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Videnskabelige Meddelelser 

den naturhistoriske Forening i Kjøbenhavn 

Bind 63. 
Udgivne af Selskabets Bestyrelse. 

Med 5 Tavler, 1 Kort og 59 Figurer i Texten. 


Syvende Åartis tredje Aargang. 70173 


Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri. 



Oversigt over de videnskabelige Møder i den naturhistoriske Forening 

De i Sommeren 1911 af Foreningen foretagne Excursioner ........ 

Meddelelse om den Schibbyeske Præmie ..…...........:........... 

J.C. Nielsen: Undersøgelser over entoparasitiske Muscidelarver hos 
AÅrthropoder. (Med 9 Figurer i yen (Hertil Tavle I). 

Th. Mortensen: Echinological Not ll. The central een 
plate of the Echinoidea. IV. be midi hybrids of Echinoderms 
(Med 1 Riber 1 Toxben).. sl li DEN DDS gaa EN 

B. Sæmundsson: Bidrag til Kundskaben om de islandske Hydroider. 
Ra ar se EK er Dige SEER BR NERE AE ERR 

J.P. Kryger : Om Forekomsten af en Fugleedderkop, Atypus piceus 
(Suls) EF Koh I Dark RE REDEN 

H. Winge: Fuglene ved de danske Fyr i 1910. 28de Aarsberet- 
ning om danske Fugle: (Med 1 ROD) 

J.C. Nielsen: Mydæa anomala Jaenn., a parasite of South-American 
birds. (Med 14F manen: lis in RES re REED ERR GER are 

Th. Mortensen: Astroclon sone n. sp. Å new East Åsiatic 

Hjalmar Ditlevsen: Danish me Nematodes. (Hertil Tavle 

Th. Mortensen: Astrochalcis micropus n. sp. Å new Euryalid from 
the Phiippines, Prelimimnary Notice; 0. LL se ER NSG 

R. Hartmeyer (Berlin): Ascidien aus dem Skagerrak, dem Trond- 
hjemsfjord und von den Får Øer. (Med 3 Figurer i Texten).. 

Forklaring af Tavlerne. 

Tavle I. Svælgskeletter af Fluelarver. (Se Tavleforklaringen S. 26). 
Tavle II—V. Anatomiske Figurer af Nematoder. (Se Tavleforklaringen 
S. 255—256), 

Den 28. 

Den 11. 

de videnskabelige Møder 
den naturhistoriske Forening 
i Vinterhalvaaret 1910—11. 

SÅ ken 1910. Professor H. F. E. Jungersen gav mr aeper; 

m Slægten Solenostomus (Ichthyotomiske Bidrag III). (Se 
tid etflgek »Ichthyotomical contributions. II. The veg ag 
the Aulostomidæ, Syngnathidæ and Solenostomidæ. Vid.Selsk. Skr. 
7. Ser, 8. 1910). Cand. mag. .K. Stephensen foreviste to snyltende 
Krebsdyr af Familien Dajidæ paa Sergestes og Acanthephvra 
fra Davisstrædet (,Tjalfe"). 

Paa Forslag af Professor Jungersen vedtoges det at gøre 
hvert tredje af Foreningens videnskabelige Møder til ,Referat- 
møde". Endvidere vedtoges paa Forslag af Dr. Mortensen at 
ændre Betegnelsen for Foreningens Tidsskrift saaledes at der i 
Stedet - den hidtil brugte Betegnelse »for Aaret...” sættes 


November. Dr. W. Sørensen holdt Foredrag om Bygningen 

n hos vore Geraniaceer og deres Forhold under Mod- 
ningen (se Afhandlingen ,Sur la structure du fruit de nos Gé- 
raniacées". Overs. Vid. Selsk. Forh. 1911). Docent Raunkiær 
bemærkede, at selv om Geraniacé-Frugtens Morphologi var urigtig 
fremstillet i Literaturen, havde det sande Forhold dog været 
kendt i over 20 Aar, idet han allerede i sin ,Excursions-Flora" 
(1890) paa Basis af egne Undersøgelser havde formet Gerania- 
céernes Familie-Diagnose i Overensstemmelse med det virkelige 
Forhold. Dr. Kolderup-Rosenvinge spurgte, om Foredragsholde- 
ren kendte Steinbrinck's Arbejder, som særlig gaar ud paa at 
studere de Spændingsforhold, som betinger Opspringningen. Fore- 
dragsholderen kendte godt disse Arbejder, men mente, at Stein- 
brinck slet ikke havde set, at her var et Problem, Pater Breitung 


gav, paa Grundlag af tidligere Iagttagelser, Oplysning om 
Griffelhalernes interessante Tilhæftning, som stærkt spændte 
Fjedre, og om den forbausende Kraft, med hvilken de udslynger 

Den 25. November. Referatmøde. Dr. Wesenberg-Lund foreviste 
g af danske Vandtæger med Oplysning om deres Forekomst 
Prosektor Brinkmann foreviste: 1) en Skærm til Mikroskoper til 
Beskyttelse mod Fugtighed fra Aandedrættet; 2) en Methode til 
Mærkning af Celloidinsnit (med reven Tusch); 3) Blodpræparater 
(af Tragulus, Kamel og Proteus); gav Referat af Reuter's Arbejde 
over en ny Kærnedelingsmodus, ,Merokinesis". Dr. Mortensen 
foreviste nogle tørrede Asterider, conserverede saaledes, at Farven 
var bevaret. Mag. Hj. Ditlevsen foreviste Syngamus trachealis, 
fra et Fasaneri (Wilhelmsborg) og gav Oplysninger om denne 
Iktes Biologi og den Sygdom, den foraarsager hos Fugle. 

Den 9. December. Dr. Wesenberg-Lund meddelte Bidrag til Phryga- 
neernes Biologi (se Afhandl. ,Uber die Biologie der Phryganea 
grandis und uber die Mechanik ihres Gehåusebaues". Internat. 
Rev. f. Hydrobiol. u. Hydrograph. IV. 1911). Stud. mag. P. Kram 
gav Meddelelse om Laagets Bygning hos nogle Hydroider. (Se 
Afhandl. ,Report on the Hydroids collected by the Danmark Ex- 
pedition at North East Greenland", Medd. om Grønland, 45, 1911). 

Den 20. Januar. Dr. 4. Bøving gav Meddelelse om anatomiske For- 
old af Betydning for Proérustes-Larvens Aandedræt. Docent 
Krogh fremhævede, at den vistnok lokale Sammenpresning af 
Trachésystemet, som Foredrågsholderen havde oplyst at finde 
Sted, maatte være af stor Betydning for den fuldstændige For- 
nyelse af Luften i de finere Trachégrene.. Ved Kontraktion af 
Respirationsmuskulaturen samtidig med Tillukning af Lukke- 
apparaterne kunde Udtømning af Kirtelsekreter og 'Tarmindhold 
bevirkes. Det var sandsynligt, at Trykkets Størrelse kunde naa 
op over 2 Atmosfærer (ifølge Iagttagelser paa Corethra-Larven). 
Prof. Jungersen spurgte, om Chitinskelettets Elasticitet alene 
virkede som Antagonist mod den muskuløse Sammentrækning af 
Bagkroppen. Foredragsholderen bekræftede dette. Dr. Wesen- 
berg-Lund henledte Opmærksomheden paa Dytisc-Larverne, hvor 
le Bugen er blød, og fremhævede, at disse i længere Tid (Vin- 
teren) vistnok slet ikke respirerer ved Hjælp af Aandedræts- 
bevægelser. (Jf, Afhandl. ,Uber die Respirationsverhiltnisse bei 
unter dem Eise tiberwinternden Wasserinsekten, besonders der 
Wasserkåfer und Wasserwanzen", Intern. Rev. f. Hydrobiol. u. 
Hydrogr. III. 1910). 

Den 3. Februar. Referatmøde. Dr. Wesenberg-Lund. foreviste forskel- 
lige Dytisc-Æg. Assistent Sell foreviste Molluskskaller fra Tangan- 
Jika-Søen, i hvilken Anledning Dr. Wesenberg-Lund gav en Frem- 

Den 24. 

Dan 16 


stilling af de nyere Teorier (Moore) om Tanganjika-Fauna'ens 
Oprindelse. Dr. J. C. Nielsen foreviste nogle Muscide-Larver 
snyltende i Fugle (se Afhandlingen ,Mydæa anomala Jaenn., a 
parasite of South-American birds" i dette Bind). Dr. Mortensen 
foreviste nogle naturlige Bastarder af Echinider (sé ,Echinologi- 
cal Notes" IV i dette Bind). Lærer J. P. Kryger foreviste en 
Fugleedderkop fra Hareskoven (se Afhandlingen S. 109 i dette 

rørformede Spind. I dettes tragtformede, ydre Del laa forskel- 
lige indfangede store Insekter, saasom run mEn eg og Mark- 
græshopper, som udgør denne Edderkops B 

Februar. Dr. Th. Mortensen holdt rang om Toffoltet hos 
Echiniderne. (Se Afhandlingen ,Echinological Notes" III i dette 

Marts. Dr, V. Nordmann gav Meddelelse om Boringen ved 
Skærumhede; det malakologiske Udbytte. (Danmarks Geol. Unders. 
2. Række 25.). 

Den 31. Marts. Referatmøde. Dr. 4. C. Johansen fremsatte ,Nogle 

emærkninger om Muslingerne paa Vaderne ved 
Graadyb i 

skraaner nogenlunde stejlt nedad, og hvor Sandet derfor tørres 
hurtig ved Ebbetid, træffes der i Reglen ingen Mollusker i det 
Niveau, der ligger mellem dagligt Højvande og 2 å 3 ge under 
dette. — Hvor Stranden skraaner meget langsomt nedad, ud- 
tørres Bunden mindre ved Ebbetid, og baade paa irernil hol 

Slikvaderne er der paa saadanne Steder adskillige Mollusk- 
arter, der gaar tæt ind til Kystlinien, Arter som Littorina lit- 
torea, Littorina rudis, Paludestrina stagnalis, Paludestrina ven- 
trosa, Mytilus edulis og Cardium edule. 

Muslinger, der lettest iagttages ovre paa Vaderne ved 
Graadyb og Fanø, er den almindelige Blaamusling (My- 
tilus edulis L.) og den almindelige Hjertemusling 
(Cardium edule L.). Blaamuslingen hviler paa Havbunden 
uden at grave sig ned i denne. Den kan her indtage meget 
forskellige Stillinger, men hyppigst er det dens afrundede bageste 
Del, der rager længst i Vejret. Den fæster sig ved sin Byssus 
til Stene, Molluskskaller og andre faste Genstande, og Indivi- 
derne viser en Tilbøjelighed til at klumpe sig sammen. Dens 
Udbredelse er meget ujævn. Der findes store Strækninger paa 
Sandvaderne, hvor den ikke forekommer, og der findes andre 
Strækninger, hvor den er saa almindelig, at den danner hele 
sammenhængende Kager. Dette er fortrinsvis Tilfældet, hvor 
der findes noget Grus imellem Sandet. Dens Hyppighed er 


gennemgaaende størst i det Niveau, der ligger omkring dagligt 

avvande og indtil et Par Fød under dette. — Den alminde- 
lige Hjertemusling hviler undertiden umiddelbart paa Hav- 
bunden uden at grave sig ned i denne. Man finder den f. Ex. 
ikke sjelden i' Mytilushobene. Men i Reglen graver den sig et 
lille- Stykke ned i Havbunden, ca. 1—3 Centimeter, hvad der 
svarer omtrent til Længden af dens Siphoner. Den har en mere 
jævn Udbredelse end Mytilus edulis, men der er .dog Omraader, 
hvor den slet ikke træffes. Paa Slikvaderne kan man finde de 
ganske unge Individer siddende paa Zosterabladene ligesom de 
unge Individer; af Mytilus. — Macoma baltica L. er vistnok 
lige saa hyppig påa Vaderne som den almindelige Hjertemusling, 
og. ligesom denne træffes den dels hvilende paa Havbunden, dels 
nedgravet i Sandet eller Slikken. Langt de fleste Individer findes 
nedgravede, og de sidder her i ca. 2—10 cm Dybde. Paa Sand- 
vaderne mellem Esbjerg og Maade Teglværk havde Foredrags- 
holderen påd en halv Kvadratmeter fundet 36 nedgravede Indi- 

ofte paa Havbunden under Zosteradækket. Voxne Individer af 
Macoma baltica gaar ikke. slet saa nær op til Niveauet for dag- 
ligt Højvande som-voxne Individer af de to foregaaende Arter. 
Højere oppe end ca.1 Fod under dagligt Højvande var den ikke 
truffet.— Den almindelige Sandmusling (Mya arenaria 
L.) er ligeledes almindelig paa Vaderne- ved Gråadyb og Fanø, 
men den gaar ikke saa højt op imod Kystlinien som de fore- 
gaaende Arter. Først i et Nivvau,. der ligger 2 å 3 Fod under 
Niveauet for dagligt Højvande, finder man dens Spor, og den 
bliver e og mere almindelig fra dette Niveau ud imod 
Lavvandsniveauet. Dens Hyppighed er imidlertid meget ujævn, 
påa visse. Steder havde F. søgt den forgæves. Ganske unge In- 
divider var truffet paa Slikvaderne, liggende paa Siden; men 
voxne og halvvoxne Individer sidder dybt nedgravede i Sand- og 
Slikvaderne, de store Individer indtil ca. 20cm nede i Hav- 
bunden. Paa Sandvaderne ved Fanøs Nordøstspids var fundet 
indtil 5 Individer paa '> Kvadratmeter. — Secrobicularia 
plana D. C. er almindelig i den ydre Del af Vaderne fra ca. 3 
Fod lgd modihyevelennn til Lavvandsniveauet., Man maa 
grave i Sandet for at kunne paavise den. Den efterlader ikke 
noget tydeligt E Acitekiebtlot mink i Sandet, naar den trækker 
sine Siphoner ned, saaledes som Sandmuslingen gør det. Paa 
Sandvaderne ved Nordøstpynten af Fanø tæt ved lsavvandsmærket; 
var fundet 9 Individer paa Y2 Kvadratmeter, dybt nedgravede i 
Sandet. Ligesom de fire foregaaende: Arter forekommer den 
baade paa Sandvaderne og paa Slikvaderne. 

De fem her nævnte Arter af ;Muslinger er de: for Vaderne 
ved Graadyb karakteristiske Arter. Andre Muslinge-Arter havde 
F. hidtil ikke truffet der ovenfor Niveauet for dagligt: Lavvande… 




Under stærke Regnskyl 'oversvømmes Vaderne-af Regnvandet, 
og de langsomt skraanende' Flåder kan da i Timevis' overskylles 
af Vand, der er helt fersk eller næsten. fersk. De Mollusker, der 
lever paa Vaderne udviser dér en vis Haardførhed overfor Paa- 
virkning af lidet saltholdigt Vand, en Haardførhed, som disse 
Arter maaske ikke oprindelig har været i Besiddelse af. Det er 
da ogsaa karakteristisk at lægge Mærke til, at. de. fire af de fem 
anførte Arter, Mytilus edulis, Cardium edule, Macoma baltica og 
Mya arenaria er de af alle danske Saltvandsmuslinger, der kan 
tage Ophold i det ferskeste Vand. Alle disse Arter af Salt- 
vandsmuslinger — og ingen andre Arter — gaar helt ind gen- 
nem Østersøen op i. den Bottniske. Bugt, hvor de lever i Vand 
af en Saltholdighed fra ca. 3 til 6 Promille"). Ogsaa den te af 
Arterne, Scrobicularia plana, kan leve i Vand af' ringe Salt- 
holdighed, Den gaar i vore Farvande ind i den vestlige Øster- 
søs østlige Del. Dens Fremtrængen mod Øst standser her ved 
en Saltholdighed af ca.:10 Promille. "Imidlertid er det ret sand- 
synligt, at denne udpræget sydlige Arts Fremtrængen mod Øst 
i Østersøen ikke standses paa Grund af.en for ringe Saltholdig- 
hed af Vandet, men paa Grund af en for lav. Temperatur i en 
vis Tid af Aaret. 

Tæt under Niveauet. for dagligt Lavvande kommer der ved 
Graadyb en Række åndre Muslingearter til, saaledes bl. a. Ostrea 
edulis (i de indenfjords Farvande), Mactra subtruncata 
Mtg. samt. de tre borende Former Zirphæa erispata L., 
Pholas candida L. og Petricøla pholadiformis Lam. 
En af disse Arter: Petricola pholadiformis er ny for den danske 
Fauna og aabenbart nylig indvandret til vore Kyster:. Foredrags- 
holderen fandt den. første Skal af denne Art paa Skallingens 
Østside d. 10de Maj 1905 i en nylig opskyllet. Skaldynge. Se- 
nere ;er--den bleven ret almindelig i: Graadyb, og:i' Sommeren 
1910 fandt han 'dens opskyllede Skaller paa Skallingens Øst-, 
Syd- og Vestside, saavelsom paa Fanø. Det lykkedes ham i 
Fjor at tage den levende. Ved Fiskeforsøg, der udførtes med en 
finmasket Skovltrawl. udfor Benknoldene paa Vestsiden af Skal- 
lingen i Juli 1910 paa ca. 1'/» Meters Dybde, toges der en Del 
fedt; Ler op i Travlen, i hvilket der fandtes..talrige Boremuslin- 
ger, Det…viste sig, at disse nye tilhørte de to, Arter: Pe- 
tricola pholadiformis og Zirphæa i 

Petricola pholadiformis er en sida nen Art, der først 
iden vyere Tid synes at være overført til Europa. Den op- 
dagedes først i 1890 i England ved. Burnham-on-Crouch ved 
Thames-Bugten?). Senere. har man , kunnet. spore dens Frem- 

c. Nordgvist: Bidrag till kånnedomen om Bottniska vikens och norre Ostersjåns 
mye renee: Meddel. af Soc. pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 17. 1890. 
Kennard: On the Bute bbatieng of Petricola RAP SS ASER" kam Fre 
i Soc. London, Vol. VIII S, 8. tå 


Anzeiger. XXXI 


trængen videre ind i Nordsøen. Den er angivet fra Belgien af 
Dupuis & Putzeys, og i 1906 er den fundet af E. Wolf ved de 
Øst-Friesiske Øer og af C. Boettger ved de Nord-Friesiske Øer, 
bl. a. ved Sylt"). Det er derfor heller ikke saa overraskende, at 
den nu er trængt frem ogsaa til de danske Kyster 
r. Mortensen mente ikke, der var noget Bevis for, at de 
fatkali, hvorunder de nævnte Arter lever paa Vaderne, virkelig 
var Grunden til, at de kunde taale Brakvand; det kunde lige saa 
vel — eller snarere — være en medfødt Egenskab hos dem. Docent 
Stamm spurgte, om der var foretaget direkte Maalinger af Vandets 
Saltholdighed paa Vaderne. Foredragsholderen erklærede, at skønt 
der ikke var foretaget direkte Maalinger, tvivlede han ikke om, 
at syre dér kunde være saa godt som fersk under Regnskyl. 
Mag. Bardenfleth spurgte, om det ikke kunde være muligt, at 
indikere helt kunde lukke sig i den Tid, der kunde være 
Ferskvand over dem (højst 6 Timer). Foredragsholderen turde 
ikke benægte dette. Cand. P. Krarup mente, at det, at en 
isoleret Koloni af disse Dyr blev tvungne til at udholde Fersk- 
vand, ikke kunde have nogen Forbindelse med Artens Optræden 
i Østersøen, da man saa maatte antage, at det skulde være Un- 
ger af netop disse Individer, der vandrede Skagen rundt derind. 
Paa en Forespørgsel af Cand. Fr. Johansen meddelte Foredrags- 
holderen, at hvor Vandets Saltholdighed er hyppige og stærke 
Vexlinger underkastet, bliver Molluskfaunaen fattig. I Nyminde- 
strømmen, f. Ex., hvor Vandets Saltholdighed førend Dannelsen 
af det nye Udløb ved Hvide Sande varierede fra ca. 4/0 til ca. 
33 9160, fandtes kun ganske enkelte Molluskarter. De fleste Salt- 
vandsarter, der som Larver førtes ind i Strømmen ude fra Havet, 
dræbtes af det udstrømmende svagt saltholdige Vand, medens 
Ferskvandsarternes Udbredelse hindredes af det indstrømmende 
Vand af høj Saltholdighed. I Nymindestrømmen fandtes den- 
gang kun 7 Molluskarter: Mytilus edulis, Cardium edule, Macoma 
baltica, Scrobicularia plana, Mya arenaria, Paludestrina stagna- 
lis og Paludestrina ventrosa, altsaa de samme Muslinger og et 
ar af de samme Sneglearter, som er karakteristiske for Vaderne 
er: Graadyb og Fanø. — Dr. V. Nordmann spurgte, om Fore- 
dragsholderen havde fundet Donax vittatus levende i Graa- 
dyb. F. meddelte, at han ikke havde fundet den levende dér, 
men derimod længere mod Nord ved Jyllands Vestkyst. 
Inspektor W. Lundbeck foreviste nogle Insektgnav (af Træ- 
bukke) i Bly (Hylotrupes bajulus L.). Dr. J.C. Nielsen foreviste 
Larver af Daadyrets Svælgbræmse (Cephenomyia), ny for dansk 
Fauna. Insp. Lundbeck gjorde opmærksom paa, i Anledning af 
Foredragsholderens Ytring, at ,Bræmser" ikke længere repræsen- 

Bøoetiger:  Petricola rok gb! Lam. im deutschen Wattenmeer. 2001. 
Bd. 1907. 


terede nogen systematisk Enhed, at disse Dyr dog staar hin- 
anden.nær. Pater Breitung foreviste Larver af. Rensdyrets og 
Kamelens Næse-Bræmser. — Professor V. A. Poulsen foreviste 
et nyt Mikrometer. Docent Stamm Antennularia, ny for dansk 
Fauna. Dr. Th. Mortensen refererede nogle nyere Forsøg med 
kunstig Befrugtning af Echinoderm-Æg, ,en til Ceylon indført 
Snegl" (Achatina), samt foreviste nogle Expl. af et Søpindsvin 
(Colobocentrotus) fra Java. 

Den 28. April. Cand. Fr. Johansen holdt Foredrag. om Ferskvands- 
Dyreliv i Nordøst-Grønland. (Se Afhandl ,Freshwater-life in 
North East Greenland". Medd. om Grønland, Bd. 45, 1911). 
Dr. Mortensen bemærkede, at det var underligt, om Apus gla- 
cilis virkelig skulde afsætte sine Æg paa Mos, da den dog nor- 
malt gaar med dem i Rugepose; Foredragsholderen erkendte, at 
han ikke havde klækket disse Æg, men mente dog ikke, at der 
kunde være Tvivl om, at det virkelig var Apus-Æg. 

Den 17. Januar foreviste Journalist J. Ervø i Studenterforeningens 
Festsal for Naturhistorisk Forening, Dansk Botanisk Forening, 
Dansk Geologisk Forening og Dansk Ornithologisk Forening 
(Medlemmer med Damer) en ny Række af Schilling's Lysbilleder 
af Natur og Dyreliv i Afrika. 
Den 11. April holdt Cand. mag. Ad. $. Jensen Foredrag (for Medlem- 
er med Gæster, i Studenterforeningens Bygning): ,Med , Tjalfe" 
fra Umanak til Cap Farvel". ; 

Beretning om de i Sommeren 1911 af Naturhistorisk Forening 
foretagne Excursioner. 

Søndag den 14. Maj. Ornithologisk Excursion til. Lyngby Skov ved 
Årresø, sammen med Dansk Ornithologisk Forening. Leder Hr. 
S. Saætorph 
Fra Ølsted Station spadseredes til Lyngby Skov, hvor man besøgte 
en Hejrekoloni paa henved 50 Par; fra Rederne blev nogle Hejreunger 
hentet ned og beset og derpaa atter anbragt i Rederne. Efter at man 
havde spist Frokost i Skoven spadseredes rundt om denne og videre forbi 
Arresø, i hvilken nogle Graagæs og Lappedykkere saas, til Kregome, hvor 
Hr. Gaardejer Anders Hansen gæstfrit "havde indbudt Deltagerne til at 
nyde en Forfriskning. Sluttelig vandrede man til nogle Udsigtspunkter 
ved Roskilde Fjord, sene man fra Kregome Station kørte tilbage. 
Følgende 47 Arter iagttoges 
Anas.boscas, Anser cinereus, Perdix cinerea, Podicipes cristatus, 
Vanellus cristatus, Gallinago scolopacina, Larus ridibundus, Larus 


canus, Sterna hirundo, Ardea cinerea, Ciconia alba, Falco tinnunculus, 
Columba palumbus, Cuculus canorus, Beidrooiptir sp., 

Corvus monedula, Corvus cornix, Hirundo riparia, Hirundo rustica, 
Sitta ewropæa, Alauda arvensis, Stwrnus vulgaris, Troglodytes parvulus, 
Accentor modularis, Parus major, Parus coeruleus, Parus palustris, 
Sylvia curruca, Sylvia hortensis, Acrocephalus phragmitis, Phyllo- 
pseustes trochilus, Motacilla flava, Motacilla alba, Turdus merula, Pra- 
ticola rubetra, Ruticilla phoenicura,. Erithacus rubecula, Passer dome- 
sticus, Passer montanus, Fringilla coelebs, Carduelis elegans, Ligurinus 
chloris, Cannabina linota, Emberiza schoeniclus, Emberiza citrinella, 
Emberiza miliaria. id 

Søndag den 28. Maj var Naturh. Forening af Direktør Heilbuth ind- 
budt til, sammen med Ornithologisk Forening, at aflægge et 
Besøg paa Øen Egholm i Storebælt. 

Fra Korsør sejlede man i et lille Dampskib over til Egholm, og iagt- 
tog under Vejs bl. a. et Træk af Cypselus apus. Ved Landgangen paa 
Egholm blev Deltagerne budt velkommen af Dir. Heilbuth. Angaaende 
elve Øen henvises til den i Bindet for 1909, p. VIII, givne Beskrivelse. 
Man genfandt de mægtige Skarer af ynglende Storm- og Hættemaager, 
som fandtes ved Foreningernes forrige Besøg paa Egholm, i uformindsket 
Tal, og disse to Maagearter dominerede fuldstændig Øens Fugleliv. Af 
den store Havmaage fandtes nogle faa Par. Under Opholdet paa Øen 
iagttoges et Træk af Hvepsevaager. Efter at man havde spadseret rundt 
paa Øen og nydt dens herlige Natur og rige Fugleliv, spiste man til Mid- 
dag hos Hr. og Fru Heilbuth, som med storartet Gæstfrihed havde ind- 
budt den store Forsamling hertil. — Følgende 42 Arter iagttoges: 

Tadorna cornuta, Somateria mollissima, Mergus serrator, Phasianus 
colchicus, Vanellus cristatus, Hæmatopus ostreologus, Larus ridibundus, 
Larus canus, Larus argentatus, Pernis apivorus, Syrnium aluco?, Co- 
lumba palumbus, Corvus monedula, Corvus cornix, Hirundo Fitida, 
Hirundo urbica, Alauda arvensis, Sturnus vulgaris, Troglodytes par- 
vulus, Accentor modularis, Parus major, Sylvia curruca, Sylvia cinerea, 
Sylvia hortensis, Acrocephalus palustris, Phyllopseustes trochilus, Phyl- 
lopseustes sibilatrix, Hypolais icterina, Luscinia philomela, Motacilla 

coelebs, Ligurinus chloris, Cannabina linota, Emberiza citrinella, Em- 
beriza miliaria 

Reder sted Æg eller Unger fandes af følgende 8 Arter: Tadorna 
cornuta, Phasianus colchicus, Larus ridibundus, Larus canus, Larus 
argentatus, Sturnus vulgaris, Turdus merula, Turdus musicus. 

Reder under Bygning fandtes af Luscinia philomela og Sylvia hor- 


En Excursion til Gurresø, som var ansat til Søndag d. 1. Oktober, 

maatte opgives paa Grund af daarligt Vejr, De faa Deltagere, der havde 


trodset Vejret, blev af Dr. Wesenberg-Lund, som skulde have ledet Ex- 
cursionen, indbudte til at bese den Ferskvands-biologiske Stations Labora- 
torium og Samlinger. 

Den Schibbyeske Præmie. 
Præmien for Aaret 1911 tildeltes Mag. sc. Henning E. Petersen for 
hans Arbejde: ,Danske Arter af Slægten Ceramium Lyngbye". (Vid. Selsk. 
SEE 7. RK. Bd. V. 1908). 

Undersøgelser over entoparasitiske Muscidelarver 

hos Arthropoder. 
Dr. J. 0. Nielsen. 

Carcelia gnava Meig"). 

Æ gget. Æggeskallen (Textfig. 1 og 2) er aflang, c. 0,75—1 mm. 
lang, tilspidset i begge Poler, meget tynd og gennemsigtig.  Over- 
fladen er afdelt i en stor Mængde Felter, der undertiden, særlig 
omkring Æggets Midte, er regelmæssig sekskantede. Æggeskallens 
ene Pol løber ud i en traadformet Forlængelse, hvis Spids ind- 
sænkes i en gennemsigtig Klump af et Kirtelsekret, som Fluen af- 
sondrer ved Æglægningen og anbringer paa det Sted, hvor Ægget 
skal afsættes. 

I de fleste Æg, man træffer afsatte paa Værtlarverne, er Em- 
bryonet vidt fremme i sin Udvikling, men jeg har et Par Gange 
fundet Værtlarver med Æg, hvori Embryonerne var ganske uud- 
viklede, saa at der ikke var Spor til Segmentering, ligesom Svælg- 
skelettet og Trachéerne heller ikke kunde iagttages. Det er der- 
for sandsynligt, at Æglægningen foregaar paa et Tidspunkt, hvor 
Udviklingen endnu er temmelig langt tilbage. 

1) Denne og de følgende Arter er bestemte af H. Kramer i Nieder- 
oderwitz og Dr.Villeneuve i Rambouillet. Den sidstnævnte har ydet 
mig stor Hjælp ved Adskillelsen af Carcelia-Arterne, og efter en 
Undersøgelse af alle af mig klækkede Carcelier har .han meddelt mig, 
at den Flue, som jeg i en tidligere Afhandling (Iagttagelser over en- 
toparasitiske Muscidelarver hos Arthropoder, Kbhvn. 1909 p. 56) har 
opført som Carcelia gnava B. & B. ikke er denne Art,. men derimod 
C. comata Rond. 

Vidensk, Meddel. fra den naturh, Foren, 1911. Bd, 63. 1 


Æg af den ovenfor beskrevne Form er tidligere omtalt af 
Townsend!) og Pantel?”) som forekommende hos Carcelia che- 
loniæ Rond. Ifølge Meddelelse fra Dr. J. Villeneuve, som har 
haft Pantels Eksemplarer til Undersøgelse, er denne Forfatters 
Art identisk med C. comata Rond., hvis Udvikling jeg, som før 
omtalt, har beskrevet under Navnet C. gnava. Jeg kan tilføje, at 
de Æg, jeg tidligere beskrev som C. gnava's, ikke tilhører denne 
Art, men en ubestemt Art, der lagde Æg paa Værter, der alle- 

Fig. 1. DE 2. 
af Carcelia gnava; Fig. 1. Haa 
Fig. 2. paa Huden af Larven til ea sl, Sr, 

rede var inficerede med Carcelia comata's Larver. Det er senere 
lykkedes mig at finde de tomme stilkede Æggeskaller af C. comata 
påa de Værter, hvoraf jeg klækkede Snylteren. 

Larven i lste Stadium. Længde c. 0.5—0.75 mm. 2—11. 
Leds Forrande og 9—11. Leds Bagrande med Tornbælter, der paa 
9—10. Leds Bagrande dog kun findes paa Larvens Underside. Midt 
paa Ilte Led findes et bredt og uregelmæssigt Tornbælte. Tornene 

1) Townsend: AÅ record of results from rearings and dissections of 
Tachinidæ (U. S. depart. of agriculture. Technical series No. 12. 
art VI. 1908 p. 97). 
?) Pantel: Recherches sur les diptéres å larves entomobies I. (La cel- 
lule XXVI 1910 p. 98). 

er stillede uregelmæssig imellem hverandre og deres Størrelse er 
stærkt varierende. Svælgskelettets Spids er comprimeret, temmelig 
stump og fortil bøjet. Svælgskelettet er paa Midten udvidet og 
her for neden indbugtet; Svælgpladerne omtrent lige lange, de 
øvre bagtil afrundede, de nedre afstudsede (Pl. I Fig. 1) Bag- 
spiraklernes Atrium er meget langstrakt, den yderste Trediedel op- 
adbøjet, endende med 2 meget smaa Knopper. 

2det Stadium. Længde 2—3 mm. Forranden af 2—10. 
Led med regelmæssige Tornbælter, der aftager i Størrelse bagud 
og paa 6—10. Led er indskrænkede til Undersiden; 4—11. Leds 
Bagrande med Bælter, der påa 4—10. Led kun findes paa Under- 
siden; 12. Led paa Midten med et Bælte. Mundkrogenes Rod er 
for- og bagtil udtrukket i Tænder, af hvilke den forreste er fremad- 
og den bageste bagudrettet. Spidsen er slank og kun svagt 
krummet. Svælgskelettet er fortil smalt; omtrent ved Forbindelses- 
stykket imellem Svælgskelettets 2 Halvdele findes paa de øvre 
Svælgpladers Rand et stumpt Fremspring. De øvre Svælgplader 
er brede og jævnt afrundede, de nedre lidt kortere og bagtil ind- 
bugtede (Pl. I Fig. 2) Forspiraklernes Atrium er langstrakt, ten- 
formet med 3 eller 4 korte Knopper, der. er stillede i en lige Linie. 
Hos den samme Larve kan der i det ene Forspirakel findes 3, i 
det andet 4 Knopper (Tekstfig. 3). Bagspiraklernes Atrium ender 
med 2 dybt adskilte langstrakte Knopper. 

3die Stadium. Længde 9—14 mm. 2—11. Leds Forrande, 
8—10. Leds Bagrande og hele 1lte Leds Bagrand paa Undersiden 
med Tornbælter, 12. Led paa Midten med et Bælte. Mundkrogenes 
Rod bærer fortil en i Spidsen indbugtet Knude og bagtil en af- 
rundet Tap. Paa Inderranden findes en lille Tand. Krogenes Spids 
er bred og svagt krummet. De forreste Svælgplader er fortil 
smalle, vider sig derefter ud og er bagtil mere end dobbelt saa 
brede som fortil. De øvre Svælgplader naar fortil med en bred 
Forlængelse frem til Midten af de forreste Svælgplader ; bagtil er 
de jævnt afrundede og ubetydelig længere end de nedre (Pl. I Fig. 3) 
Forspiraklernes Atrium er kort og plumpt, lidt længere end bredt, 



smallere fortil end bagtil og fortil kileformet tilspidset. Det ender 
med 3 eller 4 smaa Knopper, Antallet kan ligesom i 2Zdet Stadium 
variere i den samme Larves 2 Forspirakler (Tekstfig. 4) Bag- 
spiraklernes Ramme er sort og udsender 2 Broer, hvoraf den ene 
er bred og gaffeldelt, den anden smal 
og udelt. Broerne er sorte ved Roden, 
lysere udadtil. — Aandefelterne er 
langstrakte og lige, det midterste 
kortest (Textfig. 5.) Gataabningen er 
skudt frem til 12te Leds Forrand, 

den omgives af 2 smaa halvmaanefor- 

mede, lyse, brunlige Kitinplader. 
Tøndepuppen. Længde 5.5— 
3 mm. Bredde 3—4 mm. Formen va- 
rierende, Forenden i Reglen noget 
bredere end Bagenden, og Undersiden 
noget fladere end Rygsiden,  Led- 
grænserne tydelige, men ikke ind- 
skaarne. Overfladen fint tværrynket 
eller ridset. Hverken For- og Bag- 
spiraklerne eller Gattet fremstaaende. 

De ydre Puppespirakler findes. som 
Fig. 5 ganske svage, runde Forhøjninger ved 
Carcelia gnava. Fig. 3. Roden af 5te Led. 
2” Stadiums Forspirakel ?%5/,, 
Fig. 4. 3' Stadiums agt 
spirakel 70901,; Fig. 
3” Stadiums Klee, 451, Carcelia gnava Meig. er tidligere 
klækket af forskellige Spinderarters 


Larver (Malacosoma neustria L., Stilpnotia salicis L. og Orgyia 
antiqua L.). Jeg har iagttaget den ved Tisvilde, hvor den snyltede 
hos de 2 førstnævnte Arter, og har her haft Lejlighed til gennem 
flere Aar -at følge dens Optræden og dens Indvirkning paa et 

Paa et Pilehegn optraadte i Juli og August 1905 et meget 

stort Antal Sommerfuglelarver, tilhørende mange forskellige Arter 
(Cerura vinula L. Smerinthus populi L. S. ocellata L. Notodonta 
zigzac L., Malacosoma neustria L. 0.m.a.), ligesom der fløj en 
Del Imagines af Stilpnotia salicis omkring og lagde Æg paa Pilene. 
Den sidstnævnte Arts Larver kommer ud af Æggene om Efteraaret, 
overvintrer, æder Pilebladene i Maj—Juni og forpupper sig i Slut- 
ningen af sidstnævnte Maaned. Sommerfuglen er meget almindelig 
her i Landet, og findes i de fleste Pileplantninger. I 1905 op- 
traadte: den ikke i paafaldende stort Antal paa Pilehegnet, men i 
de følgende Aar formerede den sig såa stærkt, at dens Larve i 
1907 ganske afløvede Pilene. Jeg fandt i Begyndelsen af Juli en 
Del fuldt udviklede Spindere, der var i Færd med Æglægningen, 
og Pupper, der ikke — som under normale Forhold — var op- 
hængte enkeltvis i samménspundne Blade" eller mellem Kviste og 
Blade, men som fandtes samlede i store Klumper i løse Spind 
imellem Grene eller i Grenvinkler. Paa Pilene krøb desuden et 
stort Antal fuldvoksne Larver og mange mindre, ikke en Gang 
halvvoksne, uden at kunne finde Næring. Hist og her saas tillige 
døde Larver paa Jorden. Aarsagen til Spinderens stærke For- 
mering var- tydelig nok den, at Larverne næsten ikke var angrebne 
af Snyltere. Jeg foretog Klækninger med et temmelig stort Antal 
Larver og Pupper og klækkede ingen Snyltehvepse, men et 
enkelt Eksemplar af Carcelia gnava. -I 1908, i hvilket Aar jeg 
ikke selv saa Pilehegnet, var efter andres Sigende Angrebet taget 
af, men der var dog endnu flere helt afløvede Partier. Næste 
Aar, 1909, besøgte jeg atter Hegnet og fandt, at Larvernes Antal 
var betydelig mindre end i 1907, og at Hegnet var grønt. Ved 
Prøver, der udtoges paa forskellige Steder af Hegnet, viste det sig, 
at lidt over 50/0 af Spinderlarverne var inficerede med Snylte- 
fluens Larver, nemlig i den sydlige Del 59 9/0, i Midten 66 %/o og 
ved den nordlige Ende 47 9/0. 

I Juli 1910 var Angrebet ganske ophørt. Der fandtes paa 
hele Hegnet kun et ganske forsvindende Antal Spinderlarver. Efter 
det betydelige Procentantal af Larver, der var inficerede det forrige 

Aar, var det rimeligt at vente en stærk Nedgang i 1910; men 
denne forekom mig for stærk til, at den alene kunde skyldes 
Snylterens Virksomhed i 1909. Jeg undersøgte derfor Pilene nøjere 
og fandt her Sporene af Snylterens Optræden i 1910, idet der 
omkring påa Stammerne og Grenene fandtes en Del tomme Larve- 
hude af yngre eller halvvoksne Værtlarver, af hvilke Snylterne 
allerede var gaaet ud. Saaledes havde Snylterne nu faaet Bugt 
med Angrebet ved at tilintetgøre Resten af Larvebestanden paa et 
saa tidligt Tidspunkt, at saa godt som ingen af Spinderlarverne 
naaede fuld Størrelse. Det er utvivlsomt, at den stærke Nedgang 
i Spindernes Antal skyldes Snyltefluen; men det bør dog anføres, 
at der sammen med denne i 1909 optraadte en Snyltehveps, der 
dog kun spillede en ganske forsvindende Rolle, og at der i nogle 
Spinderlarver fandtes Larver af Sarcophaga affinis Fall. 

I en Pileplantning, der laa i nogen Afstand fra det ovenfor 
omtalte Hegn, fandtes en Del Larver af Malacosoma neustria, af 
hvilke en Del var inficerede med Larver af Carcelia gnava. 

Snyltefluen afsætter i Reglen sine Æg paa Haarene af Stilp- 
notia-Larven (Textfig. 1), sjældnere påa dens Hud (Textfig. 2); hos 
Ringspinderlarven, der er svagere behaaret, findes Æggene derimod 
hyppigere paa Huden. Begge Arters Larver træffes undertiden 
med Æg paa Panden eller andetsteds påa Hovedet; en Gang 
har jeg fundet et Æg fæstet til et Spirakel. Da Æggets Stilk 
er stiv, og Ægget, medens Larven endnu ikke er krøbet ud, rager 
frem, er dette ikke vanskeligt at finde paa Værterne, derimod kan de 
tomme, sammenfaldne Æggeskaller være vanskelige nok at opdage 
efter Larvens Fremkomst. 

I denne Forbindelse kan anføres, at jeg har fundet Æg af en 
anden Snylteflue paa Haarene af Larven til ÅAcronycta menyanthides 
View. Disse Æg (Textfig. 6) var c. 0,5 mm. lange og 0,25 mm. 
brede, ustilkede, tykskallede, stærkt hvælvede paa Oversiden og 
flade paa Undersiden, langs hvilken de var fastklæbede til Vært- 
larvens Haar. I et af Æggene fandt jeg en fuldstændig udviklet 
Larve, hvis Svælgskelet viste den mest slaaende Overensstemmelse 

med Carcelia gnava Larvens (Textfig. 7). Da Acronycta-Larven 
forpuppede sig, før Snylterne var krøbne ud af Æggene, var der 
ikke Lejlighed til at klække Fluen. 
Carcelia gnava-Larven aabner Ægge- 
skallen fortil og kryber ud; den bevæger 
sig omkring udenpaa Værtens Legeme, 
indtil den finder et Sted, hvor Indboringen 
kan finde Sted. En Snyltelarve, hvis 
Indboring jeg fulgte under Lupen, trængte 
ind igennem et Hul midt paa et af 
Værtens Rygled. Efterat Snylteren er 
kommen ind i Værtens Legeme vandrer 
den frit om; men samtidig med, at Fig. 6. Fi 7, 

den gaar over i det Stadium, hæfter Fig. 6. Snylteflueæg paa et 
aar af Larven til Acro- 
nycta menyanthides 29/3. 
en Tragt, der i Reglen udgaar fra en Fig. 7. Svælgskelet af en 
Ledhud; Tragten fortsættes af en Sæk, arve der fandtes i et saa- 

dant Æg. % 
og begge disse Deles Bygning svarer 

den sig fast til Værtens Hudskelet ved 

ganske til de tidligere beskrevne hos Ptychomyia selecta Meig. 
Snylteren forbliver fasthæftet til Tragten, indtil den er fuldvoksen, 
og ernærer sig først af Værtens Fedtvæv og senere af dens øvrige 

Med Hensyn til de Alderstrin, paa hvilke Værtlarverne an- 
gribes, viste der sig en Forskel imellem Stilpnotia og Malacosoma 
Larverne. De førstnævnte inficeres paa alle Alderstrin, ligefra 
ganske smaa til fuldvoksne. Efter Værtens Størrelse udvikles der 
i dem fra én til fire Snyltere. Inficerede Larver, der endnu ikke 
har gennemgaaet sidste Hudskifte, fæster sig, kort forinden de 
dræbes af Snylteren, med Gangvorterne fast til et Blad eller en 
Gren og hænger slapt ned; de tømte og indtørrede Larvehude, 
paa hvilke de Gangvorter, der er fæstede til Underlaget, er stærkt 
udtrukne, forbliver siddende her efter Snylterens Udboring (Text- 
fig. 8). De voksne inficerede Larver, der let kendes paa, at deres 
Pletters normale hvide Farve er forandret til gul, begynder at ind- 

spinde sig i et løst og uregelmæssigt Spind; Forpupningen begynder, 
idet Larvehuden revner fortil, og Puppen trækker sig ud af Larve- 
hudens sidste Led; længere naar 
Forpupningen i Reglen ikke, da 
Snylteren paa dette Tidspunkt 
hidfører Værtens Død. Disse 
= " inficerede Pupper har et meget 
karakteristisk og let kendeligt 

I sjældnere Tilfælde har jeg 
fundet Snylteren i fuldt udviklede 
Stilpnotia-Pupper. — Hos Mala- 
cosoma har jeg kun truffet Snyl- 
teren hos fuldvoksne Larver, trods 

Fig. 8. det, at der paa de samme Pile- 

En yngre Larve af Stilpnotia sa- træer, hvor disse levede, fandtes 
licis, efter at Carcelia-Larven har 

mk skred tt, talrige ikke fuldvoksne  Larver. 

Hos denne Art sker det hyppigere 
end hos Stilpnotia-Laverne, at Snylteren gaar over i Puppen. 

De fuldvoksne Snyltelarver borer sig ud af Værten og for- 
pupper sig i Jorden; i sjældnere Tilfælde sker dog Forpupningen 
i Værtens Hud. Puppetiden er kortvarig. En Del Larver for- 
puppede sig i Dagene fra ?/7 til 15/7, og Fluerne kom frem fra 
7 fe SÅ. 

Exorista blepharipoda B. & B. 

Larven i I1ste Stadium. Jeg har kun haft et Par af- 
kastede Larvehude til Beskrivelse, og da de var stærkt sammen- 
krøllede og beskadigede, kan jeg ikke angive Tornbælternes For- 
deling; det kunde dog iagttages, at Bælterne var meget brede, og 
at Tornene var stillede uregelmæssig imellem hverandre. Svælg- 
skelettets forreste Parti er langstrakt, noget udvidet fortil og her 
bøjet i en næsten ret Vinkel; bagtil findes et langstrakt, lystfarvet 


Felt; de øvre Svælgplader er brede, de nedre smalle og såa korte, 
at de ikke naar. tilbage til Midten af de øvre (Pl. I Fig. 4.) Bag- 
spiraklernes Filtkamre er temmelig korte og brede, med svagt 
bøjede Knopper. 

2det Stadium. Længde 2—3 mm. 2—6. Leds Forrande 
med brede og de følgende Leds med smallere Bælter; de sidste 
Leds Bagrande med brede Bælter. 12. Led helt besat med Torne. 
Mundkrogene er plumpe, Roden er for- og bagtil udtrukken i 
tornformede Spidser. Spidsen er svagt bøjet, fortil udtrukket i et 
Antal spidse Tænder. Svælgskelettets forreste Del er fortil til- 
spidset, de øvre Svælgplader i Reglen fortil udtrukket i en tilspidset 
Forlængelse; de nedre Plader er ligesaa lange som de øvre, med ind- 
bugtet Bagrand (Pl. I Fig. 5). Paa hver Side af Mundaabningen 
findes i Huden nogle smaa udadrettede Torne, og imellem disse et 
Antal mørke Punkter (a). Forspiraklerne er kølleformede og ender 
med 2 dybt adskilte Knopper. Bagspiraklerne er ligeledes kølle- 
formede og ender med 2 dybt adskilte, langstrakte og bøjede Knopper. 

Sdie Stadium. Længde 12—15 mm. 2—6. Leds Forrande 
med Tornbælter, der gaar helt omkring Leddene, og 7—11. Leds 
Forrande med Bælter paa Undersiden, 7. Led har dog undertiden 
Spor, til et Bælte paa Rygsiden. 6—8. Leds Bagrand paa Under- 
siden og hele 9—11. Leds Bagrande med Bælter; 12. Led besat 
med Torne, undtagen umiddelbart bagved Gataabningen. 

Mundkrogenes Rod løber fortil ud i en i Spidsen kløftet For- 
længelse og bagtil i en meget smallere, bagudrettet, noget krummet 
Torn. Mundkrogenes Spids er slank. Påa Inderranden findes et 
svagt tandformet Fremspring, og omtrent overfor dette paa Rygsiden 
et mindre Fremspring. De forreste Svælgplader er bredere bagtil 
end fortil; Forbindelsesstykket findes umiddelbart foran Roden; de 
øvre Svælgplader er brede, jævnt afrundede; fortil strækker en 
smal Forlængelse sig op i Højde med Midten af de forreste Svælg- 
pladers, De nedre Svælgplader er ubetydelig længere end de øvre 
(Pl. I Fig. 6). Ligesom i forrige Stadium findes der et Parti 
Torne påa hver Side af Mundaabningen; disse sidder paa et af- 


rundet stærkere kitiniseret Felt, der passer ind i Vinklen imellem 
Mundkrogens Spids og Rodens forreste Udvækst (a). Ialt findes der 
7—12 udad- og nedadrettede, temmelig plumpe og 
i Spidsen mørkt kitiniserede Torne; spredt over hele 
Feltet findes desuden en Del meget småa Prikker 
(Textfig. 9). 

Forspiraklernes Atrium er delt i to Partier: 

Fig. 9. — det indre er bredere end Trachéen og afrundet; det 
Eworista ble- 

3. Stadium indre Del og som er forbundne med hinanden ved 
Torngruppe fra Tværgrene; fortil findes flere mindre Grene, der hver 
gens Side. 2?20/,, 

ydre Parti bestaar af 2 Grene, der udgaar fra den 

ender med en Knop, der er aflang-oval og noget 
bredere end Grenen. Knoppernes Antal er c. 10— 
12, og de er i Reglen stillede i 2 paralelle Rækker (Textfig. 10). 

Bagspiraklerne er temmelig tæt sammenstillede, ikke hvælvede, 
noget længere end brede; Kitinrammen er bred og udsender ind- 
ad en Bro, der omslutter Trachéaabningen. Fra denne Bro ud- 
gaar atter 2 Broer over til Rammens modsatte Side; 
herved deles Spiraklet i 3 Partier, der hver bærer 
et slynget Aandefelt, af hvilke et af de ydre i Reglen 
er brudt i 2 Stykker (Tab. I Fig. 7). Gataabningen 
har Form som en lille oval Plade og findes skudt 
frem til 1lte Leds Bagrand. 

Tøndépuppen er fra 4—9 mm. lang og fra 21/2 Si i ry: 

—Å4 mm. bred, større Exemplarer sorte, mindre brune, Eæorista ble- 
stærkere hvælvet paa Rygsiden end paa Bugsiden og gh oregd 
Forenden noget smallere end Bagenden. Ledgrænserne nen 
tydelige, Overfladen fint og aabent tværfuret. Langs 
Siderne findes en noget bugtet Linie af fine Punkter. bon 
lerne er ikke fremtrædende og Bagspiraklerne kun svagt. De ydre 
Puppespirakler mangler. 

Eworista blepharipoda's Vært har hidtil ikke været kendt. Jeg 

har fundet den hos 2 Acronycta Arters Larver. (4. psi L. og 


Å.tridens Schiff.) Disse Larver er fuldvoksne i September, og paa 
denne Tid indsamledes ved Valby i 1908—1909 en halv Snes 
inficerede Larver. Der var ikke ydre Mærker paa Sommerfugle- 
larverne, der viste, at de var angrebne, og Snylterne opdagedes 
først, da de som fuldvoksne krøb ud af deres Værter. Hver Sommer- 
fuglelarve indeholdt fra 2—7 levende Snyltere i 3die Stadium, og 
desuden fandtes hyppig enkelte i samme Stadium, der var pressede 
ihjel af de andre. Igennem Huden af en Værtlarve, der conserve- 
redes kort forinden Snylterne skulde til at bore sig ud, men som 
endnu var i Live, kunde Bagenden af en Snyltelarve, der var i 
Færd med at bore sit Udgangshul, skimtes. Tarmkanalen var stærkt 
sammenpresset og helt tom, og Værten udfyldtes af 3 Ezxorista- 
Larver, paa hvilke der 
sad Flige af sammen- 
presset og destrueret 
Fedtvæv. Dette pille- 
des forsigtigt af og 
undersøgtes nærmere, og 
herved lykkedes det at 
finde velbevarede Larve- 
hude af 2det Stadium 
og Dele af I1ste Sta- 

' Fig. ly 
i Trachéstamme af Larven til Acronycta psi 
diums med vedhæn- med Ezorista blepharivoda-Larvens Tragt. 99/7. 
gende Svælgskeletter. 

Snyltefluelarverne .laa tilsyneladende ganske frit uden at være 
forbundne med Værten ved en Tragt, og Larvehude, der under- 
søgtes efter at Snylterne var gaaet ud, var ganske tomme, selv 
Hovederne var fuldstændig udtømte; kun hist og her fandtes ube- 
stemmelige Cellerester og Rester af Trachéer. Ved Undersøgelse 
af disse opdagedes Larvernes Tilhæftningssteder,  Tekstfig. 11 viser 
en Del af Sommerfuglelarvens Trachésystem, nemlig Grenen fra 
Spiraklet ind til Hovedstammen. Paa det Sted, hvor Grenen ud- 
munder i Hovedstammen, er denne gennemboret, og fra Hullets 
Rande udgaar en mørkfarvet Kitintragt, Denne er af ringe Størrelse 


i Forhold til Larvens i 3die Stadium, og jeg er derfor ikke ganske 
sikker paa, at disse er tilhæftede Tragten i den sidste Periode af 
deres Liv; derimod viser den Omstændighed, at jeg har fundet 
Resterne af 2det Stadiums afkastede Larvehude inde i de Fedt- 
cellerester, der fandtes ved Tragten, at Larverne var fasthæftede 
til denne, i alt Fald medens de skiftede Hud og gik over i 3die 
Stadium. Værtlarven viste ikke Spor af Snylternes Æg, og det er 
ikke muligt sikkert at afgøre, hvorledes Snylterne trænger ind. 
De fuldvoksne Fluelarver borer sig ned i Jorden og forpupper sig 
her. Pupperne overvintrer, og Fluerne kommer frem næste Sommer 
i Juni Maaned. 
Meigenia floralis Fall. 

Ægget. Æggeskallen er 0,5 mm. lang, flad paa Undersiden, 
hvor den er klæbet til Værtlarvens Hud og fladt hvælvet paa Over- 
siden, uden Skulptur. Naar Ægget aflægges, er det endnu ganske 
uudviklet, og straks efter Æglægningen kan hverken Tornvæbningen, 
Svælgskelettet eller Spiraklerne iagttages paa Embryonet. 

Larven i Ilste Stadium. Længde 1 mm.; Tornbælterne er 
vel udviklede og bestaar af smaa Torne, der staar tæt sammen i 
nogenlunde lige Rækker; 12te Led uden Torne; Svælgskelettet er 
lyst brunligt og svagt kitiniseret. Randene noget mørkere. Tanden 
er langstrakt, slank og svagt bøjet i Spidsen; de nedre Svælg- 
plader staar stærkt ud fra de øvre, begge Par er omtrent lige 
lange, de nedre er noget smallere end de - øvre og lige afskaarne 
bagtil, medens de sidstnævnte er afrundede (Tab. I Fig. 8.) Bag” 
spiraklernes Atrium er langstrakt, i Spidsen svagt kølleformet, med 
2 vel adskilte Knopper. 

2dét Stadium. Længde 2,5 mm. Forranden af 2—8. Led 
med Tornbælter, der paa 8de Led kun findes paa Undersiden. Bag- 
randen af Ste Led paa Undersiden med et svagt Bælte; påa 
Bagrandene af de følgende Led tiltager Bælterne i Udstrækning 
og Bredde og gaar paa 10—11. Led helt omkring Leddene. Tornene 
staar i nogenlunde lige Rækker, Mundkrogenes "Rod bærer fortil 


en fremadrettet, i Spidsen lysere Knude og bagtil en lille, svagt 
bagudrettet Tap. Spidsen er slank, den indre Del krummet, den 
yderste næsten lige. Svælgskelettet er fortil mørkt og bagtil meget 
lyst; de øvre Svælgplader er brede, foroven afrundede og bagtil 
" svagt tilspidsede, den nedre Rand lige; de nedre Svælgplader er 
betydelig kortere end de øvre (Tab. I Fig. 9).  Forspiraklernes 
Atrium er stærkt kølleformet og ender —— saavidt det har været 
mig muligt at se — med 2 ulige store Knopper; den ene er 
stærkt indskaaret i Randen og c. 5 Gange saa bred som den anden. 
Bagspiraklerne er svagt kølleformede med to dybt adskilte Knopper. 

3die Stadium. Længde 11—14 mm. Forranden af 2-—11. 
Led med Tornbælter, der paa 6—7. Led er afbrudte paa Siderne 
og påa 7-—11. Led tillige mangler paa Rygsiden. Bagrandene 
af 5—11. Led med smallere Bælter; paa 5—8. 
Led findes Bælterne kun paa Undersiden, 12te 
Led er helt besat med Torne.  Mundkrogene 
er i Forhold til Svælgskelettet store; fra Roden 
udgaar fortil under en omtrent ret Vinkel en 

Udvækst, der udadtil bliver smallere og i Fig. 12. 

Spidsen er svagt bagudrettet, og bagtil en  Meigenia floralis. 
mindre, bagudrettet, afrundet Tap. Mundkrogenes BAGE 

Spids er jævnt krummet og udadtil meget smallere É ; 

end det inderste Stykke; paa JInderranden findes et lille Hak 
umiddelbart foran Rodens forreste Udvækst. De forreste Svælg- 
plader er knap halv saa lange som Mundkrogene og meget smallere 
end disses Rod; fortil er de noget tilspidsede. Forbindelsesstykket 
findes ved Bagranden og er paa Midten noget fremtrukket. De 
bageste Svælgplader er mørke ved Roden og lysere udadtil, de øvre 
er smalle ved Roden og bliver omtrent dobbelt saa brede paa 
Spidsen. Randene er lige og Spidsen jævnt afrundet, de nedre er 
noget kortere end de øvre, svagt bøjede og dybt indskaarne i 
Spidsen (Tab I Fig. 10). Forspiraklernes Atrium er cylindrisk og 
bærer 8—10 Grene, der hver ender med en oval Knop. (Tekst- 
fig. 12). Bagspiraklernes Bygning er noget kompliceret, (Tab. I 
Fig. 11) Kitinrammen er bred og stærkt hvælvet, hvorved hele 



Spiraklet bliver stærkt fremstaaende. Indenfor Rammen findes 5 
omtrent lige store Felter; Atriet deler sig i 2 Grene, hvoraf 
hver gaar til et af de to Felter og atter her grener sig i flere 
smaa Grene, der ender med en lille indskaaret Knop. Imellem 
disse to Felter findes i Kitinrammen et blødhudet, liniedannet Felt, 
der med den ene Ende munder ud i det tredie Felt, der i Midten 
bærer Trachéaabningen. De 3 Felter er omgivne af en fin mørk- 
farvet Kitinliste, og saadanne findes ogsaa ved Roden af Kitin- 
rammen. Denne er brunsort, noget mørkere ved Roden end paa 
den øverste Del. 

Tøndepuppen. Længde 4—5 mm. Bredde c. 2 mm. Aflang, 
omtrent lige stærkt hvælvet paa Over- og Undersiden. Segment- 
grænserne og Tornvæbningen tydelige. Lyst brunlig, glat og 
glinsende; Forspiraklerne fremstaaende.  Bagspiraklerne findes som 
" to divergerende Tappe noget opad paa Tøndepuppens Rygside. Gat- 
aabningen ikke fremstaaende men tydelig som en stor afrundet, lys 
Plade. De ydre Puppespirakler mangler. 


Meigenia floralis Fall. er tidligere fundet hos 2 Bladbillelarver, 
Crioceris quatuordecimpunctata F. og C. asparagi L. Pantel!) 
har studeret dens Biologi og Udvikling i den sidstnævnte Arts 
Larver; et Referat af hans Undersøgelser findes i mit før citerede 
Arbejde. Jeg har fundet Snyltefluen hos en anden Bladbille- 
arts Larver, Gastrophysa viridula de Geer. Denne hører her i 
Landet til de sjældnere Arter, men optræder nogle Steder i Om- 
egnen af København i store Selskaber paa Rumex. Den har mindst 
2 Generationer om Aaret. I de første Dage af Juni 1909 fandt 
jeg ved Ørholm talrige Biller i Parring og drægtige Hunner, men 
endnu hverken Æg eller Larver. Den 23de Juni havde Billerne 
afsat deres langstrakte, gullige Æg i Klumper paa Rumexbladenes 
Underside; her saas desuden unge Larver, der sad i smaa Selskaber 

E I Pantel: Surla biologie du Meigenia floralis (Bull. soc. Entom. de 
France 1902. p. 56). 


i Nærheden af de tomme Æggeskaller, og ældre Larver, der fandtes 
mere spredt. Blandt Bladbillelarvernes afstrøgne Larvehude, der 
bliver hængende paa Bladenes Underside, opdagedes et ikke ringe 
Antal, der bar hvide Flueæg, og nogle af Larverne havde ogsaa 
saadanne fæstede paa Huden. Et Par Hunner af Meigenia floralis 
sad paa Skræppebladene. Den 26de Juni fandtes Bladbillens Pupper 
ophængte paa Bladenes Underside, og den 16. Juli var alle Larver 
og Pupper forsvundne, medens en ny Generation af Billerne var 
kommen frem, og Æglægningen allerede begyndt. 

Kun en ringe Del af Bladbillelarverne var inficerede med 
Snyltefluernes Æg. Jeg indsamlede ialt 79 Billelarver med Flueæg; 
heraf var 36 endnu ikke fuldvoksne, nogle var ganske smaa og 
andre stod lige for det sidste Larvehudskifte. I ingen af alle disse 
Værter kom Snylteren til Udvikling, som Følge af, at Værterne skiftede 
Hud, før Snylterne havde naaet at bore sig ind, og Æggene blev 
strøget af sammen med Billelarvernes gamle Hude, til hvilke de 
var fæstede. Ved Undersøgelse af Æg, der fandtes paa disse 
Hude, fandt jeg i nogle fuldt udviklede Larver, hvis Svælgskelet 
i flere Tilfælde var rettet imod Æggeskallens Bund, som om Snylteren 
var i Færd med at bore sig ud igennem denne. Resten af Blad- 
billelarverne — 43 — var fuldvoksne, heraf aabnedes til forskellig 
Tid 17, af hvilke 3 indeholdt Fluelarver; i Resten af Billelarverne 
var Snylterne endnu ikke trængt ind. De sidste 26 Bladbillelarver 
hensattes til Klækning, og i Dagene fra 10.—16. Juli fremkom 
10 Fluer og 16 Biller, idet Larverne, hvoraf disse sidste kom ud, 
havde forpuppet sig, før Meigenia Larverne havde boret sig ind. 

Det højst ejendommelige Forhold, at en saa betydelig Del af 
Bladbillelarverne undgik at blive dræbt af Snylterne ved simpelt- 
hen at skifte Hud, maatte naturligvis foranledige nogen Tvivl med 
Hensyn til Iagttagelsens Rigtighed. Den Antagelse laa nær, at de 
unormale Forhold, hvorunder Værtlarverne levede under Klækningen, 
paa en eller anden Maade influerede paa Snylterens Udvikling, særlig 
da Pantel havde fundet Snyltefluens Larver baade i yngre og 
ældre Larver af Crioceris asparagi. Af en Undersøgelse ude i 


Naturen fremgik det imidlertid, at Forholdene var ganske de samme 
her, idet en Del af de afstrøgne Larvehude, der fandtes fasthæftede 
til Bladenes Underside og hidrørte dels fra yngre dels fra fuld- 
voksne Larver, var besatte med Flueæg. Hvad der er Grunden til 
dette Forhold er vanskelig forklarligt, og jeg skal kun fremhæve 
en enkelt Betragtning, der muligvis kan give Forklaringen. Ved 
de fleste Klækninger i større Stil af Larver med Snylteflueæg 
hænder det, at enkelte Værtlarver skifter Hud, førend Snylteren 
har boret sig ind; disse Værtlarver er saadanne, der staar umiddel- 
bart foran et Hudskifte i det Øjeblik, Snyltefluen lægger sine Æg paa 
den. Disse Tilfælde indtræffer hyppigst hos saadanne Snyltefluer. 
hvis Æg bliver siddende i længere Tid paa Værterne forinden 
Larvernes Indboring finder Sted. I disse Forhold er der en ikke 
ringe Variation hos de forskellige Snyltefluearter, og Meigenia 
floralis Fall. forekommer mig, som ovenfor anført, at være en Art, 
hvis Æg aflægges paa et temmelig tidligt Udviklingstrin og hos 
hvilken derfor Tidsrummet mellem Æglægningen og Larvens fuld- 
stændige Embryonaludvikling og paafølgende Indboring i Værten 
er usædvanlig lang. Snylterne havde saaledes endnu ikke den 
29. Juni boret sig ind i Værtlarver, der var indsamlede den 23. 
s. M. Da Bladbillelarvens Udvikling, som den foranstaaende Over- 
sigt viser, gaar hurtigt for sig, er det forstaaeligt, at en stor Del 
Snylteflueæg lægges paa et saa kritisk Tidspunkt, at Værtlarven 
naar at skifte Hud, før Snylteren er kommen saa vidt i sin Ud- 
vikling, at den kan bore sig ind. 

Jeg antager, at denne Forklaring er rigtig, men det er dog 
paafaldende, at jeg ikke fandt en Snylter i en eneste af de ikke 
fuldt udvoksne Bladbillelarver. Selv om en saadan Indboring imid- 
lertid havde fundet Sted, vilde Snylteren utvivlsomt være gaaet til 
Grunde, da de mindre Bladbillelarver er alt for smaa til at afgive 
Ernæring til Snylterens fulde Udvikling. 

Af de 79 Larver bar de 75 kun et Æg og 4 to Æg. Disse 
sad i Ledhudene imellem Thoraxleddene og de forreste Bagkropsled, 


i Reglen påa Larvens Overside henimod Siderne, i sjældnere Til- 
fælde fandtes Æggene paa Værternes Bugside. 

Med Hensyn til Larvernes Udvikling har jeg. intet at anføre 
til Pantels Fremstilling. Jeg har fundet Larven i 1ste Stadium 
frit inde i Værten; Zdet Stadium derimod sad fasthæftet til en 
Tragt, der udgik fra en Ledhud paa Undersiden af Værtlarvens 
Bagkrop. En Larve i 3die Stadium havde løsnet sin Bagende fra 
Tragten og fandtes frit i Værten; den havde vendt sig saaledes, 
at Forenden var rettet imod Tragten, medens Bagkropspidsen vendte 
den modsatte Vej; Værtens indre Organer var ubeskadigede og 
hele Fedtlegemet endnu ikke helt forsvundet; nogen Sønderrivning 
af Værtlarvens Hud kunde ikke ses. Denne skete først sam- 
tidig med Snylterens Forpupning, der oftest fandt Sted inde i Vært- 
larven, og sjældnere i Jorden. Omtrent 14 Dage efter Forpupningen 

kommer Fluerne frem. 

Actia pilipinnis Meig. 

Larven i 3die Stadium. Larvens største Bredde falder 
umiddelbart foran Bagenden, der er skarpt afsat og udtrukket i en 
kegleformet Spids… Længde 6—8 mm. 3—11. Leds Forrande med 
Tornrækker og 4—11. Led tillige med Rækker paå Bagrandene. 
Bælterne bliver bredere bagtil paa Larven og lader her kun et 
smalt Mellemrum paa Midten af Leddene frit for Torne. Bælterne 
sammensættes af Smaarækker, der særlig bagtil er stillede meget 
aabent og uregelmæssigt (Textfig. 13). 12te Leds Spids omkring 
Spiraklerne med et Bælte af Torne i temmelig lige Rækker; her- 
fra udbreder sig en Del uregelmæssige Smaarækker fremad hen- 
imod Leddets Forrand.  Tornenes Form er forskellig; fortil findes 
langstrakte, meget smalle og spidse Torne, hvis Spids staar ret op 
fra den afrundede Rod; henimod Larvens Bagende begynder der 
imellem disse Torne at optræde andre, hvis Spids er kløvet saa-; 
ledes, at der dannes 2 mere eller mindre skarpe, udadrettede Spidser, 
imellem hvilke der atter kan optræde en enkelt lille, skarp Spids 

Vidensk, Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bd. 63. 2 


(Textfig. 14). Der findes Overgange imellem de kløvede og de 
enkeltspidsede Torne; .de største af de førstnævnte findes paa Under- 
siden af 10—11. Led; dog er Tornene påa Bagranden af 1lte Led 
og paa 12te Led alle udelte. 

Fig. 13. Fig. 14. 
Actia nens 3. Stadium Fig 13. Tornrækker. 75/4. 
Fig. 14. Torne fra 11. Leds Rygside. 191; 

Tornenes Udfarvning foregaar meget langsomt. Ved Hud- 
skiftet udfarves straks Tornene paa 1lte Leds Bagrand og paa 
12te Led, medens alle andre Torne endnu er usynlige; først naar 
Larven er fuldvoksen, udfarves de andre Torne, først de udelte og 
senere de kløvede. Mundkrogenes Rod er 
smal, bagtil afrundet; fortil findes lidt foran 
Roden en plump Knude, og foran denne et 
lille tandformet Fremspring… Spidsen er jævnt 
buet; de forreste Svælgplader er fortil saa 
brede som Mundkrogenes Rod og bliver ube- 
i tydelig bredere bagtil. — Forbindelsesstykket 
' findes lidt bagved Midten af Pladerne; de 
øvre Svælgplader er brede og jævnt af- 
rundede; de er sorte med lysere Rande, idet 

Fig. 15. den mørke Farve dog paa enkelte Steder 

syret al atcorsR, naar helt ud til Randen. De nedre Svælg- 

be plader er omtrent saa lange som de øvre. 

Foroven findes tæt foran Spidsen en opadbøjet, afrundet Tap. 
(Textfig. 15). 

Forspiraklernes Atrium er ved Roden i Tværsnit rundt og 

saa bredt som Trachéen, udadtil bliver det bredere og udflades 

fig. 18) er kort og løber ud i 3 
korte Grene, der hver bærer en af- 
lang Knop (b). Grenene staar frit 
frem i et Felt, der omgives af 


henimod Spidsen, bagtil er det stærkt indbugtet og ender fortil 
med 6 Grene, der er korte og stillede i en lige Linie. Grenene 
er buede udad og ender- hver med | 
en oval Knop (Textfig. 16—17). 

Bagspiraklernes Atrium (Text- 

Fig. 17. 

Spiraklets Kitinramme (a), der hos Fig. 16. 
denne Art ikke slutter tæt omkring — Actia pilipennis 3. Stadium. 

Forspirakel, Fig. 16 forfra, 

z ' 1 
Knopperne").  Gataabningen findes Fig: 17: fra Siden, 7597; 
ved Forranden af 12te Led. 

Tøndepuppen. Længde 5—6 mm. Bredde 2—2,5 mm. Farven 
er sortebrun eller brunlig, stærkt 
glinsende. Langstrakt, Oversiden 
stærkt hvælvet, særlig bagtil. 
Undersiden noget fladere. Seg- 
mentgrænserne tydelige, men ikke 
indskaarne. Overfladen glat og 

Fig. 18. glinsende. Paa Oversidens 3—4 
Actia pilipennis 3. Stadium. For- og 6—9 Led findes paa hver 

spirakler, a. Rammen. b. Knop 
c. Atriet. 175/3, Side et aflangt, indtrykt Felt og 

langs ned ad Tøndepuppens Sider en Række lignende, mindre og 
svagere Indtryk, der viser de Punkter, hvor Trachéstammernes 

ol Efter at jeg har haft Lejlighed til paa et større Materiale af Actia- 

Larven at undersøge Bagspirakler af denne Type, er, jeg kommen paa 
det rene med, at det af mig tidligere (Iagttagelser over entoparasitiske 
Muscidelarver 1909 Pag. 85) beskrevne Bagspirakel hos en Snylteflue- 
larve fra en Lithobius, hvoraf jeg kun besad et Eksemplar, tilhører 
den samme Type. Kitinrammen, som jeg da henførte til Atriet, har 
intet med dette at gøre, men omgiver som hos Actia-Larven kun 
dettes Grene; iøvrigt er Spiraklerne kun forskellige ved Grenenes 
Antal. 3 hos Aetia-Larven, 8 hos Lithobius-Snylteren. Denne Over- 
ensstemmelse i Bagspiraklernes Bygning tyder paa, at Lithobius- 
Snylteren er Larven til Discochaeta Lithobii Giard, idet denne Slægt 
er nær beslægtet med Actia. 



oblitererede Sidegrene naar ud til Larvens Hud.  Forspiraklerne 
fremstaaende. Tøndepuppens Bagende er trukket ud i en stærkt 
| fremstaaende, grovt rynket . Tap, som påa Spidsen 
bærer de 2 Bagspirakler. Gattet er ikke fremstaaende, 
men let iagttageligt som en lille, cirkelformet, skarpt 
afsat Fordybning. De ydre Puppespirakler mangler. 

Actia pilipennis Fall. er tidligere klækket af 

flere forskellige Microlepidopterers Larver, bl.a. af 

Fig. 19. 

Retinia resinella L. og Retinia buoliana Schiff., hos 
Ente tere. hvilke Arter jeg ogsaa har fundet den. 

Bly, I Juli 1909 fandt jeg påa et begrænset Parti 
af en yngre Bjærgfyrplantning i Tisvilde Hegn et ret stort Antal 
Skud, der viste det for Buoliana-Angreb karakteristiske Udseende. 
I Skuddene fandtes saavel Viklerlarver som Pupper og i en stor 
Del af dem laa den lille Actia-Puppe ved Siden af den døde Vært. 

Ved Dissektion af Retinia-Larverne og Pupperne fandt jeg 
endvidere flere Actia-Larver i 3die Stadium. Snylterne var fast- 
hæftede Værternes Hudskelet ved en stærkt fremtrædende Tragt 
af sort Farve og laa i en tydelig Sæk. 

Snyltelarverne bruger kun en mindre Del af Værtens Organer 
til deres Ernæring, og dennes Form forandres som Følge heraf 
ikke, efterat Snylteren har dræbt den og har boret sig ud. Efter 
Udboringen forpupper Snylteren sig i Værtlarvens Gang i Fyrre- 
skuddet, undertiden lige ved Siden af Værten, saaledes at Puppen 
ligger i en dyb Indhuling i Værtens Krop. Puppetiden varer kun 
ganske kort Tid, 83—14 Dage, og naar Fluen er kommet ud, 
sprænger den Hul i Fyrreskuddet. 

I hver Retinia-Larve kommer kun én Snylter til fuld Udvikling. 

Actia pilipennis har mindst 2 Generationer aarlig. Ved Tis- 
vilde kom Iste Generation frem af Retinia resinella-Gallerne i 
Maj—Juni; denne Generation inficerer Larverne af RBR. buolinana, 
der paa dette Tidspunkt er fuldvoksne, og næste Generation ud- 
vikles i Juli. Hvor denne Generations Yngel anbringes, har jeg 
ikke kunnet finde. 

1. Carcelia gnava Meig.”). 

This species was reared from Stilpnotia salicis and Malacosoma 
neustria. On a willow hedge a great number of various cater- 
pillars were seen in July and August 1905 and at the same time 
some moths of Stilpnotia were observed there occupied with the 
oviposition. The number of this species was not extraordinarily 
great, but in the following years the number increased so much 
that in 1907 the caterpillars had eaten all the leaves of the willows. 
In June that year I found a great number of moths and at the 
same time many pupæ, which were conglomerated in lose spins 
among the leafless branches and not, as in normal cases, singly + 
hided in a contorted leaf. On the willows also many full grown 
and younger caterpillars were climbing in search for foot. The 
Carcelia gnava was present, but in so small numbers that I only 
succeded in rearing one single specimen from a great number of 
the caterpillars. 

In 1908 the number of caterpillars was somewhat decreasing 
and in the next year 1909 most of the willows were green, still 
the number of caterpillars was considerable. By means of proofs 
from diverse points of the hedge it was found that a little more 
than 50/0 of the caterpillars were infested with maggots of 
Carcelia gnava. In 1910 only a few caterpillars were seen and 
of these allmost all were killed by the parasites before they were 
half grown. 

The eggs of the fly are pedicelled, the chorion is thin and 
transparent; the surface shows a network of ridges enclosing polygonal 
areas. The posterior end of the shell is produced into a thread- 
like prolongation, the end of which .is slightly dilatated and 

1) The fly which I named Carcelia gnava in a previous paper (Iagt- 
tagelser over entoparasitiske Muscidelarver hos Arthropoder Kbhvn. 
1909) has been examined by Dr. J. Villeneuve, who kindly has 
communicated to me, that it belongs not to this species but to 
Carcelia comata Rond. 


bent in an angle. This end is immersed into a little cluster of a 
secretion, by means of which the egg is attached to the host. As 
a rule the fiy deposites its eggs on the hairs of the host, but 
sometimes also on the skin"). 

At the time of oviposition the embryo of Carcelia gnava is 
at a very little advanced stage of development, neither the tracheal 
system, the spines or the pharyngeal skeleton could be observed. 
The hatched maggot moves about on the host and penetrates into 
it through a hole which is produced in its skin. In its first stage 
the maggot lives free inside the host, but the maggots in 2” and 
3' stages are connected with the integument of the host by means 
of a chitinous funnel, which originates in most cases from a mem- 
brane between two segments of the host. 

In the case of Stilpnotia sacilis the fly deposites its eggs both 
on younger and elder caterpillars. Corresponding to the size of 
the host from one to four parasites can develop. The colour of 
the markings, which is white in normal caterpillars, is turned into 
a yellow colour in the infested specimens. The younger infested 
caterpillars do not moult anymore, but fasten themselwes, when they 
are dying, to a branch or a leaf by means of their suckers, and 
the emptied skins remain for a long time on the trees. The full 
grown infested caterpillars make a very rudimentary spin. The 
larval skin bearsts on the foreend, and the pupa begins to emerge; 
at this time, however, the host is killed by the parasites.. These 
pupæ are very easily recognized by their strange form. In some 
rarer cases I found the parasites in fully developed pupæ. 

In the case of Malacosoma neustria I have only found the 

parasites in full grown caterpillars, and that in spite of the fact 

1) In this connection I think a short mention of another tachinid egg, 
which I have found on the hairs of a caterpillar of Acronycta meny- 
anthidis, may be of some interest. The dimensions of the egg were 
0.50—0.25 mm., the upperside was rather strongly curved and the 
lower side which was attached to a hair of the caterpillar quite flat. 
om was not reared and beside the egg I only know the first 

in which the pharyngeal skeleton shows the most striking 
sandt radke to that of the maggot of Carcelia gnava 


that on the trees, where I collected the infested fullgrown specimens, 
many younger were present, all of which were not infested. 

The maggots transform to puparia in the ground; in very rare 
cases in the empty skins of the hosts. I have seen maggots 
pupate in the days from ?/7—15/7, the flies emerging from ?5/7—3/s 
the same year. 

Exorista blepharipoda B. & B. 

I have reared this fly from the caterpillars of Acronycta psi L. 
and A. tridens Shiff. The skin of the hosts shows no marks indi- 
cating the presence of the maggots inside the body. In each host 
may occur from 2—7 living parasites. After the emergence of 
the full grown maggots all the organs of the hosts have disappeared. 
By an examination of the respiratory system of the host I succeded 
in finding the points, where the parasites were connected with the 
hosts body. The chitinous funnel originates from a trachea and in 
cases from the point, where the main trachea is connected with 
the stigmatal branch. 

The maggots transform to puparia in the ground and the flies 

are reared next summer (f/6—27/6). 

Meigenia floralis Fall. 

Meigenia floralis is a parasite in the larvæ of a chrysomelid 
beetle Gastrophysa viridula De Geer. On the 23th of July I saw 
both younger and elder. larvæ with eggs of the fly and among the 
moulted skins of the larvæ, which remain attached to the under- 
side of the leaves, several were. noticed bearing egss. Only a 
relatively small number of the larvæ were infested by the parasites. 
In all I collected 79 infested larvæ. Of these 36 were not full- 
grown; in not a single of these the parasite came to full development; 
the host moulted before the parasites hatched out of the eggs, 
and the eggs which were deposited on the skins were threwn off 
together with these. The rest of the larvæ — 43 — were full 
grown; of these 17 were dissected from time to time, and by 
means of these dissections I sueceded in finding 3 parasites; in 


. the rest the parasites had not penetrated. The last part of the hosts 
were put aside for rearing the parasites and in the days from the 
10th—15th of July 10 specimens of Meigenia and 16 beetles emerged, 
the larvæ which gave issue to the last named having passed into 
the pupa stage before the parasites had hatched out of the eggs. 
It seemed quite reasonable to suggest that the unnatural conditions 
under which the larvæ had lived during the breeding had influenced 
in some way on the development and caused so many of the hosts 
to escape from being killed by the maggots simply by means of 
moulting; but it is not so; as already mentioned I also saw the 
same in the nature. The reason of this is somewhat difficult so 
to explain and I shall only give suggestions. The embryos of 
Meigenia floralis are at the time of the oviposition at a very little 
advanced stage of development, and the space of time between the 
oviposition and the emergence of the maggot rather long. On the 
other hand the growth of the hosts is very rapid. Therefore it 
is probable, that a great part of the eggs are deposited at so 
critical a moment that the hosts reach their next moult, before 
the maggots are mature to emerge from the eggs. I think that 
this explanation is correct, but I shall only point out the strange 
fact, that not a single of the eggs, deposited on younger hosts 
gave issue to måaggots. 

With respect to the life history of the maggots my investi- 
gations have confirmed those of J. Pantel. 

Åctia pilipennis Fall. 

In the month of July I found on some young pinetrees a 
rather considerable number of branches which were deformed by 
Retinia buoliana. In the larval chambers I found the puparium 
of Actia pilipennis lying close to the dead hosts, and by opening 
some larvæ and pupæ I secured some maggots which were connected 
to the integument of the hosts by means of very strong and con- 
spicuous .funnels. Only a little part of the organs of the hosts 
were consumed by the parasites and the host retains its form after 


the emergence of the parasites. The maggots pupate close to the 

dead hosts, in the body of which they ordinarily produce a deep 

excavation, which is quite filled up by the puparium. In each 

host only one parasite develops. 

Actia pilipennis is at least double brooded. At Tisvilde the 

first brood was reared in May from Retinia resinella, and the flies 

then infested the caterpillars of R. buoliana, which at that time were 

almost fullgrown; from these the flies emerged in July and August. 



Explanation of the figures in the text. 

(p- S me. of Carcelia gnava on a hair of Stilpnotia sacilis. 

(p. — on theskin o — 

(p i eres Snake 2 stage: Anterior ranes 

(p. — 3: 

(p. É, == 3. — Pesteriir apirasle 

(p.7) Egg of a not reared tachinid fly on a hair of Acronycta 

7 (p.7) The pharyngeal skeleton of a maggot taken out of the egg 
figured in fig. 3. 

8 (p8) Young caterpillar of Stilpnotia sacilis killed by Carcelia 

gnava and hanging down from a branch after the emergence 

the É 

9 (p. 10) Exorista Sænorkeee, Spines from the side of the mouth. 

10 (p.10)  — 3” stage. Anterior spiracle. 

11 (p. 11) Trachea of an Angels with a funnel of a maggot of 

Ewxorista blepharipoda. 

12 (p. 13) Meigenia floralis 3' stage. Anterior Den 

13 (p. 18) Åctia pilipennis 3. stage. Rows of spines. 

14 (P. 18) Actia seere Furcated spines from the dorsal side of 

the llth 8 

== eo 

15 (p. 18) Actia pilipennis g mage Pharyngeal skeleton. 

16 (p. 19) — Anterior åerne 
17 (p. 19) — 2 slå Sidewiev. 
18 (p19) — — — … Posterior spiracle (Only the out- 

pe of the border of the left spiracle have been drawn. 
. border. b. respiratory knob"). c. atrium. 
19 (p. 20) lå pilipennis Puparium. 

I have formerly described a similar spiracle from a maggot parasitic 
in a Lithobius. I supposed that the maggot belonged to Discochæla 
lithobii a species which Giard had founded on flies reared from a 
Lithobius. Now I think that this suggestion is highly probable, 
because the Discochæta is closely related to Actia pilipennis. 


Explanation of Plate I. 
Carcelia gnava Meig. 
Fig. 1. 1' stage. Pharyngeal skeleton. 180/,, 
—— FR As: 115 
— 3. 3  — s= FEE melde 

Exorista blepharipoda B. & B. 

Fig. 4. 1” stage. Pharyngeal skeleton. ?15/;, 
SEN AD DE NER ig ne sn Y 
væ gk 6. 8' —æ — 45 f 
og. sg SE Poaterior spirseles.… 

Meigenia floralis Meig. 
Fig. 8. 1' stage. Pharyngeal skeleton. 95/,. 

$ 2 PH 
jo ES: i lg 
— ll... - — "" Posterior spiracles. 751, 


Echinological Notes 
Dr. Th. Mortensen. 
III. The central (sur-anal) plate of the Echinoidea. 

In a series of most interesting papers”) Dr. A. H. Clark 
has recently treated different points in the natural history of the 
Crinoidea in a very suggestive and ingenious manner, throwing 
new and important light on many questions in the physiology, 
phylogeny and morphology of Crinoids. 

Among the conclusions arrived at bv Dr. Clark one of the 
most startling is that of the near relationship between Crinoids 
and Echinoids. Though I 'am here decidedly in opposition to my 
excellent friend, as I have repeatedly emphasized in letters to 
him, it was not my intention to enter on a literary discussion of 
this matter, as a refutation of the reasons on which Dr. Clark 
has founded this conclusion would necessitate a thorough treatment 
of nearly the whole of the comparative morphology of the Echino- 
derms; but for such a work, most interesting though it would be, 

1) The homologies of the arm joints and arm divisions in the recent 
Crinoids of the families of the Comatulida and the Pentacrinitidæ. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 35. 1908. — The non-muscular articulations of 
Crinoids. American Naturalist. 48. Oct. 1909. — The affinities of 
the Echinoidea. Americ. Natural. 43. Nov. 1909. — On the Origin 
of the Crinoidal muscular articulations. Amer. Journ. Sec. 29, 1910. 
— hy probable origin of the Crinoidal nervous system. Amer. Na- 

. 44. Apr. 1910. — Remarks on the pentamerous symmetry of 
ru SHEMKGE Amer. Journ. Sc. 29. Apr. 1910. — The phylogenetic 
interrelationships of iho recent Crinoids. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 38. 
May 1910. — On the Origin of certain types of Crinoid stems. Proc. 
U. 8. Nat. Mus. 38. June. 1910. 


I cannot afford the necessary time, for the present at least. The 
last of the quoted papers, however, contains a passage which has 
made me think it appropriate to take up a single point for treat- 
ment at present, the more so as this is one of the main points 
in the question about the relationship between Crinoids and Echi- 
noids, viz. the central (suranal) plate of the Echinoids. 

