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Full text of "Minutes of the eighteenth annual session of the Providence Baptist Association (Ala.) 1873"

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j October ilth, 12th and 13th. A. D. 1873. 
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bE ioae JOSEPH NEL SON, Mopenator. 

‘ ELper = =: CO UCe, CLERK, a + 

Luce re Et : 
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toed & POWERS, PRINTERS, $2 Norra WATER staxrt, i 

iat Historical Society 
Alabama Baptist Histor 

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1. The eighteenth annual session of the Providence Baptist 
Association was held with Zion Church, Mobile county, Als.,. 
convening on Saturday, October 11th, 1873, at 2 o'clock p. m. 

In consequence of the existence of yellow fever in the city of 
Mobile, the Moderator of Jast session, by advertisement in the 
Mobile Daily Register, postponed the session until further no- 
tice, but too late to be kuown except by a few; and because of 
Hicneen among the members of the churches in: a city, no del- 

egates from ihem were in attendance, but delegates from a large 

number of churches being present, and after sending a mesyengor 
to;confer with the Moderator of ast session and the brethren of 
the churches in. the city, it was thoughé best to organize and 

transact the business of the Association. Bro. J. Mitchell, Mod- 

erator of last session, came out on Saturday 4, M. and made a 
statement in regard to the announcement postponing the, session 

until further notice, and said that in consequence of sicknesa in’ 

his family bo could not remain, and that owing to the prevalence 
of yellow fever, the brethren ia the city could not attend. 

At 2 o'clock p. u., the Association was called to order by El- .. 

cer A. B. Couch, who moved that Hider Joseph Nelson take. - 

the chair, which was unanimously carried, 

Elder A. B. — Clerk of last session, was in his proper 

2. The letters from the churches were ctilled for, and read 
by Brn, I. N. Denham and L. Crabtree, appointed for the pur- 

, pose, and the names of the Messengers from tie Churches en- 
rolled, as follows: 

® Broav SrrEET—Not represented. ey 
Broox Ceproxn—Elder Joseph Nels. 
Bay Minetre—Not represented. 
County Line—Letior, but no Messenger. . 
Escatawra—Elder J. H. Rash. 
Evans Creek—Lotter, but no Messenger. 
FxaLLtowsirir—Letter, but no Messenger. ’ . 
Mt. Moriaun—Not Represented. . , 
Marre StrEET— Dissolved. 4 
Mr. Prscaa—Not represented. 

«+ Oax Grove—Bro. James W. Pendarvis. 
PaLestive--Brn. Silas Pearce and M.,], Cochran. 
PLEASANT VALLEY—Not represented, 
Provipence—Not represented, | ; \ 

Snett Baxx—Bmr. Elisha Nelson, H, }?. Hanson, John Morrison and 
A. B. Couch. 

Sr. Fraxcis StREET—Not represented. 
® Spring Hitt—Not represented. 
SaLzem—Not represented. 
State LixE—Not representad. 
Tipk Water—Not represented. 
Unron—Brm. Chas. Long and D. A Fort, © \ vi 
W asHinGtox—Not represented. 

Wuristier—B8inm. L. Crabtree, James Tew. J. M. Jacksun, M. A. 
Gaston and B. R. Jackson. 

Ziox+Brn. I, N. Denham, J. Wooley, W. A, Pollard, R. F, Farnell, 
T. E. Rowell, J. C. Gibson, Wm. H: mover, Jas. Pollard, J. H. Bolton and 

and R. P. Irvin. 

_ 3. Proceeded to elect permanent officers; Brn. H. P. Han- 
son. B. R. Jackson, D. A. Fort, and R. F. Farnell, acting as 
tellers, who reported Elder Joseph Nelson elected Moderator, 
and Elder A. B. Conch re-elected Clerk. 

