  are  situated  in  several  planes  at 
different  levels,  the  whole  object  may  be  made  distinct  by  using  a 
long  focus  objective  and  a  small  diaphragm. 

§  454.  Scale  of  photographs.  —  It  is  desirable  to  make  all  photo- 
graphs at  some  definite  scale.  To  do  this  without  much  waste  of 
time  the  camera  should  be  calibrated  for  each  objective  that  is  to  be 

366  PHOTOGRAPHY  [Cn.  X 

used.  This  is  accomplished  easily  by  using  a  metric  scale  like  that 
shown  in  fig.  173.  By  lengthening  and  shortening  the  bellows  of 
the  camera  so  that  the  image  distance  is  greater  and  less,  one  can 
get  the  exact  position  for  a  group  of  magnifications  and  reductions. 
If  the  length  of  the  bellows  is  noted  for  each  size,  and  the  distance 
of  the  objective  from  the  object  when  the  focus  is  good  is  also  noted, 
one  can  arrange  the  camera  very  quickly  for  any  special  size  which 
may  be  desired.  The  sizes  found  very  useful  by  the  author  are: 
i;  f  5  i;  J;  i;  2;  2-5;  4;  5-  For  magnifications  above  5  it  is 
better  to  make  a  negative  natural  size  and  then  make  an  enlarge- 
ment of  this,  as  explained  in  §  484. 

The  vertical  camera  shown  in  fig.  200  has  the  supporting  rod 
graduated  in  centimeters  and  half  centimeters.  After  the  extension 
of  the  camera  for  any  size  has  been  once  determined,  it  is  easily 
made  the  same  at  some  future  time. 

§  465.  Magnification  rod  for  the  camera.  —  Objects  vary  so  much 
in  thickness  that  the  focusing  range  of  the  camera  should  be  con- 
siderable. With  the  ordinary  camera  there  is  usually  no  provision 
for  moving  the  camera  as  a  whole  for  focusing.  -With  the  vertical 
camera  shown  in  fig.  200,  where  both  ends  of  the  camera  must  be 
clamped,  it  is  difficult  to  focus  over  a  large  range  and  keep  the 
length  of  camera  needed  for  the  desired  magnification  or  reduction. 
For  this  reason  the  same  device  was  applied  to  it  as  to  the  original 
vertical  camera  of  1879,  viz.,  a  rod  passing  from  end  to  end  of  the 
camera,  fixed  at  one  end  and  clamped  at  the  other.  When  the 
camera  is  extended  the  exact  amount  required  for  the  size  in  a  given 
case,  the  clamp  is  fixed  so  that  the  length  of  the  camera  cannot 
be  changed;  then  the  whole  camera  may  be  moved  for  focusing 
without  any  danger  of  varying  the  magnification.  This  device  saves 
a  great  deal  of  time.  In  the  original  camera  of  1879,  the  rod  was 
graduated  in  centimeters.  This,  of  course,  helps  to  give  the  proper 
extension  with  the*  least  outlay  of  trouble.  In  fig.  200  the  vertical 
supporting  rod  is  graduated  in  centimeters  and  half  centimeters. 

§  456.  Lighting  for  the  vertical  camera.  —  The  object  should  be 
so  arranged  that  all  the  details  come  out  with  the  greatest  distinct- 
ness. As  the  light  must  be  largely  from  the  side,  it  is  often  neces- 

CH.  X] 



sary  to  put  a  piece  of  white  blotting  paper  or  cardboard  on  the  side 
of  the  specimen  opposite  the  window.  Occasionally  for  lighting  up 
deep  cavities  it  is  a  great  advantage  to  use  a  mirror  and  reflect  sun- 
light or  lamplight  into  the  cavities  for  a  part  of  the  exposure. 

Great  care  must  be  taken  in  selecting  a 
suitable  background  so  that  the  specimen 
will  stand  out  clearly  and  not  be  merged  into 
the  background. 

When  a  white  background  is  used,  the 
shadow  of  the  specimen  is  often  very  trouble- 
some, and  to  distinguish  the  outline  of  the 
object  W.  E.  Rumsey  (Canadian  Entomolo- 
gist, 1896,  p.  84)  hit  upon  the  plan  of  plac- 
ing the  object  on  a  glass  plate  and  putting 
the  background  on  a  stage  below  (fig.  200). 
A  background  on  the  lower  stage  does 
away  with  the  confusion.  If  daylight  is  not 
available,  excellent  photographs  can  be 
obtained  with  mazda  lamps  with  metallic 
or  white  reflectors  to  direct  the  light.  It  is 
usually  better  to  employ  two  portable  lamps 
and  arrange  them  so  that  the  shadows  will 
not  be  too  prominent. 

§  457.  —  Photographing  embryos,  small 
animals,  and  organs.  —  The  camera  shown 
in  fig.  200  is  admirably  adapted  for  this,  as 
the  objects,  many  of  them,  must  be  photo- 
graphed under  water,  alcohol  or  other 

If  one  has  a  good  place  to  do  the  work  in, 
the  light  can  usually  be  arranged  satisfac- 
torily with  the  object  in  a  vessel  with  a 
proper  background  in  the  bottom.  If  not,  a 
double  stage  must  be  used,  as  shown  in  fig. 

If  white  embryos  or  other  light  objects  are  to  be  photographed  a 


T  Low  table  50  cm. 
high,  50  cm.  wide,  and  70 
cm.  long. 

Fs  Focusing  stand 
with  vessel  for  holding 
embryos  and  small  ani- 
mals to  be  photographed 
under  liquid. 

VC  Vertical  camera 
with  an  objective  (ob.)  in 
the  lower  end  and  a  fo- 
cusing glass  (/#)  above. 
(See  fig.  174  for  fuller  de- 

368  PHOTOGRAPHY  [Cn.  X 

black  background  is  best.  This  is  produced  by  using  black  glass 
on  the  bottom  of  the  dish.  If  black  glass  is  not  available,  a  good 
background  can  be  produced  by  smooth  white  paper  blackened  with 
water-proof  carbon  ink. 

With  a  proper  background  make  sure  that  the  lighting  is  such  as 
to  bring  out  the  desired  details.  Turn  the  object  in  various  posi- 
tions till  the  desired  one  is  found  which  shows  clearly  the  points  that 
are  to  be  emphasized. 

§  458.  Focusing  stand  for  the  vertical  camera.  —  To  hold  the 
specimen  and  to  provide  for  the  finest  focusing,  and  also  some  of  the 
coarse  focusing,  a  modified  microscope  stand  is  convenient.  It  has 
no  tube,  but  two  stages  are  attached  to  the  support  usually  carrying 
the  tube.  This  then  can  be  raised  and  lowered  by  the  coarse  and 
by  the  fine  adjustment,  as  in  focusing  the  microscope,  except  that 
here  the  stages  move,  the  photographic  objective  remaining  station- 
ary (fig.  200).  With  the  rod  to  hold  the  camera  at  a  fixed  ex- 
tension, most  of  the  focusing  can  be  accomplished  by  sliding  the 
whole  camera  up  and  down  the  vertical  graduated  support  (fig. 

§  459.  Focusing  glass.  — There  are  two  ways  of  using  this: 
i.  A  clear  screen  is  used  instead  of  a  ground-glass.  On  this  is  a 
diamond  scratch  in  the  middle.  The  focusing  glass  is  carefully 
focused  on  the  central  scratch,  which  must  be  in  the  exact  plane 
where  the  sensitized  photographic  surface  will  be  during  the  ex- 
posure. If  now  an  object  is  brought  to  an  accurate  focus  at  this 
plane,  it  will  also  be  in  focus  on  the  sensitized  surface  of  the  dry 
plate.  Except  for  aid  in  arranging  the  object  and  for  general  focus- 
ing, the  frosted  glass  can  be  entirely  omitted,  and  a  focusing  glass 
giving  about  8  to  10  diameters  magnification  is  set  in  a  board  which 
takes  the  place  of  the  ordinary  frosted  glass  screen.  This  is  put  at 
the  level  to  bring  the  focus  exactly  at  the  plane  where  the  sensitive 
surface  of  the  negative  is  to  be. 

The  position  of  the  focusing  glass  is  determined  as  follows: 
The  plate  holder  with  a  clear  glass  plate  or  a  thin  negative  is  in 
the  holder.    And  on  the  film  side  is  a  diamond  scratch  or  an  India 
ink  mark  near  the  middle  of  the  face  usually  occupied  by  the  sensi- 

CH.  X] 




live  film.    It  is  very  important  that  the  mark  should  be  on  the  >side 
occupied  by  the  film. 

The  scratch  or  ink  mark  is  a  guide  for  getting  the  focus  at  the 
right  level.  Now  with  a  tripod  or 
other  magnifier,  preferably  with  the 
magnifier  to  be  used  later,  get  the 
image  focused  of  the  metric  scale, 
and  its  explanation  or  other  sharp 
print  exactly  on  the  surface  where  the 
diamond  or  ink  mark  is.  To  make 
sure  that  there  is  no  better  focus  ob- 
tainable, it  is  worth  while  to  make  a 
negative  of  the  printed  matter  used 
for  focusing.  On  the  excellence  of 
the  focus  determined  depends  the 
excellence  of  all  future  pictures  which 
will  be  made.  This  method  has  the 
further  advantage  that  the  focus 
level  is  determined  for  the  plate 
holder  and  not  for  a  focusing  screen. 
It  is,  in  fact,  an  excellent  way  to 

check  up  the  similarity  of  level  of  the   sam-     ™s    rendfrs 
F  J  surface  transparent. 

ordinary   focusing    screen    and    the 

plate    holder.     Frequently    they   do 

not    agree    closely  enough    for    the 

more    exacting    work,   especially   in 

photo-micrography.    If  the  focus  is  found  to  be  exact,  proceed  to 

set  the  focusing  glass  in  a  board  as  follows: 

Have  a  board  of  about  15  mm.  thickness  in  a  frame  like  that  used 
for  the  ordinary  focusing  screen.  Bore  a  hole  in  the  center  in  which 
the  focusing  glass  holder  will  fit  snugly.  Now  put  the  frame  on  the 
focused  camera  and  slowly  twist  the  focusing  glass  into  the  hole 
until  the  focus  seen  through  it  is  perfect.  If  nothing  has  changed  in 
the  camera,  then  this  focus  should  give  perfect  results  for  any  future 
setting  of  the  camera,  for  the  focus  will  be  at  the  exact  level  oc- 
cupied by  the  sensitive  surface  of  the  plate.  If  it  is  found  perfect 

FIG.  201.  GROUND-GLASS  Fo- 

j  The  ground  or  frosted  sur- 
face of  the  glass. 

2  A  cover-glass  stuck  to  the 
frosted  surface  with  Canada  Bal- 
the  frosted 

x  Pencil  mark  in  the  center  of 
the  focusing  screen  on  the  frosted 
surface  to  serve  as  guide  when 
focusing  with  a  magnifier. 

370  PHOTOGRAPHY  [Cn.  X 

by  trial,  it  is  wise  to  put  some  shellac  or  other  varnish  around  the 
mounting  to  fix  it  firmly  in  place  in  the  wood  so  that  there  will  be 
no  change  in  its  position.  Of  course,  any  change  would  result  in 
imperfect,  out-of-focus  negatives. 

This  method  of  focusing  has  the  great  ad- 
1  vantage  of  doing  away  with  all  obstructing 
glass.     One  focuses  the  position  of  the  real 
image  exactly  as  for  a  compound  microscope 
when  a  positive  ocular  (figs.  22,  23)  is  used. 
It  is  an  invaluable  way  for  focusing  in  photo- 
§  460.   Objectives    and    magnification    for 

FIG.    202.        TRIPOD   embryos. — It  is  a  good  plan  to  have  one 
AS   A  FOCUSING   GLASS,    picture  of  natural  size  in  each  case,  and  then, 

if  the  embryos  or  other  objects  are  very 
small,  a  picture  of  5  or  more  times  natural  size.  And  a  picture 
should  go  with  the  embryo  or  object  throughout  its  entire  career 
so  that  the  exact  appearance  before  sectioning  or  dissection  will 
be  available. 

The  objectives  most  convenient  for  making  the  photographs  have 
an  equivalent  focus  of  from  50  to  150  mm.  They  are  placed  in  the 
front  board  of  the  camera  as  usual  (fig.  200).  The  larger  the  object 
the  longer  should  be  the  focus  of  the  objective;  then  the  exagger- 
ated perspective  of  short  focused  lenses  will  be  avoided. 

§  461.  Photographing  bacterial  cultures.  —  For  the  successful 
photographing  of  these  cultures  dark -ground  illumination  is  em- 
ployed on  the  principle  stated  in  §  171.  That  is,  the  preparation  is 
illuminated  with  rays  so  oblique  that  none  can  enter  the  objective 
directly.  Those  striking  the  culture  are  reflected  into  the  objective. 
The  clear  gelatin  around  the  growth  or  colonies  does  not  reflect  the 
light,  and  therefore  the  space  between  the  colonies  is  dark. 

For  supporting  the  Petri  dishes  a  hole  is  made  in  a  front  board  for 
the  camera.  This  hole  is  slightly  larger  than  the  dish,  Over  it  is 
then  screwed  or  nailed  a  rubber  ring  slightly  smaller  than  the  Petri 
dish.  This  will  stretch  and  receive  the  dish,  and  grasp  it  firmly,  so 
that  it  is  in  no  danger  of  failing  out  when  put  in  a  vertical  position. 

OK.  X]  PHOTOGRAPHY  3  7 1 

If  the  camera  has  two  divisions  the  board  with  the  Petri  dish  is  put 
in  the  front  of  the  camera,  and  the  objective  in  the  middle  division 
through  the  side  door.  Otherwise  the  board  holding  the  Petri  dish 
must  be  on  a  separate  support. 

The  vertical  camera  and  focusing  stand  (fig.  200)  lend  themselves 
admirably  for  this  kind  of  photography.  The  black  background  can 
be  put  on  the  lower  stage  and  the  Petri  dish  or  other  bacterial  cul- 
ture can  be  set  on  a  glass  plate  or  in  a  perforated  board  on  the 
upper  stage.  The  lighting  is  very  easily  accomplished  by  two 
portable  lamps  so  arranged  that  no  light  can  get  directly  from  them 
into  the  objective. 

One  may  use  daylight  by  putting  the  culture  in  a  support  just 
outside  a  window,  leaving  the  camera  in  the  room.  The  rays  from 
the  sky  are  so  oblique  that  they  do  not  enter  the  objective.  One 
must  use  a  black,  non-reflecting  background  some  distance  beyond 
the  dish  as  in  using  artificial  light  (Atkinson). 

In  photographing  bacterial  cultures  in  test-tubes,  the  lighting  is 
as  in  the  preceding  section,  but  a  great  difficulty  is  found  in  getting 
good  results  from  the  refraction  and  reflections  of  the  curved  sur- 
faces. To  overcome  this  one  applies  the  principles  discussed  in 
§  341,  and  the  test-tubes  are  immersed  in  a  bath  of  water  or  water 
and  glycerin.  The  bath  must  have  plane  surfaces.  Behind  it  is  the 
black  velvet  screen,  and  the  light  is  in  front,  as  for  the  Petri  dishes. 
As  suggested  by  Spitta,  it  is  well  to  employ  a  bath  sufficiently  thick 
in  order  that  streak  cultures  may  be  arranged  so  that  the  sloping 
surface  will  all  be  in  focus  at  once  by  inclining  the  test-tube. 

§  462.  Recording  and  storing  negatives.  —  Each  negative  should 
have  a  record  upon  it  written  on  the  film  side  with  India  ink;  then 
it  will  never  get  mixed  up.  For  ease  in  finding  negatives  there- 
should  be  a  record  on  the  containing  envelope  also.  Finally,  it  is  a 
good  plan  to  have  a  card  catalogue  of  one's  negatives.  For  a  form 
see  §  483. 

For  storing  negatives  a  good  method,  where  one  does  not  have 
too  many,  is  to  put  them  in  envelopes  and  store  in  boxes  or  drawers 
like  book  catalogue  cards. 

372  PHOTOGRAPHY  [Cn.  X 


§  463.  The  first  pictures  made  on  white  paper  and  white  leather, 
sensitized  by  silver  nitrate,  were  made  by  the  aid  of  a  solar  micro- 
scope (1802).  The  pictures  were  made  by  Wedgewood  and  Davy, 
and  Davy  says:  "  I  have  found  that  images  of  small  objects  pro- 
duced by  means  of  the  solar  microscope  may  be  copied  without  diffi- 
culty on  prepared  paper  "  (§  463%). 

Thus  among  the  very  first  of  the  experiments  in  photography  the 
microscope  was  called  into  requisition.  Naturally,  plants  and  mo- 
tionless objects  were  photographed  in  the  beginnings  of  the  art  when 
the  time  of  exposure  required  was  long. 

Although  first  in  the  field,  photo-micrography  has  been  least 
successful  of  the  branches  of  photography.  This  is  due  to  several 
causes.  In  the  first  place,  microscope  objectives  have  been  con- 
structed to  give  the  clearest  image  to  the  eye;  that  is,  the  visual 
image,  as  it  is  sometimes  called,  is  for  microscopic  observation  of 
prime  importance.  The  actinic  or  photographic  image,  on  the  other 
hand,  is  of  prime  importance  for  photography.  For  the  majority 
of  microscopic  objects  transmitted  light  (§  70)  must  be  used,  not 
reflected  light  as  in  ordinary  vision.  Finally,  from  the  shortness  of 
focus  and  the  smallness  of  the  lenses,  the  proper  illumination  of  the 
object  is  accomplished  with  some  difficulty,  and  the  fact  of  the  lack 
of  sharpness  over  the  whole  field  with  any  but  the  lower  powers  has 
combined  to  make  photo-micrography  less  successful  than  ordinary 
macro-photography.  So  tireless,  however,  have  been  the  efforts 
of  those  who  believed  in  the  ultimate  success  of  photo-micrography, 
that  now  the  ordinary  achromatic  objectives  with  panchromatic  or 
isochromatic  plates  and  a  color  screen  give  good  results,  while  the 
apochromatic  objectives  with  projection  oculars  give  excellent  re- 
sults, even  in  hands  not  especially  skilled.  The  problem  of  illumi- 
nation has  also  been  solved  by  the  construction  of  achromatic  and 
apochromatic  condensers  and  by  the  electric  and  other  powerful 
lights  now  available.  There  still  remains  the  difficulty  of  trans- 
mitted light  and  of  so  preparing  the  object  that  structural  details 


stand  out  with  sufficient  clearness  to  make  a  picture  which  ap- 
proaches* in  definiteness  the  drawing  of  a  skilled  artist. 

The  writer  would  advise  all  who  wish  to  undertake  photo-microg- 
raphy seriously  to  study  samples  of  the  best  work  that  has  been 
produced.  Among  those  who  showed  the  possibilities  of  photo- 
micrographs was  CoL  Woodward  of  the  U.  S.  Army  Medical 
Museum.  The  photo-micrographs  made  by  him  and  exhibited  at 
the  Centennial  Celebration  at  Philadelphia  in  1876  serve  still  as 
models.  According  to  the  writer's  observation  no  photo-micro- 
graphs of  histologic  objects  have  ever  exceeded  those  made  by 
Woodward,  and  most  of  them  are  vastly  inferior.  It  is  gratifying 
to  state,  however,  that  at  the  present  time  many  original  papers  are 
partly  or  wholly  illustrated  by  photo-micrographs,  and  no  country 
has  produced  works  with  photo-micrographic  illustrations  superior 
to  those  in  Wilson's  "  Atlas  of  Fertilization  and  Karyokinesis  "  and 
Starr's  "  Atlas  of  Nerve  Cells,"  issued  by  die  Columbia  University 

Most  excellent  photo-micrographs  appear  at  frequent  intervals  in 
all  the  great  biological  journals.  These  should  be  studied  by  the 
young  photographer  ambitious  to  excel. 

§  463a.  Considerable  confusion  exists  as  to  the  proper  nomenclature  of 
photography  with  the  microscope.  On  the  Continent  the  term  micro-photog- 
raphy (micro-photographic)  is  very  common,  while  in  English  photo-microg- 
raphy and  micro-photography  mean  different  things.  Thus:  A  photo-micrograph 
is  a  photograph  of  a  small  or  microscopic  object  usually  made  with  a  micro- 
scope and  of  sufficient  size  for  observation  with  the  unaided  eye;  while  a  micro- 
photograph  is  a  small  or  microscopic  photograph  of  an  object,  usually  a  large 
object,  like  a  man  or  woman,  and  is  designed  to  be  looked  at  with  a  microscope. 

Dr.  A.  C.  Mercer,  in  an  article  in  the  Proc.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  1886,  p.  131, 
says  that  Mr.  George  Shadbolt  made  this  distinction.  See  the  Liverpool  and 
Manchester  Photographic  Journal  (now  British  Journal  of  Photography),  Aug. 
i5>  1858,  p.  203;  also  Sutton's  Photographic  Notes,  Vol.  Ill,  1858,  pp.  205-208. 
On  p.  208  of  the  last,  Shadbolt's  word  "photo-micrography"  appears.  Dr. 
Mercer  puts  the  case  very  neatly  as  follows:  "A  Photo-Micrograph  is  a  macro- 
scopic photograph  of  a  microscopic  object;  a  micro-photograph  is  a  microscopic 
photograph  of  a  macroscopic  object."  See  also  Medical  News,  Jan.  27,  1894,  p. 

In  a  most  interesting  paper  by  A.  C.  Mercer  on  "The  Indebtedness  of  Photog- 
raphy to  Microscopy,"  Photographic  Times  Almanac,  1887,  it  is  shown  that: 
"To  briefly  recapitulate,  photography  is  apparently  somewhat  indebted  to 
microscopy  for  the  first  fleeting  pictures  of  Wedgewood  and  Davy  [1802],  the 
first  methods  of  producing  permanent  paper  prints  [Reede,  1837-1839],  the  first 
offering  of  prints  for  sale,  the  first  plates  engraved  after  photographs  for  the  pur- 

374  PHOTOGRAPHY  [Cn.  X 

pose  of  book  illustration  [ponne  &  Foucault,  1845],  the  photographic  use  of 
collodion  [Archer  &  Diamond,  1851],  and  finally,  wholly  indebted  for  the  origin 
of  the  gelatino-brorhide  process,  greatest  achievement  of  them  all"  [Dr.  R.  L. 
Maddox,  1871].  See  further  for  the  history  of  Photo-micrography,  Neuhauss, 
also  Bousfield,  and  Photography,  1839-1937.  Museum  of  Modern  Art,  N.  Y. 

§  464.  As  the  difficulties  of  photo-micrography  are  so  much 
greater  than  of  ordinary  photography,  the  advice  is  almost  uni- 
versal that  no  one  should  try  to  learn  photography  and  photo- 
micrography at  the  same  time,  but  that  one  should  learn  the 
processes  of  photography  by  making  portraits,  landscapes,  copying 
drawings,  etc.;  and  then  when  the  principles  are  learned,  one  can 
take  up  the  more  difficult  subject  of  photo-micrography  with  some 
hope  of  success. 

The  advice  of  Sternberg  is  so  pertinent  and  judicious  that  it  is 
reproduced:  "  Those  who  have  had  no  experience  in  making  photo- 
micrographs are  apt  to  expect  too  much  and  to  underestimate  the 
technical  difficulties.  Objects  which  under  the  microscope  give  a 
beautiful  picture  which  we  desire  to  reproduce  by  photography  may 
be  entirely  unsuited  for  the  purpose.  In  photographing  with  high 
powers  it  is  necessary  that  the  objects  to  be  photographed  be  in  a 
single  plane  and  not  crowded  together  and  overlying  each  other. 
For  this  reason  photographing  bacteria  in  sections  presents  special 
difficulties  and  satisfactory  results  can  be  obtained  only  when  the 
sections  are  extremely  thin  and  the  bacteria  well  stained.  Even 
with  the  best  preparations  of  this  kind  much  care  must  be  taken  in 
selecting  a  field  for  photography.  It  must  be  remembered  that  the 
expert  microscopist,  in  examining  a  section  with  high  powers,  has 
his  finger  on  the  fine  adjustment  screw  and  focuses  up  and  down  to 
bring  different  planes  into  view.  He  is  in  the  habit  of  fixing  his  at- 
tention on  the  part  of  the  field  which  is  in  focus  and  discarding  the 
rest.  But  in  a  photograph  the  part  of  the  field  not  in  focus  appears 
in  a  prominent  way,  which  mars  the  beauty  of  the  picture." 


§  465.   Camera.  —  For  the  best  results  with  the  least  expenditure 
of  time  one  of  the  cameras  especially  designed  for  photo-microg- 


raphy  is  desirable,  but  is  not  by  any  means  indispensable  for  doing 
good  work  (fig.  200). 

The  first  thing  to  do  is  to  test  the  camera  for  the  coincidence  of 
the  plane  occupied  by  the  sensitive  plate  and  the  ground-glass  or 
focusing  screen.  Cameras  even  from  the  best  makers  are  not  always 
correctly  adjusted. 

For  the  method  of  procedure  see  above,  §  459. 

The  majority  of  photo-micrographs  do  not  exceed  8  centimeters 
in  diameter  and  are  made  on  plates  8  x  n,  10  X  13,  or  13  x  18 
centimeters  (3!  X  4!  in.,  4X5  in.,  or  5  X  7  in.). 

For  pictures  larger  than  these  it  is  best  to  make  small,  very  sharp 
negatives  of  moderate  enlargement  and  then  print  these  at  any 
desired  size  by  means  of  projection  apparatus.  (See  under  enlarge- 
ments, §  484). 

§  466.  Workroom.  —  It  is  almost  self-evident  that  the  camera 
must  be  in  some  place  free  from  vibration.  A  basement  room  where 
the  camera  table  may  rest  directly  on  the  cement  floor  or  on  a  pier 
is  excellent.  Such  a  place  is  almost  necessary  for  the  best  work  with 
high  powers.  For  those  living  in  cities,  a  time  must  also  be  chosen 
when  there  are  no  heavy  vehicles  moving  in  the  streets.  For  less 
difficult  work  an  ordinary  room  in  a  quiet  part  of  the  house  or 
laboratory  building  will  suffice.  It  helps  much  to  have  rubber  corks 
in  the  lower  ends  of  the  table  legs.  The  legs  may  also  be  made  to 
stand  on  four  thick  pads  of  rubber  or  of  thick  felt.  Finally  the 
camera  and  microscope  can  be  placed  on  a  board  platform  and 
that  put  into  a  shallow  box  nearly  filled  with  sawdust  or  dry  sea 

The  photo-engravers  have  overcome  vibrations  by  suspending 
their  cameras,  or  using  spring  coils  as  a  part  of  the  support.  In 
case  of  real  need  this  method  would  serve  the  photographer  with  the 

§  467.  Arrangement  and  position  of  the  camera  and  the  micro- 
scope. —  For  much  photo-micrography  a  vertical  camera  and 
microscope  are  to  be  preferred.  Excellent  arrangements  were  per- 
fected long  ago,  especially  by  the  French.  (See  Moitessier). 

Vertical  photo-micrographic  cameras  are  now  commonly  made, 



and  by  some  firms  only  vertical  cameras  are  produced.    They  are 
exceedingly  convenient,  and  do  not  require  so  great  a  disarrange- 


(About   ,'„  natural  size). 

I  Low  table  50  cm.  high,  50  cm.  wide,  and  70  cm.  long  with  felt  pads  under 
the  legs  (fp)  and  a  drawer  with  combination  lock  (cl.d). 

M    Microscope. 

VC  Vertical  camera  supported  by  the  revolving  rod  (vgr)  which  is  graduated 
in  centimeters  and  half  centimeters.  The  camera  may  be  turned  aside  as  shown 
by  the  dotted  lines. 

Base  The  heavy  iron  base  and  pillar  (p)  supporting  the  revolving  rod  (vgr), 
which  in  turn  supports  the  camera. 

cs    Clamping  screws  to  fix  the  two  ends  of  the  camera  in  any  desired  position. 

mr  Magnification  rod.  This  serves  to  hold  the  extension  of  the  camera 
at  the  right  point  for  any  desired  magnification;  then  the  camera  as  a  whole 
moves  up  and  down  on  the  graduated  rod  (vgr). 

rs  Clamp  to  fix  the  camera  at  any  desired  extension  on  the  magnification 
rod  (mr). 

fg    Focusing  glass  (§  459). 

le    Light  excluder  (fig.  204-205). 

Rl  Research  lamp  with  io8-watt  bulb,  and  transformer  (Tr).  For  full  descrip- 
tion see  fig.  80. 


inent  of  the  microscope  to  make  the  picture  as  do  the  horizontal 
ones.  The  variation  in  size  of  the  picture  in  this  case  is  mostly 
obtained  by  the  objective  and  the  projection  ocular  rather  than  by 
length  of  bellows. 

It  must  not  be  forgotten,  however,  that  penetration  varies  in- 
versely as  the  numerical  aperture,  and  inversely  also  as  the  square 
of  the  power.  There  is  then  an  advantage  in  using  a  low  power  with 
long  bellows  if  one  needs  penetration.  In  many  cases  the  best  way 
is  to  use  a  moderate  power  and  a  short  bellows,  and  then  to  print 
the  negative  as  for  making  enlargements  for  drawings  (§  484). 

For  convenience  and  rapidity  of  work  a  microscope  with  mechani- 
cal stage  is  necessary;  and  for  sections  where  it  is  desirable  to  have 
the  image  in  some  regular  position  a  revolving  stage  to  the  micro- 
scope helps  greatly  in  orienting  the  image  on .  the  plate. 

It  is  also  an  advantage  to  have  a  tube  of  large  diameter  so  that 
the  field  will  not  be  too  greatly  restricted  (fig.  179).  In  some  micro- 
scopes the  tube  is  removable  almost  to  the  nose-piece  to  avoid  inter- 
fering with  the  size  of  the  image.  The  substage  condenser  should  be 
movable  on  a  rack  and  pinion.  The  microscope  should  have  a 
•flexible  pillar  for  work  in  a  horizontal  position.  While  it  is  desirable 
in  all  cases  to  have  the  best  and  most  convenient  apparatus  that  is 
made,  it  is  not  by  any  means  necessary  for  the  production  of  excel- 
lent work.  A  simple  stand  with  flexible  pillar  and  good  fine  adjust- 
ment will  answer. 

§  468.  Objectives  and  oculars  for  photo-micrography.  —  The 
belief  is  almost  universal  that  the  apochromatic  objectives  are  most 
satisfactory  for  photography.  They  are  employed  for  this  purpose 
with  a  special  projection  ocular  or  compensation  oculars.  Two  low 
powers  are  used  without  any  ocular.  Some  of  the  best  work  that  has 
ever  been  done,  however,  was  done  with  achromatic  objectives  (work 
of  Woodward  and  others).  One  need  not  desist  from  undertaking 
photo-micrography  if  he  has  good  achromatic  objectives.  From  a 
somewhat  extended  series  of  experiments  with  the  objectives  of  many 
makers  the  modern  fluorite  and  achromatic  objectives  have  been  found 
to  give  excellent  results  when  used  without  an  ocular.  Most  of  them 
also  gave  good  results  with  projection  and  other  oculars. 

378  PHOTOGRAPHY  [('H.  X 

Recently  negative  lens  combinations  (Homals,  Ampliplans)  have  been  devised  to 
use  instead  of  oculars  for  photo-micrography  and  for  projection.  They  are  in  the 
nature  of  amplifiers  (§  369)  and  serve  to  compensate  for  curvature  of  the  field  and 
for  chromatic  differences  of  magnification  of  the  objectives.  (See  Bausch  &  Lomb's 
Catalog  of  Scientific  Instruments,  1941,  p.  146.) 

§  469.  Difference  of  visual  and  actinic  foci.  —  Formerly  there 
was  much  difficulty  experienced  in  photo-micrographing  on  account 
of  the  difference  in  actinic  and  visual  foci.  Modern  objectives  are 
less  faulty  in  this  respect  and  the  apochromatics  are  practically  free 
from  it.  Since  the  introduction  of  orthochromatic  or  isochromatic 
and  panchromatic  plates,  and  in  many  cases  the  use  of  color  screens, 
but  little  trouble  has  arisen  from  differences  in  the  foci.  This  is 
especially  true  when  mono-chromatic  light  and  even  when  petroleum 
light  is  used.  In  case  an  objective  has  its  visual  and  actinic  foci  at 
markedly  different  levels,  it  would  be  better  to  discard  it  for  photog- 
raphy altogether,  for  the  estimation  of  the  proper  position  of  the 
sensitive  plate  after  focusing  is  only  guesswork  and  the  result  is 
mere  chance.  If  sharp  pictures  cannot  be  obtained  with  an  objec- 
tive when  isochromatic  or  panchromatic  plates  are  used,  the  fault 
may  not  rest  with  the  objective,  but  with  the  plate  holder  and 
focusing  screen.  They  should  be  very  carefully  tested  to  see  if  there, 
is  coincidence  in  position  of  the  focusing  screen  and  the  sensitive 
film  as  described  in  §  459. 


§  470.  Light.  —  The  best  light  is  sunlight.  That  has  the  defect 
of  not  always  being  available,  and  of  differing  greatly  in  intensity 
from  hour  to  hour,  day  to  day,  and  season  to  season.  Following 
the  sunlight  the  electric  light  is  the  most  intense  of.  the  available 
lights.  (See  also  figure  129  A  and  §  499.) 

As  natural  daylight  is  not  constantly  available,  the  photo-mi- 
crographer  has  now  at  his  disposal  the  artificial  daylight  by  the  use 
of  a  nitrogen-filled  mazda  lamp  and  daylight  glass.  The  lantern  for 
this  shown  in  figs.  80,  203  was  found  to  be  excellent  and  the  results 
obtained  by  its  use  in  photographing  with  powers  up  to  the  1.5  mm. 
homdgeneous  immersion  were  good.  Of  course  any  light 


filters  which  are  adapted  to  natural  daylight  would  serve  perfectly 
with  the  artificial  daylight.  In  most  cases  the  six-volt  lamp  requires 
a  special  filter  for  each  specimen.  See  §  491. 

For  preparations  needing  a  yellow  color  screen  for  daylight,  a 
petroleum  or  kerosene  lamp  gives  good  results  for  the  majority  of 
low  and  moderate  power  work.  And  even  for  2  mm.  (9ox)  homo- 
geneous immersion  objectives,  the  time  of  exposure  is  not  excessive 
for  many  specimens  (40  seconds  to  3  minutes). 

A  lamp  with  flat  wick  about  40  mm.  wide  has  been  found  most 
generally  serviceable.  For  large  objects  and  low  powers  the  flame 
may  be  made  large  and  the  face  turned  toward  the  mirror.  This 
will  light  a  large  field.  For  high  powers  the  edge  toward  the  mirror 
gives  an  intense  light.  The  ordinary  glass  chimney  answers  well, 
especially  where  a  shield  is  used. 

In  managing  the  light  for  photography  with  the  microscope,  follow 
the  directions  in  §  198.  See  below  for  the  use  of  color  screens  (§  491). 

§  471.  Objects  suitable  for  photo-micrographs.  —  While  almost 
any  large  object  may  be  photographed  well  with  the  ordinary 
camera  and  photographic  objective,  only  a  small  part  of  the  objects 
mounted  for  microscopic  study  can  be  photo-micrographed  satis- 
factorily. Many  objects  that  can  be  seen  clearly  by  constant 
focusing  with  the  fine  adjustment,  appear  almost  without  detail  on 
the  screen  of  the  photo-micrographic  camera  and  in  the  photo- 

If  one  examines  a  series  of  photo-micrographs,  the  chances  are 
that  the  greater  number  will  be  of  diatoms,  plant  sections,  or 
preparations  of  insects.  That  is,  they  are  of  objects  having  sharp 
details  and  definite  outlines,  so  that  contrast  and  definiteness  may 
be  readily  obtained.  Stained  microbes  also  furnish  favorable  ob- 
jects when  mounted  as  cover-glass  preparations,  but  these  give 
color  images  and  require  a  color  screen. 

For  success  with  preparations  of  animal  tissue  they  must  approxi- 
mate as  nearly  as  possible  to  the  conditions  more  easily  obtained 
with  vegetable  preparations.  That  is,  they  must  be  made  so  thin 
and  be  so  prepared  that  the  cell  outlines  have  something  of  the 
definiteness  of  vegetable  tissue.  It  is  useless  to  expect  to  get  a  clear 

380  PHOTOGRAPHY  [Cn.  X 

photograph  of  a  section  in  which  the  details  are  seen  with  difficulty 
when  studying  it  under  the  microscope  in  the  ordinary  way. 

Many  sections  which  are  unsatisfactory  as  wholes  may  neverthe- 
less have  parts  in  which  the  structural  details  show  with  satisfactory 
clearness.  In  such  a  case  the  part  of  the  section  showing  details 
satisfactorily  should  be  marked  in  some  way.  If  one's  preparations 
have  been  carefully  studied  and  the  special  points  in  them  indi- 
cated, they  will  be  found  far  more  valuable  both  for  ordinary 
demonstration  and  for  photography.  The  amount  of  time  saved  by 
marking  one's  specimens  can  hardly  be  overestimated. 

Formerly  many  histologic  preparations  could  not  be  satisfactorily 
photographed.  Now  with  improved  section  cutters,  better  staining 
and  mounting  methods,  and  with  the  color  screens  and  isochromatic 
and  panchromatic  plates  (§  505)  almost  any  preparation  which  shows 
the  elements  clearly  when  looking  into  the  microscope  can  be  satis- 
factorily photographed.  Good  photographs  cannot,  however,  be 
obtained  from  poor  preparations  by  any  method. 

In  photo-micrography  do  not  forget  the  three  ways  in  which  de- 
tails of  structure  may  be  brought  out  clearly: 

(1)  By  difference  of  refraction  of  the  object  and  the  mounting 
medium  (refraction  images,  §  152). 

(2)  By  differential  staining  (color  images,  §  154). 

(3)  By  means  of  dark-ground  illumination, 


§  472.  The  following  experiments  are  introduced  to  show  practi- 
cally just  how  one  would  proceed  to  make  photo-micrographs  with 
various  powers,  and  be  reasonably  certain  of  fair  success.  If  one 
consults  prints  or  the  published  figures  made  directly  from  photo- 
micrographs, it  will  be  seen  that,  excepting  diatoms  and  bacteria, 
the  magnification  ranges  mostly  between  10  and  150  diameters. 

§  473.  Focusing  in  photo-micrography.  —  For  rough  focusing  and 
as  a  guide  for  the  proper  arrangement  of  the  object  one  uses  a 
ground-glass  screen,  as  in  gross  photography.  Wit/i  the  ground-glass 
screen  one  can  judge  of  the  brilliancy  and  evenness  of  the  illumi- 


nation  more  accurately  than  in  any  other  way.  For  final  and  exact 
focusing  two  principal  methods  are  employed: 

(a)  A  focusing  glass  is  used  either  with  a  clear  screen  or  in  a 
board  screen,  as  described  above  (§  459).  The  latter  method  is  like 
focusing  with  the  compound  microscope  and  a  positive  ocular.  If 
the  focusing  glass  is  set  properly  the  focus  should  be  easily  and  accu- 
rately determined. 

In  whatever  way  one  focuses  for  photo-micrography  a  difficulty 
often  appears.  No  matter  how  perfect  the  focus  of  the  microscope, 
the  picture  may  be  out  of  focus.  This  may  be  due  to  either  one  of 
two  things:  (i)  the  focusing  screen  or  focusing  glass  may  not  be  in 
the  right  position  to  make  the  image  sharp  on  the  sensitive  plate; 
(2)  the  microscope  may  get  out  of  focus  while  the  picture  is  being 
made.  The  reason  for  this  change  may  be  the  gradual  settling  down 
of  the  tube  of  the  microscope.  This  may  be  a  fault  of  the  fine  or 
of  the  coarse  adjustment.  It  is  a  good  plan  to  focus  the  object 
carefully  and,  after  10  or  15  minutes,  to  see  if  the  focus  is  still  good. 
If  the  microscope  will  not  stay  in  focus,  one  cannot  get  a  good  pic- 
ture. In  that  case  it  is  necessary  to  study  the  apparatus  and  see 
which  part  of  the  mechanism  is  at  fault. 

§  474.  Photo-micrographs  of  20  to  50  diameters.  —  For  pictures 
under  10  to  15  diameters  it  is  better  to  use  the  camera  for  embryos 
with  the  objective  in  the  end  of  the  camera,  and  the  special  micro- 
scope stand  for  focusing  (fig.  200). 

For  pictures  at  25  to  50  diameters  one  may  use  the  microscope 
with  a  low  objective,  20  (8x)  to  35  mm.  (4x)  equivalent  focus,  and 
no  ocular  (fig.  179).  The  object  is  placed  on  the  stage  of  the  micro- 
scope and  focused  as  in  ordinary  observation.  If  a  vertical  micro- 
scope is  used,  the  light  from  the  petroleum  lamp  or  other  artificial 
light  is  reflected  upward  by  the  mirror.  It  may  take  some  time  to 
get  the  whole  field  lighted  evenly.  In  some  cases  it  may  be  ad- 
visable to  discard  the  condenser  and  use  the  mirror  only.  For  some 
purposes  one  will  get  a  better  light  by  placing  the  bulls'-eye  or 
other  condenser  between  the  lamp  and  the  mirror  to  make  the  rays 
parallel,  or  even  to  make  a  sharp  image  of  the  lamp  flame  on  the 
mirror.  Remember  also  that  in  many  cases  it  is  necessary  to 




have  a  color  screen  between  the  source  of  light  and  the  object 

(§§  49I~49S)- 

For  a  horizontal  camera  it  is  frequently  better  to  swing  the  mirror 
entirely  out  of  the  way  and  allow  the  light  to  enter  the  condenser 
directly.  When  the  light  is  satisfactory,  as  seen  through  an  ordi- 
nary ocular,  remove  the  ocular. 

(a)  Photographing  without  an  ocular. 
—  After  the  removal  of  the  ocular  put 
in  the  end  of  the  tube  a  lining  of  black 
velvet  to  avoid  reflections.  Connect 
the  microscope  with  the  camera,  mak- 
ing a  light-tight  joint,  and  focus  the 
image  on  the  focusing  screen.  One  may 
make  a  light-tight  connection  by  the  use 
of  black  velveteen  or,  more  conveniently, 
by  the  double  metal  hood  which  slips 
over  the  end  of  the  tube  of  the  micro- 
scope, and  into  which  fits  a  metal 
cylinder  on  the  lower  end  of  the  camera 
(figs.  204-205).  In  figure  205  the  con- 
nection has  been  made. 

It  will  be  necessary  to  focus  down  con- 
siderably to  make  the  image  clear. 


(About  \  natural  size). 

The  front  board  of  the  Lengthen  or  shorten  the  bellows  to 
make  the  image  of  the  desired  size, 
then  focus  with  the  utmost  care.  In 
case  the  field  is  too  much  restricted  on 
account  of  the  tube  of  the  microscope, 
remove  the  draw-tube.  When  all  is  in 
readiness,  it  is  well  to  wait  for  three  to 
five  minutes  and  then  to  see  if  the 
image  is  still  sharply  focused.  If  it 

gets  out  of  focus  simply  by  standing,  a  sharp  picture  cannot  be 

obtained.     If  it  does  not   remain  in  focus,  something   is  faulty. 

When  the  image  remains  sharp  after  focusing,  make  the  exposure. 

From    20    to    60    seconds    will    usually   be    sufficient   time  with 


2  Connecting  piece  to  fit 
over  i  and  extend  down  into 

3  Piece  to  fit  over  the  up- 
per  end   of   the   tube   of   the 
microscope  and  to  receive  the 
lower  end  of  2  (compare  fig. 
205  where  the  parts  are  to- 
gether as  in  making  an  expo- 




medium  plates  and  light  as  described.  If  a  color  screen  is 
used  it  will  require  50-300  seconds,  i.e.,  2  to  5  times  as  long,  for  a 
proper  exposure  (§  497). 

(b)  Photographing  with  an  ocular.  —  If  the  object  is  small  enough 
to  be  included  in  the  field  of  a  projection  or  other  ocular  (fig. 
208),  use  that  for  making  the  negative  as  follows:  Swing  the  camera 
around  so  that  it  will  leave  the  microscope  free  (fig.  203).  Use  an 
ordinary  ocular,  focus  and  light  the  object,  then  insert  a  projection 
ocular  in  place  of  the  ordinary  one,  and  swing  the  camera  back  over 
the  microscope.  It  is  not  necessary  to  use  an  ordinary  ocular  for  the 
first  focusing,  but  as  its  field  is  larger,  , 

it  is  easier  to  find  the  part  to  be  photo- 
graphed. The  first  step  is  then  to 
focus  the  diaphragm  of  the  projection 
ocular  sharply  on  the  focusing  screen. 
Bring  the  camera  up  close  to  the 
microscope  and  then  screw  out  the  eye- 
lens  of  the  ocular  a  short  distance. 
Observe  the  circle  of  light  on  the 
focusing  screen  to  see  if  its  edges  are 
perfectly  sharp.  If  not,  continue  to 
screw  out  the  eyelens  until  it  is.  If 
it  cannot  be  made  sharp  by  screwing  it 
out,  reverse  the  operation.  Unless  the 
edge  of  the  light  circle,  i.e.,  the  dia- 
phragm of  the  ocular,  is  sharp,  the 
resulting  picture  will  not  be  satis- 

It  should  be  stated  that  for  the  2x 

projection  ocular  the  bellows  of  the  camera  must  be  extended  about 
30  or  40  centimeters  or  the  diaphragm  cannot  be  satisfactorily 
focused  on  the  screen.  The  4x  projection  ocular  can  be  focused 
with  the  bellows  much  shorter.  For  either  projection  ocular  the 
screen  distance  can  be  extended  almost  indefinitely. 

When  the  diaphragm  is  sharply  focused  on  the  screen,  the  micro- 
scope is  focused,  that  is,  first  with  the  unaided  eye  then  with  the  fo- 


FIG.   205.     LIGHT  EXCLUDER 
(About  1  natural  si/e). 
Tn  this  figure  the  different 
parts  of  the  light  excluder  are 
in  position  for  making  an  ex- 

1  The  front  hoard  of  the 

2  The    intermediate    part 
connecting    the    camera    and 
the    hollow    cylinder    on    the 
upper  end  of  the  microscope 
draw-tube.        (Compare     fig. 

384  PHOTOGRAPHY  [Cn.  X 

cusing  glass.  The  exposure  is  made  in  the  same  way  as  though  no 
ocular  were  used  (§  474a),  although  one  must  have  regard  to  the 
greater  magnification  produced  by  the  projection  ocular  and  increase 
the  time  accordingly;  thus,  when  the  4x  ocular  is  used,  the  time 
should  be  at  least  doubled  over  that  when  no  ocular  is  employed. 
The  time  will  be  still  further  increased  if  a  color  screen  is  used 

(§  501). 

Tt  is  recommended  that  when  the  bellows  have  sufficient  length  the  lower  pro- 
jection oculars  be  used,  but  with  short  bellows  the  higher  ones. 

§  476.  Magnification  of  a  photomicrograph.  —  This  is  easily  determined  by 
removing  the  specimen  and  putting  in  its  place  a  stage  micrometer  in  i/ioth 
and  i/iooth  mm.  spaces.  If  the  image  of  the  micrometer  is  focused  sharply  one 
can  measure  the  image  of  the  spaces  between  the  lines.  By  dividing  the  size 
of  the  image  by  the  known  size  of  the  space  the  quotient  will  be  the  magnifi- 
cation. For  example,  if  the  micrometer  spaces  used  are  i/ioth  mm.  and  the 
image  of  one  space  measures  12  mm.  the  magnification  is  120  (12  -f-  i/ioth 
=  120).  With  this  method  one  must  make  the  determination  for  every  photo- 
micrograph taken  unless  a  camera  of  fixed  bellows  length  is  employed. 

The  following  procedure  is  more  satisfactory  and  much  less  trouble  in  the 
long  run.  The  extensible  bellows  of  the  camera  is  clamped  at  some  definite 
length,  then  negatives  are  made  of  the  stage  micrometer  with  trie  different 
objectives  and  oculars  which  are  to  be  used  in  photographing.  The  magnifica- 
tion for  each  combination  is  determined  as  indicated  above  and  marked  on  the 
negative.  When  a  photographic  negative  of  some  microscopic  object  is  made 
with  the  same  combination  one  can  see  at  once  the  magnification  by  consulting 
the  micrometer  negative. 

This  method  has  a  further  advantage  if  one  wishes  the  photomicrographic 
print  or  diagram  made  from  the  original  negative  to  be  of  greater  or  less  magni- 
fication than  the  original.  For  example,  as  in  the  case  above  where  the  magni- 
fication is  120,  suppose  the  print  desired  is  to  be  at  350  magnification.  The 
negative  of  the  micrometer  is  put  in  the  enlarging  apparatus  and  the  distance 
found  by  trial  where  the  image  of  i/ioth  mm.  projected  on  the  screen  measures 
35  mm.  (35  -*•  i/io  =  350).  If  now  one  puts  the  negative  of  the  microscopic 
object  at  a  magnification  of  120  in  place  of  the  micrometer  negative,  its  image 
will  be  350  diameters  on  the  screen,  and  if  a  print  or  diagram  is  made  at  that 
screen  distance  the  picture  will  be  at  a  magnification  ot  350.  Suppose  on  the 
other  hand  that  a  classroom  diagram  is  desired  at  a  magnification  of  10,000 
diameters  of  this  same  negative.  As  before  the  negative  of  the  micrometer  in 
i/ioths  and  i/iooths  mm.  is  put  in  the  enlarging  apparatus  and  moved  to  a 
distance  from  the  screen  so  that  when  in  sharp  focus  the  image  of  i/iooth  mm. 
measures  on  the  screen  100  mm.,  the  magnification  will  then  be  as  desired 
(100  -T-  i/iooth  =  10,000),  and  if  the  negative  of  the  object  at  120  magnifi- 
cation is  diagrammed  at  this  distance  the  magnification  will  be  10,000. 

If  a  reduced  image  is  desired,  it  is  likewise  simple;  e.g.,  if  a  print  of  exactly 
TOO  diameters  is  desired  from  this  same  negative  it  can  be  obtained  by  using 
the  micrometer  negative  and  getting  the  image  of  i/ioth  mm.  to  measure 
exactly  10  mm.  on  the  screen  (10  -f-  i/ioth  =  100). 

§  476.  Photo-micrographs  at  a  magnification  of  100  to  150  diameters.  —  For 
this,  the  simple  arrangements  given  in  the  preceding  section  will  answer,  but  the 
objectives  must  be  of  shorter  focus,  8  to  3  mm. 





FIG.   206!     VIEW  OF  THE  BACK 

Exc  The  spot  of  light  (D)  is  to  one 
side  of  the  center,  showing  that  the  optic 
axis  of  the  condenser  is  not  in  line  with 
that  of  the  microscope. 

C  The  spot  of  light  (U)  is  in  the  cen- 
ter, showing  that  the  optic  axis  of  the  con- 
denser and  microscope  are  in  line. 

§  477.  Lighting  for  photo-micrography  with  moderate  and  high 
powers.  (100  to  2500  diameters),  —  No  matter  how  good  one's 
apparatus,  successful  photo-micrographs  cannot  be  made  unless  the 
object  to  be  photographed  is 
properly  illuminated.  The  be- 
ginner should  go  over  with 
the  greatest  care  the  direc- 
tions for  centering  the  con- 
denser, for  centering  the  source 
of  illumination,  and  the  dis- 
cussion of  the  proper  cone  of 
light  and  lighting  the  whole 
field,  as  given  in  §§  135-137. 
Then  for  each  picture  he  must 
take  the  necessary  pains  to 
light  the  object  properly.  An 
achromatic  condenser  is  al- 
most a  necessity  (§  128). 
Whether  a  color  screen  should  be  used  depends  upon  judgment 

and  that  can  be  attained  only 
by  experience.  In  the  begin- 
ning one  may  try  without  a 
screen  and  with  different 
screens  and  compare  results. 
A  plan  used  by  many  skilled 
workers  is  to  light  the  objec/ 
and  the  field  around  it  well, 
and  then  to  place  a  metal 
diaphragm  of  the  proper  size 
in  the  camera  just  under  the 
plate  holder.  This  will  in- 
sure a  clean,  sharp  margin  to 
the  picture.  This  metal  di- 
aphragm must  be  removed 
while  focusing  the  diaphragm  of  the  projection  ocular,  as  the  di- 
aphragm opening  is  smaller  than  the  image  of  the  ocular  diaphragm. 

c  £xc 


CFl  The  light  is  in  the  center  and 
illuminates  the  object. 

Exc  Fl  The  light  is  at  one  side  of  the 
center  and  does  not  illuminate  the  object. 
(The  field  is  not  fully  lighted,  as  a  low 
power  is  used  to  center  the  object  and 
the  light). 



[CH.  X 

If  the  young  photomicrographer  will  be  careful  to  select  for  his 
first  trials  objects  of  which  really  good  photo-micrographs  have  al- 
ready been  made,  and  then  persists  with  each  one  until  fairly  good 
results  are  attained,  his  progress  will  be  far  more  rapid  than  as  if 
poor  pictures  of  many  different  things  were  taken.  He  should,  of 
course,  begin  with  low  magnifications. 

§  478.  Adjusting  the  objective  for  cover-glass. 
—  After  the  object  is  properly  lighted,  the  ob- 
jective, if  adjustable,  must  be  corrected  for  the 
thickness  of  cover.  If  one  knows  the  exact 
thickiiess  of  the  cover  and  the  objective  is 
marked  for  different  thicknesses,  it  is  easy  to 
get  the  adjustment  approximately  correct 
mechanically;  then  the  final  corrections  depend 
on  the  skill  and  judgment  of  the  worker.  It  is 
to  be  noted,  too,  that  if  the  objective  is  to  be 
used  without  a  projection  ocular,  the  tube-length 
is  extended  practically  to  the  focusing  screen, 
and  as  the  effect  of  lengthening  the  tube  is  the 
same  as  thickening  the  cover-glass,  the  adjusting 
collar  must  be  turned  to  a  higher  number  than 
the  actual  thickness  of  the  cover  calls  for  (see 

FIG.  208.  PRO- 

(About  }  natural 

1  The  upper  or 
eye  end  of  the  oc- 
ular; it  is  composed 
of  two  convex  and 
one     concave     lens 
and  serves  to  pro- 
ject the  real  image 
formed  by  the  ob- 
jective and  field  lens 
at  d  upon  the  screen 
or   photographic 
plate.     It   is   mov- 
able   to    permit    of 
focusing    at    differ- 
ent screen  distances. 

2  Field   lens   of 
the    projection    oc- 

d  Diaphragm 
where  the  real  im- 
age is  formed. 

§  479.  Photographing  without  an  ocular.  — 
Proceed  exactly  as  described  for  the  lower 
power,  but  if  the  objective  is  adjustable,  make 
the  proper  adjustment  for  the  increased  tube- 
length  (§  149). 

§  480.  Photographing  with  a  projection  ocular. 
—  Proceed  as  described  in  §  474-b,  only  in  this 
case  the  objective  is  not  to  be  adjusted  for 
the  extra  length  of  bellows.  If  it  is  corrected 
for  the  ordinary  ocular,  the  projection  ocular  then  projects  this 
correct  image  upon  the  focusing-screen. 

§  481.  Photo-micrographs  at  a  magnification  of  500  to  2000  di- 
ameters. —  For  this  the  homogeneous  immersion  objective  is  em- 

CH.  X] 



ployed,  and  as  it  requires  a  long  bel1  nvs  to  get  the  higher  mag- 
nification with  the  objective  alone,  it  is  best  to  use  the  projection 
oculars.  Compensation  oculars  may  also  be  used. 

For  this  work  the  directions  given  in  §§  135-137  must  be  followed 
with  great  exactness.  The  edge  of  the  petroleum  lamp  flame  is 
sufficient  to  fill  the  field  in  most  cases.  With  many  objects  the  time 
required  with  good  lamplight  is  not  excessive;  viz.,  2  to  3  seconds. 
The  reason  for  this  is  that  while  the  illumination  diminishes  directly 
a,s  the  square  of  the  magnification,  it  increases  with  the  increase  in 
the  numerical  aperture,  so  that  the  illuminating  power  of  the 
homogeneous  immersion  is  great  in  spite  of  the  great  magnifica- 

For  work  with  high  powers  a  stronger  light  than  the  petroleum 
lamp  is  employed  by  those  doing  considerable  photo-micrography, 
e.g.,  the  arc  light  or  the  io8-watt,  6-volt  lamp  (figs.  80,  128). 

It  may  be  well  to  recall  the  statement  made 
in  the  beginning,  that  the  specimen  to  be  pho- 
tographed must  be  of  special  excellence  for  all 
powers.  No  one  who  undertakes  to  make  photo- 
micrographs at  a  magnification  of  500  to  2000 
diameters  will  dc  abt  the  truth  of  the  statement. 

If  one  has  a  complete  outfit  with  electric  arc 
light  or  the  ic<4-watt  lamp,  the  time  required  for 
photographing  objects  is  much  reduced,  i.e., 
ranging  from  i  to  20  seconds  even  with  the 
color  screen.  As  the  light  is  so  intense  with 
the  arc  light  it  is  necessary  to  soften  it  greatly 
for  focusing.  Several  thicknesses  of  ground-glass 
placed  between  the  lamp  and  the  microscope  will 
answer.  These  are  removed  before  taking  the 
negative.  It  is  well  also  to  have  a  water  bath 
on  the  optical  bench  to  absorb  the  radiant  heat. 
This  should  be  in  position  constantly  (figs.  179, 

§  482.  Use  of  oculars  in  photo-micrography.  —  There  is  much 
diversity  of  opinion  whether  or  not  the  ordinary  oculars  used  for 

FIG.  209.  ACH- 

(From   Watson's 

i,  2,  3  The  three 
optical  parts  of  the 
condenser.  (Com- 
pare figs.  60- 6 1  also 
the  construction  of 
objectives  in  figs. 
IQ-II  and  note  that 
the  condenser  is  like 
an  inverted  objec- 

388  PHOTOGRAPHY  [Cn,  X 

observation  should  be  used  in  photographing.  Excellent  results 
have  been  obtained  with  them  and  also  without  them. 

When  an  ocular  is  used,  the  eyelens  serves  to  project  a  real  image 
of  the  objective,  not  to  act  as  a  magnifier  with  the  eye  as  an 
ordinary  observation;  therefore  for  the  best  results  in  photography 
this  eyelens  should  be  a  combination  which  will  give  a  correct 
image.  For  apochromatic  objectives  the  projection  or  the  com- 
pensation oculars  should  be  used,  not  ordinary  Huygenian  oculars. 
The  projection  and  compensation  oculars  work  well  with  the  best 
high-angled  achromatic  objectives  also. 

§  483.  Negative  record  in  photography.  — 

Name  No.  Location 

Camera.                                           •    •  • 







Condenser                                     •       • 

Mag.  x  


Object  stained  with 



§  484.  Enlarged  prints  of  small  negatives.  —  There  is  great 
advantage,  in  making  pictures  of  large  objects  at  a  considerable 
distance  with  a  long-focus  objective,  so  that  the  perspective  will  be 
correct  and  all  levels  of  the  object  will  be  in  good  focus.  It  is  also 
advantageous  to  make  pictures  of  microscopic  objects  without  undue 
enlargement;  ,  then  there  is  greater  sharpness  of  the  object  as  a 

If  now  one  wishes  a  large  print,  any  good  negative  can  be  used 
and  a  print  obtained  of  almost  any  desired  enlargement  by  using  a 
photographic  objective  for  projecting  the  image  upon  the  photo- 
graphic paper.  This  is  done  with  projection  apparatus  in  a  dark 


room  as  follows:  The  management  of  the  projection  apparatus  is  as 
for  drawing.  The  negative  is  placed  in  some  kind  of  holder  and 
put  in  the  cone  of  light  of  the  main  condenser  where  the  part  of  it 
to  be  enlarged  is  fully  illuminated.  An  erect  image  will  be  printed 
on  the  paper  if  the  film  side  of  the  negative  faces  the  sensitive  paper 
exactly  as  for  contact  printing.  Of  course,  if  it  is  desired  to  reverse 
the  position,  it  can  be  done  by  turning  the  film  side  toward  the 
source  of  light. 

§  485.  Size  of  condenser  required.  —  The  general  law  is  that  the 
diameter  of  the  condenser  must  be  equal  to  or  somewhat  greater 
than  the  diagonal  of  the  negative  or  part  of  the  negative  to  be 
enlarged.  For  example,  to  enlarge  the  whole  of  a  lantern  slide 
negative  (85  X  100  mm.),  the  condenser  should  have  a  diameter  of 
14  cm.  For  a  negative  100  X  125  mm.  the  condenser  should  be  18 
cm.  in  diameter;  for  one  125  x  175  mm.  the  condenser  should  be  23 
cm.  in  diameter;  and  for  a  negative  200  x  250  mm.  the  condenser 
should  be  35  cm.  in  diameter. 

§  486.  Objectives  to  use  for  enlarging.  —  It  is  necessary  to 
use  an  objective  which  has  been  corrected  for  photography.  The 
ordinary  projection  objective  gives  a  good  visual  image,  but  not  a 
good  photographic  image.  The  iris  diaphragm  must  be  wide  open 

(§  487). 

In  preparing  for  printing,  which,  of  course,  is  done  in  a  dark 
room,  put  some  white  paper  in  a  printing  frame  with  a  clear  glass 
in  it.  Hold  it  in  the  path  of  the  beam  from  the  projection  appara- 
tus, and  either  by  moving  a  support  near  the  apparatus,  or  by 
moving  the  projection  apparatus,  get  the  desired  size  of  picture. 
One  can  determine  the  exact  magnification  by  putting  a  lantern 
slide  of  the  metric  scale  (fig.  173)  in  place  of  the  negative  and 
projecting  its  image  upon  the  white  paper  in  the  printing  frame. 

§  487.  Focusing  and  printing.  —  Focus  the  image  of  the  negative 
as  sharply  as  possible.  Then  put  over  the  end  of  the  objective  a 
cover  of  some  kind  with  ruby  glass  in  it.  This  will  allow  the  light 
to  pass  in  part,  but  it  will  not  affect  the  photographic  paper  to  be  used. 

Place  in  the  printing  frame  some  developing  paper  like  vitava 
rapid  black  or  velox.  Place  the  printing  frame  in  position.  The 


image  will  show  clearly  on  the  paper  by  the  red  light.  When  the 
frame  is  in  the  exact  position  desired,  remove  the  cap  with  ruby 
glass  and  make  the  exposure.  With  an  arc  light  the  time  will  vary 
from  about  i  to  10  seconds,  depending  on  the  density  of  the  nega- 
tive. Cover  the  objective,  turn  off  the  arc  lamp  and  develop  the 
print  as  for  contact  printed  pictures.  A  mazda  lamp  may  be  used 
instead  of  an  arc  light  for  enlarging.  If  the  rather  large  source  of 
light  in  the  no-volt  lamp  is  used,  a  diffuser  of  ground  glass  is 
needed  to  avoid  the  shadows  between  the  filaments.  When  a  dif- 
fuser is  used  with  the  mazda  or  arc  light,  the  diaphragm  of  the 
objective  can  be  closed  as  much  as  desired,  but  of  course  it  then 
takes  a  much  longer  exposure.  If  now  one  uses  a  6-volt  mazda 
head-light  lamp  by  inserting  a  transformer  in  the  circuit  for  the 
alternating  current,  or  by  using  a  storage  battery  for  the  direct 
current,  the  filament  is  so  concentrated  that  the  source  may  be 
treated  like  that  of  an  arc  light,  and  no  diffuser  used.  This  makes 
it  possible  to  use  the  full  opening  of  the  objective.  The  candle 
power  of  the  6-volt  mazda  is  much  less  than  that  of  the  arc  light, 
but  it  has  the  advantage  of  requiring  no  attention  after  being  once 
centered  (figs.  79-82). 

§  488.  Printing  the  image  of  an  object  directly  on  the  paper.  — 
With  the  apparatus  set  up  exactly  as  for  drawing  or  for  printing 
enlargements,  one  can  expose  the  developing  photographic  paper  to 
the  sharply  focused  image  of  the  specimen.  Of  course  this  will  give 
a  negative  image,  all  the  lights  and  shades  being  reversed,  but  the 
outlines  and  proportions  are  perfect.  Such  pictures  serve  as  useful 
a  purpose  as  shade-correct  pictures  for  model  making  and  for  keep- 
ing a  record  of  one's  specimens. 


§  489,  Five  methods  of  rendering  objects  visible.  — 

(i)  The  mounting  medium  and  the  object  must  have  different 
refractive  indices,  then  the  outline  of  the  object  or  of  its  details  are 
margined  by  dark  borders  (§  152,  refraction  images). 


(2)  The  object  or  its  details  must  have  a  different  color  from  the 
surrounding  medium  or  neighboring  objects  (color  images,  §  154). 

(3)  The  object  or  its  details  must  appear  self-luminous,  the  sur- 
rounding field  being  dark  (method  of  dark-ground  illumination  or 
ultra-violet  radiation  with  resulting  fluorescence). 

(4)  If  reflected  light  is  used,  some  parts  of  the  object  must  absorb 
the  light  and  some  parts  reflect  it;   the  different  parts  will  then  ap- 
pear as  light  and  dark. 

(5)  If  transmitted  light  is  used,  some  parts  of  the  object  must  be 
transparent  or  translucent  and  other  parts  opaque.     The  opaque 
parts  will  then  appear  dark,  and  the  transparent  or  translucent  parts 

Two,  four  and  five  might  properly  be  called  absorption  images. 

§  490.  Photography  is  admirably  adapted  to  represent  the  visual 
appearances  of  both  naked  eye  and  microscopic  objects.  There 
is  only  one  difficulty  which  is  really  serious,  and  that  is  in  the  proper 
representation  in  black  and  white  of  the  various  colors. 

This  difficulty  is  inherent  in  the  sensitiveness  of  the  eye  to  colors 
and  the  unlike  sensitiveness  of  the  photographic  plate  to  the  same 
colors.  If  both  were  equally  and  similarly  sensitive,  then  the  photo- 
graphic representation  of  color  in  shades  or  tones  of  black  and  white 
would  have  the  same  brightness  as  the  different  colors  to  the  eye. 
But  the  eye  has  its  maximum  sensitiveness  in  the  green  (fig.  210), 
while  the  photographic  plate  has  almost  all  of  its  sensitiveness  in 
the  violet-blue  end  of  the  spectrum.  Indeed  it  is  sensitive  to  a  part 
of  the  ultra  violet  which  is  wholly  dark  to  the  eye.  Hence  the 
photograph  represents  the  brilliant  red-orange-yellow-green  image 
seen  by  the  eye  as  dark,  while  the  relatively  dark  violet-blue  to  the 
eye  is  rendered  white  by  the  photographic  plate.  The  photographic 
image  of  colored  objects  is  then  a  kind  of  negative  of  the  same 
image  to  the  eye.  This  has  made  the  use  of  photography  unsatis- 
factory where  objects  have  color,  and  most  objects  in  nature  are 
colored  more  or  less;  and  one  of  the  greatest  triumphs  of  micro- 
scopic science  has  been  the  differentiation  of  details  of  structure  by 
selective  staining. 

From  the  earliest  history  of  photography  the  inability  to  render 



[CH.  X 

the  colors  properly  or  in  actual  colors  has  been  greatly  deplored. 
To  give  the  proper  brightness  in  tones  of  black  and  white  to  colored 
objects,  two  things  had  to  be  attained: 

(i)  The  photographic  plates,  which  were  originally  sensitive  only 
to  the  violet-blue  end  of  the  spectrum,  had  to  be  rendered  sensitive 
to  the  other  colors.  The  first  step  was  in  getting  plates  sensitive  to 
the  spectrum  as  far  as  the  yellow.  These  are  the  so-called  isochro- 
matic  or  orthorhromatic  plates.  The  final  step  was  to  get  plates 
sensitive  to  all  the  colors  of  the  spectrum,  including  the  orange  and 
red.  These  are  known  as  panchromatic  or  spectrum  plates. 

I  i 

:>             Violet-Blue 

=  L_-  -^ 

!/"~\;        i 

j/+-     (\K«           1 

B  oi                    IGY!       ^s'x">-—  —  L_ 




(Base  Lines  *  Wave  lengths  x  250,000  times). 

As  shown  in  this  curve  the  normal  human  eye  with  moderate  illumination 
has  its  maximum  sensitiveness  at  about  wave  length  Xo.55/x,  that  is,  in  the 
green  next  the  yellow.  With  very  brilliant  light  the  greatest  sensitiveness  is  in 
the  yellow,  while  with  dim  light  it  moves  along  well  into  the  green;  (See  §  288 
for  designation  of  wave  lengths  in  microns,  etc.). 

Ultra-violet  Short  radiation  invisible  to  the  eye.  Compare  the  sensitiveness 
of  the  photographic  plate  to  this  radiation  (fig.  211-213). 

Violet-blue    Radiation  at  the  blue  end  of  the  spectrum. 

Green    Radiation  in  the  middle  of  the  spectrum. 

Red    Radiation  at  the  red  end  of  the  spectrum. 

Infra-red    Long  radiation  invisible  to  the  eye. 

G  Y    Borderland  between  green  and  yellow. 

B  G    Borderland  between  blue  and  green. 

(2)  But  as  all  of  these  color-sensitive  plates  are  more  sensitive  to 
the  violet-blue  than  to  the  other  colors,  it  is  necessary  to  use  some 
means  for  reducing  or  blocking  out  part  of  the  violet-blue  light  with- 
out interfering  with  the  action  of  the  other  colors  (§  492).  For 
gaining  contrast  effects  it  was  necessary  to  devise  means  for  blocking 
out  special  parts  of  the  spectrum  (§  493).  These  selecting  media 
are  known  as  color  screens  or  ray  niters. 

CH.  X] 











(After  Mees;   and  magnified  as  in  fig.  210). 

As  shown  in  this  curve,  the  ordinary  photographic  plate  is  sensitive  only 
in  the  blue  end  of  the  spectrum  including  the  ultra-violet,  the  maximum  sensi- 
tiveness being  at  about  wave  length  Xo.45^.  It  *is  insensitive  to  all  wave  lengths 
longer  than  about  Xo.52/z.  (Compare  with  fig.  210,  212-213). 


(After  Mees;    magnification  as  in  fig.  210). 

These  plates  have  practically  the  same  sensitiveness  as  the  ordinary  plates 
except  that  the  sensitiveness  is  continued  through  the  green  and  yellow.  (Com- 
pare figs.  210,  2n  and  213). 


§  491.  Color  screens  or  ray  filters.  —  These  are  transparent, 
colored  bodies  which  select  the  wave  lengths  of  light  which  they 
transmit  and  absorb  the  other  waves,  or  they  diminish  more  or  less 
some  of  the  wave  lengths  and  transmit  the  others  with  very  slight 
loss.  The  color  of  such  a  screen  to  the  eye  will  be  determined  by  the 
light  which  it  transmits  in  the  greatest  quantity.  For  example,  if 
the  violet-blue  light  is  absorbed,  the  remaining  light  will  appear 
yellow,  while  if  green  and  red  are  absorbed  the  transmitted  light  will 
appear  blue;  if  violet-blue  and  green  are  absorbed,  the  light  will 
appear  red;  and  if  violet-blue  and  red  are  largely  absorbed;  the 
remaining  light  will  appear  green. 



[CH.  X 



(After  Mees;    magnification  as  in  fig.  210). 

Panchromatic  plates  have  the  maximum  sensitiveness  still  in  the  violet-blue, 
but  it  is  extended  to  include  the  red.    (Compare  figs.  210-212). 

§  492.  Compensating  ray  niters.  —  These  are  filters  or  screens 
which  aid  the  panchromatic  photographic  plate  in  giving  a  black 
and  white  'picture  of  colored  objects  which  shall  correspond  in 
brightness  to  the  different  colors  as  seen  by  the  eye. 

As  all  photographic  plates,  even  the  panchromatic  ones,  are  more 
sensitive  to  the  violet-blue  than  to  the  other  colors  of  the  spectrum 
(fig.  213),  the  effect  of  the  violet-blue  must  be  reduced,  hence  yellow 
screens  must  be  used  to  do  this  and  compensate  for  the  smaller  sen- 
sitiveness of  the  plate  for  the  other  parts  of  the  spectrum. 

Fortunately  the  great  photographic  manufacturers  have  made  a 
study  of  the  principles  of  color  screens  as  well  as  of  their  plates,  and 
they  supply  workers  with  data  showing  what  wave  lengths  of  light 
their  different  plates  are  sensitive  to,  and  what  wave  lengths  are 
absorbed  wholly  or  in  part  by  their  ray  filters.  They  also  give 
advice  from  abundant  experience  as  to  the  proper  combination  of 
plate  and  color  screen  to  get  the  best  effect  in  photographing  a  great 
variety  of  colored  objects.  By  using  this  information,  and  profiting  by 
experience,  one  can  learn  to  photograph  almost  any  object  successfully. 

§  493.  Contrast  ray  filters.  —  These  are  filters  or  screens  by  the 
aid  of  which  strong  contrasts  in  black  and  white  are  given  to  various 
colored  objects  or  their  details.  As  given  in  the  general  statement 
of  the  basis  for  visibility  of  objects  and  their  details,  refraction  and 
opacity  are  of  prime  importance  for  securing  sharp  outlines.  Color 
images  are  also  of  the  greatest  advantage  in  differentiating  the 
details  of  microscopic  structure;  but  as  color  does  not  appear  in  the 


ordinary  photograph,  the  differentiation  of  colored  objects  must  be 
secured  by  producing  shades  of  light  and  dark  up  to  complete  black- 
ness in  some  cases.  For  example,  in  some  microscopic  specimens 
important  details  may  be  stained  violet  or  blue.  To  the  eye  these 
violet  or  blue  objects  stand  out  with  great  clearness.  In  the 
photograph,  on  the  other  hand,  without  special  help  from  a  color 
screen,  they  are  wholly  lost  or  are  so  faint  that  they  can  hardly  be 
seen.  To  make  such  details  stand  out  in  shades  of  black,  a  yellow 
color  screen  absorbing  violet-blue  and  allowing  the  other  colors  to 
pass  is  used  with  a  plate  sensitive  to  the  other  colors  to  be  photo- 
graphed. A  picture  is  thus  obtained  which  shows  the  violet-blue 
objects  in  black  and  the  other  details  in  various  shades. 

A  contrast  color  screen  does  not,  of  course,  give  correct  brightness, 
but  the  purpose  in  using  it  is  to  bring  out  in  the  most  striking  man- 
ner the  form  of  certain  structures.  The  general  law  is:  For  con- 
trast effects,  use  a  color  screen  which  absorbs  the  light  transmitted 
normally  by  the  colored  object,  but  allows  the  other  colors  to  pass. 

§  494.  Refraction  and  opacity  and  color  screens.  —  It  should 
not  be  forgotten  in  using  color  screens  and  color-sensitive  plates  that 
refraction  and  opacity  exert  their  full  effect  in  producing  the  final 
result.  The  color  screen  acts  only  to  suppress  or  lessen  certain 
definite  wave  lengths.  Refraction  and  opacity  tend  to  suppress  all 
wave  lengths  in  certain  limited  borders  or  definite  areas.  Hence  any 
stain  like  hematoxylin  which  tends  to  make  an  object  more  opaque 
to  all  parts  of  the  spectrum  will  increase  the  contrast  even  if  no 
color  screen  is  used. 

§  495.  Lessening  contrast.  —  With  some  specimens  it  is  necessary 
to  lessen  contrast  in  order  to  bring  out  details  of  structure.  One 
of  the  striking  examples  frequently  referred  to  is  whalebone.  A 
microscopic  section  of  this  has  a  reddish  appearance  by  transmitted 
light.  If  now  a  blue  screen  is  used  with  a  panchromatic  plate,  the 
greatest  possible  contrast  is  obtained,  and  the  object  loses  all  detail 
in  the  photograph.  If,  on  the  other  hand,  a  red  screen  is  used,  the 
photograph  shows  good  detail  and  the  general  appearance  is  like 
that  seen  by  the  eye  in  looking  into  the  microscope. 

The  general  law  is:  When  the  contrast  is  too  great,  use  a  color 

396  PHOTOGRAPHY  [Cn.  X 

screen  of  the  same  color  as  the  object,  and,  of  course,  a  plate  must 
be  used  sensitive  to  that  color. 

§  496.  Use  of  the  micro-spectroscope  in  photo-micrography.  —  If 
one  studies  his  specimens  with  the  micro-spectroscope  and  makes  sure 
exactly  what  light  is  transmitted  by  them,  it  will  be  possible  to 
judge  with  intelligence  what  plate  and  what  color  screen  to  use  to 
bring  out  in  the  most  satisfactory  manner  their  structural  appearances. 
Fortunately  the  manufacturers  furnish  the  information  concerning 
their  plates  and  the  color  filters,  so  that  labor  is  spared  the  indi- 
vidual worker.  It  might  be  worth  while  for  him  to  check  up  the  color 
screens  occasionally  to  make  sure  that  they  have  not  deteriorated. 

§  497.  Time  of  exposure  for  photo-micrographs.  —  This  varies  from 
the  fraction  of  a  second  to  several  minutes,  depending  on  four  factors: 

(1)  The  nature  and  intensity  of  the  light. 

(2)  The  magnification  of  the  microscope.     The  higher  the  mag- 
nification, the  longer  must  be  the  exposure. 

(3)  The  transparency  of  the  specimen.     The  more  transparent, 
the  shorter  the  exposures. 

(4)  The  thicker  or  deeper  the  color  of  the  ray  filter,  the  longer 
must  be  the  exposure. 

(5)  Red  stains  require  longer  exposure  than  blue  stains. 

§  498.  Daylight.  —  This  has  served  for  some  of  the  best  photo-micrographs 
that  have  ever  been  made.  Its  great  defect  is  that  it  is  not  always  available. 

§  499.  Artificial  lights.  —  Kerosene  (petroleum)  and  now  the  electric  lights 
(arc  light,  incandescent  lamp)  are  most  used.  The  io8-watt,  ribbon-filament 
lamp  is  most  convenient  and  suitable  (§  198). 

The  excess  intensity  in  the  red  end  of  the  kerosense  light,  and  to  a  less  degree 
of  the  electric  illuminants,  serves  in  part  at  least  to  compensate  for  the  greater 
sensitivity  of  most  photographic  media  to  the  violet-blue  end  of  the  spectrum. 
(See  figures  211-213.) 

For  many  purposes  the  line  spectra  of  the  high  pressure,  capillary  mercury 
arc  are  of  advantage,  especially  the  blue,  green  and  orange  wave-lengths  which 
with  suitable  screens  or  filters  can  be  used  separately  or  in  combination,  depend- 
ing on  the  character  of  the  object  to  be  photographed  (fig.  129  A). 

Ultra-violet  and  infra-red  radiations  are  also  coming  to  have  a  prominent 
place  in  photo-micrography  and  in  general  photography.  See  especially  the 
Kodak  manuals  in  the  collateral  reading. 

§  500.  Mutual  adaptation  of  color  screen  and  light.  —  As  the 
color  screen  is  for  a  very  definite  purpose  in  absorbing  certain  parts 


of  the  light,  it  follows  that  the  character  of  the  light  and  that  of  the 
color  screen  must  be  mutually  adapted.  For  example,  it  is  self-evi- 
dent that  the  same  color  screen  for  a  given  preparation  would  not 
serve  for  both  daylight  and  the  light  from  a  mazda  lamp  (see  fig. 
45).  So  also  the  same  color  screen  would  not  be  successful  if 
used  both  for  the  mazda  light  and  for  the  light  of  a  kerosene  flame. 

For  the  most  successful  use  of  color  screens  and  different  light 
sources,  one  should  have  curves  of  the  intensity  of  the  light  in  dif- 
ferent parts  of  the  visible  spectrum  like  that  for  the  rnazda  lamp  and 
sunlight  (fig.  45).  Then  one  should  know  the  absorption  by  each 
color  filter  for  each  kind  of  light.  Knowing  these  facts  and  the 
absorbing  and  transmitting  qualities  of  his  specimens,  and  the  sensi- 
tiveness of  the  photographic  plates  used,  one  could  make  intelligent 
selections  and  reasonably  expect  good  results. 

§  501.  Exposure  with  color  screens.  —  The  color  screen  naturally 
increases  the  time  of  exposure.  It  depends  on  the  color  and  density 
of  the  screen.  In  general  the  exposure  is  increased  from  2  to  5 
times.  The  increase  necessary  is  usually  given  by  the  manufacturers, 
therefore  each  individual  worker  does  not  have  to  find  out  by 
experiment.  There  is  plenty  of  opportunity  for  the  use  of  his 
judgment  with  the  different  qualities  of  his  specimens  (§  49?) • 

§  502.  Developers.  —  It  is  best  to  use  the  developers  recom- 
mended by  the  manufacturers  of  the  plates  used.  The  experts 
employed  by  the  manufacturers  have  found  the  best  means  for 
developing  the  plates,  and  it  is  safe  to  follow  their  advice.  One 
usually  has  a  choice  of  developers;  and  as  a  general  statement  it 
should  be  said  that  the  beginner  would  be  wise  to  prefer  a  slow 
developer,  for  it  allows  a  greater  latitude  than  a  rapid  developer. 
In  general,  a  developer  containing  much  bromide  works  slowly  and 
gives  very  strong  contrasts.  Sometimes  this  is  desirable,  but  often 
it  is  better  to  get  the  soft  effects  that  come  with  a  small  amount  of 
bromide.  If  one  studies  the  little  manuals  sent  out  by  the  manu- 
facturers, there  will  be  found  formulae  which  give  the  various 
effects  desired.  (See  collateral  reading  suggested  at  the  end  of  the 

§  503.  Light  to  develop  by.  —  The  light  which  can  be  used  in  the 



[CH.  X 

dark  room  depends  upon  the  sensitiveness  of  the  plates  or  the  print- 
ing paper  used.  The  more  sensitive  the  plates  or  paper,  the  less 
light.  Furthermore,  the  sensitiveness  to  the  different  wave  lengths 
is  also  important  to  consider.  If  the  plates  are  sensitive  only  to  the 
violet-blue  of  the  spectrum,  the  dark  room  can  be  quite  brightly 
lighted  with  red  light  with  entire  safety.  If  isochromatic  or  ortho- 
chromatic  plates  are  used,  they  are  sensitive  to  the  spectrum  up  to 
and  including  yellow,  and  hence  the  dark-room  light  must  exclude 
those,  or  be  red  only. 
For  panchromatic  plates  which  are  sensitive  to  all  wave  lengths 

(From  Optic  Projection). 

the  only  safe  method  is  to  develop  in  total  darkness,  for  any  light 
will  fog  the  plate  if  it  acts  sufficiently  upon  it.  Sometimes  very 
dark  green  is  used,  for  the  eye  is  most  sensitive  to  green  if  the  light 
is  very  dim,  although  for  bright  light  the  eye  is  most  sensitive  to 
yellow.  But  to  be  able  to  see  clearly  enough  to  determine  the  stage 
of  development  by  the  green  light  dim  enough  to  be  safe,  one  must 
be  in  the  dark  room  for  half  an  hour  or  more.  The  total  darkness 
method  is  safest.  One  learns  rather  quickly  to  work  in  total  dark- 
ness, and  the  time  during  which  development  goes  on  can  be  deter- 
mined by  counting  seconds,  or  by  a  signal  clock  ringing  minutes  or 
by  an  alarm  clock  which  can  be  set  at  the  beginning  for  the  esti- 
mated time  to  be  used.  Or  finally,  one  can  develop  in  a  tray 
which  is  covered  so  that  no  light  can  reach  the  plate;  then  the 
ordinary  dark-room  light  can  be  turned  on  from  time  to  time  to  see 
when  the  estimated  period  for  development  has  been  reached. 


