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Edited by 


VOL. III, NEw SERIES. (Nos. 25-36.) 




Published by the Microscopical Publishing Co. 
Washington, D. C, 


ee eve re OC OPE. 

JANUARY, 1895. 


Objects Seen Under the Microscope. 

Thereare many kinds of two-winged flies which frequent 
our houses and gardens, yet few of us know their names, 

their habits or how wonderfully they are made. Once 
we take the trouble to examine minutely these little 
insects, the humblest or more common, we shall feel that 


we have made anew acquaintance and ever after when 
we see one of them in house or garden we can say: “Now 
I know you.” These two-winged insects belong to the 
class Diptera which iscomposed of twenty-eight families. 
The house-fly, the blow-fly, the horse-fiy, the mosquito 
and others with which we are familar belong to this 

The little house-fly (Fig. 1) is called Musca domestica. 
But it is now midwinter and where shall we find a fly? 
Go to some place where meat is sold or to some out of 
the way hiding place. A last summer’s fly may still be 
clinging to a spider’s web or to the wali. If not dead, 
kill it by putting it in a large-mouthed bottle contain- 
ing a little chloroform. 

Now open the Excelsior microscope described in the 
last number and arrange it as shown in the Dee. frontis- 
piece, placing the flat side of the glass stage Gup, and 
the smallest of the lenses F nearest the glass stage. 
Put the instrument near a window with the mirror 
toward the light; turn the two largest lenses so they 
will come directly over the mirror and put the case — 
containing the small lens and the diaphram at right 
angles to the lenses so that it will not interfere with the 
moving of the screw in the stage. Now slant the 
mirror so that on looking through the lenses you will 
have a white field. Place the fly on the centre of the 
class stage,as though he were walking, and having 
loosened the screw in the stage, move the stage up and 
down very slowly until you can see the fly distinetly, and 
then fasten the screw. This is focusing the instrument. 
As the fly is quite thick and the light comes to a focus 
at one point only, you will not be able to see all parts with 
equal distinctness, but look at the head and back first, 
then focus again for the legs. With alittle patience 
and practice you will beable to get agood focus quickly. 

To have a microscope well lighted and in proper focus 


is of the greatest importance. If the stage does not 
move easily, remove the parts from the rod and wipe 
the rod with an oily cloth, being very careful not to soil 
any of the parts, especially the glass. If any thing 
should soil the lenses wipe them with a clean, soft linen 
handkerchief, kept especially for the purpose, for a 
scratch on the lens would mean a line across every 
object seen through it ever after. There is one difficuity 
with this little instrument,—it is so light that it moves 
easily and disarranges the object. To obviate this 
take a piece of smooth board four inches by six and 
an inch thick and with one little screw fasten the 
case to the center of the board. This will make it 
quite firm. As the fly is an opaque object, if your light 
is strong sun-light, you can use the dark background 
which should then be turned so as to hide the mirror but 
better results can be gotten with the mirror turned 
so as to show a light field but not a bright one. The 
fly will be magnified about thirteen diameters. We 
will first learn the position of each of the parts, sep- 

The redish brown spots on either side of the head 
(Fig. 1, E) are the eyes. Between the eyes the head is 
covered with short yellowish and black hairs and just 
at the front of the head are what look like two tufts 
or long black hairs. These are the antenne (Fig. 1 A). 
The head is joined to the body or thorax, by a very 
short neck, and, if you watch a fly, you will see that 
he seems to have the power to turn his head quite 
around. The thorax is covered with the yellowish and 
black hairs in stripes, and to this are attached three 
pairs of legs, two wings and the abdomen. 

Now move the stage up a very little so as to bring 
the legs into focus. These consist of several joints. 
There is one which joins the body and that we do 
not see called the cova, next comes the femur or thigh, 


B, then the tibia or shank, C, then the tarsi, D, (these 
are small joints just above the foot,) and the foot, F, 
which shows two little hooks. In securing the fly 
some of the parts may have been destroyed or they 
may be in such a position as to be hidden by some 
other part, so it is well to look at several until you 
can tell each part readily. In this position the tongue or 
proboscis is not visible. In order to see this, place the 
fly upon its side. At the front of the head just below the 
antenne will be seen the tongue, if itis extended. Fig. 
2 isa sketch of the head of a fly with the tongue, T, 
very much extended. It does not often show as muchas 
this. The figure also shows the palpi. 

Take all three of the lenses together using the little 
diaphragm and place the fly on its side with the head on 
the center of the stage and the tongue towards the light, 
move the stage up very slowly and when there is a good 
focus, fasten it. The object seems now much nearer to 
the lens than before, this is-due to the higher magnify- 
ing power which is now about thirty diameters. 

The diaphragm is used to shut off a part of the hight 
so as to show the object more distinctly, and it makes 
the field smaller. Now look at the redish brown oval 
spot, (Fig. 2 E) and you will see the little hexagonal 
lenses of which there are 2000 in each eye, arranged very 
much like the cells of the honey-comb, (Fig. 5.) These 
are the parts of the compound eye and are each con- 
nected with the nerve of sight. Each part of this com- 
pound eye is so arranged as to form a perfect picture. 
Carpenter in his work on the microscope (page 908), 
gives a picture taken through one of these compound 
eyes. At Ais one of the antenne or feelers. This is 
composed of joints and by their number, shape and po- 
sition, the genera and species of different insects are dis- 
tinguished. The antenna of this fiy has three joints, 
Fig. 4, but the first two are so small and near the body 


that we cannot see them. The last joint is covered with 
rong hairs. An organ has recently been discovered in 
the antenne of some insects which is thuught to be the 
organ of hearing. 

The tongue, (Fig. 2 T), is a broad fleshy lobe which is 
crossed with spiral fibers by which the fly is able to suck 
the juices it feeds on. There are little short stiff hairs 
set around the base of the tongue. It is these by which 
we are so much annoyed. M indicates the palpi. These 
correspond to the instrument that the mosquito uses to 
pierce the flesh of his victim when he seeks blood. 

Move the fly so as to show his wings. If these are at 
the right angle they will show beautiful iridescent 
colors. Notice the veins in the wings, as their arrange- 
ment is important. Compare these with the wings of 
other insects. See along the outer edge of the wing the 
little row of hairs, then the beautiful net work of veins 
and in examining the wings of different flies, notice that 
the larger the fly the stronger and more numerous the 
veins. The wings of the Musca domestica make 600 
strokes in a second, which carries it five yards and if 
alarmed it can fly thirty feet in a second. The veins in 
the wings we are told are hollow air vessels which com- 
municate with the lungs, for even the little fly has lungs 
and an organ which acts asa heart to send the blood 
thronghout his body and into his wings. He has also 
an alimentary canal, salivary vessels, biliary tubes, and 
a chylific stomach which seems to supply the whole ali- 
mentary canal with the power of digesting food. Flies - 
have a crop or gizzard which is used chiefly as a reser- 
voir for food when the insect takes more than it needs 
for its immediate wants. 

The legs.—Take one from the body and arrange so as 
to see the foot. If you are to handle such small objects 
you will find a pair of pointed forceps necessary. These 
you can buy or make. Take two pieces of good elastic 


whale-bone, three inches long and about one fourth inch 
in width, hold the end over the lamp and when it is 
warm it can be cut easily. Shape each piece nearly to 
a point asin Fig. 1, being sure to have them smooth at 
the points and of exactly the same shape. About one 
half inch from the other end cut a little notch in each 
edge having the notches exactly correspond when the 
pieces are put together, tightly bind the two pieces to- 
gether by strong thread, 
putting the thread in the 
notches that it may not 
slip. Carefully bend the 
pieces so that the two 
points will stay one half 
inch apart. 

Notice that the legs of 
the fly are covered with 
stiff black hairs and that 
these are quite numerous 
on the tarsi, and that the 
footis furnished with two 
hooks (Fig.3,H.) Under 
these hooks are two mem- 
braneous expansions or 
pulvilli, these are beset 
with hairs, and are in 
some way connected with its power to walk on the 
smooth surfaces in opposition to the force of gravity. 
Recent investigation has led to the belief that these 
secrete a gelatinous substance, the adhesion of which 
enables the fly to walk on the walls and ceilings and the 
two hooks are used to aid in detaching the foot, as we tear 
off a porous plaster, and the reason the flies remain 
hanging to the windows in the fall is because in their 
weakened condition they have not the strength to de- 
tach their feet. 


The flies are great scavengers, feeding on all kinds of 
decaying matter and noxious gases, detecting them even 
before we do. In this way they area great benefit. Not- 
ice the hairs on the legs, feet and tongue, take one of last 
year’s flies, see the particles of dust clinging to the hair. 
Now will not the particles from the decaying substances 
upon which it feeds and bacilli of diseases cling to 
them in the same way ? It isin this waythat he caries 
contageous diseases and he should be kept away from 
our food. When the fly is seen rubbing his legs togeth- 
er he is tsing the little hairs of the tarsi to clean him- 
self from these particles. 

If the microscope is used in the evening, you may find 
that the object does not show distinctly. This is be- 
cause it is not properly lighted. It is best to use a 
small coal-oil lamp, having it six or eight inches from the 
mirror and shading the light from the eyes by a piece of 
paper hung to the lamp chimney by 4 bent hair pin and 
of such length as to allow the light to fall strongly on an 
object. This with the mirror turned so as to show a white 
field will give a good outline or show a transparent ob- 
ject well, but it is not sufficient for opaque objects. 
We need a condenser—something to throw a strong light 
on the object only. This. can be made at home by get- 
ting at the opticians a double convex lens about the size 
of a coat button and cuiting a piece of sole leather inthe 
shape shown in Fig. 2, having a round opening in the 
center. Witha sharp knife, divide the leather at the 
round end and around the opening so as to make a case 
for the lens. In the small end insert a wire about four 
inches long bent at the other end as shown in the dia- 
gram and insert this bent end in the center of a spool. 

Place this between the lamp andthe mirror and by 
moving it or changing the height by moving the wire 
up or down in the spool throw the point of light directly 
on the object to be seen. The dark background must 


now be used. This will show the colors of the hairs and 
the iridescence of the wings. 

It is not always possible to lay the object on the stage 
in just the desired position, but with a pair of stage for- 
ceps it can be held in any way. These can be bought, 
but Fig. 1 represents a pair made of whalebone which 
answer for a small instrument. Cut two pieces of whale- 
bone as for the other forceps having two notches in the 
end instead of one. Wind with strong thread in both 
notches leaving a space between them, in this space in- 
sert between the strips of bone a large darning needle: 
By separating the bones a very little and bending the 
pointed ends toward each other you will have a pair of 
forceps which will hold an object. Having placed the 
object in the forceps with the part desired up, turn aside 
the stage of your instrument and stick the needle in the 
board in such a position that the object comes under the 
lens. Then by raising or lowering the forceps you can 
get the focus. These are very useful for looking at the 
small parts of flowers and in examining whole insects. 

Buying a Microscope. 

The expense of ignorance is ever apparent to the ob- 
serving person. In fact, every one realizes the cost of 
the bitter lesson taught by experience. We were made 
to realize this recently when called to examine a micro- 
scope which a druggist had purchased at an expense of 
forty-five dollars. The owner of the instrument was 
obliged to depend on the judgment and integrity of the 
firm from which he ordered it, as his knowledge of the 
instrument was limited to its name. Asa result the 
druggist exchanged forty-five dollars for a microscope 
that we would not pay ten for, unless it was to have a 
cabinet specime of different styles of manufacture. 


It is just as true as it is unfortunate that the market 
is flooded with poor microscopes which are being sold at 
extravagant prices. It affords us pleasure to say that 
they are not the product of American industry, but are 
brought to this country to satisfy that morbid idea that 
so many have which leads them to believe in the superi- 
ority of anything that is “ foreign,” and to rave over an 
article from Paris. It is not ourintention to convey the 
idea that all foreign microscopes are of an inferior 
quality, for this is far from the truth. However, it is 
note-worthy that the Unites States manufacture fewer 
poor instruments than are imported for sale here. In 
fact, there is no necessity or even a good valid excuse 
for a pharmacist purchasing anything but an American 

A word of advice anent the subject of selecting a 
microscope for pharmaceutical work may not be amiss 
at this time. Students at colleges of pharmacy, and 
those druggists who live in cities where such institutions 
exist, should embrace every opportunity for acquiring 
knowledge of the microscope as an optical instrument. 
This will enable them to select the microscope most suit- 
able for the work and within the range of their means. 
Do not invest less than twenty-five dollars, and if pos- 
sible expend fifty or seventy-five dollars for an outfit. 

Those who are so situated that they cannot become 
familiar with the microscope and be their own judge 
must depend on others fora selection. Their opticians, 
as arule, are not microscopists, much less pharmacists, 
and their judgement is often materially strabismic from 
the effects of the profit influence. To them the best 
microscope is the one that costs them the least and sells 
for the highest price. It is far better for a druggist to 
consult some competent microscopist and place his order 
accordingly.— EDITORIAL IN Meyer Brothers’ Druggist, 
January, 1895. 



A Few Suggestions to Novices in Photo-Micrography. 

From various quarters appeals for help so often come, 
that I trust a few practical hints may not, at this time, 
be mal a propos to the many amateurs who have yet to 
take their first photograph with the microscope. 

To such, let me repeat with emphasis: One of the most 
important things is, to see that the sensitive plate is 
rigidly secured in a position accurately perpendicular to 
the optical axes of the apparatus both vertically and 

To secure this essential condition, measure the length 
of your expanded camera in inches, which for general 
use, may well be a quarter plate or 5x4. Next, incline 
your “scope” till horizontal, and measure its length from 
the upper end of the eye-piece to the end of the arm 
that carries the mirror. Thenallow, say, 12 or 14 inches 
for room for your lamp and condensing apparatus, and 
add the three measures together. The sum will be the 
least useful length of your base-board. 

To make this most essential part of the apparatus, 
procure a nice piece of pine board, truly parallel, about 
= or 1 inch thick and the width of the camera exactly, its 
length being decided as above. 

Fasten a thin hardwood strip to each edge, projecting 
4 inch above the upper side of the board; this will allow 
the camera to be freely moved lengthwise but keep al- 
ways its axis parallel to the edge of the base. 

The camera may now be expanded and its base-board 
fastened firmly to the base, so as to allow the bellows 
to freely play, but to prevent undesirable lateral motion. 

Take out, now, the “lens-board’’ of your camera, and 
fit in its place a new one, made of thin pine, or “cigar- 
box” cedar if more convenient. Now mark upon the new 
front the point opposite the centre of the plate during 


an exposure, and these two points must be put in the 
optical axis of the objective and ocular you use. For 
locating this point, cut an old mount and fit it in the 
plate-holder, like a sensitive plate, obtain its centre point 
by intersecting diagonals and here make a pin-hole. Put 
the card-board in your holder, draw both shutters and put 
the holder in place, closing the bellows up as far as it will 
go toward the front board, and mark the new board by 
a long needle put through the hole in the card, and kept 
perpendicular to the surface of the latter. You may now 
use the mark on the new front as the centre of a hole to 
be cut for the microscope tube to enter, and to beat least 
twice as large as the eye-pieces to be used in it. 

To connect the parts light-tight, make a conical bag of 
velvet or of similar stuff; the larger end too big to go 
through the hole in the front, and the smaller end fitted 
to easily go over the eye-piece of your ‘scope, the length 
being 23 to 3 inches. Pass the bag through the front 
board and tack or glue its larger end thereto, to be light- 
tight. The lesser end fits over the eye-piece end and is 
secured by an elastic band or its equivalent. This gives 
us a light proof but movable connection between the 
camera and the microscope. 

To insure the coincidence of the optical axes of the two 
parts of the apparatus above mentioned, proceed as fol- 
lows: Having found and marked the centre point of 
the new front board ofthe camera, put the microscope 
in its place on the board, the latter being on a table and 
made level accurately. 

Now incline the tube of the microscope until horizontal, 
as shown by a small level placed thereon. Gently move 
your ‘scope until the eye-piece end presses against a front 
board, on which you are to trace the outline of its circu- 
lar milled flange. If you find the hole and circle central, 
very well; if not, the microscope as a whole must be 
raised or lowered until its optical axis is coincident with 


that of the camera. It will facilitate things to draw a 
centre line from end to end of the base-board. 

To insure steadiness, hold microscope rigidly im place 
by its base, cutting holes, if necessary, for the feet, and 
fastening all down by padded cross-strips of wood held 
by screws. 

Similarly centre your illuminating apparatus and con- 
densers, so that an eye placed at the centre of the plate 
could look directly through and see the ocular, objective, 
condensers and flame all in one and the same straight 

To secure freedom from jarring and vibration, which 
spoils too many fine negatives buy three of the hemis- 
pherical rubber balls with screw attached, sold by all 
hardware and furniture men to screw into furniture to 
keep it from marring the wall and woodwork. Make 
legs of these, putting them in the under side of the base, 
two under the back of the camera, close to the edges of 
the board, the third at the centre of the other end. On 
these three legs the apparatus will stand firmly, even if 
the table-top, on whichit is placed, may not be absolute- 
ly flat; vibrations also being absorbed, so that a pass- 
ing “L” train, or beer truck will not disturb the work. 

I havealready referred to the Joint between the ’scope 
and camera, and now only add, that while light-tight, 
it is also flexible enough to allow focussing. 

Hye-pieces may be used, or not, as found best, under 
conditions described in technical treatises on the subject 
but it is absolutely requisite that every reflecting point 
throughout all the apparatus must be suppressed, or fog 
will result, as exposures are naturally somewhat prolon- 
ged. This may be well done by rubbing up lamp-black 
lacquer until a spot touched therewith shows a uniformly 
dull surface, with no reflection whatsoever when dry. 

Having dabbled in such work for more than twenty - 
years, I have met and overcome the most technical 


stumbling-blocks which amateurs are apt to encounter 
in photo-micrography, and I find an absolutely essential 
point to be the keeping of all the apparatus in a straight 
line. Unless this is secured, the most elaborate appara- 
tus and most careful focusing are but in vain, for other- 
wise, if one edge of the field is sharp, the other goes out 
into “fuzziness,” and an even, sharp focus is a physical 
imposibility. } 

One caution. If using ‘‘apochromatics” never expect to 
see a flat field, for the objectionable roundness noticed in 
ocular observations will be doubled or trebled in a long- 
focussed camera. The obvious and only remedy is: Care- 
fully put what you want to photograph in the centre of 
the field, and use a large-sized plate, so that you can 
afford to stop off the edges in printing your positives. 
In this way the curvature will not be offensive.—The 
Photographic Times. 

An Examination for Blood.—The Bishop of Versailles, 
Monseigneur Goux, has submitted the famous seamless coat 
which is preserved as a relic in the church of Argenteuil and 
which according to tradition is stained with the blood of Christ, 
to examination by scientific experts. For this purpose he 
chose M. Philippe Lafon and M. J. Roussel, who were asked to 
furnish an answer to the following question: ‘“Whatis the ex- 
act nature of the spots on the garment known as the Holy Coat 
of Argenteuil?”’ These experts in due course certified that they 
had made a chemical and microscopical examination of the 
‘* Holy Coat.” After describing in the ordinary way, the tests 
employed, they sum up (according to the British Medical Jour- 
nal) as follows: ‘‘From the portion of the Coat marked with 
rust colored spots we obtained: (1) A faint green coloration, 

with the tincture of guaiacum and the essence of turpentine, 
(2) the revival of the red globules of blood, with the artificial 
serum, (3) the formation of crystals of hemin, or of chlorohy- 
drate of hematin. These indications are sufficient to enable us 
to affirm that the spots examined are actually due to blood— 
and to human blood. Judging by the whole of our analysis, 
we presume that this blood is very old. 



New Series, 1893. 

For Naturalists, Physicians, and Druggists, and Designed to Popularize 

Published monthly. Price $1.00 per annum. Subscriptions should end . 
with the year. The old sertes, consisting of 12 volumes (1881-1892), ended 
with December, 1892. Sets of the old sertes cannot be furnished. All 
correspondence, exchanges, and books for notice should be addressed to the 
Microscopical Publishing Co., Washington, D. C., U. S. A. 



Foreign Microscopes.—On another page will be found Dr. 
Whelpley’s opinion of foreign microscopes,—that while some 
very bad ones have been brought over here, there are others 
which are excellent, but that after all there is little or no ex- 
cuse for buying imported instruments. 

While publishing his views, it has seemed best to us to dis- 
tinctly assure our readers that none of the worthless instruments 
alluded to are advertised in our columns. We are sure that 
our readers may trust quite fully the firms which advertise 
with us. We know from a personal tour through the shops of 
Watson & Sons, in London, that everything about their work 
is first-class and that they take the greatest pride in maintain-— 
ing a high reputation. 

Of course we desire to see home industry thrive and we be- 
heve that Bausch and Lomb, Zentmayer and some others make 
very fine instruments ; but, dear reader, if you can get a better 
bargain from Watson, than from our own makers, do not hesi- 
tate to do so. Moreover, as Dr. Whelpley suggests, have the 
aid of a competent microscopist in deciding which is the better 
bargain. Let not sentiment either regarding the -patronage of 
home products or regarding the superiority of whatever comes 
from Europe, have any weight with you in buying. Seek merit 
and a bargain. j 



Note.—Dr. S. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. V., kindly consents to receive all sorts of ques- 
tions relating to microscopy, whether asked by p: ofessionals or amateurs. Persons of aki 
g ades of experience, from the beginner upward, are weiconte to the benefits of this depar* 
ment. The questions are numbered for future seference. 

—— eel 

214. Can you give me the addresses of Messrs. Powell & Lealand 
and R. & J. Beck of London, as I desire to obtain the catalogues 
of the above firms ? 

R. & J. Beek, Manufacturing Opticians, 31 Cornh Il, London, 
K.C., England. Powel] & Lealand, Manufacturing Opticians. 
London, England. 

215. Of whom can I obtain the Stephenson Erecting Binocular 


Dissecting Microscope, described in Carpenter's work on the Micro- 
neope 2——1, LB. 

John Browning, Manufacturing Optician, 111 Minories, 
London, E., England. 

216. What method will harden in the shortest time, tumors or his- 
tological material ?—J. R. 

- Absolute aleohol will harden small pieces of tissue ina few 
hours, but may produce much shrinkage or distortion. ‘Try 
Fol’s solution: 

Picric acid. Saturated aqueous solution, - - - 10 parts 
Chromic acid, 5 grains to one oz. of water, - - - 25 “* 
ReGeh ns = be ne A a aes Soe St ee 

It will harden small pieces of tissue in 24 hours. The picric 
acid stains the tissues also, but other stains may be used if de- 

217. How shall I proceed to collect and examine the impurities 
floating in the air of a work-shop ?—E. A. B. 

The floating dust, etc., work-shops and school-rooms may be 
caught in this way. Prepare slips of glass by smearing a small 
area with glycerine. Place these slips in different places about 
the room during working-hours. Let them remain during tie 
night so that the floating particles may fall upon the glycerine 
and be retained. Add more glycerine if necessary, c »ver, ring 
with varnish and examine. 



Metallic Globules.—Very interesting and pretty slides may 
be made from condensed volatilized metals. Gold that con- 
denses from the melting pots of the mint forms microscopic 
elobules of gold. On the roof of copper-smelting works a fine 
black appearing dust is found which under the ’scope is shown 
to be globules of metalic copper and when viewed as opaque 
objects exhibit the light red metallic lustre of copper. Many 
of the globules are hollow. 

Vertical Illuminator.—This accessory is of very limited 
utility. In the hands of an expert manipulator it will grandly 
show the lines on an opaque silver-plated Amphipleura pelucida 
and will reveal a few other opaque objects with high powers. 
In the hands of an amateur it is but an aggravation of spirit. 
It does not work at all satisfactorily with dry lenses. It is 
suitable only for objects mounted dry on the cover and with 
immersion lenses. 

Daphnilla Tuckermanii.—When a filtering of water supply 
from the Great Lakes is poured into a glass most of the diatoms 
and the heavier material fall to the bottom but little specks are 
always found floating on the surface. The specks generally 
contain some of the most interesting and wonderful forms in 
the gathering. In this way I recently had the pleasure of ob- 
taing this strange and complicated Crustacean. Remove the 
specks with a spatula to a éell, cover and examine with an inch 
objective. The little thing was so interesting that I mixed gly- 
cerine with the water and mounted it permanently. 

An Elegant microtome.—Possessing an old fashioned sec- 
tion cutter, that cost $15 some years ago, and finding that, in 
my hands, it was absolutely worthless for any fine or accurate 
work, I committed it to the tender mercies of a scientific young 

He made a very heavy iron casting with a V shaped opening, 
into this he inserted a V shaped sliding portion for a knife car- 
rier; firmly attached the old section cutter to the heavy casting ; 
furnished brass screws and clamps. When a proper knife was 
screwed to the carrier. the old section cutter was transformed in- 
to an elegant accurate and efficient modern microtome and at a 
trifling expense. 


PE BRUARY, 1895. 


Objects Seen Under the Microscope. 

The water of our ponds and rivers is peopled with 
many forms of minute animal life, and even the weeds 

in a tank with gold-fish have among their branches some 
very interesting little animals. Take a small piece of 
the plant, that which looks old and brown being the best. 


Put it on the stage of the Excelsior (or other) microscope, 
add a drop of water, and place over it a cover-glass. 
With the three lenses together, focus sharply. Exam- 
ine the leaves very carefully and having found a little 
brownish object that looks like Fig. 1. a, b, c,or d, watch 
it attentively and see if in a few minutes the shape of 
the head will not change, or it may move or disappear 
with a jerky motion. At times Rotifers are seen sailing 
in the water or crawling curiously. These animals are 
so small and sometimes so hidden under the leaves that 
they are difficult to find, but once seen they will be read- 
ily recognized. 

Fig. 1. a, b,c and d, represent Rotifer vulgaris as it 
is usually seen among the leaves. This species has a 
soft, transparent body, a head (Fig. 2. e.), two ciliated 
wreaths, f, two eyes,g, a mastax or apparatus for 
grinding its food, h, an alimentary canal, and a foot, k. 
The extremity of this foot is forked and secretes a gela- 
tinous substance by which the animal is able to attach 
itself. The foot is so arranged that one part can be 
drawn inside the other like a ship’s telescope. At Fig. 
1. b, the animalcule is attached to the leaf by his foot, 
and his antenne are extended in search of food. When 
food is found he expands the ciliated wreathes and sets 
them in motion. This makes a current in the water and 
draws the food within reach. It is then sucked into the 
mouth. This current can be seen and by it the Rotifier 
can often be discovered. These ciliated wreathes are 
two cup-like bodies surrounded by cilia or hairs, (Fig. 2. 
f). The slapping of these hairs one against the other 
gives the appearance of a rotary motion, and from this 
motion they receive their name. When not in use these 
wheels can be drawn into the body, giving the head the 
shape shown in Fig. 3.m. Some of the Rotifers can de- 
tach themselves and swim, using these ciliated wreathes 
as propellers. The Rotifer vulgaris has a peculiar way 


of crawling. They attach themselves by the head, 
shorten and broaden the body and draw in the foot. 
Then fastening themselves by the foot again, they elon- 
gate the body to its full extent and repeat the process. 
The body of the Rotifer is so transparent that the action 
of the mastax and the motion of the food in the body 
can be seen with a high power instrument and with this 
instrument the movement of the water in the body can 
be seen. 

_ These animals are said to produce three kinds of eggs, 
amale, a female, and a kind that can be dried up and re- 
main fora long time, and then under favorable condi- 
tions they may hatch. It has been proven that these 
eggs sometimes float in the air. If the water in which 
the Rotifer lives, dries up very slowly, the animal rolls 
itself into a ball, covers itself with a gelatinous substance 
which hardens aud retains sufficient moisture to keep the 
animal alive foralongtime. Under favorable conditions 
it becomes active again. 


Some pure cider vinegar which has stood for a long 
time will probably contain the Anguillule aciti, or vine- 
gar eels. With a little pipette, such as is used for drop- 
ping medicine, carefully take from the bottom of the 
vessel a little of the vinegar and place one drop in the 
center of the flat side of the stage, being sure to have 
the glass perfectly dry, or otherwise the liquid will 
spread over the glass and not be of sufficient depth. 
Place the two largest lenses together, arrange the mirror 
to show a bright field and focus carefully. Some small 
thread-like bodies will probably be seen wriggling about 
actively. These are the vinegar eels, Fig. 4. With the 
two lenses they appear to be from to 3 inch in length, 
but with the three together, a large one will appear to 
be from 1 in. to 13 inches in length. Look at one that is 


near the edge of the drop, where the liquid is shallow 
and its movements are not so active. Notice that it is 
shaped something like a snake, with one end rounded a 
little, Fig. 5. These eels do not have a true head or any 
organs of sense, but are like worms. After the vinegar 
has evaporated somewhat, a few may be seen curled up 
and quiet. Carefully add just a small drop of the vine- 
gar and watch them. Soon they begin to move, at first 
very slowly, then they become active again. 

Turn the stage over the dark back-ground and look at 

the drop without the lenses. The eels can be seen moving 
about as little white specks. This shows how much more 
can be seen by careful observation after one has learned 
what to look for. 

These animalcules are also found in sour paste. Ifthe 
paste in which they are seen be allowed to dry up and 
then after a long interval a small piece is added to some 
fresh paste, in a day or two the whole mass will be 
swarming with these creatures. 

Another species is found in wheat affected with “‘cockle.” 
If a grain of this wheat, which looks like a black pepper 


corn, be cut open it will be found to be filled with a 
white, cottony substance. Soak this for an hour in water 
and then place a little under the microscope, add a drop 
of water, place over it a cover-glass (which is a circle or 
square of very thin glass made for the purpose), and 
there will be seen a wriggling mass of eels. The an- 
guillule are entirely harmless to man. 

Some Easy Experiments. 


Many branches of study are anything but pleasing in 
the abstract. Microscopy is one of them. In order to 
appreciate the study in its truest beauty, one must study 
closely nature’s infinitesimal details. 

Berry Benson tells of a man, “ lying on the grass peer- 
ing at it and among it, studying it curiously and intently 
with a magnifying glass. His friend passed by and 
asked ;‘ what are you doing there ?? Said the man, ‘I 
am traveling in a foreign land.’ ”’ 

Just so with the microscopic worker, whether he be a 
child from school or a teacher—versed in the study of 
the infinitely little. For it opens a new field, yes, “a 
foreign land’ to the investigator, the teacher and the 

One of the greatest drawbacks to any study or any oc- 
cupation is an unfortunate introduction. If the student 
first hears of microscopy as the art of slicing tough and 
horny roots into sections of transparent thinness, and 
failing in this, then trying it over and over again to his 
sorrow, he naturally will bear a grudge against the 
science. Better by far have him reach out for something 
easier of attainment, and yet giving rare chances of 
learning the detail of little things from actual observa- 

If anyone will take a shaving of wood thrown off 


by a sharp plane, cut it into a neat little square, say 
one-quarter of an inch, wet it with turpentine, in order 
to drive out the air, also rendering it transparent, then 
immerse it in prepared balsam, putting it on a slide, and 
slipping on a cover-glass, he will have a most beautiful 
section showing the long cells with the lenticular mark- 
ings or bordered pits, if it be from one of the pines or its 
relatives. He can see hownature employs the medullary 
rays, diverging from the pith to the bark, as the woof. 
with the warp or vertical woody tissue, in order tc weave 
that network of ligneous cells combining flexibility with 
strength. A section of redwood shows the horizontal 
cells gorged with brilliant ruby-colored resin. A few 
years ago, I noticed on an apple box a narrow board 
showing successively the colors, white, cream, yellow, 
red and brown, all in a width of half an inch. I still 
have the shaving, mounted, and it is pretty, indeed, to 
observe how the resin cells increase in number and depth 
of color, thus giving this California cedar its deserved 
name of redwood. 

The pappus from the dandelion is very easy to mount 
and is well worth the time. Ona clean slide describe a 
circle a little smaller than your cover-glass, say seven- 
sixteenths of an inch in diameter, using a turn-table and 
employing a small camel’s hair pencil wet with colorless 
balsam. In the central space, which is dry, put a seed 
or pappus of any small composite, cover it, pressing 
down the glass gently ; it will then adhere to the first 
ring. When dry, ring again on the outside edge with 
colorless balsam. You will have a delicately beautiful 
slide—and one to be proud of—mounted in air, as the 
microscopists say. 

The Chinese shavings sold in the shops make an ideal 
longitudinal section all ready to mount. The epidermis 
of any leaf shows the stomata or breathing pores, if 
simply wet with alcohol, then turpentine, and lastly, 


mounted. If you use the polarizer with it, you will find 
it equal to double staining as regards the distinguishing 
of different tissues. 

Fuller’s earth, tripoli and electro-silicon show scores 
of silicious forms beautifully symmetrical all classified 
as diatoms or other organisms by the scientists. Lupu- 
lin, lycopodium and starches all have a structure which 
the microscope reveals clearly. 

Puta drop of pure comb honey on a slide some time, 
cover it, and when magnified you will see grains of pol- 
len which have fallen from the broad and fuzzy backs of 
the indefatigable little workers, the bees. As an ana- 
lytical point in the identification of honey, you can re- 
member that the artificial honeys show no such compan- 
ionship, for that honey is as far away from the pollen- 
laden flowers as it has been from that busy little com- 
munity, the bee-hive.—Paeczfic Druggist. 

Mounting in Canada Balsam. 

Every one after having prepared his objects or sec- 
tions, is desirous of preserving them in a permanent 
form in as neat 4 manner as possible and that with the 
least trouble. The following manner of proceeding will 
assist in obtaining good results. 

Turn a circle on the back of the slide in ink with a 
pen, being careful that the circle is rather smaller than 
the thin glass it is intended to employ, so that the re- 
fraction of the balsam at the edges of the glass do not 
interfere with placing it true in the center; the best 
turn-table to employ is the concentric turn-table, made 
by Aylward, of Manchester, Eng. The slides must al- 
ways return absolutely to the same center. 

When the ink is dry, wipe the front of the slide well 
with a clean cloth, and press or drop two or three drops 


of balsam or balsam dissolved in benzole in the center of 
the glass slide, take your object out of the turpentine it 
is soaked in, with a small pair of pliers, and place it in 
the balsam with the hollow curved side of the prepara- 
tion down if it is not quite flat. Then turn it over on 
the other side to release any air bubbles that may be en 
closed underneath, then adjust it well in the center with 
a needle point, put a drop of balsam on the top, and place 
the slide on one side protected from the dust for 24 

Clean a cover-glass the size you wish to use, see that 
the preparation is well centered. If it is not right it can 
be moved by the needle point, the balsam not being hard 
enough to prevent it, but if the preparation is very deli- 
cate, it will be necessary to warm the slide on the hot- 
table to soften the balsam before attempting to disturb 
it; when everything is right, place a drop of balsam on 
the top. This is to fill up any hollow that may form in 
the center of the balsam, which would hold the air when 
the cover is put on it. Place the cover gently in the 
middle of the slide, letting it sink down by its own 
weight at first, press gently with the needle, being care- 
fulto have the cover properly in the center. If not quite 
centered, shift it with the needle point till it is quite 
true. The preparation will not move in the balsam for 
some time till the fresh balsam has penetrated through 
the dried balsam put on the day before. If you find that 
the object has moved out of the center then comes the 
difficulty of getting it back again without beginning the 
whole process over again. Have two needles by you, as 
one is sure to get messed with balsam which will get on 
the front of the cover-glass and bother you in centering 
tlhe object. Notice to which edge of the cover-glass the 
object is nearest, and with the needle point draw the 
cover-glass by pressing on the top towards the edge of 
the slide. In this way the cover will slip over the 


object without displacing it. Then push the cover back 
by the edge when it will take the preparation with it. 
In this way, by a little patience, the object can be shifted 
to any part of the slide. If you try to get it in the cen- 
ter by pushing the cover first from the edge, you will 
soon find that the object will work right out of the field. 
Having got everything right and true, put a light brass 
clip on to hold the cover in its place todry. If you put 
too strong a spring on the preparation it may force the 
cover up when the spring is released. It is better to re- 
move the surplus balsam with a knife, at once, while it 
is soft, wiping the balsam off of the knife with a piece 
of paper. Place the slide away for a few days to allow 
the balsam to harden, when you can clean off the slide 
with methylated spirit, or better with benzole. When 
the slide is nice and clean, put it on the turn-table and 
run aring of gum water round the edge of the cover- 
glass. When dry, give it another coat. This is to pre- 
vent the white zinc or other cement being dissolved by 
the benzole and running in under the cover-glass. If 
pure balsam is used, there is much less risk of this oc- 
curring. A very neat finish is given with white zine 
cement. It is easy to work and gives a good, hard, 
brilliant surface, on which can be put a ring of black or 
any other colored varnish. When you have finished, 
clean the brush well by means of benzole; wipe the 
brush on a piece of paper between the fingers first, when 
the brush can be cleaned with a very small quantity of 
benzole and very quickly. 

The Serum Treatment of Diphtheria will be explained in 
The Popular Science Monthly for February, by Dr. Samuel T. 
Armstrong, Visiting Physician to the Hospital for Contagious 
Diseases, New York. 

The article will be of much interest to bacteriologists. 



New Series, 1893. 

For Naturalists, Physicians, and Druggists, and Destgned to Popularize 

Published monthly. Price $1.00 per annum. Subscriptions should end 
with the year. The old series, consisting of 12 volumes (1881-1892), ended 
with December, 1592. Sets of the old series cannot be furnished. All 
correspondence, exchanges, and books for notice should be addressed to the 
Microscopical Publishing Co., Washington, D. C., U. S. A. 



The Microscope and Public Health.—In Maine, 1518 per- 
sons die every year of tuberculosis,—an entirely preventable 

In New York City, 3673 more infants died in 1882 than in 
1883. The milk was examined in 1883 and not in 1882. 

Meat may be contaminated with micro-organisms either by 
exposure to flies or to street dust. 

Meat from tuberculous animals is sold to our own people. 
That exported to Germany must be proven free from this dis- 

Ninety per cent of the typhoid cases are due to drinking in- 
fected water. Boiling the water would render it harmless. 

Last year, 455 persons died in Allegheny and Pittsburg from 
typhoid fever. This is nearly ten times the death rate of Lon- 
don, where the water is filtered through sand and other hy- 
gienic matters are looked after. 

The microscope gives us adequate means for discovering how 
to remedy such evils as the above. It should be regarded as a 
crime for any physician to try to practice medicine until he is 
provided with this iustrument and knows how to useit. Pub- 
lic officials should be actively engaged in seeking the public 


welfare, but the public office in America is now “‘a private snap” 
and the incumbents think how to make money out of it. 
Their actions mostly correspond with Vanderbilt’s epigram,— 
“The public be d—d,” and it often is—with disease and death. 


Notg.—Dr. S. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. V., kind/y consents to receive all sorts of ques- 
tions relating to microscopy, whzthe: asked by p-ofessionals or amateurs. Persons of at 
€ ides of experience, from the begriner upward, are w levme tothe benifits f this deprr* 
ment. The questions are nuniberid jor suture) efererce. 

218. Please inform me how to measure the value, or magnifying 
power of objectives and eye pieces?—Dalton. 

Col. J. J. Woodward’s method is not very precise but simple 
and sufficient for ordinary purposes. Use an eye-piece fitted 
with a micrometer, but with the field lens removed. Place a 
stage micrometer beneath the objective. When in focus, the 
two micrometers must be at least 10 inches apart. Then the 
true focus of the objective will equal the magnification multi- 
plied by the distance and divided by the square of the magni- 
fication plus one. Suppose when adjusted as above, that one 
division of the 1-100 inch on the stage micrometer, at 10 inches 
distance, appears to cover 18 divisions of 1-100 -inch, of the eye- 
piece micrometer then 18 multiplied by 10 and divided by the 
square of 18 plus 1; equals 180 divided by 361; equals .5 or 
one-half inch, the focus of the objective. If one uses a positive 
eye-piece, in which the micrometer lies below the field lens,the 
latter need not be removed. See A. M. M. J. 1885, page 141, 
for more accurate methods for finding the optical center and 
rating of an objective. 

