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Charles Robert Darwin 

Papers on Pollination 


Rannan Laras 



Om Orchideernes Befrugtning ved Insekter. [Tidsskr. 

Dimo®phic Condition in Primula, [Journ. Linn. Soc. 
Bot., 1861]. 

Existence of Two Forms in Secies of Linum, [Journ. 
Linn. Soc. Bot., 7, 1863]. 

Fertilization of Lythrum Salicaria. [Journ. Linn. 
Soc. Bot., 8, 1864]. 

Notes on Fertilization of Orchids, [Annals and 
Magazine of Natural History, 1869]. 

Om Orchideernes Befrugtning ved Insekter. 

Af Charles Darwin — i Udtog ved M. T. Lange. 

Darwins Lære om Arternes Oprindelse *) vil, hvor interes- 
sant og paa mange Punkter sandsynlig den end er, dog 
neppe i det hele kunne vinde Bifald. Men hvad enten man 
antager den, eller forkaster den, eller indrømmer dens 
Berettigelse i mange Tilfelde uden at tillegge den al- 
mindelig Gyldighed — hvad der maaskee turde komme 
Sandheden nermest —; eet vil ingen kunne negte: at den 
Grundighed, hvormed denne udmerkede Videnskabsmand 
undersoger Naturen for at begrunde sin Theori, er af 
overordenlig Nytte for Naturvidenskaben og kaster nyt 
Lys paa mange hidtil lidet ændsede Punkter af Naturens 
Rige. Dette er saaledes Tilfældet med Orchideernes Be- 
frugtning og Insekternes Medvirken derved, der vel ikke 
tidligere var ganske ukjendt, idet allerede Sprengel 1793 
og senere flere- andre Naturforskere have paaviist meget 
derhen hørende, men som dog egenlig først har fundet 
en Fremstiller og Forklarer i Darwin, der med dette For- 
hold støtter sin Sætning, at alle Naturens Væsener stun- 
dom behøve en Krydsning af forskjellige Individer, eller 
at ingen stadig Selvbefrugtning af tvekjønnede Individer 

finder Sted i Naturen. Darwins Værk (On the various- 

*) See dette Tidsskr. 2. Række, 5. Bind. 

Tredie Række. li. 19 

Mo. Bot. Garden, 


contrivances by which British and foreign Orchids are 
fertilised by insects, and on the good effects of intercrossing. 
London. 1862) indeholder en Mængde omhyggelige og grun- 
dige lagttagelser, der ere af stor Interesse for Botanikere; 
men hans Fremstilling af Naturens vidunderlige Sammen- 
pasning af disse Forhold, der hvert Øieblik overraske 
baade ved Skjønhed og Snildhed, maa nødvendig kunne 
interessere alle, og det saameget mere som det selv uden 
botaniske Forkundskaber vil være temmelig let i Naturen 
at følge og selv at see meget af det, som han fremstiller. 
Her kan kun gives en Beskrivelse af Forholdet hos en- 
kelte Arter, men dette skal fremstilles saa udførligt, at 
enhver, der ikke vil spare den Uleilighed at sætte sig ind 
i den forudskikkede Forklaring af Blomstens Bygning, vil 
kunne forstaae de meddelte Omstændigheder ved Befrugt- 
ningen og let selv eftersee dem i Naturen. 

Blomsterdækket hos Orchideerne (Gjøgeblomsterne) 
bestaaer af 3 Bægerblade, der som oftest ere farvede, og 
af 3 ligeledes farvede Kronblade, af hvilke 1 i Regelen 
vender nedad, er større end de andre og af meget eien- 
dommelig Form. Det er »Læben«, »Honninglæben«, som 
afsondrer Honningsaften, der lokker Insekterne til, og ofte 
bagtil forlænger sig i en længere eller kortere Spore (Hon- 

Indenfor dette Blomsterdække findes hos vore Arter 
kun 1 Støvdrager, og denne er sammenvoxet med Griffe- 
len til en »Griffelstøtte«, saa at der sjeldent er mere 
at see af den end Støvknappen, hvori det befrugtende 
Sædstøv er indesluttet. Støvknappen er deelt i 2 Rum, der 
hos de fleste af vore Arter ere meget kjendelige og saa 


langt fjernede fra hinanden, at de see ud som 2 sær- 
skilte Støvdragere. Medens Sædstøvet hos de fleste 
andre Planter bestaaer af fine, løst liggende Korn, bænge 
hos Orchideerne alle de smaa Korn i hvert Rum sammen 
og danne Smaaklumper eller Masser, der ofte bæres af 
en meget eiendommelig Stilk. Disse Smaaklumper til- 
sammen med Stilken kaldes Støvmassen. 

Der skulde egenlig være 3 Grifler, men de ere heelt 
voxede sammen med Undtagelse af Arrene, og af disse 
flyde selv de to nederste ofte saa fuldstændigt sammen, at 
de see ud som eet; — kun disse to have Arrets sædvan- 
lige Egenskaber og Bestemmelse, nemlig under Befrugt- 
ningen at gjennemtrænges af Støvkornenes lange, fine 
Rør, der føre Indholdet ned til Æggene i Frøgjemmet; 
— det tredie Ar derimod, der sidder øverst, er omdannet 
til et usædvanligt Redskab, som kaldes Snabelen og hos 
mange Orchideer slet ingen Lighed har med et virkeligt 
Ar. Den indeholder eller bestaaer af et klæbrigt Stof, og 
hos mange Orchideer ere Støvmasserne fasthæftede til en 
Deel af dens Yderhud, der bliver hængende ved dem, 
naar de bortføres af Insekter. Den Deel, som saaledes 
kan borttages, bestaaer hos de fleste af vore Arter af et 
lille Stykke Hud, som Darwin kalder Klæbeskiven, med et 
Lag eller en Klump klæbrig Materie under; men hos 
mange udenlandske Arter er Klæbeskiven saa stor, at 
dette Navn kun passer paa en Deel af den, medens den 
anden, paa hvis Top Støvmasserne sidde, kaldes Snabe- 
lens Fod eller Stilk. 

De indenlandske Orchideer inddeler Darwin nu i 3 
Grupper, af hvilke den første indbefatter de fleste af 
vore almindelige Arter, navnlig Slægten Orchis (Gjøgeurt). 
Støvmasserne hos denne Afdeling have forneden en med 

19 * 


Klæbeskiven sammenvoxet Stilk og Støvknappen er for- 
bunden med Snabelen. 

Fig. 1. Orchis mascula. 

A. En Blomst seet fra Siden, Bæger- og Kronblade ere borttagne med Unåtagelse 
af det halve af Læben og det meste af Sporen. B. Blomsten seet forfra, Alle Blade 
borttagne undtagen Læben. C. En Støvmasse med de smaa Pakker af Støvkorn, Stilken 
og Klæbeskiven. D. Snabelen seet forfra med nedtrykt Læbe. E. Gjennemsnit af 
Snabelen med den deraf indesluttede Klæbeskive og Stovmassens Stilk. F. Smaa- 
pakker af Støvkorn, sammenlænkede ved elastiske Traade, der i Fig. ere trukne ud 
fra hverandre. 

a. Støvknappen. c. Støvmassens Stilk. d. Klæbeskiven. l. Leben. n. Hon- 
ningsporen. p. Støvmassen. r. Snabelen. s. Arret. 




Orchis mascula (tyndaxet Gjogeurt) forekommer 
hyppigt hos os om Foraaret i Krat. I Fig. 1 ere Beger- 
og Kronblade borfskaarne med Undtagelse af Leben med 
Honninggjemmet, der sees i A, n. De to Ar ere næsten 
sammensmeltede til eet (s), der sees under den pungfor- 
mede Snabel (r). Stevknappen (A, a og B, a) vise to langt ad- 
skilte Rum, der fortil ere aabnede paalangs og hver inde- 
holde en Stovmasse. C viser en saadan Stovmasse ud- 
taget af sit Rum. Den bestaaer af et Antal Smaapakker 
af Stevkorn, der ere indbyrdes forbundne ved fine og 
meget elastiske Traade, I F fremstilles disse trukne ud 
fra hverandre. Disse Traade smelte sammen ved den 
nederste Ende af hver Støvmasse til en lige elastisk Stilk 
(C, c). Enden af Stilken hænger fast sammen med Klæbe- 
skiven (C, d), der i E sees i Gjennemsnit paalangs, og be- 
staaer af et lille ovalt Stykke Hud og en Klump klæbrig 
Materie ved dets Underside. Enhver Støvmasse har sin 
særegne Klæbeskive, og de to Klumper klæbrigt Stof ligge 
begge indesluttede i Snabelen (D). 

Denne (A,r og B,r) er næsten kuglerund, noget tilspidset 
og hænger ud over de to Ar. Den behøver en fuldstæn- 
dig Beskrivelse, da enhver Enkelthed i dens Bygning er 
vigtig. E fremstiller et Gjennemsnit paalangs gjennem 
en af Klæbeskiverne og Klumperne, og D begge seete for- 
fra i Snabelen, hvis forreste Læbe er trykket noget ned: 
Den nederste Deel af Støvknappen er forenet med Ryg- 
gen af Snabelen (B). Paa et tidligere Udviklingstrin be- 
staaer Snabelen af en Masse mangekantede Celler fyldte 
med bruun Materie, som snart opløse sig til to Klumper 
halvflydende, meget klæbrig og strukturløs Substans. Disse 
halvflydende Klumper ere noget langagtige, foroven oftest 
flade, forneden hvælvede. De ligge næsten frit i Snabe- 



len, omgivne af Vædske og blot paa Bagsiden sammen- 
hængende med en lille Skive af Snabelens Yderhinde, 
den ovenfor beskrevne Klæbeskive, der bærer Støvmas- 
sens Stilk. 

Den Hud, som danner den hele ydre Overflade af 
Snabelen, er i Begyndelsen sammenhængende; men saa- 
snart Blomsten aabner sig, bevirker selv den sagteste Be- 
rørelse, at den brister i en buet Tværlinie paa Forsiden, 
hvorved Snabelens Form ikke forandres, men dens for- 
reste Deel bliver derved en Læbe, som let kan trækkes 
ned, (I B sees Randen opret, i D nedtrykt). Trykkes 
Læben heelt ned, saa komme de to Klumper klæbrig Ma- 
terie til at ligge frit; men saasnart Trykket ophører, 
springer Læben op igjen paa Grund af den bagerste Deels 
Elasticitet og indeslutter paany de to Klumper. 

Den mindste Berørelse og endogsaa Chloroformdampe 
bevirke denne Bristen af Huden i en bestemt Linie; maa- 
skee brister den ogsaa undertiden af sig selv, ialtfald for- 
beredes det ved en Svækkelse langsmed den betegnede 
Linie. Samtidig med at Huden brister foran, synes den 
ogsaa at briste bagtil i to ovale Linier, hvorved de to smaa 
Klæbeskiver adskilles fra Snabelens øvrige Yderflade. Da 
Støvknappens to Rum allerede for Blomstens Udspringning 
have aabnet sig fortil fra Grunden til Spidsen, saa ligge 
begge Støvmasserne nu, naar Snabelens Læbe trykkes 
ned, fuldkommen frit, men endnu paa deres Plads; nem- 
lig Støvmasserne selv og deres Stilke i Støvknappens Rum 
og de smaa, klæbrige Klumper, som ved Klæbeskiverne 
ere forbundne med dem, i Snabelens Pung. 

Vi skulle nu see, hvorledes denne sammensatte Me- 
kanisme virker. Lad os antage, at et Insekt sætter sig 
paa Leben af Blomsten, der frembyder en god Landings- 


plads, og stikker sit Hoved ind i Kammeret, paa hvis 
bagerste Væg Arret (A, s og B, s) findes, for at naae ned i 
Honningsporen med sin Sugesnabel — eller, hvad der 
gjor samme Virkning, lad os skyde den fine Spids af en 
Blyant meget forsigtigt ind i dette Honninggjemme. Da 
den pungdannede Snabel rager frem i den Vei, som forer 
til Honninggjemmet, er det neppe muligt at fore nogen 
Gjenstand ind i dette uden at berøre Snabelen. Dens 
Yderhud vil derved briste langs med den førnævnte Linie 
og Læben eller Pungen let kunne trykkes ned. Naar dette 
er skeet, maa.en:- af de 
klæbrige Ulumper, eller 
begge, nødvendigviis kom- 
me i Berøring med det 
indførte Legeme og ved 
sin store Klæbrighed blive 
hængende derved. Men 

da denne Materie frem- 

deles har den Særegen- 

Fig. 2. 

hed, at den -i faa Minuter A Seiten te nee ae eee 
tørrer ind og stivner som hæftet sig paa Blyanten, B. Samme efter at 
den har boiet sig ned. 

Kit. og da Stovknappens 
Rum i Forveien ere aabne fortil, saa vil en af Stevmas- 
serne, eller begge, klebes fast til Insektets Hoved eller 
Blyanten og trekkes ud med, omtrent som det fremstilles 
i. Fig. 2::A¢ 

Det er ganske nødvendigt, at Stovmasserne klæbe sig 
saa fast; thi hvis de faldt ud til Siden eller tilbage, vilde 
de slet ikke kunne befrugte Blomsten. Efter den Stilling, 
hvori begge Stovmasserne sidde i deres Celle, beholde de 
ogsaa en lidt divergerende Retning påa det fremmede 
Legeme, som de nu ere hæftede til. Vedbleve de nu at 


beholde denne oprette, divergerende Stilling (Fig. 2 A), 
vilde de igjen komme tilbage paa deres gamle Plads, hvis 
vi igjen førte Blyanten ind i samme eller en anden Blomsts 
Honninggjemme, og ingen Befrugtning finde Sted. Hvor- 
ledes bevirkes da Blomstens Befrugtning? Det skeer ved 
en smuk Indretning; medens nemlig den klæbrige Over- 
flade holder fast, er den uanseelige lille Hudskive, hvor- 
paa Stilken sidder, udrustet med en mærkværdig Sammen- 
trekningskraft, hvorved Støvmassen nodes til i Løbet af 
omtrent 30 Sekunder at bøje sig ned imod Blyantens 
eller Sugesnabelens Spids i en Bue af 90°, indtil den 
faaer den i Fig. 2 B angivne Stilling. Imidlertid flyver 
Insektet til en anden Blomst, hvor da, som Fig. 1 viser, 
den tykke Ende af Støvmassen netop maa træffe Over- 
fladen af Arret, naar Sugesnabelen eller Blyanten føres 
ind i Honninggjemmet. 

Her kommer nu en anden interessant Indretning, 
som R. Brown for lang Tid siden har beskreven, i Betragt- 
ning. Arret er meget klæbrigt, men ikke nok til at 
sonderrive hele Stevmassen, hvormed det nu kommer i 
Beroring. Det kan kun adskille de elastiske Traade, som 
forbinde de smaa Pakker af Stovkorn med hverandre 
(Fig. 1 F), og fastholde nogle af dem. Derfor kan den 
ene Stovmasse paa Insektets Hoved komme i Berøring 
med flere Ar efter hinanden og efterhaanden befrugte 
dem alle, saa at Insektet kun beholder Stovmassens Stilk 

Endnu et Par smaa Omstendigheder ere verd at 
legge Mærke til. De smaa Kiumper klæbrig Materie om- 
gives i Snabelen af en Vedske, hvad der er vigtigt, fordi 
denne Materie, som sagt, torrer meget hurtigt ind i Luf- 
ten og i Løbet af faa Minuter taber Evnen til at klæbe 


sig fast. Dernæst sidde de smaa Hudskiver, hvis Sam- 
mentrækning bevirker den Sænkning af Støvmasserne, der 
er saa nødvendig for Befrugtningen, bag i og nede i 
Snabelen, tæt omgivne og derved holdt fugtige af Støv- 
knappens Basis — hvad der ogsaa er nødvendigt, da blot 
30 Sekunders Udsættelse for den frie Luft er nok til at 
bevirke Senkningen. Endelig er det meget vigtigt, at 
Leben, som forhen omtalt, igjen springer tilbage i sin 
forrige Stilling, naar den er bleven trykket.ned. Naar et 
Insekt havde trykket den ned, men ikke medtaget nogen 
eller kun den ene af de klæbrige Klumper, vilde nemlig 
ellers begge Klumperne, eller den ene, som blev tilbage, 
udsættes for Luften og hurtigt tørre hen, saa at Støv- 
masserne nu bleve unyttige. Men nu er det vist, at af mange 
Orchidee-Arter bortføre Insekterne kun een Støvmasse ad 
Gangen, og det er sandsynligt, at dette er det alminde- 
ligste Tilfælde, da de nederste Blomster, som længst have 
været udsprungne, sædvanligviis slet ingen Støvmasser 
indeholde, men de yngre, nys udsprungne, oftest 
have den ene tilbage. Saaledes fandt Darwin i Axet af 
en Orchis maculata ti Blomster, og det især de øvre, 
hvori der kun var een Støvmasse tilbage, men den hele 
Mekanisme var iøvrigt i Orden, saa at de kunde bortføres 
af Insekterne. 

Hvad der hidtil er sagt om Indretningen hos Orchis 
mascula, passer i alt væsenligt ogsaa paa Orchis Morio, 
fusca, maculata og latifolia; derimod finder der en væsen- 
lig Forskjel Sted hos Orchis (Anacamptis) pyramidalis 
(Horndrager — hos os meget sjelden i Skove paa Kalk- 
grund) *). Denne Art, der er, afbildet i Fig. 3, har to 

*) Med denne Art stemmer Orchis ustulata i det vesenlige overeens. 


runde, heelt adskilte Ar (A, ss), el paa hver Side af den 
pungformede Snabel (r). Denne sidder ikke over Hon- 

Fig. 3. Orchis pyramidalis. 

A. Blomsten seet forfra, Alle Blade borttagne undtagen Leben. B. Samme fra 
Siden. Den halve Lebe og et Stykke af det overste af Leben bortskaarne. C. 
Begge Stovmasser paa den sadelformede Klebeskive. D. Samme efter Sammen- 
trekningen, naar den ikke er fastheftet til noget. E. Stovmasserne, som have hef- 
tet sig til en Naal, der er fort ind i Honninggjemmet. F. Samme efter at de have 
boiet sig ned. è 

a Støvknappen. s.s Arret. r Snabelen. 1 Leben. 1' Læbens Ribber. n Hon- 



ningsporen, men saa dybt, at den dækker og tildeels 
lukker dens Munding (smlg. B). Honninggjemmets For- 
kammer, der dannes af Leben og Griffelstotten og er 
rummeligt hos Orchis mascula og dens beslægtede Arter, 
‘er her kun lille. Snabelen er forneden i Midten udhulet 
og fyldt med en Vedske. Der er kun een Klebeskive af 
Form som en Sadel (C), der paa sin næsten flade Ryg 
bærer de to Stovmassers Stilke. Saalenge Snabelens Hud 
ikke er bristet, er det næppe muligt at see, at den sadel- 
formede Skive udgjor en Deel af Snabelens sammenhen- 
gende Overflade, da den tildeels skjules og holdes fugtig 
af de to Støvknaprums Grundhinder, der foldes vidt ud 
over den. Skivens øvre Hud bestaaer af flere Lag smaa 
Celler og er derfor tyk; forneden er den overtrukket af 
et Lag meget fast klæbende Materie, som dannes i 

Naar Snabelens Læbe er trykket ned ved en eller 
anden svag Berøring, blottes den nederste Deel af Klæbe- 
skiven, som ikke forandrer sin Plads, og den kan nu 
klæbe sig fast til en Gjenstand, som berører den; et Haar 
er endogsaa stivt nok til trykke Læben ned, og Sadelens 
klæbrige Overflade hæfter sig da til det. Endelig er 
Leben forsynet med to ophoiede Ribber (A, I’ og B, 1‘), der 
udenfra indad lobe skevt sammen imod Midten som en 
Fiskeruse og derved ere fortræffelig skikkede til at lede 
et boieligt Redskab, som en Borste eller et Haar, ind i 
den lille, rundagtige og derhos tildels af Snabelen sper- 

rede Munding af Honninggjemmet. 

Naar nu en Sommerfugl — disse Dyr besøge meget 
hyppigt Orchideerne — stikker sin Sugesnabel ind mellem 

Lebens ledende Ribber, eller naar man efterligner denne 
Bevægelse med en fiin Borste, saa vil den ledes sikkert 


ind i Honninggjemmets fine Munding og vil neppe kunne 
undgaae at trykke Snabelens Læbe ned. Derved kommer 
Børsten i Berøring med den sadelformede Skive, som nu 
er blottet og klæber sig fast og følger med tilligemed de 
to Støvmasser, naar Borsten trækkes tilbage: Saasnart 
Sadelen kommer ud i den frie Luft, pleier der øieblikke- 
ligt at foregaae en rask Bevægelse med den, idet begge 
Endelapperne krumme sig indad og omfatte Børsten. 
Drages Støvmasserne derimod ud med en Tang, uden at 
'Sadelen faaer noget at omfatte, saa rulle Enderne sig i 
Løbet af faa Sekunder tæt sammen (D). Mange Sommer- 
fugles Snabel er saa tynd, at Sadelen netop omfatter den, 
saa at Enderne naae sammen under den, hvorfor en 
Naturforsker, der saae en Sommerfugl med Støvmasserne 
påa Snabelen, blev forledt til at troe, at den havde 
boret Snabelen midt igjennem Støvholderen. 

Denne raske Sammenbøining tjener til at befæste 
Sadelen med dens Stovmasser oprette paa Sugesnabelen. 
Dog vilde dette kunne opnaaes alene derved, at Klebe- 
stoffet størkner meget hurtigt, saa at den egenlige Hen- 
sigt snarere er, at Stevmasserne derved boie sig ud fra 
hinanden. ‘Thi da de sidde paa Sadelens flade Ryg, saa 
rage de i Begyndelsen lige op i parallel Retning, men alt 
som Sadelen krummer sig om Snabelen, maa de nødven- 
digviis beies ud fra hinanden. Men neppe er denne Be- 
vegelse endt, hvad der medtager en halv Snees Sekun- 
der, for der begynder en anden Bevegelse, der ligesom 
den forste alene bevirkes af den lille Hudskives Sammen- 
trekning, og nu er ganske den samme, som for blev be- 
skreven ved Orchis mascula, idet Stovmasserne fra den 
lodrette Stilling boie sig i en ret Vinkel ned mod Sna- 
belens Spidse, saa at de ligge parallelt med den (E. F). 


Hensigten med denne dobbelte Bevægelse bliver klar, 
naar man fører Børsten med Støvmasserne tiibage, efterat 
Bevægelsen er endt (smlg. A og F). Thi nu have begge 
Støvmassernes Ender netop faaet en saadan Stilling, at 
den ene strøifer Arret paa den ene Side, den anden 
paa den anden Side, saa at de klæbrige Ar nu kunne 
løsne de elastiske Traade og fastholde nogle af Støv- 

Da der ikke hos andre Planter, neppe hos noget Dyr, 
findes fuldkomnere Tilpasning af Organerne, end hos disse 
Orchideer, saa fortjener det ovenfor beskrevne vel endnu en- 
gang at sammenfattes i Korthed. Blomsternes glimrende 
Farver tiltrække Dagsommerfuglene, deres eiendommelige 
Lugt Natsommerfuglene. Det øvre Bægerblad og de to øvre 
Kronblade danne en Hætte til Beskyttelse for Støvknap- 
pene og Arrene. Læben er udviklet til et langt Honning- 
gjemme, hvis Indhold drager Sommerfuglene til og er 

saaledes opbevaret, — ganske anderledes end i andre 
Familier — at det kun langsomt kan opsuges for at give 

det klæbrige Stof under Sadelen Tid til at størkne. De 
sammenløbende Ribber paa Læben lede Sugesnabelen i 
den rigtige Retning, for at Støvmasserne ikke skulle komme 
til at sidde skjævt og gaae forbi Arrene.. Snabelen er 
opstillet paa Veien til Honningsaften som en Snare paa 
Vildtets Vei; den er saaledes bygget, og de Linier, hvor- 
efter den brister, saaledes dragne, at Sadelen dannes for- 
oven, Pungens Læbe forneden. Denne Læbe er saa let 
at trykke ned, at Klæbeskiven ikke godt kan undgaae at 
blottes og hæfte fast ved Insektets Sugesnabel, og skulde 
det ikke skee, saa springer den elastiske Læbe igjen op, 
bedækker paany den klæbrige Flade og holder den fugtig 
til næste Gang. Vi see fremdeles, at det klæbrige Stof i 


Snabelen er befæstet alene til Klæbeskiven og omgivet af 
Vædske, saa at det ikke kan størkne, før Skiven drages 
ud, ligesom Sadelens Overflade holdes fugtig indtil Ud- 
dragningen, da den eiendommelige Boining af Stovmas- 
serne begynder, forst til Siden og saa fremad, en Boining, 
der er noiagtigt beregnet paa at bringe begge Stevmasser- 
nes Ender i Berøring med Arfladerne. Disse Flader ere 
klebrige nok til at fastholde nogle Stovpakker, medens 
de overlade Resten til andre Blomster. — Endvidere maa 
mærkes, at selv om Insektet bruger lang Tid til at op- 
suge Honningsaften, saa begynder Stovmassernes Boining 
ikke, for de ere trukne fuldstændigt ud af deres Rum, og 
at deres Bevegelse forst et halvt Minut efter er saa vidt 
fuldendt, at de kunne treffe Arrene, naar de paany fores 
ind i en Blomst, saa at Insektet faaer Tid nok til at 
flyve til en ny Plante og saaledes befrugte den med en 
andens Støv. 

De hidtil omtalte Orchis-Arter behøve nødvendigviis 
Insekters Medvirkning til deres Befrugtning. Dette frem- 
gaaer af, at Støvmasserne ligge saa fast i deres Rum og 
Klæbeskiverne i Snabelen, at de ikke kunne rystes ud; 
men Darwin har yderligere godtgjort det ved Forsøg, idet 
han bedækkede adskillige Planter med Glasklokker, saa at 
Adgangen spærredes for Insekterne, hvorved det viste sig, 
at ingen Bestøvning fandt Sted og ingen Frø ansattes, 
skjøndt Planterne iøvrigt intet led. 

Det synes efter Darwins Iagttagelser især at være 
Sommerfugle, der bestøve Orchis-Arterne; han nævner 23 
Årter, paa hvis Snabel han har fundet Støvmasser af 
Orchis pyramidalis. Dog deeltage ogsaa mindre Insekter, 
f. Ex. Empis-Arter, i Bestøvningen og bortføre Støvmasserne 
paa Hovedet eller Brystet. Hvorvidt derimod Darwins 


Mening, — at nogle sjeldne Arter, f. Ex. Orchis fusca, skulde 
vedblive at være saa sjeldne, fordi de ikke tiltrække In- 
sekter nok, eller fordi de kun besøges af enkelte Arter, 
— er rigtig, turde være tvivlsomt, da Grunden ligesaa 
vel kan søges i andre Forhold, og Jordbunden aabenbart 
har megen Indflydelse herpaa. 

Men endnu staaer der tilbage at omtale en mærkelig 
Omstændighed ved de omtalte Orchis-Arter, nemlig at deres 
»Honninggjemme«, som skulde lokke Insekterne til, ingen 
Honningsaft indeholder! Sprengel har undersøgt de 
fleste Arter, flere andre efter ham, og Darwin har anstillet 
mangfoldige Undersøgelser til de forskjelligste Tider, selv 
om Natten, i Solskin og i Regnveir, men selv ved Hjælp 
af Mikroskopet har han aldrig fundet mindste Spor af 
Saft i Honningsporen. Hvorledes skal man forklare sig 
dette? — Sprengel kaldte disse Blomster »Scheinsaft- 
blumen«; han antog, at her fandt et systematisk Bedrageri 
Sted, at insekterne, uagtet de bestandig skuffedes, dog 
bestandig kom igjen for at søge Honningsaft; men vi maa 
give Darwin Ret i, at det er umuligt at troe paa et saa 
kæmpemæssigt Bedrageri, naar man erindrer, hvor uhyre 
ofte det maatte gjentages. Og naar man husker, at Be- 
støvningen forudsætter, at Insektet gjentager sit Besøg hos 
disse Blomster flere Gange umiddelbart efter hinanden, 
saa maatte man, for at give Sprengel Ret, sætte Insek- 
ternes Forstand eller Instinkt meget lavt og kunde dog 
ikke forklare Grunden til, at disse Blomster vare saa 
overordenligt snildt indrettede, men at et af de vigtigste 
Led i Kjæden manglede. Imod Rigtigheden af Sprengels 
Mening taler ogsaa i hei Grad hvad Darwin har iagttaget, 
at monstrøse Blomster, som manglede Honninggjemmet, 
men hvis Befrugtningsapparat var i fuldstændig Orden, 


ikke vare blevne berøvede deres Støvmasser, medens dette 
var Tilfældet med alle de fuldstændige Blomster i samme 
Ax. Et Forsøg, som Darwin anstillede ved at skjære 
Euden af Honninggjemmerne paa endeel Blomsterknopper 
hos Orchis pyramidalis, førte til et lignende Resultat, saa 
at Insekterne ikke synes at lade sig saa let narre. 

Men hvor er da Nøglen til denne Gaade? Darwin 
synes at have fundet den, idet han bemærkede, at den 
indre og ydre Væg i Sporen hos disse Orchideer skilles 
ved et temmelig vidt Mellemrum, at dette er opfyldt af 
Vædske, og at den indre Væg eller Hinde er meget fiin 
og særdeles let gjennemtrænges af Vædsken; medens der 
ikke findes noget saadant Mellemrum hos Gymnadenia 
conopsea og Platanthera solstitialis *), hvis Sporer altid 
ere fyldte med fri Honningsaft. Han sluttede deraf, at 
Insekterne med deres Sugesnabel kunne gjennembore den 
fine Indrehud i hine Arters Honningsporer og opsuge 
Vædsken fra Mellemrummet. Naar man seer, hvor mange 
sindrige Foranstaltninger der ere trufne for Orchideernes 
Befrugtning, og af hvor stor Vigtighed det er, at Støv- 
masserne komme til at sidde fast paa insektet og ikke 
falde til Siden eller tilbage, og naar man erindrer, at 
Klæbeskiven behøver nogen Tid for at sætte sig fast ved 
Saftens Størkning, saa at det vilde være til stor Nytte om 

Insektet blev lidt opholdt i at indsuge Saften, saa synes 
"det ikke urimeligt at antage, at den usædvanlige Indret- 
ning, at Honningsaften afsondres indenfor Overhuden, er 

truffen her for at node Insekterne til et længere Ophold, 

*) Darwin nævner ikke, om det samme er Tilfældet med de andre 
Arter, hvis Sporer indeholde fri Honningsaft. 


medens de paa flere Steder gjennembore denne Hinde og 
udsuge Saften af Mellemrummene. 