In the quoted paper ,,0n the Origin of certain types of Cri- 
noid stems" Dr. Clark says (p. 211) that I have criticized him 
for homologizing the column of the crinoid with the sur-anal plate 
of the urchins ,,0n the ground that the so-called ,,Palæoechinoidea”, 
the oldest known echinoids, lack the sur-anal plate". It might 
appear from this that the lacking of the central plate in the 
Palæechinoids was the only reason which I could produce against 
homologizing the central plate of Echinoids with the stem (or the 
dorso-central) of Crinoids. This is, however, very far from being 
the case; the Palæechinoids afford - only one of several reasons 
against that homology; I may be blamed for having named only 
this single point in my letter, but I may give the excuse that 
it was a letter, not a scientific paper. — Thinking now (partly 
through my fault) that the Palæechinoidea are the only forms of 
Echinoids in which the central plate is lacking, Clark has done 
away with this difficulty for the said homology through the follow- 
ing reasoning: ,,In the structure of the test the ,,Palæoechinoidea" 
are in certain ways far more specialized than any recent species, 
and, as specialization is usually accompanied to a greater or lesser 
degree with the suppression of more or less fundamental primitive 
structures” it may be understood that the central plate has been 
suppressed here. ,,I (Clark) assumed that, although te sur-anal 
plate was usually retained in a more or less reduced form by 
all recent types"), there was no reason for supposing that, were 
the recent genera to attain multicolumnar ambulacral and interam- 
bulacral areas instead of their more primitive bicolumnar areas, 

1) The italics are mine. 


such an advance would not be accompanied by the dwindling and 
disappearance of the sur-anal. Because the clavicles are small or 
entirely absent in the mostly extinct Ratitæ, while in all cases 
well-developed in the mainly recent Carinatæ we can not pro- 
nounce them unessential features of vertebrate morphology". 

This reasoning might, perhaps, be acceptable in case the 
Palæechinoids were really the only Echinoids in which the central 
plate is lacking — though several severe objections might be 
raised against it; this being, however, not the case, the whole 
argumentation falls short, and the only natural explanation of the 
facts is to assume that the central or suranal plate has not yet 
made its appearance in the Palæechinoids. 

The plan of the present note is not to give a historical 
account of the question, only to give a critical examination of the 
central (suranal) plate in the different groups of Echinoids, in 
order to show whether it is really an essential feature of Echinoid 
morphology, ås maintained by Clark (in accordance with Lovén 
and P. H, Carpenter), or it is a late acquisition in Echinoids, 
developed independently here, not inherited from the ancestors of 
Echinoidea, as I think (in accordance with A. Agassiz"), the Sara- 
3388; Neumayr, Jaekel, Semon, Gregory, MacBride, 

1) In the DE Er fermge lp. 15) A gassiz Says: »,Ås Loven 
has well der Echinids (Cidaris and Salenia), we 
find all the sk, we gen of the crinoidial character of the apical 
system of the Echinidæ; the calyx being more and more unimportant, 
though it always reveals its: typical features". Later on he has 
changed his opinion on this matter. In his Monograph on Cala- 
moerinus he declares that the apical system of Echinoids with a 
single large suranal plate does not represent the primitive condition 
and that this plate cannot be homologized with the central plate of 
Crinoids. ,In the Crinoids the central area is occupied by a stem or its 
representative, and it seems to me more natural to homologize this 
central area of the Echini and of the Crinoids than. to attempt, as has 
been done, to pick out a single anal plate of the Echini which does 
not exist in many recent families, and probably not in many fossil types, 
and homologize it with the central plate of Starfishes or of Ophiurans 
and the terminal plate of the stem of the larval Comatulæ, as has 
been done by Carpenter" (Op. cit. p. 69). 


Bather). Though this has already been done by several authors 
(Lovén, Agassiz, the Sarasins, Neumayr), I think the 
revision of the question given here will prove not to be superfluous, 
partly in view of the several new facts brought forward of later 
years, partly because my interpretation of some of the facts and 
statements differs not inconsiderably from that of my predecessors. 

The Palæechinoidea (— the name used in its wide 
sense —) have no central plate, so far as known. In those forms 
of which the apical system is known, there are circles of small 
plates, arranged along the border of the anal area, and it seems 
scarcely too hardy to suppose that they all had their anal system 
built after this plan, without a central (suranal) plate. In the 
Cystocidaroida the whole apical system appears even to be totally 
wanting, a fact which, as is rightly pointed out by Gregory, 
»appears fatal to the theory assigning a crinoid ancestry to the 
Echinoidea" 1). and to the homology between the plates of the 
apical system in Echinoids and those of the calyx in Crinoids. 

A. Agassiz (Calamocrinus Diomedeæ. p. 72?) suggests that 
»while it is true....that the apical system of the Palæchinidæ, 
as far as the adult is concerned, presents no trace of the anal 
plate so prominent in young Echinoids, and which is permanent 
in Salenia, yet there is nothing to show that the young of those 
genera did not possess, like the Euechinoidea, a single central 
anal plate in their earliest stages". The facts known from the 
other Echinoids, as set forth below, seem to me, on the contrary, 
to show that there is no probability at all for supposing that the 
young stages of the Palæechinoids did possess a single anal plate. 
Agassiz also expresses this latter meaning later on in the same 
paper (p. 83): ,,the history of the plates of young Cidaris .... is 
decidedly opposed to this view". Thinking to have proved that 
the young Cidaris has five radial anal plates (infrabasalia), he con- 

1) I W. Gregory. On Echinocystis and Palæodiscus — two Silurian 
Genera of Echinoidea. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. LIII. 1897. p. 132. 
?) Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. XVII. 1892. 


cludes that ,,we are therefore justified in assuming that in the 
Palæchinidæ there may have been in the young a similar radial 
system of five plates". It may be stated that 
the facts known of the anal plates in the Palæ- 
echinoidea do not support this suggestion any 
more than that of the presence of a primordial 

suranal plate. In Bothriocidaris the outer ring 

of anal plates is even decidedly interradial in Fi8- 1. Apical 
er > system of 

position, as shown in Fig. 1 (Comp. Jaekel:  Bothriocidaris. 

Uber die ålteste Echinidengattung Bothriocidaris. tk small outer plates 

Sitz. ber. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin. 1894. p. 245). nottheocular plates,as 

The Cidaroidea. The development of the eg okse BES 

apical system has been described by Dåderlein, før"? After Jaekel, 

A. Agassiz, Lovén and the present author. Dåderlein (Die 

Japanischen Seeigel. I. Cidaridæ u. Saleniidæ. 1887. Taf. V. 

Fig. 8, p. 28) describes and figures the apical system of a spe- 

cimen of (Goniocidaris biserialis of 3 mm diameter. ,,Genital-, 

Ocular- und Analplatten waren bereits gesondert; das Analfeld 

(nicht gråsser als eine Genitalplatte) war von sieben Platten be- 

deckt, die nach dem Verlauf der Nåhte deutlich 

darauf hinwiesen, dass eine einfache urspring- 

liche Analplatte erst in zwei, dann in drei Stiicke 

zerfallen war, deren jedes sich nun weiter theilte". 

(Fig. 2). It must certainly be agreed that this 

young stage does not prove that there was ori- 

Fig. 2. Apical 
system of a young 
Goniocidaris … up into several smaller ones, and the young stage 

biserialis (3 mm). (4 mm diameter) of Plococidaris (Leiocidaris) 

ginally a single anal plate, which later on broke 

Dåderiiii) verticillata, which Dåderlein figures (Op. cit. 
Taf. IX. Fig. 8) shows a quite similar arrange- 
ment and number of the anal plates, and thus cannot prove anything 
in this regard either. 

Å. Agassiz figures in the ,,Revision of Echbini" Pl. Il. c. 
fig. 8 the apical system of a young specimen of Dorocidaris 


papillata of 2,4 mm diameter: Though the limits of the plates on 
the anal area are not distinctly shown in the figure, it is certain 
that there is no trace of a primordial central plate, and Agassiz 
so far rightly states (Calamocrinus, p. 74) that ,,there is nothing 
known to prove that in the Cidaridæ the anal system is not in the 
earliest stages covered by five plates, as in the Arbaciadæ it is 
covered by four". 

The above quoted descriptions of the anal system of young 
Cidarids do not prove anything definite as to the question whether 
there is originally a single large suranal plate or not, the spe- 
cimens being already too old. It is through the embryos of 
Austrocidaris canaliculata, Bhynchocidaris triplopora and Noto- 
cidaris gaussensis that we have gained definite knowledge thereof, 
all these species having care of the brood, so that stages young 
enough to. show the first formation of the anal plates have been 
comparatively easily obtainable. 

Å pair of young specimens of Austrocidaris canaliculata are 
figured on Pl. II. figs. 8—10 of the ,,Challenger" Echinoidea, 
without showing, however, any details of the apical system. A more 
detailed study of the development of the test of this species was 
first given by Lovén, in his ,,Echinologica""), the result of his 
researches being, as regards the anal system, that ,,in the centre 
there is a small, clear, irregularly pentagonal space, covered by 
the general integument (Pl. II. fig. 3). In another specimen (Pl. II. 
fig. 5) this space has just been filled with the dorso-central disk 
(Pl. II. fig. 6), a still delicate pentagonal lamina of reticulated 
calcified tissue, with its thin margins now overlying, now under- 
lying those of the costals, in its middle thickened and raised into 
the beginning of a verruca".… (Op. cit. p. 5—6). 

Here then it seems that the presence of a suranal (central) 
plate in the Cidarids has been definitely proved; especially the 
quoted fig. 6 of Lovén's paper seems convincing. Nevertheless 

1) Bih. Sv, Vet. Akad. Handl. 18. 1892. 


it is not so. In the ,,Panamic Deep Sea Echini" (p. 4, fig. 15) 
Å. Ågassiz gives a detailed figure of the anal area of a spe- 
cimen 1,5 mm in diameter, showing ,,that in the youngest stages, 
about the size of that examined by Lovén, there are already five 
anal plates"; as shown by the figure (Pl. 13, fig. 6) there are 
three outer, larger plates and two quite small ones inside these. 
l have myself examined a specimen in exactly the same stage as 
that figured by Lovén in the quoted Fig. 6, Pl. II, and can say 
that the apparent large central disk is not really a single plate; 
I found there three distinct plates, slightly overlapping with their 
edges so that it could only be ascertained by a very careful 
examination that it was not a single plate. 

In ,,Die Echinoiden der deutschen Sidpolar - Expedition" 1) I 
have figured (Taf. XI, Fig. 4) a young stage of Bhynchocidaris 
triplopora showing the first development of the anal plates. It 
shows a single small plate lying in the space left between the 
five large genital plates; in another specimen two other small 
plates had just appeared in the anal area. Evidently we "have 
then here the same mode of development of the anal plates as 
in Austrocidaris canaliculata, several small plates appearing almost 
contemporaneously. Certainly one of these plates appears in Bhyn- 
chocidaris a short time before the others; but it seems to be quite 
unjustified to lay so much stress on this fact as to claim on that 
ground alone the homology of this small plate with the central 
plate of Salenids — or even with the dorso-central plate of Crinoids. 
It is then not quite correct in the description of this developmental 
stage, that I have moticed the first formed plate as ,,die Anal- 
platte" (Op. cit. p. 11). 

In the ,Wwork quoted I have described a young stage of 2 mm 
diameter of another viviparous Cidarid, Wotocidaris gaussensis (p. 
21). It is stated ,,dass ich am Analfeld nur eine Platte unter- 
scheiden kann", As this statement seems contradictory to the 

1) Deutsche Sidpolar-Expedition. XI. Zoologie II. 1909. 
Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bd. 683. 8 


acts known from the development of Austrocidaris and Rhyncho- 
cidaris, I have reexamined the question, the more so as I had 
scarcely fully realised the morphological importance of this state- 
ment, when that work was written, being at that time still not in 
doubt of the correctness of Lovén's view, that a central plate 
was typically present in the Cidarids. The reexamination of the 
specimen showed the above statement to be correct; there was really 
only one anal plate developed, occupying the whole — small — space 
between the five genital plates. In two other specimens of the 
same size, I find, however, in one three, in the other five or 
perhaps six anal plates developed; they were of somewhat diffe- 
rent size, which means that they are not developed quite contem- 
poraneously; but the difference is so gradual that there seems not 
the slightest reason to mark the first developed plate as a ,,cen- 
tral" or ,,suranal" plate. The plates were found covering one 
another with their edges so that it was only through dissociating the 
apical system (by Eau de Javelle) under the microscope that it 
became possible to determine the exact number of plates present. (One 
of the specimens examined was sent to me from the Berlin Mu- 
seum through Dr. R. Hartmeyer, for which I may here express 
my gratitude). 

A. Agassiz is inclined to lay some stress on the apparent 
fact that ,,the first formed anal plates occupy a radial position; 
that is, they occupy the same position which the so called infra- 
basals do in Ophiurans and Starfishes according to .Carpenter and 
Sladen”. — ,,These five radial plates always retain their prominence 
in the full grown Cidaris, and have as good a right to be consi- 
dered as infrabasals as the plates considered as such in the Ophiu- 
ridæ and Starfishes by Carpenter and Sladen" (Calamocrinus, p. 74, 
76). If this view were correct the early development of the anal 
plates should certainly be expected to show these five plates 
to begin nearly contemporaneously; this is, however, not the case. 
It has been shown that in the Cidarids thus far studied more 
elosely, the anal plates appear from the beginning in the number 


of one, two or three, sometimes five, and. they cannot at all be 
said to be placed radially. 'Thus Pl. 13, fig. 6 of the »Panamic Deep 
Sea Echini” shows only one of them radially placed, the two 
others being decidedly interradial in position. We may then safely 
drop the idea of a homology between the outer anal plates of 
Cidarids and the infrabasals of Crinoids. It is evidently simply a 
consequence of the fact that there is more room left in the corner 
between each two genital plates that a more prominent anal plate 
is generally found here. 

It should further be pointed out that there is no indication 
of any anal plate ever breaking up to form several smaller plates, 
as suggested by Dåderlein in the sentence quoted above (p. 31). 
The plates are seen to be each formed separately. 

The Echinothuridæ, with their characteristic large anal area, 
covered by numerous small plates, do not beforehand convey the idea of 
a single plate covering the anal area from the first. Unfortunately 
very little is known regarding the development of their anal plates; 
upon the whole the young, postembryonal stages are not known of 
any Echinothurid as yet, the youngest specimens known being 3 
mm in diameter. A. Agassiz (Revision of Echini, p. 273. PI. 
II. c. figs., 1—5) mentions and figures a specimen of that size, 
which he refers to ,,Asthenosoma" hystrix. He gives, however, 
no description of the apical system of the specimen, so it is of no 
interest in this connection (— quite apart from the fact that its 
identification is very uncertain —). The ,,Ingolf"-Expedition col- 
lected several young specimens of Phormosoma placenta (Sigsbei), 
the smallest of which were 3 mm in diameter. In the Part Il 
of my work on the Echinoidea of that Expedition I have figured 
(p. 24, fig. 1) the apical system of such a specimen, The anal 
area is seen to be covered already by a considerable number of 
plates; nothing here points towards the existence of a primordial 
central plate. The figure is reproduced in Fig. 3. 

In the ,,Panamic Deep Sea Echini", p. 75, Agassiz says 
that ,,we may be justified in assuming that the anal system is in 



the Echinothuridæ as in the Cidaridæ covered by five small anal 
plates". In the young Phormosoma placenta the anal plates do 
not show any trace of 
five radially placed plates 
being the first to appear. 
Ås seen from the figure 
the outer circle of larger 
plates shows a quite 
irregular arrangement, 
only one being radial 
in position. In tlie quoted 
place of the ,,Panamic 
Deep Sea Echini" Agas- 
siz refers to a figure 
(Pl. 48, 2) of the apical 

system of Phormosoma 

Fig. 3. Apical fire of a young Phormo- 
soma placenta, 3 mm in diameter. 78/4. 
placenta, in which ,,there 

seem to be five plates in the angles of the anal pentagon some- 
what larger than the others". It may perhaps be possible to 
point out in this figure five larger plates along the outer edge 
of the anal area, hut these are placed off the genital plates, 
viz. interradially; only at one of the oculars a somewhat larger 
plate is seen. 

It may thus be stated that the little we know as yet of the 
development of the Echinothurids is decidedly not in favour of the 
supposition that either a central plate or five primordial radial 
plates are present in the young specimens. 

The embryological development of the apical system in the 
Diadematidæ is quite unknown. In the structure of the anal 
system of the grown specimens there is nothing pointing towards 
the existence of <a primordial central plate. In Aspidodiadema 
tonsum we find five radially placed large anal plates; but since in 
another species of that genus (4. Jacobyi) there are 8 such cir- 
cumanal plates; placed, of course, without relation to radii or inter- 


radii, we can scarcely lay any stress on the case of the radially 
placed plates of the former. 

Among the Arbaciidæ two species, Arbacia punctulata and 
lixula have been studied as regards the development from the egg 
to the young Echinoid, the former by A. Agassiz, Garman & 
Colton and Fewkes, the latter by Joh. Muller (a. 0.) It is, 
however, only Agassiz, who gives any indications of the devel- 
opment of the anal plates. In the ,,Revision of Echini" (p. 733) 
Agassiz states that he has ,,traced in the youngest Arbacia raised 
from the pluteus the first appearance of the anal plates, which 
appear simultaneously as four lines radiating from the apex and 
forming the separations of the four anal plates". This statement 
seems rather obscure — the plates appearing as lines separating 
these same plates —, and the figure 68 (p. 734) to which is 
referred, does not give any real solution of the question. In the 
»Panamic Deep Sea Echini" (p. 54—55, Pl. 53—54) some further 
notes and several admirable figures of the young, postlarval Arbacia 
are given, but the first formation of the anal plates is not shown. 
In the stage of 2 mm diameter these plates are evidently fully 
formed already, as appears from the figure 4, Pl. 54, but in the 
younger stages Agassiz found it ,,difficult to decide if the anus 
is covered with four anal plates". Garman & Colton”) give a 
figure of a young, just metamorphosed Arbacia, in which the four 
anal plates are distinctly seen (Pl. XVIII, fig. 9); but the first 
appearance of these plates is not described by these authors either. 
The result is then that the first appearance of the anal plates has 
not been seen as yet. Another thing is that there can scarcely 
be any doubt that they really appear contemporaneously as four 
separate plates, and that a single large suranal plate is never 
found in the Arbaciids?). There is nothing to support the suggestion 

1) Some notes on the development of Arbacia puncetulata Lam. Studies 
Biol. Labor. Johns Hopkins Univ. IL. 1882. 

?) H. L. Osborn has figured, in his paper «Variations in the apical 
plates of Arbacia punetulata from Wood's Holl, Mass». (Science. N.S. 


of Lovén (Études p. 75) that ,,dans les Échinocidaris, il parait 
que Vouverture anale se pratique an moyen d'un soulévement cen- 
tral, par suite duquel le disque, détaché tout autour, se fend en 
quatre lames triangulaires". But it is very desirable that the first 
formation of these plates should be really observed. 

Regarding the position of the anal plates it is noticeable that 
in those forms which have normally five anal plates they are 
placed radially in one form (Habrocidaris), interradially in another 
(Pygmæocidaris). It is then evident that we find here no support for 
the suggestion that there were originally five radially placed anal 
plates, and there is no reason to suppose that ,,the Arbaciadæ 
with only four anal plates we may consider as having one of the 
five radial plates atrophied" (Calamocrinus p. 78). 

The periproct of the Cyphosomina is very similar to that 
of the Echinina, the anal opening lying excentric. Whether aå sur- 
anal plate is typically present or not cannot be decided from the 
evidence at hand; the question can scarcely be settled before the 
development of the recent form, Glyptocidaris crenularis A. ÅAg., 
has been studied. 

The Salenidæ show the central or suranal plate in its full 
development (Fig. 7, b. p. 43); they afford the main foundation 
for the homologizing of the Echinoid apical system and the Crinoid 
calyx, and have, indeed, given rise to the ,,Crinoid""-theory through the 
special development of the suranal plate, ,,die verfibrerische Sub- 
analplatte", as the Sarasins designate it. AA most important 
feature of this plate is its position outside the anal area. 

The embryonal or post-embryonal development is not known 
XIII. No. 337. 1901, p. 938), besides specimens with five or three 
anal plates instead of the normal four, a specimen (fig. 21) in which 
one of the four anal plates (the left anterior) has increased to a large 
size, so as to occupy nearly the whole anal area, the other three 
remaining quite small. The large plate quite resembles a suranal 
plate and may thus far well be regarded as such. But this abnormal 
case can certainly not afford the proof that a suranal plate is nor- 

mally present in the Arbaciids, all other evidences tending to show 
the opposite. 


of any Salenid. A. Agassiz (,,Blake" Echini, p. 18) gives some 
information of the apical system in the young Sa/enia varispina 
of 1,5 mm diameter; it is stated to be at that size already 
essentially as in the grown specimens; ,,the suranal plate is at 
first quite small, a narrow plate on the side of the anal system 
opposite the nearest ocular plate. It appears to gain in size at 
the edges adjoining the genital plates". The first appearance of 
the suranal plate has, however, not been observed, the specimen being 
probably too old already (— the figure, Pl. VI, 1., does not give 
the apical system sufficiently detailed; the suranal plate is not to be 
distinguished in it —). The anal system is distinetly pentagonal 
and covered by eight large, triangular plates with rounded tips... 
In the young Sa/enia miliaris there are five larger and some small 
plates along the edge of the anal area. Upon this evidence it 
seems somewhat rash to conclude that ,,it appears that the anal 
system of Salenia, as of Cidaris, was 
originally covered by five plates" (A. 
Ågaåassiz. Panamie Deep Sea Echini. 
p. 36). 

While thus the embryology does 
not as yet afford the knowledge wanted 
of the development of the remarkable 
suranal plate of the Salenids, palæ- 

ontology seems to have shown us the Fig. 4. Apical system of Acro- 

way in which it has originated. In  salenia angularis (after De 

several specie é - 

Betiae: of.409- 8ybne dcrora The sapene pores are met indicated 

lenia, there is not one single large in the original figure, At the mark 
: the figure Ra been slightly restored. 

suranal plate, but several of diffe- 

rent size, so arranged as to diminish in size towards the peri- 

proct, as shown in the fig. 4, representing the apical system 

of a specimen of Acrosalenia angularis (Ag.) Desor”). It is here 

scarcely possible to distinguish between the ,,suranal” plate and 

1) From P, de Loriol. Premier Supplément å V'Échinologie helvétique. 
Mém. Soc. Pal. Suisse. XII. 1885. Pl. I. Fig. 4 


the other anal plates, which leads to the conclusion that the ,,sur- 
anal" plate of Salenia is only one of the anal plates which has 
been specially developed on account of the anal opening having 
moved to the posterior edge of the anal area, and even encroached 
upon the posterior genital plate, tending thus towards becoming 
exocyelic. This suggestion is very 
much strengthened through the ob- 
servations of Lambert on the genus 
Palæopedina"). In this genus the 
periproct is ,rejeté en arriére par 
une suranale plus ou moins persi- 
stante" (Fig. 5). In P. globulus (A2.) 
»le plus souvent la position de la 

Fig. 5. Apical system of Pa- sSuranale est nettement indiquée par 

læopedina globulus (Ag.). les contours antérieurement anguleux 
Slightly restored at the mark. 

(From Lambert). du périprocte; cependant chez certains 

individus la suranale a été moins 
développée et elle s'est pour ainsi dire confondue avec les plaques 
anales dans le cadre irrégulidrement circulaire du périprocte. Il 
semble done qu'å V'époque lointaine de VHettangien la suranale plus 
variable n'avait encore acquis la fixité et importance qu'elle devait 
plus tard atteindre dans les Acrosaléniens et les Saléniens". (Op. 
cit. p. 26—27). 

Bather (Triassic Echinoderms of Bakony. 1909, p. 106) 
modifies this view in so far as he is not inclined to agree that 
Palæopedina has ,,a form of apex in which the more or less pro- 
longed persistence of the central disc has shifted the periproct to 
the rear". ,,Is it not nearer the truth to say that the passage 
of the periproct to the rear has involved partial resorption of the 
posterior genital, wlile leaving a space to be filled by the increase 
in size of a periproctal or anal plate, which comes into contact 
with the growing anterior genitals and so produces angles in the 

11 J. Lambert. Étude sur quelques Échinides de VInfra-Lias et du 
Lias. Bull. Soc. sc. hist. et nat. de "Yonne. 1899, p. 22. 


front border of the periproct? The half formed surånal is not 
the relic of a pre-existing «disque central»: at least I know of no 
structure in pre-existing Echinoid genera to which such a term has 
been or could be applied. If it has any significance it is as 
showing the mode of origin of the permanent and fully formed 
sur-anal in the Saleniidae"). In itself it can hardly be the fore- 
runner of the Saleniid sur-anal", since Palæopedina cannot be 
regarded as an ancestor of the Salenids. I fully agree with Dr. Bather 
in this view of the origin of the suranal plate of the Salenids. 
To regard the suranal plate as a case of atavism — ,,0ne of those . 
cases of the sudden reappearance of an ancient structural feature 
after a long period of time" — as suggested by Agassiz (,,Blake" 
Echini p. 16) there is nothing to support. Likewise there are no 
facts to support a supposition that the suranal plate may have 
originated through a fusion of the anal plates, as seems to be 
expressed by the Sarasins when saying: ,,Die Analplatten der 
Saleniden haben also die Tendenz zu ver- 
schmelzen" (Uber die Anatomie der Echino- 
thuriden und die Phylogenie der Echino- 
dermen. Ergebn. naturw. Forschungen auf 
Ceylon. I. 1887—88, p. 150). 

Some words may here be said of the 
genus Gauthieria Lambert. The remar- 
kable apical system of this genus (Fig. 6) 
is described by Lambert?) (Op. cit. p. 4) Fig. 6. Apical system of 

i Te Gauthieria radiata. 
as consisting of «19 Une plaque centrale (Fro STER me 

hexagonale; 29 Trois plaques secondaires 

antérieures, hexagonales; 3? Des plaques suranales variées, au 
nombre probable de huit» — besides, of course, the usual number 
of genital and ocular plates. Lambert lays great stress on this 
central plate. «Cette plaque centrale hexagonale tout å fait par- 

1) The italics are mine, ; 
?) J. Lambert. Note sur un nouveau genre d'Echinide de la Craie 
de ''Yonne. Bull. Soc. sci. hist. & nat. de "Yonne. 1888. 


ticuliére au C/yphosoma) radiatum (type of the genus G'authieria) 
et å quelques Acrosalénies est bien différente de la plaque unique 
pentagonale, dite suranale, des Peltastes, des Salénies et des 
crosalénies typiques. La plaque pentagonale de ceux-ci semble, 
chez un Échinide, une forme primitive, tandis que 1'hexagone cen- 
tral du C. radiatum est probablement une forme dérivée, dont la 
morphologie n'apparait pas clairement». — It seems to me that 
there is no reason to regard this hexagonal plate in the middle of 
the apical system of Gauthieria as having a special morphological 
value. As Lambert himself has pointed out (Op. cit. p. 6) a 
similar plate occurs in some species of Acrosalenia, more or less 
distinctly developed. But the aspect of only a single specimen like 
that represented in fig. 4 seems to me to leave no doubt that 
this middle plate is simply one of the anal plates, of the same 
morphological value as the other anal plates, larger or smaller"). 
The systematical position of the genus Gauthieria is not 
without importance as regards the remarkable development of its 
anal system. In the paper quoted Lambert is inclined to regard 
it as nearest to Acrosalenia, representing ,,un type å part qui 
relie les Salénies et les Peltastes aux Cyphosomes". Later on, in 
the .,Note sur quelques Échinides Éocdnes de 1'Aude" (Bull. Soc. 
Géol. de France. 3 Sér. XXV. 1897, p. 498) it is referred to 
the Cyphosominæ. — 1 do not venture to express a personal 
opinion of which is its true systematic position; I would only 
point out that, in case it has nothing to do with the Salenids, 
this means that the special character of its anal plates has been 
reached along its own line of development, which fact, combined 

1) A. Agassiz (Panamic Deep Sea Echini, p. 40) remarks that ,the 
only thing which at all suggests such a structure in recent Echini 
is the anal system of Aspidodiadema and Dermatodiadema". I cannot 
see any similarity in the structure of the anal system of Gauthieria 
and of the two genera named. In the latter the anal opening is central, 
the large, disconnected anal plates lying concentrie round it, while 
in Gauthieria the anal opening is excentric, the large plates lying 
at one side of it. 


with the beginning development of a distinct suranal plate in 
Palæopedina, indicates that the ,,suranal" plate may have been 
acquired separately by different forms of Echinoids. In the light 
of this supposition it will be especially interesting to study the 
suranal plate of the Echinina. 

The existence of a suranal plate in this great division of the 
Echinoids was first pointed out by A. Agassiz”), later on by 
Lovén (Études, p. 74—75. Pl. XXI) for Strongylocentrotus drø- 
bachiensis. It has played an important part in the question about 
the homologies of the apical system, Lovén finding in this fact 
aåa direct proof of the correctness of his view of the homology 
between the Crinoid calyx and the Echinoid apical system. The 

a c 
Fig. 7. a. Calyx of Marsupites, b. ”hottal system of Salenia, c. Apical 
system of a young Strongylocentrotus drøbachiensis. (Slightly altered, 
from Lovén). 

three figures (Fig. 7) here copied from Pl. XXI, of Lovén's 
ȃtudes", representing the calyx of Marsupites, the apical system 
of Salenia and of the young Strongylocentrotus make this easily 
understood; even the peculiar striping of the plates (omitted in 
the figure) is the same in all of them. 

The existence of this plate in general in the Echinina may 
be regarded as an established fact, even if only few species have 
been described or figured in quite young stages as e.g. Parechinus 
microtuberculatus by Bury in his ,,Studies on the Embryology of 
Echinoderms"”), or Sterechinus Neumayeri in the author's work 
»Die Echinoiden der Deutschen Sidpolar-Expedition", Taf. XVII. 

1) On the Embryology of Echinoderms. Mem. Amer. Acad. IX. 1864, p. 12. 
2) Quarterly Journ. Mier. Sci.” N. S. 39. 1889. Pl. XXXVIII. Fig. 12. 


Fig. 27). Generally the grown specimens retain distinct traces of 
the primordial large suranal plate, and sometimes it is retained 
also in the grown specimens as a very large plate, covering nearly 
the whole anal area, as e. g. in Genocidaris maculata ÅA. Ag., 
Pleurechinus Scillæ (Mazzetti); im the latter species some speci- 
mens even have, upon the whole, no other anal plates developed 
besides the suranal plate"). In remarkable contradistinction to 
this species another species of the same genus, Preurechinus Doder- 
leini Mrtsn., has the whole anal area covered by numerous small 
plates, among which no trace of a suranal plate can be detected s) 2 
A very similar case is afforded by Prionechinus Chuni Dåderlein ; 
however, Dåderlein thinks he can distinguish a slightly larger 
plate near the edge of the anal area, which may represent the 
suranal plate”). In any case it would be very interesting to 
examine quite young stages of these species in order to state, 
whether a suranal plate is originally present here or not. The 
same would apply to Parasalenia with its peculiar four anal plates, . 
recalling the condition in Arbacia. 

Some observations on the development of the apical plates in 
the young embryo of Parechinus microtuberculatus are given by 
Bury in his papers ,,Studies in the Embryology of Echinoderms" 
and , The Metamorphosis of Echinoderms""), Though the first 
appearance of the suranal plate is not shown, still the important 
fact is to be derived from his observations that the suranal plate 

1) It no longer holds good then that ,there is no Echinoid known 
in in the adult a single plate covers the anal system" 
as is s Bnimalned by Agassiz against the Sarasins Keiklioerinus, 
p. 79, Note). 
?Y Th. Mortensen. Siam-Echinoidea I. Tab. II. Fig. 1. 
3) Die Echinoiden d. deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition, p. 192, Taf. XXIV. 


8) Quarterly Journ. Mier. Sec. N. S. Vol. 29. 1889, p. 33—85. . Pl. 88. 
Figs. 10—12. Vol. 38. 1895, p. 78—80. P1.7, Fig.34. Pl. 8, figs. 36— 
38. The observations of Joh. Miller and A. Agassiz are not 
sufficiently detailed for the present purpose as regards the development 
of the apical system. 


appears much later than the genital and ocular plates, in accor- 
dance with what has been found in the other Echinoids thus far 
É examined. — In the ,,Ingolf"-Echinoidea I, p. 89, Pl. VIL. Figs. 
6—8. II, p. 172, I have given some information on the devel- 
opment of the skeletal plates in Hypsiechinus coronatus Mrtsn. 
Concerning the suranal plate it is stated that in the more advanced 
stages ,,0nly one large anal plate is found (Pl. VII. Fig. 14), which 
may be perforated by a larger opening; accordingly it seems quite to 
encompass the anal aperture". This statement is incorrect. I have 
reexamined my preparations and find that in the stage represented in 
P]. VII. Fig. 6 the central] plate has 
not yet appeared. In the stage 
represented by Pl. VII. Fig. 8 
the central plate has made its 
appearance as a small plate 
occupying the middle of the 
space enclosed by the large ge- 
nital plates. (Fig. 8). There is 
no larger hole in the central plate, 
which might be supposed to re- Fig. 8 Apical system df a' young 
present the future place of the Hypsiechinus coronatus. 

; The five large plates represent the genital 
anal opening. The plate figured  1%46s; the ocular plates have been omitted, 
in Pl. VII, fig. 15 of the work being not in contact as yet with the ge- 

nital plates. 19/,, 
quoted is evidently the madreporic 
" plate; the misconception is due to the fact that the specimen from 
which it has been figured has been placed in an oblique position, 
so that this plate apparently occupied the centre of the apical 

The Echinina do not lend any support for the suggestion of 
Agassiz, that there were originally five radially placed anal 
plates. It is true that Pleurechinus bothryoides has five. larger 
radial anal plates among a larger number of smaller ones; but 
this single case, evidently, cannot be of much value against the 
evidence afforded by all the rest of this numerous group — especially 


so long as we do not know whether this is a constant feature in 
the species, or whether the same condition is found in the young 
specimens (which is scarcely probable "). 

Agassiz (Panamic Deep Sea Echini, p. 39) has pointed out 
the marked difference between the suranal plate of the Echinina 
and that of the Salenids, the former being inside the anal area, 
while in the Salenids it ,,never becomes part of the anal system 
proper". In spite of this difference he evidently still regards these 
plates as homologous, as it is expressed in ,,Calamocrinus" (p. 79): 
»Wwe are undoubtedly justified in considering the single anal plate 
of the young of such Echini as Strongylocentrotus .... as homo- 
logous with the single large anal plate of the Salenidæ". This 
homology has, however, been disputed by Lambert (Note sur un 
nouveau genre d'Échinide de la Craie de 1'Yonne. 1888, p. 9. 
Note). ,,Ce que Von doit avant tout considérer, c'est la forme du 
bord interne dans les plaques normales solides de VYapex (génitales 
et ocellaires). Les bords de ces plaques sont-ils arrondis, de 
maniére å former le cadre irréguliérement circulaire d'un espace 
central, je dis qu'alors il n'y a pas de véritables suranales . .. - 
Mais les ocellaires et les génitales circonscrivent-elles un espace 
central å bords irréguliers avec angles plus ou moins saillants et 
rentrants, il est évident qu'elles ne formaient pas seules le cadre 
du périprocte et qu'elles devaient admettre des plaques complémen- 
taires plus ou moins persistantes, s'intercalant dans ces angles et 
constitutives .de 1'apex. Il y a entre ces plaques apicales et les 
plaquettes anales . ... une différence fondamentale .... Les 
prémiéres sont constitutives du disque central; les autres, malgré 
une dérivation originelle, purement adventices, appartiennent plutdt 
au périprocte”. I am not aware that Lambert has later on 
corrected this view. But the apical system of Palæopedina and 

1) De 'Meijere (Siboga-Echinoidea, p. 78) states that the young Pleur- 
echinus ener has only a single anal plate. The young spe- 
imens, on which this statement is founded, are, however, not Pl. 
bothryoides, en some other species of the genus Pleurechinus. (Op- 
cit. p. 202. Siam-Echinoidea. I, p. 


Acrosalenia show beyond doubt, so it seems to me, that the suranal 
plate of Salenia is only a special development of one of the anal 
plates, and thus there can be no essential morphological difference 
between it and the suranal plate of the Echinina, which is like- 
wise only one of the anal plates specially developed "). 

The question whether the suranal plate of the Echinina is a 
direct inheritance from the Salenids nåturally arises here. This 
has been maintained by the Sarasins. ,,Der Apex der jungen 
Echiniden ist, insofern er die Subanalplatte aufweist, nicht ein 
»Crinoidenfantom", sondern ein Salenidenbild, d. h. diejenigen 
Echiniden, welche in der Jugend ibr Analfeld von einer einzigen 
oder von einer ganz geringen Zahl relativ grosser Platten bedeckt 
zeigen, durchlaufen ein Salenidenstadium, sie stammen also von den 
Saleniden ab. .... Wir gehen daher so weit die Echinothuriden, 
Cidariden, Diadematiden und alle diejenigen Formen, welche in 
ihrer Jugend die Subanalplatte nicht aufweisen, als Pråsaleniden 
zu bezeichnen. Dann folgt das Geschlecht der Saleniden, in 
dessen Stammesgeschichte sich die so verfihrerische Subanalplatte 
langsam herausbildete, und endlich bezeichnen wir alle jene jiingsten 
Descendenten, welche in ihrer Jugend den Saleniden-Stempel tragen, 

1) After this paper had gone to press I received from M. Lambert a 
letter in which he gives the following statement erne this 
REDE which I quote here, with his permission: ,Je mai pas dit 

ans ma note sur le genre Gauthieria que les plaques salg des 
Bskieleii étaient morphologiquement différentes de la suranale des 
Salénies, J'ai toujours penså le contraire et partagé å ce sujét les 
idées de Lovén; mais jai tenu å bien faire ressortir la différence 
considérable existant entre des plaques ayant conservé leur caractére 
originel et restant partie intégrante de Vapex (les suranales des 
Saléniens) et les plaques qui out subi une adaptation nouvelle 
en se développant seulement dans le cadre subcirculaire du périprocte 
et sont toutes affectées å 1l'appareil anal (plaques des Hemicidaris et 
des Echiniens). 

Malgré cette adaptation å un organe particulier j'ai toujours pensé 
que les plaques anales des réguliers étaient morphologiquement re- 
présentatives du disque central des Saléniens". 

As appears from this paper, my view of the question, which condition 
of the apical system should be regarded as the primitive and which as a 
new adaption, is directly the contrary of that held by M. Lambert. 


als Salenigonen, indem wir sie fir Descendenten der Saleniden 
halten". (Uber die Anat. d. Echinothuriden u. die Phylogenie d. 
Echinodermen, p. 150). This does not appear quite so' convincing 
as the Sarasins seem to think. I would especially emphasize 
the difference, already pointed out by Agassiz (cf. p. 46), that 
in the Salenids the suranal plate is outside the periproct, while 
in the Echinina it remains within the periproct. This fact un- 
doubtedly leads to the conclusion that the suranal plate of the 
Salenids represents the more specialized condition; but the more 
primitive condition cannot be derived from the more specialized. 
The same may apply to the periproct itself. In the Echinina it 

. is central, though sometimes with a slight 
tendency towards becoming excentric in 
the direction of the ocular I and genital 
I, as indicated by the fact that the 
ocular I is generally the first: to come 
into contact with the periproct. Also 
the anal opening has a— still more — 

distinct' tendency towards becoming ex- 
Fig. 9. Apical system of centric in the same direction. This is 
Gymnechinus pulchellus. 
(From Th. Mortensen. carried to an extreme, both as regards 
Siam-Echinoidea, I. Pl. II. the periproct and the anal opening, in 
Svag the genus Gymnechinus (Fig. 9). — In 
the Salenids the periproct is excentric; in the recent forms the 
excentricity is in the same direction as in those of the Echinina, 
where an excentricity can be observed at all; but in the older 
forms it is excentric in the direction of the posterior inter- 
ambulacrum (genital 5). This also is against the derivation of the 
Echinina from the Salenids. It therefore seems most probable 
that the suranal plate of the Echinina is a feature acquired sepa- 
rately by this group of Echinoids. There may thus far be reasdn 
to distinguish between this plate in the two groups, and I would 
suggest that the plate of the Salenids be termed the central 
plate, that of the Echinina the suranal plate. This distinction 


may be practical, but it should be remembered that it is not a 
very essential distinction. — I shall not here enter otherwise on 
the question of the ancestry of the Echinina. 

Turning now to the ,,Irregularia", we must first make it 
clear, where we shall have to seek for the central or suranal plate. 
Lovén sought it in the apical system (the madreporite), while 
Agassiz (Calamocrinus p. 82—83) sought it among the plates 
of the periproct. Both of these eminent authors are evidently 
so far right, as the Irregularia may be supposed to have been derived 
either from such forms as the Salenids, in which the suranal plate 
is no longer part of the periproct, or from such forms in which the 
suranal plate is not at all developed, or in any case remains 
within the periproct. We may then seek for åa central or suranal 
plate in the Irregularia either among the plates of the apical system 
or among those of the periproct. | 

The Holectypoidea. Lovén (Études, p. 81) considers these 
forms as having a distinct central plate;” but the figures he gives 
of the apical system of Holectypoids show that it is only the madreporic 
plate (genital 2) which is sometimes conside- 
rably widened, as in Pygaster dilatatus (fig.. 9, 
p. 80), so as to occupy the middle space of 
the apical system. In others (Holectypus de- 
pressus Cott., Discoidea conica Desor, Pl. XV. 

Figs. 132—133) this plate is scarcely larger 
than the other genitals (Fig. 10). It was probably Fig. 10. Apical sy- 
stem of Discoidea 

i j conica Des. (From 
the ethmolytic Amphisternata as a compound plate, Lovén). 

the explanation of the large madreporie plate of 

homologous to the genital 2 +- the central plate 

- the genital 5, which induced Lovén to regard also the madre- 
poric plate of the Holectypoidea as a compound plate, homologous 
ter the genital 2 + the central plate. That this explanation of 
the madreporic plate in the Amphisternata is wrong, will be shown 
below; that it is no more natural for the Holectypoidea, seems 
evident from an unprejudiced inspection of the figure of Discoidea 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bd. 63. 

JU: Bot, Garc 


conica here reproduced (Fig. 10). The only natural explanation is, 
that it is the madreporic plate which may be more or less widened 
towards the middle of the apical system. Of a central plate there 
is n0 trace in the apical system. In the anal system there seems 
to be no distinct suranal plate either, so far as evidence goes from 
the little we know of the plates covering the periproct in this 
group of fossil Echinoids. — Lambert in the paper ,,Sur un 
Discoides inferus (Desor) recueilli å Tancarville (Seine-Inférieure) 
(R. Fortin. Notes de Géologie Normande. VI. 
Bull. Soc. géol. Normand. XVIII, p. 20—22) 
certainly names the two small plates in the middle 
of the periproct (Fig. 11) the central plates 
(sometimes there is only one such plate). But it 
is evident that this ,,central" plate is not the 

homologue of the central or suranal plate of Sa- 

Fig. 11. Anal 

system of Dis- 

coidea infera. . proctal plate, though scarcely originating through 

lenids and Echinids; it is simply a small peri- 

»la fissiparité des valvulaires contigués" (those 

plates surrounding the anal opening), as suggested 
by Lambert. If any homologue to the suranal plate were to be found 
here, it could only be the large one at the upper end of the periproct, 
the ,,0percular" of Lambert; but as this plate is stated by 
Lambert to be sometimes wanting, it is evident that no special 
morphological value can be ascribed to this plate either. — The 
conclusion that the Holectypoidea have no central or suranal plate 
is perfectly in accordance with their close relation to and un- 
doubted descent from the Diadematoidea, which likewise lack the 
suranal plate. 

In the Clypeastroidea the plates of the apical system are 
so completely coalesced that it is quite impossible to state anything 
about the presence or lacking of a central plate from the examina- 
tion of the grown specimens. The study of the development 
of the plates can alone give the clue to the question whether there 


is a central plate or not in the Clypeastroids. Three species have 
been studied as regards their development, viz. Echinocyamus 
pusillus, by Théel, Echinarachnius parma, by Fewkes, and 
Mellita testudinata, by CaswellGrave; the latter author, however, 
does not give any information of the development of the apical system "). 

In the young Echinocyamus the whole apical side is covered 
by. a single large plate, in which the water-pore is situated. (P1. IX. 
Fig. 107 of Théel's work ,,0n the development of Echino- 
cyamus pusillus"). This plate originates in a most remarkable way 
from the dorsal rod of the larval skeleton (Pl. VIII. Figs. 103— 
104, p. 57). There is nothing in this remarkable development to 
prove that this is a real central plate, homologous to the central 
plate of Salenia. The development of the plates of the anal 
membrane is not described by Théel. I have examined some 
young specimens of 1,5—2 mm length as to this and find there a 
circle of nearly equal sized plates, among which a larger suranal 
plate cannot be pointed out. 

In Echinarachnius parma the matter would seem to be very 
different. Fewkes (Preliminary Observations on the Development 
of Ophiopholis and Echinarachnius”) ascertains (p. 141) the existence 
of a ,, central plate, ,,centrale", of pentagonal outline, around which 
are arranged a ring of five plates, closely fitting to the central 
plate". The figure to which Fewkes refers (Pl. VII. Fig. 16) 
seems, however, to show beyond doubt that his interpretation is 
wrong. What he designates as the central plate is certainly of 
pentagonal outline, but there is no trace of calcareous network 
seen therein, and since he otherwise describes and figures the calca- 
reous network very carefully there has evidently been nothing of 
the kind in this space. In the figure 11, Pl. VIII, are shown ,,a 
central and five peripheral plates in the (its) apical region”, which 

l) Some points in the Sp mned re nn are of Mellita testudinata. 

Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. s» (Vol. XXI). 1908; 

?) Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. TE. ne 


might look like a central plate and five genital plates. This 
figure, however, is so crude that it must seem quite unreasonable 
to conclude anything from it regarding the development of the 
apical system in Echinarachnius. : 

The development of the plates covering the anal area is not 
described by Fewkes. But Agassiz has shown that the anal 
area is covered by a single large plate in the young Echinarachnius 
(Revision of Echini. Pl. XII, fig. 11), so that there would appear 
to be a suranal plate developed here. 

The Meridosternata do not show any trace of a central 
plate in the apical system, and likewise there is no trace of a 
larger suranal plate among the plates of the peri- 
proct. Any indication of the original condition 
being the. existence of five radially placed anal 
plates is not seen either. It is true, that we 
know only the condition in the grown specimens. 
But there is n0 reason at all to suggest that the 

young postembryonal stages might possess a cen- 
Fig. 12. Anal tral or suranal plate, A young specimen of 
system of a 
young Urechi- 
NUS NATESTANUS, golf" Echinoidea ål p. 39—40) — the youngest 

Urechinus naresianus of only 3 mm length (,,In- 

Kg en specimen known of any of the Meridosternata — 
) has its periproct covered with an outer circle of 
larger plates and some small inner ones (Fig. 12). There is 
nothing in this structure pointing towards the existence of pri- 
mordial suranal plate. 

In the Amphisternata, on the other hand, a central 
plate is supposed by Lovén to exist in those with an ethmolytic 
apical system, the great madreporic plate being regarded as homo- 
logous to the genital 2 + the central disk + the genital 5, 
which are all soldered together, the sutures having become lost. — 
(Études p. 83; Pourtalesia p. 71). It must be said that this inter- 
pretation of the large madreporic plate in the ethmolytic Amphi- 
sternata does not beforehand seem very probable. The most 


natural thing would be to regard it as representing the genital 
2 alone, homologous to the madreporic plate of the ethmophract 
Amphisternata, and of the Echinoids in. general, only grown exces- 
sively (Fig. 18). That this is the correct view, 
is shown by the development of the plates of the 
apical and anal system. This development has 
been studied by Lovén, A. Agassiz and the 
present author, especially in Abatus cavernosus 
(and cordatus). In my work ,,The Echinoidea of . i 

j 6 Fig. 183. Apical 
the Swedish Southpolar Expedition" ”) (p. 75—78) system of 

the development of the apical system of Abatus  Macropneustes 
Pellati Cott. 
(From Lovén). 

cavernosus is treated at some length. It is shown 
that there is no central or suranal plate developed 
(cf. Pl. XVII, fig. 9); on the other hand a distinæct genital 5 is 
developed at the hind edge of the anal area. (Fig. 14). It is thus 
made certain that Lovén's view 
of the madreporite representing 
the genital 2 +- the central plate 
+ the genital 5 cannot be main- 
tammed. Also in Amphipneustes 
Koehleri Mrtsn. the same holds 
good, as shown by the young 
stage figured in Pl. XVIII, fig. 2 
of the work . quoted. In the 
light of the facts thus made 
known regarding the development 

Fig. 14. Apical system and sur- 
roundings of a young Abatus carver- 
nosus. The plates numbered 1,2..,5 Savernosus, the young stages of 
are the genitals, those numbered I, Echinocardium flavescens, Bris- 

II—V the oculars. (From. Th. 


of the apical system in Abatus 

aster fragilis, Hemiaster exper- 
gitus figured by Lovén (On 
Pourtalesia. Pl. XV. Fig. 173) and by the present author (,,Ingolf"'- 
Echinoidea. II, p. 98, fig. 17. Pl. XIII. Fig. 2), though already 

1) Schwedische Sidpolar-Expedition. Bd. VI. 4. 1910. 


too advanced for showing the first formation of the apical system, 
do not leave any doubt that also in these forms a central or sur- 
anal plate is not developed. It may then fairly be concluded that 
in the Amphisternata, upon the whole, there is no central or sur- 
anal plate"). Likewise it is evident that there is no indication 
of the periproct being originally covered by five radially placed 
anal plates (,,infrabasalia"). 

One group is still left, viz. the Uasuldilpidea Here the 
apical system shows the most interesting feature, that — in some 
forms at least (Galeropygus, Hyboclypeus, Clypeus, Pyrina a. 0.) — 
there is one or more small plates included by 
the apical plates (Fig. 15). Lovén (Études, 
p. 82) explains this as a division of the cen- 
tral plate and establishes as a general rule 
that ,,toutes les fois que le disque se trouve 
divisé, le madréporite est limité å la costale 2, 

Fig. 15. Apical tandis que, quand le disque est entier, le 

system of Galero- — madréporite s'y établit". It is certainly a 
ygus marconi Des. 

(From Lovén). much more natural explanation that the plate 

containing the madreporite is the genital 2, 
even if it is widened so much as to occupy the whole middle space 
of the apical system or even more, and the small plate (or plates) 
appearing behind the madreporite are not parts divided off from 
the central plate, but represent the central plate itself. Thus 
the Cassiduloidea have a real central plate and, indeed, 
so strikingly recall the Salenids herein, that the suggestion lies at 
hand that they are developed as a separate branch from the Sale- 
nids, being without any nearer relation to the other ,,Irregular" 
Echinoids. I Moy here also point out two other important facts 

y In the Echinoidea of the Swedish Southpolar Exped. p. 98 is men- 
tioned a specimen of Amphipneustes Koehleri, in which the madre- 
porite is abnormally divided, so that we find a separate plate in the 
middle of the apical system; there is, nonner no doubt that this is 
an abnormality, and this case cannot be taken as a proof of the 
existence of a central plate in the pantere huiee 



which are in accordance with this derivation. The tubercles of 
the Cassiduloidea are imperforate, as in the Salenids, while in the 
other ,,Irregularia" they are perforate. The other fact relates to 
the very important discovery recorded by A. Agassiz") that the 
young Echinoneus has teeth and a lantern, which are again resorbed 
in the course of the development. As seen by the figures of the 
paper quoted (Pl. II, figs. 6 and 7) the teeth are keeled, as in 
the Salenids, while in the Diadematids the teeth are unkeeled. 
Perhaps still more facts speak for this derivation of the Cassi- 
duloidea; but as I have not yet studied this group of Echinoids 
more closely, I will not at present enter on a more detailed dis- 
cussion of this question. 

Agassiz has suggested (Calamocrinus, p. 82) that the anal 
system of Æchinoneus may originally have been covered by a 
single large suranal plate, as he has found it in Echinarachnius. 
This is highly improbable, for several reasons. The anal area of 
the grown specimens do not show the slightest trace of such a 
plate. Further it is scarcely possible that both a central plate in 
the apical system and a suranal plate in the anal area could be 
present in any Echinoid. Now, it is true, a central plate is not found 
in the apical system in any of the recent Cassiduloids; but in 
view of the fact that this plate occurs in the older forms the 
suggestion lies near that it will prove to exist in the young of 
the recent forms. In any case the study of the development of 
the apical and anal system of the Cassiduloids will be of unusually 
great interest. 

Having thus revised the question of the existence of a suranal 
or central plate in the different groups of Echinoids, we may sum- 
marize the results as follows: 

A central or suranal plate has not been found in the Palæ- 
echinoidea, the Cidaroidea, Diadematoidea, Echinothuridæ, Arbaciidæ, 
Hojechspelken: the Meridosternata or Amphisternata, while its existence 

1) OR le rr of teeth and of a lantern in the genus Echinoneus 
Van Phels. Amer. Journ. Sci. XXVIII, 1909, p. 490. 


in the Clypeastroidea is still uncertain (Echinarachnius !). Only in 
the Acrosalenidæ, the Salenidæ, the Echinina and the Cassiduloidea 
is it typically present. 

It seems very probable that the central (suranal) 
plate has developed separately along different lines; 
thus the suranal plate of the Echinina can scarcely be derived from 
the central plate of the Salenids, while on the other hand the central 
plate of the Cassiduloids may probably be derived from that of 
the Salenids, thus indicating a different origin of this group from 
that of the other Irregularia, which evidently have been derived 
from the Diadematoidea through the Holectypoidea. 

Thereis no evidence to support the theory that the 
anal area of the Echinoids was originally covered by 
five radial anal plates (,,infrabasalia”). The primary condition 
is, according to all evidence, an indefinite number of plates arranged 
more or less in circles, but without any relation to the radii or 
interradii. The suranal plate of the Echinina, the central plate of 
Salenids, the four anal plates of Arbacia etc. probably all originated 
through special growth of some of the anal plates, these plates 
being thus all of the same morphological value. 

The central plate can by no means beregarded as 
forming an essential part of Echinoid morphology, 
being not a primitive, but aspecial feature, acquired 
separately in some of the more specialised groups, 
while it is not found in any of the more primitive 
groups. Accordingly ,,we are no longer justified in looking upon 
this kind of anal system with a single plate as the earliest type" 
(Agassiz. Calamocrinus, p. 79). — I may quote the following pas- 
sage from Neumayr!): ,,S0 ergibt sich, dass alle geologisch alten 
Formen in der entschiedensten Weise gegen die Auffassung sprechen, 
dass eine Apexentwicklung, wie sie bei Sa/enia persistirt, als typisch 
fir die ganze Abtheilung der Seeigel betrachtet werden kånne.... 

1) Morphologische Studien iber fossilen Echinodermen. Sitz. Ber. Kais. 
Akad. d. Wiss. Wien. Bd. 84. I. 1882, p. 152. 

Damit fållt auch der Boden fir die Detailparallelisirung einzelner 
Plattengruppen am Echinidenscheitel und Crinoidenkelch und damit 
uberhaupt jede nahe Homologie zwischen Crinoiden und Seeigeln 
weg; vom palæontologischen Standpunkt liegt kein Anhaltspunkt 
fir die Annahme einer engen Beziehung zwischen beiden Classen 
vor, sie erscheinen im Gegentheil als die åussersten Extreme im 
ganzen Formengebiet der fossil nåher bekannten Echinodermen". 

Upon the whole, the necessary condition for tracing a homo- 
logy between the apical system of Echinoids and the calycinal 
system of Crinoids must be the existence of this configuration of 
plates in the supposed common ancestor of Crinoids and Echinoidgs, 
and the same, of course, holds goods for the alleged homology of 
the Crinoid calyx with the apical plates of Asteroids and Ophiurids. 
But these plates were not thus developed in the forms from which 
we must suppose that the Crinoids on one side and the Echinoids, 
Asteroids and Ophiurids on the other side have originated. I may 
quote from Dr. Bather") the following passage: ,,What is fatal 
(to the theory of the homology between these plates) is the con- 
clusion to which the evidence of fossils forces us — that the free 
Echinoderms, if they arose from stalked forms at all, indubitably 
did so ages before a calycinal system had been evolved .... 
If, however, it be impossible to regard the apical systems of 
Echinoidea and Asteroidea as homogenetic with that of Crinoidea, 
there can be no objection to the statement that similar plates 
are developed in a similar position with regard to the fundamental 
anatomy, under the influence of somewhat similar causes", — With 
this I fully agree. 

1) A Treatise on Zoology. Ed. by E. Ray Lankester. Part. III 
Echinoderms, p. 14. 

IV. On natural hybrids of Echinoderms. 

For a long time the Echinoderms, and especially the Echinoids, 
have been the favourite objects of artificial hybridisation. In many 
cases the larvæ have been reared to the pluteus-stage, but only in 
few cases have the hybrid larvæ been reared as far as metamorphosis 
and never to fullgrown animals. L. Doncaster!) has reared 
artificial hybrids of Paracentrotus lividus and Parechinus micro- 
tuberculatus up to metamorphosis, and in a recently published paper: 
,0On the artificial culture of marine Plankton Organisms" by E. I. 
Allen and E. W.Nelson?) it is recorded that Mr. W. De Morgan 
has succeeded in rearing artificial hybrids of Echinus esculentus 
and acutus until metamorphosis; ,,in all thirty young hybrids were 
obtained and a number of them are still alive and feeding on red 
weeds". — Herewith a most important step forwards has been 
made; the next great step will be to rear the hybrids until ma- 
turity. — Hitherto it is, however, only the hybrid larvæ which 
have been studied. But these do not give any contribution to the 
solution of several important problems relating to hybrids, e. g. the 
inheritance in the hybrids of the characters peculiar to the grown 
individuals of the parent species, or whether they become sexually 
ripe or not etc. This, of course, confines the value of such ex- 
periments within much narrower limits than would be the case, if 
the hybrids were reared to fullgrown animals. It is certainly also 
a fact of rather great importance that the fullgrown animals of 
the parent species afford several more characters, and generally 
much more important and definite, than do the corresponding larvæ. 
This will make it much more easy to follow the fate of the diffe- 
rent characters of the two parent species in the hybrids, than is 
the Case, when only the hybrid larvæ are studied. With the 

1) L. Doncaster: On rearing the later stages of Echinoid larvæ. Proc. 
Cambridge Philos. Soc. XII. 1902, p. 47—49. 
”) Quart. Journ. Mier, Se, N.S. Vol, 55. 1910, 


greatest expectations we may then" look forwards to the future 
study of artificial hybrids of Echinoderms, now that a comparatively 
easy method of rearing such hybrids to past metamorphosis has 
been worked out. — To rear them alone to metamorphosis will, 
however, not be enough. The specific characters are not devel- 
oped as yet in the just metamorphosed Echinoderms, only in the 
grown specimens are the characters fully developed. The end, 
therefore, is not gained before the hybrids are reared to 

While the artificial hybrids, the larvæ, have been the object 
of very extensive and most important research, the question, whether 
there måy possibly be found natural hybrids of Echinoderms has 
received very little attention as vet. How little was known here- 
of, appears from the fact that Doncaster (Op. cit. p. 49) writes, 
after having mentioned that it is possible in certain cases to rear 
hybrid larvæ beyond metamorphosis and so to obtain hybrid urchins: 
»this Taises the further question of why such hybrids do not occur 
in nature”, In fact, not a single case of natural hybrids of 
Echinoderms was known at that time, though a few suggestions 
as to their existence had been set forth (Agassiz, Bell.). This, 
however, cannot be wondered at. The necessary condition for 
recognizing specimens as being hybrids must be both a thorough 
knowledge of the specific characters of the different species and of 
the fauna of the locality from where the specimens in question 
have come. So long as we do not know the fauna of such locality 
so exactly that we can say with certainty that a specimen with a 
hitherto unknown combination of characters cannot possibly repre- 
sent a new species, we cannot have full certainty for its being a 
hybrid. Especially the latter condition has still been fulfilled for 
few cases only; but also the more thorough knowledge of the 
specific characters of the different species is of comparatively recent 
date, in any case as regards the Echinoids, which especially con- 
cern us here. It is then only what might be expected that the 


few cases reported of supposed natural hybrids of Echinoderms are 
of quite recent date. 
The first allusion to the possible existence of natural hybrids 
of Echinoderms was made by A. Agassiz. In his ,,Note sur la 
fertilisation artificielle de deux espéces d'étoiles de mer" (Arch. 
Zool. expér. & gænér. III. 1874, p. XLVI) he says he found 
several specimens of Asterias berylinus and pallidus (of which two 
species he succeeded in rearing hybrids ,jusq'au commencement 
de la formation de Vétoile sur le tube aquifére de la Brachiolaire") 
which had no sexual products developed at the season when these 
species normally have ripe sexual products. This shows ,,0u bien 
que les étoiles de mer ne pondent pas annuellement et å la méme 
saison . . . . ou bien qu'iil y a un grand nombre d'Hybrides dans 
les deux espéces, dont les organes génitaux n'atteignent jamais la 
maturité ou seulement rarement", The question is, however, not 
treated in a more detailed manner, and no description is given of 
the supposed hybrids. É 

Quite recently a supposed hybrid of Asterids has been described 
by Kalischewskij (Zur Kenntnis der Echinodermenfauna des 
Sibirischen Eismeeres)"). It is named Asterias groenlandica (Steen- 
strup) varietas /Zongimana Kalisch., but the description ends thus: 
»Es ist tiberhaupt leicht måglich dass dieses Exemplar ein Bastard 
zwischen Asterias grvenlandica (Steenstrup) and AÅsterias hyperborea 
Danielssen et Koren ist”. I do not venture to judge of this case 
myself; but since both A. groenlandica and hyperborea are very 
variable and perhaps even represent only varieties of A. Miilleri 
Sars, the suggestion that the specimen described by Kalischewskij 
is a hybrid between the two forms seems to me somewhat 

While no cases of natural hybrids have been described — so 
far as I know — among Ophiurids, Holothurids or Crinoids, some 
few cases of Echinoid-hybrids have been recorded. It may prove 

1) Mém. Acad. Imp. Se. St. Petersborg. 8 Sér. XVIIL Nr. 4. 1907, 
p. 41. Tab. I. Fig. 10 a-b. Tab IL. Fig, 8 a-b. 


useful to give a short summary of what has hitherto been made 
known about the matter. 

In the ,,Ingolf" Echinoidea I. (1903, p. 162) mention is made 
of a pair of specimens from Norway, which ,,combine to a curious 
degree the characters of both E/chinus) esculentus and acutus, var. 
Flemingii, so that it is quite impossible to decide with certainty 
to which of these species they belong, and the supposition of their 

being hybrids between the two species seems very obvious”. Un- 

Fie. I, 
Supposed hybrid of Echinus esculentus and Ech. acutus. Nat. size. 

fortunately both are naked tests so that several of the more im- 
portant specific characters cannot be observed, and thus full cer- 
tainty cannot be reached. No figures were given in the work 
quoted, so I have thought it desirable to figure one of the specimens 
at this occasion (Fig. 1). It will be seen that the shape is quite 
that of esculentus, while the tuberculation is more like that; of 
acutus var. Flemingii, the tubercles only being somewhat smaller 

than is generally the case in this form. The colour is 'a combina- 


tion of that characteristic of both species: the ground colour is red as 
in esculentus, but the middle line of the ambulacra and inter- 
ambulacra form stripes of light, nearly white colour, as in Flemingii. 

in the same: work, Pårt, [I (pp: 18500 PL-IL Pigs, 19, 14,16), 
is described and figured a specimen supposed to be a hybrid 
between Spatangus purpureus anå Spat. Raschi; it ,,would on 
account of the high shape of the test decidedly be referred to 5. 
BRaschi; but the other characters (especially the subanal fasciole 
and the pedicellariæ) are quite those of purpureus. The petals 
are somewhat shorter than usual, especially the posterior ones", — 
Specimens intermediate between these two species were mentioned 
by Bell, who in his Report on the Echinodermata of a deep-sea 
trawling cruise off the S. W. Coast of Ireland, under the direction 
of Rev. W. Spotswood Green!) mentions ,,a fine series (of 
Spatangus Raschi) .... showing how very considerably this species 
varies, s0 much, indeed, that one is almost inclined to suspect 
that it forms hybrids with $. purpureus". 

Considerably more interest is attached to a supposed case of 
hybridisation between two West Indian Cidarids, Tretocidaris Bartletti 
(A. Ag.) and Stylocidaris affinis (Phil.). In the ,,Hawaiian and 
other Pacific Echini. The Cidaridæ"?) A. Agassiz and H. Lym. 
Clark make the remarkable statement that in Pretocidaris Bartletti two 
kinds of large globiferous pedicellariæ occur, which were otherwise 
regarded by me (Ingolf-Echinoidea) as characteristic of two different 
genera. H. Lym. Clark figures in his memoir ,,The Cidaridæ" ?) 
(Pls. 3—9) a specimen of Tr. Bartletti which differs conspicuously 
from the usual form of this species in having cylindrical and 
nearly smooth spines, while the typical form has tapering, thorny 
spines, the spinelets being developed only on the upper (adapical) 
side of the spines (comp. my paper ,,0On some West Indian 

1) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 6 Ser. IV. 1889, p. 442. 

2?) Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. XXXIV No. 1. 1907, p. 8. 
3) Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. LI. No. 7. . 


Echinoids" Pls. 2—3)!), and this was the specimen with the two 
kinds of large globiferous pedicellariæ, as I was informed by Pro- 
fessor Clark. On account of this I suggested (in ,,Die Echinoiden 
der Deutschen Sidpolar Expedition". 1909, p. 47) that this spe- 
cimen represented a hybrid between 7retocidaris Bartletti and 
Stylocidaris affinis. Having later on had occasion to examine a 
specimen with the same form of spines and the two kinds of 
globiferous pedicellariæ I feel more convinced that this is really 
a hybrid between the two species named (,,0n some West Indian 
Echini" p. 10). — This case is the more interesting, as it repre- 
sents a hybrid between two distinct genera. The characters of the 
hybrid are mainly like those of Tretocidaris Bartletti; as characters 
inherited from the other supposed parent species, Stylocidaris 
affinis, must be regarded the cylindrical, nearly smooth spines and 
the one kind of large globiferous pedicellariæ (without endtooth), 
this form being (in the specimen examined by me) much rarer 
than that characteristic of Zretocidaris (with a long endtooth and 
a very small pore). 

In the ,,Echinoidea of the Swedish Southpolar Expedition" 2), 
p. 48, I have mentioned aåa specimen, which I suppose to be a 
hybrid between Sterechinus Agassizii Mrtsn. and St. Neumayeri 
(Meissner). It affords a remarkable confusion of the characters 
of these two species; but as the species of the genus Sterechinus 
do not, upon the whole, differ very conspicuously from each other, 
this case of hybridisation is not very conspicuous either. 

To the above recorded instances of hybrids of Echinoids I can 
now add a new one, and even one of unusual interest, being a 
hybrid between two different genera and one, of which there can 
scarcely be any doubt that it really represents a case of hybridisation. 

On an excursion to the Sound, North of the Island of Hven, 
with the steamer of the Danish Biological Station ,,Sallingsund”, 
the 10th Hepterabeg this year (1910), I collected a specimen of 

i Bulk UB N: at. Museum. 74. 1910. 
?”) Schwedische Sidpolar Exped. 1901—1903. Bd. VI. 4.. 1910. 


an Æchinus which at once attracted my attention. It seemed to 
be Ech. esculentus, but looked, however, rather different from the 
usual appearance of this species. On examining the specimen more 
closely later on I found my first impression confirmed — it was 
an Echinus esculentus, but one differing in some important charac- 
ters from the usual form. I may give here a description of the 
specimen (Fig. 2). 

The diameter is 53 mm, the height 28 mm. The number of 

ambulacral plates is 42, that of the interambulacral plates 21 in 

Fig. 2. 
Hybrid of Echinus esculentus and Parechinus miliaris. Nat. size. 

each series. The shape of the test is unusually low, as in the 
variety fuscus. In the structure of the test is seen a very con- 
spicuous difference from Ecz. esculentus, viz. that all the ambulacral 
plates bear a primary tubercle, while in esculentus only every 
second ambulacral plate bears a primary tubercle; only on the 
oral side some few of the ambulacral plates lack the primary 
tubercle. The tubercles are somewhat smaller than usually in 
esculentus, especially the secondary tubercles are less prominent. 
The spines are green, not violet on the tip as is usually the case 

in esculentus.. It is especially to be remarked that spines are 


found on the buccal plates, a character found alone in Ech. escu- 
lentus among the Echinoids of the Scandinavian Seas. Also the 
structure of the spines is as in esculentus (comp. ,,Ingolf"-Echinoidea I. 
Pl. XX, Fig. 30). The pedicellariæ åre as usual in escu/entus. 
The colour of the test is pink, not the deep red characteristic of 
esculentus. — The genital pores are well developed, the specimen 
having thus evidently had the genital organs well developed. 

If this specimen had come from a locality, where the existence 
of some unknown EÆEchinus-species could not beforehand be denied, 
nobody, I suppose, would have hesitated to declare this specimen 
to represent aå new species. The whole appearance is very unlike 
that of esculentus, and especially the character of the ambulaera, 
being of primary importance among the Echinus-species (and upon 
the whole among the Echinina), would make it almost inevitable 
to regard it as a new specific type. But the Danish Seas are so 
well known that the suggestion of a hitherto unknown, large species 
of Echinus, with well marked characters, existing there must seem 
quite absurd. The result is then that the specimen must be a 
hybrid, the question being only, which species should be regarded 
as the parents. 

Only three species of regular Echinoids occur in the Sound, 
viz. Parechinus miliaris, Echinus esculentus and Strongylocentrotus 
drøbachiensis. It is, however, only the last named, which occurs 
commonly here, and especially Ech. esculentus is very rare. Never- 
theless there cannot be the slightest doubt that Ech. esculentus 
is one of the parents, the specimen agreeing in most of it 
characters with this species. The other parent species very pro- 
bably is Parechinus miliaris. The close tuberculation of the am- 
bulacra is decidedly in favour of this supposition; on the other 
hand there is not a single feature which points distinctly towards 
Str. drøbachiensis. In case this latter species were one of the 
parent species, one should expect to find something recalling its 
more important characters: the polyporous condition of the ambu- 
lacra, the peculiar globiferous pedicellariæ (the valves being without 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bd. 63. 5 


side-teeth), the spicules, and perhaps also the apical system (the 
ocular plates being partly in contact with the anal area) — but 
there is no indication of any of these characters. 

The conclusion seems then inevitable that this specimen repre- 
sents a hybrid between Echinus esculentus and Parechinus miliaris. 
There is, to be sure, one other explanation possible — that it 
may represent a case of discontinuous variation or a mutation of 
Echinus esculentus. But this is, as concerns thé Echinoderms at 
least, a quite unknown field as yet. I can give no definite proof, 
that the present case is not really to be thus explained; but, so 
far as I can see, evidence goes towards declaring the specimen to 
be a hybrid. The final solution of the question can scarcely be 
given before we have obtained fullgrown specimens of artificial hybrids 
between these two species. 

It should still be pointed out that both Parechinus miliaris 
and Echinus esculentus occur only in the northern part of the 
Sound, the influence of the brackish Baltic waters making the 
salinity too low for their thriving farther down in the Souud. This 
fact, that the two species in question are thus limited here in 
their distribution towards the Baltic through the lowering of the 
salinity of the sea water may well be worth recalling in this 
connection. May it not be supposed that the low salinity has 
made the egg less resistant towards the spermatozoon of the other 
species? — If this is really the case, one should expect hybrids 
to be comparatively common on such places. This part of the 

question, at least, can easily be solved by future investigations on 
the locality. 


Bidrag til Kundskaben om de islandske 
Hydroider. II. 
B. Sæmundsson. 

For 9 Aar siden publicerede jeg en lille Afhandling med 
ovenstaaende Titel i Naturhistorisk Forenings Videnskabelige Med- 
delelser for 1902, hvori der blev givet en Fortegnelse over de den 
Gang fra islandske Farvande kendte Hydroidpolyper. Siden den 
Tid er der blevet tilvejebragt et betydeligt Materiale af Hydroider 
fra forskellige Steder ved Islands Kyster. I 1902 blev der af Dr. 
A. Appellåf og Cand. mag. Ad. S. Jensen, ombord paa den norske 
Fiskeriundersøgelses-Damper »Michael Sars”, samlet Hydroider paa 
3 Stationer (Nr. 90, 91 og 95) ved Sydostkysten, i 1903 og 1904 
af Dr. Johs. Schmidt og Forfatteren, ombord paa det danske 
Havundersøgelses-Skib »Thor", paa forskellige Steder ved Syd-, 
Øst- og Vestkysten. I 1905 foretoges Indsamlinger af stud. mag. 
Frits Joh ansen, ombord paa det danske Opmaalings- Fartøj 
»Beskytteren", paa flere Steder ved Øst-, Syd- og Sydvestkysten 
og i 1908 af stud. mag. P. Kramp, ombord paa ,,Thor", paa 6 
Stationer ved Vest- og Nordkysten!). I Sommeren 1906 samlede 
Forfatteren igen en Del Hydroider ombord paa Trawleren ,,Coot" 
i Faksebugten og endelig i 1908 og 1909 et betydeligt Materiale 
fra Motorbaad i Hunabugten, Isafjords Dyb, Brede- og Faksebugten 
og disse Bugters Bifjorde. 

7) Denne Samling modtog jeg i bestemt Tilstand under Udarbejdelsen 
af nærværende Afhandling. 


Hr. Museums-Åssistent Ad. S. Jensen overlod mig velvilligst 
sin Samling til Undersøgelse, ligesom Hr. Inspektor G. M. R. Le- 
vinsen ikke blot har stillet Samlingerne fra ,,Thor" og ,,Beskytteren" 
til min Disposition, men som før beredvilligst hjulpet mig paa for- 
skellig Vis, naar jeg har søgt hans Bistand. For disse Tjenester 
beder jeg de to Herrer, særlig den sidstnævnte, at modtage min 
bedste Tak. 

De af Hr. Dr. A. Appellåf indsamlede Hydroider blev be- 
stemte af Cand. Hj. Broch og anførte i et Arbejde over Hydroider, 
samlede i Nordhavet i Aarene 1900—1902 (Broch [7], Oversigts- 
tabel). Denne Samling, som tilfaldt Bergens Museum, blev ved 
Hr. Broch's Mellemkomst velvilligst laant mig til Gennemsyn. 
For denne Imødekommenhed takker jeg nævnte Museum og Hr. 
Broch påa det bedste. 

Det havde egentlig været min Tanke at offentliggøre dette 
Arbejde 3—4 Aar før, end det nu bliver Tilfældet, men forskellige 
Omstændigheder har bevirket, at jeg foretrak at lade det vente 
til nu, bl. a. den, at jeg i 1907 havde faaet bevilliget Penge af 
det islandske Althing til i de to næste Somre at foretage Fiskeri- 
undersøgelser med Motorbaad i forskellige Fjorde paa Nordvest- og 
Vestkysten, netop paa Steder, hvor der aldrig før var blevet samlet 
Hydroider, og hvor jeg derfor ventede at kunne finde noget af 
Interesse. Desuden har norske Forskere, Frk. Kr. Bonnevie 
og særlig Hj. Broch i de senere Aar publiceret flere Afhandlinger 
om nordiske Hydroider, hvori der dels beskrives nye Arter, dels 
belyses flere interessante Forhold, f. Eks. Variation hos flere Hy- 
droider, hvorfor det blev nødvendigt for mig at gennemgaa mit 
Materiale paany !"). 

Siden Fremkomsten af min første Afhandling er der intet 
publiceret særskilt om Islands Hydroider. I Beretninger fra unge, 

1) Desværre havde jeg allerede sendt den største Del af Materialet fra 
Københavns Museum bort, inden jeg indsaa Nødvendigheden af at 
foretage en Revision, men uheldigvis var et fornyet Laan af dette 
ikke muligt, inden Fremkomsten af dette Arbejde. 


danske Zoologer, der i de senere Aar har foretaget Fiskeriunder- 
søgelser ved Island, fra Opmaalingsfartøjer, anføres der, i Skildringer 
af det lavere Dyreliv, nogle faa, før kendte Hydroider. Disse vil 
blive taget med nedenfor under paagældende Arter. — Det eneste 
Arbejde af større Betydning for Kundskaben om islandske Hydroider 
i disse Aar er Broch's ovenfor omtalte Afhandling, der udkom i 
1903. I denne anføres der 25 Arter fundne ved Island, hoved- 
sagelig paa to Stationer (90 og 91)!). Af disse 25 Arter er 10 
nye for Islands Fauna. Disse 10 Arter er: 

Corymorpha glacialis, M. Sars. 


Halecium minutum, Broch. 

3. Campanularia Hincksii, Alder. 
Lafoéa pygmæa, Alder. 
Lafoéa pocillum, Hincks. 

Lafoéa symmetrica, Bonnevie. 

Thujaria Hjorti, Broch (T. laxa, Allm.). 
Thujaria (Sertularia) Fabricii, (Levinsen). 
10. Selaginopsis fusca, Johnst. 

7. Lafoéa gigantea, Bonnevie. 

I mit forrige Arbejde anførtes der 60 Arter, som kendte ved 
Island. I det følgende vil der blive tilføjet 22 nye Arter. Da nu 
de 10 ovenfor nævnte, af Broch fundne, Arter føjes til og én af 
de ældre stryges, beløber Antallet af de ved Island kendte Hy- 
droider sig for Tiden til 91. 

Jeg bemærkede i mit omtalte Arbejde, at det den Gang 
kendte Antal af islandske Hydroider ,,rimeligvis vilde vokse ved 
nærmere Eftersøgning", og den islandske Hydroidfauna er da ogsaa 
siden bleven forøget med 32 Arter. Jeg maa dog antage, at An- 
tallet vil kunne vokse endnu mere, thi uagtet der er blevet samlet 
påa mange forskellige Steder, ved Øst-, Syd- og Vestkysten, saa 
har det som Regel været mere pletvis eller tilfældigt og med andre 

1) Flere af disse Arter, deriblandt et Par af de nye, havde jeg allerede 
fundet i Jensen's Samling, da jeg fik Broch's Afhandling at se. 


Formaal, end netop det at finde Hydroider!). Og ved Nordkysten 
af Landet er der hidtil kun bleven samlet et ganske ringe Mate- 
riale. Jeg tror derfor, at der ved fortsatte Indsamlinger vil endnu 
findes mange for Faunaen nye Arter. 

Samtidig med at Arternes Antal er blevet betydelig forøget, 
har det samme været Tilfældet med Findestederne for de tidligere 
kendte Arter, hvorved deres Udbredningsforhold er blevet bedre 
belyste. Dette gælder hovedsagelig de calyptoblaste Arter, især 
dem, som lever paa dybere Vand, hvorimod der ikke er fremkommet 
meget nyt til Oplysning om de gymnoblaste Hydroiders Udbred- 
ningsforhold, da disse er meget sparsomt repræsenterede i det 
nyere Materiale. 

Naar der nu i det følgende vil blive opført 91 Hydroider til- 
hørende den islandske Fauna, maa jeg dertil føje den Bemærkning, 
at jeg ingenlunde anser dette Tal for absolut rigtigt. Grunden 
dertil er for det første den, at jeg muligvis har gjort mig skyldig 
i Fejlbestemmelser, især naar det Materiale, jeg har arbejdet med, 
har været tarveligt (daarligt konserverede eller ufuldstændige Eksem- 
plarer), og jeg har manglet saavel godt Sammenligningsmateriale 
som den nødvendige Literatur. Dog tror jeg ikke, at Arternes 
Antal af denne Grund vil forandres meget. For det andet er 
Grunden den, at Arterne inden for mange af Hydroidernes Slægter 
som bekendt varierer i en betydelig eller endog meget høj Grad, 
saa at det ofte vil blive en Skønssag, hvorvidt et Eksemplar skal 
regnes til den ene eller den anden Art, selv om man har et rigeligt 
og godt Materiale til sin Raadighed; men naar det modsatte er 
Tilfældet, bliver Bestemmelsen vanskelig eller umulig. 

Denne Variation hos flere Hydroid-Arter har man jo længe 
været fortrolig med, og jeg behøver, hvad det angaar, kun at hen- 
vise til, hvad Broch anfører i 1. Afsnit af sit nyeste Arbejde 
over Hydroiderne flg Flere Forfattere har paavist og omtalt 

7) Saaledes blev den største Hydroid-Fangst, jeg var med til paa «Thor», 

gjort (ved Hennes da der blev fisket med Yngeltrawl efter 
Fiskeyngel i Bunden 


Variation hos enkelte Arter, men en omfattende, systematisk Under- 
søgelse af disse Forhold, baseret paa et meget stort Materiale fra 
forskellige Egue, er endnu ikke bleven foretaget. Først naar en 
saadan Undersøgelse foreligger, kan man vente en solid Grundvold 
for Begrænsningen af de varierende Arter, og det bør derfor hilses 
med Glæde, at Hr. Broch i en nær Fremtid vil gøre Studier 
over disse Forhold. Denne Forsker har allerede gjort en god Be- 
gyndelse med to af sine sidste Arbejder [10] og [12], navnlig det 
sidste, det store Arbejde over Hydroider fra arktiske Egne (Die 
Hydroiden der arctischen Meere). — Nedenfor vil jeg lejlighedsvis 
faa Anledning til at berøre Variationsforhold hos islandske Hydroider. 

I den følgende Fortegnelse over de islandske Hydroider vil 
jeg, foruden at opføre de nye Arter og deres Findesteder samt 
nye Findesteder for de tidligere kendte Arter (i Rækkefølge fra 
Langanes rundt om Landet til højre), tillige opføre de øvrige 
kendte Arter, om hvilke jeg intet nyt har at meddele; jeg gør 
dette, for at denne Forteguelse tillige kan blive en fuldstændig 
Liste over de for Tiden fra islandske Farvande kendte Hydroider. 
Den geografiske Udbredning vil kun blive angivet for de nye Arters 
(Broch's deri indbefattet) Vedkommende, og disse vil som før 
blive mærkede med en Stjærne (") foran Navnet. 

1. Underorden: Gymnoblastea (Athecata). 
1. Fam. Clavidæ. 

1. Clava squamata (Miller). 5 

Straumfjårdur paa Myrar (Faxafléi), paa Ascophyllum i Stranden 
(B. Sæm.). — Ellers er den ikke fundet uden for det af mig før, 
[35], S. 49, omtalte Omraade: Vestmannøerne — Akranes, uagtet 
;Jeg har søgt efter den paa flere Steder paa Vestkysten og ved 
Hunabugten. Det samme gælder de 5 følgende Arter. 

2. Turris neglecta Lesson. 
Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 50. 


3. Coryne vermicularis Hincks. 
Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 50. 

4. Coryne fruticosa Hincks. 
Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 50. 

5. Syncoryne eximia Allm. 

Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 50. 

6. Syncoryne Sarsii Lovén. 

Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 50. 

Som de tydeligste Skælnemærker imellem de nævnte to Arter 
af Syncoryne har jeg fundet, at hos $. eximia er der en tydelig, 
om end uregelmæssig, Leddeling paa Stammer og Grene; Stam- 
merne bærer tætstillede, stærkt opad rettede Grene, Polypariet er 
lyst hornfarvet, Hydrantherne blegrøde; Højden 2—5 cm. Hos $. 
Sarsii er Ringdelingen svag eller manglende; Stammerne bærer faa, 
udstaaende Grene; Hydrantherne er orangerøde; Højden kun 2 cm. 
Disse Forhold varierer dog hos begge Arter, saa at Adskillelsen 
kan blive vanskelig. Det samme gælder vel ogsaa Arterne af 
Coryne -Slægten. Her vil sikkert Revisionen af et omfattende 
Materiale være nødvendig. 

7. Diplura fritillaria (Haeckel). 
Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 51. 

2. Fam. Tubulariidæ. 

8.  Tubularia indivisa L. 

T. indivisa, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

«00 04% Hjort FSL TE 8. 114, 

- — Børup [13], S. 245. 

Lodmundarfjérdur, 23—-28 m. (B. Sæm.). — 9 Kvml. SV. af 
Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m. (Appelléf og Jensen). — 
20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars'", St. 91), 150 m. (Appellåf). 


— Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St. 175, 1903 og St. 188, 1904), 
53 m. og 66—75 m. (B. Sæm.); indtil 17 cm. høje Rør. — Selt- 
jamarnes, Stranden (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, 4 Kml. SSO. af Akranes, 
40 m. (B. Sæm.). — Breidafjårdur, Olafsvik, 41 m. og 10 Kvml. 
SO. af Skor, ,,Beskytteren", 53 m. (Børup). — Isafjardardjup (,,Thor", 
St. 137, 1904), 115—120 m. (Schmidt). — 24 Kml. VNV. af 
Ritur-Huk (,,M. Sars", St. 182, 1903), 150—190 m. (Hjort). — 
Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 51. 

9. Tubularia larynæ Ell.-Sol. 

1. larynæ, Hjort (211 1L 8. 114. 

Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor"", St. 188, 1904), 67—75 m., paa Ormerør 
(B. Sæm.). — Samme Sted (,,Thor", St. 175, 1903), 53 m. (B. Sæm.). 
— Faxafléi, Gardsjér (,,Thor", St. 278, 1904), 40 m. (Schmidt). — 
Breidafjordur, 2 Kvml. NV. af Ballarår-Hrappsey, 16—18 m. (B. 
Sæm.); paa Laminaria-Rødder. — Isafjårdur, 35—40 m. (B. Sæm.); 
paa Balanus porcatus og Bryozoer. — 24 Kvml. VNV. af Ritur-Huk 
(,,M. Sars", St. 182, 1903), 150—190 m. (Hjort). — Se nærmere 
Kol. (851; 8, BE 52, 

10. Auliscus pulcher B. Sæm. 
Se nærmere Forf. [34], S. 52. 

11. Amalthea islandica Allm. 

A. islandica, Schmidt [33], S. 201). 

105 Kvml. Ø. af Langanes (,,Thor", St. 50, 1903), 1440 m. 
(Schmidt); Bundtemperatur - 0,95? C. — Se nærmere Forf. [35], 
S. 52, 

12. Corymorpha nutans M. Sars. 

C. nutans, Børup [13], S. 245—246. 

Faxafléi, 8 Kvml. V. af Grétta Fyr, 38 m. (B. Sæm.). — 
Breidafjordur, Olafsvik, 38—47 m. og 10 Kvml. SO af Skor, 58 m. 
»Beskytteren" (Børup). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 52. 

") Bestemt af Hr. Inspektor Levinsen. 


13. Corymorpha glacialis M. Sars. 

C. glacialis, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

9 Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m. (Appellåf) 
30 mm. højt Eksemplar. 

Øvrige Udbredning: Færøerne, nordlige Norge, Spitzbergen, 
Novaja Zemlja. 

3. Fam. Bougainvillidæ. 

14.. Hydractinia echinata v. Ben. 

Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 52. 

15. Podocoryne carnea M. Sars. 

Reydarfjordur (,,Thor", St. 50, 1904), 163 m. paa Natica 
(Schmidt). — ? Medallandssjøér (,,Thor", St. 178, 1903), 75 m. (B. 
Sæm.). — Reykjavik i Stranden, paa Watica og Balanus porcatus 
(B. Sæm.). — Skåtufjårdur 20—30 m., paa en Snegleskal (B. Sæm.). 
— Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 53. 

16. Eudendrium rameum (Pall.). 

c. 8 Kvml. Ø. for Seydisfjordur, 120 m., paa Line (B. Sæm.). 
— 13 Kvml. SSO. af Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St. 172, 1903), 
260—390 m. (B. Sæm.); en 11 cm. høj Koloni. — Grindavik paa 
opskyllede Laminaria- Rødder (B. Sæm.). — Se nærmere Forf. 
[85]; 858 

17. Eudendrium ramosum (L.). 

Faxafléi, 10 Kvml. V. af Akranes, 40 m. og 16 Kvml. NV. af 
Akranes, 56 m. (B. Sæm.); en 12 cm. høj Koloni. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Jan Mayen, nordlige Norge, Evropas Vestkyst, 
Nordamerikas Østkyst, nordlige Stillehavs Kyster. 