The following approximate method will enable one to deter- 
mine the magnifying power of an ocular. Use an objective of 
known focus, i. e. power, and a tube length that will place the 
optical centers of the eye-piece and objective ten inches apart, 
as nearly as possible. Place a stage micrometer in position, 
turn the microscope body to the horizontal and place the in- 
strument on a box or on blocks to raise the center of the eye- 
lens just ten inches above the table. Slip on a camera lucida 
and compare the image of the micrometer ruling with an inch 


rule. This will give the magnification of the combination. 
Then the combined power divided by the known power of the 
objective will give the power of theeye-piece. Prof. J. Edwards 
Smith, in his work, “ How to see with the Microscope,” gives 
the true magnifying power of single convex lens at ten inches, 
as follows : 

One inch equals 8 diameters; + inch equals 38 diameters; ¢ 
inch equals 58 diameters ; 1-10 inch equals 98 diameters. An 
objective properly rated, of 1 inch focus, should magnify 8 di- 
ameters, and with a one-inch eye-piece at ten inches, should 
magnify 64 diameters. , 

219. How may the owner of a small aquarium like that of Tempere, 
learn to identify the forms?—Dalton. 

Stokes’ Microscopy for Beginners—price $1.50—will give the 
needed information. It tells all about life in our ponds and 

220. Where can I obtain the latest edition of Griffith and 
Henfrey’s Micrographic Dictionary ?—-I. H. H. 

The Micrographic Dictionary is published by John Van 
Voorst, Paternoster Row, London. It is listed by Bausch and 
Lomb Opt. Co., Rochester, N. Y., at $20.00 net. 



Magnification.—Mere amplification of an object is useless 
for nearly all purposes. Definition and disclosure of detail are 
of scientific value. Never use upon an object a higher power 
than is necessary to show it well. 

Killing and Preserving Delicate Organisms.—Perchloride 
of iron is one of the best agents for this purpose. The organisms 
referred to are such as Rotifer vulgaris and other ciliata. With 
this agent the animals are fixed very perfectly in their expanded 
condition nicely exhibiting their cilia. For ordinary use a so- 
lution in alcohol containing about two per cent of the compound 
should be used. 

The animals may be placed on a slide without cover and the 


solution dropped over them. When it is desired to obtain a 
large number of the organisms, they may be killed in a vessel 
and then a stronger solution must be used. In the vessel, the 
animals will fall to the bottom ; the water should be drawn off 
above them. Then add seventy per cent alcohol and replace 
this with alcohol slightly acidified with hydrochloric acid. 
This latter solution should be run over the animals fixed 
uponaslide. The effect of the latter solution is to remove all 
trace of the iron salt. This should be immediately drawn off 
and pure alcohol added. The animals can then be mounted in 

Mounting Hydra.—Hydra viridis is nearly always to be 
found on the under surface of the leaves of Lemna. It is also 
found adhering to other plants. For an acceptable mount it 
should be prepared so as to exhibit its expanded tentacles. 
The following is a method by which this may be accomplished. 
Have a slide with a well dried cell of sufficient depth ; drop the 
hydra on tbe end of a plain glass slip. Hold the slip near the 
top of the chimney of the student lamp. You can see then if 
its tentacles are expanded. If they are, quickly hold the slip 
with the hydra over the chimney end about an inch above it. 
Hold it there from three to five seconds ; then quickly place the 
slip upon a cool, heat-conducting surface. When cold transfer 
the animals to the prepared cell and mount in glycerine. All 
kinds of hydra and many other of the larger zoophytes may be 
fixed and mounted in this manner. 

How to Examine Coal.—Coal is of vegetable origin. To 
examine its structure it is necessary to have very thin sections. 
To obtain such sections, macerate the coal for about a week in 
a solution of carbonate of potassium when thin slices may be 
cut. with a razor or a microtome. These sections should be 
gently heated in nitric acid, and when they turn yellow, should 
be washed in cold water and mounted in glycerine. Spirit or 
balsam will render the sections opaque. 


Drinking Cups and Diphtheria.—Dr. Chas. H. Stowell, 
formerly Editor of The Microscope says of Washington Schools; 


A few days ago I was greatly surprised to learn that the old 
drinking cup was still in active use in our schools. This is 
such a total disregard of all ordinary precautions for the preven- 
tion of disxase that it hardly seems possible. Yet in one of our 
largest schools there are just six of these tin cups used by the 
whole school for drinking purposes. Now it is a well estab- 
lished fact that diphtheria is caused by a specific germ. It is 
also well established that this germ muy reside in the throat 
some time before the symptoms of diphtheria appear. Recent 
investigations on this subject in New York City showed that a 
small per cent of the children examined had this cause of diph- 
theria existing in the throat, and yet did not exhibit any of the 
symptoms of diphtheria at the time of the examination. Some 
of the secretions from the mouths of such children, if carried to 
the throats of others, would quite likely cause this disease. 
When diphtheria is present in this city it would not be at all 
surprising to find that in a large school there would be a small 
per cent of children who could communicate this disease to 
others. | 

And yet, the school trustees allow atin cup to be passed from 
one mouth to another! The use of a common drinking cup 
by a number of school children should be relezated to the ig- 
norant methods of the dark ages. Not a cup should be pro- 
vided by the school authorities. Each child should bring his 
own cup. Youcannot do anything better thin to forbid this 
promiscuous use of the drinking cup. 


How to find ete Earth.—Mr, W. A. ici: of 
Bristol, Conn., sends us the following: 

It is asked how we know when we have found Diatomaceous 
Earth? It is of course impossible to be absolutely certain until 
the find has been examined under the microscope, still a collec- 
tor of experience and good judgment will make few mistakes. 
The fresh water deposits are a'most invariably covered by a 
layer of muck or peat. A light-colored stratum below muck 
will be either lime, ciay, or diatoms, if it is not sand. Sometimes 
all mixed. Ifthe material dries of a light gray or ash color and 
is also light in weight, it is almost certain to be rich in diatoms. 


If the deposit is heavy, it is mostly clay or exceedingly fine si- 
licious dust ; it is always well to examine all such deposits under 
the microscope, and, if nct rich they may contain rare vari- 

The marine deposits underlying the peat of all salt marshes of 
the Atlantic coast always contain diatoms ; in some localities 
these are comparatively rich, and frequently contain deep water 
forms. The diatoms are not equally distributed through these 
deposits, but are apt to lie in thin streaks or in pockets ; and 
strata holding shallow water forms and those containing deep 
water kinds are sometimes in close proximity. Where ditches 
have been dug through these marshes for drainage, material 
containing very interesting varieties is frequently thrown up. 
Shallow water kinds usually predominate near the surface, and 
below are streaks of deep water forms alternating with those of 
brackish water down to a depth of over twenty feet in many 

On the New England coast, it is not very unusual to find 
these deposits to be from thirty to fifty feet in thickness. Where 
the deposits were laid down by strong tidal currents, few dia- 
toms will be found. They deposit in eddies and basins after 
the coarse sand has been left behind. 

These hints will be sufficient to guide the efforts of persever- 
ing and intelligent investigators in search of Diatomaceous 
Earth ; but they must understand that tiresome and disagree- 
able labor is inevitable if they would win success. At some 
future time I will give more detailed instructions. 


We feel especially and unusually thankful to those who 
have sent in their checks during the past five weeks. 

Like others, we are struggling with the ‘‘hard times”’ 
and your promptness helps materially. We cannot write 
personally to thank each one, but we take this means of 
telling you how sincerely we appreciate your thought- 
fulness. In spite of the times, which we believe will 
change before mid-summer, we shall be able to increase 
the number of our illustrations during the year. 


Contents for February, 1895. 

Objects Seen Under the ee XX.—Rotifers. Pawns” 17 
XXI. Vinegar Eels.. 19 

Some Easy Experiments. Green.. anasesces socaseaes soap casas saphena 
Mounting in Canada Balsam. No Sig « edeeweees soacesses ssics savenenen ye enmmn——n 23 
EDITORIAL. —The Microscope and Public Health. . . :.0.: sedienstae deena 
QUESTIONS ANSWERED.—By Dr. S. G. Shanks. ........ ..0.0. ssscee cesses sauens 27 
918. Magnifying Power of Objectives......... ...:.: sssssasas sheen 27 
219. Identifying Aquarium Objects.......:..<:ss»«sssscssssssasseeeeee 28 
220. Micrographic Dictionary... Pr 
PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS.—By L. A. Willson.. snecse o snckennes reetee]aaeeaeeee 28 
Magnification ........ owes Janene suneshudaieeaeuaenneaene? 
Killing and Preserving “Delicate ‘Organisms.. 026 anesiemens andes ues nena 28 
Mounting Hy Gra 2.0... ..scc0ce cocs0c 0 eosese o onsen ounces bape een anes 29 
How to Examine Coall.c.cso..sces Juede: cecsey sessed 29 
ScIENCE Gossip.—Drinking Cups and Diphtheria. . ......... .....204. sees osthas hae 
CoRRESPONDENCE.—How to Find Diatomaceous Earth......... 0... seccscees 30 

FOR SALE.—A 1-20 inch homogeneous immersion objective 
by Gundlach, 1.20 N. A. Prive $60.00. Maker’s price $75.00 
Dr. Alfred C. Stokes, 527 Monmouth st., Trenton, N. J. 


Contents for January, 1895. 

Microscopical Life in the Phipps Conservatory Tanks, aie ied 

Logan. With Frontispiece .. si BALE cl Oe 
The Oyster Epidemic of Typhoid ai Weskevan Universit! ‘Rater, i kee 9 
Coriander Seed. Ward. Iustrated. ......... «020-2 .-ssssscucceeemee cenateemeieee 21 
The Rhizocarps. Edwards. Illustrated...........:.:. sessssssepessssuseue a 
EDITORIAL.—The Phipps Conservatory... .. ...+:s00ss«sesservdesrsuse soueeeeennnee 
Governmental. Delay. :..5. scctasussses tse :avcsaconsseeaee ~seseveee es saivanetaet 
The New Science R@ViCW .....ccen ciscoees- esdseccscsesda | ondebeneenseneaaae 27 
MICROSCOPICAL APPARATUS.—Prof. Gage’s Marker. Illustrated....... 28 
Dr. Shufeldt’s Photo-Micrographic Apparatus. Illustrated....,..... 29 
MICROSCOPICAL MANIPULATION.—A New Fixing Fluid................++ 30 
A Microscopic. Clearer.........0.0ss0ues'sbs00. sicese svonde aamene eee aennen 30 
BACTERIOLOGY.—Study of the Organization of Bacteria............... 30 
Dirty Bakeries. ....,..sssccaesecess acess cssoee soduaweeecnai aes imme nee aaenen 31° 

MEDICAL MIcRoscopy.—Tuberculous Milk.............++sssccsesecseseeeee OL 
DIATOMS.—Tempere’s Opinion of Cunningham’s Studies. ......... ....0... 32 
MicroscoPpicaAL NoTEes.—Importance uf the Infinitesimal ................. 32 
NEW PUBLICATIONS.—Recent Medical Works......... 22.200 eseceeee Pee 

oe GoW E, 

MARCH, 1895. 


Objects Seen Under The Microscope. 

Almost everyone who cultivates flowers has seen the 
green Aphides or plant-lice, which are so troublesome 
on the roses, sweet peas, verbena and other house and 
garden plants. Perhapsa study of them and of their 
habits will make them more interesting if not less an- 

With a dissecting needle or wooden tooth-pick trans- 
fer one of these insects to the center of a glass slide 
and with a pipette slowly and carefully drop a little alco- 
hol on it. After a few minntes remove the alcohol that re- 
mains by touching the drop with a piece of blotting 
paper, which will absorb the liquid and if sufficient care 
has been taken willleave the Aphis in a standing position. 


Observe that the head (Fig. I, w) is not separated 
from the body as in the fly, but that head, thorax and 
abdomen seem to be all in one piece; that it has two 
eyes, (Fig. I, w) one on either side of the head; that 
these eyes are compound; that the antenne (Fig. I, 7) 
which have seven joints are long and slender and when 
carried over the back reach beyond the body (Fig. 2, 7); 
that the legs (Fig. 1, 7) are six in number and they also 
are long and slender in comparison with the size of the 
body; that the tarsi (Fig. 1, ¢) have only two joints and 
that the legs are covered with delicate hairs. Viewed 
as an opaque object the eyes look like two deep rubies 
set on the sides of a somewhat oval emerald, the legs 
and antenne like sparkling amber and in case of one of 
the winged Aphides; the wings show fine iridescent 
colors. Altogether it is a beautiful object. 

On the back, toward the end of the abdomen, are two 
very slender protuberances (Fig. 1, p ). These are the 
tubes from which exudes a sweet liquid which drops on 
the leaves of the plants, and is there known as honey- 
dew. To see this honey, take one of the glass slides 
containing a slight depression in the center, and care- 
fully remove an Aphis to the center of this. Then place 
over it a cover glass and secure it with two or three 
small pieces of gummed paper, placing the cover so as to 
admit a little air. Put it under the microscope and in 
little while you will probably see either a drop on the 
honey tube (Fig. 3) or the drop where it has fallen on 
the glass. The little red ant is very fond of this honey, 
and is found on the plants infested with these in- 
sects. They not only eat the honey which has fallen on 
the leaves, but take it from the honey tubes. The ants 
make the same use of the Aphides as we do of cows. 
Some species of the Aphides live on the roots of plants. 

Rusticus, in his letters, says: “Another odd station 
for the Aphides is on the roots of plants. The other day 


I pulled up a large thistle that grew on an ant hill and 
found a whole colony of Aphides. I shook down some 
dozen of them among the ants. Nosooner were the ants 
aware of the presence of the Aphides than they began to 
fondle them with their legs, sometimes positively taking 
them around the neck, to tap them on the back with 
their antenne and to lick them with their tongues. The 
ants then took hold of them with their jaws and lifted 
them from the ground and carried them with the great- 
est care, one by one,into the recesses of the nest. I have 
often watched an ant go from one Aphis to another, 
stand behind each, and gently squeeze the body with its 
forelegs. Perhaps one Aphis in ten would give out a 
drop of honey, which the ant immediately swallows. 
The ants take much more care of the Aphides than the 
Aphides do of themselves. It is very pretty to see the 
licking and washing and cleaning and caressing which 
the ant constantly bestows upon them.”’ 

The Aphis lives on the juices of the plants which it 
inhabits. It is provided with a tubular proboscis (Fig. 
4) for sucking these juices, and when this is not in use 
it is carried under the breast (Fig. 2, k ), where it is seen 
with difficulty unless the insect be held in the stage for- 
ceps. The Aphides multiply very rapidly, the wingless 
insect (Fig. 2) producing young like herself, only 
smaller, and as many as fourteen in a day. The life of 
an insect is from two to three weeks, and it is said that 
a single Aphis and her descendants can produce as many 
as 23,740,000 in a single summer. Towards the end of 
summer the true winged males (Fig. 1) and females ap- 
pear and lay eggs which hatch the following spring, 
thus perpetuating the species. 

These insects are often destroyed by fumigation with 
tobacco, but nothing is more effectual than their natural 
enemies, the lady-birds. Not only do the adults feed 
on them, but the mother insect lays her eggs in packets 


among the Aphides, and as soon as the young larve are 
able to move about they begin to feed upon them, and in 
a few days not an Aphis will be found on the plant. 
Some of the Ichneumon flies and other insects destroy 
the Aphides by laying their eggs in its body. The lar- 
ve feed upon upon the insect and escape, leaving the 
skin of the Aphides brown and dry. These skins are 
often found, sometimes witha fungus growth upon them. 
The larve of the Ephedrus plagiator escape by a little 
hole in the side of the body, to which a circular door is 
attached by a piece of uncut skin. The larve of another 
insect escape by etn off the three last segments of 
the abdomen. 

A Model to Follow. 


Last October, I spent an evening in Paris with Mr. 
George Clifford the author of several articles in the 
micoscopical periodicals of Washington signed ‘‘No Sig” 
when he kindly showed me under the microscope the 
most interesting slides of his collection and explained 
to me his practical methods in microscopy which have 
been or will be described in these periodicals. 

Mr. Clifford can certainly be called‘“a model to follow” 
for a beginner or amateur microscopist. I would have 
been happy to have had our readers admire this wor- 
ker in science, enjoy an evening with his instruments 
and see with what methods he proceeds in everything. 

The principal rules he follows are: The working 
table of a microscopist must always be cleared off. 
As soon as he is through withan instrument, a bottle 
or a book he must put it back in its own place. Af- 
ter using a brush it must be cleaned immediately, 
before puting it aside. Always wipe the neck of a 


bottle after pouring a liquid. All his instruments are 
kept in a closet, out of the dust and in the most perfect 
order; if he needs one of them be finds it at hand, 
cleaned and ready to use. 

All his slides, classified and catalogued, are kept in a 
splendid cabinet. Visitors are surprised when they 
learn that in that fine piece of furniture thousands 
of slides are contained, among which many have a 
value from ten to twenty dollars apiece. 

Working as he does there is no need of a laborato- 
ry; a corner of the table of the dining-room is suffi- 

Mr. Clifford receives the best microscopical papers 
published in French, Englishand German. One depart- 
ment of his library is especially reserved for scientific 
works. Many of these books are the latest publications, 
many old and rare editions are to be found there also. 

The great desire of all the young beginners, readers 
of this periodical, ought to be to own one day as he does 
a fine set of instruments, a beautiful and numerous coll- 
ection of slides and a valuable library. 

Our friend has been in Paris over twenty years be- 
ing originally from England. He is avery warm per- 
sonal friend of the Editor of this periodical who has 
visited him several times. Of course, he has complete 
files of the American microscopical periodicals. 

The Value of the Microscope.—The value ofa micros- 
cope to a druggist is shown by the following incident: A lady 
had procured from the stores pepsin much cheaper than she 
had been paying her family chemist, and complained of the 
surcharge. He obtained a specimen of the medicine, and was 
soon able to demonstrate to the customer by the microscope 
that she had paid too much for her specimen, for it was nearly 
all starch. She does not go to the stores for pepsin now.—Ohe- 
mist and Druggist. 


The History of the Royal Microscopical Society. 

At the annual meeting of the above named society the 
president gave an address in which he said that if any of 
his hearers would leave that West-end abode of science 
and journey eastward to Tower Hill,and thenceby Sparow 
Corner along Royal Mint Street, he would find himself 
in Cable Street, St. George’s in the East, not a very quiet 
or a very clean locality: turning down Shorter Street he 
would emerge opposite a space of green, where once 
stood the Danish church with its Royal closet reserved 
for the use of the King of Denmark when visiting this 
country. The space is surrounded by houses which have 
seen better days, and amongst them, betweena pickle- 
factory and a brewery, stands arather dilapidated erec- 
tion which is 50, Wellclose Square ; where, in 1839, lived 
Edwin J. Quekett, Professor of Botany at the London 
Hospital; and there, on September 3 of that year, se- 
venteen geutlemen assembled ‘‘to take into considera- 
tion the proposition of forming a society for the promo- 
tion of microscopical investigation, and for the intro- 
duction and improvement of the microscope as a scienti- 
fic instrument.” Among the seventeen, were N. B. 
Ward—the inventor of the Wardian case, which is not 
only an ornament to town houses, but was the means of 
introducing the tea-plant into Assam and the cinchonas 
into India—who became treasurer of the Society ; Bow- 
erbank Lister, who has been called the creator of the 
modern microscope ; Dr. Farre; Dr. George Jackson ; the 
Rev. J. B. Reade; and the enterprising and scientific nur- 
seryman, George Loddiges. Most of these subsequently 
became presidents of the Society. A public meeting was 
held on December 20, 1839, at the rooms of the Horti- 
cultural Society, then at 21, Regent Street, when the 
“Microscopical Society of London” was formally started. 


Professor Richard Owen (not Sir Richard at that time) 
took the chair, and became the first President ; and short- 
ly after the famous John Quekett became secretary, an 
office which he held almost to his death. 

At this moment Schleiden in Germany was comment- 
ing upon the paucity of British microscopical research, 
and attributing it to the want of efficient instruments, 
not knowing that a society was then forming which was 
to raise British microscopes to probably the first position 
in the world. The President then traced the history of 
the Society through the presidencies of Dr. Lindley, the 
botanist, Professor Thomas Bell, the zoologist, Dr. Bow- 
erbank, Dr. George Busk, Dr. Carpenter, Dr. Lankester, 
Professor W. Kitchen Parker, all deceased; and of 
others equally famous who are still living; and showed 
how, under its influence and by its assistance, the vast 
improvements in the microscope, and the enormous ex- 
tension of its use, had gradually arisen. He also des- 
ceribed its connection with the origin of the “Quarterly 
Journal of Microscopical Science,” the “Monthly Micros- 
copical Journal,” and other publications, besides its own 
present widely circulated journal with its exhaustive 
summary of microscopical and biological work. He re- 
lated how on John Quekett’s death certain members of 
the Society subscribed to purchase for the Society’s coll- 
ection a curious microscope which Quekett possessed, 
and which had been made by the celebrated Benjamin 
Martin about 1770, probably for George III., and how 
they extended their subscription so as to provide a me- 
dal to be called “the Quekett medal,” to be given from 
time to time toeminent microscopists ; and how, difficul- 
ties having arisen, it happened that the only Quekett 
medal] ever awarded was given to Sir John Lubbock. 

Finally the President considered the future of the mi- 
croscope and the prospects of further improvements. 
He said that many people were of opinion that the ins- 


trument is now perfect, and that consequently the most 
important raison d'etre of the Society was over; he by 
no means agreed in that view; he believed that there 
was as much scope for progress in the future as there 
had been in the past. It was not by any means the first 
time that this idea had been put forward. In 1829, Dr. 
Goring, then a great authority on the subject, wrote in 
one of his published works, ‘‘Microscopes are now placed 
completely ona level with telescopes, and like them, 
must remain stationary in their construction.” In 1830, 
less than a year after, appeared Lister’s epoch-making 
paper, “On the Improvement of Achromatic compound 
Microscopes,” and we have been improving ever since. 

Pharmaceutical Journal, London. 

A New Peritrichan Infusorian. 


On the 17th of January, 1895, I found, on a filament of 
Vaucheria sessilis growing in a jar, in my green-house, 
where it had been atleast eighteen months past, an In- 
fusorian entirely new to me, though I have studied the 
Infusorians for more than ten years past and made hun- 
dreds of drawings of them. 

I refer it to the order Peritricha Stein; sub-order, 
Sedentaria; sub-family, Vaginicoline ; Genus and Spe- 
cies, doubtful. 

The lorica is sessile, of a pale brownish color and 
membranous. Length of lorica 1-216; width 1-700; 
neck of animal, when fully extended, as long as body, or 
lorica, or nearly so; diameter 1-1,600; length of cilia 
various, from 1-700 to 1-900 inch; with two much long- 
er. Opening of lorica 1-1050 inch wide. 

There were two animals in same lorica, but whether 
united or not I could not determine, but I think not. 


Cilia inserted under and upon the lower border of oral 
disk, as shown in fig. 1, and fringed on curved side with 
very fine serrations, as shown in fig. 3. When at rest 
cilia lie flat, curved upon the margin of the oral disk. 
The left hand disk, in fig. 1, appears double, the upper 
disk having two very long cilia, one on each side. . Food 
was ejected through the upper and received into the 
lower opening. Figure 1 shows the infusorian with 
anterior parts protruded, and with cilia expanded. 

Just below 
the oral disks 
is a contractile 
vessicle in each 
of the animals, 
pulsating once 
in 30 to 45 sec- 
onds. Also a 
vessicle in the 
body, asshown. 
On the slight- 
est disturbance 
the animals al- 
3 most instanta- 
neously with- 
drew into the 

lorica. When 
SES about to pro- 
a eee EE ISD trude from the 

shell they appeared as in fig. 2, with cilia in shape of a 
pointed brush. No valve could be discovered. 

Particles of food were easily seen passing down and 
up through the extended necks near center. 

On examination the next evening the animals were 
dead, but the lorica was in good shape. They were kept 
over in a moist chamber under cover on slide. 

I find several other species and genera of the Peritri- 
cha in this vicinity. 

Mr. Redding would perhaps assist our readers about 
identifying forms they may find.—Hditor. 



New Series, 1893. 

For Naturalists, Physicians, and Druggists, and Desizned to Popularize 

Published monthly. Price $1.00 per annum. Subscriptions should end 
with the year. The old sertes, consisting of 12 volumes (1881-1892). ended 
with December, 1892. Sets of the old sertes cannot he furnished. All 
correspondence, exchanges, and books for notice should be addressed to the 
Microscopical Publishing Co., Washington, D. C., U.S. A. 



Economic Uses of Lichens. 1. Iceland Moss, Cetraria 
islandica, is boiled and eaten with milk by the Icelanders. 
Often it is their only food. 

2. Reindeer Moss, Cladina is powdered and mixed with 
flour. It is an important food of the reindeer. 

3. Tripe de roche, Gyrophorei, is eaten after being boiled by 
the Canadian hunters and Indians. 

4. Manna lichen, Lecanora, has often been eaten by men and 
and cattle in Algiers and Tartary. 

5. An alcoholic spirit is distilled from Cladina rangiferina 
in Scandanavia and Russia. 

6. Sticta pulmonaria is used in place of hops in brewing. 

7. The dyes, archil, cudbear and litmus are derived from 
Roccella, purple dye, Lecanora, red dye, Ramalina, Parmelia, 
Umbilicaria, etc. 

8. A substitute for gum-arabic is obtained from Ramalina 

fraxinea, Evernia prunastri, and Parmelia physodes. 

9. Perfumery has been obtained from Usnea, Ramalina, 
Evernia and Cladina. . 

10. Jaundice has been treated with Platrysma juniperinum. 

11. Pertusaria amara is a febrifuge. 

12. No lichen is poisonous. 

Those interested in collecting Lichens will find a key to the 
genera in the American Monthly Microscopical Journal for 


March, kindly prepared by our assistant, L. W.. Willson, who 
is in charge of the Department of Practical Suggestions. 

Where to Hunt Lichens. The following data are com- 
piled chiefly from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th Kd. 

Lichens are never found on cultivated ground nor in atmos- 
phere impregnated with smoke. They demand a quiet and 
exposed situation. 

1. The rugged bark of old trees. (Ramalina, Parmelia, 

2. The smooth bark of young trees and shrubs. (Graphi- 
deus, Lecidea.) 

3. Trees by roadsides (Physcia) or in large forests. (Usnea, 
Alectoria. ) 

4. Decayed wood of trees and old pales. (Calicieus, Leci- 
dea, Xylographa.) 

5. Calcareous and cretaceous rocks. (Lecanora, Lecidea, 

6. The mortar of walls. (Lecanora, Lecidea, Verrucaria.) 

7. On calcareous, peaty, and argillaceous soils, and on har- 
dened mud. (Cladonia, Lecidea, Lecanora, Collema, Peltidea.) 

8 Thesands of sea-shore and the granitic detritus of lofty 

9. On decayed mosses and moss-like plants. (Leptogium. 

10. Upon perennial leaves of certain trees and shrubs 
(Lecidea, Bouteillei, Strigula.) 

11. On tombstones, old leather, iron and glass, on the 
bleached bones of reindeer and whales, on the dried excrements 
of sheep. 

12. Parasiticalupon other lichens. (Lecidea, Pyrenocarpei. ) 


Nots.—Dr. S. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. V., kindly consexts to receive all sorts of ques- 
tions relating to microscopy, whethe> asked by professionals or antateurs. Persons of ale 
Eades of experience, from the beginner upward, are welcome to the benefits f this dcepar*- 
ment. The questions are numbered for juture 1 eference. 


221. Is there any good work containing the classification of Bac- 
teria and descriptions of methods of cultivating them ? 


If you want the best, pay $10 for Sternberg’s Bacteriology. 
If only the rudiments, we can get you Ball’s Essentials of Bac- 
teriology for about $1.25 postpaid, or for $2.25 we can order 
Reeves’ Medical Microscopy which contains colored illustra- 
tions of Bacteria with descriptions and will besides give you 
lots of information about urinalysis, the blood, ete.—C. W.S. 

222. Iwish touse mounted specimens and project the image through 
a microscope upon a screen.—Can I use a lamp or gas light for illu- 
mination ?—-W. F. Proschwitzky. 

You will require an oxy-hydrogen lime light or a small elec- 
trical arc light. The pencil of light must be small enough to 
pass through the small lenses of the objective and bright enough 
to bear the subsequent spreading out upon the screen. 



The Mounting of Sponge Spicules.—First place a drop 
of balsam on the center of the slide. Then sprinkle some 
spicules over the drop and cover with athin glass. Then heat 
and boil until ali bubbles disappear. Setaway to cool anda 
good slide will be the result. The large spicules may be 
arranged and mounted as opaque objects and will thus make 
very beautiful slides. 

Cleaning and Dismounting Slides and Covers.—Heat 
the slide with the cover overa lamp until the cover moves. 
Then remove the cover ; soak cover and glass slip in turpentine. 
A drop on each will be sufficient. Then wash in a drop of 
alcohol and wipe with a smooth linen cloth. If it be desired 
to have the slides chemically clean, soak them in strong 
sulphuric acid containing some crystals of potassic bichromate, 
allowing the slides to remain several days in the liquid. 

To Preserve Algz.—Camphorated water and distilled 
water, each 50 grammes; glacial acetic acid, 5 gr. ; crystallized 
nitrate of copper, each 2 grammes; dissolve and filter. Speci- 
mens thus prepared will retain their living appearance. 

To Fix Cilia of Infusoria.—In a drop of water containing 


Paramecia or other infusoria upon a slide, drop a minute 
quantity of tannic acid. Ifthe solution is too weak, the cilia 
are not immediately arrested, but if the solution is of the proper 
strength they will stand out straight. After this treatment 
the infusoria appear beautifully with a paraboloid. The solu- 
tion of tannin is made by dissolving one part of tannin acid in) 
four parts of glycerine. 

Collecting Specimens.—During March, April and May 
many beautiful specimens may be collected from ponds. 
Scrape off any gelatinous matter. For small animals use a 
small hand net, made of common cloth and troll this along 
the bottom. Such anet must not be more than three inches 
in diameter. 


List of Exhibits at the Eighth Annual Exhibition, Department of 
Microscopy of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Art Assoct- 
ation Hall. 174 Montague St., Brooklyn, Monday, January 14, 1895. 

Bausch & Lomb.—Micro-Photographs. Descent from the Cross, 
and Portrait of Dr. Carpenter, F. R. M.S. Arranged diatoms. Head 
of louse, Pediculus capitis. Seasand, Bermudas. Trachaea-potato bug, 
Doryphora decemtineata. 

W. Bowdoin.—Yinegar eels. 

Mrs. W. G. Bowdoin.—British diamond beetle, Phyl. pomona. 

Frederick Kato.—Zinc oxide, an accidental crystallization. 

Prof. W. C. Peckham.—Lingual ribbon or poludina. 

Cc. P. Abbey.—Bouquet of butterfly scales, composed of 135 pieces. 

Geo. W. Muller.—Polycystina. 

Horace W. Calef.—Hairs of sea mouse, Aphrodite aculeata. These 
hairs form tufts of bristles which encircle this marine, spindle-shaped 
worm, and serve as weapons of defence. 

Henry F. Crosby.—Foraminifera, Gulf of Mexico. 

A. H. Ehrman.—Elytron (wing case) of diamond beetle, Lxtimus 
regulis. Pollen of corn cockle, showing anther beards, polarized. 

James Walker.—Six rock sections from the drift of Brooklyn, shown 
with automatic revolving stage and polarized light. Cacoxenite on 
limonite, from Lancaster Co,, Pa., a hydrous basic phosphate of iron. 

Louis W. Froelick—Spines of echinus. 

M. H. Wilckens.—Sections of cork, 

Dr. Heber N. Hoople.—Ovary of canna, cross section. 

Frank Healy.—Crystals of salicin, shown with polarized light. 

Dr. J. W. Metcalf.—Citric acid, shown with polarized light. 


Chas. E. W. Harvey.—Tingis hyalina, a small insect, with thin 
wing covers filled with gauze-like meshes. 

James Wood, M. D.—Trichina spiralis in muscular fibers of pork. 

Dr. N. B. Sizer.—Tongue of a cat, showing gustative papillae. 

D. A. Nash.—Transverse section of pine needle. Double stained. 

Wm. Finney.—Rhinoceros horn. 

Chas. M. Skinner.—Adamite, from Laurium, Greece. 

Dr. A. J. Watts.—No. 1 gold crystals. No. 2 gold crystals. 

John Jamont.—Section of fibrolite, fron. New York city, shown by 
polarized light. 

H. S. Woodman.—Eye of beetle, showing the revolution of the 
second hand of a clock through all the eye-facets which are in focus. 

Dr. S. E. Stiles.—Section of jaw and lip of kitten one day old, 
showing tooth germ, glands, hair bulbs and hairs. 

G. E. Ashby.—Cheese mites. Stilton. Fresh water shrimp. Polarized. 

Rev. J. L, Zabriskie.—Soldier of one of our common ants, Pheidole 
Pennsylvanica Rog., showing strong mandibles and enormous head. 
Collected at Fisher’s Island, N. Y., August, 1891. 

George M. Hopkins.—Incinerated leaf of deutzia, showing the star- 
like silicious hairs unchanged. 

A. A. Hopkins.—Crystals obtained from black writing ink. 

Prof. Wallace Goold Levison.—Natrolite, Snake Hill, N. J. 

John W. Freckleton.—Section of chalcedony, by polarized light. 

Dr. H. M. Smith.—Stem of rosa canina. 

H. B. Baldwin.—Blood spectra. The upper spectrum is that of 
Oxy-Haemoglobin in normal blood. The lower spectrum is of a Red- 
uced Haematin in blood, chemically treated, and shows the two dark 
lines a little further to the right. 

J. A. Grenzig.—Sections of wood, shown by old microscope made by 
Jones & Son about the latter part of the Eighteenth century, with 
accessories, etc. The slides are made of ivory and the sections moun- 
ted between plates of mica. 

Geo. A. Fiske.—Skin of skate fish. 

John H. Royael.— Native copper, from Butte, Montana. 

John J. Schoonhaven, A. M.—Foraminifera, from Cuxhaven. 

Franklin W. Hooper.—Section of stilbite, from Upper Montclair, 
N. J. Polarized. 

E. B. Meyrowitz.—Stem of pumpkin. Flea. 

A. D. Balen.—Pond life. 

J McCallum.—Blackberry. Tranverse section of stem of young plant. 

F. B. Briggs.—Tranverse and longitudinal section of banana stalk, 
Polarized light. 

Wm. Urban, Jr.—Section of elder tree. Section of quartz, Pseudo- 
morth, after Pectolite, from Paterson, N. J. 

Henry W. Schimpf.—The worm of the jumping bean, Carpocapra 

Brooklyn College of Pharmacy.—Clove (longitudinal section). Oil 


glands can be seen along the edge. Snake root (cross section of stem. ) 
Quinidine, an alkaloid obtained from Cinchona. Cinchona, Peruvian 
bark. Crystals of chlorate of potassium. Crystals of sulphate of 
morphine. Mandrake root, FPodophyllum peltatum, cross section. 
Water lily, transverse section. Fennel, triplet mericarps. Licorice 
wood, Glycyrrhiza glabra, (cross section). Ipecac root (cross section). 
Lycopodium adulterated with Pine Pollen. Slippery elm bark. Crys- 
tals of benzoic acid. Thornapple, Datura stramonium (cross section). 

Dr. Jos. H. Hunt.—Thin plates of quartz, shown with polarized light. 
These plates are natural groups of quartz crystals which are distorted 
into flat plates by being deposited between the layers of mica. 

Sereno N. Ayres.—Three micro-photographs. 

G. S. Woolman.—Insect scales, arranged in a bouquet of flowers. 

Queen & Co.—Tongue of blow fly. Native wire gold, North Carolina. 
Crystals of copper. 

EK. C. Chapman.—Foraminifera opaque. 

P. D. Rollhaus.—Seeds of the Grandiflora imperiais. [in motion. 

F. L. Lathrop.—Aurichalcite, from Colorado, showing a deep cavity 

William Krafft.—Sting of honey bee. Section ofa lung ofa coal 
miner. Blood froma frog. Proboscis of a butterfly. 

H. Endemann, M. D.—A micro-spectroscope. 

Officers of the department: Horace W. Calef, President. H. S. 
Woodman, Vice-President. C. P. Abbey, Treasurer, A. H. Ehrman, 
Secretary. James Walker, Curator. 

Dr. Cutter’s Method.—If tuberculosis in its earliest stages 
can be detected by looking at the blood with a microscope, as Dr, 
Cutter claims, then our scientists will have another test for tuber- 
culosis which can be used either separately or together with the 
present tuberculin test. Dr.Cutter’s method would be free from 
some of the ebjections to the tuberculin test; for only a very small 
quantity of the blood is needed and nothing is put into the 
animal’s system, so that nobody could claim that the disease is 
hastened or favored by thetest itself. The microscope test,more- 
over could be made quickly without the laborand delay of taking 
temperatures and watching results. It is also claimed that the 
disease can be detected in any stage from first to the latest, 
and that the extent of its ravages can be decided from the 
blood, so that mild cases need not be slaughtered as now but 
might, instead, be quarantined for possible complete recovery. 
Certainly the claims of this test and position of its advocate 
warrant investigation. As for Dr. Cutter’s general theory, on the 
causes and cure of the disease, the evidence does not appear 
at all sufficient. It seems hardly to have been proved that the 


substance found in the tuberculous blood is identical with the 
veast germ, nor is it clear that the substance, although an ac- 
companiment of tuberculous blood, is really a cause of the dis- 
ease. As tothe effect of ensilage, it is well known that tubercu- 
losis has existed where silos were unkown. However, the theory 
is enough like the investigations of certain French scientists to 
be of considerable interest. Under the name of mycodermin, a 
substance derived from the culture of the yeast plant, has been 
advocated by eminent scientists of Paris as a cure for tubercu- 
losis and remarkable success has been claimed. It is possible 
that with the American and French investigation combined we 
may yet be given a new and better theory,testand cure of this diffi- 
cult disease. The fact of immediate concern, however, is the al- 
legded new test which lays claim to certain merits not posessed 
by the test now in use. 


Sidney Forrester. By Clement Wilkes. New York. Jan. 
1895. No. 1 of Castleton Series. 12° 351 pp. 50 cents. 

This is a clean, interesting story of a boy who under the con- 
trol of a rich, fussy and stingy old grandmother, grew up with- 
out religious or distinctly elevating influences but who develop- 
ed much sense and goodness of character. How he came to be 
anoble young man in the midst of untoward circumstances is 
well portrayed, but what were the causes. of his virtues do not 
appear to the casual reader. 

The purpose of the book seems to have been to afford the means 
of whiling away an evening (as we have done) in pleasant relaxa- 
tion. There are no startling situations, no very improbable in- 
cidents, very few love episodes, no plainly moral teachings, no 
immoral nor questionable recitals, noallusions to religion of any 
kind direct or indirect. 

It is a book for boys of average make-up, not those who crave 
blood-thirsty recitals, nor who read Sunday School books,but for 
boys, just boys. Incidentally, it is for all of us who like boys; 
not bad boys, not boys too good to live, but boys, frank, noble, 
generous boys, modest boys that are not too modest‘ peaceable 
boys, who nevertheless will fight when honor so demands,—in 
short boys of sense. 


APRIL, 1895. 



Helps toward the Study of the Radiolaria. 