Rigtigheden heraf bestyrkes ved en Undersøgelse af 
Klæbeskiven hos de Arter, hvis Sporer indeholde fri Hon- 
ningsaft, nemlig Gymnadenia conopsea og albida, Platan- 
thera solstitialis og chlorantha og Coeloglossum viride. 
Hos de fire første er Klebeskiven ikke indesluttet i en Pung, 
men nøgen, hvoraf man strax seer, at den klæbrige Ma- 
terie maa have en anden kemisk Beskaffenhed end Orchis- 
arternes og ikke saa hurtigt størkne, hvilket Darwin og- 
saa har overbeviist sig om ved Forsøg, der viste, at 
Skiven beholdt sin Evne til at klæbe sig fast i flere (2—24) 
Timer. Hos den sidste Art er Klæbeskiven vel bedækket 
af en pungformet Hinde, men denne er saa lille, at 
Botanikerne have overseet den, og Skiven bevarer ogsaa, 
ligesom de andre Arters, sin Klæbrighed i længere Tid 
efter Udtagelsen. Da den klæbrige Materie hos disse fem 
Arter altsaa formaaer at hæfte Støvmasserne tilstrækkelig 
fast paa insekterne uden strax at størkne heelt”), saa 
vilde det ikke nytte, at Insekterne opholdtes længere med 
at suge Saften op, og derfor finde vi hos dem og hos dem 
alene Saften frit i Honninggjemmet. Hvis dette Sammen- 
stød — paa den ene Side af et langsomt størknende 
Klæbestof og en Opbevaring af Honningsaften, der op- 
holder Insekterne i længere Tid, paa den anden Side af et 
Klæbestof, der fra først af er meget seigt, og en Opbe- 
varing af Saften, der tillader en hurtig Indsugning — er 
tilfældigt, saa er det et meget heldigt Tilfælde for disse 

*) Det egenlig bevisende: at Klæbestoffet hos disse Arter strax er 
tilstrækkelig seigt til at lade Stovmasserne sidde saa fast som 
fornedent, har Darwin dog ikke paaviist. Den lange Tid der med- 
gaaer til fuld Sterkning synes derfor at tale for det modsatte. 

Tredie Række. li. 20 


- Planter, Men er det ikke tilfældigt, saa er det et heist 
mærkeligt Exempel paa Tilpasning. 

De ovrige indenlandske Arter af denne Gruppe 
(Slægterne: Gymnadenia, Platanthera, Coeloglossum, Her- 
minium og Ophrys) skille sig fra de hidtil omtalte ved 
to adskilte Snabler. Neppe to Arter stemme iøvrigt over- 
eens i Blomstens Indretning til Befrugtningen, men da 
Afvigelserne fra det i det foregaaende beskrevne ikke ere 
meget store, skal jeg indskrænke mig til at omtale et Par 
mærkeligere Tilfælde. 

Hos Slægterne Ophrys og Herminiura mangler Hon- 
ningsporen, men erstattes, af en Fordybning i Læbens 
nedre Deel, der dog, ligesom Orchisarternes Spore, ingen 
fri Honningsaft indeholder. At Klæbeskiven hos nogle 
Arter er nøgen og den klæbrige Materie derfor af en an- 
den Beskaffenhed, er allerede omtalt. At Pungen, som 
indeslutter Klæbeskiven hos de fleste andre Arter, ikke er 
elastisk som hos Orchisarterne, hvor den igjen springer til- 
bage i sin Stilling, naar en Støymasse er udtagen, — en 
Elasticitet, som her vilde, være unyttig, da hver Snabel 
kun indeslutter 1 Klæbeskive, — er et Vidnesbyrd om 
Midlernes Tilpasning til det Maal, der skal naaes. 

Hos Ophrys myodes og Coeloglossum viride 
(to Arter, der ere meget sjeldne her i Landet) findes der 
vel ogsaa en Pung, men den nederste Deel af Støvmas- 
sernes Stilk og Klæbeskivens øvre Deel ere ikke indeslut- 
tede deri, og da de saaledes ere udsatte for Luftens Paa- 
virkning, mangle de den eiendommelige Evne til at bøie 
Støvmassen ned i Retning af Arret. Hos Ophrys myodes 
erstattes denne Mangel derved, at Stilken i sit naturlige 
Leie har en dobbelt Boining næsten under en ret Vinkel; 
dog synes denne Indretning ikke tilstrækkelig til sit For- 


maal, der kun kan opnaaes ved en gjentagen Hæven og 
Sænken af Insektets Hoved, Det staaer da efter al Sand- 
synlighed i Forbindelse hermed, at Støvmasserne hos 
denne Art efter Darwins lagttagelser meget sjeldnere 
bortføres end hos de andre Orchideer, og at den kun 
meget sjeldent og sparsomt udvikler sine Frokapsler. 
Indretningen hos Coeloglossum viride er meget afvigende 
og fortjener en nærmere Beskrivelse. Arret er her lille 
og stillet i Midten af Blomsten, medens Stovmasserne 
ligge høit over det, og de 2 Punge, der indeslutte Klebe- 
skivernes nedre Deel, ere fjernede langt fra hinanden ud 
til Siden af Biomsten, saa at et Insekt, der opsugede 
Honningsaften af Sporen, hvis Aabning findes lidt foran 
og under Arret, ikke vilde komme i Berøring med Klebe- 
skiverne, selv om det løftede Hovedet i Veiret. "Men der 
er sorget for, at dette alligevel skeer, paa den merkelige 
Maade, at der paa hver Side af Lebens Grund, lige under 
Klaebeskiverne, findes en lille Fordybning omgivet af 
Lebens ophoiede Rande, hvori der afsondres Honning- 
draaber. Tilmed er der en lang opheiet Ribbe lige under 
det rigtige Honninggjemme, der leder Insekterne til at 
sætte sig paa Siden af Leben tet ved det mindre Hon- 
ninggjemme, Opsuge de nu først Saften af dette, ville 
de næppe kunne undgaae at bortføre Stevmassen, og naar 
de derefter vende sig til det egenlige Honninggjemme, 
vil den netop komme til at berøre Arret. Skjondt det 
saaledes i Regelen vil vere med Blomstens eget Stov, at 
Arret befrugtes, er en Krydsning mellem forskjellige 
Blomster dog ikke udelukket; i det Tilfælde nemlig at 
Insektet først opsugede Hovedbeholdningen og derefter 
Randdraaberne, vilde det flyve til den neste Blomst med 



Stovmasserne paa Hovedet og kunde saaledes bestøve 
dennes År. 

Før vi forlade denne Gruppe, maa vi endnu opholde 
os nogle Øieblikke ved Ophrys apifera, en i England 
og Sydeuropa, men ikke i Danmark, forekommende Årt, 
fordi den, saavidt vides, er det eneste Exempel paa nor- 
mal Selvbefrugtning af en Orchidee”. Dens to pung- 
formede Snabler, Klæbeskiverne og Arrenes Stilling ere 
omtrent som hos de andre Ophrysarter, men Støvmas- 
sernes Stilke ere meget lange, tynde og boielige, saa at 
de mangle den fornødne Stivhed til at holde sig oprette, 
som de ellers have hos alle Arter i Gruppen. Da Støv- 
knappens to Rum ere bøiede stærkt fremad, have Stilkene 
foroven den samme Retning, og de pæreformede Støv- 
masser sidde derfor lige over Arrene. Strax efter Blom- 

stens Aabning aabne ogsaa Støvknappens Rum sig, — og 
det usædvanlig vidt — og Støvmasserne falde ud. Da 

Stilkene ere saa svage, begynde de meget snart efter at 
synke nedad, saa at Støvmasserne hænge frit i Luften 
lige foran og i Højde med Arrene, medens Klæbeskiverne 
vedblive at holde deres nedre Ende fast i Pungen. En 
svag Luftstrømning er nu tilstrækkelig til at lade dem be- 
røre Arret, ved hvilket de klæbe fast, hvad Darwin har 
overbeviist sig om ved Forsøg, idet han omgav” Blom- 
sterne med et Net, der holdt Insekter, men ikke Luft- 
strømme borte. Udelukkedes derimod Luftstrømningen, 
vedbleve Støvmasserne ogsaa at svæve i Luften foran 
Arret. Bestøvningen gaaer paa denne Maade saa regel- 

mæssigt for sig i Naturen, at Støvmasserne næsten altid 

*) En meget mangelfuld Selvbefrugtning forekommer hos Cephalan- 
thera grandiflora, som siden skal omtales. 


findes paa deres Ar og Frøkapslerne næsten aldrig slaae 
feil — medens det omvendte er Tilfældet hos Ophrys 
myodes. — Det er unægtelig" hoist mærkeligt, at denne 
Indretning til Selvbefrugtning ikke findes hos de andre 
Ophrysarter, ikke engang hos Ophrys arachnités, der dog af 
flere Botanikere ansees for at være kun en Varietet af 
Ophrys apifera; og man fatter let, at Darwin af denne 
Omstendighed i Forbindelse med, at Ophrys apifera des- 
uagtet har alle de nodvendige Indretninger til at befrugtes 
som de andre Arter, ledes til den Formodning, at der 
hos denne Art har skullet bevirkes en rigeligere Udvik- 
ling af Fre — hvad der kun kunde skee med Opgivelse 
af de Fordele, som Krydsningen kunde medfore; men at 
en saadan Krydsning med andre Individer dog i enkelte 
Tilfælde finder Sted, om end sjeldent. Dog, ‘disse Gis- 
ninger kunne vi her lade staae hen. 

Vi komme nu til en anden Hovedafdeling af Orchi- 
deerne, som have en fri, bag Arret stillet Stovknap. 
Stevkornene ere sammenlenkede ved fine, elastiske Traade, 
der tildeels hænge sammen og rage frem ved den øverste 
Ende af Stovmasserne og ere befæstede til Ryggen af 
Snabelen, hvorfor de mangle Stilken, der spiller en saa 
vigtig Rolle hos de forhen omtalte. Af de herhen hørende 
Slegter: Epipactis, Cephalanthera, Goodyera og Spiranthes 
skulle et Par Arter her nærmere omtales. 

Hos Epipactis palustris (Sump-Huullebe), der fore- 
kommer hist og her i vaade Enge, rager den forreste 
Deel af Arrene noget frem foran Griffelstviten (Fig. 4, 
B,s og C,s). Paa dens Top sidder en enkelt lille, nesten 
kugleformet Snabel (B, r og C, ri, hvis Forside rager noget 
frem foran Overfladen af Arrene, hvad der er af megen 
Vigtighed. I ung Tilstand bestaaer Snabelen af en skjør 


Cellemasse med ru Yderflade; disse Yderceller forvandles 
under Udviklingen til en blød, glat og meget elastisk Hud, 
der er saa overordenlig fiin, at et Haar kan trænge igjen- 

Fig. 4. Epipactis palustris. 

A. Blomsten seet fra Siden; kun de nederste Begerblade borttagne. B. Samme 
med alle Blade borttagne undtagen Halvdelen af Leben. C. Griffelstotten seet for- 
fra. Snabelen er i Afbildningen noget nedtrykt; den rager i Virkeligheden noget 
hoiere op og skjuler mere af Stevknappens Rum. 

a. Stevknappen, hvis to aabne Rum i C sees forfra. a‘. Rudimenter Stovknap. 

1, Leben. r. Snabelen. s. Arret. 

nem den. Ved den svageste Gnidning, stundom maaskee 
ogsaa uden en saadan, bliver denne Overflade klæbrig, 
saa at Støvkornene blive hængende ved den. Denne bløde 
Yderhud danner en Kappe om Snabelen og er forinden 
overtrukken af et mere klæbrigt Lag, som i Luften størk- 

aia ai 


ner i Løbet af 5—10 Minuter, Denne hele Kappe med 
dens indvendige Beklædning bortføres særdeles let, naar 
et Legeme skydes let imod den, i Retningen opad og til- 
bage, og der bliver da kun en lille Stump tilovers ved 
Grunden. I Knoppen rager Støvknappen ganske frit op 
bag Snabel og Ar; den aabner sig paalangs før Blomsten 
springer ud, saa at de to ovale Støvmasser ligge frit og 
løst i deres Rum. De bestaae af runde Smaakorn, der 
hænge sammen 4 og 4, og disse ere forbundne ved frie, 
elastiske Traade, der i Knipper strække sig langs Midter- 
linien af hver Støvmasses Forside, hvor de komme i Be- 
røring med den øvre Deel af Snabelens Ryg, der før 
Blomstens Aabning er lænet mod Støvknappen, og fæste 
sig til dens Kappe. Derefter krummer Snabelen sig 
fremad og trækker dérved Støvmassserne tildeels frem af 
deres Rum. Støvknappens øverste Ende bestaaer af en 
stump, solid Spids uden Støv, der rager noget frem over 
og foran Snabelen (B, a og C, ai. Blomsterne staae næsten 
lodret ud fra Stængelen (A). Leben bestaaer af to Dele: 
den nederste danner en Skaal, der indeholder Honning- 
saft; den øverste, der kun hænger sammen med den 
nederste ved et smalt, boieligt og meget elastisk Led, er 
krummet opad, saa at den tildeels lukker for Blomsten. 
En Flues Vægt er tilstrækkelig til at bøje den ned i den 
i B fremstillede Retning, men naar Vægten borttages, 
springer den igjen op i sin forrige Stilling. 

Lad os nu see, hvortil alt dette tjener. At trykke 
Snabelen ned, som hos de forhen beskrevne Arter, løsner 
ikke Støvmasserne, Et Insekt, der satte sig paa Læbens 
øvre Deel for åt suge Saften op, vilde slet ikke komme 
til at berøre Snabelen; naar det derimod var krøbet ind i 
Blomsten, og Læben altsaa havde lukket i for det ved at 


rette sig op, vilde det være nødt til at kravle op ad Arret 
over Snabelen og den fremragende Ende af Støvknappen 
for igjen at komme ud. Eftergjor man nu denne Be- 
vegelse med en Pensel, saa losnes Snabelens Kappe med 
stor Lethed, klæber sig fast til Penslen og medfører 
Stovmasserne. Og hvor noie alt er tilpasset til sin Be- 
stemmelse, viser sig tydeligt her, idet Stovmasserne kun los- 

nes fuldstændigt, naar Penselen føres i Retning af den 

fremragende Ende af Stevknappen — den Vei, sont In- 
sektet maa tage for at slippe ud; fores den mere indad, saa 
følger der kun enkelte Stevklumper med. — Naar nu alt- 

saa et Insekt paa sin Vandring ud af Blomsten har faaet 
Snabelens Kappe med de vedhengende Stoymasser be- 
festet til sit Hoved, og flyver til en anden Blomst, saa 
vil Arret vere det første Sted, imod hvilket Stovmassen 
vil støde, og der vil den hæftes fast paa Grund af Arrets 
Klebrighed. Og det er ikke uden Betydning, at den ydre 
Deel af Leben saa let boies ned ved Insektets Vægt, da 
der saaledes aabnes saa stor en Indgang til Blomsten, at 
Stevmasserne ikke let komme i Berøring med Blomster- 
dekket, hvorved en Deel af Stovet vilde gaae til Spilde, 
da Stevmasserne meget let senderrives. 

Epipactis latifolia (bredbladet Huullebe), som er al- 
mindelig i vore Skove, stemmer i det vesenlige overeens 
med den forrige Art; kun er Adgangen til Blomsten friere, 
idet Lebens ydre Led mangler Elasticitet og Stovknap- 
pens Ende ikke rager frem. foran Snabelen, hvorfor Stov- 
masserne kunne bortferes uden at denne berøres. Der- 
imod afviger Cephalanthera grandiflora (hvidguul 
Skovlilie) — som findes i Skove paa Kalkbund og tilhører 
en Slægt, der ellers staaer. meget nær ved Epipactis — - 
vesenligt fra denne og alle andre, idet Snabelen ganske 


mangler. Støvkornene ere skilte — ikke forenede i Smaa- 
klumper — og kun forbundne ved faa og svage elastiske 

Traade. Støvknappene aabne sig for Blomstens Udspring- 
ning og skyde Stevmasserne noget frem, saa at de staae 
næsten frit som to oprette Seiler, der fortil lene sig imod 
Arrets øvre Rand, der naaer op til omtrent 4 af deres 
Hoide (Fig. 5). De Stovkorn, som saaledes berøre Arrets 
skarpe Rand -- men hverken de høiere eller lavere 
staaende — sende allerede for Blomsten 
er fuldkommen udsprungen en Mengde 
Støvrør dybt ind i Arrets Væv. Der- 
efter krummer Arret sig fremad, saa 
at Stovseilerne blive heelt frie fra Støv- 
knappen og kun holdes oprette af Arret, 
hvortil de lene sig og hvormed de ere 
forbundne ved Stevrorenes Indtrengen i 
Arret. Uden denne Understøttelse vilde 

de snart falde om, uagtet Blomstens Stil- 

ling er opret og uagtet de ere beskyt- Fig. 5. Cephalan- 
tede mod Vinden af Kronbladene og thera Sree 

Griffelstotten seet fra 

Lebens nedre Deel, der slutte sig tæt Siden, efter at alle Bæ- 

ger- og Kronblade ere 

sammen om Griffelstotten. Totoni Sicvagilerns 
Leben bestaaer, som hos Epipactis, *°°* "em Svar og 

af*to Dele, og naar Blomsten er fuldt % Stevkappen. p. Stev- 
Å masserne. s. Arret. 

udviklet, vender den øvre, trekantede 

Deel nedad i en ret Vinkel til den nedre Deel, saa at 
den danner en god Landingsplads for et Insekt foran en 
trekantet Aabning til den næsten rørformede Blomst. 
Kort efter at Blomsten er befrugtet, retter denne øvre 
Deel af Læben sig igjen op, tilslutter Aabningen og inde- 

slutter fuldstændigt Befrugtningsorganerne. Darwin har 


ikke fundet Honningsaft i Læbens nedre skaalformede 
Deel, men antager dog, at der afsondres en saadan. 

Cephalanthera grandiflora*) synes altsaa at yde os 
det andet Exempel paa stadig Selvbefrugtning hos Orchi- 
deerne, eftersom endeel Støvkorn altid befrugte Arret, og 
Insekters Medhjælp kunde synes overflødig, da man kunde 
tænke sig, at Støvsøilerne ved at falde sammen, vilde 
sprede de andre Støvkorn over Arrets Flade, Darwin har 
imidlertid godtgjort ved Forsøg, at Støvsøilerne kun und- 
tagelsesviis falde sammen, at Støvet altsaa ikke kommer 
til Arret, og at de fleste Frø blive golde, naar Blomsterne 
udelukkes fra Insekternes Besøg, medens Blomsternes År 
i fri Tilstand ere bedækkede med Støvkorn og Søilerne 
ganske nedbrudte. Det vilde ogsaa være forunderligt, om 
det skulde være uden Hensigt, at Læben en kort Tid 
aabner Indgang til Blomsten og siden lukkes,. at Blom- 
stens Form netop er saaledes, at et insekt maatte krybe 
hen over Arret, og at Støvsøilerne ere stillede saaledes, 
at kun nogle faa Støvkorn komme til at virke, medens 
store Masser over og under disse bleve ubrugte. 

Her synes altsaa at være et sammensat Tilfælde. Her 
finder en stadig, men meget ufuldstændig Selvbefrugtning 
Sted, der deels tjener til at erstatte Insekternes Hjælp, 
hvis den skulde udeblive, deels til at lette Insekternes Ar- 
beide ved at holde Støvsøilerne oprette. Men denne 
ufuldstændige Befrugtning suppleres ved Besøg af Insek- 
ter, der sprede Støvet over Arret af samme Blomst, men 
tillige maa føre en Deel med sig til andre Blomster, saa 

at her kun tildeels finder en Undtagelse Sted fra den al- 

”) De to andre Arter af denne Slægt, som forekomme her i Lan- 
det, omtaler Darwin ikke. 



mindelige Regel, at den ene Blomst befrugtes af de 
andre Blomsters' Støv, 

Derimod afgiver Spiranthes autumnalis (Host- 
Skrueax) — en her i Landet meget sjelden Art — Exem- 
pel paa en Orchidee, der ikke alene nødvendig behøver 
Insekters Medhjælp ved Bestøvningen, men hvor desuden 
den ene Blomst kun kan bestøves med den andens Sæd- 
støv, hvad en kort Beskrivelse af Blomstens Bygning vil 

godtgjore. Blomster- 
dækket danner et Ror 
omkring Griffelstotten, 
og paa den Tid, da 
Blomsten aabnes, er 

Lebens ydre Deel vel 
sååledés nedadhoiet, at Fig. 6. Spiranthes autumnalis. 
Insekter kunne sætte sig 

En moden Blomst efter at Læben (hvis Om- 
derpaa , men dens rids er punkteret) har fjernet sig fra Snabelen. 
Alle Blade ere bortskaarne, men de øvre Bæger- 
blades Stilling ligeledes antydet ved Punkter. 

tæt op til Snabelen a. Støvknappen. n. Honninggjemmet. p. Støv- 
kornene. r. Snabelen. s. Arret. 

indre Deel slutter saa 

— her en lang, tynd og 

flad Fremragning — og det derunder skraat fremragende 
Ar (Fig. 6 r, s), at kun en fiin Rende, foroven dannet af 
Snabelens lidt udhulede Forside, forneden af en Huulhed i 
Læben, fører ind forbi Arret til Læbens Ende, hvor Hon- 
ningsaften opbevares (n). Da Snabelen rager langt frem 
over Arret og under Støvknappen — Blomstens Stilling 
er nemlig vandret — og altsaa danner en Skillevæg mellem 
Arret og Støvet, kan dette ikke befrugte hiint uden saa- 
ledes, at Støvmasserne først bortføres fra deres Plads og 
derpaa føres ind til Arret; men paa den Tid er Indgangs- 
aabningen til Arret altfor snever til at Støvmasserne kunne 
bringes derind, Insekterne, som besøge Blomsterne strax 


efter deres Aabning, kunne derfor vel opsuge Honning- 
saften, og idet de trække deres Sugesnabel tilbage, ville 
Støvmasserne følge med ud af Blomsten, men de formaae 
ikke at bringe dem i Berøring med Arret. Det er først et 
Par Dage senere, at Læben fjerner sig saameget fra 
Snabelen, at Aabningen bliver stor nok til at tilstede 
Støvmasserne, som sidde paa Insektets Sugesnabel, Ad- 
gang til Arret. Hvorledes skeer da Bestøvningen? Det 
skal strax blive paaviist, men først maa det i Korthed 
forklares, hvorledes Støvmasserne, der sidde i Støv- 
knappen over Snabelen, kunne bortføres med Insektets 
Sugesnabel, der stikkes ind under Snabelen. Denne 
bestaaer nemlig af en Slags togrenet Gaffel, og Mellemrum- 
met mellem Grenene udfyldes paa Bagsiden (den øverste 
Side) af en langstrakt Skive, der er fyldt med klæbrig 
Vædske, som i Luften størkner i Løbet af 1 Minut, men 
allerede efter 4—5 Sekunders Forløb klæber en Gjen- 
stand fast. Paa Forsiden er der en Huulning mellem 
Grenene og i denne er Huden saa skrøbelig, at den 
brister ved den svageste Berøring og det ikke blot i Huul- 
ningen, men langs Klæbeskivens Rande, saa at denne 
selv bliver fri og udsveder saamegen Vædske, at den 
fastgjøres ved det Legeme, der har foraarsaget Riften og 
bortføres med det. Men med denne Klæbeskive følger 
da med det samme Støvmasserne, hvis Traade have be- 
fæstet sig dertil allerede før Blomstens Aabning, da Støv- 
knappens Rum nemlig aabne sig før Blomsten og Støv- 
masserne ligge tæt op til Snabelens Ryg. Det er altsaa 
indlysende, at en Humlebi — det skal især være disse, 
der besøge Spiranthes, — ikke kan føre sin Snabel ind i 
den fine Rende, hvis Overside netop er Snabelens Huul- 
ning, uden at Støvmasserne ville hæfte sig fast og bort- 


føres. Men nu er disse Dyrs Fremgangsmaade den, at 
de først sætte sig paa den nederste Blomst i Axet, der 
er snoet i Spiral, og derpaa krybe opad fra Blomst til 
Blomst, idet de følge Spirallinien. De komme altsaa først 
til de ældste, længst udsprungne Blomster, sidst til de sidst 
udsprungne. Gik de den modsatte Vei, vilde Støvet 
spildes. Nu finde de Støvet allerede bortført i de ældre 
Blomster; naar de komme til de nys udsprungne, endnu 
ikke besøgte Blomster, uddrage da Støvmasserne og flyve 
saa til en ny Plante, hvor de begynde paa samme Viis, 
og hvor nu Bestøvningen kan gaae for sig i de ældre 
Blomster, idet, som ovenfor viist, Læben nu har fjernet 
sig tilstrækkeligt fra Arret. I de øvre Blomster hentes 
nyt Støv og saaledes fremdeles. Darwin har fanget 
Humlebier med indtil 5 Hæfteskiver paa Snabelen. Idet 
de saaledes hente Honning til sig selv, sørge de tillige 
for at Spiranthes forplanter sig og kan berede Honning 
til nye Generationer af Humlebier, 

I deu tredie og sidste Afdeling af de indenlandske 
Orchideer, af hvilken Darwin omtaler Slægterne: Malaxis, 
Listera og Neottia, er ingen Deel af Snabelens Overhud 
vedvarende befæstet til Støvmasserne. Hos Malaxis palu- 
dosa (Sump-Hjertelæbe) — den mindste af de danske Orchi- 
deer — foregaaer Befrugtningen meget let og simpelt, 
idet Støvmasserne ved Blomstens Aabning ligge frit — 
Støvknappen skrumper nemlig meget tidligt sammen — 
og kun med deres øvre spidse Ende støtte sig til Snabe- 
lens Top, hvor de”fastholdes af en lille Draabe klæbrig 
Vædske; denne Draabe vil et Insekt, der stikker Hoved 
elier Snabel ind i Blomsten, nødvendig maatte berøre og 

vil saaledes medføre Støvmasserne til andre Blomster, 


hvor de ville træffe Arret ifølge deres Stilling paa Insæk- 
tets Hoved eller Snabel. 

Derimod foregaaer Befrugtningen hos de to andre 
Slægter paa en meget mærkelig Maade. Det vil være til- i 
strekkeligt at omtale 
Listera ovata (eg- 
bladet Fliglæbe) — 
der er temmelig al- i 
mindelig i fugtige | 
Skove — da de an- 
dre sjeldnere Arter i 
alt væsenligt stemme 

overeens med denne. 

Snabelen (Fig. 7, 
r), som hvælver sig 

ud over Arfladen (S), 

er bladagtig, stor og 
tynd, foran hvælvet, | 
bagtil fordybet og | 
paa begge Sider af 
den spidse Top noget 
udhulet. Støvknap- 
pen aabner sig alle- 

rede i Knoppen, saa 

at Stovmasserne ligge 

Fig. 7. Listera ovata. fuldkommen frie i de 
Blomsten seet fra Siden; alle Blade bortt 
undtagen Leben. oe udsprungne Blom- 

a. Stovknappen. col. Griffelstottens Top, l. Leben, ster, lenede til Sna- 
n. Lebens. Honningfure p. Stovmassen. r. Snabe- 4 

len, s. Arret.: belens Ryg. Denne 
boier sig nu lidt frem- og nedad imod Arfladen, hvorved 
den fjernes noget fra Stovknappens Spids (a). Naar man 
nu bererer Snabelens Spids — om ogsaa blot med et fint 


Haar — saa springer der øieblikkelig en Draabe klæbrig 
Vædske frem af den, der træffer den spidse Ende af Støv- 
masserne (p), som hvile paa Snabelens Ryg. 1 Løbet af 
2—3 Sekunder størkner denne Draabe og bliver meget 
haard. Havde Snabelen ikke i Forveien bøiet sig lidt 
frem, vilde den træffe Spidsen af Støvknappen og saaledes 
lukke til for Støvet; nu træffer den kun Støvmassernes Spids 
og Hovedet af det Insekt, der har bevirket Explosionen, og 
fasthæfter saaledes Støvet til dette. 

Blomsterne besøges af en stor Mængde Insekter, der 
opsuge Honningsaften, som afsondres i en lång, smal Fure 
midt i Leben (n), og denne. Fure fortsættes opad den 
lange Læbe indtil dens Grund under Arret. Naar Insek- 
tet er kommet hertil og løfter Hovedet op for at flyve 
bort, vil det træffe Snabelens Spids og frembringe den 
ovenfor beskrevne Virkning. Darwin har fanget flere Indivi- 
der af Slægterne Hemiteles og Cryptus, der kom ud af 
Blomsten med Støvmasserne befæstede til den indre Øierand. 
Ganske smaa Insekter, som ikke have Kraft til at bortføre 
Støvmasserne, blive undertiden hængende og omkomme. 

I det Øieblik, da Snabelen saaledes har udsendt sin 
Draabe, krummer den sig endnu mere frem og nedad, saa 
at den danner en ret Vinkel med Arret; derved beskytter 
den dette, men forhindrer tillige Befrugtningen, saa at 
det her ligesom hos Spiranthes er de yngre Blomsters 
Støv, der befrugte de ældre Blomsters Ar; thi i Løbet af 
nogle Timer eller en Dag, i hvilken Tid Arret udvikler 
meget mere Klæbrighed, boier Snabelen sig atter tilbage, 
indtil den faaer en ganske opret Stilling, og Adgangen til 
Arret bliver fri, saa at Støvmasserne kunne berøre det, 
dets Klæbrighed fastholde Støvkornene, sønderrive Traa- 


dene, hvormed de ere forbundne, og Befrugtningen saa- 
ledes gaae for sig. 

Darwins Undersøgelser omfatte endnu foruden disse 
Slægter en stor Mængde tropiske Orchideer, der frem- 
byde mangfoldige Afvexlinger i de Tilpasninger, hvorved 
insekterne kunne udføre Bestøvningen. Da hans Materiale 
til Undersøgelsen af disse imidlertid har været mindre 
rigt end til de indenlandske, og derfor de fleste endnu 
trænge til nærmere Undersøgelse, og da næsten alle dette 
Tidsskrifts Læsere ville savne Materiale til at eftersee de 
beskrevne Forhold i Naturen, hvad Afbildninger kun ufuld- 
stændigt kunne erstatte, maa jeg henvise dem, der kunde 
ønske en fuldstændigere Kundskab, til Darwins eget Værk. 
Jeg skal kun undtagelsesviis omtale en enkelt Slægt, hvor 
Befruginingen foregaaer ved en endnu mærkeligere Explo- 
sion, end den sidst beskrevne, Slægten Catasetum, der 
desuden frembyder den Særegenhed, at Kjønnene ere 
adskilte, saa at det kun er undtagelsesviis, at der paa 
samme Plante forekommer baade Han- og Hun-Blomster; 
og disses Bygning er saa forskjellig, at de have været 
henførte til ganske forskjellige Slægter ”). 

Hos Catasetum (hvoraf Darwin har undersøgt 3 Arter) 
mangler Arret Klæbrighed til at fastholde Støvkornene, 
Æggene ere uudviklede og skulle heller ikke i deres 
Hjemstavn nogensinde udvikle sig til Frø; Frøkapslen er 
ogsaa meget kort og tynd. Derimod er det hos Monachan- 

thus Støvmasserne, der ere aldeles rudimentære, deres 

* Catasetum tridentatum (Hanblomst, Fig. 8), Monacan- 
thus viridis (Hunblomst, Fig 9 A) og Myanthus barbatus 
(Tvekjønsblomst, Fig. 9 B) fandtes af R. Schomburgk og senere af 
Flere paa en og samme Plante. Til andre Catasetum - Arter 
kjender man endnu ikke Hunplanterne. z 


Rum aabne sig ikke,. og de mangle Snabelens vigtigste 
Organer, medens Ar og Æg ere fuldkomment udviklede. 
Hos Myanthus endelig findes Bestøvningsredskaberne, Ar 
og Æg omtrent ligeligt udviklede. Kun hos denne sidste 
kunde altsaa en Befrugtning ved eget Støv foregaae. For 
at overføre Støvet fra Catasetum (tridentatum) til Mona- 
canthus behøves nødvendigt Insekters Medhjælp, og dertil er 
der truffet en høist mærkelig Række af Foranstaltninger. 