It  is  far  safer  to  use  too  little  light  for  developing  rather  than  too 
much.  For  ordinary  or  for  isochromatic  plates  only  a  brief  glance 
occasionally  is  all  that  is  needed.  If  one  holds  the  plate  in  the  dark- 
room light  during  the  whole  development  or  for  a  considerable  time 
there  is  almost  always  a  thin  veil  of  fog  which  lessens  the  crispness 
of  the  picture. 

The  wisdom  of  the  advice  to  develop  isochromatic  or  ordinary 
plates  with  as  small  an  exposure  to  the  dark-room  light  as  possible 
can  be  demonstrated  by  the  beginner  in  the  following  experiment 
which  he  is  advised  to  try. 

Put  an  isochromatic  or  orthochromatic  plate  in  the  plate  holder. 
Pull  out  the  dark  slide  till  one  or  two  centimeters  of  the  film  is  ex- 
posed, then  leave  this  for  half  a  minute  close  to  the  developing-room 
light.  Pull  out  the  slide  another  centimeter  or  two  and  expose 
again  to  the  dark-room  light.  Continue  till  the  entire  plate  has  been 
exposed.  The  List  segment  will  have  an  exposure  of  half  a  minute, 
next  to  the  last  a  whole  minute,  and  so  on.  Now  develop  the  pic- 
ture in  the  ordinary  way  and  the  chances  are  that  the  plate  will 
show  very  marked  light  effects,  and  the  different  segments  in  pro- 
portion to  the  time  they  were  exposed  to  the  dark-room  light. 

§  504.  Time  development.  —  Assuming  that  the  correct  plate 
and  color  screen  are  used,  careful  experiments  made  in  the  scientific 
laboratories  of  the  large  plate  manufacturers  have  shown  that  the 
best  method  of  developing  photographic  negatives  is  that  of  devel- 
oping a  definite  time  at  a  definite  temperature  of  the  developer. 
The  time  and  temperature  must,  of  course,  be  determined  for  the 
special  plate  and  composition  of  developer  to  be  used.  The  variable 
then  is  the  exposure  of  the  plate.  A  perfectly  timed  plate  will  con- 
tain all  the  desired  detail  in  the  shadows  and  just  sufficient  density 
in  the  high  lights  so  that  the  print  will  be  sufficiently  white.  The 
deepest  shadows  in  such  a  negative  will  be  almost  perfectly  trans- 

A  convenient  and  safe  method  of  developing  plates  by  the  time 
method  without  having  the  room  absolutely  dark  and  without  expos- 
ing the  plate  to  any  harmful  light,  is  the  following:  The  dark-room 
saf elight  is  directed  away  from  the  developing  tray  and  a  shield  put 

400  PHOTOGRAPHY  [Cn.  X 

in  position  to  further  screen  it.  An  alarm  or  other  large-faced  clock, 
with  second  hand,  is  put  close  to  the  safelight.  This  light  may  then 
be  very  dim  and  still  illuminate  the  clock  face  sufficiently.  If  using 
isochromatic  or  orthochromatic  plates,  the  red  safelight  is  good; 
but  if  panchromatic  or  spectrum  plates  are  used,  the  green  safelight 
is  better.  The  exceedingly  minute  amount  of  light  reaching  the 
plate  from  the  safelight  as  here  recommended  can  cause  no  damage 
(Henry  Phelps  Gage,  Optical  Department,  Corning  Glass  Works). 

§505.  Choice  of  plates*  and  color  screens.  —  The  hints  given 
in  the  little  manuals  sent  out  by  the  manufacturers  on  request  by 
their  patrons  give  excellent  hints  for  the  selection  of  plates  and  color 
screens  for  a  wide  variety  of  objects.  The  beginner  cannot  do  better 
than  to  follow  those  suggestions  faithfully,  until  his  own  experience 
enables  him  to  supplement  those  suggestions.  Finally,  of  course, 
one  wishes  to  be  able  to  use  his  own  judgment. 

In  general,  if  any  color  is  present  in  the  object  to  be  photo- 
graphed, one  will  have  better  success  with  isochromatic  or  ortho- 
chromatic  plates,  which  are  sensitive  to  violet-blue,  green,  and 
yellow,  than  with  the  ordinary  plates,  which  are  sensitive  only  to 
the  violet-blue  of  the  spectrum  (figs.  211-212).  If  the  colors  in- 
volved contain  orange  and  red,  the  isochromatic  plates  are  not 
adequate,  and  one  must  then  use  panchromatic  or  spectrum  plates, 
sensitive  to  all  wave  lengths  (fig.  213). 

For  the  color  screen  to  employ,  remember  that  color  screens  are 
not  of  real  use  for  ordinary  plates  sensitive  only  to  violet  and  blue. 
For  isochromatic  plates  yellow  color  screens  are  very  helpful  for 
reducing  the  excessive  effect  of  the  violet  and  blue  (§492)  or  for  cut- 
ting them  out  altogether  in  getting  contrast  effects  (§  493).  The 
same  is  true  for  panchromatic  plates,  only  here  a  wider  range  of 
color  screens  can  be  used  to  get  any  desired  contrast  or  compen- 
sating effect. 


§  506.  Photographs  in  natural  colors.  —  This  has  been  the  aim 
of  experts  in  photography  ever  since  its  first  invention.  Lately 
methods  have  been  devised  by  which  surprisingly  true  color  photo- 


graphs  have  been  produced.  These  color  pictures  are  better  adapted 
to  large  objects  than  to  those  with  fine  details  such  as  are  observed 
with  the  microscope.  Still,  many  objects  are  fairly  well  represented 
in  photo-micrographs. 

The  author's  experience  in  color  photography  has  been  limited 
to  the  "  Autochrome  Process  "  (colored  starch  grain  process).  The 
directions  in  the  small  manual  sent  out  with  the  plates  are  very 
clear.  Any  one  familiar  with  the  ordinary  photographic  processes 
can  succeed  in  color  photography.  It  may  be  said  in  passing  that 
the  pictures  taken  by  this  process  are  transparencies  and  must  be 
looked  at  as  such  to  bring  out  the  colors.  Furthermore,  as  colors 
are  truly  rendered  only  in  daylight  or  by  artificial  daylight,  these 
transparencies  must  be  illuminated  by  natural  or  artificial  daylight 
for  a  true  rendering  of  the  color. 

While  these  pictures  cannot  be  used  as  negatives  to  give  paper 
prints  in  colors,  they  can  be  used  as  colored  pictures  to  get  the 
proper  negatives  for  printing  by  the  three-color  process,  so  that  with 
a  good  autochrome  transparency,  colored  pictures  for  books  and 
magazines  can  be  produced  without  any  hand  being  taken  in  the 
process  by  an  artist;  and  for  many  things  the  transparency  gives  a 
truth  and  delicacy  in  coloring  not  attainable  by  the  artist's  brush. 

§  507.  Photography  with  ultra-violet  radiation.  —  As  the  finest 
details  of  structure  are  more  clearly  brought  out  by  the  shorter 
wave  lengths,  it  has  been  hoped  for  a  long  time  that  it  would  be 
finally  possible  to  utilize  the  ultra-violet  rays  in  photography,  if 
not  in  vision. 

As  shown  in  the  chapter  on  the  ultra-violet  microscope,  quartz 
or  other  ultra-violet  transmitting  substance  must  be  used  for  the 
reflector,  the  condenser  and  the  slip  for  supporting  the  specimen. 
If  one  is  to  make  photographs  by  the  shorter  ultra-violet  wave 
lengths  the  cover-slip,  •  the  objectives  and  the  oculars  must  also 
be  of  ultra-violet  transmitting  material  like  quartz,  corex,  etc. 
These  materials  are  expensive,  and  it  requires  a  high  degree  of  skill 
on  the  part  of  the  operator  to  manage  the  source  of  radiation  and, 
indeed,  the  entire  instrument.  In  spite  of  the  difficulties,  the 
promise  of  a  fuller  understanding  of  structure  has  spurred  men  on, 

402  PHOTOGRAPHY  [Cn.  X 

and  good  results  have  already  been  attained.  Promise  of  still 
greater  results  is  bringing  out  new  means  and  methods  constantly. 
It  may  be  remarked  in  passing,  that  with  the  apochromatic  objec- 
tives, good  photographs  may  be  taken  with  radiation  of  wave  length 
as  short  as  365  m/z  (.0365^)  (3650  A). 

BECK,  CONRAD.  —  The  Microscope,  1938  ed  ,  p.  197+  , 

DR.  AUGUST  KOHLER.  —  Eine  mikrophotographische  Einrichtung  fur  ultravio- 
lettes  Licht  (275  m/i)  und  damit  angestellte  Untersuchungen  organischer 
Gewebe.  Physikalische  Zeitschrift,  5  Jahrgang,  pp.  666-673.  Four  text 
figures  of  apparatus. 

Mikrophotographische  Untersuchungen  mit  ultraviolettem  Licht.  Zeit- 
schrift fur  wissenschaftliche  Mikroskopie  und  fur  mikroskopische  Technik. 
Band  XXI,  1904,  pp.  129-165,  und  273-304,  six  plates. 

ERNST,  HAROLD  C.,  M.  D.  AND  WOLBACH,  S.  B.,  M.  D.  —  Ultra- Violet  Photo- 
micrography. The  Journal  of  Medical  Research,  Vol.  XIV,  (N.  S.  vol.  ix. 
No.  3)  pp.  463-469,  April,  1906,  seven  plates. 

LUCAS,  FRANCIS  F.  (Bell  Telephone  Laboratories).  —  The  Architecture  of  Living 
Celts.  A  discussion  of  recent  advances  in  methods  of  biological  research  by 
means  of  optical  sectioning  with  the  ultra-violet  microscope.  Proceedings 
of  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences,  Vol.  16,  pp.  599-607,  Sept.  1930.  6 
plates,  5  text  figures. 

LUCAS  AND  STARK.  —  Jour.  Morph.,  vol.  52,  1931,  pp.  91-113.  Many  photo-micro- 
graphs by  ultra-violet. 

MARTIN,  L.  C.  —  Some  recent  developments  in  Microscopy.  Journal  of  the 
Royal  Society  of  Arts,  Vol.  79,  1931,  pp.  871-885;  887-896.  Polarizing  and 
Ultra- Violet  Microscopes. 

Optic  Projection,  by  S.  H.  &  H.  P.  Gage. 

The  Wratten  Booklets  on  Photographic  Plates  and  Color  Filters. 

The  Photography  of  Colored  Objects,  by  C.  E.  Kenneth  Mees. 

Photo-micrography.    Published  by  the  Eastman  Kodak  Co. 

Seed  Plates,  formulie  and  directions.    Eastman  Kodak  Co. 
Furnished  by  the  G.  Cramer  Dry  Plate  Company: 

Cramer's  Manual  on  Negative  Making  and  Formulas. 

Isochromatic  Landscape  Photography. 

The  Photographing  of  Color  Contrasts. 

Dry  Plates  and  Filters  for  Trichromatic  Work. 

Photo-micrographic  and  Spectrographic  Color  Filters. 

These  brochures  are  naturally  very  recent  and  give  the  meat  of  the  informa- 
tion at  present  available  on  the  kind  of  photographic  plates  available  and  the 
proper  color  niters  to  use  with  them  to  produce  the  best  effects  with  different 
colored  objects  in  gross  photography  and  in  photo-micrography. 

For  the  sensitiveness  of  the  human  eye  to  the  different  parts  of  the  spectrum 
see:  Herbert  E.  Ives,  Philosophical  Magazine,  Vol.  XXIV,  6th  ser.  Dec.  1912, 
pp.  853-863;  P.  G.  Nutting,  Transaction  of  the  Illuminating  Engineering  So- 
ciety, 1914,  pp.  633-642. 

Photo- technique.  —  New  York,  1940  -f  . 




§§508-616;   FIGURES  216-249 

§  608.  Slides,  glass  slides  or  slips,  microscopic  slides  or  slips.  — 
These  are  strips  of  clear,  flat  glass  quartz  or  corex  upon  which 
microscopic  specimens  are  usually  mounted  for  preservation  and 
ready  examination.  The  size  that  has  been  almost  universally 
adopted  for  ordinary  preparations  is  25  X  76  millimeters  (i  X  3 
inches).  For  rock  sections,  slides  25  x  45  mm.  or  32  X  32  mm.  are 
used;  for  serial  sections,  slides  25  x  76  mm.,  38  X  76  mm.  or 
50  X  76  mm.  are  used. 

For  the  ultra-violet  microscope  the  slips  must  be  transparent  to 
the  ultra-violet  radiation.  Quartz  is  best.  The  Corex  1).  glass  of 
the  Corning  Glass  Works  is  also  good  and  much  less  expensive 

As  these  quartz  and  corex  slips  look  like  glass,  it  seems  to  the 
author  that  a  different  size  should  be  used,  therefore  he  has  adopted 
that  of  25  x  65  mm.  (i  x  2.6  inches).  Tt  is  also  desirable  to  put 
the  name  on  one  end  with  a  writing  diamond  (fig.  218). 

For  special  purposes,  glass  slips  of  the  necessary  size  are  employed 
without  regard  to  any  conventional  standard. 

Thick  slips  are  preferred  by  many  to  thin  ones.  They  should 
correspond  in  thickness  with  the  working  distance  of  the  condenser 
with  which  one  works,  especially  if  that  is  of  the  achromatic-apla- 
natic  type.  Dr.  Chamot  recommends  that  they  be  of  half  length  for 
chemical  work.  He  adds  further:  "  It  is  a  great  misfortune  tha£  the 
colorless  glass  slips  used  in  America  and  so  excellent  for  ordinary 
microscopic  work  should  be  easily  attacked  by  all  liquids;  even 
water  extracts  a  relatively  enormous  amount  of  alkalies  and  alkaline 
earths.  The  slips  of  greenish  glass,  while  not  as  neat  or  desirable 
for  general  microscopy,  seem  to  be  decidedly  more  resistant,  and  are 




therefore  preferable."    Transparent  celluloid  slides  are  recommended 
by  Behrens  for  work  where  hydrofluoric  acid  and  its  derivatives 



B  £ 



CO     * 





8   I 



«    E 


MD        § 

<9    u> 


3  w 

1    » 



o    3 

i  x 

8  » 
o  w 


fi  cS 








8    £ 


«    E 


<9    u> 



1      10 


0       K 




0    * 



are  to  be  examined.     (Chamot,  Jour.  Appl.  Micr.,  vol.  iii,  p.  793. 
Chemical  Microscopy,  pp.  123-124). 



§  509.  Thickness  of  slips  for  special  purposes.  —  It  is  very  im- 
portant to  observe  strictly  the  requirements  for  the  thickness  of 
slip  for  special  purposes.  As  pointed  out  in  discussing  the  dark- 
ground  condenser  (§  194),  the  slip  must  be  thin  enough  so  that  the 
focus  of  the  condenser  will  be  just  above  the  upper  surface  where 
the  object  is  mounted.  If  the  slip  is  too  thick,  the  focus  will  be 
beneath  the  object  and  the  best  light  cannot  be  obtained.  So 
likewise  with  the  best  achromatic  condensers,  especially  when  used 
as  homogeneous  immersion  condensers  (§  265),  if  the  slip  is  too 
thick,  the  focus  of  the  condenser  will  fall  below  the  object  and  the 
best  and  most  critical  images  cannot  be  obtained. 

It  is  better  to  use  a  slip  thinner  than  the  maximum  permissible, 
and  plenty  of  homogeneous  liquid  between  the  slip  and  the  con- 
denser, then  the  condenser  can  be  lowered  until  its  focus  is  upon 
the  object.  This  applies  equally  with  the  dark-ground  condenser. 
For  getting  the  thickness  of  the  slips,  use  the  micrometer  calipers  or 
a  cover-glass  measurer  (figs.  219-220). 

Co  rex 




25  x  65  mm. 

These  are  transparent  to  ultra-violet,  and  should  be  used  whenever  the 
specimens  are  to  be  examined  under  the  ultra-violet  microscope. 

§  510.  Cleaning  slips  for  ordinary  use.  —  Place  new  slips  that 
are  to  be  wiped  at  once  in  a  glass  vessel  of  distilled  water  contain- 
ing 5%  ammonia.  For  wiping  the  slips  use  a  lintless  or  a  well- 
washed  linen  towel.  One  may  avoid  large  wash  bills  by  using 
absorbent  gauze  (§  5ioa). 

In  handling  the  slips  grasp  them  by  the  edges.  Cover  the  ringers 
of  the  right  hand  with  the  wiping  towel  or  the  gauze  and  rub  both 

406  CABINETS;    SLIPS  AND   COVERS;    MOUNTING         [Cn.  XI 

faces  with  it.  When  the  slide  is  wiped  thoroughly  dry,  place  it  in  a 
dry  glass  jar  or  for  larger  numbers  use  a  museum  jar  (fig.  248). 
Soap  and  water  are  also  recommended  for  new  slips. 

Alcohol  of  50%  to  82%  is  also  excellent  for  cleaning  new  slips, 
and  for  those  which  have  been  freed  from  mounting  media  by  boil- 
ing (§  511)  after  a  thorough  rinsing  in  clean  water. 

§  610a.  Absorbent  gauze  and  lintless  towels.  —  The  gauze  mentioned  is 
No.  10,  sterilized  absorbent  gauze.  It  is  sometimes  called  bleached  cheese  cloth. 
In  the  author's  laboratory  it  is  cut  into  pieces,  i,  J,  /#  °f  a  yafd.  When  a  piece 
is  soiled,  it  is  thrown  away.  There  has  recently  appeared  specially  prepared 
towels  for  wiping  glass,  etc,,  which  are  called  "lintless,"  as  practically  no  lint  is 
left  on  the  wiped  object.  These  are  f urnishe  1  by  Johnson  &  Johnson  of  New 
York,  and  cost  about  15  cents  each  in  a  size  42  X  yo  cm. 

§  511.  Cleaning  used  slips.  —  If  only  watery  substances  or  gly- 
cerin or  glycerin  jelly  have  been  used,  one  may  soak  the  slips  over- 
night in  ammonia  water,  then  change  the  water  for  fresh  and  wipe 
as  described  in  §  510. 

When  balsam  or  other  resinous  media  (§  564)  have  been  used,  it  is 
best  to  heat  the  slips  over  a  Bunsen  flame  and  remove  the  cover- 
glass.  Place  the  covers  in  cleaning  mixture  (§  519).  The  slip  may 
also  be  placed  in  cleaning  mixture  or  in  some  hot  water  containing 
10%  gold  dust  or  other  strong  alkaline  cleaner.  When  the  metal 
basin  —  preferably  an  agateware  basin  —  is  two-thirds  full  of  the 
slips,  heat  until  the  water  comes  to  a  boil.  Then  let  it  cool.  Add 
fresh  water  and  most  of  the  slips  may  be  wiped  clean. 

If  dichromate  cleaning  mixture  is  used,  the  best  method  is  to  have 
a  museum  jar  of  it  and  drop  the  slips  in  as  they  are  rejected,  or  a 
large  number  at  once,  as  is  most  convenient.  It  may  require  a  week 
or  more  to  clean  the  slips  with  cleaning  mixture.  As  this  is  a  very 
corrosive  mixture  for  metals,  use  only  glass  dishes  in  dipping  into 
it.  When  the  slips  are  freed  from  balsam,  etc.,  pour  off  the  clean- 
ing mixture  into  another  glass  vessel  and  allow  a  stream  of  water  to 
flow  over  the  slips  until  all  the  cleaning  mixture  has  been  washed 
away.  Then  add  water  and  wipe  the  slips  from  that.  Any  slips 
still  not  freed  from  the  balsam  should  be  put  back  into  the  cleaning 

§  512.   Cleaning  slips  for  special  uses.  —  In  making  blood  films, 


for  micro-chemistry  and  whenever  an  even  film  is  desired,  every 
particle  of  oily  substance  must  be  removed,  and  every  other  foreign 
substance.  In  a  word  the  glass  must  be  made  thoroughly  clean. 
To  accomplish  this  end  the  writer  has  found  a  slight  modification 
of  the  method  of  Stitt  the  most  effective  and  convenient.  (See 
Stitt,  "  Practical  Bacteriology,  Blood  Work  and  Animal  Parasi- 
tology,"  yth  ed.,  1923,  p.  299).  New  slips  or  those  that  have  been 
cleaned  as  described  in  §  511,  are  placed  one  by  one  into  a  glass  or 
agateware  dish  containing  an  emulsion  of  bon  ami.  For  the  emul- 
sion 5  grams  of  the  bon  ami  powder  is  stirred  up  with  100  cc.  of 
water.  The  slips  are  stirred  around  in  this  emulsion  and  then  taken 
out  one  by  one  and  set  up  on  end  on  blotting  paper  or  gauze  to  dry. 
When  thoroughly  dry,  they  are  placed  in  a  box  for  future  use. 
Whenever  a  slip  is  needed,  it  is  wiped  well  with  a  piece  of  fresh 
white  gauze  or  one  of  the  lintless  towels.  As  remarked  by  Stitt, 
this  is  better  than  any  other  single  method  or  all  of  the  others  com- 

The  gauze  mentioned  is  of  the  heavier  grade,  white  and  ab- 
sorbent. It  has  been  used  several  years  in  our  laboratories,  and  has 
been  found  satisfactory  and  economical.  For  use  a  square  yard 
is  cut  into  16  equal  pieces  for  cleaning  and  polishing  glass  slips. 
For  cover-glasses  a  square  yard  is  cut  into  64  equal  pieces.  In 
taking  blood  samples  one  of  these  small  pieces  should  be  used  but 
once  and  then  discarded. 

The  best  way  to  tell  when  slips  or  cover-glasses  are  free  from  a 
surface  film  is  to  drop  some  water  upon  the  glass  and  then  incline  it 
to  a  sloping  position.  If  the  glass  surface  is  clean,  the  water  will  run 
over  the  glass  and  leave  a  wet  track.  If  a  film  of  oily  substance  is 
present,  the  water  will  crawl  and  form  ridges  or  droplets  and  will  not 
leave  a  smooth  wet  surface.  Sometimes  it  is  almost  impossible  to 
get  a  slip  so  that  a  film  of  blood  or  other  substance  can  be  spread 
evenly  upon  it.  Probably  the  simplest  thing  in  such  a  case  is  to  use 
such  a  slip  for  mounting  sections  in  balsam;  but  Chamot,  pp.  149- 
150,  says  that  they  may  in  many  cases  be  made  suitable  by  passing 
them  slowly  through  a  Bunsen  flame. 

§  513.   Cover-glasses  or  covering  glasses.  —  These  are  circular 

408  CABINETS;    SLIPS  AND  COVERS;    MOUNTING         [Cn.  XI 

or  quadrangular  pieces  of  thin  glass  used  for  covering  and  protecting 
microscopic  objects.  They  should  be  very  thin,  to  0.25  milli- 
meter. It  is  better  never  to  use  a  cover-glass  over  0.20  mm.  thick, 
then  the  preparation  may  be  studied  with  a  2  mm.  oil  immersion  as 
well  as  with  lower  objectives.  Except  for  objects  wholly  unsuited 
for  high  powers,  it  is  a  great  mistake  to  use  cover-glasses  thicker 
than  the  working  distance  of  a  homogeneous  objective  (§  101). 
Indeed,  if  one  wishes  to  employ  high  powers,  the  thicker  the  section 
the  thinner  should  be  the  cover-glass. 

The  cover-glass  should  always  be  considerably  larger  than  the  object 
over  which  it  is  placed. 

§  514.  Cleaning  cover-glasses  for  ordinary  use.  —  Covers  may 
be  cleaned  well  by  placing  them  in  82%  or  95%  alcohol  containing- 
hydrochloric  acid  one  per  cent.  They  may  be  wiped  almost  imme- 

Remove  a  cover  from  the  alcohol,  grasping  by  the  edge  with  the 
left  thumb  and  index.  Cover  the  right  thumb  and  index  with  some 
clean  gauze  or  other  absorbent  cloth;  grasp  the  cover  between  the 
thumb  and  index  and  rub  the  surfaces,  keeping  the  thumb  and 
index  well  opposed  on  directly  opposite  faces  of  the  cover  so  that  no 
strain  will  come  on  it,  otherwise  the  cover  is  likely  to  be  broken. 

When  a  cover  is  dry  hold  it  up  and  look  through  it  toward  some 
dark  object.  The  cover  will  be  seen  partly  by  transmitted  and 
partly  by  reflected  light,  and  any  cloudiness  will  be  easily  detected. 
If  the  cover  does  not  look  clear,  breathe  on  the  faces  and  wipe 
again.  If  it  is  not  possible  to  get  a  cover  clean  in  this  way,  it 
should  be  put  again  into  the  cleaning  mixture  or  thrown  away. 

As  the  covers  are  wiped  put  them  in  a  clean  shell-vial  (fig.  227), 
glass  box  or  Petri  dish.  Handle  them  by  their  edges,  or  use  fine 
forceps.  Do  not  put  the  fingers  on  the  faces  of  the  covers,  for  that 
will  surely  cloud  them. 

§  515.  Cleaning  cover-glasses  for  special  uses.  —  As  with  glass 
slips,  cover-glasses  intended  for  films  or  other  purposes  where  the 
least  particles  of  oily  substance  or  other  foreign  material  must  be 
removed,  are  most  satisfactorily  cleaned  by  Stitt's  bon  ami  method. 
New  cover-glasses  or  cleaned  used  ones  are  put  into  a  bon  ami 



FIG.  219. 


emulsion,  5  grams  to  100  cc.  of  water,  in  a  shallow  dish  like  a  saucer 
or  plate  and  moved  about  somewhat. 

They  are  then  taken 
out  one  by  one  and  set 
on  edge  against  and 
on  clean  blotting  paper 
or  gauze  exactly  as 
for  slips  (§512);  or, 
following  Mt.  Holyoke 
College,  a  tray  is 
covered  with  clean 
gauze  and  the  covers 
laid  one  by  one  upon 
it.  The  tray  is  inclined  to  about  40  degrees  and  when  the  excess 
liquid  has  run  down  to  the  lower  edge  of  the  covers,  it  is  blotted 

off.    When  dry,  the  covers  are  stored 

in  a  glass  box. 
When   ready  to   use   a  cover-glass, 

wipe  it  with  one  of  the  small  pieces  of 

gauze.   If  especially  exacting,  use  a  fresh 
FIG.  22o;  STARRETT'S  PAPER-  piece  of  gauze  for  each  cover. 

Ordinarily    many   cover-glasses   and 

slips  are  cleaned  at  one  time  and 
stored  for  future  use.  If  the  preparations  are  to  be  mounted  in 
Canada  balsam,  this  method  answers  fairly  well,  but  it  is  not  satis- 
factory in  dark-field  microscopy.  Experience  also  shows  that  even 
when  stored  in  glass  receptacles,  the  cleaned  covers  and  slips  gradu- 
ally accumulate  a  surface  film  which  renders  them  unfit  for  even 
balsam  mounts  unless  they  are  recleaned.  The  cleaning  is  so  rapid 
and  thorough  by  the  Stitt  bon  ami  method  that  even  for  mounting 
series  it  is  not  a  great  burden  to  wipe  the  slips  and  covers  as  they 
are  needed. 

§  516.   Cleaning  large  cover-glasses  for  serial  sections.  —  These 
large,  quadrangular  covers  are  put  one  by  one  in  bon  ami  emulsion 
and  treated  in  every  way  like  the  glass  slips  and  small  cover-glasses. 
§  517.  Measuring  the   thickness  of  cover-glasses.  —  It  is  de- 




410  CABINETS;    SLIPS  AND   COVERS;    MOUNTING         [Cn.  XI 

sirable  to  know  the  thickness  of  the  covers:  for  (a)  in  study- 
ing the  preparation  one  would  not  try  to  use  objectives  of  a  shorter 
working  distance  than  the  thickness  of  the  cover  (§  101);  (b)  in 
using  adjustable  objectives  with  the  collar  graduated  for  different 
thicknesses  of  cover,  the  collar  can  be  set  at  a  favorable  point  with- 
out loss  of  time;  (c)  for  unadjustable  objectives  the  thickness  of 
cover  may  be  selected  corresponding  to  that  for  which  the  objective 
was  corrected  (§  254).  Furthermore,  if  there  is  a  variation  from  the 
standard,  one  may  remedy  it,  in  part  at  least,  by  lengthening  the 
tube  if  the  cover  is  thinner,  and  shortening  it  if  the  cover  is  thicker 
than  the  standard  (§  256). 

Among  the  so-called  No.  i  cover-glasses  of  the  dealers  in  micro- 
scopical supplies,  the  writer  has  found  covers  varying  from  0,10  mm. 
to  0.35  mm.  To  use  cover-glasses  of  so  wide  a  variation  in  thickness 
without  knowing  whether  one  has  a  thick  or  thin  one  is  simply  to 
ignore  the  fundamental  principles  by  which  correct  microscopic 
images  are  obtained. 

From  information  supplied  by  Mr.  Edward  Pennock  the  thickness 
of  various  cover-glasses  should  be  within  the  following  limits: 

No.  i  cover-glasses.  ...0.12  to  o.  18  mm. 

No.  2   0.18  to  0.25  mm. 

No.  3   o.  25  to  o  50  mm. 

No.  o   o.  10  mm.  slightly  more  or  less. 

In  general  cover-glasses  thinner  than  the  minimum  (0.12  mm.)  of 
No.  i,  actual  measurement,  will,  as  stated  above,  usually  show  a 
much  wider  variation. 

It  is  then  strongly  recommended  that  every  preparation  shall  be 
covered  with  a  cover-glass  whose  thickness  is  known,  and  that  this 
thickness  be  indicated  in  some  way  on  the  label  (fig.  234). 

§  518.  Micrometer  calipers  for  measuring  glass  slips  and  cover- 
glasses. —  The  micrometer  gauges  in  figs.  219-220  are  satisfactory 
for  getting  the  thickness  of  slips  and  covers.  The  paper  gauge 
(fig.  220)  is  a  little  safer  for  cover-glasses  as  they  are  grasped  by  a 
broader  surface.  These  instruments  may  be  had  for  the  inch 
standard  or  for  the  millimeter  standard. 


With  these  measures  or  gauges  one  should  be  certain  that  the 
index  stands  at  zero  when  at  rest.  If  the  index  does  not  stand  at 
zero,  it  should  be  adjusted  at  that  point,  otherwise  the  readings  will 
not  be  correct. 

As  the  covers  are  measured,  the  different  thicknesses  should  be 
put  into  different  glass  boxes  and  properly  labeled.  Unless  one  is 
striving  for  the  most  accurate  possible  results,  cover-glasses  varying 
not  more  than  0.06  mm.  may  be  put  in  the  same  box.  For  example, 
if  one  takes  0.15  mm.  as  a  standard,  covers  varying  0.03  mm.  on 
each  side  may  be  put  into  the  same  box.  In  this  case  the  box  would 
contain  covers  of  0.12,  0.13,  0.14,  0.16,  0.16,  0.17,  and  0.18  mm. 

§  519.  Bichromate  cleaning  mixture  for  glass.  —  The  cleaning 
mixture  used  for  cleaning  slides  and  cover-glasses  is  that  commonly 
used  in  chemical  laboratories:  (Dr.  G.  C.  CaldwelPs  Laboratory 
Guide  in  Chemistry.) 

Dichromate  of  potash  (K2Cr207) 200  grams 

Water,  distilled  or  ordinary  (H20) 800  cc. 

Sulphuric  acid  (H2SO4) 1200  cc. 

As  great  heat  is  developed  in  the  reaction  on  mixing  the  sulphuric 
acid  with  the  watery  solution  of  dichromate,  it  is  necessary  to  use 
heat-resisting  vessels.  The  best  so  far  employed  are  those  made  of 
pyrex  glass.  Use  ordinary  tap  water  and  the  commercial  dichro- 
mate and  strong  sulphuric  acid.  Chemically  pure  ingredients  are 
not  demanded. 

Dissolve  the  dichromate  in  the  water  by  the  aid  of  heat.  Use  for 
this  an  agate  dish.  Now  place  the  pyrex  dish  in  the  sink  on  some 
asbestos  or  a  piece  of  board.  Pour  the  warm  solution  of  dichro- 
mate into  the  pyrex  dish,  and  then  add  the  sulphuric  acid,  stirring 
the  liquid  with  a  glass  rod.  The  reaction  is  so  great  that  the  liquid 
will  boil  violently.  An  abundance  of  chromic  acid  crystals  will  form 
as  the  sulphuric  acid  is  added.  Let  the  pyrex  dish  remain  in  the 
sink  until  the  cleaning  mixture  is  cool  and  then  pour  it  into  a  glass- 
stoppered  bottle  for  storage. 

If  the  dichromate  is  well  pulverized,  it  can  be  put  directly  into  the 
pyrex  dish  with  the  requisite  amount  of  water,  and  the  sulphuric 
acid  added  as  directed. 

412  CABINETS;    SLIPS  AND  COVERS;    MOUNTING         [Cn.  XI 

This  is  an  excellent  cleaning  mixture  and  is  practically  odorless. 
It  is  exceedingly  corrosive  and  must  be  kept  in  glass  vessels.  It 
may  be  used  more  than  once,  but  when  the  color  changes  markedly 
from  that  seen  in  the  fresh  mixture  it  should  be  thrown  away.  An 
indefinite  sojourn  of  the  slides  and  covers  in  the  cleaner  does  not 
seem  to  injure  them, 


§  620.  Mounting  a  microscopic  object  is  so  arranging  it  upon 
some  suitable  support  and  in  some  suitable  mounting  medium  that 
it  may  be  satisfactorily  studied  with  the  microscope. 

The  cover-glass  on  a  permanent  preparation  should  always  be  con- 
siderably larger  than  the  object;  and  where  several  objects  are  put  under 
one  cover-glass,  as  with  serial  sections,  it  may  be  confusing  to  crowd 
them  too  closely  together. 

§  621.  Temporary  mounting;  normal  fluids.  —  In  a  great  many 
cases  objects  do  not  need  to  be  preserved;  they  are  then  mounted 
in  any  way  to  enable  one  best  to  study  them,  and  after  the  study 
the  cover-glass  is  removed,  and  the  slide  cleaned  for  future  use. 
In  the  study  of  living  objects,  of  course  only  temporary  preparations 
are  possible.  With  amoebae,  white  blood  corpuscles,  and  many 
other  objects,  both  animal  and  vegetable,  the  living  phenomena  can 
best  be  studied  by  mounting  them  in  the  natural  medium.  That  is, 
for  amoebae,  the  water  in  which  they  are  found;  for  the  white 
blood  corpuscles,  a  drop  of  blood  is  used  and,  as  the  blood  soon 
coagulates,  they  are  in  the  serum.  Sometimes  it  is  not  easy  or  con- 
venient to  get  the  natural  medium;  then  some  liquid  that  has  been 
found  to  serve  in  place  of  the  natural  medium  is  used.  For  many 
things,  water  with  a  little  common  salt  (water  1000  cc.,  common 
salt,  NaCl,  8  grams)  is  employed.  This  is  the  so-called  isotonic  or 
normal  salt  or  saline  solution.  For  the  ciliated  cells  from  frogs  and 
other  amphibia,  nothing  has  been  found  so  good  as  human  spittle. 
Whatever  is  used,  the  object  is  put  on  the  middle  of  the  slide  and  a 
drop  of  the  mounting  medium  added,  and  then  the  cover-glass. 


The  cover  is  best  put  on  with  fine  forceps,  as  shown  in  fig.  221. 
After  the  cover  is  in  place,  'if  the  preparation  is  to  be  studied  for 
some  time,  it  is  better  to  avoid  currents  and  evaporation  by  paint- 
ing a  ring  of  castor  oil  around  the  cover  in  such  a  way  that  part  of 
the  ring  will  be  on  the  slide  and  part  on  the  cover  (fig.  235). 

It  cannot  be  too  strongly  emphasized  that  if  one  is  to  study 
living  or  fresh  tissues,  they  must  be  mounted  in  a  liquid  which  will 
not  injure  them.  The  liquid  in  which  they  are  naturally  found  is 
of  course  the  most  nearly  normal  of  any,  and  should  be  always  used 
when  possible.  Water  seems  a  very  bland  and  harmless  liquid,  but 
it  has  a  very  decidedly  injurious  effect  on  living  tissues  which  are 
normally  bathed  by  the 
fluids  of  the  body,  for  *  /%  \  \  yiy>e  forCiJis 

-  ,  .     .  fi  ^O  I   s  1  '         r 1 

they  always  contain  salts 
and      colloid      material. 

Distilled   water   is    more  ^  ^    FlNE  FORCEPS  FOR  HANDLING  COVER- 
deleterious  than  tap  water         GLASSES  AND  OTHER  DELICATE  OBJECTS. 
because    it    contains    no 

salts.  It  would  be  deleterious  to  water  organisms,  because  all  nat- 
ural waters  contain  a  greater  or  lesser  quantity  of  organic  and  inor- 
ganic substances  in  solution.  If  the  water  supply  of  a  city  or 
town  has  a  filtration  plant,  the  water  is  likely  to  be  unsuitable 
for  raising  water  forms  like  salamander  embryos,  and  the  em- 
bryos of  the  frogs  and  toads,  besides  many  other  water  forms. 
One  must  take  the  trouble  to  get  the  water  from  the  natural 
breeding  places  if  the  embryos  are  to  be  successfully  raised  in  a 
laboratory.  (See  also  §§  542-543,  606.) 

§  522.  Permanent  mounting.  —  There  are  three  great  methods  of 
making  permanent  microscopic  preparations.  Special  methods  of 
procedure  are  necessary  to  mount  objects  successfully  in  each 
of  these  ways.  The  best  mounting  medium  and  the  best  method  of 
mounting  in  a  given  case  can  be  determined  only  by  experiment. 
In  most  cases  some  previous  observer  has  already  made  the  neces- 
sary experiments  and  furnished  the  desired  information. 

The  three  methods  are  the  following: 

(i)  Dry  or  in  air  (§§  523-526). 

41  4  CABINETS;    SLIPS  AND  COVERS;    MOUNTING         [Cn.  XI 

(2)  In  some  medium  miscible  with  water,  as  glycerin  or  glycerin 

jelly  (§§  527-531)- 

(3)  In  some  medium  like  Canada  balsam,  damar,  petrolatum,  etc. 

§  623.  Mounting  dry  or  in  air.  —  The  object  should  be  thor- 
oughly dry.  If  any  moisture  remains,  it  is  likely  to  cloud  the  cover- 
glass,  and  the  specimen  may  deteriorate.  As  the  specimen  must  be 
sealed,  it  is  necessary  to  prepare  a  cell  slightly  deeper  than  the 
object  is  thick.  This  is  to  support  the  cover-glass,  and  also  to 
prevent  the  running  in  by  capillarity  of  the  sealing  mixture. 

Order  of  procedure  in  mounting  objects  dry  or  in  air. 

1.  A  cell  of  some  kind  is  prepared.    It  should  be  slightly  deeper 
than  the  object  is  thick  (§  525). 

2.  The  object  is  thoroughly  dried  (desiccated)  either  in  dry  air  or 
by  the  aid  of  gentle  heat. 

3.  If  practicable,  the  object  is  mounted  on  the  cover-glass;    if 
not,  it  is  placed  in  the  bottom  of  the  cell. 

4.  The  slide  is  warmed  till  the  cement  forming  the  cell  wall  is 
somewhat  sticky,  or  a  very  thin  coat  of  fresh  cement  is  added;   the 
cover  is  warmed  and  put  on  the  cell  and  pressed  down  all  around  till 
a  shining  ring  indicates  its  adherence. 

5.  The  cover-glass  is  sealed. 

6.  The  slide  is  labeled. 

7.  The  preparation  is  catalogued  and  safely  stored. 

§  624.  Example  of  mounting  dry,  or  in  air.  —  Prepare  a  shallow 
cell  and  dry  it  (§  525).  Select  a  clean  cover-glass  slightly  larger 
than  the  cell.  Pour  upon  the  cover  a  drop  of  10%  solution  of 
salicylic  acid  in  95%  alcohol.  Let  it  dry  spontaneously.  Warm  the 
slide  till  the  cement  ring  or  cell  is  somewhat  sticky;  then  warm 
the  cover  gently  and  put  it  on  the  cell,  crystals  down.  Press  on  the 
cover  all  around  the  edge,  seal,  label  and  catalogue. 

A  preparation  of  mammalian  red  blood  corpuscles  may  be  made 
satisfactorily  by  spreading  a  very  thin  layer  of  fresh  blood  on  a 
cover  with  the  end  of  a  slide.  After  it  is  dry,  warm  gently  to  re- 



move  the  last  traces  of  moisture  and  mount  blood  side  down,  pre- 
cisely as  for  the  crystals.  One  can  get  the  blood  as  directed  for  the 
chylomicrons  in  dark-field  work  (§  212). 

§  526.  Preparation  of  mounting  cells.  —  (A)  Thin  cells.  These 
are  most  conveniently  made  of  some  of  the  cements  used  in  micros- 
copy. Shellac  is  one  of  the  best  and  most  generally  applicable.  To 
prepare  a  shellac  cell  place  the  slide  on  a  turn-table  (fig.  222)  and 
center  it,  that  is,  get  the  center  of  the  slide  over  the  center  of  the 
turn-table.  Select  a  guide  ring  on  the  turn-table  which  is  a  little 
smaller  than  the  cover-glass  to  be  used,  take  the  brush  from  the 
shellac,  being  sure  that  there  is  not  enough  cement  adhering  to  it 


Hand  Rest  The  metal  plate  supporting  the  hand  that  holds  the  brush.  It  can 
be  raised  or  lowered  by  means  of  the  screw  underneath  (s). 

sc    Spring  clips  for  holding  the  slide  in  place. 

gc     Guide  circles  to  aid  in  centering  the  slide  or  the  mounted  object. 

me  Milled  circular  disc  by  which  the  turn-table  is  whirled  when  the  ring  of 
cement  is  being  painted  around  the  cover-glass  or  the  mounting  cell. 

to  drop.  Whirl  the  turn-table  and  hold  the  brush  lightly  on  the 
slide  just  over  the  guide  ring  selected.  An  even  ring  of  cement 
should  result.  If  it  is  uneven,  the  cement  is  too  thick  or  too  thin, 
or  too  much  was  on  the  brush.  After  a  ring  is  thus  prepared  re- 
move the  slide  and  allow  the  cement  to  dry  spontaneously,  or  heat 
the  slide  in  some  way.  Before  the  slide  is  used  for  mounting,  the 
cement  should  be  so  dry  when  it  is  cold  that  it  does  not  dent  when 
the  finger  nail  is  applied  to  it. 

A  cell  of  considerable  depth  may  be  made  with  the  shellac  by 
adding  successive  layers  as  the  previous  one  dries. 

4l6  CABINETS;    SLIPS  AND  COVERS;    MOUNTING        [Cn.  XI 

(B)  Deep  cells  are  sometimes  made  by  building  up  cement  cells, 
but  more  frequently,  paper,  wax,  glass,  hard  rubber  or  some  metal 
is  used  for  the  main  part  of  the  cell.    Paper  rings,  block  tin  or  lead 
rings  are  easily  cut  out  with  gun  punches.    These  rings  are  fastened 
to  the  slide  by  using  some  cement  like  the  shellac. 

(C)  Cells  for  square  and  oblong  covers  can  be  made  freehand. 

§  626.  Sealing  the  cover-glass  for  dry  objects  mounted  in  cells. — 
When  the  cover  is  in  contact  with  the  wall  of  cement  all  around 
(§  523)>  ^e  slide  should  be  placed  on  the  turn-table  and  arranged  so 
that  the  cover-glass  and  cell  wall  will  be  concentric  with  the  guide 
rings  of  the  turn-table.  Then  the  turn-table  is  whirled  and  a  ring 
of  fresh  cement  is  painted,  half  on  the  cover  and  half  on  the  cell 
wall  (fig,  235).  If  the  cover-glass  is  not  in  contact  with  the  cell 
wall  at  any  point  and  the  cell  is  shallow,  there  will  be  great  danger 
of  the  fresh  cement  running  into  the  cell  and  injuring  or  spoiling  the 
preparation.  When  the  cover-glass  is  properly  sealed,  the  prepara- 
tion is  put  in  a  safe  place  for  the  drying  of  the  cement.  It  is 
advisable  to  add  a  fresh  coat  of  cement  occasionally.  Seal  the 
square  and  oblong  covers  freehand. 

§  627.  Mounting  objects  in  media  miscible  with  water.  —  Many 
objects  are  so  greatly  modified  by  drying  that  they  must 
be  mounted  in  some  medium  other  than  air.  In  some  cases  water 
with  something  in  solution  is  used.  Glycerin  of  various  strengths 
and  glycerin  jelly  are  also  much  employed.  All  these  media  keep 
the  object  moist  and  therefore  in  a  condition  resembling  the  natural 
one.  The  object  is  usually  and  properly  treated  with  gradually 
increasing  strengths  of  glycerin  or  fixed  by  some  fixing  agent  before 
being  permanently  mounted  in  strong  glycerin  or  either  of  the  other 

In  all  of  these  different  methods,  unless  glycerin  of  increasing 
strengths  has  been  used  to  prepare  the  tissue,  the  fixing  agent  is 
w  ished  away  with  water  before  the  object  is  finally  and  permanently 
mounted  in  either  of  the  media. 

§  628.  Order  of  procedure  in  mounting  objects  in  glycerin.  — 

i.  A  cell  must  be  prepared  on  the  slide  if  the  object  is  of  con- 
siderable thickness  (§  525). 



2.  A  suitably  prepared  object  is  placed  on  the  center  of  a  clean 
slide,  and  if  no  cell  is  required  a  centering  card  is  used  to  facilitate 
the  centering  (fig,  223). 


3.  A  drop  of  pure  glycerin  is  poured  upon  the  object,  or  if  a  cell 
is  used,  enough  to  fill  the  cell  and  a  little  more. 

4.  In  putting  on  the  cover-glass  it  is  grasped  with  fine  forceps 
and  the  underside  breathed  on  to  moisten  it  slightly  so  that  the 
glycerin  will  adhere;   then  one  edge  of  the  cover  is  put  on  the  cell 
or  slide  and  the  cover  gradually  lowered  upon  the  object.    The  cover 
is  then  gently  pressed  down.    If  a  cell  is  used,  a  fresh  coat  of  cement 
is  added  before  mounting. 

5.  The  cover-glass  is  sealed. 

6.  The  slide  is  labeled. 

7.  The  preparation  is  catalogued  and  safely  stored. 

§  529.   Order  of  procedure  in  mounting  objects  in  glycerin  jelly.  — 

1.  Unless  the  object  is  quite  thick,  no  cell   is   necessary  with 
glycerin  jelly. 

2.  A  slide  is  gently  warmed  and  placed  on  the  centering  card 
(fig.  223)  and  a  drop  of  warmed  glycerin  jelly  is  put  on  its  center. 
The  suitably  prepared  object  is  arranged  in  the  center  of  the  slide. 

3.  A  drop  of  the  warm  glycerin  jelly  is  then  put  on  the  object, 
or  if  a  cell  is  used,  it  is  filled  with  the  medium. 

4l8  CABINETS;    SLIPS  AND   COVERS;    MOUNTING         [CH.  XI 

4.  The  cover-glass  is  grasped  with  fine  forceps,  the  lower  side 
breathed  on  and  then  gradually  lowered  upon  the  object  and  gently 
pressed  down. 

FIG.  224.     COREX  GLASS  SLIPS  25  x  65  MM. 

The  upper  one  shows  the  method  of  anchoring  the  cover-glass  by  means  of 
four  drops  of  shellac.  The  lower  one  shows  the  method  of  irrigating  a  prepa- 
ration. A  drop  of  the  solution  is  put  on  one  side  of  the  cover  and  a  piece  of 
blotting  paper  on  the  opposite  side.  The  arrow  shows  the  direction  of  the  flow 
toward  the  blotting  paper.  As  the  irrigating  liquid  will  be  strongest  or  most  abun- 
dant in  the  middle,  all  stages  of  its  action  on  the  preparation  may  be  seen  on 
the  sides. 

5.  After  mounting,  the  preparation  is  left  flat  in  some  cool  place 
till  the  glycerin  jelly  sets;    then  the  superfluous  amount  is  scraped 
and  wiped  away  and  the  cover-glass  sealed  with  shellac  (§  530). 

6.  The  slide  is  labeled. 

7.  The  preparation  is  catalogued  and  safely  stored. 

§  530.  Sealing  the  cover-glass  when  no  cell  is  used.  —  (A)  For 
glycerin-mounted  specimens.  The  superfluous  glycerin  is  wiped  away 
as  carefully  as  possible  with  a  moist  cloth;  then  four  minute  drops 
of  cement  are  placed  at  the  edge  of  the  cover  (fig.  224)  and  allowed 



to  harden  for  half  an  hour  or  more.    These  will  anchor  the  cover- 
glass  so  that  it  can  be  sealed. 

(B)  For  objects  in  glycerin  jelly ,  Farrants'  solution  or  a  resinous 
medium.  The  mounting  medium  us  first  allowed  to  harden;  then 
the  superfluous  medium  is  scraped  away  as  much  as  possible  with  a 
knife,  and  then  removed  with  a  cloth  moistened  with  water  for  the 
glycerin  jelly  and  Farrants'  solution;  or 
with  alcohol,  chloroform  or  turpentine, 
etc.,  if  a  resinous  medium  is  used.  Then 
the  slide  is  put  on  a  turn-table  and  a  ring 
of  the  shellac  cement  is  added. 

§  531.  Example  of  mounting  in  glycerin 
jelly.  —  For  this  select  some  stained  and 
isolated  muscular  fibers  or  other  suitably 
prepared  objects  (§§  537-541).  Arrange 
them  on  the  middle  of  a  slide,  using  the 
centering  card,  and  mount  in  glycerin  jelly 
as  directed  in  §  529.  Air  bubbles  are  not 
easily  removed  from  glycerin  jelly  per- 
parations,  so  care  should  be  taken  to 
avoid  them. 

§  532.  Mounting  objects  in  resinous 
media.  —  While  the  media  miscible  with 
water  offer  many  advantages  for  mounting  animal  and  vegetable  tis- 
sues, the  preparations  so  maide  are  likely  to  deteriorate.  In  many 
cases,  also,  they  do  not  produce  sufficient  transparency  to  enable  one 
to  use  high  enough  powers  for  the  demonstration  of  minute  details. 

By  using  sufficient  care  almost  any  tissue  may  be  mounted  in  a 
resinous  medium  and  retain  all  its  details  of  structure. 

For  the  successful  mounting  of  an  object  in  a  resinous  medium  it 
must  in  some  way  be  deprived  of  all  water  and  all  liquids  not 
miscible  with  the  resinous  mounting  medium.  There  are  two 
methods  of  bringing  this  about:  (A)  by  drying  or  desiccation 
(§  533),  and  (B)  by  successive  displacements  (§  535). 

§  633.  Order  of  procedure  in  mounting  objects  in  resinous  media 
by  desiccation: 

Fro.  225.  SMALL  SPIRIT 



1.  The  object  suitable  for  the  purpose  (fly's  wings,  etc.)  is  thor- 
oughly dried  in  dry  air  or  by  gentle  heat. 

2.  The  object  is  arranged  as  desired  in  the  center  of  a  clean  slide 
on  the  centering  card  (fig.  223). 

3.  A  drop  of  the  mounting  medium  is  put  directly  upon  the 
object  or  spread  on  a  cover-glass. 

4.  The  cover-glass  is  put  on  the  specimen  with  fine  forceps  (fig. 
221),  but  in  no  case  does  one  breathe  on  the  cover  as  when  media 

miscible  with  water  are  used. 

5.  The  cover-glass  is  pressed  down  gently. 

6.  The  slide  is  labeled. 

7.  The    preparation    is    catalogued    and 
safely  stored  (§  548). 

§  534.   Example  of  mounting  in  balsam  by 
desiccation.  —  Find  a  fresh  fly,  or,  if  in  winter, 
procure  a  dead  one  from  a  window  sill  or  a 
spider's  web.    Remove  the  fly's  wings,  being 
especially  careful  to  keep  them    the   dorsal 
side  up.     With  a  camel's  hair  brush  remove 
any   dirt    that    may   be   clinging   to   them. 
FIG.  226.    CONTAINER    Place  a  clean   slide  on    the  centering  card, 
FOR    CANADA     BALSAM,    then  with   fine   forceps   put   the    two   wings 
GLYCERIN  JKLLY,  ETC,  ..,  .  r    ,,  .  .  T 

Cover    The  glass  cover    within   one  of    the  guide  rings.     Leave  one 

to  keep  out  dust  and  pre-    dorsal  side  up,  turn  the  other  ventral  side  up. 

vent  evaporation.  c  ,  ~         .     ,     .  .       f  . 

Rod   The  glass  rod  for    Spread   some  C.anada  balsam  on  the  face  of 

transferring  the  contents    the  cover-glass  and  with  the  fine  forceps  place 
of  the   container  to   the      ,  .         .          te.  \       •**     * 

slide.  the  cover  upon  the  wings  (fig.  221).     Proba- 

bly some  air-bubbles  will  appear  in  the 
preparation,  but  if  the  slide  is  put  in  a  warm  place  these  will 
soon  disappear.  Label,  catalogue,  etc. 

§  635.  Mounting  in  resinous  media  by  a  series  of  displacements. 
—  For  examples  of  this  see  the  procedure  in  the  paraffin  and  in  the 
collodion  methods,  Ch.  XII.  The  first  step  in  the  series  in  dehyrda- 
tion;  that  is,  the  water  is  displaced  by  some  liquid  which  is  miscible 
with  both  the  water  and  the  next  liquid  to  be  used.  Strong  alcohol 
(9S%  °r  stronger)  is  usually  employed  for  this.  Plenty  of  it  must  be 


used  to  displace  the  last  trace  of  water.  The  tissue  may  be  soaked 
in  a  dish  of  the  alcohol,  or  alcohol  from  a  pipette  may  be  poured 
upon  it.  Dehydration  usually  occurs  in  the  thin  objects  to  be 
mounted  in  balsam  in  5  to  15  minutes.  If  a  dish  of  alcohol  is  used, 
it  must  not  be  used  too  many  times,  as  it  loses  in  strength. 

The  second  step  is  clearing.  That  is,  some  liquid  which  is  miscible 
with  the  alcohol  and  also  with  the  resinous  medium  is  used.  This 
liquid  is  highly  refractive  in  most  cases,  and  consequently  this  step 
is  called  clearing  and  the  liquid  a  clearer.  The  clearer  displaces  the 
alcohol,  and  renders  the  object  more  or  less  translucent.  In  case  the 
water  was  not  all  removed,  a  cloudiness  will  appear  in  parts  or  over 
the  whole  of  the  preparation.  In  this  case  the  preparation  must  be 
returned  to  alcohol  to  complete  the  dehydration. 

One  can  tell  when  a  specimen  is  properly  cleared  by  holding  it 
over  some  dark  object.  If  it  is  cleared,  it  can  be  seen  only  with 
difficulty,  as  but  little  light  is  reflected  from  it.  If  it  is  held  toward 
the  window,  however,  it  will  appear  translucent. 

The  third  and  final  step  is  the  displacement  of  the  clearer  by  the 
resinous  mounting  medium. 

The  specimen  is  drained  of  clearer  and  allowed  to  stand  for  a 
short  time  till  there  appears  the  first  sign  of  dullness  from  evapo- 
ration of  the  clearer  from  the  surface.  Then  a  drop  of  the  resinous 
medium  is  put  on  the  object,  and  finally  a  cover-glass  is  placed  over 
it,  or  a  drop  of  the  mounting  medium  is  spread  on  the  cover  and 
it  is  then  put  on  the  object.  For  abundant  examples  see  the  next 

§  536.  Mounting  in  petrolatum  liquidum,  pure  mineral  oil.  — 
As  this  substance  does  not  fluoresce,  and  is  of  nearly  the  refractive 
index  of  glass  it  serves  well  for  mounting  unstained  sections  for  the 
ultra-microscope  and  also  as  an  immersion  liquid. 

The  unstained  sections  are  freed  from  the  solid  paraffin  as  usual 
(§  638)  and  the  oil  added.  No  clearing  is  necessary.  It  is  then 
covered,  and  the  cover-glass  sealed  with  shellac  or  with  ambroid  or 
other  pyroxylin  cement. 




§  537.  Isolation,  general.  —  For  a  correct  conception  of  the  forms 
of  the  cells  and  fibers  of  the  various  organs  of  the  body,  one  must 
see  these  elements  isolated  and  thus  be  able  to  inspect  them  from 
all  sides.  It  frequently  occurs  also  that  the  isolation  is  not  quite 
complete,  and  one  can  see  in  the  clearest  manner  the  relations  of  the 
cells  or  fibers  to  one  another. 

The  chemical  agents  or  solutions  for  isolating  are,  in  general,  the 
same  as  those  used  for  hardening  and  fixing.  But  the  solutions  are 
only  about  one-tenth  as  strong  as  for  fixing,  and  the  action  is  very 
much  shorter,  that  is,  from  one  or  two  hours  to  as  many  days.  In 
the  weak  solution  the  cell  cement  or  connective  tissue  is  softened  so 
that  the  cells  and  fibers  may  be  separated  from  one  another,  and  at 
the  same  time  the  cells  are  preserved.  In  fixing  and  hardening,  on 
the  other  hand,  the  cell  cement,  like  the  other  parts  of 
the  tissue,  is  made  firmer.  In  preparing  the  isolating 
solutions  it  is  better  to  dilute  the  fixing  agents  with 
normal  salt  solution  than  merely  with  water  (§  606). 


Shell  vial  with  turned  lip.  One  can  have  almost  any  size  and  length  desired. 
Those  of  22  X  65  mm.  and  30  x  90  mm.  have  been  found  most  useful.  The 
larger  ones  are  excellent  for  staining  single  slides  or  pairs. 

The  Comstock,  bent-neck  specimen  bottle  is  very  useful  for  keeping  small 
animals  straight, 

§  538.  Isolation  by  means  of  formaldehyde.  —  Formaldehyde  in 
normal  salt  solution  is  one  of  the  very  best  dissociating  agents  for 




brain  tissue  and  all  the  forms  of  epithelium.  It  is  prepared  as 
follows:  2  cc.  of  strong  formalin  (that  is,  a  40%  solution  of  formal- 
dehyde) are  mixed  with  1000  cc.  of  normal  salt  solution.  This  acts 
quickly  and  preserves  delicate  structures  like  the  cilia  of  ordinary 
epithelia  and  also  of  the  endymal  cells  of  the 
brain.  It  is  satisfactory  for  isolating  the  nerve 
cells  of  the  brain.  For  the  epithelium  of  the 
trachea,  intestines,  etc.,  the  action  is  suffi- 
cient in  half  an  hour;  good  preparations  may 
also  be  obtained  any  time  within  two  days  or 
more.  The  action  on  nerve  tissue  of  the  brain 
and  myel  or  spinal  cord  is  about  as  rapid. 

§  539.  Staining  the  cells.  —  Almost  any 
stain  may  be  used  for  the  formalin  dissociated 
cells.  For  example,  one  may  use  eosin.  This 
may  be  drawn  under  the  cover  of  the  already 
mounted  preparation  (fig.  224),  or  a  new  pre- 
paration may  be  made  and  the  scrapings 
mixed  with  a  drop  of  eosin  before  putting  on 
the  coverglass.  It  is  an  advantage  to  study 
unstained  preparations,  otherwise  one  might 
obtain  the  erroneous  opinion  that  the  structure 
cannot  be  seen  unless  it  is  stained.  The  stain  makes  the  structural 
features  somewhat  plainer;  it  also  accentuates  some  features  and 
does  not  affect  others  so  markedly.  Congo  red  is  excellent  for  most 
isolated  cells. 

§  540.  Permanent  preparations  of  isolated  cells.  —  If  one  desires 
to  make  a  permanent  preparation  of  isolated  cells  it  may  be  done 
by  placing  a  drop  of  glycerin  at  the  edge  of  the  cover  and  allowing 
it  to  diffuse  under  the  cover,  or  the  diffusion  may  be  hurried  by 
using  a  piece  of  blotting  paper,  as  shown  in  fig.  224.  One  may  also 
make  a  new  preparation  by  mixing  thoroughly  some  of  the  isolated 
material  with  congo-glycerin.  After  a  few  minutes  the  cover-glass 
may  be  put  on  and  sealed  (§  530).  If  one  adds  congo-glycerin  to  a 
considerable  amount  of  the  isolated  material  it  may  be  kept  and 
used  at  any  time. 

FIG.  229.  BLOCK  WITH 

The  blocks  are  about 
33  mm.  thick  and  the 
holes  are  bored  clear 
through,  then  a  board 
about  5  mm.  thick  is 
nailed  on  the  bottom. 



§  541.  Isolation  of  muscular  fibers.  —  For  this  the  formalin  disso- 
ciator  may  be  used  (§  538),  but  the  nitric  acid  method  is  more  suc- 
cessful (§  381).  The  fresh  muscle  is  placed  in  this  in  a  glass  vessel. 
At  the  ordinary  temperature  of  a  sitting  room  (20  degrees  centi- 


A  Bowl  (B)  inverted  over  a  plate  (P]  containing  water  and  a  glass  shelf 
supported  on  glass  rods.  The  slides  (S)  are  supported  on  the  glass  shelf.  This 
makes  a  very  efficient  and  cheap  moist  chamber. 

B  Cover-glasses  (C)  made  slightly  eccentric  and  containing  between  them 
the^  object  to  be  kept  moist.  Ky  using  cover-glasses  the  Specimen  can  be  ex- 
amined from  both  sides,  and  as  part  usually  remains  with  each  cover-glass,  two 
permanent  preparations  can  be  made. 

C  Slide  (S)  with  a  cover-glass  (C)  extending  slightly  over  one  edge  so  that  it 
can  be  lifted  up  without  danger  of  sliding  it  along  and  thus  disarranging  the 

grade)  the  connective  tissue  will  be  so  far  gelatinized  in  from  one 
to  three  days  that  it  is  easy  to  separate  the  fascicles  and  fibers  either 
with  needles  or  by  shaking  in  a  test-tube  or  shell  vial  with  water. 
It  takes  longer  for  some  muscles  to  dissociate  than  others,  even  at 
the  same  temperature,  so  one  must  try  occasionally  to  see  if  the 
action  is  sufficient.  When  it  is,  the  acid  is  poured  off  and  the 
muscles  washed  gently  with  water  to  remove  the  acid.  If  one  is 
ready  to  make  the  preparations  at  once,  they  may  be  isolated  and 
mounted  in  water.  If  it  is  desired  to  keep  the  specimen  indefinitely 
or  several  days,  the  water  should  be  poured  off  and  2%  formal- 
dehyde added.  The  specimens  may  be  mounted  in  glycerin,  glycerin 
jelly  or  balsam.  Glycerin  jelly  is  the  most  satisfactory,  however. 




§  542.  Collection  of  material.  —  There  are 
many  microscopic  forms  in  nature  that  need  no 
other  preparation  than  mounting  on  a  glass 
slide.  If  low  powers  are  used,  a  cover-glass 
may  be  omitted,  but  if  high  powers  are  to  be 
used,  a  cover-glass  must  be  put  over  the  ob- 
ject to  protect  the  objective  as  well  as  the 
object,  and  to  make  the  optical  corrections  of 
the  objective  perfect  (§  254). 

The  easiest  place  to  find  things  most  in- 
teresting and  beautiful  is  in  the  water  of  pools 
and  along  the  shores  of  streams  where  the 
water  is  quiet.  Go  to  some  pond  or  stream 
and  along  the  shore  where  it  is  shallow;  take 
some  of  the  vegetation  and  the  mud,  put  in  a 
pail  or  dish,  and  take  to  the  home  or  labo- 
ratory. Put  the  water  and  vegetation  in  a  plate 
or  other  shallow  vessel  and  put  it  in  about 
the  same  light  that  it  had  in  nature.  In 
a  few  hours,  when  the  mud  has  settled  the 
conditions  will  be  nearly  as  in  nature,  and 
by  the  use  of  fine  forceps  or  one  of  the 
pipettes  (figs.  221-231),  gather  some  of  the 
water  with  scrapings  from  some  of  the  vege- 
tation, or  some  of  the  water  and  mud.  Put 
it  on  a  slide,  cover  and  examine.  There 
may  be  much  to  see  or  very  little.  One 
must  persevere  and  finally  there  will  come 
a  kind  of  instinctive  knowledge  where  to 
find  things.  It  is  also  a  good  plan  to  use 
the  tripod  or  other  magnifier  and  examine 
the  dish.  Often  much  can  be  seen  in  that 
way,  and  one  will  get  a  hint  where  to  collect 


A  Pipette  for  liquids. 
This  is  about  one-third 

B  Pipette  for  hand- 
ling ova  and  other  deli- 
cate specimens. 

/  The  rubber  bulb 
tied  to  the  glass  part. 
It  is  about  natural  size. 

2  Glass    rod.      The 
upper  end  is  fluted  so 
that    the    rubber    bulb 
will  not  come  off,  and 
the  lower  end  is  care- 
fully smoothed  by  heat- 
ing.   To  prevent  small 
ova  and  other  objects 
getting  into  the  bulb, 
some  fine  gauze  may  be 
tied  over  the  upper  end. 

3  Soft   rubber   tube 
over    the    lower    end. 
This  is  not  absolutely 
necessary,  but  the  soft 
rubber  is  less  likely  to 
injure   delicate   objects 
than  the  hard  glass. 



o  o 


the  bits  to  put  on  the  slide  for  examination.     Do  not  use  distilled 

water  for  these  organisms,  but  water  from  the  source  of  supply. 

(For  food  see  §  543.) 

§  543.  Infusoria  and  bacteria;  In- 
fusions. —  One  of  the  best  ways 
to  get  a  large  variety  of  living 
forms,  animal  and  vegetable,  is  to 
make  such  a  gathering  as  described 
above  and  to  put  it  into  a  small 
fruit  jar  or  other  wide  open  vessel, 
and  to  put  with  it  some  of  the 
stems  of  the  grass  along  the 
stream.  If  in  a  moderately  warm 

place  for  a  day  or  more,  this  collection  will  be  found  swarming  with 

living    things.       Soon,    however,    the 

numbers  will  lessen  and  finally  there 

will   be   very   few   left.    These   living 

things   need  food.     One  of   the  good 

foods  for  them  is  made  from  boiling 

up  some  of   the  grass  and  hay  found 

near  the  natural  habitat.     Any  good 

hay   may   be  used,    however.     When 

the    mixture    is   cool,    add    some    of 

it    to   the   vessel   containing  the    or- 
ganisms,   or    what    is    better,    take 

another  dish,  and  add  a  fair  amount 

of  the  liquid  from  the  first  gathering. 

Usually  this   new   supply   will   be  as 

rich  in  life  as  was  the  original  gath- 
ering.      (See     under     Neutral     Red 

(§  604)    for    experiment    in    staining 

live  forms). 

§  544.  Diatoms.  —  These  are  plants 

with    silicious   shells,   and    are   found 

in   natural   waters   both  salt  and   fresh.    If  one  goes  to  a  pond 

or  stream  in  May  or  June  or  July  especially,  the  diatoms  are  verv 


Base  The  heavy  iron  base  to 
keep  the  apparatus  steady. 

R  P  Rack  and  pinion  for 
focusing  the  magnifier. 

J  J  Joints  to  make  it  possible 
to  put  the  lens  in  any  desired 


abundant.  They  may  be  found  at  any  time,  but  in  the  spring  most 
abundantly,  as  with  most  living  things.  The  brownish  or  rusty 
looking  substance  on  plants,  rocks,  etc.,  practically  always  contains 
diatoms,  and  sometimes  is  made  up  mostly  of  them.  It  is  most 
interesting  to  study  the  diatoms  alive  and  watch  them  glide  around 
in  the  water.  The  shells  of  the  diatoms  have  been  favorite  objects 
of  study  for  a  loig  time.  They  are  often  beautifully  marked. 
Being  silicious,  they  resist  acids,  and  the  living  substance  in  and 
around  them  can  be  destroyed  without  hurting  the  shells.  This 
may  be  done  by  placing  the  material  containing  a  large  number  of 
diatoms  in  a  test-tube.  When  the  diatoms  have  settled,  pour  off  a 
part  of  the  liquid  or  draw  it  out  with  the  pipette  (fig.  231  A\  and 
add  an  equal  amount  of  nitric  acid.  Boil  for  a  few  minutes,  let  the 
diatoms  settle,  pour  or  draw  off  most  of  the  liquid,  and  add  more 
nitric  acid  and  boil  again.  Finally,  add  water  and  gradually  wash 
the  diatom  shells  by  drawing  off  the  water  and  adding  fresh.  The 
shells  should  be  clean  and  almost  colorless  and  show  their  markings 
well.  One  can  take  a  sample  and  see  if  the  cleaning  is  sufficient. 
(For  full  and  elaborate  directions  see  Beyer's  Diatomaceae  of 
Philadelphia  and  Vicinity,  pp.  122-123). 

§  545.  Arranging  minute  objects.  —  Minute  objects  like  diatoms 
or  the  scales  of  insects  may  be  arranged  in  geometrical  figures  or  in 
some  fanciful  wav,  either  for  ornament  or  for  more  satisfactory 
study.  To  do  this  the  cover-glass  is  placed  over  the  guide.  This 
guide  for  geometrical  figures  may  be  a  net-micrometer  or  a  series  of 
concentric  circles.  In  order  that  the  objects  may  remain  in  place, 
however,  they  must  be  fastened  to  the  cover-glass.  As  an  adhesive 
substance,  mucilage  or  liquid  gelatin,  this  thinned  with  an  equal 
volume  of  50%  acetic  acid  answers  well.  A  very  thin  coating  of 
this  is  spread  on  the  cover  with  a  needle,  or  in  some  other  way,  and 
allowed  to  dry.  The  objects  are  then  placed  on  the  gelatinized  side 
of  the  cover  and  carefully  put  into  position  with  a  mechanical 
finger,  made  by  fastening  a  cat's  whisker  in  a  needle  holder.  For 
most  of  these  objects  a  simple  microscope  with  stand  (figs.  232-233) 
will  be  found  of  great  advantage.  After  the  objects  are  arranged, 
one  breather  very  gently  on  the  cover-glass  to  soften  the  mucilage 

428  CABINETS;    SLIPS  AND  COVERS;    MOUNTING         [Cn.  XI 

or  gelatin.  It  is  then  allowed  to  dry,  and  if  a  suitable  amount  of 
gelatin  has  been  used  and  it  has  been  properly  moistened,  the 
objects  will  be  found  firmly  anchored.  In  mounting  one  may  use 
Canada  balsam  or  mount  dry  in  a  cell  (§§  526,  533).  See  New- 
comer, Amer.  Micr.  Soc.'s  Proc.,  1886,  p.  128;  see  also  E.  H. 
Griffith  and  H.  L.  Smith,  Amer.  Jour,  of  Micros.,  iv,  102,  v,  87; 
Amer.  Monthly  Micr.  Jour.,  i,  66,  107,  113;  Cunningham,  The 
Microscope,  viii,  1888,  p.  237. 


§  546.  Every  person  possessing  a  microscopic  preparation  is  inter- 
ested in  its  proper  management;  but  it  is  especially  to  the  teacher 
and  investigator  that  the  labeling,  cataloguing  and  storing  of 
microscopic  preparations  are  of  importance.  "  To  the  investigator, 
his  specimens  are  the  most  precious  of  his  possessions,  for  they  con- 
tain the  facts  which  he  tries  to  interpret,  and  they  remain  the  same 
while  his  knowledge,  and  hence  his  power  of  interpretation,  increase. 
They  thus  form  the  basis  of  further  or  more  correct  knowledge; 
but  in  order  to  be  safe  guides  for  the  student,  teacher,  or  investi- 
gator, it  seems  to  the  writer  that  every  preparation  should  possess 
two  things:  viz.,  a  label  and  a  catalogue  or  history.  This  catalogue 
should  indicate  all  that  is  known  of  a  specimen  at  the  time  of  its 
preparation,  and  all  of  the  processes  by  which  it  is  treated.  It  is 
only  by  the  possession  of  such  a  complete  knowledge  of  the  entire 
history  of  a  preparation  that  one  is  able  to  judge  with  certainty  of 
the  comparative  excellence  of  methods,  and  thus  to  discard  or  im- 
prove those  which  are  defective.  The  teacher,  as  well  as  the 
investigator,  should  have  this  information  in  an  accessible  form,  so 
that  not  only  he,  but  his  students,  can  obtain  at  any  time  all 
necessary  information  concerning  the  preparations  which  serve  him 
as  illustrations  and  them  as  examples." 

§  547.  Labeling  ordinary  microscopic  preparations.  —  The  label 
should  possess  at  least  the  following  information: 

The  number  of  the  preparation,  its  name  and  date  and  the  thick- 
ness of  the  sections  and  of  the  cover-glass. 


§  548.  Cataloguing  preparations.  —  It  is  believed  from  personal 
experience,  and  from  the  experience  of  others,  that  each  preparation 
(each  slide  or  each  series)  should  be  accompanied  by  a  catalogue 
containing  at  least  the  information  suggested  in  the  following 
formula.  This  formula  is  very  flexible,  so  that  the  order  may  be 
changed,  and  numbers  not  applicable  in  a  given  case  may  be 
omitted.  With  many  objects,  especially  embryos  and  small  animals, 
the  time  of  fixing  and  hardening  may  be  months  and  even  years 
earlier  than  the  time  of  imbedding.  So,  too,  an  object  may  be 
sectioned  a  long  time  after  it  was  imbedded,  and  finally  the  sections 
may  not  be  mounted  at  the  time  they  are  cut.  It  would  be  well  in 
such  cases  to  give  the  date  of  fixing  under  2,  and  under  5,  6  and  8, 
the  dates  at  which  the  operations  were  performed,  if  they  differ 
from  the  original  date  and  from  one  another.  In  brief,  the  more 
that  is  known  about  a  preparation,  the  greater  its  value. 

o  JO 

G  (y 


The  specimen  is  the  myel  (spinal  cord)  of  an  Amphioxus  showing  the  dorsal 
and  ventral  nerve  roots,  and  some  nerve  cells  near  the  middle. 

G    A  nerve-cell  with  glycogen. 

In  the  label  c.ij>  means  that  the  cover-glass  is  0.15  mm.  in  thickness;  and  s. 
10  p,  means  that  the  section  is  ten  microns  thick.  The  date  at  the  bottom  shows 
when  the  specimen  was  made. 

§  649.   General  formula  for  cataloguing  microscopic  preparations: 

1.  The  general  name  and  source.    Thickness  of  cover-glass  and 
of  section. 

2.  The  number  of  the  preparation  and  the  date  of  obtaining  and 
fixing  the  specimen;   the  name  of  the  preparator. 

3.  The  special  name  of  the  preparation  and  the  common  and 
scientific  name  of  the  object  from  which  it  is  derived.    Purpose  of 
the  preparation. 


4.  The  age  and  condition  of  the  object  from  which  the  prepara- 
tion is  derived.    Condition  of  rest  or  activity;    fasting  or  full  fed  at 
the  time  of  death. 

5.  The  chemical  treatment,  —  the  method  of  fixing,  hardening, 
dissociating,  etc.,  and  the  time  required. 

6.  The  mechanical  treatment,  —  imbedded,    sectioned,  dissected 
with  needles,  etc.    Date  at  which  done. 

7.  The  staining  agent  or  agents  and -the  time  required  for  stain- 

8.  Dehydrating  and  clearing  agent,  mounting  medium,   cement 
used  for  sealing. 

9.  The    objectives    and    other    accessories    (micro-spectroscope, 
polarizer  etc.),  for  studying  the  preparation. 

10.  Remarks,  including  references  to  original  papers,  or  to  good 
figures  and  descriptions  in  books. 

§  550.   A  catalogue  card  written  according  to  this  formula: 

1.  Muscular  Fibers  of  Cat;   Cover  0.15  mm.;   Fibers  20/4  to  40/4 

2.  No.  475.     (Drr.  IX)  Oct.  i,  1891.    S.  H.  G.,  Preparator. 

3.  Tendinous  and  intra-muscular  terminations  of  striated  muscu- 
lar fibers  from  the  Sartorius  of  the  cat  (Felis  domestica}. 

*  4.   Cat  eight  months  old,  healthy  and  well  nourished.     Fasting 
and  quiet  for  12  hours. 

5.  Muscle  pinned  on  cork  with  vaselined  pins  and  placed  in  20 
per  cent  nitric  acid  immediately  after  death  by  chloroform.    Left 
36  hours  in  the  acid;    temperature  20°  C.     In  alum  water  (J  sat. 
aq.  sol.)  i  day. 

6.  Fibers  separated  on  the  slide  with  needles,  Oct.  3, 

7.  Stained  5  minutes  with  DelafiekTs  hematoxylin. 

8.  Dehydrated  with  95%  alcohol  5  minutes,  cleared  5  minutes 
with  carbol- turpentine,  mounted  in  xylene  balsam;    sealed  with 

9.  Use  a  16  mm.  for  the  general  appearance  of  the  fibers,  then  a 
2  or  3  mm.  objective  for  the  details  of  structure.    Try  the  micro- 

10.  The  nuclei  or  muscle  corpuscles  are  very  large  and  numerous; 

CH.  XI]         CABINETS;    SLIPS  AND   COVERS;    MOUNTING  431 

many  of  the  intra-muscular  ends  are  branched.  See  S.  P.  Gage, 
Proc.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  1890,  p.  132;  Ref.  Hand-book  Med.  Sci., 
Vol.  V,  p.  59- 

§  551.  General  remarks  on  catalogues  and  labels.  —  It  is  es- 
pecially desirable  that  labels  and  catalogues  shall  be  written  with 
some  imperishable  ink.  Some  form  of  waterproof  carbon  ink  is 
the  most  available  and  satisfactory.  The  waterproof  ink  of  Higgins 
or  Weber  answers  well.  For  ordinary  writing  it  should  be  diluted 
with  one-third  its  volume  of  water  and  a  few  drops  of  strong  am- 
monia added. 

If  one  has  a  writing  diamond,  it  is  a  good  plan  to  write  a  label 
with  it  on  one  end  of  the  slide.  It  is  best  to  have  the  paper  label 
also,  as  it  can  be  more  easily  read. 

The  author  has  found  stiff  cards,  12!  x  7!  cm.,  like  those  used  for 
cataloguing  books  in  public  libraries,  the  most  desirable  form  of 
catalogue.  A  specimen  that  is  for  any  cause  discarded  has  its 
catalogue  card  destroyed  or  stored  apart  from  the  regular  catalogue. 
New  cards  may  then  be  added  in  alphabetical  order  as  the  prepara- 
tions are  made.  In  fact  a  catalogue  on  cards  has  all  the  flexibility 
and  advantage  of  the  slip  system  of  notes. 

Some  workers  prefer  a  book  catalogue.  Very  excellent  book  cata- 
logues have  been  devised  by  Ailing  and  by  Ward  (Jour.  Roy.  Micr. 
Soc.,  1887,  pp.  173,  348;  Amer.  Monthly  Micr.  Jour.,  1890,  p.  91; 
Amer.  Micr.  Soc.  Proc.,  1887,  p.  233). 

The  fourth  division  has  been  added,  as  there  is  coming  to  be  a 
strong  belief,  practically  amounting  to  a  certainty,  that  there  is  a 
different  structural  appearance  in  many  if  not  all  of  the  tissue 
elements,  depending  upon  the  age  of  the  animal,  upon  its  condition 
of  rest  or  fatigue;  and  for  the  cells  of  the  digestive  organs,  whether 
the  animal  is  fasting  or  full  fed.  Indeed  as  physiological  histology  is 
recognized  as  the  only  true  histology,  there  will  be  an  effort  to  deter- 
mine exact  data  concerning  the  animal  from  which  the  tissues  are 
derived.  (See  Minot,  Proc.  Amer.  Assoc.  Adv.  Science,  1890,  pp. 
271-289;  Hodge,  on  nerve  cells  in  rest  and  fatigue,  Jour.  Morph., 
vol.  VII  (1892),  pp.  95-168;  Jour.  Physiol.,  vol.  XVII,  pp.  129-134; 
Gage,  The  Processes  of  Life  revealed  by  the  Microscope;  a  Plea  for 



Physiological  Histology,  Proc.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  vol.  XVII  (1895), 
pp.  3-29;  Science,  vol.  II,  Aug.  23,  1895,  pp.  209-218.  Smithsonian 
Institution,  Report  for  1896,  pp.  381-396. 


§  552.  While  it  is  desirable  that 
microscopic  preparations  should  be 
properly  labeled  and  catalogued,  it 
is  equally  important  that  they 
should  be  protected  from  injury. 
During  the  last  few  years  several 
forms  of  cabinets  or  slide  holders 
have  been  devised.  Some  are  very 
cheap  and  convenient  where  one  has 
but  a  few  slides.  For  a  laboratory 
or  for  a  private  collection  where 
,  the  slides  are  numerous,  the  follow- 
ing characters  seem  to  the  writer 
essential : 

(i)  The  cabinet  should  allow  the 
slides  to  lie  flat,  and  exclude  dust 

Fir..  235.    FACE  AND  EDGE  VIEW  ancl  ^t. 

OF  A  CABINET  DRAWER  FOR  MICRO-        (2)  Each   slide  or  pair  of  slides 

SCOPIC  SLIDES.  shollld    be   ^   a   separate  compart- 

06,  70    The  number  of  the  com-  A  t          .      P     . 

partment.  ment.      At  each  end  of  the  com- 

a  b  In  the  compartment  a,  the  partment    should  be   a  groove  or 

slide  is  resting  in  place  to  show  that  ,        .  .  , 

the  container  touches  the  slide  only  bevel,     so     that     upon    depressing 

in  two  places.  either  end  of  the  slide,  the  other 

In  ft,  the  slide  is  depressed  into  .  ..       /_  . 

the  groove  at  one  end  of  the  com-    may   be  grasped   easily   (fig.    235). 

Partment.    It  is  then  easy  to  grasp    ft  is  also  desirable  to  have  the  floor 

of  the  compartment  grooved  so  that 

the  slide  rests  only  on  two  edges,  thus  preventing  soiling  the  slide 

opposite  the  object. 

(3)  Each  compartment  or  each  space  sufficient  to  contain  one  slide 

of  the  standard  size  should  be  numbered,  preferably  at  each  end. 




ji'o.%    /tM 
<Atn/c.  Si6efi 






If  the  compartments  are  made  of  sufficient  width  to  receive  two 
slides,  then  the  double  slides  so  frequently  used  in  mounting  serial 
sections  may  be  put  into  the  cabinet  in  any  place  desired. 

(4)  The  drawers  of  the  cabinet  should  be  entirely  independent, 
so  that  any  drawer  may  be  partly  or  wholly  removed  without  dis- 
turbing   any   of    the 

others.  -  ! 

(5)  On  the  front  of 
each  drawer  should  be 
the   number    of    the 
drawer     in     Roman 
numerals,     and    the 
number   of    the  first 
and  last  compartment 
in  the  drawer  in  Ar- 
abic    numerals    (fig. 

