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..The Minister f s Job*- 

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SEP 1964 

While the Christian ministry is primarily a 
vocation } its successful prosecution depends on 
proper technical equipment. High ideals call 
"for high standards in presentation. The aim of 
The Minister's Professional Library is to supply 
the modern minister with a series of authorita- 
tive boo\s covering the professional side of his 
wor\: the actual techniques of worship, preach- 
ing, the pastoral office, running the physical 
plant of the church. It will present and ex- 
emplify those high professional standards 
which are as necessary in the ministry today as 
they are in medicine or law. It will include 
only boo\s addressed directly to the minister 
in his professional capacity. It is essentially a 
working library which will, in time, cover the 
whole "field of ministerial activity. 


By Carl S. Patton 

By Edwin A. Goldsworthy 

By Robert Cashman 

By Albert W. Palmer 

By Carl S. Patton 

Other volumes to follow 





President, The Chicago Theological Seminary 


Copyright 1937 by 

Manufactured in The XL S. A. by The Plimpton Press 
Norwood, Mass.-La Porte, Ind. 

Second Printing 
















Wide was his parish,, scattered far asunder ? 
Yet none did he neglect, in rain, or thunder* 
Sorrow and sickness won his kindly care; 
With staff in hand he traveled everywhere. 
This good example to his sheep he brought, 
That first he wrought, and afterwards he taught. 

To draw his flock to heaven with noble heart, 
By good example was his holy art. 
No less did he rebuke the obstinate, 
Whether they were of high or low estate. 
For pomp and worldly show he did not care, 
No morbid conscience made his rule severe. 
The love of Christ and his apostles twelve 
He taught, but first he followed it himself. 

Chaucer, Leonard's Translation 


'HE MINISTRY holds new appeal for the youth of today. 
JL It Is an old vocation with a modern meaning. How old 
It Is Chaucer's picture of the ideal parson in his day clearly re- 
veals. Chaucer died in 1400. There Is something reassur- 
ingly permanent and stable about a calling whose profes- 
sional standards and ideals had crystallized on so high a level 
more than five hundred years ago. 

And yet the minister's task is also perennially new and 
never more so than today. Life is ever in flux and the work 
of a spiritual leader is to reinterpret it on its highest levels to 
each new generation. He has, as it were, to teach a horse-and- 
buggy age how to fly an airplane and yet preserve its under- 
standing and appreciation of old Dobbin and the one-hoss 
shay! It is just because life has changed so completely in a 
thousand ways that the ministry continues to be so indispen- 
sable and exciting a calling. 

The following pages describe the minister's job today. 
They are not written primarily for ministers although 
probably many a parson will read them, and I hope with 
interest, as he checks up on his own program and procedure. 
I have written primarily for the young man who is in the 
valley of decision regarding the choice of a vocation and for 
his counselors in courses on vocational guidance. I am per- 
suaded that many a youth who is really fitted for the pastorate 
and thinks of it more wistfully than he would be willing to 


confess, fails to choose the ministry as a life work because he 
has inadequate, false or prejudiced views as to what religious 
work is all about. To reveal the realities of this great calling, 
root out prejudices and clear the road for a new generation of 
Christian leaders is the purpose of this book. 

But, someone might ask, is there really a need for more 
ministers isn't the profession overcrowded already ? My 
answer is that no profession today is overcrowded with first- 
class, adequately trained men, least of all the ministry. Even 
during the depression the seminary with which I am con- 
nected had no trouble in placing its graduates within a few 
weeks after graduation. Of course the question may arise : 
It's easy to place eager young men right out of school but 
what about the man of forty or fifty ? Well, that is the critical 
age in every vocation, isn't it ? The answer is that only the 
man who chose his life work wisely 5 who secured good train- 
ing, who has kept up with the literature, thought and meth- 
ods of his profession, attended its conventions, taken graduate 
work and adopted new and better techniques as they have 
come along, is secure in medicine, dentistry, law, engineering 
or business management. Ought he to expect any greater 
security in the ministry ? For men who will stay alive and 
keep growing, serving the Christian church presents an 
unparalleled opportunity today. But, as I frequently say to 
candidates for ordination., " Plan to do your best work after 
you are fifty years of age," No man ought to enter the min- 
istry unless he is determined to keep young, resilient, In- 
formed, growing and open-minded at least that long. 

It may be objected that no one man can possibly be suffi- 
ciently versatile to measure up to all the requirements set forth 
in the following pages* No one is more painfully conscious of 


that fact than the author. He has had more than twenty-five 
years' experience In the pastorate and this book is by no means 
a self-portrait or a record of achievement. Will not such a 
portrayal of the minister's job, then, tend to discourage the 
neophyte and especially the young man who is examining 
different vocations in the attempt to find his true life work ? 
The answer, of course,, is that some temperaments will kindle 
to one phase of the parson's work and some to another. 
What I have tried to present is a fairly balanced account of 
the rich total possibilities of the Christian ministry today. I 
hope that many a young man will find them calling out to 
him for accomplishment, and will rejoice to choose and pre- 
pare for no shallow,, superficial task but one which will chal- 
lenge all he has of imagination^ fortitude and good will. But 
if he tried to do and be all the things that this book suggests 
are within the range of the ministry as a vocation, he would 
probably die the death of the proverbial chameleon on the 
Scotch plaid ! But I have warned him! 


|REACHING is exciting business! It always has been 
ever since the days of Amos or the Franciscan friars or 
Martin Luther. More, it has to be, for if it isn't the congre- 
gation goes to sleep or stays home, and the preacher might 
better plow corn. It is exciting business because it deals with 
the primary interests of life and seeks to answer the great 
questions which arise in the human heart in every generation: 
What am I ? Why am I here ? What are the supreme values 
In life ? What ought I to do ? What are my right relations 
with other men ? What is the universe ? How is it created, 
upheld and guided ? If I get out of harmony with life, if I 
feel that I have sinned, how can I find peace and poise and 
righteousness again? Who and what and where is God? 
What is my duty toward him ? What might it mean to be in 
tune with the Infinite? What awaits me after death? 
These are ever recurrent questions. Trying to answer them 
in terms appropriate to the knowledge and problems of each 
new generation makes preaching an exciting business in 
every age. 

The preacher has his difficulties today. He has more com- 
petition than ever before in history. He has to be more ver- 
satile than the Sunday paper, more alluring than a baseball 
game, more interesting than the movies, better informed than 
the latest book, more enticing than a drugstore window filled 
with different brands of whisky! And he lacks some of the 


advantages which reinforced the preachers of other days: he 
has no universally accepted authoritative book, no social com- 
pulsion for church attendance, no unique possession of edu- 
cation or of social status. And he confronts an age apparently 
absorbed in material comforts and mechanical gadgets 
autos, radios,, airplanes and a general taste for streamlined 
luxury. The men he addresses are pre-committed to getting 
rich quick and have probably been conditioned in their think- 
ing by a prejudice against religion. They think of faith as 
contrary to science and of the Bible as a collection of dis- 
credited superstitions and unbelievable fish stories. Some of 
them regard religion as the opiate of the people and others 
as an impertinent social disturber and breeder of revolution. 
So, caught between the two, how shall the preacher present 
both the social gospel and the ministry of comfort ? 

Nevertheless,, the preacher has certain advantages on his 
side and if he really knows his business he can meet all these 
difficulties and overcome them. For he deals with life at first 
hand. All these other things touch it at second hand, but the 
preacher deals directly with the human soul For that reason 
religion is always and must ever be more real, more gripping, 
more authoritative in the lives of people than all these second- 
ary things. There is nothing so thrilling as to get religion! 

Great preaching is more than entertainment or information 
or even physical well-being, for it meets man himself in 
his inner need of satisfactory adjustment to life. The secret 
of its power and precedence over all other interests may be 
seen in the old Negro spiritual, " It's me, Lord, standin' in 
the need of prayer." Because humanity senses that need re- 
ligion will always stand first in human concern and great 
preaching will never be disregarded. 


Moreover, the modern preacher has certain compensations 
to balance his handicaps. For one thing, he has freedom, of 
utterance. No other man is so free not the editor, nor the 
politician, and certainly not the businessman, who is pro- 
verbially timid. The minister Is expected to tell the truth as 
he sees it without fear or favor. He has no personal financial 
ax to grind, and men look to him for an honest appraisal of 
life's values. His function has also been marvclously enlarged 
in recent days. Once he was supposed to Interpret only the 
Bible, but now he is expected to interpret all of life. In inter- 
preting life he will make large use of the Bible, but he must 
include more; he must also interpret life In the light of his- 
tory, of science and of philosophy, and add to that common 
sense and current literature and everyday experience! A 
large order ? But that is what makes preaching such exciting 
business. And where preaching is done with honesty and 
fervor people will prefer it to the movies, the Sunday paper 
and the auto all put together! 

Another thing that helps the minister today is the recovery 
of God as an Inescapable fact and force In the world. We are 
passing out of the age in which God was to many people little 
more than an oblong blur, as the old lady once said he was to 
her. And we long ago left behind the age when God was just 
a character in the Old Testament who spoke Hebrew and 
lived In the neighborhood of Mount Sinai. God has become 
a contemporary once more. We find him In the creative 
order of the cosmic process as revealed by science. We find 
him In the all-pervasive, invisible, yet ever present wisdom 
and power that upholds and guides the universe. We find 
him in the moral law, in conscience, in the quest for beauty. 
Economics, sociology, psychology are only new ways of learn- 


ing the order and truth at the heart of things, new insights 
into the will of God. Great preaching has always been born 
out of great convictions about God. No age has ever seen 
God more grandly or more clearly than the best thought of 
the world is seeing him today. Great preaching, on fire with 
a sense of the living God, is sure to come out of this vision. 

Add to this the recovery of Jesus, and you see why preach- 
ing is entering a new era of authority and power. Fifty years 
ago Jesus as ordinarily presented in Sunday school was a 
strange, unearthly figure, the second person of the Trinity, 
walking the earth thinly disguised as the Carpenter of Naza- 
reth but knowing all the time that he was God Almighty, 
subject to none except self-imposed human limitations. We 
no longer think of our Lord Jesus Christ in so unhistorical 
and unhelpful a fashion. The Christ of the Gospels has come 
back to us, thanks to modern biblical scholarship, and we see 
the great Galilean as Peter and Andrew saw him. Sometimes 
he almost seems to walk with us as he walked with them! 
We know him as one who sat wearied by the well-curb of 
human life, who wondered if faith would survive on the 
earth, who prayed in agony of spirit, who was a man of sor- 
rows, well acquainted with grief. But we also know him as 
one who spake as never man spake, as one the beauty of whose 
life and greatness of whose ideas bind our hearts to him in 
deathless loyalty. We have the doctrine of the incarna- 
tion back again! He is for us both human and divine, our 
highest, holiest manhood and also our deepest insight into 
the character of God and the possibilities of the universe. We 
bring all life before the judgment seat of Christ. There 
is something to preach about that can set men's souls on 


Against such a background, where does the preacher of our 
age find themes for his sermons and how does he set about 
preparing them ? 

The best sermons grow out of the preacher's insights into 
the life problems round about him. He sees the struggles, 
sins, frustrations and discouragements of men and women in 
this modern world setting. But he also sees the heroism, the 
dogged endurance, the deeper spiritual insights, the unex- 
pected beauty and inspiration with which life at its best may 
be lived. Then he goes back into the Bible, back into great 
literature, back into poetry and music and the beauty of na- 
ture, back into the experience of his own soul, back to Christ, 
and along this way he finds the answer. He has not only the 
Bible as written in the Old and New Testaments, inexpressi- 
bly precious as that great document of the human spirit is to 
him; he has also the continuing bible of the human race. 
St. Francis, John Bunyan, the Pilgrim Fathers, Lincoln, 
Kagawa, Gandhi and a hundred more are in it. All that is 
noblest and truest in science, art, biography, music, philoso- 
phy and poetry all that the human race has learned or 
sought to know of God is there. What a bible to preach! 
What a privilege and responsibility to be a preacher! 

Nor does he preach just to individuals alone. He preaches 
to the state, to the social order, to the modern mood, to civili- 
zation, to barbarism ! Jesus' Idea of the kingdom of God, the 
conception of a social order based on justice, love and mercy, 
has come back to earth again. Over against war, race preju- 
dice, economic exploitation, ruthless greed, the preacher en- 
visions a civilization of brotherly men and a social order 
wherein Chrlstlikeness can find expression. He walks with 


the Hebrew prophets, he shares the impulse that drove Sir 
Thomas More to write Utopia and Plato the Republic. No 
delicately perfumed little essays are delivered from his pulpit 
Sunday morning he knows that " the Lord hath spoken, 
who can but prophesy " ! The very urgency of the times, the 
appalling possibility of a world tragedy if peace and good will 
do not replace militarism and economic greed, put a thrilling 
note of prophetic appeal into all great preaching these days. 
We preach to men as in the days of Noah! 

What are the marks of a good sermon ? 

First of all it must have a message, something with which 
the preacher is so on fire that he is bound to say it no matter 
how. The sermon may be a work of art or it may not, but 
it must be a work of reality. It must ring true. Its note of 
urgency must have no quavering. 

Second, it must have variety. Some men have only one ser- 
mon and wear it threadbare. A great preacher will be like 
an organ with many stops, not like a piano with just one set 
of strings. 

Third, it must have a definite theme. Better announce the 
topic so that the congregation will know what you are trying 
to talk about. Usually it is well to have a text, too. A great 
text puts tried and tested authority and mellow age behind 
the transitory human being in the pulpit. 

Fourth, it needs a good introduction, brief but interesting; 
a problem stated with all its challenging difficulties, as Fos- 
dick does it; or a story which carries at its heart the sermon's 
message, as Charles Gilkey does it; or a thrilling, arresting 
sentence, as Charles R. Brown sometimes does it. 

The fifth thing is a logical outline. Your thoughts must 


march determinedly from one point to die next. A sermon 
is not a merry-go-round ; it must get you somewhere you 
and the congregation! 

Point six is imagination. It is said that art teaches us to see 
it teaches us what to see and it teaches us to see more than 
we see! Preaching is an art, an imaginative art. Its interest 
depends partly on its ideas and partly on the imaginativeness 
with which those ideas are unfolded and illustrated. 

In the seventh place, a sermon must be definite and con- 
crete. " Don't I argufy and sputif y ? " asked the old Negro 
preacher of the committee demanding his resignation. " Yes, 
but you don't show wherein," was their annihilating answer. 
The preacher must always show wherein ! 

And finally, the eighth and most important point, the ser- 
mon must be profoundly and genuinely spiritual. You are 
not a radio announcer mechanically recommending some- 
thing you never use yourself. You are to reveal your own 
soul and its experience with God. 

And if there were a ninth point it would be brevity. You 
must not be too long nor too short either ! Souls have been 
saved after the first twenty minutes ! 

Does your heart thrill to this conception of preaching? 
Are you willing to pay the price of equipping yourself to 
preach in this large and vital way ? Are you willing to read 
and think and study; to plow your way through economics,, 
sociology, psychology, history, science, literature and art; to 
expose yourself to all that will quicken your human sensitivity 
through music, drama, nature, travel and, perhaps most of 
all, through human service and suffering? Then perhaps 
you are one who ought to be a minister. 


But a minister is more than a preacher, he 
is also a priest. So maybe you had better 
read the next chapter before deciding. 


" ANY PROTESTANTS do not like the word " priest " 
A V A and the average young man would probably recoil 
from the idea of being one. It may be interesting to note., 
however, that the word comes from the same root as " presby- 
terian " ! " Priest " is only a shortened form of the word 
" presbyter/ 7 which means " elder." The most Protestant of 
denominations and the most typically Roman Catholic of 
titles are both derived from the same word. 

But " priest/ 5 as I am using it in this chapter, does not mean 
a man in a rear-entrance collar and a black suit, pledged to 
celibacy and empowered to perform mass. Such a man may 
be a priest in the meaning here set forth or he may not it 
all depends. But a priest,, in the large and universal meaning 
of the word,, is any man, or woman too, who becomes a chan- 
nel whereby men and women become conscious of God. The 
priestly function is the God-revealing function. He who 
ministers to human souls so as to make God real to them is a 
priest in this larger sense of the word. 

Protestantism has its priesthood. One of its most ancient 
doctrines is the priesthood of all believers. This doctrine 
means that each soul can have immediate personal access to 
God and has no need for the intervention or intercession of 
any ecclesiastical ceremonial or official. But it also means 
that we can all interpret God to one another so far as we have 
experienced him. No truly priestly soul can ever refrain from 
sharing the divine fire. He is a Promethean spirit and lives 


to serve his fellow men. The Protestant minister is not a 
priest in any exclusive sense. He has no use for sacerdotalism. 
He is a priest only as any spiritually sensitive soul may be one. 
His only advantage is that he has the time, training and vo- 
cational place which give him. great opportunity to use what 
priestly gifts he has. But ever and anon he will meet some 
thoughtful layman, some noble and mature personality, even 
some unspoiled youth, whose clear-eyed priestly insight and 
sensitive discernment will leave him humble and longing for 
greater spiritual gifts. 