18. Eudendrium capillare Alder. 

Faxafléi, 2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (, Thor", St. 40, 1908), 34 m. 
(Kramp). — Hvalfjordur, 85—95 m., paa Balanus porcatus (B. Sæm.)- 
— Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 58. 


19. Eudendrium rigidum? Allm. 

Grindavik, paa opskyllede Laminaria-Rødder (B. Sæm), et 
stærkt ringet Eksemplar. — Rimeligvis bør et, i mit forrige Ar- 
bejde under E. rameum opført Eksemplar, taget ud for Rauda- 
sandur af H. Jensen, henregnes til denne Art, hvis Bestemmelse 
dog i det hele er usikker, paa Grund af Eksemplarernes daarlige 
Forfatning. -—— Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 53. 

20. Eudendrium insigne Hincks. 
Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 58. 

21. Dicoryne conferta (Alder). 

Reydarfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 50, 1904), 163 m., paa Buccinum 
undatum (Schmidt). — Hvalfjordur, 20-——0 m. (B. Sæm.); en meget 
stor, indtil 10 mm. høj, Koloni paa en af Pag. Bernhardus beboet 

B. undatum-Skal. — Kolgrafafjårdur, Snæfellsnes, 8—0 m., paa en 
B. undatum-Skal (B. Sæm.). — Hvammsfjårdur, 45 m., paa en af 
P. Bernhardus beboet B. undatum-Skal (B. Sæm.). — Se nærmere 

Forf. [35], S. 54. 

22. Perigonimus repens Wright. 

Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 54. 

Paa et Par Steder i den indre Del af Faksebugten har jeg 
paa 26 og 70 m. Dybde fundet en Mængde levende Astarte Banksii 
og nogle A. borealis bevoksede med Rørene af en Perigonimus, som 
ikke kan bestemmes nærmere. Ligeledes har jeg fundet en frodig 
Bevoksning af Rørene af en ubestemmelig Perigonimus-Art paa 
Laaget af Bucc. undatum, paa 60 m. Dybde udfor Skagastrånd, 
Hunabugten. Muligvis høre de alle til P. repens. 

23. Bongainvillea muscus Allm. 
Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 54. 

2. Underorden: Calyptoblastea (Thecaphora). 
4. Fam. Campanulariidæ. 

24, Campanularia volubilis (L.). 
C. volubilis, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 
— Børup [13], S. 246. 

Hjeradsfléi (,,Thor", St. 214, 1904), 28—47 m., paa Laom. 
longissima (B. Sæm.). — Djupavogur, 15 m., påa Diphk. filicula (H. 
Jønsson). — 9 Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m. 
(Appellåf). — Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor”, St. 115, 1903), 53 m., påa 
Diph. abietina og Hydrallmania (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, Gardsjér 
(, Thor", St. 278, 1904), 40 m., påa Dinh. abietina (Schmidt). — 
Faxafléi, 2 Kyvml. Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor", St. 40, 1908), 34 m., 
påa Hydrallmania og 8!|2 Kvml. NV. af Gråtta Fyr (,,Thor", St. 
34, 1908), 50 m., paa Diph. abietina (Kramp). — Hvalfjårdur (,,Thor", 
St. 167, 1904), 46 m., paa Sert. tenera (Schmidt). — Samme Sted, 
85—95 m., paa Diph. abietina (B. Sæm.). — Breidafjordur 9 Kvml. 
SO. af Skor, 13—23 m. .,Beskytteren" (Børup). — Samme Fjord, 
1 Kvml. SO. af Vadstakksey, 37—64 m., paa Halec. tenellum (B. 
Sæm.). — Patreksfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 59, 1908), 50—15 m., påa 
Diph. abietina (Kramp). — Arnarfjordur (,,Thor", St. 146, 1904), 
62 m., påa Diph. abietina (Schmidt). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], 
S, 54, 

25. Campanularia integra Mc. Gilliv. 

Vopnafjårdur, påa Delesseria i Stranden (B. Sæm.). — Vest- 
manneyjar, i Stranden, paa Hyas (B. Sæm.). — Grindavik, påa 
Roden af opskyllede Laminarier (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, 2 Kvml. 
Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor", St. 40, 1908), paa en Bryozo (Kramp). — 
Reykjavik, 4—6 m., påa Laminarier (H. Jønsson). — Samme Sted, 
i Stranden, paa Myt. modiolus og paa en Bøje (B. Sæm.). — 
Hvalseyjar (Faxafléi), 10—26 m., paa Delesseria og Laminaria- 
Rødder (B. Sæm.). — Breidafjårdur, 1 Kvml. SO. af Vadstakksey, 
37—64 m., påa Delesseria og 2 Kvml. NV. af Ballarår-Hrappsey, 


16—18 m., påa Delesseria (B. Sæm.). — Arnarfjårdur, påa op- 
skyllet Laminaria (B. Sæm.). — fsafjardardjip (,,Thor", St. 137, 
1904), 115—120 m., paa Tub. indivisa (Schmidt). — Se nærmere 
Forf.: [35]; 8: 55; 

Den af mig før (1. c.) omtalte Variation i Bægerne hos denne 
Art er ogsaa meget tydeligt fremtrædende hos de ovenfor anførte 
Eksemplarer. Snart er der Kolonier, hvor alle Bægerne er tragt- 
formede og tyndvæggede (fsafjardardjuip), snart Kolonier, hvor der 
er tragtformede, tyndvæggede og klokkeformede, tykvæggede Bægere 
imellem hinanden (Faxafléi, Breidafjordur). 

"26. Campanularia groenlandica Levinsen. 

9 Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m., påa 
Tub. indivisa, Bonneviella og Diph. fallax (Jensen). Gonotheker 

Øvrige Udbr.: Vest- og Østgrønland, nordlige Norge, Beeren 
Eiland, Hvide Hav, Kara Havet, sibiriske Ishav til Alaska. 

27.  Campanularia Hincksii Alder. 

C. Hincksii, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

9 Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m. (Appelldf). 
— Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St. 175, 1903), 53 m., paa Tub. indivisa 
og Laf. dumosa (B. Sæm.). — Gonotheker tilstede. — Et af Eksem- 
plarerne fra sidstnævnte Lokalitet viser det ejendommelige Forhold, 
at 3—4 Stolo-Rør, som løber jævnsides hen ad deres Underlag, Røret af 
Tub. indivisa, bøjer alle paa én Gang ud fra dette og lægger sig sammen 
til en frit opragende, c. 1 cm. lang, Stamme, fra hvilken Bæger- 
stilkene vokser ud til alle Sider, hvorved denne Del af Kolonien 
faar en vis Lighed med C. verticillata. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Storbritannien, Færøerne, Norges Vestkyst, 
Beeren Eiland, Nordamerikas Østkyst. 

28. Campanularia Johnstonii Alder. 
Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St. 175, 1903), 53 m., paa Dipkå. 
abietina (B. Sæm.). — Samme Sted (,,Thor", St. 188, 1904), 66— 


75 m., paa forskellige Hydroider (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, Gardsjér 
(,,Thor", St. 278, 1904), 40 m., paa Diph. abietina (Schmidt). — 
Faxafléi, 2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor”, St. 40, 1908), 34 m., 
påa Diph. filicula (Kramp). — Reykjavik, Stranden (B. Sæm.). — 
Gonotheker har jeg ikke kunnet finde. — Se nærmere Forf. [35], 

29.  Campanularia verticillata (L.). 

C. verticillata, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

9 Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m. (Appellåf). 
— 20 Kvml. SO. af Medalland, 109 m. (Fr. Johansen). — Vest- 
manneyjar (,,Thor", St. 175, 1903), 53 m., paa Tub. indivisa og 
Laf. gracillima (B. Sæm.). — Samme Sted (,,Thor", St. 188, 1904), 
66—75 m. (B. Sæm.). En Mængde store, indtil 7 cm. høje, Kolo- 
nier. — Faxafléi, 2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor%, St. 40, 1908), 
34 m. (Kramp), og 8 Kvml. V. af Grétta Fyr (,,Thor", St. 167, 1904), 
38 m. (B. Sæm.). — Hvalfjårdur, 85—95 m., paa Cardium ciliatum 
(B. Sæm.). Mange, indtil 6,5 cm. høje, Kolonier. — Breidafjårdur, 
1 Kvml. SO. af Vadstakksey, 37-—64 m., paa Pecten islandicus 
(B. Sæm.). — Hvammsfjårdur, 45 m., paa Hydrallmania (B.. Sæm.). 
— Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 56. 

Allerede ved en flygtig Betragtning lægger man Mærke til en 
betydelig Variation, saavel i Hydrothekernes Form, som i Tændernes 
Højde, inden for hver enkelt Koloni. Gonotheker er ofte til Stede 
i et stort Antal. 

30. Laomedea flexuosa (Hincks). 
Skerjafjårdur (nær ved Reykjavik), paa Zostera (H. Jønsson). 
—- Skardståd (ved Breidafjårdur), paa Ascophyllum i Stranden (B. 
Sæm.). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 561). 
1) Broch gør [12], S. 228, Note, opmærksom paa, at jeg i mit forrige 
Arbejde (1. c.) sikkert maa have blandet to Arter sammen, fordi jeg 
1) omtaler L. flexuosa som fundet paa dybere Vand (indtil 60 m. 

Dybde) og 2) har iagttaget den med Meduser. Hvad det første Punkt 
angaar, at denne «ausgesprochen litorale» Art ikke skulde leve paa 


31. Laomedea geniculata (L.). 

"Obelia geniculata, Børup [13], S. 245. 

Vestmanneyjar, i Stranden paa Hyas (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, 
2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor", St. 40, 1908), 34 m., paa en 
Bryozo og 8/2 Kvml. NV. af Grétta Fyr (,,Thor", St. 34, 1908), 
50 m. (Kramp). — 10 Kvml. NV. af Grétta Fyr, 22 m. (B. Sæm.). 
— Straumfjårdur paa Myrar, paa Tang i Stranden (B. Sæm.). — 
Hvalseyjar (Faxafléi), 10—26 m., paa Hyas (B. Sæm.). — Kolgrafa- 
fjordur, 15—0 m., Breidafjordur, ved Stigandisey, 10—15 m. og ud 
for Skardståd, 6—8 m., paa Laminarier (B. Sæm.). — c. 9 Kvml. 
SO. af Skor, 13—28 m. (Børup). -—- Skåtufjårdur (fsafjardar djup), 
18—0 m., paa Laminarier (B. Sæm.). — Kollafjårdarnes (ved Huina- 
fléi). paa opskyllet Tang og paa Drivtømmer (G. G. Bårdarson). — 
Hrutafjordur, 6—0 m., paa Laminarier (B. Sæm.). — Eyjafjårdur, 
påa Lernæa branchialis, i Gællerne paa en ung Torsk, pilket ved 
Hrisey (Postdamper ,,Ceres"). Det lod til, at den befandt sig vel 
paa dette ejendommelige Voksested, thi den voksede meget frodig 
Pbåa en stor Del af Snyltekrebsens frie Overflade. — Se nærmere 
Forf, [85 SS: 5% 

Medens de fleste af de her anførte Eksemplarer viser sig nor- 
male i alle Forhold, udmærker Kolonierne fra ,,Thor"s St. 34 sig 
ved en særlig svag Udvikling af de fortykkede Partier, saavel paa 
Hodrothekernes Yderside (abcauline Side), som i Diaphragmets peri- 
feriske. Del og Stammens Led under Hydrothek - Stilkens Fæste, 

saa store Dybder, som dem, jeg angiver, saa maa jeg dertil bemærke, 
at Levinsen oplyser [24], S. 379, at den er fundet i danske Far- 
vande og i Østersøen paa Dybder indtil 30 Fv. (56 m.), og da skulde 
den vel ogsaa kunne leve paa lignende Dybder ved Islands Sydvest- 
Kyst. Desværre har jeg nu intet af disse Eksemplarer hos mig, saa jeg 
kan ikke undersøge, om jeg har gjort mig skyldig i en Fejlbestemmelse ; 
Eksemplarer fra 8 Steder i Kystregionen viser sig alle at være rigtig 
bestemte. Muligvis har jeg dog forvekslet den med den nedenfor 
omtalte spinkle Form af L. geniculata. — Angaaende det andet Punkt 
maa jeg oplyse, at jeg har set den med Kønsindivider til de angivne 
Tider, men det skyldes en Lapsus, at jeg har brugt Udtrykket «Me- 
duser» om de i Gonothekerne sig udviklende Gonophorer. ; 


hvorved de faar en betydelig Lighed med L. flexuosa (se Fig. 1). 
Denne Form nærmer sig vistnok til den af Hincks [18], S. 
150 omtalte, fine Form. 
Blandt en Mængde Eksem- 
plarer fra ,,Thor's St. 40, 
findes der nogle, der danner 
en smuk Overgang fra den 
omtalte zarte Form til den 
normale, robuste. Den 
anden Yderstilling i denne 
Variationsrække indtager 
flere Kolonier fra Lami- 
naria - Bæltet, hvor alle 
de omtalte Partier er 
særlig fortykkede, og hvor 
Hydrothekerne er tydelig 

Fig. 1. Laomedea geniculata; skæve (symmetriske), med 

Stykker af to Kolonier. meget korte og faaleddede 

Stilke (se Fig. 1 og mit ældre Arbejde [35], S. 57 og Tab. 1, 
Fig. 4). — 

32. Laomedea gracilis M. Sars. 

Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St. 188, 1904), 63—75 m., paa Sert. 
tenera (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, 2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor”, 
St. 40, 1908), 34 m., paa en Muslingeskal, og 81/2 Kvml. NV. af 
Grotta Fyr (,,Thor", St. 34, 1908), 50 m., paa Hydrallmania 
(Kramp). — Hvalfjårdur, 85—95 m., paa Thuj. salicornia (B. Sæm.)- 
— Hvammsfjårdur, 45 m., paa Hydrallmania (B. Sæm.). — Se 
nærmere Forf. [35], S. 48. 

"33. Laomedea hyalina Hincks. 

20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars", St. 91), 150 m., paa 
Bonneviella (Jensen). —- Vestmanneyjar, 28—38 m., paa Anomia 
patelliformis (H. Jénsson). — Samme Sted (,,Thor', St. 188, 1904), 


66—75 m., paa Hydroider (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, 2 Kvml. Ø. for 
Keflavik (,,Thor", St. 40, 1908), 34 m., paa Zostera og Diph. 
filicula, og 8/2 Kvml. NV. af Gråtta Fyr (,,Thor", St. 34, 1908), 
50 m., påa Hydrallmania (Kramp). — Hvalfjårdur, 85—95 m., paa 
Sert. tenera (B. Sæm.). — Hvalseyjar (Faxafléi), 10—26 m., paa 
Hyas (B. Sæm.). — Breidafjordur, 1 Kvml. SO. af Vadstakksey, 
37—64 m., paa Hyas og Delesseria (B. Sæm.). — Skjålfandåfléi 
(Bunden) (,,Thor", St. 74, 1908), 37—19 m., påa en Bryozo 
(Kramp). — Langanes (,,Thor", St. 78, 1908), 45 m. (Kramp). 

Hos Eksemplarerne fra Vestmannøerne varierer Hydrothekernes 
Form, saavel som Tændernes Størrelse og Form, indenfor hver 
enkelt Koloni i den Grad, at det kan være vanskeligt at holde 
den ude fra L. Lovénii, hvad ogsaa andre Forskere har erfaret 
Gvfr. Broch [12], S. 189). 

Øvrige Udbr.: Færøerne, Shetland, Skotland, Nordsøen, Skager- 
rak, Norges Vestkyst, Spitzbergen, Beeren Eiland, nordlige Norge 
til Berings Strædet, det nordlige Stille Havs Kyster, Grønlands 

34. Laomedea gelatinosa (Pall.). 

Faxafléi, 2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor", St. 40, 1908), 
34 m. (Kramp). Et lille Stykke af en Stamme, med afknækkede 
Grene og kun nogle faa Hydrotheker. 

Som meddelt [35], S. 58, har jeg fundet store Kolonier af 
dem opskyllede i Borgarfjårdur (Faxafléi) og mente derfor, at den 
maatte være hyppig paa lavere Vand der udenfor. I Sommeren 
1909 søgte jeg efter den paa mange Steder, baade inde i nævnte 
Fjord og uden for den, men fandt den ikke. 

35. Laomedea longissima (Pall.). 

Héradsfléi (,,Thor", St. 219, 1904), 28—47 m. (B. Sæm.). — 
Vestmanneyjar (, Thor", St. 175, 1903), 53 m., paa Tub. indivisa 
og Ormerør (B. Sæm.). — Samme Sted (,,Thor", St. 188, 1904), 
80 m. (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, 8 Kvml. VSV. af Grétta Fyr, 28— 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bd, 63. 6 


34 m., paa Macoma calcarea (B. Sæm.). — Reykjavik, paa en 
Bøje (B. Sæm.). — Hyvalseyjar (Faxafléi), 10—26 m., paa Lami- 
narier (B. Sæm.). — Hritafjordur, 20—30 m., Kjårseyri ved nævnte 
Fjord, 6—0 m., og Bordeyri ved samme Fjord, 20—0 m., paa La- 
minarier (B. Sæm.). — Gåsir ved Eyjafjordur, paa Laminarier (01. 
Davidsson). — Højden af de største Eksemplarer er 14—17 cm. 

Den af mig før [35], S. 59, omtalte Variation i Hydrothekernes 
Form og Tandudstyr er ligeledes stærkt udpræget hos enkelte Ko- 
lonier i ovenfor omtalte Materiale, især hos Eksemplarerne fra de 
3 førstnævnte Stationer. 

Se nærmere Forf., 1. c. 

5. Fam. Bonnevilleidæ. 

36. Bonneviella grandis (Allm.). 

Lafoéa gigantea, Bonnevie [5], S. 68. 

— — , Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 
du —. Hjort 121], IL 8. 114. 

Bonneviella grandis, Broch [11], S. 198. 

Denne kæmpemæssige Hydroid blev først fundet i evropæiske 
Have (Moldøen ved Norges Vestkyst) under den norske Nordhavs- 
Ekspedition og beskrevet af Bonnevie (1. c.) under Navnet Lafoéa 
gigantea. Senere har det vist sig, at den er identisk med den af 
Allman beskrevne Art L. grandis fra Japan. Ved indgaaende 
Undersøgelse af dens Bygning er Broch kommet til det Resultat, 
at den maa opstilles som hørende til en særskilt Familie. 

c. 8 Kyml. Ø. for Seydisfjordur, 110 m. (B. Sæm.); fisket op 
paa Line. — 20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars", St. 91), 150 m. 
(Jensen); indtil 20 cm. høje Kolonier,. — 9 Kvml. SV. af Eystra- 
horn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m. (Appellåf og Jensen). — 24 Kvml. 
VNV. af Ritur Huk (,,M. Sars", St. 183, 1903), 150—190 m. (Hjort). 

Øvrige Udbr.: Norges Vestkyst, Japan, Alaska. 


6. Fam. Lafoéidæ. 

37. Lafoéa pygmæa Alder. 

L. pygmæa, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars", St. 91), 150 m., påa 
Sertularia fusca og Hydrallmania, og 9 Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn 
(,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m. (Appellåf). — Selv har jeg ikke set den. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Færøerne, Storbritannien, Nordsøen, Skagerrak, 
Norges Vestkyst, Jan Mayen, Beeren Eiland til Karahavet, Nord- 
amerikas Østkyst. 

38. Lafoéa pocillum Hincks. 

L. pocillum, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

9 Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m. (Appellådf). 
— Breidafjårdur, 2 Kvml. NV. af Ballarår-Hrappsey, 16—18 m.; 
i Mængde paa Delesseria (B. Sæm.). — Ud for Vestlandet paa 
dybt Vand, paa Diph. abietina (Kr. Bjarnason). 

Øvrige Udbr.: Labrador, Grønlands Vestkyst, Storbritannien, 
Hvide Hav, Karahavet til Beringsstrædet og Alaska. 

39. Lafoéa symmetrica Bonnevie. 

L. symmetrica, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars", St. 91), 150 m., paa 
Ant. antennina (Appelldf og Jensen). Gonotheker ikke tilstede. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Færøerne, Nordlige Norge, Beeren Eiland. 

40. Lafoéa fruticosa M. Sars. 

52 Kvml. Ø. for Langanes (,,Thor", St. 137, 1904), 540— 
350 m., paa en Svamp (B. Sæm.); fisket op paa Line. —— 20 Kvml. 
Ø. for Seydisfjordur, 253 m. (Wandel). — c. 8 Kvml. Ø. for samme 
Fjord, 110 m. (B. Sæm.); fisket op paa Line. — Reydarfjårdur 
(Thor", St. 49, 1904), 95 m. (Schmidt). — 20 Kyml. OSO. af 
Papey (,,M. Sars", St. 91), 150 m. (Appellåf og Jensen). — fsa- 
fjardardjip (,,Thor", St. 217, 1904), 115—120 m., paa Sert. 



tamarisca og Tub. indivisa (Schmidt). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], 
S: 50 

Hos Eksemplaret fra Reydarfjårdur var de fleste af Hydro- 
thekerne faldne af, dog var der af nogle den nederste Del tilbage, 
lukket af et indad hvælvet Laag (Vinterdvale?; det er taget den 
30. April; Bundtemperatur 1,209). 

41. Lafoéa gracillima (Alder). 

L. gracillima, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

Ca. 8 Kvml. Ø. for Seydisfjårdur, 110 m. (B. Sæm.); fisket op 
påa Line. — 20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars", St. 91), 150 m. 
(Appelldf). — 9 Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars"", St. 90), 75 m., 
paa Bonneviella (Jensen). — 27 Kvml. SV. af Ingålfshåfdi, 110 m., 
»Beskytteren" (Fr. Johansen). — 5 Kvml. SO. af Vestmanneyjar 
(Thor, .S£ 163, 1908) 157 m (B. Sem). — 32 Kvml. 8. af 
Selvogstangar (,,Thor'", St. 176, 1904), 170 m. (B. Sæm.). — Se 
nærmere Forf. [35], S. 60. 

Jeg gjorde i mit forrige Arbejde, l.c., den Bemærkning, åt 
jeg ingen Overgangsformer havde set imellem disse to sidstnævnte 
Arter. Men ved Undersøgelsen af et større Materiale af begge 
har jeg truffet Former, især af L. fruticosa, som. udfylder Kløften 
imellem disse to Arter i den Grad, at det i enkelte Tilfælde har 
været ret vanskeligt at holde dem ud fra hinanden. Broch har 
[9 og 10] gjort nærmere Rede for disse to og den følgende Arts 
Variationsforhold. Ligesom L. fruticosa paa den ene Side nærmer 
sig til L. gracillima, lader det til, at den paa den anden Side 
optræder i Former, der nærmer sig til L. symmetrica; men da jeg 
kun har haft et ringe Materiale af denne Art til Undersøgelse, 
skal jeg ikke udtale mig nærmere om denne Sag. Gonotheker 
(,,Coppinier") af Lafoéa-Arterne har jeg kun sjælden fundet. 

42. Lafoéa dumosa Flem. 

L. dumosa, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

c. 8 Kvml. Ø. for Seydisfjårdur, 110 m. (B. Sæm.); fisket paa 
Line. —: 9. Kvmk (SV. af Eystrahorn (,M. Sars", St, 90); 75 mn 


(Appellåf). — 9/2 Kvml. SV. af Ingélfshofdi, 100 m.; ,,Beskytteren" 
(Fr. Johansen). — 13 Kvml. SSO. af Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", 
St. 171, 1903), 266 m. (B. Sæm.). — Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", 
St. 188, 1904), 66—75 m., paa Hydrallmania, og samme Sted 
(,, Thor", St. 175, 1903), 53 m., paa Tub. indivisa og Smaastene 
(B. Sæm.). — Hvalfjordur, 85—95 m., påa Diph. abietina og Pect. 
islandicus (B. Sæm.). — Breidafjordur, 1 Kvml. SO. af Vadstakksey, 
37—64 m., paa Ormerør og Delesseria (B. Sæm.). — Se nærmere 
Forf 135];:8x 60. 

Hos flere Kolonier, især dem fra ,,Thor" St. 175 og fra 
sidste Lokalitet, findes der en Antydning til Spiraldrejning af 
Hydrothek-Stilken (ce. !/2 Omdrejning), særlig hos de Hydrotheker, 
der udspringer fra Stolo, i Lighed med hvad Broch omtaler [1071. 
Herved faar Hydrothekerne en vis Lighed med dem hos L. 

43. Filellum serpens (Hass.). 

Lafoéa serpens, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

Reydarfjordur, 110 m. (B. Sæm.). — Fåskrudsfjordur, paa 
Sert. cupressina (Hørring). — 20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,, M. Sars", 
St. 91), 150 m., påa Hydrallmania (Appellåf og Jensen). — 9 Kvml. 
SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m. (Appelldf). — 91/2 
Kyvml. SV. af Ingélfshåfdi, 100 m.; ",,Beskytteren" (Fr. Johansen); 
med Gonotheker. — Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St. 175, 1903), 535 m. 
og samme Sted (,,Thor", St. 188, 1904), 66—75 m. (B. Sæm.). — 
Faxafléi, Gardsjér (,,Thor", St. 278, 1904), 40 m. (Schmidt). — 
2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor", St. 40, 1908),.34 m. (Kramp). 
— 7—8 Kvml. Ø. af Gardskagi, 40 m. (B. Sæm.). — 8/2 Kvml, 
NV. af Grétta Fyr (,,Thor", St. 34, 1908), 50 m., påa Hydrall- 
mania (Kramp). — Patreksfjårdur (,, Thor", St. 59, 1908), 50—15 m. 
(Kramp). — Ud for Vestlandet, paa dybt Vand (Kr. Bjarnason). — 
Hvor andet ikke er angivet, er den fundet voksende paa Dipkh. 
abietina. — Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 61. 


44, Grammaria abietina (M. Sars). 

aD: Kom SO af Papoy (;M. Bars", "St. 91), 15045 paa 
Balanus (Jensen). — 9/2 Kvml. SV. af Ingålfshåfdi, 100 m., ,,Be- 
skytteren” (Fr. Johansen). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 61. 

45. "Grammaria immersa Nutting. 

C. 8 Kvml. Ø. for Seydisfjårdur, 110 m. (B. Sæm.); mange 
Kolonier, fisket op paa Line. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Grønlands Østkyst, Spitzbergen, Beeren Eiland, 
Murmankysten, Asiens Nordkyst til Beringsstrædet og Alaska. 

46. ”Liciorella Levinseni, mn. sp. 

Descriptio: Hydrorhiza e tubis irregulariter curvatis con- 
stans rete quoddam plus minusve densum, per substratum exten- 
sum format. — Hydrocaulis erectus, compositus, ramosus. Ramuli 
ipsi compositi, distichi, irregulariter alternantes. Pinnulæ articulatæ 
simplices distichæ, regulariter alternantes.  Hydrothece, 2—4 
cuique internodio affixæ, sat magnæ, anguste campanulatæ (latitudo 
maxima dimidium longitudinis fere æquans), diaphragmate con- 
spicuo a pedunculo sejunctæ. Pedunculus lævis, dimidium longi- 
tudinis hydrothecæ fere æquans, ad basin constrictione a processu, 
ab ramulo exeunte, distinctus. 

Gonothecæ aut hydrocauli, aut ramulis affixæ, series densas 
(scapas) formantes. Gonothecæ singulæ ovatæ, in superiore parte 
tubulis duobus oppositis, incurvatis, apertura circulari ad basin 
versa, instructæ (in toto anchoriformes). 

Nematothecæ calyciformes per coloniam sparsæ, præsertim ad 
basin pedunculorum hydrothecarum et inter gonothecas, reperiuntur. 

Altitudo coloniæ c. 55 mm. 

Habitat ad oram meridionalem Islandiæ, prope insulas Vest- 
manneyjar, profund. 510 m. 

Hydrorhiza danner et Overtræk af uregelmæssig bugtede Rør 
påa Underlaget. Stammen er opret, sammensat, dannet af flere 
sammenvoksede Rør, hvoraf et ligger centralt, mens de andre 


ordner sig mere eller mindre regelmæssig uden om det. Kolonien 
er fjerformet, gentagne Gange grenet, med afvekslende 2-radede 
Grene. Grenene af 1. Orden er sammensatte, de andre usammen- 
satte og dannede paa den Maade, at et af de periferiske Rør 
enten bøjer ud fra Stammen (Grenen), eller forgrener sig. 
Hydrothekerne er afvekslende, 2-radede (dog hyppig bøjede 
opad), smalt klokkeformede, med en tydelig udfaldende Rand og 


Fig.2. Lictorella Levinseni. a. Én fuldvoksen Koloni med Gonotheker, paa 

Oculina. "I. b. Unge Kolonier paa en Paramuricea-Gren. "1. c-d. Brud- 

stykker af Grene med Hydrotheker. e. Tværsnit af Stammen, visende det 

centrale og de periferiske Rør. f. Stykke af en Gren med to Nematotheker. 
g. Et Nematothek. h-i. Et Gonothek, set fra Siden og fra Fladen. 

cirkelrund Aabning, omtrent dobbelt saa høje som vide, hyppig 
med Fornyelsesringe ved Randen. De begrænses forneden af et 
veludviklet Diaphragma, som skiller dem tydelig fra Stilken. Denne 
er temmelig kort, glat (uden nogen Antydning til Spiraldrejning eller 
Ringdeling) og smalner lidt af nedefter. Den er ved en Indsnøring 
tydelig skilt fra et lille Fremspring paa Grenen, hvortil den er fæstet. 


Gonothekerne er samlede i tætte Rækker (Scapus) paa flere 
Steder af den øverste Del af Stammen og (hos det ene af mine 
Eksemplarer paa én af) Grenene. De er meget karakteristiske af 
Form, ægformede og forsynede med to modsatte, temmelig vide, 
nedad krummede Mundingsrør, som vender Aabningen nedad, hvorved 
de som Helhed bliver nogenlunde ankerformede. Foroven har de 
en temmelig skarp Kant. De staar tværstillede i Rækkerne. 

Nematophorer findes hos denne Art, hvad der ikke skal være 
Tilfældet med andre Arter af denne Slægt. De forekommer især 
imellem Gonothekerne (i Scapus) og enkelte eller parvis ved Grunden 
af Hydrothekstilkene, sjælden i en større Afstand fra disse. De 
er bægerformede, med udadbøjet Rand og en ganske kort, tilleddet 
Stilk. De viser én eller flere Fornyelsesringe paa Midten eller nær 
ved Mundingen, hvorved de faar en vis Lighed med Hydrothekerne 
hos Halecium. 

Den er kun fundet paa ét Sted: 9 Kvml. SSO. af Vest- 
manneyjar (,,Thor", St. 168, 1903), 510 m., paa Koraller (Oeculina 
og Paramuricea) i to Eksemplarer, hvoraf det ene er ungt og uden 

Øvrige Udbr. ubekendt. 

7. Fam. Campanulinidæ. 
47. Opercularella lacerata (Johnst.). 
Reydarfjordur (,,Thor", St. 49, 1904), 95 m., paa Halec. labro- 
sum (Schmidt). — 2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor", St. 40, 1908), 
34 m., paa en Bryozo (Kramp). Et ganske lille Eksemplar. — Se 
nærmere Forf. [35], S. 61. 

48. Calycella syringa (L.). 

Djupavogur, 15 m., påa Diph. filicula (H. Jonsson). — 2 Kvml. 
OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars", St. 91), 150 m., paa Bonneviella 
(Jensen). — Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St. 175, 1803), 53 m., paa 
Hydrallmania (B. Sæm.). — Samme Sted (,,Thor", St. 188, 1904), 
66—75 m. (B. Sæm.). — Grindavik, opskyllet, paa Diph. filicula 


(B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, sydlige Del, mange Steder, 23—56 m., 
påa forskellige Hydroider (Kramp, Schmidt, B. Sæm.). — Hval- 
fjordur (,,Thor", St. 167, 1904), 46 m., paa Sert. tenera (Schmidt). 
— Samme Fjord, 85-—95 m., påa Camp. verticillata, Thujaria 
laxa og Halec. halecinum (B. Sæm.). — Breidafjordur, 1 Kvml. 
SO. af Vadstakksey, 37—64 m., paa flere forskellige Hydroider 
(B. Sæm.). — Skjålfandi (,,Thor", St. 74, 1908), 37—19 m., paa 
"en Bryozo (Kramp). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 61. 

49. Cuspidella humilis Hincks. 

81|2 Kvml. NV. af Grétta Fyr (,,Thor", St. 34, 1908), 50 m., 
paa Diph. filicula (Kram). 

Øvrige Udbr.: Davisstrædet, Grønlands Østkyst, Storbritannien, 
Nordsøen, Skagerrak, nordlige Norge, Spitzbergen, Asiens Nordkyst. 

50. =Lafoéina maxima Levinsen. 

Hrutafjordur, 45 m., paa Pect. islandicus og Card. ciliatum 
(B. Sæm.). Meget kraftige, indtil 34 mm. høje Kolonier. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Farvandene V. for Grønland, Spitzbergen, Beeren 
Eiland, nordlige Norge, Hvide Hav, Asiens Nordkyst. 

8. Fam. Sertulariidæ. 

51. Sertularia cupressina? L. 

Reydarfjordur (,,Thor", St. 48, 1904), 150 m. (Schmidt). En 
50 mm. høj Koloni. — Fåskrudsfjørdur, 38—94 m. (Hørring). — 
Årnarfjørdur (,,Thor", St. 146, 1904), 62 m. (Schmidt). — Se 
nærmere Forf. [35], S. 62. i 

De af mig før (1. c.) til denne Art henførte Eksemplarer hører 
maaske allesammen til næstfølgende Art, og det samme vil vistnok 
Ogsaa blive Tilfældet med de her anførte Eksemplarer (som for 
Tiden ikke er mig tilgængelige til fornyet Undersøgelse). De er 
alle smaa og uden Gonotheker. Jeg vil derfor foreløbig opføre 
dem med et Spørgsmaalstegn. Se nærmere under næste Art. 


52. Sertularia tenera G.0O. Sars. 

Bakkafjordur, 47—95 m., ,,Diana" (A. C. Johansen). — Lod- 
mundarfjordur (,,Thor", St. 186, 1903), 23—28 m. (B. Sæm). — 
Berufjårdur, 11 m. og Lénsvik, 75 m. (A.C. Johansen). — 13 Kvml. 
SSO. af Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor”, St. 171, 1903). 266 m. (B. Sæm.). 
— Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St. 188, 1904), 66—75 m. (B. Sæm..). 
— Faxafléi, 2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor", St. 40, 1908), 34 m. 
og 81/2 Kvml. NV. af Gråtta Fyr (,, Thor", St. 34, 1908), 50 m. 
(Kramp). — Hvalfjordur (,,Thor", St. 167, 1904), 
46 m., påa Pect. islandicus (Schmidt). — Samme 
Fjord, 35—95 m., paa Pect. islandicus (B. Sæm.). 
— Kolgrafafjordur, 26—11 m., påa Pect. islan- 
dicus (B. Sæm.). — Breidafjårdur, 1 Kvml. SO. 
af Vadstakksey, 37—64 m., Breidasund, 62 m. 
og ud for Skardståd, 6—8 m. (B. Sæm.). — 
Hrutafjordur, 20—25 m. (G. Bårdarson). — Disse 
Eksemplarer naar en Højde af 5—6 cm., og flere 
af dem, særlig de større, har Gonotheker (se 
Fig. 3). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 62. 

Ved Adskillelsen af disse to Arter havde 
jeg (ligesom Levinsen [24], S. 370) særlig 

Fig 3. Sertularia 

tenera; Gren med holdt mig til Beskaffenheden af de primære 

Gonotheker. Fra 

Grene og henført de Eksemplarer, hvor disse 
igen var forgrenede, til $. cupressina; men ved 
Kendskabet til et større Materiale indsaa jeg, at denne Karakter 
ikke duer som Skelnemærke imellem de to Arter, idet der hos 
Eksemplarer, der i andre Forhold, som Hydrothekernes Stilling og 
Gonothekernes Form, . ganske stemmer overens med disse hos 8. 
tenera, hyppig findes Grene, som er én Gang (de mindre Eksem- 
plarer) eller gentagne Gange forgrenede (de større). Dette frem- 
hæver Broch ogsaa [12], S. 171, som karakteristisk for de arktiske, 
sjældnere hos de subarktiske, Former af S. tenera. De Eksemplarer 
af denne Art, som kun har enkelte Grene, er vistnok unge 


Individer. Muligvis vil disse to ,,Arter" vise sig at være Varianter 
af en enkelt Art. 

53. Sertularia argentea Ell.-Sol. 

Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St. 188, 1904), 66—75 m. (B. Sæm.). 
— Mundingen af fsafjardardjup, 40—56 m., ,,Diana" (Ditlevsen). 
— Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 62, 

54. Sertularia Fabricii Levinsen. 
Thujaria fabricii, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel og S. 6. 
Ca. 8 Kvml. Ø. for Seydisfjordur, 110 m., fisket op paa Line 
(B. Sæm.). En 6 cm. høj Koloni, 
med mange Gonotheker, hvoraf nogle 
med to, nogle med kun ét og 
enkelte uden Horn (se Fig. 4). — 
SBU KEE US0 af Papey (GE 
Sarfs”, "St. 91), 150 m. (Appellodf). 
Uden Gonotheker. ; : ile 
Øvrige Udbr.: Grønlands Vestkyst, ne ener val ilg 
Alaska. Koloni. 

55. Sertularia pumila L. 

Hafnarfjordur, Stranden, ,,Beskytteren" (Fr. Johansen). — 
Thormødssker (Faxafléi), Stranden (B. Sæm.). — Skardståd, Breida- 
fjordur, Stranden, paa Ascophyllum (B. Sæm.). — Eyjafjårdur, paa 
Tang i Stranden (01. Davidsson). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 68. 

56. Sertularia mirabilis (Verr.). 
Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 63. 

57. Hydrallmania falcata (L.). 

H. falcata, Schmidt [33], S. 19. 

y' — , Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

” == Børup 1183 8. 248: 

Lodmundarfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 186, 1903), 23—28 m. (B. 
Sæm.). — Reydarfjordur (,,Thor", St. 56, 1903, St. 48, 49, 50 


og 56, 1904), 95—163 m. (Schmidt). — Samme Fjord, 150 m. 
(H. Jønsson). — 46 Kvml. Ø. af Vattarnes (,,M. Sars", St. 95), 
210 mm, 20 Kvml: 080. af Papoy G;M: -Sars",; St: 91), 150m. og 
9 Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m. (Appellåf og 
Jensen). — 3 Kvml. ud for Medalland (,,Thor", St. 178, 1903), 
75 m. (B. Sæm.); en Mængde Kolonier. — 75 Kvml. S. af Vest- 
manneyjar (,,Thor", St. 164, 1903), 2140 m.'(B. Sæm.). — Vest- 
manneyjar, 110 m., påa en Tufsten (Th. Jønsson). — Samme Sted 
(,, Thor", St. 175, 1903), 53 m., påa Hal. sessile, Skalstumper og 
Balaner (B. Sæm.). — 13 Kvml. VSV. for Gardskagi (,,Thor"”, 
St. 45, 1908), 98 m., paa Astarte (Kramp). Taget i Yngeltrawl, 
indviklet i Fangtraadene af en Cyanea. — Faxafiéi, sydlige Del, 
paa mange Steder, 23—50 m., ofte i stor Mængde (Kramp, Schmidt 
og B. Sæm.). — Hvalfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 167, 1904), 46 m. 
(Schmidt). — Samme Fjord, 835—95 m. (B. Sæm.). — Snæfellsnes, 
56 m. ,,Beskytteren" (Børup). — Kolgrafafjordur, 26—12 m., påå 
Bal. porcatus (B. Sæm.). -/— Breidafjårdur, 1 Kvml. SO. af Vad- 
stakksey, 37——64 m. og Breidasund, 62 m. (B. Sæm.). — Hvamms- 
fjordur, 45 m. (B. Sæm.). — Mundingen af Arnarfjordur (,,T hor", 
St. 146, 1904), 62 m. og fsafjardardjip (,,Thor", St. 137, 1904), 
115—120 m. (Schmidt). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 63. 

Hos unge Eksemplarer er undertiden alle Grenene korte, 
toradede og enkelte, og hos de ældre er dette gerne Tilfældet med 
et større Antal af de nederste Grene. Hos et Eksemplar fra 
Faxafléi har jeg saaledes fundet 18 af den Slags Grene paa hver Side, 
inden de normale, spiralstillede fjerdelte Grene begynde. Forholdet er 
altsaa et lignende som det, jeg før har omtalt hos Thujaria thuja (op. cit. 
S. 64). — Den varierer ellers i en meget betydelig Grad, idet 
den snart er meget sammentrængt og robust, snart meget strakt, 
med tynde Grene, med temmelig fjærntstillede Hydrotheker. 

58. Thujaria thuja (L.). 

Th. thuja, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 
Hjeradsfléi (,,Thor", St. 189, 1904), 110 m., paa en Basalt- 


blok (B. Sæm.). — Seydisfjårdur, 75 m.. (H. Jønsson). — 20 Kvml. 
OS0. af Papey (,,M. Sars", St. 91), 150 m. (Appellåf). — 91/2 Kvml. 
SV. af Ingålfshåfdi, 100 m., ,,Beskytteren" (Fr. Johansen). -— 
Grindavik, opskyllet (B. Sæm.). — 2 Kvml. N. af Eldey (,,Thor", 
St. 171, 1904), 150 m. (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, 6—10 Kvml. VSV. 
af Grotta Fyr (B. Sæm.). — Hvalfjårdur, 85—95 m., paa Pect. 
islandicus, Cardium groenlandicum og C. ciliatum (B. Sæm.). — 
63 Kvml. VNV. af Låtrabjarg (,,Thor", St. 150, 1904), 392 m.; 
Mundingen af Arnarfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 146, 1904), 62 m. og 
Isafjardardjup (,Thor", St. 137, 1904),. 115—120 m. (Schmidt). 
De største Kolonier er 10—11,5 cm. høje. — Se nærmere Forf. 
[35], S. 64. 

59. Thujaria lonchitis EU.-Sol. 

Th. lonchitis, B. Sæmundsson [35], S. 65, partim. 

?Reydarfjordur, 150 m., paa en Sten (H. Jønsson). — 27 Kvml. 
SV. af Ingélfshåfdi, 110 m., ,,Beskytteren" (Fr. Johansen); en ung 
Koloni. — ?Faxafléi, Gardsjér (,,Thor", St. 278, 1904), 40 m. 
(Schmidt). — 4 Kvml. NO. af Gardskagi, 47 m. (B. Sæm.). — 
fsafjardardjip (,,Thor%, St. 137, 1904), 115—120 m. (Schmidt). — 
6 Kvm]. SSV. af Grétta Fyr, 38 m. (B. Sæm.). — Hvalfjordur, 
85—95 m., mange smaa Kolonier uden Gonotheker, paa Pect. islan- 
dicus, Card. groenlandicum og Bal. porcatus (B. Sæm.). — Se 
nærmere Forf., 1. c. 

Da der iblandt de Eksemplarer, jeg før havde henført til 
denne Art, findes nogle, som har vist sig at tilhøre andre Arter 
af denne Slægt, sætter jeg her et Spørgsmaalstegn ved Finde- 
stederne af et Par Eksemplarer, jeg ikke har kunnet underkaste et 
nyt Eftersyn. 

60. Thujaria laxa Allm. 

Th. hjorti, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel og S. 7. 

Hjeradsfléi (,,Thor", St. 189, 1903), 110 m., paa en Basalt- 
blok (B. Sæm.)., en 6 cm. høj Koloni. — 20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey 


(,,M. Sars", St. 91), 150 m. (Appellåf). — Hvalfjårdur, 35—95 m.; 
3—5 cm. høje Kolonier, uden Gonotheker. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Grønlands Vestkyst, Havet omkring Færøerne, 
det norske Hav, Spitzbergen, Barents Sø, Murman Kyst, Hvide 
Hav, Novaja Zemlja. 

61. Thujaria carica Levinsen. 

32 Kvml. S. af Selvogstangar (,,Thor", St. 176, 1904), 170 m. 
(B. Sæm.); den øverste Del af nogle Kolonier, uden Gonotheker. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Spitzbergen, Beeren Eiland, Hvide Hav, Asiens 

Sammenlignet med et Eksemplar fra Kara Havet er disse 
meget strakte, med tynde og bøjelige Grene. 

62. =Thujaria arctica (Bonnevie). 

Th. lonchitis, B. Sæmundsson [35], S. 65, partim. 

Vattarnes, Reydarfjordur, c. 150 m., fisket paa Line (B. Sæm). 
Mange, indtil 20 cm. høje, Kolonier uden Gonotheker. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Mellem Spitzbergen og Beeren Eiland, Beeren 
Eiland, Murmankysten. 

63. Diphasia fusca Johust. 

Selaginopsis fusca, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

Reydarfjordur og Fåskrudsfjårdur, fisket op paa Line (B. Sæm.); 
indtil 15 cm. høje Kolonier. — 20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars%, 
St. 91), 150 m., og 9 Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 
75 m., mange Kolonier, paa Myt. modiolus (Appellåf .og Jensen). — 
91/2 Kvml. SV. af Ingélfshøfdi, 100 m., ,,Beskytteren" (Fr. Jo- 
hansen). — Vestmanneyjar, 94 m. (Th. Jénsson). — Samme Sted 
(,,Thor", St. 188, 1904), 66—75 m. (B. Sæm.). 

Øvrige Udbr.: Færøerne, Storbritannien, Norge. 

64. Diphasia abietina (L.). 

Thujaria abietina, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 
Abietinaria abietina, Schmidt [33], S. 19. 


Diphasia abietina, Børup [13], S. 246. 

Lodmundarfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 186, 1903), 23—28 m. (B. 
Sæm.). — Ca. 8 Kvml. Ø. for Seydisfjårdur, 110 m., fisket paa Line 
(B. Sæm.). — Reydarfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 56, 1903 og St. 48—49, 
1904), 62—160 m. (Schmidt). — 20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. 
Sars", St. 91), 150 m. og 9 Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", 
St. 90), 75 m. (Appellåf og Jensen). — 9!/2 Kvml. SV. af Ingélfs- 
håfdi, 100 m., ,,Beskytteren" (Fr, Johansen). — 3 Kvml. ud for 
Medalland (,,Thor", St. 178, 1903), 53 m., og Vestmanneyjar 
(,Thor", St. 175, 1903); paa" Smaasten (B. Sæm.). — Grindavik, 
opskyllet, paa Laminarierødder (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, sydlige Del, 
mange Steder, 23—50 m. (Kramp, Schmidt, B. Sæm.). — Hval- 
fjårdur, 85—95 m. (B. Sæm,). — Snæfellsnes, 58 m., ,,Beskytteren" 
(Børup). — Breidafjårdur, 1 Kvml. SO. af Vadstakksey, 37—64 m. 
(B. Sæm.). — Patreksfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 59, 1908), 50—15 m. 
(Kramp). — Mundingen af Arnarfjérdur (,,Thor", St. 146, 1904), 
62 m. (Schmidt). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 65. 

65.  Diphasia filicula EU.-Sol. 

Nordøst-Kysten, paa Kalkalger (H. Jønsson). — Lodmundar- 
fjordur (,,Thor+, St. 186, 1903), 23—28 m. (B. Sæm.). — Skålanes, 
Seydisfjårdur, 13—15 m. og Djipavogur, 15 m., paa Bal. porcatus 
(H. Jønsson). — 91/8 Kyvml. SV. af Ingålfshåfdi, 100 m. og Vest- 
manneyjar, ,,Beskytteren" (Fr. Johansen). — Grindavik, opskyllet 
(B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, 2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor", St. 40, 
1908), 34 m. og 81/2 Kvml. NV. af Grétta Fyr (,,Thor", St. 34, 
1908), 50 m. (Kramp). — 6—10 Kvml. VSV. af Grétta Fyr, 25 
—40 m., og Akranes, opskyllet (B. Sæm.). — Helinar, Snæfellsnes, 
Opskyllet (B. Sæm.). — Breidafjårdur, 1 Kvml. SO. af Vadstakksey, 
37—64 m. og Breidasund, 62 m. (B. Sæm.). — Patreksfjårdur 
(Thor gt 59, 1908), 50—15 m. (Kramp). — Mundingen af 
Årnarfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 146, 1904), 62 m. (Schmidt). — Kolla- 
fjordur, Hiinafléi, 8—10 m. (B. Sæm.). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], 
S. 66. 


I sit nyeste Arbejde [12], slaar Broch denne Art sammen 
med foregaaende til én. Art. . Da jeg ikke har lagt Mærke til 
Overgangsformer imellem dem og ikke har Tid til at foretage et 
nyt Gennemsyn af mit righoldige Materiale af disse to Arter, vil 
jeg her holde dem adskilte. 

66. Diphasia rosacea (L.). 

Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor”, St. 188, 1904), 80 m. (B. Sæm.). — 
Hvalseyjar, Faxafléi, 10—26 m., paåa Hyas araneus (B. Sæm.). — 
Mundingen af Arnarfjordur (,,Thor”, St. 146, 1904), 62 m. (Schmidt). 
— Ud for Vestlandet, påa dybt Vand, paa Hydrallmania (Kr. 
Bjarnason). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 66. 

67. Diphasia fallax Johnst. 

Dynanema fallax, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

Hjeradsfl6i (,,Thor”, St. 189, 1903), 110 m. og Lodmundar- 
fjordur (,,Thor", St. 186, 1903), 23—28 m., paa Tub. indivisa 
(B. Sæm.). — 20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars", St. 91), 150 m., 
paa Diph. Wandelii og 9 Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars%, 
St. 90), 75 m., paa Bonneviella (Appellåf og Jensen). — 9!/2 Kvml. 
SV. af Ingålfshåfdi, 100 m., ,,Beskytteren" (Fr. Johansen). — 
Vestmanneyjar, 95 m., påa Antennularia ramosa (Th. Jønsson). — 
Samme Sted (,,Thor", St. 188, 1904), 66—75 m., paa forskellige 
Hydroider (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, Gardsjér (,,Thor", St. 278, 1904), 
40 m. (Schmidt). — 4 Kvml. NO. af Gardskagi, 47 m. (B. Sæm.), 
15 cm. høje Kolonier. — 2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor", St. 40, 
1908), 34 m. (Kramp). — Breidafjårdur, Stykkishélmur, 56 m. (H. 
Jønsson). — i Kvml. SO. af Vadstakksey, 37—64 m. (B. Sæm.), 
mange Kolonier med hanlige Gonotheker. — Patreksfjårdur (,, Thor”, 
St. 59, 1908), 15—50 m., paa Diph. abietina (Kramp). — fsa- 
fjardardjip (,,Thor", St. 137, 1904), 115—120 m. (Schmidt). — 
Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 66. 


68. Diphasia Wandeli Levinsen. 

Thujaria wandeli, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel og S. 7. 

Jeg omtalte i mit forrige Arbejde [35], S. 67, et Eksemplar 
af en Diphasia, uden Gonotheker, som jeg henførte til denne Art, 
da det i et og alt stemte fuldstændig overens med Levinsen's 
Beskrivelse af denne, undtagen at Hydrothekerne kun sad i 2 

Fig. 5. Diphasia Wandeli. a. En Koloni fra «M. Sars», St. 91... Nat. 

Størr, bd. Et Stykke af Stammen, visende de mørke Tværfurer og de 

brune Pletter ved Grenenes Grund. c. Nederste Del af en Gren, visende 

Grundens fortykkede Vægge. od. Hunlige Gonotheker. €. Et hunligt 
Gonothek, set fra oven. 

Rækker, i Stedet for i 3 hos den typiske Form. Siden har jeg 
faaet den fra 2 Steder til: 20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars", 
St, 91), 150 m. (Appelléf og Jensen) og 97/2 Kvml. SV. af Ingélfs- 
høfdi, Beskytteren" (Fr. Johansen). 

De af Jensen og Johansen samlede Eksemplarer (begge 

méd hunlige Gonotheker) stemmer ganske overens med det ovenfor 
Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bå. 63. 


omtalte, medens det af Appellåf tagne Eksemplar (som ikke er 
komplet og uden Gonotheker, og af Broch bestemt som 77%. wandel:) 
viser det interessante Forhold, at af dets 17 Par Grene har 2 
paa den ene Side og 6 paa den anden tildels 3 Rækker Hydro- 
theker (Fig. 6). Hanlige Gonotheker mangler hos alle Eksem- 
plarerne, men de hunlige ligner i .høj Grad disse hos D. fallax"). 
Disse Eksemplarer ligner ganske vist i flere Henseender D. 
Jallax, men viser dog mange Afvigelser fra den, hvori de netop 
stemmer overens med D. Wandeli. Hvad Polypariet angåar, saa 
er dette, sammen- 
lignet med D. fal- 
lax meget mere 
robust og stift. 
Stammen er ved 
mørke Tværfurer 
delt i korte Led, 
der hvert bærer en 
mk Gren, som ikke 
i deler sig igen og 

é har ved Grunden 

Fig. 6. Diphasia Wandeli. Brudstykke af Stammen em brun Plet; hver- 
af en Koloni fra «M. Sarss, St. 91, med en Gren, der ken  STværfurerne 

begynder med Hydrotheker i to Rækker, men længere h 
( ar 
ude har dem i 3 Rækker. eller Pletterne 

jeg kunnet finde 
hos D. fallax, hvor ogsaa Grenene ofte er delte. Grenene er af- 
vekslende og ligger i ét Plan. Hydrothekerne er strængt modsatte 
(ofte subalternerende hos D. Falla). | 
Da hanlige Gonotheker ikke findes hos disse Eksemplarer, 
kan en Sammenligning ikke anstilles. De hunlige Gonotheker 
ligner, som allerede berørt, i høj Grad dem hos D. fallax; dog 
synes Jeg, at mhrunsne hos mine Eksemplarer er mere bladformede 

1) Hr. Inspektor Levinsen har gjort mig den Tjeneste at undersøge 
alle disse Eksemplarer, men han er af Hun Mening, at de nærmest 
maa betragtes som hørende til D. fall 


(i tangential Retning) og i det hele taget større end hos DD. Fallaæ. 
Hos D. Wandeli er de beskrevne Gonotheker vel kun hanlige. 

Den habituelle Forskel imellem mine Eksemplarer og D. fallax 
fremtræder meget skarpt, naar (som jeg har set ét Eksempel paa) 
D. fallax vokser paa den anden. Og i Forbindelse dermed vil 
jeg fremhæve, at den omtalte Form lader til at vokse paa døde 
Genstande, medens D. fallax hyppigst vokser paa andre Hydroider 
eller Bryozoer. — Overgange imellem de to Former har jeg ikke 
kunnet finde. Det bør ogsaa fremhæves, at den omtalte Form 
kun er fundet i det kolde Vand (ved Island), eller nær ved Grænsen 
imellem dette og det varme Vand. 

Af disse Grunde og særlig den, at denne Form kan op- 
træde med Grene, der bærer 3 Rækker Hydrotheker, vil jeg fore- 
løbig henføre den til D. Wandeli!). Kendskabet til et større 
Materiale vil vise, hvor til den rettest bør henføres. 

69. Sertularella rugosa (L.). 

Reykjavik, i Stranden, paa Balanus (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, 
6 og 10 Kvml. VSV. af Grétta Fyr, 23 og 38 m., og Hvalseyjar, 
10—26 m. (B. Sæm.). — Breidafjårdur, 1 Kvml. SO. af Vadstakksey, 
37—64 m., paa Delesseria (B. Sæm.). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], 
SS B7, 

70. Sertularella polyzonias (L.). 

S. polyzonias, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

Lodmundarfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 186, 1903), 23—28 m., paa 
Tub. indivisa (B. Sæm.). — 20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars", 
St, 91), 150 m. (Appellåf). — Vestmanneyjar (,, Thor", St. 188, 1904), 
66—75 m. (B. Sæm.). — 13 Kvml. VSV. af Gardskagi (,,Thor", 
St. 45, 1908), 98 m., paa en Svamp (Kramp). — Se nærmere Forf. 
[35], S. 67. 

") Hos Thujaria arctica (Bonnevie) forekommer ogsaa en menneniget 
i Hydrothekrækkernes Antal; jvfr. Broch [12], S. 177. 


71. Sertularella tricuspidata Alder. 
S. tricuspidata, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 
— , Børup [13], S. 244 og 245. 

Lodmundarfj Grdur (,,Thor", St. 186, 1903), 23—28 m. (B. 
Sæm.). — 20 Kyml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars", St. 91), 150 m. 
(Appelldf og Jensen). — 9/2 og 27 Kvml. SV. af Ingélfshåfdi, 
100 m. og 110 m., ,,Beskytteren" (Fr. Johansen). — Vestmann- 
éyjar (., Thor", St. 188, 1904), 75 m: (B. Sæm.). — Grindavik, 
opskyllet påa Laminaria-Rødder (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, 2 Kvml. 
Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor", St. 40, 1908), 34 m. (Kramp). — 6 og 
10 Kvml. VSV. af Gråtta Fyr, 23 og 28 m. (B. Sæm.). — Grundar- 
fjordur, Snæfellsnes og Breidafjoårdur, 9 Kvlm. SO. af Skor, 13—-25 
m., Beskytteren” (Børup). — Patreksfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 59, 1908), 
50-—15 m. (Kramp). — Mundingen at - Arnarfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 
146, 1904), 62 m. (Schmidt). — Se nærmere Forf. [35], S. 68. 

"72. Sertularella Gayi (Lmrx.). 

91/2 Kvml. SV. af Ingélfshøfdi, 100 m., ,,Beskytteren" (Fr. 
Johansen); 30 cm. høj øverste Del af en Koloni. — 13 Kvml. SSO. 
af Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St. 171, 1903), 266 m. (B. Sæm.). 2 
Kolonier, den højeste 9 cm. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Nordamerikas Østkyst, Grønland, Færøerne, 
Shetland, Storbritannien, Nordsøen, Sverigs Vestkyst, Norges Kyster, 
Berings Havet, Sydafrika, Middelhavet. 

73. Sertularella tamarisca (L.). 

Dynamena tamarisca, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

9 Kvml: SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m. (Appellåf). 
— 27 Kvml. SV. af Ingolfshåfdi, 110 m., ,,Beskytteren" (Fr. Jo- 
hansen). — Vestmanneyjar (,, Thor", St. 188, 1904), 78 m. (B. 
Sæm.). — Isafjardardjuip (,,Thor", St. 137, 1904), 115—120 m. 
(Schmidt); en 11 cm. høj Koloni med Gonotheker. — Se nærmere 
Fork [355 8. 68 


9. Fam. Haleciidæ. 

"74.  Halecium halecinum (L.). 

Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St, 188, 1904), 78 m. (B. Sæm.); 
nogle indtil 15 cm. høje Kolonier, uden Gonotheker. — Faxafl6i, 
6 og 10 Kvml. VSV. af Grétta Fyr, 23 m. og 38 m. (B. Sæm.); 
mange Kolonier, med Gonotheker. — Hvalfjårdur, 55 m. og 85—95 
m., påa Pect. islandicus, Card. groenlandicum og Myt. modiolus 
(B. Sæm.); mange, indtil 10 cm. høje, Kolonier, enkelte med 

Øvrige Udbr.: England til Adriaterhavet, Danmark, Norge til 
det Hvide Hav, Beeren Eiland, Beringshavet og Alaska, Stille Hav. 

75. Halecium muricatum El.-Sol. 

Reydarfjårdur, 150 m., en 12 cm. høj Koloni, og Djipavogur, 
15 m., paa Bal. porcatus (H. Jénsson). — Indløbet til Horna- 
fjordur (Hørring). — Faxafloi, 2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (.,Thor", 
St. 40, 1908), 34 m. (Kramp). — 16 Kvml. NV. af Akranes, 
50 m. og Hvalseyjar, 10—26 m. (B. Sæm.). — Breidafjårdur, 1 
Kyml. SO. af Vabstakksey, .37—64 m. (B. Sæm.). — Mundingen 
af Arnarfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 146, 1904), 62 m. (Schmidt). — Se 
nærmere Forf. [35], S. 69. 

76. Halecium Beanii (Johnst.). 

H. Beanii, Børup [13], S. 245 og 246. 

Vestmanneyjar (,, Thor", St. 188, 1904), 66—78 m. (B. Sæm.); 
en Mængde Kolonier med Gonotheker, tildels paa Hal. sessile. — Snæ- 
fellsnes, 56 m., »Beskytteren" (Børup). — Kolgrafafjårdur, 12— 
26 m., paa Bal. porcatus (B. Sæm.); Gonotheker tilstede i Mængde. 
— Se nærmere Forf. [7], S. 69. 

77. Halecium labrosum Alder. 

Reydarfjårdur (,,Thor", St. 49, 1904), 95 m. (Schmidt). En 
tæt og stærkbygget Koloni, med en Mængde Gonotheker. Alle de 


yngre Grene (eller Grenenes yngre Dele) synes faldne af og 
Hydrotheker ikke udviklede (Vinterdvale? Taget d. 30. April. 
Bundtemperatur + 1,207). — Vestmanneyjar (,, Thor”, St. 175, 1905 
og St. 188, 1904), 53 og 66—75 m. (B. Sæm.). Nogle, indtil c.- 
9 cm. høje Kolonier, uden Gonotheker. — Se nærmere Forf. [7], 
SE rt HD gg | 
Hal. crenulatum Hincks er, ifølge Broch [12], S. 150 kun 
at betragte som en Varietet af sidstnævnte Art. Jeg anførte den 
før (op. cit. S. 70) som fundet ved Island. 

"78. Halecium tenellum Hincks. 

Faxafléi, 2 Kvml. Ø. for Keflavik (,,Thor"", St. 40, 1908), 
34 m. (Kramp). — Hvalfjérdur (,,Thor”, St. 167, 1904), 46 m., 
paa Sert. tenera (Schmidt). — Samme Fjord, 85—95 m., påa Thuy. 
thuja (B. Sæm.). — Faxafléi, Hvalseyjar, 10—26 m., paa Hyas 
araneus (B. Sæm.). — Breidafjårdur, 1 Kvml. SO. af Vadstakksey, 
37—64 m., paa Delesseria, Hyas og Hydrallmania (B. Sæm.). 
En Mængde Kolonier, deriblandt nogle med hunlige Gonotheker. 
Alle de andre her anførte Eksemplarer er uden Gonotheker, men 
Ligheden imellem dem er saa stor, at jeg maa anse dem alle for 
at være denne Art. Ringdelingen er ovéralt meget stærkt udpræget. 
Deres største Højde er 25 mm. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Nordamerikas Kyster, Grønlands Vestkyst, Azo- 
rerne, Storbritannien, Helgoland, Jan Mayen, Hvide Hav, Kara- 
havet?, Ildlandet, Australien ?. 

179.  Halecium sessile Norman. 

27 Kvml. SV. af Ingélfshøfdi, 110 m., ,, Beskytteren", (Fr. 
Johansen). — Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St. 175, 1903 og St. 188, 
1904), 58 og 66—-75 m. (B. Sæm); nogle 14—20 cm. høje Kolo- 
omier. Gonotheker har jeg ikke fundet. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Nordamerikas Østkyst, Storbritannien, nord- 
lige Norge. 


780. Halecium curvicaule v. Lorenz. 

1|g,-Kyvml. Ø. for Lanuganes:(;Thor", st 78, 1908); 45 m., 
Yngeltrawl, 35 m. Wire (Kramp). Et lille Brudstykke af en Koloni, 
uden Gonotheker. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Jan Mayen, Beeren Eiland, Murmankysten. 

81. Halecium minutum Broch. 

H. minutum, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel og S. 4. 

20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (,,M. Sars", St. 91), 150 m., og 9 
Kvml. SV. af Eystrahorn (,,M. Sars", St. 90), 75 m., paa Bonne- 
viella, Tub. indivisa og Hydrallmania (Appellåf og Jensen). — fsa- 
fjardardjup (,,Thor", St. 137, 1904), 115—120 m., paa Thu. 
lonchitis (Schmidt). Alle disse Eksemplarer med Gonotheker. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Færøerne, Spitzbergen. 

10. Fam. Plumulariidæ. 

82, Antennularia antennina (L.). 

Å. antennina, Broch [7], Oversigtstabel. 

20 Kvml. OSO. af Papey (.,M. Sars'", St. 91), 150 m, (Appellåf 
og Jeusen); en Mængde indtil 35 cm. høje Kolonier. — Se nærmere 
Forf. [35], S. 70. 

"83.  Antennularia ramosa Lmk. 

Vestmanneyjar, 95 m. (Th. Jénsson); en 16 cm. høj Koloni. — 
Samme Sted (,,Thor", St. 188, 1904), 66—75 m. (B. Sæm.). 

Øvrige Udbr.: Skotland, Shetland, Skagerrak. 

"84, Plumularia pinnata (L.). 

27 Kvml. SV. af Ingélfshåfdi, 110 m., ,,Beskytteren" (Fr. 
Johansen). En 5 cm. høj Koloni, med 3—4 Grene paa hvert 
Internodium, foroven som oftest 3. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Storbritannien, Nordsøen, Skagerrak, Norges 
Vestkyst, Indiske Hav. 


785... Plumularia gracillima G.0. Sars. 

91/2 Kvml. SV. af Ingélfshåfdi, 100 m., ,,Beskytteren" (Fr. 
Johansen); indtil 5,5 cm. høje Kolonier. 

Den ligner i mange Henseender P. groenlandica (Levinsen 
[22], S. 206). Dens Forgreningsforhold er de samme, ligeledes 
mangler Grenenes korte hydrothekløse Led hyppig, eller disse er, 
som Levinsen formoder, voksede sammen med næste hydrothek- 
bærende Led, hvis Antal af Nematophorer nedenfor Hydrotheket da 
er vekslende, snart. kun ét (intet), snart (ved Leddenes Sammen- 
smæltning?) tre (fire); men nogen Regelmæssighed i disse For- 
hold har jeg ikke kunnet finde. Rimeligvis er disse to Arter 
meget nærbeslægtede. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Norges Vestkyst, Nordamerikas Østkyst. 

786. Plumularia setacea (Ellis). 

Vestmanneyjar, 95 m., paa Ant. ramosa (Th. Jønsson); mange, 
indtil 3 cm. høje Kolonier med Gonotheker. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Norges Vestkyst, Helgoland, Storbritannien, 
Middelhavet, Ceylon, Sydaustralien, Ny Zeeland, Japan, Nord- og 
Sydamerikas Vestkyst, Florida. 

87. Plumularia Catharina Johnst. 

5 Kvml. SO. for Vestmanneyjar (,.Thor", St. 163, 1903), 
150 m., påa Ormerør (B. Sæm.). En Mængde Kolonier, med han- 
lige og hunlige Gonotheker. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Nordamerikas Østkyst, Storbritannien, Nordsøen, 
Norges Vestkyst. 

"88. Plumularia frutescens El.-Sol. 

9 Kvml. SSO. af Vestmanneyjar (.,,Thor", St. 168, 1903), 
510 m., paa Oculina (B. Sæm.). Mange kraftige, indtil 7 cm. høje 
Kolonier. ; 

Øvrige "Udbr.: Norges Vestkyst, Shetland, Storbritannien, syd- 
lige Indiske Hav (Kerguelen m. m.). 

11. Fam. Aglaopheniidæ. 

"89. Thecocarpus radicellatus Sars. 

Vestmanneyjar (,,Thor", St. 163, 1903), 130 m. (B. Sæm.); 
en 15 cm. høj Koloni, uden Gonotheker. — 32 Kvml. S. af Sel- 
vogstangar (,,Thor", St. 176, 1904), 178 m. (B. Sæm.); en 4 cm 
høj Koloni, med ,,Corbula", men uden Gonotheker. 

Øvrige Udbr.: Nordamerikas Østkyst, Færøerne, Norges Vest- 
kyst, Storbritannien, Middelhavet (Neapel), Stille Hav. 

90. Cladocarpus Holmii Levinsen. 
Se nærmere Forf. [35], .S. 70. 

Der vilde maaske være Grund til her at give en Oversigt 
over Hydroidernes horizontale og vertikale Udbredning ved Island, 
men da der endnu savnes Materiale fra Nord- og Nordøstkysten, og 
da flere af Arterne endnu trænger til en Revision m. H. t. deres 
" Begrænsning (og muligvis ogsaa til deres rigtige Bestemmelse), 
Saa anser jeg det for rigtigst at lade dette vente en Tid endnu, 
især da jeg har Haab om i en nær Fremtid at faa hele det 
islandske Materiale revideret. 

Jeg anstillede i mit forrige Arbejde [35], S. 72—73 en kort 
Sammenligning mellem Islands og Nabolandenes Hydroidfauna og 
fremhævede, at den særlig slutter. sig til den nord- og vest- 
evropæiske, især til Storbritanniens. De i dette Arbejde anførte 
nye Arter (Broch's indbefattet) gør ingen væsentlig Forandring i 
denne Henseende; de fleste af dem er fælles for Storbritannien, 
Nordatlanterhavet, Norge og Island. Af de for Tiden ved Island 
kendte 91 Arter forekommer de 65 ved Storbritannien, 61 ved 
Norge, 40 ved Grønland og 28 ved Nordamerikas Østkyst. — Den 
islandske Hydroidfauna er, ligesom den islandske Havfauna i det 
hele taget, en Blanding af atlantiske (kosmopolitiske), subarktiske 



(boreale) og arktiske Former, hvad der er en naturlig Følge af de 
hydrografiske Forhold; men det skal jeg ikke komme nærmere ind 

paa denne Gang. 


1. Allman, G. Report on the Hydroida dredged by H. M.S. «Challenger» 
during the years 1873—76, Part I, Plumularidæ. Chal- 
lenger Zoology, Vol. VIII., 1883. 
2. == Report on the Hydroida dredged by H. M.S. «Challenger» 
during the years 1873—76, Part II, The Tubularinæ 
ete.; Challenger Zoology, Vol. XXIII, 1888. 
3, Bergh; R.S. oner srber (Hydroider) fra Karahavet; Dijmphna- 
Togtets zoologisk-botaniske Udbytte, 1887. : 
4. Bonnevie, Kr. Neue faret Hydroiden. Berguns Museums 
Aarbog, 1898. 
5. — Hydroida. Den norske Nordhavsekspedition, XXVI, 
Zoologi, 189 
6. — Hydroiden, Moerstauna von Bergen, 1901. 
7. Broch, Hj. Die von 5 norwegischen Fischerei-Dampfer « Michael 
Sars» in den Jahren 1900—1902 in dem Nordmeer 
fandt fees Hydroiden. Bergens Museums Aarbog, 

8, — Nordsee-Hydroiden, von dem norwegischen Fischerei- 
Dampfer «Michael Sars« in den Jahren 1903—1904 
esammelt, etc. Bergens Museums Aarbog, 1905. 

9. — Hydroiden und Medusen. Report of the Second Norwe- 
gian Arctic Expedition in the «Fram» 1898—1902. 1907. 
10. — Hy sr Sega rnERES I. Thecaphore Hydroiden 

on dem nårdlichen Norge, etc. Tromsø Museums 
 Aarshefter, 29, l 908. 
1E — ZurK is der Gattungen 
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videnskaberne, Bd. XLVII, 1909. 
12. — Die Hydroiden der arktischen Meere. Fauna Arctica. 
Bd. V. 1909 

13. Børup, O. Beretning om Dampminebaaden «Beskytterens» Fiskeri- 
undersøgelse 1907. Fiskeriberetningen 1906—1907. 1908. 
14, Clarke, 8.F. Reports on the scientific results of the Expedition to 
the Eastern Tropical Pacifie, etc. VIII. The Hy- 
droids. Memoirs of the Mus. of Comp. Zoology at 

Harvard College. Vol. XXXV. No. 1. 1907 
15. Hartlaub, Cl. Revision der Sertularella- Arten. Abhandlungen 
aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Bd. 

s HUE 
16. — Die Hydroiden der magalhaensischen Region und 



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ural History. Vol, I. 

s Hincks, Th AA frue of the British Hydroid Zoophytes, 1868. 

On Deep-water Hydroida from Iceland"). Anna us 
nat. hist. 4. Ser. Vol. XIII. 1874. 

== On ladere Hydroida from deep-water; Annals 
nat. hist. 4. Ser. Vol. XII. 1874. 

. Hjort, J. Norges Fiskerier, 1.—IL 1905. 

Levinsen, G.M.R. Mødusét. Ctenophorer og Hydroider fra Grøn- 
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E Om Fornyelsen af Ernæringsindividerne hos 
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. Mohr, N. Forsøg til en islandsk Naturhistorie, 1786. 
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5 Nutting, C.C: American Hydroids. Part I. The Plumularidæ. 

Smithsonian Institution. Special Bulletin. 1900. 
By American Hydroids. Part II. Sertularidæ. Smith- 
sonian Institution. grenet Bulletin. 1904. 

- Sars, G.O. Bidrag til Kundskaben om Dyrelivet paa vore Hav- 

banker. Vidensk. Selskabets Forhapål. for 1872. 1872. 
- Bidrag til Kundskaben om Norges Hydroider. Vidensk. 
Selskabets Forhandl. for 1873. 1873. 

- Bars, M. Bemærkninger om fire norske Hydroider. Vidensk. Sel- 

skabs Forhandl. for 1862. 18 i 
er Nye og mindre bekendte Coelenterater. Fauna litoralis 
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. Schmidt, Johs. Fiskeriundersøgelser ved Island og Færøerne i 

Sommeren 1903. Skrifter udg. af Kommissionen f. Havundersøgelser. 
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- Sæmundsson, B. Auliscus pulcher, en ny Goplepolyp med frie Me- 

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manen Medd. fra naturhist. Foren. i Køben- 
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… Winther, G. VAR over de i Danmark og dets nordlige Bi- 

lande fundne hydroide Zoophyter. Naturhist. Tidsskrift, 3. Række 
12. B. 1879—1880. 

3, Pejlagtigt i Stedet for Greenland. 



Om Forekomsten af en Fugleedderkop, Azypus 
piceus (Sulz). L. Koch, i Danmark. 
J. P. Kryger. 

I Afhandlingen ,,Danmarks, Færøernes og Islands Edderkopper" 
af Dr. W. Sørensen (Entomologiske Meddelelser, 2. Række, 1. Bind, 
Side 252), meddeles, at de nordligste Steder her i Europa, hvor Fugle- 
edderkopper indtil Aar 1900 var tagne, var Sydengland, preuss. 
Rhinprovinz, Holland og Volhynien. Dr. Sørensen tilføjer, at han 
alligevel nærede Haab om, at de ogsaa skulde forekomme her i 
Landet, navnlig i Jylland, og at han derfor havde bedt afdøde 
Konservator Løvendal lægge Mærke til, om han paa sine Udflugter 
muligvis skulde træffe paa saadanne Rørspind, der kunde antages 
at stamme fra Fugleedderkopper. Konservator Løvendal og B. 
G. Rye var ogsaa saa heldige, da de i Pintsen 1900 samlede paa 
Slotslyngen ved Hammeren, at faa fat i en Hun af Atypus piceus 
(Sulz.) L. Koch. Rørspindet med Dyret fulgte med en Tot Lav, 
som Hr. Rye trak op. 

Den 18. Septbr. 1910 var jeg paa en Samleudflugt. til: Hare- 
skoven og gik fra Hovedvejens Krydsning med Slangerupbanen 
langs det Stengærde, der fører Vest paa og danner. Hareskovens 
Sydgrænse. Det meste af dette Gærde er dækket for Solen enten 
af Huse, der ligger paa Marken udenfor, eller af Træer, der vokser 


paa og ved Gærdet. Omtrent midtvejs mellem Hovedvejen og det 
Sted, hvor Gærdet støder op til Vejen fra Hjortespring, er der 
imidlertid et Stykke, som ligger helt frit, i klart Vejr badet i 
fuldt Sollys. Da jeg søgte paa dette Stykke af Gærdet, blev jeg 
opmærksom paa, at der paa Undersiden af en af de store Sten i 
Gærdet sad et 4—5 cm. langt poset Spind, der var helt dækket 
af Sandskorn. Da jeg prøvede at løsne det, viste det sig, at det 
kun var det yderste af et længere Spind, der fortsattes ind mellem 
et Par store Stene. Det var umuligt at faa Spindet, der var ca. 
1/3 m. langt, helt ud, idet Stenene paa det sidste Stykke laa ganske 
tæt op ad hinanden, og Spindet var godt befæstet mellem Smaa- 
rødder inde i Gærdet. — Ved et nøjere Eftersyn af Gærdet fandtes 
der ikke faa lignende Poser siddende paa Undersiden af Stenene 
stedse i Nærheden af Gærdets Fod. Det lykkedes mig at faa et 
Par Rør gravede frem, fordi en enkelt Sten kunde løftes ud af sit 
Leje, hvorved Jorden bagved blev helt fri. Ejerne af Rørene 
viste sig at være Edderkopper, som Dr. W. Sørensen havde deu 
Godhed at bestemme. Det var Fugleedderkopper af Arten Atypus 
piceus (Sulz) L. Koch. 

…… Jeg har senere flere Gange undersøgt længere Strækninger af 
Gærdet meget omhyggeligt, men stedse kun fundet de karakteriske 
Poser paa det solbeskinnede Stykke. 

Ved Naturhistorisk Forenings Udflugt til Hareskoven 79/10 1910 
blev der fremtaget et Rør med dets Beboer. Rørets fritliggende 
Ende var tilspundet, formodentlig fordi Dyret sov Vintersøvn. 

Paa zoologisk Museum staar i den danske Edderkoppesamling 
et Glas mærket Tarentula sp.? Dette Glas indeholder et ca. 15 cm. 
langt Stykke af et Spind, der utvivlsomt tilhører en Fugleedderkop. 
Lærer C. Larsen, København; der har foræret Museet Spindet, 
meddeler, at han har taget det paa den af Entomologerne vel- 
kendte sandede Vej i Gels Skov den 5/5 1900. Han rev en Tot 
Lav og lign. op fra Jorden og Spindet fulgte med. Det nederste 
Stykke af Røret med Beboeren er imidlertid blevet siddende i 
Jorden, saa at det har været vanskeligt at bestemme, hvor det 


hørte hen, især da man paa det Tidspunkt paa Museet ikke turde 
antage, at der fandtes Fugleedderkopper i Danmark.  Spindet 
ligner ganske de af mig fundne, og da Atypus piceus nu er funden 
påa Bornholm og i Hareskoven, vil det vel være rimeligt at an- 
tage, at det i Gels Skov fundne Rør ogsaa tilhører denne Art. 
Formodentlig vil den vise sig at være mere udbredt her i Landet. 


Fuglene ved de danske Fyr i 1910. 

28de Aarsberetning om danske Fugle. 
Herluf Winge. 
Med et Kort. 

I 1910 indsendtes fra 31 af de danske Fyr til Zoologisk 
Museum 1307 Fugle af 77 Arter faldne om Natten i Træktiden… I 
det hele var der faldet over 2500 Fugle. 

De Fyr, hvorfra Fugle indsendtes, vare: Vyl/ Fyrskib, J. S. 
Jensen Fører (Sendinger fra 38 Nætter); Horns Rev Fyrskib, 
H. Sonnichsen Fører (13); Lyngvig, P. Larsen Fyrmester (36); 
Lodbjerg, P. S. Pedersen Fyrmester (13); Hanstholm, H. Roed 
Fyrmester (5); Rubjerg Knude, J. C. Boysen Fyrmester (2); 
Skagen, S. U. Hansen Fyrmester (6); Skagens Rev Fyrskib, A. P. 
Jensen Fører (2); Læsø Trindel Fyrskib, P. V. Eriksen Fører 
(15); Læsø Rende Fyrskib, P. C. Grumsen Fører (10); Østre 
Flak Fyrskib, C. Knudsen Fører (28); Anholt Knob Fyrskib, 
Th. Andresen Fører (17); Anholt, J.P. Nielsen Fyrmester (6); 
Schultz's Grund Fyrskib, P. Larsen Fører (4);. Hjelm, A. P. 
Jensen Fyrmester (1); Sejrø, A. M. Dam Fyrmester (5); Vest- 
borg, P. F. Køhler Fyrmester (1); Lappegrund Fyrskib, J. C. 
Jensen Fører (1); Drogden Fyrskib, N.Kromann Fører (4); 
Stevns, L. Wedén Fyrmester (9); Sprogø, A. V. Hansen Fyr- 
mester (6); Omø, A. T. Friis Fyrmester (6); Hov, H. V. 0. 
Westermann Fyrmester (2); Kjels Mon J. C. Ryder Fyrmester 


Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. 

(14); Æbelø, E. Schønfeldt Fyrmester (3); Skjoldnæs, J.H. S. 
Deichmann Fyrmester (1); Hammeren, E. Wielandt Fyrmester 
(5); Dueodde Nordfyr, W. Lund Fyrmester (1); Gjedser, Chr. 
Lindgaard Fyrmester (3); Gjedser Rev Fyrskib, J. Jensen 
Fører (9); Hyllekrog, P. W. Sørensen Fyrmester (6). 
De Fugle, der indkom, vare: 
Anas penelops 1. 
Anas boscas 2. 
Tadorna cornuta 2. 
Fuligula ferina 1. 
Pagonetta glacialis 1. 
Oedemia nigra 2. 

Colymbus septentrionalis 1. 

Procellaria pelagica 1. 


Creax pratensis 1. 

10. Porzana maruetta 1. 

11. RBRallus aqvaticus 7. 

12. Gallinula chloropus 1. 

185 -Fulica åre 38: 

14. Vanellus cristatus 10. 

15. Charadrius sqvatarola 5. (9 faldt.) 
16. Charadrius pluvialis 3. 

17. Eudromias morinellus 2. 

18. Ægialitis hiaticula 3. 

19. Hæmatopus ostreologus 2. 

20. Numenius argvatus 4. (6 faldt.) 
21. Limosa lapponica 1. 

22.  Actitis hypoleuca 4. 

23. Totanus glareola 1. 

24. Tringa maritima 1. 

25.  Tringa canutus 2. 

26. Tringa alpina 8. 

27. Limnocryptes gallinula 14. 

28. Gallinago scolopacina 2. 

Scolopax rusticula 5. 

Falco peregrinus 1. 

Columba palumbus 3. 

Cypselus apus 3. 

Cuculus canorus 4. 

Iynax torqvilla 3. 

Corvus monedula 1. 

Corvus frugilegus 1. 

Alauda arborea 1. 

Alauda arvensis 239. (Mindst 539 faldt.) 

Sturnus vulgaris 118. (Mindst 257 faldt.) 

Troglodytes parvulus 3. 

Cinclus aqvaticus 1. 

Parus major 1. 

Sylvia cinerea 4. 

Sylvia curruca 5. 

Sylvia atricapilla 6. 

Sylvia hortensis 39. 

Hypolais icterina 1. 

Acrocephalus arundinaceus 2. 

Acrocephalus phragmitis 6. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus 81. 

Phyllopseustes rufus 3. 

Regulus cristatus 19. 

Anthus pratensis 6. 

Anthus obscurus 2. 

Anthus arboreus 7. 

Motacilla flava 3. 

Turdus iliacus 91. (Mindst 420 faldt, nogle Sangdrosler 
maaske medregnede.) 

Turdus musicus 113. (Mindst 140 faldt.) 

Turdus viscivorus 3. 

Turdus pilaris 53. (Mindst 94 faldt.) 

Turdus torgvatus 2. 



62. Turdus merula 44. (Mindst 53 faldt.) 
63.  Saæicola oenanthe 43. 

64.  Praticola rubetra 5. 

65.  Ruticilla phoenicura 86. (90 faldt.) 
66. Erithacus rubecula 62. (74 faldt.) 
67. Cyanecula suecica 1. 

68. Muscicapa atricapilla 60. 

69. Muscicapa grisola 1. 

70.  Fringilla coelebs 4. 

71. Fringilla montifringilla 37. 

72. Chrysomitris spinus 2. 

73. Cannabina linaria 21. 

74. Emberiza schoeniclus 11. 

75... Emberiza hortulana 3. 

76. Emberiza citrinella 2. 

77. Emberiza nivalis 9. 

Af de faldne Arter var der ingen, der ikke tidligere var falden 
ved Fyrene. 

Aaret begyndte med mildt Vejr, og 7de Januar var den første 
Stær (Sturnus vulgaris) at se ved Kjøbenhavn”). Maaske har det 
dog snarest været en Efternøler, der ikke havde været rigtig bort- 
rejst; skjønt den fuldt vel var istand til at flyve, var der dog 
noget galt ved den ene Vinge, som den altid lod hænge lidt, naar 
den sad. Den var jevnlig at se i Egnen i den følgende Tid, helt 
ind i Foraaret. Men først 20de Februar viste sig enkelte andre. 
I de nærmest følgende Dage kom flere, og endnu flere i de første 
Dage af Marts. 

Indtil 20de Januar var det næsten stadig Tøvejr; derefter 
kom nogle Dage med Frost. 21de Januar i Tusmørke om Morgenen 
hørtes en Lærke (A/auda arvensis) flyvende ind fra Sundet mod 

Fy De efterfølgende Meddelelser om Fugle ved Hannen ere efter mine 
egne Iagttagels 


V., sikkert paa Tilbagevej fra Sverig. 18de Februar, første Dag 
med fremtrædende mildt Vejr, vare flere Lærker paa Vandring, og 
20de Februar sang adskillige over Markerne. Lidt Vandring iagt- 
toges igjen 6te Marts, en enkelt flyvende over Sundet lige mod Ø. 
om Formiddagen, og 13de Marts, 2 flyvende Ø. 

23de Januar i Snevejr fløj omtrent 20 Vindrosler (Turdus 
iliacus) i Flok over Stranden mod S. om Morgenen. Sidste Gang 
i Foraaret blev Arten set 28de Marts, nogle faa sammen. 

7de Marts kom Irisken (Cannabina linota) til et Ynglested. 

10de Marts blev første Vibe (Vanellus cristatus) set, flyvende 
lige mod Ø. ud over Sundet Kl. 7,20 Fm., og samme Morgen 
vandrede flere Alliker og Krager (Corvus monedula, C. cornix) mod 
Ø. En Vibe, der sikkert var paa Vandring, blev set 8de Maj, 
højt tilvejrs, flyvende lige mod N. om Morgenen. 13de Marts trak 
en Flok Alliker N. 

Ilte Marts var Sangdroslen (Zurdus musicus) at høre syn- 
gende paa 2 Steder, og i de nærmest følgende Dage var den 
kommen til flere Ynglesteder i Egnen. Paa Vandrested var den 
at se endnu i de sidste Dage af April og igjen 7de Maj. 

13de Marts sang Rørspurven (Emberiza schoeniclus) ved et 

18de Marts var Fuglekongen (Regulus cristatus) paa Vandre- 
sted, ligeledes 27de Marts, 4de, 7de, 12te, 13de og 14de April. 

29de Marts vandrede en Spurvehøg (Accipiter nisus) mod N. 
Kl. 5,15 Em., 3dje April om Morgenen ligeledes en mod N. Ø. 

3dje April trak en lille Flok Bogfinker (Fringilla coelebs) N. Ø. 
om Morgenen. Det var vel nærmest tilfældigt, at de ikke ellers bleve 
sete vandrende om Foraaret. Mange havde overvintret som ellers. 

7de April blev første Hvide Vipstjert (Motacilla alba) set. 

18de April hørtes Storspover (Numenius argqvatus) fløjtende 
over Sundet om Aftenen Kl. 10,35, i stille, skyet Vejr, og ,,Gyv- 
fugle" (Sortænder, Oedemia nigra) hørtes oftere mellem Kl. 10,35 
og 11,5. 19de April om Aftenen mellem Kl. 10,45 og 11, i klart 
Maaneskin, hørtes Gyvfugle igjen flere Gange. 