The study of the Radiolaria is somewhat perplexing at 
first owing to the fact that the subject is so entirely new 
to most microscopists that they are unacquainted with 
the terms which are used in describing them. It is quite 
different in this respect from the study of the Diatoms for 

example. When one first attempts that study he is already 
familiar with many of the terms from having read so 
much about them. But the man who takes up the Radi- 
olaria has not read much about them. In fact there has 
not been anything for him to read worth speaking of, not 

NoTE—The diagrams are not drawn to scale and give no idea of the size of 
the forms they represent. 


a single book in English at his command that he could 
turn to for any definite information. Ehrenberg’s work 
is in German, and while the illustrations are most valua- 
ble, the text gives no descriptions of genera or species but 
is confined to notes on the geology of the subject and to 
references to the different localities. Mrs. Bury’s atlas is 
merely a collection of plates without any text. Heck- 
el’s Monograph on the Radiolaria (1862) is also in German. 
It is true his later magnificent work on the Radiolaria 
is in English but has not been at the command of the stu- 
dent owing to the price, about forty dollars, and few 
would have known where to find a copy ever for occa- 
sional consultation. There is a copy in the Astor Li- 
brary and I believe there is another in the Library of 
Columbia College, but beyond these two I know of no 
others in public libraries in and around New York. Un- 
less Jam very much mistaken it is not in the Brooklyn 
Library or even in that of the Philadelphia Academy. 
Most amateurs have recourse simply to such a work as 
that of Carpenter on the Microscope and nothing could 
show more strikingly the dearth of information available 
on the subject than that work. For the Radiolaria are 
disposed of in about five pages of text of which only two 
are given to the classification and they afford almost no 
help. Iam speaking of the sixth edition which is the 
one inmost general use. But the seventh is little better. 
Contrast the elaborate treatment of the Foraminifera 
which takes up fifty pages or of the Diatoms to which 
forty pages are devoted. In fact it was this dearth of 
available information, which led me to write the series | 
of articles on the subject which have appeared during 
the last three years in the Journal. But even when the 
information is given there is another difficulty, namely 
the large number of terms necessary in description owing 
to the astonishing variety of form presented by the Radi- 
Olaria. So that even with the key before him the stu- 


dent may still be at a loss as to precisely what is meant 
by this or that character. And so it has seemed to me 
that it would be helpful to illustrate the key by some dia- 
grammatic figures which would bring before the eye 
simply the principal characters which occur in the course 
of the classification. The diagrams are very rude but 
they will answer the purpose. They are not intended to 
represent any particular species but merely to give a gen- 
eral idea of the structure in each case. 

I shal] assume then that the reader knows nothing 
whatever about the classification of the Radiolaria but 
is simply acquainted with their general appearance as 
he has seen them on a slide of Barbadoes earth in bal- 
sam. lLetus suppose bim to have such a slide before him 
and to be able to identify the forms as far as the genera 
are concerned. How shall he go to work? 

The first thing to do is to find out whether the form 
which is under observation is spherical (or approxima- 
tely so) and has no single large opening, or whether it 
has the shape of an egg, cone, or bee-hive with a large 
opening at one end. Let us suppose that the former is 
the case. Now that puts it in the Legion Spumellaria 
and limits him to that part of the Key. Look again 
therefore, and see if the shell is a true sphere, or an 
elongated sphere (prune-shaped), ora flattened sphere 
(disk-like). We will say it is atrue sphere. Then it 
belongs to the order Spheroidea. What now about 
spines radiating from the surface? Is the form free 
from them like fig. 1? That places it in the Family Lio- 
spherida. Now is the sphere hollow? It belongs to 
division A. Put onan sth objective and if the surface 
is smooth it is Cenosphera; but if the pores project in 
the form of little tubes just a trifle beyond the margin 
itis Ethmosphera. But perhaps as you focus down on 
your sphere you find it is not hollow but that there is 
another sphere inside, like fig. 2. Thenit is div. B, Car- 


posphera. Or there may be two spheres inside like fig. 
3. Then it is div. C, either Rodosphera or Thecospheara, 
and if the two inner spheres are close to the centre it is 
the latter. If on the contrary one inner sphere is close 
to the outer shell it is the former. Possibly you may 
detect three spheres inside like figure 4, or even four 
spheres. In the first case it is Cromyosphera, in the 
second, Caryosphera. 

But suppose it has spines, what then? Why mark the 
number and how they are placed. Are there two, 
opposite, like fig. 6? Fam. Stylospherida. Four, for- 
ming a cross, like fig.7? Fam. Staurospherida. Six, 
opposite in pairs, like fig. 8? Fam. Cubospherida. 
Hight to twelve or more like fig.9? Astrospherida. 
Take one more look to see whether the sphere in each 
case is single or has other spheres inside and the rest of 
the Key will explain itself, the only genus needing any 
note being Saturnalis, which looks like fig. 6 with a 
circle drawn around it so that the tips of the spines 
would just touch the circumference. 

However, your form may not be a true sphere, a sec- 
tion of which would be lke fig. 1, but ellipsoidal, a 
section of which would be like fig. 10. If so it belongs 
to the Order Prunoidea. Is the margin entire, like fig. 
10, or has it a constriction, like fig. 12, forming two. 
chambers, or several constrictions, forming four or more 
chambers like fig. 13? Then it belongs respectively to 
div. A, or B, or C, of that part of the Key which treats 
of ellipsoidal shells. If A, is it hollow like fig. 10, and 
is the surface Jatticed or covered with pores? Fam. 
Ellipsida. And the genus will depend on the absence 
or presence of spines and the disposition of them. Or 
has it an inner shell like fig. 11? Druppulida, and the 
Key will readily give the genus, the only explanation 
needed being thatthe medullary shell is the inner as dis- 
tinguished from the outer which is termed the cortical 


shell. Or is your shell spongy, the surface a mass of 
confused meshes instead of regular pores? Fam. Spon- 
gurida. Here again the only note necessary is that a 
latticed medullary shell is an inner shell with pores. If 
your shell belongs to div. B, or div. C, you will find no 
difficulty with the genera. 

But instead of being a true sphere or an elongated 
sphere, your form may be a disk more or less flattened. 
Focus on it carefully and see which figure it more resem- 

bles, No. 14, or 16. That is, if it were tilted would it 
show such protuberances as those in fig. 14 or lack them 
like fig.16? If the form is a phacoid shell, resembles 
in shape a bi-convex lens with broad edges, it belongs to 
div. A. of discoidal shells, in which there are two fam- 
ilies, the Phacosdiscida and the Coccodiscida. If the 
margio of the phacoid shell is simple, or only armed 
with radial spines, it is one of the former, and the num- 
ber of the spines, and of the inner shells, and the presence 
or absence of a girdle will give the genus. By this 


girdle what is meant is that the shell loses its convexity 
and becomes flattened at the margin. Imagine a bi-con- 
vex lens turned edgewise and a ring of thin glass encir- 
cling it in the equatorial plane and you will understand 
what is meant by the “hyaline equatorial girdle” of 
Periphena. If on the contrary the margin of the pha- 
coid shell, when only one surface is presented, is surroun- 
ded by concentric chambered girdles or rings it belongs 
to the Coccodiscida. ‘Each of these chambered gir- 
dles,” says Haeckel, is composed of a circular ring in 
the equatorial plane, a variable number of radial beams 
dividing it into incomplete chambers, andtwg porous 
cover-plates or “sieve-plates,” covering the upper and 
lower face of the disk. These sieve-plates may be 
regarded as incomplete lenticular cortical shells, which 
are only developed in the peripheral part of the disk, 
whilst their central part is represented by the only com- 
plete cortical shell, he “phacoid shell.” The general 
appearance is that of fig. 15. Here again the presence 
or absence of spines or arms or membrane will serve to 
distinguish the genus. By chambered arms are meant 
such projections as the four club-shaped portions of fig. 
20, and by membrane the fine spongy framework be- 
tween the arms in the same figure, the technical term for 
which membrane is “ patagium.”’ 

lf your form is not like fig. 14 but like fig. 16, it be- 
longs to div. B. In this division there is no “ phacoid ” 
shell, but a flat discoidal shell. There are two families ~ 
in this division, the Porodiscida and the Spongodiscida. 
In the former, instead of a phacoid shell, there is a 
small simple central chamber surrounded by a number 
of small latticed chambers of nearly the same size and 
form (Haeckel). The surface of the disk on the two flat 
sides is covered by a porous sieve-plate.* In the first 
section there are neither spines nor arms nor any wide 

*Challenger Report. 


openings on the margin. Of the two genera, Perichla- 
mydium is characterized by a thin solid equatorial girdle 
which Porodiscus lacks. In the former also the cham- 
bers surrounding the central chamber look more like a 
mulberry-mass of cells thana series of rings, and the 
form presents the general appearance of fig. 19. (In 
this figure the pores over the central and surrounding 
chambers are not shown). In the next section there are 
still no chambered arms or radial spines, and the main 
characteristic in the genus from Barbadoes is a single 
opening on the margin which is surrounded by spines. 
The nature of the openings is shown in fig. 18 which, 
however, represents a genus not found in Barbadoes 
which has three of these openings and no spines. Fig. 
17 gives some idea of the outline of the Barbadoes form 
and of the opening and spines. In the next section 
there are no arms and no openings but radial spines, 
the number of which, together with the presence or 
absence of a girdle serves to distinguish the genera. 
And in the last section there are chambered arms, the 
number and disposition of which, together with the 
presence or absence and the disposition of a patagium 
or membrane, form the distinctive marks of the ge- 

Finally in the Spongodiscida the sieve-plates disap- 
pear, and the shell is more or less spongy in 
character. The simple spherical central chamber some- 
times has concentric rings around it but the surface 
of the disk shows an irregular spongy framework. 

This finishes the Spumellaria. Next we come to the 

To be continued. 


Focusing Upward. 
By R. H. WARD, M. D., 

TROY, N. Y. 

It is often advised to focus downward towards the slide, 
using great care not tu go too far, until the object is 
actually seen. More prudent advice would be to set the 
tube too low for its focal distance, in every case, while 
observing it from the side by looking through, horizon- 
tally towards the hight, between the objective and the 
slide, and then find the object by focusing upward while 
looking down the tube. After this, the whole thickness 
of the object can safely be examined by focusing slowly, 
and in many cases almost constantly, through it, forward 
and backward. 

Some experts of great experience, prudence and self- 

control, persons of microscopic touch, and to whom cau- 
tion and accuracy have become instinctive, may find the 

focus in almost any way, scarcely knowing or caring how. 
One of the commonest of these expedients is, while work- 
ing the rock with one hand, to feel the way with a finger 
of the other hand, touching lightly the side of the objec- 
tive at its lower edge, while the same finger or the next 
one, according to circumstances, projects downward to 
touch lightly the top of the slide. This gives a positive, 
and for low and medium powers, a sufficiently accurate 
knowledge of the varying distance from the objective to 
to the slide. But some of those heedless persons who, 
with the best of intentions, are always doing something 
wrong, until their suffering friends are strongly tempted 
to wish they were enemies instead, will either push the 
slide off from the stage to be broken by the fall, or else 
misjudge the indications of their touch until they hear 
the glass cracking under the pressure of the objective, 
when they will exclaim, more truly than they mean, ‘Oh! 
I didn’t think ——.” 

To nearly all beginners, and to an uncertain proportion 


of others, the looking for an object while focusing down 
toward it is far from safe; at least, that is the result of 
the writer’s observation during thirty-eight years of con- 
tinuous and earnest attention to microscopy. Butan inch 
objective is used far away from the slide, and at a per- 
fectly safe distance? So is a three-inch, several times 
as far away; yet the writer has seen a highly cultivated 
man and experienced microscopist, in the midst of his 
best years, drive a 3-inch objective, with a crash that 
was heard throughout the room, through a unique and 
priceless slide—belonging to somebody else. But he was 
a stupid blunderer ? Well, that is what he said, with 
manifest disgust and contempt, and he ought to know ; 
in fact he abjectly announced his resolution to devote 
the blighted remainder of his worthless life to the fitting 
penance of eating all the “humble pie” that the spectators 
would condescend to prepare for his sanctification. But 
this is the world we are living in at present, and such 
acts of farce-tragedy are common enough to recur to any- 
body; as evidently they did to Dr. S. when he wrote of 
a tin cell that was too thick to be pleasing. “However, 
the cell serves one good purpose; the diatoms cannot be 
crushed between cover glass and slip unless a very strong 
hand is wielding the coarse adjustment.” 

The only safe rule that can be followed without being 
sorry sooner or later, is, never to find the object by focus- 
ing downward, and, never to allow anyone else to do it 
with your apparatus or objects. If one must focus down- 
ward, which seems temptingly easy, but in the end is the 
most difficult and tedious way he should do it with his 
own things; so as to make sure of the benefit of the 
scolding which politeness will hardly prevent his giving 
to himself when the first (and last ?) accident happens. 

This method of finding the object is applicable to even 
moderately high powers, of moderate angular apertures; 
using the foreign particles too freely present on the top 


or bottom of the cover-glass, or top of the slide, or in 
the mounting medium, or the imperfections of the glass 
surfaces themselves, or in the cut edge of the cover, as 
a clue for locating approximately the plane of the object— 
which may be unexpectedly difficult with very minute 
transparent objects, such as a very few small diatoms or 
slightly stained bacteria or, still worse, very fine micro- 
meter rulings. 

With extreme apertures, or where the objective, suita- 
bly corrected, may nearly or actually touch the cover, the 
greatest skill is requtred, and some danger exists even 
in the best hands. Even then the lens can usually be set 
as described above, so near that a glimpse, probably vague 
and distant, can be gained of almost anything coarser 
than the fine rulings or bacteria; when an'upward touch 
of the ffne adjustment will either reveal the object dis- 
tinctly or show that it is farther below. In the later 
case, while the fine adjustment is being lowered with ex- 
treme care, the slide may be frequently slipped upon the 
stage by the hand, over a distance which is a very small 
fraction ol the field of view (witha tolerably steady hand 
there is no difficulty in moving it as little as 1-20 mm., 
or 1-500 inch), in order to detect, by the increased resist- 
ance, any pressure of the objective before it becomes 
destructive. Or, if the hand be steady, the near side of 
the slide may be held gently down against the stage, and, 
the spring clips if any, being turned aside, the far edge 
of the slide be lifted by one of the finger nails until the 
now slanting cover-glass touches one edge of the mount- 
ing of the objective. This can be done with ease when 
the distance is less than the thickness ofa sheet of paper; 
it furnishes deffinite idea as to the distance, and gives 
ample warning as that distance decreases and disappears. 
As the available focal distance varies with the screw-collar 
adjustment, it is well, with suspiciously thick covers, to 
adjust for maximum distance for finding the object, and 


then reduce the adjustment until best definition be se- 
cured or be proven to be impracticable; as the lens when 
set for a minimum depth might rest upon the cover, 
while the object was still out of sight directly below the 
field of view. It is folly for any but the experts to at- 
tempt such work, and they will generally be wise enough 
to prefer doing it over their own slides.—P. MZ. Clud. 

What are the Bacillariacee. 


As I have proposed to change the name Diatomacez to 
Bacillariacee I will say why that change should be made. 
The name is not anew one. To explain why it is pro- 
posed to renew it, I quote from the Rev. Eugene O’ 
Meara in his Recent Researches on the Diatomacee (Vol. 
XII, n.s. of the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical 
Science, 1872, page 240, reprinted from the Journal of 
Botany, March and May, 1872.) Therein he says: “The 
name Diatomacee has been used by nearly all of the 
recent authors to designate this group. Rabenhorst, in 
his more recent work, has adopted the name Diatomo- 
phycz, but in his former treatise used that of Diatoma- 
cee, “die Susswasser Diatomaceen ;” and in this he has 
been followed by Gmelin, Heiberg, Shumann, Cleve and 
Suringar. Dr. Pfitzer, however, mentions that the name 
Bacillariace should be substituted, the genus Bacillaria 
having been established by De Candolle in 1805; and 
some of the older writers on the subjects have used this 
designation. It may be deemed inconvenient now to 
abandon the name of the group which has been so gen- 
erally adopted, but on technical grounds, Dr. Pfitzer’s 
view is undoubtly correct.” 

So it happens that the organisms which were called 
Diatomacee are now and should be called Bacillariacez. 
Popular observers who are not students may still call 


them Diatoms, which is the English of the scientific 
Latin Diatomaceer. So they may call Bacillariacee 
Bacills. But Diatoms are the siliceous shells, or lorice 
of the perfect organism. The organism itself is a mass 
of protoplasm which secretes within itself the Diatom, 
just as shells are the lorice of Mollusca and bones of 
man, so that when observing Diatoms we are not studying 
Bacillariacee. To study them requires time and patience. 
We can observe Diatoms and mount them to show them 
but that is very different from studying them. To study 
them, the observer must be a microscopist of no mean 
character and know biology, the science of plants and 
animals. He should bea physicist besides, and this 
requires time and patience. An observer may see the 
diatoms when looking at about one hundred slides but 
the student of the Bacillariacex has to spend many hours 
of patient toil to work out even the outline of one Cosci- 
nodiscus. Pleurosigma angulata requires many obser- 
vations on specimens from various localities. 

The Bacillariacee are not animals nor vegetables but 
possess characters that have induced Heckel and other 
observers to rank them along with other organisms tem- 
porarily ina kingdom by themselves, in the Protista. 
But kingdoms are only transitional and they but items of 
the lowest organisms. Low because they carry on their 
life in a simple manner. And because they are so 
simple they are not affected by what we call evolution. 
Those that first existed in the Laurentian are the same 
as grow now. Epithemia turgida of the Silurian age is 
Epithemia turgida of the recent. 

Students must not forget that Bacillariacee is but a 
name for organisms which are seemingly simple in char- 
acter and bye-and-bye we may have to record complex 
things that they do and mighty work that they accom- 
plish. They are simple when viewed by present knowl- 
edge, but they are mighty when viewed by the results. 



New Series, 1893. 

For Naturalists, Physicians, and Druggists, and Designed to Popularitzc 

Published monthly. Price $1.00 per annum. Subscriptions should end 
with the year. The old sertes, consisting of 12 volumes (1881-1892), ended 
with December, 1892. Sets of the old series cannot be furnished. All 
correspondence, exchanges, and books for notice should be addressed to the 

Microscopical Publishing Co., Washington, D. C., U. S. A. 



Lighton’s Stained Diatoms.—It was with much regret that 
we received lately a letter from a subscriber who complained 
that the slides he had purchased from Prof. Lighton were “ not 
fit to be placed in any cabinet.” He indignantly demanded 
from Prof. Lighton the return of his money and reported the 
matter tous. We have made some investigation and have 
letters of four other purchasers before us, from which we con- 
clude as follows: 

Prof. Lighton’s material was not perfectly cleaned and as a 
consequence a certain amount of rubbish has been mounted 
with the diatoms. But that he has succeeded in staining the 
diatom shells in a satisfactory manner is well established. 
This is, however, not a new discovery. Dr. Edwards stained 
them many yearsago. Lighton uses the aniline dyes. Edwards 
confirms this method, and says he tried haematoxylin and 
Prussian blue unsuccessfully. . 

No other fault has been found with Lighton’s mounting and 
the reason why the purchaser would not put the slides in his 
cabinet was, as he said, that his cabinet was not a place for 
‘stained dirt.” Prof. Lighton claims to have returned his 
money to him by registered mail and we have not heard to the 
contrary. He ought next for neatness sake to learn how to clean 
diatom material, and to avoid occasion for controversy. ‘The 
complainant, however, has been tov severe and attempted to 


create unnecessary alarm. - Curiously he is the Judge ofa court. 
We should hate to be tried before him. 

We think the above explanation does exact justice to both 
parties and can be relied upon by others who have any idea of 
getting stained diatoms. Should further developments put any 
different aspect upon the matter we shall regard the public in- 
terests as paramount to those of Lighton, the purchaser or even 
of ourselves. We shall discontinue the advertisement the 
moment any dishonest proceedings develop. Our favor will 
not be bought with money, advertising or other considera- 
tions. We have fallen upon evil times and deceptions 
abound. We lost a subscriber last year by telling the truth 
about his book. We can spare one or two more on the same 
terms, if need be. 



Making Sections of Coal.—In the February number of the 
Microscope an article under the above title was published. The 
recipe or process though taken from a standard authority seems 
to be open to objection. The process there published is said to 
be applicable to lignite only. For coal, I abstract the following 
process from Acadian Geology, by Dawson, p. 493 et seq. 

The vegetable nature of coal may be seen by closely inspecting 
the surfaces of a lump of the mineral with the aid of a bright 
light and a magnifying glass. For the microscope, results have 
been obtained, more particularly, with mineral charcoal. Select 
specimens containing the tissues of a single plant. 

Fragments or portions of stems of this character can be ob- 
tained by careful manipulation from most coal. Place the pieces 
to be examined in marked test tubes, treat them with strong 
nitric acid, heat to the boiling point and keep in that condition 
so long as dense fumes of nitrous acid are disengaged, or until 
looking through the tube, the material can be seen to have a 
brown color and a certain degree of transparency. In many 
cases, boiling in this manner for a short time is sufficient to ren- 
der the fibers flexible and as transparent as slices of recent wood 
when slightly charred. 


When ready for examination, the charcoal should be allowed 
to settle, and repeatedly washed with pure water before remov- 
ing it from the tube. It should then be examined in water, 
with powers of from 50 to 500 diamaters and may then be dried 
and mounted in balsam. Some refractory specimens require 
alternate washing and boiling in nitric and hydrochloric acids 
before their structures can be made out. The process here indi- 
cated does not produce a siliceous skeleton of the coal, but re- 
moves the bituminous matter which is oxidized and dissolved 
by the acid, and the mineral matters especially the sulphuret of 
iron, which is one of the principal causes of the brittleness and 
opacity of the crude mineral charcoal. 

Mineral charcoal is also known as fibrous coal, fossil coal, 
mother-of-coal and is a soft black substance resembling charcoal 
in appearance found in connection with coal, usually along its 
planes of stratification or lamination in which the woody char- 
acter of the material from which the coal was formed is more 
perfectly preserved than it is in the body of the coal itself. 

In Dana’s Manual of Geology it is said that even solid 
anthracite has been made to divulge its vegetable tissues. 

Another method of examining coal is to grind the coal to a 
fine powder and examine the fragments. Only the finest powder 
will show structure. This plan is unsatisfactory. 

Another method is to burn the coal to a white ash and ex- 
amine it under the microscope. This ash often exhibits perfect 
skeletons of vegetable cells, but these are fragile and require 
ereat care in their management. They should be first soaked 
in turpentine and then mounted in Canada balsam. 

Section of Water Lily.—A section of the stem of the water 
lily (Nuphar Advena) double stained, will make one of the pet 
slides of a cabinet. 

The section cut near the joint or across the petioles makes 
the prettiest mounts, as they are composed of different kinds 
of cells, the usual parenchyma and of stellate cells, each of which 
will take a different stain. When well cut and properly stained 
they will make a slide of which any microscopist may be proud. 

Beal’s Carmine Staining Fluid.—The following formula 
will be useful: 
PEON, sain yu danas thas dettaddcae tecea@adascadde 10 grains, 


Strong liquor Ammonia 2 drachm. 
Glycerine 2 ounces. 
Distilled water 2 ounces. 
Alcohol + ounce. 

Cell Culture of Fungi.—Most kind of fungi especially the 
blue mold found on bread and on top of preserves may be 
cultivated in cells and conveniently examined in these cells 
with the microscope. The following is copied from  Bessye’s 
Botany, page 240. 

The most accurate and satisfactory, but at the same time most 
difficult cultures, are cell cultures. They are made as follows :— 
glass. tin, or India rubber rings four to five millimetres high are 
fastened to ordinary glass slides; a very little water is placed in 
the bottom of the cell so formed, to keep the air in it always 
moist ; a small drop of the nutrient liquid, free from spores of 
any kind, is placed in the middle of a cover glass of the proper 
dimension, and in this a single spore of some particular mould 
is placed ; the cover glass is now inverted over the cell. The 
preparation must be placed in a warm and saturated atmosphere. 
An ordinary bell-jar set over a plate of water, or better still, of 
wet sand will furnish a very good moist chamber. 

Nutrient fluids are as follows:— First, boiled and iipered 
orange-juice; second, a decoction of horse-droppings boiled and 
filtered ; third, a saline solution as follows :—- 

Calcium, nitrate 4 parts. 
Potassium phosphate. 1 part. 
Magnesium sulphate 1 part- 
Potassium nitrate. 1 part. 
Distilled water. 700 parts. 
Sugar . 7 parts. 

In some cases the sugar may be omitted. 


Radiolaria material.—Those who are sufficiently interested 
in Rev. F. B. Carter’s article on pages 49-55, to wish to study 
the subject can obtain some material by addressing him at 
Montclair, N. J., and enclosing stamps. 


MAY, 1895. 


Objects Seen Under the Microscope. 

This little spider is found on rose-bushes and is so 
small as to be seen with difficulty without the aid of a 
glass. Its presence is detected by the sickly, yellowish 
and mottled appearance of the leaves. If the under side 
of one of these leaves be examined a minute silken web 
will be found. 

Examine carefully any little red or yellow spot on or 
near this and by touching it with a dissecting needle 
perhaps one of the spiders may be seen running about. 
Try and induce it to run upon a slide or cover-glass. 
This is a difficult thing to do as its feet are not made to 
walk on smooth surfaces, but with a little patience and 
the aid of a dissecting needle it can be accomplished. 
To kill them, proceed as with the Aphis, (see Mar. No.) 
but more alcohol is required, or coal oil may be used. 
This requires some time to evaporate. Great care must 


be taken for they are so delicate that their parts are 
easily displaced. It may be well to look at one while it 
is still alive. If an adult, it has an oval body, Fig. 1, 
four pairs of legs and two mandibles, (Fig. 1 n.), but it 
has no eyes. It is not a true spider, neither a true in- 
sect, but belongs to the same family as the mites (Acar- 
ina). Its body and legs are furnished with hairs which 
are long and very sensitive, those on the feet having a 
nub at their extremities, making them look like little 
pins stuck into the feet, Fig. 3. On the under side of 
the body near the end of the abdomen is the rounded 
protuberance from which the silk is produced. By the 
aid of the claws and the hairs on the legs this silk is 
spun into sominute threads that it takes a high power to 
distinguish one thread from another. By the united ef- 
fort of many spiders, tents are formed of this silk and 
suspended from the hairs on the surface of the leaf. 
These insects thrive best when it is hot and dry. They 
use the tents as protection from cold and dampness, and 
also as a place to deposit their eggs. Although so tiny, 
they lay a spherical, colorless, transparent egg, which 
produces larve like the parent, except that it is smaller 
and has but six legs. The larve are usually white, 
while the color of the adult varies from deep red to yel- 
low, green or mottled according to the color of its food. 
They feed on the juices of plants, piercing the leaves 
with their jaws, (Fig. 2s) and extracting the juices with 
their barbed suckers (Fig. 2 t). Fig. 4 is a dorsal view 
of a red spider found on the cotton plant. It is also 
found on the Canna. 

To destroy them wash the under side of the leaf with 
a mixture of 100 parts water, 6 parts soft soap and 6 
parts quassia, steeped in water, or coal oil may be sub- 
stituted for the quassia. If the plant be taken into a 
cool room for a few days the insects will die. 


Helps toward the Study of the Radiolaria. 
(Continued from page 55.) 

In the Nassellaria or Monopylea,. the fundamental 
form of the central capsule is egg-shaped instead of 
spherical, and the pores, instead of being distributed all 
over it, are confined to one area, and the skeleton has 
the shape of an egg, cone, or bee-hive, with one large 
mouth or opening. Here are two main divisions. In 
the first the lattice shell is not complete. There is only 

one order in this division, so that if the form consists of 
a ring or of several rings (see Figs. 21-23) it belongs to 
the order Stephoidea which means, like a crown or 
wreath. In the Fam. Stephanida there is only one ring 
and the genera are thus distinguished :—Zygocircus has 
simple spines, while in Dendrocircus the spines are 
branched, giving the appearance of foliage: Cortina and 


Stephanium are marked by basal feet or long, thick - 
spines, the former having three, the latter four. In the 
Fam. Semantida there are two rings (see Fig. 21), one 
horizontal, the other joined to it in a vertical position. 
Cortiniscus and Stephaniscus have feet on the horizon- 
tal ring, the former three, the latter four. The other 
genera lack such feet and are separated by the number 
of pores inside the horizontal ring. The student might 
suppose that in such cases the forms had no single large 
opening and were therefore not Nassellaria, but the space 
inside the basal ring is regarded as such, as it is found 
entirely open in other genera, and the mouth is assumed 
to be partially closed by a lattice plate. In another 
order, that of the Cyrtoidea, we shall find the pores in 
this mouth plate so small that at first it will be hard for 
the student to distinguish the forms from those of the 
Spumellaria by any such mark as that of a single wide 
opening. The general shape of the form, however, will 
show him that such forms do not belong to the Spum- 
ellaria, the end which is said to have a mouth closed by 
a lattice plate being different from the other end. In 
the Fam. Coronida there are also two rings, but they are 
both vertical meridional rings, intersecting like two 
houps crossed at right angles (see Fig. 22) and there is 
usually a horizoutal ring as well. The genera are dis- 
tinguished by the number of gates or large openings 
formed by the intersections of the rings. In Podocoro- 
nis only two of the gates are basal, in Tristephanium 
four, the others, in each case, being lateral, that is open- 
ings made by the intersection of the vertical rings. In 
the Fam. Tympanida there are two parallel horizontal 
rings (see Fig. 23) and these are connected by a vertical 
ring and sometimes by two vertical rings ormore. The 
joinings of these horizontal rings are also called colu- 
melle or little columns. Microcubus has four of these 


columns, that is the horizontal rings are connected by 
two vertical rings. Tympaniscus has six columns or 
three vertical rings, and Tympanidium eight columns or 
four verticalrings. The student should understand that 
these vertical rings are incomplete, and that the little 
columns are supposed to represent segments of such 
rings, in other words that if vertical columns (as in Fig. 
23) were produced and united above and below where 
they join the horizontal rings they would form a com- 
plete vertical ring. 

In the second division of the Nassellaria the forms 
have a complete shell, and the shell is latticed, that is 
has pores. Hereare three orders which are distinguished 
by the form of the cephalis or first joint. In the first 
order, the Spyroidea, this cephalis is bilocular, that is, it 
is divided into two chambers by a middle partition,(see 
Figs. 24, 25). The Fam. Zygospyrida consists of those 
forms which have only a cephalis (see Fig. 24), in other 
words there is no second joint or thorax as it is called. 
The genera are divided into sections by the number of 
basal feet, the last section lacking them altogether, and 
are still further separated by the number and disposi- 
tion of horns or the absence of them. In the Fam. 
Phormospyrida, besides the cephalis there is also a tho- 
rax, that is, the shell consists of two joints (see Fig. 25) 
the cephalis being the upper, the thorax the lower. Aud 
in the Fam. Androspyrida the cephalis has an apical cu- 
pola, or little dome at the top. 

In the second order, the Botryodea, the cephalis is 
multilocular, that is consists of several chambers, and 
their appearance is that of lobes, (see Figs. 26-28). The 
forms of the Fam. Cannobotryida have only the cephalis, 
(see Fig. 26), while those of the Fam. Lithobotryida 
have a thorax, or second joint also, (see Fig. 27). Here 
we meet with the distinction, mouth closed, which I 


spoke of a page or two back. The genera Lithobotrys 
and Botryocella instead of lacking a mouth, as would ap- 
pear at first sight, are said to havethe mouth closed. It 
will puzzle the beginner to find any trace of a mouth in 
the shell, and he must accept the fact on the authority of 
Haeckel who gives us this distinction. At the same 
time he will readily recognize the general resemblance 
of these forms to all the rest of the Botryodea by the 
presence of the peculiar lobes, and as many of them 
have a mouth it will only require a slight stretch of the 
imagination to believe that in these forms the mouth has 
been closed by an abnormal growth of the lower part of 
the shell. At any rate they do not at all resemble the 
Spumellaria in shape, and if we had the living forms 
before us, we should undoubtedly find that the openings 
in the capsule (the inner portion of the protoplasmic 
body of the animal), were confined to the area facing 
what is called the closed mouth. In the last Fam. of 
this order, the Pylobotryida, the forms have three joints, 
cephalis, thorax, and abdomen (see Fig. 28), the abdomen 
being simply the lowest joint of the three. 

In the last order, the Cyrtoidea, the cephalis is simple, 
that is, it consists of only one chamber, (see Fig. 29). 
It has no internal partitions, dividing it into two cham- 
bers, as in the Spyroidea, or into many lobate chambers, 
as in the Botryodea, and the general shape of most of 
the forms is that of a cone. This is an immense order, 
comprising no less than 79 genera. But it is divided 
into four sections, which are very clearly distinguished 
by the number of the joints in the shell, thus :— 

Section A, one joint—Cephalis only ; Fig. 29. 

Section B, two joints—Cephalis and thorax; Fig. 30. 

Section C, three joints—Cephalis, thorax and abdomen; 
Fig. 31. 

Section D, four to seven or more joints in the shell; 
Fig. 32. 


By bearing these distinctions carefully in mind the 
student will be able very quickly to assign any of these 
forms to the proper section, and then the determination 
of the family and genus will occasion very little diffi- 

Thus in each of the sections, we have three families 
which are separated by the presence or absence of what 
are called radial apophyses (or outgrowths) that is, ribs, 
wings, spines, or feet. And these three families occur 
in the same order in each section, so that we meet with 
these characteristics over and over again, namely, three 
radial apophyses. Take for example, section A, in which 
the forms have the cephalis only. The Fam. Tripocal- 
pida has three radial apophyses, which in this family 
are feet, and the presence of lateral ribs or ridges dis- 
tinguishes the genus Tripocalpis from Tripilidium. The 
Fam. Phenocalphida has numerous radial apophyses, 
which in this family also are feet, and the genera are 
distinguished by having the mouth open or closed and 
by the presence or absence of radial ribs or ridges anda 
horn. The genus Phenocalpis may also be recognized by 
the presence of a slender column in the axis of the shell 
cavity. And the Fam. Crytocalpida has no radial 
apophyses. The key to the genera here is so plain as to 
call for no comment. 

Now these main distinctions run through all the see- 
tions. Thus in section B, in which the forms have two 
joints, both cephalis and thorax, the first Fam. Tripocyr- 
tida starts off as before with three radial apophyses, 
which in this family are either ribs or wings or feet. - In 
the first division the mouth of the thorax is open. 
Where the ribs are said to be enclosed in the wall of the 
thorax, what is meant is that they do not simply appear 
on the outside of the thorax but are built into it. By a 
latticed thorax is meant one with pores. The peris- 


tome is the circle formed by the mouth of the shell. 
Where the feet or spines are said to be solid, what is 
meant is that they have no pores. Wings are only 
broadened spines and in several of the genera they are 
so slightly broadened that they are just stout spines and 
nothing more. But standing out as they do from the 
sides of the shell, they are called wings because of their 
position. In the Fam. Anthocyrtida again, there are 
numerous radial apophyses as was the case with the sec- 
ond family of section A. The only thing in the key to 
this family that needs to be explained is that when the 
meshes are said to be simple, the meaning is that the 
spaces between the meshes are open. Fenestrated 
meshes are those in which the spaces are partially filled 
by a fine net-work. And in the Fam. Sethocyrtida we 
have no radial apophyses, as was the case with the third 
family of section A. 

Again, in section C, in which the forms have three 
joints, cephalis, thorax and abdomen, we have exactly 
the same order for the families, Podocyrtida having 
three radial apophyses, Phormocyrtida numerous radial 
apophyses, and Theocyrtida none. The abdomen is the 
third or lowest joint. Remembering that horns are 
spines on the top of the shell, (see Figs. 29-32) wings, 
spines on the sides (see Fig. 32) and feet, spines on the 
bottom (see Figs. 29-31), the key to the genera will be 
readily understood, the only other point veeding expla- 
nation being that simple feet are those which as in Figs. 
29-31 are not forked or branched. When the feet are 
divided or forked they are said to be ramified. What 
the student needs to note carefully in these families is 
whether the wings or ribs are on the thorax, or partly 
on the thorax and partly on the abdomen or only on the 
abdomen. Horns of course will only be at the top of 
the shell and feet at the bottom. 


Finally, in section D, there are from four to seven or 
more joints in the shell, (see Fig. 32). The first joint is 
still known as the cephalis, the second as the thorax, the 
others as abdominal joints, first, second, third, etc., the 
first abdominal joint being the one next the thorax. By 
a vertical basal spine is meant a spine on the last of the 
abdominal joints (which in such forms is closed), point- 
ing in the opposite direction from that which a horn on 
the cephalis would take. 

In conclusion let me say that the student should make 
some type slides for himself, if he wishes to get an idea 
of the classification. There are too many forms on a 
strewn slide for comfort. A type slide of 20 or 40 dif- 
ferent forms will be the mostconvenient forstudy. The 
mechanical finger furnished by Bausch and Lomb is very 
handy for this purpose, but in place of the hair which is 
supplied with it I use a fine glass hair made from a 
small glass rod which has been heated in the middle over 
an alcohol lamp or a Bunsen burner. Just as it begins 
to melt, the two ends are drawn apart rapidly as far as 
the arms can reach, and the result is a long, fine thread 
which floats in the air. Let it settle on the table and 
cut off a bit of the thinest portion about half an inch 
in length. Then make a wedge of beeswax, rounded on 
one side, flat on the other, and press the hair on the flat 
side so that it projects beyond the wedge point about an 
eighth of an inch. Press the wedge on the steel rod of 
the mechanical finger and adjust the finger on the micro- 
scope and you are ready for work. In place of a glass 
hair, I have used a hair of sealing wax with much better 
results as the forms do not spring off from it as they do 
from glass. 

The student will do well also to procure a copy of 
Ehrenberg’s work, the title of which is “ Fortsetzung der 
mikrogeologischen Studien, ete.” Von Christian Gott- 


fried Ehrenberg, mit * * * Tafeln, Berlin, 1875. 

It must be imported, but can be obtained through 
Messrs. B. Westerman W& Co., 812 Broadway Vi. The 
cost will be from five to eight dollars. 

The Character of agen and The Bacillariacez 

Found in Connection with it. 

Agar-agar or Bengal Isinglass is a vegetable product 
obtained in China from sea weeds: Hudemna spinosum , 
spherococcus, licheneides, spinosus, and tenax. These 
Alge are bleached by the sun and put up in ‘packages. 
They are almost colorless and look like and are vege- 
table gelatine. It is used as a medium for the cultiva- 
tion of Bacteria and is purer than animal gelatine. It 
dissolves more easily in water also. It comes into 
commerce in transparent colorless strips, almost com- 
pletely solubie in water and makes a large quantity of 
thick, tasteless, and colorless jelly. As dilute sulphuric 
acid dissolves it, forming galactose, which is character- 
ised by its conversion into galactonic acid by oxide of 
silver, it is readily cleaned. Nitric acid dissolves it also. 
- The siliceous Bacillariacee are then seen very plainly. 
It does not require boiling in other acids or Bichromate 
of Potassa but Hydrochloric acid and Bichromate of 
Potassa are desirable to thoroughly clean it. Washing 
with water and weak ammonia afterwards when we 
have the siliceous shells of Arachnoidiscus ehrenbergii 
clear and briliant. In this way we can get this Bacilla- 
rian from the China sea readily. I have also made use 
of this process on Agar-agar sent to me by Mr. Priest 
from Japan. It is called birds’ nests in China because 
the sea birds use it in making their nests and it is used 

1895 7 THE MICROSCOPE. 75 

-by the Chinese in making a soup. Many years ago 
microscopists got the Arachnoidiscus from it. The 
Alge are brought by the cura siwa or Japanese current 
to the west coast of North America and there the Bacil- 
lariacee are abundant. Aranchnoidiscus ehrenbergii 
is common in the mouth of the Columbia river in Wash- 
ington and I have it from there sent to me by Miss A. 
L. Pollock. It is also common in the harbor of San 
Francisco where I gatherd it myself in 1877, and on the 
coast until we come to San Diego where it is common. 

And this brings me to the statement that Arachnoidis- 
cus ehrenbergii J. W. B. is the only form or species of 
the genus, the others seeming different but not being 
realy so. 

There are eleven forms or species of Arachnoidiscus, 
some from recent gatherings and some from fossil, 
some from California, New Zealand, Barbadoes and Spain 
but aJl the same. 

It was called by Ehrenberg, Hemiptycus but this 
name was used for a genus of insects and so Arachno- 
discus was adopted. It is named from its looking lke a 
spider’s web. There are also present in the Agar-agar 
specimens of Grammatophora marina FTK and Cocconeis 
scutellum C.G. E. and Cocconeis pseudomarginata A. G. 
which I am disposed to think is a variety of C. scutellum. 
At all events the Bacillariacee are scarce in the agar- 
agar. Spicules of sponge are also found. 

Vaselin in Microscopy.—Gawalowski proposes to replace 
cedar oil and other liquids used for 011 immersion for objectives 
by vaselin, whose refractive index is 1.40.—Rundschau. 

Fine Mounts of Caterpillars.—Mr. C. P. Bates, 853 Main 
street, Petaluma, Sonoma County, California, prepares fine 
mounts of Caterpulars. We advise those who are intereste d in 
the subject to correspond with him. 



New Series, 1893. 