The minister will fulfill his priestly functions both as a 
pastoral counselor and as a leader of public worship. The 
next chapter will deal with counseling; let us devote this one 
to the organization and leading of worship. 

In far too many Protestant churches, especially those of a 
nonliturgical tradition, the so-called worship service is often 
hardly more than a collection of " preliminary exercises " 
preceding the sermon and interspersed by the arrival of late- 
comers. People who would not think of being late for a 
wedding or a dinner engagement and who catch the eight- 
fifteen train with unfailing punctuality seem to feel that if 
they reach church before the sermon, or at least before the col- 
lection has been taken up, they are not unduly late. 

The minister, therefore, has a primary responsibility for 
making the Sunday morning worship service a truly mystical 
experience for all who are in any degree capable of it. Here 
is one of his great opportunities to break down the walls of 
sophistry and pride, of drab routine and deadening material- 
ism, and let the light of the divine presence shine into the 
hearts of those who attend his church. 

How shall he set about it ? 


First of all, he must be himself a worshiper. He must be 
responsive to the divine beauty all around him in nature, in 
music, in art, in human life, in the Bible. And he must long 
with an unalterable yearning to bring his people in touch 
with all these riches until the hard sophisticated businessman 
shall go out of church on Sunday morning saying: " There 
is a God ! I have been strangely uplifted this morning " ; until 
the waster and the worldling, if they have been present, shall 
say: " That was the real thing this morning! I wish I could 
experience such faith and joy "; until the mourner or the 
frustrated and beaten-down shall say: " I can lift up my heart 
again! There is something undefeated at die heart of the 
universe that will uphold me "; until youth with its hopes 
and plans shall say: " That is what life means to me God 
and a better world and life set to the music of great ideals ! " 

Much will depend upon the choir. They may sing well or 
not quite so well, but their skill is of secondary importance. 
The primary thing is that they shall be delivered from the cor- 
rosive influence of the concert psychology. Somehow the 
minister must bring it to pass that they do not sing to the con- 
gregation for their approval, not even to the music committee, 
but that they count their music an offering to God himself, 
" singing and making melody in their hearts unto the Lord." 
To that end he will need an organist or director who under- 
stands or is willing to learn about worship as well as music. 
Then he will do well to share with the choir in frequent brief 
conferences his understanding of worship and his conception 
of what a particular service might do for people. Under such 
teaching anthems and solos will lose their undue individual- 
istic emphasis and merge into the symphony of worship. 
They may, indeed, often be replaced by responses, softly sung 


without announcement, quietly and unobtrusively leading 
the movement of the worship service on to its great goal. 

It will also help the choir greatly if their location in the 
church is as inconspicuous as possible in a rear gallery 
from which their music can float down in antiphonal re- 
sponses, or in a chancel where they join with the congrega- 
tion about the altar or communion table with its cross or open 
Bible or other symbol of our Christian faith. Let us hope that 
the day is passing when the organ, the choir and the preacher 
seem to be the central objects of adoration in church. Better 
that the congregation should gather around the Ark with its 
sacred Scriptures, as in the Jewish synagogue, or around an 
altar or communion table with Its cross and lighted candles, 
as all denominations of Christians are coming more and more 
to do. 

There is no time here to go into the details of a really great 
service of worship. It may well have a processional sym- 
bolizing the going up of the soul into the sanctuary, and the 
service itself should move in a great sequence which will in- 
clude the vision of God, the confession of sin, the sense of 
cleansing, new insight Into the divine beauty and a final dedi- 
cation to work the will of God. It should leave the congrega- 
tion hushed and receptive to the words of the preacher, whose 
sermon, after such a service of worship, will find Itself 
cleansed and purified, less prone to harsh and irritating self- 
assertive judgments but more powerful to awaken self-criti- 
cism and real humility in all who hear. 

The priestly function of the minister would be greatly 
helped if we had better hymnbooks in the pews or if such 
hymnbooks could be supplemented by books of worship ma- 
terials. My ideal hymnbook would be one having well 


chosen hymns with such words and tunes as the congrega- 
tion can sing with sincerity and joy, plus a treasury of ma- 
terial out of which the leader may draw what he needs for his 
service of worship according to the occasion. In place of the 
long stiff responsive readings from the Psalms, or the com- 
pletely worked out worship services which must be used in 
their entirety or not at all, there should be Scripture passages 
of varying lengths chosen not only from the Psalms but from 
all parts of the Bible having liturgical beauty and dignity. 
Some may be read responsively but the shorter ones should 
be read in concert. Moreover, there should be selections 
drawn from the religious poetry of all the world and from the 
great storehouses of the literature of devotion and social as- 
piration in all the centuries. There should be confessions of 
faith, collects and longer prayers, litanies and other respon- 
sive prayers, and also antiphons and responses for the choir. 
Given such a hymnbook, the minister will be able to make his 
worship service much richer in spiritual beauty and emotional 
uplift for the worshiper. 

But, after all, with or without a good hyrnnbook and with 
or without a helpful choir, it is the minister himself who will 
largely determine how fully the worship service fulfills its 
priestly function. His bearing and demeanor will have some- 
thing to do with it he must not be fidgety or trivial or self- 
conscious or pseudo-impressive. His very clothes may play 
their part they must be appropriate; a khaki shirt and trou- 
sers may do beside a campfire but I prefer a gown in church. 

But the greatest contribution the minister makes will be his 
prayers. The pastoral prayer is, in. the Protestant service of 
worship, what the elevation of the host is in a Roman Catho- 


lie mass the supreme symbolic moment of communion 
with the divine. Inasmuch as a living person pouring out his 
soul to God is a greater and nobler symbol than anything in- 
animate or physical, this prayer should lift the service to the 
highest level of aspiration, mystical power and hushed ex- 
pectancy. That this is not always so, that it may be even a 
time of boredom and relative inattention, is the fault of the 
minister, due perhaps to his lack of appreciation of its sig- 
nificance or to his inadequate understanding of how to lead 
his congregation in prayer. It is better for a church service to 
be known for its worship than for its eloquence; and a min- 
ister, while he may feel a passing sense of satisfaction at a 
word of appreciation for his preaching, knows that such 
words are superficial indeed compared with a quiet and even 
faltering syllable of gratitude for the prayer. 

A good pastoral prayer depends first of all on the depth 
and intensity of the minister's own sense of the reality of the 
God to whom he prays. The religious press some time ago 
was agitated with the question, " Can the humanist pray? " 
I think he can for the present, at least. It is not the correct- 
ness of his idea about God which conditions the prayer so 
much as the sincerity and intensity of his conviction of the 
reality of the particular God to whom he prays. Better 
prayers may come from men tremendously in earnest about 
a very partial, vague and inadequate sort of God than from 
men of much theism but little fire. Of course, if this Is so, it 
follows all the more that the nobler and more adequate the 
prayer leader's conception of God, the better; and in. the end 
one cannot but feel that prayer will hold its deepest emo- 
tional potency only when God is supremely real and personal 


to him who prays. It Is hard to see how a sub-personal God 
can continue to awaken the emotion of prayer after the lan- 
guage and unconscious Influence of a theistic tradition have 
passed away. Even your humanist prays in anthropomorphic 
terms and personalizes his prayers. 

The first step, then, in a good pastoral prayer is a spirit o 
hushed and devout waiting, by the minister himself, before 
God as the supreme Oversoul of the universe. If the min- 
ister Is not in the noblest sense a priest at the moment of pub- 
lic prayer he only goes through a mummery and empty form. 

The second step is also a priestly one In the finest, broadest 
meaning of the term. He who leads in prayer must gather 
to himself with a sympathetic and understanding heart all 
the varying needs of the waiting congregation. Aye, and 
more, for he must feel the world outside and its needs the 
disinherited., the prisoner, the foreigner, the forgotten. But, 
particularly, he must enter with a constructive imagination 
Into the lives of the men and women here before him. Let 
him say to himself: Here are the troubled, the bereaved, the 
wistful; here is the tired mother, the harassed businessman, 
the numb victim of routine; here are the lonely, the stranger 
and the unemployed, the injured and mistreated, the disil- 
lusioned and the superficial, the tempted, the fearful and the 
sinning. Even the hypocrite Is here! But the minister will 
do well to remember that the joyful and triumphant are also 
present youth with Its vitality and hope, maturity with its 
mastery and achievement. Religion must not seem to such 
merely a consolation and a caring for the wounded; it must 
also sound a trumpet In the dawn. All the intimate knowl- 
edge and winnowed wisdom of his pastoral experience, 
gained In the course of his going in and out among his people 


or through their coming to him with their troubles, will be 
the background of his prayer. What a thrilling task it is for 
the minister thus to catch the varying moods of the congre- 
gation, gather them all together and bring them, hushed and 
humble and expectant, into the attitude of worship. 

How shall he do it? Now the issue will depend largely 
upon his sense and power of emotional leadership. He is to 
lead not only their minds but their hearts and wills. Much 
will depend on the service which has just preceded. In gen- 
eral it is well to precede the pastoral prayer by a brief but 
deeply devotional responsive service designated the " Call to 
Prayer," followed by a verse of some old hymn sung softly by 
the choir, and then by a period of absolute silence before the 
spoken prayer begins. This silence should not be too long 
and it should be preceded by a definite invitation: " Let us 
now wait before God in silent prayer." 

Something depends upon the minister's voice. It should be 
low but not too low, deep but not too deep, and there should 
be in it a warmth and vibrant quality which is sympathetic 
without being sentimental, honeyed or artificial. Reality, 
reverence, reassurance, expectancy are communicated by the 
voice even before the thoughts are uttered. A minister may 
well guard his health and deny himself rich food, late hours., 
cigarettes or any other dissipation if thereby he can preserve 
his voice as a better instrument for the worship of God. 

But a voice is a vain thing unless it has something to say. 
And so the content of the prayer is all-important. First o 
all, the prayer should not contain too much. We don't need 
to give information to God he knows before we tell him. 
The purpose of the prayer is to bring us to God, not God to 
us; its keynote, as Fosdick says, should be not " Give me " but 


" Use me-" It must deal, then, with the vital concerns of the 
congregation either with the things that are keeping them 
apart from God or with the open doors through which they 
may pass into the inner sanctuary. It should never be a sort 
of disguised bulletin of the week's events or a concealed an- 
nouncement like the famous petition devised by the college 
president, " O Lord,, bless the French class which thou know- 
est will not meet at the usual hour of ten forty-five this morn- 
ing! " And yet it may, and indeed often must, deal with 
what is in the focus of attention. For example, what min- 
ister could help praying for President Roosevelt when in those 
dark and somber days of March, 1933, he took over the presi- 
dency of the United States ? 

Is there any preferred order in public prayer ? Order there 
should be in the leader's mind, but it may well be changed 
from time to time lest, to the congregation, it become rou- 
tine and stereotyped. In general, the writer finds his pastoral 
prayer tending to arrange itself as follows: First comes the cry 
of the soul for the presence of God : 

O God, in whom we live and move and have our being, 
gather us close to thee now in the hour of morning 
prayer. . . . Out of the turmoil of the week, out of the 
dust and smoke of daily life, out of all our troubles, out 
of all the cheap and trivial things of the passing hour, we 
come, O Lord, into this sacred place and this holy hour 
that we may listen for thy voice and hear that only. 

Sentences like these lead easily and naturally into the mood 
of confession. What the prayer book calls " a prayer of hum- 
ble access " follows almost inevitably: 


We recognize, O God, that merit lives from man to 
man and not from man, O Lord, to thee; and so we come 
with no false pride or sense of undue importance but 
humbly and simply, as children to a well beloved Father. 

Petitions for forgiveness, new light, added strength, con- 
tinued guidance, follow naturally and then the prayer lifts 
itself to look out on wider horizons and we pray for others 
the stranger, the tempted, the bereaved, the overburdened, 
the ill. On it goes to yet wider concerns and interests - the 
church, the missionary, the city, the nation, the world. And 
then, before it closes, let it come back to the personal again: 

O Lord, beyond these spoken prayers, each one of us 
brings to thee in the quiet of this holy hour his own per- 
sonal, intimate, inarticulate longings and aspirations 
all we could never be, all we aspired to be and were not, 
thoughts hardly to be packed into a narrow act, fancies 
that broke through language and escaped. . . . O Lord, 
hear these unspoken yearnings of our as yet unrealized 
and nobler selves as we lift them to thee in the peace and 
quiet of this hour, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 

And then, very softly, as though an echo far away, the or- 
ganist plays a verse of some old beloved hymn against a back- 
ground of distant chimes, and the prayer is done. 

Of course it is quite obvious that all this requires, in the 
noblest, truest sense, literary skill; only it must not be a self- 
conscious, pretty, ornamental, flamboyant or rococo kind of 
literary skill. It must have at times the ruggedness of the 
hills and the realism of a Doric column. The language must 


be that of reverence and of dignity: it is better not to call God 
" you/' though with uneducated men that may sometimes be 
the acid test of reality; neither do men want any easy famili- 
arity with that august and mystic Spirit which broods over 
the universe, and yet there must be something which is be- 
yond reverence and dignity there must be intimacy. In- 
timacy but not familiarity ! For a man must be intimate with 
the God of his own soul, yet he must never be familiar. 

How shall a man master the language of devotion? By 
loving it and making it a part of himself. Some of this lan- 
guage is in the Bible there is the f ountainhead, of course. 
But it is also in the prayer book and in modern books of 
prayer like Joseph Fort Newton's Altar Stairs, McKee's Com- 
munion with God, Orchard's The Temple, Rauschenbusch's 
Pray en of the Social Awakening and Stevenson's Vailima 
Prayers. A verse or phrase from an old hymn will often lift 
a prayer to a new emotional level. Finally, a man must love 
and cherish poetry if he would pray. He must not use long 
quotations never that! but faint and far-off echoes of 
the great poets which will fill his prayer with overtones that 
people will hear, not always knowing what they hear, with 
spiritual joy and uplifted hearts. 

Other things being equal, the minister's public prayers will 
be impressive and uplifting in proportion as they are truly 
and deeply intercessory. A man may well forget his sermon 
when he begins to pray lest he preach it twice! A prayer is 
not an essay or a philosophical debate. It may well be a con- 
fession of faith, however, especially as it gets under way: 

O God, we believe that beyond our wavering sense of 
right and wrong there is a justice that shall never know 


defeat, and that beyond our imperfect appreciation of the 
beautiful there is a beauty which is eternal and un- 
dimmed. We reach out to the supreme goodness and 
cast ourselves upon the mercy that cannot fail. 

All this is good. But the prayer must go on to plead for some- 
thing. It is the intercessory note that stirs the human heart. 
" Here is a man talking to God and asking for something 
that he needs and that we all need " when the congrega- 
tion begin to say that to themselves they also are lifted on the 
wings of prayer. 

The objects of intercession should be changed from week 
to week. Keep the prayer short; one Sunday you may plead 
for doctors and nurses, another Sunday for teachers, and yet 
another for missionaries and social workers. Pray frequently 
for the ill, the tempted, the troubled in mind or body or estate, 
the stranger. People will be grateful to you for constant re- 
membrance of " those we love and those who love us, wher- 
ever they may be," and for " the gratitude we owe to those 
whose devotion has been a benediction to our lives and who 
have brought us light and healing." Also, as Charles W. 
Gilkey has well said, " while you cannot preach about the 
social gospel every Sunday, you can pray about it! " There- 
fore with all your soul be an intercessor for peace, for racial 
and economic justice, for the city of love and beauty, for a 
civilization of brotherly men, for childhood. 

Should the minister write his prayers and read them ? Per- 
sonally I do not do either. We of the Protestant tradition 
have a great word in connection with prayer we do not 
" read " prayers, we " make " them. A prayer should be 
made, it should strike the creative note ! Of course there is a 


place for liturgical and responsive prayers,, and the writing 
of prayers is one way of learning how to use the language of 
devotion. But in the supreme moment the congregation will 
be lifted higher by one who makes his prayer, pours out his 
soul to God in spontaneous adoration., than by any reading. 
Perhaps a word should be added about what may be called 
" minor " prayers. How may a man learn how to deliver an 
invocation or say grace without wandering all over the lot ? 
Here a study of the special form of prayer called the " col- 
lect " might teach the minister how to combine brevity with 
dignity, impressiveness and spiritual appeal. Just an ascrip- 
tion, a petition, a reason for the petition and a remembrance 
of Jesus Christ, and the prayer is done. 

Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all de- 
sires known and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse 
the thoughts of our minds by the inspiration of thy Holy 
Spirit that we may perfectly love thee and worthily mag- 
nify thy holy name, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. 

What could be more perfect ? 

Do you see what this chapter has been getting at ? What 
feeling have you regarding the need for worship as a con- 
tribution to the strength and comfort of men's lives ? Do you 
sense the possibilities in being a priest as well as a preacher ? 
Then possibly you are one who ought to choose the ministry 
as a vocation. 


But there is more to this priestly side than 
just leading public worship ; there is pas- 
toral counseling. So turn to the next 



BETWEEN a new and more appreciative understanding 
of the value of the Roman Catholic confessional and the 
new insights into mental conflict which are coming out of 
the psychiatrist's consultation room, the pastoral work of the 
Protestant minister bids fair to be reborn. I do not look to 
see confessional stalls with green curtains and kneeling 
benches set up in Protestant churches, and I certainly do not 
want the minister to become a psychiatrist he has a big 
enough job already. But it does seem clear that in fulfilling 
his priestly function as a counselor the minister has much to 
learn from both the confessional and the psychiatrist which, 
wisely used, would make him on occasion possibly an even 
more helpful adviser than either the padre or the practitioner. 
Pastoral counseling is nothing new in Protestantism. 
Preaching, for instance, is a kind of pastoral counseling done 
impersonally. It has always been understood that if the coat 
fits it may be put on ! Of course the preacher must never say 
that, and part of the power of preaching has been its ano- 
nymity. The preacher is never supposed to hit at particular 
members of his congregation. If he is wise and considerate 
he will observe this principle to the letter. But, nevertheless, 
faithful preaching will carry good advice and searching coun- 
sel home, and not infrequently to places where they are des- 
perately needed although no one outside suspects the need. 



Worship may also sometimes prove to be pastoral counsel- 
ing at its highest potentiality. It may be far more effective 
to pray in church for a forgiving spirit than to tell a man on 
the street his duty of forgiveness. To pray for the homes of 
your parish may go far deeper into the needs of some par- 
ticular home represented in church that morning than could 
any pastoral advice. 

The Protestant minister also has a great advantage in that 
he is traditionally expected to make pastoral calls throughout 
his parish, as the Catholic priest is not. And he has an ad- 
vantage over the psychiatrist in that he does not have to be 
paid for services to the soul or wait to be called before render- 
ing them. As a pastor he can tactfully offer his services where 
the situation needs them. These two advantages work to- 
gether. By his pastoral calling he learns inside facts about 
the home, family and business life of his parishioners which 
are important in helping him to be a wise counselor. Viewed 
in this light, pastoral calling ceases to be a mere perfunctory 
ringing of doorbells and becomes a most valuable opportu- 
nity for acquiring wisdom and understanding and often for 
rendering spiritual first aid. 

Moreover, pastoral calls are not the only contacts which 
the minister has with individuals. If he is a good pastor he 
meets his men, where he is welcome to do so, in the round of 
their day's work or on the golf course. He sees people in 
committees and at all sorts of social functions. In all these 
contacts his attitude is always one of good will and friendship. 
If he is psychologically wise and knows what to look for and 
what to listen for, he may learn much that will help him be of 
service later on. 

The good pastor's relationship to his people differs in still 


another important respect from that of either the priest or the 
psychiatrist. It is much more informal. The minister carries 
his confessional and his consultation room around with him 
even though he may and ought to have office hours at his 
church for people who want to lay their troubles before him. 
But some of his best leads and greatest opportunities will 
come quite casually along the way. It was that way with 
Jesus, wasn't it ? But they will come only if, like Jesus, the 
minister knows what is in man and appreciates his opportu- 
nity to speak the ministering word. 

How, then, does a minister become a wise pastoral coun- 
selor ? First of all by study. Seminaries now offer courses in 
mental hygiene, personality disorders and pastoral counseling 
from a psychiatric point of view. And if he has never had 
such courses, or even if he has had them, good books are con- 
stantly appearing which the minister can read. But, as 
Robert Louis Stevenson once remarked, " literature is a 
mighty bloodless substitute for life," and so he who would 
be a counselor must know much about the real lives that 
people live. 

Travel is another way of coming to know life because in a 
different environment we become alert to things which are 
taken for granted at home. But, though a trip to Europe or 
Japan is worth all it costs and more, travel need not be long 
and expensive, for there are stay-at-home journeys which are 
almost equally educational. 

Did you ever, for example, see the inside of the jail in your 
town, ever spend a day in a mental hospital, ever visit the 
juvenile court ? Did you ever stay over night in a perfectly 
respectable cheap hotel like one of the Mills hotels in New 


York City ? Did you ever hunt for a job, ever work in a print- 
ing office, drive a delivery wagon, cross the ocean on a trans- 
port, preach in a leper settlement, sleep with a bunch of sol- 
diers in an army camp, act as a " super " on the stage, travel 
two thousand miles in a freight car, earn your living as a can- 
vasser? Ministers have done all these things and more in 
their relatively sheltered lives, not as a preparation for coun- 
seling but just in the line of duty. And they have thereby 
gained sympathies and insights which have helped mightily 
when it came to dealing with men and women in the pastoral 

The first preparation for pastoral counseling, then, is to * 
know the theory of it the best books and courses on mental 
hygiene and psychological insight; and the second prepara- 
tion, which must go right along with the first, is to know life 
the rough-and-tumble sea of its realities and not just its 
protected coves and placid harbors. 

But there is a third preparation, if the counseling is to be 
pastoral counseling, and that is to know religion! 

If you are going to be a good pastoral counselor you must 
hammer out a theology and a practical philosophy of life. 
You will need to have some working conception of God, 
some idea of the significance of personality and of man's place 
in the universe, some basic ethical convictions and a fairly 
clear conception of the character of Jesus. If to these you can 
add a faith in the eternal life and its abiding values, a vital 
experience with prayer and a knowledge of the Bible, you'll 
have a very helpful background for your task. 

What kind of problems come up in the pastoral counselor's 
experience? All kinds! At least all that people think he 


might possibly help them with. It depends largely on what 
kind of man he is, what he preaches about on Sunday, how 
realistic he is in dealing with questions tentatively raised in 
conversation with him. Some ministers will have relatively 
little pastoral counseling to do. Their sermons are so remote 
from life and their bearing so austere, or so frivolous, that 
people would never dream of inviting them into the inner 
sanctuary of their lives. They would rather tell their troubles 
to the policeman. 

But the pastor whose sermons reveal experience with life, 
a humble spirit and an understanding heart, from whom 
people feel they can reasonably expect sympathetic help in 
analyzing their problems and not just denunciation or ex- 
communication such a pastor will find all the varied prob- 
lems of life brought to his door. Some of them will be ab- 
surdly simple and foolish, others so difficult that he can only 
pray for light to deal with them, for he will find no solution 
without God's help. 

The catalogue will include difficulties growing out of 
adolescent tensions, parents' misunderstandings of their 
growing children, children's need of insight into the baffling 
ways of worried adults. Problems of sex ignorance or mis- 
information or emotional reaction. Problems of family ad- 
justments homes headed for the rocks because of disregard 
of the basic principles of complete financial, intellectual, 
sexual and emotional cooperation in marriage. Problems 
of business ethics, of economic disaster, of poverty, destitu- 
tion and relief. Problems of vocational guidance and unem- 
ployment. Problems of quarrels, suspicions and long cher- 
ished feuds. Problems of advancing age and its fears, of 
loneliness, of helplessness. Problems of divorce and hasty 


marriages and of people who have never been married. Prob- 
lems of sickness, invalidism, death. Problems of drink, in- 
sanity and crime. 

What can the minister do when all these things are brought 
to him for counsel and solution ? 

Well, first of all, he can listen! What most people need, 
or at least desire, is an" audience. Remembering that people 
are supposed to listen to him on Sunday, he can return the 
compliment by listening to them during the week. This is a 
large part of the technique of the psychiatrist. If people can 
only express themselves fully and completely to someone they 
trust, the very release of getting all their troubles out of their 
system will sometimes clear up the difficulty. Having said 
all they have to say, they may at last be able to analyze their 
own problem, with perhaps the help of a few hints from the 
outside. If they think they have solved their problem them- 
selves, so much the better. 

In the second place, the wise pastoral counselor will learn 
not only to listen but what to listen for. He will come to 
detect certain overtones or undertones which will reveal to 
him things he needs to know. Here is a woman, for example, 
who praises her husband with such eloquence and so ubiq- 
uitously that all the men in the parish wish their wives, too, 
had been gifted with similiar insight and expressiveness. But 
a wise observer notes that she talks too much about her hus- 
band. She does, and there's a reason. Six months later they 
are divorced! 

Here is a man who comes to you with a perfectly plausible 
story. At least it seems so at first. But as you talk with him 
you find that he makes no concessions to any difficulties you 
point out, but, on the contrary, has an answer to everything 


all thought out in advance. You can make absolutely no 
impression upon his utterly relentless logic. Mere facts 
mean nothing to him. At last you realize he is either a high- 
pressure salesman or the victim of a fixed idea, headed for 
paranoia or already there. 

After he has listened,, what can the pastoral counselor do ? 
He can talk things over in the light of such psychological 
wisdom as he has been able to acquire., plus practical common 
sense and ordinary Christian ethics and good will It will 
be best to draw out the counselee on the question of what 
these common-sense Christian principles should be in this 
particular case. What., does it seem to him, would be the 
fair, generous, gracious, cooperative solution ? What would 
be the first step toward it ? How can that step be taken ? 

Sometimes the problem seems insoluble. Both pastor and 
consultant, after pooling all their knowledge, are still baffled. 
What then ? Well, perhaps there is other wisdom that can be 
drawn upon. Maybe this case requires more expert analysis 
and advice. Let's talk it over with a trained social worker, or 
a wise woman perhaps the minister's wife or a lawyer, 
or a doctor, or a psychiatrist. Then too, time solves many 
problems. Sometimes all that can be done is to wait. But 
since the consultation has taken place, the troubled soul does 
not have to wait alone. One can wait so much more patiently 
if his anxiety is shared and he knows that his pastor waits 
with him. 

Two things the pastoral counselor must never do: he must 
never be shocked and he must never betray a confidence. He 
must never be shocked because all reciprocity stops the mo- 
ment his voice or expression registers shock. Or possibly it 
was the hope and intention of the person telling the story to 
shock him; then he must not permit such easy satisfaction. 


In any case, in reacting negatively the minister blocks the way 
to any common ground of realistic approach toward the so- 
lution of the problem. 

There is an old story of a man who had committed murder 
and who, overtaken by remorse, felt an impulse toward con- 
fession. Being in front of a church he found his way to the 
pastor's study and burst in crying, " I have committed mur- 
der! " The pastor replied: " Wait a minute. I must speak 
to my secretary/' and stepped into the adjoining room. 
" Miss Smith, call the police ! I have a murderer in my of- 
fice! " When he returned the man was gone. Wandering 
down the street, the murderer came to a Catholic church and 
thought he would try again. Within he saw a priest just 
entering the confessional. Hastily he knelt before the little 
grating: " Father," he whispered, " I have committed mur- 
der! " Clear and cool and undisturbed came back a friendly 
voice: " How many times, my son? " 

As to betraying a confidence, that would not often happen 
deliberately. The peril of betrayal lies in the nature of the 
minister's job. As a preacher he is always on the search for 
apt and vivid illustrations. The temptation to use what has 
been told him in confidence in order to drive home the point 
of a sermon is sometimes almost irresistible. " It occurred 
so long ago, or in another parish, or it can be disguised by 
changing the names," he says to himself. But he should 
never forget that gossip travels across the miles and across 
the years. Moreover, the very fact that he used a confidence 
as an illustration may be just the thing that will keep away 
from him some sensitive and troubled soul. " I wouldn't 
want my case to be exploited that way," she says and keeps 
her problem to herself. The fact that courts have ruled that 
a minister is not obliged, any more than a priest, to reveal 


what is told him as a pastoral counselor ought to impose 
upon the pastor a special responsibility to be very reticent 
about the use he makes of such material. Such reticence will 
be rewarded by the increasing trust and confidence of his 

Finally, the pastoral counselor must never forget that his 
is a priestly function, that his supreme service is to bring the 
troubled soul into harmony with God. Other adjustments 
may be made along the way but they are only partial and pre- 
paratory. The truly adjusted life is adjusted to God. This 
does not mean that the minister should flood his caller with 
pious talk. He may not mention God at all at first and may 
even seem to avoid conventional religious phrases and pro- 
cedures. His patient may be conditioned against such lan- 
guage, or, more pathetic still, may accept it too easily. But 
insofar as he brings his patient into touch with reality, into 
harmony with truth and love and forgiveness, he is putting 
him in tune with those qualities which are at the heart of any 
real God. He may have first to reconstruct the patient's 
whole theology without the patient's realizing it, dropping 
the conventional language of religion for the time being. 
But in the end his work will not be complete until adjust- 
ment, conscious and accepted, has been made to God, to Jesus 
and the Bible, and to the church. The altar fires of prayer 
and worship will once more be kindled within the sanctuary. 

But the minister doesn't spend all his time 
counseling. He has an organization to 
run. Hence the next chapter. 



THE MINISTER these days rarely founds the church of 
which he is the pastor; he inherits it. And, like all 
things inherited, it has some characteristics which are inex- 
pressibly precious, some which ought to be discarded, and yet 
others which must be retained but reconstructed. How to 
recognize these three classes of things and deal with them ap- 
propriately and effectively will test a minister's tact and good 

A wise and experienced pastor once said to me : " Make no 
changes the first year. Devote yourself to preaching and 
pastoral work. When you have set their souls afire and they 
have come to know you and to trust you, then you can do 
things which would have caused a riot if they had been at- 
tempted prematurely." Sound advice and ordinarily to be 
followed to the letter in the case of an old and stable church. 
But it should also be remembered that there are unstable 
churches which would die on your hands if you did nothing 
to improve their organization the first year. 

* This chapter could well be shorter than the others because so much of the 
ground has been admirably covered in another book in this same series, The Busi- 
ness Administration of a Church, by Robert Cashman. But the student considering 
his vocational choice may not have that volume available and, in any case, it 
represents the viewpoint of a layman. Since I am speaking as a minister there 
will be a different accent as well as additional material in this chapter which may 
possibly be of value as a sort of footnote to Mr. Cashman's excellent and practical 



Before he sets out to organize or reorganize his church the 
minister will do well to consider carefully questions like the 

What is the denominational background and genius of 
this church ? 

What peculiarities are there in its local history and situa- 

What type of people make up its constituency and with 
what sort of secular organizations are they accustomed 
to deal? 

What attempts at reform were made and failed in the 
past and why ? 

What deep-seated prejudices and personality problems 
are involved ? 

Where is the strategic place to begin ? 

By the time he has acquired sufficient knowledge to answer 
these questions the pastor will probably decide that the re- 
organization needed is not a one-man job, that the church 
belongs to its members and they need to be aroused to its 
problems and educated and organized for their solution. To 
this end he may organize a planning commission to study the 
whole problem and bring in a report. He will, of course,, give 
the various subcommittees through which this commission 
operates a lot of hunches and feed them as much good ma- 
terial on their particular problems as he can find or as they 
can digest. The commission ought to be a composite affair 
some of its members being church officials., some chosen 
for their interest or knowledge of the questions involved. 
And it may also be wise to have some very conservative mem- 
bers, so that they may make their criticisms in advance. Be- 


Ing on the commission and exposed to its discussions may 
convert them and, in any case, will lessen the force of their 
opposition later on. It will be like having a member of the 
Supreme Court inside the President's Cabinet. 

As a pattern for such an analysis of a parish, the following 
outline might serve. It comes largely from a form prepared 
by President Albert W. Beaven of the Colgate-Rochester 
Divinity SchocVt^ftil SfenM-additions from Dr. Ozora S. 
Davis and myself. While not a complete or scientific survey, 
it will help church and minister to see their parish problems 
in relation to one another and in perspective. 

(1) What is the church's worship program ? Is it really 
worship ? Where does it fall short? Why ? 

(2) What is the church's teaching program? Is it real 
and effective? Is it Christian? Is it intelligent? 
Does it help the church or compete with it ? Does it 
meet community needs? Does it reach both adults 
and children ? 

(3) What is the church's evangelistic program? Has 
the church any evangelistic mood ? If one method is 
outworn or repudiated, what other method could be 
used ? Is the church really propagating the Christian 
religion ? 

