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too !■ ■. 




■==— AMD 



(Leae complete th&n the 
archlvea copy) 


18S1 — Introductory Ai.idres5. - I^ne 

1866 *- Opening Address. - I^ne 

1367 - Introductory Lecture. - Oibboas 

1869 - Vfileilctory Address. - LEne 

1870 - Introductory lecture. - Oibbonn 

1871 - Valedlctoiy. - Lane 

1875 - Addresses. - Taylor and Morse 
' 1876 - Addreas. - Lone 

1877 - Valedictory Address. - Vythe 
•1878 - j'ifty ye^iro ego, tm tddre s. - Gibbooa 

1879 - i^drees before Cel^i^n Society. '^ Lane 
^1879 - Valedictorj' Artdress - Elllnwood 

188^ - Addrestiea, - L^ie ^nd Tiiylor 

166* - Valedictory Addrefis. - Hlrachfelder 

1887 - Addrsjses. - ^ythe ard Bartlett 

1887 - Valedictory Addre: 3, - Steel© 
•^1888 - Viileitctory Address. - EilL-ivood 
' 1883 * Addresses. — PoLber and Voorsjinger 
1*^1890 - /iddraases* - Ltne tnd Tcylor 
-^90 • /^drasaefi, - Lano (ind Taylor ci«|.rt«4e *** 

189^ - An Address. - C^iobons 

189S -* An Address. - L&Jie 











Medical Department of the UDirersity of the PaciAc, 



BY DR. L. C. XiANB, 

Funinm or fBiaouiaT. 





DlLinBlD i.T TBI 



FOR THB aSBBlOH OF 1361-2, 

n TBI 

Medical Department of the UniTersUj of the PaciTiCf 




PHRBOm of mnoLMT. 

_ — . .^ ■ — 



Frofesaor L. C. Lane : — 

Dear Sir: Yoar able and beautiful addrflas, delivered Xot. 
4th, as an introducCorj to tbe courae on Phyaiologj for 1861-2, has exci- 
ted the admiration of all the members of your vlaaa, and, at a meeting 
of the Bome, the undersigned were appointed a committee to addreaa you 
rtquMtiDg the favor of the copy for publication in pamphlet form, in 
order that It may be more widely dUBAminated than could otherwise be 
the case- By conferring tbU favor you witl greatly oblige each and all of 
the BtudentB oompofimg the Medical GIou of the Urxirersity of the Pacifio. 

Rvpeotfully, yoor obedient acrvanti, 



John E, Kdnelxh. 
Wh. C. Joms, 

So* fhrndtco, Cat.,Kow, «, 1B61. 

%kv FnAffoiKD, N6D&mber 6, 1861. 

Gkntlemejc: — Your note, Bolicidng a copy for publication of mjiotro- 
ductory lecture, delivered on the 4th met., at the opening of my coumo 
on Phyaiology, has been received; in reply, allow me to iay that a copy 
of the Home is at your disposition, aDd> at the some time. I beg leave to 
tender jou my thanks for the honor which is thus unexpectedly extended 
to my first effipy:as a.lcct4lcer VPf"^ ^i^ Doblf d«p?rtmeat of medJoJoe— ^ 
the science oP Piij<ftit>l(Tgj'." : ^^; ; ^ ' ": ;/: /\ - 

I am, very respectfully, 

Tour obedient servant, 

L C. LANE, M. D., 

ProfatOT of Physiology y Mid- Dtp. 

of the UniwrwUy of the Pacific, 

Messra. Bolbbooi, Ktjncub and Joms, 

Committee in b^ialf of the MedioftlCUH of the fesiion of 1S61-2, 



Tli« K-ii-nriT iif Phyfcirtlijyy, tn wbUrli 1 nha-H givt you lii- 
Btniction diiritL^ the onauiti^ ooareo of this iiietltEiUoii, ia 
boHi inleivblii)^ ftni) important; considcrf-d in thcee Txm^ 

poaadMOft bij^hcr raiiK, Ah cvMt-iic^ i>f iCa UtiporUuce. wo 
WtMy %Wo, Hi Iho niiUikt, tiiAt wiiltotit mi tU'(Mintc« know- 
ledge of main- i^f iu pritiaploa, no one wi^ulU (.nor h<s ubie 
to arrivi? hi eiuiiien^^t* eii.Uei' in tlif? pmclire nf ttt^Jicine t>r 
eur^orvp It rwich-'^s nnO M>tB fonh tho lavr* which covom 
l)iii b^iiiv in liJTullli ; wit}ioitt n kiuiwlin!^^ of \hvw mwii, it 
b evident IbaC it woul<i 1>o impotiHiblc to judiciously dis- 
orimioftTe diM«iie, w1iit:li i^ but a d«vtatioij fi\>in tlmm.urttl 
tha ushoHog in ot^ tin nbuoniml c^midiiir^n nl thu body* 
21eiic6 it» ii:.portAnc« in tbo pra^^tic-'O ot medicine. Hb, 
loo, wilhoot a knowledge of tho^o principlov wbii?h obrsln 
the rpp»rfttion of i>i(rl« — which principle* lire bol ibe 
A of IMivMiolngv (<■ * ntodi^iHl limn — how HO^in would 
.^jretiw fturpaiy bocome lost in a laSyriiitb of obeeurit^, 
>rofVi]]iid nnil inextrirnble? &o grr-nlU itN in{lnii?rtce m 
ihU K-K^Hv^t. thut ivithin a few yeur* pui^t ih« science ot 
em-gerj' i» iiHsuining an eDtirt[_^ diftWi^nl diameter fiwu 
Hiat wliich it fonnoHy hsd. ThroKjfb tho li^ht* and aid* 
wbich phj'siologirni ^jWcPCMtion iwd vivi»cetion htLvc fnr- 
tii«hed (19, surfferv ha^ tmriomcd a far more coii^erratiTe 
typo. In modem times, it has been Icitrnod timt tiivnoBt 
idl tin? lUiEurii of Llm body niav b(< ndWint^d wlii.'n IcikI 
Uimu^'b diA^Aae or accident. Ttaair* eminontly^o. in j^oto- 
*nce lo Iwne. Thr diwcverj- of tJii* fjicl i^j* iiml n jrcnt 
Intfueriect upon oporatii^ ifLir^ty. LiinbHwbicb W4.^fv> onee 
*ificed bv Ani^vututtimt aria now pn-Btrved to ibc pntieut. 
Ld xhU circumstaucQ, which is due to the ph/fiiologicaJ 

fact thftt bone, muffcic, lijrBTTi«nt, ftnd ot^q Joints them- 
celvca, \^■hen iieT*Troyi:il. m^y. in n ^reat moaflure. Im rcpro- 
iltiGpd iifonlin^ lo ihciroripiiifil tvpp, will prov^of jutintta 
good to hnnuirity. The gloric* wbicli have hccti won bjr 
tlin culUiij; and hjiw Ituvr |»uhhi-(1 ; ihtty are wIioDjr uc-|]p«ied 
hy the faritrofltor triumpbfl already, and yet to be, woo by 
the conrtcrvjLtiv^T €iii*cl, antl fpalpol. The ochiuv^moiitJi of 
tho moilom Hur^ouu in X\i4s pra«Cfrvutioii of dUeoiGd Jimba, 
should he reckoned amoi»^ the mont flplemlid tnumplirt of 
our purioil, <^nmp»r<Mi wiih whioli the* Mnt which nciachod 
to tticforruor methods of mutllaticm Ainka into inai^nifi* 

K very department of mcdioino i» intcrcatmg, indeed, 
iti> lii^li dill the beating art Hiaiid aiming tlio mimi-tilH, that 
they cOTild not holievv it a Luman ijiverition, but they r«* 
fen-cd itjf ori|:iT] to the god*. Tho laat bequest of tht^ ttn- 
mortal SocniicB wna a «uori6eo to E«cu1apiu«. Yet tho 
aeience of that (>cnod was tnfiuiicly limited, compared with 
ita modern dvvi*.1c>pinenU; and Iq DOneof thoditpartTDonta 
nof medicine bavo greater advances boon madu thai) in the 
one we have under (^onHidcmtimi. The depamnf-nt of 
Fhyeioiogy noxv, of it^olf, Ataudii as » v&«t colossal ecicnce, 
,gr»nd in \U diini nfiion*. ami with »o miirh that is iifran^o 
And manel^UH in iC, thjit n:)mo of it^ cnthuf^iiutic admiron) 
Iwve opphcd to it the lille* of tliH '^xanl of inrdu^ine,*' its 
^^poctrtjt" it* "fioiPer-tjardm." Nolwitbetandin^ the***' titloo, 
borrowed froin fancy and unthusiaam. it prc»cnla enough 
of acern material sind that daait of thingA called mnttcr~o/* 
fttct^ to give it an abiding place rjuilc ouL of the Aphcro of 
mmiiiiriv and uh a fihuK-, U>v a thorough couipruhefinhtn of 
all ite priiiciploa, 50%'erc, n^otxm*, and oIobo apphcation 
will he ntq«ircd> 

So much impertancG of tatft hm attached Itdolf to this 
branch of acienee, that »uuh> uf itA niniple oiid lendli)^ 
pnneipKw bavo bomi incoiporatcd in ^ool hooka, 
dfrtigiied for yK)pQlar instruction- If then a knowltd^t; of 
I'hyeiolopy is reqni&Ite to the vouritf lady, itj order to ^v^ 
olcffanco and conipletciices to her education, of how niuoli 
higlior importanr^i miict tboy hv. in y^n, pninpet'tivi' pnicii* 
lionera of medicine, to whom tliu duty wi[] bo umi^ned oi 
atlovijtlinf^ dtAcnse in iu protean formA, ao nuoii^rouH lu 
fact, that. lUroutiHiinbcnng the Iloin&richoRts; 


Lt ie your cdpcckT prancieo, privilege ond duly, to etody 
Uio coiiiitleHft atraiijjre and wi^mlmui Uwh vrhidi giiri*n] tltu 
hitman body. ThisbodymmordvanoJ nnd ccmplif&lod in 
itJ» structure thnn any mii>chiuc lliat nrt hae vvor dcviaed. 
In it, the Tbcist iee^ the evidoncea of creative wUdom \ in 
tbccontcmf)1ation»ftkdronDi>o«9e9!ed by this microcosm, 
— t}u' mt*ririnutiitlmi f>f whrHinaHg-ivmi Ji fnm^ or«r-dnnng 
to KafihaoL anfl MiclaeL AnRclo, — and in ^^leiv of the miru- 
clt^A which are <M>n4tanfly being ^perrormed in the maiiite* 
nance t>f tho Uvinjr or^Liii^m, tho Athciftt i« inv^lv^d in 
|ii?r|>lviitv. »nd dmiliU wlmUit^r fitrluiUjiiK acrlion asui ao 
count for Buoh ii oomhination of woofJere- 

It is to explain the Inns which control thin mArvrlotu 
p\ot^e of niochariUiu, ibat my effort* during tlio ^^cndiog 
courac, ahali be dcrotod. Though oiXcu our inquiries may 
conduct UK 

jtt at all tim^, wa will And ^omQlhint^raltiabld along the 
vftTnidc, and however xvegcd and thorny ocir path may be> 
M'iUy ev<>r H-iirl aiion, onr hiTiois wUI ho (^rown^l by thi^ dia- 
coTcry of Bomc flower of truth, which, though it may not 
haro th« gmnd^'nr iind gnrgi^oiiAnrnH of h V iKorm Kc^tUi, 
nor tho iropioaT luxurinnue of thi) ele^^nt Urania, alill, 
anmianih-likar. )U tuibi will be more ^reuniul in nalureu 
In Atiidvinj; th<^ objotrt of dii;Mt;ofi, tn Thich tha crude 
mntcrinU of the exlvrnal world art «o mctamorphiaed ma 
lo become pan of our living bodies, or in fituaying the 
myfitoriefl witbin the crauiam, 

we nhall meet lliin/E^ fl« wondrous and eitraordinair ns 
oan be found inany ilomntn of ratnre. Tho brain, witli ita 
m'ilnr-fim^«-, ilB jmwrr of leehiif^. its ci;iiirdiuating faculty, 
it* coririeotion with tb* thinking principle, with tlic im- 
matorlal, impcrislmhlc /, prfs.Mit* a firld for greater a<lmi- 
mtmn aurl wonder thati do all tlie orbs which flitter in ibe 
evening; oky. As a pic-^ of superior mcchnni«m may bo 
mentionod The pre, of whhdi tho HrorWniftn«hlp Is fto ex* 
uistte, and tho a<laptaiiou of its various parts to tho pa^ 
oaaa of vlaion are so complete, that uo device cf url ran 
compared with it ; atid it wn* only by haviu>? the <jy4 
as a model of roCerem:^ in wJiicii the lendeney of ii^Iit to 


ml I 

panitDfi la co«monict.-i?. ihat Eulor, tbo illn*tri<mB msitbcnui. 
Hmn, fo\iu4 rncnn* lo iiolvc th*; problem .if ai'hn>mAtm. 
wliich, by .Ww-Um, htcd Uvi^n fcpardcd as iiisii^< cr^Uhle of 
p/>rution. And fi^aiji, eo prwit is ilit ticsi^n oKJji|>iio<l n 
th4» filnictun' «f !h(» lumin^ ImitiJ, thut Bell iOri^icli^re |)|g] 
IE Sk\tys}t- tx&'Mxh proof of » divino uiithor. and t\ir )jJ4 cAtii' 
r.»l !rr.niiHe on iJimMibjwJt, }w won "iH>of'iho"liriUtf«w»i«r 

Hoiifc, *rom svhnt bae hceij »u(I it u ninrifei:t, thoujrh 
our de|raitmciit may he alitlrueo and dry M cimeH. nrHl in 
tfte (Jvlaifs of lh<* "hfran^c. cvcnU'ul Hinr?*" in w-hic-h th» 
living orgftfir^ in fi^ir***, trtmi ir* priniilivc pUfv »a n ml- 
arfifiCPT.]*- r4*M tliion^h \U vjimd .ntHpis of ^nmfh and ulti- 
mate accnyikiid d€atf>, tleiN? isonoii^ti toroquito tlit* fulli 
iorigtiE^ for admimtion and marvel. Tho etruju^^lo b 
twccnnift fltiJ d«i«li cf tt-hich our world i* tl»o ('^otiHtn 
Kenc, If A diviTiiu of deep and mom en (on a Hii[H>ri if) aii«> 
on^, but pn*^mniefnly "i"! To Jm wJn> in convoniiTit ^itjt 
iJiP laivs whttli povcni ll^fin. To thi: mt^du^ul *chol«r wbo 
t^onipridiLniiU all flu' lfiv\--( w}iii?ii cunlrul tin? living or^an- 
iflm. tviio itot'it aad LndcrMtcndH iIuk viinl fabric in all Ito^ 
vmriod <'hHiip4?4, irrtm il« prtinonllal (.-[immeijL'Luietit a« «9H 
iD^inKdy tiiinuto coif, a inero rTi/in^a ocrntintuhyt or je:gj'ii^!^ 
dhI »poU tben iU embryonic and fa^tm Itfc. thou iIm trurmi- 
tJoM fnM« ii'jnoOBn to ncHa! oxi^tonop, tliw nionumcut iiC 
life ha* a tboiif^and Ihinjr* more wondivmn iuUtwo^ph ijg 
itB hiflT'*ry than liad Ibo M^miionijin of okl^ and its con- 
tcmpliLUoii should ciilviiidlo in ili^* litiid^mt a profound 

mid*, the bfoUcfi roniain^ of the I'mlFu^rion or Karnuk, 
any olhrr aroljitroJiirftl wonder of Ihe jxwt. 

It tins lH*etj nr^nvd a« till objootion affalnat PhrAJolotfv 
that It i* beset Willi too tunny ihftorieH itiid liTpoihfHc*, ii,J^ 
that, upon the ivbol©> it Ihi-nirthc** IJttl*.' thnT onu be ptncm] 
under Ibt iK-jid of absolnle find p^titive fact, Now, if by* 
potb^si^ wpra to be nbollr dUcnrdcd in iho avUtblUhnicnt 
of a vcicnnc, tbc^n eomo ^>i the promiiici.t depiirtTnenT« tit 
knowledge wonJd hiive to b*? abandoned, for Ibey rent i>n 
ecflrc^-ly tiny other baai^ than th;rory and conj<?clurc. T liia 
is er^pivi.div the c*iw* lo ronp.t't !o yntiloiry; divoat tbia 
Bcierioe of th« nqlimnUttrn of (hoary wliich IiV* at ita totin. 

4oiir arid tliis grand fabric, thu gbi^' and boaat of ilio 


[pnwimt ceinlury. wuuM Hiiik into uiaitfiitiicaiicei Y^v hd 
eridoiit erft ibo rosulu wUicb Uav^ foilowai tliu adoptioa 
oJ' oerUiii hypotheaca in g«ologj\ and so wWI^" conviiicius 
to thoue wuo nlU thoroLiffhlj t^xamine ikem, thui tint 
acitjDCd \io^ ftlaiodt oL>tauioa aplace £la caduiib^ k the ileld 
of kaowlcdgtj M thAL < by purtr iiuit.lioinaUcj;- Tbo 
9ttinc if now to *ot\xc uxtviU, uud muAt cvciittully hu cii- 

at proaciit cmployod lor tbo illustnUiikii ot iu tmib^, ma^ 
bit finni[^arQi1 lu no tdwijt kuiIiu^ hulJunt tii thu ^Uadcl into 
whUli wo aie «9okin;« otiti^auca, and whidi, whou Uioy tuivo 
oiiL-e AjltiFEed their piii[ii>ic. uiu/ bo ilUpon^ed wicfi* So 
icmAi'kubly hij^i:niu[i)i« h^twuvct, uuvo haan aomo uf tho«« 
tlitiori<j^, Lliut th<;,v fftill aur\'iv6 tia ;iiH>im[m3utH uf the 
shrewdness of tln*ir inui-nton, Uiough Ihei ul*?ft imlwdtod 
in th<^m boa ultiinaujlj pr*owii to Uh crronvoiw. TliL* may 
hft naiii lo be tli*- <mw hi reftj^urt U* cbe byjiotliLMt^i liii-eiLtoa 
by Liebig aud Mald«r for oscplainiu^ tb« troaait^oii from 
vcnou« to vrtorljij blood. 

Our «ctouc« laA «iig&j;^d and ocGU[>idd ib^d alContioii of 
rt]jo iUListrioitB at^d IcAruod of nW ag<^s- In fai'-oHautiijiiily, 
[n'lwrt* Uw lirrt luuit bt*aiiw of ^clcu^u \Afv Uiudy {kk^jivimI 

i« Tiuiimn mind in the earlier periods of huQiaa wclvty^ 

mr ecicnco waA tbo lirat U> diuiu Attoutioo. Soon alW 

iiirniT hiLii coTiijitHeil IlU iiiuiinrl^l virrpit^ drUitl'mg ihd 

|li-u<M titut bvfel Ur^ooo, in oond^mieiico of tbe vvruth of 

Achillea, atid the daiigom ^mhI fiuvi>iitunf« iif ih^ ^'loiJ- 

vfQni" UlyMc^i JQ hla boiiiuwurd vovu^ Icom Troy to 

^iJia^ca, thvtt tu-oae a new Uj^hi in (Jreecd, Kha.-«e loind 

^aing d^^ly imbuad with the truth of tli« ee&clniciit, 

" Ff^ 71*1 LHttHi "rnm fOffttiftctrr jfttfjt'' 

cvotod Liio^clf to the t^ukC pur^uiu of pbiloaopbr, uid 
VI! nil liii[mUd to phi]ofrOphiL:^kl rMuiixjh which toiidnuml 
tr oonluriea alWwiirdt. ThU wn* Anrlotlo. Amocijc 
o »ubjtxtfl to whk'h Armtotle &:avo ajkccial atcctitioa wiia 
Ll of chd plienomena (exhibited by liviog be:ii^ Av^l- 
\ltxg him^eU of tbe Ma fiirni.ilicd by ilt«»cction, be strove 
to diitvr tim puiiuiralia of or^ani^ud b^iiiL^, und tlwr»1>y 
icnDtrulc tbe hitb<.'rU> aealod arcanA of bf-;*. It ia atirpriA- 
; Iii>w iiLiiriy Lnitbti Anrctotto brought Uy bj^hu Tho ex* 
LtfacM of tUA^duni uuiiiA hoi ludficd, futmd tliiU oi^rtoia 


tMng« wliioh he advanced were eironeona. ThJ« ih not 
all tc be woncfcrcd at. vrbcn wo liikc into nocoutit tbc pro- 
tbmi<l ij^notunvM^ whii-h at htw ttt[ii< Liid rt^Mlironde^t llic 
-DtholcBubjcct of Qnimol Uft>. Greatly* to hia uroiiit, how* 
ever, be kt eaitl, that ccrtaiu ideaa wliicL he edvnnced, 
which were dcubtml bv itibKuquont exomin^iv, hnve, on 
more mjiiHre research, been found to be correct. This it 
true in reep«ct tc certuiii of hU aji^crtictis coDccmiag ^^no- 
ralion amotig the (.VuE*t*ic^'a. 

AiiKtn^' iiH cijltiviilon* of llie prMent time, Pbytiiologr 
ratika bottlo of the niot^t cmiti^Qt uiinde of the day, boua 
ill Knropr lu wvll an hi our uwii lumutry ; r>n tliU sido of 
the AtlaDtiv, it iswith pleaeuro that we refer to tiuch tianiea 
aa Dunglifiou, Fainc, Leidj, and Daltou. Daliou Ji*, per* 
hape, lo-duy in advAUcc t>f all these (jn^jsipod in phyaioJo- 
gical reeearcb, ati ihU lontireut. The corrcctiici** with 
whiL^h he haa 8tudii?d ihe nervous eyAtein, and tht^ myMcri- 
on* iubjcct of gciicrntion, aagure well for much new light 
OTi thU bit}jertu but pitrlially umh^rMood ntihjc^cL Adojp'' 
ing vivisectiott ts a lump for hiEi|:mdeaco in the dnodaha 
niiize« of the nwvouj* system, he is compcUhig ibe va^Q 
to reveal ttomcoiUa complkuted functiot^s, aswdl ateomd 
t>f thi- tiihi-T oraninl nttrven whoitts trlUce haa hiLliertrt boAi 
involved in doubt. 

In England, the iiamm of Carpctiter, Paget, Biown 
SOquard, ure models for emulation la thia departmort o 
mediciDC, Crosaing the chaTincl, ID ^'iimce the faniou 
Milnv-Kdwurda, noted for iili many diutMical worWn nn thi 
tubjoct, on well OH the di»tiuguiehea J.ongct, and tljt- vcqq 
nible Chevi^ul,arvhusii}' vii^tig<^d in Piijh^loj^icalreMefirch 
Indt^od, L.'hcrvrcul, tliougJi u lieptittigenariEm^ eccoie still luf 
di^voh^d ti) hiFt cUemko^jphynLoliigicnl ntudicn a» though lie 
were uot satistied thai his resoarchee in n^gard to the h&r^ 
mony of coiorR, And bis discovery of cteinc, Pteariuc and 
mfu^arine would not enbalm hl« memory among the nev^t* 
to be forp>ttcn illustriouH namifi which arc treasured up iu 
thp ifn|#riHhnhl« arrliiv<>K tif tmiliHui?. 

OoriTiauy titaitd* prucminciitly high in medioal ^obolaTw 
KliJp; und L am ^atfo hi puyiiij^ ibnl thtre wir may find t<v- 
day^a f^xsator number of devoted scholars engaged in tolv- 
ing th<r hitherto unexphiincd tiui^nliorw of Phj-^iology, lUao 
in any other part of itie world. The Teutotiwchantcter i« 
eciinently ittted ior patient wvefttigation. The Ger- 

mail inre^ji^tcr oaa labor Tor w«>kj<, or ovoii inomltft. in 
the cxuiQiDution 4>f x dinffle diilfjecl, ncvor onoo beoominf 
tir^d or for^king it. uutil h** bas thoroughly »oqiiairt«d 
bim«clt' wub 0VQr>' fcntiirc <^r tho oabJfH;!, aiiitcvorylhirig 
I'W' iJijlT i'iui bavt* »i iHiuriii^' u[iutj U. ThiA iiti^lluiJ of iii- 
voMij^iitiou u dilbcult fop the Aiuoricau atadcDU «»v<rua- 

filueily. 6ulU u^*> Te^ioiiie metliod iu tlio ikrofx^r otiu to 

^ lo uUimata !»uctttaA^ tu\d it ia to be bop«a Cli&t h mar 

adopted Diors suJ moro by t1i«i American ^ohoUr A 

Union ^1' JViitotiic. italivrKc witli Lhc j^rAclical f^lcniciitof 

onr i!OUi)lrymen. would, if adopi^ in literary reAcureh, 

*k)t>ii yield a ncli hnrvc^t of ^n^kntifi^ diAf^vcry* 

Tlic i*nnd]>lrr< of Phy.^iolo^i^v nm iiLli^u^ttiiig on luriTOiitit 
of tltvii fx-qivtulty and uucb£kfi^*3&bU>Qe^ ; they reiikiuu 
to-dAj(> And III futLiro, constant and fixed as the j wore a 
tiiouiutid voum ii|ri>. ^imiiijir lo tliu Drftcoiiian taw^, tUujr 
arc eujfmviui in blood* tLon^b anliko tboni in brttit^' 
of cJLihttjnc;-, thoir iliirfLtion U i<oi>vul ^teiIl or^uii]3t<>l lif«« 
lougli lawn, ountom^i, uuuilior:^ t^^l^'^^ und JuobTdiii^o, 
rLlior uilb iIjl* ol>jerU nnd |iur>ii]U4 of htii|j:i]| uiiibiumi 
ever cba{)>ciiig, Mill tlic Iilua whicb control life oud 
uni^^ rxi>^brii(Tk* rvanum fon^vrr tUn WLmci; nKiro tfndui^ 
than tilt} jjciik nit V and Miidatono ou wliiuh ourniono- 
rutL Ttie note of tbe ni^'lituiffidot wlilcli Hiiffing 
^ — ("oiimptiirc-lltjv L-ar,or tlieniinbow-tintM ijinni- 
c )iiiiniuiti^-l>ird, whidi bovcrwi mnmiJ ihh] 
ppod tho melUduoiifi twt^cti? of tb^ oionvi^K'uluA whicli 
rcikci itA iloLfd muDiticcncc over tbij iijuiica4 and rhodii* 
|d(-nilra of Rd^Mi* wirri* ^^Vtinicnl by ibt* &ariie \tnVA of vi- 
iK^tion and rvtlcctioo aa lonlay, govern tho aamc objccto, 
hit i^aint! Jij^jx-titcB tind functions tb<v Aame dciniunj tor 
rt>ounoooii>« ufid nitm^fonouH uliiia'Ut. tbo oiuav nood ot 
un ol UnT tisMueH biivc alwH^^ exiftt<jj. 

in the UMiiMrous coutribuiioiuf whicb it hoti 

CompLinitivo Anatomjr, in bringing frora thfl 

en of tlid eartb, where tliey had been i-oiicGalod for 

rolicft of utirncrous animaU, some of wbicU <lo 

ot now own (^xIkI, IlHa fnrniHhvd iiiiipW endc-nce of tbe 

coiintfLiicjr and ountinuity of plan thai bod been uflhcrcd 

to in Oie i n t roil ut't ion of tlie vurit-d fon^n> of luiima- 

tc^t oxirttoiito. on the pan of tbu Aatbor of jiftturo, Jn 

fvivulizcd cjrc of Uio IVUoliilCf iti»t vxUta abu&dau^y 

• iliLlu 



in tb« Sllnnftn foraiationd of the Ohio. Vallej:, wh^a Ii 
vftHoQA facets «□<] general conformation Is 8tu<tk'<l with 
rcfcrcDco to tbc roSeciion. rcfnu:tioii and traD»n>i&dion of 
tigti1,it iH(li»corera(]thiit lli^lighUu-avL^Wdiignvt-nH-d by* the 
iuni« JtfWA myno/le of jovh &^ a^ totluy^ And Uiougii 
tioIivwtonWAftltjcrctorHttclhcrcUHoiiof ciqQalilj'l>etuf««ii 
the fuijilo of incifliMice aud iluit of redc^cUon, or to obfieVrts 
tluii wlK'n a ruy of ligtjt piMod from a rarer iato a denser 
.fu^inni. it WM hcnt Crom it« original conrv^, flni) thoai 
tbc couG Jjiid t>eeii clefi by no inntlicmatk-jil hand to h 
'tlw Agure of it^ ftectloim. mid lo a|>|i1v llie jirttK-l])!*?^ of iho 
'eUip»D and lb? parabola in the coD'truciion ot lonscs, atill 
Hit* rnulhiniiaficii] lawn hi iu^curdni]c-i< whh whioli fIht t^ye la 
contracted, then existed^ and woro obeyed by every my of 
li^ht that paiutL^ it« image on the retina. The Qnh of 
Umt i^c'riod. with hU ))GFnoc«rca] tail, Nbown, liy tho tbrm 
of lil^ jaiv. and triplii row of tei-tli, timt he hud a aharlc* 
,likvapj>^iit<*, aiifl ninKt hnv<> fed on hvii>L; beingi^. Tho 
inamn^oth rcpliUi* tA Timt prrioil, dctnoiiBtnUe by Uicir 
coj>rolil«^Ti the iriHitie fai-*t, KenoL^ d<.^nth han ever lieeU' 
cocvnl and co«xtdn»vc ivith lite. Tho ptorodn<^tvli> of thi 
mrlv ^i)h>^irHt periods ■^njoyv^d hip iiinrBcL revKin^ M^i|]_^ 
froati blood, c^uitc aa miKh aa dt^ca iho cat or the AbyBKiiijaKJ 
lof the genua hwno^ of ihu prebLiit time* Jndccd, hv &| 
tta£irflnc« tc» tba ruinttiniji of nr^mui^ivd Uft.% wbif'h tiatunrj 
ia« preatrved aa if it were in n vast horttif nccus. whervi 
they htive biN-n litid np horxvivtu ih*^ p^i^es of the vriet vol.j 
time of cn.*ation lor Uic bcnctit of mi^dcni timcVthure ig. 
demotiMtraied an anliuiiily for organic hf*» ihnt nHiMh-d tho 
first mvoati^atore in tfiTH field so proliJic wiLli prodltjioe, 

Thoudi iHfin III hit* yrKlv PtnmU iit Thp hehti of crLMtion, 
and lm>kn di>wii with oamj-iflcontry on tlio inferior grades 
of bein;!:, fitilJ, if he ftcaivh llntiuiili ihe vii*i domiLiit ufi 
\'vrl4;hraUKl SAiiininl)'. tfrinmicinjE the mairiTniiU, birdei, 
n<ptik'9 and fiahe^, then M him exanniLi? ibc articiiULtcd 
bein^ thi> lobMcr, thu ant, the leech, and tli(^ i^Ie worm 
it^ciE thenec, Mill doaccndin^, let him mrvcr the iti.7|, 
luM'H, — iha iiiLiHtt'K ihtT *nair, atid th<? riittlHi^h,'— uiid 
fiaally olo<ding hi^ survey, let him look through lh^ ronim 
of tb<* *tiir-liOii.'fl, and after liU cb*»rougb exnniintitiDn of 
thcii« four grand depannicntft of ai^imittud nncnre, he will 
be compelled to confea^i that lliere in not a livia^ trc-attire 
tfaAt in como feature of organi3:ation ho ia Dot akin to. 


Indeeil. if acsrcfnl companeofi be msUtuteil< maDv animals, 
in <?c«rrnin ri»9irii;rt^ Jiro iinidi Kuprrutr lii ti^un. ThU )*' tfo- 
pc<;ialiy true m rvjfard to (he dev^lopTiout of tho «<]tidc»; 
lor ixuiujilf, llie jicifedioEi of tlie olfaL^jrj avutve in L-ei-Lniri 
Animals, ie w<>)l kiiciwn; »Imo, tho floniia of «i^ht in a^i-tain 
binl^ lA fur tiu|H^ri[n- ('* ihat nf man. Bnt, iti iiit(-Ue;ir(ual 
end'owiueutt man occii]>ies an inifnenjo aii|ienority ovei^ aU 
other ci^catcd beings. It i» to hin superior brain that ho 
aws hit «i]pri:-i[UK-j^ ov«r lh« tivTng woi"!d- Xntvvit1i«tiind- 
iiij^ tbi» 6U]>orit>nry, bo cloija not pofieC66s aa or>ran that 
dop« not huvo i(n .-loiilogiH^ in ihi* mammiftmn-i Hnimal. 
Tho vorC<^briitn, wHb muii at th^ir bead, bavu boon con- 
Blnitu-d lu^t-^iriiliiiu; ti> ituH cottiinuii Upy. litniru ii Ia, lliat 
ir etudyitLg tho funotionE of tbo ditto^rout parU of Dio bu- 
man bcdr, wo rcHort to ^Kpcrimunta upon the lower 
auimala; Indeed, If baa been by The aid of vmaootion maile 
upon tbc lower aitimals, that rhysiolog^y hiui tnudc tucb 
rapid slridi-a during ib*- lawt bult tfiitiirj. By iui'iujh of 
vivJdCTOiion, \he l'hvftioI%'iet lin* boeti able to blcp loto 
tb*^ iiiiKT tc*<riplc of lifcp«r4<l lo giui." upon )jitbi.^rlo uu- 
v«iJM myHtun«4 tbatlictv'c bticfi btdUcii witbiti tho ncrod 
adyCuDi, — tiie *&aii(?!tum »aii;;t^Miui of Ihiiig exiftb^iice. 
Over tbe threshold to tbie iDDor sanctuary iheie is no n«ed 
of inscribing ^^procul, prfKid estt pro/anu" tor none but 
ihc pailetii una Inbor-loriiig tttudent oaii reeotfuUe and 
Ttad the import of th« pmttraUa which natuix' baa veiled 
tburo in nn tilmi'iirity fiii; mnn^ prciftnind rhcin That which 
eliroudod'thc Kloaciinmn myntcricd of olden time. 

BeAjdea ibe aid whirh viviHucliuit baa lent ia ibe Ph^aU 
ologiat in modoni tinios, he ba« rocoivcd nu additional ono 
in tn<^ iiiicmncoptr. Witli lb« »»Mnt;knco of thia luntrijimrnt, 
bo id abU lo loUow tli(i priniUive cf?]l irom tb« period in 
in which it is vacillating t>ctWL;en inurgunic and organic 
oxiHtenoc, through the numort^u^ fttagca of metamorphoitlM, 
till it iiually rc<,eiv<Ta iho stamp and imprcft* of vitality; 
then, hnvin^ dnlj fi;ltiUHl in* niiiuioti in tX\\\ living orgun* 
iain, by tho help of 1h<^ microttuopcs it in «ecn to uvdiime ix 
rctrognuk* iimrcli lowuj-ds LhefXl«^nial wurld, wbicli havinf^ 
rcaebcd, it »s«umi.'s ngain it^ inorganic condition. Tha 
niifTo^-'cotir fiirtliiT >>bow* uk, in tbi^ vnriouM vryAlidliiie jiro* 
dinjlrt whit'h it revvaU to ua in tho liriup; orifniiifiin, th»t 
msttiy cf the pi\>ccssL'« in our bodk'« are puii'ly i:hcnncal 
in chartu^ter. Thi« ih especially m in rugani to Lhe i^en&l 


Bud bUbr^ prcrludt. Kv4>n the blood itfolf^ with a little 
i]idtLii>Tiruioi), la CApabItT or jic^Uliiij^ crjetiklliiit fornix of 
moift elegant tliRpe »nd outline. 

A|:;iin, tbo aci^ncc of J'hyeiofo^r is mo^it intimntolv a»- 
rttocliii^ Tv'tlii tUit itf AiiuUnnv- iSniliiuil u kimwliHl^o of 
'Aontomy, Ibo i^ritu-iplcH of i^hveiolo;;>' cnn uGVi-r |>o well 
utidrrHtoiid. Uolorc* the jKrutinit of Th^.' brmji, tho! Itc^nrt 
Btjd ihti Iiiiig^, — tht> «o-L'alkd tripod on whieh Hl't^ r^^f^te,—' 
cau bo comi'rchcudod, ibe etmcturc of rho&e part« inust b« 
well Icmwii. Hoiii-'iv thi^Ktf im^ kinilnul ^dt^ncr^, VFliich 
muet vstv tuarch* huitd lu ] aiul« to^oTher, Scjiariitci), uiu^h 
bmomcj^ of Itiilt.- timi; boih weil ur»ipi>iof>d, will fLtrnigh 
^tho Btiriai jfiiiUiincv, und l»cct>mc Iho untniii^ pL>lo-Jtiir to 
a tuiuvv hi'UliAtil [iniitppUinnl cun-tr, Tn ihi; *arg*'on, ft 
tborcuj^h kncwIed^G of both U mdispe unable- l^oufi-H 
d^iitlj rdjihifi on nalLrc*s power of icproducjii^ piirti^ 
Whkb rb\'idoT:>)ry biM Uiijrbt bitn, tk' boldJy T\*iimv4;i4 tho 
Isutimjd Llmii: or uSuiLdin^' Joiiili tiiid Iniu tij wimt vivjitec- 
tion b«t» dtniKirinitmt^. Ill' fiuds bis ojienit'tori ct'owticd ivttb 
ftiiccc»f». Hemi> I'jiyeiolo^'v, with ii!% e^istcr MJirucc, Aii- 
atomj, are twin tJtiiiicoiulK bi tli*? bilt ol" i\i*y K<.Mlj»el that 
'' lights it* blade " in tbo nuigcous bnud, uiui give bop<-ftii. 
tnlci^fifl of r<'Lrnvpn' to thi« |>jkii4»nf. and unerring proiiLis^ Of 
mi cnduriiij; rt^fiutiiti[>]] to tfio operator. 

Iij the pursuit of jrour Thj^ siulogical 0tudie»v I >v'o»ld- 
ironcly n'^.'orniucnd yoit to ]iv»il yoiHfoJvuv^ of tfiii aida 
rbicb lire furiushc<] by a knowlo^^rc of Natural ]Iir<(oi-y, 
Ai L(>for^ ^iat>.>ri, unturc ]jas adopted n uuiforttihy of |drm 
ihiit provadc^ M ilt ptirtmcule of creation, nud, a^ it ^'^rc, 
\>y a chain of aduinaat, tnudK touulhi^^r tho iua1i*nul iiqU 
verac. Tbo w^Hd, witii it6 coaittfoa^ fornia of lif«, nbetbcr 
Uviug ill the air, on tbe ^urtfi, or lu tli(» do|j11iri uf Uio 
an, i-t btil a tnntvrinliztrd utlomrco of u thoiighT of 

uV.j, ill wlili'h an<coinldiivil nlenlity. niiily,and Imriitimy, 
Tboso carilitial prineipios, which may hv ji^rceivod even oq 
a limited view of nature, become uioi'o aud movQ appai eut 
ill ]>rof)omoii to tbo c^iuprclK^nAlvQ vif^w tlmt wo take of 
her objects* 

Br a careful exumt nation of tb<j lawn n-hicb govi^rn Uio 
|>EvJuction of pLant\ i^nd of tbo iiupofit«ihility of R^iKiug 
evGU ihiym geuei^ji ivblcrb uiia nearly :Lkiu^ »■* well a« froiu 
ob«iJi'vutioDe tUAclo on the hihri'UUtvt of tLo intvnor aiii- 
BLttitip ibo PbyaiologiHt hiu ieani(;d thu itnni mobility of 


form which nature bss tlumped on tvcry living being. 
Till? i^oIIlvj uf tile rone, hprinkiod on tbe hysiciruh c^n tie* 
v'cr produce a hybrid between the two, Nor can Ihc gcr- 
uiLiiulLii^ iliiHt lit' tbi! k<t(*k-itiir. uiiiunEH^, ii|i|i]]i'(I lu l.bii 
h(*rncl> bliK»m of tbe ambroflia, i^rixlueo a florui typo, 
midway betweoti tb^r ]i«reiu tlowcra. Tho fcnuerf Latnro 
ani <rUrnully *Ur^t>ty|>oii. Though urt tiiiiy modify the fonn 
of Uiu rci»e, n»y, evijti vonvuii eaih ^lauieti into a petal, 
*tiJ! thi* c^ifloutful foi'iii rt*tui»« iHp on^tn^l obiirstf^tprifltitM 
i^f the pnincval urrhrt/p*' lltut bliKimod iji tho ciirJy diitvn 
t>f t^i-eiiiior^ The miuj*^ rnuy Uv Hiilil uf tbe aiibiihl foimH. 
No hvbriiiaiioiit do biinnui dovioo can ultor ihc toj^me in 
A'bii-fi t'iu')i irrntiiiv wua priTuitivi-ljr iDntihb^L Kiiiv, it brut 
heonrrN^iuB^ombrcboriKifv atidoartfftil study of ibwe facte, 
m ixfertiiL-e l»i tfic iikmi "ability of any I'laui or animal un- 
il^r^it'mif anv 4TJi«^Tiriiil mulJiinnqibo^U, ih:*i Ai]tbi'*>jwlo^ 
)j!i/* dunvtd ilrt rflrim^ro^T |ii'<M»frt of I be iiieniUy i»f oripii 
und iiiiiiy of tin.' biiiniLu nu-v. u point lu whii^h wo bopn^ 
ill fiitiiiv to Wt n\tW \ty ivfi-r lii again. 

Filially, ift'iitl«'rnt<ii. w^i will expiv^^ ibL» hoiii? ihat Bome 
ot you will study thit; d^-piirlnK'nt ot medicino tn »ti ose- 
tt^ni iK^yoiitl thai wbi<^h ir. ntra'ly ru^ocnAitr fo nccuK? (be 
coUo^nuiv bonord virnicd in u di|Hl)nia. " Tbia Bcieuce, 
lboii»rh vast in fact*,afi'li>foIifi>.''in di^L-ovi-nsc»tidrcacaTcbc8 
whica have l»crn nirnh* in it, i* still int^-riplcto, Thorc* 
art? niaiij Pbysit»]o^b-al ■^ut^^tiunrt v bjih vet n'main to d<*- 
t«irmine, in tbo human cii'^nid^in: cnmi^h Indeed, to con* 
fcr nn cndui-ing iiainortaMly upon tbi^ futurt^ laborers who 
Hb)«I) Ho1v(T tbi<ni. TliiT triti- nalviiv of tlic ticrviinM nriri!!- 
plo.^wbi»rberil i* oliwrintitv, n^ tbi- Klocirti-rhyHiolo;:iatrf 
i^onti-nd, — al*o. the f>fl5ei^fi ubicb iitp pi'iloniu^l by ft*"vrml 
puriM of tbo bnitn: HkewiHi*, ilu* fntiriifini tbu aplaiin, 
urti all matLorn involved in tia- LitmoaC u)Mi^^niiry% tbu di«- 
cov^rv rtnd elnotdaiion of whiHi, nill sccniv tinfjulinjof 
laordit, and a buiting n^pulatioa to »otne fntnrc itiw^tigu- 
Tore. It«. boKi'ijver^ ubo tvoufd ipiiii liuch {riui'ela, miut 
romcmbcr that tbcir ncbior^'nictit u only po»*ibic thronsb 
lirtnl labor. A* Ifi-n'iib-< ^ninrd adniiibsion to ilir ^bodt> 
of iho Olymjiian CVdonliaUn tlmin^b Inc- ao(-nmi|»lwtmont 
of the E4ovt^Tc*f lii^ks, ho ibe i« ly |ini;e ofjirofi'tubiunLiI omi- 
nunt'O if( Hani toil utn) vi^>rviiif; AtLicIy. In tlut pmcticc of 
our proftMUJM, one i» o.mstantTy ri-ni:nd<.-il of liie bi^cvity 
of human oxUtence. UippociaW*, the iltuatrious and ever 


to be venerated father of medicine, commencea his Apho- 
riauaes with the following sentence: Vita brevu^ ars verb 
lon<fa ; that is, "• life is short, but art ia long," or of vast 
extent Still, with proper application and induHtry, it is 
wonderful how mueh may be L'onaumraated within a limi' 
ted period of life. This w>s illuatrated in the cai-eer of 
the immortal Bichat, one of tlie mostsnccessful cultivators 
of Phyrtiology, who. died at the age of thirty-one 3'ear8. 
80 highly are his discoveries t'stimated, and wo profoundly 
reverent are his coiintrynjon of hiw genius^ that, as an im- 

Eeriahahle evidence of their admiration^ they haveasHici^iied 
im a eonapicions place in the illiistrioua group whicTi, in 
the marble frontispiece that emblazons the front of this 
Pantheon, are placed aa the first represenUtivea of the 

f lories of France, and as such, are receiving from the God- 
ess of Fame crowns of immortaiity. Besides thia mar* 
ble monument^ erected by a grateful people to the njomory 
of Bichat, be has left hin name upon a still more ondur- 
ing monument, viz,: the fis:iure of Bichat, engraven by the 
temporal bone on the hnn^an brain, where it wil! remaiit 
imperishable and indelible, and secure against the revolii- 
tioaswMeh at limes have threatened the destruction of tike 
Pantheon, and have disturbed the repose of the dead that 
slumber beneath it 



DK. L. O. Li^nSTE, 

— AT — 



JUNE 4tli, 1866. 





8tm Framdsco, Jimc 6<A, 18SG, 
PRomBOH Lm : 

Dear Sir— 

We,^& Oommittee, ftpptnnted in belialf of tb« 
Gloss in fttlendanoe apoo (he Third Gouiw of LectnreB in Tolaod Medic&l 
College, would rwpectfiiUy reqneflt a copy of JOM late AddresB, delivoted 
at the Openiog of the Beadoo, for publication. A compliance with ov 
request will be kind]; ftpprociated by 

Yoorf, ze«pActfaltyt 

A. FiFi, 


; Ommittetf. 

Hws. Flomhis, Fdtb amd Pbztost : 

Qentlemon — f^' 

« In fimnting the request mode in yomi 

of tiw €t1i inet-t allow me to thaok yon for the compliment therein oon- 
fened upon me. 

I un, reiy nspectftdly, 


L. 0. "Lktct, 
ProCattor of Anatomy, 

Tolud Medical Oollege. 


The Uonot liaa bocu conrcrrcd npon mc by my colleagues 
of delivoriiiij? (lie Ojieiaii(f Addrce^ of tho Tliird Coarae of 
I.«ctun» 10 1)0 f^Sven in this TnatitntioD. In uinciuidTLg tbia 
fact, nllov me to extend to you. In bolialf of my coUeagacn, & 
oordml imkixnr. uml ulso to tcniler you tTmttk^ fiTr tlinn linking 
bonoTod our hftll with your pn^nce ; for your nuclicuco muet 
be GOfisidcrcd as an cvidcuce of tbe iatcrcst ycu take ia our 
cititae,rBt]ier tbaii an exp^&tlon, on your part, orbolngpnrtTd* 
pA&tS of t, rholoricckt LamiuGt ; for 1 BLi>if)OCt llmt nonO of yotl 
are igaoruDt of the fnct that eloquence ia a (icld in wliieb Medi- 
cine buji vun biicrc-i«r troplik<s ; f^r Ihc Mck, with whom vne 
hATO moEt to dOi havo ao doli^tt in the flouriflhi^ of rhctorio, 
wbact to 6iCxa tbe enm of all eloquence Is tbe mmple vrovd 
"hcaltb" And, indeed, the seveTftl gectrons which are com- 
priced uQcler the geadral bead of Hedtcal Science^ aro not of 
that nature to readily popalarixe- To elucidate this afsertion 
Biore in det&U, were I to indulge in an onuneiation of eome of 
tie formutio of Chemistry, a?, for oscamplc, bow AaTle result 
from n timmi cif ati iiirid iitxl ; or bow Osygen is tlie grand 
eocnpo^ing^fumellandecompoitlagagent In tbe ma t{*rla] world ; 
or to step into the Held of Materia Mcdica, and tltcrc detail to 
you the curioQ« and quaint oUl nnnie* of tlie various vcapotiB 
vbieb we use In our warfare ngainetdtflCAGe.&a the Aqittla Alba, 


or "wbilc eoglc,** or, M ire usuftUj' call it, C&Iochq' 
which, now -ii-iluyH, w Huit liifiing il:^ jTlumefi ; — or, bi i^tum 
iDto tho domaiu of Clinical Medicine, aod thuro portrAjr 
thousand formfl of dtct^y tmd dual death to which poor 
n&tiiro if at length d^^fftincd, from the alowTy wHhoring tovt 
of oonsiuDptioQ to tho fnetAiit doatb-fttrokoof licart-discaic: 
<ir Ut mjtke oiio more Hhifliug of the iir^mie, t^huuld T iHi^plar Gn 
year gnto the wonders ofSurgor/, bow^ fbr Lnit&ccc, tbo 
brfkacbce of otir bodice muy bo Joppod off ond Fiill the 
ttirvii'e, or Low the lif^wATc, gudiin^ from the wonbdcil urtrrr 
mAf be stannchwl by u aittipU^ cord of silk ; — these, I rop«*t, w 
topio of tho grandwt iDtat-ost to us aa Pliyeicians, a^ ircU ii 
to tho Students wLo fije here to bo educated. Bui uj yon vrbc^ 
arc hero to wit&e«3 the opening of our coarse, t su^oct thfj 
vrottld prove aa dr/ as tho sand on ocr nei^hhoriag hilla— -fiit 
more, perhapA you might not unjustly con.^idcr us rcniarkftbh 
tOEfttaplfiB of p*jrvfTti*d mLt«ri\ vtho i-inM find inltTcsi, or, per, 
bops, beauty in the ouUin^s and locatiOQ of a tumor, or ia a 
well dcTcldpcd cuo of Erysipelas, or could hoar music Kn 
discordant coIom of n OUeoMMl lu-Hrl-Tn!vL\ 

LeaviDg, thotir to my oollco^-actt tho tn&k of fully detail 
those tn&ttcrs in their lectures to the Stud^jit#, I n ill not ad. 
TOft to Umtu: fUrtlior, but will first take tlje liberty of mrLkJng 
oIlDfiion to the laslitution, upou tho inau^relion of vliutie 
Tlxird Coerce we arc to-day iu attcnda[iL'e : and I do tliiw with 
th<? IjmKiT pnjpri^ny, and without reudering tny^df obnaxioos 
10 tho charge of odulation to tho gonllcmon whom tho doi^ 
to be mculioLiod most couwra. for tho reason that T find m 
pcrsoua Iguoruut or ihe mnnni^r aad auspices Under vhi^h ihu 
iobool voii founded und cet&bli^liod. 
Some *cvea year* ago, there w»w founded tu ihu city 


radical CoUc^, known aa' Ac ''Ht^cal DcpartmCQt of tto 
Diilvfirsity of Die PaciGc" Ttifl School whicli, for &<iQft.'tf)n, 
bad a aovoro stnggto for cxifltcnce, 1o ^rhieh it would havOEnc- 
cuiubsd bad it not been for tho iodomiteblo energy of tts 
founder. Anally outlived iIlo opposition whicli li&d been waged 
itgoiast It, And atuilnod to wli&t seemed a permauent foothold 
amoD^ tlic litemrjr ostoblietimoDtd cf thb Coast. Under ita 
aaspicM a numhfrr of yoniig men were infr^tcd with the toga 
viriUfl of modical manhood, whoso snbaoqiient careers bear am- 
pk evidence of the correctness cf their teocbini^, and wliow 
profesHlonal Huce^^i would le o flaitCTiiig UMtttmoniaL to any 
Alma Mater, fiat, unforcunatoly, a« the fint njnbcamfl bogan 
to fall upon this iDfont edifice, the tmgcr of death enatelied 
from it tbc EDostor spirit to whom it owv^d its foundation. The 
ashes of iu founder, the late Dr. Cooper, now repe^ henoath 
a limple obelisk ia the adjacent city of the dead ; — tlio stroo' 
tore which he Imd rcarod, do IoDgi?r suHtnini^d by his InspIHag 
OQor^'y, like an areh bereft of iU kejatoae, did not long «ur- 
Tivo him. 

At that period, now near two yean ago, a goDtlGcaon of tJkis 
aty^ whotu Ibrtuuo has fiici;uUrly favored iu h}& profo^ion, 
and wbo hod long ago oouccired thd plcii^ of fotmdinjf a Medi- 
cat School on tins Coast, now d«emed the occa^ioQ a fortuucLte 
one for executing hit longcherished project. The oxptricmce 
uf thi- [irmimm whuol had already doruocHlrated the tWl thai 
Boch an icftitucion woft one cf the waaiB of llie Pacific States ; 
and in oetablishinn it, hedetormined that^in thorougJincosand 
OVnpletGiiCMof tcnrhing, it vhnuld leave notliiDtf tmdonir to iil 
yonngm«nfor tikepraclicoof Meilioine; in fact, Uiut it Hhonld 

iTol Uic bcort of similar inatltutionfl in tho Atlantio Slalce. 
Ab pocouiarycinhiirru^tntinU havu frequiently blighted tlie 

prospects of Hevortl of our KAstnni Medico) Rchools, to fbngi 
nil ouHforLuso fxoiu tbU c«.qs^ and m>c an pxan|>l<s vtudi to 
oould and «^ /ru^rr would uuilato, Lo erected a building u 
hu ovct cxpeiue, wHcb oould not liave beeu HcUej from thl 
miuiorial cbaract<^r of the edi&c^ wc tc-d&y occupy. ThU doo^ 
he cko9C a Facdly ami a Uoard of Tru»l«Oi» md to the latlar 
confldotl tbu caru of t1i« In^UtuUon, wtiicb, injustice to hi™ n 
founder and donor, has booD oamed Toland Uodical Coll(^ 
Acd furtJier, qa ovidoucc of hia disialcrcalcdneaah iic has rancofr 
tod itll UkO ft:c.i]iOi'LjiJuiii^ 1^ hix CJi^iir — tliul of Sur^i^rj - uk4 
boddce, tbat the ficLool «ho«ild losu ororytULag of & privW 
cbaraclAr, he U^a boqucaxbcd it wliolly to tlio State of Callfbr 
iua,a mn^ifloeat ^ifL to her aud to tiie Sctouce v^f Medicixio; 
and, if i predict ari^lit, it is dciticod to bo, in Llio future, thi 
ehorisiicd resort of the young luoa of our ^tate, uho n^ 
desire lo <^ualify tbcnuelved tor the practice of oiii- ao 

« Tbo tVatty vrhock th4 founder of tlus School baa auocUtfll 
wMh himscK aa collaborators in tbo ^atorprUe, aro doMnoiaed 
tUat Uio jhriikGipleH of HediciDo utiaU bei taught horo with Ifaal 
aoouracy and faithfoliMfm wliich oitiBt caauro a lii^ti profcttsioaai 
cdiara^itor, oo tbo part of the rouoff men wito may Liu bonord 
villi diplomns from tLis College. For Uiey arc w«lL eonviaoKl 
ttiAt ili(f proapoi'ity of any iasiiluiioa la ia the keepia^ of bv 
Aiamiii, and cepcctally tUt it ii not apou Uie ^mntitjf i>»t ttao 
quaUttf of tliQiu, iliat lior future prosperity mnAl bo ba^od* 

Wo live ia. an ag« la which tbo boating art ia no loiuw 
dc«mod a gift of tbo gods, nor disease llio result of tho imvt^ 
dlaba iatOfposition of aoa^ olT<;n(l»d Divinity. Tho modom 
mos^ wbflu uddgiDg in the oxtcouo of poetic iicwiac, no lungtr 




iu ApoOo iritii hb dftocinff darta rBttiing m his quircr, 
"^itigfortli tiko J^igTtl,** tonuaiLer difteoaeb the Grecian camp, 
Jbr oar pro&flnoii has tiuigkit nuiaklcd that dieet^e is gov- 
erned by ot fitted and Twaltoraljlc Uvrs a^ tLoec to vliick tbo 
materifll world J^ ftubordiD&tc. Tha EOikgicvd cliarra, Ui6 mjH- 
tic toudit or tho Hwcorortt art^ haa lOAg elncQ disappeared 
ajnj yaiiuhod, as U were, like the suoir btford the auii of a 
eiifiirrior iutelUg^ncv. InNUrnd iif nvlyiiig u|ion tliostia Mcbtvr- 
ftpteftn by vtiioli tho mind of a fonaor ^rorld vrtti Wd in 
cliaiiu. tJie phfticiaa of tlio preeoat day must be a tnau of 
gTvut aitd vntvcd atUintuMts; a |>«irfect a»d accompli«hod 
nholor ; Bfld autoofc hia qualities, not tb« ioaat is mod<^. 

The Phymdan Or Sqnccor wiio porforma tho most curfti Ja 
tho mnn wlm 5pr*iJl"* fA/ 'aj-t/ of tbcni : IiIh work hiw a tongue 
which Bpoakg with on oloquenof and potoncy that satisfy hm. 
His Iciitiiro bount are wit!) hh books, wboBo silcot couneel* bo 
ffl erer Tiiippy ti) Imie on ocouLion Id iu]l1(« a r^boiinml »t. Hia 
unmo will never be sean on tbe broad poster, alongsido of, or 
1?en<tLth ftome Ariatt^tnleau faf^o of knnhly be&rded csdow- 
tnoDtii, OMaii^ceJallst; uorin tho lojtti protoiitlouj place of an 
^xtt^wkfi newspaper adPortiWmenL Nor i» ho one wboflo roioe 
is heard la the public barroom, haran^n^ npon Medici ac, do- 
lling tbere bimdo woodorAi! cure, or nev^r-bcrore-performod 
ration, which h^ has recently dene. Nor is be one who 
^^riUiftdnlgo in innuoadocs in rofereaco to tUc tre^tmcntof somo 
^^BM in die liaiida of mme M\<tvr practitioner, wondering why 
^■he ibab wu not «>oner cttt ofll or why i uah and each tuodtcfnoa 
^Bircro not hdmiuittered in tho case, which recently curodjiuk 
^^Vneh a Ono in h\» own bands ; I rB])«flt— the veU-f^tcated 
physician will uerer resort to any of thedc artiticosH alt of 



wbtch oopstitut^ aad make np paits of the vruory Af 

Ic lia» oftei) yei^m^d lo me n ihUt^ htrniigc mi>il invxplici 
vh^ pcaraont who arc poeeo«acd of tmt ^ndor&CAndm^ uid 
porior intelligenoc ; nrJiodo judgmonU, for exiAiplo, 
uuerriiJg iu iiiaUerH cf tnule, llniiiicc or conmoee ; 
may lifiTO tho cDpucity to olcctrify thoiisAnds Tric^ 
qaenoc ; or wbo, with faultier ocddiqc and sagBci^, caji d 
(bU t^f.' o1)&curilif?>9 of meDiAl Eoi{>nce ; or whtMC minds 
tic v&bt Mort-LouBUA ol LliO historic lore of tb« p«iat ; aid 
parliailnily these vbo arc cotiver!<&iit with tloological vctooc^ 
'allof wliichftn; pariuiu rcK^oirmg pnttent thought anil stccimlt 
judgment ;^1 eaj, is it laol a thin^ groaliy to bo won^Jcnjd at 
that tniiid^ BO couatkuti'J aa to n^cce«d in Ujcsc Doblc caJUiq^ 
vLouId iiijgl^^t all Ihu ori^n^Liy guidva of acUuu, wlit^u It oomei 
to uattcn of Mcdictno 1 

For, IfcomiuoL sonae held Bway in vuch matUra, tlicci woiil4 
ftlfongollaacliarlatati bave Jeti our *honT« wiiJi his pocltou 
filled to rcploLioD L>y lavidlt CfjulriluliouB of m^iuy of oDir 
ntizcTiS, wbdii^ if I aiu rightly uiforDicd, thi^it; U uot oue innii' 
cal echot>] in all the Cok^tial Emplro, Dor ba4 one buutan 
l>odyovci'boeii diaaootcd there? Or, If tlic priiiciploi^ of 
the moit ordiu&ry tlUcratioii hdd snny, tbmi wijuld hucli 
aa Petid Jaync, " Old Jacob Townaend," Ac», Uavt accuroula 
fotlun«4 ofalmotft fabulous weallh, tto &» to be able to r«vul ia 
gnuiil jKihitiul mngnlliciiiicn ; to have, indued, renlijuwl 
of an abode in '■marble halWaod thai through 
BtOB^ of whai falncly (fUt^ortA to be lUo diBcovory of m> 
^vYtai ruedjdiie--aiid all ihii, loo^ while the really intdl 
phy«ician liven in inttgnificauce aud por«rty bagide ihum? 

If the logic of commoD acnse were a guida in audi auLtten 




then troTiT^ aay onofbnako a systoni wliTcli hiw fnr itir n*mm- 

mGiidat]i>n an Uf^e of almost conntleai y«ar«, tho grand old 

embm^imfttit of the UiougUte of thooieiDda whose live* bave 

been fiyx^nt !d Etit claboratloti — % science vboae fonudore wore 

it 011I7 immortalix^d. bnt word girea a place among tte 

Innpmn Cclertiftli? Or, to particuIarUc to odc aiii^lo pK^< 

BiciftQ aloDe, tlio gratitudes of tlnj pjTwntftn well «■ nil fulum 

gCD^raiicfi? wilt bo duo, for baring grasped and rcstorcdr as it 

ireren to ita original rcsliag-placc. in Pardora'a box, the gnsitcst 

pIci^H*? <)f «ur riioB, Tbtt vtfut Kdward Jeiiuer, llie diaf^overer 

[Oi vaccination. 

By the simple divcovor)- of cblorororiD,blcaHiQga will occrac to 

our nice wbicli never can be paid for, nor oven i^mated. By 

iU aid our race cai emile with eomplacf^ncj amid tbo agoa!aa 

of death itself— indeed trea more tbnti rcalue the rision of 

^-XJato, nr " ftmiling at the drawn daggT and defying iIm poiTit" 

^B It IB certainly wonderful that a sy?t?m wbich has won for 

^Htetlf ao many claima for rovctcuce aad respect from the world, 

fitioald be neglecled, while ihoseba^^!c?4scbimerfi^^ wbL-li ^prniif( 

but josiorday into existence, and into whose eompO'<ilicn chiefiy 

CDtCT tli^ irraticnai, inexplicable and myfteriouH, ^lould ol>tain> 

Ibr a tiiur, EDch foothold! To detail an example, I may state 

^BttAt there waa, InSacrramoata.nfew monthaslcee^amar. whoiie 

viwloni wna no prolound. that when a lock of Lair was aent to 

him from a patient, from an inspectioii of tbe ashes procnred by 

burning this, he could detormino the nature aad charaoier of 

the di3ca»e, aa well aa the mode of treatment lo bopuraued In 

the case. For a period this iMi|>oslor liad a j.;rand run of pnw> 

tioe» to that, in hb pecnniary reiurne, he bad what would be 

called a brilliant career :— in thatparticular^ieaTingtho Uo&oflt 

physician farbrliind him- 


*\m clasa of profVssiac&l men vho lire hy pr^teaftloQp 
ch4ir&clori2S<] by loud,cJatno^uB and TDhomeat baranj^nce iqioi 
HeJIaite* wbeit in the pnveiicc of iIv<i:bo whv att tmncqitniaUi 
vhli lut [iri[ici|)ICE« ; but who, whifn quuMtiwii^d by tlio intelfi* 
^nt ijlij-niciuin in rcgnrd to the faitdumontfil clomunte of MoA^ 
cal Science, for example — in nsgaxd to the etnictorc aud iixaa 
lucatum uf Lhi.1 lK<art, or tlie ojiniitn striicturo of the %'arto«f 
pArtM of the liaman body, to become acquainted with whit^b rfr 
i)uircfl fOftra of hard study— -1 u^y, vrheii tlicsA m^n uro interna 
gateil In rL-|{iin1 Iti nciy nf tlh^ijiijiiilJt, Ui'7 nrn diitnli ns marbu 
itftUe«, in n^fi&ncT aad tnion lapeinj; into o »jlcm(utjr ao i^rAtft 
thatyou tnigbt ainkost suspect that j*ni bad carGlC!6«^l/ touched 
npou tbo uauio orM»niQ dead relative vbose memory wa0 loQ 
dear to speak oL 

Ore oC the leading iiim» whicb is l«d In titiw bj tbjft insl 
tion is t(t prf^Mirr young mvn to prartirt? Miniiciocotj ihis oOMti 
Bvor/ ctimato and latitude havo their «pi»cific cliarActorigtka 
wroj^dfl the nature of the dUcasos which inrcv&il in tljcui: 
and hero lot mo s£j^. tliat Ujo young inoii who stuilioe difiOUA 
here as olucldaiod by t\v& Surgical and ^[edical Chnirs doroted 
to tbaso dc[inr(nkODta in i\m school, will enjoy Ki'^utadTaatugce 
OTsr thoso tbnt haTc bci^ii odncatcd elsewbetr, and hava had 
no esporJeacQ iiuro. Not that wc have OBSontia]ly nt-w didoasu 
bore, but thoeo dieeaeca have features ficcnliur to the Pacifie 
CouiiL An illuNtraliTif of thcc^ ^lnteulellt, 1 might cilc ttir fkM 
timt the cool air of thiH coaftt, cons^tandy acting en the surface 
of the buman botiy, gically Icescob the action of tijai Mu-JkoOi 
and, na a consvt^uenco, ibc oflico of the i^kin ie trfti^-<('LiiTi:'i1 to 
the intornal organs— to thoao at least whicb can net ricarJoosljr 
foL' it ; and hcuoo a greater tardea being tiirown apon tho 
internal emunctories, thej become tlie more frequent £«at of 


diM^ttMA thfin vo AtuI rUi^whcrfl. Ti ih eridttnl ihat fWcrto llko 
thou) cAn o&Tjr 1>ft learned by an eitcftdod series of obeervaUon 
bj thofc who, IjaviQg bcoi educated ebowhcre, seek iki» cgaM 
8fl a tiptiore of iniid>ca1 pra.ot1c^. 

In discliargicg the duties wbicU pcruln to the »er«iftl ChAtrtv 
fcbo aonber^of the FaoiiUr havQ fiBHumed to tbCDtolrOi; Indi* 
Tidnally, Yerrkcarjr laskv— work ttIucJi for jeara hecot will 
Iw uttpaid for ; still the ambition to estabUah aik icfftUutloa o| 
Uaminff that will nek atonF^idc of ttie KoatArn ecKools, nnd 
ODa vhicii vriU not fall bebicd tlie bi^h blandard which CaJi- 
foruiiL in uraiuitig in ermy ittrlio^tlar. viU nrer furninh an ito* 
diixiag »tiiiialuA that thU work ah&U bo vi«)t docd ; to that, if I 
'midlake not* the Dcbic Aad conoitKdablc aoal maoifcfltcd by in 
donor, Iti so magniJicoDt a gift to the State, will m same de^reo 
be rivaled bj the Ukdwtry oi hiH oo-Ubot^rs in the discbargo of 
duties p&rtBJDiDif to their Chaira. 

AVr well know tiiwt rLolhinp short of ^orong^bnoss of woric 
oao loof? s&ttafy the domacd which U made upon Uie teaohor 
hero. We have a population which ia hqu^iulU/ ioteIli^CDt> 
NotwiOislfiQding the hmr^ and bn4cle vbicblif** deinAiiil» \t*jrQf 
we have a people which do okoro roadirt}? than can bv loond in 
any other port of the United i^lAlct. Our t^ta, ao is well 
known to all, Umatlc op of ]wrM>iiH who aro hy natim poe- 
aMod of more than ordioaiy eoerjfy and courage, who kftpe 
left their homce of oara and comlorl cbcwhere, to aeek new out* 
here. To nnk the danger* uf tljo otean, or tlie iisriln frxim 
•arage or fatnine on the pl^na, dacionded a large chare of 
nntivo conra^, Hnhed with a Ioto of adTeaCuro and a daring 
spirit— ijualitiea whicli Dono but men in aome degrae HU|]i?riQr 
to thetrfeUowa, poiiieasL Now, of tho»e who were endowed 
wUfaft fruflicicncj of tho«c qualittee to enable them to fturmeoDt 



tlic danifCrfl And Larihliipa of reoching here, it is nono bvc 

terprlBinj; vlio liavo been able to Bucceed hero- Thoao not 
endowed h&re returned again to tboir bomca, riolding tbts 
to ibeirauiwnor rivals. 

Our couoiuaity, then, in comported of olCmenU DrgrOftd 
ninatioD of charuator^nad iim»im] -powers of cndtiraDCO 
aative le^aoLirirt^r*, Hudi. ah 1 nm Hun^, from ext^ndrtl ohai^rvai 
QAD be found cowlif^ro eleo. Now, those sutDO iraltd oro 
aently appurcot in oaryontli, wboaoaterlin^ heaUh, rolm^tocai 
constitutiou atid uicttLl^l i::lmrui:ter, liromW, when t)i«i mftturll 
of adult VtiQ U roacbcd. to furnisli a horvcet of gf^rims wl 
wilJ coutrol tho df^tioj of tlo acientlfic and political futura 
oar cowntr^. 

In order, bowevcr, thftt fiidh an doment of piromii« ma^ 
cocipli^h lliat destiny, it iiiuGt bo prepared by a tboroiigh trail 
iuff — a Irninitifc n\ yihtvh tlin plivin imd Himplr- pniiciplps eba] 
hold tbecluof (»Uco raibor than tbOM vbkh giT« poliah and 

To tl;fT ccitriifT of teai'htn^ to vbicb owt yonng m^^n nrc mhjt 
od by tbe Medical ami Surgiciil CHairs of this School, they 
instructed notoulytoscc but to touch, handle, and in every w!j 
fajniliariKv Ihcmsdvos with dipeasc in its multiform \arl«tl 
Tbey are tanghc that a day thud epont in the wards of the 
jacCQt liospital to which Ihey have aecces, ia worth more thoA 
veelcVftludy without sndi uximpbiftof illtihU"UliuD befon> tbi 
ALi^o, that aday*c labort vhilo clad with with tbo nnaiooiifft^ 
homely apron and prolcetive ilccrc^. amidst the reeking odoj 
of tnori^lUy, b worth fcr moro than many days* employmei 
with his books and mioroscopc in tho plu^sant roposi? of hi 



^■kt the principles of our scioacc nre not Gjcrd (lud stonM^tjpi^tl, 
^Bttfijoerer progrca^ng. Thd^ogj vid kw hiLv^lh<Tir pria* 
^^iIm, derived from tlio authority iiiid precedent of tUo pBat, 
from wlrii^h IIht ia)rrfcl If^ai^lti^r (*JumoL i-'.^iiftiitially tuit. The 
Idoaftic Decftloguo and Justinbt^^s PftDd«ct£ vill aorTo i thooe* 
ftnd years hence tu tbc novcr-Taryin^ compassta vUhiu vUom 
Kpnf] wifl lie cojiLiinei) tlitf U-n^th, bn^adtU and dH[Jtli r>r iben- 
Jogicfil ftad legal tora. But ndt to with OQr SQlence. A Vir- 
chow, ft ETn^hc^ Bennett, aniJ, ma; I not Q«;ld, aSaliibmy of oar 
GOantry, hnve tateljr nddod, and arc Htill adding, nevr treasures 
1o McfUcing ; to tbat^ to k99p pace with its advancemeci, not 
tho Btudemt alone, but the Prnfesiior himself, must be a man :>f 
clow; and nouHtiLtit Kluily. Without this wu ironLd nat only br? 
r&ereint in duty te oiirsolr^, but eepeeiaDy ao to thoae wkosa 
medical destiny it has been coafl^ed to os to shape. 


n> VHV 


— I*# — 


pKl-lVKftKD JUNK 1. %^97, 





— or — 


r»El^lVERED JUNE 4, 1867, 

S~7 H BUJfg GtlSSOXTS, 3^. r>. 
raofiuoB or katibia mmdica.. 





San Frortcitco, Jmte 13 

, 1B67.J 

To H. GiBBon, M. D, 

Pro/^aor qf Materia Medica in Toland Meiiical CoBagt: 

Sia : — We, the Dndersigncd, Senior StndeQta of Medicine, have beeo 
ftppoinied a» a Committee to eipreflfi to jo'a the great satisfftction cape- 
tieaced b; tbe Class, in Jiatening to the lotrodQctOT; Lecture deUvored by 
70Q at the opoQJikg of the Fourth Sea^a of the above-D&nied lostitutiOQ. 

And, forihenaoret coDBidering ita conteDts aa iretl vorthj of pT««et- 
Tatioo, we ore deBired to nqnest a copj of it. at your earlieat coDTenienoe, 
for publication. 

Very revpectfullyr 

J. W. STKKLr, 

A. A. O'Nkili, 
T. W. Shkltok, 
J- J. Hacebtt. 

QiNTLnvn :— 

In compbanco with yoar icqaeat, I take pleaeure id pp»eQtiDg 
yon with a copy of the Lectare referred to. 

Tour ftiend, 


To J. W. Steely, L. Robinwn, A. A. O'NeUl, T. W. Sheiton, and 
J. J. Hackett. 


Iff OpOllin;* tllC FcCftTW SKSBTOy OP TOLA-VD McDtOiL C<ltUiCZ^ 

cnlU'fljfnpB tiftvo ftppiftitcd mo t^ ropte*<int Iho I'flcnliy in a 
iit-riil liUrvjJiK-M'j Lecluri-, Tu tint SI^jiIi-ieI^ PxrIiwitpTy 1 huw 
itliiii^ tt> B&y, furvbcr llioii to ^We tbom a Imdrty vr«lcoiiio to 
looiunrA TU proaipoct, un4 to nil tbo k^jtimat^ fl^joyniOlktv 
mrh««ir Htiiilk-H wHI nnVml, »iu1 ti> iinnntHc thr^m ffMnnlum ttif^ 
rit, IB wt Huj, wf lw:lnriHj^ iu tbt fiitorc. An jiLjiicbii^ nrlilom 
hihvcT nri opfTortnnlty of ndminisleTin^ to k pupular unitivnc^, 1 

our jiriifi ^wimi v/hiclj uu^lil t*) W fcuriwn amJ r.<iijslij«'rri1 hv lli* 
wcriUk ot Jnrp:. 

'VhcTQ ia no uccnpftticiiL whidi f^ivM »<:» wide ft vanfct^ u« ctire 
to thf^ exercISA fit ntsm'% pr^wor* and qrial:ij(*«. Firwt coiilmi 
t)ti^ umvL^i^sal duty of c^riiin^ our bi^ud^ujiivLTnul ii nLnuld 
bu, tbiju^li ^i^TLic tliirik tVicmriolTce forhinato hi bciu^ cxcaipt4Ni 
iVGtn it, by Ui*i inU*rvciitit>ii of a rich fAthor or nnch. Do itot 
fnvy tlii'ww exvtnptrt — nillii^r plfy tlri'Jii, ^u*c*iiiii<! th^y biiv* not 
U) |uiaH iiii'oii^U tlic Wpti^m of flrcj which diacipliuf.^ siad cliant- 
cua and parifio« the childrrn of poverty, and mo]|n^ific8 ILoir yir 
tiioH^ &m! cniwoii ihoJr triinnpli wWi au i^xcoi^iiiig W4>i^ht of 

Hut tbc mnn wbo vrouli lire on troad alcnv m a muM^raMc ani- 
tTialr »ud i^huuld ^j un all foam, TUc trno divcipl^ ol^ modJcino 
hafl much Iriftft^ afm^. AniHtiiiii — ayr?, amliition — annrin^, tli< 
njiiring, inloxiciktiug. miidJL-tnnt' — yd proper vrithin pin per 
boiiiidfl, who bni ha« felt it* powor !— Who doua not cwn that 
liODOr and diatinotioti fiw worth a hard a1ru^t« 1— thai a gocd 
riuini' iH Ix'TUt ihnii ^'nld ! ^Vhnl m'jri' pivi:ti.iiiN inhi^rit&ncn can 
'c bund dowu Iv i;nr cUildtvn ! Oau unu ofitiuialc, id Laid cuiD, 


Id |;LitTl(.-rily in audi u tinuL' Ad WuHtihigtrpfi^— or ],]nroln 7 

]u the c<.<iumoD riow, mccosa in praciini: mFiitn moiM^y-iBiU(j 
'ScnG of iM, { Hiippoflo, vronlfl <»b]>ct ^oriouilv to «iicooft8 m ito 

rrrllnn, Riilnliat HKnTTy TTilHtiLkn itWnitUI 1>r tr>ivt1irTt4i1«tb^ 
of pKjciidun!! bf Hnch&at^DtlAril I Wbnt a unnJI pn^poriioncfii'] 
crnft ifivwr rich ! — Kow (ow liurc t*v(?r .^rown rioh I How 
of tho mriflt dfwrving hnxe Coilod sill ih^^ir Mv^h in &<lvcrflitTt 
Uiri ilowji thttiT litJvOa At hieit on a jillhiw i^f Htranr t Ptiyttica 
*rc ^old*"'!!! i^TfuxI ImmTii^a mtn, Thoy arc prrivcrtrinl tm Ihvl 
Iccrtoni and pucrmwiajfi*™ ; and wlicn Uieir patients? excel 
m Giiuni^Lul rikill^ iim h tno oft^n tlip cane, nlns for t>i(^ doctor I 
stnltT uf tLJuga ]jii>ic-ivt« Uj ntj lumil ji nUon^ Arifniaont in f^vtnf 
ft future life. Let the poor ductrjr chfrnnh fuitii und take (Xiifd^ 
Kmcraborb^ liow ihn^ tublt'A wore turnoit "n llivea and [.ax^fin. 

with Uib bit Llirijs^lit hi>i hon^r And hiH «mil^ bj tiinting- fjunc^Ml 
divtiiK into tho mont mcndaoJoun iind iiifunuiuf prftt^tic-tfl. Dul, fr 
Ibff: eri'dil of our profL-Hloii bu it A^id, llirit :(ini4ii^ iho humlr^MU III 
tltuiinamlH wliii Arc truttod tbr(>u^li ocir nirdicAl ftcfKnils aoJ 
muTki:d M. II almoflt ae c^iiirUIy uti a iiaiHt nidir<;-raijui wo<U 
br&ai bi0 muHtanjf, a voiy iirdnU prnportioD condcrKciixl to ibii 
knnvrry, Tho LejiL^hlii^H uiid ikiMoctaiioim t»r llie profoMtn 
briuf ub llicj ictay hnvc bcon, tnfiutc in the ehuracLer Luo tnireA 
honor to admit of tfo tjiBc n bj^^trnyiJ of triiit. 

It ijK worthy of n-mHrk bow uninll ii porffun of advurtlsfnj^ t^- 
pities bavc liud lliL.* IuimI liucturi; of 4 mi-Oicul t-UucAtii-n. Tbil 
odvcTtiviuFT bii»inv0« is op«<intiAUy Ibv art of iyi\t^, and it {« othi^ 
wteo so villi and iDfamonii tbat tho lyinjf. nfKr all^ is tho mod 
virtuoUM port <if it Henco nonr but btdd and briutrn iiii*r. ^ran^ 
En^ in uU tht 6ncr Iratid of humaoitx, (<mt>Arh iit it. It wonM l« 
Ik ciinouH bielory, tli^kt *.{ our Oftlit'i^rnin Advortiainp quackn, aihI 
iTOald Hhow, lh»t« ni} fnr tiom having rxnt tttiidir^rl m<^Hrtno or oh- 
t«ifiod ft defirree, moat of thi^m ncrcr bo much an ctirncd a lUirtor't 
honoor Uocked ftdoctct^D boot*. Utio, w-bo t^ioh the lrii<l fnr 
j^rn, vrvm an nphLilmrcr »iid noUdnj,' ]zK*r(% until Ihf momtitf 
nhvn bi? WAJi aiinouni^cd in the psperu a% & nd<?briiipd doctor. 
This follow hftd itic nAiTACily to employ a regul&r pbyaicJan^^^ 
poor dt^vil who had grown ragged on wbiaky, and nho wa« gtnd- 

alarvutJon to eoH his services bj Ibc month nnd do the pre- 
^g. llio pAtirnifl takhg Hmt-nhi^ iht* ^rrat iiitlTprtlflk^r One 
of^pui jfrf«iil mi*oTtta<»r* wftn q paper carrier, ai^d fiiliiiif to ftup* 
port hifi family bt thai, ho niAde htmAeif a fi:rvut doutor m twi^nty- 
four l]mir« by ihv nid of ll]« ii(iwit|>hpcrB. H^vfiig cnrri^d fUu ptt- 
pt*rM, It vr:iri hill fair tbut the p»p?ni tihooM t^rvy him. Tli« 
ioiarlci^l quack wliu cvci fiirnrcil in Ciilifoniin w.iii n «li&p'boj la 
a dniff «toro, at $10 a month, y)ri'>r 1<} hiA udvcnt a« a niodicaJ 
u^lebrit^. ir tht* \i\ittar'\e* mf uU tlit advt-rtii^n ni Cnlifamia w<*n> 
vrritli'ii i-iut \ad puMidlit^d, it would be burd lu Gnd a palii^iit in 
tbc Stockton Aaylum till; enough to tikk4 ndHcc or phytic from 
uuj of them. 

Sj^ime yr-ur?« iigo, o[ie of our CuJiA»ruia quntltH (Imiriii^tf^i) an 
boti>>rAry diploma coiiforr«d ou him by iiti EaDtvtn Bthool. .Such 
flD ciutrngo on Iho f^f'C'fottHion kd to rinijuiry, v^h^n it was uKccr- 
tuiriKd lliat he littU niolt'u or borrowt-d n gMinimi cHplinnft of an 
£iiropcaii TTuivCfvilj, and b3 {iMsing it cjH^av bin ciwii Iiii4 tnrked 
the Faculty 'ftit oi uti l^oncrniy degree. A paraltd c«4e U ft^Latod 
of tbc' I'TiiTiTiity of Brfurih, wljirb maiU* a bi»ini;r<a, many fcaiv 
aj;o, uf m-'Uint; diplt^iu. Act Etigliabmau pnrchnjind one for a 
pretondod c&udiditto ntm^ Anglic^ Panto, with irhovi; rinmo it 
TCtin fill«d, HJid wbtch pr<;kved to bo his ^<tg 1 It id said tiio Uutct- 
nily tln'riTUjimi doub|L*d LlicpHrr ofiUdiplonniH. 

And h«rc let mc »fty, with ctomo pridu too, 1)jnt cf tLu Ibirlj 
graduRilcri of thft M«dicAl Dopai-lmunt of thu L<niYor«ity of tbv 
PiLTiflc, fKitn UAft to IMfi:*, nnd the twenty ^'raduatoa of Tolnxid 
Mfrdit^fllOolkff^jin JSft4, l8CSnnd It^Alt, all, wjlb a single SKw^lton^ 
bftvc proTtd truo to tti<:ir cdoontion n&d their profHC««ioii. A laige 
prf)portion of thom are engaged in octiw and profitable practice 
on IhtH coAHt, and not a fc^w are* tr^udl^jg iht^ paOivrny of honora- 
ble dietinotion. if thoy have ttot already rcachud tbu niari. 

Though it ill rivQ lor u meiclHir <Tf our pnircitjtion to boconif 411 
advt^rti^ln^ Hiarl^tAu, even under the prenfiurc of low diet, ne^vr- 
tboK'AB tlivtc Arc ix'itjtiii Lulfwa^ buiiBee, bucIi aa K^nnri^ipnihy, 
Eclectic ijim, and the likl^, wbioh have proved ntoro poUnt in tbtir 
iioduetivu inIlut-DC4T. Itut, aRoT nil, tt ia not niiTpminj!: thftt Iho 
JEo^le uf thirty piet'en orAtlvf.T ahLintd win civct to mivh fan* 
ibneome of the ^eak bu-tliTViL, whu, from dnllncsA or riothful- 
)8«, hod faUod to oarn tboir br&^ tj k^timatet<nb I do Dot 


ff|vak iif tfionT* wlio Torn iriiniitl in hfln-sy. ami rjtvtr bft' 
orli«*(k'X mwliciMi?, Jtj tjnvly UAiiiin^ inon ran bi- Uniti^lit 
braijfht iluwa to Lkiijtliinf;, evciito nn hottont faitb id Uu 
thc'i^k it in htixd Ui ftud 1hfi«u who himc«tly pracUoo iU 

Thi-n? nj¥ tu-'>i|r|i.(r[im'iLiii Lirimmnn iiuimiit In ro^artl to 

9k Iwjirt! purt of inajitinJ un* Alv^yfl iitiiiDt for noviflti 

aati* fi«i] wit U tli<i</M, but |)crpotiMtl;r cfAviii^ flomo now 

ruunHj, modicino juirl r<tlip;>fir). Notv doctors ftiid new 

new prcafhcr* uml licw i^n^tdii, nir c*lwny* in 'fi-iiiHiiiL 

ftro not pruuu Icj ifiv»Ui?tlii^ duaiLLm of ihcpricMhixid ; an Uii 

travel tljoy ifomolirQua hgou chncj^C'd with cnrinif niure 

l)i3fH<^ than thr* nmil« nf rlirrir pniii^nri*, ntnl i?v*>n witl^ u-ibai 

^ard fvf Ibcir own nonl^. It Ims rv^n btt^ii jiaiii, jiiiMt wl 

Ihttt whprc'Tcr jxm ■!■(? lUrvO duct*>rrt yuu acc iwu Jiinddtt. 

tnlJito tdT thtK, many mtiiiir«*rit of Ilie Gmtpvl ki-ep ^ jt^li 

on phymf, and givt* llioir [mlnjim^i- fo aII fcirln of tni-dic«l Itfn- 

aSn> Tlie canaini;: ehuiljbfLin Icnuw^ fhc vaIug i>f a r4>T»rvnd m- 

dorstfl, and mnnoifit*, irpoD^ib^ t> a^X hi^niL-nth tho cr)rn«r oft 

jBiitplliMf, A doiiattoh i>r a br^x cf mut^fcr prlU nr ii boltJo 4>r ^rv^ 

cliiul jiynip b* a ut-T-dy vinihliiutitr, wilU h poL of un-i-ly flnTon^ 

Ointluciit i^f Flattery furtive Huminip himmlf, #com'i^ iljn rwtilfr 

eftl*, wliich u oflon given wmply in Iho *pirit of HCOuu^DiudalioL 

nntl witbnui ^u^picKiii uf tliv- bu^v lihl- to w^iirli h vill htP ftpTiF|f4 

And tbHB Liiipir^iUKa in iiKdicitiu arc prornal^itti^d fioiii t\u* imlBtl 

So wio will titidorstuJid nir nn i^^pWiti^ ihvtn^ Tcmaib* i^ il^ 

cbrgip- m fC-^ifrriil. On Ul<- conlfary, nitd 1 say It with plCAs^rvl 

i}ajy ivTi-r to u innLill piuporliun i^idy^ nf ihe inliii' iKfdy, HiM 

ore st'VL'tal rili^itiii* donoijiinauijnrt windi rm-msij scarcely An in- 

dividtial amenaMo 10 tl*o ijt^rjsuic — whoit* piLiitora manik'st u ,|^^ 

oruub iv^ril for rntioiuti, «d<TiaIHu mtdluinr:^ bt-i-uiuih^ u> ihvir 

prufrMion, und urc not d;u7t1<?d and hliiiiit-d by tv<ity nt^cloiM 

ncrdty whi<-U tixvuniVA the ^{itb cf itojcncc^ Arxl yet tJti; nutnlivr 

of dei^ymrn wlio ii^rmit iMr t^^mtm to bo ia«itlitUxl t^itb qua^ 

{iry^ ur Ifrnd lltuir iufliK'ucv to mcrutriCLuuti n'JvHtk'ic, U HTifflajMt 

to attract the attcniii^u of physicians, and tu call fi>itli 

aOYQfO <trktiuoK. 

1 fcH The mort* ai liberty to iudid^i- in Ihid train of romixkic 
Accotmt tit tUiT lil'c^i'jil tic-itmoDt which lite drrpy and fi 
lies hM*c alwnys rcci^iwd at tho hands ot phyHLciana. Fr^jEa iji 

fnniUy, Tl* run ttTtnE^U vt lliu [uiiJiHt*K. dt wiilif>iit w^iiUuj? 
tW Lift caII, to avTTfj lilm ftJifl IiJa wifo rLinl chtMrcu lK<rLirf) u|[ 
OttKira. t'-i rJocLimi c[;mpciiNati(i» in ull ctiKv^, crcn when Iho p:iti4nt 
U vi^ihfiy and 111 llir nr^'i^Jl of rt^trimiTM from UiuU uud xT^i^kft, 
uwl tUr [>lj>0lciAU fi:<L;U lli« rev anyadtt ilvmi, winch in oftuL tltif 
COdi;— Buc:h is tho uiiir(^r»al law. N>illir4' M tlit^i^ nuj AcmUiiy of 
th<- ch^Mi« of tht< ji^iit'iit to th« iztinmirrUl dinriu^tor. Iiiscnougb 
tliut lu? nH»uitie«» t1i«l cliHrocbcr, or Utat Kiicrictj uckiinuttvlg^A H. 
Tbc Aurvioo ^tf llic medical tif th« clerical proJccMign i« novor !> 

Nor liftve we tv«r nskt-d any O^voh In mum, or contcmpUtctt 
tb$ alijjhU'itl ubli^aliijri iiriputtcd on llivni bj mir bvj'vicitn, W<f <!o 
ugl uruii Boi:k or oifjDCt n[i; ai^iinl rxhiVili^ru of gratUurlc- Wo 
liAv<> dh»io onr duty, and tlxm^ wu am dmifint to Tv^i ihcf 004^. 
Tnitpr th<**<i cirtTiiniiituiit-v*, whUni mmyy at!t a manly p*rl hn6 
munifikt 4 riiitcrual ri:;ca;^d iuid m^ihi-- uh ffjol tli^il. thi^y nhr our 
g(X»d friOndi*, tfwru aio (jtbtJtB wli^> aot llH^maulroa nj^uinat ii», and 
becrjin? oar (^racurjil (rnirmioR. nn*\ apponr \<^ giiidy itit- art af arr4y- 
i(i}( frrujudico iLgaiii»t tin: regular faculty. Iftlicr menibt^ra of 1h^ 
cli'iii-ial I'TufritMoii, uutuu^^K in rar>dKiac, had the saiue re-9i|>dt 
£vT fdu<ftliciD naii Hdoii<-v ju our i^ruk-Haiiju oh ihoy rspecl ih* out- 
ftifl«> vroridn tir]4di>:ijl4<d tn rellglori^ to have for ibo loantin^ and 
vjfpent'ULv o( llriTtt. tJicy laijfltt liavc ^rcatei iiuwer to riordsc 
the wiK^rd^ aiiJ vrilcltE of the prc»ut i^i^uoratfon. 

Y"t\ug ^Ijjik-Una bi»rji to wonltli, ore wot apt to stjoGooii With 
pli-iiLy ut ^M, tloic Is lliUi? uwt] of bruiTin. N4.vrAi4jtj In tbc 
mother of many other ifood thlnica bcmdca invcatfon. llifw »rk>tJ 
dofla iih<T pruvf tit tnoihoP of furlmi>_< and of fftnic I Uuw often d^ee 
«h«wbiff inUi vigt»roui» eflorl mid iWiiil lritimi>li, lli« elu^j^wh fucul- 
tii^ whidi wtmlJ ^^IhcrwiBU Uuvij (tluuibL^rud fufiTim' 1 Roaolution, 
Porsttvurfttic«, hidiii*tiy, arc the liAndmaids it( Piivnily. A 
physician nUrfa m hu c*rt;pr mid<-r tlic begi au<i|>iccA when hit 
livltkg di'pj'rLilfi uD liJH uwa laW, riud wli^ni rvpry dc^llar of iiic^ine 
la mi>int(--ta'd with tbu atruat i>f bia bruw, Foi tliL' ruMt^ Irrt hiru 
ltv« ou bia bffukd and aljdieft^ Wo aro in tbc liahit of zittocbing 
too much vnbu' |j>rich(iii. [n Cnllf^^mia G^poclally ix'd blAtua 
fij sodilj 18 di^Lrniiim^il pnft^JM.dy jus in llje v&liit uf ^Pi>iiback«, 
TIm: great fuLaru will judge bj u diiTcrcDt >tADdard. Ti'-morrow 


■will wk no r|rcotiorts nu to ricbcfl. To-morrmt vUl wpij*h 
more int4.41octtit&l balance*. llC' ttmt hat n[>t whtu-n hi« nj 
tli« lieurUi AUiJ miudd uf )iia fullow UR^n, will JEu ftuct br? forj 
Tho very moniKDcnt thtkt bis wcfiltb mnj orcct oYCr bin £ntTc 
bo b mockery, 

Hk! itniKjriuncu ultiurjjtd t<3 wfraltli m tx had tvmtti^ of otU 
Cu^iUdcH ugo, umiU tliu nidc?rii«)i uuJ i^uuriLuc'c i^f t}*c tinier 
tftl posHoadL^UH tv^L^ro more tiJghty airprot-iLtk^dH la thu l&th 
ty acbnlnm ofton bcg^d their brenrt, Hoclely acknowlodj^ii^ 
obli(£aliriii U> ^ivc Ihc-ni a «u|i[i<rrt, Uttl thf: iiur-r^nl of thHr !ii 
did iii>t alvrftiTA run nmQOtii, notvntliHUnrlin^ the j^rivik^gi 
mmi tit' a |]r.<bkmati wliu « UdpL-ctfKl two fif thf^t* ntTtiDJn^ pi 
plippa, iiiid who put thrtr qimUtlcfl t> the U**l ^J JdWoriug 
down a well in buckolA till tbcy aliould cooipoBO *om<; poetiy. 
do not c<immiMiiJ ciUicr iho Ijcfi-jfins '>r the t^At for present 
thcugU iri* huvt> jfreut iiued of Hr>mv te^t in tbt-st^ limcB. 

Evor^baily [fi G^tlif^inila Itt in il liiin-y t/i bj-cimie rich. InM* 
ticncc in thi« rcApocL markA the djftTncl<^r of our cntiro pupid» 
tiofi. It muni not tc ox|)Cclcd thni phjuicinns shnnld rf«;ape lie 
<wntn^ion. Tht' flmt yt*(ir*B prnirtiri- uf Sir Asllpy Coojjcr aHlc4 
hiinnhcHji (Sr^Oii:- (ifthyiur ^€0, uiid tliLMiinlh^nvr^ bim b^u Liltb 
ovtT JEOOO, And yet that ^rcat STirijcoi] lirnd to rccein^ ^W 
in ft singK' i<»t>, and |Hk<M"^<^ p.-r annum, U<.»w mutiy ^otini; Jofr 
torm ill {'nliriirniik, wilb (^,'1 in imrkt-L nn th^^ n^tr pror««dn u| tJicit 
flr«t ycar'tt l>Luiiiic«!i. would *tny a second year in the Mtme li>cftJi- 
ty I Dr. Fhy»tuk, in hih day, atinni at the bi'nd of hiiv pvufc'shluri eb 
Amorioft ; sind yet, af^L^l.^^dl1^g Co h'ltt own dt-clLU'Qtiimj bo <J|J 
earn hi* i-hrKvli^atbrr during the ftrnt thieo years of lit* praotlt 

1 AID inclined to think that doctor*, when lh*^y du liajj|ic'ii ta 
eoRW rtch, orttii miik^ n iwil^r uio of thoirmrmf y ibnn <*thcr mt 
Wo tan exhibit Houie uobh> ovnripW In ihin it'Spcot — oxami 
of phyeicinns who hnvc wen both ffeme ^nd forLni^r by their 
inff, ftnd who linvc gratofully adcoowlcdiccd the fjbli^-ALion 
imimftcont contribiHion^ 10 the cijivrerdi of uiudidncT. 'Mnia hi 
UuU^r in rhiludi-lphia and Mott in New Yurk wriiit^a 
naniOB on the dcshy ttblcbi of oar bcnfC*. Tbi<y baro g-cm^j 
their lon^ homo ; but every diactple of mrdidne ft^ulti that 
HtJII HvL* And thuL ibL-tr mi>Dkorjr« Hre blnuH^d, Onr Bue< 
win oflrr a ucjUat tribute to tie memory of the Foundttr of 


>Ucgc. Bat Itrt a«lioi>c l^At tlic time for a poKthiimnitA ufTcri&g 

Tint TiptiT ft! hftnii. 

It IK wfjrtliy tif note ihtii pliyald^nif who puniw tticir nvvta* 

u\ Jiii'ti']}' Tiir tliL- fee!*, niLtl wtio ncquiiu uealllt tt illiuul any 
olluT difltinclioi], an ifyt tipt Vr> bccoTiic pntrotie of eckrico, la 
tW hfind« of BHch mon ihn goMon BTrohm rtinfl in nnrrcw and eclf- 
frih dmTiiii*l«, npppr ovprHowin^ iU biuiku nor fiTliliKing tJjc *iir- 
T^undinu mjil. Wlirn thi'^- dii% ihvy die uitU arc luricd, 

TJ-ic I^rfLCtioo of Mcdtcitiu rcBL^inblon no utbtr occupatititt iu i!* 
Tclfttinn to tbo «xi>rdeo of th« <ii«ilitiMor tEw heart, lu Grel 
grrni r*immniiiJnom. is, '' Th(ni rHuIt viHit the* pn*>r." Th*»r^> h no 
^sicap*! frnm lliii» nrrviiro, cv<u if the Potior desire to rncap?. Too 
oftf'ii roward>>J bj in^tfititudc uni rtrproach, ittdl bo muHt ri^o Ut 
pv**r^ oftU, and W tin* eervani f»rov<*Tyhcn1y. Whero ja ilhy doctor 
that dof-* not. jwiftirrH inorf than hii* pro rntn of unpaid »w*^vii^c to 
htirnmiitj? The world knows n^jthiiigol'tln-'pmtoitniflluljtfrii £>rthc 
profoMsicTitr Aud it ciirt-% ti>«» for tboin. I should not bo fur wr«>Dg 
in nMHiiinin^ ihat or^bnlf the work of phyNiciau* in the TTniteil 
StittrA in dono wilhriiit rrward. In Kuropi^an vfinntrir-s llmkI^^^- 
Tn<^nin pt'iu^rnlly ^'xiHt by which thu p<j"r are allvndctl by aalnrkd 
pbyicicThiiA, But in America ttita is don* to a very Ifmitcd exteul» 
uiid ij[i]y iiL teumv lar^re cities. 

Sir Jarni'* Kyrc calicd one mcmni; on a young phyeJciaii of 
I.ondou^ u friotid of bic Junl commondnfr biiiiiRDtfjt, and haw tiia 
wnitirip^-nx>m Thr*nij^i-il with putiMds- "Why/' Kuid Ijo, "voil 
maAt. lir ifc-llEn^ on famoinly,'^— " W<rll, I i;itppoMi*I am." WHfi the 
Aiwwpr. " bnt let mc tell yon a occrct. Thin morninff [ have pre- 
vcribi-'d for eight pjitientit. $b of tbvm ^ava me uotJiiui;; ; Ibo 
n-vi^Tiih g«ve me a jpifiH^ft, and X bavo Jitnt g[ven tbt^ guinea to 
the eichlh/' Of oil plnc^i of bannrr^ the office ^f ibo docUjr !■ 
the ontj ono whore poopio apply bahttuully without money- Nf> 
othor c1ft«N of m^n fn the w:ir[d ari^ ^xpectvd to giro Ihoir timo 
and labi>r- nt vvvty call, nJthcut any regard 1o conipt'iiriLlrnn. 
Eren the minister of rr^lipion ba« the advantage ■■> tiiL« r««pcct ; 
for when he coniPB ol midnii^bt to " nbricvu the dyiug/' bin *cr- 
rh^i^a an? wiiJiln the purvit'W of a CL>hTract, &iul lir^ kiiow-rt tb:it bin 
brciul iH fiurc, tbuit>:1i li may not alwnyi be butlerod. The wcttd 
cwn Dovor know whfit doctors do for homucity. Th&»* unpaid 
Iftbor* bc^long, in ^rc»t part, to tbe >iecreta of tbo pi-i>ross(oii. Ta 


#v«ry community, Anri tinder th^ |>rofM»ional and fricudly 
vklfin of <"V<rry pmclittoiji^r, thrrc^ ntx- rjimllion in strniieitnd 
cUQUitinocfi, Dot Tcvng-mj^ed iu society ixf p'ntj, tut wJniMt mi 
lire bitri-tj mifHdi^jit fur lUtr Bup|>or1. And whtTi-o ib Uic f Ji 
cUii whu would dt>riLAit<l n. for fr^Tii ^rjdi » fftmlly ? or ^h*] 
for a nmiucMt lliiiik cif Uii: wunl nf ci^iniinmalioii tii |iit/K|H-ct, 
auiAiUiJUi?J to their atd? 

In ryiodoli^hjn 1 wna aocii^1<>m(<<] to Tf^Et the imtienta 
Bgv4 pl)jr»ickaiii, ]i{>w iIccimimm:!, ditrm^ Ins i»ic-kiic«H or 
Od "nif ociNWiiQ, iLt he liiini-lvd mt: tlic linl, ho (IcAi;ciit(|i.-t| i 
fuEiiily an llitj otyi'ct cf ettpL'iiml iairE]li<ju, Kxin'-i^tiu^ Iq 
ler ft wcaUliy |iatrr>n of ni^- frlottd, wTml v/ft« mjr xiiqirtbe to 
Jiiateu<l. li humble airj )juvrrtv-«trJcki.-n ?^fiiMliu1d t <'miiv«i 
on tUv ftitbjcct flftcrvrnrdrt lite doctor ivmiarkcd : " I linvi* uttcD^ 
ed thai family grutniljuisily vvvi nintv I Wgun [>faclicv^ iiculj 
furty Jturn u^o. 1 have ulw^i^it regardi-'d Utum amiitjg- mv Itffl 
rrieuJtf." Nut lc«e tli^uj fcmr ui- fivi! t^uuflftiid iJi:rthki-ii, hh ]jriib»' 
siotiAl acrficcB nro oAtimMrnl, (^tuxTHiIly bosUiwcJ on « f.ivAt 
fiiniily ! And yet this vra*only i»iit't'am*iiinnnfl:mmiy. An*l wM 
pbyviduii but Iia» hud llie liki: cipL-rifrucv Y KiiO-li lalttrn ni\- m^vtt 
doctJtiDli'J burtbt'UBoHic. If the »ick Lnvi- no luomy lo ^U*.- ihv'a 
<l'>cl4^r, tiia uilliiig flr'i-vi;'pfl can nlwaj-R be rummiiud^';! h^ a n-g. 
&oiiaIi]i? amouitL of gi'utitiKluor irourLrxy — Etui wliat hIi.iJI wt nr 
oftlujAv who liavc lltR mcftUf) aiij puy Ki^"<1|£'iLi^l/, >>r t\itt tkt aJl if 
ibej" cau v*f;jipo ?— wha alwiiys And your bill att-Tp ?^whi* uJ umi 
itipUt on iiti ub[itf?mcml, na mtittor whrtt tho Ijgtiro ? — uuy wlu 
would cbcftt ^xiu uui (jf cvo^Lhiiiif cvru whrn y<ni tTuriitout to u 
ftlkfttCDLVcntf IfUicn; is u vctu of mcu&nunn ii^ the hunian olmrao 
tL>r, Ihti dociOT'tf bill briii^n it ro li^hi, ok Atirdy n^ the IoacJ^-'u UiI* 
let fa d»-teetO(l by the [tcfyW uf Nel^trit. 

VTIiftLfi flowery [<&l1i iffould ph^aidaua bavt! to titud if tii^ 
could ptliCtlGC mcdiciMC! all»>Kt-llii^i' on thu dfiorc v>f l>liilikixilaropv ] 
— w if tJitij could livo on'onc aimlJii-i-, a« tktj arc ini('iif*td (^ ^ 
IU cuiiKtiUiitioji« 1 — iir if tbt-y cuuM lVi-<l tbrfniu^Jyi?!! nud lK(*ir litUo 
oiic* on air I — or if tlioy vrcu-c paid fr<jm the public tr4.'ajiu»i 
U'>w much more poitiit w^mld bt* our meUicinoK l^muri? Jantl; 
«nr Puri-'B I — iiionT 4>ndanM^ £iur ff kud^hijm I Uuvr i;n'-'iclily i^^^i 
ilx citreauiA of gralltude Oow in u^iou un fuim th;: IjL^uitH tif 
(katicDtfl 1 

WluUt flic xttidjr iod praciiceuf mfxllciue bring usTncc to face 

rilh Uic* Cftrfn ond dntW of Uf<*, fiml fr»flti^r the «ntim<!at ttt b*u- 

f:ili>[Kv- in thu litiLtt^ Ihi-'}- ii(]r|:iuiu ;lU oihot pi-inMuEtii Sii tlwfir roto' 

tu jiit<ii1ul dlHciiiliiiu uml ill li'] loci u^il culture. By ttie toij 

of jiiCilieal tftntl:i^A. ull llitr fticulli^'^ aro txcrciacd ttn<l i(c- 

fd, uiid a tionJth^ tmlitncc tnitiiitJtiiiofl nm<}ii^ thtriD. £oa.ij 

^|MirfiTU'nl* Xtix tJio mcmtry, Aimttiiny, for irmlaiicy ; i>jrn«, oa 

Ij'BitJufijr, tho rrtuoiiiDR- [jjjwerx ; whIUt by uthciv llic pi.'rccj>- 

ro fficultici mrc fharjirTiciJ nnd j>crfcctfsl. What ft aclii>jl it 

irn ff\T i\uf dc'vddpmont of Itw imaf^* of Ood, in all iU likenMt 

thr rlivlnf" Amhltvet I 

lu Bcanntnur ihc hialoriM or oar ^reat men. mco who liaTc 
rvi^d tii'j w^irH as finiriftf^, ("» k^iilnlfim, (in philanthrrpirtU, u« 
fhCM in g<>m>riil in."i<!ticf>, tlio iiitiu4!urv of n mLtiiL-ul t-iJucjit^^n 
IOW0 fi>rt1i cnnspkauvisly, A \i?ry Ur(^ purtion of thu Wiii^^finc- 
tr^ of lintnanity h^vc l^cctt irftini?d 'm Uic achi'vol i^f i^indidnr. 
ircm*>»i m doft'uuf uf poimlar liberty and tin* rij;;1ilH of mun — in 
wirrkrt iif t^fiLiritj — in refijrm*tii>Ti (jf attMiKr< nml <-rr<»r-^iTi Uie edu- 
f-Mtion (if tlic yi)uaf( ttiid llic f^^L-ut^r^l diFTiiPi'jmjf kuowlcd^Ct^ 
phynicJari^ nro found nt tLo ln'ad nnd front of proproi^H in all i)F«0- 
ti'Mi* Throogh i>l*ioitiei1y and chfltnmtryand e'>nip;irtttivc* aitnto- 
iijy jiiid mii*mfta^iiy tuiil itit^EifTil ii^iliiiwj|ihy, thi' whidi' vaji rango 
of nutural and intcllcctnjil Kcicnoe iei opened lu Uiu mtdknl sta- 
doTit. TbT>n> is iio rmtttral liTntt tv liin t'li^ivirlcn ftLntt of Omni- 
ftclciicv^, OnTy tlii^ noc^44lti^ft "f n tknuinrHA Uf^ «i*t lionmls Ui hiM 
marcTL TilIgp aw;ty At onco fn>m tdonce bII who hfivo rutcrrd 
Ifaroii^h llic portals of ni^^icEnc, and darkno9« w*>M ovcraprcnd 
ti^a catlh. The loss of any othor clue* cf mon wonid noon bo «" 
pained, Bnt Iho nuddnn nbarrft*ni<"ir lyf tlip iiiip(Hirt fflvmi by the 
mi?f3icAl fnilc-rnhy woiikt n>ll bnck the tide uf time a 11kouaaii>J 

Aiid iu iMa tJio rogiilnr and l"*ghiir»nt** (»cbf>ol <\f mcdtcmc atindil 
ftjriti ill fimnd prr-rmiiu'iicr ovi-r ull ollirr ■t-hnoU ur HyHtrnu*. 
Diridod an physIriaiiA hare atwaya been into aocta and partlw 
iiolding divvfve vit^xrn ou mui^y i|U»MTion», tboorotical nnd pradi* 
Cftl, ihprie fa nevcrtiiploan a fr»nniuin lirind nf tiTiToii, fidt H' iii>l do* 
flnt-d, fai;'th by thfrm and by tlieif t^neniliM. j^nd llierv utv oultflde 
aynttmft and sect* nxiut; from ximc lo lirno, whoec ►latim 10 
Oqnuily nurkeJ. In th<.^ luHt huif «:«ntuTy wo havo )rydi-n[uitliy. 


Homeopait^ and Ei^lMticIin^ Hydrcipaihy c&ffiS dowik »c Urtt 
lib" Nlbif AfA, ttiteiiliMiinj^ Ui iv»h>i nil Ih*- iliK'tiirifl. ^flVi Ihi^ir pilU 
aiiJ potton«> irtti> ibv alijt« oJ ulrlivj^Ei. Uiit. iiEiLkc Siugbnt, ft 
h^fl dn«j up 1 or, ut tno«t« trioklcn olon^; iu n cbiinct' aLL-(-aiiik<1 
luuking lt!M noJttc in iU couthq tLiiu autroUigj or cblrvoj^nnf^t; oi 
pa^'cliolof^^^ Aiid rigtii. in itie fuce of tlila docirmi?, wlik'li 
lo bftpLij^v thv wurM ill cuM tr;tU*rH wliiflky huB bocjuic a cm 
modicino, auU «rjLb muny ciiliinoiaatio in^iividrnJa u diiily foodgl 
on pEiiloDopiiical priociplon. It in a wonder tbut tli<> ]J>ilri>p»ili0^1 
«r immw i>I.h("r imci nf mnlii^ul i"c?fiiniiPth wbikno liubby-Lurw 
br»lGOTJ duirn, do Dot udopt wliinky an lli(iir uhjIJvc fiowor and unvi 
Trniftl mrrdiciuiN A school cf MtiypalkiilH woiiUi find dh iniiDL'iuie 
Bvdf t)f (UKn!p1PK rnwiy mudc ti linnd. 

TilC Ec:l*-Ctu:il IiaVi: bbt^li IWITU *ua^Cftflii"ul — at Icttftl ih ifcic 

crcii«i> uf fumil.Y. Tbi-y wri? C/vtonfri — &^trfo™— tliat ifi tii »aj, 
iLov choofto to discni^ moel of Uto old, active- n^cdiL-Murn, mid 
fC»t lip nf>vr uncM, TImIr dcK^l.Hnf! SL-ems iii be Ihul lL«ie te 
iiii?dtdnal vlrtui: in any uilii:l<' knuwi; ut tEiedntv cf tlioir ttdronl 
but UiJ^t u apcciiil uud iijoluQtvtL rcvtrlatiovi <'f tho t|Valitiofl 
nodicinfi« Una twen madt* ii> ihom, AccordiLg1>', tli«ir iiiiiterlail 
niridb;i i* tiiii(-h n'ninVtiHJ. In rrjVcllii^ miinx (jf llir old nnd well- 
Icuovni rcuiidMrn. thty not mucU ia jv carpi-'nUT wlij would iuaMt 
on d<»ing all his work widi one ov li^o UkAa, or a fArmcT, who, di»* 
euvijring th^t In* could nikk^r bin rs>WH |dk:ii]gh, would rtTiEni* iIh-'iv* 
tiflurr lij u«« ImnnTji. TIic Kcli-'Cliiit*, luiwtrvt^r, utc pro^g-i'^eaire. 
TU'> liavo i.huir ^oiiooU and tlusir liturjitun-n tiunii^ ^f liu'ir fad- 
ing men might, prun* for rogulir pbyBiciauii, if it ^fori* n^i^i foe tho 
iiJiinc. Befori^ ninny jpjini thti briul of thi^colutna uf Edt-clicH vrlll 
le prrpiirvd tj full in witli the nrtaj of rc^uUrs^ and W^et afT 
Ibo body uud Ind uf lliv c-jlujim. 

Thi^D 1V9 hav€ iiLiriicroiLS giLOTilla bnndjt, altiod t^ tlii' Eclt^* 
ticA, phUcIi om BuUniAtn and Electro ^Tht^^mJdiats and rby»if- 
mrdticaU and tiiC like, rao*t of whi>iij c;c|)cct to immr-rtidiac 
IhcmnHvcA by ptnymff oti the onc-rtti"in>j Hddlo — "All iuinT.^raIa 
au- puitoaii." Soiao of tijcm, if Xhey aiv simtxi ^nongh, utU 
valit Lip lo tbti fuct bt^foLL' tliL'y di^, \hai llie moat vltuIgqi 
ftud tlio mo«t bbundnnt of puLar^na cu'o *' but&uicul.*' 

tho chi^f value of wliict Id tlicir own estimation Nccniii to he 


it n ciift or tho M CuaMt ootjona of tlic regular ichwl. 
TJn?ir nmiriiii mMliri U ftlill rnont Hmitfsl, rninlsllTiff of fi»iir irtr 

b^u tit wtirk tudiiKiriuuHly for biklf u cooturj. Thcf bavc tboir 
•irJittfjlK, Oi^ir hmtilut*'*, thotr ixiagrwweH. But whai hi»<* tbej 
cvvr liuMf fkjr lui^xlicil nr ifciiiTiU stIchcc ? WbJiL dhbji.' have tbcj 
fivcn to hiAU>K7 T 

Sut £l11 Uiu>t«L' uyMUnu and dovioM tate Uielr pl[u>p. Tbo 
worlil, iij k8 Thlkiij sl;ite, would not bo complelA w]lJji.^t tlieni. 
There Arc ccrlaiti |iariMitlc anuaai« of bftJ rcpulo in iuimoa 90* 
<}ioty, but wIkii«<^ cxiiitc^Ekcc Icodfl to pcrfonul care and cEc&nlr 
tiemt So, iii^bucL' buj; itit purii«iloii, uad U aU the birUcr for tli«iD. 

I }[uvo anid fJml rpgitlnr uiftirlnr h'tldii 14 proud privoniinrTii^n 
OTtr all ihi-^ij; extrancoud «j'«tci»», t>j virtue 0/ iU pn>gii:**ivo 
cbaruitui- and it« rcJatioo^ to gcnofij tu:kTiicc. Sec whyt il h&a 
dilrc ill a few jnari J Bobold tStf woudorfd rcri>Iuiiojni of thu uii- 
cn>Moi>jn? — ilit Lt'W wi.irM il h:w devi'l^»pt<l mA i>^*ivyv]vph^ in ru» 
LUion tfl cdl-lifc, wad tht intricate pljakal utruclurc of the bodjr 
mii:! thL* diJiLgi*! made iu i< by diBoa-vu I Look at tlio r«i'iJ^ali(jlLit 
III Pliyftiok'i^y ftrid Paliiij]«>g^\ ni»kii»^ lL(,-ui WW adt-'iio.^i* ! Sue 
thi? rapid aJvttJiou iji Dia^uivta, Lriugii^^ ub U^lv a bclU^r kuuw- 
lodj:^ of tbti biluro aitd biridtu 0pm;f« of <jt8co>so \ Xtid iritfica« 
tUn mjtrL*h in tiw edlaU^nil %civnc*:^t, pari panan with pr[jgT<<»« in 
di-pru'tiijiTtls iiiurr- nUictl/ iinvlu^ul f'ounl, if ymi olii, iJitr thou*' 
ftodtf of ^rf-'al oamud wliicli rv^ular moJiciLc hoa girf-^a to tho 
worid eiucti tlic eldest of lu w«Te bi^rn— Dituce wluch shUl liro 
fujpvi^r h» i)ni »iinulA of Immitu nctoicty t 

AqjI trl^t liiivc Uic? uuttiidc ndi^Kjln aud aiyiiti^iJin breu doing al [ 
tli« wbllcf BjdL\»patlij oQWT preUrndoJ ba haro a pLibfiophy 
juid a Ifteralor^, It tn^vvi {fWitL-nQd \o Ttmlut dU^ftv&tlf-s Wyond 
oold wftl*<r an^ rnirkfd whruT. K xtuh nltog^tbi-r prAi^tirul, 
wbilat ita macbinrrj wns too cumbrciiin For common \i0u. U re- 
qvlrad for each ptLM^ii^JFrr a conch and aix — o retinue of iiaiada 
— and paiu?rico to nndrrffo lix nkoiitFu tuakiut; aud piirboilfn^^ 
Why, iharv in ui^t fn^nh WAlvr mjouj^Ej 111 lh<' wurM Ut itval nil tJji! 
«ick lIjdtiipAlhicuUy iu an ext<Mi»ivo ctiidcwk. The ffraiid ^ya- 
tera of Hydropathy, which camo ovor us, a few ycar« agj, liko a 
•uiDnicr diMjd, has left ih ni**jnpnttm one BiTiglt iiann — uo innjo 
>f rrivumitK ; and eruii that oiw uauic mi^hi ^tot U; coT - 


rectlf flpclli.'d by one pupil in a hundred of our g-rammar whoi 
Ae to hia liiHtury, it ii nlrcady mythulogicnl^ and he loomft i 
Tiiintly in tho remote pnst an si^inc ilk-ptimatc Bun of Neptune 

And wbal lius tlie Ecloctic achiiul iLcci^iiiplifilked be^nd deri^i 
a short cut to the docturnte, hy vbich the stAiiJard of medicaid 
ucation ia luworcd, nnd boiling down tlie juices uf a foiF Lerbfi i 
putting them to trial ? Our Amcricnu Phannaceiitiata have dr 
ninch moro and mudt beUer work lu the |a'c-puriitiuu of uicdidit 
The scroll of Fnme bean no record of the name of an Ec1ccti<^ 
be handed down to posterity. The scientific world bus no tmo 
ledj^ of such a dect. 

Still more inHi^iiQeant are the claimi^ and achioTcmcnta of E 
incoputljy in the geiierol field of science, Ij^noriiig PutUology a 
Physiohj^'^y in the trentinisnt of disease, and resting on a sin^ 
di^ma, and adoptin^^ the prepoaleroue notion of iiicrentiine ! 
power of uiedicinoH by diminishing their quantity, the diBcLfdcs 
Hahnemann have built about thcui a Chinese wull, imporvious 
tJic light of science, Thoy have ntimbcrs — they havtt intelk 
Many of thein wouM tihine in tiie Hpht-retjf bgitintate purnuita. TL 
haTC liud fifty years of oppcjrtunity, in the golden age of the I 
man mind, wlion the earth has treinMod beneath the uriiycrBali 
ward tramp of discovery ; and this grt^alest Iialf century of hislc 
Ihcy have spent in watching- tlie IwitebingH of au ovebrow 
eonntinfj;- the feathers in the wing cff im:iginatioii. They ha 
charmed the BeiiHibililies of aomc intelii^'eni laJieti, good judc 
of crinoline, and they have taken captive a frw divinos of a poe 
tuin. But wliiil name have lliey given lo Ibi? world iia a Icga 
to posterity? Even the few distinguirtlied num of ilio rcg-ular pi 
ft'SHiijEj wlio went over to their rnnkn twid wctc leceivod wi 
flhonta of exultation, were never licatd of al'terwuida. They t 
died and wi;re baricd. 

So it iPj my young friends, with all tliOBe micld and fuotionisi 
who n-pudiute regular, rational medicine, aud sei'k to build i 
tlwir syHt*'ms on popular ignorance, or popular prrjudiec. If y, 
play for m<iney, it is posfiibic you will succeed bitlter outside 
llie true cliurch than in it — especially if Cijusciviico la luat iu ae 
ishness, and wiwlom lu cunning. And tho lower you aim tbo mo 
certain your auccesB. The qaack who can lie iho best will mal 
ttie most money. 


Voa will observe one rcmArXtiblo ti:«ll in tho coitduct of tloee 
lobiamjiticH and ehi^Utanjt, irbt> do^onncc the rc^n^lor Kbool Mid 
'[\i(y 1u practHiauur* u foiMcmcr* and bfitchf^re. Tb«<7 &ro ^1 
levmillj EtmbitiniiK nf tht^dintinctinn and honr>r ntuchin^ to IliC 
iUt Doctorate. Ttejvrouldaltao«t^Tc their live*, ifDcccuary, 
th» pArohTnf«nt^rvJonc€ th&l they hftd once boco in coAtb«t with 
cfd Nocietf , And enjoyod tha tetsTnlt^ of tlioa^ wbom ihay cl«' 
pOThfi|i8tb«yl)avpre»dofitt^reti womf'[iwb{>B}LfmMI:ijtjuld 
one man And aay — Wc wd! eat our own ftxjd, we will woar our 
appattl, wt will anti our oirn pbyflfo ; oaij lot ua bo »]l«d bj 
tty honorM uam<i lo ukt awiijr ourropruach iiid hido "»ur trichfl 
Or the/ miy bavu U^eu k-HHuua from thoHH gtiiUj who, auullr 
to riae ftbove cr&ckicrtt And clieea« it a Ere^ lancb^ repair &ftcr- 
vurds to iht stops of ibe Oocl'lontal to pioh their tv«tb, 
' YTliy do not phyniolftM takp mcmiiarpfl to protect tlicniBolT^M 
nml tbt^ i^minmnilj tttnu iinpodlurcjit by oKixjAing Uu^m, or l>j nock- 
ing leffi&latiTc «CtioD f TUIh ciiquLry ia often tnikie. An to expo«- 
ing cliurlfttanB, It Ic what ikntj w«tit. Notoriety servos tlieir pux- 
pow^ AiLiI il i {Atint is fts ^foil as MJj <jth(rr« iK-CAuas it lm n« pvoflts- 
bl& Wo tud t Uwsait for Jtljul, » few jcAre ngo, bctwoca two 
qn*cks tn San rruiciuot of whom it was always nuspoctod thftl 
tbif got it qp by iLmii]p>m«iit, for iu!Tcrliiin>f purpcwciL 

tio^lsticjn iigniiKt fjuackutjr id Uuubtl'ul pulley, lu Kurnpn, 
wken tbe pcepte b»T« somebody to take oar« of tbem, stringent 
Isnn exist for tbe protootion of society ag^ainet modicsl impos- 
tur«4. But in Ainerics^ whsrs thoy look out for th«mB«1v<i», tbo 
Held 19 goncrftUy open t^} kxjU oiid knaves of sU Bhntiea, who 
wtfttld prey en tbo pockets and Irms of the ai«k or sillj, Yosn 
•go Ibin sii>l«d in mnny of the Atlacitic Ststas Uwi sgnioAt 
qnntk^ry, Bfit th#iy w^ra irmlHi^iciit ami havr l»wn moatly nbsn. 
doncd. It spi^csi's to be the gcncr&l fooling' of the profession not 
to Intorfen wltb the tsstss of pooplo ta this particolsr, but if tbo 
eoT^relgu doeln to bs vbe^led ont <if tbtir money by dbirroy' 
aeiIb. ur Mtfolofors, Lir njcdiems, Teiitotiic, ur Oeltict or Ssxim, or 
MoD^liftn» to sUow tbem the Isxury* Id onr fstbcrUnd Uws on 
tlkin mbjoc^t sro etiU in force \ tuxd y«t Great Britein istkaown of 
old ss tlto psrsdfio of qujicka, end it is the sobool whic^b Lm 
prodooed the mo«t DccoEu{jliHhed ku&vce hi Cslifornis In tbie Hoe, 
tdoTOr A eoeeioa oi onr Lofl'iilaturo puau without nn clfort Ironii 


«otno ^Qar('>r to jirociiro l(<f,'ialation against qmu^fccry, 3lj 
»oiitimrnt ktnn boon tfT mnii^ j-Mir* hostlli? to evwy movciuiAflt 
G&ij be coti^t.njcct Lnti7 An biccmjit on cbc i>tirl uf tlit; prof^oHJ 
protect itiidf froia ompiricnl rimlrf. ITtbc people, tbrotijA 
Uw-niftktM'A, clkooM> to lofi^iilfttv for their ovru f>rotPcU(iii» lei 
do ft. TI1C7 may ojieri rli^fr blinij f^yf^R nnd Aue t>toir Imo inl 
eft4 ffooticr in thi« regard if Tcft to thcmselvei, than by auy I 
ftfronco on our part, which H vnro to bo Mtttbuted to t^ 
nelftiTi rrtofirufl. 

The groat Amrrirfln Mph ot eilncattnn nnw U, tttit 40 
shfmli cJucntr ihr chiUrcu ftaii fit theiu for Ibc pur|njHiTA of 
8tl[ialmosB, it nu buttrr m'>tiTO, prompts to thia coiir«c, Chlh 
if not trained to nff«ftrlni?«*i, will 1* liAEtied to vie*. For ito 
pnjtecti(*n, tbrrrforc, aijcietjr nni»t edMcatc the riAitiip |7Pn«rai 
At tho g'ODural chtrffo, ^itch in 1h(^ popular theory, uudor 
tho ^reat republic is to ta r-^^canttimatcd. The Wi^rkmon have 
a ^mnd ijnarrtl ovoi' tho building, mid the ri.wiltha« Imm^ Uwti 
oM corncr«t«}nc of nUvcry hiks been knocked from uudor, and lb 
OdLfic4>ivt;n niph tumUisd mtoniin*. And now they ar<\ biiifdin^B 
11|} with uiLivonuil eitiicatioh as a conLfrr-wTont*, And wo liro nil 
lug LhiLt Ibi-y will ^■'t it dufir a« booh ae ixiHHlblfl, au tJini wo 
have a C|iiict and cornfortablc liomn onoo oiorc. 

Amonf^ th4 ohildrt^u thun io bo achoolcd and trainee) fur tbdr 
and our future good, »omo will haro charj*« of ttio lit^alth ait 
lEiYA uf tljv |ieo|t|c. The doctors of Uii> yoar 1^00 urv now ia ov 
public BohooU. Ifcui society ncy Rpocial int<:roBt in tbefr 
tioji a« phvftidaiLB f 

A ahip U about to mi\ ft-om San Frar^clBCO for Chln^ or for 
ama, fVoi^hU*d with pi%»spin^iir8. Thorir miifit be a phyfticl4ji OS* 
board. Wfmt man wf!! take hi» family without T IIo intiitt he Ibv 
right kind of t. doctor, too. Suppoao it wero announced JM 
among tb& prorfalons for the aecuHiy of paiiai>ngprfl to 4>mbftrk tfi 
tb^ Culorjido for Bou^kuLg, the Sleaiaihip Conjprtny had irrig^ofd 
the famoun Li-^ro'tai for phyaician T or an ofilroloKi'r T or « cUk- 
royant ? or au impoaer of hmnde f or a loudium ? or uiiy othor<iM 
of th^ rather eit^ui^ivfi and diTersrfiod cIhhh who glorify tiu» 
aulrea lu the nowapapors T Such mountebmiks an^ well enonglifla 
laud, whore there arc always rr^nlar dcotoTs \i* fall back on. 
Dut Cho vnyagv^ over the trairkteai waata, wboro the wholo woHd 


lido tbo §hip^« vrMn might tM weU oot Gxitt, brmffi mou to 
anirirN iind <'aui>rM iiwm to oppn^ctatv truu pcmtiu? In iu T«la- 
"'tionv to Lumun life. 

Uuy 1 Dot *ppff tb9 compftriaoik to tociet;r at largo ? The com- 
ing gi?irK*nLt[on — nnr rhiMrrn— iirr pntlmrkin^ on Um c^n^nn Jif 
tiiim, aiicJ WW, yf tin! iirc*<--ut^ art jC'^Uiiiy u^i ihtir mitfit TLoj 
tnunt be nupplicd with tlio txwt <^vfcfiAC4 nif aiiiiit diocuic uai ^C4lb 
whicFi AcivucQ cav furuiiib. Id it not rea«[Miablu tiat tlit; Stat« 
fiLuiiId (iruvidv nucIj i1vrr»ii«r*i ? ttmt it ahould educate, at Itu j>riipBT 
cofil, tla^ ^'uordimkn of iU diildrcu^a Uvea f 

Uu lliin (inquiry ikUtfnx^riMi us Jl laaj, nU will agnnj that llu 
6tsii<> dhoiiTfl ibniw no legi«lj*tivfl (mpedimpnt in iho wuj uf luedi' 
«a] cducAtiin, but ttiAt, i>n Uic conUarj, ii «Lould a'uiuvi^ nil im- 
pcdiniviila ua lor aa poaaiblc, and provide raoiliii»,— Now, mark 
tho appUij^iioa : A knovltd^ or AoMAtmy ia abHolQU-l; cfatc^tial 
lu tliu priu^lEca lif Medicii>e ainl Stirg'i-ry, aind l)iitl kiiowIrEl|fe< 
uut puflfliLly be obtainod othorwiae liimi tJitvu^h droACt^lii^uji vfUu: 
dead. What aid dooa tiw Stale afford to tJun ftrnt atop in tlio Jirt 
of prcKrtving iha livun of ka mibjicla T 

T Ahull ]u:il Atiip tij ai]fiic ihif Rf!(v?piiit/ i^ dliiMTCtionii, TWttnaji 
la a fool vrUit nccdn argumrJU an Ibc aubj«cb. Take an iikdividaiil 
a* nearly bramJciitf aji puaaiblo Dot to require a f^u&rdioA to feed 
ttim with a epooii, and stippoae Idrn lo aiaitA in need of an upora* 
Liuii — iho amputAtiou of a Je^, ur au aru), or sicu a ^tx^gvr ; w 
tlio cxniaion of a umall nren ; or the opciuo^ of a limplc abaccaa' 
A Hurgcou. ao tf&lk*d, af)pr<*uchea liim, iDatrtimeiita in bbtid^ raodjr 
to do thtf work- At thi* jcimrtHm, o«r pftlirtil U inf^rmfd Ibsit his 
KiLTgcuii ijcftr ao iiiucb &» di^fli^ct^-'d a niimli.^ dead brKly. Wtiuld 
be aabmit himaelf Ut tbnt «4>rt of ^ur^cry f Or would ho &el cx< 
claim ^ To dl« or to bn killed — that m tbn <|iiuatioQ I 

liTt mo atatr tfir- caHiT cju a bnratjrr huMiiv An eiTner3*t>iicy lately 
occiUTcd, in wbicb tUu n&tion waa rciuirnd to atuniiiun a 
oailliuD of bor ai>Da to h^r dofanao. Thia multitiidiiioua ho«t had 
to enooimter all the enemies of life — [leaillLmco in all funuM at 
midiijj^ht nxA ni iioi'iidaj^bayoueta ^Ifuiiiin^ mound tlinm, aiid 
ffhirtliojc niinailua darkiuiuQg tbo air. Tn gnard the hyi.'icuc of tlu: 
cainp— lo irard ofTtlie iuaidioua mia«irt — toexUiL^uiiib tbo coneum- 
itig fever — to etaiiLch Ibe ^uahtn^ Itfe-bluod — louinputatutbo niAD> 
e^ Limb — ibouaaoda uf trameU aud akidfal mco atv ascdad. 


Th«rc b tttJ ilme T'yr {trf<|taruti'»n or ttitiiiy. Minulo mon, or 

The conflict I* otat ; uid ofK^fvarth of iho milltou of nun 
laid Ikivt. a hfgbiT i]»(j:rr!P of kIliII itnd aUTlity watt Ticv«r 
toboiiroij thti tattlefii^M jui<3 the hi^HptUl TJio mirger^of 
war rc'llf^clcd bonor mi the Anii.-ricuii namt.'. An^ yet liuvr 
r»iliirrB ] What gnfToHng ftod l<^«n of life frinn JguoTftnoB an4 
|>criciii% ! Anil how trmdi «rf thrr EJiimbi^f wnii the result of 
uruc-lundaupcrptitiatTfiand hiirbaroiifk liontflity to i^lflsCGtiona ofl 
doad whkh |>rovAi]a in kock'ly* uiid wiidi iit foatcrrd i 

As »ooQ AS )>eDp1i9 adtjpt ibLian&l views on ihiM untije^t- 
poon nn thr^f rculizo tho fitot th^kt If phTrtirinnii nnd atudcntfl 
no opportunity ofdiswocting Uia dead, Uik \Mn^ mturt Boflbi^^l 
iJiurnnelvvii, thi^ir wIvcn Atid thirir nhildrt^u muni l*» the 
tbcn tliey will not onlj rxact from cycjj prnctit»mr?r of Hi 
ttiid Surffory an Adcqunto knowlodffc of Aimlutiij Totuidod Ott 
ticol diwoctinnH, but Tboy wrlll prnvld^ the mofliiB for 6iutttt. 

A faw 8tat«fi of iho UdioTi, Hrtinjf ii^>"viT the? Mlnndard i-vTCIta 
legislation^ have 1cji:nlixi:d dinncctiuna, \ij pn>vtdiiig tbut tlwr bodte 
of poreouH dyin;; in public innUtuti^ittH withonl rolMJtt^c or Mettll 
to cliLim ll)f>ia. HbnU bo at tb£^ di»jjoi4al of pliynicfurtn for d 
nnder inuijcr coudiLioim uiid rc»trji:ti<>Ti». TVe hawu a lavri 
Culiromia to that tflficL. Sa^^b stAiiUej^ ure^ ^nttitury. Tor th« 
eun that Iboy romovo all incPiitivi** to tbo doHCCrotion of tj,e 
With tbtfi ulntnte In forc», thr^ tHends imd kindn<d of porvooilt' 
Urrrfd in our ct^nnrUnm luiiy Irnninb fnim tbi-'ir Jiiindu nil appi^ 
bcnsii>n (if di/rtarbiiic* (if thcbodici. 8nch Gppr<ihcn«i>Mii» bowefW 
'mro not well founded auTwburo, under orditftTy circnrnmanoM ; fU 
till* piihlii: LUi^titiitiotiH of Irirgv cilf en iilvrajTH furuitdL iim|)le mntoiy 
fm^ anatomical eiLaininaLiun. BrHid(r«i ihcrisk of iltituctirju w too 
^roat, the conHc<|Ucacca too acHouflr to admit of tho invasion vT 
privato (Mjmctvrioi;. 

It iM a givut nutttnkr to nuppont! tliut practiHicig pbynioiAni ud 
■urgetrns aro In tbi? babit of di0tff:ciing, and thut ** BTibj«ct^ alt 
in domand aiaong thctn- Tlio (x^nm^m pcoplif on^'ht to biii 
dIii«4?rtioniE o.m not performod at the htiuwH or effit-^t^M of 
ciauB ; that rol onp in fifty c*vi?r dnniTL'ta a dead body nfh^^fp 
curing bb diploma ; tbut It in unly in o<tanof:tiiju with tbe 


etudenU in me^ic»l ac-hooJ^ that ciMlftroT«araiioad«>d ; uid 

[t if by [ti> uLtAUA cniditjlile 1o tlie uowAp^ipu: pnui;H, cousidoroil 
%• ttu buUumeuL Tor dii^iiiiDf; ligbL And koo'irlodgo, that it« iu- 
flnoinco b veiy g^TUf^rallv ciirriL^ti-rl rii m I'> r"8ifr llir Ti'iUhI] anil 
Iniliftnaa pffriildieo oKuiiiiil UiiJiLlt>iiku--iil iliK«4^Tliuii«. The f^^uiy tit 
% dead bwly i& ft ho3L tuQiid CMt ite pUp|>i>eK*d wuj tv nonto il^iottkT^d 
gtkrri<t, m^koei mort' TLt>ibie iliaii »n «anlkqii»lc?. U ui ili^ttscu up 

per«( 09 if tu fjrightam people bt<» the tiolicf tbat a oorpjio in iiovcx 
»afc in the irravi;, but that tbu du<sUm ixra ptowUng ftbttUt all tbo 
G«-Juu1{--H(rK. iikt-> dycuEis. Tlivre ia rtn l»t('i>i(4j[i £u tln8 to tni^icdo 
si^icijtifii^ i:jiL|uirj' ; Wv, bu^Il jUium «ru Ivv Vtiluubk Ui^i? tlimwii 
tWJh,Y kii uukiug up n ticw»pAi)CT. 

Not tnacy y^itTt, uiro B famixiii Uiu) took pkto in Boxton, Iho 
rukiilt of wliith JLp]iL-itr^d iv i1«[il'1iJ iu u )fT<-al dL^givw* on Uic f&ct 
Uiai iLo skyer, for thu piirpiHto vf con(««liucuLj biiU cut up Llia 
body of tbo viclim und burtiud a portion of ik Siidi a d<Hnl wui 
tiiLJUgU to uvvriJiNUuur ull p)UU;kUTv duitbti* in rt^gnrd to t^u* cir- 
cuuickluiicijii vi Uiu b-'EiiKiJe, «ud lo nbut uUl Utn ptim^rirr fnnA ^11 
bt>po (;f tncT«:jr. Tbe muUiftticn of tljo corptw iru bdd up tu lUct 
jury witU IcUis^ kU'tcX, 

TJi« tiutaii irrittioual prejudica u^hioh would pnibibU atl dietAbo- 
tiutiv vl' ihv duid Ludy, »lwj JoU-TrvivM wilh cXAminntiona afLer 
dcrtlb, for Uio purpiwu i>r oiie4!rtoiniu|C t±ie aoai *nd iMliirc fif dU- 
etutti. I'byvi(ii4u« tth^Hild ilrifio to aducAi4» ;ho popnUv laiud on 
tkJH ptrfiLt by Lu^iit^ i.^autmiilioiirt wluiii'vor prKctit^olJo. I'L^n 
u bul lUUo difficullj i» »iw inU^tHifiMildoeunoIwA jot;. Kijiiucl- 
ivg panuo8 h&Fo w^^nifp cnLiuj^h to know tbat diii<-iwi(^ nin in fauii- 
tioM, nioro or li-*a*, ;ind ibiit iln- imivctiun of tho luii^^ or Ibt Utiirt, 
or Dili nIhuocU of ouv luumbcf irf a fjtiuily, dyjji^ with diac^iibt *jf 
lho4t^ ia^purtiiat i^ri^^i^ uia; ftimuh Uit* uicuufl of aavbf Uiu lif|i 
of 8<>ui« ot tbc iiun'ivin^ incmborL Tbe f^JL is tifti^Ti vriUi tbe 
p]iy«kcb{t hlirimiir, wlnj iimkrM nu pn*por pffon, or Wujuc *lil), go 
trUort at all, to procun^ lu uJtaiaiQatiop, c:v<'Jj iu o-ahl-h of p'oal li^ 
tcrefft uud uupurtaai^Q, Suiuutijitt^a tLc objcctioua can Ld rculily 
ovi^rcomo by ilw clerffymAu of Ilia raiu&ly, Uiuwtoia of uU dr. 
tuimiiiftiiofifl will iduMflt luTAriubl^ ftid ihn pbyiiicmn in tbi< re* 

If dijt(>iuic »liouM hivade the fBrni*yurd aiid bvgm to curvy iklT 
th«? iMlllr'. hiirt not.' (I M cull 1 UichuabttudiihiL w^t-lii:!! it.u rxaniliMtIo& 
bu niatJc of (he Head cow gr horflc« for t^jc iM^iicilit of ibc living t 
Kv«di liogv bad do^ wocttd u-idum ho TxirmittiHl to A^flcv for «r«Litt 
of rtiuKGutiDn i>f tlir-ir de«il t-omrttitui, tu tiAOpnain Ibo C4iM0 of 
dPAih- But «vhi.-ii il oomcd to huiaaii twin^pi. Ui tiio irliikdmi tnd 
tbe fainiijr, a fooh^h pn^u4i«« ioterpoow nguiMt ttu^ir h^altJi 
livua I 

Penonfi qm Ui ritU^rlnht nrroiipniin ftnfJ olV'U ubiurd boUotw 
att U> Lti<- i-:tU'ut null iLtniincr of DLT'rujjMiu i^xiftiiiitmljikns, Cairo 
ehould bt- observed in aflkb]; ooQ^rnt, tj ctirnx't itudi ornifv, 
Sum«ti(rifi4 it in net ncTcMvitfUr}* Ia oxnmin^ riit-lhor Uinn tbo nbdo- 
mgn nr ihp chi»*l- I liarv I're^itienrJy ovitcotup fjhjpciidnH hj ntjff- 
ing thr ndvaiiLagi? b> tlie pa-serTatiou uf tbn hudy, ot ri.f(Dovioff 
the D^tcnlv of Ibc bowels, h U ii licrc tJiAt deoompcMLtiou aim* 
mcnccii. VVIjott il IB deflirrtblo lo keefh the body Mv^rral il»ja bc^ 
fore intormcQl, 1)io tTifiodui-tlon of on nntiioppllc lalo Ibir CATitici, 
wbfi^li ie a mart of ijmbnijiiiiig, may bo abmiliiU'lj nocvftsarj. 

lrt.'t me unr« the propri«ij of makinff pont oiomni vxiMiiitkktiofit 
lb it\} cii8ti> wherv coiiitoiit cflTi b** obtftiTJOd. To younjf phjMciaoa 
Is lhi» oflpucmUj fmpi^rlant. I( rnniilinHf>>4 ilioni with tho uHoof 
the ■{?a.l|jtf I, mid jjcrff t:U their kuuwk-dgu of Aiintouiy, lii ■iim4» «x* 
lent It impair knowledge, pijailivo or nej^titivc, in tc^imxI ic 
diacuBix It fumiliuHaw* the popular iniud t<t u grujtt neci>aBitj of 

Mnny impf>rl»[it vrnblem* in Phywiolo|ry» ^bioh cctiM uev^r 
i»T« been «o?Tcd in imy otbor way, havo been deUrmincd bj «i. 
poimcnla on tb« living biidkii nf mf^Hur iknimulj^. Attempts Iiat« 
b«<*ii niulc on tlic nnnn- of hiiniEimty* bi Knglutid and America, to 
pi¥v*»ni viviHi-ctioiift, Tn ibr City i.f Sv'w Turk a «i>ejrty for tlio 
preveulifin uf cruelty W ftnimnln hnn iwmi^td PrufL-dnor ftnlt^iin 
before tKo putbc on thin j^roiicd, atid uUif uppi^r^loi to the Lc^i» 
Waro to prohibit ih^ pr^rti'*. A KriTJch jijumnl nolicos the 
tnijvcnipnt, mnl iwiiarkH llint thu New Yurk fi'tdviy Hiiys nothing 
about the mEiiiy thuiinutid cattle wbicli am Alaufchtort^d «very yi?Ar 
10 BniKil ti> supply the New York fDoiket witli ruwhide whip«, 
* Physieinnii have frequently HoiTght lo abate ttio prvjudioR 
'oirardwl dJMsectkmn by r^fjutwtini^ that their own hodleit iibniild 
bu diaevctvd or exumim^d aXU^r death, UJd Dr. Mi;uzity, vrho 


diod in 17S&. hi tlie «gc of 05. t!iL< fa* crtitc phpifciati of Chf^tor- 
field aii<l Kobctt Wolpolc, went ho fbr lui lo tlirrct Itxnt hu body 
bit dlwpcteii, nnd tire remAtcia o1 liU ourcaiu, to luo hfji own InH' 
^i»|e;i.% " Iw luriml in u bule, or (-lumiiun] intn n box witb holo«, 
iLDd thrown taHo iheThAoiGa.'' Hit) bod;r wm actually diutinrtcd, 
lioeonlinK- to hii* iiiHtniciifnip, uid a lccturi> (riven tipnn it to the 
AliidouU of Guy'ii HtifBpitJil. ] havt* known tOATiy IcftlaikCb* of 
phyuidan* n^u«<lio^ poitl mnrldm «»iainliiAtloiis, for ttio purpniw 
of dertcrminins antinfictorilj tbf nAiiir« of iiiv'u ^nfvaov. Out? 
CWI4 of ft TOry dilTerunt churaOt<<r li'M uikIlt mf ubai^rv^tion. A 
plijnucinti dyinff of aa obflcor<* or^iitc ikflfofTion, iho rivcri'p«Jc iii< 
Tnrti^mtioii of nlitrh WonH liftvx l^iccQ liijflilj iiiHtmctiT* siiid use- 
ful, «aid to mc with frrciit efrtplinaiit, wh<^n lie felt hi* cn^S to be 
bigh — " Ond&r ^o cireuiTiAtai;co»i iim I u'tLLiiLp; ibut my body nliall 
1m opnnAd art4>v d^nlh ** TTin wixh wan coirif^lled wiEb. of coijraa ; 
but Ibc diplvfma of encb a uiaii i>as:bt to bo cftitcell«d. 