§  563.  Trays  for 
slides  and  ribbons  of 
sections.  —  Early  in 
1897  the  writer  de- 
vised the  simple  tray 
shown  in  fig.  237.  It 
was  designed  espe- 
cially for  the  ribbons  FIG.  236.  CABINET  FOR  MICROSCOPE  SLIDES. 

nf  QPrtinnQ  in  r»rpr»nr  This  cabinet  contains  2o  drawers  like  that  shown  in 
oi  sections  m  prepar-  fig  ^  and  ag  indicated  at  the  right  there  are  420 

ing  embryologic  series   compartments  for  slides. 

and   for   material  in 

class  work.     As  will  be  seen  by  the  figure,  the  two  sides  are  alike 

and  the  tray  is  very  shallow.    It  was  soon  found  that  the  wood 

forming  the  bottom  of  the  tray  was  too  rough  for  ribbons  of  sections 

and  smooth  white  paper  was  put  in  the  tray  before  the  ribbons 

were  laid  upon  it. 

These  trays  were  soon  used  for  the  mounted  preparations  as  well 
as  for  the  ribbons  of  sections.  They  were  made  of  a  proper  size  to 
fit  the  laboratory  lockers  (fig.  242)  and  naturally  came  to  be  used  for 



storage  instead  of  the  expensive  slide  cabinets.  For  this  purpose  five 
could  be  put  in  a  single  compartment  of  the  locker  or  thirty-five  in 
an  entire  locker.  As  each  tray  holds  fifty  slides  25  x  75  mm., 
thirty-five  38  x  75  mm.,  and  twenty-five  slides  50  X  75  mm.,  the 
saving  of  space  was  very  great. 

§  554.  Slide  trays  with  tongue  groove,  and  compartments.  —  In 
the  first  trays  the  edges  were  square  and  sharp.  These  were  rounded 
in  later  trays,  but  there  still  remained  a  defect,  for  if  one  wished  to 


A  Face  view  of  the  slide  tray.  The  screw  eye  at  the  lower  end  is  convenient 
for  pulling  out  a  single  tray. 

B  Sectional  view  of  the  tray  showing  the  thin  board  of  which  it  is  made  and 
the  wooden  frame. 

C    Sectional  view  showing  how  the  frame  is  fastened  to  the  board. 

pile  up  five  to  twenty  trays  on  the  table,  they  would  not  stay  in  an 
even  stack.  To  remedy  this  defect  the  long  way  of  the  frame  was 
tongued  on  one  side  and  grooved  on  the  other,  as  shown  in  fig.  238. 
This  is  a  great  improvement,  as  one  can  make  even  stacks  of  25  or 
50  trays,  and  they  will  stay  in  position.  Furthermore  it  renders  the 
groups  of  five  trays  stored  in  the  locker  compartments  much  easier 
to  manage,  as  one  can  remove  any  of  the  five  trays  without  getting 



the  others  disarranged,  as  so  often  occurred  with  the  old  form,  lack- 
ing tongue  and  groove. 

A  defect  of  the  trays  for  storage  is  the  ease  with  which  the  slides 
get  disarranged  unless  the  tray  is  entirely  full.  To  overcome  this 
defect  S.  P.  Gage  divided  one  face  of  the  tray  into  columns  (fig.  238) 
by  means  of  stout  cord  held  in  place  by  using  melted  paraffin  as  a 
cement.  Later  Dr.  Greenman  of  the  Wistar  Institute  divided  one 
face  of  the  tray  into  columns  by  wooden  strips.  This  is  the  best  way. 
With  the  tray  face  in  columns  the  slides  in  a  single  column  may 
become  disarranged,  but  there  is  no  mixing  of  the  slides  of  different 
columns.  One  side  of  the  tray  remains  smooth  and  can  be  used  for 
ribbons  of  sections  or  for  any  other  purpose.  Dr.  Jean  Broadhurst 




A  Face  view  of  the  new  form  of  slide  tray.  It  is  designed  for  fifty  slides, 
25  x  75  mm.  in  size  or  twenty-five  slides,  50  X  75  mm.  in  size  used  for  serial  sec- 
tions of  embryos,  etc. 

B  Sectional  view  of  a  side  piece  with  tongue  and  groove.  Supports  5  mm. 
wide  near  the  end  prevent  the  slide  from  contact  with  the  tray.  This  is  especially 
important  in  dark-field  or  other  work  when  oil-irnmersion  liquid  is  on  the  lower 
face  of  the  slide.  The  support  also  enables  one  to  depress  one  end  of  the  slide  thus 
rendering  it  more  easily  grasped.  See  also  figures  87,  235. 



of  Teachers  College,  Columbia  University,  has  found  that  these  trays 
are  admirably  suited  for  a  cabinet  of  lantern  slides.  The  smooth 
side  will  hold  13,  two  rows  arranged  lengthwise  and  one  row  cross- 
wise. If  a  sheet  of  white  paper  is  put  under  the  slides,  it  is  easy  to 
see  what  is  on  them. 

§  564a.  The  original  maker  of  these  trays  was  the  H.  J.  Bool  Co.,  of  Ithaca, 
N.  Y.;  there  are  no  restrictions,  however,  and  excellent  trays  of  the  tongue, 
groove  and  column  type  (fig.  238  A)  are  now  also  available  at  the  Clay- Adams  Co. 

The  upper  tray  was  raised  up  and  supported  by  corks  when  the  photograph 
of  the  pile  of  trays  was  made.    The  picture  shows  the  form,  the  rows  for  slides, 
and  the  band  on  the  edge  for  writing  labels. 


(Courtesy  of  Peter  Gray  &  Sons,  Inc.  East  Cambridge,  Mass.) 



§  565.  Metal  slide  trays  of  the  Wistar  Institute  (fig.  239) ;  Minot 
metal  slide  trays  and  cabinets  (fig.  240);  the  Eberbach  aluminum 
slide  trays  and  cabinet  (fig.  241);  and  the  Paragon  C.  &  C.  Company 
Paragon  cabinets  for  filing  large  numbers  of  slides  in  very  small  space. 

A  is  for  Slides  50  x  75  mm.  or  Two  Standard  Slides  in   Each  Small   Com- 

Tray  B  is  for  standard  size  slides.  The  little  metal  tongues  serve  to  make  a 
place  for  standard  size  slides  (25  x  75  mm.).  In  both  trays  there  is  a  groove  in 
the  middle  to  facilitate  lifting  up  the  slides  when  needed.  As  shown  also  there 
is  a  little  knob  for  pulling  out  the  trays,  and  metal  clips  to  hold  paper  labels. 

(Courtesy  of  Eberbach  &  Son  Co.) 








IN    1895. 

(From  the  Journal  of  Applied  Microscopy,  1898,  p.  127). 

The  lockers  designed  in  1899  for  Stimson  Hall  are  in  banks  of  12  or  9,  with 
three  vertical  tiers,  not  two  as  shown  in  this  figure.  Everything  is  of  standard 
size  and  hence  completely  interchangeable. 

Measured  over  all,  the  locker  banks  are  329  cm.  high,  and  139.5  cm.  wide  for 
the  large  banks  and  105  wide  for  the  smaller  banks.  Each  individual  locker, 
inside  measure,  is  32  cm.  wide,  70.5  cm.  high,  and  48  cm.  deep.  It  is  divided  by 
7  runs  into  8  compartments.  As  indicated  in  the  sectional  view,  the  entire  space 
may  be  left  free  in  the  locker  or  partly  filled  or  wholly  filled. 

Each  bank  of  lockers  is  lettered,  and  then  the  individual  lockers  numbered 
from  1-12  or  1-9,  the  numbering  being  in  the  order  of  words  in  a  book, 
i.e.,  from  left  to  right.  Of  course  vertical  numbering  is  equally  feasible.  With 
this  form  of  numbering  each  bank  is  practically  independent  and  can  be  changed 
in  position  without  confusion. 



For  much  of  the  work  done  with  a  microscope  the  reagents 
needed  are  few  and  inexpensive,  but  for  a  large  laboratory  with  the 
diversity  of  investigations  carried  on  the  reagents  are  numerous,  and 
some  of  them  expensive.  Below  are  given  some  of  the  principal 
ones  with  the  method  of  their  preparation. 

General  on  preparation  of  reagents.  —  In  preparing  reagents  both 
weights  and  measures  are  used.  As  a  rule  the  amounts  given  are 
those  which  experience  has  shown  to  give  good  results.  Variations 
in  the  proportions  of  the  mixtures  are  sometimes  advantageous,  and 
in  almost  every  case  a  slight  change  in  the  proportions  makes  no 
difference.  Most  laboratory  reagents  are  like  food,  good  even  under 
quite  diverse  proportions  and  methods  of  preparation.  With  a  few, 
however,  it  is  necessary  to  have  definite  strengths. 

By  a  saturated  solution  is  meant  one  in  which  the  liquid  has  dis- 
solved all  that  it  can  of  the  substance  added.  This  varies  with  the 
temperature.  It  is  well  to  have  an  excess  of  the  substance  present; 
then  the  liquid  will  be  saturated  at  all  temperatures  usually  found  in 
the  laboratory. 

§  556.  Solutions  less  than  10  per  cent.  —  In  making  solutions 
where  dry  substance  is  added  to  a  liquid,  if  the  percentage  is  not 
over  10%,  the  custom  is  to  take  100  cc.  of  the  liquid  and  add  to  it 
the  number  of  grams  indicated  by  the  per  cent.  That  is,  for  a 
5%  solution  one  would  take  100  cc.  of  the  liquid  and  5  grams  of  the 
dry  substance.  This  does  not  make  a  strictly  5%  solution.  For 
that  one  should  take  95  cc.  of  liquid  and  5  grams  of  the  dry  sub- 
stance; or,  if  the  percentage  must  be  exact,  then  one  should  weigh 
out  95  grams  of  the  liquid  and  add  5  grams  of  the  dry  substance. 

§  557.  Solutions  of  10  per  cent  and  more.  —  When  the  percentage 
is  10%  or  over  it  is  better  to  weigh  out  the  number  of  grams  repre- 
senting the  percentage  and  add  to  it  the  right  amount  of  liquid  in 
cubic  centimeters.  For  example,  if  one  were  to  make  a  35%  aqueous 
solution  of  caustic  potash  in  water,  then  one  would  add  35  grams  of 
caustic  potash  to  65  cc.  of  water.  If  one  wished  to  make  a  10% 
alcoholic  solution  of  caustic  potash,  he  would  add  10  grams  of  caustic 


potash  to  90  cc.  of  alcohol.  But  here  is  a  case  where,  the  alcohol 
being  of  less  specific  gravity  than  water,  the  mixture  would  not 
weigh  100  grams;  and  to  make  the  mixture  weigh  100  grams,  giving 
therefore  an  exact  percentage,  one  should  take  90  grams  of  alcohol 
and  add  to  it  10  grams  of  caustic  potash.  In  practice  in  making 
solutions  of  collodion  or  parlodion  one  usually  mixes  ether  and  95% 
or  absolute  alcohol  in  equal  volumes  and  then  for  a  10%  solution 
adds  10  grams  of  the  dry  soluble  cotton  or  parlodion  to  90  cc.  of  the 
ether-alcohol  mixture.  But  ether  is  much  lighter  than  water  and  the 
alcohol  somewhat  lighter,  so  that  the  percentage  in  this  case  would 
be  more  than  10%  because  the  90  cc.  of  alcohol  and  ether  would 
weigh  considerably  less  than  90  grams. 

§  668.  Mixtures  of  liquids  to  obtain  a  desired  percentage.  —  It 
frequently  happens  that  it  is  desired  to  obtain  a  lower  percentage  or 
strength  of  a  liquid  than  the  one  in  stock.  This  is  very  readily  done 
according  to  the  general  formula:  Divide  the  percentage  of  the 
strong  solution  by  the  percentage  of  the  desired  solution  and  the 
quotient  will  show  how  many  times  too  strong  the  stock  solution  is. 

To  get  the  desired  strength,  use  i  volume  of  the  strong  stock 
solution,  and  add  to  it  enough  of  the  diluting  liquid  to  make  a 
volume  corresponding  to  the  amount  indicated  by  the  quotient 
obtained  by  dividing  the  percentage  of  the  stock  solution  by  that  of 
the  desired  solution.  For  example,  if  it  is  desired  to  obtain  a  5% 
solution  of  formaldehyde  from  a  stock  solution  of  40%  strength, 
the  stock  solution  being  8  times  too  strong,  to  get  the  5  %  solution 
i  volume  of  the  strong  solution  must  be  used  and  7  volumes  of  the 
diluting  liquid  (water).  The  solution  so  obtained  will  be  |  of  the 
original  strength,  or  5%. 

If  a  2  %  solution  were  desired  then  i  volume  of  the  strong  solution 
would  be  taken  and  19  volumes  of  water,  etc. 

§  669.  Mixtures  of  alcohol.  —  For  alcohol  if  one  desires  a  50  % 
solution  it  is  usually  near  enough  correct  to  add  equal  parts  of  95  % 
alcohol  and  water,  but  this  does  not  actually  give  a  50%  solution. 
To  find  the  real  proportions  according  to  the  general  formula:  95% 
•*•  5°%  =  i'Q*  *'e->  f°r  every  i  cc.  of  95%  alcohol  should  be  added 
p.p  cc.  of  water  or  for  each  100  cc.  of  95%  alcohol,  90  cc.  of  water. 



Even  this  will  not  give  an  exact  mixture  of  alcohol,  for  a  mixture  of 
alcohol  and  water  diminishes  somewhat  in  volume.  To  get  true 
percentages  an  alcoholometer  for  testing  the  specific  gravity  is  used. 
A  simple  method  of  getting  approximately  correct  mixtures  of 
alcohol  is  the  following:  Pour  the  strong  alcohol  into  a  graduate 
glass  (ng.  243,  A ,  B)  until  the  volume  is  the  same  as  the  desired  per- 
centage; then  add  water  until  the  volume  is  the  same  as  the  original 
percentage  of  the  alcohol.  Ex- 
ample: To  get  50%  from  95% 
alcohol  put  50  cc.  of  95%  into 
a  graduate  and  fill  the  graduate 
to  95  cc.  with  water,  and  the 
resulting  mixture  will  be  50% 
alcohol,  and  so  with  all  other 
strengths.  Here  the  shrinkage 
is  eliminated  from  consideration, 
because  the  water  and  alcohol 
are  not  measured  separately  and 
then  mixed,  but  one  is  added  to 
the  other  until  a  given  volume 
is  attained. 

§  560.    Albumen       fixative 


A     Graduate  with  sloping  sides  for 
large  quantities. 

B     Graduate  with  straight  sides  for 

(Mayer's).  —  This    consists     of       -      -         ..        ,        -          .    , 
^       J        '  smaller  quantities  and  more  accurate  de- 

equal  parts  of  well-beaten  white   termination. 

of  egg  and  glycerin.    To   each 

50  cc.  of  this  i  gram  of  salicylate  of  soda  is  added  to  prevent 
putrefactive  changes.  Filter  through  absorbent  cotton.  It  is  not 
to  be  used  on  slides  for  the  ultra-violet  or  incineration. 

§  561.  Alcohol  (ethyl),  QjI^OH.  —  Ethyl  or  grain  alcohol  is 
mostly  used  for  histologic  purposes.  (A)  Absolute  alcohol  (i.e., 
alcohol  of  99  %)  is  recommended  for  many  purposes,  but  if  plenty  of 
95%  alcohol  is  used  it  answers  every  purpose  in  histology,  in  a  dry 
climate  or  in  a  warm,  dry  room.  When  it  is  damp,  dehydration  is 
greatly  facilitated  by  the  use  of  absolute  alcohol. 



(B)  82%  alcohol  made  by  mixing  5  parts  of  95%  alcohol  with  i 
part  of  water. 

(C)  67%  alcohol  made  by  mixing  2  parts  of  95%  alcohol  with  i 
part  of  water.    See  also  §§  558-559- 

For  educational  and  other  public  institutions  the  U.  S.  government 
grants  the  privilege  of  using  ethyl  alcohol  without  paying  the 
revenue  tax,  but  for  private  institutions  and  for  individuals  it  would 
be  a  great  relief  if  the  denatured  alcohol  could  be  mixed  in  all 
proportions  with  water  without  the  formation  of  precipitates. 

§  562.  Alcohol  (methyl),  CH3OH.  —  Methyl  alcohol  or  wood 
alcohol  is  much  cheaper  than  ethyl  or  grain  alcohol  on  account  of 
the  revenue  tax  on  ethyl  alcohol.  It  answers  well  for  many  micro- 
scopic purposes.  It  has  been  refined  so  carefully  in  recent  years  that 
the  disagreeable  odor  is  not  very  noticeable. 


Denatured  alcohol.  —  This  is  ethyl  or  grain  alcohol  rendered 
undrinkable  by  the  addition  of  wood  alcohol  and  benzine  (grain 
alcohol  89!%;  methyl  alcohol  10%,  and  benzine  £%).  In  some 
cases  the  denaturing  substances  are  somewhat  different,  but  all  render 
the  alcohol  unusable  for  drinking.  It  is  then  free  from  internal 
revenue  tax. 

In  Great  Britain  "  methylated  spirits  "  consists  of  grain  alcohol 
with  ib%  methyl  alcohol.  This  is  used  very  largely  in  microscopic 
work.  In  America  the  addition  of  the  benzine  renders  denatured 
alcohol  also  unfit  for  histological  purposes  if  it  is  to  be  diluted.  The 


addition  of  water  makes  it  milky.  If  methyl  alcohol  alone  or  com- 
bined with  pyridin  or  some  other  substance  wholly  soluble  in  water 
were  used  as  the  denaturing  substance,  denatured  alcohol  could  be 
used  in  microscopic  work  for  all  the  grades.  That  denatured  as 
indicated  above  can  be  used  only  in  full  strength  or  very  slightly 

§  563.  Alcohol,  normal  propyl  or  propanol  (CH3CH2CH2OH.  — 
This  form  of  alcohol  has  been  shown  by  Sheridan  to  be  especially 
useful  in  histology  to  prevent  the  great  shrinking  and  hardening  of 
tissues  in  imbedding  by  the  paraffin  method  as  it  is  a  solvent  of 
paraffin.  (See  Jour.  Tech.  Methods,  and  Built.  Internatl.  Assoc. 
Med.  Museums,  Vol  XII,  pp.  125-126,  1929  (Abstract  in  Stain  Tech., 
Vol.  V,  1930,  p.  34.  See  §  641  for  this  method  of  use. 

§  564.  Balsam,  Canada  balsam,  balsam  of  fir.  —  This  is  one  of  the 
oldest  and  most  satisfactory  of  the  resinous  media  used  for  mounting 
microscopic  preparations. 

The  natural  balsam  is  most  often  used;  it  has  the  advantage  of 
being  able  to  take  up  a  small  amount  of  water  so  that,  if  sections  are 
not  quite  dehydrated,  they  will  clear  up  after  a  time. 

§  565.  Xylene  balsam.  —  This  is  Canada  balsam  diluted  or 
thinned  with  xylene.  It  is  recommended  by  many  to  evaporate  the 
natural  balsam  to  dryness  and  then  to  dissolve  it  in  xylene.  For 
some  purposes,  e.g.,  for  mounting  glycogen  preparations,  this  is 
advantageous;  but  it  is  unnecessary  for  most  purposes.  Xylene 
balsam  requires  a  very  complete  desiccation  or  dehydration  of 
objects  to  be  mounted  in  it,  for  the  xylene  is  immiscible  with  water. 

The  hydrocarbon,  xylene  (C8Hi0)  is  called  xylol  in  German.  In 
English,  members  of  the  hydrocarbon  series  have  the  termination 
"  ene,"  while  members  of  the  alcohol  series  terminate  in  "  ol." 

§  566.  Filtering  balsam.  —  Balsam  is  now  furnished  already 
filtered  through  filter  paper.  If  xylene  balsam  is  used,  it  may  be 
made  thin  and  filtered  without  heat.  For  filtering  balsam  and  all 
resinous  and  gummy  materials,  the  writer  has  found  a  paper  funnel 
the  most  satisfactory.  It  can  be  used  once  and  then  thrown  away. 
Such  a  funnel  may  be  easily  made  by  rolling  a  sheet  of  thick  writing 
paper  in  the  form  of  a  cone  and  cementing  the  paper  where  it  over- 


laps,  or  winding  a  string  several  times  around  the  lower  part.  Such 
a  funnel  is  best  used  in  one  of  the  rings  for  holding  funnels,  so  com- 
mon in  chemical  laboratories.  The  filtering  is  most  successfully 
done  in  a  very  warm  place,  like  an  incubator  or  an  incubator  room. 

§  667.  Artificial  resins.  —  There  have  been  developed  recently  cer- 
tain resin-like  mounting  media  which  promise  to  be  even  more  satis- 
factory than  Canada  balsam.  Two  of  them  are:  Du  Font's  isobutyl 
methacrylate  polymer  and  the  Neveliite  Co.'s  clarite  (cycloparaffin 
or  naphthene  polymer). 

These  when  dissolved  in  xylene  or  toluene  give  a  clear  mounting 
medium  which  is  of  approximately  the  refractive  index  of  glass  and 
serve  to  give  the  stained  sections  the  desired  transparency. 

Both  plastics  have  been  used  for  some  months  for  mounting  speci- 
mens to  show  glycogen  stained  with  iodine.  The  stain  is  preserved 

For  the  clarite  60  grams  in  40  cc.  of  xylene  or  toluene  gives  a  solu- 
tion of  about  the  right  consistency.  The  I)u  Pont  methacrylate 
requires  about  equal  percentage  of  the  dry  powder  and  the  xylene  or 
toluene.  The  clarite  fluoresccs  somewhat  in  ultra-violet  light  and 
therefore  should  not  be  used  for  fluorescence  mounts,  §  602. 

§  568.  Acid  balsam.  —  As  stated  above,  all  balsam  is  naturally 
somewhat  acid,  but  for  various  stains  it  is  desirable  to  increase  the 
acidity.  For  example,  specimens  stained  with  picro-fuchsin,  or 
injected  with  carmine  or  Berlin  blue  are  more  satisfactory  and  last 
longer  with  full  brilliancy  if  the  balsam  is  made  more  acid  than  it 
naturally  is.  For  this  use  10  to  20  drops  of  glacial  acetic  or  formic 
acid  to  100  cc.  of  balsam. 

§  569.  Borax  carmine  for  in  to  to  staining.  —  Borax  4  grams; 
carmine  3  grams;  water  100  cc.  Shake  frequently  for  several  days 
and  then  filter  and  add  100  cc.  of  67%  alcohol.  After  3  to  4  days  it 
may  be  necessary  to  filter  again.  Good  for  in  toto  staining  after  al- 
most any  fixer.  Put  the  object  to  be  stained  from  alcohol  into  a  vial 
with  plenty  of  stain.  After  a  day  or  two  change  the  stain.  Stain 
4  to  5  days.  Remove  to  67%  alcohol,  adding  4  drops  of  HC1  to  each 
100  cc.  of  alcohol.  After  one  day  remove  to  82%  alcohol. 

§  570.   Carmine  for  mucus  (mucicarmin).  —  One  can  buy  the  dry 


powder  or  preferably  prepare  the  stain.  To  prepare  it,  take  i  gram 
of  Carmine  No.  40  and  |  gram  of  pure  dry  ammonium  chlorid.  If  the 
latter  is  slightly  moist,  dry  it  in  an  evaporating  dish  in  a  sand  bath. 
Mix  the  ammonium  chlorid  and  the  carmine  and  add  2  cc.  of  water. 
Mix  well  and  heat  over  a  sand  bath,  constantly  mixing  with  a  glass 
rod.  Continue  the  heating  until  the  carmine  colored  mass  becomes 
very  dark  red.  It  will  take  3  to  10  minutes  for  this.  The  heat 
should  not  be  too  great. 

Dissolve  the  dark  red  mixture  in  100  cc.  of  50%  alcohol.  For  use, 
dilute  five-  or  tenfold  with  tap  water.  This  stains  best  after  mercuric 
fixers.  One  must  not  collodionize  sections  to  be  stained  with  this, 
as  the  carmine  stains  the  collodion  very  deeply.  Stain  the  sections 
first  with  hematoxylin  as  usual;  then  stain  i  to  5  hours  or  longer 
with  the  dilute  mucicarmin.  The  mucus  in  goblet  cells,  in  the  mu- 
cous part  of  the  salivary  glands,  etc.,  will  be  red.  Nuclei  will  be 
stained  with  hematoxylin.  Mount  in  balsam  (§  535). 

§  571.  Cedar-wood  oil.  —  For  penetrating  tissues  and  preparing 
them  for  infiltration  with  paraffin,  thick  oil  is  recommended  by  Lee. 
For  tissues  fixed  "with  osn.ic  acid  for  fat,  the  thick  oil  is  necessary, 
but  for  most  histologic  and  embryologic  work,  that  known  as  Cedar- 
wood  Oil  (Florida)  is  excellent,  also  that  known  as  Cedar-wood  Oil 
(true  Lebanon).  These  forms  are  far  less  expensive  than  the  thick 
oil.  The  tissues  should  be  thoroughly  dehydrated  before  putting 
them  into  cedar-wood  oil,  and  they  should  remain  until  they  are 

The  thickened  cedar-wood  oil  used  for  homogeneous  immersion 
should  be  obtained  from  the  manufacturers  of  microscopes;  they 
naturally  would  supply  the  kind  suitable  for  the  purpose. 

§  572.  Chloroform  (CHCls). — This  is  used  for  clearing  and  im- 
bedding where  fats  fixed  with  osmic  acid  are  to  be  preserved  in  the 
tissues.  It  is  also  used  for  hardening  collodion,  in  collodion  im- 
bedding. It  is  an  excellent  solvent  of  cedar-wood  oil  and  is  used  for 
cleaning  homogeneous  immersion  fluid  (cedar-oil)  from  objectives, 
condensers  and  microscopic  preparations. 

§  673.  Carbol-xylene  clearer.  —  Vasale  recommends  as  a  clearer, 
xylene  75  cc.,  carbolic  acid  (melted  crystals)  25  cc. 


§  573a.  Carbol-xylene  and  eosin.  In  order  to  counterstain  with  eosin  during 
the  clearing  process,  the  carbol-xylene  is  charged  with  eosin  as  follows :  A  satu- 
rated aqueous  solution  of  eosin  is  prepared,  and  to  it  is  added  with  constant 
stirring,  hydrochloric  acid  until  there  is  a  good  precipitate.  Filter  through  filter 
paper.  Wash  the  precipitate  with  distilled  water  until  the  water  goes  through 
pink.  This  indicates  that  the  acid  is  washed  out.  Dry  the  washed  precipitate. 
This  is  soluble  in  the  carbol-xylene  and  enough  should  be  added  to  make  that 
pink.  More  or  less  can  be  used  depending  on  the  depth  of  the  eosin  stain  de- 
sired. That  can  be  regulated  also  by  the  time  the  sections  are  left  in  the  eosined 
clearer.  (Freeborn,  Jour.  Ap.  Microscopy,  Vol.  Ifl,  p.  1058). 

§  574.  Carbol- turpentine  clearer.  —  A  satisfactory  and  generally 
applicable  clearer  is  carbol  turpentine,  made  by  mixing  carbolic  acid 
crystals  (Acidum  carbolicum.  A.  phenicum  crystallizatum)  40  cc. 
with  rectified  oil  of  turpentine  (Oleum  terebinthinae  rectificatium) 
60  cc.  If  the  carbolic  acid  does  not  dissolve  in  the  turpentine, 
increase  the  turpentine,  thus:  carbolic  acid  30  cc.,  turpentine  70  cc. 

This  clearer  is  not  so  good  as  the  preceding  for  mounting  objects 
which  have  been  stained  with  osmic  acid,  as  the  hydrogen  dioxid 
(H202)  present  fades  the  blackened  osmic  acid. 

§  576.  Clarifier,  castor-xylene  clarifier.  —  This  is  composed  of 
castor  oil  i  part  and  xylene  3  parts.  (Trans.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc., 
1895,  p.  361.)  For  the  use  of  this  clarifier,  see  under  the  collodion 
method  (§  652). 

§  576.  Collodion.  —  This  is  a  solution  of  soluble  cotton  or  other 
form  of  pyroxylin  in  equal  parts  of  sulphuric  ether  in  95%  or  abso- 
lute alcohol.  In  using  soluble  cotton  for  infiltrating  and  imbedding 
tissues  several  different  strengths  are  used,  commencing  with  weak 
and  proceeding  to  strong  mixtures.  The  last  in  which  the  tissue  is 
imbedded  is  as  thick  a  solution  as  can  be  made.  All  collodion  solu- 
tions should  be  kept  well  corked,  for  the  ether  and  alcohol  are  very 

§  576a.  The  substance  used  in  preparing  collodion  goes  by  various  names; 
soluble  cotton  or  collodion  cotton  is  perhaps  best.  This  is  cellulose  nitrate,  and 
consists  of  a  mixture  of  cellulose  tetranitrate  Ci2Hi«(NO8)4O6  and  cellulose  pentani- 
trate,  CiaHuCNOa^Os.  Besides  the  names  soluble  and  collodion  cotton,  it  is  called 
gun  cotton  and  pyroxylin.  Pyroxylin  is  the  more  general  term  and  includes 
several  of  the  cellulose  nitrates.  Celloidin  is  a  patent  preparation  of  pyroxylin, 
more  expensive  than  soluble  cotton. 

An  American  product  known  as  "parlodion  "  has  recently  (1915)  appeared 
to  take  the  place  of  the  celloidin  not  now  obtainable.  It  is  non-explosive,  and  is 
said  to  be  a  very  pure,  concentrated  form  of  collodion  especially  adapted  to  the 


needs  of  histology  and  embryology.  (Advertising  pages,  Anatomical  Record, 
Dec.,  1915.) 

Soluble  cotton  should  be  kept  in  the  dark  to  avoid  decomposition.  After  it 
is  in  solution,  this  decomposition  is  not  so  likely  to  occur.  The  decomposition  of 
the  dry  cotton  gives  rise  to  nitrous  acid,  and  hence  it  is  best  to  keep  it  in  a  box 
loosely  covered,  so  that  the  nitrous  acid  may  escape. 

Cellulose  nitrate  is  explosive  under  concussion  and  under  150°  centigrade  heat. 
In  the  air,  the  loose  soluble  cotton  burns  without  explosion.  It  is  said  not  to 
injure  the  hand  if  held  upon  it  during  ignition  and  not  to  fire  gunpowder  if 
burned  upon  it.  So  far  as  known  to  the  writer,  no  accident  has  ever  occurred 
from  the  use  of  soluble  cotton  for  microscopic  purposes.  I  wish  to  express  my 
thanks  to  Professor  W.  R.  Orndorff,  organic  chemist  in  Cornell  University,  for 
the  above  information.  (Proc.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  vol.  XV11  (1895),  pp.  361-370.) 

§  577.  Collodion  for  cementing  sections  to  the  slide.  —  This  is 
a  f  %  solution  made  by  adding  f  gram  of  soluble  cotton  to  50  cc.  of 
95%  or  absolute  alcohol  and  50  cc.  of  sulphuric  ether.  This  may 
be  used  before  deparaffining  or,  preferably,  afterward.  (See  §  639.) 

§  578.  Congo  red.  —  Water  100  cc.,  congo  red  \  gram.  This  is 
a  good  counter  stain  for  hematoxylin. 

§  579.  Congo-glycerin.  —  (Glycerin  TOO  cc.,  congo  red  (§578)  20 
ccO-  For  mixing  with  and  staining  isolation  preparations  (§  539) 
and  for  a  mounting  medium,  this  is  an  excellent  combination.  It  is 
particularly  good  for  nerve  cells. 

§  580.  Decalcifier.  —  One  of  the  best  is  a  mixture  of  ethyl  alcohol 
and  nitric  acid  (67  %  alcohol,  100  cc.,  strong  nitric  acid,  3  cc.).  The 
tissue  or  organ  should  first  be  fixed  by  some  approved  method.  It 
may  then  be  put  into  the  decalcifier.  Change  the  decalcifier  two 
or  three  times.  It  usually  takes  from  2  to  10  days,  depending  on  the 
object  and  its  size.  One  can  tell  when  the  decalcification  is  complete 
by  inserting  a  fine  needle.  If  there  is  no  gritty  feeling  the  decalcifi- 
cation is  complete.  Wash  in  two  or  three  changes  of  water,  and  then 
transfer  to  67%  alcohol,  and  in  24  hours  to  82%  alcohol.  It  is 
better  to  imbed  and  section  soon,  as  decalcified  tissue  is  likely  to 
deteriorate.  The  original  fixation  and  the  use  of  alcohol  in  the  decal- 
cifier are  to  avoid  the  gelatinization  of  the  white  fibrous  tissue. 

One  can  use  either  the  collodion  or  the  paraffin  method  for  sec- 
tioning. For  large  objects  perhaps  the  collodion  method  gives  the 
better  results. 

§  581.  Dissociating  Liquids.  —  These  liquids  are  for  perserving 
the  tissue  elements  or  cells  and  for  dissolving  or  softening  the  inter- 


cellular  substance  so  that  the  cells  may  be  readily  separated  from 
their  neighbors.  The  separation  is  accomplished  by  (a)  teasing  with 
needles;  (6)  shaking  in  a  liquid  in  a  test-tube;  (c)  scraping  with  a 
scalpel  and  crushing  with  the  flat  of  the  blade;  (d)  tapping 
sharply  on  the  cover-glass  after  the  object  is  mounted.  One  may 
find  it  desirable  to  use  (d)  with  all  the  methods. 

(1)  Formaldehyde  dissociator. — Strong  formalin  (40%  formalde- 
hyde gas  in  water)  2  cc.;   normal  salt  solution  1000  cc.    One  can 
begin  work  within  f  hour  and  good  results  may  be  obtained  after  2 
to  3  days  immersion.    Excellent  for  epithelia  and  for  nerve  cells. 

(2)  Muller's  fluid  dissociator.  —  Miiller's  fluid  i  cc.,  normal  salt 
solution  9  cc.    It  usually  requires  from  i  to  5  days  for  epithelia  to 
dissociate  in  this.    The  action  is  more  rapid  in  a  warm  place. 

(3)  Nitric  acid  dissociator.  —  Nitric   acid   20   cc.,   water   80  cc. 
This  is  used  especially  for  muscular  tissue.    It  takes  from  i  to  3 
days,  depending  on  the  temperature.    The  nitric  acid  gelatinizes  the 
connective  tissue.    Wash  out  the  acid  with  water  for  a  few  minutes. 
Preserve  in  2%  formaldehyde. 

§  682.  Elastic  stains.  —  There  are  four  good  differential  stains  for 
elastic  tissue: 

(1)  The  orcein  stain  of  Unna  (Mon.  Schr.  Dermat.,  1894,  xix,  i). 
It  is  prepared  by  mixing  i  gram  of  orcein,  100  cc.  of  82%  alcohol,  and 
i  cc.  of  hydrochloric  acid.    Stain  for  one  hour  or  less  in  the  solution 
warmed  in  an  oven  (fig.  255).    Wash  well  with  67%  alcohol,  then  in 
water.    Dehydrate  and  mount  in  balsam  or  clarite.     Counterstain 
with   haematoxylin   or  methylene  blue.     Elastic  fibers  stain  dark 
brown,  nuclei  purple  or  blue  (§§  585,  593). 

(2)  Weigert's  basic-fuchsin-resorcin  method.    Basic  fuchsin  2  grams; 
resorcin  or  phenol  4  grams;   water  200  cc.    Boil  5  to  10  minutes. 
Add  to  the  boiling  mixture  25  cc.  of  a  30%  aqueous  solution  of  chlorid 
of  iron  (FeCla).    Boil  for  3  to  10  minutes.    Then  add  drop-wise  a 
saturated  solution  of  the  iron  chlorid  till  the  color  is  all  precipitated. 
Test  occasionally  by  letting  a  few  drops  run  down  the  side  of  the 
beaker  used  for  the  heating.    When  the  color  is  precipitated,  it  will 
appear  as  fine  granules,  and  the  liquid  will  be  clear  or  slightly  yellow. 

When  precipitated,  allow  the  liquid  to  cool  and  the  coloring  matter 


to  settle.  Filter  through  filter  paper.  Scrape  off  the  precipitate  or 
cut  off  the  lower  end  of  the  filter.  Put  in  a  pyrex  beaker;  add  200  cc. 
of  95%  alcohol;  heat  over  a  water  bath  till  the  alcohol  boils;  stir 
the  mixture  occasionally  with  a  glass  rod;  boil  5  minutes  or  more. 
Filter  the  hot  solution  into  a  pyrex  beaker  and  allow  it  to  cool.  When 
it  is  cool,  add  with  stirring  5  cc.  of  hydrochloric  acid. 

Stain  paraffin  or  collodion  sections  in  this  one  hour  or  less.  Wash 
off  the  stain  with  95%  alcohol.  This  stain  is  good  for  any  method  of 
fixation.  The  elastic  tissue  will  be  dark  gray  or  black.  For  multiple 
staining  see  §  66  r. 

(3)  Sheridan's  crystal-violet  (Stain  Technology,  Vol.  5,  p.  31,  1935). 
This  stain  is  prepared  the  same  as  Weigert's  except  that  the  crystal- 
violet  is  used  instead  of  the  basic  fuchsin.    Elastic  fibers  are  stained 
green.    Orange  G  is  a  good  counterstain. 

(4)  Verhoejf's  iron-hcematoxylin  stain  (Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc., 
1908,  Vol.  50,  Part  i,  p.  876).    i  gram  of  haematoxylin  crystals;  20  cc. 
of  95%  alcohol.    Heat  in  a  test-tube  till  the  stain  is  dissolved.    When 
the  haematoxylin  is  dissolved  and  the  solution  cool,  add  iron  chlorid 
(FeCl3)  of  a  10%  aqueous  solution  8  cc.    Finally  add  8  cc.  of  Lugol's 
solution.    (lodin  2  grams,  iodide  of  potassium  4  grams,  water  100  cc.) 

Stain  the  sections  from  alcohol  in  this  mixture  till  they  are  black 
(10-15  minutes  or  more),  then  differentiate  with  2%  aqueous  iron 
chlorid  solution.  It  takes  half  a  minute  or  less  to  differentiate. 
If  the  differentiation  is  not  sufficient  the  nuclei  will  be  prominent; 
if  it  has  been  carried  too  far,  the  finest  fibers  will  be  too  pale.  They 
should  be  black.  Wash  with  water,  dehydrate,  mount  in  balsam  or 
clarite.  If  a  counterstain  is  desired,  picro-fuchsin  (§  610)  is  good. 

Dr.  Verhoeff  says  that  the  elastic  stain  with  the  Lugol's  solution 
omitted  is  superior  to  alum  haematoxylin  for  staining  nuclei,  and  is 
very  rapid.  Sections  are  stained  one  minute  or  longer  and  then  dif- 
ferentiated with  two  per  cent,  ferric  aqueous  ferric  chlorid,  then 
washed  in  water  and  counterstained  with  eosin  or  phloxine,  and 
mounted  in  balsam  or  one  of  the  synthetic  resins. 

This  stain  answers  well  for  tissues  fixed  in  any  of  the  standard 
fixers.  If  the  fixer  contains  mercury  that  may  be  removed  in  the 
usual  manner  by  immersing  H:he  slide  in  iodized  alcohol  (§  597). 

450  CABINETS;     SLIPS  AND  COVERS;    MOUNTING       [Cn.  XI 

(5)  Mallory  and  Wright's  connective  tissue  stain  (§  599)  gives  a 
bright  pink  color  to  the  elastic  tissue  of  the  ligamentum  nuchae,  and 
a  blue  color  to  its  collagenous  tissue. 

In  Dr.  Mallory's  new  work,  Pathological  Technique,  published  in 
1938,  he  says  on  page  153  that  in  preparing  the  connective  tissue  stain 
phosphomolybdic  acid  was  originally  used,  but  the  acid  fuchsin  tended 
to  fade.  He  now  recommends  the  substitution  of  phosphotungstic 
acid,  which,  he  says,  gives  more  permanent  preparations.  In  case  the 
collagenous  fibers  are  to  be  made  as  prominent  as  possible  only  the 
blue  collagen  stain  is  used,  the  acid  fuchsin  being  omitted. 

§  583.  Eosin.  —  This  is  used  mostly  as  a  contrast  stain  with 
hematoxylin,  which  is  almost  a  purely  nuclear  stain.  It  serves  to 
stain  the  cell  body,  ground  substance,  etc.,  which  would  be 
too  transparent  and  invisible  with  hematoxylin  alone.  If  eosin  is 
used  alone,  it  gives  a  decided  color  to  the  tissue  and  thus  aids  in  its 
study.  Eosin  is  used  in  alcoholic  and  in  aqueous  solutions.  A  very 
satisfactory  stain  is  made  as  follows:  50  cc.  of  water  and  50  cc.  of 
95  %  alcohol  are  mixed  and  ^V  of  a  gram  of  dry  eosin  added.  \  % 
aqueous  eosin  is  also  good. 

§  584.  Eosin  in  95  per  cent  alcohol.  —  For  staining  embryos  and 
tissues  so  that  the  tissue  in  the  ribbons  of  sections  may  be  seen 
easily  a  saturated  solution  of  alcoholic  eosin  is  made.  This  is  also 
used  for  staining  with  methylene  blue. 

§  585.  Eosin  methylene  blue.  —  See  Mallory  &  Wright,  Patho- 
logical Technique,  8th  edition,  p.  102.    This  double  stain  is  one  of 
the  most  useful  in  microscopy.    It  is  prepared  and  used  thus: 
Eosin  soluble  in  alcohol  only,  or  soluble  in  both  alcohol  and  water. 
Saturated  solution  of  eosin  in  95  %  alcohol. 

Methylene  blue,  pure,  such  as  is  used  in  medicine  i  gram 

Borax i  gram 

Water 100  cc. 

For  use  dilute  the  methylene-blue-borax  solution  four  or  five 
times  with  water. 

Stain  the  slide  of  sections  in  the  eosin  solution  3  minutes. 

Wash  the  eosin  off  with  plenty  of  water  either  by  flooding  with  a 
pipette  or  by  dipping  the  slide  in  a  vessel  of  water. 


Stain  in  the  diluted  methylene  blue  10  minutes  more  or  less. 

Rinse  off  the  excess  dye  in  water. 

Differentiate  by  pouring  over  the  slide  of  sections,  95%  alcohol 
till  the  sections  begin  to  look  pink.  Rapidly  dehydrate  with  abso- 
lute alcohol  and  clear  with  xylene;  mount  in  balsam.  It  was 
pointed  out  by  S.  B.  Wolbach  (Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  1911,  Vol. 
56  (I),  p.p.  345-346),  that  the  addition  of  resin  dark  or  light 
(colophonium)  to  the  alcohol  made  the  differentiation  more  precise 
and  certain.  He  recommends  the  addition  of  i  %  resin  for  Zenker- 
fixed  tissue.  For  formalin-fixed  tissue  one  may  need  to  add  from 
5%  to  10%  of  the  resin.  The  use  of  denatured  alcohol  is  also  suc- 
cessful if  one  uses  the  resin. 

§  586.  Ether,  ether-alcohol.  —  Sulphuric  ether  (C2H5)2O  is  meant 
when  ether  is  mentioned  in  this  book.  Wherever  ether-alcohol  is 
mentioned  it  means  a  mixture  of  equal  volumes  of  sulphuric  ether 
and  95%  or  absolute  alcohol,  unless  otherwise  stated. 

§687.  Farrant's  solution. — Take  25  grams  of  clean,  dry  gum 
arabic,  25  cc.  of  a  saturated  aqueous  solution  of  arsenious  acid, 
25  cc.  of  glycerin.  The  gum  arabic  is  soaked  for  several  days  in  the 
arsenic  water,  then  the  glycerin  is  added  and  carefully  mixed  with 
the  dissolved  or  softened  gum  arabic. 

This  medium  retains  air  bubbles  with  great  tenacity.  It  is  much 
easier  to  avoid  them  than  to  get  rid  of  them  in  mounting. 

§  588.  Flemming's  Fluid.  — Water  19  cc.;  i%  osmic  acid  10  cc.; 
10%  chromic  acid  3  cc.;  glacial  acetic  acid  2  cc.  This  osmic  fixer 
is  good  for  very  small  pieces  —  i  to  5  millimeter  pieces,  thickness 
not  over  2  to  3  mm.  Wash  out  with  water  10  to  24  hours,  then 
in  67%  alcohol;  later  in  82%  and  95%. 

§589.  Formaldehyde  (HCHO  or  OCH2).  — -This  is  found  in 
the  market  under  the  name  of  "  formalin,"  etc.,  and  consists  of  a 
40%  solution  of  formaldehyde  gas  in  water. 

For  fixing  tissues  and  embryos  a  5%  solution  is  good  (formalin 
i  cc.,  water  7  cc.).  A  common  fixer  is  10  cc.  formalin,  90  cc.  water. 
This  is  frequently  called  10%  formalin;  it  is,  however,  only  4% 

Tissues  may  stay  in  this  indefinitely.     Small  pieces  are  fixed 


within  an  hour.  Before  hardening  in  alcohol  and  imbedding,  wash 
out  the  formalin  in  running  water  half  an  hour,  then  harden  a  day  or 
more  in  67%  and  82%  alcohol. 

For  preserving  nitric-acid-dissociated  muscle  a  2  %  formaldehyde 
solution  is  good.  Formalin  i  cc.,  water  19  cc.  (§  558).  See  also 
§  538  for  the  formaldehyde  dissociator. 

§590.  Glycerin.  Glycerol  (C3H5(dH)3).  —  (A)  One  should  have 
pure  glycerin  for  a  mounting  medium.  It  needs  no  preparation, 
unless  it  contains  dust,  when  it  should  be  filtered  through  filter  paper 
or  absorbent  cotton. 

To  prepare  objects  for  final  mounting,  glycerin  50  cc.,  water  50 
cc.,  forms  a  good  mixture.  For  many  purposes  the  final  mounting 
in  glycerin  is  made  in  an  acid  medium,  viz.,  glycerin  99  cc.,  glacial 
acetic  or  formic  acid,  i  cc. 

By  extreme  care  in  mounting  and  by  occasionally  adding  a  fresh 
coat  to  the  sealing  of  the  cover-glass,  glycerin  preparations  last  a 
long  time.  They  are  likely  to  be  disappointing,  however.  In 
mounting  in  glycerin  care  should  be  taken  to  avoid  air-bubbles,  as 
they  are  difficult  to  get  rid  of.  A  specimen  need  not  be  discarded, 
however,  unless  the  air-bubbles  are  large  and  numerous.  See  also 
congo  glycerin  (§§  530-54°) • 

§  591.  Glycerin  jelly  for  microscopic  specimens.  —  Soak  25  grams 
of  the  best  dry  gelatin  in  cold  water  in  a  pyrex  or  agateware  dish. 
Allow  the  water  to  remain  until  the  gelatin  is  softened.  It  usually 
takes  about  half  an  hour.  When  softened,  as  may  be  readily  deter- 
mined by  taking  a  little  in  the  fingers,  pour  off  the  superfluous  water 
and  drain  well  to  get  rid  of  all  the  water  that  has  not  been  imbibed 
by  the  gelatin.  Warm  the  softened  gelatin  over  a  water  bath  and  it 
will  melt  in  the  water  it  has  absorbed.  Add  about  5  cc.  of  egg  albu- 
men (white  of  egg);  stir  it  well  and  then  heat  the  gelatin  in  the 
water  bath  for  about  half  an  hour.  Do  not  heat  above  75°  or  80°  C., 
for  if  the  gelatin  is  heated  too  hot,  it  will  be  transformed  into  meta- 
gelatin  and  will  not  set  when  cold.  Heat  coagulates  the  albumen 
and  it  forms  a  kind  of  flocculent  precipitate  which  seems  to  gather 
all  fine  particles  of  dust,  etc.,  leaving  the  gelatin  perfectly  clear. 
After  the  gelatin  is  clarified,  filter  through  a.  hot  flannel  filter  and 


mix  with  an  equal  volume  of  glycerin  and  5  grams  of  chloral  hydrate 
and  shake  thoroughly.  If  it  is  allowed  to  remain  in  a  warm  place 
(i.e.,  in  a  place  where  the  gelatin  remains  melted)  the  air-bubbles 
will  rise  and  disappear. 

In  case  the  glycerin  jelly  remains  fluid  or  semi-fluid  at  the  ordi- 
nary temperature  (i8°-2o°  C.),  either  the  gelatin  has  been  trans- 
formed into  meta-gelatin  by  too  high  a  temperature  or  it  contains 
too  much  water.  The  amount  of  water  may  be  lessened  by  heating 
at  a  moderate  temperature  over  a  water  bath  in  an  open  vessel. 
This  is  an  excellent  mounting  medium.  Air-bubbles  should  be 
avoided  in  mounting  as  they  do  not  disappear. 

§  592.  Glycerin  jelly  for  anatomic  preparations.  —  Specimens 
prepared  by  the  Kaiserling  method  or  other  satisfactory  way  may 
be  permanently  preserved  in  glycerin  jelly  prepared  as  follows:  Best 
clear  gelatin,  200  grams;  Kaiserling's  No.  4  solution,  3000  cc.  (Po- 
tassium acetate  100  grams;  glycerin  200  cc.;  water  1000  cc.)  Put 
the  gelatin  in  the  potassium-acetate-glycerin-water  mixture  in  an 
agate  pail  and  heat  over  a  gas  or  other  stove.  Stir.  When  the  tem- 
perature is  about  55°  centigrade  add  the  whites  of  three  eggs  well 
beaten,  and  stir  them  in  vigorously.  Make  markedly  acid  by  acetic 
acid.  Continue  the  heating  until  the  mixture  just  boils,  and  then 
filter  through  filter  paper  into  fruit  jars.  It  is  best  to  put  over  the 
filter  paper  two  thicknesses  of  gauze.  A  piece  of  thymol  in  the  top 
of  each  jar  will  prevent  the  growth  of  fungi,  or  one  can  add  5% 
chloral  hydrate.  Specimens  are  mounted  in  this  jelly  directly  from 
the  No.  4  Kaiserling's,  or  alcoholic  specimens  can  be  soaked  in  water 
an  hour  or  more  and  then  kept  in  some  of  the  melted  jelly  until  well 
soaked;  then  they  can  be  mounted  permanently  in  the  glycerin 
jelly.  At  the  time  of  mounting  the  gelatin  is  liquefied  over  a  water 
bath,  and  for  every  20  cc.  of  the  gelatin  used,  one  drop  of  strong 
formalin  is  added.  This  is  to  prevent  the  liquefication  of  the  gelatin 
after  the  specimen  is  mounted.  Let  the  gelatin  cool  gradually  after 
the  specimen  is  in  place,  then  add  some  melted  gelatin  to  make  the 
vessel  over-full  and  slide  a  glass  cover  on  it.  This  excludes  all  air. 
The  cover  may  then  be  sealed  with  the  clear  gelatin  or  glue  used  for 
gluing  wood,  or  the  cement  used  in  mending  crockery.  Finally ?  one 


can  seal  with  rubber  cement  if  desired.  (See  W.  H.  Watters,  N.Y. 
Med.  Record,  Dec.  22,  1906.) 

§593.  Chloral  hematoxylin. — Potash  alum  4  grams;  distilled 
water  125  cc.;  hematoxylin  crystals  A  gram.  Boil  5  to  10  minutes 
in  an  agate  or  pyrex  dish.  After  cooling,  add  3  grams  of  choral 
hydrate  and  put  into  a  bottle.  This  will  stain  more  rapidly  after  a 
week  or  two  if  the  bottle  is  left  uncorked.  It  takes  from  i  to  5 
minutes  to  stain  sections,  —  sometimes  a  long  time.  Use  after  any 
method  of  fixation. 

It  may  be  prepared  for  work  at  once  by  the  addition  of  a  small 
amount  of  hydrogen  dioxid  (H2O2). 

If  the  stain  is  too  concentrated  it  may  be  diluted  with  freshly 
distilled  water  or  with  a  mixture  of  water,  alum  and  chloral.  If  the 
stain  is  not  sufficiently  concentrated,  more  hematoxylin  may  be 
added.  (Proc.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  1892,  pp.  125-127.) 

§  694.  Iron  hematoxylin.  —  For  this  stain  there  are  three  solu- 
tions: (a)  the  mordant  composed  of  a  2%  aqueous  solution  of  ferric 
alum  (iron-ammonium-persulphate);  (b)  a  0.5%  solution  of  hema- 
toxylin (10%  alcoholic  hematoxylin  5  cc.,  distilled  water  95  cc.); 
(c)  the  differentiating  fluid  composed  of  the  ferric  alum  diluted 
several  times. 

The  stain  can  be  used  after  any  fixer,  and  the  steps  are  as  follows: 
(i)  mordant  with  the  ferric  alum  i  to  24  hours;  (2)  rinse  the  speci- 
men 10  to  30  minutes  in  water;  (3)  stain  for  3  to  24  hours  in  the 
hematoxylin;  (4)  differentiate  slowly,  watching  the  effect  under  the 
microscope.  For  this,  dip  the  slide  into  the  ferric  alum  in  the  differ- 
entiator for  a  few  seconds  and  then  rinse  with  tap  water.  When 
satisfactory,  wash  in  running  water  15  to  60  minutes.  The  mordant 
and  stain  may  be  used  several  times. 

§  695.  Hematein.  —  This  is  used  instead  of  hematoxylin,  as  it  is 
believed  to  give  more  satisfactory  results.  Prepare  as  follows:  Put 
a  5  %  solution  of  potash  alum  in  distilled  water  and  boil  or  leave  in  a 
steam  sterilizer  an  hour  or  two.  While  warm,  add  i  per  cent  of 
hematein  dissolved  in  a  small  quantity  of  alcohol.  After  the  fluid 
has  cooled  add  2  grams  of  chloral  for  each  100  cc.  of  solution.  (Free- 
born,  Jour.  Ap.  Micr.  1900,  p.  1056.) 


§  596.  Iodin  stain  for  glycogen.  —  Iodin  i|  grams;  iodid  of  potas- 
sium 3  grams;  sodium  chlorid  ij  grams;  water  300  cc.  For  very 
soluble  glycogen  one  can  use  50%  alcohol  300  cc.  instead  of  water. 
The  iodin  stain  is  the  most  precise  and  differential  for  glycogen. 
Tissues  or  embryos  for  glycogen  are  fixed  and  hardened  in  95%  or 
absolute  alcohol,  and  sectioned  by  the  paraffin  or  by  the  collodion 

Fig.  245.    Wide  mouth  specimen  bottle  with  glass  stopper. 
Fig.  246.    Salt  mouth  bottle  with  glass  stopper. 
Fig.  247.    Glass  jar  with  screw  top. 

method.  For  permanent  preparations  the  paraffin  method  is  best 
(§  640).  In  spreading  the  sections  use  this  iodin  stain  instead  of 
water.  Glycogen  in  the  sections  stains  a  mahogany  red,  and  the 
stain  remains  for  ten  or  more  years  in  the  spread  paraffin  sections. 
Spread  sections  may  be  stained  or  restained  by  immersing  the  slide 
in  iodin  stain. 


Before  mounting  permanently,  deparaffin  with  xylene,  and  mount 
in  melted  yellow  vaseline.  Press  the  cover  down  gently.  Seal  with 
shellac  or  balsam.  (Trans.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  1906,  pp.  203-205.) 

§697.  lodin  in  alcohol.  —  lodin  10  grams;  95%  alcohol  90  cc. 
This  is  the  strong  stock  solution. 

For  removing  the  pinlike  or  granular  mercuric  crystals  from  sec- 
tions of  objects  fixed  in  any  fixer  containing  mercury,  e.g.,  Zenker's 
fluid,  etc.,  take  95%  alcohol  500  cc.  and  the  10%  iodin  solution  5  cc. 
In  some  cases,  where  the  amount  of  mercury  in  the  tissue  is  great, 
one  may  use  10  or  even  15  cc.  of  the  strong  stock  solution.  Rinse 
the  slide  well  in  pure  95  %  alcohol  to  remove  the  iodin  after  all  the 
crystals  have  dissolved  (J  an  hour  or  more). 

For  embryos  and  tissues  fixed  in  a  mercuric  fixer  one  can  add 
several  drops  of  the  stock  solution  to  the  alcohol  containing  the 
tissue  and  then  by  changing  the  alcohol  occasionally  the  mercury 
will  be  mostly  removed  before  sectioning.  It  is  readily  removed 
from  the  sections  as  just  described. 

§  598.  Lamp-black  for  ingestion  by  leucocytes.  —  Lamp-black,  2 
grams;  sodium  chlorid  i  gram;  gum  acacia  (gum  arabic)  i  gram; 
distilled  water  100  cc.  Mix  all  thoroughly  in  a  mortar.  The  gum 
arabic  is  to  aid  in  getting  an  emulsion  of  the  lamp-black.  Filter 
through  one  thickness  of  gauze  and  one  of  lens  paper.  If  for  a 
mammal,  sterilize  by  boiling.  If  some  of  this  mixture  is  injected 
into  an  animal,  the  leucocytes  will  ingest  the  carbon  particles.  Car- 
mine may  be  used  instead  of  lamp-black,  but  it  is  not  so  good  be- 
cause not  so  enduring  as  lamp-black. 

§  599.  Mallory  and  Wright's  connective  tissue  stain.  —  Mallory 
and  Wright,  Pathological  Technique,  8th  edition,  p.  118.  Mallory, 
1938  edition,  p.  153.  Two  solutions  are  employed: 

(1)  Acid  fuchsin  (Rubine  S)  Certification  No.  6 0.5    gram 

Water 100.00  cc. 

(2)  Aniline  blue,  water  soluble 0.5    gram 

Orange  G 2.0    grams 

i%  aqueous  solution  of  phosphotungstic  acid.  .  .  .  100.00  cc. 

Keep  the  solutions  separate.    Stain  first  with  (i),  i  to  5  minutes,  let 
the  slide  drain  a  moment  and  put  directly  in  (2)  without  washing  it. 


Leave  in  (2)  from  two  to  four  times  as  long  as  in  (i).  Every  tissue 
seems  to  be  a  law  unto  itself,  and  one  must  find  the  best  periods  by 

Rinse  off  the  water  and  put  directly  into  95%  alcohol  or  use  a 
pipette  and  flood  with  95%.  Dehydrate,  clear  and  mount  in  balsam. 
Collagenous  tissue  stains  blue,  elastic  tissue  red  (§  582,  5). 

This  is  excellent  for  the  ligamentum  nuchae,  but  not  differential 
for  elastic  tissue,  when  there  are  many  different  tissues  present. 

§  600.  Mercuric  chlorid  (HgCl2).  —  Mercuric  chlorid  y|  grams; 
sodium  chlorid  i  gram;  water  100  cc.  The  solution  is  facilitated 
by  heating  in  an  agate  dish.  Fix  fresh  tissue  in  this  2  to  24  hours. 
Then  transfer  to  67  %  alcohol  a  day  or  more  and  then  to  82  %  al- 
cohol. Tissues  fixed  in  mercuric  chlorid  deteriorate;  hence  it  is 
better  to  imbed  them  soon  after  they  are  fixed.  Crystals  of  mer- 
cury are  removed  from  the  sections  by  the  use  of  iodized  alcohol 

(§  597). 

§601.  Methylene  blue,  alkaline.  —  Methylene  blue  2  grams; 
95%  or  absolute  alcohol  50  cc.;  distilled  water  450  cc.;  i%  aqueous 
caustic  potash  5  cc.  This  stain  works  best  after  a  fixer  containing 
mercuric  chlorid,  like  Zenker's  fluid.  (See  §  584  for  eosin  in  alco- 

§  602.  Mineral  oil,  pure,  medicinal  (petrolatum).  —  The  pure 
mineral  oil  used  in  medicine  does  not  fluoresce  and  is  of  nearly  the 
refractive  index  of  glass  (nD  1.4815).  It  is  good  for  mounting  un- 
stained sections,  and  for  an  immersion  liquid.  (See  under  the  ultra- 
violet microscope  (§§  309,  536). 

§  603.  Miiller's  fluid.  —  Potassium  dichromate  2\  grams;  sodium 
sulphate  i  gram;  water  100  cc.  This  is  one  of  the  oldest  fixers.  It 
must  act  a  long  time,  two  weeks  to  10  or  12  weeks.  This  longer 
time  is  for  nervous  tissue  to  be  stained  for  the  myelin.  Lately  this 
fixer  has  been  combined  with  mercury.  (See  Zenker's  fluid,  §  615.) 
Before  putting  the  tissue  into  67%  alcohol  it  is  washed  out  in  run- 
ning water  for  24  hours. 

Miiller's  fluid  10  cc.;  normal  salt  solution  90  cc.  forms  an  excel- 
lent dissociator  for  epithelia,  etc.  (§  537). 

§  604.  Neutral  red.  —  This  is  used  especially  for  staining  living 


animals.  It  is  used  in  very  weak  solutions:  T10  gram  red;  1000  cc. 
of  water.  Put  a  few  cubic  centimeters  of  this  solution  into  the 
vessel  containing  the  live  animal,  or  animals.  Infusoria  stain 
quickly,  10  to  20  minutes  or  less.  Vertebrates  may  require  a  few 
days.  Try  it  on  infusoria  by  adding  a  drop  of  the  red  to  several 
drops  of  the  infusion  containing  the  infusoria.  Be  sure  that  there 
are  many  animals  present.  Watch  them  under  the  microscope  and 
the  color  will  be  seen  appearing  in  the  granules  of  the  infusoria. 
Then  one  may  cover,  and  study  with  a  high  power  (§  543). 
For  vital  stains  and  the  technique  of  their  use  see  McClung,  74-81; 
Lee  Microtomists  Vade  Mecum,  8th  ed.  Kingsbury,  Histological 
Technique,  and  Kingsbury  and  Johannsen,  Conn;  Biological  Stains, 
2nd.  edition. 

§  605.  Nitric  acid,  HNO3.  —  This  is  employed  for  dissociation 
(nitric  acid  dissociator:  water  80  cc.,  nitric  acid  20  cc.);  as  a  fixer, 
especially  for  chick  embryos  in  the  early  stages  (water  90  cc.;  nitric 
acid,  10  cc.),  and  as  a  decalcifier  (nitric  acid  3  cc.;  67%  alcohol  100 

§  606.  Normal  liquids.  —  A  normal  liquid  or  fluid  is  one  which 
does  not  injure  or  change  a  fresh  tissue  put  into  it.  The  perfect 
normal  fluids  for  the  tissues  of  any  animal  are  the  fluids  of  the  body 
(lymph  and  plasma)  of  the  animal  from  which  the  tissue  is  taken. 
The  lymph  or  serum  of  one  species  of  animal  may  be  far  from  normal 
for  the  tissues  of  another  animal.  (See  also  §  521.) 

The  commonly  used  artificial  normal  fluid  is  a  solution  of  common 
salt  (sodium  chlorid)  in  water,  the  strength  varying  from  -fa  to  -r%- 
per  cent.  As  indicated  above,  this  normal  salt  or  saline  solution  is 
employed  in  diluting  dissociating  liquids  (§521). 

§  607.  Paraffin  wax.  —  A  histologic  laboratory  requires  two 
grades  of  paraffin  for  ordinary  work.  These  are  hard  paraffin, 
melting  at  about  54°  centigrade,  and  a  softer  paraffin  melting  at 
about  43°  centigrade.  Usually  a  mixture  of  equal  parts  answers 
very  well.  It  is  economical  for  a  laboratory  to  buy  the  paraffin  wax 
in  cases  of  about  100  kilograms. 

All  paraffin  for  imbedding  and  sectioning  should  be  filtered 
through  two  thicknesses  of  filter  paper.  *  For  this,  use  a  metal 



funnel,  heat  the  paraffin  very  hot  in  a  water  bath,  and  then  heat 
the  funnel  occasionally  with  a  Bunsen  flame.  The  warmer  the 
room,  the  easier  it  is  to  filter  the  paraffin. 

Filter  the  paraffin  into  small  porce- 
lain pitchers.  If  the  paraffin  oven  has 
a  compartment  large  enough,  it  is  well 
to  keep  one  of  the  pitchers  in  the  oven; 
then  the  paraffin  remains  melted  and  is 
ready  for  use  at  any  time. 

§608.  Picric-alcohol. — This  is  an 
excellent  hardener  and  fixer  for  almost 
all  tissues  and  organs.  It  is  composed  of 
500  cc.  of  water  and  500  cc.  of  95% 
alcohol,  to  which  2  grams  of  picric 
acid  have  been  added.  (It  is  a  |  % 
solution  of  picric  acid  in  50%  alcohol.) 
It  acts  quickly,  in  from  one  to  three 
days.  (Proc.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  Vol. 
XII  (1890),  pp.  120-122.)  Not  recom- 
mended for  ultra-violet  work. 

§  609.  Petrolatum  liquidum.     See  mineral  oil  (§  602). 

§  610.  Picro-fuchsin.  — 10  cc.  of  a  i  %  aqueous  solution  of  acid 
fuchsin;  75  cc.  of  a  saturated  aqueous  solution  of  picric  acid.  Stain 
deeply  with  hematoxylin  first;  then  use  the  picro-fuchsin.  Wash 
off  the  picro-fuchsin  with  distilled  water.  Mount  in  non-neutralized 
balsam,  or  better  in  acid  balsam  (balsam  50  cc.,  glacial  acetic  acid  5 
drops).  If  the  white  connective  tissue  is  not  red  enough,  increase 
the  amount  of  acid  fuchsin. 

§  611.  Shellac  cement.  —  Shellac  cement  for  sealing  preparations 
and  for  making  shallow  cells  is  prepared  by  adding  scale  or  bleached 
shellac  to  95%  alcohol.  The  bottle  should  be  filled  about  half  full  of 
dry  shellac;  then  enough  95%  alcohol  added  to  fill  the  bottle  nearly 
full.  The  bottle  is  shaken  occasionally  and  then  allowed  to  stand 
until  a  clear  stratum  of  liquid  appears  on  the  top.  This  clear,  super- 
natant liquid  is  then  filtered  through  filter  paper  or  absorbent  cot- 
ton, using  a  paper  funnel  (§  566),  into  an  open  dish  or  a  wide-mouth 

FIG.    248.     SPECIMEN  JAR 


bottle.  To  every  100  cc.  of  filtered  shellac  2  cc.  of  castor  oil  may 
be  added  to  render  it  less  brittle.  The  filtered  shellac  will  be  too 
thin,  and  must  be  allowed  to  evaporate  till  it  is  of  the  consistency 
of  thin  syrup.  It  is  then  put  into  a  capped  bottle.  In  case  the 
cement  gets  too  thick  add  a  small  amount  of  95  %  alcohol  or  some 
thin  shellac.  The  solution  of  shellac  almost  always  remains  muddy, 
and  in  most  cases  it  takes  a  long  time  for  the  flocculent  substance 
to  settle.  One  can  quickly  obtain  a  clear  solution  as  follows:  when 
the  shellac  has  had  time  to  dissolve  thoroughly,  i.e.,  in  a  week  or 
two  in  a  warm  place,  or  in  less  time  if  the  bottle  is  frequently 
shaken,  a  part  of  the  dissolved  shellac  is  poured  into  a  bottle  and 
about  one-fourth  as  much  gasoline  is  added  and  the  mixture  well 
shaken.  After  twenty-four  hours  or  so  the  flocculent,  undissolved 
substance  will  separate  from  the  shellac  solution  and  rise  with  the 
gasoline  to  the  top.  The  clear  solution  may  then  be  siphoned  of!  or 
drawn  off  from  the  bottom  if  one  has  an  aspirating  bottle.  (R. 
Hitchcock,  Amer.  Monthly  Micr.  Jour.,  July,  1884,  p.  131.) 

If  one  desires  to  color  the  shellac,  the  addition  of  a  strong  alcoholic 
solution  of  some  of  the  coal  tar  colors  is  good,  but  is  likely  to  dis- 
solve in  the  mounting  medium  when  shellac  is  used  for  sealing.  A 
small  amount  of  lamp-black  well  rubbed  up  in  very  thin  shellac  and 
filtered  is  good  to  darken  the  shellac. 

§  612.  Silvering.  —  Intercellular  substance  stains  brown  or  black 
with  nitrate  of  silver.  Use  \  or  |%  aqueous  solution  on  fresh 
tissue.  Stain  in  the  silver  for  i  or  2  minutes;  then  expose  to  light 
in  water  till  brown.  Fix  in  82%  alcohol  or  5%  formaldehyde.  One 
may  stain  afterward  with  hematoxylin  for  the  nuclei;  mount  in 
glycerin,  glycerin  jelly,  or  in  balsam. 

§  613.  Sudan  red,  III  for  fat.  —  Sudan  III,  aminoazo-benzene- 
j8-naphthol  C^HieON^  was  introduced  by  Daddi  into  histology  in 
1896  (Arch.  Ital.  de  Biologie,  t.  26,  p.  142),  as  a  specific  stain  for 
fat.  As  it  is  soluble  in  all  forms  of  fat  and  oils  and  in  xylene, 
alcohol,  etc.,  it  is  impossible  to  mount  specimens  in  balsam  after 
staining.  As  the  fat  of  tissues  is  removed  by  the  reagents  used  in 
the  paraffin  and  collodion  methods,  only  teased,  free-hand,  or 
frozen  sectioned  material,  fresh  or  fixed  in  some  non-fat  dissolving 

Cu.  XI]       CABINETS;    SLIPS  AND   COVERS;    MOUNTING  461 

fixer,  can  be  used  (Miiller's  fluid  and  5%  formaldehyde  are  excel- 
lent). The  tissues  cut  free-hand  or  with  the  freezing  microtome  or 
teased  can  then  be  stained  with  a  saturated  alcoholic  solution  of  the 
Sudan.  It  stains  all  fat  a  brilliant  red.  Preparations  can  be  pre- 
served in  glycerin  or  glycerin  jelly.  This  stain  is  largely  used  in 

Daddi  used  the  substance  to  feed  animals  and  thus  to  stain  the 
fat  which  was  laid  down  in  the  body  while  the  Sudan  was  fed. 

The  fat  in  the  body  already  deposited  remains  unstained.  This 
substance  then  serves  to  record  the  deposit  of  fat  in  a  given  period. 
In  1907  Dr.  Oscar  Riddle  fed  Sudan  to  laying  hens,  and  the  fat  in 
the  layers  of  yolk  laid  down  during  the  feeding  was  stained  red 
(Science,  XXVII,  1908,  p.  495).  For  staining  the  yolks  of  hen's 
eggs  the  hen  may  be  fed  doses  of  20  to  25  'milligrams  of  the  sudan. 
Eggs  so  colored  hatch  as  usual,  and  the  chick,  in  utilizing  the  colored 
yolk,  stains  its  body-fat  pink  (Susanna  P.  Gage). 

Sudan  IV  or  scarlet  red  is  also  used  for  a  fat  stain.  See  Gage, 
S.  H.  and  Fish,  P.  A.,  Amer.  Jour.  Anat,  Vol.  34,  1924. 

§  614.  Table  Black.  —  During  the  last  few  years  an  excellent 
method  of  dyeing  wood  with  anilin  black  has  been  devised.  This 
black  is  iusterless,  and  it  is  indestructible.  It  can  be  removed  only 
by  scraping  off  the  wood  to  a  point  deeper  than  the  stain  has 

It  must  be  applied  to  unwaxed  or  unvarnished  wood.  If  wax 
paint  or  varnish  has  been  used  on  the  tables,  that  must  be  first 
removed  by  the  use  of  caustic  potash  or  soda  or  by  scraping  or 
planing.  Two  solutions  are  needed: 

Solution  A 

Copper  sulphate 125  grams 

Potassium  chlorate  or  permanganate 125  grams 

Water 1000  cc. 

Boil  these  ingredients  in  an  iron  kettle  until  they  are  dissolved. 
Apply  two  coats  of  the  hot  solution.  Let  the  first  coat  dry  before 
applying  the  second. 


Solution  B 

Anilin  oil 120  cc. 

Hydrochloric  acid 180  cc. 

Water 1000  cc. 

Mix  these  in  a  glass  vessel,  putting  in  the  water  first.  Apply  two 
coats  without  heating,  but  allow  the  first  coat  to  dry  before  adding 

the  second. 

When  the  second  coat  is  dry,  sandpaper 
the  wood  and  wash  it  with  water.  When 
the  wood  is  dry,  sandpaper  the  surface 
again  and  then  rub  thoroughly  with  a 

FIG.  249.  DRYING  RACK  mixture  of  equal  parts  turpentine  and 
WITH  INCLINED  PEGS  FOR  1}nseed  oiL  The  wood  may  appear  a 
BOTTLES.  /  \* 

dirty   green   at  first,  but   it  will   soon 

become  ebony  black.  An  occasional  rubbing  with  linseed  oil  and 
turpentine  or  with  turpentine  alone  will  clean  the  surface.  This  is 
sometimes  called  the  Danish  method,  Denmark  black  or  finish. 
See  Jour.  Ap.  Micr.,  Vol.  I,  p.  145;  Bot.  Zeit.,  Vol.  54,  p.  326;  Bot. 
Gazette,  Vol.  24,  p.  66;  Dr.  P.  A.  Fish,  Jour.  Ap.  Micr.,  Vol.  VI, 

pp.    2II-2I2. 

§  615.  Zenker's  fluid.  —  Muller's  fluid  (§  603)  100  cc. ;  mercuric 
chlorid  5  grams.  Just  before  using,  add  5  cc.  of  glacial  acetic  acid 
to  each  100  cc.  of  the  above.  Fix  fresh  tissue  5  to  24  hours.  Wash 
out  with  running  water  24  hours.  Then  place  in  67%  alcohol  i  day 
or  more  and  finally  preserve  in  82  %  alcohol.  Tissue  fixed  in  Zen- 
ker's has  mercuric  crystals.  They  may  be  removed  from  the  tissue 
by  long  treatment  with  iodin,  or  by  putting  the  slide  bearing  the 
sections  in  iodized  alcohol  for  half  an  hour  or  more. 

This  is  an  excellent  fixer,  combining  the  good  qualities  of  mercuric 
chlorid  and  of  the  chromium  compounds.  Tissues  fixed  with  this 
show  well  the  red  blood  corpuscles.  This  is  called  Kelly's  fluid  if 
the  acetic  acid  is  replaced  by  5  %  formalin. 



LEE,  A.  B.  —  The  Microtomist's  Vade  Mecum,  gth  ed.,  1928. 

KINGSBURY,  B.  F.  —  Histological  Technique,  1915. 

MANN,  G.  —  Physiological  Histology,  1903. 

EHRLTCH,  P.,  ET  AL.  —  Enzyklopaedie  der  mikroskopischen  Technik,  IQICX 

WRIGHT,  SIR  A.  E.  —  Principles  of  Microscopy,  1907. 

CARPENTER-DALLINGER.  —  The  Microscope  and  Its  Revelations,  1901. 

SPITTA,  E.  J.  —  Microscopy,  1907 

Anatomical  Record. 

Journal  of  the  Royal  Microscopical  Society. 

Transactions  of  the  American  Microscopical  Society 

Journal  of  Experimental  Zoology. 

Botanical  Gazette. 

BOYER,  C.  S.  —  The  Diatomaceae  of  Philadelphia  and  Vicinity,  1916. 

DUDLEY  AND  THOMAS.  —  Manual  of  Plant  Histology,  1894 

CHAMBERLAIN,  C.  J.  —  Methods  in  Plant  Histology,  1916. 

STEVENS,  W.  C.  —  Plant  Anatomy,  1915. 

EWART,  A.  J.  —  Protoplasmic  Streaming  in  Plants,  1903. 

BERNARD,  CLAUDE.  —  Lecons  sur  les  Phenomenes  de  la  Vie  communs  aux  Ani- 
maux  et  aux  Ve'ge'taux.  Two  vols.  1878-1879. 

NEEDHAM  &  LLOYD.  —  The  Life  of  Inland  Waters,  1916.  This  is  a  most  impor- 
tant work  for  all  interested  in  water  forms 

WARD  &  WHIPPLE.  —  Fresh- Water  Biology. 

CONN,  H.  J.  —  Biological  Stains,  4th  ed.,  1940. 

MCCLUNG,  C.  E.  —  Handbook  of  Microscopical  Technique,  2d  ed.,  1937. 

KRAUSE,  R.  —  Enzyklopaedie  der  mikroskopischen  Technik.  Three  volumes. 
3d  revised  edition,  1927. 

MORGAN,  ANNA  H.  —  Field  Book  of  Ponds  and  Streams,  1930. 

MALLORY,  FRANK  BURR.  —  Pathological  Technique,  a  practical  manual  for  workers 
in  pathological  histology.  Philadelphia,  1938. 


§§  616-663;   FIGURES  260-266 

§  616.  Fixation  and  preservation  of  organs  and  tissues.  —  By 
fixing  or  fixation  in  histology  is  meant  the  preparation  of  fresh 
tissues,  organs,  embryos  or  small  adult  animals  usually  by  means  of 
some  chemical  mixture,  called  a  "  fixer,"  so  that  the  organ,  etc.,  as  a 
whole  and  the  elements  or  cells  composing  it  shall  retain  as  nearly 
as  possible  the  morphologic  characters  present  during  life.  The 
more  perfect  the  fixer,  the  nearer  will  be  the  preservation  of  all 
structural  details. 

Unfortunately  no  single  "  fixer  "  preserves  with  equal  excellence 
all  the  structural  details,  and  therefore  it  is  necessary  to  prepare  the 
fresh  tissue  in  several  different  ways  and  to  make  a  composite  of  the 
structural  appearances  found,  thereby  approximating  the  actual 
structure  present  in  the  living  body.  Changes  are  so  rapid  after 

(From  the  Journal  of  Applied  Microscopy). 

T    Small  stop  cock  or  pet  cock  in  the  usual  water  faucet  so  that  a  small 
stream  may  be  drawn  without  interfering  with  the  large  faucet. 

Only  the  larger  trays  are  now  used,  the  perforated  inner  tray  being  deep  or 
shallow  as  needed. 


CH.  XII] 



death  that  the  fixation  should  begin  as  soon  'as  possible.    For  the 
most  perfect  fixation  the  living  tissue  must  be  put  into  the  fixer. 

With  one  of  the  larger  animals,  where  the  whole  animal  is  to  be 
used  for  microscopic  study,  it  is  a  great  advantage  to  bring  the  fixer 
in  contact  with  all  parts  of  the  body  quickly,  and  that  is  done  by 
washing  out  the  vascular  system  with  normal  salt  solution  and  then 
filling  the  vascular  system  with  the  fixer.  This  method  of  fixation 
by  injection  is  of  great  importance  in  the  histology  of  animals  which 
a;e  large  enough  to  inject. 

(From  the  Journal  of  Applied  Microscopy). 

The  deeper  box  is  now  used  only  and  depending  on  the  size  of  the  pieces  to  be 
washed  the  shallow  or  the  deep  perforated  trays  and  tissue  baskets  are  used. 
The  deep  tray  serves  for  washing  slides  with  Weigert  and  other  stains  which  must 
be  in  water  a  long  time. 

If  the  animal  is  too  small  for  injection  or  one  wishes  only  a  small 
part  of  a  larger  animal,  then  the  pieces  for  fixation  should  be  small, 
say  one  to  three  cubic  centimeters.  Often,  as  for  Flemming's  fluid 
(§  588)  and  for  several  others,  it  is  better  to  use  pieces  2  to  5  cubic 
millimeters  in  volume. 

Large,  solid  organs  must  be  cut  into  several  pieces  if  the  whole 
is  needed.  For  hollow  organs  the  cavity  may  be  filled  with  the 
fixer  and  the  organ  placed  in  a  vessel  of  the  same. 

The  amount  of  fixer  should  be  10  to  50  times  that  of  the  piece  of 


Of  the  fixers  given  under  "  Preparation  of  Reagents/'  picric  alco- 
hol, formalin  and  Zenker's  fluid  are  suitable  for  almost  every  tissue 
and  organ.  Formalin  has  the  advantage  of  having  strong  penetra- 
tion; hence  it  preserves  whole  animals  fairly  by  immersing  after 
filling  the  abdominal  and  thoracic  cavities.  Formaldehyde  is  excel- 
lent where  a  study  of  fat  is  in  question,  and  it  is  much  used  as  a  fixer 
where  frozen  sections  are  desired  (§  625).  Remember  the  necessity 
of  removing  mercury  from  sections  of  tissues  fixed  with  a  mercuric 
fixer  (figs.  250-251). 

§  617.  Mechanical  preparation  of  tissues,  etc.,  for  microscopic 
study.  —  A  limited  number  of  objects  in  nature  are  small  enough 
and  transparent  enough,  and  a  limited  number  of  the  parts  of  higher 
animals  are  suitable  for  microscopic  study  without  mechanical  prepa- 
ration except  merely  mounting  them  on  a  microscopic  slide.  Usually 
the  parts  of  animals  are  so  large  and  so  opaque  that  the  histo- 
logic  elements  or  cells  and  their  arrangement  in  organs  can  only  be 
satisfactorily  studied  with  a  microscope  after  the  tissue,  organ,  etc., 
have  been  teased  apart  with  needles,  or  sectioned  into  thin  layers. 


§  618.  The  older  histologists,  those  who  laid  the  foundations  and 
whose  understanding  of  the  finer  structure  of  the  body  was  in  many 
ways  superior  to  the  knowledge  possessed  by  workers  at  the  present 
time,  did  their  mechanical  preparation  with  needles  and  with  sharp 
knives  held  in  the  hand.  They  dealt  also  with  fresh  tissue  more 
largely  than  we  do  at  the  present  day,  and  learned  also  to  distinguish 
tissues  by  their  structure  rather  than  by  their  artificial  coloration. 

What  made  them  so  successful  was  not,  however,  the  lack  .of 
elaborate  mechanical  devices  for  sectioning  and  the  complicated 
staining  methods  of  the  present  day,  but  that  they  put  intelligence 
and  zeal  into  their  work. 

If  the  reader  is  interested  in  the  mechanical  means  for  sectioning 
he  is  referred  to  Dr.  C.  S.  Minot's  papers  on  the  history  of  the  micro- 
tome in  the  Journal  of  Applied  Microscopy,  Vol.  VI,  and  to  Gilbert 
Morgan  Smith's  article  in  the  Transactions  of  the  American  Micro- 


scopical  Society,  Vol.  XXXIV,  1915,  on  the  Development  of  Botani- 
cal Microtechnique,  pp.  71-129,  16  pages  of  bibliography;  18  figures, 
showing  early  microscopes  and  microtomes. 

§  619.  Types  of  microtomes.  —  There  are  two  great  types:  (i) 
The  early  type  in  which  the  preparation  to  be  sectioned  is  held  me- 
chanically and  moved  up  by  a  screw,  the  section  knife  being  held  in 
the  hand  and  moved  across  the  object,  usually  with  a  drawing  mo- 
tion as  in  whittling. 

(2)  The  mechanical  type,  in  which  both  specimen  and  knife  are 
mechanically  held  and  guided,  and  the  operator  simply  supplies 
power  to  the  machine,  or,  when  an  electric  motor  is  used,  the 
operator  starts  and  stops  the  machine  and  uses  his  hands  in  taking 
off  the  ribbon  as  it  is  cut.  The  ribbon  is  wound  on  a  cylinder  or 
cut  into  the  proper  lengths  for  the  slide  trays  (figs.  237-238). 

Tn  the  highest  types  of  the  second  class  —  automatic  microtomes  — 
the  operator  needs  only  to  put  the  knife  and  specimen  in  position 
and  sections  of  any  thickness  and  any  number  may  be  produced  in 
a  short  time.  A  skilled  and  experienced  person  can  get  better  re- 
sults here  as  well  as  with  free-hand  sectioning  or  the  hand  micro- 
tome. Even  automatic  machines  work  better  for  skilled  workmen. 