19de April var Gransangeren (Phyllopseustes rufus) paa 

23de April vandrede en Fiskeørn (Pandion haliaétus) langsomt 
mod N.V. Kl. 1,45, og den første Munk (Sylvia atricapilla) viste sig. 

25de April var Rødkjælken. (Erithacus rubecula) for sidste 
Gang påa Vandrested. Nogle havde overvintret. 

Løvspringet kom ualmindelig tidlig; men de Trækfugle, der 
pleje at følge det, vare slet ikke særlig tidlig paafærde. Først 
27de April viste sig de første to Forstuesvaler og den første Løv- 
sanger (Hirundo rustica, Phyllopseustes trochilus). 3dje Maj blev 
igjen et Par Forstuesvaler set, 5te ligeledes, 6te 3 sammen, 10de 
mindst 4, ilte 3, l4de og 15de en enkelt, 16de mindst 4, 17de 
og 18de adskillige. 30te April viste Løvsangeren sig næste Gang, 
lste Maj vare flere komne, og paa Vandrested var den derefter 
næsten stadig indtil 23de Maj og igjen 1ste Juni. 

30te April var her den første Rødstjert (Ruticilla phoenicura), 
8de, 9de, 10de og 19de Maj viste sig de næste, alle Hanner; fra 
22de til 24de Maj var en Hun paa Vandrested; 27de Maj blev 
den set sidste Gang paa Gjennemrejse. 

liste Maj kom Gjerdesangeren (Sylvia curruca). 4de HEN ind- 
fandt den sig ved et Ynglested. 

2den Maj var her første Skovpiber (Anthus arboreus). Paa 
Vandrested var den igjen 15åde, 20de og 23de Maj. 

3dje Maj vare 2 Grønne Løvsangere (Phyllopseustes sibilatrix) 
tilstede paa Ynglesteder. 14de Maj var den paa Vandrested. 

4de Maj iagttoges første Sivsanger, Gul Vipstjert og Bynke- 
fugl (Acrocephalus phragmitis, Motacilla flava, Praticola rubetra). 

10de Maj vare sidste Kvækere (Fringilla montifringilla) paa 
Vandrested. De havde overvintret her i stor Mængde. 

12te Maj bleve de første to Bysvaler (Hirundo urbica) sete. 
18de Maj fløj 6 mod N. Kl. 6,40 Fm. Kun yderst faa indfandt 
sig i Egnen. 

1åde Maj blev første Digesvale (Hirundo riparia) set, 

låde Maj ligeledes første Graa Fluesnapper (Muscicapa grisola)- 


l6de Maj var her Gjøg og Nattergal (Cuculus canorus, 
Luscinia philomela). 

17de Maj blev første Mursvale (Cypselus apus) set, og ad- 
skillige Brogede Fluesnappere (Muscicapa atricapilla) vare tilstede 
paa Ynglesteder. Nogle faa Mursvaler bleve sete 19de og 27de 
Maj; først 2den Juni viste de sig i Flok. Ganske mod Sædvane 
havde ingen Broget Fluesnapper været at se paa Vandrested. 

22de Maj var her Havesanger, Gulbug og Rørsanger (Sylvia 
hortensis, Hypolais icterina, Acrocephalus arundinaceus). 

23de Maj, i stille, klart Vejr, hørtes Mudderkliren (Actitis 
hypoleuca) flyvende over Sundet om Aftenen Kl. 9,15. 27de Maj 
hørtes den over Sundet Kl. 5,35 Em. 

24de Maj var her første Tornskade (Lanius collyrio), en Han. 

25de Maj var her Drosselrørsanger (Acrocephalus turdinus), 

26de Maj ligeledes første Tornsanger (Sylvia cinerea). 

27de Maj var en Natravn (Caprimulgus europæus) paa Vandrested. 

29de Maj, paa en Udflugt til Nykjøbing paa Falster, iagt- 
toges nogle faa Hvepsevaager (Pernis apivorus) vandrende Nord, 
følgende Retningen af Gjedser Odde, om Eftermiddagen, 2, 2 og 3 

Allerede 24de Juni indvarsledes Efteraaret af Mudderkliren; 
om Aftenen Kl. 10,10, i stille, klart Vejr, hørtes den flyvende over 
Sundet. Derefter blev den dog ikke set førend 23de Juli, da en 
enkelt viste sig paa Vandrested; men i den følgende Tid indtil 
l6de September var den ganske almindelig, enkeltvis og i Smaa- 
flokke, at se om Dagen eller at høre om Natten. 

lste Juli hørtes Storspoven flyvende S. over Sundet Kl, 11,40 
Fm. i Bygevejr. 2den Juli hørtes den ligeledes om Aftenen Kl. 
9,50, i stille, klart Vejr, 3dje Juli Kl. 6,50 Fm. og 2,80 Em., i 
skyet Vejr, 26de Juli Kl. 9,37 Aften, i skyet Vejr, og Zden August 
Kl. 6,34 Morgen. 

7de Juli viste Løvsangeren sig første Gang paa Vandrested i 
Efteraaret, men derefter ikke førend 15de August; i den følgende 
Tid var den derimod meget jevnlig at se indtil 1åde September. 



29%de Juli kom en ung Tornskade paa Vandrested. 

30te Juli om Aftenen Kl. 9,37 hørtes Rylen (Tringa alpina) 
flyvende over Sundet. 10de Oktober fløj en enkelt S. om For- 


lste August i Skumringen om Aftenen Kl. 8,50, i stille, diset 
Vejr med overtrukken Himmel, kom en stor Flok ,,Gyvfugle”, tavse, 
men nogenlunde kjendelige paa deres ejendommelige hvislende 
Vingeslag, flyvende over Sundet mod S.; Flokken kunde netop 
skimtes mod den lyse Himmel som en mørk, uhyre Bue; det 
samme hørtes Kl. 9,12; 9,15; 9,20; 9,30; 9,33; maaske vare Flokkene 
paavirkede af elektrisk Lys, hvormed der holdtes Øvelser ude i 
Sundet, paa Middelgrunden. 3dje August Kl. 6,30 Aften, i stille 
Vejr med letskyet Himmel, kom en Flok Sortænder (Oedemia nigra) 
paa mellem 100 og 200 flyvende fra Nord, højt, ude over Sundet; 
en Tid lang fløj Flokken videre lige mod Syd, men vendte derefter 
tilbage mod Nord, svingede flere Gange mod Øst og Vest for til- 
sidst igjen at gaa mod Syd og forsvinde; stadig skiftede Flokken 
Form; undertiden fløj de fleste af Fuglene i en enkelt næsten lige 
Linie, undertiden opløstes Flokken i mindre, mere eller mindre 
V-formede Afdelinger, undertiden samledes den mere i Klumpform 
eller i en mægtig Bue; en enkelt Gang svingede Flokken næsten 
helt ind over Kysten, hen over mit Hoved, og et Øjeblik hørtes 
den hvislende, fløjtende Lyd af Vingeslagene, og et Par Gange 
lød den velkjendte Stemme gyv gyv ned fra Luften, Omtrent 5 
Minutter var Flokken at se, i fortrinligt Lys, og næsten hele Tiden 
holdt jeg den i stærk Kikkert; om Artbestemmelsen af de helt 
sorte Ænder kunde der ingen Tvivl være. Elev Peter Bang 
var den, der opdagede Flokken. — Det var første Gang, at jeg 
havde Lejlighed til at se ,,Gyvfugle"; jeg kjendte dem hidtil kun 
efter Stemmen; for mig var det dermed klaret, at Gyvfugle i hvert 
Fald kunne være Sortænder, som det tidligere var gjettet. Det 
er ikke sandsynligt, at nogen anden Art skulde kunne have ganske 
den samme Stemme; men meget muligt er det, at baade Fløjlsand 
og andre kunne have Stemmer, der minde om denne. (Spørgsmaalet 


har været drøftet i A. H. Faber's ,,Optegnelser om Vejle- og 
Horsensegnens Fuglefauna", 1898, S. 62, i Vidensk. Medd. for 
1903, S. 337, og i Dansk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift, 2den 
Aarg., 1907—8, flere Steder, og 3dje Aarg. 1908—9, flere Steder.) 

åde August forlod Gulbugen et Ynglested. 1ste September 
blev den set 'sidste Gang. 

6te August vare Rørsanger og Broget Fluesnapper paa Vandre- 
sted. 23de August viste den Brogede Fluesnapper sig næste Gang, 
og derefter var den jevnlig at se indtil 17de September. 

l5de August blev den første Engpiber (Anthus pratensis) set 
vandrende, flyvende S. V. om Morgenen. Først 3dje September 
viste den sig igjen vandrende, derefter den l11te og l4de, og i den 
følgende Tid var den almindelig at se flyvende S. og S. V. om 
Morgenen, enkeltvis og i Smaaflokke, indtil 10de Oktober; 16de 
Oktober blev endnu en enkelt set flyvende S. 

18de August blev en Præstekrave (Ægialitis hiaticula) hørt 
flyvende over Sundet om Morgenen. 

19de August kom Rødstjerten paa Vandrested, og den var 
igjen at se den 20de, men derefter ikke førend 1ste September, 
da adskillige indfandt sig. I den følgende Tid var den næsten 
stadig at se, flere eller færre, indtil 23de September. 

20de August var den første Rødkjælk paa Vandrested, en ung 
Fugl i endnu spettet Dragt. 2lde var ogsaa en voxen Fugl paa 
Vandrested. Derefter var Arten næsten stadig tilstede hele Efter- 
aaret igjennem, og nogle overvintrede. 

22de August var Sangdroslen paa Vandrested og var derefter 
meget jevnlig at se indtil 16de Oktober. 

25de August Kl. 6,35 Morgen trak 4 Mursvaler mod S., lidt 
senere viste sig en højtflyvende Flok paa mindst 33, der en Tid 
sværmede rundt, men vist derefter ogsaa gik S., og Kl. 6,45 fløj 7 
mod S,; omtrent 10 Gule Vipstjerter i Flok gik S. Kl. 6,45. Ved 
Midten af August vare Egnens Mursvaler forsvundne; 27de August 
blev endnu en enkelt set flyvende S. om Eftermiddagen. 5te Sep- 
tember bleve de sidste Gule Vipstjerter sete. 



29de August var en Munk paa Vandrested. Ste. September 
viste Arten sig igjen, 2 sammen, og i den følgende Tid var den 
ret jevnlig tilstede indtil 25de September; 16de og 17de Oktober 
var den paany at se. 

3dje September om Morgenen var en større Forsamling Svaler 
paa Vandrested; omtrent 50 Forstuesvaler og adskillige Bysvaler 
og Digesvaler sad i Rader paa Telefontraade, og adskillige andre 
fløj omkring. Lignende Forsamlinger vare jevnlig at se i den føl- 
gende Tid om Morgenen: Ste September omtrent 200 Forstuesvaler, 
10de omtr. 70, 12te igjen en større Flok, 17de ligeledes, 13de 
mindst 325, 19de omtr. samme Tal, 20de ogsaa mange, 22de omtr. 
300, 23de neppe halvt saa mange som den foregaaende Dag, 24de 
igjen mange, 25de mindst 230 siddende, men adskillige andre 
flyvende omkring, 26de et lignende Tal, 27de adskillige, 28de 
mindst 50 siddende ”og andre flyvende rundt; de mellemliggende 
Dage vare kun ret faa at se, og efter Oktobers Begyndelse svandt 
Tallet stærkt; dog kunde endnu sees Smaaflokke, saaledes 4de 
Oktober omtr. 40 i Flok, 7de mindst 16, 8de mindst 22, 10de 
mindst 10, 1lte ligeledes; indtil 13de var Arten daglig at se, 
derefter kun med Afbrydelser og kun enkeltvis eller nogle faa 
sammen: 15de, 16de, 18de, 19de, 20de; 30te en ung Fugl; 31lte 3 
unge; 2den November fløj en ung langsomt mod S. Kl. 4,25 Em.; 
3dje November fløj 2 unge omkring over Strandbredden stadig om 
Eftermiddagen; Ste November 2 unge ligeledes. Jeg har ikke selv 
oplevet at se Svaler i November siden 1872, da enkelte Forstue- 
svaler og Bysvaler fløj omkring over Strandenge ved Kjøbenhavn 
lste og 2den November. — En Del Bysvaler vare jevnlig at se i 
Forstuesvalernes Flokke indtil 18de September, Digesvaler ligeledes 
indtil 23de, i forholdsvis større Mængde den Ste. 

3dje September var ogsaa en Fuglekonge paa Vandrested, 
igjen Øde, 12te, 14de, 18de, 19de, 22de, 24de, 27de September, 
3dje Oktober og oftere senere. Nogle overvintrede. 

5te September bleve Tornsanger, Gjerdesanger, Sivsanger og Skov- 
piber sete sidste Gang, alle undtagen Gjerdesangeren paa Vandrested. 


9de September om Morgenen vandrede en Spurvehøg S. 

12te September bleve Havesanger og Graa Fluesnapper sete 
sidste Gang. 

20de September trak en enkelt Lærke mod S., en enkelt 
Sisken (Chrysomitris spinus) ligeledes. Nogle faa trækkende Lærker 
iagttoges igjen 30te September, 7de, Yde og 14de Oktober; 16de 
November blev Lærken set sidste Gang, 2 sammen. Siskenen blev 
set ret jevnlig i den følgende Tid indtil 12te Oktober trækkende S. 
om Morgenen enkeltvis eller i Smaaflokke; nogle faa bleve her for 

2lde September kom Gjerdesmutten (Troglodytes parvulus) 
paa Vandrested. 

22de September trak en Skovskade (Garrulus glandarius) mod 
S. om Morgenen. 

25de September hørtes Kvækere i Luften om Morgenen for 
første Gang i Efteraaret. Kun nogle faa Gange senere i September 
og i Løbet af Oktober blev den ellers iagttagen, og neppe nogen 
var at se her i Vinteren, ganske i Modsætning til Vinteren forud. 

27de September blev den første Flok Irisker set vandrende S. 
om Morgenen. Oftere var det samme at se i Oktober indtil 
den 18de. 

7de Oktober fløj 5 Sangsvaner (Cygnus musicus) i Flok, 
syngende mod V. Kl. 3,15 Em. Samme Dag blev den Hvide Vip- 
stjert set sidste Gang. 

8de Oktober om Morgenen fløj en lille Flok Bogfinker S., 
ligeledes 18de Oktober og flere den 5te November. Mange over- 

Ilte Oktober trak et Par Smaaflokke Svensker (Ligurinus 
chloris) mod S. om Morgenen. 18de Oktober, Ste, 6te og 13de 
November bleve igjen Smaaflokke sete vandrende. Mange over- 

lide Oktober viste sig den første Dompap (Pyrrhula vulgaris) 
i Efteraaret. 23de vare 3 tilstede sammen, og i den følgende Tid, 
Aaret ud, vare Dompapper meget almindelig at se i Smaaflokke. 



låde Oktober svømmede 28 Knortegjæs (Anser torgvatus) i 

lste November blev Graasiskenen (Cannabina linaria) set 
første Gang, 2 flyvende S. I første Halvdel af November var den 
ofte at se vandrende S. især om Morgenen, saaledes i store Flokke 
den 3dje, 9de og 13de. Aaret ud var den almindelig i Egnen. 

3dje November var Sjaggeren (Turdus pilaris) paa Vandrested. 

21lde November blev Stæren set sidste Gang, 8 i Flok. Siden 
2den November havde ellers ingen været at se, og efter Midten 
af Oktober havde de fleste været forsvundne. 

25de November vare 7 Halemejser (.Acredula caudata) i Flok 
paa Vandrested, vist lige komne i Land fra Øresund, derefter 
vandrende langsomt mod V. gjennem Haverne. 

l4de December var en Silkehale (Ampelis garrula) påa 

27de December var en Rørspurv (Emberiza schoeniclus) til- 
stede ved et Ynglested, vel som overvintrende. 

Fortegnelse over de Fugle der ere indsendte fra Fyrene 
som faldne om Natten. 

(Hver Nat dateret som den følgende Dag.) 


.. Anas penelops. Pibeand. 
Oktober: 13de Lodbjerg 1. 
. Anas boscas. Stokand. 
Marts: 19de Lyngvig 1 g'. 
November: 12te Dueodde Nordfyr 1 2. 
Tadorna cornuta. Gravand. 
Marts: 16de Omø 2 (I, 9). 
Fuligula ferina. Taffeland. 
November: 7de Lyngvig 1. 
Pagonetta glacialis. Havlit. 
Marts: 12te Kjels Nor 1 «ad. 







Oedemia nigra. Sortand. 
September: 30te Skagen 2 (I, 2). 

7. Colymbus septentrionalis. Rødstrubet Lom. 

" December: Ilte Læsø Rende 1. 

8. Procellaria pelagica. Stormsvale. 
November: Ilte Skagens Rev 1. 

9. Crex pratensis. Engsnarre. 
August: 16de Lyngvig 1. 

10. Porzana maruetta. Rørvagtel. 
September: 15de Lyngvig 1. 

11. Rallus aqvaticus. Vandrixe. 

Januar: 30te Æbelø 1. 
April: 6te Stevns 1. 
September: ilte Lyngvig 1. 
Oktober: 10de Skjoldnæs 1. 13de Lyngvig 1. 25de 
Sejrø 1. 29de Sejrø 1. 
12. Gallinula chloropus. Rørhøne. 
Oktober: 3lte Kjels Nor 1. 
Fulica atra. Blishøne. 
Januar: 30te Lodbjerg 1. 
Oktober: 29de Vyl 1. 
December: 6te Omø 1. 
Vanellus cristatus. Vibe. 
Februar: 14de Lyngvig 1. 19de Kjels Nor 1. 
Marts: 8de Lyngvigl, Lodbjergl, Hanstholm2. 16de Kjels Nor2. 
April: 6te Stevns 1. 
September: Ste Sprogø 1 jun. 
Charadrius sqvatarola. Strandhjejle. 
August: dte Lyngvig 1. 6te Hanstholm 1. 7de Lyngvig 1. 
låde Stevns 1. 
September: llte Rubjerg Knude 1 (5 faldt)%). 

T) Tallet paa bygd henern FRR er Frog efter Fyrmestrenes Oplysninger, 
naar det er et andet end Tallet paa de indsendte. Skovsneppe, Lærke 




ær tin ogsaa efter F yrmestrenes Opgivelser, selv om intet 
er inlkende dog kun i (). 

16. Charadrius pluvialis. Hjejle. 
August: 7de Lyngvig 1. 13de Lyngvig 1. 
September: 30te Lyngvig 1. 
17. Eudromias morinellus. Pomeransfugl. 
September: 7de Stevns 2. 


Ægialitis hiaticula. Præstekrave. 
Marts: 8de Hanstholm 1. 20de Lyngvig 1. 
August: 16de Lyngvig 1. 
19. Hæmatopus ostreologus. Strandskade. 
August: dte Lyngvig 1. 
September: 10de Lyngvig 1. 
20. Numenius arqvatus. Storspove. 
August: Ste Lyngvig 1 (3 faldt). 7de Lyngvig 1. 13de 
Lyngvig 1. 16de Lyngvig 1. 
21. Limosa lapponica. Kobbersneppe. 
August: 13de Sejrø 1. 
Actitis hypoleuca. Mudderklire. 
August: I1ste Lyngvig 1. Ste Lyngvig 1. 14de Sejrø, 1. 
September: dte Vestborg 1. 



Totanus glareola. Tinksmed. 
August: 8de Lyngvig 1. 

24. Tringa maritima. Sortgraa Ryle. 
Oktober: 29de Anholt 1. 

25. Tringa canutus. Islandsk Ryle. 
August: 7de Lyngvig 1. 
September: iste Lyngvig 1- jun. 

26. Tringa alpina. Ryle. 

Marts: 8de Lodbjerg 2. 10de Lyngvig 1. 
April: 15de Sprogø 1. 23de? Stevns 1. 
August: 7de Lyngvig 1. 

September: 10de Lyngvig 1. 

Oktober: 1lte Gjedser 1. 

27. Limnocryptes gallinula. Enkelt Bekkasin. 
September: 10de Lyngvig 1. 1lte Vyl 1. 15de Rubjerg 
Knude 1. 28de Lyngvig 1. 30te Vyl 1, Lyngvig 1. 
Oktober: 12te Lodbjerg 2. 13de Lodbjerg 1, Østre Flak 1. 
November: iste Sprogø 1, Gjedser 1. 6te Østre Flak 1. 
12te Horns Rev 1. 



Gallinago scolopacina.  Horsegjøg. 

Maj: 6te Skagen 1. 

Oktober: 12te Lyngvig 1. 

29. Scolopax rusticula. Skovsneppe. 

April: l4de Omø 1. 

Oktober: 25de Sejrø 1. 29%de Sejrø 1. 30te Kjels Nor 2. 


.. Falco peregrinus. Vandrefalk. 
Oktober: 30te Vyl 1 jun. 


Columba palumbus. Ringdue. 

Marts: 10de Anholt Knob 1. 

November: 8de Æbelø 1. 

December: 2den Kjels Nor 1. 

Cypselus apus. Mursvale. 

August: 13de Sejrø 1 jun. 16de Lyngvig 1. 30te Lodbjerg 1. 
Cuculus canorus. Gjøg. 

August: 13de Sejrø 1 jun. 

September: 5te Sprogø 1 jun. 6te Kjels Nor 1, Gjedser Rev 1. 




. Iynx torqvilla. Vendehals. 
April: 30te Østre Flak 1. 
Maj: 6te Skagen 1, Anholt 1. 

35. Corvus monedula. Allike. 
Marts: 8de Vyl 1. 

36. Corvus frugilegus. Raage. 
Februar: 27de Vyl 1. 


.. AÅlauda arborea. Hedelærke. 
Marts: 10de Anholt 1. 

38. Alauda arvensis. Lærke. 
Januar: 3dje Læsø Rende 1. 6te Lodbjerg 2, Æbelø 1 
9de Læsø Rende 1. 16de Lyngvig 1. 
Februar: Ste Sprogø 1 (3 faldt). 38de Sprogø 2. Ilte 
Vyll. 12te Horns Rev 10. 13de Læsø Trindel 1. 14de Lyngvig 
1, (Sprogø 1), Omø 2, Kjels Nor 7. 15de Gjedser Rev 4 (5 faldt). 
løde Vyl 1, (Sprogø 2). 17de Østre Flak 3. 19de Østre Flak 5. 
20de (Hanstholm 1), Anholt Knob 1. 24de Anholt Knob 1. 28de 
Østre Flak 4. 
Marts: I1ste Østre Flak 1. 3dje Anholt Knob 2, Schultz's 
Grund 4. 4de Læsø Trindel 2. Ste Østre Flak 1. 7de Lyngvig 1. 
(8de Vestburg 2, Hammeren 1.) Øde Læsø Trindel 1. 10de Lod- 
bjerg 1, Læsø Rende 1, Østre Flak 6, Anholt Knob 1, Anholt 4 
(14 faldt). (1lte Vestborg 2.) 12te Vyl 1, Skagen 5 (6 faldt), 
… Læsø Rende 2, Østre Flak 1, Anholt Knob 1, Kjels Nor 1. l4de 
Læsø Trindel 2. 15de Omø 1. 16de Læsø Trindel 1, Kjels Nor 1. 
(27de Vestborg 1.) 
April: 6te Anholt 1. Yde Østre Flak 1. 
September: (Yde Nordre Røn 1.) 13de Hammeren 1. låde 
Lyngvig 1. (24de Nordre Røn 1.) 
Oktober: 2den (Nordre Røn 1), Østre Flak 4 (10 faldt). 
3dje Vyl 1, (Hanstholm 6). 5te Horns Rev 3. 6te Horns Rev 2, 
Stevns 4. 7de Gjedser Rev 2. 10de Horns Rev 29. 1lte (Blaa- 
vands Huk 3), Vyl7, Lyngvig 1 (28 faldt), Læsø Rende 1, Sejrø 1, 
(Vestborg 2), Kjels Nor 6, Hammeren 7, Gjedser 2, Gjedser Rev 
12. 12te Vyl 2 (35 faldt), Lyngvig 1 (10 faldt), Lodbjerg 3, 
(Sprogø 1, Hammeren 1), Gjedser Rev 4. 13de Lyngvig 1, Lod- 
bjerg 3, Østre Flak 1, Gjedser Rev 5. (25de Sejrø 2.) 26de 
Vyl 3, Horns Rev 4, Lyngvig 1. 27de Vyl 4, Horns Rev 13. 
28de Vyl 1. 29de Horns Rev 2, Lyngvig 1 (14 faldt), Anholt 1, 
Gjedser Rev 3. 30te Vyl 2 (13 faldt), Horns Rev 4, Lyngvig 1 
(147 faldt). (31te Romsø 2.) 
November: 1ste Sprogø 1 (3 faldt), Kjels Nor 1. (2den 
Nordre Røn 1.) (Ste Gjedser Rev 8.) 

39, Sturnus vulgaris. Stær. 

"Februar: 12te Horns Rev 1. 17de Anholt Knob 1. 19de 
Østre Flak 1, Kjels Nor 1. 

Marts: (4de Læsø Rende 1.) 8de Vyl 1, Horns Rev 1, 
Lyngvig 1, Lodbjerg 2. 10de Anholt 2 (12 faldt). 14de Schultz's 
Grund 1. 15de (Blaavands Huk 3), Vyl 2, Horns Rev 1, Læsø 
Trindel 1, (Omø 1). 16de Kjels Nor 1. 17de (Blaavands Huk 4), 
Vyl 3, Horns Rev 3, Lodbjerg 1, Drogden 1. 18de Stevns 2. 
20de (Blaavands Huk 1), Hov 1. ' 

April: 2den Østre Flak 1.  6te Østre Flak 2, Anholt 13 
(22 faldt), (Sejrø-9), Stevns 12, Hyllekrog 1. Yde Østre Flak 3. 
(19de Gjedser Rev 1.) 29de Østre Flak 1. i 

(September: 9de Nordre Røn 2. 10de Nordre Røn 1.) 

Oktober: 10de Horns Rev 2. 1lte Hammeren 1. 12te 
Vyl 1. 13de Lyngvig 1 (12 faldt), Gjedser Rev 1. (20de Nordre 
Røn 1.) 24de Vyl 1. 25de Vyl 1, (Sejrø 2). 26de Vyl 3, Horns 
Rev 9, Lyngvig 1 (31 faldt). 27de Vyl 1, Horns Rev 4. 29de 
Vyl 1, Horns Rev 1, Stevns 1, Kjels Nor 1, Gjedser 1, Gjedser 
Rev 7, Hyllekrog 3. 30te Vyl 2 (6 faldt), Horns Rev 11, Lyngvig 1 
(48 faldt), (Møen 1). 

November: liste Vyl 1. (7de Sprogø 1.) 13de Vyl 1. 


Troglodytes parvulus. Gjerdesmutte. 
April: 5te Stevns 1. 
Oktober: dte Lyngvig 1. 1å5de Østre Flak 1. 


Cinclus agvaticus.… Vandstær. 
Oktober: 23de Østre Flak 1. 

| 3 

.. Parus major. Musvit. 
Oktober: 15de Østre Flak 1. 


. Sylvia cinerea. Tornsanger. , 
September: 5te Anholt 1, Sprogø 1. Ilte Hanstholm 2. 


. Sylvia curruca. Gjerdesanger. 
September: 5te Anholt 1. 7de Stevns 4. 
Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bd. 63. 

45. Sylvia atricapilla. Munk. 
September: 7de Stevns 2 (3, 9). 15de Lyngvig 1 å, 
Rubjerg Knude 1 9. 
Oktober: ilte Kjels Nor 19. 30te Lyngvig 19. 
46. Sylvia hortensis. Havesanger. 
August: 8de Stevns 1. 16de Lyngvig 1. 30te Vyl 2, 
Lyngvig 1, Lodbjerg 1, Kjels Nor 4. 
September: 1ste Hanstholm 2. 5te Anholt 3. 6te Kjels 
Nor 2. 7de Stevns 6. 10de Lyngvig 1. i1lte Skagen 2. 13de 
Lodbjerg 1. 14de Lyngvig 1, Kjels Nor 3. 15de Horns Rev 5, 
Lyngvig 1, Rubjerg Knude 1. 28de Lodbjerg 1. 
47. Hypolais icterina. Gulbug. 
August: 7de Lyngvig 1. 
48. Acrocephalus arundinaceus. Rørsanger. 
Oktober: 6te Stevns 1. Ilte Kjels Nor 1. 
49. Acrocephalus phragmitis. Sivsanger. 
August: 3dje Drogden 1. 8de Stevns 3. 
September: 6te Kjels Nor 2. 
50. Phyllopseustés trochilus. Løvsanger. 
April: 15de Vyl 1. 
Maj: 5te Læsø Trindel 1. 6te Anholt 3. 17de Vyl 1. 
25de Vyl 1. 
August: 8de Stevns 1. 30te Lodbjerg 1, Kjels Nor 8, 
Hyllekrog 17. 
September: iste Hanstholm 1. 5te Anholt 10. 6te Læsø 
Trindel 1, Kjels Nor 3, Hammeren 1. 7de Stevns 21. 8de Læsø 
Trindel 2, Gjedser Rev 1. ilte Lyngvig 1, Skagen 2. 12te Anholt 
Knob 1. 14de Kjels Nor 3. 
51. Phyllopseustes rufus. Gransanger. 
Maj: 6te Anholt 2. 
September: 30te Skagen 1. 
.. Regulus cristatus. Fuglekonge. 
April: l4de Østre Flak 12. 16de Vyl 19. 
September: l4de Anholt Knob 1 g'. 



Oktober: 6te Hyllekrog 2 (8, 92).. 1lte Sejrø 1 &.. 14de 
Vyl 1 9. 15de Østre Flak 1 g, Anholt Knob 1. 16de Skagens 
Rev 2 (3,2). 19de Læsø Trindel 1 g.. 26de Lyngvig 1 3. 27de 
Lyngvig 129. 29de Lyngvig 1, Stevns 3 (1, 282). 
November: Iste Gjedser 1 d. 

Anthus pratensis. Engpiber. 
April: 17de Østre Flak 1. 
September: 23de Vyl. 1. 
Oktober: 10de Horns Rev 1. ilte Vyl 1. 26de Vyl 1. 
30te Vyl 1. 
54,. Anthus obscurus. Skjærpiber. 
Oktober: 6te Horns Rev 1. 10de Horns Rev 1. 
Anthus arboreus. Skovpiber. 
Maj: 6te Anholt 1. 
August: 30te. Vyl 3, Kjels Nor 1. 
September: 7de Stevns 2. 
. Motacilla flava. Gul Vipstjert. 
August: 27de Hammeren 3. 
Turdus iliacus.  Vindrossel. 
Februar: Ste Kjels Nor 1. 8de Østre Flak 1, Anholt 
Knob 1. 13de Schultz's Grund 1. 

Marts: 8de Vyl 1. 10de Lyngvig 1, Østre Flak 1. 12te 
Læsø Rende 1. 16de Kjels Nor 1. 17de Vyl 2, Lodbjerg 1. 

September: 28de Lyngvig 1. 

Oktober: 5te Horns Rev 7. 6te Horns Rev 1, Lyngvig 1. 
7de Lyngvig 1 (7 faldt). 10de Horns Rev 3. 1lte Vyl 3, Lyng- 
vig 1 (120 faldt), Kjels Nor 2, Gjedser 2, Gjedser Rev 1. 12te 
Vyl 1, Gjedser Rev 3. 13de Østre Flak 3. 26de Vyl 2, Lyng- 
vig 1 (49 faldt). 27de Vyl. 2, Horns Rev 2, Lyngvig 1. 28de 
Lodbjerg 2. 29de Vyl 1. (12 faldt), Lyngvig 1 (52 faldt), Lod- 
bjerg 2, Skagen 2, Anholt 3 (34 faldt), Hjelm 1, Sejrø 1, Stevns 1, 
Sprogø 3, Kjels Nor 9. 30te Vyl 1 (64 faldt), Horns Rev 3, 
Lyngvig 1 (101 faldt), Kjels Nor 2. 

November: iste Sprogø 1, Kjels Nor 7. 








58.. Turdus musicus.  Sangdrossel. 

Februar: ilte Vyl 1. 

Marts: 4de Vyl 1.. 16de Kjels Nor 2. 

April: 6te Anholt 2. 14de Læsø Trindel 1, Østre Flak 1. 
28de Anholt Knob 1. 

Maj: dte Læsø Trindel 8. 6te Østre Flak 1, Anholt 
Knob 1, Anholt 2 (22 faldt). 

September: 10de Vyl 1. 15de Rubjerg Knude 2. 28de 
Lodbjerg 2. 

Oktober: 2den Østre Flak 2. 3dje Lyngvig 1 (4 faldt). 
5te Vyl 1, Horns Rev 2, Lyngvig 1. 7de Gjedser Rev 5. 10de 
Horns Rev 9. 1lte Vyl 4, Læsø Trindel 1, Læsø Rende 1, Kjels 
Nor 25, Gjedser 1, Gjedser Rev 11. 12te Vyl 2, Gjedser Rev 1. 
13de Lodbjerg 1, Østre Flak 7, Anholt Knob 2, Gjedser Rev 1. 16de 
Skagens Rev 1. 24de Vyl 1. 26de Vyl 1. 27de Horns Rev 1, 
Hyllekrog 1. 28de Vyl 1 (5 faldt). 29de Stevns 1, Kjels Nor 2. 

59, Turdus viscivorus.  Misteldrossel. 
Marts: åte Østre Flak 1. 10de Østre Flak 1. 
April: Ste Hanstholm 1. 

60. Turdus pilaris. Sjagger. 

Februar: 5te Vyl 2. 8de Læsø Rende 7, Østre Flak 9, 
Anholt 4 (12 faldt). 13de Schultz's Grund 6. 18de Omø 1. 

April: 19de Vyl 1. 

Maj: Ste Skagen 2, Læsø Trindel 2. 

Oktober: 26de Vyl 1. 28de Lyngvig 1:(10 faldt), Østre 
Flak 4. 29de Anholt 1 (19 faldt), Hjelm 1, Sprogø 2, Kjels Nor 1. 
d0te Vyl 1 (7 faldt), Kjels Nor 2. 

November: liste Vyl 1, Sprogø 1, Kjels Nor 2. 1lte 
Østre Flak 1. 

61. Turdus torqvatus. Ringdrossel. 
Oktober: 7de Gjedser Rev 1. 1lte Lyngvig 1 jun. 
62. Turdus merula. Solsort. 

Marts: 8de Lyngvig 19, Hanstholm 1 gg vet. Yde Læsø 
Trindel 1 & jun 10de Lodbjerg 1 9, Østre Flak 19, Anholt 

lg ju. (4 faldt). 12te Schultz's Grund 19, Kjels Nor 1 jun. 
ISde Vyl 1 g' vet., Horns Rev 39. 17de Vyl 5 9, Horns Rev 3 2, 
Lodbjerg 1 g' vet. 18de Stevns 2 & vet. 28de Vyl 1 vet. 
April: 2den Østre Flak 19. Øde Østre Flak 19. 
Maj: 6te Anholt 18 vet. 
Oktober: 25de Vyl 19. 26de Vyl 2 (&' vet., 2), Horns 
Rev 2 (J' jun., 2). 27de Vyl 4 (2 $ vet:,. 2 2). .29de Anholt 
løvet. 30te Vyl 3 (1 &' vet., 1 jun., 19), Lyngvig 15 vet. 
(7 faldt). : 
November: Iste Kjels Nor 19. 12te Horns Rev 1 g' vet. 
l3de Vyl 1 vet. 
63. Saxicola oenanthe. Stenpikker. 
April: 14de Anholt Knob 1&. 15de Lyngvig 13'. 30te 
Østre Flak 1 9. 
Maj: 6te Østre Flak 29. 20de.Vyl 19. 
August: 30te Kjels Nor 2. 
September: åte Sprogø 1. 6te Læsø Trindel 1,. Kjels 
Nor 2. 7de Stevns 3. 8de. Læsø Trindel 2, Gjedser Rev 1. 10de 
Vyl 3, Læsø Trindel 2. 1lte Hanstholm 1. 12te Lyngvig 1. 
låde Vyl 9, Lyngvig 1, Østre.Flak 1. 15de Horns Rev 4, Lyng- 
vig 1, Rubjerg Knude 1, Østre Flak 1. 
64. Praticola rubetra. Bynkefugl. 
Maj: 6te Anholt 18. 138de Vyl 1 g'. 
September: 7de Stevns 2. 
Oktober: 3dje Lyngvig 1. 
. Ruticilla phoenicura. Rødstjert. 
Maj: 5te Læsø Trindel 19'. 6te Anholt 4 g. 18de Vyll d'. 
August: 30te Anholt Knob 1 d, Hyllekrog 1 d'. 
September: Ste Anholt Knob 2 (&, 2), Anholt 11 (4 d, 
72), Sprogø 29. 6te Kjels Nor 8 (43, 49). 7de Stevns 15 
(9 3, 69). 8de Vyl.1 9, Læsø Trindel 1 g, Gjedser Rev 1 2. 
10de Lyngvig 19, Læsø Trindel 19. 1lte Hanstholm 13 (2 3, 
11 2), Rubjerg Knude 1 9 (5 faldt), Skagen 19. 12te Anholt 
Knob 18, Drogden 1. 13de Lodbjerg 19. 14de Kjels Nor 8 


(3 dg, 5 2)" 15de Horns Rev 7 (38 dg, 4 2), Lyngvig 1 &, Lod- 
bjerg 19. 
66. Erithacus rubecula. Rødkjælk. 

Marts: 12te Kjels Nor 1. 17de Drogden 1. 

April: 14de Østre Flak 1, Anholt Knob i (3 faldt). 15de 
Sprogø 1. 17de Østre Flak 1. 

Maj: 6te Anholt 2. 

September: 7de Stevns 1. 38de Gjedser Rev 2. 1lte 
Lyngvig 1, Hanstholm 1, Skagen 1. 12te Lappegrund 1, Drogden E: 
l4de Kjels Nor 1. 15de Østre Flak 1. 

Oktober: 2den Østre Flak 4 (14 faldt). Ste Horns Rev 1. 
6te Stevns 1, Hyllekrog. 2. 7de Gjedser Rev 2. 1lte Sejrø 1, 
Kjels Nor 9, Gjedser 1, Gjedser Rev 5. 12te Gjedser Rev 1. 
13de Østre Flak 1. 29%de Horns Rev 4, Lyngvig 1, Anholt'1, 
Stevns 5, Gjedser Rev 1. 30te Vyl 1, Horns Rev 1, Lyngvig 1. 
3lte Hov 1. 

67. Cyanecula suecica. Blaakjælk. 

September: 15de Horns Rev 1. 
." Muscicapa atricapilla. Broget Fluesnapper. 

Maj: 5te Læsø Trindel 19. 6te Anholt 1. 

August: 30te Lodbjerg 1, Kjels Nor 1, Hyllekrog 8. 

September: 1ste Hanstholm 8. 6te Drogden 1, Kjels Nor 22. 
7de Stevns 5. 8de' Læsø Trindel, 1. 10de Lyngvig 1. 1lte 
Hanstholm 4, Skagen 1. 12te Lyngvig 1, Drogden 2. 1åde 
Horns Rev 1. 
Oktober: 1lte Sejrø 1. 
Muscicapa grisola. Graa Fluesnapper. 




September: 7de Stevns 1 jun. 

Fringilla coelebs. Bogfinke. 

Marts: 12te Østre Flak 1 J. 

Oktober: Ste Vyl 19. 12to Vyl 1. 30te Vyl lå. 
Fringilla montifringilla. Kvæker. 

Januar: 7de Østre Flak 1 g. 10de Læsø Rende 1 d'. 
12te Lyngvig 18', Kjels Nor 9 (63, 32), Gjedser 3 9, Gjedser 




Rev 3 (2 3, 12). 26de Vyl 2 (3, 2). 28de Østre Flak-1 J'. 
29de Lodbjerg 19, Anholt 19. 
72. Chrysomitris. spinus. Sisken. 
Oktober: 5te Vyl 1, Horns Rev 1. 
73. Cannabina linaria. Graasisken. 

Oktober: 22de Læsø Trindel 1 g. 23de Østre Flak 2, 
Hammeren 1. 25de Vyl 1. 26de Vyl 3, Horns Rev 1, Lyng- 
vig 1 dg. 27de Vyl 2 3. 28de Lodbjerg 1 g'. 29%de Skagen 3 
(1 J'ad., 1&' jun., 12), Stevns 2, Gjedser Rev 1. 30te Vyl LJ, 
Horns Rev 19. De indsendte Graasiskener viste paafaldende For- 
skjelligheder i Næbstørrelse 0. a. 

74. Emberiza schoeniclus. Rørspurv. 

Oktober: 2den Østre Flak 4. 6te Horns Rev 2. Ilte 

Anholt Knob 1, Gjedser Rev 3. 27de Horns Rev 1 d'. 
75. Emberiza hortulana. Hortulan. 

Maj: 6te Anholt 2. 

August: 30te Vyl 1. 

Emberiza citrinella.  Gulspurv. 

November: I1ste Kjels Nor 1. 

December: 14de Læsø Rende l. 


77. Emberiza nivalis. Snespurv. 
Februar: 12te Læsø Rende 1 d'. 
Oktober: 29de Horns Rev 19, Anholt 19, Stevns 1d'. 
30te Vyl 19, Lyngvig 19. 
November: Yde Østre Flak 2 (g', 2). 28de Læsø Trindel 1 d'. 

Oversigt over de Nætter da Fugle ere komne til Fyrene. 
(Hver Nat dateret som den følgende Dag.) 
3dje Januar. 
Læsø Rende. Vestlig Bramsejlskuling, Taage; enkelte Fugle 
ved Fyret; en Lærke faldt. 


Alauda arvensis 1”). 

Åde Januar. 

Skagen. V., trerebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; en Stær 

ved Ruderne. 
6te Januar. 

Lodbjerg. .N.N.V.,.laber . Kuling, Taage og Dis; enkelte 
Lærker ved Ruderne før Midnat; 2 faldt. Sprogø. En Lærke ved 
Ruderne. Æbelø. V.S.V., laber Bramsejlskuling, Tykning og 
Taage; en Del Smaafugle paa Ruderne; en Lærke faldt. i 

Alauda arvensis. Lodbjerg 2. Æbelø 1. 

7de Januar. 

Østre Flak. V.S.V., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; en 
Kvæker faldt. 

Fringilla montifringilla 1. 

Yde Januar. 
Læsø Rende. S$S.V., Merssejlskuling, overtrukket ; en Lærke faldt. 
Alauda arvensis 1. 

10de Januar. 
Læsø Rende. S.V., Merssejlskuling, Regnbyger; en Kvæker faldt. 
Fringilla montifringilla 1. 

12te Januar. 
Østre Flak. V., laber Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Kvæker faldt. 
Fringilla montifringilla 1. 

16de Januar. 
Lyngvig. S. V., Bramsejlskuling, Regntykning; en Lærke faldt. 
Alauda arvensis 1. 

30te Januar. 

Lodbjerg. N., Bramsejlskuling, Sne og Taage; en Blishøne 
fløj mod Ruderne efter Midnat og faldt. Æbelø. S. V., Bramsejls- 
kuling, diset, Snebyger; nogle Smaafugle paa Ruderne; en Vand- 
rixe faldt. 

” Med i ujekkadsk Navn opføres de Fugle, der ere indsendte til Museet. 
k øver ere sendte, er Tallet paa de faldne vedføjet efter 
Fyrmestrenes Oplysninger (se Anm. S. 125). 

Rallus aqvaticus. Æbelø 1. 
Fulica atra. Lodbjerg 1. 
lste Februar. | 

Romsø. Mange Stære ved Ruderne om Natten. 

3dje Februar. 

Gjedser Rev. S. 8. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Snetykning; 4 store 
Drosler ved Fyret, ingen faldne. 

4de Februar. 

Æbelø. S$S.Ø., laber Kuling, diset; nogle Lærker og Stære 
påa Ruderne. 

5te Februar. 

Vyl. V.S.V., Bramsejlskuling, graat; 2 Sjaggere faldt. Hanst- 
holm. S.V., laber Kuling, graat, diset; en Del Sjaggere om Fyret 
fra Kl. 9 til 1. Sprogø. V., laber Kuling, Dis og Taage; 3 
Lærker faldt. Kjels Nor. S.S.V., laber Bramsejlskuling, diset; 
flere forskjellige Fugle hørtes om Natten, blandt dem Viben; en 
Vindrossel faldt. Hyllekrog. Stille, Taage; enkelte Smaafugle paa 
Ruderne, blandt dem en Lærke; en Kvæker faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Sprogø 1; 3 faldt. 

Turdus iliacus. Kjels Nor 1. 

Turdus pilaris. Vyl 2. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Hyllekrog 1. 

6te Februar. 
Horns Rev. V.S.V., graat; omtrent 50 Smaafugle ved Fyret. 
Yde Februar. 

Hanstholm. Stille, Sne; en Del Sjaggere om Fyret-fra Kl. 

Sl 12. 
8de Februar. 

Læsø Rende. N.Ø., laber Kuling, Sue; 7 Sjaggere faldt. 
Østre Flak. N.Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, Sne; mange Smaafugle 
ved Fyret hele Natten; mange faldt i Vandet, 10 Drosler paa 
Dækket. Anholt Knob. N.N. Ø., Bramsejlskuling," Snetykning; 
en Del Drosler ved Fyret; en Vindrossel faldt. Anholt. N.Ø., 
rebet Merssejlskuling, Snetykning ; en stor Flok Sjaggere ved Ruderne ; 

12 faldt. Hjelm. N.Ø., Merssejlskuling, Taage og Sne; mange 
Sjaggere, Solsorter og Lærker ved Fyret; ingen faldt. Sejrø. Fra 
Ø.S. Ø. til S. V. paa Fornatten, senere N.N. Ø. tiltagende Kuling, 
Regntykning; meget stort Træk af Smaafugle om Fyret; 5 Drosler 
faldt (ikke indsendte). Sprogø. V., Bramsejlskuling, Taage; 2 
Lærker faldt. 
Alauda arvensis. Sprogø 2. 
Turdus iliacus. Østre Flak 1. Anholt Knob 1. 
Turdus pilaris. Læsø Rende 7. Østre Flak 9. Anholt 4; 
12 faldt. 
9de Februar. 
Sprogø. Lærker og andre paa Rudeérne. 
10de Februar. 
Sprogø. Lærker paa Ruderne. Omø. V. til S., laber Bram- 
sejlskuling, overtrukket/; 2 Lærker ved Fyret. 
Ilte Februar. 
Vyl. S.S. V., Merssejlskuling, Regn; en Del Fugle om Fyret; 
en Lærke og en Sangdrossel faldt. 
Alauda arvensis 1. 
Turdus musicus 1. 
12te Februar. 
Vyl. S.S. V., Bramsejlskuling, Regn; Lærker og Stære om 
. Fyret. Horns Rev. $., overtrukket, Regn; omtrent 50 Lærker 
og Stære ved Fyret; 10 Lærker, 1 Stær faldt. Læsø Rende. 
S.S. V., laber Kuling, Taage; en Snespurv faldt. Æbelø. Stille, 
diset, overtrukket; nogle Lærker og Stære paa Ruderne. Gjedser 
Rev. 8., Bramsejlskuling, Snetykning; 2 store Drosler faldt i Vandet. 
Alauda arvensis. Horns Rev 10. 
Sturnus vulgaris. Horns Rev 1. 
Emberiza nivalis. Læsø Rende 1. 
13de Februar. 
Læsø Trindel. $.S. V., Bramsejlskuling, Tåage; enkelte Smaa- 
fugle ved Fyret; en Lærke faldt. Schultz”s Grund. S$S. V., Bram- 

sejlskuling, taaget; 7 Drosler faldt. Hyllekrog. Stille, Taage; 
en enkelt Stær paa Ruderne, den første iaar. 

ÅAlauda arvensis. Læsø Trindel 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Schultz's Grund 1. 

Turdus pilaris. Schultz's Grund 6. 

1l4de Februar. 

Lyngvig. S., rebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; en Vibe og 
en Lærke faldt. Sejrø. S.S.Ø., enrebet Merssejlskuling, diset, 
skyet, 8 Lærker ved Ruderne. Sprogø. S., Merssejlskuling, over- 
trukket; en Lærke faldt. Omø. S., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, 
diset; 2 Lærker faldt; en Stær ved Ruderne. Kjels Nor. S.Ø., 
Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, diset; 7 Lærker faldt. 

Vanellus cristatus. Lyngvig 1. 

Alauda arvensis. Lyngvig 1. (Sprogø 1.) Omø 2. Kjels Nor 7. 

15de Februar. 

Gjedser Rev. 3.S.Ø., Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; 7 Fugle 
ved Fyret; 5 Lærker faldt. 

Alauda arvensis 4; 5 faldt. 

16de Februar. 

Vyl. V.S.V., Bramsejlskuling, graat; en Lærke faldt. Lod- 
bjerg. S.S, V., Bramsejlskuling, Sne, Regn og Taage; nogle Stære 
ved Ruderne efter Midnat. Sprogø. S., Bramsejlskuling, diset; 
2 Lærker faldt og bleve spiste af Katten. 

ÅAlauda arvensis. Vyl 1. (Sprogø 2.) 

17de Februar. 

Østre Flak. S. V., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; 3 
Lærker faldt. Anholt Knob. Sydlig laber Bramsejlskuling, over- 
trukket; enkelte Stære ved Fyret; 1 faldt. 

Ålauda arvensis. Østre Flak 3. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Anholt Knob 1. 

18de Februar. 

Hjelm. S. V., Bramsejlskuling, Dis ; flere Stære ved Ruderne. Omø. 
S. V. til V., trerebet Merssejlskuling, skyet, diset; en Sjagger faldt. 

Turdus pilaris. Omø 1. 

19de Februar. 

Hanstholm. S.3. V., Bramsejlskuling, Taage; 2 Viber om 
Fyret Kl. 6 Fm. Østre Flak. S.S.V., laber Bramsejlskuling, 
Taage; mange Smaafugle ved Fyret ved Morgen; 6 faldt. Sprogø. 
S. V., laber Bramsejlskuling, diset; en Stær med knækket Vinge 
ved Fyret. Kjels Nor. S.S.V., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Dis, 
Regn; en Vibe og en Stær faldt. Gjedser Rev. S. V., laber 
Kuling, Regn og diset; nogle faa Stære ved Fyret. 

Vanellus cristatus. Kjels Nor 1. 

Alauda arvensis. Østre Flak 5. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Østre Flak 1. Kjels Nor 1. 

20de Februar. 

Hanstholm. $S.S$.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Regndis; en Lærke 
faldt... Anholt Knob. Ø.S.Ø., enrebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket, 
Regn; en Lærke opholdt sig paa Skibet og fandtes senere død. 

AÅlauda arvensis. (Hanstholm 1.) Anholt Knob 1. 

24de Februar. 
Anholt Knob. Stille, diset; nogle Lærker ved Fyret; 1 faldt. 
Alauda arvensis 1. 

27de Februar. 

Vyl. N.Ø., Merssejlskuling, Regn; om Natten satte Raager 
sig i stort Tal i Timeglasset og Rigningen, skjønt Vejret var sigt- 
bart; det var første Gang i Aaret, at Raager viste sig; 1 faldt; 
om Eftermiddagen fløj de andre Ø.; Viber bleve sete. Horns 
Rev. Ø.N.Ø., overtrukket, Regn; 15 Raager opholdt sig i Rig- 
ningen om Natten; ved Daggry fløj de Ø. 

Corvus frugilegus. Vyl 1. 

28de Februar. 

Læsø Trindel. Ø.N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Regnbyger; enkelte 
Smaafugle ved Fyret. Østre Flak. Ø., laber Kuling, overtrukket; 
mange Lærker ved Fyret hele Natten; 4 faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Østre Flak 4. 

lste Marts. : 
Østre Flak. S.S.Ø.,B jlskuling, overtrukket ; en Lærke faldt. 


ÅAlauda arvensis 1. 
2den Marts. 

Lodbjerg. S., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Taage; en 
Stær ved Ruderne efter Midnat. 

3dje Marts. 

Anholt Knob. S.S.Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, Taage; enkelte 
Lærker ved Fyret; 2 faldt. Schultz's Grund. S.S.Ø., Bram- 
sejlskuling, Taage; 4 Lærker faldt. Sprogø. En Solsort ved 

Alauda arvensis. Anholt Knob 2. Schultz's Grund 4. 

4de Marts. 

Vyl. S.S, Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Taage; en Del Lærker og 
Drosler ved Fyret; en Sangdrossel faldt. Horns Rev. S. Ø., 
Taage; enkelte Lærker ved Fyret. Læsø Trindel. Sydlig laber 
Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; en Del Smaafugle ved Fyret; 2 Lærker 
faldt. Læsø Rende. S.S.Ø., laber Kuling, overtrukket; en Stær 
faldt. Sejrø. Ø.S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, diset; Træk 
af Drosler og Lærker; 2 Drosler faldt (ikke indsendte). Hyllekrog. 
Ø. S. Ø., Taage; en Del Fugle paa Ruderne; en Skovdue faldt 
(ikke indsendt). 

Alauda arvensis. Læsø Trindel 2. 

(Sturnus vulgaris. Læsø Rende 1.) 

Turdus musicus. Vyl 1. 

5te Marts. 

Østre Flak. S. Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; en 
Lærke og en Misteldrossel faldt. 

AÅlauda arvensis 1. 

Turdus viscivorus 1. 

7de Marts. 
Lyngvig. S.S.Ø., laber Kuling, skyet; en Lærke faldt. 
AÅlauda arvensis 1. 

8de Marts. 

Vyl. S.S,Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, graat; en Del Fugle ved 
Fyret; 3 faldt. Horns Rev. S., skyet; en Mængde forskjellige 



Fugle ved Fyret; flere faldt i Vandet, en Stær paa Dækket. 
Lyngvig. S.S.Ø., laber Kuling, diset; mange Viber og Stære om 
Fyret; 3 Fugle faldt. Bovbjerg. S.S$.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, diset; 
Stære i Mængde om Fyret, enkelte Viber. Lodbjerg. S.Ø., laber 
Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Regn og Dis; mange Stære og Viber 
ved Ruderne efter Midnat; 5 Fugle faldt. Hanstholm. S. Ø., 
laber Bramsejlskuling, Regndis; en stor Flok Stære ved Ruderne; 
Viber, Hjejler og nogle Solsorter flagrede om Fyret fra Kl. 3 til 
Dag; 4 Fugle faldt. Hjelm. $., Bramsejlskuling, Taage; 4 Stære 
ved Ruderne. Vestborg. Sydlig Vind, Taage; 2 Lærker, en Sol- 
sort faldt (ikke indsendte). Hammeren. S.S8S.Ø., laber Bramsejls- 
kuling, overtrukket; en Stær ved Ruderne; en Lærke faldt. Gjedser 
Rev. S.Ø., låber Kuling, Taage; Drosler ved Fyret; Viben hørtes. 

Vanellus  cristatus. Lyngvig 1. Lodbjerg 1. Hanstholm 2. 

Ægialitis hiaticula. Hanstholm 1. 

Tringa alpina. Lodbjerg 2. 

Corvus monedula. Vyl 1. 

(Alauda arvensis. 'Vestborg 2. Hammeren 1.) 

Sturnus vulgaris. Vyl 1. Horns Rev 1. Lyngvig 1. Lod- 
bjerg 2. 

Furdus ikacus. VE 

Turdus merula. Lyngvig 1. Hanstholm 1. 

9de Marts. 

Læsø Trindel. S., Merssejlskuling, skyet; en Del Smaafugle 
ved Fyret; 2 faldt. Anholt Knob. S.S$.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, 
overtrukket, diset; enkelte Smaafugle ved Fyret. 

AÅlauda arvensis. Læsø Trindel 1. 

Turdus merula. Læsø Trindel 1. 

10de Marts. 

Lyngvig. S., rebet Merssejlskuling, Regn; Stære og Drosler 
om Fyret; 2 Fugle faldt. Lodbjerg. S.S. Ø., enrebet Merssejls- 
kuling, overtrukket, Regn og Dis; enkelte Lærker, Stære og Drosler 
ved Ruderne efter Midnat; 2 Fugle faldt. Hanstholm. S. Ø., 
laber Bramsejlskuling, Regndis og Taage; en Del Stære og Viber 


flagrede om Fyret fra Kl. 10 til 4. Rubjerg Knude. S.S.Ø., 
Merssejlskuling, Regn; en Del Smaafugle ved Ruderne. Læsø 
Rende. Sydlig Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Del forskjellige Fugle 
om Fyret; en Lærke faldt. Østre Flak. 8$., laber Bramsejls- 
kuling, overtrukket; mange Smaafugle ved Fyret; 9 faldt paa 
Dækket, flere i Vandet. Anholt Knob. S.S.Ø., Merssejlskuling, 
overtrukket, diset; 2 Fugle faldt. Anholt. S.S.Ø., rebet Merssejls- 
kuling, diset; 31 Fugle faldt. 

Tringa alpina. Lyngvig 1. 

Columba palumbus. Anholt Knob 1. 

Alauda arborea. Anholt 1. 

Alauda arvensis. Lodbjerg 1. Læsø Rende 1. Østre Flak 6. 
Anholt Knob 1. Anholt 4; 14 faldt. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Anholt 2; 12 faldt. 

Turdus iliacus. Lyngvig 1. . Østre Flak 1. 

Turdus viscivorus. Østre Flak 1. 

Turdus merula. Lodbjerg 1. Østre Flak 1. Anholtl; 4 faldt. 

Ilte Marts. i 

Lodbjerg. $.S.V., Merssejlskuling, overtrukket, Taage; nogle 
Stære ved Ruderne efter Midnat. Skagen. 3. V., Bramsejlskuling, 
overtrukket; en Del Stære ved Ruderne. Læsø Trindel. S. V., 
Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; en Del Smaafugle ved Fyret; nogle 
faldt i Vandet. Vestborg. Sydlig Vind, Taage; 2 Lærker faldt. 
Gjedser Rev. 8. Ø., laber Kuling, .diset;. enkelte Smaafugle 
om Fyret. 

(4lauda arvensis. Vestborg 2.) 

12te Marts. 

”yl. V.,laber Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Lærke faldt. Skagen. 
V., laber Bramsejlskuling, Taage; 6 Lærker faldt. Læsø Rende. 
S.S. V., laber Kuling, Taage; mange Lærker om Fyret; 3 Fugle 
faldt. Østre Flak. S.V., laber Kuling, overtrukket; en Del Smaa- 
fugle ved Fyret; 2 faldt. Anholt Knob. Vestlig laber Kuling, 
overtrukket; enkelte Smaafugle ved Fyret; en Lærke faldt. Schultz's 
Grund. V.S.V., laber Kuling, Taage; en Solsort faldt. Kjels 

Nor. . Vindstille, Taage, Regn; 4 Fugle faldt. Hammeren. V., 
laber Bramsejlskuling, Taage; en Stær ved Ruderne. Gjedser Rev. 
Stille, Taage; enkelte Lærker ved Fyret. 

Pagonetta glacialis. Kjels Nor 1. 

Alauda arvensis. Vyl 1. Skagen 5; 6 faldt. Læsø Rende 2. 
Østre Flak 1. Anholt Knob 1. Kjels Nor 1. 

Turdus iliacus. . Læsø Rende 1. 

Turdus merula. Schultz's Grund 1. Kjels Nor 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Kjels Nor 1. 

Fringilla coelebs. Østre Flak 1. 

— 14de Marts. 

Læsø Trindel. S$S.V., Merssejlskuling, Regn; enkelte Smaa- 
fugle ved Fyret; 2 Lærker faldt. Schultzs Grund. V. S. V., laber 
Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Stær faldt. 

Alauda arvensis... Læsø Trindel 2. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Schultz's Grund 1. 

1l5de Marts. 

Blaavands Huk. S$S.V., laber Bramsejlskuling, diset; en Flok 
Stære ved Fyret; 3 faldt. Vyl. "V.S. V.,. Bramsejlskuling, skyet, 
en Del Smaafugle om Fyret; 3 faldt. Horns Rev. V.S.V., graat; 
omtrent 30 forskjellige Smaafugle ved Fyret; 4 faldt.. Lodbjerg. 
V.S. V:, Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Dis; enkelte Stære ved Ruderne 
hele Natten. Læsø Trindel. V., Bramsejlskuling, klart; en Stær 
faldt. Omø. S.V. til V., Bramsejlskuling, skyet, diset; en Del 
Lærker og Stære om Fyret; 2 Fugle faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Omø 1. 

Sturnus vulgaris. (Blaavands Huk 3.) Vyl 2. Horns Rev 1. 
Læsø Trindel 1. (Omø 1.) 

Turdus merula. Vyl 1. Horns Rev 3. 

16de Marts. 

Læsø Trindel. S.V., Merssejlskuling, Regn; en Lærke faldt. 
Sejrø. V.N.V., Bramsejlskuling, skyet, diset; 5 Stære paa Ruderne. 
Sprogø. N.V., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; en Drossel faldt (ikke 
indsendt). Omø. S.V. til V., laber Bramsejlskuling, skyet, diset; 



2 Gravænder faldt. Kjels Nor. V., laber Bramsejlskuling, over- 
trukket, diset; 7 Fugle faldt. Hammeren. V., laber Bramsejls- 
kuling, diset; 2 Stære paa Ruderne. Gjedser Rev. 3. V., laber 
Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; omtrent 50 Lærker, Stære, Drosler, 
Viber og 2 Skovduer ved Fyret; en Skovdue. faldt i Vandet. Hylle- 
krog. Stille, diset; en Del Fugle, mest Stære, ved Ruderne. 

Tadorna cornuta. Omø 2. 

Vanellus cristatus. Kjels Nor 2, 

Alauda arvensis. Læsø Trindel 1. Kjels Nor 1. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Kjels Nor 1. 

Turdus iliacus.. Kjels Nor 1. 

Turdus musicus. Kjels Nor 2. 

17de Marts. 

Blaavands Huk. V.S.V., laber Bramsejlskuling,. diset; 4 
Stære faldt. VyZl. V.S. V., rebet Merssejlskuling, graat; mange 
Fugle om Fyret; 10 faldt. Horns Rev. V.S.V., Regn; omtrent 
25 forskjellige Smaafugle ved Fyret; 6 faldt.  Lodbjerg. V.S.V., 
trerebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket, Regntykning; enkelte Stære 
og Drosler ved Ruderne; 3 Fugle faldt. Drogden. V., stiv Ku- 
ling, diset; en Del Fugle ved Fyret; 2 faldt paa Dækket, flere 

Sturnus vulgaris. (Blaavands Huk 4.) Vyl 3. Horns Rev 3. 
Lodbjerg 1. Drogden 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Vyl 2. Lodbjerg 1. 

Turdus merula. Vyl 5. Horns Rev 3. Lodbjerg 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Drogden 1. 

18de Marts. | 

Stevns. V. N. V., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, diset; 4 
Fugle faldt. 

Sturnus vulgaris 2. 

Turdus merula 2. 

19%de Marts. 

Lyngvig. N.V.  Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Stokand faldt. 

Anas boscas 1. 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bd. 63. 10 


20de Marts. . 

Blaavands Huk. S., Taage; en Stær faldt. Lyngvig. N.N.V., 
Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Præstekrave faldt. Hov.  Stille,. klart; 
en Stær faldt. 

Ægialitis hiaticula. Lyngvig 1. 

Sturnus vulgaris. (Blaavands Huk 1.) Hov 1. 

2lde Marts. 

Lodbjerg. V.S.V., Merssejlskuling, overtrukket, Dis; 2 Stære 
ved Ruderne efter Midnat. Skagen. V., Merssejlskuling, Taage; 
en Del Stære ved Ruderne. "Østre Flak. V.S.V., laber Bram- 
sejlskuling, diset; en stor Flok Stære kredsede om Skibet ved Morgen. 

27de Marts. 

Horns Rev. Stille, Taage; omtrent 50 Stære og 6 Viber 
kredsede nogle Gange om Fyret ved Daggry, hvorefter de fløj S. Ø. 
Vestborg. Nordlig Vind, Taage; en Lærke og 2 Drosler faldt 
(ikke indsendte). 

(Alauda arvensis. Vestborg 1.) 

28de Marts. 

Vyl. . V. N. V., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Del Fugle ved 
Fyret; en Solsort faldt. 

Turdus merula 1. 

2den April. 

Østre Flak. $.Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, skyet; 2 Fugle faldt. 

Sturnus vulgaris 1. 

Turdus merula 1. 

3dje April. 

Læsø Trindel. S.S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; enkelte Smaa- 
fugle ved Fyret. 

4de April. 

Hammeren. S$S.Ø., Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; 2 Stære ved 

b5te April. 

Vyl. N.Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, skyet; Kl. 9 Aften, den 

4de, kom en Vibe flyvende mod Skibssiden og faldt i Vandet; den 


blev liggende lidt, men fløj derefter Ø. Hanstholm. Ø., laber 
Bramsejlskuling, graat; enkelte Fugle om Fyret; en Misteldrossel 
faldt. Læsø Trindel. Ø.S.Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; 
enkelte Smaafugle ved Fyret. Læsø Rende. S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, 
overtrukket; en Drossel faldt (ikke indsendt). Stevns. Ø.S.Ø., 
stiv Kuling, diset; en Gjerdesmutte faldt. Hammeren. N. Ø., 
rebet Merssejlskuling, Taage og Regn; en Drossel funden død 
(ikke indsendt). 

Troglodytes parvulus. Stevns 1. 

Turdus viscivorus. Hanstholm 1. 

6te April. 

Læsø Trindel. Ø.N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; enkelte Smaa- 
fugle ved Fyret. Anholt. N.Ø., torebet Merssejlskuling, over- 
trukket; en stor Flok Fugle, mest Stære, om Fyret; 25 faldt. 
Sejrø. N.N.Ø., torebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket, Regn; stort 
Træk; omtrent 30 Stære ved Ruderne; 9 Stære og 3 Drosler faldt 
(ikke indsendte). Stevns. N.N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, 
Regntykning; 14 Fugle faldt. Hyllekrog. Nordlig flov Kuling, 
overtrukket; mange Fugle ved Ruderne; en Stær faldt. 

Rallus aqvaticus. Stevns 1. 

Vanellus cristatus. Stevns 1. 

AÅlauda arvensis. Anholt 1. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Østre Flak 2. Anholt 13; 22 faldt. (Sejrø 9.) 
Stevns 12. Hyllekrog 1. 

Turdus musicus. Anholt 2. 

9de April. 
Østre Flak. V., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; 5 Fugle faldt. 
Alauda arvensis 1. 
Sturnus vulgaris 3. 
Turdus merula 1. 
13de April. : 
Fornæs. $S.S.V., laber Kuling, Regn; flere Spover kredsede 

om Fyret. ” 

l4de April. 

Vyl. S., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Regn; mellem Kl. 8 
og 10 Aften, den 13de, hørtes en Del Spover flyvende Ø.; en 
Ugle opholdt sig i Rigningen største Delen af Natten. Læsø 
Trindel. S., Bramsejlskuling, Regn, skyet; enkelte Smaafugle ved 
Fyret; en Sangdrossel faldt. Østre Flak. S., laber Bramsejlskuling, 
overtrukket, Regn; flere Fugle ved Fyret; 3 faldt. Anholt Knob. 
Sydlig laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Regn; 4 Fugle faldt. 
Vestborg. S.S. Ø., Taage og Dis; 2 Drosler faldt (ikke indsendte). 
Omø. S., laber Bramsejlskuling, Regn og Taage; flere Smaafugle 
ved Fyret; en Skovsneppe faldt. . 

Scolopax rusticula. Omø 1. 

Regulus cristatus. Østre Flak 1. 

Turdus musicus. Læsø Trindel 1. Østre Flak 1. 

Sazicola oenanthe. Anholt Knob 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Østre Flak 1. Anholt Knob 1; 3 faldt. 

l5de April. 

Vyl. S., laber Kuling, Dis; en Løvsanger opholdt sig iaftes 
paa Dækket og fandtes om Morgenen død. Lyngvig. S.Ø., Bram- 
sejlskuling, overtrukket; en Stenpikker faldt. Lodbjerg. Ø.S.Ø., 
laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Dis; 3 forskjellige Smaafugle 
ved Ruderne efter Midnat. Sprogø. 2 Fugle fandtes døde, maaske 
ikke faldne denne Nat. 

Tringa alpina. Sprogø 1. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus. Vyl 1. 

Saæicola oenanthe. Lyngvig 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Sprogø 1. 

1l6de April. 

Vyl. Stille, Taage; en Fuglekonge opholdt sig paa Dækket 
om Formiddagen og fandtes senere død. 

Regulus cristatus 1. 

17de April. 

Læsø Trindel. $. V., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, 

Taage; en Del Smaafugle ved Fyret. Østre Flak. Stille, over- 


trukket; 2 Fugle faldt; flere forskjellige Smaafugle opholdt sig 
ved Skibet om Morgenen. 

Anthus pratensis. Østre Flak 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Østre Flak 1. 

19de April, 

Vyl. V., Merssejlskuling, Regn; enkelte Fugle ved Fyret; en 
Sjagger faldt. Gjedser Rev. S.V., Merssejlskuling, Regn; enkelte 
Stære ved Fyret; 1 faldt. 

(Sturnus vulgaris. Gjedser Rev 1.) 

Turdus pilaris.. Vyl 1. 

23de April? 
Stevns. En Ryle funden død, maaske ikke fra denne Nat. 
Tringa alpina 1. 

26de April. 

Gjedser Rev. S.V., Bramsejlskuling, Regn; nogle faa Lærker 
og Stære ved Fyret. 

28de April. : : 

Anholt Knob. Sydlig enrebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; 
enkelte Smaafugle ved Fyret; en Sangdrossel faldt. 

Turdus musicus 1. 

29de April. 

Lodbjerg. S. V., enrebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket, Dis; en 
Stær ved Ruderne efter Midnat. Østre Flak. S.S.Ø., laber Bram- 
sejlskuling, overtrukket; 2 Fugle faldt. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Østre Flak 1. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Østre Flak 1. 

30te April. 

Østre Flak. S.V., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; 2 Fugle faldt. 

Iynx torqvilla 1. 

Sazicola oenanthe 1. 

dte Maj. 

Lodbjerg. S.8S. V., laber Kuling, overtrukket, Dis; 3 Smaa- 
fugle ved Ruderne efter Midnat. Skagen. S. V. og sydlig Mers- 
sejlskuling, Regn; 2 Sjaggere faldt. Læsø Trindel. S. 8. Ø., 



Bramsejlskuling, Regn; 13 Fugle faldt :paa Dækket, mange i 



Phyllopseustes trochilus.. Læsø Trindel 1. 

Turdus musicus. Læsø Trindel 8. 

Turdus pilaris. Skagen 2. Læsø Trindel 2. 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Læsø Trindel.1. 

Muscicapa. atricapilla. Læsø Trindel 1. 

6te Maj. 

Skagen. $3.V., trerebet Merssejlskuling, Regndis; 2 Fugle 
Østre Flak. S.S. V., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; 3 Fugle 
Anholt Knob. S$S. V., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Regn; 

en Sangdrossel faldt. Anholt. Sydlig Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; 

mange Fugle ved Ruderne, mest Drosler; 42 Fugle faldt. 

Gallinago scolopacina. Skagen 1. 

Iynx torqvilla. Skagen 1. Anholt 1. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus. Anholt 3. 

Phyllopseustes rufus. Anholt 2. 

Anthus arboreus. Anholt 1. 

Turdus musicus. Østre Flak 1. Anholt Knob 1. Anholt 2; 

22 faldt. 

Turdus merula. Anholt 1. 
Saæicola oenanthe. Østre Flak 2. 
Praticola rubetra. Anholt 1. 
Ruticilla phoenicura. Anholt 4. 
Erithacus rubecula. Anholt 2. 
Muscicapa atricapilla. Anholt 1. 
Fringilla montifringilla. Anholt 2, 
Emberiza hortulana. Anholt 2. 
Ilte Maj. 
Gjedser Rev. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; omtrent 25 

store Drosler og andre ved Fyret; nogle faldt i Vandet. 

17de Maj. 
Vyl. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Løvsanger faldt. 
Phyllopseustes trochilus 1. 

18de Maj. 

Vyl. Ø.S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; 2 Fugle fandtes døde 

påa Dækket om Morgenen. 

Praticola rubetra 1. 

Ruticilla phoenicura 1. 

20de Maj. 
Vyl. Ø.S. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Stenpikker fandtes død. 
Saæicola oenanthe 1. 

25dde Maj. 

Vyl. N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Løvsanger fandtes død 
paa Dækket om Morgenen. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus 1. 

27de Maj. 
Hammeren. V.N.V., Merssejlskuling, skyet;. en lille Fugl 
ved Fyret. 
lste August. 
Lyngvig. S$., laber Kuling, overtrukket; en Mudderklire faldt. 
Actitis hypoleuca 1. 
3dje August. ; 

Drogden. Stille, Taage; mange Smaafugle ved Fyret; en 
Sivsanger faldt. i 

Acrocephalus phragmitis 1. 

5te August. 

Blaavands Huk. S.Ø., senere V., Bramsejlskuling, Regn; 
en Hjejle faldt (ikke indsendt). Lyngvig. N. Ø., rebet Merssejls- 
kuling, Regntykning; 6 Fugle faldt. Skagen. V.N.V., Merssejls- 
kuling, Regn; en Strandskade, en Mursvale og en Del mindre 
Fugle ved Fyret. 

Charadrius sgvatarola. Lyngvig 1. 

Hæmatopus ostreologus. Lyngvig 1. 

Numenius arqvatus. Lyngvig 1; 3 faldt. 

Åctitis hypoleuca. Lyngvig 1. 

6te August. 
Hanstholm. V.S.V., Bramsejlskuling, graat; en Strandhjejle faldt. 



Charadrius sqvatarola 1. 
7de August. 
Lyngvig. N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Regn; adskillige Fugle om 

Fyret; 6 faldt... Vestborg. N., Regn; en Regnspove faldt (ikke 

Charadrius sqvatarola. Lyngvig 1. mp 
Charadrius pluvialis. Lyngvig 1. 
Numenius arqvatus. Lyngvig 1. 
Tringa canutus. Lyngvig 1. 
Tringa alpina." Lyngvig 1. 
Hypolais icterina. Lyngvig 1. 
8de August. 
Lyngvig. N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Regn; en Tinksmed faldt. 

Stevns. Ø.N.Ø., laber Kuling, Regn; -5 Fugle faldt. 

Totanus glareola. Lyngvig 1. 
Sylvia hortensis. Stevns 1. 
Acrocephalus phragmitis. Stevns 3. 
Phyllopseustes trochilus. Stevns 1. 
13de August. 
Lyngvig. V., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; Hjejler og Spover 

om Fyret; 2 Fugle faldt. Lodbjerg. S.Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, 
Regntykning; flere Hjejler og Spover om Taarnet ved Midnat. 
Rubjerg Knude. Stille, Regn; mange Viber og Hjejler om Fyret. 
Sejrø. Ø.S.Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, diset, Regn; 3 Fugle faldt. 

Charadrius pluvialis. Lyngvig 1. 
Numenius. arqvatus. Lyngvig 1. 
Limosa lapponica. Sejrø 1. 
Cuculus canorus. Sejrø 1. 
Cypselus apus. Sejrø 1. 
l4de August. 
Sejrø. N.N.V., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, sigtbart; en 

Mudderklire faldt. Stevns. Ø.S.Ø., laber Kuling, Regntykning ; 
en Strandhjejle faldt. 

Charadrius sqvatarola. Stevns 1. 


Actitis hypoleuca. Sejrø 1. 

1l6de August. 

Blaavands Huk. S. V., senere V., Merssejlskuling, graat, 
Dis, Smaaregn; en Del Smaafugle om Fyret; 3 Taarnsvaler og 4 
andre Smaafugle faldt (ikke indsendte). Lyngvig. V.S. V., Mers- 
sejlskuling, overtrukket; Spover, Rødben, Præstekraver og en Del 
andre Fugle om Fyret; 5 Fugle faldt. 

Crex pratensis. Lyngvig 1. 

Ægialitis hiaticula. Lyngvig 1. 

Numenius arqvatus. Lyngvig 1. 

Cypselus apus. Lyngvig 1. 

Sylvia hortensis. Lyngvig 1. 

27de August. 

Hammeren. Ø.S.Ø.,. Merssejlskuling, Regn; flere Smaafugle 
ved Fyret; 3 Gule Vipstjerter faldt; en Ellekrage fangedes levende 
påa Ruderne. i 

Motacilla flava 3. 

30te August. 

Blaavands Huk. S.S$S.Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, graat, diset ; 
en Del Smaafugle ved Fyret; 4 Svaler og 2 andre faldt (ikke ind- 
sendte). Vyl. S. V., Bramsejlskuling., skyet; en Del Fugle om 
Fyret; 6 faldt. Lyngvig. S.Ø., laber Kuling, overtrukket; Spover, 
Strandskader, Præstekraver og en Del mindre Fugle om Fyret; en 
Havesanger faldt. Lodbjerg. S$.Ø., Bramsejlskuling , overtrukket, 
Dis; flere Smaafugle om Fyret; 4 faldt. Rubjerg Knude. S.Ø., 
Merssejlskuling, Regn; en Mængde Smaafugle opholdt sig ved Fyret 
hele Natten; en Munk faldt (ikke indsendt). Anholt Knob. S.Ø. 
Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; en Rødstjert faldt. Kjels Nor. S.Ø., 
Merssejlskuling, senere Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Regn; 16 Fugle 
faldt. Hyllekrog. S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, diset; en Mængde Smaa- 
fugle påa Ruderne;. mange faldt; 26 indsendtes. 

Cypselus apus. Lodbjerg 1. 

Sylvia hortensis. Vyl 2. .Lyngvig 1. Lodbjerg 1. Kjels 
Nor 4. 


Phyllopseustes trochilus. Lodbjerg 1. Kjels Nor 8. Hylle- 
krog 17. 

Anthus arboreus. Vyl 3. Kjels Nor 1. 

Saæicola oenanthe. Kjels Nor 2. 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Anholt Knob 1. Hyllekrog 1. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Lodbjerg 1. Kjels Nor 1. Hylle- 
krog 8. 

Emberiza hortulana. Vyl 1. 

3lte August. 

Hammeren. Stille, Regn; en Mursvale og et Par andre Smaa- 

fugle ved Ruderne. 
lste September. 

Lyngvig. V., Bramsejlskuling, Regn; Smaafugle om Fyret; 
en Islandsk Ryle faldt. Lodbjerg. V.N.V., Bramsejlskuling, Byger, 
Dis; nogle Smaafugle ved Ruderne efter Midnat. Hanstholm. V., 
laber Kuling, graat; en Del Smaafugle om Fyret fra Kl. 11 til 2; 
11 faldt. Hammeren. N.N. V., laber Bramsejlskuling, diset; en 
lille Fugl ved Ruderne. 

Tringa canutus. Lyngvig 1. 

Sylvia hortensis. Hanstholm 2. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus. Hanstholm 1. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Hanstholm 8. 

2den September. 

Hammeren. N.N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Regn; en Del Smaa- 

fugle paa Ruderne. 
5te September, 

Lodbjerg. N.N.Ø., torebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; 2 
Smaafugle ved Ruderne før Midnat. Anholt Knob. N.Ø., Bram- 
sejlskuling, overtrukket; Fugle ved Fyret; 2 Rødstjerter faldt. 
Anholt. N.Ø., Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; 26 Smaafugle faldt. 
Vestborg. N.Ø., Regndis; en Mudderklire faldt... Sprogø. Ø. S.Ø., 
laber Kuling, Regndis; efter Midnat faldt 6 Fugle. 

Vanellus cristatus. Sprogø 1. 

ÅActitis hypoleuca. Vestborg 1. 


Cuculus canorus. Sprogø 1. 

Sylvia cinerea. Anholt 1… Sprogø 1. 

Sylvia curruca. Anholt 1. 

Sylvia hortensis. Anholt 3. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus. Anholt 10. 

Saæzicola oenanthe. Sprogø 1. 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Anholt Knob 2. "Anholt 11. Sprogø 2. 

6te September. 

Læsø Trindel. N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; enkelte Fugle 
ved Fyret; 2 faldt. Drogden. Stille, Regn; en Del Smaafugle ved 
Fyret; en Broget Fluesnapper faldt. Kjels Nor. Stille, Regndis, 
senere N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; 40 Fugle faldt. Ham- 
meren. N., Merssejlskuling, Regn; en Del Smaafugle paa Ruderne; 
1 faldt. Gjedser Rev. $S.V., laber Kuling, Regn; 4 Gjøge og 
enkelte Rødkjælke ved Fyret; en Gjøg faldt paa Dækket. Hylle- 
krog. Stille og flov vestlig Vind, Regndis; en Mængde Smaafugle 
ved Ruderne; mange fangedes levende og bevaredes til Daggry, da 
de bleve løsladte. 

Cuculus canorus. Kjels Nor 1. Gjedser Rev 1. 

Sylvia hortensis. Kjels Nor 2. 

Acrocephalus phragmitis. Kjels Nor 2. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus. Læsø Trindel 1. Kjels Nor 3. Ham- 
meren 1. 

Saæicola oenanthe. Læsø Trindel 1. Kjels Nor 2. 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Kjels Nor 8. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Drogden 1. Kjels Nor 22, 

Yde September. 

Stevns. N.Ø., laber Kuling, overtrukket, Regntykning; 64 
Fugle faldt. Omø. Ø.N.Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; 
flere Smaafugle ved Fyret. Æbelø. Ø.N. Ø., Merssejlskuling, 
Byger; 6 Smaafugle ved Fyret. Hammeren. N. Ø., trerebet 
Merssejlskuling, Regnbyger; flere Smaafugle ved Ruderne, blandt 
dem en Vendehals. Hyllekrog. N. og N.Ø., flov Kuling, Regn; 
ikke faa Smaafugle paa Ruderne. 


Eudromias morinellus. Stevns 2, 
Sylvia curruca. Stevns 4. 
Sylvia atricapilla. Stevns 2. 
Sylvia hortensis. Stevns 6. 
Phyllopseustes trochilus. Stevns 21. 
Anthus arboreus. Stevns 2. 
Saæicola oenanthe. Stevns 3. 
Praticola rubetra. Stevns 2. 
Ruticilla phoenicura. Stevns 15. 
Erithacus rubecula. Stevns 1. 
Muscicapa atricapilla. Stevns 5. 
Muscicapa grisola. : Stevns 1. 

8de September. 

Vyl. N. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; mange Smaafugle ved 
Fyret: en Rødstjert faldt. Læsø Trindel. Ø.N.Ø., Bramsejls- 
kuling, skyet; enkelte Fugle ved Fyret; 6 faldt. Anholt Knob. 
N. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; Fugle om Fyret. Omø. N.N. Ø., 
laber Bramsejlskuling, skyet; flere Smaafugle ved Ruderne. Gjedser 
Rev. N.Ø., ' Bramsejlskuling, Regnbyger; omtrent 50 Fugle om 
Fyret; 5 faldt paa Dækket. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus. Læsø Trindel 2. Gjedser Rev 1. 

Sazicola oenanthe. Læsø Trindel 2. Gjedser Rev 1. 

Ruticilla phoenicura, Vyll1l. Læsø Trindel 1. Gjedser Rev 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Gjedser Rev 2, 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Læsø Trindel 1. 

9de September. 

Lodbjerg. N.N. Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; enkelte 
Smaafugle ved Ruderne efter Midnat. Nordre Røn. N.Ø., Bram- 
sejlskuling, overtrukket; flere Fugle om Fyret; 3 faldt (ikke ind- 
sendte). Gjedser Rev. N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Regnbyger; en 
Spurvehøg og omtrent 25 Vipstjerter ved Fyret. 

(Alauda arvensis. Nordre Røn 1.) 

(Sturnus vulgaris. Nordre Røn 2.) 

10de September. 

Blaavands Huk. N.Ø., laber Kuling, graat; en Bekkasin 
og en lille Fugl faldt (ikke indsendte).  Vyl.. N. Ø., Bramsejls- 
kuling, graat; en Del Smaafugle om Fyret; 4 faldt; en Høg sad 
i Rigningen hele Natten. Lyngvig. N.N. Ø., laber Kuling, over- 
trukket; Strandskader, Præstekraver, Hjejler og en hel Del mindre 
Fugle ved Fyret; 6 Fugle faldt. Nordre Røn... Ø., Bramsejls- 
kuling, overtrukket; enkelte Smaafugle om Fyret; en Søolsort og en 
Stær faldt (ikke indsendte). Læsø Trindel. Ø.S.Ø., laber Bram- 
sejlskuling, Regnbyger; enkelte Fugle ved Fyret; 3 faldt. Anholt 
Knob. N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; Fugle om Fyret. Omø. 
N. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Regn og Dis; enkelte Smaafugle om Fyret. 

Hæmatopus ostreologus. Lyngvig 1. 

Tringa alpina. Lyngvig 1. 

Limnocryptes gallinula. Lyngvig 1. 

(Sturnus vulgaris. Nordre Røn 1.) 

Sylvia hortensis. Lyngvig 1. 

Turdus musicus. Vyl 1. 

Sazxicola oenanthe. Vyl 3. Læsø Trindel 2. 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Lyngvig 1. Læsø Trindel 1. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Lyngvig 1. 

Ilte September. 

Vyl. N.N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; flere Smaafugle om 
Fyret; en Enkelt Bekkasin faldt paa Dækket; nogle Fugle faldt 
overbord. Lyngvig. N., laber Kuling, overtrukket; Fugle om 
Fyret; 3 faldt. Lodbjerg. N., laber Kuling, overtrukket; nogle 
Smaafugle ved Ruderne. Hanstholm. N.Ø., laber Kuling, graat; 
en Mængde Smaafugle om Fyret fra Kl. 11 til 5; 21 faldt. Ru- 
bjerg Knude. N.Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; en Del 
Fugle om Fyret hele Natten; 10 faldt. Skagen. Østlig flov 
Kuling, overtrukket; en stor Mængde Smaafugle, mest Rødstjerter, 
om Fyret hele Natten; 7 faldt. 

Rallus agqvaticus. Lyngvig 1. 

Charadrius sgvatarola.. Rubjerg Knude 1; 5 faldt. 



Limnocryptes gallinula. Vyl 1. 

Sylvia cinerea. Hanstholm 2. 

Sylvia hortensis. Skagen 2. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus. Lyngvig 1. Skagen 2. 

Saxicola oenanthe. Hanstholm 1, 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Hanstholm 13. Rubjerg Knude 1; 5 
faldt. Skagen 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Lyngvig 1. Hanstholm 1. Skagen 1. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Hanstholm 4. Skagen 1. 

12te September. 

Lyngvig. N.V., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; 2 Smaafugle 
faldt. Lodbjerg. V.N.V., laber Kuling, overtrukket, Dis; nogle 
Rødstjerter ved Ruderne. Rubjerg Knude. Stille, Taage; mange 
Fugle ved Fyret fra Midnat til Dag. Anholt Knob. S.Ø., Bram- 
sejlskuling, overtrukket; 2 Fugle faldt. Lappegrund. S.Ø., over- 
trukket, diset; en Mængde Smaafugle om Skibet; en Rødkjælk faldt. 
Drogden. N.Ø., laber Kuling, Dis, Regnbyger; 4 Fugle faldt. 
Hammeren. Ø.S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Regn og Dis; mange Smaa- 
fugle ved Ruderne, blandt dem en Gjøg og en Vendehals. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus. Anholt Knob 1. 

Saæicola oenanthe. Lyngvig 1. 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Anholt Knob I. Drogden 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Lappegrund 1. Drogden 1. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Lyngvig 1. Drogden 2. 

13de September. 