For Naturalists, Physicians, and Druggists, and Designed to Popularize 

Published monthly. Price $1.00 fer annum. Subscriptions should end 
with the year. The old sertes, conststing of 12 volumes (1881-1892), ended 
with December, 1892. Sets of the old sertes cannot be furnished. All 
correspondence, exchanges, and books for notice should be addressed to the 
Microscopical Publishing Co., Washington, D. C., U. S. A. 



Remember the A.M.S. meeting at Ithaca Aug. 21, 22, 23. 

Postal Club Vacancies.— We understand in reply to a 
question about new members, that the managers like to have 
the names of just a few (very few) to fill vacancies, but that 
they only need such as will become permanent members. Those 
who join from curiosity and soon drop out cause serious trouble 
by breaking up circuits and disaranging arrangements. A club 
must bea matter of mutual helpfulness and none should apply 
unless they can contribute in reasonable proportion to what 
others contribute and especially avoid making trouble by delay, 
indifference, etc. 

Frank P. Peck, M. D.—He was pathologist of the State 
Insane Hospital at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, where he died June 
26, 1894. While the duties of his professional position where 
chiefly microscopical, they naturally limited his work mostly 
to medical microscopy, especially in relation to nervous dis- 
eases ; but he maintained an appreciative interest in the work 
of others in different fields. Having a genial character, as well 
as great literary and scientific ability, he was an esteemed and 
successful leader whose support and influence were always 
used freely in the interest of the Postal Club. 



Notgs.—Dr. S. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. Y., kindly consents to receive all sorts of ques- 
tions relating to microscopy, whether asked by professionals or antateurs. Persons of ali 
g:ades of experience, from the beginner upward, are weicume to the bencfits uf this di par’ 
ment. The questions are numbered jor future » eference. 

223. Where can I get Tuckerman’s Lichens ? 

Part I is out of print and cannot be got. Part II costs $2.50, 
postage 5 cents. We can place your order. 

224. Will you inform me if the silvered prism arrangement des- 
cribed in The Microscope, for Nov. 1888, has given good satisfaction ? 
Where can one be obtained? F.C. Grugan. 

We have no information regarding the performance of the 
silvered prism described by Dr. Egbert. It seems to have been 
devised under the impression that a camera box must be 
placed in a horizontal position when in use. A camera can be 
easily supported and used in a vertical position, in cases where 
the microscope body cannot be inclined. The silvered prism 
seems to have been an unnecessary appliance and was not 
extensively used. .Mr. Zentmayer of Philadelphia could make 



A Cheap Substitute for Selenite.—The following, which 
first appeared in the American Journal of Pharmacy, will be of 
much interest: 

Ordinary mica (the kind used in stove doors) furnishes a very 
efficient substitute for selenite. Select the clearest pieces, cut 
them to the desired shape, and slip them under the slide to be 
polarized. Of course the analyzer and polarizer must be in 
- place. Ifthe first view be not satisfactory give the mica a slight 
turn upon its axis and see whether in any position a satisfactory 
color is obtained. 

When found, cut one end square so that it will be parallel 


with the slide ; by always slipping the mica in the same way, 
the same color will be obtained, as the color varies with the 
thickness. Quite a variety of beautiful color effects will be se- 
cured by either using mica plates of varying thickness or by 
merely using two or more layers of thin plates superimposed. 

The colors will be varied still more by altering the relative 
position of these plates. Three plates of varying thickness will 
be all that are necessary to keep. If the first piece of mica se- 
lected does not suit throw it away and try another. 

In Dallinger’s Carpenter (seventh edition,) page 271 it is said: 
The variety of tints given by a selenite film under polarized 
light is so greatly increased by the interposition of a rotating 
film of mica that two selenites, ved and blue, with a mica film 
are found to give the entire series of colors obtainable from any 
number of selenite films, either separately or in combination 
with each other. 

Scales of Lepidoptera.--These may be exhibited in their 
natural arrangement by mounting a small piece of wing dry. 
If desired as test objects, a slide or thin cover, after having been 
breathed upon, may be slightly pressed on the wing or body of 
the insect. 

Some scales as the podurs, show a beaded appearance under 
high powers from corrugation. With a good wide-angled ob- 
jective, these appearances may be resolved into exclamation 

Stings and Ovipositors.—These objects present a great 
variety. of structure and are best mounted in balsam. To ob- 
tain them, press upon the back of the insect until the organ is 
extended and while extended, sever close to the body with a 
sharp dissecting knife. They should then be transferred to oil 
of cloves for a short time, then to turpentine, and finally 
mounted in balsam. 

Before mounting, it is best to examine them under a dissect- 
ing microscope and if not properly spread out, to spread them’ 
out well with needles. 

Fixing Arranged Objects to a Slide.—A thin solution of 
clear glue dissolved in alcohol and spread upon a slide, is use- 
ful for this purpose. As each object is placed upon the slide, 


breathe gently upon it and this will fix it permanently so that 
it may be mounted in balsam. 


Hydrophobia Treatment.—From 1890 to 1895 the Chicago 
Pasteur Institute treated 366 cases and lost but two by death, 
while 372 others who applied for aid were dismissed after it had 
been ascertained that they had been bitten by animals not 
rabid. Prior to Pasteur’s discovery 88 per cent of persons 
bitten on the head died, 67 per cent of those bitten on the 
hands died, and 25 per cent of all others. About 60 per cent 
of those treated were residents of Illinois. Further information 
may be obtained by addressing Dr. A. Lagorio at the Institute. 


The Gospel of Buddah. By Dr. Paul Carus. Open Court 
Pub. Co., price $1.00. 

Every one who has been brought up in the Christian religion 
and taught that itis the one only true religion; and who 
desires, instead of being narrow and conceited, to be broad and 
wise and generous would do well to read the Gospel of Buddah 
as many times, as reverently, and with the same motives with 
which he has read the Gospel of Matthew. Were there in this 
country one hundred thousand clergymen employed for ten 
generations and paid for sounding the praises of the Gospel of 
Buddah perhaps it would have a great deal more power upon 
the people than the Gospel of Matthew now has or ever has 
had. It is perhaps too much to hope that this book will 
receive the attention which it deserves. 

Whist Made Easier. By Geo. P. Rishel, Hornellsville, N. Y. 
23 pp. 85 cents. 

One of the best recreations is a game of whist. No book 
extant gives the rules so compactly and intelligently as this. 
There is as much discipline in whist scientifically played as in 
tho study of Greek. 



Contents for May, 1895. 

Prof. Simon H. Gage, President A. M.S. (Frontispiece). ...........sscsee 
Pretuberculosis. Cutter.. ss can so ceve sovese cen toe seen pee Enns 
Diatom Growths in surkied Wie “Whipple. Po 
Bacteriosis of Rutabaga. (Illustrated.) Pammel.................. ang Meebeeee 145 
EDIroRIAL.—Dr. Cutter’s Paper... :..3 ...2++.cs00snts0s oot scnngn'sss oe enen nee 
The Microscope in Detecting Crimeé....... ..:...00: <s:ss0sss/eesssehaneeee 152 
MIcRoscoPpIcAL APPARATUS.—A Micropolariscope for Projection. 
(Tilustrated) |...52.00. -3-dccsceces » csvensvot't++nes sate eees eeeeen eer 154 
The Differential Object Guide. (Illustrated) -........ ce ceecee ceeseeeee 157 
MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETIES.—Quekett Microscopical Club..... ..........04 159 
MICROSCOPICAL NOTES.—Vaselin in ceseceses eoseseeee 160 
Fine Mounts of Caterpillars......2... sscsessee, ase esn-bues » sapien as anes 160 

Contents for May, 1895. 

Objects Seen Under the Microscope. —X XIII. Red Spider. (Illustrated. ) 

Chrysanthennm «2 ...0022025 Jos<bssasteiase oe cnnsend sos =n enone 65 
Helps Toward the Study of the Radiolaria. (Illustrated.) Carter...... 67 
The Character of Agar Agar, and the Bacillariaceze Found in Connection 
With it. - Ed wards 31o.....0 sees: ccacncne. sescencds <as>ra sth staee eee 74 
EDITORIAL.—Postal Club Vacancies............sssscss-seeees ssis ania SER EO EE 76 
cee ERTS Be e's Lap Be Me Sepa. A loses ees se aseoaehieaee ceaeeeen 76 
QUESTIONS ANSWERED.—By S. G. Shanks..........00:. scesseses eae ss ssesasaun ae 
223. Tuckerman’s Synopsis ofRichens......02s:..0 i ae ad 
924.. Silvered Prism Arrangement...........:.:<ses. + otesaeeereeeeeee Pm (7 

PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS.—By L. A. Willson........ .<cscscsslsssesncasssoes eee 
A Cheap Substitute for Selenite... ....:. ...sss0cs -:> ssasseseseseeeeeeemenaae 
Scales of Lepidoptera........ gence aneweeans os nes conesanan +aeantlaae ns etna 
Stings and Ovipositors... > os ssceneees desoecues saswanhal amen 
Fixing Arranged Objects £6 a jing - nee octeuas bustes sep eWlsiEss eae 

Sci ENCE-GossiP.—Hydrophobia Treatment............. cccsceese cocsee sceevecee 19 

RECENT PUBLICATIONS.—The Gospel of Buddah...... ee Ae ee ees a 
Whist Made Easier. ...... 0.002. ...c00s0oces os00ss.ccessenen Seneneenene rn 79 

FOR SALE.—Crouch Intermediate binocular, circular glass stage, me- 
chanical centering on substage, four eye pieces, achromatic condenser polariz- 
ing attachment, stops for dark ground and oblique illumination, parabaloid, 
two solid eye pieces made by Spencer. All in perfect order and have been 
used very little. $100. GEO. A. BATES, Auburndale, Mass. 


JUNE, 1895. 


Objects Seen Under the Microscope. 

The crystals of many of the salts in common use make 
very pretty objects when seen under the microscope 
and some of them are easily prepared. It is well to be- 
come acquainted with them. Take a little table salt, 

dissolve it in water and place a drop on a slide, spread 

ag m 
IR aly YY =z 
af = es ; 

ge & 

it evenly and let it dry. In afew minutes many square 
crystals may be seen (fig. 1m). Asa rule the longer 
the crystals are in forming the larger they will be. Al- 
um treated in the same way gives crystals as shown in 

fig. 1h. 


Bicarbonate of soda, [common baking soda], when dis- 
solved in cold water and allowed to dry slowly forms 
crystals like those shown in fig. 1s andt. If dried by 
holding the slide over a lamp, the crystals are imperfect 
and much like the center of fig. 1 s. 

To prepare a slide of sugar crystals dissolve a little 
sugar in water to form a thick syrup, spread it on a 
cover-glass and dry quickly over a spirit lamp. When 
dried put in a damp place for twenty-four hours, or 
more, when crystallization will have taken place. The 

crystals should always be formed on the cover-glass 
when one wishes to make a permanent mount and every 
trace of grease must be removed by cleaning with liquid 
potasse or ammonia immediately before using. Always 
very great care must be taken that none of the agent be 
left upon the cover-glass, as it may interrupt and change 
the shape or position of the crystals or even alter their 
form. The same crystals may present many different 
forms according to the conditions under which they are 


formed. In fig. 1m are some of the simplest forms of 
sugar crystals. 

Some kinds of ink, if spread on a slide and allowed to 
dry slowly, produce crystals. Stafford’s ink which had 
- stood for some time produced the crystals shown in fig. 
2, but a shde made of some recently purchased gave 
only a few crystals and those principally in toothed 
lines. This polarizes well. 

Chlorate of potash makes a pretty slide. Dissolve 
some of the potash in a little water and spread a drop 
on a slide. Let it dry in a cool place and it will give 
tabular crystals (fig. 14). If a permanent mount is 
desired, dissolve some small pieces of gelatine in about 
as much distilled water, make a saturated solution of 
chlorate of potash, add a few drops to the gelatine and 
stir gently with a glass tube, being careful not to form 
bubbles, then spread a drop on a cover-glass. If ina 
cool place it will dry in about half an hour. If the 
crystallization has been successful a slide may give such 
forms as are seen in fig. 3. The crystals shown in fig. 4 
were found near that shown in fig. 3 b but were so small 
as to appear simply as points of light with the same 
magnification as used in drawing fig. 3. Fig.17 repre- 
sents one branch of a tree-like pattern which was found 
in another slide. To form these dentritic or tree-like 
crystals, heat a drop of the solution on a slide over a 
spirit lamp and as soon as the crystals begin to form at 
any point, tilt the slide so that the water will run off. 
Then continue the crystallization by gentle warmth. By 
comparing these different forms of this crystal it will 
be seen how easily they might be mistaken for crystals 
of different salts. Chlorate of potash gives fine colors 
with the polariscope. 

Fig. 5 represents a group of sugar crystals taken 
from a slide which contained fifteen similar groups; 


the edges seemed to touch but not over-lap. Around 
this central mass were a few of the simpler forms. 
With the polariscope sugar shows many brilliant colors. 

To make a slide of tartrate of soda take a strong 
solution of tartaric acid and neutralize it by the addition | 
of carbonate of soda. Spread this on a cover-glass and 
warm but not boil. This must now be laid in a dry 
place protected from the dust and in from two days to 



LEZ yy by Le 



two weeks some of the slides will prove beautiful ob- 
jects. Some never crystallize. The one shown above 
polarizes so that on revolving the polariscope the colors 
revolve around each center like so many wheels. 
Nitrate of uranium, in a solution of six parts water, 
crystallizes in rhombic forms, but from a solution three 
parts water containing much fine nitric acid it forms 


florescent needles. The slide from which the one shown 
below was taken gave many needles and detached crys- 
tals arranged similarly to the small ones in the part giv- 

en. There were several as large or larger than the 
largest part shown. It polarizes well. 

Two salts may sometimes be combined with good 

Diptheria Anti-toxine. 
[Report of au address before the San Francisco Microscopical Society, 
April 16, 1895 by Wm. E. Loy, Secretary. | 

Anti-toxine is a preparation from the blood serum of 
a perfectly healthy horse, into whose circulation has been 
injected the toxine of diptheria. It has long been known 
that patients who have recovered from infectious disea- 
ses exhibit a greater or less degree of immunity to future 
attacks ; and for centuries it has been the custom to arti- 
ficially infect with genuine smallpox, which running a 
comparatively light course, rendered the person so trea- 
ted proof against future attacks of fierce epidemics. 
Vaccination, as now administered, consists in inoculation 
with an attenuated or modified form of the agent that 
causes variola. The discovery of vaccination is the 


foundation on which rests that structure of modern 

Workers have been unceasing in their efforts to dis- 
cover protecting agents for other infectious diseases. 
The development of bacteriological science in the past 
twenty years hasshown the essential etiological factor 
of many of these maladies. It was evident that in every 
disease in which a past attack protected the patient against 
renewed infection, there was exerted on the tissues an 
influence, either by the morbific agent or its products, 
which rendered it difficult or impossible for the germs 
to again flourish. Pasteur was the first to procure im- 
munity from certain animal scourges, as anthrax and fowl 
cholera, using the method of inoculating them with 
attenuated cultures of the organic causative agent of the 

The second method of bacteric-therapy is entirely 
different. Behring discovered that in diphtheria and 
tetanus, substances that destroyed or counteracted the 
poison were found in the blood of immunized animals, 
and by these substances a preventative vaccination, as 
well as a cure of those already attacked, may be affected. 
These substances were found to be as specific as the liv- 
ing organism causing the disease and the pvisons produced 
by them. The doctor then gave the various facts or 
points noted by Aronson, upon which facts this system 
of serum-therapy is founded, also Behring’s summing up. 
Among these points of general interest to the public, it 
may be mentioned that larger doses of the anti-toxine 
are never injurious, but on the contrary can only be beni- 
ficial ; that each blood anti-toxine is immunizing and 
curative only for one infection, and that as anti-toxines 
are soluble bodies, they may eventually be produced 
outside the living body, or even be compounded synthet- 


It is especially in diphtheria that the anti-toxine meth- 
od has been extensively applied and its results carefully 
tabulated. Statistics have shown a reduction of the 
death-rate from about 40 per cent to 13 per cent in epi- 
demics of equally widespread prevalence and virulence 
of type. Of all animals fit for furnishing anti-diphtheritic 
serum, the one most used is the horse. He is the most 
easily immunized ; bearing the toxine better than other 
animals, he is capable of furnishing large quantities of 
anti-toxic serum at short intervals, and his serum appears 
comparatively inoffensive to animals and man. The 
horses employed are carefully examined for evidence of 
organic disease, especially of the kidneys, and are sub- 
jected to an injection of mallein to ascertain if they have 
glanders. Their healthy condition being established, 
the injections are made into the skin of the neck or back 
of the shoulders. Having the animal brought up to a 
certain degree of immunity, the next step is to keep him 
there, or improve the strength of his serum by large doses 
of very virulent cultures. Finally, the horse having been 
found in a satisfactory condition, the blood is withdrawn 
from the jugular veins, through a sterilized canula, into 
sterilized vessels and allowed toseparate. The resultant 
serum is then passed through an unglazed porcelain fil- 
ter and transferred to sterilized bottles for use. 

The Origin of Clays in New Jersey Containing Diatoms. 


In the course of my perigrinations about New Jersey 
during the last four years, in searching for geological 
phenomena, I have observed phenomena which relate to 
the Bacillariaceez. These wide-spread phenomena are 
known to microscopists alone. The geologists know 


their value and how important a knowledge of the Bacil- 
lariacee is when studied this way. 

I have gathered the clay in various parts of North 
Eastern New Jersey during the last four years. I had 
it collected and collected it myself in New Hampshire 
in 1873 and I had it from other spots in this country 
and abroad and I looked for a geological reason for the 
appearance of these so-called fresh-water, subpeat, or 
lacustrine sedimentary deposits known as Diatomaceous. 
I knew that they contained more or less of clay but I 
did not find out how they came geologicaly until now. 
I found them always to be associated with glacier ice. 

This ice age isa rather recent phenomena but how 
long it lasted is not known. Suffice it to say that in the 
Eastern United States there was but one glacier ex- 
tending from the pole to the 40th degree of parallel. 

I have gathered clay from a point eight miles above 
Paterson city to New Brunswick and from the Hudson 
river to above Morristown and I found it always the 
same, resting beneath a thin covering about six inches 
to a foot thick of alluvial and about three feet to over 
ten feet thick upon the gravel, the red sandstone mor- 
aine of the geologist. This moraine is very thick, over 
thirty feet in some places. I have gathered the clay in 
hundreds of places and always found it to contain Ba- 
cillariacee, the same essentially in all cases. 

I gather from this that the clay was formed from the 
granite and other rocks in the North and North West. 
The clay is common in large quantities thicker at some 
places where it settled to form kettle holes which were 
first known as fossil Diatomaceous deposits. They are 
common in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode 
Island, New Hampshire and New Brunswick and such 
deposits as Wecquahick Lake in New Jersey, and Bow- 
kerville in New Hampshire are called kettle holes. 

1895 « THE MICROSCOPE. 89 

RE Ni eee) PE 

New Series, 1893. 

For Naturalists, Physicians, and Druggists, and Designed to Popularize 

Published monthly. Price $1.00 per annum. Subscriptions should end 
with the year. The old series, consisting of 12 volumes (1881-1892), ended 
with December, 1892. Sets of the old sertes cannot be furnished. All 
correspondence, exchanges, and books for notice should be addressed to the 

Microscopical Publishing Co., Washington, D. C., U. S. A. 


Remember the A.M.S. meeting at Ithaca Aug. 21, 22; 23. 

Professor Lighton’s Slides.—From further information 
we are able to speak more decidedly than last month regarding 
the stained diatoms. We have got hold of a slide that Mr. 
Lighton sold for fifty cents and have received a slide from him 
that presumably represents his best work. 

Even in the latter case his slide has had one end broken off 
in the mails b:cause of slovenly methods of transmission. He 
does not pack his slides in boxes or slide-holders, but having 
whittled two pieces of wood to asize one-fifth larger than aslide, 
he puts the slides between these with layers of blotting paper 
between them. Then with no protection on the sides or ends he 
wraps in paper and gives to the mails. It is absolutely inde- 
fensible to resort to such methods in order to save the two or 
three cents which suitable packing would cost. 

As to price. Lighton charged fifty cents for these slides. A 
few yearsago that would have been permissible, but today the 
price as compared with other slides is exhorbitant. The slides 
of Sinel and Hornell, and those of Watson and Son which sell 
for fifty cents are greatly superior to Lighton’s. Twenty cents 
each would be enough to ask for the latter. 

In response to our request to be furnished with the identical 


slide that a subscriber indignantly returned, Prof. Lighton sends 
it and says: ‘The mounting medium was not hard when sent 
and the cover-glass was pushed from place and by some means 
a little fiber of wool is under the cover-glass. This must have 
happened when the slide was broken in the mail bag.” Surely, 
Prof. Lighton must have learned before sending to us this last 
package that his method of packing was bad and _ responsible 
for much harm. And still he does not abandon it! 

The slide certainly contains some stained diatoms and an 
enormous amount of foreign matter. No wonder the subscriber 
caricatured it as “stained dirt.” He had a right to expect for 
fifty cents something very different from what he received. 
Added to these facts, he complains that when he wrote to 
Lighton complaining, the latter was exceedingly dillatory in 

Prof. Lighton says that he had no trouble in selling out the 
whole lot, another proof of the patience and good nature of 
Americans, since only one subscriber has written to make com- 
plaint. The money could have been spent far more profitably 
in our opinion. 

Tuberculosis transmitted.—On May 8, 1895, Dr. James 
M. Byron, a well-known bacteriologist, died in the N. Y. City 
Hospital of tubercular consumption. More than a year ago, he 
contracted the disease in the Loomis Laboratory while examin- 
ing the tuberculous sputum of patients. He was a skilled 
microscopist and made many examinations during the cholera 
scare of 1891, as well as of suspected cases of tuberculosis. The 
bacilli are harmless when examined wet but when dry many 
float in the air and get into the lungs. He admitted months 
ago that he had carelessly infected himself by allowing the dry 
particles to get into his system. He discovered by his own ex- 
aminations of his sputum that he had the disease and did not 
at once drop all work and hurry to high, dry latitudes which 
are known to be favorable to recovery. He sacrificed himself 
at the post of duty at the early age of 34, having been born in 
Peru, July 24, 1861. 

Subscribe for the Microscopical Journal, only $2.00. 



Notr.—Dr. S. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. Y., kindly consents to recetve ald sorts of ques- 
tions relating to microscopy, whithe: asked by professionals or amateurs. Persons of al. 
gades of experience, from the begiuner upward, are wleume tv the benefits of this depar- 
ment. The questions are numbered for juture > eference. 

= ——= E. ——— 

225. Is there any apparatus for making enlarged photos of mi- 
nute insects ? How could a house fly be photographed to ten times its 
natural size ?—F. L. H. 

Any microphotographic outfit will produce photos of insects 
or any other micro object. A sufficient light and a proper ex- 
tension of the camera body will give any size of picture desired. 
A one inch objective at 123 inches distance from the ground 
glass, or a two inch objective at 25 inches, will magnify an ob- 
ject 10 diameters. 

226. How can I best get micro-photographic apparatus to fit on a 
tube vertically so as to photo objects mounted temporarily such as the 
desmids, diatoms and eggs of insects ?—F. L. H. 

Arrange a small platform with a central hole for the micro- 
scope tube to pass easily through, and fitted with legs, like a 
stool. Place the camera, front down, on this support, fasten the 
camera to the platform with screws ; or if preferable, nail strips 
of wood to keep the camera central and allow easy removal. 
When the microscope and object are ready, place the platform 
and camera over it and focus the object on the ground glass as 
usual. Objects in fluid will require extreme steadiness of 
paratus and a cloth-screen around the lamp, so that exposure 
can be made without causing vibrations inthe object or camera. 

227. Do you hold to the good opinion of Friedlander’s Microscop- 
ical Technology by Howell, expressed in The Microscope of January, 
1887 2—M. D. J. 

Dr. Stowell was the editor at that time and expressed the 
opinion. We are not acquainted with the book. Doubtless 
the advances in knowledge since 1887 have rendered it some- 
what obsolete. | 

228. Where can I obtain a cataloque of Microscopes manufact- 
ured by Siebert 2-—W. G. T. 


.Cannot say. Can any subscriber give the information? 



How to Examine Mosses.—To properly analyze mosses, 
an American Bryologist should pos-ess ‘Mousses of North 
America” by Lesquereux and James and the “Artificial Keys 
to the Genera and Species of Mosses” by Charles Barnes. There 
are many other valuable books on the subject, but these two 
books will furnish a satisfactory foundation for astart. Without 
a compound microscope the work is impracticable. For study 
only ripe and mature mosses should be selected. The first 
thing that will command the attention of the microscopist will 
be the capsule. Cut this off close, soak it in water, remove it to 
a slide, gently remove the calyptra, cut the capsule just below 
the tip and examine the teeth, cilia, and annulus. These are 
all beautiful objects. Remember that mosses are very delicate 
and that rough handling will often destroy the part desired to 
be seen. If the calyptra be refractory and refuse to come off, 
boil the capsule for a few moments on a slide in a drop of water. 
Then the leaves are worthy of atténtion; are they smooth or 
papillose? Are the alar cells different from the rest? Is the 
margin entire or otherwise? Is the point acute, murcronate, or 
accuminate or what is its form ? Is the leaf costate or ecostate ? 
There are many other interesting points to be noted that require 
a special work upon the subject to treat them properly. The 
best rnounting medium for mosses is glycerine or glycerine gelly 
but it is better still to keep them in boxesand examine them in 
water under the ’scope when occasion may require. 

A Convenient Receptacle for Diatoms and Butterfly 
Scales.—Any one, desiring to keep diatoms or butterfly scales 
for mounting and arranging in forms, can make a convenient 
receptacle as follow :—Fix an inch or three-eighths inch brass 
ring to a glass slide; inside of this ring make several inscribed 
asphalt rings. Use these inscribed rings as the receptacles and 


keep each kind of diatom and scale in a separate asphalt ring. 
The best means of placing the objects in these rings and remov- 
ing them therefrom is a mechanical finger; but it may be done 
with a bristle, cat’s whisker or a fine spun piece of glass mounted 
in a crochet needle holder. The latter work will be facilitated 
with a dissecting microscope, but with time, patience and. per- 
severance, it may be accomplished with a hand lens. Before 
attempting to pick up, spread the objects on a glass slip and let 
them dry before attempting any manipulation. 

fEcidiacei or Cluster Cups.—This is the season for seeing 
these heautiiul objects. No amateur microscopist who has not 
beheld them should fail to exhibit a few specimens under his 
microscope. They burst forth in the spring always on living 
leaves. The host plants where they may be found are legion. 
Among other hosts may be mentioned pear leaves, Juniper leaves 
Seotch Fir, Silver Fir, the wood Anemone, violet leaves, leaves 
of Goat’s beard, Berberry, honeysuckle leaves, nettles, mints, 
garlic, &c. No more beautiful objects for the microscope can be 

Striated Muscular Fibres.—These can be nicely seen with 
in inch lens in the muscle of almost any insect. Dissect the 
insect under water and remove some of the tissue to a slide and 
examine. The striations will resolve beautifully. For perma. 
nent mounting, place the fibres in glycerine. In Klein’s standard 
work on histology tke striped muscular fibres of the water beetle 
(Hydrophilus) are employed as a typical specimen to illustrate 
human histology. A small particle of meat picked from the 
teeth, after dinner and placed upon a slide will often beautifully 
exhibit striped muscular fibre. 


Structure and Animal Origin of marble.— Sections of 
marble and other minerals may be prepared by grinding one 
side of a slide, to which the object, which has been ground and 
polished on one side, may then be cemented with hardened bal- 
sam. The grinding is done on a plate of glass by the use of 
emery of different degrees of fineness. The specimen is then 


ground down to the proper degree of thinness and need not be 
removed from the slide. 

A true marble is a crystalline rock, rendered so by the action 
of heat, moisture and pressure, which has changed its texture 
from that of a common sedimentary limestone to that of a crys- 
talline rock in which all traces of animal life have been com- 
pletely obliterated. 

Of the sedimentary limestones there seem to be two kinds, 
one having the fossil remains well preserved and another in 
which no signs of life can be discovered. In this case it is not 
to be inferred that the limestone was not of animal origin. There 
are good reasons for believing that the minute forms of life which 
would, under other conditions, have made up the rock in a well 
preserved state, have been dissolved out or disintegrated by water 
highly charged with carbonic acid. This is especially true of 
the calcareous shells of foraminiferze, which minute animals live 
in a stratum of water near the surface, and, as they die, fall in 
showers to the bottom, to form, under favorable conditions, beds 
of chalk or limestone full of well-preserved delicate shells. 

But if the water through which they fall is deep, and under 
pressure of that depth highly charged with carbonic acid, they 
would be dissolved before reaching the bottom; or having 
reached the bottom, they may in process of time become com- 
pletely disintegrated, losing their characteristic forms. Prof. 
W. C. Williamson has given an example confirming this view. 
In a slab of marble containing a large nautaloid shell there 
were, in the innermost chamber, foraminifere preserved in the 
most exquisite perfection, while outside of the shell, where the 
ooze must have been identical with that in the inside, there was 
a more or less complete disintegration of the foraminiferous 
shells. Those in the thick nautiloid shell had been protected 
by it. 

Again, of the limestones having the fossils more or less _per- 
fectly preserved, there are two kinds; one with the interspaces 
filled with finely comminuted particles of other fossils, and the 
other with them filled not with a mud-like matter, but with 
clear, glass-like calcareous spar. This was doubtless deposited 
from water holding calcareous matter in solution, but whose 
solvent power was diminishing, perhaps by passing from greater 


to less pressure or by condensation in a sea growing more and 
more shallow, and being thus compelled to give up more and 
more of its calcareous matter. —JoHn Bouton in P. M. Club. 

Cephalopods as Food.—Several kindsare thus used abroad 
At Naples they are sold ready cooked, and they are found in 
the markets of Smyrna and India. In Japan squids are regu- 
larly collected for food. In China they form a common side 
dish, and are eaten fresh, boiled or pickled ; in the latter condi- 
tion resembling the edible birds’ nest in substance, color and 
taste. In Madrid they are eaten broiled or stewed in red wine 
in ajar. On the coast of France the Loligo sagitta is eaten and 
said to be “exquisitely fine and delicate.”—S. G. Shanks. 


Iam much pleased with your publication “THE MicroscoPr” 
and wish I had more time to spare for study. I have one of 
Beck’s binocular microscopes which with accessories cost $1200, 
including objectives 3 inch up to 1-10 inch immersion.— 

T. H. H., (Cal.) 

The slides ordered through you of Mr. Hornell have arrived 
safely and I am very much pleased with them.—O. E. S., 


Le Naturaliste Canadien.—We can conceive no better way 
to benefit and interest young people who know just a little 
french and a little natural science, than to give them a monthly 
magazine published in the French language and treating topics 
in science. Le Naturaliste Canadien is a 16 paged monthly, size 
of THE Microscope at $1.00 per year by M. Abbe’ V. A. Huard, 
who lives in a locality far north of Quebec on a tributary of the 
St. Lawrence. A railroad reaches Chicoutimi, but a train runs 
up there only twice per week! and yet, this is said to be the 
only scientific periodical of its kind in Canada. 

Any of our subscribers may send us 15 cents for a sample 
copy or $1.00 for a year’s subscription and we will forward it to 
to our French collaborator. 



Contents for June, 1895. 

Objects Seen Under the dials XXIV. fb Chrysan- 
themum. (Illustrated).. : 

Diphtheria Antitoxine. Carlson........ sin ohie 
The Origin of Clays in New Jersey Containing Diatoms.. aca Fceutpeia | eee 
EpIToRIAL.—Prof. Lighton’s Slides.. sales oo sco sananisheaeeae meena 
Tuberculosis Transmitted .. ae < 5 # bessaseei in eke pheuee se aeneee Eee 
QUESTIONS ANSWERED.—By S. G. Shanks... ios. 91 
225. Enlarged Photographs... -9ns 3¢edan ere 
226. Micro-Photographs of Temporary Mounts. . rrr 
227. Friedlander’s eee Siew be 5 oldie 2 0 whole Soule eee nen 91 
228. Siebert’s Catalogue.. os) peidenswemslaledaeiaa ey ko) aaa 
PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS. —Bv L. W. Willson........:.. 0 92 
How to Examine Mosses..........0/0ss..° sslscchd cescbeneeeeaee ann 92 
Receptacle for Diatoms and Butterfly Scales.. ~siepebewman Wagener 
#Seidiacei or Cluster Cups. «2.3.0 0.2. casswsess> «des quae ae ini 93 
Striated Muscular Fibres. . 2 sues 5.0 sbi lalate) ieee eee 
ScIENCE Gosstp.—From P M. Club Report... voaeus eswnnn cal ahi ites enema 
Structure and Animal Origin of Marble . ech: one nad oes eee ee 93 
Cephalopeds as Food........... - .).cc.s2ces ss 0-ca.eeeeennls =e 95 
CORRESPONDENCE ..... # vveblcta tac aay eee nan 
RECENT PUBLICATIONS.—Le Naturaliste ‘Canadien. rE ee 95 
Contents for May, 1895. 

Prof..Simon H. Gage, President A. M.S. (Frontispiece)................... 
Pretmberculosis. Catteri.)..i55. sic.tcccsac eds. voveenass ccuce oaaee eee ee 129 
Diatom Growths in Surface Waters. Whipple. ...... ............-.0.0..---... 140 
Bacteriosis of Rutabaga. (Tllustrated.) -Pammel... ......... .....secc -o-seees- 145 
EDITORIAL.—Dr. Cutter’ s Paper.. ndaee naccep sss iay anteee spine seeee aaah a 
The Microscope in Detecting ‘Criiie ..... ssa 152 

MICROSCOPIVAL APPARATUS. a Micropolariscope for Projection. 
(Diastrated) oak pe <ciasd nese’ ecis yess edguatawanes teeasodst Eee aan 154 
The Differential Object Guide. (Illustrated) ......... ......00. eoesceses 157 
MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETIES.—Quekett Microscopical Club..... ............. 159 
in i IGTOSCOPY «<<... }.cestis hele eae 160 
Fine Mounts of Caterpillars. ........2.scceses0s | <ie- -snnaece. eeeeenee nen 160 

FOR SALE.—Crouch Intermediate binocular, circular glass stage, me- 
chanical centering on substage, four eye pieces, achromatic condenser polariz- 
ing attachment, stops for dark ground and oblique illumination, parabaloid, 
two solid eye pieces made by Spencer. All in perfect order and have been 
nsed very little. $100. GEO. A. BATES, Auburndale, Mass. 

FOR SALE.—Barbadoes Earth, containing many rare forms of Radiolaria. 
Send 40 cents, stamps, for inch cube of this material to 
8S. S. DAY, 23 Olyphant St., Morristown, N. J. 


JULY, 1895. 


The Trichodine Infusoria, a Parasite of the Fresh- 
Water Hydra. 

[Translated from ‘‘ Le Naturaliste.’’] 
The fresh water hydra, the most simple of all polyps, 
lives in all ditches wherever running water bathes the 

lemna and other aquatic plants. To obtain them, it is 
sufficient to take a handful of the plants, press them 

between the fingers and collect in a glass vessel the wa- 
ter which flows from them. 

The next day, one will be almost sure to see against 
the transparent sides of the receiving glass some little 
green and brown thread-like bodies, terminated by a 
bundle of fine grasping filaments. These are the 



The hydra is always accompanied by a parasite, or 
rather an habitual guest belonging to the class of ciliat- 
ed infusoria, and which, on account of the singularity of 
its way of walking, has received the name of Trichodine 

It is easy to observe and study it by taking one of the 
polyps, placing it in a drop of water upon a glass slide 
and submitting it toa magnifying power of about 250 
times. One then sees moving about upon the whole 
surface of its body and arms some little animalecule 
whose general form reminds one very much of a quoit 
or disc. These discs seem at first sight to touch each 
other slightly on the surface of their host, to slide 
lightly against him without touching him, and one asks 
himself by what mysterious phenomenon—by means of 
what organs—do they keep themselves erect and move 
about with so much facility. A closer examination will 

The Trichodine presents, as we have said, the form of 
a quoit, or one of the surfaces of a quoit (fig. 1). That 
one which is turned toward the covering of the hydra is 
admirably formed for adhesion, the other is adapted to 
obtaining nutrition. In looking at the upper surface, 
while in a state of extension and immovability, this in- 
fusoria presents to us a circle of hairs analogous to those 
of the vorticella, but of which the direction is just the 
opposite. This is rather a hairy ‘tube (fig. 1) which is 
used to conduct the food to a cavity upon one side of 
the body (fig. 1,c). At the bottom of this cavity is the 
mouth. The portion comprised in the circle, and which 
constitutes the upper dise of the quoit, may, according 
to the movements of the animalcule, either take a con- 
cave form or, on the contrary, enlarge itself into the 
form of a dome. 

If now we pass to the study of the lower or adhesive 


surface, we find (fig. 2), surrounding the edge of the 
disc, a crown of cillia, thickly implanted, constituting a 
movable collar, the motions and undulations of which 
permit the organism to move itself by turning rapidly 
upon its axis. But these hairs present still another 
property. Strongly adherent to each other, somewhat 
in the same way as the barbs of a feather, they act as 
a circular membrane susceptible of attaching itself to 
surfaces and of holding itself firmly there. This 
action is still more easily accomplished because at the 
very base of the fresh water hydra is a true collar, 
which much assists them. 

The Trichodine, when it wishes to attach itself, app- 
lies its membrane and ciliated collar to the surface of 
the hydra. Then, hollowing the under surface of its 
disc by voluntary contraction, it transforms itself into a 
true cup-glass, comparable to those well-known adhesive 
candlesticks which one can stick against a glass, or to 
the proboscis of the octopus. ; | 

But the central part of the contractile disc of the 
Trichodine does not consist of a simple protoplasmic 
membrane. We find there a true organism, surpris- 
ingly well made for a being so low in the scale of ani- 
mal life. 

Let us press lightly upon the cover-glass of our 
preparation, in such a manner as to detach some few of 
the parasites, and let us choose from them one which 
presents the under surface. 

We find then that this surface is formed of a cup very 
finely striated, and that its concavity increases or di- 
minishes according to the contraction of the body. 

In the thickness of the wall of this cup, is a toothed 
wheel (fig. 2, e) of the greatest delicacy, which sends 
from the side toward the center some fine radial pro- 
jongations. From the side toward the circumference it 


presents some teeth imbricated with geometric regular- 
ity. The toothed wheel of the Trichodines surpasses in 
regularity and fineness the most precise work of watch- 
making. It acts as an organ of support, and possesses, 
with the striated cup, the property of giving to the body 
of this being the rigidity of which it has need. The 
Trichodine, like all ciliated infusoria, multipliesitself by 
direct division. Its entire body separates itself in two 
equal parts, which form two new individuals similarly 
constituted. In this process, the ciliated membrane, 
the striated cup and the toothed wheel undergo a com- 
mon destiny; they separate themselves and divide 
themselves, showing by this that, in spite of their ap- 
parent rigidity, they are formed of a still living proto- 
plasm and not of a substance secreted by the hydra. 

Such, in a few words, are the characteristics of the 
parasite of the fresh water hydra. The Trichodines, 
discovered and described by Trembly as the louse of the 
hydra in 1744, can be taken as a type of a numerous 
family of ciliated infusoria, the Urecolaires (fig. 3), whose 
common characteristic is an adhesive organ, more or 
less complicated and analagous to the one we have been 

In some of these species (figs. 3-5) the toothed wheel 
is replaced by a simple ring of support; in others a 
membrane complementary to the collar takes the place 
of the long, stiff hairs which stand up around the body, 
but all live as parasites upon the surface or on the inter- 
nal organs of aquatic animals of either fresh or salt 
water. Fig. 4 shows Liemophora, a parasite of Ophiura 
squammata. Fig. 5 represents the interior of its adhes- 
ive disc. 

The meeting of the American Microscopical Society at 
Ithaca August 21, 22, 23 will exceed all others in interest. 
Be sure to go. 

How the Change in Color in Petals Takes Place. 

Keeping Notes. The Brownian Movement. 