In  some  forms  the  knife  of  these  automatic  microtomes  is  fixed 
in  position  and  the  object  to  be  sectioned  moves,  while  in  other 
forms  the  object  to  be  sectioned  remains  fixed  and  the  knife  moves. 
Furthermore,  for  sectioning  paraffin,  the  knife  meets  the  object 
like  a  plane  (straight  cut),  while  for  collodion  sectioning  the  knife 
is  set  obliquely  and  there  results  an  oblique  or  drawing  cut,  as  in 
whittling.  For  the  latest  models,  see  catalogues  of  the  microscope 

§  620.  Section  knives.  —  A  section  knife  should  have  the  follow- 
ing characters,  (i)  The  steel  should  be  good.  (2)  The  blade  should 
be  slightly  hollow  ground  on  both  sides.  (3)  The  edge  of  the  knife 
should  be  straight,  not  curved  as  in  a  shaving  razor.  (4)  The  back 
should  be  parallel  with  the  edge.  (5)  The  blade  should  be  long,  12 
to  15  centimeters,  as  it  takes  no  more  time  or  skill  to  sharpen  a  large 
than  a  small  knife.  (6)  The  blade  should  be  heavy. 

§  621.   Safety  razor  bkdes  for  sectioning.  —  Recently  the  Bausch 



[Cn.  XII 

&  Lomb  Optical  Co.,  and  the  Spencer  Lens  Co.,  have  put  on  the 
market  holders  for  these  blades  that  make  them  available  as  section 



knives  in  histology.  The  holders  furnish  the  needed  rigidity.  Only 
about  two  millimeters  of  the  cutting  edge  projects  above  the  holder 
(fig.  2S2a).  Extended  personal  use  of  these  blades  with  the 
holders  on  the  most  varied  material  leads  the  author  to  recommend 
them  strongly.  They  take  away  the  time-consuming  and  tiresome 
labor  of  sharpening  the  large  section  knives.  They  are  also  recom- 
mended for  much  of  the  dissecting  work.  They  may  be  held  by  the 
fingers,  but  preferably  clamped  to  a  handle  by  a  small  bolt. 


(About  one- third  natural  size). 

I  Rigid  metal  the  size  of  an  ordinary  microtome  knife,  to  take  the  place  of 
the  knife  in  the  microtome. 

2-3    Jaws  for  holding  the  safety  razor  blade.    It  gives  such  firm  support  that 
practically  only  the  cutting  edge  of  the  blade  is  free. 
4    Screw  head  for  tightening  the  jaws,  2-3. 

As  the  cutting  edge  is  not  equally  good  in  all  the  blades  it  is 
worth  while  to  examine  the  edge  under  the  microscope  to  see  that 
it  is  smooth  and  free  from  nicks  if  one  wishes  to  get  the  best  thin 
sections,  $ju  and  less. 


§622.  Sharpening  section  knives;  hones  and  strops. — Perhaps 
it  should  be  taken  for  granted  that  any  one  would  appreciate  the 
impossibility  of  making  good  sections  with  a  dull  section  knife,  but 
experience  teaches  the  contrary.  Students  are  prone  to  believe  that 
with  one  of  the  elaborate  automatic  microtomes,  good  sections  may 
be  made  with  any  kind  of  an  edge  on  the  knife.  It  is  forgotten  that 
the  knife  is  the  most  important  part;  all  the  other  mechanism  is 
simply  its  servant. 

For  sharpening,  select  a  fine  yellow  Belgian  hone,  and  a  very  fine 
Arkansas  hone.  As  a  rule  hones  from  the  factory  are  not  sufficiently 
plane.  They  may  be  flattened  by  rubbing  them  on  a  piece  of  plate 
glass  covered  with  moderately  fine  emery  or  carborundum  wet  with 
water.  Round  the  corners  and  edges  of  the  hones  on  the  plate  glass 
or  on  a  grindstone.  In  using  the  Belgian  hone  for  sharpening  knives, 
wet  the  surface  well  with  a  moderately  thick  solution  of  soap.  With 
the  Arkansas  stone  use  some  thin  oil  —  xylene  or  kerosene  mixed 
with  a  little  olive  oil  or  machine  oil. 

Honing.  Before  honing  a  section  knife,  make  sure  that  the  edge 
is  smooth;  that  is,  that  it  is  free  from  nicks.  Test  this  by  shaving 
off  the  surface  of  a  block  of  paraffin.  If  nicks  are  present  the  cut 
surface  will  show  scratches.  It  is  advisable  also  to  look  at  the  edge 
of  the  knife  with  a  magnifier  and  with  a  low  power  (48  (2x)  mm.)  ob- 
jective. If  nicks  are  present  remove  them  by  drawing  the  edge  along 
a  very  fine  Arkansas  hone. 

A  saw  edge  may  be  all  right  for  rough  cutting  and  for  shaving 
razors,  but  if  one  wishes  to  get  perfect  sections  i/z  to  loju  in  thick- 
ness a  saw  edge  will  not  do.  In  removing  the  nicks  one  should, 
of  course,  bear  on  very  lightly.  The  weight  of  the  knife  is  usually 

In  honing  use  both  hands;  draw  the  knife,  edge  foremost,  along 
the  hone  with  a  broad,  curved  motion.  In  turning  the  knife  for  the 
return  stroke,  turn  the  edge  up,  not  down.  Continue  the  honing 
until  the  hairs  on  the  arm,  wrist,  or  hand  can  be  cut  easily  or  until 
a  hair  from  the  head  can  be  cut  within  5  rnm.  from  the  point  where 
it  is  held.  The  sharper  the  knife  becomes,  the  lighter  must  one  bear 
on.  One  should  also  use  the  finest  stone  for  finishing.  If  one  bears 


on  too  hard  toward  the  end  of  sharpening,  the  edge  will  be  filled 
with  nicks. 

In  honing  and  stropping  large  section  knives,  there  has  come  into 
use  during  the  last  few  years  the  so-called  "  honing  backs."  These 
elevate  the  razor  slightly,  so  that  the  wedge  is  blunter  and  one  does 
not  have  to  grind  away  so  much  steel. 

Strop.  A  good  strop  may  be  made  from  a  piece  of  leather  (horse- 
hide)  about  50  cm.  long  and  5  to  6  cm.  wide,  fastened  to  a  board  of 
.about  the  same  size. 

The  strop  is  prepared  for  use  by  rubbing  into  the  smooth  surface 
some  carborundum  powder,  i.e.,  6o-minute  carborundum,  that  which 
is  so  fine  that  it  remains  in  suspension  in  water  for  60  minutes,  or 
one  may  use  diamantine  or  jewelers'  rouge. 

Stropping.  With  the  back  foremost,  draw  the  knife  lengthwise 
of  the  strop  with  a  broad  sweep.  For  the  return  stroke  turn  the 
edge  up  as  in  honing.  Continue  the  stropping  until  a  hair  can  be 
cut  i  to  2  centimeters  from  where  it  is  held.  (See  also  the  hones 
and  strops  and  the  methods  of  procedure  recommended  in  the 
catalogues  of  microscopical  manufacturers.) 

§  623.  Free-hand  sectioning.  —  To  do  this  one  grasps  the  sec- 
tion knife  in  the  right  hand  and  the  object  in  the  left.  Let  the  end 
to  be  cut  project  up  between  the  thumb  and  index  finger.  One  can 
let  the  knife  rest  on  the  thumb  or  index  finger  nail  and,  with  a 
drawing  cut,  make  the  section  across  the  end  of  the  piece  of  tissue. 
By  practice  one  learns  to  make  excellent  sections  this  way.  If  the 
whole  section  is  not  sufficiently  thin,  very  often  a  part  will  be  and 
one  can  get  the  information  needed.  The  importance  of  acquiring 
skill  in  free-hand  sectioning  cannot  be  overestimated  if  one  is  to 
study  living  and  fresh  tissues,  and  without  such  study  no  one  can 
gain  a  fundamental  knowledge  of  structure.  It  is  also  of  the  highest 
value  in  the  preparation  of  living  and  fresh  objects  for  study  with 
the  polarizing  and  the  ultra-violet  microscopes. 

§  624.  Sectioning  with  a  hand  or  table  microtome.  —  The  tissue 
is  held  by  the  microtome  and  moved  up  by  means  of  a  screw.  The 
knife  rests  on  the  top  of  the  microtome  and  is  moved  across  the 
tissue  by  the  hand.  Microtomes  of  this  kind  are  excellent.  No  one 


need  wait  for  expensive  automatic  microtomes  to  do  good  section- 
ing. With  a  good  table  microtome,  the  knife  being  guided  by  the 
hand  or  hands  of  the  operator,  he  can  make  straight  cuts  as  for 
paraffin  sectioning,  or  drawing  cuts  as  for  collodion  work. 

§  625.  Sectioning  with  a  freezing  microtome.  —  In  this  method  of 
sectioning  the  tissue  is  rendered  firm  by  freezing  and  the  sections  are 
cut  rapidly  by  a  planing  motion  as  with  paraffin.  Now  the  most 
usual  freezing  microtome  is  one  in  which  the  freezing  is  done  with 
escaping  liquid  carbon  dioxid.  The  knife  should  be  very  rigid.  A 
carpenter's  plane  blade  is  often  made  use  of.  The  tissue  may  be 
either  fresh  or  fixed.  If  alcohol  has  been  used,  it  must  be  soaked  out 
of  the  tissue  by  placing  it  in  water.  Sometimes  tissues  are  infiltrated 
a  day  or  two  in  thick  gum  arabic  mucilage  before  freezing.  Drop  a 
little  thick  mucilage  on  the  top  of  the  freezer,  put  the  tissue  in  the 
mucilage,  and  turn  on  a  small  amount  of  carbon  dioxid.  It  will 
soon  freeze  the  mucilage  and  the  tissue,  as  shown  by  the  white  ap- 
pearance. When  frozen,  cut  the  tissue  rapidly.  It  is  well  to  have 
an  assistant  turn  the  feed  screw  up  while  the  sections  are  cut. 
When  20  or  30  sections  are  cut,  place  them  in  water  or  normal  salt 
solution.  This  is  a  rapid  method  of  getting  sections  much  used  in 
pathology  where  quick  diagnoses  are  demanded.  In  normal  histol- 
ogy the  freezing  microtome  is  used  mostly  for  organs  or  parts  of 
greatly  varying  density.  For  example,  if  one  wishes  sections  of  the 
finger  and  finger  nail,  this  apparatus  offers  about  the  only  means  of 
getting  good  sections.  In  that  case  the  bone  is  decalcified  before 
trying  to  make  the  sections  (§  580). 

Frozen  sections  are  also  very  useful  for  demonstrating  the  presence 
of  fat  by  staining  with  Sudan  III. 


§  626.  Object  of  the  paraffin.  —  In  the  early  periods  in  histology 
great  difficulty  was  encountered  in  making  good  sections  of  organs 
and  parts  of  organs,  because  the  different  tissues  were  unlike  in 
density.  At  first  tallow  and  beeswax,  elder  pith,  liver,  and  various 
other  substances  were  used  to  enclose  or  surround  the  object  to  be 



[CH.  XII 

cut.  This  gave  support  on  all  sides,  but  did  not  render  the  object 
homogeneous.  In  the  early  sectioning,  a  great  effort  was  made  to 
keep  all  imbedding  material  from  becoming  entangled  in  the  meshes 
of  the  tissue.  This  was  guarded  against  by  coating  the  object  with 
mucilage,  and  hardening  it  in  alcohol.  This  mucilage  jacket  kept 
the  tissue  free  from  infiltration  by  the  imbedding  mass  and  it 
was  easily  gotten  rid  of  by  soaking  the  sections  in  water. 

A  great  advance  was  made  when  it  was  found  that  the  imbedding 
mass  could  be  made  to  fill  all  the  spaces  between  the  tissue  elements 
and  surround  every  part,  the  tissue  assuming  a  nearly  homogeneous 
consistency,  and  cutting  almost  like  the  clear  imbedding  mass. 
Cocoa  butter  was  one  of  the  first  substances  to  be  used  for  thus 
"  infiltrating  "  the  tissues.  The  imbedding  mass  must  usually  be 
removed  before  the  staining  and  mounting 
processes;  but  in  staining  for  glycogen  by 
the  iodin  method,  the  stain  is  applied  be- 
fore the  paraffin  is  removed  (§  596). 

§  627.  Infiltration  of  the  tissue  with  im- 
bedding mass.  —  The  tissue  to  be  cut  in  this 
way  is  first  fixed  by  one  of  the  fixers  used 
for  histology.  Several  good  ones  are  given 
in  sections  589,  608,  615,  616. 

(A)  The  tissue  is  then  thoroughly  dehy- 
drated by  means  of  95%  and  absolute 
alcohol.  For  most  objects,  especially  em- 
bryos and  other  colorless  objects,  it  is  best, 

1  Upper  part   of   the  during  the  dehydration,  first  to  use  dilute 

oven  containing  the  covered  alcoholic  eosin  (§  583),  as  the  most  delicate 

pitcher  for  the  paraftin.  ,              ,      J  °'                 , 

2  Lower  part  contain-  part   shows  when   one   cuts    the   sections, 
ing  the  incandescent  lamps  Leave  the  piece  of  tissue  to  be  cut   over- 
and  supply  cable  (c).    The  .,.,,,.          .            ,       r       i 

oven  is  well  insulated  by  night  in  alcoholic  eosin,  and  a  tew  hours  in 

asbestos.  Depending  on  uncolored  95%  alcohol,  using  20  times  as 
the  temperature  of  the  ,  ,  ,  ,  -  ^  7i_  r-  i  i  . 

room,  one  or  both  lamps  much  alcohol  as  tissue.    For  the  final  dehy- 

can  be  used  to  keep  the  dration     it    should    be     left    in     absolute 

paraffin  melted.  1,1*  /-        T_  •  u*. 

alcohol   four    or    five   hours   or  overnight, 

depending  on  the  size  of  the  object. 

FIG.  253.    KINGSBURY'S 
(From  the  Anatomical 

CH.  XII] 



(B)  Remove  the  alcohol  by  a  solvent  of  the  imbedding  mass; 
that  is,  by  some  substance  which  is  miscible  with  both  alcohol  and 
the  imbedding  mass.     Cedar-wood  oil  is  most  generally  used,  but 
pure  xylene,  chloroform,  and  carbol-xylene   are  also  used,  —  the 
chloroform  and  carbol-xylene  when  osmic  acid  fat  is  to  be  retained 
in  the  tissue. 

Leave  the  tissue  in  cedar  oil  or  other  clearer  until  the  tissue  sinks 
and  the  thin  parts  of  the  specimen  become  translucent.  If  the  tissue 
does  not  sink  after  a  time  it  means  that  the  tissue  was  not  dehy- 
drated. Of  course,  this  does  not  apply  to  lung  or  other  spongy 
tissue  containing  much  air.  It  is  well  to  change  the  cedar  oil  or 
other  clearer  once.  The  used 
cedar  oil  may  be  left  in  an  open 
bottle  for  the  evaporation  of 
alcohol  and  used  over  and  over 

(C)  Displace  the  cedar  oil  or 
other  clearer  by  melted  paraffin 
wax.    When   the   tissue   is  sat- 
urated with  the  oil,  transfer  it 
to  an  infiltrating  dish  (fig.   254) 

(About  one-eighth  natural  size.     See 


containing  melted  paraffin.   Place 
in  a  paraffin  oven  (fig.  254)  and 

keep  the  paraffin  melted  for  from   brass  spreading  plate  projecting  8  cm. 
two   hours    to    three    days,  de-  io***£  or  tray  holding  the  oven;  and 
pending  on  the  size  and  character  the  infiltrating  and  paraffin  dishes,    (i, 
of  the  piece  to  be  imbedded.     If  *•  3,  4^,  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^ 
the    tissue    is    thoroughly    dehy-    lain  receptacle  for  the  lamp  bulb. 
drated  and  well  saturated  with  J£^^'£±'ljgl£ 
cedar    oil,   the    melted    paraffin   spreading  plate.     The  dimensions  are: 
permeates  the  whole  piece.    See  *^9*£%£ij™3t*'IiS 
§  641     for     the    propyl    alcohol  cm.  high,    Tray,  30  x  18  x  2  cm. 

§  628.  Imbedding  in  paraffin  wax.  —  When  the  object  is  thor- 
oughly infiltrated,  imbed  as  follows:  Make  of  strong  writing  paper 
a  box  considerably  larger  than  the  piece  to  be  imbedded.  Nearly  fill 



[CH.  XII 

the  box  with  paraffin  wax,  place  on  a  copper  heater  (fig.  260),  and 
allow  to  remain  until  bubbles  appear  in  it.  Put  the  box  on  cold 
water  until  a  thin  stratum  of  paraffin  solidifies  on  the  bottom. 
Take  the  piece  of  tissue  from  the  infiltrating  dish  (fig.  254)  and 

0  « 







1  Connection  for  the  electric  circuit. 

2  Screw  heads.    The  screws  hold  the  electric  bulb  socket  in  place. 

3  Infiltrating  box.     It  is  30  cm.  long;    17.5  wide;    12.5  deep.    The  ends  and 
sides  are  lined  with  thick  asbestos.     3  mm.  thick.     The  brass  top,  or  spreading 
plate,  is  17.5  cm.  wide  and  38  cm.  long,  i.e.,  it  projects  8  cm.  beyond  the  box  (3). 

5,  <5,  7     Inliitrating  and  paraffin  dishes 

8  End  of  the  box  attached  to  the  bottom  (4).  This  infiltrating  box  adopts 
Dr.  Kingsbur/s  plan  of  having  the  top  and  bottom  sliding  apart  or  together  to 
regulate  the  temperature,  and  for  ease  in  handling  the  intiltrating  and  paraffin 
dishes.  G  lamp  bulb  of  25  to  40- watt  capacity  supplies  sumcient  heat  in  a  room 
at  the  ordinary  temperature  (20°  centigrade). 

arrange  in  the  box  for  making  sections  in  a  definite  direction.  Add 
hot  paraffin,  if  necessary,  and  then  place  the  box  on  cold  water. 
The  more  rapid  the  cooling,  the  more  homogeneous  will  be  the 
block  containing  the  tissue  to  be  cut.  For  the  best  imbedding  it  is 
well  to  drop  95%  alcohol  on  the  surface  as  soon  as  a  film  has 
formed  in  cooling.  In  warm  climates  where  cold  water  is  not  easy 
to  procure  for  cooling  the  blocks,  one  may  float  the  paper  box  on 
95%  alcohol  and  with  a  pipette  (fig.  264)  drop  strong  alcohol  on  the 
sides  of  the  box  and  on  the  top  of  the  paraffin  as  soon  as  a  surface 
film  has  formed. 

It  is  very  desirable  to  mark  on  the  box  the  name  of  the  imbedded 
object  and  to  indicate  which  end  or  face  is  to  be  cut  (§  672). 

§  629.  Fastening  the  block  to  a  holder.  —  Use  one  of  the  block 
holders  or  object  discs  furnished  with  the  microtome,  or  a  short 

CH.  XII] 



stove  bolt.    Heat  the  larger  end  and  press  the  paraffin  block  against 
the  hot  metal  until  it  melts  the  paraffin.     Hold  the  two  together 


1  Connection  for  the  electric  circuit. 

2  Heating  box,  sides  and  ends  lined  with  thick  asbestos.     Size  of  box:  30 
cm.  long;    16  cm.  wide  and  8  cm.  deep. 

3  The  bottom  of  the  box  with  the  end  (5)  to  close  the  box  when  the  two  parts 
are  brought  together. 

4  The  8  cm.  projection  of  the  spreading  plate.    This  plate  is  of  brass,  3  mm. 

5-6  End  of  the  heating  box  when  the  2-3  are  brought  together,  6  is  a  knob 
to  grasp  in  separating  or  putting  together  the  sliding  top  and  bottom  (2-3). 

The  lower  box  is  more  convenient  for  spreading  sections  than  the  higher  box 
(fig.  255),  but  not  so  large  paraffin  infiltrating  vessels  can  be  kept  in  it.  The 
sliding  feature  of  top  and  bottom  enables  one  to  control  the  temperature  closely. 

while  cold  water  flows  over  them.  When  cold,  the  block  is  firmly 
cemented  to  the  holder.  Pains  should  be  taken  to  have  the  axis  of 
the  block  parallel  with  the  long  axis  of  the  holder;  and  one  should 


3V  «• 







L    4 

E      CM 

B            CM 


4      L 






/          CM 

S                    CM 




j  Lines  for  the  first  folds;   these  make  three  longitudinal  strips. 

2  Lines  for  the  second  folds;   these  make  three  transverse  strips. 

3  Lines  showing  where  the  corner  folds  are  made. 

4  The  folds  for  the  projecting  end  or  label. 

13    Bottom,  S  Side,  E  Ends  and  L  Label  of  the  box.    The  bottom  occupies  J 
of  the  area. 



[Cn.  XII 

not  cut  the  block  so  short  that  the  holder  comes  in  contact  with 
the  tissue  when  the  paraffin  and  holder  are  cemented  together. 

§  630.  Fixing  the  imbedding  block  directly  in  the  microtome. 
With  objects  of  considerable  size,  it  is  not  necessary  to  fasten  the 
imbedding  block  to  a  metal  holder,  and  then  to  clamp  that  in  the 
microtome,  but  the  paraffin  block  itself  can  be  put  in  the  object 
clamp  of  the  microtome. 

§  631.  Trimming  the  end  of  the  block 
for  sectioning.  —  Sharpen  the  end  to  be 
cut  in  a  pyramidal  form,  being  sure  to 
leave  2  millimeters  or  more  of  paraffin  over 
the  tissue  at  the  end  as  well  as  on  the 
sides.  The  block  is  trimmed  in  a  pyra- 
midal form,  so  that  it  will  be  rigid.  Take 
particular  pains  that  the  opposite  faces  at 
the  end  of  the  block  are  parallel  and  all 
the  corners  right  angles. 

In  some  laboratories,  Dr.  McClung's  for 
example,  a  cubical  block  of  metal  attached 
to  a  rod  is  placed  in  the  knife  holder  of 
the  microtome  and  the  four  sides  of  the 
imbedding  mass  trimmed  with  great  ex- 
actness by  the  use  of  a  straight-edged 
scalpel,  or  better  by  a  small  chisel,  the 
cube  of  metal  serving  as  a  guide.  As  the 

FIG.  258.    SCALPEL  BLADES.  metal  cube  can  be  slid  alonS  in  the  knife 

i,  2  with   curved  edges  holder,  and   the  imbedded  tissue  can  be 

for  cutting  ribbons;   ?,  with  raised  and  iowered  by  turning  the  wheel 
straight  edge   for   trimming  J  6 

paraffin  blocks.  of  the  microtome,   imbedding   masses  of 

large  and  small  sizes  can  be  trimmed  by 

the  same  metal  guide.     This  guide  for  trimming  is  a  great  help  in 
getting  straight  ribbons,  and  consequently  good  series. 

§  632.  Making  paraffin  sections.  —  Put  the  paraffin  block  or  the 
metal  holder  in  the  clamp  of  the  microtome.  Arrange  the  block  so 
that  one  side  of  the  pyramidal  end  is  parallel  with  the  edge  of  the 
knife;  then  tighten  the  clamp;  and  if  an  automatic  microtome  is 



used,  make  sure  that  the  section  knife  is  also  tightly  clamped  by  the 
proper  set  screws.  It  is  well  to  have  the  knife  lean  slightly  toward 
the  paraffin  blocks. 

The  knife  edge  meets  the  paraffin  squarely,  as  in  planing.  The 
thickness  of  section  is  provided  for  in  the  automatic  microtome  by 
the  indicator,  which  may  be  set  for  any  desired  thickness,  or  one 
can  turn  up  the  screw  by  hand  in  the  table  microtome.  The  par- 
affin and  its  contained  tissue  are  cut  in  a  thin  shaving.  If  the 
tissue  was  stained  in  toto  with  eosin,  as  suggested  in  §  627  A,  it  is 
marked  out  with  great  clearness  in  the  containing  paraffin  (§  672). 

As  succeeding  sections  are  cut,  they  push  along  the  previous  sec- 
tions, and  if  the  hardness  of  the  paraffin  is  adapted  to  the  tempera- 
ture where  the  sectioning  is  done,  the  edges  of  the  successive  sections 
will  be  soldered  as  they  strike.  This  produces  a  ribbon,  as  it  is 
called,  and  if  the  paraffin  block  has  been  properly  trimmed  at  the 
end  the  ribbon  will  be  straight  and  even.  If  the  ribbon  is  curved 
sideways,  it  indicates  that  one  side  of  the  block  is  thicker  than  the 
other  and  the  sections  are  slightly  wedge  shaped. 

If  the  paraffin  is  too  hard  for  the  room  temperature  and  for  a 
given  thickness  of  section,  the  sections  will  curl;  if  it  is  too  soft,  the 
sections  will  crumple. 

The  thinner  the  sections,  the  harder  should  be  the  paraffin  or  the 
cooler  the  sectioning  room;  and  the  thicker  the  sections  and  the 
larger  the  object  to  be  cut,  the  softer  can  be  the  paraffin  and  the 
higher  the  temperature.  If,  then,  the  sections  do  not  ribbon,  make 
thinner  sections  or  work  in  a  warmer  place.  If  the  sections  crumple, 
make  thicker  sections  or  work  in  a  cooler  room.  Of  course,  one  can 
reimbed  in  a  more  suitable  hardness  of  paraffin. 

In  the  season  when  steam  radiators  are  used,  one  can  get  almost 
any  desired  temperature  by  sectioning  nearer  or  farther  from  the 

In  the  winter  it  is  a  good  plan  to  warm  the  microtome  and  section 
knife  before  sectioning.  This  can  be  done  very  easily  by  putting  a 
cloth  over  the  radiator  and  the  microtome  something  like  a  tent. 

§  633.  Electrification  of  the  paraffin  ribbons.  —  Some  days  there 
is  such  an  accumulation  of  static  electricity  in  cutting  the  ribbons 


that  they  jump  toward  anything  brought  near  them.  This  is  very 
annoying  and  likely  to  be  so  destructive  to  many  of  the  sections  that 
serial  work  cannot  be  done  with  safety. 

Many  devices  have  been  tried  to  overcome  this  difficulty.  One  of 
the  simplest  and  most  successful  is  to  put  a  pan  of  boiling  water  near 
the  microtome  or  to  boil  some  water  near  it.  The  water  vapor  given 
off  in  the  surrounding  air  prevents  fairly  well  the  accumulation  of 
static  electricity,  and  the  ribbons  are  thus  free  to  remain  where  put. 
See  also  §  634  for  Land's  method. 

§  634.  Land's  method  for  sectioning  hardened  tissues.  —  Some 
tissues  like  tendon,  elastic  tissue  of  the  ligamentum  nuchae  etc.  have 
a  tendency  to  become  so  hard  that  it  is  practically  impossible  to  get 
continuous  ribbons.  Dr.  W.  J.  G.  Land  found  that  if  the  paraffin 
imbedded  tissue  in  such  a  case  had  the  paraffin  pared  away  at  one  end 
until  the  tissue  is  exposed  and  then  the  paraffin  block  soaked  in  water 
for  a  day  or  more  it  is  quite  possible  to  cut  continuous  ribbons  with 
ease.  This  was  demonstrated  on  imbedded  ligamentum  nuchae  that 
was  so  hard  that  the  tissue  was  torn  right  out  of  the  paraffin  block 
when  an  attempt  to  cut  it  was  made.  The  hard  tissue  was  soaked  in 
water  for  several  days,  and  then  sections,  3/z,  5/i,  yju  and  lo/x  were  cut 
in  perfect  ribbons.  This  method,  as  also  pointed  out  by  Dr.  Land,  has 
the  further  advantage  that  the  ribbons  do  not  become  electrified,  and 
therefore  that  annoyance  is  also  obviated.  (See  W.  J.  G.  Land, 
Botanical  Gazette,  vol.  59,  1915,  p.  401.) 

See  also  remarks  upon  the  method  in  Chamberlain's  Plant  Histology, 
5th  ed.  p.  125  and  3d  revised  ed.  p.  1 13.  In  this  work,  Dr.  Chamberlain 
discusses  and  recommends  the  use  of  safety  razor  blades  for  section 
knives.  (See  §  621.) 

§  636.  Storing  paraffin  ribbons.  —  The  most  convenient  method 
for  caring  for  the  ribbons  as  they  are  cut  is  to  place  them  on  a  tray 
(figs.  237-238)  lined  with  a  sheet  of  white  paper.  It  is  important  to 
write  on  the  paper  full  data,  giving  the  name  of  the  tissue,  the 
thickness  of  the  sections,  the  date,  etc.  It  is  well  also  to  number 
the  ribbons  and  to  indicate  clearly  the  position  of  the  first  section  or 
the  beginning  of  the  ribbon. 

Ribbons  of  sections  on  a  tray  should  be  covered  by  another  tray 

CH.  XII] 



FIG.  259. 


if  one  wishes  to  carry  them  to  another  room.    The  slightest  gust  of 
air  sends  them  flying. 

Ribbons  on  trays  may  be  kept  a  long  time,  if  they  are  stored  in  a 
cool  place.  The  sections  do  not  flatten  out  quite  so  well  after  stand- 
ing a  long  time. 

§  636.  Spreading  the 
sections  on  water.  —  Par- 
affin sections  are  almost 
invariably  slightly  wrin- 
kled or  folded  in  cutting. 
To  remove  the  wrinkles 
one  takes  advantage  of 
the  expansion  of  paraffin 
when  it  is  warmed.  The 
sections  may  be  floated 
on  warm  water,  when 
they  will  straighten  out  and  become  smooth,  or  the  usual  method  is  to 
stretch  them  on  the  slide  upon  which  they  are  to  be  finally  mounted. 

By  spreading  sections  on  a  wet  slide  a  double  operation  is  per- 
formed, viz.:  the  sections  are  made  smooth  and  they  are  also 
fastened  to  the  slide.  Put  a  minute  drop  of  albumen  fixative  on  the 
middle  of  a  slide  and  with  the  ball  of  one  finger  spread  it  over  the 
slide,  making  a  thin,  even  layer.  It  cannot  be  too  thin.  It  is  likely 
to  stain  if  it  is  too  thick.  Do  not  use  albumen  if  for  the  ultra-violet 
microscope  (§§  316,  318). 

With  a  pipette  (fig.  264)  put  several  drops 
of  water  on  the  slide  and  then  place  a  piece 
of  ribbon  on  the  water;  or  put  the  sections 
on  the  albumenized  slide  and  add  the  water 

afterward.     Heat  the  slide  carefully  over  a 
FIG.    260.     LEVELING   spirit  lamp  or  gas  flame    bemg  sure  not  to 
METAL     TABLE     FOR         ,      ,      ^      ^        A       /  ,, 

SPREADING  SECTIONS  AND  melt  the  paraffin.     As  the  water  warms,  the 
FOR  IMBEDDING  IN  PAR-  paraffin   expands   and  stretches  the  sections 

AFFIN.  r  r  . 

out  smooth.  A  copper  heating  plate  is  good 
(fig.  260),  but  an  electric  spreader  is  best  (figs.  254-256).  The 
projecting  top  enables  one  to  heat  this  oven  with  a  gas  or  alcohol 


flame.  If  an  electric  bulb  is  used,  one  of  30  to  40  watts  is  suffi- 
cient. All  desired  temperatures  are  possible  by  placing  the  infiltra- 
ting dishes  nearer  or  farther  from  the  lamp;  and  in  spreading 
one  can  pass  from  a  point  over  the  lamp  where  the  paraffin 
may  melt  to  the  overhanging  top  which  is  only  just  warm.  The 
dimensions  of  the  oven  giving  optimum  space  and  the  desired  range 
of  temperature  are  about  as  follows:  Length  30  cm.;  width  18  cm.; 
height  12.5  cm.  The  brass  spreading  plate  on  top  is  38  cm.  long, 
18  cm.  wide  and  3  mm.  thick.  The  tray  on  the  bottom  is  about  2 
cm.  deep.  The  tray  and  oven  are  lined  with  asbestos. 

§  637.  Drying  the  sections.  —  After  the  sections  are  spread,  drain 
off  most  of  the  water,  arrange  the  sections  with  a  needle  or  scalpel, 
and  place  the  slide  in  one  of  the  trays  (figs.  237-238).  Allow  it  to 
remain  overnight  or  preferably  longer.  The  longer  the  drying  in  air, 
the  more  surely  do  the  sections  adhere  to  the  glass  slide;  or  use  the 
drying  oven  (fig.  274). 

If  one  is  in  haste  to  take  the  succeeding  steps  in  the  preparation, 
the  slide  may  be  dried  by  putting  it  into  a  drying  oven  at  38°  to  40° 
C.  for  half  an  hour  or  more. 

Some  tissues  are  very  difficult  to  get  perfectly  smooth,  as  just  de- 
scribed. If  fine  wrinkles  persist,  one  can  sometimes  overcome  the 
difficulty  by  letting  the  slide  cool  and  then  covering  with  a  piece  of 
fine  tissue  paper  slightly  moistened ;  press  down  firmly  with  the  ball 
of  the  finger  on  the  sections.  Then  take  hold  of  the  edge  of  the 
paper  and  roll  it  off  the  sections. 

As  the  water  dries  out,  the  spread  sections  come  in  very  close  con- 
tact with  the  glass  and  adhere  quite  firmly  to  it.  The  thinner  the 
sections,  the  more  tightly  do  they  stick. 

§  638.  Deparaffining  in  xylene.  —  This  is  accomplished  by  using  a 
solvent  of  paraffin.  The  best  and  safest  one  to  use  in  a  laboratory 
is  xylene.  Benzine,  gasoline  and  even  kerosene  are  used,  but  xylene 
is  a  powerful  solvent  of  paraffin,  does  not  injure  the  tissue,  and  is 
not  very  inflammable,  on  account  of  the  large  amount  of  carbon  in 
its  molecule  (see  §  573)  and  the  consequent  high  boiling  point, 
136°  C.  (§  244). 

It  requires  only  a  few  minutes  to  dissolve  paraffin  from  the  sec- 
tions, but  a  dav  or  more  in  the  xvlene  does  no  harm. 

CH.  XII] 



When  the  paraffin  is  removed  the  staining  and  other  operations 
necessary  for  a  completed  preparation  may  be  undertaken. 




BASKET    OR    RACK    WITH    A 


§  639.  Collodionizing  the  sections.  —  Except  for  carmine  stains 
and  perhaps  some  others,  collodion  remains  practically  colorless. 
While  the  sections  remain  quite  firmly  attached  to  the  slide  after 
they  have  been  spread  and  dried,  thick  sections  are  likely  to  come 
off  in  the  many  processes  of  staining,  and  if  one  has  many  sections 
on  a  slide,  some  of  them  may  become  loosened.  To  avoid  this,  the 
sections  are  covered  with  a  delicate  layer  of  collodion,  which  holds 



[Cn.  XII 

them  down  to  the  slide.  The  early  method  was  to  use  a  soft  brush 
and  paint  a  thin  film  over  the  dried  sections  before  they  were 
deparaffined.  Now  the  sections  are  deparaffined,  and  then,  after 
draining  the  xylene  from  the  slide  10-15  seconds,  it  is  put  into  a 
bottle  containing  f  %  collodion  (§  577).  In  a  minute  or  more  the 
collodion  displaces  the  xylene,  penetrates  the  sections  and  forms 
a  delicate  veil  over  their  free  surface.  No  harm  is  done  by  leaving 
the  sections  in  the  collodion  a  considerable  time,  but  a  minute  or 
two  is  sufficient.  The  slide  is  removed,  allowed  to  drain  for  half  a 
minute,  and  then  put  into  a  jar  of  67%  alcohol  (fig.  262).  The 
alcohol  fixes  the  collodion  and  removes  the  ether.  As  the  67  %  alco- 
hol does  not  hurt  the  tissue,  it  may  stay  in  the  jar  a  day  or  more, 
if  desired,  but  half  an  hour  suffices. 

The  sections  are  now  ready  for  the  subsequent  staining  and  other 
operations  to  make  a  finished  slide.  One  has  to  remember  that  if 
mucicarmine  (§  570)  is  to  be  used  in  staining,  the  preparation  must 
not  be  collodionized,  as  carmine  stains  collodion. 

§  640.   Steps  in  order  for  the  paraffin  method.  — 


Absl.  ale  

Cedar  oil 




Temp.  bath.  .  .  . 
Sections  cut  
v    Temp.  room.  .  .  . 

.Imbed,  in  

Time  of  fixation   

Washed  in  water  

67  %  ale  82  %  ale. 


Decalc.  §  580  67,  82  %  ale  

In  toto  stain  

Mtd.  in 

Washed  in  

Remarks  .  .    . 

67  %  ale  82  %  ale.            .... 

95  %  ale.  and  eosin  

§  641.   Paraffin  sectioning  by  the  propyl  alcohol  method  (§  563). 

Sheridan  (Stain  Technology  V,  34)  and  Bradbury,  Science,  vol.  74, 
p.  225,  have  shown  that  there  are  certain  advantages  in  the  use  of 
normal  propyl  alcohol  (CHaCftCKfcOH)  and  isopropyl  alcohol 
(CHaCHOHCHs).  They  do  not  make  the  tissues  so  hard  and 
brittle  and  the  imbedded  mass  cuts  easier. 


Sheridan  used  normal  propyl  alcohol  and  the  experience  of  the 
author  has  been  with  that  quite  extensively.  The  tissue  is  fixed 
in  any  desired  manner  as  usual  and  carried  up  to  82%  alcohol  in 
the  usual  way.  For  the  dehydration  the  normal  propyl  alcohol  is 
used.  When  dehydrated  it  is  passed  directly  to  melted,  43°  paraffin. 
It  may  remain  in  this  with  one  or  two  changes  for  an  hour  or  more, 
depending  upon  its  size  and  character.  The  tissue  is  then  transferred 
to  melted  paraffin  of  50°  to  56°  melting  point  and  left  in  it  only  a 
few  minutes.  If  it  is  moved  about  the  displacement  of  the  soft 
paraffin  by  the  harder  paraffin  will  be  facilitated.  The  tissue  is 
then  imbedded  in  the  usual  way  and  sectioned  when  convenient. 
It  has  proved  highly  satisfactory. 


In  this  method  the  tissue  is  thoroughly  permeated  with  a  solution 
of  collodion,  which  is  afterward  hardened.  Unlike  the  paraffin  of 
the  paraffin  method,  the  collodion  (§  576a)  is  not  subsequently  re- 
moved from  the  tissue,  but  always  stays  in  the  sections.  It  is 
transparent  and  does  no  harm. 

The  fixing  and  dehydration  with  95%  alcohol  is  the  same  as  for 
the  paraffin  method. 

The  paraffin  method  gives  thinner  sections  than  the  collodion 
method  and  for  series  and  large  numbers  of  sections,  is  superior. 

The  collodion  method  requires,  no  heat  for  infiltration,  and  it  does 
not  render  the  firmer  forms  of  connective  tissue  so  hard.  It  is 
especially  adapted  for  making  sections  of  large  pieces  of  tissue  or 
organs  and  when  thick  sections  are  desired.  It  is  not  easy  to  cut 
sections  less  than  lo/z  with  collodion,  while  with  paraffin  it  is  possible 
to  make  good  ribbons  of  small  objects  of  delicate  texture  2ju  to  3/1 
in  thickness.  With  a  very  sharp  knife  and  small,  delicate  object, 
and  one  of  the  better  forms  of  microtomes,  one  can  cut  short 
paraffin  series  in  IJJL  sections  and  get  perfect  ribbons. 

In  plant  histology  paraffin  is  used  for  cytologic  work,  and  by 
many  whenever  possible.  Collodion  must  be  used  for  the  hard 
tissues  and  is  used  by  preference  in  some  laboratories.  (See  refer- 
ences in  the  collateral  reading  at  the  end.) 


Collodion  sectioning  is  sometimes  denominated  the  wei  method,  as 
the  tissue  and  sections  must  always  be  wet  with  some  liquid,  while 
the  paraffin  method  is  called  the  dry  method,  as  the  tissue  once  in- 
filtrated with*  paraffin  keeps  in  the  air  indefinitely  and  in  cutting 
the  sections  no  liquid  is  used. 

§  642.  Infiltration  with  ether  alcohol.  —  Transfer  the  piece  of 
tissue  to  be  cut  from  95%  alcohol  to  a  mixture  of  equal  parts  of 
sulphuric  ether  and  95%  or  absolute  alcohol,  and  leave  in  this  for  a 
few  hours  or  a  day  or  more,  as  is  most  convenient.  This  is  to  soak 
the  tissue  full  of  a  solvent  of  the  collodion. 

§  643.  Infiltration  with  1|  %  collodion.  —  Pour  off  the  ether 
alcohol  from  the  tissue  and  add  i-J%  collodion.  Leave  in  this  over- 
night or  longer  if  the  piece  of  tissue  is  large. 

§  644.  Infiltration  with  3%  collodion.  — -  Pour  off  the  i|%  collo- 
dion and  put  in  its  place  3%  collodion.  Leave  the  tissue  in  this 
half  a  day  or  longer. 

§  645.  Infiltration  with  6  %  collodion.  —  Pour  off  the  3  %  and  add 
6%  collodion  to  the  piece  of  tissue.  For  complete  infiltration  with 
this  thick  collodion,  it  requires  one  day  at  least.  If  the  object  is 
large,  it  is  advantageous  to  infiltrate  for  a  week  or  two. 

§  646.  Infiltration  in  strong  collodion.  —  Many  workers  recom- 
mend as  thick  a  solution  as  can  be  made  for  the  final  infiltration, 
and  a  long  stay  (2-3  weeks)  in  the  infiltrating  liquid. 

Many  also  recommend  a  great  many  steps  in  the  process,  com- 
mencing with  i%  and  gradually  passing  up  through  increasing 
strengths  till  the  thickest  is  reached. 

§  647.  Imbedding  on  a  cork  or  block.  —  For  imbedding  small 
pieces  use  a  piece  of  wood  (deck  plug),  vitrified  fiber,  glass  or  good 
cork  for  a  holder.  Cover  the  end  with  6  %  collodion  and  let  it  get 
well  set  in  the  air;  then  put  the  piece  of  tissue  on  the  holder  and 
drop  8%  collodion  upon  it  at  intervals  until  it  is  well  covered  all 
around.  If  one  takes  considerable  time  for  this,  the  collodion 
thickens  greatly  in  the  air.  This  is  an  advantage,  for  it  gives  a  denser 
block  for  sectioning.  After  the  collodion  is  pretty  well  set,  place 
holder  and  tissue  in  a  vessel  with  chloroform  to  harden.  One  can 
put  the  preparation  into  the  chloroform,  or,  if  the  vessel  is  tight,  it 

CH.  XII] 



may  be  above  the  chloroform,  the  vapor  then  acting  as  the  hard- 

§  648.  Imbedding  in  a  paper  box.  —  If  the  object  is  of  con- 
siderable size,  it  is  best  to  use  a  paper  box  for  imbedding,  as  with 
paraffin.  If  a  very  small  amount  of  vaseline  is  rubbed  on  the  inside 
of  the  box,  it  prevents  the  collodion  from  sticking  t&  the  paper 
(fig.  257,  §  672). 

Put  first  some  of  the  thick  collodion  in  the  box  and  let  it  remain 
in  the  air  until  nearly  solid,  2  to  3  minutes.  Then  arrange  the  speci- 
men to  be  cut  as  for  imbedding  in  paraffin,  and  gradually  add  thick 
collodion  until  the  object  is  well  covered.  Let  the  box  stand  for  a 
few  minutes  in  air;  then  place  it  in  a  dish  like  a  Stender  dish  and 


pour  some  chloroform  on  the  bottom  of  the  dish.  Cover  and  the 
collodion  will  harden,  partly  by  the  chloroform  vapor  and  partly  by 
that  which  soaks  through  the  paper.  It  is  well  to  change  the 
chloroform  at  least  once.  The  used  chloroform  will  contain  some 
ether  alcohol,  but  is  good  for  killing  animals. 

After  24  or  48  hours  the  collodion  should  be  firm  all  through. 
Then  it  is  placed  in  67%  alcohol  where  it  may  be  left  a  day  or 
more.  If  it  is  to  be  left  an  indefinite  time,  the  67%  alcohol  should 
be  changed  for  82%. 

§  649.  Sectioning  by  the  collodion  method.  —  For  this  one  can 
use  a  table  microtome  or  one  of  the  sliding  microtomes.  The  sec- 
tions are  made  with  a  knife  set  obliquely  and  hence  with  a  drawing  cut. 

The  holder  with  the  small  piece  of  tissue  is  clamped  in  the  micro- 
tome and  arranged  as  desired;  then  the  sections  are  made  with  an 
oblique  knife  which  is  kept  w^  with  82  %  alcohol.  The  best  way 


to  keep  the  knife  wet  is  to  have  a  dropping  bottle  over  the  object, 
the  drops  falling  about  every  two  seconds.  As  the  sections  are  cut, 
they  are  drawn  up  towards  the  back  of  the  section  knife  with  a  soft 
brush.  They  can  be  kept  in  order  in  this  way  and  do  not  interfere 
with  succeeding  sections. 

Some  operators  in  drawing  the  knife  across  the  tissue  use  a  slight 
sawing  motion.  However  one  proceeds,  the  knife  is  drawn  rather 
slowly,  not  rapidly  as  with  paraffin  work. 

If  the  imbedding  was  done  in  a  paper  box,  remove  the  box  and 
trim  the  collodion  block  suitably.  Dry  the  end  opposite  the  tissue, 
then  wet  it  with  3  %  collodion.  Use  a  piece  of  wood,  a  cork  or  other 
holder  of  suitable  size.  Put  some  6  %  collodion  on  the  holder  and  let 
it  dry  for  a  minute  or  so;  then  press  the  collodion  block  down  on  the 
holder.  Leave  in  the  air  for  a  minute  or  two  and  then  put  into  67  % 
alcohol  to  harden  the  cementing  collodion.  After  15  minutes,  or 
longer  if  convenient,  put  the  mounted  specimen  into  the  clamp  of 
the  microtome  and  cut  as  above. 

Sometimes  when  the  imbedded  object  is  of  sufficient  size  and  the 
collodion  block  is  firm,  the  block  itself  is  put  into  the  microtome 
clamp,  no  wood  or  cork  holder  being  used. 

§  650.  Transferring  sections  from  the  knife  to  the  slide.  —  When 
one  has  cut  the  number  of  sections  for  one  slide,  they  should  be 
transferred  to  the  slide  as  follows:  Take  a  piece  of  white  tissue 
paper  about  3X6  centimeters  in  size  and  lay  it  on  the  knife  over 
the  sections.  Press  down  slightly  so  the  paper  is  in  contact  with  all 
the  sections.  Take  hold  of  the  paper  beyond  the  edge  of  the  knife 
and  gradually  pull  it  down  off  the  knife. 

If  there  is  the  right  amount  of  alcohol  on  the  knife,  the  sections 
adhere  to  the  paper  and  move  with  it.  This  transfers  the  sections 
from  the  knife  to  a  piece  of  tissue  paper.  Place  the  tissue  paper 
with  the  sections  down  on  the  middle  of  an  albumenized  slide. 
Cover  with  another  piece  of  paper  and  press  down  gently.  This 
presses  the  sections  against  the  slide  and  absorbs  a  part  of  the 
alcohol.  Take  hold  of  one  edge  of  the  paper  and  lift  it  with  a 
rolling  motion  from  the  slide.  The  sections  should  stay  on  the 
slide  (§  65oa). 


§  650a.  —  Various  forms  of  paper  have  been  used  to  handle  the  collodion 
sections.  It  should  be  moderately  strong,  fine-meshed,  not  likely  to  shed  lint, 
and  fairly  absorbent.  One  of  the  first  and  most  successful  papers  recommended 
is  closet  or  toilet  paper.  Cigarette  paper  is  also  excellent.  In  my  own  work  the 
heavy  white  tissue  paper  has  been  found  almost  perfect  for  the  purpose.  Or- 
dinary lens  paper  or  thin  blotting  paper  for  absorbing  the  alcohol  or  oil  may  be 
used  with  it. 

§  651.  Fastening  the  sections  to  the  slide.  —  With  a  pipette, 
drop  95  %  alcohol  on  the  slide  of  sections,  then  use  a  pipette  full  of 
absolute  alcohol  if  it  is  at  hand.  Drain  most  of  the  alcohol  away 
and  add  a  few  drops  of  ether  alcohol.  The  collodion  should  melt 
and  settle  down  closely  on  the  slide.  If  the  collodion  does  not  melt 
the  dehydration  was  not  sufficient  and  more  alcohol  must  be  used. 
After  the  collodion  has  melted  down  upon  the  slide,  let  the  slide 
remain  a  minute  or  two  in  the  air,  and  then  transfer  it  to  a  jar 
of  67%  alcohol  (fig.  262). 

After  half  an  hour  or  longer  the  preparation  is  ready  to  stain. 

§  652.  The  castor-xylene  method  of  sectioning.  —  The  prepara- 
tion of  the  tissue  is  the  same  as  described  in  §§  642-646,  except  that 
when  the  collodion  is  hardened  in  chloroform,  the  block  is  trans- 
ferred to  castor-xylene  (§575).  In  a  few  days  the  collodion  gets  as 
transparent  as  glass  and  one  can  see  the  tissue  within  with  great 
clearness.  It  can  remain  in  the  castor-xylene  indefinitely. 

In  cutting  one  proceeds  exactly  as  in  §  649,  except  that  the  block 
is  kept  wet  with  castor-xylene,  and  not  with  alcohol.  The  sections 
are  arranged  on  the  knife  and  transferred  to  the  slide  in  the  same 
way  as  for  alcohol  sectioning  (§§  650-651). 

For  fastening  the  sections  to  the  slide,  as  no  water  is  present,  one 
can  add  the  ether  alcohol  at  once.  It  is  advantageous  here  to  have 
a  mixture  of  ether  two  parts  and  absolute  alcohol  one  part  for  melting 
the  collodion  in  these  oil  sections. 

Allow  the  slide  to  remain  in  the  air  till  the  collodion  begins  to 
look  dull;  then  the  slide  may  be  transferred  to  a  jar  of  xylene  to 
remove  the  oil.  From  the  xylene  it  is  transferred  to  95%  alcohol 
and  then  the  slide  is  ready  to  be  stained,  etc.,  as  described  below 
(§  654). 


Steps  in  order  for  the  collodion  method.  — 


95  %  ale  




\\%  col.     . 

3%  col. 

Time  of  fixation 

6  %  col  

8  %  col  

Washed  in  water 

Imbedded  .    . 

67%  ale. 

82  %  ale  

Chloroform   .  .    . 

67  %  ale  

Decalc.  §  580 

Or  castor-xylene 

67  %  ale  

82  %  ale  

Sections  cut  .  .  . 

.  .  .  ,/i's  

In  toto  stain 


Washed  in 

Mounted  in.  .  .  . 

67  %  ale  

82%  ale  



§  653.  Need  of  double  imbedding.  —  Some  objects  like  ova  with 
considerable  yolk  and  other  objects  in  which  the  different  parts  are 
of  unequal  density  or  are  very  loosely  bound  together  are  advanta- 
geously imbedded  first  in  collodion  so  that  there  will  be  a  tough 
matrix  to  hold  the  parts  in  place,  and  then  for  ease  and  rapidity  of 
sectioning,  paraffin  imbedding  is  added. 

Steps  in  double  imbedding: 

1.  Fix  in  any  desired  way. 

2.  Dehydrate  with  absolute  alcohol  half  a  day  or  more. 

3.  Put  into  ether  alcohol  half  a  day  or  more. 

4.  Put  into  f  %  collodion  half  a  day  or  more. 

5.  Put  into  2\%  collodion  i  to  2  days. 

6.  Put  into  5%  collodion  for  one  day  or  longer. 

7.  Imbed  in  the   5%  collodion,  using  a  paper  box   (fig.   257). 
Take  the  precaution  to  vaseline  lightly  the  inside  of  the  paper  box 


8.  Float  the  imbedded  tissue  on  chloroform  in  a  glass  dish. 

9.  When  the  collodion  is  hardened  by  the  chloroform,  remove  the 
paper  box  and  transfer  to  the  castor-xylene  (§  575)  clarifier  to  finish 
hardening  and  clarifying  the  collodion  mass. 

10.  Put  into  melted  paraffin  for  infiltration.    Leave  in  the  infil- 

CH.  XII] 



trating  oven  (fig.  254)  a  day  or  two.  There  is  advantage,  according 
to  some,  in  transferring  to  pure  xylene  or  to  cedar-wood  oil  for  half 
a  day  before  putting  into  the  imbedding  paraffin.  Section  in  rib- 
bons as  with  paraffin  (§  632). 

The  sections  are  spread  and  stained  exactly  as  for  the  paraffin 
method,  except  that  carmine  cannot  be  used  without  staining  the 


§  654.  Generalities  on  stains.  —  From  the  standpoint  of  the 
object  to  be  stained,  dyes  may  be  divided  into  two  great  groups: 

(1)  (a)  Those  which  differentiate  certain  parts  of  the  tissue  and 
make  them  prominent.     Such  dyes  are  called  then  differential  or 
selective.    If  the  nucleus  is  the  part  selected,  the 

dye  is  frequently  called  a  nuclear  dye. 

(b)  General  or  counter  stains.  These  stain  all 
parts  of  the  tissue,  and  are  usually  contrasting 
in  color;  blue  or  purple  and  bright  red  are  fre- 
quent combinations,  e.g.,  hematoxylin  and  eosin. 
There  is  an  appearance  of  differentiation  even 
with  a  general  stain,  as  the  denser  portions  of  the 
tissue  seem  more  deeply  stained ;  that  is,  there  is 
more  substance  and  more  stain  is  taken  up, 
hence  the  color  is  deeper. 

(2)  From  the  standpoint  of  the  solvent  used 
in    preparing    the    stains    they   are   called   (a) 
aqueous,  and  (b)  alcoholic. 

If  one  uses  an  aqueous  stain,  the  object  must 
be  well  wet  with  water  before  the  stain  is  ap- 
plied, and  afterward  well    washed  with    water 
before  it  is  put  again  into  alcohol.    If  an  alco- 
holic stain  is  used,  the  object  to  be  stained  should 
be  from  alcohol  of  the  same  strength  as  that 
used  in  making  the  dye.    The  dye  is  also  washed  away  from  the 
tissue  with  the  same  strength   of   alcohol;   it  may  then  be  put 
into  the  stronger  alcohols  for  dehydration. 

FIG.  264.  RE- 


With  reference  to  the  now  much  used  anilin  dyes,  Wright,  Prin- 
ciples of  Microscopy,  p.  34,  gives  this  excellent  general  statement: 
"  Anilin  dyes  may  be  regarded  as  salts  containing  a"  coloring  element 
or  chromophore,  united  to  a  base  or  acid,  according  as  the  chro- 
mophore  in  question  possesses,  in  the  particular  case,  acid  or  basic 
properties.  In  the  case  where  the  chromophore  functions  as  an  acid, 
the  dye  is  denoted  an  acid  dye  (e.g.,  eosin).  In  the  case  where  the 
chromophore  functions  as  a  base,  the  dye  is  designated  a  basic  dye." 
Eosin  is  used  as  an  example  where  the  chromophore  functions  as  an 
acid,  and  methylene  blue  where  the  chromophore  functions  as  a  base. 

The  tissue  elements  and  their  parts  are  named  from  their  affinity 
for  acid  or  basic  dyes.  For  example,  in  the  blood,  the  red  corpuscles 
and  the  granules  of  some, of  the  leucocytes  have  an  affinity  for  acid 
chromophores  and  hence  stain  strongly  with  eosin.  They  are  accord- 
ingly said  to  be  acidophil  or  oxyphil,  sometimes  also  eosinophil.  The 
nuclei  of  all  the  leucocytes,  and  of  the  red  corpuscles  when  nucleated, 
and  the  granules  of  some  of  the  leucocvte?,  have  an  affinity  for  basic 
dyes  and  hence  stain  with  methylene  blue,  and  are  designated 

§  655.  Staining  with  hematoxylin.  —  Take  a  slide  of  sections  pre- 
pared by  the  paraffin  or  the  collodion  method  from  the  jar  of  alcohol 
and  plunge  it  into  a  vessel  of  water  to  remove  the  alcohol.  For 
staining  put  the  slide  of  sections  into  a  jar  or  shell  vial  of  the 
hematoxylin  solution,  or  lay  the  slide  flat  on  the  staining  rack  or 
some  other  support  and  add  the  stain  to  the  sections  (figs.  265-266). 
It  usually  takes  from  2  to  10  minutes  to  stain  sufficiently  with 

A  good  plan  when  one  is  learning  the  process  is  to  wash  off  the 
stain  after  one  minute,  either  with  a  pipette  or  by  putting  the  slide 
in  a  dish  of  water.  Wipe  off  the  bottom  of  the  slide  and  put  it  un- 
der the  microscope.  Light  well,  use  a  low  power,  and  one  can  see 
the  nuclei  stained  a  bluish  or  purple  color,  as  hematoxylin  is  a 
nuclear  dye.  If  the  color  is  faint,  continue  the  staining  until  the 
nuclei  stand  out  boldly.  Sometimes  it  takes  a  long  time  to  stain 
well  with  hematoxylin.  In  such  a  case  the  jar  of  stain  may  be  put 
into  the  paraffin  oven  and  the  heat  will  accelerate  the  staining. 

CH.  XII] 



One  may  also  heat  the  individual  slides  as  for  spreading  sections, 
but  one  must  be  careful  not  to  let  the  stain  dry  on  the  sections. 
As  the  stain  evap-  .N^t  ^ ..,,v^vv 

orates,     add     fresh 

.  .   ,  . 

stain  with  a  pipette. 
When  the  sections 
are  well  stained 
\\  ith  hematoxylin, 
wash  off  the  hema- 
toxylin with  water. 
If  the  slide  is 
allowed  to  stand 
some  time  in  or- 
dinary water  the 
color  is  likely  to  be 
brighter.  This  is 
due  to  the  action  of 
the  alkali  (ammonia, 
etc.)  usually  pres- 

FIG. 265. 


ent   in  natural  wa- 
ters.   One  could  use 

distilled  water,  adding   a   few   drops  of   a   saturated   solution  of 

lithium  carbonate. 

Dehydrate  in  95  %  alco- 
hol and  absolute  if  neces- 
sary; clear  and  mount  in 
balsam  as  described  in 


Hematoxylin  is       so 

FIG.  266.    SMALL  AQUARIUM  JARS  FOR  STAIN-   nearly    a    pure  nuclear 

ING  SERIAL  SECTIONS.  •       r 

R    Rack  for  the  top  of  the  jar  and  contain-    stam     for     most  tlssues 

ing  a  small  draining  funnel.                                       and   organs   that  the   cell 

bodies  are  not  very  evi- 
dent   with    this     done; 
hence  some  counterstain  is  generally  used  also. 

§  656.  Counterstaining  with   eosin.  —  One   of   the   solutions   of 



eosin  (§  583)  is  dropped  upon  the  sections  after  the  hematoxylin  has 
been  washed  away  with  water.  This  stains  almost  instantly.  One 
rarely  needs  to  stain  with  eosin  over  10  or  30  seconds.  The  excess  stain 
is  then  washed  away  with  a  pipette  or  by  dipping  the  slide  into  water. 

§  657.  Dehydrating  and  clearing.  —  Put  the  slide  directly  into 
95%  alcohol  after  it  is  rinsed  with  water.  Leave  it  in  the  alcohol 
a  short  time  and  transfer  to  fresh  95  %  alcohol  or  to  absolute  alcohol 
a  few  seconds,  10-20.  One  must  not  leave  the  sections  too  long  in 
the  alcohol  or  the  eosin  will  dissolve  out. 

Remove  the  slide  from  the  alcohol  and  put  it  into  a  jar  of  clearer 
(§  573)  or  P^  it  on  the  rack  (figs.  265-266)  and  add  enough  clearer  to 
cover  the  sections.  Soon  the  clearer  will  displace  the  alcohol  and 
make  the  sections  translucent.  It  usually  requires  only  half  a 
minute  or  so.  The  clearer  is  drained  off  and  balsam  put  on  the 
sections,  and  then  a  clean  cover-glass  is  added.  One  soon  learns  to 
use  the  right  amount  of  balsam.  It  is  better  to  use  too  much  than 
too  little  (§  535). 

§  657a.  —  In  the  past  the  plan  for  changing  sections  from  95  %  alcohol  to 
water,  for  example,  was  to  run  them  down  gradually,  using  75,  50  and  35%  al- 
cohol, successively.  Each  percentage  might  vary,  but  the  principle  of  a  gradual 
passing  from  strong  alcohol  to  water  was  advocated.  I  have  found  that  the  safest 
method  is  to  plunge  the  slide  directly  into  water  from  the  95%  alcohol.  The 
diffusion  currents  are  almost  or  quite  avoided  in  this  way.  There  is  no  time  for 
the  alcohol  and  water  to  mix;  the  alcohol  is  washed  away  almost  instantly  by  the 
flood  of  water.  So  in  dehydrating  after  the  use  of  watery  stains,  the  slide  is 
plunged  quickly  into  a  jar  of  95  %  alcohol.  The  diffusion  currents  are  avoided  in 
the  same  way,  for  the  water  is  removed  by  the  flood  of  the  alcohol.  This  plan 
has  been  submitted  to  the  severe  test  of  laboratory  work,  and  has  proved  itself 
perfectly  satisfactory  (1895-1931). 

§  658.  Counterstaining  with  the  eosin  in  the  clearer.  —  With  this 
method  the  eosin  is  dissolved  in  the  carbol-xylene  clearer  (§  573a), 
and  the  hematoxylin  stained  sections  are  dehydrated  with  95%  alco- 
hol and  absolute  alcohol  if  necessary  and  then  placed  in  the  clearer. 
The  sections  are  cleared  and  stained  in  eosin  at  the  same  time.  It 
usually  takes  half  a  minute  or  more  for  the  double  process.  When 
the  sections  are  clear  and  sufficiently  red,  the  slide  is  removed  and 
the  Clearer  drained  off  by  holding  in  the  forceps  or  in  the  draining 
funnel  (figs.  265-266).  Then  the  balsam  is  added,  and  covered  ac 
described  above. 


It  is  a  good  plan  to  rinse  off  the  stained  clearer  by  pure  xylene 
before  adding  the  balsam.  This  is  not  absolutely  necessary,  how- 

§  659.  Hematoxylin  and  picro-fuchsin.  —  Picro-fuchsin  is  so  selec- 
tive in  its  general  staining  that  it  is  frequently  used  after  hematoxy- 
lin.  The  hematoxylin  staining  should  be  intense  and  after  the 
hematoxylin  is  washed  away  add  the  picro-fuchsin  (§  610).  It  takes 
only  10  to  30  seconds  for  it  to  act.  Wash  with  distilled  water,  or 
natural  water  very  faintly  acidulated.  The  acid  fuchsin  is  very 
sensitive  to  alkalies  and  fades  easily. 

Dehydrate  in  95%  and  absolute  alcohol,  clear  and  mount  in  acid 
balsam.  Acid  balsam  injures  hematoxylin,  but  is  necessary  for  the 
red  in  the  picro-fuchsin. 

Look  out  for  mercuric  chlorid  crystals  in  the  sections  (§  669). 

§  660.  Hematoxylin  and  mucicannine.  —  Tissues  and  organs  are 
best  fixed  in  Zenker's,  or  mercuric  chlorid.  Small  intestine  is  one  of 
the  most  striking  and  instructive  organs  for  this  double  stain. 
Make  the  sections  by  the  paraffin  method,  but  do  not  fasten  them 
to  the  slide  with  collodion,  for  collodion  stains  with  mucicarmine 

(§  570). 

Stain  i  to  24  hours  in  mucicarmine.  Wash  off  the  stain  with 
water  and  then  stain  with  hematoxylin.  Do  not  stain  too  deeply. 
Wash  with  water,  dehydrate,  clear  and  mount  in  natural  balsam. 
Nuclei  will  be  bluish  or  purple  and  the  cells  containing  mucus  will 
be  rose  red.  The  goblet  cells  of  the  villi  stand  out  like  small  red 
goblets,  and  if  any  mucus  is  streaming  out  of  them,  it  will  be  red. 

§  661.  Combined  elastic  mucicarmine  and  picro-fuchsin  stain.  — 
For  this,  one  should  take  some  object  that  is  known  to  contain 
elastic  tissue,  mucus,  white  fibrous  tissue  and  muscle.  (The  non- 
cartilaginous  part  of  the  trachea  is  excellent.)  The  organ  should 
have  been  fixed  in  mercuric  chlorid  or  Zenker's  fluid  (§§  600,  615) 
for  this  preparation.  The  sections  should  be  made  by  the  paraffin 
method  and  no  collodion  should  be  used  for  fastening  the  sections 
to  the  slide  (§  639),  for  collodion  is  stained  by  mucicarmine. 

(i)  Stain  first  in  the  elastic  stain.  Wash  well  with  95%  alcohol 
and  then  with  water. 


(2)  Stain  in  a  shell  vial  or  jar  of  mucicarmine  (§  570)  from  i  to  24 
hours.    Wash  well  with  water,  but  one  must  be  careful  in  treating 
these  sections,  as  they  have  no  collodion  mantle  to  protect  them. 

(3)  Stain    15    to    30    seconds    with    picro-fuchsin    of    one-fourth 
strength  (§  610).     Dehydrate  with  95%  and  if  necessary  absolute 
alcohol.    Clear  in  carbol-xylene  and  mount  in  acid  balsam  (§  568). 
The  elastic  tissue  will  be  black  or  blue  black.    Mucus  will  be  carmine 
or  rose  red;  white  fibrous  tissue  will  be  magenta  red;  muscle,  epithe- 
lium and  blood  will  be  yellow. 

§  662.  Eosin  methylene  blue.  —  One  of  the  best  objects  for  this 
stain  is  a  hemolymph  gland.  Such  a  gland  is  easily  and  surely  found 
by  a  beginner  if  he  takes  the  heart  and  lungs  of  a  veal.  In  the  fat 
around  the  heart  and  behind  the  pleura  will  be  found  red  bodies 
looking  almost  like  blood  clots.  Remove  carefully;  fix  in  Zenker's 
fluid  or  mercuric  chlorid  (§§  600,  615).  Section  by  the  paraffin 
method,  make  the  sections  5ju  and  loju  thick.  Use  collodion  for 
insuring  the  fixation  to  the  slide  (§  639).  Stain  with  eosin  methyl- 
ene blue  (§  585). 

Eosin-methylene  blue  staining  is  also  excellent  for  demonstrating 

Do  not  forget  that  mercury  is  likely  to  be  present  in  sections  of 
tissue  fixed  with  any  mercuric  fixer.  Remove  it  with  iodized  alco- 
hol (§  597).  This  should  be  done  before  the  staining.  One  can  tell 
whether  the  tissues  contain  mercury  by  looking  at  the  unstained 
sections.  The  mercury  looks  black  by  transmitted  light,  white  by 
reflected  light.  Seen  by  transmitted  light,  the  substance  is  often  in 
the  form  of  delicate  black  pins. 

§663.  lodin  stain  for  glycogen.  —  Use  tissue  fixed  in  95%  or 
absolute  alcohol.  Cut  by  the  paraffin  method.  Mount  the  sections 
in  serial  order.  Do  not  use  water  for  spreading  the  sections,  but  one 
of  the  iodin  stains  for  glycogen  (§  596).  The  glycogen  will  be 
stained  at  the  same  time  that  the  sections  are  spread. 

Let  the  sections  dry  thoroughly  after  spreading.  Deparaffm  with 
xylene  and  mount  in  yellow  vaseline  or  use  thin  xylene  balsam,  but 
do  not  put  a  cover-glass  over  the  balsam  preparations. 

The  iodin  stain  remains  in  the  spread  sections  for  ten  years  or 


longer.  One  can  restain  any  time  by  putting  the  slide  with  the 
spread,  but  not  with  the  deparaffined  sections,  in  a  shell  vial  of  the 
iodin  stain.  It  is  possible  also  to  stain  the  nuclei  with  hematoxylin 
in  the  same  way.  If  this  is  done,  the  hematoxylin  should  be  used 
first  and  washed  off  with  water  and  the  iodin  stain  be  used  last,  but 
not  washed  off  with  water. 

For  collateral  reading  see  the  references  given  in  the  preceding 
chapter  (Ch.  XI). 




§§664-702;   FIGURES  267-277 


§  664.  General  on  series.  —  It  is  coming  to  be  appreciated  more 
and  more  that  in  histology  as  well  as  in  embryology  one  can  only  get 
a  complete  knowledge  of  structure  by  having  the  entire  organ  cut  in 
microscopic  sections  and  each  section  mounted  in  order.  Further- 
more, it  is  necessary  to  have  the  organ  cut  in  three  different  planes. 
In  this  way  one  can  see  every  aspect  of  the  structural  elements  and 
their  arrangement  in  the  organs. 

In  single  sections  one  gets  only  a  partial  view.  For  example,  how 
many  students  have  any  other  idea  of  a  ciliated  cell  than  that  it  is 
a  cell  with  triangular  outline  with  a  brush  of  cilia  at  the  broad  end. 
Probably  many  would  be  puzzled  if  they  had  a  top  view  of  the 
ciliated  end;  and  the  attached  end  would  be  even  more  puzzling. 

It  may  not  be  possible  for  every  worker  to  make  serial  sections 
of  all  the  organs  in  ail  the  three  planes,  but  every  one  who  is  work- 
ing seriously  in  histology  can  make  all  his  preparations  serial;  that 
is,  the  sections  which  are  mounted  can  be  in  serial  order;  then  a 
puzzling  appearance  in  one  section  may  be  perfectly  intelligible  in 
one  a  little  farther  along. 

To  get  the  greatest  benefit  from  serial,  as  indeed  also  from  single 
sections,  the  sections  should  be  made  in  a  definite  manner;  that  is, 
they  should  be  exactly  across  the  long  axis  of  an  organ  or  parallel 
with  the  long  axis  (Transections  and  Longisections). 

Or  with  such  an  organ  as  the  liver,  the  skin,  etc.,  the  sections  may 
be  parallel  with  the  surface  (Surface  Sections)  or  at  right  angles  to 
the  surface  (Vertical  Sections). 

§  665.  Order  of  serial  sections.  —  Some  plan  must  be  adopted  in 





arranging  the  series  or  only  confusion  will  result.  An  excellent  plan 
is  to  arrange  the  short  pieces  of  ribbons  for  a  given  slide  as  the  words 
on  a  page  are  arranged.  That  is,  section  No.  i  is  at  the  upper  left- 
hand  corner.  The  next  row  of  sections  begins  where  the  first  row 
left  off,  etc.  (fig.  267). 

As  the  paraffin  stretches  considerably  one  must  cut  the  ribbons 
into  pieces  considerably  shorter  than  the  cover-glass  to  be  used. 




Pig  6 

SI  23 

Seo  253 

10//  "260 



Both  the  paraffin  and  collodion  methods  are  adapted  to  the  prepa- 
ration of  series.  The  paraffin  ribbons  are  easier  to  manage  and 
easier  to  make  than  the  serial  sections  in  collodion. 

By  arranging  the  collodion  sections  as  they  are  cut  on  the  knife 
in  collodion  sectioning  (§  649),  one  can  put  them  on  the  slide  in  per- 
fect series  by  the  tissue  paper  method  (§  650). 

If  the  sections  are  large,  as  in  cutting  serial  sections  of  the  central 
nervous  system,  the  series  can  be  kept  in  order  in  a  small  dish  by 
putting  a  piece  of  tissue  paper  over  each  section  and  piling  them  up. 
If  the  vessel  is  small  enough,  the  papers  and  sections  will  not  shift 
and  get  out  of  order.  Or  one  might  put  a  single  section  in  a  Syra- 
cuse watch  glass  or  a  Petri  dish.  Then  in  mounting,  the  sections  can 
be  taken  in  order. 

§  666.  Numbering  the  serial  slides.  —  For  temporary  numbering 
a  fine  pen  with  Higgins'  or  Weber's  waterproof  carbon  ink  serves 
well.  If  the  end  of  the  slide  is  varnished,  one  can  write  on  it  as 
well  as  on  paper.  When  the  ink  is  dry  it  should  be  coated  with  thin 
xylene  balsam  or  with  any  good  varnish  like  valspar  i  part,  xylene 
9  parts.  It  is  also  important  to  write  the  number  of  the  slide  with 


a  writing  diamond.  The  double  marking  is  desirable  because  with 
wet  slides  the  diamond  number  is  hard  to  see,  while  the  ink  marks 
are  clearly  visible.  One  is  not  so  likely  to  wipe  off  the  sections  if  the 
ink  mark  is  present. 


§  667.  Fixing.  —  The  two  most  used  fixers  for  embryos  are 
Zenker's  fluid  and  formaldehyde  (§§  589,  615).  For  those  unskilled 
in  microscopic  technic,  or  for  one  who  is  exceedingly  busy,  the  best 
results  are  obtained  by  putting  the  embryos  in  formaldehyde  (10 
parts  of  formalin,  the  formalin  of  the  pharmacy,  and  90  parts  water 
answers  well).  If  there  is  plenty  of  this  the  embryos  are  likely  to  be 
well  preserved  even  though  they  are  left  in  the  membranes,  and  that 
is  far  the  best  way  for  small  embryos. 

§  668.  Fastening  the  sections  to  the  slide.  —  For  all  serial  work 
it  is  especially  desirable  to  fasten  the  sections  to  the  slide  with  collo- 
dion (§  639).  This  should  always  be  done  unless  some  stain  like  car- 
mine is  to  be  used  on  the  slide  after  the  sections  are  fastened.  With 
thin  sections,  if  one  is  careful  enough,  an  entire  series  can  be  carried 
through  without  losing  a  section,  but  with  thick  sections  (15/4  and 
thicker)  some  are  almost  sure  to  separate  from  the  slide  if  not  fas- 
tened by  collodion. 

§  669.  Removal  of  mercuric  chlorid  from  sections.  —  It  should  be 
remembered  that  if  a  fixer  containing  mercuric  chlorid  is  used,  the 
sections  are  almost  sure  to  contain  mercury.  By  transmitted  light 
the  mercury  appears  dark.  Often  the  appearance  is  as  if  a  multitude 
of  delicate  black  pins  were  in  the  section.  Sometimes  the  mercury 
is  in  rounded  masses.  This  should  be  removed  by  putting  the  slides 
of  sections  into  alcoholic  iodin  (§  597).  <  After  half  an  hour  or  an 
hour,  wash  off  the  iodized  alcohol  with  pure  95%  alcohol  and  the 
sections  are  ready  for  staining. 

If  the  embryo  was  stained  in  loto  and  contains  mercury,  the  sec- 
tions should  be  passed  from  the  deparaffimng  xylene  to  the  iodized 
alcohol  (§  597).  After  half  an  hour  or  more  the  slides  are  passed 
through  pure  95%  alcohol,  and  back  to  the  xylene  or  to  carbol- 
xylene.  Then  they  can  be  mounted  in  balsam. 


§  670.  Staining  for  series.  —  There  is  a  great  advantage  in  point 
of  time  and  safety  in  staining  the  entire  embryo  in  some  good  stain 
like  borax  carmine  (§  569).  Carmine  is  a  very  permanent  stain. 
For  bringing  out  special  structural  details  the  sections  are  stained 
on  the  slide  as  described  in  §§  655-656.  The  slide  baskets  are  al- 
most a  necessity  for  serial  work  (figs.  261-262),  as  the  slides  are 
handled  individually  only  twice,  (i)  when  they  are  spread  and  dried 
and  put  into  the  baskets,  and  (2)  after  all  the  processes  are  com- 
plete and  the  sections  are  to  be  mounted  in  balsam. 

The  sections  are  mounted  in  balsam  directly  from  the  deparaffin- 
ing  xylene.  No  alcohol  is  used  unless  it  is  necessary  to  remove 
crystals  of  mercuric  chlorid  (§§  597,  669). 


§  671.  Serial  sections  of  entire  animals.  —  With  improvement  in 
means  for  making  thin  sections  of  objects,  the  long-desired  ability  to 
see  the  entire  organism  in  complete  series  is  now  easily  realized. 
What  was  formerly  determined  with  so  much  difficulty  in  dissecting 
embryos  can  now  be  attained  with  ease  in  a  complete  series.  It  is 
almost  too  easy,  and  with  a  lively  imagination  structural  arrange- 
ments are  described  and  depicted  which  never  actually  existed  in 
the  animals  or  embryos  themselves.  It  is  so  difficult  for  most  people 
to  add  the  third  dimension  accurately  when  working  with  flat 
specimens  that  it  is  now  appreciated  that  the  older  workers  had  a 
great  advantage  in  dissecting  the  entire  animal  or  embryo  because 
they  were  there  dealing  with  an  obviously  three-dimensional  object 
and  true  relations  in  space  were  seen.  There  is  now  a  wholesome 
tendency  toward  the  retention  of  the  advantages  of  dissection  of 
entire  forms  with  the  advantages  of  serial  sections.  Hence  embryos 
are  now  dissected  entire  almost  as  much  as  in  the  old  days,  and 
enlarged  models  of  the  series  are  made  so  that  the  object  can  be 
seen  in  three  dimensions,  the  models  also  serving  to  make  it  easy  to 
follow  out  the  relations  of  parts  with  the  naked  eye.  But  one  should 


not  forget  that  a  model,  like  a  drawing,  is  after  all  only  the  interpre- 
tation of  the  artist  and  the  thing  itself  must  be  referred  to  whenever 
there  is  to  be  real  advancement  in  knowledge.  Furthermore,  as  it  is 
not  possible  to  both  dissect  and  serial  section  the  same  objects,  and 
sometimes  very  few  are  available,  anatomists  have  decided  on  the 
three  planes  which  give  the  greatest  information,  —  transections  or 
cross  sections,  sagittal  sections  and  frontal  sections.  With  sections 
in  these  three  spatial  planes  it  is  possible  to  gain  some  just  con- 
ception of  the  actual  relation  of  parts  and  structures  in  the  ob- 

§  672.  Orientation  of  imbedded  objects.  —  In  order  that  sections 
may  be  made  in  any  desired  plane  the  object  must  be  so  arranged 
or  oriented  in  the  imbedding  mass  that  one  can  attach  the  imbedding 
block  to  the  microtome  holder,  and  then  arrange  for  sectioning  in  a 
definite  manner.  With  translucent  or  transparent  collodion  where 
the  position  of  the  object  can  be  seen  after  it  is  imbedded,  this  is  not 
particularly  difficult,  but  with  paraffin,  which  is  nearly  opaque,  one 
cannot  see  distinctly  enough  the  position  of  the  object  to  give  the 
exact  arrangement  necessary  to  make  precise  sectioning  possible. 
The  embryo  or  animal  or  other  object  must,  therefore,  be  arranged 
in  the  imbedding  box  in  a  very  definite  manner. 

To  overcome  the  difficulties  Dr.  Kingsbury,  ten  to  fifteen  years 
ago,  devised  the  method  of  making  a  diagram  of  the  object  to  show 
its  exact  shape  and  position.  (Anat.  Record,  Vol.  XI,  1916,  p.  294). 
The  method  is  as  follows:  A  natural-size  diagram  of  the  object  is 
made  on  the  inside  of  the  bottom  of  the  imbedding  box  before  any 
paraffin  is  put  into  it.  This  is  most  easily  done  before  the  box  is 
folded,  or  the  folded  box  can  be  unfolded  and  made  flat  again.  For 
making  the  diagram  a  soft  lead  pencil  can  be  used  or  one  of  the  or- 
dinary colored  crayons  or  a  colored  glass  pencil.  In  any  case  enough 
of  the  lead  pencil  or  the  crayon  mark  adheres  to  the  paraffin  to 
make  a  clear  diagram  on  it  of  the  object. 

In  imbedding,  the  object  should  be  arranged  exactly  over  the  dia- 
gram. The  solidified  layer  of  paraffin  formed  before  the  object  is 
placed  in  the  box  (§  628)  is  no  hindrance,  as  the  diagram  shows 
through  it  clearly. 


For  embryos  and  small  animals,  of  which  serial  sections  are  to  be 
made,  there  should  always  be  a  photograph  natural  size. 

The  diagram  for  orientation  is  easily  made  from  such  a  photo- 
graph by  the  use  of  the  drawing  shelf  (fig.  277,  A.D.S.,  §§  415,  417). 
As  the  embryo  or  animal  is  always  imbedded  with  the  right  side 
down,  left  side  up,  one  must  be  sure  to  have  the  diagram  in  the 
same  position.  This  is  easily  accomplished,  as  one  can  draw  equally 
well  with  the  photographic  print  whichever  side  is  up.  That  is,  if 
the  embryo  was  photographed  left  side  down,  the  print  should  be 
face  down  on  the  drawing  shelf  to  bring  the  diagram  in  the  imbed- 
ding box  with  the  left  side  up.  On  the  other  hand,  if  the  photo- 
graph was  made  with  the  embryo  right  side  down,  then  the  print 
should  be  face  up  when  making  the  diagram  on  the  bottom  of  the 
imbedding  box. 

With  the  definite  outline  of  the  embryo  or  animal  on  the  bottom 
of  the  imbedding  mass  one  has  a  good  guide  for  arranging  the  object 
for  sectioning  any  desired  plane. 

§  673.  Thickness  of  serial  sections.  —  The  thickness  of  the  sec- 
tions of  a  series  should  be  known  in  all  cases;  and  for  modeling  it  is 
absolutely  necessary  (§§  680,  684).  The  thickness  usually  depends 
somewhat  upon  the  size  of  the  object  to  be  made  into  series.  If  the 
object  is  small,  the  sections  can  be  thin  without  having  an  un- 
manageable number  of  slides.  With  larger  objects  the  sections  are 
naturally  made  thicker  to  keep  the  length  of  the  series  within 

One  of  the  following  thicknesses  will  be  found  to  meet  nearly  all 
requirements  and  make  modeling  easier  than  as  if  some  odd  number 
of  microns  were  used:  5/1,  ioju,  ISM,  20;*,  25/4,  30^,  40/1,  5°M>  75M, 
loo/x.  Of  course  every  investigator  decides  for  himself  the  thickness 
of  section  which  will  serve  his  purposes  best. 

§  674.  Arrangement  of  sections  on  the  slide.  —  (i)  A  satisfactory 
and  widely  adopted  method  is  to  arrange  the  sections  like  the 
printed  words  in  a  book.  This  brings  the  first  section  at  the  upper 
left-hand  corner  of  the  series,  and  the  last  section  at  the  lower  right- 
hand  corner  (fig.  269). 

(2)  It  is  a  great  advantage  to  have  the  sections  so  arranged  on 


the  slide  that  under  the  compound  microscope  the  aspects  will  be 
as  in  the  observer's  body;  then  it  will  be  easy  to  locate  objects  at 
the  right  or  left,  dorsal  or  ventral. 

(3)  Remember  that  in  the  ribbons  the  surfaces  are   somewhat 
unlike  in  appearance.    The  lower  surface,  that  is,  the  surface  facing 
the  section  knife,  is  shiny,  while  the  opposite  surface  is  dull.    This 
knowledge  is  important,  for  sometimes  sections  get  turned  over  acci- 
dentally.   It  is  unfortunate  to  have  part  of  the  sections  of  a  series 
wrong  side  up. 

(4)  The  aspect  cut  first  will  face  upward  on  the  slide;   that  is,  if 
the  head  is  cut  first  the  cephalic  aspect  will  face  up;  if  the  left  side 
is  cut  first  the  sinistral  aspect  will  face  up,  and  if  the  dorsal  side,  the 
dorsal  face  will  be  up. 