Lodbjerg. Ø.S.Ø., laber Kuling, Dis; nogle Smaafugle ved 
Ruderne; 2 faldt. Lappegrund. $., diset; nogle Smaafugle ved 
Fyret. Hammeren. S.Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; en 
Del Smaafugle ved Fyret; en Lærke faldt. Hyllekrog. Stille, 
smukt Vejr; mange Smaafugle om Fyret. 

Alauda arvensis. Hammeren 1. 

Sylvia hortensis. Lodbjerg 1. 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Lodbjerg 1. 


l4de September. 

Vyl. N. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Regn; en Del Smaafugle om 
Fyret; 9 faldt. Lyngvig. WØ.N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; 
Smaafugle om Fyret; 2 faldt. Lodbjerg. N.Ø., laber Kuling, 
Dis; nogle Rødstjerter ved Ruderne. Østre Flak. Ø., laber Kuling, 
klart; en Stenpikker faldt. Anholt Knob. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, 
overtrukket; en Fuglekonge paa Skibet, blev tagen af en Hund. 
Lappegrund. Ø., skyet; Smaafugle ved Fyret. Kjels Nor. N.Ø., 
Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Regndis; 15 Fugle faldt. 

Sylvia hortensis. Lyngvig 1. Kjels Nor 3. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus. Kjels Nor 3. 

Regulus cristatus. Anholt Knob 1. 

Sawicola oenanthe. Vyl 9. Lyngvig 1. Østre Flak 1. 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Kjels Nor 8. 

Erithacus rubecula. Kjels Nor 1. 

låde September. 

Horns Rev. N.Ø., overtrukket; omtrent 50 Smaafugle om 
Fyret; 18 faldt. Lyngvig. N.Ø., laber Kuling, overtrukket; 6 
Fugle faldt. Lodbjerg. N.N.V., laber Kuling, overtrukket, Dis; 
mange Smaafugle om Fyret; en Rødstjert faldt. Rubjerg Knude. 
V., laber Kuling, overtrukket; mange Fugle om Fyret fra Midnat 
til Daggry; 11 faldt (6 indsendte). Nordre Røn. S$S.S.V., laber 
Bramsejlskuling, diset; mange Smaafugle om Fyret; en Rødkjælk 
faldt (ikke indsendt). Læsø Rende. Vestlig laber Kuling, over- 
trukket; flere Smaafugle om Fyret. Østre Flak. Stille, Taage; 
flere Smaafugle ved Fyret; 2 faldt. 

Porzana maruetta. Lyngvig 1. 

Limnocryptes gallinula. Rubjerg Knude 1. 

Ålauda arvensis. Lyngvig 1. 

Sylvia atricapilla. Lyngvig 1. Rubjerg Knude '1. 

Sylvia hortensis. Horns Rev 5. Lyngvig 1. Rubjerg Knude 1. 

Turdus musicus. Rubjerg Knude 2. 

Sazxicola oenanthe. . Horns Rev 4. Lyngvig 1. Rubjerg Knude 1. 
Østre Flak 1. 


Ruticilla phoenicura. Horns Rev 7. Lyngvig 1. Lodbjerg 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Østre Flak 1. 

Cyanecula suecica. Horns Rev. 1. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Horns Rev 1. 

17de September. 
Blåavands Huk. N.N. V., Merssejlskuling, graat; en ,,Lærke- 
falk" faldt (ikke indsendt). 
"23de September. 
Vyl. V.N.V., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Engpiber faldt. 
Anthus pratensis 1. 
24de September. 

Nordre Røn. V.N.V., klosrebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket, 
Regn; en Lærke faldt. 

(Alauda arvensis 1.) 

28de September. 

Blaavands Huk. N.N. V., graat,. diset; en Sneppe og 2 
Drosler faldt (ikke indsendte). Vyl. N.V., laber. Bramsejlskuling, 
graat; en Del Smaafugle ved Fyret; nogle faldt i Vandet. Lyngvig. 
V.N.V., laber Kuling, overtrukket; en Del Drosler om Fyret; 2 
Fugle faldt. Lodbjerg. N.V., laber Kuling, Dis; nogle Smaafugle 
ved Fyret; 3 faldt. Hammeren. N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, diset; 
en Fuglekonge påa Ruderne. 

Limnocryptes gallinula.  Lyngvig 1. 

Sylvia hortensis.  Lodbjerg 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Lyngvig 1. 

Turdus musicus. Lodbjerg 2. 

29de September. 

Hammeren. V.S.V., laber Bramsejlskuling, diset; 2 Stære, 
en Rødkjælk og en Del Fuglekonger paa Ruderne. 

30te September. 

Blaavands Huk. S. V.,. Bramsejlskuling, Regn, diset; en 
Ryle faldt (ikke indsendt). Vyl. V.N.V., laber Bramsejlskuling, 
Regn; en Del Smaafugle ved Fyret; en Enkelt Bekkasin faldt. 
Lyngvig. V., laber Kuling, overtrukket; en Del Hjejler om Fyret; 

2 Fugle faldt. Skagen. V.N.V., rebet Merssejlskuling, diset; 
enkelte Drosler og andre ved Fyret; 3 Fugle faldt. Nordre Røn. 
V. S. V., Bramsejlskuling, diset; en lille Fugl faldt (ikke indsendt). 
Vestborg. S.V., Taage; en Vibe faldt (ikke indsendt). 

Oedemia nigra. Skagen 2. 

Charadrius pluvialis. Lyngvig 1. 

Limnocryptes gallinula. Vyl 1. Lyngvig 1. 

Phyllopseustes rufus. Skagen 1. 

2den Oktober. 

Lodbjerg. S., laber Kuling, skyet, Dis; en lille Fugl ved 
Ruderne efter Midnat. Nordre Røn. V.,. Bramsejlskuling, diset; 
en Lærke og en Rødkjælk faldt (ikke indsendte). Østre Flak. V., 
laber Kuling, skyet og overtrukket; 30 Fugle faldt paa Dækket, 
flere i Vandet. Møen. N.V., laber Bramsejlskuling, diset; en 
Rødkjælk faldt (ikke indsendt). 

Alauda arvensis. (Nordre Røn 1.) Østre Flak 4; 10 faldt. 

Turdus musicus. . Østre Flak 2. 

Erithacus rubecula. Østre Flak 4; 14 faldt. 

Emberiza schoeniclus. Østre Flak 4. 

3dje Oktober. 

Blaavands Huk. S., Merssejlskuling, Regnbyger, diset; 5 
Drosler faldt (ikke indsendte). Vyl. S. S. V., Bramsejlskuling, 
skyet; en Del Lærker og Stære ved Fyret; en Lærke faldt. 
Lyngvig. S.S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; mange Stære og 
enkelte Drosler om Fyret; 5 Fugle faldt. Lodbjerg. S.Ø., Mers- 
sejlskuling, overtrukket, Dis; . mange Stære ved Ruderne. Hanst- 
holm. S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, graat; en Del Lærker, Stære og 
Drosler ved Fyret fra Kl. 10 til Dag; 6 Lærker faldt. Anholt 
Knob. S. Ø., Merssejlskuling, skyet; enkelte Fugle ved Fyret. 
Sejrø. S. Ø., torebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket, diset; Smaa- 
fugle om Fyret; 5 faldt (ikke indsendte). 

Alauda arvensis. Vyl 1. (Hanstholm 6.) 

Turdus musicus. Lyngvig 1; 4 faldt. 

Praticola rubetra. Lyngvig 1. 

Vidensk, Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. 11 

åte Oktober. 

Blaavands Huk. N., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; 2 Drosler 
faldt (ikke indsendte). Vyl. N.N. V., Bramsejlskuling, Regn; flere 
Fugle om Fyret; 3 faldt. Horns Rev» N. V., overtrukket; om- 
trent 200 forskjellige Smaafugle ved Fyret; 22 faldt paa Dækket, en 
Del i Vandet. Lyngvig. N. V., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; 2 Fugle faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Horns Rev 3. 

Troglodytes parvulus. Lyngvig 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Horns Rev 7. 

Turdus musicus. Vyl 1. Horns Rev 2. Lyngvig 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Horns Rev 1. 

Fringilla coelebs. Vyl 1. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Horns Rev 8. 

Chrysomitris spinus. Vyl 1. Horus Rev 1. 

6te Oktober. 

Horns Rev. N.V., tykskyet; enkelte Fugle ved Fyret; 6 
faldt. Lyngvig. V. N.V., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Vindrossel 
faldt. Hesselø. N.V., Merssejlskuling, klart; 2 Graaænder faldt 
(ikke indsendte). Stevns. V. S. V., laber Kuling, overtrukket, 
Regnbyger; 6 Fugle faldt. Hammeren. V., Merssejlskuling, skyet; 
en Flok Stære paa Ruderne. Hyllekrog. Vestlig Vind, Regnbyger; 
en Del Smaafugle ved Ruderne; 4 faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Horns Rev 2. Stevns 4. 

Acrocephalus arundinaceus. Stevns 1. 

Regulus cristatus. Hyllekrog 2. 

Anthus obscurus. Horns Rev 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Horns Rev 1. Lyngvig 1. 

EÉrithacus rubecula. Stevns 1. Hyllekrog 2. 

Emberiza schoeniclus. Horns Rev 2. 

7de Oktober. ; 

Lyngvig. N.V., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; mange Stære 
og Drosler ved Fyret; 7 Drosler . faldt. Hammeren. N.N.V.…, 
Merssejlskuling, klart; en Fuglekonge ved Ruderne. Gjedser Rev. 
N. V., laber Bramsejlskuling, Regn; flere Fugle ved Fyret; 10 faldt. 


Alauda arvensis. Gjedser Rev 2. 

Turdus iliacus. Lyngvig 1; 7 faldt. 

Turdus musicus. Gjedser Rev 5. 

Turdus torqvatus. Gjedser Rev 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Gjedser Rev 2. 

8de Oktober. 

Nordre Røn. V., Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; en Solsort og 
en Fuglekonge faldt (ikke indsendte). Hammeren. V., Bramsejls- 
kuling, overtrukket; omtrent 20 Fuglekonger paa Ruderne. 

10de Oktober. 

Horns Rev. N.V., overtrukket; omtrent 300 forskjellige 
Smaafugle om Fyret; 46 faldt paa Dækket, mange i Vandet. 
Skjoldnæs. V., overtrukket, sigtbart; en Vandrixe faldt. Ham- 
meren. V.N.V., laber Kuling, overtrukket; en Mængde Smaafugle 
ved Ruderne; en Ugle fangede en Fugl og aad den. Møen. N. V., 
laber Kuling, diset; mange Smaafugle ved Ruderne; 7 Rødkjælke 
faldt (ikke indsendte). 

Rallus aqvaticus. Skjoldnæs 1. 

Alauda arvensis. Horns Rev 29. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Horns Rev 2. 

Anthus pratensis. Horns Rev 1. 

Anthus obscurus. Horns Rev 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Horns Rev 3. 

Turdus musicus. Horns Rev 9. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Horns Rev 1. 

Ilte Oktober. 

Blaavands Huk. S.V. og sydlig, graat, Regn; mange Smaa- 
fugle om Fyret; 27 Drosler, 3 Lærker og 8 andre Smaafugle faldt 
(ingen indsendte). Vy/. V., Bramsejlskuling, Regn; en Del Fugle 
om Fyret; 15 faldt. Lyngvig. 8$., laber Kuling, overtrukket; 
mellem 150 og 200 Smaafugle faldt (4 indsendte). Lodbjerg. S., 
laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Dis; nogle Fuglekonger, en Stær, 
en Drossel, en Rødkjælk ved Ruderne efter Midnat. Skagen. S. V., 
flov Kuling, diset; en Del Drosler, Stære og andre ved Fyret. 


Læsø Trindel. S.V., skyet; enkelte Fugle ved Fyret; en Sang- 
drossel faldt. Læsø Rende. V.N.V., laber Kuling, skyet; enkelte 
Fugle ved Fyret; 2 faldt. Anholt Knob. Stille, skyet; enkelte 
Fugle ved Fyret; en Rørspurv faldt. Sejrø. S. V., Bramsejls- 
kuling, overtrukket, diset; stort Træk af Smaafugle; 4 faldt. Vest- 
borg. 8.8. V., Dis; 2 Lærker faldt. Kjels Nor. SM. Bram-= 
sejlskuling, overtrukket, diset; 53 Fugle faldt. Hammeren. 5. 
laber Kuling, overtrukket; mange Smaafugle ved Ruderne, deriblandt 
omtrent 50 Fuglekonger; 8 Fugle faldt. Dueodde Sydfyr. S.S.V., 
laber Kuling, skyet; en Stær flagrede paa Ruderne fra Kl. 12 til 5. 
Gjedser. S.V., overtrukket, diset; 10 Fugle faldt. Gjedser Rev. 
S. V., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; omtrent 50 Fugle ved 
Fyret; 35 faldt. 

Tringa alpina. Gjedser 1. 

Alauda arvensis. (Blaavands Huk 3.) Vyl 7. Lyngvig 1; 
28 faldt. Læsø Rende 1. Sejrø 1. (Vestborg 2.) Kjels Nor 6. 
Hammeren 7. Gjedser 2. Gjedser Rev 12. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Hammeren 1. 

Sylvia atricapilla. Kjels Nor 1. 

Acrocephalus arundinaceus. Kjels Nor 1. 

Regulus cristatus. Sejrø 1. 

Anthus pratensis. Vyl 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Vyl 3. Lyngvig 1; 120 faldt. Kjels Nor 2. 
Gjedser 2. Gjedser Rev 1. 

Turdus musicus. -Vyl 4. Læsø Trindel 1. Læsø Rende 1. 
Kjels Nor 25. Gjedser 1. Gjedser Rev 11. 

Turdus torqvatus. Lyngvig 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Sejrø 1. Kjels Nor 9. Gjedser 1. Gjedser 
Rev 5. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Sejrø 1. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Lyngvig 1. Kjels Nor 9. Gjedser 3. 
Gjedser Rev 3. | 

Emberiza schoeniclus. Anholt Knob 1. : Gjedser Rev 3. 

12te Oktober. 

Blaavands Huk. S. og S. Ø., meget diset; mange Smaa- 
fugle ved Fyret; 61 Drosler og 4 andre faldt (ingen indsendte). 
Vyl. 'S.S. Ø., Merssejlskuling, skyet; en Del Fugle om Fyret; 40 
faldt. Lyngvig. $.S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, diset; Stære og Lærker 
om Fyret; 11 Fugle faldt. Lodbjerg. S$., Merssejlskuling, over- 
trukket, Dis; nogle Stære, Lærker og en Drossel ved Ruderne efter 
Midnat; 5 Fugle faldt. Sprogø. $., Bramsejlskuling, Taage; en 
Lærke faldt. Hammeren. 3., Merssejlskuling, diset; 11 Stære 
påa Ruderne; 3 Fugle faldt, blandt dem en Lærke (ingen ind- 
sendte). Gjedser Rev. S., laber Bramsejlskuling, diset; kun faa 
Fugle ved Fyret; 9 faldt. 

Limnocryptes gallinula. Lodbjerg 2. 

Gallinago scolopacina. Lyngvig 1. 

Alauda arvensis. Vyl 2; 35 faldt. Lyngvig 1; 10 faldt. 
Lodbjerg 3. (Sprogø 1. . Hammeren 1.) Gjedser Rev 4. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Vyl 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Vyl 1.. Gjedser Rev 3. 

Turdus musicus. Vyl 2. Gjedser Rev 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Gjedser Rev 1. 

Fringilla coelebs. Vyl 1. 

13de Oktober. 

Blaavands Huk. Stille, omløbende og N.N. V., Bramsejls- 
kuling, diset; mange Stære og andre Smaafugle ved Fyret; 17 
Drosler faldt (ingen indsendte). Lyngvig. S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, 
diset; mange Stære og enkelte Drosler om Fyret; 14 Fugle faldt. 
Lodbjerg. V., Merssejlskuling, overtrukket, Dis; flere Stære, Lærker 
og Drosler ved Ruderne; 6 Fugle faldt. Østre Flak. V. S.V., 
laber Bramsejlskuling, regndiset; mange Smaafugle ved Fyret hele 
Natten; 13 Fugle faldt. Anholt Knob. V., Bramsejlskuling, 
Regntykning; en Mængde Drosler om Fyret; 2 faldt. Hammeren. 
S, V., Bramsejlskuling, diset; en Del Fuglekonger paa Ruderne. 
Gjedser Rev. V.S.V., laber Bramsejlskuling, Dis; kun faa Fugle 
ved Fyret; 7 faldt. 


Anas penelops. Lodbjerg 1. 

Rallus aqvaticus. Lyngvig 1. 

Limnocryptes gallinula. Lodbjerg 1. Østre Flak 1. 

Alauda arvensis. Lyngvig 1. Lodbjerg 3. Østre Flak 1. 
Gjedser Rev 5. 

"Sturnus vulgaris. Lyngvig 1; 12 faldt. Gjedser Rev 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Østre Flak 3. 

Turdus musicus. Lodbjerg 1. Østre Flak 7. Anholt Knob 2. 
Gjedser Rev 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Østre Flak 1. 

1l4de Oktober. 

Vyl. N.Ø., Merssejlskuling, skyet; en Fuglekonge faldt; flere 
Smaafugle hørtes. 

Regulus cristatus 1. 

låde Oktober. 

Skagens Rev. S.V., laber Kuling, overtrukket; flere Stære 
ved Fyret. Østre Flak. V., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; 
3 Fugle faldt. Anholt Knob. V.N.V., laber Kuling, let skyet: 
enkelte Smaafugle ved Fyret; en Fuglekonge faldt. 

Troglodytes parvulus. Østre Flak 1. 

Parus major. Østre Flak 1. 

Regulus cristatus. Østre Flak 1. Anholt Knob 1. 

1l6de Oktober. 

Skagens Rev. Stille, overtrukket; flere Stære og andre Smaa- 
fugle ved Fyret; 3 Fugle faldt. Nordre Røn. N., laber Bram- 
sejlskuling, Taage; flere Smaafugle om Fyret; 2 faldt (ikke indsendte). 

Regulus cristatus. Skagens Rev 2. 

Turdus musicus. Skagens Rev 1. 

17de Oktober. 
Lodbjerg. 8$3.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Dis; 2 Stære 
ved Ruderne efter Midnat. 
19de Oktober. 
Læsø Trindel. S.S.V., skyet; en Fuglekonge faldt. 
Regulus cristatus 1. 

20de Oktober. 

Nordre Røn. S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Regn; en 
Stær faldt. 

(Sturnus vulgaris 1.) 

22de Oktober. 
Læsø Trindel. Ø., skyet; en Graasisken faldt. 
Cannabina linaria 1. 
23de Oktober. ; 

Lodbjerg. Ø.N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; 2 Fugle- 
konger ved Ruderne om Morgenen. Østre Flak. Ø.S.Ø., laber 
Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; 3 Fugle faldt. Hammeren. Ø., rebet 
Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; en Graasisken faldt. 

Cinclus aqvaticus. Østre Flak 1. 

Cannabina linaria. Østre Flak 2. Hammeren 1. 

24de Oktober. 

Vyl. Ø.S.Ø., Merssejlskuling, skyet; nogle Smaafugle ved 
Fyret; 2 faldt. Lodbjerg. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; en 
Stær ved Ruderne paa Efternatten. Hammeren. Ø., rebet Mers- 
sejlskuling, overtrukket; 2 Fuglekonger paa Ruderne. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Vyl 1. 

Turdus musicus. Vyl 1. 

25de Oktober. 

Vyl. Ø.S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, graat; en Del Smaafugle om 
Fyret; 3 faldt. Sejrø. Ø., torebet  Merssejlskuling, overtrukket, 
diset; 6 Fugle faldt (2 indsendte). 

Rallus agvaticus. Sejrø 1. 

Scolopax rusticula. Sejrø 1. 

(Alauda arvensis. Sejrø 2.) 

Sturnus vulgaris. Vyl 1. (Sejrø 2.) 

Turdus merula. Vyl 1. 

Cannabina linaria. Vyl 1. 

26de Oktober. 

Vyl. S. Ø., Merssejlskuling, graat; en Mængde Fugle ved 

Fyret; 33 faldt (18 indsendte). Horns Rev. S.Ø., overtrukket; 

omtrent 50 Smaafugle ved Fyret; 16 Fugle faldt paa Dækket, flere 
i Vandet. Lyngvig. Ø.S.Ø., laber Kuling, skyet; 83 Fugle faldt. 
Lodbjerg. Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, Dis; 2 Stære 
ved Ruderne. 

Alauda arvensis... Vyl 3. Horns Rev 4. Lyngvig 1. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Vyl3. Horns Rev 9. Lyngvig 1; 31 faldt. 

Regulus cristatus. Lyngvig 1. 

Anthus pratensis. Vyl 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Vyl 2. Lyngvig 1; 49 faldt. 

Turdus musicus. Vyl 1. 

Turdus pilaris. Vyl 1. 

Turdus merula. Vyl 2. Horns Rev 2. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Vyl 2. 

Cannabina linaria. Vyl 3. Horns Rev 1. Lyngvig 1. 

27de Oktober. 

Blaavands Huk. Ø. S. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, graat, diset; 
mange Smaafugle ved Fyret; 29 Drosler faldt (ingen indsendte). 
Vyl. Ø.S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, graat; en Mængde Smaafugle ved 
Fyret; 120 faldt paa Dækket (13 indsendte), flere i Vandet. 
Horns Rev. Ø., overtrukket; omtrent 100 forskjellige Smaafugle 
ved Fyret; 60 faldt paa Dækket (21 indsendte), mange i Vandet; 
en Raage opholdt sig i Rigningen hele Natten. Lyngvig. Ø.N. Ø., 
laber Kuling, overtrukket; 2 Fugle faldt. Hanstholm. Ø.N.Ø., 
Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; enkelte Drosler om Fyret. Hyllekrog. 
Ø. S. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Taage; mange Smaafugle paa Ruderne; 
en Sangdrossel faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Vyl 4. Horns Rev 13. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Vyl 1. Horns Rev 4. 

Regulus cristatus. Lyngvig 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Vyl 2. Horns Rev 2. Lyngvig 1. 

Turdus musicus. Horns Rev 1. Hyllekrog 1. 

Turdus merula. Vyl 4. 

Cannabina linaria. Vyl 2. 

Emberiza schoeniclus.. Horns Rev 1. 

28de Oktober. 

Vyl. Ø.S. Ø., rebet Merssejlskuling, graat; enkelte Smaafugle 
ved Fyret; 6 faldt. Horns Rev. Ø., overtrukket; enkelte Fugle 
ved Fyret. Lyngvig. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; 10 Sjaggere 
faldt. Lodbjerg. Ø., Merssejlskuling, overtrukket, Dis; 3 Fugle 
faldt; en Stær og en Lærke sete ved Ruderne. Nordre Røn. 
S. Ø., enrebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; 2 Sjaggere faldt (ikke 
indsendte). Læsø Rende. S.Ø., laber Kuling, overtrukket; flere 
Fugle ved Fyret. Østre Flak. Ø. S. Ø., Merssejlskuling, 'over- 
trukket; mange Smaafugle ved Fyret; 5 faldt. Anholt. Ø.S.Ø., 
Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; en Del Sjaggere ved Ruderne. 

AÅlauda arvensis. Vyl 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Lodbjerg 2. 

Turdus musicus. Vyl 1; 5 faldt. 

Turdus pilaris. Lyngvig 1; 10 faldt. Østre Flak 4. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Østre Flak 1. 

Cannabina linaria. Lodbjerg 1. 

29de Oktober. 

Blaavands Huk. Ø., laber Kuling, Taage, diset; mange 
Smaafugle ved Fyret; 3 faldt (ikke indsendte). Vyl. Ø. S. Ø., 
laber Kuling, graat; enkelte Smaafugle ved Fyret; 14 Fugle faldt; 
nogle Rødkjælke opholdt sig paa Dækket ved Morgen. Horns Rev. 
Ø. S. Ø., Regnbyger; omtrent 50 forskjellige Smaafugle ved Fyret; 
1% faldt paa Dækket (8 indsendte), en Del i Vandet. Lyngvig. 
Ø., laber Kuling, Regn; 68 Fugle faldt. Lodbjerg. Ø., Bram- 
sejlskuling, overtrukket, Regn og Dis; Stære, Rødkjælke og Fugle- 
konger ved Ruderne; 3 Fugle faldt. Skagen. Ø. S. Ø. og Ø., Bram- 
sejlskuling, Regn; en Del Graasiskener ved Ruderne; 5 Fugle faldt. 
Anholt. Ø.S.Ø., Merssejlskuling, Regn og Dis; 59 Fugle faldt 
påa Land, flere i Søen. Hesselø. S$. Ø., Bramsejlskuling; 32 
Fugle faldt, mest Drosler (ingen indsendte). Hjelm. S. 8. Ø., 
laber Kuling, Regn; enkelte Fugle ved Ruderne; 2 faldt:  Sejrø. 
S. Ø., ustadig Kuling fra enrebet Merssejlskuling til laber Kuling, 
Regntykning; Smaafugle om Fyret, mest Stære, Drosler og Lærker; 



3 Fugle faldt. Stevns. V., laber Kuling, Taage; 14 Fugle faldt. 
Sprogø. S., laber Kuling, diset; 5 Fugle faldt. Omø. Ø.N.Ø., 
Bramsejlskuling, Regndis; en Del Smaafugle ved Fyret; flere faldt 
(ingen indsendte). Kjels Nor. $.9., Merssejlskuling, Regn; 13 
Fugle faldt. Hammeren. S$., laber Kuling, diset; 6 Stære og 2 
andre Smaafugle paa Ruderne. Gjedser. S., overtrukket, Støv- 
regn; flere Smaafugle om Fyret; en Stær faldt. Gjedser Rev. 
V. S. V., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; omtrent 50 Smaafugle 
om Fyret; 12 faldt. Hyllekrog. Mellem S.S.Ø. og S.V., flov 
Kuling, Regntykning; en Mængde Fugle, mest Stære, ved Ruderne; 
3 faldt. 

Rallus agvaticus. Sejrø 1. 

Fulica atra. Vyl 1. 

Tringa maritima. Anholt 1. 

Scolopax rusticula. Sejrø 1. 

Alauda arvensis. Horns Rev 2. Lyngvig 1; 14 faldt. An- 
holt 1. Gjedser Rev 3. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Vyl 1. Horns Rev 1. Stevns 1. Kjels 
Nor 1. Gjedser 1. Gjedser Rev 7. Hyllekrog 3. 

Regulus cristatus. Lyngvig 1. Stevns 3. 

Turdus iliacus. Vyl 1; 12 faldt. Lyngvig 1; 52 faldt. 
Lodbjerg 2. Skagen 2. Anholt 3; 34 faldt. Hjelm 1. Sejrø 1. 
Stevns 1. Sprogø 3. Kjels Nor 9. 

Turdus musicus. Stevns 1. Kjels Nor 2. 

Turdus pilaris. Anholt 1; 19 faldt. Hjelm 1. Sprogø 2. 
Kjels Nor 1. 

Turdus merula. Anholt 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Horns Rev 4. Lyngvig 1. Anholt 1. 
Stevns 5. Gjedser Rev 1. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Lodbjerg 1. Anholt 1. 

Cannabina linaria. Skagen 3. Stevns 2, Gjedser Rev 1. 

Emberiza nivalis. Horns Rev 1. Anholt 1. Stevns 1. 

30te Oktober. 

Blaavands Huk. Ø.N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, diset, Regntykning; 


store Flokke af Fugle om Fyret; omtrent 300 Smaafugle faldt, 
Drosler, Lærker, Stære og andre (ingen indsendte). Vyl. Ø.N. Ø., 
Merssejlskuling, Regn; en Mængde Fugle ved Fyret; 103 faldt paa 
Dækket (15 indsendte), omtrent 200 i Vandet. Horns Rev. Ø.N.Ø., 
overtrukket; omtrent 150 Smaafugle ved Fyret; 35 faldt paa 
Dækket (20 indsendte), mange i Vandet. Lyngvig. Ø.N. Ø., laber 
Kuling, Regn; 306 Fugle faldt. Anholt Knob. N.N.Ø., laber 
Bramsejlskuling, skyet; Fugle om Fyret. Kjels Nor. Ø., Bram- 
sejlskuling, Taage, senere overtrukket, Regn; 6 Fugle faldt. Ham- 
meren. N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, diset; en Mængde Fuglekonger og 
andre Smaafugle paa Ruderne. Møen. N.Ø. og stille, regndiset; 
2 Drosler, 1 Stær og 1 Rødkjælk faldt (ikke indsendte). Hylle- 
krog. Østlig laber Kuling; mange Smaafugle paa Ruderne. 

Scolopax rusticula. Kjels Nor 2. 

Falco peregrinus. Vyl 1. 

Alauda arvensis. Vyl2; 13 faldt. Horns Rev 4. Lyngvig 1; 
147 faldt. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Vyl 2; 6 faldt. Horns Rev 11. Lyngvig 1; 
48 faldt. (Møen 1.) 

Sylvia atricapilla. Lyngvig 1. 

Anthus pratensis. Vyl 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Vyl 1; 64 faldt. Horns Rev 3. Lyngvig 1; 
101 faldt. Kjels Nor 2. 

Turdus pilaris. Vyl 1; 7 faldt. Kjels Nor 2. 

Turdus merula. Vyl 3. Lyngvig 1; 7 faldt. 

Erithacus rubecula. Vyl 1. Horns Rev 1. Lyngvig 1. 

Fringilla coelebs. Vyl 1. 

Cannabina linaria. Vyl 1. Horns Rev 1. 

Emberiza nivalis. Vyl 1. Lyngvig 1. 

3lte Oktober. 

Læsø Trindel. S., skyet; enkelte Smaafugle ved Fyret. Romsø. 
2 Lærker faldt. Hov. N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Taage og Regn; 
en Rødkjælk faldt. Kjels Nor. N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket ; 
en Rørhøne faldt. Hyllekrog. Ø. S. Ø. og S. Ø. med tiltagende 

Kuling; mange Smaafugle ved Fyret; en enkelt faldt (ikke 

Gallinula -chloropus. Kjels Nor 1. 

(Alauda arvensis. . Romsø 2.) 

Erithacus rubecula. Hov 1. 

lste November. 

Vyl. S.S.V., torebet Merssejlskuling, Regnbyger; enkelte 
Fugle ved Fyret; 2 faldt. Sprogø. S. 8. V., stormende" Kuling, 
regndiset; 6 Fugle faldt. Kjels Nor. S., senere S. Ø., Bramsejls- 
kuling stigende til klosrebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket, Byger; 
12 Fugle faldt. Gjedser, S.S. V., overtrukket, Regn; 2 Fugle faldt. 

Limnocryptes gallinula. Sprogø 1. Gjedser 1. 

Alauda arvensis. Sprogø 1; 3 faldt. Kjels Nor 1. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Vyl 1. 

Regulus cristatus. Gjedser 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Sprogø 1. Kjels Nor 7. 

Turdus pilaris. Vyl 1. Sprogø 1. Kjels Nor 2. 

Turdus merula. Kjels Nor 1. 

Æmberiza citrinella. Kjels Nor 1. 

2den November. 

Nordre Røn. Stille, skyet; enkelte Smaafugle om Fyret; en 
Lærke og en Sjagger faldt (ikke indsendte). 

(Alauda arvensis 1.) 

4de November. 

Blaavands Huk. S.Ø., laber Bramsejlskuling, diset; 2 Drosler 
faldt (ikke indsendte). 

5te November. 

Gjedser Rev. V.S.V., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; omtrent 
25 Lærker ved Fyret; 8 faldt. 

(Alauda arvensis 8.) 

6te November. 

Østre Flak. S.S.Ø., laber Kuling, skyet; en Enkelt Bek- 
kasin faldt. 

Limnocryptes gallinula 1. 

7åe November. 

Lyngvig. S.S.Ø., torebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; en 
Taffeland faldt. Hanstholm. Ø.S.Ø., Merssejlskuling, Regn; en 
Sneppe ved Ruderne Kl. 2; 4 Ænder flagrede om Fyret. Nordre 
Røn. S.Ø., Merssejlskuling, Regnbyger; 2 Smaafugle faldt (ikke 
indsendte). Sprogø. S.S. Ø., Storm, Regn; en Stær faldt. 

Fuligula ferina. Lyngvig 1. 

(Sturnus vulgaris. Sprogø 1.) 

8de November. 

Fornæs. V.S.V., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en Graaand faldt 
(ikke indsendt). Æbelø. S$. V., torebet Merssejlskuling, Regn- 
tykning; en Del Stære paa Ruderne; en Ringdue faldt. 

Columba palumbus. Æbelø 1. 

9de November. 
Østre Flak. V., Bramsejlskuling, skyet; 2 Snespurve faldt. 
Emberiza nivalis 2. 

llte November. 

Skagens Rev. Ø. N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; en 
Stormsvale faldt og opholdt sig ombord, gaaende paa Dækket, i 
nogle Dage, inden den døde; den drak Vand, men vilde ikke æde 
noget. Østre Flak. V.S.V., laber Bramsejlskuling, skyet; en 
Sjagger faldt. 

Procellaria pelagica. Skagens Rev 1. 

Turdus pilaris. Østre Flak 1. 

12te November. 

Horns Rev. To Fugle fandtes døde paa Dækket om Morgenen. 
Dueodde Nordfyr. S.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Regn; en Stokand faldt. 

Anas boscas. Dueodde Nordfyr 1. 

Limnocryptes gallinula. Horns Rev 1. 

Turdus merula. Horns Rev 1. 

13de November. 

Vyl. Ø. S. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Regn; enkelte Fugle ved 

Fyret; 2 faldt. 

Sturnus vulgaris 1. 
Turdus merula 1. 
14de November. 

Nordre Røn. Ø.S.Ø., Storm,. Snebyger; 3 Smaafugle ved 
Ruderne; en Rødkjælk faldt (ikke indsendt). Hammeren. S.Ø., 
enrebet Merssejlskuling, diset; en Stær paa Ruderne. 

22de November. 

Nordre Røn. N.Ø., enrebet Merssejlskuling; en Solsort faldt 

(ikke indsendt). 
28de November. 

Læsø Trindel. $., klosrebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; en 
Snespurv faldt. i 

Emberiza nivalis 1. 

29de November. 

Nordre Røn. S.S.Ø., klosrebet Merssejlskuling; enkelte Smaa- 

fugle om Fyret. 
2den December. 

Kjels Nor. N.N.Ø., Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; en Ring- 
due faldt. 

Columba palumbus 1. 

6te December. 

Vestborg. 3. Ø., Taage og Dis; en Graaand faldt (ikke ind- 
sendt). Omø. S.Ø. til S., torebet Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; 
en Blishøne faldt, 

Fulica atra. Omø 1. 

8de December. 

Blaavands Huk. S.V., senere S. Ø., Bramsejlskuling, Regn- 
tykning, Taage; en Blishøne faldt (ikke indsendt). Læsø Trindel. 
S. V., Taage; en lille Fugl faldt (ikke indsendt). Omø. V.S. V., 
laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket, diset; Smaafugle ved Ruderne; 
en faldt (ikke indsendt). 

9de December. 

Blaavands Huk. S.Ø., enrebet Merssejlskuling, diset; en 

Lom faldt (ikke indsendt). 

llte December. 
Læsø Rende. S.Ø., Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; en Lom faldt. 
Colymbus septentrionalis 1. 
1l4de December. 
Læsø Rende. S.S.Ø., Merssejlskuling, overtrukket; en Gul-- 
spurv faldt. 
Emberiza citrinella 1. 
18dé December. 
Skagens Rev. V., laber Bramsejlskuling, overtrukket; flere 
Smaafugle ved Fyret. 

Forskjellige Iagttagelser fra Fyrene. 

Vyl Fyrskib. 20de Januar et Par Lærker set. 7de Februar 
smaa Flokke Lærker og Stære sete. Marts: 12te et Par Høge 
set. 24de enkelte Raager og Lærker flyvende Ø. April: 2den 
en Vipstjert en Tid paa Skibet. 14de en Bogfinke paa Skibet 
ved Middag. Maj: 5te en lille Sangfugl paa Dækket, flere Terner 
om Skibet. 13de flere Smaafugle flyvende rundt om Skibet, nogle 
opholdende sig paa Dækket. 14de, 15de og 16de i smukt Vejr 
en Mængde smaa Sangfugle ombord, mest jagende efter Fluer paa 
Dækket. 14de September en Rødstjert paa Dækket, Regnspover 
om Eftermiddagen S. V. Oktober: 4de en Skovdue sad paa 
Dækket om Morgenen, flere Smaafugle fløj om Skibet. 23de en 
Del Stære, nogle Lærker og Vipstjerter opholdt sig ombord. 25de 
og 26de Bogfinker ombord. 29de om Aftenen fløj 4 Høge S.V.; 
en opholdt sig paa Skibet. — J.S. Jensen, A.H. Schmidt. 

Horns Rev Fyrskib. 26de Februar omtrent 100 Raager i 
Flok fra V. mod Ø. Marts: 6te to Flokke Raager paa 50 og 15 
mod Ø. 27de omtr. 50 Viber i Flok S. Ø. Oktober: 23de 10 
Raager mod S. 24de omtr. 30 Raager i Flok mod 8.; om Efter- 
middagen kom 2 Stære, satte sig paa Lønningen en kort Tid og 
fløj derefter S. 29de 12 Krager S.; forskjellige Smaafugle paa 
Skibet hele Dagen; en Høg kom ved Aften ved Fyrets Hejsning, 

kredsede nogle Gange om Skibet og fløj derefter bort. — H. Son- 
nichsen, C.E. Søjborg. 

Thyborøn. 2lde Januar mellem 200 og 300 Stære i Flok. 
25de Februar 2 Strandskader paa Stranden. Marts: 3dje en Del 
Krager N. Ø. 4de en Del Vildænder fra N. svingende ind i Fjorden; 
Viber og Lærker hørtes. 17de en Flok Vildænder fra N. ind i 
Fjorden. 21de en Flok Gjæs ind i Fjorden. 30te en Del Krager 
N. April: 15de 30 Krager i Flok N.Ø. 18de 7 Regnspover 
i Flok Ø., 11 Krager S., 30 Svaner N. 29de August to Flokke 
Vildgjæs ind over Fjorden. September: 9de flere store Flokke 
Vildgjæs fra N. 13de 8 Flokke Vildgjæs S.Ø. Oktober: 14de 
17 Krager i Flok mod S.V. 17de flere Flokke Krager fra N. Ø. 
18de 30 til 40 Flokke Vildgjæs fra N. ind over Fjorden. No- 
vember: 3dje to Flokke Svaner S. 29de store Flokke Vildgjæs 
og Vildænder fra N. 15de store Flokke Vildgjæs fra N. ind i 
Fjorden. — J. Nielsen. 

Lodbjerg. Maj: 13de hørtes Gjøgen ved Solnedgang. 15de 
Svalen set ved Taarnet om Eftermiddagen. Oktober: 13de en 
Flok Krager mod S. 23de 24 Graagjæs i Flok mod N. — P. S. 

Hirtshals. Intet Fuglefald. — H. Hinrichsen. 

Højen. Ligeledes. — M. Jørgensen. 

Skagen. Usædvanlig faa Fugle ved Fyret iaar. — S. U. 

Skagens Rev Fyrskib. I Januar kun set Maager og Alke. 
18de, 20de, 22de og 23de Februar flere Flokke Lærker V. Marts: 
3dje flere Lærker ved Skibet, og en Krage hvilede der. 7de 
enkelte Viber flyvende forbi. Oktober: 22de flere Krager V. 
27de mange Smaafugle ved Skibet. 16de November flere Flokke 
Svaner fløj i sydlig Retning. — A.P. Jensen. 

Nordre Røn. 13de Marts kom de første Tejster; deres Tal 
var en Del forøget iaar; der var omtrent 25 Par. 24de Marts 
kom Gravanden, ligeledes i større Tal end foregaaende Aar, omtr. 
40 Par. 3dje August kom de første Ederfugle med Unger fra 



Læsø, og de opholdt sig ved Øen hele Vinteren. I Maanederne 
September—December iagttoges store Flokke at. Knortegjæs, Graa- 
ænder, Dykænder, Søpapegøjer og Alke, de tre sidstnævnte Slags 
endog i Tusindtal. En enkelt Svane opholdt sig ved Øen nogle 
Dage midt i November. December: 4de 6:Svaner mod S. V. 
2 Svaner opholdt sig V. for Øen i længere Tid. 12te blev en 
Lappedykker skudt, en Fugl, der meget sjelden sees -her. 13de 2 
Svaner opholdt sig S. V. for Øen.. 14de 2 Krager mod S.V., 2 
Svaner S. Ø. 19de 4 Svaner opholdt sig Ø. for Øen. 25de 5 
Svaner ' svømmede N. for Øen. 27de 2 Svaner fra N. Ø. — 
L.F. Madsen. 

Læsø Trindel Fyrskib. Februar: 2den enkelte mindre Flokke 
Ederfugle S. V. 6te en Lærke ombord nogle Timer midt paa 
Dagen. 18de en Flok Smaafugle mod Ø. 23de 8 Svaner N. Ø., 
en Del Ederfugle og Smaaænder i alle Retninger. Marts: Iste 
10 Svaner S. 10de flere store Flokke Krager N. Ø. 13de August 
en lille Fugl ombord. 29%de September en Sule flyvende S. Ok- 
tober: 6te og 10de flere store Flokke Krager S.V. 12te og 17de 
ligeledes. 25de flere Flokke Krager S. V. 29de en Sule, der med 
Strømmen drev forbi Skibet, fangedes levende; den viste sig at 
være meget afkræftet og blind, vist af Alderdom, da der ikke 
fandtes noget Saar paa den; den blev dræbt, efter at den var 
fodret med Fisk et Par Dage. November: 16de 4 Svaner N. V. 
17de 4 Svaner S. Ø. 5te December 8 Svaner S. V. — P. V. 

Læsø Rende Fyrskib. 23de Februar 40 Svaner mod N. Ø. 
Oktober: 5te flere Krager V. Yde flere Flokke. Krager V. 31te 
10 Svaner fra. N. mod S.V. November: 7de 30 Graagjæs fra 
N. Ø. mod V. 16de 10 Svaner fra N. Ø, mod V. — P.C. Grumsen. 

Østre Flak Fyrskib. 6te Marts mange Krager mod Ø.. hele 
Dagen. 3dje April mange Krager mod Ø. om Morgenen. Oktober: 
6te en stor Flok Krager V. Kl. 5 Em. 7de mange Krager V. i 
Løbet af Dagen. 1lte November mange Gjæs sete om Morgenen. 
— CC. Knudsen, 

Vidensk, Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bd. 63. 12 


Egense. 3lte Januar Stæren set i Haven; en Flok Regn- 
spover ved Iskanten. Februar: 7de 6 Svaner flyvende.V.; enkelte 
Ænder og andre Svømmefugle sees daglig paa Træk. 19de Kl. 
31/2 Em. 4 Svaner Ø.; store Havmaager og en Flok Sommer- 
Strandmaager sete; Lærkerne synge. 10de April Viber sete. Maj: 
10de den første Svale set. 14de en Høg viste sig ved Fyret og 
greb en Stær, men slap den, da Hunden blev pudset efter den, og 
Stæren, søgte Skjul i sin Kasse. 4de August en Flok Regnspover 
flyvende S. 24de September Flokke af Ænder ude over Farvandet. 
Oktober: 21de de første Ederfugle sete i Farvandet; store Flokke 
af Gjæs. 22de om Morgenen Flokke af Ænder trækkende Ø. over 
Limfjorden. November: Ilte Flokke af Svaner dragende i for- 
skjellige Retninger, 8 sete paa Grundene. 12te Flokke af Gjæs 
dragende V. op ad Limfjorden, i Modsætning til det sædvanlige 
Træk, hvor Gjæs og Ænder om Morgenen og Dagen trække mod 
Ø., mod Søen, og om Natten V. over Land. December: 22de 
Sværme af Vildgjæs i Vejdybet. 27de 5 Svaner Ø. og N.; enkelte 
Ederfugle i Farvandet. — A. Grove Stephensen. 

Udbyhøj. Intet Fuglefald. — H.P. Jensen. 

Anholt Knob Fyrskib. Marts: 3dje en Krage paa Skibet 
hele Dagen, fløj senere V. Yde store Flokke Krager fløj Ø. hele 
Dagen. April: 5te flere Smaafugle paa Dækket hele Dagen. 
6te flere Bogfinker og en Stær paa Dækket hele Dagen og 2 
Stære i Krøgene under Dækket. 21de Maj en. lille Fugl ved Skibet. 
6te September en Aalekrage mod N.V. Oktober: 2den 3 Rød- 
kjælke og 2 Gjerdesmutter nogle Timer paa Skibet. 5te en Flok 
Graagjæs mod V. 29de 3 Graagjæs mod S. November: 6te 
2 Svaner fra N. mod S$, V. &de.en Flok 'Gjæs S. de 2 Alke 
S.V. 10de 2 Flokke Alke S. V., senere ligeledes flere store Flokke 
Alke.. Ilte en Flok Krager fra Ø. mod S. V. 15de 3 Flokke 
Alke S., flere Flokke Ænder mod N. og N. V. 20de en Flok 
Krager V. 27de flere Flokke Ænder N.V. December: Ilte en 
Flok Ederfugle S. 13de flere Flokke Ederfugle, S. V. — Th. 


Spotsbjerg. I 1910 var der saa godt som ingen Fangst af 
Ænder paa Isefjord. 4de December blev der paa Stranden fundet 
en død A/ca torda (indsendt til Museet). — P. Christensen. 

Fornæs. 12te Januar fløj 7 Svaner forbi mod S. og mindre 
Ænder ligeledes i tusindvis. Maj: Iste set den første Svale. 
22de 5 Vildgjæs mod N.Ø. 1lte Juni 2 Graagjæs kommende fra 
N. langs Landet lige over Havfiaden, fløj derefter mod Ø. 2ide 
September 8 Graagjæs mod S., omtr. 50 Skovskader' mod N. V. 
Oktober: 5te 3 Skarver S. 12te 5 Knortegjæs S. 16de omtr. 
40 Ederfugle mod N. November: Ilte 5—6 Flokke Skarver 
påa 3—4—6 Stkr. mod S. 14de en Svane S. V. 16de 8 Svaner 
S, V, — A, Kruse. 

Hjelm. Februar: 1ste en Skovsneppe set. 12te en Stær 
set. 22de 2 Viber sete. Marts: 6te Strandskaden kommen. 18de 
en Flok Regnspover mod N. — A.P. Jensen. 

Æbeltoft Vig. Intet Fuglefald. — H.P. Mønsted. 

Sletterhage. Ligeledes. — V. Larsen. 

Sejrø. 1 Januar blev daglig set større Flokke Ederfugle, 
Havlitter, sorte Ænder og Graaænder svømmende og trækkende 
omkring Revet; mange af dem bleve skudte fra smaa Pramme. I 
Februar vare de samme Slags at se undtagen Graaænderne. 13de 
Marts 3 Gravænder svømmende ved Revet. 21lde Maj omtr. 50 
graa Gjæs trækkende Ø. 26de August 12 Graagjæs V.  15de Ok- 
fober omtr. 35 Aalekrager N. Ø. Sidst i Aaret var der i Nær- 
heden af Fyret utallige Ederfugle og sorte og graa Ænder; daglig 
skydes en Del; 2 'Svaner viste sig og bleve ligeledes skudte. — 
Å, M. Dam, 

Nakkehoved. Intet Fuglefald. — W. Schultz. 

Lappegrund Fyrskib. Februar: 13de en Krage og 7 Eder- 
fugle V. 14de en Flok Smaafugle V. 23de 3 Krager V. 28de 
en Stær Ø. Marts: Ilte 5 Ederfugle V.  12te en Lærke V. 
20de en Flok Ederfugle S. Ø. 23de 4 Vildgjæs V. 28de en Flok 
Vildgjæs V. 13de Maj 2 Storke Ø. September: 12te en Mængde 
»Lærker og Rødkjælke" om Skibet. 22de en Flok Smaafugle V. 



30te ligeledes. Yde Oktober en Flok Vildgjæs V. November: 
10de en Flok Krager V. 29de en Flok Ænder V. December: 
2den 9 Svaner S.  15de en Flok Svaner S. V. 22de flere Flokke 
Vildænder N. — A. Albertsen, J.C. Jensen. 

Kronborg. Intet Fuglefald. — H. Reinwald. 

Middelgrund. Intet. — A.G. Saxtorph. 

Trekroner. 24de Februar 2 Stære paa Fortet. Flere Stære 
tog Bo i Stærekasser ophængte i Foraaret. Et Par Vipstjerter 
ynglede paa Fortet. — H.E. Andresen. 

Nordre Røse. Intet Fuglefald. 12te Oktober 2 Flokke Gjæs 
i Nærheden af Fyret. 10de December 2 Flokke Svaner mod Ø. 
— J.T. Hansen. 

Drogden Fyrskib. Yde Februar 5 Svaner S. V. 4de Marts 
en Del Bogfinker paa Skibet om Eftermiddagen. December: 
4de en stor Flok Svaner Ø. 18de 5 Svaner S. — N.J. Kromann. 

Refsnæs. 1 Februar indsendtes en dræbt Bjergand (Fuligula 
marila) 2 som Prøve paa ,,Lysand". 3dje Marts blev Viben set 
første Gang, 10de ligeledes Stæren. 12te April blev første Stork 
set. Et Par Gravænder rugede i Nærheden af Fyret. I sidste 
Halvdel af November og første Halvdel af December trak store 
Flokke Skovduer S. V. — V. Jensen. 

Romsø. Januar: Fra Iste til 10de Stære sete paa Marken, 
Kl. 4 Em. flyvende ind i Skoven. Fra 2den til 6te 13 Ederfugle 
ved Kysten. 7de en Snes Krager paa Stranden, mod Aften flyvende 
V. til Fyn. 30te flere tusinde Stære paa Marken. 31te flere 
Flokke Ederfugle S. Februar: 12te 2—300 Ederfugle ved Kysten; 
Gravanden kom. 18de 20 Krager Ø. 24de omtr. 100 Drosler 
flyvende fra Skoven til Fyret flere Gange. Marts: Fra Iste til 
9de hver Dag mange Krager, Raager og Alliker Ø. 9de begyndte 
Maagerne at komme paa Yngleplads, og de samlede sig flere 08 
flere til Maanedens Slutning. Fra 12te til 28de hver.Dag mange 
Krager og Alliker, Musevaager og enkelte Høge Ø. April: Fra 
7de til 12te mindre Flokke Krager, Raager og Alliker Ø. 23de 
8 Graagjæs N. Ø. Maj: 9de kom Svalen. 12te 23 Graagjæs 


Ø.N.Ø. 19de 7 Graagjæs Ø. 20de 40 Ederfugle tæt ved Kysten. 
22de 4 Graagjæs Ø. N. Ø. August: Iste rejste Maagerne med 
deres Yngel; nogle faa, hvis Unger ikke vare flyvefærdige, bleve 
tilbage til Maanedens Slutning. 16de 16 Graagjæs V. 26de 8 
Havlitter N. September: Fra 4de til 8de hver Dag flere hun- 
drede Stære i Flok i Haven og paa Marken, flyvende fra og til 
Skoven. 10de 4 Graagjæs S. V. 18de 12 Ederfugle S. 21de 3 
Flokke Ederfugle S. 28de 2 Flokke Graagjæs V., enkelte Krager 
V. Oktober: Fra 7de til 11te hver Dag mange Krager i større 
og mindre Flokke V,. Fra 18de til 24de hver Dag flere Flokke 
Ederfugle S. 30te 20 Graagjæs V. November: 2den 10 Krager 
V. I12te flere hundrede Alliker V. 16de mange Ederfugle 8. 
19de 6 Graagjæs N.V. 24de 8 Svaner S. 26de omtr. 100 Hav- 
litter S. V. 30te 40 Alliker V. December: 12te flere Flokke 
Ederfugle S. og N. 18de omtr. 200 Drosler kom fra Ø. og trak 
over Øen mod V. 30te 4 Stære paa Bygningerne. — F. Andersen. 

Halskov og Korsør. Tutet Fuglefald. — C.P. Henningsen. 

Sprogø. 22de Februar store Flokke Stære i Haverne, 2 
Viber paa Marken. Marts: 6te 10 Strandskader paa Stranden. 
27de begyndte Maagerne at bygge Rede; flere hundrede Par vare 
komne tidligere i Marts. April: Yde fløj en Stork N. Ø. 16de 
saaes de første Æg af Hættemaager, 23de de første af Storm- 
maagerne. 16de Maj saaes de første Ællinger af Graaænder, i 
Reden, og de første Svaler viste sig, 5 Par. Fasaner ere indførte 
til Øen iaar, en Han og 2 Hunner. Juni: 5te saaes de første 
Strandmaage-Unger; Æggene havde været samlede indtil 25de Maj. 
25de vare de første flyvefærdige Maage-Unger at se. 16de Juli 
fandtes en Graaande-Rede, hvor Ungerne vare ved at bryde gjennem 
Æggeskallen. August: 3dje vare kun nogle faa Maager tilbage; 
9de vare alle borte. 31te store Flokke Stære paa Marken, efter 
at de havde været borte i nogen Tid. I Slutningen af Oktober 
kom nogle smaa Flokke Ederfugle; i Løbet af November kom flere 
større Flokke. 26de November 7 Svaner N. Ved Aarets Slutning 

var der næsten ingen Vildænder af nogen Art i Nærheden af 
Sprogø, maaske paa Grund af det milde Vejr. — A.V. Hansen. 

Slipshavn. Intet Fuglefald. — E. Jørgensen. 

Helholm. Intet Fuglefald. 21de Februar Stær og Strand- 
skade sete. &de Marts Graagaas set. — P. Larsen. 

Omø. Februar: 14de 5 Svaner mod N.N. V. 26de en 
Aalekrage opholdt sig en kort Tid paa en Søsten udfor. Fyret. 
Marts: 3dje Viben kommen. +4de Strandskaden kommen. Maj: 
5te Svalen set. Ilte Gjøgen hørt. 1ste December store Flokke 
Ederfugle i Stranden. -—— A.T. Friis. 

Taars. Intet Fuglefald. — W. Pedersen. 

Strib. Intet Fuglefald. 13de Februar Stæren set. Maj: 
14de mange Flokke Graagjæs trækkende N. 22de en Flok Graa- 
gjæs paa flere hundrede mod N. .2den August tlere store Flokke 
Himmelhunde mod S. om Morgenen. .30te September mange store 
Flokke Graagjæs mod S. — A.H. Andersen. 

Baagø. Intet Fuglefald. — N. Hansen. 

Assens. Ligeledes. — N. Lund. 

Hammeren. 17de Februar hørtes Lærken synge første Gang. 
April: Ilte en Flok Gjæs mod N. 17de en meget stor Flok 
Gjæs N. 18de store Flokke Gjæs hørtes trække N. 14de Maj 
hørtes Gjøgen første Gang.. 8de Oktober 7 Svaner V. Et Par 
Gange i første Halvdel af Oktober blev den Store Tornskade set 
i Fyrets Have. — E. Wielandt. 

Dueodde Sydfyr. 17de Marts 33 Svaner S.Ø. Kl. 10,30 Fm. 
12te April omtrent 100 ,,Svaner med sorte eller graa Vinger" 
(Traner?) i- Flok trækkende hen over Fyret mod V.N.V. i be- 
tydelig Højde. 17de September 26 ,,Svaner" kredsede over Fyret, 
højt, Kl. 10 Fm., samtidig trækkende S. V. 2Zden November 7 
Vildgjæs S. Kl. 10,45 Fm. — H.S.L. Madsen. 

Møen. En Del Havlitter opholdt sig i Farvandet ved Fyret 
i November og December, men ingen andre Ænder. — J. Z. Nielsen. 

Harbølle. Intet Fuglefald. — A.J. Olsen. 

Hestehoved. Ligeledes. — N. Christensen. 


Gjedser Rev Fyrskib. Januar: 6te 6. ,,Bogfinker" opholdt 
sig ved Skibet hele Dagen. 27de 24 Svaner S. V. 17de August 
50 Storke mod S. S. Ø. 27de September omtr. 10 Graagjæs mod 
N.V. 18de Oktober 9 Bogfinker og 5 andre Smaafugle ved Skibet 
hele Dagen.. — Th. Hald, J. Jensen. 

Usædvanlige Tildragelser i 1910. 

Colymbus arcticus. 

En Sortstrubet Lom, gammel Hun i Sommerdragt, fanget ved 
Sevedø, S.Ø. for Skjelskør, 27de August, gav Læge J. Chr. E. 
Christiansen til Zoologisk Museum. En stor Del af Under- 
kjæben havde den mistet; men Saaret syntes lægt. 

Procellaria pelagica. 

At en Stormsvale, Hun, var dræbt ved Hanstholm 30te No- 
vember, meddeler Konservator H. J. Hansen. 

Fulmarus glacialis. 

En Stormfugl, Han, blev skudt ved Krik ved Vestervig 25de 
September, meddeler Konserv. H. J. Hansen. 

Oedicnemus crepitans. 

En Triel, Hun, blev skudt ved Bøvlingbjerg S.V. for Lemvig 
28de November og som udstoppet skjænket Museet af Konserv. 
H.J. Hansen. I Mund og Hals fandtes Regnorme, og i Maven 
havde den en Husmus, en Ørentvist, to Bille-Larver, to Bænke- 
bidere og nogle Fjer. 

Sterna caspia. 

En Rovterne, Han, blev skudt ved Nymindegab, S. V. for 
Tarm, 2den September, oplyser Konserv. H. J. Hansen. Kun 
denne ene var set. 

Lestris pomatorhina. 

En Mellemkjove, ung Han, skudt i Nissum Bredning i Lim- 
fjorden 29de September, gav Dr. C.G. Joh. Petersen til Museet. 


Milvus ictinus. 

Glenten er igjen iaar set i Store Bøgeskov N.V. for Ring- 
sted af Skovfoged H. Thorsøe. 

Upupa epops. 

En Hærfugl 'skudt i en Roe-Mark ved Snedinge, S.Ø. for 
Skjelskør, 30te August, gav Læge J. Chr. E. Christiansen til 
Museet. Ved Albøge, S. V. for Grenaa, blev en skudt 4de No- 
vember, meddeler Konserv. H.J. Hansen, der ogsaa oplyser, at 
en Han blev skudt ved Grindsted, S.Ø. for Tarm, 26de November. 

Parus Ccristatus. 

I de første Dage af August iagttoges Topmejser i Gran og 
Fyr forskjellige Steder i Ribe Plantage, meddeles af Eskil Skov- 
gaard og Halfdan Lange. 

Fra Stenalder og uvis Fortid. 

Til Fortegnelserne over vore jordfundne Fugle (se Vidensk. 
Medd. for 1903, S. 61—109, for 1905, S. 222—226, og for 1909, 
S. 111—113) er noget at føje, deriblandt Gecinus viridis fra Sten- 
alderen, en Art der ikke hidtil kjendtes som jordfunden hos os. 

De vpaagjeldende Findesteder og Fund (for Sammenhængens 
Skyld nævnes ogsaa de andre fundne Hvirveldyr) ere: 

Fra Ældre Stenalder. 
Lovns, ved Limfjorden, omtrent 2 Mil N. Ø. for Skive. 
Kjøkkenmødding. Indsamlet i 1905 for Nationalmuseet. Gjennem 
Direktør Dr. S. Miller skjænket til Zoologisk Museum i 1908. 

Cygnus mMusicus. Sus scrofa ferus. 

Podicipes cristatus. Cervus capreolus. 

Larus argentatus. Cervus elaphus. 

Meles taæus. Bos taurus urus (& domesticus). øl 

”) Hvad der snarest er tilfældige Indblandinger, er sat i Klammer. 


Sebber, ved Limfjorden, omtrent ”/4 Mil S. V. for Nibe. 
Skaldynge. Af Nationalmuseet skjænket til Zoologisk Museum i 1910. 

Cygnus musicus? 
Anser torqvatus. 

Tetrao urogallus. 

Phalacrocorax carbo. 

Felis catus fera. 

Canis vulpes. 

Canis familiaris. 
Cervus capreolus. 
Cervus elaphus. 
(Bos taurus domest.) 
Sus scrofa ferus. 

(Homo sapiens.) 

Vejleby, ved Isefjord, omtrent 1/2 Mil N.Ø. for Holbæk. 
Skaldynge. Af Nationalmuseet skjænket til Zoologisk Museum i 1910. 

Angvilla vulgaris. 
Gadus morrhua. 
Pleuronectes sp. 
Scomber scombrus. 
(Bufo sp.j 
Pagonetta glacialis. 

Oedemia fusca. 

Somateria mollissima. 

Mergus merganser. 

Fodicipes cristatus. 

(Arvicola amphibius.) 
(Arvicola agrestis.) 
Felis catus fera. 
Canis vulpes. 

Canis familiaris. 
Martes sylvatica. 
Cervus capreolus. 
Cervus elaphus. 

Sus scrofa ferus. 

Sølager, paa Nordkysten af Mundingen af Roskilde Fjord, 

S. V. for Frederiksværk. 

Skaldynge. Indsamlet af Nationalmuseet 

i 1907. Skjænket Zoologisk Museum i 1909. Det er den samme 
Kjøkkenmødding, hvorfra der tidligere foreligger store Fund. 

Esox lucius. 
Angvilla vulgaris. 
Belone rostrata. 
Gadus morrhua, 
Pleuronectes sp. 
Cottus scorpius. 
Anas penelops? 

Anas boscas. 

Cygnus minor. 

Cygnus musicus. 
Podicipes cristatus. 
Colymbus septentrionalis. 
Clangula glaucion. 
Oedemia nigra. 
Oedemia fusca. 

Somateria mollissima. 


Mergus merganser. Castor fiber. 
Mergus serrator. Seciurus vulgaris. 
Tetrao urogallus. Felis catus fera. 
Tachybaptes minor. Canis vulpes. 
Larus canus. Canis familiaris. 
Larus argentatus. Martes sylvatica. 
Larus marinus. Lutra vulgaris. 
Uria troile. i Halichoerus grypus. 
Alca impennis. Cervus capreolus. 
Plalacrocorax carbo. Cervus elaphus. 
Haliaétus albicilla. (Ovis aries.) 
Gecinus viridis. (Bos taurus domest.) 
Corvus corniæx? Sus scrofa ferus. 
Fringilla montifringilla ? Phocæna communis. 
Erinaceus europæus. (Homo sapiens.) 

Fra Yngre Stenalder. 

Troldebjerg, ved og i Gammellungs Mose ved Illebølle, 
S. Ø. for Rudkjøbing.  Kjøkkenmødding.  Indsamlet af Hr. J. 
Winther og af ham skjænket til Zoologisk Museum i 1906 
og 1908. 

Emys orbicularis. Cervus elaphus. 
Cygnus sp. Ovis aries. 
Somateria mollissima. Capra hircus. 
Phalacracorax carbo. Bos taurus domest. 
Castor fiber. Sus scrofa dvmest. 
Canis familiaris. (Eqvus caballus.) 
Lutra vulgaris. (Homo sapiens.) 

Fra uvis Fortid, 
Ørting Mose, S. for Odder. Skjænket til Zoologisk Museum 
af Lærer M.P. Madsen i 1909, 
Grus cinerea. 


Hollerup, omtrent 13/4 Mil S. Ø. for Randers, paa Nord- 
siden af Gudenaa-Dalen. Vistnok Fyld fra en gammel Rævegrav, 
der i uvis Fortid er gravet i en interglacial Aflejring. Af Dr. N. 
Hartz i 1907 indsendt til Bestemmelse. 

Batrachia. Hypudæus glareola. 

Tetrao urogallus. 

Svinø, omtrent 1!/2 Mil. S. for Næstved." Fundet i en 
Jættestue, vist for Istørste Delen Indholdet af et gammelt Ræve- 
Bo; flere af Knoglerne ere gnavede af Rovdyr. Af Nationalmuseet 
skjænket til Zoologisk Museum i 1910. 

Anas boscas. Cervus capreolus. 
Mergus imerganser. Cervus elaphus. 
Canis vulpes? Bos taurus domest. 

Phoca vitulina. 

Troldhøj, ved Stenstrup omtrent en Mil V. for Nykjøbing 
paa Sjælland. Fundet i en dobbelt Jættestue, vist for største 
Delen, til forskjellig Tid, indslæbt af Rovdyr, snarest af Maare. 
Af Nationalmuseet skjænket til Zoologisk Museum i 1910. 

Bufo sp. Felis catus, domest? 
Anas boscas. Meles taxus? 
Gallus ferrugineus. Cervus capreolus. 
Grus cinerea. Cervus elaphus. 
Åstur palumbarius. OQvis aries. 

Corvus corax. Bos taurus domest. 
Lepus europæus. Sus scrofa. 
ÅArvicola amphibius. Eqvus caballus. 

Søhjem Mose, i den vestlige Del af Øster- Marie Sogn, 
Bornholm. - Fundet paa Grændsen mellem Tørven og den under- 
liggende Gytje. Givet til Zoologisk Museum af Dr. N. Hartz i 1911. 

Phalacrocorax carbo. Sus scrofa ferus. 

De fundne Fugle-Knogler ere: 

Anas penelops? Pibeand? 

Sølager. Nedre Del af en Overarm. Kunde muligvis for- 

vexles med Anas acuta og Å. strepera. 


Anas boscas. Stokand. 

Sølager. Nedre Ender af 2 Skulderblade, forreste Ender 
af 2 Brystben, øvre Ende af en Overarm, et næsten helt Albueben. 
Svinø. En Overarm, et Albueben. Troldhøj. Adskillige Knogler, 
de fleste vistnok sammenhørende. Knoglerne fra de. to sidstnævnte 
Steder ere maaske af tamme Ænder. 

Cygnus minor. Pibesvane. 

Sølager.  Midtstykke af et Albueben, Midtstykke af et 

Cygnus musicus. Sangsvane. 

Lovns. 2 Ravnenæbsben. Sebber. Art tvivlsom, Mulig- 
hed for Forvexling med C. olor. Nedre Ende af et Skulderblad, 
nedre Ende af et Laarben, 2 Taaled. Sølager. 2 Stykker af. 
Underkjæbe-Grene, 3 Halshvirvler, nedre Ende af et Skulderblad ; 
6 Stykker af Ravnenæbsben, deriblandt 3 øvre Ender; 5 Stykker 
af Nøgleben, forreste Ende af et Brystben; 11 Stykker af Over- 
arme, deriblandt Dele af mindst 5 øvre Ender og 2 nedre Ender, 
af hvilke den ene er helt vanskabt, vistnok som Følge af et Saar; 
8 større eller mindre Stykker af Midten af Spoleben, 6 Stykker af 
Albueben, en Haandrodsknogle, Midtstykker af 2 Laarben og å 
Mellemfod. De fleste af Knoglerne kunne ikke med Sikkerhed 
skjelnes fra Knogler af C. olor; men Ravnenæbsbenene og Bryst- 
benet ere afgjort af C. musicus. Troldebjerg. Arten usikker. 
Stump af nedre Ende af en Overarm. 

Clangula glaucion. Hvinand. 

Sølager. Bageste Del af en Underkjæbe, 8 Skulderblade; 
36 Ravnenæbsben, mere eller mindre mangelfulde; forreste Ender 
af 6 Brystben; 17 Overarme, af hvilke 4 næsten hele; 11 Albue- 
ben, deraf 1 næsten helt; 4 Mellemhaandsben: 9 Laarben, mest 
Midtstykker; 11 Stykker af Skinneben. - Mulig, men ikke sand- 
synlig, ere nogle af de største af de Ravnenæbsben, der her eré 
henførte til Clangula glaucion, forvexlede med Knogler af Fuligula 
marila; det har vist sig, ved rigeligere Sammenlignings-Stof, at 


Ravnenæbsben af Hanner af Clangula glaucion og Hunner af Fuli- 
gula marila kunne være saa ens, at de neppe ere. til at skjelne, 
især ikke i ufuldstændig Tilstand; de Ravnenæbsben, der i. Vidensk. 
Medd. for 1903, S. 83, ere nævnte fra Skaldyngerne ved Mejlgaard, 
Klintesø, Havelse, Sølager og Sejrø og henførte til Fuligula marila, 
maa derfor regnes for tvivlsomme; de, der ere opførte fra Havnø, 
ere derimod sikre. 

Pagonetta glacialis. Havlit. 
Vejleby. En Overarm, uden Led-Ender. 

Oedemia nigra. Sortand. 

Sølager. 9 Ravnenæbsben; nogle af de største ere dog 
maaske forvexlede med Knogler af Hunner af Oedemia fusca. I 
den store Mængde af ubestemmelige Knogle- Brudstykker af Ande- 
fugle af Middelstørrelse foreligge vistnok andre IKnogler af Sortanden. 

Oedemia fusca. Fløjlsand. 

Vejleby. Midtstykke af en Mellemfod, Sølager. 5 nedre 
Ender af Skulderblade, 14 Ravnenæbsben, 5 forreste Ender af 
Brystben, 4 Midtstykker af Overarme, 8 Midtstykker af Albueben, 
øvre Ende af en Mellemhaand, 5 Midtstykker af Laarben, et Midt- 
stykke og en nedre Ende af Mellemfod. 

Somateria mollissima.  Ederfugl. 

Vejleby. Nedre Ende af et Skulderblad, Stykker af 2 uens 
Overarme. Sølager. 2 Sæt Bækkenhvirvler, 3 nedre Ender af 
Skulderblade, 5 Stykker af Nøgleben, 7 Ravnenæbsben, 5- forreste 
Ender af Brystben, Midtstykker af 9 Overarme og 5 Albueben, 
Stykker af 2 Mellemhænder, Midtstykker af 6 Laarben, Stykker af 
6 Skinneben. Troldebjerg. Nedre Ende af et Albueben. 

Mergus merganser. Stor Skallesluger. 

Vejleby. Bageste Del af en Underkjæbe, øvre Ende af et 
Ravnenæbsben. Sølager. 6 Ravnenæbsben, Stykker af 2 Laar- 
ben. Svinø. Stykke af en Hjernekasse. En Klump knuste smaa 
Fiske-Knogler, der fandtes samme Sted, er sandsynligvis Mave- 
Indhold af Skalleslugeren. 


Mergus serrator. Toppet Skallesluger. 

Sølager. Flere Stykker af nedre Strubehoved, 11 Ravne- 
næbsben, 3 forreste Ender af Brystben; 7 Stykker af Overarme, 
mest Midtstykker; 4 Mellemhaandsben, 3 Midtstykker af Laarben, 
et næsten helt Skinneben. 

Anser torqvatus. Knortegaas. 
Sebber. Et Ravnenæbsben, et Skulderblad. 

Tetrao urogallus. Tjur. 

Sebber. Midtstykker af Overarm og Albueben, Stykke af en 
Mellemhaand. Sølager. Midtstykke af Overarm af Han, øvre 
Ende af Skinneben og øvre Ende af Mellemfod af Hun. Holle- 
rup. Spoleben og Mellemhaand af Han, begge hele. 

Tachybaptes minor. Lille Lappedykker. 
Sølager. 4 Midtstykker af Overarme, Midtstykke af et 
Albueben, et næsten helt Laarben, nedre Ende af et Skinneben. 

Podicipes cristatus. Stor Lappedykker. 

Lovns. 2 Mellemfodsben. Vejleby.  Midtstykke af en 
Underkjæbe-Gren, et Ravnenæbsben uden nedre Ende, Midtstykke 
af en Overarm, Stump af et Albueben, Midtstykke af et Laarben, 
Midtstykke af en Mellemfod. Sølager. 2 Skulderblade, 3 Ravne- 
næbsben, Midtstykker af 1 Overarm, 2 Albueben og 2 Laarben, 
Stykker af 3 Skinneben, 1 helt Mellemfodsben og Stykker af 
7 andre. 

Colymbus septentrionalis. Rødstrubet Lom. 
Sølager. Nedre Ende af et Skulderblad. 

Grus cinerea. Trane. 

Ørting Mose. Skinneben og Mellemfod. Troldhøj. Et 
udspaltet og tilspidset Stykke af et Skinneben, tildannet som Red- 
skab i Yngre Stenalder. 

Larus canus. Stormmaage. 
Sølager. Midtstykke af en Overarm. 


Larus argentatus. Havmaage., 
Lovns. Stykker af 2 Overarme, Midtstykke af et Laarben. 
Sølager. Et Ravnenæbsben, Stykke af et Albueben. 

Larus marinus. Svartbag. 
Sølager. Stump af et Ravnenæbsben, Midtstykke af et 

Uria troile. Lomvie. 
Sølager. Midtstykke af en Overarm. 

Ålca impennis. Gejrfugl. 

Sølager. Et Sæt Bækkenhvirvler, Midtstykke af en højre 
Overarm, Midtstykke af et højre Laarben. 

Til Fortegnelsen over Gejrfugle-Fundene fra vore Nabolande 
ere fremdeles (se Vidensk. Medd. for 1909, S. 113) følgende at 
føje, alle bestemte af H. Winge: Paa en Stenalder-Boplads i 
Valseshulen nær Christiansund paa Norges Vestkyst S. V. for 
Trondhjem er fundet et højre Skulderblad, med Snitmærker; sam- 
men med andre Dyre-Knogler indsendtes det fra Trondhjems Mu- 
Seums Oldsagsamling af Overlærer K. Rygh til Bestemmelse; hele 
Fundet er skildret af A. Nummedal i: Dalehelleren og Valseshulen, 
to Stenalders Bopladser ved Kristiansund, Kgl. Norske Videnskabers 
Selskabs Skrifter 1910, Nr. 11, Trondhjem, 1911. Paa en forhistorisk 
Boplads i Hestneshulen paa Øen Hitteren V. for Trondhjem, 
Snarest fra Stenalderen, er kommet for Dagen bageste Del af en 
venstre Underkjæbe, Midtstykke af et Skinneben og nedre Ende af 
et andet, begge højre; Fundet i dets Helhed er skildret af Th. 
Petersen i: Hestneshulen, Beretning om Undersøkelsen av en 
forhistorisk Boplads paa Hitteren, Kgl. Norske Videnskapers Sel- 
skaps Skrifter 1910, No. 2, Trondhjem. Paa en Jernalder-Boplads 
paa Kjelmø i Mundingen af Bøkfjorden, ved Sydkysten af Varanger 
Fjord, fandtes en hel venstre Overarm og et venstre Skinneben 
uden øvre Ende; det samlede Fund er skildret af O. Solberg i: 
Eisenzeitfunde aus Ostfinmarken, Christiania Videnskabs-Selsk. Skrifter, 
II, Hist.-Filos. Klasse, 1909, No. 7. I en Aflejring ved Kolla- 


fjardarnes paa Islands Nordkyst, vistnok væsenligst Indholdet 
af gamle Rævegrave, er fundet et Stykke af en Pande, forreste 
Ende af en Underkjæbe, en højre Overarm uden nedre Ende, Midt- 
stykke af et højre Skinneben; hele Fundet er skildret af Gud- 
mundur Bårdarson i hans Afhandling: Mærker efter Klima- 
og Niveauforandringer ved Hiinafléi i Nord-Island, Vidensk. Medd. 
for 1910; Knoglerne ere skjænkede til Zoologisk Museum. 

Phalacrocorax carbo. Skarv. 

Sebber. Forreste Ende af et Brystben. Sølager.  Midt- 
stykke af et Albueben, Stykke af en Mellemhaand, Midtstykke af 
en Mellemfod. Troldebjerg. Nedre Ende af et Skinneben. 
Søhjem Mose. Et helt Albueben. 

Haliaétus albicilla. Havørn. 
Sølager. Midtstykke af en Mellemfod. 

Astur palumbarius. Duehøg. 
Troldhøj. Et Kloled. 

Gecinus viridis.  Grønspet. 
Sølager. Et helt Mellemfodsben, i Form og Størrelse ganske 
som hos en Grønspet fra Nutiden. 

Corvus cornix2 Krage? 
Sølager. En næsten hel Overarm af en ung Fugl. Kan 
forvexles med C. frugilegus. 

Corvus corax. Ravn. 

Troldhøj. En Ryghvirvel, et Bækken, Stykker af højre og 
venstre Laarben. 

Fringilla montifringilla?  Kvæker? 

Sølager. En hel Overarm, i Form og Størrelse ganske som 
hos F. montifringilla Hun fra Nutiden, mindre end hos F. coelebs, 
men Forskjellen saa lille, at en Forvexling maaske er mulig. 

Fra Færøerne. : 

Tveraa og Galgatange Fyr. Intet Fuglefald. — E.B.Jacobsen. 

Nolsø Fyr. Øde Januar, 2 Suler V. Suler vare derefter at 
se omtrent hver Dag, sidste Gang dte December. Marts: 3dje en 
Strandskade trak forbi; den næste blev set den Ste; fuldtallig var 
den ikke før sidst i Maaneden. 4de flere Viber ved Fyret; der- 
efter vare Viber at se hver Dag til henimod Midten af September. 
17de en Mallemuk faldt (ikke indsendt). 31te en Lunde trak forbi 
mod S; ingen blev set igjen før 16de April, Arten var da fuld- 
tallig paa Yngleplads. 14de Oktober en Skraape faldt (ikke ind- 
sendt). 22de December en Lunde set. — V. Larsen. 

Tofte. Intet Fuglefald. — S. Thorkildshøj. 

Kalsø. Ligeledes. — J. Clementsen. 

Myggenæs. 12te Marts en Snespurv faldt (Emberiza nivalis 2 
Vinger og Fødder indsendte). — D. Olsen. 


Vidensk. Meddel, fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bd. 63. 13 

Mydæa anomala Jaenn., 
a parasite of South-American birds. 
Dr. J. C. Nielsen. 

In 2 collection of various zoological objects, which the Zoolo- 
gical Museum in Copenhagen received in 1910 from Mr. I. Mo- 
gensen, åa Dane now established in Concepcion, Argentina, there 
was a finch, Spermophila gutturalis, bearing on the belly near the 
anus a great tumor, the top of which was open, showing a dipte- 
rous maggot; the bird was shot on the nest, which contained 
two eggs. ; 
In addition to this bird the collection also comprised several 
maggots squeezed out from tumors on nestlings of Agelaus thilius, 
a puparium and a fly bred from such maggots. 

On my demand Mr. Mogensen collected in the following 
months, December 1910 — January 1911, more material. He 
succeded in finding tumors on nestlings of Homorus lophotes and 
Pitangus sulfuratus bolivianus and he observed in the nest of a 
thrush, Mimus modulator, two nestlings, which were both strongly 
infested with maggots (Fig. 2), and such were also found in the 
vicinity of the anus of the female bird. He also reared the fly, 
which proved to belong to the species: Mydæa anomala Jaenn!). 

U F. Jaennicke: Neue exotische Dipteren (Abhandl. herausgeg. v. d. 

Senckenbergischen naturf. Gesellschaft VI, 1866—67 pag. 377). Me- 
sembrina anomala. 



From the observations of Mr. Mogensen it appears that the 
maggots attack both nestlings and elder birds. The fly seems not 
to be rare and to cause severe damage among the birds. The in- 
fested nestlings are killed by the maggots, which leave the tumors 
after the death of the bird and pupate in the ground. Already 
5—6 days after the pupa- 

tion the flies emerge. I do 
not know, whether the pre- 
sense of the maggots also 
causes the death of the elder 
birds; the above  mentio- 
ned  Spermophila  gutturalis 
appeared to be in good health. 
Yet it may be that the pre- 
sense of more maggots in a 
" bird will prove fatal to it. 
Fig. 1 represents the 
above mentioned Spermophila 
gutturalis; the plumes have 
been removed in front and 
from the sides of the tumor, 
but the tumor itself was quite 
bare. The length and breadth 

ou | are almost equal, measuring 

ikk les rr] about 9 mm, and the diame- 
Fig. 1. Spermophila gutturalis. ter of its opening ca. 7 mm; 
R. H. Stamm phot. 

the tumor contained two larvæ, 
which were almost fullgrown, While this bird was infested 
with these two maggots only, the nestlings of Mimus modu- 
lator were much more infested. The length of the nestlings 
was ca. 9 cm and on both were found more than a score of mag- 
gots, measuring from 17/2—15 mm Fig. 2. 

The larvæ were situated on all parts of the nestlings, also 

on the head, the wings and the legs. 


I suppose that the eggs or more presumably — as I have 
never seen eggshells on the skin of the birds — the larvæ are 
deposited by the fly on the birds. The larvæ subsequently ex- 
cavate a hole in the skin of the birds. Some larvæ have the 
anal end projecting from the tumor and on such larvæ are found 
distinet impressions corresponding to the border of the opening of 
the tumor”). The hole, in which the parasite lies, is excavated in 
the corium. The wall of the tumor (Fig. 3) is very thin ; the average 

Fig. 2. Two uestlings of Mimus modulator. R. H. Stamm phot. 

thickness being 0,2 mm, only the border of the opening is some- 
what thicker, measnring about 0,4 mm. The border is formed by 
4 Coarse layer of strongly compressed and shrivelled cells (a), which 
also continues a little along the inner side of the wall. The outer 
side of the wall is lined by an epithelium (b) which becomes rather 
thick near the opening, whereas it is thinner towards the base of 
the tumor. Under the epithelium is found a layer of connective 
tissue (c) enclosing some little blood vessels; the tissue is infil- 
trated with a great number of leucocytes, which are especially 
FEE rd 

1)y In fig. 2 some larvæ are seen protruding much more, f. i. on the heads; 
this is due to the preservation. 


numerous around the vessels and along the inner surface of the 

wall, which is, of course, not lined by epithelium. 

No trace of matter is seen in the tumor and also the excre- 

ments and cast larval skins of the parasites are removed from it. 


Fig. 3. Longitudinal section of the 
end of the wall of the tumor on 
the bird represented in Fig. 1 

The food of the parasite con- 
sists of the blood ofthe tissues 
along the inner surface of the 
tumor. As will be shown fur- 
ther on, the mouth of the mag- 
is provided with spines 

especially adapted to 
the tissues, and to form chan- 
nels along which the blood runs 
into the mouth opening. 


By an examination of the 
skin of the nestlings of Mimus 
modulator I succeded in finding, 
besides numerous fully grown 
larvæ, also some younger ones 
both in the first and tke se- 
cond stages. Thus I have had 
the opportunity of studying the 
changes, which the larvæ un- 
dergo during the metamorphosis 
and to compare these changes 
with those of the larvæ of 
other Muscidæ. 

I a previous paper!) I have established general characters 

taken from the pharyngeal skeleton and the spiracles in order to 

discriminate the 3 stages of the larvæ of some species belonging 

1) J. C. Nielsen: Iagttagelser over entoparasitiske Muscidelarver hos 

… Arthropoder. København 1909. 


to the Tachininæ and Dewiinæ, and these characters I have found 
confirmed by my subsequent studies on other larvæ of the named 
groups. In order to facilitate the comparison with the larva of 
Mydæa anomala I shall here recapitulate these characters. . In 
the first stage the pharyngeal skeleton is undivided, it terminates 
in front in a single pointed tooth, on each side of which is found 
a little hook, which is not connected with the skeleton by an ar- 
ticulation. Only the anal stigmata are present. In the second 
stage the median tooth of the pharyngeal skeleton has disappeared, 
each lateral part of the pharyngeal skeleton has in front an ar- 
ticulation to which the mouth-hooks are articulated. Most species 
are amfipneustic, some few metapneustic and the anal spiracles 
have only two knobs. In the third stage the anterior part of the 
pharyngeal skeleton is connected with the posterior by an articula- 
tion. Most species are amfipneustie; the posterior spiracles are 
Surrounded by a chitinous border and have at least three knobs. 

The larva of Mydæa anomala which species is, indeed, syste- 
matically rather distant from the Tachininæ and the. Deziinæ does 
not agree with the above characters, 

In the first stage there is no median tooth and the two lateral 
parts of the skeleton are separated from eachother being only connected 
by means of a ventral bar; also the mouth hooks are articulated to 
the skeleton. In both the second and the third stages the skeleton 
has the same shape as in the 3. stage in the Tachininæ and 
Dexiinæ viz: the hooks being articulated with the anterior part 
of the skeleton and this part with the posterior. A distinctive 
mark betwcen the two stages therefore cannot be found in the 
shape of the pharyngeal skeleton. The differences with respect to 
the shape of the mouth-hooks of Mydæa anomala are certainly 
due to the parasitism of the larva and therefore not suitable to 
afford general characters. 

Also with respect to the spiracles the larva of Mydæa ano- 
mala is different from those of the Tachininæ and Deziinæ having 
three knobs in the anal stigmata of the second stage. 


The mouth armature of the larva of Mydæa anomala is very 
interesting on account of its pronounced adaption to the biology of 
the larva. In the first stage, in which the larva penetrates through 
the integument of the host, the two mouth hooks form a bore with 

sharp teeths placed eminently well for the purpose of producing 




» 7 9 
Figs. 4—9. Mouth hooks and gane Hiv of the larva of Mydæa 

anomala Jaenn, Figs. 4—5 1' stage; the whole skeleton from the side and 
the anterior part from beneath; ek 6—7 2' stage, Figs. 8—9 3' stage. 

a hole. In the second stage, in which the larva is resting on its 
place in the tumor and in which it feeds on the blood of the host, 
the mouth hooks have changed into an instrument to irritate the 
wound, which forms the inner surface of the tumor. The dilatated 
end of the hooks are provided with strong spines and a prolonga- 


tion at the bases of the hooks serves as support for an area of 
the integument, which is provided with rows of minute spines; the 
spaces between the rows form a kind of channels along which the 
food runs to the mouth. In the third stage the shape of the mouth- 
hooks are not different from those of the larvæ of other Muscidæ, 
but the integument on each side of the mouth opening is provided 
with some strong spines, and as in the second stage with rows of 
minute spines"). 

In the following I shall give a more full description of the 
larva. The shape is the usual maggot-like, tapering from be- 
hind towards the head; the number of segments is 12, correspon- 
ding with the number I have found also in the cases of other 

First stage: The larvæ examined in this stage measured 
from 1,5—1,75 mm; they were not quite newly hatched, as they 
had almost penetrated into the skin of the bird. The segments, 
except the head, are provided with spines, which are spread over the 
whole of the segments, a little more numerous on the dorsal than 
on the ventral side, which is especially the case on the last seg- 
ments. The spines are pointing backwards with exception of those 
on the posterior margins of the segments 5—11, which are poin- 
ting forwards, and this is also the case with the spines on the 12th 
segment. The head is forwardly produced into two lobes, each 
bearing at the top a pointed optical tubercle which is almost 3 times 
longer than broad; at the side of the tubercle is found a short sen- 
Sory hair and on the ventral side some few minute sensory fa- 
cettes. The mouth hooks have a broad base; the end is provided 
with a sharp tooth, under which are found four other teeth; the hooks 

1) In the larva of Eæorista blepharipoda B. & B. I have formerly found 
a similar mouth-armature; in the second stage the end of the mouth- 
hooks is divided into a number of pointed teeths and on the side of 
the mouth opening is found both in the second and the third stages 
some sharp spines (J. C. Nielsen: Undersøgelser over entoparasitiske 
Muscidelarver hos Arthropoder. — Vid. Medd. Naturh. Forening Køben- 
havn, Bd. 68, 1911, pag. 1). 


articulate with the pharyngeal skeleton, which is formed by two 
lateral plates, connected with a ventral bar; the plates are ante- 
riorly narrow and become broader posteriorly; at the end they are 
deeply incised. The larva is metapneustic and the posterior spi- 
racles are situated in the hind margin of the anal segment; the 

atrium is long, somewhat clavate and ending with two knobs. 

Figs. 10—14. Spiracles of the larva af Mydæa anomala. Fig. 10. 1' stage. 
posterior RS Figs. 11—12. 2' stage. anterior and posterior spiracles. 
Figs. 13—14. 3' stage. anterior and posterior spiracles. 