I have been looking over the memoranda of microscopic 
observations I keep and have kept for over. thirty 
years and find amongst them things that will bear repro- 
duction now and here. And here, by the way, I wish to 
recommend the keeping of such a book by everyone who 
observes nature. It is good to put down everything that 
you see. Never mind how insignificant the facts seem 
at the time they are recorded thev may start a train of 
thought then or in the future that may bear fruit that 
will ripen into a luscious apple or pear of promise. 
After years I have found that a recorded fact is valuable 
and can hitch on to a train that will bear me along to a 
station I have been aiming atforalongtime. The notes 
can be illustrated, never mind if you cannot draw, an 
illustration will convey the idea that you want better 
than a whole page of letter press. Colored illustrations 
are necessary many times and I color them at the time. 
Another color may supervene and another colored illus- 
tration will be necessary. Never mind how much labor 
it requires. It will tell. 

I was reminded of that when I was looking over some 
notes of mine made in May 1867. They were on the ex- 
amination of the petals of Weigelia rosea the beautiful 
colored china flower that we have so common in our 
gardens. The petals are some of them rose colored and 
some of them white or nearly so. And I wondered why 
the petals were rose colored when they open and always 
change toa lighter tint before they fade. I split a petal 
in two and putit in water on the stage of my microscope 
and viewed it by means of a ¢ inch objective anda 1 inch 


ocular giving me a magnification of 400 diameters. 

The petal was pink outside and white inside and the 
microscope revealed the fact that the white cells were 
inhabited by a transparent colorless liquid without any- 
thing to mark it. But the pink cells had swimming 
in the colorless liquid what I called then “oil globules” 
which were colored some darker and some lighter 
pink. These larger “oil globules” are in number one, 
two or three and are perfectly quiet, or move 
about with a slow motion like that of granules which 
appear when ripe pollen is wet with water. That is to 
say it is what is known as Brownian motion, and to under- 
stand what is Brownian motiou we can imagine a mass 
of semi-solid white of egg is dropped into water. Now 
it does not rest quiet but moves about sometimes this 
way and sometimes that without any means or paddles. 
And this it does for weeks or years at a time. 

This is Brownian motion and was so called because it 
was first described by the celebrated Robert Brown in a 
paper published in 1827. It is now known as pedesis, 
and can be seen even in the contents of fluids in the old- 
est rocks. The contents of the particles in these have 
been going on most likely for wons. When I lectured 
on chemistry in the New York Medical College for women 
about thirty years ago I was in the habit of explaining 
Brownian motion by likening it toa globule of Sodium 
dropped on water which seems alive and moves about in 
a lively manner. The motion here is chemical and it is 
likely that all motion is accompanied by chemical action. 
But, however that may be, the motion of the pink parti- 
cles in the cells of Weigelia rosea is also Brownian. 
Congregating around these larger “oil globules” there are 
numerous smaller globules, pink in color and more vigor- 
ously in motion. In time the large globules become 
larger by gradual coalescence of the smaller and in time 


they all disappear and the larger globules become trans- 
parent and colorless. In this way the petal becomes 
transparent. Can this be the way that colored petals 
become transparent and can this be the chemical change 
that the cell contents undergo? It set me to thinking 
that perhaps it was. At any rate the observation is in- 
teresting and suggestive. These ‘oil globules” are the 
same, that is to say have the same general character as 
the ‘oil globules’ in Bacillariaceew (Diatomacez) but 
differently colored, and with them are also smaller active 
granules. The former are the representatives of ova or 
female granules and the later are the anthozoa or male 
granules. Can reproduction take place in the cells of 
Weigelia also? It will bear thought. 

PROCEEDINGS OF THE A. M. 8.—Just as we go to press 
(June 18), we have received Part II. of the Proceedings 
for 1894-95. It is labeled “ January ” and ‘issued quar- 
terly.” It is now just three months since the number 
for October, 1894, was issued (March 18). The October 
number was five months behind time and so is the Jan- 
uary number. The delay can hardly be due to the 
wealth of material involved, since not a dozen articles 
have been printed in both numbers. 

The present number contains: The Structure of the 
Fruit in the Order Ranunculacex, by Wiegand; Limita- 
tion of Tuberculosis, by Alleger; A Marker, by Prof. 
Gage; Laboratory Methods, by Krauss; New Section 
Instrument, by Bastin; and new Cover Slip Forceps, by 

The substance of nearly all of these papers has long 
ago been published by us. One of them, that by Dr. 
Alleger, on Tuberculosis, was printed in full in the Jour- 
nal and in several Brooklyn papers last year. 



New Series, 1893. 

For Naturalists, Physicians, and Druggists, and Designed to Popularize 

Published monthly. Price $1.00 per annum. Subscriptions should end 
with the year. The old sertes, consisting of 12 volumes (1881-1892), ended 
with December, 1892. Sets of the old series cannot be furnished. All 
correspondence, exchanges, and books for notice should be addressed to the 
Microscopical Publishing Co., Washington, D. C., U. S. A. 



Viewing the Astral Body.—In a book by J. C. Street of 
Boston, called ‘‘The Hidden Way Across the Threshold ” is 
given the following account. 

Believing that there was within and about the natural body 
another body of etherial character, he concluded “that a simple 
microscopic device could be made that would assist the eye so 
that it might penetrate the most minute particles of the air we 
breathe, and thus witness the Soul and this etherial form take 
flight to the boundaries of the other world.” 7 

“Procuring the most powerful lenses I could find, I completed 
an invention of my own and, when my light was so perfectly 
arranged that I could examine the microbes in the air, I called 
a patient who had lost an arm and asked him to put his 
imaginary hand where I directed. The moment I adjusted the 
glass, a new world and light of revelation broke upon me. The 
real hand lay beneath my glass! I asked him to make letters 
with his imaginary finger. He didso, and, to his wonder and 
astonishment, I spelled out the sentences he thus wrote. This 
was to me conclusive evidence of an etherial second self.” 

Perhaps some of our readers can tell us how to examine “the 
microbes in the air.” We have thus far been obliged to catch 
them and confine them under a cover-glass in order to see them. 


Again, we ask how can it be arranged unper so high a power to 
get a human hand into the field of vision. It is ordinarily 
supposed among microscopists that not over the size of a needle 
head can be observed at once under the highest powers. Tosee 
a finger is practically as impossible as to see a hand. Unless 
the words were written toosmall for unaided human yision, they 
could not be brought within the field of vision at one time. 
But to write so finely with a finger or even a pen is an impossi- 

“The second,” he says, “was one ofgreat difficulty.” Having 
heard that the astral body leaves and the soul departs at the 
moment of dissolution he watched for an opportunity to observe. 
“The time finally came where I had proper conditions of light. 
etc., where a man of more than ordinary spirituality was being 
called over to the silent majority. When he was about to cease 
breathing and a sudden tremor passing through his body an- 
nounced his hour had come, we (two obervers) passed 
our heads under the black cloth and bent our eyes intently 
upon the object glass. Particles of dust in the air were 
magnified several thousand times, and for a time their 
motion kept a perfect dazzle upon the glass. Then a thin 
violet column of vapor gathered into a soft cloud apparently 
formed over and about the body. Particle seemed to seek par- 
ticle as if by some molecular attraction, until the outline of an 
object was clearly distinguishable. As it grew stronger, it 
seemed the vapory form of a man rapidly assuming a more 
perfect shape, pure and colorless as the most perfect crystal, 
having changed from the violet tinge. There was at this mo- 
ment an awful stillness. An indescribable feeling came over 
us. Words are inadequate to describe our feelings. We bent 
our eyes intently on the glass until particle after particle came 
into the shapely form of the man we knew so well. 

It lay floating about a foot above the body, apparently 
moored by a slender cord to the breast of the corpse. The face 
was the face of the man, but far more peaceful and beautiful in 
expression ; the eyes were closed and the new form apparently 
seemed asleep. We wished he might awake, when the cord 
that held it to the clay house parted, a gentle tremor passed 
through the beautiful form, every limb of which was of a per- 


fect mould; a violet flame was radiating over the heart, a kind 
look over the gentle face. The form arose to a standing posi- 
tion ; cast one sorrowful look at the tenantless clay that lay so 
still ; extending a hand as it were to say, ‘ Farewell, thou nar- 
row house; I need thee no more.” it gathered its forces into a 
little sphere and passed out into the sunlight of the everlasting 

If such astounding phenomena had been observed with cam- 
era, for the intimation is that a camera was used in the latter 
experiment, why have not the details of apparatus been des- 
cribed in the scientific periodicals? The author attributes this 
account to a scientist who had patents—hence to a physician. 
Why have we not been furnished with particulars-from a scien- 
tific standpoint? Why has J. C. Street, of Boston, been pecu- 
liarly favored with what to the average scientific mind is an 
impossible scientific arrangement? And why, in a reputable 
book of 598 pages, published by Lee & Shepard, and claiming 
to contain truth and wisdom, are we confronted by such in- 
credible stuff? Does Mr. Street know that he discredits this 
entire volume by giving us what we can but regard as one piece 
of humbug? If there is a single microscopist or photographer 
who credits for one moment the possibility of arranging 
apparatus as described, will he please to so inform us? 

We are not intending to call in question the occult phenom- 
ena which the operator claims to have witnessed. Let that all 
pass to be believed or disbelieved by people who feed on belief 
or disbelief. The only issue we raise is that such account as 
Mr Street furnishes of the apparatus is absurd, and not only 
unknown to scientific men but incredible in the present stage 
of progress. We need a full and consistent account of the ap- 
paratus and the manner of its use. That is all we care for. 
Given that, we will find out for ourselves what phenomena can 
be observed with it, and when found out we will exhibit it to 
others. Then they, as well as we, shall KNow what we. have 
seen and have no occasion for belief. 

The wholesale manner in which the word science is being 
used by charlatans of every description is amazing. Honest 
men should beware how they allow themselves to be misled by 
mere words. When they find that a writer has either intention- 


ally or inadvertently fallen into such methods, they should not 
accept anything he says unless they have independent means 
of verification. 

Commerce-blackmailing.—On February 28, Messrs Watson 
& Son, who have been doing the colleges of this country a great 
service by supplying microscopes at much less cost than they 
could be made in the United States, sent us an electrotype to 
replace the one now used in this advertisement. The electro- 
type, which in this country of high prices and idleness would 
cost about $1.00, cost in London 62 cents. The commerce- 
blackmailers in New York affixed a duty of $1.73 which we 
have refused to pay. The matter has been referred to the 
Secretary of the Treasury. Running behind as he is every day 
in the finances of the country, he may refuse any rebate. But 
if Democrat Carlisle permits such outrages as this, pray what 
might we expect from McKinley, the prince of commerce- 
blackmailers. As Bob Ingersoll says: “ If God commanded the 
Hebrews to slaughter 50 000 Amelekites, their wives and child- 
ren, what might we expect the Devil to do under similar cir- 
cumstances ? ” 



Equisetum.—These plants are commonly known as horse 
tails, or scouring rushes. They are simple leafless stems or 
stems with whorled branches and are found growing in wet 
grounds, lake banks, river banks or border of woods. They 
furnish interesting objects for the microscopist, such as the 
elaters and spore. These are found in a terminal cone-like 
spike of the fruitful plant. Gather a quantity of the stems and 
on arriving home shake them over a paper and preserve the 
resulting dust by having it wrapped in paper. When it is desi- 
red to examine the elaters and snores, place a small quantity of 
this dust upon a slide and examine it without a cover-glass with 
an inch objective. While looking through the tube have a friend 
breath gently upon the slide when the elaters will spring into 


life and action and appear under the scope like a lot of brown- ~ 

The next interesting part is the cuticle which is composed 
largely of silex. Cut off portions of the cuticle, of suitable size 
for mounting; place them in a test-tube half full of water, add 
a few drops of nitric acid and boil for afew minutes over a spirit 
lamp. ‘This will quickly and easily separate the siliceous cuti- 
cle which then should be placed between two glass slips, held 
together by a brass clip and left to dry. When perfectly dry 
mount in balsam and examine with polariscope, A beautiful 
slide will result. 

Starch.—Starch may easily be obtained by taking the object 
containing it and reducing it to a pulp, or powder. For pota- 
toes or seeds a nutmeg grater will effect the proper reduction. 

Then have at hand a proper receptacle in which to place a 
funnel covered with a cloth. Place the pulp, or powder upon 
the cloth and pour water upon it, the starch will settle at the 
bottom of the recepticle. Before mounting.the starch should 
be thoroughly dry when it may be transferred to balsam and 
furnish an instructive object for the polariscope. 

Thin Sections of Woods.—These may easily be prepared 
by taking a pine board into which have been bored a series of 
holes of sufficient size to contain the specimens of which sections 
are desired. Insert plugs of the woods into the holes thus 
prepared and make the sections with sharp jointer plane. 

Fibres.—Fibres of silk, woolen, cotton, linen and other 
fabrics should be teased with needles until they exhibit their 
natural and original cells. Manufactured threads are composed 
of many fibres woven or twisted together. After teasing, place 
on a slide, moisten with a drop of water, cover, and examine 
with a power equal to a quarter inch objective. A little exper- 
ience will enable one to determine the nature of the fibres at a 
glance. Fibres of different substances act differently when 
soaked in a weak solution of sulphuric acid ; it is interesting to 
soak the fibres in the acid and then examine them under the 
microscope. ‘This soaking will so differentiate different fibres 
as to remove all difficulty in determining their nature. 



Eye of Beetle for Multiple Image.—Have a diffuse side- 
light (window with sky or lamp with white porcelain shade 
between flame and mirrow). Use plane mirror and small aper- 
ture of diaphragm. Focus on the piece of cornea; then with ° 
one hand held about three feet from the mirror toward the light, 
with fingers spread and in motion and with the other hand on 
the fine adjustment, slowly draw the objective back from the 
slide, watching the facets of the cornea until hundreds of tiny 
hands are seen. After you have learned how to do it, anything 
may be substituted forthe hand. A profile-face against the sky, 
a house in bright sunlight, ete. They will not be right side up, 
owing to reversal in forming the images.—P. M. Club. 

Starch.—This is one of the substances produced by an active- 
ly growing plant, and, like the fat tissue in an animal, it is 
stored up for future use. The grains are spherical when young 
but growth being not always uniform, the form becomes ovoid, 
or of some other figure. When packed away closely, as in the 
small cereals, wheat, oats, rice, etc., the grains become many- 
angled by mutual pressure. In the potato the starch grain, at- 
tached to the starch-forming corpuscle by one margin, absorbes 
nutrient sap much as a sponge might absorbe nutrient fluid, and 
the starchy elements are deposited in greater abundance at the 
attached (or broad) margin, producing an excentric or one-sided 
growth, the hilum or narrow end being the distant portion. 

Starch grains always occur in all stages of development, and 
consequently vary greatly in size in the same plant. 

Starch, chemically and morphologically, is nearly the same 
as cellulose. It is acarbo-hydrate. Weak alkalies or acids cause 
it to become soluble. When it is to become re-absorbed for use 
in the plant economy, it is in most cases converted into suyar 
or dextrine, by some of the plant ferment, but occasionally it is 
only partially dissolved, broken down, and may be detected as 
starch, in the sap, before assimilation. 

Starch when heated to about 400° F. changes into soluble 

Malting is practically the forcing of germination until the 
root point is protruded about one-third the diameter of the 


grain, then raising the heat and checking further growth. The 
ground malted grain, if kept in water at a temperature of about 
154° F. for two weeks, will become converted into dextrine and 
sugar,and be dissolved out, leaving only the cuticles of the grain. 
This action is the result of the diastase developed by the germ- 
ination of the grain. 

Wheat contains 64 per cent of starch, corn 65 per cent., rice 
76 per cent, and potato 15-29 per cent—S. G. Shanks. 


Dr. R. H. Ward, Troy, N. Y., writes regarding query No. 

Reed, Siebert, Alserstrasse 19, Vienna, Austria, makes sup- 
plies and magnets, but probably no microscopes. 

W. & H. Seibert, Wetzlar, Germany, makes microscopes. 
Catalogues (probably in German) could be obtained from them 
by mail. 

Purifying Alcohol.—In histological work, especially anima] 
one must make use of more or less alcohol,—absolute, ordinary 
or commercial] and wood spirit. I use all three at times and 
for various purposes, and as a result have quantities of mixed 
alcohols vitiated or degraded by water, oils, resins, fats and other 
organic elements met with in this class of work. Now the 
auestion is how to recover the alcohol from this otherwise waste 
product. Lime disposes of some of the water, distillation of wa- 
terand as a residue the heavier oils and fats but the first is only 
a partial success, while in addition the distillation process is 
expensive. Is there any “royal road” any “cross lots” method 
by which may be made certain the recovery of this necessary 
but expensive article? The conditions are that the means all be 
simple, effective, easy of accomplishment, inexpensive; the 
result, a comparatively pure product.—X. 

The Superiority of Direct Illumination.—We are in- 
formed that the one seventy-fifth inch of Tolles used with the 
direct light of a common one-cent spermaceti candle gave a 
good field and brought out details of human blood dry. Con- 
denser used—a B eye-piece in sub-stage. The same, with re- 


flective light gave a field with only one-half or one-quarter of 
the direct illumination. This proves the great loss of life sus- 
tained by using concave mirrors. K. Currer. 

WHITE’S OBJECTS.—We have just received a large 
consignment of vegetables sections and can supply all 
the numbers except a very few. 


Note.—Dr. S. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. V., kindly consents to receive all sorts of ques- 
tions relating to microscopy, whether asked by professionals or amateurs. Persons of ali 
grades of experience, from the beginner upward, are welcome to the benefits of this depar*- 
ment. The guestions are numbered for future reference. 

SS Se 

229. In my histological work I use more or less absolute and 
common alcohol. I have accumulated quantities of weakened alco- 
hol containing fats and other organic elements. Is there any simple 
and effective method, cheaper than distillation, by which the alcohol 
can be recovered from this otherwise waste material. Xx. 

There is no method cheaper and better than re-distillation. 
Analytical chemists and others, who use quantities of alcohol, 
usually have some form of automatic apparatus which will 
run for hours without attention. Remington’s still is a good 
one, and is much used by chemists and pharmacists. 


George A. Rex, M. D.—Died at Philadelphia Feb. 4, 1895. 
Dr. Rex, who was a member of the Phila. Academy of Natural 
Sciences, was the highest authority on the Myxomycetes in the 
United States. He frequently read papers thereon before the 
Biological and Microscopical Sections. He named many new 
species, but often held specimens for years before naming 
them in order to be sure that the species when erected 
would stand. All of the lower orders of fungi interested 
him. Although a prominent microscopist, he was not a 
member of the American Microscopical Society. Although a 
subscriber to the periodicals, he rarely contributed to them. 

112 THE MICROSCOPE. ‘[July, 


Contents for July, 1895. 
The Trichodine Infusoria, a Parasite of the Fresh-Water Hydra. Trans- 

lation. (Illustrated.) Chrysanthemum. 2. eseeeee teeeeeenecces 97 
How the Change in Color in Petals Takes Place. Keeping Notes. The 
Brownian Movement. A. M. Edwards ooo... cece cecceeeeeeeeeceeeteeeee 101 
Proceedings of the American Ba eane gx! Ouspstls 2 103 
EDITORIAL.—Viewing the Astral Body... RE EI yo! 
Commerce-Blackmatling, 0000 (1... 2) soe oodolsscsodcocasv oleae 107 
PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS.—By L. A. Willson... ee 107 
LO | ec Me ime Mea Ale Se I 107 
Starch. 2 ee 108 
Thin Sections of Woods «2, ...2.....2.): 0.2..21 ee 108 
BUDO po etic doatoeccucle coke hE ge ap rr 108 
ScIENCE Gosstp.—Eye of Beetle Multiple Image. ...:..: nica eee ee 109 
Sierehe 0 oe ee ee 109 
CORRESPONDENCE.—Leibert’s Microscopes..00.0.........2eccceeeeeceeeeeeeeceeceeee eneeees 110 
Purifying Alcohol...) )s02..000200. 2 hall 110 
The Superiority of Direct Illumination. 110 
QUESTIONS ANSWERED.—By S. G. Shanks... cececceececeeenceeeeese eeeeee 111 
929. «Purifying: Alcohol).:)0 02.2.2 oe eee 111 
NEcROLOGY.—Geo. A: Rex, M. Diu a 111 


Contents for July, 1895. 

Notice of Microscopic Fossils Occurring in Tertiary Marl Strata. Cun- 

ningham. ‘(With Frontispiece.) 00 j.0.../0 01.7. eee 193 
Microscopic Technique Applied to Histology IX. Boneval.w 0... 197 
Morphodiscs, Coccoliths, and Discoliths. Edwards 0020200. te 203 
Notice of John A. Ryder vi ceococesatscale Juocenthlapelcensls- p60) eae 205 
Classification of the Radiolaria: Key to Species of Barbadoes. Carter 206 
EDITORIAL.—American Microscopical Society 0.00... MET Bry ha. Gb 213 

Prof, Leslie (A. Lee.) fo a ee Ss ae 215 
MICROSCOPICAL APPARATUS.—Automatic Microtome.. 216 
BACTERIOLOGY.—Tuberculosis.....0020..0.0...0054..0 28 poe ee ee 220 
MIcROSCOPICAL MANIPULATION.—To Photograph Vertically .._........ .... 222 

Seeing Air-Borne Spores ooo .icc ck. onc.coteozect oes epee 223 
BroLocgicaL Notrs.—Sand :Fly. i 223 

ee eee eee er ee ree errr Ty 

FOR SALE.—Crouch Intermediate binocular, circular glass stage, me- 
chanical centering on substage, four eye pieces, achromatic condenser polariz- 
ing attachment, stops for dark, ground and oblique illumination, parabaloid, 
two solid eye pieces made by Spencer. Allin perfect order and have been 
used very little. $100. GEO. A. BATES, Auburndale, Mass. 

FOR SALE.—Barbadoes Earth, containing many rare forms of Radiolaria. 
Send 40 cents, stamps, for inch cube of this material to 
S. S. DAY, 23 Olyphant St., Morristown, N. J. 



AUGUST, 1895. 


Objects Seen Under the Microscope. 

The skins of most fishes are strengthened by plates of 
horny, bony or cartilaginous matter, and when these are 
so arranged as to overlap one another (fig. 3), somewhat 
like the feathers on a bird or the slates on a roof, they 
are called scales. These scales are beautiful and inter- 

esting objects when seen with low powers of the micro- 

Some fishes are covered with only a thin layer of skin, 
in which case the scales can be readily seen; in others 
they are so deeply imbedded in the skin that we say the 
fish has no scales, as in the case of the eel. 


But the seales are there, and if the under side of the 
skin be examined after it has been taken from the fish, 
the scales may be readily seen and removed with a pair 
of tweezers; fig. 13 represents one of these scales. A 
piece of the skin of the eel dried and mounted in Canada 
balsam shows the scales imbedded in the skin, their ar- 
rangement and the pigment cells (fig. 14). These, and 

RTPA int 

indeed the®scales of nearly all of our fishes, make beau- 
tiful objects forthe polariscope. The different scales 
vary much in color and tone. It is also interesting to 
view them as opaque objects. 

By means of the scales, fishes are divided into four or- 
ders, Cycloid, Ctenoid, Placoid, and Ganoid, but most of 
our common fishes belong to the first two orders. 


THE CycLoip.—The scales are so called because of 
their roundish form and because much of their surface 
when magnified is seen to be covered with concentric 
lines. At the top, where they are attached to the body, 
these concentric lines are divided by radial lines, some- 
times making slight, sometimes deep undulations in the 
surface of the scale. To this order belong the Salmon, 
Roach, Gold-fish, Silver-fish, Cod-fish, Minnow, Carp (fig. 
2), Herring (fig. 5), Blue-fish (fig. 6), Eel (fig. 3), and 

Along the side of most fishes is a line known as the 
lateral line, which is formed by a kind of scale usually 
more horny than the others and pierced by a tubular ori- 
fice having an opening on the upper side near the outer 
edge and another opening on the under side where it is 
attached to the body (fig. 7, Salt-water Perch,5 diam.). 
In fig. 2, German Carp (2 diam.), this tube divides just 
above the exposed part, thus having two openings on the 
under side. It has been supposed that this tube was for 
the escape of a mucous substance which was poured out 
from glands beneath, to protect the skin from the mas- 
cerating influence of the water and to diminish the fric- 
tion in swimming, but this has been denied. 

By carefully detaching a scale from a bright colored 
fish of this order, and examining the under side of the 
part which is exposed, we find a layer of soft substance 
corresponding in color to the color of the first. Remove 
a little of this to a slide, and by examining it with a 
power of 300 diameters, we shall find that it consists of 
two substances. One isa layer of loose membraneous 
cells containing coloring matter. These lengthened cyl- 
indrical cells are arranged side by side and run at right 
angles to the lateral line. Now, if a small drop of water 
be added to this mass and it be gently agitated with the 
point of a needle, the water around will be seen to be 
full of minute flat spicules or crystals, varying in size 


but constant in form (fig.15). By transmitted light these 
are so transparent as to be hardly visible, but with re- 
flected light, or the direct rays of the sun, they sparkle 
like plates of polished steel. Each of these crystals is 
constantly vibrating and quivering, and giving one the 
impression that it is alive although taken from a fish 
which has been dead some days. This motion is prob- 
ably due to the vibrations of the water, but it gives that 
beautiful play of light which we so much admire in the 
Gold-fish, Silver-fish and others. Notice that in the highly 
colored fish the exposed part of the scaleis more trans- 
parent than the other portion (fig. 5). 

THE CTENOID.—These scales have the samé general 
structure as the Cycloid except that at the exposed end 
they are furnished with teeth arranged something like the 
teeth in acomb. In some scales they are small and set 
closely together as in the Perch (figs. 4 and 7,5 diam.), 
while in others they are larger and much farther apart, 
as in the Sole (fig. 8, 8 diam.). 

In some scales the lamine show as concentrie lines on 
the outer part of the scale only, the interior being some- 
what granular in appearance, as in figs. 4 and 10. The 
scales on a single fish vary much in size and form, figs. 
9,10, 11 and 12 (8 diam.) coming from the same fish, 
—one that was sold in the market as a Flounder. Fig. 9 
represents a scale from the ventral or white side. 
Figs. 10, 11 and 12 represent those from the dorsal, and 
fic. 11 one from near the tail. Fig. 5 (5 diam.) is 
from near the tail of a Herring. Scales from the central 
portion of the body of the Herring have somewhat the 
same outline as shown in fig. 7. Itis to be noticed in 
fig. 8, Sole (8 diam.), that the radial lines look as though 
they had been split in places and the spaces filled in 
with a clear transparent substance, but this is not the 
case. It is claimed that if a thin vertical section of a 
scale of the carp, which is taken as a representative of 


the higher orders, be examined with a high power, it 
will be found to consist of three layers. The uppermost 
is composed of several concentric laminez, the outside 
one being the smaller, and they increase in size, each be- 
ing a little larger than the one above it, so that their 
margins appear on the surface as a series of concentric 
lines and their surfaces are thrown into furrows and 
ridges. It is these lamine which we see, and in some of 
the furrows the lamine have entirely separated showing 
the layer beneath them. 

Sometimes in Cycloid scales the pigment cells can be 
seen giving the scale a spotted appearance, as in the 
Carp (fig. 2) and Eel (fig. 14). 

THE GANOoOID.—These scales are usually bony, often 
having the same structure as the bones of the fish to 
Which they belong. They are usually angular in form 
and arranged in rows, the scales but slightly overlaping 
one another, thus forming acoat of armor. To this order 
belong the Sturgeon, Lepidosteus and Hassar-fish, but 
most of this order are found in the fossil state. 

THE PLAcoID.—To this order belong the Skate, Dog- 
fish, Ray and Shark, besides many fossil allies. These 
are not like the scales we have been examining, but are 
more like teeth and project from the skin as spines. 
They are much like teeth in structure and are covered 
with a hard enamel resembling the enamel of teeth. 
Fig. 1 represents a piece of the skin of the Thornback 
Skate, showing spines and pigment cells. It can be 
mounted dry without a cover-glass and viewed as an 
opaque object and also with transmitted light, and the 
polariscope. I know of no objects so easily obtained 
and mounted which wil] furnish more entertainment for 
one’s friends than the scales of fishes. Fine mounts of 
scales can be obtained of Rev. J. D. King, Cottage City, 


Microscopical Characteristics of Oatmeal. 
By M. A. DEROS, 

[From Le Micrographe Preparateur. ] 

[In a series of articles on “the Adulteration of Alimen- 
tary and Industrial Matters,” published in recent num- 
bers of this valuable periodical is a good description of 
the microscopical characteristics of oatmeal. | 

In oats we arrive at corn provided with polyhedral 
granulated starch. This character renders the mixture 
of oatmeal with other meals very easy to recognize. 
These adulterations after all are very rare. As starch 
forms more than 80p.c.of the total volume of the meal, 
it is always relatively easy to find some of the suspected 
granules in the preparations. 

The starch grains of oats are often agglomerated and 
in small ovoid masses, measuring from 50 to 60 microns 
in their largest diameter. If these agglomerations are 
examined with care, the starch grains are distinguished 
very neatly and closely laid against each other, which 
gives them a polyhedral form. These granules pre- 
sent pretty clear angles. They are irregular and very 
small, for their diameter varies from 3 to 9 microns ; 
the average being 5 microns. The hilum isnot visible and 
the concentric layers are scarcely distinguishable. The 
opening generally happens from the exterior to the inte- 
rior, but here that character is without importance. 

In polarized light ona dark field, the oat starch is 
scarcely visible. In lighting the field, it is impossible to 
obtain the black cross of which we have spoken a propos 
of wheat. Treated with potash, oatmeal presents a 
characteristic appearance. The gluten cells, not so large 
as those of wheat, are arranged in onerowonly. Theal- 
bumenoid matter they contain is in very small grains. 
These cells do not present a blue coloration after treat- 
ment with ether. | . 


The fragments of the envelope of the grain contain 
two important elements, the hairs and the debris of the 
glumelle. The hairs are very long, slender and almost 
deprived of lumen. They are easily distinguished by 
their form from those of wheat; much more easily from 
those of rye and barley. The glumelle in oats being al- 
ways joined to the grain, its debris are infallibly found 
again in the meal. 

They are formed of a layer of cells with thick walls, 
and deeply toothed ikea saw. These indentations work 
into each other. It is this layer which is characteristic. 
However, similar cells are to be found in barley-meal, 
perhaps a little smaller and less toothed, but the confu- 
sion between these two meals is not possible, the starches 
being very different. 

Under the layer of toothed cells, which forms epider- 
mis, there is another one composed of long bobbin-like 
fibres. The debris of the glumelles very much depolar- 
izes the light. 

The length of cells with toothed edges varies from 
145 microns to 230 microns, the width from 13 microns to 
21 microns. The long cells are but slightly visible; the 
tubes and the transverse cells are not distinguishable. 
After all, what characterizes oatmeal under the micro- 
scope is: first, the form of the grains of its starch, 
their frequent agglomeration in ovoidal masses and 
their neutrality toward polarized light; then the form 
of the long and slender hairs and the presence of 
cogged cells arising from the epidermis of the glu- 
melles.—R. SAMSON. 

The Penetration of Microbes into the Blood.—M. Nocard 
reported, at a recent meeting of the Society of Biology, Paris 
(La Press Medicale), experiments by which he has been able to 
demonstrate that microbes are capable of entering the blood 
through the alimentary canal. (He found that, while the blood 
is usually sterile after an ordinary meal, after a meal contain- 
ing a considerable quantity of fat, microbes were found very 
abundant.) His theory is that microbes are conveyed into 
blood by the small fat globules which are taken up by the lac- 


Silvering Mirrors. 

To the physician, in diagnosing disease, to the den- 
tist at his work and to the microscopist, the mirror is ab- 
solutely indispensable. The silvering of the mirrors 
used often becomes damaged and it would then be a 
great convenience to the user if he were to possess 
some simple process whereby he could do the work him- 
self. Many times the microscopist would like to make 
use of devices that are suggested to him by the work at 
hand, but is deterred from so doing because of inability 
to procure material from which to construct them with- 
out too much expense. In this work the mirror is often 
no unimportant part, and to be able to obtain it would 
be to overcome the greater part of the difficulty. The 
formulas given below will enable a person so desiring, 
if he has the suitable glass, to do this class of work easily 
and perfectly. And if he calls the optician to his aid 
for the glass, the cost will be found very light. In this 
article reference is made especially to small mirrors 
adapted for such use. There seems to be no lack of for- 
mulas for doing this work, but most of them have proved 
in the writer’s hands very unsatisfactory and some of no 
use at all. 

The formulas given below have been used for over 
two years. In recommending them, every attention is 
given to the details that are necessary in order by their 
use to do the work. The solutions are simple and eas- 
ily made and the chemicals such as are usually found in 
every drug store. 

In order to do nice work it is absolutely necessary 
that the glass to be silvered should be perfectly clean. 
This being the case, consider first the preparation of the 
glass. Mirror glass is very soft and there is great dan- 
ger of scratching. Use no alkalies in cleaning and do 


not attempt to scratch the old plate off but drop the mir- 
-ror into a vessel containing some tumeric nitric acid 
and allow it to remain unti] the silvering is loose; then 
rinse the glass thoroughly and clean with prepared 
chalk, using a clean cloth or Japanesepaper. Do notal- 
low the fingers to touch the side which is to be silvered 
after cleaning and do not use the breath in cleaning. 
Then cover the glass with alcohol and allow it to stand 
until ready to plate. When the solutions are ready, re- 
move the glass from the alcohol, place it in a suitable 
sized dish of porcelain or glass, with the side that is to 
be silvered uppermost. Then mix equal parts of No. 1 
and No. 2, and pour gently over the glass until it is 
covered. Allow it to remain in this solution for an hour; 
then pour off the solution and remove the glass, being 
careful not to touch the plated surface ; rinse thoroughly 
with water and dip quickly into a mixture of solution 
No. 3 1 part; and water 16 parts. 

Remove quickly and rinse thoroughly by dipping it in 
water repeatedly. All parts of the glass will be cov- 
ered with the silver, but the face can be easily cleaned 
by means of a soft cloth ; after this is done, examine the 
plate, and, if it is perfect, cover the silvering with a coat- 
ing of asphaltum varnish by pouring a little on same and 
then flowing it over the surface in the same manner that 
‘photograph negatives are varnished. When dry, the 
glass can be cleaned thoroughly and the mirror is done. 
With care in cleaning the glass and preparing solutions, 
failure is impossible. The solutions used and men- 
tioned above are made as follows: 

SoLUTION No. 1. 

Cryst. nitrate silver, ‘ ‘ k . 200 grains. 
Distilled water, — : : é ; 6 Oz. x 
Aqua ammonia, . ; ; at Get Sy 

Place the silver in a pint (clean) bottle, add water and 
dissolve. Then add ammonia gradually until the brown 


precipitate at first thrown down is just dissolved, no 
more. Be very careful in adding ammonia so as not to 
add too much; but in order to guard against an ex- 
cess of ammonia, add a crystal of nitrate of silver and 
shake; if the solution becomes turbid it is all right; but 
if it clears up, more silver should be added until it re- 
mains permanently turbid. Then filter solution through 
a double paper filter, pouring back until it comes through 
clear ; add distilled water through filter tomake 12 oz.; 
place in clean bottle and add 1 oz. aleohol. Shake thor- 
oughly and cork, place in cool dark place for 5 or 6 


Nitrate silver, : : 4 , 16 grains. 
Rochelle salts, . : ; 4 : 12 grains. 
Distilled water, ; : ‘ ‘ 12 oz. 
Alcohol, ; 5 i , j 1 oz. 

Place the salts and 8 oz. water in a clean porcelain or 
porcelain lined evaporating dish, place over heat and 
raise to gentle boil. When boiling add the silver pre- 
viously dissolved in 1 oz. distilled water and stir with 
clean glass rod. Continue to boil gently until solution, 
which usually turns brown then black, turns gray; then 
continue to boil for a minute or two more; add _ balance 
of water and filter through paper; make up to 12 ounces 
with distilled water and add alcohol. Place in clean 
bottle, cork tightly and keep for five or six hours in cool 
dark place. 


Cyanide mercury, v é % ; 16 grains. 
Cyanide potash, : : ! : 8 grains. 

Water, ; : : . : 2) hemes 
Mix. Fiat sol., ; fronts 
This solution is used only for amalgamating purposes 
and is very poisonous. It has no part in silvering but 
by displacing a certain portion of the silver with mer- 
cury forms an amalgam that is lighter and more adher- 
ent to glass then the silver itself. This it does instantly 

1895 , THE MICROSCOPE 123 

and if not quickly dipped and as quickly rinsed may ruin 
the plate. With ordinary ¢are there is no danger of 
this. When the glass is removed from aicohol to plate 
do not dry it or allow to become dry, but cover imme- 
diately with the wax solutions. Do not allow the solu- 
tions to stand after mixing but use immediately. 

While the solutions recommended will work equally 
as satisfactory on larger glass, the process of applying 
them must be modified. 

Do Flies Have Teeth ? 


If any one had asked me this question two weeks ago, 
I should have replied, “TI believe not.” Last week, being 
in Minneapolis, I spent all my spare time in the company 
of Messrs. H. G. Carter and John Walker, two enthusias- 
tic amatuer microscopists. There I saw several new con- 
trivances pertaining to microscopic technique that inter- 
ested me very much. Mr. Carter has a clever way of 
making indestructible cell rings, also a very fine trans- 
parent amber cement, which is elastic, hence very suit- 
able for ringing mounts. He has recently devised a 
novel way of preparing the tongues of flies for mounting 
and an ingenious little instrument by which they are 
manipulated in the preparation. Mr. Walker has de- 
vised an animalcule trap or catcher, which is very sim- 
ple and effective and can be carried in the coat pocket. 

These gentlemen have been giving special study to the 
mouth parts of flies and they exhibited several slides of 
this kind which showed very plainly the teeth, of which 
there are three rows, the back row being the longer and 
the front row the shorter. Each tooth is “serrated ” or 
notched out on the point with a V shaped notch. 

To see the teeth, take a clear mount of the tongue of a 


blowfly and examine carefully at the base of the spiral 
tubes, and between them will be found the teeth; focus 
on the front one, then on the middle one, and lastly on 
the back or lower one. This will givea good idea of the 
several rows, as well as the individual teeth. In conclu- 
sion I will now say, in answer to the query: Do flies 
have teeth ?—‘ Yes, I think they have.”’ 

Disinfecting with Sulphate of Copper. 


The best agent for disinfection of excrements and of 
the contents of cesspools is sulphate of copper, especially 
if care has been taken to reinforce its activity by means 
- of a quantity of sulphuric acid equal to 10 per cent of 
the excrements. Under these conditions the following 
results are obtained : 

1. For normal stools, putrefied or not, mixed with urine 
and at an average temperature of 16°C., disinfection is ob- 
tained in twenty-four hours, if a proportion of sulphate 
of copper equal to 6 grams for 1000 ¢.c., or 6 kilo- 
grams per cubic meter is used. 

2. For disinfection of typhoid stools and the destruc- 
tion of Elberth bacillus, the proportion of sulphate of 
copper is no more, in the same conditions of tempera- 
ture, than 5 grams for 1000 c¢.c., or 5 kilograms by 
cubic meter of excrements. 

3. Three grams, 50 centigrams, only of the same disin- 
fectant are sufficient to neutralize 1000 c.c. of matters 
containing cholera bacillus. 

In the two last cases, disinfection is obtained after a 
twelve hours’ contact of the matter with the antiseptic. 
—Translated by RENE SAMSON. | 

Catalogues of W. & H. Seibert are supplied by Fr. J. Em- 
merich, Sr., No. 74 Murray St., New York, N. Y. O.E,S. 


j Bis lees su het Og ORS as ae 

New Series, 1893. 

For Naturalists, Phystctans, and Druggists, and Designed to Populartze 

Published monthly. Price $1.00 per annum. Subscriptions should end 
with the year. The old sertes, conststing of 12 volumes (1881-1892), ended 
with December, 1892. Sets of the old sertes cannot he furnished. All 
correspondence, exchanges, and books for notice should be addressed to the 
Microscopical Publishing Co., Washington, D. C., U. S. A. 