(5)  The  aspect  of  the  embryo  which  first  meets  the  edge  of  the 
knife  will  be  at  the  beginning  of  the  series.    If  arranged  and  cut  as 
here  directed,  transactions  would  have  the  right  side  of  each  section 
toward  the  left  on  the  slide  (fig.  269).    Under  the  compound  micro- 
scope it  would  appear  on  the  right. 

For  sagittal  sections  where  the  caudal  end  meets  the  knife,  the  cau- 
dal end  of  the  section  would  be  toward  the  left  on  the  slide  (fig.  272). 

For  frontal  sections  (fig.  270)  where  the  right  side  meets  the  knife 
edge  first,  the  right  side  of  each  section  will  be  toward  the  left  end 
of  the  slide. 

§  675.  Mounting.  —  Cut  the  ribbons  into  segments  of  equal 
length,  using  preferably  a  curved  knife  (fig.  258).  Transfer  to 
albumenized  slides  with  fine  forceps  (fig.  221).  Make  parallel  with 
the  long  axis  of  the  slide,  and  put  the  first  section  at  the  upper  left- 
hand  corner  (fig.  267). 

In  a  word,  decide  on  some  good  plan  for  mounting  series  and  fol- 
low the  plan  consistently. 

§  676.  Size  of  slides  and  cover-glasses  for  series.  —  (i)  If  the 
object  is  small,  the  standard  slide  25  x  75  mm.  (fig,  217)  is  good  and 
the  cover-glass  can  be  either  22  or  23  mm.  wide  and  50  or  60  mm. 
long.  The  smaller  sizes  are  to  be  preferred  when  convenient,  for 
more  space  is  left  to  the  label,  and  the  cover-glass  is  not  too  near  the 
edge  as  with  wide  covers. 




(2)  If  the  embryo  or  animal  is  of  moderate  size,  that  is,  not  over 
30  to  35  mm.  long,  one  can  use  advantageously  the  intermediate  size 
of  slides  (fig.  216),  that  is,  those  38  X  75  mm.     A  suitable  cover- 
glass  is  35  X  5°  or  35  X  60  mm. 

(3)  For  objects  of  considerable  size,  i.e.,  over  35  mm.  in  length, 
if  sagittal  or  frontal  sections  are  to  be  made,  and  if  they  are  to  be 
mounted  crosswise,  the  slide  must  be  of  sufficient  width.    Ordinarily 
the  large  standard,  50  x  75  mm.,  will  answer  (fig.  215).     For  the 
large  slides  the  covers  can  be  48  X  60  or  48  X  65  mm.    For  special 
large  sizes  of  object,  special  slides  can  be  made  of  lantern  slide 
covers  or  old  negative  glass,  etc.,  and  for  cover-glasses  one  can  go 
back  to  the  earlier  workers  and  use  mica. 

Do  not  use  too  thick  cover-glasses,  or  high  powers  cannot  be  em- 
ployed in  studying  the  sections  (§§  101-106). 


§  677.   Transections  are  those  made  by  dividing  the  body  into  sec- 
tions made  across  the  long  axis  of  the  body.    This  divides  the  em- 


At  the  right  is  the  embryo  in  the  imbedding  mass  and  attached  to  the  micro- 
tome holder. 

At  the  left  is  a  glass  slide  showing  how  the  sections  are  to  be  mounted. 

Imbedded  embryo    It  is  in  the  proper  position  for  transactions. 

In  section  i,  the  word  cephalic  shows  that  the  section  is  cephalic  face  up;  the 
caudal  face  rests  on  the  slide.  In  the  middle  section  the  words  indicate  the  edges 
of  the  section.  Under  the  microscope  the  words  will  be  erect.  Invert  the  book 
and  the  appearance  will  be  the  same  as  under  the  microscope. 

bryo  or  animal  into  equal  or  unequal  cephalic  and  caudal  segments. 

With  microscopic  sections,  of  course,  the  segments  of  the  entire  body 

are  very  unequal,  although  each  section  may  be  of  equal  thickness. 

(i)  Imbed  the  embryo  or  animal  with  the  right  side  down,  taking 



[Ca.  XIH 

the  precaution  to  have  a  layer  of  partly  solidified  paraffin  at  the 
bottom  of  the  box  (§  628);  and  arrange  the  object  exactly  over  the 
orientation  diagram  in  the  bottom  of  the  imbedding  box  (§  672). 

(2)  Mount  the  block  of  paraffin  containing  the  embryo  so  that 
the  caudal  end  is  next  the  microtome  holder.    The  head  is  then  cut 
first,  and  the  caudal  surface  of  the  sections  will  rest  upon  the  slide, 
bringing  the  cephalic  face  up  (fig.  268). 

(3)  Place  in  the  microtome  so  that  the  right  side  of  the  embryo 
or  animal  meets  the  edge  of  the  knife. 

(4)  Mount  the  sections  like  the  words  in  a  printed  line.    This 
will  bring  the  first  or  most  cephalic  section  at  the  upper  left-hand 
corner.    The  cephalic  face  will  be  up,  and  the  dorsal  aspect  next  the 
upper  edge  of  the  slide. 



Homo       3 
SI  40 

See      493 

20/4     504 



Under  the  compound  microscope  the  rights  and  lefts  will  appear 
as  in  the  observer's  own  body,  as  will  also  the  dorsal  and  ventral 


§  678.  Frontal  sections.  —  These  are  sections  made  by  dividing 
the  body  into  equal  or  unequal  dorsal  and  ventral  parts. 

(1)  Imbed  the  animal  or  embryo  with  the  right  side  down  in  the 
imbedding  mass  (§  628) ;   and  arrange  the  object  exactly  over  the 
orientation  diagram  in  thef  bottom  of  the  imbedding  box  (§  672). 

(2)  Mount  the  block  of  paraffin  containing  the  embryo  so  that 
the  ventral  aspect  of  the  embryo  or  animal  is  next  the  disc  of  the 
microtome  holder  (fig.  270).    The  dorsal  part  is  then  cut  first,  and 




the  ventral  surface  of  the  sections  will  rest  upon  the  slide,  bringing 
the  dorsal  face  up. 

(3)  Place  in  the  microtome  so  that  the  right  side  of  the  object 
meets  the  edge  of  the  knife  first. 

(4)  Mount  the  sections  like  the  words  in  a  printed  book.    This 
will  bring  the  first  or  dorsal  section  in  the  upper  left-hand  corner 


Microtome  Holder  The  metal  disc  and  stem  for  holding  the  imbedded  embryo 
in  the  microtome  while  sectioning. 

Imbedded  Embryo    The  embryo  in  the  proper  position  for  frontal  sections. 

Frontal  Sections    A  slide  showing  the  proper  arrangement  of  frontal  sections. 

z,  2,  3,  4  Serial  order  in  which  the  sections  are  arranged  like  the  words  in  a 
printed  book. 

In  section  i  the  word  dorsal  indicates  that  the  section  has  its  dorsal  face  up- 
ward away  from  the  slide  while  the  ventral  face  is  down  in  contact  with  the  slide. 

In  section  j,  the  words  cephalic,  caudal,  dextral,  sinistral  are  wrong  side  up  so 
that  they  will  appear  erect  under  the  compound  microscope. 

of  the  series.  The  dorsal  face  will  be  up,  the  right  side  to  the  left, 
and  the  cephalic  end  toward  the  lower  edge  of  the  slide  (figs.  270- 
271).  Under  the  compound  microscope  the  cephalic  end  will  be 
away  from  the  observer  or  in  front,  and  the  rights  and  lefts  will  be 
as  in  his  own  body. 




460     491     4S2     4M 


Sec^      440 
10  /U      453 






If  the  sections  are  too  long  to  mount  crosswise,  they  can  be  cut 
apart  and  mounted  lengthwise  of  the  slide,  the  order  being  like  that 
of  the  words  in  a  line  of  print  as  with  all  serial  sections. 


§  679.  Sagittal  sections  are  those  made  parallel  with  the  long  axis 
of  the  body  and  from  the  dorsal  to  the  ventral  surface,  thus  dividing 
the  object  into  equal  or  unequal  right  and  left  (dextral  and  sinistral) 

(i)  Imbed  the  animal  or  embryo  with  the  right  side  down  in  the 
imbedding  mass  (§  628);  and  arrange  the  object  exactly  over  the 
orientation  diagram  in  the  bottom  of  the  imbedding  box  (§  672). 


Microtome  Holder  The  metal  disc  and  stem  for  holding  the  embryo  in  position 
while  it  is  being  cut. 

Imbedded  Embryo  The  imbedded  embryo  in  the  proper  position  for  sagittal 

Sagittal  Sections    A  slide  of  sagittal  sections  in  the  proper  position  on  the  slide. 

i,  2    Serial  order  in  which  serial  sections  are  arranged  on  the  slide. 

In  section  2,  the  word  sinistral  indicates  that  the  left  surface  of  the  section  faces 
directly  upward.  The  right  side  rests  upon  the  glass. 

The  words  cephalic,  caudal,  dextral  and  sinistral  are  inverted  under  the  com- 
pound microscope,  the  sections  are  reinverted,  and  will  appear  like  this  picture,  if 
the  book  is  turned  upside  down. 

(2)  Mount  the  block  of  paraffin  containing  the  embryo  so  that  the 
right  side  will  be  next  the  disc  of  the  microtome  holder.    The  left 
side  will  then  be  cut  first,  and  look  up  when  mounted  (fig.  272). 

(3)  Place  in  the  microtome  so  that  the  caudal  end  will  first  meet 
the  edge  of  the  knife. 

(4)  Mount  the  sections  in  the  order  of  the  print  on  a  page.    This 




will  bring  the  caudal  end  to  the  left,  the  cephalic  at  the  right,  ven- 
tral aspect  up  and  dorsal  down  toward  the  lower  edge  of  the  slide. 
The  dextral  face  of  the  section  will  rest  on  the  slide,  and  the  sinistrai 
face  will  look  up. 

Under  the  micrdscope  the  head  will  be  at  the  left  and  the  dorsal 
side  will  appear  toward  the  upper  edge  of  the  slide  —  away  from  the 
observer.  It  will  appear  like  the  figure  when  the  book  is  turned 
upside  down. 

If  the  embryo  is  large  it  may  be  better  to  turn  it  around  so  that 
the  ventral  side  meets  the  edge  of  the  section  knife.  If  this  is  done 
the  sections  will  have  to  be  cut  apart  and  mounted  one  by  one  on  the 
slide,  otherwise  they  would  be  crosswise  of  the  slide  like  the  frontal 
sections  (fig.  270). 



§  680.  Labeling  serial  sections.  —  The  label  of  a  slide  on  which 
serial  sections  are  mounted  should  contain  at  least  the  following: 

The  name  of  the  embryo  and  the  number  of  the  series;  the  num- 
ber of  the  slide  of  that  series;  the  thickness  of  the  sections,  and  the 
number  of  the  first  and  last  section  on  the  slide;  the  date.  It  is 
also  a  convenience  to  have  the  information  repeated  in  part  on  the 
left  end  (figs.  267-273). 


§  681.  General  considerations  on  modeling.  —  Anatomists  have 
for  a  long  time  produced  models  of  gross  anatomic  specimens,  and 
enlarged  models  for  minute  details. 




Naturally,  after  serial  sections  of  embryos  and  organs  came  to  be 
made  with  considerable  accuracy  and  of  known  thickness,  there  was 
a  desire  to  make  enlarged  models  which  should  be  exact  representa- 
tions of  the  original  rather  than  the  generalized  approximations 
built  up  as  an  artist  produces  a  statue. 

Further,  the  difficulty  of  getting  a  true  conception  of  the  object 
by  studying  only  two  dimensions  in  the  sections  is  very  great;  hence 
a  model  giving  all  three  dimensions  becomes  almost  a  necessity  for 
the  beginner  in  embryology,  and  is  of  enormous  advantage  to  an  in- 
vestigator in  working  out  the  true  form  and  relation  of  complex 

(From  the  Anatomical  Record). 

1  The  oven  showing  all  the  parts,  the  oven  proper  (i)  is  lifted  up  to  show 
the  electric  lamps  in  the  base  (2). 

2  Sectional  view  of  the  oven  (i)  and  base  (2)  showing  the  construction  and 
the  air  currents.    One  tray  (5)  is  in  position. 

A  The  asbestos  lining  of  the  outer  shell.  B  One  of  the  numerous  ventilating 
holes.  C  Flue  for  the  escape  of  air.  H  Runs  for  the  slide  trays. 

D  Door  of  the  support  or  base  (2).  W-L  Wiring  for  the  lamps.  One  can 
vary  the  heat  by  turning  out  one  or  more  of  the  incandescent  bulbs. 

structures.  For  modeling  a  series  it  is  of  great  advantage  to  have 
photographs  of  the  object  to  be  modeled.  If  possible,  the  object 
should  be  photographed  in  the  fresh  state  and  after  fixation.  The 
more  aspects  photographed,  the  better. 


The  principles  involved  in  the  construction  of  a  model  are  exceed- 
ingly simple:  — 

1.  It  is  necessary  that  the  embryo  or  other  object  to  be  modeled 
should  be  cut  into  a  series  of  sections  of  definite  thickness. 

2.  The  sheets  of  modeling  material  must  be  as  much  thicker  than 
the  sections  as  the  model  is  to  be  larger  than  the  original. 

3.  The  sections  must  be  drawn  as  much  larger  than  the  actual 
specimen  as  the  model  is  to  be  larger  than  the  object. 

4.  The  drawings  with  the  desired  outlines  must  be  made  directly 
upon  or  transferred  to  the  sheets  of  modeling  material  which  are 
then  cut  out,  following  the  lines  of  the  drawing. 

5.  The  different  plates  of  modeling  material  representing  all  the 
sections  are  then  piled  up,  in  order,  thus  giving  an  enlarged  model 
of  the  object  with  all  its  parts  in  proper  positon  and  in  true  pro- 


§  682.  Wax  models.  —  For  making  wax  models,  beeswax  820 
grams,  paraffin  270  grams  and  resin  25  grams  are  melted  together 
and  thoroughly  mixed. 

To  get  the  sheets  of  wax  of  the  proper  thickness  two  methods  are 
available:  — 

(1)  The  hot  wax  is  poured  into  a  vessel  containing  hot  water. 
The  wax  spreads  out  into  an  even  layer  over  the  hot  water  and  is 
allowed  to  cool.     While  it  is  solidifying,  it  should  be  cut  free  from 
the  edges  of  the  vessel.    Of  course,  by  calculation  and  experiment 
one  can  put  in  the  right  amount  of  wax  to  get  a  plate  of  a  given 

(2)  One  must  have  a  wax-plate  machine  consisting  of  a  flat  sur- 
face —  planed  cast  iron  is  good  —  with  some  means  of  obtaining 
raised  edges.    If  these  are  adjustable  by  a  micrometer  screw,  it  is 
simple  to  set  them  properly  for  the  desired  thickness  of  plate.    Then 
there  must  be  a  hot  roller.    The  hot  wax  is  poured  on  the  plate,  and 
with  the  hot  roller  resting  on  the  raised  edges,  the  wax  is  rolled  out 
into  a  plate.     It  cools  quickly  and  may  be  removed  for  another 
plate.    This  is  the  most  rapid  and  satisfactory  method  of  preparing 



the  plates.  By  using  a  brush  with  turpentine,  the  paper  with  the 
drawing  can  be  wet  and  then  with  the  hot  roller  cemented  to  the 
plate  before  that  has  been  removed  from  the  machine. 

The  wax  plate  is  cut  with  a  sharp  instrument,  following  the  out- 
lines of  the  object  which  has  been  traced  upon  it  by  the  aid  of  a 
camera  lucida  or  the  projection  microscope.  The  sections  are  piled 
together,  some  line  or  lines  obtained  from  a  drawing  or  photograph 
of  the  specimen  before  it  was  imbedded  and  sectioned  being  used  as  a 
guide.  Finally  the  whole  is  welded  into  one  by  the  use  of  hot  wax 
or  a  hot  instrument.  Models  which  illustrate  complex  internal 
structures  are  difficult  to  prepare,  but  numerous  devices  will  occur 

to  the  worker,  as  the  representation  of 
blood  vessels  and  nerves  by  strings  or 
wires.  A  large  model  will  need  much 
support  which  can  be  given  by  wire 
gauze,  wires,  pins  or  paper,  according 
to  the  special  needs. 

A  practical  method  for  wax  modeling 
was  first  published  by  G.  Born,  Arch, 
f.  Mikr.  Anat.,  Bd.  xxii,  1883,  p.  584. 
The  most  detailed  statements  of  im- 
provements of  the  method  have  been 
published  by  Born  (Bohn  u.  Oppel), 
1904,  and  by  Dr.  F.  P.  Mall  and  his 
assistants.  See  contributions  to  the 
Science  of  Medicine,  pp.  926-1045. 
Proceedings  of  the  Amer.  Assoc.  Anat- 
omists, 1901,  i4th  session  (1900),  p. 
193.  A.  G.  Pohlman,  Zeit.  wiss.  Mikro- 
skopie,  Bd.  xxiii,  1906,  p.  41. 

To  overcome  the  difficulty  of  cutting 
out  the  wax  plates,  Dr.  E.  L.  Mark  of 
Harvard  University  uses  an  electrically 
heated  wire  moved  rapidly  by  a  modified  sewing  machine  (Amer. 
Acad.  Arts  and  Sciences,  March,  1907;  Science,  vol.  xxv,  1907; 
Anat.  Record,  April,  1907). 


(From     the     Anatomical 

r,  r,  r  Reagent  boards  with 
bottles  and  jars. 

st,  st  Slide  trays. 

The  stand  has  furniture 
slides  on  the  legs  and  is  easily 
moved  on  the  floor. 



§  683.  Comparison  of  wax  and  paper  models.  —  Wax  has  certain 
inherent  defects  for  models:  It  is  expensive,  heavy  and  fragile.  It 
is  easily  deformed  by  the  temperature  of  summer,  and  the  amount  of 
time  necessary  for  the  preparation  of  the  plates  is  great.  A  wax- 
plate  machine  is  expensive  and  bulky. 

It  therefore  seemed  worth  while  to  see  if  there  was  not  some  other 
material  obtainable  in  the  open  market  which  would  be  more  suit- 
able and  more  generally  available. 

Blotting  paper  seemed  promising,  and  an  actual  trial  showed  it 
to  be  admirably  adapted  for  the  purpose.  Since  making  the  first 
model  in  1905  it  has  been  constantly  used  in  the  laboratory  of  em- 
bryology in  Cornell  University.  Models  made  from  it  were  demon- 
strated before  the  Association  of  American  Anatomists  in  1905  and 
before  the  International  Congress  of  Zoology  in  1907. 

"  The  advantages  of  blotting-paper  models  are  the  ease  and 
cleanliness  of  their  production  and  the  lightness  and  durability  of 
the  product.  The  models  are  broken  with  difficulty,  are  easily 
packed  or  transported,  and  when  they  cleave  apart  are  easily  re- 
paired, thus  contrasting  with  the  weight  and  fragility  of  wax  models 
and  their  deformation  by  heat. 

"By  this  process  are  secured  for  the  original  model  reconstructed 
from  microscopic  sections  the  same  qualities  which  have  made  the 
Auzoux  models  molded  from  papier-mache  such  useful  and  lasting 
additions  to  laboratory  equipment;  and,  in  the  hands  of  Dr.  D wight 
and  Mr.  Emerton,  of  Harvard  University,  have  aided  so  much  in  the 
demonstration  of  structure  and  form  of  special  anatomic  preparations." 

§  684.  Thickness  of  blotting  paper.  —  Blotting  paper  of  a  uniform 
thickness  of  i  mm.  T\  mm.,  and  |  mm.  was  found  in  the  market. 
The  i  mm.  is  known  as  140  Ib.  A.  and  costs  about  two  cents  for  a 
sheet  61  x  48  centimeters  (24  x  19  in.). 

The  thickness  is  easily  tested  by  cutting  out  50  small  pieces,  piling 
them,  dipping  one  end  in  melted  paraffin,  and  pressing  them  to- 
gether. The  whole  pile  should  of  course  measure  50  mm.  if  the 
paper  is  millimeter  paper  (§  684a). 


§  684a.  —  Book-stores,  paper  dealers  and  job  printers  are  supplied  by  the 
paper  manufacturers  with  samples  of  blotting  paper.  One  can  look  these  samples 
over,  select  and  order  the  kinds  desired.  The  millimeter  blotting  paper  men- 
tioned in  the  text  is  one  of  the  cheaper  grades,  costing  by  the  package  of  500 
sheets  about  two  cents  a  sheet  (sheets  61  X  48  centimeters,  24  x  19  inches). 

§  686.  Size  of  the  model.  —  In  deciding  upon  the  size  of  the 
model  to  be  made  from  a  given  series  of  sections  one  should  select 
the  largest  section  and  with  the  projection  microscope  throw  the 
image  on  the  table  (fig.  276),  By  using  different  objectives  and 
different  distances  from  a  microscope  one  can  find  a  size  which 
seems  suitable.  The  magnification  may  be  found  by  §  409.  Then 
by  multiplying  the  whole  number  of  sections  by  the  thickness  of 
the  sections  and  this  by  the  magnification,  one  can  get  the  length 
or  height  of  the  model.  One  must  take  these  preliminary  steps  and 
decide  upon  the  magnification  to  be  used  or  the  model  is  likely  to 
be  too  large  to  be  manageable  or  too  small  to  show  well  the  neces- 
sary detail. 

(1)  Suppose  the  model  is  to  be  100  times  the  size  of  the  original 
object,  and  the  object  has  been  cut  into  a  series  of  sections  IOJJL 
thick.    Then  each  section  must  be  represented  by  a  plate  or  sheet 
100  times  as  long,  broad  and  thick  as  the  object.    As  the  sheets  of 
blotting  paper  are  so  large  (61  x  48  cm.),  one  need  be  solicitous 
only  about  the  thickness. 

As  each  section  is  actually  lo/x  thick  and  the  model  is  to  be  100 
times  enlarged,  the  thickness  representing  each  section  must  be 
loju  X  ioo  -  loooju  or  i  millimeter,  i  millimeter  blotting  paper  is 
used  and  every  section  of  the  series  is  drawn. 

(2)  If  the  blotting  paper  were  only  T%-  mm.  thick,  it  would  be 
simpler  to  make  the  model  90  times  the  size  of  the  original.    If, 
however,  one  wished  the  magnification  to  be  ioo,  it  could  be  ac- 
complished thus:   Each  section  in  the  series  should  be  represented 
by  i  mm.  or  looo/x  in  thickness.    But  if  one  uses  blotting  paper  of 
-f-$  mm.  thickness  or  900/4,  there  is  a  loss  of  looju  for  each  section 
and  for  9  sections  there  would  be  a  loss  of  900;*  or  the  thickness  of  a 
sheet  of  the  blotting  paper.    To  remedy  this  one  uses  10  sheets  of 
blotting  paper  for  9  sections.    This  keeps  the  model  in  true  pro- 
portion.   In  practice  each  of  the  sections  is  drawn  upon  one  sheet 


except  one  of  them,  and  for  that  two  sheets  of  the  blotting  paper  are 
united  and  the  sections  drawn  upon  the  double  sheet. 

§  686.  General  rule  for  the  use  of  blotting  paper.  —  Divide  the 
thickness  by  which  each  section  is  to  be  represented  in  the  model  by 
the  thickness  of  one  sheet  of  the  blotting  paper  available.  The  quo- 
tient shows  the  number  of  sheets  or  the  fraction  of  a  sheet  required 
for  each  section. 

If  a  quotient  is  a  mixed  number  reduce  it  to  a  fraction.  The 
numerator  represents  the  number  of  sheets  required  and  the  denomi- 
nator the  number  of  sections  to  go  with  the  sheets. 

Examples:  (a)  With  a  series  of  IO/JL  sections  to  be  modeled  at  100 
enlargement  each  section  of  the  series  must  be  represented  in  the 
model  by  a  thickness  of  lo^u  x  100  =  IQOOJJ,  or  i  millimeter.  If  one 
uses  millimeter  or  IOOQ/J  paper,  then  1000/1  -5-  roooju  ==  } ,  and  one 
must  use  i  sheet  for  i  section. 

(6)  With  a  series  of  IOJJL  sections  to  be  made  into  a  model  100 
times  enlarged,  and  with  blotting  paper  of  -}\  mm.  or  900/4  thickness, 
each  section  must  be  represented  by  loju  X  100  =  looo/z.  If  the 
blotting  paper  is  900/4  thick,  then  it  requires  for  each  section:  1000 
•*•  900  =  1 1  sheets  of  paper  or  V  sheets  for  one  section  or  10  sheets 
for  9  sections,  that  is,  a  double  sheet  for  one  of  the  nine  sections. 

(c)  With  a  series  cut  15/4,  for  a  5o-fold  model,  each  section  is 
represented  by  a  thickness  of  15/4  X  50  =  750/4.    If  one  uses  i  mm. 
or  1000/4  blotting  paper,  then  each  section  requires  750  -*-  loooju  = 
f  of  a  sheet  for  one  or  3  sheets  for  four  sections.    In  this  case  one 
omits  every  fourth  section  in  drawing,  thus:    ist,  2d  and  3d  sections 
would  be  drawn;   then  the  5th,  6th  and  7th;   9th,  loth,  nth,  etc., 
eVery  fourth  being  omitted. 

(d)  If  for  the  model  just  considered  one  had  \\  mm.  or  900/4 
paper,  then  750  4-  900  =  f .    That  is,  there  must  be  5  sheets  of  the 
paper  for  each  6  sections.    In  that  case  every  sixth  section  would 
be  omitted  in  the  drawing,  as  every  fourth  section  was  omitted  in 


It  is,  of  course,  best  to  use  sheets  of  exactly  the  right  thickness  to 
represent  the  necessary  thickness  in  the  model  (a),  but  one  can  pro- 
duce models  with  accuracy  by  duplicating  one  or  more  sheets  for 


a  group  of  sections  (6)  or  by  omitting  certain  sections  of  the  series 
in  drawing  (c,  d). 


§  687.  —  The  methods  given  for  drawing  microscopic  preparations 
in  Ch.  VIII  are  all  applicable  except  the  free-hand  method.  This  is 
not  applicable,  because  it  is  not  possible  to  draw  a  uniform  and  ac- 
curate enlargement  in  that  way.  But  the  camera  lucida  method 
(§  408)  or  the  projection  apparatus  method  (§  419)  is  good.  With 
the  perfecting  of  projection  apparatus  that  method  is  far  the  best 
because  one  can  sit  in  a  comfortable  position  and  use  both  eyes. 
It  is,  indeed,  as  simple  as  tracing  the  outline  of  actual  pictures. 

By  making  negative  prints  directly  on  one  of  the  developing 
papers  (§  488),  drawing  for  models  may  be  wholly  avoided. 

§  688.  Avoidance  of  distortion  and  of  inversion.  —  In  the  draw- 
ings for  models  one  must,  of  course,  avoid  all  distortion  (§  402)  and 
the  inversion  of  the  image  (§  430).  Both  these  defects  are  easily 
avoided  if  one  keeps  in  mind  the  optical  principles  involved,  and 
follows  the  directions  given  in  Ch.  IX. 

§  689.  Use  of  the  6-volt,  concentrated  filament  lamp  as  a  source 
of  light.  —  From  the  experience  of  the  author  nothing  equals  the 
direct-current  arc  light  for  all  exacting  work  in  drawing  and  projec- 
tion, and  for  the  dark-ground  illuminator,  but  the  care  required  to 
keep  the  arc  lamp  going  and  to  keep  the  crater  centered  is  so  great 
that  the  less  brilliant  light  from  the  6-volt  lamp  which  requires  abso- 
lutely no  adjustment  after  being  once  properly  arranged  is,  very 
acceptable  (§  487).  The  6-volt  lamp  with  a  transformer  is  used  only 
on  an  alternating  circuit.  As  most  lighting  circuits  are  now  alternat- 
ing, it  is  a  great  advantage;  and  as  this  lamp  with  its  transformer 
can  be  used  anywhere  wherever  there  is  an  ordinary  electric  light 
socket,  it  is  exceedingly  convenient.  If  it  is  to  be  used  on  a  direct 
current  circuit,  no  transformer  is  used,  but  the  current  must  be 
drawn  from  a  storage  battery,  not  from  a  no  or  a  2 20- volt  circuit 
from  a  dynamo. 

§  690.   Connections  of  the  transformer.  —  If  alternating  current 




and  a  transformer,  are  used,  the  transformer  must  be  connected  to 
the  supply  by  means  of  the  small  connecting  wires.  The  connection 
with  the  lamp  is  by  the  large  terminal  wires.  Ordinarily  the  ter- 
minals of  the  transformer  are  marked  so  that  no  mistake  need  be 
made.  Theoretically  the  transformer  does  not  modify  the  energy; 
it  either  raises  or  lowers  the  voltage  or  pressure.  For  the  purposes 
here  used  the  transformer  lowers,  the  voltage,  and  is  called  a  step- 
down  transformer.  As  the  activity  or  wattage  of  which  the  current 
is  capable  is  not  changed  by  the  transformer,  and  as  the  wattage  is 
the  voltage  multiplied  by  the  amperage  used,  if  the  voltage  is 
lowered,  the  amperage  is  raised  proportionally;  hence  the  need  of 
the  large  wire  on  the  side  toward  the  lamp  beyond  the  transformer 
where  the  amperage  is 

§  691.  Lamp  for  6- 
volt  current.  —  There 
are  in  common  use  two 
lamps,  one  of  72  watts 
and  one  of  108  watts. 
Now  as  the  wattage 
is  the  voltage  times  the 
amperage,  for  the  72- 
watt  lamp  the  amper- 
age with  a  6- volt  cur- 
rent must  be  72  divided 
by  6  or  12  amperes. 
For  the  1 08- watt  lamp 
in  like  manner  the  am- 
perage is  the  wattage  divided  by  the  voltage,  —  108  divided  by 
6  =  1 8  amperes.  This  shows  at  once  why  the  large  wires  must  be 
used  between  the  lamp  and  the  transformer.  If  the  usual  small 
wires  are  used  the  resistance  is  too  great  and  part  of  the  energy  is 
used  up  in  heating  the  wires  instead  of  in  heating  the  filament  to 
supply  the  light. 

§  692.  Arrangement  of  the  lamp  for  the  large  projection  outfit.  — 
Tf  the  lamp  is  to  be  used  in  the  lamp-house  instead  of  an  arc  lamp 


For  full  explanation  see  Fig.  181.  Instead  of 
the  arc  lamp  here  shown  the  6-volt  incandescent 
lamp  can  be  used  for  most  purposes  (§  691). 


for  the  large  projection  outfit,  it  must  be  centered  carefully  and  put 
the  right  distance  from  the  large  condenser.  The  filament  takes  the 
place  of  the  crater  of  the  arc  lamp  and  hence  should  be  in  the  focus 
of  the  first  element  of  the  condenser, so  that  the  beam  between  the  first 
and  second  elements  of  the  condenser  will  be  approximately  parallel. 

If  a  two-lens  condenser  is  used,  the  lamp-filament  is  slightly 
within  the  focus,  making  the  light  slightly  diverging  between  the 
two  lenses  of  the  condenser. 

A  concave  mirror  or  reflector  behind  the  lamp  is  of  considerable 
advantage,  for  the  light  which  extends  backward  is  reflected  forward 
to  the  condenser  and  is  thus  available  for  illuminating  the  object. 

§  693.  Large  condenser  for  drawing.  —  If  the  three-lens  con- 
denser is  used  (fig.  179),  and  it  is  much  to  be  preferred,  the  second 
element  which  converges  the  parallel  beam  should  be  of  long  focus. 
One  of  38  cm.  (15  in.)  focus  has  been  found  very  satisfactory.  The 
reason  for  using  the  long  focus  lens  is  discussed  in  Ch.  IX,  §  423, 
fig.  184. 

If  a  two-lens  condenser  is  used,  the  second  element  should  also  be 
of  longer  focus  than  for  ordinary  magic  lantern  work,  for  the  same 
reason  as  for  the  three-lens  condenser. 

§  694.  Drawing  with  the  small  projection  outfit.  —  If  one  has  no 
large  projection  outfit,  drawings  for  models  and  for  publication  can 
be  made  very  satisfactorily  with  the  6- volt  lamp  as  follows:  It  is 
a  great  advantage  to  have  the  lamp  in  one  of  the  metal  lanterns 
like  those  used  for  daylight  glass  (figs.  46,  53),  then  scattered  light 
willjt>e  avoided.  There  should  be  a  condenser  like  that  used  for  the 
small  arc  lamp  (fig.  78).  As  the  microscope  must  be  horizontal  and 
is  ordinarily  raised  to  make  the  drawing  distance  250  mm.,  the 
lantern  containing  the  6-volt  lamp  must  be  supported  on  a  box  or 
block  to  bring  the  filament  of  the  lamp  in  the  optic  axis  of  the 

When  horizontal,  the  microscope  is  unstable;  hence  a  weight  or 
better  a  clamp  is  put  over  the  feet  to  hold  the  microscope  firmly 
so  that  when  once  centered  it  will  not  move  easily.  A  table  with 
the  drawing  shelf  on  the  legs  is  very  convenient  for  getting  the  de- 
sired magnification  (fig.  277). 




§  695.  Relative  position  of  the  lamp  and  microscope.  —  This  can 
be  as  with  the  small  drawing  outfit  and  arc  lamp  (fig.  182),  or  it  can 
be  put  in  line,  as  with  the  large  outfit.  If  in  line  (fig.  179)  the 
mirror  is  not  used,  and  care  must  be  taken  to  get  all  parts  lined  up 
to  one  axis.  With  the  mirror  slight  deviations  from  centering  can 
be  overcome  by  inclining  the  mirror  accordingly. 

§  696.  Condensers  to  use  with  the  small  outfit.  —  For  low  powers, 
50  to  1 6  mm.  (3.2x-iox),  the  substage  condenser  of  the  microscope 
can  be  turned  aside  and  the  small  condenser  with  the  lamp  alone 
employed.  In  many  cases  no  ocular  is  used  for  the  sake  of  the  large 
field.  For  powers  of  8  to  2  mm.  (2ox~9ox)  when  the  ocular  is  used, 
it  is  necessary  to  use  the  substage  condenser  to  light  with  the  proper 



For  full  explanation  see  Fig.  180.    For  drawing  the  6-volt  lamp  can  well  take 
the  place  of  the  arc  lamp  here  shown  (§  691). 

aperture.  And  if  the  oil  immersion  is  used,  it  is  a  great  advantage 
to  make  the  substage  condenser  homogeneous  immersion  also;  that 
is,  to  have  some  of  the  homogeneous  immersion  fluid  between  the 
lower  side  of  the  slide  and  the  condenser  as  well  as  between  the 
objective  and  the  cover-glass  (§  265). 

§  697.  Making  the  drawings.  —  One  can  draw  directly  upon  blot- 


ting  paper,  but  it  is  so  important  to  have  a  drawing  to  refer  to  that 
one  or  more  duplicates  should  be  made.  This  is  easily  accomplished 
by  putting  a  sheet  of  carbon  manifolding  paper  on  the  blotting 
paper  and  a  sheet  of  thin  paper  over  the  carbon  paper,  using  thumb- 
tacks to  hold  the  blotting  paper  and  the  duplicating  sheets  in  position. 

One  should  take  the  precaution  to  number  each  drawing  as  it  is 
made;  then  confusion  in  the  later  processes  will  be  avoided. 

§  698.  Cutting  out  the  sheets  for  the  model.  —  "  With  the  blot- 
ting paper,  if  the  drawings  are  small,  the  cutting  is  easily  done  with 
scissors  or  a  knife.  When  the  drawings  are  large  and  especially 
when  the  model  is  to  be  made  by  representing  each  section  by  two 
or  more  thicknesses  of  blotting  paper,  it  has  been  found  that  an 
ordinary  sewing  machine  can  be  used  to  do  the  cutting.  By  setting 
the  regulator  for  the  shortest  stitch,  an  almost  continuous  cut  is 
made  and  the  parts  are  easily  separated.  If  a  large  sewing-machine 
needle  is  sharpened  in  the  form  of  a  chisel,  the  cut  becomes  con- 
siderably smoother.  It  has  been  found  advantageous  when  long 
continued  or  heavy  work  is  to  be  done  to  attach  to  the  machine  an 
electric  sewing-machine  motor.  Skill  in  guiding  the  work  is  soon 
acquired.  There  are  some  details  of  a  complicated  drawing  which 
are  more  easily  cut  by  the  scissors  or  a  knife  after  the  main  lines 
have  been  cut  by  the  machine." 

§  699.  Contrasting  colors  for  marking  groups  of  sections.  —  "  It 
is  a  great  advantage  in  any  working  model  to  have  sections  at 
regular  intervals  in  marked  contrast  with  the  body  of  the  material. 
Blotting  paper  of  a  large  variety  of  colors  (black,  red,  blue,  pink)  is 
easily  obtained  in  the  market.  In  the  models  made  every  tenth 
plate  was  a  bright  or  light  color  and  every  one-hundredth  was  black, 
rendering  rapid  numeration  easy." 

§  700.  Putting  the  sheets  together  to  make  the  model.  —  "  When 
the  paper  sections  are  thus  prepared,  they  are  piled  and  repiled  as  is 
usual  until  the  shape  conforms  to  an  outline  predetermined  from 
photographs,  drawings,  or  measurements  made  before  the  specimen 
was  cut. 

"  It  has  been  found  that  an  easily  prepared  support  and  guide  for 
the  model  in  process  of  setting  up  is  made  by  cutting  the  outline 


to  be  followed  from  a  block  of  four  or  five  sheets  of  blotting  paper, 
marking  upon  it  the  lines  of  direction  of  every  tenth  or  twentieth 
section.  The  colored  numerating  plates  must,  of  course,  conform  to 
the  spacing  and  direction  of  these  lines. 

"  The  preliminary  shaping  having  been  accomplished,  more  exact 
modeling  is  undertaken.  The  paper  sections  slide  very  easily  upon 
one  another.  The  most  satisfactory  means  of  fastening  them  to- 
gether is  by  the  use  of  ribbon  pins,  ordinary  pins,  or  wire  nails  of 
various  sizes,  depending  on  the  size  of  the  model.  No  kind  of  paste 
or  glue  was  found  suitable  for  this  purpose." 

§  701.  Finishing  the  model.  —  "  When  the  model  is  well  formed, 
inequalities  are  best  removed  by  rubbing  with  the  edge  of  a  dull 
knife  and  smoothing  with  sandpaper.  Any  dissections  of  the  model 
for  showing  internal  structures  should  be  planned  for  at  this  stage, 
for  it  is  now  more  easily  separated  than  later.  It  is  also  at  this 
time  that  superfluous  'bridges,'  which  have  been  left  in  place  to 
support  detached  parts,  would  better  be  removed. 

"  To  finish  the  model  it  is  held  together  firmly  and  coated  with 
hot  paraffin  either  by  a  camel's  hair  brush  or  by  dipping  in  paraffin 
and  removing  the  superfluous  coating  by  a  hot  instrument.  One 
might  use  a  thermo-cautery  for  this  purpose. 

"  The  paraffin  renders  the  model  almost  of  the  toughness  of  wood 
without  destroying  the  lightness  of  the  paper." 

§  702.  Coloring  the  surface;  dissecting  the  model.  —  "  For  color- 
ing the  surface  of  the  model,  it  was  found  most  desirable  to  use 
Japanese  bibulous  paper,  lens  paper  (§54)  which  had  been  dipped 
in  water  color  and  dried.  Any  of  the  laboratory  dyes  or  inks  can 
be  used,  such  as  eosin,  picric  acid,  methylene  green,  black  ink, 
etc.  The  colored  lens  paper  molds  over  the  surface  with  ease  and 
is  held  in  place  by  painting  with  hot  paraffin.  All  color  and  enumer- 
ation lines  and  fine  modeling  show  through  the  transparent  paper. 

"  When  the  model  ceases  to  be  a  working  model  it  can  be  covered 
with  oil  paints  mixed  with  hot  paraffin  and  rubbed  to  any  degree  of 
finish  desired. 

"  One  can  dissect  a  model  by  a  hot  knife  run  along  the  planes 
of  cleavage  or  cut  across  them  by  a  saw." 


For  the  literature  of  blotting-paper  models  see:  Susanna  Phelps 
Gage,  Amer.  Jour.  Anat.,  vol.  v,  1906,  p.  xxiii;  Proceedings  of  the 
International  Zoological  Congress  for  1907;  Anatomical  Record,  Nov., 
1907.  (From  this  paper  the  above  quotations  were  made.)  Zeit. 
wiss.  Mikroskopie,  Bd.  xxv,  1908,  pp.  73-75. 

Blotting-paper  models  have  also  been  made  and  demonstrated 
by  Dr.  J.  H.  Hathaway  and  by  Dr.  J.  B.  Johnston  at  the  Association 
of  American  Anatomists,  1906  (Proc.  Assoc.  Amer.  Anatomists, 
Anat.  Record,  April  i,  1907);  in  1909  by  Dr.  J.  Parsons  Schaeffer 
(Anat.  Record,  1910);  and  in  1916  by  Dr.  Charles  Brookover  and 
Dr.  H.  Saxon  Burr  (Anat.  Record,  1917). 


§§703-730;  FIGURES  278-299 


Ever  since  chemistry  has  given  a  clue  to  a  method  of  penetrating 
into  animal  and  plant  composition,  there  have  been  ever-increasing 
efforts  made  to  determine  what  chemical  elements  and  compounds 
are  present  in  the  different  tissues  and  organs.  Because  bones  and 
teeth  are  evidently  so  largely  made  up  of  mineral  substances,  they 
were  the  first  structures  to  be  studied  to  find  out  exactly  what  are 
their  mineral  constituents.  However,  the  method  soon  came  to  be 
applied  to  the  soft  tissues  where  mineral  matter  is  not  so  obvious,  and 
these  too  were  found  to  have  a  distinct  mineral  content.  Naturally 
in  the  beginning  the  object  of  study  was  to  determine  the  total  mineral 
matter  without  any  attempt  to  give  the  exact  location  of  the  different 
chemicals  found  in  the  tissues.  Such  general  knowledge,  important 
as  it  is,  was  not  wholly  satisfactory,  and  more  and  mere  the  aim  has 
been  to  go  beyond  the  animal  or  organ  as  a  whole  to  the  individual 
tissues  and  cells.  And  now  the  investigations  are  being  extended  tc 
the  constituents  of  the  cells,  cell  membranes  when  present,  cytoplasm 
and  nucleus.  Finally  researchers  have  tried  to  go  still  further  and 
determine  the  chemical  constituents  of  the  chromosomes  and  the 
mitochondria.  (See  especially  the  work  of  Bensley  in  the  Anat 
Record,  vol.  60,  pp.  251-256,  449-455.) 

Micro-incineration  is  for  the  purpose  of  locating  the  different  fixec 
minerals  in  the  structural  units  of  the  body.  As  in  ordinary  histologl 
cal  procedure,  sections  or  isolations  must  be  made  to  see  the  individua 
tissue  elements  in  multicellular  animals  and  plants,  therefore  suet 
preparations  must  be  so  treated  that  the  organic  matter  is  eliminatec 



and  the  fixed  or  non-volatile  inorganic  matter  left  in  place.  As  one 
studies  these  incinerated  preparations,  there  comes  the  feeling  that  if 
the  entire  amount  of  organic  matter  could  be  removed  from  an  animal 
or  plant  without  disturbing  unduly  the  mineral  matter,  the  entire 
tissue,  organ,  or  animal  as  a  whole  would  be  as  recognizable  as  are  the 
bones  under  similar  conditions. 

Among  the  first  attempts  to  locate  the  mineral  matter  in  the  tissues, 
the  structures  were  heated  red  hot  to  burn  off  the  organic  matter,  and 
to  the  astonishment  of  the  experimenter,  the  French  chemist,  Raspail, 
1833,  the  shape  of  the  tissue  did  not  seem  changed.  (Raspail,  in  the 
collateral  reading.)  While  this  crude  method  gave  much  information, 
the  present  refined  and  successful  method  of  micro-incineration  came 
only  when  Policard  invented  the  small,  regulated  electric  furnace 
(Policard,  collateral  reading).  In  America  the  chief  exponent  of 
micro-incineration  and  the  results  to  be  attained  with  it,  is  Dr.  Gordon 
H.  Scott  of  Washington  University,  St.  Louis.  He  had  the  great  ad- 
vantage and  privilege  of  working  with  Dr.  Policard,  and  learning  at 
first  hand  the  refinements  of  the  method.  Dr.  Scott  has  also  devised 
a  much  improved  micro-incinerator  (fig.  278)  by  which  any  laboratory 
worker  can  get  excellent  results. 

§  703.  Chemical  constituents  of  the  organism,  animal  or  plant.  — 
One  might  fairly  expect  that  owing  to  the  marvelous  activities  of 
animals  and  plants  during  life  they  would  require  some  of  the  most 
rare  and  subtle  chemical  components;  but  the  truth  is  that  the  chemi- 
cal elements  found  in  organic  bodies  are  few  in  number,  only  about  20 
of  the  90  or  more  already  known,  and  these  few  are  among  the  com- 
monest, the  rarer  ones  being  wholly  absent.  These  elements  are: 
calcium,  carbon,  chlorine,  copper;  fluorine;  hydrogen;  iodine,  iron; 
lithium;  magnesium,  manganese;  nitrogen;  oxygen;  phosphorus, 
potassium;  silicon,  sodium  and  sulfur.  Some  others  are  occasionally 
found,  but  they  are  thought  to  be  accidental  or  due  to  the  special 
environment  (Starling's  Physiology,  yth  ed.,  p.  33). 

In  the  living  organism  these  elements  exist  mostly  in  compounds. 
In  incinerated  preparations  only  the  fixed  or  non-volatile  compounds 
remain.  (See  the  references  in  the  collateral  reading.) 

While  a  chemist  can  determine  with  ease  and  certainty  the  compo- 


sition  of  the  bulk  ash  in  organic  matter.  Determining  the  exact 
character  of  the  chemical  constituents  in  the  individual  cells  has 
proved  a  difficult  task.  The  refined  methods  of  chemical  microscopy 
and  the  use  of  spectrum  analysis  and  finally  of  the  electron  microscope 
have  all  been  called  into  requisition  with  only  partial  success  up  to 
the  present  time.  (See  the  papers  from  1930  to  1940.) 


§  704.  Fixation.  —  It  is  self-evident  that  for  the  determination  of  the 
amount  and  character  of  the  mineral  matter  in  tissues  and  cells,  the 
preliminary  treatment  should  not  add  anything  nor  remove  anything 
cf  mineral  nature.  That  is,  the  ideal  fixative  would  render  permanent 
the  structural  constituents  exactly  as  in  life.  It  would  realize  in 
modern  histology  what  the  ancients  in  their  mythology  ascribed  to 
Medusa  of  the  snaky  locks.  This  ideal  fixative  has  not  as  yet  been 
discovered.  Of  the  hundreds  of  combinations  which  have  been  tried, 
not  one  is  universal;  all  are  more  or  less  selective.  For  example,  if 
one  wishes  to  determine  the  presence  of  glycogen,  strong  alcohol  is  an 
excellent  fixative,  but  if  lipoid  substances  are  to  be  sought  for,  it  is 
very  poor. 

For  the  determination  of  the  mineral  constituents,  the  standard 
fixative  is  9  parts  of  absolute  alcohol  and  i  part  of  strong,  neutral 
formalin.  Small  pieces  of  tissue  or  parts  of  organs  are  placed  in  this. 
Small  pieces  are  used  so  that  the  fixer  will  penetrate  quickly  and  pre- 
serve all  the  cells.  Twenty-four  or  thirty-six  hours  is  usually  sufficient. 
Either  a  relatively  large  amount  of  the  fixer  is  used,  or  if  a  smaller 
amount  as  compared  with  the  tissue,  then  it  should  be  changed  two 
or  three  times  for  fresh  fixer.  If  one  cannot  proceed  at  once  with  the 
sectioning,  the  tissue  may  remain  in  absolute  alcohol,  but  it  is  better 
to  imbed  the  tissue  at  once  after  it  is  fixed. 

§  706,  Imbedding  for  sectioning.  —  The  paraffin  method  is  practi- 
cally always  used,  as  the  paraffin  is  wholly  removed  in  the  subsequent 
steps,  and  therefore  adds  nothing  to  the  sections.  It  is  essential  for 
the  imbedding  that  the  tissue  shall  be  wholly  freed  from  water.  This 
can  be  attained  by  two  or  more  changes  of  the  absolute  alcohol. 


§  706.  Clearing  before  paraffin.  —  The  purpose  of  this  is  to  remove 
the  alcohol  by  a  liquid  which  is  a  solvent  of  paraffin.  It  is  usually 
accomplished  in  two  steps:  From  the  absolute  alcohol  the  tissue  is 
passed  to  a  mixture  of  equal  parts  of  absolute  alcohol  and  xylene  for 
an  hour  or  more,  and  then  it  is  placed  in  pure  xylene  till  it  appears 
translucent,  or  it  may  be  passed  from  the  absolute  alcohol  to  cedar 
oil  and  left  in  the  cedar  oil  till  it  is  translucent.  When  it  is  translucent 
by  either  of  the  above  methods,  the  tissue  may  be  transferred  to 
melted  paraffin.  This  is  also  done  in  two  steps  by  many  workers. 
The  first  step  is  to  transfer  the  cleared  tissue  to  low  melting  point 
paraffin  (40°  to  45°  melting  point),  and  after  an  hour  or  more  in  this, 
it  is  transferred  to  melted  paraffin  of  56°  to  58°  melting  point,  and  kept 
in  this  melted  paraffin  in  an  infiltrating  oven  or  box  for  several  hours. 
It  is  then  fully  infiltrated  with  the  hard  paraffin  and  is  ready  to  be 
put  in  a  block  for  sectioning.  Whatever  method  is  used  for  finally 
blocking  the  tissue  for  sectioning,  it  should  be  remembered  that 
paraffin  quickly  cooled  is  more  nearly  homogeneous,  i.e.  has  finer 
crystals,  than  paraffin  cooled  slowly.  The  finer  the  texture  of  the 
paraffin  the  more  successful  the  sectioning. 

§  7070.  Sections  for  incineration.  —  These  must  be  thin.  Rarely 
will  one  get  good  results  with  sections  over  lo/z  thick,  and  the  usual 
experience  is  that  sections  3ju,  5ju  or  7jic  give  even  better  incinerations 
than  thicker  ones. 

Of  course,  for  such  thin,  perfect  sections  the  section  knife  must  be 
sharp,  and  the  microtome  a  good  one.  The  room  temperature  should 
not  be  over  20°  centigrade,  and  for  the  thinnest  sections  a  temperature 
of  12°  to  15°  c.  is  more  favorable.  In  his  Plant  Histology  y  Dr.  Chamber- 
lain advises  the  cool  room,  and  safety  razor  blades  in  a  suitable  holder 
for  sectioning.  Many  others,  including  the  author,  have  also  found 
the  safety  razor  blade  satisfactory  (see  §§  621,  634,  and  Chamberlain^ 
5th  ed.,  p.  122). 

§  708.  Glass  slips  for  incineration  preparations.  —  Not  all  brands 
of  glass  slips  have  been  found  of  sufficiently  high  melting  point  to 
remain  undistorted  during  the  incineration  which  goes  up  to  600° 
centigrade  or  hotter,  that  is,  to  red  heat.  Hence  it  is  wise  before  wast- 
ing time  and  losing  valuable  specimens  to  make  sure  the  glass  in  the 


mounting  slips  will  not  become  distorted  by  the  heating.  The  author 
has  found  the  Corex  D  glass  recommended  for  preparations  to  be 
studied  under  the  ultra-violet  microscope  (§  308)  and  Pyrex  micro- 
scope slips  to  remain  undistorted  in  every  case.  If  the  glass  slips  are 
of  high  enough  melting  point,  it  is  unnecessary  to  use  sheet  platinum 
to  prevent  their  sticking  to  the  supporting  quartz  plate. 

§  709.  Spreading  sections  for  incineration.  —  As  nearly  all  sections, 
especially  thin  ones,  are  more  or  less  wrinkled  in  sectioning,  it  is 
advantageous  to  flatten  or  spread  '  them.  Some  recommend  that 
petrolatum  or  absolute  alcchcl  be  used,  but  nothing  is  so  satisfactory 
as  the  usual  water  method.  A  suitable  length  of  ribbcn  is  put  on  a 
perfectly  clean  slide  (the  Stitt  method  cf  cleaning  with  bon  ami 
§§  512,  515,  has  been  found  satisfactory). 

The  slide  is  then  warmed  on  a  spreading  box  or  plate  (fig.  255-256) 
and  with  needles  the  sections  are  drawn  out  flat  and  arranged.  After 
this  the  excess  water  is  drained  off  and  the  sections  are  left  to  dry 
completely.  If  they  are  left  over  night  in  a  dry,  warm  place,  they 
will  be  completely  adherent  to  the  slide.  It  is  important  to  remem- 
ber that  no  albumen  or  other  material  is  to  be  put  on  the  slide. 
There  is  no  danger  of  the  sections  getting  loose  during  the  incineration. 

In  seme  cases  it  has  proved  advantageous,  after  the  excess  water 
has  drained  away,  to  use  tissue  paper  and  press  the  sections  down 
firmly  upon  the  slide  with  the  ball  cf  a  finger.  The  paper  is  then 
rolled  off  the  sections  by  lifting  one  edge  and  turning  it  in  a  circular 
ir.anncr.  If  cne  is  skillful,  the  sections  v/ill  remain  firmly  attached  to 
the  slide  (§  637). 

It  is  recommended  that  every  ether  slide  cf  sections  be  prepared  for 
staining  and  mounting  in  the  best  way  experience  has  shown  for  the 
particular  tissue.  This  is  important  for  the  stained  preparations  have 
the  mere  familiar  appearance,  and  special  features  are  found  easily. 
Cf  course,  for  these  sections  the  usual  albumen  coating  on  the  mount- 
ing slide  is  permissible,  but  not  for  the  slides  to  be  incinerated. 

§  710.  Incinerator  and  incineration.  —  The  electric  furnace  found 
most  satisfactory  for  micro-incineration  is  Dr.  Scott's  modification  of 
Policard's  (fig.  278).  The  heating  is  regulated  by  an  adjustable  rheo- 
stat. On  a  110-115.  volt  circuit  it  reaches  637°  C.  in  41  minutes  if  one 



follows  the  settings  in  the  table.    For  the  cost  of  appliances  needed  for 
the  micro-incineration  work  see  at  the  end  of  this  chapter. 



A  End  view  of  the  quartz  tube  in  which  the  sections  are  incinerated.  It  is 
surrounded  by  a  heating  coil. 

Q  Quartz  plate  for  supporting  the  slide  of  sections  to  be  incinerated.  The 
platinum  plate  (PL)  shown  on  its  upper  face  is  to  prevent  slides  from  sticking. 
For  the  corex  and  pyrex  slides  this  expensive  part  may  be  omitted. 

B    Baseboard  of  the  incinerator;   it  fits  the  laboratory  lockers. 

C    Cap  or  lid  to  cover  one  end  of  the  quartz  tube. 

CE    Cap  for  connecting  with  the  electric  circuit. 

F    Rubber  support  between  the  insulating  plate  and  the  base. 

H    Handle  of  the  insulating  cover  of  the  quartz  tube. 

M-I    Insulating  block  containing  the  quartz  tube. 

Q  Quartz  tube;  it  is  surrounded  by  a  heating  coil  and  is  imbedded  in  insulating 

R    Variable  rheostat  with  its  rider  (SL). 

SL    Rider  on  the  adjustable  rheostat  to  vary  the  resistance. 

T  Top  of  the  insulating  material  covering  the  quartz  tube.  It  is  shown  lifted 
off  to  hasten  the  cooling  of  the  quartz  tube  after  an  incineration  is  completed. 

i-/o    Scale  of  10  centimeters  to  show  the  amount  of  reduction. 

The  furnace  is  designed  to  be  connected  to  the  usual  house  lighting 
circuit.  As  stated  in  the  legend  of  fig.  278,  there  is  associated  with  it 
an  adjustable  rheostat  by  which  the  heating  is  gradually  increased. 
This  is  important,  for  if  heated  too  rapidly,  the  ashes  do  not  remain 
in  position. 

When  ready  to  incinerate  a  slide  of  sections,  place  the  slide  on  the 
quartz  plate  and  push  the  plate  bearing  the  sections  into  the  heating 


tube  to  its  middle.  This  tube  is  long  enough  to  admit  two  slides  at 
once,  but  the  incineration  is  usually  more  successful  if  but  a  single 
slide  is  placed  in  the  middle. 

For  sections  where  no  mercury  was  used  in  the  fixation,  the  paraffin 
need  not  be  removed  from  the  sections.  The  heat  in  incineration  will 
burn  it  off.  (See  also  §  712  for  mercury  fixatives.) 

While  incinerating,  it  io  found  in  practice  that  an  interval  timer  is 
convenient  to  mark  the  different  steps,  then  one  can  attend  to  other 
duties  during  the  intervals. 

§  711.  Time  of  incineration.  —  There  is  considerable  difference  in 
the  ease  of  burning  off  the  organic  matter  with  different  specimens. 
As  there  has  not  yet  been  sufficient  experience  to  standardize  the 
method  for  all  objects,  the  individual  worker  must  do  considerable 
experimenting  with  his  particular  material. 

In  general,  it  takes  about  41  minutes  for  a  successful  incineration 
when  the  schedule  in  the  table  is  followed.  In  a  dark  or  dimly  lighted 
room  the  quartz  tube  will  show  a  red  heat  over  its  entire  length  at 
the  7th  or  8th  interval.  The  current  is  then  turned  off  and  the  cap  C 
pulled  back  to  allow  free  access  of  air.  The  insulating  top  T  is  lifted 
off  to  hasten  the  cooling. 

The  following  table  shows  the  different  settings  of  the  rider  (SL) 
on  the  resistance  coil  (R)  for  each  of  the  eight  intervals  and  the  time 
of  each  interval.  It  also  shows  the  amperes,  volts  of  the  line,  the 
v/atts  used,  the  millivolts  when  the  incinerator  is  in  the  circuit,  and 
finally,  the  temperature  centigrade  at  the  end  of  each  setting. 

With  some  tissues  a  slower  increase  in  heating  and  a  longer  time 
than  given  in  the  table  give  better  results. 

It  is  seen  from  the  table  that  it  takes  25  minutes  for  the  incinerator 
to  increase  from  room  temperature  of  about  20°  to  300°  C.  and  an  ad- 
ditional 15  minutes  to  increase  the  temperature  to  600°  C.  With  the 
current  turned  off,  the  insulating  top  removed  and  the  cap  turned 
back  from  the  quartz  tube,  it  takes  30  to  40  minutes  for  the  furnace 
to  cool  down  to  300°,  when  it  is  safe  to  remove  the  incinerated  slide 
with  forceps.  The  slide  will  soon  cool  in  the  free  air.  If  to  the  naked 
eye  the  ashes  are  gray  or  white  and  have  the  form  of  the  incinerated 
sections,  the  incineration  is  usually  successful. 


Sometimes  the  ashes  look  confused  or  brown.  This  is  likely  to 
happen  if  the  sections  are  too  thick  or  not  completely  dry  before  the 
incineration  begins.  Like  other  operations  in  microscopy,  micro- 
incinerations  require  much  exactness  in  detail,  and  even  then  the 
results  are  sometimes  disappointing.  When  success  is  obtained,  how- 
ever, one  feels  well  paid  for  all  the  trouble. 

For  the  calibration  of  the  electric  furnace  shown  in  figure  278  a 
Chromel-Alumel  thermocouple  and  a  potentiometer  with  the  neces- 
sary ammeter  and  voltmeter  were  employed  and  the  observations 
made  in  the  laboratory  with  the  alternating  electric  current  available 
where  the  incinerations  were  to  take  place. 

Table  Showing  the  Calibration  of  the  Micro-Incinerator. 








ature, °  C. 



i.  60 














































60  1 








§  712.  Further  methods  of  fixation  for  incineration.  —  As  stated, 
it  is  axiomatic  that  ideally  the  fixer  should  not  add  anything  or  remove 
anything  from  the  tissue  to  be  incinerated.  But  as  every  worker  with 
the  incineration  method  soon  realizes,  alcohol-formalin  preparations 
are  far  from  ideal  histologically,  and  some  tissues  become  so  hard  that 
they  can  scarcely  be  cut  (e.g.,  ligamentum  nuchae). 

One  of  the  simplest  and  best  fixers  that  have  been  used  for  a  great 
variety  of  tissues  is  a  mixture  of  a  3  %  aqueous  dichromate  of  potash 
solution  to  which  has  been  added  neutral  formalin  in  the  proportion 
of  90  cc.  dichromate  solution,  10  cc.  strong,  neutral  formalin.  Small 
pieces  are  fixed  in  this  two  or  three  days,  changing  the  freshly  pre- 
pared mixture  each  day.  Then  it  is  washed  several  hours  in  running 
water,  transferred  to  67%  alcohol  for  one  or  two  days,  then  82% 
alcohol  until  one  is  ready  to  proceed  with  the  imbedding.  The  dehy- 


dration  should  be  thorough  in  95  %  and  absolute  alcohol.  The  clear- 
ing is  then  by  means  of  absolute  alcohol  and  xylene,  then  pure  xylene 
or  cedar  oil.  Infiltration  is  accomplished  by  low-melting  and  then 
high-melting  paraffin  as  in  §  706.  With  these  sections  the  paraffin 
need  not  be  removed.  If  a  fixer  with  mercury,  such  as  Zenker's  fluid 
cr  Kelly's  fluid,  is  used,  then  the  paraffin  must  be  removed  and  the 
n:ercury  got  rid  cf  by  soaking  in  iodin.  (See  §  597.)  After  the  alcohol 
used  to  remove  the  iodin,  the  sections  are  allowed  to  dry  in  the  air, 
and  may  then  be  incinerated.  In  any  of  these  methods  only  small 
traces  cf  chromium  and  potassium  salts  are  added,  but  the  amount 
is  only  a  trace,  and  the  general  result  is  vastly  superior  to  the  alcohol 
formalin  method  both  for  the  histological  and  for  the  incineration 
appearance  as  cne  can  see  by  comparing  preparations  made  by  the 
different  methods. 

§  713.  Preservation  of  incinerated  sections.  —  It  cannot  be  too 
highly  emphasized  that  the  ashes  of  the  incinerated  specimens  are 
very  delicate  and  can  be  easily  disarranged  if  brushed  or  the  fingers 
put  upon  them.  If  one  is  careful  the  uncovered  preparations  can  be 
examined,  but  to  avoid  injury  it  is  far  safer  to  put  a  cover-glass  over 
them  at  cnce.  To  do  this  a  clean  cover  is  placed  over  the  specimen 
and  held  in  place  at  one  end  by  the  thumb  and  finger.  Then  with  a 
hot  wire  in  the  other  hand  a  seal  of  beeswax  is  run  along  the  four  edges. 
The  best  way  is  to  get  the  wire  quite  hct  in  a  bunsen  flame  and  then 
press  the  wire  against  a  mass  cf  beeswax  to  get  it  well  coated.  Then 
it  is  run  along  the  edges.  The  beeswax  cools  almost  instantly  and 
makes  a  good  seal  which  can  later  be  covered  with  shellac  cement  foi 
added  strength  and  permanence.  Many  advocate  the  use  of  paraffir 
for  the  seal,  but  the  high  melting  point  of  the  beeswax  makes  it  more 
suitable  for  the  purpose,  and  less  likely  to  melt  and  run  under  the 
cover  and  spoil  the  preparation. 

One  can  also  make  a  shallow  cell  of  shellac  or  balsam  or  other  cemenl 
about  the  ashes;  and  when  nearly  dry  the  slide  can  be  warmed  anc 
the  cover  pressed  down  all  around  against  the  cement  till  it  adheres 
The  beeswax  method  is  preferable,  however. 

§  714.  Mounting  medium  for  incinerations.  —  As  described  above 
incinerated  preparations  are  mounted  in  air.  This  is  the  most  satis 


factory  way,  for  any  mounting  medium  so  far  suggested  is  likely  to 
disarrange  the  ashes  or  to  obscure  the  finer  details.  It  is  instructive, 
however,  to  be  able  to  compare  the  ashes  in  air  and  in  some  mounting 
medium.  This  is  easily  accomplished  if  the  slide  has  upon  it  several 
sections  of  a  ribbon.  Before  adding  the  cover-glass  a  small  drop  of 
petrolatum  (§§  536,  602)  is  put  upon  one  of  the  end  sections.  If  the 
cover  is  then  added  as  directed,  the  mineral  oil  will  spread  over  one 
or  two  of  the  sections,  the  remainder  being  in  air.  Then  it  is  easy  to 
compare  the  ashes  in  the  air  with  those  in  the  petrolatum. 

§  715.  The  mineral  matter  of  plant  tissues.  —  Judging  by  the  lit- 
erature, much  less  work  has  been  done  in  incinerating  plant  tissue  than 
animal,  but  as  stated  above,  it  was  plant  tissue  that  Raspail  found  so 
interesting  when  the  organic  matter  was  burned  away.  In  the  limited 
experiments  carried  on  in  the  Cornell  laboratory,  the  plants  lent 
themselves  as  readily  as  the  animals  to  this  form  of  investigation. 
The  presence  of  much  silica  in  many  cases  adds  to  the  striking  appear- 
ance of  the  ashes.  For  example,  the  teeth  or  serrations  along  the 
edges  of  grass  leaves  are  almost  completely  unchanged  and  have  the 
same  clear  outlines  as  in  the  stained  preparation,  and  as  shown  later 
the  mineral  remains  of  plant  tissues  polarize  almost  as  strongly  after 
incineration  as  before,  thus  being  in  strong  contrast  to  the  mineral 
matter  of  animal  tissues. 

In  preparing  the  tissues  for  incineration  one  must  take  the  same 
precautions  as  for  animal  tissues  (§§  704-712). 

§  716.  Minerals  in  pathological  material.  —  The  incineration 
method  has  been  utilized  with  informing  results  for  pathological 
tissues.  As  one  might  expect  from  arteriosclerosis  in  the  blood  vessels, 
the  mineral  contents  in  pathological  material  is  often  considerably  in 
excess  of  that  in  normal  tissue. 


§  717.  Dark-field  microscopy.  —  From  the  nature  of  the  material, 
a  dark-field  is  almost  a  necessity  for  the  study  of  the  ash  after  micro- 
incineration.  Fortunately  this  study  can  be  made  most  successfully 
with  the  rather  simple  apparatus  found  in  every  laboratory.  For  the 



general  understanding  of  dark-field  microscopy  the  reader  is  urged  to 
go  carefully  over  the  discussion  of  the  dark-field  microscope  in  Ch.  III. 


SB  Solid  beam  of  light  from  the  mirror  (M)  to  the  stop,  which  allows 
only  a  hollow  beam  to  pass  on  to  the  condenser. 

Cst    Central  stop  to  intercept  all  but  the  border  rays. 

EC    Hollow  cone  passing  on  to  illuminate  the  object. 

AS    Silvered  outside  surface  of  the  paraboloid. 

//,  //,  //  Homogeneous  media  below  the  slide,  co\  cring  the  object  and  above  the 

eg,  gs    Cover-glass  and  glass  slide. 

Obj  The  first  element  of  the  objective  showing  the  light  deflected  from  the  ob- 
ject by  dotted  lines. 

For  the  special  work  with  incinerations,  the  following  observations 
upon  their  illumination  are  added  after  much  experience. 

Micro-incinerations  are  most  satisfactorily  studied  with  moderate 
powers,  therefore  rather  small  apertures  and  large  fields  are  utilized. 

The  proper  illumination  may  be  most  easily  obtained  by  the  use  of 
the  ordinary  condenser  and  a  central  stop  (§  719). 



Furthermore,  while  much  of  the  ash  is  in  optical  contact  with  the  glass 
slide,  the  overlying  mineral  substance  is  in  air.    This  makes  the  ordi- 


1  Rays  of  light  from  the  object  in  the  focus  of  the  dark-field  condenser. 

2  Front  lens  of  the  objective. 

3-3    Sectional  view  of  the  hollow  cone  from  the  condenser.    It  lights  the  object 

at  its  focus,  and  is  of  greater  aperture  than  the  objective.    (See  figs.  294-296.) 
4-4    Glass  slide  supporting  the  object.    It  should  be  of  a  thickness  to  bring  the 

object  at  the  focus  of  the  hollow  cone,  and  should  be  in  immersion  contact 

with  the  top  of  the  condenser. 
5    Numeral  placed  just  above  the  dark-stop,  which  eliminates  the  central  part  of 

the  light  cone. 
6-6    First  or  lower  element  of  the  condenser.    Most  often  the  dark-stop  is  below 

this  element.    (See  fig.  279  ) 
7-7    The  plane  and  concave  faces  of  the  mirror. 
8-8    Parallel  rays  from  the  light  source. 

nary  refracting  condensers  now  found  on  nearly  all  laboratory  mi- 
croscopes entirely  adequate.    It  is  well  to  recall  that  before  Wenham 



SB  Solid  beam  of  light  from  the  mirror  (M)  to  the  central  stop  (Cs/),  which 
cuts  out  all  but  the  border  rays. 

HC  Hollow  cone  focusing  on  the  object  on  the  slide  (SI).  Compare  with 
figure  70  where  only  the  border  rays  seem  to  be  extending  from  the  mirror  to  the 
condenser.  This  is  the  usual  method  of  representing  all  dark-field  condensers. 





285  286 

(All  at  a  magnification  of  250.) 

283  Specimen  stained  with  VerhoefTs  hematoxylin.     Bright-field  photomicro- 

284  Unstained  specimen  incinerated  to  show  the  mineral  matter.     Dark-field 

285  The  same  specimen  photographed  with  a  light-field. 

286  The  same  specimen  photographed  with  a  dark-field. 

(in  1850-1856)  introduced  the  paraboloid  condenser  (fig.  281)  for  high 
power  dark-field  illumination,  the  English  microscopists  were  making 



much  use  of  the  refracting  condensers  for  dark-field  lighting  by  in- 
serting an  opaque  central  stop  below  the  condenser  to  eliminate  the 
central  part  of  the  light  ccne,  and  thus  light  the  object  by  rays  at  such 
great  obliquity  that  none  of  them  could  enter  the  objective,  hence  the 
objects  seemed  to  shine  by  their  own  light  in  a  dark  field.  The  re- 
fracting condensers  also  light  a  relatively  large  field,  and  the  specimens 
need  not  be  on  a  slide  of  such  definite  thickness  as  is  required  by  the 
special  dark-field  condensers. 

§  718.  Relative  numerical  aperture  of  condenser  and  objective 
for  dark-field  illumination.  —  By  glancing  at  figures  291-292  and 
294-296,  it  will  be  seen  that  the  aperture  of  the  objective  must  be 
considerably  less  than  that  of  the  condenser  or  the  rays  of  light  from 
the  condenser  will  enter  the  objective  and  render  the  field  light.  This 
involves  two  requirements:  There  must  be  some  means  (i)  of  varying 
the  size  of  the  dark-stop  under  the  condenser  and  (2)  of  varying  the 
aperture  of  the  objective  by  means  of  a  reducing  diaphragm,  most 
conveniently  of  the  iris  type  in  the  objective. 

Generally  speaking,  an  aperture  of  less  than  0.65  N.A.  is  most 
successful  in  objectives  to  be  used  with  refracting  condensers. 

Table  of  the  diameter  of  the  central  dark-slop  below  the  condenser  of  1.20  or  1.40  N.A. 
and  the  aperture  of  objectives  to  give  the  best  ejffects  with  incineration  specimens. 


Full  N.A. 

Best  N.A.  for 

Size  of  Sub- 
stage  Stop 

1  6  mm. 



10  mm. 

8  mm. 



10-15  mm. 

4  mm. 



15-20  mm. 

3  mm. 



20  mm. 

1.8  mm.  im. 



20  mm. 

In  figures  294-296  is  shown  the  central  part  of  the  light  cone 
eliminated  by  the  different  central  stops  of  10  mm.,  15  mm.  and 
20  mm.  diameter,  and  by  the  dotted  lines  is  shown  the  angle  of  the 
dark  center  which  is  utilized  by  the  different  objectives  for  dark-field 
observation.  These  diagrams  show  convincingly  that  the  dark  area 
in  the  cone  cannot  all  be  utilized  for  dark-field  illumination  by  the 


objective.  Apparently  the  diffracted  light  along  the  edges  of  the 
hollow  cone  is  sufficient  to  give  a  light  halo  around  the  margin  of 
the  dark  field  if  the  aperture  of  the  objective  is  too  great.  The  dia- 
grams show  also  the  thickness  of  the  hollow  cone  of  light  remaining 






U    Uranium  glass  with  refractive  index  no  1.5069. 

287  Cone  of  light  with  full  aperture.    Plane  mirror. 

288  Cone  of  light  with  substage  iris  open  10  mm.    Plane  mirror. 

289  Cone  of  light  with  iris  open  10  mm.    Concave  mirror. 

290  Cone  of  light  with  iris  of  10  mm.    Plane  mirror  tipped. 






Hollow  cone  with  a  10  mm.  substage  dark-stop.    Plane  mirror.    Iris  of 

condenser  wide  open. 

Hollow  cone  with  a  20  mm.  dark-stop.    Plane  mirror.    Iris  of  condenser  wide 


By  comparing  fig.  287  with  203,  and  201-292  with  205-296  it  will  be  seen  that  the 
greater  the  aperture  of  the  condenser  the  thicker  will  be  the  hollow  cone  of  light 
with  a  given  dark-stop  and  consequently  the  greater  the  amount  of  light  to  illumi- 
nate the  object  at  its  focus. 

with  the  different  substage  stops.  Of  course  the  thicker  the  hollow 
cone  of  light,  the  greater  is  the  amount  of  light  available  for  illuminat- 
ing the  object  at  its  focus.  It  is  also  seen,  except  for  the  16  mm. 
objective,  that  the  available  angle  is  less  than  the  numerical  aperture 
of  the  objective  used. 

§  719.  Best  dark-field  effects.  —  For  obtaining  the  best  dark-field 
effects  two  great  principles  must  be  kept  constantly  in  mind:  (i)  That 
the  illumination  must  be  of  sufficient  intensity  to  render  the  finest 
details  of  the  object  visible,  and  (2)  That  the  aperture  of  the  objective 
must  be  great  enough  to  resolve  the  visible  particles,  i.e.,  to  show  the 
details  (§  264).  One  can  see  an  unforgettable  demonstration  of  these 
principles  as  follows:  Get  by  trial  the  most  favorable  illumination 
and  the  best  aperture  of  the  objective  to  give  the  clearest  view  of  the 
details,  then  keeping  some  fine  dot  or  other  detail  in  sight,  gradually 
dim  the  light  by  putting  neutral  glasses  or  ground  glasses  in  the  path 
of  the  light  source.  As  the  light  is  dimmed  the  fine  details  are  lost. 
Then  restore  the  light  to  give  the  clearest  image.  Now  gradually  close 









It  is 

Uranium  glass  in  homogeneous  contact  with  the  top  of  the  condenser, 
fluorescent  and  has  a  refractive  index  of  nD  1.5069. 
293    Cone  of  light  with  the  substage  iris  wide  open.    As  indicated  u}  or  half  the 
angular  aperture,  =  47°,    It  is  the  same  in  all. 


294  Hollow  cone  with  a  10  mm.  dark-stop.    The  dark  hollow  has  u,  19°,  but  only 
9°  30'  of  this  is  available  for  the  best  dark-field  effects. 

295  Hollow  cone  with  a  15  mm.  dark-stop.    This  gives  a  dark  hollow  of  u  26°, 
but  only  u  17°  30'  gives  the  best  effects. 

296  Hollow  cone  with  a  20  mm.  dark-stop.    The  dark-center  is  u  34°  30'  of  which 
only  about  u  19°  is  available  for  the  best  dark-field  effects. 

The  smaller  the  dark-stop  the  more  the  light  for  illumination,  but  the  smaller 
must  be  the  aperture  of  the  objective. 

the  iris  in  the  objective  and  soon  the  aperture  will  become  too  small 
for  resolving  the  fine  details,  and  they  will  disappear.  On  increasing 
the  aperture,  they  will  reappear. 

It  must  not  be  forgotten  too,  that  for  the  best  dark-field  effects  with 
all  forms  of  condensers  the  slide  must  be  in  immersion  contact  with 
the  top  of  the  condenser,  otherwise  only  an  aperture  of  i.oo  N.A.  can 
pass  into  the  slide  to  illuminate  the  object  on  its  upper  face.  As 
many  of  the  particles  are  in  optical  contact  with  the  slide,  the  rays 
of  an  aperture  greater  than  i.oo  are  very  important  for  illuminating 
the  object.  (See  fig.  73  and  §  190.) 

§  720.  Determination  of  the  aperture  of  the  objective.  —  For  the 
information  given  in  the  above  table  (§  718),  the  best  light  and  the 
most  favorable  aperture  of  the  objective  was  found  by  trial  in  each 
case,  then  the  aperture  of  the  objective  actually  used  was  determined 
by  removing  the  objective  with  care  not  to  change  the  objective  iris, 
and  employing  the  apertometer.  (See  for  using  the  apertometer 
§  266.) 

§  721.  Change  from  dark-field  to  bright-field  illumination;  combin- 
ing bright-  and  dark-field  illumination.  —  The  refracting  condensers 
have  a  great  advantage  over  the  special  dark-field  condensers  in  that 
with  them  it  is  easy,  without  disturbing  the  preparation  in  the  least, 
to  change  the  illumination  or  to  combine  the  dark-  and  the  bright- 
field  lighting.  If  the  central  stop  is  in  place,  the  field  will  be  dark,  but 
if  that  is  removed  and  the  substage  iris  is  used,  the  field  will  be  light. 

Furthermore,  if  one  wishes  to  see  the  effect  of  a  combination  of 
light-field  and  dark-field,  that  is  also  readily  accomplished  as  follows: 
A  small  central  dark-stop  is  used,  say  one  of  5,  7,  or  10  mm.  which 
will  eliminate  only  a  small  central  cone.  For  example,  one  might  use 
a  10  mm.  dark-stop  and  the  3  mm.  or  the  4  mm.  objective.  If  the  iris 
of  the  objective  is  closed  sufficiently,  there  will  be  a  dark-field;  but 


if  it  is  opened  it  will  include  in  the  aperture  of  the  objective  some  of 
the  edge  rays  of  the  hollow  cone.  The  central  stop  gives  the  dark-field 
illumination  and  the  edge  rays  of  the  hollow  cone  the  bright-field 

If,  when  the  iris  is  closed  sufficiently  to  give  a  dark-field  one  looks 
into  the  microscope  and  gradually  opens  the  objective  iris,  there  will 
first  appear  a  bright  halo  all  around  the  field.  This  will  gradually 
spread  over  the  whole  field  as  the  iris  is  opened.  It  is  instructive  also 
to  reverse  the  process  and  attain  a  dark-field  again. 

§  722.  Comparison  cf  stained  and  incinerated  tissues.  —  As 
recommended  above,  every  other  slide  of  a  ribbon  is  mounted  for 
staining.  With  the  thin  sections  the  tissue  on  the  stained  slide  and 
that  on  the  incinerated  one  are  nearly  identical  so  that  one  can  see 
the  histological  elements  in  the  stained  sections,  and  the  same  ele- 
ments represented  by  the  mineral  matter  in  the  incinerated  ones.  It 
is  cf  advantage  to  have  two  rdcrcsccpcs  near  together,  the  one  for 
the  stained  preparation  lighted  with  the  bright-field  and  the  inciner- 
ated one  with  dark-field  illumination.  One  can  look  from  one  to  the 
ether  and  make  sure  that  the  same  elements  are  being  studied.  If 
one  has  a  comparison  ocular  (fig.  142)  one  can  see  the  two  fields  at 
the  same  time  and  thus  make  the  comparison  more  exact.  Two 
wholly  different  microscopes  answer  very  well,  however.  By  repeated 
comparison,  one  soon  learns  to  detect  special  structures  by  the  ash  in 
the  incinerated  specimens  with  the  sarr.c  ccrtcJnty  as  with  stained 

§  723.  Dark-  and  bright-field  appearances.  —  In  the  accompany- 
ing photomicrographs  (figs.  283-286),  the  appearances  are  strikingly 
different  for  the  same  tissue,  depending  upon  the  method  of  prepara- 
tion and  also  upon  the  method  of  illumination.  Figures  283  and  285 
were  photographed  with  the  bright-field  microscope,  while  figures 

284  and  286  were  made  with  a  dark-field  microscope.    Figures  284, 

285  and  286  are  of  identical  parts  of  the  same  specimen.    The  stained 
specimen  (fig.  283)  is  of  the  same  elastic  tissue,  but  could  not  be  quite 
identical  with  the  other  figures.     The  cut  ends  of  the  fibers  were 
stained  black  by  VerhoefTs  method,  and  are  markedly  larger  than  the 
mineral  matter  in  each  fiber  although  all  were  magnified  exactly  the 


same  (250  diameters).  In  the  stained  specimen  there  seems  to  be 
empty  space  between  the  black  fibers,  but  this  is  not  the  case.  The 
white  spaces  are  filled  with  collagenous  connective  tissue  as  can  be 
seen  in  a  specimen  stained  with  Mallory's  connective  tissue  stain, 
which  colors  the  elastic  tissue  red  and  the  ordinary  connective  tissue 
blue.  In  unstained  preparations  under  the  dark-field,  also  in  a  prepara- 
tion like  this,  the  dark- field  illumination  reveals  the  collagenous  tissue; 
and  with  the  ultra-violet  microscope  the  elastic  tissue  in  unstained 
sections  mounted  in  petrolatum  fluoresces  blue-white,  but  the  inter- 
vening collagenous  tissue  does  not  fluoresce  and  therefore  the  area 
between  the  elastic  fibers  appears  black.  On  the  other  hand,  with 
the  dark-field  microscope  the  elastic  fibers  are  dark  and  the  collage- 
nous  tissue  a  brilliant  white  (fig.  130,  A  B).  These  observations  will 
also  emphasize  the  necessity  of  using  many  methods  if  one  is  to  gain 
a  true  insight  into  the  real  complexity  of  organic  structure. 

(See  figs.  46-47.) 


§724.  Intensity  and  visibility.  —  As  stated  above  (§719)  there 
must  be  sufficient  intensity  of  illumination  to  render  visible  the 
objects  one  wishes  to  see.  For  this  with  all  powers,  both  for  light- 
and  for  dark-field  study,  one  of  the  research  lamps  (figs.  298-299) 
answers  well.  For  bright-field  observation  with  all  powers,  and  for 
the  lower  powers  in  dark-field  observation  the  Chalet  Lamp  (fig.  297) 
is  adequate. 


For  both  lamps  the  plane  mirror  is  usually  the  one  to  employ,  and, 
if  dark-field  illumination  is  desired,  the  substage  iris  diaphragm  is 


(For  full  description  see  fig.  80.) 

opened  fully  (figs.  287,  293).  As  seen  by  fig.  288,  if  the  substage  iris 
is  partly  closed,  the  aperture  of  the  condenser  is  lessened  and  a  dark 
central  stop  would  eliminate  all  the  light. 

In  figure  289  the  concave  mirror  is  used,  and  in  290,  the  light  is 
oblique.  Figures  291-292,  294-296  show  that  with  the  substage  iris 
wide  open,  a  dark,  central  stop  leaves  a  rather  thick  shell  or  hollow 
cone  to  light  the  object  at  its  focus. 

The  research  lamps  are  too  brilliant  for  some  specimens.  The  light 
can  be  softened  as  desired  by  introducing  neutral  tint  glasses  or 
ground  glasses  in  the  path  of  the  beam. 