Fig. 8. Catasetum tridentatum. 

A. Blomsten fra Siden; 2 Bægerblade bortskaarne. B. Griffelstøtten opret og 
Scet forfra. 

a. Stovknappen. an. Snabelens Følehorn. l. Leben. pd. Klæbeskivens Fod. 

(Klæbeskiven selv er skjult i det mørke Rum — Argruben — under denne). 

Støvmasserne ere ved en temmelig solid og meget 
elastisk Fod forbundne med en stor Klæbeskive. Men 
denne er utilgængelig for Insekter, da den ligger gjemt i 
en Grube (der hvor Arret skulde være) med sin klæbrige 
Deel trykket op mod Loftet, saa at Insekter, selv om de 
trængte derind, hvortil der ingen Anledning er, ikke vilde 
komme i Berøring dermed. Men Klæbeskivens elastiske 
Fod (Fig. 8 pd) er boiet over Snabelen og holdes i denne 
Stilling som en spændt Bue ved en fiin Hinde, der er 
sammenvoxet med to lange, hule Følehorn (an), der ud- 

Tredie Række. Il. 21 


gjøre en Deel af Snabelen og beie sig ned foran Argru- 
ben og ere gjemte i Læbens Huulhed. Disse Følehorn ere 
i den Grad følsomme, at Berøring med en Børste i deres 
Spidse eller et andet Sted paa dem øieblikkeligt foraar- 

A. Monacanthus viridis seet fra Siden. B. Myanthus barbatus ligeledes. 
a. Støvknappen. an. Følehornene. 1 Leben. s. Arret. sep. Bægerblade. 

sager en Bristen af den omtalte Hinde ved deres Grund (uden 
at der iøvrigt foregaaer nogen kjendelig Indvirkning paa 
Folehornene selv). Derved biiver Klæbeskivens Fod fri, og i 
samme Nu retter den boiede Fod sig ud med en saadan 
Kraft, at den slynger Klæbeskiven frem og flyver 2—3 
Fod ud i Luften medførende Stovmasserne. Klebeski 
ven slynges altid foran og vil efter al Sandsynlighed 
træffe det Insekt i Hovedet, som ved at gnave paa Læben 
og saaledes at berøre Følehornene har bevirket Explosio- 
nen. Her hæfter den sig fast, og Støvmassen føres saa- 
ledes med, indtil den paa Monachanthus, — hvor hele 


dette Apparat mangler, men hvor der i Stedet er et klæb- 
rigt År — finder en Plads beredt for Støvet. Følehornene 
ere det eneste Sted i Blomsten, hvis Berøring befrier 
Støvmasserne, men de udføre det ogsaa med Sikkerhed. 
I Sandhed, en mærkelig Foranstaltning! Støvmasserne ud- 
sendes som Pile, der maa træffe insekterne for saaledes 
at bortføres til det Sted, hvor de skulle virke. En sind- 
rigere Tilpasning findes vel neppe nogensteds i Naturen. 

Det er vist intet forgjæves Haab, Darwin udtaler, at 
Meddelelsen af disse Kjendsgjerninger fra Orchideernes 
eiendommeligt og mangfoldigt uddannede Familie vil for- 
anledige, at mange iagttage de indenlandske Arters Liv 
noiere. En Undersøgelse af deres sindrige Indretninger 
kan ikke andet end give mange et høiere Begreb om 
hele Planteriget og vil være tiltalende saavel for. den, der 
anseer alt i det for afhængigt af Naturlove, som for den, 
der i alt seer Skaberens umiddelbare Indgriben. 

21 * 

De menneskelignende Aber: Orang’ens, Chimpansens 
og Gibbonernes Levemaade og Naturhistorie. 

Efter Huxleys »Evidence as to man’s place in nature«. London. 1864. 

Nporgsmaalet om Menneskets Forhold til Dyreriget og 
navnlig til Aberne, i systematisk Henseende, har oftere 
været paa Bane og er navnlig bleven meget drøftet i de 
senere Aar, da Spørgsmaalet om Arternes Oprindelse 
og det hele organiske Livs Udviklingshistorie paa Jorden 
har sat ikke alene den videnskabelige Verden, men og- 
saa den uvidenskabelige (men just ikke ulidenskabelige) 
Almeenhed i en vis Bevægelse, Anskuelserne have staaet 
saa langt fra hverandre, som vel var muligt; medens 
nogle oprettede et eget Rige for Mennesket”), ansaae 
andre Slægtskabet mellem Mennesket og Aberne for at 
være saa inderligt, at de ikke toge i Betænkning at er- 
klære, at Mennesket maatte nedstamme (gjennem den 
hypothetiske Darwinske Artsmetamorphose) fra en eller 
anden Abeform. Diskussionen herom har havt den gode 
Følge, at der derved er kastet en heel Deel Lys over 
Forholdet mellem Mennesket og Aberne i zoologisk Hen- 
seende; om de Kjendsgjerninger, som i denne Henseende 

komme i Betragtning, kan der i al Fald neppe disputeres 

”) See dette Tidsskrift 2. Række, 3. Bd 



Cælanthium, limited to two Cape species, differs from Pharna- 
ceum as Thylacospermum from Arenaria, by the union of the sepals 
at the base into a campanulate tube, round the edge of which are 
inserted the stamens, being thus much more decidedly perigynous 
than in the rest of the group. 

The genera Psammotrophe, Eckl. & Zeyh., and Polpoda, Presl, 
with uniovulate cells to the ovary, enumerated by Fenzl among 
Mollugineæ, appear to have nothing to distinguish them from true 
Phytolaccaceæ. Adenogramma, Presl, is also a Phytolaccaceous 
plant allied to Giesekia, where the ovary and fruit are reduced toa 
single one-seeded carpel, not compounded of 2 or 3 carpels although 
one-seeded as in Paronychiacex. Acrossanthes, on the other hand, 
both in habit and character, belongs to the apetalous Ficoidee. 


Without having sufficiently examined all the genera of this Order 
to ascertain their limits with respect to each other, or the order 
of their arrangement, we have, however, verified the ordinal cha- 
racters in all the following (except Cardionema) :— 

1. Corrigiola, Linn. (an exceptional genus in its prominent petals 
and alternate leaves); 2. Herniaria, Linn.; 3. Illecebrum, Linn. ; 
4. Cardionema, DC.; 5. Pentacena, Bartl.; 6. Paronychia, Juss. 
(including Siphonychia, Torr. et Gray, and Anychia, Rich., and 
perhaps altogether, with Cardionema and Pentacena, artificial sec- 
tions of Illecebrum); 7. Habrosia, Fenzl; 8. Sclerocephalus, Boiss. ; 
9. Gymnocarpos, Forsk. ; 10. Pteranthus, Forsk.; 11. Cometes, 
Burm. ; 12. Dicheranthus, Webb; 13. Pollichia, Soland. ; 14. Guil- 
leminea, H. B. et K.; 15. Mniarum, Forst. ; 16. Scleranthus, Linn. ; 
and 17. Lastarriea, A. Gay. 

On the Two Forms, or Dimorphic Condition, in the Species of Pri- 
mula, and on their remarkable Sexual Relations. By CHARLES 
Darwin, M.A., E.R.S., F.LS., &. 


[Read Noy. 21, 1861.] 

Tr a large number of Primroses or Cowslips (P. vulgaris and veris) 
be gathered, they will be found to consist, in about equal numbers, 
of two forms, obviously differing in the length of their pistils and 
stamens. Florists who cultivate the Polyanthus and Auricula 
are well aware of this difference, and call those which display the 
globular stigma at the mouth of the corolla “ pin-headed” or “ pin- 
eyed,” and those which display the stamens “thumb-eyed.” I 

Mo. Bot. Garden, 



will designate the two forms as long-styled and short-styled. Those 
botanists with whom I have spoken on the subject have looked at 
the case as one of mere variability, which is far from the truth. 
In the Cowslip, in the long-styled form, the stigma projects just 
above the tube of the corolla, and is externally visible ; it stands 
high above the anthers, which are situated halfway down the tube, 

Long-styled. Short-styled. 

and cannot be easily seen. In the short-styled form the anthers 
are attached at the mouth of the tube, and therefore stand high 
above the stigma; for the pistil is short, not rising above halfway 
up the tubular corolla. The corolla itself is of a different shape in 
the two forms, the throat or expanded portion above the attach- 
ment of the anthers being much longer in the long-styled than in 
the short-styled form. Village children notice this difference, as 
they can best make necklaces by threading and slipping the corollas 
of the long-styled flowers into each other. But there are much 
more important differences. The stigma in the long-styled plants 
is globular, in the short-styled it is depressed on the summit, so 
that the longitudinal axis of the former is sometimes nearly double 
that of the latter, The shape, however, is in some degree variable ; 
but one difference is persistent, namely, that the stigma of the 
long-styled is much rougher: in some specimens carefully com- 
pared, the papille which render the stigmas rough were in the long- 
styled form from twice to thrice as long as in the short-styled. 
There is another and more remarkable difference, namely, in the 
size of the pollen-grains. I measured with the micrometer many 


specimens, dry and wet, taken from plants growing in different 
situations, and always found a palpable difference. The measure- 
ment is best made with grains distended with water, in which case, 

the usual size of the grains from short-styled flowers is seen to be 

le of an inch in diameter, and those from the long-styled about 

7707 of an inch, which is in the proportion of three to two ; so that 
the pollen-grains from the short stamens are plainly smaller than 
those from the long stamens which accompany the short pistil. 
When examined dry, the smaller grains from the long-styled plants 
are seen under a low power to be more transparent than the larger 
grains, and apparently in a greater degree than can be accounted 
for by their less diameter. There is also a difference in shape, 
the grains from the short-styled plants being nearly spherical, 
those from the long-styled being oblong with the angles rounded ; 
this difference in shape disappears when the grains are distended 
with water. Lastly, as we shall presently see, the short-styled 
plants produce more seed than the long-styled. 

To sum up the differences :—The long-styled plants have a much 
longer pistil, with a globular and much rougher stigma, standing 
high above the anthers. The stamens are short; the grains of 
pollen smaller and oblong in shape. The upper half of the tube 
of the corollais more expanded. The number of seeds produced is 

The short-styled plants have a short pistil, half the length of the 
tube of the corolla, with a smooth depressed stigma standing be- 
neath the anthers. The stamens are long; the grains of pollen 
are spherical and larger. The tube of the corolla is of the same 
diameter till close to its upper end. The number of seeds pro- 
duced is larger. 

I have examined a large number of flowers; and though the 
shape of the stigma and the length of the pistil vary, especially 
in the short-styled form, I have never seen any transitional grades 
between the two forms, There is neyer the slightest doubt under 
which form to class a plant. I have never seen the two forms on the 
same plant. I marked many Cowslips and Primroses, and found, 
the following year, that all retained the same character, as did 
some in my garden which flowered out of their proper season in 
the autumn. Mr. W. Wooler, of Darlington, however, informs 
us that he has seen the early blossoms on Polyanthuses which 
were not long-styled, but which later in the season produced flowers 
of this form, Possibly the pistils may not in these cases have 
become fully developed during the early spring. An excellent 


proof of the permanence of the two forms is seen in nursery gar- 
dens, where choice varieties of the Polyanthus are propagated by 
division; and I found whole beds of several varieties, each consisting 
‘exclusively of the one or the other form. The two forms exist in 
the wild state in about equal numbers: I collected from several 
different stations, taking every plant which grew on each spot, 
522 umbels ; 241 were long-styled, and 281 short-styled. No dif- 
ference in tint or size could be perceived in the two great masses 
of flowers. 

1 examined many cultivated Cowslips (P. veris) or Polyanthuses, 
and Oxlips ; and the two forms always presented the same differ- 
ences, including the same relative difference in the size of the 

Primula Auricula presents the two forms; but amongst the 
improved fancy kinds the long-styled are rare, as these are less 
valued by florists, and seldomer distributed. There is a much 
greater relative inequality in the length of the pistils and stamens 
than in the Cowslip, the pistil in the long-styled form being nearly 
four times as long as in the short-styled, in which it is barely 
longer than the ovarium ; the stigma is nearly of the same shape 
in both forms, but it is rougher in the long-styled, though the 
difference is not so great as in the two forms of the Cowslip. In 
the long-styled plants the stamens are very short, rising but little 
above the ovarium. The pollen-grains of these short stamens from 
the long-styled plants, when distended with water, were barely 
govo of an inch in diameter, whereas those from the long stamens 
of the short-styled plants were barely +77, showing a relative 
difference of five to seven. The smaller grains of the long-styled 
plants were much more transparent, and before distention with 
water more triangular in outline than those of the other form. 
In one anomalous specimen with a long pistil, the stamens almost 
surrounded the stigma, so that they occupied the position proper 
to the stamens of the short-styled form; but the small size of the 
pollen-grains showed that these stamens had been abnormally de- 
veloped in length, and that the anthers ought to have stood at the 
base of the corolla. 

In the two forms of Primula Sinensis, the pistil is about twice as 
long in the one as in the other. The stigma of the long-styled 
varies much in shape, but is considerably more elongated and 
rougher than that of the short-styled, the latter being nearly 
smooth and spherical, but depressed on the summit. The shape 
of the throat of the corolla in the two forms differs as in the Cow- 



slip, as does the length of the stamens. But it isremarkable that 
the pollen-grains of both forms, wet and dry, presented no differ- 
ence in diameter; they vary somewhat in size, as do the pollen- 
grains of all the species, but in both forms the average diameter 
was rather above 732, of an inch. There is one remarkable dif- 
ference in the two forms of this species, namely (as we shall pre- 
sently more fully see), that the short-styled plants, if insects be 
excluded and there be no artificial fertilization, are quite sterile, 
whereas the long-styled produce a moderate quantity of seed. But 
when both forms are properly fertilized, the short-styled flowers 
(as with Cowslips) yield more seed than the long-styled. Ina lot 
of seedlings which I raised, there were thirteen long-styled and 
seven short-styled plants. 

Of Primula ciliata a long-styled specimen, and of P. ciliata, var. 
purpurata, a short-styled specimen, were sent me from Kew by 
Prof. Oliver. This case, however, is hardly worth giving, as the 
variety purpurata is said* to be a hybrid between this species and 
P. auricula ; and the height of the stamens in the one form does not 
correspond with the height of the stigma in the other, as they 
would have done had they been the same species. There was, 
however, the usual difference in the roughness of the stigmas in 
the two forms, and the pollen-grains, distended in water, measured 

and sæ? 
6000 6000 
of P. denticulata and P. Piedmontana which were long-styled, and 
of P. marginata and nivalis which were short-styled; and the 
general character of the organs leaves hardly any doubt on my 
mind that these species are dimorphic. In a single flower of P. 
Sibirica, however, which was sent me from Kew, the stigma reached 
up to the base of the anthers ; so that this species is not dimorphic, 
or not dimorphic as far as the length of the pistil and stamens are 
concerned, unless indeed this single specimen was anomalous, like 
that mentioned of P. auricula. 

We thus see that the existence of two forms is very general, if 
not universal, in the genus Primula. The simple fact of the 
pollen-grains differing in size and outline, and the stigma, in shape 
and roughness, in two sets of individuals of the same species, is 
curious. But what, it may be asked, is the meaning of these 
several differences? The question seems worthy of careful inves- 
tigation, for, as far as I know, the use or meaning of dimorphism 
in plants has never been explained; hence, I will give my obser- 

of an inch in diameter. Single trusses were sent me 

* Sweet’s ‘ Flower Garden,’ vol. v. tab. 123. 


vations in detail, though I am far from supposing that all cases of 
dimorphism are alike. The first idea which naturally oceurred 
was, that the species were tending towards a dioicous condition ; 
that the long-styled plants, with their rougher stigmas, were more 
feminine in nature, and would produce more seed; that the short- 
styled plants, with their long stamens and larger pollen-grains, 
were more masculine in nature. Accordingly, in 1860, I marked 
some Cowslips of both forms growing in my garden, and others 
growing in an open field, and others in a shady wood, and gathered 
and weighed the seed. In each of these little lots the short-styled 
plants yielded, contrary to my expectation, most seed. Taking 
the lots together, the following is the result :— 

| | 
No. of No. of | Weight of | 

MoE Umbels Capsules meee in | 

” | produced. | produced. | grains. | 

Short-styled Cowslips 9 33 199 83 | 
Long-styled Cowslips 13 51 261 oF | 

If we reduce these elements for comparison to similar terms, we 

| ] as ] aie ae SR | 
| No. of Weight | No. of |W eight No. of Weight | 
| Plants. preins | Umbels. | seed. Capsules. a 
| Short-styled Cowslips | 10 | 92 | 100 | 251 | 100 a 

Long-styled Cowslips | 10 70 | 100 | 178 | 100 34 | 

So that, by all the standards of comparison, the short-styled are 
the most fertile ; if we take the number of umbels (which is the 
fairest standard, for large and small plants are thus equalized), the 
short-styled plants produce more seed than the long-styled, in the 
proportion of four to three. 

In 1861 I tried the result in a fuller and fairer manner. I 
transplanted in the previous autumn a number of wild plants 

into a large bed in my garden, treating them all alike; the result 

No. of | Weight of | 

| | Plants | Umbels. seod io | 
| | oo j grains. | 
prs Se ee | 

| Short-styled Cowslips ...| 47 | 173 | 745 

| Long-styled Cowslips .,.) 58 208 | 692 


These figures, reduced as before, give the following proportions :— 

| Number | Weight of| Number | Weight of 
| o seed in of seed in 

| Plants. grains. | Umbels. | grains. 

H J 
| Short-styled Cowslips … 100 | 1585 | 100 | 430 | 
| Long-styled Cowslips …| 100 1093 100 332 

The season was much better this year than the last, and the 
plants grew in good soil, instead of in ashady wood or struggling 
with other plants in the open field; consequently the actual pro- 
duce of seed was considerably greater. Nevertheless we have the 
same relative result; for the short-styled plants produced more 
seed than the long-styled in the proportion of three to two; but if 
we take the fairest standard of comparison, namely, the number of 
umbels, the excess is, as in the former case, as four to three. 

I marked also some Primroses, all growing together under the 
same conditions; and we here see the product :— 

Total | lWeight| i f g an 

ate of z “of | E | of seed | 8 | IKE We a 

ti - Pa Ta | 

| ants | EPE, | sules. atn | SE sules. | seed. | 

| bs | 

Short-styled Primroses| 8 49 40 16 | F 100 40 | 
Long-styled Primroses| 9 68 50 | 10 |© 100 | 20 | 

The number of Primrose plants tried was hardly sufficient, and 
the season was bad ; but we here again see (excluding the capsules 
which contained no seed) the same result in a still more marked 
manner, for the short-styled plants were twice as productive of 
seed as the long-styled plants. 

I had, of course, no means of ascertaining the relative fertility of 
the two forms of the Chinese Primrose in a natural condition, and 
the result of artificial fertilization can hardly be trusted; but six- 
teen capsules from long-styled flowers, properly fertilized, produce 
9°3 grains’ weight of seed, whereas eight capsules of short-styled 
flowers produced 6'1 grains ; so that if the same number, namely, 
16 of the latter, had been fertilized, the weight of seed would have 
been 122, which would have been nearly in the proportion of four 
to three, as in Cowslips. ' 

Looking to the trials made during two successive yéars on the 
large number of Cowslips, and on these facts with regard to com- 
mon Primroses and Chinese Primroses, we may safely conclude 
that the short-styled forms in these species are more productiye 

a 2 


than the long-styled forms ; consequently the anticipation that the 
plants having largely developed pistils with rougher stigmas, and 
having shorter stamens with smaller pollen-grains, would prove to 
be more feminine in their nature is exactly the reverse of the 
truth. If the species of Primula are tending to become dioicous, 
which possibly may be the case, the future hypothetical females 
would have short pistils, and the males would have short stamens ; 
but this tendency is accompanied, as we shall presently see, by 
other conditions of the generative system of a much more singular 
nature. Anyhow, the possibility of a plant thus becoming dioicous 
by slow degrees is worthy of notice, as the fact would so easily 
escape observation. 

In 1860 I found that a few umbels of both long-styled and 
short-styled Cowslips, which were covered by a net, did not pro- 
duce seed, though other umbels on the same plants, artificially fer- 
tilized, produced an abundance of seed; and this fact shows that 
the mere covering in itself was not injurious. Accordingly, in 
1861 I covered up under a similar net several plants just before 
they opened their flowers; these turned out as follows :— 


No.of | | 

Doof | umbels | Product of Seed. | 

p | produced, | | 

Short-styled Ms. 6 24 |13 grains, or 50 seeds. 

| Long-styled ...... 0. 18 T | Not one seed. | 

Judging from the exposed plants which grew all round in the 
same bed, and had been treated in every way exactly the same, 
except that they were exposed to the visits of insects, the six short- 
styled plants ought to have produced 92 grains’ weight of seed in- 
stead of only 13; and the eighteen long-styled plants, which pro- 
duced not one seed, ought to have produced above 200 grains’ 
weight. The production of the 1:3 grain of seed in the smaller 
lot was probably due to the action of Thrips or some minute in- 
sect. This evidence is sufficient, but I may add that ten pots of 
Polyanthuses and Cowslips of both forms, protected from insects 
in my greenhouse, did not set one pod, though artificially fertilized 
flowers in other pots produced an abundance. So we see that the 
visits of insects are absolutely necessary to the fertilization of 
Cowslips. As-the exposed plants produced an abundance of seed, 
the tendency to a dioicous condition, previously remarked on, 
might have been safcly carried on, as we see that there is an effect- 


ive agency already at work which would have carried pollen from 
one sex to the other. 

What insects habitually visit Cowslips, as is absolutely necessary 
for their regular fertility, I do not know. I have often watched 
them, but perhaps not long enough ; and only four times I have 
seen Humble-bees visiting them. One of these bees was gathering 
pollen from short-styled flowers alone, another had bitten holes 
through the corolla; and neither of these would have been effective 
in the act of fertilization: two others were sucking long-styled 
plants. I have watched Primroses more attentively during several 
years, and have never seen an insect visit them ; yet from their close 
similarity in all essential respects to Cowslips, there can hardly be 
a doubt that they require the visits of insects. Hence I am led 
to suppose that both Primroses and Cowslips are visited by moths. 
All the species which I- have examined secrete plenty of nectar. 

In Primula Sinensis, when protected from insects and not arti- 
ficially fertilized, the case is somewhat, but not materially, different. 
Five short-styled plants produced up to a given period 116 flowers, 
which set only seven capsules, whereas twelve other flowers on 
the same plants artificially fertilized set ten capsules. Five long- 
styled plants produced 147 flowers, and set sixty-two capsules ; so 
that this form, relatively to the other, sets a far greater number of 
capsules: yet the long-styled protected flowers do not set nearly 
so well as when artificially fertilized ; for out of forty-four flowers 
thus treated, thirty-eight set. These remarks apply only to the 
early setting of the capsules, many of which did not continue 
swelling. With respect to the product of seed, seven protected 
short-styled plants, which bore about 160 flowers, produced only 
half a grain of seed ; they ought to have produced 120 grains: so 
that the short-styled plants, when protected from insects, are nearly 
as sterile as Cowslips. Thirteen long-styled plants, which bore 
about 380 flowers, and which as we have seen set many more cap- 
sules, produced 25:9 grains of seed; they ought to have produced 
about 220 grains in weight: so that although far less fertile than 
the artificially fertilized flowers, yet the long-styled P. Sinensis, 
when protected from insects, is nearly twenty-four times as fertile 
as the short-styled when protected from insects. The cause of 
this difference is, that when the corolla of the long styled plants 
falls off, the short stamens near the bottom of the tube are neces- 
sarily dragged over the stigma and leave pollen on it, as I saw by 
hastening the fall of nearly withered flowers ; whereas in the short- 
styled flowers, the stamens are seated at the mouth of the corolla, 


and in falling off do not brush over the lowly seated stigma. In 
the Cowslip the corolla does not fall off; and both long-styled and 
short-styled plants are equally sterile when protected from insects. 
It is a rather curious case, that the falling of the corolla, or its re- 
maining attached when withered, might have a considerable in- 
fluence on the numbers of a plant, during a year unfayourable to 
the visits of the proper insects. 

In three short-styled plants of Primula auricula, protected from 
insects, the flowers which I fertilized produced seed, but those 
which were not touched produced none. 

In all the species of Primula the pollen readily coheres to any 
object. In all that I have observed, though the stamens and pis- 
tils differ in length relatively to each other in the different species, 
yet, in the two forms of the same species, the stigma of the one 
form stands at exactly the same height with respect to the corolla 
as the anthers of the other form. If the proboscis of a dead 
Humble-bee, or thick bristle, or rough needle be pushed down the 
corolla, first of one form, and then of the other, as an insect would 
do in visiting the two mingled forms, it will be found that pollen 
from the long-stamened form will adhere round the base of the 
proboscis, and will be left with certainty on the stigma of the long- 
styled form; pollen from the short stamens of the long-styled 
form will also adhere a little above the tip of the proboscis, and 
some will generally be left on the stigma of the other form. Thus 
pollen will be carried reciprocally from one form to the other. In 
withdrawing the proboscis from the long-styled form, with pollen 
adhering near the tip, there will be a good chance of some being 
left on the flower’s own stigma, in which case there will be self- 
fertilization ; but this by no means always occurs. In the short- 
styled form, on the other hand (and it is important to remember 
this), in inserting the proboscis between the anthers situated at 
the mouth of the corolla, pollen, as I repeatedly found, is almost 
invariably carried down and left on the flower’s own stigma. 
Moreover minute insects, such as Thrips, numbers of which I have 
observed in Primrose flowers thickly dusted with pollen, could not 
fail often to cause self-fertilization. We positively know that the 
visits of large insects are necessary to the fertilization of the species 
of Primula; and we may infer from the facts just given that these 
visits would carry pollen reciprocally from one form to the other, 
and would likewise tend to cause self-fertilization, more especially 
in the short-styled (7. e. long-stamened) form. 

These observations led me to test the potency of the two pol- 


lens with respect to the two stigmas in P. veris, Sinensis, and 
auricula. In each species four crosses can be tried; namely, the 
stigma of the long-styled by its own-form pollen and by that of 
the short-styled, and the stigma of the short-styled by its own- 
form pollen and by that of the other form. It is necessary to use 
and remember two new terms for these crosses: when the long- 
and the short-styled stigmas are fertilized by their own-form pol- 
len the union is said to be “ homomorphic ;”’ when the long-styled 
and short-styled stigmas are fertilized by the pollen of the other 
form, the union is “heteromorphic.” I speak of the “own-form 
pollen,” because in the following homomorphic unions, in order 
to make the experiment perfectly fair, I never placed the pollen 
of the same flower on its own stigma, but, to avoid the possible ill 
effects of close interbreeding, I always used the pollen from an- 
other plant of the same form. In the following experiments all 
the plants were treated in exactly the same manner, and were 
carefully protected from insects as far as that is possible. I per- 
formed every manipulation myself, and weighed the seed in a che- 
mical balance. Some of the capsules contained no seed, or only 
two or three, and these are excluded in the column marked “ good 

pods.” First for P. Sinensis, as the simplest case. 

Primula Sinmensis.— TABLE I. 

| SB ør ES | hr [ S By Calculation. 
BES 3428/8594 | e428 
| | SES S833) 883 | W78 | Good f Weight of 
| ASEPE EAST | BSE) Pods} geina 
Long-styled by own- | | | | 
| form pollen (homo- 20 | 18 | 18 | 59 | or as 100 to 45 
| _ morphic union) . | 
| Long-styled by pollen } | 2 
| of short-styled (hete- 24 18 | 16 9:3 | or as 100 to 58 
| romorphic union)... } | | | 
| Short-styled by own- | | | | | ; 
| form pollen (homo- | 7 | 5 4 | 0-9 | or as 100 to 22 
| morphic union) .. | «| 
| Short-styled by pollen | ie ; 
be oE iA (hete- 8 | 8 8 61 | or as 100 to 76 
| romorphic union)... | 
| Summary : | | 
| The two homomorphio | 27 | 93 | 17 | 68 
| DE eee bi 32 | 26 | 24 | 154 
UNIONS 5. eee ee | | | | 

For the sake of comparison, we may reduce these latter figures 

as follows :— 


Number of! Number Weight of || Number Weight of 
flowers | of good seed in || of good seed in 
fertilized.| pods. grains. | pods. grains. 
The two homomorphic } 100 63 25 | 100 40 
The two heteromor- = ey 64 
phic unions .......... 100 75 48 | 00 

In the first part of the upper table, the number of flowers fer- 
tilized and the simple result is shown; and at the right hand, for 
the sake of comparison, the calculated product of the weight of seed 
from 100 good pods of each of the four unions is given; showing 
that in each case the heteromorphic union is more fertile than the 
homomorphic union. Beneath we have a simple summary of the 
two homomorphic and the two heteromorphie unions. And lastly, 
for the sake of comparison, a calculation bas been made from this 
summary ; first, assuming that 100 flowers of both kinds of unions 
were fertilized; and then to the right hand, assuming that 100 
good pods were produced from both unions. If we compare the 
result, we see that the flowers of the two heteromorphic unions 
produced a greater number of good pods, and a greater weight of 
seed, than the flowers of the two homomorphie unions ; and again 
(and this is the fairest element of comparison, for accidents are 
thus almost eliminated), that the good pods from the two hetero- 
morphic unions yielded more seed, in about the proportion of three 
to two, than those from the two homomorphie unions. The dif- 
ference in weight from 100 capsules of the two forms is 24 grains, 
and this is equal to at least 1200 seeds. 

Beneath we have Table IJ. of P. veris, or the Cowslip. The 
upper part is exactly the same as in the Table of P. Sinensis, and 
we see in each case that the heteromorphic is more fertile than 
the homomorphic union. The calculated results from the sum- 
mary of the two homomorphic and the two heteromorphic unions 
are more complex than with the last species, as I wished to show 
that, however we proceed, the general result is the same. We see 
that the assumed hundred flowers, heteromorphically fertilized by 
the pollen of the other forms, yielded more capsules, more good 
capsules, and a greater weight of seed; but I rely little on this, as 
some whole umbels perished after being fertilized. The fairest 
element of comparison is to take the good capsules alone; and we 
here see that the 100 from the two heteromorphic unions yielded 
seed which in weight was as 54 to 85 from the 100 good capsules 



of the two homomorphie unions,—that is, nearly as three to two, 

as in the Chinese Primrose. 

Primula veris.—TABLE II. 

Sez eee Sey By Calculation. 
225 SASE 883/523! Good f Weight of 
Eee PETE 23" (228) Poda RES 
Long-styled by own- 
form pollen (homo- 20 8 5 21 | or as 100 to 42 
morphic union) . 
Long-styled by pollen 
of short-styled (hete- 22 15 14 88 | or as 100 to 62 
romorphie union)... 
Short-styled by own- | 
form pollen ‘(homo- 15 8 6 1:8 | or as 100 to 30 
morphic union) .. T 
Short-styled by pollen 
of long-styled (hete- 13 12 fi 49 | or as 100 to 44 
romorphic union)... 
Summary : 
The two homomorphic p É 
MINION SSR NS 39 16 n 32 
The two heteromorphic x 95 = 
UNIONS 1... } | 35 27 | 25 | 138% 

For the sake of comparison, we may reduce these figures as fol- 

lows :— 

Ss 5 oe 3 oa Y 5 om 
| SEE seas E8e leita lass’ £3 a | 2: 
ES Bok Ed ERE: SE 
| epee BAB pee eg we" |S 

| a 

| The two ho- | 
| momorphic || 100 | 45 | 31 | 11 || 100 | 24 || 100 | 35 
| onions …. | | 
| The two hete- 
| romorphic $| 100 77 71 39 || 100 50 || 100 54 
| unions ..... 