(4) What are the church's community relationships? 
Does it do anything for the community ? Is it an iso- 
lated club or an instrument for service ? Is it of any 
use during the week ? A map of the parish, locating 
all other churches and social agencies, would help here. 

(5) What is the church's Kingdom vision? Has it in- 
formation and vital relations to Christian work abroad 


or at home outside Its parish ? Has it an aggressive 
message as to war, race relations, social justice, civic 
welfare ? 

(6) Does the church have any denominational coopera- 
tion? Is it a free-lance church or does it cooperate? 

(7) What equipment does the church own ? Has it the 
kind of tools needed to work with ? If not, why not ? 
Laziness? Lack of vision? Lack of money? Is it 
well located for its task? 

(8) What is the state of the church regarding finances 
and what stewardship ideas and methods may be built 
up? What about Its credit and business standing? 
Are the community resources being fully cultivated ? 
Debt ? Plans for its payment ? 

(9) What is the tone of the church's spiritual life ? Is it 
a secularized church ? What are its spiritual ideals ? 
How expressed ? 

(10) What social life does the church have ? Is it an in- 
strument of fellowship ? Or Is it cold ? 

(n) What are the church's special problems ? Ebb tide 
of population ? Change of racial makeup ? Economic 
changes? Extreme poverty? Extreme wealth and 
frivolity? Isolation? Competition of other institu- 
tions? Overchurched community? Past record of 
quarrels or scandals ? Is it a " one-man church " ? 
Other problems not listed ? 

(12) What should the future policy be ? Broad outlines 
of the best strategy for future development and service 
(a) for one year, (b) for five years. 


Out of the report of such a planning commission, and out 
of the educational discussions and debates which it will 
arouse, there should finally emerge a policy, a program and 
an organizational pattern adapted to your church and to its 
local situation. The report will be expressed not only in 
words but in charts and diagrams. Duties, responsibilities 
and goals will be clearly allocated and officers, committees, 
boards appointed, departments organized. 

What then ? Well, then all that remains is for the minister 
to be a good executive and keep the plan working. That is 
not so easy. It involves several things, among them these: 

(1) The minister must see to it that each officer, com- 
mittee or department is adequately informed as to its 
area of responsibility and the work expected. Definite 
training may be necessary. 

(2) Provision must be made for regular reports from 
time to time, either at church meetings or in the church 
calendar or parish paper. People work toward definite 
goals, not for vague general aims. They must have 
an opportunity to see and tell what has been done. 

(3) Due recognition and generous but not fulsome 
praise must be given. This is the only recompense an 
unpaid volunteer staff receives apart from the individ- 
ual's own inner satisfaction at having shared in a good 

(4) There must be rotation in office, not too frequent but 
not too long delayed either, so that new leadership can 
constantly be developed. 

(5) The plan itself must likewise be kept growing and 
flexible, to meet the changing needs of the parish. A 


small carefully selected committee may be charged 
with this responsibility alone. 

(6) The minister may well keep himself In the back- 
ground as much as possible. He should train the 
church to operate on its own. Besides, his time and 
energy need to be concentrated on preaching and coun- 

I shall not attempt to outline any particular plan of church 
organization, for such a plan will depend largely on the de- 
nominational pattern and this is a book for all denominations. 
But let me now pass to what is often the critical point in the 
success or failure of church or any other kind of administra- 
tion: the art of dealing with difficult individuals. 

The sociologist tells us that people work for four great 
motives security, recognition, mastery or a sense of crafts- 
manship, and adventure or new experiences. Where any or 
all of these are frustrated there Is bound to be friction and un- 
happiness. When Industrial management discovers these 
motives and takes them seriously a new day will dawn in 
labor relations. But, meanwhile, a new day might dawn In 
many a church If these four objectives were posted directly 
over the minister's desk and ultimately registered in his un- 
derstanding. Except for its relatively small employed staff 
the church has little to do with people's security, but the min- 
ister who understands his parishioners' need for the other 
three satisfactions of life can go far toward making a happy 
church. Give people a chance to do something well,, open 
avenues of exploration and new experience for them, give 
ample recognition to their personalities and contributions to 


the total program, and your church, esprit dc corps will 

And if trouble and antagonism do arise, the wise executive, 
after reviewing these four motives and finding nothing amiss, 
will try to analyze the difficulty further. Is this friction due 
to a misunderstanding of facts, or to a misapprehension of 
motives ? These errors can be cleared up by frank and gra- 
cious conference. Or is the friction due to an honest differ- 
ence of philosophy and values ? This deacon thinks coopera- 
tives are a purely economic matter, for example, while the 
parson feels that they may be a valuable experiment station on 
the way toward a less selfish social order. Well, here again 
there can be frank and honest conference with mutual re- 
spect and courteous recognition of the other's viewpoint. 
The motto of a famous Christian conference in China was, 
" Agreed to differ but resolved to love "; that is a basic Chris- 
tian attitude, but we must beware lest it get twisted around 
into, " Agreed to love but resolved to differ." 

Two words of warning may be useful here. The first is, 
never question motives! You can keep contact with a man 
and you may ultimately win him so long as you do not ques- 
tion his motives or even his rationalization of them. Give 
him a chance to save his face I And the other warning is one 
I learned from one of Chicago's outstanding business execu- 
tives: " Concerning pleasant things, write; concerning diffi- 
cult things, confer." In other words, if you have to discharge 
the organist, don't write her a snippy little note. Be brave 
enough to talk it over with her. Let her feel in your tone of 
voice the genuine kindness of heart which no letter can 
convey. She may be angry and say some unpleasant things 


but you must see to It that her ultimate memory Is of a man 
who was courageous enough to talk things out, who main- 
tained his composure, and whose every word and tone con- 
veyed nothing but good will 

And this perhaps suggests one other warning, and that Is 
that many people are quite deficient in sense of humor. I 
may be misled by the quality of my own jokes, but my obser- 
vation is that a minister can never depend on It that his jokes 
will be understood. Especially is this true of irony, which 
should be Indulged in sparingly. As for sarcasm, that is re- 
served for the heroes and villains of the screen; it is not for 
ministers ! Of course a minister must have a sense of humor, 
otherwise he would die, but It must be like the humor In 
McCutcheon's cartoons, without sting or bitterness. 

Does some minister or prospective minister say: " I am will- 
ing to preach and pray and counsel. But deliver me from 
this administrative job, I can't be chained down to that! " 
Yes, but do you realize that it is precisely on the administra- 
tive side of his work that the minister comes nearest to shar- 
ing the life and experiences of his laymen ? They have to 
deal constantly with problems of organization and routine. 
They have to learn how to get along with all sorts of people. 
Who are you to preach to them on Sunday if you are not 
capable of bearing efficiently and cheerfully the same kind of 
burdens and Irritations they bear all week long? 

Perhaps this is a good place to turn to a 
more appealing side of the minister's work 
and consider him as a teacher. 



TESUS was frequently addressed as " Teacher." The man 
J who would be a Christian minister may well learn, there- 
fore, all he can of the teacher's art. I say this in spite of the 
fact that the epistle of James says, " Be not many of you 
teachers! " 

The teacher's technique requires knowledge of both the 
subject and the person to be taught. It involves patience, 
slow but steady progress toward distant goals, and great re- 
sourcefulness in awakening interest in the unknown, arous- 
ing latent abilities, and stimulating an imaginative and con- 
structive attack on life. The teacher's approach is one of 
invincible good will and his personal attitude that of modesty 
and humility. He counts himself a channel through which 
knowledge flows rather than the sole artesian well where it 
originates. Now let us apply this conception of the teacher's 
job to the minister's and see where we come out. 

First of all, the minister must understand the subject he is 
to teach. He must be in some sense a scholar. A later 
chapter will deal with the minister's educational training but 
it may not be amiss to indicate here that his whole life long 
he must keep alive and develop that scholarly approach to 
the problems of his profession which it is to be hoped he has 
acquired in the theological seminary. Happy the pastor 
whose church has a fund for buying books which may not be 
diverted to any other object. But even without this, and on 



a very meager salary, he will still find the seminary library 
ready to loan him books for the postage, and most public 
librarians are very generous about ordering books which min- 
isters indicate they would like to read. 

The importance of studying human nature and of under- 
standing the people whom he would serve has already been 
suggested in the chapter on counseling, but a word should 
be said about the teacher's spirit of patience and his method 
of making slow, steady gains toward distant goals. A very 
excellent book written some years ago is The Impatience of a 
Parson. Parsons should be very impatient but they should 
not show it too much ! A display of impatience never gets a 
teacher anywhere; it is contrary to his whole plan of cam- 

Lyman Abbott never attended a seminary; he secured his 
early theological education in the old-fashioned way by study- 
ing with an uncle who was pastor of a rural church in Maine. 
Because his uncle's farm was called " Few Acres," Abbott 
used to refer to it as the " Few Acres Theological Seminary." 
In his autobiography he says that the greatest lesson he 
learned there was that, in order to move an object from one 
point to another, you must move it through all the intermedi- 
ate points. Many a seminary would justify all its endow- 
ments and atone for some of its theological sins if it could be 
sure of convincing every student of that very elementary 

It is very thrilling to be a prophet and very noble to be a 
martyr, and it may seem drab and commonplace to be a 
teacher finding out where people are in their religious and 
social ideas, starting with them at that precise point, and then 


skillfully awakening curiosity, discontent, interest, self-criti- 
cism., vision,, progress. But it should be remembered that the 
greatest prophets were also very resourceful teachers. Note 
the psychological skill of Isaiah with his yoke or of Jeremiah 
buying that corner lot in Anathoth. And as to martyrdom 
well, to teach a stiff-necked, unresponsive generation year 
after year with patience and with unfailing urbanity and 
hopefulness may not be as picturesque as being burned at the 
stake, but who shall say it is not martyrdom? 

What I mean is this. Any man can come into town with 
a line of denunciatory sermons of which every syllable is true, 
and get everybody by the ears in no time. At the end of three 
months the American Legion, the D. A. R., the Chamber of 
Commerce, the Ladies' Aid and even the Central Labor 
Council will be so incensed at him that he will have to look 
for another job. What has he accomplished ? Added to a 
reputation for lack of tact, he has left a divided church and a 
disgruntled community and has made things twice as hard 
as they ought to be for his successor. And, while he is ad- 
justing the mental halo of his self-inflicted martyrdom in 
some new parish, another man with the same essential con- 
victions but with a teacher's technique can come into that 
community, smooth its ruffled feathers, win its confidence in 
his personal kindliness and good sense, touch its conscience, 
appeal to its human sympathies, feed it a few thousand facts 
in moderate quantities of from one to half a dozen per ser- 
mon, and sooner or later the community itself will say: 
" There is a lot in what he says. Of course we don't swallow 
it all. He has some pretty radical ideas, but we believe in 
him. And on some matters we've changed a good deal since 


he came. He's given us a new slant on this Council for Social 
Action, for instance. We used to think it was in the pay of 
Moscow but now we recognize its value as a safety valve. 
The church has got to face these problems. And, say, that last 
number of their little magazine did have some facts in it that 
make you sit up and take notice, didn't it ? " 

The minister's teaching program will be a many-sided one, 
depending on his community's situation. It will vary with 
the size of the church and with its location suburb, a great 
city, an industrial section, a town or village or the open coun- 
try. But in one or the other of these places it will employ 
the following teaching opportunities. 

First of all, the sermon, whatever else it may be and it 
should be a great deal else will lodge as many important 
facts and good ideas as the congregation is capable of absorb- 
ing, and probably a few more. David Starr Jordan once told 
me his objection to most preachers was that if they had two 
ideas they used one and saved the other for next time. The 
preacher should not be economical with his ideas. But at the 
same time one irritating idea is about all a single sermon can 
carry. It is better to balance it with several others easier to 
assimilate. The worship service, in which the sermon is em- 
bedded, is also in part, but only in part, a teaching function. 
We certainly learn about some things, and open the door to 
learn a great deal more about them, by praying for them. As 
Charles Clayton Morrison has so vividly brought out in his 
book, The Social Gospel and the Christian Cultus, the impli- 
cations of the religion of Jesus for social action will not really 
grip the conscience until we have woven them into the liturgy 
of our worship. 

Another valuable teaching opportunity is in the Sunday 


evening or weekday forum. An outsider who does not have 
to live in the community, if he knows his facts and is an in- 
teresting speaker, can often say provocative and challenging 
things, and answer both sincere and nasty questions in a way 
that will forward the cause of clear thinking in the com- 
munity. One of the most strategic moves the church can 
make in these days of threatening totalitarianism, whether 
communist or fascist, is to build up a tradition of free speech. 
No real or searching education is possible without it, except 
possibly in the field of pure mathematics. 

Other teaching opportunities will be found in the midweek 
meeting and in the adult Bible classes. Many a women's 
society, also, could be quite transformed and vitalized by an 
adequate teaching program concerning missions, Bible study, 
personal religion, child guidance or civic welfare. Moreover, 
the minister has frequent opportunities to address Rotary 
clubs, high schools, colleges, women's clubs and all sorts of 
conventions. On such occasions he has his choice between 
giving deft and skillful entertainment and starting some 
really educational thoughtfulness in his audience. " Many's 
the lecture I'se listened to and wondered whether I'se been 
receivin' education or entertainment," says Uncle Eph. Well, 
the minister ought not to leave his audience in too great 
doubt. Even the opportunity to give a book review may serve 
his turn. If there were no ideas in the book, why not suggest 
a few that ought to have been in it ? 

All the foregoing has to do primarily with the education of 
adults. But the great field for teaching is with young people, 
and this educational companionship with youth is one of the 
minister's greatest privileges. There is the Sunday school to 
start with. Does it really teach the Bible and make it glow 


with interest and contemporary meaning? Read Halford 
Luccock's Preaching Values in the Newer Translations of the 
Bible or Carl Patton's Use of the Bible in Preaching and you 
will see what may be done to make the Bible a living book. 
If the minister does not teach the Bible or get it taught so that 
it kindles enthusiasm and appreciation, no one else is likely 
to do so, and the race will lose some very great literature and, 
incidentally, a lot of very important ethics and religion. 
" You can't be near that man without learning something 
about the Bible," is not a bad recommendation even for a 
modern minister. If the devil shouldn't have all the good 
tunes it is still more true that the fundamentalists shouldn't 
have any monopoly on the Bible. Their theories prevent their 
making any good use of large parts of it anyway. 

But the minister must see to it that his Sunday school is far 
more than a Bible school It must be a school of life where 
youth confronts real situations and sees them in the light of 
sound ethical ideals against the background of human experi- 
ence as revealed in great biography, drama and philosophy. 
The teaching need not be all literary either. Social explora- 
tion trips will make these problems still more vivid and un- 
forgettable. Religious drama may well be given an impor- 
tant place in this educational process, and, beyond what we 
ordinarily call drama, that which is the highest drama of all, 
namely, worship. For in a rich and well conducted worship 
service the individual soul lives through that most dramatic 
of all inner experiences, the coming into right relations with 
the universe and into harmony with God, Share a well pre- 
pared and impressively conducted candle-lighting service 
with a group of young people and you'll learn more about 
worship than you teach. 


And then, on the mundane side again, there is the scout 
troop or the summer camp where the minister who is a good 
swimmer or a good woodsman or a good banjo player al- 
most any accomplishment will do can live with youth, 
and enter into its thoughts, and prepare to say something in- 
telligible and even gripping to the rising generation later on. 
Meanwhile what he is may have spoken more deeply than 
anything he will ever have the chance to say. 

And this is a good point from which to 
pass on to the next chapter and consider 
the minister as a human being. 



' UCH MORE of normal human liberty is allowed the 
minister today than was customary in days gone by. 
In some parts of the country the minister may even smoke 
and dance, and nowhere is he any longer required to wear a 
Prince Albert coat and a white bow tie. Personally I neither 
smoke nor dance, but I do appreciate being delivered from 
the long-tailed coat and the white lawn tie. Perhaps the best 
advice as to his personal behavior and appearance ever given 
to a young minister was this: " When you go to a new com- 
munity, do not dress or behave in such a way that everyone 
will immediately spot you as a minister. But on the other 
hand, don't dress or behave in such a way that they will be 
shocked when they learn that you are one ! " 

Shall the minister wear a clerical collar and a high-cut vest ? 
The answer depends largely on personal taste, the custom of 
his denomination and section of the country, and the prac- 
tice of his fellow ministers. Most men will prefer not to be 
conspicuous and for that reason may choose to dress in quiet 
good taste like other men. Dressing so, they feel that they 
see and hear life as it really is. The wind of masculine pro- 
fanity and outspoken opinion is not tempered to the shorn 
lamb of professional dignity as it would too often be if the 
minister dressed so that all men recognized his calling at 
once. On the other hand, my friends who wear clerical garb 



tell me that in making calls, visiting a hospital or even taking 
a long railway journey, they find that people turn to them 
more readily. 