While  the  lighting  recommended  above  gives  the  best  results,  it  is 
quite  marvelous  how  much  can  be  seen  with  lights  of  lower  intensity. 
This  was  demonstrated  to  the  author  on  one  occasion  when  snow  and 
floods  eliminated  the  electric  lights.  Then  a  kerosene  lamp,  a  naked 
candle  flame,  and  an  electric  flash  light  were  tried  out  of  curiosity. 
The  results  were  astonishingly  good  for  both  bright-  and  dark-field 
observation  with  objectives  as  high  as  a  4  mm.  Such  experiences  give 


one  an  inkling  that  the  old  histologists  were  not  so  badly  handicapped 
as  is  sometimes  thought,  and  the  insight  they  gained  into  histological 
structure  with  their  simple  appliances  is  not  quite  so  astonishing. 


1  Knob  with  which  to  incline  the  lamp-house  when  it  is  hot. 

2  Lamp-house. 

3  Screw  head  for  focusing  the  condenser. 

4  Handle  of  the  iris  diaphragm  in  front  of  the  condenser;  the  4  is  on  the  water- 
cell  container. 

5  Pyrex  water-cell  partly  raised  in  its  holder. 

6  Neutral  tint  glasses  in  the  color-screen  holder. 

7  Holder  for  neutral  tint  and  color  screens. 

8  Lamp-socket. 

9  Lamp-house  standard  on  which  it  can  be  raised  and  lowered. 

10  Base  of  the  lamp-house  support  and  electric  plug  cap. 

§  725.  Micro-incinerations   under   the   polarizing   microscope.  — 

The  micro-incinerations  of  animal  tissues  with  the  abundant  mineral 
matter  after  incineration  must  be  in  an  amorphous  condition  as  usually 
there  is  no  double^  refraction  shown  under  the  crossed  nicols  of  the 


polarizing  microscope.  With  plant  tissues,  however,  the  polarization 
after  the  incineration  was  almost  as  good  as  before.  The  serrations 
along  the  edge  of  grass  blades  were  apparently  quite  unchanged  by 
the  incinerating  heat  both  in  form  and  in  reaction  in  polarized  light. 
This  striking  difference  in  the  minerals  left  by  incineration  of  animal 
and  plant  tissues  was  quite  unexpected,  but  was  present  in  all  the 
cases  examined  except  in  artericsclcrcsis. 

§  726.  Micro-incinerations  in  ultra-violet  radiation.  —  In  both 
animal  and  plant  tissues  the  ashes  show  no  fluorescence  in  the  numer- 
ous examples  tested.  Comparison  specimens  unstained  and  unin- 
cinerated  and  mounted  in  petrolatum  after  the  removal  of  the  paraffin 
by  xylene,  gave  brilliant  fluorescence  in  both  animal  and  plant  tissues. 

In  the  ultra-violet,  then,  the  animal  and  plant  tissues  agree,  but  the 
ashes  are  ordinarily  in  striking  disagreement  in  polarized  light. 


§  727.  Policard  Incinerator  Modified  by  Scott.  —  This  is  shown  in 
figure  278  with  its  regulating  rheostat.  The  cost  is  approximately 

§  728.  Optical  appliances.  —  It  is  assumed  that  the  laboratory  or 
private  worker  already  has  a  good  laboratory  microscope  with  a 
refracting,  substage  condenser,  and  low-power  objectives  up  to  16 
mm.,  also  a  good  lamp  for  use  with  bright-field. 

Objectives  needed  and  desirable:  It  will  be  noted  by  comparing 
the  price  here  given  with  that  in  the  manufacturer's  catalogues  that 
it  costs  $5.00  additional  in  each  case  to  have  the  iris  diaphragm 

Objectives:  8  mm.  achromatic,  N.A.  0.50,  iris $20.00 

4  mm.  achromatic,  N.A.  0.66,  iris $22.00 

3  mm.  achromatic,  N.A.  0.85,  iris $25.00 

1.8  mm.  oil  immersion,  N.A.  1.25,  iris. .  .$40.00 

For  most  work  with  incinerations  the  16  mm.,  and  the  8  and  4  mm. 
objectives  with  iris  are  sufficient.  If  one  wishes  to  carry  the  investiga- 
tion as  far  as  possible,  the  3  mm.  dry,  and  the  1.8  mm.  oil  immersion 


with  iris  will  be  needed.    It  is  also  desirable  to  possess  one  of  the 
special,  dark-field  condensers  of  the  paraboloid  or  cardioid  type. 

For  the  refracting  condensers,  substage  dark-stops  of  10  mm., 
15  mm.  and  20  mm.  are  needed.  One  can  make  them  if  necessary. 
(See  §  180.) 

§729.  Research  microscope  lamp  (figs.  298-299).  —  The  cost  is 
about  $60.00.  For  photomicrographs  and  for  dark-field  work  the 
type  with  6-volt  io8-watt  lamp  bulbs  requiring  a  step-down  trans- 
former is  much  to  be  preferred  to  any  other  type.  (See  pp.  146-150.) 

The  lamps  and  the  objectives  here  recommended  may  be  obtained 
from  the  Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Company,  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  or 
from  the  Spencer  Lens  Company,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

§  730.  Uranium  glass  for  showing  the  form  and  path  of  light 
beams.  —  For  teaching  purposes  and  for  the  individual  worker  it  is 
of  great  advantage  to  see  exactly  how  the  light  from  the  condenser 
actually  appears  with  different  arrangements.  The  pictures  shown  in 
figures  287-292  represent  some  of  the  appearances.  As  described  in 
the  legend  of  those  pictures,  they  were  obtained  by  placing  a  plate  of 
uranium  glass  of  refractive  index  nD  1.5069  in  homogeneous  contact 
with  the  upper  face  of  the  condenser.  Because  of  its  fluorescent 
character  one  can  see  in  this  glass  just  how  the  cone  of  light  from  the 
condenser  appears  with  the  plane  and  the  concave  mirror,  with  the 
light  central  or  oblique,  with  the  full  aperture  and  with  the  aperture 
reduced  by  the  substage  iris,  or  by  a  dark-stop  to  cut  out  the  central 
part  of  the  light  cone.  After  experimenting  with  this  help  one  will 
always  have  a  clear  conception  of  just  what  happens  to  the  light  under 
different  conditions. 

A  plate  of  uranium  glass  50  mm.  square  and  12  to  1 8 

mm.  thick  with  all  the  faces  polished  costs $5.00 

A  cube  with  25  mm.  sides  all  polished  also  costs $5.00 

This  glass  is  called  fluorescent  canary,  and  may  be  had  of  the 
Corning  Glass  Works,  Corning,  N.  Y. 

The  microscope  slips  of  high  melting  point  required  in  §  708  which 
will  not  scf ten  and  become  distorted  in  the  incineration  process  may 
be  had  of  the  Corning  Glass  Works  also. 

That  these  high  melting-point  slips  may  not  be  confused  with  the 


ordinary  glass  slips  used  in  microscopy,  the  author  has  found  the 
size  of  25  x  65  mm.  used  with  the  ultra-violet  microscope  satisfactory 
and  convenient  (see  §  308,  and  figs.  218,  224). 

The  cost  per  100  with  cut  edges  (i.e.,  not  ground)  is  approx- 
imately       $6.00 


RASPAIL,  FRANCOIS- VINCENT.  1833,  Nouveau  systeme  de  chimie  organique  fonde 
sur  des  methodes  nouvelles  d'observation.  p.  528,  et  seq.  Raspail  has  been 
claimed  as  the  founder  of  chemical  microscopy  or  microchemistry.  He  applied 
the  microscope  to  the  study  of  plant  and  animal  structures  with  great  success, 
and  among  his  methods  was  that  of  incineration  to  show  the  presence  of 
mineral  matter  in  soft  tissues  after  the  organic  matter  had  been  burned  away. 

.    1838.    Same,  2d  edition  in  three  volumes. 

LIBSEGANG,  R.  E.  IQIO.  Die  Veraschung  von  Mikrotomschnitten.  Biochem. 
Zeitschr.,  Vol.  2S,  p.  413.  He  used  sections  20/1  thick  and  heated  over  a 
Bunsen  flame.  Such  sections  do  not  give  good  results  at  present. 

POLICARD,  A.  1023.  Sur  une  methode  de  micro-incineration  applicable  aux  rc- 
cherches  histochirniques.  Bull.  Soc.  Chim.  de  France,  4th  ser.,  33,  1551. 

.  1923.  La  mineralization  des  coupes  histologiques  par  calcination  et  son 

mteret  com  me  me"thode  histochirniques  ge'ne'rale.  Compt.  Rend.  Acad.  Sci , 
176,  1012.  In  these  first  papers  Policard  describes  his  incinerator  and  gives 
explicit  directions  for  the  procedure  in  micro-incineration. 

-  — .  1932.  Some  new  methods  in  histochemistry.  The  Harvey  Lectures  de- 
livered under  the  auspices  of  the  Harvey  Society  of  New  York,  1931-32,  under 
the  patronage  of  the  New  York  Academy  of  Medicine,  204-26.  In  this  lecture 
Policard  describes  the  micro-incineration  process,  but  points  out  that  it  is 
only  the  first  step  in  the  analysis  of  the  minerals  present. 

POLICARD  A.,  AND  OKKELS,  H.  1930.  Localizing  inorganic  substances  in  micro- 
scopic sections.  The  Micro-Incineration  Method.  Anat.  Record,  44,  349- 
61.  This  paper  contains  a  picture  of  Dr.  Policard's  micro-incinerator  and  some 
excellent  photomicrographs  of  incinerated  specimens  with  a  good  discussion 
of  the  process  and  the  findings.  There  is  also  an  extended  bibliography. 

POLICARD,  A.  1938.  La  Me*thode  de  la  Microincineration,  expose*  pratique. 
Actuality's  Scientifiques  et  Industrielles  765.  Histophysiologie. 

SCOTT,  GORDON  H.  1933.  A  critical  study  and  review  of  the  method  of  micro- 
incineration.  Protoplasma,  20,  133-51.  This  paper  is  full  of  useful  informa- 
tion concerning  the  history  and  method  of  incineration,  and  contains  74  refer- 
ences in  all  fields  where  micro-incineration  has  been  applied. 

.  1933.  The  localization  of  mineral  salts  in  cells  of  some  mammalian  tissues 

by  micro-incineration.  Amer.  J.  Anat.,  53,  243-79.  This  paper  contains 
46  figures  of  micro-incinerations  in  three  plates  and  gives  references  to  46  other 
papers,  including  those  of  special  historical  interest. 

GAGE,  S.  H.  1938.  Apparatus  and  methods  for  micro-incineration.  Stain  Tech- 
nology, Vol.  13,  PP-  25-36. 

HINTZSCHE,  ERICH.  1938.  Das  Aschenbild  tierscher  Gewebe  und  Organe.  Er- 
gebnisse  der  Anatomic  und  Entwicklungsgeschichte.  32  Band,  pp.  63-136. 
This  monograph  gives  a  general  review,  and  refers  to  208  other  papers. 

UBER,  FRED.  1940.  Microincineration  and  Ash  Analysis.  This  paper  deals 
especially  with  plant  tissues.  Botanical  Review,  Vol.  6,  pp.  204-226. 


FIGURES  300-313 

Lenses.  It  is  difficult  to  think  of  a  world  without  lenses.  All 
apparatus  like  the  moving  picture  machine,  magic  lantern,  photo- 
graphic camera,  the  microscope  and  telescope  and  spectacles,  would 
be  no  more.  But  it  is  not  to  be  forgotten  that  the  most  splendid 
creations  in  the  world  of  art,  as  those  of  the  Greeks;  and  in  the 
world  of  literature,  as  those  of  the  Hebrews,  the  Greeks  and  the 
Romans;  the  architecture  of  the  Orient,  of  Egypt,  Greece  and 
Rome;  and  the  feats  of  engineering  of  the  ancient  world  were  all 
independent  of  lenses  and  the  optical  instruments  which  they  make 
possible.  But  what  immeasurably  greater  insight  into  the  real 
world  has  come  with  these  "optic  glasses"!  What  revelations  as 
to  the  cause  of  disease,  the  structure  of  the  universe  in  its  smallest 
details  by  the  microscope,  and  in  its  larger  ranges  by  the  telescope; 
and  greatest  of  all  for  the  common  man,  has  come  the  power,  by 
means  of  spectacles,  to  make  good  use  of  the  years  that  hygiene  has 
added  to  the  average  human  life. 

That  nature  made  lenses  during  every  rain-storm  and  every 
heavy  dew  and  in  the  tears  of  every  gum  and  balsam  tree,  we  know 
now;  and  for  the  almost  infinite  years  which  man  has  been  upon 
the  earth,  the  learned  and  the  ignorant  were  equally  unmindful  of 
the  marvel  before  their  very  eyes;  as  unmindful  as  are  the  vast 
majority  of  men  and  women  at  the  present  day. 

All  who  have  made  a  study  of  the  question  are  unanimous  in  the 
opinion  that  optical  instruments,  other  than  mirrors,  were  unknown 
to  the  ancient  world;  and  that  lenses  were  wholly  unknown. 

In  the  first  and  second  centuries  of  the  Christian  era  there  was  an 
abundance  of  knowledge  of  mathematics  and  of  optics  to  make 
possible  the  invention  of  the  simple  microscope  and  of  appreciating 


548         BRn-F   HISTORY   OF   LKNSKS   AM)   MICROSCOPES     [Cn.  XV 

it  as  such.  In  works  of  literature  there  are  hints  that  men  were  on 
the  track.  For  example,  Seneca,  in  his  Questiones  Naturales 
(L.  I,  q.  6),  says  that  "  Letters  however  small  and  dim  are  com- 
paratively large  and  distinct  when  seen  through  a  glass  globe  filled 
with  water/'  and  that  apples  in  a  vase  of  water  are  far  more  beauti- 
ful. He  is  trying  to  account  for  the  size  of  the  rainbow  and  sums  it 
all  up  by  saying  that  "  anything,  in  fact,  that  is  seen  through 
moisture  appears  far  larger  than  in  reality  it  is."  To  Seneca  the 
magnification  was  the  effect  of  the  water  and  not  the  effect  of  the 
refraction  at  curved  surfaces. 

Ancient  theories  about  Vie  eyes. — The  microscope  and  all  other 
optic  instruments  are  intimately  bound  up  with  the  eyes  of  the  ob- 
server, and  the  brain  behind  the  eyes  which  gives  the  final  judgment 
concerning  the  appearances.  This  takes  us  a  long  journey  back  into 
the  past  for  the  first  understanding  of  the  means  by  which  knowl- 
edge of  the  external  world  comes  to  our  consciousness. 

It  was  2500  years  ago  in  the  age  when  ^Eschylus  (525-456), 
Sophocles  (495-406)  and  Euripides  (480-406)  wrote  their  immortal 
poetry;  Phidias  wrought  forms  of  beauty  out  of  marble;  and  Soc- 
rates, Plato  and  Aristotle  spoke  words  of  wisdom,  that  Hippocrates 
(460-360),  the  greatest  of  all  ancient  physicians,  asserted  that  the 
so-called  "  sacred  disease,"  epilepsy,  was  no  more  sacred  than  any 
other  disease;  and  then  he  added  the  brain  is  the  organ  by  which  we 
think,  taste  and  smell,  hear  and  see;  through  which  are  joy  and 
sorrow,  laughter  and  tears  and,  when  it  is  diseased,  it  brings  terror 
and  despair  and  all  insanities. 

Nothing  in  physiology  to-day  is  on  firmer  ground  than  that  the 
brain  is  the  final  seat  of  consciousness;  and  without  its  healthy 
action  no  good  vision  is  possible.  Of  course,  it  has  always  been 
known  that  the  eyes  and  light  are  necessary  for  vision,  but  at  this 
time  there  was  much  discussion  as  to  the  precise  means  by  which 
objects  in  the  external  world  could  gain  their  contact  with  the  brain 
through  the  eyes.  Empedocles  thought  there  must  be  rays  of  visual 
spirits  extending  from  the  eyes  out  to  the  object  and  feeling  of  it, 
so  to  speak;  Aristotle  asserted  that  the  rays  of  light  from  the  object 
to  the  eyes  were  sufficient;  but  Plato,  to  be  absolutely  safe,  as- 

Or.  XV]     BRIEF   HISTORY   OF   LENSES   AND    MTCRCSCOrilS        549 

sumed  that  there  were  needed  both  the  visual  rays  and  the  rays  of 
light  to  make  the  vision  complete. 

Six  hundred  years  later,  Galen,  next  in  importance  to  Hippocrates 
among  the  ancient  physicians,  agreed  with  Empedocles  that  vision 
\\  as  by  means  of  %the  visual  rays  or  spirits  from  the  brain  and  eyes 
to  the  object,  and  gave  the  cogent  argument  that  all  men  could 
appreciate  then  as  now,  namely,  that  objects  far  off,  small  or  in 
dim  light  required  much  effort  to  see  well  as  though  it  were  hard 
work  to  squeeze  out  enough  visual  spirits  to  make  them  fully 

It  was  Galen  also  who  argued  that  the  chiasma  in  the  optic 
nerves  from  the  eyes  to  the  brain  was  for  two  great  purposes:  First, 
so  that  if  one  eye  were  lost  by  accident,  all  the  visual  spirits  could 
be  sent  to  the  remaining  eye;  and  second,  it  was  to  answer  the 
puzzling  question  why  with  two  good  eyes  two  images  of  everything 
were  not  seen.  The  chiasma,  said  Galen,  is  so  that  the  visual  rays 
from  the  object  through  the  eyes  to  the  brain  can  be  mingled  and 
united  so  that  the  brain  will  have  but  one  image  and  not  two. 
Furthermore,  it  is  so  that  the  axes  of  the  visual  cones  will  cross  and 
be  in  one  plane,  for  if  these  axes  are  not  in  one  plane  there  will  be 
seen  two  images  and  not  one.  He  gave  the  simple  device  of  proving 
this  by  displacing  one  axis  by  pressing  on  one  of  the  eyeballs  with 
a  finger.  He  asserted  also  that  while  normally  only  one  image  of  an 
object  was  seen  with  the  two  eyes,  this  image  included  more  than 
the  image  of  either  eye  alone,  and  gave  the  experiment  of  looking 
at  a  column  first  with  one  eye  and  then  the  other,  and  then  both 

Galen  gave  an  excellent  anatomical  description  of  the  eye  and  its 
parts.  We  still  use  most  of  the  names  he  applied,  and  appreciate 
what  he  said  about  the  retina's  similarity  to  brain  tissue.  He 
described  the  vitreus  and  its  hollow  cup  above  to  receive  the  crystal- 
line body.  Even  before  Galen,  this  crystalline  lens  was  called  a 
lentil-like  body,  and  Galen  knew  that  the  curvature  was  not  the 
same  on  the  two  sides.  Galen  called  the  eye  a  most  divine  instru- 
ment, and  expressed  unbounded  admiration  for  the  perfection  of  the 
eye  for  its  purpose.  Apparently,  some  people  had  been  finding  fault 


with  the  eye  and  saying  that  they  could  make  a  better  one  them- 
selves. Galen  remarks  that  if  they  are  so  much  more  skillful  than 
the  Creator,  he  would  like  to  see  some  of  the  eyes  they  could  make. 

Ancient  theories  about  the  physical  properties  of  light.  —  Turning 
to  the  physical  side,  Galen  refers  to  Euclid  as  the  mathemat- 
ical authority  for  the  straight  course  of  the  rays  of  light,  and 
says  that  the  visual  rays  are  straight  like  the  light  rays.  He  also 
appeals  to  the  experience  of  every  one  who  has  seen  the  rays  of  the 
sun  streaming  out  through  a  rift  in  the  clouds. 

During  the  first  part  of  Galen's  life  there  was  working  in  the  field 
of  science  another  giant  intellect,  Ptolemaeus,  whose  system  of 
astronomy  dominated  the  world  for  more  than  1500  years. 

Ptolemaeus  wrote  a  book  on  optics  which,  it  seems  to  me,  is  one  of 
the  chief  landmarks  in  the  history  of  the  subject.  Like  Euclid  he 
showed  that  the  angles  of  incidence  and  reflection  were  equal,  and 
that  the  incident  and  reflected  rays  were  in  the  same  plane;  but  what 
for  our  purposes  is  of  far  greater  importance,  he  showed  that  when 
light  passed  from  one  transparent  medium  to  another,  the  incident 
and  refracted  rays,  while  they  are  in  the  same  plane,  do  not  have 
equal  angles  with  the  normal,  but  that  the  angle  is  always  less  in 
the  denser  medium;  and  he  measured  the  angles  for  air  to  water, 
air  to  glass  and  glass  to  water,  and  the  reverse,  and  found  that  no 
matter  in  which  direction  the  light  passed,  the  an^le  was  always  less 
in  the  denser  medium.  He  explained  by  this  bending  of  the  light 
why  it  was  that  a  coin  in  an  empty  basin,  which  could  not  be  seen 
over  the  edge,  became  visible  when  water  was  added. 

For  measuring  the  angles  of  incidence  and  refraction,  he  used  a 
divided  circle,  and  the  tables  he  prepared  fill  us  with  admiration  for 
the  closeness  with  which  they  agree  with  the  results  attainable 
to-day  with  the  most  refined  apparatus.  He  not  only  discussed  re- 
fraction in  bodies  with  plane  surfaces,  but  also  with  concave  and 
convex  surfaces,  and  found  the  rule  to  hold  whatever  the  shape. 
It  is  true  that  he  did  not  discover  the  mathematical  expression  for 
refraction  —  that  took  1500  years  longer  —  but  he  showed  the  facts 
and  stated  them  with  a  clearness  never  since  excelled. 

Not  only  did  he  apply  the  knowledge  to  the  explanation  of  the 


visibility  of  the  coin  in  the  basin,  but  he  showed  that  from  the 
refraction  of  the  earth's  atmosphere,  the  heavenly  bodies  were  not 
where  they  appeared  to  be,  unless  they  were  directly  overhead. 
He  showed,  too,  that  if  the  eye  is  in  the  air  and  the  body  in  a  denser 
medium  it  will  appear  enlarged,  but  if  the  eye  were  in  the  denser 
medium  and  the  body  in  air,  it  would  appear  smaller.  Why,  with 
all  his  optical  knowledge,  Ptolemaeus  did  not  find  the  way  to  make 
magnifying  glasses  with  curved  surfaces,  is  hard  to  understand.  It 
took  over  a  thousand  years  more  of  effort  for  that  to  be  accom- 

In  passing,  while  every  one  must  have  the  deepest  appreciation 
for  the  service  to  the  world  that  the  Arabians  gave  in  preserving  the 
science  of  the  Greeks,  their  additions  to  scientific  knowledge  seem 
very  small.  For  example,  in  our  subject  of  optics  and  vision,  their 
statements  are  almost  wholly  based  on  the  geometry  and  optics  of 
Euclid,  the  optics  of  Ptolemaeus  and  the  structure  and  functions  of 
the  eye  as  stated  by  Galen.  Their  greatest  exponent  in  optics,  Al- 
hazen,  went  back  to  Aristotle  in  declaring  that  vision  is  by  light  rays 
from  the  object  to  the  eye.  He  also  applied  the  optics  of  Ptolemaeus 
to  the  eye  and  saw  that  there  must  be  refraction  at  the  curved  sur- 
face of  the  cornea  as  the  light  entered  the  eye. 

While  the  principles  of  optics  and  the  devising  of  optical  instru- 
ments besides  mirrors  did  not  command  much  attention  during 
noo  years  following  Ptolemaeus  and  Galen,  still  some  progress  had 
been  made  by  some  one,  but  by  whom  no  one  knows. 

Theories  and  experiments  of  Roger  Bacon.  —  Roger  Bacon  advo- 
cated with  the  deepest  earnestness  that  the  only  sure  guide  to  truth 
was  experiment.  Every  theory  must  stand  that  acid  test  before  it  is 
wise  finally  to  accept  it. 

That  great  i3th  century,  as  it  has  been  called,  was  one  of  intense 
intellectual  activity,  and  was  as  full  of  wild  guesses  and  vague 
dreams  as  any  period  in  the  history  of  the  world,  including  our  own. 
Roger  Bacon  tried  to  put  the  scientific  guesses  to  the  test  of  experi- 
ment as  far  as  he  could. 

I  know  that  many  of  us  will  hear  with  the  sympathy  of  personal 
experience  what  he  says  in  speaking  of  these  experiments.  For  that 

5$2         BRIEF   HISTORY   OF   LENSES   AND   MICROSCOPES     [Cii.  XV 

time,  he  was  comparatively  well  off,  and  he  asserts  that  most  of  his 
fortune  had  been  spent  for  copyists  to  get  the  needed  books;  for 
calculators  to  prepare  the  desired  astronomical  tables;  and,  last  but 
not  least,  to  buy  the  apparatus  with  which  to  try  the  experiments. 

The  most  extravagant  claims  have  been  made  for  Bacon.  One 
would  think  to  read  the  claims  that  he  was  the  originator  of  all 
scientific  knowledge,  and  the  inventor  of  every  piece  of  scientific 
apparatus  devised  before  or  during  his  time.  He  made  no  such 
claims.  What  he  believed  with  all  his  strength  was  that  the  prog- 
ress of  civilization  is  bound  up  with  a  knowledge  of  science,  already 
at  hand  or  to  be  gained,  and  he  was  filled  with  zeal  to  make  the 
knowledge  available  so  that  progress  might  begin  at  once  and  pro- 
ceed with  ever  increasing  speed. 

In  his  enthusiasm  he  mentioned  some  things  which  he  thought 
might  be  found  out,  such  as  flying  machines,  ships  without  sails, 
combinations  of  lenses  to  see  what  was  too  small  or  too  far  off  to 
see  with  the  naked  eye,  engines  of  power  by  the  use  of  explosives. 
He  has,  as  you  know,  been  credited  with  the  invention  of  gun- 
powder, cannon,  etc.  Here  is  what  he  himself  says  in  that  connec- 
tion: "Then  wonders  can  be  done  by  explosive  substances.  There 
is  one  used  for  amusement  in  various  parts  of  the  world  made  of 
powdered  saltpeter,  sulphur  and  the  charcoal  of  hazel-wood.  For 
when  a  roll  of  parchment  about  the  size  of  a  finger  is  filled  with  this 
powder,  it  produces  a  startling  noise  and  flash.  If  a  large  instru- 
ment were  used,  the  noise  and  flash  would  be  unbearable,  and  if 
the  instrument  were  made  of  solid  material,  the  violence  would  be 
much  greater.0 

To  deal  specifically  with  optics,  Roger  Bacon  expounded  with 
great  clearness  the  laws  of  refraction  given  by  Ptoiemaeus,  and  the 
structure  of  the  eye  as  given  by  Galen,  and  more,  he  applied  the 
knowledge  of  refraction  to  the  curved  surfaces  and  structures  of 
the  eye  in  explaining  vision.  He  stated  that  all  the  rays  reaching  the 
curved  surfaces  of  the  cornea  and  the  crystalline  lens,  except  the 
axial  ray  of  the  visual  cone,  must  be  bent  toward  the  axis  on  enter- 
ing the  eye.  But  this  seemed  to  bring  on  a  trouble  which  he  tried 
to  avoid.  The  trouble  was  that  if  the  rays  crossed,  there  would  be 

Cn.  XV]     BRIEF   HISTORY   CF   L KNITS   AND   MICROSCOPES         553 

an  inversion,  so  that  what  was  right  would  be  left,  and  what  left 
right,  and  what  up  would  be  down,  and  what  down  would  be  up. 
Here  then  was  a  second  puzzle  to  add  to  that  of  the  single  vision  with 
two  eyes. 

Roger  Bacon  showed  as  much  skill  in  getting  out  of  a  seemingly 
tight  place  as  the  scientific  men  of  the  present  day.  He  assumed 
that  the  vitreus  with  its  outer  concave  surface  to  receive  the  crystal- 
line lens  was  designed  on  purpose  to  keep  the  rays  from  crossing,  and 
thus  to  prevent  the  inversion  of  the  image.  It  is  not  so,  but  it  satis- 
fied not  only  Roger  Bacon,  but  such  brilliant  minds  as  Leonardo  da 
Vinci  and  Maurolycus,  and  a  host  of  others  during  the  next  400 

We  may  ask  what  was  the  fundamental  step  in  optics  that  Bacon 
showed.  In  his  own  words  it  was  this:  "  If  a  man  looks  at  letters 
and  other  minute  things  through  crystal  glass  or  other  transparent 
substance  in  the  form  of  the  small  part  of  a  sphere  ...  he  will  see 
the  letters  far  better,  and  they  will  appear  larger  to  him,  for  the 
angle  under  which  they  are  seen  is  greater,  and  the  image  is  con- 
sequently greater.  Such  an  instrument  is,  therefore,  useful  for  old 
men  and  those  with  weak  eyes,  for  they  can  see  the  letters,  however 
small,  with  sufficient  magnitude." . .  .  Here  then  is  the  simple 
microscope  and  convex  spectacles.  For  the  unnumbered  centuries  in 
which  the  human  race  had  been  upon  the  earth,  there  never  had 
been  any  help  for  giving  the  sight  of  youth  to  the  aged  and  experi- 
enced, and  the  wisest  years  of  life  had  to  be  spent  in  looking  at 
distant  things;  the  near  and  the  minute  were  only  a  blur. 

So  far  as  I  have  been  able  to  find,  this  statement  of  Roger  Bacon 
concerning  the  action  of  artificial  lenses  for  an  aid  to  vision  is  the 
first  in  scientific  literature.  He  does  not  call  these  segments  of 
spheres  lenses,  although  he  uses  the  adjective  lenticular  in  de- 
scribing their  form  as  had  been  done  for  the  crystalline  lens  of  the 
eye  for  over  a  thousand  years. 

In  leaving  the  contributions  of  Roger  Bacon  to  optics,  there  are 
two  remarkable  statements  by  him  of  the  profoundest  significance. 

(i)  He  says  light  is  not  composed  of  material  particles,  but  is  a 
kind  of  motion,  and  is  not  instantaneous  in  its  propagation,  but 


requires  time,  although  the  time  is  very  short.  It  is  transmitted 
more  rapidly  in  a  rarer  than  in  a  denser  medium  on  account  of  the 
resistance  of  the  density. 

(2)  He  described  and  gives  a  diagram  showing  the  passage  of  the 
rays  of  the  sun  through  a  flask  filled  with  water,  such  as  had  long 
been  used  by  the  physicians  for  cauterizing;  and  he  says  that  if  any 
inflammable  substance  is  put  at  the  point  where  all  the  rays  come 
together  beyond  the  flask,  they  will  be  set  on  fire.  Later  he  makes 
this  significant  statement:  "  In  the  fifth  place  we  have  to  speak  of 
light's  action  in  all  its  degrees.  Its  propagation  is  unequivocal  when 
as  light  it  produces  light;  but  there  is  equivocal  action  when  it 
makes  something  of  a  different  essence,  as  when  light  produces 

Development  of  Optical  Instruments  in  Two  Groups.  —  At  the  time 
of  Roger  Bacon's  Opus  Majus,  not  only  were  the  principles  of 
reflection  and  refraction  well  understood,  for  plane  and  curved 
surfaces,  but  lenses  were  actually  in  hand  and  it  seems  as  if  the 
way  was  fairly  open  for  the  production  of  optical  instruments. 
Progress  has  been  from  that  time  on  in  two  closely  parallel  roads. 
Sometimes  progress  has  been  rapid  on  one  road,  and  sometimes  on 
the  other,  depending  upon  human  need. 

The  two  roads  serve  for  two  groups  of  instruments: 

The  first  group  contains  instruments  in  which  the  eye  of  the 
observer  forms  an  integral  part  of  the  optical  train,  as  with  specta- 
cles, the  simple  and  the  compound  microscope,  and  the  telescope. 
The  second  group  includes  the  optical  instruments  which  form  real 
images  entirely  independent  of  the  eye,  like  the  magic  lantern,  the 
projection  microscope,  the  moving  picture  machine  and  the  photo- 
graphic camera. 

As  the  most  pressing  human  need  was  for  aid  to  defective  vision, 
the  first  development  was  with  spectacles.  It  is  astonishing  how 
soon  spectacles  came  into  use  after  the  publication  of  Roger  Bacon's 
Perspectiva  or  Optics.  This  was  widely  copied  and  found  in  many 
libraries,  so  that  the  knowledge  soon  became  available.  Even  as 
early  as  1299,  only  about  32  years  after  Bacon  put  out  his  work, 
there  appeared  in  a  manuscript  this  remarkable  passage: 


"  I  am  so  affected  by  years  that  I  cannot  read  or  write  without 
those  glasses  they  call  spectacles,  lately  found  out  for  the  benefit  of 
poor  old  men  when  their  eyesight  gets  weak." 

It  is  also  quite  modern  that  cheaper  means  of  producing  spectacles 
were  sought.  In  1300  the  superintendent  of  arts  in  Venice  found  it 
necessary  to  forbid  the  use  of  glass  for  making  "  reading  stones  " 
and  eye-glasses,  for  it  was  believed  at  that  time  that  only  those 
made  of  beryl  or  rock  crystal  were  really  effective  and  not  harmful. 
But  in  1301  permission  was  given  to  use  glass  provided  the  specta- 
cles and  reading  glasses  were  sold  as  glass,  not  as  crystal  or  beryl. 

Naturally,  in  the  beginning  the  needs  of  mature  persons  were 
especially  considered.  Their  chief  difficulty  was  their  growing  lack 
of  accommodation  that  comes  with  advancing  years,  and  to  over- 
come this,  convex  spectacles  were  constructed.  Concave  spectacles 
came  in  later.  Two  early  references  to  them  have  been  found,  the 
first  in  the  works  of  Cardinal  de  Cusa  in  a  chapter  called  "  Beryllus 
oculare  specillum,  "  which  reads:  "The  beryl  is  a  resplendent, 
colorless  and  transparent  stone  to  which  is  given  a  convex  or  a 
concave  form,  and  those  that  look  through  it  succeed  in  discovering 
things  at  first  invisible."  De  Cusa  died  in  1464,  therefore  this 
reference  is  of  a  date  prior  to  that. 

The  second  reference  to  concave  spectacles  is  in  the  work  of 
Barbaro  (1568),  p.  192,  in  which  the  statement  is  very  specific,  for 
he  says,  in  connection  with  the  construction  of  a  camera  for  drawing 
by  projection:  "  Take  an  old  man's  glass,  convex  on  both  sides, 
not  concave  like  the  glasses  of  youths  of  short  sight." 

The  next  radical  step  in  the  development  of  spectacles  was  taken 
by  two  English  astronomers.  The  first  was  Thomas  Young,  a  man 
of  many  accomplishments,  honored  equally  by  the  archaeologists, 
physicists,  astronomers  and  physiologists. 

In  1800,  Young,  in  experimenting  with  distances  at  which  lines 
were  sharp  to  him,  found  that,  when  held  vertically,  the  lines  were 
sharp  at  a  distance  of  twenty-five  centimeters,  but  when-  horizontal, 
they  had  to  be  held  at  a  distance  of  only  eighteen  centimeters.  He 
knew  that  this  meant  that  some  of  the  refracting  surfaces  in  his 
eyes  had  unequal  curvatures  for  the  vertical  and  the  horizontal 

55(>          BRIEF    HISTORY   OF    LENSES    AND    MICROSCOPES     [Cn.  XV 


Inventor  of  the  Dutch  Compound  Microscope  with  convex  objective  and  con- 
cave ocular  (1500).  It  gave  erect  images  (fig.  309).  Portrait  from  Petrus  Bo- 
rellus,  De  Vero  Telescopii  Inventore,  1655.  See  also  Harting,  Mayall,  Petri  and 


Astronomer  and  Optician.  Inventor  of  the  compound  microscope  with  convex  ob- 
jective and  convex  ocular.  It  gave  inverted  imaecs  (fie:.  310),  1611.  Portrait  from 
Kepler's  Opera  Cmnia.  See  Juannis  Kepleri,  Dioptrice,  1611.  "Problema 
LXXXVI,  Duobus  cotwexis  majora  et  distincta  przestare  visibilia,  sed  eversa." 
Opera  Omnia,  p.  540. 


Astronomer  and  Physicist.  Adaptation  of  the  Dutch  telescope  construction  to 
a  compound  microscope  with  convex  objective  and  concave  ocular  giving  erect 
images  (1610").  $ee  C  arpenter-Dallinger,  Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Soc.,  1889,  p.  574; 
Sedgwick  and  Tyler,  Hist.  Science.  Portrait,  Operc,  Vol.  I.  Milano,  1808 


Mathematician.  Astronomer  and  Physicist.  Inventor  of  the  Huygenian  ocular 
(1681-1687).  Portrait  from  O.uvrcs  comp.  t.  vii.  See  Sedgwick  and  Tyler,  [list. 
Science;  Encyc.  Brit. 

CHARLES   A.    SPENCER   304 

Pioneer  American  Optician.  Teacher  of  Tolles  and  II.  R.  Spencer.  Producer 
of  microscope  objectives  of  high  aperture  for  resolving  power.  Manufacturer  of 
glass  with  special  optical  qualities,  and  user  of  flitorite  in  lens  combinations  for  its 
optical  effects  (1851).  Proc.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  i8qi,  p.  248-249.  Memoir  by  H.  L. 
Smith,  Proc.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  1882,  by  Wm.  C.  Krauss,  1901.  Portrait  from 
the  original  negative  in  the  author's  possession. 

ROBERT   B.   TOLLES   305 

Student  of  C.  A.  Spencer.  Producer  and  advocate  of  homogeneous  immersion 
objectives  for  an  aperture  above  180°  in  air  for  their  superior  resolving  power, 
(1874).  Portrait  from  the  memoir  of  Dr.  Blackham.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  1884, 
pp.  41-46.  See  also  General  Cox,  same  volume,  pp.  s~39>  and  Dr.  Krauss,  1901, 
pp.  19-30  with  portraits.  Mayall,  p.  95. 


Inventor  of  the  Dark-Field  Microscope,  1850-1856,  by  the  use  of  a  paraboloid 
condenser  and  central  stop  to  give  a  hollow  cone  of  light.  Advocated  necessity 
of  immersion  contact  of  condenser  and  glass  slip  for  high  apertures.  Thickness 
of  slip  must  be  equal  to  the  working  distance  of  the  condenser.  Trans.  Micr. 
Soc.  London,  III,  1850,  pp.  83-90;  Quart.  Jour.  Micr.  Soc.  1854,  pp.  145-158; 
1856,  pp.  55-60.  Obituary.  Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Soc.,  1908,  pp.  693-697.  Portrait 
by  the  courtesy  Roy.  Micr.  Soc.  &  Ross  Ltd. 


Son  and  student  of  Charles  A.  Spencer.  Founder  of  the  Spencer  Lens  Com- 
pany. Continued  the  optical  work  and  traditions  of  his  distinguished  father. 
Portrait  from  the  memoir  by  Dr.  Wm.  C.  Krauss,  Trans.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc., 
IQOI,  pp.  19-30.  Used  fluorite,  1864-1865.  Proc.  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.  1891,  p.  248. 

ERNST  ABBE   308 

Inventor  of  the  Apochromatic  Objectives,  and  Compensation  Oculars  for  the 
microscope  (1885).  Clarifier  of  discussion  and  understanding  by  the  use  of  the  ex- 
pression ''Numerical  Aperture."  Creative  genius  at  the  foundation  of  the 
Jena  Glass  Works  (1881-1884).  Constructive  humanitarian  in  the  Zeiss  Optical 
Works.  Portrait  from  Vol.  I  of  the  Abhandlungen.  See  also  Jour.  Roy.  Micr. 
Soc.,  1905,  pp.  156-163. 


JANSEN    300 

KEPLER    301 

GALILEO    302 

HUYGENS    303 

C.  A.  SPENCER    304 

TOLLES     305 


WENHAM    306 

H.  R.  SPENCER    307 

ABBE    308 


axes.  He  found  that  this  could  be  compensated  by  holding  a 
spectacle  obliquely  before  the  eye,  when  the  lines  would  be  sharp  at 
the  same  distance  whether  they  were  held  vertically  or  horizontally. 

Twenty-five  years  later,  apparently  without  knowing  of  Young's 
experience,  George  B.  Airy  found  the  same  difficulty  with  one  of  his 
eyes.  The  other  was  short  sighted,  but  otherwise  normal.  Airy 
understood  the  condition  as  had  Young  and  found  obliquity  of  a 
spectacle  a  corrective.  He  reasoned  also  that  if  his  eye  had  a  cylin- 
drical instead  of  a  perfect  spherical  curve,  and  if  a  cylindrical 
spectacle  which  just  balanced  the  cylindrical  curve  in  the  eye  were 
used,  there  ought  to  result  good  vision,  and  so  it  proved  and 
has  proved  for  every  one  corrected  for  astigmatism  since  that 

Up  to  the  end  of  the  i6th  century  the  manufacture  of  lenses  of  all 
shapes  was  in  the  hands  of  the  spectacle  makers,  and  from  the 
nature  of  the  work  the  artisans  were  men  of  good  intelligence. 
Naturally,  many  experiments  were  tried,  and  at  last  in  1590,  Jansen, 
one  of  the  opticians  of  Middleburg,  Holland,  got  a  combination  with 
convex  objective  and  a  concave  ocular  which  realized  the  dream  of 
Roger  Bacon,  inasmuch  as  it  made  small  things  appear  large,  and 
distant  things  near.  As  the  same  instrument  served  both  as  a 
microscope  and  as  a  telescope,  a  little  later  it  was  called  a  microscope- 
telescope.  The  possibility  of  seeing  distant  objects  clearly  seemed 
of  immense  military  importance,  so  naturally  the  telescope  side  was 
first  intensively  developed. 

Simple  microscope.  —  Every  convex  lens  is  or  may  be  used  as  a 
microscope,  as  it  aids  the  eye  in  seeing  an  object  under  an  increased 
visual  angle,  and  hence  makes  it  appear  larger  than  it  would  if 
viewed  by  the  naked  eye.  Hence,  when  considering  the  history  of 
the  simple  microscope,  it  is  evident  that  that  history  is  the  same 
as  the  history  of  convex  lenses.  The  date  of  the  invention  is  some 
time  before  the  date  of  the  Opus  Majus  of  Roger  Bacon.  He  speaks 
of  them,  not  as  a  wholly  new  invention  of  his  own  time,  but  as  one 
of  the  means  by  which  wonderful  things  can  be  done.  His  whole 
purpose  in  the  discussion  was  to  induce  the  church  to  make  the  full- 
est use  of  all  the  products  of  science  to  give  the  superiority  which  he 


felt  was  the  right  and  the  privilege  of  the  Christian  world  to  possess 
in  its  efforts  for  advancing  civilization. 

The  simple  lens  or  the  combination  of  lenses  making  up  a  simple 
microscope  may  be  held  in  the  hand,  but  ordinarily  there  is  some 
metal  binding  and  support  for  the  protection  of  the  lens  or  lenses, 
and  their  easier  handling  or  focusing.  The  common  reading  glass 
with  its  convenient  handb  (fig.  4)  and  the  tripod  (fig.  232)  and  focus- 
ing lens  holder  (fig.  233)  are  good  examples. 

In  reading  the  older  literature  one  often  meets  with  the  expression 
"  single  microscope."  This  means  a  simple  microscope,  composed 
of  one  lens  (fig.  145),  and  is  in  contrast  with  the  "  double  micro- 
scope," or  compound  microscope  of  two  lenses  or  two  combinations 
(objective  and  ocular,  fig.  146). 

Dutch  and  Keplerian  compound  microscopes.  —  Each  has  a  convex 
lens  for  objective.  For  ocular  the  Dutch  form  has  a  concave  and 
the  Keplerian  form  a  convex  lens.  The  ocular  for  the  Keplerian 
form  is  properly  a  magnifier  of  the  real  image,  while  the  concave- 
lens  ocular  of  the  Dutch  microscope  acts  as  an  amplifier  for  the 

The  virtual  image  is  erect  with  the  Dutch,  but  inverted  with  the 
Keplerian  microscope. 

The  Dutch  compound  microscope.  —  So  far  as  known  at  present 
the  first  compound  microscope  invented  was  composed  of  two 
lenses,  a  convex  lens  for  the  objective  and  a  concave  lens  for  the 
ocular  (fig.  309).  The  convex  lens  is  placed  in  a  position  to  give  a 
real  image  of  the  object,  that  is,  the  object  is  outside  the  principal 
focus  of  the  objective,  but  before  the  real  image  is  formed,  a  concave 
lens  (the  ocular)  is  placed  in  the  path  of  the  beam.  This  makes  the 
rays  less  convergent  and  therefore  acts  as  an  amplifier,  and  serves 
to  increase  the  size  of  the  real  image  which  would  be  formed  by  the 
objective  alone.  The  eye  is  placed  close  to  the  ocular  and  focuses 
the  real  image  on  the  retina.  This  retinal  image  is  inverted  and, 
therefore,  when  projected  out  into  space,  it  seems  erect  as  with  the 
simple  microscope. 

Very  early  the  two  lenses  were  put  into  tubes  and  made  capable 
of  being  brought  together  or  separated,  depending  upon  the  distance 


of  the  object  to  be  examined.  The  nearer  the  object,  the  farther 
apart  must  be  the  ocular  and  objective.  There  still  remains  in  the 
ordinary  opera  glass  the  original  Dutch  telescope.  If  one  has  an 
opera  glass  it  is  easily  demonstrated  that  it  can  be  used  as  a  micro- 
scope by  unscrewing  the  ocular  so  that  it  may  be  separated  a 
considerable  distance  from  the  objective.  If  now  the  objective  is  held 
within  10  to  20  centimeters  of  an  object  and  the  ocular  moved  back 





Each  has  a  convex  lens  for  objective.  For  ocular  the  Dutch  form  has  a  con- 
cave and  the  Keplerian  form  a  convex  lens.  The  ocular  for  the  Keplerian  form 
is  properly  a  magnifier  of  the  real  image,  while  the  concave-lens  ocular  of  the 
Dutch  microscope  acts  as  an  amplifier  for  the  objective. 

The  virtual  image  is  erect  with  the  Dutch,  but  inverted  with  the  Keplerian 

and  forth  along  the  axis,  the  place  will  be  soon  found  where  the 
image  is  distinct  and  it  will  be  seen  much  enlarged. 

The  name  telescope  was  given  sometime  before  1618,  and  the 
designation  microscope  in  1625.  As  every  one  who  used  the  instru- 


ment  found  that  it  could  be  used  as  a  microscope  or  as  a  telescope 
it  soon  came  to  be  called  a  telescope-microscope,  or  a  microscope- 

77  e  Kephrian  compound  microscope.  —  When  the  Dutch  telescope 
came  to  the  attention  of  the  astronomer  and  optician,  Kepler,  he 
very  quickly  saw  that  the  same  effect  could  be  brought  about  by 
using  a  convex  ocular  as  well  as  a  convex  objective,  but  that 
the  image  would  be  inverted,  the  objective  serving  to  produce 
an  enlarged  real  image  and  the  ocular  to  magnify  that  image 
U-g.  310). 

The  demonstration  of  the  principles  on  which  such  a  microscope 
or  telescope  could  be  constructed  is  to  be  found  in  the  Dioptrica  of 
Kepler,  Proposition  LXXXVI.  The  proposition  is:  With  two 
convex  lenses  to  show  objects  larger  and  inverted. 

In  Prop.  LXXXIX,  it  is  stated  that  with  three  convex  lenses  can 
be  shown  objects  enlarged  and  erect.  This  is  the  principle  of  the 
terrestrial  or  erecting  telescope. 

Kepler  first  showed  the  real  action  of  the  eye  as  an  optical  instru- 
ment, and  that  the  retinal  image  must  be  inverted,  and  that  unless 
inverted,  objects  would  appear  wrong  side  up.  Now  we  know  that 
is  true,  for  it  is  an  easy  demonstration  to  show,  as  did  Scheiner  in 
1619-1625,  that  the  retinal  image  is  actually  inverted  in  the  eye  of 
an  animal  or  man. 

As  Kepler  showed  the  actual  dioptrics  of  the  eye,  he  was  the  first 
to  explain  the  action  of  spectacles  in  correcting  the  defects  of  long 
sight  and  short  sight,  viz.,  to  aid  the  refracting  surfaces  of  the  eye  to 
make  a  sharp  image  of  the  object  upon  the  retina. 

While  Kepler  gave  the  optical  demonstration  for  a  microscope 
or  telescope  with  convex  lenses,  he,  so  far  as  known,  did  not  actually 
construct  such  a  microscope  or  telescope.  Christopher  Scheiner, 
while  he  lacked  the  original  genius  of  Kepler  for  discovering  and 
expounding  principles,  had  greater  mechanical  ability.  He  actually 
constructed  the  Keplerian  telescope  and  microscope  and  used  them 
both  for  observation  and  for  projecting  real  images.  On  page  130 
of  the  Rosa  Ursinae  (1626-1630)  occurs  this  remarkable  passage: 
"  In  the  same  way  (i.e.,  by  two  convex  lenses)  was  produced  that 



wonderful  microscope  by  which  a  fly  was  made  as  large  as  an 
elephant  and  a  flea  to  the  size  of  a  camel. " 


From  the  invention  of  the  telescope-microscope  there  was  dissatis- 
faction that  it  was  for  but  one  eye,  and  before  1610  there  were  made 
those  for  both  eyes  by  putting  two  equal  instruments  side  by  side 
the  right  distance  apart  for  the  eyes  of  the  observer.  That  arrange- 
ment of  the  Dutch  telescope  still  holds  in  opera  glasses. 

One  of  the  first  examples  shown  in  pictured  form  is  that  of  the 
Cherubin  d'Orleans  in  1677  (fig.  311).  This,  as  seen  from  the 
picture,  is  a  binocular  Keplerian  microscope,  or  rather  two  of  them, 
as  both  objectives  and  oculars  are  of  convex  lenses.  The  objectives 
needing  to  be  close  together  makes  a  divergence  of  the  tubes  neces- 
sary to  get  the  right  pupillary  distance  for  the  oculars.  In  general, 


A     The  binocular  in  its  mounting. 

B     Sectional  view  showing  the  two  objectives  and  two  oculars. 

this  form  of  binocular  has  been  recently  revived  for  dissection,  only 
in  the  modern  form  achromatic  objectives  are  used  and  Huygenian 
oculars,  and  by  means  of  prisms  the  image  is  made  erect. 

Only  rather  large  objects  can  be  studied  with  such  binoculars,  and 
the  effort  to  divide  the  light  from  a  single  objective  reached  success 
only  as  late  as  1851,  when  it  was  worked  out  by  J.  L.  Riddell  of 
New  Orleans.  His  description  and  a  figure  were  published  in  the 
Quarterly  Journal  of  Microscopical  Science  in  1854.  From  that 
time  on  successful  binocular  microscopes  have  been  made.  The  one 
of  Wenham  (fig.  28)  in  England  (1860)  enjoyed  the  greatest  favor. 


Tolles  in  1864-1865  produced  his  binocular  eyepiece,  and  Nachet  in 
France  and  Zeiss  in  Germany  produced  binocular  instruments,  but 
there  were  defects  inherent  in  the  construction  of  all  forms,  es- 
pecially the  defect  that  they  could  not  be  used  very  satisfactorily 
with  high  powers,  and  they  were  expensive.  Finally,  in  1902,  Mr. 
F.  E.  Ives  figured  and  described  a  form  of  binocular  suitable  for 
all  powers,  including  the  highest  oil  immersion  objectives  (§  49). 
Several  recent  models  have  been  produced  in  which  the  principles 
he  enunciated  so  clearly  have  been  incorporated  (figs.  30-35). 

In  the  first  binoculars  of  the  Dutch  form,  the  tubes  were  parallel, 
as  with  opera  glasses,  but  in  many  of  the  later  forms  the  tubes  have 
been  put  at  an  angle  (fig.  33). 


The  projection  microscope  with  its  real  images  on  a  screen  has 
been  commended  from  the  first  invention  of  projection  apparatus 
because  many  can  see  the  image  at  the  same  time,  and  the  teacher 
or  exhibitor  can  be  sure  that  the  observers  are  seeing  the  special 
things  he  wishes  to  show.  But  in  looking  into  the  microscope  in 
the  ordinary  way  only  one  person  can  look  at  a  time,  even  with  the 
ordinary  binocular.  Therefore  there  arose  the  effort  to  divide  the 
light  from  the  object  so  that  two  or  more  could  see  the  same  image 
at  the  same  time.  The  use  of  prisms  for  dividing  the  light  in  the 
binocular  gave  the  hint,  and  in  1853  Nachet  constructed  a  micro- 
scope for  two  observers,  and  another  for  three  observers  (see  figures 
of  these  in  Harting  and  in  Robin's  work  on  the  microscope,  also  in 
the  original  paper).  Harting,  1858,  also  produced  a  microscope  for 
two  observers.  For  this  the  tubes  were  parallel.  By  putting  them 
closer  together  they  served  for  a  binocular  for  one  person. 

Finally,  in  his  enthusiasm  for  demonstration,  he  constructed  a 
microscope  in  which  the  beam  was  divided  among  four  diverging 
tubes  so  that  four  persons  could  see  the  same  specimen  at  once. 

Within  recent  years  the  demand  for  a  way  by  which  two  ob- 
servers could  look  at  once  has  given  rise  to  two  very  practical  double 
oculars  which  are  far  enough  apart  so  that  two  can  look  into  the 


oculars  conveniently.  One  was  devised  (1910)  by  Dr.  Edinger  of 
Frankfurt  and  produced  by  Ernst  Leitz  in  Germany,  and  the  other 
in  1916,  by  the  Spencer  Lens  Company  of  Buffalo,  New  York.  In 
both  these  double  oculars  there  is  an  adjustable  pointer  so  that  the  ex- 
act structure  which  is  to  be  studied  can  be  indicated ;  then  both  teacher 
and  student  can  be  sure  that  they  are  talking  about  the  same  thing. 


As  shown  above,  the  first  oculars  were  of  single  lenses,  —  for  the 
Dutch  telescope-microscope  a  concave  lens,  and  for  the  Keplerian 

microscope  a  convex  lens  (figs. 

For  the  Keplerian  microscope, 
which  soon  became  the  only  one 
used  for  microscopic  work,  all 
sorts  of  experiments  were  tried 
both  for  oculars  and  for  ob- 
jectives. Finally,  about  1660, 
Huygens,  the  great  Dutch 
astronomer  and  physicist,  de- 
signed for  the  telescope  the 
ocular  (figs.  24-25)  which  now 
bears  his  name.  It  was  soon 
adopted  for  the  microscope  and 
DUTCH  COM-  is  to  this  day  the  most  used  of 

The    Ramsden     ocular    was 
devised  by  J.  Ramsden  (1782) 

FIG.  312.     DESCARTES' 

abc,  def    Concave  ocular  (amplifier). 

S  T  Stand  and  circle  holding  the  mi- 
croscope and  pointing  it  toward  the  sun  or 
other  light  source. 

N  0  P    Convex  objective. 

C  C  Parabolic  mirror  for  illuminating 
opaque  objects. 

*  *  Condenser  for  illuminating  trans-  especially  for  the  ocular  micro- 
parent  objects.  r  ^ 

meter  (figs.  22,  160). 

The  compensation  oculars  were  invented  by  Abbe  (1885-1886) 
to  go  with  the  apochromatic  objectives  and  to  correct  the  residual 
defects 'in  the  objectives  (figs.  23,  114-115). 

for  the  telescope  and,  like  the 
Huygenian,  was  adapted  to  the 
microscope.  It  has  been  used 



Mirrors  and  condensers.  —  The  first  objects  looked  at  through  the 
microscope,  whether  simple  or  compound,  were  opaque  and  were 
illuminated  by  light  falling  upon  their  surface.  For  this  were  used 
condensing  lenses,  and  plane  and  concave  mirrors.  The  origin  of 
the  mirror  is  prehistoric.  The  first  were  of  polished  metal  and  of 
dark  minerals.  Those  with  a  metal  backing  have  been  known  only 
since  about  the  i2th  or  i3th  century,  and  those  with  silver  only  since 
about  100  years  ago.  It  is  not  to  be  forgot- 
ten that  still  water  and  other  smooth  objects 
in  nature  serve  as  mirrors,  and  have  always 

In  Descartes'  picture  of  the  Dutch  com- 
pound microscope  (fig.  312)  there  is  a 
parabolic  mirror  for  lighting  the  object  if 
opaque,  and  a  condensing  lens  for  trans- 
parent objects.  Descartes  also  gives  a 
picture  of  a  simple  microscope  with  a 
similar  concave  mirror  for  illuminating  the 
opaque  object  (fig.  313).  In  1668  Hooke 
speaks  of  looking-glasses  for  illuminating 
transparent  objects  for  projection.  The  first 
pictures  of  compound  microscopes  with  the 
mirror,  as  at  present  under  the  stage,  are  by 

Hertzel  (1712)  and  Marshall  (1718).  Fl£-    313.     DESCARTES' 

,  ,       .     .    .  ,  ,  .  SIMPLE  MICROSCOPE. 

A  condenser  of  a  single  lens  or  of  a  combina-      7  7  Rays  of  light  pass. 

tion  of  lenses  for  transparent  objects  dates  ing  to  the  reflector, 
from  the  earliest  use  of  the  compound  micro- 

scope,  as   shown    by  Descartes'    figure.    Its  the  opaque  object. 

importance  for  adequate  lighting  has  never  len^ 

been  lost  sight  of,  as  indicated  by  Brewster  nifier. 

(§  »8)    and    by    Nelson    (see    in    collateral  t 

reading);  and  never  so  thoroughly  appreciated      //    Crystalline  lens  of 

as  at  the  present  day.    The  form  most  com-  t  e  eye* 

mon  on  microscopes  is  the  uncorrected  one  of  Abbe  which  was  first 

described  in  the  Archiv  fur  Mikr.  Anat.,  Vol.  9,  1873,  p.  469. 

Achromatism.    As  pointed  out  in  §§  257-258,  white  light,  being 


composed  of  different  wave  lengths  (figs,  in,  121),  must  be  dif- 
ferently refracted  when  passed  through  a  prism  or  lens.  To  the 
normal  human  eye  the  different  waves  when  separated  or  dispersed 
out  into  groups  appear  of  different  colors.  Although  the  nomen- 
clature used  by  Newton  was  somewhat  different  from  that  now 
used,  he  supposed  that  the  refraction  of  the  different  waves  was 
in  exact  accordance  with  their  wave  lengths,  as  is  the  case  with 
a  diffraction  grating,  and  hence  there  could  be  no  achromatization 
of  dioptric  instruments,  for  when  the  dispersion  was  overcome  the 
refraction  must  also  be  eliminated.  The  mistaken  belief  that  the 
human  eye  was  achromatic,  however,  kept  alive  the  hope  of  produc- 
ing achromatic  microscopes  and  telescopes.  Experiments  on  a  large 
number  of  transparent  substances  showed  that  while  all  dispersed 
the  light,  the  dispersion  was  not  the  same  in  all,  some  affecting  one 
group  out  of  proportion  to  another.  This  irregularity  gave  the  clue 
to  the  way  to  accomplish  achromatism,  for  if  two  or  more  trans- 
parent bodies  could  be  combined  to  neutralize  their  dispersive 
effect  without  overcoming  the  mean  refraction,  it  would  be  possible 
to  make  achromatic  combinations.  This  is  shown  by  the  course 
of  the  beam  of  white  light  traversing  the  two  prisms  (fig.  112).  The 
first  to  accomplish  the  feat  in  a  way  to  make  achromatic  telescopes 
possible  was  John  Dollond  (1757).  Naturally,  the  telescope  took  the 
lead  in  the  improvement,  as  it  at  that  time  was  by  far  the  most 
important  optical  instrument.  Furthermore,  the  lenses  were  rela- 
tively large;  for  in  the  differentiation  of  the  telescope  and  micro- 
scope the  objective  of  the  telescope  became  progressively  larger  and 
that  for  the  microscope  progressively  smaller.  The  smaller  the 
lenses  the  more  perfect  must  be  the  grinding  and  polishing,  for 
slight  imperfections  in  their  small  area  introduce  obscurations  which 
in  the  larger  surface  of  the  telescope  lenses  would  be  negligible  (§272, 
fig.  119).  But  the  microscope  makers  undertook  the  task  in  several 
different  countries,  —  England,  France,  Russia,  Holland,  Germany 
and  Italy  —  and  from  1759  to  1824  were  tireless  in  their  efforts. 
Finally  Selligue  laid  before  the  French  Academy  the  result  of  his 
efforts  with  the  help  of  the  practical  opticians,  Vincent  and  Charles 
Chevalier.  From  that  time  on,  achromatic  objectives  became  more 


and  more  commcn  for  microscopes,  although  from  their  small  aper- 
ture they  were  not  liked  by  some  workers  so  well  as  the  more 
brilliant,  uncorrected  lenses. 

In  our  own  country,  Charles  A.  Spencer  took  the  lead  in  trying  to 
overcome  the  lack  of  brilliancy  in  achromatic  objectives.  He,  too, 
early  realized  and  grasped  the  importance  of  aperture  for  the  micro- 
scopic objective.  He  realized  also  that  for  the  balancing  of  the  dis- 
persions and  refractions  to  make  true  achromatic  combinations,  it 
was  necessary  to  have  materials  for  lenses  with  special  properties. 
He  worked  in  two  directions.  One  was  the  use  of  the  natural  min- 
eral fluorite  whose  properties  had  been  pointed  out  by  Brewster 
(§  259a)  and  the  other  was  the  production  of  new  forms  of  glass 
with  specially  desired  optical  qualities. 

It  fills  one  with  admiration  to  think  of  this  genius  with  small 
means  working  alone  in  his  cramped  quarters  trying  to  make  new 
forms  of  glass,  which  with  the  old  forms  and  with  natural  minerals 
would  enable  him  to  produce  the  objectives  of  his  dream  with  large 
aperture  and  perfect  color  and  spherical  correction.  While  his  suc- 
cess, and  that  of  his  pupil  Tolles,  were  certainly  great  in  producing 
the  highest  type  of  objective  for  the  telescope  and  microscope  with 
the  materials  already  to  be  had,  his  glass  making  did  not  bring  him 
all  that  he  wanted.  It  was  reserved  for  the  optical  works  of  Zeiss 
and  the  genius  of  Abbe,  with  the  help  of  the  practical  glass  maker 
Schott  and  the  liberality  of  the  German  government,  finally  to 
overcome  the  difficulties  in  making  new  forms  of  glass  with  specially 
desired  qualities  of  dispersion  and  refraction;  and  even  then  it  was 
necessary  to  go  back  to  the  natural  mineral  fluorite  to  make  possible 
the  apochromatic  objectives.  Those  interested  are  recommended  to 
read  the  work  of  Hovestadt  on  the  new  Jena  glass. 

Immersion  objectives.  In  the  development  of  any  art  the  science 
needed  almost  always  lags  behind,  and  is  developed  in  most  cases 
to  explain  what  has  already  been  discovered  by  the  hard  and 
roundabout  method  of  "  trial  and  error."  This  was  the  case  with 
immersion  objectives.  Amici  in  Italy  and  David  Brewster  in 
Great  Britain  were  busy  in  trying  to  improve  microscope  objectives 
by  any  feasible  method.  They  used  all  sorts  of  liquids  for  immersion. 
Water  was  one  of  the  most  successful  and  still  holds  its  own. 


The  advantage  of  the  immersion  principle  gradually  became 
understood  to  be  the  possibility  of  increasing  the  aperture  under 
which  the  object  could  be  viewed.  The  final  step  by  which  the 
aperture  could  be  pushed  to  the  limit  of  human  skill  in  figuring  the 
lenses  came  when  Mr.  Tolles  (1871-1874)  showed  in  the  clearest 
manner  the  possibility  of  making  such  objectives  and  increasing  the 
aperture  by  means  of  homogeneous  contact  between  the  condenser 
and  the  slide  or  object  and  between  the  object  or  cover-glass  and 
the  front  lens  of  the  objective.  The  matter  is  well  stated  by  Hon. 
J.  D.  Cox  in  his  presidential  address  before  the  American  Micro- 
scopical Society  for  1884  (pp.  5-39),  and  in  Mr.  Mayall's  Cantor 
Lectures  on  the  History  of  the  Microscope  (1885).  On  p.  96  Mayall 
says:  "  If  priority  of  publication  of  the  formula  on  which  homo- 
geneous immersion  objectives  could  be  produced  carries  with  it  the 
title  of  inventor,  then  Mr.  R.  B.  Tolles  stands  alone  as  inventor; 
but  he  not  only  published  the  formula,  he  constructed  objectives  on 
it."  The  formula  was  submitted  with  the  objective  in  1874.  The 
homogeneous  immersion  objectives  of  Zeiss  came  out  in  1878. 

Many  substances  have  been  tried  for  the  homogeneous  fluid. 
Thickened  cedar-wood  oil  has  proved  most  satisfactory.  Mr.  Tolles 
used  Canada  balsam;  if  one  is  out  of  cedar- wood  oil  and  has 
Canada  balsam  of  moderate  thickness,  good  results  can  be  obtained 
by  using  the  balsam  as  an  immersion  liquid  with  ordinary  light. 
As  shown  above  (§  309),  none  of  the  regular  homogeneous  immersion 
liquids  will  answer  for  the  immersion  medium  with  the  ultra-violet 
microscope.  Petrolatum  has  nearly  the  right  refractive  index,  and  is 
non-fluorescing,  therefore  it  answers  well  for  the  immersing  fluid 
in  ultra-violet  work.  It  is  also  used  by  many  for  the  usual  routine 
examinations  with  the  oil  immersion  objectives,  but  one  cannot  get 
the  most  perfect  images  when  it  is  used  (§  269). 


In  the  earliest  literature  giving  directions  for  the  use  of  optical 
instruments,  there  is  made  over  and  over  again  the  statement  that 
for  the  clearest  images  no  light  should  reach  the  eye  except  from  the 
object  itself.  But  when  the  object  is  on  a  white  background,  or 


when  lighted  by  rays  from  behind  and  on  all  sides,  filling  the  whole 
field  of  view,  it  is  evident  that  the  light  from  the  object  is  only  a 
small  part  of  that  which  enters  the  eye,  and  the  fine  details  are 
wholly  obliterated  or  only  dimly  seen.  To  overcome  this  difficulty 
two  means  have  been  employed:  —  First,  myriads  of  dyes  have 
been  invented  to  stain  the  delicate  parts  of  the  microscopic  objects 
so  that  color  images  are  given  in  the  bright  field.  The  second 
method  is  an  application  to  microscopy  of  the  knowledge  gained  in 
astronomy  —  that  is,  to  view  the  objects  only  by  the  light  which 
they  themselves  send  into  the  microscope.  Of  course,  if  the  objects 
are  truly  self-luminous,  as  are  the  fixed  stars  in  astronomy,  no  ac- 
cessory light  is  needed,  but  if,  as  with  the  planets  in  the  sky,  objects 
without  any  intrinsic  light,  must  in  some  way  be  illuminated  brightly 
by  an  outside  source,  and  in  that  way  objects  become  visible  as  if 
self-luminous,  by  the  extrinsic  light  which  they  reflect,  refract  or 
diffract  into  the  microscope,  just  as  the  planets  deflect  the  light 
from  the  sun  to  the  earth. 

With  the  sky  at  night,  the  back  ground  will  be  dark  and  appear 
like  empty  space,  and  the  whole  attention  can  be  given  to  the 
shining  objects.  If  the  objects  are  too  small  to  be  resolved  by  the 
microscope  used,  then  they  will  appear  simply  as  points  of  light,  as 
with  the  ultra-microscope,  but  if  they  come  within  the  resolving 
power  of  the  microscope,  all  the  finest  details  will  be  brought  out 
with  striking  clearness.  Naturally,  to  get  this  dark-field  illumina- 
tion the  light  from  the  source  must  be  of  so  great  obliquity  that 
none  of  it  can  enter  the  microscope  objective  directly,  and  it  must 
be  of  sufficient  brilliancy  so  that  the  objects  to  be  studied  will  be 
bright  enough  to  be  clearly  visible.  This  dark-field  microscopy 
was  begun  by  Lister  in  1830,  and  by  Reade  in  1837,  and  made 
available  for  the  highest  powers  by  Wenham  in  1850-1856. 

It  seems  to  me  after  many  years  of  experience  with  all  the  dyes 
used  in  microscopy  for  bright-field  work,  and  with  all  the  dark-field 
methods  so  far  devised,  that  the  future  physicist,  chemist  and 
biologist  will  feel  as  much  handicapped  without  the  ultra-microscope 
and  the  dark-field  microscope  as  would  the  astronomers  if  they  had 
no  clear,  dark  nights,  and  could  work  only  in  the  daytime. 



Wherever  in  the  brain  the  final  visual  effects  may  be  interpreted, 
it  has  been  recognized  since  the  time  of  Kepler  that  for  the  clearest 
vision  there  must  first  be  formed  a  perfect  image  on  the  retina  of 
the  eye,  and  that  the  entire  optical  and  accommodating  mechanism 
of  the  eye  exists  for  the  sole  purpose  of  producing  a  sharp  retinal 
image.  Kepler,  Young  and  Airy  showed  exactly  what  concave,  con- 
vex and  cylindrical  spectacles  did  to  aid  in  giving  a  perfect  retinal 
image  when  there  were  defects  of  short  sight,  long  sight  or  astigma- 
tism. Now,  as  the  optician  strives  to  make  his  instruments  capable 
of  giving,  with  a  normal  eye,  a  perfect  retinal  image,  it  follows 
logically  that  with  an  imperfect  eye  in  the  optical  train  no  perfect 
retinal  image  is  possible,  no  matter  how  good  the  optician's  work 
has  been.  If,  then,  the  observer's  eyes  must  be  helped  by  spectacles 
to  get  a  perfect  retinal  image,  the  spectacles  should  be  worn  when 
looking  into  an  optical  instrument  as  well  as  when  reading  or  using 
the  eyes  for  any  other  accurate  vision.  Probably  every  optician 
would  agree  to  this  as  a  general  proposition,  but  strange  to  say, 
until  very  recently,  microscope  makers,  at  least,  have  constructed 
their  oculars  so  that  it  is  almost  or  wholly  impossible  to  use  one's 
spectacles  when  looking  into  the  microscope.  That  is,  they  have  con- 
structed them  so  that  the  eyepoint  or  exit-pupil  is  so  near  the  eyelens 
that  spectacles,  especially  those  of  toric  form,  cannot  be  worn 
because  they  keep  the  eye  too  far  from  the  eyelens  of  the  ocular. 
Furthermore,  some  of  the  best  makers,  when  the  oculars  were 
constructed  with  high  eyepoints  to  give  the  best  effects,  have  added 
a  perforated  tube  to  the  top  of  the  ocular  so  that  the  spectacled 
user  even  than  had  to  remove  his  spectacles. 

One  English  optical  house  has  listened  to  the  appeals  of  their 
toric-spectacled  patrons,  and  has  produced  a  full  series  of  oculars 
with  eyepoints  high  enough  so  that  toric  spectacles  can  be  worn  with 
comfort  when  using  the  microscope. 

I  have  appealed  to  our  American  opticians  to  give  the  spectacle 
users  —  and  practically  every  one  doing  serious  research  must 


wear  spectacles  —  this  measure  of  assistance,  and  I  hope  the  mem- 
bers of  the  Optical  Society  will  add  their  influence. 


I  suppose  that  every  one  will  agree  that  the  human  eye  was 
created  or  developed  for  daylight;  and  what  it  required  untold  ages 
to  evolve,  naturally  resists  rapid  change.  In  the  short  days  of  fall 
and  winter,  and  in  the  dimness  of  foggy  weather  in  many  regions, 
the  daylight  is  distressingly  short  or  inadequate  for  the  exacting 
work  of  the  modern  world,  hence  the  artificial  lights  to  gain  ex- 
tention  of  time  and  efficiency.  Even  the  best  artificial  lights  are 
so  unlike  sunlight  that  the  eyes  are  put  to  a  great  strain. 

To  remedy  this  trouble  many  efforts  have  been  made  to  give 
daylight  qualities  to  the  artificial  lights  which  must  be  used.  For- 
tunately, within  the  last  few  years  such  artificial  daylight  has  been 
made  available  at  a  very  moderate  cost.  Certainly  for  users  of  the 
microscope  it  is  a  great  boon,  and  from  much  experience  it  is  be- 
lieved that  with  this  help  the  eyes  of  the  experts  will  be  able  to 
serve  their  owners  for  a  longer  time  to  carry  on  their  researches, 
much  to  the  advantage  of  the  individual  and  of  the  community. 


The  production  of  real  images  by  means  of  a  naked  aperture  and 
by  means  of  a  lens  were  the  beginnings  of  the  magic  lantern,  the 
photographic  camera,  the  projection  microscope  and  the  drawing 

As  shown  elsewhere  (Optic  Projection,  p.  673),  the  production  of 
real  images  in  dark  places  by  means  of  an  aperture  or  hole  in  the 
wall  is  a  purely  natural  phenomenon.  The  systematic  utilization  of 
this  phenomenon  by  man  had  its  beginnings  in  the  sixteenth  and 
seventeenth  centuries.  *  The  first  certain  statement  of  the  use  of  a 
lens  in  the  aperture  to  make  the  picture  clear  and  vivid  occurs  in 
the  work  of  Daniel  Barbaro  on  perspective. 

From  this  time  on,  a  lens  is  always  used  for  projection.  At  first 
the  images  were  smaller  than  the  object,  as  naturally  only  the 


brightly  lighted  objects  in  the  exterior  world  were  projected,  but  as 
artificial  and  natural  light  were  used  to  illuminate  smaller  and 
smaller  objects,  many  of  which  were  transparent,  and  the  projection 
lenses  were  made  of  shorter  focus,  the  images  became  larger  than 
the  object.  Finally  (1665),  when  the  apparatus  became  small,  and 
only  the  object  and  lens  and  light  were  enclosed  and  the  image  was 
on  a  screen  outside,  the  magnifying  action  seemed  like  that  of  a 
microscope,  and  Milliet  de  Chales,  in  speaking  of  the  magic  lantern 
of  Walgensten,  says  (Vol.  II,  p.  667):  "  In  this  machine  you  have  a 
kind  of  microscope,"  and  Zahn,  p.  255,  in  discussing  the  magic 
lantern,  says:  "  It  is  a  kind  of  microscope."  Both  authors  point 
out  the  great  advantage  this  kind  of  microscope  has  over  the 
ordinary  one  in  that  many  persons  can  see  the  image  at  the  same 
time.  Kepler  (1611)  showed  that  the  Dutch  telescope-microscope 
and  also  his  own  combination  of  convex  lenses,  could  be  used  for 
projecting  images.  Schemer  (1626-1630)  used  them  for  projecting 
images  of  the  sun  so  that  he  could  draw  the  spots.  See  also  Hooke, 
Trans.  Roy.  Soc,,  1668,  p.  741. 

Naturally,  with  the  perfecting  of  objectives  (1824  and  onward), 
and  the  finding  of  more  powerful  artificial  lights  (lime  light,  1824, 
electric  light,  especially  since  1880),  the  projection  microscope  is 
coming  to  be  used  more  and  more. 

The  use  of  real-image  forming  optical  appliances  is  increasing 
with  ever  accelerated  velocity  in  our  own  time.  To  realize  this  one 
has  only  to  think  of  the  photographic  cameras  in  the  hands,  not 
only  of  experts,  but  of  old  and  young  everywhere,  and  to  think  of 
the  moving  picture  machines  in  every  village  and  in  many  private 
homes.  So,  too,  the  magic  lantern  is  a  part  of  the  regular  outfit 
of  many  churches  and  societies  and  practically  every  high  school 
and  college  in  the  land;  and  the  projection  microscope  for  showing 
the  minute  details  of  the  objects  to  be  studied  finds  an  honorable 
place  in  laboratories  of  all  universities. 

Recently  projection  apparatus  has  found  a  welcome  in  testing 
laboratories,  much  to  the  advantage  and  comfort  of  those  making 
the  tests,  for  the  real  images  can  be  seen  with  both  eyes  and  the 
head  and  shoulders  held  in  a  natural,  unstrained  position  (§  444). 


Its  aid  in  getting  accurate  drawings  is  now  more  appreciated  than 
ever.  It  also  serves  to  obtain  photographs  of  microscopic  objects 
which  give  the  minutest  details  with  a  delicacy  and  accuracy  that 
the  human  artist  finds  difficult  to  approach. 

The  first  drawings  made  by  the  aid  of  the  microscope  were  free- 
hand. Examples  of  the  drawings  may  be  seen  in  the  work  of 
Borellus,  and  in  facsimiles  shown  in  the  Journal  of  the  Royal 
Microscopical  Society,  1915,  pp.  317-340.  The  desire  for  accuracy 
and  ease  in  tracing  outlines  of  microscopic  images  comparable  with 
those  so  easily  attained  with  the  real  images  of  the  projection 
microscope  led  to  the  invention  of  the  camera  lucida,  by  which  the 
microscopic  field  and  the  drawing  field,  pencil,  etc.,  can  be  super- 
posed. The  first  one  invented  is  still  used.  It  is  the  Wollaston  form 
(fig.  1 68),  and  was  described  by  Wollaston  in  Nicholson's  Journal, 
1807,  pp.  1-5.  The  other  form  shown  in  fig.  169  was  described  in 
principle  by  G.  Burch,  Jour.  Quek.  Micr.  Club,  1878,  p.  47;  and  by 
Dippel  in  the  Bot.  Centrlbl.,  1882,  pp.  242-3. 

Drawing  with  the  projection  apparatus  has  been  practised  from  its 
first  invention.  Indeed,  in  all  those  who  described  such  apparatus, 
the  great  help  that  was  to  be  gained  in  drawing  was  emphasized. 
Both  eyes  can  be  used,  and  perfect  freedom  of  the  artist  is  enjoyed, 
which  is  in  marked  contrast  with  camera  lucida  drawing.  For  the 
early  appreciation  of  projection  apparatus  and  the  camera  obscura 
for  drawing  see:  Barbaro,  1568;  Kepler,  1611;  Scheiner,  1626-1630; 
Robert  Hooke,  1668;  Henry  Baker,  1742;  G.  Adams,  1746;  Goring 
and  Pritchard,  1837;  Chevalier,  1839. 

Daniel  Barbaro.  —  In  his  work,  La  pratica  della  perspettiva,  Venice,  1568, 
Ch.  V,  p.  192,  Barbaro  says:  "Take  an  old  man's  glass,  convex  on  both  sides, 
not  concave  like  the  glasses  of  youths  of  short  sight,  fix  the  convex  glass  in  a 
hole,  close  all  the  windows  so  that  no  light  may  enter  except  through  the  lens. 
Now  take  a  sheet  of  white  paper  and  bring  it  toward  the  lens  until  all  outside 
the  house  is  clearly  seen.  When  the  proper  position  .is  found  you  will  see  the 
images  on  the  paper  as  they  are,  and  the  gradations  in  colors,  shadows,  move- 
ments, clouds,  the  rippling  of  waters,  birds  flying,  and  everything  that  can  be 
seen.  For  this  experiment  the  sun  must  be  clear  and  bright,  for  the  sunlight  has 
great  power  in  bringing  out  the  images.  You  can  draw  on  the  paper  with  a  pen- 
cil all  the  perspective,  and  the  shading  and  coloring  according  to  nature/' 

Johannes  Kepler.  —  In  Reliquiae  Wottonianae,  edited  by  Izaak  Walton, 
London,  1672,  pp.  298-300.  In  a  letter  to  his  kinsman,  Francis  Bacon:  "I  have 
your  Lordship's  letters  dated  the  2oth  of  October  (1620).  I  lay  a  night  at" 


Lintz.  .  .  .  There  I  found  Keplar,  a  Man  Famous  in  the  Sciences,  as  your  Lordship 
knows,  to  whom  I  purpose  to  convey  from  hence  one  of  your  Books,  that  he  may 
see  we  have  some  of  our  own  that  can  Honor  our  King,  as  well  as  he  hath  done  with 
his  Harmanica.  In  this  Mans  study  I  was  much  taken  with  the  draught  of  a  Land- 
skip  on  a  piece  of  Paper,  methoughts  Masterly  done:  whereof  inquiring  the  Author, 
he  bewrayed  with  a  smile,  it  was  himself;  adding,  he  had  done  it,  Non  tanquam 
Pietor,  sed  tanquam  Mathematicus.  This  set  me  on  Fire:  At  last  he  told  me  how. 
He  hath  a  little  black  Tent  (of  what  stuff  is  not  much  importing)  which  he  can 
suddenly  set  up  where  he  will  in  a  Field,  and  it  is  convertible  (like  a  Wind-mill) 
to  all  Quarters  at  Pleasure,  capable  of  not  much  more  than  one  Man,  as  I  con- 
ceive, and  perhaps  at  no  great  ease;  exactly  close  and  dark,  save  at  one  hole, 
about  an  Inch  and  a  half  in  the  Diameter,  to  which  he  applies  a  long  perspec- 
tive Trunk,  with  a  Convex  glass  fitted  to  the  said  hole,  and  the  concave  taken 
out  at  the  other  end,  which  extendeth  to  about  the  middle  of  this  erected  Tent, 
through  which  the  visible  Radiations  of  all  the  Objects  without,  are  intromitted, 
falling  upon  a  Paper,  which  is  accommodated  to  receive  them,  and  so  he 
traceth  them  with  his  Pen  in  their  natural  Appearance,  turning  his  little  Tent 
round  by  Degrees,  till  he  hath  designed  the  whole  Aspect  of  the  Field.  This  I 
have  described  to  your  Lordship,  because  I  think  there  might  be  good  use  made 
of  it  for  Chorography:  for  otherwise,  to  make  Landskips  by  it  were  illiberal; 
though  surely  no  Painter  can  do  them  so  precisely." 

Henry  Baker.  —  The  Microscope  Made  Easy,  1742.  On  page  25  occurs  this 
"Such  too  as  have  no  skill  in  drawing  may,  by  this  contrivance  [projection  mi- 
croscope], easily  sketch  out  the  exact  figure  of  an  object  they  have  a  mind  to 
preserve  a  picture  of;  since  they  need  only  fasten  a  paper  upon  a  screen  and  trace 
it  out  thereon  either  with  a  pen  or  pencil  as  it  appears  before  them."  This  old  book 
has  an  abundance  of  illustrations  and  contains  a  mine  of  good  suggestions. 


Spectroscope  for  use  with  a  microscope.  Since  the  fundamental 
studies  by  Newton  on  the  colors  in  white  light  by  the  aid  of  a 
prism  in  1666,  all  kinds  of  light  have  been  subjected  to  spectral 
analysis  and  many  important  facts  concerning  the  physical  world 
have  been  discovered.  For  the  investigation  of  minute  objects,  a 
special  form  of  spectroscope  has  been  devised  for  use  with  tht 
microscope.  It  is  of  the  direct- vision  form  (§§  274,  fig.  120)  and 
was  devised  and  perfected  by  Sorby  and  Huggings  (1865)  and  per- 
fected later  by  Browning,  Swift,  Ward  and  Abbe,  etc.  Spectroscopes 
for  the  microscope  have  been  named:  Micro-spectroscopes,  spectral 
oculars,  and  Mr.  Dallinger  suggests  that  the  name  spectro-micro- 
scope  be  used.  This  would  bring  the  name  in  harmony  with  polar- 
izing microscope,  ultra-violet  microscope,  etc. 