With P. auricula I was unfortunate ; my few seedlings, except 
one poor plant, all came up short-styled; and of these plants 
several died or became sick, owing to the hot weather and the dif- 
ficulty of excluding insects and ventilating the corner of my green- 

house enclosed with net. 

union, and three from the other. 

I finally got only two pods from one 
The result is given in the 

following table; and, though worth little, we here again see that 
the heteromorphic are far more fertile than the homomorphic 



Primula awricula.-—TaBLe III. 

| i 
Go, w 

i So rim os | 
| S| Ea A - f 

4 u mS] 2S ig Weight of | 
| 2532| 323 |274| Good | seed in 

a5 CESS Pods. ins. 
an ep Baa pe ( grains 
a A 


Short-styled by own-form pol- | 
len (homomorphie union) .. 

Short styled by pollen of long- } 

| styled (heteromorphic union) J 

2 1 0-12 | or as 100 to 12 | 

3 3 1:50 | or as 100 to 50 

Whoever will study these three tables, which give the result 
of 134 flowers carefully fertilized and protected, will, I think, be 
convinced that in these three species of Primula the so-called 
heteromorphic unions are more fertile than the homomorphic 
unions. For the sake of clearness, the general result is given in 
the following diagram, in which the dotted lines with arrows re- 
present how in the four unions pollen has been applied. 

Heteromorphic union. 
Complete fertility. 

7 sooo s (ll 
Homomorphic / Ph (dl 


j \ Homomorphic 
j \ : 
Incomplete ! 

` union. 
i Incomplete 

fertility. fertility. 

| de 


| Heteromorphic union. 
| Complete fertility. 







Long-styled Short-styled 
Form. Form. 

We here have a case new, as far as I know, in the animal and 
vegetable kingdoms. We see the species of Primula divided into 
two sets or bodies, which cannot be called distinct sexes, for both 
are hermaphrodites ; yet they are to a certain extent sexually 
distinct, for they require for perfect fertility reciprocal union. 
They might perhaps be called sub-dioicous hermaphrodites. As 
quadrupeds are divided into two nearly equal bodies of different 
sexes, so here we have two bodies, approximately equal in number, 


differing in their sexual powers and related to each other like males 
and females. There are many hermaphrodite animals which can- 
not fertilize themselves, but must unite with another hermaphro- 
dite: so it is with numerous plants ; for the pollen is often mature 
and shed, or is mechanically protruded, before the flower's own 
stigma is ready; so that these hermaphrodite flowers absolutely 
require for their sexual union the presence of another hermaphro- 
dite. But in Primula there is this wide difference, that one indi- 
vidual Cowslip, for instance, though it can with mechanical aid im- 
perfectly fertilize itself, for full fertility must unite with another 
individual; but it cannot unite with any individual in the same 
- manner as an hermaphrodite Snail or Earth-worm can unite with 
any other one Snail or Earth-worm; but one form of the Cowslip, 
to be perfectly fertile, must unite with one of the other form, just 
as a male quadruped must and can unite only with a female. 

I have spoken of the heteromorphic union in Primula as result- 
ing in full fertility ; and I am fully justified, for the Cowslips thus 
fertilized actually gave rather more seed than the truly wild plants 
—a result which may be attributed to their good treatment and 
having grown separately. With respect to the lessened fertility 
of the homomorphic unions, we shall appreciate its degree best by 
the following facts. Giirtner has estimated the degree of sterility 
of the union of several distinct species*, in a manner which allows 
of the strictest comparison with the result of the heteromorphic 
and homomorphie unions of Primula. With P. veris, for every hun- 
dred seeds yielded by the heteromorphic unions, only sixty-four seeds 
were yielded by an equal number of good capsules from the homo- 
morphic unions. With P. Sinensis the proportion was nearly the 
same—namely, as 100 to 62. Now Gärtner has shown that, on the 
calculation of Verbascum lychnitis yielding with its own pollen 
100 seeds, it yields when fertilized by the pollen of V. Pheniceum 
ninety seeds; by the pollen of V. nigrum, sixty-three seeds; by 
that of V. blattaria, sixty-two seeds. So again, Dianthus barbatus 
fertilized by the pollen of D. superbus yielded eighty-one seeds, 
and by the pollen of D. Japonicus sixty-six seeds, relatively to 
the 100 seeds produced by its own pollen. Thus we see—and the 
fact is highly remarkable—that the homomorphic unions relatively 
to the heteromorphic unions in Primula are more sterile than the 
crosses between several distinct species relatively to the pure union 
of those species. 

The meaning or use of the existence in Primula of the two 

+ Versuche iiber die Bastarderzeugung, 1849, s. 216. 


forms in about equal numbers, with their pollen adapted for reci- 
procal union, is tolerably plain; namely, to favour the intercross- 
ing of distinct individuals. With plants there are innumerable 
contrivances for this end; and no one will understand the final 
cause of the structure of many flowers without attending to this 
point. I have already shown that the relative heights of the an- 
thers and stigmas in the two forms lead to insects leaving the 
pollen of the one form on the stigma of the other; but, at the same 
time, there will be a strong probability of the flower’s own pollen 
being likewise placed on the stigma. It is perfectly well known 
that if the pollen of several closely allied species be placed on the 
stigma of a distinct species, and at the same time, or even subse- 
quently, its own pollen be placed on the stigma, this will entirely 
destroy the simultaneous or previous action of the foreign pollen. 
So again if the pollen of several varieties, including the plant’s own 
pollen, be placed on the stigma, one or more of the varieties will 
take the lead and obliterate the effect of the others: but I have 
not space here to give the facts on which this conclusion is 
grounded. Hence we may infer as highly probable that, in Pri- 
mula, the heteromorphic pollen which we know to be so much the 
most effective would obliterate the action of the homomorphic 
pollen when left on the flower’s own stigma by insects ; and thus 
we see how potent the dimorphic condition of the pollen in Pri- 
mula will be in favouring the intercrossing of distinct individuals. 
The two forms, though both sexes are present in each, are in 
fact dioicous or unisexual. Whatever advantage there may be in 
the separation of the sexes, towards which we see so frequent a 
tendency throughout nature, this advantage has been here so far 
gained, that the one form is fertilized by the other, and conversely ; 
and this is effected by the pollen of each form having less po- 
tency than that of the other on its own stigma. 

Bearing on this view of the final cause of the dimorphism of the 
Primulas, there is another curious point. If we look at the right- 
hand figures of the four first lines in the previous tables of P. Si- 
nensis and veris, we shall see that one of the homomorphic unions, 
namely, the short-styled by its own-form pollen, is considerably 
more sterile than the other ; and in P. auricula, though here there 
is no other homomorphie union as a standard of comparison, this 
union is likewise excessively sterile. That the fertility of this 
union is really less in a marked degree than in the other three 
unions, we have an independent proof in the seeds germinating less 
perfectly and much more slowly than those from the other unions. 


This fact is the more remarkable, because we have clearly seen 
that the short-styled form in the Cowslip in a state of nature is 
the most productive of seed. This form bears its anthers close 
together at the mouth of the corolla, and I observed long before 
I had ascertained the relative fertility of the four unions, in 
passing the proboscis of a dead Humble-bee or bristle down the 
the corolla, that in this form the flower’s own pollen was almost 
certain to be left on its own stigma; and, as I wrote down at the 
time, the chance of self-fertilization is much stronger in this than 
in the other form. On this view we can at once understand the 
good of the pollen of the short-styled form, relatively to its own 
stigma, being the most sterile; for this sterility would be the most 
requisite to check self-fertilization, or to favour intercrossing. 
Hence, also, it would appear that there are four grades of fertility 
from the four possible unions in Primula; of the two homomor- 
phic unions, as we have just seen, one is considerably more sterile 
than the other. In the wild state we know that the short-styled 
plants are more fertile than the long-styled ; and we may infer as 
almost certain, that in the wild state, when the flowers are visited 
by insects, as is absolutely necessary for the production of seed, 
and when pollen is freely carried from one form to the other, 
that the unions are heteromorphic; if so, there are two degrees of 
fertility in the heteromorphic unions, making altogether four 
grades of fertility. 

Two or three other points deserve a passing notice. The ques- 
tion whether the Primrose and Cowslip (P. vulgaris and veris) are 
distinct species or varieties has been more disputed and experi- 
mented on than in any other plant. But as we now know that 
the visits of insects are indispensable to the fertilization of these 
plants, and that in all probability the heteromorphic pollen of a 
Primrose would be prepotent on the stigma of a Cowslip over the 
homomorphic pollen of a Cowslip, the numerous experiments which 
have been made, showing that Oxlips appear amongst the seed- 
lings of Cowslips, cannot be trusted, as the parent plants do not 
appear to have been carefully protected from insects*. I am far 
from wishing to affirm that pure Cowslips will not produce Ox- 

* Mr.Sidebotham (Phytologist, vol. iii. pp. 703-5) states that he protected his 
plants from crossing ; but as he gives in detail all the precautions which he took, 
and says nothing about artificial fertilization, we may conclude that he did not 
fertilize his plants. As he raised very numerous seedlings, he would have had to 
fertilize many flowers, if they had been really well guarded against the visits of 
insects. Hence I conclude that his results are not wortby of trust. 


lips, but further experiments are absolutely necessary. We may 
also suspect that the fact noticed by florists*, that the varieties 
of the Polyanthus never come true from seed, may be im part 
due to their habitually crossing with other varieties of the Poly- 

The simple fact of two individuals of the same undoubted species, 
when homomorphically united, being as sterile as are many distinct 
species when crossed, will surprise those who look at sterility as a 
special endowment to keep created species distinct. Hybridizers 
have shown* that individual plants of the same species vary in 
their sexual powers, so far that one individual will unite more 
readily than another individual of the same species with a distinct 
species. Seeing that we thus have a groundwork of variability in 
sexual power, and seeing that sterility of a peculiar kind has been 
acquired by the species of Primula to favour intercrossing, those 
who believe in the slow modification of specific forms will natu- 
rally ask themselves whether sterility may not have been slowly 
acquired for a distinct object, namely, to prevent two forms, whilst 
being fitted for distinct lines of life, becoming blended by marriage, 
and thus less well adapted for their new habits of life. But many 
great difficulties would remain, even if this view could be main- 

Whether or not the dimorphic condition of the Primule has 
any bearing on other points in natural history, it is valuable as 
showing how nature strives, if I may so express myself, to favour 
the sexual union of distinct individuals of the same species. The 
resources of nature are illimitable; and we know not why the 
species of Primula should have acquired this novel and curious aid 
for checking continued self-fertilization through the division of the 
individuals into two bodies of hermaphrodites with different 
sexual powers, instead of by the more common method of the 
separation of the sexes, or by the maturity of the male and female 
elements at different periods, or by other such contrivances. Nor 
do we know why nature should thus strive after the intercrossing 
of distinct individuals. We do not even in the least know the final 
cause of sexuality; why new beings should be produced by the union 
of the two sexual elements, instead of by a process of partheno- 
genesis. When we look to the state in which young mammals 
and birds are born, we can at least see that the object gained is 

* Mr. D. Beaton, in ‘ Journal of Horticulture, May 28, 1861, pp. 154, 244. 
+ Gärtner, Bastarderzeugung, s. 165. 


not, as has sometimes been maintained, mere dissemination. The 
whole subject is as yet hidden in darkness. 

I will now only add that cases of dimorphism, like that of Pri- 
mula, seem to be far from rare in the vegetable kingdom, though 
they have been little attended to. A large and important class of 
analogous facts will probably soon be discovered, Professor Asa 
Gray * informs me, that he and Dr. Torrey have described several 
Rubiaceous genera, in which some plants have exserted stamens, 
and others exserted pistils. “ Mitchella offers an interesting in- 
stance of this structure from its relationship, through Wertera, to 
Coprosma, one of the few dicecious genera of Rubiacee, and in 
which the stamens are elongated in the male flowers and the styles 
in the females.’’ The long-styled hermaphrodite flowers of Mit- 
chella would probably be found more productive of seed than the 
short-styled; in the same way, but in a reversed manner, as in 
Primula, the short-styled flowers are more productive than the 
long-styled; from which fact I inferred that, if Primula were to 
become dicecious, the females would have short pistils and the 
males short stamens, these being the corresponding organs neces- 
sary for a heteromorphic union with full fertility. In the dicecious 
Coprosma, on the other hand, the females have long pistils, and 
the males have long stamens. These facts probably show us 
the stages by which a dicecious condition has been acquired by 
many plants. 

Prof. A. Gray also informs me that another Rubiaceous genus 
(Knoxia) in India has been described by Dr. Wight, with a 
similar structure; and this, I am told, is the case with Cinchona. 
Several species of North American Plantago are dimorphic, as is 
Rhamnus lanceolatus, as far as its female organs are concerned. 
In the Boraginee, Dr. Torrey has observed a strongly marked in- 
stance in Amsinckia spectabilis: in some dried flowers sent me by 
Prof. Gray, I find that the pistil in the one form is more than 
twice as long as in the other, with a corresponding difference in 
the length of the stamens; in the short-styled flowers the grains 
of pollen, as in Primula, apparently are larger, in the proportion 
of nine to seven, than in the long-styled flowers, which have the 
short stamens; but the difference can hardly be determined with 
safety in dried flowers. In Mertensia alpina, another member of 

* See also Prof. Asa Gray’s ‘Manual of the Botany of the N. United States,’ 
1856, p. 171. For Plantago, see p. 269. 


the Boraginee, Prof. Gray finds a new and inexplicable case,— 
namely, some specimens with the stamens and pistil sub-exserted, 
and other specimens with both organs seated low down the tube of 
the corolla. Dr. Torrey and Prof. Gray have designated all such 
plants as “ diceciously dimorphous.” In the Labiate, Mr. Bentham 
informs me that several species of Ægiphyla, and some of Mentha, 
are dimorphic like Primula. The case of Thymus is different, as I 
know from my own observations; but I will not here enlarge on 
this genus. Again,as I hear from Mr. Bentham, numerous species 
of „Oxalis are similarly dimorphic. I can add the genus Linum. 
So that we already know of species (generally several in the same 
genus) having distinct dimorphic individuals, as far as structure 
is concerned, however it may prove in function, in no less than 
eight natural orders. 

With respect to Linwm, I will not here enter on details, as I in- 
tend to try further experiments next summer; but I may state, 
that I observed many years ago two forms in Linwm flavum, with 
both the pistils and stamens differing in length. In Linum grandi- 
florum there are likewise two forms which present no difference in 
their male organs, but the pistil and stigmatic surfaces are much 
longer in the one form than in the other. The short-styled form, 
I have good reason to believe, is highly fertile with its own pollen ; 
whether it be more fertile with the pollen of the long-styled form, 
I cannot at present say. The long-styled form, on the other hand, 
is quite sterile with its own pollen: several plants grew in my 
garden, remote from the short-styled plants ; their stigmas were 
coloured blue with their own pollen; but although they produced 
a vast number of flowers, they did not produce a single seed- 
capsule. It seemed a hopeless experiment; but I had so much 
confidence from my trials on Primula, that I put a little pollen 
from the short-styled plants on the stigmas (already blue with 
their own pollen) of twelve flowers on two of the long-styled 
plants. From these twelve flowers I got eight remarkably fine 
seed-capsules ; the other flowers not producing a single capsule. 
The existence of plants in full health, and capable of bearing 
seed, on which their own pollen produces no more effect than 
the pollen of a plant of a different order, or than so much in- 

organic dust, is one of the most surprising facts which I have ever 


organs are almost concealed by the spathe and bracts. Its nearest 
known ally is probably H. rostrata, Ruiz and Payon, a native of 
Peru. Dr. Anthoine desires that this noble plant should bear the 
name of the Empress of Russia, which I have therefore attached 
to it. 

Hexiconta Marte, Hook. f. Foliorum vaginis truncum elatum effor- 
mantibus, lamina oblonga petiolata ampla, spicis longe pedunculatis 
pendulis, spathis crebre dense disticho-imbricatis rachin omnino velan- 
tibus late ovato-cymbiformibus recuryis obtusis, floribus bracteis in- 
clusis glabratis. 

Hab. Betami on the Sinu River (lat, 8° N.), State of Bolivar, in New 
Granada (Dr. A. Anthoine). 

Truncus 3-4 metr., cum foliis 6 metr., etiam 10-15 centimetr., levis, 
viridi-purpureus (Ænth.). Folia oblonga v. lineari-oblonga, obtusa, 
3-4 ped, ionga, petiolo æquilonga, viridia. Pedunculus crass. digiti, 
curyus, glaber, siccus flexuosus, teres, intus vasibus mollibus farctus. 
Spice 1% ped. longe, 3-4 poll. late, lineares, obtusæ, compressæ. 
Spathæ 60-80, dense imbricatæ, reflexæ, valde concavæ, late ovato- 
cymbiformes, glabræ v. pubescentes, lateribus erectis, basin versus sub- 
cordatæ, marginibus undulatis, apice obtusiuscule ; infimæ rostratæ ; 
inferiores 1-2 distantes, 4-5 une. longæ, rachin pubescentem non 
tegentibus; cæteræ 2-2) unc. long, rachin velantes; superiores in- 
feriores amplectentes. Flores rubri (Anth.), in spatha singula 15-20, 
bracteis hineari-lanceolatis glabriusculis inclusi, receptaculo brevissimo 
in axilla spathæ inserti ; apicibus perianthii tantum exsertis. Bractee 
albæ,spatha breviores, ovato-lanceolatie, basi concavæ, exteriores vacuæ, 
Pedicelli 3" longi, crassiusculi, villosuli, compressi. Ovarium trigonum, 
Perianthium }” long., foliolis extus subtomentosis. Stylus apice in- 
curvus. Anthere inclusæ. Drupa cærulea (Anth.), 3-cocca; coecis 
oblongis, compressis, basi antice fovea cupulæformi notatis, subrugosis, 
osseis, intus subrugosis. Semen erectum; testa membranacea, raphe 
annulari circumdata. Albumen subfarinaceum. Embryo axillaris, gra- 
cilis, extremitate radiculari paulo crassiore, germinatione foveam cocci 

On the existence of two forms, and on their reciprocal sexual re- 
lation, in several species of the genus Linum. By CHARLES 
Darwin, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. 

[Read February 5, 1863.] 

Tar crimson Linum grandiflorum presents two forms, occurring 

in about equal numbers, which differ little in structure, but greatly 

in function. The foliage, corolla, stamens, and pollen (examined 

Mo. Bot. Garden, 


dry, and distended with water) are alike in both forms. The 
difference is confined to the pistil: in the one form, which I will 
call “short-styled,”’ the column formed by the united styles, and 
the short stigmas, together is about half the length of the whole 

pistil in the other and “long-styled” form. A more important - 

distinction is, that the five stigmas in the short-styled form diverge 
greatly from each other and pass out between the filaments of the 
stamens, and thus lie within the tube of the corolla. In the 
long-styled form the elongated stigmas stand nearly upright, and 
alternate with the anthers. In this latter form the length of the 
stigmas varies considerably, their upper extremities projecting 
even a little above the anthers, or reaching up only to about their 
middle. Nevertheless there is never the slightest difficulty in 
distinguishing between the two forms; for, besides the difference 
in divergence, the stigmas of the short-styled form never reach 
even to the bases of the anthers. In the short-styled, the papilla 
on the stigmatic surfaces are shorter, darker-coloured, and more 
crowded together than in the long-styled form: but these differ- 
ences seem due merely to the shortening of the stigma; for in the 
varieties of the long-styled form with shorter stigmas, the papille 
are more crowded and darker-coloured than in those with the 
longer stigmas. Considering the slight and variable differences 
between the two forms of this Linum, it is not surprising that 
they have been hitherto overlooked. 

In 1861 I had eleven plants growing in my garden, eight of 
which were long-styled, and only three short-styled. Two very 
fine long-styled plants grew in a bed a hundred yards off, and 
separated from the others by a screen of evergreens. I marked 
twelve flowers, and put on their stigmas a little pollen from the 
short-styled plants. The pollen of the two forms is, as stated, 
identical in appearance; the stigmas of the long-styled flowers 
were already thickly covered with their own pollen—so thickly 
that I could not find one bare stigma; and it was late in the 
season, namely, September 15th. Altogether, to expect any result 
from this trial seemed almost childish, From my experiments, 
however, on Primula, which have been laid before this Society 

(‘ Journal,’ vol. vi. p. 77), I had faith, and did not hesitate to make’ 

the trial, but certainly I did not anticipate the full result. The 
germens of these twelve flowers all swelled, and ultimately six fine 
capsules (the seed of which germinated this year) and two poor 
capsules were produced; only four capsules shanked off, These 


two plants produced, before and after and at the time of the trial, 
a vast number of flowers, but the germens of not even one swelled. 
All these flowers, though their stigmas were so densely covered 
with their own pollen, were absolutely barren. 

The nine other plants, six long-styled and three short-styled, 
grew in the beds of the same flower-garden. Four of the long- 
styled produced no seed-capsules; one produced two; but the re- 
maining long-styled plant grew so close to a short-styled plant 
that their branches touched, and this produced twelve capsules, 
but they were poor. The case was different with the short-styled 
plants. The plant which grew in juxtaposition with the long- 
styled plant produced ninety-four imperfectly fertilized capsules 
containing a multitude of bad seeds, with a moderate number of 
good seeds. The two other short-styled plants grew in a single 
clump, and were very small, being partly smothered by other 
plants; they did not stand very close to any long-styled plants, 
yet they yielded together nineteen capsules. These facts seem to 
show that the short-styled plants are far more fertile with their 
own pollen than the long-styled. We shall immediately see that 
this is the case in a slight degree. But I suspect that in this 
instance the difference in fertility between the two forms was in 
part due to a distinct cause. I repeatedly watched the flowers, 
and only once saw a humble-bee momentarily alight on one, and 
then fly away, as if it were not to its taste. If bees had visited 
the several plants, there cannot be a doubt that the four long- 

` styled plants which did not produce a single capsule would have 

borne an abundance. But several times I saw small diptera suck- 
ing the flowers; and these insects, though not visiting the flowers 
with anything like the regularity of bees, would carry a little 
pollen from one form to the other, especially when growing close 
together; and the stigmas of the short-styled plants, diverging 
within the tube of the corolla, would be more likely than the up- 
right stigmas of the long-styled to receive a small quantity of 
pollen when brought by small insects. From the much greater 
number of long-styled than of short-styled flowers in the garden, 
evidently the short-styled would be more likely to receive some 
pollen from the long-styled, than the long-styled from the short- 

In 1862 I raised thirty-four plants of this Linum in a hotbed ; 
and these consisted of seventeen long-styled and seventeen short- 
styled forms. Seed sown later in the flower-garden yielded seven- 
teen long-styled and twelve short-styled forms. These facts justify 


the statement that the two forms are produced in about equal 
numbers. The first thirty-four plants were kept under a net 
which excluded insects. I fertilized heteromorphically fourteen 
long-styled flowers with pollen from the short-styled, and got 
eleven fine seed-capsules ; these contained on an average 8'6 seeds 
per capsule, but only 5-6 were apparently good. It may be well to 
state that ten seeds is the maximum possible production for a 
capsule, and that our climate cannot be very favourable to this 
North-African plant. On three occasions I fertilized homomor- 
phically the stigmas of altogether nearly a hundred flowers (but 
did not separately mark them) with their own pollen, but taken 
from separate plants, so as to prevent any possible ill effects 
from close interbreeding ; and many other flowers were produced, 
which, as before stated, would get plenty of their own individual 
pollen; yet from all these flowers, borne by the seventeen long- 
styled plants, only three capsules were produced; one of these in- 
cluded no seed, and the other two together gave only five good 
seeds. Nor do I feel at all sure that this miserable product of the 
two half-fertile capsules from the seventeen plants, each of which 
must have produced at least fifty or sixty flowers, is really the re- 
sult of their fertilization by their own pollen; for I made a great 
mistake in keeping the two forms under the same net, with their 
branches often interlocking, and it is surprising that a greater 
number of flowers were not accidentally fertilized, 

Of the short-styled flowers I fertilized heteromorphically twelve 
with the pollen of the long-styled (and to make sure of the result ` 
T previously castrated the majority), and obtained seven fine seed- 
capsules. These included an average of 7-6 seeds, but of apparently 
good seed only 4'3 per capsule. At three separate. times I ferti- 
lized homomorphically nearly a hundred flowers with their own- 
form pollen, taken from separate plants; and numerous other 
flowers were produced, many of which must have received their 
own pollen, From all these flowers borne on the seventeen plants, 
only fifteen capsules were produced, of which only eleven con- 
tained any good seed, on an average 4'2 per capsule. As remarked 
in the case of the long-styled plants, some even of these capsules 
were perhaps the product of a little pollen accidentally fallen 
from the flowers of the other form. Nevertheless the short- 
styled plants seem to be slightly more fertile with their own 
pollen, in the proportion of fifteen capsules to three, than the 
long-styled: the real proportional excess in fertility is probably 
a little greater, as the short-styled flowers, when not disturbed, do 


not so surely receive their own pollen as do the long-styled. The 
greater self-fertility of the short-styled flowers was, as we have 
seen, also shown by the plants left to themselves, and but sparingly 
visited by insects, in the flower-garden in 1861, and likewise by 
those raised in 1862. 

The absolute sterility (judging from the experiments of 1861, 
and which is hardly contradicted by those of 1862) of the long- 
styled plants with their own-form pollen led me to examine into 
its apparent cause; and the result is so curious that it will be 
worth while to give most of the experiments in detail. These ex- 
periments were tried on fresh plants, grown in pots and brought 
successively into the house. 

First. I placed pollen from a short-styled flower on the 
five stigmas of a long-styled plant, and after thirty hours found 
them deeply penetrated by a multitude of pollen-tubes, far too 
numerous to be counted ; the stigmas had become discoloured and 
twisted. I repeated this experiment on another flower, and in 18 
hours found the stigmas penetrated by a multitude of long pollen- 
tubes. All this is what might have been expected, as this is a fertile 
or heteromorphic union. I likewise tried the converse experiment, 
and placed pollen from a long-styled flower on the stigmas of a 
short-styled flower, and in 24 hours found the stigmas discoloured, 
twisted, and penetrated by numerous pollen-tubes ; and this, again, 
is what might have been expected, as this is a fertile or hetero- 
morphic union. 

Secondly. I placed pollen of a long-styled flower on all five 
stigmas of a long-styled flower on aseparate plant: after 19 hours 
I rigorously dissected the stigmas, and found only a single pollen- 
grain which had emitted a very short tube. To make sure that 
the pollen was good, I took in this case, and in most other cases, 
pollen either from actually the same anther or from the same 
flower, and proved it to be good by placing it on the stigma of a 
short-styled “plant, and seeing numerous pollen-tubes emitted. 

Thirdly. Repeated last experiment, and placed own-form pollen 
on all five stigmas of a long-styled flower; and, after 193 hours, 
not one single grain had emitted its tube. 

Fourthly. Repeated the experiment, with the same result after 
24 hours. 

Fifthly. Repeated last experiment, and, after leaving pollen on 
for 19 hours, put an additional quantity of own-form pollen on 
all five stigmas. After an interval of exactly three whole days, 
I rigorously examined the stigmas, which, instead of being dis- 



coloured and twisted, were straight and fresh-coloured ; and only 
one grain had emitted quite a short tube, which could be drawn 
out of the stigmatic tissue without being ruptured. 

The following experiments are more striking :— 

Sizthly. I placed own-form pollen on three of the stigmas of a 
long-styled flower, and pollen from a short-styled flower on the 
other two stigmas. After 22 hours these two stigmas were dis- 
coloured, and slightly twisted, and penetrated by the tubes of 
numerous pollen-grains: the other three stigmas, covered with 
their own-form pollen, were fresh, and all the pollen-grains were 
loose ; but I did not dissect the whole stigma rigorously. 

Seventhly. Experiment repeated in the same manner, with the 
same result. 

Eighthly. Experiment repeated, but the stigmas were carefully 
examined after an interval of only 54 hours. The two stigmas with 
pollen from a short-styled flower were penetrated by innumerable 
tubes; but these were as yet short, and the stigmas themselves 
were not at all discoloured. The three stigmas covered with their 
own-form pollen were not penetrated by a single pollen-tube. 

Ninthly. Put pollen of short-styled on one stigma, and own- 
form pollen on the other four stigmas ; after 24 hours, found the one 
stigma somewhat discoloured, and twisted, and penetrated by many 
long tubes: the other four stigmas were quite straight and fresh , 
but on dissecting their whole lengths I found that three pollen- 
grains had protruded quite short tubes into the tissue. 

TLenthly. Repeated the experiment, with the same result after 24 
hours, excepting that only two own-form grains had penetrated the 
stigmatic tissue with their tubes, to a very short depth: the one 
stigma, which was deeply penetrated by a multitude of tubes from 
the short-styled pollen, presented a conspicuous difference in com- 
parison with the other four straight and bright pink stigmas, in 
being much curled, half-shrivelled, and discoloured. 

I could add a few other experiments ; but those now given amply 
suffice to show that the pollen-grains of a short-styled flower placed 
on the stigmas of a long-styled flower emit a multitude of tubes 
after an interval of from five to six hours, and penetrate the tissue 
ultimately to a great depth, and that after twenty-four hours the 
stigmas thus penetrated change colour, become twisted, and appear 
half-withered. On the other hand, the pollen-grains of the long- 
styled flowers placed on their own stigmas, after an interval of a 
day, or even three days, do not emit their tubes, or at most only 
three or four grains out of a multitude emit their tubes ; and these 


apparently never penetrate the stigmatic tissue deeply, and the 
stigmas themselves do not become discoloured and twisted. 

This seems to me a remarkable physiological fact. The pollen- 
grains of the two forms are undistinguishable under the micro- 
scope ; the stigmas differ only in length, degree of divergence, and 
in the size, shade of colour, and approximation of their papillæ, these 
latter differences being variable and apparently simply due to the 
elongation of the stigma. Yet we plainly see that the two pollens 
and the two stigmas are widely dissimilar in action—the stigmas of 
each form being almost powerless on their own pollen, but causing, 
through some mysterious influence, by simple contact (for I could 
detect no viscid secretion), the pollen-grains of the opposite form 
to protrude their tubes. It may be said that the two pollens and 
the two stigmas by some means mutually recognize each other. 
Taking fertility as the criterion of distinctness, it is no exaggera- 
tion to say that the pollen of the long-styled Linum grandiflorum 
(and conversely of the other form) has been differentiated, with 
respect to the stigmas of all the flowers of the same form, to a 
degree corresponding with that of distinct species of the same 
genus, or even of species of distinct genera. 

Linum perenne.—The dimorphism is here more conspicuous, and 
has been noticed by several authors. In the long-styled form the 
pistil is nearly twice as long as in short-styled ; in the latter the 
stigmas are smaller and, diverging more, pass out between the fila- 
ments of the stamens. I could detect no difference in the size of 
the stigmatic papille ; in the long-styled form alone the stigmatic 
surfaces turn round so as to face the circumference of the flower: 
but to this point we shall presently return. Differently from what 
occurs in L. grandiflorum, the long-styled flowers have stamens 
hardly more than half the length of those of the short-styled. The 
size of the pollen-grains is rather variable ; after some doubt, I have 
come to the conclusion that there is no uniform difference between 
the pollen of the two forms. The long stamens in the short-styled 
form project to some height above the corolla, and, apparently from 
exposure to the light, the filaments are coloured blue. These longer 
stamens correspond in height with the lower part of the stigmas 
of the long-styled flowers; and the shorter stamens of the latter 
form correspond in the same manner in height with the shorter 
stigmas of the short-styled flowers. 