Second stage: In this stage the spines are less numerous; 
the segments 2—4 have spines only on the anterior border but 
on the following segments also the posterior margins are provided 
with spines and the 12th segment bears spines on the whole sur- 
face. The direction of the spines is the same as in the first stage. 


The sense organs of the head have been somewhat altered ; 
the conical optical tubercle is shorter than in the first stage, being 
not longer than broad, and the sense facettes are now situated on 
the flattened top of a little papilla. 

The mouth-hooks have a rather curious shape. They are split 
up into two branches; at the end the dorsal branch is dilatated 
and here provided with a number of spines; the ventral branch is 
somewhat ventrally curved, Between the two branches the inte- 
gument carries some rows of very small spines, whose bases are 
connected. The anterior part of the pharyngeal skeleton is sepa- 
rated from the posterior by an articulation; it consists of two la- 
teral plates, connected by a ventral bar; on the upper side of the 
plates is found a strong tooth; the posterior part of the skeleton 
also consists of two plates, which are broad and deeply incised at 
the end. The anterior spiracles are found intersegmentally be- 
tween the second and third segment; the atrium is long; the end 
is fan-shaped, terminating with five knobs; the atrium of the po- 
sterior spiracles bears three oblong knobs. 

Third stage: The length of the. full-grown larvæ was ca. 
15 mm. The posterior end is obliquely truncate, in the middle 
deeply excavated, carrying the posterior spiracles in the centre of 
the excavation. The sense. organs of the head are similar to those 
of the second stage. On each side of the mouth-opening is found 
a group of some few strong spines "and behind these some rows of 
minute spines. The mouth-hooks articulate posteriorly with the an- 
terior pharyngeal sclerite, which is formed, as in the 2. stage, by 
two lateral plates, each provided with a strong spine on the upper 
side; the plates are connected by a somewhat prominent ventral 
bar; the posterior end of the sclerites articulates with the posterior 
pharyngeal sclerites. 

The anterior border of segments 2—4 is provided with rows 
of spines. "On the ventral side of the segments 5—11 there is a 
Spiniferous pad, behind which occur some smaller transverse pads, 
and on the side of the segments are found some minute warty tu- 


bercles; similar tubercles also occur on the dorsal side of the seg- 
ments, being distinct only on the 10—1lth segments. The anterior 
and posterior border of 5—1lth segments are provided with spines 
and the whole 12th segment bears spines, which are situated in 
short arched rows. The anus lies on the ventral side of the last 

The anterior spiracles are found on the posterior margin of 
the 2. segment; the atrium is conical, somewhat curved and ter- 
minates with 4 papilliform knobs. The posterior spiracles are 
surrounded with a broad chitinous frame enclosing 3 areas, which 
are filled up by the branches of the atrium; the respiratory areas 
are sinuated. 

The puparium: Length ca. 9 mm, brown, regularly ovate, 
somewhat more flattened on the ventral than on the dorsal side; 
the surface is smooth, only the hind end, which is deeply exca- 
vated in the centre, is strongly rugose; the anterior spiracles are 
not prominent and no trace of the pupa spiracles could be observed. 

The fly: Male. The head short, frons not prominent: eyes 
not touching; the narrow vertical triangle reddish brown, conti- 
nuing as a narrow stripe down into the yellowish brown. frontal 
triangle; the sides of the frons and the cheeks silverwhite; the 
frontal bristles of same length, black;. the jowls silvery in front, 
yellowish backwards and here clothed with yellow hairs. The 
bristles at the oral aperture black, the foremost long and thick, 
more than twice as long as the others. Antennæ bright reddish 
yellow, the third joint about twice as long as the second; arista 
long feathered, dark brown, yellow at the base.  Palpi yellow. 
Thorax slate grey with four dark grey stripes, the two median a 
little diverging backwards and here abbreviated, the lateral inter- 
rupted at the transverse furrow, each forming two more or less 
cuneiform spots. The humeral callus somewhat yellowish. The 
disc uniformly clothed with short black hairs. Only two acrosti- 
chal bristles just in front of the scutellum; two anterior and four 
posterior dorsocentral bristles; three humeral bristles, one post- 


(infra)-humeral bristle, two notopleural bristles; the præsutural 
bristle standing lower than the posthumeral; one intraalar bristle; 
three supraalar and two postalar bristles. Pleura grey with some 
indefinite yellowish markings. 

Scutellum with eight marginal bristles. Abdomen darker than 
thorax, blackish grey, somewhat shining, second segment pale yel- 
lowish with only a narrow hind margin dark, third segment with 
the anterior half yellow, both segments with the middle stripe 
dark; seen from behind the abdomen is whitishgrey pruinose; 
venter similarly coloured. Legs yellow, tarsi brownish, black at 
the end. Front femora with a dorsal, posterodorsal and poste- 
roventral row of long fine bristles, middle femora mainly short- 
haired, hind femora with an anterodorsal and anteroventral row of 
short, but rather strong bristles, and with some similar bristles on 
the anterior side in the middle; front tibiæ short-haired, only 
with apical bristles, middle tibiæ with two short posterior bristles 
and strong apical bristles, hind tibiæ curved, with three to four 
anterodorsal bristles. "Wings hyaline, middle cross-vein narrowly 
seamed,' posterior cross-vein S-like curved. 

Female. Front and vertex broader than in the male, but how- 
ever not broad; the middle stripe brown, the sides silvery as in 
the male. The legs much darker than in the male, the femora 
blackish grey, only reddish below towards the apex, the tibiæ 
brownish, tarsi black. To judge from my somewhat damaged fe- 
male specimen the abdomen has no or indistinct yellowish mar- 
kings. Length 7—8 mm. 

I have only succeded in finding a few litterary records of 
dipterous larvæ parasitic on birds. In Europe the larvæ of Pro- 
tocalliphora azurea Fall. (Lucilia dispar Léon Dufour) are said") 

1) Brauer & Bergenstamm: Die Zweifligler des kais. Mus. zu 
Wien (Denkschr. d. mathem.-naturwiss. Cl. d. kais. Akad. LXI. 1894 
pag. 10). — 


to occur under the skin of Anthus pratensis, Passer domesticus 
and swallows, and it is rather probable, that there are other flies, 
whose larvæ have similar habits; thus a maggot found under the 
skin of a young sparrow and described by Kirsch") does not 
agree with the description of the larva of Protocalliphora azurea 
by Dufour?). Outside Europe such parasitic larvæ are only known 
from the Antillæ and from South-America. In 1854 Macquard?) 
described under the name of Aricia picia fly, which Sallé had bred 
from a maggot, squeezed out from a tumor on a Picus striatus from 
St. Domingo; the autor adds, that Sallé had seen similar tu- 
mors in Mexico on other birds (Ieterus) and on squirrels. Later 
on Loew") described the same fly from Cuba as Hylemyia angu- 
stifrons n. sp. (cfr. Aldrichs catalogue). This fly resembles to 
a high degree the species treated in this paper, but as the de- 
scriptions are rather short it is not to decide with certainty, whe- 
ther Mydæa anomala is identical with it. 

In a series of essays on various parasitic Muscidæ R. Blan- 
chard>) also mentions and figures a specimen of a parasitic fly, 
whose larva was found in a wound on the head of a bird (Oriolus 
cayennensis) in Guyana and im the same paper the author also 
shortly records another somewhat greater maggot from the head of 
Oriolus mexicanus. Blanchard is inglined to adopt the spe- 
cific identity of the bred fly with Aricia pici of Macquard 
notwithstanding some differences especially in the colour of the 
abdomen, but the late Austrian dipterist Fr. Brauer identified it 

with Mesembrina anomala Jaennicke, whose type is found in the 

1) Th. Kirsch: Ueber zwei Fliegenlarven aus dem Nacken eines jungen 
Sperlings. (Berliner entomol. Zeitschr. 11. Jahrg. 1867 pag. 245). 

?) Léon Dufour: Histoires des métamorphoses de la Lucilia dispar 
(Ann. d. la Soc. entom. de France 2. Sér. III. 1845 pag. 205) 

3) Macquard: Notice sur une nouvelle espéce d'Aricia (Ann. d. la Soc. 
entom. de France 3. Sér. I. 1853 

1) Loew: Diptera menigt in insula Cuba collecta (Wiener entom. Mo- 
natschrift V. 1861 pag 

5) R. Blanchard: nd” å Tétude des Diptéres parasites (Troi- 
siéme série. Ann. Soc. Entom. Fr. LXV 1896 pag. 652). 


collection von Heyden now in the possession of the museum of 
In 1889 Meinert!) described as Philornis molesta n. gen. 
n. sp. the 3' stage of a maggot occurring in subcutaneous sacs on 
a nestling bird from Brazilia. This maggot is very similar to 
Mydæa anomala but differs in some respects, viz. the anterior 
pharyngeal sclerite being broader and without the strong spine on 
the upper margin; still it is possible that the pharyngeal skeleton 
of the Philornis when drawn has been lying in a position that the 
spine has coincided with the anterior part of the sclerite, and thus 
given the impression of the whole sclerite being broader. The 
number of knobs in the anterior spiracles are recorded as 5 in 
Philornis, while I have never seen more than 4 in the 3” stage 
larva of Mydæa anomala. The general appearence and the po- 
Sterior spiracles seem to be quite the same in both larvæ. — At 
all events Philornis molesta and Mydæa anomala are closely re 
lated species. 
The synonomy of this species is thus the following: 
Mesembrina anomala Jaenniche. Abhandl. herausgeg. v. d. Sen- 
ckenb. naturf. Gesellschaft Vl1 1866—67, pag. 377. 

Åricia pici Macq. R. Blanchard. Ann. Soc. Entom. Fr. LXV 
1896 pag. 652. 

" ? Aricia pici Macquard. Ann. Soc. Entom. Fr. 3. Ser. I. 1853 
pag. 655. 

? Hylemia angustifrons Loew. Wiener entom. Monatschr. V. 1861. 
pag. 41. 

? Philornis molesta Meinert. Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Forening 
København 1889 pag. 304. 

Here I may point out, that when the Katalog der palæark- 
fischen Dipteren III gives Philornis molesta Mein. as synonymous 
with Protocalliphora azurea Fall., this is only due to the authors 
lack of knowledge of the Danish language. They have not realized 

") Fr. Meinert: Philornis molesta, en paa Fugle snyltende Tachinarie 
(Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Forening, København 1889 pag. 304). 


that Meinerts paper treats of a Brazilian species, and because 
Emberiza miliaria is the only bird name mentioned — the Bra- 
zilian bird .nestling, which contained the FPhilornis not being 
identified — they have supposed, that it was the host of Pi- 
lornis. This has caused them to believe Philornis a European 
species, and with this wrong deduction it was very natural, that 
they should make Philornis a synonym of Protocalliphora; but the 
entire reasoning rests on a wrong conception, as Emberiza miliaria 
has nothing to do with Påilornis but was merely mentioned inci- 
dentally, referring to a communication of Collett on dipterous 
larvæ found under the skin of a nestling of the named bird in 


Astroclon Suensoni n. sp. 
Å new East Åsiatic Euryalid. 
Preliminary Notice 
Dr. Th. Mortensen. 

In a collection of zoological objects made this year by Captain 
E. Suenson in the Japanese Seas on repairing telegraph cables 
there was, among several other interesting Echinoderms, a large 
Specimen of a Euryalid which at once attracted my attention. On 
a closer examination the specimen was found to belong to the 
genus Åstroclon, which was established by Lyman for a single 
specimen collected near the Kei Islands by the ,,Challenger" Ex- 
pedition (Station 192. Lat. 5? 42'S., Long. 132? 25' E. 129 fathoms; 
26: TX. 1874). " The …»Challenger" species, named by Lyman 
Åstroclon propugnatoris, being still known only from the single 
Specimen dredged by that Expedition, it was very interesting here 
to find another specimen, and the interest was even considerably 
åugmented through the fact that this specimen proved to be the 
representative of another, quite distinct species. I shall give here 
a preliminary description of this new species, naming it, in honour 
of the collector 

Astroclon Suensoni n. sp. 
Diameter of disk 55 mm; width of arm near the disk 14—15 
mm, height at the same point 12—13 mm. 
Vidensk, Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bd. 63. 14 


The mouth angles bear at the apex a tuft of small, spine-like 
papillæ, the middle ones being the longest; the outer ones are 
only granules, and these granules continue to the edge of the 
mouth, covering the sides of the mouth angles. The jaws bear a 
bunch of papillæ-like teeth, bordered by some grain-like papillæ; 
the teeth are well separated from the tuft of papillæ on the apex 
of the mouth angles. 

The underside is covered by a thick, finely granulated skin, 
through which no plates can be discerned. The upper side of the 
disk is covered by a more coarsely granulated skin, bearing 
numerous, irregularly arranged, large, round, white tubercles, among 
which one in the centre of the disk and one above the base of 
each arm are the most prominent. At the edge of the interbrachial 
spaces the limit between the coarsely tuberculated upper side and 
the nearly smooth underside is marked quite sharply. The radial 
shields appear as rather broad ribs, continuing about halfway to 
the centre of the disk; at the outer edge they are raised con- 
spicuously over the base of the arms. The radial plates themselves 
are not seen through the thick covering skin. — The genital slits 
are very large, as in Å. propugnatoris. 

The arms are clad on their strongly arched dorsal side by the 
same coarsely granulated covering as the disk, the large tubercles 
continuing, without decreasing conspicuously in size or number, 
until the first forking. From there they diminish both in size and 
number, until beyond the third or fourth forking only one larger 
tubercle is indicated on each arm joint, or, farther out, with more 
irregular intervals. The smaller granules, on the other hand, con- 
tinue still farther out, disappearing only on the outer, fine branches. 
The rings of hooklets may begin between the first and second 
forking, but are not regular till beyond the second forking. The 
underside of the arm, which is almost flat, is covered by a rather 
coarsely, but uniformly granulated skin. — The highly character- 
istic deep tentacular pits are very conspicuous far out on the arms, 


gradually diminishing in size, until beyond the second forking they 
disappear. The arm spines are short, thick, skinclad, with the 
point somewhat thorny. They are arranged in transversal rows, 
five in number in the larger basal part of the arm. On the joiuts 
contained in the disk (7) their number is somewhat inconstant, 
sometimes only 4, or even 2; on the. second joint there are only 
2—3, on the first joint none. From the second forking the number 
of the arm spines diminishes, until at the outer branches there is 
only one; contemporaneously they become more slender, but they 
are not transformed into hooks. 

" Ås in A. propugnatoris the arms widen from the mouth 
towards the edge of the disk, from there diminishing in width very 
gradually outwards. The arms are somewhat unequally developed, 
both as regards their size and the distances between the forkings, 

as seen from the measurements of two arms given here: 

Årm ÅA. Arm B. 
Length from base to 1. forking ... 75 mm. 95 mm. 
snes ae l. - 2. — ... 40—42 — 33 — 
me en 2. - 8. — ... 14—58 — 40—15 — 

These measurements also indicate that the two branches of a 
forking are mostly of very unequal length. 

The skin covering the upper side of the disk and the arms 
is of a brownish colour which makes the large white tubercles the 
more prominent. 

The specimen was taken at lat. 32? 20' N., long. 1282 15' E.; 
110 fathoms; bottom temperature 11,1? (52? F.). 17. V. 1911. It 
Was, unfortunately somewhat damaged, two of the arms being 
broken a little inside the first forking and another arm being 
broken within the disk, but remaining attached by the dorsal skin. 
Also the specimen of A. propugnatoris was somewhat similarly 
damaged. It thus appears that the species of this genus are rather 

fragile in spite of their stoutness. 


The main characters distinguishing this species from A. pro- 
pugnatoris are the large tubercles on the upper side of disk and 
arms, the more coarsely granulated under side of the arms and the 
granules covering the sides of the mouth angles. Further the dark 
patches on disk and arms, so characteristic of AÅ. propugnatoris 
are not found in the present species. 


Danish freeliving Nematodes. 

Hjalmar Ditlevsen, 
Zoological Museum, Copenhagen. 

The present paper is a contribution to the knowledge of the 
freeliving Nematodes of Denmark, a part of our fauna to which 
almost no attention has been paid till now. It treats 59 species, 
distributed on 21 genera. The great majority are land- and fresh- 
water species. I have included a few marine littoral forms which 
I met with accidentally, e. g. Rhabditis marina which Bastian 
described in 1866 from Falmouth. 8 species have not been de- 
scribed before. 

Though the work is mainly faunistic there are included some 
observations of biological and morphological facts. Such facts will 
be found under the respective species. 

All the animals dealt with were collected by the author. 
Consequently the majority originate from the surroundings of Copen- 
hagen. A smaller part was taken near the mouth of the Isefjord, 
near Lynæs. The Jutland-forms I collected on a journey last sum- 
mer (1910) at the expense of the Japetus Steenstrup fuud, for 
which beg to offer my best thanks. 

I am much indebted to the Carlsberg fund for the support it 
has given my work by enabling me to procure suitable instru- 
ments, and also for having paid the phototypic reproduction of 
the plates. 

I wish to thank Dr. de Man in Yerseke for the kindness 
with which he has plåced at my disposal his great knowledge 
whenever I have addressed myself to him. 


With our present knowledge of the Nematodes it is not pos- 
sible to draw a sharp line between the freeliving and parasitic 
forms. Thus we have the heterogene species with a parasitic and 
a freeliving generation, forms as Angiostomum nigrovenosum, com- 
mon in the lungs of frogs and Strongyloides intestinalis whose 
parasitic generation lives in the intestine of man and mammals. 
Then we have a number of species living in putrefying substances 
and plant decay, many of which are transitional forms to parasitic 
life. It is proved that several of these forms can occasionally 
become parasitic; such cases are recorded from time to time in the 
special medical literature. As to other species it is proved of late 
that they can be found both as real entoparasites in plants and 
free in the earth. That the number of these will increase con- 
siderably in future is beyond doubt. Besides these partly or facul- 
tative parasites and besides the Nematodes of putrefaction we have 
for the rest the great number of species living free in earth and 
water, which far exceed the other groups in number. As far as 
our present knowledge extends, they are not parasitic though we 
must say that the life of a great number of forms depends on 
plants or particularly roots of plants. The supposition, generally 
found in the literature that the majority of Anguillulines live in 
putrefying substances is scarcely correct. Bitschli has already 
objected to it; he writes: ,,Ich suchte diese freilebende Nematoden 
mit ganz geringen Ausnahmen vergeblich in Wasser, Schlamm oder 
Erde, die schon durch den Geruch sich als deutlich faulend er- 
wiesen. Gewédhnlich fand ich den Schlamm stark riechender Ge- 
wåsser ganz frei von unseren Thierchen, ebenso die schon angefaul- 
ten Confervenmassen auf der Oberflåche derartiger Gewåsser. Eine 
reiche Fauna unserer Thiere. entwickelt sich hingegen in reinem 
und vorzugsweise fliessendem Wasser." The species found in putre- 
fying substances are ordinarily quite distinct forms which are re- 
presentatives of a few genera, the most common of which are 


Rhabditis, Diplogaster and Cephalobus. De Man, who in his 
large Monograph exclusively deals with the ,.in der reinen Erde 
und im stssen Wasser lebenden Nematoden” divides these in the 
strictest sense of the word free-living forms, after the different soil 
in which they live. He establishes five groups, namely: 






With the word ,,Brachwassernematvden" de Man indicates 
the forms living in earth, saturated with brackish water; he tells 
himself that the word is an abbreviation of ,,Brachwassererdenema- 
toden", This sort of soil which is, of course, found to a great 
extent in Holland has its own fauna containing forms which are 
neither to be found in the sea nor in freshwater. The Sand- 
Nematodes are especially found in dunes; the omnivaging forms 
occur in all sorts of earth besides fresh-water and the sea. A fact 
which would be of great interest to get explored, is the extension 
downwards in the soil of the different species of Nematodes. It is 
connected with the question of their dependence on the plants and 
Could possibly also throw light upon their relation to organic sub- 
stances in the earth as well as to other in the earth living 

Ås to collecting and preparation I shall notice the following: 
I immediately put the gathered material wbich has to be examined 
for Nematodes in tin-boxes or in glasses with tight-fitting covers 
or corks; then it will not dry up and the animals will keep living 
for a long time. This summer I have re-examined some of the 
material which I gathered last summer on a journey in Jutland and 
which has been standing during the winter in such boxes or glasses 
and it proved that it still contained lots of Nematodes besides 
Oligochetes, Tardigrades, Podura and larvæ of Insects, in short 
the whole fauna which is commonly found in such material, ap- 


parently well and comfortable. — For the purpose of finding the 
animals I employ quite flat glass-cups of c. 20 ctm. in diameter. 
Here I pour water over the material and spread it over the cup. 
It is not convenient to have too much of earth as it renders the 
searching for the animals difficult; it is not easy especially to search 
in fatty mould and clayey material. 'The glass-cup is placed on a 
black underlayer, raised a little over it, on the turned cover of a 
Petri-cup and then I begin the search by means of a good 
lens. The animals are taken with a very fine needle — for the 
smallest forms a pipette is employed, drawn out in a long fine 
tip — and placed in a watch-glass with some water. From here 
they are picked up and placed one by one on a slide for examina- 
tion. Many of them being very agile — in that respect the various 
species behave most differently — it is necessary to make them 
immobile, and this is generally done by holding the slide for a 
moment cautiously over a small spirit-flame; thereafter the cover- 
slip is applied. which must be supported by wax or the like. 

If these animals are to be prepared for study or for Museum 
use it is preferable to mount them on slides on account of their 
diminutiveness. Several fluids are recommended for fixation. De 
Man employes a mixture of Glycerine 3 and acetic acid 1/3. 
I have not succeeded in employing this and others have had the. 
same misfortune; Orley thus says in his paper: ,,Die Rhabditiden 
und ihre medicinische Bedeutung", that ,,solche Pråparate sehr auf- 
hellen und schrumpfen". Jågerskjåld recommends in his paper 
of 1901: ,,Weitere Beitråge zur Kenntniss der Nematoden" a mixture 
of Alcohol 50 %/0, 70—90, Glycerine, c. 30—70 and glacial acetic 
acid, c. one drop. Loos recommends mixtures of a similar com- 
position (Zool. Anz. 1901) and Orley employs picro-sulphuric, 
solution of corrosive sublimate and !/4 per cent solution of osmic 
acid, — 

I have tried for my preparations most of these reagents with 
unequal results and moreover I have tried a number of other mix- 
tures which I thought might be employed with success. These 


animals being, as known, provided with a very thick cuticula it is 
of importance to find well penetrating fluids; this is not the case 
with osmic acid. This fluid, in my opinion, can only be employed 
upon diminutive species and in this case, in accordance with the 
well known method employed on Protozoans, namely on the slide with 
osmic vapour by holding the slide inverted over the mouth of a 
bottle containing a 1 per cent solution of osmic acid, for five mi- 
nutes. Ås far as my experience goes, the same fluid that can be 
used for some forms cannot be employed with success on all. One 
of the mixtures which has most satisfied me and which I used for 
a long while is a mixture of a saturated solution of Picric acid 
3 and glacial acetic acid 1. It has the advantage that it kills 
the Nematodes instantly and that the animals always assume their 
natural shape, viz. either stretched out or more or less curved, as 
the stiff cuticula will permit, without incalculable torsions caused 
by contractions of the muscles, which can be of the most disturbing 
effect when the animals are to be mounted on the slides. The 
mixture will also bring about a profitable differentiation so that 
the nrgans, often even the nuclei of the cells will appear distinctly. 
The weak point is that some shrinking is inevitable. I shall here 
add, that 1 never — as is generally recommended — apply the 
mixture from the edge of the cover-slip. I take the animal with 
a needle and put it direct into a watch-glass, filled with the fixa- 

On account of the above mentioned shrinking I have of late 
employed the following mixture: Formaline, 6, Alcohol 90 Yo, 20, 
glacial acetic acid, 1 and aqua destill., 40. This I find gives very 
beautiful results. — Boiling with Alcohol after the method of 
Loos, that has proved so excellent for the greater parasitic forms 
is not applicable to the case under consideration. After fixation I 
remove the animals into a mixture of Glycerine, 1, Alcohol 90 "Yo, 
1, Aqua destill. 2 for evaporation, and thereafter they are mounted 
on the slide in pure Giycerine or Glycerine-Gelatine. 

In spite of all pains taken 1 have not succeeded in getting 


good preparations of all the species I have met with. Among 
forms difficult to prepare I may name: 7ylenchus, Plectus, Ce- 
phalobus and the smaller species of Diplogaster and Rhalbditis. On 
the whole the larger forms seem to give the best results on pre- 

paration, especially the Dorylaimi. 

Monohystera dispar Bastian. 

1865. Bastian, 1 c p 97: PE FX, fig. I and 2: 

1873. Bitschli, — p. 63. Tf. IV, fig. 24 a and b. (M. crassa). 

1884. de Man, — p. 41. Tf. III. fg. 12. 

I have this species, whose male is not known, only from the 
lake of Furesø, where it was taken .quite near the bank and in 
the very edge of the water on roots of plants. I have only seen 
a few specimens; it seems not to ;be so common in this country 
as it is in Holland according to de Man. The individuals also 
appear to be a little smaller. The length of the specimens, I have 
measured, is 0,4—0,7 mm. I note here the dimensions of å 
mature female that had one egg in the Mere, it was taken in 
August 1900. 

Zeiss Okularmikrom., Obj. C. Oc. 2. 

Length 87 = 0,57 mm. 
Oesophag. 19. 
Vulva 55. 
Tail 15. 
Breadth 4. 
The formula of de Man gives: a— 22, 2 = 42, 7 = 6. 

Monohystera socialis Bitschli. 
1874, Bitschli, p. 28. Tf. II. figg. 8 a—d, 

Bitschli found this species very abundant in a brackish- 
water basin named ,,kleinen Kiel” in the town of Kiel. Here the 
animal lives essentially in the masses of Oscillaria. Buitschli 
tells how, taking clumps of Oscillaria with water in a glass, he 
saw a great number of the named species ,,wie Spinnweben zwischen 


den einzelnen Klumpen und an den Wånden des Gefåsses hinziehen; 
andere ballen sich zu Klumpen zusammen, in welchen sich viele 
Hunderte der Thierchen umeinander herumwinden". The description 
Bitschli gives of the behaviour of this species reminds one of 
other Nematodes of putrefaction, for instance Rhabditis and Diplo- 
gaster, which forms it resembles as to the great number of eggs 
which it produces. It is ovoviviparous, a fact that is often observed 
among the Rhabditides, and the body of the female is frequently 
swarming with large young. 

I have found this species both in the Kalkbrænderihavn near 
Copenhagen and at Charlottenlund. And even if I have not seen 
it in such lots as Bitschli describes, my opinion is that it is 
a rather common littoral-form which will appear in putrefying sea- 

weed and which probably can be found all round our coasts. 

Monohystera crassissima n. sp. 
Pl. III. Figs. 14, 15, 22. 

I found the species for the first time in July 1909 among 
Conferves from a pool on the meadow near Øresund by Hellerup. 
As the material had been standing for a few days in a Petri-cup 
and began to putrefy I remarked that the individuals of the Nema- 
todes increased conspicuously in number and after some days more 
I had a regular culture. This only kept for a while; when the 
putrefaction augmented the animals died rather speedily. Later I 
have taken the species several times at the same locality but al- 
ways only single individuals and I have not succeeded in my 
attempts at getting a culture anew. I suppose that we here have 
to do with a typical Nematode of putrefaction like MM. socialis 
Biitschli, the single specimens I have met with later on being young, 
immature individuals roamingabout. 

The shape of this species is extraordinarily clumsy but it is 
very agile and has some resemblance to diminutive fly-maggots, 
which is particularly striking where it is found in abundance. It 
has its average width about the middle of body and is tapering at 


the extremities. The cuticula is smooth, beset with long fine setæ. 
The lateral organ is large, circular and, when seen in profile, rather 
deep with a slight elevation in the centre; it is placed rather near 
the anterior end (fig. 22). The tail is rather short and contains 
three excretory glands debouching on its blunt rounded tip. The 
mouth is slightly cup-shaped and rather flat. Oesophagus increasing 
towards its proximal end, is here only a little thicker than near 
the mouth. The glands on the limit between the intestine and 
the oesophagus are not very conspicuous. The intestine consisting 
of two rows of cells is rather dark-coloured and frequently contains 
Diatoms. The ovary stretches far forwards in the body-cavity; on 
the preparations it can be followed beyond the proximal end of 
the oesophagus but then it tapers and is lost, so that it is 
impossible exactly to indicate the limit. Unfortunately I have no 
observations in that respect from living specimens. The anus is 
situated about half-way between the vulva and the end of the tail, 
a little nearer the latter. The vulva is forming a broad transverse 
fissure and the vagina is placed vertically to the longitudinal 
axis of the animal, not parallel to the rectum as often is the case 
in this genus. The spicules of the male are very characteristic; 
they are bent in an obtuse angle and being thickest in the angle 
they have a dilatation proximal to this on the ventral side. The 
tip is curved slightly upwards and ends bluntly. The distal 
half is surrounded by a sheath-like apparatus, consisting of a very 
thin membrane provided with two pointed tips stretching backwards 
in the animal. 

Zeiss Ocularmikrom. Obj. A. Oc. 2. 

2? Length. 110 <= 1,7 mm. d' Length 90 =— 1,4 mm. 
Oesoph. 20. Oesoph. 19. 
Vulva 75. Tail 13. 
Anus 95. Width 6. 
Tal 25: 
Width 8. 

så a—14,8=5)2,7 =7. 

The formula of de Man gives ne sonate re De 


Monohystera similis Bitschli. 
1878: Bitscli, p/ 62 TV fg) 30'4— 0 
1884. de Man, p. 40. T. III. fig. 11. 

Referring to the descriptions which Bitschli and de Man' 
have given of the species, I shall point out, that it is frequently 
found in the Ordrup Mose in the pools near the gate which leads 
to Dyrehaven at the house of the ;,Posemand". It lives here 
especially among Lemna trisulca and on the roots of Hydrocharis 
morsus ranæ. It is very agile with characteristic movements; it 
swims by putting the body in a quickly swinging or oscillating 
motion like the larvæ of certain gnats. When it has advanced a 
little in this manner it stops short with the body stretched out 
and lies as dead, till it after a moment resumes its movements in 
the described manner. 

Tripyla papillata Bitschli. 
1873. Bitschli, p. 52. T. VI. fig. 35 a—b. 
1884; de Man, p 47; TV. fø. 19, 
This species has been taken in the Furesø and in the Lyngby 
Sø where it seems to be very common. In the Furesø it occurs on 
the roots of the plants in the edge of the water, in the Lyngby 
Sø it was taken on the roots of Stratiotes aloides. Besides this a 
single specimen was found in damp moss near the bank of a little 
pond in Dyrehaven, near Springforbi. 

Tripyla affinis de Man. 
1884. de Man, p. 48. T, V. fig. 20. 

De Man writes, that this species occurs in ,,die feuchte Erde 
der Wiesen und Marschgrinde"; the Danish localities are all near 
the sea or brackish water. It was taken on the meadow near Øre- 
sund by Hellerup together with Oncholaimus thalassophygas de Man 
and other typical ,,Brackwassernematoden"; other localities are Hunde- 
sted and Lynæs, near the Isefjord, on roots of plants. 


Tripyla setifera Bitschli. 
1873. Bitscehli; p. 51. T.VI. fig. 86 a—f 
1884. de Man, p. 46. T. IV. 4ig..47. 

Bitschli found this species on the roots of fungi in a wood, 
de Man indicates both roots of plants in the moist meadows of 
Holland and in mould. The only locality where it has been found 
in Denmark is in swampy tracts of boggy land between Hulsig 

and Kandestederne, near the Scaw. 

Cyatholaimus intermedius de Man. 
1884; de Man, p. 58. T.VL Å. 25: 

In Lynæs were taken two females and one male. The females 
have been collected near the harbour on roots of grass in a little 
pond used as watering-place for cattle. The male originates from 
roots of plants near the Isefjord. The male differs from the species 
of de Man in having 6 præanal papillæ. 

I note the measurements for a male and a female. 

Zoiss Okularmikrom, A,, Og, 2: 

d' Length 74 —= 1,1 mm. 2 Length 64 = 1 mm. 
Oesoph. 9. Oesoph. 9. 
iv re Vulva 28. 
Width 2. Tail 7, 
Width 2. 

HE RR KE sml eh ere 
e formula of de Man gives 9, a=32, $=7,r7— 9. 

Spilophora glophila de Man. 
Pl. IV. figs. 32 and 34. 
1876. de Man, p. 85. T. X. fig. 40 a—Db. 
1884, de Man, p: 58. T. VIL fig; 29, 

This species has been collected on the meadow by Hellerup 
near Oresund in a few specimens. It appears to differ inconspic- 
uously from the illustrations of de Man in respect to the chitinous 
thickenings of the mouth-cavity; the oral bristles also are relatively 


a little thicker on the specimens from Hellerup (see the figs. 32 
and 34). 

Chromadora Leuckarti de Man. 
1884. de Man, p. 58. TF. VIIL fr. 30: 

Å young specimen, female, taken at the Furesø 5. VI, 11. 
There is certainly no doubt that it is the species named; it agrees 
perfectly with the description of de Man. The animal is 0,8 mm 
in length. 

Zeiss Okularmikrom. Obj. C. Oc. 2. 

Length 154 — 0,8 mm. 
Oesoph. 19. 
Vulva 62. 
Fa 17, 
Width 4. : 
The formula of de Man gives: a— 32, 2=7, 7 = 8. 

Chromadora Ørleyi de Man. 
Pl. IV. figs. 35 and 37. 
1884. de Man p. SX TV. fig SE 
This species was also taken at the Furesø among plants in 
the edge of the water, only once, but in many specimens. In a 
male I have counted 16 præanal papillæ of the typical form. The 
male spicules differ a little in form from the illustration given by 
de Man in having a dilatation in its proximal end (see fig. 35). 

Hypodontolaimus inæqualis (Bast.). 

1865. Bastian, p. 166. T. XIII. fig. 223—225. 

1874. Bitschli, p. 44. 

1886. de Man, p. 66. 

1888. de Man, p. 39. 

1904. Jågerskjåld, p. 417. 

This species seems to be common at the coasts of Oresund. 

It has been collected in the ,,Kalkbrænderihavn" near Copenhagen, 


at Charlottenlund and Klampenborg among Ulva and Enteromorpha. 
It is evident that it requires only a small degree of saltness as it 
has been taken together with Onc/olaimus thalassophygas d. M. on 

the meadow by Hellerup near Øresund. 

Mononchus papillatus Bastian. 
1865. Bastian, p. 101. Pl, TX, fig. 27-28. 
18783: "Bitsch, -p. 76. P, II, fig, 19 4—Db. 
1884. de Man, p. 64. T. IX. fig. 35. 

Evidently this species is very common in Denmark; it has 
been taken at Lynæs, at the Furesø by Frederiksdal, Lyngby Mose, 
Charlottenlund and Kildeskoven. In Jutland it was collected at Kande- 
stederne, in a pond among the dunes by Lønne and at Nymindegab 
opposite to the mouth of Ringkøbing Fjord. It can by no means be 
called ,,ziemlich selten" here such as de Man indicates it to be 
in Holland. De Man notes that it occurs ,,in der feuchten Erde 
auf Wiesen und Marschgriuden sowohl in Siisswasser- als in Brack- 
wassergegenden"; this also agrees with its occurrence in Denmark. 
A curious fact is, that it can be found both in sandy marshland, 
among dunes and in fat mould. 

The Danish form agrees almost perfectly with the description 
of de Man, differing only in the fact that the chitinous list 
situated in the cavity of the mouth opposite to the dorsal tooth is 
slightly serrated, a fact which has not hitherto been observed. 

Mononchus speectabilis n. sp. 
Pl. II. figs. 17, 19, 27, 28, Pl. IV. fig. 36. 

In March 1910 the author found in some material from the 
meadow by Hellerup near Oresund several Mononchs resembling 
highly the Mononchus papillatus, only conspicuously larger and, 
what is the most remarkable, the males being about as numerous 
as the females. 

All the species of the genus Mononchus show the peculiarity 
that they will float on the surface of the water as if their cuticula 


were greasy, If some material is spread in a flat glass-cup and 
water is poured over it, the Mononchs will mount rapidly and be 
lying on the surface dry and shining. This peculiarity I have only 
observed in one genus besides the Monouchs, namely in the genus 
Ironus. It seems to be a peculiarity of. these genera; I have seen 
it as well in Jronus ignavus as in Ironus longicaudatus and it is 
the case with all the species of Mononchus I have examined. It 
is very remarkable and it has surprised me that it is mentioned 
nowhere in the literature. In the case referred to, the Nematodes 
suddenly swarmed to the surface of the water which was poured 
out over the material in a glass cup: they resembled perfectly 
diminutive steel-needles which had suddenly become alive, and it 
Was now an easy matter — on account on the largeness of the 
species — to pick them up and place them into a watch-glass. 

The examination of the animals gave the following result: 
the females reached the length of 4 mm, the males the length of 
3,6 mm. As to form and aspect the animals agree in some measure 
with the Mononchus papillatus. Behind the head the body is 
inconspicuously constricted. The cavity of the mouth is about 
twice as long as wide, the distal half being a little wider than the 
proximal half in that this is tapering towards the oesophagus, in 
the distal end of which it is ending pointed. In this way the 
0esophagus is encompassing about the proximal third of the mouth- 
cavity. The dorsal tooth is placed in the upper half of the mouth 
and its apex is running obliquely inwards and forwards. The de- 
Current edge of the tooth is visible to the: commencement of the 
0esophagus. Opposite to the tooth is found a thickened chitinous 
ridge the middle of which is serrated. Between this and the tooth 
another chitinous list is seen without serration and relatively incon- 
Spicuous. The shape of the cavity of the mouth is on account of 
these lists prismatic, triangular in transverse section. The oeso- 
phagus is very muscular and has a conspicuous chitionous intima, 
which reaches a little way downwards into the lumen of the intes- 
tine, a case not uncommon in the Mononchs. The vulva is placed 

Vidensk, Méddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bd. 63. 15 


a little behind the middle of the body; the ovaries do not reach 
far; the postvaginal part does not reach the middle between the 
vulva and the anus; the antevaginal part about a third of the 
distance to the proximal end of the oesophagus. Usually are found 
two eggs in the uterus, sometimes I have observed more, up to four. 
The cells of the intestine are filled with oil-globules. The tail 
is conical and pointed and always highly bent inwards, towards 
the vent, getting the shape of a hook. 

The male is inconspicuously more slender than the female and 
increases from the point where the masculine papillæ commence, in 
the way that the animal assumes its greatest circumference at 
the anus. The bursal musculature is highly developed and the 
numerous papillæ which are very prominent appear to have a lateral 
position, forming two longitudinal rows between which the body of 
the animal appears to be groove-shaped. The spicules are angular 
and provided with a longitudinal list in their distal half; an ac- 
cessory piece of a characteristical shape much resembling that of 
M. tridentatus figured by de Man in 1876, T. XIII, fg. 50. 

There is no doubt, that the form here described is closely related 
to the M. papillatus, especially as a more thorough examination has 
proved, that the M. papillatus is also provided with a serrated 
list opposite to the dorsal tooth. The principal deviations between 
the two forms are the following: 1) the difference of dimensions, 
2) the position of the vulva which in M. spectabilis is situated a 
little behind the middle of the body, in M. papillatus at the be- 
ginning of the last third part of the animal; 3) the length of the 
tail, which is more considerable in M. papillatus and finally the 
fact, that the male of the M. papillatus is unknown, while the 
male of the M. spectabilis is about as numerous as the female. 

If the two forms should prove to be identical it must be 
supposed that an alternation of generations takes place such as de 
Man supposes with Trilobus, but for the present I find it most cor- 
rect to consider the MM. spectabilis as specifically different from 
M. papillatus. 


Zeiss Okularmikrom. A. Oc. 2. 

Female. Male. 
Length 250 — 4 mm. Length 228 — 3,6 mm. 
Oesoph. 50. Oesoph. 46. 
Vulva 135. Tåil..5; 
Tail c. 8, Width 5. 
Width 8. 

For the female the formula of de Man gives: a = 31, 
2=5, r— 5. 

Mononchus brachyuris Bitschli. 
1873. Bitschli, p.77. T. III & IV. fig. 20 a—e. 
1884. de Man, p. 66, T. IX. fig. 37. 
This species has in Denmark about the same distribution as 

M. papillatus but it is decidedly more unconmmon. Hitherto I 
have not seen the male, which for the rest is known. The species 
is apparently fond of dampness like the other Mononchs. It was 
collected on the roots of Menyanthes trifoliata in a bog at 
Lynæs. Further it has been taken in the bog by ,,Vintapper- 
gaarden", near Lyngby. In Jutland it was collected in the boggy 
regions between ,,Hulsig" and ,,Kandestederne”, in a bog near the 
»Kandestederne" and on roots of plants at the bank of a pond 
between Nymindegab and Nørre-Nebel. 

Mononchus macrostoma Bastian. 
1865. Bastian, p. 101. Pl. IX, fig. 29—30. 
1884. de Man, p. 63. T. IX. fig. 34. 

Among all the Danish Mononchs this species has the widest 
distribution; it has been collected at nearly all the places where I 
have met with other species of the genus. It is one of the most 
common of all our freeliving Nematodes. On Sjælland it has been 
collected at the ,,Furesø", in the Ermelund, on roots of plants, 
in Lyngby Mose, Hellerup Strandeng, Ordrup Mose, at Lynæs in a 
bog near the plantation. Further it has been taken on the little 



island Egholm in Storebelt where it was found in abundance in a 
little pool. In Jutiand is was taken on the northern shore of 
the Scaw where it occurs in a ditch among the dunes near the sea; 
at ,,Kandestederne" in a bog, and finally in the little pond at 
Lønne near Nørre-Nebel. The male was observed only once, namely 
in Ordrup Mose, Aug. 1909. 

Mononchus dolichurus n. sp. 

This exceedingly nice and characteristic form was found in 
the wide boggy regions between Hulsig and Kandestederne in Jut- 
land. In spite of an eager search in the material it has been 
impossible for me to find more than one specimen, a female. 
Though not still mature — the female organs are just laid down 
and form a little sausage-shaped body which indicates the place of 
the vulva not yet developed — the animal has a length of ca. 4 mm. 
Thus it will probably prove to be larger than most of the other 
species of this genus. 

The front part which tapers very little is beset with two circles 
of rather conspicuous papillæ; behind these the body is incon- 
spicuously constricted as in M. spectabilis. The cavity of the 
mouth, which in optical "section appears to be regularly barrel- 
shaped, is probably prismatic and in transverse section triangular. 
The dorsal tooth, which is relatively small and has its apex turned 
downwards, is placed in the proximal half of the mouth-cavity; its 
distance from the bottom is about the third of the length of the 
former. Besides this tooth some inconspicuous conical prominences 
are found partly opposite to the tooth, partly in the bottom of the 
mouth-cavity. I count all in all seven. Oesophagus has the form 
usually found in the Mononchs but has three or four inconspic- 
uously developed lobes at its proximal end, a case not found in 
other species of this genus (Fig. 11). The tail, after which I have 
named the animal, is longer than in any species. of. this genus 

hitherto known; it measures but 47/2 in the length of the animal. 


It is kept bent inwards towards the vent forming a regular cir- 
cular arch. (fig. 10). The movements of the animal are very slow. 
After having written the above, the material in which the 
specimen dealt with was found has been re-examined and I 
sueceeded in finding one specimen more, unfortunately also an 
immature female being a little smaller than the individual which 
was found at first. It gives no further information. 
Zeiss" Okularmikrom. Obj. A; 00. 2; 
Length 247 — 4 mm. 
Oes. 62. 
Vulva 148. 
Tal 55; 
Width 6. 
The formula of de Man gives: 0—41, 2=4, 7 =4"/2. 

Oncholaimus thalassophygas de Man. 
1884; de Man,;slL-0: p/ 68 T; X fig 80. 
1889. de Man, po T.YL: fig 1 ac: 

There is not much to be said of the distribution of this 
species in this country; it is very common on Hellerup Strandeng. 
It occurs in pools that are by turns filled with water and dry. It 
was collected on the roots of Scirpus and Aster tripolium and among 
Conferves. Besides the named locality it has only been taken at 
Dragør near the ,,Badehotel", a place resembling that at Hellerup. 
The Danish specimens agree essentially with the specimens described 
by de Man from the isle of Walcheren. 

Oncholaimus viridis Bastian. 

1865: "Bastian, 1 0-9. 187, Ph.XL fig 197 and 188. 

Å form resembling the Oncholaimus viridis occurs abundantly 
at our coasts. The different proportions do not agree perfectly with 
what is known of this species. On the other side this is the only 
one of the species with a single ovary of this genus described by 
Bastian, to which it can be ranged with some reasonableness. I 


have not found it reasonable to establish for the present a new 
species on it. It has been collected at Charlottenlund, in the ,,Kalk- 
brænderihavn”" and at Lynæs among putrefying seaweed. 
Zeiss' Okularmikrom. A. Oc. 2. 
2 Length 292 — 4,7 mum. 

Qes. 26. 

Vulva 222. 

Tail 3. 

Width 4. 

Oncholaimus oxyuris n. sp. 
PETE fø 8, 9718, 185: 

, This form, so far as I can see new to science, has been col- 
lected on Hellerup Strandeng and later in Dragør, near the ,,Bade- 
hotel". It appears to be closely related to Oncholaimus viridis 
Bast. which it resembles in several respects, but it differs from this 
species in having the tail rather different. in form. — The head is 
truncate, with a circlet of 10 short, stout setæ. The length of the 
pharyngeal cavity is about twice its width and provided with the 
usual 3 teeth among which the ventral tooth is the larger. The 
porus excretorius is placed at a distance behind the bottom of the 
pharyngeal cavity equal to the length of the latter. The female organ 
is unsymmetrical like that in O. viridis and stretches forwards in the 
body; the uterus is rather spacious and is able to contain a con- 
siderable number of eggs, up to eleven. The vulva is not prominent 
as is the case in O. viridis. The tail is tapering considerably 
behind the anus and the tip of the former is constricted to a little 
finger-shaped appendage, curved towards the vent. The tail of the 
male differs somewhat from that of the female and is on the ven- 
tral side slightly spoon-shaped. The edge of this excavation is on 
both sides beset with a row of very strong and stout setæ. 
Between the spoonshaped excavation and the tip of the tail is 
placed a postanal, domical papilla which is possibly double. The 


spicules are rather short, slender and slightly curved; no acces- 
sory piece. : 

As for the female the following measurements have been 
taken on a specimen which de Man has had the kindness to 
examine; the results of my measurements differ a little from those 
of de Man; this difference is probably caused by the considerable 
bending of the "animal prepared rendering exact measuring dif- 
ficuli. I have found it correct to give my own results here. 

The above mentioned deviations are insignificant. 

Zeiss Okularmikrom. Å: Qé. 2. 

? Length 250 =— 4 mm. c' Length 238 = 3,8 mm. 
Oes. 35. Oes. 33. 
Vulva 172. Tail c. 4. 
Pal 5 Width 5. 
Width 5. 

. — 50, 2=7, y = 50. 

De Man's formula | 3 aq væ 47, fm 1, p == 60. 

Eurystoma terricola de Man. 
1907: de an; KE: SE BYS EPE 
This nice form has been collected in several specimens at 
Lynæs, near the bank of the Isefjord, partly on the roots of 
Salicornia and Atriplex partly among horse-manure, lying on the 
beach. After de Man it occurs in ,la terre humide aux bords des 

fossés d'eau saumåtre å Vile de Walcheren". 

Enoplus communis Bastian. 
1865. Bastian, p. 148. Pl. XIL fig. 164—166. 
1866. Schneider, p. 57. T. IV. fig. 9—13 (E. cochleatus). 
1874. Bitschli, p. 40. fig. 55 a—b. 
Lynæs, on roots of plants in the edge of the water by Ise- 
fjord; Dragør, near the Badehotel. 


Ironus ignavus Bastian. 
PL TY. fig; 58. 
1865... Bastian, p. 104. Pl. IX. fig. 34 a—b. 
1876. Bitschli, p. 384. T. XXV. fig. :15 a—e. 
1884. de Man, p. 70. T. X. fig. 40, 
This species occurs rather abundantly in the Dyrehaven near 
the Fuglesangsø. It lives here in black mud and damp mould 
where it would be almost impossible to find it, if it had not the 
same peculiarity as the Mononchs, namely to swim on the surface 
of the water. If some mud is spread in a flat glasscup and water 
is poured over it the animals will mount to the surface where they 
can be easily collected by help of a needle. Later the species has 
"been taken at the Furesø together with Dorylaimus stagnalis and 
Trilobus gracilis, just the same species among which Bitschli has 
collected it in the river of Main. The female organ, the character- 
istic ring-musculature of which is discussed both by Bitschli 
and de Man, I have taken the opportunity to figure. The dimen- 
sions of the Danish specimens agree principally with those from the 
river of Main. 
I note the measurements of a female of middle size: 
Zeiss Okularmikrom. Å. Oc. 2. 
Length 213 — 3,4 mm. 
Oes. 39. 
Vulva 111. 
Tail 18. 
Width 4. 
Phar. cavity 71/2, 
The formula of de Man gives: a— 53, 2 =— 51/2, 7 — 16. 

Ironus longicaudatus de Man. 
1884: de Man, p; 71, T. XXXIV. fig, 140; 
The I. longicaudatus occurs at localities much resembling 
those in which J. ignavus lives; it has f. i. been taken in mud 
from the Fuglesangssø in Dyrehaven. Further it has been colleeted 

m a pool in Dyrehaven near Springforbi. In Jutland it was taken 
in a trench between Nørre Nebel and Nymindegab with very fer 
ruginous water. 

While the male of 7. ignavus occurs about as abundantly as the 
female this is not the case with I. Jongicaudatus; though I have 
collected a lot of specimens I have not met with a single male. 

I give the measurements for a female with two eggs in the 

Zeiss Okularmikrom. A. Oc. 2. 

Length 166 — 1,2 mm. 
Qes. 26. 
Tail 40. 
Vulva 66. 
Phar. cavity 7. 
Width 4. 
The formula of de Man givos: a—1411, 2—6!l3, 7 = 4. 

Trilobus gracilis Bastian. 
Pl. III. figs, 16 and 20. 

1865. Bastian, p. 99. Pl. IX. fig. 20—22. 

1873. Bitschli, p. 53. T. IV. fig. 321 a—e, 23 a—b. 

ISS DS Man, p. (5. T, XL BØ 43, 

This exceedingly nice Nematode occurs in this country abundantly 
in Furesø and Lyngby Sø. A single specimen has been taken in 
the Bøllemose near Skodsborg. It appears as if the specimens 
from the Furesø generally are a little larger than those from other 
localities; they have been taken in the edge of the water on roots 
of plants and often attain a length of 3 mm. 

In one female specimen I have found a peculiar monstrosity: 
The animal had two eggs in the uterus, one antevaginal and one 
Postvaginal. But between the vulva and the anus occur four well 
developed masculine papillæ of the shape characteristic for the 
males of this species and in no respect to be distinguished from these. 
No spicules are found and, as far as can be seen, no testes; apart 


from these papillæ the animal appears to be a female normally 

As I have not seen any case of that sort in freeliving Nema- 
todes mentioned in literature I have figured the organs dealt with. 

Trilobus pellucidus Bastian. 
1865, Bastian, p. 100. Pl IX. figs. 23, 24. 
1884. "De Man, p. 76. T, XI. fig. 44. 

This species is not rare in Denmark, but its distribution 
is probably different from that of the above named species as 
they have not been found together. I found the T. pellucidus in 
a bog by Lynæs from which locality several specimens were 
collected. Moreover it has been taken at the Kandesteder in Jut- 
land, in sandy mould, and finally one specimen has been taken in 
Ordrup Mose in water. 

According to my experience it must be supposed that of the 
two species of the genus Trilobus, Fr. gracilis is particularly a 
freshwater- form while 7'r. pellucidus is attached to brackish 
water. I may note therefore, that Bastian indicates gracilis 
to be found ,,about the roots of Ruppia maritima from brackish 
water" while pe//ucidus is found in ,,mud from bottom of ponds". 
De Man notes that gracilis ,,bewohnt nicht nur die feuchte 
Erde, welche von stissem oder brackischem Wasser durchtrånkt ist, 
sondern auch das siisse Wasser selbst, in Gråben und Teichen". 

Prismatolaimus dolichurus de Man. 
Pl. III. fig. 18. 

1384. 'De'Man; p 80/0 T/ XIL fig: 47: 
I have seen this species only once among material from Ly- 
… næs and only one specimen. It was found together with Mononchus 
papillatus and Plectus granulosus on roots of plants originating 
from the little bog behind the church. In this species there is a 
peculiarity at the oesophagus which de Man does not mention in 
his text but which is visible in his figure; this peculiarity con- 
sists in a rather conspicuous constriction by which the proximal 


part of the oesophagus is separated from the other. In the 
specimen from Lynæs this peculiarity was rather more conspicuous 
than in that figured by de Man. 

Cylindrolaimus tristis n. sp. 
Pl. DI. 'figs. 21, 23, 26. 

The only species of this genus which was collected here agrees 
with none of the species described by de Man. I have taken it in 
the Furesø for two years successively in the same locality, namely 
between Hjortholm and the biological laboratory. It occurs on roots 
of plants in the edge of the water. Its movements are exceedingly 
Characteristic: It does not swim but it moves very slowly with the 
most awful writhings, bending its body extraordinarily abruptly at 
aå single or more spots as if intending to break it to pieces; at 
the same time the animal is trembling as if very miserable 
and piteous. I suppose these movements are. peculiar for the 
genus partly because de Man has named one of his two species 
C. melancholicus; it would be just as suitable for the species from 
the Furesø; I consequently named this species C. tristis. 

The species from the Furesø is considerably larger than the 
two known from Holland; while the larger of these is a little more 
than one milimeter long the Danish species measures almost two. 
But it is relatively much more slender. The body is tapering 
slightly forwards with a rounded head devoid of lips. I have not 
been able to state if setæ are present, at any rate they are 
exceedingly small and inconspicuous. The lateral organ placed near 
the head is of a shape diverging from that known in the species 
from Holland; in profile it has the shape of a narrow funnel 
running obliquely inwards in the body, forming an angle of 
nearly 45? with the long axis of the former. It is not to be 
Seen in my figure which was drawn after a specimen prepared 
Where it was not visible, I have only seen it on living animals 
and always rather indistinctly. The oesophagus is long and increases 
towards its proximal end. Its Chitin-intima, as also observed by 


de Man in the Dutch species, reaches a little way into the lumen 
of the intestine. The vulva is forming a broad transverse fissure; the 
female organ is single and extends forward in the animal. Uterus 
contains never more than one egg, which is very large and cylindri- 
form; in a female of the length of nearly 2 mm it measures 165” 
in length. The tail relatively a little longer than in the former 
described. species tapers evenly, ending with its apex rounded and 
a little dilated with a distinct duct for the caudal glands. 
All the specimens collected are females. 
Zeiss:Okularmikrom. Obj.. C. Oc. 2. 
Length 270 — 1,8 mm. 
Pharyngeal cavity: 8. 
Oesophagus 70. 
Vulva 160. 
Tail 20. 
Width 4. 
The formula of de Man gives: a = 67, 2=3, 7 = 1372. 

Diplogaster rivalis Leydig. 

1873. Bitsehli;-p 120; 7, XT. fr. 68: É 

1876. — p. 871. :T. XXIII. fig. 5-a——b; and XXIV. 
fig. 5.6; 

1884. De Man, p. 86. T. XII. fig, 50. 

1886. Orley, p. 42. 

It was taken at Ordrup Mose, behind Christiansholm, in a 
little pool filled with Conferves. I got both male and female, the 
latter with large and lively young. The species appears to have 
no wide distribution in this country. 

Diplogaster fietor Bastian. 
1865; Bastian, p; 116. PE X4 fig, 171178; 
1884. De: Man, ps 88, T, XIII. fig, 51; 
A male was taken at Lynæs, the length of which measures 
1,2 mm. 


Zeiss Okularmikrom. Å. Oc: 2; 
Length 76. 
Tail 9, 
Width 1!/2. 

Diplogaster longicauda Claus. 
Clans Le 15884; 
This species I have found in putrefying fungi in the Kilde- 
skov together with a short-tailed form of the same genus which I 
did not succeed in determining to species. 

Diplogaster gracilis Bitschli. 
1876. Bitsøhli; p8378. 7. XXIIL fik. a—€. 

Also this species were collected in the Kildeskov in putrefying 
fungi. It agrees with the D. longicauda in having the tail tapering 
very much posteriorly and terminating in a long pointed extremity. 
It is easily known by its female organ being unsymmetrical, with 
the vulva placed a little before the anus. The male has an incon- 
spicuously developed bursa and two long slender spicules, with a 
scarcely visible accessory piece. 

Cephalobus elongatus de Man. 
1884, De Man; > 96. TICIV.. 8.57. 
1906. Kati Marcinowski, p..215. 

Only two species were found of the genus Cephalobus. C. elon- 
gatus was collected in the Kildeskov in a putrefying stub. It appears 
to me beyond doubt that it occurs- here as a veritable Nematode of 
putrefaction; I kept it for weeks in a little glass filled with the 
putrefying wood-mass in which the animals propagated lively. De 
Man indicates that the species ,,bewohnt nicht nur die feuchte, 
oder von siissem oder brackischem Wasser getrånkte Erde der 
Wiesen und Marschgrinde, sondern auch den sandigen Dinenboden 
an den Wurzeln der dort wachsenden Pflanzen". After - later 


examination by Kati Marcinowski it appears that this species 
can also occur entoparasitic in plants. M. writes: ,,Nach den im 
folgenden niedergelegten Beobachtungen lebt das Thier auch im 
Korn keimender Getreidepflanzen, vermag auch in oberirdische 
Pflanzenteile einzudringen und so zeitweise als Parasit zu leben. 
Auch in Wasser, dem eine geringe Menge lebender und gestorbener 
Pflanzenteile zugesetzt waren, sowie auf einer in Wasser auf Mohr- 
ribenscheiben gezichteten Pilzkultur konnte C. elongatus nicht nur 
wochenlang am Leben erhalten werden sondern pflanzte sich 
auch fort”. 

We have here one instance more of the peculiar ability of 
certain nematodes to accomodate themselves to the most different 

Cephalobus persegnis Bastian. 
1865. Bastian, p. 124. Pl. X. fig. 104—106. 
1884: De Mån, p: 92: TXU. fig. 52: 

This species has been collected in the Kildeskov partly in old 
stubs together with the above named species and partly among 
putrefying leaves on the earth. Both species contained ripe eggs 
in the month of February. 

Pleetus cirratus Bastian. 
1865, Bastian, ps 170 PL XX: HR 81 ånd 82. 
1884: Dé Man, p. 170; TF XVD ÅR, 68, 

A female has been taken at Lynæs, near Isefjord on roots of 
plants. The uterus contained three eggs. I note the measurements 

Zeiss Okularmikrom. A. Oc. 2. 

Length 71 — 1,1 mm. 
Oesoph. 15. 
Vulva 33. 
Tail 10. 
Width 3. 
After de Man's formula this gives: a =— 24, 2=5, 7 —= 7. 


Plectus granulosus Bastian. 

1865. Bastian, p. 120. PI X;-fg./93-and 94 

1873, Biischli, p. 92%, TI VE he. 47 hb ad FONDE BR: 
47 a and c. 

1884. De Man, pag. 107; T. XVI fig. 65. 

This species is very common in this country. De Man indicates 
it to be ,,omnivag" and it "is evident, that it is able to accomodate 
itself to the most different localities. It has been taken at Lynæs, 
on roots of plants near the Isefjord, in the Kildeskov among 
putrefying léaves on the earth, in Frederiksdal, near the Furesø 
and at Hellerup Strandeng on roots of plants. 

Plectus parietinus Bastian. 

1865. Bastian, p, 118. Pl. X fr. 79. 80: 

1873. Butschli, p. 89. T. III. fig. 17, T. VIL fig. 46 a—c. 
he 59, TOVE åg. 593; 

1884. De Man, p. 109. TT. XVE fig. 67; 

Also this species appears to be widely distributed here. It 
Occurs in the Kildeskov where it has been taken among putrefying 
leaves on the earth and at Hellerup Strandeng, amon; conferves 
on damp sandy soil. On the little island Egholm in Storebelt it 

was collected together with M'ononchus macrostoma. 

Plectus rhizophilus de Man. 
1884. Dé Mån, p. 118. T. XVIL: fig. 72 
Å single specimen from the boggy land between Hulsig and 
Kandestederne. | 

Rhabditis brevispina Claus. 
1884. De Man, p: 122. T. XVHI hg. 49: 

Å Rhabditis taken in damp earth between Lynæs and Hunde- 
sted I suppose to be identical with R. brevispina Claus. Several 
Mature specimens were found together, all females. One of the 
largest specimens attains a length of 1 mm. 


Zeiss Okularmikromn 40012: 
Length 72 — 1,1 mm. 
Oes. 10. 
Vulva 26. 
Tail 10. 
Width 4. 
Formula of 'de Man: 0—18, 2—6!/2, 17 =7. 

Rhabditis terricola Dujardin. 

1845. Dujardin, p. 240. 

1873. Bitschli, p, 107, TXT, fig. 643—D., TX, fe, 614 

1386: Urley, p.35 TD fr 1077: 

This species was taken in the Kildeskov in putrefying fungi 
and on a field between Hellerup and Charlottenlund in horse- 

Rhabditis pellio Schneider. 

1866. Schneider, p. 154. 

1873. Bitschli, p. 112. T. IX. fig. 59 a—d. T. X. fig. 59 e. 

1888. Orlov 9 883. T.L 

In culture, established on dead lumbrici in earth I have got 
this form several times. I have never taken it free in the earth. 

Rhabditis marina Bastian. 
FL He BE br ; 
1865. Bastian, p. 129, Pl. X. fig. 60.—62. 

Last year in thé month of April this species was taken at 
the beech of Charlottenlund among putrefying sea-wced, Entero- 
morpha and Ulva. Under the microscope it proved to be highly 
pellucid, of a very nice form and of a size unusual in the group 
of the Rhabditidæ. 

The shape is rather slender, tapering at both ends. The cuti- 
cula shows transverse striæ and under high magnifying powers also 
longitudinal striæ. The mouth is surrounded with six inconspi- 


cuously prominent lips, devoid of papillæ; no setæ. The cavity of 
the mouth has the same width throughout its whole length and is 
prismatic; it measures about "/12 of the length of the oesophagus; 
this contains an enlargement distinctly limited in the middle and 
has the proximal globular bulbus provided with the usual valvular 
apparatus. The intestine, the cells of which are filled with oil- 
drops of various dimensions, is much larger than the oesophagus. 
The porus excretorius is very indistinct and hardly observable; 
it is placed a little behind the middle of the proximal half 
of the oesophagus. Vulva which is placed slightly posterior to the 
middle of the body is rather prominent and forms a broad trans- 
verse fissure. The female organ is double; the uterus is very large 
and the ovaries extend far forward and backward in the body. In 
this respect individual differences occur; in many cases the distance 
of the bending of the antevaginal ovary from the proximal end of 
the oesophagus is equal to the half of the length of the latter, 
often, especially in older females, this distance is much shorter. 
The terminal ends of the ovaries nearly reach each other 
Opposite to the vulva; in younger specimens there can be a con- 
spicuous distance between them (fig. 4). The species is ovovivi- 
parous, having in older specimens the large uterus abundantly filled 
with lively moving young and ova in all stages of development 
In the figure 4, of a young female, is seen a lot of shell-eggs two 
of which are showing stages of cleavage. — The conical shaped 
tail is not narrowing to a point as Bastian indicates but shows 
under high magnifying powers a little globular dilatation (fig. 7). 
No duct for caudal glands is seen. 

In the male the bending of the-single testis reaches forward 
in the body to a distance from the proximal end of the oesophagus 
about equal to the length of the latter. The terminal end of the 
testis is placed nearly at the middle of the body. The bursa en- 
compassing the tip of the tail has on each side 2, 2, 3, 2 sup- 
porting-rays. (figs. 1, 2). The spicules, each of which are showing 
two longitudinal lists, are slightly curved and have a dilatation in 

Vidensk, Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. 1911. Bd. 63. 16 


their: proximal half. -The-proximal end is obliquely'cut. off; an 
accessory piece, triangular isosceles, is found (fig.' 3). 

It is beyond doubt that this form, just as the other members 
of the genus Rhabditis, is a nematode of putrefaction. They con- 
gregate where seaweed, probably also see-animals lie. rotting. 
Immediately after the material was collected it contained apparently 
no Rhabditides; it is impossible that I should not have observed 
this large form if it had been present in a tolerable number; 
probably some larvæ must have been present, but at any rate 
their number was so little prominent that they were not observed 
under the examination. First when the material had been standing 
for some time in my room in a glass-cup and I examined it anew, 
it proved to be swarming with Rhabditis mårina in all stages of 
development, in short, that I had got a culture of this species. 
However a culture is not always so easily to be got. I have 
attempted it several times.with a negative result; and a culture so 
beautifully developed as the first time I have not latér succeeded 

in getting. j 
Zeiss Okularmikrometer A. Oc. 2. 

Old female: Young female: 
Length 195 — 3,1 mm. Length 100 — 1,6 mm. 
Oes. 24. Oes. 18. 

Vulva 100. Vulva, 55. 
Tail 10. Tail: 6. 
Width 8. Width 5. 
Length 100 — 1,6 mm. 
Oes. 16. 
Width 4. 

For the old female de Man's formula gives: a = 24, 2 = 8, 
rr 191/2. 
Åphelenchus sp. 
All that I know about the genus Aphelenchus is that one 
species occurs in Denmark, A female wasjtaken in”the Kildeskov 


the 20. 2. 10. After thawing weather ;for some days the lying 
snow had partly melted and the earth under the trees was covered 
with putrefying leaves; among these it was taken, only one 
specimen, together with Plectus parietinus, Plectus granulosus and 
Cephalobus persegnis. It did not appear to agree with any of the 
species of de Man. Accidentally I lost the specimen under the 
preparation and I have only these few notes and the measurements 
taken on the living animal. 
Length 871 2. 

Oes. 79 - 
Vulva 587 - 
Tail 52 - 
Width 19% 
Spear . 13 - 

Tylenchus Davainei Bastian. 
1865; Bastian, p. 126, Pl; X. fig. 109—11. 
1873. Bitschli, p. 37. T. I. and II. fig. 7 a—c. 
1884, De Man, p. 151. T, XXIV. fig. 100. 

I have only seen a few freeliving species of the genus Ty/en- 
chus and of these species only a single or a few specimens. 7. 
Davainei was taken in Ordrup Mose behind Christiansholm. It was 
a mature female with one egg in the uterus and was found on 
roots of grass in sandy clay, July 1910. 

Tylenchus robustus de Man. 
1884, De Man, p. 144. T: XXH. fig. 92. 
This species was taken in the ,,Vintappergaarden"s Mose on 
roots of grass, only a few specimens. 

Tylenchus dubius Biitschli. 
1873. Bitschli, p. 89: T£ H. fr. 9a—e; 
1884. De Man, p. 145. T. XXII. fig. 98. 
Hellerup Strandeng, a few specimens. 


Dorylaimus obtusicaudatus Bastian. 
1865; Bastian, 'p. 106: Pi: TX. fig) 41, 42: 
1888 De Many; p767. TO XXVE fig: 108; 
1906. — p- 1685, fg; 8; 9: 

This specimen is exceedingly common and widely distributed. 
De Man writes: ,,Ich beobachtete es iiberall, in allen Grinden 
dieses Landes"; as to Denmark the same can be written. It was 
taken in the following localities: 

Lynæs N. of the plantation; Dyrehaven at the Fuglesangssø; 
in the Kildeskov among putrefying leaves; Ordrup Mose, on roots 
of plants; Hellerup Strandeng, on roots of plants; Vintappergaar- 
dens Mose; Lyngby Mose, in moss; Eremitagesletten at Spring- 
forbi. On Langeland it was taken at Hjortholm, on roots of moss; 
in Jutland it was collected at Varde Aa; in a trench between 
Nørre Nebel and Nymindegab; in a pond at Lønne; in boggy 
land near Kandestederne; at Skagens Nordstrand in a ditch near 
the sea. Only once I met with a male specimen which was taken 

at Springforbi. 

Dorylaimus intermedius de Man. 
1884. De Man, p. 170. T. XXVII. fig. 113. 

De Man writes about this species that the male is taken 
more frequently than the female, a rather isolated fact in this 
group. I have taken the species only twice, a male specimen at 
Lynæs, in the bog near the plantation and a female in the 
Kildeskov among putrefying leaves, in the month of February. 
The female was mature with 3 shell-eggs in the uterus. 

Dorylaimus eurydorys nm. sp. 
Pl; HL fø 25; NV: fg. 80: 
At Varde Aa I have taken a short-tailed Dorylaimus that, as 
far as I can see, not has been described before. Unfortunately I 
have not got a mature female and consequently the description can 
only be deficient. The only two specimens which have been taken 


is a male of a length of 7 mm. and a young female measuring 
4,6 mm. 

The front end tapers considerably and the head-like 
part is distinctly marked by a sharp constriction. The mouth is 
surrounded by 6, nearly globular lips each of which is provided 
with two rather prominent papillæ one superior and one inferior. 
Very characteristic is the spear which has a considerable width in 
its proximal end; it is rather short, narrowing quickly towards the 
apex. The 0esophagus is slender in its distal third and increases 
evenly in width. The tail which has the same shape in both sexes 
is very short, conical with rounded end. In the young female the 
ovary is just laid down; from its position the future place of the 
vulva can be nearly judged to a little behind the middle of the 
body. — There are 17 preanal papillæ in the male arranged in 
five sets of 7, DD 3, 3, and one quite near the anus. The spicules 
are rather large, slightly curved, thickest in the middle and provided 
with two longitudinal lists; accessory pieces small and pointed in 
their proximal end. 

The two specimens were collected near the bank of Varde Aa; 
they were very sluggish in their movements. 

Dorylaimus rhopalocercus de Man. 
1884 De Man, p. 169, PSXXVIL. fe: TEL 
This form has been collected on a meadow near Hellerup on 
roots of Bellis. De Man indicates that the species lives in ,,die 

feuchte Erde unserer Wiesen und Marschgrinde". 

Dorylaimus Carteri Bastian. 
1865. Bastian, p. 106, Pl. IX. fig. 38—40. 
1884; De Man, p. 177. T.OCXIK. fg 122. 

It belongs to de Man's ,,omnivage Arten". It was collected 
in Lyngby Mose, in moss; in Dyrehaven, near the Fuglesangssø 
where it was taken in mud on roots of plants; in Dyrehaven 
near Springforbi and in Ordrup Mose. In Jutland it was taken in 


a pond near Lønne at Nørre Nebel and in the extensive bogs 

between Hulsig and Kandestederne. 

… Dorylaimus acuticauda de Man. 
BE "DO MANS 12793 TSK fig. 1924; 

Séveral specimens were collected, both sexes, in Nymindegab 
opposite to the mouth of the Ringkøbing Fjord. <A little strand- 
meadow is found here at the foot of the dunes covered with grass 
and Armeria. On the roots of these plants it was found. .The 
Danish specimens appear to be a little larger than. those described 
by de Man. 

Zeiss Okularmikrom. A. Oc. 2. 

Léngth 145 — 2,3 mm. 

Oes. 33. 

Vulva 71. 

Tail 5; 

Wædth 4. 
De Man's formula gives: a — 36, 2 = 4/2, 7. -—= 29. 
Dø Man indicates: a == 23—25, 2 —4; 7 == 30—335. 

Dorylaimus tenuis n. sp. 
" Pl. V. figs. 39, 40, 42, 45, 46. 

A very singular form -belonging to this. genus has been col- 
lected in Lyngby Sø. It occurs in mud on, the roots of Stratiotes 
aloides. Several specimens were taken in the month of August 
both mature males and females, but none of the females contained 
shell-eggs in the uterus. Evidently the eggs had been newly laid as 
proved by the distension of the uterus (fig. 43). The shape of the 
animal is exceedingly thin, having almost the same width from head 
to tail. Only the front-end tapers rather quickly. The head 
s rounded, devvid of lips. Just behind the mouth occurs a ring- 
shaped thickening of the chitin-intima in which the, spear moves. 
This is of the well-known usual shape and. rather strong… The 
chitin-intima of the oesophagus is rather conspicuous. .The distal 


three quarters ;of the oesophagus are thin,: from the beginning of 
the last fourth part it increases quickly. The vulva is placed a 
little before the middle of the body; the ante- and postvaginal part 
stand in the relation as 36 to 57. The tail is conical, pointed and 
its distal third is: ventrally bent,- forming a right angle. with the 
proximal pårt. The female organ is bifid, the ovaries are relatively 
small; the uterus being rather spacious appears to be able to contain 
a considerable number of eggs. The hind part of the body of the 
male is ventrally bent. The number of the papillæ is" nineteen, 
the hindmost is placed close before the anus, the space between 
the last four is twice the space between the others. . The spicules 
are short, thick and provided with two longitudinal lists; the 
proximal end of the former is globular and no accessory pieces are 
seen (fig. 40). 
The movements of the animal are exceedingly sluggish. 

Zeiss Okularmikrom. AA. 0 

Female: : Male: 
Length 372 — 6 mm. Length 287 — 4,6 mm. 
Oes. 24. £. 3 Oes. 22, 

Vulva 144. Tail 8. 
Tail 10. sr Wilk 3, 
Width 4. i j 

93; B=15!/2, y == 87, 
6, 2=13 7% 5r—36. 


The formula of de Man gives ! ål 



Dorylaimus stagnalis Dujardin. 
1845: Dujardin, pp 281 FT HE ARNE 
"1865, Bastian, p. 106, PI. TX, f2:9587 
1873. Bitschli, p. 27, T. I. fig. 4 a—d. 

1876. ag p. 379, T. XXV. fig. 13 a—c, 
1884. -De Man, p. 186, 7. XXXTI: fig. 182. 
HO 0 4 07 TH TE fø 

Ås might well be expected this species is: widely distributed 
in this country. It is not confined to the larger basins as. lakes 


and rivers but occurs in the smallest pools and ditches; moreover 
it has been taken in bogs in damp moss. On Sjælland it 
has been collected in Lyngby Mose, in Ordrup Mose, in Brønshøj 
Mose; at the Fuglesangssø in Dyrehaven together with Ironus 
ignavus; on the "Eremitageslette" near Springforbi and at the Furesø 
on roots of plants in the edge of the water. Moreover it has been 
collected on Langeland in a little pool in a garden. In Jutland it 
has been taken in a very ferruginous ditch between Skagen and 
Gammelskagen and in the bogs between Hulsig and Kandestederne. 
The male has only been taken once, namely in the Furesø, in 
a rather considerable number. 

Dorylaimus Bastiani Bitschli. 
1878. Butsekli, p. 29, F.L fg, 34—D 
1884, De Man, p. 185, T. XXXI. fig. 191. 
It was only taken once, in the bogs between Hulsig and 
Kandestederne, near Skagen. 

Dorylaimus longicaudatus Bitschli. 

1874. Bitschli, p. 20. 

1884. De Man, p. 189, T. XXXIII. fig. 136. 
.Of the two very longtailed species this was collected most 
" frequently. I can say nothing about its distribution in this country 
all the localities being in the surroundings of Copenhagen; it has 
been collected in ,,Vintappergaardens Mose"; at the Fuglesangssø 
in Dyrehaven, on roots of plants; in the Kildeskov and in 
Dyrehaven, near Springforbi. Males and females occur with the 
same frequency. 

Dørylaimus brigdammensis de Man. 
1884. De Man, p. 188, 'T. XXXI. fig. 135. 
It was collected in Ordrup Mose, on roots of plants, both 


Dorylaimus macrolaimus de Man. 
Pl. IV. fig. 38, Pl. V. figs. 41, 44, 45, 47, 48. 
1884, De Man, ps: 191, T. XXXTIT. fie. 188, 
Dad sy, -p.-125, T. XIV. fe. 12. 
1907. De Man, p. 20: 

This species, established by de Man in 1884 and later only 
collected by Daday in Hungary and by de Man near Meudon in 
France, has proved to be one of the most common Dorylaimi in 
Denmark and widely distributed in this country. On account of the 
presumed scarceness of the animal and in spite of its appearance 
being very characteristic I sent my first specimens to Dr. de 
Man asking his opinion, and he affirmed the correctness of my 
determination In this country the species has been taken in the 
following localities: The first specimens were collected in Lynæs 
in aA bog near the plantation and in a little pool behind the 
church. Then it was taken in Lyngby Mose where it occurs 
abundantly in the Sphagnum; meoreover in Lyngby Sø itself in 
mud on the roots of Stratiotes together with D. tenuis. At the 
Furesø it has been collected among plants in the edge of the 
water together with D. stagnalis. On Langeland it has been taken 
in a pool on roots of plants. Finally I have one specimen from 
Jutland, a male taken on roots of plants near the bank of 
Varde Aa. 

The species seems to vary within rather wide limits both as 
to largeness and — as can be seen by the noted measurements — 
with respect to the relative proportions. A female from Lyngby Sø 
with seven eggs in the uterus has a length of 2,8mm; a female 
from the Furesø still without eggs in the uterus measures 4,0 mm. 
De Man notes for the female 4,5 mm; I have met with no speci- 
mens of that length. A male from Lynæs measures 2,04 mm in 
length, de Man's male had the length of 3,7 mm. 

With respect to the male I have made a rather interesting 
Observation which might pérhaps prove to apply to other species, 


f. i. D. stagnalis and perhaps to other genera too, in which 
the tail of the male is different from that of the female. In the 
month of June a male in moult was takén åt the Furesø; the 
animal had the appearance of a female with long pointed tail, but 
the old cuticula "contained a fully developed male with the tail 
rounded and with spicules and preanal papillæ. I give a figure of 
my preparation of this specimen (fig. 38); it proves that the young 
male has the shape of a female till maturation. 

- The number of the papillæ is varying individually. in the 
male. De Man indicates' 19 for his male; the same number I 
Count in the above named male from Varde Aa; on the young 
male, still inclosed in the larval skin is seen 15; on a male from 
"Lynæs I count 17; in another, abnormally having the papillæ 
';arranged in groups I count 18. This specimen is . figured 
(fig. 48). 

As. to the front part of the animal I do not find the Danish 
specimens agreeing perfectly with the figure and description of 
de Man; he writes: ,,Die Kopfregion ist abgesetzt, niedrig, 
'scheibenfårmig".. In the Danish specimens the front end is more 
rounded and the constriction behind the ,;head" not so strongly 


Zeiss .Okularmikrom. AA, OG. 2: 

Q with 7 eggs in the 2 without eggs. då from Lynæs. 
REE He j 
Length 175 =— Length 247 — Length 126 = 
288 mm 4,00 mm. 2,04 mm. 
Oes. 40. Oes. 52. | Oes. 42. 
Vulva 85. Vulva 127. Tail 2. 
Tail 10, i Tail 16. | Width 3 
Width 4. Width 4. 
az — 44 gå 68 u— 42 
2 4/2 BI= ls kr 8 


Dorylaimus doryuris n. sp 
gt III. figs. 28, IV. fig. br 31. 

BE account of the peculiar form of the tail I have named 
this species D. doryuris, It has some resemblance with D. Carteri; 
there is also a resemblance with the form centrocercus, but in 
the form of the tail it is different from both of these and does not 
resemble any of the species of this genus which I know. It seems 
to be not uncommon in this country as it has been taken in rather 
different localities: in Lynæs on roots of plants néar the harbour; 
in Kildeskoven among putrefying leaves and finally at the Furesø 
in the edge of the water on roots of plants. The male was 
not seen. 

The body is slender, tapering rather quickly towards the front 
end; this is inconspicuously head-shaped, provided with little pro- 
minent lips each of which carries two inconsiderable papillæ. The 
spear is of the usual form and rather strong; two ring-shaped 
thickenings of the chitin-intima are seen. The oesophagus being 
slender in the distal half increases evenly and is in its proximal 
end provided with a thickening resembling an inconspicuous bulbus. 
On the limit between oesophagus and intestine is found a strongly 
marked  constriction. The cells of the intestine contain dark 
refractive granules, arranged in groups., The tail is domical and 
provided with a rather quickly narrowing pointed spine incon- 
Spicuously bent towards the vent (fig. 29). Vulva is placed nearly 
in the middle of the body, often a little before, at times a little 
behind. The female organ is bifid; the antevaginal ovary is to 
its bending longer than the postvaginal. Four eggs are seen in 
the uterus. The animal appears to produce eggs all the year 

I give the measurements for three females; the numbers 1 
and 2 originate from Lynæs, the number 3 was taken in the 

Zeiss Okularmikrom. A. Oc: 2. 

1) Length 136 2) Length 142 
== 32 må: — 2,3 mm. 

Oes. 31. Oes. 31. 
Vulva 63. Vulva 65. 
Tail 5: Tail 6 
Width 4. Width 5. 

a — 34 a — 28 

2 4) pr 4/2 

7 =— 27 7 — 24 

3) Length 102 
— 1,6 mm. 
Vulva 59, 
Tail 4. 
Width 3. 

7.— 251/8 







. Dujardin, Histoire naturelle des Helminthes ou vers intestinaux, 


. Bastian, Monograph on the Anguillulidæ, or free Nematoids, Ma- 

rine, Land- and Freshwater; with Descriptions of 100 New Species. 
(Trans. Linnean Soc. London, Vol. XXV. 

. Schneider, Monographie der Nematoden, Berlin ; 
. Bitsechli, Boltrige zur Kenntniss der frejlebenden Nematoden. 

jr Acta Acad. Leopold.-Car. Bd. XXVI, 

. —, Zur Kenntniss der freilebenden N sees aud der des 

mir Hafens. (Abh. d. Senckenb. naturf. Gesellsch. Bd. IX. 

. —, Untersuchungen iber freilebenden Nematoden und die Gattung 

Chatonoten: (Zeitsehr. f. w. Zool. Bd. XXVI.) 

De Man, Onderzoekingen over vrij in de aarde levende Nematoden. 
(Tijdschrift Nederl. Dierk. Vereen., Deel II.) 

—, Die einheimischen, frei in ron reinen Erde and im sitissen Was- 
ser lebenden Nematoden, monographish bearbeitet. Vorlånfiger Be- 
richt und dsseriptir-srlk lee Theil. (Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. 
Vereen., Deel V., 

damer Feber einige neue oder noch unvollståndig bekannte Arten von 

frei in der reinen Erde lebenden Nematoden. (Tijdschr. Nederl. 
Dierk. Vereen., Deel V. 

—, Die frei in der reinen Erde und im siissem Wasser lebenden 
Nematoden der niederlåndischen Fauna, eine systematisch-faunistische 
Monographie, Leiden. 

Orley, Die Rhabditiden und ihre medicinische Bedeutung, 

De Man, Sur quelques Nematodes libres de la Mer du Nord, 
Neuveaux ou peu connus. (Mém. de la Soc, Zool. de France, T. I) - 

v. Daday, Die freilebenden Sisswasser-Nematoden Ungarns. (Zool. 

Jabrb. X. Abth. f. Syst.) 

Jågerskjold, Zum Banu des Hypodontolaimus inæqualis (Bast.), 
einer eigenthimlicher Meeresnematode. (Zool. Anz. Bd. 27.) 





De Man, Observations sur quelques espéces de Nématodes terrestres 

libres de Vile de Walcheren. (Ann. de la Soc. roy. Zool. et malacol. 

de Belgique.) 

Kati Marcinowski, Zur Biologie und Morphologie von Cepha- 

se elongatus de Man und Rhabditis brevispina Claus, nebst Be- 
n iiber einige andere derover (Arb. Kais. biol. 

bled f. Land- und Forstwissensch., in.) 

De Man, Contribution a la connaissance des Nématodes libres de 

la Seine et des environs de Paris (Ann. de Biol. lacustre. T. Il.) 


hi på 




ege Ge RO SIR GS 

Explanation of Plates. 
Zeiss" Microscope was used. 


. Rhabditis marina, Bastian, G: tail in profile. Apochr. 8 mm, Comp. 8, 

Rhabditis marina, Bastian, G'; tail from the dorsum. Apochr. 8 mm. 

Rhabditis marina, Bastian, &; spicules. Homog. Imm. "42 Oc. 2. 
Rhabditis marina, Bastian, 2; female organs. Apochr. 8 mm, Comp. 4. 
Rhabditis marina, Bastian, Q; front part. Apochr. 3 mm, Comp. 8. 
Mononchus dolichurus, n. sp. 9; front part. Apochr. 8 mm. Comp. 8. 

Oncholaimus oxyuris, n. sp. 2; female organs. oser. 8 mm, Comp. 4. 
Oncholaimus oxyuris, n. sp. G; tail. Apochr. 8 mm, Comp. 8. 
Mononchus dolichurus, n. sp. 9; tail. Apochr. 8 mm, Comp. 4 
Mononchus dolichurus, n. sp. 9; sg between the oesophagus and 
the intestine. Apochr. 8 mm, Com 

Oncholaimus oxyuris, n. sp. 9; va Sy E. Oc. 

.. Oncholaimus oxyuris, n. sp. 9; tail. Apochr, 8 mm, Domp. 8. 

Monohystera crassissima, n. sp. 9; hind part of the animal. Apochr. 
8 mm, É 
Manohystårs dkk å . sp., g'; spicules.. Homog. Imm. "/12 Oe. 2- 

. Trilobus gracilis, Bastian, 2; tail with masculine papillæ. Apochr. 

8 mm, Comp. 
Monsackns spectabilis n. sp., 2; head. Apochr. 3 mm, Com 

;omp. 4. 
.. Prismatolaimus sotenereg, de Man. Limit between the oesophagus 

Mononchus spectabilis, n. sp., GF; tail. æn 8 mm, Comp. 
Trilobus gracilis, Bastian, Q; the female organs from the s incl in 
which are found preanal masculine papillæ. Apochr. 8 mm, Comp. 4. 

. Cylindrolaimus tristis n. sp., 9; head. Apochr. 3 mm, Comp.4. 

. Monohystera crassissima n. sp., 9; head. Homog. Imm. [12 Oc. 2. 

. Cylindrolaimus tristis, n. sp., 9; tail. Apochr. 8 mm, Comp. 8. 

. Dorylaimus doryuris, n. sp., 9: head. Apochr. Homog. Imm. 2 mm, 


. Dorylaimus eurydorys, n. sp., 2; head. Apochr. 8 mm, Comp. 8. 

GG mm 



gs. ; 
. Cylindrolaimus tristis, n. sp., 92; female organs. Apochr. 8 mm, 

p. 5: 
. Mononchus spectabilis, n. sp., 9; female organs. Apochr. 8 mm, 

Comp. 4. 
Mononchus spectabilis, n. sp-, 2; tail. Apochr. 8 mm, Comp. 8. 


.. Dorylaimus klar n. sp., 9; tail. Apochr. 8 mm, Comp. ge 

; Dorylaimus eurydorys, n. sp., d'; tail. Apochr. 8 mm, Comp. 

. Dorylaimus doryuris, n.,sp., 9; female organs. Apochr. 8 mm, ik: 8. 
. Spilophora geophila, de Man, I; front part; Obj. E. Oc. 

. Ironus ignavus Bastian; the musculature of the utero-vaginal-appa- 

ratus. Apochr. 8 mm, 

… Spilophora goophla, de Man, gi tail. Obj. E. Oc. 3. 

. Chromadora Orleyi, de Man, g; tail. Obj. E, Oc. 

.. Mononchus spectabilis, n. sp., G: the spicules and their surroundings. 
mm. "12 Oc. 2. 

Homog. I 

Chromadora One de Man, 9; front pårt. Obj..E. Oc. 