Should the minister wear a gown in the pulpit? By all 
means, if the architecture of the church is not too incongru- 
ous with such a costume and if the choir is also gowned. 
There is a curious prejudice and inconsistency widely preva- 
lent which allows a robed choir without dissent but feels that 
if the minister were likewise vested it would indicate that 
he, and maybe the whole church, was headed straight for 
Rome. As a matter of fact the black Geneva gown is the 
most Protestant of garments. John Calvin wore one. Need 
any more be said ? 

What shall the minister be called ? I know ministers who 
are called by their first names throughout the parish, and this 
informality is an expression of affection. But generally the 
minister will prefer to be just plain " Mr. Smith." The un- 
dertakers in the north and everybody down south will prob- 
ably call him " Doctor." That is the chief argument for a 
theological student's getting a Ph.D. while in college it will 
save him lifelong embarrassment in handing back " doctor- 
ates " or feeling that he ought to. But whatever else he is 
called, he should never be called a " Reverend." That is a 
widely prevalent barbarism which all friends of good Eng- 
lish should suppress. " Reverend " is always an adjective and 
never a noun. The proper form is " the Reverend John 
Smith " or " the Reverend Mr. Smith " never just " Rever- 
end Smith." One can no more say " Reverend Smith " than 
he can say " good Smith." One has to say " good John 
Smith " or " the good Mr. Smith." Protestants need an ade- 
quate title for their ministers corresponding to the Catholic's 


* Father " and the Jew's " Rabbi" The Lutherans use " Pas- 
tor/' which serves admirably. I wish the rest of us could do 
likewise or else revive the good old English title of " Parson " 
before we all become " Reverends " willy-nilly. 

But there are more important human problems before the 
minister than what he shall wear or by what name he shall be 
called. There is the problem of his business affairs. He 
ought to be " an utterly honest man/' as a Japanese student 
once quaintly told me in an examination paper. That in- 
cludes paying his bills and not issuing rubber checks. If he 
needs money he had better take the chairman of his board of 
trustees into his confidence and arrange to borrow on a busi- 
nesslike basis rather than ruin his credit and the credit of the 
church by unpaid bills. His best form of saving will be life 
insurance plus membership in the pension fund of his 
denomination. He has no business going into business. 
Preaching is the only business for him to follow and it will 
require all his brains and energy. He must also beware of 
the commercial enterprise that may want to exploit his name 
and standing. They are not for sale. 

Certain minor problems of morals arise in the minister's 
life. Shall he play cards ? It's a terrible waste of time, except 
perhaps on a six weeks' voyage around Cape Horn. But 
whatever he plays, he will not gamble no Irish sweep- 
stakes for him! Shall he smoke ? I always advise against it, 
but must admit my advice is largely disregarded. Some of 
our greatest preachers have been and are smokers. Shall the 
minister go to the theater ? How out of date that question 
has become with the universal presence of the movies ! Shall 
tie dance ? His problems will be fewer if he does not. Shall 
he drink ? That he simply cannot do and retain his standing 


in the community and he will not want to if he has read 
Haven W. Emerson's Alcohol and Man. Moreover, as his 
pastoral experience widens and he sees what alcohol does to 
youth,, to family life, to some of the finest people in the world, 
he will turn his glass down with emphasis and without the 
slightest longing for the great deceiver that steals men's brains 
and opens the door to every kind of tragedy. 

Does he, as a minister, have certain professional standards 
of conduct which he must ever keep in mind ? Yes, and they 
ought to be more definitely understood. Here are the ten 
commandments of ministerial ethics as I see them.: 

(1) No sheep-stealing! The minister must never deflect 
people from loyalty to their church in order to build 
up his own. 

(2) No tale-bearing! If he knows or hears anything to 
the discredit of another minister he should either keep 
silent about it or go directly to the minister concerned 
or, if necessary, to his responsible ecclesiastical su- 
periors, and to no one else. 

(3) Loyalty to his -predecessor! He will never be in any 
way a candidate for a church until the incumbent min- 
ister has resigned. He will not take too seriously criti- 
cisms he hears about his predecessor, remembering that 
similar tales follow every pastorate. They reveal the 
disgruntled or the ingratiating. 

(4) Consideration for his successor! He will try to leave 
ample and accurate records, an organization set up and 
going, and a spirit of anticipatory good will for the 
man who is to follow him. Then he will keep out of 
parish affairs and return for no funerals or weddings 


except in cooperation with or because of the absence 
of his successor. Give the man who succeeds you a real 
chance to succeed! 

(5) Play the game with the ecclesiastical authorities! 
The minister is part of a denomination and, beyond 
that 3 of the church universal. As a representative of 
organized Christianity he cannot be a " lone wolf." 
He owes his education and security in part to a Chris- 
tian fellowship which he in turn should support and 

(6) Be a good citizen! As a minister he is ordinarily 
exempt from jury duty and military service. All the 
more, therefore, must he contribute his share in all ap- 
propriate good works for the common good. But his 
chief public service will be rendered as a fair, free and 
fearless voice speaking truth in love on all matters of 
public welfare where he is qualified to speak at all. 

(7) Devote full time to the job! He has to punch no 
time clock and his product cannot be weighed and 
measured. But he must be sure he earns his salary and 
sets an example of honest work and loyal service. 

(8) Serve regardless of compensation! No true minis- 
ter will charge for his services. If he cannot live on the 
support given let him say so to some trusted leader, but 
he will make no demands. He will serve all regard- 
less of compensation. He may be impecunious but 
never mercenary. In addition to salary he may receive 
payment for articles and outside addresses, also royal- 
ties for books he has written, providing these things 
do not encroach upon his regular duties. Wedding 
fees he turns over to his wife and requires from her 


no accounting. Funeral fees he does not accept from 
his parishioners. From outsiders they may be accepted 
practice differs but, many ministers stipulate, 
only as contributions to some charitable fund. 

(9) 'Remember the minister s special responsibility re- 
garding women! His work in general, and his pas- 
toral calling in particular, give him a privileged posi- 
tion. It must never be abused. Slander and gossip 
may end his usefulness if they have any basis either in 
reality or only in careless indiscretion. He must never 
quarrel with a woman, on the one hand, and should 
avoid all familiarities, on the other. He had better not 
call even his secretary by her first name. If there is no 
foolishness in his ^dealings with women he will gain 
in greater measure the love and respect of all men 
as well as women. There is nothing which depresses 
a church so much as any hint of scandal about the 

( 10) Ma^e a success of home! Sometimes the minister's 
home is his greatest success. Sons of ministers out- 
number proportionally the sons of any other profes- 
sion in achieving a place in Who's Who, in happy 
refutation of popular misconceptions about them. 
The leading layman in many a church is a son of an 
earlier pastor. But the minister must remember that 
his wife and children live in the glare of pitiless pub- 
licity. They suffer acutely at times from a reaction due 
to his vocation. Therefore he owes it to his home to 
be especially loyal, considerate and tender. If his home 
is a manifest success the welfare of all homes in his 
parish increases. If his home fails but I forbear! 


If you have survived this chapter and the 
ministry still glows for you as a great vo- 
cation, you are ready at last to consider 
how to prepare for the task. 


DEADLY, a man's training for any profession ought to 
Ji begin about a hundred years before he is born, but that is 
difficult to arrange. Sometimes men with three generations 
of the culture and discipline of the Christian parsonage be- 
hind them turn out to be aviators or politicians, and all that 
training is lost so far as the ministry is concerned. Then, 
on the other hand, up out of mine or factory or farm comes a 
youth with little churchly background but with an authentic 
vision that will not be denied. We have to make ministers 
out of the men who recognize a call when it comes to them. 
What is a call to the ministry and what makes it possible ? 
A call to the ministry is not ordinarily, or preferably, a spec- 
tacular emotional experience, although sometimes pent up 
emotions and delayed decisions may finally register them- 
selves in one dramatic moment never to be forgotten. With 
far more ministers, however, the call has been an adventurous 
hope and a growing conviction that here at last is a vocation 
into which one could put all he had and find great joy and 
reward in doing so. Professor George Herbert Palmer used 
to say, concerning his love of teaching, that Harvard Uni- 
versity paid him for doing something for the privilege of do- 
ing which he would gladly have paid Harvard University, 
had that been necessary. When a man, after having had 
enough experience to judge, feels that way about any profes- 
sion there is little doubt that he has been " called." God gives 



us joy and suffering in the tasks we were meant to do, and the 
two are close akin. 

It would be better, however, not to judge the validity of 
one's call to the ministry by purely emotional reactions, 
though the emotions are wiser than some people think. A 
certain amount of self-analysis is possible. Let the young 
man ask himself, not " Do I look well in a pulpit ? " or " Ana 
I conspicuously pious and unusually fluent in religious talk ? " 
or " Do all the old ladies think I'd be a lovely minister ? " 
but rather mor,e searching questions like these : " Am I will- 
ing to tackle four years of college and three years of graduate 
study ? " " Can I do good enough intellectual work to justify 
what all that education will cost me or someone else ? " " Do 
I really love folks enough and am I sufficiently concerned for 
human welfare to abandon all dreams of wealth or power 
and devote myself to service ? " " How competent am I or 
can I become in English, history, sociology, psychology and 
public speaking ? " and finally, " Have I any real and kin- 
dling enthusiasm for Jesus and his philosophy of life ? " 

But self-analysis suffers notoriously from blind spots; so 
check up your " call " with some competent and trusted ad- 
viser. He may be a pastor, a high school teacher, a college 
professor, an editor or a businessman preferably one who 
has been to college. He will want to know what alternatives 
you have considered and why you rejected them, and what 
about the minister's job you really know. He will ask you if 
you have read this book! Let us hope he is direct and cou- 
rageous enough to give you his honest reaction. But, even so, 
his direction is not final, one way or the other. 

There is still a third way of checking up and that is by a 
trial trip. Many a man has not made his final vocational de- 
cision until a year in the seminary and a summer on his own 


in charge of a little home missionary church out on the plains 
or up in the mountains have given him the " feel " of the 
thing and shown him its realities. 

One thing is certain: the decision for or against the minis- 
try ought never to be made on financial grounds. Don't give 
up the ministry because of poverty. There is always some 
way of earning your way through college and seminary if 
you mean business. And, on the other hand, the man who 
chooses the ministry because it seems to be a comparatively 
easy financial road to an education will only clutter up some 
theological seminary and lose his own self-respect in the end, 
unless he happens to get converted somewhere along the way. 

Studies in theological education reveal that the most 
promising students are often those who did not wake up to 
the possibilities of the ministry until late in their college 
career. There is something to be said for late-blooming va- 
rieties. Such students thought that they were headed for 
engineering or law or architecture, until a course in English 
poetry or sociology or philosophy, or a glimpse at the back 
alleys of a city slum, or a talk in chapel finally woke them up. 
Then they saw some gleam of the glorious possibilities of the 
Christian church which has served humanity through the cen- 
turies and is still calling for young men to carry on that serv- 
ice today. They discovered they were most concerned about 
human engineering and the laws of God and the architecture 
of things to come. 

But it would be dangerous to depend solely on the late- 
blooming varieties for our supply of ministers. Many a man 
who wakes up to the ministry as a possible vocation about his 
senior year in college, or even after three years in a law school 
or a graduate school of business administration, could have 
been saved a good deal of time if the nature of the ministry 


had been adequately presented to him in high school. After 
ail, that is when youth more frequently makes up its mind on 
basic questions than the world realizes. Now while colleges 
may have departments of religion and considerable organ- 
ized Christian work, the high school is almost entirely secu- 
lar, and such vocational guidance as the high school gives is 
likely to ignore the ministry entirely. This is a critical weak- 
ness in the church's strategy for securing strong leadership. 
Something ought to be done about it, the program varying 
according to the local situations and the cooperation pos- 
sible between the local pastors and the high school principal. 

What kind of college should the prospective minister 
choose? There is no definite answer. For a certain type of 
student the small college, if it fosters high scholarship, is ad- 
mirable and produces good results. And yet it must be said 
that a certain maturity and tough-mindedness seem to be 
developed best in a university atmosphere. If the pretheo- 
logical student can survive at the university he has proved his 
hardiness and probably need not be worried about it any 

What shall the pretheological student study in college? 
Some would say. Everything except religion ! To follow that 
exaggerated advice would be very dangerous. True, the stu- 
dent had better not major in religion, but a good basic Bible 
course is as important for him at that stage as for anyone else. 
College is his golden opportunity, however, to get a grasp on 
literature, history, sociology, philosophy and psychology. He 
had better emphasize these broadly cultural subjects, major- 
ing in one of them and not forgetting to include at least one 
good laboratory course in science, preferably biology. The 
minister needs to know and appreciate the scientific attack 


upon a problem. As to languages., he may take enough to 
profit by their discipline in ordered thinking and discover 
whether he wants to go further along the linguistic road. 

Then, too,, there is no reason why the student should lose 
himself completely in books and studies. Not all of a college 
education is acquired in the classroom. At our seminary we 
are proud of the cheerleaders, athletes, editors, star actors, 
debaters and headwaiters who have decided to go into the 
ministry. But we are still waiting for our first drum major 
or cadet colonel! 

Certain widely prevalent misconceptions about the theo- 
logical seminary itself need to be cleared away. Many a stu- 
dent, brought up in the academic freedom and clear white 
light of truth as it shines on the college campus, hesitates to 
plunge into the murky pool of theological dogmatism. He 
has a hazy traditional idea that a seminary is a cloistered back- 
water of life, a dismal place where sour-visaged theologians 
ram outworn doctrines down the student's throat and de- 
nounce him as a poor lost soul if he raises any questions or 
objections. Or else he fears that the seminary will be so out 
of touch with life that he might as well be living in Tibet. 

Nothing could be more unrealistic. As a matter of fact, 
the modern theological seminary, frequently located adjacent 
to or connected with a great university, is as searchingly 
scientific in spirit and methods as any other professional 
school or graduate department. All problems are ap- 
proached historically, all the pros and cons are fearlessly pre- 
sented, no dogmatic hedges prevent the freest analysis and 
debate. The student comes out where he chooses to come 
out after all the evidence is in. He is graded according to his 
knowledge of the facts and his ability to handle them, not by 


his conformity to a narrow orthodoxy. His particular de- 
nomination may hold him up on points of doctrine later on,, 
but the seminary is mainly concerned with stimulating him 
to " prove all things," which means, to test all things, " and 
hold fast to that which is good." 

In general, the modern school of the prophets has four 
great disciplines by which it seeks to train the minister of to- 
morrow. The first of these comprises the whole background 
of religion what it is, what its historical development has 
been, what it has to say about the great problems of life. 
This discipline will always make up the bulk of the student's 
academic work. It includes study of the Bible, church his- 
tory, Christian theology, the history and philosophy of re- 

Only with such a sound historical training can the minister 
wisely and sanely evaluate and withstand some of the surface 
vagaries of the modern mind as well as appreciate and co- 
operate with its deeper-running currents of constructive pur- 
pose. Contemporary charlatans, demagogues and fanatics 
can sometimes best be understood and analyzed by compari- 
son with their prototypes of other days whose complete 
record is now on file in the archives of history. A doctrine 
or an idea which the student has traced through its whole 
historical development is less likely to result in fanaticism or 
intolerance, while its real values, if any, will survive because 
freed from temporary wrappings and local coloring. Back- 
ground historical, theological, biblical, philosophical back- 
ground is what a scholarly seminary training ought to give 
a minister, not just a few snappy sermon outlines, a cocksure 
dogmatism, and a bag of tricks which could be learned under 
clever teachers in about six weeks. 


The second discipline is sociological. The minister must 
face the major ethical problems of modern life and learn to 
analyze its social trends. He must understand the social 
facts and forces that surge around the rock of ages on which 
his church is founded. He must, therefore, study social 
ethics, trends in rural and urban life as they affect the church, 
problems of family and vocational life, and the sociology of 
religion. He cannot preach the social gospel all the time. 
No, but he can't omit it all the time either. So he had better 
be trained to preach it intelligently and keep his facts ahead 
of his oratory. 

The third discipline, both newest and oldest of all, is the 
psychological. It is a perfectly sound belief, isn't it, that a 
minister ought to know something about the soul? Well, 
the modern name for " soul " is " human personality," and 
psychology is one key to its understanding. Hence the 
courses in mental hygiene and character development, in per- 
sonality disorders and pastoral counseling. For these courses 
our particular seminary, for example, calls in a chaplain from 
a mental hospital, and also gives selected students an oppor- 
tunity to study in the hospital under his direction. 