F raised from seed twenty-six plants, which proved to be twelve 
long-styled and fourteen short-styled. They flowered well, but 
were not large plants. As I did not expect them to flower so 



soon, I did not transplant them, and they unfortunately grew with 
their branches closely interlocked. All the plants were covered 
by a net, excepting one of each form. First, of the long-styled 
flowers, twelve were homomorphically fertilized by their own-form 
pollen, taken in every case from a separate plant; and not one 
flower set a seed-capsule: twelve other flowers were heteromor- 
phically fertilized by pollen from short-styled flowers ; and they set 
nine pods, each including on an average seven good seeds: as 
before, ten seeds is the maximum possible production. Secondly, 
of the short-styled flowers, twelve were homomorphically fertilized 
by own-form pollen, and they yielded one capsule, including only 
three good seeds; twelve other flowers were’ heteromorphically 
fertilized by pollen of long-styled flowers, and these produced nine 
capsules, but one was bad; the eight good capsules contained on 
an average exactly eight good seeds each. 

The many flowers on the eleven long-styled plants under the 
net, which were not fertilized, produced only three capsules 
(including 8, 4, and 1 good seeds); whether, owing to the inter- 
locking of the branches, these accidentally received pollen from 
the other form, I will not pretend to conjecture. The single long- 
styled plant which was uncovered, and grew close by the uncovered 
short-styled plant, produced five good pods ; but it was a very poor 
and small plant. 

The flowers borne on the thirteen short-styled plants under the 
net, which were not fertilized, produced twelve capsules (containing 
5'6 seeds on average) : as some of these capsules were very fine, and 
five were borne on one twig, I suspect that they had been visited 
by some minute insect which had accidentally got under the net 
and had carried pollen from the other form. The one uncovered 
short-styled plant yielded exactly the same number of capsules, 
namely, twelve. : 

From these facts we have some evidence, as in the case of Z. 
grandiflorum, that the short-styled plants are in a very slight 
degree more fertile with their own pollen than are the long-styled 
plants. And we have the clearest evidence, from the result of the 
forty-eight flowers artificially fertilized, that the stigmas of each 
form require pollen from the stamens of corresponding height 
produced by the opposite form. 

In contrast with the case of L. grandiflorum, it is a singular fact 
that the pollen-grains of both forms of Z. perenne when placed on 
their own-form stigmas, though not causing fertility, yet emit their 
tubes; and these tubes I found, after an interval of eighteen 


` hours, had penetrated the stigmatic tissue, but to what depth I 

did not ascertain, In this case the inaction of the pollen-grains on 
their own stigmas must be due either to the tubes not reaching 
the ovules, or reaching them and not efficiently acting on them. 
In the case of Lythrum Salicaria, which I hope at some future 
time to lay before the Society, there are three distinct forms, each 
of which produces two kinds of pollen; but neither pollen, when 
placed on its own stigma, causes fertility, except occasionally and 
in a very moderate degree ; yet the pollen-tubes in each case freely 
penetrate the stigmatic tissue. 

The plants of L. perenne and of L. grandiflorum grew, as stated, 
with their branches interlocked, and with scores of flowers of the 
two forms close together; they were covered by an open net, 
through which the wind, when high, passed; and such minute in- 
sects as Thrips could not, of course, be excluded; yet we have 
seen that the utmost possible amount of accidental fertilization on 
seventeen long-styled plants in the one case, and on eleven plants 
in the other case, was the production, in each, of three poor cap- 
sules ; so that we may infer that, when the proper insects are ex- 
cluded, the wind does hardly anything in the way of carrying 
pollen from plant to plant. I allude to this fact because botanists, 
in speaking of the fertilization of plants or of the production of 
hybrids, often refer to the wind or to insects as if the alternative 
were indifferent. This view, according to my experience, is en- 
tirely erroneous. When the wind is the agent in carrying pollen, 
either from one separated sex to the other, or from hermaphrodite 
to hermaphrodite (which latter case seems to be almost equally 
important for the ultimate welfare of the species, though occurring 
perhaps only at long intervals of time), we can recognize structure 
as manifestly adapted to the action of the wind as to that of 
insects when they are the carriers. We see adaptation to the 
wind in the incoherence of the pollen, in the inordinate quantity 
produced (as in the Conifére, Spinage, &c.), in the dangling anthers 
well fitted to shake out the pollen, in the absence or small size of 
the perianth or in the protrusion of the stigmas at the period of 
fertilization, in the flowers being produced before they are hidden 
by the leaves, in the stigmas being downy or plumose (as in the 
Graminew, Docks, and other plants) so as to secure the chance- 
blown grains. In plants which are fertilized by the wind, the 
flowers do not secrete nectar, their pollen is too incoherent to be 
easily collected by insects, they have not bright-coloured corollas 
to serve as guides, and they are not, as far as I have seen, visited 


by insects. When insects are the agents of fertilization (and this ` 
is incomparably the more frequent case both with plants having 
separated sexes and with hermaphrodites), the wind plays no part, 
but we see an endless number of adaptations to ensure the safe 
transport of the pollen by the living workers. We can recognize 
these adaptations most easily in irregular flowers ; but they do not 
the less occur in perfectly regular flowers, of which those of Linum 
offer an instance, as I will almost immediately endeavour to show. 

I have already alluded to the rotation of each separate stigma in 
the long-styled form alone of Linum perenne. In the other species 
examined by me, and in both forms when the species are dimor- 
phic, the stigmatic surfaces face the centre of the flower, and the 
furrowed backs of the stigmas, to which the styles are attached, face 
the circumference. This is the case, in the bud, with the stigmas of 
the long-styled flowers of L. perenne. But by the time the flower 
in this form has expanded, the five stigmas, by the torsion of that 
part of the style which lies beneath the stigma, twist round and 
face the circumference. I should state that the five stigmas do 
not always perfectly turn round, two or three often facing only 
obliquely towards the circumference. My observations were made 
during October ; and it is not improbable that earlier in the season 
the torsion would have been more perfect; for after two or three 
cold and wet days the movement was very incomplete. The flowers 
should be examined shortly after their expansion ; for their dura- 
tion is brief, and, as soon as they begin to wither, the styles be- 
come spirally twisted together, and the original position of the 
parts is lost. 

He who will compare the structure of the whole flower in both 
forms of L. perenne and grandiflorum, and, I may add, of L. flavum, 
will, I think, entertain no doubt about the meaning of this torsion 
of the styles in the one form alone of L. perenne, as well as the 
meaning of the divergence of the stigmas in the short-styled forms 
of all three species. It is absolutely necessary, as we now know, 
that insects should reciprocally carry pollen from the flowers of 
the one form to those of the other. Insects are attracted by five 
drops of nectar, secreted exteriorly at the base of the stamens, so 
that to reach these drops they must insert their proboscides outside 
the ring of broad filaments, between them and the petals. In the 
short-styled form of the above three species, the stigmas face the 
axis of the flower; and had the styles retained their original up- 
right and central position, not only would tne stigmas have pre- 
sented their backs to insects as they sucked the flowers, but they 


would have been separated from them by the ring of broad fila- 
ments, and could never have been fertilized. As it is, the styles 
diverge greatly and pass out between the filaments. The stigmas, 
being short, lie within the tube of the corolla; and their papillous 
faces, after the divergence of the styles, being turned upwards are 
necessarily brushed by every entering insect, and thus receive the 
required pollen. 

In the long-styled form of L. grandiflorum, the parallel anthers 
and stigmas, slightly diverging from the axis of the flower, project 
only a little above the tube of the somewhat concave corolla; and 
they stand directly over the open space leading to the drops of 
nectar. Consequently when insects visit the flowers of either 
form (for the stamens in this species occupy the same position in 
both forms), they will get their proboscides well dusted with the 
coherent pollen. As soon as the insect inserts its proboscis to a 
little depth into the flower of the long-styled form, it will neces- 
sarily leave pollen on the faces and margins of the long stigmas ; 
and as soon as the insect inserts its proboscis to a rather greater 
depth into the short-styled flowers, it will leave pollen on their 
upturned stigmatic surfaces. Thus the stigmas of both forms 
will indifferently receive the pollen of both forms; but we know 
that the pollen alone of the opposite form will produce any effect 
and cause fertilization. 

Long-styled form of L. perenne, var. Austriacum, with the petals and calyx 
remoyed on the near side. 
In the case of L. perenne, affairs are arranged a little more per- 
fectly ; for the stamens in the two forms stand at different heights, 


and pollen will adhere to different parts of an insect’s body, and 
will generally be brushed off by the stigmas of corresponding 
height, to which stigmas each kind of pollen is adapted. In this 
species, the corolla is flatter, and in the one form the stigmas and 
in the other form the anthers stand at some height above the 
mouth of the corolla*. These longer stigmas and longer stamens 
do not diverge greatly ; hence insects, especially rather small ones, 
will not insert their proboscides between the stigmas or between 
the anthers, but will strike against them, at nearly right angles, 
with the backs of their head or thorax. Now, in the long-styled 
flowers of L. perenne, if each stigma had not rotated on its axis, 
insects in visiting them would have struck their heads against the 
backs of the stigmas; as it is, they strike against the papillous 
fronts of the stigmas, and, their heads being already charged with 
the proper coherent pollen from the stamens of corresponding 
height borne by the flowers of the other form, fertilization is per- 
fectly effected. 

Thus we can understand the meaning of the torsion of the 
styles in the long-styled flowers alone, as well as their divergence 
in the short-styled flowers. 

One other point is worth a passing notice. In botanical works 
many flowers are said to be fertilized in the bud. This rests 
solely, as far as I can discover, on the anthers opening in the bud ; 
no evidence is adduced that the stigma is at this period mature, 
or that, if then penetrated by pollen-tubes, it is not subsequently, 
after the expansion of the flower, acted on by pollen brought from 
other flowers. In the case of Cephalanthera grandiflora I have 
shownt by experiment that insufficient precocious self-fertiliza- 
tion, together with subsequent full fertilization, is the regular 
course of events. The belief that flowers of any plant are habitu- 
ally fertilized in the bud, or are perpetually self-fertilized, is a 
most effectual bar to really understanding their structure. I am 
far from wishing to say that some flowers, in certain seasons, are 
not fertilized in the bud: I bave reason to believe that some 
flowers are frequently fertilized without expanding ; but my ob- 
servations lead me to disbelieve that this is ever the invariable 

* I neglected to get drawings made from fresh flowers of the two forms. 
Mr. Fitch has made the above sketch of a long-styled flower from dried speci- 
mens and published engravings : his well-known skill ensures accuracy in the 
proportional size of the parts ; and I believe their relative position is true. 

+ Fertilization of Orchids, p. 108. 


course with all the flowers of any species whatever. As it is dif- 
ficult to prove without troublesome experiments the falsity of the 
belief of regular fertilization in the bud, I here notice this subject. 
An estimable and laborious obseryer*, resting his belief on the 
usual kind of evidence, states that in ZL. Austriacum (which is 
dimorphic and is considered by Planchon as a variety of L, 
perenne) the anthers open the evening before the expansion of the 
flowers, and that the long-styled stigmas are then almost always 
fertilized. He asks whether this precocious fertilization in the 
several species of Linum and in other plants is not one cause of 
the short duration of their flowers. Now we know positively that, 
so far from Linum perenne being fertilized by its own pollen in 
the bud, its own pollen is as powerless on the stigma as so much 
inorganic dust. 

Linum flavum.—tTo recur to our more immediate subject, in 
the long-styled form of this species the pistil is nearly twice as 
long as in the short-styled form ; and the stigmas are longer with 
the papille coarser. In the short-styled form the stigmas diverge 
and pass out between the filaments. The stamens in the two forms 
differ in height, and, what is singular, the anthers of the longer 
stamens are shorter ; so that in the short-styled form both stigmas 
and anthers are shorter than in the other form. The pollen of 
the two forms does not differ. I have not been able to try any 
experiments on this species; but a careful observer, Mr. W. C. 
Crocker, intends proving their reciprocal fertility next summer. 
As this plant is propagated by cuttings, I have generally found 
that all the plants in the same garden belong to the same form. 
On inquiry I have never heard of its seeding in this country ; but 
to anyone wishing to raise seedlings, in all probability the path is 
now open, namely, by carrying pollen from one form to the other. 

I have now shown that three species of Linum are dimorphic, 
besides several races of L. perenne, esteemed by some botanists to 
be distinct species, such as L. montanum, L. Sibiricum, and L. Aus- 
triacum. According to Vauchert, L. Gallicum, L. maritimum, and 
L. strictum are in the same manner dimorphic, as likewise is, ac- 
cording to Planchont, L. salsoloides. This latter botanist is the 
only one who seems to have been struck with the importance of 
the subject ; and he acutely asks whether this dimorphism has not 
some influence on the manner of fertilization. We thus know of 

* Etudes sur la Géograph. Bot., par Prof. H. Lecoq, 1856, tom. v. p. 325. 

+ Hist. Physiolog. des Plantes d'Europe, 1841, tom. i. p. 401. 
t Hooker’s London Journ. of Botany, 1848, vol. vii. p. 174. 


seven dimorphic species of Linum; but as this structure has been 
overlooked in such common garden-flowers as L. grandiflorum and 
L. flavum, it is probably of frequent occurrence. 

All the species, however, are certainly not thus characterized. I 
have examined many specimens of L, catharticum, and found in 
all that the stamens and stigmas were of nearly equal height and 
the same in all the plants. So, again, I looked, near Torquay, at 
many flowers of the wild L, usitatissimum or angustifolium (1 
know not which), and there was no trace of dimorphism. Again, 
I raised 111 plants from seed sent me from Kew, incorrectly 
named L, Austriacum; the plants were tall and straight, having a 
rather different aspect from the wild species seen at Torquay, with 
extremely fugacious blue flowers: in all these plants the stigmas 
stood on a level with the anthers or projected a very little above 
them. I protected the flowers from insects ; but every one of the 
111 plants produced plenty of seed. I mention this fact because it 
had occurred to me that possibly a species might be dimorphic in 
function, though not in structure. 

Lastly, Linwm Lewisii, which is ranked by Planchon as a variety 
of L. perenne, but which, now that we know the meaning of re- 
ciprocal dimorphism, surely deserves specific honours, must not be 
passed over. According to Planchon*, the same plant bears some 
flowers with anthers and stigmas of the same height, and others 
with styles either longer or shorter than the stamens; so that the 
same individual plant is trimorphic. This, as far as I know, is a 
unique case. From analogy we may pretty safely predict the 
function of the three kinds of flowers: those with stigmas’ and 
anthers of the same height will be self-fertile ; those with these 
organs of unequal height will require reciprocal fertilization, A 
plant of L. grandiflorum or of the other dimorphic species, grow- 
ing by itself, could no more perpetuate its race than could one 
sex of a dicecious plant, nor could any number of plants without 
the aid of insects. A single plant of Linwm Lewisii, on the other 
hand, in all probability could propagate itself, even if no insects 
were present, as probably sometimes occurs in its Arctic home. 
If insects visited the plant, the flowers which were dimorphic 
would be fertile one with another or with those on any neighbour- 
ing plant. Thus the plant would receive the advantage of a cross. 

* Hooker’s London Journ. of Botany, 1848, vol. vii. p. 175. It is not im- 
probable that the allied genus Hugonia is dimorphic ; for (p. 525) one species is 
described “staminibus exsertis ;” another has “stamina 5, majora, stylos longe 
superantia ;” and another is furnished “ stylis staminibus longioribus.” 



That this is an advantage, and is one great end gained by reciprocal 
dimorphism, I can entertain no doubt. That in some cases this 
dimorphism may be a step towards a complete separation of the 
sexes, I will not dispute; but good reasons could be assigned 
to show that there is no. necessary connexion between reciprocal 
dimorphism and a tendency to dicecious structure. Although good 
is gained by the inevitable crossing of the dimorphic flowers, yet 
numerous other analogous facts lead me to conclude that some 
other quite unknown law of nature is here dimly indicated to us. 

On the Form of the Vascular Fasciculi in certain British Ferns. 
By Arruvur H. Cuvrcu, B.A. Oxon. Communicated by 
W. Francois, Ph.D., F.L.S. 

[Read Dec. 18, 1862.] 

Tue distribution of the vascular tissues in the stem and stipes of 
the British species of Ferns has been made the subject of much in- 
teresting and accurate study by Dr. Ogilvie*. His papers are to 
be found in the ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History’ for 
December 1859 and November 1860. My own long-continued 
examination of the living plants has not enabled me to detect any 
but the most trivial mistakes in these full and admirable memoirs. 
I have therefore only to propose a few slight alterations in Dr. 
Ogilvie’s conclusions, and to make one or two additional remarks 
on certain species and varieties which he omits to notice. The 
present communication may be deemed the first instalment of 
such supplementary observations. I may also here state that I 

* The following list of papers includes nearly all those in which the vascular 
tissues of Ferns have been discussed :— 

Presl. Tentamen Pteridographie. Prage: 1836. 

Fée. Die Gefiissbiindel im Stipes der Farne. Prage: 1847. 

Ogilvie, Dr. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1859 and 1860. 

Duval-Jouve, J. Etudes sur le Pétiole des Fougères, In Billot’s Archives 
de la Flore de France; pp. 57 & 149. 

King. On Sigillaria, Edinburgh Phil. Trans. 1844. 

Leighton, Rey. W. A. Hints on a new character in Ferns. Phyt. n. s.i. 
p. 256. 

Moore, T. The Vascular Bundles of the Stipes of Ferns. Phyt. n. s.i. p. 378. 

Reichardt, H. W. Ueber der Gefissbiindel Vertheilung im Stamme und 
Stipes der Farne. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen- 
schaften, xviite Band. Wien: 1859. 


can confirm the general accuracy of Duval-Jouye’s figures so far 
as they relate to species found in Britain. 

To discuss the difficult question of the nomenclature of these 
plants is beside my purpose; I shall therefore do no more than 
designate each form named by two or three of its best-known 
synonyms. At the same time, it seems that the results of such 
inquiries as the present, as possibly affording criteria of generic if 
not of specific difference, cannot be wholly ‘disregarded, and may 
ultimately aid us in arriving at a more consistent classification 
for the Filices. 

The genera Polystichum and Lastrea as understood by Moore 
and many other authors are respectively coextensive (so far as 
our native ferns are concerned) with the genera Aspidiwm and 

Nephrodium adopted by Hooker in his ‘ British Ferns’ (1862). 

I have examined transverse sections of the stipes of all the gene- 
rally received species and many of the varieties included under 
these generic appellations, and in two species only did I find any 
material departure from that one particular arrangement of the 
vascular fasciculi which is disclosed by a transverse stipital section 
of such a form as Moore's Lastrea Filix-mas or Polystichum Lon- 
chitis. In Nephrodium Filix-mas, N. rigidum, N. cristatum, N. 
spinulosum a. bipinnatum, 8. dilatatum, y. emulum, ò. dumetorum, 
Aspidium aculeatum a. lobatum, B. intermedium, y. angulare of 
Hooker, and also in the forms Lophodium glandulosum, L. uligi- 
nosum, L. nanum, and L. collinum of Newman, the same disposi- 
tion of the vascular tissue occurs. The two notable exceptions to 
which I have before alluded are found in Nephrodium Thelypteris 
and N. Oreopteris of Hooker, identical with the Lastrea Thely- 
pteris and L. montana of Moore and the Hemestheum Thelypteris 
and Lastrea (Hemestheum) montana of Newman. In fig. 1 the 
prevalent arrangement is shown; in fig. 2 that which occurs in 
the mountain fern; while fig. 3 represents that of the marsh fern, 
which I will now more particularly describe. In all cases the 
sections noticed are those of the stipes, not of the stem; and I 
have freely availed my self of the use of a very weak solution of 
perchloride of iron, in order that the tracts containing tannin 
might be distinctly marked out. 

Nephrodiwm Thelypteris, Hooker. 
Hemestheum Thelypteris, Newman. 
Lastrea Thelypteris, Moore. 

The present plant is not only closely connected in many of its 

E T 


integra, glabra, supra lucida; nervi laterales 12—15 utrinque costaque 
utraque pagina prominuli; petiolus usque pollicem fere longus, teres, 
glaber. Amenta axillaria, geminata, rarius abortu solitaria, breviter 
(4 poll.) pedunculata, subtus nuda, supra floribus masculis densissime 
obducta, foemineis paucis multo majoribus intermixtis. Bracteolæ 
trigono-peltatæ, minutæ, pilosulæ, ciliolatæ, virides. Flores sessiles, 
compacti, viridiusculi, dein albescentes. Sepala florum masce. basi in 
tubum brevem connata, extus pilosula, ea flor. fæm. libera, exteriora 
pubera, dein hirtella, interiora lævia, teneriora. Achænium pisi majoris 
magnitudine, stylo persistente auctum, perigonio hirtello inclusum, 
matnrescens contactu etiam levi elastice (ad 6 metr.) exsiliens. 

In sylvis Sumatræ; in prov. Palembang; in prov. Padang prope Lumut et 
ad littora prope Siboga, Teijsmann. Ins. Singapora, T. Anderson, M.D. 

Nom. vernac. Kapinie. 

Synon. Artocarpus elongatus, Mig. Fl. Ind, Bat. Suppl. p. 172 et 419. 

Tas. XIII. fig. 1. Ramus floriferus magnit. nat.; fig. 2. Flos & et ? 
auct. ut fig. sequent.; fig. 3. Sepalum exter. fl. 9 a dorso; fig. 4, 
Sepal. inter. fl. 9 ; fig. 5. Ovarium ; fig. 6. idem, verticaliter transsect. ; 
fig. 7. Semen, tegmento remoto. 7 

On the Sexual Relations of the Three Forms of Lythrum salicaria. 
By Cuartes Darwin, F.R.S., F.LS., &e. 
[Read June 16, 1864.] 
Some of the species of Lythrum offer in their manner of ferti- 
lization a more remarkable case than can, perhaps, be found in 
any other plant or animal. In Lythrum salicaria three plainly 
different forms occur: each of these is an hermaphrodite, each 
is distinct in its female organs from the other two forms, and 
each is furnished with two sets of stamens or males differing 
from each other in appearance and function. Altogether there 
are three females and three sets of males, all as distinet from 
each other as if they belonged to different species ; and if smaller 
functional differences are considered, there are five distinct sets 
of males. Two of the three hermaphrodites must coexist, and the 
pollen be carried by insects reciprocally from one to the other, 
in order that either of the two should be fully fertile; but unless 
all three forms coexist, there will be waste of two sets of stamens, 
and the organization of the species, as a whole, will be imperfect. 
On the other hand, when all three hermaphrodites coexist, and 
the pollen is carried from one to the other, the scheme is perfect ; 
there is no waste of pollen and no false co-adaptation. In short, 
nature has ordained a most complex marriage-arrangement, 
namely a triple union between three hermaprodites,—each her- 


7 Lian. 20e 

PDT > in 
Mo. Bot. Garden, 


maphrodite being in its female organ quite distinct from the 
other two hermaphrodites and partially distinct in its male 
organs, and each furnished with two sets of males. 

The three forms may be conveniently called, from the unequal 
lengths of their pistils, the long-styled, mid-styled, and short-styled. 
Their existence and differences were first observed by Vaucher*, 
and subsequently more carefully by Wirtgen; but, not being guided 
by any theory, neither author perceived some of the most curious 
points of difference. I will first briefly describe the three forms 
by the aid of the accompanying accurate diagram, which shows 
the flowers, six times magnified, in their natural position, with 
their petals and the near side of the calyx removed. 

Long-styled form.—This can at once be recognized by the 
length of the pistil, which is (including the ovarium) fully one- 
third longer than that of the mid-styled, and more than thrice 
as long as that of the short-styled form. It is so dispropor- 
tionately long, compared with the flower, that it projects in 
the bud through the unfolded petals. It stands out consi- 
derably beyond the longer stamens; its terminal portion de- 
pends a little, but the stigma itself is slightly upturned: the 
globular stigma is considerably larger than that of the other 
two forms. The six longer stamens project about two-thirds 
of the length of the pistil, and correspond in length with the 
pistil of the mid-styled form. The correspondence with the 
pistil in length in this and the two following cases is generally 
very close ; the difference, where there is any, being usually in a 
slight excess of length in the stamens. The six shorter stamens 
(each of which alternates with a longer one) lie concealed within 
the calyx; their ends are upturned, and they are graduated in 
length, so as to form a triple row—both which characters are 
here much more marked than with the longer stamens, which 
vary in these respects. The anthers of the shorter stamens are 
smaller than those of the longer stamens. Knowing that the 
pollen differs greatly in the longer and shorter stamens of the two 
other forms, I carefully compared that of the two sets of stamens 
in this form: in both the pollen-grains are yellow, but they are a 
little larger in the longer than in the shorter stamens. The dit- 
ference is slight, so that I convinced myself of its reality only by 
putting two small heaps close together under the compound mi- 

* Hist. Phys. des Plantes d'Europe, tom. ii., 1841, p. 371. Wirtgen, “ Ueber 

Lythrum salicaria und dessen.Formen,” Verhand. des naturhist. Vereins der 
preuss. Rheinl., 5. Jahrgang, 1848, S. 7. 




Short- Zi 
styled. < . 

Diagrams of the flowers of the three forms of Lythrum salicaria, in their 
natural position, with the petals removed and with the near side of the clayx 
cut away : enlarged six times. 

The dotted lines with the arrows show which pollen must be applied to each 
stigma to cause full fertility. 


croscope, and I found I could always (with one exception) distin- 
guish them: I then showed the specimens to two other persons, 
and they likewise distinguished the two kinds and pointed out 
which was the largest. The capsules of this form contain, on an 
average, 93 seeds: how this average was obtained will presently 
be explained. I repeatedly observed that the seed, when cleaned, 
seemed larger than that from the mid-styled or short-styled 
forms; consequently I placed 100 long-styled seeds in a good 
balance, and by the double method of weighing found that they 
equalled 121 seeds of the mid-styled and 142 of the short-styled ; 
or, in short, that five long-styled seeds equalled six mid-styled and 
seven short-styled seeds. These slight differences in the weight of 
the seed, and, as we shall soon see, in the average number produced, 
are worth recording, as they characterize not mere varieties but 
coexisting forms of the same species. 

Mid-styled form.—The pistil occupies the position represented 
in the diagram, with its extremity considerably, but in a variable 
degree, upturned ; the stigma is seated between the anthers of 
the long and the short stamens. The six longer stamens correspond 
in length with the pistil of the long-styled form ; their filaments 
are coloured bright pink; the anthers are dark-coloured, but 
from containing bright green pollen and from their early de- 
hiscence they appear emerald-green. Hence the general appear- 
ance of these stamens is remarkably dissimilar from that of the 
longer stamens of the long-styled form. The six shorter stamens, 
enclosed within the calyx, resemble in all respects the shorter 
stamens of the long-styled form, and both correspond in length 
with the short pistil of the short-styled form. The green pollen- 
grains of the longer stamens are plainly larger than the yellow 
pollen-grains of the shorter anthers: this fact was conspicuous in 
several camera-lucida drawings made for me by my son, Mr. W. E. 
Darwin. There is some variability in size, but 712, of an inch 
may be taken as about the average diameter of the green pollen- 
grains when distended with water, and 77 as the diameter of 
the yellow grains of the shorter stamens ; so that the difference 
in diameter is in about the proportion of four to three. The cap- 
sules contain, on an average, 132 seeds ; but, perhaps, as we shall 
see, this is rather too high an average. The seeds themselves are 
smaller than those of the long-styled form. 

Short-styled form.—The pistil is here very short, not one-third 
of the length of that of the long-styled form. Tt is enclosed 
within the calyx, which, differently from in the other two forms, 


does not enclose any anthers. The end of the pistil is generally 
bent upwards at right angles. The six longer stamens, with their 
pink filaments and green pollen, resemble in size of the grains 
and in all respects the longer stamens of the mid-styled form, and 
both correspond in length with the long-styled pistil. The six 
shorter stamens, with their uncoloured filaments and yellow pollen, 
resemble in size of the grains and in all respects the longer 
stamens of the long-styled form, and both correspond in length 
with the mid-styled pistil. The capsules contain fewer seeds on 
an average than in either of the preceding forms, namely 83-5, and 
they are considerably smaller in size. In this latter respect, but 
not in number, there is a gradation parallel to that of the length 
of the pistil, the long-styled having the largest, the mid-styled the 
` next in size, and the short-styled the smallest seed. 

From this description we see that there are three distinct 
female organs, or rather females as they are borne on distinct indi- 
viduals, differing in the length and curvature of the style, in the 
size of the stigma, and in the number and size of the seed. In the 
three forms, taken together, there are thirty-six stamens or males, 
and these can be divided into three sets of a dozen each, differing 
from each other in length, curvature, and colour of the filaments, 
in the size of the anthers, and especially in the colour and 
diameter of the pollen-grains. Each of the three forms bears 
half-a-dozen of one kind of stamens and half-a-dozen of another 
kind, but not all three kinds. The three kinds correspond in 
length with the three pistils: the correspondence is always be- 
tween half the stamens borne by two forms with the pistil of a 
third form. These remarks apply to the structure, and not, as yet, 
to the functions, of the reproductive organs. 