Civiliwitioii drTnaT^di that the lifcloei bcdy bo lTvat«d witli de- 
cent r«ttpect ; but vtUL^mtion fur it bolonjpi to PaffanmniH To 
burn It and prraerve tlis iulM'ti watt imctt tlxr liTf^heiit hcinor In 
niudtin limea it ia buried in llif vartb. ITiit CJiinene m CaUforTiia 
ar« contont to »cciiro the bones and traudputl th<:ni to tlidr natiie 
laijd, Th*>flO thm^t) uro goveruad by usngo, Our custom is to 
cintljv til*" biwly caevftilly, to €\ec\ \t with flowcrn, to lay it in n 
wcll-wroagbt cnaktJt ; aud tbcu it jmamja fi^rorer from viuw. Its 
putrofacti'^n aud dt-cay vra do not lh<^u buiiold. If wo i\u\. tbo 
pr(*batilliiy ie that we eL'Hild bc>gm to oiiquJro wb«liier it is not 
heitoT to bnm It rthI prp«wrvi* tlm a«}i(r« in « iiaj-ri^d urn. T hnpe 
Ibc doy i< not for diAtnnt when it will be connidorcd a plight and 
A diaboiJoT to ft dead budy to bury it, liht^ a dog, without Hckiilhlic 
icftpuctioa. Inert and liftfleea, a lonetnoLt desort^d, a form wttli* 
out Oje ftoul w}ii<?b hh Uffly iuMpirod it, it in ucvprlhclpis a mira- 
tl9 of Divine wcirkmanjihip. And there in more reapnct ahown to 
Ita Creator, in rcadinff fn^m it a losGon of lh<i wiadom and nkiU of 
the ArcMtcet, ihaa in coramittlug [t, unimproved, to aileace and 

Tboicrefttcoomyofratkinal medicine in popular ignorance. From 
thin foorco o:»mc the L^betructiona lo ciiuciition, ihi* falluro to ap- 
prccriatit in^rkand the Hucceee of fully and iinpuelarft Fbyflfclans 


TTotn the people line cdacftt^ tolb«aHxiriiy of jodclxiir coi 
their vcniiFt U vuftifv ftnd nti««Ttam^ Bat tbc vrorW moi 
Fntth in mnn fiml fnlth Irr Oort fntplren ih villi conftdeneo tti lb» 
filial triomiiti nf trutli otvf i*rnir, Thr 11b>tnrt 8c^<ki| In molding 
the popnlor miad aA it ^<^rfT jrt woji imiMcd ; but nuiit j jcaw tt>«et 
eUpHc btfore tb& full ti'uftiufi of iU Infltteiife. Mtuvbife wo 
mutt lethm %nd Xnhm whh ftnigimrv. Thpn^ mrmC Iw m^ Is^^^srdii 
[|i out rmDlcK. If w<^ vouM rtap hi>ur>ni finm our prcfriwoD, vn 
diurt hooor it l)y our inilaslTy Attd dorotion. And let sn gt^Uier 
inHptnLtlon from ttw Ibougtt tbtt Rmmrii. UE»icm tt «b {filifrr«J 
part of thor pH11opv>ii1jx ftnil wlewn r^f tbt wnrlil, and thai it is 
idouiifl<d wHli tin: (tcM ititcrtvtt of bnlwait;. 








fiitMishrd al the K^qu^t oK Ih? ^hm. 

i i' I 



Closing E 


— OF — 



BY L. C. LANE, M. r>.. 

Professor of Anatomy. 

lubltfilicd at ilic IfeqaJtst of tlw fllass. 





llii: tjkwk has been ii^jtijfncd to mr by my fdlow 
Pr<>ri*HK(irB of iloHvi^ring Uict IfH'Turf- whioli c«*iu'Ui(I<-'* yout tnvdl- 
riiX r.'t[]vglaxe ciiurM- ; hihI in flic miHol ul' tuy iMrt-r^r*, ftlluw mc 
to otTor rgii mj amccrt ocvu^Tuiulatiutm u|.h>ix jtuilt hftvin^c rcAclicd 
Ibc f^tn^\ of ymir Ijoi^b. Ihri aim of niatiy ycnfA. Tixliiy w lo t?e 
writi nf tliu L'lik*f tpw:lii* in IIk* oulvmlur of ywur livt-n ; -ki llie 
^ruiLil driil-|)liut- uf ytmr pjoU't<t^Uimi\ vuvvvrt h will murk Uic 
birth-dftf ; tuwarde it, In 1\m vmary liiftirH ^f pant lAbi^r^t yoii 
hiLVo looked with fixkd ox)Hri:1filtiirL, »n<1 Ir^ick upon il, in tlio dii- 
tnjil fiiturtr. yiht'ii thi- Ur^Ei wJtli wljkli jr"u itrL- Lo-d^y iuvcBted 
huK Ixtijn wrJI w<>rn,you will iraAr wtlh dnlj^tif.. und fed a frcwii 
hoirt-thrub iLc tlid wlmk* ir^nio naoH up, illttninEit^d by the 
*' I'^ndiT modiilighl uf lui'iiiory " 

Tti-dtiy, you arc ri!l«i»od froiu Ibi^ gniUiug bauJa wblcli your 
Almu MultT j(mli^d uWjt you ita ibo taii^ht you to take the 6r«t 
HU^pH ill lbi< vroi'lit 4if SUsltL'tiir* ; or, in fiormw [ntif^iin^^ mh] (igurti 
fiiun tbv «4'auiu^. liif* lunl tiiiibtr b^a tn-t-ii laid. (,]u.< lual b|rnr |iA« 
bi'oji tioifit^'d iiitu pW^', MUJI m^l ri^tfin^ all il oitl^r, nnd vro oto 
1li*l'o |i) wilikoH ttiu wlidirif^ down of yuur bark fivim th** (jtal- 
formuii wbii-'liHbt' bnaln'rii Itjili. aiud bin-lmmcbiii); ijimiiibi' UL't'uu 
vf yniir ftilHrc prcift^iisionfil caipcr. 

At nucli lui ofxji'b. uud uii the ovc of ducb a iMyfl^, ft fewriy 
Hoi^tiniiii on what hnA nlrt-^ly bo(>n accompli abed and wimt ri^inuiiii 
Ij> lnM?m-<nirilriv*fl iind i-xf JiTb^urj'^i on tliin, toyini, ijutmd nvn, wiU 
hi! in pKipur pliKK^. hi pn^parini; vi^nrHulvi-B kir tho pructico of 
3dt<dicinf.>, you huveni^t^lv nucrifi'-vit and iix^nrrfd ppmonal diiiijc*;ni, 
to wbloU no parulld f^aii In? fouuil in tbo wbnlr lUt of hnmnii rm* 


rCTftd or ft celdnd 
wav a hkmJk'I tjrsiita 
bin liny ; n<>E ci'ttirnt wifli the onVtruiry piLiLiMhTTtcnbi m \-v^ «' 
liU lijiir, hi?nlii»-r Ji'lijrlit war, I" irilMi' anil iiii|inivr npon <t*fr 
ty, ami fimuiiK tUt^ intint ii'^lod of Uin plnnv^ one whidi, bj iv 
Infftm}', bas p iv<<n (rnmi^rlulrtj' Vt tiii ittkim--^ wu« lu dmm n >iva<J 
■nan Til a ili jliI IumIv ; ii'>%v jan, in pmr verj ttntrntirfi tipv>n ptf 
l^imt' fif ntud^v h^ivc viiliujtuijlj Mij|jiiMirii;il youi'twlvtw wltklW, 
dead, uud, fur <luy iLftor duj, w^^ck nft^^r work, and mnnlfc tikti 
tnitnJU. Uiivt^ u'oilik'ci yitiir><C'lv(.-'« T'ltlu'di^caying-fiintw of morUSijJ 
Tbr u'lilM luj rL?« (Ih Tucl' fmiij Ilit- diud. uiiU willi i|liirlEeiHHi 
Ut'Otf llio t^liEirJii-l !kmifi4'f— tilt yoii^ ciidi>wi-d with th^ enmr avi 
havo liovii fiircod to unltttni ut>il oiiillvo it ; indeed, tli4'Hc inailKt»' 
of iiuninv ofhoiTur liir Uii' <\v\u\ urul [ivr-rHEoii tJj dijuai^o jn ito ■ 
Aigbtliriu^N yrju liavt- b^-vu rcmiired. by alerii arir-ilUri[>liite, 
roao out fruin thi? tablotn of yi^ur ht'url«, juid to implant m Uiur^ 
atraci, ni<w iduim, nt^w lovnji nnd iirw jniptilw-w. 

TIti- dirtrU-nr^ uf thr liumuil biKJy urc 1(11 VULii>ll!H, All litii4]tK> Anl 

aij dtTply biJJL-n anJ fmiipk'lt'ly iiiuflkid from oiio iiiumjiic^ u 
obMorTntiiui, tliftt no dt^ttcripimtir lot tliti pen deai.'nbjnjj^ thrcn be 
uvi'rH4>|firt(^1, <'jiii tui porrmy llirm iw torphdcr rhn i^irl^ina] rts>tf- 
uistkbl? ; Waoi- iht^rriforl to cKnicul tL-lkdlfu^^ — antady iirdlh«-«<» 
liol frum It iiuiHtorn dL-rtcriplW, but at tliL' Si'Jsidi- Jii rinluro'a ciwi 
lin^rHn^ h(to]c, Th^gvriiiii ofllils preciouit incihod ol Ktiidy arvlo 
lie fiiind m iho rrmiitinri nf iIr- QK-eh«, ftniciu^ ^Jmuk eIji< lenipktf 
wiTC tlif H-9>jrt <tf the sick uiii| uur>rtiiimli", mul llir ^xk-uls w*n> 
tijc imridc'e imd pbyKicmtin, uud bru^idrn, tho duty wut; t'lijoincd up- 
o& thom to HTt'ord upcin tnbJot.A dtnALriptit^itH und ivjiiicdii^A rv'i^rtoJ 
Xn in llui msi'ii whi*"!! rum** ximjpr tlipfr t-jiu-. TUnf. frain ptTrq^knaj 
QbicrTatiun and i^AitTid com]>aripioit.w<n-cbiid up tb-isi- Wik whicb 
thti grout urguuiflm^' mind ^f UlppocTutva knew Imvr to gatlier 
up ftnd prr'sqrrir In tIi'^ ZitLiiutii nuv, hh liir* jlri4i r»lbiiijkl Win'k ij]k>u 
Mrdu-iiM\ I't wbich (milH b^kvir ix^-u U'ri. ikmiilnl Uk' t-Aluolyviua 
wbidilmvcitiropt frt^m tijc Md uf linman cIviHaatioii 8i> mmiy 
ctons monunnMUadfirin^f thf lu*tt!irifL»ihciUMnd yi^jirw, — yut c^if 
lttb{>rii ^if lin' ffront .l{*d<»pJiidi\ tlic- ruUili'd nx^'iriJin, Tii^,^ ||, 
Aparcdoikt^tbi^ 'Aphurinuiti/' in whicli, until uiiiiiiilEiL-r? plLut^i^i 
ftK cpitLimiwd llii'i.-<'imtJce»liD*^m*'ni-'»f iiumwidittoasc, — jaimI, 

nti Ihr- todifw of uiiTujhig^ fif»iu^l,Af mi, tnppdmidt V^ ^tntt 

flcjwcrs diLiging to, «nd pNruaU;r vciUii^ ih**. roiJs-wotk iif tliu 
muin Hiruirlurv, haro bt^^ii Ibc adiniraiion <if aiiinl. aafft und bftrtl 

p>lWr friirn ihfn r^^tiEiitHlli'AH ntiut' midi p-mn iv*. " Arc & l*>ti^/' 
*' Ifirv is »}ii>rt/' ''The Ucc^^iixn i« Heeling," And A<ldjrd tWfif^t') tho 
«m|f»Jrir nvvatity <*t Iiia Jli<pljJHto|jl]okH, th« Lmlf-Cbrinlian SaUo 

Fri>in tljc tcni|>k\ Hcrwovcrr, Ltie tilmtc waa bjr tliv Bwiiftni ImikH, 
ferr<<rl t« ttic licrmc* uf thi? ait^k man liifn^cif, vliitiit^r Ihc in«licii| 
tnFtsT<^r acmiitjt4iili*rl hy hi« ■lii^onlit ropnimi, anil nthjtvfi-il l)ii* 
(luliria 1v n iwt^i minnu' >nii[HHTtioii uimI ■■vrT<- PianiinalHrn. 
In fnot, to Wmwr Uia laik^zujitFc «!' lire t'^a'Jtt vpii^nxirio^ilUI, 
Mnrtktol, in i]i>luiUu); hU own rjperknc* of Huch otinioul vinita. thp 
4>K[kmirtAtii>n t<ra« ootidupFiNl wllli farlcMc dulic&cjr than w^tuid U^, 
or I'Ti^n imjrht i'» In? «iil-HMit<il In liy a rii^k m»r*. F<»f. mj'a tii» 
Rrimnii vrit, " On & tiiuK, I vmu piilTt-fiui; with a elicit itlnerti ; 
llif^' |kh>-fiii-tati cAihe with lit» tctiiiiK <.^r ■ttiilcntii ; a ImailnH 
I'oM liuiidK lonHirrl nif ; oti tbvMr arrival I !>*d »•> fer^r. l»«l Un*y 
k'ft nir wiUi cmi<.*^ — U waj& m Kirmuii Malroii, Patbiulu, who 
liuM lli« boQur pf liavins foutkJt'J th« Grat liu^UaJ : thus, by 
1)R' hand of woijiuMj wlh iritwiiu'd one of t1i<< fjiitfrtt ttow< 
crii in tbf* ofrnath of Iiiim^ii lir-iiovoU'iiirn, anil Mi-rlinn.- made 
l(» adv^ijcc unv nlrji faiihrr, nincv, fen iiParljr tnentT rruturira, 
notwiUiciAudin^ vhat<*vrr cfrow may bavt* bouu wtiU<*D in 
biMk«, th« boHpiial liuA furuUti4*d, tlirmigU \U inrnTklrc, thir ntt* 
mlijTqk^hU^ [rnrliH fif pHllml^i^y. Tii rvo^) ihriN- great initlta, 
ft* wuticjt tij XnufuV vwii riijlit hand, yr*" hirtt dnily fol- 
Ifjwcd your Prufojinfiri* ttkn-ii^li ttic ward** of lit npl^tjboring h<iw- 
|tita!, HDd, us 1 *nid in U*t' umsi'f, linvo (hriK niadp narrlflc^m i>4 
va»*\ ouinffirt uiid nuiiiral ri-i.-lLu^K^ micU Jia nil? dcniairtit-^l in Ihc 
prvp^ritlury Inuniiig i^ ni> otiicr tinnuD profva«i<>u ; nay, mord 
tlmn i'cimri>rl and *awT miiet bo •acrifitwJ.— pt'MOmJ ri*k 'tf Ufe 
tituvC tw- IncuiTfd. From thn mnliitliL-ac of tbu ^liiUiV^ptilji Medi- 
cal SiIumIh. ll ^pjK'hJ"* tJiAl m-arci'ly « yrar elapse*, llint one or 
morL' niuJeata do iiul die from lyphuH, ooutraou'rf from expoiiire 
in lEic [iL>r^piialj^ 

or ^nerpiT^I puiA<>Ti, rnffrafted on a hmltbj penou, will fiHof 
dM>h r|<Lil« AH Aurdy 110 1h« Minnir' biT)? AUn, tfanc Mo 
nutUiTrv lo whirh ittr diit^n'U^r i* 4't|u>r«Hl, in qrjHiitity of ftlOniC 

uiiuulcucMt, vrhvi) cuhx- tlicj (liiii fDirrt^«» tlirtrn^li Ihv nlijEiitnl 
wonnd into t\w hndiAn body, can nov^r ni^nin be rrAjJcuIrd, boL 
oji It vfcT4-\ witb fnoffw of mtp] iiriip|ile hold "f and cling to U* 
vwy lieurllHilimi- of PxisLeiitr, Uii'itCL- uJti^liuf;, iluj liy diT, 

whli (lie lifoHiurroiil ti thu mifuiluiwtc -jriu-, vunoiii from nii cv 
bimvik'M chnli«> of d<rfltti. 

Hill ihi-iiv prrilic, llirnr rixkii, iirtcl tl]r9«' KAciinorH, whicb, ii 
uuvi^'^hri^ pirmn^fl, |M.-rlia}iA. I huvr dwctl Tipun luu hiiL^. 1 vfl 
now fthifi from th^ acciku, in oakiuj; if tlioy hnvo not bmn^ht wtik 
tlifTrnHn'lvnH a nc}bl(F Tpwikrd. Vour ^tudion hnxv hml for IIk'vt <^V 
ji-ct the " itliuiijci^r cvr'nt.rtjl hifitijr^'" iif lift iit ilti vrtiWt f*xlvat 
and iiJiujmnt*. Ycmr t^sporirncc mui ^►wlL*d;;o of life, [n jii 
wnaltli of oliJiii^o itttd [ruitutioTi, nk i»p<*hod to ymiby your »tiiil(^<^ 
uriAbtrr you U' romprrbond lUr iiiijmr'nli>rifl wnrdn nf (S4wtli«'^ 
'" Spirit of LilV" TviMHT till? iM'^'^^ t'udicd by tJjc tinr-Ml ki!y o( 
iu«pirAlioEi «vt?r r«:ichod by hid ^ifriius, ujitkoH Licr ezclniiri 

" In llm ffonl dT Uh, In Uip Atorm *jt matUm, 
J im uiuvlitu lirurii] Uo. 

Thrrn, rirHrLnfr n lujuli; 

An titurrml "ft. 

An rtfrt-nfiin^n^wPorJiiH, 

Thiw Bcatfil on 'ht tntrri'atonil o( Ttmc. 

! v»v« ilw rotiM or Vitbtitf.*' 

Of tbcr vKti(.'iLtku] uiiil irih'*rL*i»t nalorc of lifu your t^noliij 
MtiLdic* iHivr givon yiiij »o kti-iwlodgt. Like tlit? Tiiuth*>iiiiit[<j| 
•rhii Aiatiully kni^wfl uo[liLii|;'or tbe iialurn (f itinnbiT, Apaco ftDj 
llltkt. »iM yi.-t in coikflUnrly <irciipii;il with oulciiIuliiriA n'lutuitf 
%\' llit'fu, n'j lifL', in \U vHiH'nL'e, is ei aculud m^^iory, ul' wliicb nu 
jjfti^il* htm yet diHC^>V4TrL'd itjt* key i-'Htill ilw lath-ii aitd urdor 
uct^oriKiij^jo wrfLioli IiB |j|]vtioNjeiiu &rv rogulakil iii»\ tiiki< pUt^v, 
*fv< Ihf U'ftdiuic objtru '^f mtdik^Mil fltudj^ nod, uh yim well k(ii>w. 
tlw woiMWin whkh inwHtigutUkn is <v>njiiAntiy uul'oidinft: t^> tfc« 
#t«iiU<ni, w«U rt<p[iy biiii fur bin nnk^, tniU aiij diacumrun. To 

iry true lovni- of lUkturc, wid f vctjf_ hi^v*} hUlJijiI >/ '»JV- Uw^ 
heruiit r^waril whiirli liivi^i^abTy at/'^joijjtthJL'if tdlcli iwodix^i M 
fcir liiglit^r nr»i1 niiir4> :>> bp pri/pd thAii nTLVrhlit^ In n nmiKTml 
BviiB^? wliii:h iJMh be n^ali'£u4.1. And Wmu^ iii)<iti.'LuJ nf l)ii< mUjiIjt <if 
Modit'iiio tondiii^, ni< T« oftiMi'M^id, to frccxc out the finer fodiu^ 
rtf ItiJiiiitu innure, Ih<j *»ffL»c't Iroly U Hip r«ior»«L-, 

Ui^riiith. kii H|>eakin|f of oriL* nl' his )kt<rL>i>K, ^uvc, as rmi of hii 
nobk'Bl qniilitit's, \iia lovi? of UocM ; fcr, «uya In-*, " tlotid l<i liini 
JH a |»FvuM»ut tfUiuunTAln-'uin, winch briit^H jo^* to lUv witli^n*'! 
Vklcii, frum iTrt own mortsy rork *' Tlv> npininn iif llw winlii f«, ihrU 
our pruffrtrtinn Imvc kiirtiluT sanguinary tnntcn nml tuJnwmvntH. 
I'l^rJMpp iLik I'kccptioniL] uut' tn-iy bL< £u, wliu, huvjn^ eU-btLiritu itur 
rnrikft ilU<}riTJmsir.i*l^. ri^falnrng hitt Aat'iigf*. niLrnhivitiisI mnimpm. 
Invir^ Uj iliii|rliiv, HH " traili'inurkrt,*' liciiiilx nud doihiug utoEiird 
wifli LUhMJ ; yet (»u om.", who nui had lliu Uiiuiihiiuiii^ mllLiuuou 
which the I'jiig ecinrse or HtuJy ri^^uiallo for ^^ntrnnce into out 
priifi'HHirtn iTupurtAi can UiluruUf Kuril viuluLioaa of urilEii^ry du 

For lh<_' sukuofmrlionivr*, wlu. aichcir ii> W witri*'fl»<^ of itio 
hoiiurM with whicl) thiN djay yon un; tui'oiftli:d, permit nw to cjir 
Hnmi* poifitK, uln-Jtily rumlliur Ut yim. btit wbicJi, wIkmi tiwl |>ns 
[it'iiti^d to juur naiLdB, uwnlw tliv hl^Witt fiflrtj^^H r>f kiJiiilnktioii 
iiri^i uionUl pk^tM^tnx Kor «xainpl(4, in thoconTiiniiil nmtniitiHiplio- 
xin and shifling of rmiTlf»r fniio Ot^ miitoruJ wurld lo tim Ifvmg 
body, aud Ihrri', linviriu U'Uj|Hii'Htny uadergiH».' nn api ilhi:o:iitf, 
ilriOUTi aUpe tVom iIk* ;^odliko tiuiDiiiit uriiru ndowr ttirpificipk^c^ of 
doath, til lipromo n part of Na;nro*H vnst iiior^unk miiffiurni*^ wo 
hjivf imf of tlic miblinintt ^ht^rLomriiu. Tnke^ for rxuniph', iion, 
|ihiJ**|>hoTua, lime, whkh nrn iuK'gral part* of our biHlit'fi. iiiA study 
XUiyfv trEiiirtmiiraliun^ und chiinj^OK, fru tta^y K^uch Uu- ttving' hom^, 
Kiri^r, wi* (Ind ihom fti tlir^ ni^grd Tinhmkrn rock, wliirh nuikpH tho 
monnluin itidc, or |iv;rhapH iiitriTnchi;rl more diwply in thi* Ix^anim of 
thi>i!fLTth; fri»m thfso hiddt-n ivci^svm'H tlw'y iipo bri.»ti;j;lil tf [tj-hlby 
tho IVjaniiiij^, [ioUy utrvuw, tbi* unri'dHiij^ wut^ of ih** infau. tho 
thimdrrifi^ oittAract, \he ponden^nn gUcicr, wliicJi, Wnmlh ilM 
migbty firt;ii, Tcduoofl the j;rnnitc and baft/dt to dust, and t'> tlicai^ 
grnhd povtrc-rii, whtch, am vturnnl (ort^un fn Thi* hniid i^f NnturP, acccm- 


l]i.wt 't'T liaXiitdfU^'fif^, wlii3.-fr. liJ Ifb aVikcI in'>rtAr, rcdijoc tfk^m^ 
tanult, cM ivd iMTiJ:it>Tjo AU'l (j^TiuuU' vUlch iiiaki? up tbo skHriM 
firiiiirvari1uiriiTii*-riiFW(tptei1iiHi, uri'l rWuimlih]iriiMe ihrm io tb 
ruotlotA, «lAtk, ljla*li^, f1<jwor jihJ >;iaizi ^ifwhrut, vrhicli im plarM 
f»y tho hiunftQ liAud, UH t^aiUitij^ ntiit<:TinZ for NuDiAn hlotxl, huAoi 
Ikiih-. Iiurnun nintscli-, my, i-i'r-u lli»r brain t[Hnir, Uir inAirnm«*n: li 
huinaii tt)rjj|^]iL TUif iLiuu^ULlttfH dtiKt'r in ^iiniii>, ii|i<iii Uic id's 
of 1'crn, htiiidn «aAtc]i(inoc to Ih^ pUnti thoiieiandji of mile* avijr, 
whk'b, in U* Iiirti, puwijf'M on Ju preoIouH cUmcniw lo ino ln^msi* 
wit uLfl gLNiiuM ; HtLi] UkUA Uu^ mitier. vrlii^av iritelWt^tuii] »<.xtp(ii 
but ftfcwdvgTL-rtflrjuiidUial of Ut- tii.-fl-biril wliich Ii;ui it« liual* 
ibrw*, bec«ini>* tbtT nriconflcioijn furnUlicrdftliPoiI which biirnii4U 
kn^pn rIIto iIic lump tif InlclU'ct. Or, if frniii llirn tntc*n>co<iin it 
wliioli tW mfnd l« «iJH|>eiiJ4-<l in wumlcriiijc nwr En iia conti*- 
plull^jii uf forres itniAriisi^l/ t;rcal und thotw irifiiii((_Ojr imilL 
w<T poaa U 1ti(T mbi-ocoMm, or Icadcf wurM of m^ii liifJiM^lf, wbtfv 
Ujo ftiij 4jf III* micri>f)crjpir miinl bi' ihvoki.'El Xd annifla tat lo 
|K-ni'truUi and t-vv, whut truiiBpir*.'!!. W(< L^ni^JtutiU-r, nc cich 
«tepi lb«t wbicb jh n^ Icm qovoI, stranifi^ and jutmir^btc. 
As bcfiiri? BJiid, n" <vn.' ^lal^ y"*t boon foitiid wrlbj to rnW 
tilt' iiini*r [j>mpli< nf l(lV, iin<1 pi/.<» itpirii itx tttt'jf'im unci w«'j<r 
fraJifl; — nijuttinfrft r^int llinni more uncrrd than RlriiMiiiinn nr 
BlttSOUic^ tvbkb Na1im\ wjlb bi-r awn hnwl. Ioa plut^cil iUp tHI 
ftfCHindi ATid bufi Jii7c:fitH.>iJ ihtironu, iii auTu'litij^ lL>ltOrri, Kvuvs 
oytr Ttt urMKLF ; — Atill, wilb Hk^ cnii'iUt^, tvinrt. himp a»J 
Huwpipu, wbiuU cbi'friUtry liLi4 ftinu'^h^l Hh, tlic Hcnlpt-I itf Ifcr 
An&ti>mwt, imd, nbuvt- itir, IIk* Trnci'OH0o[jL\ wo Iiuto hero riiriiifib«4l 
IttjV'- iv'Uji.'h bavi? opoiir^il hi tin lb'' finUr ilixirA. mtA w<- ^ii>} Jitrcttilj 
}H->imil tlic! llirunbulil, ut fhcC. bavr ft dim inKi^bt inio ibiM t<^«nplf*. 
aud h*rrv nud ibcrc bntc jclimpm'a of ilji " muji-iiticdi T^tcT, frrrttoi 
with (t'^ldun lir<?" ; in fuct, no tlioruii^lify utv we intri^iirbod tJjortv 
Jn, tliiit >V vrtll require l>iil u iVrw ^MieraLbrnn nmrr, wUnuld vjurlj ODC 
hiivv & VtiU dcr Rulk, a Virubviw. n MM^Jidiiftl. u Uabin un<l ■ 
binlf ^^lu'hattftd fife K^jidrrn, cpp ibin uriind pr.jbr<'m of life nhtH 
Uv •v\rv\ By Ib-^itiduf lbLMnu:tii'*LM|».'anil Iht^i^r-liiH I^T'iro cilwl, 
W« knov now, tbut tbc dn^p of bbiml llial ^^^rjiliH frixn ibi- pH^'k 
or« i»i<db' i:iiuluiiift in a'>ktion cv^^rj vlim<*i*l wliich r'ulL-rj» iritti 
tJiVi'unsLituti>mui\jiir iodka. la it are to b« fi^niid tW eluTiiriila 



solidify Into honp, v/}t\c}i hoot^mc ite coTitTaj^llIp pArllcleft 
maecle. wliicli rii>iy U.^ ci>uvi'i1f;d tuio the tlubliccJiunl vhltuiw 
ribratioTiJi u-«0;IUL>1(.h1 into Ihr oountlcM Notrnde of buvann lui- 
giiH^o, 01' into norvth^tnicturif, by which we tute, haur^ tuto and 

In the contcmplnti'^n of thcao plirm'rnvrsia of our being, *"iUi 

whrisp ilody you buv« be«n *« lony oocapkd, t^vary ntyihuil linda 
bis Ulnars .1 Uioiiflftnrif'ifil rooiniiporiMd,— fcir not utily doi>it Ik' ao- 
qiiim f^rti wliidi aid htm uj Itm lirnL i^f buuiHii viii:uLiohV, vit 
iha tklh'vmtkiti »f pain, but, at the iiamo lirrjo, bU ii^tcllctrliiul nv 
tiire (■ coTitinuJilly ctilar^foJ by (■ictiiru* uf aublimiiy cf tb« 
bii;liirKt r>riler. Ftiuii tlir ntudy of iiiatj, uh n-qiitivJ in Merlit^iiKS, ^ 
wr Icaru tbr^l i^iir bfdJce ntr a pJirl i>r lUr luaU'rlal uTiivcrffL^ re- 
Intrd ti) and dL<iiL'iidi:iit uf>on It )u many wave ; for to Ibe mta ^ro 

look for lipUt nnci bral, Aliil In tbr nioiin for thr pnriflpatUin nf 
Liie vunt UxIii^A ■■(' wkIct iijioei our globf? by tidul Ihllijcitr*^,^ 
ATir.l Upon the earih^p dinrunl miction wu di'pf^iuJ for •1c<Tp ; in 
fat'l, til* fjirtbc't we pusJi -jur n^rwatcho*, Iht- more do wi? linj 
that our bodipii art gi^vrnv'd by fhr enmo Uwtt a« thuHv which 
vbtiilu UJ ull umU-'Hnl Ubtun\ ujjJ, to aJu^it ibo Uuguuj^ of ilie 
Ifrcat poet, 

Fun] 4[ii1 alcTMil. 

IfiiqT W, ■■■>■< Hi'l nil. 

i:n*Triii^iy ii'irniupHih 

The ptrcDit oTour rM^lbg.—ClOfTinL 

Your roadiii^t (ientlomt^n, h»9 lin>; dlnc^ ahowu juu that our 
Prof«eaioQ ia oui» of prt>gr^M unil contluiiod chan^. U we hn 
firrpfiiur'ri tri limV nhi^nd, into the far'^ilT cyrlrt nf fiiWrUy, it b 
prub4l»ir ihcfo will urrivc ii jjcriod, wbrn ^tl thr piollLimH in ruf» 
crciiuc to our hmlifm will bu nulvLnl, wlu^tliOF in limltli or diacado ; 
for thill pnrporif?, ubmcrvhtion und oxptTirni^Titnli'in mLtui unitr* l^-mY 
foir«-*(, Luii] wilb lliai sharp Nijfir lliat rb'ti^i^thi jird flirninnii-K ibi^ 
faintf^flt ^Imdovr of miphivtry, like two oppn,«iic inin'or«. Hury 
mciil matiwlly ri*dnph*:atemidoc)rroPt thework of tiiL*h oihur. The- 
ory, whidi hLiM iti*rv4vl at a v^ilnml uitl nt timi>i4, hn'* oflfn planteil 
iuvurmonulxblc trulU JioroAri lltt pathway of truth, which, from the 
0a«tAiniijjLC power of Ihc hi^h antht^rlty wbcnce tht^y cnianbtcJ. 


cxibjVincfl villi ihiii reWgltati huul-IbI> wtildi ug-« ioupurlo, biivp» 
riofiftlj iniF>tnk^l III!.' ftdtuncc (4 modicnl rrulb. For cxniupk. ifcf 
ifpiui^iitt of fi;iloij, ill yifcft trui* bni in muny pointif t.*Tfotio^«i 
Vi'r<* tJi^- siurn-fj ami utiquoKlzuiiulili- niTimiH o( *nir profe&fiii»ii frf 
OT«r a iliouHuinl yvuii» ;— uunt duaiU u^puNr m' aJiI oik* priAcipIr^ 
fitially^ n rnutii aroni^ ia tltr nmiAiLKnit of iiiteUoct. wliicb mf 
j,Hft<?il with Aiidi r;iri* ^jucilit^ 'if < rf^iuitlily and wlt'-i^llADoev ^^ 
it not (JiiJy cIdiLiI 111 cjLicrttiuii the iiiitlioi-itf oT Oflli-fi, liitt It 
tl^rrw ovL-rkiarf) »f 1 tlic <To^iTiri>4 jiu J jdt^bH of tlic p««l, Aiiij crt«toil 
fjr iisi^Lf u now urena of tttiiug^bl ; ^h Coliimbua opon«d |<i hunua- 
ity u iii'i^ world jur oiWi/Liliim unil IiUtijt, mh ihr Iroii-hi^aM 
<i|J 2^wifl!», rnruoi.'lflii4, luill^d ulao IV-'cifrhriLBtun lliiiiil>aB|Dft> 
tvokn t]jc- hhikchJoH u^huh lV>rci'JLturie»U<1cJ ml^L^AlditiD the? trkoilini 
iiititd^ uiid liki- till' gi'ml imvlgsiliir, opinu'il aji u Eti-w ^vvrl^l, tvlipfti 
t^imiicr^ j^ciivtuiiuEift of tUiiij;liF mi^hl i'iud n m-w liorii4<, a new 
oplieiv uf BVtiuii, w}ictx; ait nmav, uiitlun'ily or pit^cf^dcnt tir tlic put 
wriiilii jin-vfnt pccij^K'VH or fiiifovoi'y, Tliuu^fli ihiH i)i>'JtiUiitc4 
jiiit4hVJ4tiir, I'^imlvIbuk, iu hiH niiltLt'nn n^id tfuui^uhaLrj tiradr niioo 
tlu^ ideua ufikllotljiim, wl<jili<jr pur^lur ciitf*m|]irrmirijjiM, ofivD f«U 
iMti cxtraTaj:ftnoi.\ yet lo timi mii^t bu Coiitoi[*:d thr liuuur at 
liavtix^ lutrodnLi^d (he UH^tliudn ^r ubf^tirvnlii^ti itii4 d<<4J turlion, 
Ihe aid ul' wliii^lj Mi-dicJfic can uJurn.' riiLLkr uiurniij^ pTi»f^rv««. 
VtLftl I btvw BitiJ tu jvu, iIuM I'ttr, p^trtmj'tij iu a ijritrai«i c 
tory mnrtnor, nraiio of Urn ^ibitrjctarietictf of your punt studivtii, 
tn-dujr, a* I Uiivi' unhl, ^►>m' HUidi'dt-lifi^ iiihW^ckh ;» i-huiipo, 
liccutiLL- |.*facliLicjtirrfl ol' U^Jidni;, iiiid v/k hvk Uvir. ti» w)tiii-ju 
lauiio^kiijc of your borka upuu tko ocean oE^ profiMdioiiiil tifr ; 
bill l}iU r|>ip<'b, so rioted In your CAirf*er», U ll in bt'llitr Jny tbat 
sbnll, in j'i]iun\ rr-n^rJ ibc f>i'r|iHiinl rbmiiro of yxnr bofrko 
Study, tho rupuJidliuii i>r lUrne (j|d fricndA lo wh^fc fuiic-M 
bftw tookud tio «ttnii<4|.1y fur iuJvk^' aeiJ malrui^tLuu duriit|f 
looa" a flm«t IndmnI, ei4 ib4i noinr nnil pftgeantry or toiLi^' i*> bo 
likr- ih.iC inttli'ii|^ itniiiid m the cara of tbcr ji^tioni ivlm ia inb 
oldoridiinji, and lihi? tlut Iuml ci(;tio 'jf tUc diTiiacn ttmt :«ultjle« 
a& tliv uiiu.<«lhL>tic h^ftnt him Trcim ihe cnnactoUB wurM uf Jif^ 
t)iMt ©r D.afli'H liMbdinnhoi. Sb rp ; »lj»ll ibi' " pimL]i iiml Hroi| 
nuuot?'' of i<i-dit3 I'Ut bt: cui llu< fuucru) corU^i* ilml ffh^W at 
ftud cuiifli^D ihiy b#t ct^iuaiiiB of ynur uiibltiou ft^r staJy ti> t 


la Mi'timtAlit tfiftt 1nkOv?i3 tm wotdnff f If «uc<h fi to ha jour 
i»»-«i>, l*irn h rr-i|iiii™ iio pn>;fet Ui ruretnll iJut jour 

[liiiB liv<"* will W bul u trureyr " full of ttoimJ and fury, ttijTDi- 
; roDiiHp-/' I urn wnrc, h'>w(?vor. Ihcvp 19 not <^n© of yon bat 

ii T<>HClvr-Hi Ihnt sMOli alinll not lift iln! rtitt^ Tun**, bowpvor^ 

.a thi- ArcibJATi Ni};hl% mn^iiijut. tiio < Ir^' thr whving uf bU 
buml. cflttocn nuth tt^oolvcd, luiii coiMJ^un ihcjn io oblivion, Ttift* 
Mifi reooltcotluQ of thuso rc«t»1ut><m« may r^runln nnd hiivo a con- 
nUni nHiirri^-plai?!! In yr>nr min^TE. i^ thi' Piirnpxt wii1k itml purting 
TC'iin.'Bl uf jour Alfa* UutcT ; llm*, u» the honors whifh thfirrbj 
you aro anrr to guiti for yiiUTHolvLi), sho, like tliL* purest of aa 
illtiMtrlrnw chUrt, will fwl her»ylf Tally rewaMoii for lior r.ftres In 
your liclmlf, 

ill cnlcriijfi' xipoTi your onrccr *■ practitioner:* tf Mrdidnt? und 
iSiifgerj. ymi will Uavv opc^u^U tt> you u*^v.- fiulJx nf thought, oti- 
MirrTAtirfn iiniL hirtiou ; yuu Are to havr- au itbjertfi ufrare and ntuity 
(li«ua#crd bunmnity, — eb-k nictj. jtii^k wcim«ii and «ick childrf&< 
Yuu un* til Ijuvi' inni>c^iG<( Uit^j human chaiiK-lcr, which no olhw 
viiojitFoiL ufltfi^ aan oOcr r inau in hin woakD<^», fmiUici«r foiblOH, 
iiu'ni.r1uliou, whluni, €dptii^:», licklriHMn, iniin'rly tmMJiiifHK ^rnl 
4[tji.'n]ti^iiHtionH, uu iho vik Luud will bt^ prtMt<-'nivd i" yfn ; (ju the 
o.iliLT ha\n\, limn in hiN crpiiragn, iviwlution, briivery, g<rn<*rotfi:y^ 
judinv-]i.';iire u> |>ikitL, und MminiMifl of duraci«r which nothing can 
tftoTc.willHbiibe prcAcnU'd bi ymi ; yt^l tliu fiLitmor cIilsa ho ifTt^uttj 
-iQtmimlior Uki lattor, tbut* with thT? »;rcut nutirUtT BQiJcftu^yoB 
wlU bo iuclinnd io agrttp, where hi» sayn : 

'^ Of lU tiiv uiavU w1k> mort ip th« tlr. 
Wlw wilk Uri Hithp »r t*tTii Inth# ma. 
Frvm r«ralo Piki^r. lV(>iii Jkpui V> Bunio, 
Td akjr ulod, llie atmt fuvLbJi uT »U En uuiu." 

Tlii' i«xiim|i1iTH, htiwi-vETi', wfii-n? y>.iar ptilirni will HiApUy thnse 
i|na][ttDH which «u ciriiiieutly dignify human uaturc* will, m 1 
biwc eaid, tx' tlic ^xccptionH ; bat ns a etik;,'lo l>o»nk of lijfht eun 
llluminrr 4 d>rk«riiTd (?hntnbfr_ lo iJir oconnioniil rncKiiig with 
BU<:h cnwt'si of noble vlrtUE: will niit ouly rcntb:r you i^oQlouf with 
your profcnaioti, bat inapirc you with the bi|^h«8t odmiraticin of 
human c^haructcf- 

Another subject of u1>s^rTatioa Aid refleutioii Ut ycu. will b« 


tiic ounpk'K of hiiman IhI'-IIl-i^l wu«1l-iJ. WLiru, amt, perhaps, 

bJotlod out by Ibi' ijiilotTico ^4 ftjjo, c-iiri*, k'T Harrow ; imj 

thni wnch IriHu^hOJ^ tvay not only iiiLLkc n of inUrlle^l, 

lrljl>lik4'wj8L-^ttpll>li< iVLjr riJimdJUlortA of lir<^ its^tf. fi^Uitllcr, 

btdn thoKruifh mnlit;^ ciJucitliuu, in foci took a jirutnittm for Ik 

inuugural lhc<jiiK, hHii1i-m>nM]io|>ii:tiirv-^tf» wivtclt, wbo, tu «&o*Uq 

tun fulltcr^ H(*ug]it ti> tin lui liy Uio lii^mlrAti mvthoJtf uf lucntJiJ 

tare. Ah tliie picture Ucliut?uUw, in Ijtr 1^1111^4- tuivi-T rnrpniigcJ.! 

icflnonoe whlcb pJMuiou, onK^tiini und t^Ri-ction rj)»>. w)n*ii h 

sn>U»ed, ham ai.on lito U-ly, I wilt Ukt* Uw liberty uf <|iiuliLi)( 

ajiil ih^iii^h Ihn qmilHlinu umj Ire 11 t<i]i^ i>m-, I uin #iijTv it will] 

Utcet y^iu, vftpecidly vihvu 1 trt) ycm. ihiit. mIril SdiilTcr wmio 

ho wufl adtucln'iitof ^c*dkini.\ and ii'^tyrt twenty i'»t? ycjimof w[E; 

yrttiiv Voii Monr, JiJone in hi^ rooiUr uliiiurli.-tl iij dvap UiougbU 

QXclftiuiB : 

<Mt lutK t(Hj long forme ; the Dni;Ti>r tntMn!* |h«t ho T«tuniUi 
ymitli b^uiik i the life of im old niAri 1a ludn-d nn c-tomltr. 
Ob, tliat thi-rfl m-ic fr^c way to Hn? nilii of IIjib troiib1*-<tnm*>, le- 
DftdtiiM lump of flt'rth, wht, Hki^ iht mngic mi>!o in tho nltjry'tioc^ 
by hlK vrork iindrr thr rutili cli^nrtiibi^iHitbwMy tn my trviuture, 

'• M«*t, tl)eiJ, my (H'L«.-TTiiLii* l»:Tid btrienth thp irnn yoke uT miH'hfttt' 
icul dvvjoof Shnll my hi^li-anfiirm^ nniil bo thaihcd to |ho fmnEI- 
Jikfi, crt»tfplrig nc'tiin of ru^ilU'i' ? My riuk \** iiolMirip iiiDrtr Ujau lo 
biciiv out u li^ht, vtixkXi ruiiliiiuully wrin:^ U> ncipihe iir-w ittrt'fifi-th 
MA It fXTOftiimrH ihfi iMt dnip^ iif oil. And irtill I would tirU Ijk^ to 
Ho Ih".' docd niyKylf, <»n ncvouiit of wbul On? w^i^ld would *iar, t 
do tioi winb I' I hill Iniri. 1 wtJuM lik<- lit r]i> tlu- win'b like a nkiifnF 
phjaidun, or tiitljc-r lli« roverftoof tffliut liir* art uimn itl. 1 n^i.iuLd 
tjct ii^l^Tntpl. ill ail onlrijrht nKui^cr. ibo oouri^c «>f Nulun\ IiM 
1 wriiili Qu\y havlt'D licr »pp«d ; und an wo bnvc tho iiiriti»ip 
|r]i^ki-tiiii|C mit lii'v, £11 w(- hIioiiM, ill likrmtuinnr, kik»w 
ti> alridtt'V it. 

" fhyAiuinDS Aiid pliiloAoplicrs t^acb nir buw udriiinibfy Um* 
diticnftfif ihc Ni>n1 tT-rr^wpnTid wiib tliofK-of Et« budily mat^ftttip 
rjkijifiit itciiHaliiintt i;vi:r ucUfinpujij ti ilim^jnlant vibrnfion. "XJ 
pMBiomw huridli.* tlip povrcn of life roushly ; tlje«v«rbtji 
tt^ml crowds ihi* body t> \\w cuHl^ Whum do 1 know, t-b^n 
ean t«&cb nte huw u> oj;Hfn n way for Dualii Into tbQ dud«| 

"vVoit an nn^iiinl wmk ! Wlm t\iti dn il? A wiith withoul paral- 
Itrl 1 Think ftrr a HiiTmODt. Hihje. Tlial, iii<Ji-cd, vtict hh ftrl that 
*cmld luprit to irivi* thor honor, tut an laTTUtor- Hie ari of pi>i- 
•ijfniL^ Ii!i4 l»«3n parri(M3 to aiipIi.^ ffrnrff of iH*rrrctirtii. hh to (five 

it tln^ rank i»r a Hrif-r ; lij it N^lurc baH U'tii fiirci.-"! lo Jlid^ 

up the iM'fTt'l uFJipr p(FWcr ofciidapmict*. tto thnf, fnr yr-aiTt bcforo 
libntV <rfi^' cun toll Ibc Mtrokc^ iwhicli lh« hi^arl hafl «<lill l^ l;cat, 
Itnil «»y to Thv T'>i1c*L\ Thii4 tar nnd ni> furlltt^t nlialt tltou ^. 
lVii<* mmkl iiol liy )im xvinj^liCT^r T 

" Anil ttii/K niTMl 1 ntiw ijo to Wnrk, m or<l*r to dtw^f-lw* thl* 
ttiveol iil1faiict< bntvL-ccn Ihi? jftoulund the l^'^ly T kin J iif KHd- 
nalliifiA rntiKC T ^elrri. irliirli nill in^i^i vii)!<'Ull> Jiltitck Ihi? Ii'iiii- 
dnliuii* of life 7 Ao^cr 7 TL*' ficrrc lnniit^^r i>f thin viiruci'JUs wi^lf 
U soon (iAtiAfiod* UuvT Thi^ wonu jtiiftwn ino Hlowly. (Jrieff 
*T\ii* iidiliT rrivfM foc> hIowIv Tut mo. Fi^nr T Hup* dm-H unt tlluw 
h inli *'/fm|"iiM. Wlmt ! A'<' Uu-jtr all tluT rsei-uiumi-'iB uf iiiaii T 
In tIjc Aiecual *jr Pvjilli hu B(i«edny eihaiuttcd ? Ilovr now. wtjut ? 
Ko! Terror I What UIIktw Terror c/itinwi du f Whtttfftii Kcaaon, 
whut omi lUli^km tloajraiiiiit ttir tcTriiibrnct'of IbiiigiHiil T And 
fctill, if iht (iliJ man >ilii<Hhl willmtunU h|1 this, tlivij whut f Oil, 
tljfn coin<* to luu Sliituu-. and tlum K^ip rat, th<ru ixifoiiicJ fury, Uioa 
iindtu'iiiininf^ MOrpcnt. vho niin)nnij>« and coJtimm<Mt thy own i^x- 
ctt-'im-uUt, 4-li'rnal dr*<lmyrr niul RirrniU cn^uliir of tliiNt own 
TTiiooi ^ and thou, howliii|^ :^4f-^Lx:iiKutioii, who layt.-vt wmilu thy 
f>WD htMi^c, And WKundf-^Mt lliy trvru muthor, C^jmi? ulao to uiy 
Aid, VL* k'ti^iX Graces, ih<*u ^<iitl^ dinilm^ Puftt, and thi^ti, fl>>vrory 
Futiirily, with thy oviTJJi>Vp'iri5E huni, pivurnt. holnre him, iii jour 
inirrum, iJu? joy* of ht^avcn ; and ihcit, vitb «wifl feet, fly frcta 
bin jfroody bninU^ I'hui viU 1 uttiidc, at4-L>ke npou atroku, and 
Httirm ti]M>n ni^tmi. ihhi tingiUt Ufe, Aful fiiii^dJy I u'»tl chj^^t* tJi<« li«t 

of n»y c|i^tn>ymjc lr\Hi\\ hy addici^ llnLpaif, TM'um|ih, Iriuuipfi ! 
Tlio j>Uii i« linhditd ; pr^fuuud oud cr.niiii^if, a* no <^;ic ov«r di> 
vfsnd before ; certulji, «qrv, miKV Elo dt«a<ji:ting-kniR^ <^uii lind a 
wound, or a tniw uf |iaUou.*' 

A4 Kranz van Uour thiiH calcvUat«d to dcatroy Ilfo witli tbo in- 
viftihle fjolson of lucnEul toiturr, bo^ with equal L-iTtuiutj, in yoar 


fhtiiro mJRsloii of ben^volencen you vrHl UrtA ifuit yon liuJ4 
nfeffic poiFcr cf Tclmeiikg, bj ]Fmt'[> iiKniil for^e, tin* vkim^j 
diMiMU and impcndii]^ cUrutii For, l>ciKi(Lc« lli« cbaiigrii vbcl] 
the humar» butAy mulvrgotia by dUt^uiin, which, thou Tttr, httve bc^j 
your clii(.'f Hliidy, jitiir iiiniiiii^ rai^i-r nt' priLctir4> will iipvu 
fitldn for Toue iiWrTAti<fTt fttjd aliidj. f iz, ^ lite dmu^4<<H wliicL 
mind undc-t^oeft under tlio intlni'i^i^ i^if diA(*ft»n- Wn Ikcnr, nifv* 
day*, »acli uu»el qiK*t»Liuiw uv tiK' roll^iwing ; " Will tbc o>mt 
uiari di'Juk wiue T* Or, " Whai will b« LUn rttlii^ion of ihi* w 
in^ man V^ If Ib*^ fiuculiiJii ^hnuld «Ih^» bi^ un^kcd, " WImI will 
the; oluitut^tt-T of the coming i^ick man V Jiw t^pij rtkU^t he, * Ik 
stttni? HA of thr ]iuht-^^ D[iii^iLiiui. nn a rnle, flapn i.lii^ focindatiMv^ 
cijura^r, tt»[| uiaki:^ Ujct hcin irrrHoltilr, Uuii<] and ci-wnrdlr, Ov 
of tbu bruvi-ftt met* I «vor ko<?w, euui, afUr u luop iUtius?i, " 1 ban 
t«on aick ao long that I buvi.^ beoomo a pi-rffct ca%rard," 1^ 
niAiv w|k\ iihdi^r l.lifi hj»i[i]niltnu nf piTfrct In-ultb. rr'c'kli-tiflly vi- 
|><tiirii him»rir tci thrj ^caU;*! [»rriU, whr^n •ick. rilirinkH from ibe 
jDori^t itiitlkiiiif, "n bhrkdow cl' it rtliitdnw, " In fuot, if» truly a cbiU 
H|^&'ui, An [nipL'rlul Cuuttar, vlion lauguiidii^g iiTidof u I'l^vcr, f^ 

"Q\rt BWtOniv drink. TlUrjhiB,1lkra<fokglfK" 

Nol It'fls, llR'pi.'fvrv', Uiim bin bodily jmuiH imii^f y*>« iiiuJj- ikr 
UoodK. tbt* humor, th<- wMiuk, {^njtrinrH nnd iintlonN ihf Hk' palitM)!^ 
Mi'Kt tick prrsoriH liKjk Uj tliojt f^hysHjan fur cuiinLKi*. {ii:«pin' 
tion, in fact, lor Liotb iDi.'uful unJ F^hyHK-ul ^UfrfinrL Tlif.- |kutt<?iit ia 
lUiiditij^'' iipjn lh<? Tiarri'w hrid^' tliat bjihu'* thi' Hvrr of DcAitb, v' 
which niflPnflnimimb'rmimii^thr r^rblr-KUppdrt^ ; tin- whole H(ra^ 
tut*.; wiUi i(j^ tri-nitlirtg vicliin, thn^ulrnA puch ]iiijmf*iil |u fBl) ; 
bis eye Ia timti^tiod ib-pL^ndt^nMy uiid bi-fii?ocbijj>;ly h^Kjh juu ; Jf^ 
■with tmwAVCriiig i^mrAf^f nt^A iinfwIU-plMg oivifld^im*^, y.m cwi tDl 
hold htH oyL* fiitiiL [hf? di'^lMiyiti^ flood lliLtt rolN brmMtft liirn, yi:iM 
will rescue \\hn ; hv will I'cjrftin tbo ■horn of lite.-, uiid livi« o^»in. 
Of, 1'> bi-rrow huoIIkt fiK^^ri-, lift' '>* M^"? u t^riii<lli', wtiidi^ QXponci 
to U)r U*rnjM'«i c^f iliw.het^, tlin-'ttU'iiH Vv h ti\iymvhl in hr hluvrn i>i|i ^ 
t]i4^ pby»juia»'H duty U Ui oflVr a AcrLiCL f frruUrcliou lo iluit Nglil ; 
*ni| if hu cifcu bat i>TOfl('fv*i ihc llumij nhv^, thnuglj ii Lt T*-diu.x,i lo 
the %~cry vcrg^ <r\' ^Kfiriug, jl lA^itl tlvc uiid i^oun ivgaui itf 


ynU^iJ prrtpnrHonn njfitin ; but, once allowed to perbili, liomipht 

I know b«t vr1ieri> It t'rf l^mrnvthcBii L4at 
Tluil i:ttii thy Itjcbb rtrn^pc/' 

TIh" iihTiirinii will fijul but fi^w f^iiiluril wJili ihnt iiativprrMolntiaia 
of vrWu-h CTiftrW iKe Twelfth of SwHfo oflVroil so Vroic nn ex* 

arMj*k'. wliii, wlic'ii woTiniJi'ii nt,^ ron'iirinif tm px*pcUon of oni* cf 
tlin bonf^nof hl»Aiidc?. hcUt ihe font liiniMoLf. irj<1 l^lrl Ira aitfgrnti lo 

cut bold]}'. Pl»W ail' pilHBVHHrildf UU'UfHl^'etfqUul lU UlUt *>r A Ifcu- 

U»Uj ^f^^o, wlion an iii*rfctiati' ^Hiic^r wtiH ^nairiiiic awny "il lin; very 
inrLi=>r |^iaih uf 4rKi«l<<ucc, cimU IJo mtcl UMBurt fvoin bin memory 
the msU.»ri«lB tif a "TliTrtj Yi*anK Aiinab*," iJw liust Hues of 
whii'h wrrc dictiiteJ in ^ wliirtjirn^lhus tratlH^■-rril^|^, hfi it wvrr, 
^■h^' iimlying irL'tuuTPM oE hie a»njd from XUv ruUiiij^ cilAdiTl cf lifo 
ti» llio iTiifjiTUlmbT(? Jirdiivf* of Hintory ; ftw im* likr» thr 
youiLtf '^li Qijlik KorjuT, wliit, wIh'H mirrtally vrourjdtHl, coulil Jip 
hirt pou itilo Wi» Winmd, aui, wiili tht^ blood thnt wm llo^itt^ aud 
Ivariitg ItM noiil with it, cottW write, M ho djd, tb« folb^^nf; 
liiics : 

" BCy wAiiJil bvni*. ny ^ii^ lip* IrvmltlR, 
I *'i'J. 4ii HIT lirtirl's wpAfcfriiiii ijuIh?, 
ThiLi I Din ■Lan4llFijE<^n tli? i^tintT ot Ifntn. 
Ctwirtgt. CMiirajft' T>inr mtiHl^clH litn with int. 
Wliii-li hM hKnn«ofiltlifJalFjr*nK]iHii>d ih my b'jirL 
milomnif 4 F.nvp, Lfltriy, I v«, 
Hl^inillntif, Uk^SarAplia. lUitg* l>r4«Ul IvO^nt ui 
To iliv ni'>ija|]kiii> Upl vilb tbn i9i>mIii4f'9qAlr 
Of HtVfLiiljr. *■ 

?i>w. T f9Af, are tho ciarnpl'*^ which ton ivill moot of thiu kind, 
yirt jolt will moel i.lifin. niiil, w1ii=>(l uni^u. f.lioy vlll inn^iiro you with 
pride for y II II r riicir, *iid ivnfw ^<mu' \nv*^ fiii your proroMion- Aft 
ciaiii]>T':fl of moral fHiMiiAityp tliry will HvjJ (irit «urpiiM) in tb^ 
t'Hioiirtm whit>h they will awuk^Tt within your hourt, wbutov*T !■ 

pfi-at wtLhhi tin- ilii^fiiin of Art 4ir Vifclnrr- 

Thti pri ifiTBftiuii t^j whi^^lu this rUy, jju ar« admill^'J, ducHiiot iin 
r^Hc-TTtfdlj uiid iincuviditi'>imlly recoirtf yoii \ tu frivhijf, it ujEsiu 
f KpoctA ftiirneOilfip !h fi^toTii ; U viiuU from yon hnnd'i, thnX you 
vill Iu>wnir1y iiju^ tu tri'iisiiros ; bubiU iti whii^lj the CitnAuh^Ftium 


•tiptitattMl U ai>t ID tjurr&Dcy, hiIvct or gd^, but m tnAtcral 
mrtre Tolnnbln. which irAniKit Itr nninpd or L-ngTAVeDr "^^ - ^t^" 
For Uiu« rttull-iiiig \o V'Hit ^uari)iAnHhi|> tlx^ hfy«L to bin' Uotfvr 
in v/Wivh tbi.' uiLouunl'-d ^vl'ullh iff tijtj iuK-tlpct t*f fwrtmiyo* 

■r vigibiul liuci'ir. Ihr^v ih iin itriirr^HJnn wIu-tl* IIiltc «fv nKf 
tcmptatJmLitniid <>]i|riiTliL)i[tii'A tif a(-t nnjiintly (liuii iti oiiriik. Let M 
bcfi- cioticu u Ion at ihc-w. Utti^^n yi>ii wtfl hi^nr the nantv of jTM 
prufuiwioiuil b^^Lllur uHMHilud, mid UIa eUitruoicr unrairty ir«fe 
wiih; ju Bui-li a cuAif, ><fii willuirl t/etLBLlriiL IJAlvunr, tliiii* tAail| 
canotioain^ wh»t >oq [way. bm, it' juii oi'c endued ^vJUi tliAl 
9piril of liuncrr wbioli ia ulivjiyx fnund in tliu jiitit imU u|ii 
}>)i;'Mdiii), jou will ri-*p4il Audi jiujuiUiiiiuiii, aud llinn, aa ji eUar 
}iiun uf trutl^und fuir pluy, >(>u wili aut uuly K>m< [loihiitg, M 
^ill bo u ilifubb- ^uiiivt> niiicv. UiUiJu^iiiiB;, juti vill win the eotttB 
ot Ivilh Lti4i^niU'd »nd uHtiMlnni. Trdphif'^ wl:iii ty iiiifAirti«M will 
briii^ no Nttini'Mctiuu tn joui>Hl, but, in tlii:! c/i?i of ixIktm, wtl) ii 
tilt vnd. rtiidtT you Jvptpicikblt-. Turn jvur i;vl^b II- puit liiaUity, 
ur <.-V(>ii tti tbi' irii[iLt.-ijiutiT pivat^iit, aiid man}' inaUucc-^ ariM W 
pfLivr ivhai I b.iTo Wn* >itJil«>ib 

A^ttiii, ull Ibat wluVb IB grcnl, j(ixkI mul titii1iirtii|^ i«( ihp s1o« 
product uf wurti. Jl^iukt wne bulf a, lifi^limo in colloctiti^ vtl 
conipaHng tibuprvfttmriH wliu-li ltd lo llwr dTHivjvcrj of VttccfoJ^ 
tion ', the; pmt Grciy rovolvifl bt« " Kb-^/' tnan> yi^ar* in hii 
bnifn (?iv il tuck tbc' grnte, form und U-hhIj wilb wbidi W g«i« 
it to IL(> ^vcH^iJ. Tlii* Bum-< law hn^ ^irv<Tiiod &ud DtiU ^ovt-xiut 
the hiHictftfHftil fiir(*<T in MfdiHni?. Th^ [uajoHly of omiitrtit 
fiLvdicft] umu bavc liud » jx^riod [>f vtr^Vi^^ ]iri)li]LLiiiii during 
the cuily yrufs *<r Ibrir priiciko. To nviiid llu' trift[» nf tliin I'lirJy 
pt^rSud of wuiitiffl", tbf' w-'duccr, ChHrhitjiiiirttn, hdiijjs out lU DllDro- 
jut'Jiiiv utii ^'IjLBpiTi-A in thr imr li ihr yi>iij]^ inJiit ihai ihore J« « 
lurart^rpuUiwii; tJiurillH.' uld r^md toiiurccf^. \\\iy dauLik* Ujif fZftp« 
wWnyoucfiii iiorriidilyiilcHiij ihrnu^blhi-SlruiU/ G»'t jour nua« 
bL'fori' thi- publit! bv ilUjfftl bdv(?riiMi.-]iii.'tiU, ua Uio dL»-orcFcr ^ 
Bomc iiiujurkikbb nu^lJciiic, <ir Ibc pttrformer of tnnnf wonderfgl 
oporatlon, Tliia le a aoi^ouJ mctlit^l of din^'iuciu)- joiir vocation. 
Whtij uiub ti'mpljuujtifc kiiock ul tliudtior uf y^urhojirt, pirc tbcm 
mj admiiui-izi. Wiicii wi-utOi bid* ynii c(.iiiit hy lljcw p^lbe, 
pluck ^iTldcn a{'pUn Kbidi sbo cuticbi^qly wiivch br:r>VL* 


^member tbnt a sotpv&t ,Lark9 A&)Mldt xhtm, rtidj Ut tUiv 
lim who plock« ; for, lu Bi>it«ia 0>j« ; 

In ch» pfAcUctTi'r jo^r i^rafL-KviuiMliDre trill Ho many opportu- 

brrtticrr : Tor utampl^, ifa nt-rJcft "f itl luck, uf diftunifutiii cjue« 
huJ3 falli^-n to h)H l^t, whrr« no nkill. art or ncioitct' ixjuU lui-t^uo i>r 
pfin-inii Li fuiul U-nniiiulitJii^ it will uflPJt orrur llmt imp»i'tunnli> 
frtencis will o« ovprj iji-fMia lu induce ynu tu iinaj ynuriwlf 
nguinnt tbf tturirtuiiAta i>tiv«it*iAn, But if }*iju will rultuw Tbuvc 
pnmptinjfH of hrjiuir whiHi h«Ti' u ln>rw» in cvpi'y hnnrvt hirm^i. 
you will tf|^uru nuuh uffi^rt, unci, iu oi^ ilcjiug. you will not ifuljr l^vv 
Uiat ButUrtcttoii whicli iiivArinl^l^ ;4i-ci>nipame«ij|iTi((kt Hij^ion, but, 
mf^nflnrrj) hv fiir-wi^mg fi->li<'y, aach a r'lUtwo will iilwuju bn 
foiLml stimvid and Kt^^krioLiM, hiiti;cT it tn a vuti^. witli fvtv if Mny ex- 
ccptiohi, Ihnt ho who injur««, anrdy plitcrr« liiit^A^lf in n |ni«tion 
ID W injuria ; for Ihc^ MraliM of ja^ticc do hrti alw«j»flink on on^ 
«iil« mIljiio. hIiicv all uutx]i««4-d XL>m'«iH itHndB bcftldo tliein, md 
Willi a aex'ere tquiEj llmt kno>VH ]»o ci.iiii^itjmiiic-. n*ventt9 wciglit 
Btid articli*- wrtirlic^ nnd thud. ici^Dcr ur lukr. TindiCat■^A Ibr «]<lr 

fyouf fumrp SIICCM8 will Je^xriLd not alwm upon jour 9cl«fu- 
lific rtttftinmc^ntft T y^<^ i"""" poB«i-ft*i nil Uw qanltii>« whicti 
mokn thf g^iilU^mnn. A* 1hi«i U u Ur^T'* fl''H. 1 will initrlt Lni 
A eVyv i>f thi- li-mlintc iibj>aU which it |ir<-»c[itn- Vxina cKlviiJciJ 
vWcfvntion, I would Aolvot, unhoaiuiin^ly, oa tliu curdi»cd vir- 
tu«« of thti m*-d1a^ mati. pationce, mdq^trjr, ConipiTftitoo, nnd n 
d^ip roft^ii-Cl r>r ihp rliitifs of ymir prnfpssiimBl TircTlnv'it. Thr ra- 
lutrt <if the m*^'*! nuf^fp^ifnl ntnrjrjff jou will b»a Stit a ^urira of 
rictoi'ii'* and d<-fvttt* ; victui-lt?* «o ipyuir, 00 brllltant aiadooni- 
pl<^t>, that (fcn AleiiinJiv inlafhr hp ^nulnnn i^f ihftn — whi-no, uh th** 
|<-ndt*r ►if th'r fnrc*! ill' Mti^. y-^n hfivi- mot tiin*r of drftrnM. iiid 
hare Uiijroiiulil? o>iiti^ tlicn. and c^ndactod tlic impiArilid pa- 
licot bacU Ko health affuin ; !)ui, on th« cilwr hiiid, it will iifi«n 
liftppCTi, Ihnt whrrr vfiti Imve u*cil fv*r_v cflort, And wi^U nui'tr n^ 
vigJlaiLOc haw dunv ^11 thai Eu^JIcftl niT uould dij. .v< I you 
have been baffled, diHApp>inicd nnd defeated, so thul no incori^tnnt 


public n)nc))Oft forth lU hind vud ptofikd from joijr brovr iW Im- 
rtltt it Imti bul jcBttfiikj t-cilvritiifd Oii^n^ ; liftnd', tiitf>cl 1 tdljpoi 
tb&t> in a prdrMAion where -3U*ppoiiiImrfnl tt c v^-r lUi sccoHipu^ 
in^ ftliadoWp iiiAnit'f paiiont^i will bo nct^dod ? Tl>o »i<;k mm 
■np] hi* ttMii\t look aiixiinwly for yuiir nmviil ; tJw* hour Of JW 
cumlt}}^ in iinviitii-riU> looked f*'\-. — hencv yim sluiukJ li*? jiroM^t 
ftnd immjiial in yout viHif«.— Ihat ivi, N indiiuiriou^ ; 4tAd br 
aidtirfp, I vtuuld any, liiiit if iiiclnntty bo namtod in tl>fr i>tiUul <4 
yoiir i'urt-rr, it wtll hr^ i|i)iEp nji mini a<i whr-ii yutt lint-f reicM 
ihc anmmit (if Aiiiroc-ju, in i^i^diT^^ut >'ou mny reUtn your IttonAl; 
Tm iho old RoniAn JCrnihiis waa i>m fur ^ut of Oit* wny. wht^ 
he ad>i|)ied the prartirp i>f pra/fng thi* m(i*;( r-arnrnily in ihe p>di 
wli<*ti htr li»4 Jnut w<m n victoTv. 

Iiil"'n»p<^r^«i4v will sr-ul from ymir j-Ati'ae your i-QtNiii>r«, viR 
iour yi>ur toukpor, will h]«cil4>(i ynt^i' h^nrt ak wpll na yviir brab, 
■ml bring jroii iIil- mtertvUMo rornpltmnnl. '* IUt ia n ^tod Mhtw^ 

il id A pity III* ilrink* ;" '>ii the tW *tfh(T l^u^d, lrmT*"''»i«' *"ill 
givc^you a smooth Irrnpi'r, a hImikIv nimJ »iiU h Htt-udy hand. 

In your i>flict'*bi>uk i>r duty aikI v^rtui*, I hnvt* poirLl4f<] to ttoA 
undi^rKLiiii'il jjatifitvr. xisdttnlryaiA U^ii\pr^um:f : I i>ijw I'ull yrnirtf' 
ItfiiluiM T.J flnipThor, vJK. : a ui'b aBiARri for the nioiiTT< or vun 
PRi)rf^'':o]CAi- nnieriini^N.— ui)d xitW virliirj 1 will ii]idf*r«citrv> twice ; 
and if the lorijirr Ihnv lif iinriliiml |>iiiri[K iif ymir fiinir*^ profc» 
nionai roya^ti. The Unt octu 8h<jii1d Ih: ihn iiiniii i>ut\ ihf* wiiBHin^ 
poJTil from whiL'h rh-.- olhcn [irt.- rirrkniicii, »ijd, Inior thau Ui^ lm^c 
of ihr mHrin4-i''>< LuiiipnHH, it mUuuIJ hv itnrnaVHblc aiuj withom 

GqtiLppvd. Ihtn, Ct'Titlf^ioon, witJi lhei*« prlnoipl^aof »cienc<t and 
nrtno, you will ir<' f>^rih rn ih-* world npon no uncottiun miiiaion \ 
A hi^h Aud luiblr* xpliirrtf will bi? yimnt, Minn- Ui yoTi HiinVrriitg lin> 
utnity trill ovci turn iu i-ypH for aid and v\i\\ti. N<^w. &« j^unr 
Alma AUtw b]d» yun aiik^a, ahe would fain sny, ui^ >Jk* clin^ 
loyoit in parting, nuvt-r pmvr uitwurrhy of ilii- ffrtrui | Jti i4'L*«aiiuD 
into which, thi« diiV, aa ^qiinl nuMutfcu, alir hai iiLtnJ1iul:1^l yon ; 
(U>d, thnub^h Yaixa: oa v^l flouJidfl no noto in y^^ur bcbulf. atilJ. if 
you trdl turM yoiii' ''JirH and liitrtn i-loo^ly. vim vvill oiLlcb the 
iouuUh of hef trumjji't «dioiu£ fiuni ihe early' ouiidiif yeard. 



to THK 


or THir 

or THR 


DHEverod July 5th, 1870. 


PrvrsBior vF Ih* Prin«iplat tnj PrtctlCfl a' MtdidlAB. 




Boalb-mut oomer uf WutbLD^on Bud BaUvrj flUxi-ti'. 



Doctors are pi-overbially ungovernable. They appreciate 
order and discipline, but in others rather than in them- 
selves. The germs of insubordination appear to be in- 
fused in the blood of the student by the dry bonea and the 
Cadaver of hia novitiate. Given one-half the doctors in 
any community, to dictate and rule, and another half to 
Bubmttf there will be perpetual harmony in eamp. But 
the proportion of non-resiatante ie never ao large ag fifty per 
cent. In California, it ia not much over five. In the he- 
^nning, twenty years ago, it waa atill leas. Society wae 
then in its infency — a villainous infancy, one might aay. 
There was no medical profession, properly speaking. The 
early-comers mostly inclined to pursuits of which they 
knew leust. They eschewed occupations to which they had 
been aceustomed, Graduatee of the Univereity of Penn- 
eylvama opened restaurants^ and Fellows of the Royal Col- 
lege of Dublin sold ale and pea-nuts. Per coTitra, barbers 
and boo I- blacks practiced medicintj. 

In the progress of society, there waa felt the need of asao- 
eiation. It waa time to separate the wheat from the tares. 
But even if the tares could be distinguished and weeded 
out, the varieties of wheat were numerous and perplexing. 
This western focus, even then a metropolis, had attracted 
craftsmen from all quarters of the globe — from Germa- 
ny, France, Italy, Britain, AuBtrulia, as well as America — 
strangers to each other, in manners, in language, in every 
thing. It was the confusion of Babel renewed, only worse, 
for that was relieved by dispersion. 

II. tA an iiii]»x of tliu tiine^ thiit tlm only isiuo of tli« 
Medical Afuodationon Uie uoant, waaa fee^blll; atMlnjr^i 
oTirtft^i'-l>jlIitw«p! Fi)T uMiig]i?vi^t. ortiflvice, tn^o Am 
that is to say. lliiny-two dollars — aiiU so iij?^v»iil, Uiniugli 
hiJi]<Irc(li, Thi3 cliar^OM tiir amputatioiiA were u inn^ulfii 
premium to the ^nrp^ou, aud citiacot? were foui-ful ufh 
their lepa for the lieinTfit of netoncu. They wen* 
with terror, lik^ tho aiicloni Uomans ntidor tho wipgcfr( 
Arclui^Ht.htiK; »ri<l, likt- ilu^ RnnianB, tli^y u<ou)<t It^ivc 
inht»<l all tbo Joelor*, but ibr Uie Ulgh rato« of 
Phywiriaii* hjt*iciawl u> [tiiblittli ciinltt iTi>iiivowiDjf kII 
ui^ctimi nltli the fee^hi]], nml child and inutLur both 
witljiti the month. 

Iti J1*oO, thrfcc for a vi*it, or ftd\-icc. fdl to Imlf nnoi 
or viglit dullora. Jun Ihtni arrivi^d, and cotuin^ fmni I' 
ad€l}<hia« where one dollar wa^n Homcdtnca u boh) chi 
donliteij whether it wa^ hi my jiowei- to do ci^it do^ 
worth of itood to a luiHent at one eittiog. But, aller |i 
ingtwo hnnrlrcfl dolltir^, in x;dvftuc^, forioi u|>-t«rnini m 
oatkd au otlico^i^ith thK^ chjmoea ruriuhijcldrK^'y In fai 
HConAuj^tioii before midrilj^iil, nud afler a itioiitU'« 
UMa, At the end of wb'rh T pfiFdaoonTnifniud llux-*<tdcillar« 
shaving, 1 HL<f<i<|i1i<fl flic* HLiniihtiTi 'aiiIl iin niKy roii^^eioi 

My first patjont looked like a lM?^'grtr, As bo grttml 
out hiK ailment-'s T nw^tved U* nt^t Hm ^oixi «^aniiLriiaii, 
do my ^iar« fur hin relief. I [irejjai'ed him t^nnv- iititdii 
and handed it to him, with directions. To my etiriiriM^j 
thrn^t hifl liaiid in hia p(jekct> iind drew forth tJiiit Joi 
buck--4kiTi pnrflo, which evury Calitt>riimu earned in 
daye, inquiring, gruffly, *'Wbat'fi the daniafcc?" 
hc^UkUPy and a^^J»^ellen«io^, I iui?'wert^ij, '^Kight dolli 
To my aninzem«iiit. the mUcrubld creature exhibited 
ooufltcmaUdiiT but tossed »n ea^le on tIk* tab!e> and turned, 
on hi* heel In the surpn^o of the momotJt, I f»i-j^ 
diflbf^nee beiwe^n oi^ht and len till \\q wa^ at tho 
whpD T moiliHlly suir^eMed th*' matter uf 'Uhaitgi*.'" «X 
the ehai^it!" he ejaealfltiMl, uoiitempiiioufiiy ; "iill I 
&a to get well." I Kba^il a few tnomcDtc, ihinklng of 


m diflff'iU**, nnrl mo l'')rlii, and ever ulnechave emerlnined 
tU<' rmi^t kindly fueling lowttnl Caiifonjia beggniv 

Bnl I inu*^t r^>)iAt llit- ti*m]»1iilinti Ut roll ihf^ Hlory nf tlKJi« 
i»«rly liMU'A, uiul [»riu-*^e*i iviili m\ hir-Uu'wn] *iket«h ofmcil- 
Iriil u-s4(K-iatiofm. Tlic l*jUli«>k"^»^iil Soritty ciime next; wo 
cal1i-i1« bi-i*iuiE'iT It wsLK alwayci in ii [ratJi" luteal cond'riioii. 
A lew cboire s|ijntft, '»e;rr'<-^.i^alin;; lljemsclvi^froni the com- 
noTi hcnl, it-^Eiirtcd to be the iVolV^j^ton. Like uiiuther dia- 
tirjj^rnished body— the Kreuch Academy — tiiclr Dumber w« 
limiti^d. Tlu'ir ntocitHjcH wc-ru (iL't-n't, ftn>l whuj Mioy did 
for ftd<?iicoin>v*>rlraiTWpir»]Kl, TliGratholotfiwlSotiely lived 
and du>d »!t<-jdehtJy, loariug, n^ !1k- only ^-ufblo tmoe ot" il4 
ni-itnoTH Inborv, » |ryraraid — erHncwhnt ^^»t tier than that of 
Cli4»opH — cainifud^d of cinply licitlU'^ mid ayntvr-MhidU- 

Iti the y«ar 185(2, wua foiined tlit< fli^t o|>eii Medli^td At^o* 
cmtmii. Aftrr ptdilie itifitmion, a innnlif^r r>f jihvMriaii^ 
aH<<einhIed, ami ftct to work with ^ood iutciit to oijntitiKe m 
Sock'ty. jMectMigflvrercheid-theiiit«rM4«of tbe f'rtifeftfioii 
vfem cimvA'*9ls^^^ a coni^tttutLOTi wii^ adopted, And it time ap* 
I>o"mted for the electloti of ofHccr*. At the ek't^tion, a 
tbn>Tig vt individuaK ^'bo hud bec^n <^n tho vrnlcli without 
taklit;^ ]inrt io tbe Work, ft4^|>ped in and dei^cd Ibe oMoo«. 
It wii»! ibo old eioiy of thn Of^i^lc and tho liKhfiawk, fi'om 
whit^b Cttliforumiift have profited exl^nsivuly ui otLer tiiie*^ 
of imwiiil- PjiwftnU of flpvpaty vo1©p» w«r<j onn>l1«d on 
tlie oroimlriTj of ibe L*l4-<:^liitTi itf <»tKc4-rH. Ittil tliori* n&vi»r wis» 
»iiotln;r iiicirtin(j 10 iariTe. Tlit* Sm-ii'ly WvM for hipverul 
yciirK, » few of tbv iiiuinberN atl^trndtitj^ rt-giibiEy mid dinng 
llie w^rk, wbtlc thf remainder *;umc hi ouL't- a yeiu' to 
ekot thom*clv4JH (ci itrti^Vi iuid ocwionnlly, bu-*idcs yvhcv. a 
qtiaiTol wa* OH bantt. liy tho ooii^titulioii, the riyht t>f vot* 
ing w[itf rc-triotud l<i pet^H^iiB wlio hud I'Siid tlieir diicw, liut 
tljo raider?, id tboir annual incursiou, would eus^foud tlit 
raltH, niid voU! thc'turioK-^e in without l>aying. 

Mc'ftiiwlnk* modieal flooietii?^ wor*? tombed at SsLcramento 
and ^everjil other |f]uvtf«, and u 8iiiiC« dL.>f:lety wan urguniEed 
in 18fiU, Th© bUt«r flourUbi^d for a nuniber i.if yciir*, htit 
dly revciTtid il« death-btow itt «u attempt tu vxpel a 


member for some alleged misconduct. This is tlje rrjL^I 
me say, on which three out of four ii]«*dic»t orguaiiuiiitfl 
have fouEkdered. There are men in utir prote^^inu eva^| 
where who in^et ou making the Society a tlicntre for 
vasuDg pnvate or personal quarrels. It ia iti the pDVcr^l 
a few ludividnala to destroy the harmony oud uscfnim'^iil 
large bodies by such coudact. Witness tho VMt- Uiv^^\ 
of the American Medical Association. Better eubmittol 
seeming evil than aggravate it by injiidi<;icMi^ tiiotlUbfil 
One would scarcely attempt to cure a headai^ho hv i* 
the carotid; or amputate the foot on wicoant of a oora*. 

The failures referred to not only tended to di«t70tuq^l 
associated movements among medical men, bat they bro^ 
scandal on the profession. An impreesioD obtained M^ 
physicians in California were quarrelsome, mul tTiaTTfiR' 
were divided into cliques and parties. I iuu >orry tirsiii 
tliat some within our ranks have taken pains to itrojuiis 
this idea. That it is an error I liave not the sH^}itL»*it d"uW 
The fault rents with a few individuiils, and nor with ik. 
mass. As a body, the ['hyBiciavks of this coast are »q fi«i 
from pettj' jealousieSf and as upen to Koeial and prol'esdoA*! 
intercourse with each other, as those of i>tht'r rog^ona, Aai 
thoy are ijurtainly not inferi<>r in Miitiiml t-aputjity aiidpi^ 
fest^ional attuinnionts. 

TroHting by the IctisiOJia of the pa>^U SocU^tiea aprinjriDf 
up more recently liuve taken care u* shut out pereoua] co»- 
troversios, and have contcntraled tliL-it hiborri on tlie eultuif 
of medicine. They have become in reality medical achooK 
in wbicli the nH-mbeiti have acquired nnn'li valuable IcdowI' 
edge, und from which they have coiitrilintcil IVceJy to the 
public fund through the jircris- I rel'ei" f^pL^daliy to the 80- 
cietiofi at San Franciuco, tia<:ramento, and < Oakland. In view 
of the annual sesf^ion of the Ameiicau .Nlcili<'al Asfiouiatioii to 
be held in San Francisco in iVlay next, we uuxy look for tlifl 
organization of other Societies at the centret^ of population. 
and the reorganization of the State 8*iciety- L'rcsont car- 
cumstauces are highly favorable to a revival of mt!dtoin« <m 
the Paciiic Coast. 

About twelve years ago» a few medical gentlemeti in thia 

city conceived tlic idea of founding a Medical Suhooj. At 
the head of the ecliool waa the late Prof. E. S. Cooper — a 
man of genln^, an onginal tluEtker, an inde&tigahle t^tndent, 
an enthusiastic and brilliant surgeon. Cooper poascesed 
that quality without which the knowledge gathered by a 
man is of no use to the world and of little use to himself — 
namely, the disposition to impart it to others. It has 
pleased God to stamp this feature very generally on the 
character of those who love to ntudy the works of His 
mighty hand; and thus we iiiid in the world of intellect a 
generoQs and distributive spirit which doe** not exist in the 
lower spherea of pm-snit. The tnie love of knowledge is 
the love of giving as well as receiving, Jle that absorbs 
and retains U a mere sponge in society. The possession is 
nothing if buried in the eurth. Knowledge, hke money, 
must be kept in circulation to do g(K)d. 

Ck)oper was just the type of a nsofnl scientist. He loved 
to learn; and as he gathered and enjoyed the fruits of the 
tree of knowledge, he looked around for hungry souls 
like his own, with whom to share the feast of good things. 
Gathering about hirn a few individuals of kindred taste, he 
started the project of a Medical S*;hool. There was no re- 
quirement for it at that time. But the position and pros- 
pects of San Francisco, as the great emporium of the West, 
would soon demand such an institution. The projectors 
began their work by lecturing to each other. There waw 
no money in it, and for this reason it was an extraordinary 
movement for those days. S'or was there renown, or even 
any inducement to pubHcity, On the contrary, they felt 
like Franklin, when he stole away quietly with liif? stm^ in 
tlie outskirts of the city, on the approach of the thunder- 
storm, to raise his kite to the clouds and to bring down the 
lightning which should emblazon hie ntime on the nkies for- 

In the course of time, our bold pioneers organized a 
Faculty and procured a charter from the firet University 
ever established 00 this coast — tlie University of tiie Pacltic. 


At firHUth<*ir rliiflM of fttiidnitA u^ns miir^ly nomiujil. Bsl 
tht^y m^r*e\**Ttn\ unit <4iritL tiiifl flut gnilitirntion to lii>rl am^I 
rcsjieeiabto array *>£ Lweiily-foiir raaLnrrihmti^ gat1if«ifl 
nroiiii<l thrm. At nix eucccnivc pcnodp^ tlu*^ hud cx0ni«| 
t^oud and [^iied Uegrt^o:*, uiil!f the wli»l& number iiFiq^I 
uatc* hit'] rcHichoti thirty. I 

Aui uow. oue \r->rfi alioiit t.hfjfio thirty graduate:*. [Ttdfll 
all xhv oin-iuiietauoci*, it wcw ii^rt tari>ri*:np if theyr liAdcaj 
mad<d a hrilliaiit i-eoor^; or if many of tlutiii hml 4^Qkfvl 
tli4^ tcnipU? as a itmttcr of form, &infl i^nli^^idixt into iioikii^ I 
n«M. But«iicb vra«iiot the euflo. WliciiO^foi^o thcTMi 
iFinrle }ii=i coroimfinTi flpoecL. nr\t\ mwW i! it* ^oil rtyi*,irl 
\t;ia vny iiulitnil fiii- liix old [irt^nt^pliir, wlm mu iii tLe no^ 
eiwe, t^j i-'xrluim with e("M*i*y, '*I lau^lit ili*? lH>y/' AndP 
yon will jiHrdf'ii mtv ew one of thp old Pi-oft**»torfl of it 
I'liivv-roily of !h<- Piuifi*', lliougli not one of tbe t/ionvcTL 
for myself and Jbr my collca;jticfl, ti> ehallcri^ itwpectJaM tf 
tliul lift I'f dootrtrn, t.h<; fir:^t tluU wtro ever diplonifiiizedis 
tiiiii grcul Piwilic Kmplrc- As titr as avc know, not mit (i 
the imruWr hfia died. Xot one hu^ fidlt^n a victim tu tiitf 
Mdlooh of our proiUj^wion, tho inobn^tini^ cup. Moat ol' 
them are mtldii tbe nmge of our per»oniii (d>*ervntioiu wJ 
fins vTtgii^tfd in 1lt4! lu^.tve pnnimt of t)i<-ir cttlfiiij^. Thtr 
hold, mid Iiave hclil. ^njHiiioiis of h<>nop luid [unfit In publif 
iEiHlitutioim:i[id in i\w rnrmcL- of thvir cociLJry- I nni pi^ 
j«ircd ti> AJty. duiiboraUly utid corilidoiitlyt Oint riev-or di4 
iiit ef^ual uumbcr of mcdicid i^'iudiiatca from bii Ameri^vK 
school hotter «uctiui] tlio honor of ihx |»rofcwion, or ro9ori 
more credit on their Abim Mater. 

Hut TA'Lon ditl tho«e whoprojitoted mid Iniill up un outer* 
pri^ in C^iTV>niltt reap thu bomvtit of it' Wb^a diil tJic 
hundj^ that delved ami planted gather the Imrvont? (^ 
f^tbuam mtTuH y*isi /n-til—^in thu motto of modarii timoii-] 
At the jimctare wh*.'^ the iiidiK-ry ;Liid loti of tho Kucul^j 
had eubniiiatod lu t'lii^t^^m^ n rivul upptruroiL A ;^'^nt|eiiitf||B 
who hail g&incJ di^tiiirtton nud antaiidc4l & ft^nuno In ibm 
pradire of inediL^iite iiiid eurgcn". creeled an e^iitiot- for •' 
Medical Oullege, tmd called iwvuml him a coqw of rix»f«9^j 

B n coii)]»e1itiv« tftni^^le. Cocj|ii-r viun di*A<h TiroHBHi 
hdM not be sudtained with ci^it to either. Ratler tfatui 
Babftrk in a ocmfoHi winch mig]it invtitvc pcmiftinl iininiW' 
BiM,ftn<l ii^ure tht^t^bainctcrof ihc (irofes^iotiatid lo\r^':l■ the 
Mandafd of inedic^l cdttcnti^tn nnd thv vulu« of a dii^loniA, 
■ho Kin.*filtj- of the Uoivereity decided to »ni*peud opetai- 
Hotis. Several i>f thttir tmmbci' hc'mg invitwl to Pft^fci«»or< 
HiipH in th« ToUad College, they accepted, on ooiiJitioii 
Bial the ^iliiniir^t of the Uiiive-rvity nf t)iv Pacific- lOiouM 
BlLVo an arl t'unffiirn De^et.', If i)wy dititlred, tVee of tMiM^ from 
Bio Tuliuiii <'*d^?g<^ It is eriHlitjihle to tht- former h^^IjooK 
^hlt itflftlnmrii j^a a|ijir>Ti-*init*i] tlieir dijihkiuH, thuf onljr oue 
of tbc nambcr ever applied for tlie privilcj|fc cxIendcJ, 

£:>oveTu] yeara hiive ^■liipfii^d, mid the hope:* tnUTt.ain<.'(l hy 
the Faculty when they withdrew from the tleld have not 
been rcoIi;:€d. Th<i Tolfltirl School Iiilf ni>t acoomptiHhcd 
thtir oHjK'Clatioiia, l^rofcErH^r Morse, their ehen^Le<l nseo- 
olale, mut eomiielloil to K)«igii| on account of ill-henkh. 
Adrlitioiial eauee-^, tvhloh It vvodM ho tin pro da hie to HQffti- 
tii>ii, hiivc Ivd tolhe witLdraWiil of a^ivcml other rLetal>ur* 
of the FnciUty^ atid ilta rit>ir^ni:^atioii of the MedSeal ])e- 
iwrtirn'nt of the UoWerslty of ihe Paeifle. 

It tn worthy of rr'njiirlc, t\int \h*\ »nm-ri Pmii'iomr*" who 
tilled the chaini of the TTiiivertdly at the Itiiitf of the »utr- 
|icnMton, nmr yt'are iigo, iir».^ nil corjiiecl.eil with thr prcieiit 
rcorgaMiKatcuii. ^m\e ehaitgL^^ have ht^ti made flM>m ihe 
ordinary programme, io &ecoi-da»cc with the recommcnclo- 
lloa of the t\n)vi-atioii uf Teaehifw, tiEiderlho arratiyeiiiente 
of the* AiaeiicjiQ M(^di<?&J vVa^oeiati on. The eonnae hutf 
been proIoiijB;ed to Jive rnoiithf, to admit of more full la- 
fitniotJon on branches xvhieli it h impot^eihle to tojich in th^ 
brief epnee Uflually alloit^d to the eeur^e. Two new <-hai» 
have heen fcrmed — on dejMirf.meni^ of BpeL'ial importance 
on the Pftciiio C^ist — one of iht'm ^'mhniclng Ophtlmlnivl' 
Ogy. A Hiilijei-t ninv ik> exti>iit(ive Onit it i« inijioMilhlv to do It 
JTiatiee otherwiio than by making it a apeoialty. In the 
mei^nn of illuAti-ation wc luive the beneht of the appar«l ac* 


oiinml^U'il in fnrnicr yoarn, with many recent additiMfc 
Our collection of plates jind models can not "be equated n 
thirt coast, Vitv Iho fiM time in the history of medicalei 
ncation in Californiik, a con][ilctc and exteneive Jaborsioo 

will bu ]>lacc*l in rdiniJ^ition to iMnntnite tlie chemical 1*+ 
iiresj hikI to ;Lcivc thorn tlial in-su-tioal itppli cation whitbi' 
eHpecialJy doiniindctl {ty tho conditional of life and bu^iur* 
on tho I'acific Coast. 

Evct;y snccecdin;^ your ailds to the importance attacbw 
to clinieal instrnction hy nicdicnl scliools. A deficicncyib 
this rc&pcct can not be sunplied hy tlje most extensive anil 
profound iviiuiroinentf* in otlior dirorthuiii. It is now » 
ucknovvlod^'cd principh' that a niodi*'al degree ehould nev« 
he grunted unless Hie rooij^ient po:?scj4s ji practical knoffi' 
edge of di^corio^ and tlieir tivaliocnt, to fic a<rqinrcd onlyil 
tlie hudsidc. AVitli thir< in vi<!\v, the yaculty havo mad* 
rtin]^lc arrangements for cUiiii-al Jtu^truotion, in which mc*t 
of tlicI'i\>fessors will tjike jKift. It i^ivc^ tno much pleasure 
to fltiitelhal the niana^tT?* of St. .\birv"ri Hospital — oneof tht 
boKt- constructed ainl hcst-coinltK-fed institutions In the 
State— luivc kiodly offered the piivlloge of their wanls, for 
til is purpose. 

An avrahi^eniciit lias uUo hi-i-u made to estuhliftli a Dis- 
pensary in t'oJOK'ilioii wi(}i tin- Lcrturi's, wliich will aft'ord 
to the riass all thi' material lor cliiiiriil iiistrut'tion wliieb 
can be jirntitahiy :i]j[»lied. A numbi:- nfuiu' ilrug^iritn have 
generously ag/ei.'d ti> fiirzii,'^}! tlio nLt'diiifirs tor (his piirjiose 
so that tijc jiiMn-, whoii|i|ily [or reli^'t^ iiijlv lie supplied hoth 

with ndvirc uod medicine. In rlii^ c I'ciioit, opjKnHuniv 

will be afhirdeii to tln^ r-tndrnisto ins[ictt :md to liaudlc the 
mcdicinni agents, and f<> exi^reisc tlicni'^^lvo^ in the jn-t of 

Kx[ierien<e has showri tbal tlic system of Lectures \n in- 
comi>letr, and, in fact, inadcpnitc for the |iur|iose iu view, 
without private in.structiun, tlin'Ugli exaLinnali-ins and otii' 
erwisc. In many scliofls, special provi^ion is made for 
tliis, on so extensive a dcah^ us to involve much additional 
expense to tlie student In one of the prominent Kitstom 


colleger, the cost of tuition is nearly if not quite doubled to 
the candidate for graduation by private teachingSj which, 
though optional with him, are deemed too important, us a 
guarantee of success in the final examination, to be neglect- 
ed. The Faculty of our school, let me say to the young 
gentlemen who may favor ua with their presence, hftve deter- 
mined, one and all, to adopt a systematic course in this re- 
spect, and to spare no labor for your interest and advance- 
ment, outside of the exercises of the lecture-room. We 
want no drones, either at the desk or on the benches. 

Thus equipped, gentlemen, and in full view of the respon- 
sibiHties of our position, we mvite you to the field of labor, 
and to the reward of toil and industry. The Diploma of 
the >fedica! Department of the University of the Pacific, 
hitherto a badge of distinction and honor, to which we 
proudly refer, shall not be of less value in the future than it 
has been in the past. 

It is probable we are on the eve of a revolution in medi- 
cni education. The facility with which diplomas have been 
obtained in some quarters, has rendered the degree almost 
valueless, as an evidence of meritj besides tending to de- 
grade the profession in the eyes of the world. An organ- 
ized efibrt to correct the evil was inaugurated by the Nation- 
al Association several years ago; but hitherto little haw been 
accomplished, further than to recommend plans of improve- 
ment. The work, however, is not ended. Such reforms are 
always slowly accomplished. They come like the changes 
of the seasons — with tides and fiuctuations, which disap- 
point at the TGoment, but with certainty of the final result. 

The principal changes that have been mentioned, are 
these : 

1. To require of the student a preliminary education in 
languages and other branches. 

2. An extension of the term of study, and the attendance 
of three courses of lectures. 

S. An examination at the close of each course. 
4- A modification of the lectures so ae to adapt them to 
the advancing slatus of the student. 

It in Jonl^tfiil n-laHher ti kitowKiI^* of nny of tiw ^1 
Ifiii^imgt^ u ]fl i<v4T LuirntT tn 1m* rei|iMjvil in oqr cnintrr,*! 
[ir^injiiuiry lod mi^ilual vclut^atiirii. BuL tin acqiiftl»tv*l 
witii the Englieh liuigtJjrgo, iLnd vritii the hnifii*h<« *<^^jB 
tAti>;Kl ill our i^omuii'ii ^oLould, ou^'lit U>, aiii] T 1iikr« iw 
d^ubt will, Lc ixqnii'cd Wlurc niarty jrcftnk I 

In r&jLc&rd to Uie ttrdi (»f fttudr, if the threo yemrRoa 
nominatlj- roqaiiod woiv reuHjr ©mployoil in hIuiIi, lUl 
t«rm wouUl be long enough, at iett^it lor |>re;icnt imri-afJ 
Aiifl iinloK0 tli« tKrov pn)i|»oA«id cottrso^ dltTor coDHidt-nH 
'ftoiD Mch otler 111 an aUvuuciitjj: A^r1et<, It is qnci^tioiMbl 
wliothvir thty t\uw v:o\M not bi> much 1ieltf-r sjioiit iii lirinfl 
utiidy tliun tn tlio thinl n>urMH. Hni b^miikirij^ tbo conifl 
Iiri>u^re?i»iv«, a ^rwit fC^"**' would be nTfriu(ii>f]. H 

Kilt the rivitlry of Kchofils t.bvr fuvoriiiFiii of proffiwn 
ami thc|H>wcr ortiLonuj- to ptiix^hit^e JogrtjtfH, will coutUiiA 
to tle^raik- lUe vuhie of an Arnencaii dipUitiia, mittl tli 
pn^kgo i>f confcrnng dcincvA i^ tmtiKtiarnjd tci ini|tfijlol 
Bnd in<l^p«u<.lcht tribuimla. 1 am movo tndincLt to look fa 
ft remcily in this, thai) in any other direction^ 

licre 11] California, there im iiaw jia <jx<.<-1]ent opporiuuin 
to take ft Icadini:: |KHition Ui tho reform, Our prom iftctf 
oducutont liurii W<ni uxorci^4»iHbr y^^ar*^ ill dufi^iuir airp. 
t^rn hy which eduoatlonal in^Iiuiion^ shall be put on « oon^ 
iiioTL hiu'iKf and di^grc^uji ^niiLful hy iaLt> amiinori eoarc& 
TIko Unlveraity of {ItftllfontiA pre^onU an ii^uvy thn>f)ni 
irliich thU oaii l>e iicoiitn)i1i)(biHh U jHiiailoriLtirod Lltul tuotf 
i>f !h«3 exi-'tiiig i until lit i<i]jn of hterauin* aiv lU-atntiiA iifu^alC' 
iJtifi this ailiUatiou, and that a law w)U be ad>>|]Ui4] ^ n^^ 
Dext M«»»on of tho Jx^slature, to ciirry I'Wi flu* pl:)ii 
Wbeti tbiA U doDOt all exAmiiiatioiii^ fjr do^^ro^js ^ilj i^- 
ooijda(.*t4Kl and dc^roc« confeiT^d hy one Boards uiid^r ilit 
aapoiriHtia of the SiuU* Univemtj, and di]>loinaf( will hAXt 
a Tm\ and a eonitttut valuo. 

Oil t1ii4 plan th« London Uuiver^ty i« coiiduetod. It In, 
In IWi, niitm^ 4>(lti<^& tiling] itiKiitiilioii^ but [n(.*r4?1y nn orMD- 
]7atioji lb«- die |jur|i[>B%T oi a|i|>]yirg aij uxiu^l lind auifonn 
tflri to tho labom of fchoobi cull egos, and uiii\ ersitjctf. 


rnc^f (u^mpji thi^ v<rrv Itigfj vuIiia nttiicWl to the ili|i1'.»riLU 

tlie Li>iif1oiL [Iiiivtfi'wjtj", 

Th« nio«t streuuaLifl cfi'oit is now made b,v Dnttnb eilnci^ 
10 cxti^nd t\nt 3ij^:(ti2(n to the entire kifig<l<kni, nnil tn liflve 

s]ii;c1^ exjiminni^' HoanJ, ami a mdjl:!^ auliiority B^r con- 
fcrrih^ ik-^rot;rt, in liruat Britjiin. Tlmt the cffi>rt wiJl li« 
eucccaetut io ttiQ ood, id tho belief of all who appr^cioto tbo 
iHfi^tiliitioii niid ubilitv of ■111]' Britii^h brethren. 

Now i* til*.* iLjoldeij oppuriuiuiy (or t'alitomia to ei^nalixo 
beii^If hy takiu^ the )iiitintiv« m thia jerjmif inform. H«r 
rnivor*itv is cit|»abk» of ii ruttiiv @pl<ljom pf^*«iblo To *«cU fio 
mAtkiiiiion. It U to be }io])«d the Regents will l^lflU tlietr 
IniM. with m i^xnglv. r.ytx to Iht- inihliit ^nkI. nnfirtiiiiiilii^ly 
f()r our iMinniry. the currt^ uf pnlilical pn^criiilictii td\d po- 
Ktical fAvi>ritir>tii hiu-^ trt^^pt into overy aviftiiii.^ i>f ixu'iiiU. atid 
|iCrTcr1cd even liteiMi^ oiid ecieiUific institntioiu to esiraiie- 
om and ^4!lHf*li tn(h. It t* hke tlK* fthoMinatioii of d4>ola- 
tioi)< eccuiij'iii^ hi^h pia-^^ee^ uud UiTcalcmoj: miirotsul ruin. 
Lot t]« turvoiittj pray timt oar State UDivcr«iiv may c«capo 
Its paTiiklyzin-*^ it« ihtniuiTi^^ iiLflii«iiQO. 

It i« A<iUivtiori u']L4:tlicr MidlcAl U^grciu i^iOuld not 1>o 
conferred on the fllm|>le groontl of fh« po»aei«ioii of «ufll- 
ciciot kiiriwlcdj^i.*, without r<»rvreoco to timv or mode of edu* 
eutUiiK ir th<T eati4] hiatal htt iihlif ti> pHM u. iiulii'^K'turjr «ic- 
ainiiiation, what mutterri it whetlier he Itnve J4tiidierl thren 
Venn*, and alttindml twt'i, or tlirfi^ t'oiin^r?* of lectjirf?»V Oh- 
J^ctioki i* ruade to a brief period of education, ou the jLtromid 
thut thr- kiviwloilgc (.ihtalnod by crnminiDgi»«ooQ <:ffii<;cd. 
L'afortimat«ljr for tLia arjG:timo(it, thi.< educattou of 09r IiiaU- 
tutioik;^ of ivuruiit^. of all tdod^ i« tittle cUc than n ^y^tcm 
of erauimitij;. Tho^e who can errnn tliu tii«to0t. \*^m\ olf in 
the bonor*. 

There exiit^ lit Bomo quartern a prefiidteo ap:ainAr a home 
I'dueiitiim^ PariNLtx vn (hi<tMay1 rimict i^tti] HK-ir rhildreo 
to the Atlantic States; nud jrarei»t4 on the AtlaiiUc ftcnd to 
Kiirii|rc fir the mine rc:tHtnL. It in nittguW lo^r^ tliat 
would huvc a Touth educated iinaoiig a |>eopk rc4uutv from 
whei« he ia to div«lL Especially U this rttuark applicable 


to a medical odiicattoii. Every country has its peculUiititt 
of climate and of diseat^esj tJic etudy of which miM ecte 
into tli(j i>rD|icr eiluiratiou of the pupil. It may be wet'i 
time l>e ut comiriand, for a t^tndeitt, after laying the basi^c 
boiiief to ^0 abroad for u i^oariohf and procure a fimabii^ 
But wlieo this eouive is reversed, and the i>ai4i8 laid abroi 
and the finishing done at lionio, the young doctor U 1i^ 
Eplimim of old — a "cake uuturned." 

It lA sometimes said that Medicine is not a acieiMt 
Technically ajieakine;, this is trne; hot practically, it istlrt 
science of sciences^ M'hit'h snhsidizes to its use almost everr 
depaitment of hunmii Icnowlcdge. To he well edQcated id 
Medicine, involves the widest scope of inventigation U 
which tho human mind is capalile. It not only amplifier 
the sphere of intellectual effort, hnt cultivates the Hooisl 
and nioriil qualities, and instills deeply in the heart the set 
Uments of hei^evolence and philanthropy- The life of ■ 
physician has many troubles — wmuy sorrows. It involve* 
the most delicate and painful rcApoti^ibilities. It ejcposer 
to undeserved reproach, and to the basest ingratitude. Bat 
it has a snnny side, where the sky is never wholly clouded^ 
It has a deep under-cnrront of calm satisfaction, and of coii- 
scicntifins i-omfort. With all its annoyances and evils, tbert 
are few, who cn^iige in it liir a sciics nf year?*, but find 
themsL'lves bound to it hy Ti<.s-i that rhry can not tsevei-. To 
this most sacred of all secular pni-suit-* wr now ^ivo vou aa 
invitation jirul a wehonie. Hand in hand, and Ji^art to 
heart, we will tread toi^i'ther the nu^aiiderini; |>ath9, nome- 
tinies fliAvery, sonn-tirMC;* thorny; and we >ha]l inako your 
snecess o:ir success^ yonr Jbrtune onr fta'liine, y<mr i^eintta- 
lion our rC]iutatiou. 


or THB 

TTaiTe^sity of the Pacific. 

The eighth oootm of Lectares in this institution will oommence cm TUES- 
DAY, the 6th of JULY, and conCdone fire montha, with ui intannedi«Ce 
TAOttion of tvo veeks. The fbllovring gentlemen oompoee the Focnlt; ; 

^. J. BOWIE, U.D.. EmoTitDB ProfeHOr d1 Hurgerr, mnd PnAJdent of tbfl FsCnUrr 
J. F, HOKSE, M-D,. EmerilDiPTOfeHurof the Prlnciplti u4 PrutlH of SinHcln*. 
3. P, WHTTTrer, MJ>., Em*rtiB» PrafuHOT of Phj»lolo«T- 
HENRY GIBBONS, H.D., PraTBuor Of tli4 PrJndplM ud Pnclliw ot Medloljje, uHt 

CUnlo] Hedlcliw. 
L, C- LANE, V.I>-. Ptvf«Bor of SqTgerr and BargloaJ XotUnaj, ud CUdIuI EnF^erT- 
EDWIN BBNTLEY. lfJ>.,PTor,orDfUiipl]v*udUlcroKaplcAji>»iinr«DdPiUiologTp 

B. BEVEBLT COLE, H,D.. ProlfHor of ObBletrift Uid Dlieuea of Wamen. 

ISAAC BOWEUf.UJ>.,PnrflBAOFDr rHaeuMor 0«Dlh)-nriMry OrguiA, ud Orthopa. 
die Sargary. 

C, N. ELLINWOOD, K.T>.. Pivfrtfcjrof Pliyilology. 

W.F, SMITH, ]i,l>..FrDf«aarDr OphtlulmDlDgy mud OLolOfljr- 

THOAUB PRICE, ]iJ>.. ProfeawrDf CbeniJBtry and ToxlcolDgr, 

SENET 01BBONS.JH.,H.D„PForcBurDf Haterli Hedlct mod ThenpeatSct. 

FeeH for the fnll eonrBe $130 00 

Matricolatioii Fee^ (paid bat once) - ,.,,..,..,,.,. 5 00 

Graduation Fee 40 00 

DenjonHtrator's Ticket 10 00 

The LectDTea will be given in tbe Chapel of the UniTeiait; City College, 
Stockton Street, Boath of Geaiy, adjoining the eTtensive laboratory of Prof. 
Price, which will be employed tu illuatrate the chemical lectnrea. Ample 
means for disaeation and for clinical instruction vill bfi provided- 

Th« great and growing importance of DiBeaAcs of the Eye and Ear, and 
the eKtendve discoveries and imprcvementa recently made in that direction, 
have led to the establishment of a Profewiorflhip on that branch; and a Pro- 
feeeor^hip on DiBeoBes of the Genito-lTrinary OrgnnH baa also been iniitilutcd, 
to meet the epecial requirements of tbe Pacific coast. 

For farther information, appliciition may be made to the Dean^ 




Medical & Surgical Jonrnah 

Ediths And Prcffi/itrt; 


PubUiLhcd fncMilhlj, «t f5.oo a >'c>ir, jtAjalb \j\ luNnncc- Pomace ^tt^ 







T1»l> "f-f*T*r* baa tiaB— vBlvmBllr rKOfbliv^ ^ ^^'^ 1"^ -^t<B«it orf il>« BHla), Ufr 
th^.uiil XlaAiaU] Phupvas c4 Iba ^t«tflf rao|w. *fi^1 lEii ifw loMnEloa el 1l» |np«l*tcr It 

R4aia la fahif* ttuvl-*^ '<• clmi^ol-rUtk' ivimialutu fir 





]latoiW.uJ Uvrm: ]k«4urn« i>r Ujc Uc^j. 

BaJJnwI. r-v^P^i ■ni^iCm %a«H|lj 4«virtiit liHbaa* tpartal loplpa anaoBBail/taU* jio- 
Daijndi. Hid IT utm tranter- 



-Tvp flDSla,|TA): lira 4wpW.|l«<ilff: Ten (!«|ilra>t«»UU: tad drrtt UAI- 
Ita^ **IV- '■4*> Ktf * n i j| dvb of T«n4)ir Habartlbivai an a»r> ociij vL^ b* ft■r^ 

A'" A I- E D T <:; T O R Y 

•fuvtan* tt mt 


iir ■■■ 

iT T^epnrfnxMit 

pr VH* 


|b.^.,.t^F Til., UiTl. 

By l^. C, IiAN£, M D , 

Itl.1?«tl1{|f II V III K iHlAniT ,^ TK>» 

SAN niAxriwo: 


ItQAtUb 41 UN 




l>«s-*n»t>*r 7i1i, 1871, 

By L. C. iANB, M^JJ , 

praftMCT or Snrcvrr, iCo> 



University of the Pacific 


ur VKC 


CT-IVTOV PrmnKO. if D . Prvfinwr of Ob-tamo uail DlH«*t at Va«Mi^ 

aLUIKT H- ytiXTT. 

HkHrni. Mni'imT, 

IIBTillV V Si^k 

1, I. i,n!»tirKij>, 

atWL tAitti-ui^uU 
JO UK wniixcn, 

A.LI-ftC1> «. I^AXA. 
ALBBilT i. nOWlt 
UMl. II, JAtft«D3l. 


om. a. JAmuHJX. 



Ientlemex or the Graw atcxg Class : 

The occajfion wliicli your Alma Mator tliw evening 

IcbmtL'B — the iimrrifi^e of five of her koii^ to the pi'o- 
ioji of llu'ir <.[n>it!tj — tlio IrtitnchJn>r <if llioir Ijarkg 
n tliL'H^a where th<';pviif hall JiMif lift* ii\V!Ut?i ihem — 

one of s(k1» i]n|>i"rtance tliat j'Iil- wtjuki fain nt^k ywt 
for one more ftiuficnc*.' — aak to i*pt'nk a Itw jjurting 
^V(>rdK. The; ycuug: man on the i^vl" of Icaviiijf Win 
honif*, to tftko pait, flfl an individual, iij the struggiwi of 
Iifi\ often (\m]s k)ii^, tvdioiif< luid |krt)H^% llie wiiniK uhicb 
]>jin iMjd riiiitidii wljif^iw^iN in iiif* i'ai% hut ere flu- ramer 
of lilt.' ii< tini^tiiM]. lii^ iiiind nma btuk to nuch wnrdii, 
iind invtnor^' hutds fust to ihi^tu i\a prccioiir« treasure?, 
Ah ytuir Alma M!U*>r invi'M?* you willi the hairk'-cktak 
imd sIiieMj she vxpi'L-ts you so to \v<'iir them tm to bring 
no ilifihnnor ujion tlie liiic-ase and escrdtcheoiw uf Iho 
old juid nahlc ra<:€ to wliich, thit^ night, you arc legally 

Methink'* I henr 8onic of you Afk> fiow may we k> 
wi'ar the (Oilaniy^ and \\Oi\\' llie shield, jn» Im walisfv tiw 
ho|H*H of llir inhlilatinii whirli now gifint?« ms Us higli- 
e»t honors, of the |>roJeN^icn with which thci^e lionors 
affiUnto ujs in tho fuluie? I will i.>ndi?flvor to «]i>*wtT 
your i]uestion, 

Finit of ail, a [diyniciuu ii* «'X|H'ctt-d (rj U- an edii- 
rated ;;ientlpnmn. Iltr is cxppctod to hi.' fthfCfttcrK not 
in the trite meaning of thiw term, but in a miintiiT uni- 
vet'wal aiui cncyeh)]»odie in charaetcr. ^mii inia^dnc 
Ihf [)hyi4ioiiin"ft attainmentu toliea kind of Hovcn-tnnud 
hiii'p, ^\hi^- Mt'verjil iitriiigH shM ling individimlly a 
ehendcnl, anatoi[ii(-a1, |iiiyf*ii«hif,'i(al, oltwrctrirHl. thera,' 
pcuticaK surgical, jiiid cIi<:'nLical note; f^inrh notes, indeed, 
biF^Iiarp t^hould ^ivo. clenrly und wilhont detect, htit liifl 
k'fti'ning i-houKI reaeh imrtJi further — it must «jirf 

htiice all thc^yi^i oi' nature and tUvii f^ 

I k'ft 


Xlt-noe a Hfelime i* but a #hoii pcriiMl Tur <iiit-h nt^n 
culum. But (>f ihkp nnoo. 

Tie |pliv#tciau ihuhI U- a ffnUltman ,- nnr iln I fwa 
tUiff in IN inod^Tn, ill-uwd H^n^L*; but in jt^ dHbit* 
tni'aiiing, It^'Fore coii%-i-iitiorml iisag^ ur allc<trtuiioaW 
disfi^uivcl and perwrk-d iKc tenu ; wbtfn it x\t\\^ 
rlinraclcT in which coiirojic was ntnl tu p>utk»« 
licroiam to humanity, broad intellectual ciiltnn* loial 
]ilicity, w»ir*R'fiiwct to a Murrv-d resj^'ct for tho ricbb 
othtTft; in fa^I. n;^ l)ie griMt i]nuii:t;i>it Iiod it: 

" A lortn find ■-ninlniiftlli^. Unlrvdi 
Wbf^ro «vrr^' ftnl dJ'l ib>vtii 1-i vet li&n hdqI. 
Tit f^vn lU^* V'»rlt] iiHHUR&niHi nf Jt Iii«h," 

The proleBsicn to whit^h we introduce vou. fxi 
(mm jtiii etiniL^Kl work; ihnrou^h, inilirin<f and i- 
vulctl [li-volii»ii ; a (iwd ivMilvt.% hti mtf I inching puTh 
ta itiid wjnicllnrJi: to the coiuniou ir4*;i«iu"y ^\ meJii 
knywlodjw*- Wuli » di^trrmi nation like thut of A! 
«l" (jM. win*, wht'U ivpuWd Wloiv the j;at(?j4 of 
vuwed (hut rithrr i^ ii vk'iur lit- ivuuld ffiw the land 
u hfi'itiv;^^* to UU pi'Upk or it hhmild give Iiint «i gj^i 
yiiii ^ho^Jld rt'solv'c to pivc tti tht* future fur u hcTitiUB 
nt Km-^I *'in? i^i'W fii^t ; t*iirh ikli.i'iniiKHi n*s<>liition tfAi- 
nikl hi' baftli'd ; emoner or huor triumph crowns it - ibr 
thtkii^ih HiniH' pwK' to Ahtrio iiti nnkiimvn gr«ve, AeM*> 
hi« Jiilloi^t^ns Lidl lit iu^siinitiikii dniwn fnirn* tbmr 
hiAih^r, it gnvi> n rculm* \ou who nrc luU of hui>o, «1 
vnlhuhiikMu, «nd of Iho futiin\ kl the |;aat un«-,< ufthi* 
|m«l in«|<iiv yoa. und m'wr re^l till yon hiive oUdeJ uni- 
Inilh Ui ihv publii' domniu of nwdical M^icnoo, 

W\\\ np^inivntl.\ unimivvrl^^nt <»Wrvution mav britv 
VrtlU U-i^H iiiniKii«* iv^'iiU^; wnn*?sF» Ihiit <'f Gulileoi " 
ittUuHnil hiinp in n rhnrvh Rt Pbocftf hi« de«tiicl 

L I I Ihi^ htw?< of Ihr ixM^lulum, ihr r<>n)aM|i 

L. ^1 dl' jiivumu- thui'-jiiocc?, uii liiiiilly t] 

" \\ H'liioh. ii<<xt to tlio n^nipn^, ihv marii 

i i^ n • lvB» \\vi\> *»n\nWd wlwii iwo dii 
A I'M^th-^Hl to tiHR-h its wiwic wrvi-s. 



cLiitc which enubleil IMvy to revoltitioniK? chemwtvy, 
iind (inully gave iiTAnkiin] t))e nif^miH of tmnKiitirtin^ 
IliCHi^tit more ratii<lly tliui^ lliriii):ht itKcIf ; Hueli the ^ll't 
coiilt'rn'd u[nni tin* world by |h*' »irnpKr cfb:«^tVHliuii of 
iiii Itfkluin ]ihv'i«i<-isn. Kt'k'iRV, in ivtuni* b:!'* iniiiiortiil- 
iutl bim by fhviiL^r ti> une of itT< mo^l noble et.'rlion» tbc 
niuiK* of Otftmni«m. AnJ ^tiU a^aitu the appririiiilly 
(rivHil ol^LTVtitioit lL;i1 iIk* niilkniiiifif in tl^' rural du- 
iriclf" *»f Kiiirljuid witl' toiu|jHraUv-f.^l\ i.*x^iii|)l from 
»<ni&ll*pox, wrtfl tlie fiivl link in tliL- fhain of fwin Vihivh 
It-d U* the dwcovery of vacctnati^Hi. tbi-rt^by r^JiieWiii;; 
iiiunkincl from ibe im-plnlic brt-iLth of lb*? iiiotit cruel 
vf pti>^uu<s; lor ntf Chaicatf tbe Bt^?, 

*' Wtif^ti- rlmjirv-liniHlvii Vivw. 

The |tiiiLl. Ilii- I'lc'it'i^l And llic TaiVTc know." 

By Iiin wiwloni (fiii^-bl bnw to hj^jh'ii^ji; t!it' pla-rue-god, 
ftho, '* ;f^>nig forth like Nijrhf " IjR-atlit'd death mmon^ 
the Afliaifin forcicv^ before llion^ m did Jonncr, by Iho 
iiia^iiL* loiicli of tliv binct>'poinl ii|K)n tb^ arm, teach 
his ^ui'tiLlioii to eHc-]i[>p tbi^ ino^t lo£LthHoni4^ disease; 
and the bi>oii did not, Wkn the wrviren oi tlue Ki^e, 
oxpiri' with his own fffrncriithai, but will ronliniH^ tn 
In? the iitaUcnalilc lu'ivloom of «ll fnlnre ager<. 

The insli^uici'^ cited niv enough |o nhow hnw tbc 
(flight wi^ffiit'slion of ii cau'w may toem wilb (rn^aT i^euiilm, 
and fu*< rnoikitDi^ on tbf In^'b^'nv of lirtic, tli4-y inruU 
ratc llic imj>i>rtjiiici:- of observing, noting nnd rocordin^ 
every new fact; for such obiii-rvntion nitty, like the 
ftttraclivc f^ive whiirb Ib^ nililxsj anilx^r acquires^ or 
lln' ciitv*- ivbiidi tlR' Kwiniiiii^ lnni|» innk*'*;^ b(?conn? iv^ 
(hft prnii of ft live wtilcli, spiin^lTt^r n])^ buxrx flowi-ri* 
and fruit, for tb« t:hoer nnd j^ufitcnanrc of gv^neraliona 
invr*ent and fntvitv, 

And to ^>n. ^K'ntlenKn, whui^ti yeard yet rejoiro in 
vouth, and vfbo«».' mind^. fertile ^ an nlluvial »oil, and 
wanned by viilbiiMla'-ni sis liy a (rojiii^al wini, are des- 
tiBcd, if proptTly cuUivnted, to yielii a r:trh bar\-eAl, t« 
t/nUf i>tuiidUi|^ fflce to focij vtith Mich moTtitor^ &fi tnocn- 
iiviis, we look with eonfidenne for n kindling in your 
bvartd ( f Hn ambition to work and ulniggW for ft. \\stf^ 

hy the Slide of the greM and tbo wortliyof ^ ■ 

Iti'lhofx- i^niArk« do not undor^tand mi- » 
you to »-pk mily fiir an immortnlil y, mid ttwajil 
would I lulmonidi yon uui ut oxpect it im 
Youn;; men are ofien lo4> i\nxir»nK in U»ap Mo 
uplior^ of lla' iniinoiiii'fl. To fuoh f uonid «r. 
inuniber l^nniii, whi» vAiihvd too lar nloft on flu'lni 
wliii'li )u*)jiTiiHi-irharl nimh'; l))>i^ |uinon?i were mdtcdl 
the r»uii EinJ he ttnnhlui] down into iJm- sea ; nnd tl if 
protmi^le thut you would >X' w> fortuiirtti> fu< f.j 
like him. a i^a nnnicd fi>r you> Neither would I 
your tlij:ht too low, Ie«t> OiinibL'ttadrke, voii mifln 
wounded Ux nn enL^my r fhot, and, lei<a luniinat^ Am] 
lif, yoin- liiLlliH>n ahu nii^lit Itt^ woiindrd. 

But nuw, if c^vtTyou are to do it, \* ihe fnn^ in (uxV-- 
your reMjlvew, to lay your pljtus, hdiI to launch \-Oir 
ftelves tai^h inUi an indivJtluiil orlnl. in wliicli lltc^i 
planet with pirniiiuient moiuontum. ajul \^i'IUp>cif4(d 
motion, you will evor move wiih an indivjjiml U\,> 
tity, umitetuphed hy any ajfL'ui'v internal or exlenul 

In HueU a ohamrtur the worhl ioi>hi* for F^nnethiitt 
itoiNj than a jfontleinan with Lulueate dintellorL Uh 
hoftrl lausr likewise lK"t'*lii(';i.teil : nn<J in *iirh a heart tk 
pits^'ioiis and ('iui>li<)n« will fn^ Eoiind ut vi-jfirouj^ dcvet 
o])nient.but Ihurtju^ilily i-uWued. Foririhi'?*i-lje absent 
then thi> umn nii^ht Hvev nnrl evim wi'iw thi^^ iiijiM«ribd 
|>iit-}4e lu did the f^ons of i-reat Tljuodo^iui? of old. for 
two or nioir dooadiM, and vet «'Hn'K'ly lenve ii trait *^ 
)Tersona1i1y to which the historian cnuht point. But if 
the pujssions arc givc-n the aM^endanl, their iiiihappy 
victim JA own vtopbc than a planet f[vj^hle<i wJih m- 
torii^d detouiitini; di.^nienls. which, if huoted, le^tveft 
nutnuim-nt^ of n lonuer exislemre in surruuridin;^^ aster- 
oids, while th^^mnii, Mukinffin iht* vnrtexorniin, lenyes 
naught sas'e a dark »mi charred ima^ in ootempiirane- 
*His uioinory. 

For tliti^ tmiiiin^ and di)ioi]i)inG of tlie einoiiona], 
nature, yoiir [mifef^KUUil i^in,'*'r 

rii-M. Tlie }-iHiTi^ jiKmiMaii fliwn leanis timi Iw can* 
not [ilea^o everv one. To ftoi»e he will finil liimsclf 
|)ci'^>nAt1y diEML^rcealile; oHi^n* (Jirtlikc to sl-c' a _vounj; 
iiiiui mlvftvu'inir i*a ra])ii]ly, aticI kuoIi woulrl i«o«m to 
tiHilc ii[uiii lliriiiKi.^N'vw lu liJivinjf II H|»i-r]]L) iriiHHirm tu 
l1u\>n- itii|M*(linirr)tA in ItU vvi^y. iStu'L lovr In llimw 
Ijhi charge k-r <m tlie jfrif]in>n of critirtjnrL, ib^ bars of 
which have <lilR*rcril (k";rnrt's ol' UnipL^rnturo, riirvinjr 
fix)iJL iiv-coW, thruujjh fovx*r-ho«t, up 1o ri'd-liot ; tho fir^l 
rojiivK^nts lb««<* who (^y lit* U ii wry k'urni'd luiui hut 
^vt- (hint think ht« will Tnaikr mnch oi' n jiltVMirijiTi ^ mnl 
from the Anmo iccjxjint mmeH tlic ivily, Icli-luinJed 
thnifit of ihe ol<i profe?*i*ii)nal brother whose vision m 
wjuK'irhat jaumiicefi by i^iu'v, whu-^e iippn-'htmsive kon 
fiNim being dirijilaiie-dt who hjiv-s he woubl W :i fiood 
physician or surgeon rf \ie wvre not »o imlueky in hiB 
CAaef^ Th;- M^cninl gnub- of c<*n?*nn' i.^ rejirej*ontoi by 
Iboec who have a l*»knifjly well-difiticd )ivorr*ion. nn 
ahown in tho pretty [jhickily spoken mmirk that they 
wouhl not havu yon to trf'iit thi-ii" canine. And lastly 
the ivibbiit t\|»L» tif tvnsine will upricar in tlir slmiK^ of 
ket^n, bittiT hiitr, anrl uill (^iiiio with WiU4|>-liko venom 
ill the worxl^, 1 wouldn't hnvc him U> do<:tor a ^ick 
feline lor me. 

Ag«in, the very natur^^ ot thi^ pracJiic of modicincl-* 
of A ehanRtcr enlralatvd to dc*v<-lo})c all the liighCT 
nionii virtni'^^ tbot^o, in fact which diHtin^iimh the ro- 
fiiH'd gi*ntl<"mtn from the coarst^r man. Need I recite 
the pn»!tjH.'n>n^ iind ailvenie et^lin^ rif fniiimn ailmrntSj 
^ivin^ iiltcrnatc ^hmlow and t(iiiili;^hl. Ut Uie jira^^tir.e 
of c^'cry ]>hy8icia,ii, Ijikt? a ]>endnbtin hit^^ littr vibratei* 
betwi'en victory and defeat. The vanity which miglit 
ariw Iwm the one, runs no rUk of e>ctnu>n3iiiarv de- 
velopinent, wirjce iln*envion!« hand of the latter i]iii^'kly 
pIucKA it up by tbt? n>ot^. 

One of Ihc- niuKt talented youiiji phymcian»i 1 ever 
kneWj IV* one of his eiixli^st M|n-nili<jns had a cane of 
ovftriotomy ; muL-b dcpendt.-d on the ivMilt; ull the en* 
crgic6 of hid inbid were Wnt to throw around the ^u».- 


tienl cyery cimnnFtiinre nhidi cunld fiiixT wct'^ 

Not rwavorv' — 1ml liiMth — muw ami Itfteflioi^ 

ol th« unfortuitftte womnn hti^ cold chaltre » 

rewiird for her riariiijr, I hnvv Iu*ver^<H.Ml i)i;<api 

(jjurii inoj-e rnn-'iiy on tlif hruH of unv oiii' tKii 

the loswof thiit (wUionl Hiis jsoirn* phviviAti ■ 1^ 

tljut [i1iU4>K>|>)i\ vt-liicb rJpriii^z^ fwm a ui'll dfsi'>iij| 

mind, ht- >t!ii(l, *'Fnr mo |n*rlmpft it wa^ Ifciier tull 

ruiU-J, fur >iicli n tritnuph at so eurly « ()|,v i^ 

c«i*er, might havi- made mc imirrliimtelv vftin/' 

Beriidt?? iht* <H>»riplirn' wliiili the pmctice rjf 

cine, from lis itilieu'iit imMiri-, will jriv** your ruuitU*^^ 

examples of nobk chararlcr which tlif Hj>h.bv4 

prLiH^Til, will Ir* of n natuiv to widen aiwl |irt up ._ 

iiiomi Hentiumit. The batlle-fi^'hl with its viild thi^ 

of ftrm»«T thf* roftHn^ cmimm, the Uflitiplin^ of mvilnrl 

Iho wnnnlin|^ dnjiii, iIk' rn»mii]]iTKh-rT( "Piirovhii: ci* 

and the \i'j[X' of \ictory. all con^jiire to lilt tl» 

^TomidL'd umii nlwvc Ills aiignir^li, and, like (he liemi/' 

Conmnft with h\» loft anu nearly torn Iroin Iiim hu^i 

by a cannon Hh*>t and his rilw jill crushed, he maV 

die with a r^irtih* of liimuph nii his lipu, Jjuf jf j^ 

fiir difli^rvnt with the wrelcht*ii cr>n»uniptivo ^vhcfv 

death is haiiimorinp away incosHatitly. wtvk after w«Il 

and month aiier uionth. ore he makvM a t*uccvjwM 

lnM>ach in tho vital rainp-irls tluoii^h whicli ho mar 

Iwip and niiwM hi^ pah? en«i;jTi nvcr thi' oitatlol of 

life. Yet throiijrh these- loiij: days of p:un and still 

loni^T ni^^hU ol wourincaa, there is olWn pnrHonted 

to tho phyKioian* oye a patic^nce and a bravery gTv«t«r 

than war can IkkimI, 

Wc may safely ftjwert that there i« no profcaHion 
which i^H|nircB higher mtclU-etiml culture, than the 
laedical ; imd tUi^ cultnre nm?«t ix> ciinici) to such 
pnificicncy thai it t^aii act almost antoinatinilly or 
mhiitively. The ^tlldy of monlhr^ or oven yoa'i>, %$ 
olten, in itrf practicat upherc of action, oirGum»«nE>ocl to 
a R*w moinenls- Instance, spiwrn ufJlhj^h^U, or ^^^ 
(orvign budy iailing into the wij " "^^' 

pcrloitiiaiice of tracli<rotoiav. Iii ^uch a co^e, how 
infitiilcly aMnidcr Hlnml the* m^clic^tl imd (Ik' lc(;al 
mail; thefomuT ha^ no time to (JVrrljiiul h\» UmiQB 
Uj leani wLvlliur tin* Filatuti^* \nw vhtnifivd, ulu'tbvr a 
rewiit rKvi^ioii of thi* Suprcni*' C'>m1 will justilV Itim 
jn JL4iu|Jtitig thi^ or tLat conij"f. or wIil'IIkt the ca^c 
may iu>t f/endivitlv ilii^pti^cd at by a pk-a of Jcmun-cr, 
or whfthtT llje criicnl niny ii"t Iw roItMsed on a writ 
of AidftftJ! ftfrjMit, or, worst* rtwnin^ la worst, if llie 
Coiiii nti\\ not Ih^ imIucliI fo jcriiiir a Htnv of {iiixii'd- 
iiigj*; — I ^AV (lo.^ int^dirul iitFiti lift."* iicj lime lor aiiv- 
thing of tlii^ l<tn(U hut hh roiiding ina-^t huve lR*en 
rlon<*. and <*%t*ry Imrt ?.''i cnjnwvon u;i Inr* imnton. ibnt 
A« [i<* rtiU'' h« nuty rt^id it. In UkU tlio \uiiiijr piiy«i- 
cEuii, Injrpjwifig ihy wrjid* of^ j^ivult-Ttt of £airrh'« 
iKinii^, p>hoiili) thii*" itpo^hopliiJAt! l!iv ^fmly of tin- 
priucipkft ol 111* profcf^sion; 

I'll nip*' nwty -ill tl'lvlfli Wid roi?nnli. 

ThMi yctxnh mill ub^ L'VIiOqu t'ot^linJ ilirrL': 
Aii^ (L> L-uiiimKinIiiiriic jUI riluiii^ ^Imll liiv 
Willi m lUv Iji.iciK iiiif) ^ulumr wf oiy lioi^i, 
I'm^OLGtl VrUb biidrr llldOtii' !" 

n tliL' i-ractiec* of law, Ihtvo ii< ii i harm whirft often 
IVciiiaU'fl ihi- yoiin;;? man. and inoiv thriii tine ntedieiil 
Btiuletil Iittve t heard say, tliJil lie was »orry he hiid 
not i<tuiiiul Isin. Thcrp i*. iiiclerrh soiiifthuij^ cjipliv- 
atiiif to iIr' niiml of inir^it p( i'^onf<T tii tUy wry 
manTHrr of Lnindiictirij;; h'^l htisjntv^. For (^'xnitipk' ix 
Judjjf. full cd di^'iiity ond ^tH-|Ul^F^■^n!Ol^ ^iniii^r in 
front of hm Conn, 4'\L'rv ^*\k* *if \\rik'h U fi\t'<l ii|m » 

•■ WHh <•>« »ia\'n« mill J]«ir>i oi' lartiijil uui," 

Hohlw tltt> )tejih*M of jiTwtk-c" Inhi^hand: a couple of 
h-giilly iri«tii^[HjTir d m^xjon, )^iio^\u il^i plairitilf uiid de- 
f4>ai]mit. prt'jwiit tlidr cukv* fur Ireithin-ut, and to 
uiil Uii>m dtrmil thvir complaints, om^ or moi'c hiwyrrn 
mv nn^avLfi on taph nide. To rtv ihat tho wiiles ot 
jiwticejin' irnpiirtially poised, iwtdve mt-n, known ita 
jurjrniciij nre idnmcn ilh nUlu, itml jiIUm' llif (Huii^daiut 



Imp liocn tJioroiipIily illui'tratvil aiul wt fijrili 
Iw^v*- im-n tlioTi paw upun tlit' c)iiiraiMt*r mid iu>J 
of ni*'(iiriitimi i)mpiT to be n-^^rted hi m the r«l 
Mi'ATiwlnli* n Ijirpi- nuinU-r of k)>c.-<: tutors art' wiL- 
of lilt- whole wftjiir, rtiiil. iUK an iu*in laj^t maiti- 
rhonjrli not tliL' loast in iiii|>ortnnc<.-, larjp* Mim> 
imTin.»y Ijhvo lieon givMi or pL^l^^^d ft# couri$«L 
ivfijit H contrnHt when wv *ti»ii from the flonmin at 
Ut the )iriu'l)i'e cif Moiliritu*! Thr uljvflicimu 
riiiUy ill tlio l)t'giii]jiii^ of hi» mniT, lin<li* mniii 
hU ^OM'^ AiiijiiiMmiit^ liirn to the "rjimlid |muDt« 
[fov.'ily; ijo coTivciiii'in't.' — no cftinfort-^hut w 
jittil wimr. ill aill tlifir wauclii'd foniir^, |jii%-e Iwrv 
liitliitaiiuii ; whilt* <liMNiM?, a nour kitisiufui to tl 
liuM in arhlitidii, ailtli-il ii^ ijimtii hi ihl up |||c 
of rii^X'^'. Thiw i.H the cli-umU'r of thi* court wfirt 
Ihc jjln^-iciftii ix ofreii wUkd uiwn to j>nurtj<?t^ b 
vci'JLtloii. No Jiiil^^ h(*rt' to (Jipiify iht? »«Tpnv- p 
jiiiynK'n. |HTlLji]rH iii>l oil"' •jjjL'L'tjUor, TO ]m^ a witiic# 
iiC tlic <^v('llttlll ilrnnm eiiiirtid ; ajul for af| (jj^ y^^ 
jKon' aninoiLi ttuLii i> cwr ilojic hy H>lv[;<.-uto Ivfcp 
vooil and jury, not o!i<^ furtliin^ will cix'r hr r*'ct.*j\'wl, 
nor w*iK one cxpecteil wliejj tlio tiu*V. wiw iiiiilrriiil<«-ii 
NuV' I'H'i"*'' t'l"-' ]jhy*iciuij wlm ini^ii rinkt's wurli JiiW, 
orrcii i](K-^ •^o nt i-xtn'inv [;rrMJiial rl^k^ iil the iHr^ 
o( lki> invn IiJl\ Fur pxain|)lc-. tht^ proat lfow;inl, in 
hiH carlior year-H n nuivliaiiL ai'UrwartU a .-^tajdent ut 
mot|ii'iiK\ rt|»t[it Ihe ivn*aiinli'r of hi8 lifl* in vi^iIim 
|iHhoiim, filially tlyin^ in iUv ('nmea while rfiere on 
3L iiii*!iiini to invi'sti^'iiti' (In- jjh*;^'!]*'. On !ii^ <lt*j\tfi-litHl 
he iLpkrd ihal oo nioMuin^-ru ,<mvi- a Mni-tllal .^IkhiUI tfc 
pki'Ld over hi:* tmnb; y«t hi;* Jtntivo land han ^ven 
liim ii nunniniejit innoii^ her wurthioK, uitd va^vv it ntit 
fo, hi(^ name wonid Ik- iimnorhilf r^hwt* in nil ^'nltivatcd 
1an^ua)^eH lhi> itniiie of HowehiI i^ a ^yiioiLini for 
hi-nevolrnn-, lielba* IIow:n J lii-ll a victim hi f\^ 
plii^'uv, hi.* hail vi>ile(I iitl iht- ^iriKMii^ nf Kiirojn? exn«*|Tl 
thiit of Rome ami tht* Iiiu*tilc; tc tiKW Iwo ho ^v^a 
eiiU-d iidintttikTKv. The F; 

m l>v ill*' ln'arl-wirki'niii^^ liilf** iif junjr f^'ihiilc 
Ir'1> wh*i *|iuiit ji great piirt ul HK'ir Iiw^ in iht- 
* Cftfltilc, tazM tlu? liiltor to llic groimd. liutrw? Iins 

thu t^^J^on[^ n.iiiaiiiin.^ ail U'lir imceft of tin.' l>i?iiL»vobiil 
(touch of lIuwaiM's spirit. 

' Tlii* laM" of Ilonun) IH tni( niu' i>f n iIioiikehuI iioIjIp 

fhcart.'*, tliat liavo llii*o\ni tlieiuKlvo-i into the wa^e;* uf 

(death, nrid have ^oru* down vvhik* trvin^ to it'M^nc 

i M\t\W\n^ ]ium:niitv\ And if ] u^uii v^\W U> xh^ Ic-ual 

t j>ntft->5ioii. it ir* nitli im <h-^iiv of cMKling it AUlinrnl 

«hidV Hint I ?t>k, wht'iv IN fhc advoL'iito wh*» ^\oidil 

luidL'Hakt* lh(? ca^ <»f ii criminni, did ht> Know, in dc- 

J4.-ndin;z hiin, that Ijo drc-w np:jn hinir^r^-lf ii^ ^rn^at .1 ri^^k 

iif hriri^ hiiii)Cii>^ thivatriKnl his oluml. 