The fourth great area of theological preparation includes 
all those practical disciplines by which the student learns to 
do the actual work of a minister. These include courses in 
preaching, church administration, worship, religious drama, 
literature and biography, music, religious education and pub- 
lic speaking. But, since the most effective learning is by do- 
ing, these subjects are supplemented by carefully supervised 
field work. All during his course the student has responsi- 
bility for certain definite tasks in church, Sunday school, 
social settlement, research projects or rural areas. He is 


visited " on location " by the director of field work 3 who is a 
full-time faculty member trained for that service, and later 
he reports and discusses the living problems encountered in 
the day's work at a field work seminar meeting one evening 
every week. When summer comes the student's field work 
may take him to far distant states, but he returns with new 
insights into his vocation and deeper interest in his classroom 

Usually at about the end of his first year in seminary the 
student applies to his denomination for a license to preach. 
The granting of a license involves an examination by the 
proper ecclesiastical authorities and is the first step toward 
the ordination, which is preceded by a more thorough and 
searching examination. The ordination, of course, is his goal 
after his seminary course is over and he has secured his pro- 
fessional degree of bachelor of divinity, B.D. It seems 
anomalous that after three years of graduate work the student 
should receive only another bachelor's degree while the 
young lawyer may claim his J.D., doctor of jurisprudence; 
and so some seminaries would like to change the B.D. degree 
to a Th,D., doctor of theology. Certainly the student has 
worked as hard and learned as much as his college classmate 
who after three years may be receiving his Ph.D., doctor of 
philosophy, with a thesis on " The Use of the Comma in the 
Punctuation of Medieval Icelandic Literature " or some simi- 
larly remote subject of alleged research. But the important 
thing is to be a " doctor," that is, a learned man, whether the 
diploma is inscribed with that title or not 

Travel should not be neglected as an important element in 
the training of a minister. Many seminaries award to the 
most capable student of each year's graduating class a greatly 


prized fellowship which provides for one or two years 5 study 
and travel abroad. Such study used to be undertaken largely 
in German universities, but under the present regimentation 
of scholarship in that country students in search of academic 
freedom will probably turn to the British universities, such 
as Oxf ord, Cambridge, London and Edinburgh, which also 
have the advantage of no very difficult language barriers. 
There are barriers, but they are not insurmountable! The 
long vacations customary abroad also give the student a great 
cultural opportunity for travel on the Continent and especially 
to the Holy Land. Even if the student does not win such a 
prize for foreign study he ought by all means as soon as pos- 
sible to see Egypt, Italy, Greece and Palestine. All antiquity, 
and especially his studies in the Bible, will glow for him with 
new reality after such a journey. 

But foreign travel is not the only kind which may broaden 
the parson's outlook and add depth and color to his preach- 
ing. In these days of open roads and inexpensive cars, tourist 
camps and trailers, he ought to see his own country. Historic 
spots and scenic beauty are important but so also is a first- 
hand sight and understanding of the squalor of city slums 
and bleak mining camps and the desolation of sharecroppers' 
cabins. These will leave him only enraged or disheartened 
unless he also sees the gleams of a nobler civilization in those 
lighthouses of human brotherhood which he should also 
search out and visit such as the Chicago Commons and 
Hull House, the Delta Farms in Mississippi, Berea College in 
Kentucky, Tillotson College for Negroes in Texas and many 
another venture in cooperative living and invincible good 
will. In that seminary which I know best of all the students 
go on a "spring hike" during Easter vacation, trekking 


across the country in a string o nondescript automobiles and 
visiting everything from the TVA to a farmers' strike in Iowa. 
It is one way to test one's education ! 

Finally, it should hardly need to be said that the minister's 
education and training are never ended. He must read new 
books and think new thoughts and face new issues all his life 
long. If he does he will remain perennially young wit- 
ness Graham Taylor writing his weekly column for the 
Chicago Daily News at the age of eighty-six and still bub- 
bling over with vitality and contemporary understanding. 
The summer schools and pastors' institutes or ministers' 
weeks now provided by so many seminaries and other 
agencies also conspire to keep the pastor who attends them 
mentally alert, resilient and up to date. 

Isn't this minister's job a great task ? But 
it's too big for any one person, you say ? 
True enough, and that is one reason why 
almost all ministers are married. Hence 
the next chapter! 



SOME MINISTERS succeed gloriously in their profes- 
sional careers without a wife, and occasionally a minister 
fails because of a wife who simply could not adjust herself 
to the job. Phillips Brooks never married and of course the 
pope is a bachelor. Nevertheless, after an experience of over 
thirty years, with a good deal of observation on the side, I 
heartily recommend that the minister be married. Most 
churches take it for granted that he will be. The parsonage 
is one of the unique institutions of Protestantism; those who 
speak as though all the psychological advantages were on the 
side of the Roman Catholic priest with his confessional, his 
sacerdotal status and his authoritative relationship to his con- 
gregation perhaps forget that Protestantism also has its ap- 
propriate and unique institutions and traditions, not least of 
them the minister's home in the heart of the parish. 

Where shall the minister find his wife ? Perhaps the wisest 
answer would be, where she finds him. After all, courtship 
is a mutual affair. Some of the happiest solutions to this part 
of life's problem, however, are made in college or even in the 
theological seminary where these institutions are, happily, 
coeducational. I am not saying that the minister's wife must 
be a college graduate. That would be a very external and 
superficial criterion. Some of the wisest, most gracious and 
truly cultured women who ever lived never went to college. 
A college diploma is no guarantee of the graces and wisdom 


needed in the parsonage. And yet, on the whole, other things 
being equal, the pastor's wife who is a college graduate has 
a better start than the one who is not The rest depends upon 
her insight, character and social genius. College can develop 
these qualities but not create them. They are native endow- 
ments or at least social inheritances. In general it is safe to 
say that the young woman whose native ability and good 
sense are reinforced by a knowledge that she has had as good 
educational advantages as the other women of the church, 
together with the incidental social and organizational experi- 
ence which college gives, will begin her career in the parson- 
age with more confidence and understanding than one who 
lacks this background. 

Some girls shrink from the thought of ever being a min- 
ister's wife and not a few parents zealously guard their 
daughters from any contact with theological students lest this 
strange and untoward fate befall them. Because such fears 
rest largely upon false assumptions and inadequate knowl- 
edge of life in a parsonage, let us look for a while at the job 
of the minister's wife. In the opinion of the two people 
whose joint experience lies back of this chapter it is one of the 
happiest, most worth-while lives a woman can lead. 

First of all, the minister's wife should be what every other 
married woman would wish to be, a homemaker. As the 
mistress of the manse she is the center of the most significant 
home in the parish. If she is not interested in creating a home 
where peace, joy and order reign, a refuge from the strident 
vulgar outside world and a training ground for character, a 
home with children in it, a home given to hospitality and 
built on mutual confidence and utter loyalty, then she had 
better not marry at all. And particularly she had better not 


marry a minister. For if the home she makes has these quali- 
ties, its unconscious, unpremeditated influence will quietly 
radiate throughout the parish and reinforce all the joint min- 
istry of her husband and herself. But if it has them not the 
minister will suffer such a handicap as will almost certainly 
ruin his career or, through the battle to rise above it, make 
him a very great soul indeed. But in either case his wife will 
be utterly miserable. 

An ideal home is not one in which there are no disagree- 
ments, no tensions of opinion or desire, no suffering or sor- 
row, but one in which there Is absolute basic loyalty and com- 
plete confidence and trust. Love is so vague and sentimental 
a word that It needs to be translated into these more prosaic 
terms. If there is any cloud of misunderstanding or distrust 
between the parson and his wife, you may depend upon it 
that the parish will not be long In sensing it. It will be well, 
therefore, if minister and wife both live lives which are an 
open book wherein anyone may read. " Fierce is the light 
that beats upon a throne" and a parsonage. But this 
frankness in itself is a considerable protection and guarantee 
of happiness to married life. It means that husband and wife 
have no secrets from each other, no flirtations or entangle- 
ments, no half-loyalties. 

Once in a certain city a prominent minister was under fire. 
His fearless advocacy of civic decency had won him the 
hatred of powerful sinister forces in the community. An at- 
tempt to besmirch his name by alleged scandal threatened. 
His church board met with him to consider the situation. 
The whole community was stirred with apprehension. 
Everything cleared up when he quietly said: " I have done 
nothing dishonorable. My wife is here. She knows all the 


circumstances. We have no secrets from each other. There 
is no disharmony between us. She is absolutely and unre- 
servedly with me in facing this situation." Nothing more 
needed to be said. The church backed up their minister, the 
attacking forces retreated, the alleged scandal was never pub- 
lished. But suppose that minister had not been protected by 
a good wife and a happy married relationship; what a tragedy 
he might have faced ! 

As the presiding genius in the home, the minister's wife is 
to a degree inevitably his social secretary. She may indeed 
often supply the background of social savoir faire which her 
husband, good man and true though he may be, possibly 
never acquired in his home or college or even in the theologi- 
cal seminary. After all, what mere man really knows how 
to give a tea or in whose honor, or how to have the deacons in 
to dinner, or give a party for the young people ? If a young 
woman likes to do these things the position of minister's wife 
opens up almost unlimited possibilities to her. On the other 
hand, she may not be much of a social butterfly and prefer to 
organize study groups or work in the child-guidance clinic 
or coach the drama club. But whichever way her talents lead, 
her social opportunities are probably greater than those of 
any other woman in the community. 

Nor does social life necessarily involve large expense if one 
has the wit and originality to do things simply. In a Cali- 
fornia city years ago one of the most delightful social occa- 
sions of the season was a series of Sunday noon luncheons 
which a resourceful host and hostess used to give under the 
fig tree in their back yard with bacon, scrambled eggs and 
coffee for the menu, all cooked and served outdoors. 

In order that this chapter may not be just a man's reaction 


to the topic under consideration I have asked the minister's 
wife I know best of all to set down some of her ideas on the 
subject and here they are. 

" The life of a minister's wife is most interesting first of all 
because it is so intimately bound up with her husband's. 
Few married couples can share so much. Again, it often in- 
volves a good deal of travel and variety in places of residence. 
We all like to ' go places ' and see the country, and the min- 
ister's career does not ordinarily keep him in just one spot for 
life. As a friend of mine remarked, * Here I've got to stick 
in little old New York while you are moving from Maine to 
California and even the islands of the sea.' 

" Of course, in traveling from place to place in the course 
of a lifetime, one gathers and enjoys a great group of friends. 
Moreover, church people represent a cross section of society 
and as one has friends in all groups one comes to know and 
understand a wide variety of people. On the whole it is a 
privilege to be linked up with a great group of church women 
who are, as someone has called them, c the aristocracy of the 
race ' an aristocracy of character, service and devotion. 
Church people have the international mind; they have com- 
parative freedom from race prejudice; their interests and sym- 
pathies reach out far beyond their own doorstep. Thus the 
minister's wife is fortunate in the people she can work with. 

" There are certain limitations, of course, which the min- 
ister's wife may as well make up her mind to accept. She can 
possess few things moving about settles that. And she 
must have an adaptable mind, putting up philosophically in 
one parish with a parsonage that has ten great lofty rooms 
and in the next with one that has only six, and making no 


demands nor letting her soul be ruffled by these things. Fi- 
nancially she will have just enough to live on to place her as 
well as the average woman in her church. Hence she needs 
to be ingenious about the management of her home. But in 
that she has lots of company. 

" Many things are expected of her. At a recent gathering 
the question was asked: What do you consider your most im- 
portant job as minister's wife? Answers such as these came 
in: c To be a hostess in my home to the church folk '; * To 
take care of my family '; ' To be a buffer between my hus- 
band and the public '; ' To secure Sunday school teachers '; 
* To keep my mouth shut when I'd like to say something '; 
' To support my husband in the program of the church.' 

" As a potential leader in the women's work in the church 
the minister's wife should keep herself informed on what up- 
to-date churches are doing in this field of activity. She 
should know what program material is available and what 
type of organization is most effective. She can do this or- 
dinarily by active cooperation with the denominational or- 
ganization o women in her area and with other women's 
organizations devoted to special interests such as peace or 
civic welfare or missions. In this way she will become well 
informed so that her judgment will be of value when she is 
consulted as to programs, projects and organization. 

" She needs to be alert to new methods and have wisdom 
in suggesting changes. She will discover that, on the whole, 
church women alter their organizational set-up with great 
travail of spirit; most of them are fearful of changes. In a 
world of changes this seems most pathetic. Hence the value 
of a committee on survey and reorganization to be commis- 
sioned in every church at least once in every five years. Mean- 
while the minister's wife should visit other denominational 


groups, as opportunity offers, on the lookout for new ideas 
and methods. A recent survey of churches east and west 
brought to light a church group named the ' Ladies' Benevo- 
lent Association. 5 It would doubtless give some of the ladies 
concerned great anguish to change that name but they might 
well ask themselves what hope there would be of a modern 
up-to-date college girl's caring to be a member of such an as- 
sociation. Probably this name is itself an improvement upon 
the original * Female Benevolent Association,' but it now 
ought to be improved still further. 

" Should the minister's wife hold office in the women's 
group in her church; especially, should she be the president? 
There is much against it, for if she does so it means that one 
person less from the group itself is being interested and 
trained to carry responsibility. She ought rather to stand be- 
hind the president, helping her in every way. However, she 
should master one thing in particular, namely, parliamentary 
law, so that under her guidance meetings of church women 
will be conducted with an order and dignity fully equal to 
those of any club. She can also help quietly behind the scenes 
by being ever on the lookout for good leadership material 
among the women of the church, suggesting names to the 
nominating committee and getting the right type of women 
fitted to the various offices and tasks. 

" The Sunday school also will claim her help. Perhaps she 
will grow up with the school as her own children progress 
through it, though normally she will probably be especially 
well equipped to work with the high school age group, one 
of the most important and at the same time most difficult of 
all ages in the school. As she grows older, it is to be hoped 
she will be awake when the time arrives for her to give her- 
self more to the adults and secure younger leadership for 


youth. Besides her church activities, she ought to have time 
to work in some worth-while organizations like the League 
of Women Voters, the College Club or the local Woman's 

" If all that has been outlined seems too big a task, never- 
theless it can be done. Helpful, noble ways of living day by 
day seem to open up before one who will put the really great 
and noble things in life first and not be lost in a maze of 
trivial and superficial interests. 

" Quite recently a certain minister changed his parish. 
One member of the congregation which he was leaving was 
heard to remark, < I'm not concerned about the next minister 
we get, but I know we'll never find another Mrs. Blank ' 
the minister's wife. Of course, there are just as many good 
ministers' wives as there are good ministers, but it was a well 
deserved tribute. Many a minister has had a happier pastor- 
ate than he knows because the people loved his wife." 

Continuing now on my own account, may I suggest some 
very definite ways in which a wife can help her husband in 
this intricate task of the Christian ministry? There is for 
instance the matter of pastoral counseling. People come to 
you for advice on all sorts of matters. Usually what they 
bring up first is not the real subject of their quest. They first 
just try to discover your general attitude. But finally they 
may bring up a problem that at first seems too big for you. 
Don't let it. Play for time and contrive to consult your wife 
before answering. The insights of a good woman are not 
infallible, but no discriminating man will disregard them. 
The habit of talking things over with his wife fully and un- 
reservedly is one very important for a parson to cultivate- 


She will not betray him if she is an intelligent woman, 
whereas her hunches and intuitions will often save him from 
foolishness and failure. 

Should the minister's wife help him with his sermons? 
Some wives do a great deal in this respect. They read books, 
collect illustrations, suggest topics and, horrible to relate, even 
have the sermon preached to them in advance. I have never 
considered this last procedure quite sportsmanlike. The min- 
ister's wife ought to have the privilege of hearing the sermon 
fresh and unspoiled, just as members of the congregation do. 
In general I think the less responsibility she has for the 
preaching the better. She has enough responsibility in other 
matters and the minister had better shoulder this burden 
alone, except for such help as she volunteers. Of course she 
will be invaluable as a critic but there let her, in turn, be- 
ware! To preach every Sunday is a hard enough task, and 
there are times when the soul of a creative artist who already 
senses his shortcomings can stand criticism, and there are 
times when it cannot. I would suggest to all ministers' wives 
this rule: Never omit any criticism because you fear wound- 
ing your husband. Both of you should remember that 
" faithful are the wounds of a friend." But, at the same time, 
it will be better to make note of your intended criticism and 
reserve it until about Tuesday morning. 