I ascertained the average number of seed by counting them in 
eight fine selected capsules taken from plants of the three forms 
growing wild, and the result was, as we have seen, for the long- 
styled (neglecting decimals) 93, mid-styled 132, and short-styled 
83. I should not have trusted this result, but I had a number 
of plants in my garden which, from their youth, did not yield the 
full complement of seed, but they were of exactly the same age 
and grew under exactly the same conditions, and were freely 
visited by bees. I took six fine capsules from each, and found 
the average to be for the long-styled 80, for the mid-styled 97, 
and for the short-styled 61. Lastly, I made numerous artificial 
unions, and, as may be seen in the following Tables, these gave 
in the long-styled an average of 90 seeds, in the mid-styled 117, 


and in the short-styled 71. So that we have good concurrent 
evidence of the different average production of seed by the three 
forms. To show that the artificial fertilizations, presently to be 
described, produced their full effect and may be trusted, I may 
state that one mid-styled capsule yielded 151 good seeds, which 
is the exact number of the finest wild capsule examined by me. 
Artificially fertilized short- and long-styled capsules actually pro- 
duced a greater number of seeds than I have found in wild plants, 
but then I did not examine many of the latter. This Lythrum, 
I may add, offers a remarkable instance, how profoundly ignorant 
we are of the life-conditions of each species: naturally it grows 
“in wet ditches, watery places, and especially on the banks of 
streams,” and though it produces so many minute seeds, it never 
spreads on the adjoining land; yet, planted in my garden, on 
_ clayey soil lying over the chalk, and which is so dry that a rush 
cannot be found, it thrives luxuriantly, grows to above six feet in 
height, produces self-sown seedlings, and (which is a severer test) 
is fully as fertile as in a state of nature. Nevertheless it would 
be almost a miracle to find this plant spontaneously growing on 
such land as my garden, though under its native climate. 
According to Vaucher and Wirtgen, the three forms coexist in 
all parts of Europe. Some friends gathered for me in North 
Wales a number of twigs from separate plants growing near each 
other, and then classified them. My son did the same in Hamp- 
shire, and here is the result :— 

| Long-styled. | Mid-styled. | Short-styled. | Total. 
| | | 
North Wales | 95 | 97 | 72 | 264 
Hampshire. | 53 | 38 | 38 | 129 
Ta RR ee m aa 

If twice or thrice the number had been collected, probably the 
three forms would have been found nearly equal; I infer this 
from considering the above figures, and from my son telling me 
that if he had collected in another spot, he felt sure that the 
mid-styled plants would have been in excess. I several times 
sowed small parcels of seed, and raised all three forms; but I 
neglected to record the parent form, except in one instance, in 
which I raised from short-styled seed twelve plants, of which only 

one turned out long-styled, four mid-styled, and seven short- 


Insects are necessary for the fertilization of this Lythrum. 
During two years I kept two plants of each form protected, and 
in the autumn they presented a remarkable contrast in appear- 
ance with the adjoining uncovered plants, which were densely 
covered with capsules. In 1863 a protected long-styled plant pro- 
duced only five poor capsules ; two mid-styled plants produced the 
same number ; and two short-styled plants between them produced 
only one: these capsules contained very few seed; yet the plants 
were fully productive when artificially fertilized under the net. 
In a state of nature the flowers are incessantly visited for their 
nectar by hive- and humble-bees and various Diptera. The nectar 
is secreted all round the base of the ovarium; but a passage is 
formed along the upper and inner side of the calyx by the lateral 
deflection (not represented in the diagram) of the basal portions 
of the filaments; so that insects invariably alight on the upper 
side of the flowers, on the projecting stamens and pistil, and insert 
their probosces along the upper inner margin of the calyx. We 
can now see why the ends of the stamens with their anthers, and 
the ends of the pistils with their stigma, are a little upturned, in 
order that they may brush against the lower hairy surfaces of the 
insects’ bodies. The short stamens which lie enclosed within the 
calyx of the long- and mid-styled forms can be touched only by 
the proboscis and the narrow chin of the sucking bee; hence they 
have their ends more upturned, and they are graduated in length, 
so as to fall into a narrow file, three deep, sure to be raked by 
the thin intruding proboscis. The anthers of the longer stamens 
stand laterally further apart and are more nearly of the same 
length, for they have to brush against the whole breadth of the 
insect’s body. I may here incidentally remark, that in very 
many flowers the pistil, or the stamens, or both, are rectangularly 
bent to one side of the flower: this bending may be permanent, 
as with Lythrum and many others, or may be effected (as in 
Dictamnus fraxinella and many others) by a temporary move- 
ment which occurs in the stamens when the anthers dehisce, 
and in the pistil when the stigma is mature; but these two 
movements are by no means always contemporaneous in the 
same flower. Now I have found no exception to the rule, that 
when the stamens and pistil are bent, the bending is exactly to 
that side of the flower which secretes nectar (even though there 
be a rudimentary nectary of large size on the opposite side, as in 

some species of Corydalis) ; or, when nectar is secreted on all 



sides, to that side where the structure of the flowers allows the 
easiest access to it, as in Lythrum, Papilionaceous flowers, and 
many others. The rule consequently is that when the pistil and 
stamens are bent, the stigma and anthers are brought into the 
pathway towards the nectary. There are a few cases which seem 
to be exceptions, but they are not so in truth: for instance, in the 
Gloriosa lily, the stigma of the grotesque and rectangularly bent 
pistil is brought, not into the pathway from the open air towards 
the nectar-secreting recesses of the flower, but into the circular 
route from one nectary to the other; in Scrophularia aquatica 
the pistil is bent downwards from the mouth of the flower, but 
it thus strikes the pollen-dusted breasts of the wasps which 
habitually visit these ill-scented blooms. In the above rule we see 
one more instance of the supreme dominating power of insects 
over all the minor structural details of flowers, especially of those 
which have irregular corollas. Flowers which are fertilized by 
the wind must of course be excepted, but I do not know of a 
single instance of an irregular flower which is fertilized or crossed 
by this means. 

Ihave delayed too long on these points, but I must allude to 
one other. We have seen that the three pistils of different 
lengths have each two half-dozen sets of stamens of correspond- 
ing length. When bees suck the flowers, the longest stamens, 
bearing the green pollen, rub against the abdomen and the inte- 
rior sides of the posterior legs, as does likewise the stigma of the 
long-styled form. The stamens of middle length and the stigma 
of the mid-styled form rub against the under side of the thorax 
and between the front pair of legs. The shortest stamens and 
the stigma of the short-styled form must rub against the pro- 
boscis and chin; for the bees in sucking insert only the front of 
their heads into the calyx. On catching bees, I observed much 
green pollen on the inner sides of the hind legs and on the abdo- 
men, and much yellow pollen on the under side of the thorax. 
There was also pollen on the chin, and, it may be presumed, on 
the proboscis, but this was difficult to observe. I had, however, 
independent proof that pollen is carried on the proboscis; for in 
a protected short-styled plant (which produced only two cap- 
sules) one small branch was accidentally left durmg many days 
pressing against the fine net, and bees were seen inserting their 
probosces through the meshes, and in consequence numerous 
capsules were formed on this one small branch. From these 
several facts it follows that insects would chiefly carry to the 



stigma of each form pollen from the stamens of corresponding 
length ; and we shall presently see the importance of this adapta- 
tion. It must not, however, be supposed that the bees do not 
get more or less dusted all over with the several kinds of pollen; 
they certainly do, as could be seen with the green pollen from 
the longest stamens. Moreover, a case will presently be given of 
a long-styled plant which grew absolutely by itself, and produced 
an abundance of capsules, which must have been fertilized by its 
own two kinds of pollen; but these capsules contained a very 
poor average of seed. Hence insects, and chiefly bees, act both 
as general carriers of pollen, and as special carriers of the right 
kind *. 

Variability—Before passing on to more important topics, I 
must say a few words on this head. Wirtgen remarks t on the 
variability in the branching of the stem,.in the length of the 
bractez, size of the petals, and in several other respects. The 
plants now growing in my garden have their leaves arranged op- 
positely, alternately, and in whorls of three, and differ greatly in 
shape. The stems of the plants bearing leaves in whorls are 
hexagonal ; those of the other plants are quadrangular. But we 
are concerned only with the reproductive organs: the upward 
bending of the pistil is variable, and in a remarkable degree jn 
the short-styled form, in which it is sometimes straight, some- 
times slightly curved, but generally upturned at right angles. 
The stigma of the long-styled pistil frequently has longer papillw 
or is rougher than that of the mid-styled, and this than that of 
the short-styled form ; but this character, though fixed and uni- 
form with the two forms of Primula, is here variable, and I have 

* In my paper on the two forms of Primula (Journal Proc. Linn. Soc. 1862, 
p. 85) I stated that I had only occasionally seen humble-bes sucking the flowers 
of the Cowslip (P. veris). Since then I have had some beds in my garden 
containing nearly 700 plants, and these were incessantly visited by Bombus 
hortorum and B. muscorum. I caught some of these bees, and I found (as I 
had anticipated in my paper, p. 86) that a vast majority of the pollen-grains 
which adhered to the base of the proboscis were large-sized and had come from 
the long stamens of the short-styled form, and were thus placed ready to ferti- 
lize the stigma of the long-styled form. On the other hand, on the middle, and 
near the tip of the proboscis, a very large proportion of the pollen-grains were 
of the small size, and had come from the short stamens of the long-styled form. 
My son caught, also, a moth (Cucullia verbasci) hovering over the bed, and I 
found on its proboscis a similar distribution of the two kinds of pollen-grains. 
I give these facts as a further illustration of the importance of the relative 
lengths of the stamens and pistil. 

+ Verband. des naturhist. Vereins, 5. Jahrgang, 1848, 8. 11, 13, 


seen mid-styled stigmas rougher than those of the long-styled. 
The degree to which the longer and middle stamens are graduated 
in length and are upturned at their ends is variable; sometimes 
all are equal. The colour of the green pollen in the long stamens 
is variable +, and is sometimes pale greenish yellow ; in one short- 
styled plant it was almost white. The grains vary a little in 
size: I examined one short-styled plant with the grains above 
the average size; and I have seen a long-styled plant with un- 
distinguishable grains from the longer and shorter anthers. We 
have here considerable fluctuations of character; and if any of 
these slight structural differences were of direct service to the 
plant, or were correlated with useful functional differences, we 
can perceive that the species is just in that state in which natural 
selection might readily do much for its modification. 

To return to our proper subject—we see that there are three 
kinds of females and three kinds of males, each kind of the latter 
being borne by half-dozens on two of the three forms. It remains 
to discover whether these several sexes or sexual organs differ from 
each other in function. Nothing brings more prominently forward 
the complexity of the reproductive system of this extraordinary 
plant, than the necessity, in order to ascertain the above fact, of 
artificially making eighteen distinct unions. Thus the long-styled 
form had to be fertilized with pollen from its own two distinct 
kinds of anthers, from the two in the mid-styled, and from the two 
in the short-styled form. The same process had to be repeated 
with both the mid- and short-styled forms. It might have been 
thought sufficient to have tried on each stigma the green pollen, 
for instance, from either the mid- or short-styled longer stamens, 
and not from both; but the result proves that this would have- 
been insufficient, and that it was necessary to try all six kinds of 
pollen on each stigma. As in artificial fertilizations there will 
always be some failures, it would have been advisable to have 

* Lagerstremia Indica, one of the Lythracee, is strangely variable in its 
stamens—I presume in part due to its growth in a hothouse. The most per- 
fect flowers produced with me five very long stamens with thick flesh-coloured 
filaments and green pollen, and from nineteen to twenty-nine short stamens with 
yellow pollen; but many flowers produced only one, two, three, or four long 
stamens with green pollen, which in some of the anthers was wholly replaced 
by yellow pollen; one anther offered the singular case of half, or one cell being 
filled with bright green, and the other cell with bright yellow pollen. One petal 
had a furrow near its base, which contained pollen. According to analogy with 
Lythrum, this species would produce three forms ; if so, the above plant was a 
mid-styled form; it was quite sterile with its own two kinds of pollen. 


repeated each of the eighteen unions a score of times; but the 
labour would have been too great; as it was, I made 223 artificial 
unions; 7. e., I fertilized, on an average, above a dozen flowers in 
the eighteen different methods. Each flower was castrated ; the 
adjoining buds had to be removed, that the marking-thread, wool, 
&e. might be safely secured; and after each fertilization the 
stigma had to be examined with a lens to see that there was suf- 
ficient pollen. Plants of all three forms were protected during 
two years by large nets on a framework ; two plants were used 
during one or both years, in order to avoid any individual pecu- 
liarity in any one plant. As soon as the flowers withered, the 
nets were removed; and in the autumn the capsules were daily 
inspected ; when the seeds were ripe they were counted under 
the microscope. I have given these details that confidence may 
be placed in the following Tables, and as some excuse for two 
blunders which, I believe, I made. These blunders are referred 
to, with their probable causes, in two notes to the Tables; the 
erroneous numbers, however, are entered in the Tables, that it 
may not be supposed that I have in any one instance tampered 
with the results. 

A few words explanatory of the three Tables must be given. 
Each is devoted to one form, and is divided into six compartments. 
The two upper ones in each table give the product of good seed 
from the application of pollen from the two sets of stamens which 
correspond in length with the pistil of that form. The two next 
lower compartments show the result of pollen from the other two 
sets of stamens, which do not correspond in length with the pistil, 
and which are borne by the same two forms. The two lowest 
compartments show the result of the application of each form’s 
own two kinds of pollen. The term “own pollen,” used here and 
in the Tables, does not mean pollen from the flower to be fertilized 
—for this was never used—but from another flower on the same 
plant, or more commonly from a distinct plant of the same form. 
In the result given, “0” generally means that no capsule was 
produced, or that the capsule contained no good seed. In some 
part of each row of figures in each compartment, a short hori- 
zontal line may be seen; the unions above this line were made in 
1862, and below it in 1863. It is of importance to observe this, 
as it shows that the same general result ensued in two successive 
years; but more especially because 1863 was a very hot and dry 
season, and the plants had occasionally to be watered. This did 
not prevent the full complement of seed being produced from 


the more fertile ‘unions ; but it rendered the less fertile unions 
even more sterile than they otherwise would have been. I have 
seen striking instances of this same fact in making homomorphic 
and heteromorphie unions in Primula”; and it is well known 
that the conditions of life must be highly favourable to give any 
chance of producing hybrids from species which cross with diffi- 

Table I.—Lone-styLtep Form. 


| L 
13 flowers fertilized by the longer 
stamens of the mid-styled. These 

stamens equal in length the pistil of 
the long-styled. 


13 flowers fertilized by the longer 
stamens of the short-styled. These 
stamens equal in length the pistil of 
the long-styled. 

Product of good seed in each capsule. | Product of good seed in each capsule. 
36 159 104 


81 0 43 119 

0 0 96 poor seed. 96 

0 0 103 99 

0 0 Q 131 

| — 0 0 116 
| 45 wer 
| 41 114 

38 per cent. of these flowers yield- 
“ed capsules. Each capsule contain- 
ed, on an average, 51:2 seed. 

84 per cent. of these flowers yield- 
ed capsules. Each capsule con- 
tained, on an average, 107‘3 seed. 

* In the spring of 1862 I crossed forty Cowslip flowers (P. veris) hetero- 
morphically and homomorphically. The plants were accidentally exposed in 
the greenhouse to too hot a sun, and a number of umbels perished. Some, 
however, remained in moderately good health, and on these there were twelve 
flowers which had been fertilized heteromorphically and eleven which had been 
fertilized homomorphically. The twelve heteromorphic unions yielded seven fine 
capsules, containing on an average 57°3 good seed. Now mark the difference: 
the eleven homomorphie unions yielded only two capsules, of which one con- 
tained 39 seeds, but so poor, that I do not suppose one would have germinated, 
and the other only 17 fairly good seed. It would be superfluous to give any 
more details on this experiment, or on some which I made at the same time on 
P. Sinensis, after the appearance of Mr. John Scott’s admirable paper on the 
various dimorphic species of Primula, in which he confirms my former results, 
and adds many original and valuable observations. Dr. Hildebrand has also 
(Botanische Zeitung, 1864, Jan: L, S. 3) confirmed my general results with respect 
to P. Sinensis, and has corrected an error into which in some unaccountable 
manner I fell, namely, that the pollen-grains from the long- and short-styled 
forms were of the same size. Dr. Hildebrand has added a series of new and 
important experiments, for he fertilized homomorphically a number of flowers 
with pollen from the same form, and likewise from the same individual flower. 
These latter he found were thus rendered rather more sterile. This experiment, 
I believe, has never been systematically tried before. 


Table I.—Lone-styLep Form (continued). 


14 flowers fertilized by the short | 12 flowers fertilized by the shorter 
stamens of the mid-styled. stamens of the short-styled. 
3 0 20 0 
0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 
0 0 = 0 
— 0 0 0 
0 0 0 
0 Too sterile for any average. 
Too sterile for any average. 
V. VI 
15 flowers fertilized by own longer | 15 flowers fertilized by own shorter 
stamens, stamens. £ 
2 — 4 — 
10 0 8 0 
23 0 4 0 
0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 
Too sterile for any average. ° Too sterile for any average. 

I fertilized a considerable number of flowers with pollen, taken by a 
camel’s-hair brush, from both the long and short stamens of their own (long- 
styled) form; but I did not examine with a lens (as I did in the cases in 
the Tables) whether sufficient pollen had been placed on the stigma: only 
5 capsules were produced, and these yielded on an average 14°5 seed. In 
1863 I tried a much better experiment: a long-styled plant was grown 
by itself, miles away from any other plant, so that its stigmas could have 
received only the two kinds of pollen proper to this form. The flowers 
were incessantly visited by bees, so that the stigmas must have received 
on the most favourable days, and at the most favourable hours, successive 
applications of pollen: all who have crossed plants know that this highly 
favours fertilization. This plant produced an abundant crop of capsules ; 
I took by chance 20, and these (excluding one poor one) contained seed as 

holon = 20 20 35 21 19 
26 24 12 23 10 

7 30 27 29 13 

20 12 29 19 35 

This gives an average of 21-5 seed per capsule; and as we know that this 
form, when standing near plants of the other two forms and fertilized by 
- insects, produces an average of 93-1 seed per capsule, we see that the 
long-styled form fertilized by its own two pollens yields only between 
one-fourth and one-fifth of the full number of seed. I have spoken as if 
this plant had received both its own kinds of pollen, and this is, of course, 
possible; but, from the enclosed position of the shorter stamens, it is 
much more probable that the stigma received almost exclusively the pollen 
from its own longer stamens. 



Table II.—Mi1D-styrenD FORM. 


12 flowers fertilized by the longer 
stamens of the long-styled. These 
stamens equal in length the pistil of 
the mid-styled. 

Product of good seed in each capsule. 

138 122 
149 50 
147 151 
109 119 
133 138 
144 0 

92 per cent. of the flowers (pro- 
bably 100 per cent.) yielded cap- 
sules. Each apsule contained, on 
an average, 127°3 seed. 


12 flowers fertilized by the shorter 
stamens of the short-styled. These 
stamens equal in length the pistil of 
the mid-styled. 

Product of good seed in each capsule. 

112 109 
130 143 
143 124 
100 145 
33 12 
a 141 

100 per cent. of the flowers yielded 
capsules. Each capsule contained, 
on an average, 108'0 seed; or, ex- 
cluding capsules with less than 20 
seed, the average is 116:7 seed. 

13 flowers fertilized by the short 
stamens of the long-styled. 

0 19 

~ sseed small 
S 85 | and poor. 
44 0 
44 0 
45 0 

54 per cent. of the flowers yielded 
capsules. Each capsule contained, 
on an average, 47-4 seed; or, ex- 
cluding capsules with less than 20 
seed, the average is 60-2 seed, 

15 flowers fertilized by the longer 
stamens of the short-styled. 
0 6 

` 115 113 
14 29 
6 17 
2 113 
9 79 
— 128 
132 0 

93 per cent. of the flowers yielded 
capsules. Each capsule contained, 
on an average, 69:5 seed; or, ex- 
cluding capsules with less than 20 
seed, the average is 102°8. 


12 flowers fertilized by own longer 

92 0 
9 0 
63 0 
— 0 
136 ?* 0 
0 0 

Excluding the capsule with 18 
seed, 25 per cent. of the flowers | 
yielded capsules, and each capsule 
contained, on an average, 54-6 seed ; 
or, excluding capsules with less than 

20 seed, the average is 77°5, 

12 flowers fertilized by own shorter 

coool ooo 

© per cent. of the flowers yielded 

* I have hardly any doubt that this result of 136 seed is due toa gross error. 
The flowers to be fertilized by their own longer stamens were first marked by 


I fertilized a considerable number of flowers with pollen, taken by a 
camel's-hair brush, from both the long and short stamens of their own 
(short-styled) form ; but I did not examine with a lens (as I did in the 
cases in the Tables) whether sufficient pollen had been placed on the 
stigma: only 5 capsules were produced, and these yielded, on an ay erage, 
11-0 seed, 

Table IIT.—Snort-styrep Form. 

I. TI. 
12 flowers fertilized by the shorter | 13 flowers fertilized by the shorter 
stamens of the long-sty led. These" stamens of the mid-styled. These 
stamens equal tn length the pistil of | stamens equal in leng ary the pistil of 

the short-styled. the short-styled, 

69 56 93 69 

61 88 77 69 

88 112 48 53 

66 lll 43 9 

0 62 0 0 

0 100 0 0 


479 cent. of the flowers yielded | 61 per cent. of the flowers yielded 
capsules. Each capsule contained, | capsules. Each capsule contained, 

on ok average, 81°3 seed. | on an average, 64/6 seed, 
TIL. | IV. 
10 flowers fertilized by the longer | 10 flowers fertilized by the longer 
stamens of the long-styled. stamens of the mid-styled. 
0 14 0 0 
0 0 | 0 0 
0 0 | 0 0 
0 0 | 0 0 
= 0 | oa 0 
23 0 
Too sterile for any average. Too sterile for any average. 

‘white thread,” and those by the longer stamens of the long-styled form by 
“ white silk ;” a flower fertilized in the latter manner would have yielded about 
136 seed, and it may be observed that one such pod is missing, viz., at the bottom 
of compartment 1. Therefore I have hardly any doubt that I fertilized a 
flower marked with “ white thread,” as if it had been marked with “ white silk,” 
With respect to the capsule which yielded 93 seed, in the same column with that 
which yielded 136, I do not know what to think. I endeavoured to prevent 
pollen dropping from an upper to any lower flower, and I tried to remember 
to wipe the pincers carefully after each fertilization ; but in making eighteen 
different crosses, sometimes on windy days, and pestered by bees and flies buzzing 
about, some few errors could hardly be avoided. One day I had to keep a 
third man by me all the time to prevent the bees visiting the uncovered plants, 
for in afew seconds’ time they might have done irreparable mischief. It was 
also extremely difficult to exclude minute Diptera from the net. In 1862 I 
made the great mistake of placing a mid-styled and long-styled under the same 
huge net : in 1863 I avoided this error. 


Table IIL.—Sxort-sTYyLED Form (continued). 

V. yI. 

` 10 flowers fertilized by own longer | 10flowers fertilized by own shorter 
stamens. stamens. 

0 0 64?* 0 

9 0 0 0 

0 0 0 0 

— 0 — 0 
0 0 21 0 
0 9 
Too sterile for any average. Too sterile for any average. 

I fertilized a number of flowers without particular care with their own 
two pollens, but they did not produce a single capsule; the position of 
the stigma within the calyx renders the fertilization without some care 

Summary of the three preceding Tables. 

Long-styled form.—T wenty-six flowers fertilized by the stamens 
of corresponding length, borne by the mid- and short-styled forms, 
yielded 61:5 per cent. of capsules, which contained, on an average, 
89°7 seed. 

Twenty-six flowers fertilized by the other and shorter stamens 
of the mid- and short-styled forms yielded only two very poor 

Thirty flowers fertilized by this form’s own two sets of stamens 
yielded only eight very poor capsules; but flowers well fertilized 
by bees by one or both of their own kinds of pollen produced 
numerous capsules containing, on an average, 21°5 seed. 

Short-styled form.—Twenty-five flowers fertilized by the stamens 
of corresponding length, borne by the long- and mid-styled forms, 
yielded 72 per cent. of capsules, which (excluding one capsule 
with only nine seeds) contained, on an average, 70°8 seed. 

Twenty flowers fertilized by the longer stamens of the long- 
and mid-styled forms yielded only two very poor capsules. 

Twenty flowers fertilized by both their own two sets of stamens 
yielded only two poor (or perhaps three) capsules. 

Mid-styled form.—Twenty -four flowers fertilized by the stamens 
of corresponding length, borne by the long- and short-styled 
forms, yielded 96 (probably 100) per cent. of capsules, which con- 

* T suspect that, by mistake, I fertilized this flower with the pollen of the 
shorter stamens of the long-styled form, and it would then have yielded about 
64 seed. Flowers to be thus fertilized were marked with black silk; those with 

the pollen of the shorter stamens of the short-styled with black thread ; and thus, 
I suspect, the mistake arose. 


tained (excluding one capsule with 12 seed), on an average, 117'2 

Fifteen flowers fertilized by the longer stamens of the short- 
styled form yielded 93 per cent. of capsules, which (excluding 
four capsules with less than 20 seed) contained, on an average, 
102°8 seed. 

Thirteen flowers fertilized by the shorter stamens of the long- 
styled form yielded 54 per cent. of capsules, which capsules (ex- 
cluding one with 19 seed) contained, on an average, 60°2 seed. 

Twelve flowers fertilized by own longer stamens yielded 25 per 
cent. of capsules, which (excluding one with 9 seed) contained, on 
an average, 77:5 seed. 

Twelve flowers fertilized by own shorter stamens yielded not a 
single capsule. 

Considering the three Tables and this summary, we may safely 
draw the following conclusions. First, that, as in structure so in 
function, there are three females or female organs: this is mani- 
fest; for when all three receive the very same pollen, they are 
acted on most differently. So conversely with the thirty-six sta- 
mens, we know that they consist of three separate sets of a dozen 
each, differing in various respects; and in function the pollen of 
these three sets when applied to one and the same stigma acts 
most differently, as a glance at the Tables proves. But we shall 
presently see that the action of the pollen of the whole dozen 
longest and of the whole dozen shortest stamens is not identical. 

Secondly, we see that only the longest stamens fully fertilize 
the longest pistil, the middle stamens the middle pistil, and the 
shortest stamens the shortest pistil. And now we can compre- 
hend the meaning of the almost exact correspondence in length 
between the pistil of each form and the two half-dozen sets of 
stamens borne by the two other forms; for the stigma of each 
form is thus rubbed against the same spot of the insect’s body, 
which becomes most charged with the proper pollen. In all three 
forms, the female organ is but feebly, or not at all, acted on by its 
own two kinds of pollen. In my papers on the dimorphism of 
Primula and Linum, I used the terms “heteromorphic” for the 
fully fertile unions between the female element of the one form 
and the male element of the other, and “ homomorphic” for the 
less fertile or quite sterile unions between the female and male 
elements of the same form. The principle involved in these terms 
holds good with Lythrum, but is insufficient ; for though in each 
of the three forms the fertile unions are all heteromorphic, the ap- 


propriate pollen coming from the stamens of corresponding length 
borne by the other two forms, and though the homomorphic unions 
of the females with their own two sets of males are always more 
or less sterile, there remain in each case two other sterile unions, 
not included in these two terms. Hence it will be found con- 
venient to designate the two unions of each female with the two 
sets of stamens of corresponding length, which are fully fertile, as 
legitimate unions, and the four other, more or less sterile, unions 
of each female with the four other sets of stamens as illegitimate 
unions. Consequently, of the eighteen possible unions between 
the three forms, six are legitimate and twelve are illegitimate. 

Another and curious conclusion cannot be considered as proved, 
but is rendered highly probable, by the Tables. The unions of 
the pistils and stamens of equal length are alone fully fertile. 
Now with the several illegitimate unions it will be found that the 
greater the inequality in length between the pistil and stamens, 
the greater the sterility of the result. There is no exception to 
this rule. Thus, with the long-styled form, its own shorter sta- 
mens are far less equal in length to the pistil than its own longer 
stamens; and the capsules fertilized by the pollen of the shorter 
stamens yielded fewer seeds: the same comparative result follows 
from the use of the pollen of the shorter stamens of the mid-styled 
form, which are much shorter than the shorter stamens of the short- 
styled (see diagram), and therefore less equal in length to the long- 
styled pistil. We shall see exactly the same result if we look to 
the four illegitimate unions under the mid- and short-styled forms. 
Certainly the difference in sterility in these several cases is very 
slight, but the sterility always increases with the increasing 
inequality of length between the pistil and the stamens which are 
used, Therefore I believe in the above rule; but a vast number 
of artificial unions would be requisite to prove it. Ifthe rule be 
true, we must look at it as an incidental and useless result of the 
gradational changes through which this species has passed in 
arriving at its present condition. On the other hand, the corre- 
spondence in length between the pistil of each form and those 
stamens which alone give full fertility is clearly of service to the 
species, and is probably the result of direct adaptation. 

Some of the illegitimate unions yielded, as may be seen in the 
Tables, during neither year a single seed; but, judging from the 
case of the long-styled plant, it is probable, if such unions could 
be effected repeatedly under the most favourable conditions, some 
few seeds would be produced. Anyhow, I can state that in all 


the eighteen possible unions the pollen-tubes penetrated, after 
eighteen hours, the stigma. I have reason to believe that the 
offspring from the illegitimate unions present some singular 
characteristics; but until my observations on this head are re- 
peated, I must be silent. At first I thought that perhaps two 
kinds of pollen placed together on the same stigma would give 
more fertility than any one kind; but we have seen that this is 
not the case with each form’s own two kinds of pollen; nor is it 
probable in any case, as I occasionally got, by the use of single 
kinds of pollen, fully as many seed as I have seen in a capsule 
naturally fertilized. Moreover the proper pollen from a single 
anther is more than sufficient to fully fertilize each stigma; hence, 
in this as in so many other cases, at least twelve times as much 
of each kind of pollen is produced as is necessary to ensure full 
fertilization. From the dusted condition of the whole body of 
those bees which I caught on these flowers, it is probable that 
some pollen of all kinds is deposited on each stigma; but there 
can hardly be a doubt that the pollen of the stamens of corre- 
sponding length will be prepotent and will wholly obliterate any 
effect from the other kinds of pollen, even if previously deposited 
on the stigma. I infer this partly from the fact ascertained by 
Gärtner that each species’ own pollen is so prepotent over that of 
any other species, that if put on the stigma many hours subse- 
quently, it will entirely obliterate the action of the foreign pollen. 
But I draw the above inference especially from the following 
experiment: I fertilized homomorphically or illegitimately some 
long-styled Cowslip flowers (Primula veris) with their own pollen, 
and exactly twenty-four hours subsequently I fertilized these 
same stigmas heteromorphically or legitimately with pollen from 
a short-styled dark-red Polyanthus. I must premise that I have 
raised many seedlings from crossed Cowslips and Polyanthus, and 
know their peculiar appearance ; and I further know, by the test 
of the fertility of the mongrels inter se, and with both parent 
forms, that the Polyanthus is a variety of the Cowslip, and not of 
the Primrose (P. vulgaris) as some authors haye supposed. Now 
from the long-styled Cowslip twice fertilized in the manner ex- 
plained, I raised twenty-nine seedlings, and every one of them 
had flowers coloured more or less red; so that the heteromorphic 
Polyanthus-pollen wholly obliterated the influence of the homo- 
morphie pure Cowslip-pollen, which had been placed on the 
stigmas twenty-four hours previously, and not a single pure 
Cowslip was produced. 


The last conclusion which may be deduced from the Tables, 
even from a glance at them, is that the mid-styled form differs 
from both the others in its much higher capacity for fertilization, 
Not only did the twenty-four flowers fertilized by the stamens of 
corresponding lengths, all, or all but one, yield capsules rich in 
seed; but of the other four illegitimate unions, that by the longer 
stamens of the short-styled form was highly fertile, though less 
than in the two legitimate unions, and that by the short stamens 
of the long-styled form was fertile to a considerable degree; the 
two unions with this form’s own pollen were sterile, but im dif- 
ferent degrees. So that the mid-styled form, when fertilized by 
the six kinds of pollen, evinces five different grades of fertility. 
By comparing compartments 3 and 6 in Table II. we learn a re- 
markable fact, namely, that though the pollen from the short 
stamens of the long-styled and from this form’s own (mid-styled) 
short stamens, used in these two unions, is identical in all respects, 
yet that its action is widely different ; in the one case above half 
the fertilized flowers yielded capsules containing a fair number of 
seed; in the other case not one single capsule was produced. So, 
again, the green, large-grained pollen from the long stamens of 
the short-styled and from this form’s own (mid-styled) long sta- 
mens is identical in all respects, but its action,as may be seen in 
compartments 4 and 5, is widely different. In both these cases 
the difference in action is so plain that it cannot be mistaken, but 
it can be corroborated. If we look to Table IHI., to the legiti- 
mate action of the short stamens of the long- and mid-styled 
forms on the pistil of the short-styled form, we again see a similar 
but slighter difference, the pollen of the short stamens of the 
mid-styled form yielding a smaller average of seed during the 
two years of 1862 and 1863 than that from the short stamens of 
the long-styled form. Again, if we look to Table I., to the legi- 
timate action of the green pollen of the two sets of long stamens, 
we shall find exactly the same result, viz. that the pollen of the 
long stamens of the mid-styled form yielded during both years 
fewer seeds than that from the long stamens from the short-styled 
form. Hence it is certain that the two kinds of pollen produced 
by the mid-styled form are less potent than the similar pollens 
produced by the corresponding stamens of the two other forms, 

When we see that the capsules of the mid-styled form yield 
a considerably larger average number of seed than those of 
the other two forms,—when we see how surely the flowers are 
fertilized in the legitimate unions, and how much more productive 


the illegitimate unions åre than those of the other two forms, we 
are led to consider the mid-styled form as eminently feminine in 
its nature. And although it is impossible to consider as rudi- 
mentary or aborted the two perfectly developed sets of stamens 
of the mid-styled form which produce an abundance of perfectly 
well-developed pollen, yet we can hardly avoid connecting, as 
balanced, the higher efficiency of the female organ with the lesser 
potency of the two mid-styled pollens. 