Polarizing  Microscope.  Since  1808-10,  when  Malus  found  that 
light  reflected  from  glass  surfaces  had  peculiar  properties  which  he 
named  polarization,  an  immense  amount  of  investigation  has  been 
undertaken  to  find  out  the  meaning  of  polarization,  and  the  phe- 
nomena which  polarized  light  produces.  Much  study  and  many 
investigations  have  been  applied  to  the  means  of  polarizing  light, 
and  many  phenomena  when  first  discovered  have  been  brought  in 
line  with  this  peculiarity,  for  example,  the  double  refraction  in 
calcite  discovered  and  described  by  Bartholinus  in  1669.  The 
investigations  have  been  greatly  simplified  and  made  exact  by  the 
invention  of  the  polarizing  and  analyzing  prisms  of  Wm.  Nicol, 
described  by  him  in  1828. 

Sir  David  Brewster  sought  to  discover  the  effects  of  polarized 
light  upon  small  objects,  and  devised  a  method  of  doing  so  with  a 
simple  microscope  in  1816.  It  was  not,  however,  until  after  the 
Nicol  Prism  was  invented  in  1828  that  a  completely  successful  ap- 
plication of  polarized  light  was  made  to  the  compound  microscope. 
This  was  accomplished  by  Henry  Fox  Talbot  in  1834.  First  he 
used  tourmaline,  but  the  color  was  objectionable.  Then  he  used 
Nicol  prisms  with  complete  success.  One  prism  was  put  under  the 
stage  to  polarize  the  light  and  a  similar  one  over  the  ocular  to 
analyze  it.  He  called  the  two  prisms  (figs.  91-92)  polarizers.  In  a 
paper  in  1836  Talbot  gave  the  true  explanation  of  the  single  beam 
shown  by  the  Nicol  prism,  asserting  that  one  of  the  beams  was  wholly 
removed  by  total  internal  reflection  (§  216). 

The  information  concerning  the  physical  character  of  objects 
revealed  by  the  use  of  polarized  light  was  early  appreciated,  and  its 
use  advocated  with  great  earnestness  by  the  early  workers,  Brewster, 
Talbot,  Quekett,  etc.  Lately  there  has  appeared  an  entire  volume  of 
over  500  pages  dealing  with  animal  tissues  and  organs  (W.  J. 
Schmidt).  Drs.  Chamot  and  Mason  show  in  their  Micro-Chemistry 
what  an  indispensable  aid  the  polarizing  microscope  is  in  chemistry. 


The  discovery  that  outside  the  band  of  visible  light  were  similar 
radiations  which  were  invisible,  was  epoch  making.  The  first  of 


these  discoveries  was  by  William  Herschel  in  1801,  when  he  found 
the  infra-red  of  the  solar  light,  or  the  invisible  heat  rays  of  sunlight. 
The  second,  stimulated  by  Herschel's  work,  was  the  discovery  by 
Johann  Wilhelm  Ritter  in  1801  to  1803  of  the  ultra-violet  radiations 
beyond  the  violet  end  of  the  spectrum.  As  the  infra-red  radiations 
were  found  by  their  heating  effect,  and  still  are  called  heat  rays,  the 
ultra-violet  was  discovered  from  the  action  on  chlorid  of  silver,  and 
was  called  actinic  or  chemical  radiation. 

These  heat  rays  and  chemical  rays  have,  since  their  discovery, 
played  a  great  role  in  physics,  and  are  destined  to  play  an  equally 
great  r61e  in  physiology. 

Ritter  says  that  he  found  the  chemical  action,  the  22d  of  Febru- 
ary, 1801,  by  the  use  of  one  of  Newton's  prisms  in  a  region  below 
the  violet  (ausserhalb  des  Violet).  (Annalen  der  Physik,  Bd.  7,  p. 
527  and  p.  409.) 

It  is  a  long  road  leading  to  the  present  activity  in  experimenting 
with  ultra-violet  radiation,  and  now  the  activity  is  at  a  highly 
increased  velocity.  For  the  scores  of  papers  dealing  with  the 
physiological  side,  one  can  find  full  information  in  the  Quarterly 
Cumulative  Index  Medicus. 

In  1833,  David  Brews ter  found  that  certain  substances  glowed 
with  visible  light  when  acted  upon  by  ultra-violet.  He  called  the 
effect  "  internal  dispersion."  In  1852  came  the  fundamental  work 
of  George  Gilbert  Stokes,  "  On  the  Change  of  Refrangibility  of 
Light,  "  and  he  proposed  to  call  the  change  by  which  objects  gave 
out  light  visible  to  the  eye  when  acted  on  by  the  invisible  radiation, 
"  Fluorescence  "  and  that  name  is  now  universally  employed. 

The  ultra-violet  or  fluorescence  microscope  utilizing  radiation  of 
250  m/x  to  410  mju  wave  length  can  "now  be  used  in  every  laboratory. 
The  capillary  mercury  arcs  (fig.  129  A)  are  as  simple  to  use  as  any  arc 
or  mazda  light.  For  elimination  of  visible  light  from  the  mercury 
light  there  must  be  an  ultra-violet  filter  like  the  red-purple  corex  A 
(fig.  129  B).  For  photo-micrography  there  are  other  filters  to  transmit 
only  "special  mercury  spectral  lines.  The  condenser  must  be  of  quartz 
and  for  most  purposes  must  have  a  dark-field  element  at  the  top 
as  illustrated  in  figures  126,  280.  The  slips  on  which  the  objects  are 


mounted  must  be  of  quartz  or  of  corex  or  other  ultra-violet  trans- 
mitting glass. 

The  cover-glasses,  objectives  and  oculars  ordinarily  used  with  a 
microscope  are  employed,  (fig.  125,  128). 

The  objects  to  be  studied  are  either  fluorescent  and  thus  send 
their  visible  light  into  the  microscope,  or,  if  non-fluorescent,  they 
are  observed  by  ordinary  light  to  see  if  any  changes  have  taken 
place  due  to  the  ultra-violet  irradiation. 

Ultra-Violet  for  Photography.  It  was  thoroughly  appreciated  by 
the  leading  microscopists  of  the  igth  century  that  the  resolution  of 
the  microscope  was  bound  up  with  the  wave  length  of  the  light  used. 
That  being  assumed,  it  was  felt  certain  that  if  one  could  make  use  of 
the  short  ultra-violet  radiation,  finer  and  finer  details  could  be 
brought  out.  As  these  radiations  are  invisible  to  the  eye,  recourse 
was  had  to  photography,  for  the  salts  of  silver  were  sensitive  to 
these  shorter  waves.  Hence  arose  ultra-violet  photography.  But 
it  is  only  for  the  longer  ultra-violet  waves  that  glass  is  transparent. 
For  still  shorter  waves  it  is  necessary  to  use  quartz.  Then  a  source 
of  radiation  had  to  be  found  which  produces  the  maximum  number 
of  ultra-violet  waves.  The  mercury  arc  is  good  for  many  purposes 
where  the  longer  waves  are  desired.  For  still  shorter  ones  the  arc 
light  with  cadmium  electrodes  gives  abundant  waves  down  as  short 
as  0.275/1. 

To  return  to  the  microscope,  in  1903-1904  Kohler  described  and 
the  Zeiss  Works  produced  a  microscope  with  quartz  lenses  by  which 
photo-micrographs  could  be  made  with  ultra-violet.  In  America 
Drs.  Ernst  and  Wolbach  published  an  account  of  their  work  and 
results  in  this  ultra-violet  photo-micrography,  and  quite  recently 
Dr.  Francis  F.  Lucas  has  described  an  apparatus  for  photo-microg- 
raphy and  has  produced  many  wonderful  photographs  of  living 
cells  using  the  ultra-violet. 

As  a  final  word  in  the  history  and  future  promise  of  the  services 
the  microscope  has  given  and  it  is  believed  will  give,  there  are  two 
reasons  for  astonishment.  The  first  is  that  mankind  was  so  late  in 
discovering  the  laws  of  refraction,  and  the  possibilities  which  it 
might  lead  to  in  the  production  of  lenses  and  optical  instruments. 


Secondly,  it  is  astonishing  to  think  of  the  rapid  progress  that  has 
been  made  since  the  possibilities  of  lenses  were  discovered  some  six 
hundred  years  ago,  and  especially  during  the  last  three  hundred 
years,  since  the  compound  microscope,  the  telescope  and  achromatic 
instruments  have  been  invented. 

And  finally,  with  the  abundance  of  stains  and  the  newer  methods 
of  physical  analysis  of  the  structure  and  action  pi  living,  fresh  and 
fixed  material  with  the  spectroscope,  the  dark-fieH  microscope,  the 
polarizing  and  the  ultra-violet  microscope,  one  tan  look  forward 
with  confidence  to  still  greater  discoveries,  and  with  a  corresponding 
deeper  insight  into  the  complex  structure  and  the  marvelous  func- 
tions of  living  things. 

(In  the  accompanying  references  to  the  history  of  optics  and  the  microscope, 
one  will  find  the  sources  of  information  on  which  this  brief  history  is  founded). 


For  further  and  more  extended  information  on  the  History  of  the  Microscope, 

see,  "Origin  and  Development  of  the  Microscope,"  and  the  bibliographies  of 

original  authorities,  by  Disney,  Hill  and  Baker  with  an  historical  survey  of  the  early 

progress  of  optical  science  by  the  editor  of  the  Journal  of  the  Royal  Microscopical 

Society.     Published   by  the   Royal  Microscopical  Society,  20  Hanover  Square, 

London,  1928.    See  also  the  works  in  the  general  Bibliography  in  this  book. 

AIRY.  —  On  astigmatism,  1827,  Young,  1800. 

ALHAZEN. —  The  Opticae  Thesaurus,  1572. 

BACON,  ROGER.  —  Opus  majus  and  lesser  writings,  1266-1267. 

BARBARO.  —  Perspettiva,  Venice,  1568.  One  of  first  references  to  concave  spec- 

BREWSTER,  SIR  DAVID.  —  Discoverer  of  fluorescence,  1833. 

BARTHO LINUS.  —  Discoverer  of  double  refraction,  1669. 

CUSA,  CARDINAL  DE.  —  Opera  theologica,  methematica,  etc.,  Paris,  1514,  first 
reference  found  which  refers  to  concave  spectacles. 

DESCARTES. —  Dioptrique,  1637. 

DOLLOND.  —  Achromatic  telescopes,  1758. 

ERNST  AND  WOHLBACH.    Ultra- Violet  photography,  1906. 

GALEN.  —  131-201  A.D. 

HERSCHEL,  SIR  WM.  —  Discovery  of  infra  red,  1801. 

HIPPOCRATES.  —  460-375  B.C.,  Brain  is  the  final  organ  of  vision. 

IVES,  F.  E.  —  Inventor  of  the  modern  binocular  with  one  objective,  in  which 
each  eye  receives  the  full  aperture.  Jour.  Franklin  Inst.,  1902. 

KEPLER.  —  Explained  the  use  of  spectacles  and  inverted  image  on  the  retina; 
inventor  of  the  Keplerian  microscope.  Opera  Omnia,  1604-1611,  pp.  232- 
234;  255-256;  54Q-S50.  t 

KC)HLER.  —  Mikrophotographische  Untersuchungen  mit  ultraviolettem  Licht, 


LUCAS.  —  Ultra-Violet  photography,  1930,  1931. 

MALUS.  —  Polarized  light,  1808-1810. 

NEWTON,  SIR  ISAAC.  —  Optics. 

NICOL,  WM.  —  Invented  the  Nicol  prism  for  use  with  polarized  light,  Edin.  New 

Philos.  Jour.,  Vol.  VI.,  1829,  pp.  83-84;   1839,  Vol.  xxvii,  pp.  332-333. 
PTOLEMAEUS.  —  Optics.    (70-147  A.D.) 
REDI,  FRANCESCO.  —  Lettera  interno  all'invenzione  degli  occhiale,  1299.     First 

statement  found  as  to  the  actual  use  of  spectacles  by  an  old  man. 
RIDDELL.  —  First  one  to  produce  a  practical,  single  objective,  binocular  micro- 
scope, 1853. 

RITTER,  J.  W.  —  Disco^Ted  ultra-violet,  1801. 
SCHEINER.  CHR.  —  The  .first  to  make  a  Keplerian  compound  microscope.    1619- 


SORBY.  —  Application  of  a  direct  vision  spectroscope  to  the  microscope. 
STOKES.  —  Fundamental  article  on  ultra-violet  and  fluorescence.    Gave  the  name 

fluorescence.     1852. 

FOX-TALBOT.  —  First  to  produce  a  micro-polariscope.     1834. 
THOMAS,  EDWARD.  —  On  Improvements  in  the  Microscope.    American  Journal  of 

Science  and  the  Arts,  Vol.  XIX,  1831,  pp.  57-60. 
THOMAS,    EDWARD.  —  On   the   Achromatic   Microscope.     American   Journal   of 

Science  and  the  Arts,  Vol.  XX,  1831,  pp.  265-269. 

These  two  articles,  prepared  in  1830  and  1831  by  the  assistant  engineer  of 

the  Cayuga-Seneca  Canal,  with  illustrations  of  the  combinations,  and  formulae, 

are  the  first  scientific  discussions  of  objectives  that  have  been  found  in  American 

scientific  literature. 
WENHAM.  —  Inventor  of  means  for  dark-field  microscopy  with  all  powers.     1850- 

YOUNG,  THOMAS.  —  The  first  to  point  out  astigmatism  in  the  eye,  and  gave  a 

means  of  correcting  it  (1800).    See  also  Airy. 

See  the  brief  statements  concerning  the  portraits  p.  556.     See  also  col- 
lateral reading,  pp.  50,  168,  257. 


For  new  information  the  reader  is  advised  to  consult  the  Journal  of  the  Royal 
Microscopical  Society,  The  Quarterly  Cumulative  Index  Medicus  and  the  Wistar 

Catalogue  of  the  Surgeon  General's  Office,  the  Catalogue  of  Scientific  Papers 
published  by  the  Royal  Society  of  London,  the  larger  works  on  the  microscope, 
and  the  microscopical  journals. 

ADAMS,  GEORGE,  1720-1773.  —  Micrographia  illustrata;  or,  the  microscope  ex- 
plained, in  several  new  inventions;  likewise  a  natural  history  of  aerial,  ter- 
restial,  and  aquatic  animals,  etc.,  considered  as  microscopic  objects,  lix  -h 
325  pp.  72  plates.  4th  ed.  Published  for  the  author,  London,  1771. 

ADAMS,  GEORGE,  1750-1795.  —  Essays  on  the  microscope,  containing  a  descrip- 
tion of  the  most  improved  microscopes,  a  history  of  insects,  their  transforma- 
tions, peculiar  habits,  and  oeconomy,  with  a  catalogue  of  interesting  objects, 
xiii  +  724  pp.  31  plates.  Published  for  the  author,  London,  1787. 

AIRY,  G.  B.  —  On  a  peculiar  defect  in  the  eye  and  a  mode  of  correcting  it.  Cam 
bridge  Phiios.  Trans.,  Vol.  II,  1827,  pp.  267-271.  Here  is  discussed  astig- 
matism and  its  correction  by  cylindrical  glasses.  See  Young. 

ALHAZEN.  —  Opticae  thesaurus  Alhazeni  Arabis,  libri  septem,  nunc  primum  editi, 
ejusdem  liber  de  crepusculis  et  nubium  ascension  ibus,  item  Vitellionis  Thu- 
ringopoloni,  libri  X.  omnes  instaurati,  figuris  illustrati  et  aucti,  adjectis  etiam 
in  Alhazenum  commentariis.  A  Frederico  Risnero.  Folio,  many  figures, 
Basileae,  per  Episcopios.  1572. 

AMERICAN  ACADEMY  OF  PHYSICAL  THERAPY.  Papers  published  by  American 
Medicine,  Burlington,  Vt. 


diological Publishing  Co.,  Omaha,  Nebraska.  1920  + 

BACON,  ROGER.  —  Opus  Majus,  edited  with  introduction  and  analytical  table  by 
John  Henry  Bridges.  2  vols.  and  supplementary  vol.  Vol.  I,  clxxxvii  + 
440  pp.  23  fig.  Vol.  II,  568pp.,  187  figs.  Supplement,  xv  +  187  pp.  Williams 
&  Norgate,  London,  1897-1900.  315.  6d.  For  modern  optics  the  part  desig- 
nated De  Scientia  Perspectiva  is  "most  important.  For  use  of  convex  lenses 
to  aid  the  sight  of  old  men,  see  vol.  ii,  p.  157,  and  for  burning  flasks,  p.  471. 

BACON,  ROGER.  —  Opus  Majus,  1266-1267.    Combach's  edition,  1614.    On  p.  159 
occurs  the  description  of  a  convex  glass  to  aid  old  men  in  reading. 
Bridges  edition,  1897-1900.    Vol.  II,  p.  157*  spectacle  for  old  men. 
Opus  tertium,  opus  minus.    Brewer,  in  Compendium  studii  philosophiae, 

Part  of  the  Opus  tertium,  including  a  fragment  now  printed  for  the  first 
time.  Edited  by  A.  G.  Little,  1912.  On  p.  40  is  repeated  the  statement 
about  the  convex  lens  for  old  men,  and  much  other  optics. 

BACON,  ROGER.  —  Essays  contributed  by  various  writers  on  the  occasion  of  the 
commemoration  of  the  seventh  centenary  of  his  birth,  Collected  and  edited 



by  A.  G.  Little.  426  pp.  Clarendon  Press,  Oxford,  England,  1914.  Price, 
$5.25.  Biography  of  Bacon  and  essays  upon  his  work  in  various  fields.  List 
of  Bacon's  writings. 

BACON,  ROGER. —  Opus  majus.  Translation  of  Robert  B.  Burke.  Univ.  of 
Penn.  Press,  1928.  Translation  based  on  the  corrected  text  of  Bridges  edi- 
tion of  1900. 

BAKER,  HENRY,  F.  R.  S.  —  Of  Microscopes  and  Observations  made  thereby. 
2.  Vols.  New  edition.  Vol.  I,  The  Microscope  made  easy.  Projection  micro- 
scope. Vol.  II,  Employment  for  the  Microscope.  London,  1785. 

BARBARO,  DANIEL.  —  La  pratica  della  perspettiva  di  Monsignor  Daniel  Barbaro, 
eletto  patriarca  d'Aquileia.  Opera  molto  utile  a  pittori,  a  scultori  &  ad 
architetti.  Con  privilegio.  208  pp.  Many  figures.  In  Venetia,  appresso 
Camillo  &  Rutilio  Borgominieri  fratelli,  al  segno  di  S.  Giorgio  MDLXVIII 
(1568).  First  known  user  of  a  lens  in  the  camera.  Cap.  V,  p.  192. 

BARTHOLINUS,  ERASMUS.  Experimenta  cristelli  Islandici  quibus  mira  et  insolata 
refractio  detegitur.  Hasniae,  1699  (Discovery  of  double  refraction). 

BAUSCH,  E.  —  Manipulation  of  the  Microscope.  A  manual  for  the  work  table 
and  a  textbook  for  beginners  in  the  use  of  the  microscope.  200  pp.  Illust. 
New  edition.  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  1906. 

BAUSCH  &  LOMB  OPTICAL  COMPANY.  —  Lenses,  their  History,  Theory  and  Manu- 
facture. Published  in  honor  of  the  ninth  annual  convention  of  the  Ameri- 
can Association  of  Opticians.  Rochester,  1906.  47  pages,  many  figures. 

BAUSCH  &  LOMB  OPTICAL  COMPANY.  —  Use  and  Care  of  the  Microscope;  Use 
and  Care  of  the  Microtome.  Rochester,  N.  Y.  These  little  booklets  are  of 
great  value  to  the  young  worker  with  the  microscope  and  microtome. 

BEALE,  L.  S.  —  How  to  Work  with  the  Microscope,  sth  edition,  1880,  518  pages, 
99  plates  with  500  figures.  Harrison,  London. 

BECK,  CONRAD.  —  the  Theory  of  the  Microscope.  Cantor  Lectures  delivered 
before  the  Royal  Society  of  Arts,  Nov.-Dec.,  1907.  59  pp.  Illust.  London, 

BECK,  CONRAD,  and  ANDREWS,  HERBERT.  —  Photographic  Lenses.  7th  edition, 
completely  revised.  287  pp.,  163  figs.,  44  plates.  R.  &  J.  Beck,  Limited. 
68  Cornhill,  London,  England.  Full  discussion  of  modern  objectives  for 
photography  and  for  projection. 

BECK,  CONRAD.  —  The  Microscope,  a  simple  handbook.  144  pages,  131  figures. 
London,  1921.  Published  by  R.  &  J.  Beck,  Ltd. 

BECK,  CONRAD.  —  The  Microscope,  Part  II.  An  advanced  handbook.  231  pp. 
170  figs.  London,  1924.  Published  by  R.  &  J,  Beck,  Ltd. 

BELLING,  JOHN.  —  The  Use  of  the  Microscope;  a  handbook  for  routine  and  re- 
search work.  315  pages,  28  figures.  McGraw-Hill  Book  Co.,  N.  Y. 

BOCK,  DR.  EMIL.  —  Die  Brille  und  ihre  Geschichte.  62  pages,  frontispiece,  and 
32  text  figures.  Wien,  1903.  Verlag  von  Josef  Safar. 

BORELLUS,  PETRUS.  —  De  vero  Telescopii  inventore,  cum  brevi  omnium  Con- 
spiciliorum  historia.  Ubi  de  eorum  confectione,  ac  usu,  seu  de  effectibus 
agitur,  novaque  quaedam  circa  ca  proponuntur.  Accessit  etiam  centuria 
observationum  microscopicarum.  Authore  Petro  Borello,  regis  christianis- 
simi  consiliario,  et  medico  ordinario.  Hagse-Comitum,  ex  typographia 
Adriani  Vlacq,  MDCLV  (1655).  Important  for  the  history  of  optic  instru- 
ments. See  esoecially  pp.  25-26. 

BOYER,  CHARLES  S.  —  The  Diatomaceae  of  Philadelphia  and  Vicinity.  Quarto, 
143  pages,  40  plates  (700  drawings  by  the  author  at  a  scale  of  800  diameters). 
Philadelphia,  1916.  Press  of  J.  B.  Lippincott  Company,  East  Washington 

BREWSTER,  SIR  DAVID.  —  A  Treatise  on  the  Mikroscope.    From  the  yth  edition 


of  the  Encyclopaedia  Britannica,  with  additions.  Illust.  1837.  P.  in  for 
fluorite  in  objectives. 

B  RE WSTER,  SIR  DAVID.  —  The  Edinburgh  Encyclopaedia.  Optics,  Vol.  14.  Joseph 
and  Edward  Parker,  Philadelphia,  1832.  On  page  764,  2d  column,  near 
middle,  is  described  the  use  of  the  amalgam  on  the  back  of  looking-glasses 
as  a  screen.  1  have  tried  this  and  found  it  wonderfully  efficient. 

B  RE  WSTER,  STR  DAVID.  —  Discovered  fluorescence  (internal  dispersion)  in  an 
alcoholic  solution  of  chlorophyll.  1833.  Edinb.  Trans.  Vol.  xii,  463-464. 

BRITISH  JOURNAL  OF  PHYSICAL  MEDICINE.  —  Incorporating  the  British  Journal 
of  Actinotherapy,  and  Physiotherapy.  London,  England.  1926  + 

BROADHURST,  DR.  JEAN.  —  Bacteria  in  Relation  to  Man,  a.  study-text  in  general 
micro-biology.  J.  B.  Lippincott  Company,  Philadelphia  and  London,  1925. 
306  pages,  146  figures.  Gives  information  that  every  one  should  have.  The 
book  has  an  excellent  glossary. 

BURNETT,  SAMUEL  HOWARD.  —  The  Clinical  Pathology  of  the  Blood  of  Domesti- 
cated Animals.  156  pp.  Ithaca,  1908.  24  figures,  4  colored  plates. 

CARNOY,  CHANOINE  J.  B.  —  La  Biologic  Cellulaire,  e"tude  compare  de  la  cellule 
dans  les  deux  regncs.  Paris,  1884.  Much  good  biological  history. 

CARPENTER-DALLINGER.  —  The  Microscope  and  its  Revelations,  by  the  late 
Wm.  B.  Carpenter.  Seventh  edition,  in  which  the  first  seven  chapters  have 
been  entirely  rewritten.  London  &  Philadelphia.  1891.  References  mostly 
to  the  7th  edition. 

CARPENTER-DALLINGER.  —  The  Microscope  and  its  Revelations,  by  the  late 
William  B.  Carpenter.  8th  edition,  in  which  the  ist  seven  and  the  23rd 
chapters  have  been  entirely  rewritten,  and  the  text  throughout  reconstructed, 
enlarged,  and  revised  by  the  Rev.  W.  H.  Dallinger.  22  plates  and  nearly 
900  wood  engravings.  n8r  pp.  London  and  Philadelphia,  1901.  P.  Blaki- 
ston's  Son  &  Co. 

CHAMBERLAIN,  C.  J.  —  Methods  in  Plant  Histology.  3d  edition,  314  pages,  107 
figures.  The  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1916. 

CHAMOT,  SMILE  MONNIN.  —  Elementary  Chemical  Microscopy.  410  pages,  i 
plate,  139  text  figures.  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  N.  Y.,  1915. 

CHAMOT,  E.  M.  —  Elementary  Chemical  Microscopy.  2d  ed.,  1921.  479  pages, 
162  figures.  John  Wiley  and  Sons,  Inc.  New  York. 

CHAMOT  and  MASON.  —  Handbook  of  Chemical  Microscopy.  2  vols.,  I,  474  pages, 
162  figures;  II,  411  pages,  181  figures.  John  Wiley  and  Sons,  Inc.  New 
York,  1930-1931.  These  works  invaluable  to  the  microscopist. 

CHEVALIER,  CHARLES.  —  Des  Microscopes  et  de  leur  usage.    Illust.    Paris,  1839. 

CLARK,  C.  H.  —  Practical  methods  in  microscopy.  2d  ed.  Illust.  Boston, 

COLES,  ALFRED  C.  —  Critical  Microscopy:  How  to  get  the  best  out  of  the  micro- 
scope. TOO  pages,  8  illustrations.  New  York,  D.  Van  Nostrand  Co.,  1922. 

COMSTOCK,  ANNA  BOTSFORD.  —  Handbook  of  Nature  Study.  90x3  pages,  1000 
illustrations.  Comstock  Publishing  Co.  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  New,  220!  edition 
(1931),  from  new  type,  many  new  figures  and  a  portrait  of  the  author. 

Cox,  HON.  J.  D.  —  Robert  B.  Tolles  and  the  angular  aperture  question.  Deals 
with  the  origin  of  the  homogeneous  immersion  objective  also.  Transactions 
of  the  Amer.  Micr.  Soc.,  1884,  PP-  5~39- 

CROSS,  M.  I.  and  COLE,  MARTIN  J.  —  Modern  Microscopy.  A  handbook  for 
beginners  and  students.  Fifth  edition  revised  and  rearranged  by  Herbert 
F.  Angus,  with  chapters  on  special  subjects  by  various  writers.  Chicago 
Medical  Book  Company,  1922.  315  pages,  114  figures  and  12  plates. 

CONN,  H.  J.  —  Biological  Stains,  a  handbook  on  the  nature  and  uses  of  the  dyes 
employed  in  the  biological  laboratory.  2d  edition,  1929.  224  pages,  graphs 


and  formulae.    Geneva,  N.  Y.    Published  by  the  commission  on  standardiza- 
tion of  stains. 
CUSA,  NICOLAUS  DE,  CARDiNALis.  —  Opera  Thcologica  et  Mathematica,  etc.    Paris, 

1514.     Folio  clxxxiiii.    "Beryllus  lapis  est  lucidus,  albus  &  transparens  cui 

datur  forma  concava  pariter  &  convexa,  &  pipm.  vides  attingit  pri  invisible." 

(First  reference  found  to  concave  spectacles.)    See  also  Barbaro, 
CZAPSKI,  S.  —  Grundziige  der  Theorie  der  optischen  Instrumente  nach  Abbe. 

2  Aufl.,  unter  Mitwirkung  des  Verfassers  und  mit  Beitragen  von  M.  v.  Rohr. 

490  pp.     Illust.    Leipzig,  1904. 
DANCKWORTT,  P.  W.  —  Lumineszenz-Analyse  im  filtrierten  ultra violetten  Licht. 

ad  ed.    50  figs.,  2p  plates,  147  pp.    Leipzig,  1929. 
DESCARTES    (Lat.   Cartesius),   RENE.  —  CEuvres,  publiees  par  C.   Adam  et  P. 

Tannery  sous  les  auspices  ministere  de  1'instruction  publique,  Vols.  i-xii. 

Dioptrique,  Vol.  6,  pp.  87-228,  73  figs.    Leopold  Cerf,  12  Rue  Sainte  Anne, 

Pans,  1902. 
DESCARTES  (Lat.  Cartesius),  RENE".  —  (Euvres,  publie*es  par  V.  Cousin.    Paris, 

1824-26.     ii  vols.     Dioptrique,  Vol.  5.     pp.  1-153,  5  plates,  including  66 

DIPPEL,   L.  —  Das  Mikroskop  und   seine  Anwendung.     Illust.     Braunschweig, 

DOLLOND,  J.  —  Philos.  Trans.  Roy.  Soc.,  London,  1758,  pp.  733-743.    An  account 

of  some  experiments  concerning  the  different  refrangibility  of  light.    Every 

one  interested  in  optical  instruments  ought  to  read  this  paper. 
EALAND,  C.  A.  —  The  Romance  of  the  Microscope.    3 14  pages,  39  illustrations 

and   numerous    diagrams.    London,    Seeley,    Service    &    Co.,   Lt'd,    1921. 

This  book   is  full  of  interesting  information,  and  especially  adapted  to  the 

EDINGER.  —  See  for  description  of  the  double  ocular,  Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Soc.,  1911, 

p.  252. 
EHRLTCH.  —  Enzyklopadie  der  Mikroskopischen  Technik.    Herausgegeben  von: 

Ehrlich,  Krause,  Moose,  Rosin  and  Weigert.  2d  edition,  2  Vol.,  800  +  680  pages, 

56  4-  in  figures.    Urban  &  Schwarzenberg,  Berlin  and  Vienna,  IQIO. 

3d  ed.     Berlin,  Urban  &  Schwarzenberg.     3  vols.     2444  pages,  350  figures, 

48  plates. 
ERNST,    HAROLD    C,    and   WOLBACH,  S.   B.  —  Ultra-Violet   Photomicrography. 

Journal  of  Medical  Research,  Vol.  XIV,  pp.  463-469,  7  plates.     See  also 

Kohler  and  Lucas. 
FERRY,   ERVIN   S.  —  General   Physics  and  its  application   to  industry  and   to 

everyday  life.    New  York.    John  Wiley  &  Sons,  Inc.    1921. 
GAGE,  S.  H.  and  FISH,  P.  A.  —  Fat  digestion,  absorption  and  assimilation  in  man 

and  animals  as  determined  by  the  dark-field  microscope  and  a  fat  soluble  dye 

(Sudan  III).    American  Journal  of  Anatomy,  Sept.,  1924.    pp.  1-85,  25  text 

figures,  4  colored  plates. 
GAGE,  S.  H.  and  H.  P.  —  Optic  Projection.    Principles,  installation  and  use  of 

the  magic  lantern,  projection  microscope,  reflecting  lantern  and  moving  pic- 
ture machine.     731  pages,  413  figures.     Comstock  Publishing  Co.    Ithaca, 

N.  Y.  1914. 
FaX^vos,    KXauSto?.  —  Hfpl    ypeJas     r&v    kv    avOp&irov    aw/mri    poplwv    (Galenus, 

Claudius.  —  De  usu  partium  corporis  humani,  131-201,  A.D.). 
GARRISON,  FIELDING  H.  —  An  introduction  to  the  History  of  Medicine,  with 

medical  chronology,  suggestions  for  study,  and  bibliographic  data.    W.  B. 

Saunders  Co.,  Philadelphia  and  London.    4th  edition  revised  and  enlarged, 

1929.    996  pages,  many  portraits. 


GATES,  FREDERICK  L.  —  A  study  of  the  bacteriacidal  action  of  ultra-violet. 
Studies  from  the  Rockefeller  Institute,  Vol.  73,  pp.  9-26. 

GORING  and  PRITCHARD.  —  Micrographia,  containing  practical  essays  on  reflect- 
ing, solar,  oxy-hydrogen  gas  microscopes,  micrometers,  eyepieces,  etc.,  etc. 
231  pp.  Many  figures  in  the  text,  one  plate  Whittaker  &  Co.,  Ave-Maria 
Lane,  London,  England,  1837. 

Govi,  GILBERTO.  —  Galileo,  the  inventor  of  the  compound  microscope,  —  Journal 
of  the  Royal  Microscopical  Society,  1889,  pp.  574-598.  Discussion  of  the 
earliest  discoveries  and  inventions  in  optics.  The  compound  microscope  here 
referred  to  as  the  invention  of  Galileo  is  the  Dutch  telescope  used  as  a  micro- 
scope, i.e.,  an  instrument  like  the  ordinary  opera  glass  with  a  longer  tube  for 
the  convex  objective  and  concave  ocular. 

GUYER,  MICHAEL  F.  —  Animal  Micrology.  Practical  exercises  in  Zoological 
micro-technique.  289  pages,  74  figures.  Revised  ed.  The  University  of 
Chicago  Press,  1917. 

HALL,  CHARLES  A.,  F.  R.  M.  S.  —  How  to  Use  the  Microscope.  A  guide  for  the 
novice.  2d  edition.  16  plates,  24  line  cuts;  90  pages  of  text.  London,  A. 
&  C.  Black,  Lt'd,  1925. 

HARDESTY,  IRVING.  —  A  Laboratory  Guide  for  Histology,  with  a  chapter  on 
laboratory  drawing,  by  A.  W.  Lee.  193  pages,  30  figures.  P.  Blakiston's 
Son  &  Co.  Philadelphia,  1908. 

HARTING,  P.  —  De  Nieuwste  Verbeteringen  van  het  Mikroskoop  en  Zijn  Gebruik, 
Sedert  1850,  176  pages,  two  triple  plates.  Te  Tiel.  bij  H.  C.  A.  Campagne, 

HARTING,  P.  —  Das  Mikroskop.  Theorie,  Gebrauch,  Geschichte  und  gegenwar- 
tiger  Zustand  desselben.  Deutsche  Originalausgabe,  von  Verfasser  revidirt 
und  vervollstandigt.  Herausgegeben  von  Dr.  Fr.  Wilh.  Theile.  In  drei 
Banden.  Bd.  I,  Theorie;  Bd.  II,  Gebrauch;  Bd.  Ill,  Geschichte.  Bd.  I, 
pp.  346,  134  text  figures,  i  plate.  Bd.  II,  pp.  310;  104  text  figures.  Bd. 
Ill,  pp.  452,  231  text  ^figures.  Druck  und  Verlag  von  Friedrich  Vieweg  und 
Sohn,  Braunschweig,  Zweite  wesentlich  verbesserte  und  vermehrte  Aurlage, 

HERSCHEL,  WILLIAM.  —  Untersuchungen  tiber  die  warmende  und  die  erleuchtende 
Kraft  der  farbigen  Sonnenstrahlen;  Versuch  iiber  die  nichtsichtbaren  Strahlen 
der  Sonne  und  deren  Brechbarkeit  und  Einrichtung  grosser  Teleskope  zu 
Sonnenbeobachtungen.  Ann.  der  Physik,  Bd.  7,  1801,  pp.  137-156.  Dis- 
covery of  infra  red  by  its  heating  effect. 

HIPPOCRATES.  —  460-375,  B.C.  Adams,  Francis,  surgeon.  The  genuine  works  of 
Hippocrates,  translated  from  the  Greek  (Sydenham  Society),  London,  1849 
(2  vols). 

LITTRE,  E.  —  (Euvres  complete  d'Hippocrate.    Ten  vols.    Paris,  1839-1861. 

JONES,  W.  H.  S.  —  Hippocrates  with  an  English  translation.  Two  vols.  Greek 
and  English  text.  Loeb  Classical  Library.  London  and  N.  Y.,  1923. 

HOGG,  J.  —  The  Microscope,  its  History,  Construction  and  Application.  i5th  ed. 
704  pp.  900  Illust.  Rutledge,  London  and  New  York,  1898.  Much  atten- 
tion paid  to  the  polariscope. 

HOOKE,  ROBERT.  —  Animadversions  on  the  Machina  Coelestis  of  Hevelius.  p.  8. 
Published  in  1674.  It  is  in  this  place  that  Hooke  states  that  for  two  points 
,  to  be  seen  as  two  the  visual  angle  must  be  one  minute. 

HOVESTADT,  H.  —  Translated  by  J.  D.  and  A.  Everett.  Jena  Glass  and  its  scien- 
tific and  industrial  applications.  London,  Macmillan  &  Co.  Limited. 
N.  Y.  The  Macmillan  Company.  1902.  419  pages,  29  figures. 

HOWELL,  WILLIAM  H.  —  A  Text-book  of  Physiology  for  Medical  Students  and 
Physicians,  nth  Ed.,  1930.  Philadelphia,  Pa. 


HUYGENS,  CHR.  —  For  Huygens'  ocular  see  Nelson.  Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Soc.,  1900, 
pp.  162-169. 

IVES,  FREDERICK  E.  —  A  New  Binocular  Microscope.  Journal  of  the  Franklin 
Institute,  vol.  154,  Dec.  1902,  pp.  441-445.  Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Soc.  1914,  p. 
488.  See  also  Conrad  Beck,  Jour.  Roy.  Micr.  Soc.,  1914,  pp.  17-23- 

INDEX  Catalogue  of  the  Library  of  the  Surgeon  General's  Office  of  the  United 
States  Army.  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  I).  C.  First  series, 
vols.  i-xvi,  1880-1895.  Second  series,  vols.  i-xxi,  1896-1916.  Book  and  peri- 
odical literature;  subjects  and  authors  in  one  continuous  alphabetical  list. 
Full  lists  of  current  literature.  3d  ser.,  Q-Sy;  Vol.  ix,  1931,  already  published. 

JOHNSON,  B.  K.  —  Practical  Optics  for  the  laboratory  and  workshop.  London, 
Benn  Bro's  Ltd.,  1922.  189  pages,  140  figures. 

JANSEN,  ZACHARTAS.  —  See  in  Borellus,  Petrus.  De  vero  telescopii  inventore, 
1655.  Singer,  Studies  in  the  History  and  Method  of  Science,  Oxford,  1921, 
pp.  408-413. 

JORDAN,  HARVEY  ERNEST.  —  A  Text-Book  of  Histology.  857  pages,  593  figures. 
D.  Appleton  &  Co.,  N.  Y.  and  London,  1931.  There  is  a  chapter  on  technic 
and  54  pages  of  directions  for  laboratory  work. 

JOURNAL  OF  APPLIED  MICROSCOPY.  —  Vols.  I  to  VI,  1898  to  1903.  Published  by 
the  Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Company.  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

JOURNAL  OF  THE  FRANKLIN  INSTITUTE,  devoted  to  science  and  the  mechanic  arts. 
1826  +  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

JOURNAL  OF  THE  OPTICAL  SOCIETY  OF  AMERICA.  —  Published  by  the  Society; 
Review  of  Scientific  Instruments,  a  late  division  of  the  Journal  began  in 
1930.  The  Journal  now  in  its  2ist  volume.  As  the  name  implies,  this  jour- 
nal and  the  Review  contain  many  articles  of  vital  interest  to  the  worker  with 
the  microscope.  Geo.  Banta  Publishing  Co.,  Menasha,  Wisconsin. 

JOURNAL  OF  THE  ROYAL  MICROSCOPIC \L  SOCIETY.  1878  -f  .  Published  by  the 
Society  at  20  Hanover  Square,  London  W.,  England.  6  numbers  per  year. 
In  nearly  every  number  is  the  announcement  of  some  new  thing  pertaining 
to  the  microscope.  For  the  special  purposes  of  this  chapter  attention  is 
called  especially  to  the  volume  of  1886,  pp.  849-856,  for  the  apochromatic 

In  1891,  pn.  90-105,  Mr.  Nelson  deals  with  the  substage  condenser,  and  in 
1900,  pp.  162-169,  with  the  history  of  the  Huygenian  ocular.  In  1902, 
pp.  20-23,  Mr.  Nelson  gives  a  bibliography  of  works  (dated  not  later  than 
1700)  dealing  with  the  microscope  and  other  optical  matters.  In  1914  Dr. 
Jentzsch,  pp.  1-16,  and  Conrad  Beck,  pp.  17-23,  205-210,  deal  with  binocu- 
lar microscopes,  past  and  present. 

In  1915  Charles  Singer,  pp.  317-340.  deals  especially  with  early  drawings 
made  by  the  aid  of  the  microscope;  and  in  1916,  Mr.  Heron- Allen  and  Ch. 
F.  Rousselet  give  a  summary  of  the  progress  of  knowledge  of  vision  and  the 
microscope  from  1673-1848.  Attention  is  especially  called  to  the  volume  on 
"The  Origin  and  Development  of  the  Microscope"  published  by  the  Society 
in  1928. 

JOURNAL  OF  THE  ROYAL  SOCIETY  OF  ARTS.  London,  England.  The  79th  volume 
of  the  Journal  is  now  being  published  (1931). 

KEPLER,  JOHANNES.  —  Opera  Omnia,  Vol.  II.  Ad  Vitellionem  Paralipomena, 
(De  modo  visionis  et  humorum  oculi  usu.)  1604.  pp.  226-269.  n  figs. 
Correct  dioptrics  of  the  eye  here  given,  and  also  the  explanation  of  the  effect 
of  convex  and  concave  spectacles.  Dioptrica.  Demonstratio  eorum  qua?  visui 
et  visibilibus  propter  conspicilla  non  ita  pridem  inventa  accidunt.  pp.  519- 
567.  35  figs.  1611.  The  amplifier,  real  images,  and  erect  images.  The 
Keplerian  microscope  (modern  microscope). 


KINGSBURY,  B.  F.  —  Laboratory  Directions  in  Histology  and  Histological  Tech- 
nique, pp.  1-60  and  1-95.  The  Macmillan  Co.,  N.Y.  1916. 

KINGSBURY,  B.  F.  and  JOHANNSEN,  O.  A.  —  Histological,  Technique,  a  guide  for 
use  in  a  laboratory  course  in  histology.  N.  Y.  J.  Wiley  &  Sons;  London. 
Chapman  &  Hall,  Ltd.,  1927. 

KOHLER,  DR.  AUGUST.  —  Mikrophotographische  Untersuchungen  mit  ultravio- 
lettem  Licht.  Zeit.  wiss.  Mikroskopie,  Bd.  xxl,  1904,  pp.  129-165  and  273- 
304.  8  text  figs,  and  6  plates.  See  also  Ernst  and  Lucas. 

LAMBERT,  AVERY  E.,  PH.  D.  —  Guide  to  Study  of  Histology  and  Microscopic 
Anatomy.  262  pages,  152  figures.  1930.  P.  Blakiston's  Son  &  Co.  Phila- 

LANGERON,  MAURICE.  —  Precis  de  Microscopic.  Technique,  experimentation, 
diagnostic.  4th  ed.  1034  pages,  315  figures.  Paris,  Masson  et  Cie.  1925. 

LEE,  A.  B.  —  The  Microtomist's  Vade-mecum.  A  handbook  of  the  methods  of 
microscopic  anatomy.  9th  ed.  710  pp.  1928.  P.  Blakiston's  Son  &  Co., 
Philadelphia,  Penn. 

LEEUWENHOEK,  ANTONY  VAN.  —  Opera  omnia,  seu  arcana  naturae;  ope  exac- 
tissimorum  microscopiorum  detecta,  experimentes  variis  comprobata,  epistolis 
ad  varies  illustres  viros.  Lugduni  Batavorum,  1722,  4  vols.  (Delphis  Apud 
Adrianum  Beman,  1719.)  1514  4-  pages,  124  figs. 

LEITZ,  ERNST.  —  The  Microscope  and  its  Application.  Description  and  guide  to 
the  use  of  Leitz  Microscopes.  On  p.  19  the  mechanical  tube-length  for 
Leitz  microscopes  is  given  as  170  mm.  Most  manufacturers  have  adopted 
1 60  mm.  as  the  mechanical  tube-length.  Wetzlar,  1929. 

LENSES,  their  History,  Theory  and  Manufacture.  Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Co., 
Rochester,  N.  Y.,  1906.  47  pp.,  34  figs. 

LISTER,  JOSEPH  JACKSON.  —  On  some  properties  in  achromatic  object  glasses 
applicable  to  the  improvement  of  the  microscope.  Philos.  Trans.  R.  S., 
Vol.  120  (1830),  pp.  187-200.  Dark  field  effects  by  retro-objective  stop,  p. 

19  f< 
LUCAS,  FRANCIS  F.  —  The  Architecture  of  Living  Cells;    a  discussion  of  recent 

advances  in  methods  of  biological  research  by  means  of  optical  sectioning 
with  the  ultra-violet  microscope.  Bell  Telephone  System,  Monograph  B  514, 
October,  1930.  Also  in  the  Journal  of  Morpholoprv,  Vol.  52,  1931,  pp.  91- 
107.  Text  figures  and  plates  in  both.  See  also  Kohler,  and  Ernst. 

LUCKIESH,  M.  —  Artificial  Sunlight  combining  radiation  for  health  with  light 
for  vision.  D.  Van  Nostrand  Co.,  Inc.,  N.  Y.  1930. 

MAcMtiNN,  C.  A.  —  The  Spectroscope  in  Medicine.  325  pp.  Illust.  London, 

MALLORY,  FRANK  BURR  and  WRIGHT,  JAMES  HOMER.  —  Pathological  Tech- 
nique. A  practical  manual  for  work  in  pathological  histology  and  bacteriol- 
ogy. 8th  edition,  666  pages,  180  figures.  \V.  B,  Saunders  Co.,  Philadelphia, 
Pa.  1924. 

MALUS,  ETTENNE  LOUTS.  —  The"orie  de  la  double  refraction  de  la  lumiere  dans 
les  substances  cristallis6es.  Memoire  couronn6  par  ITnstitute,  Jan.,  1810. 
302  pages,  two  plates.  Polarisee,  etc.,  on  pp.  239-241. 

MAYALL,  JOHN,  JR.  —  Cantor  Lectures  on  the  Microscope,  delivered  before  the 
Royal  Society  for  the  encouragement  of  arts,  manufactures,  and  commerce. 
Five  lectures,  Nov.-Dec.  1885;  97  pp.,  103  figs,  and  two  additional  lectures 
in  1888;  1 8  pp.,  26  figs.  Published  by  the  Society  at  John  Street,  Adelphi, 
London,  W.  C.,  England. 

MCCLUNG,  C.  E.  —  Handbook  of  Microscopical  Technique.  For  workers  in  both 
animal  and  plant  tissues.  495  pages,  43  figures.  P.  B.  Hoeber,  N.  Y.  1929. 
24  collaborators. 


McKENziE.  T.,  and  KING,  A.  —  Practical  ultra-violet  light  therapy.  108  pages. 
Wm.  Wood  &  Co.,  N.  Y.,  1926. 

METZNER  and  ZIMMERMANN.  —  Das  Mikroskop,  ein  Leitfaden  der  wissenschaft- 
lichen  Mikroskopie.  Leipzig  and  Wien.  Franz  Deuticke,  1928. 

MILLIET  DE  CHALES,  CLAUDE  FRANCOIS.  —  Cursus  seu  mundus  mathematicus; 
nunc  primum  in  lucem  prodit.  Ex  officina  Anissoniana,  Lugduni  (Lyons). 
1674.  3  vols.  Folio.  The  second  edition  is  dated  1690  and  has  4  folio  vols. 

MOLYNEUX,  WILLIAM.  —  Dioptrica  nova,  a  treatise  of  Dioptricks,  in  two  parts, 
wherein  the  various  effects  and  appearances  of  spheric  glasses,  both  convex 
and  concave,  single  and  combined,  in  telescopes  and  microscopes,  together 
with  the  usefulness  in  many  concerns  of  human  life  are  explained.  By  Wil- 
liam Molyneux  of  Dublin,  Esq.  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society.  Presented  to 
the  R.  S.  1690,  printed  1692.  Much  history  and  translations  of  Latin  ex- 
tracts. The  first  figure  of  a  magic  lantern  with  condenser  lens. 

MOORE,  V.  A.  —  Principles  of  micro-biology;  a  treatise  on  bacteria,  fungi,  and 
protozoa  pathogenic  for  domesticated  animals,  19  r  2.  $06  pages.  ior  figures. 
The  Macmillan  Co.,  N.  Y. 

NACHET.  —  Sur  un  nouveau  microscope  approprie*  aux  besoins  des  demonstrations 
anatomique,  et  permettant  a  plusieurs  personnes  d'observer  ensemble. 
Compte  rendu  des  stances  de  la  Societe*  de  Biologic,  Oct.  1853,  pp.  141-145. 
In  this  article  is  described  and  illustrated  forms  of  microscopes  with  two 
tubes  for  two  observers,  and  with  three  tubes  for  three  observers.  See  also 
Harting,  Vol.  IIT,  pp.  24^-248.  See  also  plates  T-II  in  the  Dutch  edition  of 

NEEDHAM,  J.  G.  and  LLOYD,  J.  T.  — -  The  Life  of  Inland  Waters;  an  elementary 
textbook  of  fresh-water  biology  for  American  students.  438  pages,  2  plates 
and  244  text  figures.  Comstock  Publishing  Company.  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  igi6. 

NEWTON,  SIR  ISAAC.  —  Optics,  or  a  treatise  of  the  reflections,  refractions,  inflec- 
tions and  colours  of  light,  3d  edition,  1721.  382  pages,  many  diagrams. 
London,  England. 

NICHOLS,  EDWARD  L.  and  MERRITT.  ERNEST.  —  Studies  in  Luminescence.  Physi- 
cal Review,  Vol.  XIX,  1904,  pp.  18-36. 

NICHOLS,  EDWARD  L.  and  HOWES,  HORACE  L.  —  In  collaboration  with  Ernest 
Merritt,  D.  T.  Wilber  and  Frances  G.  Wick.  Fluorescence  of  the  Uranyl 
Salts.  241  pages,  n  figs.  Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington,  1919. 

NICHOLS,  EDWARD  L.,  HOWES,  H.  L.  and  WILBUR,  D.  T.  —  Cathode-Lumines- 
cence and  the  Luminescence  of  Incandescent  Solids.  350  pages.  176  figs. 
Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington.  1928. 

NICHOLS,  E.  L.  —  The  Outlines  of  Physics.  452  pp.,  414  figs.  The  Macmillan 
Co.,  New  York,  1897. 

NICHOLS,  E.  L.  and  FRANKLIN,  W.  S.  —  The  Elements  of  Physics;  Light  and 
Sound.  201  pages,  182  figures.  The  Macmillan  Company,  New  York,  1897. 

NICOL,  WILLIAM.  —  On  a  method  of  so  far  increasing  divergence  of  two  rays  in 
calcareus  spar  that  only  one  image  may  be  seen  at  a  time.  Edinburgh  New 
Philos.  Journal,  VI.  1829,  pp.  83-84.  See  also  1833,  p.  372,  1839,  pp. 
332~333-  Invention  of  Nicol  prism. 

PANSIER,  P.  —  Histoire  des  Lunettes  par  le  Docteur  P.  Pansier,  d'Avignon.  137 
pages,  19  figures,  6  plates.  1901.  Paris,  A.  Maloine,  fiditeur. 

PETPI,  R.  J.  —  Das  Mikroskop  von  seinen  Anfangen  bis  zur  jetzigen  Vervoll- 
kommung  far  alle  Freunde  dieses  Instruments.  248  pp.,  191  figs.,  2  plates. 
R.  Schoetz,  Berlin,  Germany,  1896. 

PIERSOL,  GEORGE  A.  —  Normal  Histology,  with  special  reference  to  the  structure 
of  the  human  body.  8th  edition,  418  pages,  438  illustrations,  colored  frontis- 
piece. J.  B.  Lippincott  Co.,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  1910. 


POGGENDORFF,  J.  C.  —  Geschlchte  der  Physik,  1879.    History. 

POLICARD,  A.  —  Emploi  de  la  fluoroscopie  dans  I'Stude  des  tissus.  Bulletin 
d'histologie  apphque'e.  Vol.  II,  1925,  pp.  167-180.  Gives  history  and  tech- 
nique, and  an  excellent  historical  bibliography.  Policard  and  his  pupils 
have  made  many  contributions  to  the  subject. 

PRIESTLEY,  JOSEPH.  —  The  History  and  Present  State  of  Discoveries  relating  to 
Vision,  Light  and  Colours.  812  pages,  24  plates.  Five  pages  of  references 
to  288  other  works.  London,  1772. 

PTOLEM^EUS,  CLAUDIUS.  —  L'Ottica  di  Claudio  Tolomeo  da  Eugenic  Ammiraglio 
di  Sicilia-Scrittore  del  Secelo  XII.  Ridotta  in  Latino  sovra  la  traduzione 
Araba  di  un  testo  Greco  imperfetto.  Edited  by  Gilberto  Govi.  Torino, 
1885.  171  pages,  9  double  plates. 

QUEKETT,  JOHN.  —  Practical  treatise  on  the  use  of  the  microscope.  Editions  of 
1848,  1852,  1855- 

RAMSDEN,  J.  —  Philos.  Trans.  Roy.  Soc.,  1782.  A  description  of  a  new  construc- 
tion of  eye-glass  (oculars)  for  such  telescopes  as  may  be  applied  to  mathe- 
matical instruments.  (Pp.  94-98,  i  plate.  In  Vol.  LXXIII,  1783.) 

RANVIER,  L.  —  Trait6  Technique  D'Histologie.  1109  pages,  379  text  figures, 
and  one  colored  plate.  Librairie  F.  Savy,  Paris,  France.  1875-1888. 

READE,  REV.  J.  B.  —  On  a  new  method  of  illuminating  microscopic  objects,  pp. 
227-231  of  Goring  and  Pritchard's  Micrographia,  London,  1837. 

REDI,  FRANCESCO.  —  Opere  Classic!  italiani.  Vol.  ii  "Lettera  interno  all'  in- 
venzione  degli  occhiali  di  naso."  Written  in  1299. 

RIDDELL,  PROF.  J.  L.  —  University  of  La.,  New  Orleans.  On  the  Binocular 
Microscope.  Read  before  the  American  Association  for  the  Advancement  of 
Science,  July  30,  1853.  Devised  1851,  constructed  1852.  American  Journal 
of  Science  (Silliman's  Journal),  Vol.  65,  1853,  p.  68.  Quarterly  Jour.  Micro- 
scopical Science,  vol.  ii,  1854,  pp.  18-24,  four  figures.  Single  objective  bin- 
ocular to  use  with  or  without  oculars. 

RICHTMYER,  F.  K.  —  Introduction  to  Modern  Physics.  McGraw-Hill  Book  Co., 
Inc.,  N.  Y.  1928. 

RITTER,  JOHANN  WM.  —  Versuche  iiber  das  Sonnenlicht.  Annalen  der  Physik. 
Bd.  XII,  1803,  pp.  409-415.  R.  says  he  found  the  blackening  of  silver  salts 
beyond  the  violet  (ausserhalb  des  Violet).  Used  Newton's  prism  to  get  the 
proper  position.  See  also  Herschel's  discovery  of  infra  red. 

ROBIN,  CH.  —  Traite  du  microscope  et  des  injections,  not  pages,  336  figures. 
Bailliere,  Paris.  2d  edition,  1877. 

ROSENHAIN,  DR.  WALTER.  —  Cantor  Lectures  on  optical  glass.  1916.  Royal 
Society  of  Arts,  London,  England. 

RUSBY,  H.  H.  and  JELLIFFE,  S.  E.  —  Morphology  and  Histology  of  Plants  de- 
signed especially  as  a  guide  to  plant  analysis  and  classification,  and  an  intro- 
duction to  pharmacognosy  and  vegetable  physiol.  378  pp.,  693  figures.  New 
York,  1899. 

RUSSELL,  ELEANOR  H.  and  W.  KERR.  —  Ultra-violet  Radiation  and  Actino- 
therapy.  30!  edition.  1928.  648  pages,  many  text  figures.  Edinburgh, 
E.  &  S.  Livingstone. 

SCHEINER,  CHRISTOPHORUS.  —  Oculus  hoc  est  fundamentum  opticum,  etc.  Oeni- 
ponti,  1619. 

SCHEINER,  CHRISTOPHORUS.  —  Rosa  Ursina  sive  Sol,  ex  admirando  facularum  et 
macularum  suarum  phoenomeno  varius.  A  Christophoro  Schemer,  Germane 
sueuo  e  societate  Jesu.  Ad  Paulum  Jordanum  II,  ursinum  Bracciani  ducem. 
784  folio  pages,  many  plates.  Apud  Andream  Phajum  Typographum  Duca- 
~lem.  Bracciani,  1626-1630. 

SCHMIDT,  DR.  J.  W.  —  Die  Bausteine  des  Tierkdrpers  in  polarisiertem  Lichte. 
230  text  figs.,  528  pages.  Fr.  Cohen,  Bonn,  Germany.  1924. 


SCIENCE,  a  weekly  journal  devoted  to  the  advancement  of  science.  N.  S.,  1895  +. 
Science  Press,  Garrison.  N.  Y. 

SCIENTIFIC  AMERICAN,  1845.  —  Now  a  monthly  publication.  24  West  4oth  St. 
N.  Y.  Publishers  of  Amateur  Telescope  Making,  Albert  G.  Ingalls,  as- 
sociate editor  Many  experts  added  information. 

SEARS,  J.  E.  —  Precise  length  measurements.  Cantor  Lectures,  Journal  of  the 
Royal  Society  of  Arts.  Vol.  LXXI,  Oct.,  1923,  No's  3698,  3699,  3700. 

SEDGWICK,  W.  T.  and  TYLER,  H.  W.  —  A  short  history  of  science.  New  York, 
1917;  474  pages,  many  portraits. 

SHADBOLDT,  G.  —  Trans.  Micr.  Soc.  London,  Vol.  Ill  (1851),  pp.  132,  154. 

SHIPLEY,  SIR  ARTHUR  E.  —  Edited  by  C.  F.  A.  Pantin.  Hunting  under  the  Mi- 
croscope, 184  pages,  34  figures.  The  Macmillan  Co.,  N.  Y.  up28.  This  little 
work  is  on  pond  life  by  one  who  knew.  Jt  also  has  a  chapter  on  Sir 
Ronald  Ross  and  the  Malarial  problem. 

SIEDKNTOPF,  H.  —  Vorgesichte  der  Spiegelkondensoren,  Zeit.  wiss.,  Mikr.,  Vol. 
XXIV  (1907),  pp.  382-395- 

SMITH,  ROBERT  (LL.D.).  —  A  Compleat  system  of  opticks.  pp.  458  +  171  of 
remarks.  63  plates  in  the  text,  20  plates  in  the  remarks.  Cambridge,  Eng- 
land, 1738. 

SOUTHALL,  JAMES  P.  C.  —  Mirrors,  Prisms  and  Lenses.  A  textbook  of  geometri- 
cal optics.  Enlarged  and  revised  edition.  New  York,  the  Macmillan  Co., 
1923.  657  pages,  287  figures. 

SPENCER,  CHARLES  A. —  Use  of  Eluorite  in  Objectives  as  early  as  1851.  Also 
used  by  his  son,  H.  R.  Spencer  in  1864-5.  Sir  David  Brewster  used  it  in 
1837.  See  §  259a  and  Vol.  XII,  1890,  Proc.  Amer.  Soc.  Microscopists,  pp. 
248-249.  1901,  p.  23. 

SPENCER  LENS  Co  —  The  Microscope,  Construction,  Use  and  Care.  The 
Spencer  Lens  Co.,  IQ  Doat  St.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

SPITTA,  E.  J.  —  Microscopy,  the  construction,  theory  and  use  of  the  micro- 
scope. 468  pages,  241  text  figures  and  47  half-tone  reproductions  of  original 
negatives.  John  Murray,  London,  1907. 

STAIN  TECHNOLOGY.  —  Published  by  the  Commission  on  Standardization  of 
Biological  Stains.  Editor  and  business  manager,  H.  J.  Conn,  Geneva,  N.  Y. 
1926  +. 

STEVENS,  WM.  C.  —  Plant  Anatomy  —  and  hand-book  of  micro-technic.  399 
pages,  155  illustrations.  P.  Blakiston's  Son  &  Co.,  Philadelphia,  Pa.  3d 
edition,  1916. 

STITT,  E.  R.  —  Practical  bacteriology,  blood  work  and  animal  parasitology  in- 
cluding bacteriological  keys,  zoological  tables  and  explanatory  clinical  notes. 
8th  edition  revised  and  enlarged  with  one  plate,  211  other  illustrations  con- 
taining 683  figures.  837  pages.  Philadelphia,  P.  Blakiston's  Son  &  Co., 

STOKES,  GEORGE  GABRIEL.  —  On  the  Change  of  Refrangibility  of  Light.  Philos. 
Trans.  R.  S.,  Vol.  142,  pp  463-479.  and  Vol.  143,  (1853),  PP-  385-396  (1852). 
In  a  note,  p.  479  of  vol.  142  Stokes  proposed  the  word  ''Fluorescence". 
This  has  become  universally  recognized.  These  two  articles  are  the  most 
fundamental  ones  ever  published  on  fluorescence.  The  names  of  many  ob- 
jects are  given  which  show  the  fluorescence  well.  There  is  much  good  history 
given  also. 

STRAHLENTHERAPTE  — Berlin,  1912+. 

TALBOT,  HENRY  Fox.  —  Experiments  on  Light.  Philos.  Mag.  Vol.  V,  1834,  pp. 
331-334;  Philos.  T^ans.,  1837,  pp.  25-28;  Philos.  Trans.,  1837,  pp.  29-36. 
Applied  polarizer  tr >  the  Microscope. 

THRO,  WILLIAM  CROOKS.  —  Clinical  Laboratory  Methods.    The  methods  used  in 


the  laboratory  of  clinical  pathology,  Cornell  University,  Medical  CoHege, 
New  York  City.  2d  edition,  1926.  215  pages. 

by  the  Secretary  of  the  Society,  and  hence  the  place  of  publication  varies. 

WALLIS,  T.  E  —  Analytical  Microscopy,  its  aims  and  methods.  45  text  figs. 
149  pages.  Edward  Arnold  &  Co,  London,  1923. 

WATERHOUSE,  J.  —  Notes  on  the  Early  History  of  the  Camera  Obscura.  The 
Photographic  Journal,  including  the  transactions  of  the  Royal  Photographic 
Society  of  Great  Britain,  Vol.  XXV,  May  31,  1901,  pp.  270-290.  This  is 
the  best  statement  of  the  case  found.  Many  extracts  from  original  sources 
are  given  See  also  the  last  edition  of  the  Encyclopaedia  Britannica  under 
Camera  Obscura,  written  by  General  Waterhouse. 

WATERHOUSK,  J.  —  Notes  on  Early  Tele-dioptric  Lens-systems,  and  the  Genesis 
of  Telephotography.  The  Photographic  Journal,  including  the  transactions 
of  the  Royal  Photographic  Society  of  Great  Britain.  Vol.  XLIT,  Jan.  31, 
1902,  pp.  4-21,  one  pi.  This  paper  gives  a  good  account  of  the  introduction 
of  the  combination  of  a  convex  and  a  concave  lens  for  projection,  i.e.,  the 
use  of  an  amplifier. 

WATSON,  WM.  —  A  Text-book  of  Physics.  4th  edition,  927  pages,  579  figures. 
Longmans,  London,  1907. 

WATSON'S  MICROSCOPE  RECORD.  —  Published  by  W.  Watson  &  Sons,  Limited, 
313  High  Holborn,  London,  England.  This  record  contains  many  excellent 
articles  for  both  amateur  and  professional  worker.  1924+. 

WENHAM,  F.  H.  —  Reflecting  condensers,  Trans.  Micr.  Soc.,  London,  Vol.  Ill, 
1850,  pp.  83-90.  Quart.  Jour.  Micr.  Sci.,  Vol.  T£,  18^4,  pp.  145-158.  Trans. 
Micr.  Soc.,  London,  in  Vol.  IV,  1856,  Quart/Jour.  Micr.  Sci.,  pp.  55-60. 

WHTPPLE,  G.  C.  —  The  Microscopy  of  Drinking  Water.  3d  ed.  409  pages,  20 
colored  plates.  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  New  York,  1914. 

WHITE,  ANDREW  DICKSON.  —  -  The  Warfare  of  Science  with  Theology.  2  vols. 
D.  Appleton  &  Co.,  N.  Y.,  1910. 

WINSLOW,  CHARLES-EDWARD  AMORV.  —  Elements  of  Applied  Microscopy.  A 
textbook  for  beginners.  183  pages,  60  figures.  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  New 
York,  1905. 

WINTON,  ANDREW  L.,  in  collaboration  with  DR.  J.  MOELLER.  —  The  Microscopy 
of  Vegetable  Eoods.  2d  edition.  701  pp.  Illust.  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  New 
York,  1916. 

WISTAR  INSTITUTE  OF  ANATOMY  AND  BIOLOGY,  Woodland  Ave.  and  36th  St.,  Phil- 
adelphia, Penn  :  Style  Brief  giving  methods  of  preparing  manuscript  for 
publication;  Publishers  of  scientific  journals*  Journal  of  Morphology; 
Journal  of  Comparative  Neurology;  American  Journal  of  Anatomy;  Ana- 
tomical Record;  Journal  of  Experimental  Zoology. 

WRIGHT,  SIR  A.  E.  —  Principles  of  Microscopy,  being  a  hand-book  to  The  Mi- 
croscope. 250  pages,  97  text  figures,  and  18  plates.  The  Macmillan  Com- 
pany, New  York,  1907. 

WRIGHT,  LEWIS,  and  DREW,  A.  H.  —  The  Microscope,  a  practical  handbook. 
287  pages,  195  figures.  Colored  frontispiece.  London,  The  Religious  Tract 
Society  1922. 

YOUNG,  THOMAS. —  On  the  mechanism  of  the  eye,  1800,  in  Philos.  Trans.  Roy. 
Soc.,  London,  1801,  pp.  23-88.  On  pp.  39-40  he  describes  astigmatism,  and 
shows  that  it  can  be  corrected  by  tilting  the  spectacles.  See  Airy. 

ZAHN,  JOANNES.  —  Oculus  artificialis  teledioptricus,  sive  telescopium  ndva 
methode  explicatum  ac  comprismis  e  triplici  fundamento  physico  sen  naturali, 
mathematico  dioptrico  et  mechanico,  sen  practico  stabilitum;  opus  curiosum 
theorico-practicum  magna  rerum  varietate  adornatum.  2d  edition.  50  4- 


t>45  "H  *5  PP-    Over  600  figs.    Johannis  Christophorilochneri  Norimberga  e, 

ZEISS.  —  The  Use  and  Care  of  your  Carl  Zeiss  Microscope,  by  W.  Marquette. 

Carl  Zeiss,  Jena,  1929. 

TECHNIK.     Illust.     Methods,   bibliography  and   original  papers.     1884-!-. 

Verlag  von  S.  Firzel,  Leipzig,  Germany.    Published  quarterly. 


Several  of  the  more  recent  works  whose  titles  are  given  in  the  preceding  list  have 
reached  new  editions.  The  following,  most  of  them  recent  works,  are  so  pertinent 
for  the  microscopical  worker  that  it  seems  worth  while  to  add  them  to  the  list. 
In  addition  to  the  works  mentioned  in  this  list  there  are  many  smaller  works  for 
beginners  and  others  which  furnish  valuable  hints  for  every  one  using  the  micro- 

It  is  most  earnestly  recommended  that  those  using  the  microscope  pay  particular 
attention  to  the  booklets  and  the  catalogs  put  out  by  the  manufacturers  of  mi- 
croscopes. They  know  what  they  are  talking  about. 

ALLEN,  R.  M.  —  The  Microscope,  D.  Van  Nostrand  Co.,  Inc.,  New  York,  1940. 
This  volume  with  its  clear  statements  and  abundant  illustrations  will  be  of 
real  help  to  microscopists. 

BARNARD,  J.  E.  and  WELCH,  F.  V.  —  Fluorescence  Microscopy  with  High  Powers 
and  a  Simplification  of  Methods.  Journal  of  the  Royal  Microscopical 
Society  of  London,  1936,  pp.  361-371.  See  also  the  new  edition  of  their 
work,  Practical  Photomicrography,  Edward  Arnold  &  Co.,  London. 
BECK,  CONRAD.  —  The  Microscope,  Theory  and  Practice.  264  pages,  217  figures. 
The  two  volumes  published  earlier  have  been  combined  in  one.  A  most 
valuable  work  by  one  who  knows  both  from  practice  and  from  theory.  R.  &  J. 
Beck,  London,  1938. 

BUKDON,  KENNETH  L.  —  Medical  Microbiology.  An  able  treatise  giving  historical 
and  technical  information  as  well  as  a  knowledge  of  microbes. 

The  frontispiece  is  an  excellent  portrait  of  Pasteur.  There  are  also  portraits 
of  Lister,  Koch,  Theobald  Smith  and  Ehrlich.  763  pages  and  1 20  text  figures. 
The  MacMilian  Co.,  New  York,  1939. 

BUTTOLPH,  L.  J.  —  High  Efficiency  Mercury  and  Sodium  Vapor  Lamps.  Journal 
of  the  Optical  Society  of  America.  Vol.  29,  No.  3.  March,  1939,  pp.  124-130. 
Description  of  the  lamps  giving  high  efficiency  for  illumination  and  pho- 

CHAMBERLAIN,  C.  J.  —  Methods  in  Plant  Histology.  5th  revised  edition,  416 
pages,  140  figures.  The  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1932.  Second  impres- 
sion, 1933.  The  book  has  been  entirely  rewritten  and  contains  the  wisdom 
and  discrimination  that  long,  varied  and  intense  personal  work  have  brought 
to  the  author.  All  biologists  are  urged  to  read  and  take  to  heart  the  conclusions 
in  the  introduction. 

CHAMOT,  EMILE  MONNIN  and  MASON,  CLYDE  WALTER.  —  Handbook  of  Chemical 
Microscopy.  Second  ed.,  1938,  two  volumes.  John  Wiley  and  Sons,  Inc. 
Dr.  Chamot  was  one  of  the  first  and  foremost  in  advocating,  teaching  and 
practicing  chemical  microscopy  in  America. 

CLARK,  WALTER.  —  Photography  by  Infrared.    397  pages,  103  figures.    Excellent 
directions;    comparison  with  visible  light  photography.     John  Wiley  and 
Sons,  Inc.,  New  York,  1939. 
CORRINGTON,  JULIAN  D.  —  Adventures  with  the  Microscope.     410  pages,  352 


figures,  mostly  original.  Colored  frontispiece  of  Leeuwenhoek  and  the  dis- 
covery of  bacteria.  This  is  a  charming  book  covering  a  wide  range  and  is 
especially  designed  for  the  amateur,  but  the  researcher  will  find  many  valuable 
suggestions,  and  much  useful  information.  Published  by  the  Bausch  &  Lomb 
Optical  Co.,  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  1934. 

COWDRY,  E.  V.  —  A  Textbook  of  Histology,  Functional  significance  of  cells  and 
intercellular  substances,  2d  edition,  1938.  Lea  and  Febiger,  Philadelphia. 
This  work  presents  histology  from  the  physiological  aspect  and  is  to  be  highly 

COWDRY,  E.  V.,  Editor.  —  General  Cytology.    University  of  Chicago  Press,  1924. 

COWDRY,  E.  V.,  Editor.  —  Special  Cytology,  2d  ed.,  3  vols.  P.  B.  Hoeber,  Inc., 
New  York,  1932. 

DOWNEY,  HAL,  Editor.  —  Handbook  of  Hematology,  4  vols.  P.  B.  Hoeber,  Inc., 
New  York,  1938. 

EAMES,  A.  J.  and  L.  H.  MCDANIELS.  —  Introduction  to  Plant  Anatomy.  364 
pages,  146  illustrations  with  a  full-page  frontispiece.  This  work  will  be 
found  helpful  to  those  especially  interested  in  plant  structure.  McGraw-Hill 
Book  Co.,  N.  Y.,  1925. 

EASTMAN  KODAK  Co.  —  Photomicrography.  An  introduction  to  photography 
with  the  microscope.  i3th  edition,  1935,  122  pages,  some  in  color.  This 
book  gives  valuable  information  on  photomicrography  with  all"  powers  and 
with  different  sources  of  illumination,  the  principles  and  practice  of  the  use 
of  light  screens  or  filters.  There  is  also  a  helpful  bibliography.  See  also  the 

EASTMAN  KODAK  COMPANY.  —  The  Photography  of  Colored  Objects.  i4th  edition, 
1938.  124  pages,  70  figures,  colored  frontispiece,  and  insert.  This  little 
treatise  with  the  preceding  will  be  found  most  useful  to  any  one  interested  in 
making  photomicrographs. 

GALIGHER,  ALBERT  E.  —  The  Essentials  of  Practical  Microtechnique  in  Animal 
Biology.  288  pages  and  58  original  photomicrographs  and  drawings.  An 
excellent  guide,  and  up  to  date  Published  by  Albert  E.  Galigher,  Inc., 
Berkeley,  California,  1934. 

GREAVES,  R.  H.  and  H.  WRIGHTON.  —  Practical  Microscopical  Metallography. 
2d  edition,  416  pages,  311  text  figures,  54  plates.  Chapman  and  Hall,  London, 


GOODSIR,  JOHN,  F.R.S.  —  The  Anatomical  Memoirs  of  John  Goodsir,  edited  by 
William  Turner.  2  vols.,  469  &  524  pages,  illustrations  and  portrait. 

Goodsir  was  so  highly  thought  of  by  Virchow  that  in  1858  he  dedicated  his 
Cellular  Pathology  to  him  in  these  words:  "  To  John  Goodsir,  F.R.S.,  Professor 
of  Anatomy  in  the  University  of  Edinburgh,  as  one  of  the  earliest  and  most 
acute  observers  of  CELL  LIFE  both  physiological  and  pathological,  this  work 
on  Cellular  Pathology  is  dedicated  as  a  slight  testimony  of  his  deep  respect 
and  sincere  admiration  by  the  author  (Rudolph  Virchow)." 

GOODSTR,  JOHN  and  A.  HANNOVER.  —  On  the  Construction  and  Use  of  the  Micro- 
scope. 100  pages  with  two  plates  of  21  figures.  The  20  figures  in  the  text 
are  mostly  with  dark  field.  It  is  an  excellent  little  book  for  the  time.  Edin- 
burgh and  London,  1853. 

HAITINGER,  MAX.  —  Fluorescenz  Mikroskopie  ihre  Anwendung  in  der  Histologie 
und  Chemie.  108  pages,  32  figures  in  the  text  and  four  colored  plates.  The 
special  point  of  this  work  is  the  coloration  of  materials  by  fluorescing  dyes. 
Akademische  Verlagsgesellschaft,  M.B.H.  Leipzig,  1938. 

HIRSCHLAFF,  E.  —  Fluorescence  and  Phosphorescence  in  Methunes  Monographs 
on  Physical  Subjects.  130  pages,  52  diagrams.  Methuen  &  Co.,  Ltd.,  London, 
1938.  This  deals  especially  with  the  theory  of  fluorescence. 


LEE,  A.  B.  —  The  Microtomist's  Vade-Mecum.  Edited  by  J.  B.  Gatenby  and 
T.  S.  Painter.  Tenth  edition,  784  pages,  n  illustrations.  P.  Blakiston's 
Son  &  Co.,  Inc.,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  1937.  This  has  served  the  workers  in 
histology  and  embryology  from  its  first  edition  in  1885  to  the  present  and 
is  always  referred  to  as  a  final  authority. 

MALLORY,  FRANK  BURR.  —  Pathological  Technique.  A  practical  manual  for 
workers  in  pathological  histology  including  directions  for  the  performance  of 
autopsies  and  for  photomicrography.  W.  B.  Saunders  Company,  Philadelphia, 
1938.  This  work  is  also  a  practical  and  invaluable  manual  for  microscopy  in 
general.  It  is  dedicated  to  his  former  co-author,  James  Homer  Wright. 

MATHESON,  ROBERT.  —  Medical  Entomology.  489  pages,  211  figures  with  portraits 
of  the  great  leaders,  Sir  Patrick  Manson,  Sir  Ronald  Ross,  Major  Walter 
Reed,  Dr.  Howard  T.  Ricketts,  Dr.  Leland  Ossian  Howard  and  Professor 
John  Henry  Comstock.  This  book  contains  many  references  to  original  papers 
and  is  indispensable  for  the  investigator  in  the  transmission  of  disease  by  insects. 
Published  by  Charles  Thomas,  Springfield,  111.,  and  Baltimore,  Md.,  1932. 

McCuiNG,  C.  E.,  Editor.  —  Handbook  of  Microscopical  Technique.  Thirty-four 
contributors.  Second  edition  revised.  Paul  B.  Hoeber,  Inc.,  New  York, 
1937,  This  work  has  proved  of  great  value  to  workers  in  microscopy. 

The  Microscope.  —  The  British  Journal  of  Microscopy  and  Photomicrography. 
Vols.  1-2,  1937-38.  In  1939  the  name  changed  to  The  Microscope  and  En- 
tomologicel  Monthly.  London. 

NEEDHAM,  JAMES  G.,  J.  TRAVER,  YiN-Cm  Hsu,  ANNA  H.  MORGAN,  etc.  —  The 
Biology  of  May  Flies.  800  pages,  42  plates,  165  text  figures  and  a  colored 
frontispiece.  Comstock  Publishing  Co.,  Inc.,  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  1935.  This 
volume  is  of  interest  not  only  to  entomologists,  but  to  fishermen.  Mayfly 
larvae  and  pupae  supply  much  food  for  fishes,  and  to  the  microscopist  the  book 
suggests  a  world  of  interesting  material  for  study. 

POLICARD,  A.  —  Precis  d'Histologie  Physiologique.  3d  ed.  entierement  remanie'e. 
895  pages,  350  figures.  G.  Doiri  &  Cie,  editeurs,  Paris,  1934.  An  excellent 
work  by  the  inventor  of  the  micro-incinerator. 

PRESTON,  J.  M.  —  Modern  Textile  Microscopy.  315  pages,  134  text  figures. 
Emmot  &  Co.,  Ltd.,  London,  England. 

RADLEY,  J.  A.  and  J.  GRANT.  —  Fluorescence  Analysis  in  Ultra- Violet  Light. 
Being  vol.  7  of  a  series  of  monographs  in  applied  chemistry,  edited  by  E. 
Howard  Tripp.  219  pages,  text  figures,  frontispiece  and  photomicrographs. 
D.  Van  Nostrand  Co.,  Inc.,  N.  Y.,  1933.  A  valuable  book  for  those  interested 
in  the  effect  of  ultra-violet  light  in  all  fields.  An  excellent  feature  is  reference 
to  original  sources. 

RASPAIL,  FRANCOIS-VINCENT.  —  Nouveau  Systeme  de  Chimie  Organique  Tond£  sur 
des  Methode  Nouvelles  D' Observation.  Chez  J.  B.  Bailliere,  Libraire  de 
L' Academic  Royale  de  MSdecine.  1833  Incineration,  §  1390,  p.  529. 

Nouveau  Systeme  de  Chimie  Organique  Fond£  sur  des  Nouvelles  Methodes 

D'Observation  et  Pr£ced6  d'un  Traite"  Complet  de  1'Art  d'Observer  et  de 
Manipuler  en  Grand  et  en  Petit  dans  le  Laboratoire  et  sur  le  Porte-Objet  du 
Microscope.  Deuxieme  fidition  Entierement  Refondue,  Accompagne"e  d'un 
Atlas  in  4°  de  vingt  Planches  de  Figures  Dessinees  d'Apres  Nature  et  Gravies 
avec  le  plus  grand  soin.  3  volumes. 
Chez  J.  B.  Bailliere,  Paris  1838. 

Incineration  same  as  in  frst  edition,  tome  3,  pp.  610-11,  §  4277. 
Raspail  has  been  called  the  father  of  micro-chemistry.    His  work  certainly 
gave  the  study  a  tremendous  forward  push.     His  discussion  of  the  theory 
and  use  of  the  microscope  in  tome  i,  pp.  174-281,  is  a  masterpiece  for  the 
time  (1838). 