A;ruii. ywiiijj; gi-MiHi*men. tlii.»m is a grt'iit diitv ^vliich 
r»ijr jiirttt-MHiiiii im|flJM('*H nti<in iMidi uf iln iticiiiheiK Lia 
iiiL% in IhiH connecliun, 4[ii<>tc the ^ntat (loor^^^* K(lrc^<'r^ 
to whom Ilniiihtdilt lurktiowlt'd^Xt'c] that hi- uwcd hl>i 
riist iin|iiLltie!^ lo Nutiinil Hislarv, and whti^ ujune 
OtTiiiziiT ii;iliindi-<l^ iitt' (fMhtv cuiiDni'ziMir, th'.»ii;^h in hi^ 
liH.v|i[HL\ on iiaroujit ol' liih artvaonty uf hiiiiiaii ri^'hls, 
he wuA driven froiti hi^ nntiv'O hnid und a )rrici' foi oit 
lii»* ht^id. 0**i]rg« FurKtt^p siut", writini: fmin oxilc tu 
JiiB ttifr: 

"1 havi? no himw, lui fathf-riandj no inoiv* frif-nrlM; 
all whu M'urr uEicf my frii-nd^ hft\^" iorsak^'ii lui' tu form 
now cioinwtiouH )uid as^'K^iiitumn. Mv niir-rodiiuc tH 
the work of ray pnn<*iple?i. not Thi^ i)f?fjpriug of my 
[wiKion**. I t'Hiiiiot nri <>tlu'rwi.'<o — I would !M>t wort? it 
Lo dn over ii^dri. iliid I Ikvii willing to art i-[inlrin-v 
to my convirliiiiii* nnd llidiiigj*. I might now havt* Javn 
a nu'inlKT uf the Aindt'iny at Hi^rhri. wiili *» haiid-'onn.' 
»>ahirv; hul to whom then couki I sell tht- i-hjinie of 
having Iwiniyed ihose prineiple^i whirh I havt' sti olV'U 
pniehiinivd. ■ Fontl'T hrlirved in Jtr: iiuiati^ i"\ri'lli-rK'e 
of limmuiity : he tru^li-d that thi'^ wmdd, in the end. 
in the nw.endaney and reiKlcr liim jntttice ; the fulnr" 

mitl one of Oermatv 



literary pt'riodifiiij!* lal^lv 'Iwinod itpEclf ht^^^l 
gjrin^ ]iface to an illiiHraled engraving vf F 

In an essay on Art, Koivter luus uttered awn 

i-^iritiiif fiirlrt'jii- glvinjf il. Ut Voii. Fit* nay**: *'U 
iTcu^piifioii of |H^r.HoiiiiI im-rit dt'pt^nil<'d nikTitt nihea 
wetx* Uio only iTwaixl for vrli!(?li ji irrciit aiiiNi 
doubt thoii wlu-llior a tiii^k* uiJU^ter-work wm 
have b'lvi gin-ri to iL" ; Imt lik^^ lliv |livillil^ 
M'HVnti>ljut|]{iii ill lii«j (iwii Uilwr intjsi liv* Fii^<.-|jL'' - 
waiil. TIio m'i\ji*t ntiii^t find LiMrc*con)|K>nMO in thi^'i' 
in lilt* lifjuxe, the nuLrblf, iho caiiv*w, ur in letW- 
liH own i^ivat ^oiil is laid out ti> view; lot Inm A^lioc-it 
ciiiii|in*]ioTi(l il. thi'iv. Bui. If llko j^^ |>u t<io Htiiinl 
tlli'ix- l»i? no i"»»-t<"niponirv \\li*i io flu' \i'<irk ojiii iljit^n 
tlif ariii^l, in the artit»t tan sec- tht* uuui, ftiiH In Hjo ai 
tlw creutivo j^'niu^, intlwd, if the a^ can imitlijcrp 
beai-t in wbk'K tlit.' pn^at work of nrt viux awtikf* a n- 
sptm<ivc uL'Iio, Ktil! th^* sttY'iuii uf tiuu? will ciirrv ifcf 
work aloii^ oti Hm Ijokoui, ntitil it izk^cU a kiiida^d fin^ 
itk which thi« rapture aliall awaken, thc['c to live kf^ 

He who nndorHtiinds those prei^ions worila of Hm 

floor i*xil<^^ driven, Cm' hi< ili'f^'rue of liuiti:in rijrli^ 
nun sdl tbat he rhcri-^hed iiiosi ih'sir1\ , rnt\ iindci-^tJLJl^ 
Itow lh(* pln^ician i^ eonr4-rit to vi-'*it the ho^'#*I oi iw^ 
crty, to eiidmip^T hit* lite at tl»e UnJside of [>eAtilriHvJ 
ati(] to impend day-* niirl niifbt« toiK In lutpaid toil aiii 
fati^ie. In lAhii-li limbs lioan -iiid bmiii Xivt^ Inxed ti) 
their vUiTiotit^ hut In- who nthiiot iiiiderAtiLiid »i\c\i 
ecntimetit^, rjr who would j*roff nnd thn^w j^oik>k iniu 
thJB fuuntjiiij, wheiict- tlie ;:reat- the pure atid the good 
ofourproieasion hxnil time, liave drawn thtdr iiiApiitt. 
tioiip liave lound tlielr wilace, be, I say, should 
Hlop and riNid tin- woitls inw*nlK"d ovi-v tlie piirfnln ofi 
the temple of Mi^'flicinc: E^tc procut i*roj\wi — lor tlni, 
were written for liim. 
To him, Uktjwise, who " the profet^i 



lir'mi' will [Miiir ni-»llli inUi hw c«jffoi>i. I would 
I/, bewun* of diK^ii^iMJintmcnt. Had tlio cIhbmc cpi- 
imnti^ lived in mir dxyj* and f^cniX'mhvd the \mv- 
of the Tuiijority 'if inodit'iil mm. he vtmld imvcr 
have written Gatmm ^nf o^tcs, unle^^ in imny. This 
iw ct»rtfuu1v so in the early cnitvor *if nearly every 
Tnedii^iU man, bikI uin. -ri'iitleii^eii, mu hurdU vx\m^vi 
to Itfr escepliniift. Btit still. [)e rot dr^roiirnii^d; pnlient- 
ly vork iiiiH |mtifn!iy wait: the Imrvewt. thriii^'h nof a 
lai^ oiie. will fiimlK eonic. Tlwro i* r»i im>iv nohle 
Hight, no iiKin- i^nlilime ^(fti^'ijielef thnii nn lioiiejft mii>^ 
r]4rneftl1\ ytniiTL'liri^ iiT the lini.Mif duly, itniltMiiriwd [>v 
whrttevur mi^foi'Mjiie may overtwki' him. Kcr a'< Sue 
hni« well HuW: "Bi'huld a flpectnele iJi whieli God 
him^Of tafcej* deli<fht — i yiM iiitin fitnitnilinp ftgiiini»t 
iidvei>ity luid ovetx^omhi^' Ir hy h\r^ coiirajji*,*' 

T wo«}d iu>(, hnwe^iT, nhwe pnVverty iw one «f the 
ira« of vnnr lile, nor advice Vi'ii to cjirieavor lo faeTJ* 
liec your Itvej* im her uWvkt hy wiiy of nnirtyrdoni. 'I he 
?]mvtTni ruptom of not Tnonininp for Ihi^^p whn ha-l 
falKn on the lH\t(k"rK'l*). hni tor ihoce wdo wt*re wo 
iiiiforlinizite US In n'Miin lnnne. haw luueh nioml *ud> 
limity in ilself; hul the iiMtlr of our tirne,'^ of rejoirittjf 
with fhiH*^ who have vntv onr vielont's mhI Imve \j^n 
hicky en^xtgh to rehini home, it* pralmhly inoro wn- 
Mmnn! wirh th*' ehiit';irtor nf <Mir ntilitnriun a^e, Yo»l 
vhonld l**«'k t4* it tluit yonr vtMvices, when lueri tyrhnij^, 
he {mid for hy llnwe who htive the nicnnw. Be- 
Iwe^TTi the upriirlit |i!iy!*ieiHn :imi the eharlntjin tlier? 
iH hen"* n wirJe ^i|i» whieh. toc> oUeji. i:* not Hcen by the 
tniwftry puMie. luitil ihey «pe fwivotl lo Iwip it. Thc» 
<|tinek inakfs the niiMivixvlinr i-titienf believe that he 
hii^ r*itme eNtni'iiiliiiiitilv (hiii;r'nnifl <}lHe!e*(\ umi wlieii 
be biw Ihoruitghly nwnkcwed the fenii^ nfhi?* virtim, lie 
i'xtorts from him n lirp? lee. I kinnv of no hiv-»'iie*i 
e^^UHl to that of iihininiirv' money in thie way; hi;;iiway 
robbery is more lionoralile, >sinee it does jrivo its vietim a 
itlight. chiiiiee nf ihTeiiei'. The initn whij ivill efiudi'- 
scentl to engnjfe in *hiw xpi-ries oi' toIjUtj-. Iiii;« n, heart 



cil fill; 


?ioti»:c m fiti!iinc hn# been 
iijid uveij fa-linp of IjoiK'sly »i"i rx'ctiUiJv UitDci 
by tlio reiTiorwIcwi and piliU^ss pii>^ian for moocr. 
every I'ity of our laud there ai-e Ac«>iT*t4 of tnei 
WvQ lliup nnri go ou uiit^athcd in tlnMr nli 
fiii^ocr, notv.-ithfi1an<iin™ iho vanntod [>rDlecruMi 
our luws claim tn fiirnit^h to fh(' }M*<>plc Thei^Bil 
luay Ik' rnTtip3iii*il li> Sitliui^iu <li'pict<*d by tlu^ (Anc^i] 
l'ui% wliu built liitui4L-ir ft pahicc in ITt-ll. ajonk^ lii! 
every daJiuy touch cf urt, with wnlb* 

But ^o cniiniii^ly viinNtriLrtvil lliat tfio vi^rr fij 
tiioftn!* nud rries of (he ilniunei), lu llu-y trnver<<I<d th» 
vriiils, were transformed into foru-j; of Mu» noj 
di'Hctoii'^ iiut^ir. And Iioikh- I would s^uy to voit tltf 
vvvii ;u4 ill Art, il is I.Ik' runti and not th-_* V. ' 
which cnnim^'Liidj* luimiratioa. *o in your |>rt>j* 
carctT, it is not Hic itmaunt yon haw ^itintKl bai 
TiUhcr how you ^fiuuL-d it, that will eominand n^iied. 
But wheHRT your (jiimus, like th;*t of KurlfiiMto^^ 
chilli alwiiy^ Ir' wfU fjlU-d, or the wiirrv, welUwtn 
licuie of poverty Ijcyuiir hmtiijie, iviii:mji» W'ritton aU 
ti piig:e of (he futiiiv, and we will wnit fur Ihi- Imnd ti 
Deeliiiy to luni to it; Inil tlu' iiUellt^chial pk^a^ 
ui'*^ wliit'h ytmr -tttuVn^tt hrn*tolor*,' have- brouifhl 
you, lui well ri.-* those whirh jfHir dilily nrodt** 


hri II! 


i'\in"rn*ii*i." u\v to ijnn>r. will pnivc h nrjn^ 
\(.'w c-i&|)itiil which no hand nui wiT^t fix>tji you: 
thU i» a uupitat which no iall in Mock^ ean ck'pivciHt*'. 
noru^h u[Hui llreliHukHian Ivkml'U in valne. The |^f-pat 
leniple of NiUural Scieucc, with ifn iuidleuuhK- ri&^hts, 
iirt pri\iIejE:eA aud itf« freedom of (liou^hf, is \-otirtt. 
Natural Sfienee, that which ouihraeet^ nuivei-i^al niihtrt* 
vrhethor urgaiiic or inorganic, itt the oHr-pniig of Mirrli- 
cine. It in lit^n\ uiitniniuu'led hy do^inii or shackle uf 
the past-, that human tfilt^Ik'ct drwlnpe** \i> highest 
puwi*r Aitd ^tren^th. Thin is [he intellectual fn.i-doiu lor 
which finlilco longL'd. lor whichlhe nohleold aimtouiiHt 
V«Haliu(i -Hifzhed, who, ^Aj^gjj//^^^^^^^^^^ fmtii 



i^ianfl to lAUiid in the Mcditorranean, at ltti*t died al- 
most ofHlurvution. VcRaliurt nndouUi'dly thou<^lit it a 
striiii^i' M'orld. whk>n.' iiic?ii would cut up and l>um up 
tlii-ir IVIlowh for I lit* ^nktr iif ati iipiniiin. Hhil \*.^\, 
for tlic Hake uf ^unL'ntig linmnnitv. wouli) not itilow 
their hodic^ (o Ije di^Ht-oUd aruT tliov wen- dead. 
It v!^» lur 1hi[( ^tktiut WW-viy uf ttiou^hl that Michael 
riervctua highvd, n*, 1x>und ti^ llio itfake, he i^efuf^^d 
ttj ivnaiit the diH'Erini'H tMiitiiiiu-d ni his IhxiU entitknl 
ii/HiltntitJ <)hrUtmitij'm'\ it i^ ni otir nf th<' ehrtpfc-m 
of tliie very liook, tbiit he phiiiily ciiuriciat^'T* the 
cdi'CulAtioLi of ihc' blood from the right hi^art, \\7. : that 
it f^io^ to tho hiup^ triivt'i*OT* thoin, amd thuii retnriua to 
lhrhi'3irt; ;iiid Mji>* ^"ii* a hjii^ tUuv hclhi-** Hjirwv'i 
dLM**>vTry of tlir ny»*ti"niu' cm^iihLtion. In ihe IinptTiitl 
Lihrury at Varift, i?* the work litMitiffio (.'hri^tianumi^ 
Uarin^^ iht? maikp^ oC hru on it ; for i^'hcii tho Council 
of Gvriiva fjeJiti'mx^d Si>rvt'tu« to he hnrned, thi'v op- 
(lert-d his books to hf burnLfl likewine; hut this vol* 
iimL\ riKJiv tuitiinntf' Mm It:* hraw idd author'^ hixly, 
c<?vajKd th',- fhuiie.^ anil now iiioiv voneiahk' I ban the 
clecipheri'd hicro^rlyjdiie^ of Kjrypt am] Awyria, ^nd 
moro i^lb'tl'ic^1)^ Hum ih^ ha'i-lJKniod pm^hmentf* of 
IK-i4rTihuH*iini am) l*o:a[a'ii, il t^X'xW Itvi'w, atid in it Uvo* 
the »>pirit uf Mirliiud ^H*^vt*lt]«^ ivhih' on lit* Mix^M'heil 
fii.'^' full Ihir Mjnbt7inijt of civih relt^ioTi."< und inlellt^rtu- 
nl liJx.'rtyfur which hL- dit^ih 

But this gfvat thartcr of intt-'llvctiml lilx-ity* which, 
ivi a symlxjl of finiJu bovi^tJ^ over the altar of Natural 
Sr ii'p !(.■<* ^ i.W^s no( anlirtjse you froni thi.- (if* of iiuirjililv- 
Thow great principli> of Jufltici- and ri^ht. vagncly 
fliadowvd f;>rth hy Phitii mWv- Hcjiutifiil and the (iuGd. 
hy SoepatVH an tht- tea diin^'t* of hi* tlaimoti^ and which 
have heetl veiK-rated by tht* proat und iijiriffht at all 
ujiTH, niu-Hl siill bo preserved and nisolt* the ntrupr-^Ht me 
of thi** iiiodi-rii l*i'ni|iU- of Krcedom. And yon, young 
fjcotK'UK^u, to whcim I hnve ^aid that in ailoptiu;: Medh 
eine a^* your proref»fion von an* e^^pt.vtt'd to he odnealed 
giMitleinoii, no ht^f strongly would 1 iin|>r(*ss n[nm you 


iiimtt', 1^ iiKuie fur nyv. No pn>inpli-r Man>U > 
fht' ^ce!K** to impurl tvlmt yon ilo ntit kiuw '- 
forj^Jtli^n. Korlniio, skTii, inunoviihro nnri n." 
liKtkit voMlyoi) i-mli (tct, litlowM no tiiiKfriko ta U 
or, ir iiifulir, witli imi* hunt] i^hr niilc^M ir ilni^-n T" - 
loH'vcr u^^HUist jou ; l>ut. iu< a word of rln-^^r, lli< ■ 
Furtmiu holds a erowii in hcrolkL^rlinnil. rt^a<)\ ri- . 
it on your bruw, IT you iwHomi vwll Un* ewiilful 
of tliifi liuinK-DtniijJ (IraniiL 

Id ouncltmion: A nnil iluty dn^'oWjM Lij>nn mt^, irliic-li, aliLiugfc t| 

no iJioATi* iikhi lu till.' niJilUrA in i^htrli we An Mt c!V<*rjifi;r mipad,^ 
U ^ot not innj'prriprinic la [bin hoijr,viir pByi^tp a tribiiTr 1-^' 
memfirjor jtiur Inli* ti^ft4?TiiTr, vh^ni d«ith mi prvninturofv - 
fhftn bin pr>rc'uioii Ari<! iri tliU niatti^r T vlll W lirief, ki 
woTili of ^orrr'fr nr^: Fi:t» ftiid nlmple, nud vhcn lUfj W^cuiuct QiftOj 
olnltimtir, Lfniynro biU n tiLuiej ml tbrou;c^ wljicfli tb« absence uf 
nnil huHfl-fiilt ftc'Iinj; mny tin <liUccti?:d- 

lliv Ilk- l»r^ Tiii;ii- Howrjl wiu pc»>i-jvml iif n ^*niiiN ^rrvMl^ nr? 
urigiaaU of m knl«lk<t't InlUunt. fcrfib iii>J li>Ti<iklivc ; or a 
nobia, |;0nor»iiK nni] Lnivo> Tr» iHlt liod-'^iib of llic f^ticnt lirVn 
1 fftm ftinoiinl iif finr'lU'^1 n'Mi} anrnt^, wliicli v.^h T.rsminulojl t>t ^ 
ruTiTiH (rf iifTr^Ti'd Inrlidinilil^. nor ti'^iiiij^lI Uy ^tny Uiti{'%i\i\fr^ »|i 
typoil rtulhoniy. Jli^ Mind, like n triipicnl fidJ nJ' haninllr*- T-t^- 
riniTOL\ l1l:r^T and ihcrt ruiind tiiiK* lo watidvr hwoy from mi-ilit<bT 
and Ifi i^|irrt np in^it pnfKn of ipiriirit fitvoriTion nod r^rM licvjcc ; |iaA 
III* Itvrd L nm enri' Itiiit fuLun- art hoiilil hnvc ownl lu hin |.-ciiii]ii mom', 
than i>Dfi curioiw tnTcrliiiu <«■ di»<wvery. But tficw wttijdfrings 
iMir* bim nway fnun wji-^dtdno ^ in br^bnlf «f il* ln*l rtnd nolih-^t i»- 
rrmu liii lirarl ov^r iriirmpd wrt.b ibi» hitfbr-« eiithu>i^i9^iii ; .iti^ U 
wn« hif kC^'nfiK, and 1ii;i luti^llocl. and loti bnod, nbinli F^c^ooitclnl thi 
kindred mKnlc^r wVic- liiid tUv fimndiiti^jni «f t!)<- HrH moili^^il iiiMiti^ 1 
riun un <Tjo l'«'*ilic c!i>aHt, th^ apbrhi! which II»i«TikKlii i<rm>l]a yon umoM 
itH f(Hti<r niiriH; riifii' yE'Ai> jujiti rdiJicv ^Lml huniunity rtliiii ibiar U 
iivcr iho toniti [tt lh« un*.': liHiii^jbt "nr iimCiiiition brlni^n n i.'TiA| 
of immt^tdlfv iiA n tohrn uf rcmf^cnbmijte and t btdRO »f ^tivf foT' 
tlifl olbor; and, lis one of bcf H-rvint- -" ^^mirfit ni* tn iJlflW- 

iu^ iiiii to brm>: imd ci 




or -rttK 

irnl [|rj);nimcnl of -jUniucrsHi) llollcgi*, 


ItOVKHBUK «Ck, 19T1- 



Itbunl Stnbentfi. 

Mflrtriuulnntj*. ISTft- 

JLt. tmM. 

OtO. ft D*lToir . 
O, p. 8tahl<7,.,, 
H- IL Hucu. M. 
IV IL PlniiiiaDr. M 

5- J- t*l(iiM:»fl 

J. D. WilLion 
0«i'- rbiniQiiriT , , 
MofwiC runr 

John L«A«r ..... 
F. J. lUpui , . 
Jobn P»kir . 
AItib <f . Oove . . . 
JuUua Horn... 
OirrtiitQ. Kf«T^n 
J, F Gmdj . .. 

r lUiLO Vat. 

. . . Rui ?«incUtM, 
- - , - S*a Ftiii^c»*cq- 

..Tftfl«p»in«i, C»I. 



. . .Sal«m. Orfflon. 
... .fUn rt«nciftCA 
raata AtmH. c«i. 

WcivprriL*. Cil, 
.... 8«a FnuicUco. 

U. M.riii|iUiim- Ak* 

John ThoL Inia4il *>ii 

Jobn W. Va« Boidl. . RatwiHI, 

A.OHCt^lIiui" ' * *'*^ 

E. L. WwDjil* Swi Fran t bg r 

P. W. ColmiD .. K^Hi. CiL 

W. n O'Rr^Tt 6wi Fn^tri— oi 

0. & BUku -..,aMi ftihpbw. 

J«.W, Btnl^ ....VtakU^CU. 

J. 8. RstnmotiA LodMfbtd. C«L 

TticLari hlorumt Smd Pnnobco. 

W. A- >Ic<]anuifflG .. Rpfiibi*. Of«0aot 
0«o.Q«Uak ., ■. .' 8MiFM»dM0' 
X. Bovm aniFnachso. 

lAoiruluBruju , Ami fa migiw o* 

P. W. L'OJ.UAS. 

Ornduntci<. 1H73. 


CTftTIi* G. KE:sTa». 

W. JL UoOOnNAfiK, 

Ad Kundom Ornduatco. 

O. O. rOitLCY. M. D. P. B. McD. U1L.L1CU. UlJLa3 



JM*, Pmuteni^ Jjodiei and G^ntUmen: 

Wo iB«at iu htMior of ftn intciVRtinj^ ftvc^rt. Tbono ftontlaEoon 
who IiATc Hnrviid (liiiir ApprftntirnshT|i in tbr Jnrttirv'ioiim and the 
hospital, »D<i who ftm aK^nl h^ hn nlotbi^cl with Uie re^'&Un of tlio 
DoctorAto, oomnn^uoe to-ni^^'ht th«ir oftr««r it« practicing pbyni- 
ci&nm. Ww ftrft httrtt for th^ pirpo«tf» of bidilm^f tberi (lcnl-*ipt*ftd 
vpooi tbeir jouratrr, rdiI cif [uldjn^ appTobfttlou rujd «<iiccuraga- 
mcui to tli« aolemnitj of tli« uouumou^ At nuch a time, it aooou 
irsuii#DtJy Utting tlint ve ahoukl iwIe oui«A]v«ia, IF^i^r rf'> i^r unifcr- 
«AXArf iiorjipuij? A) ft*f f Whft£ rtiv ti^ ofyi.'iii / SrAa/ i/* capa/niia now, 
^nd it* pomibihti^ in iii^ /iitaT\' f At\d /nrfhcr ^ Wlmt U O^r, tkolur^ 
<fj U>t rHiitton «»h»i*tin/j hfiwiyti SocUt^ and the praafitioiier of 

Th* TDurl tlint I iiTDpoNa to trftvul i.u oimipur^ witJi you iMtt 
•roDiag id itot dcroid of rcmgh pUceci, oi«r whic)i wtj shall L^to 
to ouke oar fffty elou-l;r, oniL not hopo to b« bonitf along en tbd 
ivin^ of nnnfliiotin <W[ght, W* nr* mit lioro^ I Uil[n H, in thn 
inleieift of L*ii}>liiiUtir Uwti, orof mTiLitol julmiraticu ; wer? I iq- 
oUnoil to my ahoro of ouch porfonuatjco, jtoli, I fool amqi^, 
would ttot pfttleutlj eodur^ il. If yoo will bAar with ma, th^n, 
T uliftll oxftTiitP tbrt lAnk aftffigiiiHl ran, witli aII urutivntjietui, if not 
with plcnmirc Ot profit to JOti. 

To Uit tuultilude, Uw mngc of phyiiia ia Gircuueohbed by tli« 
WAUnof * drug-ktoto, and to apenk of cnedioino in to ^nig^et 
KMU^ liitter pill or rinur^eouH iriixttir^. DI«ga»<^ is Inolcerl ir]>on oh 
ft port of tii:»pn88ci' Ju tlir oIcao of tlii^ bamnn body, whom it in 
tJio buviDMA of tocdiciat to drn^ out Itj tb» hct^U. tho dm;; boiDiif 
ourreutly baliettd to bo tbo givat pot^utialitjr in the prooofw— tbe 
gflueralJt/ of i^tioplo iWmiu^ rcmtdj/ to bo 8>-ooiijlqous with 
m a rfi tf ifltfiOTi, Hottco tlto popular notioD Ibat it km^lcd^o ol Arn^ 
is A kuovtodiro of ZDodicino, and lionoo tbo ooDtidvu<<« fc-It m thi> 
old woman nud birr iiimpl<». Ht'iict^ tbo iu(liAuriTuijiat« bwaUow* 
ing of paUsut uuvtrmuA. B«u(w, Uk>, Uie uacoultj Utat one 

■ceau to leel of beingrpnaori^J for, whethorb^dMituirorK 
bor, tbe mamenf, onn b<>gina (o fi^^l iwt of n^rtii. H>^nre, too, In 
maur cum, tbo iaabilit^ to ohUua oi>^di«ace froca th« pfttio;iit, 
«zG«]>t)D the mutUr of UilfiD;^ Oic pi^t^c»u, Ucitoc, too. tfao ne- 
o«8HiL7 of bread ^Uls aud otbor d(ic*(Tf Uuan on U]« pvt of lb* 
pbynctAii , 

Sa fftT from Jrugn, ho^'ever, nmbrACjn; tlie mm total of mcdi- 
oiDfl, thov form but & staall pjirt< of it Indoodi 90 oomprc^boiiim 
fa lb* fttidy, no TftBl nnd vsriet! flro tbo ucioue** co^'nata lo tbft 
bcft^ucM^ (if iui<Llk'itie, iliut no mv3inrirj' hiiulI cfui montri' Ilji-m, lii 
foctj oalj wan il bj luonuv uf tlic lii^fbvr miitJi«imrd]c«, tb&i a wnj 
bAA been opoD^d to rationikl trealuioiit of Uic tui ra-orbitAl 'ht- 
MMHt uf tho n^4>; and ih« bntin anci n^rvonii nyutom Mill punU 
till wilU unwth'cd jiroblnniK, Artel yinid Init ncaiitilv tbia Kdcmu of 
tb«ir priHon house. Jtt tiuth. the ntufly of ilio aci«nco of mvdi- 
oiDo haviDg for lib ulijeot ivu uudf^rhUudiu^ of tJio OAUM or cauwM 
of disCABO, And of the* laws wbich Tfi^Hnte Tiiorbtd movement, 
embinct^ ia reAlily n mjrvpj- of Xho wbolo pbunrjuKruft of Jife; fw 
viibout v> lui(jwlcd|fo of tbo Utter, wo c^uld tioror nrrifo at unis* 
pooebablo oonduaiooa ut lo tb^i fonuor. 

UedioiD^ baa Indeed been r^prcmobed uitb \ie\t\g nnvoii^nlifie, 
tbo ecioxico aud tbo prootive bciui; Auld to be bj no meaus cciUid- 
dent. Tbin latter, wbicb U tocbnicftUy callcti Tbeiixpoutic*, i». U 
U tn;«, purely lind Btinply an art; and do muttor bow )«aniod in 
the Hcii^zK:^ the pUybiLUAii maj bo, the dnilj pmcticd uf bir* pn^ 
fenaioii CUD uev«r reot^b bejuud jiii— 'the bii^ilvjtl iiud uiusl delj- 
cato of ilLI ftrt«,U>bo i«ur«, but ncT':TrtUdonn n-n tiH^ But tho 
veUetioii ucd uppliciitioti of mmodi^fii ia vury different from tba 
iurpKLrj-alioii uf pnUKiTu^-icu] pbriLciuieuik, Htid Lite fjrf^alor Uue 
iDUiler^ occiuired by tbe pbysician over tbo eaeacctt, and the 
deeper b« ha^ divod into tho ij)y«tono8 of vital prootteMa, tbo 
bt^ttor wUI ho bo nblo to practice bii^ art. 

Iel order ibat I may uot be mbundorHtofh), a:id fur Ojo Hftko of 
birin^ to make olcar what is muddy in some Di£iid», ]«t m bnefly 
ev&taiQO iho diffon>Dco beti^'ooa Scionce and Art. In ri word, it is 
tbe buHr:ef*s of sneuce lo disi>ovor lh« Inwn tbnt j^nntm! phenom- 
cti%, oijd to McettOiu aud n^cnPiUTC the forcnH rhnt »l Ibomr Uvk 
in motion; «biJc it uib« busicces ol art to foftbion tLia koowledeo 

into uHttfiil nliApoA for thi* Wnnfit of mftnlaQd. Ope in tbe wurk 
of Ite theoieticEil drwuncr— tb* other tho work of tUo iDatcnal 
naoA ol pntoUtiO. Bctti &r« c«(b«iitiAl, and each U n^coMifln' to 
the oUmt. Let ub tnk^ ttimni im an illuHtr^Ltiun. In Uleu v« hnxv 
to do with water in b HUt« of tn^Kj^ wLicli in couiposed of two 
piA««, AB vcicitoci lonfc a^ro difictnrciY^d. And whoHO ^la^lioity ia aucb 
u to r«tkU«r iV cti|>abU t>l ffctliiig th* mo«t pr>v«r/til mnchineiy. 
II1I4 elaatidl; fa dtie to tbe pli«inoin«non of heat, vrhir-h w« now 
coocvive to bv Ei pecuUiir moild of uioUod of tko alttmato noU* 
cnlMcf matUr- And 110 thr^roiij^hty hoA mooco invoatjf^Ud 
lliia pboAomonotLr th»t w« nns now ccablcd to dumoio with the 
vimofll nioety tJi« umuunt of lu^oliauical work that & c^rtdn 
amonat of heftb wiU perforn^. TLia, wLkL \» deuominaUd th« 
nu^cbftiucd ociulvnlont of hcjit, aad iij^on which in haw^d iho doctrine 
of Um IndMtractJbility of forco — 0110 of tho ffT«at orontiT* id«M 
of Lbe prOM-iit ceutury — wii ituiinly owu lo M^jnr mid Joule — Ili« 
fOTOier, Lo it kiionu, a pracUcin^ pbyfeiciau. Tbe eipeTlm«Qt« 
of Joulo hnvc ninply voriAoJ tho « priori dodttctionfl of Mayor, 
and UiA OLvehjinioal oqLitrftUnt of hnftt, with iU oorolluy, eoatto^- 
TAtiuB of furce^ now rcxUi rijiOD aTi Enimnvubtit fuundution. With 
tk«diaocvei7 of tho conAcrv^tioa of force, fell to tlio grotiiid » 
dsluAion thai h!L4 mookad tho world foryBiUs — pttpfttnal inolioD. 
Am lutig njt art wan I»»rt without the ^iding hitnd nf nmincw, thia 
doliuioQ WON fiHidlt'hugtjeil to the soul, aud bmiu Jiftcr bram 
^Uajtd to d[> what acLoDCO iuM now cooduaiirciy HhowQ can never 
bo dono. ^Vbeu it woa onoe dvaioDBtrat«d ihnt in doin^* work 
w>Tn€thing«MfiorMi3Di«d(H«lmhollz). thm making Tpplfknithment 
a e cMm y, it bocauM clour tbal psrpcliUkl motion wan iiupowiblo, 
lor tliis iMvotvco the nooointj of forco being dorivcd out of 

Thb) vteant. th^n, whose myetenes eolente Il&s laM b^re lo the 
Approhootion of tho meaiiOdt mind, art tak«» iti hftiid Aod ^pplifia 
iho fo»o cf it« b«at to the moat mriouit iDCcLanical work — thus 
ligbleniag tho biird^iLft of mzic and adding prodi^onMly to hta 
wobJUi acd La^piocBS. And FriedrJub Mohr bua oveu tr^u^nd Uib 
podiffn* of t^c Locomotive:, throu|;b tbe aaikufactviTe of nula, 
to tbe puddling furr&oc, Uio knowlt^pn of tho flaiii(», and the 
■tody of ehtrmi4!JLl scioaco, to tbcir coamon tLncenlor — tb« DisooV' 
er/of Oxjipou. 

Another ttltifitnition nuy l»e di^awn ttom the treftticont of light 
by ■Mfint'A ftnd nrL Hers jlH,^ vit.bont nciencv, vuuld lUUUfMUf 
do littlo or QQlluDg, but with it for g^iiide, iU liiuidiwork m n^utie- 
tbhiKironderftil, WTi^ti adcntitii? nx^n dwo&veroi^ ihut light, or 
oertAiD mj< of light Ttilh*r, Would qiikfclj «lw>oinpc>*> rvrtalQ 
sftlUof whftr, tbe fouTLilftUtrii was Inid l<*i our prcHtnl photog- 
niphr, ^hich in ai onoo §t woitdi?r atid a i1c]i;:bt- Aui horoiti liM 
this folii/ ol cIi^okiniT tho mui of ik^ieiicp, atid <lt*m&ncUiig tbnl ho 
Hhnll pT4k hiiTiRF^If OT«r to tbo^ In1>f>r4 nUifiK that frnmii«4i iiumc* 
diatA prvi^LiciJ resulU. For t(» thu^cAbir, oinb&ad ccmfiae him, b 
toftUipb;m i>f aUijAcfitlrkecM. Heshanlit bo permitted tosniltipoo 
thd oc^ftD of «ciuuc«*iiiihiDi]«red anfl uuobiitntcUd , rarrv whal 
canTM he plfwteR, and miih« Hiicb hartxir^ iv* lo bim aIjaII wttau 
best. Nvither ihotdd he bn compcllod to bayard predicUoD ol 
rvsolta; forfluoh prudidtion uo nmu oau mak^, no ruhtUr bow 
^eep hi* inKight, nr bnw pmfoDn^ ^dn intrnticiiiK, Whn (<nu1d 
have divfUDcd uf tho GcinTirTictic>ii lM>twc(iii bout itiiff^ir fmdcneH ftod 
the diacuTory of tbo poLanxatinn of liErht. at thi- time thia dideor- 
ery wiLe made? Could Hu)-;-Leiiii, ^'aziu^; tlirotigh hia crvetitl of 
Ii^larkd Apnj, with Uia :,hrillit)i^ rHAririHlion of a rinw and nnndfir- 
ful reT«]«tion, hare predtct«d tbot mroation would turn thia dif* 
C30TCTJ of Uui prcdcooBtton to firnctir^at account? Kcnulta tnust 
ftlwA^a b« l»fl tc art; Mci^noe ahould uuv«>r bo ^romp^lled to taJEO 
heed of tbeni. Aud, Indeed, ibi« discovery of poUmed Uglit 
bM bmnio utilized, tbot tbo boet suirr^r mAnnfivcturor can sp^ed* 
ilj ivMrtiun vrbat Imeia it will pay for htic to buy ; for thii; pohu^ 
iied lights inaiiipu1ati>d by u Nioht-'ri pribin^ vfitl tell him to ft 
iiiooty thfi punwuLa^'e of ttugur llitshctitii t-'unUin, Kvtu lh« tna^ 
netuation of Uj^bt waa daemcd by Faraday, it» diocovcror, to bo 
frau^bt with prot^tioal rcvulta, and Tyndnll Uiitiku it '' likaly to 
afTcrcl pTtifuiiudly tbe future tonnfl ot v('i(Tnti1i(* Ihoii^bl " 

80 wilb the diacuvenea iu oLedricity. OaJvaniftiu ba« beeu 
tanod by tho hand of art into innum«rab1fl praa ic^l flmaneb : 
olfctro^mofpottam hoM givnu u« tb« tvl^^gTApb. nnd Fftraday'a 
dia^OTory uf ma^^^nnLo-nlifclridty baa fumiubrd lulditictiml wmponM 
lo th« anuoo' <^i medidxio, aud haa Itnl U> marki-v] iiupruvticoenta 
in aUctro-matoJIiugy utd li^ht-bouso aod otlit'r il bum nation. 

Wonf U tiocflRflfiry^ illufitratioQ could ba multiplied to Mk]r 
ttiioul. Aud, indeed, UulniholtK affinuH that " phyaiciol m 

" )ua, bf th9 pmcticol TOiUUation of its ronlto, tnnafona^ the 
" fmtirft life of nodara tiumatiitj," 

Fn>iu iLv furt<^iii;f rou-iiileratiuDit, it ih t^nny ttj ilintin^iAli the 
di3i»vcci> btftwoen the aa^uc^ of IU4^<li<;iD0 and the art uf mcdi' 
fiuM», or tbonpontiee. It i« nilb tb« latUr oJono tb^t tlio practi- 
tioner Ilil^ to do ID poTvonftlly dnolinjf vith hid paHnnt — henMt, 
m^tcinu baa been ptypultntly di^fiticd Ui ba the hpnliFi^ ujL Tbn 
pbjoiciAn, thorofort. in Irealicff hi« pali^ulr— that i». in the neJoo- 
tioB an4 nppltcAtioQ of r^naodtAs to meet th« mi)i«atioa« of a 
dimrrlnmi nf>n4lilinn, in an Riinnt; whilf^ in thn ntndj ftctl inriHitl- 
glitoa x>t \hai (lUordored i^on()iUou» he is esxeDtiallj a H(<i<intj»t. 
Ho ontiat, if bo would perform his funciioiis well. profoundLjr 
inveatigvi^ the pheoomciia of the diveace he ia colled upon to 
trcnt, aFMl only wh^ be nndeTRtoDdH l.hewi jihATiomeiiA if) be 
r^oUj fitted for the porforiOftnco of hia work. 

Thofteiecoc of mcdicico ban urfi^rtannUly far outrun tborih^ 
|Matic«. Tbftt ta. the urt of «»1^>tLn^ and appl^^'in;? T«ni«dtei has 
not kt^ poos witb oiir knowlerl^'e of diHr^uHeil pr(}i.'twf^f<. T)ii» 
Vi fioifuUr to uiedicmo. for scarcely doM hoicikw uuuounoe •ooa* 
nmr diocovcry. but art note to work to iilihKe it ; and ooem' 
ingly the ino«t intTantabU din(^v«rtaa have boon c/uily bamMiii«<i 
to Uio tar of ntilbmtirtfi by tJiP biuid «f 4ri- Th» diffurmwo 
lies pfttt]y in the extreme difSciilty of the mnterial to be bnndled, 
Md portly in the mwttikeii manner in wbioU thorapi^utJea hsa been 
fltndiAd. Tbk lAtt^r hiuabA«n nbiindaatly ilf^mnnKtratnd by the 
rapid ndinntvirift&i modn mnnn tbf>MluLly tit Lhi^ rmtuml hinUity 
of dioeoee ba» been rif;oroii«!y undertaken. 

For a furiher elnddation of wliat wc have been ooneidonnff, it 
laperbapa weJl to remark that ther» can Ive art wEtboul any 
sclftnc9 atall, nit>1 that min-b of thf praotire >>f modicire iacon- 
itittitcd of anch art. Art tatty bo. thcmforc, either empirical or 
Knenttfie-'that ik, booed upon experiment end obttorvalzon* or 
U|>on eelentifio dUcoverles. Id lbs begiDnlng of things. Ibere 
vera no dbeoveritt, for tbere waa no meuce Uj urnke ihoat ; the 
eoiikd oi lEuin could only inr^ai from micb mn1<^riaU on it bnd, and 
tboHQ mateririU were but ncranty. But rut man pro^eMod in dvU- 
itktiOD, irimiitlimH gi¥w to Iw leHH ami 1eH8 baaed updh empiri- 
Qtam.Aoi more and more baaed upon eciencc; and of alt tbe^'reat 
inrooitioDa of tO'day, it is probably not too much to ooeeti that 


noorl.v oM of Ibom will b« found to bo m«diat«]y— if not imnMdi| 
aUly — derived from SfieiiliiiL* noiiroe*. La f*cl, »n pi«««d» 
uiurnon, fur. lui Speutior liu^ well mud, " It ri*HutU Srjta Ibo tuf^ 
"ctmij wo itfo und«r of rooobiuff tlio abstract l>^ vra.r of Ui« 
*' oOQuraU, tlLat thoto munt 1>« pnwtice, lUid &a ao/jruing ospoi- 
**4ac«i with iU emplHcial giiusraltxntioDE^ beforo tijoni CJUi b* 
"tcwnoVii" But bcieuu« repiiyo Iter iodubt«duf!Mi to ui with 
compoui^d iuUrcat, Lr imm«ikMl;r eulart^ng th« Hdd of inTtnUoai. 
and iQic^UDg iUi i>io(Ii:ctA with a ooE-Tuiut}' Ihiit ci^uld iiot other- 
vij0 «iist- Fur th« nrt fonnded upon ^iQpiHoism omi imtu- 
«iqiiftt ID aci^nmc/ that fouuiled upuii m^i^tioe. In the former w# 
MO compollod to ruly upon ruloa uuiueaaurcd by %a iiuiia|)«aahA- 
blo vtaDd&rd. lb«re never cnu be iLuy oerlAiaij that we ure 
right. Otir vork, whea ilniie empinuitllj'. 1ftot« «vuoimm, ao^, 
buaiJ«s. does not poaseHa the eleLieut i/f permuniTiii^u. And ao 
we flounder on, when iiDm«ni«d iu the nwnmpn r>f oinplncinm, 
groping we know not whither, mud j-darumg for the Rpiiitttftl 
illnnuinaiioDof sctetioe whioh f^hAlI light lutodr.r ^fround. In 
iUaatretioo of the differoncc botwonn empiric ftad (tcieutiiic art, 
let ue take the application of ttpectrunmncilymA toihoianuufA^bure 
of Meel bj what Is known ah the Bessemer proocne. Steel, oa fcv 
kocnr, be corabination of iron with a miiiule pioporlitju of ruir* 
boo* and in miulo from tiotao particiilAr variotinn of coet iron, bj 
a piooeM which coauixta itL cxtribnUnK the carboa from tho iroft 
b^ meiknH of tbu uiy^'eu of thtf uir. Th** munufnutiira requires 
e:xlietne uioet^, for the steel iu tqujidl^r bpojled if too much or too 
little carbon ie tekec away. Thorn unoil lobenoj^ui<leexcepb the 
ftppeeroQce of thenuusos to uuflTua^A ot pvitineflA, and heuee 
mtuih bed nttial oiLd many fuilarea. Nuw, buboM, what n elutnge 
Ibe me^oian. Sctcnce, iLroducen in this unuertuiu couditiom 1 
You well know of that nplondid diitoovory by which it hcbs been 
found that tbif inL-uudtKcaiit vnpar* of cartnin lub^tAr^ce^ ^ire 
certoit] poTZunlHut Ijuea ju thu H]}uutnim, nhi<Ji oun hn s^pati and 
studied hy taCAUtt of Jku iuabrutnoDt de*inc<l for Ujot purpobo — 
the ApGCtro4oope. New, th« linoi^ of (virbun lire uo well knowa 
that an pxpArt oan di>tct>t thiJi mitnlloid, though it wen preeeni 
in Icon Iban a thuUAimJtb of a tirain. DeHHeJu^r h&n tueli*^ upon 
tbie discoTery. eud npplic<I il to tho nmnufiicburo of tho beet 
the WOild bos ever «een. ITorlUeooudiUonof tbu epeet 


abotild btt tritidniAti fnim t!i« furiuu.4;, kiuI walioucobnvc antuol 
oi <ucb ucdform «xc«Ue4]ce im wim admply iiupr>A!iibIo tujd«r Uio 
old motboits. TLiflwiJt be betUr undoratood wh«u it is stated 
t^oi Ui« BOMomor proce-nH Gonicut* eAttftiUi&tly iu c^jittiilotdy 
dpcorboiiixiti^ tbfl Iron, nad rocvu-lK>&iKiiig it ^UnVArdM b^ isutui 
of tba ftdditioTk ot d^BmUf t)u&iititi08 ol Apioi^dbiKtQ, i^r mirror 
irOB-HK> cdllod ficro iU prwoutiii^', od frncturt^, lat->^ atuI bright 
heeU. SuecisM, tl]iTret»rv, du^H^uib upvu kuQulu^ tlj« c^Act 
monMittof oouplote iJecttrWnucfttion, And thin tho •pootronoopo 
iwrtftU io tbo RhiDtitMt frsbction of & uoaotid. 

Tbvrn ilkt* inttninKmtAlily hy mtikti» of wliich Boi«ikce iufonuti uh 
of tb4 ch«ractor at ILc i-^ouatituv^uU of tbo moat di^Uuit *tar. Ait 
tunw to tbo mnDufActuro of Ibo ^kcl of whtr-h the rtizov iu mrult^ 
that ttharo our cbiuE 

Notr, in Uicf pniutic* uf uiddtdnu Uiere in luui^li jltU »« bun 
bMtB >tAkO, UiaL bftd 110 Miieulific LujaUn KitL^'r tite cihu«o of the 
Borbid jufUon ohid«« the soaroli of Iho pj-itotitionor, fuid Lo i» 
h«Tiicp CDiEipnUud to oortnil hiicc^lf with Jt Ln^fttmiinl of oryEnp- 
toEUA: ur if tic cauw bn tnvced ti> iU fiiuuLaJu-heAcI, Aud Die pU' 
tbolo^icoi ooDdilioD be thoroughly uad^rvlood. y^i no i^ccoeduB 
luTO bottn dovioed tLfU oal be apjiLittd with aciobtillc nnrUiLL^. 
But it tntiiiiiiot ba huitiljr jud^d frnm thi< Lbut pliyKirriaiu nm 
Dot luiy wU«r than the oM t^omcn who kuow vrhiL in good for 
thi*iji4t for ttifht, and ^lo are ulwayu ready with u remedy for 
•VM^thtai^ fTt»A a cat finder lo an apoplexy. Wor9 thin so^ thon 
iBvlimDO wniild indpfid hp it Uiin^ nf shrpdH niid pnlrbtu^ and of 
DO acootiot ivljAU-vor> But the uuth in, nji hoa been atulod. thot 
tfac Kiealivt* ut tbo profv«»t(jn biiT« mndc docb ndvauoenaent ia 
tb# iuMMtigAUou of phyaiok>^i<^iL uid poLliolo^oal phstiotueoft, 
ms to leaie tber&peiitioH far bf^Litid. Hi« Iftttor, hovtwer, wUL 
tbe Aid of ibo Rtudy of Uio oAttiial bi»t<iry of diacaHC, han cAUj^ht 
btoftlh, lUuL i« purttuiuj? tbu taois with r4>ucwod vi^^i^r. 

Oocftflionally ll^ prcfr^^k^iiiTi hAppPim i<) c^ntniTi or>f^ of those 
ain^lAily gifted tiud vrell-balArjcod men in wboAc iiAturc dincovory 
and iDTontion bold equal AWAT, and tbcji ivo hnro lar^ rcanJlM 
ia botb iH*i*iiofr and (ui> i^uuli uuiun i>< lielmholl^— Hj4.|i;iAtly ^^At 
as niAth«iAftticijin» pbyHkrlat, p)ijf'tii(i]ii^'i8b niid ij^vt^iitor. He ii in 
idwim wqpkjxod llto ay* with a ctjuf i<htiLUV«uaA fuul uiiuatt^ 


^tm until hi» dftj unkao^u : uho liM mraeiur<>d th& loos, 
mtAQi of bio opbtKalinL-rmctcr, with mathonitititi&l ftocur«iC/, ftfiil 
who Knit kliuwu uf buw, hy raaixn^ uf hi« i^pbtbalmfvicn^K, w am 
view tlie pivf^JtiitJudl ru^MKum uf iLe j^lube. attd tincc dbeOM^tO 
it* ^cty \n.\c- This KRiftikabU ntan, in i:onneclion "ith tl>* 
KitgliMh Bo^'mnit, Uio GormATi timcfo, nnd tb* Dutoh Doftdtn, 
bun DiBcIs uf upbUjiilimilogy a (iru'ii<!4',HU(l hw* LuugUt the pruffMmon 
flliut K'*al reaulu tttii be u<;lij«ied, uol oiilv ifi tho theory but ia 
the prustioo of tnoJicino. by n projxsr motliod of iiiTQcttLgaUoii. 

B«for« ihe php^ciao mti mtfUiifDaUr f»ct. n^ bu bMd iati- 
mat«4l, upon the cant} boforo him, a diogaoitU muft t« ciimI*-' 
ihut i% the lEuture uf Iht^ dlmfrnt tauHt 1>r« iL9('r'rtKtn«d. Fn^m the 
prei-aiiiu^' bignb Aiid ejriuploinH, thv iuF<lktd ujuid Je lt> bft led op, 
by a Joificn] procoxn, to tho caiuo that has not iti inotion theM 
ifgns ftod vymptom* ; for until thia <««■*• Jmw been foiiiul . thftrn 
mnnoi Aritw Krivntifiu vatiFifn4.-L»m. Aud mt-dEcfn^ ih m> fnr utidd* 
tUic M it i« nbk to dJscom th« cause ^rhich 10 dinturtuus for th^ 
tinio tho normal flow of tbo c^uiroot of lifo. 

HomeopiLlJ]^-, for tbiu nvLiAon ntDii<}^ ctlei n^ror ht othor thWB 
the bftld«al uf em|jirklTiiiiH, fur it tuahfa uu prelenne in unj ci#« 
to luocitiiin tho cari^ of diei^aae, it boia^' aoco^tMrtly o^nfinod to A 
littntaioatof <^m^'7mf. Tho whole atructura Te«t« upon tbo ^b- 
kiinl notion, that pi TiL«i1ii>]n«T which produ^jes Otfri^fn symptoms In 
& h«&lthy p«rfluu will ouTO » diooJlHo Accompanied ivtth lifco ajmp* 
tonM--onIj, howAvc^. whon given in ^ach. infinitcnmnl do«oB at to 
bo inconcoiTftbU by tho mind of an art^hcinfrol ! Therefore th» 
nyBlvm i% lx>UQd witliici m mirrowpinrlcwur*-, ovorwhiehit tan itBrer 
hop« to Idap.iLjad rev«l in tb^ rich prtaburtM of zUl'^inbnKEUi^BcicDL'O, 
Tbo pb^icbn, thfiQ, hAving mftdo out hia ^lia^nomc, and having 
kAtixdud bimiM'lf uf th« gmvity ofthe ewta^itiiihiit next buninMa 10 
(lomo meamirta of relief. How nhnll ho do thinf Let us tAk« 
ecATlot fOTor in JUiiatrtiUoD, iJo«a he hope, bjr inlreducinc 
(omt drag into the H^fltoni, to purge it of th« fover? In dsyi 
not long pfurt, injrh wun hU hope; but. Jwi"ncphnH4Li Wytb lnj^'ht 
Uioi b«lter He now known tW tbU diseaeti esaentUlK d^ponda 
upon the preaence in the ^atom of n poieuu ibnt bafi a poonlier 
affinity for cartbin alemontA of Ihe «kin nnri liidnnyH; tliat tli^t 
poiaon vill hv eliminated through Lhoaa emuncLorten witboot 


ftrti&U! intnfenDCft; &q<1 that nnlil Ibc syHUm is riddod of it, 
its |»ruetico will bo nmsifoctUd by c*nrUiii diAfuT-bftAocsB, irhich ho 
CAS in a oiMunr^ modi^. but e&nnot ^nlbvly ootitrol^ Uelrftovri 
that ttie titnlfuly wQl run tU pivacrib^il irourwe. ^liI Lliui do vihni 
he vill he cbQiiot bnn^ it to bftU. BuL hd ie noi tli«rdfore com- 
p«t1e<1 to «tftud poAjirc, an idln Rpcctotor. ai? it woto, «f tho 
mntAfft Ikftvo^n lliepiiLiciit ncd tho duofttto. So fur from thiB, 
Ilia improved ttmuLiliv iioliuiiH ^zre Hui »ui:h mimtery ortrr Hw 
toMier fta ho <^u1<l novor liopo to haT4> in Uifl old^ii Umo, Ho dov 
can t«ll wbev bia uitorforoDco in nix^ctmnry, and how far to ciaty 
that iitlerfirreiice: vrhen in hM ofT iiiN hjhiid n.nd whon bo pnu^Dcd 
■, Hlh^- lu thf< jmHt, he workecj iu the <hirk, sml nil unoon* 
l^dnB^r ir\ mniiv i^ahCKr did what ha could to Lulh bCLturo in hor 
ooono; now, «tAnditjgin tha bl4Lxtn^ Ught of mottom «oi«xioa, be 
takiOi inttins bj ttui bnnd niut kitidl^- ftumtii ha-r hi \n:r Htnigglc 

Bui Uici otj]oot ol modicicie Ia notaJono tbo inTOj^ti^ntioi] AQd 
lMftjn;;«meiit of dwuuio aft«r it ban mfid* itn Appnnmnnn, but it i% 
iln piiiiciiju] object to pr«T4rnt it Kltogirthflr. Thu former might 
bo coUod thorapoutjc. tho Utter, pn^italivt oz hjgieuic m«dk)Cka. 
Id thift laltor fiold, toUiant trniinphR have boon ochivrod, w wit- 
IWM inioei3Jitton for tiotnhk ninmplu. In tho Hohl uf pravonlioD 
tho phrBi<:i&u hns fuU Hcopi: fur aU Ui» luiLcutif^c uttiuuuiciila. 
If ho ^hftfo oad«T the rctitruiut uiid uac(>rfcibLiii}' tioiu(?timOH uu* 
powcd hy thfl itinpinoftl nAtiira of hiK practice, in th^ domnin of 
bygUTUB he hw fiinplu Hmpo nnd vnrgn nnnvi^li for thd cixnrRi^x cf 
aU hifl powrd. He CAD Lore throw ph^aic to the d{>gA, for inslcAd 
of trtfatin^' mdLvidiud«, b« ho* to do willi pj^iiiLntiocka^ Aud with 
nnifaliir di-dfLtcirefitodoMB ho netit about hia vork, for h* Inboix 
to do thftt, whivh, wcm it ooco iioot^njpliiibrd. wuuhl lefera him 
without cucnp&tion. Tbisnwttorof proph^hudrt iaonoof thodeop- 
041 import, iodop^aod^ntl^ of the dnn^or of fatAl ivsulta, for vvwy 
illnen loavm tho pUyidaal orgmiUin mam or 1»kii impured, Aiid 
th» impftinaoDt i> tmnAmittcd to o^iipTictfi. It in a mintakou 
iKitioD (hit B miUuij from ^bioL out* r^covcn* ititlictn no pvrmau- 
•ot mjnrv opon the indiTidunl; tJiat it do«8 to, one would pve- 
Rumo ayrUfri; \m% ve know the fact to h@, llmt Hut^L & prcfuuml 
chftbgo is produced in th« hiimiU] iiyatcm h? ths ssymotic dLS(«a, 
thai ibej i«Arcdy oior appoar a Bocond time in tho notco poraoD^ 


in4 it i« /(unilUr knr^l^go, th&t t>i« mora fr«qa«ist thd tXX^Qk ot 
rhttv^tKliitm, tho Icuti tlia Kimting tnitiui nponiiHiirjr to hritt^ it en; 
and Lbftb Ui« tnon ivt hare aold» di« fluidr it id to oontract thea. 
TIjq motion, tli«r«for«, 6iit«rtAia«d bj ■onitf moth6n Ibat it u p^ 
ol tlse dontiny of nil cbildrvn to hasv moaclon, booping-aouglii 
ami Ihn like, luul tlint it i» bolter ftir tbem to uaiIm^ Uioao dif 
ciucv vrhoQ youQ^. ia uut ^>□ly faU^j, but ifxo'scdiii^'lj miiNthipCTotu, 
Prai uution hjU4 Aoae miiclj,aRtvttL«Rfl tlid<ltnimi8bedd46tll»t0iD 
mAny of ilio Latj^ i^LUcjiof ihi^ wurM, and Mtill gr«At«r triumph* 
aic in tbc futaro, whcD Mcita^'cr and pbiluaopby luivo fiDoUy «*tab- 
tiBbcd aoiuutUiii;^ approiitaatii^f 4 pofft>ct doliciuc of JJiolo^r and 
pAjrubulogrv, and wbon th» people are ddwjal«d as ne oo^ thjr 
Uvpe Lb^L tlie/ mAy b»- 

TbQ pn^i^reaA of tuedicinc b&^i bcMin ^«at. a* nil tauirt ndmit 
%?bo know anything of tb« (acu. Wa liav« noou vhot boa been 
done for th» ryn, and tbn wune might nlmoHt be haid of tbe ear. 
Tb» FvTora bave btfcu inr«Htiifntr<l with v^ucb bUomui, tbnt acienca 
baa lUi l>ub ^lupcd tha mbuiiuio uf tbuir proct>dAC(t, and tba e*- 
pabU practidontrr cak now pretjict their ooim« wilb aoaMtliu^ 
like scaetitilli^ preTiiiifin; tb« kLId dinepiAefi bave liei^n claaaiftad 
into tboNC th&t arc parasitic in U^ir QAturo aod tbobi? that vaMii- 
tialtjr d«ptriid upoti a cbthu-^'o of tuwuu, aiid bouoo wc aiQ ooablftd 
to piUhtw nktinnAl ineihoda iu Ib^jr treiitniant ; tlw tboracve and 
atvluriiiaal cft>itiim cad now b& tbfirou^hlj explored lijr tneana of 
perouHuon^ aii^i:iiltatioTk and mcaaurcmvnt. and tho laaionat if 
any oust, be iuad« pl&inlj' iujuu£<*«(ti tb^nni^meUm have bvon ia< 
veuted b/ meaim of wliir.h the prRotitioner can dftlfict the «ligbtMl 
d«viatioD from tho aoiiml tompentuit^, acid b/ ihlfc muauH um 
diottnotfticati: n fcvor, wbom erory othcT kno^u luoana would b* 
unavailing. Tbe hitherto bidden <Li«oad(sii of the larynx aronow 
reflected in tbo laiyngiwcopto mirror. riLd Ibo lonion in not only 
tliua clctvly mado out, but ttto band \» «afdljr guided 111 iU appli- 
GfltioQ of rciMKJiokt iSurg<^ry hiuiitivontod KorcsoJiuj^trumcnUfor 
tbo bocter pi'iffonnflQce of iU uurk^ nnd litnlju that woM oawt t%~ 
munt^leetlj iMtcniieod, are uuv coiumrved wjib but litUo defprmilj'. 
Tho etudy of tbu natural bi^tory cf diwaeo bva beeu pimood 
with «ucb avHiduily UiiLt Lb^i vounm of many moladJoa baa bMA 90 
accumtely mapped a4 to furuiiih Kaf* ipiidaucr for pra«ti«a, Tba 
anatomy of tbo body, both coarM« and uiinuto, bus beea etplomd 


intli ftmBxing lh<in>iifflinftKs nnd ftTn.nHtnde; while evprjr nrg»n 
Uw body beap) witneM (o the annlyMti of the chtmiat, tto que*- 
tioniiuf of tba phynol<»gMt, and tb9 niioro«oopir atlv«nttir« of tb« 
hiatolo^ttt Tlie brnin nnrl nervot an ulnirty vk^ldlrf^ iip th^Tr 
i&preta, rmd tuaBnitj Iian tuOfit-d to he a taynlury, Er^a from 
MUtU A Ln^tj aDd imperfect ek«lch, how p-^ftt dofia ii &t e>i]<30 
Qppaar tUnt th« jiro^ntsu ot ina<]iciQO b«Ji b^n, Aii<l tho workon 
■rv utill iiirrfatjnE; Uift ardfir l[iiowii do AhfitPTTv^r*, Jind will 
know no ftbat«ment until thr hutacin body haa vi<^Mnd up tf> tbe 
]iM>ti of medicine tht laat of it« tjoorou, Tbcac mou hnvo ii*TOr, 
fltnc** Hlpi^o(^ra!««, ktiovu ifbat it viu to r«lr^ftt; thf-jr bftv» nd- 
viuioihI sU<phvMfp. ■lowly And with gi-Mt difficnltj, but ths^tflill 
hAT« iKlvanG<^» now Ukins! thi» pntrcocbm«at ftod now Urnt; 
djin^ Itko BtobAt, in tbe roty bloHoom of thdr miuthood, frMQ 
nr^r-lAbor nnd IHr InliaUtfon of uotIoub ffU^^; or like Ohor- 
imwr, recently, "^rli^k^b ibiwii by ihf self-siiiae ilUnjiHrt hi:* Rrdor 
bad l<^d htm to invc«ti^U>, and ^xpchmQiLlinfr with bin own 
blood up to the Inst mooaoDt of bifl j^lonotu lifol With luob ft 
tenvrd ft« thin^ itfte«ms to nio impdiuizblo tbnt tbe jimrticre of 
dedhriibe aUalt uol ou^ duy b» |*!iieud vtyon tJie Icifty podebtal of 
sct^Dtifio ftrt— tw ttiorfl the prey of *»inpirici*ffi. but her otcij 
BwUiod ftnd bor ovory procons il« ax&ct and cortnin aa oaly s«ion06 
rati mokft Ihotu^ 

Th<^ relnlioQ tbo jihysiomn suskuns to eocioty h nt once deli- 
Cfttn uid imporiont. Not a&Iy in bo oonfiorvntor of the public 
beiUtb — in fact noci^ij"* byKicuic onLcte — but h* i* the ffkiu^ly's 
inual IriiiW fritrud ; for not evtui cuusauyuiuity iU^lf la takeu 
caoro closely to tbo heart thai) ho. Hi« nro tbo oyofl that fir«t se« 
iht BAw-borii babe, and bin nro tbo bjiotU that Btifvly guiJo it 
through dhea;«», or uri^tviujiuj^']^ Ntrarch out u> BHVit It from the 
grATO. He brinds biji «Ar to lintou to tJio family trouble, and bia 
lips trcmblo with tbo word* of tho comforter. To hita, Hun^oiiity 
utaiHls oil tb^ wixtt! lov&l ; ho tonvciA tba paitprr in ix uoiik>m« iLlUy- 
WA/, to dicUtd to Ihe uurtmH th&t btuud rouud thb aic^k^ied of lie 
miUiomiire^ Tlif>r« nre no di#^uk»e« to bini. ho vooft tb« bcltt? of 
tbo bait room with no rou^ on hot obcck, and no draporr floating 
<^oud-1iko from her v^min^ly fnoltUiTdH (if^Eii^;. He tiikcH no ittitA 
of peraoa&l bariu ui- ptrbuuiU dJBi:<.»ujfu[L He Hhrtuks uuL from 
Ibo bnllet of the batUc-field, nor from tltc blft»tiDj^ bt^atb of the 



•>pi'l«iato. Wli4nT«r liii Mottmag fallow gromuM, no 

tfav drcnnmUuie* or thtf dftii^r, ti* ihmrm h^ pUaU liii ""^^^H 
and «pou bU it^dv. With him d«j ii niffttt, tknd niirfai, <l4^^| 
be lakM ku iloop &a-I hk moftlt «bi>& hm p«ti«AtA P*'^^^! 
If fn Tftrf^ pnotiM, bat Uf» ia oa» ol uQmmittioft toil— taflJ^H 
nftlura to IrreguUr, thai It ran imtst b« BMidii tuwisr bj ■■'l^^l 

to A VTaUDl. ^^M 

Doc* not 9Ucb a rcl&tlon mrolT« flOQurthi&i* noro IhuvH 
taam Mlting of odd'h NMTic«« for no many pin^ am of goldT E*^l 
fM»Uj monllj at t|uiU nith itn lue^cal fulTiocr wbMi U ■■fft'i^l 
bil f#«, AH il fe» with fh^ ^rrocor or buteh«r. on tb* mUImmiIJI 
Uie monthly bill ? And arA thoro not aertuu nofiwttro dullii»lH 
luaab, wiiicb Huduty avie-t tlie (ibj^icutt ? It in sf ng^olAr Ail*H 
doty klioulf] Dot only uol tliiiik t»o, but should *liDO«t ujittirfB 
ififelly troiktUi* ia«dicoI nhAnicLi^r with rho (fi-o«8««t iniiMtiec^ ll 
ihc patient |^t waU, it U 11]Oii;fbt hi? would luiv« r«>cciYei>i v^l 
out medic'Al vudblAui-c, uud if lie di^, 'tin tbo dootor vrbo lilWl 
bto. iUMMtlM InldwtqiiAok^ry Ctourieb osub«muUj ono^l 
bim, wbiUt ta, pmbap*, In Mriou«1y dabntiiig wilb kiA^I 
wbotlior alArriLlioti will not oompol htm to abaadon Xhtt cffsi^l 
maa to wbicJj b« liiu JoTot#il the bent cner)^c4 of Lbi lifn 6»l 
••M luA vutiftlion umuutkratood, ita fui-mb^ru ti^Mt^ with ixltl 
laoL, oDil MoiuotinKiH witb conlumely, nnil wj^r^e than all. *— *1 
roundcil nith tbu c|UAclc»of nil dctifrc* ibat live but to pnijifoil 
tba iin>'^T^^^^ "' miiikiiid ; for mrmy there ilt«j wboso sdiic&liH 
b Ixituffictotit to f LnbW theni to diutin^^'uiHli the diffor*ac« tnt¥liM 
tho real and the 4puniJ»i^— to tb^m lh<^C]ijtte«o Liputai ia aamuAn 
doctor a« 8tr Tbomu WjktAon. WbcitnTailn tb^pb^ftjcUirtt ktta<d 
•dgt ol tbo buiuftb bodjr, ita bODj Btriiaturc, it^ munolua^ ji^ bJocd 
vmmt\M, iUnougi^riti* *ii urf^anM, ll8 »miL/iii^ (^'Jitipliixity of boiM 
and Dtrras^ If HOui«iy, upon wbii^ Lo Is dependeub, |>lac«ft &• 
talott apott wich knowl^rl^^ and patronueoa indilFeraattl^ au\ Jael 
thai tato op for a b<«]i>r? Xnd i« it not ■trMD^e, too, Ut^ 1^ 
•»lf-aUAe punua, wbci will not |iart will afliu);l<i tlullar to Ibi 
lff|Citiiaat« pnctitioLor. (wvn witb tlio ^n^atodt rohiclaucHa, vHl 
wUtiogljr ijivu w bundroil Hucb flollura to lome inLHDrablo,,jii«d>* 
avdcT ior a iiiiglo prii»rrif >liiJii ? B^akle^, liovr oftfrn ore tJiO 
phjaiciaik'fl rom«die» )»«t &side for t^sc of Mr«. Smith ar \Ut^ 
Jobff, and bia iaatruotioiu disrogttrded. wbiia at tbo muuo (jioi 


1» U Kold iolelj nwponttbb for the roflult. Thou then pov 
upon hwH^i'oUd b«ad tho uniinadTCTBionii of the iMvyw*, vlko 
imJu^ a |Jttrtiz4kii i>f him in tlie nmttor oX Umtiinrtn^'^ ttud then d^ 
Mmoce him for beiiig ft pftrtuc&u ^ who plAc« him upou the wit- 
Dtu aUnd o« » dftj'g DOtioo. ua4i eiprom if^^at flurpriso tbftt tb«ii 
tiTpotbetiail quPntioQii, whii^h ihtj thctnnnUoH Hcnrccl^ und^r- 

flUnd. fthoillil uoi clflui/ eluciilutc tlin nubject, ur oL l«ul DOt 

Uad to UDcoDtradictcry result. TU«y du a11 that in thoir paw«T 
h««tomftko th« strtftm inuddjr, luid then complain bA<!outto of 
iU mculiUiuiML No miActont Umo for ouimmation gf thv c|iiDft< 
Uoa is given, and jut tho dootor in oxpoctcd to unrftird the 
tAiif;l<^ fckcin. vrbilc tbi) oppouni; uttcmcTft lat doing tli^ir bobt 
%a pTOTf^nt htfu, 1« it not vu^a^fi thul »o Daaeb moro i^hould bo 
oiqiiHftiMl i)f Ihn jihyKinJnn ihnn of thn Inwyor? Tha fori&or, 
olUiough dealiikg with oqunlly obeicorc <)iieAtionii» is nevcTtbelCHA 
<l««iiM>(l lo bo able to answer ftn.T inquiry ofl' liauJ, whilo thu ie 
TBToJy no with tho hivvpr If a qtiotitjon of iinix>Tl-inr« bn put to 
bnB, be IcIJm Iuh (^lit^iit Ujat Viit will tnviThU^iit.A Hxk^ tmh\tscl nod 
givo hiTn bid (jpinion ; vhilo, if n patient, on consulting h» pbj^ 
•ipmn^ w*ri) to ryacive a like uo*^w^^^, the mcdicni muii w*.>iild b© 
Midr>vD at oni^ (l4 An idiot Ih^ liiwi-er never A|)^>eftr« in court 
ftic«pt bo bo mlioDchod b^Uuid tt forUilcjiLion of book«, while if 
tho doctor were to take a mcdif^bl volamc tt^ hin patients obam' 
ber, lor LhL* |nix|>uM) of xtudf in|{ tbut patit^nt's umludy, hie eer- 
viv«H would hpeeiii!)' tw diuperised with. 

I do uotbuiv the ioni>r to be u practitioner of pbvMc, and 
tboraforo do net wuh to bo understood as noundin^ tho trumpot 
of eomploiot on bobolf of my profensional brothrc'n. Itiii this 
uccuMMi oAVm H Auiiijf opporlunit^ fur c^uliiii^ ulttinliou io ttie 
gnovgue injury society inflicts uputi ita«1f by foilini^ to prop^i^ 
appreciato tho naturo of i,ba relation fiiibftiatin^ bntwoonitand 
the man of modif itic. For w:>ci«ty BuffprH far more than iltx-s 
tbn physiciun by Hucb tnnl-appm-iatioii. The iujurieti tbun nuti- 
tftifiod could bd shown by & searching' analyaio, U> bo menifold 
nod far-rtofbingp Huch an [U]fkt^bLH. liowovor, oanoot now be 
AtUt&pied ; bnl Id tin «t«ad T tihall bri«11y indicAl^ what T con- 
coiT«i ouiur of tlit*e iijjurif^)^ to bo : 

Id tho first p1ac«, we hare tho injuries indicted by quockery. 
Coaea, which with proper troattnent, would tt^rminute in rooo\«i7, 


go on from bad to wtimo !d tbo hand of the qumaV, nnJ ^dI^ Ml 
uinlcr Ifta^timut/i p'mtml wlinn ntithinj/ i-nrt be dtwit. Then wt 
har^ tho dATOiiftblo inTcmtioti of pretrndrd di«on«fi p]i>y«d upon 
tho vnnk; tlio wiy^(>bed riotim pli&d with ivrnniioii, and hia f«d- 
ifiAvnD trroii^^t upon RTtd hi« ima^mntiou %ft infliimed, Ltni, 
deeming ttimoHf tlio niiVijr^ct of iTtriirihlilnilirtmNn, Uii 1if« becomM 
a burdf>n and A miaorY, aad notanfroiiuciitly torrainat^^fi in iiuaa- 
ityorfluiddo. I'hfMi odd to thin (ho woiUtb thftt is wMUtt in 
feedi&iT eUarlAtftBiKm, t1i« Tii>«trum« thnt nr^ nvra-UtwDd nt TftQdnni, 
»nd tlio jiHrnicifmh litv^rrititre rlitt*HiiniiLHt««il hy DiOM tmrpiM, 
throosh tiowApapora. cirCLilnr« nnd pnmphlrtfl, wh<)ao vu^gwt&ODi 
are wo viU"!* corrupthi;^ that wnnhmidor to think of th^iia, md m 
hwre quite Hiifflin«Tit tu givo iiit pmiHf?. And yet qiiack^rj thrive 
and ovly tliriven bucuuHe nuL*ib1jr Huj^purlH il 1 

HiOD ihe mai-apprfeiatioJt of which xoc firr (iouMn/injp dirtdli/ 
diMCaiireff* U^i^ht^att^ jitfiiitring*^ taid httxtco todot; suQTcTtt br tlM 
rpHitlting itifmor gmdn of mrdicnl qimlifif^tition. For lit^r^, tB Itt 
mftttera of matctiiU wealth, iucrwiacd aoDHumption iucit*^ to 
iLcrcaafd produftiaii,aud thxniu turn toraoTo and. better viuietMi 
of tho Ritid'^^ Tliert^ in n"i that ^^ndmirn^nncnt to ono'fl avofcuig 
tU* WiiVM of ti"idic^in« whif^h Hit™ wnuld tv-if tbn injiisrtii^e wriqieak 
of did not oxiift. That men of Bdcntitic If^nnini^ hUouIiI notbt 
tbua ignobly dotoiTdJ from folloiring tkoir nattml preforoooo, If 
tmo, bill Ihnt nome tirf «o det«rT«d in unqnwittonftblo, 

A^fftin, Hfti'ir laut-appfn^iatioiL irti/fn to vrrnte a htr ixtan/laril of mvd' 
icat cducatu/n. 'f liia rectults iucvitiiblj- from the fact of eocie^ 
not di^onmiiiatitig b«twoea the f^ood nud its tovene, and ft9- 
qnpnlly pr**fprHng the ftpnrioitH ATid jxi^iitiv^Iy biul. All Diniit 
Affroo lh»1 th« »tu]:dnnl or mt^dicnl eduruhon ofkiiQot htr too bigb; 
and if to, soci^ljiuuHtftulTei- if itdofiufhttolowvr thjitvlAndOTd. 

BoRid««> /Jitf rjifl7'a;^wvvnn^ifln /f^jr « diri^l U->idfncy to t\tm ft* 
fift <^ tfu^ fJiyniciiin ttifit iitt^tfitimaie iot^y*, IIiuk fiddlng to (■hula- 
tanibiD mi tfli^tuiTut of thv moHt dfuigtniua Qburu(.-t«r, In \htX ii 
io&da to malco qunclceij Mnoowlutt rcHpectable, and \>y eo doisf 
iDcronHON ilH ]iouor8 of dbooptioii. Tliera <Lr« ranny moti vbo 
nei»d a litllt propping in ordpr to knop Lhori ulrniftht; lawi who 
will do right if tioi Lxi itlnrntrlv li^mpUc]. Huch pcrsunA are defi- 
cient iu mfraU, n,ad tfucH it in, ^lio, reduced hx the mrtn song ol 
<|uaGkoi7tOni^ tbfirprufomiionaiTOboiiU] tho iuir& &nd drown 

the upbnhltlinif Toic« vf couw;ieui:« wltk the jiiiifiv of ill tEcUcoi 

Ai^ thou ri>doot upon tbo onormouu illc thiLt lAiut bo occft* 

imjiurUDt luftttca ul altculiuuLu uue'ittulmetJta.Anii by bli^ltoiu- 
a&dft of gEUtt>ttt4i>f pat«uL tu«diciiioe whir-hftro AHQUAllf poured 
down th« hmuAn Uuoat, tho tioidrum in (ican^nlyii MtigU iiiatfUKw 
being priMcrribiiil by juij on* htiviog tliu AliifhtBail ktuiwted^ of 
it» ingredienU, or of iim c£Fd(^ti» ujwn Ui« njBtoui. or oi Uie maladj 
tUft Uw mlicf of wiiiob it it, adiuiuut«r«d. 

Now b« it raxnciabtKd tbat ihe c<>[iftAr|U«ncd« oT tW injuHM 
jant iiiPicWddo wA<li« with Uje poraou iDJuind; for wo kuovr 
tliAt tcodcncicn ons tnuuumtUd iw facial pcculiAritks arc, nnd 
UiAt even tliO iDflbnot of a&naulu \a to b<> uttnbutod to wbtkt but 
b««n deiiorui&aUd the law of iiJifirit^d ftsMocution. 

T1v« <«UM> of IIlp fuilur« of Roriel/ lo propeHy perfonn iln duly 
in nAtAvtn of b<ftUbaTidnic<ticiD«,vid«foctiTCodvicatioD. Ind^^d, 
M doAM i« tlio ijfnotmioA of pooplc jfan«rally fya mc^cM mdt- 
Uanir tJ*** naftriy ovptt hnnimn l»ing nomiidt'nt hicwrif or h<»r» 
Mlf n Uttlut&l bOru (Wtor- Tlita altiif^t vvery one Iiilh nrrE-n illaH' 
tnU«d ii; tiii» own poraoQ vrbsnctr«r eoi£«d with an illacBH. Be it 
ft Alt fiflffvr, ft Mora oyit, or a mftlfidr that threaUns tb« T«ry oit*- 
tlel of lif^. winh friend that li^ mn-N ofTcm itu infjilliHn mrnAdv; 
aad cerer Utioitulcf^ to deuidr 'm a moment mmiticnii thjit would 
pftfftl<> 1|]« bndn of & tjyd^nham. Hov diJferent in mattont cf 
Uw 1 Hura, if a man ho iiTortnkfrn hy litiifation, or ia abont to 
utidprtaki*Tjiv eiFiTTUtitit] of a romplunUid pinrn <jf iHiHinnmi^ thft 
lMlvie« of friend>t ia Dot to do thin, or to do that, biit to at onco 
B0*k a lawyer, ^nd plafw ttkonjntt«ri]rid«rhiai:oatroiH The ohuem 
of tlip difTnrottrA liAst in t)i<* fnct that people aro muoh better 
rdii«alf^1 in niuLF^rK of law lliFtn in matUirM nf modWoe, Tills 
rooolla chiedv from our open courts, from jurr diUt, from kgal 
dlMUMioEi ill novTttpap^Tfl, and from tho Dumborktin tAnnacltona 
In hupinpPH nhirh (TrTolTf th*» TWf»*rtjLiuin*int I'lf Itfful priuPiple*. 
l[oiim:ipath;' ii ranch n^bmjiiod hy laiiuy «idiir^ti*d jmrHOtm, who, 

of eoim«, loolt Upon the r«iralar pTnctic« jw a rivft] sy«tetn, it 
bffin^ known to 1h«'nt aa the ntfopatftiiy^ in (?ontradiatiTii;tion totbc 
Jtm/jfT}^«iiAi> pnLrlii^. Nfiw il rtill dmibtTpHH Knrpriwe many of 
eoch ptr»ut)e to be told UiJit tUffro i« no sticb thiiig att allupiktliy, 


KDilUial Ic^Umulu luiMljoioe knoim no njiitpiu nr limit wbftt« 
in Lho tLlUr^iuLi^u uf bum^u buffering. IiiOcad, u^Uriul of tbc 
Urrm nllnpnihy l>«]ng ono nbicb fuodiciuc hoe odopl^d b; wny of 
dintinctionj H «iw mveuteJ bj the? houc^ipAthiBta as «& lUtJ 
cttl Unn of rit|tf4>arb;i^beio^ftiwerU*<] b^ tb^m tbftt tfa^ ffflbrt 
Uic n^FniluT prA^tioner IB 'lirroUd to the dritinfrottt of di*cma* 
mMiiiiicf ctber tlieeneee artifi«tilJycTOnt«d— hQn«# tli^ tlorivntion 
of th^ word from atf^Mr, uientiin^ ori^^^, nnd pd/Au«, m^ii»ifi^ nvtr- 
W uvm/Mim. But Uiere iR no nui^li thinf^, I r(f|rrnt. im allopftUij; 
modicind tepudiate** tbe t*nu: no pbjTiiciftn dr«ain> of B*tliiw 
ufi dwcxw^ in ThD borly in ortlcr ^ImL otlior dtsooflOfl mflj bo «* 
p«U«d- Nor in thft Iv^tintitttf pn*i^,itinn*T Ixiund within ibe nmrrow 
GUtruit of n nyitiem. Tbin lir Irftren tn tbe vrnter doctor and tbe 
diBpMUrr of ftot^ncira. It in hiA bunin^PRi nnd duty to use ererj 
flvaiUble tuetuie for Ui« rcbof of liitipatKmt, nomatt^ what 
m^arft cnaf b9, so tong 44 li« Lhowh wIjai. I1& in doing and viol 
no Iftw of slhtdk B« should never ftct at rsudoiu, nor ttdnum^ 
tcr a remedy wLom effecte bo oaoncit rcuonably predioi, uid vi 
vboHv ti4turebo iAQot tboroijgbly convormwt. Buft with tbw* 
r«i«tminU, h« ta free to draw f)xiiu VJie weidth of Ili4> univorMi ImJ 
tbo boiicfit of Lis f«llow<iiuLOp ^^^ 

^^o wondot that people i^rc a prc-y to Lbo abiiriEitAu, when lbs 
^re^lUll&g igfior&rtt*« in uiaLt4<rK of LoilUL Im us pi^ofouud an «> 
know U ti Ik?- fn it iintiiKiiiHU^iim tluit thti huujiii boily, ^Ua t«1b* 
clo of (>ur (^xintcaL^Cp HhoLild u^t be Ix^ttor uudonitoodF Inso 
vUDpLt ■ matter uv tbv pulnCp hijw luiuiy evtu kiio^' tbv nnrmal 
ntimlier of iU beata, or tiuytliing whnt^vnr of thfi bfiJlbfiil moMc 
of ite ibjtbm ? Wij a:o miijaonoi GToi-y oiomcnt of our liro * in ob 
ocean of ffOB, some of whuwo ooniititaoiiti9ar'(Mth«olut«I>uee«tLSu; 
h> Uie ooutuituuiiw of «uMt»rioo i but how tnan^ utLderWuid 
tJid liihture Ljf th^ne (ruuHUtueQU, or i\t& tunnuer ui nbu:b tbay ool 
in f«cdiu^ tbo luiup oi life? We br« compiled to introduce food 
tato tbe uttjmunb al frc<pK^Qt iotcrviUu, chtu tbo vital uiufbicieijr 
would eoiub to ti uUfp. But how iiiauy have cl^jir uotiono, ot o^jr 
notioubalaU ioiiii«riiijitf th^ uiuttvtV Wby woiild the wbeelj 
oeuo to turn? and what U the uaturo of the proc»d by v»bkh 
GMttsin foodB repair the vjuto of tuMiic, whilo □brLmu uther food* 
act puraly and nmply km a fuel t One would HUppotie thdt, at alt 
wmitu, bomttbitig would be geutirolly known of dijfuaiiuu 



alinMDUiioB. AdiI y«t lli» #fW4L»lK«gUlerof infanti^ fnwn timl- 
fcc*licg i>nivfle ULf^coutraij; w]ul« tb« ilj^Hpo^jtlra tUiil muurii 
UtrcTigl] tba laail furaUh ntUl ruriW «viUotJCc. ATid oa to dr^st. 

•ctfiWfrof tUe Doutu-r, that i*, of Uia corrolntifin li^twDvn n1im«iit 
R»d clotliing:, uiao^ of iLeiiJ violnic, in Ibc xlrwoitig of thcmmOves 
ftiifIclkildreii,tiopbLiii4i#ii|irU(CBof connQOn HOELf^e. Bui onoii4[h. 
Of timF%^^ im» Uck of kiiowt«[lg4' in b*wiH«4 oal/ of the taom, 
'or tljont are m:ore* ii^ rvurj largn iwjnintj", wbu li(iv«, l)j Hrlf-pilit. 
CAtioD, Attained toaOEnething llkentionaJ ii<itio&«of pliy«c1o^i?«] 
phoDouav&n, QDil of eurib, prosiuuiibly, are tbono who mtorost 

L«pUiiiftte nuHliciaii will notor mnot frith proper moi^nillos. 
nor will nirvtt«Tti of h«Altli bft untlerstood by Uic jtpoplr at Ivir^, 
tintil our RK^bodj* of cdautilioa uador^ A rodicAl (?hiai^o. Chil- 
drni tuu f-rmmniftcl wkb 1.ho«* tbiug** thw ;lo not need to know, 
ftnJ ixr* rrntnLJiii'iI frtun liT»ming tho^ie tliingM tlirtt ar** abdofijlely 
^M^ntml for tb^ni Ut inow. The youujt ihao, wbo hw miidft tho 
mitml Df tho cUif«(^l ciiiTiL»[i, tiUpn from iht* porliil of tkw 
T^aiterMty or Chi11«j;>> nith Lk parcbiiiviit nmh-r hU arm, and fti* 
bo auTToyn tb« worM front bJs ficoxui&g elevation, be secretly 
wonUeru if tha fcnowl^d^ of nny of lIa iitbnbilAntfl in tbc^ equal of 
bis. IT^ i-HTt writ© ft Iiilin poom, kjn>w» tht» Uiiicl, cnn pcrhap* 
c&IculnU- jtiL e4^li]>TW« nnd pOK«ibljr ban n Kmntieriug of ao-ttdl^d 
moral pbilcnopby. What mure Deed b« Iliiowh, b« aaVs bimaelf ? 
Aiw not tboKc tbfi »\itiiiiMim bormrn cf la^nkin^? But in thj> world 
wbtdi he surr*yii witb Buoh loftv dbcduin, bn baa to li»o ^o^I malf^ 
bi* wiyr, Tben il b pliiin hn i&bfiTild kuow ^wm^ tu livu, imJ Acm^ 
to rnako bU way. Aye. (^-rvV Ibe rub. For will biif Liv^ and 
H4>lM0f t^uirb hitn tboBO tliiuj^ tl»at ftwi noroMHaiy tni |.li<>(ionip]'<lo- 
tUM o/ his character, and the awnk^niD^ of the poflHibilit-iM that 
lie<loriDnut wilbiu hini? At «i«i7 stop of Inn pm^roH bit will 
find binuclf AarrouLd^d hj lolc^ljly fornot arid vuat (jucrfnca, and 
ftK be ciuibob r4<api> them, as tiicy noof^uanly inllutmef bifi life, 
^ifbat a puny Lillipatiaii bo in if bo knovr* nothing of thern— ff, in- 
sleud of btH nuikihS tbom Kiilviervitfrit t*i liiici. nu h<< c^oiitd do If 
be uiidf'i^ioud tbntii, Uiuy Uialce Lim ktiWrvteul to tboml Tbo 
Oarth ho fjri^adiJ (ijmEii tb« foi»d btr rai^, the air bo bn<athoit, nvd 
the wat«r btt diinkit. bo bn^ u<> more ronl kuowleil^ of than a 


«)uld ]iu dT Uio iatfrgisl i^nk-uTuA. Tti* tii^ruidfl of «-htl 
inotl]«r H&rUi, rmui^iiii; from Uih micrxiHcopir phoi<ipJijieU 
^anl Mqucuii, mid from the nLftpcUiM fttuccba to tLc*'*3 
aad ftdniznblo fom)" of mnu, b« roAisB atiioaj;^. Ibo 
atomy, TIia kiLltLiduvtopi- uf UUt U avor proaent to bit 
but Lbe colora fftU d«dd ou hU luental rcttuA. Sot ^om 
undenfLuid T.liO niJitohnl ikirUvititi) llmt «fiviroD hUm hvnc* 
OBiinot ftdftpt himitflf to tliMix, nnr umi hin nnturAl pow#nlo' 
lieMt AiliftiiUgn. Tk(! pLjrHicnl hqciii^ok, 13iAt have c1oa« man 
ndvAnco raoElund LUd'D n«&i'Iy ev^tythiog tlno caiuhluad, 
hiti) n totlod book, &tid oo(itnbttti> noUuo^ to his mmtal 

Thf prlmrana \ty iba vlvar'a hr^m, 
A j«[bw I'rluiroa* III to blxa, 
AujI it n nolhins noro* 

To him, not^Ul ^^iu&uu ancl politiciJ ococoniT ar«) iitrmigcia» 
l^«iiue, should U(T Iwtf nic iiiriuljcr nt a JcK^^J^^tivp Imnij-, h* 
HHButt in pm'i^trntLiiif itiU mL>rc oi Uicit nl>vui\1 Iv^^^iiiljttioQ ahvij 
krtowii uu cobt-n-i^cy and no priacipJ«, Aod wbcwc rvpcvUin; 
jire abuut tlie otilt^ commoudablQ od<m in Lbc vbol^) umuo «f 
truigU'iiieiil. And til IbtH vuaiitctJou it lui^hi he pointed ont, 
atdkiriK cuiuuiobljhrj- Q\'on iho fiiiluro of rjur edacnUounl lavdii 
tliut oiir tti>-oim«d suU-iiiudct moa are tbe ones nJio ar« iDo«t mP 
oflHsfnl in liiiMtjfr'MH ; nud ILni the ^^jiteHt En^liHlnD^n of Ui* 
mrului^>ii(>taUySpmKVir BudkJc und Mill, wcic cLtluc-Atod OEitoJi 
of tLoh'rcut uiit\<imLio8. 

Ai*»ar«>Jl3', a« loDg &« our )>nii<Ti]itk| bufrifi^u i» that o|iu« 
it uoiild mrrin tii lio th« lucnl uujHrrtftuI of nW oaxihly mnlt^iK, 
tf^^iiLG ai'A|uiunt^d with Uto liivrit of ri'fid Uviwj i u^t iinlj 
Jr4M^ii that t(wcm tbe life of the individual* but tlionc ah w«1] 
^ir«rn iiidEvidiiAU ivljen aggrogaled into Hot^it^tl^M : luid ibeM 
rtflvQ, ui>t oul/ a LnovvW^'t^ of iLe AccuLuiilutioD aiul Oiirtiil 
of vruftllit, but ntao n coimprcboQaion of tboi-c mijfhty forcM lii 
wbicU pbfnii^ fxud (*hL*Tnihtry Unvo io diml^ It !■ not eAjUtg tW- 
nLQjrh to unert, ttiat wiiLoiil hucIl kiiowlcd^, w6 nrD dflfiCBlit 
in iUp vtij tuAbrrow of edticntiiju— niid chu have uo rnnl ooD- 
proh«i;«ioii of mtional lifo. WLaI ioip<irtjuit 4.-on4e(|ucncc« fov 
til fluv from ft tlefcct of tmoh knou-lbd^n, Hnrtwrl SpeDcor 
i>ut wilb titnrUing i^lBwaecn, mid ti> bitn I wi>uld ri>f«r 

tUglltful ponton nfar> hoit&ot bod Hifrgnrntgoi^ Tarttiafr toniftkA 
ttU|utbmthnc»f — % laiui xrhcmu mind in Uu}U|-bt b,v lUAojr to t* 
8uljtl<<«t, hi^ai 1)«1iLp<«ci, bad moat oApariout of llw DioctoOQiU 

Ltury^ nnd whoaa povf^ra Mid r(«ob r^f DiTopo tan nitaply «tu* 


In orJer Uiftt nudinint^ nhEiU fulHIl tt« iniii«inn KDd do ftll th^ 
Kid i>f wliidi il »■* rh]>Ahl<!', w.'ii*'(y luust i D 1^1 H^-e Tilly ro-operato 
vitb it- And tUia to-operuliou van oulr Ue nached throui^ im^ 
provfsd tnothodH of «dncfttJofi. 3d Joixk do poopl<^ ilto i^i^oraiit 
of the fundiitmrntn] Inwn of lif« unil lic-uUh. «o lon^ wtir iinfUrkAry 
UlriTCt aocjelj HulTer, nml te^^itiitiaU meiticiiiv he d]«cimra:;:pd' U 
ii do£jtat;dmtt too mnth of ft pQiflon to iVfk him not to bdlicrd tbnt 
IiIb fH«nd, bv dnnbiQg tho btif;-toA of n Ctiii^fuuun, wa^ L'urf<d of 
iliMMLiwT UiEkL phjh'iueiaiiK hud pmnnimctd iiT^imrdinlilv. vrkvri ttiAi 
lend liMfurcH him tbnt hudIi in Uit^ tnr.i : or ILat Dr. Puffer, ui 
to nbort wcokfl, >kivl roi4torod Mr», Crodiiloim' hrokon-rlowti lui^g 
Etji privtini^ vi^r, wbfitt Mrs. Crfldtiloufl icnlc en Affidavit ihitt 
icli mtnu'lc hud bnen workfil lii' Dr FiiR«r- Now pbyiiieiaDa 
, a firvffi. ihetm nte iJTon docfrptiuDfl; but bow is il 
dbU for thoao porfloan, who cimBptitnt^ the mftjorilj iii •vsty 
tmmkilT, to jk<Mi*>!rKf(" 1.brouj;b 1h** vfiil of d^n.opHon to thn 
n« of th(i miscirtblv fniuil, nlitfj lLi\v iiiidentKiiil noUung what- 
ir of tho tiubj<<cl ? But did th<y havo a pljjfbt inkiinj? of how 
It U to work xtpfih the fooliu;^: how oany to mftk« oTt^ btt- 
ffl everytliin^' iiWut u xubjtrl of whirb hv knr>W» nAtbinjr; and 
^ ©My to eiai#n^[ftt« the efficnty of tbnt wLith wo belinvo hta 
ton of HtTvic* to i]£; ftcd did Ihfly refluiit, ftfi th»y do not. tJi&t 
man/ ailniMitja litnva Ib6 n^l^ni wilhont nrtifi<<iid «i]>ulKEon : thai 
othora «xibt ualy in dihtUM-d mui^iiiulioii, :«liicli Q Biroii*; friilh or 
a powerful oii-iLutioii ^dl ofl«ii avddunly remote; and that iKriirlj 
<»v«i7 OQo miKupprahendtt eiitir«Jy Lho naturo of bit dikordar,'^ 
wmr. Eill tbf^v thifign tikknn inliy nci'oiint, mnny n ch^LrlAtttn wtiu 
BOW re\clH in lujinriouH office*, nx^uJd be j^Ud lo contoat LIcuKslf 
with a oarpdllCM room in the nttic. 

In nonclu«l90, Ut me loioko yotii beat wishes for th«ee ^n* 

■on who tO'ttij^t fttott upon ft phynciao's GMCor; toi^j Uii; 

rovQ wtTthj of ft prof«t«ion that hM aiunb«r*d in tJio po^, ftnd 

Uiur^beriiiTi th^ [Treaent, eomo of thfl moat gloriuua namea 

Ilmt bu>'« ever ftliutie upofi Ui» n^U-c-all uf thouf^lit'^i 
hnvo illaiairiAtci-l m>ry nx^, Mkd wht.)H<> Iiirlit' tibnll uoigvM^' 
Ilia UhI H^JIjibUof rv<wi'3iMl tjmft" — won not only dtntia^ 
juuilkuuo, but iH|iiiUljr ilutUjtgtitfdicil iii nvttry ilf^pvttDol 
Ki<>nce;— nieoi ^Lo iu tliiM <3f*nUir; ba^c ^I&<t4<<1^ m th<> ptoacA' 
Mftver, Ct>n^nrvuliou of Korco upon an otuXiiriii;^ fOQ&i 
III tile iidrwiii of Wull«, ciT[»lr;inb<I Uio ciArviO of tbe ttev; •>!, 
ilie p«twju of Youug BcIrtK] tbo ^itublem of culorM^ whuM m>\ 
cvAd4i4 iivtm tho mif^litj povora of Nonlcn ^ 

If tL9M g«ntl«ii3«ei an) imhaod, oh thoj- hIiouUI bo, «U 
pTupt^r BckiitiHc' iipivil^ llidy will A(<<(ujunt Uii^jui^qI v«9, 
lixu^ wU) jUIi>w, with all tliut u kni^vrn of tbe pboaotuoaa of 
wbethor iioniihlorubuormiU, mid will ti«rM- tiro in r^plt 
of fhf limyiftn bndv ; ihny will pnmiio t\\e stuilr of th# 
K!ii?nc4M wiLlj r«JM'>lc!w ru\k>r; tlicv will lubur qvqf tLi-ir 
until Uioj QOD traoo cmJi ttrmptum W tbo Oftuve tbat 
iMfl U; thej vijl b« «vot on tlu nlert for ooisp^ir'nltouK, aiul 
Uiwi^ f«ftrl«§B]j' an] iulelli^antl; when thoy noMrj Aut\ Ihej 
flfclod fta<1 apply their mmodion with n pmdcsnce nnd Actimeui 
oan onlj coitio from hini viht> undorAtandn BomothinK of Um 
plfix Hiructurc witit wUioU bo ban lod^iU. 

If ifiiLUijile <."*iu tUmulate. ur ra>«iinl inciti^, tbt'r<T miivl 
«&otij-b tf> mii£« Ui««e gttitletaoo to cnt^r tipon tbo r^co li 
Uiom with AT^iy fcoUji|f ftGil avei; thought tt-l to tfaoir 
ttf&Kiij&j with nil uiifikllfHTif^' n*£i.i1iitinii lu Icit no i^uobl 
come botwecu tbcm ftud tbi^ir frr^iit pL(i-^Ob«« but to do tbi 
AH tb^j find it to <lo wi^ all tb« Aiisrfry of tholr uatnw. 

Hjiil tLtiH thrv mny ant, nnii find ol laflt that rrvrard 
liUvi^r fiiiU to rci^iiiry pcmiNUnjt ciidciivor, u, I lun auri;. th<i 
wwJi of «very h«Krt that no^ b«uta bufvt^ iQo. 


lyuHAi^cdtHankcitm^Lylciroll to»^ afow^orda totbo Junior 
ibervof the clftiifl vhu Arctftbcmt toUavcttbo Lc(;tiir&-rooru,ftiid 

ji>ii htid aoy doubt nt the botpanm^' about th* trnportanco of etudj 
Id ih6 profpanion t)t ;our cLo)o«, you c^n c^Tlainly bnv* uouo ftt 
Jfcr*»#»iit. TlitJtiift*rii, nttcT n Tpojunnihl*' rchvcatSou fi-«m jtiuf 6t» 
monlliHuf csAni(!rtt Uhor, ]<:t un iciTokc rou to pluugc u^aiu into 
«ttidv, with a will ihni aUtpa ut nolhin^f ohorb of inabdily to e^t 
ftDi) Hlhop. And in llial TolniAtlon, or rocreBtion, lo which w* 
refer, ^Igii't fLjr^rt t\\t\ kint) rf rf^Kl^ wliicib tbo hfurt tnkntt, to 
rccrrfttc the mo»t UViotioun vtiUn of ^itftUty, Tlio farther you 
ftdvoucfl m tbu lutcrTfd of UirtttrAS, the tnotv ntimulatinf; and 
gloriniiK will iK-lhttufstfiBd lniitcr>«r*oof orn! inwlniotioii. That 
your hf^jftltb mii\ ht- HuttliLiufct^ nud im iirul i^hutL-jeH mark jour 
roumoQ with yo\ir old t<^(lch«fB and fn^ndii, is tlio tmitod deeire 
of your Faculty. 

GfnltmtJ'H I'/ tfif' Orrnitfitiing (JlaA»* — Tltcrt are mauy Imutoiu 
in this world vrluch :iinat W nspe^U^d until kaowit, and tbey aro 
no'TM known until tLoy ai'fl worked iaW tbo fortnH of organixad 
int4>!]igoDr«- As confirUntly nn wn may IwHovh \n the* pninriWr* 
iiu|irovflmcnt« of man, y^t wit otlu Marrrely hope for i-xomptiua 
from tbia common menUJ Dec«Maity. We ar« cot aJon« in ibis 
opinion. The Fiu-Tilty from whioh you bftvo ja*it rocttivnd your 
f>i|k1oinflp, by whoAe pnlient dnilv Uwhin^ nnd rinmiiW you 
hftv« ocquirM a juHt Utlu to Lbe '* Doclorato," hftro domoiintratod 
thpir conotirroQcc in this view of a mjiiremal p^ycholopctkl htw, 
and hotior^ mn with tho oft^co nf T«poatii;g uonio of the Ij^ava- 
tftkinf^ Lputoiu of yoor Almn Mat^r. 
In doiuK thia, I need not iuforu you that 1 luu in cyntpaihy 
itli you. Inom joint o£forls to miuitftcr to th« city's poor,4\<ncy 


Sunday tar irtniiy uiuntha, vte Uavc bet'onw w«t]I ttcqueuiUv^k 
l^iiruwl Ihn vaIi]# oJ imituftl otTort atnl mutunl l:in<ln»)«ii, *! 
tiuikiu^ ourwilvfiH qtiittt rnmfortjililn iiud happy hy practicing 
'O^niiing zut of nrciprocal rcapoci 

But 1 mu»t not iudulf^ in «xordiam, dtiro not uEaplifj 
ihti Umo, nor ntop to Ktiuly a<1omnientH I mual ^mppl* ftl 
nrjth tliff milijnr^t — amt,i Iiilvq inimiiilUtft nnil lua^iHrLir ju^ntfli 
jourmiadA, uad npuu the cieiiidtive proto]>Uuun of Ib^ 

tmary, I must htAlily «kotoh «jrii« of tM Qh«mct«rUitie« 
DiAk* i]|) tJ)e ^«At, Iho nohlR, tihe ^lonoim i^hyajcmn- 

I nholl <K)iinDino DO Uiuc nor thougbU iipoD iiuaclieiy. 
nciiLroolj ref«r tf> th(} mofCTitficciii history of our '^nltin^, T)i« 
oonmi^nt^M in 1L<- m^nlAl ^trale^ of PAnvtt^o. nud Aourii 
for thutiHuiiilH 1)1 jtiunt without tUu uld of cortiiliuitui or odTnl 
In^. Tlio other ib Ht(<reotyvcd in hjatoryt ivncl cmirjui b« 
iDiicli hettot or worer^ Ijj redkotian. 

It !■ tlift impinging, huriiiiijr pivyit^nt wtiidi ilomandji <wr 
Uou, luiit iiinpircr* Liii wit'h motiTO and ooofldeiic^. Lot ii>, 
£d the rjlUmio Unpiugc of Longfellow— 

" Trimt iw ftilHiis hi>w*'ar |tlvft«Uit ; 
Irfi thfl iUhcI |ifur bury 1U <1«ad 
Act,— not iu th* livmu (<nJ4*ixt. 
tlmri wilUiD mid Gal o'lrbokJ.'' 

It b the prupcnt ^'hich brini^ you to t)i« foro^rOttiMl with dipl^ 
mun ill h&od, Aiul, it may be, iffit>i tUo pulling, yot btavoly- c^^ 
for tbat conflict whtrh v* to d«T4>nuln« ibr nhiinulcr and oapiuitj 
of tho ntnn. Tliun fnr you hrtvo hnil LUti adTauljiifm uf ots^ 
without r»pi>nEvibiIit7 — • fettntof ilicorr with utfivjut nnno ol lb 
|»«nU and |)«rplc3:itie» of prji4-tic«. Saw, tbf^ee fuiit^tioDK an tu 
4<ciEniTkin^lo Id eu«lionb which nu^tt obnTige, nnd ynt wtth a kii^ 
of dviiiautl vrhich ih nb viinnlilu am tlie ilhi uf Itfa. 

Tl;oiic r^Mrtionp ftnw! fr*>iu tho roUtionrt in which yon now nlMid 
lo tho livoft tULd ffond boiUlL of mankind, and from Iho uuutUi*' 
hlti imiiuHance of bdng ivtmt yuur DipliMuaM reprovout ynu-*- 
compotent to piootico xuedicttic, 

ooupvnxT TO niictics uxannKt ! 
Not in thr laueojvtrt-a ol ipikA arc tburu fuiir vforilh of niiichtii 
import i not in (ho H^hitiouH of bunmu lifo can 0119 feel » 


', rVr Truuo b doelAmtiun 9I gi«*b>r inlOfiHi lo soweW, Hut 

niX. niJarimlomUAll bUMB VOfdi fn f«8|Aet to the Aiulimwm^nt 

jour Dlplviuiut. It ia iu>l iu tli« amplitude uf abilitj' tLii^ (I;om 
fhmcnU ftttost your oompolcnvjr. Ttioj simply nxprcat: a Iw 
m .Your ^ompotooc;^ U> bo0o tho |>nicbci> ol mudioutd. 
£ut cfUinjMTteiiujr to bu^^n, unci coTup(^tj»ii^' in prUfjfrvM ami 
ttiuit/ an tv ttlaUrt^y tictwBHio?, »o tii1«rc])ar>((fia1)lv easonliaJ , 
ki thoy Im or dio ijiproifortion as orio frrown into the olUor, 
iflr, Thf? llnit ifi voma Ihnn <ti<rlniifl nitlKiiit UiA ■f'^rand, aiul 
n third in Ihu uiily rrowDiiLg gU>r>- nf a iHimpliTtml dcHiuj, 
O)iaj>tleuoj tc htgin in eHLaUuahcd 1>^ iLe eii<lOT«ef&«iiUof yoor 
'ITS, We have omly to <i«ai with your ^^oropil^naj- in 
itud rnttUmty, nifc) tina will fim'a ir« at otioa iiitu IhiT 
nd«nitioa of the coatrolliug poncir of wpiratit>ii aad babiU. 
jvxtT doidroa nod hahiU you tanti tim or foil— munt uboend to 
i«&ce or d««o«ikd to iiui(fmficanc«, become nail? gooil moti 
wiuLil ph>«ioi>iifl, or mit«m1>1>' poor pbTsiciwin, whinh m 
lut ibo wont thini: tbat^aa bo IrutLftilly aaid of axiy living 
OTWomao- C^oipntoncy in propEnwi ilcimaiidii a full f?oii«ep- 
of th^i laliio cf iwptwrmftnt and na affpimtinn which fthull 
imonritrnta thn wry dirinity oi imnit^KiTina^. TiuaiR prnrt^iui- 
TH exaot nothing tut OQD»onaat habitfl to carry a character into 
le ^r&uJciMt rt^onuul uiiefuIaiiBB, honor and iudopendeLOO. 
Ar« }vii reofly for tiie fearful ttrvig^*le? Feerful ind«Ad, fnr 
is a warfare of life aud for life— an oDdlem covlr«it Ull life 
If it »titi|rui»hi>d- iieradvoDliura m a proaaore of "rJctorioN. 
VIctorioM over tdl the dintLirbiiig and grovoUn^ eleiuecta of man'B 
nutiire. Over biH iiuitihrliTe neakueMt — hitt innity, bi« idleneM, 
biii arro^'aiic^, hta tynuiliy, hia^aorance acd prcjudtcait. 

TheM arc Hit cou()U««l« you ruunt all Achieve, if you really 
do<oiv to booomft ^lonoUA in«a of & glorious luid homano j»ienoe. 
Htudy in tlm firvt rH|iniiitf% induitiy the tuuat Dhanutial nua- 
laiiiiii£ power, logic and philcvopby the ntcttmy and cartnirL 
produeta. That i^duate uf joor cIbbh who baa entared into an 
oDdjing, lUKihaiigeabla covcuaut with fetudy for life, ta jiiAt an 
eeriainty bonked for di«tiEict[oD, jimt a)« cerlainly a mipnriuL' mail, 
aa the aoldicr who ie awako and anricd in tbo bcirinninif of a bat- 
tie ia aapefior to 11 «oldJ«r who la aaqinaod while Hleepiog. It ia 
only by auc^ a coveTinnt that sdv oii« of you, or all of you can 


hopA to n^ch « pontion of comuieutlablo soeoew, Vf^ 
bftT* nlrondj done m atn*uliit« F^Iay compAMxl wiUi wbftt i« b> 
dojw, whnt nnut b^i dono In t1r« ftiturc. 

Therb arc tluuH&uOii of ^jmlunlvia wLo rewiki thfl poiol 
havtt ftttoiaH with irilUoDc*^ uiid «a«e, but who oon go bo 
OrftrJEiAtJoc n-itL tboiii iji tho nnd of oflTcrt. Aa etud«nH 
Eercr li™ nt Mw «bHiiM>f tboorv; thfly mr*- inflmttHotui, «Bl 
BAtie, oftoD wonderful ttt imliool m f*utiUUt>it witli tlioif 
y*t Umii!, wenk, vrvritlatiiifj fltid «ft*nl>" diHAOumj^iHl i& 
(j/ rntirtipl of whiob ftli tbn occiipatiorjB of man nM ooi 
]ron-hoiu-|«il huroM in nnhaiil-boiiHi* oouflit'L*, hiinvt or 
biniii xn lb« lou^b and tucible batUe-ti^M* of btidnoM Uf«- 
ile^d Jt would H««*m uJtnoBl a mle, IbM tb^ hnghU»r Mbd 
mi^^mnrtnt ihti pupil irt rol1«^, tbn diiTlnr niifl wr>«ilret h» 
the practical ouUdtln world of pi>iiUt*t nnil hUukkI<*' 

In achool, Sir Waller tioutb wiM li diill and iiQpTomiainjT M 
ItlMhOoI, Tohw Huiit*>r vrm pronounced n ho[t«l«ii 
In acbool, JoJm Van Btiren whm in pt^rpnttiut dui|rmo9 froi 
eUpbftoU&iifl, Id school, H«nry Word bMubfrr vwm 
• &tur» at the wron#r end of colJo^ eloawa. 

Suiue penpTo there are wbo HtGiii nnittl^^il for lUk tltdepaoi 
udindual ftLruic^dv fur life. Tb«; cfto ocitbor oottntiuci. 
carry to tbo wntor, iwr peddle Uieir own onnoo. Tba boaA 
b« modtt nnd ddjuaiod by atb«t hnbdn^ and then. If iipaot 
odvoree wiud, or riideiW joilJnd by acoaottir currmtt, it prm«i 
KE«coT«rabte d.iw»tu4f{c[ii«al Ui tbe timid QikvifpitoT. 

Th^f 9CS, of difHcu1ti44 upon whiob you aro now bbtiru-hiHp 
litlle cmftA in IbP worflt in th* world Tim Stniiln of Dnter. 
liny lit Bip^cny, nnd tlie MiulitjirLaiictiii vihcn loshcd iulo fu^T-, 
tbo typea of ffubliuio traufiuiLity. ootupnrod with the 
elemeataof tbet boundloflu oooan of etomui and typhooao, 
to rtu o w <ihjinnAl(i and nimlrpn rockn wbinb miuit ba u«TiQ>»ti4 t? 
the medicAl ioab. And /at wiUiol, no mnrilinio lif« is more ^ 
riona, or aoble or ooouro, to every nuuter of tho oliairt. H* mMI 
■tuitr tho chart. Not tjll be ^oU bid eJ^urauo* pappm, but tUl W 
diem- Ho must study, o-nty day of biH life ho muflt •Ie4f< 
Though he wore to bludy mx boim eiftv^- day, tuid though totf 
voJoun in h<B power of ooqiiiriitg knowUd^e, yet wiU ho bo loml 
doily lomeiidiig his profflndona! deEcieney. I do not piratStld to 


that ov9ry plivfiiomtk i]^<sH etud^ fix boar* c^'f 17 <1a¥ ; tint 1 ^ 
lljfkt it. ^iitiM bn hettF^r for t^fi ntaiUiirM <tf mnHiilttr nnd tha 
[Jorrof taoilii^iitc, if tW iltfcUvatinn gotiM ho hoitostly miido. 
Who tuiu b*<n*m* ft tol^nrftblj- t^ooi.1 jnnr^ftt with i««i than wa 
mm of dnil^ ntnrlv and ftnu^^ic^^and j^l wliftt is tbd^ fli^iAn^ of 
dc compmr^l wii,h Ihn comjiioi wnrlilnf rapdirinc? Wliorvn 
imf au cxp<Ti-t NUtJird plav or, wlui^h iff n4>rN» (luw avde«, 
len follovL«d uft p biuinuiM, wilb I««h tknn nx 1iour> of diuhr 
idy &T11I iitiirilo^. aikI yet whnt mr« bdMiiint-i to tb'.* wvr ^rxjuitid- 
nnd i^loij- making scieaca of lue^idu^ T 

Sir Tbuiuutt Wutaun tuiiurrLh ovvi Ihp mtia^'Tww uf liin privfifH- 
^nl ncLtot'ooiCiijlM, Or^ve« coiiUl nut look upuii liia wuiiU«r(iU 
iM of cottHoloti)^ fltu<ly tui n proji^r fuldUicont of Iiim winh^it or 
A JUKL Amt luIiHjuatu triliuU) ia hi* mnnUr, TVousMmu giifA liiN 
iris to the ^vurJ^, Uid products uf nu uiiMitittbl« tjiinbof btudy, 
i^UttiM TfLgrvt tbftt tb«>)r vore not ^^'o^thio^ of hi» purposo 
AftttirhocDj^ to th« imiDortid Gmritn, whom ho acknowl- 
I^ECil M A model. SjrClurIo> Boll UedikTcd tbat a phynieuuiv* 
if« fnuuvrlrttcd ib »tii<1y vnL4 idill on ]iin<^i-h:p^a(c gUArcLoty to the 
ib!i<ji, i>tilliug wnH chligcd 10 luknuivkd^TU tUnt a lou^j M«* 
luxt nilnhoiil re^, wsa too *liorL, too f^h^rt for a tiiirrej ftod 
lenitoadiiiK ^' ^^ A>r>fl I'rroUi. oacl Van dcr KoJk rij^jj^wMnl 
vioviv of the ntructuri) nod pnlholoi^ of ihc m'idnHn (^ion^ro^ 
Itli tiiuidily, Eiftor thirl> yQam of uliuuitt ««4««l««i explorftllou 
d rGti(?an.'h. Y^l Iht^itu waro all prr>ru-(sioiiiil gfi&iits, ahtioliite 
plona) [iull:oTitioe, hxkI the p-^i^A ^[kI m^dujfa, but uaall H^'m^ntfl 
tluit*tiip(inilou«ikcrvou« fijvtOiEi wViiob j>r(THidaKovflrthii t;LtadolR 
Ufa and butltfa, And thun i^iudi^U with thrir inliiiity uf mo- 
ittfuft nlaUuimi, an Mioacr or luU^r tu be plati«il in ^otu* keop* 
i|C- How Kkon, or uiador what circmoataiioon no on^ gcui foroaoo. 
In n Kin^^G docnda one-half of my own childro& may bo rcJ^icg 
upon huiiiiT o»« of you a* a rboina f^-uarrliaTi of Uicir llriw and 
heftltlu la that pehud Ibo most importont livoa of i\m aniltouce 
may bo saapondod upon your covapotdncy to nioot a tbannand con- 
ditionu in which occult disnann aud tJir hidrlua o]om«iitA cf d<w- 
Inictioti arc tljimiUuiiiii;: tJju wor^t ul alL ]»t>fiBiib'tc calanuUi^i^ I n> 
grot n:iore than onytbioj; ebe 1 kiovc nccn in modiciue, that Iboroii 
no i^Btem oi inetrucUoji wbioh enables a man to thoroughly 


fiutiliry tiTflCiir«priJtj!« ti><TlA<^Haitii&l« th<^ iv)D<^ and aJbllfol tan 
the ignnnint and <iiiAkill(ii1 pbyjiirlnTi. 

Th« mfluGDceii which gen«m)ly Imve luuoh to do with Uie ^m- 
plo^mcDt of pbYMciimiv, Arc not thoHO whbh are mobt infolbblt 
iti fUDcy or diraotion. Oft^u X^zao* it in tLu mi-n- fthnfiG of tlw 
j¥dMJu1a|ifiJS, the <lrow«. the tLirrL-out, Lite family li^ hoA f^omrH'M 
from, his OTAcity, bi» couvjt-ia] Labitn, lii8 ooiomand of *iircdot«, 
ibo DumhcT of cxpcH nolic^tont be liborally fcon, Lbo oburch he 
atU^uOH ortbff paHr hti u««Ant bj— imytlLmg indoed with mor« 
juiwer [hjiti Hint Nllg't(^ilv utiitib Heeks alotit for tli»j'<p *^t^nn oi th* 
iittid<^iit wbicJ] are only ac<|iiirDt1 by thoso who nffrlfct Uic arte 
and Iri^kn of poimUr eommrndjilion. Rut Iho (^ontingCLani** M 
lifr nr^ tlir frKt nnd tbf VrKt di>tt]'t< UiMt, vnn oprTi fo fbe ^ouog 
pb^HiciiLC^ Tliej yiiOd him rLii u|ii»orLuinlv €]f (LhpljtvJu^ how 
much h« knowB, Olid o<;t:i«ktia]ly before T.ho*« vhuui Miidy and 
oh««rTfltion huvtt «ndt>wnil iricb lhi> nbilil^v to difitittji^btb wLcit 
from HinfT and gold frrim brmii. Thf^M^i^oiitin^iiHf^iin-ihdllnl 
architccU of ht^ cbnn«rli?r, nijd ysiiiv. ^loiy or aiiaiue upon hSii 
proppoot, in Mtem m in^flUuoablu ivt dmnioni] «crotdioi upon a 
mirror. ])ut to :tjo«1 tb^^nit (?onti^gAi)i.i]«e nothing bat study and 
nr^ni7J>d^ niitomnliA i^trlb^vnoa rnn rjiifklifv yoii. The one aiaoag 
joa who hu cidtiratod and coDtrolli&g Ioto of ntitdj, who hftt 
a will nipfrriur io disco urn j;;^iiicnt, i^ purpose vrhioh amplifies oo 
oppoaitinn and «nri<-he» iUelf by faJlnre, who cmi lW«iip*'ni hnyiH 
Aud Wfdi^r» mciiid litH im'r rl<?lhe»L anil riHB enrly c])(>U|{h ui the 
Eaoruing lodob]Ai'cAdiaa:bydnylitdit> cah mahe (fOod uooof tbo«t 
ovflrlurcM to fame whiobbcloiif^tc tho i)i<npit<Dt tiial^prictf^ of th« 
hpRt phy*iriiinH in U)e world. Tot a joitng jihyniHEin t^ bvpAVfafft 
oltfT flight o'cUmtI it) the (ooriniiy, for ftny pb_\»»ii*iflu not It* give 
bimwif four working houra of forenoon labor eT^rydayfor at leaat 
Iwanl^yeari, in lo ciltibit a vUEircu.-tcr out of all r«lntCou to hi« 
calling and utterly igiionitit of the getiluh of biini^fju lifp in 

Nothing coti juiitify or miti^Ato tho violation of UmcoiciDOit- 
BOtia« law in the ooonooiy of Time, but abftohitc tdclcTi^fw of the 
piiyaioEaDr or perbupti two fiiif-cef4HiTe nit^hts of i^leep)«w, profe«- 
aloaal aitip1oym«ui. 

If loc^atotJ in tL« otty, tb« phy^icinn nboiild ^ro biniacU one 
Ofl&G» hour, befoTo oomtuanMng bin moniiv^ rounds Thffl ftfTords 


im tirtia to think Dp hU owwk, consult AoUioriUaSito rw^Tiui 

abtHMiFy rtrw onlnnc, nitd tri uUi't witti mirb instniiiurittH mil flppl^ 

ncea OA vnii ht needed by hb pbUe&tn. And vben ho doM >tArt, 

UAinind «liLiuld be full to overtioiVLQg of Lho bcbt reeouroua of 

^IJapri^ft^HAion. I dnii't xn«iviin<rtO»T^<<A vhirh HnTc» !>ften bdatd ol 

for WJiil aUnit anil n^ognmui in fnirjt tmcc* upon th« bmin- Bat 

^twourccp irhich haTf< boca no orf^oni/^d in taomoiy, noAutomoU' 

rtiUr packed %vniv in tb« thougbt ubftmben, thftl thoy can^ at uiy 

f iooiatfrit. iHK^ri mtij f^Kcrt^mf^nt, be nwned, dp«ciib<td. written out 

Ppr ftppli'^^ '^^^ ^^ ^^^ '^'i^ quicknn** of ftn impulM. It U fo&li- 

f^nablc for miknlund to ehcnt if»olf tDto the belief that it kiio«i, 

litit («nTii>l t^!l or iT^o Ttii knowleit^e. T reiu<>mb(rr onmi writing 

Ui> acrap buoi. froiia il dit(tiu^-iiiHL«l uuliiuti&Vt LUia ujthumtic 

ion: '^ li you B«h mo ij J bnoir, 1 my. y«i; but if joti ftok 

to t«U, I Muy, no/' I «hori»bod Ihi* icibf^ation of ntupidity 

with jirofoucd giutitud» for jr^nt, uriAn (jnotod it iritli Hublitnct 

' fucy^ and cdwujTfl with ap|]]uuM!> At lost I ducovDrcd, 

^^^^ -^ii iQV own «rii>cri«ueo iLud th<< uppari>ut uxperionce of oth* 

^Ht 6(qMki.>inllf wb«ii l^ntifving in conrtA of lav, thftl I wfL« buggiiif 

jHl'liii^on, And 1 ropndintfHl tbe miflorablo nosimm from tba list 

of npoIojficK, I don't bvliovi^ in it, lUid bure no patience with 

the tbdcny that would had it, WInvt Dn« knov;^ be cnji tell, dc or 

applr. To A ph VHEcriHi] no otiwr knovled^ ift ^^f any i-iirllily mine. 

Tb«T plijbi^iun luu'^t uuL tftily Itnow, but knuw im the intitiuit, aw 

<|utck r;n i^ppcal oiin Uft tQAde and tbogght supplied. Kur yet 

alone poiitjve And prompt, but ii|. onn tiftico im neenrate ob math- 

■DMUea luid pott^nt nHlmllk A pbjuiHjin who vr>trld miiNt tba 

be«1» and low^r the brad ami nbuuldrni irl nu apoplrclic, or pImA 

in aittjn;^ pontnro a pomon djin^ of ^yuorjpc, vroitld not miti^tO 

bix otitpidity by Maying, "Obi I know w«l] snongh, bnl not 

«viu'tly on tbr inntjint!" 

1 am not ^in^ to npeak for the lawj'cr* nor minUtora, 
but I iriU aay, witli utibeftit«tinf; empbiuuK, that it will never 
do for Tn«diral m«n to r«pr«sent tb« MAT^dt'>ti of Hom^^ 
■'who knew a great uiLny things, hut &1I thioRji wronff." 
A phtniriiin muat know wh<iTi to do, what to do, and how to 
do; wtuiQ to ctintinue n mciaKoro or moftSA, and when to diaooQ- 
tinutf :t; when Ui pfi>ad tbe NerimiiuiMM of dint-AAi^, vrhpti toifidfiT- 
rfttfi ito tnipoTtanoe^ when to tell the truth, when to di»guiaA 


It: wben to be ile|>rBft»e(l, anrl wh^u to 1>« jo/oha; biiil, fiakll 
vboD to bo luiiiikbla, gr, if nscCiSfiMy, vbeu to |C?t mad mul 1 
iaduigxittl, No nootry in «amp, i3i>«uIor at ttc uiBHt-tiOud, 
(feiifml in 1>atUo muvf, be* wider Awuke, or htiv^ ihiiq>«r p<^ 
^ontt iitnu one vLo liolil^ In h\h hiiitih*, or hnn i^^thtii^^ u|>oci hEe 
ubililj ba^ jud|ti&«at, lLi4 IjCT^llh adJ life of liuiuamtr. 
VJbu r«aobcijii UiiA mposurtr cf c ompoteucy mnnot fax}. But it 
citjiecinllv in tlii> bt^'iuiilnf- ti« imi.^t liji'lit tJie biu^Mt hnttJa*— 
luooL iJurbouU^ tUe inviiiciUv Li-ro, — uiuat k&ru to piTKtJce tbe 
ioo«t difiii^ult loaton in bU8iiie»9 lifo: "Ti) labor Aod to wail-" 
I repeat that tho inoAt tryiiif; cunflicbn nro At ibo thrtaholdfl 
generally uriiw irotii povL-rl^! 

But wJiAt upcrror^f Joi^i Pwil Itou-Jitor i^tolftitQA," WluU i* 
po^flrtj^tliat raEUi itboiiM winoo ondoT it? Tbo pnia i* Ihat irf 
ijjm'L-iu^ a i^itVa ear. ami jou buti^ jtrwirlii in Uit wuuud.'* 

I alial) indal^n in no taoTuIiftcj-ti upon :rottf dutios M d 
ofifl (^-^ntl^iccn. ThoHo tbttig bftlon^ to fttiotbwr nrhool-h'iDne- 
tbu lire-Aidti. to Hie cltunib. If pm nm tiot ft K^^rc^d citiiaeu* 
(Wnnot become a retiablio pbydcUii; tf jou me not a gentle 
;four diploma ahouM bo Inunod. 

Tbo ImI tiling I havo to «ay to you ia, to ii«vtir forg«4 th^ Tuli 
of cbooHing well your i^ocioty. T moan mor«, mu^h luoiv, tboit 
Uie unlfiiat) timrs of tbinHi word* implj. Wbil* I would uot hm 
70a liocoitLo pruf«aHiou(il iiEicliunt««, jret I du ai^t m«&a tliAt kind 
cf Koc^iotir vbicb talk« Jkil lUy, oulI soiuotLu^o^ liil ckL;^hl, vritliovt 
imyiug atijLbiug nonb t'«itM»iuh<rnng, but tbnt tocicly wbivb U 
atiiiuutud with luttlb [fence ,iitd uttrirA wiiuLitJir ^buUivr cojuio^ 
to you froui tU« Hp>i pf tbc Hvius. or from Uiono forma of utility 
vbiob c&oblo U0 to couvor^ct oh iutiEuntvly uud pmrltihUy wilb ibo 
*3eiul im tJift lii-ing. Thnrn is ni> [icm^ir on oarUi whtda run pn*- 
vcot your enjoying ib<i Uwt Hot^ifity G^hI ovtrr ^va to iniu. And 
wbKm yoit fo«l UiAt you L&vc been idigbt^d by hotuo shoddy of 
sodoi lLf«"boeii out by souie eiiob uf Amenojui i-oyalty, or atto- 
gnnce, or i7iitiRoitt~b<Mkn rrowdnd out nf pliLr^ hy Hr>inn pletlinrii* 
inon«y-bug, or K-raf uI'^uh Olouin^ore.ilo not (cot be 
^raU^ful to tlie iDcid(.-tLi iFbicb drir«oyou in prof oniuM) to jow 
blK-an\ nVicro vwi luii;^ m<>tl Hi|ipocxi«l«iintid (ial«ii,ixud Coluu, 
imd Hnrrfy, uul .IrnuFrr,\ Itiint^r, and Rimh and Mott 

t i« 


Wftrren, and Flint, and Wood, and Draper, and thous&nds of 
others, who ore greater than kings, or princes, or millionairea 
can ba, as such, and a thousand times more aniious to eee yon 
and befriend you in the diffieulties and trials incident to the 

"struggle for life." 

Finally, with the ultimate farewell of the Faculty, let us beg 
of you to fear no evil in the line of duty, to falter not in discour- 
agements, faint not in disaster, rememberiDg, ever, that the cload 
which obscures the face of Aurora may be iuviaible at noonday, 
and yet reappear aa the gold-gleaming coronet of the brighest 
and most beautiful sunset. 

^edkal College d th f acific. 

--«-* — — 


University College. 


' ^ p,. ipofMHr 'jf U|ibE&KJruofiikr]'*iii1 OloioKf 

1. K. rdCVorfV.U lx.?'>r HUptIa VfU^uidTlwntflMH*- 
TUa trf^iluj CoTUBc of L?otarr4 tn tbii- tfiKtili^tton ootamMicM OP tfafi Snl 

n't Stockton Street, soutli of Geary, 


Ub4w Ibo <ii*rgv of PftOFKSSOIt FfiECK. auJ 


niffTRUCTION U |p*VD< *tp xcntfmihhi ^ aid of Mnvi oam, «rhioL jam imr 
Uk) &Ai<iiif **vtj ffrw (uitiutv*- Hi(^» l}ja mii-lml will flad, in clow ptviluiUjF 
all Ihr wi^C appUaXLH* fur IbmirtLiirjil ^nj [mu-Ii^ikl iuattuction, [I vUl bo 


di«blr*Eila^(4 ntltcuUtif ^^u lul^Ii h ^tinn 4t imt txiAL 'Hi'* bobl is Jtetfr 
oppriVfiT* or «McrMlSiiK< ub Ilia cdijUu;^ ■ tl^'^ kc-i mmU.ifi^ bmiriQ; «nd luvtt?- 
tfTHlin^t' 'nitn>uu aatnin* Anclim lL« tiiciuij- iiiHjnthH* \b* Htinurqiliore kdry 
fta'UhrtoniftnnlnrrmMlj'fitiCiVD 70'. wliU«i(ntngwiivm*iUnnh|y 1*.wpt. Thfl** 
OJcniniimn'CM iQui lo jiimvooJ (l0OUU|>uiJtiau fuu) aJiI uuaj itdnAUgcB bn ll^ 
l^rnftoiatioii d liisaerbou. 


Aru opt-u thii year roaiid, ni\d iiiuple Clmical inBtrucdon in gireD at mtbi] 
hoApitalH aud nlw> nt thi' GE>]le^p buiUtiuj^, up4>D three or mors dajj of tvf 


Hie Preliminary Couriw will iifuuiiuun; cm TaesdAy, Janiuiy li, 1871. nd 
contiutio {out Eiioullm, with tU<! following arrrmgeiaQat of X^eetarea uid Cbiiic*- 

MtOF, rATtTCAy. rHIVBnit<V»iTn{^ IIoKpl III, Till viU^B. 

PUOF. fcJjl-INttOOIl. Marinr- llL<h|>ilikl. W^IjiowJiijb. 
PHi>y. UK>^TLEV< O^tv villi l>HiiDf>^ Hi^a|>iE[il. aaliLrdbjB. 
I'HOK OIBDONU. Clt^ hnJ County H^tuplul, HalunlAyB. 

In addilion, Clioiosi will bo Riven at Ihe Collego Diaponouy on thnt iajt 

of the weuk. 



PROF. WYTrtK, Hlcntscfu^j uf t1i« I'rlEialy DrjWM. 

TUUV. HKTiTT.EW Atinl.nny tuil Hivi Inl I'tlliuluicy of Lhe Ikaptntory Oruba. 

PUOF- IIUUICNI^ Jr. Amuzuliutluu muil ler^-iuuiluii. 


PROF- LANK Dlw^ufi of tUi- BtalD. 

tlUlF. J(ll|40NM. Hvuh'tiP %tu\ l^uxl )li>1kli^r, 

W. T.wrrHE. M. D..lnt(-M*in ••t tbp>vn"n-»jft«n- 

PltOF. BAKKAN. Aikkt<tiny Anil rliyHlntEo^v of ttiu F.y^ mA Emr. 
VUOt'.i'KWE. PhydluluftU'&l fJliCEulritry feua iSbDinka] Ollmmhilosj, 

A FREE SCHOLARSHIP for one Connie of Lectur^B will ba giTen Mrk 
year, to thd Fjnnt CnuiLiV Hvvuk^t who paaaen lLi« bust oxaminatioQ Mthfl«ikl 
of the term. 


FcoH for tho full oonrnc ? 130 ft) 

MiitricnliiUon Fi'O (|>ttiil biAt iHiw).. - „ . fi W 

ni-iiitiipiliiin Fi'O. 4(* I* 

Di'ni'iimmitor'H Ticket lU ftf 


Irtl. Tlio HEnil^nl mn^l hi' twriily-unr vihi> uf "^'', 

-i!. Ho 1UII-.L limi' Jiiiiinti-i [wik lull I'-iuMv-i of ]lLr<Iiciil Loctntoa* oneo( 
whioli iinis) Imvi' liL'i'ii ^li-Iiwri'il in [||js LiKtunEiLiu, 

:M. IL*' ttiii<>i h.LVi' jitiemli'il ui Icii-^1 oiu- i-itui:>L' i^f PrHctii/al AtiatoiuT in 
tLv lli^si'^TLii}; l[<t Hji, 

lllir Till' i;jlI].U:LiIi' iim-i[ liiivf nlmlncl iihiUriiir fnr Lhree y&irs illif 
terms i>i' iLUi^niliu;^ IrL-lniL'h Lii^IliiLi^iI i un^L* : thv ilirii^EEOii of a reMptCldlflr 
prjiclili<rih i-. 

."i[|i. li' must wiiio ji MhUimI Th-ii't, iiu,] Mjlimit (Iil' sjiuioto the Fiiculij-. 
lwi> prior tr> fmmm'ikL'riiLi ut, 

iIiii'lnritMM tVuiii otLuT M<;<lii,iH'(tllo,-i'H in ij<mJ ;-lan<linL; nrc reiinirrJ t** 
iiulj'iciituli.' imly. 


S]u.[i'iil-i iiijiy nl»l;iin ^oO<1 roums [mnt liL>:Ln[ nl pruvr^ VLiryiiig frulnfivrlo 
Ian i^olhir^ p-T «i'i'k. 

All furlUi-r in]'i.>rm^itiou Ihut may br.' dr^ii'eil i-.m hi^ ■'\il-.\\ini,\ by applvis^ 
in p<rrHuu, or by litter, Ii> 

HENKY aiUnONS, Jr. M. D, 

DKAN or Till:; t'Al'l LTY, 


i>£IjIveeiri» by 

Dr.L. C.Lane, 


^i fhe Commenctfmcnl Exercises of tlte Medical 
College of the ^Pacific, 


?4r>'s-(>tnbc*t' U*U Lt^'T'Ci 


:lcilifal and ^ui;Diral Journal 

Vou XIX,— DECEMBER. 1876.— No. ?• 


LdJress Delwered by Dr. L 0. Lace, Profefl*or of Surgerji 

Gftitemfn Gratfttatts — About (be firrt ofM^rcli of the prwrnt 
ycM I rr[:eivcJ A Idler fruDi ihc Dcdn vf our FiituUj announring 
tliJLi 1 h^id been «drcicd lo deliver che vAlrJictory fiOUri^ to ttic 
gfji^li^iin^ cI:tM of thU yc>ir. »n4 he wished li? lijijvr if I wuu]d 
perform the tAik. Such 1 roqucst. T may here note, tru presum- 
ing t□Il^i(lerH\lJIy upijD the ftituie, both as regsrcli you and myself. 
My reply to him wa» ^r/, if r^ilfoad*, steAR}Bh!|). octao^. rivers, 
would itifdy return coe lo cur own deaf CaliforQlA; dcor lull it, 
Mn^e 1 am ^tire ihAt if biblical commenUtc>rshjd h^ the preciou* 
memoric:* which 1 hive of a fidccn yc^r^' reaidcace in it, ibey 
would, by tiTianimoHs accord, have pUced the jc^rden of Eden 
hrrc. Vour Hean aIw wrole that I would be expected to narrate 
something of what I b^d &ecn nbro^id, ;iDd thus, thil I might give 
loroe '• frenhnesa" lo the occaston. Now. u you «e» 1 am here, 
tbeelenacDtshAviDg L-onflmtcd 10 tttyfiafe Trjniiport hither; ftttd 
mofeoveTr I »ee that hfaacumfn u HeAlIb Officer gathered from 
£0 many year** e^ipencncc in compiling reportt morhiaryt h» 
given him wmc expertness in kenning the vitot, thereby et^attlng 
him not only 10 foreiee my sifc return, and you will excuse me for 


Paeifi,- ^ft/i<tt/ aitif Sttr^ff^af /^mmal. 


hinting U it, seemingly lo have leiiulrcil titcrehy a jei dceprtlD- 
aight into the unilcvcIopc4 fiitiirc. since he did not ^tvamt \m 
much in caJcuhiing upon « Kudualjng cLus, 

It IS a very coniniun tHiii< c^n cSc occA^ion of a imtirUgc Eki 
the ncwlywcil'led p^rcy muKe whot is c«llc<l « brid^J toiv- TlW 
ciLfiConi, thouj;h E remember once t'j have Kcn ii slurply cniicixd 
in A medLcal journal, l& 'iO uiiich tn vogue that 1 pro|>u»e oo bi4 
Ocei>«ior>, which is to com memo rule your mAiriafc co the (red 
Profcttion of Mcclicine, lo oeci/mpiiny you on a »hort bfidii ictf 
abroad; though in doing !to I must say on stJirtjng, that if trt vc 
much of Europe in flo hriel a Apace^ we can on!/ do it by ninti^ 
And reading Jl ihc «amc limc; and thai, loo. wilh the rofukhf 
of a We*(tniinKler Abbey ^^■■^c> whc«c tongue doc;a it« task vttk 
the speed of a Thibetiin prayer— 'wel I » crowding into onc'« hcid, 
in a le^ minuiev, a compend of Kngliih hiicory from Alfred tbt 
Great unijl William the Ihird, Vec t hope that in mr capuctry 
a* gtiide, 1 may be more fineeeiaful than he, for after bis work a 
done, «o rapidly ki«e his kleas travrrted ymir heid, that like the 
franitil of an electric current, they have net lel^ a vestige behitsd 

Let u«, then, shuitri^g our eyes to the wealth ot art, indcuirT 
and rnaierbl devHopmenr which crowd npon the traveler*^ vuioi 
the moment he enters T-uropr, dirert our iltrniioo to ifie^Iifil 
nutlters and ihings ccjjimTe thereto. Ibun niirnved, otir ^cM 
lieeomes rrdiiced to mnemonic (capacity; and beaides, I «in tan 
that you tiiu»t tc inosc interehtnl \\\ Ir.irning snmelHing of tbt 
great fiimily of wbiv^h, in fuinri^^ yuu arc to be the kinimcn 

Wc CDOimcnceour journey by landing in Ireland; are begin here 
very appropriately, since it j?t from liere that America h^x receireij 
many of her noUeai bUiii. Fruui Qyccnalown, our Landing place, 
we hjt»ien up to Dublin, wbere Potter, Churi.h[1l. the vcncraMr 
Stokeii, Corrigan. Butcher, Colles and other* reside, and will grrec 
ui with an open, genuine and unstudied warm helmed rjc«&. which 
wc mu»t nuke ihc most of, for I regret to h^vc to add, that «t 
shall not find I la equal again while abrosd. I do not mean to uy 
that we shall meet no more true friends on our journey ; but from 
my experience, hospiulicy, at a rule, is like some of the sprinp 
in our mountaias^ whicb in iDid-winter freeze orer and in mid- 


t^H^—AdtfrfU ia Grttiuating C/ttSl, 

Mimn^tr r^ry up. whik id an Iriih gentleman's heart It is a pctcn- 
niii] fountain, and like h]«wii,o«r gushing forth, warm. i3ccp 
Bnd unfjiiltrf*. From ihc (lUick and expert Porter wc Ic^rn the 
hAppy rcstilu which h« hu obtairied in tbc Ircatmeikt of aceuiinni 
by modrrjtCc coTn|>rcuion indirccti)- applic^S, by nicans of « slm]>1e 
and inexpensive apparjiEUA which he himMlf has invented. The 
ogcd Sfokei lululea ua mo4t eordi^lly, and thoii(;h parttJilly pard- 
ly^cdjRO ih.ii oLir »)TTipathy (k jw.ikcncd a& ve mc hi« totterirtg 
«1ep and treniblmg hind, yet wc KOcn |>cTi:cive thai thcfe is T^o 
hall in lh« Irtad of ht» inteHeci, nor in (he vibration of bii heart, 
1^'hiL-h is brimful oF lovv lor America. Aa nn evtdvnce of ihe 
fotmcr> and n s. cofi^pcndioiK formuU of n Lif«** experience, ho 
iclF« u« '< ihe pmcnt £;eneralion ire miking i great mUtake in 
their endless vubdivlslon of di^e^^e. insomuch that the siudei^t x% 
(■really piu^icd io*1eeideiowhiih be must addreu hw remedtea;* ' 
and an eqiul proof of hit afreriif>n fc^r our eouniry !« his parting 
mp wage TO w: "Bear from les kind vord» 1o your coimtrymcn, 
for they ^:kve evct hern kind to va, and liave aU'^iyv bren jiuE to 

Churrhill and CoTles will rrrrivr lu with equal rordijtltiy^ The 
Isitrr it, rirlimvcly i phyxirbn, thmiKh hi* name h iti^rptr.ibly 
flttnrhrri In our of the irnublcMimc fr^Liurr* of the forearm, from 
the face tbiL Im r;Lthcr vju the firstl lu accurately devrribe Ihe in* 
jury und to vit^f^t 4(1 appropriutt- ircdimem- From Chiirehilt, 
tbr noLed obsielrician* you wit] learn s ]e««on of pdlience which l 
hope yon miy not be called upon to endutc, irhcn he tclU you 
bow nun y ycarv be hod to w Ait before he Attained a succeHful 

From the land of the quick. impuUire And reidy-witted CcU, 
we will pai«t over to the home :>f Itrown. who. for a generation, 
by the force of hti genius, led ihc medical world captive with his 
specious theory of irriidtion — of Cnllcn. whose comprchc-niiive 
mtntnl power xi£cd in its grji«p the entire domain of internal 
medicine and reduced to brief axioms, CJ'iy to be remembered, 
the tangled and fthapele«3 nt&iA of facta which hia predecessors 
hod been Bloring up in the common ma gar (net— of Simpson, who, 
if be W!U ciot the founder of obateEric^l surgery, at lead node 


J*an^t Jiff 


foin« of fh< xncfil voluble ^^ddiiioAi to thu branch oi tnr^icm. 
And wh Old trillUnt «uc<rf« jk a pr^ictitioner nttrartcd mt naj 
(Er^rgcrs to EdinUurg for ir^iiim^nt. that hti dcuth wit ic't^*' 
ledged to lie an imporTant nnancUl 1o»tf>hl< naiivecily; forlVi 
prtctical Scotchm^r doc* noi forgrc lo wciph cv^n the froi'i if 
gcnint in the uaIcs of finance, ju «hawn not alone in th« imu:m 
herccUcd, but in unochc^r which 1 heard of more thaa ofKe, vc: 
thii lilt vaTue or^ll rrul ntAte in the north of SroiUnd had riiffl 
forty pi-r cent. tlirotij{h thc^ infliic-nrc cKcrciiic<l bf th« vrritinp of 
Sir IVdirr Srotl. DcHidri ivhiit Siii]|i?(Cjii diiJ in oiwieirml i 
^r]r« he w<jtL far liiin^elf Inimurl-dLCy in the tip|i|icaiioiii 

A» wc f:omc frona frcbnd to Scotland, wc fir^t cnicr Q\ 
(he ^icJi noilhctn emjiotium thiE iri rapidly bccomifig i|tc 
Livc?rpool. Ou our arnval our tir» irc filled with the f Umor 
A ihoDund haincner» which arc moulding into ^hut^c the iron-IW> 
of all natioru. cteatined aot only to bear " thuc mort^U enj^ina, 
vrhotc rude ihrodi» immnrtfd JoYc*a loud cUnaor counterfeit"— 
inc^sentd Qf death between nations in combat — l>ut aJMi ihim 
Intended to CJrry the civilinng cargoes of pcdeeful coiaincict. 
Now, in A roodcft luboraror}', within hearlnK <>' ^^^^ <)in of hini- 
mcTA, wc mJi;:h[ h^ive »cn a few yc^ra ago a modcfi man quietly 
atudyinK and working out a surgical problem, which, when solroj. 
wu dcitincd to oirry L>let9infis farther, wider, und in luturc fa 
more prectoos, than any carjco which yon iron cUdt will ever bcif 
abroad; blciftingt not limited like an Ommnic founi^io, tkit 
"brinsi joys to the withered vales from irs own m(M» covered 
rock," nor even an the Nile, wit out- ft^rtiluing influence )« confined 
to a single conlincnc, but blt^a^ings ilmt ^re to le coextensive witli 
humanity. And shourd humanity be so rtctvaM oft to foeiceC its 
origin, yet, tiko the Nile, though ii« Rouree t>c unknown, sti^) the 
noble sUcam never fcrgcti todUpente he;ilth, joy and riches to 
the people through whoie midit it flowa. The modest man of 
whom I speak wjls Jo4eph Lister, and hi» (tady w^ the antiseptic 
problem. The proposal of such a. problem was fi;ifficient lo ren- 
der ftny tnin fimou«; hut IJurer twl only proposed it, bac to s 
great extent he has soknl it, «o that now the surgeon hoj it in ha 



LjtfT^ — Aiitlrrst A* Gr^iifuatiii^VfaSt, 


iwrr TO perforin ihe majority or wrgWI openiiom ivUhout Ary 
the fm:« of infliintniAiion, vhkh fornkerlj hung like ihif (word 
Dirnodn nvc? ever) grave surgical ])ruc«dure^ Muih rcmiins 
be done Cl> pcifecl the method of Listrr. }tU in its prcsrnt 
^aic> ii^ CKCcltcm^imrc&Q grcAi Jli4t ii hu bcrn intr;>duGcd inio 
ttic lujcifity of the K'Cit hcnpitaU of Buropc. Sct)Cland w^ doc 
long fuTKclful of her di^tinguishnl son. She sooii give him i 
chair JD bcr Ic^db); Univcr^ij, and i*it A wife, ScolUnd'^ grcat- 
dl »urj;con, Profcitor S^mc* gave him his dautthter. 