Fimally, it is proved by the Tables that Lythrum salicaria 
habitually produces or consists of three females different in 
structure and widely different in function; that it produces or 
consists of three sets of males-widely different in structure and 
function; and that two of the three sets of males are subdivided 
into subgroups of half a dozen each, differing in a marked manner 
in potency, so that regularly five kinds of pollen are elaborated 
by this one species of Lythrum. 

Lythrum Grefferi.—I must now say a few words about some of 
the other species of the genus. I have examined numerous dried 
flowers of L. Grafferi, each from a separate plant, kindly sent 
me from Kew. This species, like Z. salicaria, is trimorphic, and 
the three forms apparently occur in about equal numbers. In 
the long-styled form the pistil projects about one-third of the 
length of the calyx beyond its mouth, and is therefore shorter 
than in Z. salicaria; the globose and hirsute stigma is larger than 
that of the other two forms; the longer stamens, which are 
graduated in length, have their anthers standing just above and 
just beneath the mouth of the calyx; the half-dozen shorter 
stamens rise rather above the middle of the calyx. In the mid- 
styled form the stigma projects just above the mouth of the 
calyx, and stands almost on a level with the longer stamens of 
the previous form; its own longer stamens project well above the 
mouth of the calyx and stand a little above the level of the stigma 
of the long-styled form; the shorter stamens correspond in all 
respects with the shorter ones in the previous form. In the 
short-styled form the stigma of the pistil is nearly on a level with 
the anthers of the shorter stamens in the two preceding forms; 
and the longer stamens correspond with the longer stamens of 
the mid-styled form, and the shorter stamens with the longer 
stamens of the long-styled form. In short, there is a close general 
correspondence in structure between this species and L. salicaria, 
but with some differences in the proportional lengths of the parts. 
Nevertheless the fact of each of the three pistils having two sets 


of stamens, borne by the two other forms, of corresponding lengths, 
comes out conspicuously. In the mid-styled form the distended 
pollen-grains from the longer stamens had nearly double the 
diameter of those from the shorter stamens; so that there is a 
greater difference in this respect than in L. salicaria. In the 
long-styled form, also, the difference in diameter between the 
pollen-grains of the longer and shorter stamens was plainer than 
in L. salicaria. These comparisons, however, must be received 
with caution, as they were made on specimens long kept in a 
dried condition. 

Lythrum thymifolia—This form, according to Vaucher*, is 
dimorphic like Primula, and therefore presents only two forms. 
I received two dried flowers from Kew, which presented two 
forms: in the one form the stigma projected far beyond the calyx, 
in the other it was included within the calyx; in this latter form 
the style was only one-fourth of the length of the style of the 
other form. There are only six stamens; these are somewhat 
graduated in length, and in the short-styled form the anthers 
stand a little above the stigma, but yet the stamens by no means 
equal in length the pistil of the long-styled form; in the long- 
styled form the stamens are rather shorter than in the other 
form. These six stamens alternate with the petals, and corre- 
spond homologically with the longer stamens of L. salicaria and 
L. Grefferi. As there are only six stamens, it is scarcely possible 
that this species can be trimorphie. 

Lythrum hyssopifolia.—This species is said by Vaucher, but I 
believe erroneously, to be dimorphic. I have examined dried 
flowers from twenty-two separate plants from various localities, 
kindly sent to me by Mr. Hewett C. Watson, Prof. Babington, and 
others. These were all essentially alike. Hence the species cannot 
be dimorphic. The pistil varies somewhat in length, but when un- 
usually long the stamens are likewise generally long ; in the bud the 
stamens are short: perhaps these circumstances deceived Vaucher. 
There are from six to nine stamens, graduated in length; the sta- 
mens which are variable in being present or absent correspond with 
the six shorter stamens of L. salicaria and with the six which are 
absent in L. thymifolia. The stigma is included within the calyx, 
and stands in the midst of the anthers, and would generally be 
fertilized by them; but as the stigma and anthers are upturned, 
and as, according to Vaucher, there is a passage left in the upper 
side of the flower to the nectary, there can hardly be a doubt that 

* Hist. Phys, des Plantes d’Europe, tom, ii, (1841) pp. 369, 371. 


the flowers are visited by insects, which would occasionally bring 
pollen from other flowers of the same or of any adjoining plant, 
as surely as occurs with the short-styled Z. salicaria, of which 
the pistil and corresponding stamens closely resemble those of 
L. hyssopifolia. According to Vaucher and Lecoq*, this species, 
which is an annual, generally grows almost solitarily, whereas the 
three preceding species are social; and this alone would almost 
have convinced me that LZ. hyssopifolia cannot be dimorphic, as 
such plants cannot habitually live by themselves any better than 
one sex of a dicecious species. 

Nesea verticillata.—I raised a number of plants from seed sent 
me by Professor Asa Gray,and they presented three forms. These 
differed from each other in the proportional lengths of their organs 
of fructification and in all respects in very nearly the same way as 
the three forms of Lythrum Grefferi. The green pollen-grains from 
the longest stamens, measured along their greater axis and not 
distended with water, were +12, of an inch in length; those from 
the stamens of middle length 2544, and those trom the shortest 
stamens 7°), of an inch. 

We have seen that the genus Lythrum affords trimorphic, dimor- 
phic, and monomorphic species. 

The inquiry naturally arises, why do these species differ so 
remarkably in their sexual relations? of what service can reci- 
procal dimorphism or trimorphism be to certain species, whilst 
other species of the same genus present, like the great majority of 
plants, only one form? Ihave elsewhere given too briefly the 

* Géograph. Bot. de Europe, tom. vi. (1857) p. 157. 

+ ‘Origin of Species,’ 3rd edit., p. 101. Hugo yon Mohl has recently (Bot. 
Zeitung, 1863, S. 309, 321), in a most interesting paper, advanced the case of the 
minute, imperfectly developed, closed and self-fertile flowers borne by Viola, 
Oxalis, Impatiens, Campanula, &c., as an argument against my doctrine that no 
species is self-fertilized for perpetuity. I may state that in the spring of 1862 I 
examined some of these flowers, and saw, though less thoroughly, all that 
H. von Mohl has so well described. I can add only one remark, which I 
believe is correct, that in V. canina there is an open channel for the pollen- 
tubes from the extremity of the stigma to the ovarium ; for i gently pressed a 
minute bubble of air repeatedly backwards and forwards from end to end. 
Though the imperfectly developed and the perfect flowers are so different in 
structure, it is a rather curious case of correlation, that in the double purple 
Violet (F. odorata) the minute imperfect flowers are double to the very core, 
so that a section appears like the head of a cabbage when cut through. There 
can be, as von Mohl asserts, no doubt that these flowers are always self-fertilized ; 
they are moreover specially adapted for this end, as may be seen in the remark- 
able difference in the shape of the pistil in V. canina (and in a less degree in 
V. hirta and the single V. odorata) as compared with that of the perfect flower ; 



general grounds of my belief that with all organic beings distinct in- 
dividuals at least occasionally cross together, and reciprocal dimor- 
phism is plainly one most efficient means for ensuring this result. 

and in the pollen-tubes which proceed from the grains within the anthers in 
V. canina, and from within the lower anthers of Oxalis acetosella, having the 
wonderful power of directing their course to the stigma. If these plants had 
produced the minute closed flowers alone, the proof would have been perfect 
that they could never have crossed with other individuals. Iam aware that 
in some of these cases it has been stated that the perfect flowers never produce 
any seed; as far as Amphicarpea is concerned, I hear from Professor Asa Gray 
that the petaliferous flowers certainly sometimes yield seed. The completely 
enclosed flowers of that curious grass, the Leersia oryzoides, as described by M. 
Duval-Jouve (Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, tom. x. 1863, p. 194), apparently offer 
the best case of perpetual self-fertilization ; for when perfect flowers are pro- 
truded from the culms, they are, as far as is yet known, always sterile. Ina 
number of plants kept by me in pots in water, not one single perfect flower has 
protruded, but the enclosed flowers produced plenty of seed. Without wishing 
to throw any doubt on M. Duval-Jouve’s excellent observations, I may add that 
with the enclosed flowers borne by my plants, the act of fertilization, that is, 
the penetration of the stigma by the pollen-tubes, took place in the air and not 
in fluid within the glumes. With the exception of the Leersia, as the case now 
stands, I cannot see how the production of the small, imperfect flowers invali- 
dates my doctrine that no species is perpetually self-fertilized, more than the 
multiplication of many plants by bulbs, stolons, &e. As I observe that the pro- 
duction of seed by the perfect flowers of Viola is spoken of as something capri- 
cious and accidental, I may state that, although it varies much in different years, 
it depends exclusively on the visits of bees; I ascertained this by marking many 
flowers thus visited, and finding that they produced capsules, and by covering up 
many flowers which (excepting a few that I artificially fertilized) did not, when 
thus protected, produce a single capsule. After bees have visited these flowers, the 
pollen may be seen scattered on the papilla and on the stigma itself, and they can 
hardly fail thus to cross distinct individuals. These remarks apply to V. canina, 
hirta, and odorata; with V. tricolor the case is somewhat different; but I 
must not enlarge any more on this subject. The production by so many plants 
of perfect and expanded, as well as of imperfect and closed flowers, seems to me 
to throw much light on many points; it shows how extraordinarily little 
pollen is necessary for full fertilization, for I ascertained with V. canina that the 
perfect and imperfect flowers (the latter producing so few pollen-grains) yielded 
the same average number of seeds ; it shows us that fertilization can be perfected 
in closed flowers ; it shows us that large; highly coloured petals, perfume, and 
the secretion of nectar are by no means indispensable for this act, even in those 
species which properly possess these characters. It seems to me that the neces- 
sity of an occasional cross with a distinct individual of the same species explains 
the universal presence of at least some expanded flowers, at the expense of injury 
from rain and the loss of much pollen by innumerable pollen-robbing insects ; 
it explains the enormous superfluity of pollen from its liability to loss from these 
eauses and during conveyance from flower to flower; it explains the use of a 
gaily coloured corolla, perfume, and nectar, namely, to attract insects, except in 
those comparatively few cases in which wind is the agent, and in these the last- 
named attributes are deficient. 


This result would appear to be one of high importance, for with 
dimorphic plants it is ensured at the risk of occasional sterility ; 
not only is the pollen of each plant useless or nearly useless to 
that individual, but so is the pollen of all the plants of the same 
form, that is, of half the total number of individual plants. In 
that extensive class of plants called by C. K. Sprengel dicho- 
gams, in which the pollen of each flower is shed before its own 
stigma is ready, or in which the stigma (though this case occurs 
more rarely) is mature before the flower’s own pollen is ready 
sterility can hardly fail to be the occasional result; and it would 
be the inevitable result with both dichogamous and reciprocally 
dimorphic flowers unless pollen were carried by insects (and in 
some few species by the wind) from one flower or plant to the 
other. As with reciprocal dimorphism so with dichogamy, 
. within the same genus some of the species are and some are not 
thus characterized. Again, in the same genus, as in that of 
Trifolium, some species absolutely require insect-aid to produce 
seed, others are fertile without any such aid; now when insects are 
requisite for fertilization, pollen will generally be carried from one 
flower to the other. We thus see, by means of reciprocal dimor- 
phism, of dichogamy, and of insect-aid, that some species require, 
or at least receive, incessant crosses with other individuals of the 
same species; whereas other species of the same genera can be, 
and probably are often fertilized during long periods by the 
pollen of their own flowers. Why this wide difference in the 
frequency of crosses should occur we are profoundly ignorant. I 
will only further remark on this head, that it would be a great 
mistake to suppose that many flowers, which are neither reci- 
procally dimorphic nor dichogamous, nor require insect-aid for 
their fertilization, nor show any particular adaptation in their 
structure for the visits of insects, are not habitually crossed with 
the pollen of other individuals; this occurs, for instance, habitually 
with cabbages, radishes, and onions, which nevertheless are per- 
fectly fertile (as I know by trial) with their own pollen without 
aid of any kind. 

But it may be further asked, granting that reciprocal dimor- 
phism is of service by ensuring at each generation a cross (but I 
am far from pretending that it may not have some additional 
unknown signification), why did not dimorphism suffice for 
L. salicaria and Grefferi? why were they rendered reciprocally 
trimorphic, entailing such complicated sexual relations? We 
cannot answer, except perhaps so far :—if we suppose two plants of 



the Z. salicaria to grow by themselves, then if the species were 
dimorphic it would only be an equal chance in favour of the two 
turning out different forms and consequently both being fertile ; 
but as the species is trimorphie and each form can fertilize the 
two other forms, it is two to one in favour of the two turning out 
different forms and being consequently both fertile. We thus 
see how reciprocal trimorphism must be an advantage; and 
probably it would be more advantageous to this Lythrum, which 
commonly grows in almost a single row along the banks of 
streams, than it would be to Primroses or Cowslips which have 
neighbours on all sides. But even if trimorphism effected ho 
good beyond that gained by dimorphism, we ought not to feel 
much surprised at its occurrence, for we continually see throughout 
nature the same end gained by the most complicated as well as by 
the most simple means: to give one instance :—in mahy dicecious 
plants pollen is carried from the male to the female by the wind, 
which is perhaps the simplest method conceivable, or by the 
adherence of the grains to the hairy bodies of insects, which is a 
method only a little less simple; but in Catasetum the conveyance 
is effected by the most complex machinery ; for in this orchid we 
have sensitive horns which when touched cause a membrane to 
rupture, and this sets free certain springs by which the pollen- 
masses are shot forth like an arrow, and they adhere to the 
insect’s body by a peculiar viscid matter, and then by the breaking 
of an elastic thread of the right strength the pollen is left sticking 
to the stigma of the female plant. The complexity of the means 
used in this and in many other cases, in fact depends on all the 
previous stages through which the species has passed, and on the 
successive adaptations of each part during each stage to changed 
conditions of life. 

As some authors consider reciprocal dimorphism to be the first 
step towards dicciousness, the difficulty of understanding how a 
trimorphic plant like Zythrum salicaria could become dicecious 
should be noticed; and as dimorphism and trimorphism are so 
closely allied, it is not probable that either state is necessarily 
in any way related to a separation of the sexes—though it may 
occasionally lead to this end. As far as Lythrum salicaria is con- 
cerned, the one tendency which we can discover is towards the 
abortion of the two sets of stamens in the mid-styled form. This 
tendency is evinced by its pollen, though abundant and apparently 
good, yielding a smaller percentage of seed than does the pollen 
of the corresponding stamens in the other two forms; and this 


fact is in itself curious, and shows by what insensibly graduated 
steps nature moves. If this tendency were carricd out the 
mid-styled form would become a female, depending for its fer- 
tilization on two sets of stamens in the long- and short-styled 
forms; and these two forms would reciprocally fertilize each other 
like the two forms of Primula or Linum; but there would be no 
approach to a dicecious condition. 

As the case of the trimorphie species of Lythrum is so com- 
plicated, and as it is easier to perceive the relations of the sexes 
in the animal than in the vegetable kingdom, it may be worth 
while to give, before concluding, a somewhat elaborate simile. 
We may take the case of a species of Ant, and suppose all the 
individuals invariably to live in three kinds of communities ; in 
the first, a large-sized female (not to specify other differences) 
living with six middle-sized and six small-sized males; in the 
second, a middle-sized female with six large- and six small-sized 
males; and in the third community, a small-sized female with six 
large- and six middle-sized males. Each one of these three 
females, though enabled to unite with any male, would be nearly 
sterile with her own two sets of males, and likewise with two 
other sets of males living in the other two communities; for she 
would be fully fertile only when paired with a male of her own 
size. Hence the thirty-six males, distributed by half-dozens in 
the three communities, would be divided into three sets of a 
dozen each; and these sets, as well as the three females, would 
differ from each other sexually in exactly the same manner as 
distinct species of the same genus. Moreover the two sets of 
males living in the community of the extraordinarily fertile 
middle-sized female would be less potent sexually than the males 
of corresponding size in the two other communities. Lastly, we 
should find that from the eggs laid by each of the three females, 
all three sorts of females and all three sorts of males were 
habitually reared—proving to demonstration that all belonged to 
one and the same species. 

To appreciate fully this remarkable case of the reciprocally tri- 
morphic species of Lythrum, we may take a glance at the two great 
kingdoms of nature and search for anything analogous. With 
animals we have the most astonishing diversity of structure in 
the so-called cases of alternate generation, but as such animals 
have not arrived at maturity, they are not properly comparable 
with the forms of Lythrum. With mature animals we have 
extreme differences in structure in the two sexes; we have in 


some of the lower animals males, females, and hermaphrodites 
of the same species; we have the somewhat more curious case 
of certain Cirripedes which are hermaphrodites, but are sexually 
aided by whole clusters of what I have called complemental 
males; we have, as Mr. Wallace has lately shown, the females of 
certain Lepidoptera existing under three distinct forv s; but in 
none of these cases is there any reason to suspect tit there 
is more than one female or one male sexual element. With 
certain insects, as with Ants, in which there exist, besides 

males and females, two or three castes of workers, we have a 

slightly nearer approach to our case, for the workers are so far 
sexually affected as to have been rendered sterile. With plants, 
at least with phanerogamic plants, we have not that wonderful 
series of successive developmental forms so common with animals ; 
nor could this be expected, as plants are fixed to one spot from 
their birth, and must be adapted throughout life to the same 
conditions. With plants we have sexual differences in structure, 
but apparently less strongly marked than with animals, from 
causes which are in part intelligible, such as there being no 
sexual selection; again, we haye that class of dimorphic flowers 

so ably discussed recently by Hugo yon Mohl, in which some - 
of the flowers are minute, imperfectly developed, and neces- - 

sarily self-fertile, whilst others are perfect and capable of 
crossing with other flowers of the same species; but in these 
several cases we have no reason to suspect that there is more 
than one female or one male sexual element. When we come to 
the class of reciprocally dimorphic plants, such as Primula, Linum, 
&c., we first meet with two masculine and two feminine sexes. 
But these cases, which seemed only a short time since so strange, 
now sink almost into insignificance before that of the trimorphic 
species of Lythrum. 

Naturalists are so much accustomed to behold great diversities 
of structure associated with the two sexes, that they feel no 
surprise at the fact; but differences in sexual nature have been 
thought to be the very touchstone of specific distinction. We 
now see that such sexual differences—the greater or less power 
of fertilizing and being fertilized—may characterize and keep 
separate the coexisting individuals of the same species, in the 
same manner as they characterize and have kept separate those 
groups of individuals, produced from common parents during the 
lapse of ages or in different regions, which we rank and deno- 
minate as distinct species. 

Nn tN 

September 1869.] 





To the Editors of the Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 


Having drawn up some notes for a French translation of 
my work ‘On the various contrivances by which British and 
Foreign Orchids are Fertilized by Insects’ (1862), it has ap- 
peared to me that these notes would be worth publishing in 
English. I have thus been able to bring up the literature of 
the subject to the present day, by giving references to, together 
with very brief abstracts of, all the papers published since my 
work appeared. These papers contain, on the one hand, cor- 
rections of some serious errors into which I had fallen, and, 
on the other hand, confirmations of many of my statements. 
I have also been able to add, from my own observations and 
those of others, a few new facts of interest. A heading is 
given to each note, which will show the nature of the correc- 
tion or addition, without any reference to my book ; but I have 
added in a parenthesis the page to which the note ought to be 

Down, Beckenham, Kent. Your obedient Servant, 
July 23, 1869. CHARLES DARWIN. 

yramidalis (p. 20).—The late Prof. 

Orchis or Anacamptis ? 4 
Treviranus has confirmed (Botanische Zeitung, 1863, p. 241) 

my observations on this remarkable species ; but he differs from 
me in one or two minor points. : 
On the kinds of Insects which habitually visit and fertilize 

some of the common British species of Orchis (p. 35).—I believe 

2 Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 

that it may be safely predicated that orchids with very long 
nectaries, such as the Anacamptis, Gymnadenia, and Platan- 
thera, are habitually fertilized by Lepidoptera, whilst those 
with only moderately long nectaries are fertilized by bees and 
Diptera—in short, that the length of the nectary is correlated 
with that of the proboscis of the insect which visits the plant. 
I have now seen Orchis morio fertilized by various kinds of 
bees, namely :—by the hive-bee (Apis mellifica), to some of 
which from ten to sixteen pollen-masses were attached; by 
Bombus muscorum, with several pollen-masses attached to the 
bare surface close above the mandibles; by Eucera longi- 
cornis, with eleven pollen-masses attached to its head; and 
by Osmia rufa. These bees, and the other Hymenoptera 
mentioned throughout these notes, have been named for me by 
our highest authority, Mr. Frederick Smith, of the British 
Museum. The Diptera have been named by Mr. F. Walker, 
of the same establishment. In Northern Germany, Dr. H. 
Miiller of Lippstadt found pollen-masses of Orchis morio at- 
tached to Bombus silvarum, lapidarius, confusus, and pra- 
torum. The same excellent observer found the pollen-masses 
of Orchis latifolia attached to a Bombus; but this orchis is 
also frequented by Diptera. A friend watched for me Orchis 
mascula, and saw several flowers visited by a Bombus, 
apparently B. muscorum; but it is surprising how seldom 
any insect can be seen visiting this common species. With 
respect to Orchis maculata, my son, Mr. George Darwin, has 
clearly made out the manner of its fertilization. He saw many 
specimens of a fly (Empis livida) inserting their proboscides into 
the nectary; and subsequently I saw the same occurrence. 
He brought home six specimens of this Empis, with pollinia 
attached to their spherical eyes, on a level with the bases of 
the antennee. The pollinia had undergone the movement of 
depression, and stood a little above and parallel to the pro- 
boscis: hence they were in a position excellently adapted to 
strike the stigma. Six pollinia were thus attached to one spe- 
cimen, and three to another. My son also saw another and 
smaller species (Hmpis pennipes) inserting its proboscis into 
the nectary ; but this species did not act so well or so regu- 
larly as the other in fertilizing the flowers. One specimen of 
this latter Empis had five pollinia, and a second had three 
pollinia, attached to the dorsal surface of the convex thorax. 
On nectar being secreted and contained between the outer 
and inner membranes of the nectary in several species of Orchis 
(p. 51).—I have repeated my observations on the nectaries of 
some of our common species, and especially on those of Orchis 
morto, at the time when various bees were continually visiting 

Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 3 

the flowers; but I could never see the minutest drop of nectar 
within the nectary. Each bee remained a considerable time 
with its proboscis in constant movement whilst inserted into 
the nectary. I observed the same fact with Empis in the case 
ot Orchis maculata; and in this orchis I could occasionally 
detect minute brown specks, where punctures had been made, 
Hence the view suggested by me that insects puncture the 
inner lining of the nectary and suck the fluid contained be- 
tween the two coats may be safely accepted. I have said in 
my work that this hypothesis was a bold one, as no instance 
was known of Lepidoptera penetrating with their delicate pro- 
boscides any membrane; but I now hear from Mr. R. Trimen 
that at the Cape of Good Hope moths and butterflies do much 
injury to peaches and plums by penetrating the skin, in parts 
which have not been in the least broken. 

Since the appearance of my work, the following observations 
havebeen publishedon other species of Orchisand on certain allied 
Jorms (p. 53).—Mr. J. Traherne Mogeridge has given (Journ. 
Linn. Soc. vol. viii. Botany, 1865, p. 256) a very interesting 
account of the structure and manner of fertilization of Orchis 
or Aceras longibracteata. Both pollinia, as in Anacamptis 
pyramidalis, are attached to the same viscid disk ; but, differ- 
ently from those in that species, after being removed from the 
anther-cases, they first converge and then undergo the move- 
ment of depression. But the most interesting peculiarity in 
this species is that insects suck nectar out of minute open cells 
in the honeycombed surface of the labellum. Mr. Moggridge 
saw this plant fertilized by a large bee, the Xylocopa violacea. 
He adds some observations on Orchis hircina, and describes 
the structure and manner of fertilization of Serapias cordigera 
by another bee, viz. the Ceratina albilabris. In this Serapias 
both pollinia are attached to the same viscid disk; when first 
withdrawn, they are bent backwards, but soon afterwards 
move forwards and downwards in the usual manner. As the 
stigmatic cavity is narrow, the pollinia are guided into it by 
two guiding plates. oe 

Mr. Moggridge sent me from Northern Italy living plants 
of Orchis or Neotinea intacta, together with excellent drawings 
and a full account of the structure of the flower. He informed 
me that this species is remarkable for producing seed with- 
out the aid of insects; and I ascertained that when insects 
were carefully excluded, almost all the flowers produced cap- 
sules. Their fertilization follows from the pollen being ex- 
tremely incoherent, and spontaneously falling on the stigma. 

Nevertheless a short nectary is present, the moa possess 
A D 

4 Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 

small viscid disks, and all the parts are so arranged that, if 
insects were to visit the flowers, the pollen-masses would pro- 
bably be removed and then carried to another flower, but not 
so effectually as with most other orchids. We shall hereafter 
find a few other cases of orchids which have structural pecu- 
liarities adapted both for self-fertilization and for crossing. I 
may here also refer to a paper by Mr. R. Trimen (Journ. Linn. 
Soc. vol. vii. Botany, 1863, p. 144) on the beautiful Disa 
grandiflora of the Cape of Good Hope. This orchid presents 
several remarkable characteristics, one of these being that the 
pollinia do not spontaneously undergo any movement of de- 
pression, the weight of the pollen-masses sufficing to bend the 
caudicle into the proper curvature for the act of fertilization. 
Another peculiarity is that the posterior sepal secretes nectar, 
and is developed into a spur-like nectary. Mr. Trimen in- 
forms me that he has seen a Dipterous insect, allied to Bom- 
bylius, frequenting the flowers. I may add that Mr. Trimen 
has sent me descriptions and specimens of various other South- 
African orchids, which confirm the general conclusions at 
which I have arrived in my work. 

On the movement of the pollinia of Ophrys muscifera (p. 56). 
—Mr. T. H. Farrer, who has lately been attending to the fer- 
tilization of various plants, has convinced me that I have 
erred, and that the pollinia of this Ophrys do undergo a move- 
ment of depression. Hence my remarks on the correlation of 
the various parts of the flower are to a certain extent invali- 
dated; but there can be no doubt that the naturally bent 
caudicle plays an important part in placing the pollen-mass 
in a proper position for striking the stigma. I have continued 
occasionally to watch the flowers of this species, but have 
never succeeded in seeing insects visit them; but I have been 
led to suspect that they puncture or gnaw the small lustrous 
prominences beneath the viscid disks, which, I may add, are 
likewise present in several allied species. I have observed 
very minute punctures on these prominences, but I could not 
decide whether these had been made by insects or whether 
superficial cells had spontaneously burst. 

Ophrys aranifera (p. 63).—F. Delpino states (Fecondazione 
nelle Piante &c., Firenze, 1867, p. 19) that he has examined in 
Italy thousands of specimens P this Ophrys, and that it sel- 
dom produces capsules. It does not secrete any nectar. Al- 
though he never saw an insect on the flowers (excepting once 
a green locust), nevertheless they are fertilized by insects ; for 
he found pollen on the stigmas of some flowers, which had their 
own pollinia still within the anther-cases. The pollinia never 

Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 5 

spontaneously fall out. He appears to think that I infer that 
this Ophrys tertilizes itself, which is an error. 

Ophrys apifera (p. 71).—Prof. Treviranus at first doubted 
(Botanische Zeitung, 1862, p. 11) the accuracy of my account of 
this Ophrys, and of the differences between it and O. arach- 
nites; but he has subsequently (Bot. Zeit. 1863, p. 241) fully 
confirmed all that I have stated. 

Ophrys arachnites (p.72).—I have now examined several ad- 
ditional living specimens of this Ophrys, and can confirm my 
statement that the pollinia do not fall out of the anther-cases, 
even when the spikes are strongly shaken; nor do they fall 
out when the spikes are kept standing in water for a week. 
Mr. J. Moggridge has made (Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. vol. viii. 
1865, p. 258) a remarkable observation on O. scolopax, which 
is closely allied to O. arachnites,—namely, that at Mentone it 
never exhibits any tendency to self-fertilization, whilst at 
Cannes all the flowers fertilize themselves, owing to a slight 
modification in the curvature of the anther, which causes the 
pollinia to fall out. This botanist has given, in his " Flora of 
Mentone,’ a full description, with excellent figures, of O. scolo- 
pax, arachnites, aranifera, and apifera; and he believes, from 
the number of intermediate forms, that they must all be 
ranked as varieties of a single species, and that their differ- 
ences are intimately connected with their period of flowering. 
It does not appear that these forms in England, judging from 
their distribution, are liable to pass into each other, within any 
moderate or observable period of time. 

On the fertilization of Herminium monorchis (p. 74).—My 
son, Mr. George Darwin, has fully observed the manner of 
fertilization of this minute and rare orchis. It differs from 
that of any other genus known to me. He saw the flowers 
entered by various minute insects, and brought home no less 
than twenty-seven specimens with pollinia (generally with only 
one, but sometimes with two) attached to them. These insects 
consisted of minute Hymenoptera (of which Tetrastichus dia- 
phantus was the commonest), of Diptera and Coleoptera, the 
latter being Malthodes brevicollis. The one indispensable 
point appears to be that the insect should be of very minute 
size, the largest being only the ~'s of an inch in length. i It 
is an extraordinary fact that in all the specimens the pollinia 
were attached to the same peculiar spot, namely, to the outer 
side of one of the two front legs, to the projection formed by 
the articulation of the femur with the coxa. In one instance 
alone a pollinium was attached to the outside of the femur 
a little beneath the articulation. The cause of this peculiar 
manner of attachment is sufficiently clear: the middle part 

6 Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 

of the labellum stands so close to the anther and stigma, that 
insects always enter the flower at one corner, between the 
margin of the labellum and one of the upper petals ; they also 
almost always crawl in with their backs turned directly or 
obliquely towards the labellum. My son saw several which 
had begun to crawl into the flower in a different position ; but 
they came out and changed their position. Thus, standing in 
either corner of the flower, with their backs turned towards 
the labellum, they inserted their heads and fore legs into the 
short nectary, which is seated between the two widely sepa- 
rated viscid disks. I ascertained that they stand in this po- 
sition by finding three dead insects, which had been per- 
manently glued to the disks. Whilst sucking the nectar, 
which occupies about two or three minutes, the projecting 
joint of the femur stands under the large helmet-lke viscid 
disk on either side; and when the insect retreats, the disk 
exactly fits on, and is glued to, the prominent joint. The 
movement of depression in the caudicle then takes place, and 
the mass of pollen-grains projects just beyond the tibia; so 
that the insect, when entering another flower, can hardly fail 
to fertilize the stigma, which is situated directly beneath the 
disk on either side. I know of hardly any other case in 
which the whole structure of the flower is more beautifully 
correlated than in the Herminium for a most peculiar manner 
of fertilization. 