What perils attend the career of the minister's wife? 
Three major ones: professionalism, lack of tact, and over- 
work. All must be guarded against. By professionalism I 
mean always talking about the church as well as assuming a 
sanctimonious attitude in voice and conduct and, I almost 
said, in dress. The minister's wife should remember that she 
is first of all a human being, and that pretty clothes are es- 


sential for a normal woman. Fortunately the day has gone 
by when she was expected to select nothing but black or grey 
and wear a bonnet. 

As to tact, there is no formula for it. Diplomacy has been 
defined as the gentle art of letting other people have your 
way. But tact is either inherent or else is learned more or 
less imperfectly in the school of hard knocks. Only let them 
be knocks received but never given! Here the text, " It is 
more blessed to give than to receive," does not apply. 

But when it comes to overwork, the matter is largely one of 
good judgment, organization and will power. No over- 
worked person can do his best and a crisis may find him tired, 
peevish, slow of apprehension. Hence the necessity so to or- 
ganize your life as to have regular hours of sleep, definite rest 
periods, adequate recreation and genuinely relaxing vaca- 
tions. If you haven't enough intelligence to manage these 
things, you ought to punch a time clock and not attempt any- 
thing so exacting as the creative tasks which the minister and 
his wife confront together. These are glittering generalities 
and each person must translate them into terms of practical 
daily living. 

But, on the other hand, don't be lazy or self-indulgent. It 
is a great and holy spiritual battle in which you are engaged. 
This critical day of the world's history is no time in which to 
give to the cause of Christ less than one's best even to the 
uttermost ounce of effort. 

Can the minister and his wife have a social life apart from 
the church ? It is almost necessary that they should. Toward 
the church members they must of course be absolutely im- 
partial. Great social intimacy with one family or group is 
likely to be resented by others. Happy the community in 


which the various ministers and their wives can form a con- 
genial group, bound together by common professional in- 
terests. The best intimate friends for the minister and his 
wife are another minister and his wife. Such friendships 
suggest no favoritism inside the parish and arouse no an- 

Moreover, the minister and his wife for this same reason 
are especially dependent on each other and on their children 
for their intimate social life. They need to take one day a 
week, if possible -say Saturday afternoon and Monday 
morning to get out of the parish and have a change of 
scene. Just a trip to the theater will do. And, if they can 
'own a secluded cabin in the hills or beside a river, or an aban- 
doned farm, that is better still. For years, in Hawaii, I went 
swimming with my children Saturday afternoons and played 
tennis with three fellow ministers on Monday mornings. 
How to take the family off the job on a holiday is one of the 
fine arts of being a minister's wife. 

But, before the chapter ends, someone is sure to ask, But 
did the church hire the minister's wife ? The answer is, No ! 
And while her children are little the minister's wife will not 
be able to do more church work than aiiy other young 
mother. Nevertheless, it is only good sportsmanship on her 
part to give to the service of the church as much time and 
energy as other women members similarly situated are giving. 

Some women say: My job is to make a good home for my 
husband and my responsibility ends there; the doctor's wife 
isn't expected to run the hospital. But the woman who takes 
that attitude will lose a great deal of fun, for being a minis- 
ter's wife is in itself a career. It is really a sort of unique pro- 
fession and the woman who realizes its possibilities will find 


it a very rewarding life indeed. Many young women today, 
when they find that they are going to marry ministers, go to 
seminary or training school and take courses in Bible, reli- 
gious education, mental hygiene, pageantry and religious 
drama, so as to be prepared to make the most of the oppor- 
tunities church work will open to them. They become com- 
munity-minded; life's larger horizons beckon to them, and 
they discover that the minister's wife may become one of the 
key women of the community in which she lives. 

Mrs. Roosevelt has demonstrated what a career it may be to 
be the wife of a president of the United States. Why not re- 
gard the position of minister's wife as an opportunity for a 
career ? 

But perhaps before searching for a wife 
the prospective minister had better sit 
down and subject himself to careful self- 
examination. The next chapter will tell 
him how to go about it. 


r AVING surveyed the minister's job, perhaps the min- 
ister, or prospective minister, might find it interesting, 
in closing., to survey himself. Many a man will ask himself: 
How well suited am I to a pastor's life and responsibilities ? 
How can I estimate my powers and measure my capacities 
and temperament ? 

The following outline of personal self-measurement may 
help. It has been prepared by a committee of the American 
Association of Theological Schools to assist faculties and stu- 
dents in estimating personality development at about the end 
of the first year in the theological seminary. But it is capable 
of much more extended use. Many a senior in college might 
well check himself against it, and not a few men well along 
in the work of the ministry will find it highly entertaining 
to do so. 

Remember that the work of the Christian church is not 
carried by paragons of perfection, that people have both the 
virtues and defects of their qualities, and that drive and pur- 
pose in the end often count for more than mere talent or en- 

This is not an " objective " test. It cannot be " scored." 
However, you can grade yourself by underscoring the de- 
scriptive term which comes nearest to accuracy in your case. 
In many instances you will mark more than one descriptive 
term since the terms used are not always mutually exclusive. 



And, if you distrust your own appraisal of yourself, have some 
wise counselor, some intelligent devoted friend, check your 
estimate and so help you to a more secure judgment. 


(1) Unusual physical traits. 

Note any unusual physical traits such as height, weight, 
deformity, etc., which may distract attention, impede 
normal activity, or otherwise interfere .with effectiveness. 

(2) Physical vitality. 

Too low* Limited endurance. Fairly vigorous. 
Superior endurance. Rugged. 

(3) Output of energy. 

Lazy. Never exerts himself seriously. 
Normal output of energy. 
Overenergetic with appearance of rushing. 
Constantly at work with good economy of energy. 

(4) Voice. 

Gruff. Dull and flat. Staccato. 
Loud. Natural. Pleasing. 

(5) Speech. 

Stutters. Lisps.. Stammers. 
Natural. Clear and easily heard. 

(6) Dress. 

Ungroomed. Untidy, Overdressed. Neat. 

(7) Cleanliness. 

Unpleasant impression. Neutral impression. 
Pleasing impression, 

(8) Appearance of room. 

Untidy. Average. Unusually well kept. 

(9) Manliness. 

Very effeminate in appearance and bearing. 
Effeminate in appearance and bearing. 
Masculine in appearance and bearing. 
Unusually masculine in appearance and bearing. 


(10) Personal habits. 

Note any personal habits which may interfere with career. 


(11) Intelligence. 

Intelligence test score if known. 

Or estimate: Backward (IQ 80-89. Normal (90-109). 

Bright (110-119). Very bright (120-129). Very superior 

( 12) Type of personality. 

Definitely introvertive. Tendency toward introversion. 
Tendency toward extraversion. Definitely extravertive. 
Well balanced. 

(13) Temperament (underscore one of the five, and the adjective 

which comes nearest describing the characteristic mood). 
Sanguine: ardent, confident, hopeful. 
Choleric: easily fretted, irritable, easily angered, irascible. 
Melancholic: easily depressed, melancholy, 
Phlegmatic: sluggish, apathetic, cool, composed. 
Nervous: tense, keyed up, excitable, highly excitable. 

(14) Judgment. 

No sense of values or relations. Conclusions frequently 


Average common sense. Judges quickly and well. 
Judgment unusually sound. 

(15) Intellectual honesty. 

Will never give up a position once taken. 

Labeling a man or an idea (" modernist," " fundamentalist," 

etc.) settles an argument for him. 

Readily recognizes truth in a position from which he differs. 
Devoted to truth wherever found. 
Fearless advocate of truth as he sees it, at whatever cost. 

(16) Ability to learn. 

Learns very slowly. Learns slowly. Average. 
Learns rapidly. Learns very rapidly. 


(Specify different abilities in various kinds of learning if 
this is important.) 

(17) Industriousness in academic wor\* 

Lazy. Just gets by. Average worker. 

Good worker. Very hard worker. 

(Specify differing industry in various fields if important.) 

(18) Interest In academic wor\. 

Uninterested. Slight interest. Average, 

Good interest. Absorbed. 

(Specify differing interests in various fields if important.) 

(19) Attitudes toward academic wor\. 

A chore to be done grudgingly. Does only what is required. 
Pleasing general attitude. Eager for new knowledge. 
Noted for superior work. 
(Specify differing attitudes in various fields if important.) 

(20) Attitudes toward faculty teaching. 

Accepts unthinkingly. Seeks support for ideas already held. 
Sharply critical. Likes to take opposite view. 
Will entertain new ideas but only slowly. 
Weighs discriminatingly and accepts when convinced. 
(Specify differing attitudes toward various professors if im- 

(21) Habits of thinking. 

Will not face problems. Follows others* thinking. 
Thinks when forced to. Independent thinker. 
Independent and creative thinker. 

(22) Attitude toward responsibility. 

Accepts grudgingly. Forgets it. 
Average. Accepts heartily. 
Always discharges it. 

(23) Independence. 

Has to have everything done for him. 

Overdependent on some person (specify). 

So independent he cannot receive help gracefully. 

Excessive desire to appear different. 

Fully able to take care of himself. 


(24) Freshness of thought. 

Dry as dust in his expression of thought. 
Distracts attention by his rhetoric. 
Says the trite thing. 
Clear and fresh expression of thought. 
Striking originality. 


(25) Ability to meet people of varying types. 

Very poor. Poor. Average. 
Above average. Very unusual. 

(26) Disposition toward social contacts. 

Recluse. Unable to be alone. Mingles naturally. 
Known for ability to make wholesome social contacts. 

(27) Adaptability in varying social situations. 

Very poor. Poor. Average. 
Above average. Very unusual. 

(28) Ability to wor\ with persons of diverse views. 

Quickly in conflict. 

Conceals own views for sake of harmony. 

Not satisfied unless others hold his views. 

Outspoken but considerate o others' views. 

Can lead people of divergent views to common action. 

(29) Attitude in personal association. 

Very reserved. Stiffly dignified. 

Easily offended. Absent-minded. 

Wins confidence readily. Draws out the best in people. 

(30) Presence. 

Nervous. Fidgets with something. Shy. Forward. 
Averted eyes. Self-possessed. 

(31) Courtesy in conversation. 

Rude. Tries to do all the talking. Difficult to draw out. 

Good listener. Pleasant to talk with. 

Leaves impression of being unusually good conversationalist. 

(32) Observance oj social conventions. 

Frequently does " the wrong thing." 


Does not profit by opportunity to learn social usage. 
Seems unconcerned. Reasonably tactful. 
Always does " the right thing." 

(33) Sense of humor. 

None whatever. Practical joker. Overdeveloped sense of 

Wholesome sense of humor. Tells a good story at the apt 


(34) Attitude toward persons of other sex. 

Has occasioned unfavorable comment. Loves a smutty 

Too free. Diffident. Stiff and too conventional. 

Natural and wholesome. Has occasioned favorable com- 

(35) Punctuality in appointments. 

Forgets appointments. Frequently late. 
Ahead of time. Punctual. 

(36) Punctuality in academic responsibilities. 

Frequently behind time with assignments. 
Good at making excuses. 
Usually on time with work. 
Always on time with work. 

(37) Attitude toward public opinion. 

Controlled by it. Likes to scandalize it. 
Defies it. Indifferent, Normally influenced by it. 
Seeks to shape it for his own ends. 
Seeks to shape it for unselfish ends. 

(38) Reputation. 

Under suspicion. Weak under temptation. Keeps word 

when given. 
Very dependable. Notably conscientious. 

(39) Insight into social conditions (as war, race conflict, etc.). 

No interest. Evades the real issues. 

Merely academic interest. 

Known for partisan interest. 

Active interest commanding general respect. 

(Specify particulars if important.) 


(40) Sincerity. 

Makes frequent impression of insincerity. 
Sincerity occasionally open to question. 
Wholly sincere. 

(41) Considerateness. 

Seems never to consider circumstances of others. 
Considers others when wants something from them. 
Fairly considerate. 
Frequently doing thoughtful acts. 

Seems always to sense circumstances of others and act ac- 

(42) Cooperation. 

Not cooperative. 

" Cannot cooperate because must be loyal to convictions." 
Cooperates moderately. Happy in cooperative work. 
Cooperates excellently without sacrifice of conviction. 

(43) Capacity for friendship. 

Has no close friends. Has very few close friends. 
Has many real friends. Has a genius for friendship. 

(44) Leadership. 

Antagonizes people. Gains little support. 
Plans successfully for others. 
Organizes and directs others acceptably. 
Commands confidence and leads group notably. 


(45) Attitude toward self. 

Very selfish. Cocky. False humility (Uriah Heep) . 
Usually forgets self. True simple humility (St. Francis). 

(46) Genuineness of religious life. 

Depends on others for religious experience. 
Depends on religious forms which mean little to him. 
Overtalkative about his own religious experience. 
Groping for experience of God. 

Gives unintentional impression he knows God in his own 


(47) Discernment of spiritual values. 

Chiefly concerned with one doctrine. 

A legalistic view of religion. 

Chiefly interested in the letter of religion. 

Chiefly concerned with central realities of gospel. 

Utterly devoted to central realities of gospel. 

(48) Range of religious thought. 

Has one theological hobby. 

Meager range of religious ideas. 

Range of religious ideas just like those of people with whom 

he associates. 

Wide range of interest in all matters relating to religion. 
Intelligent discernment in all matters relating to religion. 

(49) Attitude toward new and old in religious thought. 

Contemptuous of "new " religious ideas. 
Contemptuous of " old " religious ideas. 
Especially interested in " new " religious ideas. 
Especially interested in " old " religious ideas. 
Interested in truth no matter when first discerned. 

(50) Attitude toward religious leaders. 

Overcritical. Awed by names and personages. 
Anxious to be noticed by " leading " persons. 
Blind follower. Discriminating respect. 
Knows how to follow wholesomely. 

(51) Sensitivity to ethical problems. 

Frequently senses no ethical problem in situation. 
Evades ethical problem. Overscrupulous. 
Senses ethical problems readily. 
Keenly concerned over ethical problems. 
(Specify particular areas if important.) 

(52) Outstanding religious experience. 

Has had no outstanding influential religious experience. 
Discovery of new insights and ideals. 
Reconstruction of intellectual ideas of religion. 
Drive to labor for some social cause. 
Prolonged struggle over some decision. 
Sudden access of new confidence and courage. 


Definite resolve to live better life. 

Notable conviction of sin, repentance and pardon. 

(53) Attitude toward Bible. 

Antagonistic. Reverences almost as fetish. Indifferent. 

Chiefly concerned with critical questions. 

Chiefly concerned with one type of content. 

Intelligent reverence. 

(Specify other attitudes if important.) 

(54) Personal devotions. 

Finds no meaning in private prayer. 
Prays only with help of forms. 
Prayer is routine with little real meaning. 
Prayer and meditation hold important place In his life. 
Prayer and fellowship with God hold central place in his 

(55) Attitude toward public religious services led by others. 

Very critical. Absents himself frequently. 

Routine attendant. Participates in good spirit. 

Makes each an occasion of re-creation and new impetus. 

(56) Attitude toward the ministry. 

Regards ministry as opportunity to make money. 

Regards ministry as opportunity for easy life. 

Regards ministry as opportunity to " run " church organiza- 

Regards ministry as opportunity to become famous preacher. 

Ready to serve without self-aggrandizement. 

Tremendously and intelligently in earnest regardless of cost 
to self. 

(57) Interest in church's wor\. 

Uninterested. Slight interest. 

Average interest. 

More than usually interested. Absorbed. 

(58) Industriousness in church's wov\. 

Lazy. Just gets by. Average worker. 
Good worker. Very hard worker. 

(59) His supreme love. 

Has he one? What is it? 


(60) His supreme purpose. 

Has he one? What is it? 

(61) Stability of purpose. 

Loses heart over failure. Head is turned by success. 
Shrinks from hardship and difficulty. 
Holds to purpose under most circumstances. 
Has held to main purpose a long while. 
Endures any hardship or difficulty cheerfully for sake of 

(62) Influence of his religious life. 

Harmful to others. 

Meddles in name of his faith. 

Uses stock phrases and sounds conventional. 

No influence one way or another. 

Stimulates helpful religious thought and practice. 

Instills enthusiasm for religious life. 

(63) Attitude toward his own call to the ministry. 

Will probably decide not to go into ministry. 

Is now questioning his place in ministry. 

Has questioned it in seminary but becoming certain. 

Seems impelled by forces beyond himself. 

Overwhelming conviction which he accepts eagerly. 


(64) Spending. 

Miserly. Spends beyond resources. 
Spends within resources, 

(65) Attitude toward financial obligations. 

Known to be lax frequently in regard to obligations. 
Reported to be lax in financial obligations. 
Pays obligations promptly. 
Never in debt. 

(66) Attitude toward money he may receive. 

Grasping. Indifferent. Wholesome. 

(67) Giving. 

Usually excuses himself from contributing. 
Gives guardedly. Gives grudgingly. 