4. Invited visiting brethren to seats with us. 

5. Appointed a Committee on Preaching, to report instanter, 
viz: Brn. L. Crabtree, D. A. Fort and thé Deacons of Zion’ 
Church, who zoported as follows: 

Elder A. B. Couch to preach the Introductory Sermon to-night (appoint- 

. @d last seasion) Eléer B. R. Jackson to preach the Missionary Sermon to- 

_ _ orrow (Sabbath) at i] o’ciock, followed ay Elier J. H. Rush; Elder Jo _ 




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18. Committee on Sabbath Schools reported as follows: 

Your Committeé on Sabbath Schools beg leave fo report that it isa 
matter of much regret thatowe tindgfrom the letters of the Churches to 
the Association, that the progress of this work is not as encouraging ua 
desired by your Committee. Feeling na we do, that the relizious matrue- 
tion of the young ig of the greatest importance, ‘and that every possible 
means should be exerted on the part ef the Church, and of every individ- 
ual member, to have a Sunday School in every Church within the bouuds 
of this Association; and it ia the opinion of your Committee that the 
most effectual way of accomplishing the desired effect is for every a 
to set she example before their children. 

Ali of which is respectfully submitted, ‘ 

H. P. HANSON, Chairmaa. 

19. Committee on Temperance reported as follows: 

Your Committee on Temperanes beg leave to offer the following as 
their report: 

The evils of intemperance are so numerous and 80 apparent, that it is 
unnecessary to say anything in proof thereof, therefore, we would speak 

>more particularly in regard to the best means to be employed to remedy 
these evils. The Church of Christ is the highest institution on the earth, 
and the members thereof are represented as the “light of the world, the 
aalt of the earth,” and they must “let their light shine,” and not cover it 
up under the dark veil of intemperance. Your Committee woukl there- 
fore exhort the members of our churches to refrain from the habitaal use’ 
of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, and steer clear of all places where 

* they are dealt out by the glass, and thereby kpep themselves separate 
from the world in this particular practice, and we recommend pastors to 
impress this upon their corgregations. We deem it inconsistent witha 
profession of Christ and Cliurch membership te visit such places, aa it — 
must have a bad influence upon themselves sod others, 

Your Committee is also of the opinion that it is wrong to visit places of 
intemperate worldly amusements, such as theatres, .cireuses and dancing 
partios, as it frequently leads ta other intemperate habits, and is in viols- 
tion of the Scnptural injunction, to “keep yourself unspotted from the 
worid, and to be temperate in all things,” and is alao in itself a great evil. 

Respectfully submitted, 
} T. E, ROWELL, Chairman. 
‘Acopted. . ; 

20. Committee on Finance reported through Bro. H. P. 
Hanson, Chairman, which was adopted, and ordered that the 
names of each indeiduals and the amopnt pledged by them be 
printed with the report; and which is as follows; 

Sent up by the Churches represented, for‘ Associational purposss,..§ 35 07 
RAN COUGCHIUN! OD SHDURLO Ls occ cantar into asmeddvirssn Kien busalguewe d's 25 00 
Pledged by Bro. Elisha Nelson and paid 1 before sdjournment...... , 5 @ 
Total Cash, ...2vcaceass EL Sant y RMR E SERS ca eueideaW cise sackse swe, OO 
B. R, Jackson,.........$50 00 R. F. Farnell........... 980) © 
Fr Pet MNO (44s >s.c4% 20 00 Wom. H. Rowell.... . 0 00 
DONS ean wees a4 20 00 - oN kthannhec heya 25 00 
OK. As DONE sess cekaen i¢ 00 JM Jackeon; .Ueets 10 00° 
DA. FOrtacck tees Sed 10°00 Jom. MoVay.e.s es Sieur kO. OO 
_ Elias Farnell, .......5.. 10 00 Joseph Nelson. ........ 10 00 
MM. AS Quatons vciccesses 5 00 _James Pendarvis...... . 500 
PSO Cll: oc cecatce os visi. 500 mt Jotin Stokes. .<svesseess 5 00 
DEW ACKSOU.< osiccscavee 5 00 Ca Bryantecncscocsns -.. 400 
H. M. Broadus....,.... 5 00 Geerge Lundy ......... & 00 
: RAGS AWPU se acce's ab asle's 5 00 Hamberger....ceccecees 5 00 
eGo Gaston sie cas ees BOO) = MO fineane tO 0. 
IO Bolton ssa ckeases ns 5 00 Ro Po lrvinissacsten'sc ses 5 00 
JAMA LOW sins scceeenk 10 00 Joke Rrectandsciceswecs 10 00 
Cyrus Gaaton.......... 10 00 William Wilson........ 10 00 
Notary 5 eosin: 10 00 Gs W. Welehovecdecces 5 00 
Bs Crabtree ciwss vaweks 5 00 James Pollard.......... 5 00 
NOM Clean ececeeieeess 5 00 Re Si Welly. ics6n case ose 5 00 
MAW Glog Scere Kew ak 2: 6 00 8.D: Philyard.....s0455 5 00 
L. Kastment............ 5 00 W. Bi Forineric. 23sec: § 00 
Ni hGwescl our evorctac . 28 Jo WO RIDSCY ss ee none 1 00 
Co Davinsioss cies pared OO Sister Jackson...... Seka bale 2 00 
Sister Bagpett...:.......4... 100 Crabtree fsiivsecuce sss 1 00 
Gaston coeeschecagesas 1 00 SIMMS a ci wesekew ue 5 00 
Ey RoWellicc. ova cess 2 00 2 BLES 1 Peat 1 00 
AEVIN Scns cow ceusenss 1 00 Webbieiiciocesatwassicn 1 00 
Pendarvis 5. any evi 1 60 LODE. ce he iak Kuaes 2 0 
M. E. Pollard ...¢6a...:: 100 Reeves si ciaccsise rerpnay Gat. 
B. A. Stringer....... 700 Hamberger........... 1 90 
M. Besonoinett....... 2 00 Pes CUNY vaicetewetetkst ko0O 
M. Mallory 503550. 5 00 1S. Boltotk Ss ieceaties cs 1 00 
Total Pledges....4 2.605.060, oveseasees= edie es we S441 50 
WOU GAR co iacus ees ceycccetevte ens iscwsweweseeyire 63 05 
S507 55 - 