Ift the Ro)'aL JnAritiiiTy of Rdinburg we must not fail Eo visit 
Prof Ilcrn^uidjile, who, ihoitgh a moil uiiprelcnding mint iscnc 
of ihc incwi clever opctJlorw whom wc wliall kc abroad. This is 
e4|>cciaHyaoaa rcipecit rciccEiotis of Ehc joints. Thc» opcrstlona 
performed in ihe LiMer spny arc attended b/a minimum of mor- 
tAlitf that 19 asCoundinjE when we coonpsrc it with the deaths from 
Ihc old modes of prot:t'dtre. 

Jl flhoutd be rcm^ukcdr that though I-i«lcr has been the «ubjeet 
of ipplauw from ;ill the surjjical world, except a troAtl section Juki 
south of lite Iwtfcd, yet in the chuplet which encircles hifE brow, 
the Rower modetty has not teen crowded out by the Uurel; for 
on our risii to him ive shalJ lind liim u c[Ujeti retiring man, and 
ffce to eommiinicAtc with us, and even to give tis the recent ini- 
provemenu whieh he hi« made in his antiseptic formuliv, 

Krom Scotland \ wilt nest conducE you to London. Thi* 
gr«flt mtiropolig of English commerce and centre of Anglo* 
Siion culture, though cmLncTiilyr I might %Ay, inicnwiy English 
in characier, in iitll in mAny respects cosmopolitan tn popuU- 
tion; for though the BrUon esuy* in every way to maintain hiv 
hitherto iHobted siinaiior, ypc the- commercial ties tvhich he has 
with every riviltired nation nrr making great inroad* upon hU in- 
Nuhiteil ^ate: ;uid, at the %ime time* the gnid bilcn vatdrt of 
Thrauloeedie :>(rrtt, wjlli iheir i^httcr, h^vc c4Ught Ihe eyrJi of, 
and arc invliin^ the vi»U of Che njerchants of all n^tioDft- Hence 
in traveniing the Mrcels, the pol^gM sounds which continually 
fleet our ears, remind u$ (orcthly of our own metropolis of ilie 
Pacific. On inquiring in regard to inedkal institutions, we Icjrn 
thai Eutcad of one or two great Khools, London has eleven oiedi^ 


cal CoU«j^, the eleventh And youngc&t being ihe Female MHi^ 
caI CoUdge, e»tablUhe<l tEvo ycar^ ago. Besides lh<9c mctroiwl 
Ian i]iiCituii(>r)«, ili«re nre a ftw I'rcvincial medical colUitC** 
cn« Sit Liverpool, one al Manchi^sitrr, one at Ltc^f, aikd boe 
BJimingham. Vcr none of ihcse h;is Eh« power ul gr^niins diplo 
m&s; Itiia power being invested in 1^0 boards, resident in LoadoDi 
and known retpeciivc^y aft the *• Royal Cotkgc of PhyKJciin^" 
and ihe " Roya! College of Surgeons ' The former confen ihi 
title of M. D, ; the Royal College of Siirgeonft confert roerdy ih| 
tille of Member or Fellow, li is claimed Ihal Ihie iwlalionof 
the poM/et ilui confers decrees ftom Ihat which tcachcft, is a gteii 
improveraenr over the ayftLem nhich now obEaint in America. 
'Vhlt would licio, were the two really isolated; bui unrorliin;iiel}\ 
such i^pjjation doei not exist there; and, I may remark \\vt 
thac Lt doc« not vxUt anywhere in F^irrope. En London, hotb 
the cmrporflre bodies which confer degree*, are compOi^ m^Lnlj 
of men who arc profe^tors in the niedfcal schoolt. Such J*|3 
case in Frjnce, and such h The case In Germany; *o that ia thi 
re«[wcLi I regret 10 say we do not differ materially from t1 
Olil World; for ii would be a great Improvement ff teaching 
examining were in part, ai ]e;]Xi, cOEnmfiled 10 difTerent pertOiM*] 

if I be permiiLed to continue this digrciiKion a moment lonj 
f will remirk tlm there is one respect in which we arc nvieh 
hind (he European institutions, j^nd that a, in not TeqiiiHng 
tbotou^Eb preliminary eaaminatfon of cvctj student before lif 
commences the »ludy oFmeilidnc. The objrciion offercil by fl 
pjutiftfLD i>f tbu pre^enL pUn in, that Chux m^ny a genius uhi 
eaily advantagct have been few, woLild be debitned from cnii 
iog the medical Tan);)^ to which I would reply^ that ihe fuctlilies 
for acquiring a moderate knowledge of the lingual and physical 
ftcicnccA, arc bo nuEnerctis «nd co-iy of acecs» in our coitniry. that 
there is no eico»c for him who does not avai} himself of ifac^H 
And furthermore. » to the \gs% from genius being debarred at tK^^ 
thrcsholdi it la a matter which in mo?t caac^a need not be mucl^^ 
mourned over. Plodding, or better n^mcd Lifd work. 1« mo^H 
demanded in medicine than the wayward ncM and IrilTiiint sallto 
ofao-callcd genius. Moli^rc could conceive a TartuJTe, G 




Zitaf—Atf^fgf ttf Gr4niuatiit£ dast. 


ft Fau»t, Dflnte o Divine Comedy, jird Shaktp^re a Hamlet, tbe 
gjeiteti of irAgt<1i«<. yet noxtt ot them potfvcscd ihc paiicti<:c to 
muter the infinity of dctalU, which would hive enabled tliem at 
physictani to *ucc<^«tfiiily ireaT a typhoid ftver, of a* lurg^ons, to 
heal Jin indoJent ulcer. Dtiring anjr vjiit, I hiivc iiccn ind heard 
th« teidin^ medical mer> in Ktiropc. and «-iih all due dcfrrcncc to 
ihcm, I must %.iy, th-il if \\\ the gpniii*ct were withdrawn ffom 
their r;isk.c, it would fall f;tr»horl of d«y;inidEingil>«ir number. A 
tiresome jotrrotfy on fool carri<fd the T,istcrs and l-iebreiHw to the 
eminence which they hive reichcd; c:tglcs' ving* never bor» 
them there- 
in ending thT« Itriff alliuion to mfr<Hril frdnrni[on, T wrll ex- 
pTMft ihe hope th;it the American Mi-djr;d AssocLarion will igon 
tdVe some sitp^ which wflt )e;id lo our schooU adopting a [uit* 
form KyHirm of preliminary «tndy nod r^u mi nation, for all who 
cn^igc in the *tudy of Medicine. 

Bui lei iifi r^rnrn to Ihc Knglish Medicil SchooU, which we 
«nye*t away from a few mGm^nt^ <-t^a. Of theelevcD metrojioli- 
tun metlJrnI srhrwjh, hiiT two have largr rhw«, the ITnivcr^fiy 
Mrdir^i College an<l King'^ College- <xtiy's HcBpiLal Srhool 
-"nd Si- Bartholomew'^ have tolrruhly large diisao- The remain- 
ing «c^oo1H liiv« smrill c:U4ae4, Aomt, in fdct* noi hiiving ax l^'^ge 
ai> irtendance sa wc have in our San Franciff^o mIiooIs. 

Uoivenity CoIlcRc may be considered mher the offspring of 
King** College; and ns miyht be ex[>ecCc<l the two arp sharp 
riv4U. ;tnd differ in uuny i<rst>et:i»- Old Kin^'sSchoul in which 
i*i found thcgr^it »ur|;con Fcr^uHton, ^\^i> Wood, Smith. Bcalci 
iSod others, is cmmenlly cf^nncrvative. She prefcn three per 
cent, connds, and to "sleep well o' nighia," rather than lo di*- 
Inrb lh< world with innovniion. Her rulinic head, Canon Ftarry, 
ihinH Buckle's History of Civiliiatioo an uiiaafe boolL for young 
men- The l^nivcniiy School, on the conCfiry. is more Cosaius- 
tikCf " lem and hHni:ry," in which ihc radlcJil, rcforrnaSory and 
innovAtins element finds a C{>n^cnial home. She openH her arm» 
to :(tudcnli of c^-vry riLitvon.ihly* color and faith. 

The gcricrLd dciHeanor of the Kn^lith medical classes, whether 
in the presence or abjencc of their professors, 1 will not hold up 


PatiSc McJitai HK^ Sur^t^^ yamrmaL 

to you u a tnoHcl. Though one ste* a number of haH 
sTUtlents, /el T>e%lde^ thete. there are many wtld, tKtn* 
nol«/and re^k1e«« b)i<lK, who^e chicr ambition U in fin 
iVolic^ And this, ino, in ih« jiiipTk oT «(airl oJ<) Ki 
vli^i;, <I(fi[ulr atl ihr driltiitg In the thirty nln« iinidM, 
yttkn 2ga. :it rhi^ upenLo^ nf tht r^oicT^e. Fei>cu<Kon'a AildrtM 
intcrruprcil mi\\ such remirksu this; " Dry up, old fje^l 
*'Sir, yoti hid beticr stop now» and go our and 
drinkp*' jLiKi t^^i audi j i^itdi of noious turhittrncc (Ud 
reach, that ftnaltjr lite lecturer closieii his n).viu«cfipt, Mulltj 
ihem lh.i[ if he coutd not htvc better oriter, lie vrnuM c1o«( 
mcciinif- Thi^ iJCcccdcd in partLilIj qiiJciin^ them, vj thai 
concluded his aildrcis. It should, however, be remarked thjt Sir' 
William PcrciiH^on iS f<ir moic At home in the use of hW 
thin in the i»c of hit tongiic. Since, while » ^n opcr<ttor, kc 
for one of his age. no auperior in the surgical vrorJd, he ha». ^ 
hap9, no inferior t% & speaker. Atf you are carried ^wav otrt 
hia tall forin, comniAndinA prc9enc:e, intrlhgent face beamtf 
wiEh.fliuod A^ture, and the grace with which he u»cs the tcal^. 
yoitf ndniLration i« miujitlcd with rc-il i^ympithy a» yon wiim 
hii ineff>ctual elforttto evi>Ia<n wlnt he la doing. But* notviiV 
slindinj^ thi^, at «oon ai you ticc the min yuu wJtl tovc him. ^ 
you will love him nil] more when I tcti you Ihal in a lofifl; life of 
cMrgieal practice, he hi^not been guilty of one unprofessional *ct 
Search hi« career of half a ccnctiry, anil uiit^ falli to 5tvd it mlM 
byr>nc «pot of malignity toward «, or Jcatoirsy uf, % profeMiotu? 
broihrr I am v»rt the rrmrmbr^nce of a life to BpeB' 
brings niure jiy lr> hii hriiri, thLin the rfftrollection of the splendid 
tfuphiei whtrh hi; ^urgiral griu'rK hai won; Rnd beautiful tt* 
urre^lh ofhrailier frnm hit own ??f:n:ri^h hilh, will ir tongennrelf 
his memoiy when the work of his life ^UjII cla^e. Though prohi' 
biy none of you will ever rciCb the summit of profe?«iLtr>r>Al emi- 
nence which has been attained by Sir Wllliuni Perfusion, jrl in 
the uncarmshed integrity which \\ak distinfnlhhed hi« life, yco 
are able to bccofnc hii rir^fs. Will iLjme fiilure biographer mM 
the Mmc record of your Eiobhcd career as you have ju»t heard of 


J^HHt — Address to Gradttatimg CVoxj. 


In each of tTic London schooU ire dnd one or iudtc dutm- 
giiishcd men. In Tnaltin^ our vj^il, bevdc& thoi^c mentioned, the 
fcllnwing deserve espeeij&l mention. In St, Mary*it, Walton 
snd l.^tne; >□ St. Gvorge'f, Holfce^t HewttE, Lee and C&rter; ia 
St- Ihomu', jorief, Murchisoi And Liebreich; tn Chirring Crou, 
Birwcil and Hancock; in Mtddtcset» Watson ind Grecrihow; 
in Che UnK-craicVp Hrichtcnr Jfe^th, Reynolds and Set Wm. 
lliompion; in Sc. Birtholome^v'i, Paget intl Holden; in Gtiy'«, 
[lr)rLinr, Copper, Foster and birketr; tn London Ho^pitJil, Hut- 
chiot'in; fn VV«tfninJiter, Holi- Betidei thcve, oiherK might weU 
be nienttonedH a* the litt given ia fir from cKhamttng the famous 
nnm^f! of ihe medical profetiicn in Loadoo. For example, Sjie»- 
cer W«1l(, wtio. by bi« tuccfnful rcfuttf In eij^bi hundred c^ses of 
ov.iHmomy. h,is re^inred thUoperarioit lo siirgerfr from whirh it 
had hith^FEO been excluded. And p-irticulArly should we not Call 
lo vt^tl Ide ftuyit OrEho^nlic Hotpiljl, and St. Petrr's Hospital 
for Sionr, ^Jnre we «1iaM be kindly receded ar encb jikcc, :)nd es- 
pecially ^n at St. I'etLT*^, where Mr, Teevan and Mr. CouIkoh, 
llic o|jera[ing sur^n^nK, nt^nd ^uch hc»i>! tali tics to AmericAQ Tin* 
lorik sOf mighl almoit lead them to think they were in Dublin 
u^^jin^ I^oidei ilirstrruuitesics. the vbitor b suic to catry anay 
with hiui 4 iiuiLilci (jf inccrctiing idc-k&. from the v.iried i>riKtice 
which he cbere ■ranestcs. Yet the list given muxi sulHce, ai soo* 
u two other great namci are mcntit>Ded- 

\x\ the touihireat i^uarter of London, not far from Hyde Ptrkf 
we find grounda on an cateoAive acalci covered with brge and ia 
*rtmc CAsci elegant building*, nhtch are dedicated to the recep- 
tion and conservation of a number of the rarnt and most valiuble 
trca^rc9 of English science and &r1, Thii is known a^ the SouLh 
Kensington Mtueum, which vc must vuili as ve find there nnany 
tliinj!! of ihe grcateM Interest to ihe achoUr and Che lover of an 
aod industry^ To the loiter nothmg can be more cuiioua and at< 
iToclive than the Br»t rude models of the early essays of Walt In' 
the Gonslnictjon of the stejm engine, and of George Stevenson (i^ 
that of the ri^ilroad- l~7ie«e quaint and awkward conirivoneet are 
kept aft fi.ured Ireamireft, and rightly too, since they ore Ihe atcp- 
ling-stones on which England bu marched to the front of lu- 


■fdf of ihisliiiildingof oM mc^lrUUont* which inirrcsi^tisgT^ 
also- This ill the C«llrr)' nv NAtzoiul VottTAits, wh^re we Aa^ iV 
miMt cver/ili3lin|fuiili?U ;H-riuiiuge who luttt fumii^hnJ marmiJiei 
tbtr iriipoHt]]^ fdbrk of En^li^h lilcialurc, or who, by bb >ctM 
h»i fUci\ lustre pn BniflUh aiinjlf. But in thr pile of liuildlif 
which cover the grovnihof Kcminglon* iherc i»on« whitfc.M# 
nljdcct of ii4iurAl 9c:icncc and uf moJicint. in more chcrithr i - 
«ny whicft t httve cnunacrjic<1t This ii a ull builJing, wiili : 
pcnjin kt^ EirLi^cai Aj]orrmcnt, and built ftrmty, a<t if t«i ^ ': 
forever. In the upper iiory of thiai vc f ud a rare Biusnns <ri 
nAitir^ history, and ih( unprelcnJing lecture room aoJ e4jp» 
Io£ic:t] laborilcry of him who U Enj;lund'» f;rcacc9t «di«U7 V 
natural history, vije: Thomas H. Huxley. To reach him^ n 
must elinib cltrtn ti'ighH of grifiitc ^tJiirways, which, tonvn^dt 
fortbotcof feeble limb and short bre:ilh, arc neither tfccpM 
long, yet, u he aaya, sre enotfgh fio 10 prevent all from n«t«| 
hip *vbo have no busInM* there. >Ve will find him a plaitt» siM' 
pie and vnoalcniitious man; iti every word, icovcmcnt an4 xt 
prescnling that modesty and want of dupUy which alvays indl- 
cuTc and reveal ihe icholar, U we stop and hear one of hit lt< 
ture», the quilitie* mentioried fihine Torih e^-er^ more manifctilf- 
Oncc havmg ^e^d himn ro one att;t for further evi<1enee of lit 
univeraaTity of hi« knowledge In hi* dcpartrnenr Front ba 
attended his six monihi' coiir** of lediirrt, 1 was happ^ to 
for once, a tnjo who if not over estimated. He knows more al 
orgAAic, animated n8tijre ih»Ti iny one living; he hu but to opea 
the " boot: and irolume of hh brjin'* to And a true picture of 
living anim:Ui and iia hotnoTogirt or An.^logicc with arij of' 
specie* Of geniu, he h fl« fnmiUxr with ax a linguist la with ite 
conjugation of vetb*, If at ihr How nf u Iccmre he be asked » 
({uesii^n concerning tomr ;inim4l, j» iiofieu the taic, even though 
the point be far remoi'cd from ihat which he hii bwn coriiikJeHng. 
his ifrtwer is as cl^Mr and rc^dy an if he hid ]ii« Miidied the mai- 
ter— Olid not verbilly alone, but with hiv chilk in hii hand, 
follows [t through (he winding maxo and varyitig ph.iscs of 
evolution, with an c»e, lApidity ind artistic truchfuJnev, 


LoHf — Ad'ir^n h G'littudtUg Oars. 


^tutuat furgtb Oic etCcmjiofizcil crfiilcp bcfarc liitn, m hi« 
tfnir«t«on of tins jercdl mtcrprcltr or ihc law3 uf Dsturc. Aud 
lu jdmirjittcin U kept coniinu-iM}' a^Low, Ab one foDows him Jn 
Acifcb for the birtdcn links of the chain of being which H? 
iri«l in the seolvgicAl and prc-hiMoric «ftcs- 
I mmt not uVc yon AW«y from Loidon wtt^oLlC mtroducbg you 
one other iiolcd personage ^^ ^^^ profcuion; »incc in TCj;<lLn; 
Ib works I Hm sure thM you h<kvc alrv-Jtiy learned to ailmirc, tf 
to love, the Tn«n. 'Jhta i» Sir Thomai \VaUj>n. Baronet, 
Future conrerrcd kniRhthood upon SirThomAta lonjc lirac before 
luc«u Victona did. VcMrc hu^e much bowed down hiE person, 
h« BliJi loolcf the great and kind heiited gentlemjkn. At I he 
roinjE mcctingnof the Koyjtl laittihiiion, at which were deli/^ 
Iccturctby Tyndal],HuxJc)'fGl^fttL>rc,ind octicr cclebralcd 
ritiih sehobrs. Dr. W^tior wu a regular aiCcndAnt. On hit 
f»e«, iirnt^htforwArtl and honest fjce one could calch tr^xco of 
lat practical and psir^ted good «(;ni« which letidv luch ^ chirm 
to the pnftcs of that cApJt^ work which every sEudcnl of mcdjcln* 
should read, enUlJeti : *' Lccttires on th« Practice of fhyiic." A 
long Mtt of noble %r\6 upnght purpctet has left iti; impre« on hif 
brow. In unmUialcnbltf linet pnticnce, energy, *nd ihe love of 
the right are vritten there. Such a face in an old man pr«««nt« 
more genuine Tove1inf«, even ihctigh the Angers of time have 
bloirnl r>ut iti primitive Itre^ments of hcauiy^ than the mo*t 
matchleti pkiure which hiv ever been ronceived and cxecureJ hy 
the f^incy :itid pencil of a Tifiano or MiiriUu. 

My noiice of ihc mc<)icjl cclehri[it^s of London hAS been almoU 
an uninirrrijptcd eulogy. Tlie noic mui^f cJiange when we touch 
upon the btK|iiul hLiiUUng*. Though erectnl with the purpose 
ci ItuCing fotcvrr, yeE in their conKlruclign and ititcrn^il tfiruiigc- 
incnt chey are fir behind HiiniUi lattiiiutionH in America* Sprung 
from A ptnod that iini^daled nv}dcin hygiene, one often findt 
them Umcniibly dcfi<:irni in the facilities for ventilation. Atr, 
now regarded ax a thing almost divine, in facti the major and mi- 
nor premises and concluxions of nnodeni mediCAl reasonings seems 
to have been deemed by the former generation m »omcthi(^ dia- 
Wlkal, un evil spirit which mii« be hedged JJ»d barred out in 


Pacific Medical unit Smrgfcat J'intrmai, 



every pMsiblf manner. In all Tht oU! cJei«t of Europe, thn 
trine hA» left monumert« of tu ffirmer hotd on ih« mcdiul mitd. 
In the mi^nibly lighted ind itill worse irentitaie^J wards oTaIJ Ih 
old hoi^puala^ Arid Jn nferenc? (o the ^eEettion of A site loc ilivr 
ercctiofi^ the policy wouTf) often %t^m to hft\« obtained llui i^ 
IhaE wu too low, or too mucti of a m;inEh for an)* other poipcR, 
was r^uite good eooiigh for n honpiuL A*i exiimples of tbc* Jtaf 
Wcilctl the t,i.mi]cii Ho^|)^tal /or Cancer, jnd ihe ConfirmfOei 
Hnspiul at Hromplon, London. So, altijo, Ring*« Collfc* H^ 
pit^l i> Kitti;i1rrl in a pan of lUe rity moit illy rtit^ for Ihv pih 
pose. Willi suth luj>t|)ilab nrouml him, il van no wonder tls 
Profesaor Er3ch»en found m) much to prul^c in referrnc« to Amtt^^ 
Cin hospiulft. Boide* their guidance by the enli^bteTir*! id»4U 
modern sdnitary Miience, the Americiiitx have, by oattire, a Htp 
iphare of tdlent in adapting whutevcr they matte or con&iruci to lU 
uUerior ptirpoite. 

After tliifthjM/ visit wc must bid Eaglind f<irewr1l, ami 
turn our tceps Eowatds France. 

I'Tie wildcM sLoriu in its work of dcvutatlon uauully doei Miv^ 
iMnE which man. in hi» philosophic pride> rcckum a hiemJtf- 
This find* it» popular CKprewioii in the oft-rcpcilcd proverb, ii a 
An ill wind thfit blows no one any good; and this m^y be applied 
to the French Revolution of 1793- For while the Angel of Deab 
wu writing thi« chapter of Frencli history in chiucEcrs of blood, 
the humane fcaiut of science w» layinjE the fotiadjktion of ooecf 
iht most ihoroiiffh tyitcms of Univcriiiy education whirh ife 
world hift c\'er »ecn. While The suilloiine wiu ba(;tiung the 
PUcc dc la Concorde with ihe blood of I.avoifier, Koljndp «d4 
the coble Girondists, in the National AittcntbEy neir by wu bdn| 
orpniied the prcat Medical School which h^ rendered r^rii, 
ever «fncc, famous asacenlre of medtcul educ^hcion. Ji was ii 
this dark and cvcnihil period, when France overturned her alutt. 
lengthened her week inio ten da^s, altered the names of hfi 
monlhS] and ndopted a new era dating from the ;o called birth a' 
Frtnch liberty, that the present school was born, and in a (r« 
yeari became so eminent that it hoi:, e^cr tince, attracted ^tudeoti 
from every quarter of the £lobe^ For one sees there young 

from KuMi4,Gf«<c«, Egypt, Spiiin, BraiilAod Chile; imfun, fram 

a Cruvcflbicr, and a Vtlj»«j, 1 b<g Icai* to now iniroducr you; 
aiv<l sint* wc hive iptrt io m«ch Ttmr wiih our kincfrril norih 
of th« Chjnnf], vc thati be ibU i<i mAt but a brier it:ty among 
the gxy, fipTigtiilf ind polite Frenchmen I-«i u* fnti go to n 
lecture at the Srho^l of Mcrfidne. We firil the large rt>onn 
crowded with atiemive titterrni; ftir ihoiigli ihemre other metii* 
cal srhnoTs in Franc*, the Tariwan in«iiiiiioJi rpmflinn etrr the 
great lumiDarjr ro whirh nearly all French ctudrnu arc Nttracied, 
Wc hiTc iz-^rfely Iislrnpi? a mimiie nhtn the ihwiglic arisen m our 
rDiivU, whatadifTrtcitce ibrre h Lclwci^n an Rii^li&b and a Krentli 
jtroteoor. Our speiker here turpriseu u» vitb Ilia oiatLhles* elo- 
cution, bif reid/ commiini] of lAn|*iT^g«, hm power of ilbiMrition, 
his gTJitie of mAnnrr; in faci, kc f nd ihiE wc are in the pioence 
of an accom|ilMicO orjLlor, a perAcma^e whom wc faileil to find in 
Scoibnd or ^ngl^nd. Whether the rretcbman ROl hii mercurial 
iM mjvablc cbarjtter from Merrury, or Ms jovial disposition fiom 
Jupiter, or wh^ihe^ h\% iiitmUr ael|Ebbur got hm opposite and tooic* 
wbftt utnrnii;e <haraclet from llic planet with rlnti, we have not 
lin>e to inve»ii|»ate. Yet ihc f«rt Kirikci us inoit forcibly that 
ncTcT were ncifibbors more the antithnca of each other; and in 
this ciffcumsitanoe n-e find aq exjiUcation of (heir mutual liaLes and 
warsduririg the Ijst tWist^nd yc^n. 

Over ihe fpe^kcr i» pUccd a tplcndid painting on which the 
fiTODUS Ambrose Par^ is represented in prohably the nbo«t in- 
porLinl act in which any lurgcon ever figured, vis., the applies' 
tion of a ligature to the blc^cding veocts oT an amputuled Hmb. 
Vou will recall that up to Pare"! time bleeding vai staunched 
by plunging the flomp into hot pitchy or applying a red hot iron 
to the cut vesscls^ In thJA painting, on a battle field, a aoJdier 
has bad his Icf cm off. and the nitendinff surgeon ia in the act of 
applying the burning iron, when Vtir6, who is ifanding by, 
itAcbef out a few tWk threads to be u«cd as a ligainre. The care< 
worn and ha|E£ard face of the wretched soldier as he cauttoiuly 

ma what is being done, and the noble serenity of councen^itce 


'f fff f fl/ jTirtf Sttr^fai^tfurM9i, 



of ih«o]d aur^in u h« peffofmi; th««ct which to alt futnt aia 
relieve .imputation of hilf \\% horjor^ m^ket a pfciuro which <c«fr 
maTidK tlic admirjIioD of ever; cnc who vitits this Icciart tcit. 
And }uftt Above cTieipc.-kVrt'ft h^d it a bist of Ar»bro«« Pik, jdA 
whir h, ! may hf. cxriw-d for wytng. > »omc rcs^inblditcf ic il« 
lenior mcmlitr of oitr Facutiy; bni vheiher ihe Jattcr wi>:ild tun 
wriiE«n the pianKKcnrencc that t« c<CApinjf Ifoiti old P^'i li|c 
VIE, " I ilr»it^d the woimd, bui God hnled it," I do nof fco»», 
though 1 think it pruKihltf i\ni hp would, when I Tem<»aber ^M 
mdy he is to ^pplK th^ I'^^h ro /oun^ m^fn, and anon to old oml 
who Imp out of i^c iricM of tempfancc, or let doprn ibe kn 
iml *lr4/ out of the field of good moraU, 

After this Icc^lurc cUi^ic-^, let u% stroll fnrn frw ntinuiM about tU 
fimuut f;t1iric whkh for )&t) irmny ycxrt. hit been coasecrjl«>d r« 
thcf ^ludy of Mfdkmc. As we Tnok :it iti front, a few'reli' 
fttiike oLir aitcnlion, but soon our ryn rest on a rcmtrka 
bronfc slitue which iita.Tids in the open aXx of the court, ft u 
mnirkAbtc on account cf the intellectual eApmainn of ihe fie^, u 
iwetl ;ts fur an aivkwarOly formett liudy, wliicS r(u;i|)orts the ooMe 
bead. When wc enter the building and a<iccMd the ttarrs to tW 
Jtbraiy And aniiomicLl mu«aim. there wc meet Ibc n^mr fij^ure 
ajiiri, (ti p)Uiter. and bc*ide it the figure of n chilJ, the \jot\y of 
which be ia jfcntly touching, while he Appears ^vb^crbed lu intense 
thought M he looks at the child. At his feet one see* « bool 
half-opencdi in which wc catch a view of the words, '* L* Vic tf 
U More,"— thai i%. Life dW Dfuih, The sUtuc ia of Bicbal, of 
whom France is as proud as wc are of FMnklin, or Etif^Und 
Newton : and Ic show its Apprcci.itioo of his taletif aikI wlut be 
had done for science, the Frcrich GovGrnnaenc ordered tbjt bit 
statue should have a prominent place among the jC^oiip which 
adorns the Eront face of Che Pantheon- Thi» group reprncntk ihc 
goddci« of honor diatributiog awards to the motit lamc^us mea o*^ 
France- Bichatdied at the early nsc of thirty-one, nn age at 
which few men have really commenced (heir workj yet in liis 
brief life he accompbihed that which has made a new epoch id 
Medicine. Ai the hlitoriin of civili^^iiton has put the maitef, it 
was Cuvicr who introduced accurate study of the organs of 



L^mt^AtiiiMi t€ Gr^dmatim^ Ciast. 


nimal body; but it w;ift the word«rf»1 menl of Btcbal 
pot h« c3fTLc<t ov«r vc-icDc« one tl^gc f^rihfr, vix., he wm 
Bl« Itr^t to scciintfl^ trady the tiMiiea which comport the organs, 
pntt to tiuily ihctn ir ihctr normal and ibnormoJ condicio&f, 
plierc rcmatnird bui one more «tig« to be paned, in order thii 
DeUical ri»«irch iliould r«ich lu X\^x\ goil. To the pio&cer of 
be Ucur u-if;*, «f wtll mafcc a vhii prcwnity, after we h&v« uid 
t word or two more tn regard to French Mcdic^tl Tn«titutfon4. 
■ To the greit daailvjinijige im! I^>w of time lo the studeoi, the 
poipjUliof Pari-i, like ihote of Ixindoo, sre Kjiitered over a 
Brgf .^rra: (o ihji rci go from ihe most i;<irihrrTi ro the moti 
fcmhffrn one, wc nnul trivcru: u riJUle of mme thrrr milM, 
■nd a like dbia&ce lo pa^a from the tnovC eoAleni to the 
BiuaL \^c>lerfi. Tlicy Jtrc All worlby of a vi<iit, ^t, e^ch bast a 
tnecticji oi !(tjr^icjl jtieail^oE who bus reached \\\\ place through 
a ^aunlltrt of i-^n€t/»rj, to which he hoA ouiatripped some icore or 
more of tjlcntcd riviU. In tbii contett for pUcc the c^iididAlc 
i» cit.iTnincdl aa to hi^ qu^bJ^cAtiont a^ x KhoT^ri as a leitbcr «nJ 
as an cloctitloniit. Hence we find among Frcn<:h Eucdlcdl 
teachers more Hoc speaker* than clacwhcrc in the world. 

In our circuit among the hospLt«li, ] shMJ direct your altentton 
to the eiccltcni judgtucni thti hitahcen tuedioaartilcjii their con* 
sUuction. They ireso irranfced 11 to afford free tnkt and outlet of 
air, ind the whole building l3 (lundrangtilir, or lodi^ipoited m reel- 
anguUr sections, th^t 1 free space of open ground is left within, 
which ts lAid off tn anxW kwns. And intenecCed with rows of lin- 
dens And maples, and adoineil ^ith hordcrs of bright dowering 
pf.uits- In w;irni weather the^e well ihidcd grounds are thronged 
with groups of eonvAlnceni patients; some ol the feebler ones 
being earned there on thetr beds, t>uch a transition from the 
never vurying monotony of th« w;l1U of hti wird to the enUvening 
be;itiifc«of nature, eicciTtf« a most happy influence upon the pa- 
tient laboring under a cbronie Jiilmefit, Such an intimaEeoontaec 
wtlh the inspiring views of nature eoibles the waning physical 
forces to rally as did (ht contact of the wrestler of olti with the 
•f re ngih- giving earth. 

The most interesting of all the Parisian hoipitah for our vi«t 


Pafif^ Mtt^ftit -MiJ Sur^^ai yaarmt^^ 


Utluiof Hoed Di«u; ol<! MOBghiohave ytipgied %\m ■* 
cuf iois of drinuA which centtinra jgo «j« ^ructf^ (n ihf Gafti 
o/CTaof acjr bf, whca JulUii ihf AjHHtJic W4S fomd bf ihf 
RoQuo Icgiuna li> dtber 4cc«pl ibe inp^rUl purple or dcxit « 
th«rix lunilk^ 411(1 not salikc the mcM t>r mm, h^ ctrase r* ' ^ 
mer. Gr^nd old fabric, wonhj of \ts mme, God'« top-: \ 
place! pircM of French bonpiub, a»d Ehe birtb-pUcr of Hi 
French molicil KbooU, voce k ir^ here that vtudcnif «r: 
gAtb«(ed together la Noiribcra Europ«, uid where, stirvout 
« cordvQ of policct Chc/ lirti liilencij Co «a4tuaiiral Ir 
ncf< Guy <lc Chjull4c, wbon hisEorf reconJ* to hare div^i' 
tifiK aboat eiioxMy bctwccti medical research ^nd profr^^ 
wnnslo* dcavcrcd the (int lyitenultc lectures upon >vrgci> - 
the attdilOTf vhidi we no* riHt has rcsou&dcd with (he teia 
ofBitbiC, De&iult. Dopaytren fti>d Tr<Kme:4a. But wnm^ 
H^tcl-Di<u which hoB beva the »ceoe of •? ro-jch thai is rcaxvi'- 
blc. U itow ptiyins iU 6ajl act. TinK awl sanitarj kjccux hut 
dccid'^ that it shall msi no lonjcer. But pbceaix-likc, it l39 
ing aoew in one of the moat m ij^iinccnt bQitdiofi which hu 
becQcofisecrated to hospital purpoics; a vtn»eiarc in which 
reoience, bjpeae and beauty, «Mh as can only be bom of f\ 
taste, art all united. 

Ai our viiit everfchere muit be bri«r, partakiDfC of ihp 
tcr of panoramic tratti^lioo, I shall next condiKt jroti to Bcflbi 
the ffcat ceouc of TcutooTC pover, and the seil, to xaj mind, tf 
the greacett of Cercnao medicaJ «c1iooli. A* \i it mj ptirpm 
Mily 10 point oct aome of the leading featttrcA ncid promineot 
ftl^fiKtf of the great medical centres which w( are rifiieia|e« ' 
•fi«r flotkingtbeboipttab, iDtio<Iucc you in HerJm to bQloM 
two dtUingutthcd pef>onagc«. 

The hotfpitaU aoocialed with, aori used for the parpois 
leacfcuigi by the B*dical school of Berlin are Ewd>: tl^ 
Mid (he Uiakfloi. The Charity eoniaint ttic<1ical ukd 
watdaj the ICIinicom is devored wholly lo nrgical Ireitmcei, 
whee coapired with other fammn EtjTOftefln ho^itah. it 
wMkf be iMigMd the 6fft place a« a model where one find* 
total diarcgifd ef ill that falb aoder the he^ of unitary u>d 

1S76,] Lane — Address to Graduating Class. 305 

gienic. Had the Imperial ruler of Germany, or rather his Chan- 
cellor, devoted a fraction of the French indemnity to the ereclion 
of a new surgical hospital, he would have left a monument ihat 
would survive the military fortification on which most of that ran- 
som has been spent; and besides, insodoing, he wouMhave pleased 
and done honor to his much-loved surgeon Langenbeck, who is 
heartily ashamed of the present structure. But Berlin, though 
possessing the most learned body of men in the world, has failed 
to make use of the most common and universally knowD princi- 
ples of sanitary science. Sewers which elsewhere are bridged 
over, are there open canals or ditchesj whence foul effluvia con^ 
tinually mingle with the air. 

Langenbeck, the surgeon aC the Klinicum, though advanced in 
life, is one of the most expert operators now living; and you will 
not be surprised at this when you learn that for many years he has 
repeated on the cadaver, at lea^t twice annually, all the principal 
operations in surgery. Besides, when we hear a few of his clinical 
lectures, we shall be convinced that he has more unwritten sur- 
gery in his memory, the mature fruit of years of diligent work and 
observation, than any surgeon whom we shall see in our travels, 
I once was present at a national fete, when, in the old Castle of 
Frederic the Great, there were assembled the leading titled and 
ojdcp'bearing personages of the Germain Empire. The Emperor 
and his family, those high in command in the Army and Navy, 
the Order of Superior Merit, Eagle-benring Knights, black and red, 
were gathered there. In casting my eye over the moving sea of 
gold and coTors, I observed the slender, nervous and graceful form 
of Langenbeck. He was literally covered with orders, the gifts 
of his sovereign, with whom he is a great favorite, his last order 
havirg been conferred for a difficult operation on the Emperor's 
daughter. And though, seemingly, one of the most cheerful of 
that tilled company, I could not but suspect that anon a shadow 
of sadness stole upon his heart, as that military display awakened 
ihe memory of a brave son, who, as an officer in the late Franco- 
Prussian war, fell pierced with a dozen bullets on the battle field. 

Alongside of Langenbeck was place for another great man of 
Prussia. But the place was unoccupied by him, though his sove- 


P^^c Mt^i^ nmJ Smrgira/J^tmmL 

mgn hod conrerrvd an order fipon Itim vhicb eotitJcd bia ti 
pre^t. U «i>uL<] not Kavc brca coiui«£«iiE with th< lib 
ckufActcr of RodoEf Vircbo* lo be tbete, tiocc hv m liw imlmsI 
iMocutcd wjib tbe party oppo««d lo ibe G^f^crruDcikL 
hb ttiae i« io pr«ciow ibai be trstiiAOi give n mocheni of ii i» 
vork whicb vill iioc idvance cdeorc or tht rigbn of bnuf 

to order to «ee Vjrchow. we mmi go to ihe ChAni4, tbc 
Ul AbotY lumed. Citiing our ejn Abovt this great pHcaf 
iiifs we riod Wm io complin of in Auniurj point rtfvw9, 
vc met with al thr Klisicum. Its ireli'abjdetl j^rocods 
u% uf what we iuw at Paii«> or whst vc miclit srr «i VicKiu, 
«c hnc tu «t»it tb^ city. Aa^o«i{ the nunx l.iaiKliri^ cum^ agi 
lA ibc CbAxii«, I Tt&h to direct yottr era to ooc oC mipiAi«( ^ 
pcarutce and iniple proportioiu, bcjrinx' the uniqac ouDTvno 
Iront. P^Ih^taiiiihfs' /fufiYtL Ttiis ti ibc great wofkibo^ o' 
VircboV' Here is hcicollectloQ of crania vhich have forRsW 
biiR M>tne kejra for Ihe tOLUlioD of tbe U)tbropo]oict«:al pcobltf 
Here u hi» tmoteaie codteciion of pathdogical growchi Ji>d rr^ 
ral norUd analcinr vhich lu« jcmdcd him in tbe GiasIAn] j. 
of Ivmorft, «nd specially in the prcporatioo of chat rem4ri :■'.' 
vork which bat made a new epoch in nMdicine, ru; CcUatf 
Pathology. H^cbjit, a^we hatY »eea, tnced disease to ib« tivBU 
it bat been re«erved for vircbiyw to (rac« it a uep Urthtf , vi»: 1» 
tb« ceU' litis vortt whtc^h he b:u pcf fornod in port and poattrf 
ost the way in which it l^ to be done, has carried the aciciKC d 
■ledkine a long way towards thil coiopleieneu of knowtrJfr 
wbUrh 1ft iti idimute kirn* 

Of all the men aow living I cin cite no one who cafaibiti m 
many phue* of mental ch^trocier [ioit«xl in one person au h«> Iv 
ciample, hepoMeMe«Tno»i woiKlerful poweraof nniiy^ift, utbovs 
in bit vnfoMing tbe compleijiiei of di«ei«e, uiuil he has fotmd Ik 
mtmite eellalar abrmiinrA which tare raotcd h. WitneA ibr 
amyloid change wbich Kf wa« the first to 4lciectr or ar le^. ti» 
corrreify iDteTj>Tei. Wiinen hi« diftcrimifuiing sagacity tn dtt 
covering lUc muUifirio^H oAicci tuLserved by ihe connective- tiov 
cell, vfikh, till Vircbow't day, wn regarded a» «orocwbat HU 
Faley'a cxptination cf tbe >[^ec& — M>iactbing introdnced into tit 


Lamf — A^iirtft /* GraJn^mg Ciast. 


tinii] or^an^m fti a VXttA of caplettvci to fill up vacanciet wtiich 

bc>ra Ivfc in clic futnuiion of ihc body, VirLht^w Lbiimtliai 

Lc-id of bciits mere pocking Riotcriil, tb« connect ive^tiuuc cclli 

im|>orUet tmtrumcDUlo which jirc tlucthc lieaJing of woupii^, 

id mjinj orhcr physiological and i>itholo^~cAl processes. H^oy 

ithcT cxAtxifilcA tt»(|[ht be idduccd u iltuscrjitivc of hb power* of 

iul>-:ii«. but Ihc in«t^nc» cited axe tuf&cieni- Hnpowcriof tfo- 

^ or of regrouping logcthcr the uindcf^d facts of diM«>«, 

shovn if> hu wonderful irork upon tumon, which, before bb 

!, may be dcnominalcd 4 territory unrc^^lnimcd from chjio*, 

rh>ch. by hie general uing powen, has been reduced to o i)o< 

laia of such order and timplicilf, Ihxt the carctinal prinCLplcv ol 

may be mattered iy the tttident in a few hours' icudy^ At 

lothcr iiHiance of hit lyniheiic fonilty Tn^y be ciied the maldi- 

foTitiula of Hcicrochromj. Hetcroloiiu and llctcrononiU, 

Licli it rally an epitome of aJl books written upoo genera) palhO' 

:y, alindof (o^yihmie Iti-y Lh-ii enntUs the patholugitf lu 

beashort route lo the »olutian of hift jMihologicftl probktn. Or, 

I am ailoved another mathematical lltLcilration, thia fonDliU b 

Le the binumtal thcorciu uf Nc^'lou* Oit it enables the (uthnloffUl 
_ romt»ine the muliif^iriotift phenomenj of the morbid liuva iiitv 
ea^lSy Irgitk lV>rn»t- 

Br^ide* (hi* work, which, as tc know, can only be rlonr by ibc 
quiet, reiiitd ami Lh^u^hlful K^hoLxr, vc 5nd him \tv 

juicithcr piin, rriutring cJiorjctrr and habile of miH-l i, i ■■ ,.1*. 

po«L(e, vn\ It an ictLre debater and leader of the UtKio«ij|f< 
parly tn the NationaJ Aasemblr of t'ruama^ Here, ^ llu ^Il^ib. 
pion of human rights and the arm opponent of the ^ 

policy of ruibtary a|^randiieneni, I have often Icrujwn ., . y* 

be r^eard a half hour after be had delirered a ivro hvun' W«Uv> 
in the Paihologttckea Inftiivt, 

^I ihini it la much lo be regretted that Virchovrdevotoftoo^q^ 
ijnte to pcilitical nutirn. Thricgh it may vrrr xh a rei^tfi«tj»« i^ 
hit roany -sided mind, ret ii hat probably deprived our pful^p^ 
ol many additiooaJ discoveries v^hieh he might havv lo^.^^ 
bis tindivided atleniion been devoted toon^oa) rcieajUt m^^^ 
cine^ The ^jut slure of facU vhicli eapenence a:v^ ^ 

}ijive laid tip in hin memory, give htm a ranac of ti» < ^ 

fiddof ourscieocc farther than that enjoyed by any. 
Slandinf upon ^ch an Alpine turamlt, he would 
out ami lay oi>cn rouiesn of caploralign into ili> 
unkoovn, which, without luch a ntuier, muit !■ 
covered. 1 do iu>t vis^ here to in^y liut mcd^^ «^ ^.^ 


Scientific Use of the i.\i.i.,. 


n TKK 


:e3'0'vsi2i£B31s,, lew, 

By JOS. H. WYTHI-:,ii: 

The Scihntific Use of the Imagination. 

•BvJ. H- \n'TnE. M,D. 

Bj die Bp point Ilk cut of mj coUeoguMi ia Om m^lcaX tmctiJiy, 
it beoomw my duty Ic addreae y<m on tli«it bebolf, and wdcooio 
yon to tbo Tanks of n profMsion wliicb in omlrKntfj lAboriou«, 
vtudioim und lioncJtable. For rojLHQUH of n |ji>nii>iiid iiAtiire I 
ftbouJd have been (fbd iLtliiH ^utj hud lioc-u cotamittcd to oD- 
oUier, ^ct I roftlifo it to bo aa bcmor to oj^t a< the ropreacntAtivo 
of your Sntlrur^ton In tho toriotis bronchi* of medlc&l flcUnc^u. 
It IA AD Looor to bo uHockuUHi with gentlemen nho«o ijuAlJIie* 
of tuioi) ftod bonii, aad wbonc i«]f-ftaentir]n|- Inlytm nntiUc tboxQ 
1« |)iib1io nrji.1 pHvntA «AtPein. I oouHiJcT it aIvi uu Looor lo 
aiMmw Tan OR n cln^non the pmetit occnslon^nnd Ibua to Iiats 
na addiUotul cUuu upon jonr moEaonc* in tb^joara to coiaa. 
Tor mMDf months put ve kiLTe be«& aasoc^atoO iu tbo loMnr^ 
room, &Dd, bj tbe Aid i^ tU b Bik-ro««o|w md it»rev«4at](jf», bmva 
l>Ma «ikgiifr<d in unrftvdifi^ tbo miuatc vtmctiiro of tbo bn&Ap 
fnuno, tmckitj^ tko trxvrA of orf^uiiaition to tJi«ir mont Bocttl T^ 
c««sM, dAMifxing t^e p]i«bom«aft of Vtft, and iroHiig Um aost 
tleiu^utary cbttTuctcrUtica of uormftl uud diactuked Btfuctont. ] 
ftiD i^lo^ ot tho opportunity to ipvo my Kntimoriy, ia l^ift pttUic 
way, to ycur studiouA purvtiit of futtduuMitftl trtUb; to yumr 
pntuuiro dcd jtool in rcM-airb, &nd to jonruittform lEiiidiiMftai^ 
propriety of muiaciH. II (ptm me gre«t plcwmre to mtfr^m 
tot nijttolf , and iii bcbttLf of yoov UMeban, our biuccto cobptsfc- 
ulntionH that you bavA no fju* mjutcred tbc rvdimvitbi irf fcidiiaJ 
Bcionco that you tmty now pucau^ &u indepeudcnt annm c^ 


iitictctit iuyourwHriirvnml fumrr iwcoesa, itu<l kI»UI b*plfw4 
tOBoeycu ri^; to Uii:s bigboMt poniti^ii* of r^!(]icc?ftU)it; i&l 
«aniDeiufe in your chosen prorenioD.aQd to tbo oujoj-meut «l a 
kouotnblc coiD|)ctDtico in itA pannjit. 

It U cuaiocuAr^, iu AJdrcawB liko II16 prfl«oai. to dijvct «tk^ 
tion to «omD llioiii« of gooenil ibUrwl, bMnnjc upon tiie libfn- 
tiJtD niuL prciffrriH iif nioiliriuif. Bnl itt thlft point 1 ImI b«« 
tuduoUB itf tb« toblc nliicli Las been impo^vd iijmn Rb«L go 
much btM boon «aitl, and so voll •*>({» upon the Yonous loTHi 
Ic) irhirh Oiti miml nutiirnlW rpriim, tliat il iu Oi^cult to fuida 
uu^xpluitxl Icmlory. The rtrnijoi^hibilitj' of j)hvftt<-i4n«, t^ 
AtLitn of tho modical profMiiioD, tlio tiiatoij of tJjc Li^alin^ u% 
tli« impoitikit^ <>f pir^'erLtiu^ rlU«ui«, the unuit4UT^ rrptjatwi 
of OUT oitiriK ami tmiift. mul mniij oflier tljfiiuii* of ttmiJariii- 
port, haTc Iwcn publiclj trtiit^ in thU mftim«r bjr tlift nMM 
iDCD of tlio pror«i«8)oii, HO Ibftt 1 conui 1>oforo joti ju a umpAt 
glFAn^ir In flrlLtn :ilTi>n4ly w^ill rohped. A f«w pTActioi^J tlioilffati 
ftrc n\l 1 proj>o«» bo rivo* 1 conlcot mj»oIf. litiirfivpr. trttli ihr 
ooHumiico that tbc f^miiui tat f^oldtn U thcr aro btit fovt. ai^ 
tiiAt tlkoy ^^ntnin 4 Tii'infE, gi^miicatdig iirEnoipTe of trutb, vkkA 
inaj tiiLjliiply, iinctrr «ititiib1o rnrMiliijitH, lo fDliiro }iArT««U. 

Aj9 a BioltP for tkio pvcucnt dinronmc, 1 |>rx-Avt)| yoii vflk 1 
phr>M wliicb Pr^ffitvor TyaUall biu EDad« cbuMio ita our liUt*- 
tora: "Tiw tkiiynno Usb or thr Tuvii^fincv.** 1 HliaU nol nirtr 
inqtUro If tbo iUiuiriouii cn^yiat mjil ciLpciiia outer Ium \tf*a 
carcfol UmMll to p«rciio tbc path vbi«h ]i« ban Likdic«l<Hl to 
otbcra, bat ahall eouJiiie laji^lf to a f«w suj^g^tiona lyispcHiaf 
tbe nppliadioo oi lli« priQcipIi? to meitinl knonlfitlgti. 

Isu^aiios ia a t#m RiTttt hy writ^ra on mental >aODc« to 
Ifae powv which Ui« nlnd poaMBoa of EoaJdog imagcft. It b 
Ibnt whkb grrea Ijsrtb to ibe productions of the |ioet ^ad Ihi 
p«lfltar# but il U jual aa oawoluJ to tbo pbiloaopber ntsii lh« 
pJijraitflaai, tiiAl tbc; mar bava a real Ti«w of tha aubj^ctac/ 
then- ioTMti f ^ Uoiia. AiwoHiDg to Ur Ste'irail, imiigtnntioa 
" ia not a abttpk faouJty of lb« tnind^ It pn -eiippoooa nbatme- 
Uon lo aap^nl* tna aaeli «tb«r quolitio* acd dtKmatHuwm 
whneli haTa li#«ti |it^*M*<^l tn n^njim^^ioa : ami mleo judgment 
tJt ^imi na in ivtnt't'^v '^"* '^■^inbiTtatioiiH," 

'Tim fniTn TATify U oft^n tiflftl m a flTnonym for IranginatioD. 

vouhl be tiHl if it couUl he Ltiini«J U iliuMt iuia;;ea, or pliA^j- 

wLich hflvo do real bLMA ia udebljfic bii<jirlod|^i but at 

l# tw^t li&Tu onlj ft ivatMubUutMT to truth, Ot:r Inu^uftgo 

FuUl lliijs V& tnora exncl^ i;eiiI W6 iJioulit Dot Hjicak of imftguu* 

"Tv oc^lojE 

A liwul liulitt^linu and a fi«niti* 

tiil« tho po«t woold b« striotl^ ixcourato wko deoUr«t Uiftt 

eft in her ntuviiiv iu^'Uji IW.1117 nviiWiu 

^ft'Ud work prodiuwA oil, («t luwt in ilnttiuii.'* 

Ad *!n!ii«il m«dtcftl pl^oMpbor <i>i/i*W<r ■/***•«, 3/a*, T^y- 

rjf^y) rer«rh ti.i imuf^ualioD lu UmL ojiemliou of tL« mind br 

it riMM^iTaiv r^tAJn!!, rac^lb Aai comliiDo*, acconlto^ U> 

fttor law«, tbo idicol inugbB fftrouibed to it by tii« ^^ttntpUhftis 
and by the unses. Hie Aret Hle^i of IhtB o^ieraljoD ia t.*al)*d U10 
Iftctilty of conoftption; tlie Mcoud, memory; Uiv iLtid, repro- 
dncttTO t^acy; *mi tb^ fourth, piio<lDctivc faDoy, Tic fourtli 
degTM of Activity, wb«rc tliv iuiuffiaJiUuii uppunm ju productir*, 
orcrantivo, m wLuI wl' luu wxrubluuied tu vttU, lu Uie uldcier 
■«iu« of tbo voni, fftBcj; ftu<l iu iU spooftAiintT* po^c ptywtt. 
"*lt wbcro that Ili9 wond«isof tlie intiiaat^ t lending of mi&<l 
UbI aifttl4Tr 1U10 brougbt Ui It^bt, ami iti nbu'b tbo fnii^un of oar 
IkWital e^uaieooe in peculiarly iiiTolvi^d. ]i«iicdtb ibU ai&nie 
euvlo lioa tbo mjitenil world, reT«*lod to tbo floaora; ftlxit^it 
tbo inbtllcotuAl vorld, P*VM}0d to tba rain^; ■d<1 within tt lb* 
dftrk or iJudowy world of coajvclorv^ Wbilct we iriUinffly ^lUiw 
i*&oy h*T nj^bto. And rooogniise tbem in tbo rcjfion of po^liy Dtjil 
Ift Um iat«J)w?iti*L Uf # of tho miikd, Ut oji not bo dopdvod of 
oBn, in tlio empiro of M^itttmn. and l^t \t» viut bur douuiji witb' 
ont mf&nag otunalron io b« toiK^bod by tlMs aiA£ic irokiul ol tbi* 
Ciro^. U i« our biaiDom ^^Imly u> wat^rb bar M^pn, ftiMl vW* 
wtftranot ftblet«folknrtlK>ni, futUfallytoindk^tctbBk 
for tbo braofil of more fpttunstc cxplorom.'' 

Tbe 0C3eoti&D aw of tbv iin4Ku>*I^A iiapb^ tb«l om 
tk>nfl li&ve A booit of ftonml fftot, mnd u« eoutruUsA b^ xW 
knovinlf^. S<:w'Con moane c1asiifi«d knovledg<r, sod JKiUiMf 
am bo tftiicUy BcicLtifio vhich is ibOi k&ovrtt Lo bo Imt- 

whiek m bjpotbeticnl, or ouknovik, maj b«fofD« m nabjcct id 
laMgliuUoftr or produdir* Unrj, bat not of the i 

1 Deed ■oftTCvlT trfTue Wfon Uuh Aiiilionrcr Uuii tli« rvotisl 
tb» UiHgiiMtkiD >a MientiRl to % wU r«8ttUt«<l muij, jM 1 
tio pitmitled to mr^ thai fuDiluiiviiUl tmtli i« n^toMMi^Vi 
■cMatifi« QM of tbift povror. Otb«rwm, tht- wildnl i wtinw 
of I«iu7 DTkftT bo ttitfUkeo tor pbiloeopbitmt dcductiotiA, &tid tte 
llimd* OR tli# ittAl of pmgnvn h^ put rnr lM«kwnnU- W» Tf^jtri 
n ckiMJMb, if not «b«iinl, tlie ■pMoUUoas of tti« umw* 
ro^Mctiag tli« tUucture oi lb« vniTcnM, known nu th« PtolcM' 
■fvtnn; 7«<t llut story mom gnikd, innpiriiij^, pind logioeil/ 
■mttnt viti iUtf-If, Tin ffrror wti« tJir fuiktunentAl oim of m 
iiMgrniry and ui;«<irtitific bMii. Tbo mcdo tB«j bcs mU of 
old i*«diMl theory of tbo munuU npinU, and of roiuijc 
vpaculfttions wblHj 1»t* fllleil a lu^« »p«r4( in the public 
«Uoii. It KAj be 4|iKNtioftcd vbetbcr ia our own daj-, 
to«ophj 1100 not driflod Kunovrhftt from aountific Bncocut 
mooringii into the ancJoot whi of fanctrn] ap^^uUtiofi. TW 
1«riileDL'j to do BO U nkftciftatp uiid tlie lUscvftaiou of t>iA raam 
of 9Qth a toodancv would b* a& uitcrca^ajt osiiiibHiot) of tb* 
aatnnJb«ntof tho bvman intoHoet. Waapc^ulato npoa pvb 
nurdiMl ftra-uaiBta. wbicb M^nutiu |>utc?uLia)tj'a]l f onna attd foMar 
whtUkar Bkat«na] or m«tital; od Ui& motioo of ori^-iiuil iort«;«=<H 
pfoAidmf aooooaaJraJy nn^, auU «at«Uitef, an^i evatenui d 
worlda; athI oa tbr i^cntitr of nil fornvi of vital ftad phjAOftl 
fon«; aa If tbvaa bad Iwcu proved to be bcietiUficafK tru». aoA 
vaoAaa iadalge in «kbonte word-baildia^, IwkhI upob tli« 
eraillow of our formative ia)agmatio&T i^titil ibo aiiy edifice wt 
•fact w Ml far Bfl puivihlA fmm mttwr HriRijUtir truths 

I woaU aot lUuj t^o Taltie of npccul^oa in fumUhiD^ 
fiiioonl bjpotbeaoa. X onlj ^Jaim tbal smvh iinncitiin^ 
ba ra^ardtfil aa sMvalj^ proviatoiul, uii] not vi-fd an uu^n^tbofr' 
al»ta foattdatioiM of pbilonopbic or wdcntiJic ayatcuaa. The 6M 
of tboiiicbt ia vrklv caoo^fh, and f^nuid cnoii^b, even ivhoD lioi- 
Mod b^ tJiat wbkcL ii fectaallj' known, and i^tcij vrar ia extaixl- 
itifs Iba Lioutulai7 of raal kiwwledgc, ao thai the uumt ad 
lutooa adaidific imagi nation baa room for ita cxcaruokia, 

Tbo gT«at EtigUtt pbjflolo^Ut, Dr. CArponur, in hie wocki 
on tUtUei n^tioto^ md ffjnmiuilivn, lias abiiwii to vhai 



i tLe proTK)enrfl oi a ilcxminanl itca maj mislead Mucera 
,AOiJ Ifrcotc^ vpMetoic uuon^ great numbera ot men. 
Tlicn U DO Mcnntj iignjuM f?Licb iiiiHli^hdiug taQdciidc.*H mivo by 
rifjidlj bwdnpour tLearieji iiik>ii netuiil ^cicnlifk^ truth, WiLii 
an iiDaginiuy fulomm, Fancy cwi otOTe Ibo world, or th« uMi- 
varM, but tbo r9»LiU will bo iUinuUbb Clukix. Thccr; pilod on 
ilioory, ■■ Hum inv^mtcd cvcltn ftnd Apicjclta in the okl phi)- 
oeopJj^ to bccuuuL for Uitu mutt-iueulB uf tLu tivAveua, cul 
nover l^d to ckmcotai? Ictfth, or to a Imowlo^o of the nctited 
Frofffwor Schlmd*^n, of .T*ina, Im* frivua ub rin nmuuiHg illutt- 

tiou ol (Lis tfubjcct. He sajn: " Soujo >«ini ^jio, I wafc very 
mlimalo willj Uio dirvctu^j; ptiyniciun o( a Int^-c liin&tic a*vlm&, 
unci I UfHxl imlunuiOQ^Iy to Afikii iuj^c«Jf of 1li«i tiWnr I tbc ob* 
Uiurd to >i)dt nt u'eII th« lioDHnuDd itKiuhEilnUtnU, Oiiu niuru- 
iog I ODt^fod tho room of a mmluiAnk wbvM coDirbuitljr x^^H^^^S 
bnllncinfttioaa ctpmallj iiitrr««t(!cl tno. I foimd hinx fionehiog 
down by tlifi il€^4', uAtoliLTig iTith clfiKr nltrrifioii n mincnpflti, 
thti c'outcitiU of ivliidi \ui woA rArr/ull; ntirrin^s'- At tb« ut^iw 
of Qi.v tutmnco, be tuTDcd ixjiind, and, wEtk a fitco of tlio cJco]>Cdt 
importanpo, vrhi^]>er«d; 'HuHbibuHh! don't dUturb mr UtUo 
Iji^'s; ihe>' Will b« rtntly ilir#H^l,lj.' Full of t-uciuBJly to kutm 
wbilbcr iiiB didoadod iiu[i-;uiutii>n bud now k'd liiin^ I npproac^od 
ijoAf«r. 'Xou mo/ MiJd b«, with tbn icTiitoiioiii9 crxpT«B<ion of 
ail olrtiamiKt^ ' Ik'Jip I bnv* black puddings, pi^f'H bou^ ruid 
briAt]««, in tLo Buui:i.'5>aUp evL-rjLbiu^ tbut i^ iJt;CE:i»«ary; vio onlj 
want the vital wnxiritJj, a»d tUc jouit^ P^K^ ^ill l^ rcruly mode 

oin/ L»uxbnbl«t ak thiA circnm«tuiLca nppoarod to niu iLt tb6 

(-. it IiJi* ofti'ii trt^nntil to nut auxci' in nieriotifiuiaM v^Ijku I 
bftTt rtlli'cttd on (^erlfuii envn's in stitnt*. wid ii IL* infre form 
of tbii dt^lnBiou vti-rc tbt> cntvriou ot sauitv or insanity, cvob 
many disUngLit«bii<l nhtitraUi^t« of oi]f timn would hiivn to uliuro 
tho tiAiTow cril of my iinfr'rtiiniiti* MnhlbiTa-"* 

Tbu bUU»ry ol medical aciencc ia fiiU of ui»tdDi^i» of apocvda- 
tjoua wbioli rest on &^nine<l or un^ciectitic groiuidi. Under 
tli« inflnpnoA of tha Pylhit^f^ronti philovuiphy, vindi Uu^bt tbikt 
£rc ht t\iv ijriuju ciigiu of idl unittc-r, Hippocratoa co&«ideiMl 
lover lo ho Da incwaec in the onsii**! boat, or pHocipb of lifft, 
afid tbifl conception, ifnnoti^^ly itisioit^d, wan intiQcntiuI m iu«d- 
Ictd tltoorieB for nforly ~200() } i-am. Tbv UumoriU tbtiury, ue ti ui 



o«]l«d. rMt«d upon lli« i4l» llftt tfa« fotir <t1<<iDrAt«: fiitj 
■•arlh. And tVDUr, nilU Uj«t uombiiintiDn of fourQtul«<<9 
[itie«: hut. cuM. tatoMi, and cItt, gnf** rise to thf> four fliui^dt 
lumoifiof dieliuiji \Avod. jthXr^iu, bile, niuT liljicfc hfl«, «W 
iKktuf^ad lli(> tonr Um|HiromciiiU, wlticU irt lli4.-ir turn ItmiMll 
'tiie AtepHft or flafrf'l of tbrr humnr*. Th*^ 8o]idiBt», on lkiM» 
ixhij. fxjtmulrtptl diMVEV! ni* ah int^rt^Jiv iir i1t>ll<Ti»iiov of vm it 
Ui0 4i>tid lSbr*» of tie Ijodr. TL* Clt«mi<ra! ftdiu^l tou^Mb 
tha oBMtiifo of dinpAMt iu ft «ort of cbi^mim) f4;mLent«ti<?Ei ol & 
Imda; wlulu ihn Mrc-]]j;uii.rU nrliocil tpffurrlivl th« borl^ tfi 
fbiiie, aubjoct onlj to [iLtucoI Iawa fttitl di«e&se. vi d«nt^ 
ht in the iyBt4)nD of tiib««, eie. , of vhi<*h It ui cotaposad- ^ 
HoMK-opnlhiaU con^ulir dtE^iiii^v nnd nincvliitn to fw driuniM 
If Imtevcr tuii>' Iw ciruul bj' tUut icrtu.aud cittini tliAt llii«po«« 
14 iuCTOMDd ia r<*iii^«« by tritiimbon And dilntioo. Tli« Bn- 
noninnttVAtfitQ tniced uTt divoAKtiN to int^rvauiHl or dof< r i 
'tnbUiiy, BrouniuB Gxisl upon imUtit^u of tlm intebliL 
ma thu btELrtJDg putnt of vAnouolv oumplfs rrympiAtwv, LUtf 
BliJi, r«ver LuH lj«ou ooutudorcHi a putviv ifhetQioo] ptxM?««e froB 
tlin fiirr<toHn(l nipiHity of rnmlnifttioTi in Uio <'ftj>UIflnM, vUl 
tbc piT?f<cat t4!ndi!]K5 ia to Incuts ftll ff^ver'f'xdtiii^ cHtiw» in tk 
VQMO'iuotor nud cxcito-caloric ccntoni iu or jUBt above iht i^edmli 


Mnrh tliftorina rest upnn mwun^ptiniDi idoi« or ]««a pmlttblr, 
ftO(<i>tUin^ to ihti ttato of vctf'BiTc cxixtiii^ ftt tlio liiup. bui Um? 
can bArdly be «]iLiiu«il na Hci^ntifio. Uoslof tbom ro^nrddii- 
eatte km aoniGtbin;^ foreign Iu Lli^ or^-nnlttm, but wliioh te fortftd 
upou it — floiue pnrlii^Ldnr «iiLit^ uWb tiHbiulb uh, but whiirb bw 
nofor boon rovoalod to soit^Tico. 

It li tbe glcrj of modom m«didii^, that wbilo it do«« md 
utlr^rlj cundemii uU thi^riyiiiff, it l-eitdm Lb»t il <mn oulrb* 
provioionnl, &ud Ibnt uU iztLpuriant pi-o^oua mxift rost 0|>ou ««• 
tunl tiiJ^rovorim, Cp to ibt\ proa^nt Uin<r notb;o(f hio mo te 
pfiuvtnlur] tDwnrdft n nduiatific bnovlodgo at the a««t (tad oonw* 
of diaeuo &« t^c aiiidy of jv^rmrd Eiiul pjibbological hh^icAoff 
in conDOCtioQ wiUi pbymoloi^j ami cUni^^ul obHorvrttiOD. Sttcfc 
tvoittigiittoiiii btnr taught ih Uint morbid pbonanMB& do not 
differ CBWdtinllj tiviu uurmtU pUirtioiLeiiM, aini^e t%eh n^otUA 
lAftnifMUtioti l»fl iU nnaJogno in pbyniolo^'ic&l condition*. 
Xha; bftT« tAugbt ua jd«o tbnt tbore Afu no apocl^ inUiologkil 


It VM fomerlf tboiiRht that pocitThrl? fotm^iL ooUvox* 
i!it«d in tuWrolo, sarcotnA, and cjincfrr. h^it the lui^Toscopo faM 

fATOoce betir«ea tbe forcra and aultftaiictiB bv ui«aiift of vfbjch 
norma] and morbid lifo te |>roAfiiT4>d ; no important diCFcrvnco 
lietVMD phywolojjieal antl pntlioloi^rn] ^iwh. Tho dilTererios 
Uos in tbo condilioon uudvr wkicb Uie foii.ea uud eubfttancei of 
U» Iwdf op«mU." (TTffflfrny* 0«n. /•^rfWoj?/-) Thtw th* work 
of Ui^phyHiHuti tfi wrooTis^ frf^ta tha sphere of Kjroi^ulalioti to 
Um iuo<lifk'ali4.iti at tliu runcliti'^iiH of niur1>i(1 lif*<. Tim ]ir\»;^r»*HA 

of tiporiRifnU] llierftpeatics 10 comUntly furniiihiuir <^* ^^^li 
aiT^ttem, nom^ of tli^m of fprtAi |>oiv«r, l^y vrhi«h inch modifier- 
iJotui ma/ Tm ivnliml, ho thiit it in not muob r.o &4Mi-l thftt 
medkiiie ia n^idly aciiiiiriug Ibe tLjvratlci of an euict b(rt«MC9^ 
Tboro ikill be no n^^d for joti todmw upon ^our imnciBaUon 
for fact*, if 7011 parnr:* with nrdin^ry induvtiy tho mothod* ii> 
ilidtted tij j'OTir pn^\ioiifi nti^dic-t. 1 Irri^fird nothing hi tiajlri^ 
tbnl tlkB tiUHcirtrrtilic tide of IJif^ imugiuLtliou ift the prolific »ottrM) 
of aU hcmtj, and of all quaalcory, in modit^ino, in philoaophy, 
find in n-ltpdii^ The taoj^n^ftk* ballis of MosTn«r, PerUioi^ 
ruet;iLit: Lmolom, thtr d^niiujii! forco of iufiiilt^HHiiuJi] doHev4 of 
tnodicioCflhaoId OreciaucoHniojToniot and thrirrcvWnl in mod- 
OTD tiutM, ole^^tro biology, nnd upmlttoLiMm, with a UohL of nim' 
ilur KpM^u]ji.tio>iM and doliutiont, havo no otli^r foiindriliou. 
Stiob iLe-^ripd ma v aomo times lie found aHBodated \hLIi tacis^ 
idnoA miiio Iritlh idht cxk^t in tbc vritdcBt ftolic^mo of csrror ovcrr 
imriff'ioed. Tbo fatn) objection to tLom oil i« their foundation 
ou faucv iitnlt-itd of tnith. 

I1 irt abtouj«km^ to flp* with wbnt t*nficitj" llie ditiposition to 
foTvako tho eol>«r woJlre of oxj?<^rnoiktal Irutlt fi>rlhoflbadow7 
ronlmn of mrfllt^t injigfinnUon clingn ovfin to tolnrabljr %v«11 
ediioilfid niHD. Somn lium jign il nn.* my (■ntilf^ in vi-iit Ihti 
J«p«r a«Tlun] iu thtf BiwdwioU IslantlH, and on my return I g^ve 
a report of mr obArirvntioiiH in a niodicnl Hoeinty. At tbo flono 
of my ritn^nrlctt n proniiiii-nt phjuiHun, n ninn of n^^""*! t-nltntr, 
eilinfliiod diamtu^aotion wilb mv report, aiiu'tf 1 bad not dcntOEi- 
tlmtod nu«ro«;opirally, [uid broitpht to the *ocirty for «iliibi- 
tkMi tbo m/ttnifi^ morbi. Aa if tli^ftwAn any morbid mat^iiftl! 
An if 4D<:b ph^iKtrapiia w»rn t>nt, dim (t» thn pprvnnion nf rnminl 
atiuctiue and ftinGtion! Thv objection reminded mc of tbe olA 


want of hiLrmt^aj or |ira|ioHion ; &n^ bo oi nmm^ prnrliad 
judgnin&t, tliat be may clraw con:i'ct iofcivaciM. 

Afl to his profofluc^nal kiign-Jcdci>, lie eljould coaudor not 
vhat iB oldr nor what u tiDw, but ttiiupl^ vUat m Cm«. To ai- 
tAin tliin knowleilffc of triit.L, )i«» ki^njm frr-ash iu Ilia nuih) tL« 
fujtdcUDcatAl jiriiujipltis of tine,iQmy, pLjniology aud tf-UcnuaUX, 
niid eoubtatiUy applicu tUciiu tu Liis ttkem|j«uttcfi and pmctloa. 
He k4Hi|iH ftilly ftljr«n«t with iU^ riisu'un^liM luul dif»ewvcr»«i ol 
cUi«ni, and ftJ>a^^4 no jirtiiiN W provide luutwU witb tbo mcoiia 
ol Icijtin^ Uit'ii" tnitb. With him sci^noo iiid uxi>oneti<»e go 
liUTtr) in Ijnmt. aod befoi-o tJ]em diHflflAO, niu! atttii d^th, retire. 

Hkbcuu-t iAWEtrmnnd full of enuragn, yd tftudgi. >>mpatlMitic, 
gont^^c>UA, ttad nboTo nll> roLiicioiin. He ia iucdk|7ablc ol n incna 
action. Ht acUt under a Knae oC rMpoautiibtjr to b» Craator. 
Ua in influMxced by love to God ntid chnritj lo all ivnuliiud. 
Kuowiti}; tbat hjn boat efforU will be fruitlan wilbout tito Uoa- 
aiticr of Jieavcti, be nefflecta not to aak diviao aBraatancro for bia 
profeHuoiiJil u^ vtelX ju private duti^i^- 

SiLrh, gniitlernAn, ia my idnat nf n ^ml ptjaidan* BuA 
havo oft^fli abod bi«t«r on out profeHoiou. Wilb uuiirmjr i»- 
duatry. uuoatantatioua choriiy aud uDcitfontod riMy, Ha<*b toaa 
huva tit«d OD ouftii to blaaa mankind^ and liiivt? Iieei:! foUowad 
to tbe Hkias with thu l>uneilioUori>i ai all wlio kaovr tb«ir wortb- 
Lilt im follow am^b e\?im|>lca, and vro nhuU hii^c Lbo >alin£acboft 
to kutnr that wo bavo not lived aad ]abi>roJ ia vain- 





Bv HENIIY GIimONS, Wit., M.lh, 
TVo/Obt ff/ fib' PriTitiyla and Pra<tict t,/ M-rdidnr antl Clivical Jti-iiciin. 

A, L. UtitKr^t is* L'l/., J'rinWa 




By henry gibbons, Sr., M,D.. 
Prtiftutr pf tXc PriiKipUt and Practi^ a/ Mrdieint and CUnieal Mrdidne. 


There ifi no law written or unwritten preBcribing rules or 
limits to a farewell addreae to a graduating cIabb. In this I re- 
joice, becauBe it is my intention on the present occasion to talce 
a course which critics might carp at if I had not bo free a. license. 
For five long months, you have been sitting daily at the stu- 
dents' table, your plates supplied continually with educational 
solids by no leas than ten professional cooks^ until, even if your 
mental digestion be unimpaired, I am sure your a)jpetiteB are 
temporarily sated^ and that you will not complain if for once 1 
serve you up a light meal of knick-knacks from tlie confeo- 

Half a century of professional sei-viee has forced on my obser- 
vation many changes in medical practice and theory. Tliere 
are reminiscences also of still earlier days, bearing on your 
chosen pursuit. It has occurred to me that you might be inter- 
ested, if not more or less instructed, by the recital of some of 
thoBe ancient recollections. 

It UmUJor eunmin llmt thr ^nX incM^nt rtf mr lifdon 
ID 1x15 nu'ixiDry lu blood-JottUif;. 1 cnn ace mvftdtf aI IliisciviMtl 
na I }iiT Jn n\VT)iotlt(*Ka l»j). amere iiifMil, nroiis^xl from Alf^ii >* 

who lAM n |jhyincmDr nlnndinf; b^ wilb tlM> murderous la 

hi» himd. I biul hoopltig-oougb, am mj motht*r idfor^Md «« 
fniuijr y^uvs iifl4>Twur<tM, finil wiut mit mora tbsn tvru vconcM 
Uuch u bloodinj; voH pi'jicticfid in tboM Oajn, Ijmre hi uii4«ik 
thero woH iiotiiL^ibiu^ moro thnn itimplo ^"^pinjf rniij[b gir 
inflniumftt/iry rompliontiou — whioh vrnjt tliouglit U> t^utt* it 
Tbat I HurvivtJil Un? I'njttjaw in t^iitlbut. 

AikI hftro lot fuc it^t^T-jxilntc tbo ijcn Umt tbo luujii iiiil ' 
impreasiouA on tb« mind ol n diilil— tboeo (vovt roinetubut^ t& 
arUrr-lifn — nnt rnnili* bj fi*ar iir ti^rrtir, not, by p§^n or t)|«ctfK« 
Of vcoicK of iuculttiU ^bbb befel me in tbn Grtit roururiTr 
TourH of chiUlbciOLt* aQ<.t ^vbich 4r« ilb froab m my mind juiAllb 
inotneiit of tb«Ir ccciirn»nc4, iicAr<%1y 0119 but vrn* br«j)d«iJ ol 
iJie Ublut by fn^bt or ilrcunl- Th«corimi-of 1* roliifiro ptir[4irJ 
for tlie gnvo witli i^cmDie* on tUn cyes^Uio Abitrm-e tj,t ni 
pOMnto at tbo fuuvml tianiMnUd vnlh the idoa. ihiit th<rjr nVfvU 
bvburio:] artel tlat I itliould uifVfrr e^ tbcm agfniD^drca^lof li< 
nUliiag of iIlv wiuduwb at iii);liL wblcb lay Darw* huH M'l tat 
iTfl4 oocoeioDAcI by ihr mtn fallii)^ bofor<i n horno hi tJiif kuom 
— (liajointing tho log oi a pot kitten by ttjron^iug it ou Uio fluoc^ 
Kocrb iiml hui'U oulj' liTV (be iiipfTii-iuiblti riKicinUof tnv cbi|tttka(>l 
Ntxt to fi^rkr. I Uiiuk nUam^ or iDOitificatioii in ibf- tiicv«( povprf-^ 
iiiurdrknt. M.okL t«ita(iioiiHly hlt^ m&oiory bold ffist to 4 jjutjEih:^- 
lOAQt in tJiitt direi^tTf^n inflir*t«i1 iit nn infiuit noboo], wberv ] 
wttB compelled puUidy to kisa out of tb* girl* I Prrbnpfi ifc' 
lunt niiffbt be tuni«d ta nccouiil in the tnunin^ of cbiMrm. 
thAtiQC>nd. uoljjbyvioJ^inipraiBHioim&ro thnslAtatii^, Jljlatto 
wiiH u rif^id diw/iplijiuniui luid I bnve iici qunKlinn tnndo tnm |«W 
thtf ptualiiM of tlt<' biw; ATid tbt>ugb I r^n rcnienibifr » rtrl 
ocpcrio<Tio« in tbi^ liro ^lion I bud f,'rowii to ruDinnt iLni rt* 
bellloni bnybocid, I hini* not T.hf Kllght^ii ro^lj«otjon U 
jmnpntul c!UtiHtu»exu«ul <luriDg tlia limt d^bt nr t«n T«ant of |j|>> 
r do roiuoicbor bowoTif bAving Mu^orod tbt /ftir Oi puiu«|iuctii 
\Tb«u a m^^rn oluld, I bftd i?iilT«d ujr gvnuduiotliiOr % bttd DUne 
And hIhi tliLtrntcnttHl to tell loy immitA on tbeir ratura— for %h9j 
were alwcnt for tb« ^ny. Tlie j^ood old womui did not Tttpurt 


>y oftcuit — tihfi iliti ool iultfui] U>, BiiL I aufferecl feever*l>- from 

ifilwlMdaioD. Had I been poiii«1i«<3, il 14 qnil^^ pn>lial>t(r. »<« 

» tbo worldnff of iu<»nioTirt tbnt thn pl^^ioikJ pain wouM 

tp rffnc^il all Utti-BH nf the imtiro 1mn«iu^linTi. 

'J*i>c pbrffictiann of my un^rn (own vm fwwciatml in itbnt wm 

tixl ttiu "Mdlical Ctiib of Wilriiin^fton," vUUU m«t nt tlic 

<ii»ii nf thn ntPinliiirH in Mtccoiukm, TliO onlirr of tiiiHiit««e 

Fiml, thir MiUlinj; of c|imnVlM; Hocnttil, tlifi illM^uHhiun of 

col qnciitioitfi; tbircl, nn ovntci' Kuppi>r Dr. Jflmc?^ TilloVr 

no of tlj*- fliicf Kiir^etinH in tbo Am^riofto nrfaj in tho lut ww 

■»iiJt Great UriUin^ ini*i pr*<tiili>nt of liic flub. He «tooJ in llie 

bmutMt i:&iilu of this profvaMCU in Iuh du^, nuil bedide». li^k 

inUrcFt in fniitoiiUiirc. Ho wim tLio £1r9t writ^^r to do- 

tliu niittiro and liubiU of tbo ciirciitio, »■> do«tnictiv» to 

in fruilH^ T tcc^>Ue[TL hc\n^ ki?jit wnitiiiif for my dluner unv 

,7. when fi I]uu;*r.v [n:boi>l-b[*y, oij [UTConnt of m,v fatlitr buirini; 

i|fono " to holp ('lit off Pr 'IMton'a log," Tho doctor haJ wIiaI 

mt £a]1<h1 n " wbitif iwAlling'' of tlm kii«<a-j«;iint, for wliicb thn 

eg mM amimt^iUd. , 

IVbao the vliib mot at my tuihor'A hom^e, I «a» atlovrod tli« 

miloge of silLing uji nft^r mv usual l?t^d'timo, to atLond tli« 

(««>ting— that is, to oome in ftl llio eivl of tbGRupjifr, for I 

iiM Ijcst u)>|iiodAto tbnt iiortioa of tbir oxei'ciHOH. Ono laeet* 

iuii v^aa Dccu|<icd in ftflUlin^; aquiuTf'l b'^^w^cn two nf th<* mem- 

tor* trlioBv noiucv I could nr^w montion; and my imprturion wan 

UjaI raudi Lime wa4 ii^ed1»?i8lj bji^iit on ILe subJ^^t^L Dr, ISlton 

nlvafu prOiid«d J4t tLr Ublo. Ho had «xt]aon3iuary (pialifico' 

tiouH for thnt piupohC, Ho bad a kugh vrbicKwoH known ju 

" Dr, Tiltiju'd KoTw>-!n(igli/* and which it unf^l ta bo unid 4!OiiId 

W hmrd A niDe. 

AboQt llio y«arl82],in(duml fcTdn, vrticli bad hitherto 1>mu 
l«fl1not«d in thfiriinniiAl v]»^iUlion to Ih^ nvaTehOAnnd Jnw Inndd 
imrnediatplj Kniitb of Wilniiii^on, niudr n mntdftn irnj|ition 
n5>uD the high Ikndfl, and prnrtuicd to an «xtcnt lutkuown hcforo 
T aincQ. Tbo l>po wivi iut«rmi1Unt and roujttt/'nt^ Ui« foriuoir 
ding Rpoedilj\ if not nrrestcid, to run into lb*> Inltf^r, and rho 
r, in a lai^o ]>ro|tnilion of rnseo* proloa^l ioto whnt wrm 
l!itUorl tr|>boid, I WMb to m<intion a c-iivunmUnt-'^ wbkb will 
provo thai the Htutoucnt oftun modu tluit UioolddootorH of fiflj- 
eara «(*» bled foir everything, i* not tme. At tbo cloee of the 



^JJemio refi>rr«d ta, 1 Ii&t* a (Lifttinrt rocollcHjtioD of my 
reiuarkinf.* tlj&t be IiihI IiaJ buLvtutm oue liuiKlrr^d fluit fort* 
oii(» huudrfxl ahlI liftj- cn/icn of roiiiittoiit fever dun;i^' lb* ttifOt 
and Ikiul blcid onh' iu t^iruo uiKtiuio«'>i; furtlior, that li« hft>l loi 
but throif [-utJrmtH uud udthur nf thniw hiu) betiu blcnl. 

Peniviuu baik wna lien th(> onljr rftlvietit nnU-fwriofr:, 
QuiQiA ai3<1 iU BLf48ocial0 olbaloitlfi^iiiul itot bo^n diacoTcroil. 
ouucn of <--inf?1iAnn during Iho mteru^iMiou, wan tbo pmMr^ 
ID ague. PutioiiU f.'ciiifriLl]^ IiaiI tlin cHqico of tAkiti^ U 
in tbft fonii of irifuaioQ or powder; if in povr^er. a tfuwjxKHifi 
cv^ry Loar for oi^ht hoore, nhioL made ny ih« ounce. Itt mar 
ini^UnrPH tUn nUiiurich wnuM not toIenUo sueh doela^^ ftad •«>• 
stituk^ Trt^re eicu^bt. I v/ia tlic victim of ELiiiueruuii flxporimidli 
in tbiit directiou« Ulciu^' ici turu iron, Arncnic, chanjOttJ, isi 
oven pilla nifldfi of the web of the Uock spidf^i-, ^hick li«i tt 
vui-tOLift liuien hud n LJ^li reputation tu a i*ure for i^gne. Bd 
tUoy all f&ilcd find I m-m forceJ b^ok on tbe nnii^eRting bci 
fioiAff the oldoftt son and apparontly ddBtinoil to trMuI in ^ 
father'* fooULi^jiit, Et oi:i<iirrud tt> mj bojii^ nriinil that to viifc* 
the bnrk into ]nll4 would be a good boginniiig for a ni«dJMl 
educatitsn. Aud ho I took a t«iiApoonfol And mix^ it vitbino 
iMitofl, getting thft mftttE text thin at tlret and tben too Uiidt, iod 
nindiiLg up witl tlir iuaiii]fm'tiiTr> of thirty odd liiigf' piU«. All 
thena I Bwallowed on» after onotLor, not viiboat elTurt lownnli 
the I^t ; nnd tlien the h^ur hi^d come for tho next do«o. Tfas 
tonninnUd ni_v intprowt in hnrk pilln, 

Tho diHi'overy of quiuta hy Uitt Frenrh chemlMa in 1890 vm 
a lilepmn^' to hiimatLity of incalcttlnble raltiD. A long Lime 
ftlapNod bofoi^ it vrOkU maoufftOtund in suffidvnt (^uaritiLj od 
chonp enough for geaend iwr. I wan the J'lml [)er«ot] in 1^ 
Kttte of nrlaw-are to take a d^e of quinine, I vrwn enffenn^ 
severely with nn ohutinuto quotidian, and unnhlo to taka Ibo 
htak. My totlt^r wrote to DaTilf"] It. SmElb. n ItiuliDg cbemM 
ttbd phiirDinc-itt in rhjladdphia niid one of the f(^i;ndrni of tJM 
Fhi]iid«1pUia Oolk-ge of i'lmrmnoy, reqtioPrtiaK Iiiw to muU by 
ipaU some of that now prcparaliou of bnrk ree«nt}y dinoovend. 
in Fmcco. When il at-riired, it w»« a mtLttur of pioat ew 
Th»l eight f-miiiH of the wbito powdor could do the «ork of 
ouneo i>l burk and arrotit au intenaittcnl, waii scarcely <;i 
Chetnistjy was Uion just beginnitjg to Hoparate the aetivo 


ftni lifluJ over to EacJicoI prnclice tlio luv&luAlild 
qoi&ico wiui cnt«itillj wcij^hcil oat, jiint oisbt 
114, ind dliaolve<1 in ad oiivod of vrat^r with t«a dropa of 
maUt? (iiitpUii]i<i ncid. TUDutiuont cun? was lAkennot (<;|^va 
darm^ fover The f«vcr hutiA^' i>aaaod off. a Ufup^onfol 
T«j hour wiw cnutiounly ndminintcrcd. Tbo uoit dftf, lui tbo 
l\ip^,a|gxQ«ibDd, mj fAtlior wAt<'tL4td RDzioaHlj for tlto 
,^aM"H ^iln ddi^btod tUat I uittird.v escaped — uob mora 
ligbtod howoTor thAB lovs^lf. 

For Aonno y^rtrv quininn whk ooeiUt And nctrco^ So IaIa ftn tba 

inLerof IS27-8, Pj-cjfrr«i>rC}iupiniLn,cif ilm UtiWcTmt^v of Pt-n:!- 

IvADXO, tuid to litfl clonp, 00 I Bud by refcrrintf to my mniiLi- 

lipt tiote«&iade at Ihotiino, that il U ooulJ lUwajiA beobt&i&od, 

vroiild rrnvmniiTrd nothing flwi tii Airrnt tbo nj^n. It non- 

ued to be ^irem w:tb ifroiti CAution, (utd only in the nb*«nco 

<f fevor. FrotD ciglit to i\e\i{ro prituia ivoa tto limit^rd quantity. 

ccordiog to my r^colliictioD, Ilm dose wiu moM d«old«dJy and 

niLcuUr rHitctiinl Ihna Uieliuif^ii' doHOH ni>n vmployod. Dut 

older doctora <dwi;r» prcptucd their jmltonU hti it hj a cqot- 

<]iirinl purge, or au ^ruotio, or u tow hluo pilla. Tht*y htkd An 

^56 to the condition of tii« liver and xpkcii nnd othor otf^ns 

%ljji;b Mufferftuui maliirlrd ilioDtiAv, Tbtiir prAt^Ur i? in ihw rvHp»ct 

mt^bt ^vcll bo iiuit^toil by tbc pT4««iitg«iLerution of prActitioDont, 

who too gr^«rnUy depood &Uo^tb«r on tbe 0Q6 reuiody m tbo 

tmunt cif iiitijnuittntit fcyvr. 

"Tbo doctoiH in old tiiu" blwl tot uvciytluaK "* — nn the stoiy 

gt>99 At prBeoct. Bill ViiUiiti tLo Hcopo of mj obiiarvAUon, tb«j 

id no snch tbtng, Wb<^ii a mure hd, 107 fntb«r trained m^ to 

do bin blocdiag. It niut f^i' fioni u uiittn rumrhrkuirut ail. indli^ 

cnuiiiiutoly ptiujti^ed. Ortaiii cotiditioim v^ql-c bold iudi^jions- 

M^, cbio/ of ^bicU wnn a bai'd, corded pul^e, ludiLiiitiug inllaiu- 

mfttiDtL Thn rjiiAnttfy of Mood to lie IaVi^q il^peiulei on tb^ 

Wt, to dot^riuico which the pLilbO naa cl^uely wfiti'Led. Tb« 

Itnko vTAk foiiuiirly ntudiod uacb more cloeoly tluii now, TLey 

relied on tbe fiLTLf irriiffi/»« to d«itoct candlfiovm not revuul<jd by 

the Aphygmu^-Aph. What vc, of tbiM adviij;««d period dju^oyer 

by ioHtmmeotft— by mmrblnery, b» it were, our fatbom diecov- 

orod by obAerraticDAttdetiidy, Tbcu* eetim/it^ol thti gtAd« and 

^tn pro^rd>»n of a cbie of firvi^r, founded 00 diligent iuTesUgration 

uU Lbo conditions, Aiiljei'tivB aud ubjrcliTe, wai quUe an 


fttftJUble izi rffzahl to trtatmont u tbat whiofa depcnik oa tl* 
dinicid tlKmuoraoti^r^ 

Tbnt btiHMl-UiUintf wjw abovwl la i*tnut*r tJOMft eav idtlv 
iVnJi'd. Bol that dO tniicU ediaoUmI roaultc^i b« ia tHugtKLM 
tbatthfloponlioDboApflblo o( doiia|f acnouniiijury iiift»it«0)]r 
of ca«oa 1<i p^rBonn nick or w4iU, nro opinloDs whieb tboAa emIj 
xvHI liold iiIlo kuovt noiUiiiif; uf it liy prrNottol olMcmSiii. 
Mull^U'lc-i of people vr^ro fonuerly blotl once a y^tit, ua IW 
ntiim of Bpriu;;, uot becftiiu Xh^y vere Biolf, but frum Ifai iiUt 
thai thirj rv<)uiro[1 it iM n jknwonnti t« or prv,Y»bti*o. I b«T»ea 
(liiubt many vrcifiroAllv bcbctiUd oncl veiT-fcw iujunnl. M'wocft 
woro bleii Uuriuff pro^^'anxicy iih u tiaf^^turd; n&J parlki .' 

tl^«j likd ptln in Ujo bc-ad^ TkiAt tijb ]>mcii«tt vn» u pfv: 

fi|;niiiHl (KjmiEiK ilanger or Ubezuiv, Vi'dl ticiut:tly- hn iVtu^^niM. 

Whotk I vraa u hUuIciiI I wn>4 mufli ft^d'iycfl by AlQ<t|rim*«i« ubJ 
b«4<laoii6, ivbicki ititcrftirod vrJUi my aiiiJiuii. J bltJ m^iwtr ttUil 
voA 10 pdimIi ti*)i0TCid that E weug I«d ^i n>p«nt it vrh^n uci w»M 
miniNiit. A^£i nud ft^iiiu, Wfur«f ^inif to bed. I w^iold l^ap 
luj iLfri) wilk iho lusiiEitauoo ijf a juun^'er brutbor aiul Ulcca 
jfooil cixtoon ounoOB, riatng uft^r^^unU ia ibo moruiii^ frt«b bimJ 
tij;oTou<, \fy Arm bonm tbo innrk* of k\ Uttai Iwoutvtir*^ 
tbLl'ty (if UiVMf Hplf-iiidititiwl opemLiuilfl. Tliis be narr^t'^^t. n'^l 
for Ibo puri30a« of oxAmpIe ox commendation, but lur: 
daDiouilnU vUnt Ui«pr«v»ntg«iioraticn vo<i1Ji«<uuvetj^ U^.v. 
Ilinl n biiini'iT) hmii^ nouhl Miirvivti sui^li trmiimeat. On 1<v)LiD|r 
bni*k timl Liticiuptiii^' U> trace ibo offoet, I fiui uvt iwci th - ■ 
Hnn>Uo(T rciJu^vU mj" ioToeov in ftwy w*r imjmuud my bt'.ii .. 
l*it4Uil to iilioTt«n my Lifo. 

HWiliiiK ^-u lottiiiiHf pmcLJced hi tUe toHoiis fonim of . 
ytUkh rf>«'iiU<t tiiimtuLiaU mauus, with Ihd idc^of prtrvent-i^ : 
JlaniiuhU'Xi- I rDmDaibtrwb^uaboytbAtmyfKtbor WAHoinri-c.-E' 
flufli.1 to Um njttm for n da/ nr two with lunibu^, Aad plftcej kl* 
|uiUaiiU ciifmiiu biU in ohju^c oi n medieal friftad. Goo iitttiMi 
WM r*)Kiriod m bavictg *io1«ut wid mtractiiblti oolic, for wbicli 
A oo|iiuti> bl«4idliiff ««A PMorted to. A »eooni] bl^^din^ «m 
iimUlulad without rvUrt, aud Uion my fftthor mi^^cviUid hi^nii&, 
wliirli trm ftptiii I to ciini All operation wii^ tUe attly rvooutw. 
ftnd 4 noU4ik]Uti'>tt of Mii)r«onn ftu^mbUd for tbtf [)orpofto. But 
Ilia pmn purvHt^ntJy iNtfuied to Ijn ** cnt open," ttiid was l«>ft to 
Ul« FbU. Nvxl iborni&if I ittm avtit to mquiro if he wu olire. 


cif btiu^ J«iil, he vrfta vifM. Th^ Ktiiotme hnil ^idiled 
ilADMUHly m tL« Di^ht. Xhv copious bEoodlettiD^' bftd oo 
built p»vtf[it«t] LufljhninLftt.icii nnd gtin^rrfnAvhlch vtotiUI other- 

fuller ili« piiMK-'tUoi^ r>( Iho cnnc in a lucdit^l jouniAi ; bat h<i 

iworad tliAt Uio oiuEo wiui dxctptio&Bl utd tho report ol it 

k]|,'lit di> luiBchief bjr dc^oiriiig from Uie opemtiou. 

M'liou I vw a AtudoDt Bn>ue»i« loomed iii> as a ^l&ut Iii 

kodioiJiOH Hie tWoiy of dinoAAO van caIJ^ " i>b7ao)o^cal.'' 

[«> tracivl ik^ailj ;ill morbid pnv^wiMto th« ntomndi iirnHn- 

itinfL^, «rhiMV uri iullnmninlinn uf thtt tniKimin mnmhmii*^, nr a 

irtf/v-riT^ci'i't' , loc»k tbc imtiatiTs. Bivun^iun wiu a tct^ rloqiK^ut 

fctufur and r*nptun'd bin uuUit'Coo without iw ^CTurt. It vcan 

Id thftt on one oci*4wlon bo dfn^kr^d thiit tTiree fourtlit of tbo 

tuiimii f;iiLii)j ireroflufforilk^f /rGjaj;i:natTO-«aientJa whLuutkutnv- 

Uii it, Iho tlret 9]rn>pU>wi comiAUni; siniplir of a slic^bt iwuso of 

)tb in tb« ntomaoh, a aliftht d«(n«o of tbintt, and a «3ight 

■clii««a of tliv tvii^i]« and drirumbf uf tbc< movitb. Undt^r tlio 

ipreaaiofi uf bis cLtLu^mMu, Uie «tnil«iita »fUn- ibo lecture 

>gaii to ^bj<ict tlioii' ti>ii^^Bi la oiiQ aui^thnr'ci iunpivction, aiul 

(■onUonplftto th«irowij Mriittutionn. Tbu rrGuU wau that biUf 

Lbtaii diMUTervd a luiL-iuf^' ft^intru-viiti^ritiK, and vrviit home 

sick, eating; no dianer auJ awallovriu^ uotluirt; but barlc.v i*"alor, 

tijf t)»i9 wan Ilia tnMtfr's fon»aljL. Nett cuoruiii^' Alurvatiuu 

bnd rfddiTnrd tbnir tiitigiif^jt in malilj' and ooiil^nriix) the 

iliiL^; iLf miti. It nan u<ldi*d i!i(tt Uim^sniiiH b-id u bunj^ ilay in vjait- 

lug bin tif;<>|>b,vt«a Vp'bo MMit fur bim From uU dircvtiuun. 

■ Profuuor HaiiMiel Juf^^kiou antarod tJie Uiii tf*r«Lly oX Petuuiyl* 

vikuia 114 a WUirei on [hlj^biolc>^ about tliutiin^. He utiih an 

ardcat di^dplo of Broii«aaU and not Iom oDtbusiastic in aupputt 

of tbc ii«w pliyinoJoffical <^oclrincii. Prior to that poriad liovr- 

over Ibo old Lnxaoral patbcilcjgj, wbicli traced tJie origin ol 

dineuH-a maiul;' iv ibo bluud, tvju fiut wzii^iii-,'. Jaliu Btftbitaii 

\^v\t^, prof«Jieor cf mntcria raodlca, ^raa ilf^ Jant puUic dcfotJcUr, 

md bo went down LJIco a bcto witb tbo iiinkiti^ ibip. ChApman 

.iij^'ht tbt d<ititjiiie« uf ■i>lidiuii, wbicb re^ardail tbe iitilid parla 

ilia body aa tlie firnt rvtipit'ittfi of luurltLd &i;llcfu; and hu waa 

tbo aaociidacil. Ltitlu did CLnpuiau Tbtiik, in Ibut daj of liw 

rjiimpb. that boforo hi« ntudcnla worn nil (Und itoliditm WLmld 

rtuiivli into nmoko; uor Coxo^ thai ilic Iduod wi^uld rtMuiw ita 


aH o'v^t \ho world aa tho channol for tbc iiitroda«ta eJ 

1]fiil«<T tie impulse of tho nffw iJoctriD^s. PrcjfciHnr Jjvba 
tvroto » rnth^TTolummmiii vrork^ntitleil *' The American P»^ 
tWof \Wfrinik," Dikt bow fnilti«u EDny Im tfa^ Utx>rolb«Mi 
mind, ,vic!iliijj{ to ftimo of eiklliluMwni, im«(pniiticMij noillQ', 
fubioji! Kcnrccl^hadthohi^Dlc bt>oii i«*iiocl from tliopr^vhM 
tho Author (IbapiiroviJd of bi» ova vrork^ dikI it wnfta^ul boa^ld 
U|) Uiti ediLtou. It viuttlK' f^nl^ vol 11 rue thnl -Tiiok«On OTttritnilf, 
aud lu GxiateBCft b now wi^U ni^li clfacvtl from liumoti kb6p«;. 

Permit mo t9 ttiUUf a liUlo iui««dM<i of Dt. Cox«. ^Kt 
lKtllll«rlt^J v>'iiEitnLl ^ week cf b'llitUjfi at CbrisltnaA, nod «p|iouMi 
u T!umiujt1t-u Iq ^LiliL-it LliH fnivr. 1 waA un« of tbat ^onusiUift 
W« ttrrnDj^il tli« liab of prof«tt»rB in n oeitAib ortler firtk 
vork, Coxo not boirtg at ih^ h»n<l;«for stujdeuin ntv &lw«^ii' 
pfifi in (liattifigito^LK uf n ptfifnauir'ii bonrL Wc eAU<i4oatbi 
mcmbri'n of ili« f^'ulty udu uft«r ancitUr;r, nni] were mirprwiil 
tUoftUerity wilb wliiob th^vcoii^euLodtoonr viflb, tlioti;,'bUirTt 
VH nocooUiing iiTiHpidouM in ihn qiiOHtion wKtcb inrAnrtH; 
folliiwpil; " Ilnvr ynii nOloil tm Dr_ Otmr?"— At lant w« tJ- ' 
Trofoiucr Coio. Hin nnnwor iTAsexplidt wid (tooiitivct. - l^ 
bonoF jFenllouioii. cu> bono? If 3011 cuu tell tn« ouj botiof E 
will oor)««nt. Nn, g^nllencnl I have been lec-turmf^ in tli* 
UuiTeniit^ t^irtj ><*ftT6, aiul 1 Luie (baa&ted luyttelf from ■ Im^ 
turoottljon or^ooticfiMOQ, and tlint wnjwhcn Ili«d to ^U^ilit 
fimond ijf my ^rundmutbov." No iipplictattou for bolitlAjraHift 
(]vi?r afli'i'wiu^lh iiimlu ii[ktii Il[« vffUL-mlile |irufcusor of iPfcHfH 
meJicA Lud iaktu htn do|>attur«. 

To r^lum to Uic «Dbjoct of bloocMottiDg— wv»nU cihtiiM 
epiffld to i-tiitpoiunflC t1i« proHicci, Tho n1ni«« of it iiftd 
iflTiTct. Thou n niiml>pr ut mtnlUul tir €iaw'jiwi\\c^X utssta 
pectred, wbicb Mii^bt, iu tho uuJT«rNd spirit of Ixnde, lo bu 
thamMUea up hy hbufeiii^ thfdr <iomp«lilom — lioin«<ipAtbji, lirdn>- 
^■nOiH, Thorn pBoniftiin, vtc- And thi*n it wru t,iin« for n cbftotf* 
tjf foHbion — for DMidiciti« Laa ii» frudjionn liko OTOv^tlun^vlM^ 
It faUnv lonfc^r to cbfinji?6 tboai however tlmn to Lrbniiifc Iha 
fatihioQ of dre«it— cny tw«fUtj-lito to thirty 5«an. If n gmdnaU 
)u itKidiL'irLD werv hmu^ of llviiiff lliiriy yt*ftr>t, it would btt politic 
not bj uhacige hi« opinions « itb th« crowd. He would find Lim- 
baU dght by and by without budj^ing* 

ti]i?r my iictifw mttn fJUrr ILe bej^uuiu^ of mj pndiiMf. A. 
kompeoiniin <{<ict<or <Atnc to WiliDtc>:U>ii to ledtira oo Eus ^s- 
I — or ivliinh van tLo iwrun tbtcg. Ui Udtiro ft^ninht ili^ ro^t^r 
rlico. He ileuuuuf^cO iliuiWlunt ttitli tlui fcniHty uf jisuiid* 
orator luiil cba1I«Uij^ tdl the rrifiiT&m iti Cbriitetitlom U> 
mal conbnl. The sool and pugDac-itj of n ycutbful uoriti- 
iD«plnid m* to M^n^ tbo prof«H8i<iTi, aiKl I in^vnutaou^ljr 
[| tuym-'IF in m [WHit^oxi fioiu wliich I coiiltl not rcceilo with' 
dkcnvdit. X)i«ro vatt u^ttuos loft for nac hnt to fij^Ut it out 
iblidf. In tb« <jonr«o of my ilefonfifr, in orJor to show the 
|•■^4uodl)^ r}f blond <1f>ttiTL^ in rnrtain (<jihph^ T piftnipfl n man OH 
Tcreo of Apo<iileiiT — Iiis hcfod throbbing vidctitly from tbo 
ittr« of blutid-'bix ftH<>H«fi aud vuina dibU-uUotl wttli thd 
i|>nr!iV>i]iL<ijmt (liiiil — bin bffirt ntni^iylinp h**ftvi]T tn \tajtiA thfi 
gnating current tbrou^b tUo ohjiunuUof drcnluliim^^hisfiicn 
ir^id und ^luioat bTimk vntb tli« oocuniulutia^ UumI, vbich 
fna pmpniwl in fi monir^Tit to hnntt into the broln And burl bim 
i)rHLrn<^tkn — *' Wbnt tt*>aM jou jIo hi tbat utisey — I ox- 
limed. Ho anoivrcrccl inth solemn cniphnrd*^'* I would ]>riv 
lod to bnto mciTcy on bin soul." Tbo Tiottny vaa tmiiCjicriho 
if11«DO!0 eipr^ftcd tbeir declJod pi^fftreuw;, m tint iuutan<», 
to bleediu*; utrr iiriijirr, 

Tn coniErion ^itli tbo profOMion ja^^riiriraTJy, Ip^v« up tli« lancet 
iK>mo Lbirtv jdci-c ngo — ncflrly but not ♦ntLroly. 1 nm tafttij^liBd 
Liiui^vrr ihnl t\w evtrtfuKf of diftuM bai dooo ah niiicb Imrm wc 
did iLe oppowt'r, if not mow. Hftvo we not seeu wrious, per- 
hApx futAl, attft<k8 of bmiti diHoiwo averted by blDodin^ from 
tlio novs — nutnrjj, ntit ninji, pTri«*ril»iiiR? How oflen doF»« ii 
bomorrba^ from tbu luu^-s isxyv (tnipumrv i4?li?f in puluiouary 
diiOAEO? Yoii hftvo aoi^n jl patient in tho boapiCnl wLo buij bucb 
fi bomorrbSigd ^k monlba ago, and whit^b iriui mgnnlAd cu a bad 
rmrn^ lint bit impr^nxid ftftrrwanls iind hint N^'n rnni'kr-illy 
bottot over unci;. Vou romcinlxir tbc man in wiu'd K, who waJi 
brongbt iii to die — nuoouAokua, nuablu to tip^alt, oi- to swidLow, 
or to niov9 — in Abort, tUorougUly comaton^- Not n word of bb* 
biidoiy could bn lenrufid, Wbrl.hor it ivii* wurtb wLik* to »uL- 
jtwt liim to trrntniri>t wan Oir c^u^^tion, liut bo w;t8 onppud oa 
tb© bttck of tliG noct and n f<jw ounoM of blood tnk«r>, vrh*n bs 
!^pan to rariTv. He i^bowed iiign§ of |)a[u Id tUo baod and WW 


<<ui>l>i}il jigain, Kov^ni btii«ft. Ondunllj hta 
ivt.iiTnf>(1 unA thfln hU qtoecb, but it vriu « fonff tim* b«kif 
could aLuid or wftlk. Yi>u rocollvct iii^ l>1i*nliuK h-iin it 
onu one day wbcn lie «utDp1aiuc4 of iuH lioaUp uiii] boa bt 
nlif'val by it, oihL lioic Lo tn^v^rBl limov bitiU>«L thai bi 
liko uuull&E Lleeiliu}:. TLbl tliic |i»ttt?iit u'uuKI bavp ^Ui^ 
ont cuppin*^ qx «oitiotbijt>; cquiiftlriit, i« u& uurc ak niittLii^ 
bu in prof^undii. 

\lKf\it tcij jream nyo ] Ijili] a ]>«ti«'»t MufTuring u-ith at*utt 
lUtJUfiry cuugestiou. He was UtKiLlutij,- •Ktih /^rtjil ililfinilli 
hojvl up iti iirii. and uiif^bU 1o ruftlw full iuapinUioD. Aeifr' 
Multiu^ |itiytiiiiiiD ;^'h<> wiim cJiUiiii in, A<lviiu»fl ivluitky An<1 qnitn^ 
to givi^ n fillip U> Ui^t lirnrt iljg tin Kiiid, wi Uint tlio b«nn AtfH 
be betUr ttble to drive Ui« c.'ou;;c[ilcd Uootl tbrv^u^b tbr Iriii.-^ 
Altboii^h I tbonglit thw wouM ouly morgue ibe ilUScul^*.! 
wnivnd my opinion ami pr«Hrri)«>i1 tbo wtii^k^ auf] quiiiiiufi. k 

Jiitn gnfipirif; for brcntU aikL liia fu!c almost ItviU. Mj arioatft 
was not ou bond nud X wcu eompollud tul(« tbo catiro r€>^o«»< 
biHijr, AililreFiaiiiglLefiiklVeror, I unid lo bim: " Mr fiitbcr^Vi 
ji4HbeeQ iu biH|;rnre iireul/ joat'tiLaii bcou wluAjjpriiiL* in ujT *tf 
&11 iJajt — Hi-nry. wUy Jou't you blvetl tUnt patioutV' I ttipMfd 
an i»mp1inti{^ ut^^Aliv«, piu-Uculnrly fM he wn« an irir^bnuui. for U 
Jill [mlionulilii^H jlii rriKhmun ajuit (iiHlikf'H to \'m bled, uxcopt in 
A certain maDn^r. To luj Burpriae be aattantcJ to ihv pnj|io»< 
tionj ftud m u v^rj sUurtUruo Mjopiuunxtr^iuutviiti flonitt; froa 
hifl lUTU, Pt«n«nt1y he oxdiu'mttd oh bo dr«« ft <lo6pur brvfttb- 
" Why, dix'ttir, T ciin brooLbu bettor iJromlj!'' Arwt su baciaa* 
tinucil to bicntbo nkcro nnd more frectj as ibo luuf^ii «cn 
r^JiuTtKl of their buHlioiL iwd tho oiivulatlon thron^b tbei&f*- 
tttored. Willi my fin^r on tha puU«< 1 nivftiliH! th^i iiioiiio»L«f 
eomplt^k fvYivi aud tliuu Li«d up tliu urui, Imviiit: t^ikitn nhcml 
twcuty-four ounoo)). Hi^ biy duwn i» bod, whicb bi^ b^d iffd 
boou abid to do for tvfo day^, tc^Gtod m porffrul «oinfortj LaJ aa 
return of Urn di^ic-ully. nnd in four tir fivu da\« vkua vitlkinf; llin 
i»lre«t« TUu r«Mii)ti of cnuttc and effect woa ue%<ir moro pnlp*- 
blo thau iLbt of bloodinjf aqJ cunt in tJii« in«t.anco. Tbc ytt- 
tioni, now a vpii4frubl« ){<mUemiin of tbroa aaort: iuliI Leo aJid 
prowntiiijf tbo uppoutiuice of bcoltb uuL ttgot, often meelA ve 


JDj lif«." Sucb iUuttmUoiui of the elBi^Acy of blood -loll iug 

iuviUi imm iildr-ii-timff tluolorB a nmilcf, wt htlug CQiDinoii* 

Aod too f&iailiar for ncjbal. In ti-uth tli«r» ib uot iu ibb 

>le Ttuig^ of IhtfrapoatiM ^ fa^ lietUr «HtnbUHhod th&n tlio 

linl p{»rnr oi v«]i(uwction ;n dinnvn^ mAii to tho ffitoot in 

OLoea ui cmersnacj, of MtviofC life. 

iou of bloo4i 1>,v Qcoid<<iLt or oUiorwiso, itiflicUi no IohUdk 
\ry on !t tnxti w1i<Mo blooil-inftking moobitiory is in good 
l^r^ Wliikt vciiiltl Imt ibo cflix't if i^niry iitdiTitliiftl In Uib 
mt ftudicitco vfho b in the <^ajaTmeiJt of oixlinniy L«ivltl)r 
lulJ b« bl«'(l ti^ui^'btf to tlie f'XtMil of ci-'Lt or toQ ounces? 
fp probability i« thnt tio riiifr vouM rilnrp T,hi> wcmw for it, du<1 
lb uo ouo ivould f^nl Uio wcnlwr on risiag for th^^ duti<w of to- 
frrow. Oa tUo contMrjr mttny would *•*! h^'blor ttud bolter, 
tete iroLtM be ah inini^Jmlfl kVuiJinil on tW orgAJktf of di^oo* 
&nd ft9Aiiiii)&lK>Lj to n^pnir tbo Ioah. TIiu Ttmli) improve 
Appotito and iuvigomli: all iJio pbjBioli^gioELl prootiMOfl, 
Hit bUed uliaout to d«A(b froui iujuriM, but vt?e<i\cTy ia 
ipl«t« And no [renuaneiil eiiU «DSue. We mrt}' Wiv of Mood- 
lUug wb«t 411 old wilier fraid of on ocofuioaal dt-'buu^^'li— tbut 
U " a »^>od flJUp to tbo conititAtioa ' 1 tiiiiit bcwcvcr tlut 
ftliall tiot bfl conddcTOd tut rvuomoi^udiii^ «^lUit<r ctpcHiont for 
111 j>ur]iiifle. 

Tbere itt notUiii^ peculiar in (h« views I liAve cxpr«att«<l re* 
tlMdimMol v«nff0OctioQ in modorn practicro. Forborne 
puttoali vinvi bavn bcBu gatboriiLg ttyrcf in runout lynaiy 
m, iind tliu mudk'jd jounmU Ijj difTcreuL poiU ol the world 
idic^U %'oi'y cloorly a diEipo>it4i>u to rcimmc tb« foiiuvr pr^clict 
ider mtiouul reatririiouH. 
Topt<.'al Irtcupd-ti'lUM^f, lij <?nppi[i;< uml bifKrbc«, Iihm n^wi- b^en 
B(i uimrly diecftnlod &s gctierikJ. But the fact biiat n >crj' lai^o 
utionbor of prucUti^uets havo repudiated botb utiki>, iibow« to 
what an cxti>iit medicnl ^iraetioe baa be^n infliidno^ by an tui^ 
|irDfi?Euiiouid and iiiiilimiul prejinlico. 

Am-ougtbc" lout arbs" there iaotiethe abnndnninoEit of wbidi 
I ooiidoDiti without cjujitiSoution. I refer to thu cuUiij^ of tbc 
gutiiH in duulili^i^ In dixraidiiig Ihiu Miuple ^ipedii<ut» otj^ 
profeEniuii h^Te tbit>wn ti^^y Ji We aud valuable ailjuvnht ic 
auuiagO£a«iit of infaatdo ii<ordoni. The ooly objocLoJi* to 


It-an that it gives paJn, tftnt Ul>flf^tenhi thc-^rnittKoiiilo 
Uur odTnuoe of tho UhAU, uuil tlut it euilpngt-rM t 
Ho far from givinjcpato, U cvliorf4p«in, And moro ^LJlt tfae 
anbU itcliiug wliK^U chiU1r«ii KuHur irbilo todttung'. !f 
rOAiiU from llio riiiiti-i^atiou, il will fnutliUitu Lbn tHneajH rf 
bootb jn«l<tfbd of retarilinj^it: foroferyt.vro kitdvtstlijU « 
\» n\novhei\ iiiidf<r prwBure more rondilj- ttinii tioniud 
AikI u to Uio ilnrigvT trom Itfiiunrrbafpo, fifty j-c^oni uf 
aud obuudftiit cxporicuce m my ovu prortico, aimI o 
tbo 3>rftotK6 of ctlloru aroutij nn« whta tho o|H»nilioi) 
TflrW, l^avii tni]tn\ to bHng nvtthin mr htiowlodgtt , 
iuKtiLii{?oof ncrioLinliQmorTbAfcocauaecHjliutciu^' tbe gioML 
tlift othi^r linnU, ngnin and again liftvo 1 ocoti the iaC>ftti 
fr«ttiii>^ nrid tvitclittigf And Htariiii^ ub if oii tbo brink of a 
vulrtiujii fall iiiUi a traui[uil Bil«t^p luiiuedlHti^ly Aftwr Itu* 
ytort} thfvii nnco hnvo I known tho diiltl cloee its jan-A io 
tlia Ijuiout into Lho iUliiJi|{ ^umfl, Ono obil<l 1 t«mea)W 
would run to mc^tt mo oh I outerfid tli« houito atifl op^u tto 
to invito wliatvipoiieuauWl Uu^'lit it nronld relieve liH^u 

]ty lnii->itt^ llio tfiiTua I d;^ not mcinn slicing ojf tlicproiauii 
uor yot iimWiitg ji <-ni«in) iDcUioii. Th«»o iiro ttupcrfiooitftil 
nut iMirlinrfmii pmi<di^iiKiit. Tt in Huflldiintto nrarify th« vtfvJki 
tiBAuo in oix« directiou, lo relievo i^o t^naioa nut! rauiove a In 
dropii d Ido'id from tho on^rgod tomoIa. 

AoffUiiir tui^bmir nf thn pfjriod U ml»innl. Tn a fcnoor i^ 
tbfi prcrpjimUcinji of incrciii^ vrm Anions tba cliiof waApou if 
qiiAfrk*. Wktlt lhi>ni they I'lorfgriuod (h«ir oumn adU built i^ 
tlioir fiimo and foitono^ tjuuck« of a LrLlordny i.Unoovoc«d ihtk 
Intnrnat in wj^iii;; war ft^aiiifit tlieirtdd fritiud. In the Mitf 
pfvrt at tiao prcvfttkt oontnry morcitna] pro|;inratioiLA limd gmvi 
Into fuvo^* wilb pb«niiL*iiiu« in aU partu of tJ]Owurld> Atid coloDcl 
WAN AiliTiiiiiHtri^d by theiik TmbitutiUy And recWU'mlv, OuimM 
of tbo irritfoMiou it wta UHed vUlt inoru iinruiiaidtimt^li- nud bt- 
ialily. It would linvo liocu impoasiblo fov Any othnr tliAn » 
pott-m-fnl And an^al nf^ont in tlio tr«nhilODl of rli^Mttw to Koia 
ntid Wd tliir puinitjinLy widoh it iitijuv«d^ Th« .dtO ^am in iti 
nVuMif- In cUrouic dtMOMa, wheti otb«r ui«u;)a IiaiI faiidd, 
wAi A Inflt roBort< No porvon wai Allowed to di« irithoiit j^i 
cnbiniflj n rjinnc*^* uf nikvin-,' hi* Wtf. Now nnd lii^c a poor fiT 
low rvNjund fitim vLuatti ptobably by Milivniiiw, Iitih) lo exhi 


ftfMc <n liie tooth mad boiMt. Had Iw bMU ptnahM 
qiriitlir to th* gtmrv m vnaM be «loii« at tJb« )mwnl 
ij wiihout poisoning kiu vitb calomol. Ui« aAtMaorruriUkriji 
i %otiJd luve bftd no mtch tiirjfot for tlMir vhafU. 

TItP ]>o|iaUr clanvor ftgninst tncrvuiy, 1Ug« that ft^Uwi UchxI* 
laUiiLi:. iDHli|r»1«i1 initiiilj hy ignomni «mnD|i-fotlotr«r» on tli« 
iftifta of tho profoMion. irradium^ £ninr<l mi inflaoiic* oror 
[M*ili««t pn«tM«; OBO Lftlf Utc fonUtr lH>it««tly ach^vUnf? Uui 
prejudice, tii« olli«r 5]«f1iltiig |Mu«iT4']T to tbe pupulArvill. And 
iK» Uw erood WM UtiowD nw«y vith Xlm Im3. It wera veil for 
in tbc Kpiril of tnic pliilonofiliy, to ROtliCT op iJl Uio fratf- 
tta of fltirieci moJidce wUicb are worthr of «oTi<wrvntJoa, 
fUlt] lo &T«>iil ritrtnrn- ivf lint? KJatt djBiu>e- AdiI au lh» rvhUuD, 

may w<J] ioquuio wb«tber tbe oM pfMliceof fcrriiif* ft iloMof 
.Gonial in tbo onnot of f«1>rild ottA^^ka in childron hftJ notitv 
Mtvnti^ftH, S«Mo^ii can wu clvtormiiw iti tlH<tw raKes whal 
lorv tbe maUd; wUI u}i«. It nuy be ah ^pti«iuierd fftvat 
manlj, it many b9 some 8|>ooifi«<»r «iTuptiT« form, X nngU 
d oae of mlomol — Idom — wo luigljt Almost mj nftver — anliTnhw 
tihild or piudnct-s ntiy verkitiB eiTwU. VmW tbe»e cSroum- 
vlaiuM, its Admrni^Uatiou may do great good b]/ ramoTing huti- 
ful ntftttom from tLe body, aroiiaifi^ tho Mtion of nil tiio orgAOR 
eonoenifvl in dijT>*MLion, and fitting tbo f^xtftii for wLiidetvr aub* 
•eqaent trcAtm^tit noAy Im rcquind. So otlirr af,-«ut oX th« 
mfttirift medi» 18 capable of doiujf tbb n« oflT^ctiialiy. 

N<tv for An item of faiudy bUtovy undst tlin o!d prn^tie<»> I 
WW lUo Arair-Uiri) of tbirt«»ii cbildre«i— lor my pnmnta bad not 
tluit buttixl cf of&pribif tbnt ciiAvofllcrijcM tbtt women of Cbiiia, 
Cdifuniio, uul «jiDe other ookintHee styled '* CbviatJAn " nt the 
pTPffODt day. Id my fiLlher'M dni]y nljuonoA I waa Uia hutnii 
phynicinzi, from oArlicnt student lifn. Croup, conrulsjcne. meo- 
uhfi, wbo^piijfc cougb, ij]>boid k't«r, euuuiier complaint, ore 
Hfiiriiped on my metiiory aa eoutiuual vUEtom of ihn ImnsAhnld. 
All nvn* tTv»U!*(I ufjil^r llitr old svHLeiii — bleedinir, bli^teiiiig. 
calom<'l, /LiitiiLiiJD]r, Ialgui^ Uiq kumn, and what not; and ol- 
Uioa[;h Ujo m^efidU^f fnxiucnlly knockeil at Ibedoor, yH there 
wnA nnt a doath tananf^ >« for fifty y*rir» afUr uit Ijirlh, AT/ 
miithfir, uhout the nga a! thirt;*-ti»i>. vufleied ittmi bopatic di*' 
OAAO wbtob bdd h« life in eiupeuAe for Bome time, and for 
tfohriie VAA Aolirated. She lived ftftoffvatdi on native and 


of «biJdr«n wer« bon afur licr mokncn^ fttxi 
liar haw gJfPD no iiullnitioaa of Inb^ritvd ^viK 

lit tbc earlv ytnun of my praeiicv 1 «uj fmr jiMtA t* 
pffvjndkTQ nffftiost <:ftlcMDtL m I<i rrfnun frona pnvcriU^Vi 
IflM In mj belief tli*» wm a ^weul occaaion for Jb w 
iDlltnvei] tliiji conrw fin llio rujiiip of my own «luJdrva, owi 
tTo of wbota I boliero iierer to<^ m ipndn of luctnirii ini^ 
torai, whilaL it vu re|>fi*Udl7 ndninMt^red to oOm*, I 
^OT«r obHerved & hbaduvr of frril frmn Hk ofte on IbA oim ^4' 
Aor of gooJ, on ihe otier Uaad. from the itlidit4«ntiun. 

It TIM fomicHy tl:c prMtioo, in dipomo (fi»onl^rs vliicl 
T««i>to<3 oUur trtMhtncnt, particoUrly in Uioao oF tbo *JM«»W] 
|tliciitin^' Uie livci, to iuKtituti? n i^uiintn of nirrt*urr. Ctlvm 
or blito pill wiu) i^vcQ unlil iU ooiy)titat>i>iuil effect 4|ipMii«lfl! 
tJiV Okoutb, or until "tfao gnmi w«r« touc*hcd/* Tbe p«t^ 
mu* brpt ill tliJptJL'omntiuTifor n looffor or fiborUsr tiiiM, aoc*X'l ' 
tu circiuKAluui-^nt, cftrr bciug taken to avoid ctoiroriglktMi! 
liOA, Kotanlr«<)ii«atly ihoiliMaftfrwonlJ U^in to giioir^ 
nivrn tu thd f<»niLtiltLtio«iJit D^oetof thenaronn- apf)«iir«il, 
hvi^ wi-ro fnHjUDiiUv mvnil hy tbean mrflon aikI breltb m 
Uy ur complutely noLored, I haro titA tbo letiHt doubt 
do 1 doubt tijnt lif«a mro Joat to our prevent fttlnuioe^l '* \Aj 
oldffirHl " |inK<tic?;«. which wonUI be «nved bj the m^nruHal 
immL. " Kinj'inuil " — it uj;l,v bo cunetltOr Ci]K*r>Tfi^iita1, if t 
drftfo a tiioic ti!np*H:ia.h\c tcnn- Tl^o »ru>4u* optrrtmji vou 
not bo abU to oipkin. But if your pnti^nt bavo esbmueted 
■y«toiiiiLtJ»fMl skill, mil! in luaiiifMtJj' g(>ing rioirn tu tbo 
Ijnm of <leulb in «pitc of your sdecco^ yuitr \v(.'1]-miiii]m*<I ^[15 
oIo|fi<>!Al anil imlbotojincal (k<luctionit, iui4 your vell-npplic 
tbnm)Jtati», 1 woiilfl o^lvUe yuu not to difttNird moiedm 
eiiana tboy roit lui-nty tfu iluU oxpcrieiiL-r^ luid becsinBe 500 
not Miu Uio tvtr (Liii] ubcrefo]^ of tbcir notion, 

A* wilb i'«i]u»(Ttit)ji no wiihnic^rciJij, the tid«iii turning, 
% iu-m yPMin u^ Uio latbri vroa Jiitciu'ileJ by luiuiy pra^Utiont 
In tlifl IfHNtiiiaiit ol Uio moot loatboome soour^e of to* 
f4tiJiwUou. Nuw, nuih [dLrainni im ubnudonod, and J do 
bnnn of a «iii|flu wHlirr ur ttiiwli«r of <lJ4iiuolioji wbo dor« m 
mnbntJttbolK" Uia propnv^ of iu u»e. TliAt on Hf^'mt 
of Ibu jMiWor t*- coftUd ftftd oriubCAto »aoh a itiaoaoe b 


u1)L|'jti'i7 fi^ oLIirr purpoMCM, m n pro|]fl>iUo]i too alwurd ftir ccn- 

AnoUier vifiliui of popular jiT<fju<l£«6 in Antimonv. Tl)e on- 
niulfl a^«in«t< nnt-imnnv clM nol ]w^itx in thn ]>mr««Hioii, It lijul 
no fou&dnrion iii mtjonrtl thrra|iri]tic^ii- On tho conlmry, ilnfin 
BlArt«<l b,v itm^nui 4edAr:«« — ifn^^^^u^t at ]«4Htof medical aci- 
«i»c^. Biifh AH Ihe T1ioni|iv>iiiait^, KcU'oUoa nnd BotanioD. The 
riiirf ari^iiiiirnt u^'uirht iiNtiin.*i4y waa tlint it ilM not vjiX^T 
luUi Iho voiupo»Uioti of tlio luujau boily. Oo tliis ^tuunil ull 
molallia i]i«iii«iii«B wore iTi^cnriloil by the iiotnuicji. Tli&ro ia 
notbhig ii«w in tliSa *ty]e of rfrfuwning, Cvfjturic* itgo, iTon 
vrat loolied un ah ho ilnrigC'niUH » HulHUuee, that if it nhduM tie 
fUAilTvTtcutly t&bou into iho ttouiAch, a raa^«l vftA to 1>0 tfwa)- 
l6v«d to prftTAbt itfl «ntmii(?o in the bTnod, 

TM lOi^mor nffBiii*! iintimotiy ut li^Ti^tli Iw^jait (o modify rcf^- 

tildr prnctii^, anJ uiriuy plijk'iiu-ijuji LtiHcrziTilcil it, n^ilitttitiitint- 

ipocACuanlia. Thei-« ti^s m\tvh tctmon tot aliaiififr >t« Iftvieli 

nBo; for, lik^odomi:'!, it wis <kftf n fidniimHttirM impropcirly, And 

iiiu(?L mon* v'.i hr tlit* pr^i-iiitr thnii Ij^' tim [jrcfeiNKioii. W]i«ii I 

wft« a Mudeat in a dru^' alort tlie ccmnitm emtlic wm 

tvtanf«d ftaitinony, ti\x<{ ii wn4 k«)it put up iu pcvrd<ir« of fin 

graim. with printed diroctiou* to diMolvo hi m toblo-npoonfiilii 

^Kfif water aud take u Ftprjoufu) tvury iiM<ti1y miiiuti-H till it sltiiiild 

^V'Caiifto Tomilii)^. This wa« tii<^ p'>piikt praclicc. Pby«iciaaa 

^B alwuyv diAcoura4|;od Kach hnroli mcdicatioD, Indoiid, Iho ccnnnro 

^V wliiffh KOt^titHtv nnd olhrr* arc foncl of tttrowin;^ on ItiA rf>^n1nr 

^V Kihool (jf m^di^'iiiv. tLut il eucoEitii^H di»?iii]g and d ruling, ]|[ij« 

ncrcr Jiad n. foundnliE>ii in tnilbp On tho contrary, Ibo rovcrhe 

U Uit*. PltyaiL'iJinit havo alwayii hc*u cuDCArvativc in th:* ra- 

^ap«n*l, and Ihnt babil of d^^f*in^ atid drii^gitig bflonKM toH»TpH> 

fttid ia di«coLirrt:.'cd by the piy^fouiou. 

Tou will not ^]idcr«taad mo an propotdn;^ n n^tum to tbo old 
pmcttoe, t^ith itK toi) ^^iit. nOiunuu on tho " iLntiplilnj^MtirT vryiu 
tti^iii." oJid ilH Ilkj chrvleHs uhl- of b]uod'lf^ltin>{, inKn^ury uud 
RiiiinLoi]v, My proto^t w a^'^ifmt diM^iiixlin^ unj auti^o n^'Out 
in coB«iK^uoDco of ita nbn«o; utill mora, in flubRiixvion to pop- 
uha prujudidie. To «^]f*r-L trxMa the maiaTin ni«dicn tiny a^nt 
wlucb po«4^riwo« actiTf' tli^iup^utic piopurliiSFt, id the xnuVeni be^ 
okj of wliieli ft VGindiii' pmntiliniinr cun ha ^'inlty, wljiilh^rr tho 
4>on(leniuatia«k be founded on ibo nhitno of tho romody or any 


Dthnr cDtiridfTfltion. W«>ro it othfrvrioOi tbvt and I 
HbuuUl ukitluil ill Kvcry tuntt br extwTIpfl forervr. F<ir vbx 
Ihere to abueeO , vUiil b Ui^rO w tltotrnrCivc tu honltli ad^ B^' 
And j"^ th<iro nic pby»4i[:^iani» who, rec*oiIin^' from Ui« idtt 
nbKtTnctdiLg u f#w ounniM of Wnotl av tuititiuM^sriog « Atm 
ctdoratl, will drug tlieir pnUent* vitb nrhL&kjr ab tJiuugli li 

Waiv the tiuic^et fui<l mercun* ft&d tnLimoiiy novr fot th« 
Um« Imiiii^hi ill vifiw AN niinoilJal ng«nU. tjii*ir potror far 
iTould bo |>rom|it)y dincovcrod luul rcco^uL-.«d outl tlie 
woi.ild flooD J^ ablozowith tbdir trvscoudvat m^tiUi. l*h\ 
ViVPTyvlwn* would nrni themisplvnH tTltJj Uie '*X>^w 
and about ttiolr triumph over tho aiiucI of dvmtli. 8O1A0 
Bnrtil Vidctitioo voLild rinr up to wi-iti? nnotlior " CuirmTni 
pliulin Aulimoiiii/' — wouiifo would run ntttirthtt davtom titd 
L(i btf BulivatvJ — lluuil w^inU flow iu hLi-piiihs mn it diJ in i>- ^■ 
ceuturv In En;;bim1,'w]i<iii tie*' WlitLvrortli I>Of:ion« "lutivrtunl 
to blood ^ira,iiH ovm-y ^iinilay MOn^itig, iiLd poopio cuaq h; tk 
hnndri^d jind Mit c>rT ciUicTr nidn of »lon^trotigli tvontjortki^ 
in n row, ubiUt (itic doctor pn^^od nlun;; Ui lap ilio vtfin fttidU* 
otbOT followed bv tlio <!][wk witb lUo bundugc. f t u tk gnd 
f4uJt of our pTof««»ion Lhut we tiro of oU ttim^ becnave iM; 
Ktfi old nnd ontali nt nnw UiIil^ b^OADi^e they au> now. \Vf it 
low lui ncknowlfidjiei) loackr iQ our rAiihs to foi^l tipun ttH nar* 
tliQory or ci iic^ trvntiDcnt with Ulc facility of tk PtLn'sinn oiUi' 
ner who difrtut^^u tUu out of n gurmr^nt or tUv iibAp« of a bouri 
ffovelt^ posftea for pi'dgreHu and ori^iinllt^ for romit. In ihi» 
tbcoTcticft] doportmoDt cnpcoiaJIy wo lot otb*i« tliinlc fox m 
How f«w phj'idci&nift rtro tliorot for InHtftn^o, wbo fiiinrrM > 
proper uiidftmtaridinfc' of IhH gtvin tbur>ry <>f diHADee uci^ •• 
pujiular. We iLdupt opiuicuH luid bind oui««lvcti to th^in ttl'« 
crowd hi ft town mfrctiuj;, who Yot^ on & rj^jlutton. A fr« 
vot4) in tha nffiiiantivo and yoi f««or or iton^ nt nU ia t\%c t3^^ 
attTB, luid thiT prt>|)rvitifit Ih luloptml and furlliwilh Jl Ikcodim 
the creed of the mnwf. Thiit u (he retuion wbj medical tbeoria 
Are eo iinc«i'tiun Eiiul dLiotantin;^, *Tl\ttt in the rf^oaob vrh; «t 
(IK* BO tons*tJiiitly diaii^'in;^' front bcfuru the world. •* S«II Jtnir 
vre&thcsr'Viuic 4uil bii>' au anchor," ivud the pitLr aclrloe tnki 
giTeD ton vi>r»atiJ(» I'crnonftgc, MoJicino net^Js juore ol the 
W3ohor— niore stAhtlltj^j morn GOAnerratisLa, men solid dflUbCf- 


bcfon llliltblg lU^ rnur^^, mul morn rv^intaniM to Ui«> *>mr 

J know Ukid U d*iiA!«r m attcmpUnj; to bold bet to uijtbinjf 

I, bo««vvr 0CoJ, P^infit tlj« popvikr tide. Sucli words m 

Kiul Qcfivinonf l/iuu^/jii:tiplival9tlld niud atul iruxr.v an&j' 

crowd. Let ft num vho would tHiiik hvforo nctiii^ liold 

ik agUDHt the seoM^ontd itnpuIiM} of tho mam^ ftll that U 

ivodod to niin hini iu toiminlwithlLBfings^rnndciy '* old^ogyP 

UH in Utv uftcn tlir iiciullj for iudep«<iidruca iti Ibougljl. atft* 

ilily in jtjJ^nncDl, tklibettttion m Actii>n. 

I desira to do an Ml of jnadco to the nirgootia of ttXy vcora 

fo, lij fpving t1ie>Ti in'ndit tvr nt\itih ot tfjr roniK^rvnHi^ni which 

tLobcjutof naodcm nirE*=^J- WL«d I van n Htudsut luid 

ralkiag Ujo worcls of tlio old PonDsylTania Uoupitel in PJn^ 

TRfit, IV Jott^ph Parri)=Ji bHng thn Mirgoon.n l&dw&n brought 

jiti with a ^iiiisLot ivimii<1 of the log a few iiu^b^^H boluM^ tliii 

ICO. "Volt aoc/'wiLd IliAt IdBdMb-h carted of lucn, addf eiuicg 

M Btui}*ni«, *' that both bonm aro oam«d awu>% but tbnt tlio 

tt teaaeUhave OKcapnl. Twenty jearaogn wo ihould lava 

-ut off thu \tg wilbuiUl bcMtaUoa. Tbou ampuUtiouM word ihu 

tt of tbo anrgoon; nov tbcy oro bi» t^Jiamc. Here in a hoy 

lith a long lifo probably bofore him. Ho hum a good ooitBtitu- 

'titjn, WuruiKl juivi? that leg if jiuMjjble," And thp Ipy win 

fta^ed, ALd tb« bay dually wnlkud a^uy without oven litiipjiij-. 

This was flfij-onu ypftw ago, 

)taoh importnniHi waji fdniierly uttviubbd to dicit, nnd In many 
cbrojuo dittordom tbu liiil of fiiro was reduced abtioAt lo tba 
point of atarration. Tbo foruiula for rcj^UUv noap ^^t^H ono 
potato, one turtiip aiiil oue ouion, boiJed one hour in oao quart 
of wat<rf. It vtkft told of Dr Pbraicic, who wa^then at the bond 
of the prcjforwion, that lio dins'tcil a {vuitxlti pafiont iq lit*, on 
muah aud niolaaaeii- The Udy iuquired if aho oould Iiqv« luilk 
^vitJi li4r ix)V4bH " Not a drop," vas tbo aQaw«r< " Why, doo- 
iijr," nhn rM-ldmni], " I nhnll tutt b«nbl^tooa(nnyof ft." "So 
luucb th« boltci'. madam/' was the ncutc^ttionM rvp]j\ 
An iuie<^doto that 1 tiiid iu mj not^ of Trofcmor Chftpmiui'H 
I, will aorvo to iJloiitr£te tlie p«TiiOv«niica which marked 
■Ireatuieiit of cbrouio dineaAeh in tbonu *\ixj%, niid which was 
«ap«Ctalty charadenbtjc of Dr. PLjaick. Thuae twii diMlli- 
^mfthod tnon atUadod in oouaiUtatioiL a patient iritb ciomo 


irf'Ut bj pur^ug. TI1& oa«e was Mi entireJj U> I>r. rtijtfd, 
n pi*riuil wLvu It j44>(*ikTvd ^opvlfiM. Six luoitLbs nl 
j<cfiUom&n ir&llLc<l bri^klj up to l)r, Cha|>mnD it] the 
vftltatAd him iiuniliujly. But cot boinf^ TC4^ofn)>3C«Kl, Lp infi 
till? ilnrl^ir LlijLi Ilh wnji Hi [>]J {mtiPiit cif tiift fuirn Irnw. ttJ 
Ihat he Lad boou xr«H^'Uy ciitfi} hy tal&ijig one iiuiulrri) jui 

Dr. Phvdt^Ic Plla^ iUa obl^ of AntiXf*my when Z wivtn noJ^fl 
Bud wnM Jtlmnt to rnUiw aJtogtUMT niU^i it Il>»^ »irrl hoE)itnt4i 
career. He would fn^qui-niJT enter in Uic naoTttiii^' «itlt Ik 
reu^nl morkb uf crtippinj,' on ha t«itip)«*«, boiuf; IhraUcM^a* 
he t1iOD;^bt. with pnrnlyiilH T wdl r«m«iinher th« livt l«etai» 
itf liiH tM>jrHCT, m whidi hp proU^l^ed ejLi iwsUy sf^iuoKt tlt» |n^ 
tico of vivijicctscii . 