Abbe  apertometer,  211-212 

Abbe  camera  lucida,  320-324 

Abbe  condenser,  93-94 

Abbe,  importance  of  diffracted  light  in 

microscopy,  218 

Abbe,  numerical  aperture,  82,  209 
Abbe,  portrait,  55O~557 
Abbe  test-plate,  106 
Abbe-Zeiss  micro-spectroscope,  574 
Aberration,  chromatic,  203 
Aberration,  corrections  for,  202-207 
Aberration  of  cover-glass,  no 
Aberration  of  lenses,  198-199 
Absolute  alcohol,  441-442 
Absolute  index  of  refraction,  186-187 
Absolute  temperature,  56,  616 
Absorbent   gauze   and   lintless   towels 

for  wiping  slips,  406 
Absorption  bands,  222-236 
Absorption     spectra,     Angstrom     and 

Stokes  law,  228 
Absorption  spectrum,  226-239 
Absorption  spectrum  of  blood,  234-235 
Absorption  spectrum  of  colored  bodies, 


Absorption  spectrum  of  didymium,  228 
Absorption  spectrum  of  terbium,  228 
Absorption    spectrum,    permanganate, 

Acetate  of  copper  for  pleochroism,  181- 


Achromatic-aplanatic  condenser,  95 
Achromatic  combinations,  205 
Achromatic  objectives,  21 
Achromatism  by  different  kinds  of  glass, 

Achromatism,  history  of,  565-566 

Acid  balsam,  444 

Adams,  George,  projection  image,  286 
Adjustable  objectives,  22,  109-110,  199 
Aerial  image,  demonstration,  68 
Air  and  oil  by  reflected  light,  266 
Air  bubbles  and  oil  globules,  264 
Airy,  George  B.,  astigmatism  and  cy- 
lindrical spectacles,  558 
Albumen  fixative,  441 
Alcohol,  absolute,  441-442 
Alcohol,  denatured,  442 
Alcohol,  ethyl,  441-442 
Alcohol  lamp,  479 
Alcohol,  methyl,  442 
Alcohol,  normal  propyl,  443 
Alcohol,  percentages,  440-441 
Alhazen  and  the  optics  of  the  Arabs,  55 1 
Ailing  and  Ward,  book  catalogue,  431 
Aluminum  for  reflecting  ultra-violet,  244 
Aluminum  vapor  mirror,  242-243 
American     manufacturers     of     micro- 
scopes, 42 

Amici,  immersion  objectives,  567-568 
Amici  prism,  223 
Ammonium  sulphide  for  venous  blood, 

235,  239 

Amplification,  282-283 
Amplifier  of  Tolles,  291 
Analyzer  of  polariscope,  170-1 71 
Anchoring  the  cover-glass,  418 
Angstrom  unit  (A)  definition,  302 
Angular  aperture,  81,  208-221 
Animal  tissues  with  the  polarizing  mi- 
croscope, 179-180 
Aniso tropic  objects,  172 
Anthracene  for  fluorescence,  244 
Aperture  and  diffracted  light,  93 
Aperture    and    intensity    for    micro- 
incinerations,  536-538 




Aperture,  angular  and  numerical,  81- 

104,  208-221 
Aperture,  centering  the  condenser,  85- 


Aperture,  critical  illumination,  99-100 
Aperture,  depth  of  focus,  218 
Aperture,  determination  with  a  thick 

glass  plate,  213-215 
Aperture  diagrams,  83 
Aperture,  effect  of  opacities,  221 
Aperture    for    dark-field    microscopy, 

Aperture  from  an  immersion  condenser, 


Aperture  from  a  white  surface,  87-88 
Aperture  from  the  mirror,  88 
Aperture  from  the  sky,  81,  87 
Aperture  from  translucent  objects,  from 

a  mirror,  from  a  condenser,  89-90 
Aperture  of  condenser  and  objective,  84 
Aperture  of  objectives,  table,  210 
Aperture,  Spencer  and  Tolles,  567-568 
Aplanatic  objectives,  21 
Apochromatic  objectives,  22 
Apparatus  for  micro-incinerations,  cost, 

Appearances  due  to  difference  of  focus, 


Arc  lamp  for  dark-field  work,  145-146 
Archer  and  Diamond,  photography,  374 
Aristotle,  theory  of  vision,  551 
Arrangement  of  serial  sections,  501 
Arranging  diatoms,  etc.,  427 
Artificial  daylight,  55~56,  57 1 
Artificial  illumination,  54-55 
Atkinson,  photographing  bacterial  cul- 
tures, 37°~37I 

Autochrome  color  photography,  401 
Avoidance  of  dense  shadows  in  photog- 
raphy, 367-368 
Avoidance  of  distortion  in  camera  lucida 

drawings,  322-323 

Avoidance  of  inversion  in  drawings,  514 
Axial  and  oblique  light  with  a  conden- 
ser, 78,  97-98 
Axial  or  central  light,  53 
Axis,  principal  and  secondary,  12,  195, 


Back  combination,  21 
Bacon,  Roger,  551-554 
Baker,  H.,  on  projection,  574 
Balsam,  acid,  444 
Balsam,  Canada,  443 
Balsam,  filtering,  443 
Balsam,  neutral,  443 
Balsam,  xylene,  443 
Barbaro,  projection,  concave  and  con- 
vex spectacles,  555,  573 
Bausch,  Edward,  49 
Bausch  &  Lomb's  comparison  ocular, 

Bausch  &  Lomb's  special  dark-field  oil 

immersions,  135 
Bausch  &  Lomb's  student  and  research 

microscopes,  36,  40 
Bausch  &  Lomb's  tube-length,  200 
Beale,  need  of  actual  experiments,  2 
Beale,  objects  for  interpretation,  275 
Beck,  Conrad,  34-35,  92 
Beck,  Conrad,  dark-field,  125 
Beck,  Conrad,  fu'l  aperture  if  proper 

lighting,  104 

Beck,  Conrad,  lighting,  100-102 
Beck,  lens  holder  for  eyepoint,  85,  107- 

Beck's  focusing  dark- field  condenser  for 

different   thickness  of  slips,    137- 

Behrens,  celluloid  slips,  404 

Bent-neck  vials,  422 
Bernhard's  drawing  board,  324 
Bibliography  for  the  whole  book,  581- 


Binocular  microscope,  Ives  form,  32 
Binocular    microscope,    mon-objective 

type  of  Riddell,  29 

Binocular  microscope,  original  form,  562 
Binocular  microscope,  Wenham  type, 

29,  3* 

Binocular  microscopes,  28-42,  562-563 
Binocular  microscopes,  advantages  and 

disadvantages,  30-32 
Binocular  microscopes,  diverging  and 

parallel  tubes,  34-35 



Binocular  microscopes,  experiments, 

Binocular  microscopes,  Greenough  type, 

Binocular  microscopes  with  unlikeness 
of  the  observer's  eyes,  117-118 

Bleaching  blue  prints,  330 

Bleile  on  use  of  pocket  spectroscope,  234 

Blood  for  Brownian  movement,  273 

Blood  for  dark-field,  159-163 

Blood,  spectrum,  234-235 

Blood-dust,  chylomicrons,  163 

Blueprints,  drawings  on,  329-330 

Bon  ami  for  cleaning  slips  and  cover- 
glasses,  406-409 

Borax  carmine,  444 

Born,  wax  models,  509-510 

Bottles  or  jars  for  histology,  455 

Boyer,  diatoms,  427 

Brain,  the  final  organ  of  vision,  5,  10, 

Brewster   David,  92,  94,  100,  206,  565, 


Brewster,  David,  condensers,  94,  565 
Brewster,  David,  immersion  objectives, 


Brewster,  David,  lighting,  100 
Brewster,    David,   optical  qualities  of 

fluorite,  206 

Bright-  and  dark-field  microscope,  121 
Bright-field  microscope,  51 
Brightness  for  best  acuity,  101-102 
Brislee  on  high  aperture  condensers  for 

dark-field,  136 
Brown  &  Sharpe's  micrometer  calipers, 

Brownian  movement,  how  stopped,  270- 

Brownian  movement,  pedesis,  161-162, 


Brownian  movement  under  the  polar- 
izing microscope,  271-272 
Browning,  the  micro-spectroscope,  574 

Cabinets  for  slides,  432-437 
Calcite,  Iceland  spar,  1 70 

Calipers  for  measuring  the  thickness  of 
slips  and  covers,  409 

Camera  for  photo-micrography,  374-375 

Camera  lucida,  Abbe's,  320 

Camera  lucida  for  drawing,  317-328 

Camera  lucida,  Wollaston's,  288-289 

Camera  obscura,  drawings  with,  329 

Canada  balsam,  443 

Cap,  pinhole  for  centering,  86-87 

Carbol-xylene  clearer,  445 

Carbon-monoxide  hemoglobin,  spec- 
trum, 237 

Cardioid  dark-field  condenser,  142 

Care  of  the  eyes  in  microscopy,  48 

Care  of  the  microscope,  46 

Carmine,  borax,  444 

Carmine  for  mucus,  444-445 

Carmine,  spectrum  of,  237 

Carpenter,  binoculars,  31 

Carpenter,  direct  sunlight  for  dark-field 
microscopy,  I44~r45 

Carpenter-Dallinger,  7,  92 

Castor-xylene  clarifier,  446,  487 

Catalogues  to  guide  in  purchasing  a  mi- 
croscope, 42 

Cedar-wood  oil,  445 

Cells,  isolation  of,  422 

Cells,  mounting,  415-416 

Cells,  preparation  of,  415-416 

Center  of  lens,  12 

Centering  by  the  aid  of  a  pinhole  cap, 

Centering  dark-field  condenser,  i53-IS5 

Centering,  experiments,  86-87,  108 

Centering  light  for  the  dark-field  mi- 
croscope, 154-155 

Centering  the  microscope  stage,  176 

Centering  the  ocular,  108 

Centering  with  nose-pieces,  108-109 

Central,  axial  light,  53 

Central  stop,  size  of  for  dark-field,  120- 

Chalet  lamp,  58-59 

Chalet  lamp  for  demonstrations,  362 

Chalet  lamp  in  section,  58,  362 

Chalet  microscope  lamp  for  dark-field, 

150,  541 
Chalet  microscope  lamp,  new,  59 


Chamberlain's  plant  histology,  478 
Chamot,  E.  M.,  comparison  ocular,  274 
Chamot,  E.  M,,  glass  slips  for  micro- 
chemistry,  and  for  polarized  light, 


Chamot,  E.  M.,  micrometry  by  the  con- 
denser image,  308-310 

Chamot,  E.  M.,  usefulness  of  dark- 
field  microscopy,  156 

Chamot,  spectrum  analysis,  23g 

Chamot's  wire  gauze  experiment,  275- 

Chamot  and  Mason,  for  index  of  refrac- 
tion by  the  use  of  liquids,  268 

Changing  alcohols,  492;  objectives,  108; 
dark  to  light  field,  540-541 

Chemical  constituents  of  animals  and 
plants,  522-523 

Cherubin  d'Orleans  binocular,  562 

Chevalier,  constructed  Selligue's  achro- 
matic objectives,  566 

Chloral  hematoxylin,  454 

Chloroform,  445 

Choice  of  plates  and  color  screens,  400 

Chromatic  aberration,  202-203 

Chylomicron,  derivation  of  the  term, 

Chylomicrons  under  the  dark-field  mi- 
croscope, 152,  162,  164 

Clarifier,  castor  xylene,  446 

Cleaning  diatoms,  427 

Cleaning  glass  slips,  405-407 

Cleaning  mixture,  dichromate,  411 

Cleaning  mixture  for  slips  and  cover- 
glasses,  411 

Cleaning  slips  and  covers  for  dark-field 
microscopy,  141,  525 

Cleaning  used  slips  or  slides,  406 

Cleaning  with  bon  ami,  407-409,  525 

Clearers,  445-446,  524 

Clearing  sections,  492 

Coles,  92 

Collateral  reading  for  the  different  chap- 
ters, 6c,  50,  58,  1 20,  168-169,  182, 
221,  257-258,  278,  316,  363,  402, 
463,  520,  546,  578-579 

Collection  of  material  from  brooks, 

Collodion,  celloidin,  parlodion,  pyroxy- 
lin, 446-447 

Collodion,  infiltration  with,  484 
Collodion  parlodion,  pyroxylin,  269 
Collodion  or  parlodion  sections,  483-488 
Collodion    sections,    fastening    to    the 

glass  slide,  487 
Collodionizing  sections,  481 
Colophonium  for  methylene  blue  stain, 

Color  screens  and  plates  in  photography, 

390-397,  400-401 
Color  screens,  exposure  with,  397 
Combinations  of  objectives,  20-21 
Combined  dark-  and  bright-field  con- 
densers, 136-137,  1 68 
Comparison  of  electron  and  projection 

microscopes,  6-6& 
Comparison  oculars  fo\^  interpretation, 


Comparison  spectrum,  23^ 
Compensating  ray  filters,  394       ' 
Compensation  oculars,  25-26,  205-206 
Complementary  spectra,  228 
Compound  microscope,  4 
Compound  microscope,  definition,  8 
Compound  microscope  and  parts,  17 
Compound  microscope,   magnification, 

definition  of,  287 
Compound    microscopes,    Dutch    and 

Keplerian  forms,  18,  559-560 
Comstock  bent-neck  vials,  422 
Concave  spectacles,  555 
Condenser,  aperture  of,  214 
Condenser,  centering  by  eyepoint,  85 
Condenser,  corrections  of,  93 
Condenser,  dark-  and  bright-field,  136, 

168,  540 
Condenser,    dark-field,   cardioid   form, 

Condenser,  dark-field,  centering,    140, 

Condenser,  dark-field,  selection  of,  166- 


Condenser  for  student  microscope,  95 
Condenser,  lighting  entire  field,  96 
Condenser,  mirror  and  light  for,  96 
Condenser,  quartz  bull's  eye,  244 



Condenser,  quartz  for  ultra-violet,  243 
Condenser,  why  immersion  necessary, 

210-211,  539 

Condensers,  80-104,  127-142,  166-167, 
210-211,  243-244,  387,  531-533, 

Condensers  and  dark-stops  for  micro- 
incinerations,  53J-533 
Condensers  and  mirrors,  history  of,  565 
Condensers,  dark-field,   127-140,  531- 

533,  569 

Condensers  for  high  aperture  in  dark- 
field  work,  135-136;  for  drawing, 

Condensers  for  photo-micrography,  387 

Condensers,  immersion  for  dark-field, 
139-140,  539 

Condensers,  refracting  for  dark-field, 
127-130,  531-540 

Cones  and  rods  of  the  retina,  280-281 

Cones  of  light,  solid  and  hollow,  536-538 

Congo  red,  447 

Connective  tissue  stain,  456 

Construction  of  real  images,  14 

Continuous  spectrum,  225 

Contrast  ray  filters,  394  t 

Convex  spectacles,  555,  573 

Corex  glass  slips  for  ultra-violet  work, 
243,  246,  403-405 

Corex  slips  for  the  polarizing  and  the 
ultra-violet  microscope,  178-179 

Corning  Glass  Works,  corex  and  ultra- 
violet filters,  246-248,  403,  545 

Correction  of  aberrations,  199,  202- 

Corrections  in  achromatic  and  apochro- 
matic  objectives,  204-208 

Correlation  of  aperture  of  objective  and 
condenser,  92 

Cost  of  equipment  for  micro-incinera- 
tion, 544-546 

Counterstaining,  491-492 

Cover-glass,  aberration  produced  by,  no 

Cover-glass,  anchoring,  418 

Cover-glass,  cleaning,  406-411 

Cover-glass  correction,  199 

Cover-glass,  determination  of,  thickness 
of,  76-77,  410 

Cox,  J.  D.,  homogeneous  immersion  ob- 
jectives, 568 
Cox,  J.  D.,  need  of  understanding  the 

microscope,  2-3 
Critical  angle  and  total  reflection,  188- 


Critical  angle,  definitions,  188-190 
Critical  illumination,  98-100 
Crossed  polarizer  and  analyzer,  171 
Crystal  violet  for  elastic  tissue,  449 
Currents  in  liquids  under  the  micro- 
scope, 269 

Curve  of  eye  sensitiveness,  392 
Curve  of  ordinary  plates,  393 
Curve  of  orthochromatic  plates,  393 
Curve  of  panchromatic  plates,  394 
Curves  to  show  ultra-violet  transmis- 
sion of  filters,  248 

Cusa,  Cardinal,  concave  spectacles,  555 
Cylindrical  spectacles  for  astigmatism, 


Daddi,  use  of  Sudan  for  fat,  460 
'  Dark-field  and  bright-field  microscope, 


Dark-field  and  ultramicroscopy,   123- 

Dark-field   condenser,   centering,    140, 


Dark-field  condensers,  focusing  for  dif- 
ferent slip  thickness,  137-138 

Dark-field  condensers,  refracting,  para- 
boloid, bispheric  and  cardioid,  134, 
142,  151 

Dark-field,  determining  thickness  of  slip 
for,  141-142 

Dark-field  element  for  refracting  con- 
densers, 130-131,  532 

Dark-field  element  for  ultra-violet  con- 
densers, 243-246 

Dark-field,  focusing  the  microscope  in, 

Dark-field  illumination,  127 
Dark-field,  lamp  for,  145-150,  167,  541 
Dark-field,  light  above  the  stage,  125- 



Dark-field,  light  below  the  stage,  126 
Dark-field  microscope,  definition,  122 
Dark-field  microscope,  experiments, 


Dark-field  microscope,  history,  568-569 
Dark-field    microscope,    interpretation 

with,  272 

Dark-field    microscope    for    micro-in- 
cinerations, 530-543 
Dark-field  microscope,   troubles  with, 


Dark-field,  mounting  objects  for,  156 
Dark-field,  naked-eye-demonstration , 

Dark-field  objectives  and  oculars,  23, 

132-135,  535 
Dark-field,  polarizing  and  ultra-violet 

demonstrations  in  a  dimly  lighted 

room,  361-362 
Dark-field,    resolution    and    visibility 

with,  124-125 
Dark- field,  slips  and  covers  for,  140- 

141,  524-525 

Dark-field,  test  slides  for,  141 
Dark-field,    visibility    and    resolution, 

Dark-field   with  condensers,    127-140, 

131,  134,  530-532 
Dark-stops  for  micro-incinerations,  531, 

Davy  and  Wedgewood,  photography, 


Daylight,  artificial,  55~56,  57 l 
Daylight  glass  filter,  55-56 
Daylight-lamp  or  lantern,  5,  57~58 
Decalcifier,  447 
Dehydration  and  clearing,  492 
Demonstration  for  classes,  350-363 
Demonstration  oculars  for  two,  28 
Demonstration  room  for  polarizing,  and 
ultra-violet  microscopes  and  dark- 
field^  361-362 

Demonstration  table,  360-361 
Demonstrations  with  euscope,  354-355 
Denatured  alcohol,  442 
Denmark  or  table  black,  461-462 
Deparamning,  480 
Pepth  of  focus  and  aperture,  218 

Descartes'  condenser  and  microscopes, 

93,  564-565 
Descartes  and  Snell,  index  of  refraction, 


Developing  light,  397-398 
Diagrams  by  projection,  335 
Diaphragm  ocular,  24 
Diaphragms,  size  and  position,  54 
Diaphragms,  use  in  microscopy,  54,  531 
Diatoms,  collecting  and  cleaning,  426- 


Dichroic  and  trichroic  bodies,  181 
Bichromate  cleaning  mixture,  41 1 
Didymium,  erbium  and  terbium,  ab- 
sorption spectra  of,  228 
Difference  in  the  diameter  of  the  field 
and  the  magnification  of  different 
objectives  with  the  same  ocular,  67 
Differences  in  magnification  with  dif- 
ferent  objectives  with   the  same 
designation,  67 
Differential  staining,  489 
Diffracted  light,  93,  218-220,  536 
Diffracted  light  and  aperture,  93 
Diffraction,  definition,  194 
Direct  vision  spectroscope,  224 
Directions  for  adjustment  of  objectives, 


Dispersion,  193 
Dispersion,  table  of,  217 
Dissociating  liquids,  422-424,  447-448 
Distance  of  distinct  vision,  282 
Distance,  working,  with  a  microscope, 


Distinctness  of  outline,  266-269 
Distortion,  avoidance  in  drawing,  319 
Dollond,  achromatic  instruments,  566 
Donne  &  Foucault,  photography,  374 
Double   imbedding   in   collodion   and 

paraffin,  488 
Double  microscope,  559 
Doubly  contoured,  268 
Drawing  board,  Bernhard's,  324 
Drawings,  avoidance  of  inversion,  514 
Drawings  by  the  aid  of  a  camera,  329 
Drawings,  determination  of  their  mag- 
nification, 315 
Drawings  for  models,  514 


60 1 

Drawings  for  publication,  340-345 
Drawings,  lettering,  343~344 
Drawings,  magnification  of,  315 
Drawings  on  photographs,  329-334 
Drawings,  reduction  in  engraving,  343 
Drawings,  scale  of,  327 
Drawings,  size  of,  342 
Drawings  with  a  camera  lucida,  "317- 

Drawings  with  the  microscope,  and  the 

projection     microscope,     317-350, 

336-342,  515-517 
Dry  mounting,  414 
Dry  objectives,  21 
Drying  oven,  508 
Drying  spread  sections,  480,  525 
Dumond,  M.  A.,  158 
Dust,  removal  from  lenses,  41 
Dutch  binoculars  (opera  glasses),  563 
Dutch  compound  microscope,  559-560 
D wight,  papier  machc  models,  511 

Kberbach,  slide  cabinet  and  trays,  437 
Edinger's  ocular  for  two  observers,  564 
Edmunds,  blood  under  dark-field,  159, 

167       ' 
Edmunds,  direct  sunlight  for  dark-field 

microscopy,  144-145 
Eikonometer  of  Sir  A.  E.  Wright,  307 
Elastic  stain,  hematoxylin  and  mucicar- 

mine,  493 

Elastic  stains,  448-450 
Electric  furnace  for  micro-incineration, 

522,  526 
Electric  oven  and  spreading  plate,  473- 

Electrification  of  paraffin  ribbons,  477- 


Electro-magnets,  6a 
Electronic  waves,  6a 
Electron  microscope,  6-6b 
Emerton,  paper  models,  511 
Enlarging  small  negatives,  388-389 
Eosin,  450 

Eosin  in  the  clearer,  492 
Eosin  methylene  blue,  450,  494 

Equivalent  focus,  18 
Erbium  didymium  and  terbium,  spec- 
tra, 228 

Erect  and  inverted  images,  71 
Erect  images,  how  to  procure  with  the 

microscope,  349 

Erect  images  in  drawing,  348-349 
Erythrocytes  under  the  dark-field  mi- 
croscope, 122, 161-162 
Ether,  ether-alcohol,  451 
Euscope,  32,  354 

Evaporated  Films  Co.,  for  aluminum- 
vapor  mirrors,  244 
Experiments,     aid    in     understanding 

principles,  3 

Experiments  in  centering,  86-87 
Experiments  in  interpretation  of  ap- 
pearances, 259-278 

Experiments  in  lighting  and  focusing,  59 
Experiments     in     photo-micrography, 


Experiments,  need  of,  2 
Experiments  with  binoculars,  115-118 
Experiments  with  condensers,  92 
Experiments  with  fog  and  glare,  103 
Experiments  with  objectives,  109-114 
Experiments  with  simple  and  compound 

microscopes,  59-81 

Experiments    with    single-    and    with 
double-objective    binoculars,    in, 
Experiments  with  sky  as  light  source,  81, 


Experiments  with  the  compound  mi- 
croscope, 61-77 

Experiments  with  the  micro-spectro- 
scope, 233-239 

Experiments  with  the  polarizing  micro- 
scope, 177-182 

Experiments  with  the  ultra-violet  mi- 
croscope, 249-256 

Exposure  with  color  screens,  397 

Extraordinary  ray  of  polarizer,  171 

Eye,  makers  of,  550 

Eye,  nodal  point  or  center,  281 

Eyelens,  24 

Eyepieces,  24 

Eyepoint,  definition,  70 



Eyepoint,  demonstration  of,  70 
Eyes,  care  of,  in  microscopy,  48 
Eye-shade  to  use  with  the  microscope, 


Farrant's  solution,  451 

Fastening  the  sections  to  the  slide  with 

series,  498 

Fibrin  network  under  the  dark-field  mi- 
croscope, 122,  161-164 
1'ield,  definition,  and  how  obtained,  66 
Field  in  the  microscope,  diagram,  65 
Field  lens,  24 

Field,  lighting  entire,  96-97 
Field  of  dark-field  microscope,  152 
Filar  ocular  micrometer,  300-301 
Filters  for  ultra-violet,  247-248 
Filters  or  screens  in  photography,  390- 


Fish,  P.  A.,  Sudan,  table  black,  etc., 

Fixation  for  micro-incineration,  523,  528 

Fixation  of  tissues,  464 

Fixing  for  series,  498 

Flemming's  fluid,  451 

Fluorescence,  241,  544 

Fluorescence  discovered  by  David 
Brewster,  576 

Fluorescence  microscope,  241 

Fluorescence  of  Stokes,  576 

Fluorescence,  spectroscope  to  analyze, 

Fluorite  for  objectives,  205-206,  567 

Fluorite  objectives,  22,  567 

Focus,  equivalent,  18 

Focus,  principal,  definition,  12,  13,  198 
real  and  virtual,  194 

Focusing  dark-field  condensers,  Beck 
and  Zeiss  forms,  137-138 

Focusing  experiments,  62-65 

Focusing  glass,  330,  368-369 

Focusing  in  photo-micrography,  380 

Focusing  stand  for  photography,  330 

Focusing  stand  for  vertical  camera,  368 

Focusing  the  objective  with  the  micro- 
spectroscope,  232-233 

Focusing  the  slit  of  the  micro-spectro- 
scope, 229-230 

Focusing  when  objects  scattered,  64 

Focusing  with  the  dark-field,  155 

Focusing  with  parfocal  oculars  and  ob- 
jectives, 64-65 

Fog  and  glare,  102-103 

Foot  candies  and  candle  meters  for 
microscopic  study,  102 

Formaldehyde,  451 

Formaldehyde  dissociator,  422-423,  448 

Formalin,  451 

Fraunhofer  lines,  225-227 

Free-hand  drawing  with  a  microscope, 


Free-hand  sectioning,  470 
Freezing  microtome,  471 
Front  combination,  21 
Function  of  an  objective,  66-67 
Function  of  an  ocular,  69-70 


Gage,   Henry  Phelps,  Daylight  glass, 

Determination  of  aperture  by  the  aid 

of  thick  glass,  212-213 
Method  of  getting  the  magnification 
of  the  objective  and  of  the  ocular 
by  one  process,  315 
Quartz  mirror  for  ultra-violet,  244 
Water-cell  with  heat-absorbing  win- 
dows, 147,  358 

Gage,  Susanna  Phelps,  blotting  paper 
in  place  of  wax  for  models,  51 1-514 
Branched  muscle  fibers,  431 
Compartments  for  slide  trays,  435 
Sudan  for  eggs  and  chicks,  461 
Gage  and  Fish,  Sudan  for  fat,  461 
Galen,  perfection  of  the  eye,  550 

vision  and  the  chiasma,  549 
Galileo,  portrait,  556-557 
Gauze  for   cleaning   slips   and   cover- 
glasses,  406-407 
General  or  counter  stains,  489 
Geometrical  construction  of  images,  13 
Glare  and  fog  with  the  microscope,  102- 



Glass,  ground  or  frosted,  how  to  pre- 
pare, 68 

Glass  rods  in  liquids,  267-268 

Glass  slips,  cleaning,  405-40? 

Glass  slips  for  incinerations,  524-525 

Glycerin,  glycerol,  452 

Glycerin  jelly,  452~453 

Glycerol,  glycerin,  452 

Glycogen,  iodin  stain  for,  455,  494-495 

Green  man,  slide  trays  with  compart- 
ments, 435-436 

Ground  glass,  how  to  prepare,  68 

Ground  glass  with  clear  center,  369 

Guide  for  mounting,  417 

Gulliver's  molecular  base  of  the  chyle, 
chylomicrons,  163 


Haemin  for  pleochroism,  181-182 

Hard  tissue,  Land's  method  of  soften- 
ing, 478 

llarting's  microscope  for  two  or  more 
observers,  28,  563 

Heat-absorbing  glass  for  water  cell,  357 

Heating  plate,  479 

Hclly's  fluid,  462 

Hematein,  454 

Hematoxylin,  chloral,  454 

Hematoxylin,  picro  fuchsin,  493 

Hematoxylin  staining,  490 

Hemoglobin,     carbon-monoxide     spec- 
trum, 237 
spectrum  of,  236 

Herschel,  discovered  infra-red,  576 

High  objectives,  23 

Highly  refractive,  definition,  268 

Hippocrates,  on  the  brain,  548 

Histology,  physiological,  431 

History  of  lenses  and  microscopes,  547- 


Hitchcock,  R.,  clarifying  shellac,  460 
Hodge,  change  in  nerve  cells,  431 
Hollow  light  cones,  536-538 
Homal  lenses  for   photo-micrography, 


Homogeneous  immersion  of  condenser 
and  slide,  210 

Homogeneous  immersion  objectives  for 

dark-field  work,  21,  135,  544 
Hones  and  honing,  469-470 
Hood  over  the  objective  for  projection 

microscope,  360 
Hooke,  Robert,  seeing  two  objects  as 

two,  279 

Hovestadt,  Jena  glass,  567 
HowelPs  physiology  for  eye,  282 
Huggings  and  micro-spectroscope,  574 
Huygenian  ocular  showing  ordinary  and 

compensation  action,  25-26,  207 
Huygens,  26,  556-55 7,  564 

Illuminating  objectives,  23 
Illumination,  artificial,  54 
Illumination,  critical,  98-100 
Illumination  for  dark-field,  127 
Image,  aerial,  how  to  demonstrate,  68 
Image  and  object,  relative  position,  15 
Image  in  the  microscope  or  on  the  draw- 
ing surface,  321 
Image,  real,  4,  8 
Image,  retinal,  4,  10 
Image,  swaying  of,  98 
Image,  virtual,  8;  and  real,  8,  195 
Image,  virtual,  construction,  14 
Images,  erect  and  inverted  with  a  mi- 
croscope, 71 

Images,  erect  in  drawings,  348 
Images  formed  by  lenses,  194 
Images,  geometrical  construction  of,  13 
Images,  real  by  projection,  5,  286 
Images,  real,  object  near  and  far  from 

the  focus,  15 

Images,  refraction  and  color,  1 1 2-1 14 
Imbedding  box,  475 
Imbedding  for  incineration,  523 
Imbedding  in  collodion,  485 
Imbedding  in  paraffin,  473-474,  523 
Immersion    condensers    for    dark-field 

microscopy,  139 

Immersion  media  for  ultra-violet,  246 
Immersion  objectives,  21,  567-568 
Incinerated   and   stained    tissue    com- 
pared, 534 



Incineration,  heat  and  time  required, 

Incinerations,  microscopic  study,  530- 


Incinerations   with   bright-   and   with 
dark-field,  534 

Independent  magnification  of  objectives 
and  oculars,  312-315 

Index  of  refraction,  185-187 

Index  of  refraction,  absolute,  186 

Index    of    refraction    and    dispersion, 
table,  217 

Index  of  refraction  and  wave  length, 

Index  of  refraction  of  air,  water  and 
homogeneous  immersion  oil,  210 

Indicator  to  aid  in  focusing  the  dark- 
field  objective,  155 

Infiltrating  box,  473-475 

Infiltration  with  collodion,  484 

Infiltration  with  paraffin,  472-473,  523 

Infra-red  light  waves,  6 

Infra-red     radiation,     discovered     by 
Herschel,  183,  222,  576 

Infusoria,  cultures  of,  425 
for  dark-field,  159 

Initial  magnification  with  250  and  160 
tube-length,  19 

Intensity  of  light  and  aperture  of  ob- 
jective for  incinerations,  537-541 

Intermediate  combination,  20-21 

Interpolation  with  sines,  616 

Interpretation,   collateral   reading  for, 

Interpretation,  objects  for,  275 

Interpretation,    summary    of    require- 
ments, 277 

Interval  timer  for  micro-incineration, 


In  toto  staining,  498 
Inversion,  avoidance  in  drawings,  346- 

349,  5H 

Inversion  of  microscopic  image,  276 
Invisible  and  visible  radiation,  183 
lodin  in  alcohol,  456 
lodin  stain  for  glycogen,  455,  494~495 
Iris  diaphragm  in  objective  for  micro- 
incinerations,  535,  544 

Iris  diaphragm  under  condenser,  90-91, 

536,  542 

Iron  hematoxylin,  454 
Irrigating  a  specimen,  418 
Isolation  by  formaldehyde,  422-423 
Isolation  of  cells,  422 
Isolation  of  muscle  fibers,  424 
Isolation  of  structural  units,  422-424 
Iso tropic  objects,  172 
Ives,    Frederic    E.,    binocular    micro- 
scopes, 32,  563 

mon-objective  binocular,  32-34 
Ives,  Herbert  E.,  artificial  daylight,  58 

Jansen,    Dutch    microscope   and   tele- 
scope; 556-557,  559"56o,  574 
Japanese  filter  paper,  lens  paper,  39 


Kepler,  drawing  by  projection,  572-574 
Kepler,  microscope  and  telescope,  556- 
557,  559-560 


Labeling  and  cataloguing,  428-431 
Labeling  serial  sections,  507 
Laboratory  lockers,  438 
Laboratory  stools  and  tables,  49,  80 
Lagrange  disc,  eyepoint,  70 
Lamp,  alcohol,  for  heating,  479 
Lamp,   for  dark-field  work,    144-150, 


Lamp  for  demonstration,  362 
Lamp  for  photo-micrography,  376-377 
Lamp  for  the  microscope,  57-58,  145- 

150,  541-545 

Lamp  for  ultra-violet,  247-249 
Lamp,  6- volt  for  dark-field,   146-150, 

167,  541-545 
Lamp-black  for  ingestion  of  leucocytes, 


Land's    method    of    sectioning    hard 

tissue,  478 
Large  covers,  cleaning,  409 



Lateral  swaying  of  image,  98 

Leitz  combined  dark-  and  bright-field 
condenser,  137 

Leitz,  tube-length,  170  mm.,  19 

Lens,  definition,  n,  194 

Lens  holder  for  eyepoint,  85 

Lens  holder  with  joints  and  adjust- 
ments, 17 

Lens  paper  for  cleaning  lenses,  47 

Lens,  parallelizing,  145,  148 

Lens,  principal  focus  on  each  side,  13 

Lens,  reducing,  196 

Lenses,  aberration  of,  198-199 

Lenses  and  images,  194 

Lenses  and  microscopes,  history,  547- 


Lenses,  concave  and  convex,  194 
Lenses,  converging,  197 
Lenses,  diagrams  of  different  forms,  197 
Lenses,  diverging,  197 
Lenses,  removal  of  balsam,  etc.,  48 
Lenses,  removal  of  dust,  etc.,  47 
Lenses,  spherical,  forms  of,  195-107 
Lettering  drawings,  343~344 
Leucocytes  under  the  dark-field  micro- 
scope, 122,  161-164 
Ligamentum  nuchae,  450 
Light,  artificial,  experiments,  79 
Light,  axial  and  oblique,  78 
Light,  axial  and  oblique  with  a  con- 
denser, 97-98,  536 
Light,  axial  or  central,  53 
Light,  characteristics  of,  182-184 
Light,  diffracted,  and  aperture,  93 
Light  for  dark-field  microscopy,   131- 

147,  162-163,  530-543 
Light  for  photography,  247,  378 
Light  in  the  work  room  for  dark-field 

microscopy,  123 

for  ultra-violet  microscopy,  247-249 
Light,  incident  or  direct,  52 
Light,  oblique,  53 
Light,  quality  and  amount,  5-6 
Light,  reflected,  52 
Light,  source  and  character,  100 
Light,  transmitted,  52 
Light-excluding  sleeve,  382-383 
Lighting  a  simple  microscope,  60 

Lighting  and  lamps  for  dark-field  mi- 
croscopy, 144-150*  541-543 
Lighting  experiments,  77 
Lighting  field  with  condenser,  96 
Lighting  for  photography,  366-367 
Lighting  for  the  spectroscope,  232 
Lighting  opaque  objects,  23,  52,  60 
Lighting  the  mercury  lamp,  248-249 
Lighting  translucent  objects,  60 
Lighting  with*  daylight,  51 
Line  drawings  on  the  back  of  photo- 
graphs, 331-334 
Line  spectrum,  225 
Lister,  dark-field,  569 
Lockers  for  laboratory,  438 
Low  objectives,  23 
Luckiesh,  M.,  artificial  daylight,  58 


MacMunn,  on  spectra,  239 

Maddox,  R.  L.,  gelatin  dry  plates,  374 

Magnetic  condenser,  6b 

Magnetic  objective,  6b 

Magnetic  projector,  6b 

Magnification   and   micrometry,    279- 


Magnification  and  principal  focus,  292- 


Magnification  by  projection,  314-315 
Magnification,  definition,  282-283 
Magnification  distance,  291-292 
Magnification  expressed  in  diameters,  or 

times  linear,  283 
Magnification    in    photo-micrography, 

Magnification  of  compound  microscope, 


Magnification  of  drawings,  315 
Magnification  of  ocular  and  objective, 


Magnification  of  real  images,  283 
Magnification    of    simple    microscope, 


Magnification  of  virtual  images,  282 
Magnification  rod  for  vertical  camera, 

33o>  3^6 
Magnification  table,  294-295 



Magnification,  varying,  290-291 

Mall,  F.  P.,  wax  models,  510 

Mallory  and  Wright's  connective  tissue 

stain,  450,  456 

Malus  and  polarized  light,  575 
Manuscript  for  publication,  341-342 
Mark,    E.    L.,   cutting    out    the   wax 

plates,  510 

Mayall,  on  homogeneous  immersion,  568 
Measuring  slips  and  covers,  409 
Mega-Microscopes,  46 
Mercer,  A.  C,  photography,  nomencla- 
ture, 373 
Mercuric  chloric!,  457 

eliminating,  498,  529 
Mercury  arc,  source  of  ultra-violet,  24 1 
Met-hemoglobin  spectrum,  236-237 
Method  of  double  vision,  285,  549 
Methyl  alcohol,  442 
Methylated  spirits,  442 
Methylene  blue,  alkaline,  457 
Mcthylene  blue  and  eosin  stain,  450 
Metric  scale,  metric  system,  328,  616 
Micro-incineration,  521-546 
Micrometer  calipers,  Brown  &  Sharpens, 

Starrett's,  409-411 
Micrometer,  filar  ocular,  300-301 
Micrometer,  ocular,  295,  297,  311 
Micrometer  ocular  with  movable  scale, 


Micrometer,  stage  or  object,  287 
Micrometer  to  indicate  scale  of  drawing, 


Micrometry,  definition,  301 
Micrometry  and  magnification,  279-316 
Micrometry  with  compound  microscope, 


Micrometry  with  simple  microscope,  301 
Micrometry,  unit  of  measure  in,  302 
Micro-millimeter,  302 
Micron  (/A),  definition,  302 
Micro-photography,      photo-microgra- 

phy,  373-374 
Micro-polar iscope,  575 
Micro-spectroscope,  222-239,  574-575 
Micro-spe  troscope,  -adjustment,  229 
Micro-spectroscope,  experiments  with, 

229-231,  233-239 

Micro-spectroscope,  lighting  for,  232 
in  photography,  396 

Microscope,  and  projection  apparatus, 

Microscope  and  telescope,  names,  560 

Microscope,  binocular,  28-42,  562-563 

Microscope,  binocular,  advantages  and 
disadvantages,  32 

Microscope,  binocular  and  two  objec- 
tives, 29 

Microscope,  binocular,  modern  form  by 
Tves,  32-34 

Microscope,    binocular,    parallel    and 
converging  tubes,  34-35 

Microscope,  bright- field,  51 

Microscope,  care  of,  46 

Microscope,     combination    monocular 
and  binocular,  37 

Microscope,  compound,  4,  8 

Microscope,  definition,  7 

Microscope,  Dutch  compound,  559-560 

Microscope,  experiments  with,  6t 

Microscope  field,  60,  66 

Microscope  for  two  or  more  observers, 

563-5^4  m 

Microscope,  history  of,  547-579 
Microscope,  Keplerian,  18,  559-560 
Microscope,  laboratory  forms,  36-37 
Microscope,  laboratory  compound,  with 

parts  named,  27 

Microscope  lamp,  50,  55-59,  541-543 
Microscope,  magnification  of,  282 
Microscope,  micrometry  with,  301-312 
Microscope,  name  given  by  Faber,  7 
Microscope,  parts  of,  16,  27 
Microscope,  polarizing,  170-182 
Microscope,  projection,  4-5 
Microscope,  projection  for  class  demon- 
strations, 353 
Microscope,  projection  for  drawing  and 

demonstration,  336-342 
Microscope,  research  forms,  39-41,  46 
Microscope,  simple,  8,  553*554,  558 
Microscope,  simple,  as  aid  to  eye,  3 
Microscope,  testing  of,  118—120 
Microscope,  ultra-violet,  240-258 
Microscope,     ultra-violet,     dark-field, 
243-258,  530 



Microscope,  with  a  polariscope,  170 
Microscopic  preparations,  cabinets  for, 


Microscopic  specimens,  mounting,  412 
Microtomes  and  section  knives,  466- 


Middle  combination,  21 
Milliet  de  Chales,  572 
Milli-micron  (mju),  definition,  302 
Milli-millimeter,  302 
Mineral  matter  in  animal  and  plant 

tissue,  522,  530 
Mineral  oil,  medicinal,  as  a  mounting 

medium  for  ultra-violet,  421,  457 
Minot,  C.  S.,  431 

Minot  slide  cabinet  and  trays,  436-437 
Mirror,  aluminum  vapor,  243 
Mirror  and  condenser,  565 
Mirror,  use  of  plane  and  concave,  78 
Mixtures  of  alcohol  and  water,  440-441 
Models,  drawings  for,  514 
Models  from  series,  507-520 
Models,  size  of,  512 
Moist  chamber,  424 
Moist  preparations,  424 
Moitessier  on  photo-micrography,  375 
Monazite,  spectrum  of,  238-239 
Monochromatic  light,  222 
Monocular-binocular  arrangement,  118 
Monocular  microscope,  32 
Moore,  Dr.  V.  A.,  haemospast,  161 
Moore  laboratory  desk,  50 
Mounting  and  staining  sections,  489- 


Mounting  cells,  415 
Mounting  dry  or  in  air,  414 
Mounting   fluid   preparations   for   the 

dark-field,  156-157 
Mounting  guide,  417 
Mounting  in  cells,  415 
Mounting  in  glycerin,  416-417 
Mounting  in  glycerin  jelly,  417-418 
Mounting  in  media  miscible  with  water, 

Mounting  in  petrolatum  for  ultra-violet, 

42 1 ;  and  for  incinerations,  5  29-530 
Mounting  in  resinous  media,  419-421 
Mounting  material  for  the  polarizing 

and    the   ultra-violet   microscope, 

Mounting  media  for  ultra-violet,  179, 

246,  256 
Mounting  microscopic  specimens,  412- 


Mounting  serial  sections,  502 
Mounting,  temporary  and  permanent, 


Movement  of  specimen  under  an  erect- 
ing binocular,  116-117 

Mt.  Holyoke  College,  cleaning  slips  and 
cover-glasses,  409 

Mucicarmine,  444-445 

Muller's  fluid  dissociator,  448,  457 

Muscat   volitantes    in    the   eyes,    274- 

Muscular  fibers,  isolation  of,  424 


Nachet,  multiple  oculars,  28 

Nachet's  microscope  for  two  or  more 
observers,  563 

Natural  sines,  table  and  interpolation, 

Negative  oculars,  24 

Negatives,  storing,  371 

Nelson,  E.  M.,  best  aperture  in  histol- 
ogy, 104 

Nelson,  E.  M.,  origin  of  the  Royal 
Micr.  Soc.'s  screw,  38-39 

Nelson,  E.  M.,  on  parfocal  oculars,  64 

Nelson's  method  of  magnification,  314 

Neutral  balsam,  444 

Neutral  red,  426,  457-458 

Newton  and  chromatic  aberration,  203 

Nichols,  E.  L.,  223 

Nichols,  E.  L.,  fluorescence  of  uranyl 
salts,  249;  cathode  luminescence, 

Nichols,  Southall  and  Watson,  index  of 

refraction,  wave  length,  and  speed, 


Nicol  prism,  171,  575 
Nitric  acid  decalcifier,  447,  458 
Nitric  acid  dissociator  for  muscle,  448 
Nitric  acid  for  muscle  dissociation,  424 



Nodal  point  or  optic  center  of  eye,  10, 

Non-adjustable  objectives,  22 

Normal  liquids,  458 

Normal  spectrum,  225 

Nose-piece  for  changing  objectives,  61- 

Numbering  serial  sections,  497,  507 

Numerical  aperture,  82-104,  208-221 

Numerical  aperture,  determination  of 
in  objectives  and  condensers,  211- 

Numerical  aperture  of  dark-field  con- 
densers, 134 

Numerical  aperture  for  micro-incinera- 
tions, 535 

Numerical  aperture,  significance  of, 

Numerical  aperture,  table  of,  210 


Object,  putting  under  the  microscope, 


Objective,  17 
Objective,  achromatic,  21 
Objective,  adjustable,  22,  109-110 
Objective,   adjustable  for  cover-glass, 


Objective,  aperture  of,  208-221 
Objective  and  aperture  of  condenser,  92 
Objective   and   ocular   for   dark-field, 


Objective  and  ocular  for  photography, 

Objective,  aplanatic,  21 

Objective,  apochromatic,  22 

Objective,  combinations  in,  20,  52-53 

Objective  for  the  micro-spectroscope, 

Objective,  magnetic,  6b 

Objectives,  adjustable  for  cover-glass, 

Objectives,  and  centering  when  changed, 

Objectives  and  dark-stops  for  micro- 
incinerations,  531,  535 

Objectives,  changers  for,  109 

Objectives,   cover-glass   thickness  for, 

Objectives,  dark-field,  23,  132,  135, 155, 

Objectives,  different   colored   mounts, 


Objectives,  dry,  21 

Objectives,  fluorite,  22 

Objectives  for  the  polarizing  micro- 
scope, 175 

Objectives  for  research,  104-105 

Objectives  for  ultra-violet,  23 

Objectives,  function  of,  66-67 

Objectives,  high,  20,  23 

Objectives,  homogeneous  immersion,  2 1 

Objectives,  illuminating,  23 

Objectives,  immersion,  53 

Objectives,  independent  magnification 
of,  19-20,  312-315 

Objectives,  kinds  of,  21 

Objectives,  low,  20,  23 

Objectives,  magnifying  power,   19-20, 

.  312-315 

Objectives,  name  of  combinations,  20  - 

Objectives,  oil  immersion,  21 

Objectives,  oil  immersion  for  dark-field 
work,  135 

Objectives,  optical  designation,  18 

Objectives,  parfocal,  64-65 

Objectives,  putting  in  position,  61 

Objectives,  removing  oil  from,  114 

Objectives,  special  oil  immersions  for 
dark- field  work,  135 

Objectives,  unadjustable,  22 

Objectives,  variable,  22 

Objectives,  water  immersion,  21 

Objectives  with  iris  diaphragm  for 
dark-field,  531-535 

Oblique  and  axial  light  with  a  con- 
denser, 97-98 

Oblique  light,  53,  78 

Ocular  micrometer  valuation,  299 

Oculars,  24 

Oculars  and  spectacles,  107-108,  570 

Oculars,  centering,  108 

Oculars,  compensation,  25-26,  205-206 

Oculars,  demonstration,  28 



Oculars,  designation,  28 

Oculars,  diaphragm  in,  24 

Oculars,  for  binocular  microscopes,  29 

Oculars  for  binocular  microscopes,  ex- 
periments with  unlike,  118 

Oculars  for  dark-field,  132,  135 

Oculars  for  demonstrations,  352 

Oculars  for  two  observers,  563-564 

Oculars,  function  of,  69-70 

Oculars,  history  of,  564 

Oculars,  Huygenian,  25-26,  556-557 

Oculars,  inclined,  19,  242 

Oculars,  independent  magnification  of, 

Oculars,  micrometer,  definition,  295 

Oculars,  micrometer  valuation,  296-301 

Oculars,  micrometer  valuation  with 
movable  scale,  290-301 

Oculars,  negative,  24 

Oculars,  parfocal,  64 

Oculars,  pointer  in,  39 

Oculars,  positive,  24 

Oculars,  projection,  6b,  27 

Oculars,  projection  for  photo-microg- 
raphy, 386 

Oculars,  Ramsden's,  24,  26 

Oculars,  telaugic  and  spectacles,  27, 

Oculars  to  use  in  research,  106-107 

Oculars,  trade  names  for,  27 

Oculars,  ultra-violet,  27 

Oil  and  air  by  reflected  light,  266 

Oil  globules  and  air  bubbles,  264 

Oil  immersion  objectives,  21 

Opaque  and  transparent  objects  with 
binoculars,  116 

Opera  glasses,  Dutch  form,  28 

Optic  center  of  a  lens,  195-197 

Optical  center,  definition,  12 

Optical  designation  of  objectives,  18 

Optical  glass,  42 

Optical  instruments,  two  groups,  554 

Optical  parts  of  microscope,  1 7 

Optical  path,   method   of   shortening, 


Optical  principles  in  microscopy,  182 
Optical  section,  269 
Orcein  for  elastic  tissue,  448 

Ordinary  ray  of  polarizer,  171 

Orientation  for  series,  500 

Orndorff,  W.  R.,  447 

Ott,  H.  N.,  on  condensers,  95 

Oven,  drying  for  series,  508 

Over  and  under  correction  of  aberration, 

Oxyhemoglobin  spectrum,  236 

Paper  box  for  imbedding,  475 
Paraboloid  dark-field  condenser,  531 
Paraffin  method,  471-483 
Paraffin  method  for  incinerations,  523- 

Paraffin  method  with  propyi  alcohol, 


Paraffin  ribbons,  storing,  478 
Paraffin  wax,  458 
Parallel  beams,  simple  and  compound 

microscope,  diagram  of,  294 
Parfocal   oculars   and   objectives,    64- 


Pedesis,  Brownian  movement,  270-272 
Pennock,  Edward,  parfocal  oculars,  64 
Pennock,  Edward,  thickness  of  cover- 
glasses  of  the  same  number,  409- 


Percentage  of  solutions,  439-441 
Permanent  mounting  of  specimens,  413— 

Permanent    preparations    of    isolated 

cells,  423-424 

Permanganate,  spectrum,  234 
Petrolatum  mineral  oil,  457 
Photographing  bacterial  cultures,  370 
Photographing  embryos,  etc.,  367-370 
Photographing   with    an    ocular,    383, 

Photographing  without  an  ocular,  382, 

Photographs,    drawing   on    the   back, 

Photographs,  retouching  for  half-tones, 


Photography,  364-400 
Photography,  color,  400-401 



Photography  with  ultra-violet,  401,  577 
Photography  with  vertical  camera,  364- 


Photo-micrographs,  method  of  getting 
any  desired  magnification,  384 

Photo-micrography,  micro-photogra- 
phy, distinction,  373-374 

Physical  analysis,  177 

Physical  analysis  for  interpretation, 

Physical  analysis  with  the  ultra-violet 
microscope,  241 

Physiological  histology,  431 

Picric  alcohol,  459 

Picro-fuchsin,  459 

Picro-fuchsin  and  hematoxylin,  493 

Pillsbury,  W.  B.,  position  of  the  image 
in  drawing,  321 

Pinhole  cap  for  centering,  86-87 

Pinhole  card,  10-11 

Plant  material  with  the  polariscope, 
I78-I7Q;  with  the  ultra-violet 
microscope,  255 

Plates  and  color  screens,  choice  of,  400 

Pleochroism,  pleochromatism,  171,  181 

Pocket  spectroscope,  234 

Pohlman,  A.  G.,  wax  models,  510 

Pointer  in  the  ocular,  39 

Pointer  ocular  for  demonstrations,  351 

Polariscope,  170-182 

Polarization  of  incinerations,  543-544 

Polarizer,  170-171 

"Polarizing  microscope,  170-182 

Polarizing  microscope,  history  of,  575 

Polarizing  microscope  of  Chamot  and 
Mason,  173 

Polarizing  microscope,  physical  analysis 
with,  177,  254 

Polarizing  microscope,  testing  the  dif- 
ferent elements,  172-175 

Polarizing  microscope  with  pedesis, 

Polaroid  for  the  microscope,  172 

Policard's  micro-incineration  method, 
522,  526 

Portraits  of  Jansen,  Kepler,  Galileo, 
Huygens,  C.  A.  and  H.  R.  Spencer, 
Tolles,  Wenham  and  Abbe,  556-557 

Positive  oculars,  24 

Powell,  made  parfocal  oculars,  64 

Power,  magnifying  of  microscopes,  282- 


Preservation  of  incinerations,  529 
Principal  axis  of  a  lens  or  lens  system, 

12, I95"i97 

Principal  focus,  12,  iq8 
Principles,  need  of  understanding,  3 
Prism,  Amici,  for  spectroscope,  223 
Prism,  half-reflecting,  33"34 
Prism,    Nicol,    for    polariscope,    171, 


Prismatic  spectrum,  225 

Production  of  color  with  the  polarizer, 

Projection  and  real  images,  571 

Projection,  condensers  for,  357-359 

Projection  for  diagrams,  335 

Projection  method  for  determining 
magnification,  314-315 

Projection  microscope,  4-5 

Projection  microscope  for  demonstra- 
tions, 353-356 

Projection  microscope  for  drawings,  336 

Projection  ocular,  6h,  27 

Projection  oculars  for  photomicrogra- 
phy, 386 

Projection  table,  517 

Propyl  alcohol,  443 

Propyl  alcohol  for  paraffin  method, 

Ptolenwis,  550-55* 

Publication,  preparation  of  manuscript 
for,  Wistar  Institute  and  Trelease 
and  Yule,  341-342 

Pupil  of  the  lens,  eyepoint,  70 

Pupillary  separation,  116 

Putting  an  object  under  the  micro- 
scope, 62 

Pyrex  microscope  slides  for  micro-incin- 
eration, 525 

Quartz  aluminum-vapor  mirror,    242- 

244,  532 
Quartz  hull's-eye  condenser.  244 



Quartz  dark-field  condenser,  243 
Quartz  dark-field  element,  245 
Quartz  prism  for  mirror,  242-243 
Quartz  slips,  403 
Quartz  slips  for  ultra-violet  microscopy, 

Quekett,  direct  sunlight  for  dark-field 

work,  144-145 


Radiation,  diagram  of,  183 

Radiation,  ultra-violet  and  infra-red, 
uses  in  microscopy,  5-6 

Radiation,  visible  and  invisible,  183,  222 

Ramsden  disc,  eyepoint,  70 

Ramsden  ocular,  26 

Ranvier,  pedesis  of  frog  crystals,  271- 

Raspail's  incinerations,  522 

Razor  blades  for  sectioning,  478,  524 

Reade,  dark-field,  569 

Reading,  collateral,  6c,  50,  58,  120,  168- 
169,  182,  221,  257-258,  278,  316, 
363,  402,  463,  520,  546,  578-579 

Reading  glass,  8 

Reagents  for  microscopy,  439-462 

Real  and  virtual  images,  24,  195 

Real  image,  definition,  8 

Real  image,  how  to  demonstrate,  67- 

Real  images  by  projection,  5,  286,  571 

Real  images,  construction,  14 

Real  images  with  object  near  and  far 
from  focus,  290-293 

Redi  manuscript  on  spectacles,  555 

Reducing  diaphragm  for  dark-field  ob- 
jectives, 132,  535/544 

Reduction  in  engraving,  343~345 

Reede,  photography,  373 

Reflecting  dark-field  condensers,  132 

Reflection,  regular  or  mirror  and  irregu- 
lar, 184-185 

Reflection,  total  and  critical  angle,  188- 

Refracting  condensers  for  bright-  and 
dark-field,  89,  106,  127-132,  530- 

Refraction,  12,  185-193 
Refraction  and  Ptolemaeus,  550 
Refraction  images,  113 
Refraction,  index  of,  185-187 
Refraction,   Snell  and  Descartes  law, 

Refractometer    tests    of    liquids    and 

solids,  215-217 

Reichert's  combined  bright-  and  dark- 
field  condenser,  137 

Relative  position  of  object  and  image,  15 
Removal  of  mercuric  chlorid  from  sec- 
tions, 498,  529 

Research  microscopes,  40-41,  44-45 
Research,  objectives  for,  104-105 
Research,  oculars  for,  106-107 
Resinous  media,  mounting  in,  419-421 
Resolution  and  visibility,  279,  537 
Resolution  and  visibility  with  dark-field, 

124-125,  537-539 

Resolution,  visual  angle  for,  279,  282 
Retina,  rods  and  cones  of,  280-281 
Retinal  image  with  the  microscope,  4 
Retinal  sensory  receptors,  279 
Riddell's  binocular,  29 
Riddle,  Dr.  Oscar,  and  Sudan,  461 
Ritter,  J.  W.,  discovered  ultra-violet, 


Rods  and  cones  of  retina,  280-281 
Roger    Bacon,    and    inversion    of    the 

retinal  image,  553 
Roger    Bacon    and   transformation   of 

energy,  light  becomes  heat,  554 
Roger  Bacon,  spectacles,  553 
Rogers,  W.  A.,  49 
Rogers,  W.   A.,   limit  of  accuracy  in 

micrometry,  311 

Royal  Micr.  Soc.  standards,  38-39 
Rule  of  thumb,  1-3 
Rumsey,  W.  E.,  avoidance    of  dense 

shadows  in  photography,  367 
Rutherford    on    Brownian    movement, 


Sabine,  G.  B.,  efficiency  of  aluminum- 
vapor  mirror  on  quartz,  for  ultra- 
violet reflection,  244 



Safety  razor  blades  for  sectioning,  468 

Sagittal  sections,  506 

Saliva  for  Brownian  movement,  273 

Scale  of  drawings,  how  to  indicate,  327 

Scale  of  photographs,  365-366 

Scale  of  wave  lengths  in  spectroscope, 


Scalpels  for  ribbons,  476 
Scheiner  and  projection,  572 
Scheiner,  Christopher,  vision  and  the 

Keplerian  microscope,  561-562 
Scott,  G.  H.,  522 

Scott-Policard  micro-incinerator,  526 
Screen  for  microscope  and  eyes,  5 1 
Screens  for  photography,  392-395 
Sealing  incinerations,  529 
Sealing  the  cover-glass,  416,  418-419 
Secondary  axis,  12,  198 
Section  knives,  sharpening,  469-470 
Section  lifter,  485 
Sectioning  by  collodion  method,  485- 

488;  paraffin  method,  470,  476 
Sectioning,  freehand,  470 
Sectioning  with  a  microtome,  470-477 
Sections  for  incineration,  524 
Sections  with  freezing  microtome,  471 
Sections,  serial,  496-509 
Selligue,  achromatic,  microscopic  objec- 
tives, 566 

Seneca,  and  water  flask,  548 
Sensory  epithelium  of  retina,  279 
Sensory  receptors  of  retina,  279 
Serial  sections,  496-509 
Serial    sections,    baskets    for    holding 

slides,  481 

Serial  sections,  labeling,  507 
Serial  sections,  mounting  on  a  glass  slip, 


Serial  sections,  order  on  the  slide,  501 
Serial  sections,  thickness  of,  501 
Series  for  small  animals,  499 
Series,  modeling,  507-520 
Series,  staining,  499;  mounting,  502 
Shadboldt,  direct  sunlight  for  dark-field, 


Shadboldt,  G.,  photography,  373 
Shading  the  microscope  stage,  1 14 
Shadows,  avoidance  in  photography,  367 

Sharpening  section  knives,  469-470 
Shell  vials,  422-423 
Shellac  cement,  459 

Sheridan's  crystal  violet  for  elastic  tis- 
sue, 449 
Sheridan,   propyl  alcohol  for  paraffin 

method,  482-483 
Significance  of  numerical  aperture,  209- 

210,  537 

Silvering  tissue,  460 
Simple  microscope,  3 
Simple  microscope,  definition,  8 
Simple  microscope,  history,  558 
Simple  microscopes,  mounting  of,  16-17 
Sine  law  and  velocity,  191-193 
Sines,  natural  and  interpolation  with, 


Single  microscope,  559 
Single  vision,  Galen,  549 
Six-volt  lamp  for  drawings,  514 
Size  of  drawings  for  the  engraver,  342 
Size  of  paper  models,  512 
Size  of  slip  and  cover  for  series,  502-503 
Size  of  the  microscope  field,  60-67 
Sky  as  light  source,  81,  87 
Slide  baskets  for  serial  sections,  481 
Slide  tray  for  dark-field  preparations, 

1 60 

Slide  trays,  434-435 
Slides  and  covers  for  series,  502-503 
Slides,  cabinets  for,  432-437 
Slides  or  slips  for  microscopy,  403-411 
Slides  or  slips,  thickness  of,  405 
Slips  and  covers  for  dark- field,  140 
Slips  for  mounting,  cleaning,  405-407 
Slips  of  quartz  and  corex  for  ultra-violet 

work,  243-246 
Slips  or  glass  slides  in  microscopy,  403- 

4".  525 

Slips,  thickness  for  dark-field,  1 28 
Smith,   Theobald,    dedication   of    thh 

book  to,  iii 
Snell  and  Descartes,  index  of  refraction, 


Society  screw  for  objectives,  38-39 
Sodium,  incandescent,  spectrum,  227 
Solar  spectrum,  226-227 
Solid  and  hollow  light  cones,  536-538 



Solutions,  percentage  of,  439-441 
Solutions,  saturated,  439 
Sorby  and  micro-spectroscope,  574 
Source  of  light,  need  of  adequate,  5 
Southall,  192 

Spectacles  and  oculars,  570 
Spectacles,  Barbaro,  concave  and  con- 
vex, 573 

Spectacles,  concave,  Cardinal  Cusa,  555 
Spectacles,  convex,  Roger  Bacon,  553 
Spectacles,  cylindrical  for  astigmatism, 

Spectacles,    explanation   of   their   aid, 

Kepler,  561 
Spectacles,  first  reference  in  literature, 

Redi  manuscript,  555 
Spectra,  complementary,  228 
Spectra,  law  of  color,  228 
Spectra  of  minerals,  238-239 
Spectroscope,  direct  vision,  224 
Spectroscope  with  fluorescence,  249 
Spectroscope  with  the  microscope,  574- 


Spectrum,  absorption,  226-239 
Spectrum,  comparison,  230 
Spectrum,  definition,  225 
Spectrum,  line  and  absorption,  225-239 
Spectrum,  normal,  225;  prismatic,  225 
Spectrum  of  blood,  234-237 
Spectrum  of  colored  bodies,  237-238 
Spectrum  of  colorless  bodies,  238 
Spectrum  of  met- hemoglobin,  227,  236 
Spectrum  of  permanganate  of  potash, 


Spectrum  of  sodium,  227 
Spectrum,  prismatic,  225 
Spencer,  Charles  A.,  556-557,  567 
Spencer,  Charles  A.,  fluorite  in  objec- 
tives, 206 

Spencer,  Herbert  R.,  556-557 
Spencer  and  Tolles,  aperture,  208-209 
Spencer  Lens  Co.,  42,  545 
Spencer  Lens  Co.'s  ocular  for  two  ob- 
servers, 564 
Spencer  Lens  Co.'s  oil  immersion  for 

dark-field  work,  135 
Spencer    Lens    Co.'s    research    micro- 
scopes, 41,  45 

Spencer  Lens  Co.'s  tube-length,  200 

Spencer  Lens  Co.'s  ultra-violet  micro- 
scope, 242-243 

Spherical  aberration,  198 

Spirochaetes  for  dark-field,  157-158 

Spirochaetes,  preparation  for  the  dark- 
field.  Stitt,  Thro,  Dumond,  157- 

Spitta,  photographing  bacterial  cultures 
in  test  tubes,  371 

Spot  lens  for  dark-field,  127 

Spreading   paraffin   sections,   479-480, 


Stage  micrometer,  287 
Stage  micrometer  with  ring  on  the  lines 

for  locating  them,  288 
Staining  and  mounting  sections,  489- 


Staining  for  series,  499 

Staining,  general  and  differential,  489 

Staining  in  toto,  498 

Staining  isolated  cells,  423 

Staining  isolation  preparations,  423- 

Stains  for  elastic  tissue,  450 

Standard  image  distance  for  magnifica- 
tion, 291-292 

Standards,  Royal  Micr.  Soc.,  38-39 

Starrett's  micrometer  calipers  for  meas- 
uring slips  and  covers,  409 

Stephanson,  direct  sunlight  for  dark- 
field  work,  144-145 

Sternberg  on  photo-micrography,  374 

Stitt's  method  of  cleaning  slips  and 
covers  by  the  aid  of  bon  ami,  141, 
158,  405-409,  525 

Stokes,  G.  G.,  and  fluorescence,  576 

Storing  paraffin  ribbons,  478 

Strops  for  sharpening  knives,  470 

Substage  condenser,  optical  corrections 
of,  93 

Sudan,  460-461 

Sunlight  for  dark-field  microscopy,  144- 

Superstage  dark-field  condenser,   1*38- 


Swift  and  the  micro-spectroscope,  574 
Swift's  telaugic  oculars,  107-108 



Table-black,  Fish,  461-462 
Table  for  micro-incineration,  528 
Table  for  projection  drawing,  338-339 
Table  for  steps  in  paraffin  method,  482 
Table  of  centigrade  and  Fahrenheit,  616 
Table  of  dry,  water  and  homogeneous 

immersion  objectives  of  0.50  N.A., 


Table  of  height  of  eyepoint,  108 
Table  of  illumination,  by  Beck,  102 
Table  of  magnifications,  294-295 
Table  of  metric  and  English  measures, 


Table  of  negative  record,  388 
Table  of  numerical  apertures,  84,  210 
Table  of  objectives  and  apertures  for 

micro-incinerations,  535 
fable  of  refractive  indices  from  Chamot, 

Table  of  steps  in  the  collodion  method, 

Table  of  the  usual  group  of  objectives 

for  microscopic  work  with  the  N.A., 


Table  showing  cause  of  spherical  aberra- 
tion, and  remedy,  201 
Table  showing  index  of  refraction  and 

dispersion,  217 

Table  showing  size  of  field,  67 
Talbot,  Henry  Fox,  applied-  the  polari- 

scope  to  the  microscope,  575 
Telaugic  oculars,  27,  107-108 
Telescope  and  microscope,  names,  560 
Temporary  mounting,  412 
Test  preparations  for  dark-field,  141 
Testing  for  binocular  vision,  115 
Testing  glass  slips  for  the  polarizing 

microscope,  175-176 
Testing  the  microscope,  n8-r20 
Testing  the  polarizing  microscope,  172- 


Theories  of  vision,  548 
Thickness  of  blotting  paper,  511 
Thickness  of  cover-glasses,  410 
Thickness  of  serial  sections,  501 
Thickness  of  slips,  405 

Thickness  of  slips  for  dark-field  con- 
densers, 141-142 
Thomas,  Arthur  H.,  44 
Thro,  William  C.,  158 
Time    development    of    photographs, 


Tissues,  fixing  of,  464 
Tolles'  amplifier,  291 
Tolles,  Robert,  homogeneous  immersion 

objectives,  556,  568 
Tolles  and  Spencer,  aperture,  208-209 
Transections,  definition,  503 
Transformer  for  6-volt  lamp,  514-515; 

for  dark-field  lamp,  146-149,  545 
Trays    for    microscopic    preparations, 


Trelease  and  Yule,  guide  for  the  prepa- 
ration of  manuscript,  342 

Trichroic  and  bichroic  bodies,  181 

Troubles  with  the  dark-field  micro- 
scope, 163-166 

Tube-length  of  the  microscope,  18,  200 

Turn- table,  415 

Tyndall  effect  and  dark-field,  124 


Ultra-violet,  discovered  by  Ritter,  576 
Ultra-violet  filters,  curves  of  transmis- 
sion, 248 

Ultra-violet,  filter  in  carrier,  245,  247 
Ultra-violet,  immersion  media  for,  246 
Ultra-violet  in  photography,  577 
Ultra-violet  microscope,  240-258 
Ultra-violet  microscope,  arrangement  of 

parts,  245 
Ultra-violet  microscope,  diagram,  242- 

Ultra-violet,  mounting  media  for,  246, 


Ultra-violet  objectives,  23 
Ultra-violet  ocular,  27 
Ultra-violet  radiation,  183,  222 
Ultra-violet    radiation,   photography 

with,  401,  577 
Ultra-violet    radiation,    transmitting 

slips,  quartz  and  corex,  246 
Ultra-violet  reflectors,  242-245 



Ultra-violet  screens  or  filters,  247-248 
Ultra-violet,  source  of  radiation,  241 
Uniaxial  and  biaxial  crystals,  1 70 
Unit  of  measure  in  micrometry,  302 
Unna's  orcein  stain,  448 
Uranium   or  fluorescent   canary   glass 

for  showing  light  beams,  533,  536- 

539,  545 


Valuation  of  ocular  micrometer  with 

movable  scale,  299-301 
Valuation   of   the   ocular   micrometer, 


Variable  objectives,  22 
Varley,  suggested  parfocal  oculars,  64 
Vegetable  material  with  the  polarizing 

microscope,  1 78-  1 79 
Velocity  and  index  of  refraction,  192 
Velocity  under  the  microscope,  269-270 
Verhoeff's  elastic  stain,  449 
Vertical  camera,  330-33 1 
Vertical  camera  for  photography,  364- 

Vertical  projection  microscope,  359-360 

Virtual  foci,  12 

Virtual  image,  definition,  8 

Virtual  images,  14-15,  195 

Virtual  images,  construction,  14 

Visible  and  invisible  radiation,  183 

Visibility  and  resolution,  279,  537 

Visibility  and  resolution  with  dark-field, 


Vision,  ancient  theories,  548 
Vision  by  aid  of  a  magnifier,  9 
Vision  by  unaided  eye,  9 
Visual  and  actinic  foci,  378 
Visual  angle,  Hooke's  angle  for  resolu- 
tion, 279 

Visual  angle  required  for  resolution,  282 
Visual  angle,  ways  to  increase,  7 


Ward  and  the  micro-spectroscope,  574 

Washing  boxes,  464-465 

Water  cell  for  absorbing  heat,  357 

Water  cell  with  heat-absorbing  glass  for 

dark-field  work,  147 
Watson  &  Sons,  Cassegrain  condenser 
by  E.  M.  Nelson  for  high  aperture, 
dark-field  work,  136,  192 
Wave-length  designation,  231-232 
Wax  models,  509 
Wedgewood    &    Davy,    photography, 


Weigert's  elastic  stain,  448-449 
Wenham    and    direct    sunlight,    144- 

Wenham,  dark-field  microscopes,  556- 

557,  568-569 

Wenham's  binocular,  29,  31,  562 
Wenham's  directions  for  adjustment  of 

objectives,  iio-m 

White  letters  and  figures  for  black  draw- 
ings, 346 

Wilson,  atlas  of  fertilization,  373 
Wire  gauze  experiment  for  interpreta- 
tion, 275-276 

Wistar  Institute  publications,  341 
W7istar  Institute  slide  trays,  436 
Wistar  Institute,  style  brief,  341 
Wolbach,  S.  B.,  resin  for  eosin  methyl- 

ene  blue  stain,  451 
Wollaston's  camera  lucida,   188,   288- 

289,  318-319,  573 
"Woodward,    Col.,    photo-micrography, 


Working  distance,  71-77 
Working     distance     and     cover-glass, 

Working    distance,    determination    of, 


Workroom  for  photography,  375 

Work-tables,  49 

Wright,  A.  E.,  and  diffracted  light, 
218,  221 

Wright,  A.  E.,  and  eyepoint,  85 

Wright,  A.  E.,  lighting,  100,  103 

Wright,  A.  E.,  need  of  understanding 
principles,  3 

Wright,  A.  E.,  specimen  to  show  ap- 
pearance due  to  focus,  273 

Wright,  Lewis,  achromatic  combina- 
tions, 205 

616  INDEX 

Xylene,  xylene  balsam,  443  Zahn,  572 

Xylol,  xylene,  443  Zeiss  combined  bright-  and  dark-field 

condenser,  137 

v  Zeiss  light-excluding  sleeve  for  the  mi- 

croscope, 382-383 

Young,  Thomas,  astigmatism,  555  Zeiss's  special  oil  immersions  for  dark- 

field  work,  135 
Zenker's  fluid,  462 

Interpolation  with  Natural  Sines:  —  If  one  cannot  find  a  sine  exactly  corresponding  with  an 
angle  in  the  table,  or  an  angle  corresponding  with  a  sine  found  in  solving  a  problem,  the  sine  or 
angle  can  be  closely  approximated  by  the  method  of  Interpolation:  Find  the  sine  in  the  table  nearest 
the  sine  whose  angle  is  to  be  determined.  Get  the  difference  of  the  sines  of  the  angles  greater  and 
less  than  the  sine  whose  angle  is  to  be  determined.  That  will  give  the  increase  of  sine  for  that 
region  of  the  arc  for  15  minutes.  Divide  this  increase  by  15  and  it  will  give  with  approximate  accu- 
racy the  increase  for  1  minute.  Now  get  the  difference  between  the  sine  whose  angle  is  to  be 
determined  and  the  sine  just  below  it  in  value.  Divide  this  difference  by  the  amount  found  neces- 
sary for  an  increase  in  angle  of  1  minute  and  the  quotient  will  give  the  number  of  minutes  the 
sine  is  greater  than  the  next  lower  sine  whose  angle  is  known.  Add  this  number  of  minutes  to  the 
angle  of  the  next  lower  sine  and  the  sum  will  represent  the  desired  angle.  Or  if  the  sine  whose 
angle  is  to  be  found  is  nearer  in  size  to  the  sine  just  greater,  proceed  exactly  as  before,  getting  the 
difference  in  the  sines,  but  subtract  the  number  of  minutes  of  difference  and  the  result  will  give  the 
angle  sought.  I('or  example,  take  the  case  in  Section  108  where  the  sine  of  the  angle  of  28°  54'  is 
given  as  0.48327.  If  one  consults  the  table  the  nearest  sines  found  arc  0.48099,  the  sine  of  28°  45', 
and  0.48481,  the  sine  of  29°.  Evidently  then  the  angle  sought  must  lie  between  28°  45',  and  29°. 
If  the  difference  between  0.48481  and  0.48099  is  obtained,  0.48481  -  0.48099  =  0.00382,  and  if  this 
increase  for  15'  be  divided  by  15  it  will  give  the  increase  for  1  minute;  0.00382  +  15  =  0.000254. 
Now  the  difference  between  the  sine  whose  angle  is  to  be  found  and  the  next  lower  sine  is  0.48327 
-0.48099  =  0.00382.  If  this  difference  be  divHed  by  the  amount  found  necessary  for  1  minute  it 
will  give  the  total  minutes  above  28°  45',  0.00228  ~  0.000254  =  9.  That  is,  the  angle  sought  is  9 
minutes  greater  than  28°  45'  =  28°  54'. 

Table  of  Metric  and  English  Measures :  — 

Meter  (unit  of  length)  -  100  centimeters;    1000  Kilogram  =  1000  grams;   2.2046  (2  1/5  Ibs.). 

millimeters;    1,000,000  microns  GU);  39.3700  Yard,  3  feet,  36  inches;  0.9144 meter;  91.4399cm. 

inches;  3.2808  feet.  Foot=\/3  yard;  12  inches;  0.3048  meter; 
Centimeter  (cm.)  «  10  millimeters;  10,000  mi-  30.48  cm. 

crons;  0.01  meter;  0.3937(2/5)  inch.  Inch  =  1/36  yard;  1/12  foot;  2.54  cm.;  25.4mm. 

Millimeter,  (mm.)  -  1,000  microns  (/*);   O.I  cm.;  Mile  =  1760  yards;  5280  feet;   1.61  kilometers. 

0.001  meter;    0.03937  (1/25  inch).  ,  — 

M icron  (unit  of  length  in  micrometry)  (/*)  (§246)  Quart  =  1/4   gallon;    2   pints;    32  fluid  ounces; 

-0.001,    one    thousandth    of    a    millimeter;          0.947  liter  (947  cc.).     (U.  S.  liquid). 

0.000001,  one  millionth  of  a  meter;  0.00003937  Mud  ounce  =  8  fluidrachms;    1/32  of  a  quart; 

(1/25000)  inch.  1/16  pint;    29.574  cubic  centimeters  (30  cc. 

Kilometer*  1000  'meters;  0.621  or  5/8  mile.  approximately). 

—    -  Ounce    avoirdupois  =  43/     1/2    grains;     28.349 
Liter  (unit  of  capacity)  =  1000  cubic  centimeters          grams. 

(or  milliliters);  1  quart  approximately.  Ounce  apothecaries  or  Troy  =  480  grains;  31.103 
Gram  (unit  of  weight)  =  1  cc.  of  water;  15.432  grams. 

grains.  Pound  (avoirdupois)  =  16  ounces,  453.6  grams. 

To  Change  from  Centigrade  to  Fahrenheit  and  the  Reverse :  — 

From  centigrade  to  Fahrenheit:  Multiply  the  degrees  centigrade  by  9/5  and  add  32.  Exam- 
ple: 20°  C.  -  20  x  9/5  +  32  or  68°  F. 

From  Fahrenheit  to  centigrade:  Subtract  32  and  multiply  by  5/9.  Example:  77°  F.  -  77  -  32 
X  5/9  or  25°  C. 

To  change  from  centigrade  to  absolute  temperature  and  the  reverse:  Add  273  to  the  degrees  in 
centigrade  and  the  sum  will  be  the  absolute  temperature.  Example.  Ice  melts  at  0°  C.  or  0°  -f 
273°  -  273°  absolute,  and  water  boils  at  100°  C.  or  100°  4-  273°  -  373°  absolute.  If  the  abso- 
lute temperature  is  given  subtract  273  and  the  result  will  be  the  temperature  on  the  centigrade 
scale.  Example:  Ice  melts  at  273°  absolute,  273°  -  273°  -  0°,  that  is,  ice  melts  at  0°  C.  See  Fig 
45,  where  absolute  temperature  is  given. 


Compiled  from  Prof.  G.  W.  Jones'  Logarithmic  Tables 



1  '0.00029 

1°   0.01745 

16°,  0.27564 

31°..  0.51504 

46°,  0.71934 

61°.  0.87462 

76°,  0.97030 

2  0.00058!  1°,15'0.02181 




3  0.00087 

1,30  0.02618 

16,30  0.2840231,30  0.52250 

46,30  0.7253761,30  0.87882 

76,30  0.97237 


1,45  0.03054 

16,45  0.2882031,45  0.52621 

46,45  0.7283761,45  0.88089 

76,45  0.97338 

5  0.00145 

2    0.03490 

17    0.29237132    0.52992 

47   0.73135  62   0.88295 

77   0.97437 

6  0.00175 

2,15  0.03926 

17,15  0.29654 

32,15  0.53361 

47,15  0.73432:62,15  0.88499 

77,15  0.97534 

7  0.00204 

2,30  0.04362 

17,30  0.30071 

32,30  0.53730  47^0  0.73  7  28;  62^0  0.88701 

77,30  0.97630 

8  0.00233 

2,45  0.04798 

17,45  0.30486 

32,45  0.54097  47,45  0.74022  62,45  0.88902 

77,45  0.97723 

9  0.00262 

3   0.05234 

18   0.30902 

33   0.5446448   0.7431463   0.89101 

78   0.97815 


3,15  0.05669 

18,15  0.31316 

33,15  0.54829 

48,15  0.7460663,15  0.89298 

78,15  0.97905 


3,30  0.06105 

18,30  0.31730 

33,30  0.55194 

48,30  0.74896 

63,30  0.89493 

78,30  0.97992 

12  0.00349 

3,45  0.06540 

18,45  0.32144 

33,45  0.55557 

48,45  0.75184 

63,45  0.89687 

78,45  0.98079 

13  0.00378 

4   0.06976 

19   0.32557 

34   0.55919 

49   0.75471 

64   0.89879 

79   0.98163 

14  0.00407 

4,15  OM7411 

19,15  0.32969 

34,15  0.56280 

49,15  0.75756 

64,15  0.90070 

79,15  0.98245 

150.00436  4,30  0.07846 

19,30  0.33381 

34,30  0.56641 

49,30  0.76041 

64,30  0.90259 

79,30  0.98325 

160.00465]  4,45  0.08281 

19,45  0.33792 

34,45  0.57000 

49,45  0.76323 

64,45  0.90446 

79,45  0.98404 

17  0.00495 

5    0.08716 

20   0.34202 

35   0.57358 

50   0.76604 

65   0.90631 

80   0.98481 

18  0.00524 

5,15  0.09150 

20,15  0.34612 

35,15  0.57715 

SO  15  0.76884 

65.15  0.90814 

80,15  0.98556 

19  0.00553 

5,30  0.09585 

20,30  0.35021 

35,30  0.58070 

50,30  0.77162:65,30  0.90996 

80,30  0.98629 

20  0.00582 

5,45  0.10019 

20,45  0.35429 

35,45  0.58425 

50,45  0.7743965,45  0.91176 

80,45  0.98700 

21  0.00611 

6   0.10453 

21    0.35837 

36   0.58779 

51    0.7771566    0.91355 

81    0.98769 

220.00640  6,15  0.10887 

21,15  0.36244 

36,15  0.59131 

51,15  0.7798866,15  0.91531 

81,15  0.98836 

23000669  6,30  0.11320 

21,30  0.36650 

36,30  0.59482  51,30  0.78261  66,30  0.91706 

81,30  0.98902 

24  0.00698 

6.45  0.11754 

21,45  0.37056 

36,45  0.59832  '5  1,45  0.7853266,45  0.91879 

81,45  0.98965 

25  0.00727 

7    0.12187 

22    0.37461 

37    0.60182|  52    0.78801  67    0.92050 

82   0.99027 

26  0.00756 

7,15  0.12620 

22,15  0.37865 

37.15  0.6052952.15  0.79069 

67,15  0.92220 

82,15  0.99087 

27  0.00785 

7,30  0.13053 

22,30  0.3826837^30  0.60876!52;30  0.79335 

67,30  0.92388 

82,30  0.99144 

28  0.00814 

7,45  0.13485 

22,45  0.38671 

37,45  0.6122252,45  0.7960067,45  0.92554 

82,45  0.99200 

29  0.00844 

8   0.13917 

23    0.39073 

38   0.6156653   0.7986468    0.92718 

83    0.99255 

300.00873  8,15  0.14349 

23,15  0.3947438,15  0.6190953,15  0.80125|68,15  0.92881 

83,15  0.99307 

31  0.00902 

8,30  0.14781  23,30  0.39875  38,30  0.62251  53,30  0.80386 

68,30  0.9304283,30  0.99357 

32  0.00931 

8,45  0.1521223,45  0.40275 

38,45  0.6259253,45  0.80644 

68,45  0.93201  83,45  0.99406 

33  0.00960 

9   0.15643  24   0.40674 

39    0.62932  54    0.80902 

69    0.93358  84   0.99452 

34  0.00989 

9,15  0.1607424,15  0.4107239,15  0.6327154,15  0.81157 

69,15  0.9351484,15  0.99497 


9,30  0.1650524,30  0.4146939,30  0.6360854,30  0.81412 

69',30  0.9366784,30  0.99540 

36  0.01047 

9,45  0.1693524,45  0.4186639,45  0.6394454,45  0.81664 

69,45  0.9381984,45  0.99580 

37  0.01076 

10   0.17365'25    0.4226240   0.6427955   0.81915 

70   0.9396985    0.99619 


10,15  0.1779425,15  0.4265740,15  0.6461255,15  0.82165 

70,15  0.9411885,15  0.99657 


10,30  0.1822425,30  0.43051 

40,30  0.6494555,30  0.82413 

70,30  0.9426485,30  0.99692 

41  0.01193 

10,45  0.18652(25,45  0.43445 
11    0.19081!  26   0.43837 

40,45  0.6527655,45  0.82659 
41    0.6560656   0.82904 

70,45  0.9440985,45  0.99725 
71    0.9455286   0.99756 

42  0.01222 
43  0.01251 

11,15  0.1950926,15  0.44229 
11,30  0.1993726,30  0.44620 

41,15  0.65935156,15  0,83147 
41,30  0.66262156,30  0.83389 

71,15  0.9469386,15  0.99786 
71,30  0.94832186,30  0.99813 


11,45  0.20364*26,45  0.4501041,45  0.66588 

56,45  0.83629 

71,45  0.9497086,45  0.99839 

45  0.01309 

12    0.2079L27    0.4539942   0.66913 

57   0.83867 

72   0.9510687   0.99863 

46  0.01338 

12,15  0.21218^27,15  0.4578742,15  0.67237 

57,15  0.84104 

72,15  0.9524087,15  0.99885 

470.01367112,30  0.2164427,30  0.4617542,30  0.67559 

57,30  0.84339 

72,30  0.9537287,30  0.99905 

480.0139612,45  0.2207027,45  0.4656142,45  0.67880 

57,45  0.84573 

72,45  0.9550287,45  0.99923 

490.0142513   0.22495)28   0.4694743   0.68200 

58   0.84805 

73    0.95630 

88   0.99939 

500.01454113,15  0.22920^28,15  0.47332 

43,15  0.6851858,15  0.8503573,15  0.95757 

88,15  0.99953 

51  0.01483J  13,30  0.23345|28,30  0.47716 

43,30  0.68835 

58,30  0.85264 

73,30  0.95882 

88,30  0.99966 

520.0151313,45  0.23769!28,45  0.48099 

43,45  0.6915158,45  0.85491 

73,45  0.96005 

88,45  0.99976 

530.01542'14   0.24192|29   0.48481 

44   0.6946659   0.85717 

74   0.96126 

89   0.99985 

540.01571  14,15  0.24615:29,15  0.48862 

44,15  0.6977959,15  0.85941 

74,15  0.96246 

89,15  0.99991 

55  0.01600'  14,30  0.2503829,30  0.49242 

44,30  0.70091  59,30  0.86163 

74,30  0.96363 

89,30  0.99996 

560.0162914,45  0.2546029,45  0.49622 

44,45  0.70401159,45  0.86384 

74,45  0.96479 

89,45  0.99999 

57  0.01658  15   0.25882!30   0.50000 

45   0.707  11  '60   0.86603 

75   0.96593 

90   1.00000 

580j01687,15,15  0.2630330,15  0.50377 

45,15  0.71019 

60,15  0.86820 

75,15  0.96705 

590.0171615,30  0.26724;30,30  0.50754 

45,30  0.71325 

60,30  0.87036 

75,30  0.96815 

600.0174515,45  0.2714430,45  0.51129 

45,45  0.71630 

60,45  0.87250 

75,45  0.96923