Dr. Thomas Taylor has, since 1871, been at the head of the 
Division of Microscopy of the Agricultural Department. Grad- 
ually divisions engaged in other work have managed to control 
their own details, have acquired their own microscopical outfits, 
and left little for Dr. Taylor to do. The money available for 
his use has diminished, the amount last year being $7.500. 
Secretary Morton not being forced by political sympathy with 
Dr. Taylor to further maintain his work has felt free to do what 
he regarded as for the general good, and says in explanation 
that during the past year five other divisions have done more 
microscopical work than this, which is doubtless true. We feel 
sorry to see Dr. Taylor’s work broken up but cannot blame 
anyone for the occurrence. 

This is one of the many indications that microscopy as such 
is not to survive permanently. The use of the microscope like 
that of other machines is to become subordinate It is a means 
and not anend. Likewise microscopical societies will succumb 
before the biological, medical, and other societies whose mem- 
bers use the instrument as a means to certain ends. Strictly 
microscopical periodicals will likewise die out. This is why for 
six years past we have allied the JournaL with biology and 
medicine as being two of the principal fields in which the ap- 
paratus may be profitably employed. 




Projection and Measurement.—The microscope may be 
used as a mazic lantern for projecting pictures upon the wall. 
To accomplish this, place a sheet upon the wall to receive the 
picture. Put the microscope in a horizontal position. A lamp 
like the Acme with shade and bull’s-eve will best effect the ob- 
ject; in the absenc:? of such a lamp, smoke the inside of a lamp 
chimney and make a small vertical slit to permit the passage of 
a pencil of light. A bull’s-eye should be interposed’ between 
the scope and the lamp with this blackened chimney. 

Darken the room and objects may thus be easily projected 
upon this suspended sheet. Some objects will be much more 
brilliant than others. 

A little practice will determine the best dist:nce for placing 
the microscope from the sheet. In a similar manner, as stated 
in Carpenter’s Seventh Edition by Dallinger, “the simplest 
mode of measuring minute objects is to project the magnified 
image of the object, then carefully trace an outline of the image 
and without disturbing any of the arrangements, remove the 
object from the stage and replace it with a stage-micrometer. 

Trace now the projected image of this upon the same paper, 
and the means are at once before us for making a comparison 
between the object and a known scale both being magnified to 
the same extent.” The same result may be more conveniently 
effected by projecting the image of the object and micrometer 
scale upon the ground glass plate of a photographic camera. 
Any sort of camera will sufiice if left tight. 

This latter method is described on page 233 of Carpenter and 
is there said “to make the most accurate measurement of which 
the microscope is capable.” 

The same results and the same projection of images may be 
produced with the camera-lucida. 

Mounting Diatoms.—Upon a clean cover-glass, previously 
placed upon a bronze or iron table, are dropped from a pipette 
several drops of distilled water. Then from the bottle in which 


the diatoms are preserved in spirit, is removed a small quantity 
of the fluid, with the same pipette. Of this fluid one drop is 
let fall into the distilled water on the cover-glass. Owing to 
the alcoholic fluid falling into water, the diatoms are scattered 
all over the cover glass. The metal table is then gently heated, 
so that the water evaporates very slowly and without ebullition. 
The rest of the manipulation is performed in the usual manner. 

Adulteration of Flour.—Wheat flour may be examined by 
adding a little water and thena few drops of a solution of potash 
(one part of liquor potasse to three of water). Granules of 
potato starch are swelled by this means to three or four times 
their natural size, while those of wheat starch are scarcely af- 
fected. Comparisons of different kinds of starch under the mi- 
croscope would guide in many other investigations. 

Seeds.—The markings or reticulations on various kinds of 
seed render them frequent objects for observation, with the mi- 

Many of them are especially attractive when viewed with a 
binocuJar microscope. Adulterations may be detected as well 
as imperfect seeds in a sample—a subject of much importance 
to a practical farmer. 


Notrse.— Dr. S. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. V., kindly consents to receive ald sorts of ques- 
tions relating to microscopy, whether asked by professionals or amateurs. Persons of ak 
grades of experience, from the beginner upward, are welcome to the benefits of this depar* 
ment. The questions are numbered for future reference. 


What procedure is necessary to become a member of the Royal Mi- 
croscopical Society ?—J. E. H. 

Send your application to Mr. W. H. Brown, Assistant Secre- 
tary, Royal Microscopical Society, No. 20 Hanover Square, W , 
London, England. You must send recommendations on per- 
sonal acquaintance, from two fellows of the Society. Names of 
American fellows can mostly be found in the list of members 
of the American Microscopical Society, marked F. R. M. S., in 
the Proceedings. Regular dues are £2 238., of which foreign 
fellows (as here) pay three-fourths. 


Contents for August, 1895. 
Some Details as to Tolles’ 1-75th Objective. Cutter. (With frontispiece.) 225 

Microscopical Technique Applied to Histology.—X. Boneval._............ 233 
On a New Method of Studying Cell Motion. Leonard... 240 
EDITORIAL.—Proceedings 0° the A. M.S., 1894-95, Part IT oo. 243 
Legal Microscopy... ..0......22....... Ue a 243 
A New Periodical. 6s. a eee 244 
Personal Explanation: 2° So ee 244 
MicroscopicAL APPARATUS.—Home-Made Graduated Percolating 
Bottle cic oe ee ee ee 245 
A Large Microscope, Constructed Especially for Bacteriological 
Stadiess:( 0.2236 hcg ie We el ee 246 
MICROSCOPICAL MANIPULATION. —Cell Culture of Fungi te ee 247 
Beauties in'Sponges. 0) 247 
BACTERIOLOGY.—Utility. of Microbes...) «0.0 Se ee 247 
Bacteriological, Work in Chicago...“ (0.0 32). ee 248 
MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETIES.—San Francisco... cece leocte- ces teeseceee 250 
Lincoln Clab . ek a ee 251 
bi aed ae) ae oR Rec i a sis} pallneb doe ee oe 251 
Caleutta, India. 3° jo ee 253 
LETTERS TO THE EpITor. —Prof. 0. P. Phillips’. ...0.4> Sa eee 255 
Dr. S.-M. Mosgrove 205 0 a re 255 
NEW PUBLICATIONS.—The Monthly Illustrator. 0... 0 255 
The July Monist 0 a ye 256 
MICROSCOPICAL Notes.—Which Book 256 


Contents for Angust, 1895. 

Objects Seen Under the Microscope. XXV.—Scales of Fishes (Illus- 

trated): 3 5c Pie eS 8 A te 115 
Microscopical Charac teristics of Oatmeal. Deros. ce eee. 118 
Penetration of Microbes into the Blood. 3.05 fo) ee 
Silvering ‘Mirrors.’ Homo.) 30) 120 
Do*Flies’ Have, Teeth?” Braye ¢. io). s) os 123 
Disinfecting with Sulphate of Copper. V incent <<. ai ene ee 124 
EpITORTAL.—Dr. Thomas ‘Taylor... 3. ee 125 


Projection. and: Measurement...) 3200.0. 2 Se 126 

Mounting Distoms)!)- 3 ed es ee ee 126 

Adulteration of Flour),0 00." Vee 2S Ni og cae 127 

Seeds (20). fo i ee 127 

Membership in’R. M. 8.00003. oe 127 

FOR SALE. —Crouch Intermediate binocular. circular glass stage, me- 
chanical centering on substage, four eye pieces, achromatic condenser polariz- 
ing attachment, stops for dark ground and oblique illumination, parabaloid, 
two solid eye pieces made by Spencer. All in perfect order and have been 
nsed very little. $100. GEO. A. BATES, Auburndale, Mass. 

FOR SALE.—Barbadoes Earth, containing many rare forms of Radiolaria. 
Send 40 cents, stamps, for inch cube of this material to 
S. S. DAY, 23 Olyphant St., Morristown, N. J. 

ay Nye es 




Objects Seen Under the Microscope. 

This little insect, which is so troublesome on a sum- 
mer’s evening, is very beautiful when seen under the 
microscope. It should be studied with both low and 
high powers, also with reflected and transmitted light. 

It belongs to the class Diptera, family Culicide. It 
has a long slender abdomen, narrow wings; a long, slen- 

eS Se PP aR = 
IRE SSSSe = zs fas ey xo 


der, but firm labium or proboscis; and, in the male, a 
plumed antenne. 

There are several insects that resemble the mosquito 
which belong to the midges; one of these comes in the 
early spring. It has a beautiful plumed antenna, but it 
can easily be distinguished from the male mosquito by 
examining the antenne. In the true mosquito the an- 
tenna has fourteen joints and these joints are surrounded 
by a whorl of long hairs (fig. 1), while in the midge the 


hairs are distributed the whole length of the antenne . 

(fig. 2). The antenna of the female mosquito is long and 
clender, having fourteen joints and covered with curved 
hairs so short that it requires a glass to see them (fig. 3). 

The wings are of much interest; notice the arrange- 
ment of the veins; it is by this arrangement that many 
insects are classified. One of the most marked peculiar- 
ities of the mosquito is the fringe of hairs around the 
outer edge of the wing, also the scales along the upper 

edge of this fringe and on the veins (fig. 4). Witha ~ 

magnification of 150 diameters examine the wing by 
transmitted light; notice the scales, long and slender, 
and with a ribbed surface. These ribs extend beyond 
the surface at the larger end, forming little points (fig. 5). 

Let us place the head of a female in a compressorium 
and examine it. It consists of a hemisphere nearly cov- 
ered by twocompoundeyes. These, with reflected light, 
look hke black velvet globes set with rows of gold but- 
tons. On the space between them are placed the two 
antenne. Between these projects the labium, and at its 
base the two palpi of three joints each (fig. 6). The 
labium of the male is provided with an instrument for ex- 
tracting the sweets from flowers on which he feeds. He 
never bites. But with the female it is different. It is 
she who thirsts for blood and her labium is provided 
with the surgical instruments for obtaining it. 

Now, by a gradual pressure bring the plates of the 
compressorium closely together and use a high power 
and transmitted light. We see that the nut-like tip of 
the labium expands into two concave leaves (fig. 7 b). 
The outside of these leaves are covered with minute 
papille. This is probably a very sensitive organ of 
touch. The whole length of the labium is covered with 
scales and with curved hairs. From a groove along the 
upper side of the labium should come several filaments 
(but it is difficult to obtain the desired result on account 


of the minuteness and delicacy of the parts). These, we 
are told, consist of two mandibles, which are narrow 
blades with a stronger back like a scythe; their tip is 
brought to a most acute point and the edge in immediate 
proximity to this is cut into about nine teeth pointing 
backward; the rest is smooth (fig. 2, n). Next come two 
maxille or lower jaws, having filaments as long as the 
former but still more delicate, consisting of simple cut- 
ting lancets with a back and keen blade (fig. 7, m). Be- 
sides these there is the tongue, consisting of a central 
rod which is distinctly tubular with a thin blade on each 
side, fine edged and drawn to an acute point (fig. 7, t). 
There is also the labrum or upper lip. This is an im- 
perfect tube which serves as a sheath for the tongue 
(fig. 7,0). The labium is about one-sixth of an inch in 
length. The insect inserts the lancets into the fiesh to 
their full length, the labium being folded back, then 
through a tube inthe tongue it is supposed that a poi- 
sonous fluid is injected into the wound to dilute the blood 
and that the blood is then sucked up through this same 

The life history of this insect is interesting. When 
the female is about to deposit her eggs she selevts some 
floating stick or straw and places her front legs upon it; 
she then allows the middle pair to rest upon the surface 
of the water and crosses the hind pair over them to look 
like the letter X. She then deposits a spindle-shaped 
egg in an upright position in the angle of the X, and an- 
other by the side of it, gluing them together with a 
cement which is not affected by water. This is con- 
tinued until a mass much the shape of our life boat is 
formed. In a few days the larve hatch and escape 
from the lower end into the water. The larve (fig. 8) 
are the well-known “wigglers,” having a long segmented 
abdomen, the next to the last joint of which bears a 
breathing tube. The insect, when at rest, hangs head 


downward with this tube resting on the surface of the 
water, held in position by many plate-like lobes which 
are at the end of the tube. 

This larve grows rapidly, and, after changing its skin 
several times, comes to the pupa state (fig. 9). The 
change here is complete. The breathing tubes are now 
in the thorax and at the extremity of the body is a pair 
of leaf-like bodies with which it swims. This state lasts 
only a few days when the pupa skin slits down the back 
and the mosquito comes forth, stands a few moments on 
the old skin until its wings are dry; then flies away. The 
larve of the mosquito are beneficial as scavengers, for 
they feed on decaying matter in water. 

Structure of our Hemlock Barks.* 

Only five species of the genus Tsuga are known; two 
of these belong to Eastern Asia, one, T'suga Canadensis, 
Carriere, is the common hemlock spruce of the Hastern 
United States ; and the other two, TV'suga Mertensiana, 
Carriere, and Tsuga Pattoniana, Brewer and Watson, are 
natives of the Pacific Coast of North America. All are 
trees of large size and graceful habit, and the first four 
are very closely allied, being so similar in appearance 
that they are with difficulty distinguished, while the fifth, 
Tsuga Pattoniana, is somewhat aberrant in its charac- 

ter, approaching more closely the pines and spruces in- 

its structure. 

Tsuga Canadensis is an abundant species in many por- 
tions of the Eastern United States and Canada, ranging 
in its habitat from Nova Scotia to Delaware on the east, 
extending southward along the Alleghanies to Alabama, 
and westward along the northern ranges of States and 

*For this article and the illustrations we are indebted to the kindness of 
Mr. H. Trimble, Editor of the American Journal of Pharmacy. 

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the Canadian border to Minnesota. Itis easily distin- 
guished from the coniferous trees with which it is asso- 
ciated, by its small cones, one-half or two-thirds of an 
inch long, pendulous at the ends of the branches; by the 
slender, spreading branchlets which have crowded ap- 
parently two-ranked leaves along their sides; and by 
the distinctly petiolate, flattened, linear, denticulate 
leaves, which are green above and glaucous beneath, and 
provided with a single resin duct on their dorsal surface. 
Its trunk is extensively employed for lumber and its 
bark for tanning purposes. Its pitch, also, which 1s ex- 
tracted from the old bark by boiling, is employed in 
medicine for the same purpose as Burgundy pitch. 
Tsuga Mertensiana occurs on the Pacific Coast from the 
vicinity of San Francisco northward to Alaska. While 
very similar in appearance to our Eastern species, it is, 
when fully developed, a tree of much larger size, some- 
times attaining a height of 200 feet. It is also straighter- 
grained, and has a redder and usually thicker bark; but 
the most distinctive difference, perhaps, is in the fruits 
and seeds, the scales of the cones being more elongated 
and the wings of the seeds being relatively longer and 
straighter. The wood and bark, like those of our Has- 
tern species, are used for lumber and tanning purposes, 
respectively, but whether or not any commercial use is 
made of the pitch certainly obtainable from the bark, the 
writer is not informed. 

The barks of these two species are the only ones the 
writer has examined microscopically. The barks show, 
as might have been expected, a great similarlty in strue- 
ture, though there appear to be some characters which 
we may rely on for distinguishing them. In both, cork 
formation begins early, and in all cases where the bark 
has been taken from stems more than a few inches in 
diameter, the secondary cork-formations have invaded 
the inner layer of the bark, and bands of cork will be ob- 


served crossing at various angles the medullary rays. 

The cork in both is colored a deep purple, and this col- 

oring matter is bleached out only with difficulty, even 

by Labarraque’s solution. This coloring matter appears 

to differ in composition from the reddish-brown color- 


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ing matter found in the tissues between the bands of 
cork, for not only is the color a different shade of red, 
but it bleaches more readily. Tests for tannin show that 
in both species, also, the white or colorless younger por- 
tions of the bark contain little of it, while the older por- 
tions, particularly the dead sieve and parenchyma tis- 
sues between the bands of secondary cork, are exceed- 
ingly rich in it. Stone cells of large size and often quite 
irregular shape occur, either isolated or clustered in 
groups of several or many, throughout all except the 


youngest portions of the inner bark. They are quite 
numerous, but are distributed without apparent order. 
They are marked with numerous very fine pore-canals, 
and very numerous and fine concentriclines. Abundance 
of starch was found in the bark of Tsuga Canadensis. 
The medullary ray cells and the tangential rows of large 

—— ee 



iG. 2. 

parenchyma cells, which occur at frequent and regular 
intervals in the inner bark, were found to be especially 
rich in it; but, strange to say, no starch was observable 
in the bark of Tsugu Mertensiana, although there were 
a similar structure and arrangement of medullary ray- 
cells and there were the tangential rows of large paren- 
chyma cells, the same as in the other species. The very 


close structural resemblance of the barks, and the very 
intimate relationship of the two species in habit as well 
as in structure, suggest that the presence of starchin the 
one and its absence in the other was only a seasonal dif- 
ference. Brit this is a point which requires further in- 
vestigation. The medullary rays in both barks are com- 
posed of single rows of cells, and these are radially elon- 
gated and of large size as compared with those of 
adjacent tissues; but those of Tsuga Mertensiana are, 
on the average, larger, and the rays in this species, as 
seen in a longitudinal-tangential section are composed, 
on the average, of a larger number of cells. These dif- 
ferences in the medullary rays are perhaps the most cun- 
stant ones between the two barks. 

Both barks contain abundance of crystals of oxalate of 
calcium. These are mostly in the form of long prisms, 
and are contained in rows of elongated cells of narrow 
diameter, which traverse the bark in the direction of its 
length. The crystals are frequently associated in the 
containing cells with resinous and coloring matters. In 
form and arrangement they do not differ in the two 
barks, but appear to be rather more abundant in the Pa- 
cific Coast species. 

QOleo-resin cells appear to be about equally abundant 
in the two species. Those that do not also contain crys- 
tals are isolated or in rows of two or three, and the cells 
are shorter and broader than the crystal cells, though 
they are not usually so large as the parenchyma cells 
with which they are associated. They are scattered 
without apparent order through the inner bark. Besides 
the oleo-resin cells proper, just described, oleo-resin oc- 
curs in many cells not especially devoted to secretions. 
This is particularly true of the cells in the older portions 
of the bark. 


Fig. 1.—Small portion of cross-section of bark of Tsuga Canadensis, mag- 
nified about 50 diameters. c, c, c, secondary cork formation ; a, dead phloem 

ste? Ae 

ft fc 

tissues rich in coloring, resin and tannic matters; s, s, stone cells; m, m, 
medullary rays ; er, crystal cell ; ca, cambium. 

Fig. 2.—Small portion of longitudinal-tangential section of the inner 
bark of Tsuga Canadensis, magnified about 75 diameters. 4, a, meduliary 
rays, the cells containing much starch ; b, b, stone cells ; c, row of cells con- 
taining crystals of calcium oxalate ; s, cell containing oleo-resinous secretion. 

Fig. 3.—A few of the crystals magnified 230 diameters. 

Fig. 4.—Small portion of cross-section of bark of Tsuga Mertensiana, mag- 
nified about 50 diameters. , ¢, c, bands of secondary cork ; a, intervening 
dead tissues composed of sieve and parenchymatous elements, and like the 
other species, rich in tannic, resinous and coloring matters ; s, 8, groups of 
stone cells ; m, m, relatively large, fusiform medullary-ray cells ; b, band of 
large parenchymatous cells ; cr, crystal cell ; ca, cambium cells. 

Fig. 5.—Small portion of longitudinal-tangential section of bark of Tsuga 
Mertensiana, magnified about 75 diameters. s, cluster of stone cells; er, 
crystals of calcium oxalate ; m, m, medullary rays ; 7, oleo-resin cell. 

A Comparison of American and Foreign Microscopes. 
By C. H. EVANS, M. D., 

I have used the microscope for 25 years, have had 
American and Foreign, (French, English and German). 
The cheap French instruments are a delusionand a fraud. 
The stands made by Bausch and Lomb are very good and 
so are Zentmayer’s. Some years ago I bought a Bullock’s 
Professional but did not like it for high power work. 
The stage rotation was not as true and steady as I ex- 
pected to find, and the fine adjustment of all the Amer- 
ican stands moves too rapidly for high powers. I saw the 
advertisementin the M1IcRoscoPIcAL JOURNAL of W. Wat- 
son & Sons, London, with a discription of their Van 
Heurich stand and was satisfied that if it was what was 
claimed for it, it was the best stand in the market at any 
price. Sol ordered one. It cost me $135 with a 40 per 
cent duty added. I have been using it about six months 
and I can say after an extended trial that I find it as 
near perfection as it is possible to get. It is really a 
beautiful stand and [ believe is cheap atthe price. I 
am a believer in protection tof American industries and 



home manufacture but yet I believe in getting the best 
in everything microscopical and I can say that Watson’s 
stand (the Van Heurich pattern) is the finest piece of 
workmanship both in design and finish that I have ever 
seen or used and I do not hesitate to recommend it for 
any one that can pay the price. 

I have three stands and often I use all three one after 
another to save time in changing objectives. My mi- 
croscopical outfit will invoice over eight hundred dollars 



How to Examine Objects with the Microscope.— 
Many amateurs defeat their own purposes by attempting to ex- 
amine too much of a substance at one time. Thin sections and 
small portions of objects to be examined should be placed un- 
der the microscope. The microscope, as the name implies, is-an 
instrument for the examination of small things. Generally a 
very small particle of the substance to be viewed willanswer far 
better than a large amount. A particle as big as a pin’s head 
is usually sufficient. In examining biood such a quantity is a 
plenty; but a drop as big as indicated is too large until it is 
spread out. Place the drop to the left of the center of a glass 
slip; take another slip with a true edge; with the latter press 
firmly and draw to the right so that but a thin film is left on 
the first slip of glass, cover immediately with a thin glass and 
examine with a fifth or quarter objective and the corpuscles 
will be nicely displayed. In the case of starch or spicules use 
buta small drop and examine under a cover and much more 
will be seen and made more beautiful than if a large or thick 
mass were attempted to be examined. 

So with butter, a drop as above mentioned placed on a slide, 
covered and pressed with the finger into a film, will under a 
quarter objective instantly show the natural crystals. The rule 
here stated is a good one to become accustomed to and exper- 

140 THE MICROSCOPE. ~ Sept. 

ience will demonstrate that too little will be more satisfactory 
than too much. 

Oscillatoria.—These plants are very beautiful objects for the 
microscope. They are frequently found free in water. Often 
they form a thick green scum on the surface of stagnant water 
and this scum when gathered will form a thick mat. Having 
a piece of this mat to examine, with the forceps pinch off a 
piece as big as a pin’s head; transfer to a glass slip; cover with 
a drop of water tease out with needles, cover and examine and 
a beautiful object will be presented. They are composed of fine 
microscopic threads containing a blue-green endochrome which 
is sometimes replaced with red or violet. Many genera are 
enclosed in a hyalene gelatinous sheath. ‘Their motions, 
whence their name are derived, is interestirg. 

Needle Holders. There is nothing nicer for dissecting 
needles that the croch: t needle holders which may be procured 
from any store that deals in fancy goods. Common needles of 
any suitable size may be inserted and when the needles are 
broken or useless, new ones nay be quickly inserted. These 
holders are inexpensive and will last a life time, while needles 
permanently mounted in handles when broken render the en- 
tire tool useless. 

eee ae ANSWERED, 

Nots.—Dr. S. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. V., kindly consents to receive all sorts of ques- 
tions relating to microscopy, whether asked by p) ofessionals or amateurs. Persons of ati 
€ wes of experience, from the beginner upward, are welcome to the benefits of this depar*- 
ment. The questions are nunibered for juture 7 efer ence. 



230. What are the best books with which to identify microscopic 
forms which are found in aquaria and ponds ? 

The best books are Kent’s Manual of the Infusoria and Hud- 
son’s Rotifera or Wheel-Animalcules. 

251. Where can I get information as to the best methods for press- 

ing and mounting plant specimens and the best sort of a show case for 
exhibiting them ?—L. Stevenson. 

Gray’s Lessons and Manual of Botany. Encyclopedic Brit- 
anniac—article: Herbarium. Botanical Gazette, Vol. XI, No. 
(June 6, 1886), Herbarium number. 

Allcontain directions for preparing plant specimens. The 
specimens, mounted on cardboard, are usually kept in tight 
drawers or on shelves tightly inclosed to keep out dust and 

~ tk Se 



New Series, 1893. 

For Naturalists, Phystctans, and Druggists, and Designed to Popularize 

Published monthly. Price $1.00 per annum. Subscriptions should end 
with the year. The old series, consisting of 12 volumes (1881-1892), ended 
with December, 1892. Sets of the old sertes cannot be furnished. All 
correspondence, exchanges, ard books for notice should be addressed to the 
Microscopical Publishing Co., Washington, D. C., U.S. A. 


ee ner eer ee a ee 
—_— —_—__ = a a a ¢ - 


Chiero’s Language of the Hand. A complete practical work on 
the sciences of chieromancy and cheirognomy, containing the system, 
rules and experience of Chiero the Palmist. The Transatlantic Pub- 
lishing Co., London and New York. 

This is an exhaustive and admirably written treatise on the 
science of Palmistry. It not only contains a vomplete exposi- 
tion of this branch of psychological study for the use of the 
student, but is a valuable work for every thoughtful investiga- 
tor on the lines of natural physical science. As the author 
truly says: 

The greatest truth may lie in smallest things, 
The greatest good in what we most despise, 

The greatest light may break from darkest skies, 
The greatest chord from e’en the weakest strings. 

Forty full-page plates fully illustrate the subject treated, in 
addition to over 200 engravings of lines, mounts, marks, ete. 
Among the former are reproductions of the hands of a number 
of world-celebrated personages, which make an interesting com- 
parative study, including those of Sarah Bernhardt, Mark Twain, 
“ Bob” Ingersoll, Mrs. Annie Besant, Sir John Lubbock, and 
many others. 

The book is the result of exhaustive study and research on 
the part of the author in all parts of the world, and is probably 
the most elaborately written work on the subject yet published. 


he L : 


It carries to the reader the intense’ earnestness and belief 
with which the author is evidently inspired. 

Systematic Study of the Crganic Coloring Matters by Drs. G. 
Schultz and P. Julius, translated and edited by A. G. Green, F. 
I. C., F.C. 8. London: Macmillan & Co. $5.00. 

This is a valuable work primarily intended for the use of 
those interested in the coal-tar color industry and the users of 
its products. Here are set forth in detail all the various bod- 
ies: hydro-carbons, phenols, bases, etc., contained in coal-tar, 
together with the intermediate products and coloring matters. 
Under the latter heading will be found a series of admirably ar- 
ranged tables containing all the information that can possibly 
be required for the use of the dyer. The commercial name of 
the product is set forth together with the scientific name, em- 
pirical formula, constitutional formula, method of preparation, 
year of discovery, discoverer, patents, literature, its - behav- 
iour with reagents, shade and dyeing properties and method of 
employment. To the user of coloring matters and to the chem- 
ist the work is of great value. 

Paul and Virginia—Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, translated 
with a biographical and critical introduction by Melville B. 
Anderson. A. L. McClurg & Co., 117-121 Wabash Avenue, 
Chicago, Ill. $1.00. 

In this story Saint Pierre uses the beauties of nature as seen 
in tropical seashore and cliffs as a background for a picture of 
the moral beauty of a little community. The portrayal of hu- 
man nature and manners is no whit less faithful and vivid 
than the unrivalled picture of tropical landscape. The devel- 
opment of the two principal characters from childhood to man- 
hood and womanhood is drawn with a fidelity that makes ad- 
miration increase with study. This book is worthy to be in- 
cluded among our classics. It has been translated many times 
but never with so much accuracy and such beauty of language 
as by Prof. M. B. Anderson of Stanford University. The book 
contains, besides the story, a fine biography of Saint Pierre and 
many critical notes, and is well adapted for use in schools. 
Prof. Anderson has also translated Hugo’s “ Shakespeare,” 
“George Sand,” ‘‘ Madam de Sevigne,” “ Thiers,” and others. 



Audubon Sugar School,—The fourth annual session of the 
Audubon Sugar School closed on Saturday, Juae 29th. Since 
the opening of the school in October, 1891, over sixty students 
have matriculated, coming from Cuba, Porto Rico, Spain, U.S. 
Colombia (South America), St. Croix, Hawaiian Islands, and 
the States of California, Kansas, Nebraska, Illinois, Tennessee,, 
Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana. Over one-half of the above 
number have been from Louisiana. 

This school has been established and is being prosecuted 
solely with the view of benefitting the sugar industry of 
Louisiana. It, therefore, appeals to the sugar planters of this 
state for their earnest sympathy and support. 

Upon the grounds are conducted a large number of experi- 
ments in sugar cane (covering over 100 in different kinds of 
fertilizers, 50 or more in physiological tests, 30 plats of varieties 
of cane, including several promising varieties of seedlings and 
humerous experiments in different modes of cultivation, 
drainage and irrigation). Besides sugar cane, numerous ex- 
periments will be found in corn, sorghum, teosinte, grasses, 
clovers, alfalfa, and other forage crops, ramie, jutes and hemp 
garden and fruit crops. 

There are three well equipped laboratories: 

1. Agricultural, where special investigations of soils (physi- 
cally and chemically), fertilizers, feed stuffs, coals, bone-black, 
etc., are made. Mr. J. L. Beeson, a Ph. D., of Johns Hopkins 
University, has charge of this laboratory. 

2. Organic and Sugar Laboratory, where the physiological 
and organic properties of the sugar cane and kindred plants 
are studied, and where sugar chemistry in all of its branches is 
carefully taught. Mr. L. W. Wilkinson, M.S., a graduate of 
the University of Heidelberg, directs the work in this labora- 

3. Station Laboratory, where analyses of all kinds are made 
for the public good. Mr. R. L. Bivins, M.,38., a graduate of the 
Alabama Polytechnic Institute. has charge of this laboratory. 

In the Department of Mechanical Engineering there is, be- 
sides a fully-equipped sugar house, a drawing room with every 
facility for excellent work, furnished with handsome drawings 
and illustrations of the various sugar machinery made by the 
leading manufacturers of the world. Mr. R. T. Burwell, M. E., 
of Cornell University, has charge of this department. Wm. C. 
Stubbs is director. 


Contents for September, 1895. 

Objects Seen Under the Microscope. XXVI.—The Mosquito. (Illus- 

| | nen hen MMe eA MRR Mm amer net 129 
Structure of our Hemlock Barks. Bastin. (Illustrated) 0... 132 
A Comparison of American and Foreign Microscopes. Evans....00..000...... 138 

How to Examine Objects with the Microscope... ....... 139 

Oacilbatoria | 50:30 ces al a he ia 140 

Needle Holders. ..................... ohise! deb Sh ca eloee ub sac coats a 140 

Books to Identify Microscopic Forms... ooo... cece ececeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeeeeees 140 

In ormation as to Pressing and Mounting Plant Specimens... 140 
omen on GOSSIP 2)00004) 0.02 ae ee 143 


Contents for September 1895. 

Preparations for Urinary Examination (With Frontispiece.) 20000000... 257 
Microscopical Technique Applied to Histology.—XI. Boneval _.... _...... 261 
The Use of Filtered Water in Microscopic Manipulation. Edwards ...... 268 
Diatoms of the Connecticut Shore. —VIII. Terry ooo. eee 269 
The 18th Annual Meeting of the American Microscopical Society ............ 276 
0 5 ss Lp vedas Rinepecncbh dcaogs (alee aot a 285 
NEW PUBLICATIONS. |... 022... pee We ok sanvnd lel cds bean test gee 286 
DUETS TO THE EDITOR. ie. ied fess Lb. cksncciees aden nt pila a 
MEICROSCOPICAL,) , APPARATUS. «25-5. 2.-f:208o5.-1.--c2 20 ae Sh. ee 288 

FOR SALE.—Crouch Intermediate binocular, circular glass stage, me- 
chanical centering on substage, four eye pieces, achromatic condenser polariz- 
ing attachment, stops for dark ground and oblique illumination, parabaloid, 
two solid eye pieces made by Spencer. All in perfect order and have been 
nsed very little. $100. GEO. A. BATES, Auburndale, Mass. 

FOR SALE.—Barbadoes Earth, containing many rare forms of Radiolaria. 
Send 40 cents, stamps, for inch cube of this material to 
S. S. DAY, 23 Olyphant St., Morristown, N. J. 

FOR EXCHANGE.—I will exchange my photograph (carte de visite) 
with all American Diatom-friends. Y.C. RINNBOCK, Wien XI-1, Sim- 
meringer Hauptstr, 14 Austria. 


OCTOBER, 1895. 


Objects Seen Under the Microscope. 
Translated from ‘* Le Micrographe Preparateur.’’ 
There are three kinds of fresh water hydra in our 
country; the green, hydra viridis, which has short arms, 
their greatest length being about one-half that of the 

body ; the brown hydra, hydra fusca, which has long 
arms, they being twenty-five millimetres or more in 
length; and the gray or common hydra, hydra grisea or 
vulgaris (fig. 1, 2), whose arms vary in length. 


To procure this animal, take in a vessel some duck- 
weed from a ditch or pond of stagnant water. Put this 
in a receiving glass and cover the glass with a thick 
paper, leaving a vertical opening on one side. The next 
day, take off the covering and look at the under side of 
the weeds. A large number of white roots will be seen 
extending into the water. Among these the polyps will 
be found. They are quite in their element here. Their 
arms and bodies mingle with the filaments of the roots, 
which, on account of their resemblance, serve as a means 
of protection. The hydra hold themselves rigid, head- 
downward, their arms hanging like a woman’s hair (fig 
1), in such a way as to be easily mistaken for the roots 
of the Lemna. As they prefer the light they are found 
in the most highly lighted part of the receiving jar. 
The floating leaves are also on this side. Our little con- 
trivance is quite useful, for by it one knows in advance 
just where to find the polyp. 

Take the hydra by breaking off the plant to which 
they are attached, being careful not to destroy the arms, 
which are sometimes attached by their free extremities 
to surrounding objects. These arms (fig. 2), are very 
extensible and can be contracted or elongated in the 
same individual. The number of arms is not always six, 
as it is generally believed, but, unless in case of accident, 
it is at least six; it may be more, but usually some mul- 
tiple of six. 

The hydra has a foot terminated by a hollow disk, by 
means of which it can attach itself to bodies in the water 
us well as to aquatic plants. It is found attached to 
stones or stakes standing in the water, to bits of wood, 
or strings and ropes floating in the water, also to fishing 
nets. The foot is solid and is terminated by a hollow 
body which is shaped like the finger of a glove, having 
but a single opening. This cavity acts at the same time 
as a stomach and an intestine. Its opening is at once 


the mouth and the anus of the animal. To this orifice 
the arms or tentacles are attached. These tentacles are 
used to catch the anamalcules on which it preys. They 
are straight but flexible and easily assume a spiral form, 
for they are very retractile. They roll themselves around 
the Daphnies, the Nias, and a host of other little ani- 
mals that live in the water either in a perfect or larval 
state, for there are without doubt thousands of different 
kinds of animalcules which inhabit little ponds. When 
the hydra have swallowed their prey,the body dilates and 
loses its long form (fig. 3), becoming cylindrical or coni- 
cal (fig. 4), at the same time the arms contract, making 
them unrecognisable. 

The hydra hunt like a blind person. They do not 
throw out one of their arms, like a serpent, against the 
animal which passes; but as a spider spins his web so 
they send in all directions into the water some fine 
threads or else fix them, in perfect rigidity, to neighbor- 
ing objects, much like a snare. When an animalcule 
touches one of these free or fixed threads it is immedi- 
ately struck with paralysis and remains adhering to the 
arm which it has touched. The hydra has sufficient time 
to surround its captive and draw it into its mouth. 

This phenomenon, so strange and unexpected, is due to 
the fact that the fresh-water hydra contains some internal 
organs which secrete a special poison. These consist 
of a spiral thread connecting with a sac of poison. 
Every one has heard of the Galeres, that paralyse the 
bathers, in tropical waters, by their tentacles by giving 
them urticaria or nettle-rash of sufficient violence as 
sometimes to cause death. It is on this account that the 
sea anemones have received the name of sea nettles from 
some fishermen. The coralsand madreporaria are more 
or less provided with these poison sacs; some fresh water 
zoophites also have them. 

If the arms of the hydra are vec ce with a low. 


power they are seen to be covered with a series of little 
points. It is these which contain the poison sacs. They 
consist of a depression containing a bladder full of 
liquid haline, in which is plunged a spiral thread ter- 
minated at the base by an enlarged trident, the hooks of 
which turn back (fig. 5,6). At the least touch, the spring 
unrolls itself and the filamant,impregnated with the 
poison, penetrates the body of the imprudent beast, 
which thus loses his power of voluntary movement. The 
three hooks at the end of the sac cannot penetrate into 
the body of the victim since they are at the base of the 
thread and not at its extremity (fig. 5), as has been er- 
roneously stated. Besides, if they penetrated at the 
same time as the needle the animal would Jose them be- 
cause he would not be able to withdraw them. It is 
true there would still be enough left, for his tentacles 
are covered with them. 

The hydra have many curious peculiarities. They 
walk like the Geometrid caterpillar, using their mouth 
as a cupping glass as opposed to that of the foot. They 
take a step upon the head and draw up the foot to the 
neck and so continue. They run as a gymnast, who 
¢urns a somersault upon his hands to come back upon his 
feet again on the other side. They have no eyes- yet 
they seek the light the same as plants and infusoria. 

They probably fee] light as we feel heat. They digest 
with their skin as with their digestive mucous. This is 
proved by turning them inside out as we do the finger of 
a glove. A hydra which has been turned inside out can 
be made to swallow an ordinary hydra or vice versa, and 
two hydra can be joined body tobody soas to make only 
one, armed with a double row of tentacles. They can 
be made to grow again or can be made to grow from a 

I. TO TURN A HYDRA INSIDE OUT. There are several 
ways of doing this. A practical way is to take advant- 

1895 THE MICROSCOPE. "7149 

age of the peculiarity which these animals have of dilat- 
ing themselves when they have swallowed a voluminous 
prey. Give them a bait like those employed by fisher- 
mep. This may be the larve of the diptera, Chironomus 
plumose. The hydra dilates itself toswallow. Profiting 
by this movement, pierce his body from behind toward 
the front with a thread of stiff silver or a steel wire such 
asis sometimesfound in a box with syringes and used to 
clear the injecting needle. The hydra struggles and 
throws itself up suddenly into its normal condition ; but 
try again with patience and at length he will be fatigued. 
Hold with a pair of forceps the upturned part and the 
animal will finally allow himself to be turned. At the 
end of two days, or even less time, the hydra is hungry 
and commences to eat in his new position, but still trying 
to return in part to his former position. At first he di- 
gests with the part of the stomach which he has drawn 
inside, but soon he digests completely by the aid of his 
skin, this having become a digestive mucous. Some- 
times he grows together in the position at first taken 
and continues the live thus, although somewhat short- 
ened in length. Care should be taken in the first few 
days to keep him in position by a needle, which prevents 
him from returning to his normal position by pressing 
from the interior toward the outside to prevent his draw- 
ing himself into himself. 

The hydra can make a new mouth if for any reason 
the old one is destroyed. This happens when the 
estosare is held against itself. It forms cicatricial 
shrinking which finally obliterates the exterior orifice. 
A new mouth then forms underneath the strangulation. 
The anterior part may dilate itself either wholly or in 
part, the result of which is a new mouth, lateral in the 
latter case, terminal in the former. 

II. To UNITE TWO HYDRA INTO ONE. This operation 
can be performed in two different ways, either by unit- 


ing the skin to the skin or the mucous to the mucous. 
But one cannot unite the skin of one to the mucous of 
another, for when a small hydra is swallowed by a large 
one, the larger one soon rejects it, or if it happens that the 
small one is retained the large one finally digests it. 
They cannot be made to grow together. 

To unite the hydra, mucous to mucous, turn as the 
finger of a glove the polype which is to be swallowed, 
and cause it to be taken by the second one by pressing 
it into the digestive cavity with a silver wire. The two 
mucous membranes are then in immediate contact. Ina 
few days the walls of their bodies have grown into one, 
and it is only a single polyp that digests with what was 
the skin of the smaller animal, the only difference 
being that its body is thicker than in the normal state, 
for it is composed of a double row of tissues and that it 
has a double row of tentacles. 

To make them unite skin to skin, the one which is to 
swallow the other should be turned inside out and by 
the aid of a needle pressed one inside the other. 