Th« old doet4>ni wore much boU#r nunH-u thtui tfao moikrv. 
nnd piiid ntOTV iitl^ntion lr> litllf Uiin^'fi oi)nii<wtc*(l vrjtli tham^ 
turt uud w«Ifftrv ai their imiieulH. Xh««v had a intu'li b^U«- pff- 
tfoaol kuowlodfi^o of drnf^, jfrowiog out of Uio n^ocnuity of luuJ- 
liDg tli«in morit thnu Ih now don^ by pbyHii?ifttiB. And «boT«>U 
they ivrrr hcttr^r ^cjupd in dirLE^Lim, ivaJ h^d AiuDrh wider rma|p 
of drinlcn ftad uJiiu«bt«t uppropri/ttc tr> lbecddc*i09iu. i>r. EmL 
uMsd to lUkV thut c^en, pbYtLfrian oiiffht to fip«i<! tJnr«>eii]oiitk*it 

All iiiipicfwf^n provAJU Lbnt peij|«Io (AVoleMm^tLcinnlliAft for- 
iQurly, ftnd wn oftou licar the rcmuk thftt dootora do not 
•oribc it is uuch t|im>itit]va nod duE^s lu in oldon time. 
fnay be true of lbedm-lf>rH, but T IJiitik tb« revenm is tnw 
tbo poopU, 1 fiUHpcet thrrt^ cc^u wftn n poriod in la»toty m 
AO much m^dicitto wob commtnod in rfttiouit fomui and ol 
gruit c'OHt in moripy. a* nt pr^wpTit^ Onlj the nmpUts ft&dfliiMi 
nrticdeH uf furui(<r duj^ Imw |^'i\tiu wnj lu im interminfthlA liit 
of putcnt lUid |>n>|>nf.' L ATj contTuiiiH. vrhicli do ;;i>od «Ottaetiain> 
principidly bikr^Aim^ thair iiii^i-adiontji arn uiiLiuiwn. I^t&uyook* 
who ^niiblM wiml T hnWAnidj riiiit i>iir nhnlnsftlv ^ig Mteblnlk- 
tueptd. and be vrill •«« tbcta pankod from collu' to U)f|,>- Mkjli^t 
>vithBDcbouornioiiapilB&ol vlup-traptruiuporrMi wiUcaasvkb^J 
to marvel bow A ooiumunitv that »wallo\rti no much p«Tflinn9il^| 
caiL Gind roooi In tho Ktomncl; for bn^jkd. 

Wbfln the hoioMpiiUiA whitUe^l duvrn tbe doM? of iu«diouM} 


qivuilitT iritliotit Uiigtli. brontlth ftnd tliieknodft, im<l tWt 

ni^r<d mUi milliciuii at |HirtH ami miiCHl uitli n littl* »u|{ar» 

>pj« Diougbt ibe c]av oi ^"mrkll tltiiigH iu mrdiciti^ bod comep 

ttMt t]t« «)ikAuiiiption or druf^ woiiJU bo tlumiuiih t.^il, Bni 

i^nimry «ftWt 1»ah tak«ii pinoe. S^^^awy MTtrl no j>1t-AHaDt Is 

ttu take liomDupntliic luodiciui*, tbnt a tmii ot tnuiunn iu Uic* Dtt 

f-MtohlUMd, aud thus flomeikiDff ^^yra out of noLhiaj^^ and 

<loflM follow. I be1i«v^ bomtfopAtb^v.b^ prcmotiugft Uttto 

nadirin*, hiu l^odnl to rnUrg^* tlie coi^stiwiittoi^ of drti^. 

Tbi? Bt-it Atctho»rope 1 croT uw ira« left ivt mv laihe-r'w foe 

*lw)i* by u tin\t<liii|,' touk'tt^'cnl, togutlicr vtiih tlit* Jmrt 

incnn tidltinn of I^mu*^ an tSi/* Cltr/i. tl n&n n pflinder 

[» of rod 04.t1iir. nitli a bore luuuju^ tbrougli it. uiid ji diuv- 

k cup or fucnc'] nt (it)« «ad^ Uj* bojidi cuHonty led mt^ tci 

itiiili* it o^ain and ■K'^^'^r ^"^^ ^ toi»lil doI fu my wny 4y>uuwt 

villi ibu bfxik, or irtinj^iuo iln j^urpuHed. Aa ii^^mf na T c&n 

collect, my fatlior inftde no &l1«tu|*t to use it, nor did one m a 

kdrcd dc^'torji f^vo i\itf ntothatioopo tb<i loast litUnbon tot 

i^ j-tiUK fifter it wim intnuluci^d- Tlie i^jcnt uever r<-tirrnoil 

it or for tile book, Doubtl&aaly be fotmd Iua vxp«aUd 

IDS »o )Ddi0»r«iil or stupM tbfit be retired from tho dold in 

diHgnMt, vttboitt «T«n fe^thfrring iij> bi^ dfevtribot^d stock. Tbo 

modam liook-o^nnt wan luit yiit ditvii1n|>|4d. 

The irpoculum ysitj^ unkoovrn. or at loiuit un«iuployud in Amor* 
icQi uuUJ iutiuduoud by Dr^ 8barpb<fm, lt<itH thuu lifly y«araago, 
Jlr Sbnv^^liiw rv«iit to Pana to muiplM'' bin fnodiro] KiTidioa nnd 
ri^lurBcd witlj tbat iuHtiumrnt; tbiru von nimplcfiu iU tttructutc. 
Jiut tbo intiOTStioii vtM con^eamv:^ by tbe PbiliidclfiUia dot'tore, 
tod ittf iftLiif;,'ui&e sdvooftto aoliinllj lost ciiMji1« wiib tli« |.^rofosui>ll 
oil ftci'-ouid at it. \<)vf it pb^fiicihii would Mooner do uilboul a 
dipluuiii Ibioi a ■{>«<.' uluui. 

Soon tUicv bo^ni&K tbc Htudy of Bcdicino, [vu plactMl tct 
a yoar in a retail drag^atoTo ic Ptukdolphtn, for tbc^ purpoatf of 
acquiring a praclit-u) kuonW^^cf vi Iba inaplemottta of our art< 
Hfir« 1 attottdcd a course of ltctuT«« in tbat iuvuluablo intititii- 
lion, tbon roooatly f<Jiincte(i, Ojo Fliilndolphia CciiUga t^t Pbar- 
tnai*r — U\tt pionei^r and inod«t] nf many i^lliAm now in ■.tjo^^^'mfiil 
opei^linu, iiK'b^dinK oniT In imr oan State. Dr. Qtv. B, Wood 
WM PfYiftitvor of CberrDl»tiy, and l>r- Sniuuul Jrt<rk^oD» of Ualo- 
nfi Hodioa ami PbaTina^ry. It vraa in tbat iuititution tbat tboes 

^^^^^^^^ 20 ^^^ 

inioMktmoB vcfv trckiiiM for th«dutM» tvkicJi Uwt dkm-'^ 
at> botMnsM^diflchivKod o« i'rofc«»on) i& ih^ Vtar^rmiy^ ?"- 
uyUnain I have AlnitTs eontitUrcd t1i9 knowlcKtg* I »«<p-- ^ 
iu tliut jeiLT aft af iiiciilouUlitfi ttlne vxt-r mfUrnr«H«; ttr^ e 
looking buck. I would Bot oxcUangt it for the ACcoiaiiUi^ f^-i ' 

I UkjT oth^T yoftr of my lifi, 

PArmit trto Ut manikin for rmir hifD«Dt, Ibongh ttoi it i^ 
onlcr uf rvcnUi, Aauther uoc^ful i^xp iii.'iior. My fattier vt* ^ 
t^obabntof tending mo, aliooat before Ibc eomni«n««aini ' 
id; ttttdoDt 1ifn, to flit up at htglit wUb an^li patiusia m *^ 

' vary ill JtnA rnjiiiml vjx'iTiii] atu-ntinti. On Ihcva oecaiic^^ '- 
vftH forcv^d io avtbotb an nunc and doctor— to tratt'L tlMivj^: 
8tQ]ptom«; to noto tlM «Ui»g or gr^nin^ pnlae; to obacfre t^ 
rMpimlitin; to Lixn my jndgmi^t In t1i«» adrntniatraticm of i>^l^ 
ci])«»— jn abort, it «aa a compubot? bnt rulualiJct HtftMiif 
obaarration and jnil(!cient. J would adnao ettrj atwlMi d 
iDedicui« to arail bima^lf of ancb opporttuultc* vbofiarw th- 

Were I chilled on to forcieb a fomnla for the Uiuninf d( t 
practitionorof modicino, I should ivqaira good material to N ;.- 
witb, a propor preliminary odnoation, a j^*^ in a retail dr/ 
Rtora villi a rnni'Mt nf leftiinHi on ^fatnrin lht«<li«a aad CW^ 
ictr7 in tbe Collccc of rbiuian<^'; m EDontbi^ dUtdeil bel* 
nurslcj; tbe sick and oookin^ for tb«ni, and Uion tncb a cu;i> 
culum Id a mt^iUc^a] ncb^x)! w* yi>u hnTe Jntt <ym«ladiH]. Atof 
tlieu a jronr or tvio of fouritr^' practice^ witb iU tiardiibipf lai 
tiou»itiid««, would lliroTf a my of comfort gmit al) futum «r- 
poreal triaJi; incidenl to bia coix^et. In abort, tbe practice -J 

,KQadida«cal]t( for a fouler mrBatility of |>oir«r, agraoter 
of reaourcfft, a niiloi mu^ of qiiidillrAU<in», tLan uijr 
gccupatiou among mea. A doctor niiiat b« a mt^^bAuie, a nonh 

^B 00(^1 acbomUt, n pbarmaciat, aa anatomist, a phnriolofprii 

'be tnnit bare tbe wiadom of Solomon, tbo pat.i^ntro of Job, tb* 
iuilepenclFnoe of Diogeitea, tlie pLilautliropy of Huwanl. 

On my toj^o to California iwoily-^igbt y«ar« ugo, the top- 
kply of roal M\ nborl whan Um ttaamer wan n(*ar b*r df^stinatfraiw 
Bod it wna ntxrvKAry u> wtop xomovlH'rc for fuel. MoDl«r«y ma 
not far off, but w« w«re onvelopod by a denaa fog, Wa btti 
iMMBpABa and chart nnd motive power for piceoni purpose, bol 



WO could «e<f Dotbing. Thd cthnrt ii1iOiA<id two bajn^ Mciiit«r«7 
ftuci CnTTu^l, ill clow^ jiroxiiuil;. ^y beadibg to the TinMi^un land 
we «1jWd fttriliLe uit€ of tboM* h&jH. Dut vtiicboae? Ourc&p- 
tAin noticed tbnt Uio Hoiindin^ iii Ihc former dicainmhcd mp" 
idlj, Imt vfrijr Hlt>wlv in ihe other. 'ITia Ivud n-iii« put in i-oqui- 
§UEoii Biid tbe ve^el (steered ilirecTLlj: to idi'ire. liut. slowly, for 
there vere 6to btindrpd Lre^ at atiko. "Twelve ffttLhonuir' 
criod Ui* man WTtb Uio l^nd — '^ twalv«nttdn Lnlf " — '* twolvo" — 
aod i»o on, e¥try ¥u«I on board Uvtouing iiitenllv, niitil nt ku^th 
bo mticiuuui?(Hl •leveu-^U^L^-eighll IuhIzuiH/ Ibe tizigiub vhh 
«lop|>od, nod thon wn licArd th<j r«ftr of tho hroakere cloHe at 
hnnd. Wo bud not idopptHi a Mtfooiul loo tioon. i'httDizitifz tho 
[vumc iind moTiiig piLmllvl tu tbu nljure, wtill nlnwlj ^Dd witb 
c&titi[3C, the tt^g bepiu to lift* And la a few juuiutCH inor^, us U 
rOM Iik« a mi^ttj ciirtAin, tliD town of Montcroy, bn^M aad 
antifn], lav vlurwitly liofort* lU, Wc were Kaft, 
B!;- fri^fudfl! thiis will yuu fimi yoijrioh'«it bf^fogK""!! id Limtit, 
and pvrlmpb uft^ii, iu ihv effort to condiict your p&iierilis acrtHia 
tiic non ^rf dift^fVBO into tlm liuvoti of hoalth. Your flia^nofiia raay 
bo cloar, joar phyidologii^al <-liari fli^tinct, yatn juitbolcgy 4txjict, 
joar tlivTtipmitti- ful^jbitiunn jHvunite^ But »t\}\ y^u iirc mi n 
daaffCfOBn occaq. whit^b requiiva ihvs ^xeroiae of all ibo puwen 
and facuiU(i« witbia your roool). Bo r»ot ovor-oonfidont ia your 
jadgTD4»at, oi no blindly raliniit on your thonvioH aT\t\ ooticln- 
HKMia, or on tborw of yonr lnnyVs ati*\ tninriKiiw, nn to ovnrlook 
any of tbo reaourcea cf uWrvatioti and oxpc^rioncc. AVbcn tbo 
orueoa la hidion froia aiglit, move only as tba pbiamiet of ei- 
tn\n indicAtfvt thn wny of lutf^fy. And whett tlie nlcinn ara 
(lark nnj no friendly 4tAr pifiicnii the ^]oc>m to o?er iln my to 
your iriHtriimcnt, took bc^yoaJ the aUn, and lem^mbor tbc God 
of your fatbor«! 



Celsian Society, 





By L. C L^NKt M. D., ProfeHwiv of Snr^ct'ry, 

If !/• ffilfP" i' li', I'fimlfri.-iO U,'t M'ff. i. > 




Celsian Society. 





\ September G. 147t». 


^ Bj L. 0, TiAn, M, D,* ProfpiMnr nt Knigerj. 

Id (raToliug in tiie Orient one i» continually unntiy^jil by thn 
iportunitiaH of mendicants who doHire to nell him "jintjipitm," 
[e sUnding on tbe plains r>f the Nile, before tlie towennf.; 
which aloud remaino of the once famous city of Heliopfi- 
I, ftnd which as an imperishable ^TTaveatone inarkH the toujb (if 
once liTiog city — while f»tandin^' and admiring thia noble nhaft 
gT&nitc, whose elements have proved harder than the trH»th of 
riune, or than the hammer-blows of thouHandn of dejiurted een- 
'tarleB, A little child of the deuert stole up to me, witli eyeH spark- 
;luig «a ft serpent's, and face from which the strong for<-eH of 
rlj life beamed out, and with tongue which ha^l not leuriif-d to 
fiubion and deliver ita Bedouin language "trippingly," aud yet 
;: li^ mastered one word intelligible to tlie ear of tht; jiilgrim frriui 
[-tfia North — viz., "antique," and as the word fell from its lips tlie 
k- child lifted towardH luy eyes a piece of colored |M*tt*'ry, whii-h it 

dttored to exchange for a penny. 
i- . Ajnongthe strange thoughtu which aroae on tlie mjkiI wlif^re 
Cgjptiftn science was once taught, and where Flato was u stu- 
it and gathered those genus of philoaopby which, reluniing 
I, lu planted in his own Athenian garden, w\ifaT(t V\i«^ ^tvn 

into a* (Midnnuff ionau a« Uio I'BrtJfc^oD which oaoU iiv 

look i]]>iiti Ui« picture nliich lunmoiy bitit pr^Hfirved ol 
iu tho foregTCtinil of wHcb NUnd the pyramids, Ibe a' 
U*liopolu, tb« foiuiUiD ol Marr. vh>OT« in Lor diglii tnoL^ 
ith** wnahed li^r iufutitVt-loUi^M, iii ikfinnier of the 
flUudft iL<? Qedoiitii t'luJcl Ilftiag iU relic towAniA ntir «^ 
"abtiijuc." fsciUior ihc Cbcopn, noi the Spliyox. HOC 
of FIaIo, nor llie Citf of t)i^ 8iin 4))at1 W< the th^mtt of 
oowfle to jTQu. buL iho Dcdouii^ chiM kUjcffOHts mir- mUt^ 
bold up to you tliiH, tbc nulklt^ of nil iuitiqii«s. Thi* 
snUqun JH full of intorofit to ihh Bliirlent of DAtand 8ea«b(«, 
much HO tliut li« i« qT]it4> u Klriiiij^'T to iltr* feeling' whicb Tn 
Kkiill pruvi>ki>»% ill HAEOlotV biYAit tvhtti it iij»kvs hiEu t^ 
" My vuj^-jfoirgc nnos at it;" but rtttt^r tio would indulgv ^ 
[ f^iilLuftiauu whtcli warnitt till" nixifiUophe of thv Pilgrn 
CJiilJr HnroJd* whoD b« «clumK, ** lUmiovo yon nkuU fn*m >-■< 

But druppiug the po^Uc n-ul tfli^oua «ido of tlitii bor^ M 
lue ili-Aw ;'i>ur atUfiitiou to bouiv bvhtcl*] poinU alicAit ii. ^ 
cvriosiU' witi bo mnob awokoiicti ivh^n you lo-orik lUnt t;br ni;i' 
of tliin ikiUl ia iuiirk«d with I'urtMn iHt^rA; in foct. ttiat t'-^ ^ 
face httH Ijeeti cLou^n by nawe oue ft8 it bibln wli^roon to tn^'r r» 

;0 B»n«* of bi^Tvglyiibics. And wbon Utoiio chnriu^lcrH ju-^* stiiibni 

Id roforcuon to tb«ir ponttion Aiid T«lationH, 1 !iud tbut tb^r pUang 
tHH uol Lc^im fli>ii4> Fit nuidom, bm lin^ bt^ej aq (U>nA &a |o curb^ 
poud to, ajtd indicate tlu* origUiul jtvifiucuU of tlvTolopmciii d 

A. lurvuy ^^f the biutoiy of vcJoncc- ucil pliiloitopliy eJicivvti Utst 
tJitfre lm» mi^r Uh:ii lui c-lToK uu Ibe pnrL of iKeir mUUvkioni u 
tiud aouie coiiUciibtd fonauK Mom« brief doductioD, wliacbotiglrt 
^<» fta n inAPtoi'-k»y to uolnck all tlip roonifl of fcx)oir|«<t|A 

^Haiuu-, iu thu tonit' pMloKuphii? wt^boul, WniJ^r, th€* uiilimil^d, 
aiid Air, wcrre HUt^etuiively iM'ldtrtj^f) ui Ui» iTull^ irb«ti«o thi 
iufanl Nntiuv hail ^i&*rj;fij. Theu Heraclitua iuvontml tkk 
^troftui of TUii^r CT oudloNu ehaHKO, aa iha •ourc« of 

»tbat 191. Tbitn tmiiil>i*i>,nnion|{ wbich 1, 2, 3, i}ieU\ pre< 
Wtinf ofTcivd b> Pjtbo^oiiw jm ttie waiid wbLj<»« luiii^r lo' 
c<hM bft tbo ><-ii wbicb biden tbe foc^t of >'atuirc; atKl tb«u 
luocntufts&d Lvucippui utTercid tbo Atom hn tUv indimiblo 

[S] "•:■..—. 

lOol o1 Zvno uttd otbm vb(> dirvd Sat down ifito tho ocabd vf 

lUph>-B(», and thouglit Xlnjy htA found tb» k>Bff<«ought*for 

'Yiz.. Ikftt wh&t w» flee ilu«w not e<\Ut, tlinl ull Lhnt wv itpe 

Lt <i t^ritt of dpo^jttioiif. the wkol« h^ln^ «jinbo1idccd m Uio 

lAjRn] vtntvmentM llmt th* "Kvrift-footod Aifhillc* caimot 

rertAkr iht^ t»rtoSh«/' uml 1)jut "tli^ n^r^nt; nrrow in «t i«»l.'* 

I In BUL'L elftirte nfl tlio procediujj:, Lbd Luumu uilutl iiktulv ita- 

tod iU cacTjcirji for mmi^ ^generations, iiblU finding th&l lia- 

id p"wor o»orot compiuH thv iUimitAbli^ 3cnniua of Nulur*-, *iow 

hod do befu studied. Cf>ii[LCct«d And i-Iubbificd, thai they 
[d 1h DiftnhAl^d in mppi^rt of n ffoncim] tiutti. Thtiit, lo tbo 
Ul uf PljiDtn, Ooethi? fouml io thi* rafiULmorphciMn of tho ]«ttf, 
t£ fruCEJ it &re denied the bnui, Ibe eepuK 1h«- ])«Ia1. the aIa- 
in ASrl Ihft pt^ur And AC, toOj in th^ nnimal kiiij;dLiEa,tioeth«, 
Lb Olten luid RflifhftH lu cfilkbori^tjiini, dt«wovf>rpd thftt Ihii 
irUibrm tx i)iR iirr1ieU-]iH] trpitomn of n\\ th<t "hjtrkhotjpd" ^r 
Lcbrivl«c) cLm of uniiinds; nod coTTjiDg out thin trutb Ui tUt 
90«ielLViK>tiN, an th« U4f is tnnffonoAd into th« cooapo* 
of thn flnwiM", »o th*» vfrrtfthrw, by n rf'hAngP nX fnrm, fur- 
(^Icntntfl for i>nildin3 thn rmtiiuu. A« >ou linvc ]>9rii 
;ht that th<<r«« am oino eaudfti and BA«nJ, 6T«f iunbor, twelve 
and »0Tc-n norvioAl vArtobnri. ho I will surprise y{>n by 
iiiMT jo^i Usat ,TOii hnvc nc^t It^ni-ned nil. and that ll)iir» aiv 
mor^ wbicJi couatitute the «kull, «nd whioh vc mii;ht nnmo 
tiirs#CApiUL vorUhrm; and to tDdiTidualiv^ the«e, they \any 
c«t!ed llio poHti'rifir* middln »nd nntArifir f^jipitnl rrrtibniP, 
to retain the i>ld HAmca with which ;rou ore fAciilmr, 1Ji«it 
b« tlflmi^d ftia th4> occupLiJLJ, «jiheno-pHnctal hnd frontut bonu«. 
In th* Hptiinl cTcilDmn ihn voruhrir ^rn fiwtAnnd tJ^^lhnr hy tbd 
upper ftnd lower iaotw of tli«ir ftn^bea find bodi««i. th*; Arch«» ly- 
ini;: bthind; in ih« oroot poeitioOt ih^ Ahule licsn^ juW upon 
«fleh olhtif. On thr tn»ntrarv, ih^ Torlebr^n trompofiin^ tbe skull, 
iu HtAitdinif, Ekfv plttfcd ilnn^ptiih? iif f^Ac'h ol,hoi\ thf^ir nr^^beH Iw- 
top nboTe, imd their bodiex fomtxng ih^ cmnicd baEC, Asd com- 
pV'ling the inferior wiH of tli» ^ktilJ. 

'Hit CTirrnl i^xpaiiidoQii ut ibe»e enpitnl Tieit«bTW aiv ftmnd ioto 
a TQu1t«d arch, whicli &a an flrobitd^^loml womiler it icor* Ttuor* 

::"■■•■•" [4] 

able than »T)y BtructurB of the pmmi. 'The polumrut of 
the dome of St. Sophisms, Lhe nifttolileBa vault (if llifl I'ftoUi 
Bomo dedicated to all the Olympiao Calestinla, sink into 
nifioQnce vheu con^p&red with thiH faultleee ar<?li. Xnd ^j 
For did not tbe latter, once vntL linea more gmcefiil tliAB 
ceuic or Gothic^ form Uifl mcompaxable aroli of a lirin^ 
beneath which intellect eat entJironod and niov^ UkC 
thU Btrange, eventful UfeV 

lu the development of anatomical soienofi, as ft reward tuT 
Ubora done hy preceding discoTerers, pc«t«ntf Ji&h ^I'aa tl^ 
naraea to ofiitoin partis of the animal etructuro. TLua. in lb 
heart, fh^ fetal foramen through the iiiier'VE>Dtn<-iilar itaU viD 
forever hold the name of Botalliu; and in the ''book ani] Tckoi 
of the brain," the lesser wing of tho aphonoid haa writUa in im- 
perishable cbaraotera tbd Qflme of Sylvius, qtamliti^ th^re in iio- 
lated majeeby, "unmixed with le^ftf^r mfktter^" And, finaity. in ll* 
akull. gratitude tovrarda the openere-up of Bew wtvlln vt koovl- 
edge haa iiliown itaelf iu the namcu of T>ugTAaslM uiJ Blumn' 
Imoh uBi^tQd to parte of the epheaoid, while immortAJitT im 
b\hjh9i\ UK the gunrdinn t'f two nf }ier fnvoritp sonn, the tror 
^ pond liono, on the btouv ^jyriiinid of which ohe ha» cluBfiJed 
l]n' iiimieti of Fallopiua niid Eustiicliiin 

Now, ft4 »icimioe hjih ^.-lu^Hcn tr> jjm'petimte the names d 
»i)riio <jf lici t^biliU'cii by iiiNtvibini^' llitia un the banfl of bfai 
Hkiil], HO ^iiiuo more I'ei^eut Liiiid has choaen tho vault of tlui 
biihii AH tlio tablet wheivou to write certain chnracters; ttd 
"■|i"llir*r \]\\}i hrind vva*j iiioi"fd tu tbi^i work from ^^titode t(^ 
w^knin i/j^ jiW., or whether hke youth it \va9 full of the ^ 
turn and bnigf'd only for thnt which waa to come. I will not 
aliem]>l to decide. Yet, if I venture on conjecture on tilt 
Kubjprt^ it if* that thiH trilogiatic enigmaj Janua-like, ia both 
niii'imimclivf* and jiroHpective in niennin;*, embi'acin^ within iti 
M)niimHM, like Ibe mind of CbalcaH. both the past and the Ah 
tinf*. For whun 1 t*xamine these chamcters and group tbett 
toK'^thcv, 1 ^'el the HymUjl C. E. L. S. — 8., which, 'inmirtik- 
ably rvU-iv to Ibf famoun tild Roman, whot;e nnme jon fatT* 
choHrn to diiHk^iiatc ymir Mot^iety^ But behind thin Belf-evideit 
I'efi'i'f'nce, if n rnmmentator n'ere to Hubjecl these ohanctMt 
to critical atialyniK, and to pull nsi<le the veil which obsoiiiM 
thoin, be mlf^ht And »n atMitiomil meaning bid in them, Wi^ 


pat ft DuDietta Htone, I think tbeae hieroglyphicn mar be 
ftrvul^ted to read: Courage, Excellencd^ Love of Belf- Sacrifice. 
And with a reaaonable license, much lees tban commentators 
:iiAen uaunie to themaelTeB, aa the three capital vertebne, by 
ftor fomoD constitute the encephalic vault m which the aun 
of intellect rises and shineB daring the day of human life, so 
tiMW cardinal traits by their fusion make up the character oi 
the physician - 

On the anterior capital Tertebne. stands the symbol of cour- 
Bg^, and so on the front outworks of a aelf -sustaining manhood 
43r womanhood, this sentinel must hold steeplesB watch; and not 
.only here, but his influence must be felt in the heart of the cita- 
dvl of lifo. otherwise, the Homeric taunt would hold true: "Thou 
jk)g in forehead, yet in heart a deer." 

And we would odd, this trait when genuine is joined to quiet- 
neflS; when counterfeiti it would fain impose on us by noise 
ftud ostentation^ Without courage, the student could never 
overcome his natural aversion to flowing blooiJ, the putrid 
woundt the reeking contents of the abBcess- and a large share 
mnat be on hand to enable him to bear the fetters which bind 
)ftim, Mazenti US-like, to a dead body, while with forceps, fiiing- 
cbain and scalpel, he unravels the decaying* tissues, in order to 
oatoh a glimpse of the hidden wheels of life. Courage, indeed, 
ia needed in order to steel his heart and steady his hand, when 
in his duty as necropsist he coolly cuts and explores tissues sat- 
urated vrith death-bearing ichor, one atom of which engrafted in 
bia own person would fatally poison him. 

On the middle vertebra we And the symbol of excellence, hav- 
ing place there like a crown-jewel. When the business of a 
medioal man is subjected to analytical examination, it will be 
fonnd to consist mainly of work or works which at first sight 
appear unimportant and insignificant; but it is directly here 
that we find the amplest field for exercise of the aim of excel* 
lencfi. For example, to check the increasing curve of chronic 
deformity in the child, demands months of watchful care; and 
so, too. to palliate cough and the exhausting night-sweats of 
tiie consumptive, the faithful physician will ever find work 
enough to do. In labors such as these, units of excellence can 
bonrlj be treasured up, which, finally, will reach an enviable 


In t.hf> hju-kifmanil iif foiirftge and «;xr«nr*nc<>, w(t im! ^ 
third cnri^iiiul truil whosr »j£dWk ftif wiitlea on Ibe n-^: -i 
vcrtebru of our erArnnm ri«., loi-i> of ^clfwiPriHcc. Along ■«! 
Lhe trctila h^for^iiAinr'1. lo <*om{i]i>te Uiti litit, a ihiM is ibu^ 
wbkh difTcTi^ Irum Ibrm Iti thin — viz., thaX vrbilc thi^j' mv l£:y>'- 
tinctured M'ith Ml&ibacfift, Ihu is wbolly in\o1ircd in adZ-tiat 
gttUoti. ]()'>lciQtf vntiroly io tho intttT^Kta of othont. 

Chimun* ri'ligion Uuvhi?n Hn ruUinea ki do not titihi otka 
what joti ttould udt tlial th«T«Loalddo to yon. B^rcmiiLt- "i* 
form r>f lhi«. hty h»vp the golden m1» of ChriHliftD vtfaK:^, >^i 
as 8 mndifif^atiur of tliif Utirr. CoicpU. Iliv umrlii (if rm»^ 
povibvQ pbilo40|itj, lauUli«« th^^yu in tfttchiu^ lo Hit 
for vthora, n'^rdl^'M^ of 4olf. Aitnunm, n* Coini>te d 
hi« tfVHtcTii (if iitornlu, li^^irf'ii lurfff^ly in tb» dnily dtiii^« oJ 
lihTAiciAn, PcimmAt ucnlicrtuf the gTUVtwl f^hctmrt^tr m 
cxftctcd uf liim^ Hornfice of tiiuo, i^^w-rifti^f- of mcafj^ m^ndr* 
Ubor, hnd, anofi. ftiu^iil)^ i)f Hf^^ Within tti« ffwt frwr 
SaTftnnnh. Norfolk, Mnmjihii, nnd othnr pInj:ruiT-s;rirten ri 
Liiv« ]L,'i«*ii filAvm to many 4 hrAT« son of U«dictne. vfho W 
irolLiiit4^crcd tU tt«rTuy« tr> biUtie with the j*»Ilow p^gxHe^x 
thufl MbibltlnfFthAhij^hoBt niftmpTp nf Mlf-inmllcfi, thus ndtf- 
ing th^ piLiMHthilitr nf f>iitLiiiK into prnclit-r? tlir ivItmiiitici1o>rTrT?v 
which byShicl&iid oLLore hfte botin dvdun-tt im|>0«aib)r- Ni> 
moTff, ftllraiam hfts 1wf*n rArd^d tx^yotul what v«« di!fau>M 
l^ its autlior: col only to liw for otltorn, but to die for oib- 
m bM born tho nilo of action put into practice by mmf 
noble b<iartod ohm in our pri>fe«ao&> 

B««idet rht> itxact^arm pJTnn of wOf impound orpnmm t« [K^ 
in«Dc« and cnDtAcion, 1 take plcmiure in eiting an pMMword? 
ftod mo«t adutmbk* tho«a d*TOtoi>a Lo lbefap«ntjc acMOot. 
fvbo to dH^rroin^ the anClnu of uitCTl^l rMaodf^n, inataad d 
tmatin^ to thn fquivoral rtvulta of adminiotration to tbe la«< 
•r ftDuoala.' bav« dionrn tb<^ir ovn bodies for tni). aod in ■ 
hw «MM faav^ lott th«iv Htm tn tli« ^ip^rjmvnt- The acttoa 
of CalabiiJ bmn van ^nit jnirUi^mtly Tuamed tliroa|f b iJm a- 
pftfinumlt of aa Udinbur^b phyHiciati upon himvotf, and la 
bia final ««Miya tu «hioh Xhr niaximuta dooi« waa tri«d, the 
fftMita were mo noUnt that for a numbnr of hours big «!• 
kapB«a i1««p«un*d of iaviuK hu hit. Aod io our ovti 
Iff, about ot^btecn y**^* ;<totiLg Aia«n«aa pbyatelaa 


DftTenport, lowft, in his enthuaiaHm in regard to cblorftte of 
potash aB a remedy in affectioiift of the air-passages, deter- 
mined to teat tLhe maximum dose which oan be tolerated bj 
the human body; and with that utter abnegation of self whioh 
the faithful in our proffisaion impose upon themselvea, he threw 
Ilia own body into the fatal alembic, and death was the an- 
swer to hie question. And ae he lieard this answer, and saw 
the dark shadows coming, destined to eclipse the sun of his 
life at midday, ae Sir John Moore, though in the face of de- 
feat and in the grasp of death, hoped that Kngla^d would be 
■ftUsfied with what he had done, so the hero, Fountain, hoped 
his experiment would not be lost to his profession. Nay. 
more, while standing in the chilling waves of moriality^ he 
looked bach to his professional brethren and asked them to 
isarefuUy eiamine his body, even giving orders how thia should 
be done, and where the lesions should be sought for, and that 
a record should be made of the same for the advancement of 
that science which he loved so earnestly, and on whoHe altar 
he had sacrificed his life. 

In dosing this lecture to an assemblage composed mainly 
of those but a few years the juniors of thin youthful physi- 
oian, I am glad to have had this opportunity of holding him 
ap as a noble example of the love of self-sacrifice; and if I 
baTe aroused s respect for his devotioEi to our science, may the 
reverence awakened in your hearts be laid as a memorial 
wreath upon the gravestone of Fountain ! 



.Valedictory Address 

i» not 


«r Tai 


11^ r, N »:ij,ixvr()fii\ u, i),. vwovmMu or rnvt^iotoov 

'» <r inMrTI^^T^Trrr^^jt^^r^T— T^" 

Valedictory Address 








To the Graduating CIbsm of the ML-clical Colkgo of tLc Pacific, 

November, 1879. 


Ifixitn'n ill Jfrtiii-ini*: You wlm Mve uow inlniittod to tho medi- 
ca.\ profcHrtiou, w« bid you woli-ouie. Y(ju liave been ruiHtdiioun 
in your Htudics^ you have KUCcosHfuUy jMiHhfid tho examinntiona 
required by tho colloge; you have jiiatly earned the preferment 
bere accorded you; you have ftt^hievcd a wueccas, and your toach- 
ers, tlio Faculty and the TniHteea of the Uuiveraity congratulate 
you most heartily. 

You are indeed favored iu ejjtcrijjg upon your profchuional 
career in these timen of pro^^cKs in the ai'ieuccs and reliiiements 
in the artri. All Uiese liuil their highest u&eM in their application 
to medicineT in the prevention and cui'e of disease, and so pro- 
long the duration and increase the capabilitiou of human life. 
The many modora adaptations of mechanical ]>rinciiileB and in- 
genious instrumentB now used in the diagnosis of disease tail 
the treatment of tt, have done much to advunee the practice of 
medicine and surgery beyond the errors and uncertainties 
and orudeueBs of the past, into a more eiact, unmistakable and 
refined present. Every invention by whicli our apeeial senses of 
observation ore rendered more acute and appreciative, as in tho 
management of light, the conduction of sound, and the measure- 

► •_'"_- ',<■• ■ -•■■"A » 

•-■ ••- ' \ ■•: ■"» - .*; r ' ; •-■■ 

m«ut or boat, eorve uu lu gmaing a more exact knr 

iliflcaHo nni) a innro mtiotml w&y of coriiliatiiig' it. Tbf? ptist fiw 
yejLTs lijivo becQ prolific m funiutiug audi jtidE to tie 

It hue booD Huid that tb« advan<reiueiit iu meilicine do^ 
Iceep ptw^e with tbc pni^Tess niJiJe in otlie^ dopArtniPiiLa d 
hiuDnn knowledge. In viovr r>f the mpid traneitof thougLl, ppopk 
and commodities of the world, nnd tbu many f^reo-t achieTemtnU 
in phj-si<"s wbicb are *<[3i'h uiaiked featurea of the preseni iff, 
the slnfeioeiit may be true. 

The advancement in iQcdicmc doponda upon au incroued 
knowledge of thoee complex pbenom^^aa, ]ife» diseaiw and de&thi 
involving not only the lawR of itnlinr but of hftumn nature^ 

The phyaioIugiHt* the, tbe chemiatond the puratf 
phyaicist work their wny into thoBO mjaicriea by hopt\ and «il*r- 
tiun a belief much more ftomprebensii'e than their ImD^^'itrdgc. 

In faet, it i« only nt yeatordjiy that we are able to establidli 
any fi^ed auJ immutable order of imture; but now w© kuov^ Uiil 
altjiougrh tho hfirmonios may bo intiuitoly varied, Iho vibrutin-g 
chord in unchangeabk ; that the rantei-ial atomn, the phydcsl 
elements, and the turceh iiiberent iu tbeui, have conHtsnt quali- 
ties, and under the aame conditions yield the baine raanlta. Tke 
variationa in the manifeRtatioiiB of life in health ^nd dieeaec iirv 
Turirttious in tbe oniid>iiuLtioris or vitriationa in thfiir relationa. 
But iji tbc! Nul)-Hl.ntlU[ii it^df Lbere is no variation, nor any in tbe 
retiiiltii^i, H-hvra tho con<yttions am the name* That la the kw 
of nature; hut obviou^^ly its course admits of iufinita Tariationi, 
expressed hy conditions of bcalth or diKcaae. Calculate if yoa 
can the cbanj,'OH tbat can be run^ on twenty bells of different 
tone and magnitude. Hut what are the resultants when twen^ 
elements combine in Lntiuitely dian^'in^ proi>ortions, who am 
expre8»? Yet still this ia hut a part of the problem of tlte play 
of the phji^ical atomic, which far frojo being inanimate things, 
are centers of active powers expressing themselves in rariooa 
ways, of which we know at present only aome^ under the fomw 
of motion, heat, and nerve force. 

That the course of nature may ha varied, wo aaeumo by thb re- 
inforce me ut of the medical profession in tbe addition of you new 
members to-night. The whole object of tlie ecience of medicino 
ia baaed on thia assumption, as it is thg whole purpose of our 

knowledg;^ to find out and obviate what is inimical to out ey^- 
temH, and to diacoTSr and promote what is favorable to ua. That 
which we call health, which looks ao fi:ced and atable, ia but n 
relative condition of being, and is more changeable thaTi the Bta- 
bility of the rainbow. Its maintenance depends upon the mov- 
ing aqnilibrium of more forces than the mind of man can realize. 

When that equilibrium of the vital forces is disturbed, it maj 
be, by the absorption of noxiouH vapors, by tlie development of 
^nuB of disease, bj the overwear and waste of tissue from men- 
tal strain or muscular effort, some color of the rainbow fades, or 
Bome portion of the arch is lost, and the discordant vibrations of 
the chords of life tell us health has been superceded by disease. 
The high sphere of medicine, the great interests .at stake, and 
tbe difficulties of study when a human life is in question, to- 
gether with the complex laws an*! subtle forces involved in vital 
phenomena, are causes for the slow advancement made in this 
field of scientific research^ 

It is expected of each of you that you will intelligently ob- 
serve and record such facts as you arc destined to meet in your 
chosen vocation, that you will find some fragtnoiLt in tbe 
wrecked and broken vessels which will have a fitting place in the 
ark of discoveries, by which we may reach out from the known 
to the unknown. 

With the growth of intelligence among the people and the 
difliision of a knowledge of the highest political economy among 
those who govern, it is hojiod that in the near future ways and 
means may be provided for continued scientific researches, bear- 
ing especially uj>on the caunes of preventaljle diHeascs and the 
best means of protection against them. The sacntice of human 
life by the^e cauaeq has been greater than by war and the ele- 
ments combined. Tliey are obstacles to human progress of 
incalculable effect. 

There is here suggested an unequalcd Held of labor for every 
one who loves his fellow man, who would deserve the honor and 
glory of the age and leave the greatest of blessings upon the 

Our government has wisely established and with liberality 
maintains a life saving service, to operate along our sporseiy 
peopled coasts to save life from shipwreck. This service has its 
intelligent corps of officers and men, made efficient by educa- 


Lii> OK THE Occasion of thi Dedicatiom of Coopek Mbdical 
CoLLEGi Building, 






'*'•"' . 1 1 ^ m , 'V' 

A. L. bUCHorr ■ cOMrANVi-rjiJHTiu. a4N rBAHcvca 




PHOrtSMH or S471lOEHy KHtt MrUUKft Of fHK ROTAL 

Ci>VLttiV, or StiKDEOKf, LONI>09 i AKli nv 

KOWp'AKD IL Tatijoji- 

ic exercises were commenced by conferring the Med* 
Doctorate upon die Students who had recently 
graduated in Pacific Medical College, (the name which 
the institution bore prior to its recent incorporation under 
{he name of Cooper Medical College^) the formula u:5ed 
by Dr. Lane, (the donor of tlic property, and President 
of the instituttonf) being in language as follows: 

Candid'ttes for Graduation : _ . 

In the olden c&y6-btschb1a:mcTld:niiitg,*tii^a]>pT0Ach 
of the candidate to the baccalaureate threshhold was the 
scene of severe contest between him and the guardian 
atitliurities \ and the witnesses to lliat occ-^sion were 
entertained by the clangor ol lances sharply wielded in 
dialectic battle, in which the candidate was compelled to 
prove himself fined for the honors in question. Dis- 
mantling Uiis famous ceremony of its ancient dress, I will 
stQl preserve the .spirit of the same by foraially announcing 
to those who are present to witness your graduation, that 

^V you have complied with all the regulations of thcl^cfl 
^M Medical College ; that you have successfully passtd fl 
^H annual examinations of a tliree years* course of ok^B 
^^ insuuction in that institution; in fine, that you have «H 

(run ihc appointed curriculuni. As a reward ihcrdor.fl 
directors and faculty of the Cooper Medical College, i^^ifl 
which nanie the former Institution is now incorporatfl 
have uiMruried me, its Pre^kieni. to confer upon eaclifl 
you the degree of Uoctcr of Medicine, and to give to^in 
of you the diploma of this insiitution as perpetiul ad 
universal evidence of such promuuon. m 


Afterwards Dr, Lane delivered the following; X'alcdictoff 1 
address : J 

Gtnfiidaus fcr Craduation in tba Sciinca of MedtciMt: ■ 

^ft Thc?rc are times when it is well to forsake the iisuil 

^H road and. to piirsii&.a.]i;c!iw:i^ Jii^ierCo umroclden. Tk 

^B present dcc'c^o1)>'iA*iiib.Jii»tui'y' t>f'ciuf> school gires >Vi^ 

^B license, and permits mc to cast a!iide the cercmontou^t dnsi 

^^ with which the valedictory address is usually invented 

^B During your long training of three years, medicine enoi^ 

^B have you hadj and mingled thcrcvvlth a due amount of 

^B moral axioms and monitions ; for your Faculty strongly 

^B Wllcve, and diligently leacli, that the professional character 

^H is sadly incoinplcip, unless high scienufic tr;iin]nf^ be CQl^ 

^B joined with equally high morals. Resides, in tlic clas%ic 

^B words of your^diplcmas, the hitmc fact is reiterated. LcMb 

^b, tliererorc, in a measure, ihese things aside, I invite you 
B accomijany me in » jotiriiey which I recently made to 
He Sierras. There let us breatlic afresh, and karn somc- 
ftjn^ new from the high as well as. from tiie humble forms 

■ nature, for we lind the two comminj^led in Uie closest 
Bctety. As exampW of :he lowly^ I will first invite your 
Ktention to a blade of grass beneath a pine-tree, a leaf 
Bom the pine, and a hillock of ants near the root of the 

■ Near the eastern end or liead of Lake Talioe, and near 
Bie foot of the nitnintains which form there tite wall of tlie 
bkc, r.ow stands an aged pirCf if some covetous axe has 
Bot been laid at its root; and as 1 saw it a year ago the 
BensG foliage of this tree did not allow a broken sunbeam 
K> reach the earth around its huge trunk. In this sunless 
nadow a single blade of gra^ had sprung up^ battling, as 
m grew, with a constant shower of missiles, yet dctiant of 
Btvclin and Minnie-likc concs» k had risen to a respectable 
■eight, and bending to and fro seemed to be bowing a 
■pclcomc Co mtt. Without the scinuilus of noiscle^ syni- 
patiiy, or the encouragement of approving applause, unaided 
by any but its own innate powers, this ehild of Nature had 
fou;;ht the battle of life w^ll, and won the jsalm ol succe^ful 
existejioe. Napoleon-like ii h;id survived n mtH<«iIe warTare 
where danger was as rife as at Lodi and Marengo, and was 
waving the banner of unscathed life. But its kinsmen, the 
scattered remnants of which were visible, had been less 
fonunate; destiny had assigned to them the lot of defeat, 
yet one was moved with sympatliy Ebr tlidr misfortune, and 


like applaudir^ ihcm, as once did Napoleon 
meeting, on ihc road, wagons or the wounded which his oa 
army had defeated, he turned his horse out of tlie w»}\ i^ 
lifting his hat, he said: "Honor to the unfortunate bmt' 
But, turning to our victor again, I observed that it iu^'" 
oiUy lived, but the numerous flowerets adorning ilsi--'; 
crown gave proof that^ ol>edient to the Ibwh of its 
was providing for an ample succcsbton. Whether 
children, emulous of jxirenul example, Itavc cquaJ«d 
mother in dodged struggle against adv^ersity. or wl 
they have fallen in the pitiless warfare w.ig<^ against 
wheih(^r ihcy have drawn fair or dark lots from thevm 
Tate, is not known; yet the sight of that one via 
stalk of grass remains with me as a pleasant mei 
teaching what perseverancej even on a small scale, cv 
accomplish ; and the example taught by ii i« d€servifi$[ of 
your imitation; (or in the lower as well as in the higbfr 
walks of your professional lives^ adversity mtist come: 
amidst iis javelins learn to stand unflinching — ttnyicMii^. 

iJeikidea ihi'i lesion learned from this frail cndogeo^ i 
teaches yet another, for growing from the inside, and cod- 
ing out it» !»hoots from [he centre, so that the young omI 
tender ones are surrounded and protected by the older aad 
stronger leaves, it offers a perfect instance of self- develop- 
ment ; tlni!t growth and defensive fortilication kcrep pace 
with each other So in man, as in this little plant, per- 
manency of character arises rather from inward than (rom 
outward growtti, and if such character be your aim, stall 
from the inside and th-ence grow. In tlie solution ol life'i 

>biem all depends on starting aright. Further illustration 
thi^ is die following iiiridexii: Some years ago, when tn 
'lin, I was an occasional liatcncr to the lectures of the 
imoits HelmholUn On one occasioa liis hour was occupied 
in the solution of a problem of physics on the blackboard, 
he work consisted of a long series of algebraic quantities, 
icnled in the form of equations. The final result reached, 
loivcd tluit an error had been made in ionie |«Lrt ol the 
»rk» when the professor- sittrted back and sought for the 
ii*take. It was only after mucii worrying review chat he 
IUIkI tlut a flight error had lieen made in the very cum- 
:ncement of the solutioii, and thin litilc blunder bad not 
ily clung to the succeeding links of the work, but it 
;w a*i it progressed, and at the end wholly vitiated the 
inclusion , 

In anoilier Hlroll, while readmg an ejjitomiTed summary 

If philosophy, in which a plea wa-t made for philosophic 

tudy, and the utility of tlie same defended against the 

icroachments of natural science, the author showing in the 

tork that the conclusions of Leil>mt£ were singularly close 

and coincident with the discoveries of Newton; in tlic 

jidst of these abstract reveries, my attention was called to 

iomethin^ more concreiCf in the form of a pinc-lcaf that 

dropped on my page, and for a time became the subject of 

ihanghtN, which an^ hen; offered. 

Looked at, the fallen objeci was needlc-sliajjcn, half 
faded and quite in the sere of leaf-hTc, and not half as long 
as a line of my philosophic lecture; an insignificant, dimin- 
utive thing apparently, yet if one liked it up and lifitened to 


Hs story, he heard there much that is curious aii<] m^trxcvt 
This siory is as follows: A few monihi« a^o it layviai 
number of its fellows infolded ma brawn hud, miWi^ 
then being decided by its position on the parent-stCA. fal 
according as it ocaipicd bofiial or apical site^ it wi^ 
become Icaff sepal^ petal stamen, pistil, or g;erni of x iam 
tree; but it was assigned a position in the firsi cbs^ 
leaving the other dtatiiies to its superjacent l>reihrnn, wc 
it became a leaf, and consequently part of the hnxof 
apparatus cf the huge organism to which it beloi^ed:> 
brcathjEtg or^^in ISIcc: tliat of the fish, unfolded insieidJ 
inroMc-d; bitt unlike tliAt of animals, there is an alternau* 
of function here, that of the day being the reverse 
that of night. This pulmonic vesicle of ever-acting dii- 
rophyl has imimaie afTiniues for air and lt|;hc, and thnxgk 
the inicrchanging imeraction between the subject and titat 
media, the marvellous processes of plant life arc maifr 
taincd. This is an enviable and admirable brcath-ceilr 
since in the meshes of its delicate histology the hand of 
disease does no njarring by the planting of tubercle < r';> 
nor arc its perfect walb disfigured by distending cmphyvzm 
or collapsing atelectasis* Hence the pine witli its incom- 
parable breathing apparatus does not prematurely 
with phthisical decay. 

The nniritive elaborations accomplished in ihb linjr 
workshop, were done noiselessly by the genius of organic 
life ; in tl^ai laboratorj* no clashing was heard of the cidci- 
blc, mortar, blow*iMpc and furnace; the aitemive ear couU 
have caught no sound of bustle or confusion, as the chemk 


was bitilcling his part of the colossal hbnc ; but with unerr- 
ing aim he plied his craft, now selecting this, now rejecting 
that piece of building material, and so thoroughly accurate 
was he in all the details of he art. that without redundance, 
defect or inisuikt?, he accomjjlishcd his ta?^k perfectly and 
without ever recurring to the archety^uil sketch; arc! with 
equal accuracy and even more marvellous detail, the task 
was done when the workmans hand fashioned the floral 
leaflet, cl^e slaminate crown, the pistiSIatc utricle, or the 
microscopic ^crm of a future conift^r, 

llcT^idcs. this leaf, though so insignificant in form, and in 
po\i<er apparently so feeble, had been more successful than 
the Titans of old, since it had caught the divine fuinbeains 
and moulded ihcni into chains, whereby the organic elements 
of the pine arc held togclher in cvcr*caduring mainmonial 
union, and as forms of potential tension they bcxomc the 
equivalent!^ of so much force in Nature's exchequer 

The fallen pine-leaf has had but a brief existence, 
measured by a few months of time only; but during this 
time it has done its work so well that it has contrilniicd 
to die growth of its parent* and affixed there a tablet 
thaCf untarnished by storm, season or time, will last for 

Hence, llie tiny pine-leaf falling on the pajj*^ of Kichto's 
subjective idealism, when one unfolded its scroll and read 
the curious histor>' written there, was more replete with 
wisdom thcin I could 6nd in the abstrutse formula of mental 
philosophy- and thought, going a step further, told me that 
the great life-tree of humanity has likewise its leaves, of 


which each one of us b a representative, each 
K he worltsi \vtA\, to leave upon ihe parent trunk a 

From the fallen leaf, my attcnuon was nexi cxIMw 

rhilloclc of ant^ near by; but, as its story is rail:er a 
one. and also lo follow the order of Nature in which 
little and the great are equally commingled, we will 
fttroll to a chjster of pfoe^ircf-ji, seven in number, 
natives of the forests^ each one several centimes old, bii 
grown to their present strength and stature withm a fct 
square yards of earth : nay, more, may ^row for a^ K* 

I to come. 
The savant Flojrcns. from a study of the ]ife.iimc « 
animals, and deriving his rule from the i>criod which ii 
required for the animal to become fully ^own, taught n 
regard to the measure of human life, tlut the normal limi 
of man's life shnuld be one hundred and twenty yean 
'I Vied by Flourcns' rule, which, 1 regret to say. I»e tAA 
to illu-stra(e in his own life, the pine should live unendi i. : 
it never ceases to grow; it remains alwaj-^ iii l^ 
of youth — life and growth belnjj coevaL Thf 
[over of ;miiquity need not go abroad to lind ubjecu ifl 
which he may do homage. ft>r ifiesc trccA have record* ol 
years upon them which antedate Hnglish civilization; but 
imlilce man, in whose ffice the markings of the 3*ears ut 
lr:iced, these tree-* have folded up the records of by^gOM 
centuries, and buric^I tlicrn deeply in their hearts. 

When one contcinplate:^ ihc^ trccs> as examples of 
constructive skill, the study h full of interest and nox-eltf- 

niis union of strcr^h and majesty of form i:; die product 
B two factors^time and molecular force— and these, io 
BagnUudc, arc inversely proportioned to one another, the 
Bcior lime being the greater one. In a lecture which I 
Hice heard delivered by Itccquercl, l^rofessor of Physics at 
Be Museum of Natural History^ Paris, the idea was ren- 
^fered probable that the processes of growth resident in tlie 
fcdicie^ of the plant are dependent upon clcctriciil action. 
mp in the animal body it has been demonstrated by Du 
Hdis Rcymond that there are constantly playinj; electric 
Brrents between the centre and circumference of living 
Buscles and nerves, so it is probable that the ternnnal radiele 
Bihe plant is but a galvanic cell, consisting of two fiuids — 
Big the fluid of the adjacent eiirth holding numerous saline 
BsLeri^ils in *^uf;pendon, and the other the organic fluids of 
Be plant, the two l^einfr diiided by a thin wall of ve(;et:ible 
Bbstancc, By a simiUi" artangcnif^ni wc Icnow iIlU cIcc- 
Bcity is set free and matter precipitated on the separating^ 
BbII. In the plant the material thus precipitated from the 
Btsidc, traverses by endosmosi^ the wall upon which it has 
Ben precipitated, and, being unc^ admii:*^d, becomes pUstic 
BpUrr This galvanic clcmcm, superior to the chemist's, 
Bpcnfics with amalgamation in order to constantly work, nor 
Bcs it need clcan>^ng, bincc the precious matter deposited 
VI the pL^te is focxl for the |ihini, destint^d lu be- convc^ned 
into barkr wood and leaf tissue. The latter, as before 
shown, becomes an tilterior refining and finishing worksliopy 
in which the cruder matter, passed up from below, under- 
goes hs final el.iboradon ami refinement- 



Thus wc see that (rotxi materials abstracted (roni 
eanh, and which are so minute that no tactile 
coultl <ij»})reci3te il'^rn, nor auditory ossicle be morcA 
tliem, thotigh th«y had fallen from a mountain h«ig!^ 
could retinal rod perceive their impact— I rcsu 
such minute stones iJiw edifice has been created, 
hei^hi made a peer of the Pyraiiiid*t. 

The voyager of tl:c Khine never fails to vktt Co 
or, as the Romans called it, Colonia, or Colomy. 
rcmtmbcra his Tacitus, thia spot is remarkable to the 
dcr for having; been tlie witness of a victory of words 
swords, for h wast near liere that Germanicus quelled, 
few vrelUchosen words, a dangerous mutiny of the K 
army. But, besides this and other associations, mrd-ri 
architecture draws most [persons here. Some cciutffKi 
^o h was proposed to build at this place a caihednt 
which, in arcliitectvira! graniiiMu. should Mirpass :inyi!i^ 
tlien existing, and all the famoua architects of ilic wodJ 
were requested to lumish plana for the same. Amofl| 
those competing was an ambiiioufl builder, who, dcarws 
of outstripping all the others, made a league with Satan (i 
personage, probably, not a liiile interested in the maiterj 
thai if he would aid him in devising plans that would cxcd 
all the others, he should have his soul after death. Satan 
accepted the offer, and fLimished a plan which, bcin^ the 
wonder and astonishment of all, was accrpicd as the bea- 
But, lilce most fraudulent trans^iclions, the architect's socrtf 
It^akcd oui, and the faithful of the church were much mom- 
ftedat the ill-plight in which the builder was placed; and 


HMfi^^^ose of finding some refuge for him, ihey con- 
gultcnl Saint Ursula, who tofd ihcm if ihcy would sei.urc 
the thigh-bone of Saint Peter, and place tlie same in the 
builder 5 hand when he came to die, it would nullify his 
pact with Satan. Tiiereupoii an embassy was sent to 
"Romcj the bone secured, and given to the builder. Satan^ 
^^ng discovered the trick that had been dc\rjsfid to 
^Kaud him of hts rightful plunder, visited the builder, 
iratched the plans away from him, and, venting maledic- 
tions oil his hcadv declared liiat ihtfrvHfter nu one should 
kiK)w the [Ann, nor in future should anyone know the archi- 
tect's name; and, true to Satan's prediction, the plan of 
the origina] architect in not known, nor docs any one know 
his name. 

But a btrlter fate awaits our t«;rnple-plne than has befallen 
the old Cathedral of Cologne, The architcctiiral plan. 
according to which it was built, has been revealed to us 
by Galvani and Volta, tlie quivering foot of a frog touching 
the npening.s[3rinjj of this yievu revelation. 

Mow profoundly impressive^ then, the thought, wbcn 
seated among this group of pines, that countless electric 
batteries are at work under one's feet — countless force^t, 
inAnitely little, which the hand of Time applies slowly but 
ince^&antly ufK>n the long arm of the lever that hoists the 
building material to the summit of this lofty fabric. As 
motive weights. Time silently adds hours and days to his 
arm, never ceasing until he gains the ascendant over the 
counicrpoisiiig material. But whence comes this building 
oiaicnal? This introduces the lake and the mounuin— 


oiher great objecis of nature, lo which wc inll 
direct our attention. But before doiny so. kri us 
short diversion from the high to the lowly, and 
hillock of ants which have chosen the shadow of the , 
as the site of their home: and as vfc do so, the ioom 
aciivuicsofthb busy community rivet l>oih eye and 
to the spot. 

Coming nearer to the ant-hill, and questioning oot 
the outuanding scnunels as to the poh'ty. counsels vi 
govei^mcnt of this little commonwealth," one Icams no!i 
few le<Mons of I'ractical instruction, Thoujjh this iodco 
occupies a low step in tlte scale of antmal life^ its neuni 
centre having neither convolution nor other mark of iMd" 
lectual ascent, yet one soon learned t!iat what brains tie 
ant does possess are well used. As proof of this, the wtse 
of all litnrs have borrowed iiwtniction from the ants, 1^1 
held ihcm up as cxainplcs worthy of imit^ition, TTw 
Hebrew fiagc coiin^U the slug^rd to go and learn wisdoa 
of die ant ; but the sluggard of our day, who Jias Icamel 
something of natural history, says that nothing can please 
him better than to have such an example to follow, as it 
has been observed thai ants do not commence their la 
until late in the forenoon* Perhaps the ant of Halcsi 
was an earlier ri«;cT, as it i<i not probable that Solomon 
would have made such an error. 

The ant can abo boast of having suggested to Virgil 
of his fmt^ lines, and to La Fontaine one of his most 
po[Hilar fables. In thiii Eable we are told how a 1^1 
Jieaned and bivolous grasshopper s|>cnt his [tfecious &i 



me r hours in song and inrrnment, taking no lessons from 
pas^ng time or cunrcni events ; with no fear of a coming 
hour which would weigh with remorseless balance his 
uttermost garnering; nay, more, even smiling, when allusion 
was made lo the fu:ure- Finally^ the frosts of winter came, 
and found hi.s storehouse empty. In his direful necessity, 
tlie proHlgatc repaired to ihc castle of the ants^ Ijcgging for 
food, hut received as answer, ihat as lie had sung during 
gumfner^ SO now he might during winier. 

Besides these examples of wisdom for practical yuides in 
life, chosen from ihc many which have been fiirnislied by 
the anl. you will be pleased to learn tliat diemUtry has 
received no trifling aid from its labors; moreover, that this 
little insect has been an indirect co-worker with us in the 
healing art, viz: it ha** furnished man with a delicately com- 
poimded substance. to-wit< formic acid, which needed but 
the addition of one element to it to render it the most 
perfect of pain annulling agents. This gift of the ant to 
man was unheeded, and remained in the chemist's labor- 
atory» a i:selc»H thin;;, until a FreJidiman, by accident, 
added chlorine to it and gave the world chloroform. But 
man, with hU wonted nature to ignore favors and obliga- 
tions, as if to blot out at] recognition of the favor which has 
been done him by tlie ant, has changed the nomenclature 
of chloroform from the tcrchloride of formylc to the ler- 
chloridc of mcthyle. 

besides what we have learned from these insects, allow mc 
to repeat the apostrophe which one of their sages made to 
me, as I sat mushig at his side: '*To qitotc the language 


of your great Heyne, concerning the markings of ihe 
manclt^r's tail, tlirre is more wisdom in the hierogi 
clitscllcd on my sides tlian in the combined p 
Spinoza, Kant, Sclielling :ind Hegel: the si^tuce of 
firei, tlie subjecttviiy of the second and ihird. veiled 
tiie my^uc form.s of tlic I and tlie not I, and the ru^ 
Hegel, arc mere vapory words; and though the 
physical student may tind pleasure in them, yet thcic 
but useless words and tntangMe fandes ; but if the bi 
glyphics on my sides be truly tnmslatcd, the tnie 
of life consists in useful occupation, whereby prudem 
vi^on for the future is made, avoiding all occupation 
shadow is mistaken for reality/' 

Tlie formic s»ge retired, »nd left me to reflect ua 
lesson which he had given ■ and to none is ihc I 
more appropriate than to you, whose hearts arc Bil 
youth, hope, and the hiturc; for, when the frosts of « 
have come, it will be of incalculable imporc to each of 
whether a& the grasshopper you have idly sung the s 
away, oFp like the ant, have filled your storehouse 

As we made our digression to the ant-hill^ we were 
the eve of considering the sources wlience is derived 
building material of ihe pine-tree, imd this introilticcs 
lake, on whose shores these meditative ramblings «^ 

As one stands beside Lake Tahoe, and endeavors to 
form, in itH diverse features, a conception which may ^ 
given in words^ these features arc so numerous that 4i( 

17 • 

knows rot how lo commence the portrayal so as not to 
diston the picture, and he standi in tJiat wavering uncer- 
tainty witli whicli Scott has destnlieJ one of Scotland's 
lakes ; 

*' The inuuaUin «)]iuIdwk On hti brcHt 
"Wrrr cidlbi^r brcjbcn rior Jir mi: 
tn bright urmrLdn:} llney li*. 

At the foot of otir group of seven pines, with one shore 
lying in our State and one in Nevada, lay this emerald gem 
in a framework of mountains, whose sides were covered 
with pine forests, and whose crests, here and there, were 
crowned with snow: emerald gem I have called it, y«t it 
rather deserves the name of the most precious of stones ; 
for, 35 Kq>ler conceived the iixcd stars to twinkle like 
diamonda, because of iheir revolution, so the face of chia 
lake, borrowing hue from sky, sun and cloud, presents a 
play of colors nut excelled hy a moving diamond, and as 
such» constitutes tlie brijjlitcsi jewel in the dtadem of two 
sister States; and securer than tlic Koh-i-noor, or the crown 
jeweU of England, it will glitter there forever, since no 
prince's gold nor despoiling conqueror can ever wrest it 
G-otn Its Sierra casing. 

E)cside5 its matchless charm of coloring, our lake Is equally 
remarkable for the purity o( its waters; the water taken 
some distance from the shore is free from all admixture of 
foreign matter; a grttiul crucible in Nature's hand« where 
hydrogen and oxygen exist alone, '^unmixed with baser 
matter," These waters, like a peerage jealous of a long 
and unalloyed lineage, are recruited only from ice and ^now 


on ihe surroimding moimiains. the ice and snow n 
turn liaving spmug from clouds that arose from ibc 
water, cloud and snow b<^ii»g the Imkfi of a nevcr- 
chain; for exisicncc, whether in the form of organic 
organic phenomena, moves in fixed circles or orbits, 
according to Goeibc, and more especially as cIucMb 
the niast^rr-iTiind of Moleschott, are governed by 6xcA 
and eternal laws, and this chain of recurring action onfi- 
ates in the Iieai of the sun, or, as Hchnhultz would bH 
us believe, from bodie*> falling on the sun ; hence, in thf ^ 
of the lake, with il^ many-colored features, along with ik 
overshadowing cloud, and the snow on the mounuin, « 
have glimpse* of that conserved force which^ bom amgif 
the stars, disappeared in the fields of space, and Aretha- 
like, reappeared in these forms. ^M 
In tlie lake we have a true picture of the oieol 
practitioner's life in is varlrd exiwricnces, for, as it at tuff 
has its smooth unrulHcd lace, so he has hi^ days ofsnioali 
even tenor, in which not a ripple occurs to vary tiniicmniT; 
while these, again, are succeeded by those of rude and » 
a£trous misfortune, !n wliJch failure and disaster mock c^ 
effort of the professional hand. In tlic midst of such sliods 
the man stands stupefied and dejected, half ready to bdfefr 
that the principles of his art are valuolcEs, In such txiab 
the ph>-sician may receive comfort from the reflection that* 
certain amount of error is inseparable from all human el^brt^ 
and that to reduce such failure he must ever |jc ready tJ 
meet it widi renewed and more vigilant toil, for the siorwi 
on the lake of life will not continue always, but, perha^ 


even to-morrow, its frowning waves will sink to repose. 
From tlic lake, too, exampipji of this mAy be tak<:n. that 
amid tht! iicrcc&t tcnipcsis, the deep water underneath re- 
mains \mmoved: ami, as il\e waves of Tahoc arc broken and 
l>TOU_^ht to rest by ilieir fixed Sierra wall, so tiic adverse 
billows which harass human life fall harmlessly whfn they 
strike a^ainsL a wcl!-disdplliicd mind. 

A remarkable quality of titc waters of this lake is their 
nearly uniform temperature; and thoug^h this decree in the 
deeper points approaches freezing, yet, except at the margin 
near the shore, it never freezes. Thb is accounted for by 
the absrrncG of organic or otiicr matter; hence is learned 
tliat purity of character gives independence; anA though 
winter is so near, yet these waters, secure in their in- 
corruptible freedomj mock Jiis efions to place his hands 
upon them. Htfnctf the lesson ii» ytm of adorning your 
proEesBional mantles with the pearls of independence and 
integrity; adorned with such qualities, dishonor will vainly 
essay to grasp you in its wintry h.ind. 

From the many-colored waters we turn our eyes to the 
mountains, wliich are a frainc!work in which our lake picture 
is contained. As evening approaches, strarge, weird 
shadows lie on their rocky summits; distance, sunlight, 
shadow, resting against a sky of peerless purity, all making 
a picaire of such sublime character that words, let them be 
never 50 carefully chosen and cunningly niinglcd^ never 
reproduce its correct tintings, ColorSj not words, and a 
master-hand likethat of Bicrsiadt and Hill only can repre- 
sent this scenery. 



To increase, if posi^ble^ the strange sublimity o( tbe 
scene as the sun sank beliind the mountains of the wcsiem 
sliiMc of the lake, numerous fires were seen ihat had bcca 
lighiedby the native Indians, The smoke and flames of 
these fires, gle;iining among the evergreen forests, re- 
sembled watch-fires and reminded me of Uhhnd'& lines: 

" When Jh(? i(i«er'li*H rolh mice lieltur, 
An^I th* wiich'firw on high do glow, 
Then Lll dcHJrnrl ihr lanki aiJ|no|>, 
Itrandith my iwnnT >oi] ^in^ xny filing. 
I am tlie inoiinliun bc9> " 

When the subhinc iirnnilst^ aw^ikened by tlic view of 
this scencrj^^ have given place to cooler reflection, or, 
rather, when ccstasy|lias given place to analysis, one finds 
thai nature here has indulged in forms of architecture in 
which Byzantine. Gothic and Moorish forms appear; nay, 
more, as the uncertain light of evening renders tlic view less 
distinct, one can easily conceive tliat he sees in the distance 
the many-[^nnacled cathedr^il of Milano, with its towers and 
chiselled sutues; but this Sierra cathedral, with its towers 
and statues chiselled out of gneiss and granite, escapes the 
dLscoloriig touch which time has iefi on thai at Milano, 
since draped in a snowy mantle, the former remains white 

The less imaginative chemist and geologist see in these 
rocky masses the biiilding^iTiaterial of all plant and animal 
life. These arc the primitivcjclements, cast up by volcanic 
force, from whicli plant and beast derived their soUd con- 
stituents. These elements in Nature's treasur>' arc far 
more valuable than gold and silver; the latter are mere 


■li^liuenng baubles thai she has fonncd :o amuse her infant, 
Mnan; while the former constitute tiie coin, currem at lier 
ttrcaaur>'. In the book of or^nic life, Nature traces with ;i 
tpencil composed o( these dements, the primordial sketch of 
levcry livinjf thing. Yet as the*e mineral principles exist ia 
lyondt^r rocky tjrrets, they are locked up faster than ever 
miser's chest was closed gainst burglar's hand, and their 
wsecurliy in stilt increased, since even in their fa^tnc^^cs 
Hfey are moulded into crystal forms of adamantine hird- 

i| But how unlock this iron safe, so securely barreil against 
Ifintrudcrsi^ The keys thereto are tempest, wind, and ice, and 
|iTelt;asec! from its prison, this precious dust takes stnpe as 
Irird, animal, forest meadow, leaf and flower. Hence the 
dny gniss-blade, the group of pine-trees, the hillock of ants, 
Sind all this landscape of beauteous forms, are the offspring 
of yonder mountain; and when this landscape, with all its 
inhabitants — having accomplished its destiny — has vanish- 
ed from existence, then Nature, rc-combining the scattered 
elements and adding ncrw ones from her mountain store* 
house, will produce again a new landscape to delight the 
eyes of other generations. 

In our visit to the heart of the Sierras, wc have seen 
some of the architectural wonders reared by the hand of 
Nature. I now call your attention, as 1 close, to another^ 
reared by the hand of Art — in this building. To render 
her work enduring, and to erect a fabric tliat wuuld defy 
the wasting touch of years, An has borrowed from the 
Sierras, blocks of granite, and from the earthy indestr 


biiildifiR material As such, it now stands complcicin^ 
the iTiaalili^ss iicrf«:tton which care and study cou)d 
— a monument to Hltas S. Cooper, ihff prime oricHnatoriil 
arJcnt promoter of medical education on tlie Facific 

In the last days of his faial illaess, 1 accompanied Cw 
to the heart of the Sierras, with the hopc» as he th 
ihat the breath of the pines and il>e mountain view 
bring some relief to him: whcn> finally, it l>ecaine 
that all was in vain, and that the faial aliaft could no 
be eliidedi he spoke cahnty of his impending disscluri 
was manifest that premature death was arresting hot 
finished much that he had purposed to do, and, at vaiisii' 
times, durinjj his illness, the destiny of the? school which 
had founded, was the mcittcr of intense solicitude. 

As Time, on a recent occasion, realized the wishes 

French patriot, who. dying before the establirJimcnt of lie 

Republic, for which he had toiled and sufiered so mud, 

t«de hia old servant come and proclaim it ovi-r his grawi 

wlwncvcr tliat event sliould occur, so this audience, har 

*f^«c<l. twenty years after Cooper's death, in sight of S 

U«( filling- pt .ICC in Lone Mountain, in doing intellcc&fll 

^^^,nV3brv to hi^ memory, announces that his work still Iiv& 

\M swiiie tablet over the ponab of this building, huit^ 

\.s\ of the Pantheon, whereon the memory of Bichat» 

i^i ->.*Mn»rd, Announces tlie same truth ; and the trained 

lynJk 4twt cuUuretl minds, who annually shall depan hm 

i^ji wmt^ vi Warning, hearing scrolls on which hh nmt 

w\ will widely proclaim the same, and baf 

. \>)0X hi* work was not in vain, but tliat 

'^ lb tfJiUoi UViti thin lie Icr4w,'* 

-t- Could he have foreseen this, as mortality was laying its 
.- cold fingers on his heart, it would have caused it to beat 
^ for a moment again with freshened Itfe, and would have 
-. thrown a beam of pure light athwart the gloomy shadow 
^ that coming death was projecting over him. 


fi^s ant/ Grniirmrn: 

Tlie occasion of our assembling ifi most a 
ami intermitting, NoL alon*^ arc wc here for the purpose 
bidding Cod'spcctl to those who have Just bccrn hctwxd 
wich the Docloraie of Medicine, but we are hcixr as well St 
the purpose of dedicating this edifice CO the sacred caused 
which these graduates are now enlisted. And how apfro- 
priaic, how beautiful this sinicturc ! Solid, yet not bcavj 
iple, yet not plain ; costly^ yet not pretentious. Bcia{ 
work of a sincere licart, it is itself sincere. It tclb to 
It is exactly what it pretends to Iw. Its brick are tw 
of the common aort, covered with plaster, ^nd made » 
id for what they arc not— a wretched counterfeit ; btf 
ley are of the finer sort that can afford to look into thec^ 
of the worhl with the serene gaie of truth. Here \vc h^yt 
flu Uvrdf}', meaningless ornamentation ; no disjointed 
ieflvcts ; no inharmonious relations ; no ilUadapiatioa lo 
pviT^iotbe ; but we, happily, as is rarely the case, have the 
T«vviM* of all these. This edifice, the constniccion of v^wli 
||kMfa exrlted %o much public interest and curiosity, is, in tnidi, 
rV « |^iec« of architecture, a credit to the ciiy-^^ thing of 
VMuiy and a Joy forever, as every work of true an alwap 
V \\^^ Meed, will Science nnd a fit abiding-place; 


here, indeed, may she, ftuiroiirKied with all things needful, 
delightedly work out ameliorations lor suffering mankind, 

Tim building is not the result of a sudden impulse. It 
has been ihe dream of a life-time ; an object to be aitained, 
if attainment were humanly possible. There is nothing in 
connection with it thai ha3 not received tlie most thought- 
ful, the most affectionate consideration. There is no stone 
here that is not cemented to its fellow with the Iqvc of 
humanity and of science: and so cemented, may wc noc 
justly hope that this fabric will endure so long as man shall 
fee! for man. 

He who has wrought this work» has long lived among us, 
No name in this part of the worltl is more closely inter- 
woven with medicine and with medical teaching than his. 
He has pursued his favorite studies with a persistence and 
self-abnegation which only those can appreciate who have 
had the honor of his intimaie acquaintance. But tiothing 
has been permitted by him to stand in the way of his duties 
as a teacher. In tnith, these duties have ever been first in 
his thoughts, and it was solely at their call, diat he caused 
the barren sand-hill of a twelve-month ago to bear the 
architectural flower whose blossoming we now celebrate. 
From the very beginning of his connection with medical 
teachings now many years ago. such a structure as this, with 
fullest ec)uipment, became one of the great aims of his life. 
That aim he has pursued steadily and unswervingly to its 
final achievement. That he has lived to sec titis day, is to 
him the supreme blessing. I*rom the resources which have 
resulted from his professional labors^ these stones have 


risen ; and they, toj^ether with the ground on «ti:kdH 
staml, have l»!en coiwr^ycv), as an iiTir«;scrved doiuDon,^! 
corporation but recently or^r^nizcd — the**CoapK» Mnfl 
College— organized wttlioul capital stock, and with»iH 
to pecuniary profit, and for the sole purpoi«c of nukuffl 
^ifi effective. This munificent donation is burdened vtl^l 
condition whatever, except the single one iliat il^i pnxi^| 
shall be solely devoted to the purpose of mcdicil tn^tmc^l 
Should it ever be diverted by the corporation into any ofl 
channel, then the City and County of San Francisco aifl 
lake possitssioii of it for public piirposcH. On belulfl 
Cooper Medical College, 1 am hereto stay that the comm 
tion accepts this noble gift, and in its own name, and ja m 
name of Medicine, to thank the donor for this, the cuImEn:ici|; 
deed of a prea: career — a deed which is itself so cto<M| 
thrtt commetHlarory warJ:^ seem lifelt^H^ in coniparUofL *^| 
money value ol the donation is indeed grcMt— for it bmk 
the sin^lar distinction of being the costliest gift of thektit 
ever made to medicine in the United States — biit why sjjgA 
of dollars and cents; for as comp:ired with the spirit w!^ 
prompted tlic ofiering, and which now vitalires it» millioii 
are as dross. ^ 

The name — "Xoopcr Medical Collcirc" — 15 signlfi» 
and highly felicitous, It tells a story worth hearing arf 
worth remembering, Ki,ias SAMuiii, ConrcK was one S 
the most reoiarkable men among the many remarkable nscfl 
that illaminatcd the early life of California. He wasbota 
with an ingrained love for the things of medicine, and car^5 
took to the scientific study of the human body, with a xcflt 



that knew no abatement till death cut prematurely short 
his brilliant career. Almost from the hour of his gradua- 
don he Ijrgan to give private leH«*rts inanatoitiy ; and Grom 
that time up to the hour cT his (aul ilhcss. he continued a 
teacher. Like thousands before him, his labors in the 
interest of his fellow-man were unappreciatedt and against 
him was rai^d the hand of ignoninc persecution. Bui he 
"still toiled oil. ht>j«d on" coiiLent if he could but gain the 
approval of his own conscience, and extend the domain of 
his medical knowledge, lu the midst of his labors, tiic star 
of Califomiat then bla2ing: in the far west, caught his eye; 
It seemed to call him ; he obeyed the call ; and here he ' 
landed in the early spring of 1855. He had scarcely set 
foot upon :lse Hoil before he recommenced his professional 
labors with increased ardor, for here he found the climate 
particularly well adapted to successful dissection and the 
operations of stiTgery, It followed, as a matter of course, 
that he should soon become widely known, by reason of 
h]» great knowledge and skill as an operating surgeon. 
Being a man of great force of character, and endowed with 
exceptionally strong factihies for organi?aiion, he became 
ihe leading spirit in the furmatiun of the State Medical 
Society, which, after some years of vigorous life, fell^ only to 
rise again 10 renewed usefulness. Ihese natural abilities, 
coupled with an energy that knew no relaxation, and a 
geniality of temperament that drew his friends; to him as 
with ^*hooks of steel/' enabled hini to draw aroimd himself 
an able band of teachers^ who. catching the spirit of their 
leader, at once embraced their labors witii tiie utmost en* 


thusiasm. And thus, in this unpretentious Ijuc 
way, wa5 organized the first Medical College ever 
west of the Rocky Mountains. What these men lacked 
ci|uipm(nu, they inaih* u[i in nral and knowledge, and intW 
cloftc contact with the student, which is impossible in hep 
instilutioiw. The classes were small, as, under the draw* 
^ stances, iliey could not but be ; but the leachiiig « 
^g thorough and consciendous, and the students sinfubrH 
earnest and h^h-mindcd* Some of them are now 2nioa| 

Bihc most reputable practitioners of medicine in ihi% ciij.A«i 
one of them has lor^ been an active constituent oi tk 
present Faculty — an honored son of an honored Cuko. 

H These pioneer teachers worked faithfuKy and well. Tbef 

" '"scorned delights, and lived laborious days." Theydidgnod 
work— 'the one imperative thing (or man to do in thi 

V worlds-did it not in the open blaze o( day, but in quiet ^^ 
elusion, and with no hope of pecuniary reward for the rirae 
and labor spcnL Not for them the greed of gain, or the I 
hand*clapping of the multitude, but simply the Iiixur)* of 
quiet hard work in the way of self appointed dut>^ The 
world knows nothing of sucli labors; scarcely ever hears of 
the men who jjcrform ihcm; but what treasure the labortn 
lay up! — treasure "more to be desired than gold, ytia, thaa 
much tine gold; sweeter, also, than honey and Uic hone>'* , 
comb." The majority of them have passed av^*ay to "the 
silent halls of death," leaving memories vrc love to linger „ 
over, and names wliich are a precious hcrita^. Rut soc^H 

^bof them, happily, have been spared to meet with us on thb 
memorable evening, and, as we greet them, our welcome 


sw-ella Ui rejoicing, seeing ilicm, as wc do, siill carncady 

cultivating^ tlic vineyard which has known tlicir labors for 

so many years. 

There seemed to be something inherently vita! in this 

pioneer school. There was, it is true, the break of a few 

years following Ur. Coopers death : but, with that cxcej>- 

lion, ii has pursued on unbroken course, until to-day wc 

see it taking possession of this valuable propert)\ and 

entering upon ;i new career res]ilefident with promise. The 

early days of the school were day.s of hard struggle; but 

to the intense nattire of Cooper> difficulties were but 

inccntisxs ; 

"Ami 1. ^ncoit 

Did ttvm Uw dHma oT Tioy upon liia iliuul^j 
'Hre c>ti1 Alii^un Iwur/' 

So did Cooper^ upon his ^strong shoulders^ bear this infant 
scliool tiirough every peril that threatened its life. But 
with his death, di«integniting in^uences set in, and ere longf 
its voice was lieard no more. For a few years only this 
bilcnce contintiecb I lie school was not dead; it did but 
sleep, Jt lay witii all tun potentiality ^ttll within it, and 
awaited, like the spell-bound beauty, but the touch of the 
proper hand, to spring once more into the whirling drcic 
of busy Life. That touch came from the hand of two of 
those who had been witli it from its binh ; and ai the 
touch, it arose from its slumber, and^ like a giant rdrcihed 
by }^lecp, it entered with new vigor upon a course which it 
promises to hold as lung as this city shall exist. 

How fitting^ tlrni, that this College ^huu1d bear the 
honored name ofCoofER! It h, in truth, his nionument, 



aad a monument he well dc3er\'C3-^<lc^«^rvcrs, not alone b 
the peculiar reasons already indicated, but dcscni-cs, asTt^ 
because of his great anatomscal and surgical attatnaiCBl 
ami because of his unfaltering; devotion to the case d 
medieine. lie wa», undoubtedly, an orji^ina) tnaniH 
lulurc was essentially creative. He naturally dtsd^l 
the beaten paths that mediocrity can, with moderate indP 
try, tread wiih ease, and, plumbing into the forest, he ofco* 
up new jiaihh. It was his iolr-M.1, not to follow. Many of Af 
operations were so bold as to startle cv^n tiiosc accustoael 
to audacious surgery ; and yet they were tempered wttli 
prudence, and were carried to such favorable results, vis 
prove him a master of the first order. His knowledge if 
coarse anatomy seemed absolutely jierlecL and he keptil 
so — as it can only be kept^by constant dtsseoidk 
Nothing was left to cliancc in an operation, f te saw he 
way clearly from beginning to finish, and never madet» 
slightest inciMtin wiihDut knowiri|{ wli^t was under the port 
ol his knife. He was never carried away by over-confidence, 
nor daunted by unforeseen diHicuittcs. To him the hunu> 
body was an infinitude, which could not be exhausted; aad 
to the study of it he devoted himself utterly, thoroughly, 
h was, in sober truth, the altar of his self-immolation ; far 
his labors were incessant. They felt no pause. He scarry 
knew what it was to sleep as the ordinary man sleeps Tk 
fir« of his brain were constantly burning;. No wonder 
ihat *n intensity such as this did not last — wonder is it itm 
it Usicd w> \ms- And so it was, that in the midst of hit 
li^jQi^^ilej'CtdPcaining of a thousand things that remained 


to be clone, in Ociober, 1S62, ami in the thirty-ninth year 
of hiB a^c, Death dosed the hook of his life. 

He fell, as bXh the hero, in the front rank, with blade in 
hand, and battliner to the last gasp. And yet, he resigned 
his Hfp vithout regret or complaint^ s[)eakinp to his latest 
brc-itli of iriumplis yet to come, as glorious visions of the 
life beyond tlitted before bh lading sight* Thus died this 
gilied man, not rich in gold, except in gold of pricclf 

So alfMi fell, at the early age of thiriy-one, ami from like 
cause*, the great Bichat — the glory, in the last century, of 
French medicine, and one of the glories of the human race. 
These intense natures soon burn out, it is true: but what 
splendor of light they emit while living, and what radiant 
gloritfs s[3ring above tiieir graves ! 

Though Cooper lived m Calirornia icas than eight years, 
it is doubtful if any man here has influenced the course of 
medicine to anything like the same extent as he. And in 
this new Cullege, the successor of t!iat which he founded, 
and which will ever bear bis name, the name of Cooper will 
not only be a potent intUience, but a watchword to lead :o 
high endeavor, to quencliless zeal, to tireless labor. Here, 
the torch that fell from Cooper's lifeless hand, will burn 
with incrca^d splendor, and cast n^ illinntEiatinn fiir beyond 
these walls. For it is as certain as anything human can be, 
that this institution is destined to a great future. If with 
all its previous diflicaltieSf with insufficient .iccommodations 
and facilities, this school has grown to its present great de- 
velopment, what summit of excellence may it not reach, 

pith equipment such as, m a few years^ the best Ea^cern 
colleges cannot hope to SLirpa5s, and with a faculty, such as 
it is sure to command, able, zealous and harmonious? 

Medical instruction in San Francisco not only stands 
upon a firm basis, but it is^ and will be, equal lo every 6t* 
mand made upon it. The college, founded by ihr gener- 
osit>- of the late Dn Toland, is now affiliated with the 
Slate University, and between the faculty of that school and 
of this, the most cordial relations exist. There is ample 
room and verge enough for two such institutions in San 
Francisco, and their only rivalry in the future promises to 
be as to who shall do the greatest ^ood in a common 

Looklnjr at this edifice, then, m the light of what has M 
up to it, how more ihan grand do irs proportion* seem! 
Whatastory it tells: A story of pure ambition, of self-stacn- 
fice, of unfaltering devotion to a single aim I Looked a: 
with the eye of sympathy, it becomes imbued with sentient 
being, and its beautiful turrets seem hTtc human arm* 
upraised in thanksgiving. It is not, no, it cannot be, so 
much *uone and mortar cunningly designed and put together 
by the hand of the architect and builder. Even were it 
that, and nothing more; even had it been created in the 
grossest spirit of mercenary gain, siitl, it would greatly 
please the eye, for it is indeed most excellent work. But it 
goes beyond the eye; it penetrates to the soul, and de- 
livers a message there, that awakens the whole being and 
attunes it to music. In the presence of such as tlus, we 
stand with uncovered head, while Passion's ragcful voice is 


fttillrcl. ;in(1 I Ic^vrn's own peace BIU .^1! the air. In such a 
prcscnct, the scllish, hcarUcas struggle of man with man for 
worldly precedence ; the accumulation of wealth for the 
mere sake of accutnuhiion; the mid ambiiion for place and 
power, seem like ihc biuerest of mockencs, the vainest of de- 
lusions. In such a presence, what pcssimisi asks the 
question; "Is life worth living?"— what heart so hard as 
not to be toudied until the waters of ttfi better nature gush 
fonh? In such a presence, do we not feci that self^abrtei^fa- 
tion — the doing for others in preference to the dcnng for 
oneself — is the one thirg on this earth which overtops al! 
other things? Ah, yes! it comes to us again and again, 
that it is worth all ihe rest; yca> a million tiinesall therest- 
For is it noi ihc only rra/ thing wc possess — the one thing 
which gives the only pure, the only unalloyed saiisfaction 
wc can have ? Do not all sclhsh pleasures cloy ? Is there 
one in the whole list that does not? Is there a more un- 
happy creature on the face of the earth than the aimless 
dawdler, with wealdi enough to satisfy every appetite, 
and whose sole thought is to meet each whim that in 
turn arises before him ? Or who more pitiable and to be 
pitied than the one whose home is his bank vault, whose 
literature is his lolger, and whose daily circuit is round the 
rim ol a dollar; ''whose heart b dry as summer's dust," 
and wiiose unceasing cry is gold! goldl morcguldl 

Compared with itucfa, a persecuted Spinoza, feeding on 
crusts tn hts lirdcss garret, wiiile devoting himself to the 


spiritual betterment of his kind, is a God seated oq hffc 
Olympus, and living on nectar and ambrosia. 

Take any one with a pa&^ioit for accumulation, vrh 
be of money, or of rare buoks, or of pictures^ or of potterf 
or of coins, or of stamps, docs he ever have enough? 7W 
more he gels, die more he wants, and the more he w*» 
the more he becomes dissatisfied. As Cariyle put5 it 
his njgged^ forcible way: 

'^ Will the whole Finance Ministers and UphoUtercrsasc 
CoTifeciioncni of modern Europe undertake, in joint stod 
company, to make one shoeblack uappv ? They caoocx 
accomplish it above an hour or two ; for the shoeblack fan 
a soul quitG other than his stomach, and would req 
you consider It, for hispcrmancntsatisfactiort and &atu 
simpiy this allninieni, no more, and no less: GoiCt 
Hutu univ<rsf aUegcther to himsilj^ ikcfein io ^^j'oy in 
Jtniiiiyy end fill every msh as it rose. Oceans of Hoc^ 
holmer; a throat like that of Ophiucus; speak not of tae^| 
10 the infinite slioeblaclc they are a» nothing. No sooner 
U )Wir ocean filled, than he grumbles that it mighc hau 
\v^\ of l«ttcr vintage/' 

tVnwIoxical as it may seem, yet it ift newrthelcss in£ 

vKm the more one does for otl>ers, tlie more one docs for 

V^ilMvtk The more niimtrroiis the poinjs ax which m» 

. L.uku (» «ym|Mihetic contact with his {ellow-man. the 

^ 7i,\\A 4W]icr his life. The most contracted boundary 

\% thai nl Self; the most extended, the aluu- , 

. Ami Gautama — impossible of realization, dou]]^| 

\ iht)Ot*Jit Weal ever held up before man \ the " 






Btrivini; toward which is the one only means whereby we 
Ban bf^ saved from the worltl, the flesh and the dcviK t"ar 
Biorc than a half truth lies in Uiese words, sung by tiio 
Bodern poec of Doodhbm: 

^B *' tlot jc ttW •aOerl Kqhh ^H 

^H Ve AaElc ffom younelvn— nriDr tUe fampab; ^^M 

^H Sfnte othet huMk yoa Ihal yi 1U< aai dif^ ^^| 

^H Add whjr! upm thii wlm^l. afj*J hufi ind Uv ^^H 

^H Ie* 4paL4^ fif agnny, ^^H 

^M 1(1 cir« of U*n, il» lutt -if ii«tihingH»." ^^M 

■ That the desire (or accumulation is natural, and when 
Rimulatcd not ibr iescK alone is worthy, and that to this 
Besirc we owe much of our progress and civilization no one 
KII dispute; but that our present civihzaEion is not deserv- 
mtg all the encomiums sQmctime<^ lavished upon it. there will 
■kewise be little dispute. It is not a real thxtifr — ard by a 
■Cal tiling la meant a llung which hc^r** th»? t^Itfments of 
Bermancnc satisfaction; which holds within the heart of it 
po false pretenses; a sincere thing — neither sham nor coun* 
Iftrfeit. Are the great mxsses of the people satisfied with 
this civilization? I-i anybody entirely satisfied with it? 
Does any thoughtful j>erson believe ic will last unless it be 
subjected to the most heroic surgery ? It is dominated by 
Self in the grossefl form in which Self can be asserted — in 
laws made for the Few, and by the Few, at the expense of the 
Many. It is staineil ihrmjgh and through with injustice. 
It is beginning to present those tremendous contrasts which 
have been the precursor of the dcatli of so many previous 
civilisations: ^palaces, luxury, and ever- increasing wealth 
at one end of the scale; and at the other end of it squalor. 





^luRis, wantf and cvcr-dccpenirig poverty. It is a fem 
fact to comcmplaie, tl>ac in the ctiy of N^w York ihotjt 
men who haver ackled to tlicir wealth as mttch as a mSs 
of dollars in a single day. while in the sclf-j^mc city dcR 
arc hundreds and hundreds who. hour after hour liang upa 
the very verge of starvation. 

How tnie arc the worcU of Gaihe, that " It is only ^^ 
Reminiriaiion, ihai I-ift^, projiprly sj»eakingf, can be sm\> 
begin,'' Wlicn a man steps out of himself, foi^eis Iviiisdr 
for some one el&e ; denies himself a comfort that •icmeaoe 
in more need than hesl»all be benefitted, then hcdoesita 
one great tiling ; ilien his heart rtins over with silent pf', 
then he receives a pleasure such as nothing else under 
heaven can give him. This is the r^a/ thing ; ilic ratioii 
pleasure ; the pleasure that never cloys ; and the plcaafc 
thai each of us can in a measure enjoy, if he will. To be 
sure, we cytmot all hnilil MeJfcal Colleges out of th 
earnings of our labor^ as gifts to suffering humanity; dt 
need we 

" • • • ■ Wm*« low. 

Crownlw an J homcliM ibtlihe nviIJ Uc het|>(ic!^** 

It the demon of selfishness, that liejt in the heart ofutill 
can at least be scotched it it cannot quite be killed. If, odt 
of our superabundance, and without any self-denial whB- 
ever, we give a penny to a homelesfi outcast in the Mftet 
for the moment we are exalted, for the moment we feel the 
breath of llcavcn; but when, in the interest of hununcf. 
we put Self under foot — Ah! then we walk the cmpyit»» 
heights, and gather f1o\b^rs that can never fade. 


once heard a true siory which is worth repeating. An 
old fellow, wichout wife or child lo bless him, who had, 
afi every wealthy person has, a number of poor relations, 
but never thought of any of tliem, from one years end to 
anotlter, bad shut himself up so within himself that his 
whole world became bounded by his own being, and his 
nevcr*satislicd desires, One day. while sitting in his 
library, thoroughly miserable from self-tormenting thought, 
— the very books appearing to glower at him — a strange 
light, as from an angel presence, seecned to flash suddenly 
upon him. Ii illuminated his soul as it had never before 
been illuminated, tie wane to his desk^ took from it his 
chock- book, and, with a feeling he had never till then ex- 
perienced, he drew checks for large amounts to the order 
of various of his needy relatives, and one uf larger amount 
than ail the rest, he filled in for a meritorious institution that 
long had in vain solicited him for aid. After the checks 
were signed and enclosed in their respective envelopes, he 
drew a long breath of great relief, and turning on himself^ 

" You old rascal ! you dare to grow so selfish again, and 
J will give away your whole fortune ! " 

What is the essential difference between Byron and 
Bums, who, as poets, have so many points in common? 
Simply ihiSj that the latter lories sight of himself, the for- 
mer, never. The ore had a genuine afieclion ior every 
created thing — his heart was a welling spring of sympathy 
and love: the other spent his great powers in depicting his 
own miseries, and seemed to Iiave no genuine love for any- 


ihing outside uf tiimseir And so ii is, that the 
world clasps Burns to its bosom, while it clf>e4 hux 
at a disuincc, and coldly admire Byron. 

Can wc ever repeat Leigh Hunt's famous lines too 

Aboo brci Ailhcm (nuf hii tribe fnrrraMil) 
AwluC OTR ojieIu Tiook B iScq> ^naa of t*MC«* 
Afld uv withLii tt« iiiiMali|bl in ki« roc«n, 
Xiakitic it ■i:b And like a Uf In bloom. 
All iLii^ct ^tiiiiTit* iu It ))kuk «f Edd. 
Fjirrfcling ]V4fr tia4 mirir Itnt Aifhfm boJif, 
And to tho Prnnaor in thv rcofs he Mk) t 
' Wlui wiittiL lIio«?' Tbc Viii™ r^Ac^l it> 
Afld. ^th B look Tnide oTaH inrect »vA«tl, 
AfifawereiT, ' llic fuunct of Ikote v^ lo*« the LoH,' 
' Aitd b TLtLiic oEie?* mid Aboo. '-t'tft not lOb' 
KrplE^ iTic Ant^ffl. Abnu Bjctke moff low. 
Ifut chMfLy aliJ], and ajd, ' I pray (h««, ili«n. 

The Angd wio;f uid rnilihcJ. like nou nicbl 

It tmmt B^ttjn vrlTh i flrpif »jk«fdn{ riglu. 

Acd «ht>wcJ ih« nnmc* wfcfxn lore of God h*(l btodcd. 

And. \v'. Pen Adhcm't junie Jvd >U llic rrsc" 

True lo the associations timi cluster arotind these 
h*lls> wt: may be assured that no false doctrines wiP 
be laughi. There is but one practice o( medicine, 
**cld school,'' so-called, i^ its prophet — there can be, ift) 
Miuce o( things, none oihcn The public have been (al 

to believe that there is an old*schoot of ati 

^^ conira-ilisii»guL^hed from the new-school, andlMj 

sQX, lil^c the latter, is a system. But the dilferwl 

the two 

. lonncr, li^*= ^^^^ \M*:t, is a system. But the dilfe 
v-™«* the two is immeasurable, and lies in this : TbeJj 
J only practice of medicine consists in dd 
P^^ 1 cvCO'd^'^g morally and scientifically t^ 

*">^"® * ^,icUa my deem to be of bcr»efit i '" 
c« Uwf as be ^°^ "■''^^ '^^ '^ ''°'"S^' "* '** 




he can intelligently see his way, ao long he is at liberty to 
use any element of earth, arr or water, and any and all ap- 
pliances whatever, and in any niarncr, quantity or form, 
that be can reasonably believe ^vill meet the condition of 
the patient and conduce to his recovery. On the contrary, 
the new school (what the term may mean is hard to cell, fpr 
it embraces all inodern respeciabic quackery) is hoimd 
within ihe rigid rules of certain systems, outside of whicfi 
the practitioner is not permitted to range. If he be a hojnc- 
opathiftti he is honestly compelled to the observance of the 
rule of similia sitHtlibus curaKiur. That is, he must in 
every case administer that dnig which will, in the well [per- 
son, produce the same apparent symptoms observabie in 
the sick ; no other dnig is admissible; and, furthermore, the 
medicine must be exhibited in certain prescribed dilutions 
or triturations. If tlie practitioner be an Eclectic or 
Thompsoniaii, he is confined to the vegetable world for his 
remedies; and i( a I lydroiTatbistJie is indissolubly wedded 
to cold water. And so on, through the whole list down to 
the chap who cures every conceivable ailment by the simple 
laying on of hands. The members of each of these classes 
are specialists as to remedy; they are hedged round, and 
bound in, by their rcsiiective systems, and if the case of the 
patient cannot be brought within the enclosure of the sys- 
tem, so much the worse for the patient. At all events the 
sufferer will have the satisfaction of having been done to 
death according to rule, and can take consolation from what 
wa5 ^emnly remarked, on a memorable occasion, that ft 


would never do to violate tbc eternal laws ihat 
iKingfi, for the mere matter of saving human life. 

I[ ii be said that^ practically, these followers o( s; 
do not keep within thc-ir lines, and that, as occasjofli 
they go outride of thexrir then it ts plain they are ii 
tlicn it b plain they ptctend to be one thingf and «^i 
reality, anotlier thing; then it is plain they arc iiocfiLi 
practice medicine under any circumstances whateven 
it in I'Ui'i llwy are pretenders, Iiiiir- and simple. 
W But again, these sj-stems have no scientific Fjclss 
ever; they arc built on the saikL Nor have tlictrprot 
ever contributed to mankind anything^ of scicntiftc 
while on the contrary, legitimate medicine is founded op 
very rock of science, and her followers have, in ever)' 
Itocn ttuch (jreat discoverers, ihat the history of 
and of medical men would well nigh constitute a coi 
IvUiory of sciccice. 

Wwnk it i& manift-'^t that that practice which is fotindal 

Htrtttlfic principles, aiid which looks only at the rcBrf' 

^W ^kk by any honest means attainable, is the oflc 

\>vAj' ktfltliiiatc practice of medicine. And it is funl 

Mil\ \\M all furictureti against tlie regular practitioner, 

MjknllMK Kt consult with ihe^e systeiii-niongens. are ma^i 

^ ,tI the subject. For there can be no loiclli 

^ * w the patient, where the parties to thee* 

•ulA'^rt tv^" '*^*^'^ fundamenully ditfereot views, Ai 

%fyrm> rtK** w»i«^ ^*^"*^ **"'>' ^ Revised ai the expcwc 



ifi^jianc never stood firmer tlian she 


»-day. Her Past isgluriouB. her Present, bright, and her 
iture, secure. Holding fast, as she docs, to die levela- 
»ns of scierKC, as science becomes more oertairiT ^^ 
lUst the processes of medicine become more certain. She 
id science arc so closely connected, that if one falls, the 
;her must fall- But they will not fall, for they bear the 
jds of invincible life. Linked arm in arm, they have 
marched grandly down the ages, and so will march on and 
for the spintuaJ and material betterment of mankind^ 
'* to the last syllable of recorded rime/' To them, with 
yriitcfiil hearts, we dedicate this College Edifice, rich in all 
blessed memories, and consecrated by the pmTst love for 
science and humanity; and consecrated, as well, by the 
undying affection of the founder for him, who in life held 
that affection dear, and whose brigfht name will ever shine 
resplendent on these walls. To-nighi we do, indeed, rejoice 
wiih exceeding great joy- Our hf^rLs keep lime logelher 
in sweetest muAic* Wc walk with those groat souls who 
in every age have lived and tolled for man. In such blesc 
hour the sensei; swim in spiritual seas and spurn all baser 
matter. In such ble*t hour Christ reigns in every heart. 
And to him, Lkvi Cooqpsk Lawk, who has ho wrought jfi< 
the cause of humanity, whose gift in that cause wc arc licre 
to acknowledge, do wc nor ail turn, and fervently i>fa>' that 
every hope in connection with this insiituiion may be more 
than fitlillled ; that he shall live long in ilie land a*i the {ire- 
sidirg genius of these halls: and that when the final 
summons comes, as come it must, it shall hnd his work 
leie. and exceeding Dcace within his heart. 


tmg peace 

4 = 

And to yoii, gnKluatcs, who are probably <!xpccting somt 
pOTLin^ monhion:; from me, I am si>ared tlic pleasant ta^k 
of delivering a labored address to you, for I have but to 
{>omi to the ctrctmisunces ;AttentUiij£ the erection of this 
building, lo find the Icaciinj^ clcmcnu ot the professional 
career — Concentration, Reticence, l^rudcncc, and Sclf^sacri- 
lice. Concentration, as shown in the unfaltering purpose of 
hiin whom we now honor; Reticence and PrudetKe illustrated 
in this, that dcsprte the urgent inqulsiiivcness of a curious 
public, his purpose rctnained an undisturbed secret in the 
t of the founder; and, as illustrative of that Self-sac- 
rifice which your profession will often demand of you. none 
can be more imjireiisive, none can l>e more elotjnent, tlian 
the crowning act of the donor, w1k>^ not content with erect- 
ing this cdihcc out of the earnings of his own hand:t, makes 
his Renunciation complete, by wridng on its walU tlie name 
of another in preference to his own. 

L^t die Ie!ison of this hour reni,iin with you ever and 
always; let no necessity compel, no temptation seduce^ 
your ieet to devious paths ; but with onward stride, through 
every difficulty, dans:er and trial, may you " ])res& toward 
the mark for ilie prize of your high calling/' And remcm- 
ber, witli die (KWi, that 

*' Wo livt H d««db liot y^m ia tlio^Et, nol braUii; 
tn ft<Hni:», tuAr EjD ti^uHfl a? a dJaU 
We fekculil tatt^ ifine by beut'ifaroto. He BOfl tlvc^ 
vni9 ihlnks iDou— frtit IV Mbiai^octt tU fcett- 
Ufc't Un % mtui unta an rihl— ih«t cod, 
^^imiiat incuk anJ ci^l |u all :hiii£>— Ggu! 

Valedictory Address 




Cooper Medical College 

October 31, 1884. 



Prop. Ounical Mepione. 

San FKAhCisto: 
Bacon A Cdrnpany, PrinterB. 609 Clpy Street 

t 1 


iDrATKd i» Mkdicike: 

Tho Ftonlt}' oi CDopH' M«dioEd Coll«go hu honored mc vitU 
p1«»Aiit duly of iiddntiishig In pnnin^ wf^rHii iti y^n. During 
yoftn thnl joa hiv^r bcon with u% wc h.iY« strivuu lo irntniet 
m in tho lafiUricsof iQCdicino; iLod Umt wo cooftidor our vdf' 
ipo*«d tEuk to bftve bt«n itcooTn]>1mbcdi ia ovineed h^r ytmr 
■Miioe Iter^ tonlghi a« recipient* of tbe faighcst gift it in nitr 
■ivileg* U» W*Ww, Your Alma H&l«r for ilrt'c long year:* hw 
ined you in iU loving armH, hfta loviBbod upL>n you it6 tend<^Teit 
I, jind tAitjght «ho cloUi«n yoa, h«r beloved ehildri^n, in tho 
>gn r»f Tirilil.y. With Jimr- pri^^o ah** Inoks liaok iip(»n tli© ptUhwa)' 
rcr whicii rfic hn* led yon, and nyon ihe v'lcli fidds in wMcli you 
iy^ ronpcd vr\lh htr aid tb^ ^Jdi*ii harvest that fltockc^l tite 
ir^hoaad of ihe mlTid. Nor ba« the rend over whioh wt? hnrc 
ivcl«d alwi^^fl been an pl<»aiiaiit a^ tbul wliicli Vivm [n-lar'' tk ihin 
-nin^; '*o flnwprn Iiotc b^n slrcwti oir*r tbe path, and no np- 
linso of kind frivnd* and voundn of iwt^ot mii^io have stirrrd 
m on. Sili?ntly yt»i hnvc Ubar«c3 ; lAilitofnitly havrt cllTabeil tbc 
tggvd iiepB thai kad to tliv tcuaplc of cnodicinc whlrh tonigl]l 
11 arc cDtitled to enter. 

Tonight yoti b^corao tho J^oasi^rated ]>rie«te of Nnture, oloihod 
flip gTirb nf wliirlonif al)oui lo unTi forr,?i npon yonr mittlon of 
l^roy. And an wc extend lo yovi the baud of farewell^ w^ beg 
Icavo to ij-iw you »oiu« parting instroctionii to jciiidc yon ttri^bt 
ill ibo (inktiown flpbere yoa are about to ontcr^ From thit luO' 
itivni tl* hour* of yt»nT ULielage are otit ; you beoomv VFjtir uwn 
mavtere and jour oitn u^achors* No roU-^all w/Ul remittor your 
fidelity, and no oxbminntifjn wili tcitify to yoar diligoncc: but 
your vomiMni'sw will ht- marked by ihr ■iU-nt lonib, aod your trl- 
uuphti on tbr lieztrlA of th(;ia(! ytju will iavo mtOfvd to health and 


Forget nc]( thai^ however much yoTi mfty ilrffi^^ h%v^ I 
you nrc, m thi? Etamu at lhl% ncvuMan indicaln*, hiii mt l)i« ooai* 
mcnccm«iit of your Inliom, The ncioncc of rnedioioft la 9f> vut 
thill a «nglt trttOii c.iti h^nly grttap all iti ^etailtt- [t Ichoovcfl 
yon, thcTvfl'iw-B, to work inonsiiiTitly ; to work wilh t^ ardor 
thi? iIl-voUw, not wUh tijfr luki^wnrm Seart of t1i9 bread «ani 
Ore Itttlv fnct tinj(n<i>rn tniiy cw^t the lifo of him wbo, coufiiliof 
b vour iklU, irutu la you; iwd if vhtit i^noran^jO have 
fttvldsbl^, duty hoHs you moTAlly re<]ioriiiil>!c for thu orinML 

Miners 8 isu jenloiui goiMi^s aj^i^ jjrrtiiLa JiuL ]tc<T friTora U> (Ikmb 
wiio give her but Iiii-«cmcc. Do not iorgtl thai xh* t^aravan of 
jjT€gri?i4t is hurryiug uiioe^ugLy onwarJit ; that hc" who loitw« by 
lliif ivfty«ii1e will A*ntn fiad Umi ht* liu boori U-ft Whind. ft is 
your privilege lo lire iii A i:eiitury id nJikli ihc lutv^l wcndrrful 
odvftuo&i iiAvu bM^ti nnd arc bciug tiiAdc. Th« tb«ory vid tbo 
pmctiee of roodiciiia ftre do longer wtut Ibpy v«r^ wh«u your 
luiovAiiini Wf^nr to HiThtHjI. Ho hingnr do wo l(»r>k vjKm dimujie ^ 
an vitvrnal cuiily iLia cEilcre tUi: twcly ^uii] tAkcM jjimmrmIou of 
thv oitudd of lifi*. XMauflrio ia uotAduvU to bo «xoTci»cd, but 
rath«r au inharmODious flotion of orgtwti, which imi^t becomo ut- 
LLiticd to onv »nolhi^r in ordi r thni hpidih mny rptnrn. W« h 
learned to lift a cc^rncr of iho myotic veil, aitd cUpcb a gltui 
into tbo woudi-oua Uumun rr^niv. Wo cu loni^or ccurah the coa 
at^UnilovA and Uie plnnnu f^ir ih» nymbol tbnt abnll brlug lidinga 
q( Hirrow or of joy, Wt huiir the tiokiog of tbt cWk-worfe 
within usit wcfcclUic pulanli^na of the bluod ourrcnt *a the Mreaju 
huriiVBOu. atrryinR iu it« boaom th« pabulum oi hooilth or 
germ of disc^nne. Wv Ikten to tb« songi of the nir u It «q 
Uic l.-vbyviuth of the lungs from tbo jfouUt* muiuiur of litnlib, Uko 
th(T ruBlIin^ nf lecivcs by Iht* auinmer Kophyr, to tlio biM UiM ro* 
vLsdA ibo larking ncrpL^ut of uouMumptioo. Our horo«>o|>« U 
drawu, not fr^ini ibb leading of i\m tiinn^ but from tbu tncingK 
of ihu n|rhygruugi'ftpb. the rUe and f»11 ijf ilio Uiermoiuc^u-L. tic 
whUiicr« of tho atclhoEicopo, tbc rcvcUuooa of Ibo ms^^nifytug 
glAftft -Rid th« tpitt Xxihc. 

Wc buve tvjuutfd to qutMljou nnt only ibts UviiLg, but uko 
dead ; b^vo forord ilio r«ekiug cadaver to t«U utt tbi.- ^lul Mory of 
bnuiau au£Eonng aud it* o>iU8o- Tho rev«]atioTi4 of the p03tuton«ai 
lflbl« hnvo shown ui wlmt wc 0!in do^nnd what iv? cannot. Th*J 
huvK di?itiroytx! mir blind fniih In thct poworit of <)fuga, bnt. tb 
liAve lAugbl ua where nrc ui.iy cure — where we can biit ^evi 




itt tb<» spirit of rttionaJum. 
Sfuch iu( u'l* bnriT tit-ua Uugbl by ibv Biicdj (if ibt- ck-aii body, it* 
inc. ooalJ never liare cwrriod mcdioal scicnco fvom ihc mir<« of 
loranoc in vrliroh U hful wnUowcd for conitiri«4. Not ngrs of 
iqniry intn iho conEimotlon of tlio violin eoiiM likve gK'vrQ «r 
le fiiiijt<»i €c>Tiocj>li>ii] of iIlu rbfij>»Qilic» vi n ragitiitii ; ^u4 hovf' 
rer mtidi we niigbl kouw «f Ui« Bafttoony of Ihe bodj, Umt 
rl«dg« aJiMie coiilU n«vt^r icncli tu ^ovr it atjia. It n^miUDoJ 
v1vfat9Cdoii VI NoTvc* thit m^itliirii^ft T.hiLt iinilnmy bud rt'Vvnb-t1. 
Mc:c1ih;[it*> vf tulajr owcw im proud p<wIlioii to tbc accretn urniug 
tin tortured irvg* nud do;(a^ 'rb« triunapha i^f Uiij pbi'tiologut 
t\'c bvoonie tho tnump^iM of Ihu pbyfttutan, arifl «v»ry nnlmnl Anc- 
Icvd on tilt- iillar irf -ic'ietK^i; h:ix lavL'd a sEilTt^ritig luortel from 
4iul d«atb^ Tbe ecivaiiM, who rc^t ibe lnw>i of life i& Ibi* 
nrenng ontraiUof ah opvraUd juiLmnl^ m Mtua£«d by iw feeling 
cruelty. BriUnlity ilvclli noi in iha heart of iht- stiiJirit of Na- 
Lre;»ai1]ii thugroaoof UieauiiDAlliebeaTebutn>-ecbo«d tbecri<4 
of euffenng mankind. LL<t blu^ stockiiige and ftonlimontalUt* tuni 
their eyvh inyru tho laljoralory of iho pTiyfiiolt>ginl to the bovd* of 
ihoir f*^tMMTiipn, I-pr them wijio ibn h-at nf i)»p JiuftiTrirg — le^ 
ihcrii feed ibt h»Dgrj, ind cloltui lb(> naked i nud whcij huninn 
nulTt-'iinft and htimiin woe tdioll Imvc boun bauUhod from uartb, 
tLeii may ih^ygnLvp iTi* arm tliM U r^tfrdco ImiDoTacd an anlrnftl 
Id ordor t^i nvic;i]«i a fvilTwrnnn, 

Tbp course of tidiiou ihroogb whicb you hn»r *noiiC"»f ul ly 
paiHt'U, baa i'mbnui^d tbrce yoam of uttQadanc« upon tnudicjO Wo- 
iuren and cllnk^n. Vmi bav^ had ibf? advanlajfi*! of ntnptA dlf^ 
B©ciiD£ luaUrlali and ui«fcl eicailcHl opporiuniiivs* for yuractic*! 
work in a finely appokitod cbcmicial ]aborftl->ry, Yonr oUnical 
fucUiliCft havp bvou moat «£tiTniilveT and nj; gra^l a« thoflu onjoyud 
in tb« 1 Afloat citii'i, Ovor two itionHsvrjd cmvh bavn tjotTn yi^irly 
'^bjwn lo yoa in tbo flUputiwiry dinioi al^nc, bcsidcn rt largi: a\im- 
bcr tbat you bnvo tuvit in tZio vvarda of tbu City and Conuty Uua- 
piiftl, Almort cv^ry typo of dUcaao has b«on j>rcHenli?d lo yon, 
and rich upportunitir* have bocn offur<id you for fnoilltarixln^ 
youTtU-dvca witb tb<j olow of ailment^ yon will be oolEcd uj'oii to 
lr«aL iu your profeanoiial lite. Wbite yotir tvaohen havo not ig- 
nored your fioltinti^c triining, il ba^ bt-iii ibi-ir rhi^f parp>i«e lo 
make praollval dootora of yvu. T1l« aas^s you haw >«vn you 
bnvc orl bco) oompcUc<l xo look At with op«ra ^lasaco from a dift- 

tAJil aout of lui ampMifa«4tr«, It hu boi^a your pririlcgft to ox- 
nitiln^t tliE-iD o^irefuTly And c1o%«1y. Vou Tinve pvntonally dueov- 
ered vhc* j»,^ mi'trumm |ji(.'t«ul ; hAve yiMLnvUaa maJo llie d^ipiocdi 
AQtl mi<icT the [fiiidcv&oc of >our t^ftcber» La/o iltAcusfcd tbo m«- 
IboJi of trcntmcrtL. To ftll idti^Tiu aijd purposoA Coring yoof 
senior yvar, yt>u liiivt* ln^n pr^'titlciug pltyiidana. Wi* *«m! jroa 
fctth toni^lit, not laeApcmnccil nw} j^tsn from tL« Itfoture-rooiOi 
but practically fnmiliiLT with tli^ r^coj^ition ruifl tn«tta«i3t of di** 
^htt\ uitbougli your cr.Iioaguw who b:ive studied in Ui9 I&i^ ra«d- 
ival ovuLrf^H of Rurojw miiy (fO mor^ UiDroughly inmrtusUa) in the 
oo:;fjHt(5 BcienctB. 

Amorioa U a yoikug oouutry^ yv'iili tbc vlrtuoa 04 well na tbr rima 
of youiti. Utilicartni]]«iT) is nt the inmo tini« our litrongth anil 
our wuukncM- Wc iirv not I»ani|wrpd whh lh<* moldy iniditiLmi 
of Hit jJAStt nor vrith tliAt con^crviilipia trblcli otmi:* lo tbc old, 
bvaaii»o it ift oid, Hoi iu Ihu tumplo ot Ub*nj u-Llob wo bav* 
divct^l upon tbSii veiUrn boinE«pberc, ivo h^v& built no 5t babl- 
taUon for tbe privst^t of Hciii?tiD(>, Wo ar«, tinforltinat«1y, too ApC 
to rnluc scientific aUaiamcuU for Uio icnmcdinU benefit iro (»a 
derive from tbom^ And not. for Cboir intrtn«ic worth. It U ikI 
acrange. tbcrrt-'forc, ibui with tiM tb«? <f>ii>ntbtL itrd ib$ -^Untlflu 
puriiuila -ihotild Itt" si>jm?whaL uegleotod; aud it rtuiHiiiS for tli« 
coniiug gvDiTatioua to mskv tkmaad« for tbo n«g1i^cUi of tliv paet. 

Hut if our intftituiionfi hava not yot r«nrhi>d tbo p^tftgn of per 
f(?ofion ihvy h^vp EittniiLt^d in ihfl old world, tbo fiitiiro 1^*foro ui 
ii none tic liwt bright. In nil diTpnitiaisntri of huntAn aotivUy* 
Aiu«rica bjw proven to tbc world that she acoepto uo poaition b«t 
tbe foremotfln In commoroOf la Tuet^bftUko^T and in iDrcnciom, 
fthfl hna wr&»ced the (lalin fnim thi? nibtr naiionn.or t-bn globi!. 
A[id I doubi not in ibe vctALS tocomo, tlic vit^toricnof ■cleoon wiQ 
likcwiBo b« bcrs. Voang lui U our natioa tfho can alrCAdy polnl 
tt'ilb Jiut pfido to mwjy o( Ltr favorlty nona, vbofio nftiuo* hare 
btijii bewu in ndamrititim^ I^'H^ih iijion lIu- inofiuuiciiL of fiun« j 
wIiUBU mi'ULvnts will Ixr revered by the gcnoratloDs to uome> T1i4 
UUtiri« of tbc Ahi«rioon people rwsognizL^i m> msurmouutiible ob- 
ntneEuf, Let iu nUciiUoi] onc^ t^ as vt^oro\iH]y directed lo th« 
aoienu?* an h haa bt-en to tlio mcebHinJirai arts, :ind we nbuJL vtv 
tbat Uic rovolutiouB It will bring nbout ia tbe one Apbcrc vLU bO' 
M groat M thoy bavo bcvn Iti thu other. To acooroplbh tbi* #nd 
wl- require iiuiitmiou* like ibo«e of Europe^ witli ueriltb «nd 
ojuipuitmtes auob that ourf)d«uliata oiaylabor LiDdi«turlx:d by lb« 


r of sUrvation. TLtnr i>i uu doitbt Uibi ihe great diwoverim 
of tnttlioinc hnvc tnkcn tlicir ori^n ftmoag tJ^e cftmrAt utd p*- 
cient wt^rkorn of th« vld world. InfltJtutton«iiii{3«Tth«proiooiiao 
uf Uiir guimrimiTPt wilb \^r^v ntibm^icn, mjikn it poviililu for iucil 
bo ^evoio th^r lir^s to ibsinct KieuliJio punuiu ; aad the uaol- 
imofita of iho jioailioDfl, ilocI tl)« r€«p«at oonsidirred cbo duo of 
tluMO gr«ftt men nukv their Ut>arK pntfitHljIo xnH jilaA^Ani. W«r« 
tbc llvlmliolj^, the LfcUgs ^ii^ tl^« V'lixjhow* of HennEuiy tstiit- 
pe\\t*\ to cAra ihcir 0r(Kkl in tbi^ i^mcticc of iDudioiae, 1 doa}A 
tLftt ih«ir groAi ducovoriot would have b«on mfldt. 

A tU'p in tlir rlf^ht ilirifcuun Iibh n]n-ii<ly h*if»n tiik^ii. Thi^ 
Jobiid Ifopkiai' U[)iTcniLjF of Baltimoro hn* been Mlabliihcd^ 
ttqmppcjd vriUi pi>rfootapp(^£luii&ml uxtuDuivc Idborat^trici^ ftud iU 
ricbty 8aliir]ed profeiuors nra (i&k«d only lo tabuT for koitfDt<«- But 
wc iircd moiT. Tbrou^boLxt uurbri>ad oouulry I'liaim ^Ijuuld l>« 
taunificcntly endowed in oar iuxtitLition* of Icaniitig. iLvy mny 
bccocut'Mciunttlicotialro* wliovc infliiui^cv vJlbo fclt^ pot only tn 
Ibe fi^vr tnaUiA revealed, but uiave in tie ^*truiH uf ifmuj^bt thp> 
win B[>r«--Jtd broadcMt UirougL Uie I^ud- 

Ifai yoa gradoAtoi La mtdicino, who loaight eotcr tbo Ftnkt of 
tiur |>rof««ioa, yon, likcviic, htivo yuut dtitiiM to ^>orform. Each 
of you, hovrrver humUi.', will, diirii^ bin luiruer, bv 3ib]ti lo con- 
Uibutr tua mil4 to thc< dtorot of Itaraing. M>ke DOtttt of wbat 
jou Sf»o and hf^^ir^ 8nd wlit^n you wilJ tiavo obs«rv«d BomoitUJ>j; 
ii««r, let it bt-c-cimi* Uio common prupcTty of mmkind. Wo bftv* 
DO accrrelB in mcdioinc, nnd catih ^la^lly ghcA to all lii9 kuovlri)^ 
1m hrtri acquired' 

Th« life ihax yoa wLll have ohoiou wbi?D you «uUr upon tUo 
practice ui nivdict&o 14, in raniiy r&ipecla, not ihi* luo^i pli^anmii., 
A wldK^ nrnn hn-i sud, "U yonr son <ic4irc to become a phyBLcIau, 
dUMUiula him; if ho >tiU pordat, rcMon with biru ; if he yet bo 
obdumt^, implore him ; but if Dothmg turn him from his ptifpovo, 
gj\« Uim Qod'a blea»iugk for he mIU nurely tivud it," 

Ko frouiidiui; of troiapctA or boL>mbif of cauaim will r«vo%l to 

the vorld that a now doctor is boro; only a htUo atgo on lliv 

idoor'poHt^ Doctont iLru uiADy, vcti noon think, nnd pitknt* fow. 

Auxioualy you will wail, and it may be you will bi^vouio dL»i;o!irt< 

«a«^L But b« of good cboi^r. TLofcu who h&vt> uctii* hi>foro you 

j have fiurod no bott4T> und lOon ii will bo your iLirn to tajit« the 

^biltor ftwcria of a buiy prncticv. Kor you then will be no houre 

tv^iy HO times of reorontion. The call of the sick will aummon 

yon from /our ploimiro«> mjd tbo crj of tbo «ii3criiiB OfooM rog 
from rotir «lumb«n. At itll lioivc aad in ftU t^lAO^A they miy M' 
low jou. And, whtit wicli iU-v^>le<l cav*j vuu wHI lav& iQiiiiiitefvil 
la tlic afllict^* it iiiAj- bo :hat t1i<^ <irdtroyii]£ waigc\ of Jcalfa win 
rob y<»u <tf tb^ life* yon lind «lHvcn to aavo. It m^y bo tbu in- 
Klooi of lUv grntiimle und ihanlcn your (idf<Abn«^iioii vnuM 
inc;ni> K^cniiii nation ami iu^tttiluilc may be juur ^Jition, Per- 
clxBUce xht d«MU that \f^ tbo iucvItalW du« of naUrc outrage! 
mny be a«oribi>d to your Uok of nkill. Tb«eo ar* mcnwAU that 
nrtmly try ifiet fqilhfnl hmn.. nnil Rrnir thr milk of hamui kindnva. 
But he >U'a<lfut in iUv \LnowUH\)ra c>f your righlcouvisrM, ztf\ \i 
the little voice in the brcAAt but whifj^cr your AC<)uittftl,BU'viII be 

OiiTh?»otTi*rbftnjJ, irh**n -iiifCMswUl hnv^ crownod yoar pfT-n^ 
*hcr you will bavo tumcil b*ck the grim dntfi^ng tflnd, an-l 
fAtiuc4 lo rndinncc the fllckoi-lnjc flame c^E lifci your:i vUl b« tliO 
triain]>!i ind tb^: glr^ry. In (hi* bright giftfioo of the tbaukful eye 
fthil l1»L< w:iriii jtrcAjiurv of ihi' Htrcn^lion^ liaml. vlll jroa fioJ 
yoiir^ ricli rewjtrdp To you the a^ixtous mother will tttm lu )ier 
dmtrc»», will road in yoar eioiinlcnaucc tbc diototc* of futc; in 
1u<r <>yec yAu nrc the atl-^iovcrful ng«Qt tbnt cJm otU bwrk to hvatlli 
biT OisfA!n-'3irioTtL-[i diiUl, The bunbani] ami ibc nife will eMjjerfy 
await your coniiDg, and oatcb tbo words ibnt drop from your Jip* 
u you kavo tbo niok-bed, thankful for «aoh itgu of oodboIbIIop. 
Thu *kV ttmn will bog for yoar foi>tAt«*|i, nirl yoar pr«ieui^» will 
li«9|iin.- blin witb bo|>«^ To tbem you ure do longer tbo taAa iltty 
Ate acoufttomed to mod iu tbo daily wjLlke of lifc^ A biiloof 
myflttoinm «urroutidK yon, and irt their oyofi you hold tiio •o&I« of 
fsir in your hnrnli^ uliU' tf> turn thi? bnlnuc'L* tu the one »idr or ihn 

lu tbo frictlcc of yuur profcoKion l1i«r«' aic runny itoioU tlut 
you wLll hav« lo learu for yonnoh««. Hy far tb(> Inrgor uuiii1)er 
of vsuit'^ you will b»» rnllrtd upon T« rfnat in thft ordiuirj' mtiiinif 
of praoticc arc not uece««Arily fntnl— tlwy would g*t wtll oi 
tbuLifotvM. All th4i l0 DOooiefiry for tho pUy«iolaii to do to to 
muko the |»ti^nt st ooinfortubl^ au pouSbt^^ 10 diminish l]i« u^ 
fvrin^ that is the nutriml nccomp'tmrnont' of diMtu**, w urraa^ 
the VLirroundingv no tbjit the- disorder mny poju o^ in n* *1iv^ ■ 
time nH poanblo. lu oiber vorda, i& Ihvso cam^ It U luoro UM**- 
Wfixy tit troAt the pntieut than ibe dlaoaai:-. To a vory groat evf *nl 
your aueceaa lu Ufe will depend upon the skill wilb nblcL ion 

lipubtc thOM itirl^I caxk It^iuemWr tb>t jrouv p^ti^ut iloe» 
r»ir bijt troubles from tl-c objective *tai>d]>oiot th^i jou do- 
itore thro4lt vliicb \i>n know «ttl pi«« otf vrtbAtil ni«f11cn] 
i«ut» rvprvMDlei U> kUu ooi iHv |aliio)i»{po*l eoodllion thit 
ir n^icft] ej^ r^oognlie^ 1)«1 a lever tliai htrtiHV biii>, a |>Ain 
B (li«O0Bifort thM bo lad*. Hkm yon an called (i|>oo to 
ktc. ftnd th« more akillfHt joa uv in tb* mftniyeinctit of tluue 
Liificjidy Eoiiciixntiuit Usorilcn, Uw tnon? will jov be i^var^* 
«itb Uie Uuzkka ol yovr psUccL Trr lo pat yountii in Iih 
SoEa« CD« has Mid that in orfJ«r to b« n gooit plkjrtiriui, 
fJtonCd himu'If flmt Kivp h««ai n pstl«TT]E- Yo^r pjuiimt u noL 
ly a CMC, bmt i »affenng indiridnftU wbo, lu nicb» rn^uiirtf 
f jinpathy. 1 do not mean, boirvwr, Ihxt jou tkboald or/ 
rr him, u la (ho oavtom <,( oih of (be qoAek« of oor dty. If 
Wffold Mix-tHfdt abov bitn, acd t»(«cull> b«r, tlui jo« ftro 
ia ibo troablcebcfure^jrou ; ib&t a)J joarcaiubilitir^ >re 
cnll^ upon to briftg r^Muff and tbtt wtiiie not dj»poM?d to 
ibe lyiDpiOfiH, yon do dm midi^ttAinuie tlwni- 
it to you weU kxtov. n oerUus proportiou ol d Meax a do ftOt 
tK> fAvorablu a eom^. Hi^nj Are suwy eaeue vbere ftii «iU 
ifit^d iifKm th« AkJl wbieb you bhoj^ to bvoi- upon tb« tf«>t- 
ivX. H*«^ yo«i are more ibvi ibn nympaihizpr »nd ihi- illpvia- 
Uero /o«i ouy be ibe reiCtt«r- T^o jiaticQt dpoc* ttox koov 
Ktbcr hift diford«r 14 o«Q from vrbicb be wonld rccoT«r viibonl 
tUcal trcntment or not, and h it your duty in «v«ry cite to ei> 
ifie bun most e&refnlty, eo ibat your diugnoeib n«y b« a* oar- 
poniUe. Exaauae your patient from IojmI to foot* aed 
»ve no MynptORi hovover trirUj- We. pbyeioiuH, have muub 
k<nm tn tbii raepoct fmm tbe Iftwyen, who «>» rule, enter 
(? fully wia tb« OMce pivsivDted u# tbem tbu b oeml in ov 
ifcenoib Doctor* are very apt to become roatinore, and it is 
Ur too nacb tho coAtom 10 bear whftt Uio patieat bu lo jiay-- 
look nt ibe tongrip, fti^ (bn p&W» and wnu.- it pnsu-riiitnin. 
We «l)oald letTB w cro«^xamii>c oar paticotd; to bunt for 
bL-t« ttbkJ) they either for^vt, or wiUfnlly hide from qb. Do not 
enter npon the ^'lamination with preoono«ir^ noiiont. Dn not 
to fittd vInt you Ri|H^; 10 6nd. U«c ibc vnriotm aid» to di- 
[Boei4— the diemicoj n» wdl on the phytboftl — Umt aeicfice I1M 
given yon, bnt above oU iHe your good oomroon eenfo. WUh tbe 
gfentnA punibb? ea/e there w\\] be s certain number of 


»nnot uiirmv«l« bac thM tiii 
to iba iboronghnan of ynur lai 

In yoar reUtJon* to x^tir pMi«nM be gcntkoiuil] 
«««; %vo\d undme famlU&hty* ai»<l r^m^uber tkat tli^ 
f^aUetweinjoaonlytolongMtbeyrftpeet yi>u. B* 
^oiir }iM>etilfl Aud do uoi (twi^ivv Ihem, Of «ll crriiatf*, 
ia A [kbjiioUii i» the lUMt dwpicAhK for it ia a i^tM nvl 
ft Mend ooafidtfDOO. You vnU cuivr futo the ni<»f i ld: 
Uoiw witli fMir olii^nu; tilings vlll bt rer»*aJG<1 to 
04b«T oy« ii to SCO i won^ will b« spoken tliiu no qUibt 
bear. ThMOfon* most ROruptilotidy gaard ilics sf^rvU 
be etitviijited to your lAfe-keeftio^. 

[& fOLif rtlauuub 10 ^ Mil [jollvAgii6» be guidvd by 
** l>o iiDto tliotn 114 yoa voold tJiAt tboy shoulil do 
Tho code vlueh you bo^r to tnucb dUdUMd »t proAool 
rUboniUoo oT ihi* ^ildi'ii mlu. Von wscd tti>i b« told 
you nre in tMUiauluUoQ with a fallow {rrAciiliontr yoa ur« 
from ftl) word* and aU lioU that voold tOM^a htn viJuelo' 
of thn ptticfit. Yon nopd not fid totd tbAt ft u tmpi 
»Iursu|-valiiH j>rorc]uiuTiiil iiiaitiliiig, ur tobear lale« tiMt 
Jure hii» rerjmUiiiaD id tlr cummunity- FronaBaui^ 
iu»liact« of a f^Ekttvmnn will c^ard yotu 

WliBii yrvii have tpfl ik^e \v%\h oht ootiiiectJon 
cTpd. Your Alma Mntcr w31«(inbolhf>t^'iidtir tn--. 
watched over your fooivtep*, taid il vill bo bor ifrcatnt 
when UdlngM of yotir tiiieoc«s roacb ]wr v^n. 

And now, timilnmoA in M^ilioiit«, yo4ir Almn Uat4)r 
Ct'A «pcod upon your iiu»»IorL of oitrcyt not like the kni 
runt of old to J«tr»y« bat to Envo, Tho dni^iiv yon 
qiiivli nn> tlie drugunH of i^onnofi And aoptfirttttioii ; 
iiiiea yo» mv to overcome art' iUv diriciucv of your fi 
hti wiedocn ho y'>ur s!i rid* aiii^ tbt; laightj forcet 
your wflopoui. 

Film und unBami<d yixi rifctfivi- lh« Piipiit^^bfCQ 
tonight — pure auJ unvullied luny il pas* from yowT^ 
tbv «trugg]a« arc over, and tbo battle of lifie €tii% ttx 
fiosc of th« tomb. 






NOVEMBER, 1886, 






W. A. Wn^^ra A Ce . frWtrt. S32 Cali/ornla Slrtml. 6. f- 





By Prof. J. H. WYTHE, M. D- 

U but looff boau th* cuKtors of rrtedifuil faoultieit to niltlreaa 
tunuf wDrin at ci>iiim:'l unrl ol f^uoO t*l>0er to tL« graduatiuf; 
cUMffol(>ro tliofl«vcrauoDof tlinr rclaLiou aa MikUqIa j^iuI toocb- 
•rs, 1 hftvo tb« faoQOT 1o rvproflortt mvc<)Il«affu«« thiJi yota, uud 
J ticnnr to remiiLiI jf>u of our inJ^bUrdnt^wi to iLe jxl^L, lieliav- 
iDg tbat BuuL reuuoiabr&cce will uol onlj ko«i> jou stDoil; on 
jour oboMTk oouraa, And «Af 6 you from drihiafc into cuirotita of 
^UtOtonUfic ■peculatioii^ but will &Uo prOT« il L«ftlthj Atbaulue 
eobtiutuil uUv^LOL'iriuHiit' I vuuld b^ mt iuetthn detract from 
# CMiiu of Ibo prsBOcit o^bki. l(a nclivitie? mto voodcrful. All 
elr— if of aoQt^tj i««m to bo awalur to tbo poHSibOitieii of lif^, 
ftnd nra piialiing furwu-d lo iha i^tlaintneTit of t,b«He [luHHlltil^ties 
vitb &D «iuii«4inM« onlj pandleled bj ^h^ ^^renteat of oclu of 
UfltoEy- Tho apirit of difFiiaion Lak talten pocQeeeioo' of tbo 
moduTL mind, flbd knowledge, w^altli, luid oomfons of Mt&h^v^ 
q^road oVioad iu cLuuubIh l4<izfij1J nrJi<r tLuu ever. Nolwiib- 
9UtDdio|; lb iff didfiafllon, tho montAi e9i?rlu of tho a^o arc iat^uaolj 
«a«rgfttio, rcKioitio^ iu irond«rful diaoovoriatf, foUowiog «ftoli 
otli«r In flucli qatt^k siHioeMtori a^ to m&ke (t diilloult lo «iium- 
•nt« ibeni. IU ^oer^ii ait not wftstod id inanfrinuT speoulft- 
tiooB. lU ftima am chicly pmoticol, no that notbiofir micoocdt 
In wlDoing pulilio fttUfntion uEilofta it proniiiM aoiq« prcaeut or 
falui« good. Me^oal Buieaca boa largely prt^fited by the»o 
cboiMtorutica of tbo pnunt 4im<). Th« u4o of thi? thormoaaiy 
Ur, «t«thoei)opD, microicop«, and obtmioEil uQntjHiUj hSTO iron-^ 
d^ifulty aimpllded tL« dlognOBfe of diAeikfie, wbile oouoentrated 
foodioaim, tbo bjpod^noio na«lhod of modicAtiun. and tho uso 
«f oUofOforju &ad «tber, haTO greatiy ituproTcd xu&dioal inmi- 

the great deveiopmeat of'ffdci&l'cuUdre In those ^tedt '^t^u^.eraof 
oiTilization which lay between the Nile and the Indus — monar< 
ohiee having vast territories and innumerable tribes, capitnls 
more extensive than oar mudern cities j and palaces q.h gorgeous 
ma those of present rulers of nations. Wendell Phillips' great 
lecture on the ** Lost Arts " directed our attention to numerous 
iu^Feutions which may conteud for the palm with prominent 
modem discoveries. The sculptured ruius of E^-^ypt and Assy- 
ria, so many speeimens of which adorn the Louvre and the 
"British Museum, reproduce in varying phases their doily life, 
their retigious ceremonies, splendid furniture, gigantic cities, 
their ware, their cruelties and their conquests. Their hierogly- 
phic find cuneiform documents have been deciphered, their libra- 
ries of science and art, the records of their civilization and his- 
tory, are spread before the modern student, as if they were but 
of yesterday. 

"Whatever opinions we may entertain respecting the origin of 
thin^, for the purposes of scieutilic study, we mfty distinguish 
in the past two great epochs. First, that of metaphysical re- 
Boarch; secondly, that of physical discovery. The a^'e of Peri- 
oles in Greece was the culmination of the first, and our own that 
of the second- 
As all knowledge centers iu medical science, both methods of 
research are necessary to its completeness; hence every age and 
school of thought has mode contributions to medicine, and it 
may be profitable to make a brief sketch of the representatives 
of our profession as we find them towering above the fogs and 
clouds of imperfect historical records. 

According to Ebers, we have medical papyri from Egypt, 
reaching bock to the 18th dynasty^ 1,C00 years before Christ, 
representing the medical profession of that early period as thor- 
oughly organized and well informed. A professional high school 
was attached to the temple of Seti at Thebes, and those who 
wore disposed to study medicine, after passing the examination 
for the degree of Scribe, were sent to the most celebrated med- 
ical faculty at Hehopolis, whence they returned to Thebes, en- 
dowed with the highest honors in surgery, in ocular treatment, 
or in any other branch of their profession. 

From the account given of the leprosy in the Pentateuch, we 
find that the Jews, either from the residence in Egypt or other- 
wifle, had made considerable progress in medical knowledge, 

thB Bani« thiias:. The uullKir vt th«< biM>k of Kr^UtRijwti^ruH tftuj^ 
M moa to *' bouot llio pli.'rsiciaii/' 4ad dMlarofl that tbo Lofd 
" bath i^von mon aktU in madioiae that Ho nuf^Utb^ honored id 
bla marvelouB wcrke/' 

In the twilight of Gr««k hi^torj V9 t\tu\ OUirnti il&J iE«cut*- 
piuft fftmous for thoir modicai nkill, and Pliny rolatoo Uui is 
UUl*Dt pioturdtt A,chiU*« wufi oft^u r«pfeft«Qted as aompiJD^ r*^ 
digrifl, or ^aHK>nat« of copp<^r, from thf p<nnt of tii>i JAmlin t9 
sprinklo it on tbo ir«u&d» of T«l4>phiiDi. Hom«r reprooenta th* 
eaga Nwtor na aajuiA: 

> "A ^iad pU^Tdiciaii, akitled our wounds to b«tl, 
Ih morn tliftn ftr[ni«K tc> ihe])ti1)1io vttol/' 

I buTfi said that thn a^O of Podclofl m GroooowMi tlto culuuti' 
at^oti vt ]Fh.ilobupaioid or motcLphviucui reaoftroh. I do iiotiii«a& 
by thU Ihftt mHtPiiAl ndvAnoeroenl wh* tiA^l^ntMl, ftny inor» thnft 
that tbo present a^e la neglectful of npooulatioa. Tho ««• of 
P«ncloa was tbe uoat i;l^nouii period of Atbvniua hiaiofj. 
Mftt?hle»a ooloaodefl and tcmplee vrere l1i<«n bitilt, whii;h UO J6t 
the voudec of tlie wuild. It vriLn the Jkgo of philoe^o]>l>vr». nr^ 
' tora nan pocU- 1o this penod belong tlio writinga of Hippoo- 
Tfttev, Van octtiuiporarj' of HocrateB. On oocount Gf his niikttTf 
Jibilifiiifl ntid Mrquired icforrQation. %ni\ bU biHd nnd tJOmplM* 
ftaoount of the uatuntl historf of diacaso in geucraS, be lifts b«tii 
rtflod tho Father of ModioinO' Ht« irrLtiagfi eliow thftt b« «u 
worthy of iho ftdmimtion of hU oirn and Af KaccA«dmg yi>*ri. 
Tho ialinbiUuiln uf Ar^n vatal him u nUUo of (T^ld, aitd tlia 
Atli«ninat tioufurrod upon Uim ih« hi^'hodt buaon of tb« com* 

Thu tturkii uf OuIhuh in Uio Unt uQiiLury tif thti CbriAlbui <rn, 
giToninpI«4<tidtfuoe of tLo impruvojuentof mddicalsciftQce and 
ikrtiaucQ the tiiuo of Uippocrntve. 

Oalen, in thu 2tid c«iititry oammaQti^d upon tho works of Hip- 
pucuuttiH and utiier ziutliurB wbu wrutu bsfuro Uiti own tiioo, with 
anab tidi>lit3' to natuto, aad cuiiLitatto dlschioiaatioii thnt ht 
bosftmo the chief authority upon all incdicai aubjocta for 1,300 
jearA. Tu Llm Iut1<ir (tart of the rkh and baginnin;; of tb* 7th 
century Wtor/ utmeV PauIuh ^;-iudU, dulingmaUod as a gcD- 
onU pr&Qtitioii«r. but obiolly o.ti a mrgtton and olMUitrioiAO- Hit 
writingit n^ttr to muny thiogn not prerioualy kcowD. 