Gives so as to imperil own financial resources. 
Gives proportionately. Gives generously. 
(68) General estimate in financial relations. 

Very unsatisfactory. Questionable. 
Satisfactory. Highly commendable. 

If you have answered all these questions 
carefully and conscientiously you will 
know a great deal about yourself, and self- 
knowledge is the beginning and the end 
of wisdom. By this time you should 
know with a great degree of certainty 
whether or not the life of a minister is the 
right life for you. One more question 
remains to be considered the relation 
of the church to its minister. So to the 
last chapter. _ 





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r OW DO churches and ministers find each other? Is 
there an etiquette of ecclestiastical courtship, a tech- 
nique by which the prospective minister gets linked up with 
his job? How does he make a change and relocate himself 
in a new field? And how does he know when to move? 
How can a church find the right minister and get rid of the 
wrong one ? Is the same man equally a misfit in all places ? 
Doesn't a minister run great peril in having to entrust his 
life to a cold-blooded ecclesiastical machine like a church? 
Or how can a church deal with its pastors humanely and 
justly and yet not be the victim of incompetence or senility? 

Questions such as these indicate the importance of this 
chapter and its relevancy to any balanced consideration of 
the minister's life and work. 

To begin with, much depends on the denominational type 
of organization. In episcopally governed churches the young 
minister goes where his bishop sends him, and moves when 
and where higher ecclesiastical authority (more or less in- 
fluenced by a certain amount of judicious or injudicious po- 
litical wirepulling) may direct. But in bodies with less 
dominant central authority the problem is not so simple. 
In churches like the Baptist, Congregational, Disciples and 
others with a democratic form of government both church 
and minister are supposed to be entirely free to call or to be 
called with no outward control, although there are, more 



often than some people think, searching and sincere prayers 
for divine guidance. 

The traditional system in these churches is a procedure 
called " candidating." A pastorless church hears a succession 
of candidates for its pulpit, until the right man appears. Ob- 
servation teaches however that often what determines the re- 
sult is not so much the candidate's " lightness " as his super- 
ficial attractiveness, or sometimes the sheer weariness of a 
congregation exhausted by reviewing an endless line of major 
and minor prophets. 

The evils of such a system are manifest. It is unfair to the 
candidate, who is often ill at ease when he tries to perform 
a sacred office under the critical gaze of a congregation ap- 
praising rather than sympathetic. Candidating also places 
a premium on the superficial and leaves undiscovered the 
deeper qualities of a prospective pastor. No man can be at 
his best while he is standing before a congregation and say- 
ing, in eff ect, " Here is how I look," and " Here is how I can 
pray," and " This is my number one go-getter sermon " ! The 
man of sophistication and even of brass has the advantage 
in such a situation over a candidate with a modest soul and 
a publicity-shunning personality. How is it possible to judge 
on such evidence how well a man will wear, what reserves 
he has, what tact, insight, scholarship, moral courage, what 
self-effacing loyalty and devotion? And yet these qualities 
are certainly as essential in a good minister as a good voice, 
an attractive pulpit presence and one or two good sermons. 

Obviously something needs to be done about this situation 
and one of the first steps is to change the church's method and 
the attitudes that lie behind it. Those attitudes are largely 
a hangover from the frontier days when the parson was called 


the preacher, and preaching, together with weddings, fu- 
nerals and baptisms, was the major function of the ministry. 
Today the work of a minister is much more complicated and 
requires skills and resources not easily revealed by a trial 
sermon. Just glance over the earlier chapters of this book 
and ask yourself how much of what is there set forth can be 
discovered by a congregation listening to a string of candi- 

Here are some of the things a church needs to know about 
a prospective minister: 

(1) His personality. Is he fair-minded, well poised, 
generous and kind ? Has he a well ordered soul and 
a balanced outlook on life ? Is he skillful in avoiding 
quarrels and yet courageous and firm in standing by 
basic Christian convictions ? Can he be fair to those 
who disagree with him ? Does he " go off half- 
cocked " or can he control his emotions and speak or 
act only with sound judgment and mature thought? 
Is he a wise counselor ? 

(2) His habits. Is he lazy or industrious ? Is he neat 
and immaculate in dress and personal appearance, 
orderly of mind and in his affairs ? Will he command 
the respect of the doctors, lawyers and businessmen of 
the community ? How will women of culture, leaders 
in community life, regard him ? What about his wife, 
his children and his home life ? 

(3) His background and training. What early home 
boyhood influences still manifest themselves? Where 
did he take his college work ? Of what theological 
seminary is he a graduate? What degrees has he? 


Are they really an index to his scholarly habits and 
ability ? 

(4) His professional career. What positions has he 
held ? With what success ? Why did he leave his last 
one or why does he want to leave it ? Has he been 
popular while in the community ? With whom and 
by reason of what qualities? Is he a builder who 
leaves a church stronger than he found it ? How does 
he stand with men, with women, with youth, with 
children, with the outside community? 

(5) His ability as a minister. Can he preach informing, 
uplifting sermons, imaginative, clear, inspiring? Is 
his preaching broad in its scope or is it all in one narrow 
groove ? Has he any unpleasant mannerisms ? Does 
he love people and make them his friends regardless 
of their wealth or social position ? Can he organize 
and inspire his associates in the work of the church ? 
Does he see the church in its relation to community 
and world problems ? Is he loyal to his denomination 
but also to the church universal ? Has he both a social 
and a personal message ? Will his counsel and judg- 
ment be sought and increasingly respected the longer 
he lives in town ? Above all, is he a man of God, with 
deep and genuine religious convictions, capable of 
making the church a sanctuary and its worship an ex- 
perience of spiritual reality ? 

How is a church going to find out all these things ? Ob- 
viously not just by reviewing a string of candidates* May I 
suggest, therefore, a better way which, in various forms, is 
coming into use among our stronger and wiser churches. 


First of all, the church appoints a pastoral committee fairly 
representative of the congregation, making sure that it in- 
cludes conservatives and progressives, the rich and the poor, 
the humble and the highbrow, men and women, adults and 
especially youth. This committee may then appoint a smaller 
executive committee to do the scouting. The executive com- 
mittee goes out to seek a minister, knowing in advance what 
salary they can pay and what fixed requirements must be ob- 
served. It is to be hoped that age will not be one of these 
fixed requirements. It is both foolish and unfair for a com- 
mittee to say that no man over a certain age will be consid- 
ered. Chronological age has only a very faulty correlation 
with the qualities of real concern to the committee. Some 
men are more hopelessly set and unprogressive at thirty than 
others are at sixty. Remember the Boston boy who said, " My 
age chronologically is nine, sartorially only seven, psycho- 
logically nineteen, but esthetically, sociologically and episte- 
mologically I am approaching one hundred! " 

A pastoral committee Is wise to be on its guard against 
candidates who nominate themselves or have evidently or- 
ganized a campaign of endorsement among their friends. 
Some committees pass by such nominations and go out them- 
selves to build up a list of ministers whom they know to be 
doing effective work. The names of such candidates will be 
given by members of the church, who know of them through 
friends and relatives; or by the state superintendent, who 
should always be consulted; or by various general denomina- 
tional officials, who have opportunity to know available men 
and to see them In action. When the committee has accumu- 
lated a carefully selected list of promising men it can visit 
their churches anonymously, observe them under normal 


workaday conditions, and make a choice based on a consider- 
ation of all the qualifications they have in mind. Of course 
no man will fulfill all conditions one hundred per cent, but 
the batting average will be higher than under the candidat- 
ing system. 

But, someone may object, this system benefits only the suc- 
cessful. What about the man who fails in his parish how 
is he ever to move ? What about the man whose high Chris- 
tian convictions on social matters or moral issues have made 
him. -persona non grata to a hidebound conservative govern- 
ing group in a timid, cowed or unawakened church or com- 
munity ? 

The answer is that, if the minister is really a martyr and 
not merely the victim of his own lack of grace and tact, his 
friends will rally round him and find another field for him. 
He may suffer financially but he will gain in every other way. 
For, above all else, a minister must maintain his moral and 
spiritual independence and self-respect. He ought not to 
enter the ministry without recognizing that it may demand 
martyrdom. At the same time no real martyr seeks to be one. 
The wise minister builds up, in cash or in life insurance on 
which he can borrow, a reserve sufficient to enable him to re- 
sign at once, if the issue should be so acute as to make that 
necessary, and still to subsist while seeking a new location. 
But such situations are relatively rare. Most churches will 
give a minister in conflict a reasonable time for readjustment. 

For the man who has failed not because he is a martyr but 
because he cannot measure up to the requirements of the job, 
the situation is far more difficult. For him there are two 
alternatives which may be picturesquely described as the 


square-peg-in-a-round-hole solution and the drop-your- 
bucket-where-you-are solution. 

The man who seems a failure in any given church may be 
simply a square peg in a round hole. He just is not adapted 
to that church or equipped to solve its problems, but he is a 
good sound man and should be transferred to a place where 
he will fit. Every denomination should have officials or 
placement committees to whom both churches and ministers 
can appeal for aid in such a problem. 

On the other hand, the parson may wish to move just be- 
cause of emotional restlessness. He has gone stale on the job, 
and will probably go stale on any other job he secures. His 
problem is mainly within himself. I once heard a psychiatrist 
say that Ralph Waldo Emerson decided to get away from 
himself by going to Naples. But when he arrived in Naples, 
there was Ralph Waldo Emerson! 

The only solution for this condition is " drop your bucket 
where you are." Such a minister should preach every day as 
if a committee from some pastor-seeking church were in the 
congregation, but should plan his work and carry it on as if 
he expected to stay where he is for the next ten years. The 
man who feels he is stale on his job will be better off psycho- 
logically if he wins out where he is instead of running away. 
He needs a vacation, a summer school in a good seminary, a 
stimulating pastors' conference, a half dozen books thor- 
oughly read and mastered to open up to him new vistas on 
preaching, church work and the lives of his people. Wher- 
ever there are human beings to work with, there a true min- 
ister will find an interesting job. If he really loves them and 
serves them with devoted understanding and sacrificial zeal 


he will be loved, honored and wanted. If he is loved, honored 
and .wanted where he is, he will not lack opportunities to go 

Nevertheless, there does come a time even in the happiest 
pastoral relations when a man should move. How can one 
know when that time comes ? Failure of the church to meet 
its financial program or a falling off of attendance at services 
may serve as a barometer. If these conditions cannot be over- 
come the minister may well ask if he himself may not be the 
factor at fault and try to remove himself from the picture in 
order that the church may have the stimulus of new leader- 
ship and fresh ideas. 

The time to move may also come with and because of suc- 
cess. A man's achievement in one field opens doors to larger 
opportunity. Should he accept a call to a larger church, a 
bigger job at an increased salary ? The answer depends on 
the circumstances. How long has he been where he is ? Has 
he really finished a chapter so that he can slip out as the leaves 
are turned ? Or does the work he has been doing need his 
presence yet a while longer that it may " set," like concrete 
that has been poured but must have time to harden before the 
forms can safely be removed ? No minister wants the work 
he has done to collapse the moment he leaves. 

Then there are forward-looking criteria to be considered. 
What does the new opening offer in the way of adventure 
and new experience ? Will it draw out and develop talents 
and interests largely unused as yet ? Will it broaden the min- 
ister's outlook on life ? Does it promise him a developing fu- 
ture or will he be expected to follow a treadmill of routine ? 
Will he be glad he accepted it five years or ten years from 
now ? What are the alternatives if he waits ? Is he sure that 


the new people really want him and that it is a unanimous 
or at least a united call ? My own personal principle has been 
to try to do my work where people wanted me and loved 
me, and nowhere else. It is a good recipe for a happy min- 
istry. Better a smaller church and a less conspicuous position 
accompanied by love and loyalty than a more conspicuous 
and remunerative post at the price of contention, jealousy or 

One part in the ordination program in some denominations 
is what is called the " charge to the people." An older and 
experienced minister, when a young man is ordained, gives 
some words of advice and counsel to the congregation on 
how to treat their minister. I attend many ordinations but 
have rarely been asked to take this part. So I propose to 
seize the opportunity to give it now and will close this chapter 
with a charge to the church concerning its care of a minister. 

First of all I would remind the church that not only may 
a young minister's first church make or break him but almost 
any church may do so throughout his professional career. 
Ministers are far more influenced by the churches they have 
served than people ordinarily understand. Every pastor has 
tunes in him that are never played until the right church 
touches the keyboard. 

The church's problem regarding its minister is how to 
develop him so as to bring out all his best qualities and utilize 
all his latent abilities. Of course it goes without saying that 
it will pay him a living salary, and pay it on time. An unpaid 
or inadequately paid minister is hardly in a position to render 
normal service. An old Cyprian proverb says, " A dog barks 
where he eats." 

Next in importance is freedom. The minister must have 


" liberty in prophesying " if he is to develop into a prophet. 
You, as one of the congregation, don't have to agree with all 
he says, but listen to it. You will hear few other men who 
try so hard to speak fairly, unselfishly and in accordance with 
the truth. You can be at least as generous as was Voltaire 
in the words attributed to him: "I disagree heartily with 
everything you have to say, but I will defend to the death 
your right to say it." Truth is much larger than any one 
man's version of it but it never grows by repression or fear. 
Go to your minister when you disagree with him and talk 
things over calmly and reasonably. Educate him if you can 

give him facts he has overlooked and help restore for- 
gotten emphases but always in a spirit of reciprocity and 
openmindedness. Maybe you both can learn something, and 
truth will be the spark when flint is added unto steel. 

Third, the church should be organized around both the 
minister's strength and his weakness. All men fill some parts 
of the minister's job better than others. The church should 
utilize to the utmost its pastor's strong points, and where he 
is weak organize to compensate for that weakness. For ex- 
ample, it may be discovered that the pastor has a flair for 
preaching but is a poor businessman and lets the leaks in the 
roof go unrepaired and the leaks in the church's financial 
policy go undiscovered. What then? The church should 
capitalize on his preaching ability by forming a strong pub- 
licity committee to back it, and then proceed to organize the 
business affairs so that leaks both aquatic and financial will 
be repaired without his ever knowing about them. 

The next responsibility of the church toward its minister 
is to expand his horizons. He should have a fund for books 

and time to read them. He should travel. No church is 


justified in begrudging its minister a good vacation. He will 
be working for it every minute by gaining new ideas and 
fresh outlooks on life. Personally I deeply regret that I never 
had a chance to visit Palestine until I was fifty years of age. 
I realize now how much richer my understanding of the Bible 
and consequently my preaching would have been could I 
have gone to the Holy Land at thirty. The church that can 
catch a hopeful young parson and send him to Egypt, Greece 
and Palestine early in his career should do it by all means. 
Incidentally, he will see New York, England, France, Switz- 
erland, and Italy en route. 

Is there anything more a church can do for its minister ? 
Yes, one very important thing which can be stated very 
briefly: It can make his wife happy. Just a little concern for 
the upkeep of the parsonage, a new coat of paint, some up-to- 
date plumbing and an additional room for the new baby may 
make all the difference in the world. I don't mean that either 
the minister or his wife should have what Dean Gilkey calls 
" the prima donna attitude." They should have work 
enough so that they will not behave like spoiled children. 
But a church that loves the pastor and his wife, and shows it, 
will contribute a very important part in the task of training 
ministers for a world which so desperately needs strong, cou- 
rageous, Christlike spiritual leaders. 

As you have read these reflections and counsels of one who 
has spent many happy and, he hopes, fruitful years in the 
service of his fellow men under the aegis of the church, have 
you felt an affirmative response? Have you heard the sum- 


mons to such service more clearly, with both heart and mind ? 
The life of the minister is no bed of roses. His task is exact- 
ing and demands complete dedication. Mere enthusiasm, 
mere desire to serve, is not sufficient. Neither the head alone 
nor the heart alone can guide the minister; emotion and 
reason must consent to each other, must be wedded into an 
integrated whole whose center is God. Perhaps as you have 
read you have felt doubtful. The requirements seemed too 
great, the sacrifices too hard. If your doubts will not down, 
it may be that you should seek another kind of life. But it 
is to be remembered that every sincere man has moments 
of uncertainty, when he feels that he is not equal to his task, 
that his efforts benefit neither himself nor anyone else, and 
that the servant of God and God's church, because his aims 
are so high, may seem to fall further short of them than does 
the man who pursues objectives more tangible and mundane, 
My final advice is this: Make your decision in the light of 
reason, but of the highest reason. I hope it will be an affirm- 
ative decision. If it is, you will be singularly fortunate 
among men, for the work that lies before you offers rewards 
greater and more enduring than all the world's treasures. 
And so God speed you ! 






the people 

of Kansas City 

as a gift