When one attempts to unite the skin to the membrane 
and holds them (the little one smallowed by the larger 
one) together with a needle inserted transversly ; it hap- 
pens that they do not grow together but the exterior 
hydra allows himself to be torn by the needle the whole 
length of his body, while the smaller one remains whole 
but taking the needle with him. The larger one grows 
together again. 

is divided into two parts lengthwise, in twenty-four 
hours the parts will have healed leaving two polyps,each 
a little smaller around than at first and having one-half 
the number of tentacles of the original. When a hydra 
is cut in two transversely it takes two days for one part 
to form a new foot and the other a new crown of ten- 
tacles. When a hydra is cut into three pieces with the 


scissors in one week there will be three complete hydra. 
When a hydra is cut in two transversly and longitudi- 
nally, at the end of eight days there will be eight hydra. 
Several pieces of the same animal can be made to grow 
together and also pieces of several different animals . 

It is quite difficult to perform the preceding experi. 
ment by uniting the green with the brown hydra. 

Reproduction is produved by budding and by eggs. 
When the animal is well nourished the food produces 
little héllow buds which communicate with the digestive 
cavity of the mother. At the end of two days in sum- 
mer and six weeks in winter this little bud is detached 
and becomes a separate animal. The hydra does not 
usually carry more than five buds at the same time, these 
being in different stages of development. But in arti- 
ficial cuiture with a high temperature and plenty of food 
more are produced and they remain attached to the 
mother a longer time. Tremblay had a gray hydra which 
carried nineteen little ones which belonged to three gen- 

The fresh water hydra will not form a new individual 
from a tentacle, although some salt water species can be 
made to do so. Sexual generation is produced by fecun- 
dated eggs. Toward the last of the summer the foot 
produces some protuberances which at first resemble 
buds but instead of producing either a mouth or ten- 
lacles they form in their cavity either ovules or sperma- 
tozoa. These external organs should be considered as 
being true individuals charged exclusively with the 
care of reproduction, as it is often the case with marine 


Herbert M. Hill is city chemist of the Department of 
Health of the city of Buffalo, N. Y. 


One of the Questions that Meets the Student of Bacil- 
laracee. ) 

The finding of ‘‘species,” as they were called by the 
older observers, and the naming of them is not the duty 
of the true student of the Bacillaracee. The naming of 
them is easy enough; if a name cannot be found that 
suits their peculiarity, a name of some person or place 
can be substituted. But when we come to give a name 
which describes their peculiarities is is more difficult. 
For instance, it is easy to name a little boat-shaped 
green cell when it is recent and call it Navicula viridis. 
But when the boat-shaped cell is twice or three times as 
large it may be called Navicula, or little boat, which is 
larger, or major. But this is giving a ‘specific’ name 
to the object and it has not aright to the “specific” 
name. For it is a sporangium, as it is called, of Navi- 
cula viridis. So with other so-called species. The find- 
ing out the why and wherefore of things and of their 
being is the true duty of every naturalist. 

Some time ago the question of whether the Diatom- 
ace or Bacillaracee were single or multiple cells 
came up in the investigations of Dr. Wallich, and he 
contributed a paper to Popular Science Review on the 
subject. I do not remember what conclusion he came to, 
but this is what I came to—the Bacillaracee or Diatom- 
ace are multiple cells. Again I am puzzled to meet the 
question, for there are certain peculiarities that appear 
as the magnification, if the Bacillaracee is made more 
clear by modern objectives. Again, I am inclined to the 
multiple side of the question. And for this reason, 
Pediastrium granulatum, F. T. K.; an extremely common 
Desmid, was examined in Peckman’s Brook, N. J., this 
May. This is a beautiful form, being like a green star. 


Along with it was Melosira ecrenulata, F. T. K., Bacillar- 
ian, also very common. This looks like a number of pill 
boxes, but with the endochrome, or coloring matter, of a 
fawn tint. There are other Bacillaracee also in abun- 
dance, but of those I do not wish to speak at the present 
time. Closterium is a very common Desmid everywhere. 
It looks like a brilliant green quarter moon and looks as 
if it were multicelled, or made up of two cells not sepa- 
rated by cellusose, but the contents of the cells are sepa- | 
rate for cyclosis, or the movement of the protoplasm, 
which takes place in two separate whorls, being trans- 
formed from the ends towards the center on the outside 
of the cell; but inside the cell wall, which is made up of 
extremely delicate hardening matter, it is cellusose 
most likely. In Pediastrium the cells are made up of 
cellusose also, but are separately arranged in the form 
or a star and they are evidently separate cells. In Melo- 
sira the cell walls are siliceous andin a chain. AsI have 
said, the Pediastrium and Melosira are evidently multi- 
cellar. In Closterium the contents are in one investing 
membrane, but the cell contents, or endocrome, is di- 
vided into two parts. Navicula is also separately 
celled, or multicellular, although the contents do not 
move as in Closterium. For there are several anothozoa 
or male organs at least, which are circular-celled “oil 
globules” and in the spring are active, and two large 
“oil globules” which are ova or female organs. From 
this reason I believe that the Bacillaracee are multi- 

I have recently studied a Bacillarian which is Cym- 
bella lancenlula C. G. E., which is the same as Cocoonema 
lanceola to C. G. E., and is the sporangium of a small 
species, perhaps Cymbella cistula H.,;which is also pres- 
ent in the same gathering (book on Orange mountain, 
New Jersey), and I see that the C. lanceolata has the cell 
contents separated into two portions, and at each end on 


the frustule, so that this can be said to be multicellular. 
Perhaps this is the case with other species when they 
occur as sporangia, but I have not witnessed it as yet. 

Farrant’s Medium. 


The mounting medium known as “Farrant’s” is a very 
viscid mixture of gum arabic, glycerine and camphor 
water. It is an excellent, ready and suitable medium 
for mounting vegetable sections, etc., but is not as much 
used as it ought to be by reason of the persistence with 
which air bubbles are heldin the compound. The question 
is often asked, ‘‘How to remove the bubbles?” My an- 
swer is, “Don’t let them get in.” The reply to this is— 
invariably, ‘“‘“Easier said than done.” There is no trick 
in it, provided certain rules are followed. I may not be 
able to give your readers the best method of doing it, 
but will give my way of operation, which, if followed 
closely will avoid the troublesome air bells entirely. 

PREPARE CELLS. These may be Carter’s culluloid, which 
I use, or made of King’s cement, gold size or other suit- 
able material spun on the slide. They must be dry and 
hard, see that the top surface of the cell is level and 
smooth, then take a piece of clean wire and put it end 
foremost into the bottle containing the medium and let 
it remain there until ready for use; this wire is used as 
a dropper. When ready lift out the wire and hold it 
over the cell about a half an inch above it;a drop of 
solid gum solution will soon form at the end and fall off 
into the cell. Put the wire back into the bottle, take 
the specimen and place it on the drop in the cell and al- 
low it to fall to the bottom by its own weight if it will 
do so, if not, then a very gentle pressure will help it. 
Avoid stirring the mixture in the cell as that will cause 


bubbles and the job is spoiled. Next take another dip 
on the wire and drop it on the object in the cell, this will 
fill an ordinary cell (the amount of liquid carried over, 
that is the size of the drop, depends on the size of the 
wire and the depth of the liquid in the bottle) full to the 
edges and much fuller at the center, as it will take a 
spherical form; next place a clean cover on the medium 
centrally, and slots it to fall down by its own weight. 
Should it not do this, then gentle pressure may be used 
on the center of the cover; bein nohurry, go slow, and 
when the cover is down fair and square on the cell, put 
on a spring clip and with a wooden needle holder handle, 
or some other similar tool, press the edge of the cover 
down into close contact with the top of the cell. 

Clean off by absorbing the superfluous medium with 
bibulous paper. Take off the clip, place the slide on the 
turn-table, put a conical rifle bullet on the cover cen- 
trally, for a weight, then with camel’s hair pencil and 
water, wash all around the cover, clean, dry with bibu- 
lous paper; then with camel’s hair pencil and alcohol, or 
benzol, brush around the cover, this is to absorb all 
moisture, then with hot paraffine spin a seal ring of par- 
affine around the juncture of cover and celland when this 
is cool and hard, the mount may be finished in the regu- 
lar way, labelled and placed in the cabinet a “thing of 
beauty” and a “joy forever.” 

Interesting Little Aeronants. 

The spores of the common horsetail (Equisetum ar- 
veuse) are exceedingly interesting little aeronants. If 
the tip or cone of a ripe fertile frond be struck against 
a glass slip a shower of white dust will be observed to 
fall out. Place this just as it is without a cover under 
a half inch or inch objective and the dust will be seen 


to consist of myriads of little spheres, most of them bay- 
ing four radiating arms. Now, while you are observing, 
breathe very gently over the glass slip, or better have a 
friend do this for you, and suddenly all the arms will 
contract about the spheres as if you had breathed into 
them a very spasm of life. Now watch the spores care- 
fully a few seconds longer and you will see the arms 
gradually unfold again in quite a comical, cautious way. 

The explanation of this peculiar power of the horse- 
tail spores is not far to seek. The little arms are ex- 
ceedingly hygroscopic and they expand very promptly 
to the moisture of the breath. Indeed I was greatly 
amused one day while observing their antics to see them 
keep "p a slow waving twisting motion as though they 
were undecided as to whether they should remain ex- 
panded or fold about their precious charge. This puz- 
zied me until I observed that the door to my room was 
open; and as the air outside was more moist than in 
doors, every little current as it came and went registered 
its influence on those sensitive little arms. 

Each arm may be seen to havea spoon-shaped extrem- 
ity which enabled the arms to cover the spore com- 
pletely while yet green. Indeed, they then constituted | 
the outer coat. As the spore ripens, its outer coat splits 
up into these arms and a dry wind readily detaches it 
from the spore case, bears it aloft and away until per- 
chance it is wafted over a swampy place when the air 
is moist. The moisture causes the arms to fold about 
the bit of concentrated life in their charge, allowing our 
little aeronant to settle in a congenial place when it may 
multiply and replenish the earth with horse-tails. 

Soluble Glass as a Mounting Medium.—Soluble glass 
sufficient to cover the specimen is used, the cover-glass is placed 
in position, and a hard brown varnish applied round the edge 
to fill up the intervening space under the slip, and so act as a 
cement to keep the cover-glass firmly fixed —W. W. McBripe. 




New Series, 1893. 

For Naturalists, Physicians, and Druggists, and Designed to Popularze 

Published monthly. Price $1.00 fer annum. Subscriptions should end 
with the year. The old sertes, consisting of 12 volumes (1881-1892), ended 
with December, 1892 Sets of the old series cannot he furnished. All 
correspondence, exchanges, and books for notice should be addressed toa the 
Microscopical Publishing Co., Washington, D. C., U. S. A. 

= = - 


————_—.  —_- —— SS 
—<———_—=s = — — 


Manual forthe Study of Insects.—By John Henry Com- 
stock, Professor of Entomology in Cornell University and in 
Leland Stanford Junior University. 

This work has been prepared to meet the need for an elemen- 
tary, systematic text-book for the use of students in high 
schools and colleges and of teachers in primary and secondary 
schools. Its most distinctive feature is a series of analytical 
keys by means of which the family to which any North Amer- 
ican insect belongs can be determined. Under the head of each 
family the characteristics of the family, both as regards struc- 
ture and habits are given, and the more common species 
described. It is thus possible for the student to classify any 
insect to its family and to learn the habits of the insects of that 
family, and, in case of the more common species, to learn the 
name of the insect. 

The book is profusely illustrated with figures prepared es- 
pecially for it. A large proportion of these were engraved from 
nature by Mrs. Comstock. 

Although the book is a large one and gotten up in an expen- 
sive style it is sold for a nominal price, the preparation of it 
having been a work of love rather than a financial yenture. It 
is hoped that its low price, $3.75 net or $4.09 postpaid, will 
bring it within the reach of all who desire to learn something of 
insects and their ways. 




Indexing Slides.—It is very uncomfortable to be unable to 
find a particular slide when desired. To obviate an incon- 
venience of this kind it is well tonumber and index the slide, 
and also to label the boxes containing the slides with the 
box. A very little trouble in the direction here indicated will 
place every slide under control of its owner. Without some 
arrangement it is remarkable how soon a slide will become as a 
needle ina hay-stack. Little index books may be procured 
and are inexpensive. It is well to keep boxes with trays for 
slides in course of preparation. In such cases always write the 
name of the preparation on aslip of.paper and keep it in the 
tray with the slide until it is permanently mounted. 

Erysippei.—These are the powdery mill dews and this: is 
the season for finding them on leaves. They are beautiful and 
compete favorably with diatoms as microscopic objects. Leaves 
will be found that look as if full of cobwebs oras if they had 
been whitewashed:—if they belong to this class, when in fu'l 
fruit, often with the eye or better with a lower power lens, in- 
numerable little dark dots can be seen scattered through the 
whitewash or cobwebs on the leaves. 

When the leaves are gathered it is well to press them at once. 

On arriving at the microscope, with a spatula scrape off a few 
of the dark dots and transfer to a drop of water on aslide cover 
and examine with a low power. Then remove the slid», gently 
press on the cover with the finger and examine with a higher 
power about a quarter objective. With the low power the dark 
dots will be seen to be variousiy marked periehsia. Around 
the apothecia will be found the appendages by which the genera 
are classified. Some appendages are simple, some are long sharp 
spikes, some are shepherd crooks, some are long wth stars at the 
end. The pressure on the slide will mash the perithecia and 
_ expose the asci containing the spores. On the number of spores, 
specific distinctions are founded. | 

It it nice, neat, clean work which any miscoscopist with a 
little patience can accomplish. The U.S. agricultural depart- 

1895 | THE MICROSCOPE. ; 159 

ment and many state experiment stations pay a great deal of 
attention to the Erysippei as they are very destructive to the 
host of plants on which they quarter themselves. If on the first 
examination the appendages do not appear, try a new speci- 
men. Often on transferring a specimen toa slip the appen- 
dages are broken off or rolled up so that the distinguishing 
ends cannot be seen. 

White Zinc Cement.—Oxide of zinc rubbed up with equal 
parts of oii of turpentine and eight parts of solution of gum. 
Dammar in turpentine of a syrupy consistence, or Canada bal- 
sam, chloroform and oxide of zine. 

A clean satisfactory way may be effected by purchasing a 
tube of white z nc from a dealer in supplies. Be sure and ob- 
tain white zinc and nothing else; dealers willinform purchasers 
that flake white or somthing else is just as good. To make a 
good cll, express a little of the white zinc on a flat hard sur- 
face, drop upon it a small amount of pure clear linseed oil; mix 
with a putty knife; when of proper consistence turn rings upon 
the turn table, using a very fine pointed painter’s pencil. The 
proper consistence can be gained by experience only. If too 
thick the rings will not readily turn and if too thin the rings 
when turned will flow. If made properly, set the slides away 
until they are hard and dry, then they will be cells that are a 
comfort to the user. Mixa batch of the zinc whenever you 
wish to make cells; it does not seem to work well when mixed 
up and set away for future use. 

Brunswick Black is asphalhem dissolved in turpentine. A 
little India-rubber dissolved in mineral naptha is sometimes 

Preparation by Teasing.—A minute fragment of tissue 
should be placed in a drop of fluid on a slide, and torn or un- 
ravelled by two sharp needles. This is accomplished more eas: 
ily after maceration, and sometimes it is necessary to macerate 
ina substance which will dissolve the connecting material. 
This picking or teasing should be s!owly and accurately per- 
formed. Beginners often fail of a good preparation by ceasing 
too soon, as well as by having too large a specimen. The most 
delicate manipulation is required to isolate nerve cells and pro- 
cesses. ; 


Contents for October, 1895. 

Objects Seen Under the Microscope. XX VII.—The Fresh Water Hydra. 

fitlustrated) 92k. cae ere os et cS ee 145 
One of the Questions that Meets the Student of Bacillaracezee.. Edwards 152 
Farrant’s Medium Bray... ae Ss a ee eee 154 
Interesting Little Aeronants. Kerr...) 2 155 
RECENT PUBLICATIONS) 2.5).00052.. 42S S. ef lp oe 157 

Indexing - Sie .oo4 oo esos cae nse ce ec ae 158 

Erysippei __..... oa eco eta spe en nu seco nnd mega sateuaia es al er 158 

White’ 2me-Cement °°. fe ee eee se a a 159 

Brunswick Black ||: SS eee 159 
fg ina UA A ee beeen lee be ee re 151 


Contents for September 1895. 

Preparations for Urinary Examination (With Frontispiece.) 2000000. 257 
Microscopical Technique Applied to Histology.—XI. Boneval _......... 261 
The Use of Filtered Water in Microscopic Manipulation. Edwards ...... 268 
Diatoms of the Connecticut Shore.—VIIT. Terry. wooo... eee 269 
The 18th Annual Meeting of the American Microscopical Society ...._...... 276 
Ppamomet Rass) 2) 7) Sy ee dee Se eget cop See 285 
New PUBLICATIONS. 220. 22sec epee cidisba 
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. >) os... eee 288 

FOR SALE.—Crouch Intermediate binocular, circular glass stage, me- 
chanical centering on substage, four eye pieces, achromatic condenser polariz- 
ing attachment, stops for dark ground and oblique illumination, parabaloid, 
two solid eye pieces made by Spencer. Allin perfect order and have been 
used very little. $100. GEO. A. BATES, Auburndale, Mass. 

FOR SALE.—Barbadoes Earth, containing many rare forms of Radish 
Send 40 cents, stamps, for inch cube of this material to 
S. S. DAY, 23 Olyphant St., Mortiatones, Nd. 

FOR EXCHANGE.—I will exchange my photograph (carte de visite) 
with all American Diatom-friends. Y.C. RINNBOCK, Wien XI-1, Sim- 
meringer Hauptstr, 14 Austria. 


NOVEMBER, 1895. 


Objects Seen Under the Microscope. 

Much has been said of the wonderful skill displayed 
by the honey-bee in performing its domestic duties, but 
this skill is not more wonderful than is the bee itself 
when seen under the microscope. Of the Apis millifica 
or honey-bee there are three kinds in the hive: the males— 
or drones, the female or queen and the neuters or worker- 
bees. The head of the worker-bee (fig. 1) closely re- 

sembles that of the queen (fig. 2), while in the drone 
(fig. 3) the head is much larger, and the eyes are oval in 
shape and meet on the top of the head. The thorax of 
the queen is larger and more oval than that of the work- 
er, while in the drone it is shield-shaped. But the 


abdomen is the part which in the three types presents the 
greatest dissimilarity. In the worker it is small and 
oval, in the queen it is much longer and thicker, tapering 
to a point, while in the drone it is short, stout and ob- 
long, having the posterior part fringed with long stiff 

Examine the head with reflected light and a low power. 
There will be seen two compound eyes. Attached )be- 
tween these are two antenne and at the front is the 
mouth. If afew of the hairs are removed from the 
back of the head, three simple eyes may also be seen 
(fig. 14, a). 

The eyes.—The two compound eyes consist of thirty- 
two hundred single ocelli, each of which is composed of 
two remarkably formed lenses: the outer or corneal (fig. 
16, a), and the inner or conical (fig. 16, b). The cornea 
is easily pealed off and the grouping of the lenses be- 
comes distinctly visible. This corneal lens consists of 
two plano-convex lenses of different densities and refract- 
ing powers. The plane surfaces of these being adherent, 
it follows that the prismatic corneal lens is a compound 
double convex lens (fig. 16, a). How remarkable that 
we should find this same construction in the most perfect 
microscopical lenses of to-day. The light after it has 
passed through the lens crosses the vacant space (fig. 16, 
c) and enters the conical lens (fig. 16, b). This space 
is surrounded with a dark pigment, which is narrowed 
to form a round hole, like a diaphragm in a microscope). 
The colored matter is continued downward and surrounds 
the conical lens. This consists of a simple double con- 
vex lens. At the apex it comes in contact with the bul- 
bous expansion of the optic nerve (fig. 16, e), which ex- 
tends ina line continuous with the axis of the ocelli 
until it meets the nerve of the other eyelets. These 
three unite to form a common trunk which communicates 
with the insect’s brain. Besides these compound eyes 

1895 THE MICROSCOPE. — 163 

there are three simple eyes which consist of one single 
lens (fig. 15) surrounded by little bulbous subdivisions 
of the optic nerve called papille. 

The Antenne.—These. are composed of thirteen 
joints, the second from the head being much longer than 
the rest. With the exception of this joint all the seg- 
ments of the antenne are studded with perforations 
(fig. 8). Bleach one of these with chlorine and examine 
with a low power. It will be found to be covered with 
little saes (fig. 11). Through the center of the antennz 
the central nerve may be found, and with a high power 
little fibres may be seen branching from tbis and con- 
necting with each of the little sacs, showing that they are 
organs of sense. Of which sense is not accurately 
known. Deprive a bee of both antenne and its actions 
may be compared to those of an insane person. 

The mouth.—The oral apparatus of the bee consists of 
two mandibles, two maxiile, two Jabal palpi, and a ligula 
or tongue. The mandibles form the split pointed termi- 
nation of the head. They may be seen separated at fig. 14, 
c, and are of a hard, dark, horny snbstance. They are 
formed and used much like a pair of toothed pincers. 
The maxalle (fig. 14,d) consist of two long pointed 
blades, much resembling a pair of shears, but along the 
middle of each blade there runs a longitudinal rib cov- 
ered with hairs. The blade is thin, transparent, and of a 
bright straw color, while the back is much thicker and 
stronger and supported by a series of transverse ribs. 
These instruments are used for cutting and molding the 
wax and in this operation they are aided by the ligula. 
This exquisitely formed instrument is composed of forty 
or more joints, which can be easily seen with a one-inch 
objective. These render the tongue perfectly flexible. 
At the end it is provided with a knob which is cartilag- 
inous, the base is hollow and capable of inflation to a 
considerable size. In this hollow the nectar is collected 

164 THE MICROSCOPE. ~— Nov. 

previous to its passing into the honey stomach. Extend- 
ing the whole length of the tongue is a tube probably 
used for the passage of the nectar from the tip of the 
tongue to the mouth. While: the tongue is stretched 
forth to collect the sweets from the flowers it is supported 
by the labial palpi (fig. 14, e), which are jointed and the 
lower segments covered with fine hairs. 

To prepare the parts of the head for examination, soak 
for a fortnight in liquid polasse to soften the skin and 
dissolve the fatty substance. Then wash in water, press 
between two pieces of glass until dry; drop a little tur- 
pentine upon them and let them soak in it a few days 
when they will mount well in Canada balsam. 

The Legs.—In all bees the legs consist of five limbs, 
but in the worker-bee the fourth and fifth limbs of the 
hinder leg are very different from those of other bees. 
Examine these (fig. 12, a,b) with a low power. The 
tibia (fig. 12, a) becomes large as it approaches the 
tarsus (fig. 12, b), the first joint of which is very largely 
developed and covered with rings of stiff hairs set in 
regular rows. Where these two divisions of the leg come 
together a cavity is formed. This is the pollen basket. 
The inside of this cavity is smooth and around the upper 
edge is a row of lancet shaped hairs (fig. 13). These are 
straight on the side by which the pollen is received and 
curved on the opposite side in such a way as to prevent 
the pollen from falling out and at the same time to make 
the most room in the cavity. The right leg conveys the 
pollen to the left basket and vice versa. The foot of the 
bee is provided with forked claws (fig. 9) and with a 
central hollow cup-shaped organ studded all over with 
hairs. This is to aid her in walking on wallsand smooth 
surfaces and is also used in performing her domestic op- 

The Wings.—These are four in number, the anterior 
pair being the larger (fig. 5). They are of a tough 


membranous texture covered with fine hairs, and are fur- 
nished with nervures, with a set of vessels for the circu- 
lation of the blood, and another set for the circulation of 
air. That these wings may offer the broadest possible 
resistance to the air, the posterior pair are provided with 
a row of exquisitely formed hooks (fig. 10, m), while the 
anterior pair are provided with a rib or bar (fig. n) over 
which these hooks may be clapsed, thus forming an un- 

broken surface. Bees use their wings to ventilate the 
hive much as we use fans. 

The Sting.—W hat is usually known as the sting of the 
bee is really the sheath which contains the piercing appa- 
ratus (fig. 6,m). This consists of two long darts (fig. 
6, n) barbed as shown in fig. 7, each barb having eight 
teeth ; they are so placed when in use that the smooth 
edges come together, making a formidable weapon. At 
the base of the sting is a sac of poison which is operated 
by the same muscles as the sting. As the sheath con- 


taining the weapons enters the flesh, a drop of poison’ 
passes down the hollow of the sheath into the wound 
. causing instant death to the victim. In the queen the 
sting is curved and is also used as an ovipositor. 

The Digestive System. From the mouth the food 
passes through the gullet (fig. 19, d) into the honey 
stomach (fig. 19, f). The part intended for honey is reg- 
urgetated and deposited in the honey cells, while that 
used for nourishment passes into the second stomach (fig. 
19, g), where it is masticated by the gastric teeth (fig. 
21). It then passes into the intestine. About the mid- 
dle of the intestine are the biliary tubes, which corres- 
pond to the liver in animals, and these pour out their 
contents upon the food in its passage through the in- 

The Respiratory System.—The bee breathes through — 
spiracles which are little holes pierced in the external 
surface and connecting with the internal respiratory 
organs by little tubes or trachea. The spiracles consist 
of two elongated apertures, one behind the other (fig. 20). 
The outer one is provided with a number of short hairs 
to keep out foreign substances. There are two pairs of 
these in the thorax and one pair in each segment of the 
abdomen. Through these the air is admitted to the air 
sacs (fig. 17, s) which communicate with one another by 
large trache (fig. 17,t). The abdomen being the heaviest 
it is provided with two large sacs, one on either side, 
from these extend trache to the other parts of the ab- 
domen. The thorax being provided with wings has no 
air sacs but a large trache, which divides into two as it 
traverses the thorax. It connects the large air sacs of 
the abdomen with the smaller ones in the head, which 
are relatively large on account of the weight of the com- 
pound eyes. Thus the equilibrium is maintained 
throughout the whole body. The queen, whose abdumen 
is larger and heavier than that of the worker, but who 


leaves the hive only once or twice during a lifetime, has 
no air sacs, the only air vessels being the large and small 

The Nervous System.—This consists of a pair of straight 
parallel chords of nerve substance that lie side by side 
and run along the whole ventral side of the body. Upon 
these chords are distributed several ganglia, resembling 
beads strung upon two strings (fig. 18). First there is 
the brain ganglion which is two fused into one and situ- 
ated in the head above the throat. It sends out nerves 
to the compound eyes, the simple eyes and the feelers. 
The next centre sends nerves to the mouth and the first 
pair of legs. The central thoracic ganglion is the largest 
and supplies the nerves to the other four legs and to the 
wings. Behind this and in the abdomen are four of 
small proportions which give nerves to the different seg- 
ments, whilst the last supplies the reproductive organs. 

It has been stated that the air sacs are wanting in the 
queen bee, in their place two objects much resembling 
two bunches of grapes will be found. These are the 
ovaries. and are composed of an assemblage of tubes 
collected in a bundle, closed at one end, the ether end 
opening into a common trunk called the “ proper 
oviduct.” These two ducts unite and form the “common 
oviduct” through which the eggs pass into the cells 
prepared for them by the worker bees. There are three 
kinds of these cells and the queen knows which eggs to 
deposit in the different cells. The queen cells are much 
larger than the others and are circular in form (fig. 23). 
The queen larve (fig. 22) are fed on different food from 

the others, but in case all the queen larve are des- 
troyed a worker egg ora young larve may be transferred 
to a queen cell, fed on royal food and produce a queen 


The Dissecting Microscope. 

To every student of botany a dissecting microscope is 
indispensable. There are several forms to be found in 
shops and this leads to frequent inquiry concerning the 
“best.” When one is considering which is the best he is 
led to the consideration of the lenses, the construction of 
the hand rest, the method of supporting the lens and the 
means of altering its focus. The lenses usually employed 
in simple microscopes are either plano-convex or double- 
convex and lenses of these forms are subject to two in- 
herent disorders; they distort the image and decompose 
light. The first is called spherical aberration, being oc- 
casioned by the sphericity of the lens. The second is 
chromatic aberration because the image seen by its aid 
shows a border of color not present in the object. 

Spherical aberration may be overcome by making the 
lens much rounder on one side than on the other. This 
has the effect of rendering the rays of light from an ob- 
ject parallel and overcomes aberration of form. Using 
three lenses of the ordinary form tends to correct it, but 
the usual, because it is the cheapest, way is to place a 
diaphragm between the lenses, shutting out the peripheral 
rays and using only the central ones which are normally 
parallel. Chromatic aberration is overcome by cement- 
ing lenses of the proper form, of two kinds of glass to- 

One combination of lenses which may be purchased of 
uptical instrument makers is called the achromatic triplet. 
This is composed of three lenses of two kinds of glass, 
crown and flint, so adjusted in form and quantity as to 
overcome both aberrations. This gives exquisite defini- 
tion and is justly regarded an excellent lens for a dis- 
secting microscope, but it is quite expensive and the 
magnifying power is not increased over an ordinary 


tripod, which costs but a trifie and as these are made con- 
taining two lenses, both double convex, one thicker and 
one thinner, they do excellent service. The lenses in the 
tripod are one and a quarter inches in diameter but are 
diaphragmed down to four or five eighths. The focal dis- 
tance of the triplet and tripod may be the same and for 
the purpose of dissecting a one-inch focus is very useful as 
this is far enough from the working stage to allow of the 
free use of needles. One may estimate the focal dis- 
tance of a lens or combination by holding it between a 
light and a sheet of white paper or between a window 
and a sheet of paper and noticing how far distant it is 

from the paper when the image is clearest. It is well to 
do this when purchasing these lenses, as many of them 
focus at an inch and a quarter or more. Ten, divided by 
the focal distance, gives the magnifying power in diame- 
ters, ten is the distance in inches at which one usually 
holds an object for close inspection, the magnifying power 
of a lens of one inch focus is then ten diameters. 

Having obtained the lens the next step is to mount it 
conveniently for use and this is one of the steps which 
every student should take for himself. The one used by 
the writer and which is here described, answers every 


purpose and is more satisfactory on account of being 
home made and in costing but a trifle, than those for 
sale in the shops. The body is a tobacco box of the size 
holding six pounds of plug; it is about 4 by 5 and 13 
inches long, made of sycamore with neatly dove-tailed 
corners. All particles of paper are carefully removed, 
the surface sandpapered and varnished, the inside is 
blackened with a mixture of lampblack and turpentine 
with sufficient varnish to prevent its rubbing off. This 
gives a dull black which is absorptive and non-reflective. 
Lay the box on its side with the bottom toward you 
and remove a section about three inches wide from the 
middle of what is now the top, cut away along the sides 
of this hole enough to let a piece of window glass in, 
flush with the surface of the box. The stage is now com- 
plete. Taking another piece of glass, or mirror if you 
prefer, a little larger than the stage glass, paste a strip 
of heavy paper, one inch wide, along one of the wider 
sides allowing it to project half an inch, the projecting 
part is then pasted to the back of the box, inside, at the 
upper angle, thus forming a hinge so that this piece of 
glass may be raised or lowered. This is accomplished by 
a string attached to the right hand edge by means of a 
piece of court plaster, passed through a small wire staple 
driven into the edge of the box near the stage and passed 
to the extreme right hand end. 

When in use the open side of the box is turned toward 
the light and the glass reflector raised to the proper 
angle and retained by fastening the string. The stage 
and reflector are shown in figure one. 

Next, unscrew the legs from the tripod and remove the 
band which carried them, make a neat loop with stout 
brass wire sufficiently large to encircle the body of the 
lens (fig. 2) and replace the lower band to hold the wire 
in place. Then, holding the lens perfectly horizontal, 


bend the wire downward, at right angles, sharply, about 
four inches from the loop (fig. 3). This angle should be 
squared with a file. Now place the lens (fig. 7) over the 
center of the stage and at a point where the end of the 
wire touches the top of the box—toward the right— 
mark the place for the adjusting post. This is made of 
two pieces of brass tubing or gas pipe so cut with fine 
threads that one may be screwed into the other half or 
three-fourths of an inch (fig. 4), the outer piece of the 
two is now tightly fastened into a hole made at the point 
touched by the end of the wire, the inner is screwed into 
place and the wire is dropped into the hole through beth, 
resting at its angle upon the upper edge. As the upper 
piece is turned, the wire carrying the lens is raised or 
lowered and is capable of very nice adjustment. 

One thing more remains to be done. It will be noticed 
when the upper part of the adjusting post is turned the 
lens arm swings back and forth. This is overcome by 
taking another piece of the brass wire and making a long 
staple (fig. 5) to serve as a guide for the arm, the inner 
measurement of the staple is the same as the dia- 
meter of the arm wire, so that no motion is lost. 
This is secured in place by boring holes in the top of the 
box, the proper distant apart and forcing the legs of the 
staple into them. One finds plenty of room to work on 
this stage and ample rest for the hands. For dissecting 
use the ordinary handled needles and make one more by 
forcing the eye end of a good large needle into a pen 
stick, on a grindstone flatten two opposite sides for about 
half an inch from the point and continue grinding till a 
nice cutting edge is made, get this well sharpened and you 
have a most useful dissecting needle-knife.—Graduate. 

Light.—The flame of the lamp used with the microscope 
may be intensified and improved by placing in the oil a small 
piece of gum camphor. The flame is thus rendered whiter and 
very brilliant. It is a good thing to do when resolving difficult 



New Series, 1893. 

For Naturalists, Physicians, and Druggists, and Designed to Popularize 


Published monthly. Price $1.00 per annum. Subscriptions should end 
with the year. The old sertes, consisting of 12 volumes (1881-1892), ended 
with December, 1892. Sets of the old sertes cannot be furnished. All 
correspondence, exchanges, and books for notice should be addressed to the 
Microscopical Publishing Co., Washington, D. C., U. S. A. 

= ——— 


=— —— ee 


Microbe of Scurvy.—Testi and Beri have succeeded in iso- 
lating from a piece of scorbutic gum a micro-organism, which 
they believe to be the cause of scurvy. The microbe stains in all 
the aniline dyes resists Gram’s stain, is perfectly round, and 
generally united with one or more of its kind. Its culture ren- 
ders gelatine fluid, and gives rise to a sawdust-like deposit. In- 
oculation of these cultures into guinea-pigs and rabbits gives rise 
to fever, and the necropsy showed hemorrhagic stains in various 
parts of the body, and nodules of connective tissue new forma- 
tion. Experiments were made in four cases, and in three out of 
the four the above mentioned results were obtained; in the 
fourth case the authors attribute their negative results to the 
fact that the patient had improved considerably under treat- 
ment. The diplococci found by the authors differ considerably 
from any that are usually present in the oral cavity of man. 

Bacteriology in Australia.—The late Sir William Macleary 
bequeathed to the Sydney University money with which to 
found a chair of bacteriology, but the limitations being unsatis- 
factory to the latter the money was declined. Accordingly it 
has been given to the Linnean Society of New South Wales 
which will maintain a _bacteriologist and make inyestiga- 



Note.—Dr. S. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. Y., kindly consents to receive ali sorts of ques- 
tions relating to microscopy, whether asked by professionals or amateurs. Persons of ate 
g ades of experience, from the beginner upward, are welcome to the benefits of this depar*- 
ment. The questions are numbered for future reference. 

232 Where can I get slides of common rocks, or how can I make 
them?—A. P.S. 

Rock sections can be obtained from dealers in microscopical 
-goods and material or may be ground as follows: 

Select a thin fragment of rock, rub one side flat with No. 70 
emery and water onan iron plate, smooth with flour emery. 
Wash, dry, and cement the flat surface to a piece of glass, with 
hard balsam, using a gentle heat. Grind the rock as_ before 
until thin enough to transmit light through the translucent ele- 
ments. Much care is necessary as the section becomes thinner. 
Finally dissolve the balsam cement with benzol or chloroform, 
liberate the section, wash with care because many minerals are 
extremely brittle, mount in balsam. A section can be made in 
20 to 30 minutes if you are not in a hurry. 

233 Whatis Hollis’ Glue ?—Hollis’ Glue is a solution of shel- 
lac in alcohol, 7. ¢., shellac varnish. ' 

234 Willa few drops of glycerine prevent the cracking of shellac 
cements ?-—If not, what will?—Glycerine is not suitable. Add ten 
drops of castor oil or of Venice turpentine to each ounce of 
shellac varnish. 



How To Obtain Free Trichina.—Place a portion of the 
flesh containing encysted trichina in dilute hydrochloric Acid. 
This acid dissolves the lime of the capsule and leaves the ani- 
mals free. Then they may be picked out with needles under a 
dissecting scope or hand magnifier. Before p!acing the flesh in 
the acid it should be well teased. After removal, the trichina 
should be bleached in chlorinated soda. They may also be 
stained. A section of a cat’s tongue with stained trichina makes 
an attractive slide. 


Tripethelium.—This is a lichen but the method of manipu- 
lating it is applicable to a very numerous class found on bark. 
This specimen is found frequently on beech bark. The bark 
affected will have a number of raised black spots. Under a low 
power these spots will be found to be little elevated warts with 
often a little hole (astiole) in the center. On the outer bark 
nothing worthy of a high power can be found. Shave off the 
upper surface of a small piece and cut down into the inner bark. 
Then where the warts were little spots will be seen. Dig out 
one of these spots ; transfer to a drop of potassium hydrate ona 
glass slip; mash and spread out with a spatula; then cover and 
examine with a quarter objective. The contents are hyaline and 
glassy white. Numerous apothecia each containing eight spores 
will be seen. The spores are long, glassy and acicular and 
eight locular and each division of the spore is marked with a 
double convex lens shaped marking. The method here de- 
scribed is applicable to many bark lichens all the Verrucaria 
and also to many of the Pyrenomycetes. Many of the fungi 
which affect bark are superficial and need but to be scraped off 
to be seen. 

Blood Showing the Effect of Tobacco.—The effect of the 
excessive use of tobacco can be clearly demonstrated by the ex- 
amination of a properly spread slide of the patients blood. In 
such corpuscles will be found to be crenated, that is 
the corpuscle instead of possessing the absolute regularity of 
margin noticed in health will present a series of scallops some 
what irregular in their distribution. A few such crenated cor- 
puscles, in the proportion of one to three hundred and fifty oc- 
cur in normal health but in tobacco blood the ratio is 
sometimes as high one degenerated corpuscle to ten healthy 
ones, and often attains a much larger proportion. Opium and 
other narcotics produce the same result. Nervous excitement, 
certain diseases will frequently produce crenation and the blood 
in dense urine will often be found in this state. Where the 
patient is otherwise healthy a number of crenated corpuscles in 

his blood, as above indicated, may safely be ascribed to the ex- 
cessive use of tobacco, opium or some narcotic and it is then, 

high, time to stop their use. 



Hzemalum and Hzmacalcium Staining Solution.—Dr. 
Paul Mayer recommends the use of two staining solutions made 
from heematein, the essential staining constituent of logwood. 
When pure, hematein is a brown red powder, and crystallizes 
with one or three equivalents of water. It is most frequently 
found in commerce as hemateinum crystallizatum, a compound 
of hematein and about 9 per cent. of ammonia, and is more 
properly designated ammonia-bematein. When pure, hematein 
and its ammonia compounds should not only be perfectly solu- 
ble in distilled water and alcohol, but should remain so on addi- 
tion of acetic acid. From hematim is prepared a so!ution 
called for short, haemalum. 

One gram of the pigment is dissolved by aid of heat in 50 ccm. 
of 90 per cent alcohol and then added to a solution of 50 grm. 
of alum in 1 litre of distilled water. When cold it may be nec- 
essary to filter, but if the constituents have been pure this is 
quite superfluous. The solution is ready for use at once. It 
may be necessary to add a thymol crystal, in order to prevent 
the formation of fungi. 

For staining sections hematin is used like Boshmer’s hema- 
toxylus, and if required the preparations may afterwards be 
washed with ordinary water, distilled water or 1 per cent alum 

Heemacalcium, which is proposed as a substitute for Kleinen- 
berg’s hematoxylin, is made with the following ingredients: 
Heematein, or ammonia hematein, 1 gram ; aluminium chloride, 
1 gram ; calcium chloride, 50 grams ; acetic acid, 10 cems; 70 
per cent alcohol, 600 ccems. 