The ovorlliruw of Uvmau airilufttiuu hy Ibo tribei of ihm 

north, and the burning of the vast Alexandrian libiaiy of 700,- 
000 Tolumes when the SaTaoens captured .Alexandria/ in the 
j0ar 640, transferred the aeat of knowledge to Arabia and Fer^ 
mm, and for more than 600 year?, down to the oloae of the 14th 
oeatnr;, the hiatory of medicine may be termed the Arable per- 
iod. It waa based upon translations of euch Greek authoTB as 
hftd escaped the flamea, although muoh of original research was 
Added. In the 8th century Bagdad, under the patronage of the 
Oaliph HarouD-al-BaschLd, could boast of its public hospitals 
ttnd laboratories, and its many thousands of etudents. In this 
period we meet with the diatinguiahed uamea of Rhazea, Avicenna, 
iLlbacaais, and Averroes, and during a large portion of the 
time, tAe celebrated medical achool of Salerno, in Southern Italy, 
-WAA the center from which medical iwience again mdiated into 
Weateru and Southern Europe. The scholastic philosophy waa 
the greatest hindrance to the re^enlightenment of the western 
nations, but with the advauce of natural methods of atudy there 
hss been corresponding progreas in the knowledge of medicine. 

The anatomical work of Veflaliua in tha 16th contuiy and 
Harvej'e discovery of the circulation of the blood in the 17th 
mftde possible the classic works of Sydenham, Boerhare, Haller, 
Onllen, Kuater, Brouesaia, Bichat, and scores of others who are 
the ornaments of our profession. 

As I am outlining a sketch, and not a history, it is impossible 
to mention more than a few of those whoae genius and toil have 
■dvanced our knowlcdrro to its present high position. The pres- 
ent century has been especially fertile of such. The names of 
Dopuytren and Velpcau in France, of Abemethy and Brodic in 
England, of Syme and Liston aud Simpson in Scotland, of 
Oolles and Hamilton in Ireland, Qraefe aud RindHeisch in Ger- 
many, of Scarpa aud Porta in Italy, as well as those of Physirk, 
Groaa, Mott, Parker, Van Burcn, Warren, Stone, Dudley, Davis, 
and others of our owu country, will live for centuries in grateful 

It would be almost unpardonable, oven in a brief aketch, not 
to mention Marion 3ims, who may be said to be the founder of 
modern gynecology, and Lister, whose antiseptic treatment of 
woanda made such a revolution in surgery. 

It is a matter of genuine pride with every American f^urgeon 
that one of their own number, Dr. Ephraim McDowell of Ken- 
tcuky, was the firat ovariotomist in the wor!d, and that his fol'- 

lowftn, Atloo, Tofe^M, i5p6w>or WnUn, KoitJb, tad TM 
oMvd Ui<Muaiid« of ^oan tu thu lifif of woiiiAii. 

With a f«eUii^ ftum^wW Miuilar. I dinwfi jattr 
iDctproTocaeDta in onriciftiboo which ftro mndo fi«Mnr 
B«pUiub«r, 18W, lit tbo ftttDiiftl luooUiig t^f Iha Aibi 
oolugiod Bocdetjr lic^l'l iu Baltimore, ihm Proajdvut, Dr. 
deu£ A. IWaiuj. of OinobnUi, referrruiie to Uin u>U] 
of Ibo ntonu for canoor^ ft& oporatioD who»0 f^ood r«*iilU 
favuniUly for it, nftjr* " tho tnunt mtiooa] lueLbod ol 
Uhj vpanUuD ia Uw ouo iloviitcJ bj- I>r, I^. O. L&oe, iA 
da." Tbo vorUtj P[cai<l«bt of our fftoalty w^tn hU 
nookly. uid w« bunt b« vQl b* iparftd to wo^r Qtmm iom- 

Tlio mpid Kkoldi vii b*To iMndo «if the profT**^* of 
knowledge nhows it to 1>o « dtw vhidi i« feU hy aiuntrow 
It 10 ftlao » trOAfiora irhi^U i« oomnutt«a to ito jpradiutM fct 
tuiil icoTMaM. It ift no voUtarj cocie#pUon, aor oxdiulf< 
iHAj ftbulLDjg frooa Iko gtiaiiu of ft ftin^lo mind, uid ctrriaJ 
aora or leM fftithfallj b^ its foUow9r«» It U tj-utb tm\ 
ih% bpd^ 4a^ ooibd of m\n.n, se it ba* baea filt^rod tJiroufh ik. 
history? of BfEC«* 

3ad] ftti origiD ol uodica) MMOoe reodorB it botli r-nn 
and pro-gTfiiudvo. It foftttn MMareb, lupproaftda abQonul* 
tbiiAlasD], wftita pRti&Dtlf for oonArmatioD of tboovie*, M » 
ooptfl vrUlifi^l^ proredftLd pnctioil rMuLUi, Tb^prMOfttalfr 
tudfi o! th« profcMioD towiu^ vrbai if kuovm «a tlie ;:«¥»■ 
UiOory U UQ illuvtratiou <)f my laOftnUig. Haadrttd* of «b]M 
obaerrera ur^f «uuoiird^«i.1 \a\ work piUittDtlj, atDon^ tbe ttteMil 
fonaa of life ; eibcL itetv Eidditii>Q to Ihoir life-bxjitor/ ia imiiiy^ 
raoordod aad oompiurod wilb what i« ftlr^adj kEiowti;«T«i7pf» 
Hoal HiiggDHtioa wbicfa aoamH la proinise uM in fiurffatj gr vifr 
cioe Til tticil, ret. b(faau«a of itn coaserTalive lovAliy to abnMi 
tratb, in«Jicdi cKieooQ bcuitatoa to proaoonoo bactoria, in 
CCM, to bo tbG oaa«e» *>t diAoaao. 

Thn orij^D (tf HiTisntiflit mndicii;« iiuikeH ttiolaniTc do^^nui 
poujblo to il. Tbcre were indeed maay medical aeolarivaia 
pMt, vrhidi ie r>uLy auother waj of sajing Uwt Lboro wen ai 
ihongbtful eiuiamng minds, wboee geuian improoaod tbatr 
apcju ibeirooDtempoxarifttt; and it in not too uimUi to aaj tial 
all bad «O0e good ia tboni, but a trne phjuoian cannot be Ml 
Id bondft to aa^ theory. Tbe poesilulit/ of tnedioal aoeta whan 
tbat our hcmdiw runoonnigitK ivtrwna] and indvp«ujl«nt IbmubL 
ITbere bas never been a pope nor ccunotl in sctenoe, lo 

nounce, f.r cathedra, upon a tiieorj or opiuion, and it ia to bo 
hoped tliat there never will be. 

All history ahows, however, that those who foraako the trndi- 
tions and spurn the labors of the pant are alwaj'rt reiuly to follow 
Bouie vjiiU fat una over the qun^miro of uucertaia speculation. 
Hence the vngaries and incousirtteuuies of the aeet which follows 
tbe dof>mn 8Uttf7ta mimilihu.t curantur. Hence the cruditiea of the 
■regetariana, who follow the lead of the ThotDpsonians. Hence 
alBO the gross ignorance of the sf>-4:aUed Ity^iouic^ electric, and 
physio-medical sect, and the re^t of the genus. 

The origin we attribute to true medical Rclence renders pro* 
ffTflss in medical education a necessity. As the ohl fashioned 
Apprenticeship to a countrv doctor i^ wholly unsuitable to the 
needs of our large cities, so tlie enlarged sphere of professional 
knowledge requires a fret]uent adjustment of the curriculum of 
study, A better elementary foundation will be necessary in the 
future. The time is not far distant when oitr medical colleges 
niUHt demand for every matriculant^ not merely auch an edu- 
cational driU as maybe Iho result of a high-school or collegiate 
course in ordinary studies, but alsii an examination in clemen^ 
tarj physics, chemistry and itatuntl history. It is the study of 
these cognate sciences, to wliii-li the excess of the European 
period of pupillage over ours is Lir^fely io be uttriVmtcd. Wo 
also need still longer courses of iustrurtion. To cram into three 
years such a mass of principles and details as a respectable 
American college rei^uires for graduation is a great trial of en- 
durance. If we appropriated four years to it wo should turn 
out healthier braitis and stronger bodies. 

Among the pleasant things to be noted in medical progress is 
the fact that our science is fast attaining an international poai- 
tion. The press makes all discoveries common property, and 
men of genius and industry are devoting themselves to dissemin- 
ating scientific truth in nil lands, so that in a few years it will 
be impossible to distinguish between American and English, or 
French and German systems of medicine and surgery. 

Now and then a medical pedant may be found, who studiously 
ignores all save those of his own fatherland, or of his own aet^ 
but such examples are n^it numerous, and rapid intercommuni- 
cation between nations soon brings on a common platform sucb 
workers as Billroth, Frey and Koch of Germany; Cornliil] and 
BanTier of France; Beale, Klein and jVIcCheyne of England; 
ftnd Sternberg of the United States. I select these names be- 


be «tudaei1 bj? one w]u> d-i-uirce U> have ftu 

Dr^ Billiu^s' addroBR before tlte BHtiali MedicaJ 
Iftst BUmmer was a lojirncti auO eloqaent eCort, but U:g^ 
apology for tb« Ifirgo Dumber of phjiMciiuis in tho UoitcidTia 
io prupartitfD to tLa populatioa aiiJ for the super^ciftl uir«i 
from tijat fiM^t tUab U>ey must be less skillful, Tbe tic* U 
by Prof. Wood iti hia :ntroduotory addr-evid ia ike Uuiwa^ 
PemjaylvFinia, innre tbnn tbirt^ yenr^ >^Of of Ut« difln 
between Ui6 EuropeaiU and ioncricAu plijraioi&n, SM««|f 
more applicablQ, as uq explanation, "the Atuehcui pbjs 
iH the raoro practioat, the European the moro eoioniific." **^ 
Aaiericna is apt tci ca»t a careleisH eye upnii tho ab«ctm d^ 
irhete be can see no bottom* paasea luiUeedin^^ly the cgriais 
beauliful results of ininutd iaveatigatiaii, which, whftUT«rj 
b^r-eAftfif bo tbe case, liAVtt jet, a^s he is ^iepowid tij tfaj 
yiolclod no prjiutici!.! fcuits, aad dercrtea hioist^Jf tu tb^va 
<f nines by wliLeh hucan moHt surely make the^tick niAa ircll,< 
thereby at once aniiAfy hia con3meQ<?e and boDOToleooe, attl 
cur« tbat good will And favorable ckpiuiou iipoa ivhicb ImU 
to build his fortuoea." 

To returu from tbia not unnAtural cligreaaioD.-I claim 1 
hoDuat pride, and qoL in a spiriL of bortHtin^, that Ihia iijAJ 
tion atands iti the frout rank among colloijea whU:b proridei 
Bcieutifie nud pnicUciil inHlruotum, according- to the true go 
of tiitidicul iirogretM, Tlie prijof of this is eaay, Xn thia ooU 
tbere are two pri>5esaorfi for each of tbe principal deparnui 
of eurgary am\ •^UDiirai mediuine — oue whose duties &re cki 
ecienti^(? nnd des^i'ipTive and the other for the □Ualo&i 
practicMl Jtpplic^iitiou of [^riuclijleB. Ae to noriniLl tmd pc 
logical hitttology, ho ossonlinl to an understandiu^ of the na 
of tUtieuj*u, tliere are uol a dozen medical schools in Uia L 
beftidtiH ours, n]ii(.'b recjufrti Uiree years study and oxamiu^ 
ia tbie dopartmeni, before f^raduation, As a. conaeqDeaoi 
thiH bit^l^ li^raJe of work, our atudeuts quickly reoeire ho\ 
from oldt^v inedi<!ELl colleges in the eastj as well aa in Fn 
nnd tinrinaiiy, 

1 oaa iwfturo tb*.^ ^jraduatea of Cooper Medical Colleife ! 
you nofid iinvor feel iisliameil of the quality of iaatructiou gl 
m our hullM, nud aa we watuti your courae wjtii commecdi 
intereHt in thi? yearn tocotne^ tre behave we aball not baa«luu 
of you. 




When the greatefit of all toacbers appeared in tbe world, be 
umonnced tbat he oarue nob to destroy, but to save. The phy- 
riouc stands for the conserratioD of human lifo. Tbat is bi« 
nmrioit. Otharwiae bia prof&eaion is without significance. He 
i> great or small as be honors tbat profession, or belittlee it hy 
nnworthj aims and ends. He is moro of a power in tbe world 
Kban ever before, because be may grasp all the experience and 
maedial knowledge of two thouaaud years. In some good 
■mee, he ia the heir of all the ages, For {none of the aub- 
itiUitdal gains of medical science have ever been lost. Myths 
fchere have been, the adurobrationa or shadows of things, which 
irent back to tbe darkness out of which they came; theories 
tli6re have been, which were received at the front door, and 
Burtly dismissed at the back door. But among the lost arts, 
there is no record tbat any great ilincoTery in the healing art 
has ever been lost. What has ever boon gained for humanity 
has been gained for all time. These and kiiidred dLacoveries, 
■TO invested aa it were, with the element of immortality. They 
08 BO infinitely precious that the world will not let them die. 
I^ere can never be a nobler mission in this world of ours than 
Lhat which undertakes to mitigate tbe ills of humanity. When 
tome fool raises the question whether life la worth living, it 
DWy be Baid that in bis <Tase perhaps it i^ not, since there is a 
T»Ty great surplus of fools in tbe world, and the loss of one 
here and there can generally be made good with a line or two 
of obituary'doggerel. But for a wholesome normal humanity 
that has entered into life, token firm bold of it, surveyed its 
grsnd possibilities, caught the inspiration of discovery, of in- 
vestigation, of wrestlinfT with great problems, of mortal and im- 
mortal victories to be won along all the lines of human pro* 
grOflB, — Boch lives never had so great a value as they have to- 

Avd ihM anit of raliM Iiav • hi^or «zpiwmD 
UiB ^nater ff^ijtt of tnTsnUoii. of difioovotj, sot osly ia 
oat, t»t )& Ul« ^fta uij setvnette, lUQ matiAtled on lit vk 
teaan lito- "^^ wins fig«ii£jAfi Are gn&t^r iku tW 
1^ OMA. TliiB beoeice&t prvpondetuuso uf foru iritl i 
h^BA a^ Id tt^- Were it oUi^srwiMx, Lha rvfe vonU 
flooinil ZflogTVttt catftdj«m orcouTulsion of luhitf 
Wtttfeao ■liMatrniulT aa the combination of AtiljUe fl^aii «hifc 
■ocAoe In* ukAtlo, if OQc« tumod aghast tiEiiuUiit;^ Di 
dwrorifft tncnrs ib«> oonabi&atioa ot drnumitc. For him it m 
nmBid duriiT«T7 1>de&UA>4 it tna be UEeil to tkcw ouL ptAntiJ 
eoounftras. to oat caoaIb, boro liumcls Uiroogh die 
ftcui hhol aw&T danserouA roclrfi on whicb sliiiia Iutv 
vndMd. Tht* «&&r«1ufli, UEider aq infornat iaspinUitia, 
plATa Ot» Bajs« Agent to murder a few men atii] to strite 
ittlo aUuTB. Tlio twiM-Bcent use is lar^^ wide readunf.^ 
domittfcBt. Tha dialH^cal lue limited, iaolabed, olwoLn. HA 
peie&tut id hriaored because in the use of his a^nt Ui« 
tains aiv btims^t dovu to tbe plaLoa. Ttie atiarchiBt n fa^ 
ap aB a BcareH^rovr m the field- Dm^ known to be tnUl 
poiBooa are need ^xteosirelj as reiuedial a^oate. 'Dui enHdi 
oae ia rvtaiivelj small. Elf^tricitj may explode deadif 
pedOM under the sea, but lis latter uae is in sesdio; b» 
aages of i?ommerr^, of lore and ^race and pdaoo, otct the ItfJ 
atitl und«r th« q^n- * 

Do TOu ^y tbat uever before has etneDce and lOFentiTe gpiUB 
built up such destructiro enginery for war? Bttt do ■«* 
increase on thAt ncootint? Tbo livmn of peace ie more pfif* 
aWe and universal than the tjumpet blasU of war, Eren gan- 
lamed upon thacaomr lire uc»t more dostructire than feTeniA^ 
epidemics in oamps, whither the tmrgaon and the aacitarj oOft- 
misaion have gr>tie^ to ttnaUrh life out of the Tery jawG of Jeilk- 
Uore and mere, as humaTiitj processes, all hostilB ml 
deadly forces are turnqJ to the acoount of life aud peace, btl 
a Tain propbecT. thnt fheGura^f mortal autijoaisma will boo>«f 
dectc^a^u^. until finally. a.\\ the elements become obedient ta 
humfln will 'i -tided, winds, atmosphoroar electric correnk 
lights heat and coid in una eoucurrent ministrj for the relef 
from bondage and for the enlnrgement and eurmbment ol kth 
man life V Han is worth more than ho wna a thouaani yean 
ago, becauBe the sum of hia knowledge ia greater which Le ciA 


- iom to beneficent aocoont. Aa he ia worth more so ia the phy- 

doun, both peraonallj and in hia profeaaion. Moie than to 

^jaxy others, the weakneaa, and the value and dignity of humaa 

ife moat be to him a great and ever preaent fact^ Xbere ja no 

oajBtATf about decaj and final diaaolntion. For that process ia 

.going on, as far aa we know, in all the universe- A dead but- 

tarflj, a dead man, and a dead world are only gradations in one 

line of retrocesaion; while the evolntion and proceBaion of life 

is tttemal. If there be anj myatery it ia in life itself, and great- 

ast at the point where matter and spirit are linked together, 

and act and react upon each other. The learned physician never 

nndezratea the value of metaph^ioa. It ia good to be wide- 

fljad, to have aharpneaa of vision, to know something of the 

OOQBtitation of a human soul, to perceive how physical disor- 

dos bring on mental hall uci nations, and how adisordered mind 

preje upon the body, until little by little this human wreckage 

ifl complete. 

Just here is an indefinable realm for subtle conceptions and 
for the play of the £neat remedial skill. The disciplined student 
outers cautiously here. He disdains to play upon human credu- 
lity. He works intelligently, and by well appointed means. 
He observes that all along this border laud the quack and the 
oharlatan have set up their teats. This ignorant volubility 
playa against a mountain of credulity. Ever and again Carlyle's 
satire is recalled: " There are thirty^Hve millions of people in 
England, moatlyiools." The changes are rung upon the old 
platitudea that all diseases of the body are merely imaginary, 
and that when the mind is once brought into a healthy con- 
dition all disease disappeartf. This spiritual sanitation by means 
of quaokery ia as old as the record of humanity. The magician, 
the enchantress, the Indian doctor^ and all the ignorant hosts 
of empirics and pretenders play upon the imagination- And 
whether it be diTination, sorcery or diabolism, it ia only part 
of an old system in which science has no part, and crafty pie^ 
tense is eicalted by many tongues. The broad avenue of ap- 
proach ia the old one. The uninformed are auperalitious, they 
have faith in whatever is wierd, occult and mysterious. In 
their minds, it han a supernatural element, an all prevailing 
hidden force, something from above or beneath employed for the 
mastery of diaea.'^e. The mediotne man among the Indiana 
practices this diabolism. The more hideous his contortions, the 
more he eroona, dances and ahouts, the more certainly the 

ptttiect beli«re« tha ^evil wilt bo iIHtoq oqI oF Loi. 
€3(oroism U onivorwil am^ng ignorant peoples. Th<ff «ai 
prooesB has little value adeaa it is inirolvad is njjtiwj 
brougl:t about br occult meoDs. This vaiti of sitpnd 
benling ccin be traced aioag the couive of more Iktt | 
tUouund ^e&rs. It baa ao tnid relation la eoie^iae. fiH 
^ft« Applied to me^liaine, ia an open hb tbe day. It ia «*if I 
frout challeogiog inTestigaCion, turmng the light on nnrj 
tboorj, demanding tbat overy diftooverj in tbo i«4lm of U 
eball at onoa be made knoira for tba benefit of bmri 

Wherever a conimumtj rises to the bibber planes d il 
gODoe^ quftokery wilL be outlawed, Grea.t ia tbo colamiljl 
tii« people are willing and eager to pay a prenuum fori 
ejieai and STerj sh&iu tbaL brazen impostors offer t* tm 
ai-euke. The Utter d&y curae ia disguiHe<] in the i^barlata] 
plAjB upon the igucroQee atid euperstition of ^ pwt of tlie 
miimty and. profita by nostrams and jaggUng, while hif(T] 
h&eteii oti to deaths The siiperstitioaa neg^ro r«aarU lei( 
lam to pat the devil into his adrcra&rj. Th« less supena 
Initian reaoru to incantiLttoDa aud diaboliam to drire bin 
And Lhe i^unrant quack rctatjrta Lo nostruma and occolt pm 
to keop him in. Against all these abuses of buman t:nd 
Booiety ooedB aome meaaure of protection. For am am* 
nommunitT enDUot have leai^aed find competent men in th* 
fesaiou of mediolnet it viH acoept and tolerate the nnleam 
the boastful and notdj preteudGr — for ignorance evdir ■ 
fraternize** with iguornnee. And the iatelligenc© aud monJ 
vatitiQ of a rommunitj cun be pretty aconratelv gatigedst 
time by the num]>ef of chnrlatana aud itnpotitDrs oostaiita 
its patronage. Why foryeara have some hund rods, if not ti 
aandig, rei^ort-ed for medical aid to a Chinese quack who ^nt 
uoraut of the isirculatioa of the blood, aud knew no mora al 
hu[unu auati>aiy than a donkey knows of Qreek ? And «fe 
a oity of 270, LMM] people, was the office of coroner filled 1 
pretentions charlatan wbuse i^nor^Lime of medical seiene^ 
been ontj Eesa con3pii;ai>us than hia rabble rouaing barao/ 
on aaadjlota and on street eornera ? Over against this night 
are set the inalitntion and the men who are c*alled to bOQI 
great profession hr sepiirating iL from thia mass of ignon 
and impoaitiou aa far a^ heaven ia from earth. 

Of madJoLno more tbau of any other profesaion it nuj ba 


tliftt ftU Uie Iin«8 of modeiQ BoieaUfic inveflUgation either interlace 
with it, or are parallels whiob oonTorgingt sooner or later, maj 
mn into it. Nothing in the whole range of human knowledge 
mmn oome amiss. The medical scientbt takea up the micrDscope 
to Btudj the germs of diseaae. This new and marrelons scru- 
tiny takea him beyond all unaided vision into outlying worlds, 
■nd nearer than ever before to the awful myatezy of life and 
de&th. There is the revelation of protoplasms and cells — ^of 
miorobes and bacterifi — of atoms and diatoms-— of worlds above 
«nd worlds beneath — of dust under the feet, either pulsing 
-with life or baviug some secret to yield up for the benefit of hu- 
manity. All the lower forms of life have some relation to the 
higher ones. Botany and the biolo^^y of plants are his garden 
zeservationa for sciontitic enquir}'. CliGtuistry aud niincrnlogy 
are but annexeis of his medical kborntory. And so by whatso- 
ever side door be shall enter auy of these outlying auil related 
kingdoms, he will come back to his main voentiou a broader and 
better equipped man. The time has come wkbn more than ever 
before, it is required ot men iu the learned profeswions that they 
aball know, not only one thing well, but many things. And no 
men ever needed the key of the uulTeree more thau they who are 
called to be eyes to the blind and fctjt to the laiue, and a living 
bope and inspiration to those hovering between life and death. 
The dominion of man over nature is only known along some 
border lands- It is not super natnialism, but a wider and more 
profound knowledge of what is iu nature. When philosophy comes 
to declare that the universe iscompoubd of two things — nature and 
the soul— it leaves us there each to iind out as best he can, the abso- 
lute and eternal order of things^ What is drawn from books and 
buman experience is only a partial equipmeut. The gates of a 
vast outlying kingdom are alt ajar. The reign of law, of matter 
and spirit, and of an infinite intelligence over it all, is com- 
plete. The great end to be sought is to fi^nd the law and to 
give it a right interpretation. Just as these discoveries pro- 
gress the modern miracles of healing disappear. No oue can 
set bounds to the possibilities of great discoveries even in the 
near future. If tifty years ago one had said: "I shall live to 
see the day when the surgeon will cut oJI' a man's legs and bo 
■hall know no pain;" the natural response would have been: 
"Ahp then you expect to see miracles!" The day came, and 
there was no miracle, only one goiug a little before, entered in 

tht^qg^i^ of thm gat^H thftt atoo^l njsr, ititd lb«nc»forUt i 
great cry whd 9ob of |miu w>ih baabiHl in Uip vorl4. 

tho (kiliti of htcirat-uro ho wiil b* coriehsd tboroby. It i« good 
ifuuiiTiiiiiDa Lu IrruWHH in lurgt piuLuiUH, to f^Uvt tho Hini-iif LaaliMv 
iho miute uid b&lf^ui!i tliAl iLii^ftrl a oew Eiror to lif*. Lhar- 
fttnTocountorocU cortAia nnrraviiig t^odtfii^M of ftc oxelouTvlj 
prc»f«iuioD[U lifu, OnA iMt^ to ^i orer tba mUI bqJ iw) wIhU 
tkere is utt Lbe oUu^r aiilo. DoiH Uie world Uiink law oC Dt 
John Browa ib^t fao wi-oto '■ Rftl> uul Hw Friosd^/* «r " SpM« 
HouTi?" Or of Sir Honry Holland, tUo phyiieiui to Viclorfft, 
LUat ho publUhad Lhut dolig^ir.ful huok '* EufsaUuorJoti* of a PnU 
Life/' wlierc nxiob & woullb of c^btir>TTuUou, incideul and vjtpw- 
iaaeo is rooorJed rta turoly dislin^^maboa tbe )if« of liny utodml 
man? Or of tbaffonial and hitenor loving? Dr Hulrite»« for bb 
brJUiimtKuyinii!* 'I* t-bu " Autoumt tff ib« Brtakf^at Tnble/' or 
thfl iriord and »tritug« pajoboloi^ioftl etory of " £!•>• VvftawT" 
AnJ was Aj^iuns loaa aaprcmo tJiat. bo addod to bii kcowlodff* 
of luudidn^, a koowledgfl uinuLo and murvuloui i>r nil tbjbl wide 
aai ctilalcfd ItEU^jdi^m of uuLural biAturr uutil id tbo fulliiMa 
and siDapliciEv of u ^roat ^^nl bo wa4 ifvoftiDr tban Kay pria«a ar 
potentat« iu nil tho world? 
Xb dues uoi follow Lbat ek^ury prufuaaiouztl uiiu bLo'jld Liire a 
. litdrary oarooi^, ur titko to liLoratoro oitiior for f^mio ^r fortuao. 
ThuftupploiDontikl vrorb IN good to « woo ton Ufa, to franhoii It, 
ftiid lo ^ii-u A b«tl«r T^Vwh for bard louliu^ vorh. As on* 
gatbtiiB now vlaiLii^itv l>otb of bi>dy aad miaiJ bj run&iaf 
off to tb« w<>odii, or to tbo «tfoiii&« wboro tbo W4t«r taJla art 
muiiioiLl, und tb&l<iuiiin^ &1dartt give oui ft fAJntperfume. ftod Ibt 
Autoi' B[]iiriL epurlA iu Ibuuuzuk uud (rout pl»j aud loap, aiMl Ult 
broabb of the sontb wiihl i« m tbo broath of Hoavon, — so one U 
rofroubod by ufculcing btiuf oxoLuaiooii into tb« widoniu^ dommUt 
of liLer^Luru, It is ^'ood to know the iiiiuit«Tful tboagbt of Ibo 
worJil. ei«n for oati iJay. It m ifood ki bavo Hbo AUriUoa of 
many mindH to wftkcn all tbo dormant intoUootnal foroM. 
WbatOT^r maj he tbo prof«ttuio&. if od« makee tbe ciicait of It 
In a perfuut-^tpory way, tbere ia alvaya a tendency lo conlraoUoa- 
Notbin^ is moro pitinbk tbon tbat on« in a ifToat and noblo «dl- 
in^, tbonld beUctlo it, of Muffor it to bolittlo tbt) mftQ. Ifat Ibe 
obaarrer i^annot go ainia« of auob [nstadt'da (el tbe whol« rodfid 
of tbe Itiunt^d prufeasiond. Vfbeu ibore i« a |>eifooi ooatu^ 


tfient with small facte and precedents, then tha mummyfjing 
procesB begica. And this aterility is the more insufferable be- 
cause nil theTitalizin^ forces of the world have been touched by 
a quiokeniDg spirit, as if tbe inviHible finger of God bad been 
laid on the houIs of njen. The disease of vzLtruity is far more to 
1>e dreaded than tbe strain of overwork. 

The best renewal of life does not come from a oessatioii of 
"work, but ratber from tbe facility with which one can shift tbe 
burden. The angel over the right shoulder iiever yet inspired 
o&« to do less than bis bent. It is the demon over the teft that 
blinds to great opportunities and noble ideals. The ideal pat- 
tern of excellence is revealed in the mount au it was of old; and 
the divine injunction is ever in force to work up to that pattern. 
And working BO, no man's Hfe is a failure; for he triuiuphe an 
hfi lives and struggles from day to day, aud the moral of his 
death is a triumph. I have sceu a heroic uurgeon, with one lung 
gone, and tbe other goii^g, whose presence iu the tjick chamber 
WAS as tbe brightness of tliet morning, even when the shnrpuess 
of deatb was upon him. He visited patients one da}', and lay 
down and died on the next day. As sure as ht^rohm and noble 
endeavor are immortal, this man's life was a triumph, both in 
the race and at tbe goal. As long as this institution exists will 
tbe example of high endeavor and occouiplisbed work of the 
eminent man whose najne it bears^ quicken, encourage and in- 
spire young men to work up to tbe same ideals witii the certainty 
of permanent and honorable success. 

I knew an eminent artist who painted a picture in and out 
twenty times before he bail realized his own ideal. But when 
he eould look upon it as a poem on canvas, a bit of nature trans- 
figured aud glorided by the master's touch, then he had his 
crowning reward; for one hour of honorable triumph balances 
M the long hoursof defeat. But tbe crowuiug satisfaction only 
oomee if tbe result be worthy of tbe effort. A distin{*uishcd 
Oriental scholar si>ent a year in trying; to tind out why a Towel 
point was in a certain place in the Hebrew text. At the end of a 
year of patient investigation be found that it was no vowel point 
at ftU — only an accidental fly-speck. The talent for patient re^ 
•earoh — for tbe long pull at the very roots of things — La so much 
capital at the outset of professional life. And as for genius— 
then may be more of it la the penitentiaries than in any other 
iuttitutionfl of the land. 




joofi Ukd sUra, eayioj;; '■ ivfit4 firofvi irordft, tbnl ebftll be like 
•pplo« of gold RAt itt pictiir«e of «l7«r. "^for tboBo Uiera ie 
roatn — lutfl tbvmvliffayi^ will lie mom «^ Inn^ nit thn iitrnti^tnu»> 
plo on Ui6 irMlr.ftOL] there it) a bni of pnblio opinion taoro potent 
tbti>iin7oEh'>rtnbaE)aJoiitbe<4rtb. Wlion a joun^' culci vorln 
Dp to thHt irlont be bii« fonottft ppofaaMion B«low tbAthnioij;;!]! 
boU^T bo pulliu^ ntumps titid niUini[ mibbfi^jeu^ fur the miirket. 

Noir, for men wbo tak^ Ih^ flnt rnak , or «Tea ibe secocd ia 
Ibo proftM^totta, th^re mttv tnti o^ight t^ b? Ur^e pecuniary >«- 
vttrOjk But t1i»Hi emiilriEniintH nm n<TVFr, Ingitirnnf^ly, more 
Ibaa iDcidentd of tb« oilliu^'. If iinu^y in tai up aa tbe lu^Utwt 
idoftl ftc4 aim, tha ohnTinM nrotbnt tbo inilindanl vill bo «mon> 
ffTubbnr— onn of bopi^josn profeMJonnl mojIirMrity. Thorn in no 
mond quality in moiiej, no grand mijiirritioa. unit uo uplifting 
power. Akoo^ ffHTirooiuont ia not ftlwnjs a fcrrtuQAte oircvm- 
otiuk^o^ SomeiQoiiDMdotterQiilprnHHuretopnt tfa«mdowaoi: tb» 
ntmont prmibilitio*^ I navHr kn'jir but r>i]tt yoiiu,^ lftwyi*r ivho, 
npob f&11iu»( Ueir t» a Xhtkh fortuue. dili^*eull.v fuUowei Lin 
profession for the lovo of it— :(Dd ho wutt no K^^od that be ilifld 
jooitg Witliout e f^raat nod eu^roMh)^ love — a ooniutiitiif; 
bbb) tbiit btiroH i[iU> tUi) vbry nuul, uu in^Q evur ujitdF- tha 
lii^bAflt nttaiumonta in acboi^on profAa«ioa. H« will not sot bo- 
fore bim tbe higbut idoolitr but will be contout with a nmootli 
ronrifl life* immen^ (<ripfk(]jty for <>r«Htiira i^omfrirt^, iiud & 
timitwl oapncily for tbo atrc^q aud alr^iu of i^reat effort. 

1 know fi pftinter who made a national rflputntion. HiA pio- 
tnree w^rrd ejif^eHy ftou^tbt. Tho^ oomm&arltid llie bi^hoMt pHccK. 
In nu evil buur, bislovor Arul^ilioii w»4 ulirreJ trj build u unHlIg, 
Bnch a* hfl hnd mdti iti Kuroptj, Ho built it, and it broEiE-bl bim 
to the vuT^o of bnukniptdy. TbeuudfortU bo piuutOfJ n:>t for 
iwta& biU for mon^iy. Th^ nob1»r in^piraUon was gone. He do 
more i&Tentod hi" work with the dubtlQ qonlitr %nd in^lofinablo 
ffnieo of Uigb spiritual oonooptiou^. Tharj^ wau no ]ou^-<!r n p^l- 
laro Lo the moitnt for kim. ^o muftk qaqt&3 capered with p&lnt 
for «o mncb money. The divine spirit went out of tho miui, And 
ttDoiber cnb^rod in- Tbon (>amu au era of huak work. Hioh 
UkiaD who bad paid high pnoea for hU piotiireH, aanl, tham to tbn 
auotiou llOLixn to be lold fur liziy p.irt of tbie orlgiaril i?[^t, TUe 
uaa hftd pine down ou bia kuftcs to WL>r3bip tbo ^^tdoo calf. 
8O0IMr or later ond sbnll oome to bo like his idetil — >h^11 iTi «ome 
be tratiBlated into ita imu^ti. Nij imioter ever went down 


on Lie kbees to ft&y (foU«D imtg^ wlo dtd fti>t ]o»g nftarrard 
«h<m tlie ki»o marka uf ka •tf)««t proetnUioD. Agiuuiz KnT<r 
the k»7 u<A6 of hit i(I««] whf>ri I>a »iid UiJit he fY>iiUI not idr< 
tu w»t« iii» Liiue lu oAifiiujf lutJD^ij; uid b^cftuso bo cuuKl 
it c^oko to hita for Uie fkdki&K. fJUMM tb« irodd bcf^nti iki tra» 
|>oot liiVB wiitun oce iiumorUL \m9 tor bqoboj* Uiliou ikwtr 
UiojgLt of ttie beggarly fire pouuds be v« to r«eeiT« tor tba 
^»n<1c4t apic of bU tbc EigcN. 

Wb^iL l'«Aiiyiicii ufidonook to writ* %i flo much ft U&f>, Im 
dropped <^own from tbe height of iinEpirAtirn and wrot« coeb 
jiDgliij)f JiccM lliatci'ilirnKftiil, *' Wtint uJI* tiifl post Inurvfllo tl»t 
there *l]OiiI[J boiiucljiljiSfiiionpootaD«tcrBiudi>r«uB£T"Norhiii 
ftOyifraat IhiDg «7er lufittt done m ItU^tature on tli« lotr IoyvI of m 
moniy infi|iiriLtioij, If oun hhall ut itovrn l<i mite ■ Iwmh 
with tbo uppencoat tUoofcht thftt it wit! briog tK> much €oicu W 
wiU wriio Lotliiug tLifct oij^*Lit to live. Sv Jma* (^:>irit wiQ 
desf^eiul upua Lim- T ham will ba ibo vex ei pfrt^^^ tiOtil^tt 
leltiag luuse of a lorrctit of wotilH, witLout one groftt ftncl fert^ 
lining th(;ugUt> Abd bccuuM ttio tmOun^oE bookt 15 tto h 
tbd oLLtcoEDs of nei'« ooEiiiu^rciaJ t/i^Ln nod tnule, tba wo«ld 
ovuHckilW vith trnxb fit nnlj (or >oi[io grvnt »nd cIotoi 
GODfingrutiou^ Giv«& , a muucy bttuuted dchbo, a cunocMi 
publiBhsr, &nd it^detao&iao spint in tbe v^rj whMU of tbo 
tbo BinmA of Ula ^irorld will bo rnktkd otor for incidtQi 
■tiory. m which thcfu ia uot oae tboi^Kht nor oan idoUtv for 
eo<1«Avor nnd aubUJty of lif«. 

^b» tvuien of aculptur<i ftud punUnjr, of P^^^T *<^ 6«t]oa7 
of Eouidia ut4d tmiUiry. ond uf the diviuo atIh of tiswhin^* «ad 
bcftluig bftTO dOt wrought no. Buin«thiDg hod oodm to tJUttD, 
BOittO gtix of loaob, eouio iliuuiDation, »omo gnoo of tuApiratioDp 
■ouHi percojitjon of grnnd idonln tuwardn which tboj wtoa|^ 
wilbuiftllt^utttai&infbvpQof liu&UrLiiUuii. Nothing bAsj^tWeB 
doBo ev w«ll ]Q Ibia world that it may Qi^t bobollor dooeon mmv 
noro pwrfoci djiy. Xhvro im ntill tlio oorlj' djiwa mud tha l^ i. 
hood ol tba worlds Xhv uuknuwi; of Ui-duy mt-llM h^: 
ti^btof tb« kaown 0& tht» sorrow. For «vury utw uiad vs 
CftU*4 to tbo tii^itw ikud duti^n of profomion&l life, it bo vtU 
bot hIHv* tiiwfully, witl bckTA soDO utbffT tb«ii Uie bigb««i id«Bl« 
ibere ia butb room aud the welaomo of ao upen-bvidii4 world 
to nil its bonomblo dtraggbd vid to nil ito crowning row&rdA* 

Valedictory Address 



r Cooper Medical College 


^^ Meffiberj of Ihe Qradualing Ciatis.- 

Probably one of the moat iinportaDt ovcDtn in the life of a 

yoathful adult 10 that of hU marria^^c. IitiPi^'iiiution mny piu- 

tnreaBOfine where the soft variegateil light, ^tciiling through 

i, th« stained windows of Home Gothic eathedml, falls iipou au 

K al^sntly attired and joyous aa^emblage, where the ^^rauil uotOH 

^ of a Mendelasohnian wedding jnurch Lave ju^tt iioanod thoiL rc- 

k ▼erberations through tha fretted walln, aud where, in re^^pmiso 

it to the deep impTeeeife voice of the ctergytuaii, thu ynuiig ruau 

f oomestlyproiuiaes to forever lovo, vlierinh and printout tbo fair 

» joung bride, whom from all tLe world ho has chosen, forijLiler 

- or for worse, as his p.irtuor throu;,'h life. Siiali a j^uono will 

; haUowedly linger in the memory of a tnnii rc^anlh'HH of the 

.\ divorce courts and bis many Hubscqncnt marriages. 

In the life of a prufoHsioual ^^entlomau Ihcru is an Ofpiall^v 
impottantandeimiiar event. It occurs whon with hurm^jnimiH 
strains he is ushered into the prcscncu of a happy und M'japa- 
thetio thtong-, and, with all due aolcnmity, haw conferred upon 
bim a degree and is wedded to n profession, wldi'h ho has 
ohossn OB bis life's work. 

No bride could be more proudly won or, for the time, more 
fondly oberished- Treat her lovin^dy and she will return af- 
fection; treat her with coolness and negligence, and a divorce 
is not only a probability but a neceiisity- 
Onsuoh an occasion as this, it has been the custom of our 



well known tect, ihtt our grn-dnat^fn mtooMifullj compet* •viih 
iLoHo ot BTdrjr medical itisUtuliou ia tho world. 

It ae«Q)8 Tftther iuappropriate that all tLU titno ftud Anaoaat of 
study ahould 1}^ d»vot«it to fitting vou \a tr«At tli« »ck, wltilo 
tlifl TTiinntitH ■llot4td to litis pfirliauhr cliiiir ilMuld Ur hitciidud 
to pn]wrv yoix for tr«aUDff tbc ivtUt wIiicL. tjr tito wti/. !« Lbe 
aoal pToSUbU ptti ot iUe inodicrd ptoFoaaion^ Thie Bjrt, Jiiow- 
OTor, ja to bo giiinod principally b,v oiporiotico. In Tour Ent 
prof««don«l t^nUiru joa n-itl liu aomawbat ignored hy tbo public 
beuauiH: of jronr iuti ptTriiMiiw. Tbin iu«ijiQrieui:a getieridljr 
Ttttn to your Uck ul tlte lubit of pouliTonoea aod of tho a|)- 
ftMirttic^ of liiddon doptlm of wi»iocD. Tiia unodnciitAd chaHn- 
tan, iritU hiM ootito knawlcd^fct of Imiomt (ThhTiif1«r nnil licqiurod 
abiHLj of pUjUiif ujwa Luiuttu fActilliea ftnO ftympAtliifrB, b norar 
ucuBod of iae3L|)«nou««. I bliAll. iLcroforo, brictly on<lGBvoT to 
itaphrl a IH1I9 of ibin informntioOt A&d Hpouk of tto ttubjoct 
ivliieh fIrtL wiJi^ifHUi itHilf^ttiu ntlnLiun wbiuli thu public Hud 
cuedicil profcui^ni liAve tu ui;^CBUotli«i'. 

WUsl b«aofitd i« Uie profcsaioo o! nitdicin^ to »p#ct Stoax tbo 
public? ^tlh all duo rei^bOl t<i hnmnn indiTidctnlo, V9 find 
tliAt Ibu ifaunml piibtu; usuvlly Itna yfiy ItUliT rnv^iccl for ititelfj 
6XCC17I i*]i«r« imiatfdiiite tangible profit is at ebike< Tbe grant- 
ing i>f ti« AliLgna CItftrta, tho auoceuiful fltrugglo of S^turlAnd 
for hhiiTty, ihn ir.dmnilnblii irQRTgj whirJi, amid oil iinft^Tiiiblct 
privaliontf and bftrdifiipEi, Mcured an AtacrJOAU ludciicndoace. 
4n epooha ia hifttory wbiob contrast atrivu^.'cly ivith tbo ot^^unry 
coarse of Iho wor1d'« «T«iit«- T)i« liiiniAn mind pQsoMMflUM much 
of ihtr ImiUI itintinct miti;;lm1 with iutifllij^nt furulUcH^ While 
peoplo ba^o »tubLoittlr u^it:tiuii«d a principle, buvroror wild 
and noifiOAonable, tb«y have eho^vu a aupr^iuo diari^gard for 
humnn life. Trcn mU1«k(jn i-AligicuH b^rliofn htro dniitroydd 
hou««, devDtvlatcd dtitjt, aud ovcrthTQurn giJvci'tinictitB. Noble 
m^n h&Ta xoUcd in noi^oniD dungcontf und boon burned at tho 
fttftk^, lutionoat «bildron aud loviog motb«re hfiTo baon Ininad 
^iv«i, or bcnind on Hoanhoi^ tr> \w iitnuiglni) hy thn inmimiag 
tido, BmUl BoMicrsi haro cut out quivering buarta and de- 
voured the r«ektuj* inbHti bdforo Uio gluc^i titanuj^ oyoa of thoir 
viciinLM, and b«]j«ved that th&y vere obeying divio<i ooEam^rtdju 
AgAin, Eurtjpn Uaa bnr-iL di^lugod in blond to gratify tbo aoibl- 
tioD of a Craot and a Nctpoleon, TbounritjdH uf yttin have boon 
raquired to develop the rooognition of thoii«cofiitilya»vrtilla»th6 

mouw of cbectdfig ]>«iaijl«ic«s, nliich were moro dlr«fal \n Ib^ 
dOTUUtioni tbui tbo bloodj bwoi^ of Alorio ftsd G«imciu 
old. One of th« uvMt filthy of dtioc at Ut« pr««#iit tifst li 
Mecca. To IbU Ui>m uf 40,000 mbiibltHalH rn>m lOTiAV*) U 
1,000/H)0 pitffriEiiif rtomiAlly cou^ni^t^ duriu^ Lbc br^ltflki 
sort of tho tropicfil y^kr. All tb* sawAg« t^vrtt ibroiigfa tlu 
tttr^MH in np«ii g-iittdri. und Uia tlnrV, Aliviy, uffoTudT*} mm 
f»clH tb<) &1T. nulcr aoJ Uifr rotUiJi; food. Such » ai^lit CBajbl 
cffiffad ihoddicftic tivtoaof ibc inhatutanuof our oira city. Hcfi^i 
in San Fmneittco long rvservoin uro ufuSj Iniri^d bonofttk tbf 
sutl, no i:umilru4il<^ thnt Iherci aluitl he uci oullluw U) Ihfs joul; 
acet)iaa1atioii« of Ibo taoel «hi>mia&bl« o( tloooopLiiiiu: &tiL 
Tbtifl there iw no diuij^or of offending tba (tight, Uit UMttbi 
iiihfibilAntit of our bi^uvcn 1)JiuMd oilj ingy «iit)intirRl!j n^jf 
the f ull beiielltd of {iL^cul de^f^uurttUoti, Uio luUfrionicft aMA 
houso, ev^D tho alMpiiLg ni^ftrliuaxklA, id which are ooonffMl 
to iwoct UDt>ou«(^ioua £l«cp t)io loTod childnJb and iDfioeaai 
tm1>«!«, iin? itet'iirn'ly uunDoct«db/iiictiJ)i<!pip(uiwiUi Uicnegi^ia- 
tic culture tubea of the ^riun of ooarJel fevw, erjaipcLM ff^ 
phoid nnd dijilLlhom. Tlio rut^l tlutti^aai^tfaeiiifftat'MCOKk 
11 tho dark uii^cl 'jf d4^th. Pc«U]oii(ia koopi nighOj fijplii 
the lied cUauuWr. but he is wiskumc} sa loEig as be U not duBgvl' 
iii^ to aijfbt or vEQoU. Nocitycould pOMiblj be letter |>n>viJ«d 
by AAiuro wUb faciliUofi for p^Hact MVMVge or aviea «ii»tjiUt 
dTaiBagtt, hut our fnbabitanLi prufer to baanl ap tboir gold «od 
BlaogLlerthe iuuocoiit. Wo it^mble btfcaii^ oar hirbcx^ li«i 
d«fon»oloMlj at Iho njorcy of sooao poswiUo foroii^n fiM, but ii 
viUuI it'uoTiiii««, nourisih at our h«iiTth«toitiift a noUt'lttv* ^utmf. 
yrhfJHt futidit,v is a tboufl^od-fold monr direfuJ. <7hulvra uJ 
siaallpox frota Abift, follow fovcr from Moxioo And Caatnl 
JLiBorica, tbo loAthaoma plague* from tha bluciln of the J'AdAr 
fljid Et imtuntl accMH lo tb^ priiiciiiul seap'jrt i»f our W«-ffa 
OoutiuouU aud yet wa feel aiecuro in our poorly ittdd ixuaraitlit' 
oAocr, vho, vithout aa offi^al atation, flita about oar cxUe*^ 
baj ina diminutivA 'tcisi Uancb, Our H««llh Officer, vivm 
ioUry ik ^Kjiud tu Uiut of Ibo SheriCb boolc-Lr uper, In aipcHcJ 
to dUcovar and uoUto costa^ous due&toa, bnt to jcaprova tb 
■aaiUfy coaditiob of tba oity bo nuiifc bog tlw ooowtavy pcrttf^ 
diem frotn UiA HciromM» Boinl of Soiiv-rrinurv, aivl oftsti W 
ill lalu. Oursti Hciltli Iusp«cio£tt bai« rtoeived no nodi^ 
edtK;ation, and th«ir kuovl^d^o of what txMf b« itocaiatfrn 

induct beakb is Iiiuit«il Acc^rilio^l^- Oiu' cftu^Un^ occui.; tbo 
ftlopeft surroumiirij; tLo dt>y> aikI tLc dead euo liUmlly nloDpiD^if 
with tt:« Jiving. Wo l>rohtbv tbe ** pnro " oc^au lUr nfUir it bas 
1>eeiJ ntMt^l tl]rot]i<b i^nive ^outfB. 

Witb poc^liAr iiicoDsi&l«iic.v, SUto fUi<l iuuiiLLn]>Al Jjivr«, tbo 
inteUigODt pvou and public nympftlliv arc up in armE n^amri tbo 
vloo of c^ium-Ktsokiiitf, parhttpt bec^UbO it is a vic« imported 
from karbftrJMri: wtiittf tbe )aw prot^oU, publia a^uLiiii«iit ooo- 
doB«, and individuftl ciliioDs potition for tbo wtabliabtQ«Dt of 
Ath^nnuidfoJd iDoroprovalcQt,did({uttiDpuiidpcrnioiotuviee — 
the iifoofaol hubit £v()ii ibu uttloou-ki^vptsr^ wliu luwfullj^ poi- 
»0UH ibo public with tbc lilestof uJcvbulic aumpuumlt. iu a1- 
l^wc^l tc fmoio our Inwe OLnd to rcccivrr political Lomaj^> Wo 
ftTo obli^d to ima^nni* tbo cpiu3n-/rnd iu bie ifffn, whiJo by 
WflUiiug Mt>uQd tbe cofCDr wi> <iao iff tbo gildoil rndfian luid the 
jjoifJcnion vrbi> driukb. 

Opitua UDokju^ produci>»fau<TUo&aldonLf-DJUoutBrromwbiob 
ncoTory m AlwAya powabl^. Ic bns tiov«- diroetly cftu«od n 
de«tb (IT smit ft Kiii$;1e piitit'iLl U> tmr IriHiinn Anjrhim; it ih uovi^r 
o^^ertd jLH Bti excuMf for ciime, nor is it obDoJiiou-s in tlio public 
0tn>«t>»^ In faot, we, wLo nio eiltin^ horo, would ucvor know of 
itai>iii]tcuca vifrn it not Tor Ibi^ occfAiiioDnl oxprt-HsionM of tndig-' 
nfttioa on tbo pint of tlto public pTonn^ Oti tb<^ oihbt bund, id- 
€obol tiiduc«e org&ai« dieMMe, from vrliifib n^coverv 14 iu3poft«i- 
bl«. In thiA city in 1S86, it VM tho din^ct cnunc of uttty daathti 
uid Wf&t fprty-iiitia pitiftuU tii thr Stucktciii Iiisnuif Aaijlum^ It 
ifi trutbfully offered in tbo caurtn ub iuj vileuuutiLiu of M tlie 
on&i«p« roco^iii2<d in our Pooal Codi? It hourly iitrL^jcore Along 
our public tbon^u^bfaronfltidnti^ri^in^ tbr MiMy oi tbu tinpro* 
tficttxl, bnd KO (jUlnai much of uur fiHnl frum ihv <*i>riibr ^mi<er- 
i«o, wbiob aic loo often tbe nuto-rooma of driiikin^' lud ^'um- 
bling d«&a. 

Our LcgiaUtiiro bun in rwipr^Dieo la mndlc-sl fiT]trcnti«?>, gruclg* 
ingly ouactcd eDiuicut ItiiTfi to }>njtt}ot tbo innuriutt public from 
tbo uoEd eh&cfi«ful nnd dvatb dealing quf^jkorj. but without 
iUlAii^Al tdd to r*ad»r tba Uwk oparAtiv^, TboasiimU ci dol* 
Imm aro jf<nrly supoiidcul by publii; itiid privntn tiontributiiitiH tu 
educjil« tbe youtb in iiupntcticnl btudieti — nnd. I luigM ft^ld. 
to dtrurf tboir f roiQ^S by forced merLtnl labor :n ov*»r'^r*>wdftd 
rocirnA iiad viiiiiUH3 utmospbere, — bat not onty pdniiy to tauob tbo 
Uw« of h«aUb or to invi^igato tbe ^roat probtomH wbicb lie at 


the T«ij foundation of all humftn uaofalnoMtttd h*|ypiiMai, la 
your duty profc^ftsioiin] vrnlka vou wtU bo nhirtlod nod diigwM 
at \htt oHininfll i^uomued of purenls in ihd reo^Hniif of thoM 
vbom the Almif^ljtj Uma lutruiEuJ to ih^li keeiiin^. Tbo iiJ- 
vioo which rovi proH'orU often loot wiUj dinbtilief mid contoopL 
Tbe /iffticlcd iu<.mVicr of ■omolontiff housohoW U trallikntlT^oah 
sigiLvd lollitif^rAvu by i^nuruiil iiej^ligviii:<&, iiulTvilbatuidib^jrOttr 
b<4t piiDfoeuc>uu] ondefLvora to wtrj off tliO hiuidcl cIoaUi- Bt«o 
onr dAlly f apors^ with nil tlioir Aaporior cQr«rpn%o nod ftcanoD, 
dlTuct th«irroad«ni tomtch the flouting bacrioHA of dlpliUiob 
ju a^oblel, Qud wAtc-h Ui»ui diiuplveiu th» (mueo of liBittiaf 
turpeatiue ftud lar. 

Tl]<i oiilfir a poopto, tho mor« tloon it loam froaa oiporuoo^ 
Our g(Ttn>r«l R;<jvr»rnTin>iit biu r«n«hiicl tlic^a jetrH of dtttoretiiMi, 
anil novt roco^uKonihc itaiioriAntst at m*idwa\ study iu niAuitai^ 
iB^ further growth and prof^row. Thlo'lical oommiMiODon ^n 
booQ appointed no^ in>a¥iillj paid to iDVDfltigmto the c*iuvfl of 
diwiuc jiud thfi vnlTiu of viiHulik m^axita in dm&Toyiitg tha« 
cnuMis, Siiuilar comotuiaioDa bn^o beou at»point<d ia tba Hfi^ 
aiiait Lilaade, bytli^ Qovorantont of JaptLiii and brovoiy luiios 
tti l^iTOpp, and notably in rniiuua, wlmrii from thm pr«wtt 
year all hyj^mnuT itETaim of l.bu OovcriimQnt two n>gublt«!d I9 ■ 
«oiigr(ttia of pbytiicmiift^ In Europe And ui boiuo of the £«st«m 
Stat«6 moitionl 4>t>]J«^-«8 Lavohaen oudowod b^ pHrat^ oootnb»- 
tiofiH, or hy thn St;iLti>, no that profcrnvionfil botufbam am tbvi m- 
ftblnl to <lotoLv ihaii liDht vffQti% to dofiaiug lueftDn to iiDfuOVt 
tbo pliysioal ^cditiob of th& people. But 111 OalifomiA wt p^ 
for to atady tha ittara and «ndow Ur^a olaaKical univonutifo, xnJ 
ftccopt JU puru dinrity fmm tlm umdical prufcoHioa wbaUTir 
invcHtifi^ttonfi aro rof^uuvd foi impruxiug nod proMtraof* lfa> 

TIow«Tar, kt in to be hopod that California, with alt bar rt- 
aourvost. wc^alth of inlalbn^t and hUtory of iiuittoIduh proigi«0i 
irill at some timo learn tht^ I«aTiou tUat tbo groat triunphi c' 
medical art bo pviudpatly ia Iba domain of prttfiuin^ A hMM 
BiH thUnnnoimt nf public wivdiim inuHt^ liko all that bi^i«tt 
and good in huLnaa history, be alow in ita ^rolntiocii CttKff' 
aia, thouf;h nurtuivd and taught by tho oiperi«i»a and ^itapli 
of tb« bif^h^itt tnt^lHgonce of civilisation, ia atillyonng, and lifc^ 
every child mii*t bn eKpeclod tu Inarn bow toxirot^^^t ilaora 
pbymcal health only ivhi>a £»ho bfl« approached adult a^. 

TfitiiApB in no put of tho voHd, oxccpliit;^ in AfriA« aqlI Atia, 
will ^OQ flDd Ainong the 1>«ll«r olt^s^^ nrmti n ^vorxbip uf ijirnukvry 
M 10 UiJ»Stfil4i. ^Tbe IiberuUyuJu(mtcdK<^uU«mtiD. OiutitvliaUw 
Ifrsdxnikd oiiL Uiffltostt bnnor^ fic^rp our bc&i utumwtMe, rattitr 
prM«8 hliRBelf upoti Lis igELonn^^o of bi« tw/n QDatomj' ftnd phy* 
viologj. Of all bmiiobea of knowledge ttium is uot oue Tv^fuitl- 
in^vrhioJa Iha public la Iom tLformod time that wbicL pcrtAinr to 
BM^Jcine. Tbe kbikTO would bo n fool ii bo did not pLar upon 
tl^iH Tgnjirnr^rp ant) fo^Ur (UlnMorcft to bU own pecct&ior^ aiUfta- 
tago. 'Xho )Aitme tLon iohU mill the public oren laore tbau wicb 
tUe quack, 

Jf tlie i>toplo irtt^ ae^iiaiiitod with Utc marrnloiu ooiutTuis 
tloD of Ibdr oiru pb^fiical nubobiTi^ry — vtiUi tL« didieate md 
«T«nlr adjiJiftod ApriofE^ of lifo, tLoy vould f>dly appreL-iulo th* 
olMnfd&tj And dao^r of attempting t^ roflpulnto it* moveiaont^. 
A««»6noftii, fmniliAru'itb ibo iiiimii4> Btincturtt and luuct^ou^ 
of hiit di£:«44iv« ur^^os, witb tUt wui;dr3rriil prupurtii-H of Ibt* 
blood ami tb« doHcnlcly baknced aiiaujfouieul r>f bis uorvou^ 
ori^Di£attoa, would be lu littlo dii^poaod to otporinaont upon 
Ui^iii vJlL utty of i\iv ndTUrlikunI pntcnt mrLliciDOH, or uf iiitnitit- 
IDg Uifiii caro t4> a ijiiLuk, ivt would a oliemzHt to indiscriimxialt-lj 
bJand tbo rf^oun eloznente in hia inbontory, or aa vould a rail- 
road oorporattori to trust its valcabla Tolling ittoolc and tba Itrou 
of its i^LUrjuB to ihti care c>f a HDlf^F^lyknl un^'mter vvhij kutw 
notbin^ about tlio loachiaory of a lococaotivo. It n u««loes to 
coniitaiitl/ parado thooo foots l>otor« tba public, wbo tuui^ae 
Ibat oitly euvy or inalii^n t-xdt* Ihtir ut-t*raii(MT_ Notbinj? baa 

bo*D gained bv rept<aliiii{ tlitiLtLi>;^rt<aL uiaj<jrily of palftiit iDidi- 

cino^ owe all thmi< virtue to tho vilest of alcoholic oom pounds or 
to opium, and that frca indulf^onoo iu ttuub bovoragott ia liable to 
lndDr«< tboh^e terrible f^timet*. tbe aloobot and opium -habile. 

It araiU littlo to cito eiacnpleft of lasting injury to hcaltb and 
of untinieJj doatb ocoaaiobad by thcso vilv tJOKtrun^M. Ctiildron 
will pla^ w4tb fird regardle^a of treiju^nt ^varn1og4 nod artnvmi- 
iiooa. The public \a ioLllElvruiit to iLu facL tbal uot uqo new 
idea hi cbemistrT, anMonif, phrmolo^f, putbclogy or tbrrupi>U' 
tictft bai ftvor origiuatvd lu the bruia of aiy medical ctnitutaQ. 
Tbe people beed not tti« waraiDg thati|Liack«ry ileaire^it^ tfold, 
uot iU bealtb,— tbftt. YiUe all m^rchandisi?, patout iiiodioin«« tat 
Ireuly rAUT«rtitsed and lutioducodbjtttnootb-touguvdajfocite only 
fOT tbe purpose of reaping pecunlany rewards, and that not oua 


Mjop aU oa If to lid ofFdre*! ttiat miglit proToot iIikww. Tb* 
^AO^'oaboOM to Vo impowcl upon, on^ tbc quack ridoi in hii 
clutri'>t ADs1 1iT44 in tiin pft1ju>o. All tUat o&b bd hoped for k 
that Iha pooplo may Iw hq ^iuoni^d in the rnndanidDtal pHtiei- 
l>ltw !>/ iihystotdiTy iirid uiedK-'iiie, lliiit lli*y will bo able to di^ 
oem Ibe fraud Toi- tliuinMWdfl. 

Tbor vilJAUo loavn tliut Ihoir mntiifioo&t fttipjport of 4|nMdt- 
OiT U not «o gnnt a dntrinient tu pfay^ickaa iMto Uiemaalraa, 
fur bjr liupt-cliu^' lli« Tvlitfelh of HL-LVulirAC ptxi^reUr ^tvei in tJu» 
elij^hb degree, tb*y inflict a proportloonlA injury npon n&Dkiad, 
for wbo40 luo medicn) 0010000 lAiDtood^d. 

Jt&t ft bo [fnuiiod. tor tl]L> hhIib '>f nr^ikinent, tfwt thd posltire 
protc«tAtif>iia uf the tju^tck ure truc^ tliitt only Jli^ Lu tbo power 
to porm(\Dcatly euro ^'tfcMtit^ ivhi^h Iiatc bafllod tbo skiU of tb^ 
bVHt cducnUd doctors of inodkino, Doen he not fttandaMaMU< 
accuHed oriiumal uf tht» bU^-ki^tit dye ? tustead of elaugtiUrnij 
fit T^'Cail, bo doce it by whok«ale. Thcro would bo no boBiUtwi 
iu abnraclorixmK n maa im a murdonr wboj boottiag <>' bin aW> 
Uy to flare, hUII >«TttitjH bj, wriJi folded &fiD§. wlillft Lis brotiiir 
is drowning. Ho wlio profoMoa to euro all diMUMU, and sare 
tbou^Andfl of adoatifloi^ly but^'ihorAd baman boinffi, luid yot n- 
fndiiH from pubUibiuff bift uieaatt for 10 doinj;. but aelfubJy pi^ 
f«rii to liuiil bia liftf-piM}dt<rviug !iQore4i to Iba town, ejly.Slatff,ur 
6Ton eom^trf in whirL ho rcrtidoF, or wborevcr be may cbOMf b> 
ecu'l hi« advertieK'niciiU, bus ivcordiJd Ligninfil hia ntunv n mMf' 
dor far ei^ry mhiuttf of \i\i Itfe Aud Lbc»ie aIl^i. by Ibeir pil- 
tona^ ADd oncourftjfmoQl, nphold bim in bia «*U couree, an 
aootatfonea to hta crimo^, und, ui tbo tinal rockonwff, will etaad 
ftocnnvid, wlUi htm, bt^fuie tli^ (uilLioua of injured wllnaaaaa. 

Tlio public iuu«t also ho tau^Ll tbat ouo of tbe most vital b- 
tcicuta of tho day in the devinnij of ravaun to protoct itaeir bt^ia 
dii?«u<<t. Tbc bygx«&io lavrs of our city aro aniuJUd ty n Ilourd 
of ^iiperviMJin^, wLo could never be at-oiifi«d of poaaMujog inadi- 
cj\l ktiowlc4ga^ Tbo iccoEoiuQudalioDa of our Iloallb OO^oer art 
«riti«iBe<l and oft«& if^orod. 

Alihoi^jjfh 8A&itnry Inwi4 ai'e now oomparatively Up-411 appra- 
oiatcd.aod efforts ciiY» dHirwIiote lunda to eatablivb llielr f-nfvic»- 
m^Dt, yet, in our Stat« and eity^ tbero ia aiifHciont> orjdenoa to 
conviaoo <iveji the oa^xial obfterT«r that Similar u9brta ara bat 
tbo futile altucLa uf a puuy iiifaDt a^uinel a gintit. Tbtk prophj- 
tacUis euHf which is now ehinibg so brightly ic other porlionaof 


te civilised vorld, A|)pearfl to ua n r«ract« gUmmcriag eUr. We 
dii<cOT«r DO epooiftl Ignonmcd in tta pHblicmiDclr«^Arding other 
brnnchiBi of citu; ncnnnmjr. For thn prMurro-tinii uf litwryr iind 
property, for the cviuoaUon of the jouiijc, forUidprot^Kstion^inn 
ttrMi Mid for ilia BuppreMion oi rriiue. va^t siiiii» of monoy Uift 
jAtrl^ Mp«ii>l(id, PnblicT faynipaOiien and puhlir^ rhnntinii trn 
tfouty olk'iti^il For tLn niil nf ouU^ji-it <:bil(l['ou, for the cuio of tlio 
eick, for impTotiu^' tho condition i>r tUo ^u&croJ poor, lUiJ otoq 
for pTAv^ntiu^ crn^Uj to ntiiiuold;. but horv diiioti public money 
or «rnlbimijuiin id AxpnTidiifl ^n ntUinpting ttt fLliiratnA :Ji<* ntAfWPK 
ia thr dfitniU of byieienic Uir«, or to verify or diiioovor tlio prin- 
ciploa which poiaon tbo uprinffa of public henllli? Kvca tlto 
plAin«ii1 nnxl b«at ^elnbliahed facts reUlicg to th« prevention of 
diAtAMT ftre unrprisiDgly )^aore<)> At tho prexent Um^ MrenitouB 
cflfortji nro uiulo tx> vnccinntc every inrliridLinl in our popnUtioti, 
whik, with our (■liaruutcntitio bo«pituliU", wo wclcouio biut^Upox 
to Oiir nhnrM nnrl olT«r Hni thn fn^vdom of our f-lty. . 

Ill onlnr U> pronnut thi^Ao fnci* idoic nppnTiably Lcifotr jonr 
nobke, it ia well to rvfor ro the caortality aUtintiaa ot our citj. 
II we eooAiicr c>nly tbt donlha due to prevrnluble Jii^adSbi— 
Ujftt ifl, d«atb«, iw, for esampU, frr>m nlmhulisui. croup, ili^^L- 
tli^nn, ittt««tiD(il divotilon, m^Uri&l ftnd t,TpUoi<l fcrpr*, cijNpc- 
ka, inlnnLilo coarulsiunJ, F^aeinlM, broucLms, pueumoniA, ooo- 
sumption AD'l fttarviLliou— ^vbich, wiilj n btktl^r nn^^rBtftndingOf 
Ut« Uvm of hoaltb minting to foo^l* c)o|Ljd2> ntmonpliers, dean- 
linMM, expomiTc, and tb<i Liko, mi^ht have bocn ward(^i off or 
pnrefitod, ve vtiH liuj tbat^ ia lK8(S,i,513u8elLil and remuocra* 

tl^ liVPH WfJ^ Ifiii, 

Now^ thia doD« uot, by ftuy oi^Anv, roprcnont the mimbor of 
caa^ft of ttiulcEiots from thote dittCHAVEt, If we place thu mortality 
at ft lib«rHl aveva^'« of «i^*ht per c«iii^ w« will llnJ tbal^ during 
thkn lime, ^l,'(l J p@op]^ u^re HtTickco down by Uif^^^ diaeaaes. 
Affftin^ if wo Irtkc tvrenty day* im a f^ir nvcrago of the darablou 
ol e«oh cue of i<iokTii>4r», oud Hvippatio that the scrTiL^OH ot tbc^Ki 
pMipl^ vern wornh to lht\ roinmiinihy two dollars a day. we find 
tbftt the city lont durinif ono year the vabjo of nboat il,30t>,000 
Uiroi;i^ iU hiutty jauitary ro;,'nUUouB tutd tUo i^^'oorAoce of its 
ifihsbltaiatA — not nn extrnvAgaot eatimntc when we fdao oon- 
ttdof th^t tirijc ircnipind Iii uiirsiitg the !4ick auJ the 2,j1i') liven, 
which,, with nil their poflsiblo yenra of Inbor, wcro lost to tlio 
eommnnity forever. If one-hiiEf of the preventable diseasoB 

'^T ./: '". ; 

f totif tw mi n l bo ttM i, Mciontidoallj' iD0|>MKUkg aU toabi 
food, |iniUb«tuc(lM"^<^B(I>^Jtcf^Al Ujocm, Aotltbtl 
fraofcl N Urn hma ftn an *^ ittTpatMcnt Uii4 oeneu£«tt 
poiAlj Duk». Aad, fttrtbacmo**, wfaeo tnt teli* t&U> 
tion Uwt vkibuj meoov mad Ui* fcsttwled^ rtf tbs 
ilteMS ftre ttUl is Uiar UttUfe«7-« and tliAi «I1 l^oltliisdlT' 
Of «d«b BMU*r« it (bffiTtta ftbaolnbUj aod ttotinlr frcwi 
to-«U«&itlM«i«ud BuUiiit^, and principftllj 1ix>bi dCL« 
mad jtrrrmmmlg, wbo !>»*« pnil lib«r«Uj for Uiat 
U «ooU U m lillU tt*r« is ttoooidu»c« Ui« world^vkk 
bo« nf cidt vHf for iu sjnipatli v Add wLolMouJvd g*l 
nfieiid a biUe twMMrj io acUoliJltsalljr invesilgstiag ^ 
ftod ntunifi^ «rAa a thfiaff ftAouut of ibo Lifv-osTuie ui 
DOS, vliiob U faft* to \Sbmmliy btrm^w^O froui Uin wodd atl 
It ba« bnn aiirlgd Ihml zymotic or flltit 'Jirnmiirurf »iTt 
pfvnkttt In Sau FnociMo Uiaci la oUior mtioa. Bat, for 
pte, M 00 «MoiMiv tha doath nta of tiiAt dnsftd diMOM^if^' 
tteia, with that of wTml dttoi tekon ^ raadon ten kta 

Dfd> of Ififlrt: 

Itt BotflUo 1 out of 0T«I7 2,000 of tbo pi>pulMfum lUfd 
"Br«.kJjn lial,:« 

CiDcJojiati ,.1 

OuifoH 1 

Bidtjoore. J 

PnmdeDce -,.^1 

BoHtou , 1 

B<irlin;ft^ii ^ . 1 

ClllIV4»Ulll , - ,1 

livirpool -- I 


Wbilo io ibo porpoioKl •timaiitr »ih1 ocmb litmoapboi^ ol 
nuuntoo. wli«r«> during tlie pMt tvolTe mobtlitt» tlinrv lift* 
QO ^kcciftl •piddauv, OD4 out of of«]r I'll of Um |>o|iiUAlioa 
from dipbtbMia- 

Atthoojfb the mbject of bow Io odacAto thn peopla, 
thv ehAnut«r aod tfa« nlfttioDa of tb« iiUormaUoa whicb 
boftoeiuind bj scieitliflc roaMTob^ uon catnoMly tomptinff' 


vroQI'l h» OQt of plac« on ^^icb an <w«MEon tn tlits, THi 

il r^Ka with you, not m cotorov^ U> the pubUc'fi wlum* uid 

t, ft« tbii public wotilil bavu ^u b«licT«, but ft* MU-<»>iuti- 

lI adiI Hiultj- al>u>>L-(t gUEirlinEiH of iho publii* hejillli, to dd- 

iror lo coDAtautlj foic« upou tbe ^ood tttum of tbo commif 

TtMid, witboBt tUQiroid or cT«a tlicir tbanka, to unnfatlj 

gaafrrouftlj- lji1)pr to di4>:ciT^r For jrounwlTOA ah^ pulilisli |o 


^0 «ro now l^d to briefly inciuire wbat tho modtcal pTofvifdoKi 
dooo for tbe public. Without tftlcisg ioto oon^id^mtloti the 
[tx mnttcixiit\t^tni oi bpirifr flxportrrl tn wtn'k twoniy-riidi' Tionrt 
fct; lo lire witbout foorl; to Jovctto nit ot jour liioo to oLe 
[iuolikr pati«cl; bo igaore >'our oISc« hoar« atut bo nbuttcd 
biMO jou ilo not. rpfip'^j'l tJifm; to wnlfe or rifle hloc^lnofmitM 
% bouM vhifib jroti bail pnucU but a fov minut^A bofore; to 
fire or nix wiJot^ H^umtcd ptno6aAt nigbt boc4iiHc oacb 
Lt dfiferreil aendjn^ for yoLi autil tio iliouf?bt you might bo 
IF§tsure; to mnnler all tbe p^itientfl tliat obaaoe to dio niirler 
profoMonal care: to pity n poor friictitrnfld mother who 
flMttt jonr dirootJon« and linnllj accept thu LiUuio for tho 
L5«d Tccorttryi to b« nbl<» to crndicnlo tb4 poison of orflfj 
te JiO thai (bere xbull uot b« Lb4* ponHibility ot ft relapic; lu 
your refroehicj; bod t),i tii^hl nnd tMo or tramp tbrou^b 
Eon of taud ftnd rniQ^ and rcjcttiv^^ n't pariucnt for youi nflrvi- 
i; U> puy your landlord, grocur, ImltOn-r ntid tuilor t-ftnh OD 
liTery, but rttfruiu frota aemlio^' tborn your biUj) uutil tbo uud 
BiicT tw«lvo mof^thn, and tlion, nflnr lire or aii more luoutbs 
d«Uy, l>o prupi^rcid to ronkfl ;i rofttciiiubl^r dadut^tion; to i4iicl 
tHlU At fdl to Home at your patiente; to clotlie your loco with 
I'perpeluti fiummor of tuitos r«^iii-dloM of the etoroaa witbia — 
wy, vilbout ccnttid^ritig tbouo and a tbouMftud otboor petty 
AnuoynQLinH whioh thovo who an> Uia survanis uf tbo public nre 
fljiray? expected to bear, tliero ts no othor pror^HsioQ, cUny or 
tifuU tbnt hu dona QQor» for tbo public tbnn tbnt of m«diciD«. 
Whotttver progrou mnlidnt? bjn ni-biuvod, biu bcoo »a wbolly 
tliTougb tbe rowMfohott and rodoctiona uf tbe luedjuol atudeut 
Ukd, auEjl vory lAtoty, sokly nt hia ciponi^. PbyoioUua sup- 
port larg« f ubliBhtng bouMo, nnd^ nt oon«idumble oiponditure 
of iDoiLoy nnil tiiue, eueuurDgo a vant nmouat of peiiodjcol liUr- 
nture in order tbot tbe wbole world may, witbout d#lAy. enjoy 


tliO bocofit* of modicol pro;froHA, Uonthly and joftrlj cOQT«ft- 
tiunK are muJat^iiued fi>r Um public; gooil. I>at ititUoul iinj^ |mi1>- 
Ik eapvmo. «fvr,v ilom uf niuu«y, ttm« liiid tiileut, being; (roo\j 
oScttd hj tbpo moilicdl profcnakn. A,Qd tbat tlnn prgfomion, 
wilb all iU curoM, bim not provou doroltct iuiU dati^fe to huttiui* 
ily, tt luriy bti t«t&t<i4l that no HcifrTtCd Iiuh Hi?hi«Ti«i1 sLM'h ftdvjiii^e- 
ai«ut withiu tliQ p^vat bjity yc^urA m lliat. <^f mediciLiO' Wonder- 
ful prr)j?ro4A hftA Dot onlf boon mado in phy8tolo;{7, dUgnosB, 
Murf^M'y. troAlmont of ipoviiLL orgftnir miunto paEbol<>g^ Aud in 
tliu pliynLolugifTuI hLudy uf the ricUuii ut ujediviae, Vnl nl»c» tn 
tlio vcr>' f'>nuilat]on aliI pinDnclo of modicino, tbo tbooric9 nato 
tho ^^fiuno of ilUotuo, WtioD a. laoohAHic iiivsiiU laumo miuibia* 
for HrtireiLMng mziDual lalwr or f^heftpuning tho prwe of ftnj 
ftrtiu'lt^p liiH i>rtu><t!9 UTv buu^- tLroutfUaitl the Uud, Uio OoT«n- 
Tnniii nvntxU him & proLootive paunt uid bo is born« aIodit vpoo 
tha wiug« of tinnncioJ proH|>«rity. Wban n troo jihjMifiAB dU* 
uuvcrn iui u(Ecut, ur inveuU uii itmbruiiictut w^iioli will ciiUf^Ui 
0itfr«rin^ ft&d «ain> bumftD life, his iietm« U kuown onlj lo bu 
oonfrorofl, Jtnd ho would nconj as nn itMtilt to bU oiEoltod aud 
nci1>k calling at^y rcwiirdH whiVh tatf^ht roHuIt from 4-xcluBiire 
rigbu, Tliu phyaicUu dciLma to jn-uitiioto Lbo jiliyaicaL b^tUof 
Llio riv/t/ff— bis lifiht ifl ruiartd bi^li it; tb« dark ooonn <*( di«c*M 
flc> til tt a jry tompoat totiA«d bnrqiie may Hur«ly 3nd tliv Iutoii of 
healtli, liu stfivifH to ffillEiw Uw «Txampli? ^r Him vrba uud "Come 
ubto too ofJ ye tliit hiWr ikad ^r« lieury Ud«n and 1 will give 
yon root/' Hu roward irt not in poHsbabl^goM, but inamonii- 
isinil of fnmo, vFhtHi in thii hnarU nf liU bratbam ivill outUftt 
tilt' pytunildH, nud in iinelMuuiIatur/ nuuauicucitH wliiuli twiy ho 
Tfho lifts aftTod a buuiftu life* <;uu apprccifttO' 

yiii'Lhormoi«, there i>« uo prafisiMiuu or i^laaa that can display 
inoi'L* HOrviceH lo vliinty lliun (baL which in tfJton by Ui« n^dioftl 
profoxflion aanuAlly witboLit pronpoct of any rowud. Tbfi pub- 
Ik hiAiU i'n cootouipt any pUy^Laian wb<> turni ih% poot from 
bwdrior when tU«y aitle hu uiudirul atd fiiid alttrmtbelr inubiliiy 
to.otfor auy fee. Tbere it nob an hoaorabU phy«LOttik in this 
or any oity vho dooA not ircai tbo ^loor r rAtuitoudy and rejoice 
in diiiij^il. Tliura xva ifiJ icgxi prii?tiUL>uoN ia tbi« dty, enob 
ftVDra^Lii^ about 100 d.i1EiLr4 lyorlli of ^raUiitou§ servioOB yearly 
(aol ioclttdiu:; patioaU wbo i'ffiif< io pa.y), tkniX aU m%kioit n 
totfti of oror lf>,f>iXl d<jlUr« wortb of «arna«ic to tbe «iok poor of 
our city. But a Ur^t^ amonut ia aUo aooovajiliBbed (o the w^y 


public cliwity, TUar* (iro .T**arly truatoJ iD th*> re^elviDtf boi* 
plvl uver 3pOUO puUnuLi hy n [jLjaiumii wliuttu ouui^iTUHAf tUD is 
to ihh% of lUt es^aoor of a firo «ai;ino, Xkioro arc 
patiQiit«ii&nLi:illT trcttlO'l in tboCitjnittl Coority HoMpitnl, 
an ©iiirnBp Ui thrt diy ul bclwiwn "^8 Jiml $3T<tKK>, of wWcU 
iOxtni $l,^UO i» evpeaio^ to pftyiii^ f<>vjr pUvaicUtu ikti.l siii'- 
I0II4 who aro OEpBotod to dirv^^l th« treMtiiiont of tho prinsipAl 
tnmtMr or th« tinb, Th9 mUry f^f thofn^ pivifoMtoTml ^qiIhuioii 
nnly nomiiLnl nmt <<([iiii1h tlitt of thn Scii?r«litrj oF tlitj P^'co 
'brary. Ttioru are hIbo four reE^idcnt phyniciaua wl»o rocoifQ 
d and Jod^Dg M Uifrir odIj O'^EOpatiuUon. Trao, Ihoy (C^tn 
;iwrii»Tioe» bnttt U the piibUowhTah roooWeflt.liwliflftArtt of thoir 

Without takin^f into oormidc ration the nurnorou* privivto hoa^ 
ritaU nnl tcoo dlipm^iti^t, va wUt c<uniidor tbe n mo nit of 
lELrxUbIt* wrirk ilucitj iii iliiB ]ijHLitiitii.iD n1ciu<j. H^ro itiiiin;> ton 
lOim in tho woelc tho poor »r«iaTiUd to ci>iue> for medical trut- 
iQt, for vhir^h tb^ oolk^o doGi not rocoivd ouo farthlii^ in 
hjmoQt. Durlnff I»t y«ftr over 'i,O0C> pntidiibi HV&HeO tliera- 
iItwb of tbo ptiriJeg:*, who. if d«peadeat upon tUe city for aid^ 
roald probibly Unvtt cost bho cdrporatian from 10 to $2f),0IXr. 
fi«jiid«]i directly ftdminiittarittg to t)ic wanu of nufTericg 1m* 
ty, thin institution is lihiri! hi n'.|if?r wjty* Tbo buildin; 
in fto omaiDcutal mx-X ^ubiUatial m^Juumoal ttj tbo j^ooni- 
o«(ty of A (tio^lo m^mbor of ih^ pn^fninion. Th^^daoatioo bi>ro 
prnvid«'l, %vhii?h^ tlirougfa iU huiiurud grnd^i/ttM hn* ntjd will Ijh 
i>C incakuUtik' boJioQ-t to tbe pubUc, U faroialicfd by tbe taach«r8 
an e^pDoditori> of timo fiikd R]hlni;;Ut t^tLidy, wiUtout nny 
lompen^Uon to tll^m liAyoixd tho irir^rAcidn^l nbiHty it nflanU ui 
(Iroini^Unnjt to ttto irAtiU of nnffctiDg buicnnity, ucd Uie 
'plotVfOfo in m^ntftl woik ^fUioh only * etutloat c<ni flpprodtito. 
It id utt«rtod tUiht tt i» col ditHMitt for A [thysioiAn lo prtiprtro ti 
imlioal ImtiirA, but U in « mco^ni/Dd timt t^nly xtmn^ «t)d 
iiaat kni^fbU vrin rancvn to tboir eMontcUocu^ Tt» piibUo 
[loQtiiroA wbioii t^ru intOAdod to ftocoini>liftli tho gronl'^Ht good in 
f^tovoatioD of di«)eafl« by &!f>rdlTi^ plniii nrd pruL-iiL-nl inft^r- 
'mAtion to tb& pnbbn upon tb^r rtiVfitcn^A i>f ui«diciu«, Are givfii 
irUboatthoalightcHt bopo of rcwflrdcioopt thftt whicb i«nff»jrJ<jd 
by th« ooiii^iouKaiim of doi%* goovl- And yot wo will w>i *ny 
Lbat tbia iDiililutlon i^ vWa^ m^ce tbaD others of ila kiud in it4 
efforU to batter t'bo aad lot of man. Xta« d«bt of ik^ i>u1>lia to 


Ui^moiJioul profcauioa u a [hzs& ouDi and, like louij doo 
bUlB, noT«i nill b« psiid. "J>o onr ja^gM tv^r sit in ^tniaiHt«T 
juKticn, r>r do onr Inwy^m pl^uul tb* cfttii;* '>f Ut4» ]iii»r whhutit 
ILeii proper ooDipotiMitioci ?" Do wo expect our tiiit]oti'& defend' 
•n to bo Mti«tied with ttio fom^ nnd ^loTj whjf b Listorj avuda 
Id tfaem * Ar« w^ at all turprU^d thnt our I^giulaton v«iqutr« 
nooioUnD; IRQT9 tLao pitriotiani a« a rowanl for tlioir vorricMf 
Tbea wliTnhould mccnbcnf ol our piofnrioD, in Tiew of all 
clifLnl^', AuLmit to tU& frvti^ct aocuji&tiouB of liard bcarUJft 
cord^di^t>tw nnil ititiHTiiftrk&ty, " wljrn ihny mpIe vEiorewithaJ 
obtain toiuo of tbf> antui^il re«l and coiJifoft, vrblcb nil raluft ao 
hixlily, but wbioiitbo pb^jriciAn'* vcrj duticfff in a ftrcat dc 
<t«&r to hid." 

Hf^mbuTH of tba ifrALluaUugolaNh, (b) uut alloff Uiefl^ e^ipr 
■iouH tc caat a thadow ovar your bright proflpocta. tr all 70 
iriahOfl woro f^atiRod, jou vroDld have no dojuma to atnTO for, 
and tho plenimre of Liflng would ond^ It btH bean atated Ih&t 
oaly iha doanr-iftlty iiidcpf^adeitl )djonldev»r uudertaka Um prac- 
tice of mcdicino, bat loo many of u* «ra !iko the bnitca, who 
r«<iuir>a tba whip to liiiuteu thMr prcj;^r«4it, >'eo««atty it fjonv* 
ally ibe beet fillmulos to oieiiion. Alm&vii remiaiiber tbat an 
approviiitf coaaoiaaco will airoi\1 you moro trvjo Lappineaa tban 
ail bl«« in tbia world, Tha warm nhako of tba band aiid tbo 
^xpresaiooa of hear tf«1t gmtf lude of oao trboiu jou liavo roacuad 
fnin X\i9 nh-«weopin^ uuii'^nt of ilontlt, will oocaaton yo^i mure 
traa anjoytaont tbiLQ nil tli« gold ho niij^'bi offer, althou^b it w 
not profido your facoily with braad. 

To auocaed In tha Ufa wblob you have choaan. It wfU be n 
•uaiy to aeaiou your profatajonal oduuaUon >viLU alarf^ liuiutict 
of common nonKo, clao yoiir litorary food will r^iLuin undtgcalad 
and afford you no notiriahoiont^ You uliould >tudy, not tio xaxtch 
to aofiutre tlio tbou^bbi of olberH aa to ac^^uire tba puwar of 
Ihinlriiig for yourself, Af^uiory maat not b« atTen^beiiod ai tbe 
aotponao of judj^nDtntp Ho educated not only in your profoMioa, 
but in otbar branoboft of laaruing- ExUinnivo ivading, lilco trat* 
eltitf^', l]run<Itfni* tUti iuL«llf-uL and dti^tilupa fibami vi«vni of tbe 
tforld atid ita nfTuira, anJ your patroa? will maanira jottr aa- 
quiramcutA by tbo ttnnJard of thoir own inl«ll]f;;anoa. AUo, 
wbild It [h not julviKiibld for evfrt/ pbyKiMiiLD to andoavor to force 
btma«)r iulo uuprof^eMioual ootoiiaty, ytrt, by oar«fuUy foitiSaJ 
opitiions upon tbe Tarioua toptei which latT ot iutoraat to 


pit1i]i<!, 1m uliould Ntxivf! to placo liiomlf funoiag Dm «da- 
looder* in tw own ^oancunitj. Staitd vreU with x^^* pKi- 
r«>aai'>&. "Xti« iDftk wj:<» doe« not «arQ tbo good opiaiou of bis 
iwri or<l«r <lo«« not wijoj- n lonff fnirrtroitii/' 
Whilo •iKlesToriu^ to loctorn four pAtie&U lo bcAltb, booaie- 
Dot to mnko ftn invalU of youTfiuU. X ir^ak hoJy and a 
»Dg EuUU »re not g^ofirall^v ootupaUbU, acJ rou ove it mt ft 
to ^otir (MtroDi, an mell a8 to the Umilf thiit niajr 1m> ilo* 
icnt iip^Q yoa, to tloioftiid tbo noootmry rdKularltj in iDoala 
bourn of rovt. Poopio aro pri>i]0 to foT|{ot their ^^titttdo 
in jOTi lmir« r«iid(»rdLt yoitr>«lf inialiU to be of aaf fartbor 
ic« to tbem. 

'on nbould, tintilco th^ majoritj of profiNiJilocal ai«n, do- 
kvor to oulUval« bu^tic^t qnftKfWtioDs. While ^oa tlioulcl 
it« your eer^iuea, ^ilLua reMooable b<>UL»U, to th* |>oor, bft 
itiil Dot to bo Dqiially liberal to tbooo wbo aro able to pay. 
wb«r that your suoeMA u pbyticiaiii trill not be bo mtiob 
of by your marveloua ctirea aa liy Lbe odor of (iDandal 
;ty irhich your ponoo oxhalcn. AttoD^ •trioUy to jonr 
[octton^ Wb^n yoit aro moHt noAd*<l hj yotir ptttrobv yon 
i\i\ iv>t bit %i the atv^k boaivl or itt MnM diiUnt billiard la* 
Wlulo rvcntaliou ii iiiipurAtiTo, it aboulfl not Im cariivil to 
, Tt* doctor who, ovwry few w«^k«, in lo be Qou^bt for 
iDOiiiitaina, gunning, orniling naia^ \u>h\yy in th« aoijo- 
will ii'>1 b" IbiT oau Aho in found itt tljn be«d«iidc of Ibn buat 
d^abik Sack paopto a^> aa o mlo, rc^y »ijFhJuptible l.> od^ra. 
IDOA apoiv yijur patioota ft^tn the fumoa of tobftooo or whinbj, 
lUgbtfnl p«c^lo nta rjith»r Inth In inlnmt ihnir Mrtm in n phj- 
>D who U wiliia^ to dr^jwu hxs inleUociual fiH;ulli«9 tu uko- 
boli« pt^tation*. Th«y prvfor to bo att^ndod by baman boinge. 
not by brutal, 

A phyxiriun Hhctull always poai«M Uw cJmrantfrr ami tiHiriug 
of a ffautleman. Ho fiboulJ bo mdato, not nulomn, fkiutanl, 
t>tit Qut olowuitfh, A flmtbn^fAOo baaishoa f«ar aal iaipa^tA o(>ii- 
Hcl^ncit, (V>mia[uid tho r<>Bp»ct of ymir pntiiiniii by ynitr Arm- 
nUM and uaifomi tnitlifiil hmh, h'lt nt tbc name time cauM tLem 
to look npon you tm a fri«ud. It ix b«ULn- bo aelcnowl^il^o ig^io- 
T4ii«d than to bonat of knowledge <vh«n you bav« it not Many 
yotJr pntn>nii Jir« f;ooil jiidg<*ii of humriii ETbnribcifir, mid your 
will ofUn bolr^y yout toaifuo. Aflirm only wbnt yon b^ 
li^e, and promfM olUy what joit know yon oan fulfill. If your 


pro^nosLo in biJ, dlvajrA fttnto tbo f^^t to a reUttT« or fneo4 o( 
iho pationt, but to the karMA Im b<>p«fat. WitUotit bop» tte 
liLrnj^ld HfTrm< nnnlrsfi, tn^l tlin haUl<» of lilo ik 1os|, An iiv- 
^Jirdcd pro^oiii, ciprewcd to woi\U ov nctn, bu hunriod [M| 
A jMiltcDt to hi6 ucUunrfyTp-ftTO, 

tlii.r\iQvitiU-%, tli(T niiL^atfcit (lo^l of tSilone^o^ XoUiiftg murv fW- 
tanlly ouiikl bd ednc«ivod tbiva tbc aei of a pbf«DiAa 
wli-j fbcd« tbv totiLfuo of gc>ttiiip or «x<;il«s tllft Jfttigb of 
nbnidr/ witit llie w^ijA wliirli luvn cbcujmkI fnim bin peitincitN 
LQ lb«ir boiir of ftn^ui^nlj, or the coafiii«a<M> whiclk bU profeaaida 
hut tiiduccil- Bo acuurod thft^vhun m phvid^iaa diocto^M tb* 
aeonftHfjl tb« Bicik roooi. be will purer huta ouCAHion to pr»> 
■cribe foi bi» «at«t'bai««U UsteocrB i>i- ib^ii iubiEoat^ fricadn, Tii-s 
Iftw< of Frnuod impuno b«iLVi' puniAbmcnt upon lb* pbvdtciAli 
wbo b4>tr.i)-4 :bd prafduiomU eonfidtnoo of bin pttiofit, 

AuJ, ilmkUy, be^' ia iuluU tbul 'J to wlicmi mucb U ^von, of 
bumshnUinuoh bo roquiroi-" Tbnt your inodicnl inatrncti^t) bu 
boon ID ft£lT4ito(» uf the linioft u ttin v«r)r roosoa why tbo oom- 
pguiiity wjU luok tojrou fur inoraibaii thtianvd pniuL]i*ald«4i>e- 
tiout- Touf moilioil odiicaliou bnH beeu cD-hin0fic«d. and it wUl 
bo coiuplolcd only at <^Lcatb. Tbc r>iin4iilioa bA,^ I>cea lud lor 
a piUoi^u; Ikiw^uu tbnt you do not erect u bovel upuo it, B« aaiv- 
est and eiLlbuHitutiu. "Ttiu lo%'i»r I tiTc." naid Sir FliwcOI Boi 
ton, " tho moro I nia ct^itaiu tbal ibo efronil dlfTf^ftr&ct) butvoen 
nnoa, bi>twi>cii tbo foobla iiud tbo p^norful, tbo t:;raiht and tbe in- 
■tgnifitMut, iH Midr^y, invlniHblii d^iU^rtniDatioit. a purpoa^ onot 
lix«d upijii, uud iLru TJi:lury or duitb/* Mut'b lutu yot tA bv 
loarnod, luid ho who A<ldi ono tbou^ht to th« knt^vrlod^o of tb* 
world, wbi<^b ml^bt bo titUrnd in ««7iii^ bamio lifo, wtan i 
i!n>vrii nbicli royally tiil^bt ctivy. Tht- nutuen and deedit of klajs 
havo ]>f!ri«bod wilb tboir bodk«4, l>ul a bouofncior of U&« buma 
rftco tHIL livo ror<iv«r. Lot your nifiM bo big^ acd your oadeaf 
uru ^utiL'Jii^. Lut uo fttlur<fH foil, no ditiivtvr* d<Luut. Trivrnpli 
IH otor ln>ru of uijiicu|-fl. 

In ndoptins ibo^o fow precopU, yort may, potlJbly, inti ^aw 
wnltb or trADMQot famo, but you wdl gaits tbo aattfom of yoar 
falluwH, ihv Htud«i>rn raimcity for finjaymtiil, the «upr4>inn tat- 
UfftctioD ariaiu^ from tbo oou&cJouftaona of b^uefitioe humntttU, 
and tl^o rowarJe moUd o^t to kiia who icaprorva tho tnieatt io' 
truBtod to bb cor*. 

Valedictory Address 

■ ■»" 

[oPER Medical College 


TntsoKT -at rh7«tc;c«3r* 

rhif^iiD omt rrtam ni£M/n* Atv*^ 

'-• J' 

Valedictory Address 

i«iiv«Bni Jkf 

Cooper Medical College 

V^BmtHT :}, IBM 


StU4ienit^ P^^tkiaM and FrUnd»i 

tn* of ki>o«loclg9, rnprMMktiiig ncian^o, with its tLow- 
luiil fniit, appimtH mn%i ntlnic-Uvn, miiiit admtmUtf vUeu iUi 
tj Uei^hUaDtl vrid« eprcaUiui; Umnchos Ar6 a««Qlo rwcb ciil 
protect, to onaoUfi ftnd to bteiu in4nhiQ<L 
;TlMr>« omsi V* lOoieLbins of gooJoirvis nn4 eomethiDi; of great- 
ia OM who IK lUtractoLl to luid tlovoUtUy iiLiidicM and cvlli* 
that kind of kuoKJcdgo wbioli ia r«qtiired of tbo mtdicat 
Io-^Ihv. And Ui9 oooatiou Muggo«U oa a filUog tfaoni^ forUiVM 
p^rtih^ wonts, a Met Htal«ment of what tlio atmlj of ivsdi- 
ombrooDH, ani the ofTcct of sucii atudioa apoii tho iataUcDt 
^jimctdr of tL« Btud^Qt, 
Th^ nlijw.tive point in rupJlcul ei1iionti£:tn ii man. 

croftiuro so cojcploji. so won^oifuUy ciado; ooDsUtuLod of ao 

ij oT^nnSt of aoch divone ua«i; mado.up of «o mocj diftor- 

it foiTDx of lUAttar ackd endoK^tl witb tuch div^rM attnboUa, 

lacLTo^tin^ to lunn/ kinds of foice, tbatau iutqlli^cnt approai^i 

ft oomprcbctiaiciu of tbo sabjcct ia oolj attaint by tho itiiL of 

kiiowlodg« aa phynca and obcmiMtry giv« ua of tZio propor- 

ot luatl^r acd tlie mai:ifa«UUon of for«e. 

. .- •"--• "=" = ''2-' 

Out of Uiotto ivfo io(]««tnieti1>]« laot4>rft, matUr and forov, 
i)]>lI«t th« tDamuUblo lavra divinely pUiiiilf^ ia tti«ori|^ of ef«4- 
tii^n, ftmvr nil tlin won Ifrrfiil rrniuiirvii in unturv, truttt iht mm- 
plp>t pUnt to Ibo in04l complex auimol. 

Thif boiA&ia toacL«ft ii« tbo pnmEio' l^non of U/« in UMplvUi 
wlmt a living c«ll U, add bow a colloction of T«g*UbU «dl> in 
tho pluixl hut tbQpouor ^jf bnu^Eiag logclLirr tli« vuple foniMof 
itiAtl«r from tie vartli. ur nod vKter, tke cli«ii&f<«lclfiinMiU, oar- 
boQ. bydro^eti, otygoa aikI uttro^'^D. uid oombimng bbom to* 
gotlirrr WIT.}) A Utdkt fiFo^ (I<>nTtHl fton Iho lun into more ofrat' 
1>!ex foriua uf u^attvr. Uid ^riiiuttr of nturcL, Ibe grain of ooptf. 
Ilio (;iubiilo of fAl ami Uic |]urUd« of nlbutnto. 

fn tUu proceat of buOdicg op iuorg&nie miUUr intn oirgaiuc 
cumlnncilinnK, ir, ia found ibni i\w rnxalUnif ftulHtiiOirvt Imve 
itrqutroi a for«) or a Inlcot ttavjgr from tbo vitttl ofi«imljo&< of 
tbo print c*oll, vhicb Vxe JiM«ob UAtloar of tUo «arUi, wr ao4 
wntor iltd not posw^. 

tu tbc pliiiit lifer wc nGc tbc procoMoa of imtritioa {foing on; 
vr« lerkrn bow nucb or^niamd luo fud; liov iLoy bv«atb«; bov 
lUoy aio (ffntiijfrd, for plAAU bavo ft riisJ bout m wo)1 u Bsi* 
lualft^buw tL«ir aup ur uuUurot duid b oitvdlttlod niitl tlutnb* 
utcd to Ibcir iaa«t dUUkul tcndhU- 

An II rtfvuU of pluiit Itlo wu Hoo tiio w^ld bMUtiftd wilb vft- 
dore^ witb ITow^iti, fmllHJiod foteiitR; bot tbfl i*icitt porpoM of 
llio v«-a:olalilo world woidil t'^tia to bo to corab-.oo And dabonU 
tbs oocciuary prvbuLom tor tlio HUppoiL and niAiDt«niutc« of tbi 
nniunl world, iiud tbnt it «Urcb, tiu^u\ fnt nod albiuiwiii, He 
«4«eiUiBl eubslAijeeb furjid auiuuil lifu. 

T1i« rombijiiLlioik of nknClcr »iid foicc produced br tbo t«gM'' 
U*coll furuLiibfiu lUa food bj wUicU Ibo auiiutl o«»ll ishiiUaiI 
to grow iiiUi ib<4 (iurii|]l^?i Hlructur^jt of tbu aiilioal bodf ^ i^ 
naanif«4t tbo ruricd fi)nct>or« of aniEnAl lifo; and tbo bi^bf ■> 
tbo acixl« of animat lifo tb& oreaturu ia tbo nooro ntimflToni Md 
fnincfkle Ibe oombiontionft wbiuh iuuLt«r unitergOM in buihltaX 
up tbe »li-autLiieM ul tbo body Aotl operatio;; ilM vniioca |»f^ 
but in All formn of animal life, froai Ha lowoat lo ita bli^b*ii*^' 
presvioTi; ffxjni ibe Uuuiblo uiutH ot protopUsm , rbQ f^^J^ 
jolly-llfib you ofton«oe itirourii Along our booioli at IliocliC t«^' 
inoAt eiAltod of animal croaturca, tbero in tbo Mae luiinw 
noocaaity for crgtutio matter vrbiob tuuiit come direoUj «<f iodi- 
rMtly from tb^ vegetable kiogdoro. 

• -• . -• - 

If wtt follow lliis nutrlont mnttar on tLrou;Tli iU nunj tmcft- 
foTmiitioiiN Ln thci kmiual Ijoity, it i* f»iiiHl ultimaMjr l^' ut^Jorffii 
oxidfttSoA wbkh (l«4Uf>_Tftita or^Di^^tiuEi zloU reducvn it A^«iii 
10 iu AiiDpJo inoT^uiio fornaitj jj»t ettoti forukn aa tha |>1ftnl took 
from the aolj of tlio eftHU, UQti iu (liis proceiw of oiid^itlon tbe 
force or UUDt«&or^inipirto>1 to it bj tlio vlnnt, U IJbonUJ 
or tniiifif«rrod to tho A&iroiU utriKrUiroji il< tin aetivcr or kinetie 
forco wbkb f« mftnifOttt«<l ia mna a* heat, ma^n^ftr movem«ni, 
antj nvrve ri>rc«i by whicli all tbe pti«tLornenjk of life aro ex- 

Or ID otbor norttt, tbo f^raatilo of uit^rehf tho gmin of cuffar, 
Uie iflolKila of flit nvt\ the purtiele of albiiiiieu, taking uri^^in in, 
antl orolvixL frcm tbd (ilni^t. «li«u lian^ferreid lo II16 nmmat, 
ukd thoro MniD;: Iha riul a«oa of tho oootioinj nre dcooinpM«<l 
bjr otjg«a iut<3 irarbou, bycErog^ii , uUrog^n, and in tu«li ebtmi- 
«al eUmeula. i^urneJ to tb« eartli wliicli gav* it 

And in all thoJKr chan;;cifi which luattvr undoi-i^otfl ia luting 
Inilt iato tlia bodj of aplnul, abU'to of i^'iiud, a Hnucclcnt Ttf^' 
labia OF a laa^IouH frait. udO y«t taocs tbghl/ ort^Atii^Ead in tbo 
Jlt^her tttaliied aiiliail budy, ami tUaro a^j-uia oiyilizm] nuil do* 
«OBap(Mcd, then it not oaa atom of mattM Iq*^ hot rrff^CCil : Eq 
all lh« myiAtanoai cTo]qtioQH of [>kni« and animAlv only fornia 
urB riMtt^i and J><i*tri>y«it. AtiiI foti->t, bimt uUier fu/rtur iu thu 
nuiTDrao. iaalikoiiileHbriictiblo wjlhiaaitor, ita TATiod mutatiooti 
btiaft only ditTcront modofl of mnnifoHlfilion, n my of fiiinljight 
to<day, tbo motur force of n IrKromuliv? to ai'trrovr. and again 
Ui« nenra fofoa workia^ In tUo bmio uf a vatiiicat ooondfinib 
aroWiajf ancuioonlo for pratoctloa or froo imU; but no matter 
lo^vbat tanporary iko it taay bo put; in whatovor trivial and 
laltory relatioan 1V6 mrky di>ti<i>V6r tt; or iri whatever eiiiU^d 
abatmie oasociALions, yob tlt< eslabliahed faobreuiuiika, and 
tho lav of tbo oonwrratioa of onttnf toach^t thai it U^? on 
ftad on fi>rovcr, ttiroi]];bi>ut tbo lutinrtiidu of timo. 

TLu« Ufha 14 ataiiad iu hi* relulijun ti» tUo o^irbb of iaor^nin 
tnAttor, ia hia roUtionn to lUo v<iK:«tabk kiadjrilom, aad Iu hia 
Antiinilia ralatioiii to tbo ra«t of tho animril w<^rld. Ho in ntTrlioJ 
mm ft gtovlng |^1aQt, starttug with the pureot cell or iha [irimor- 
^ial fform, vrbicb by a proceaa of outritioa or tbo ivsBiutitalLon of 
inanimntoiaatbor f;rowa into tbo mature and porfootod or^*in- 
1am capablo of porp«tiutinff ita >pooia*. 

Mmi is v£ow«d aa a ebomiual laboratory wht-ro tba mo3t sub- 



tie ocpiaUiMl&osu and decern p<>aIUona mro coitsUvUr (uii 
be IS aUidiftd u % mscbine wbere tlio mo«t iiUri»i« mi 
nre nt work, nU in niuih bArmi>ny nnti >f> <ro-i]rJtiuial MH 
prewlLe perleotieu i>t 1ie«utjr in ouLtiue tuul itnotisi 

itiMltttNTilj of dtmftU end unlieAllblul iroevtiotie; bj 
IikHu eiul bitrediUrr dU«e*n«; hj i^onaee, Mid bf 
aiul iiMind db^'euuntioD, 

And finelly mu: U atuditd in bte pro(rr«baa?o denl 
e BJAblftl^md mere) iiMiire. 

A> nrriiitelhii^tnnl, raH{Hiacib!ii being ondovred with nd 
iribuUaH plAoe him oUoTe «nd 1>ejond any f-nmpantthv 
mtb cXJwr ereeted furaio, uoL ee ondowod. \\\> mo intte] 
DOoeELt irr«*poD»ib1e oov-honi bebe eti i&diTMlnA] i>f t^ 
MpocJcM without en ietelLectunl deTtlopiw^ut, inceMbte el 
featitJ^ oaljr thofto ii>eliiiote comtnOD to the enimel metfaM,; 
tho ob^miiit. ai>d the nneiomiet tell ue tliat the orj^iuiatNe 
utriiHuru Hrn rnmidotit 44T*n to thn roQVoIutloae of Ibi 
ooiintituied in tbo tkumc wav and icMiutdiuj* JEn pmceailor* 
toroicell^ and pbyeiole^iiJull^. 

If. now, wp Mle* aoa observe tb« progrrowUv* derel^f^^ 
ie the Wbo from infancj. tLrons'h chiIdb<»o<l to inetur* »^;^. •• 
eee tbo ^Ti>n'tb or evolution of en inteUectiiEiI (uvoo, i! 
reeeon nrLd judpmcnl, wooJ«rfu) eedowmc&u ftL-^uiiril l . 
individunl ilurin^j iu raundnne existenctt, and loabin* laA 
tbrougb tbebitftory of tbenorld of iodlriduuU irb. 
berore tie> we IScJ Iboir L;«ji;b<. tb«jir iiKhvidualUj ^_ . 
in th(»ir mniitjd ikiul in^rnl nniure; 1lt«ir poen^ enoj;; iLr^r 
of (lutr end boltaeBa forovoi e IWiiyE pr«««nc«; inyrau^cs- » 
aicobaoiua, and their epjkJK-AUon in Ibe control ul el>ea mi 
eleotrl/'itT , nbMrvatinnn and oelouletionA of the hoAveidT Wto 
M wtll e« the Diii^roM:o[>ic obetnetton imd Atudj of lift^ te 1^ 
cell eitd in tie crgeiii»ni. 

Tbit U<te]l«*?l»A] and enduiiDf; f^Ait of lathn's un-.Lin- wh^ 
nuDDH of e ^iroxrm*Mie n^olntion fioin infancy to a^v u aZk ta- 
brec^d ui ibe ntudT cf men. 

I he^o cejd «o ixiecJi teiadJciitoAomcthm^ oltb« 6a1>I of uaIt 
veqvitvdol tho mediae] atudeul, nud 1u nttmot jonr etlttiitiuaU 
Ite totund lent op^^'^^^'S ^ ^^^ henauuioujt QDWersoof isetsv 

regeUblcf hul) animal kiu^Juiub, the uiitt or^'iLui/iu^ aud builtl- 
in|^ Dp utatUr with ft IjiUmiI f^ri^e; Lbo otbor (liiori»(ini^n<r limt 
mfttlDriLnd liboriiUDfif or tranKTottDin^ iU force iato an Kctivo 
ftUtfl ami into lugti^r inodM iif mnriir«'Ktuti4>D in tlm afiinul 
kiD^ou unkuiowa to tbe Te^eUblo cr«nUT>u, mid culmmiiUug 
ilk mAD, Ui« obj^otiv^ point of our acionoo. IM u» vi'k'^tU for n 
moDont tbo oflTost of audi vtudiait ujxiii tU» citad and ohnmotor 

Tb^aiudy in Jclall of tbo niliiulo atruclare of or^ane nnd 
thoir relation to tho onttr<i io<lJTi:Jual (ind oontomplfltini; iU 
relstii>ltt1|i]> to llie T«Ht of ttie world ciflreiM** tliB memory, tii6 
r^Moa and tlie jadiifmenl. ^uUr^-oa tl« oupiLcily for ihougbt, 
diHOiplJAOS tbo mind for concoolralioi and lhi>n<i lo^icftl doduo- 
tiiOftii toOGMOotjJil to tbo pmclitioDor of medicino. 4 

Tiu9 tiiuniu}; ju»L in lb«} fummtivn «i|)t>t»h of the utiidenVa 
iD«nba3 ^rowtb t«ud» Urj^'olr (o Icifliieuoe IiIh uiiaO and cliuracton 

It wiUiuift the horixoo of bin cxti^tonofl And onUrffoa Ifa ap- 
preoiation of the world of aniniiita intinrc^ und «xalu Tiin r»prard 
for liuinaj] Uf«. 

It xiitiki-j^ him a diLig«nt imtnirfrr aft«r Imtli : it nAtoral); 
mrkkcftt bitu Ai) olMirrvj^r of all thon^ ]>byui«)tl and morttul pbe- 
noniona wbit^b affect tW hiimjin famHy, 

It iki ofti^D and orroueoutily [ilt(^;£m1, lltat n niedii^rLl eduentiMi 
makftt mtt^naltfltti, nuboti^v^rn m tie voiil'^ tiDuiortolil^, albe* 
i«1ii» jiml a carrlmn dUr(>-fnnl fur liiiitian Ufo Ai^d bitiiTiin sym- 

Some mindfi tUei^ are eo analytical in 'obninct^r, orf^ciswd 
and eJucAted in nurh wnyn^ tlmt tb« Mi^inint'M criii^lb!^*, cbo 
micrOacopo actd uttvr bi^truniantH of prwd^ion. invfinteil to itid 
our sMiBe^ fumiab tbo only Qviiciic«4 and determine the only 
ooodnaJon of what in a&d ^'hat t9 nut. 

OOivr Tniridii tbnriT urn nyiithfllicnl Jii Hi/irsirfor, no nrgsuthfiti 
atid ^ndoved that by a skillful um And Io^lcaI dcdtictionn from 
Iha Kaclitige of tbeoo snuie erooiblea, microaoopea and otbor 
parfttotod atda bo own oonBus^ tb^y ctm combine and oonspare 
Iho obeecred facta of acicuce, mid Nmxo bold of a Inngihlp faitb 
in tb# hoqL> ImmortAlitj and a bliaoful outcome from Ibia mua- 
dajie eiiitonoe. 

ths biaioiy uf tbc inmllnd profouion bnndnl down to ua 
from a;*o to n-^e iHu!(lrat«a the boaeticeut inSneiifie oF a medical 
education. It hw nLrraj^ fou(,'b( agiaiiut if^auraace aud eupoc- 

ftlitfoa, U (^0DtJDu«« to li^lt ngnuitit tUU and penLitfiXK^o, a^ibri 
fmticKk* Dn^ aU nAnton Jfwtructiou of bumjia life, forouo^t in 
t«acliiu;f icd piitUu;7iii prtctiiM> thoftooiaiuiirctifl^ public hMllk, 
hiuitUrj^ rB?murcp?< io nrruHt Um ii]n™icl of euuugioa bqiI Io 
ororaocDA by urt tl]« Dttuml origic and diffuHicm of JlMHe- 

Th« in«QUl tr^Tiiaff «tri>i>t«d ty n <^i>t4>atiUi« iitiiJy of aodi- 
oini* nn^ tbn borUirld Axitfirionofi with pEun Ami <^t«tnfH btt;r«U • 
kintll/ uml |fvo«<r<i>Li« H/mjiiitKjr viiih Ltmmu HujTcrtiu^ vud keebl> 
ftwolcdoa tUo toitcl^teat cliurUa of bumAD niLttiro. 

Tlidro^muLibof truo Loroiflmiu tli^moJicfU prorauion wbieli 
oilffht tn bn mora frrxjLiAiitly tAlknfl nhattl tlirLn it in, nnil e^pnri- 
uWy OD •UL^Ii uomiAjojjTi 1^1 ttiEH. L^ok. for iD^Uiio«i at lUo armj 
of tnrii workers tbrau;;liout Ibe worlJ, mpirdl^ti* of loU, rflttard- 
Itnt at eraatUTK^ t^omfoitii un-l all HlluramonLi to locial u>d 
^L>i]vivijil pltuKun-H, dnrDLt^il volelj li> tJio neaircli for nnd k 
knowUd^t cf tboa« ovit«e« vbbb dovtroy linoitti Lifd, fr#«l/ u- 
poffiAf; thomnolvoA to dan^firt cif iofooUon bjr ifoinj^ into po0tif< 
L<rui]K KwumpEi foryclluw fcpur fiurmH ami fibolem, dtflving \u 
the uLiiit>u> lOAtkr o! wvieie, miuololj dU^dcUo^ &ttd raksro- 
BCO|>ioalt:r»onrcbiu<(tb€ikcompo»iDf-bodiO0Of lacn and onimab, 
oil forth* Advanc^mont of kcLowlmlgo to |>rot««L aod pr««»rT« 
uiir ftflltiw iiinn. 

A recent ir Old enb u reporUsl UlQatratioGr lk« iofluMwe of ^ 
modioal <»(lui?nhOQ, in formUj- rt L«roie, bunsaue tod Bolf-ttcH' 

On ti l-ntllr-lliili1 in India HurraTimlfld hj tbn imtnorniw aJmO 
are Ivo Bntinb«Aic«r«, unortaDj >voiiuded, od« d Hur;;ei>u, tlie 
Olli«r an olU^^r of ttk« hne. UHb liro rsprMWited « iQCTftu^ 

gttfnt pniti frnm tlrpii' ivniirtdd, 

Tbe Mir(;co]j itimblQ lr> dliiud or walk, crftvU to tlieatd«af 
bb comrade, aud vrbilo liis o^vD lilccdLo^Hvouadflar* faatobUp; 
Lit lifo Airay, be admiiii«t«'« a b/pod«rmic injontlon to umui^ 
U)« pair nf n f«11oW'fiii1Yrrpr. 

Tbeio UHlHoatiimobLruaiToheroUm ia tUamedicnl profeouoi* 
io Llio eoniEnoa i>vwy'day lifo of dutj wbiob oixLU tbo pmioULioVK^ 
into dnng«ra of mnnv kindH : perflonal dnngera to himiwlf ff^ 
^*r«&l T««tpoiJ*iUliLy t<J otiicrji, wbioU ho muftt taaat uiinfiiM' 
iotellijfeiiUj and •killfulij, or fail to hii onUin?. 

In eoDcltifli^D, you, who »re now mn<U members of tb« **'^' 
iCTil fralcrnity, nrc Bolemrdy cbniRed to diIij(L»Qlly wtjrk fof" 
ndrftocriucQt nud uacfulnefA. OLirnaienco ban no tiodily, 
nxt » ncTCr perfected and it is Lbo dutj &[ oaoli ono of jou^^ 



A :.::• 

^•-•:;:. :.,;::;:': 

mUtiue j-our iilu<1i» of ra^u nnd dHeime, to ke«[i pacn wilfa 

nottftaii na^al diAcoT^tto* f or U>« gocxj of tboiw who^nUost 
bciim1t«bi in jatir mm. 

Tuu RM cbarged to pratUce aod mamtua Ui« e>taVli>L«'d codo 
of iiDiirs or the »f(ulflr mcdioftl proroftftioa. Oiu* cohi aLoold 
i^'rt TO»r 6Arly aU^qUoii ao<i 1ia jotir ifnuld in MUblitLIt^ 
lilcAMint nml liutioc rolaUupN wiLli jronr iH&UcnU uDd MJoir- 

TJh' ^iQOJvud j>1j5WcUi] linowH Ui6 limit of hi« nMOur^M in 
lllA cnini cl 4)ifiriiHn atul n wr.ui nf f»cifl««ly iin<l hi>miiily vill Dot 
kllow \i\ta to pn>inL5« taore LIiaei he con perf^rn* Tbc ijftLornnt 
proUbdotf and ohAtJatan, withc'ti't lioticaiv, promises nuylliiug, 
BVen tliAlmpowihl^, If nnr'vunTy, (o Urmia liUfrr. Tcivirfttinot 
patter llio liiita vTitb su^^h. It ia li coc^Htotit ■urptinn tUat 
cotuEUJEi tumna auturo d<K>» Qot roM^n iD di«tr«M. tbat p«oplo 
iTuat ih«<ir b«AUh and liv«H tt> ««]£inin;f VrrnvM ftiid cntcLing Md- 
T«ili«eTn«nU. Hut it in bopir^l tbnL tti« bctUr disunion of 
Inoirl^vljco will wj cu-tigbtiMi tbo vorM thnt rjitionti modicino 
iMDdeJ on HPicncti ^ill comniftiid tlic €Liii6iIone« imd p^Uona^o 
Kf ftU. Tli« irii« pb;i<ifTUa soc>n 1»Ariia tbitt hrtataDiling in tlio 
comuju ujljr tlep^uJit vpou mLuI b« uobiuvcif, uttb^r iLuii uu 
\ibntii<* promJncn: dcpcailif upon h^s dcioirauor jtad ooniM:ion-^ 
liouA rvi^Til fot' honor, paritj of lifu iwJ. iiliti ja tiU proftHuton; 
dtfjMikdn upuEi A uJiHTUctor ft^r kiiidliiivM and cltant^ iiuil ivitli 
|lme 1]« oam«« to bo tho very wslcomo ripiEor to tbo sick and 
«uff(>nnj? and tbo cb^riiLuid fn«]ii uvJ iutvL««r in uiteiy honiou. 

It » l[aj>«l b>' Ui(t r^ciultjr of Cifoper Uti'ilk-^ CcjUp^, tlint 
«ficb atiJ oTorf ODo of }rou mikj' attain ikal 1<^fty onkittsnce in t1i« 
worM'ii iLdvjuic«nj«ikl wUi«]i tbo «diX3ftted unJ skiUful pLy»icinii 
■bQultl o^eupr. 

Your upiuiunsaaj advice will be frequi^utly iiuu;^Ut t^jucbiug 
U>os« icnportant Ihin^'* on wbiuh Iko JifolonjT woHfAro of tL« 
iodivitlual, the family, and ev«Ei tlt« coiumuuity luxty dopend- 

ErtHf i>?m"[utii>r thrtt your liven livuirv^firrLb luiiy b& t-roiruMi 
Willi firtf^t AcLiRvcmcDta commacdiDg Ibo uadut'iMig giatitud« of 
^our follow man. 

A brritA^r^ \ntvntfT to iioim^ is wjibia ymir ri-tiL-b- ^Iiiy \on 
occupy ill Aud ruay tbo pnifeseiou of Hippooratett in uoStay siif. 
foraiyofir hand^, but rather may it bo clofatod, and banded 
down to yoQT sucootton more perfect, mora advaccod and blesn, 
m tht bamaa rao». 



PER Medical College 


#«>«^W A 1!«> 'H* h<*^ hv-ttf rmf. |;;f<^l(hiitf«9iviL 



By SAMi. O. L. POTTER. A. M., M. D. 

Pn^vmot of Tburj jud Pr«cli« of Uctlioind 

LttUi$ and G^Jlemtn, Membtm of the GrodMorin^ Clavx o/ 
iSS9:—Ji lifta follou to tur lot to tolcc lebro of you as sLudeats 
umI t4? dismiae you from the halls of thia ColJe^, wilh the tab, 
tht fomvoll of iU FiLcultr, upofi tbtn momontoia> ooeomon m 
joiii livDK, «h«A jou eiiler iipuu LIib iBiitiun iui<l {]nviIt>|;vH cif 
OUT proroMBOii. I f««1, boweror, in Ihcw ftddroesiii^ jou, that 
thon t0 bAtillr tb« ordinary upprcpriatcuoM in my boing 
•aleeUd for Utia privilcgo^ inoHrutmh lU I may bo muJ to be 
fndiutb^ Qjaelf to-mgbt. b&Tiu^ ju4t eomplotei mj Cnt 
oooTw of Ibr^o j<ttr» u a tcodior boooatb this nx>f. Wb«n you 
^nlurod tbMo halla, tfara* 7M11 ^go, u fttudonU, I ocKrred tbem 
«IU| jtm, Sa your teacliur. IViguLkor wh La*o worknl b*nl 
niMft tboa, IQ pureuiitg tho courM of joar i>rotoM.\on%\ oJuoft- 
bon^— you in aoquiiing what 1 hftTo b«#u ntriviixg to impirtt in 
eoDJonotion with my inriFe nxpen^ucwl ftud l«ttro«d brethreti of 
IlioP^oulty. Aad now, at tbe eud of our lautuftl study, 1 Am 
iBprMsod vith the gceim) of my oven ^irttdQiitioii ivt thU com> 
iB0Tie«meT)t. ftcd with the hope tiiftt 1 may be found to be aa 
worlby ol my pn>fc^H8</da] cL&ir, a« you tare been prououuoed 
Ui bo of ytmr diploinM, 

Bappy. >miUi;g faoofl. rvllootiug the wann bearta and kifid 
wiabaaof your frtcnda, gt«et ^ou to-uigbt od every u'de. All 
tlie HbSDQbon of this aasaukbly tuocm to bo oTcrflcwinf: with tbe 
0064 gonuiiie good feeling for jou, and to join vitb your :&di- 
▼idittl near t>uee fn making Una an occasion of delightfnl re* 
cneoibrnncc. No cloml ahonld diai your aky to-night, no abndon 
ahottM fall npon your thoughts, to mar the pleasure you foel in 
onlnring upon vthnX you are now reeolving shall 1>6 RUf^oeasful 
ftud boTiorikhU rArners, Hoir Hboll T, ii» the roprs6etit>tjTfl of 
iht pAculty for thie bour> most fitly close this bappy erening, 



tod yai Imts itp»a your can wiEDa wnnU whicli mj Inab* 
Mlm into ywu Banorios, uid iMlp to ruM joor i^iMnavii 
ilw (roDl Tmnk, UDOOfr tL« iB0ail>0n» of tb* noUtpmatt 
to wfar£*Ji JOQ >m weddetl toni^t? What kIibII betfatDtfb 

fint Tic4or7. a tbftisa whieb aball norvo von to Ui»rfn0ttll 
grMiUr coDqoo«Ui in jour futuro profAfitionaJ nvMn* 

Vbott tbo uiilitaij atudeot uovn fotih fratu tiw Ut-'?^ 
atott Dftter^ to obUt npoQ a lifo wLicLi m oociM^raM 
d«f«AM of hie ootinti;; when Ibo nowl^-onlais^ mtnirr w 
kifl bftnic Kpon tbo thuulojpcal BtPiuiaiuy, to vn^agv U ll* 
«iidiiig iwl&» with aa, lOid to bold up the banBer d Ai 
b^Ton ft Bln-loTiag worid; vhMi tho atadoct of tbo to« 
tha oartiAeatii whicli aathoricoi bitu to plood th* ovut 
initoi WoM tho tnbao&l^ of liM &lot«; and wbou tliA 
■liidoDit io giodutad, and oodowod with all tho rigbU. 
aad dntioi of oso whoM lift* » difvotml to tho roJiof of 
bunuuJtj — vrbot mbjoot aUna all otbom oau ohana bit 
antfaaoo hia mind, ot iiTOt bis atto&UoD, ao wUl thM al 
pTObablo pSTBOfift] ahuo in wWi t* oallod "aacoaaaT" 
ia tfca loBdatone wbioh [u>w altnolii jnnr pvtTpoooi. 
jwit tliot^fliU, xoor dreama; aQOeoaa ia tho iilUoiato ctfifat' 
yooralma, tbaaoolaoluiof youroApiratioiiti, tho jfoal ott^j*^ 
liopai; Buccott in life. In lova, in nar with diRoaan ttd 4^ 
SurtJjr, i;u Umme oould Ijo tnorc tppropriato for lomjilifift* 
al tbia " oOEomoDOcrQcnt " of your profouBioEuJ liios, ibu fli 
moutuio of iDcoeai vhlc^b too maj attain to, and tb* Ual ^ 
aueoeaii for wliioh you ilioulil aUito, 

Succpu ia a qaaotitj of UExknovn Imito, a conoaptioa of i 
condition vrbiob outnot b^cl^iriy doflood. £vo^oiMltf 1^ 
own Ideal of H, and tbia b «o vnrying in qiiaHtj and ih^iH 
(hat wtial would be »nocaM to one might bo laiMVabla ti^ 
to onotbor, oTon in tbo uame catoar. Tba pooi writaa: 

" It U nieccM tbfti uijlon *1I in life, 

M^H nlUina ht^noit ukI ihfl N1fa« adttnred* 
T*a, awtm ibta<i if nir|j«nLi l>j «tnf«, 

Bat IbLa oonodpUoo of oiaocou, wIuIa unfortunatolj toe eoa- 
lOOD, U jot a lovr, a falnv cao, refortiikg oolj to tho iwtliwfai 
ot Uio matorial tHoge of life— plaot, povor and riobaa. Il dm 
nQf embraeo the spiiitwil port of oxtataooe, oor And ptaaalir 



bappicioan, for thbt " I'ORco wliicb pwMoth undomUiKliog/' the 
oflilr tnio crown of a Auooe»fal Itfo. it ii* boir6Ter, too oft«D 
tlM liigh««t ideal of profeiaionhl loen, too muiy of wbov b«li^v» 
Hut HOiUMaii iiMUUiM Ui# pn^utftimion nf tl^4iHB thingH wLioh ■!! Uid 
irorl^ Beema aiming for. With vuuli n cooceplitJii iL« succc«fi of 
tbo qunck would be tlio bigboat in our profoaaioaixl viow, for 
moikt of thw olaH4 fLrqiiiro wonlth, mrtny obtam poljticid pIwM» 
AD^l Dearljr all aro poaBevMoil of >uob pi^wur tbat ihtj tiluuil bboTO 
tha Iftw. ao jurj b^iiig fouod to convtol them, otod vrboti ^ilty 
of the bigb»>t cTimo known U> lb« Uvr, murd«r moal fouJ, bb4 
niunleir uf Uiu balpUvH intio4?viitv 

HVbOo it Is bojond b(»lief tbat Uio wipirttlioaa of ao; More 
BS to-&it{ht Und io tho dirooticn of tbo aLftilatiLn'n naocoiw. it » 
by ro Fn<*(tDH improhflW** that ftonm of yon mny bt> limipltfc! to 
wiu br HBUij'ijiif a ouiupr^mibD i.'uunu» ul couduuV aud ihiia ai&y 
At«:iluftll7 find ycurtoKas upon tbo libl, tilrc&dy a Tcry iarfco 
one, of ftpparcntlj i«pntablo pbjrftiekn*, who aru oDlUetdd with 
a fi|>ec'i?ii4 of ni«n(Al TtLrubUnmrf. keupiug one eye u]7on tbe ood^ 
of clhicv, nnd Uio otLcr directod croBswite at OTOry knoim 
nMuJLS of Tiolating itd spirit, wbUo carefully k#opiiiig witliiii 
thfl lott^r of Ita law. O-oiJed by hucIi au obliquity of moral 
*iaioa, tbo course of tlio'ici mt-ii ia ulwdvh incUuoU lowaiJa tbt 
open aoa ol quuckcry, mthor than for the atroit^bt tbougb nar- 
row obaQnu<i ofnthir^al pniftkiuiQnft] cnnduot- How to ba advat^ 
tJaed witbout open ndvi^rtiuug w Uio nolo guiding 'Utiir of Ufft'a 
Toyftjfo for them; mid Ibo only tiarbor Ihey BOok to Jincbor in ie 
OBD tbo (loiidii uf which cooKint of dcUam, fonnuig ■i!<'9r ihorui 
wwiU^d up by tbo buame wavtw of notoriety. For tbmn Uio 
Aodioa] profvnmon is only a trade. — Bnd trado-sj^s euiroond 
tbeii ot«iy movement. 

Each ooeof yoti vtjll trTuntuallr find yountelf iu lin« wilb tbla 
aIms of pbynciaus, or with tLat which Irioa to Live up to the 
highfiit etbio* of your profasHion; nnd muob will di>p<tnd on the 
Urit fl1«p4yon take In abapiug yourputh, in d«oidit)g (be rank 
you will finally fall in with. If you uould Lc moatored with the 
J^ncera, the BrigbtOf tbo Vircbowe, the Pageta, the Groee«B, 
tb» Da Cotitae, with all the prtncev of medieine and sorgery* 
you mufet oiirol jour^olvei) wjlb Ihein iu ethical crmdtict from 
this T6rj nighty — for oron oooaHicnal wtuidoring fronk the rules 
by which their Lree woro guided will ;^radually tut aur«ly d»w 
you down to the lard of, and aaaooUte your namen with, the 


OagUotttroa, Ui6 noUowa^-H* the lIaLb9tXLhQiAC8 of U«<liciM. thi 
poddlfte of pnerilo poUcto, ths TCndon of olixiiw of lifo^ i>l^ 
caraa. nnd microbo-ldllort. 

Tbiirn in a wide f(tilf of sepftraUon bbLween h profeaaion and a 
trftde. The cue opeua ite doori wicl^y to fttl oonapoi«at oooMn, 
ftudpLoooBLoreetriolioDOTiiUmoaiborahip invotboMof ftproptr 
•ducntioc imd n pniper coarse of Qondin^t:— thtt other li*« IImU 
up id trudf^ri-umoiis. ^n^' one wuge fur nM, lowerlog tiu» tDOtft 
skilled to tbo loTfrl of th« poonat vrorkonan, and provcnli otmi 
Ui9 childt^n of its mombvrfl from loAnui^f their fntker'i tnd#, 
by remtrifling tliit miiat^F cf lippr^utloeft in a shop. A prolan 
don vmrkft. em a rule, witLonl fii^ co&ipttDaatioa for 9v:h mj^ 
uto of tiua or not of nldll, do«ii hilly ooo-balf of itn uroric 
for cburity, mid tiltiim iU fueu iu noevxljuiao iHtb tb« 
abiHLy of Ua clieuU; — Ibd trad« doe 8 notluug for vwMt 
obaritj, but demfuids from ricb and poor alike ft fixed pnee 
for ovfivj nduutA iu jouraojtuiui >p(i&d« in loafing ftl^Dg 
tbe BtrefiLh, &nd k^ps a li^i upon the vrork unti] ila d«Di«idi 
are fuUr complied wilb. Tb« (jTofe^oii kitcs more thui it 
ggfew to for rill it j^ot^— the tindo putK fortli ItA beet oflbrtu Sb 
striding 1o realize the Iftrffebt possible proflto from lt« irootrftetfl. 
Tlte profeAsion> of Jls o>rii eci^ord, fuiuisboM tbo beat nuitcriil 
Attoinablo for itd work— the Irado pute io tke vroret tuftterul 
it oa& get uooepted, fttid vtriTOs to cover lu defective auteriftl 
and poor work with voiue vAriiisb wbiob will bide itn fwiUi* 
The profcwooD publifLhoe ibe dioooreiioB, tiifNi to eduoele Ibe 
people in ite metbodii, to meke them familiar i^tb itn tooU, and 
to inculcate a mod^ of living which will leHsnii iha dnmiuul tat 
lie ■er^noea— the trad« hides all ita aeacete, or protectA theo 
by patents, and not infrectu&ntly dof?s direct injury to propenj 
for the purpose of making future work for itxolf^ Tbe profoe^ 
eiou exL-ibiti^ but n. tnodeat aign, to ^ho^ its aUding'pUcet Afid 
eToide eveij appenraace of show or diaplaj— the trade 0OTe» 
wftUe, windows and fenoes, ev€n the roeke, with glaring and 
oTtnTi vuT^ikf devices, pn^t^laimittg it*4e1f to tbe i^m^inut, mod eX' 
alting itaelf abore ite u^ighborQ, by claims which ore ftequftftHj 
ae fa!«c ae thoy otq iropuJenl. 

In all ptDfessiona you will And tTBdaameu, indlvirlnmU wbe 
bftTD only tbe trade idea, aiid who consequeatty debase their 
prolBBsion by lovrering it to the trade level, and working fof 
ittonOT ftlone. Id noce ia tliis proetitution mora frequently 

Addreu, 5 

m, thfinui the ODe upon vhioh jou are eateiing. Ab you will 
find latoyen wlio foment qu&rrelB, sell out their clienta, and 
nukke lawB so looselj as to inoTease litigation; as tb«re are clergy^ 
men who C17 hell-fire from their pulpita, and trade upon the fear 
of ererlABtini; punishment in a future life ; as jou will find 
d^rUiiU who will drill holes in sound teeth, in order to fill them 
At another time, and who hang monster molars in gilded wood 
before their offices, — so you will find phyntHayw in every oommn- 
mtj who prej on the ignorance and oonfidence of mankind, 
frightening their clionta into long periods of treatmeut by ex- 
aggerating their ills; pretending to make operations or making 
naelees ones, on parts of the body which the patient cannot see; 
falsely announcing the existence of specific diseaitee to which the 
patient's folly may have exposed him; and advertising themfielTes 
ft&d their cures by every method which ingenuity can suggest. 
Iffhatever the particular methods employed^ the trail of the ser- 
pent is over them all; they have one object alone, the advertieing 
of their owner to the world. 

Morally viewed, all advertising is wrong, becaose it tells only 
one side of the atory, and keeps the other side studiously con^ 
cealed. There is, however, less wrong about it in the trades, 
Iwcauue every buyer is supposed to know something about the 
qnality of the goods and their prices; and can, at any rate, go 
around from sbop to shop, examine and compare, before put- 
chasing. But in a profession there is no such opportunity, no 
■nch safe-guard, for the client. The public cannot weigh a 
lawyer's judgment, or feel of a physician's skill, jt only knows 
what rumor aaysastotheBucoeflsfulreuultB of either man's prao- 
tioe; and this rumor emanating from himself and biit friends, it 
deals only with his cures, his successes, — never with bin failures 
to core, unless in caHos where such failure will redown to his 
benefit by letting it be known that he is engaged in a criminal 

The legal profesiiion is pretty free from the roant obnoxious 
Borts of advertising, and the reason is found in the complete 
control which that profession exercises over its membership — 
a privilcixe which it has never given to our profeshion, Supjxjse 
that a lawyer outne here from an eastern city, and commenced 
bis profession>U cr^reer by advertising in the daily ]iapers that 
be had never lost a case intrusted to tiim, that he had more 
1 egal learning and a better legal education than any other law- 


jBT in the eommUDitv, UiiLt tiia eontrol OT«r jtt4ge0 wu pin^ 
m»ui]l, ntid hiH 1n:!nf»T)c9 with jiiHtui iinaiw«i!Kbln, tiutt in vhott 
bo bod a coroor od all Insnl m^cUiacry, ami coali gtiarKoteo ft 
ftoeoeeBful iwuo to ori^rj ctwe fa« aco«pt«d, Uint ooo«olUlioQi 
vriUi bitn were friw^cnil that "no judgment, nripfty/'w«M btAnOs 
of prioLicc, — bow li3iig would suoh n mnu retiun tbe jmvil^ge of 
prootitibg b^ford the courts of tbie State ^ Nol Oitc l«ga] d*f 
iift«rhiB ftdT«rtisemeGt was presented to n oc»ut;ftiid hitt <lit- 
bvoiaiitwculd oper^ito, nat ortly here, but in vterj ptttt of tbe 
OOIU1U7, aotbnt he oould nob emier&tfi from 0[i« SUte to do tbe 
umo in e&otber> Y^it Lftw,r«Tfl denj us tbo ri;;bt to exp«t ncu- 
Ur AtlvartiuAn from th^ mAdiCAl prof^fudon, niul ttTen 8tAU 3d- 
premo Gourtn nsYc^rw? ooavictbtta oa tbo muat fliiDiiy prfttAJUA, 
gvar^ly etntinff that u pby»iciuu bod a ii;;Lt to inform the |ittblf4 
of bin »lf-fU9e«ttMl «1nU, And tbim cabling the atADtle of Ugtl 
pn3t»(.*tIou ttrouud tht riont gluiti^ %iu\i%Urrii of ouTttmcliofiorad 

Thoa^hthesn in«tftcoo« of profesfioDal wroDfC-dsiing er« I9 
fv ton oommon , they urti. net sii iitgraviX an they wern in foroker 
JOATS. in the body of the regular profccstilon^ Tbe open ftdvcr- 
tieom KTO fvl^^ntod to th« quack'li«t, iloboired from adj profM- 
Kiemd iLMsocinlion or helfi in time of Ironble, Heoce tfa#j ma*t 
aLwbjH boon the wing, mud/ to ^ee if eerioua ptunectiLkinuuia, 
or eho be pK<p&r«d to purcbA^e e Bucoea^ful rowlt, by tot* 
rendori^ff a Inrgu portion <;f Ihmr gains, BetwMo •etM^tiy 
tbe bluck-mniling portion at their utteniele, the regnliir obuigia 
for medical iMlvetttiicimeulB, uji*X the fee^ to lawrets uid jitrietf, 
the tiBanciaL lot of the <Liiikok is iiot nlwaya ea enviable one. 
H.iB half-brother, the Tronld'hif Advurtittc^r, t> not, on tbe vrhoJe, 
oiutrh Livlttir off. Oeiier^y nbutiiit^d by lim brtfUireu, and oor< 
&il.T dovpiNod by the bc««t olcme&te in bis profeseion, hu 
peculiar prectioe* hrmg bim lulu n oonaleni wufnn, 04 he 
etruggl^H III ri«d on Iho niio of fjllient. No lu&tter liow tnaoy of 
tho laily aio sonudin^ bis pnuiMr», no phynioieu erer couiuKfudA 
bim. Too ofren hun be ruthk^nly trnmpJod 00 tbcdr fcolin^ itt 
eODBuLtationa, fngratJrited bimself info tb^ir famili^^e bj tin- 
wortby iiienrin, and »<lnugbtered their roputAtionn before tliatr 
pftU«nt»"«o that, pooA^ human nature not beiiiR yet angel Jo in 
Its for^Tenete, thay pay him back when they get the ohsacf, 
and the cbonre iq mire to von\€. 

Hie change in profemoDJil feelii^f about such matterv is well 


«zhibitA(! hj eoniMetin^ cbd (tUvnted tof)« of our cod* of otbioi 
vitli tbu hdvien ffh'uii mm hundntcl ftA'l fift^- ^-ueltb u^'o tu a 
50«u>g jrradt)6t«, bj tke celebrated Dr. Uoad, oue of tto moat 
hi^hlj distiDgutab^ abd bonorod physiciaits of London. Among 
mmnj othar tbi&gn ho naid — 

" Tie £nt UuDg T mlviaLO you to do U tv m&kt) «11 tJi« ouH« 
and bosUe you cau. to mkke the ^Lot« town Htij^ of vou if po»- 
riblo, sotbat 6Tfiry coe may koow tbnt tb«M U euob fi boittg, 
and horo in tow&, loo, iiicb ft phyaiciaD." 

*' If Tour ynti> mind butinen iu hor way, it will Gottmolj la- 
crenac youm."' 

" 5bcold you bftr« «n itobiog to write ft boolc on phTBle, I 
vottld ftdn«e jon to cboo«« a «ubj«ot by wbich you tbinlE yoa 
wUl get mo«t taoctj, ab ferors, esuallpoi, «lc. For in Ibeee dia- 
MMS wotue must ftlwnys live, eome die; iC is a baifl ninttor to t«It 
wboB Tight 01 wboQ vrrotjo." 

" And iMXt th«n I would iidriM you. whatovor the nut^octyou 
wtit* upon, rftther to write so on neither to makn downright 
aeAM or jiuuboeiw lljmvijf, Ibaii oLliurvtbui; btHMuue L^uh uoue of 
tii« profusion can wtiJl Ifty bold of you for any pATliooIa-r part; 
or, if tboy should, tbaro ie room for yoo to defend it, btdng m 
«ft«Oy und^mtood OLo w«y ft» tbo other." 

The ftutbor of thin advice wu u member oE the Koyal Society, 
physioUn 1o St. Thomoa' Be flpital, lecturer ftt the Surgeon's 
HaU, mguKr physioiflB to Queen Annctand King Qoorge the Snd, 
tbe reeogniasod hc^ of faic profes^on io GogUud in hid day, 
nnd th@ vitbor of Bevernl unportAELt medioal workn. Fancy A 
Pugel, * tj'iiin^ or a Giow, giving such inluce to « youog grad- 
nAle At tbo prc0cnt time! 