Dorylaimus macrolaimus, de Man; Young male in inter re part 
of the animal. Apochr. 8 mm, Comp. 8 

BI: V: 

. Dorylaimus tenuis, n. sp., 9; tail. Apochr. 8 mm, Com 

Dorylaimus tenuis, n.sp., G'; hind part of the animal, he 8 mm. 
Comp. 8 

p. 8. 
.. Dorylaimus macrolaimus de Man, &; hind part of the animal, Obj. E. 
Oc. 2. | 

. Dorylaimus tenuis, n. sp., 9; head. Homog. Imm. 1/12. Oc. 2. 
. Dorylaimus tenuis, n. sp., 9; female organs. Obj. A. Oc. 3 

Dorylaimus trinene lg Man, 9; female organs. Apochr. 8 mm, 
Comp. 4. 

Dorylaimus svare de Man, 92. Homog. Imm. "12. Oc. 2. 
Dorylaimus tenuis, n. sp., 9; vulva. Apochr. 8, Com 

Dorylaimus Bon TT 1 de Man, 29; tail. Apochr. "FOR Com 
Dorylaimus macrolaimus, de Man; hind part of an fAtabig male 
with the papillæ arranged in groups. (This figure shows two longi- 
tudinal lists instead of one; it is the list of tsk hnttint spicule 
which has been erroneously placed here.) 

23.—10.— 1911, 

Astrochalcis micropus n. sp. 
Å new Euryalid from the Philippines. 
Preliminary Notice 
Dr. Th. Mortensen. 

After having described only two months ago a new species of 
the genus Astroclon, A. Suensoni Mrtsn., found in a collection re- 
ceived from Captain E. Suenson, I was very agreably surprised, 
on receiving a new collection from Captain Suenson (from San 
Bernardino Strait, Philippines), to find therein a Euryalid which at 
once appeared to me to represent quite a new type. On a closer 
study I found it to be really a hitherto unknown species, appar- 
ently nearest related to AÅstrochalcis tuberculosus Koehler among 
the Euryalids made known as yet. Whether it really belongs to 
this genus may certainly be somewhat disputable. I shall not, how- 
ever, at present establish a new genus for it, leaving the discussion 
of this question for the full report on this species and the other 
Tecently published new form Astrocl/on Suensoni. 

Diameter of disk 60 mm, width of arms near the disk 25 
—28 mm, height at the same point ca. 10 mm. 

The mouth-angles carry rather close set spiniform papillæ 
which increase in size towards the apex, where a bunch of about 
a dozen coarser teeth are found, arranged in 2—3 irregular, vertical 
rows, The mouth-angles are somewhat raised in the middle, appear- 
ing as five warts round the mouth. 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 63. 17 


The single madreporic plate is situated outside the very wide 
mouth frame, on the short, nearly vertical edge connecting the 
ventral and the dorsal side. In this part are also found the short 
genital slits; neither can be seen from the ventral side. 

The whole animal, both disk and arms, is covered by a fine, 
uniform granulation, which gives the skin quite a leatherlike ap- 
pearance. No larger tubercles occur, either on the disk or the 
arms. On the under side of the disk the grains are slightly larger. 
The radial shields form very broad ridges, separated only by quite 
narrow sunk lines; the whole dorsal side of the disk thus somewhat 
resembles a great flower with ten large, flat petals. The disk 
passes rather evenly into the dorsal side of the arms, the radial 
shields being only slightly elevated at their outer edge. The limit 
between disk and arms is, however, more distinct than in 4. tuber- 

The arms are exceedingly broad and robust, and the distances 
between the forkings are very short. The angles between the 
branches are sometimes nearly right, which results in the arms 
partly covering one another, for want of room. They are upon the 
whole low and rather flattened; the underside is flat, slightly hol- 
lowed along the middle line, the upper side is rounded. The outer 
branchlets are fine and of the usual Euryalid appearance; they 
may begin from about the 6th forking. Some of the arms, how- 
ever, have no such fine twigs at all, the tips of the branches 
being quite short and. involuted. This is the case not only in such 
arms which are evidently regenerated and not yet fully grown out, 
but also in arms. which show no trace of being regenerated and 
are as long as those with the fine twigs. In the same arm one 
main branch may end in the fine branchlets, while the other has 
the tips stout and involuted — even in the same main branch 
both forms may occur. This peculiar dimorphism of the arms thus 
appears to be a normal character of this species. 

The first forking is close to the edge of the disk, at the 
7th-8th joint, The first branches are very short, only 10-20 mm 


long, comprising only ca. 7 joints. From the 3rd forking a slight 
difference in the length of the branches begins; thus in one branch 
they are respectively 13 and 8 mm long, in another 12 and 16 mm. 
Farther out the size of the branches becomes very unequal, so 
that there comes to be one main stem with smaller, rather regularly 
alternating side branches. 

The rings of hooklets are found only on the outer branches, 
beginning from about the 8th forking. They are double. 

A most conspicuous feature of this species is that the tube- 
feet have totally disappeared on the inner 6—7 forkings. From 
the 7th—8th forking they appear, but are very fine, evidently 
rudimentary. On the outer branchlets they are comparatively a 
little larger, though always very fine. The papillæ begin also at 
the 7th—8th forking, to the number of two, then increasing to 3 
and 4; on the outer branchlets the number decreases again, and 
at last there is only one. They are only small and inconspicuous 
hooks. The very small pores can be traced a little farther in .on 
the arms than the papillæ. They are situated on the edge of the 
arms. Along the middle of the arms is seen a double series of 
small, paired, translucent spaces, from the mouth-edge to the outer 
branches, through about the 8 first forkings, resembling tentacle 
pores. They are, however, closed and have nothing to do with the 
pores; they represent spaces between the vertebræ, as known also 
in some other Euryalids. 

Two of the arms are broken close to the disk, at the first 
forking. Each of them has begun to regenerate, but only one 
branch has been formed as yet on each of them. 

The specimen was taken in San Bernardino Strait, 12? 27' N. 
124? 3' E. in 50—100 fathoms, on the 3. 8. 1911. 

3. L 1912. 

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Sk: BD 

Tu foritseg see 

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Åscidien aus dem Skagerrak, dem Trondhjemsfjord 
und von den Får Oer. 


R. Hartmeyer, 

Das dieser Arbeit zu Grunde liegende Material ist von Herrn Dr. 
Th.Mortensen gesammelt worden, und zwar teils auf den Fabrten 
des ,, Thor" im Skagerrak und in der nårdlichen Nordsee, teils 
im Trondhjemsfjord, im Sommer 1911, teils endlich bei der Insel 
Nolså (FårO er) im Jahre 1899. Die Collection besteht insgesamt 
— von einigen unbestimmt gebliebenen Botryllidae abgesehen — aus 
26 Arten und beansprucht in erster Linie tiergeographisches Interesse. 

Ueber die Ascidien des Trondhjemsfjordes hat Herd man”) 
nach den Sammlungen des Rev. Canon Norman bereits eine 
Arbeit verådffentlicht, welche 13 Arten (darunter 3 nur bis zur Gat- 
tung bestimmte) enthålt. Es sind dies folgende: 

Molgula eugyroides, Traustedt... = Caesira eugyroides (Traust.). 
Polycarpa pomaria, Sav. Q?). :.. == Pandocia pomaria (Sav.). 
ile: pusilla, Herdman.... =— —  pusilla (Herdm.). 
Åscidia compressa, O.F. Mill.... = Phallusia obliqua (Ald.). 
i pede VAldbr 00 0 0 == — conchilega (Miill.). 
Ascidiella venosa, O.F. Mill... sæ 00 virginea (Mill). 
mk SESD, 
Ciona intestinalis, Linn......... — Ciona intestinalis (L,). 

) Ann, nat. hist., ser. 6, v. 12. p. 443. 1893. 


Corella parallelogramma, O.F.Mill. =— Corella parallelogramma(Mill.). 

Leptoclinum tenue, Herdman .... — Didemnum tenue, (Herdm.). 
Amaroucium pomum, M. Sars (?) = Macroclinum pomum (Sars). 
Psammaplidum, sp. 1. ..-..: ?? — Aplidium aff. spitzbergense 
EL TS, TE ke 1 US BØRNE BESES BEER ? —= Aplidium pallidum (Verr.). 

Von den bestimmten Arten dieser Liste fehlt nur Ciona intes- 
tinalis in der Ausbeute von Mortensen. Die von Herdman 
als Psammaplidium, sp. n. bezeichnete Form ist vielleicht das Apli- 
dium aff. spitzbergense meiner Liste, sein Aplidium sp. vermutlich 
Aplidium pallidum. Ob seine Ascidiella sp. zu Ascidiella aspersa 
gehårt, låsst sich naturlich nicht entscheiden. Dass letztere Art 
auch im Trondhjemsfjord vorkommt, halte ich fir sehr wabrschein- 
lich, wenngleich sie auch unter meinem Material nicht vertreten ist. 
Vielleicht bleibt sie auf die obere Litoralzone beschrånkt, wåhrend 
mein Material ausnahmslos aus Tiefen von 150—300 m stammt. 
Ausser diesen von Herdman erwåhnten Arten enthålt die Aus- 
beute von Mortensen noch 5 Arten, die bisher aus dem Trond- 
hjemsfjord nicht oder doch nicht sicher nachgewiesen waren, nåm- 
lich: 7ethyum loveni (Sars), Dendrodoa grossularia (Bened.), Lep- 
toclinides faeroensis Bjerk., Aplidium pallidum (Verr.) und Aplidium 
aff. spitzbergense Hartmr. 

Im Skagerrak und zwar im Bereich der norwegischen Rinne, 
in Tiefen von 108—660 m, wurden 7 Arten erbeutet, nåmlich; 
Caesira eugyroides (Traust.), Tethyum mortenseni n.sp., Dendrodoa 
grossularia (Bened.), Pandocia pomaria (Sav.), Phallusia obliqua 
(Ald.), Phallusia conchilega (Mill.) und Ciona intestinalis (L.). Be- 
sonders interessiert von dieser Liste die neue Art Tethyum morten- 
sent, die in einem Exemplar zusammen mit Dendrodoa grossularia 
(Bened.) erbeutet wurde. Neuerdings hat Van Name, wie er mir 
brieflich mitteilt, diese Art bei Neu Schottland wiedergefunden. 

Die Ausbeute von den Får Oer — das Material wurde am 

Nordende von Nolså in einer Tiefe von etwa 100 Fad. gesammelt — 


umfasst 17 Arten, nåmlich: ” Caesira tenax (Traust.), ” Caesira sep- 
tentrionalis (Traust.), Pyura echinata (L.), Tethyum rusticum (L.), 
= Tethyum loveni (Sars), ” Dendrodoa grossularia (Bened.), Den- 
drodoa aggregata (Rathke), Pandocia pomaria (Sav.), ” Polycyclus 
lamarcki (Herdm.), ” Phallusia conchilega (Mill.), ” Ascidiella aspersa 
(Mill.), Ciona intestinalis (L.), ” Didemnum albidum (Verr,), Macro- 
clinum pomum (Sars), ”Aplidium pallidum (Verr.), ” Sidnyum tur- 
binatum Sav., ” Synoicum incrustatum (Sars). Von diesen sind 
nicht weniger als 11 Arten neu fir die Får Oer. Dieselben sind 
durch einen” kenntlich gemacht. Ueberdies wurden von den 14 
aus dem Bereiche der Får Oer bekannten Arten”) 6 wieder gesammelt, 
sodass die Ascidienfauna dieser Inselgruppe und ihrer nåheren Um- 
gebung jetzt auf 25 Arten, also fast die doppelte Zahl, gestiegen 
ist. Tiergeographisch besonders interessant ist der Umstamd, dass 
auch durch die neu nachgewiesenen Arten den Får Oer der Character 
eines arktisch-subarktischen Mischgebietes in ausgesprochenem Masse 
gewabrt bleibt. Die Liste der arktischen Arten vermehrt sich um 
Caesira tenax, Caesira septentrionalis, Didemnum albidum und Syn- 
oCicum incrustatum, die der subarktischen um Polyeyclus lamarcki, 
Phallusia conchilega, Ascidiella aspersa und Sidnyum turbinatum. 
Die ibrigen fir die Får Oer neuen Arten sind dem arktischen und 

subarktischen Gebiete mehr oder weniger gemeinsam. 

Fam. Caesiridae [Molgulidae). 
Caesira [Molgula] tenax (Traust.). 

1903 Molgula tenax, Hartmeyer in: Råmer u. Schaudinn, 
Fauna dreticas N 8; p. IS7 KÆRE SBS ERE PS 
Fundnotiz: Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad., 

14. VI. 1899, Th. Mortensen. 1 Exemplar. 

Das vorliegende Exemplar zeigt die Artmerkmale in typischer 
Weise, sodass ich meiner friheren Beschreibung nichts hinzuzufigen 

1) Vgl. Hartmeyer in: Bronn, Klass. Ordn. Thierr., v. 3 suppl., p. 1576 
u. 1586. 1910. 


habe. Neu ist nur die Thatsache, dass auch bei dieser Art Brutpflege 
vorkommt. Der Peribranchialraum des Tieres war nåmlich mit ge- 
schwånzten Larven angefiillt, allerdings in nicht besonders betråcht- 
licher Zahl. 

Verbreitung:. Die bisher nur aus der Hocharktis bekannte 
Art ist nunmehr auch fir die Får Oer nachgewiesen und erreicht 
damit das Grenzgebiet zwischen Arktis und Subarktis. Ihre Ver- 
breitung in der Arktis ist immer noch sehr discontinuierlich und 
beschrånkt sich auf West-Grånland, Spitzbergen und die Båren-Insel. 
Wahrscheinlich ist die kleine unscheinbare Form meist von den 

Sammlern ibersehen worden. 

Caesira [Molgula] septentrionalis (Traust.). 

1903 Molgula septentrionalis, Hartmeyer in: Romer u.Schau- 
dinn, Fauna årctica, v. 5, p. 152, t. 4, f£. 7 u: 8, t.7,f. 12—16, 

Fundnotiz: Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad., 
14. VI. 1899. Th. Mortensen. Zwei erwachsene, ein junges 

Die beiden erwachsenen Exemplare sind mit groben Schalen- 
trimmern und anderen Fremdkårpern, wie es fir diese Art charac- 
teristisch ist, dicht bedeckt. Das Flimmerorgan ist hufeisenfårmig, 
die beiden Schenkel nicht eingerollt. Die Kiemenspalten sind typisch, 
meist kurz und wenig gebogen. Die Gonaden, besonders die der 
rechten Seite, sind måchtig entwickelt. Bei dem jungen Tier ist 
das Flimmerorgan einfach halbmondfårmig und wie gewånhlich mit 
der concaven Seite nach hinten und etwas nach links gewandt. 

Verbreitung: Auch diese Art ist fir die Får Oer. neu. 
Wie die vorige Art muss sie ebenfalls als hocharktische betrachtet 
werden, die aber im Gegensatz zu Caesira tenax an der norwegischen 
Kiste stdlich bis Bergen nachgewiesen ist. Ihr zur Zeit bekanntes 
Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst Spitzbergen, die norwegische Kiste. ein- 
schlieslich der Murmankiste und des weissen Meeres, sowie West- 
und Ost-Grånland. 


Caesira [Molgula] eugyroides (Traust.). 
1883 Molgula eugyroides, Traustedt in: Vid. Meddel., ann. 1882, 
s 112; 

1893 M. e., Herdman in: Ann. nat. hist., ser. 6, v. 12, p. 443. 

Fundnotiz: Skagerrak, 53 Seemeil. n. von Hanstholm, 526 m. 23. VI. 
1911. ,,Thor" Stat. 1570. Th. Mortensen. 1 Exemplar. 

Vor Tautra (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 200 m. 31. VII. 1911. Th. Mor- 
tensen. 1 Exemplar. 

Vor Rådberg (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 300 m. 27. VII. 1911. Th. Mor- 
tensen. 4 Exemplare. 

In ihren åusseren Merkmalen stimmen die Sticke durchaus 
mit der Beschreibung Traustedt's iberein. Nur das Exemplar 
von Tautra ist durch eine mehr cylindrische Gestalt ausgezeichnet. 
Auch ist es nicht so stark mit Sand bedeckt und ist iberdies nicht 
frei, sondern auf einer Pandocia pomaria (Sav.) festgewachsen. 
Die Form der Darmschlinge stimmt bei meinen Exemplaren mit 
Traustedt's Abbildung tiberein. Dagegen ist die Lage der linken 
Gonade ein wenig abweichend. Sie ist von halbmondfårmiger Gestalt, 
die convexe Seite der Egestions-Offnung zugewandt, und liegt in 
der Hauptsache in der zweiten 
Darmschlinge. Bei einem Exem- 
plar von Rådberg ist sie dem 
absteigenden Darmschenkel mit 
beiden Enden dicht angelagert 
(Fig. 1), bei dem - Exemplar 
von Tautra demselben sogar fast vållig aufgelagert (Fig. 2). Der 
Raum der ersten: Darmschlinge war mit zahlreichen geschwånzten 
Larven angefillt.  Brutpflege war bei dieser Art meines Wissens 
noch nicht bekannt. 

Fig. K 

Verbreitung: Herdman hat diese durch Traustedt 
urspringlich von Bahia beschriebene Art bereits bei Rådberg nach- 
gewiesen. Ebensowenig wie Herdman zweifle ich daran, dass meine 
Stiicke aus dem Trondhjemsfjord dieser Art zugehåren, sodass die 
Thatsache dieser beiden weit getrennten Fundorte bestehen bleibt. 


Fam. Pyuridae /Halocynthiidae]. 
Pyura [Halocynthia] echinata (L.). 
1910 Pyura echinata, Hartmeyer in: S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin, 
an 1910; p. 281, t; 8; 
Fundnotiz: Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad. 
14. VI. 1899. Th. Mortensen. 5 Exemplare. 

Das Material enthålt 3 kleine und 2 gråssere Exemplare. Die 
Stacheln der ersteren sind wohl durchweg nach dem subarktischen 
Typus gebaut, die der letzteren dagegen teils nach dem subark- 
tischen, teils nach dem arktischen Typus. Das gråsste Exemplar 
ist 13 mm lang. Es besitzt links 6 Falten, rechts dagegen noch 
eine 7te rudimentåre. Falte 2 ist auf beiden Seiten sehr wenig 
entwickelt. Der Peribranchialraum war mit geschwånzten Larven 
in ungeheurer Anzahl angefillt. Auch fir diese Art fehlte meines 
Wissens bisher der Nachweis einer Brutpflege. Die Art war von 
den Får Oer bereits bekannt. Meine Exemplare stimmen in ihren 
anatomischen Besonderheiten durchaus mit den von mir friher be- 
schriebenen Sticken von den Får Øer iberein. 

Fam. Tethyidae /Styelidae]., 
Tethyum [Styela] rusticum (L.). 
1903 Styela rustica, Hartmeyer in: Råmer u. Schaudinn, 
Fauna arfcttå v. 8, p 217, £5 £2 4 3; 
Fundnotiz: Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad. 
14. VI. 1899. Th. Mortensen. 7 Exemplare. 

Das Material enthålt sieben kleinere, 6—24 mm lange Exem- 
plare, såmtlich mit kråftig entwickeltem Horn zwischen den Kårper- 
åffnungen. Auch die knåtchenartigen Verdickungen der Querrunzeln 
sind bei dem nur 6 mm langen Exemplar bereits erkennbar, bei dem 
nåchst kleinsten, 10 mm langen Exemplar wie auch bei allen an- 
deren dagegen deutlich ausgeprågt. Ein achtes, 33 mm langes 
Exemplar ist hornlos. 


Diese Art ist von den Får Oer bereits durch Traustedt 

Tethyum [Styela] loveni (Sars). 

1903 Styela loveni, Hartmeyer in: Romer u. Schaudinn, 
Fauna arctica, v. 3, p. 209, .t. 5, f. 4—6, t. 11, f. 6—9, 
Textf. 6— 

1907 Styela coriacea, Alder u. Hancock, Brit. Tun., v. 2, p. 109, 
1, 37, FIS 41990 248) 41 4 5 

1907 Styela granulata, Alder u. Hancock, Brit. Tun., v. 2, p. 115, 
£ 3474,8 ms 9, 180 £ br 60 43 10 ANE 148 2 
Kextf.:65 u, 66, 

Fundnotiz: Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad., 
14. VI. 1899. Th. Mortensen. 3 Exemplare 

Vor Rådberg, Trondhjemsfjord, ca. 300 m, 27. VIL 1911. Th. Mor- 
tensen. 2 Exemplare. 

Von Nolså liegen drei junge Exemplare vor, die aber bereits 
alle auf die innere Anatomie beziglichen Artmerkmale in charac- 
teristischer Weise zeigen. Das gråsste von ihnen ist von långlich 
cylindrischer Gestalt und nur 8 mm lang. Die Oberflåche erscheint 
unter der Lupe fein gefeldert. Ein zweites ist beerenfårmig und 
ganz glatt. Beide erinnern åusserlich an die Exemplare von Dars- 
serort (Fauna arctica, Textf. 7 u. t. 5, f. 5). Ein drittes ganz 
junges Tier sass auf einem von Caesira septentrionalis abgeldsten 

Die beiden Stiicke aus dem Trondhjemsfjord sind voll- 
ståndig abgeflacht und mit Sand incrustiert. 

Ich will bei dieser Gelegenheit bemerken, dass sowohl 7'ethyum 
coriaceum Ald. Hanc. (1848) als auch Tethyum granulatum Ald. 
(1863)"), die beide erst in dem nachgelassenen Werke von Alder 
und Hancock (1907) ausfihrlicher beschrieben und abgebildet 
werden, meines Erachtens mit 7'. /oveni synonym sind, Åus den 

1) Eine Cynthia granulosa, die Pruvot (1901) ohne Autornamen von der 
catalonischen Kiste erwihnt, hat nichts mit dieser Art, die sicher nicht 
im Mittelmeer vorkommt, zu thun. 


urspringlichen Diagnosen beider Arten kann auf diese Synonymie 
allerdings nicht geschlossen werden. Um so characteristischer sind 
dagegen die in der citierten Arbeit gegebenen Abbildungen, sodass an 
der Identitåt aller drei Arten nicht gezweifelt werden kann. Der 
Årtname loveni wåre demnach durch coriaceum zu ersetzen, was ich 
mir aber fir eine spåtere Revisionsarbeit vorbehalte. 

Auf Grund dieser Synonymie erweitert sich das Verbreitungs- 
gebiet dieser Art iiber die Doggerbank (Alder, 1865) bis an die 
Kiste von Northumberland und Durham (Alder u. Hancock, 1848) 
und zu den Shetland Inseln (Norman, 1869). Van Name hat die 
Art, wie er mir mitteilt, auch an der Ostkiste von Nord-Amerika 
gefunden, was nach ihrer bisher bekannten Verbreitung (West-Grån- 
land!) zu erwarten war. 

Von den Får Oer war die Art bisher auch noch nicht bekannt. 
Ebensowenig liegt eine specielle Angabe iiber ihr Vorkommen im 
Trondhjemsfjord vor, wenngleich sie nach Kiær (1893) ganz all- 
gemein an der norwegischen Kiste vorkommt. 

Dagegen glaube ich, dass die Angaben tiiber ihr Vorkommen 
bei den Kanal-Inseln (Ansted u. Latham, 1862; Koehler, 1885) und 
bei Falmouth (Cocks, 1350) auf irrtimlicher Bestimmung beruhen. 
Ich habe zu viel Material von der Sidkiste Englands und aus dem 
Kanal durchgesehen, ohne diese Art darunter gefunden zu haben, 
um diese Fundorte als verbirgt auffihren zu kånnen. 

Tethyum [Styela] mortenseni nov. spec. 
Fundnotiz: Skagerrak, 587 06' N. 9? 0., 660—420 m.. 24: VI. 
1911. ,,Thor' Stat. 1571. Th. Mortensen. -1.Exemplar. 

Der Kårper ist beerenfårmig, ein wenig håher als lang; 
åusserlich am ehesten an gewisse Exemplare von) Dendrodoa gros- 
sularia erinnernd. Die Långe betrågt 9 mm, die Håhe 11 mm. 
Die Kårperåffnungen sind als kleine Wårzchen ohne weiteres 
erkennbar. Die Ingestionsåffnung ist deutlich vierlappig und liegt 
terminal, die Egestionsåffnung ist nur undeutlich gelappt und liegt 


ein wenig tiefer. Die Entfernung von einander betrågt 4 mm. Das 
Tier war mit der Basis und einem Teile der. linken Seite ange- 
heftet. Der Cellulosemantel trågt im Bereiche der Anheftungs- 
flåche eigenartige Haftfortsåtze. Sonst ist die Oberflåche frei 
von Fremdkårpern — von einzelnen Sandkørnchen abgesehen — 
und bis auf einige offenbar postmortale Fåltelungen glatt. Die 
Farbe ist bråunlich. 

Innere Organisation, 

Der Cellulosemantel ist sehr dinn, hautartig und schwach 

Die Zahl der Tentakel betrågt etwa €0. Sie lassen sich 
auf vier Gråssen verteilen und sind, stellenweise wenigstens, regel- 
måssig nach dem Schema 143424341... angeordnet. Die 
Zahl der Tentakel 1. und 2. Ordn. betrågt demnach je 7, die 3. Ordn. 
15 und "die 4. Ordn. 30. 

Das Flimmerorgan habe ich nicht deutlich erkannt. Es 
scheint ein ganz kleines, rudimentåres Gebilde zu sein, das wie 
bei den meisten anderen Tiefseeformen der Gattung wahrscheinlich 
eine einfach becherfårmige Gestalt hat. Dagegen fållt das lang- 
gestreckte Ganglion durch seine relative Gråsse auf. 

Der Kiemensack ist dadurch besonders bemerkenswert, dass 
er jederseits nur eine typische Falte besitzt. Diese Falte ent- 
spricht der Falte 1 eines normalen Kiemensackes. Rechts betrågt 
die Zahl der inneren Långsgefåsse der Falte etwa 16, wåhrend 
zwischen ihr und der Dorsalfalte 4 intermediåre innere Långsgefåsse 
verlaufen. Es ist dabei allerdings zu berticksichtigen, dass eine 
scharfe Grenze zwischen intermediåren inneren Långsgefåssen und 
den auf der Falte verlaufenden Långsgefåssen kaum zu ziehen ist 
und man das erste basale Gefåss der Falte ebensogut auch noch als 
intermediåres Gefåss ansprechen kånnte. Links dagegen verlaufen 
zwischen Dorsalfalte und Falte 1 nur zwei Gefåsse, welche Anspruch 
auf die Bezeichnung intermediårer Gefåsse machen kånnen, sodass 
die Falte der Dorsalfalte etwas nåher liegt, wåhrend die Zahl der 


auf der Falte verlaufenden Gefåsse etwa 18 betrågt. Der gesamte 
ubrige Kiemensack jederseits zwischen Falte 1 und Endostyl ent- 
behrt jeder Faltenbildung. Er wird lediglich von inneren Långs- 
gefåssen durchzogen, die bald in etwas weiteren, bald in etwas 
nåheren Abstånden einander folgen. Rechts betrågt ihre Zahl etwa 
34, links etwa 32. Das Schema fir den Kiemensack wirde dem- 

nach lauten: 
rechts: D 4 (ca. 16) ca. 34 E. 

links; D 2 (ca. 18) ca. 32 E. 

Die Quergefåsse lassen an manchen Partieen wesentliche Unter- 
schiede in der Breite nicht erkennen, an anderen dagegen wechseln 
breitere mit schmåleren ab. Parastigmatische Quergefåsse finden 
sich nur ganz gelegentlich. Die Felder enthalten meist 3 oder 
auch 4 långliche Kiemenspalten, die manchmal gewisse Unregel- 
måssigkeiten in ihrer Gestalt; auch Verdoppelungen durch Quer- 
teilung innerhalb eines Feldes zeigen. g 

Die Dorsalfalte ist ein glatter und glattrandiger Saum, der 
nach der Einmindung des Oesophagus hin etwas an Håhe zunimmt. 
Nur an einer Stelle habe ich einen deutlichen dreieckigen Zahn 
auf dem freien, ein wenig nach rechts umgeschlagenen Rande fest- 

Der Darm bildet eine stark S-fårmig gekriimmte Doppelschlinge 
und erinnert in gewisser Hinsicht rein åusserlich an den Darm mancher 
Phallusia-Arten. Der Oesophagus ist nur kurz, wenig gebogen und 
entspringt ganz an der Basis des Kiemensackes. Er liegt in seinem 
ganzen Verlaufe horizontal und ist deutlich gegen den Magen ab- 
gesetzt. Der Magen ist ziemlich lang, spindelfårmig und fållt besonders 
durch seine genau senkrechte, d. h. parallel zum Endostyl gerichtete 
Lage auf. Im Innern trågt er Långsfalten, am Pylorus-Ende einen 
kurzen, kolbig angeschwollenen, nur wenig gekrimmten Blindsack. 
Der Mitteldarm wendet sich zunåchst ein kurzes Stiick nach der 
Ventralseite, um dann unter einem rechten Winkel zur Bildung der 
ersten Darmschlinge nach vorn zu verlaufen. Die erste Darm- 
schlinge ist ziemlich lang und weit, aber vollståndig geschlossen 


indem der absteigende Darmschenkel bis an den Oesophagus- heran- 
tritt. Die zweite Darmschlinge ist etwas kurzer, weniger weit und 
offen. Der After liegt betråchtlich tiefer, als die obere Krimmung 
der ersten Darmschlinge. Sein 
Rand war zerstårt. 

Die Zahl der Gonaden 
betrågt 3. Eine, die gråsste, 
gehåørt der linken, die anderen 
beiden der rechten Seite an. 
Erstere folgt in ihrem Ver- 
laufe dem absteigenden Aste 
der ersten Darmschlinge bis in 
das Lumen der zweiten Darm- 

schlinge hinein, um dann mit 

ihrem Endstick kurz umzubiegen und in der Nåhe des Afters aus- 
zumiunden. Die anderen. beiden verlaufen annåhernd parallel, zu- 
nåchst aus unmittelbarer Nåhe des Endostyls schråge nach hinten, 
um dann in åhnlicher Weise wie die linke Gonade mit ihren Aus- 
fihrgången nach vorn umzubiegen. Die Gonaden sind hermaphro- 
ditisch. Das Ovarium nimmt die innere, dem Kiemensack anliegende 
Partie ein, der Hoden dagegen die åussere, dem Peribranchialraum 
zugewandte Seite. Er iberlagert das Ovarium so vollståndig, dass 
es von aussen iiberhaupt nicht sichtbar ist. Ei- und Samenleiter 
minden nebeneinander aus. Ersterer stellt einen trompetenartig 

erweiterten Gang, letzterer einen engen Kanal dar. 


Diese interessante kleine Form, die in Gemeinschaft mit einigen 
Exemplaren von Dendrodoa grossularia (Bened.) in der norwegischen 
Rinne in nicht unbetråchtlicher Tiefe leider nur in einem Exemplar 
erbeutet wurde, scheint bisher noch unbeschrieben zu sein. Es 
handelt sich zweifellos um eine echte 7'ethyum-Art, die wie die 
Mehrzahl der Tiefseeformen dieser Gattung Rickbildungserscheinungen 
im Bau des Kiemensackes zeigt. Bei keiner dieser Formen ist aber 


der Rickbildungsprocess so weit vorgeschritten, dass nur noch eine 
Falte jederseits erhalten geblieben ist. Bei den drei vom ,,Chal- 
lenger" bei Buenos Ayres in 1080-m Tiefe erbeuteten Arten 
T. flavum (Herdm.), T. glans (Herdm.) und T. oblongum (Herdm.) sind 
zwar jederseits 4, aber bereits rudimentåre, d. h. nur durch Gruppen von 
inneren Långsgefåssen gebildete Falten vorhanden. Eine dieser Arten 
besitzt eine gezåhnte Dorsalfalte, ein Merkmal, das auch noch andere 
Tethyum-Arten der Tiefsee zeigen und das ja auch bei 7%. mortenseni, 
wenigstens in seinen ersten Anfången, angedeutet zu sein scheint. 
Ueber Darm und Gonaden enthalten die Diagnosen leider keine An- 
gaben. Zwei weitere vom ,Challenger" im Siden von Austra- 
lien in der bedeutenden Tiefe von 4680 m erbeutete Arten, T. squa- 
mosum (Herdm.) und T'. bythium (Herdm.) sind ebenfalls gut unter- 
schieden. Erstere Art besitzt u. a. jederseits 2 deutliche Falten, 
letztere ist besonders durch ihre gezåhnte Dorsalfalte ausgezeichnet 
und besitzt tberdies jederseits 4 Falten. 7". sericatum (Herdm.), auch 
aus dem sidlichen Indic, aus 3510 m Tiefe, besitzt jederseits nur 
eine Gonade, und endlich 7". pusil/um (Herdm.), aus dem nårdlichen 
Pacific, aus 3090 m Tiefe besitzt jederseits mehrere Falten: Die 
Beschreibung ist im iibrigen åusserst kurz gehalten und enthålt 
keinerlei Angaben tuber Dorsalfalte, Darm und Gonaden. Die Ten- 
takelzahl wird als gering bezeichnet. In den åusseren Merkmalen 
besteht eine gewisse Åhnlichkeit. Zu diesen 7 Challenger-Arten 
kommen moch 5 weitere, von anderen Expeditionen erbeutete Arten 
hinzu. Das von der Norske Nordhavs Exp. in 2195 m Tiefe 
zwischen Grånland und Spitzbergen erbeutete T. bathybium (Bonnevie) 
ist ohne weiteres durch den Bau der Gonaden, des Kiemensackes und 
der Dorsalfalte unterschieden. Eine zweite von dieser Expedition 
gesammelte Art, T. doliolum (Bjerk), kommt ebensowenig in Betracht, 
da sie 4 Falten und jederseits nur 1 Gonade besitzt. Es verbleiben 
noch 7". milleri (Ritt.) vom ,,Albatross' an der californischen Kiste 
in 4010 m Tiefe gesammelt, mit 4 Falten und 1 Gonade jederseits, 
T. braueri (Mchlsn.), von der ,,Valdivia" bei Sumatra in 750 m 
Tiefe erbeutet, mit" denselben unterscheidenden Merkmalen und 


T. profundum (Sluit.), von der ,,Siboga”" im mal. Archipel in 
959 m Tiefe gefangen, die im Verlauf des Darmes und der Lage 
der linken Gonade gewisse Åhnlichkeiten zeigt, aber rechts auch nur 
1 Gonade besitzt und iberdies jederseits 3 rudimentåre Falten. Es 
låsst sich die neue Art demnach von allen aus der Tiefsee bekannt 
gewordenen Arten ihrer Gattung durch geniigende Merkmale unter- 
scheiden, zu denen in erster Linie die eine nur erhalten gebliebene 
Falte und, soveit die Diagnosen daruiber Angaben erhalten, die 
Zweizahl der Gonaden auf der rechten Seite gehåren. Wie weit 
alle diese Tiefseeformen einer vorwiegend litoralen Gattung, die aber 
wie keine zweite litorale Gattung auch in der Tiefsee vertreten ist 
und hier ihrer Artenzahl nach auch alle eigentlichen Tiefseegattungen, 
mit Ausnahme von Cu/leolus, tbertrifft, untereinander oder zu lito- 
ralen Arten nåhere verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen zeigen, låsst 
sich zur Zeit noch nicht ibersehen. 

Dendrodoa grossularia (Bened.). 

1903 Styelopsis grossularia, Hartmeyer in: Romer u. Schau- 
dinn, Fauna arctica, v. 3, p. 258, 4, 5, £ 18 0, 13. 
Fundnotiz: Skagerrak, 58? 06' N., 9? 0., 660—420 m. 24. VI. 

1911. ,Thor"' Stat. 1571. Th. Mortensen. 3 Exemplare. 
Vor Rådberg (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 300 m. 27. VII. 1911. Th. Mor- 
tensen. 4 Exemplare. 
Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad. 14. VI. 1899. 
Th. Mortensen. 2 Exemplare. 

Die Exemplare aus dem Trondhjemsfjord sind beerenfårmig und 
auf Pandocia pomaria (Sav.) angewachsen. Das gleiche gilt von 
den Får Oer Stiicken, von denen das eine aber abgeflacht ist. Die 
Sticke aus dem Skagerrak, die zusammen mit Tethyum mortenseni 
erbeutet wurden, sind dagegen såmtlich mehr oder weniger abgeflacht 
und von griner Farbe. 

Verbreitung: Die Art wird zwar von der ganzen norwegi- 
schen Kiste erwåhnt, doch liegt eine specielle Angabe tiber ihr 
Vorkommen im Trondhjemsfjord nicht vor. Von den Får Oer war 
die Art bereits bekannt. Der Fundort im Skagerrak ist neu. 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 63. 18 


Dendrodoa aggregata (Rathke). ; 
1903 Dendrodoa aggregata, Hartmeyer in: Romer u. Schau- 
dinn, Fauna arctica,. v. 3, p; 235, 1,5, £..8. 
Fundnotiz: Får. Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad. 
14. VI. 1899. Th. Mortensen. 5 Exemplare. 

Unter dem Material befinden sich 5 typische, 25—30 mm lange 
Exemplare dieser Art. Von den Får Oer war die Art bisher nicht 


Pandocia [Polycarpa] pomaria (Sav.). 

1770 Ascidia singularis, Gunnerus in: Skr. Kjåbenh. Selsk., v. 10, 
p. 166, f. 1—6. 

1893 Polycarpa pomaria, Herdman in: Ann. nat. hist., ser. 6, 
v. 12, p. 444. 

Fundnotiz: Skagerrak, 577 94' N,, 47 25' 0. 108 m. 20, VI ISLE 
Th. Mortensen. 1 Exemplar. 

Vor Tautra (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 200 m. 31. VII. 1911. Th. Mor- 
…tensen. Zahlreiche Exemplare. 

Vor Rådberg (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 300 m. 27. VII. 1911. Th. Mor- 
tensen. Zahlreiche Exemplare. 

Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolsåé, ca. 100 Fad. 14. VI. 1899. 
Th. Mortensen. 10 Exemplare. 

Aus dem Trondhjemsfjord liegt diese Art in grosser Menge vor 
und scheint daselbst nåchst Phallusia obliqua (Ald.) die håufigste 
Ascidie zu sein. Herdman hat die Art bei Rødberg bereits 
nachgewiesen.  Auch von den Får Oer ist die Art durch Trau- 
stedt schon bekannt geworden. Meine Exemplare von dort sind 
von verschiedener Gråsse, teils mit sehr stark buckeliger Oberflåche, 
teils mit weniger ausgeprågten Buckeln. 

Gunnerus hat aus dem Trondbjemsfjord, aus einer Tiefe von 
ca. 100 Fad., eine Ascidia singularis beschrieben. Zieht man den 
Fundort in Betracht und beriicksichtigt gleichzeitig die von Gun- 
nerus gegebenen Abbildungen, so kann meines Erachtens kein Zweifel 
dariiber ;bestehen, dass beide Formen identisch sind. Es wåre dann 

der Artname pomaria durch singularis zu ersetzen. Doch mag das 


einer spåteren. Gelegenheit vorbehalten bleiben, da diese Arbeit in 

der Hauptsache eine faunistische sein soll. 

Pandocia [Polycarpa] pusilla (Herdm.). 
1884 Polycarpa pusilla, Herdman in: Tr. R. Soc. Edinburgh, v. 32, 
p. 224, t. 35, f. 4—6. 
Fundnotiz: vor Tautra (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 200 m. 31.V1I. 1911. 
Th. Mortensen. 1 Exemplar. 

Das Exemplar, das ich dieser von Herdman bereits bei Rådberg 
nachgewiesenen Art zurechne, ist långlich elliptisch und hat einen grås- 
sten Durchmesser von 11 mm. És ist vållig frei und dicht mit feinen 
Sandkårnchen bedeckt. Der Magen besitzt einen Blindsack. Der After- 
rand ist gelappt. Das Flimmerorgan ist hufeisenfårmig, die beiden 
Schenkel berthren einander, sind nicht spiralig aufgerollt, aber auch 
kaum einwårts gebogen. Die Offnung ist nach links gewandt. Zwischen 
den Falten zåhlte ich, wo es sicher festzustellen war, 1—2 inter- 
mediåre innere Långsgefåsse, manche Partien des Kiemensackes waren 
aber so stark geschrumpft, dass die Zahl der intermediåren Gefåsse 
sich nicht einwandfrei ermitteln! liess. Pandocia libera (Kiær) ist 
zweifellos nahe verwandt mit dieser Art, doch ist die Zahl der in- 
termediåren inneren Långsgefåsse (je 3—8, meist 4) gråsser. Bei 
Pandocia comata (Ald.) dagegen verlåuft in der Regel nur je 1 
intermediåres inneres Långsgefåss zwischen zwei Falten, wie ich 
es constant bei Exemplaren von Roscoff und Plymouth gefunden habe. 
Exemplare von Ostende zeigten wieder 1—2 intermediåre Gefåsse. 
Auch habe ich stets einen Magenblindsack gefunden. Im ibrigen 
stimmen- diese drei Formen in wichtigen Merkmalen (Geschlechts- 
organe, Magenblindsack) iiberein, sodass es noch weiterer Unter- 
suchungen bedarf, um iber die Artberechtigung dieser Formen 
endgiltig entscheiden zu kånnen. 

Fam. Botryllidae. 
Polycyclus lamarcki Herdm. 
1886 Polycyclus lamarcki, Herdman in: Rep. Voy. Challenger, 
v. 14, p. 63, t. 4, f. 1—5. 


Fundnotiz: Får Oer, Tief am Noørdende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad. 
14. VI. 1899. Th. Mortensen. 1 Kolonie. 

Es liegt mir ein Polycyclus vor, den ich dieser Herdman'schen 
Art zurechnen måchte. Die Abgrenzung der nordwesteuropåischen 
und mediterranen Polycyclus-Arten bleibt darum nach wie vor eine 
offene Frage. Die Kolonie ist eine unregelmåssig gelappte Masse, 
die eine gråsste Breite von 35 mm und eine grøsste Dicke von 
17 mm besitzt. Die Art wurde in der Får Oer—Shetland Rinne 
gesammelt und ist jetzt in unmittelbarer Nåhe der Får Oer wieder- 

Ausserdem enthålt die Collection noch einige Arten von Bo- 
tryllidae aus dem Skagerrak (57? 24' N., 72 25'0., 108m. 20. VI. 
1911. ,,Thor" Stat. 1566), deren Bestimung sich jedoch als untun- 
lich erwies. . 

Fam. Rhodosomatidae /Corellidae/. 
Corella parallelogramma (Miill.). 
1893 Corella parallelogramma, Herdman in: Ann. nat. hist., 
por, 6, vv, 12 ; 
Fundnotiz: Skarnsund ('Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 200—150 m. 21. 
VII. 1911. Th. Mortensen. 1 Fxemplar. 

Fam. Phallusiidae /[Ascidtidaey. 
Phallusia obliqua (Ald.). 
1903 Ascidia obliqua, Hartmeyer in: Romer u. Schaudinn, 
Faunå aåretica; v: 3, p; 280, 4: 5, £. 18, t. 19, £ 7-32. 
1893 Ascidia compressa, Herdman in: Ann. nat. hist., ser. 6, 
v. 12, p. 444 

Fuudnotiz: Skagerrak, 58? 06' N., 99 0., 640 m. 24. VI. 1911. 
» Thor" Stat. 1571. Th. Mortensen. Viele Exemplare. 

Skagerrak, 57724 N. 79925' 0, 108 m. 20. VI 1911  DA0r 
Stat. 1566. Th, Mortensen. Viele Exemplare. 

Vor Tautra (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. sov må: 31. VII. 1911. Th. Mor- 
tensen. Viele Exemplare 

Vor Rådberg ELrondlijerbefjordk, ca: 300 m. 27. VII. 1911. Th. Mor- 
tensen. Mehrere Exemplare. 


Diese Art scheint sowohl im Trondhjemsfjord wie im Skagerrak 
ausserordentlich håufig zu sein. Die Sticke geben keinen Anlass 
zu weiteren Bemerkungen. Herdman fihrt die Art von Rådberg 
und Trondhjem unter dem Namen Ascidia compressa Mill. auf. 

Phallusia conchilega (Mill). 

1893 Ascidia plebeia, Herdman in: Ann. nat. hist., ser. 6, v. 12, 
p. 444. 

Fundnotiz: Skagerrak, 57? 24' N,, 7? 25' 0., 108 m. 20, VI. 1911. 
»Thor" Stat. 1566. Th. Mortensen. 4 Exemplare. 

Vor Rådberg (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 300 m. 27. VII, 1911. Th. Mor- 
tensen. 2 Exemplare. 

Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad. 14. VI. 1899. 
Th. Mortensen. Viele Exemplare. 

Verbreitung: Von Trondhjem erwåhnt Herdman diese Art 
bereits unter dem Namen Ascidia plebeia Ald. Von den Får Oer 
war die Art noch nicht bekannt. Unter den zahlreichen Exemplaren 
von dort zeigen einige eine etwas mehr elliptische oder unregel- 
måssige Gestalt, als es die Regel ist, und eine måchtig entwickelte 

Phallusia virginea (Mill.); non Traust. et alii. 
1893 Ascidiella venosa, Herdman in: Ann. nat. hist., ser. 6, v. 12, 

p. 444, 

1909 Phallusia virginea, Hartmeyer in: S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. 
Berlin, ann. 1909, p. 225. 

Fundnotiz: vor Rédberg (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 300 m. 27. VII. 
1911. Th. Mortensen. 1 Exemplar. 

Herdman hat diese Art bereits von Trondhjem nachgewiesen. 

Ascidiella aspersa (Miill.). 
Fundnotiz: Nordsee, 55? 16' N., 77 45'0., 22m. 17. VI. 1911. 
»Thor'"' Stat. 1535. Th. Mortensen. 2 Exemplare. 
Får er, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad. 14. VI 1899. 
Th. Mortensen. Viele Exemplare. 


Zwei Exemplare aus der Nordsee (6,4 und 5,3 cm lang) stimmen 
in ihrem Habitus durchaus mit Exemplaren von Helgoland iberein, die 
bisher meist unter dem Namen AÅscidiella virginea (Miull.) aufgefibrt 
wurden. Ich werde aber demnåchst zeigen, dass es sich nur um 
einen grossen Formenkreis handelt, der den Artnamen ,,aspersa" 
fihren muss. Die Oberflåche der beiden Nordseesticke ist im all- 
'gemeinen glatt — nur im Umkreis der Kårperådffnungen finden sich 
einige Fortsåtze — und mit Bryozoen und Balaniden bedeckt. 
Die Stiicke von den Får Øer, von wo die Art noch nicht bekannt 
war, sind meist klein mit ziemlich glatter Oberflåche. 

Fam. Cionidae. 
Ciona intestinalis (L.). 
Fundnotiz: Skagerrak, 57? 24' N., 7? 25'0., 108 m. 20. VI. 1911. 
»Thor" Stat. 1566. Th. Mortensen. 5 Exemplare. - 
Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad. 14. VI. 1899. 
Th. Mortensen. 4 Exemplare. 

Fam. Didemnidae. 
Leptoclinides faeréensis Bjerk. 

1905 Leptoclinides faeråensis, Bjerkan in: Bergens Mus. Aarbog, 
ann. 1905, nr. 5, p. 20, t. 3, f. 4—8, 

Fundnotiz: vor Tautra (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 200 m. 31.VII. 1911. 
Th. Mortensen. 

Vor Rådberg (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 300 m. 27. VII. 1911. Th. 

Verbreitung: Von beiden Fundorten liegen mir eine An- 
zahl typischer Kolonieen vor, die teilweise auf Pandocia pomar:a 
(Sav.) und Phallusia obliqua (Ald.) angewachsen sind. Zu Bemer- 
kungen geben sie keinen weiteren Anlass. Die Art ist bisher aus- 
schliesslich in tieferem Wasser gefunden worden, und zwar nicht 
oberhalb 180 m. Nach unten bildet die bedeutende Tiefe von 
2847 m die derzeitige Grenze. Die Art ist zur Zeit nachgewiesen 
n. w. Island (590 m), 6. Får Oer (420 m), im Bereiche -von Neu 


Fundland und Neu Schottland (180—2847 m) und n. Helgeland 
(Norwegen) (260 m). 

Didemnum albidum (Verr.). 
1903 Leptoclinum roseum, Hartmeyer in: Romer u. Schau- 
dinn,- Fauna -arctica, v. 3, p. 361, t; 6, f 17 u. 18,'t; 14, f£ 17. 
1910 Tetradidemnum albidum, Van Name in: P. Boston Soc., 
W. 15; DD. 878, Toxtf. 18—15 35. FR SOE TE 
Fundnotiz: Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad. 
14. VI. 1899. Th. Mortensen. 

Es liegt mir eine gråssere Anzahl Kolonieen dieser Art vor, 
die teils ansehnliche Krusten, teiis Polster bilden. Die Kalkkårper 
sind sehr zahlreich und zeigen die characteristische Gestalt, doch 
sind die Enden der Fortzåtze vielleicht etwas weniger abgerundet, 
als Van Name sie abbildet. 

Verbreitung: Diese auf die Arktis beschrånkte, aber hier weit 
verbreitete Art war bei den Får Oer bisher nicht nachgewiesen. 

Didemnum tenue (Herdm.). 

1893 Leptoclinum tenue, Herdman in: Ann. nat. hist., ser. 6, 
v. 12, p. 445. 

Fundnotiz: Skarnsund (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 200—150 m. 21. VII. 
1911. Th. Mortensen. 

Vor Tautra (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 200 m. 31. VII. 1911. Th. 

Vor Rådberg (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 300 m. 27. VII. 1911. Th. 

Von verschiedenen Stationen im Trondhjemsfjord liegen meist 
auf Pandocia pomaria (Sav.) oder Phallusia obligua (Ald.) angesie- 
delte und hier diinne Ueberzige oder winzige Polsterchen bildende 
Kolonieen einer Didemnum-Art vor, die wohl zu D. tenue (Herdm.) 
gehårt, das durch Herdman ebenfalls von Rådberg erwåhnt wird. 
Die Kalkkårper entsprechen durchaus der Abbilduug Herdman's 
und sind ausgezeichnet durch zahlreiche, spitzzulaufende Fortsåtze. 


Verbreitung: Ob die von den verschiedensten Punkten als 
D. tenue aufgefihrten Kolonieen thatsåchlich alle zu einer Art ge= 
håren, ist bei dem gegenwårtigen Stande der Didemniden-Systematik 
kaum sicher zu entscheiden. Sicher gehårt wohl die Form, die 
Herdman aus der warmen Zone des Wyville Thomson Riickens 
unter diesem Namen auffihrt, zu derselben Art, wie die norwegischen 
Sticke. Die Art scheint, die artliche Zusammengehårigkeit der 
unter diesem Namen beschriebenen Formen immer vorausgesetzt, 
das tiefe Wasser zu bevorzugen. Ållerdings wird sie auch aus dem 
oberen Litoral erwåhnt, und zwar von Michaelsen (Magalh. Be- 
zirk) wie von Sluiter (West-Indien). Daneben liegen aber die 
Angaben Herdman's iiber ihr Vorkommen in recht betråchtlichen 
Tiefen vor (bis 1080 m an der patagonischen Kiste und 960 m 
am Wyville Thomson Ricken). 

Fam. Synoicidae. 
Macroclinum pomum (Sars). 
1893 Amaroucium pomum, Herdman in: Ann. nat. hist., ser. 6, 
v. 12; p 
1903 Macroclinum pomum & crater, Hartmeyer in: Romer u. 
Sehåudinn; Faunå arctica, v. 8, p. 319, t 6) 5, fk 193; 
f. 6 u. 7, Textf. 37—39. 
Fundnotiz: Skarnsund (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 200—150 m. 21. 
VII. 1911. Th. Mortensen. 1 Kolonie. 
Vor Tautra (Trondbjemsfjord), ca. 200 m. 31. VII. 1911. Th. Mor- 
tensen. Einige Kolonieen. 
Vor Rådberg (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 300 m. 27.VII. 1911. Th. Mor- 
tensen. 2 Kolonieen. 
Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad. 14. VI. 1899. 
Th. Mortensen. 2 Kolonieen. 

Die vorliegenden Kolonieen sind durchweg von geringer Gråsse, 
im Vergleich mit den riesigen Kolonieen aus der Nordsee oder von 
Neu Fundland geradezu winzig. Die gråsste Kolonie aus dem 
Trondbjemsfjord ist kuppelfårmig bei einem Durchmesser von 22 mm 
und einer Håhe von 20 mm. Unter den kleineren Kolonieen befinden 


sich zwei mit einem relativ langen und schlanken Stiel. Eine 
Kolonie von den Får Øer zeigt am Vorderende eine eigentimliche 
Einsenkung, wie ich sie friher bei einer Neu Fundland-Kolonie 
beschrieben habe. 

Verbreitung: Die Art, die sich durch den ganzen subark- 
tischen Atlantic verbreitet und teilweise auch noch bis in arktisches 
Gebiet vordringt, war bereits von den Får Oer (Bjerkan) wie auch 
von Røådberg (Herdman) bekannt. 

Aplidium pallidum (Verr.). 

1910 Aplidium pallidum, Van Name in: P. Boston Soc., v. 34, 
p. 400, Textf. 22, 

1886 Aplidium despectum, Herdman in: Rep. Voy. Challenger, 
v. 14, p. 270, t. 28, f. 11—13. 

1903 Aplidium lacteum, Hartmeéyer in: Roåmer n.Schaudinn, 
Fauna arctica, v. 3, p. 338, t. 6, f. 13, t. 13, f.. 16. 

?? 1893 Aplidium spec., Herdman in: Ann. nat. hist., ser. 6, 
v. 12. n 446. 

Fundnotiz: vor Rådberg (Trondhjemsfjord), ca. 300 m. 27. VII, 
1911. Th. Mortensen. 5 Kolonieen. 

Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolsø, ca. 100 Fad. 14. VI. 1899. 
Th. Mortensen. 10 Kolonieen. 

Es liegen mir zunåchst 5 Kolonieen aus dem Trondhjemsfjord 
vor, von denen 4 auf Phallusia obliqua (Ald.) befestigt und hier 
kleine, unregelmåssig gelappte Polster bilden, wåhrend eine an einer 
Wurmråhre angewachsen ist. Eine der gråsseren dieser Kolonieen 
ist 18 mm lang, 13 mm breit und 7 mm dick. An der Anheftungs- 
stelle findet sich etwas reichlicher Sand, sonst ist der Cellulose- 
mantel nur spårlich mit Sandkårnchen durchsetzt. Die Farbe der 
Kolonieen ist glasig durchscheinend, mit graulichem oder blåulichem 
Schein, wåhrend die Einzeltiere sehr deutlich als dunklere, gelb- 
bråunliche Kårperchen sichtbar sind. Systeme sind nicht zu erkennen. 
In ibhrem allgemeinen Habitus, speciell in der Farbe, gleichen die 
Kolonieen sehr denjenigen, die ich friher als Ap/idium lacteum 
Huitf.-Kaas von Ost-Spitzbergen beschrieben habe, nur dass letztere 


keine Polster bildeten, sondern von aufrecht keulenfårmiger Gestalt 
waren, wåhrend die von Huitfeldt-Kaas beschriebenen norwegi- 
schen Kolonieen ebenfalls polsterfårmige bzw. unregelmåssig gelappte 
Massen darstellten. 

Die Anatomie der Einzeltiere låsst einen Zweifel an der Zu- 
gehårigkeit dieser Koloniee zu A. pallidum, das ich fir synonym 
mit Å. dacteum halte, kaum zu. Die Lage und der Bau der Eges- 
tionsåffnung ist typisch. Ich bemerke, dass die Entfernung von der 
Ingestionsåffnung verschieden gross sein kann, und dass ihr Rand 
in der Regel schwach gelappt ist, unter Umstånden sogar einzelne 
Lobi zu unterscheiden sind. Eine Analzunge fehlt dagegen. Der 
Magen besitzt etwa 10 tiefe Långsfalten. Im ibrigen sind die 
Einzeltiere sehr stark geschrumpft und zusammengekrimmt. Ihre 
Långe betrågt nur wenig mehr als 1 mm. Infolgedessen habe ich 
auch die Zahl der Kiemenspaltenreihen nicht sicher feststellen 
kånnen. In einem Falle glaube ich 6 gezåhlt zu haben. 

Weiter enthålt das Material eine Anzahl Kolonieen von den 
Får Oer, die ebenfalls zu obiger Art gehåren durften. Die Art 
war von dort noch nicht bekannt. Von den norwegischen und auch 
von den Spitzbergen-Kolonieen unterscheiden sich diese Kolonieen 
rein åusserlich durch die mehr blass gelbliche bis bråunliche Farbe. 
Aber Van Name macht bereits darauf aufmerksam, dass die Far- 
bentåne in Alcohol conservierter Kolonieen sehr versehieden sind 
und alle Nuancen von milchig gelbweiss bis ziemlich dunkelgrau- 
braun aufweisen kånnen. Auch sind die Kolonieen nicht unerheblich 
gråsser. Sie erreichen einen gråssten Durchmesser von 38 mm, 
tiberschreiten also in allen Fållen die bisher bekannten Masse. Die 
Mehrzabl der Kolonieen bildet mehr oder weniger gelappte, oder 
auch mehr rundliche und polsterfårmige, bis 15 mm dicke und 38 mm 
lange, ungestielte Massen. Daåneben enthålt das Material aber auch 
Kolonieen von aufrecht feigen -oder breit keulenfårmiger Gestalt 
mit verschmålertem Hinterende, bei einer Långe von 30 und einer 
Breite von 25 mm. 

Zur Anatomie der Einzeltiere habe ich keine besonderen Be- 


merkungen zu machen. Die Tiere sind sehr stark contrahiert, 
sodass auch hier die Zahl der Kiemenspaltenreihen nicht sicher 
festgestellt werden kånnte. Magen und Egestionsåffnung zeigen die 
Artmerkmale in typischer Weise. 

Van Name, der neuerdings die von Verrill als Amarou- 
cium pallidum nur ungenigend characterisierte Art nachuntersuchte, 
hat bereits auf die åusserst nahe Verwandtschaft von pallidum 
und /acteum hingewiesen, die seiner Ansicht nach sehr wahrschein- 
lich identisch sind. Ich kann Van Name darin nur beistimmen 
und glaube,- nachdem ich amerikanische Kolonieen ebenfalls unter- 
sucht habe, dass einer Vereinigung beider Formen unter dem ålteren 
Artnamen pallidum thatsåchlich nichts im Wege steht. Durch den 
Nachweis von A. pallidum bei den Får Oer wird die åstlich- und 
westlich-atlantische Formengruppe dieser Art auch geographisch 
nåher verbunden. 

Ob das Aplidium spec., welches Herdman aus dem Trond- 
hjemsfjord auffihbrt, zu dieser Art gehårt, ist ohne Nachuntersuchung 
nicht zu entscheiden, da ja auch noch andere Aplidium-Arten in die- 
sem Gebiete vorkommen. Dagegen dirfte das A. despectum des- 
selben Autors, worauf Van Name mit Recht hinweist, wohl iden- 
tisch mit A. pallidum sein. 

Die Art geht in ziemlich bedeutende Tiefen herab und scheint 
tberhaupt das tiefere Wasser zu bevorzugen. Die gråsste Tiefe, 
in welcher die Art gesammelt wurde (bei Neu Fundland), betrågt 
847 m. In der oberen Litoralzone ist die Art bisher iiberhaupt 
nicht gefunden worden. 

Aplidium spec. aff. spitzbergense Hartmr. 
1903 Aplidium spitzbergense, Hartmeyer in: Råmer u. Schau- 
dinn, Fanua arctica, v. 3, p. 841; t. 6, £:14, £ 18, £. 17. 
Fundnotiz: vor Rådberg (Trondbjemsfjord), ca. 300 m. 27. VII. 
1911. Th. Mortensen. Mehbrere Kolenieen. 
Mehrere kleine Kolonieen einer Ap/idium-Art glaube ich dem 
Formenkreis des Aplidium spitzbergense Hartmr. zuordnen zu sollen. 


Diese Art ist friher von mir von Spitzbergen beschrieben worden, 
seither aber nicht wieder gesammelt worden. 

Die Kolonieen bilden kleine, långlich polsterfårmige oder 
mehr halbkugelige Massen von recht unregelmåssiger Gestalt, 
nicht mehr als 10 mm lang. Systeme sind nicht zu erkennen. 
Die Einzeltiere sind vielmehr ganz unregelmåssig angeordnet. Die 
Oberflåche ist mit kleinen Steinchen und Sandkårnchen bedeckt, 
besonders an der Anheftungsflåche der Kolonie. 

Der Cellulosemantel ist dinn, glasig durchscheinend, mit 
blåulichem Schimmer, dicht mit Sandkårnchen durchsetzt. Die Ein- 
zeltiere schimmern als blassgelbe Flecken deutlich dureh. 

Die Einzeltiere sind sehr klein, kaum 2 mm lang. Der 
Thorax ist etwas långer, als das Abdomen. Bisweilen sind diese 
beiden Kårperabschnitte zusammen so lang wie das Postabdomen, 
manchmal ist letzteres dagegen erheblich kurzer. 

Die Egestions-Offnung liegt dicht bei der Ingestions- 
Offnung, nur wenig auf die Dorsalseite  verlagert und trågt eine 
kurze, bisweilen hakenfårmig gebogene, einfache Analzunge. 

Der Kiemensack besitzt nur vier Reihen von Kiemenspalten, 
die aber ziemlich lang sind. Die Zungen der Dorsalfalte sind nur 

Der Magen besitzt nur wenige, kaum ausgebildete Långsfalten. 
In einem Falle glaube ich 4 mit Sicherheit festgestellt zu haben. 
Im ibrigen war der Darmtractus sehr stark contrahiert und infolge 
reichlicher Kotmassen nur schwer zu untersuchen. 

Das Postabdomen wird zum gråssten Teil von grossen 
Hodenfollikeln ausgefillt, die teils in einfacher, teils in doppelter 
Reihe angeordnet sind. Die meisten Einzeltiere enthielten in einer 
Aussackung des Kloakalraumes zwei bis drei geschwånzte Embryonen. 

Wie sich aus obiger Diagnose ergiebt, stimmt unsere Form 
sowohl in den åusseren Characteren der Kolonie, wie auch im ana- 
tomischen Bau der Einzeltiere in allen wesentlichen Merkmalen mit 
Aplidium spitzbergense iberein. Wie bei jener Art besitzen die 
Einzeltiere eine Analzunge, nur wenige (in beiden Fållen 4) Kiemen- 


spaltenreihen und ebenfalls nur wenige und schwach ausgeprågte 
Magenfalten, sodass an der nahen Verwandtschaft beider Formen 
wohl kaum zu zweifeln ist. Von einer Vereinigung beider Formen 
måchte ich aber bis auf weiteres noch absehen, da sich auch einige 
kleine Unterschiede, wenn auch nur untergeordneter Art, finden. 
Zunåchst werden die Einzeltiere von 4. spitzbergense wesentlich 
gråsser (bis 5 mm) und sind auch regelmåssiger angeordnet. Vor 
allem aber liegt die Egestions-Offnung bei A. spitzbergense nicht un- 
betråchtlich tiefer und trågt eine viel långere, schlankere Analzunge. 

Sidnyum turbinatum (Sav.). 
1872 Circinalium concrescens, Giard in: Arch. Zool. expér., v. 1, 
p: 689, 1. 25, L-1—8 
Fundnotiz: Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von Nolså, ca. 100 Fad. 
14. VI. 1899. Th. Mortensen. Viele Kolonieen. 

Das Materiai enthålt zahlreiche, deutlich gestielte Kolonieen, 
die wohl sicher dieser Art zugerechnet werden missen. Sie sind 
teils an Pandocia pomaria (Sav.) und Ascidiella aspersa (Mill.), teils 
an Hydroiden, Bryozoen oder Schalentrimmern befestigt. Der Magen 
zeigt blindsackartige Verdickungen (pseudo-aréolé). Die Zahl der Kie- 
menspaltenreihen betrågt allerdings 8—10, wåhrend sie nach L ahille 
zwischen 7 und 8 schwankt. Vielleicht ist diese etwas håhere Zahl 
ein localer Character der Får Oer-Form, da ich bei den subarkti- 
schen Stichen (z. B. von Helgoland) sonst auch nur 7—8 Reihen 
von Kiemenspalten beobachtet habe. Die Exemplare gehåren in 
der Hauptsache der var. democraticum an. 

Verbreitung: Diese ausgesprochen subarktische und auch 
mediterrane Art ist neu fir die Får Oer und auch sonst noch nir- 
gends in der Arktis oder doch im Bereiche des arktisch-subarkti- 

schen Grenzgebietes gefunden worden. 

Synoicum incrustatum (Sars). 

1903 Synoicum incrustatum, Hartmeyer in: Råmer u. Schau- 
dinn, Fatna. aretica, v. 3, p. 852, 6, 6, £ 11, £ 14, £. 5. 


Fundnotiz: Får Oer, Tief am Nordende von' Nolså, ca. 100 Fad. 
14. VI. 1911. Th. Mortensen. Einige Kolonieen. 

Verbreitung: Das Material enthålt mehrere kleine, keulen- 
formige Kolonieen dieser fir die Får Oer neuen Art.  Synoicum 
incrustatum war, wie alle mnordischen Synoicum-Arten, in seiner 
Verbreitung bisher auf die Arktis beschrånkt und zwar auf das 
Gebiet von Spitzbergen, dem weissen Meer, der Murmankiste und 
dem arktischen Norwegen (siidl. bis zu den Lofoten). Um so in- 
teressanter ist der Nachweis ihres Vorkommens bei den Får Oer. 

N.F. V. M, Bd.63.1911. 

gå & 

J.C.Nielsen del 

F.V. M. Bd. 63. 1911. 



Pacht & Crone phototyp 

N.F. V, M. Bd. 63. 1911. 


Hj. Ditlevsen del. 



N. F.V. M. Bd. 63. 1911. 

Pacht & Crone phototyp. 

Hj. Ditlevsen del. 

N.F.V. M. 1911 

ve = 
T Eje 
e Fyr, Fyrskib. Rubjerg hud | oo Hjaring "ZA 

Vehdsys ER eg | 

(CU Kdl 

mmeren Christi 6 
| (Hlamerskus) R 



En Bar 
ne 3 É 

Videnskabelige Meddelelser 

Dansk naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 

Bind 64. 
Udgivne af Selskabets Bestyrelse. 

Med 5 Tavler, 1 Kort og 103 Figurer i Texten. 

Syvende Aartis fjerde Aargang. vo/ 77 

lo. Bor. Garden 
Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri. 

Redaktionen af dette Bind er besørget af Dr. Th. Mortensen. 


Oversigt over de videnskabelige Møder i Dansk naturhistorisk For- 
Shing 3 Vinteørhalvaaret 191132 TES eN I ASE GN 

De i Sommeren 1912 af Foreningen foretagne Excursioner......... 
Møddelelse om den. Schibbyesko. Præmie 2... al es REE 
Hector F. E. Jungersen: On a new Gymnoblastic Hydroid (Ichthyo- 

codium ssp åt FAD epizoic ovn a new Parasitic Copepod (Sarco- 

tretes scopeli) infesting Scopelus glacialis Rhdt. (Med 6 Figurer 
i Textan) (Hori Farle 1 SEE IN KAR skr 
J. C. Nielsen: Om fritbyggede Honningbireder i Danmark. (On the 
nidification of honey-bees in the open-air in Denmark) (Med 4 
Ltr re, e SØ ENERET SE Poe KERNE Sr E NE RENEE, SS se et es 5 ES ANER on 
Johs. Schmidt: Contributions to the biology of some North Atlantic 
species of Eels. (Med 4 Figurer, Kort, i Texten). (Hertil Tavle III) 
såå: KR RRE The larval form of Chlopsis bicolor Raf. (Med 1 Figur 
AL. amnÅ Report on the Malacostraca collected by the Tjalfe” 
Expedition, under the direction of cand. mag. Ad. S. Jensen, 
especially at W. Greenland. (Med 36 Fri ka] ARR 
H. Blegvad: Some small Leptocephalids from the Atlantic. (Med 9 
R. Hørring: Fuglene ved de danske Fyr i 1911. 29de Aarsberetning 
om danske Fugle: (Med et KOR) 20. TNS ON KNE 
Hector: F. E. Jungersen: Additions and Corrections to the paper: 
On a new Gymnoblastic Hydroid (Ichthyocodium sarcotretis) 
epizoic on a new Parasitic Copepod (Sarcotretes scopeli) infesting 
Scopelus glaciales BAR ss ss ERE DS KN NER VS 
J. C. Nielsen: Undersøgelser over entoparasitiske Muscidelarver hos 
Arthropoder. II. (Med 42 Figurer i Texten)................- 
G. M. R. Levinsen: Systematic Studies on the Sertulariidae. (Her- 
BE Fare FN ERR ske Es 

W. Lundbeck: A new species of Milora. (Med 1 Figur i Texten).. 
K. Stephensen: Corrections to the paper on the Malacostraca from 
the "Tjalte Frodo 2. es hyrer RR ENE STEDE ÅR 




Forklaring af Tavlerne. 

Tavle I. leg 1. Scopelus glacialis med snyltende Copepod (Sarcotretes 
opeli) bærende den epizoiske Hydroid, Ichthyocodium sarco- 

drei. Fig. 2—6. Ichthyocodium sarcotretis. Fig. 7—10. Sar 
cotretes scopeli. 

Tavle II. Fig. 1—26. Sarcotretis scopeli. Fig. 27. Peroderma bellottii. 
(Se Tavleforklaringen 3. 30—32). 

Tavle III. Aalelarver (Leptocephaler); se Tavleforklaringen S. 51, 

Tavle IV—Y. Hydroider (Sertularider); se Tavleforklaringen S. 316—318. 

Dén 27. 

Den 10. 

Den 24. 

de videnskabelige Møder 
Dansk naturhistorisk Forening 
i Vinterhalvaaret 1911—12, 

Oktober 1911. Dr. TA. Mortensen holdt Foredrag om Aste- 
ronyx Loveni. (Se Afhandlingen ,Uber Asteronyx Loveni. M. 
Tr." i Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zoologie. Bd. CI. 1912. Festschrift fir 

Mag. sc. Hj. Ditlevsen gav Meddelelse om nordiske Anne- 
lider (se Afhandlingen ,Annelids from the Danmark Expedition", 
Medd. om Grønland. Bd. XLV. 1912). Prof. Jungersen bemær- 
kede, at det mulig kunde vise sig, at den massevise Optræden 
af den epitoke Form af Sealibregma inflatum var afhængig af 
or PEN ligesom ved ,Palolo's og beslægtede Formers 

November. Dr. €. Wesenberg-Lund og Dr. A. Bøving holdt 
Foredrag om Dytiscernes Biologi og Morphologi. (Se Afhand- 
lingerne af C. Wesenberg-Lund sne HngEe, Studien iiber Dy- 
tisciden" og A. Bøving ,Studies relating to the anatomy, the 
biological adaptations and the mechanism of ovipositor in the 
various genera of Dytiscidae". Intern. Revue der gesamt. Hy- 
drobiol. u. Hydrogr.. Biolog. Suppl., V. Serie 1912). 

November. Referatmøde. Dr. J. C. Nielsen gav Meddelelse 
om Dermatobia-Larven hos Mennesket (Ref. af Aug. Busk's Af- 
handling: On the rearing of a Dermatobia hominis Linnæus. 
Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington XIV. 1912) samt foreviste frit- 
byggede Kager af Honningbien (se Afhandlingen i dette Bind). 
Cand. mag. P. Krarup gav Meddelelse om nyere Fund af Skelet- 
dele af primitive Mennesker; hertil gjorde Docent Stamm og 
Pastor Breitung nogle Bemærkninger. Dr. Th. Mortensen fore- 
viste en Del Dyreformer fra Skagerak og Trontkjemljorden, ind- 
samlede af ham i Sommeren 1911. 


Den 8. December. Dr. C. G. Joh. Petersen holdt Foredrag om Tang- 
planternes Mængde og Aarsproduktion ved de nordeuropæiske 
yster. en viste ved Hjælp af den franske offi- 

cielle Statistik, at det maa antages, at ved de franske og engel- 
ske Kyster kan der ves høstes op mod 12,000 Millioner kg. 
Alger, naar Frankrigs Kyster i Bretagne tages som Maalestok. 

Dette Tal er langt "større end det Antal kg. Fisk, der aarlig 
fanges i disse Have, nemlig c. 1,300 Millioner kg Af disse Fisk 
er over Halvdelen pelagiske Fisk, som Sild og Makrel, der maa 
antages at leve af Plankton. Han udtalte, at der snarere fiskes 

mere af den ,demersale" Fiskebestand end af Algebestanden, og 
at man fremtidig ikke kan lade denne ude af Betragtning, naar 
Talen er om at gøre Rede for Stofskiftet i Nordsøen, selv om 
der mellem Algerne og Fiskene maa Rn eee s et Gennemgangs- 
led, Havbundens Invertebrater, der a s at leve af organisk 
Deteitus, stammende fra kyerkbie, — E kondnren lire frem- 
lagde en Tegning af en Rodstok af Zostera, og tydede denne 
som Bevis paa, at denne Plante producerer et langt større Antal 
Blade aarlig, end der tidligere var antaget. 

I Anledning af Dr. Petersens Foredrag fremhævede Dr. 
Kolderup Rosenvinge, at de statistiske Beregninger over Alge- 
mængden ved de franske Kyster p et langt mindre Beløb 
end det virkelige; dels tages Algerne kun paa visse Aarstider 
og kun paa de mere tilgængelige Steder, dels er det kun de til 
Formaalet passende Former, der tages. Paa Forespørgsel af 
Foredragsholderen oplyste Dr. F. Børgesen, at der er betydelige 
Mængder af Alger i tropiske Farvande. Dr. Th. Mortensen be- 
mærkede, at der ogsaa er betydelige Mængder af Havgræs i tro- 
piske KR som afgiver Næring for Søkøer og emne 
der. Dr. Ostenfeld mente, at man ved ligefrem at afmeje 
stera'en maatte kunne faa direkte Bevis for, hyverege Blade 
den producerer aarlig. 

Den. 19. Januar 1912, Professor Jungersen holdt Foredrag om 
im, - 

kede dertil, at der intet Hudskifte foregaar efter Indboringen: 
Chitinen udspiles og voxer ved Intussusception, saa Dyrets Væxt 
kan foregaa uden Hudskifte. Dr. Bøving spurgte om, hvorledes 
den epizoiske Goplepolyp kunde Suk at faa sin Næring. 
Foredragsholderen mente, at det maatte ske gennem Munden; 
da den sidder paa en Chitinflade, kan det næppe tænkes, at det 
kan ske gennem Hydrorhiza. 
Den 2. Februar. Referatmøde. Dr. Mortensen gav Referat af Prof. 
alcott's Undersøgelser over cambriske Forsteninger (,Cam- 
brian Geology and Paleontology". Smithson. Miscell. Coll. Vol. 57. 


No.2,5). 1 Tilslutning hertil omtalte Docent J. P. Ravn, hvad 
der hidtil kendes af præcambriske Forsteninger. Endvidere fore- 
viste Dr. Mortensen nogle mærkelige Echinodermlarver (Auri- 
cularia ,nudibranchiata” fra Japan). Mag. sc, Hj. Ditlevsen 
gav Meddelelse om renerne, (Anguillula aceti) Optræden i 
det frie, i udflydende Saft af Træer. Professor Jungersen fore- 
viste nogle Snyltekrebs af nn Fam tilie (Lernædnicus 

æ og L. encrassicholi samt Peroderma bellottii) og refe- 
rerede Quidor's Opfattelse af Dværghannernes Omdannelse hos 
Lernæopodider og Chondracanther (C. R. 1811). Dr. V. Nord- 
mann foreviste Panopea norvegica fra Dansk Farvand. 

Den 16. Februar. Dr. Th. Mortensen holdt Foredrag om Tjalfiella 
ristoma, en renere Ribbegople fra Grønland. (Se ,Cteno- 
phora", the Danish ,Ingolf"-Expedition. V. 2. 1912). Professor 
TURE ElS SENE at Slimafsondringen hos Tyalfiella kunde . 
muligvis være Værn mod Umbellula's Nældeceller, samt gjorde, 
i Anledning af Tjalftella's Regenerationsevne, opmærksom paa 
Lang's Afhandling om Gastroblasta Raffaellå. 

Den I. Marts. Lærer J. P. Kr ryger gav Meddelelse om Oophthora, en 
Slægt af de trimere Chalcidiers Gruppe. Mag. sc. K. Henriksen 
gjorde i Anledning heraf opmærksom paa nogle Undersøgelser af 
Silvestri, som ligeledes har iagttaget det mærkelige" Forhold, 
at der baade er vingede og uvingede Hanner an denne Slægt, 
medens det omvendte er Tilfældet: hos Prestwichi 

Dr. Th. Mortensen gav Meddelelse om vrdi Ribbegopler. 
(Se ,Ingolf" Ctenophora. Part. II.). 

Den 15. Marts. Dr. C. Wesenberg-Lund holdt Foredrag om Parrings- 
og Æglægningsforholdene hos Guldsmedene. (Vil blive publiceret 
i Internat. Revue d. ges. Hydrobiol. u. Hydrographie. 1913). 

Den 29. Marts. Referatmøde. Cand. mag. H. Blegvad foreviste nogle 
smaa Aalelarver fra Atlanterhavet (se Afhandlingen i dette Bind). Ferdinandsen holdt Foredrag om vort nuværende Kend- 
skab til de saakaldte Ambrosia-Svampe (Svampe som dyrkes af 
Termiter, Myrer 0. a.). Docent Stamm foreviste en Samling 
Æg af Havtæger (Halobatidae), som var fundne fæstede til for- 
skellige i Havet drivende Genstande, saasom en Sepiaskal, en 
Korkstump, en Fjer 0. 1, og, tildels for mange Aar siden, var 
hjembragte til Zoologisk Museum; desuden en i Privateje be- 
roende Terne (Anous stolidus [L]), som var skudt i November 
1911 i det røde Hav; dens Halefjer var besatte med Hundreder 
g af samme Størrelse og Udseende som de førnævnte og 
derfor uden Tvivl ligeledes tilhørende en Havtæge. Dr. 7. 
Mortensen foreviste en ræs Holothurie (Rhopalodina). 
Docent J. P. J. Ravn holdt F oredrag om præcambriske For- 


Den 19. April. Professor V. A. Poulsen gav Meddelelse om den ana- 
tomiske Bygning af Løgkagen af Urginea maritima. 

Docent A. Krogh gav Meddelelse om Undersøgelser over 

Blodets Kredsløb. (Se Afhandlingen: Measurements of the Blood 

Flow through the Lungs of Man, by August Krogh and J. Lind- 

hard. Skandinavische Arch. f. Physiologie. Bd. XXVIL. 1912). 

Beretning om de i Sommeren 1912 af Dausk naturhistorisk 
Forening foretagne Excursioner. 

2.—3. Juni. Ornithologisk Excursion til Faaborg og Omegn, sammen med 
Dansk Ornithologisk Forening; under Ledelse af Overlæge O. 

Man rejste fra København Søndag Morgen d. 2. Juni; undervejs stødte 
Deltagere fra andre Egne af Landet til, og Kl. 11/2 mødtes Selskabet i 
Korinth med de fynske Fuglevenner, som havde paataget sig at fremvise 
Egnens Fugleliv for de to Foreninger, ' 

led stor Elskværdighed havde de fynske Værter stillet Vogne til 
Raadighed for Deltagerne, som nød en prægtig Køretur gennem Brahe- 
trolleborgs og Holstenshus' Skove til Faaborg. Vejret var det skønnest 
tænkelige, og talrige Fugle saas og hørtes undervejs: 

Vibe (Vanellus cristatus), Ringdue (Columba palumbus), Spurvehøg 2 
(Astur mnisus), Gøg (Cuculus canorus), Forstuesvale (Hirundo rustica), 

(Alauda arvensis), Tornsanger (Sylvia cinerea), Havesanger (Sylvia hor- 
tensis), Gulbug (Hypolais icterina), Løvsanger (Phyllopseustes trochilus), 
Grøn Løvsanger (Phyllopseustes sibilatrix), Rødhals (Erithacus rubecula), 
Musvit (Parus major), Sortmejse (Parus ater), Halemejse (Parus cauda- 
tus), Bogfinke (Fringilla. coelebs), Gulspurv (Emberiza citrinella), Spurv 
(Passer domesticus), Stær (Sturnus vulgaris), Raage (Corvus frugilegus) 
og Krage (Corvus corniz). 

I Price's Have lige ved Faaborg indtoges en lille Forfriskning, hvor- 
efter man tilfods begav sig over ,Sundet" ved Faaborg ned til Havnen. 
Undervejs holdt Overlæge Helms et interessant Foredrag om Sundets tid- 
ligere og nuværende Fugleliv; Jagten er nu lejet af en lille Forening af 
stedlige Fuglevenner, som freder Stedet. Desværre findes Rørdrummen, 
der tidligere opholdt sig her, ikke mere, men man haaber, at den igen 
vil sætte Bo, naar her som nu er uforstyrret Fred. Rørbevoxningen var 
saa høj, at Fuglene var vanskelige at se, men nogle saas og hørtes dog. 

Stokand (to Hannor og en Hun svømmende med Ællinger) (Anas 
boscas), Hættemaage (Larus ridibundus), Dværgtærne (Sterna minuta), 
Stork (Ciconia alba), Vibe (Vanellus cristatus), Digesvale (Hirundo r:- 
Paria), Mursejler (Cypselus apus), Hvid Vipstjert (Motacilla alba), Rør- 
sanger (Acrocephalus arundinaceus), Rørspurv (Emberiza schoeniclus). 


Ved Ankomsten til Havnen viste det sig nødvendigt paa Grund af 
Blæst og Højvande at gøre en lille Forandring i Planen, saaledes at den 
ventende Damper i Stedet for at sejle til Bjørnø, som Hensigten havde 
været, førte Deltagerne ud til nogle smaa DEN Øst for samme, hvor 

gik fra Borde i de der ventende Baa 

KR Ka Holmene fandtes ynglende Storm- og Hever (Larus canus 
og ridibundus), Hætte- og Kysttærner (Sterna hirundo og Mmacrura) samt 
Strandskade (Hæmatopus sgl r egna Raage (Corvus frigilegus) og Dige- 
svale (Hirundo riparia) saas flyve . 

Ved Tilbagekomsten til Prlbyre, havde man saa god Tid inden Mid- 
dagen, at det viste sig muligt at aflægge et Besøg paa Faaborg Museum, 
hvor man bl. a. havde Lejlighed til at beundre en Del af Johannes Lar- 
sens smukke Billeder af Fugle. 

Paa Hotellet indtoges skel Middagen og ved Kaffen og Cigaren 
havde man endnu den Nydelse at se Lysbilleder af Direktør Rubows smukke 
Maagefotografier fra Egholm. Hr. Rubow havde været saa venlig at paa- 
tage sig den Ulejlighed at medbringe Billederne, og bistaaet af stedlige 
Lyskræfter skaffede han saaledes Deltagerne en Fornøjelse i Tilgift, som 
Paaskønnedes meget. 

Man gik tidlig til Ro, dels i Hotellet, dels hos Medlemmerne rundt i 
Byen, som med stor Gæstfrihed havde aabnet deres Hjem for de Til- 
rejsende, og næste Morgen Kl. 9 mødtes man paany ved Havnen for at 
sejle ud til Sanatoriet ved Nakkebølle Fjord. Desværre regnede det tem- 
melig stærkt under Sejlturen, men ved Ankomsten derud var Regnen hel- 
digvis ophørt, og Selskabet modtoges med største Gæstfrihed af Overlæge 
Helms og hans elskværdige Familie. Efter at Overlægen havde budt Vel- 
kommen paa Sanatoriets Enemærker og sagt nogle forklarende Ord om 
det Fugleliv i Skov og Park, som Deltagerne skulde have Lejlighed til at 
se, delte man sig i to Hold og krydsede i et Par Timer rundt i Egnen. 
Det var fornøjelige Ting, man fik at se, og navnlig fik man et godt Ind- 
tryk af, hvor let det er at knytte Fugleliv til sig, naar man vil gøre lidt 
derfor. Desværre forbød Vejret og Tidens Knaphed en længere Udflugt til 
den inddæmmede Del af Nakkebølle Fjord. Hvad angaar de iagttagne 

r henvises til O. Helm's Artikel ,Lidt om Ynglefuglene paa Sana- 
toriet ved Nakkebølle Fjord i Foraaret 1012; Dansk Ornithol. Forenings 
Tidsskrift, 6. Aarg. H. IV. p. X. 

Kl. 12 samledes man hos den utrættelige Vært og Værtinde til Fro- 
kost, og med taknemmelige Følelser mod de fynske Værter kørte Del- 
tagerne derefter i de ventende Vogne til Pejrup Station for med Jærn- 
banen at spredes igén over Landet, hver til sit efter et Par Dages behage- 
ligt Samvær. FI L. 8: 

Den 9. Juni. meme, til Grib Skov. Emne: Myreboer og Myregæster. 
Ledere: sc. K. Henriksen, Lærer J- P Kryger og Par- 
tikulier K P. svede; 

Deltagerne (18) samledes i Hillerød og kørte med Vogne til Grønholt- 
vang, hvor Boerne af den mørkebrune Formica fusca (under Sten) og den 


begsorte, aromatisk lugtende Lasius fuliginosus (udgnavet i et endnu 
levende Træ) mene Feng det sidste Sted fandtes der ved Sjelle 
i Boets nærmeste Omkreds foruden Myrmekophiler adskillige Skovbunds- 
dyr (Campodea 0. a.). kon peeneerden fandtes hos L. fuliginosus føl- 
gende Biller: Myrmedonia humeralis og laticollis, Oxypoda notata og 
ferruginea. — Vognene kørte derpaa Deltagerne til Nøddebo Kro, hvor 
me spistes Frokost... Derfra ge Turen til Fods op i Grib Skov, hvor 

an i Skovbrynet ud mod en Mark undersøgte Tuer af Formica 
Sen en mørk Race af den almindelige røde Tuemyre, F. rufa, og 
ligesom denne samlende en Stak, men ikke saa høj, af Grannaale over de 
i Jorden gravede Gange, hvori fandtes Polyxenus og mange myrmeko- |, 
phile Biller:. Thiasophila angulata, Notothecta flavipes og anceps, Ho- 
malota talpa, Oxypoda hæmorrhoa, Dendrophilus pygmæus, Myrmetes 
piceus, Murisstiieher subterraneus og Platyarthrus Hoffmannseggi, samt 
den lille Myre Formicoxenus nen der anlægger sit — uafhængige — 
Bo inde i Tuemyrens Tuer. — Samme Sted fandtes under Sten Boerne af 
den lille gule Lasius flavus og af ike yren Myrmica rubra. 

Hos vore danske Myrer findes en 4de Type at bygge paa, de med Tiden 
ret kompakte Jordtuer, som Lasius niger og flavus danner paa Enge med 
rig Græsvæxt; men af den saas paa Grund af den knappe Tid ikke gode 

ankning paa Egene fandt man derimod adskilligt interessant; 
saaledes ilkskelkge USA K Ents ad belagt med Æg eller Larver af 
Snyltefluer (Tachine 

Efter et GG men kort Ophold i Nøddebo Kro sejlede man med 
Motorbaaden til Fredensborg, hvorfra Deltagerne med Toget tog tilbage 
til København. 


Den 25. August. Excursion til Storebælt med Biologisk Stations Dam- 
per , Sallingsund", under Ledelse af Direktør for Biologisk Sta- 
tion, Dr. C. G. Joh. Petersen. 