All of whieh i ia for giconlnay eucnifed: 
H. P. HANSON, Chairman. 

2h. Commitéea on Bierce and Requests reported as follows: 

We, your Committee on poe and Requests, beg leave to make the 
following report: f 

! | } \ 

ee ee 

ae ee ee ee ee 

i g ; 

No Queries have been sent jn. We find one Request from Whistler 
Chorvh, asking that the next session of this body be held with them, aud we 
fad Mat the churches calling for letters last year, which we had hoped 
woah be reconciled by the missionary visiting them, which he failed to do. 
If they still insist on haviug them, we recommend these requests be granted. 

_ Reaper tfally sulsmitted, 

R. 3. FARNELL, Chairman. 

22. On motion by Bro, W. H. Rowell, 

Resolved, That the present Executive Board be continued, and that the 
same number of which it is composed be added to it. 

23. On motion of Bro. H. P. Hanson, Ss 

Resalred, That the money piedged on yesterday for the support of the 
missionary to go to the destitute, be strictly appropriated to that purpose, 
and all amounts hereafter given by individnals, shall be appropriated as 
they may direct. Also, that the money sent up by the churches and col- 
lected here, shall be appropriated to priating minutes aad paying the 

24 On motion by Elder B. R. Jackson, 

Resolved, That we elect a missiovary to preach to the destitute within 
the bounds of this Association, before we adjourn. 

Wheretpon, Bro. I. N. Denham moved that Elder Charles 
Long be elected by acclamation, and that his salary be six hun- 
dred dollars—which was uaaeaney carried.: 


25. Elder J. Nelson, Moderator, expressed a desire to reach 
the Steamer Annie in time to cross gover the bay to-day, stating 
his reasors therefor, which were considered good. Whereupon, 
Elder A. B. Couch moved that he be granted leave of sheence, 

and that Elder B. RB, Jackson fii the chair-until the busivess be 
completed—which was unanimously carried. 

-26. On motion by Bro. L. Crabtree, 

Resolved, That one from each Church be appointed to collect the peace 
apd raise funds for the suppert of the Missionary. 

ee: ae 

The following brethren were appointed: 
: Broad Street Chureh,........ We aye nentaetaa M. G. Hudson. © 
rook Cedron, .. 50. -3eeeese- a touedeseaes J. W. Mtewart. 
Bay Minette,.. se cccegeccvanveccccens eo oes Win, Wright. 
Comity Line, op. nvinses Belnopesasesiuvece Txane Gardner. 
Bacataw pas. o.sscs aches Putco s Sw eipesieenle J. H. Rush. 