It ia, boweTer, a fact, highly oiocDj^titnciiUry to tbo Auenoftn 
iii«idic«I pr<]feH»^on. rbnt the grent, niajoHTy of pbyKidnns givt^ii 
to tbe?« trade methods in this ct^untt? nre meu of foreign birth 
And oducfttion. llioluding tJie ope uly- acknowledged quooke. 
And looting at the regnUr ranks alone, yon will find these ob- 
jofltioiiAblo piantices ohietly indulged in b^ laedical iminigiTUite, 
aol by grn<luat«Hof our ovttt HoboolUi Beadved by ua wuhc^peo 
Arms, admitted to practioe on diplomas, wbioh in mftny oium do 
not otirjfi-r tJia li^hX Ih pniftiiiit in thn ncnmtri^'B where thor wnm 
ieeued, » ^ery Inige proportion of thwie nien utterly ii,'uore olit 
•thicn, treat our frraduaton with KaJf-diaguiaod eooro, and tabit* 
UAlly employ melhodu of profo*BJonal pnietloe which they would 
not dare to una in th«ir owu couutriedH As one yotjug man ttoid 
to cue, wheu t remousLraied with him for some unethical ooo- 
doct, " Well, you know, I thought one could do ftlmoet anything 



in Amerioa.'* Itiafaigb Lim« n-6 Hlmmloned freo Lnda id ToMigi 
diplomu and compiled UidmpecrLuf mudiaJ iiouifgnato lij 
«nforci&ir 0^^ thorn Uio MmaMquircmCDU Uint tb«roouBliut 
d«iiUAd of OUT gT^untos, before pormlttuig tbioin to prt«4ia» 
here^ Wli^u v^e ilo Ihie, oitr flr8t-o]aai diplomat will obbun fell 
recogiutioix abroad, in av^rj emlMd CDuntrj, a r«cogiutioii 
whioh will never be accorded to tbom uotil wd «o honor thm 

Oue uDpleoMiDt foalore of prtif^udouAl noooeaa in Uial ftvei; 
stop iu )ta oouroe entails a c^rtoia amount of i^rofeuioiu] UiloM 
to Goin« othor ODe, pdUa^a iMj^oallj, porhftp* moro dOMrring. 
E?ei7 c-nee the tavrjer wioB, ifom« odter lavrjrtir aauflt 1oa»; And 
nlmoat orcry pntiont jeu ;^t, m )'<^ur first joniv of practice, will 
UaT6 soukD oUidr pLvuidan- Ac 4 mrut tu4» in nnj prafoBsioii, 
bo ill obli^Ml to tr^uid npijn the poaili^^n of •oedo oii« of bil 
brotbr«n. TLii», of couno, ootatU a cvrUin Jinount of jonlott^. 
tlie outoofuo of our buman nature, and which c«nnot br oiitirtJj 
prevented; ihoiiji^h by bU owe ooQduct, it ie in tba power of th* 
rioiiig moil U> nbAt«* qjucIi i>f it, &nd even to mftlo Arm fHoQila ol 
tiiOBO who are injured by bin Aucceai, If no hanii trordfl tr* 
nttGre<l, if no in«fta inapbifatioDa ttre thrjwn oot bot if^ Oft lk» 
contrnry, th» isiert^sts of rba diApIa^ncl phy^iritin ftre cnrefoQj 
guarded bjr the flUci?e9sor, there lony bo lomo fedic^ nt fint, 
but in the ond a friend wilt be yarned, for hia friooifahip ha* 
buen deserveit. On* ol tho best rul«a to follow, wbott gneotei 
ing another pbjniciau in u cusd fii>iu which Le Lwt bo«»tt diiroiwod, 
ia to say that jou ara j^reatly iuJobt^ to your predeooavor for 
liATing eo thoroughly oxbaustea a isartain JiQ« of traatm^Bl tad 
iLoniby tiicTduLiTd jour huving in go over tba aamn groaod. 
This you can truthfully say, for it will be tru« m aimoat oT«ry 
aueh CAM. It will oxalt you, sfi welL m tbe other num, ia tbft 
eyes of the family, for iu honoring the work of Iiis broclirwit ft 
pbymcisD always bonore himdelf. Profeaaot Qroiia laid down a 
noble L-Kafnplo in thiv rcnpcct, for all of ua to profit by. In bia 
autobLo;{TRphy h» M>y^' "I nevor ipolce ill of a pf^feesioiul 
brotli«r, 01 did nsytbiug direuLly or b[lirouLly to undnrmiao bie 
standing witb his patients, tbo profession or tbe publao. Oa 
tbe contrary, I have ofleu gone out of my own way to eiMtftla 
and defend bim; aoiuetimes, 1 fear, vbeo sJ«ooa might faara 
been the oorrcot course." And well waa ho lavarded for lua 
xaa^animi^l No Amvrioau ifurgaon was aror ao beJorad bj 


bnlhrea, ot ao tngk); honored hj them at home ku^ ftb>o»d, 

lit; «ad «h«n, a l«w yean eidm, h« pa«Md AVij, crowned 

tbo gliMT of jntTM Evitd fainii^ no imrgBnii wnn nrvir wo nw 

id ibroueboDt tho length juid braftdUi of the luiid. OiM of 

gT^fitcat lrea£ur«« is & tetter from iiifl hand, vrittan a abort 

}o onlj b«rorfl hiH ^lentb. ui r«pl^ to one of mine fiobmittin^ 

detnilc of a C(uw to him. aud nekiiig for Lib li^TiM tborvac. 

*b fuU of ytum luid infirmitiea, »iid in the eiokitdM whicii 

ftftCT endc<l bia Vi(e, tbe dear old naan vroU to mff at 

h vHlh IiiH own hniul, pnym^ mtt much atUtjttton to tbe 

|tiMt of an obffcure pbynici&u in tli« fftr Wtai, ad ho irould to 

!• of 4miB«nt poaition ia ft& Kaaten metropolis. 

'Tbft profoHidnnil j^alonny of pliynidnnA in n n<iT«>r^fat1f n^ thmio 

juuotitiisirnt and TilificfttioQ. on the jiatt of DOt]prof««vioooi 

»le« and eteu on ibat of oLber profAnuocal men loi^orde oura. 

in cUiinAd thai wo nm ftbuurdly JmlLouik of noch otfaar, that 

roijuirciiKiiitA ah to profcduoiuil conrtoi^ nic too atritit to bo 

jd. and that no mun <r(Lja ponAibl? live up to tho full de- 

Ifl o( OEir vod^ cf etbio«. BuCwhen aUttleLhought iegiv^u 

this Hubject, the cbar^o tviJI htt unoii to bo unfoundod. Wo 

bold ench other to vt^ry ntriot ethical linen, and it m DoCiuary 

ahould, for tboro m no tiiher piofubMi>ri in wbioh profsa- 

»nal pTT*pri«tj U ^o wiaJj (rnnflgT*«i»d. 

The Uwj^r deals vrith conrl« and jiirica; b; arsumenLatiTO 
loala to roaooQ, proeodont and statute law ho influeacoa Uit 
vrmer; by oratorical power and. flom«ti[oee, bj oaiiiLiJig M- 
tDtAtioD^ lit» giunn tlio lattor; biit all hi* ntteranoM ate aaid 
opoD court, and in the hoariuK of the aoouaedand bi« ootmaeh 
Lea, too, if he faiU, he ban the ootirt and the jury, an noil a« 
law, tobharewlth him the blanie, and be mii«t be a poor 
iwjer if bo caonot ahoiF that the cane wiwaot loet tbjougbaiij 
mlt of bi«^ I^Ton theder^Tjinun, tu hid profeanonal norit, deati 
ile^ vJth the memhetn of Home one organ^tJon, bound bj 
obligaiioas lo eufttoio bim, and baa no rival to ounleud 
t& biH immcduto vpbcre, Uia hoarera aro nano, aro boaltby, 
id are nev^r permitiM to reply to hia argumeutL H» it an- 
te orar all Ite hi)Mf<yi>, a§ loog as be dove noi ofTertd the 
tjodwoa of tlic inflDeatiftJ aembaraof bis flock, ilnl the doc- 
tor dealft vUh the uck, with those wboee iDindu are warped by 
Huxiety or by diaeaM, aiid witJi tboee^ i^rhap;), who^ejudgraeota 
t«r*eli>iided by inaaiuty. He huA ao judge to lay the blame upon. 



no jury li^fitAndbolwoen UuhkbH aod ftbtino: httiau»t tmkc aU Uie 
Tault cf the bulxin an bU onn ehooldors, a^. reT«f«tn|> tlw 
^lorg^mua'x pi>aition, h& onn nor^r r«|plT in his o«n dof«oo», 
Ibon^li opAn ta jifliwnlfc from hvmj dirnctioiL HoiMiBipftlkn 
frioLdii, who liaie knoKD of Huch vouJ«TfuJ curotf, iire« tlw 
fAiTLilyto Be&d for tbeir p&t phymoiAns; olhoni, no Iora g«aorOM, 
bave Homf mirof^ulouB oil, or wondor worldog mJvb, wluob, if 
only triiHl, will l>e tiura io do 1]«j i;ood< Or» perbapn, aom« ooo 
ourod by C^i«tiaQ micdoo of ft disoAM vhicb DOror €ziflt*d« 
pn^yvrfuHv ploEide with tbe Bick ono to dianuai 70U ajid ModI 
for th«j holy bc^ATcir, who will ■Uuw her llie way to recofvry bf 
ffiitb tiud prayer. ETen the iiur«e. tmmed &a eti« cuj b«, 10^ 
bring adTOTtiJ^monU of pnlc&t lundiatnMicto tho ai^ rooa; ot, 
pnrhnpfl, bci^ile tlie lonely haurM hy hilHng your patloDt of tbt 
wondarTiU nutfCMis of soiue othur pliytticiiui, wbo Iiah novMr 
sbowu m ditpoailir>ti to roe«it ber vArioaa lit-tJe boImhiqei /or 
pUMuro, profit uid lelf^gloriication. In it any woBd«r, tb«a, 
thftt witb all Che^e iDdtivncea to ciontuod &gftia«t, tbo pbjrncdm 
uLoald bold hia owu brethien to » etricl line lA oooduct* wb«D 
bry merely lifting nn eyebrow, or iibn;ij;>j;iii^ a eboaldor, th«y an 
•^pniaq ft doubt tta to Lie nbilitr to tho«^ who &r« M^6rly 
iTAtcliiug for imj &Lraw on wtLiirL to etiuff tlwir bopn for vm^ 
ration to health? And yet all that bo demaAds u tbid regard it 
oOBipliniice wilb the goldeo rulo of doing unto otbora aawo oiot- 
BflhfM xrould hnve tbein do unto na. 

Yon ar« £t"i^ ^i^t into n bnrd world, and (*Ql«ria^ upoaa 
bard profo^sioa, — one that bu^ fow nsalorjal ruwardfi to boacotr, 
and re«erve» bar favorH for tboia wbo doTota tJi«[DMtT«it mott 
atriciLly to L«r roi^ulreiuotitH. 8be bruolit no biUf lille^i&noti, — 
ponnite no otbcr pumuit to vn^ros;* the limo of bar aocconful 
oflpUantB — no oUiar aim to divide the onorgioi of Iboaa wbo 
would 1)0 crowned by her. Dub in all agvn ahe lua ntood maoo^ 
tb« fix»t of the oallicfsof moo: from tbo rery dawn of tXatj, 
wb«ti the Snprutuu Bvirg hintEieif purformad ft tvntfiicml opara* 
tion itpon tbo Uttl mari'ii rib^ from whioh to mboufaotur^ tlta 
maater-pmi;i> of cr^tioa^Jowu to Iha baroio en, wbantliAllnii 
OJkd grandoat of poets pronouncrsd a nkiUul pbyeioiau to bg 
worth an army,— and to Uie prouont d^y, wbon a«>vorei^tt'a 
BOD is A prActtHDg aur^aoDi Next after warrior^t tbo aneionta 
ouUod pbyaidans amon^ the godn. Back tu Iba oiytba ut 1115* 
^^^067j balcro bistury hnd m beginning;, we find the king-pby- 

simnA, JEIiiculii|4ui, who hn^ cliTino bnnors pAJd Ui kim, naii 
ranbod uuooff the ffoda, and ga^e Lin nEbmcf to the pror««<iotk cf 
which h« ivu th9 ««rbeat r^pr&aeututivo. Kr^n iti tho days of 
Bom«*s ifcp^ft] wKny. Anddomtg herm^MibrillJjLDtiiitanArUiiil 
epoch, her Foremoxt omtor tutd autbor. the greftt Gicerci, de* 
9Ur«d that '* m^t in no tray approach nvari^r /^^ f^d pod^* than in 
giving k^tlih itt their frUow-Tit^t." Thia was uttered 2,000 jVftW 
ngo^ bai nnnrly 4,000 yeara belore then, Toaorthroe, thn Kiiig 
of Eg^pt. who gare ihreQ hundred oud sixt.T-fire duye to the 
JMV. IKS A d«vol^v1 «ti]ileat of uodioine, aad roooTded on tho 
nommcnlnl ropkii nf thnt primal Hlorv-hanae tf art and m^innco, 
hu Tvocmtiou for thu ph^icinu'* oalliag. Those of you who 
for ftoiDO ^OATa witi look from tlie aid«wulkupon jour more i^roft- 
pnoat brethren id their cHrrlftget, m^y dis^nt jpounf&lven of 
nnvj if yon enn hnlipTa that the moHt wutineBaritl pby^cmn thm 
world erer anv, ho who«e a&ine tH uow dulj repeated bj mill- 
iOQ0 of those who worship bim ne the Sod of Qod, — wbo bad 
powor fivar ftl! diiy^HSBH ind ovoti OT^r dflntli and tho grnv(», — 
Lhttt ho walitrff abuut tho ntreeta oa hui miduoiu of moruy; h^id 
ao hoi]]«, Aot <rt«ii ft plftoo to lay bia hoi^J ; &ad iu bia iLoat th- 
Qtaphid hour hod only ntt aaa, and a colL, th« foal of nn hm^ 
upon which to ridw tbr<mgh Ihi; crowds (if tii* worid^tppHr*. 

Id your warly yearft of straggle, yoa will need mo« solid 
eontforl tbfin U^oml (?an ^to you, to «Dnourag« 5001- hop^it; 
wl the hiMtory of totididne giv&t yon thJM enrvmmgemflQt, in 
ebowuig yo<u that thti princes of our prof«>^siGu were lUoao wbo 
>trii|tfelod ofcftinst ndvomly in the tirut (tuid often ra&ny) ycnrB 
of Uwir prActieO- Choyno, when tbirty-four yoiira old, snd in 
bUitQUJud ybur'n prauUoe, uuly reuuiryj thi^o f^uliiouH cluring 
thelatit biilf of that year, — bub ttiue y^ars aft^rwardA he woa 
mnkiojT £3,000 pnr Annuni. Chftuibora, of London, when thirty* 
fonr year4 ohi. and in pni«1kie t&ve yetrfl, only took m £211 iu ft 
year, but M^veotosu yo^kr* fhftorhi* nnuuAl profee^ion&I income 
reaoluxl £9fi0\}, tiailtio, wbo, before OtiatnbcrH, hnd tho bant 
XfO&doo pra<*tiee, roo^iving £LI,0IXJ a year wbi^n ihut amouut 
npreeented fivd titnoa ivt maob &a il douct dow, had a slow uud 
todiona march upward*, having booD for t^rclro yoors a pbyai- 
^Abm to Su G«>orgd'« Hospital, and fot tn-mly twenty yeara a loo- 
tni9r in the soboolti, before even naoden^te siteoeftH be^ti to 
ooin« to him- HnnteT, who apottt a larffo fortune on the splen- 
did Eunoduai wbiob now fj^maee the Univeraity of Qlo^ow, woa 


•0 " bftrd ap " out j^Bx in Loodcti, that b& bad to po«tpoB« 
for two w4«1:a Uia op«iimg f>f hU third UoUro t«t«oo, not h>v< 
iji4{ UIUILH5 nnou^h ta gmj' fiir ttm umtil qIiuji adrttrtiMKiieati. 

London pmotioo, Ibongh he V9s alr«Ad7 a loolQr«r on uiftloaf 
and Murgary, lu after hie, hiu profoiiLlnDAl tnconno id od9 jmt 
iMflbad X23.000, Sir BetLJ. Utodit did not got iato full pno- 
tloa ttntil iio bJuL bocn for tvetitj ^cuit] le^tonog, praustioipg i>l 
publishing. Th^a are som^ of lli« icatoxioov whicb medical 
aaualv aniinl, of men sucoe^sful n.b >vii nil iitbdm nf thair (»b> 
peerft ia mAtediU reanlta an Tvell ad iu faED«, wbo omqo up 
throaf;^ trials and tribnlalionii of ovory Idndj Um oTftroomii^ of 
ttliicb j^iLva tham new BtrdogUi u» buur thoca <mward Id tb^ 
oounMK It id 3 beautiful idea, tbaL ol tlio citi«ie!il b«cx>. vbo. 
wbon preaaed Lj liis udvurriLrv io itt ^ailb. reoelrod naw vigor 
fTOm hin conta(fC wtLh tb« mothnr of iil], and ftroba wilb gr—Nr 
atrnngtb fur Uic criit'utiatoT. Iq jotit futum je^ni of nitcfwa, 
in full ttUe llui«iiit,' lAvi auJ atn^cig, juux grwloat ploMVO will 
b« dcriroil fri^fu (ho r«mQQitPiaiio« of yOUr Mrly atngglM; and 
5OV1 will tb«ik aea that jtm too uroao aUonj^ aTArj tima tkal 
jou WMXUH'T lu bare btfcit bttatea to Uia MuUi. TbcsM reix»6fa* 
broQceH wUl be ^lU the mora doligbtfid it you kbovr Ibal jMir 
atiotiffth wjifl jtlwAja pul fcrrtb wortbilj, and that your ftrt wai 

fdwujH rifvaibd uh >ciuii^tiii^ (lovtr Io bo dF<filed;"Uial, lilm tb* 

Uohainmedaii, «vbo sKsitx bolda bJe ki^mu b«low tbo girdl«, ftor 
tciiolioH it nitb unwuuhoQ hnndit^ boon^iio of Ma bvtiof in lut dt- 
x'mti origin, ycu liavu tv«r Uuld ^'Ou» prof««adoii abovfl tlia 
baser ibiugH of life, bate mitiivleivd ju il from pure motiToi, 
Dud noror prooticoi it ^tb udcIoad baoda 

Thofto of you who nro youog buvu tbo gmat^at alaoM&t ot 
atJOfMjHe &l yuur <<cuiii]iitid, uaicely— ^youilj — your mottt lahtabla 
qoaltiicalioii. Oi^ly in youth can Lha grooud-work of b nsally 
good ciduRatiDn bo laid, and it ie iq your youtU tbat yoa taual 
ooDHlmot thd ML)bairuoiiii-e uhioh hLuII be broad «ootigb and 
do«|» eiioii4;h Io «iLp^x>ii thosupoi-aLjuoLuraof ^UCD^S4, aibdmaia 
it ondooDg. iJoi ovtn io your yoatb jou ctm do mucb tovrard 
a«itiAl Booecia. Th» grraieai work done in tbia world baa baaa 
doite by yonn; dwd- Jaaus aod Aleiander IfreJ eaob ooljr 
tbirty>lbrc« yc^ra^ but ona bad cooquorAd Uia world by bia 
arnift, and tbtj utL«r w»e io cooquar u by bia Ioto acd aalf-aa«- 
ri£o«, iMipoli^ou «ouiiuauil«d tbu urmy nf luly&t iweuiy-a^van. 



Finit^Conflal Mi tliirty. Emperor of thirty'tiTe uid King of 

nt thlrtj**lgtit- Tefl&UuA vft« oti.1v tventy-foTir wfaon htt 

''irrote hi« gnttl work od auaIoilj; KewtOD wu but tir^Dt/* 

Hhreo wb«& hia oboemttior; of tbo fAllinff B|ip]G;^TC to thctworJd 

Wm Iniovt^dge of the gr«ftt«st of 11m pLjaioA] laws. Eren i& our 

NpIol«Kkin» where a oerUin ft^ hsw «ver been oonsidervd ■ tie«> 

Ipiiavj qb&UficntioQ, fcbe jounu^or eaen itro ditilj comiog into 

BMUr promiiMQO*. So do not f«al b^dt^ icben you ba«r IbU 

WHM old«r plijBifitnn but esld of yoLt, " OIj 1 yfin. Dr. Jon«8 la h 

mrj i>K« joung man, n ^ndnite of Cooper* too, u mott «xcd- 

oni oollego. (ilftQdB ut tbd bond ! U« vrii], no doubt, coftko ft 

r#iy #X(^nI]«&t pb^idan. whPT b^ hHH bnd Homr* few yuan er- 

ivmnoo/' Tbin kind of mmaxk do«« not imprem p«opk a« it 

DamMrly did. 

Id ord^r to Rttun profesdonal nooeaa there Are three Ttty 

Moowwrv raqiiirementR, without eaoh of which Ite ocooiaplLth- 

nont WQcId bo mirciouloui^ Tho flr#t i* Ibftt jou munt doiorr* 

L " Tianot U moituls to eomraiuidimcceiiH, btit W4f'll do ittOn, 

lemproTiiuB, we'll deserve it." And tii urder tliat ^on may da* 

Bftire U Tou xount work for it. " 8«eet thou n mAii diligent in 

ua btuin^es; lie abnll sUnd bcfofi^ Kicffn. he ithflU not ntnud 

before mean rueti " So wrote the wi»OHt of Kin^^, and bnmon 

pftrieDce in everjr walk of life TeriSes hia wordu, and teachaa 

tbo inoxcrablc Ico^on, that it ia labor uid only kbor, thnt coa- 

qoora. One of our inoat auooBflsful atirgconit, the uldcr droaa, 

wbo was honored both in hie own country and abroad ae few 

Amorioan pbyuciace wore ev«r hoiiored before, has loft behiod 

tb* following tentiiQonT to th« aamo a9«et. Ha aaya: " To 

Aooomplihb i^ruril enda dnuuidri patiAnoa perEeTeranne, nn* 

BFWVrrin^ appIioatioQ, order aud b;:ii1<?[u, o^nd a definite aiiu, — in 

wordj talont rnthor than lo^Diue. Tho cnlj gcniua 1 powoH 

it tho geniui of indDBtrr; If I bavo any other I huxe not been 

Able Ui dincurtrr it. Tbb jxjTiitiuii which I have attniited in xnj 

profomon hft« boon Achioved bj haid labor, t>j no apociaJ mtol- 

IcotDid ondowmoDt, by tio upednl gift^ from God, bj no Bpooial 

favor from tnnu, but by my own unaided eflTorte, oootiiiued 

steadily and pereererin^fly throo^'h a lon^ aerioi of yean." 

And \wtl^ yoa laaet have aspiration, yoa must nepiro to fno* 
CMV, nnt nov, not for n y«ar, but for life; aod ns ona difflciilfj 
ia overconH and othera opon up before you, as Alp oaAlp«Arii# 
Ki jour Lorucos, jour look mtist be evor upward if yon wcmJd 


nMib Ibf eomiull of the nogOi. All higher life to 
piration,— ia morali (or tfat good and tnio;i9u4ifixl^ 
ful; ill koiftDC^r for U» usksowa* 

IiiUil8piii4iiitU»r«ia ouUiinir too «m«U to ti p^tirM 
most i&ii|nufioaat fut, if ttxi6l>9eirT«i<1 b«ff>r«, auij hafti 
ol giTing n tww truth to th* world, and securing loifto 
Immorta] fftme A obanea word altered by mn EbjeU 
oMid in iko pr««eiw« of * jouig ph^fliriAti, I«d 1^ 
liiT«rtigfttio& Khieh TMultod in the conquoring of OM Ul 
«M»i uidgttT* J«utier«erowD of glorj' whioh tim* «• 
nowmj froca his brow. Wliu ouald hATe tbongbt tM 
tbe pbjmiu GftUuii obMrrod tb* twitching of ihttro^ 
an ihpiy hiing on copper liooki from an iron nil, Hb 
would ma lUUeuoreLLuiifift>ytvr«if«velop iutolb^lal 
and AQOQ ariorw&nla iato th« Uilopboiw; or tliai tb* iaA 
Mon bj Fni>e&bof«T id tba npMtrQQi would beooind ibt 
of dMormJaiDg thepliyHicuJ <ioiia1itiiHo» of tho sun, tfkd 
ch^mUU tbo tooat daUcato UMtbod of Juml^'Kis oror d 

Tb« kind of moooM to wluoh yon abould a^pin is lliat afit 
eminent m^tUcal niaa m all agw and Id ororr oooua 
wlwiatbougbL w«Uof Jtud loulced up to by bia brMbM* 
tnutod implidtlj by Lie paliocte. To ba bonond bj yom 
pvofeaaion, ai a mui of Laftroing, akill taid judgoMat, 
betuvtNl by jrour famiUcM, and to bn tbe cboaaa 
tboir ^oaog raco afid lutdMid.— to bo tbo ou« abov«t all 
to whom your oltanU torn fov lulvioo ia tituo of aickbM^ 
troubld, — to be eagerly aouglit io tho hour of djmger a»4 i» 

gxiifth witb full oouBdenoe iu your puwer of r«li<»riiig, u hw 

tlio fflniilv altar laid boro before yon, aad itm wnstoU islr^ 
to yciur koopiiig, with the fuUaat faitb itx thoir beifig «I4 
guarded, — to bo tbt* bupn of many, tba fHoad of all anvsl 
you. — to bo in a poaiUon onabliDg yoa to be btuMwolAatiJ 
obahtabk boyonti nay other YooabOB,inbu«d witJi |ba bili^ 
that to r^fiiWT ynur pmriiHHiannl aid in tba relief of ^ogtaaL 
ereu to a ponomal ecomy, ia a diagraoe,— to bo taught 1^ t^ 
daily oxorciao of yonr oaUing thoM rirtuos which ma^ Mi 
groatuidgood, — to euocAod m tli*8e aiciu U tmo «ti«oa«,b^ 
yond tho nuaiiuie of any professioaRl iocomo. After ev«cyiiA 
aot of your prof^snoDal nauiiatration, joa will find ^ ^]o« a 
your boirt» which no amount of money giinod by fnad td 
deooption oonld €tar bring tbera. 

HftTlng tbeee renultaof Bucoebs, you will not want for ihtpfr 



oiiQi£ti7 port of it* " Seek je Giet Uio kingdom ot Ood and bia 
rlgbtooii«DOB«, ftAd ftJI tlk«8« ttLLs^ Bbsll be fld<locl unto yi>%" 
wuH Hnid of olf^ frcuri the Mourjt of OHtm, atiJ in ah tnii* in j]n> 
feononal &3i in flpirtliui} \i£e. U jroDsaek fitAt ilie ttlantluig and 
r^patAtion of the true pi.vtudaii, tUe m&tenol r^w^uUe will coiao 
hi do^ tif»«>: and ntan^iitg at Iftit b&iOT^ Ihn Osiris of thn public 
•ad pvofnHHJiiiinl ju<tj^mriit, tou vtll bo ablo tt> tlnfooiJ ;our 
«ftre«r in the cuiciciit fori&uU,— "i /<ai'tf not tt^rrt iJJc; / h<tvi^ not 
Uen in!^:neaU'd^ J hav9 not toid teor^i I havt not 'iefmudtdj 
/Aorf >iOf coutfiii Uar9. f hnvf^ ^irtm food lo th*: hungrif, drink 
io the ihinty, antl tloOie* lo thr rmkrd, " And as the Oeiiinof lh« 
ftDcioiit belief received tho juattfiod aoni u&to bimBeU , and a1>- 
■orlMd ia into UiH Qwa p*«oii — so amy the purity of your pro* 
leMtonal lirea iieHmpH juUlfy >oui eiL^lLbtion to the throne of 
AwuUpiu«, and Iho incorporation of your soul into the dinuo 
MMDC^j from which may cmaiiftto the ooule cf othoi pbyajeionii 
in aom& future %ge. 

Utich mora of cohqm^] ii^i^ht b^ nrud to you who ^ forth 

fron theiee h&llB to-mgtt to eulcr upon the oommecicetiittat of 

your profeadoiuil Uvee; nnd if I w«i« nura tbut yOu would profit 

tbinti^ I would glndly oontiDUS, in tho hope of sparing you Che 

ooowqnaiiGfifl of some futura stujuble. But it jh a rocogniiAd 

Uwthat '^ceiUier rnitiona hot indinduolD prottt muoh by the 

«ixp«riacioe of oth»nt,"^Abd bo jtiie with phyiiiciaLB, each 006 

must go Lbrongh bin experience for himwilf. " learriing tliroa^ 

nAnbg, WCCMduig tbrou^h blunderina:,'* and attaining to Uie 

nabnnftin ot wiedom through the puinaof foUy. Henoo I wiU 

tkOW ulCi&lwLTe of you, and in bidding you fftrewell, I ntiwt givn 

TOaoo to the hopo that though we separata here oi atodenta and 

tdo^en, thoroore oords now oxtondicig from thJe rooca into 

jOQt bearla, wfaiob in your after liv^e Aholl bind your teaohen to 

and you to them, Alay you fare well indeed iu all you under- 

», 6Terr ono of yon ; and may yotir lirea be as nerriceable to 

bumanity oud lu honorablo to yoorHelvoe oe your incwt <]levatod 

iripulnen eon ^[leflire, Thle miisl be, if in the dnrber hoiira, of 

jour early etrug'glas you will keep before you tho aoble wordtf 

00 oft^u qnot&d^ but noTcr quoted too ofton, in Tvhioh the tiret 

of Ameneou poete hm aajJ that 

" hm$ nf ttVBtt tnvii &1L nrmin'l qb 
Wa can mnkn onr Xirrm BiiblLme- 
And dflp<krtic^, IcATD behind ub, 
PoDtpftuta wi the HutLk ot time. 

And, if laborizkg and waitiiig iix this spi 
in vain, for all other things being equal 
oome to e&oh one of jou. But, wben 8Uoc< 
not thoee by whom it came, ami with grat 
friends of jotu Btrn^gling years, ooiLtinae 
haT« tried to point out. letting-yonr " lififbt 
that they, seeing your good works, may ^Ic 
fesBion of which yon are a member, and ho 
diploma you bear. 



thftt n Jcv bocomon a Ocntilo ia bab oao spob on «arth, the 
MOiiBOii-nddtfii TenitoTj of Utf^. Jt mAv likowiao bo aoil tLat 
S vobool deTot«d to the etxid^ of iii«iilolD« ia tlie 'inlj one wh^ra 
S<tl«rg7mau b^comena lAjtoiLE), A« alnjiDkii^tharcfare, I flsteem 
It aa honor And tt great frivUfr^^ to addroaa you upon tbia, the 
mOAt important ^Tdmog of your IWea, luiEiorUut to anoh ftD 
•itdnt, ibnt 1 fantj joti tnngt bo profoundly improtiHed vnih fhB 
■olomm^ of tho mo[i]e<iit The acbool U about to clo«« t(fi 
doon upOD yoUn Toiir triaL is nbout to ooaim«iiod. For oo 
maa U truly triad until h" bun Irnen wni^hed In the hnUuco of 
pnbliu opbimi, and ha» not htou luuml wuntiug. The opeuad 
^oor mudt roToal to you (bo adetbing nmnB of tiEimiui beings, 
all imp&llod by tbo law^ of force and motioni eomo beginniDg 
tho trnmp through lita, itomQ hiirrrirff to tbat etAmal Ixntmo, 
vbotio veil oaonol bo piorood otoq by the phyeioi&n's oipori- 
onood oyfi. Yoat plftoe in thia world of huicftn boin;;^, wbnt ia 
it T Tour tttfttion ftmongat the 44Mldr*m of this gen«ration, mtivt 
needs be oao of eoiiueuoe, l>eu&uHe it will hvlug you poril mid 
kbor, ond rory litblo oojoynoot. Tiio prieata of LuuL^nity do 
DOi dlstusgaith lbeEaaolv«8 in the banj^ueting ball. The moct 
eminent unriniitn of milTfinng mmi »ro those whoa© Hres ara 
doTdtod to th« greatest tcil, Your place, therefore, being one 
that will biing yoa in oontoot wilb hDnmn iroukneee, mther 
than with human ntrnn^th, it may not bg amiga, gentlemen, to 
Bupplement your kuDwledgn of inedtciue vrltb a few ooasiilern- 
tioiu, which may iaduce you to boLoretbat othern, boindo youi* 
■aJvfiflr hftTO a bigb and dialled opinion of tbo pTofeaaion you 
bara adopted aa your lifn's worh, 

IRiero ia no profcHiion oit earth, tbnt rnciiiinm no muob flolual 
knowledge joj&od to atreugtb of will and cbaroctor ae Vao prc- 
laarion of th« pbysician. Notice, tbat I do not uio the uaua] 
term pmfuntoEi of medtrine. Timo and draumatAnn^e, tho aior- 
ul proffCMB of tbinga aiid the iucroaaed reflll«menl of hi 


^tt petoepUoaa hare omde jou nomethuig higbor, 
balUr tli^Q m«r« di>otor« of m^tcao^, thsl £a to <vr 
ft oArtidn breiLdb of ment*] orpftruraoo- la ti» ^Bai> 
thai iBOiiUl «ipori««G0 lo tiw nevJt* Kod jiufTAnfi^ of 
tbo grMt«r miattoa. tit* moro aB«f ol profoasioa. Toa 
«• dooton of m^dietna, y^a will b« jttdffod br rcnif fthl^ 
pbjvlGUnft. IVdnjr it U your knowlodge th*or«ck«l ibt 
blea joa to pioa oui frou li^ro providocl wJUi a diaf|«laj 
morrow it will not 1m >o mach yoar koowle^i^o ■» jronr 
ftpp] J it, cot K) mtuhjoar diploouk it^ vonr chancUr, 
muoU junr Jiu» mindd »■ jour e^jsnpftthiitio bearta IhatvB 
you tha plaudita of huKuiiuly. To-dttjr tbo quoatioo b 
ytm han lati^Ad lh« progiftnuoatt And aohodnlM [iroriM 
tlw Faculty tor joar inatmctioD. To>mortv>w jon 
giMtor ecbool of tbo two, tKa sobool l>oiia(1«Hl bj m vAJ 
limiM by &o hohzon. Ita unphithOAtoru tiia bodttd« ol k^ 
pAtiont. anil joa, th« profaaaon, will bftTo aa VQdlo&Ml^ rti 
boot of flu£r«rorB vho oball bo oonfidod to jronr c^ia, T>^ 
onda tha pT^liQiiaarj ioTOBti^tkuk, to-morrow be(ia«jc«tai 
Tha jtidg« dta civarywhfirs; hia nam^ ja pubtio opiniOA. UfM 
hjiTvt imrritad tbd Appmbntifun of vonr tOAClufv, maj fOiAi 
wiae nbibil tboao tniti of fTbaract^r which we wouM fatal* 
hOTo baro iiap«lJod joato enter tbo nTawaiu procinctagf 
ptoteasfoa, ThdD _voii vrill be adjxul^od voritAbU fmbJ 
bmaaaitj. 7oor plftco nill bail tbo bl^h plaooa, fM tcotb^ 
word will be aoic to come. 

Ton maj coDgfatulato joviraelrea, gODtlomon, thai tbavobt 
to-day hn» an ntlequato appredatton of tbo importaooe al tev 
pTofoeeioin, Jt boa not orv«r t>e«ii thtta. Aa a meoUJ nTpariwn, 
tba acie&c* of medieiiM baa baan compolUd to fijcht ii* — " 
the front. Th^ woHd is alowto rooogviiotbo oton^ [.; 
ol trulb. That which has been appeals atrua^r to tba oo^ 
Tatiatn of man than tba more iodioatioc of what will ba. lb 
aiumaliiUiiiasiaiiiuipcIituia, alli^tor-lika, toaJoopawmTbiUtf 
bia life tuul wUb It half of bin adrmntagoa. The j^rowth ~ 
euce ia a rocord of tba partifiacitT of auA'a oonavrmUxa. 
ideas ara alwaja auipoctod, booaaae tboj iadlcftto 
tbo politj" and eoonomv of huniaB actum; and toMa hat 
boe&fouil of newidoaia. Appljui^' this faottotbsLbnadi 
eaoe 50U aro to domonntrftio vHt ^onx akill bofon the wodC 
wiE sorolj be to your advantage to tarn now nnd thaa Cm 


jour bnay U>i\ and Infitilute b compftr&Uve fltndj of m«dloln* to- 
<lay, and iBflfliciiin in fortOMr tniDaA. Yaa will l«inrn, tliAn, that 
tbft world ilaeJf bfta to some cxtoctt changed iU n.ititu<)D toiff&rd 
9^0000. Fona&rW th^b^mldofu it<^w an ^vab Uout^jd bj hia 
oont^mponauA; hia rBward oncao nftdr hie death. To-dDj th« 
world trenU dgw iileoji an n oliiM hij« tojf; ttne after tho other 
are ciut Jhwar to taaice room for ^ometliiug now, •oxnotbinK inoro 
glilleruig* There ik p«rliapa notLiug «itrftordiniiry m this. U 
TMana that we multiply eTporfflnoeH faetor.miirh faqt^rtb&n our 
tittlcr» baTo doa«. Koplor nnd Galileo juo typos of Uaoir da/ 
aa )£dicK>ii ia of oura. Modicii:e hati not Oeiaaped Ihia arolution- 
arj tajkddDojr. Forty y«ara ago an annstbatio was lau^had at. 
th^j oaad to heal wodiidw bj jiouring boiling oil on tbem or 
oaaUming Uioaa. Thej healed farvrr by bl«ftding, and a largfo 
ottUgOTj of ilia waa g6Dornli2ed under tho nftm« of diBtem^ror. 
The |>hysioian of old had an ea^ tirne of it- What he prinoi- 
poU/ noed«d was sumo knowtedgo of harba, to wear a blaok 
ffowQ and to look wise. To bo sure, rtwonld h^ the reiy boigbt 
of ingTbtituda to uee thi9 pleasantry in nny otber buta oompara- 
til A way- For aft^r all, the decree of tici^Qtitii? (irogrean and 
unproToment depends ma;nlj upon the number of eipctiaticea 
that tav4 ocnlrihuted to make progrods po&BiblQ; And thoae 
eiperi^rcee are oot born with us, Tbey are the Isf^ncj of antaf^ 
tor licQDa- The inoantation ol avezy ancieut prieet, the fonauln 
of eT^ry ancient horbalist contributed to the mut^ria m<*dica of 
Bippocialic tiniee. Human jnd^nn^Qt hna n^Y^r failed to ex- 
p«tid ilv kKurst perceptii^ns upon thtt hIcIe ntul tho anfl^ruig. 
Modioinc ia ohXtr than HippocraUa, aurgerj ia rather a adenoe 
ol neoeattt^ than an ait. The gr^at impaxatlva of all applied 
knowlad^e, ncocsflity, has brought forth tha ^cmt healara of 
tb* human race. Natufo which givea birth t^ the iulaiiitc rariatj 
oEIiTuig thinga orcatee likewise the ilia to whioh £€sh i» hcir, 
buthka aban^fioient mother aha rreatcB tha remedy aa wall aa 
thf) fiTil, and plo^tm tu the humauiuiud thepurL-tspUuE) toremo¥0 
the oviU the power to reatoro physical acid mental harmony aa 
well aa tbo facnity to aufFer. Tlie degreo of knowledge of thoAe 
lUiiflon a par with th« relali^epo^erto remove them. It may, 
tbiTff-ftjtc, be ftoL down aa fact that in no bretioh ot human ex- 
perience the tilaUvc dovdopmeut thereof in do much goremed 
by neoeaaity as in that branch danomluated aa madieloa. It is, 
thaiafora, ibo oldest axid moet uaaful cf all aoianoaa. We 

CAn di>p6DW wilb much ihmi appUod JidiUkM 1mi «M 

frxifl1aiic«. Wf trouJd lUuimnotfr itut jArlniM» of o«r 

an oil Ump Hnd he lu eoiDpUuwiit aa ev«r; wa «ociiJ tnnl 

Ui«eoDLiii«at iu tbo old, ilow wi^ and ba happ^ttill;** 

afford to diapooM witb UlepLooio ocnaaiDaicatioEii nlTri 

otMtuUy diBoluv^ our MalaJ and protc-amoaal dnliii, 

view of tliAt ^rehX and droad nooaasUj of Eaukttiuif ti 

TOJco of E&otKor natura la hor dispanaatioDa of Uib 

batnaDi^, th/Q i«a«tr«troftiiMSton or roacUon in tiie ■pf'i*i 

oiic« of modicliiD wottld bo ftcrimofortrfaioii tharocan bi 

pardoa uor atoaouieuL lu riow tfaaroof how tDarrtbai 

UuUhnmaaUj Las 1>a»o u (OEieorratiTo toward tkat 

■oioaca an tovurd OTaij othor axparianoo flalonkied lo«te 

thaltorixon of Luuiai) ktttiwlifdga. Tlior« n^^aia to b««i^a 

betweaa Uio goldM) a^ ci HippoaraUrb uiTtl tha «ra «l« ^ 

am modioifio noaiLAtcd frcm tha BoholaaticJsm of at£^ 

tiniM- TIiu Qrouk phjsiciiiD van a ^otirtad phUosoptoii 

farurod of the i;udA. the iQapirtd diaamer, to vbom in tMi^ 

mghtt rem«di«B wero rovoalad tbat woro mora faadllj ickifA^ 

b^ hie pati«iite than the &<lTioo tba pnaatfaood b««to««4 Iff 

djrf»i^tinn of th^^irrimcltiH. Tha Jpwiabprioat, wbovu&kntf 

tho koftlor of hdn coaHtituaotn, vik. If^uaj, more coortadicrki 

pOTTvrto h«al Upro^p tbaa for b;b knovrlod^ of lbeiiij*M 

be thought toheHoM In th« coTling 6n>oko oa it aaotoflri ta 

tijo HHCtiilda) vltar. Thorfl mnj 1>e a pajofaologioaJ ^ ptataiA 

jdociAl reaton for Uita cbavm. Tho Graaka mud Rocuai^ ^ 

Egyptians and the Jfiwi, ir«re tha exponoats of aa ala»cp«< 

feet Hndal organixatioii' Id a neailj poimaaent atataef mM^ 

attej^dvd Ifv tbo comforte tbataiakaUfo ploacaot, Uiimaian«M 

i«Adily dclecte ita ailineiite and turn witb moro oonildface t> 

nnjone ivto bnn tbn povsr of hoftlin^ thettt. XIiqn an Ito 

tisiow wL^n the aohool i« asked U> raepond to tha Tokaof ii 

vortd, and soi^nuu ia ooiamcuidcd to fihi<i]d buauutity vitb di 

pffOtaotfng rminkent But in toedtiBTal timoa homaatty etoodM 

avoloano. Nq one oonld t«11 wh»ii Uia oratar would bflgmH 

amii its dceti-uctiro vttbatanco. Xo voice bod ooma to it horn 

antiquity: it ^^^ lu if tbo apiiit of Ood bad neror broalbed m 

tbefaoaof the deep. In Djaantium thst Toioa had boeas^ 

ptoasod, ftnd wbon it spoke aguo it ^polt cu from a mire. Oi^ 

ataattna end the prinoes who ouao nftor bita. dominated V 

eoaleaiMt1calin(1ti«iioe,ltiJ^thaMpirat*onsof thawiaaoMKi 

tboir gaoentuiD, tnO dirooU7 oaniwd tbn lameiit»1>]e JgDorance 
of tbo mi>d4U iiff««, ti«t«ii A motcont to Dnpor: " Tbo Asolo* 
pionfl imro cloaod. Cti# floboole o( philoaophy prohibited, tbo 
IfbmrJAft <liapfk(Ned or deat.rovwi, Ifiarmng WftTid«<l trn miig\o of 
puiiish<*d DA tr#4Aor)t philo^opL^ra driven into ei.Ile nn^ Afi n 
(tliuiv dxtorminntod, when it beoaaa appitront that a void hocl 
bo^D created which it wqa iDounjberkt oq the victon — pHeeta — to 
flll- Among the ^eit prelateff^ wtio wji:^ tbero to stand m thti 
pUoo of tboM taoD whoao achieveiaects b&d glorified tho humno 
rM«f Wlio ivae to suooeed to AichiioAdee, Hipparobua, Kuolid, 
H«rophiltiB, Erftatoflthe&04 ? Who to Pinto ocd Ai-ivtotle ? Tho 
quftokorlcs of iiLiracle cure, siirioe our«, r«lio 4^uro. were des- 
tined to eolip^o tbo f^euios of Hippoonttea atid oG&rJy two tbou- 
aftnd y«&ra to int«rveii9 betw^oa Archimod«H nad Kawtoo, ncivlj* 
IJQO between HippnruhiiH jiuil K(»|ilar." It la n tnni picture. 
Our mfiduwal auaesbors b^d no kuovTl«d:;e ot antiquity ruid itit 
tiUwIr^ii, for M the eKpenorkcea of Ibat ag« were bottled tap in 
tlwdolatarfl nnd thdchnrchea. When tliey tnmed their faoM 
to Uu £aHt iiffiun, the cIoudH receded ttom their vldcrn. The 
fBimeof eooml t^nd BCionbtio life that the or asiule re brought 
with ihfttD word pUnt^ io SZaropeAn eoil, where alowty, very 
■Jowlr, th«j txKjIc root. And Btill thvre %r& ft^ur (^Dturias he* 
iwaou them and PArftooIaaa, And two cezitiuioa moro between 
PBcVM»leu« cmd Haryej, einoe whose time, I presmao, the prog- 
nw of tho flcienon hna bccii tin interrupted- We fitid then, 
tnlj, tlifttforAlmotittwo thouAftiid Tears the Rlorioua aoieucejroa 
foDov fte jour miotroaa haaboea pormitt«<l to reEiiikin m a Btand- 
>tiU. la it not A lod teatitnoa; of the eualftvemtiut of the humou 
uiiudfor Till UiuhtfytKtrBf For eil these nmflODBlompLi&Hitfio oooit 
more that jou m&y ooogretulnte jouieetvee of beoomicg the 
Hrranta of humauitv is the 19th oecturj- To-dnj ecietioe ntoade 
rerettiled in fill hur beutily, &od she feKrH neither the doiniautioTi 
of priest-orftft nor the bl&eLiit^ touch of igaonutoe. To-Jaj, ici 
her triumph&nt miirah through tbe towns &ud villager wbero 
men do congregate, the soft melody of ber Uruns ie no loager 
0OQri>uiaded wilL the tiublutg of * fooVe bells, of ihftt verj- fool 
who foUowod in bonrnke, and wboae occupation la gone forat«r. 
TcMlaj bei TOtArieu are edited bleeaed;the pri^oD uo longei 
■towthenn, the p}'t« no ToL^er ol&iiuA them. To-day wirtdcm 
site in the high pU<:efl of the earth, aad Ihote who pursue ber 
Wftys ore the ro«l iigents of n boni^ di-rinit}'. And jou, gentle- 

. • • • ' 

moii, 50a, who Aic to-night cidJ«d to sftOrtd aorrieA cil behftlJ of 
bumo&ity ftud in Um aervio^ of aaioaoe, bd vur^UMt jou bowkto 
lo the voio^ of your ntGther. Ton hnTA l^nrnni) mac^; Bbo MI0 
^outbftther knowlotl^vr is iaexhnuvUblo. Yoxjr ftotoal «xpai- 
enoe is about to be^iDn It you now oonf^e jouraelt oooteat 
with ihemoietj' of informAtionyou hfttegftlhcredt it would hif4 
been better hAi3 ^ou risver oomnjeDoed, For lh«r» ia » grdftter 
oarae in our modern world, lo my cund. thui a nurow-miadcd 
privet, (uid that iA ^ &arrow-mmdad, uo^iahed. umsform^d 
pbjflidAQ vho haa not bept ahreikst of the tim«K- Yoiir profM- 
■LOD and yotir duty both demuid that nil the days uif your livM 
you ahull renibin ddvcre io th« gold nune^ of eciocod, for lakowt- 
edg^ u( power, and ainoe pow»r Is given you, yoa miut liATt 
knowlaJj^e, Tlieit, from ihiH [.lace ahoU go forth tn-nlght »pn» 
ties Gi huiuaiuty, whoee names ahall ahitio laetroualy with th* 
mont that crowns thoir cureera. and on the eutAbluturAa Of 
fikt^re renown their names shall be regi^tereiJ *■ reorlby eoiOM 
of a noblo raoo of benefaotorB to humanity. 

And then, an I haveltad the honor of obaerrisg alraad j, jott 
duty liott not oxeluaively in the |;athefing of 6ip«nanQ», is t^ 
■oquisitinn of Hkill, ar in the opening of new avrnuAw of tmth; 
it l\t9, perhaps, m a greater degree in the ooqaivilioii of Uiom 
p«reonaUjuaU ties that alatup the physioian as a gr^l aua. Y^v 
missjon is to remove the ^ling of sitfTering, Toti will conaft In eoik- 
tactwithLnmanity diveflteduf all tJieattributeaof BiraDgUt> Von 
willmect men, the Btrongeat of whom will aakboUvoopooi JOB ftf 
upon a EitafT of e-uppoit, women who will look upov jouu thtir 
deliverers, fathera and mothers who nextlo th6tr God wEU tsD 
you th«SaTiof of their children. You will entei home«teada die- 
turbod by tho presence of the dread angel of death; your sya 
ulone Will see the ghltet of thst ominoua aword that outa tiw 
thread of lif«i your povor slone^ und^r the dispeneatton of Ibat 
ouniidcnt spirit that movos yon, may nuapend the fatal dewMot 
oltbot Aword. 7on will meet hunjaiuty m teoru oad in pain, 
yoi) will entnr hoaprtalg where sld9 by atda suffering mSQ gtve 
witnots of tho large catalogue of human ilia; you nay be oalled 
npon to stand, lilie Aaron the High Priest of Israel, betwoea 
the liring atid the dead, and atay th* plagn^ that aaaj b« wafted 
on pintilcniial wiuga from diHtact olimtia^ Von may, Qod give 
that you may not, etancl between linea mowed down bjtheacythe 
of death, men ahot ou the field, thsir life arr»fltsd by shot osd 



LTO power of man hinucU. Wb^a Uum U«U «oai9 to 
irfast wUl joa do ? G^jntlnnofi, uk j*our Ibkor od bondod 
to giv« jon thfl greatest Atrejjgtb, Uie grofttent tsudunmifo 
|h«t fJkA com# to yoQ. If 5011 tftTo it cot. aUnd bftck I Hu- 
nwuitj will not bo Mrred bj vaiUdiDg«. A&d than, lock io tbo 
Aixl tbRi nrlll oomo toyoD. ^Ton&re breiid-winiiera, it U'-nifl, 
00 4n TO 4IJ. Dot God help us, if our life wore b^it di alrug- 
bvotd. Think of the gre^Ur rcrwiLrd that will come tOToa, 
itnoglhcDiii^ [^itiAhQrtf of hatjdit. whn«ei owrieru jou hjiTtt 
bom d^fttii, tL^^rmtefulluukuf ttu^ciT^rH whuAci w^iiuds 
bo^e h«al^, the bciuaoos of JoTin; mothers whose bfibos 
yoQ hUT^ G«ved, thi) opprobution of j^our own oo&toionoo that 
Iho Uuk w&a Hell Joce 1 Aud Lbuii >f^ii, you nm nipootud to 
■el (Ln eumplc m Btill another dircctioti. To isapir^ oooBdence 
you must bo better than jour neighbor. ¥011 xnost ot loasiUy 
to bo. Tour trueitt olftim on the confidanoD of jour potjoota 
will bo establiHhed by the lof tiuesa of jour owu char»cLer. Tho 
ircild U not T017 oa^^r to coa&de ita moet anorod intcrvfito to 
OQon wboHo ohanctOT ta not abore repronoh. Therefore, wbiliit 
jcn will Im! tJio Hipcjtiofits of adcuoe, you moHt Im iit tU" Hmue 
time the eiponeols of the higheat coaceptioa ot tuortlity, the 
domoDBtratotB ootAlone of the oilmeDts of men, but of the blgh- 
Ost dntieB of dtizotiBhip, thn riiltiWaUirHnf nil thnciq tnily noHd 
in our time and generAtion. Thuji oq;iipp<fd, your etrongtb wiQ 
bo ffroat, yotir hifht will lihine ^e the nooii-day stuif and your 
Qftotbor vnU bless yon, for that her kona havd provod worthy ol 
the trust sbo reposed iu them, 

Aixdno^i', t^OLllcrj^oo, poruiit mo, 06 an humblo layman, to eoD* 
ffrfttiilate yoo cTfon ih? diHtinction thnt ha^s come to you, and bo 
wish yoH n fall mbuBun of aueeniM in yuur lutdflrUkings. An 
anciout lait^m uayth the doj ift abort, and the work ia mucb* 
Tin no in Joed. WL»it a shoittpanof Ufoio oura — howimnaoaof 
the Dieniiurs of our work ! 

An3 it 18 someUniea diacooniffio^ to think thai all human 
o9brt, be it erer eo ^oat, end« in the ictAj^M We leate noLhinf 
but our oipericnoof bobind no, tc bleits tbooe who vUl uo«n> 
after ns. Be it so, gentlnmen. Go forth to ytmr duiiea, U> 
botUe with the arch-eLemy of man — deoth — armed witb U«e 
opnflciouanew, that the greatofil glury cf a vell-npettt htv U Um 
itj that baa ite oeM in iho grateful mejoofiea ol tmlM^ 



kind, — that tJie greatert pumfllmieiit to idle, vammg&riit^ num te 
not deaths but oblivion, disnuBBAlfromt^attmiuni an dmaxDorj 
of a generation eager to distinguiih the IvrnTfij thtt troe ui4-< 

Bat CUL th« wi]« of ut, th« gnap of povvr, 
Snatch tha rioh ntici of « v«ll «p«at hour? 
Theae, whan the trembliDg apirit vingi hor fligfat, 
Pcmrnjuiid bar path aitreun of tiTing light* 
Aod gild thoaa pan uid perfeat mJnu of roft, 
Whare virtue trioiDplUi and h«r •on* u« bUit I 

jt'i'iri <\Mjx >- t^" <'t fcJ^jQpcr Medical 

>rBll rxNB. M A^ M 1* ^B^l™^ " 



on Uit occasitui of llw Uoveiliug of the Bust 
Dr L. C Lane, al Oxiifcr Mcdicd) 
Colkgv, N*jv. ^3, 1890. 


ftepiiutfd from tlic OccinBXTAL Medicaid TlKESt January, il^i. 


Jetiyered io the Graditaiing Cfass of Coofter Mr^icat College, So- 
vemhet /?, i8go. 

iy Levi CoofEk Lank, M, A., M. D.. (Berliiit, M. R. C- 5^ Eiif^, 
LT*. D-, Professor of Surgery, Cooper Medical College. 

Nullufl argeiito color e4t, nisi teinperalo ^iplenJeat mum, ^Horace. 

Kon quiA intercedeiidum putem inmginibii!^ quae iiiariiiorc aii( aere 
fiasuntur; serl iit vuUua honiinLiiii ila siiuulncra vultus THibecilla ac 
mtntalia sunt, forma mentis aetenia, qiiaui teiiere et cxprinierc non per 
^li^tiam materiani et artem, f^ tuis ipse nioribuf^ pos^si^i. — Tadtu%. 

Ladies and Oenihtnen: Amon^^ recdlectioius most vrtliieU by 
me, is that of a visit lo Thomas Carlyle; he wjis in iii>> ciKhlieih 
year, and referring lo this, he spoke plaintively of his advanced 
^e, and quoting Ossiaii. said: "Age is tbrk and unlovely.'' 
Though Cinie had made a rnin of his body, and his once clear, 
blue eye had become ilry and lustreless^ sciU in his remarkable 
conversational powers his intellect showed no impairment; among 
the ghtlering thoughts which fell from his lips, the following I mo^t 
prized: "Yours is the greatest of all human professions; indeed, 
mankind would be quite as well off if the other professions were 
put to bed." 

For three years, Cooper Medical College, your Alma Mater, 
has trained you with a teacher^s arbitrary strictness, yet combined 
with aflectionate tenderness; to-night she gives you the legal 
passports whiclj admit you to that profession declared so great by 
Carlyle. You have long looked hopelully towards this hour, for 
it completes the discipline for a life's labor in the held of humanity. 
From your course of studies you have cou^e torth victors; the 
spectre, Failure, which, in fearful outline, has so often hovered in 
your horizon, and chilled your breasts with doubtJul apprehen- 
sions, has vanished forever. The twelve sentries who g«ard the 

honors of your Alt^u Mainr, Uav^ rigidly diallcngv^l yoti. ^6 
havr 1m\n\ 10 Hnd cuxts*' <q ^JiTy V<>u «r[iinA%inii, Vou nrr fici- 
niiltcCt' taj>^? l|>< pj^m*, I^dnct: ycjic Imvc [fl^overd youndrcs wo*- 
lliy 0I lUdn/ UDcVa^mic vi^ricincu ^'Ufirdt IIli; pn«ei» ol Ibn 
iiiairtution; and these wlio win t^iein mu-it be worthy of ttaeni. 

The \i}\tr of anclo-tit hl'^iory wfiu visits ifiocltmi Romi€ will 6nil 
luucb oe' aiJiiquily to aw;ik?ri bb imcrot; and on 4 ibrmcr occi^ 
8ion> when «i pilgrim rn tbnE cla:iKlc Hoil, tho u.ifmc^ cMlbdsucui 
was amkcued in my brcJsi whcti f louchixl Hyv ^^round on wfiirh 
ilic j^iicii^iLl uu|{iir btucHl> 4tid, by uKuiin cif [ibsiil'i uT divuiAU'tn 
he lookt'd into fjLurity. .md ciukilJl tfltcikEnt^^ of comine cixnta- 
In the field bi^ioTc him he ]>lftccd his hoi'woopr, and divided ihtf 
into n right and kiV qtmrtpr, .-im1 acrordlng ;>« l?in]« ivrrr cuv^ 
gtighl lit {in ihc? M or tlglit nidc. hi lite niK>lln;iy<-nh v<w jKirlrtKl) 
of EockL evil, K^ory, Tiliiimc, [ntt:cc3aor cniaforttint, Aa »dkL iho 
field ;in<l lis Incidcnte of oldee memory awakoned in me fcnlcflcvt 
interest: on it« far nfl limiw I ivairh^-d ihr flijjhr of n bird, whifh^ 
twi) Ji(»iMi;d yi'iirs !i^f\ iiii^-hi li^vr firt^u llit- m>'Iia1 A>r suitn^ 
on sonic niiliUryt^xp^^iilion or lor ilicdcmton ol some Impr^ruiM 
mAtlcr of Start': as U)t' hud viini^Lhcd in a dbtont wood, tlwr cuf ' 
rent <>f my ihou^hti^ i»jik hrolc^n, f<jr the »ighi of dio donic? of St 
E'ttcr*?) dnirdt icminLlal mc [\u\. djc nicvupiUJoji ot die diigttf h^ 
ccucdn ihe >-iiicicnl rrhgion wnn n rhing ol {h^ |\*tT» ftrtd thj»l oMrti 
Rome hn<l ywMe<l her impemi power to hvr northern Mibjvci^ 
If d^i imrrVHl w:iH .iw^ikc-rifrl by lh^<l ^miiuhih jiIjiii 41I anciem oog* 
ury. .1 far grratci ciillm^iiiMii in kiiiillL-d in mo a I irc^ill (hf? bd 
thai I now »itAnil on iht- vef^c of a held, which b a& rich in iTk 
Mwreis And unixkm cv^cntH ot comrii^ ye^rs n« cvcv lay b^fcirr iW 
angiir ri1 iihlni iltnt^. 

The ;iHcicnl Jit'i^f couched liia pEophtrlic ulttrnibcc:^ in n|mco<al 
teniia, il licvnw which hi* ^iliiuit l-ioeuagt* pi-rfiiHk'd; for cxamftlr. 
ihc famonii l>-1phLc rimdccoiilrl ^v Tnit^fuify interpreted eltbcr 
for or ^K'"'^'^' viciiiry. Bin the mnrn* whirh ^ppmr in thr h^TT*- 
Acopc of your future 4re i^cry <litJVrcirtH smrx ihry iirc invobed in 
no nnihi£:miy; their interpreter ha» no need ot uoceitnin terms 10 
conceal their impon, ftinc** ihoy are obvious, d^^rund srlf-evidetit 
On the left, a iptirirr In uhirh iheold dtviner <<iMi>;hl for umeiHoT 
good fortune, *uccc*3 and victory, inMc^id of a irhimcd ot^ert, I 
obrtcrve a stir like ptfutuj^oo, ^it each illumine^l lUigk! of which 
\tu»U Ati insrriptior* in obinly wri[ten cllur.itierii; Ehe*c inscnii- 

lionK, fn^titicriiif: as if traced in lisht, read u bllows: EAmcstnc««r 
Smcrriiy, Oiccrfulmtis, Willinj-iuJrt tu Work. nnJ Silf dcni^il. 
Frrri) fmm tl»^rl|^b^^^a^Hil^y^Jr.^■J^if.|^i^J,jl^']clf(J l),^;iij^ij-t^ ^jp^^ 

1 proceed, nt once. to. m> u^, vv^I will.ctyiiiibrucK.^I'di EuriwM- 
neaa, since 1 fioil it aC tbc .luminit'aji^tc of the pcnteftoa And in 
largNUas of charjct^r and ilJuiuin^ilion it » more conspicnouit xhna 
^ny nf (lir oiWrs. All ^i^^l rt^foimen uho fiav^ 4(F|)[je(] outride 
of (he doiixaiii of accepted Uoclruie^p vrhcihcr tii n:li^iuM ur ad* 
cneci have oHlninc^ a folloi^vJ^kg ttirough s:reat <Amc»l.uc3»; 9us- 
cd by thii virtue. Mich men have been Klf^dy m Act]i:>n, 
iitvaverlu^ inidtrr ojijio^itiuji, urunuvwl Ijy flcrii^iun. fiithfiil to 
convleiioiiB juiO undisturbed by d-uigcr. Sudi mcii in bntdc jtrt- 
found ill the fiercest of fhe t^|-lit utiiiudting tlidr fotlowcm by ex- 
ample and wcr<^ to siand firm and nev«r|£4vean inch. Even in m 
cbimjiion nf emir. Mieh n qu^liry rommAHrlt^ :idmimii>n and 31- 
tiiLCt^^lcttoving. Thin qiiMity eii.^bled MolMinnicd lo convert, 
lirst his Mvilc, ihvii ins brethren, ^nd Uler, 4ll Avnbia, lo the bchd 
tlm he W36 A divine envoy ; uiid thus <tnt man wu>t alile to ori^- 
n^e ^iid projMg.itc a new re]i}{ion over u hii^^e jionion ai the 
canh. The IVophet wa» almost cqjdled by Peter the Hcnniu 
nhoM: «ild enmuitncvi awakt^rcd ihrotighout Western Huropc 
botl) j^cfecaat and |irinof to unite in u cotnmon expedition for the 
rccDvety tjf tlie Kuly Sepuldire; u war in lift »lr<nKi- iiml rt^innncic 
diiiniicter wltJtuuI analogue in huinaji hiBtory. Tliia wa? Llic In* 
strumcnt with whidi Cromwell cut Iue wuy through all ranlu to 
the throne of Engbod: ami ihocigh he twAmed to uscrnd thifi, yt^l 
he ^r.ib|'td and i^ielded tlie MjqjUe ai ita side, widi nioie foice 
than any citonafchj ThJA comin^trdiiig quality in our o^n Wash- 
ir^gion, won tlie hc^rtJi of h\* f>o!dicr« and enabled luni to lead 
diem ihionifh hniLKer, t-uld ;uid untold han]7dn[M. It vniH this 
qgjility, wm^en iiiel^ceably into Lhe tcjiturc of tlic Honccra uf 
CattDraiA. wittcli prompted Uiein to leave their hornet and meet 
diKomCbit and danger in every form; and lifter nricountetl hard' 
vhi]»E to lunld up for U!t thbb wondmns home in ihr iHr Wr'si. 
TheM men were inte[T»:]y earnest men. Countless examples ol 
thii virtue base bt-en rxhiUitd in the history ol our proIeiBuon; a 
mere citati(>n ol tlio^ meritorious naiiit^i AOidd occupy tlie re- 
mainder of this hour; it would compel me to omii die other 
ii^criptioDa of our penla^^oii; tlii^ I cannot afford to (lo> ^nd so 1 
must liniil tnyseif to Ihe mention of only two nr three nantes No 

titier one do I Bad than that ot Hdn-urd Jmner, whii9«e 
and uniiring work in thesmdy of vaccinal lop. ha*; given iht 

and niefct "rar^e.-fif 4{omao:d]ae:ifei;b,' :"'-"- 

In an :LiHograph lelter, which I have the good fortUMlo 
seSH. JeiintT gilts a glimyjst' of some of tlie trails ihrougb 
lie passed before his discovery vkus acctr|*Ied hv tilt- ttoHil; 
ing- [o an mvc^ii^tion. which was being iiiadt' by ihc Ropi Ct* 
!eg« of Physki.ins, of ihe siUijeci of v,TC^:ination. he say?. TV 
inquiry will lay low nil lliese iroiiblescknie gliosis which hi"- * 

eir ox-yiices mm] dism;il W- 
le thrust a gibe at llie rviici- 
insl VrtccJnation, ihiil intm* 
the likenessof that ottbcoi 
ide to the recognition ti b^ 
'Hie did Jcnner then see. iU 
v\ h,\d e-xprrcd. he hiimcll 
est Ijenefactors of huiuiftflf, 
hut of Spain; whidi his^xr 
4 ancc disapjiciired fora Uio' 
Jenner's crown Is moit ijt 

long havinicd the meirop' 

mgs against vflcdnalion/ u 

loiLs objeciion which was 

it would coinen the liuiiian r^ct 

And lunher he refers with k^'^.h. 

discovery by the King of ^pain. 

when conteiiiporary inylice and 

would \}G enthralled ^mong the i 

and wear a crown less mutable 

been llie *iporl of polilical ctia 

111 the vonex of popular re\'OiMiii^i. 

^bic thiiEi cine of golJ, sinue !l K couipostiMt of gratitude wovi:n U 

himds which, ihroueh hisdiscovery, have been pnitected from \rf- 

\u^ nurrcd by the spotted serpent wliJch, before Jeiiner^s timf 

wiis lurking in Uie pLilhw,»v ot every hiiiniiii being. 

AiiaTlki e\;iniple of whiit an earnest |>iirpose can acconipll^'h L^ 
ihiit iyi" IjMor, wha h;i> justly won (or himself the title of Grcn: 
RelornuT in nunlem surgery, hi tlie early ajinouncemeiU oi hi- 
[kx'iriiu\ Lisur, like Jtunir, iiiH ii iili intense opposition aud t^M?. 
lidicnlt. I H lmII rea<iiji^,' in an Kn^Ush journal a mention ofhini 
;is ilu' fuialic oj die Nordi, who was eiulcavorijig to charm aw.^' 
i[]||,Lnnn;aion by doini; liis oper.ilknis in mists aud vapor. Arru^- 
Lii)|H'd wid) epi^;rainm.nie inoekeiy, for a time fell quickly around 
him lioiii r very suie. Vo the lolloweis of tlie old modes ^'^ 

ibvupi n I lLuii;e coiilil tujt be otherwise than paiuAd. The yrtMrlv 
modest, but etjiMliy t';iiiu'sl wv.ui. conliiiued his work and ej^t.ib- 
lislu'd ibe (.Ineliine, of inuueuse value to mankind, that inflammnV 
tion, i'Wiiv so fitnil in any species of wounds can with certain 
preeaulion;»ry prori.dure>, be avoided or safely controlled. Lister 

In?, tnunijihetl, luul his [i.nin. has i,ikeTi plnice amoni; ihe iireat 

benefactors of humanity. Like Faradrty his name has l>ccn hh- 
signed a place in all modern languages; and in outs JJsicrisni will 
endure coeval with Faradism, And even should our race, with 
its wonted ingratitude, forget his name* yet his good work is as- 
sured of perpetual continuance in the years which it will add to 
human existence; and Irom the liearl of the wounded man whose 
pains are reduced to easy tolerance^ the incense of gratitude will 
constantly ascend, though il be to an unknown benefactor. 

In every place and position of life, earnestness conimantls at- 
tention; nay more, it becomes the object ol reverent admiration, 
and in thdr admiration men have chosen it as a proper name. 
The hardy Teuton, whose military achievements recently placed 
him at the front of Europe, finds no fitter, no noi>ler name for his 
child than *'Emest." 

Earnestness coupled with genius insures supremacy to the fortu- 
nate possessor; when comt^ned with mediocrity it commands re- 
spect, and when united to dulness it exempts from c<»nteni]»t. 
Hence, viewed from every side, Co this quality must lie concc<lecl 
the rank of noble among human virtues; and thereforCn in words 
dear and prominent, in the lieart of each of you who Iio(k.'s for 
success, should be written the resolve, ever to Ixr ejimest. Such 
a resolve carried into action will give you a commanding [Kiwer in 
the exercise of your profession; by means of it you will kindk' 
new life in the feint hearts of those who shall api^eal to you for 
relief from pain, depression ajid sorrow. In the ]>cri]ous voyage 
through the unfathomed sea of disease, across which you are to 
serve as guides to unfortunate travelers, this quality will enable 
you Eo safely manage the helm and rescue from <leath the j>recious 
frdght entrusted to your charge. 

In our five-sided oracular figure, next to Earnestness lies the 
angle bearing the inscription. Sincerity; and although things 
which have been said of the former may be sfMjkcn of sincerity, 
yet there is so much difference between them tlial it can be said 
that one may be earnest and not sincere; still no person can be 
sincere without being earnest. To illustrate this, a man may be 
earnest In falsehood, and hence he is insincere; but if he l>e sin- 
cere in his profession of a belief, thence must he be in earnest; and 
hence, as a deduction, earnestness to be of value must be linked 
to sincerity- The word sincere, when traced to its primitive ori- 
gin, means unmixed, whence by an easy transition, the idea of 

\>mly ii reached: no bad nddiiion to the modem niWiiiliif 
nn eerily. 

Smrt-rity xIw;iyH rnforvrx rt^vrl, WKn ihiio^h il be nwt w^lb la 
our who rnJically iliiTt^n (mm us in n|>imon. In ooinmoia pbniAC 
the sincere man miys wliui hi; nicunn n:vl nuwiu wlimt He •■>%; 
ihiJH, p:ink|>bniMd, sinceriiy is nearly 9km to mnh, MnaU in- 
crntisi* In v^liir in proponicrii lo thtnr ^c^rcrncztNi diu^ ur^muio 
iind phitlniiin hr exceed gold in value; in like tntuuvuT Uie r*i^Y 
of Binc«rity increases the ttorki'ii ap;>rvcia1]on of \U Fonuitatcly, 
unlike untoium. il !« not ^ <icarce »i to nearly orr-fii pi ii firnm 
conimoii u»e; ;iii(| urWtrvi.'r round, It uinuiilly fe<xivc« ^« tiib- 
iitc of rc»pcct. Very dificrcntEy do we Ibtcn lo the tilttmnccs ci 
the sincere anil of the iiuinceri^ iiun; Ihocie of the btter ore de- 
ti{>i'»e(l t^vtri 1>y The inviticrrf? liHimer. The it^iienieuts of a tAt^ 
d.'i'c man 4lwJV» LuinnMitd uiu altctiiion; and If tUcy rftc nude 
coiiccrninjf a ^ikniilic aiibjcci. vritli whicli wc arc i^t bmiJiAr, 
they will pi ohably be .iccefJtctl and kidded a4 Ihcbt to our vtock of 
ccimmon knou-ledgc-; Mairnieniit, lutwpvi?r, of Uie insiiicffrv inao^ 
ore utiwillinicly likened to, ^md nc bo^Hicu lo foixcl lliem^ Tbc 
filMc of MTKenty, wht-ther in a fnend or tka enemy, is doarty 
kn4>wn to us; whilv insincerily (ig»if<^ in the equation of life a* the 
unknown ^liuI indriT^rminaie x, y athI t; Mitd (|ii;LniiliRk ba/ILn£ 
ftna) 9oUitlon, &iGkc, the astronomer, from whom n comet b 
named, once delivered a IccLure Lo which I hud the pnvil<||;c<?f 
listening, in uhich he dwelt upon lEie me^iH of oorr^iing, or tJ- 
lowitijf for errors madr- in m^ihrniAiioLl calailAlionA- To do ihiis 
he cast ditc from llic iwufll box on ihe dcflik before him, and hav- 
irktc noted the ntiml>cr£ vhich lell appvrmo:tt in £i number of 
tbruu'«, itom The*e ^iiiipTe efeniwits, bom of ch;n>ce, he con- 
3truL^[rd A curietlivtr iitlc which may he uirvl lo climioatc the niU- 
takcfl which may be m.ulc in a long cAlculalion. No lodurc wbicb 
1 hnvehciint ever awakened in me more inttrtst than did thnt of 
the a^d afitroni^nier, in which the «Lmmll ul human wisdom V9S 
If^intd. wh4fri.- t\\p\Mc nun fonnAmles^fy whidi lie jilnckstU- 
libihty from his mental ncl5 and ihc wi^fied for sia^< of perfection 
is reached. The old ^a^^ini in his w^jrk of reaching so gntnd ah 
end hy a path to humble, teemed another Prfimelheuc. tri'ingin|[ 
from lieaven n :tpark U tliviuc kncjwlcdge in a niuiplt: reed. But 
no l^ncke, endowed thoujfb lie may be with nui^rcrhuman sapience^ 
mikxitiK the duelling o( prob.LbilLtiei, oAii «ver fomiuUte n rxile 


which will enable us to distinguish the true from the false in the 
uttenmces of insincerity; good and evil are there so intimatelv 
alloyed as to be inseparable. Such alloy, unfortunatdy, occurs in 
the utterances and publications of some medical men, who, to 
gain unmerited notice, di^uise thdr insincerity and falsehood in 
the seductive dress of plausibility; for example, such men an* 
nounce unusually fortunate results hitherto unattained in their 
special province of work, and thus they acquire an unearned rep- 
utation for inventive power or unusual skill. To prevent such per^ 
version of fact seems to baffle all effort, and the only hope of rem- 
edy is in the philosophic reflection that the selective and conserv- 
ative power of evolution is unresting^ly at work, and that, in the 
alembic of unlimited time, this agency is tirelessly separating the 
eternal verities from the dross of untruth. 

In the material interchange and exchange which, belween well 
men, occur in infinite variety, insincerity is an occasional factor; 
and business men, who belong to the school of expediency, claim 
that it is unavoidable; but in the society of the sick where you 
are to be busied, insincerity is singularly out of place. The vic- 
tims of pain and sickness deniand and look for sincerity in those 
from whom they expect relief from their misfortunes. Man can 
tolerate some deception and misrepresentation in the purchase of 
house, land or lumiture; loss there may be tolerated, hut if he be 
cheated in regard to his health, the injury is irreparable. I re- 
member no more eloquent wiirds th;m were once said to me by a 
poor Italian woman whose child was fatally sick. Said she: "Come 
often; if money goes it can come hack again; but if my child 
goes, she will never come back again." This language was 
never excelled in sublimity by any words spoken bv Cicero; and 
that the pale messenger bore her child away never to return again, 
was one of those bitter experiences ol which, if ! minutely scan 
your horoscope. I observe similar ones traced in dark lines by the 
finger of destiny- 
Insincerity by arts af disguise may for a period escape detec- 
tion, and for a time it may pas^ its spurious coin; yet ultimately it 
will suffer exposure; anon it will forget its mask and expose itself. 
Insincerity long jtractised at length declares itself in form and 
feature. The poss-^ssor's t^haracier is slowly but unmistakably 
engraven by the passing years in hi.s face, and so plainly is it en- 
graven that it is legible even to the illiterate. These (acts are 

wdl'ktiown to, antl utilixed by, the artisf. The foUiwint « 
sLancesi -ATS iiflTered ^s ilUisr rations of this; Jn tbe Ffiikut*-, J 
Co;>enhdiicn. llierc is a ituinljer of ihe masterpieces of Tlivm^- 
9en; and among; these noac is more remarkable thda the stEwi 
(he Last Supper, executed in marble bas-reJiefs on orw fli dit 
inner walls af ihe cliurdi. Conspicuou-s among the chancten^ 
the fifiiire of Jud^s, the Irailar ia whose lare insiiHwiy jeJ 
treachery are written in lines easily read. The mere sghti^ i1b» 
face will immediately awakL'U du^trust and di^^likc in the specW*-!! 
mind: and at the ^lame liiiie. he is seized with woiider at thf ikfl 

'' dclineatecrl the chancier (i 
sincerity Jias perfea cxpOf- 
act of becr^yiijiy hb M^et 
Lr^ilioii: clu.' :jd]iiircr ol Gfr> 
?d by his visit in Munich tn 
which fire the f>icion4l l1!i&- 
early epic po^m oHh^ G<r- 
i Achilles, so the old T«il« 
coiiibal was Invinciblf LW 
l a treadierous rival, vta 

of the chisel, which h^ 

Judafi. Cold^ re^rved, < i, 

sion in the lace of him wno u 

I will offer aiiolhci corroboi'iiii ■. 

man Ic^ndary lore is especially 

the Niebelurgen-Hall, on the wii 

traritJii-s cif iht Niehdnnfjen mhj 

niati5. As llic old Greek had li*^ 

had hifi Siegfrleii, whose arm in ci., 

fortunately I however, Siegfried 

Hagen. who Icillcl him with the s^^h iiJ a spear from l*ehind 

while Siegfried was stooping and drinking irom a foiinuin <ri 

water Treachery is most fiuthfiilFy portrayed in the fr.iiHfwof 

von flifiiii; iiiid l]iinn>ii painlti^i! hy another artist, his face is, in 

-u\Lir,Lt<' H'luoiiiirliim ol Thinw.ildsi'ii'^ [j'las. In fact it is drit 

dial iinimr iil\ Ins r\or\ ivIuit' hnl one face. Ami to the coino 

dfiioi- iHir[UJinK-d, \<n\y ,in|:;Mr <:in aiUl another; for he has known 

a lace whicii had ln-fii nu-ldr<l \>v ihf t,'rcat artist N';»tiire lAhir.- 

po^M'^^iir won noiori(.iv hv his Lnsrnceritv and Ireachtrv 

This iai>- niiuhc liu i' ^^t-n rd .is iho original ot that of von Haei.!! 

ill i\n^ })Ii]<hm] hall ii[ Mimiih, j<s waU as that of Judas on The 

clunvh wall .ii < Vjjjfah.iyn. 

Oil ihr ollin li.ind nmnrnut-. ox.nnples miprhl |>e cited omvin" 
|h;il siii(!'iil> ^lanips iis iiii.i;^f' iin the 4iiman face; and Muh 
im,ii;i\ M hen •-i\i\, iU'\f'r fails to Jiw.ik^n in [h(>se who see if rnW 
[\\)i\ naitiilrnrr . Sm li taivs in iDiinihNs mnuhers were Jho^e oi 
d^e mir, ti^uKi and l»ravr \\\u) Ii.ive dcvnird thenvselves to the nn- 
selfish woik ol ri|i<-\(n^ the ailniems of snffering^ hnmanilv 
Enouyli h,(s Ini'a ■^.ijd in pniisi' of ihis virtue; let it be lirnilv in- 
terwoven m yoni moral nature, so That it wiJI quickly remold 

itself in feature and ^ce, sind let it be there associated with ear- 
nestness, since, througU their union, these virtues strenjjjthen 
eacli other. 

The third nngte of our horoscopic figure beani the inscription, 
Cheerfulness. To-morrow you enter a sphere, where, on every 
side you will meet the subjects of [m'ln, ajifony, misery, wretched- 
ness, sadness, distress, despondency iind despiiir Bre»kliJg heiiris 
will there pour out their sorrow to you. Humanity, strtig^ling 
in the waves of unutterable anguish, will reach out its arms 
towards you. be^^ng for rescue. For, as Virgil led Dante 
through the dismal abodes of the dead and displayed to him 
every degree of suffering, froni the mild to the indescribably ter- 
rible, so your calling must lead you throuj»:h everv circle of suf- 
fering, from that which is merely fancied to that which is so 
terribie that the pen of a Dance would be unable to depict it. The 
strong frame, hitherto so powerfiil that it seemed proof ai^inst 
disease and pain, will summon you to its side, and with childish 
plaint will mtreat your aid; the cry of the sick infant, and the 
more pathetic one of its anxious mother will, anon, touch your 
ear; the piteous cry of helpless old age, which, through years, has 
lost almost every attribute of its former self, will also supplicate 
the aid of your art, and beg for the boon of a few more days: 
(one such once said to me, he would give me a fortune if 1 would 
prolong his hie a year) Such are the scenes of misery and such 
the acta of woe, of which you are to be the accustomed observers. 
In your ministration to the wants of this wretchedness, no more 
potent instrument can be brought than that of a cheerful mind. 
This is particularly true in the treatment of the chronic invalid, 
whose malady is constantly nourished by the habit of morbid in- 
trospection, and which may often be banished for hours by a few 
cheerful words skilfully spokei* by the medical attendant: thus, 
cheerfulness, by a little address, pierces the darkness which be- 
glooms the patient, and is able, for a lime at least, to dispel the 
clouds which darken his bky. The laggard heart of despondency 
is thus made to pulsate wirh new vigor; and the sick one lapsing 
downwards, as he imagines, towards the grave, becomes inspired 
with new strength, and is made to retrace his ste|is towards health 
again. Thus a mental tonic is administered, vying in its action 
with the best chalybeate; and in its work it awakens resolution 
and courage, before which vanish dejection and fear 



In the most pcriloLia uccasion or dangcruus t-merjiencT rf& 
an act of adf-j^oised cheerfulness has g^ivcn great soUct; oJ 
where the cheerful |iers(iu wiis llie one imperiled, it bw heva w 
means of hb rescue. Cases illustrative are the following: VHm 
in 1857. the ill-f:\loJ sieamer. Central Ameriai, wliich wcci Am 
in the Atlantic freighted with ^o many Califoniiiins, h^J wnks 
and left more tlian a hundred mt-n floating in the «a*«, «» 
brave man crieil uutn "Three cheers fiir the Central Amf^" 
The effect, as a jiarticipant has ivirrated to me. was mAgxal; (bi 
call was heartily responded Uv and for a moment all qune lorpKlir 
watery grave which was yduning IjtncMth and in a few houRafts' 
ward received the moat of them. That br;*ve man nwriird 1 
better fate than Hefell him, for. not Ijcing di^tiLi^iiished la ibl 
mass of struggling uien, his name has been Josl; his ucl, Uftmcnt, 
hves and deser\'cs a laslinK place amoog detrdii of valor. AnnChs 
case to the point ^'as Ihut of a suoieon in the UnJon jrmv dirnn 
the late war. who on a certain occasion, having drnppd h> 
scalpel and taken up a musket, was uken prisoner by iS* 
Southerners. The oftcnae of a non-coinbatani caught u«nj; 
arms, according to milit;iry law, ts punishable by dr^th. TIk 
surgeon was triL-i! by n court -martial and sentenced to be shot; 
vet, to the credit of those who held him a prisoner, he w.-is olfrref 
opportunities of escape, but which his de]ici4le sense of honur 
ciusLcl him to decline. In accordance with the sentence, a file ril 
hoMicr-' w.i-i dL't.Lilt'd 10 sliDOi tin? prisoner. As the sureeon ^lixJ 
l^rl'HL- hii ^jxeuutioners, he ^n\v tliat some o^ them were bjtt 
l-Hjii'd. rtln-n ..vailing; himsL'Tfot the ready chwrftilness which v-i-^ 
.\ pruminiiit element in hi'^ nature, the sorgtoo kicketl on h> 
^^liDiT*. iiiul dl^(^win^ thfjm low.irds the soUliers. remarked thai h-- 
\vn\\'\ luesriif lliini to one nf them, ^ince wherc^ he w;»s eoinc lit 
would mil Ui^rd [tuin. These hk'ky. chterfo! words won iht 
lu.ntsol ilio-.,- will] s[noil r<.',kdy lo lire, jtEui loweriiii^ their cum- 
llu y .iMiiU'd him to rscipf, rhi^ Mory wu'^ told nie bv the om 
\\iii> w,]-^ I hi' -,n[)}r< 1 of i[. ;uid to dny he i^ a worthy nieml^er ": 
onr inolr-^sjoii mi Sl Linijs, Ah ,t ti.\v words, the ouihiirsi ni /i 
ehcrrtul tL'iupri.uiu uL tninijd ilie inirunients of deiiih aside ;iiia 
saved tin' surt;^'ini's IJIe; so you. hy the timely exercise of thi^ 
(jiulity, ni,iy soMielimes lurn anJde the arrows of disease or oiUM: 
them to i.i\] hannkssly ai ilu' fe<i ol Uieir intended victims 

ClicerfuhH-^\ thou>;h bucU a jewel ilself, becomes coaise when 


it de^^eralcs inlo levity; notfiing- is more out of ptice than the 
latter in the sick room; more than once have I heard a loose joke 
add to the sufTerer^s pain and fill hhn with disgust for the jester. 
The sick man longs for encouragement <md hope of an early re- 
lense from his confinement. The careless joke mny hampier the 
key which might, otherwise, have ofiened (he doors of his jjrLson. 
The patient's heart is athirst for a cup of enlivening inspiration; 
and for this invaluable restorative, he makes ^reat and const^mt 
demands on his physician; to supply this the physician should 
have a perennial fountain of clieerftilness in his own breasts If, 
however, nature has been churhsh to him in this endowment and 
to the sick room he carries his melancholy face and cheerless ac- 
tion, and deals out to his patients portions of his own personal 
woes, then the small demand for his professional services will soon 
give clear hints to such a physician that he erred in his choice 
of a profession. The sick man must have cheering hope; for this 
he pays; and if in its stead he receives the gloomy prognostics of 
a Cas^ndra, then he is cheated in both purse and body. Enough 
has been said to prove the good value of the virtue which slamis 
third in our angled symbol of presages. Cultivate this quality, 
and if you fear that nature has not been generous in this gift to 
you, then enter not the household of human suflering where 
cheerhjl benevolence and not toxic melancholy has work to do; 
or, if you do enter this household, as a preliminary, delvi; nioie 
deeply mto your heart, if perchance there may be found therit 
some undiscovered fountain of cheerlulness. 

The next virtue of which I catch a ghmpse in the prophetic 
field is humbler and less hrillianc than those already nientionr'd. 
This is Willingness to Work. Man is not disfxrsed by nature lo 
idleness, yet most men dislike continuous work; espurially in ihi- 
young do we find an clement adverse to ocrup:aion in wU'uh djij*' 
is constant sameness. Though busied, i\ii-y d^^jre th-t^utnt 
change. The great discipline of childhood consiMs in '/vnoHj 
ing this desire for the ever changing and the evrr iww. l-i ,i> 
complish this, both the tfticher and the taught hav* -lid'^-^u:. 
labor; though the efforts of the teacher are often ':r'rwiii^\ wiijj 
success, yet sometimes, his tasks are like the labor of ihi- d-ju^lj 
ters of Danaus, who were condemned to fill with vnui . bui ki * i 
which had no bottom. But through diligent effort in y^'HU. j 
Itabit and love of contii)uous occupation may be firij>]^ pLdUd. 


aiul when once so dbcijjlincdj tlie fortunate youth is most un- 
happy when his accustomed occui>Rtion is interrupted; to one so 
molded, constant employment brings the sweetest enjoyment. 
These are strange words to llie idler and the toiterer, who are 
searcliingf in every quarter for [nutation and distraction- The 
disciplined son o( continuous and regular labor is happy, and he 
adds to the happiness ol those around him; he has reached the 
highest position attainable in human 'existence. But those who 
enroll themselves in the army of idlers and iolcerers, who march 
in quest of diversion and distraction, will soon be captured bv do- 
appointment and misfortune; or. should Ihey attempt escape by 
reirtaling. there is no rescue for them in that direction, for in start- 
ing they burnt tlieir ships l>ehiiid them. A millstone about the 
neck of such would do good service, both for them and the 

For you. perhaps^ this moral excursion was scarcely necessary. 
since I have learned that you are disciphned workers, a^ that 
the ple'iScint custom of labor is established in each of you. 1 
hope, however, that the excursion has not been made in vain, and 
that though the habit may have been well planted, perhaps the 
fostering words I have spoken may cause it to take deeper root 
I rcint-'EulHTH too, that the cereniotiies of this night mark a great 
ch.ingo ii] the current of your work. Iiuth in character and direc- 
tion. Tomorrow von nffcr your services to thelworld, yet the 
world will not l>c in haste to accept thusc services, for. before do- 
ing so. the world Jor a time, will composedly scan, criticize, and 
at Icntjih. leisurely wt'ij;h you in irs siZniles. Your position to the 
ivorld is MJuiUir Ut oiu' wlm !)L]-»iiicss rt'ilh some high dignilnin' 
uf Stale ulio. insr>Uiu in his ofrire. at tin- time of the visitor^ 
C.ill, ifi readiiii; lii-i n"Wij);ipt'r; the <iigri]tary will not turn his fac<f 
louMid-i lln- vi-^iiur itiiii! he h,is hiii^hed his paragraph, an<l then 
lu- onlv docs ^i» rondi-'i cndini^ly. Mcanluue, while the world is 
rca<liiLii Its pir.ii^rifih and weighing you in its scaler, 
lujw LUC vou fij \"- ciujjloyrd so ih^ii you will not hisc 
the h.ibil "f work? This liiuc m.iy bt; vahiably cjccupiwi 
as lollows: Tlu' lirsi ihiui^ voii .shodUi do will be to 
r^nid lliv riiiiUiroLi-, iiDlr-, you havt taken during vimf 
siudie-h. I Jir hisioiv ifl iIr' c,isi-s whiijli vou h.tvt- siudiffi 
iu ihu ho.'.pilal in di^pcns.ny, should lnj wwd luu! reread Mtilil 
ihcv JirL' ludelilJy written in llie "book. ;ind volume of your brain/' 


whence as unerring k"''^^ '^^^y ca" ^ invoked for future use. 
With these histories vou should become no fmniliar by rehearsal 
that they become enduring elements of your conscious self. 
Nothing Lj more un-iatishictory than Co meet a practitioner in con- 
sultation whose knowledge in scattered, fragmentary incoherence, 
avails him nothing for practical use. As the bee which ^rathers 
crude sweetness from many flowers, carefully eUiboraies his ma- 
terials before they become honey, so the knowledge which you 
have gathered from many sources must be otrcfully assimilated in 
your mind, before it can properly aid you in your profi.-ssional 
work. This mental assimilation, cojisisting of correlation and 
union of the facts, which lie sundered in memory into one har- 
monious whole, is a work quite as important as was the acquisi- 
tion of those facts. And in cliose days of probationary wailing, 
should the world through sympathy with you dei^n to entrust a 
few of its indigent sick to your care, diligently study such cases, 
and compare them with the types which during your studies, have 
been observed; and if the cases presented to you differ from any 
of the types which you have observed, then you shoiikl |>lacc 
them as near as possible to those you have seen; ihus doing, as 
Celsus says, you will not err in your ireainicni- 

As nutrient material, when consJshng of a viiriciy of things, 
best accomplishes its purpose, in like manner the understanding 
reaches its best development, when the inind is nut always di- 
rected in one channel of thought. Hence, along with the review 
of your notes and the reading of a journal containing perisciipic 
selections of current medical literature, excursions may be i)rolit- 
ably made into the domain of science and literature. As books 
which may be usefully read, are Grote's History of Greece, Gib- 
bon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Buckle's History 
of Civilization, and some of the leading plays of Shakespeare. And 
if you are fortunate enough to know and remember Greek and 
Latin, employ two or three hours every week in reading some 
choice selections in these languages, A few lines read in Homer 
and Thucvdides, eacli week, will enable you to retain the Greek, 
the most wonderful tongue in which the human mind has t^ver 
voiced itself In the Latin language, of which every medical 
student must know something, I commend Cclsus as the most 
useful and interesting of classics. One fimis in the work of Celsus 
an epitomized summary of the essentials of medicine, lold in a 


siyl^ nf ioTCt aad terseness which cannot be readied b> if 
modrni l.m^uiigv. Tht* CrlMiiii qii:<dnin)>]e of nt^ ff 
aum ra/trrf ct dolore. idl more ^ibout inllamjivirioG tliu ^ 
olten hiuls in a bundrvd ixigts uf ;i modem v*riier ijn iJu) 
ject. And like^^i?,e his lew p^go^^ cootainin^ ii n^viuw U tht *c 
tri^^'?l uf the rjd stcii in moJidJi^, coni^Lu facts enough lo m* 
a modem octdvo if they were presented in llie dilute s'obiagr i 
which ihe iiiodtni wriler loo ofte-n dis&olvcs bis paucity of 6* 
And Ijeaiiies Cckus, Tacilus aiid Horace sliould have their fa^ 
houf»; ill ihc ft^niier. moF" 'q - lines can be found thin nil 
ill :tny other auihor. ar r xf\^ ltm_ A Welsh (jfivert &n 

''as liiuK-y ftiiws Irom i 
the stri[i)p> <jf the har]i; " 
hoiify tn ii:* swcttneas, ■ 
camien i\\\x\ satire, il can 
heiirt, whether of mirth, p^i 
No M'uiidcf lli^t CoiitLurceL. 
the ihrc^itening^ ^iiilbtinc, 
'A frit^nd's hou-'^e antt b 
liiigiiiritic »CL]uiKitioiis l^*^ 
cif the Liii^lern toii^ajc^, lhv^i\ 

Jnib, ao docs music flu* bi-s 
' of the lyre of HoniKeeiQi* 
he viiritHl measure* nf <''^j 
I (he CLiioiJCHi?^ ol f^e StKinji 
liiess, s*ilemiittj- orsuhiimil? 
conc«r;iling himself to esop 
^bt fioni his hilling pl»>[»> 
py oi ITonict AridifjMi 
us should be the case. s*« 
ich iind Gemmn you «r[lw»<' 

iiie.xh-iu^ti*»lc alorca which offer iheir Ireo^iures to you, both ■ 

mL'd".'iiit Mv\ lijrrjiure. Soint' one may sav, whv iiol read irinJ- 
Ll[l(^^l^ Ml wnrk^ til uUit^i l-in^'ii;i^<^s: lliui mf^^rJn^ i^i a mc.iMir. 
,].., ill iln' inodrni ],tn>;ik*>;rs, Inil il will not do in re-spevt to tV 
;iiui!.rU I'lu-^: ilm iiiri'-lalMr h,is yei hccn ;il>lc to ^ivo the >ijini .n^: 
h inh 111 dir uiiLiiii;'* of ,iiUii]uJty. Thouj^ji iht" iiriifn.^r'> -k'^- 
hr '\Li ^' riiiiniiij;. y^iiii his UMti^lLrrin^ of iht- yt-m^ i»f ihi^ugh: 
riLiiii dim |nimiiiv(' ><tliiii; lo .1 new ]inj>u;d oasiiniv iJn. jcnfL' 
rutri^r -.imii \\.y\\. .vw\ ]iLHiiedi;ildy Tost' some oj ihcir urii;'3''i^ 
hi-,tn' flu diuiii;lu> (>r H<M,tce, as rentter*?d into our Un 
.^'i].il:<' Its liu' -il'lv !■:^l^li^il translalor, Si»,irt, seem muTiLitil 
as Imd-^ Mhirh hii\^- bivn ,'nUiiJ])cd of their plinnes To .n 
i-(>ni]»lL>ii dir \.\^k \\\\\c\\ I have sk<^ldiL'd out for vou tht- ui-ri; 
(MM iiiil\ In- dtiiii: by dki'-e \shu iirc willing lo I;il>cjr anii wJi.- 
woi k ^\ -.irm.uii .illy ; by lh"SL- in whom work hai become an in" 
mni.iblr iMbji. As oan he inferred from what has been Mni 
tliis haliii is ni^t Uir piudncT ai sponLnU'ons generi»iion; the yen" 
ol it nii:st br pl.mTed, and [he rising; plant must be shapen uith 
wis<iom and foresi^^'hl; it mtwi develop with depth and root and 


breadth of base; thus formed, like our Sequoia, it will not be dis- 
turbed by siorm or time, but lasting coeval with its possessor 
through the many-sided enjoyments which it brings, it hHU repay 
many limesT toil spent in its planting and culture. 

We have at length reached the last angle of the figure which 
has given so many oracular hints for your guidance in future; and 
this bears the simple inscription, Self-Denial; in the idea of self- 
denial is also contained that of self-control and dbctpline of the 
temper and passions, [f man be compared with the lower ani- 
mals, it is seen that in the latter self-gratitication is the ruling prin- 
ciple of their lives, while in the former, the aims and objects of 
human cultivation are the domination of the selfishness naturally 
innate in man. Man's appetites and passions, excellent as ser- 
vants, if admitted to mastery, at once become pitiless tyrantn. 
In art, science, and all the means which contribute to human com- 
fort, the century has made admirable advancement; yet in all our 
vaunted prepress and in the boasted inventions and discoveries of 
recent years, no means have been found which will release the 
shackles which ungovemed passion places on its victim. Terrible 
is the burning heat of him whose consuming fever will seek your 
professional aid; and the appeal to you will not be in vain, for the 
recent advance in medicine has given you the means to reduce 
the devouring heat of that fever, but the thirst which the uncon- 
trolled indulgence in- intoxicants finally kindles Is, unquenchable; 
no known antipyretic, moral or medical, can repress or control 
it. In the entire range of chemical elements and physical agents 
composing the universe, nothing can be found from which such a 
remedy can be made- Vet the prophylactic remedy is common 
enough; it is in the possession of every youth; it is within the 
keeping of each of you; it is contained in the virtue self-control 
and in the discipline of your appetites. Let this work now be 
done and thoroughly done; if you fail to do so, then farewell 
hope, Crewel! honor, Jewell ambition, for with your own hand 
you will pluck fipm the book of life the page on which your name 
b written and cast it into the waste-basket of oblivion. 

Most students of medicine are poor and pursue their studies 
under great difiiculties, and such well know the full value of every 
cent, dime and dollar which they possess. Yet to you, to whom 
these words apply, such privation has not been without its advan- 
tages. For the stony path of self-abnegation which you hav^ 


hc«n If^rved to mivcl h.ia haniened antl ^tren>;ilie(it^ >Tmr fall 
the cmiiin^; juuroey. The bitlcr cup o( uet-tl which hn 
pressed your lip likt- n bisting tonit? wiM give you cndiinng 
for ihe cfinlcsls In ihe arena of Iffe- With such LrjinJEik.' tiK' 
iMiam always [*rr>vcs a viclnr. Ouiieion. ih^? we^hhv 
of Peiio?*ylvaviiU( a ievi yeari :4i(o, said : ' 'My nun sU»jt5 b lifc 
mimyuilvanui){es which 1 did Liot h:tve; but 1 ha<lon(*vhcfaffett 
i»n havr, rJiid ih-il was poverty," Sjild the ^rc^i Coeihf: *t 
wiio tn:%'cT sa weeping im his couch Hjid iievtr ate hii bmdM^ 
ttMfs lie kniwfs yoti not, ye heavt^uly powers." I, tbcnUi 
csptfLJIy cmjj^ralulate you wiiu iMvtf been the subjects "i -t 
c?q>cncncc, and who buve i vi^t wh oWy finislieil with ii, ior tuw 
wt-U iruhicti ifim, disciplirifcv. > ^ struggles with advcrx U- 

mnr, will *iiirely giiJn die prizn - led to the best worli. 

Afk-r the period of probatiou eeii finished, through »hidi 

asK-forc ™id, each one of yoii |*.iss» ihe wurid ml! acnK 

ytm ill iu confitifrice; but, eveti the work of sclf-abncplw 

will have «ini>le room 1 for the world wiJI then ^ 

before yoii with a full j ,^ r„ ^ md ready to shower looiitr 

ous j(j«s on yoiL Out *.. th( ii-, often the Ur^er one, istlui 

oC hritiery ,iihI c-miplinn. »i' ifttis to recompense you bctI'J 

ously if you viiU ;iid it in at;coni|Nihhij]K its dUhoiiorable purpow* 
HAiurmg such pun"*scs may he mentioned ihi- ^hpng o» ihr im 
h..m_ ill,' in.'iiioiion o( suits of diiniiit-^es iij^'ciinst coiponuiou^ -ni. 
iiuhurfn.iU U>[ kii^ned iiijuriL'S. the crt^iiijon and iri:;iinie]n *■: 
iru,it; di^i.i>^'. .\w^\ other tlishoiicsl :iclit»n in which thf mtiV.c^ 
ni.Mi in,n ^v.'.iiiio the dtcidin^' t^iciDr. When tfit.- siren of teiu|>u 
tuiLi ^.ihni>. \(nif i..\y^ \\\\\i ihu nuisic of ^'old in Uie purst *■ 
^■>Mu}irioiv III Sdfdiuial bind yon to the mast of nn^wtrnn^ 
i''''it[udi'. .Liid liki' riy^^i.-' of iild, in;ikc safe your escape; irn.- 
dHiiii^, ilir \\^.\U\ ujit dunbli' u> yifls to you from Uic oditr purr-e 
whir]) (iMiliij)^ aiiipU^ nvvauU for horK'Sl deeding; ;i,id thost- re 
^^.ud- ^\i!| he ^ulli^'d hy noiu- nf the shame and regrets u hich, \'.^> 
«'i"W|..nahk .^lMdo^v, ov.T tnllow j^old from the tMirse of dishonor 

li^ .mtnumy iiKdiriiic shrines and altars ercctt*! [m ij- 
*'^i''^'"^ diMtmks, At ilkr foot ol the Acropolis in Adicn^ I 
^v^i^ ^hinvn uh,iv oner Mn,>d M lemplc of ^^ctilapius' on rht 
't' H "1 '111. „ni,>U., Soa,ars, as he was on the eve of sw;illowiny 
di; >...] .npot ;,ro^^\u:, his fdnui to make a s.'^cnhcv. 
Wid.ui tlu^ do,n,un .-fthr protl-sslon which you are entennfi 


there stands also an altar on which you wiU make many sacrifices. 
To ihis fatie you wiU bring as gifts hours of night consumed in 
anxious watching while other men are reposing in sleepL on 
this altar you must sacniice days of unpaid-for labor; loss of 
personal comfort and ease must furnish unceasing contributions 
to keep alive the fires on that altar, and anon, the brightest 
flames here, will be kindled at your expense by unlair and 
unjust criticism of your profession^J work. This altar which 
win demand incessant offerings from you is constructed of the 
costly materialsof selt-d«iial; on it is inscribed the word Duty. 
At the foot of this altar you have appeared to-night to make 
your final vows, vows in which self is laid aside and service to 
human sufiering is everlastingly promised. 

1 have finished my work of interpreting the inscriptions of the 
prophetic symbols which should serve for your guidance in prO' 
fessional life, 1 am glad that I have found so much trustworthy 
instruction in the augur's field; let the figure found there, ablaze, 
as it is, with monitory jewels on evtry side, have the first place 
in the hall of memory; where, whithersoever you may turn, its 
radiant beams may strike your mental eye. Truer than the 
mariner's needle, these rules without <leviation or error will 
^ide you towards the star of success: for so surely as you are 
governed by them, against your name in the chronicles of human 
action no syllable will ever be written by the hand of P'ailure. 
Now, if with the further license of the seer, I turn asi<le the veil 
which conceals the coming years for a moment, l>oth e^ir and eye 
are delighted: for, in the near hereafter, i hear the world greeting 
you with salutations of applause for work well done; and 1 see it 
crowning you with laurels gathered by the sister virtues to whose 
tutelary care I have commended you; and with the <:nthusi;ism 
which this hour permits, if 1 look still farther down the vistas 
of coming lime, afar off I descry other alumni who, th-nijih 
trained by another generation of teachere, yet as the children 
of the same Alma Mater are akin to you; I see that they, t<io, 
are victors, and from the Cienius ot Success they are receiving 
coveted prizes woven by Earnestness, Sincerity and their sLster 

Human memory has its limitations, and we scarcely have a 
right to chide it br lessening ila burden by dropj>ing JLs 
distant links in the \y,\st\ and it is probable that sharing the 


commAii ihtc ol al! ihinica. the footAiq>9 of comtii^ v-ror* will 
oWitL-mtc Ihc indivkiNflihiy fjf ihc wnrk of which you no* aie 
wiETii^'W^.; yrt the work iUclT will nol perbh. Cooper Mcrftol 
CoIlrRCi <jf wlilcli ihiH (j<:fa**Hni t> llie aJiiitjk*«icM(4iy and 6ii»l 
dtxficAmn, ihroirt>[i Iia rtxcnl aitlowmciite >8 insurr^ of per- 
pcluiiy, and of a ladling pUct in th« di^cm of Icomcci lottiui- 
tions which ailom the brow nf C;i1ifnrRb, And to vou. llir Icwim 
of iflf-dcHijJ Jrti riijoinetl |»y ptrocjir Tit'iii^hl, b tji ita |od>E ("»' 

lory, hiill more forcibly tiniKliI by tx.irnjjlc, since over ilk: |>onjb 
of ihK ctUlk« one aecks in \aia for th^ donor's nanw. 

Thi' fli"i*imfi; pajypunt of ihit hour hai; nearly 4*m!r*h JKoiinmi*, 
its i^rccting, il-*i juy. .tiul |jt-ihLp% I iiuy ^dd itt .-udnr:^ wi!lM>an 
hnvc depiiricvl iiiid ^Kuiacd inio the vuriHhinff cclioe* of mctnonr; 
it shon liinc ago you si«>ck1 bofore nio ;iiid received ecroHf on 
which \s rrmnkrl ir?,iiinony of yniir 'iiT»imnc-ntH and qmli&' 
r.cittion^s: you now sljml bcfnrc .1 Ei^-'^'^f pci^winjiEc, Fulurilv, vho 
liasi^ifta loi" yuu ol occiision, opportunity and tin- pricdcw pnr*- 
Ic^ifc of living; 8h« ne^ch^, ^Iso, to e;tch of you anotlwr scroti on 
whiHi mr word has l»cen wriik-ri, Ihii on wbiih eadi of yon murt 
record (he jtction^ of his life; di? your wHiiHg axII ai»J l^tultlndy, 
lor no <-ruurt? or ch^n^c there ia; ever prrmitted; vesy prtxiow t» 
ihf* in:4Cori:il of whicli it i% con^poied: so prt'oions, lmle«'1, thul In 
ihc ^icvU iK'abufy of jtaiiiie lliuc TniJik but oiii: !»uch hvrt>tKir 
ench huinan being. 

Ki^ht ycnTA ^K^ in an nddrvsr; to the cTQcEilitinK fitnclcotc ct 
ihi*i Cttllegi?, V CTmdncml the da** in an iinao*"^^ cxcttraion 10 
the Sierr.i^, hi which tlit' <:ieilerii ^liore of l.jkr Tfilnxf w^ei \^inted. 
und ironi t^bjccE;}* lit nature acen there* iiiaieri^s for ^ %'alcdicionr 
uddrefit were drawn; ihnt occasion was a momentous one In Etit 
litttory of dill mtiilijiion, vlnec the original builtlinif of Cooper 
Meiljczil Collcict; w.v» |u>t completed and w^ then dtinalcd by me 
for the purposes of medieaJ c'ducalion. Tlie pnsent lime b « no 
1i?w imp(3rtant one, since it is the cccuslon of The coniptetion ol'tui 
»ddilion in ihe origin:il hnihiing, which grc^iily inrriFaMs die 
capacity of the former one. and h>iA been constructed at » aM( d 
a i^reatcr mm ot money. ThLi :nrttcturc, which, In itn itpaoe and 
internal nrrangem^nt-t ia equiU to ;^ny tshtice of the kind In die 
flld or new worM, l);oi been Ivinll l>y itil', wholly. ihr^iti^U ntotltt 
cftrned in my pfo^e^^ion. tlio:^^ ine^kEi^ fi^tve noi been derived from 
bequcfiiA, inheritance, 01 trust from the one who»c mine iIm 




institution benrs, or from anyone else, I make this public decla- 
ration since the coDtrary has been slated. Any doubt u^xin this 
matter will be silenced by a reference to the archives of the Pro- 
bate Court of San Francisco. It is certain th^ of the authors of 
this falsehood, the Virgilian half-line. 

Sic wjs noH vobis * ■ * • * • 

would ne\"er have been written; since so far from l>efng the 
agents of imperaonal work, they cannot concede its possibility in 

It is a source of sreat satialaction to the friends of Coo|>er 
Medical College, that since the original building was erected the 
school has been successful beyond anticipation, the atlenilancc 
having doubled In numbers. And this is due to ihfr 4rx(dli,-nt 
work which has been dotie by the several professors; they haV4; 
done their parts with puncluality, indtistry and failhfnl eiirncst- 
ncss; they have been free from jealousy and forgetful of self; in 
brief, (hey have done their duty and still intend to do it. Thin 
work has been recognized by the Royal College of Surg'^ons ol 
England, the highest English -s[>eaking authority; this Irarm-d 
body has recently given Cooper Medical Collugc full rr':i'>gni(i')Pi; 
an honor shared only by a few medical schools on this ronlinfnl. 

The completion of the work which cstiihlishes Cffoper M<-rlical 
College on a sure basis has been the chief object of my life; it 
has been the animating inspiration of twenty-five years i>f pro- 
fessional labor. • 

Completed as the etlihce now is, it is cons[>icnons for its iirchi- 
tectural beauty in the far distiince: iis tlje Rirthenon *mcc loomral 
up on the Acropolis to the voyager on the >4Cgean sira, s*» this 
edifice fixes the vision of him, who entering our (kjltlen fiatr 
gazes on our many-hilled city; and as Minerva's tem^ile ',\wi\ slatue 
awakened rapture in the beholding Athenian's liearl, so this fane 
must become a precious image in the hcart-s of thtjse who, in the 
future^ shall here be discipline<] for their mission t^i suffering 

To medical science, which is inseparably linked to all other 
sciences, and to the healing art, the greatest of all arts, this 
property is now given by me as a perpetual dedication. 


Laitf, af iikff>fr A/j^imi CW/^f/, Nfiff. >j, iS^ 

By EUWAHI) Roiitwiie TAVUm. 

Eiglll yfiirv Hf{r>. with »ppr(»priMlC urord, therer wan dcclk^teiJ II 
thecimcol ML\licl[]c iIk tolk-i-t- i-Jificc w wdl kttown to i» aft^ 
and in wbich ha« been «iit:cc«s^llr CAnti.-<l or) by Cooper McdvaJ^ 
Colltffc the work of tncdiool iiiKiructton- In l^t, sa mccc»fjl 
li;u Ikh-'ii lluit work. 4iu] iu proitimTu; xhr {\xn\rr*. \t% rnom*ciiun 
with it, iIiaL t)ic MUiic scir'fULcritkiiig Iiaii^, nliich ei^^ht yean ago 
r(^«rc\l (li(? ori);m:il 8irixciLifc, Ivi^ now iiiudv Hn u^Jdiiiori^to tl o( 
ftnd] brgr [sropuftiorwi ;i* lo double lU rapidly. Tlw colk^ 
sLTUchire propel, ivs ii 1A114 M;incK i:oiii|)lHrilt nlK'thcr otnutldni 
froai the ,iUikdpoint ot archhcctum) bc^iityj or Irom the sUnd^ 
point oi adaf)tc(iiit!rs Co puq>ci?;c, b not mrpowicd by any incdiod 
colkne building Sn America, and indeed IhtTt i* pi-rhap* bol one 
ahich c-^iii Vr s.tirl, ill rhi>i.- ri-ijicci-t. ro \\i aW pquaJ ii. And in its 
Appoiiiuncnt^ dud (ipp]i;mcc?4 for ihc work l<> wluch il n Uc^tkicd, 
the future mil not be tnr dif.tint which will «««■ it in ttial ngsmJ 
the rival of llie very best our country can boatt. la the new 
mnir-x llip tt'tjrk nl pnii^tic;it L'heniTslty vJll Iw miHili rxtr-niird bi- 
increand laboratory ^^IieIcs, aiid pby^iolosy, pulhoioey aod 
bactcriolotfy will have iin ctutrc floor dcvxxcd to thdf pr;iciical 
flindy. This .\\^-i\fX -ww^ indeed a ncccwiy. The classes here ir» 
atCi'JidaiK^i- nil iiK^lical iii^itruciioii li:td l>ccouic i^o 'argr. ibat ibmr 
wan no rooiu in tile original Ijuildinf of :iu1ficiciil ([un«iKion» 10 
o>in]orinbly a«:onmi«daie th<;iii, »hort ol th^ Jiall u«nJ (or the 
winter cniirse nf pnMir loaiiivs: and bfjro k^ the otiffiiul buildlDj; 
was, il w^!S yti iiiroinnirii>iUMlr to lli<il rvrr widritifi^ »lfL-am i4 
inntmction which mu»t nccenwirily How throiijeb Midi 4n institu- 
tjon a^ Cocp?rr Collv^e, And «9 it in, thiit the oHtfin^il pubhc 
leciunr \\-A^\ It:is [it-t^i iuni«l nvr^r tu thv stii'knis; ;iiid (be public 
accOiiuiiod^[t.-d ijiatcM(] in thnjoiniiKidiLiuhiiiid butuijful lull wheie 
wcnrc now aj^citiblcd, 

But not only hjs \h\t> insiiiiuion irtcrcuwcd itii fadlitiei;, bin it hfl« 
an weU incre^wd dit (|uan[ily and (jiiali!y<il' itnu'^Jtlc. The tnrtti< 
beo <jf the Tai^-iilly, »ho bere dcvUe t1ieLikjeKe> lo the caiiM: of 
iDcdic;d L-ducaCion, iirc not ]uf-i:-i>^^ vrhu perfunclortly run lh« 
tame round ycnrafie-r year, contont willi premiil intellectual oc- 


qiilsition. and wishing for nothing Ijeyonri n coin for till >k' inconit; 
but* on the contrary, tliey do ihtir work for slicer ^>ve of it, and 
in the spirit of ihe purest emulaiion; ihey zealously keep them- 
selves abreast of the science and learning of their day, and with 
undiminished ardor labor with those who here flock for insiruction 
at their hands. Some of them are originiil investigators and 
authors of acknowledged authority; while not a year [lasses but 
you shall see some one of these devoted men lighting his torch 
anew at some great medical centre in Europe, that thereby the 
illumination of his instruction may not become weak or dim. And, 
indeed, one of them was not an inconspicuous member of the 
International Medical Congress, whose session at Berlin was by fiir 
the most notable event which occurred in that city during the 
present year — presided over, as it was, by the incomparable 

In these halb Practice walks hand in hand with Theory. The 
student is not turned out, diploma in hand, knowing nothing but 
that which he has learned from lectures in the lecture hall, and 
being compelled to acquire the practical part of his profession after 
he shall have left college. On the contrary, he is taught at the 
bedside as well, and in the wards of the City and County Hospital 
receives clinical instruction in both medicine and surgery, while 
here at the College he receives a like training of the most useful 
character, there having been treated at diis institution during the 
past year no less than two thousand cases, each one of which was 
personally brought to the attention of the students in attendance. 
But the student is not alone taught clinically by leaures, for the 
seniors have cases put in their charge under appropriate super- 
viaon and criticism, so that by the time they handle their much 
coveted diploma, they know something oi what it is to be a doc- 
tor. So complete is this methoti, that each case in charge of a 
senior is diagnosticated and treated by him in the presence of the 
others of his class, and in- the presence as well of the clinical in- 
structor, who comments, as occasion requires, upon the case and 
its treatment by the student, and intervenes, when necessary, to 
hold that treatment to its proper course. 

In addition to the student life which animates these halls, there 
is a feature which is of quirt' siTigiilar distinction — that of the 
"LaTK Aectures." These lectures art delivered every winter in 
the public hall of this College, at intervals of two weeks, by the 


variuus nK'Hibc-ts <*f (hv Fi^cuhy, 4tid treat, in 3 \itjpahr 
of Ihu^ siibjtxis ttliTch Heul u-iih ihe slructurc, cnviroiitfl^ irf 
healili ol Ilie hutiun both - They have covered a ifidr rnct 
and havt' bceu attended by s*ich lar^e audienevs, asat»fl » 
rendt^r ihe orij^iiul hall too siiiaJI for iIil- .lUendam^ir Bw k 
lures ^iil] )h^ cfmriniied every wml«- fn ihc hall whtrc i*c^»^ 
asseinUlcd. ^md wilJ doubdess, m ihe future, as in ihe iwJ> 
kept ,jp to th*r bifihwl Htatidard. In feet. th«r peri^twiv b 
been provided for by the founder of tlii?, Cciflege, wli.. bi Tfit u 
L« (hiiri in his strictly prolt-ssiotial benefactions. h;i5 a«iiJWfe 
love formcdicinr and liumaiir- -ith such wisdom iin^l ro^itr. 
as to illustrate Anew ih^ verea uf bfs super^bundunc mm 

This iny;tiluEion is so Houmnnip^. and Ls anr^ciing ro it so mdi 
of tbe best m siiid^»r Ule which seeks medidoe it-i 4n oulh i™ » 
energies, that we nm>- rtrjison^ibly anticipate noi <inly thr jnJa 
lion (ram its fulls ol mtn and womt-ji well eqmppeilVof the r^T« 
day round of practice, bvtl men i.nd women as well i^l Aj^i-td 
research, wlio ^ill tipen np fresh paths, and by ihdr fonnrtWi 
with thurAlma Mater, add new pearls to her crown rMgkr. J 
This thought must be strongly pressed upon js all. aswcscaa* \ 
apptMrance of the grndualinR dj<sG now- before us. From sic* p 
these (here wilT surely arise, from time t^, time, some ,si«i ^< 
daughter of this nourishing molber. whose hand sh^II pkck ■«! 
lli!^ he.'irt of more thiin one inysterv, 

{)( L'onrsc, \i Lollet;i; \\k<- lh;.t al Cooper Jias a histor\- Bd^": 
the v;kUiiil>l(.' thing ii i^, it mnst I.livc K'^rown^sucfi thin^^ m^.: 
ChIii In.' inMnuf:icUir(^d; invJin.ihlv they ^ntw froni verv MTiaU ■■ 
J;inninii^. And so hi.s this insutnijon Ifs origin ffes hwk i^r r;;r 
sixTif'* in [hi- jnivJili.' niedic^il instrunion yiven Jjv Dr O^^thi- 
th,t[ riniiu'[il iiijui uhoMMiaiiK' th-sCollejje ln?ars, aiul which nirr,' 
iMrsnicifily linkL'l \\l\h lh,u of l.inn-, is registered uirh hi^-n 
thi- br,idrih!l iif Mi'dirine, ihcrr to reiiKiin iiul(."lilj| v fort'vor "Hr* 
piiv,iU- ill^^r^(ni'^n nf Dr. CoopLTs led to Jiis btin^ jointtM ' 
Mlhri>, .uimni; iIum- L'^^:^diulora boin^' his nepliew. Or f .irk 
IhiM' niiEi U'[ [1- iicirly ill ('nlliiisiasls, .iiid iiiiifi infernal ifi-'V 
rjun milin1ini.iU;lv MVi ix'd tliHr rchlioii^s, labored «jth a suco.v 
lh,il ^xirrttiiLd in.iTiy an hour of professional toil. But the imr 
nn II o\ tlir srhool liad th,Lt widiin them which would not hi ihcm 
^•isv u]i [hr a.'ik; ,ui.] luiir.' it was, the school, after a =ii^ 
iHiision t'l ,1 Irw ytrn>, took on renewed lite, affiliating, under it!^ 

renaissance, with the Umveisily of the Pacilic. atul maitiLtinin^ 
under ihat iiffilmticm constantly incrtiising vij^or. Some <\( the 
best known j>hysidi»ns In our city were graduated from it, the 
Dean of this College being one of its most honored alumni. 
When Coofjer Medical College was fotmdedj tlie Facvilty of the 
Medical Department of the University of the Pacific tr.msforre<I 
their allegiance to it, and thus it is that Cooper College stands m 
line of direct succession to the first medical school ever organized 
west of the Rocky Mountains. Much could be said by way of 
detail in regard to all this history, if time sufficed, for it is rich to 
repletion in those things which go to make up all that is of any 
real worth in this selfish lite of ours. 

The work this College is doing and promises lo do, has natur- 
ally drawn to itself the thought of some observant ones, who are 
moved to travel beyond the boundaries of mere material gain in 
search of the higher things of life; and pecuniary aid Irom such, 
for the future advancement of the interests of the CollL'gc may 
confidendy be hoped for. Indeed, fruition in this respect has 
already been reached in the case of one person — CapL James M- 
McDonald, This well-known citizen, whom to know is to honor 
and respect^ of hb own motion, and without even hint or sugges- 
tion from any one, has, within a ye^ir, bought and denoted lo the 
College for college purposes, the fitly vara lot adjoining the Col- 
lege premises on the north— a noble benefaction most nobly be- 

And Dr. Lane himself, not content with his former benefactions 
to the College in the shape of lands and buildings, has, in addi- 
tion, made a deed of gift to the College of the two fifty vara lots 
which adjoin the College premises on the east. Thus, this corpora- 
tion, devoted solely lo medical instruction, owns, by free gift, a 
piece of land two hundred and seventy-five feet square, fronting 
on three important streets, and a college edifice architecturally 
imposing and beautiful, and pos<sessing every present facility and 
resource for a complete medical education. And this has l>een 
done so silently, so unobstrusively, so far removed from the 
trumpetings ot the newspapers, that this new building seems 
almost hkc an Aladdin's Palace, risen in a night. 

And all this is the work, substantially, of one man—Levi 
Cooper Lane, who^ Ibr twenty-five years, untiringly, unswerv- 
ingly, and with every energy of thought and action, and despite 


cv«y loinptsiion iind obMncIc, ha* iiufsiiuJ this oirt aitu — lliia«J- 
|jrtiii(- objrt'i oJ )>U liff- Thi* ni;iii hd|«^l t« Uy tl»e very foun- 
diilicm siiitii-N (il nit-clinkl r<[Tiir-4iu:i[i ?ri ihc-t SIjiip. Mid ttiifn dial 
time 1o this, he hin p.iiinclcRiily continued m his work, witil wt 
sec Iliis mit-lity Ai^liiti^iuraJ txi^ now bcn<:rm)£ iibovo ib, jml b«- 
nKiEli whns** hraiiHics llioii^^mdH of siii'teni* for tiiany g**n«f- 
aliQi^ft yd to (time Art- dvstlnvtl lo fimt iikri-li^rliMl nouH^binroT Id 
the ticnliiig of the nntionA, He 1ia9 never xitlly "mti^MJ juJ 

To conipflM it. but I hnvc Mopped Ualf-WAjr, 
AnA wrohgU' ^veii iIlc tkn>t frtJiU army toil 
To olyceu li»ic wo'lliy of thc|^ft/' 

No, but haviag the noble purpose ntid the strength to con^paw 
it, without stop, without pauke, he has purvue^i ll]:tl purpoiao 10 1 
Tiutrve^Liutt adiitv<?iii»?iii. :incJ Iras nul <«ily t^ivrii llie liiM (ruib ol 
hia loil. but the fruits tjf |ij» yciin of toil* to one uf iIk noUcK 
objects whLch cnn eoLiun.tnd iht: ^iitcittion of aaan. 

Thit life work of imr bclovfd tncnd itwy, iL'iihaui iiwtclicate or 
excCNiivc UtjJfitioa* tie truly cillrd nublmir Take ita wonh:Dcw, 
itsundcviAtinir ixinAtJincv. its siiitflcncHaof puipwr. Sh unsilrbh- 
ncs«, itit he:3it<ftband,'inc^, iu exceeding niodvit^, ihc cxpcndiliiK 
m;ide by the donor in proportion lo h\< vr%tmrcr^ and ihrti finally 
oon»itlrr bia wi<Klotn niul pr^ciicil ^oud ntn^e 111 iiulia ul dct^ul, 
togcihtr with the ^r^-ii iuccvh achi<;vf.*d. und il !>iiiiidd niibmit 
parallel in ilie lii!«torj' of maltcM bpncfiiclion. trdi*wl, in the 
COLikbiii^ilion of its i^u^litle^, it nitty well cJiAllcngc cotup^jiwo 
Vith any benefAction of which we have knowlodj^o. But mon dii*, wf* hnvr nni hrO'-M m:»n grown dch by *jw*rit!aiion. who 
ihronift Eo public rhitilty a few million,^ ior eo^tcof b'l^ fa%t\ aa it 
were; but we have ioKtejidk 4 tnmi toilijij; laboriously at hi» pn>- 
fewion, year In ;iiid yt^ir out. ;iiid cnrffully hyini* au-jiy hu pro* 
fMiohAl g^ms. until ilir .t^vinmil.iinl More Ih Mit^iciritt to nwei 
the one grcAt dc»ircot hi^ lic^ri,rtni1 thcrn A^jpiopriAliug tfadt stoit-, 
ai wcnow «cc him, for the ^tisliiction ni that dczure— to the cxtmi 
in money vnlue of ;it \r^t a quarter of a million dolbtr- Ah! 
prei.-ioiis IrulcfHl U stich brnrriictton. fur r^very sioiie (ii ifris iptsU 
building-, Aye, tvcry inch of f;roi.Mid covered by the dojiorS ^ifoi 
K lovingly bcdcweil with tbr »wcat of pirofeMiona] 1obor> H4d 
be Inheriletl ihst wealth 10 abundandy beftlOf^-ed. or luJ be galh' 


ered il in the field of some fortunate enterprise, we would have 
taken it approvingly and have worthily honored the donor; but it 
would not have come to us as it has now come. It would have 
lacked something which it now has — that soul-satisfying essence 
which makes the gilt not only unique of its kind, but preoous 
beyond all price. And what a harmony of parts the w!io?e 
dtsclosesf How the hfe work of the man, the results of that 
work in material gain, and the crystallization of those results in 
the cause of medical education, harmonize with each other, and 
satisfy not only the ethical, but the esthetic sense, as well. And 
how entirely fitting it is. that all this should have been brouKhtby 
him who is concededly at the head of his profession in this Slate, 
and who Justly stands at the fore-front of all that is best in medi- 

In the presence of these reflections, well may we sjiy wirh 
Festus, as he soliloquizes by the bedside of his dear, dyin^ friend 


''Ay, licre ! 
Here is earth's noblest, nobly garlamlfd — 
Her bravest champion with his welUwoii prin- — 
Her best achievement, her sublime amciuls 
For countless generations fleetin|{ |>a8t 
And followed by no trace— the crcJture god 
She instaiices where angels would dispute 
The title of ber brood to raiilc with them — 
Augelfi. this is our angel ! Those bright forms 
We clothe with purple, crown and o»lI to thrones, 
Are human, but not his: those are hut rntn 
Whom other men press round and kneel Itefure; 
Those palaces are dwell in by mankind; 
Hif^her provision i^ for him to seek 
Amid our pomps and glories; ste U here !" 

And she, who has stood ut (he siije cifour frifn'! the^: iii;miv 
yeiirs with everv aid that ^yiiipath*jlic (:i]courcij.>(_-mciil toukl i^wc, 
so presses upoft my thouj^hi in connccli'ni with him niy ihih oc;r:i- 
sion. that my remarks wotikl be lc*r incom[>leter than ihcy iin-, 
without at least some meinicm oi h<fr naiiu' Th is mail has labort'd 
beyond what we may know; he has hail his many disconra^^e- 
ments; he has not always bet-n well; there were time^, doublkss, 
when the end seemed beyond all hope of achievement; but ilu^e 
never was a time when h<? faile<i of helpful sympathy and encovir- 
agemenl from her, whose inlerest in his life-work seems to be as 



great as his own; and never a timt- when with hvt. llie Coicf 
was not first, and all things else sct:uiid. 

All, great, indeed, is the glofy of wamaiif How *oodr^ttii>' 
of what deep significance is that which Goethe so profaundlf ^ 

poetically charactenzea in one wore] of hh cnvn cdiuiti a 
Kwi^-WHbiich^f Dominated by this, ilie essciilkl doTirti d 
her being, what sacrifices woman mokes in the scdudetl gtv^i^^ 
her appointed work; but from th'.* altar of (h<-se ^icrific& •ts 
j»raiefnl, love- compelling incense asccntls to H^jvcn! Wli-it w 
vati on issues thence for ihe perpciuity anci atJvjncrmcirt ^.^ ^ 
race! As George Frederic Parsons so eloqiionllr says in hi^ ^ 
troduclion to Balzac's "Seraphiia." ihls /iwtg- Wnbht^ * 
Ciotclie "is the force which zUht un\ htnan. which lifis u&tonrJ 
higher spheres and inspires us with nobler aim^; wlu'di ontk 
physical plane keeps before our dull and earlh-dt^wn even* 
stant examples of self-sacrifice, ahruiMii, paiicnce, comfiuW 
and love stronger than death; which is »iii>sl ertetlivc in ^uhilwi 
and exlirpaling the sordid aninial it^iidcnciea and inclin^lioni Ini^ 
our nature, and in substituting impnisrs and iT-i^pir-idtnis itiii 
may give as foothold in the path that liMds Enw^rd a llli: bf^i^i 
worth living." 

Ah, ^;rc'at, indeed, let it here be nju-jlcd, is thi_- glory oJ voaui^ 
With wliai ineffable roful^ciice she slnin-s when ivt ^iea be* » 
ilhiiit I'd liv t hi- L^iniLT* III ' iHf ihr and H.d/.n! F.nuo -m"'^ 
iir-l \\y-\' n.Liih' rui |»iiiii/i' ,nid inarhli'. l>ni ilu- di.Mlhf!.'-.- rutiT* 
uhiili .Mr ilicn ^u itii LI li.LVi- I'hk-i-iiinKd u\ hur hiaif. 1^;'' - 
[fu'i (liurf s'.nm, iT diiif >si'ni it suiins; lint willi sntli ,i li \r ;li' '■ 
MMtiht \\r\\ h.ivr' liri'il -„iid [aUuT lli.m h'ss. 

i'lii- I' .n nil V III ^ I n»j".-r Mi' <.ii|U-_k;<' h,u <\ im uc I J), in ifili''' 
.1- u Li ippro isili iJ .il thiir hit;h \,ilin: \hy- ^r .i[ -l^^. ■-- 
1 1 nd. lid III mi'dirinc Itv Ihrir IumiI. Ihi-y h.n i- lurii \\\-- \\'-V-'< • 
.111! I /I '-ill HI-, ' (MiljuIitLs 111] \iMi -., ,ind nil wnr<l *jf ,ippr'.'u'i-it-"n '" 
Inni J-. I h 111 1 i>i ^U'ii^lllii 1 ill. Ill lliriL-. Ililt Ul-v li.ivi ^krJiU I 
,iU'i^i'tfui Jiuin^^ ami ,i|i| jli i|iii,il<- lu i^n I'l/voiiil iiR-rr \\iili[^. ■'^^- 
\'t M't ii|> in [111-, hall ,L l,i-.(Lnii nn nmri.ij lo llu^ liit'tul ilicv .'-i' : 
hum>r. I'll ilnf iinl Mn V h-w.- \\.ui his bu^^t cui in ifiu i>>\''-' 
(aiiai.i nt.irl)li' hv lliat nkhLih il Miilplur, Ku^liilph Mai-i'M ■'• 
Munich. Min.h <►! ii-^ Mnifcss i-. due 1(- the kini^lly ^uptrv !■':'►" ■ 
'I'oby K, Rosinlli;*f, a'^ ihi- M.ul[iliir hid nevt-r ^e<^n iIk' orJ^^mjl 
lni[ M,Ls i;i[jdid "uly l>v pliuloi;] .iplis. VUv Innl lia^ hicii .ifijrL* 


priately mounted upon a colored marble pedestal, and placed 
within a niche in this lecture hall, where it is to remain forever, the 
perpetual embodiment of the guardian spirit of this place. Upon 
behalf of the Faculty, who have deputed me to perform this 
kindly office, it gives me one of the greatest pleasures of my life 
to speak for them on this deeply interesting occasion, ami in their 
name lo formally present this truly beautiful work of art to Coo[jer 
Medical College, with the hope that '^Time's eflacing finger" may 
never mar its pristine beauty and purity- The artist seems to 
have been inspired by his subject, for he has here produced the 
living, breathing man in his habit as he lives, and with Huch power 
and delicacy as lo leave nothing further to be desired. Art here 
joins hands lovingly and rejoicingly with Science and Beneficence, 
to crown with imperbhable laurel this glorious son of Medicine- 
And may we not venture to add our prayers that he who has 
done those things of which we have spoken so inadequately to 
their importance, may still maintain his present vigor for many years 
yet to come, so that all his great projects for medical education 
rnay in his liletime be so far realized, as that his last gaze on earth 
may rest on no single unfinished fragment, but on a rounded and 
harniomous whole, in which Medicine shall have the noblest habi- 
tation our country has ever seen. And as we unveiT this nuirlile, 
and you look for the first time upon the work which Art Juls so 
perfectly achieved, there is no one here present Hut must deeply 
feel, that marble never served a nobler purjjose antl never shone 
with a richer lustre; but while contemplating the sculptured form 
which shall thus be transmitted to future generatious, our ihoui-ht 
cannot but rise from the perishable stone to the character and life 
work of the man which may not perish but shall endure forever- 




alt fit£ iKH'A«t«s *ir Tiir i'"u%Mw\. vi^hJ^r YlXKt 



A<ni a* 





nsEft "P Cooper Medical CoIh^eue, 
Nov. 13, 1890. 






Has PBANCifoxij 

^JooDwiw A Taylor, Pkintrkb. 
&a Clay street. 





BKH i:iTii, lfl!»0, Rv Lkvj Coopeb La>e. A. M.. M, n.p tnKKMSf, 
M, B. (\ S. En(1., L. L. D., Pkofessoei 'ik i<i RfT::RV. 

Members of the Gradtiaiing Class of 

Cooper Medical Colfcffe ; 
iMiltes and Gentlemen : 

Among recollections most value<l by me, is that of a 
visit to Thomas CaHyic: he was in his eightieth year> 
and referring to this, he spoke plaintively of hi?^ advanced 
age, and quoting Ossian, said, " Age is dark aiul unlove- 
Jy," Though time had made a ruin of his hody, and his 
once clear, blue eye had become rlrv and histreless, still 
in his remarkable conversational powers his intoUoct 
showed no impairment: among thp glittering thoughts 
which fell from his lips, the following I mowt prized: 
*' Yours is the greate&^t of all human professions; indeed, 
mankind would be quite as well olf if the other profes- 
sions were put to bed." 

For three years, Cooper Medical College, your Alma 
Mater, has trained you with a teachor's arbitrary strict- 
ness, yet combined with artectionate tenderness: to-night 
she gives s'ou the legal passports which aihnit you to that 
profession declared sn great by Carlyle. You have long 


looked ho]iofullv towanls tbU hour, for il eotnpVtee tlie 
dii^fripliiir for a life's !al>or in the field of hiiinaniu, 
l^'rom your (course of i^tmlic^ you have come forth vklor*; 
thi* siKMi'trc, Failure. whk*li, in fearful outline, hai* do oftwi 
hovL^nd in your l^urizon, and chilled your brcn^t^ with 
doubtful a|»|)MK"n»^it>n*» haa voni^ihi'd torev**r. Tfic 
twelve penlriefl who guard the honors of your Alma 
Maltr, hfivo rigidly challenged you, and have failed to 
iiiui cauKe to douy you admifatiiorj. V*>u aii- permitted (^ 
lx*ur iIrj [nilni»(, «inct^ yon have proved your^ielvei* worthy 
of tht'in. Unceasing vifiUaiiee piards the pri/x^it of thb 
inatitiilion; and those who wni them must be iroHhy of 

ThtOover of ai;c?iL*iit historj' who vUits iiiodurn Koui? 
will liud much nfAntltjuify to awaken ht» iiilt.*re^: and 
on a former occasion, ^vhcu a pilgrim to that elo.'^ie ^oil. 
tht; warmot^l oTilhu?<iaflm wo** awakened in my breast 
when I Icuched the gn)und on which the aneient augur 
r<(ood, and. by tiK*tiii>^ nf Iuh art^ of divinuliun, he* UM»kf<) 
into futurity, and caught ^iimjisc^ of coming <.veul». U 
the field before him he placed his horoscope, and dividc<l 
this into a rl^ht and left quarter, and according ui^ bird« 
woTO caught sight of on the^ It-ft or right fiide. 80 dw 
soothsayers ?aw poilc-iits of good, evil, glory, ^hamo, nuc- 
ceBs or niii^fortinie. Ae said, thi« field and its ineidents 
of olden memory awakened in me intense interest; oti its 
far nfi'limil^ I watr:hed the flight of a bird, whirh, Iwft 
thousand ytjar^ a^:u, niig;ht have been the t'i^'nal for ftarl- 
i Tig on Bonut military expeditiou or for the decritiiim uf 
i4onie inipoitant rjiutler of Stat^j: as Uio bird vaui^hi'd 

in a (lislaiit wood, thucurrGiit of my IhoiiglUflwai* broken* 
fin' tlu' siglit of Uk» tloiuo of St. Pt'ter'ti c-hurcli remliid^tl 
ine that ihit rirmi[tati(ni at lln- augur liiid (.'-(^aBvcl, tlie an- 
cient religion was a thing of the past, and that olden 
Ruint' had yielded her imperial power to her northern 
Kiibjet'U, If 'lt»ep ]iiUH'c>ii was awakened hy that fanioiig 
plnin Jifattrk-ni ait^urv, a fur ^reatf^r enthusiasm is kin- 
dled in mo aa 1 r<?cnll tin? fact that [ now stantl on the 
vorgo of Q field, which ie as* rich in the «ecrels and un- 
born events of coming year* as ever lay hoforc tho augur 
of olden time, 

Thfl ancrient awr couched hh propholic utterances in 
equivocal lermi*, a liet>nst? wliicli his plJEiTit language pop- 
rnitt(Hl; for rxrtm|»l(\ llic famf^us Cdplno oraolfj could bo 
truthfully inu-rprelid f*i(.hiM' for or a^cinn'^l virtor>'. Bui 
the oint^na which ajjpt-ar in tho honwrop^* of your fninro 
are very different, ainco they are involved in no ambigu- 
ity; their intorprotor hai^ no neod of uncertain teruiB to 
coneeul their luiporl, «iucu they are obvious, clear and 
j*i'Iffvidout. t)u the left, a rjnarter in wliicli the old 
diviner nought for omens of good fortune, anccoss and 
victory, in»^ti<ad of a plumed object, F ohgervo a star-Iiko 
penta^on,al each ilhinilncd uiigk* of whicli t^IuikU an 
inscription in piainly characlfrs: thuwe iiiscrip* 
tiou»t^ flittering at^ If traced hi Ii^'ht> read a^ follows: 
Karnestnesfl. Sinct^rily, Cheerful ne^^s- Willingm'flfi to 
Work and Self-deniai, 

FrwTd fnun the enibaraKriinLTnt:^ which >hAeklcd tho 
ancicnl accr, I proceed, at once, to my la^k, and will 
commenee wiih KanioRtncs;^, since [ find it at the Buni- 


• ■• • •» . 

ittit^anglo «f lIiG ixMitagoTi ami id largniiptas of rhanMtr 
and illtiniiimtimi it is iuoi-l- i^m<;]iii'uimH ilmn any of llu' 
otluT^*, All fijn'Ml n-roriiii*!"* wlin l»a\"« ^li'iiiKfil miUiit* 
of iho iloniaiti uf nc<'T>]>lc<l d'xlriiicft, wht-tluT in n>li}!iofi 
or 3t*ioiic^c, hnvo i^Maiiied a following tliroogli prcjil mxn- 
Qsiiniss: BU.<taiiiori by llii» virtius ^{\v\i iiu>n haV4* Wn 
Kieady in action, unwavering umler of^po-iition, uiitnm'ml 
by <lL"ri«i(ni, fHillifiil In tonvictionn ami undi^^lurlioi] ty 
dangLrr. Such nicii in baltle aro found in the ficrc«iEt of 
tlio fiiilir, Auimatiiii* llioir followor*i l>y example and word 
ti> slaiid linn and never gjvti an ineb. Even in a rliam* 
I*ion riri.-rmr. ^mli a iinalily rominandA adinirAtiim anrf 
attraclfj a following:. This cjuality unaljlcd Mn|iamirv(i 
t<j i^onvert, tlivi lii^f wife, llicn liJi^ bretlirctn.atid lau-r, all 
Ar»1na, toilifl bcdiof that lio \\-su*fi divinoifnvoy: aod thoa 
one man was ablo IhO originate and ]>r(i]ia^te a iiewrrfig- 
ion over ft Uv^c portion of the earth. The Trophct «w 
iilinn^t c'liiftloti by P(?lor tlK- Honinl, whopo wild win«»t- 
iu*^s liwakHiit'd throughimi Wusturn Kiiro|W hox\\ |iea>«nl 
and princrr to uni1<* m a rnmnn>n cx(>i^<liliiin for tlw rr- 
«4ivurry uf t!ic H(dy t^opnlchre: a war in iis ^Iran^e z^i 
romantio c-haracu^r without analogue in human bisioij'> 
This w«,!* t?i(t inMrmmnl wilh which Croniw*>ll cut hi* 
way thmigh all ranks to the thnint- nf Knglund; a»J 
thouf;h lio refused to asooiid thii*. yel he gra?i|H'4l find 
wioldod ilu< set>|Hi'9 at ite side, with more force thnn fti^' 
roollan^^l, This rorniuandin^ ijuality in our own Wi*Ji- 
in^ton, Won tlit> lnMits iif his sti]dii<rs ami entihh^l hint 
to K^Lid tlie[n lhrou;^h liung^^r. oM and untohl liard^hit'*' 
U was this ijualityT wovim inetracehly iinn the luxtureof 

ihu Piunoer* ofCaliforiiia wliich ]>rijiii[>(i»i.l iIrmij to l<»avt< 
tlit^ir liEiinos »iul iiicirt (liscoiiirurt nml ilan^^tn- in »vcry 
form; ami after iincoinil^scl hard-*Iii[>fl to build up for iw 
thi^ wrnnlnniB home in the far West. These men wore 
nitoii^L^ly uarn<»^t lucii. OnunlkviT; i.>xiir}i|il(i» of this vir* 
Uw have been ixhiliitmi in ih*? hiwtnry uf our jinffui^sion; 
a mero ritatioii of lhi>«L* meritorious immos woiilj occupy 
ihft remniiidcr of thift hour; it would cMmpel nio to omit 
the other Inscriptions of our pentagon: thU I cannot 
afTord to do, anti bo I must linill niywdf to the mention 
of only two or thvt.'u narnoi!. No Jitter one do I find tlijiu 
that of K<iwar*l Jennor. whose oarneat and untiring work 
in the siudy of vacciniition, lia-* given the world the 
means uf giianling itself against pmall-pox. ooe? c)f the 
foulest and most tL-rrihle of liumnn diac'artos. 