The first two pubsiehces are rubbed snaphee very intimately ; 
the acetic acid and alcohol are then to be added, with or syithy: 
out the aid of heat. Last of all; the calcium chloride is added. 
The fluid is of a red violet hue. After having been washed in 
neutral 70 per cent alcohol, the preparations are violet or blue, 
and rarely require to be treated with acidulated alcohol. If too 
red they may be treated with 2 per cent aluminium chloride 
dissolved in acohol.—Journal Royal Mic. Soc., Mittheil. Zool. Stat. 
zu Neapel. 


Contents for November, 1895. 
On the Radiolarian Deposits of the States of Alabama and Mississippi. 

Commmeham: __..........--...6ccc te ee ee 329 
Microscopical Technique Applied to Histology. —XII. Boneval......... 337 
Microscopical Examination of the Sandstone in the State Prison at Car- 

son City, Nevada. Edwards 0000: 22) 343 
Special Staining Methods in Microscopy, Relative to Animal Tissues and 

Cells. Unna +22...) 2g 5 ee 346 
‘The Late Robert B. Tolles,2 0)... eee 352 

Cause and Prevention of Cholera. _........ si ceahes ens’ Seeger 356 

The Mails”. <2 es eee 35 6 | 

Lotte Pasheus in 2-5) + Sees SA Se Sikes ee nonnnal aL ee 306 

Prof. Theodore.Gill.. 0 en ee ee 397 

Forthcoming Books 0. a ee 307 

The Deep Bea! pos iu ee ee 307 

The Best Method of Sharpening a Microtome Knife... 357 

Preservation of Some Marine Animals ooo... ooo... cceeccceeeceeeeee eee 358 

Microscopy on a Railroad Train in Motion ooo... eee 360 

Formula of the Wickesheimer Preparation for Preserving Objects 

of Natural History -. <0)... es 2 Se eee 361 
Microscopical Preparations of Algge o.oo... 0. eee ic tbe ee eeeeeeteeeeeeee 361 
Studying Marine Planarians 2... 003 eee 361 
Preservation of Sea Weeds. : 0... 200 eee eee 362 
Staining and Fixing Diatoms... ow... Lc ee See 362 

Botanical” Microscopes* S20!) ee 0363 
Cheap Pine Wood Stand for a $400 Objective... > seeeees 364 
The Blood Corpuscle a Living Organism _......... 22222. Vedeecseen eee 365 
New. Micro-Organism in “Pork... eee eee 366 
Micro-Organisms in the Healthy- Nose 00000... ee. >: peers 367 
Typhoid Bacilli in-Ice Cream... <).; a 367 

A Quick Method for the Filtration of a Small Quantity of Urine 368 


Contents for November, 1895 

Objects Seen Under the Microscope XX VIII.—The Honey Bee. gues 

trated). oe er 161 
The Dissecting Microscope. Goodman. (Illustrated) 200. 168 

Microbe.of ScOFVY o.oo. 2s. eesee nen 172 

Bacteriology in Australia 000000000 nc a 172 

How to Obtain Free .Trichina, <"....)- oe eee _173 

Tripethelitm:\_..20 ue al i i eae 174 

Blood Showing the Effect of Tobacco... ..ceccc-22, coceneceseneosd-oes 174 

Heemalum and Hemacalcium Staining Solution. wu... 2 aTS 

fear ta vee eve) COTE. 

DECEMBER, 1895. 


Objects Seen Under the Microscope. 

The leaves of all plants are covered with a skin or epi- 
dermis which is composed of cells varying in shape in dif- 
ferent plants, and in addition to these the under side of 
the leaf is provided with openings called stomata or 
breathing pores. 

Se iii of Rel” 

From the under side of the leaf of the Wallflower 
(fig. 1) take a thin section and examine it in water. Many 
irregularly shaped cells will be seen and among these some 
of a half-moon shape, having an opening between them ; 
these are the stomata. Fig. 2 is from the under surface of 

a leaf of the Iris, fig. 3 from the Lemna minor, fig. 4 from 


Tradescantia virginica, fig. 6 from Water Crawfoot and fig. 
7 from Hellebore. One may notice the difference in the 
shape of the epidermis cells in the different plants, also 
the different arrangement of the stomata; some are in rows 
running lengthwise of the plant (fig. 2) and some are seat- 
tered without order. In some cases they point invariably 
in one direction (fig. 6), while in others they may point in 
any direction (fig. 1). There is a great difference in the 
number of the stomata. The under side of the oat leaf 
has 2700 to a square centimetre, while on the under side 
of the olive leaf there are 63,500 to the square centimetre. 

Each stomata consists of a pair of cells much smaller 
than those of the epidermis generally and of quite a 
different form. These two are called the guard cells. 
Each guard cell is sausage-shaped and curved, the ends 
of the cells being firmly joined together, while in the 
middle they are separated a little, leaving an opening 
between them which communicates with the intercellular 

Now make a section across the stomata lengthwise. 
This may be done by holding a piece of the leaf between 
two pieces of elder pith, or if the leaf is very delicate use 
the pith of the sunflower. Make an incision in the pith 
by laying it on something flat and hard and cutting 
lengthwise of the pith. In this way it is less liable to be 
broken. ‘Then insert the leaf so it will come just above 
the top of the pith; hold it firmly together with the 
fingers, or perhaps better, fasten with a rubber band and 
cut a slice across both pith and leaf to make a smooth 
surface. Now holding the pith so that the razor will cut 
along the flat surface and not the edge, cut several very 
thin sections and examine in water. You will probably 
find some sections showing the stomata cut through the 
center. This shows the two guard cells with the pore 
between (figs. 5 and 8, s). The transverse of the guard- 
cell is roughly square, the walls are very thick, especially 

1895 _ THE MICROSCOPE. 179 

at the two corners towards the pore, which is provided 
with projecting ridges. 

Each stomata opens into a large intercellular space 
called theair chamber (figs. 5 and 8, t). The air chambers 
communicate with the intercellular spaces of the leaf and 
through them with those of the whole plant. The stomata 
then are the pores by which the intercellular passages of 
the whole plant open into the external atmosphere. 

The stomata have the power of opening and closing. 
Asarule they open under the influence of light and 
warmth and close when it is dark and cold, or they open 
when the guard cells are distended and close when. they 
are relaxed. To prove this take a section of the amaryl- 
lis, which has a long stomata, from a living plant and 
place it in water under the microscope. The guard-cells 
will be seen to open more and more and the pore between 
them opens to its full extent (fig. 10). Now replace the 
a strength of two per cent 

water by a solution of salt 
is sufficient. The curvature of the guard-cells now dimin- 
ishes and as they straighten themselves the pore between 
them closes (fig. 9). The pure water is absorbed into the 
guard-cells by the denser cap-cells so their turgidity is 
increased, and the comparatively dense salt solution 
withdraws water from the guard-cells and thus they tend 
to collapse. 

That the guard-cells become curved as they distend is 
due to the ridges by which each cell is strengthened on 
the side towards the pore. This side is more rigid than 
the other and so offers greater resistance to stretching 
when water is taken up. Hence the more inflated the 
guard-cells are, the more convex they become on the ex- 
terior and the more concave on the side next the pore, 
thus making the space between the two cells larger. But 
when the water is withdrawn the reverse happens. 

To make a permanent mount first strip off the epider- 
mis, and to prevent it from curling, spread it out quickly 


on a slide and add a drop or two of alcohol. Let it re- 
main until clear, then rinse in water, stain in ammonia 
carmine or iodine green. Then remove from the staining 
fluid, rinse in water, pass through weak, strong and ab- 
solute alcohol, then place in oil of cloves for a few mo- 
ments and transfer to a slide. From the end of a wire 
drop sufficient xylol balsam to cover the specimen and 
allow it to settle of itself; then put on the cover, being 
careful not to entrap air bubbles. 

The vegetable sections prepared by W. White may be 
used to advantage when fresh specimens are not avail- 
able. - These are already stained and mounted between 
gelatine films. They can be soaked in turpentine until 
clear and mounted in balsam as above. 

On a New Method of Entrapping, Killing, Embedding and 
Orienting Infusoria and Other Very Small 
Objects for the Microtome, 
[Abstract ofan article in the American Naturalist. | 

A reliable method of capturing, killing, staining and 
dehydrating minute organisms has long been a desidera- 
tum with biologists, especially when such objects fall 
far below 1-100th of an inch in diameter. After trying 
a number of devices, I hit upon a plan that is not only 
very simple, but also capable of wide application, for by 
its means organisms as small as 1-2000th inch in diameter 
may be caught and held. 

The filter upon which the objects are caught consists of 
thin slices of elder pith. Get good, clean, whole pieces of 
elder pith, and clamp a piece into the holder of a Schanze 
or other sledge microtome, so as to make transverse sec- 
tions of it, taking four to six divisions of the microtome 
wheel to each section. The knife should be set at an 
acute angle with the line of movement of the knife car- 


riage, as in cutting celloidin. With fresh pith somewhat 
thinner sections may be cut. Upon examination the slices 
will be found to be perforated at regular intervals by open- 
ings caused by cutting through the very thin cellulose 
walls of certain of the pith cells. A good supply of these 
little filters can be cut and kept ready for use at any time. 

The next step is to cut some ordinary white filter paper 
into disks or squares one inch in diameter. With a damp 
tooth-pick moisten a point, about the size of one of the 
elder filters in the center of one of these disks. By 
means of a heated wire, saturate all except the central 

moistened portion of this disk with paraffine. Preparea 
discoidal pad, composed or ten or twenty superposed 
thicknesses of filter paper and upon these place the disk 
saturated with the paraffine. An ordinary, extra large 
live-box, provided with a mica cover, in the center of 
which a perforation 5-8 inch in diameter has been made, 
is a good device for holding the disks together. The ac- 
companying figure shows the apparatus in vertical section. 

The mode of operation is as follows: Place the pad 
of filter paper (P) upon the glass disk (G) of the live-box; 
lay the disk saturated with paraffine (f), upon P; put the 


cap (C) with its centrally perforated mica cover (m m) in 
place and slip it down over the drum (D) so as to hold f 
down upon P. Then with a fine nozzled pipette moisten 
the central exposed part of f, and with a pair of fine for- 
ceps pick up one of the little disks of elder pith and lay 
it, convex side down, upon the center of f, when it will 
immediately flatten out and adhere to f, nearly covering 
the central area not covered with paraffine. 

On placing a drop of water (d) swarming with animal- 
cules on HK, it will be found that the water will be rapidly 
drawn through e and f into P, in the direction indicated 
by the arrows. In this way several drops of water may 
have much of their animalcular population separated out 
and caught upon the surface of E. Tokill the contents of 
D add a little saturated corrosive solution or osmic acid 
one per cent, by simply thrusting the charged end of a 
wooden rod (t) into the drop (d). The animalcules are at 
once precipitated upon the upper surface of E, where they 
are caught and held in the meshes of the pith cells. Re-_ 
move the filter e by raising its free edge slightly with a 
needle, then grasp this edge with a pair of sharp pointed 
forceps and transfer to a watch glass containing 50 to 60 
per cent alcohol. With gentle handling Ciliates may be 

passed through several reagents without becoming de- 

Even orientation may be very easily effected, either by 
sketching with a low power the outline of the whole disk 
and the position and direction of the axes of the very 
minute objects upon it, or by shaving down the block 
after the disk of pith is embedded so as tomake it suffi- 
ciently transparent to show the shape of the adherent or- 
ganisms through the semi-transparent block. The proper 
cutting planes may now be indicated on the margin with 
lithographic ink. 

I have found it very easy to thus capture, hold, kill, 
dehydrate, stain, embed and cut Paramecium aurelia. 


Euplotes, Stylonychia and Halteria will also adhere to 
these disks. Halteria is about the size of a white blood- 
corpuscle, and the fact that it may be entrapped and 
treated as here described shows what a wide range of 
utility is.promised by this method. It will doubtless be 
found useful in the study of minute eggs and larve. 

I find that these disks may be mounted entire. One 
in this way may get most instructive preparations, often 
having a half dozen genera on a single slide. Staining 
is also entirely under control; any of the usual stains 
may be employed and their action watched under the 
microscope. With this method it has been found possible 
to cut 18 longitudinal and 50 transverse serial sections of 
Paramecium with a thickness of 2.5 to 5 mm. with the 
Ryder Microtome set to one or two teeth of the wheel. 

The fixation of the sections on the slide may be effected 
by means of Gustav Mann’s albumen method. Take the 
white of an egg (30 c. c.), shake up with 300 c. c. of water 
for 5 minutes, filter twice. Paint clean slides on one side 
with this mixture by the aid of a glass rod and stand 
them on end to dry. The albumenized side of the dry 
slides may be distinguished by breathing upon them. 
The sections are stretched by flouting the ribbon of para- 
fine containing them on warm water (30 c). immerse one 
end of the albumenized slide in water and float and ar- 
range the sections on it, albumemized side uppermost. 
Place the slide on a water bath to dry, when the paraffin 
may be removed with xylol or turpentine, after which the 
staining may be done on the slide. This method of fixing 
sections with albumen is much simpler and more practical 
than with Meyer’s formula. 

The novelty and simplicity of this new method, as well 
as its wide range of applicability will in many cases be 
found to materially facilitate work, especially the work 
of those engaged in the study of Protozoa, or of very 
minute ova or larve. A very simple form of this ap- 


paratus, for holding the filtering paper in position, 
is being made and offered for sale by Chas. Lentz & Sons. 
—American Naturalist. 

Appearance of Spontaneous Generation. 

Translated from Le Micrographe Preparateur by Rene Samson. 

When we bring into a narrow tube a very small pinch 
of Algw, gathered with the end of a pole in.a pond, 
in order to examine it under the microscope, we find 
a small number of species of animals; then, every day, 
we see new ones which before did not appear to be found 
there. Thus we can, after a few weeks’ research, find, in 
a few cubic centimetres of water and a centigramme of 
filamentous Alge almost one half of the ordinary Infuso- 
ria. No doubt that after a longer time we could still 
discover many others. This phenomenonisso striking, 
when we have made the experiment, that we are tempted 
to believe (as I have heard it taught in Paris) that all 
Infusoria arise one from the other, under ordinary ex- 
terior influences. It is necessary to know that Infusoria 
are as distinct one from the other as Entomostrace or 
Mollusks; only, the same species can present natural or 
accidental forms which have been wrongly described, by 
the first microscopists, as so many different species. 

We understand that, the first day, we cannot see them 
all: some species have passed unperceived; they are 
found again later. Besides, there are eggs, germs which 
were not yet hatched, and which produce new species the 
following week. And more, there often are transforma- 
tions which require two or three weeks in which to take 
place, and a larva which we had taken for a perfect. in- 
fusoria, can hatch and give birth at the end of twenty 
days to a new being, which seems fallen from heaven. 

It is thus that if we observe a quantity of Oxytricha 


crassa, which are superb Infusoria with long sticks, small 
horns and thick, slender and well visible cilia, we will 
find after some time some Trichoda lynceus, which are 
quite small and have a form which recalls this of the Clop- 
ortae. Never would we believe that such a beautiful 
Infusoria could be the larva of such an insignificant 
animal, which differs a little from the ordinary type of 

If we think that al! their transformations are not yet 
known, we will not be surprised at the continual re- 
newal of what we have described as distinct species. 
When the water evaporates, the Infusoria die or are en- 
cysted. There again their forms change very much. If 
we add water again to the preparation, they continue to 
live under odd forms, which have caused them to be des- 
cribed as if they. were durable. It is thus that we have 
mistaken certain cyclidium for Proteus tenax and so many 
other deliquescent Infusoria and Rhizopods for Ameeba, 
of very distinct species. A little quantity of water is, 
indeed, sufficient to make an Infusoria or only a part of 
its protoplasm live under the amceboidal form. Certain 
Rhizopods, with soft body, not protected by a skeleton 
sustain thus complete modifications, which causes us to 
believe in the production of new Infusoria. 

The Paramcecium aurelia can present, following a pre- 
liminary coupling, a series of olives disposed like a collar; 
which are simply spermatic capsules. It presents thena 
peculiar aspect which has probably been the cause of 
having it mistaken for another animal, with characteris- 
tic nucleus. 

But they are still two beings of the same species, since 
they are two different forms of the same individual. At 
last, the wind which raises the germs of Infusoria, the 
rain which beats the roof and takes away its Systolides, 
the carpets shaken and which spread their dust, are 
three causes which add new Infusoria to the cultures ex- 


posed in the open air, or window sill. It is then very 
natural to find in a preparation more different forms of 
Infusoria than there were to be found at first. 

Caution to localities where typhoid fever is prevalent.— 
The germs of this disease are now known to be in the discharges 
from the bowels, and recently have been found in the urine ; 
they are known to be in the spleen, and probably pervade the 
entire body, of a person having typhoid fever. The germs are 
not rapidly destroyed by drying. ‘Typhoid fever is probably al- 
ways spread directly from person to person. 

All discharges from the body of a person having typhoid fey- 
er should be disinfected. 

This is atime of extraordinary danger from typhoid fever, as 
has been predicted, since the low water in wells was apparent in 
June, July, August and September. 

Prudence dictates that all drinking water, not known to be 
above suspicion, should be boiled, and cooled in some place 
where typhoid fever germs will not gain access to it. 

Public notice of every infected place should be given, by pla- 
card on the premises and otherwise if necessary, so that no per- 
son may unguardedly drink water or take food from a source 
likely to be contaminated with the germs of typhoid fever.— 
Henry B. Baker. 

A test demonstration of the new Electrical Projection Ap- 
paratus recently invented by Messrs. J. B. Colt & Co., of New 
York,‘ including their new patent Automatic Feed Electric 
Lamp, Projection Microscope, Vertical attachment, Polariscope, 
etc., took place in Prof. Monroe’s lecture room at the Colum- 
bian University, corner 15th and H streets, N. W., Washing- 
ton, D. C., on November 4th, at 8 p.m. The apparatus is of 
the greatest scientific value and many most interesting experi- 
ments weretried. This exhibition was of very: great value to. 
those interested in the science of Projection. Henry H. Brown, 
1010 F Street, N, W., is the Washington agent for Messrs, 
J. B. Colt & Co. 



New Series, 1893. 

For Naturalists, Physicians, and Druggists, and Destgned to Popularize 

Published monthly. Price $1.00 per annum. Subscriptions should end 
with the year. The old series, consisting of 12 volumes (1881-1892), ended 
with December, 1892. Sets of the old series cannot be furnished. All 
correspondence, exchanges, ard books for notice should be addressed to the 
Microscopical Publishing Co., Washington, D. C.,°U. S. A. 


ee SS 
————_ Oe ee eee ee ee, ee 


Pittsburg for 1896.—Vhe Executive Committee of the 
American Microscopical Society has accepted the very kind in- 
vitation of the Iron City Microscopical Club, to meet in the 
City of Pittsburg, Pa., for the next annual meeting of the Society. 
We shall announce the exact date in next menth’s issue. 

Physicians’ Visiting List for 1896.—We have just re- 
ceived from I. Blakiston, Son & Co., Philadelphia, the Physi- 
cians’ Visiting List for 1896. This new edition presents several 
improvements. More space has been allowed for writting the 
names and to the “Memoranda Page;” a column has been 
added for the “Amount” of the weekly visits and a column for 
the “Ledger Page.” 

J. Tempere, 168, Rue Saint Antoine, Paris, has just 
issued a new Catalogue of microscopical preparations in all the 
branches of Natural History. That catalogue forms a book of 
seventy-five pages and contains a considerable number of ob- 
jects. All the readers of the Microscopical Journals can apply 
for it, and will receive the Catalogue free. 

Superstitions About the Microscope.—At a recent meet- 
ing of the St. Louis Microscopical Society one of the younger 
members, who is teaching histology, but who is still unsophis- 
ticated as to what is sometimes expected of microscopists, 


related the following incident as asample of naivete’ ofsome 
medical practitioners when it comes to the judicious and unpre- 
judiced appreciation of the merits and achievements of the 
microscope. | 

A physician had sent him a vial of purulent fluid, which had 
been gathered dur:ng the operation of a tumor of the breast, 
with the request of examining the liquid microscopically in 
order to determine whether the tumor was a carcinoma. 

Similar requests are, in our experience, by no means infre- 
quent. Some surgeons, and not only obscure ones, will remove 
with a curette a few cells of the mucous membrane of the uterus 
and expect of a microscopist to make an examination of the re- 
moved tissue and report whether the affection of the organ is of 
a maliynant or a benign nature. 

We have compared similar requests to the question of a stu- 
dent (?) of anatomy, who asked the demonstrator, after remov- 
ing a piece of a nerve-trunk, “Professor, what nerve is this?” 

Such occurrences, of which most histologists can cite parailel 
cases, form one of the arguments for the necessity of a micro- 
scopic training of all physicians, at least in a sufficient degree 
that the possibilities and impossibilities of an histological diag- 
nosis are properly understood and appreciated. 

While the very energetic use of a sharp curette may occasion- 
ally remove pieces of tissue large enough to exhibit the charac- 
teristic structure of a neoplasm so that a positive diagnosis can 
be made, the cases in which the tissue removed with a curette 
consists of a pell mell of tissue elements, without any indication 
of its architecture, are so predominating that the diagnosis based 
upon its examination is praetically worthless. Such examina- 
tions, although they may in rare cases furnish presumptive 
evidence which, in connection with the clinical manifestations 
of disease, may lead the surgeon to arrive at a conclusion as to 
the necessary therapeutic procedure, are apt to bring microscopy 
into discredit. The removal by the curette of an abundance of 
epithelial cells or young connective tissue cells may lead a 
microscopist to suspect a carcinoma or a sarcoma, but a surgeon 
has no right to perform a radical operation upon such a mere 
suspicion, when it is an easy matter for him to remove a wedge- 
shaped piece of tissue large enough to make an exact histologi- 
cal diagnosis. 


The neglect of insisting upon similar requisites for the pur- 
pose of arriving at a decision based upon an histological ex- 
amination, as well as hasty examinations and the hasty 
expression of opinions are often detrimental to the proper esti- 
mation and appreciation of microscopy. Surgeons will some- 
times ridicule the diagnosis of sarcoma by a microscopist, 
because the neoplasm rapidly improves under mercury and 
iodides; if they have themselves a passable knowledge of 
practical histology they will readily see how such a mistake 
may sometimes happen. These errors are not so apt to occur if 
the histologist has a properly prepared specimen and sufficient 
leisure to make a thorough examination. But such examina- 
tions require a familiarity with the subject. They take up 
much time, have great practical value and should be well 

The Suspension of ‘‘Insect Life.’’—This action was recently 
ordered, by the Secretary of Agriculture and cuts off a valuable 
periodical. The reasons for the suspension were practically 

1. The very commendable activity of other bureaus than that 
of entomology during the past few years had led their members 
to feel that they also could edit valuable periodicals, and they 
made known their desires to the Secretary. If Entomology had 
its monthly, why not all the other bureaus? The Secretary 
found it impossible to grant all the new requests for permission 
to print. He could not consistently grant to intomology what 
he refused to others. 

2. The general adoption of the periodical plan of publica- 
tion by Government departments was likely to prove offensive 
to private publishers and became a killing sort of competition. 
How could private publishers compete against free Government 
issues? The Secretary very wisely decided not to enter the peri- 
odical publishing business as a destroyer of private enterprise. 

The suspension occurring at about the time of Prof. Riley’s 
death has led some to infer a connection between the events. 
Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only did Prof. 
Riley leave the Department a year ago but while he was in it, 
his connection with Jnsect Life was little more than nominal, the 
active management having always been in the hands of Prof. L. 
O. Howard, then assistant and now the Entomologist. 




Yeast Cells.—T'he examination of yeast affords a fine study 
in cell formation. ; 

For the purpose use a very small piece of compressed yeast, — 
a piece no larger than half a pin’s head ; or scrape avery small 
portion from a cake of yeast. Place the portion scraped off on 
a plain glass slip, in a drop of water, cover and examine with a 
quarter inch objective. When the cake of yeast is used the yeast 
will be obscured by the large starch grains composing it. Re- 
move mosi of the cells with the forceps before covering. 

The yeast plant is Saccharomyces cerevisisae. Notice the 
mother cells and the daughter cells. These cells average .008 
mm. or .0003 of an inch in diameter and reproduce the daugh- 
ter cells by budding. i? 

Another form is produced by division of the protoplasm with- 
in the parent cell. By gently heating the slide after it is cov- 
ered, the process of budding may be accelerated and beautifully 
displayed upon the slide. 

It may be better seen by keeping the covered slide in a warm 
moist chamber for some hours. ‘he daughter cells may be de- 
veloped by growing yeast upon fresh cut slices of potato kohl- 
rabi, carrot or upon small slabs of plaster of Paris. The pre- 
parations must be kept moist by covering with a bell jar and 
may be seen in a week or ten days from the beginning of the 

Pus Cells.—It is interesting to examine pus by covering and 
examining with a quarter mch objective ; then remove the slide, 
lift the cover and place a drop of acetic acid upon the specimen, 
and examine. Upon the second examination each cell will ex- 
hibit from one to four nuclei. 

Carbolic Acid for Mounting.—This is a valuable medium 
for mounting. Ordinary alcohol used in mounting insects 
makes them stiff and hard; but carbolic acid penetrates the 
specimen and readily mixes with other fluids used in mounting, 
such as water, glycerine and Canada balsam. ; 

1895 . THE MICROSCOPE. 191 

It does not harden tissues nor make them stiff. For this 
reason insects can be preserved indefinitely in carbolic acid in 
a fit condition to be mounted at any time. ‘The more delicate 
parts are rendered quite transparent by long soaking in the sol- 
ution, but this is no detriment to them. 

Carbolic acid is not an acid but belongs the chemical series of 

Insects are killed instantly by immersion in the acid and when 
thus killed their parts will generally be found to be spread out. 

The carbolic acid used should be the strongest solution. 

Obtain the crystals and dissolve them in just water enough 
to keep it fluid at ordinary temperatures. ‘To useit for mount- 
ing it is only. necessary to drop the specimen into the acid and 
in a few moments transfer it to the medium in which it is to be 

India Rubber for Glycerine Mounts.—The following is 
said to act satisfactorily for glycerine mounts. Heat India- 
rubber till it becemes sticky ; dissolve it in benzol, ring both 
cover and slide, then let it remain till tacky ; arrange the object 
in glycerine, press down the cover, wash away spare glycerine 
and use asphalt varnish or other finish. 


Library Catalogues as a Possible Means of Infection. 
—The Independent says: “ It is remarkable that in this day of 
germs and germicides nobody has invented «a sanitary library 
card catalogue. Every one that recalls the unspeakable filth of 
the old and now departed card catalogue of the Astor Library 
must suspect that it was a highly-effectiveagency in the spread- 
ing of disease. The bound catalogue is perhaps even worse, for 
an attentive observer must often have noted that the average 
reader in a public library turns the leaves of the catalogue with 
the aid of a finger dampened by application to his own lips. 
The commercial exchange of germs by this method must reach 
a vast volume of transactions in the course of a year.” 


Photo-Micrography.—The art of photographing the image 
of a microscopic object, which image has been enlarged by the 
microscope, is called photo-micrography, in contradistinction 
to the art of producing microscopic photographs of large objects, 
which reauire the aid of a microscope to render the details visi- 
ble. Dr. J. W. Draper, of New York, is supposed to have been 
the first to take photo-micrographs by the daguerreotype 
process, as he was the first to take portraits by this method, 
since which time thousands have probably practiced this art, 
abroad and at home. In this country Draper, Rood, Fowler, 
Deames, Rutherford, Seiler, Mercer and Col. Woodward, Drs. 
Curtis and Sternberg, of the army, stand prominent as masters 
of photo-micrography. The object of photo-micrography is to 
produce a faithful photograph of the enlarged image of a micro- 
scopic object, which shall not only show everything apart from 
color, that we can see in the microscope, but even more, as it is 
the most reliable and easy way of making faithful records of 
the appearances and measurements of microscopic objects. Be it 
for illustrations of scientific books or for lantern slides for lec- 
tures, or for supplying evidence in law courts in cases of adul- 
teration, forgery, murder, etc., its importance is obvious. In 
the domain of botany, biology, physiology, pathology, bacteri- 
ology, chemistry, petrology, etc., and in fact, wherever the 
microscope is used, there photo-micrography is destined to be- 
come daily of more service and importance. The method of 
taking a photo-micrograph consists chiefly in the following 
operations. Focussing and illuminating the object in much the 
same way as for visual examination at the eye-piece end of the 
microscope, with the camera; focussing on the ground glass ; 
replacing the latter by the holder containing the sensitive plate 
and making the exposure and finally developing the negative. 
To command success in photo-micrography requires not only 
the possession of a good microscopical apparatus and camera, 
but also an intimate acquaintance with the principles of micro- 
scopical illumination for photography, which depends for cor- 
rectness first of all upon the choice of the illuminator, and 
secondly, upon the condenser and that of the objective, the 
rule being that the aperture of the condenser ought to be the 
same as that of the objective if we wish to obtain critical 


Contents for December, 1895. 
Some New Points in Photo-Micrography. (With Frontispiece.) 

SETS ROTI Ng ire eter a ae PROS ak" AW ok Pehle Seer ee 369 
Sponges Considered Microscopically. Ed watds* ee 79 
Microscopical Technique Applied to Histology. Boneval_o.. 0. 382 

minmerican Microscopes Societys. oe en 386 

Comments on the Construction of Microscope Stands.  (Illus- 

BEBECG.)' 03 Sri ubeeeermies a ee a ee 388 

Microscope for the Examination of Opaque Objects Ae 394 

ee ees WOREMVEING, ee a ee 396 

eccerr eer ETM SC DTISCICS de re eee 397 

Staining Agent for the Milk Vessels. 397 

anne te Nere ie sania <a Bei a este ee Fe Teco a or ea 398 
OE EES bg 2 1 RD aa la mr a Rte 3 399 
UmnnIOeT Chr PATTER NORTOND 025 22M Lidl ea SE 9 ee coe 400 


Contents for December, 1895 

Objects Seen Under the Microscope. XXIX.—Stomata (Illustrated)... 177 
On a New Method of Entrapping, Killing, Embedding, and Orienting 
Infusoria and Other Very Small Objects for the Microtome. 

eee Le we Ltt inT MeOH SPS) 5. 25 dpa icavas dopa cabs Sanene Uae scmanehexeners ieee 
Appearance of Spontaneous eneaaaen, Bouyon. ss:.200. yeasceaa ade tends te 184 
REPU LOL NBR ius aa a each de nak ls vos t0ad- uc Aiea bes AE sri eea Ree 187 
heemormna: Aasiineg Past: for BA9G ois 3.5 ac eeqcaug) one cadcawoctrsaseaeeks 187 
Mmenagete SNe CABlOREG soon cis sacanccas «cnchceeececdeesce yessee up awee caries 187 
Superstitions About the Microscope. ......... ..ccscess sescceccs cocece serene LOU 
ie paopenmaonor -'° Animal Wife” q.......2 sasctc dus becectedmasaant cee cou uas 189 
Ne Breer ee eae aecea dint eecas sev sedesiave Jdaduen -stosdeu dalusRnedet coming 190 
MM ete ie eos Tae eae det oh atin a 0 < 0s: xvi hw px asnd ee etee pte ease 190 
Carbolic Acid for Macatee ee scales one samte eae ee 190 
India Rubber for Glycerine Mounts ........ 5 meas edad SoA eRe eS Be 

Library Catalogues as a Possible Means of Infection..... ....-...... 191 
EPeT ME NCUOM SCENT" .,J-. cocves conan: citcee boovaaeuc seesausesybensbereme amma 192 

FOR SALE.—Crouch Intermediate binocular, circular glass stage, me- 
chanical centering on substage, four eye pieces, achromatic condenser polariz- 
ing attachment, stops for dark ground and oblique illumination, parabaloid, 
two solid eye pieces made by Spencer. Allin perfect order and have been 
nsed very little. $100. GEO. A. BATES, Auburndale, Mass. 

FOR SALE.—Barbadoes Earth, containing many rare forms of Radiolaria. 
Send 40 cents, stamps, for inch cube of this material to 

8. 8. DAY, 23 Olyphant St., Morristown, N. J. 

FOR EXCHANGE. —I will exchange my photograph (carte de visite) 
with all American Diatom-friends. Y.C. RINNBOCK, Wien XI-1, Sim 
merierng Hauptstr, 14 Austria. 






Acid, carbolic, for mounting, 190 
Aecidiacei, 93 
Aeronauts, interesting, 155 
Agar-agar, character, 74 
Air, collection of impurities, 15 
Alcohol, purification, 110, 111 
Algze, preservation, 44. 
Am. Microscopical Soc, 
ings, 103. 
Amplification, useless, 28 
‘* Animal life,’’ suspension of, 189 
Antitoxin, 85 
Aphides, anatomy, 33 
Aquarium, how to study, 28, 140 
Astral body, 104 
Audubon, Sugar school, 143 
Australia, bacteriology, 172 
Bacillariaceae, in Agar—agar, 74 
nature of, 59, 152 
Bacteriology in Australia, 172 
books, 43 
Beale’s carmine staining fluid, 63 
Beetle, eyes for multiple images, 109 
Blackmailing, commerce, 107 
Blood, examination, 13 
penetration of Microbes, 119 © 
effect of tobacco, 174 
Brownian movement, 101 
Brunswick black. 159 
Butterfly scales, receptacle, 92 
Canada balsam, mounting in, 23 
Carbolic acid for mounting, 190 
Catterpillars, mounts, 75 
Cells, preparation, 154 
yeast, 199 
pus, 190 
Cephalopods as food, 95 
Clays of N. J., containing diatoms 
Clustercups, 95 
Coal, examination, 29 
sections, 62 
Correspondence, 30, 95, 110 
Covers, dismounted and cleaned, 44 
Crystals, 81 
Cutter’s method, 47 
Daphnilla Tuckermannii, 16 


Delicate organisms, killed and pre- 
served, 28 
Diatomaceous earth, how to find, 30 
Diatoms, clays of N. J., 87 
mounting, 126 
receptacle, 92 
stained, Lighton’s, 61, 89 
Diphtheria and antitoxin, 85 
and drinking cups, 29 
serum treatment, 25 
Disinfection with copper 
Dissecting microscope, 168 
Editorials, 14, 26, 42, 61, 76, 89 
104, 125,: 172, 187 
Eels, vinegar, 19 
Equisetum, 107 
spores, 155 
Erysippei, 158 
Examine microscopically, how to do 
it, 139 
Exhibit, microscope, at Brooklyn, 45 
Experiments, easy, 21 
Eye of beetle and multiple images 
Farrant’s medium, 154 
Fibre, striated muscular, 92 
Fibres, to treat, 108 
Fishes, scales, 113 
Fly, anatomy, 1 
has it teeth? 125 
Flour, adulterated, 127 
Focussing upwards, 56 
Friedlaender’s Microscopy, 91 
Fungi, cell culture, 64 
Generation, spontaneous, appearance 
of, 184 
Haemalum and Haemacalecium, 175 
Hardening, tumors, 15 
Health, public and microscopy, 26 
Hemlock barks, microscopy, 132 
Hill, Herbert M. 151 ; 
Hollis’ glue, 173 
Honey bee, anatomy, 161 
House-fly, anatomy, 1 
Hydra, microscopy, 145 
mounting, 29 



Hydra, parasite, 97 

Hydrophobia, treatment, 79 

Illumination, direct, 110 
improved, 171 

vertical, 16 
India rubber for glycerine mounts 

Indexing slides, 158 
Infection, library catalogues as a pos- 
sible means of, 191 
Infusoria, fixing cilia, 44 
Peritrichan, 40 
Trichodine, 97 
on a new method of entrapping 
killing, embedding and 
orienting, 180 
Lepidoptera, scales, 78 
Lichens, economic uses, 42 
where to find, 43 
Lighton’s slides, 61, 89 
Magnification, useful, 28 
measuring, 27 
Marble, animal origin, 93 
Measurement, 126 
Metallic globules, 16 
Mica, instead of selenite, 77 
Microphotography see Photomicro- 
Microscopes, to buy, 8 
dissecting, 168 
foreign, 14, 138 
Microscopy, how to examine objects 
and public health, 26 
future of, 125 
value of, 37 
Am. Soc., Proceedings, 103 
Royal Soc., history, 38 
Royal Soc., membership, 127 
Microtome, elegant, 16 
new method of entrapping, kill- 
ing, embedding and orient- 
ing Infusoria and other 
small objects for, 180 
Mirrors, silvering, 120 
Model to follow, 36 
Mosquito, anatomy, 129 
Mosses, examiniation, 92 
Mounting in Canada balsam, 23 
Mounts, India rubber for glycerine 
Peck, Frank P., 76 
Rex, George A., 110 
Need le-holder, 140. 
Notes, keeping, 101 
Nuphar advena, section, 63 
Oatmeal, microscopy, 118 



Objects, fixing of arranged, 78 
under the microscope, 1, 17, 
33, 49, 65, 81, 97, 113, 129, 
145, 161, 177 
Organisms, delicate, preserving, 28 
Oscillatoria, 140 
Ovipositors, exhibition, 78 
Pepsin, poor, 37 
Peritrichan infusoria, 40 
Petals, change of color, 101 
Photomicrography, 192 
apparatus, 91 
enlargement, 91 
suggestions, 10 
Physicians’ visiting 
Pittsburg for 1896, 187 
Plants, how to press, 140 
Postal Club vacancies, 76 
Practical Suggestions, 16, 28, 44, 62 
Tl, 92, 107, 126, tao. eae 
173; £90 
Projection, hint, 126 
suitable illumination, 44 
Publications, recent, 48, 79, 95, 141 
Chiero’s Language of the hand 

list for 1896 

Gospel of Buddah, 79 
Manual for the study of in- 
sects, 157 
Organic coloring matter, 142 
Le Naturaliste Canadian, 95 
Paul & Virginia, 142 
Sidney Forrester, 48 
Whist made easy, 79 
Pus cells, 190 
Questions answered, 15, 27, 438, 77 
91, 111, 127, 140, 173 
Radiolariz, help to study, 49, 67 
material, 64 ; 
Rock, slides, 173 
Rotiferae, 17, 28 
Scales of fishes, 113 
butterflies, receptacle, 92 
Science Gossip, 29, 45, 79, 93, 109 
143, 175 
Scurvy, microbe of, 172 
Seeds, nicroscopy, 127 
Selenite, cheap substitute for, 77 
Shanks, §.G., 15, 27, 43, 77, 91, 111 
127, 173 
Slides, cleaned, 44 
indexing, 158 
Soluble glass as medium, 156 
Specimens, collections, 45 
Spider, red, anatomy, 65 
Sponges, spicula, 44 


Spontaneous generation, appearance _‘Trichinae, free, 173 

of, 184 ‘Trichodine infusoria, 97 
Stains, Beale’s carmine, 63 Tripethelium, 174 
Haemalum, ete., 175 Tuberculosis, Cutter’s method, 47 
Starch, how to obtain, 108 transmitted, 90 
nature of, 109 Tumors, hardening, 15 
Stings, exhibited, 78 Vaseline in microscopy, 75 
Striated muscular fibre, 93 Vinegar eels, 19 
Sngar school, Audubon’s, 143 Water lily, sections, 63 
Superstitions about the microscope, Willson, L. A., 16, 28, 44, 62, 77 
187 92, 107, 126, 139, 158 
Taylor, Thomas, 125 Wood, thin-sections, 108 
Teasing, 159 Yeast cells, 190 
Tempere’s new catalogue, 187 Zine cement, white, 159 
Peet Otce-Liy( toured), vo een el) oe I 
Pareepe'and Condenser (2 fpureshi 2 <) .  e 6 
Ce EEA ST) les oc 8 SS OR 17 
Senesst eels (i firute). ieee = ee 20 
peemeso(4 futes). ol ee 33 
New Peritrichan Infusorian (3 figures) see ieee 41 
praetetaada (it Rpares) oT Ae ey ee 49 
* (PEROTES Pg. ee SC 53 
Begpepider (4 neures) 2 eee 65 
Poamiemearian (ie Hewresy id 2 ee 67 

eee se tp eres) ee NE ae 
itchodine Iifusoria (5Geurek) eee ee 97 

Sewer tl Bismen (TS Agree te eee ee 153, FI4 
MbeeaitO (7MENTES). tS Pe 129 
Hemlock Barks (5 figuresy 0. POT ee ee 133, 135, 136 
Pean=WaterHydia(6 fgures). eee ee ee 146 
Pee, (AA UTES es... a, te 162, 165 
pessceerne Microscope.(7 figures)... | Loo ee ee 169 

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