On the movement of the pollinia in Peristylus viridis (p. 76). 
—Mr. T. H. Farrer informs me that the pollinia certainly un- 
dergo a movement of depression, but that this does not take 
place until twenty or thirty minutes have elapsed after their 
removal from the anther-cases. This length of time probably 
accounts for my oversight. He asserts that, after the move- 
ment of depression, the pollinia become much better adapted 
to strike the stigmatic surface. He suggests that insects may 
take a long time to lick up the nectar from the two naked 
spots on the labellum, and through the narrow slit-like open- 
ing into the nectary—and that during this time the polli- 
nium becomes firmly attached, by the slow hardening of the 
viscid matter, to the insect’s body, so as to be subsequently 
ready to fertilize another flower when visited by the same 
msect. : 

On the Lepidoptera which fertilize the Gymnadenia conopsea, 
and on the divergence of the pollinia (p. 82).—Mr. George 
Darwin went at night to a bank where this species grows 
plentifully, and soon caught Plusia chrysitis with six pollinia, 
P. gamma with three, Anaitis plagiata with five, and Tri- 
phena pronubawith seven pollinia attached to their proboscides. 

Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 7 

I may add that he caught the first-named moth, bearing the 
pollinia of this orchis, in my flower-garden, although more 
than a quarter of a mile distant from any spot where the plant 
grows. I state in my work that I do not understand the cause 
of the divergence of the pollinia so that they are enabled to 
strike the lateral stigmatic surfaces; but the explanation is 
simple. The upper margin of the nectary is arched, being 
formed on one side by the disk of one pollinium, and on the 
other side by the other disk. Now if a moth inserts its pro- 
boscis obliquely, and there are no guiding-ridges by which, as 
in Anacamptis pyramidalis, a moth is compelled to insert its 
proboscis directly in front, or if a bristle be inserted obliquely, 
one pollinium alone is removed. In this case the pollinium 
becomes attached a little on one side of the bristle or proboscis; 
and its extremity, after the vertical movement of depression, 
occupies a proper position for striking the lateral stigma on 
the same side. 

On the Gymnadenia tridentata of North America (p. 83).— 
Prof. Asa Gray has published (American Journal of Science, 
vol. xxxiv. 1862, p. 426, and footnote p. 260; and vol. xxxvi. 
1863, p. 293) some interesting notes on the Gymnadenia 
tridentata. The anther opens in the bud, and some of the 
pollen invariably falls on the naked cellular tip of the rostel- 
lum ; and this part, strange to say, is penetrated by the pollen- 
tubes, so that the flowers are self-fertilized. Nevertheless 
“all the arrangements for the removal of the pollinia by insects 
(including the movement of depressien) are as perfect as in the 
species which depend upon insect aid.” Hence there can be 
little doubt that this species is occasionally crossed. 

Habenaria or Platanthera bifolia (p. 88).—According to 
Dr. H. Müller, of Lippstadt, Pl. bifolia of English authors is 
the Pl. solstitialis of Boenninghausen ; and he fully agrees 
with me that it must be ranked as specifically distinct from 
Pl. chlorantha. Dr. Müller states that this latter species is 
connected by a series of gradations with another form which 
in Germany is called Pl. bifolia. He gives a very full and 
valuable account of the variability of these species of Platan- 
thera and of their structure in relation to their manner of fer- 
tilization. (See Verhandl. d. Nat. Verein. Jahrg. xxv, III. 
Folge, v. Bd. pp. 36-38.) 

American species of Platanthera (p. 91).—Prof. Asa Gray 
has described (American Journal of Science, vol. xxxiv. 1862, 
pp. 143, 259, & 424, and vol. xxxvi. 1863, p. 292) the struc- 
ture of ten American species of Platanthera. Most of these 
resemble in their manner of fertilization the two British spe- 
cies described by me; but some of them, in which the viscid 

8 Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 

disks do not stand far apart, have curious contrivances, such 
as a channelled labellum, lateral shields, &c., compelling 
moths to insert their proboscides directly in front. Pl. Hookeri, 
on the other hand (ibid. vol. xxxiv. 1862, p. 143), differs in a 
very interesting manner: the two viscid disks stand widely 
separated from each other; consequently a moth, unless of 
gigantic size, would be able to suck the copious nectar without 
touching either disk; but this risk is avoided in the following 
manner :—The central line of the stigma is prominent, and the 
labellum, instead of hanging down, as in most of the other 
species, is curved upwards, so that the front of the flower is 
made somewhat tubular and is divided into two halves. Thus 
a moth is compelled to go to one or the other side, and its 
face will almost certainly be brought into contact with one of 
the disks. The drum of the pollinium, when removed, con- 
tracts in the same manner as I have described under Pl. chlo- 
rantha, Prot. Gray has seen a butterfly from Canada with 
the pollinia of this species attached to each eye. In the case 
of Platanthera flava (American Journal of Science, vol. xxxvi. 
1863, p. 292), moths are compelled in a different manner to 
enter the nectary on one side. A narrow but strong protube- 
rance, rising from the base of the labellum, projects upwards 
and backwards, so as almost to touch the column; thus the 
moth, being forced to go to either side, is almost sure to 
withdraw one of the viscid disks. In the allied and wonderful 
Bonatea speciosa of the Cape of Good Hope there is a similar 
contrivance for the samespurpose. 

Platanthera hyperborea and dilatata have been regarded 
by some botanists as varieties of the same species; and Prof. 
Asa Gray says (Amer. Journ. of Science, vol. xxxiv. 1862, 
pp- 259 & 425) that he has often been tempted to come to the 
same conclusion; but now, on closer examination, he finds, 
besides other characters, a remarkable physiological difference, 
namely, that P/. dilatata, like its congeners, requires insect aid 
and cannot fertilize itself; whilst in PZ. hyperborea the pollen- 
masses commonly fall out of the anther-cells whilst the flower 
is very young or in bud, and thus the stigma is self-fertilized. 
Nevertheless the various structures adapted for crossing are 
still present. 

Fertilization of Epipactis palustris (p. 102).—My son, Mr. 
W. E. Darwin, has carefully observed for me this plant in the 
Isle of Wight. Hive-bees seem to be the chief agents in fer- 
tilization ; for he saw about a score of flowers visited by these 
insects, many of which had pollen-masses attached to their 
foreheads, just above the mandibles. I had supposed that in- 
sects crawled into the flowers; but hive-bees are too large to 

Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids, 9 

do this; they always clung, whilst sucking the nectar, to the 
distal and hinged half of the labellum, which was thus pressed 
downwards. Owing to this part being elastic and tending to 
spring up, the bees, as they left the flowers, seemed to fly 
rather upwards; and this would favour, in the manner explained 
by me, the complete withdrawal of the pollen-masses, quite as 
well as an insect crawling out of the flower in an upward 
direction. Perhaps, however, this upward movement may not 
be so necessary as I had supposed; for, judging from the point 
at which the pollen-masses were attached to the bees, the 
back part of the head would press against, and thus lift up, the 
blunt, solid, upper end of the anther, thus freeing the pollen- 

Various other insects besides hive-bees visit this Epipactis. 
My son saw several large flies (Sarcophaga carnosa) haunting 
the flowers; but they did not enter in so neat and regular a 
manner as the hive-bees; nevertheless two had pollen-masses 
attached to their foreheads. Several smaller flies (Cælopa 
frigida) were also seen entering and leaving the flowers, with 
pollen-masses adhering rather irregularly to the dorsal surface 
of the thorax. Three or four distinct kinds of Hymenoptera 
(one of small size being Crabro brevis) likewise visited the 
flowers; and three of these Hymenoptera had pollen-masses 
attached to their backs. Other still more minute Diptera, 
Coleoptera, and ants were seen sucking the nectar; but these 
insects appeared to be too small to transport the pollen-masses, 
It is remarkable that some of the foregoing insects should 
visit these flowers; for Mr. F. Walker informs me that the 
Sarcophaga frequents decaying animal matter, and the Cælopa 
haunts seaweed, occasionally settling on flowers; the Crabro 
also, as I hear from Mr. F. Smith, collects small beetles ( Hal- 
tice) for provisioning its nest. It is equally remarkable, see- 
ing how many kinds of insects visit this Æpipactis, that, al- 
though my son watched for some hours on three occasions 
hundreds of plants, not a single humble-bee alighted on a 
flower, though many were flying about. In a footnote I have 
given the results of experiments made by Mr. More, by cutting 
off the distal and hinged half of the labellum, in order to as~ 
certain how far this part is important. He has now repeated 
the experiment on nine additional flowers : of these, three did 
not produce seed-capsules; but this may have been accidental. 
Of six capsules which were produced, two contained about as 
many seeds as the capsules of unmutilated flowers on the same 
plant; but four capsules contained much fewer seeds. The 
seeds themselves were well-formed. These experiments, as 
far as they go, support the view that the distal part of the 

10 Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 

Jabellum plays an important part in leading insects to enter 
and leave the flower in a proper manner for fertilization. __ 

Fertilization of Epipactis latifolia (p. 104) —AlIthough this 
orchis is not common in the vicinity of Down, by a fortunate 
chance several plants sprang up in a gravel walk close to my 
house, so that I have been able to observe them during several 
years, and have thus discovered how they are fertilized. Al- 
though hive-bees and humble-bees of many kinds were con- 
stantly flying over the plants, I never saw a bee or any Dip- 
terous insect visit the flowers; whilst, on the other hand, I 
repeatedly observed each year the common wasp (Vespa syl- 
vestris) sucking the nectar out of the open cup-shaped label- 
lum. I thus saw the act of fertilization effected by the pollen- 
masses being removed and carried on the foreheads of the 
wasps to other flowers. Mr. Oxenden also informs me that 
a large bed of E. purpurata (which is considered by some 
botanists a distinct species, and by others a variety) was 
frequented by “swarms of wasps.” It is very remarkable 
that the sweet nectar of this Epipactis should not be attractive 
to any kind of bee. If wasps were to become extinct in any 
district, so would the Epipactis latifolia. 

Dr. H. Müller of Lippstadt has published (Verhandl. d. Nat. 
Ver. Jahrg. xxv. IIL. Folge, v. Bd. pp. 7-36) some very im- 
portant observations on the differences in structure and in the 
manner of fertilization, as well as on the connecting gradations, 
between Epipactis rubiginosa, microphylla, and viridiflora. 
The latter species is highly remarkable by the absence of a 
rostellum, and by being regularly self-fertilized. This latter 
circumstance follows from the incoherent pollen of the lower part 
of the pollen-masses emitting, whilst still within the anther- 
cells, pollen-tubes, which penetrate the stigma; and this oc- 
curred even in the bud state. This species, however,is probably 
visited by insects, and occasionally crossed; for the labellum 
contains nectar. Æ. microphylla is equally remarkable, by 
being intermediate in structure between Æ. latifolia, which is 
always fertilized by the aid of insects, and Æ. viridiflora, 
which does not necessarily require any such aid. The whole 
of this memoir by Dr. H. Miiller deserves to be attentively 

Cephalanthera grandiflora (p. 108).—During the year 1862, 
the flowers of this orchis appeared to have been visited much 
less frequently by insects than during the previous years; for 
the masses of pollen were seldom broken down. Although I 
have repeatedly examined the flowers, I have never seen a 
trace of nectar; but some appearances lead me to suspect that 
the ridges within the base of the labellum are attractive to 

Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 11 

Insects, and are gnawed by them, as in the case of many 
Vande and other exotic orchids. 

Goodyera repens (p. 114).—Mr. R. B. Thomson informs me 
that in the north of Scotland he saw many humble-bees visit- 
ing the flowers and removing the pollen-masses, which were 
attached to their proboscides. The bee sent was Bombus pra- 
torum. This species grows also in the United States; and 
Prof. Gray (Amer. Journ, of Science, vol. xxxiv. 1862, p. 427) 
confirms my account of its structure and manner of fertiliza- 
tion, which is likewise applicable to another and very dis- 
tinct species, namely, Goodyera pubescens. Prof. Gray states 
that the passage into the flower, which is at first very narrow, 
becomes, as I suspected, more open during its older state. 
Prof. Gray believes, however, that it is the column, and not 
the labellum, which changes its position. 

Spiranthes autumnalis (p. 123).—As in the case of the 
Goodyera, Prof. Gray feels confident that it is the column which 
moves from the labellum as the flower grows older, and not, 
as I had supposed, the labellum which moves from the column. 
He adds that this change of position, which plays so important 
a part in the fertilization of the flower, “is so striking that 
we wonder how we overlooked it” (Amer. Journ. of Science, 
vol. xxxiv. p. 427). 

On the rostellum of Listera ovata not exploding spontaneously 
(p.149).—I have covered up some additional plants, and found 
that the rostellum lost its power of explosion in about four days, 
the viscid matter then turning brown within the loculi of the 
rostellum. The weather at the time was unusually hot, and 
this may have hastened the process. After the four days had 
elapsed, the pollen had become very incoherent and some had 
fallen on the two corners, or even over the whole surface, of 
the stigma, which was penetrated by the pollen-tubes. Hence, 
if insects should fail to remove the pollinia by causing the 
explosion of the rostellum, this orchid certainly seems capable 
of occasional self-fertilization. But the scattering of the in- 
coherent pollen was largely aided by, and perhaps wholly de- 
pended on, the presence of Thrips—insects so minute that 
they could not be excluded by any net. 

Listera cordata (p. 152).—Prof. Dickie has been so good as 
to observe the flowers on living plants. He informs me that, 
when the pollen is mature, the crest of the rostellum is di- 
rected towards the labellum, and that, as soon as touched, the 
viscid matter explodes, the pollinia becoming attached to the 
touching object; after the explosion, the rostellum bends 
downwards and spreads out, thus protecting the virgin stig- 
matic surface; subsequently the rostellum rises and exposes 

12 Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 

the stigma; so that everything here goes on as I have de- 
scribed under Listera ovata. The flowers are frequented by 
minute Diptera and Hymenoptera. 

On the self-fertilization of Neottia nidus-avis, and on the 
rostellum not exploding spontaneously (p. 153).—1 covered up 
with a net several plants, and after four days found that the 
rostellum had not spontaneously exploded, and had already 
almost lost this power. The pollen had become incoherent, 
and in all the flowers much had fallen on the stigmatic sur- 
faces, which were penetrated by pollen-tubes. The spreading 
of the pollen seemed to be in part caused by the presence of 
Thrips, many of which minute insects were crawling about 
dusted all over with pollen. The covered-up plants produced 
plenty of capsules, but these were much smaller and contained 
much fewer seeds than the capsules produced by the adjoining 
uncovered plants. I may here add that I detected on the crest 
of the rostellum some minute rough points, which seemed 
particularly sensitive in causing the rostellum to explode. 

Dr. H. Miiller, of Lippstadt, informs me that he has seen 
Diptera sucking the nectar and removing the pollinia of this 

On the self-fertilization of certain Epidendree (p. 166).— 
Dr. Criiger says (Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. viii. Botany, 1864, 
p. 131) that “we have in Trinidad three plants belonging to 
the Epidendrese (a Schomburgkia, Cattleya, and Epidendron) 
which rarely open their flowers, and are invariably impreg- 
nated when they do open them. In these cases it is easily 
seen that the pollen-masses have been acted on by the stig- 
matic fluid, and that the pollen-tubes descend from the pollen- 
masses 77 situ down into the ovarian canal.” Mr. Anderson, 
a skilful cultivator of orchids in Scotland, informs me (see also 
‘Cottage Gardener,’ 1863, p. 206) that with him the flowers 
of Dendrobium eretaceum never expand, and yet produce 
capsules with plenty of seed, which, when examined by me, 
was found to be perfectly good. These orchids make a near 
approach to those dimorphic plants (as Oxalis, Ononis, and 
Viola) which habitually produce open and perfect, as well as 
closed and imperfect flowers. 

On the slow movement of the pollinia in Oncidium (p. 189). 
—Mr. Charles Wright, in a letter to Prof. Asa Gray, states 
that he observed in Cuba a pollinium of an Oncidium attached 
to a Bombus, and he concluded at first that I was completely 
mistaken about the movement of depression ; but after several 
hours the pollinium moved into the proper position for fertilizing 
the flower. i 

Manner of fertilization of various exotic Orchids (p. 189). 

Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 13 

—I may here remark that Delpino (Fecondazione nelle Piante, 
Firenze, 1867, p. 19) says he has examined flowers of Vanda, 
Epidendron, Phaius, Oncidium, and Dendrobium, and con- 
firms my general statements. The late Prof. Bronn, in his 
German translation of this work (1862, p. 221), gives a de- 
scription of the structure and manner of fertilization of Stan- 
hopea devoniensis. 

Sexes of Acropera not separated (p. 206).—I have committed 
a great error about this genus, in supposing that the sexes 
were separate. Mr. J. Scott, of the Royal Botanic Garden of 
Edinburgh, soon convinced me that it was an hermaphrodite, 
by sending me capsules containing good seed, which he had 
obtained by fertilizing some flowers with pollen from the same 
plant. He succeeded in doing this by cutting open the stig- 
matic chamber, and inserting the pollen-masses. My error 
arose from my ignorance of the remarkable fact that, as shown 
by Dr. Hildebrand ( Botanische Zeitung, 1863, Oct. 30 et 
seq., and Aug. 4, 1865), in many orchids the ovules are not 
developed until several weeks or even months after the pollen- 
tubes have penetrated the stigma. No doubt if I had exa- 
mined the ovaria of Acropera some time after the flowers had 
withered, I should have found well-developed ovules. In 
many exotic orchids besides Acropera (namely, in Gongora, 
Cirrhæa, Acineta, Stanhopea, &c.), the entrance into the stig- 
matic chamber is so narrow that the pollen-masses cannot be 
inserted without the greatest difficulty. How fertilization is 
effected in these cases is not yet known. That insects are the 
agents there can be no doubt; for Dr. Criiger saw a bee (Lu- 
glossa) with a pollinium of a Stanhopea attached to its back ; 
and bees of the same genus continually visit Gongora. Fritz 
Müller has observed, in the case of Cirrhwa (Bot. Zeitung, 
Sept. 1868, p. 630), that if one end of the pollen-mass be in- 
serted into the narrow entrance of the stigmatic chamber, this 
part, from being bathed by the stigmatic fluid, swells, and the 
whole pollen-mass is thus gradually drawn into the stigmatic 
entrance. But, from observations which I have made on 
Acropera and Stanhopea in my own hot-house, I suspect that, 
with many of these orchids, the pedicel with the narrow end 
of the pollinium, and not the broad end, is ordinarily inserted 
into the stigmatic chamber. By thus placing the pollinium, 
I have occasionally succeeded im fertilizing some of these 
orchids, and have obtained seed-capsules. 

Structure and fertilization of the Vandeæ ce. of Brazil 
(p. 210).—F ritz Müller has sent me many letters containing an 
astonishing number of new and curious observations on the 
structure and manner of cross-fertilization of various orchids 

14 Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 

inhabiting South Brazil. I much regret that I have not here 
space or time to give an abstract of his many discoveries, 
which support the general conclusions given in my work; 
but I hope that he will some day be induced to publish a full 
account of his observations. 

Fertilization of Catasetum (p. 211).—It has been highly 
satisfactory to me that my observations and predictive conclu- 
sions in regard to Catasetum have been fully confirmed by the 
late Dr. Criiger, the Director of the Botanic Gardens of Tri- 
nidad, in letters to me and in his paper in the ‘ Journal of the 
Linnean Society’ (vol. viii. Bot. 1864, p. 127). He sent me 
specimens of the bees, belonging to three species of Huglussa, 
which he saw gnawing the inside of the labellum. The pol- 
linia, when ejected, become attached to, and lie flat on, the 
backs of the bees, on the hairy surface of the thorax. Dr. 
Criiger has also proved that I was correct in asserting that 
the sexes of Catasetum are separate, for he fertilized female 
flowers with pollen from the male plants; and Fritz Müller 
effected the same thing with Catasetum mentosum in South 
Brazil. Nevertheless, from two accounts which I have re- 
ceived, it appears that Catasetum tridentatum, though a male 
ete occasionally produces seed-capsules ; but every botanist 
snows that this occasionally occurs with the males of other 
dicecious plants. Fritz Miller has given (Botanische Zeitung, 
Sept. 1868, p. 630) a most interesting account, agreeing with 
mine, of the state of the minute pollinia in the female plant : 
the anther never opens, and the pollen-masses are not attached 
to the viscid disks, so that they cannot be removed by any 
natural means. The pollen-grains, as so generally occurs with 
rudimentary organs, are extremely variable in size and shape. 
Nevertheless the grains of the rudimentary pollen-masses be- 
longing to the female plant, when applied (which can never 
naturally occur) to the stigmatic surface, emitted their pollen- 
tubes! This appears to me a very curious instance of the 
slow and gradual manner in which structures are modified ; 
for the female pollen-masses, included within an anther which 
never opens, are seen still partially to retain their former 
powers and function. 

Mormodes luxatum (p. 265).—I have now examined another 
age of Mormodes, the rare M. luxatum, and I find that the 
chief points of structure, and the action of the different parts, 
including the sensitiveness of the filament, are the same as 
in M. ignea. The cup of the labellum, however, is much 
larger, and is not pressed down firmly on the filament on the 
summit of the column. This cup probably serves to attract 
insects, and, as in Catasetum, is gnawed by them. The flowers 

Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 15 

are asymmetrical to an extraordinary degree, the right-hand 
and left-hand sides differing much in shape. 

Cycnoches ventricosum (p. 265).—The plant described in my 
work as a second species of Mormodes proves to be Cycnoches 
ventricosum. I first received from Mr. Veitch some flower-buds, 
from which the section (fig. xxx.) was taken ; but subsequently 
he sent me some perfect flowers. The yellowish-green petals 
and sepals are reflexed ; the thick labellum is singularly shaped, 
with its upper surface convex, like a shallow basin turned 
upside down. The thin column is of extraordinary length, and 
arches like the neck of a swan over the labellum ; so that the 
whole flower presents a very singular appearance. In the sec- 
tion of the flower, given in my work, we see the elastic pedicel 
of the pollinium bowed, as in Catasetum or Mormodes ; but at 
the period of growth represented in the figure the pedicel was 
still united to the rostellum, the future line of separation being 
shown by a layer of hyaline tissue indistinct towards the upper 
end of the disk. The disk is of gigantic size, and its lower 
end is produced into a great fringed curtain, which hangs in 
front of the stigmatic chamber. The viscid matter of the disk 
sets hard very quickly, and changes colour. The disk ad- 
heres to any object with surprising strength. The anther is 
very different in shape from that of Catasetum or Mormodes, 
and apparently would retain the pollen-masses with greater 
force. A part of the filament of the anther, lying between 
two little leaf-like appendages, is sensitive; and when this 
part is touched, the pollinium is swung upwards, as in Mor- 
modes, and with sufficient force, if no object stands in the 
way, to throw it to the distance of an inch. An insect of 
large size alights probably on the labellum, for the sake of 
gnawing the convex surface, or perhaps on the extremity of 
the arched and depending column, and then, by touching the 
sensitive point, causes the ejection of the pollen-masses, which 
are affixed to its body and thus transported to another flower 
or plant. 

Fertilization of the Arethusex (p. 269).—Epipogium Gmelini 
has been the subject of an admirable memoir (Ueber den Blii- 
thenbau, &c., Göttingen, 1866) by Dr. P. Rohrbach, who 
has shown how the flowers are fertilized by Bombus lucorum. 
With respect to another genus belonging to this same tribe, 
namely Pogonia, Dr. Scudder of the United States has de- 
scribed (Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. ix. 1863, p. 182) 
the manner in which it is fertilized by the aid of insects. 

Cypripedium (p. 274).—Prof. Asa Gray, after examining 
several American species of Cypripedium, wrote to me (see 
also Amer. Journ. of Science, vol. xxxiv. 1862, p. 427) that 

16 Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 

he was convinced that I was in error, and that the flowers 
are fertilized by small insects entering the labellum through 
the large opening on the upper surface, and crawling out by 
one of the two small orifices close to either anther and the 
stigma. Accordingly I caught a very small bee which seemed 
of about the right size, namely the Andrena parvula (and this 
by a strange chance proved, as we shall presently see, to be 
the right genus), and placed it in the labellum through the 
upper large opening. The bee vainly endeavoured to crawl 
out again the same way, but always fell backwards, owing to 
the margins being inflected. The labellum thus acts like one 
of those conical traps with the edges turned inwards, which are 
sold to catch beetles and cockroaches in the London kitchens, 
Ultimately the little bee forced its way out through one of the 
small orifices close to one of the anthers, and was found when 
caught to be smeared with the glutinous pollen. I then again 
put the same bee into the labellum; and again it crawled out 
through one of the small orifices. I repeated the operation 
five times, always with the same result. I then cut away the 
labellum, so as to examine the stigma, and found it well 
smeared over with pollen. Delpino (Fecondazione &e. 1867, 
p: 20) with much sagacity foresaw that some insect would be 
discovered to act in the manner Just described; for he argued 
that if an insect were to insert its proboscis, as I had supposed, 
from the outside through one of the small orifices close to one 
of the anthers, the stigma would be fertilized by the plant’s 
own pollen; and in this he did not believe, from having 
confidence in what I have often insisted on—namely, that all 
the contrivances for fertilization are arranged so that the 
stigma shall receive pollen from a distinct flower or plant. 
But these speculations are now all superfluous ; for, owing to 
the admirable observations of Dr. H. Müller, of Lippstadt 
(Verh. d. Nat. Ver. Jahrg. xxv. III. Folge, v. Bd. p. 1), we 
actually know that Cypripedium calceolus in a state of nature 
is fertilized by two species of Andrena, in the manner above 

On the relation between the more or less viscid condition of 
the pollen and stigma in Cypripedium (p. 276).—The relation 
between the state of the pollen and stigma, which I have 
pointed out in my work, is strongly confirmed by Prof. Gray's 
statement (Amer. Journ. of Science, vol. xxxiv. 1862, p. 428), 
namely, that in C. acaule the pollen is much more granular or 
less viscid than in other American species of the genus, and in 
this species alone the stigma is slightly concave and viscid! 
Dr. Gray adds that in most of the species the broad stigma 
presents another remarkable peculiarity, “in being closely 

Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 17 

beset with minute, rigid, sharp-pointed papillee, all directed 
forwards, which are excellently adapted to brush off the pollen 
from an insect’s head or back.” 

The use of the copious fluid contained within the labellum 
of Coryanthes (p. 278).—The Coryanthes macrantha is per- 
haps the most wonderful of all known orchids, even’ more 
wonderful in structure and function than Catasetum. Its 
manner of fertilization has been described by Dr. Criiger in 
the ‘Journal of the Linnean Society’ (vol. viii. Bot. 1864, 
p. 180), and in letters to me. He sent me bees, belonging to 
the genus Huglossa, which he saw at work. The fluid in the 
bucket formed by the basal part of the labellum is not nectar 
and does not attract insects, but serves, by wetting their 
wings, to prevent them from crawling out except through the 
small passages close to the anther and stigma, Thus the 
secretion of fluid in this orchis serves exactly the same end as 
the inflected margins of the labellum in Cypripedium. 

On the evidence that Insects visit many exotic Orchids in order 
to gnaw parts of the labellum, and not for the sake of nectar 
(p. 284).—It has been highly satisfactory to me that this hypo- 
thesis has been fully confirmed. In the West Indies, Dr. Criiger 
witnessed humble-bees of the genus Huglossa gnawing the 
labellum of Catasetum, Coryanthes, Gongora, and Stanhopea ; 
and Fritz Miller has repeatedly found, in South Brazil, the 
prominences on the labellum of Oncidium gnawed. We are 
thus enabled to understand the meaning of the various extra- 
ordinary crests and projections on the labellum of various 
exotic orchids; for they invariably stand in such a position 
that insects, whilst gnawing them, will be almost sure to 
touch the viscid disks of the pollinia, and thus remove them. 

Bonatea speciosa (p. 305).—The manner of fertilization of 
this extraordinary orchis has now been fully described by Mr. 
R. Trimen in the ‘ Journal of the Linnean Society’ (vol. ix. 
Bot. 1865, p. 156). A projection rising from the base of the 
labellum is one of its most remarkable peculiarities, as an in- 
sect is thus compelled to insert its proboscis on one side, and 
thus to touch one of the two widely separated and projecting 
viscid disks. Mr. J. P. Mansel Weale has also published 
(ibid. vol. x. 1869, p. 470) analogous observations on a second 
species, viz. Bonatea Darwinit. Mr. Weale caught a skipper- 
butterfly (Pyrgus elmo) quite embarrassed by the number of 
pollinia belonging to this orchis which adhered to its sternum. 
I do not know of any other case in which the pollinia adhere 
to the sternum of a Lepidopterous insect. 

On the nature of the contraction which causes the pollinia, 

after their removal ‘from the anther, to change their position 

18 Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 

(p. 838).—In Orchis hircina, I clearly saw, under the micro- 
scope, the whole front of the viscid disk become depressed as the 
two pollinia together underwent the movement of depression. 

Number of seeds (p. 344)—The number of seeds produced 
by Orchis maculata, as given in my work, is small in com- 
parison with that produced by some foreign species. I have 
shown (Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, 
vol. ii. 1868, p. 379), on the authority of Mr. Scott, that a 
single capsule of Acropera contained 371,250 seeds ; and the 
species produces so many flowers and racemes, that a single 
plant probably sometimes produces as many as 74 millions of 
seeds in the course of a single year. Fritz Miiller carefully 
estimated, by weighing, the number of seeds in a single capsule 
of a Mavrillaria in South Brazil, and found the number 
1,756,440. The same plant sometimes produces half-a-dozen 

Number of pollen-grains (p. 355).—I have endeavoured to 
estimate the number of pollen-grains produced by a single 
flower of Orchis mascula. There are two pollen-masses; in 
one of these I counted 153 packets of pollen; each packet 
contains, as far as I could count, by carefully breaking it up 
under the microscope, nearly 100 compound grains; and each 
compound grain is formed of four grains. By multiplying 
these figures together, the product for a single flower is about 
120,000 pollen-grains. Now we have seen that in the allied 
O. maculata a single capsule produced about 6,200 seeds ; so 
that there are nearly twenty pollen-grains for each ovule or 
seed. As a single flower of a Mazillaria produced 1,756,000 
seeds, it would produce, according to the above ratio, nearly 
34 million pollen-grains, each of which, no doubt, includes 
the elements for the reproduction of every single character in 
the mature plant! 

Enumeration of the Orchideæ which, as at present known, 
habitually fertilize themselves (p.358).—We have now seen 
that self-fertilization habitually occurs, in a more or less perfect 
manner, in one of the species of Ophrys, of Neotinea, Gymna- 
denia, Platanthera, Epipactis, Cephalanthera, Neottia, and in 
those Epidendree and in Dendrobium which often produce 
flowers that never expand. No doubt other cases will here- 
after be discovered. Self-fertilization seems to be more per- 
fectly secured in Ophrys apifera and in Neotinea intacta than 
in the other species. But it deserves especial notice that in 
all these orchids structures are still present, not in a rudimen- 
tary condition, which are manifestly adapted for the transport 
by insects of the pollen-masses from one flower to another. 
As I have elsewhere remarked, some plants, both indigenous 

Mr. C. Darwin on the Fertilization of Orchids. 19 

and naturalized, rarely or never bear flowers, or, if they do bear 
towers, these never produce seed. But no one doubts that 
it is a general law of nature that phanerogamic plants should 
produce flowers, and that these flowers should produce seed. 
When they fail to do this, we believe that such plants would 
perform their proper functions under different conditions, or 
that they formerly did so and will do so again. On analogical 
grounds I believe that the few orchids which do not now inter- 
cross, either did formerly intercross (the means for effecting 
this being still retained) or that they will do so at some 
future period under different conditions, unless, indeed, they 
become extinct from the evil effects of long-continued close 