In ELii autograph letter which I have the good fortune 
lo poi^egii, Jenner give* a ghmpsi:' of some of the trials 
thrtmgh which he jia^sned before his discovery waf accept- 
ed hy t)ic world: allitding to an investigation which was 
being made by tljo Royal College of Phyeiciani*, of the 
fiiibjeet of vaccination, he i*ay?: "This inquiry will lay 
low all these Ironblefiinne gho-it8 which have fin long 
hauntfitl thf metropolis with their oj:-J'a<xs und dii^mal 
hootiiigs af^ainut vaceinatiot).'' In this ho thrusts a gibe 
at the ridifulons objection which was urged against vac- 
ciuatkon, that in time it would convert the human face 
into the likeness of tliat of the ox. vVnd furtlicr liL' refer* 
witli great pride I^j th« rucngnitioti of his di*4^?overy by 
the Kinguf Spain. Little did Ji^'oruT lh*?n wee, that when 

ntenijiorary malin* nntl iinvy had expired, lie him- 

self would bw ontlironcii aniotjg tlio (rroatost b*>nofartnn 
ofhinnanili. and wt^ar a i?rowji Wsi» jiuitaMt* than Uiat of 
S[iHiii,wliii^h ]ms since l>pnji the ^jiort of pilitical change. 
and onco disapppareil Ur :i time in the vortex i>f pojHilar 
rcvnUition: Jeiint^r's crLJwri i^ mun.' durablo than '■tn}iif 
j^old, »iinre it ia* n^Jnpiwvd i>f gratini<k' WMVi?n hy handa 
wliicli, IhroiigK his <li«:overy, have heen pmtecte*i from 
l>euig mniTod hy thp t4[K>tlc(l Aorpent which, before -len- 
lu^r'fl time, was lurking? in liit* pathway of ©very hnm&ii 

Another ^^xainplt* of wliftt un 0Arr>e!<t purpose can ac- 
complii*h i-^ tlial nf r-i:*ti.'r,who ha^ juMly won for )iiin*df 
tho title of iircat Rt'Tarmt^r in inndern surgery- In 
tliu uurly Hiinuuuconioiil of Iut^ dwrlrlnii La^ti^r, likt* .Ivn- 
iiur, met with iiiUMi^L* opprj^ilion and uv»ik ridicule, I 
recall roading in a leading Kngli^h journal a mention of 
him as the fanatic of the Xorth, who wa5 endeavoring w 
dmrin awav iiilliLniinatioQ by dolu^ his uperations u 
mi?«ti4 arid vajxvr. Arrows ti]>p(Td with epigram niatic 
mockery, for a time fell qnickly around him frona ewry 
eide. To the followers of th(? old modes, so iLbni|j(A 
a chuug4? could not bo otherwise than ]iQinfiiL Tbw 
greatly mndir^t but e<iually earnest man continue h'\i 
work, and established the doctrine of iniinc««c value U> 
mankind, that inttammation. onco so fatal in anyepocie^^ 
of wuutidf^r can, with certain precautionary procedures, 
bo avoided or «afely controlled. Iji%tt>r has trinnipli«d. 
and hir* name ha,^ taken ploo*' am<mg tlic great benefw- 
tors of tininanity. Like Faraday Ins niime ha^ becti as- 
signed a plat^' in all niodeni languagi^; tind in our^ Lid- 

^ it • ■ k • 

^ to ^^^g 

tcriiim will endure coeval witli Far;KliBiiK And ,t'veii 
slinnid niir race, will i it« wonUn! iii;;ralitutii>, forgift Iii» 
name?, vol his good work ifl as^un^d of |K-rj>L'tiiaI contin- 
uance ill the yoav^ whiuh it m\\ mid to human existence: 
and from the heart of ilic woundtnl man whose paini* are 
reduci'd to eany tolenin^e. the iiic-eiise nf pratiliulL* will 
constantly ascend, t]iou;^'li it be to an nnknoivn bL^ncfac- 

In <»vory place and (Kwition of lift*, itarnostno^s com- 
mands attention; iniy more, it becomes the oUjert of rev- 
erent admiration, and in their admiration men have 
chosen it AB a proper name* Thj Imrdy Teuton^ whoee 
military aehievenicnl*; recently plaeoil liim at the front 
of KiinijH-, finds nn filter, no miblf-r tuiiike for lii)« child 
than Krnest, 

Earneslncfefl coujded with ^^enius insures flupremacy to 
the fortunate |>ot;»40t=j^or: when eombinf-d with niodiocrity 
it noniiriaudH ii'K|iect, urid aIkii unil^i] Ui diiUiLuf^s it e.\- 
cniptfl from contpnsjit. Hence viewed from every r»ide. t*> 
this quality must be conceded the rank of nohle among 
human virtut*); and therefore, in wordu clear and i»rom- 
ininil, in the heurt nf chcIi ofyou wlio hope* fur kuccwss, 
sbonlii be written Ihe n'W>ive, ever to he earne>tt. Such 
a resolve carried into action will give you a commanding 
power in the L'xereise of your profession: by means of it 
yuii will kindlr fuw life in i\\v faiTit heitrls uf tliosL- wIjo 
AmW ikppi-al lo you for relief from pain, depression and 
sorrow. En the pcirilnua viyage through the unfathouied 
sea of disease, across whic-li you are to serve as ;;uides to 
unfortunate travelers, tbih i|i.iality will eiiablu you lo 


siiiMy m&iTa^i^ llic lu-lni ami n*»cue from clealh lli^ |in*- 
cioiifi frriglil entrusted to your char^rc. 

In our fivc-sidud uracukr fitfurc, next t^i (?ftm*?;i|ne*s? 
Hog tho aM^Io bearing tho int^rlptir^iK ^jnoenty; fl'idfll- 
tluiu}>1i ihiii^Ti wliioti luivu lxH.M> suid of x\iv /*»riii*«r iim" !*■ 
fljioken of flincerily, y«l there is so much dif!V^reiir« be- 
tween them that it can ho flaid that one may Jw> earnt^ 
tind not Kiuci'ro; i^till no |>cri^oii can be sincere vithout 
Ia^iii^ i*artiL-»t. To ilUii«tm1f> tliii^ra nmu may be earne^i 
in faUf^hofKi and tiencf; he is in^^ineere: Uul if ho bu »iD- 
wro in hit* pmfoHsion of ^ belief, Uienrc inuM he he iiim- 
L^ft; and hence, afl a deduutttm, earnt^tne^ 1o Ik? of value 
tiiubi W iinkud tn fiiiferilv. Tlie ivord sinc-ere, nrhen 
lrace<l t<> \U prhnitivi^ origin. meAnii niimixcrl, whence bjr 
an ea^y transition, the idea of purity is reached: oo dad 
arldition to the modi^ni nieaninp of sincerity. 

Sincerity alwaye enforue** lesjject, <?ven though it bu 
met with in one who who radically diDers fri>ni us in 
opininii. In common phrase the hiiKN^n* man sav's vbat 
he moans an(l means what hf* ways; thu*!, (taraphni^Ltl, 
wincerily is nt^aily akin tu Lrulli. Metal:' increA)^* in 
value in pn>portion tn their scarceness; thna uranium 
and [>Iatinum far exceed gold in value; in like niaiinrr 
the rarity of sincerity increases the world'* apprvK-iatioN 
of it, Fortunati'ly^ nnlike uranium, it in not ^o scarce 
as to nnaily psempt It from ronimon ufie; and wlwfrevur 
found, it instantly ruccivei^ tlic trihuto nf resiwct. Vtry 
diircrt>iilly do we li>^ten to the utli'mncei* of thu eincoff 
«f and the in»iin^-ere mar; t}io*e of Mn? latter ai\» di^ifpbul 
ev'en by the insincere lifttenrr. The statements of a M' 

cevQ man always oominniifl ouraltt»inioTi; aiirl if ihoyare 
iiiacit- rniKH^rniiig a M^it-ritiHr »*uhjueL. with whh'h we are 
are not fAniili>Li\ thr^v will iinilnilily lie uiT(-pti.^d aiul 
addoci as fact? to onr stork of cnnimoii kiiowk^lgt-: ^talc- 
itient^* hiJWGvor, I'f tla^ in-*inceru iiiaji, art* unwiliingly 
li^U'iiud to, uikI ttT hustL'ii to forget them. The plane of 
winnerily, wht-llifT in a frionil or an enemy, is clearly 
known to ub; while insincerity figures in the e<|«otit)n of 
life aa the unknown and indf'lerminate x, y and 2: surd 
I quail til jt'i^ haftlin^ final solution. Encke.the a-Jtrmioniort 
from trhoni ai'itmel is naniod. nnvv tltdivemfl a Ie<-tnre 
towhici) I had the privilege uf liatcninj;. in which he 
dwelt upon the mf^ans^ of i^orrecting, or allowing for irrore 
tiiadi? in uialliuinatic^al cak'^dationii. To do this, ho cosl 
«1k-» friiiu the uv^iial Inix on the d(<sk hofore him, and hav- 
ing noted the nund>L'r» which fell u]>pcnnoat in a num- 
ber of throwfl, from those simple elements, horn of elmnt-e, 
he constructed a corrective rule which may ))e ii«e() to 
el!niinat^> iho mlslakes which may ha made in a long 
calculation. No lecture which 1 have heard ever awak- 
ened in UK' more inUTL*jft than did thai of the aged as- 
tronomer, in whioh the summit of human wisdom was 
gained, where thp fallihie man forms rules by which ho 
phickH fallibility from \m mental acts ant] the i^'ished 
for Btafre of perfection is reached- The old savant in hia 
work of reaching so grand »n end by a paili so humblij, 
HN^tned anolhf*r T*roiru'thonH, hrin^ing from heaven a 
Apark of divine knowledge in a j^imple leetL But no 
Encke, dmlowcd ihoui;h ho maybe with superhnnian 
sapience, uliliscing the iloctrine of probahilitieK, can ov^r 


rnriiiuUti- a Tiil(> vvliicli wlU tnialiii^ iik to tlisliitgiusli \h^ 
tiUL'' from tlitt lulst' in ilw utloratioe.* of iissiricority: giw"i 
uinl evil are Ihrro so intimnloly allnvoil a.= lo I* iti^e]>o- 
mlih*. Sucli alI<»y,»in'orLnnaU'U% otcurs in the utl*»r»na*& 
and puMicatiniiR of »omo mvdii:n\ nion, wliir, to piin iin* 
niL-ritotl iiotici'. ili»tpiii*c their ina^iiK-orityaiid falK"licKnliD 
tlip soductivt'dre^itof plftu*Eibiliiy; for oxarnplOj such tuen 
}ttinnun<-i< unimnally fi»rtunate i^^iilis hitlu^rlo unatUitiHl 
iTi iWir s[jpriftl |n-nvince nf wirk, and llius tlu-y aiYjnire 
an um-aniiil reimtatiou for invtriitive jKm'cr or uuu«ual 
»4kiU: tjj prt'Vc-m tiich porvor^um of favl ec'Cm« lo Ihjilll^ 
all (.'fl'nrt, tint! ilu* only Iioj.«* of ivimvly i* in tlie |»lnli- 
^■^jjiliitT mflocliiin lliiil ihi'Sfiloirtive ami foii*wi"vaiivi»i>owpr 
of evolution is unrL'Btingly at work, and that, in the alem- 
bic of unlimited limo, tliifc agoncy \s liak^sgly et-i>aiaiiii(! 
lilt* I'lernul voritti>$ from ihc dru^e of inilnitli, 

[ii ilm nialiTJiil iiitiMi-liiLiig^ and i^rirhange wlitHi. 
iH'tween wvU men, occur in infinite variety, insincerity is 
an occjaeional faclor; aii<l husinei^ men, who lictoni: to 
tliu ficliuoi of t.'X]X'dit.*ni."y, claim that it is iinavuidablir; 
hut in tlu' ituiicly of t)n' j*ick when.' yon arc to h« lm»ii.'<l, 
insincerity is !*ingiilarly ont of plaoe^ The victims of 
[jaiii and ^idcne^ti dcnnunl and look for sjne«?riu-)ii those 
from whom Ui^y expect relief from their nnsforluTiyw, 
Man ran UilfTaU* McmLO detcpticin and mihreprt^sentati^fti 
in the [nirchai^e of liour*e. land or fninituTe: lows thiTC 
may he* tolerated, hut if ho \}Q elieated in rejrurd to bis 
hoaltli, the injury i^ irreparahle. I renii^nilier no nion^ 
eloquent words than w<»rG once f^aid to mc by a poor 
Italian woman whose child was fatally nick; raiiil she 


'* C'oTiR- oftoii; ir monoy gouj* H can come back Ajrain; but 
if my child j;oce. slio will iiovcr coim* back agaiiu" 'lliitt 
laiit^nsigi? wart iiovyr &xi*oIltJ(i in tiublimily hy miv wordi^ 
fipnkcn l»y Cictro: and tlmt ihc* pale? nioflsenger hoie her 
child away iKVtr to rttiim a^ain, wus one of those bitter 
cxporioncttf of whiob. if I minutely >tcari your liorugoopo, 
I obt^erve similar niie» trarcil In diirk linen by Uk- flii^r 

Iiiainccrity by arta of disguise may for n period eecapc 
dotCH)tton, and fur a linio it touy pa?^^ lU &)>uriomi iroin; 
yet idiiiiiatcly it will wufU-r expo^iiri'; hiioii it will for^^t 
Mn ma^k and expa-ip itself. Inflinn^rity long jirartlr^^d 
at length docldroH itself in form «nd ft^aturcj. The posflcs* 
lior's cliaracler i^; slowly but unmistakably engraven by 
rh<r p]L«iEin^ yi-ars^in hii^ hvi), and !^o plainly ii^ it viigraveu 
that it iH lt*^ihlo even to Uw illjleratc. Tbcsc factr* am 
well-known to, and iitiliw*d by, the artist^ The following 
inetanct^s an*olftred as illn^tratiou^^ of tins: In ibe Fru- 
kirk<>> ul (_'o|K-idiii>!fii, tb*.'iv i?^ n umiibeT of Ibu iiiat^tur- 
piecc» of 'llmrwaldscni and jiinong tliese none i** more 
remarkable than the pcene of the Last Supper, executed 
in marble ba*^-relief« ou one of the inner walU of the 
church. Oonnpiruons aimoiii: the rharaclerrt iK thti figuru 
of Juda?', tlu.^ Traihir, in wlm;^ face insincerity and 
treachery are written in line^ oaflily read. The more 
flight of thin facLMvill iinni(.'Llial*dy awakon di&tru»i't and 
d]»Uk^'iii tliL' spectator V inlnd; antl ut tbL^i^aiiLC tiiiie, Ir' is 
MMxc^d with wonder at the !i|<i|l i>f Uip chi?*elj which \mi^ 
80 Inithfully delineated tho fharactcr of Judafi. Cold, 
reserved, calculaling inf^incerity has perfK't ejf]jre8eion 


Ihp hc^ r.r him who iw in Mio art tif helra^vinp hi? 
Mii^ilor. I will uIVlt oiHJlhi^r forol-oraiive illutitruti<»ii: 
the atiuiiror uf Geiruan ]i*!^^nd;ii"y Inrp isefipt-c^iaily pU*6i*nl 
bj" liii* vixit in Munich tj> the Nieljehingcn-llall. on Ihi* 
wjiIU f)f which arp ihi* [pictorial illuatmtion» of llie NW*- 
ohmf^en eonp;, the early opitr |K>om of Ih^ CormanB. As 
the ol<i Gix'i'k had hi* htru Achilles, w> the old Teuton 
liHil hi!* Si('|;rrie<ii whoHi arm in wpial coTiibnt was invin- 
ci[>li'; llnfnrtnnalely, however, Siegfried hafl a treacher 
oiH rival, Von ITa^L^n, tvlio killc<l liitii with iho r^tahof^i 
sprar fnnu hdiinth while 8it'^fried was )(toi)|>ing ami 
drinking from ft fountain of wator. Tn^aclitry is most 
faithfuily portrayed in Ih* foatureii of Von Hagcn; and 
though painted by anotlier arliet, his fac« is aD accuratv 
repnxlnetioii of Tlu.>rwald»^eii'>* Judftij. In fat'l, it i» ck-tr 
that iiininrcrily liaw rvrrywlu'iv hut iiiio fa*ti. And 
to the f.riin fide nee merit ionetl, yonr aufiiir oan add 
another; for he hafl known a face which had l>GGn melded 
by the grt^at artist Nature, whose posaessor had won notJ> 
rit^ly by lii» insincf>i1ty and trwifhcry: 11ii*» fae« migbl 
have served as llie original nflhat of Von Hagi^ii in Ihe 
pkt'Orinl hall of Municli, aH well a^ that of Judatt on tbe 
i*h\trch wall at Copcniiagen, 

On tlir other hand rinr]icnH]<« (^\ampl6fi niifrhi be alfnl 
proving thai sincerity s^tiiuipt* its image on llie hnman 
face; and such image, when ^een, never faiU to awaken 
in thoBe wlio see il» trust and confidence. Such faces in 
conntlesw numbers wore lho»;e of the tnie, giKnl and brave 
who have devoted theniiK.dven to the uiiSLdfish work of 
relieving the ailnientp of -mftering humanity, KooU|:h 


liat* bovu r'RJil in piaiw of lliin virtm?; IgI H l>e (irmly ni- 
topwoveii in yonr moral imtupo, wi ihnt it will quickly 
n*mc»ld iiflolf in foaturo and tat^o, and U*1 it l>c there ayso- 
cialetl witli L^sniiestnejiT;. tiiiie4.\ tllrou^h tlunr union, tln^so 
virtiirrn *tn.*n^tlK-n tMch nth<^r. 

Tho tliirtl angle of onr hon>acopic fij^ure beari? the in- 
pcription, t- hi?orfulnoRs, To-morrow yoti cntor a j-plioro, 
where, on <?vt?rv side, you will meet the subjoct* of pftln, 
agony, uiift^^ry, wri-tclK^dnosw, ^^adncsfi, disti^pss, dospond- 
oncy and da-<piir. !ir<^»akin^ liearts will thenu pour out 
thoir ^irpow lo you. Humanity, sti^uiifzlin^' in thct wavoa 
of unuttoraljle an^^ui^li, v^ill reach rmt llicir arnii* tow»i\l& 
you lK>g2ing for rcsrue^ K«r,a?4 Virgil led Uantft througli 
tho disuial abiiLtf* of the doad and dieplaycfi to him 
ovory d<*ppeo of ^mflfpring, frfjm tho mild to tlio indo8criI> 
ably l^'rrible, bo your calling iniuwt load yoii th ruu^h every 
rirnl*» of j^uRering, from that which is merely fanried to 
that whicli it; t;o k'rriMi^ that the jkmi of a Dante wouhi bo 
unable lo depict it. Tho >*tron^ frame, hitherto no power- 
ful lliat it seemed pro.>f a^aiTi*<t difteasii nnd pain, will 
aummon you to itw sideband with chitdifth plaint will 
entreat your aid: the oryof tho aick infant, and tho more 
]>athetic one of it* anxious mother will, anon, toueli your 
oar; the pitwm** cry e»f helph-ss nhl a^^e, wliirli, through 
years, has lns*t almost every altrihnle nf its former self, 
will also eu]>plieate the aid ofyour art, and be^ for the 
boon of a few more davfi: (one euoh onot- »=aid to nie, he 
iVfHjId ^Ivt* me a forhini- if I would prolutig IiIm life a 
yean) Such are the pcenes of misery and euoh the aets 
of woo, of whit^h yoii are to be the acctistnmod obflervers. 




In 3'our niinifitratinii tollii^ wnnt^iir \\\\t^ wr*'1clicHlnrw. nr> 
nmiv prittnt iii'^trunitiU van i»* bnmjiln than that 'jf a 
chtcrful luiixi. Tliiw JJ* partirularly true iti tin* tivairii*'iit 
of iho chmnic hU'alkl. whose iiiala<Ij' is «onslaiilly wW" 
iwliftd hy tht^ Imhit of tnorljid introspection » ami which 
may oiten he banished for hours hy a few cheerful 
wonit r^killfully ^vokoti hy the medical ationdaut: iliii* 
ohct'vfnhiesii, by a little addi'swe, jji*?rct^ llie darlciii*!« 
wliirh ho*;l<>(>infi the i>atiDi)t. and it^ aMi>, for a time at 
lea-^t, In dispel tbf t'lomU which dnrk*^» hi? r^ky. The 
lu^-yard IiL^art of de^pomk-ncy i^ thti* made to pulsate 
with new vi|:;nr; and the sirk cjne lapsing dnwnwanU. a^ 
lie. imagines, towards the grave, l)W*ome« inspired with 
new strcnglli. and it made to rctrucc his ^Vaps toward* 
health a^raiiiH Thu^ a menial tonic i« adminiatcrwl, 17- 
iiig in its aclioii with thcr Ixh^t ehnlyhtfate; and in its 
wf»rk it fiwakens ivs^ohition and courage, Wfore which 
vanish dejection and fean 

In the inosi poriloui^ oeeniiion or dangerous oniergeney 
ot'life an act uf »elf-]H)isotl el>eerfidnoi*« ha« j^iven greal 
solace; anrl where the cheerful person was the one im* 
porilod. it ha?; huon the meana of hia rescoe. Case* 
ilhifJtrfttive art* iho following: Whetipin 185", the Ill- 
fated steamer, fVnlral Ann_'rita, whi».'h went down in ihi* 
Atlantic freighted with ho many (.<atiiorniaiiit, had :4UTjkeJi 
and left more than a hundred men Hoating in (he waves, 
one hrave man cried out, *' Three cheorfi for the CentrsI 
Amt^rica." Tiie eflect/as a part!eipaiit hae imrratc^l U) 
oie, was tna^it-al: the eall waj* Iie^iiily re.sp<iiidiNl Uk 
and for a moment all i|iiit4) forgot the wat<rry p;rave whicli 


W5& yawning bencflth aiul in a few hour? aFtrrward re. 
coivwl ihv- m<j^t of llii-ni. That bravo uiaii nionlod a 
better fate than hefoll him, f<ir. not bcinx di^^iiri^ui^h^d in 
llial mass of (itrugglin^' men, his n^nin \vA-i lx'<»[i Uisl liis 
Qct. however, livts and desonca a lasting plact^ among 
deodfl of valm". Anothor cogo to tho |)oait was that of a 
surg(>on in tlu* t'liinn army, during tin* lait^ war, who, on 
a cm'taJn ner^sion, liaviiig dropiK'd his srali'i-I und \nWn 
up a nuiftkel^ was takmi i^rUoncr by the Southerners. The 
olTcnjie of a non-forjibatant oaiiijhl using nriiis, acourdjng 
I" military law, \yt piinitibuhb* Uy dciith. Tlio surgeon 
was irierl by a court-martial and ^i^nleni^od lo ho >*hot; 
yot, to the credit of thoso who held him a prisoner, lie 
was offcrod opporluniiiBt of eBca[H?, hut whk-h his deli- 
cate «en^c of hunor c-aui>(-i1 hini to dcclitiu. In accordance 
with Ih^ st-nlcme, a hie fif f4oldif.^r!* wa;* dotailed to ^hofjt 
the prisoner. Aa tlie surgeon st>iod before bis oxecutioD- 
ert, bt* saw thai ^m\^ of them wt-re bansfooivd, when 
avHilinji^ luiii^df [>r Uk- ii^ady cIit-errulnosT; ivIirIi was a 
prominent t-If^nionl in liis imlnre, ibe ^uigtHui kicked off 
his shoe?, and ihrnwing ihom tiwards the soldiers, to- 
mark<^d thai be wijuld prei^eiit them to one of theni,einco 
where he was goin^ ht* wnuld nni nL»(.*d Lht-ni. Theae 
lucky, elK't^rfid word,^ wim tlie hearts oT tho^e who «tood 
ready t« firc^, and lowering tbeir^cunB tliey allowed him to 
et-cape. Tliiri story wa>5 told nw by the one who was the 
subject of it, and U^dHy hi.- i* a worthy niLinber of uur 
pnffe.*i*inn in St. lyftuis. Ana few word?*, the outburst of 
a cheerfnl temperament, Uinied the instrument*^ of death 
aside and saved the surgeon's life, st* you, by the timely 



cxGrcit<e of this quality, may wjnietimeri turn ftsiili* thu 
Arrovii nfdi^a^o, or cau^e tUcni u» fall harinle^ly at llie 
feet of their inlended victims. 

Checrfiilness, though such a jewel itself, bccoiiHr? 
coarse whou it dogGneratoa itiio kvity; noiliing i» mote 
out of idaoolhim the Iftttor in th6 «](-k roofii; ritoro than 
(inco liave T lu\in] a loose juke add to lliu fiufU'n>r'» poio 
and HII him with diPgii^t for thFi je.Htvr. The sick run 
lon>;s fur LncouragcniciU and hope of an early release 
fVom hig e4>nfjiieini>nt. The cjirclese joku may hamper 
the key which iniglil, olliCTwifti^^ havi* o|ii*ij<h1 tln> doors 
of his prison. The paliort's heart h athtr^t for » cup of 
enlivening inspirations and for this invaluable rcatcra- 
tivo, ho lUAkug ^r*Tat and coni^tant demand:; on his phy- 
MirlHTi; to supply thi« tlio phyii^kian should have a peron- 
nial fonnlain of choerfnho»'«H in lii?i own hn>a»i. If. how- 
L'vcr, nuturo has boon churlish to him in thia endowment 
and to ihe siL'k room he carrit^B his mtdanchnly faw and 
I lH."i.^rk*»m iu-'tiotj, and dt'uU out to lii*i p»ti<?nts portions of 
his own [j^rsonal woo^» then the small d(<niand for hi; 
professional sorvicea will soon give clear hint? to auch a 
physician tliat he eiTed in hiB choico of a profe«?iion. 
The 3^iek m^m riusl have elieeriiig hujxs for tliiii hcs pays; 
anil if in itf* Mtead he rereivps the ghtoniy prf*gnnstirs of 
a ('a!*^andra, then ho is cheated in hotli |jur»e and bodyp 
Knough !iaa been ^aid to jirove the good value of Ihe 
virtue ivhichi^tHiid^ third InuurHU^IedHymlHilof preseaf^ 
Cultivate thif* quaiilv. and if you fear that nature has 1x4 
been generous ill this j:ift to yoiK then enter not di« 
hiHisi^hold of human f^uflering where eheerfid ltOI^<^voU*Drt 


atitl noi ioxif molanclioly line work U-> do; or. if ynii 
iniiig- lluK huii^^lioli]. at u |>ix.l!iiuiiary, dtjlvt? luure 
iIwTply inUi your Iirurt, if [HLtn^himrf ihi^iv may Ix' fjuml 
there aonie un<liscovei*t'<:l rouiitaJTi of cIjOL'rfiiines*. 

The nest virtue of whifh I cateli a glimpse in the pro- 
phetic AMci i» humlil(*r and les^ brilliant tlim ihjpo al- 
r«a<ly mentioneiL Tins is Willingness la Wnrk, Man 
is not disponed by nature to idlenefts, y**^ moflt 
men ditrliko t'ontinuoua work; eajH-'Cially in the 
you nc do we find nn olemont ndvorr^e lo occupation in 
w}u(*h thercr Im coiihitunt ^ftinent'^^, Thungh busied, 
thf^y iii'MTf. fiv(|ui*nl cliaiigi^. The great diMripiiiift of 
chiUtliood conBists in overcoming this dc?ire for the ever- 
changing and llie ever utw. To accomplish Oii*-, both 
tt>acher and the tiu^Tit have nrduou)* IhIjit; tliough Ihe 
L'fTorti* of thtJ teacher are oflen cnivfnc<i witli J*ucce»s, y»t 
doniittimes, Iih tasks are like the labor of tlie daughters 
of Danauti, who wen* coiidt-nuiud 1^ fill with water btick- 
eta whit-'h had no bolt^mi. Hut tliruugh diiigL*nt eflbrt 
in yontli, fi halul und h)vc of cuntiiinous rjcnipation 
maybe tiruily planted; and when once ^o di^cl])Utied,. 
the fortunate youth is most unhappy when his occuRtom- 
ed occnpatiun h inlernipt**d; to one so molded, constant 
enLployinent brings Uit^ swi-rte^t enjoyinejit. Tli««« are 
atrangc wortta to the idler and the loiterer, whoarescatch- 
inK in every unarler fnr mutation and difitraction. The 
disciplined snn of continmms and regular labor is happy, 
ami he addf) to llie hii]kpinrf^!i of tho«i.» around him; he 
hari reached the liighcift position attainable in human 
existeiu"t-\ But tliose who enroll thenipelvt^** in tlie army 

or idlers and luiu^n.»i-};. wlio niarcli in i\%tv^i of dJvor«M>n, 
aiirl i)ixti'iir1inii, ivill ^<i4>ti lit* i-ji[»1iiivil l)y ilip(a[i|»<iiiiliiient 
and miefortnnt*; or should they atteinpto?<*ai>elvy rclreat- 
ing, ther(» is no resrw for thorn in that dir^^ction, for in 
f^tartiu); ilvy hurut llit^r ships hehind tht-tii- A toill- 
jstfiiic ahntil llio neck of such wmild do goud M-rvit-e. Iii>lh 
for them mid the world. 

Fop you, porlmps. %}m moral excursion wag scarcely 
neceflsary, since I hsiv© kariioil that you Hre diMjiplin^l 
workers, and thnl t)to)ili>af^anl rusUou ofinlinr Ue^laMhh- 
od in viicU of yoLK I Iio]k\ however, that tlio excorflioc 
has not beoii made in vain, and thnt lh<»u|*h tho hahlt 
may hnve l)epn well planted, [x?rhap? the IWtonnK word« 
I havpt4pnkt<n may raiiNf^ it to fflke d4't>{ii*r rooL I re* 
m^mher too that the cerenionies uf this iii^-lit mark a 
groat olmnt'o in the current of your work, both in oharac- 
tor and diret:Uon. To-morrow you oIUt yuur t^rvicoa tu 
thft world, yii't 1,hf? world will nol. ht* in hiiHli- U> ttoci^pt 
thi?sc scrvit'ca. for. before doing r), the world, for a i'lmv. 
will (?oinpost?dly f^c-an, r^riticusco, and at Icmgth leisurely 
wei^li yovi in it^ »;eak'»<. Your position lo tlie world is 
similar to one who has huxtnt^^ii^ wilh ?«(nni> high dignitary 
of 8ta1e who, in.«olent in lutiofHce. at the lime of llic vwh 
tore oall, if= reading liiii newfipftpor; the rlignilart' will IH>1 
turn hi^ faoi.* towaivls Iho vii^itor until hi' hot; flniiihod 
hi* panigrajiii. ;iTiif lln-ii lir only doessorundvscuiidingly^ 
Meantime^ whilv the world i? reading its paragraph ami 
weighing you in its Beale**» how are you to be employM 
^o that you will not lose the hahit of work? Thin time 
may 1h? valuahly ocTupitt<l as follows: The Hint thinp 


vou should flu will be to rofti) tlic immorouii: note you 
hav« takiMi dariii>r your *Iu<1h?<:, Thurlliik-ul lii^itury r^r 
f}\v- r»^'^ wliic'h yciti (mvr 7<hi(lir*il in flii' lTO!<|iiUil cr (lis* 
]K-iidary,^lioukl \k' read and re-real until tlieyan^ IiKleii*- 
biy wriUeii in tlie 'book and v<jlijme of your brain," 
vrliencti ai iint^rrinj; ^uide^ lliey can be invoked for 
futurt* use. Willi llu-se bistorteK you sbouUl bemme so 
familiar by r^-lwarsal lliat llwy bcconic" enduring ele- 
niciit^ cf your coudciourt »eir. Xotlitn^ U more unf^atis- 
factory ttian to m*'*?! a praptitionor in oonsultfttion whose 
kiinwlt-d;;^*' In sf-n1lt*ivd- fragnit'iifary ineoner**nce, avaiU 
iiini niilliing for pratti<:al uht. As the boewlnrh gatliorfl 
crude i^wcolnci;* from many fiowt>r»?, carefully elaborates 
his mstU'Ti&li^ bL'foro llioy het^omo hon<^y, sotho kuc^vledgo 
wbirb you liav« gatbt^n-d fnun many sourer^ luuat bo 
caivfully afi^iniiliilrd in your mind, hefon? it can properly 
aid you in your profcsBional work, ' This montal aS£«iTui* 
lati'>ii erjup!i*fliiiK of corrylaiimi and union of tbe facts 
wbii.-h liv sund^uvd in t»L'iiiiny ink* une liannoiiioua 
vrholo. i? a work ijultr Ht< im|iiirtanl a^ wti-f X\m^ ucipii^j- 
tion of those fact,-*. And in thoHo day^ of prolialionary 
waitings should the world tbroufib f^ympatliy with you 
dtdgn to eritruifi n fi'^v of its iitdigtrnl sirk Uj your care, 
diliyrTilIy *ludy ?*tidi ca*^t'», and roioparp thoni witli the 
lypupi which, durin}; your atudiesj have been obecrved; 
and if Uio ca^OR pri'sentud to you ditJ'er from any of the 
types wbicli ytm bavc observt-d, then y«u ^bouhl placo 
thorn as m^ar atr possible ixi tlio?<t' you linvo nwn ; thus do- 
ing, a« Cel«u» says, you will not err in your troat- 




As niilrioiu maUrial. when cozisiHtin^ of a variety 4»f 
lliitijf)<, hv^t ai^i'onipltHlK*^ its purjxtse, in liku iiijiiuji-r 
the: uiirler9tanduig reaches itA bft»t develo[>emoiil, when 
the; mind h uot alufiys directed iu one clmunol of 
tliouji^ht. Hence, nlong with iho roviow uf yoiir notes and 
lliif remlni^ of a jimrna] eiintaninig jwri^cojtic taelcctiom 
of current medical literature, excur&inii» may be pmfit 
ably made 'mU> the donaiii of ficicnmt? und literaton^ Aa 
Liouks which may bi- usefully read» aw Gixjie'g History 
of GrewT*, (lilibiin'!* DLvlinv ftiid ^'all of ihts Hi.nuAri 
Enijni'e, Uurklfj's Ilit^tory of Civili/alion, and some of 
th(» leading ]>1ay3 of $hakespcarc. And if you arc 
formiiate onoiijjh to know and remember Greek and 
Ijntin, <-[ii|>l()y twi» or tlin.^- houn* every Wi»c'k in reading 
f^onie choire t^electii^n^ in tb?^ Ian^na^«-^. A few line* 
read in llnnicr and Thucydidcd, each vrrnrk, ivill enable 
y"ju to rulaiii tlie Greek, the moi?l wonderful tongue in 
wbieli tlie bviiuun rnitid has ever voiced It^lf. In the 
Latin language* of whkh <!very medical student mutt 
know something, I eonnnend Celetis ae the mu^t 
U!^eful and interesting of elasfiics. One findv in tho 
work of Celsu» an epitunuKod summary of the es- 
sential;^ of mL'diL-incT h))d in a style of force and 
terseness wbidi cannot be reached by any modern 
language. The Ceisian quadrangle of rubor rt iitm^ 
cttvL calort et ilular^, U'lU more about inElammation than 
one often liud^ in a hundred jtag^s of a modern writer 
on this subject. And Ukowit-^s hi^ few t>age< containing 
a review of the doctrines of the old seet^ iti mi*dieinc 
contain fact«i enough to make a modern octavo if tlH>y 

were jiroieiited in llie dil\ite verhingc in wljirh \h^ 
modern writer loo often disft'jlvc'ri lii^ paucity nf facte. 
And Vesicles C<»!sufij TacitUH and Huracy ^liuuld havi* 
their half-lionr?: in tht fanncT iuaw olotjUL-nt line?* can 
be found tlnin exist in aiiy otiicr anlhor, atu-icnl or 
ruodc-rn. A WoUh provorb navB, "as honey rtow^ from 
the Uitiiey cnnih, set d(X's music fli>w from the strin}^ of 
the harp": tlie musk" nf Iht? !yro r)f Horai^e nxo-U h«n^y 
in its sweetness, eincc in the varied tneamuxTS of ode» 
cannt*!! andsaliro, it can awakoii all the- omotion*^ of the 
human huarl, wheUier nf mirth, ^ainlyt ^ulne<T^, i^oli^tmni- 
ty or Hublimily. No \ronder that Tondoro^t^ whc^n 
concealing himself to eacaf>c thin ihrcati-niiif; guillolint% 
stole at TH^;ht from hii^ liidiny-placo to a friend's hou&c 
and Iw^ic^hI for & copy of Horaee* Anil if your Ijii^istii! 
ucrptisitiojifl havt> taken in, as »hoti1d be the c-atitv, «ume 
of the nio<lem tongnor*, then in French and Oerman yon 
will finrl int-'xhaubtible sUrnis wliieh oflTer their treasures 
to you, both tTi mt^di^iiK' HJid liti'ratnn^ 8u nit* one may 
say why not reaci traiiftlalitms of works in other 
languages: That might, in a measure do. in tlie modi-rn 
languages, but it will iioi do in refli>et't to the ancient 
ones: no Iranslator lia» yt»l hevn able lo give the spirit 
and hpanty of the writioga of antiipiily. Tliough the 
artificer** skill be ever ^o mnning, yet in his trani^femng 
of the gems of thouglil from their pri litivo setting to 
a new lingual casting, lh« JL'woh; rywive some flaw, and 
irnuiediak'Iy InKr vujme of their original lustre. The 
thoughts of Homce. at* rendered into our language by 
lUeKnglish translator, Smart, seem muEiiated aH 


:uixU wliicli have I}eeii 9tn|)|}('rl of their |>liinteH. 
ai:t^>;ii|)li^Ii tlie ta>k wlikh J Iiavu ski-tclu'd imt fi>r y< 
work can only W dtme by th^Jiki who are willing 
tr. fi»<l wlio work syj^lomatieally: by tlioso in whoi 
wurk has bt-'cuun; uii iiiiEuiitiibk* b&lKtn As i-aii 1h^ infir-, 
red from what has betMi said, lliu* liabit ift not the pnxlui 
of flpoiitanoQU^ gciioration: the germ of it muFt be pUi 
led, and the riBing plant must bu shapeti with wj«do4 
and fui^'sigiit: It iiKi>;1 dvvi*lopt> with di^jilh of root m 
bn^adtli uf baiw : thus forined, like our ^«riiuoia* 
will not \k' diftUKljcd hy BU>rni or time.lnit taFtin^ cwv 
with ila ptjseessor, through iho many-sidod enjoyunjiiU 
which it brings, it will rypay. many Hum*, toil #p*jnt in 
Ok planting and culture^ V 

Wo Imve at length roacho^l the last angle of the figure 
which hai given &o many nracular hinte for yo\ 
guulatitre In fnturt': and thU T}4>ai>; th(Kt«iniplo inT%*ri[i<ion 
Solf-Di'nial: in the ifk-a of self-di-nial t?* also coniaiin 
that of ^*;lf-conlrol and discipline of the temper am 
passionpi- If man l)e rompan^d with the lower aiiiniali 
it is Bet?n that in tlie lattt-r self-gratificatioii is Ihf rulinj 
principlo of thoir !ive*,whiliiin the formor, thf aim* itmI 
obJcL^tti of hnnmn cultivation arc the domination of the 
selfishness naturally innate in nrnn. Man'? appelile? and 
pa^sinnK, excellent bh tii>rvan1», if admittt^d to mastery, 
nnce bcraimes pitiltiSR tyrants. In art, ficieno?. and all ti 
means whieh w>nlribule to human cumfi>rl. the ccnturr^ 
liar! made' adnjiraiOe advaTLComoni; yet in all otir vaunted 
progiesii and in fhe bna^t^rl inventionn and discoveries "f 
rocent y«ar&, no nmanti have been found which will reli 


tht nhacklt.» whi(?Ii uiipovcrncd ims^oii placoaon it** vio- 
uiM, Torriltlo W iW- burtiitig hvat of Ijhn who**** coneum- 
inji fi'V^'r will seok your jirofessiniial aid: and the apj^joal 
Ut you will iiol l)(* ill X'ain, for llie I'eoentadvancR in niedi* 
cine has giveii you the means to reduL't the devouring 
heat of that fever; but the Ihirt-t whicji the unoontrollod 
indnl^i<iice in iriloxii-ant^ fiTmlly kiiidl<.-»4. ii^ ujiqUMichaltle; 
iiu knuwn aiitpiyn-tic, iimral or int^dieal, can wpr**^ or 
oontrul it. In the entire mnge ot'chomical elein«ntf« and 
l>Iiyeicftl agents composing the universe, nothing can he 
found iVora which 8ueh a renn?dy can he made. Yet tho 
prophylaflie romedy is efjiiitiiuti i^nun^rh: h is In the pos- 
session of every yontli; it i?^ within the keeping; of eaili of 
you; it is contaiiK:d in the virtue self-uontrol and in tlie 
diitiepline of your appotiti^i;. I^t thi^ work now he dono 
anc] thoroughly done; if you fail to do so, then farewell 
ho]»e, farewell honor, fnrovvi?ll amhitinn, for with your 
own hand you vvil! pluck fn>m the hook of life tho page 
mi which your name i*^ written and ca«t it into tho 
vra^te-ha.^ket of uhlivion. 

Mofil Aindeiitf^ of medieine are jw>or and purine their 
fltudicf under gn^at ditliculties, and such well know tho 
UM vaiu<' of every cent, dimOkand dollar which they po??- 
00;^ Yet to you to whom thc»ie words &|i|>ly sueh 
privation has not heen without itfl advantages. For 
^e **tory path of self-ahnegation which you have licen 
farced to travel ha^ hardened and strenpUiened your 
feet for Upeeniiiingj'uiniey, The hitler en|>i>fni*ed w}iich 
hae^ often pret-Heil your iipi^ like a lasting tonic will give 

U omluring stren-iitli for theeonicrtts in the arena uf life. 


itii ?(ii^li Intitiiiig 1)ie rH>rnl>aUni always jirove^a vieior 
[{'aniemii, the- wealthy titAle^mati uf IVinihylvauia, a few 
ycarfl aga, said: "My eon starts m lifu with iiiftiiy »J- 
vAUtajzijt^ wlia'li 1 did tioI hnvu : tiut I had one- ^hidi Hs* 
did iiul hiivu, vlikI lUiil wa> jHuttrly/' S«i*l iht- grea! 
Ooeihe: '*He who nerer sat wooping On Ins couch and 
-never ato his. broad with loan*, he kiiowfi ypii not. w 
;hi.'avcnly ptjwt'rsp" I, ihurvfoix;, e>%pecially congralulaw 
■you who hav'tf b<H-Ei thij snhjt'clK uf thiij i^xpurivni'i*^ sn'l 
who hflve ui»t yt-t wholly fiiii^hr^d with il, for your wel 
trained nvrntr disciplined by many 9trvi^gles with a^hxTfa 
.furtune, will EUiety l^aiM the [>ri]tL'c^ awarded lo i\w 

Afu^r the jnTiod of probation ha« he^n BniAhi^l, 
through which » a» befare said, each one of you muMjA^. 
the world will accept yo« in iT» confldt'nco; but, eveo 
then, the work of epir-al)m»pation will havo ample roo: 
for its oxercittf. for the world will tlien t^tand }mtorf. y 
with a full purse in i-uch liaiid ready lo shower hounlcinis 
gift* on you. One of iho purse*-, oficn ihe lurgcr odc* i* 
that of bribtM-y and corniptiun, and it oifurv to rwoiu- 
pen«4D you gonorouply if yoii will airl il m acconijilisliing 
iiti dif^honorablu purposc^B. Among »^uch piirponea mi, 
bu mc-niionc'd the ^layin^ of tbo unborn, tho proniotioa 
of .«L!it^ of diimiige^ u^iuuMt corporations and itnlividiial^ 
for feigiK^d injuries, the cn^allon and trealineiil (i 
imagiDary discos, and olhrr di^hnnofll iiclion in whitk 
the iitedieal man may become tho dccidint; fact«* 
When the sireri of tiun|>lal]ijii wilutcj' your trtirs with tlw 
muftio of gold in the purse of corru|»1ion, U-t Sulf-])eniil 


bind yaM tf> the mast of unew<*rving rwtitudo, ami liko 
t^lysflc?5 i>f rtlcl, make Kafe ycjar eecape; llius (Ii)in|£. the 
u'firUl will duiibU' lis jjiTtjt to yeni frnni llie 4»tlu'r [nirse' 
wliicii coiitainA aniplt* ri'ward:^ for honest Staling: and 
UwM* reward? will h^ ^Mml by none of tlie t^haino and 
rogTOls which, like an insL'parable shadow, ever follow 
gold froni ihe jnir^ of dUhoiuir, 

In aiitiqiiily inHitint^- liad ^hrinos and allars t^nvt^d 
to ilA tutelary divinities. Al tho fo:>t of the Aomjiolis 
in AUicnii. I wa* jihown where cnce stoofi n tonipio of 
."Ksc'iilaiiiuii: on the altar i[i thi^ tenijtics Sf)cratet<, its ho 
was on Ihft ov*- nf swallowing ihp fatal cu|> of aconite, 
directed liis fritnd to niaki' a ya*rific<?- Within tho 
dotiiaii) of tlMt |nx*f««*ion which you are onierinj?, ihoro 
tttAndiE a1>«<> an nltar on wliic}) yon will niakcf niauy ^rri- 
Ri-v^. To thjp fane ynu will hring as gifts hours nf night 
(lonsumcd in anxious walt'hing while other men are rc- 
pcifiin^ in ghH.-|i; on thi^ altar yon mui^l sacrilico days of 
UTiI>ai[|-ffir lahor; Ioa^ of pernnnal coiiifnrt ai^d i*a>to inii^t 
rnrnish nnreasiug eontribntions tn kf^ep alive lln' fin*?* on 
(hat altar, and anon.lhf bri^htosl HaniC'* hero, will bckin- 
dl<Hl at your oxjKjneo by unfair and utiJu^i crUioi^tn of 
yutir iimfi^f^innal work. Tb!:^ altar whii'h uill dL*nuiiid 
incei^saiit offerings from you ia cont^trnttrd of the costly 
materials of culf-dcnial; on it is inscribed tho word Duty. 
Al ihe fool of this altar you havw ajJiit^arod to-nip:bt to 
maki? voLir liniil vow;*, vow?* in ^^hicb >n^lf 1:$ hiid ai^idci 
and serx'icf^ In human ?4iirtrring iHcverlaslinfrly jn'inniwwl. 

I have tinishfd my w<»i'kuf intv.Tiirylin;;lhe in&criptionfl 
of thv propholic synibob" wbit-h should serve for your 

guidance in pmfossional life; I am glad Dial 1 1u' 
found s<i nmdi trnstwinlliy niMniolion in llic aiign 
fluid; lut the Hgmc fmind Ihurc. ablazo. as it ie, wi 
monitor)' jowcls on ovorv side. Iiavc tho Hr^t pIa<ro in t 
hall of memory; wIioTOh whith^^rsoevcr yim aiay turiit i 
radiant Wanis may strike your mental t-ye. Trnt-r thai 
the niariner'p neodic, thofl© nih'P withnut deviation 
error will guide you tuwards the Htaruf i^utcctj*; for 
Burely &$ you are j^ovomml by them, ai^imiii your nft 
hi i]\e rljroniele?^ of hnman action no syllable will e%' 
be written by tlif* hand of Faihirft, Now, if wilh tin* fu 
thtr ticcnse of the hcct I turn aside the veil which co 
uoah; the eoinin^ year:^ fori moment, bolh ear ande> 
are tk'li^iliUni : for, in the iii'jLr bcR?aflJtr, I Iwar the wn>r 
giv^ting you witli sahitalions nf applanse for work utII 
done: and I see it crowning you with laurels galhcrei) by 
the sister Virtues lo whoee tutelary care I have co 
uiendtrd yon: ami with the entlmf^iai^m whioli this h 
[ifTtnits. if I bH»k Hlill farther dijwn the viidai* of vmnin^ 
time, afar otV ! descry oUiur alumni who. though traiiie 
by anotbep gcmeration of loaehcrs, yet as the Ghildr<*n 
the i^ame Alma I^ate^r are aktu to you; I see that tiw} 
too, are victors, and from tlw Genius of ^ucce^s thoy are 
receiving covet^l prizes woven by Eanie^tue^A^ Sin 
ity and their sinter Virtueft, 

Human memory ha» itH limitationsE, and we ^earvvly 
have a right lo rliide il for lessening its hunlen by t\m\ 
ping itri distant link?i in the pii^t: and it is prol>aU 
that sharing the cumTnon fate i>f all thiug&, the footslfi 
of coming yearH will obliterati} i\w individuality of 1 




hill If J 

work of whkli you now nre wittic.*i*e»; yet the work it^telf 
will nfit poriph; Cr>op<>r Mf<lieal College, of wliicli thi» 
uec-asion is tho coinpleinviitiiry aiirl dual {]4?4]iL-ation, 
tbrough its recent ondowmentfi in insim-^l nf [nrri«'tuity, 
and of a kiting place in llic diadem of Irurncd in:*titut- 
ioii!< which adorn tho brow of California. Add tayou, 
the Ivii^iii of »*idf-il(.'Tiinl soonJ(»iiicd hyprt^eopt Lo-niglit, 
ifl, in U» long history, Mill ninre forrihly taught liy 
example, since owr the portals of thiw edifice one t^eeks 
ill vain for thodmior's nanio. 

Tlie lli'uting [>ii^eant of thij^ hour has nc>arly onJod; it8 
onon^lt^, it.H ^rvetin^, its joy, ami pi^rliaps I ni^y add ilM 
aadriee^, will ^>im have de|>arled ami jia^iied into the 
vanishing echoes of memory; a short tinio ago yon fltood 
Wfore iin* and received ficroUs on which is I'ecorded testi- 
mnny of yonr a1tjiinmi?niK mni ^jmilifi rat ions; you nmv 
Mand hofore a ^rreatiT |n?rsoimge. Futurity, who has ffifta 
for you of occasion, n]i[><trt unity and tho [jrieelc^s privi- 
lege of living: she reaches, also, to each of you another 
Bcndl nil which nn w<»rd \m^ hf^en writt^'n. hnl on tvliicli 
each of yuu nmst record the actious of his life; dn your 
writing: veil and faultleeely, fornocrai^ure or change there 
18 ever permitted; very pnM-ions iw the material of which 
it isi e4>ni|>oKt?df so precious, indeed, tlnit in the grt^al 
IreaAiiry of nature time finds hut one such scr<)ll for eaeh 
human hoinf^. 

Ki^:lit vfar!* ajjo in an addrr^ss t<i (lie graduating Btu- 
deIllJ^r^fihis^'olIcgl^ I rondiirted lliechiKs in ati iriuigiTied 
the Sierra**, in which the eastern shore of Luke 



Talioo (iVas vinilod. iiiij from objeet« in nature >h'l^ii tin n*. 
iiinUMiulH for 3 valitlk^tor^" ndiltt.-^ W4'i"u drawn; tlmt vt- 

cask'T) was a nuitiRmtou!^ ono in Iht; historv of this iiij*ti- 

« * 

tution ^ince tho oriLEinal IniUling of Coo[K^r Modk-nl 
College WTis just t'oinpleteci and was ihon ilonat^iJ hy nw> 
for tlip i>urpoftL»ti of nu.-()ica1 ediioaLion. Tlie prt-'wut liint* 
is a no iesA imptn-Unl one, sinee it iw the ocrasion of the 
cotnplcliou of an acJJition tn the original Iniiiiliug, which 
greatly increase ihtt capaciiv of iho former one, and has 
beenioii^triK'lwlula t.'0i4lt*rii ^ivatt^r^imi of nwiiev. Thii* 
fitruc-lni-e, wliirh, in il.-* space and inhrnal arrangt-nu-nls 
is efinal lo any (?difice of the kind in the old or new 
world, baa been built l>y mcs wholly, ibruutth means 
uurnod in my profussioii; llii^ee nK^uns liav^.- i;ot Ikrn de- 
rived from bet^mistif. iiibrrilaiic**, or truM from the one 
whose ntnw the institution bears, or from any one oIbp; 
I tuake thiti public decluratinn 8inc« the contrary ha^ 
boen stati-Hl, Anydunbt ii|>un this matter will bi?tiilenct»d 
by tt ri'ffR'nCL- to iho ar?bivv< of lb*! Probatir Court of 
San Kraiiciseo. It is artaiii that of tlii^ uiithors of thitf 
fabeliood, the Virj;i)i4in halflim*, 

would nevor havf^ h^on written; fihire ?*n far fnMu 
being tlic agtmls of impersonal work, tlieyrflnnot concede 
it£ poteibility in other*. 

It is a iiource of great »iatUffleiion to tlio frioiids of 
Cooper Medici! ( ollegt*, llml. tdrun* rli*- uri;5ntal bnilding 
was creeled thi? ?*cb'jul has been ancre^sful Ijfvond attTiei' 
pation, iliL' attoudanL'C lmviii|;duubludiu iiuinberg. And 
XhU 13* duct to the execllent work which lias been done by 


thw 8ovi*ml iirofeswire: llw^v liavu ddiu- tht'ir parts wilh 

i>iiiU'1ti&nij. inrliifitrv ami fiii(hfnlejtr[icnlrif;ti<; thoyhavT^ 

been free from jealouity atul furgolful of -^elf; hi Ijripf, 

the>' have tkiiic Ihoir duly ai»fl Atill inleiKl to <!<' it. This 

work ha^ be<fii rt'<.H^;;niKc<I by th*^ Royal CoUp^c' i)f Siir- 

j;;i.'r)iin of Kn^-laiul. llic' Iiigli<.'^1 Kn^li^li-s|ieaklii^ anllior- 

ity; Ihti* K-aninI body ha^ rLvtiiliy givtn Toopt-r Modical 

College full rccopiiilion; an honor slmred cuily I>y a few 

medica] i^cIhh^U on this conlimmt. 

Tbo c'oiii|i!L'ii(m of (he work ivh!c]i i-stahiihlifrs CnoptT 
Heditru) fV>lkgc on a euro ba»*i» ha« been the chief object 
of my life; it ha» been tho animfilin;^ inspinition i>f 
Iwontv-flve vears of iiinfessiioTinl hU)or, 

CiMii|>lLHed as the i>diric't' niiw !^» il is conwpieurnis fur 
ila arcliitecturul beauty in the far dintantx-: as the Parthc- 
noD once k»umcd up on (ht^ AcropoH*^ to tho voyager on 
ihe -'Kj:ean Sea, ?o thipi-difiee flxesthevifiionof him, who 
«tiU«riiig oiir flolden (Jate pa^ftM on our many-hilled city; 
and a^ Minen-aV temple and t^latiie av-aken^^l rapture in 
ibe l>tJh£>lding Athenian's btart, po thi*? fane iiiuat beconio 
a preci-Aitf imajft* in the hearts nf ihuse who, in the future, 
i^hall beii* \tv. *]w\^t]'\m-i\ fnr llu-ir iTii^t^timi 1o sutlering 

To Medical Seienee, which ifl infli?parably linked to all 
other sciences, and to the Healing Art, iht? greatest of all 
«rt**, this pri"|»erty is now yiveii by nie »< n p<'rpetual 




^lUVCftMD JhrrUf>t^JCK MKOICAt' C<>E.M£<»E, ^<tS\ I'S, IbflCl, hV KllVI^KI^ LlLi|Lt(«OAI 

Tavwa. 'jk run i<i~cAfi|ON of tuk U^viiuxu uf tjik 

Eight year^ ago, with a|)iirnpnatc wonl. there wa^ iled 
icat^ \*i the ciiust* of Moilitim^ tJio college edifice so well 
knovrti tn iif alL and in which hat* hpeii sucveHsfiiHy 
carried on Uy Cooper Sldliia! College* the tvork of medi- 
cal ins^trurtioii. In facl. sm riuoasfid ha* hetMi that 
wrirk. and so pronii^^injv tin- futiin? in couneotion with il, 
that the rtanin self-Hacrificing hami, wtucli eight yearn ago 
reared the urigiual Ptnictnre, has mnv made an addition to 
it of Biich large ]fti-o|Mirtinn}^ a?^ to doublt; iu capacity. 
The i^ollege wtruc^tiin* proper, as it now atandn complettxl* 
whptlufr :^onsidf>red from the standpoint of irdutrecitiirai 
heanty. nr from the siandpointnf adaptcdnefip U> purpose, 
it= iiol snrpat>T-ed hy any Mi^dical Coilegc building in 
America, and ind^-t^l ihrn- U pt^rhap^ hiiL one wljieli cuej 
Im* t«airLin these reH|jeels, fo at all eipial it. Anil in it** 
appoint iuent;4 and appliancea for the work t^j which it IB 
dof^tiTiud, ihe future will not ht? far diT^tant which will 
w}*' it in that repaid the rival of the vnry lH?stonr t'ouniry 


t^n boasl. tn t1ii> uvvt arim*x 1)m» work of prarliral 

chftnislry will U.- nmch t^xu-ri<li-il l»y inrritased laboratory 

facilhJeis. and phyainln^% [iiatlioluji:^' ami l«icloriul"pr>" will 

have an eniiro tliM>r devou-d to llieir pnu'tical study- 

Tills aniwx wtts ir^Wd a ULH^ssity, TW cl3t!i3«?> here in 

altendaiK-e an nitHlU-al iti!^tnicti<>ii haii lieonine so lar^*. 

that then.> was no rrjoni in tite ori^innl Imildin^ of -r^uf' 

ficient dinicnsionft tn comfortalily acc«>mniodale ttiom, 

Hiitfiorl or tlu> linll nFed for the winter eounsu of jitiidic 

lerlunfs; and Ut^e a^ the original ImilHing vrA», it wa^ 

yet incoinnK-niiuratt to that ever vridoiitng sMvam nf 

iu^lnietion widili must ncsK's^sarily Il<iw thmii^h sucli an 

institution aat C<**»per Cidlego. And so il is, that lhw^_ 

original [mblic lecture hall has been turnerl ik\-er lo Iho^l 

rftiidonl^. and the public accommiKlatcd instead in the 

conimoclinus and lioautiful hall whotv m-o are nrnv a^^m- 

H Rut not only hai^ lliiii institution inerea^ed itA faeilitiea^ 
but it ha^ a^ woll incrt-ased the r|uant)t>' and (juality oj 
ile work. The nieuiber^ of the Faculty, wIki horo dovotft] 
liemeelvce to ilu- caiDfo uT luedical oducatiou, are not 
RaggnnLi ulio |ierrunctorily run tin* same mund year aRrr 
kr, cont<^n1 ^'ith present inten^Tctual acqiuMtion, and 
^i^bing for notbinj; bownd a eomfortablo inconic; but 
tbo coiitrarVn tliev do llioir worfefor sheer love of It^dl 
d in the i;pirLt i»r tin.? pnroid mnulatton; they zealously 
*p llKMusolvet* abreast of the science and li^rning of 
>ir day. and with umliminishiMl nrflor labor with tho^ 
hvtv ili.w-k for iuvtruvtioTi at their handft. Some uf 
^ km original invusligutorr; and authors of a<^kllowU 

etigibi\ aiilli<irify: whik^ mil a year |m<«i-M Iml yi»ii filial! 
see 9ome i"»ne ol llii>sc 'tt'volcJ men ligliliii;: his ti^R-harevs' 
at (iome threat medical center in Europo, ihat (hcrf?hy the 
illuminatlim of ]\U instruc-tio!! mav tioi hec-ome H*ealc or 
dim. And indc^il, on« of them wa;* iii)t an inconspicuous 
niointK<r of ibc Inti^nmlioual Modical Coiigrc«?f, wh(»»> 
iw^aion At Bi.'r]in yf&r^ l>v far tho Tiio*.t natnbio ovoiil wliich 
occurrifd in tliat city (hiritifi the pn^simt yenr — )m'*!ided 
over as il nas. I)V the infnni|)aral>lr^ Vlrftinw. 

Iti thcw.' halls I'nit'ticc walks liaml in hand with Theory. 
Tho i^tudciit i^ not turned oul^di|doma in hund, knowing 
QOlliing bul tlmt which ho liait k'ltriunl rri>m lucture^ iu 
tliit Iwlnn^ halL and Iming cinn^ielKHl t^jK<'f|niro tlie jirac- 
licil part of hi? [jtofe^sion after he shall have iefl college. 
On tho (Tintrary. he i** taught at tho kcHlside as well, and 
in llie ward** of thu City and Ciiiinty IIu<;piiai roceives 
clinical iiiKlrnclioii in hoth inidicitie uiirl »4iirgi.-ry. while 
here at the CSjIluge he receiver a like training of iho moht 
u^-fnl ohometer, thorc^ hnving hcen tn^at^d at tlii& insti. 
tution during tho pa^t year no lei^a than two thousand 
cases, earh one of wliu-h wa^i personally hnnight to the 
attention of the studt^^nl^ in attfndanti\ IJut thi- studenl 
is not alono liiu;:ht clinirally hy h*ctniv&, for the.' ironiord 
bove case** put in their thargo under a]ipropriil€ pupei" 
vii^ion and crilicisni, so that hy the tlmt* tln>y handle 
thnir much anutcd diplonm, Xiwy know something of 
what it i^ to t>c a doctor So coni]dcto h thi«i 
nieUtod, tliat oaoh case in charge of a »f*nior is 
diagnofiilcated ami tix^atod by him in thn pren- 
emw of the others of hifl cisB», and in the prci^ncc as 


woll of {he v\\mL'i\\ m^Wwcwr^rfho c^inmoiUa;. m m^on^ioit 
riK|uiiv», ujKiii tlio tast' uikI ilsi tivattiLL-iit hy tlie »?liu3oiit, 
anil intervenes*, when in>ce**ary, Uj hoM tliat treelment 
to its pro[>er course. 

In aTlilition to tlic Blutlt-nt life which anitn»u-5 th««e 
hallur ihore U a fealure which id of (juite singular iliri- 
tiuctioa — that nf tht* *' Ijms Lccturrn'' Tliese Ieclurt"s ar« 
dtrlivcnul fwry winU r in tho public hall of thi?* Coll^rgo, 
at itilcr^'ult of Uvn wtvIw, bv tho various luamlxrtf of the 
Faculty, mid treat, in tb popular inannoi^ of iho^o ^uhjeci» 
which ileal with the siliHicUu*. environment, anil health 
of tlie hutriati UhIv, TIjey have covere<J a wide range, 
and have been alt^n<kMl by euch large audionccp, as at 
times t£j render the original hall too t^mall for Llio att«nd- 
aueo, Tliet;© leciures will be coutinucd uver^- wiiit*'r in 
the liall ;vhere we ari^ now ii^wniblcd. arid will JnubtU^jis^ 
ill the future, a^ in the past, be kept up to the highest 
Btandard. In fact» their fH}r]K»luity has been provitied for 
by tht* founder of tliU Collewtr. who in tliiti. no hss than 
in in?t i^trietly profv^?tional Inime factions, hw rombinet) 
his love fur medicine and luimanily with such wisdom 
and resource, as to illn3trat£> anew the voi^tiiUy of hi* 
BUperabundant nature. 

Thi!^ luT'tilution \t^ Sf» Ihiurisliing, ami is all parting Ut it 
fio much of the best in student life which isucks medicine 
as an outlet for il^ energioi^, that we may rcai*<)nahly 
aniieip&to not only the jzraduation from it« halU of men 
and wonnni well equipped for the every day niund of 
practiie, but men and women as well of original research, 
who willoi>enupfri-rh |>atht4, and by their conne<*tion with 

ioir tt//J*fl Jitrt/*T, atld now poarls to lii»r crown of glopyT 
Tilt* Uiou^hl imul U* sinm^ly |irL^*¥v<.l iijitm u« all, a-* wu 

From SLK'li as llifso there will surely arise, from time to 
time, ftomo fton or rianglitor nf this nouriftliing mothor, 
whow liand fihall pluck out the heart of mure than oue 

Of coiirsMj, ji ColU'^i^ like that nf ConjK-i- lift-* a Iiisiury- 
Iteing Uie vahinblt? tiling il id, ii mast have grovvn^siich 
Ihin^ never can he mftiiafa»*hirofS; invariahlj' they |;row 
from very t^tnall hepiitiing^. Atul ho has thifl Int^tktition. 
Its origin Mvs hack of the hixIii'^ in the privatL' mudlcal 
iii«tructiiM( given hy 1>R. L'ooi'KR — that <Miniient imxn 
wbo?c name this College hoars, and which name, incxtri- 
eally linked with that of Kaxk^ i^ rep^tered with hin nn 
th© hesdroll cif Mpdiiiiie, there Ui remain izulelil*ly fni^v(*r- 
This private instnicti<»n of I>it. ('oovku's led Ut his laeing 
Joined ly otlivre. oniony: thise coaJjiitori^ U-inp \m 
nuphew, DiL L\!;k- ThoNe men were nearly all enUiui*- 
laut^, and until inUiriial dirt*ien?*inn un'ortunaloly spvt-red 
their relations, laborod with a fliicce!^8 that flw<^ot<>ned 
nmny an Imiir uf professional toil, But the tmc men of 
tho ^hrnd htid thai within them whiifh Mx>a]ii not let 
ihcri) givii up tht* work; and heneeil wa.4, that the ^ehool, 
an<*r a Mij^penrtion of a few years, t<K>k on renewed life, 
affiliating, uiidL-r it*= iTnai^sanet-. ivilh the University of 
ibt* Taeitlo, and maintaining under that affiliation eon- 
Mtantly iin'reiiNLn)^ vi^or, >^i)iiii' [if l.hc h^nt kmjwn p1u>i- 
eian^ in our city ^vere gradnaled from it, tlie Dean of thi» 
College hoin^ one of it^ most honored alumni. When 


Coi>(nu- Mcilical (.'filli'gi^ aa* roumliHl, tlit? Fanillv itf the 
McOkal Pepartniont of the Univorsity of the Pocitic 
Uiiii«forro<l thetr allo^ianco to it, and thim it is that 
Cooper 0»ll«gp staiHln hi ]ini>of direct siicvessioii to the 
firflt medioal school <>ver organized west of th(> INieky 
Mijuutaiii*. MuuSi mnld he ftaid by way of detail in 
ro^aM U} M thw history, if lime *iu<Ro.'d, for it \^ rich 
to ro]>Iotioi) in tho^^ thin^ which go to make up all that 
U of any real worth in this troltisli life of ours, 

Thff work thiff CollfTpi- is A'nng and promiR-fl to do» has 
littHiraily drown to itself the- lh<nij;Iil of eoino oi"6crvam 
01108, wlio are moved In trav*'l lieyond the houndarie^ of 
nterti material gain in search of the higher thiii^^ of life; 

d pecuniary aid from Hut-h. for fho future advancement 
of the inlerosTt of ihw Collo^>, may confidenily he tioped 
for. Indi'od, fruition in this ivstjierl hax alrt'iidy hovu 
reflrhr-d in the oast? of one person — Oapt. jAWf> M, 
M('l>oNALn. This well-known citizon, whom to kitow 
18 to honor and rwiipcct, of his own motion, and with<iut 
even hint or t^u^^e^tion from auyont^p lia^, wilhiii a yean 
honght and deiiot*.^d to the Odlege for collo)^ jnnjKJHes, 
the fifly vara lot adjoining the Uoll^e prcmisce on the 
north — a nohlu benefaction moflt nohly btwtowed- 

And Die. I-asc lum^:ulf, not content with hiB former 
henefacfions to Itie {'olle^t^ In the shape of laiidn and 
buildings, Im^, in addition, ui&de a d«cd of gift to the 
Collctiw of the two fifty vara lots* which adjoin the college 
pFcmi^i< on the east. Thus thin Dorporation, dovot«<] 
solely to niwlical instruHi^jn, owns, hy free gift, a piece of 
land two liundrud and icvcnly-fivc feet dquar^, fronting 


Turallv iitipa^iii^' ninl Ucoutifiil, an<i iiosaofleiiij; every 
pn>i4ent (ability and resouruo for li complete medical edu- 
rtttinn. And this hus beL*ii dtjnt* so siluntly, **o liiioTi- 
trusively, so far removt^l fnuii tho tmmiK'tingfi of tlic 
t<:w:4jm{ii-rd, lliat thU ucw liiuldiiig seemd almost like an 
Aladdin'x Palace, ri«oti in a nij^liL 

And all thn is tin- work, suh*4tantinliy, of one nimi — 
Levi fffln-int [^axk.wIio, for tw*'nty-five yoars,imtiringly, 
un»wTTvnigK\ and with every energy of thought and ftc- 
lion, and Jespilo \^y\yry tomptatiun and oWlaelo. Iia» pur- 
sue*! thi** one aim — lliis* »ii|H"eme obptrt nf liii* life. TliU 
man hGl|i«l lo lay tite very fnundation stones of nipdkal 
cduc-ation in this SlatfT, and from that time to this he 
hft« pau^<>I(.^^ly eontiiiuod at tiii^ wiirk, until wc sod thU 
mighty iiri?l]iu-c't.Lirn1 In-e lu^w hi'nding ahnve n-t. and 
tieneath whose branr:hf\s thtm^^aTuUnf students for many 
eencrations yet to conip nro destined to find intellectual 
Dourit^liinent to the healin(>»; uf ilio naliong< He lias 
nover siadly " inured and said," wiili Bnnvningt^' Paracel- 

" I hdd X ivHk pitrpwtCt ai<l the •irrnpti 
Ta niin[htu (IL biil J hAW i[Dp|v<i hAlTktay. 
Ami wrjin^ly^iv^n thr Am frmNKTmyTml 
To olijffw liitir wnrthy ol i!ifl gifl." 

No, hiH Imvini: ihc noble purpoee and Itie strength to 
coinikOSfl it, willioiit Mop, tvithnnt pau^e, ho has pursued 
that purpose t<i a marvelous aLOiiuvemeiit, and lias not 
only givon th** first fruits of bis Util. Imt ihe fniit?* of his 
yean« of toil, to one of the noblcal objcci* wliich can com- 
mand ttic altentJLin of man. 

ThiR lifo work of our Iwlov^il frioiid mny. wilhout id- 
<lelicato or i'xci^Msive lauvlation, lii> truly uallod t^ul'liiut'. 
Taku itei xrurthine^s^ its uiidc^'ialing coitstancy, its singlc- 
nws of [mrpoae. its unsclQi^linestf, its hc&rr-al'undatKo, 
\U ox«oc(ling modo^ty, tbi? ex^K'ndituro madt? by tlio 
donor in jirojKirtion to liU ro»niirce«, and tlien IJnally 
coDBider liiit wisdmn and practical good bctiew in niAtter 
of detail, tygetli^r witli tlie ^ical tiuoct^i* achieved, and i( 
standg witliout parulld lu the- history i>r niodical Wnc- 
Tactiiin. Iitdi^^cd, in Lhu condiimuion of itj* qualittL')^, it 
may wpII chatlengi- cornparii^on with any l>ftiiefaction of 
whicli wt havc» kin^wlodi^e. Bill more than thin, wr have 
iiolher(* a man tirown rich by epculaiion, who iJirow* 
til jiuhlir t-harity a fi^w millinnm. for vasd nT lii» i^oul as it 
worej lint we hav<i inKtt-ad a man toiling Ial)orion>ly ul 
Ititt profesfjion yoar in and year out, and caivfnlly laying 
away hie; p]x>fef^)^t<>nal cain»-% until Uio acH:iiniulated 8tore 
i« ifunieiuiil to invfl the ouv gri'at df-'sfiro of lii»i heart, and 
then ajipropriatinf? liiat *toitr, as w« now see him, for the 
Batisfaotion of lliatdeeiro — to the exlcnt in money value 
of at Xv^^t a quar'er of a million dollars. Ah! pu^oioufi 
indeed IB such heiiefacfiori, for I'very sloim m this gn^SLl 
huiUiing. aye, every inch nf prouiid cow'njtl hy the dnn* 
or** ^ift^. i.* lovingly btdcwcd with the »w{»ut of pmref^i- 
lonal labor. Had lie inlieriled this woallh wo abundantly 
bestowetl, ur had h*- gathered it in the il<*ld of^one for- 
tunate i^nlerprise, we woidd have taken it approvingly 
and have worthily hijiorcd the donor: hot it would not 
have eonio to us ae it has now come, It would have 
lacked something wliidi it now has— that goul-sati»dy- 


TSmice winoli jnnkf^ tlir' f^ifl not nnly unique of Un 
kiriil.liul prf'ciiin^ l>oyonri all ]irice. And wlial ft har- 
Wiony of parls Xhv wlmlc cllfii-lof^cs ! How Hie lifc work of 
the maiK the rc-t^iitt^ of UiHt work in nmti-rial ^ain, and 
the crv>;laIli/Htion ot lhui-4< rc'stilu in thi* rjiun:' of medi- 
cal editcalioiu liariiioniste wiih tfurh otln-r, itnd salt^f^- liot 
atil}' thi! «lhicali Init the ^srilhetie $cn«c, ai^ wc)l< And 
how entirely titling it i», that alt thit; e^htjiild hnvo boon 
brought ahout by him wlio i* concpdodly at the h«ad of 
hiH |>nif('»ii^ir>n m ihiF* SIjlIi', anri wlut Jiislly r^taiids at ibe 
fore-front of all tliut i» best in mc-dicine, 

In tlio prwenw of theso reHctctioiifl^ uvU may wo ^ay 
with Fe^n», at) he solilr)(|ui^efi by the hedtiidc of hitidcar, 
"lying friend Para<jelsiis: 

■' Af. htrt ' 

lltvt {% TDfih't riTiMr^i. nuUy fiirlBEifl4.--T 

tic* linivrt cli9in|il^n ^Sli* ^\tweH-wnn pnsf^^ 

And fuIto'^E-l hf no tf4R) itc critiiiiiv ^"i 
Sh« buuncn vhfrr iir>^lf n-mtd iTiipui? 
Thr Elile of hct [>r{tr>t] ro ranV utih rhtni - 
AnfE^K l^ih 11 CM i^ik^cl S 'rbin< bfi^ihr rcrriiii 

Afchumnn) Vui ntrt hjti thntt am bm mtii 
Whom ii[hri rurri prmriiiriJ nt<1 km-rl Iffnrpi 

1 hov pnla^n irv <ladi iii i^ mAnkmrii 
A<i>lit 4-1^11 l'"iH^ "nA s,\iinvti *ctf ii htff* ! " 

And she, whn ha-^ stood al Ihy T-ido of our friend thee© 
many year(> witli t-vf^ry uid i\vM ^yu\\M}\H'iv eiivourage- 
mi!nt could give, so prt-wcs upon my fhoitf^lit in coiinec- 
lioD with him on this occasion, that my remark*^ would 


Iw far iiicoiiiplt-ff-r tlMti ihoy are, \rithont at Ipaai pom« 
mcnlion nf her nnnic. This man hae iahiju-d bcvDiid 
what wp may know: he lias had hi» tiiany (li*?coiira^u- 
iiioutf:; he \isti nul always^ lii-^i^ii well; thrtre wqw. ilmv*, 
doubUcfii!, when the end :^eein«<] beyond all liojic of 
achievement; but there iie\"er waa a tniie when ho failed 
f)f helpful sympathy auH *?ne<jjraLfomL»nt from her, whaM> 
iiit4>reBt in hit; )ifewurk sevni^ to \h* as ^u-al us liis own: 
bikI nt-^'or a time wlieu with 1n*r. the OolU'go was not 
first, and nil thinir^ else rtecond. 

Ah, great, indeed, is the glory of wnnian! Huw 
wonrlrouH and of what deojt fjigriidranee is that whiell 
Gtpthe so pn*f<>undly and pijofically characlen/>?P in oim» 
word of hia own aHiiago as Ewirj- Wnhlichf^/ Doniinate^l 
by thi*i, the essential plemr»»t of her bein?, what pacrifieue 
woman luaki-n in tbc sKhuUnl grnves nf her appmnU'd 
work;hul iVnni the allar r»f thi-^i- tfacrificc-fi what graU-ful, 
love-c'ompeilini; incTUf^e u^ccnd^ to tkaven! What sal- 
vation issues ihonce far lh<» porpeliiiiy and advaiurernent 
of ihe raco! A» Heorge Fn^lerii- I'arson* wi cIo<iii^ntly 
pays in his inti-o<birlion to Halxac'a " Seraphita/' this 
Kwig-M'cihiichf of GwXhe " ia the iorcv which sicht imjt 
hinan. which lifie us toward lii^rlitT spheres and inepii\Ti 
uft with nobSei' ;iiiiiie: wlueli i>ti the phyt;ieal |>lane k(*o|i« 
hefoiv our dull and earni-<lnnvn t-ytv* c>ont^t:iiit (^xanipU-^ 
of *4elf-fla<T]firo. allniif^n^ patiena*, coinpar^^iun. and love 
stronger than death; whieh an int»et vffeclii'e in niilKiuing 
and exiirpMtlng thu sordid animal tendeneios and 
incliiintion^ from our iiaUirt^, and in siibsliluling ini* 
pulsertand ai^piratione which may give ns ftxithohl 


iho jmtti iUai it^iitU Uiwnnl a life )>clt<<r ^^'orll^ livtii)^." 
Ah. great, iihWti, let it hvn» b*? rqifalod, ik ihe glory 
iif \ir<iiiiaii! Willi what iin.'fliihlL» rvfiil^t-iKX' slic wlun*-?* 
wbi-n we view ln-r as illiiunu&Li^iJ by llie {^t-iiius^ of Onthe 
And Balme! Fame writcii not lier name on bromo and 
martile, but ibc* iloatlilesii nanipia whi^rb ait? theiv wriUtMi 
have bkftfiflonied iit tier beitrt, T^inlun lliip^ di|;:reK:4ton, if 
diprefUiioit it seems; but with (-utdi a texl nion^ niif^tit well 
have I»ecn said rather tlian lesa. 

Till* FiieiiUy <»f Ci-iojier Medieul Ci^llep* bave. more 
than othf^rs. ila wa.^ natiiml. ajijireeinled at th^ir high 
\'aluc Iho grt'at serviees rcndereci tn medicine by their 
head. Thoy have Iw&n his worthy and zeulou^ eoadju- 
iiir« for year>. sfLd no wurd oT u{ipreeiation to him i» 
rirher or weijrbtier tbapi theirs, Hnt they Iinve deemed 
it altogether lifting and appropriate to go beyord mere 
fford^T and lo set up in ihii^ hall a laetlnf: ni^morlat to 
the friend tlivv love U> lu-nur. Tn llml eiul ihev have 
had liii* bu»t nit in tlie piin'ht Carrara marbh^ by an ej*- 
U^'tned artist of Munich, and Imve had the eame appro- 
priately nmnnted upnn a colored marble pede^tal^and 
piac-ed witlun h niehe in ibis lectuix- halK where it h to 
reniain TorLTver. lti<- perjRtnal eriili<Hliment of the 
f^anlian spirit of llii^ plaei. Cpon belmlf of the 
FiteuUy, who liavo de]jijled me to jH^rform this kind- 
ly (iffict\ it given me one uf llie grenle^t pleBSure» 
rtf my Iif© tn Hpeiik for ihem on ihip^ deeply intrr- 
cuting oceasion, and in thi'ir namo to formally preaont 
lhi« truly beautifal work of art to Cooper Medical Col- 


U-^H, Willi \ho hoff^ tliiit "TriJM''tt fJI 
never iiiar ite [iri^tiDi- lieaiily oijd pi] 
»MM>niB U) he^"^ been itit4i>irtHl by lii«fl< 
lu^n> pTX^ducui] thf living, lir^atlnn^ nm 
he live«, and with suoU ixmT r aiM JpI 
iintliiii;: fnrtluT to In* ili-j^in'^]- Art her 
in^rly arni n^joi^-ingly witti Sfn^m-o nm 
ei\Avn with imi>ori^hahk* laun*i \]iU gl«n 
ciue. And may we not veninn'toad< 
ho who lias ikme th<rt«t things of which ^ 
inaiieijnatety to their jnlp^^rtam*(^ may 
prt-eenl vigor for nisiEiy ytiai"** ysL ui o«l 
gruat jin.'jiit'U far iomik'nl odm.*aiHni 
time be so far reaUKofl. as that 1 
earth nmy rest on in> sinjile urifiaisl 
on a ronnth'd and hanuonimiK wliob, I 
shall have the nohlofjt haliilalion uur 
9601L Am! iw \v<? luivtiil tins niarhle, 
the first lime upon tho work whicli A 
n*-'hun'e<l, tlur*^ \^ no [iiu- lieiv prepi^m 
feel, thnt nuu'hk* jievir fii-rved ;i ii<jh]t»r 
sill II II* wilh ;i ric-lu'T hit^lrf; lull while 
Hculpliin^i Infill wliirli chilli \\n\s be tn 
goi 1 1 'Till inns, our tlimi^lit fmniof Imt ri 
aljk' hUmll- 1m ihi' i'ii£irarl»'r ;ni'I lifV 
which limy tmi [u'fi>i] bul shjill emhin 


\t VaJcilktfjfT itrlivcrci at llii; Ciimiucaccmcnl nxercho 
i\{ Duipor UcdtCAl OHIi^ite, UccemUf h, t^ 


>UUl> 4l||i 


tfae Valedictory delivered at the CommeQcemeat Exercises 
of Cooper Medical College, Decemlier 6. 1S92. 


HKNkY oibhons, jr.. m. n.. 

•hMfit dT Ulj'iLfiric^ ^iii^L S^iiir^itirs uf \Vuiii<:u, and [hruEi, Co^itrt Mt-vlical CatltfV- 


■cpitD^iI frcnn tb« OCdWUitAL Ms&Kal ttwiB. jASttuy. iBf» 


By Hnwav GnmoKfli jft,, M^ D, , Profcuor of OTKlelricB and I>iii«i<p«<»f Womww 
and D«iiD, Coof>r( McintM CqIIc^c, 3iili Fiaiicitco. Cftllromio, 

L^iiits anii Gerilirnun- Our mcctinj; here tO'iii^ht ii ft thncc- plcoa- 
ombk one; plcji^itraWc: nlikc !o the pr^ifcssors whn witneo llie Iruition 
of ihfiirbbcK .ind lofjk forward to somt- short rpi^pile from collfg^duiiir'!; 
tn tlir mr'mhrrs nf thr i^r^arlujilirK cksh wlio hav'e rrjclicd tJie kowI of 
thfir prcsciil nnibiliori anJ now crown ibcir lonj; pcno*! oF^tudy witli 
the <locio:aTc; mm\ wc hope to ihc indHlKcnt friends whn gnccllie nce;i- 
wnn with ihr-ir prrwiier, 

I^iiT, iinwjrrrnj; (nr the fic;nlrv, ^ flefi»ci i-imMioii ninM move iih wljcii 
wc cnnttmpliik thf rc-*|)Chiiaihilily wc rtjiaumc m itatfyiTii* to the ctkptkdiy 
and qLUiliIkijtions of three i»r.^duiit«>i, und in nuihomln)* thmn lo enter 
upon the practice of mir proJeBtitui. The oci'wion x% thit* a serlmi* hh 
wtll .^9* « jileAisurablr tmc. -a\v.\ It i» rilling \\\-.\i wc should fiEjIrmiiuc ll 
Urith Appropriate cer€nuii]>\ 

i The liicuky h:iii h^td no nttf^'vlngs in graiilinfi^ vo llicse candldAtcfl the 
privileges of ihr dipbniA, I.pi tne prr*icnr Honie fiirts in oorrolyjnil ion- 
Few who h/ivr not iiivcMic-iicd the ^^uhjcct t.^n Jcrm niri Lidf-qn^lr con- 
cqition ol the riinouni ol slutly and Ijibor neceM^ry for the :ittfimmen( 
oftltc dejjree hi niedicinQ. and fctf, I imiigine, are 1\illy infortii^d of llw 
gre-^l adv-incrs in ihr science iind :iri of mriljeint' flccomplishrti in ihe 
]A9\ dcc.4d(^t of the improved mr-lhodH nnd increaricd fhcihtic:i for IcAch- 
jn^i ^nd oi the auc'CisBtu] efforts mfide to dcvjile the slandiird ol mcdicul 

I The iIlhI medical aiiliool »ubli»bn! in the wc^lcni woild ua» that ^ 
Ac Univct^ity ol l^cnn»y1vaiiM, iil I'hihiildphu, in 1765. Ie haabcenin 
,continLi;U exiat'rnce since tlut dale, 4nd i;i now one dI the le^idinfj; col' 
nx^ of fUi]f country. Much of ihe niucatSon timt the tnt^dienl ^ttodent 
mceivcd al ikil eaHy <Ute, or even fifty yeirs hjjo. or le^5, wii* fruui 4 
Ibreccptor. The atiidcnt rode tibout with the physician vivlinj; h\A pA- 
ment», ^\\6 thus bec;inie f^miJiiir x^ith the diveiixe^ of the locullly and 
pheir ordinary tre^tniciii. Mc^mwhile he read hlti lexi booka mid re* 
keived, in addition, sucli hiBlruction afl the phyalciiiti bnd tiJiic. oppor- 
nanity, or cspncity to impLin. Thk instnictiort, covrriof; n yenr'a timcf 
nav at:in earlier period u^iuully accepted in lieu of a course of lecture*. 
Rrhercnrtcr atti^ndrtjitr uptjn onccouise oflcciuie^ uffouj inunLlis' dura- 
tion completed tlic tJucAtion ^nd cniiUcd the Atudfrnt 10 cxaminjitloti for 
, the degree. It will be seen rhM the entire time nt college requisite to 

Kpciifif lJi<- d^gri^p w^"4 bui ionr months In thi' morr pn|>ii1oiK ;iad 
uUlcT }>i^it> uf i-}f rnifiiry tw<i iii^to^^Ti uflrfTtLirc^ ill <t« in;iny yuii^ vicrt: 
«G!icic<f; buE >lb within the expcHcnce of men now livin|f th^thclc»CT 
requiivLDezu only was txaciM by the colleges of oew«r settled com- 

hcM than ihirty ycai^ ai;o no collcRc of llic couulr) required mon 
th;m cflc ycoi'^t prccq>1t>nhip and Iwo coimcrt ol Icccarca of Jouf months 
esfcch. ;ind i\m v;ii the refjtiiieincnt of the j^nKlecetidor of Cooper Medi- 
c:i] Cclkgc wb«ii I firsl becikme coiimMtiHl nvit^i iL Alfbougb a few of 
ibc 130 medical co1t«];;c9 of the United SiAtct mcrc&scd ttidr curriculum 
over tc-Ji ycnn ngo, ihc incrc^i^ htm come nbnoat i^niir^ly wiitiin tlic last 
decit<lcT, 1^ Lis; A^e how grc^l h-is been Ihc; «cl\-Anc« since tbnt time. 

Ill JS70 tbis L'uHqjc Ip-nfjltiFpFd its Iffo letin* lu fivtr mi)OthKe;ich- Iti 

1879 a third Icnn ttd£ Added, lit iSS6 4wJntcT term of four loontli^* 
bcf'Ules {\i*^ ihfcc Icriiis cF lii*e months each^ ^^ns rcquirt^d. ond one ymr 
ago sinoilicr momb aak nddr^H to the rcgiibr irrni, (o thai wherru in 
1S64 ri^hl m 11 tit T)i cif didactic kcKiu^t in luo ymts cMillrrI ilir Mudmil 
to cx;itiiinAlioii fc»r the d^K^cc; now twenty one mtynthn tn thfve ycai^, 
are requtred, or ah ific/c:u»e of i6a^ per cent Nor is thiis nlL £ver 
auxiouf th^i nut grj<liuLr< Rh;%!! ^^t1cct credit iipan Ihc-ir a/tfui mattr 
find Ifv hdly uoi'diy rA iho tide wc cniifcr. wc h<ivc nlrcudy Adopted A 
four year curriculum* to Ukc cilcct a >-car hence. 

Tweniy yean ;i^o ro ^ucjtioii.d retirioiion T^xisied to bcir (lie co- 
irartcc of *\*m tVk- igrinriiiii iiprtn the Miidy of mrdirinr, ai »ny medicAl 
Ci:iTlei;c in the country; now, on cducalionnl qualification u rcqutred by 
ncnrly aIL Thc^ cdcct hju been to miitcnallv rai»c the aver«f;e intelU- 
ffcnoe of the diisse* A hrye proportion of those now prcoemErrif ihem- 
sttvA ffir rr^^i^tntnon ^re grddtij^ie^ of litt^Aiy univeniities or college?. 
or of h«i^h OT rormal schools, or ax \c^\ luvc ukcn p^iriTxl coitr?9c» la 
Mch instil 11 li^)nE^, All others ure !tul>jvcled to exiLninatioa. ^uite a 
number <>f the b tier ut^ indoL'cd to puniie pr^pjinirory studies l^ore 
ttileiin)^ u[)Ofi thot of inrcJiciiic. 

W}iAi Imvc been the oiu^cs of thl* great awnkcaing in tlic direction of 
mcdioiJ cducniion throu>;hout ihe Und? for Ihe whole country bu been 
aroused. Few schools no^' r^n;tjri w)iich require bm [wu yi^n of 
Htufly, and they must vjotx submit to the <ciiaj:d dctuAiid foi advMiicc i» 
ihi* respect' The euusc^ arc no doubt many, but wc look with pride 
to ihe part vZiich ii\^ profc«aion of our noble St^tc lui»i;tkcn lowjrd the 
skccompliiihnieitc of the reMilT. Ii wj^ bere llut the b^iil a^im ^c in mo- 
tion, which, uaiheriiii; force ua it rolled onwdid, became itrcsiMible and 

Sixteen yc.^^« ^ifio, in the c^^otennial yecir, the phj'sicT^iwof San Fran- 
cisco drit'miiiinl tEi m^ike Mmic rfTutt to Mipjut^n ur diminish the 
quocVcry which prevailed »o cxtcn!»ivcly in our midaL They o&uacd Eo 

drailed a bi!l prohibiting tlie practice of niedicine by those unquiili- 

1, and otherwise re^nbling lljtt ptEjcife qf ipcOJ^Ql'- Al'SO^-Ml^i'^S 

^scnted to the Legi&l;xturer"tJec'mftVMAw. ''Tliftf*vr;rs ifie ^il^TJ b:ill 

lich our far western Slate :^el in motion, la no other Sliite oftht 

lion was there a similar law at that lime. Althou>'h poorly cxt^cutcd, 

e operation of the law was salutary. Many ignorant an^l incomjiclenl 

id evil-minded men were obliged to leave the city and Slate. Otlier 

taics appreciating the benefits, soon adopted similar laws* and the ball 

lOved laster. 

At the present lime almost every State in the Union !ias a Medical 
'ractice Act, some of them, fortimately. more efficient than our Legis- 
ature was willing to give us. Among these is specially to he noted the 
aw of Illinois, which has been effidcndy adminif;iere<l nnd well sus- 
lained by the Courts. It is said that upon the enactment of xhh law 
900 incompetent and uneducated men who were practising within the 
borders of Illinois were obliged to perfect themselves in medicine, cease 
practising, or leave the State. But it was not the sole aim oi the laws 
to dehar from practice the incompetent. Thoy sought to prevent the 
entrance upon the study ci medicine of the incompetent and ignorant, 
and to secure better opportunities and longer periods of study for those 
admitted. To California, then, T claim is due the credit of inaugurat- 
ing this movement which has done more to atlvance the cause of med- 
ical education in the last ten yearSn than was accomplished in the fifty 
years before. Well may the early movers in this direction congratulate 
themselves upon the result. Among th^m no one is more deserving of 
praise than the Vice-President ot this college, our physician-lawyer, 
Edward R, Taylor, who drafted the law, and mindful of his first love, 
medicine, has so earnestly striven for its maintenance and elTcctiveness. 
The last half century has wondcrlully enlarged, broadened and sys- 
tematized the science and art of medicine. Some of its original subdi- 
visions have grown until they could scarcely be recognized by the 
physicians who practised at the beginning of the (irejient century; and 
they would be lost in amazement in contemphiting the many new sub- 
divisions that have been elaborated. Old tields have yielded many new 
discoveries; new fields have been found and explored- Diseases which 
were undescribed and unknown have been carefully investigated and 
made familiar to us, until now. Uianks to some enterprising French in- 
vestigator, the human family has 2,500 diseases to choose from. 

The K^eai advances in the natural sciences, notably chemistry and 
physics, have added many new and exact methods of examination to 
our armamentarium. We are not now required to determine discitse 
solely by exterior signs, but can inspect and explore the interior of 
organs- The clinical thermometer, stethoscope, laryngoscope, ophthal- 
moscope, speculum, and many more instruments are now our every dav 

fLfivUtAiiU in mvcFtig.^lm^ ijiecsL^c- Thdr ust has become an art, which 
by p*cj5rrirnc<r fu\lj-.'*fli^ bf* ac/j^itPil- -,N(*liiinH more ?i«'mH n^nlrd Ur 
uii]it:^ic,Oifrl*rriiclih.iiiBlMtcyi:tifjhc subject of innildiic (o-Uay, nor 
the amoiim <jf labor that mu^ be expended in the ncqttisiiion of a 
knowledge oT it. In every field ol irw|uiry the student of lo day hn« 
VARily mor^ in lr,^rn thnn (otnirt\y. LpI titf n^ctt for you In brid" the 
work iUaI miuM hr AccomiillMicd in ihiiicoUrKC. 

Should ilic ntiidcnl enter llic nhort or winter counse of three momhit' 
diirMion, bi^iiitroJuctiori to medidne UgfudiMl. Ten or twelve leciure« 
a week only are giveri, in order ro RfTord aiii^jle time for the jtr^ctical 
sJudv ufiiiiaiouiy^ which is the fwiuidilicut for :hcMM<ly of ijcth surgery 
And medidnc. In the folloAini; June the aciivc work of tlie yc:ir begitu. 
He nniti then aUend from four to six leccurei diiUy — ^im'^^HiiK GoO 
in the i\j iikjiiiIih' lerm. benide^t di^'^ciiii]; in ihe inomini^H. ;ilieiK]ing 
several quifxc!i in ench week, writing' v\> his notes oflecturcs, ^nd rc«d- 
ing in his spnrc momenta. He doew the yrnr with eight wrilien ex- 
it ni initio nn. nf>on UK many cu^cct^, each occii^yint; (rom two to four 
hntirv In hi« rirrnml yr;ir id ihii wtirk a ^lUdnl attendance a\KM 
cHnics. At the hospital and college fifteen hourft a week «c spent in 
thin dntv< Here he witnesiiett the vuriou^ fomia of di«c^gCi the mMbodt 
ofexjininntioii iind treMmcnt of paiientw, and opf rations. An cxamiu- 
(ion similar to th;K of lUe lir*f ye:n' dosrt die work of die second. The 
short tcnn of ilic third year dose* wiiU an cUboratc examination. Tbc 
long icrm in n rc|ictition of the anionnt of work of the second year, but 
i» u-nriej by fjivinir it mon? fjractioal feiitiire*. The Modent noi rjnly 
witn»si'^ dirr ex^iininaliuii atnd Ircatn^ent of iMtleiil^, but maJtrj f-tich 
examination himsdf ^nd snciic^is [he tieaimcnt nnd performs the minor 
opMotiona, A fourth examin.ilion upon fonrtecn juh'livi?ii'Jos crown* 
the three ye;in' work and deiern^int^ the decision as to whrlhi-r it haa 
lieen well or poorly done. 

It wus in former yenrs considered a aUndin^; i-r-proiich lo AnicHcAn 
medicaJ education that so *]iort a lijwj w.ik rotptirod for oblaininK the 
degree. That reprondi, tn lo fflr;i* the T>etter willeKe* of ihet-ountrv 
are cnncenietl, is no lonner vJid, The third year ia now ie()uirrd, and 
•toon a fourth will be added. An exnminution of the Amount of Kitidy 
obligaCorv here ond m Europ* showh little difforcnee. Ii i* readily 
demoniiirami that moiir wnrk in acrtn^lly n-"c[uin'il in the ihiee ycun of 
study in xh'n college than in four yeab in the collesv^ of Enifland. 

Thus IvAw iht? j;radu;iteft whom we introduce to yon to ni^ht pumued 
their ard 001 IK hhor*i; diuK h:ive (hey pjMcd ihHr 'jrdenl; ihu^ h.ive ibcy 
juvly acquired dieir ri^hi to the liile conferred iij^on them. I C icraaiiu 
for you to sanction our work and cncouraRc theifC bcfiinnint^ E tufn 
them over 10 your tender inerc-jcs. 

But before IcjtvHng this topie let me revrrr to the subject nf a pre- 

ninary educalional requirement, A good education. especijHv in a 

ientilic direction, is an invaluable stepping stone toward succe^ in the 

udy of medicine. Every year corroborates ihis statement, Evt*r\- 

ear demonstrates lo us the fact that the student with gooil prvlimin^rv 

ducational quali^cations acquires, comprolieiids and retains morc^ 

eadily and passes more satisfactory examinations. While a Ur^o pn«- 

K>ttion of our malricuiates are well prepared— and this pro|H>rtion is 

constantly in creasing^ too many who present themselves are hut si\mtily 

lupplied. We look to you — the people — and to the pln'sici.ins ot the 

State, to aid us in ihia direction. If there be any within your kuoivU 

edge who are contemplating the study of medicine, urge upon thoni tho 

importance of a proper preliminary education. 

My remarks would not be complete nor would I be following ihv 
Ume-honored custom, did I not add some parting; wonls to v^hi ot the 
graduating class, who now close your long term of pupila>;o u itii UA, 
Your earnestness, diligence and zeal in this, your pn.>b;iiion^irv |>orii.xl 
in medicine, have won for you our high regard. We wi'laime you t*.> 
the ranks of the noblest of all professions. But we grei-t Viui as sluilvnis 
still, for all must be such who hope to attain success and prvlcnm^nt. 
There must be no drones in the hive. You will probablv ever ixvv^j;- 
nize this occasion as a most important epoch in your lives, Kr^nn it 
you will look back upon the past with satisfaction, and you will Un^k 
into the future with expectancy and hope. You have just aco>mplishe\i 
a difficult and tedious journey, but while at times it may have IxH^n tiii> 
some and laborious, it has not been without its pleasure's and enjov- 
ments. Your journey has often been by broad and well-traveUxl r^vuK 
but again by rough and devious paths, or through almost unirvHMeii 
fields. Great obstacles which seemed almost iii surmountable bav(* 
opposed your progress, but by steady perseverance you have uveriMme 
them. Perhaps an occasional slough of despond has well nigh tou)ptt^l 
you to abandon the udertaking. 

But frequently has your pathway been through green fHOdfi and by 
rip]>ling waters, that made the heart rejoice; beautiful tUiwcrs haw 
dotted the hillsides and the plain, to entice you onward, and even tho 
sloughs have yieldeii their pure lilies; with sunshine ami shadow, and 
rain, has the landscape been varied. In your journey, hills have suc- 
ceeded hills, and even mountains have been scaled. You have at hwt 
reached a commanding eminence' and can look back upon the route you 
have pursued. The once formidable obstacles have dwindled inloinsiir- 
nificance, but before you tower higher acclivities to tempt your ambition. 
You have as yet but climbed the foothills of the mountain range of 
science. Peak upon peak is presented to view, and to surmount each' 
must require a separate effort. The task is before you. To the earnest, 
the ^thful, the daring, there is no such word as &iL 

I aUain ^uccowtm iW i>r,iClici: nl nK^JJonc?'* Let tiK a^k: **\VliM 
lui ni«utiro ol nccccs?" 1i it ^minc; i« it rcpuution: U rl (MMilkxi; 
or if) It nfalthf It b( nol i^ivcn 10 inunf of our prufenSon 10 aocutiiul^e 
wcnllli ill tftc )ir4i'ti<-^ of incxlicmi;- The v;ifil m;ijmiry tntiM l>c:ciimc:!»t 
with scct^rinj* a competence — » cooifortiblc lmi>i:; jacJ iha a almost 
CCTLnmljr obtnin^ihlc hy fnilKftjl, «-.irnc«t, honcvl nvark. Succ<'«s i« n 
vroixhWy mnsiirfnl by nioti^ v;kTLic- lie who m:^\tt^ it hiit InK^infj; :*} 

y Is nrdy an otTiAmvni Ui ihc prornNon. He m;iy ;ichicvc Wi% Juiibitian : 
ht may obcuin noicricty, butmrtly rcputitti^xi. Let. b<wjcvor, l«!«niins 
aiui Kkill be :lir i»«»uim. Ihen v'nh dtltg^nccand conscientious nppti 
tbn. rcjnJlLti^nti is ^ilmn^l :t^^i]m!. ;ind fcKoA-irtg In fuTr;tin 2% a n^iii 
result nrr ceiicrally 10 be found (x^^l^ion M\d competence, I.el :hcphya^ 
stciaii bcbut Iruc to htJitsclf and true to Mh profe»icm and he cannot 
Utterly bil L<t bim but ennoble hm profetaion and it will reciproc.U« 
2n bundrrd Ibid: Tr\t\y fonun-iie iwt\ justly boooied is be thho jitnfru 
Icftrnini:. rcpulAliort* position. Aft\\ Hcahb, Surely is h\y tnt^itn (iili^ 
It musE be admitted thM .tuccei^ in bfc dcpendn Lpon a vanrty ol 

I cotiditions. umongu'bich l1:e personal eqciation ii ot tjre'^ inipor1:>jice; 
Uil if I wrre Asktxl wbHit condfliori or ctKinKterisrii; h of f^nslrrsT ffn;Kyr> 
Uncc I sboulJ phicc above all, the capacity ^nd tlic nillJjiKncM for 
vrork. Nol erratic, dwnbory. ond interrupted work, but steady, es>m- 
ect» tbOTOu^b application. Nol troric Ibr a few houn a day, nor for 
dght buur^ or icu, ur for the tl^iy alone, bm for tbe ni^bl as «t4). Ht; 
rouftE iadccd learn 

"Ti>«rnm deK^fbl* «eiA tiv« Uli^rb^iift lU;*/ ' 

who would win fitne or richcfi, Sinccthc ca|>aciiy for work neceuiiataa 
I H MKind and vLKnroiis bnily jt^ \irll nv niind, it i^ of ibr greatest intjior- 
tancv ibalthc bi:;ilth ahmild be preserved. With good intelfigeixc, a 
vif-oroo« ntiod. and ii robust pb)!iique, wbat limit can be put upon lh« 
nninisiTifin nf krifiwfed^;i^ Cullfv^iethe virTTiw of solf, frugntliv, 
and tc<TH^er:irrr. 1^1 l.ibi>j mid real, Mudy Atnl sTeep, Ijc bralrlifully 
atknutcd and reeuUled. 

I once beiifdu pbynciun tiuvrt tluE Ihe normal cotidiiion of an tnter 
prising Ameiicin w;i?i to be In debt. Th;ir dt^hi v.".\-i nil fiicrnrive to ^x- 
Cftion, a Mimtiliia 10 work iind to ;iccumu]>U& I bliould be loth lo 
accept 5UcIj n pmporiitSon. Hul, thAE fixity of ptir pore, th.iE ihc powcf^ 
ylon of fkome ddinitc end and aim, and object for ncc»jnplisbmcnl, coa- 
I cnttr^tes ill? frieri^ie^ 4EiiriLil,ile« ende.ivor, drvelop^ :tnd ennobles 
chatacler, caanot be denied. 1 am net now adWaini^ tlie Ae^cciico of 
^Kpcciallies in mnlicinc. Such ftelc<lion i^bould come only alter some 
yean <rf general practice, irben ibf wliole field Iili^ been more or le« 
CXpToftsl. wl»eii llje eij>i;rienc»-* )>ren ciitjij^cd iii ;dl dirvdioiD, and 
the jodfpncni matured. Then only can a proper aelectlon be iniclLi- 


;enlly made; but mejinwhtle llie lendcncv, if any exist, is to be noted 
jid developed. Sinj^leness of purpose and energy in ita'piirsuit must 
:rown youi efforts wilU success. 

Do you need exemplars? You will find them in every avocation — and 
in none more frequently tli:in in our loved profession, Tlie g-reat names 
ot those who have gone belore are embalmed in the very tissues of our 
bodies; they are found in the volumes which portray iheir laborious and 
painstaking investigations and discoveries; diey are engraved upon the 
tablets of our hearts and in the material monuments which they have 
erected and endowed. You need no belter exemplar of the beneficent 
result of fixity of purpose and cnei^y in ib* pursuit than is found in 
the honored President of this College, who thirty ye.irs ago said, *'I 
will build a college/' and behold these substantia] walls have risen in 
full fruition of this determinaiion. 

The world has seen its ages of iron and of gold, but though these 
metals are more abundant than ever before, this is rather an age of books. 
Tlie rapid succession of their publication even upon individual branches 
of the science of medicine is appalling to the busy prai:lilioner who can 
hope to read but a moiety of their number. Fortunately the great mass 
is but repetition, presented in different phraseology. In like manner 
medical magazines in the last thirty years have increased remarkably in 
number as well as in excellence. It is perhaps fortunate for the young 
physician, though he may not believe it at the lime, that he is not har- 
rassed in the earlier years of his practice by numerous patients, and can 
thus devote much time to study. Let me advise you not to be per- 
suaded into discursive reading by a niuliiplicitv of material. Choose a 
few magazines and standard works, and study them systematically. 
While it is most wise to read up on each case that presents itself for 
treatment, systematic reading in other directions is of vital importance. 
Do not attempt to cover loo broad a field. You cannot hojje lo com- 
pass it all- There are few Admirable Crichions. The story is told of a 
certain physician that his library consisted of one book — the United 
Slates Dispensatory — but his thoroughness of acquaintance with it was 

I desire to utter a warning against ihe clanger of habits, not of dissi' 
pation or of idleness, or other personal h.ibits (some of which are often 
the bane of physicians, and which without care ihey may readily con- 
tract), but habits of practice. It is true ilnit nmch of ordinary ])ractice 
is routine work, but without Uiought and readi[Jg, the groove will widen 
to include all. Avoid all hobbies- If by chance you should get astride 
of one do not ride it to tlcnith. Choo-se neither extreme — the orthodox 
or conservative, the radical or fanciful. The former is often aiitequated; 
the latter dangerous and uncertain. Do not discard the old because it 
is old, but because a better is presented. Do qoe adopt the new for 

n9vd(y'» 5Akc- The liiiitory of dmtc^ ^'^ ^^"'^ respect b a ciinouvan^l 
inKlructtvc onc^. Time And ngnin «omc new mcilicamcot l);i» sprung into 
repiituEion likf? ^i biilliunt ini^mii-. nud Ii;h ffmpjtmrvil aiitioM aasiitl- 
drnty; ui like d ^fcai L^mct i\m fui a biid pciitxl fjlW titc M'ljfM with 
its glory- bill like the fixed siJim of ihc fiminmcnc fujr opium ^nd mer- 
cury and quinine remain forever. Of Ihe vnal number of new reinedits 
lh;Lr htive brrrn fntrLHlucerl tven In my -<1iorl <hiy I €»n recall eoni)MiU' 
tivcl/ ri:w which have met the liopca of ihcJr ndvocotc^, of lut^-c fjuml 
nn nhidin^ pl:icc in onr ni^Ltrri^i m^dioA. Bcnicri .iml iirc^mnvc The 
world tUica not rem;iin ataticinarj. If you itAnd still you will soon be 
Itfi hetiind. iuul yiinr nppnrtuniiy be la*t forever. 

CuUivnTc b.ibitiof ob3Cr\ati<m; tliey ajc eswutial in the determina- 
tion of flUcikse. Ill my childhood I w^s much ijn;>rcK»ed wilh a story 
calW 'Eyes and No»(," Two boy* took a lengthy Bf*nlk. One 
returned Tirol and sijiriltes.v IK' h^wl m.'t^n ninhun; hiu *<*Hie fickti and 
trees and a dusty rond. The other retrountL-d wjlh entliuaiaMn ih^ m^ny 
bOAiJtit«ond indusiriea of nnlure Ehal hehad wiln<«Hd. It would bcnn 
ht^reiilean wsk lo f-nnnirr.*tf* thr many dirrvtinni in which oliservAtiun 
miirhl he pixjfiLiWy C3i(cndcd- rrcvenlivc xiicditimi; ia more and more 
hirifcly aEtmctiOK the jitienlioii or the sdenLtie woddn ll ihcrv be truth 
in the old ^dagc thm an ounce of prcvcmion is worth a jioiind of eiire, 
ihrn v^hnnld it crrnve more f:t>n:(idct;ttior Ui.iii ihc iTCJlrDrtit of diM?a>e. 
The jj>ecid ^iibjeO:! of Hyeiene. Sanitnlion. (^hi.iriintine, Epidemics, 
Er;<lern>e^ Meteorology, and ra^iny others will deitcrye your CJireful in-' 

Thr pliv^Irun KT^tndt in pr-ru1inr reUli^in lo ihe piililic ^nd ti> ihr 
fomJv- To both hia dulio nre jf r^vc and responsible- The community 
Iook4 to hhn for ^idviee ^iid counsel tow.ird the averting of epklcmic9, 
ihe hnprrwrmr^ii of snnirary medirid^. nnd In hygienic m;»TtrTS grnrr- 
ally; 'md in ihctc direction* Ins kiitiwledgo jjid experience should be 
frei^y and wiilmjcly g^tvcn (or the jjcnerLd wclfnfc. In Ihe Jumily ihe 
physician h more thufi shnpEy tJie udvi!»er in meknesiL Hiu coming \% 
often ihtrone r^y of sjnsliinc 10 enlJv'en ;md rc» ehcL-r- He is expected 
lo quiet ihc foir* of the anitioiis; to enctjiirinc the weak and despond* 
«ni, ;u)(l be patient with the queruloitft and cnniplaining. He must be 
Ihecninforter of theafllicted and lonowinif; the couaie&or ofthe tray* 
Wjird; the couijdautul die citing. Uh hl^h oHive ouniLiiieb l1lo?ic of 
naioiKter und parent, friend and guide^ Constantly the recipient^ from 
weak nnd errir>^ human nature, of confidences which Ixnh oiorililv' !»nd 
law iilMlnict >thut] 1>e held inviohtp. his in ihe power tu rei.':i1) many a 
^sestcpt 10 redeeni many an odierwl^e iv^ted life. 

What *ihoukl be the chamcterof one worthy of thb cic*iltcd pcmlion f 
A!H)Vr All ii should be mor:.!, honeit, manly. Charily, patience, cheer- 
fntness, and rmnncaa should ^tui hi wholesome cumlii nation. ItsJionfd 

be ^yinpMhctic. bui noi wfdle. for ncAkncAS impairs ihc jiidt:mciii; will- 
iog to admit mi^^iakc, but never vad)Utinj;« for vaciUstion destroys con- 
fidence: firm and pnsiiivc. but noi dognnatic: cotrraffcotix when danger 
jippnlii, Imi Eirver r^lin it^ini^iubcriutE 1^41 Imtt aima^r cutii^ from fill* 
ncM ot knowkdi:^. 

Id 41 recent nddr^sA upon a tiimitar occisioD to the present, and of 
which ! have- nt-tn bin ihe rollowifi); rxtract, xhc Hon. Thomas F, Ilay- 
jvd Kud: "It fuiv bccti luy fonuiic la be thrown in ctint-ia with nut a 
fc* medical men who h.ivc been aa the 'salt of the Cirlb" in their respect- 
ive eonrtmxin i tie*, A m-An who is jilr^dy eminent bv rc^on of his nat- 
iital pndnv^'mr'mi, ni^y br t.ild in cHiihle hk Tatrm by hpmiuint; a phy- 
■lici-in, Jl hn> |}cc-n my fc^rtunc in know ?tuch a m.ii]. It haa 
been my privileize And deliifhl to accompunirhiinin vuiu irhcre h;9 only 
Rtedicin^a wer^ ih« pr^reonaE pretence imd conversation ol the man binn- 
jfcdf. He hrtd shared -mil hud Icssciit-d ihrJi :^nxie;irs; connselled llic 
vaywArd; chrcred ihe wciik - lie^rled ; h.^d rejoiced with them I Jint re- 
joiced, and wqit with the wce[»njf. And J b^ve seen ^uch a mun, tso 
wrmunded by aii »imoipliere of love ^nd trust, holding, us ii were, the 
heAnKirit)^^ of a ftmily iri biK h-inib, ibrir ^uide, philoNcpher, and 
Incnd; j^nd |he:n I rr«1irfd what n moral force in :K>dcly the prc^'cni'^n, 
properly eomprehendcd iwd properly followed, was capable of exerting; 
■nd hotv relaiit^ely ^niAll a pari ol its usefulness was ihe adminiatratlon 
of luedicne." 

Wc may not AiTAJn this hȣ;h idcni. Wc may even fall far abort of 
die excellences It indic^ites, but though we reach it not ve can approach 

more or leweompleidy ij we but ;iccej>l ihe advite of PoUonius to his 


Thitalnrv nU: 1V> lliiov oiri> tK-lf bo uue. 
And it iitiiki follow » iht aliihi the <Ibv 
Tbmi c^Tit'l not then bu fhUc to ntty nun,* 

qaa PoL^ «ln<«C. 



-d M tlitt 0|ieiUafc of Uue Ili>tipLiAL Joouorv ^ Uii><^ 





^i^cred at tbe Opesing of Laae Hospital. Jaouarj 2, 1895. 


Sa& FrwiciHco, Cal. 

RCprinLcd from tbt Occidektal m"w**- TtHM. Janury, lA^e. 


On Jaiiuar>' 2, 1^95. Lttnt Hosplul vtaa fonxiAlIy opened for tbt 
rtc«ption and ueatmeiii oi |xtUeutfi- TLc cv^nt was commtiDcratcd 
b>- an a<ldrcfi6, wblcb appears 9U«whf r«. and aho by tbe pcrtbrDiaiic^ 
of n sttTt;icnl operation as tlic itiaiigiiral act in Ibc opcnmt; of this 
Ciifilitutioti. B>- thU c^ttfiion ol bloo<L, analogous to the ad of tli« 
ancient 'augUT, antt in the cUaracter of his oddrcse, ibc donor has 
conforuicd to the cuatom of anli<|uity, to the modcla and literature 
*f wbiehlic haaa rcvcrcirt ai^elin^n, ■ "- :"; \ :[:\: 

It was crigiuatly intciided ttiat thC tnatilimbfi\hoGftl''bear the 

name of rAL*LncH L\sk Hospital; in fa<1, for some taoutbtf tliid 

lamc stood traced en the block of granite, which now spans tlie 

Fcatibuleof the Iniildbign Tbi» honor* it is clear, would not have 

been luapprupnateiy bewtowetl. wbeu it is Maied. thai nearly all of 

llic exeelleitce lu be found In lUe Inleiior rtirauKeiuenl of the bulld- 

iii£ is dite 10 ihe care und watchrrl sn^>erdsion of ihb lady: a task 

which haHcontltiued during the la^t three years, With reiimteiatlon 

any claim to wblcb her seii'ices hidlvidiially eutkled ber, Mlt3^ 

'TjiXK ha« preferred that the hcepltal bear the name whfcli Is mutu* 

Ally fihared 1>>- herself and hitsband. 

The hosjiUal is situated at the corner of Clay and Webster street*: 

has a front of 140 feel and a depth of 130 feet; it Is adjicetit 10 
Cooper Medicul College, aud has beeti ereatd by D». Lake at a 
«oat of $160,000, and presented to the corporation of Cooper Medical 
College. Tb« nggregate of tbe gifts of lands and biulibngs prtwnted 
lo tbe College by Ua. Laxb amotuitfi to nearly a half million of 

It should be stated that the laud on vrbicb tbe ho«pit4i] id built, 
waa parcbaeed at a cobt of £jtF,cxx> by Capta:m James M. McDon- 
ald, and presented to tbe corporation as a site for the ho^iHtal. 
Thia generous bcuefitcior baa also givai $15,000 for the further sup- 

»rt of the hospital. CoL, Clai'B Spreckels has also given 535.- 
for the ^Tuc purpose. Mr. At^okhw B. McCr£ery has given 

•.000 for tbe mamteniucc of a bed in ibc hospital. Tbe Tacully 
of Cooper College have douated from thdr trcaauiy S20.0OQ for fur- 
nishing «iud C4tnppinK ihe Instituiiou for its future work. For 
,9ome tiaie. fees ftill be chari;ed for the ailiui^iou of paiienisi It b. 

however, expected ibat dcMintionfi will finally Touch such an Atnotint, 
tbcit tbe worthy poor c^n receive ^Tfttuitoiu attctitiou. 

Tlic building; is of brick. fa«ri with gramtc^ nwtl a system of hciit- 
lEijf and veatilauou. perfect in nil its d«lAiK ba^ beeii pronded nt 
great cost. Be«de» the airatiKCiacut* for vciiiiUtion. parity of air 
U furlbcr m^urcd Ly the position of Uic kitchen, which ifi plAccd in 
the upper ^>art uf tlic buildlu;;, ou n Atory above aU the palieots. 
There Alt uue hmidied hed-^ fai pdtieiitA, for «icb of which proviskm 
haa htci\ nude for h »paoe of air ransine: frou 1,700 to cubk 

Th^ jwdioil jMid^-AO^icll ^^f^Vl^^ti \rll Ue loidcied b^' the Faculty 
of Ccx4>csf'Ar^(t4v^J ivilhr^ >-^^itf ^o^hiat will Ivvpeii to all rcsti- 
lur pIiyiiduH*, who rtuy de^iUe to pla» atid t« aitetid tUeir iiatiem^ 
there Phyiidnn* a^udiog |i.iiiei]tit !o tlie bo^ipita] witl 1« pern>iiie<{ 
to diarge such fee:* ii.<«iuay have been agre«d iipati lietweeii tliem 
and their patieuis. 

With the advuntigefi iiud ladliti^ which ar^ here hii^tlly and 
briefly etiumeraled, there U no doubt, that lor 1,-jnt Hocipital there 
is a successful fatare; and that in tbi^^ ca^e. a^ in that of Cooper 
College, the founder and donon' hope-f will be abuTidautly realised. 
— Ocl'idkvTal Mkdicai. Ti.MUft, Januarj'. tS^S- 


iWitrfrd at ihf Ope»inff t^ /mim MtHfiiiai, Jaifnary J, '^iKf < 

By Lm't C^ I^vk. H. D., Profcssflr of Sur^^eri'- Coo]irr M<ili««l C<i11i<Ke. S«a 

The aticteiil Romnii and llic nncieiit GtceV when tni the eve of an 
important uudertaking, began the work l>y the conmhation of an 
oracle and \yy the effusion at blood on the altar: a ^crilioe that wan 
made to conciliate the Cienrus of jjjood Fortune. Sometimei in place 
of the nidc flnd rep«]*!ive act of the hiTrnt ofTeriujf. there w«* wlvtri* 
tutpd somp nther rite of murr agrcESible nntitrc. Thi% wii» often nn 
addTG», ill which, for the urgcut profcciilion of the proi>o*d under- 
taking and for nnimatiniE: in»pirntioii of it» nctors the speaker moi^ 
ahaled tu the brilhani pGriod>^ of sublime eloquence tbc grot and 
admirable exainj>leH f^( the past. 

Greek liiirratuTe. which, lliron^b its initate excellence. Iisk out- 
]i\«d tbedcstiucure agencies of time, fufJiioti. change aud icvolu- 
tion. couiaius »omc of tbc lic^t examples of such eloqitcacc- Tbe 

of Isocrates, stimulating to noble action, remain as imper- 

ible parts of Grecian literature, in the same marked and promi- 

it outline, as in the Athenian landscape stands forth the Acropolis 

wned with the temple of Theseus and the immaculate Parthenon, 

. lat could more deeply fire the heart and urge on to determined 

ioa than the words of Isocrates addressed to tbe Laced^Emonians, 

len he exclaims: "Think how illustrious it is to exchange this 

jotal and fragile body for deathless renown; and with the few 

ATS of life which yet remain to us to purchase that celebrity which 

ill endure through the ages." 

In opening the way for peace, after a long period of domestic strife 
id civil war, what could touch the Roman heart more deeply than 
le last words of Otho, who to win the cojitest was on tbe eve of 
acrificing himself, when he said: "I w^ant neither revenge nor com- 
oiflcratiou; some may have held the empire longer, but it will be 
Aid of no one that he has left it with more courage: let this strug- 
gle depart with me; even as though you had perished for me, but 
je yc still survivors.'* These words of self-renunciation, it may be 
remarked in passing, have found occasional illustration in the patriot 
ivho died before the eyes of tbe world, and quite as often have they 
found illustration in the physician who died in the camp of disease, 
not only unseen, but diligently forsaken by- the world. 

The Roman consul celebrated his entrance into office by a studied 
oration. A remarkable oration of this kind is that of Pliny the 
younger, which is devoted in the main to a paneg\Tic of the char- 
acter and prominent events in the life of Trajan, then emperor of 
Rome. In this address, efQorescent with painted phrase, tlie mar- 
tial exploits of the Roman chieftain are extolled; the subjugation of 
nations and the extension of Roman power are portrayed b\- a par- 
tial pen. The character of Trujan, as delineated hy his eulogist, 
besides furnishing to the soldier constant incentive to courage and 
action, reveals, also, an element which delights tbe son of medicine. 
OS shown in Trajan's care for the sick and wounded. "O, Trajan, 
what comfort didst thou bring to the weary and what assistance lo 
the sick! It was thy custom to never enter thy tent until thou hadst 
visited and surveyed those of tliy fellow soldiers'; nor didst tbou 
ever rest until all others had been provided for.'* And a fkeek 
historian says that Trajati actually treated the wounck-d, and that 
when material for dressings was exhausted, he took off his owii cloth- 
ing and cut it into bandages. 

The foregoing citations from the annals of antiquity sbow that 
the ancients, in entering on an important enterprise, as war against 


tucmy, or othrr niaUer of public raotiieyit, iTifldEiuntcl lhciin<lcT- 
tiikiUK ivy ftn jiddrcsA in a public ft**<jnl>lai;<:> In ibc?«: or^iionjt 
IL« d\-iltan. tfa< i^tc^^nun and the eoMier And Mirrini; iDCC&iive to 
actioiii ami the pbyfiici-in finds m them amp!^ iniiTrucOon for hlfi 
work "f ftrlf-tTtrinci*: yet, bi hi^ivnrk as Triini-i^er for tl>p rrlief of 
pain, be accks In vaiu there for itk«iruction, guidance aiid rikcour^);- 
bjK inspiration. Paiience. euduTancci liiclcs^ 4c:iou. iin^^pEirfng rci- 
ributioii for wrong done and coutcst to victory or do^lh vck ibe 
doctrine of 1U« bard, »eer iitid orsitor of olden times. The epitome 
of rlirir&iirter, whfcli crjaimundeil the gfeaie«ii admiration wbeti Rome 
ruled tbe wurldn ia, ruiiUutied iu ibe line, /mfiiger, iracmtt^tti, in^x- 
or^^lis^ iurr, which anglicijced is "TiTelcM, wnthful, inexorable, 
hAtsb." KxccptitiK the quuhH' of tirtlcu* bow remote arc thetc 
cbarjctcrixiics from tho^ of him whose mtMion it U tc otlcviaic tlic 
sick nrd affliclcd: for the pflticnce, mercy and comptn«ion of the 
pliy,%tHAn haw no plai^ in the luii^b jnclure of the model NflldLcr 
depicted iu the IIoraiiAn line. 

X\i slTon*: conimsi wilb tbe.-^ bfirbnmnp triiits, are ihow which the 
pbysidau ebould hdvt, afi one lennis from the counsel which Hippo- 
crutefl ^ytA the niedicnl mar when he enters ihe sick main's cbatii- 
bcr *'Oii erteTing 1ii> tynym lie cnreful \xi ^xinr manner of sitting; l»e 
re»en-ed: apjJtir in proper attiTe: be »erion», aud use brevity bi 
apeecb: baw cool self-command, wbich cannot be distiirlied; be dili- 
gent and induBtricju* in Ibe presence of the paUeiU; use care: il the 
patient objecU lo whax ii being dotie for him. listen to him and 
anHwcr Uls objeciioma properly; never lose your self-poaseaston in the 
presence of un unexpected act or conlinicency ; be prrjinpt to meet 
and Tcpresfl am- diNturbins eracfffcncy; always hove a good will lo 
do that which i« to be done. And above all tbiogit* remember tbat 
nothing i* to Iw omitted tbttt can be of henefit to tbe patieiU.' And 
fnrthrr, the pby^id^n U to set with oiilinnrw and addre^is, and infuse 
into the patient wremty and Hiecrfnlness- Sotnclimes tbe patient 
should be reproved witb finnncs? and severity': and at another time 
he fihould be consoled by kitidne^ find careful attention. 

Tli«^ precepts, and the character which the physician iihoiald have 
a£ indicated by ihetn, tbniigh matiy centnrip* old, embrace, in the 
main, ibe character btics which the medical men <rf to-day should 
liave. Summarized, these traits arc a love of work, patient attention 
to details, ftUIity to control ouc'fl sdf, as well aii the ^hims and 
fr«aks of the patient, an exbaiHtlesa fund of the Aunlight of cbMT- 
ftilness to dU^ipate the clond?^ of melnncboly wblcfa often ^irround 
the patieml, and a llexiUUty to meet and pio%'ide for exigency and 

Hippocrates says that medical art consists of, or is concerned with 
rec things, viz; the patient, his malady, and the physician. And 
-day, if our art be thoughtfully studied, these things are its prime 
mponents. Each patient is an isolated entity, and though he is 
kin to others, yet he has his own distinctive individuality — indi^^d- 
fllity which is shapeti by his physique, bis mentality, his habits, and 
ds heredity. Each of these is to be a matter of study, and must be 
aken ftiUy into account in the successful accomplishment of medical 
lit. The disease also, though akin to others and susceptible of being 
grouped with them in a common class, has a special character of its 
own which marks it off from the membersof its own kindred. These 
individual differences are so great that not unfrequently they confuse 
and mislead him whose powers of discrimination have not been 
trained and perfected by experience. The third constituent men- 
tioned is the physician himself, into whose charge the ^dck man 19 
committed, and whose province it is to study the patient and his dis- 
ease. That medical art may have its highest and best accomplish- 
ment this third element must have the highest endowments which a 
theoretical, didactical, and practical training can impart. 

When the physician is thus moulded and informed, or as the logi- 
cian would say, is fully formed in extension and intention, then 
medical art will reach that excellence by which it was illustrated in 
the character of a Sydenham, a Frerichs, a Trousseau, or now is 
seen in an Osier, In the institution of which we are opening the 
doors to the sick world, to-day, I permit myself to hope and predict 
that some names equal in greatness to those mentioned will appear 
and give to the healing art its noblest consummation. As further 
guidance for the best care of the sick, Hippocrates says that the 
physician should have as his aids students of medicine. Such stu- 
dent should be placed as a watch over the patient, and directed to 
see that the latter does not take his medicine at improper hours: and 
thus watched the medicine will accomplish its purpose. The student 
should already possess some knowledge of the action of remedies: 
knowledge which will enable bim to meet an emergency which may 
supervene during the absence of his superior. The student should 
also be entrusted with the nourishment of the patient, and should 
see that this is taken in proper amounts and at proper times. The 
student must also note everything that occurs, atid report the same 
to the physician, so that the latter may be ignorant of nothing that 
is transpiring. Nothing should be comnut^ to attendants who are 
ignorant of such duty. The care of the sick should be carried out 
attentively bid knowingly; thus done, no blame will attach 10 iU 


i(ucc««s; and if the issue be fortunate, the evtni wUl be ctowii«1 

Thus liir Ihc art i>f tnedtciiie, »r tliat uliicb la coiitiutfciil t» it, liix 
nuinlv bccncoDnidcreKl; but tocclicine hnsaiiother impcrtAnt domain, 
and that is lU science- McHirat art is cineftr concerned with the 
cure of difieofic; intitrumetitK, apparatus, meflidnes, and all curative 
Agencies- On Ihe otbcr hand, nicdicat lidcTitx' >ie;irchc« for the 0ttui« 
of diwex;: it sttiidic^ [he abnormal comlnTtatioii of itomutl cells: the 
ftppcftrBiice of the latter at unusual times Aud tiuu^uftl places. Aod 
10 do this work Vh-cU, ihis sdeucc must know equally well the tissufis 
boUi in their sound and unsouiid states. In it« development this 
■deuce has proceerled by xhe pr^rhw^y of analysis, 'flius &lchat 
HttidyinK ihe stiucttiir?! by diweolicjii f^ind th;il they tr.iii hv reduc^ 
egoin to a few umple meiubrauea and ibauev. fbeac tMucs are 
rtJKJlvablc into cell* of variciu forms and diver*; fcroupmfpi. Tbi9 
WAR believed to be the inmctt recc» of life into wblch the deud of 
diuewe, uTisceen and of unknown form, penetrated sind threw ccn- 
fttmim into the liennteiiu-s arrangement which Ihcse rclLi have in 
bcittlK Science, with lirete:^^ fool and tm^lecpinic eye, has pursued 
this fiend of discaw nnd delected him in the inlinitcly nuoiitc fonn 
of the pathopjenetic microphyte- 

KoT cemnrics this infiniie^imal agent in the diAeaa^l orgnnistn 
ran riot. UTiseeti. nn^nKperied. nnVnown, Kin srience grasped a 
little beam of ligbi, bent ibis iiiit> a key which ut<"^ LhU cltambcr 
in which the KCim of discaic has hidden himai;lC and ^Iv^cd the 
enigmA Thi& solution baa gi\'eti immortality to the name of Kobcrt 
Koch. Koch, like Columbus, bai discovered a new woild. This 
ntw world, like our own Amenc:i four ceniurien itgOy has o]>ened a 
boiiiidli^M ficM of undevdoiieil ie?»ourvti in which tnedlcul iKieuce 
and inedical art may labor aide by side. Here science v* dificorering 
and indicating the mean.<t by which human di^ttse may be Cured, 
and, what ia yet more important, the way is thus beinj^' learned b/ 
which menadni; disra*e moy be averted. The reseiirohe^ *>r nievliciU 
science ure tinw promi-MUje the hiitnnu race immunity ogaiuM many 
disex«e?t. In thn field s^corc^ of diligent lunds «ire at TVork, and 
Erom what hoA already been done there in of diricoveriuii 
vhich will greatly cliarige the nicthods of the procticre of medicine. 
It i« probAble thut we will inocnUie flgflin«T and prevent, or render 
mild and lkanule*f«, all contagiotih nnd inreijtinu'^ discoiiwS' 

The Latin language wa/« a rich storc'houfie, from which wc have 
borrowed mnny word« The Hn^linb, opulent in words of conciete 
cature, and forcibly expresdve a£ for a« the thinga of material nature 


wxz couccTDcd. in it^cailr grcjutU, bad few vvofd» of alotiwrt cbar- 
actcr; and amons ibe many vrliicU it derived froni the Roman tongue, 
one which eipeciaUy inteneKtsi ns here, U "ixnntunity/* In the 
Latin we iind the word "uumuiiitOK/' which ineuiil an exemption 
friim ditlics. l;:xcv Mini uthrt" oWtK^itmns; it «a* limiinl lo ihb 
mcnnjiis niunnij; the Koman^; and a]m> with uh il had no wider ratiijc 
of 5i|Eni6caTicc until the bM few yenrs. How little did ihc Roman 
dream when lie wa^ coining thUivord that, in iU traiinl fromtonfn^c 
to torjitc, it w^nild paw lo Twioote centime* and would th^i rcprtf- 
tent ibe uietbod hy which nwn vvoiiht elude the gr^fip i>f ihp ^eal 
laxcr— DiscAic. and slay the cntiauccuf hi» still gicalcr cucmy— - 

lite wards in this bospttal in which the ^ck and oiflictedwil] seek 
Ibr rtiief will furnish countless opportunities for the solution of these 
^Tftii profjlern* which remain yet nnwilvwln or for the fnrthei verifi- 
cation of what ia yet UtI parlutlly I'crificiL And in thia si-ienliric 
wofk notliing: will cotitTibiifc more to z^aicces^fnl result than patti»- 
tflkinfc occiimcy; there muA be accumcy in obscr^iUK niorhid t^he 
oometiA, and .-tccnrate record made of ihcm; and ai lengtli from 
neb a fiind nf fflci*; tnitbtul dnluctiouc can be drawn. Such a 
«ony. tirc^nnc iraili was loug tiixVlcn by Koch And Pastevir before 
they received ihcir cto\* tis from the Gcuiiu of dhcovery. 

All error aomcttincs committed by the scientific explorer is. that 
lie often mi«take« the unreal for the reaii and impelM by his desire 
£0T rei^oAvii, be announces a discovery, which sul>sequetu Irvestlga- 
tion disproi.'eA. An example of thEs was KIcharilson's antioanev- 
ment of the can*« of the ooosulatton of the hlood. Ricbardsou 
received a pri^e for what ^-et remains to be aoh^. A l>ettcr exam^ 
pie to follow ^^ that oi Edward Jenuer, who withheld Irom the woild 
hi* discovery of vaccination for nearly se^'enteen >'ears; it was only 
after |imiif and umnit-r^prooC and rcpraird ^'crtificutiiin ihnt he vm- 
turccl ti> .Lnmniucc it. It is ^iiiccrdy Xa Ifc hii^JCil that notbuig will 
be antionnccd a» discovered wilhiii ihe^ wall^ which has not thus 
been proven and incontroverttblv established. 

Ami^ujE Ehc duties of the irttcntc, an important one \s to make a 
«iTrtitl rrcnr*! of the cnws trmtnt! hrrc. Snch rrcurtl doe* two 
things: the chief oiic Is. that It lusutca careful work; for thus tbe 
wxjtT^ i* connmiucd lo the page;. :>r hislory, where il will be legible 
to miiur eye*. He ^ill w<nk the be*i and with the fewest laiilt». who 
knows that each act will be delivered to open, uncUaiifiiug record. 
A *4econd purpose of such record i*. tlut it gathers facts> which become 
3in adtiiliuii Lo the j^eneral fund of medical knuwled^^e. 



Th<; Ttfcord Icept nuy be brief, or it may be in elaborate detail. If 
the ca*tf* ^Jc th<**e of iimibI oc(*urretice, containini^ mtly what Iju* 
often been o!i*ervctl, tlicii the liiMory tUhuIc of liiem ^hoiilcL l»c brief; 
and *ucH record in cr>itomiicd form bccoiiKs a md^A^inc, whence 
fncU cviii Ik taken and tabulated tntontntiMicnl compiitatioti. Many 
modern writers decry ttatifiltcs, t*> tny mind v-cry v.TOrtgly; Kinoe the 
^tntmical i* the cfiuhalcTit of tile indueiue method of ressomnK, 
which c£Ti 1>e coni;>arrd t</fL ladder of vbich tacb romtd hn fan sim- 
ilar to its fellows avd by ibc ^ul of vrliicU one uAcciid^ to 4t g^cucial 
trutb. K error mar ilic ctmduMou. this can always be traced to, 
and fotiiid in tb« faulty observt^tiosi aud inaccurate record; or it aiAy 
b« 4n the Impro^^er groMning <jf the fact*. 

A few ciiNc^ will jircHcm (hcni**rU*H it( tiiTiutialor remarkaUlr diar- 
acter: of ^mdi the hbtttjr>- ^bould be re<?4>rdcd iu dlffLi^e and elaborate 
detail. Such t]ti-->iioa:cr5 are not c1a?vnliablc, and hence, arc ot no 
aid to tbe fttfttivtiomn; Init they nrc important to the medical man, 
ntiCt they teocli htm the weighty IcAcon that new problems iu pathol* 
(igy may ari-ie tii any honr. whirh will re-fj tit re new and united prin- 
ciples foi tbcir *-iti*riici<iij 4d>lalio]i. In «i;oh o^vv* ilic phyMriiw 
win proceed mo^t wi^ly. if be follow tbe pfcccpi of CcUius to com- 
pare such anomalous di»coi^ with other kno^ii ionus. nnd to adopt 
for iu manAgemciit the tT«;kimeni proper for the oitetoxvhicb it co9i- 
ioim^ nearest in character. 

The pnrpow; vxbicU has insptreil lite erection t>i Line Htftpltd is 
two-fold in character; one )[reat olject is to fumUh the medical stu- 
dent the opportuiuty of punninff hb stiicliett to the i^rcateat pootfible 
advantage, mid of fully 5ttinj^ himxelf tbr his future vocation. It 
la intend«1 t!i:ii he we mediril and isiiTgiail art practUetl wiih that 
excellence, whidi will ^erve bim *» fntnre mudrl fcrt Knid^nnr and 
imitation. A Keconil ol^gcct in, tlmt the Mck who »cek thiii rclrcut 
for alleviation of tbcir !(utfctinK», will here find tbe best of tdcill and 
MTvioe, which can Idc planned b^ thouffhtfnl intellect, and inspired 
by eamett *>'nipnihy- If, a* ha* been stated, *u|ieriority of worlc 
will be promoted by tlie fact tbal ibc act of each physician and fAiT* 
^eou will \>iifA iLHo iinmi^tjkiible and Ift&tlnijL record, so inticb more 
win it be ini^urcd by the prc^ncc of a medical class, v^hicU tran- 
»MPdiug the Argna of Juno la both toauye^'ed and many-eared iu 
U4 guardian ^etvlc^. Wilh such proi4sion« nind precautions, one 
findft a ready expUniilion of tb? faot. which ha.^ been observed, th^t 
tlte moilAUly of hobpiiaI>, wlilch are under the cliar^e of collcKUite 
Bwdicai nervice, i-4 liC!v» than thai xvhicb utnot supervised by *iucb 

rf tlioii^blfdl i^zf. vigilant atimtton. and iraine'V skill Tie needtd 
for ibc cuTc of tlic Mck mau, ihtsy tax not all, and ilxty will be sadly 
deltfclivc if llicr nrevvt ratiTorced b>' another groat quaUt>'^Sj-iii' 
paiby. Syuipaili>% like the qiialiTy Merc>', "U twice bl«&6«d^ h 
blesses liim Uiai give* aud him tUai takes "" Sjioiiaih;- i* planted 
ill every liumun breaM, and likce\«Ty uatunil virtui*, it may grow 
And become tlie pTomirciii cbiriicicTistic of thr indivlilual; tir it nu> 
be dvrarfcd, and in certain coiiditiotis thb prccioiu qtialiiy may ^>c 
filmoM or fjuiic extinguished. These conditions, 1 havt ob^n-ed. are 
eonstam c^otitaa with suffering, and U ofieil best seen in tl^e medical 
aUenil;inT, ciihrr phyMCtJin or iinr*ie, who lia^ becnme exh.iuiTetl 
fix>iD long a^DEthucd 3iid ;iuxtuiis ;\uik: lu fact, itiiHttcd for duty. 
I often recall wliai waa Mxd to mc ouce by a lady, who for inontba 
was overburdcucd and woni by aitenLion toati invalid parent: "It 
\s my daily prayer that I may not become Impa lien t and falter in my 
duly to my mother/' Sympalbetic Oiire goe* far iti the cnte of a 
patteiit- A liarsh word, u jjctulutit jinswcr. ur a fr<iwn in reiily to 
some que-slion or rcqn»t of the patient, cuxa more kccniv llaan the 
surxeuTi's Iciiife: and such pcrulance cmd impubeiice m^y latally 
-reinforce 3 lingering di»«a!«e. 

Briefly kummed np. iheii, the cnrclinal r^njlitie^ nect'&ary for the 
Sijct^r-Wnl maiingemeTit of iinr hinpjlnl, iiTc Kiwid head--*, ^mh! he.irta, 
and willing hands^ a dctcnuinalion on the part of each attendant to 
do ^lipcrior work, and a fixed resolve lo live and Ulior in harmony 
with his ft\[f>w workmen. All thns doing iheir dnty. the work 
done will represent a picture, in which is portrayed a legion of biwy 
laUirirr'i T»earitig a staridariS, liiw:ril)wl with the woids: Stl/*saffi^if 
omi //ttrmtf{it^. i.nd such a picture aHI realii'-e the donor'^ bope, 
chiMkd In marble at the tbre*hold of this edifice, that the Heating 
Art may here be gis-en an opportunity for the exercUe of its humane 
skill H and tbnt *iuflering Humanity may here find refttge and relief 
Jrom lis HfllicciouN.