Fellowaltip, -<ccsievetcetecrc¢uescevences Obert Byni 

MAT Co NEUNRA I so Cate mas omic arereied Sindee alc eines Thomas Long. 
Ry Rikeait, Ccniecieuccuy caves OT ee makes Albert Davis. 
CA GONG) teks toa che cues wasalekveeuins Jumes Pendarvis. 
Palestine, ........., evneiae PE Prog tee W. J. Cochran. 
Pleasuut Valley, .....cscssceventecsecs ... Wilson Powell. 
Providenee, 4 ook s wavcuun we cuwanceeuns sos Vm: Gray. 
Sell Banke .ccs arses kiwenck San bateeens li. P. Hanson, 
: “Sto Francia Street. occsc cide ceces Lae pas E. A. Shafer. 
‘Spring Hill,....... PE EEOC rt) Or $e : 
4 ‘ Saloni, cise eet when GGa eA pA diwta waa eicehia tte Joho L, Gray. 
* State caine: deena odncercch sar ate Wiha elaarstee -: L. Gray. 
ide Winter; nccescesoees aig SGU Mine SSR ASS . Bradford. 
WON ois aes wa Cote me ew wena iia Turner, 
Wihitatlers cee Gr crs. eoe as ahve Hees rated James Tew. 
ZAQ i verses ead MER eGo Soiree aoe tee OMGS ote Riaells 

s i 4 
27. On motion by Bro. T. N. Denham, 

Resolred, That Bro. Long be inxtrucred to visit, as early as practicable, 
all the Churches who Lave asked for letters, and try to reconcile them. 

28. Tn accordance with Resolution No, 22, the following 
brethren were added to the Executive Board: F 

HM. P. Hanson, Thomas Long, I. N. Denham, Joseph H. Bolton, L. Crab- 
tree, J. M. Jnckson, Wm. H. Rowell, T. C. Gaston, S. R. Oliphant, John H. 
Kus), Wm. Pollard,. Robert F. Farnell; and in ease the present Board ia 

composed of less than twelve, the last names ou this list to be droppud, 80 
as to bring it down to the same nunider. 

29, On motion by Elder A. B. Couch, 

Resolvea, That we deeply sympathize with the citizens of Mobile in 
in general, and with the brethren of our churches in particular, in their 
present afflicted condition, and sincerely regret the absence of our former 
Moderator and the other delegates from the churches in the city, and.also 

the absence of the delegates trom the churches who were kept away by the 
fever in the city. 

30. On motion of Elder ir He Rush, 

»  —- Resolved, That the thanks of this hedy is due, and hereby tendered to. 
the brethren and friends of Zion Church for the liberal manner in which 
they have entertaized the Association. 

MASS Sa | saan | : 

11 ° 

31. On motion by Bro, IT. N, Denham, 

Resolred, That the Clerk have five hundred copies of the Minutes print- 
ed and distibuated, and that he receive tweuty dollars for his services, 

32, On motion of Elder A. B. Couch, 

Resolved, That Elder C. Long, Missionary, report quarterly to the Ex- 

ecutive Board, including the bumber of days given to the work, and all 
other items. 

33. On motion by Bro. R. F. Farnell, 
Resolved, That Bro. Long’s year be ten months’ actual serQre. 
34. On motion by Bro. I. N. Denham, 

Kisolved, That the Executive Board nieet at the office of Gary, Hudson 
& Co., on the 15th November next. 
35. On motion by Bro. I. N. Denham,’ 

Revolved, That Bre. WH. P. Hanson, Chairman of Finanee, be instructed 
to pay over the money in hand to Bro. A. B. Couch, to pay for printing 

Minutes and Clerk for services. 
36. On motion by Bro. L. Crabtree, * 

Resolved, That the appointment of Brethren to preach the Intreduetory 
and Missionary Sermon be laid ever until the convening of next session, 

37. On motion by Bro. L. Crabtree, 

Resolred, That the appointment of Committees be laid over until the 
convening of nex session. 

38. On motion by Bro. I. N. Denham, adjourned to meet 

with Whistler ‘Chure bh, on Saturday. before the secoud Sabbath 
in September, sti, 

Prayer by Elder A. B. Couch. 

JOSEPH NELSON, Moderator. 
A. B. Coven, Clerk. 

Tn consequence of not being able to make up a complete table 
of Statistics and a Sabbath X hool and Financial Table, because 
of the absence of the necessary information from so many of the 
- Churches, it is thought best to leave them out. 

A. B. coucH, ahs