Deltagerne (16) gik ombord i ,Sallingsund" i Nyborg ved 12-Tiden. 
Man sejlede først til ,Hvide Grunde", hvor der fiskedes med Tobis-Vaad 
res Zostera-Bund,. Udbyttet af denne Ve var Gobius flavescens, Tang- 

narre, Hundestejle, forskellige Naalefisk, Aal; Idothea og KRissoa — en 
rolel Zostera-Fauna, hvoriblandt dog savnedes enkelte Former, som den 

lille Psammechinus miliaris, der andetsteds kan findes i uhyre Masser i 


Paa mæ? Fiskekroge, der i Forvejen var udsatte af Stationens Mand- 
skab, mes nu og gav en interessant Fangst af Torsk, Hajer (Acan- 
thias vu lkAn Rokker led: radiata), samt store Søstjærner r (Asterias 
rubens og den pragtfulde 1, Solaster papposus). 

" Man sejlede derefter mom ud i Bæltet, hvor der foretoges Skrab- 
ninger paa forskellig Slags Bund til Paavisning af Fauna'ens forskellige 
Karakter paa haard og blød Bund. Paa den haarde Bund fandtes særlig 
Svampe, Balaner, Buccinum, Pagurer, Hydroider, Capreller, og især Echi- 


nodermer: Strongylocentrotus drøbachiensis, Cribrella sanguinolenta, So- 
laster papposus og Ophiopholis aculeata: — Paa den bløde Bund, med 
megen død Zostera, fandtes Astarte compressa og elliptica, Cyprina is- 
landica, Leda sp., Doris sp., Diastylis Rathkei og forskellige Orme, 
re Nephthys, Rørorme. Bundprøver toges med Bundhenteren, til 
Paavisning af Mængdeforholdet af de forskellige paa den bløde Bund le- 
mæt Dyr; det viste sig, at de to As sollys var langt de talrigste, 
idet de fandtes i uhyre Masser i hver Prø 
t Træk med Togg-Vaad gav kun ringe ra Dibytkej en Mængde smaa 
ng] men kun en enkelt større Ising og Rødspætte. Tidligere var her 
Mængder af store Rødspætter, men de er nu helt opfiskede ved det intense 
Fiskeri, der har været drevet i Bæltet i de senere Aar. Prøver af Plank- 
ton toges, men det viste sig at være bene indeholdende væsentlig kun 
Ceratium tripos og nogle Smaagople 

Efter Afslutningen af Didrekrleens sejledes der til Korsør, hvor 
Deltagerne landsattes i rette Tid til at naa Iltoget til København. 

Denne Tur havde særlig Interesse ved Sammenligningen mellem Store- 
bælts og Øresunds Fauna, hvilket sidste man havde Lejlighed til at lære 
at kende ved Excursionen med ,Sallingsund" i 1910. At Sundets Fauna 
er langt den rigeste har jo sin naturlige Forklaring i, at den dybe Øster- 
rende i Kattegat fortsætter sig direkte ned i Øresund, helt til Hven, saa 
hele den rige Fauna fra det dybe Kattegat har fri SJPSE hertil — me- 
dens Storebælt og hele det sydvestlige Kattegat ved grundere Vand er 
adskilt fra det østlige Kattegat, saa en hel Række af de i det østlige 
ERteget forekommende Former er afskaarne fra at komme ned i Store- 


Foreningen kan ikke noksom udtrykke sin Erkendtlighed for den Ad- 

Medlemmerne til at lære vor marine Fauna og vore Farvandes Biologi at 
kende, hvilket ellers kun de færreste har Adgang til. i de 

Den Schibbyeske Præmwie. 
Præmien for 1912 er ikke bleven uddelt, da intet af de fallerede 
(geologiske) Arbejder fandtes egnede til Prisbelønning. 


On åa new Gymnoblastic Hydroid (Zchthyocodium 
sarcotretis) epizoic on a new Parasitic Copepod 
(Sarcotretes scopeli) infesting Scopelus glactalis Rhdt. 
Hector F, E. Jungersen. 
(With PL I and IL) 

Åbout two years ago one of my pupils, Mr. Blegvad — 
now Cand. mag. — handed over to me a specimen of Scopelus 
glacialis with a most remarkable parasite, asking me what the 
latter might likely be. The fish with the strange guest had been 
Captured in August or September 1906 in the depth of the Atlantic 
off the S. W. coast of Ireland by the Danish steamer Thor”, on 
an investigation cruise in which Mr. Blegvad took part as assistant 
naturalist. I was not able to answer the question immediately and 
laid the specimen aside for closer examination later. This examin- 
ation I have only recently found time to make. The parasite (Pl. I, 
Fig. 1) at first sight appears made up of a stem and a large number 
of branchlets. The stem is stout, when viewed with a strong lens 
densely striated transversely; it narrows somewhat abruptly into a 
Short slender stalk inserted into the body of the fish. Both sides 
and the face looking towards the fish are covered with a great 
number of quite soft structures resembling papillæ; the whole thing 
bears a superficial likeness to an "Eolis”. At first I thought it 
might be a Pennella, but the soft and irregularly grouped pa- 
Pillæ did not show any great likeness to the firmly cuticularized, 
branched and symmetrically arranged appendages of a Pennella. 
Closer examination of some of the larger and stouter "papillæ”, 
which had fallen off from the sides of the stem, revealed the 
structure of Medusæ, and a slender ”fpapilla” from the inner face 

Vidensk, Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. I 


of the parasite turned out to be a Polype with medusæ-buds in 
various stages of development. Thus the question evidently was of 
some colony of Hydroids; but the stem soon turned out to be, not 
aå part of a Hydroid, but of a Parasitic Copepod, belonging to the 
family of Lernæidæ. Without destroying the beautiful specimen 
given by Mr, Blegvad, I reached this conclusion. from a thorough 
search for parasites in the rich collection of Scopelini from the 
Atlantic, which our Museum had obtained from the steamer "Thor". 
More than two thousand specimens of Scopelini were examined for 
this purpose; I succeeded in finding 6 other specimens of the 
"combined parasite”; some of these had egg-strings — or remnants 
of egg-strings — still adhering, and thus did not leave any doubt 
about the nature of the '"stem”. The new material did not contain 
any specimen so richly developed as the first one, but on the other 
hand it yielded developmental stages both of the Hydroid and of 
the Parasitic Copepod. Especially the latter seem to me of some 
value as a supplement to what has been known hitherto of the 
metamorphosis of some other Lernæidæ (Lernæa, PennellaJ. 

My material, further, shows that the association of the Hydroid 
with the Parasitic Copepod is not a necessary” one, in so far 
that the parasitic Crustacean may be found without the Hydroid; 
on the other hand, I never found the Hydroid without the Copepod, 
though the fact is not unknown that some Hydroids grow directly 
on the body of fishes (2; 7a, b; 13; 20a; 8, 9). 

That the association is not an accidental one seems to be 
proved by the fact that a proportionally large number of the Para- 
sitic Copepod carry the Hydroid. 22 specimens of the Copepod 
in its final form, inserted into the body of the fish, were found; 
but of these 8 are very young and the part protruding outside the 
fish is so small, that it could not be expected beforehand, that 
any Hydroid should attach itself upon it; of the remaining 14 large 
and adult specimens just half the number bear the Hydroid. 

The Copepod, consequently also the association, appears to be 
bound to a single species of host, Scopelus glacialis Rhdt.; and 

only on the same fish have been found all the developmental stages 
which precede that of insertion into the body of the host. As 
already mentioned I have examined a great number of Scopelini 
and allied forms from the Atlantic, between 2 and 3 thousand spe- 
cimens, but I have never found this parasite — nor any other Para- 
sitic Copepod — on other species of the genus Scopelus (taken in 
its widest sense as comprising Bhinoscopelus, Myctophum etc.) nor 
on species of genera like Cyclothone, Argyropelecus, Maurolicus, 
Stomias etc., which were captured by the ”"Thor” often in numbers 
together with Scop. glacialis on the same stations. The parasite in 
question has only been taken by the Thor” in the part of the 
Atlantic lying between 48? 15' Lat. N. and 65? Lat. N., and between 
4 33' Long. W. and 28? 10' Long. W., always in a considerable 
depth — from 100 to 600 met. below the surface. By the ship 
Tjalfe”, on a surveying expedition to the Greenland waters under 
Supervision of Mr. Ad. Jensen, only åa single (young) specimen 
was captured farther west, sc. at 487267 Long. W., 60? 07' Lat. N. 
In the Davis-Strait it seems not to occur; among some 330 speci- 
mens of Scop. glacialis collected by the "Tjalfe" W. of Greenland, 
between ca. 63” and 719 Lat. N., none were found infested. In 
collections made by the ""Thor” in the Atlantic south of the above 
named boundary I did not find the parasite; and it is likewise 
wanting on the numerous Scop. glacialis collected by the Thor” 
in the Mediterranean. In the latter this fish and — less often — 
two other species of Scopelus were found infested with an allied 
Parasitic Copepod Peroderma bellottii; but on this I never found 
åny Hydroid. 

That our parasite is by no means of frequent occurrence 
Seems to be proved by the fact that to yield the 22 above-named 
specimens more than 1800 specimens of Scopelus glacialis had to 
be examined. 

For the sake of completeness all the localities for the material 

examined are given below. 


1. The association of the! Parasitic Copepod with the Hydroid. 

Kg RER LAN Long. W. (øgklek the fk se hen of the Dåte 
in Metres in Ser 

286. 619 49' 149 11 10 400 ?|g 04. 
164. 61? 20' 11290 1300 150 291, 05. 
124. 619 04 4088 1075 500 17.09, 
89; 55? 45 9885" 1600 100 231, 06. 
185. 5 58 158 350—640 150—450  Élg 06. 
93. 497 25 12920 ca. 1300 100 5/g 05. 
? S. W. of Ireland ? ? 06 

2. The Parasitic Copepod, without the Hydroid. 
SLADE > Depth of of the 
Station No. Lat. N.… Long. W. Sa the gr ork bid Date 
in Metres in Metres 
152. 5? 00" 289 10' 240 400 19/6, 04. 

286 (2 spec.). 61? 49 34" 11 1000 400 Pig 04. 
124. 61? 04 49 38' 1075 500 231, 05. 
89. 55? 09" 9935 1600 100 231, 06. 
182. 90% 1 12? 05' 2200 150 41 06. 
38 (3 spec.). 49? 27" 18? 38" 2600 400 11/, 06. 

98 12220 ca. 1300 100 Sig 05. 
sml spec.). Ken 8? 00 150 201, 05. 
905 89 29" 2000 150 201, 05. 
«TP ialfe”s St. egg 
321. 609077 489267  ? (butmorethan 300 515 09. 
3. Stages of Development of the Parasitic Copepod (Cyclops-stage 
and ; 
"Thors É e 
Station No. TAN LohgiWw: KK by i gum rle Er; 
in Metres tres 
A.C Å ar SOE 
80. ms 1140 500 16/1, 06. 
93 (2 spec.). 49? mi 120 de ca. 1300 100 Ble 05. 
B. Ist Pupal Stage. 

285, 620 40' 189 46 1000 250 1/9 04. 
80. 51? S4 He 1140 500 161, 06. 
93. kor rar gg ca. 1300 100 5lg 05. 
63, 48 09 89 36 2 ? 2 

C. 2nd Pupal Stage. 
88, 55? 05 12? 20' 2000 100 221, 06. 

177. Pee mee 550 150 1/9 06. 
76 (4 spec.). 49? 27" 188 2600 400 11/, 06. 

178; f 12940 4000 500 lg 06. 

"Thors T of 
Station No.  Vat.N.  Long.W. es" apr ge Ng 
D. 5rd Pupal Stage. in Metres in Metres 

152. 65? 00' 289 10' 1240 500 19/1, 4. 

285. 629 49" 189 46' 1000 ? 1lg 04. 
88. 559 05" 128 29' 2000 100 221, 06. 
80. 51? 34" 11954 1140 500 161, 06. 

175. ed it: 119 41" 575 100 301. 06. 
76. ri 189 38' 2600 400 11/8 06. 
93 (2 spec.) eft 23' 122 20" ca. 1300 100 5lg 05. 

E, 4th Pupal Stage. 

230. 639 10' AP BI 1090 600 3/g 04. 
88. 552 05' 122 20' 2000 100 Sig 06, 
76 (3 spec.). 499 27" 139 38' 2600 400 11/g 06. 
93 (7 spec.). 49? 23' 129 20' ca, 1300 100 Sl 05. 

I. The Parasitic Copepod. 
1. The adult female (Pi. I, Figs. 7—10). 

The female parasite is sunk into the body of the fish, leaving 
outside of the host its posterior part, which is larger or smaller 
according to the age and development of the parasite. The infested 
Scopelus glacialis are from 20 to 57 mm. in length, mostly less 
than 30 mm. In most cases the parasite is seen projecting from 
the dorsal part of tbe fish (i. e. above the lateral line), most often 
in front of the dorsal fin (of the 22 specimens 16 penetrate dors- 
ally, of these again 13 in front of the dorsal fin; 6 are attached 
ventrally). The greater number is found on the right side (11 on 
the right, 7 on the left side, 4 just in the middle line). With its 
anterior part it penetrates through the body wall to the intestines 
of the host; the posterior, visible part is largest and stoutest in 
egg-bearing individuals, but the length of the hidden, internal 
Part does not always correspond to that of the external: to reach 
the intestines the individuals which protrude near the dorsal 
middle line, especially those fixed behind the dorsal fin, have a 
longer way to penetrate than those attached ventrally. In egg- 
bearing females the external part is generally club-shaped; near 

the surface of the fish it narrows more or less abruptly into a 
slender stalk, sunk through a kind of vault of the skin deeper into 
the tissues of the host; in length it varies from 3 to 7 mm., with 
a largest diameter of from 1,5 to 2 mm. The position of the 
genital openings, carrying the egg-strings, shows that the ventral 
side of the parasite looks towards the surface of the fish. The 
egg-strings seem rather variable in length: in one specimen, the 
external part of which measured 4 mm. in length, 1,5 mm. in 
breadth, they were only 7 mm., although quite complete; in another 
specimen, where the external part measures 7 mm. in length, the 
egg-strings — though deprived of their outer ends — are 22 mm. 
They are cylindrical, the eggs fiat, arranged in a single row like 
Coins in aå rouleau, — as in other Lernæidæ. The eggs are light 
yellow or greenish-yellowish. The external part of the parasite is 
generally somewhat chocolate-coloured from brown pigment, arranged 
in smaller or larger specks and longitudinal stripes. Young in- 
dividuals, still without eggs, appear unpigmented, whitish. Through 
the cuticle part of the intestine, the ovaries, oviducts and cementing 
glands may be seen. The part hidden in the tissues of the host is 
yellowish with numerous drops of oil shining through. The length 
and shape of this internal part varies a good deal. One specimen, 
projecting near the middle line of the back in front of the dorsal 
fin of a fish of 42 mm. length, reached through the muscles, past 
the vertebral column, between two ribs to the small intestine; its 
total length is ca. 13 mm., 7 hidden in the fish, 6 external; the 
part passing the muscles form a slender stalk of ca. 5 mm. length. 
Of another specimen, ca. 9 mm. in total length, and attached 
between the right ventral fin and the posterior pectoral light-spot 
of a Scop. glac. 33 mm. in length, about half the length appeared 
externally, but the slender stalk which had only a thin layer of 
muscles to penetrate, has only a length of 0,6 mm. Just inside 
ghe body wall the parasite broadens evenly towards the anterior 
end; following the curvature of the posterior appendix pylorica it 
reached under the air-bladder and right lobe of the liver to tke 

0esophagus. A third individual (still unpigmented and without eggs), 
fixed near the back on a line with the root of the pectoral fin of 
a fish, 55 mm. in length, only protruded with 4,8 mm. externally, 
while 8,2 mm. were hidden in the host. It went nearly straight 
down through the muscles, curved in front of the right pronephros 
over the upper pharyngeal bones and had its anterior end lying in 
front of the left pronephros, with the sucking apparatus close to the 
jugular vein. The greater part of the internal portion of this spe- 
cimen is narrow and slender. 

In all specimens examined the anterior part sends out from 
each side a large, clumsy process, generally shaped like a cushion 
(Figs. 7, 8, pr.); sometimes more as a sausage (Fig. 10 pr.); be- 
hind the processes follows an elongated, straight or curved portion, 
tapering gradually into a stalk and at the same time acquiring a 
more and more thick cuticle; outside the host it widens — some- 
times abruptly — into the ovoid part, carrying the genital openings 
with the egg-strings. Behind the latter a short conical part may 
be more or less pronounced and feebly bent dorsally. 

The anterior part with the two large lateral processes is the 
cephalothorax; in front of the processes are seen two pairs of an- 
tennæ, the mouth-sipho, maxillæ and one' pair of maxillipeds 
(according to some authors = the second pair of maxillæ); immedi- 
ately behind the cephalothorax a very short part of the elongated 
Portion represents the abdomen (or thorax), composed of three, still 
quite discernible segments; the two anterior of these are provided 
each with a pair of feet, while an anterior pair of feet takes origin 
from the cephalothorax. By far the greatest portion of the whole 
Parasite is made up by the enormously developed genital segment, 
ås in other Lernæidæ; the remaining part of the postabdomen, 
probably only representing a single segment, is the above-named 
small conical end. ; 

Closer examination of the anterior part shows that most of 
the Copepod-structure is pretty well preserved; the shape of the 
dorsal shield is quite recognizable; below its anterior margin a 

longitudinal thickened ridge to- strengthen the antennæ runs. from 
the base of the latter to below the antennules: from here a similar, 
but longer and curved, thickened line runs up over part of the 
dorsal shield towards the middle line, without reaching its fellow 
from the opposite side (Z, Fig. 8). No eyes are visible. 

The antennules (a,) åre short, indistinetly segmented (probably 
4 segments), along the front margin and at the distal end provided 
with setæ; especially the distal ones are fairly long. The antennæ 
(a,) åre cheliform, composed of 3 segments. The basal segment 
is strengthened by chitinous ridges; the terminal segment or mov- 
able finger of the chela is sickle-shaped, its point acting against a 
fairly strong process from the middle segment; the latter has 
between this process and the articulation for the terminal claw a 
thin low crest or keel. Below the front end of the cephalothorax 
protrudes the large sipho (si), strengthened at the base on each side 
by a chitinous ridge, running backwards past the origin of the 
maxillipeds (/, Fig. 8). The mouth-opening is funnel-shaped; the 
margin of the funnel appears slightly haired owing to numerous 
chitinous striæ radiating on its inner face; two small pointed pro- 
cesses project from its dorsal wall (the upper lip); besides, the 
points of the mandibles are seen in the interior of the sipho. The 
outer portion of the latter, behind the funnel, is strengthened by 
Chitinous rings, one of which is stronger than the others. 

On each side of the base of the sipho is seen the maxilla 
(mx) (maxillula), short, clumsy and ending with two strong setæ: 
The maxillipeds (or second pair of maxillæ) consist each of 3 seg- 
ments; the front margin of the basal segment carries a denticle, 
about at the middle; distally on the outer side of the second seg- 
ment is found a similar, but smaller denticle; the terminal segment 
is sickle-shaped and obliquely striated (owing to densely set hairs 
or lamellæ). A pair of second maxillipeds is wanting. 

The large ””anchor-processes” (pr) originate below the margins 
of the dørsal shield. 

As in other Parasitic Copepods the foremost abdominal (or thoracic) 

segment is coalesced with the cephalothorax. Three free terga for 
the other abdominal segments are developed, decreasing in size 
backwards, the hindmost being quite narrow. Generally, quite fine 
transverse lines may be traced from the front margins of the terga 
running across towards the ventral side; sometimes also a similar 
line may be traced from the anterior segment, coalesced with the 

Of the 3 pairs of abdominal (or thoracic) feet the two anterior 
possess two rami, the last pair only one ramus (Fig. 10). Each 
ramus is bisegmented. The distal segment carries 7 (that of the last 
pair only 6) setæ with extremely delicate plumules; the outermost 
Seta is shorter than the rest. The proximal segment carries one seta 
on its inner corner; this seta is long on the outer ramus, short 
on the inner. The basal segment of each foot has a seta at its 
Outer end, just outside the articulation for the outer ramus. On 
the ventral margin of the basal segment of the first pair, medially 
to the origin of the inner ramus, is found a quite short seta. As 
already stated, the first pair of feet originates from the cephalo- 
thorax, the second from the first free abdominal segment, the third 
from the second; while the third segment is without feet. Ventrally 
between the feet sterna are developed, with a strong transverse 
ridge joining the members of each pair. In front of the first pair 
is a Y-shaped thickening on the cephalothorax; and behind the 
last pair a thickened transverse line on the abdomen. 

The elongated genital segment is densely striated transversely 
(this structure disappears on treating with a solution of potash). 
The genital openings are provided with strong chitinous lips 
(Fig. 9, 0); between them a spot is always observed, possibly where 
the copulatory openings have once been (Fig. 9%). The last post- 
abdominal segment carries on each side of the anus a small wart, 
evidently the furcal appendage, but completely devoid of setæ 
(Fig. 9, 7). 

Young stages, still unpigmented and pale, do not project with 
more than ca. 0,8 to 2,5 mm. outside their host. Closer examin- 


ation shows that they deviate still less from the Copepod-shape 
than do the adults. "I shall describe these stages later, comparing 
them with the stages of metamorphosis which precede the state of 
insertion into the body of the fish. 

That our pårasite belongs to the family Lernæidæ is evident; 
in many points it agrees with genera like Pennella, Lernæa, Ler- 
næenicus and Peroderma. The 3 first-named possess 4 pairs of 
abdominal feet, the two anterior biramous, the two posterior uni- 
ramous; for this and other reasons the new parasite will hardly 
be accepted into any of these genera; more likely it might be 
included in the genus Peroderma, as the latter has only 3 pairs 
of swimming feet; but as we shall see presently, various structural 
differences seem to justify the establishing of a new genus and 
species for our parasite. I propose for it the name: Sarcotretes 
scopeli, and give the following diagnosis: 

Sarcotretes n. g. Body elongated; the middle portion of the 
genital segment constricted into a narrow, firmly chitinized stalk, 
only the distal, claviform part behind the stalk projecting outside 
the host; antennules linear; antennæ cheliform; one pair of maxilli- 
peds; three pairs of abdominal feet, the two anterior biramous, 
the posterior uniramous; three free abdominal segments with terga 
and ventral sterna well developed. 

S. scopeli n. sp. Cephalothorax with two large, thin-walled 
(ventro-) lateral outgrowths; no other outgrowths present. Dorsal 
shield fully preserved, oblong, with an upper chitinous curved line 
on each side; other chitinous stripes under the front margin, and 
along the base of the sipho; tergum of hindmost abdominal seg- 
ment small and narrow. 

Inserted into the body of Scopelus glacialis, the body wall of 
which it pierces, penetrating to the alimentary tract. 

The genus Peroderma was established by Heller (1865, 10, 
p. 250) for the species P. cylindricum (1. c. Pl. XXV, Fig. 6), which 
penetrates the lateral muscles of the Pilchard in the Mediterranean. 
H.'s description and figure were rather incorrect and were improved 


by Richiardi (1875, 18 a). In the meantime Cornalia had 
named the same parasite Taphrobia pilchardi (5) without deseribing 
it better; both Heller and Cornalia only had one specimen at their 
disposal, and that of Heller was damaged. Richiardi showed 
that this parasite at its anterior end is provided with a system of 
branched appendages; he described antennæ, maxillipeds, swimming- 
feet etc. and gave a new diagnosis of the genus. Later (1881, 125) 
Richiardi briefly described a second species, P. petersi, deeply 
implanted into the body of Gobius buccatus C.V., and a third one 
(1882, 18 c) P. bellottii, inserted into the branchial arterial stem 
of Scopelus benoiti. "The latter species I think is identical with 
that figured on Pl. II, Fig. 27, as this agrees in every essential point 
with the short description by Richiardi (as far as I know, the more 
complete description and the figure promised by R. (18c, p. 150 
and 475) have never been published)"). I found this parasite in 
humerous adult specimens on Scopelus giacialis and Sc. rafinesquii, 
eollected by the Thor” in the western part of the Mediterranean, 
in, and close to, the Straits of Gibraltar (on Station 99 of 96 speci- 
mens of Sc. glacialis 28 were infested, of 46 specimens of S. 
rafinesquii only 3; on Stat. 59 one specimen among 149 Sc. gla- 
cialis, and one among 5 Sc. rafinesquii carried the same; and on 
St. 61 (in the Strait itself) one of 2 S. rafinesquii)?). It is al- 
Ways attached to the same spot of the host, namely under the 
isthmus, with the posterior end, bearing the egg-strings, pointing 
backwards and the ventral side looking towards the belly of the 

) Brian (8, p. 94) repeats Richiardi's description, and only adds the 
following: "Due esemplari sporgenti fuori dell' angolo boccale dello 
Scop. caudispinosus Johs. furono trovati in Genova il 13 Maggio 1908”. 
The figures, referred to, are Pl. VII, Fig. 2, and Pl. XIX, Pigs. 2—5; 
but what is represented there has nothing at all to do with any 

oderma whatsoever! 

7) "Thor”s St. No. Lat. N. Long. W. Depth of capture — Date 

. 36? 02 5? 16 150 Met. 231, 1910. 
59. 369 2 49 21' 9—1200 — 21/8 1909. 
61. Be 5 57 85 800 — 21/8 1909. 

fish. All specimens examined had the richly branched system of 
frontal” appendages inserted into the bulbus arteriosus, the latter 
being distended to such degree, that it far surpassed in size the 
ventricle (efr. Pl. I, Fig. 27 b and v). Nevertheless the infested 
specimens looked quite as healthy and well nourished as those 
free of the parasite. 

The three species of Peroderma all possess branehed åappen- 
BE dages from the front 


mrs. end of the cephalotho- 

1 . cv . ig 
AR FR ):: guides, to Ri 

i ER 

chiardi's figures of P. 
cylindricum the distance 
between the second and 
third pair of swimming 
feet is very great, and 
sm om this interspace are 
found a pair of pecu- 
liar  Schitinous  ridges; 
no terga of abdominal 

Pigt 1. Peroderøte: bellottis. segments are mentioned 
Part of ventral side of body, between the two or figured. == Regarding 
large lateral outgrowths. p,—p2: first to third 
pair of abdominal (thoracic) feet; p,?: rudi- 
mentary structure, perhaps representing the not been figured, it is 
right foot of a fourth pair. said that 4 pairs of 

P. petersi, which has 

feet are present, following each other at short distances, and that 
the egg-strings are ”spirally directed ” (after these statements the 
species seems to me somewhat doubtful as a member of the genus 

1) C. B. Wilson has (238, p. 458, Pl. LXXVI, Figs. 99—100) described a 
"Lernæenicus medusæus” taken on Nannobrachium leucopsarum at 
Monterey, Calif, which may belong to the genus Peroderma, as it 
ery much resembles P. bellottii. But it is said to possess only 2 
pairs of swimming feet, with single rami, and the author adds: 
"No other appendages are visible”, and that no sipho is to be seen, 

ese statements seem to me somewhat doubtful. The place on the 
host is not mentioned. 

Peroderma). P. bellottii, which I have examined myself, has only 
3 pairs of feet developed; but behind the last pair a merely rudi- 
mentary structure is seen, which may perhaps represent a fourth 
pair. The 3 pairs are arranged with large interspaces (efr. text- 
figure 1, pag. 12), in which small symmetrically scattered chitinous 
pårcels åre found, looking like ventral parts of the segments, burst 
from each other by the distension of the body during its growth. 
"The feet, compared with those of Sarcotretes, are smaller and of 
a somewhat different shape, and the same may be said regarding 
the antennæ, first maxillipeds and sipho; further there is a vestigial 
pair of 2nd maxillipeds (like those of Lernæa branchialis) about 
midway between the first maxillipeds and anterior pair of feet; 
the dorsal shield of the cephalothorax has quite another shape, 
being distended and burst into pieces at the margins, probably a 
Consequence of the greater development of the two lateral processes, 
which are here somewhat asymmetrical and clumsily branched at 
their outer ends. Only the first of the abdominal terga seems 
preserved; it is here asymmetrically turned to the left side on a 
slight swelling immediately behind the large processes. These 
differences together with the presence of the branched "frontal" 
aåppendages seem to me to .prevent the inclusion of my Sarco- 
tretes in the same genus. Speaking generally, the latter shows more 
likeness to the genus Lernæenicus, f. ex. L. encrasicholi (Turton) 
which I know from my own examination!); but, as already stated, 
this genus possesses four pairs of feet. 

2. The stages of metamorphosis (Pl. II, Figs. 11-15, 22-26). 

A. The vyoungest stage which I have found agrees in the 
manin features mk the stage of Lernæa branchialis, which Claus 

N This species has a short median outgrowth from the dorsal side of 
the cephalothorax about at the level of the two large lateral processes, 
and furthermore on the ventral side, in front of the needs a 
pair of short, clumsy outgrowths. These structures as well as 
maxillipeds and maxillæ have been overlooked by A. Scott (19 za 
P. 94, Pl. II, Figs. 6—9). 


(4, p. 22, Pl. IV, Figs. 1—5) describes as "die erste Cyclopsform” 
(the ""Cyclopid-stage” of Pedasehenko (17, p. 279)) and with the 
"Cyclopsform” described by Wierzejski (22, p. 571, Pl. XXXII. 
Fig. 4), found on the gills of Cephalopods and supposed by W. to 
belong to a species of Pennella. I only succeeded in finding 3 
specimens of this stage, probably arisen from a Nauplius or Meta- 
nauplius (embryonic Naupliæ I did not find in the preserved egg- 
strings, and consequently I was not able to isolate any). The spe- 
cimen figured on Pl. II, Fig. 11—12 was found attached to the 
left side above the pectoral fin of a young Scop. glacialis, only 
12 mm. in length. The other two were both fixed on a Scop. gl., 
25 mm. in length, the one to the left ventral fin, the other to the 
left pectoral. They were all attached by means of their strong eheli- 
form antennæ. Evidently this stage is capable of active wandering 
from one spot to another of its host, probably also of swimming 
along for a while and attaching itself again. This seems to be 
proved by the whole elegant Cyclops-shape, the proportionally large 
swimming feet, the antennules etc. The length is between 0,448 
and 0,5 mm. Of the specimen figured, ca. 0,5 mm., the elongated 
ovoid cephalothorax makes up 0,352 mm., the rest 0,112. The 
rostrum is curved downwards. The antennules are provided with 
sense-hairs along their front margin and with long setæ distally, 
at least of half the length of the cephalothorax. The antennæ are 
strong and projecting, the stout basal segment almost vertically bent 
against the cephalothorax; of their three segments the basal one is 
nearly cylindrical and strengthened by chitinous ridges, while the 
remaining two form a large chela, the longitudinal axis of which 
is parallel to the cephalothorax. The terminal segment is a long, 
elegantly awl- or sickle-shaped claw with a curved point, acting 
against a sharply pointed process on the elongated second segment; 
the latter carries at some distance another somewhat smaller hook. 
The sipho is relatively short; lateraily it carries the maxilla (mx) with 
its two stout setæ, and just above the root of the maxilla a fairly 
long, slender appendage ending in a single long seta (md); this I 


take to be the mandibular palp. One pair of maxillipeds is present, 
strong, 3-segmented (mp,); the basal segment has a small denticle 
on its anterior margin; the terminal segment is a curved, søomewhat 
compressed claw, obliquely striated laterally. The cephalothorax is 
provided with chitinous thickened lines arranged as in the adult. 
No eyes are visible. Behind the cephalothorax are 3 distinct ab- 
dominal segments and one terminal, representing the postabdomen 
and bearing on each side of the anus a well developed furcal 
appendage with setæ (/). There are two pairs of strong swimming- 
feet, the anterior originating from the ventral margin of the 
Cephalothorax, the second from the first abdominal segment. Each 
foot consists of a strong basal joint and two rami; each: of the 
latter has only one segment with long setæ, provided with delicate 
plumules. Each furcal appendage has 4 setæ, the two inner of 
which, especially the innermost, are long and feathered. 

Upon this "actively fixed” stage A, the Cyclops-stage, follows 
a series of ”fpassively fixed” stages, probably representing as: many 
"Moultings; they may be called ”Pupal stages”, as Claus has done 
in the case of Lernæa branchialis, and Wierzejski with the 
Corresponding stages of the Lernaeid, supposed to be a Pennella. 
They åre more or less clumsy, with the abdominal feet adpressed 
and provided — like the antennules — with more or less clumsy 
setæ or devoid of such, according to the grade of development. The 
antennæ are relatively short and clumsy chelæ, situated below an 
elongated rostrum and evidently not fit for grasping. The fixation 
is brought about by the rostrum; from the end of the latter pro- 
jects an appendage with a terminal dise firmly cemented to the 
skin of the host. This appendage is undoubtedly a hardened secre- 
tion produced by glands in the front end of the cephalothorax; it 
is firm like chitine, resisting like the cuticula itself the action of 
Potash; a pear-shaped swelling marks it off from the rostrum proper. 
I have not been able to see any composition of layers in the. 
Swelling, like those observed by Claus in the pupæ of Lernæa 
"branchialis, where the number of moultings may be judged directly 


from them; in all the present pupal stages I find the structure to 
be identical. 

The total number of pupal specimens found is 34; according 
to grade of development, size, shape of the setæ etc. they may be 
grouped into four stages, in the following designated as B, C, D 
and E. The younger stages are less numerous in my material than 
the older. All are attached by means of their frontal appendage to 
Scopelus glacialis of 14 to 46 mm. length, mostly to young speci- 
mens below 30 mm. Generally each fish has only one pupa attached ; 
but in one case I found two different pupal stages (B and D) fixed 
on the same host (on the right pectoral fin of a Sc. gl. of 28 mm. 
length), which besides had a young female inserted in front of the 
dorsal fin; in another case I found one pupa (D) on a Scopelus 
which also carried a young female protruding in front of the dorsal 
fin. In most cases the pupæ are attached to the fins (in 28 cases 
of the 34), and especially to one of the ventrals (in 13 out of 28 
cases), rarely to the body, and in the latter case mostly to the 
belly in front of the ventrals; in one single case a pupa was found 
on the margin of the right opercle. Evidently the pupæ do not 
prefer the one side of the host to the other, half the number 
being found on the right, the other half on the left side. Their 
fixation is always a firm one; to liberate without -damaging them 
it is safe to use a solution of potash. As in the adult and the 
Cyclops-stage no eyes are seen in the pupal stages, opposite to the 
case of Lernæa branchialis and the supposed Pennella-pupæ of 

Stage B. (Textfig. 2 and 3.) The youngest pupal stage I 
suppose to have been produced through the moulting of the Cyclops- 
stage A. It is somewhat larger than the latter, measuring from 
0,7—0,8 mm. in length; the cephalothorax alone 0,5—0,6 mm. 
Behind the cephalothorax only two abdominal segments are seen, 
followed by an unsegmented part, carrying the anus and very short 
furecal appendages with 4 clumsy indications of setæ. The anten- 
mules are clumsy, short, without segmentation, distally provided with 


some very short setæ.. The antennæ do not reach to the end of 
the rostrum, their chelæ are weak and unfit for grasping. The 
sipho is very large; the maxillæ and mandibular palps well devel- 
oped, the maxillipeds long, their terminal claw clumsy. In some 
individuals a second (posterior) pair of rudimentary maxillipeds 

is present; these specimens are males. Chitinous ridges on the 

£ 17 

Fig. 2, First pupal stage (B) from ventral: and Fig. 3 from dorsal side. 
a, antennule; a, antenna; md målene palp; mæ mazilla; mp, first 
maxilliped; 1 chitinous thickenings; p;, Pe first and second abdominal 
(thoracic) feet; furcal appendage. 

Cephalothorax arranged as in the Cyclops-stage and the adult; the 
Same is the case with all the following stages. Two pairs of ab- 
dominal feet are present, both biramous and quite without setæ; 
they are not distinctly segmented but slight incisions mark off a 
basal portion and two parts of each ramus. 

C. (Pl. II, Fig. 13.) The next pupal stage has a length of 
Ca. 1 mm. (the cephalothorax alone being ca. 0,82 mm.). A third 
aåbdominal segment is now indicated. The antennules, antennæ etc. 
åre in the main like those of the preceding stage, but a third pair 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. 2 


of abdominal feet is now present as short, flattened appendages to 
the second abdominal segment; a division into a basal segment and 
ramus is indistinctly indicated. The distal setæ of the antennules 
are somewhat larger, and the two biramous feet now show a set of 
extremely short setæ; the furcal setæ are much as in the stage B. 

D. (PI. II, Figs. 14, 23). The following stage is ca. 1,6 mm. 
in length (the cephalothorax 1,12 mm.) Antennules, antennæ, maxilli- 
peds and feet are still clumsy ; the abdomen has three distinet segments. 
Third pair of abdominal feet has about half the length of the two 
anterior pairs; the last abdominal segment is without feet as in the 
adult. The segmentation of the feet is more marked than in the 
preceding stage, the basal segment and two segments of the rami 
being now quite distinct, most so in the anterior pair (cfr. Pl. II, 
Fig. 23). The same number of setæ as in the adult are present, 
and the setæ are now much more developed but still clumsy and 
pressed against each other; the same is the case with those of the 
antennules. Male specimens show the second pair of maxillipeds 
(Fig. 14 mp,) as short, bent appendages about on the level with 
the "elbow” of the first maxillipeds. 

E. (Pl. II, Figs. 15, 24—26.) Stages of ca. 2 mm. length 
(the cephalothorax ca. 1,36 mm.) seem to be the last pupal stages 
producing the copulatory form. This may be concluded from the 
following observations: 1) inside the cuticle of this stage is seen a 
Copepod-form resembling the adult in many details; 2) a propor- 
tionally great number of specimens of this stage has been found, 
but not a single pupa of larger size or more developed. In this 
stage the general shape of the body and its appendages are less 
clumsy than in the preceding; all the setæ are much longer, the 
segmentation of the feet more pronounced; the postabdomen — in- 
cluding the future genital segment — is now about of the same 
length as the abdominal segments taken together. The setæ appear 
more free of each other, and those of the feet show delicate plum- 
ules at their extreme, very thinwalled ends (Textfigure 4). En- 
closed below the cuticle of this pupa another Copepod-form is seen; 


inside the pupal antennæ is distinctly seen a longer and more sickle- 
shaped claw, quite resembling that of the adult parasite; in the 
antennules and their setæ the corresponding structures are visible in 
a more developed form; and in the abdominal feet are very con- 
spicuous distinctly segmented swimming-feet, in every detail agreeing 
with those of the adult; the long and elegant setæ with their deli- 
cate plumules are ensheathed in the shorter and bigger ones of the 
pupa (cfr. Fig. 24), and in the furcal setæ of the latter the longer 
ones of the next form show plumules. Any genital openings I have 
not been able to observe. 

In casting off the pupal cuticle this enclosed 
Copepod probably gives up the fixed condition. | 
Ås young males and females they leave the / rig 
empty pupal shells on their former host, swim 
away and live for a while in a free state, in j 
which they copulate. After copulation the | | | É 
males probably die, while the impregnated ik IM MAJ, 
females again seek the same species of fish 
and take up the parasitic life anew, but in Fig. 4. Last pupal 

; j i stage (E). Termiual 
a more intense form: they pierce the skin of part of setæ of foot, 
the fish and, gradually growing, penetrate showing extremely 
through the muscles and reach by and by to delicate plumules. 
the intestines of their host. The course of events here set forth, 
I am sorry to say, is not founded on direct observation; but any 
reader remembering the facts known from Lernæa branchialis will 
Certainly find the above conjecture fairly plausible. 

Directly observed are some early stages of the boring parasite, 
the structure of which does not deviate very much from that of 
the Copepod, seen enclosed in the pupa E. As before mentioned 
they appear externally like small, pale cones of 0,5—2 mm. length, 
protruding through the skin of Scop. glacialis. I have dissected 
Out 3 specimens. The one has a total length of 6 mm.; it pro- 
jected as a 2 mm. long, slender thread from the back, just in front 
of the dorsal fin, of a fish of 57 mm. length; it was only inserted 



into the muscles and did not reach the vertebral column; the mouth 
and feet were turned towards the surface of the fish. The other, 
figured on Pl. II, Figs. 16—18, had an external part of only 1 mm., 
peeping out of a pit in front of the dorsal fin of a Scop. glac. of 
25 mm. length, It has pierced the whole musculature and reached 
between two ribs through the peritoneum, on the inside of which 
the mouth could be seen; the feet looked towards the vertebral 
column. The total length is 4 mm.; the cephalothorax is about 
1 mm (0,96 mm.), the 3-segmented abdomen 0,240, the remaining 
ca. 3 mm. are almost entirely made up by the genital segment; the 
latter is densely striated transversely, and by a very féeble furrow 
indistinctly marked off from the end segment, carrying the small 
furcal appendages devoid of setæ. The genital openings are recogniz- 
able at the posterior boundary of the genital segment. Except the 
elongation of the genital segment and the reduction of the rostrum 
the shape of the animal is that of the stage inside the oldest 
pupa E. The details of the strengthening ridges of the cephalo- 
thorax and antennæ are the same through all stages, also those on 
the sipho; but the mandibular palp of the larva and pupæ appears 
now to have vanished. 

The third specimen shows a step further towards the final 
shape (efr. Pl II, Figs. 19—21). It projected in front of the dorsal 
fin of a fish of 25 mm. length; the internal part perforated the 
muscles, passed close to the vertebral column between two ribs 
into the abdominal cavity, the mouth lying close to the left side 
of the small intestine at the origin of the hindmost pyloric appendage. 
The total length is 6 mm.; the cephalothorax 0,96 mm., the abdomen 
0,277 mm., the rest ca. 5 mm. The genital segment is still more 
elongated, and more swollen posteriorly than in the former, the 
greatest diameter being 0,320 mm. while that of the cephalothorax 
is 0,40. Between the genital openings is seen a chitinous spot, 
probably where the copulatory openings are obliterated. The most 
marked difference from the two preceding specimens is that the 
lateral processes of the cephalethorax have appeared in the shape 


of thinwalled, wing-like outgrowths ventrally to the margins of 
the shield; they reach from the level of the maxillipeds to the 
posterior end of the cephalothorax. 

II. The Hydroid. 

Seven specimens of the Hydroid have been found; 3 of these 
consist only of polypes, 4 carry besides sexual individuals. The 
polypes are all of one kind, functioning at the same time as 
hydranths and as blastotyles. They originate from a network of 
anastomosing tubes united by a thin membrane. The membrane 
and hydrorhizæ are without perisarc as well as the polypes. According 
to the size of the colony the membrane coats a greater or lesser 
part of the external portion of the Sarcotretes scopeli, described 
above. As the latter always turns the ventral face, on which the 
Hydroid is attached, towards the fish, a shelter is provided for the 
Hydroid. Larger colonies cover the whole ventral face of the para- 
Site and embrace more or less also of its sides, but leave most 
of the dorsal face free; only round the base of the stalk the mem- 
brane may close as a ring. Generally only adult, egg-bearing 
Parasites carry the Hydroid; but in a single case a Sarcotretes, 
which had evidently not yet formed egg-strings, was found provided 
with a Hydroid-colony (Pl. I, Fig. 6). The youngest Hydroid found 
had only a single, and still undeveloped polype, in which no mouth 
Was perceptible (Pl. I, Fig. 4); another young colony contains 1 
large and 4 smaller polypes (Pl. I, Fig. 5); a third has several 
Polypes and coats most of the ventral face of its Copepod. In two 
Colonies a single or a few polypes bear medusæ-buds; and in the 
remaining two most of the fully developed polypes carry at their 
base a number of buds in various stages of development, some of 
them quite medusiform, showing two tentacles. Most richly pro- 
vided appears the specimen figured Pl. I, Figs. 1—3; the medusæ 
åre here so numerous and prominent that they are the first to 
attract attention and determine the aspect of the whole colony. 


The polypes are completely devoid of tentacles; their mouth 
is often expanded into trumpet-shape. When the mouth is expanded 
the oral entoderm is everted to form the disc or trumpet. Im- 
mediately below the disc is seen a narrow, feebly thickened ring, 
consisting of cylindrical ectoderm-cells somewhat higher than those 
of the rest of the body. Inside this ring thé entodermal circular 
muscle-fibres are more strongly developed than in the remaining 
part of the body, these fibres evidently acting as a sphincter. 
When the mouth is closed, the ring-cells bound the mouth-pore. 
The body is cylindrical or claviform, 
sometimes goblet-shaped; the total 
length ca. 1—1,5 mm., the diameter 
from 0,048 to 0,176 mm. In the 
outer ectoderm of the membrane 
are numerous fairly large nemato- 
cysts, but I have not been able to 
detect any nematocysts whatever in 
the ectoderm of the polypes. In 
Fig. 5. reden Blend R the most developed colony (Pl. I, 
Polype carrying medusæ-buds. p: Fig. 1) the largest polypes are found 
polype; m: manubrium of medusa- on the ventral side of the parasitic 
ek DA SE uk copepod turned flkide the fish 
inside the bell and indicated as (therefore not shown in the figure). 

seen through the latter. A proportionally great number of 

these large polypes (1,5 mm. or somewhat more in length) do not carry 
any medusæ-buds; but as a few of them bear a single large bud, 
some others a few small buds at their base, no definite demarcation 
between sterile and fertile polypes can be drawn, as already stated. 
Towards the margins of the colony almost all polypes are fertile. 
The distal part of those polypes which carry a great number of 
medusæ-buds — up to ca. 20 — is generally very slender and easily 
overlooked while more or less concealed among their buds (efr. 
textfigure 5); but polypes with only a few or only small buds may 
have quite the same shape as those without any buds at all. 


The medusæ-buds are found in all stages and sizes; the 
largest ones show clearly that they will be set free as real medusæ. 
Already tiny buds, of 0,160 mm. in diameter, have distinct rudi- 
ments of two marginal tentacles; in larger buds these have quite a 
considerable size but are still clumsy; nevertheless the tentacles 
åre easily overlooked in many of the largest buds, because they 
have been bent up and concealed inside the umbrella. In the latter 
case the medusæ-buds appear elongated, fusiform (Pl. I, Fig. 2 me) 
and at first sight do not resemble medusæ at all; in clearing with 
glycerine or xylol etc. the marginal tentacles and the other medu- 
sold structures are easily observed. There is a 
short manubrium; no mouth is yet formed, neither 
are there any indications of mouth-tentacles. In 
transverse sections the cavity of the manubrium 
is quadrangular; a narrow canal connects it 
with the gastric cavity of the mother-polype. 
The umbrella contains four distinet, wide and 
simple radial canals, connected distally by a lø 
ring-vessel; a velum is indicated as an outgrowth Fig. 6. Ichthyoco- 
from the ectoderm of the subumbrella. ium sarcotretis, 

The exumbrellar ectoderm contains numerous svebne Beg, 

m: manubrium; 
large nematocysts (ca. 0,004 mm. in diameter),  r: marginal ten- 
most of them arranged as a broad band across tacle. 
the bell; this band may be distinctly seen already in quite young 
buds. The tentacles originate opposite the distal ends of two radial 
Canals; they are hollow, their cavity connected with the ring- and 
radial vessel; no pigmented eye-spot is seen at their base. Between 
the tentacles the margin of the bell shows a small projecting fold 
at the ends of the other two radial canals, possibly indications of 
å new pair of tentacles, developing after the liberation of the me- 
dusa. Even in the most developed stage observed the tentacles 
appear clumsy, finger-shaped, somewhat shorter than the bell (Fig. 3). 
Sometimes they are bent in the way shown in textfigure 6; in this 
Case they may be mistaken as going to branch into a group of two. 


The largest medusæ-buds are fusiform or cylindrical, attached to 
the mother-polype by a pointed top. One of the largest measures 
from the point to the margin of the bell 0,40 mm., to the bent 
angle of the tentacle 0,490 mm., the greatest diameter of the bell 
being 0,192 mm.; another measures from its top to the distal end 
of the tentacle 0,62 mm. with a diameter of the bell of 0,232 mm. 
Genital cells I have not been able to observe; probably they will 
be found in the manubrium of later stages. 

The facts mentioned clearly show that our Hydroid has to be 
classified with the Gymnoblastic Anthomedusæ. Ås it does 
not in every point agree with any other form known to me I pro- 
pose to name it: 7chthyocodium sarcotretis. n. g., n. sp. 

Besides Protohydra, Microhydra and the hydroid stage of Lim- 
nocodium a few Hydroids are known, the hydranths of which are 
completely devoid of tentacles. Among undoubtedly gymnoblastic 
Anthomedusæ I have only found four mentioned; they are all 
epizoic like our new form, a fact which seems to me of some 
interest. Ichthyocodium shows most likeness to Hydrichthys mirus 
Fewkes. This form was found in 1887 at Newport by Fewkes 
(7 a and 5), growing on the skin of the fish Serio/a zonata Cuv. 
The colony is attached by a thin flat membrane, containing a mesh- 
work of tubes, to the skin of the fish in the neighbourhood of the 
anus. The membrane is said to be leathery, but without perisarc. 
From the tubes grow polypes of two kinds: 1) naked gonosomes, 
like clusters of grapes, consisting of an axial stem the terminal 
end of which is provided with a mouth-opening, and numerous 
branches; the latter are of the same structure as the stem, but 
closed terminally, where they carry clusters of medusæ-buds in 
various stages, up to medusiform bodies with two clumsy tentacles. 
The terminal part of the stem does not carry medusæ-buds, is 
devoid of tentacles, and its margin is entire. 2) Filiform polypes, 
supposed to be hydranths; they are described as flask-shaped bodies, 
resembling the palps of Siphonophores or the spiral zooids of Hy- 
dractinia (they are said to move in a similar way to the latter); 


they, too, are devoid of tentacles and (probably) possess a 
mouth-opening, the terminal end sometimes appearing trumpet- 
shaped. 3) The medusæ. The largest buds are elongated, cylin- 
drical; in the fixed state they do not develop more than two, 
clumsy tentacles; their surface is speckled with nematocysts (most 
distinctly seen in the younger stages, still before the medusoid 
shape is recognizable). When liberated — the fish was kept in an 
aguarium, and great numbers of medusæ were set free — they at 
first resemble a young Stomatoca (the medusa of Perigonimus), 
having an ovoid, upwards rounded bell, four simple radial canals 
and ring-vessel, and a proboscis with entire mouth. Later the 
medusa acquired four tentacles, two new growing out in the inter- 
space of the two first formed. When all four are fully developed 
it resembles a Sarsia. In this stage, possessed of four long and 
slender tentacles, the medusæ sank to the bottom and died. 

If we suppose that the medusæ of Ichthyocodium, when set 
free, also acquire four tentacles — which seems to me at least 
probable — they would agree with those of Hydrichthys; in the 
attached state, as buds, the likeness is practically complete. The 
differences of some amount between Hydrichthys and Ichthyocodium 
are the following: 1) the basal membrane in the first is firm, leathery; 
2) the polypes are of two kinds, sterile and fertile ones; 3) the 
medusæ-buds are clustered on the ends of branches or stalks from 
the fertile polypes. According to the figures given by Fewkes 
(the author does not give any measurements of the polypes, buds or 
medusæ), the size of the colony in Hydrichthys surpasses that of 
the largest Jchthyocodium found; but it is by no means impossible 
that the latter may acquire a larger size and fuller development 
than the specimen figured Pl. I, fig. 1. 

"In 1907 R. E. Lloyd described a ANudiclava monocanthi 
growing on the fish Monocanthus tomentosus trom the Andamana- 
Sea (13). Like the preceding this Hydroid is attached by means 
of a naked basal membrane, containing tubes from which naked, 
claviform hydranths without tentacles grow (0,75 mm. in length) ; 


on their base they carry gonophores (generally each a single one). 
Only so far is there a likeness to Ichthyocodium; for the gonophores 
are not set free as medusæ but remain attached as sporosaes, re- 
sembling those of C/ava, and in the same colony are found male 
as well as female individuals. 

In 1909 Miss Winifred E. Coward (6) described Pirlocodium 
repens, epizoic on the Pennatulid Ptilosarcus sinuosus (Gray) 
(captured by the Siboga-Expedition at 9? 03' Lat. S., 126? 24,5' 
Long. E. in 112 Met. depth); it grows along the free edges of the 
leaves. The colony is dimorphic having two quite distinct forms 
of polypes arising from tubes enclosed in a basal membrane devoid 
of perisarc. The hydranths or "”gasterozooids” are without tentacles, 
naked, and possess a simple mouth-pore; they show no nematocysts 
and reach at most a length of 0,373 mm. More numerous are the 
"dactylozooids” (ca. 0,186 mm. in length), short and broad polypes 
bearing at the terminal end four capitate tentacles crowded with 
large nematocysts; mouth and internal cavity are lacking, the ento- 
derm of the tentacles and body being solid and scalariform. The 
gonophores arise from the base of the hydranths; they are described 
as sporosacs but provided with traces of four radial canals and of 
four rudimentary tentacles on the closed and rudimentary bell, the 
superficial ectoderm of which shows nematocysts; the closed manu- 
brium bears (female) genital cells. According to the description it 
seems to me at least possible that these gonophores are not real 
sporosacs but may carry their development further and eventually 
be set free as medusæ. But even if this should not be the case, 
I think Ptilocodium has no close relationship to Ichthyocodium, the 
latter showing no dimorphism of the polypes; but Ptilocodium 
apparently is closely allied to the Hydroid, which Kåkenthal 
found growing on another Oetactinia. In 1909 Kakenthal de- 
scribed a new Gorgonid from Japan, Anthoplexaura dimorpha (11), 
on which he discovered this epizoic Hydroid (1. c. p. 24); he men- 
tions polypes devoid of tentacles, and others provided with tentacles 
(sections through one of the latter are figured 1. c. Pl. VII, Fig. 37), 


and medusoid gonophores (Fig. 38). Later Stechow has examined 
in detail the same Hydroid (20 a, p. 31, Pl. II, Figs. 7—9); he 
has given it the name Hydrichthella epigorgia and referred it to 
the family Corynidæ. It is quite naked, without perisarc, with an 
incrusting or cushion-shaped basal coenosarc; stolons are difficult 
to see; the polypes are of three kinds: hydranths, devoid of ten- 
tacles ("Fresspolypen”, 0,8—1,3 mm. in length), and two forms of 
Wehrpolypen”, both without mouth: the one (0,5—0,8 mm. in length) 
broader, with 4—8 short capitate tentacles in a simple whorl at 
the upper end; the other (0,53—1 mm. in length) more slender and 
resembling a long capitate tentacle. The sexual individuals are 
described as ”"sporosacs”, attached singly by a short stalk to the 
hydranths; the ova (male specimens have not been found) are en- 
closed in the wall of a distinct spadix, and the envelope is pro- 
vided with four distinct radial canals. Apart from the existence 
of 2 forms of "dactylozooids” the likeness to Piil/ocodium appears 
S0 evident, that a close relatienship can not be doubted. All spe- 
cimens of Anthoplexaura from different localities and depths were 
richly beset with this Hydroid. Stechow, as already mentioned, 
has referred it to the family Corynidæ; and (20 b, No. 142, p. 152) 
he has also pointed out the close relationship to Ptilocodium and 
argues against the establishing of a new family for the latter. Also 
Hydrichthys'is referred by Stechow to the Corynidæ; in so far as 
this will prove to be well founded, our Jcathyocodium has to be in- 
Cluded in the same family. Thus this family contains the three of 
the above-mentioned four epizoic Hydroids devoid of tentacles. 

It is mentioned above (p. 2) that the triple association of the 
Hydroid IZchthyocodium with the Copepod Sarcotretes parasitic on 
Scopelus glacialis is hardly quite an accidental one. I feel most in- 
clined to consider it to be a new case of such regular associations — 
in some way or other fixed by law — which are known to occur 
among other Hydroids. That Hydroids in many cases may be found 


growing on living animals merely accidentally is well known. I may 
refer to Alcock (2, p. 207) who has collected a series of examples. 
From my own experience I might add a case, at first sight parallel 
to that of Ichthyocodium, namely that of Obelia geniculata, which 
I have seen flourishing on a Lernæa branchialis attached in the gills 
of the common cod; a similar case is mentioned by Sæmunds- 
son (21, p. 29). This Hydroid as well as those mentioned by 
Alcock normally grow on quite other substrata; by accident they 
may attach themselves to living animals, and they may occur on 
very different organisms. If, however, a Hydroid is quite regularly 
met with on the same animal — or a nearly related one — and 
is only found there, we may be sure that we have before us some 
kind of symbiosis, in most cases probably a form of commensalism. 
To decide whether the association involves a reciprocal advantage 
or is beneficial only to the one part is in most cases very difficult, 
and a matter of mere conjecture. Alcock also mentions a number 
of such regular combinations (1. c. p. 208), and he adds as a new 
case that of Stylactis (Podocoryne) minoi, which he always found 
attached to the skin of the fish Minous inermis, while other species 
of Minous apparently were free of this Hydroid. Later the same 
has been observed at Japan (Franz and Stechow (8), Stechow 
20 a; Pl. IV, Fig. 8). That after Heath (9) Minous inermis also 
may be found free of this Hydroid (Snyder is said by H. to have 
captured several specimens uninfested) in my opinion does not alter 
in any way the character of Stylactis minoi as a symbiotic form; 
hitherto it has never been found on other substrata than the body 
of a Minous. A somewhat similar association is described by 
Heath (l. c.): of 37 specimens of the cottoid fish Hypsagonus 
qguadricornis, captured in Puget Sound (Friday Harbor), 10 were 
coated with Perigonimus pugetensis, a new species related to RB 
vestitus Allm. 

Ås a "triple-association” between a Hydroid and a Crustacean 
parasitic on a fish, which perhaps is a regular one, I might men- 
tion that of Eucope parasitica. This Hydroid is described by Al. 


Agassiz (1, p. 87) as found (more than once) on a species of 
Pennella parasitic on Orthagoriscus mola; later the same Hydroid 
was taken by Leidy (12, p. 165) on another Lernean Lernæonema 
procera parasitic on Odontaspis littoralis "). Hitherto this Hydroid 
has only been observed growing on Lerneans on fishes; but it is 
very close to Eucope polygena, attached to quite other substrata, 
and it seems questionable if this case is really different from that 
of Obelia geniculata, mentioned above. At all events the special 
interest which we at first sight might attach to the examples quoted 
of associations between. Hydroids and Fishes, and still more to those 
between Hydroids and Lerneans parasitic on Fishes, looses very 
much when we consider the structure of the Hydroids in question. 
None of these Hydroids, neither Stylactis minoi, nor Perigonimus 
pugetensis, nor Eucope parasitica show any peculiar adaptation for 
their occurring on a living animal, not in the least any more than 
Obelia geniculata, usually found on quite other substrata; in no 
respect do they carry the stamp of being transformed owing to their 
peculiar” habitation. Whatever the advantage may be for the one 
part of the association, the Fish or the Lernean, for the Hydroid 
it will possibly be that of getting an easier access to food supply; 
but the kind of food and the mode of grasping it I think must 
be the same as that of their nearest allies not found on living 
animals. ; 
With Zchthyocodium, Hydrichthys and Nudiclava the case seems 
to be different. In these Hydroids all the polypes have lost their 
tentacles; probably because they get their food in another way and 
take another kind of food than their nearest relatives”). I think 
they depend in some way or other on the fish for food (the Para- 
sitic Copepod in the case of Ichthyocodium only serving as attach- 

1) Whether the "Campanularia” which Paul Mayer (15, p. 53) found 
growing in great numbers on the filaments of a Pennella (filosa?) 
parasitic on Xiphias gladius is identical with Eucope ibenugg Åg. 
"I am unable to decide. 

”) The absence of HEER in the polypes of Bklhyoeddiem seems 
to point in the same direction. 


ment); but how, I am not able to decide. That they as true para- 
sites should feed directly on the tissues of the fish is possible, 
but seems less probable; neither in Hydrichthys nor in Nudi- 
clava åre the hydrorhizæ sunk into the skin, and the latter 
appears not to be affected by their presence (the same holds good 
for the Scopeli carrying Ichthyocodium); more likely they are mess- 
mates or commensals, feeding on leavings from the meals of the 
fish or perhaps on the excrement of the latter. I may add that 
I found no contents at all in the gastric cavity of the polypes of 
Ichthyocodium which I have cut in sections. 

Explanation of the plates. 

List of reference letters. 

ad = anus. 
da; == aåntennule. 
4g == antenna. 
f = furcal appendage. 
g —= genital segment. 
1 = chitinous thickening. 
m = manubrium of medusa-bud. 
md — mandibular palp. 
me = medusa-bud. 
mp; == maxilliped of first pair. 
mp, == maxilliped of second pair. 
— maxilla, 
0 — genital opening. 
P = polype. 
P1—P3 — first to third abdominal (thoracic) foot. 
pr —= lateral outgrowth from cephalothorax. 
v — marginal tentacle of medusa-bud. 
så = sipho. 

Plate I. 
Fig. 1: Scopelus glacialis Rhdt. with the combined parasite, co: of 
the Sarcotretes scopels (without egg-strings) and the Frk thyoondinmt | 
sarcotretis. X c. 2. 
: enltkged vi view of part of the same specimen of Sarcotretes (the 
stalk and proximal part of the swollen external portion) with part 
of the Hydroid-colony. me, = large medusa-bud having lost one 
of its marginal tentacles. 


: base of external part of a Sarcotretes carrying a young Ichthyo- 





















one of the largest medusa-buds. Zeiss Comp. Oc. 4, Apochr. 8. 

codium, consisting of a single polype, still without mouth-opening 
("Thor”'s station 124). 

: the same part of another Sarcotretes Mu a young Hydroid- 

colony of polypes of different sizes ("Thor””'s st. 93). 

: posterior portion with the stalk and part of me internal portion 

of a Sarcotretes showing a Hydroid-colony with several polypes 
(only one carrying a tiny medusa-bud, me) and its ramified tubes 
of the basal membrane ("Thor”'s st. 89). Zeiss Oc. 1, Obj. af 10. 

: adult DER irebrnges with egg-strings ("Thor”'s st. 76). Zeiss 

Oc. 1, Obj. 

: anterior dk É th same, gr dorsal side, but somewhat obliquely 
hr. 16. 

("Thor”'s st. 76). Z. Comp. Oc. 4, Apoc 

: posterior end of the same, gprkrnee aspect. ” chitinized spot, pro- 

bably where the copulatory openings have been. 

: anterior part of an adult Sarcotretes 9, rager aspect (,, Thors 
8 and 

st. 89). Eiarremalt as in Figs. 

Plate Il. 
See -stage (Å) of Sarcotretes ske from left side ("Thor”'s 
t. 80). Z. Comp. Oc. 4, Apochr. 
ip same, dorsal view. 
second pupal stage (0), from right side. ("Thor”'s st. 177). 
Z. C Oc. 4, Apochr. 16. 


: third pupal stage (D), male specimen ("Thor”'s st. 80). Magnif. 

as Fig, 

: fonrth Sevål stage (E) ("Thor”'s st. 76). Inside the sipho is seen 

part of the mouth-funnel of the enclosed copulatory stage. 

: young female, ca. 4 mm. long; ag inserted we the body wall 

of the fish ("Thor”'s st, 76). Z. Oc. 1, Obj. a" 

: anterior part of ig same specimen, from fler side. Z. Comp. 

Oc. 4, Apochr. 1 

: posterior end of A body of the same, lateral view. Enlarg. as 

the precedin 

: young female, soll ke older than tbe preceding, from right side 

Thor” ”s st. 76). Oc, 4 Oby. 3? 10 

: anterior part of the same. de Comp. Oc. 4, Apochr. 16. 

: same part, ventral aspec 

: posterior part of first pupal stage (B), from below (stat. 80). Z. 

Comp. Oc. 4, Apochr. 

: first pair of abdominal (thoracic) feet of third æde” stage (D) ; 

same specimen as Fig 14, Z. Comp. Oc. 4, Apochr. 

£ Jømtar. part of fourth Meng stage (E), ventral skål (st. 76), 

same specimen as fig. 15. Inside the left foot of the first pair 
(P,) are in the ye: of the same foot of the ln 
copulatory stage. Z. Comp. Oc. 4, Apochr. 8. 


Fig. 25: right foot of second pair of the same specimen, from below. En- 
larged as Figs. 23—24, 

— 26: right foot of third pair of the same specimen, from below. As 

—é oa 


g Poole bellotsi Rich., 9 (without egg-strings), arge into 
the arterial bulb b of the heart of Scopelus glacialis; v = 
tricle; a = auricle; ar = stem of branchial artery. ("Thor” 's MÅ 
DO FOF KOST, OH. ar 10: 

The figures 1, 2, 4 and 5 are drawn by H. V. Westergaard, the 
remaining by the author. 

Literature cited. 

1. Agassiz, Al.: North American Acalephæ. Ill. Catalogue of the Mus. 
of Comp. Z06l. Harvard. 1865. 
2. Alcock, A.: Natural History Notes from H. M. Ind. Marine Survey 
Steamer "Investigator”. Ser. IL. No. 6. A case of Commensalism 
" between a Gymnoblastie Anthomedusoid (Stylactis minoi) and a 
Scorpænoid Fish (Minous inermis). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 7. Ser. 
Vol. 10. 1892. 
3. Brian, A.: Copepodi parasiti dei Pesci d'Italia. 6. 
4. Claus, C.: Beobachtungen iber Lernaeocerå, Peniculus und Lernaea. 
Ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der Lernaeen. I 
5, Cornalia, E.: Sulla Taphrobia pilchardi nuovo genere ål Crostacei 
parasiti. Atti d. Soc. italian. di Sc. Natur. Vol. 18, 2 
6. Coward, Miss W. E.: On Ptilocodium repens, a new gymnoblastic 
Hydroid epizoic on a Pennatulid. Koninkl. Akad. van Weten- 
schappen te Amsterdam. Proceedings of the Meet. Febr. 27. 1909. 
7 a,Fewkes, J. W.: A new mode of life among Medusæ. Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist Vol 23. 1888. 
»b.— —: On certain medusæ from New England. (No. 7. Studies from 
the Newport Marine Zoological Laboratory. Comm. by Alex. Agassiz.) 
Bull. Mus. Comp. str Vol. 13 (1887). 
8. Franz, V. und Stechow, E.: Symbiose zwischen einem Fische und 
einem Bydes ye Eiog; Anzeiger. Bd. 32. 1908. 
9. Heath, H.: The Association of a Fish with a Hydroid. Biol. Bull. 
Marine Biol. Labor. Woods Hole, Mass.; Vol. 19, No. 2. 1910. 
10. Heller. C.: Crustaceen: Reise der Oesterr, Fregatte Novara um die 
Erde. Zool. Theil. 2. Bd. 1868. 
11. Kikenthal, W.: Japanische Gorgoniden. I. Teil. Abhdl. d. m.-phys. 
Kl, d. K. Bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. 1. Suppl.-Bd. 5. Abhdl. 1909. 
12. Leidy, J.: Parasitic Crustacea (Lernæocera procera with attached 
Hydromedusa Eucope parasitica). Proc. Ac. Nat. Se. Philadelphia. 


13. Lloyd, R. E.: Nudiclava monocanthi, the type of a new genus of 
Hydroids parasitic on Fish. Records of the Indian Museum. Vol. I. 

Part 4 

14. Mayer, Paul: Carcinologische Mittheilungen. V. Pennella und Con- 
choderma (p. 53). Mittheilungen aus der Zool. Station zu Neapel. 
1. Bd. 1879. 

15. Metzger, A.: Uber das Månnchen und Weibchen der Gattung Lernaea 
vor dom Eintritt der sogen. riickschreitenden Metamorphose. Nxchr. 
K. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Gåttingen. 8. 

16. Mråzek, A.: Uber Baculus Lubb. und Hessella Br. Ein Beitrag zur 
Kkastomis der Lernaeiden. Sitzungsber. d. kån. båhm. Gesellsch 
d. Wissensch. M.N. Cl. 1895. 

17. Pedaschenko, D. D.: Die Embryonalentwickelung und Metamorphose 
von Lernåsa branchialis L. Travaux de la Soc. Imp. des Natura- 
listes de St-Pétersbourg. Vol. 26. Livr. 4. 1898. 

18a. Richiardi, S.: Intorno al Peroderma cylindricum del L'Heller etc. 
(1875.) Atti della Societå Toscana di Sc. natur. resid. in Pisa 

» b. — —: Intorno a due specie nuove di Crostacei parasiti. Atti della 
Soc. Tose. etc. Processi verbali. 1881 (also in: Zoologischer An- 
zeiger. 4. Bd. 1 

» €. — —: Intorno ad una nuova specie del genere Peroderma. Atti della 
Soc. Tosc. etc. Processi verbali. Vol. 8. 1882 (also in: Zool. Anz. 
5. Bd. 1882). 

19a.Scott, A.: Lepeophtheirus and Lernæa. Liverpool Mar. Biol. Comm 
Msmo oir VI. 1901. 

» b.— —:- Faunistic Notes. No. 15. Rep. for 1906 on the Lancashire 

ne: Laboratory etc. 1907. 

20a.Stechow, E,: Hydroidpolypen der japanischen Ostkiste. 1. Teil. 

Belle. zur Naturg. Ostasiens, herausgeg. von F. Doflein. Abhdl. 
der Kån. Bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. 1. Suppl.-Band. 

6. abb 
» b.— —: Rep. of Miss Winifred E. Cowards paper on Ptilocodium repens. 
Zool. Centralbl. 17. Bd, 1910. No. 142. 

21. Sæmundsson, B.: Bidrag til Kundskaben om de islandske Hydroider. 
1. Vid. Medd. Natarh. Foren. 1911. Bd. 63. 

22. Wiersejoki, A.: Uber Schmarotzerkrebse von Cephalopoden, I. 
Lernæenlarven (Pennella ornare Stp. & Ltk.?). Zeitschr. fir wis- 
sensch. Zoologie. Bd. 29. 

23. Wilson, C. B.: North fan en Parseltio Copepods: A List of those 
found upon the Fishes of the Pacific coasts, with va sg of 
new genera and species. Pr, U.S. Nat. Mus. Vol. 35. 1909 


Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. 3 

mg or ster par hen, mare 

Om fritbyggede Honningbireder i Danmark. 
(On the nidification of honey-bees in the open-air in Denmark.) 
Dr. phil. J. C. Nielsen. 

Honningvireder, der i Lighed med de to tropiske Apis-Arter 
Apis florea's og A. dorsata's Reder er byggede frit, d. v. s. hverken 
i Kuber eller i hule Træer, men befæstede til Trægrene og saa- 
ledes at Vokskagerne er ubeskyttede, forekommer meget sjældent. 
Fra ældre Tid kendes kun en af Curtis 1) omtalt og afbildet Rede, 
Som var fundet i England i Aaret 1838; i de senere Aar har Pro- 
fessor E. L. Bouvier?) i forskellige Afhandlinger beskrevet fire 
Saadanne Reder, to, der var byggede paa Træer i eller i Omegnen af 
Jardin des Plantes i Paris, en fra Midtfrankrig og en fra Korsika. 

Alle Rederne bestod af flere, 6—8, Vokskager, der var befæ- 
stede til Grene og var mere eller mindre regelmæssigt byggede alt 
efter Underlagets Beskaffenhed. 

Ogsaa i Danmark er der i de sidste Aar fundet fritbyggede 

En saadan opdagedes i Oktober 1908 i en Have ved Strand- 
vejen omtrent en halv Mil nord for København og blev af Havens 

1!) Curtis: British Entomology IV, 1823—1840, p. 391, Tab. 769. 

7”) E. L, Bouvier: Sur la nidification d'une colonie d”Abeilles å Vair 
libre (Bulletin de la Société Philomatique de Paris 1905, p. 187). — 
Nouvelles Observations sur la nidification d”abeilles å Fair libre (An- 
nales de la Société Entomologique de France Vol. LXXV, 1906, p. 429). 

es nids aeriens de Vabeille mellifique (nouveaux faits) 
(Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 1907, p. 294) 


Ejer, Grosserer A.S. Goldschmidt, skænket til den kgl. Veterinær- 
og Landbohøjskoles zoologiske Samling, hvor den nu opbevares. 

Reden (Fig. 1, 2), der bestod af fire nogenlunde parallelt byg- 
gede Vokskager, var anbragt paa et Hestekastanietræ i temmelig 
betydelig Højde over Jorden; over den dannede Træets Blade et 
tæt Dække, og dens mod Nord vendte Side var dækket ved Træets 
Stamme og Blade, medens dens sydlige Side var mere udsat. Reden 
var fæstet til Undersiden af en Gren af Diameter c. 4 cm, hvis 
indre (mod Stammen vendte) Del i Modsætning til den ydre, for- 
grenede Del kun frembød forholdsvis sparsom Plads til Anbringelse 
af Vokskagerne. Henimod Grenens Basis, hvor Kagerne var byggede 
tæt op imod hverandre, indeholdt de Celler med ganske lave Vægge; 
længere ude derimod, hvor de ogsaa var befæstede til Sidegrenene 
og hvor Kagerne delvis var sammenbyggede (Fig. 2) var Cellerne 
endog meget højere end normalt. De fire "Vokskager var omtrent 
af samme Størrelse, nogle og tredive Centimeter brede og nogle og 
tyve høje. I de to yderste og i en af de inderste havde Bierne 
boret flere Smaahuller, hvis Diameter var indtil 3 cm. Vokskagerne 
indeholdt hverken Dronninge- eller Droneceller; nogle ganske faa 
Celler ved Basis af en af de midterste Vokskager indeholdt Honning ; 
alle de andre var tomme. 

Den anden Rede (Fig. 3, 4) fandtes i Begyndelsen af Juli 1911 
i Frederiksberg Gymnasiums Skolehave og blev af Skolebestyrer L. 
Otterstrøm givet til Universitetets zoologiske Museum. Den var 
anbragt i en Højde af c. 2 Meter over Jorden paa den sydlige Side 
af et Pæretræ og betæstet til en omkring dettes Stamme voksende 
Kaprifolium. Den var, da den fandtes, saa stor som en Haand og 
voksede i Løbet af Sommeren til en Størrelse af c. 38 cm i Højden 
og c. 26 cm i Bredden; i September, da den fotograferedes, bestod 
den af 6 Vokskager foruden en lille halvrund Kage, der var bygget 
over de øvrige Kager, vinkelret paa disse. 

Reden hvilede fornemmelig paa et Par tykkere, sammensnoede 
Grene af Kaprifolien, men støttedes desuden af flere andre Grene, 
hvoraf nogle helt omsluttedes af Vokskagerne; den nedre, Bagrand 


af disse var dybt indbugtet omkring nogle større Grene. " Vokskagerne 
var, bortset fra den nysnævnte lille halvrunde Vokskage, parallelt 
stillede. Af Fig. 3, der viser Reden skraat fra venstre, fremgaar, 
at de to yderste Kager var sammenbyggede lidt nedenfor Midten; 
påa samme Maade var den næstyderste Vokskage sammenbygget 
med den tredie 0. s. v. Reden udgjorde som Følge heraf et sluttet 
og solidt Hele. 

Ligesom i den først omtalte Rede fandtes der i denne kun 
smaa Celler; 'ganske faa af disse indeholdt Honning. 

Som Billederne viser, sad Bierne i Mellemrummene imellem 
Vokskagerne.  Efterhaanden mindskedes deres Antal; i Slutningen 
af Oktober fandtes der kun Bier i to af Mellemrummene. Den 24, 
November blev Reden taget ind; den foregaaende Nat havde det 
frosset, og en Del af Bierne var faldne til Jorden. I de to Mellem- 
rum sad endnu omtrent 150 tilsyneladende livløse Bier, adskillige 
med Forkroppen stukket ind i de tomme Celler, en Stilling, som 
ogsaa de to fornævnte Forfattere har set, at Bierne indtog i de af 
dem undersøgte Reder. Efter at Reden i nogen Tid havde været 
anbragt i en opvarmet Stue, viste det sig, at de fleste af Bierne 
dog ikke var døde. 

De to beskrevne Reder er ikke de eneste her i Landet fundne 
Exemplarer af fritbyggede Honningbireder. Docent R. H. Stamm 
har meddelt mig, at han har været i Besiddelse af en Vokskage, 
der var funden bygget til Undersiden af en Bøgegren og fæstet til 
Bladene. Noget nærmere om denne Rede, dens Bygning og Finde- 
sted kan desværre ikke nu oplyses. 

This paper deals with the specimens of honey-bee-nests con- 
structed in the open air hitherto found in Denmark. 
Figs. 1—2 show a nest, found in a garden ca. 2 miles north 
of Copenhagen, attached to the underside of a branch of a horse- 


chesnut. The nest was composed by 4 honey-combs, whose dimen- 
sions were nearly the same, a little more than 30 cm. in breadth 
and between 20 and 30 cm. in height. 

In Figs. 3—4 a nest, found in a garden at Frederiksberg 
(Copenhagen) is represented; the nest was attached to the branches 
of a honey-suckle, growing on a pear-tree, and consisted of 5 honey- 
combs, which were mutually connected. The length of the nest 
was ca. 38 cm and the breadth ca. 23 cm. 

In both nests were found neither drone- nor queen-celis and 
in both only few cells contained honey. 


Riise phot. 



sassetøetie ENE re 
st 7 É 14344 





H. Stamm phot. 


Contributions to the biology of some North 
Atlantic species of Eels. 
Dr. Johs. Schmidt. 
(With Plate III.) 

In an article in "Nature”, 2158, 1911, I showed how the 
common European Conger-eel (C. vulgaris) reproduces both in the 
western and eastern part of the Mediterranean, mainly at or over 
great depths, the early fry being found in quantities in the surface- 
Water far from the shores. As the Atlantic material collected by the 
Thor” and by numerous other Danish vessels in earlier and more 
recent years has-now been worked up, some further information can 
be given regarding the biology of this fish. From the same parts 
of the Atlantic we have three other Leptocephali, namely, Conger 
(Congromuræna) mystax, C. (Congromurænd) balearicus and Lep- 
tocephalus lanceolatus, and these may also be mentioned here, The 
Common Conger, as is well known, is a fish of great economic im- 
Portance, the second and third are of no value as food-fishes, whilst 
the adult of the fourth is as yet unknown; nevertheless, they are 
all of no little biological interest, and the same is the case with 
two other forms, Leptocephalus ingolfianus and L. Andreae, which 
May be just mentioned here. 

The older full-grown larval stages and the transitional stages 
of the first three species have long been known, though from a few 
isolated localities only. After Gill, Delage and Grassi and 
Calandruccio hud shown that Leptocephali were the larvae of 


eels, their study became of much greater interest, but it must be 
confessed, that the older descriptions of the Leptocephali are so 
imperfect ånd unsatisfactory, that a certain determination of the 
species from them is impossible; naturally, any attempt to discuss 
the distribution of the species on such åa basis is still more im- 
possible. It may be said that in addition to a good figure, the 
main thing required in a careful description is the exact number 
of myomeres. Grassi and Calandruccio pointed out that the 
number of myomeres in the Leptocephali corresponds to the number 
of vertebræ in the parent form, This fact I have frequently con- 
firmed and we thus have a means of referring a Leptocephalus to 
its parent species as well as of distinguishing between the different 
Leptocephali, even when in other characters there is apparently no 
difference. | 
Though Delage showed that L. morrisii is the larva of Conger 
vulgaris and- Grassi and Calandruccio, on confirming this, 
added 'that several Leptocephali known from thé Straits of Messina 
under various names are the larvåe of C. mystax and C. balearicus, 
yet, up to the present time, figures and descriptions of tese three 
Leptocephali which would enable us to distinguish them from nearly 
related forms have not been published. I have found it nécessary, 
therefore, to study the question anew from the very beginning in 
the only way possible; namely, by counting the ' vertebræ in. the 
larval and adult forms. In this way I have been able to determine 
the larval stages occurring inside the territory investigated, which 
includes the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic north of- ca. 
20? NL. | ME 
The 'full-grown larvae of the Conger-speciés mentioned differ 
in regard to size. C. balearicus has the largest larva (ca. 20 cm.), 
C. mystax the smallest (ca. 13 cm.), whilst the larva of C: vulgaris 
may attain a length of ca. 16 cm. All three species have long 
ribbon-like bodies with the anus far behind near the beginning of 
the tail, nearest in C. balearicus, furthest away in C. vulgaris 
(see figs. 1—6). ; 


The pigmentation, whose diagnostic importance in the Lep- 
tocephali was sufficiently pointed out by the Italian Bellotti (1883), 
is very characteristic and makes it possible to distinguish the three | 
Species occurring in our territory at a glance. They all have 
pigment along the gut, at the end of the tail and between this 
and the anus along the base of the anal fin; but from the pigment 
on the sides alone the species may easily be distinguished. Conger 
mystax does mot have this pigment, C. vulgaris has a row of rather 
large round spots and C. balearicus has short rows of fine points 
on the boundaries between the muscular segments. C. balearicus 
besides has large isolated patches on the dorsal margin which are 
lacking in the other species. The number of myomeres which 
corresponds to the number of vertebræ in the species in question is 
also different, in C. vulgaris ca. 158, in C. mystax ca. 138 and 
in C. balearicus ca. 130. 

The ca. 1—2 cm. long larvae of C. vulgaris and C. mystax 
have been taken by the <"Phor” in quantities in the Mediterranean, 
but it was only by means of long series of intermediate stages, up 
to å length when the number of vertebræ could be determined with 
certainty, that we have been able to identify them. In figs. 2 and 4. 
these stages of the two species are represented from specimens 
which were so well preserved that they could be microphotographed. 
It is easily seen from the figures, that the larva of C. vulgaris 
differs from C. mystax by having a shorter snout and a lovger tail; 
further, the pigment patches along the gut are much closer together 
in the latter than in the former and C. mystax also has some 
pigment spots at the point of the lower jaw which are wanting in 
C. vulgaris. Of C. balearicus I have not seen stages smaller than 
ca. 21/2 cm. and these are already so characteristic, owing to the 
pigment on the sides, the dorsal pigment and the position of the 
anus, that they cannot be confused with other species. A fourth 
species of Leptocephalus, of unknown parentage, will be described 
later; meanwhile, I may just | briefly discuss the distribution and 
biological conditions of the above three species, for which both the 

m | H MOE 


ol É fe. » AD. 

Conger vulgaris: e Early larvae (1—2 cm.). 
o Half-grown larvae. 
+ Full-grown larvae. 

ag EM NG 

C. (Congromuræna) mystax: & Early larvae (1—2 cm.). 
O Half-grown larvae. 

+ Full-grown larvae. 


Leptocephalus and adult stages' are known. The data are noted 
on the accompanying charts. 

1. Conger vulgaris: My article in "Nature" dealt in 
the main with the Mediterranean and did not say anything 
positive as to the spawning-places of the Conger in the Atlantic 
except that they lie at great depths not far from the Straits of 
Gibraltar. A further revison of the material bas thrown more light 
upon this question. In the years 1903—06 the ”Thor” made 
extensive investigations in the North Atlantic between Iceland and 
Spain and found a considerable number of larvae of Conger vul- 
gaåris, but they were all quite or almost full-grown and consequently 
revealed nothing about the spawning-places of the species, their age 
and the time they had heen floating in the sea being unknown. 

It was therefore a great advance when we found larvae of 
only 9 mm. in length in the Mediterranean, enabling us to say that 
we were at or very close to the spawning-places. Furthermore, we 
ascertained that Conger larvae in the course of half a year grow 
Ca. 5 cm, which gave us the first definite point of support for the 
determination of the age of any eel-larvae. By far the greater 
number of larvae below 2 cm. were found over depths greater than 
2500 m., even greater than 3000 m., and, as already mentioned, near 
the surface. During the first days of July and the last days of 
August investigations were carried out between the Balearic Isles 
and Sardinia. The early larvae were found in quantities in August 
but not in the beginning of July, and during the investigations in 
December, January and February not a single larva smaller than 
5 cm. was obtained in the whole Mediterranean. We may therefore 
draw the conclusion that Conger vulgaris spawns in summer and 
Spring in- the Mediterranean, somewhat earlier in the eastern than 
in the western basin. 

Thus the early larvae of the common Conger appeared to be 
very easy to obtain; they are fairly slow in their movements and 
åre found near the surface or right at the surface where they cau 
be taken with any fine-meshed net slowly towed through the water. 


The half-grown larvae.of ca. 7 cm. im length also appeared to be 
easily caught. There can be no doubt therefore that the reason 
why we did not find the early and half-grown larvae during our 
extensive investigations in 1903—06 west of the British Islands 
ånd France and further to the north, must have been that they do 
not occur there or, in other words, that the Conger does not 
spawn in those parts of the Atlantic where the species 
otherwise is so common. Through the discovery of larvae 
1 cm. long we have already obtained an indirect confirmation of this 
fact and, at the same time, the position of spawning-places of 
the European Conger in the Atlantic have been found. These 
larvae were taken during the latter half of July at the surface 
over depths greater than 3000 m. and even greater than 4000 m., 
i. e. under quite similar conditions as in the Mediterranean. The 
discovery of these larvae, the smallest of which, to judge from the 
growth of artificially hatched Murænoid larvae, may be about three 
weeks old at the most, enables us now for the first time to outline 
with " certainty spawning-places of a definite eel-species. in the 
Atlantic. According to the available data C. vulgaris spawns in 
the; Atlantic between 30”? and 40? N. Lat., between 
Europe and the Azores in places where the.depth 
exceeds 3000 m. In our material there is no indication that it 
spawns nearer North Europe and the British Islands and we must 
therefore draw the conclusion that the Conger migrate south 
and westwards from these regions in order to spawn, 
in the same way as the fresh-water eel, a fact formerly pointed 
by me. It is probable that the Conger migrates in order to 
seek warm: and- very saline water. I am not able to say at what 
depth the eggs are spawned. But when the early larvae are found 
at the surface over depths of more than 4000 m., it seems much more 
probable that the Conger spawns pelagically than at the bottom. 
The occurrence of Conger larvae in the: Atlantic seems. to 
agree véry well with what we know from the Mediterranean, thus 
the 1—2 cm. long stages are found in the summer, the half-grown 


in the winter, so that the life-cycle is as follows: the Conger 
vulgaris spawns in spring and summer in regions where the 
depths are very great and the water warm and salt (above 36,00 
9/00). During winter the larvae reach half their full size and in 
the following spring and summer the metamorphosis takes place; 
thus, they live pelagically for 1 to 2 years. The very long 
duration of the pelagic life accounts for the fact that the larvae of 
the Conger, like those of the fresh-water eel, are able to spread 
over such wide regions. 

Besides from the Atlantic and the Mediterranean I have seen 
larvae of the same type as those of the common Conger from the 
Inland Sea of Japan. 

2. CU. (Congromuræna) mystax. This species belongs to the 
Mediterranean, where however its larvae were formerly only known 
from the Messina Straits. Our investigations have shown that they 
occur everywhere in the Mediterranean, but outside this sea only a 
few specimens have been found in the Atlantic not far from Gib- 
raltar. The occurrence of the larvae shows that it spawns later 
in the year than Conger vulgaris, i.e. later in summer and autumn, 
at which times of the year the smallest stages are found, and it 
is possible that this species spawns a little nearer the coasts than 
Conger vulgaris. 

Stromman mentions a form from the South Atlantic 
(359 40' 8., 189 45' E.), which seems to be very closely related to 
C. mystax, 

3. C. (Congromuræna) balearicus. We have two fairly 
modern descriptions of eel-larvae, by Stråmman (1896), and by 
Eigenmann and Kennedy (1902). But only the latter is of 
any use for a certain identification of the species. Stråmman 
does not give the number of vertebræ, so that none of his species 

1) I have described a Leptocephalus from the Atlantic under the name 
of L. latus (Medd. Komm. Havunders., Ser. Fiskeri, Bind III, Nr. 6, 
1909), but had overlooked the fact that this name was alrendy 
occupied. I now propose the name L. jk tarller 

C. (Congromuræna) balearicus: e Lar 
(The specimens from the Atlantic = Leptocephalus Eckmani sense: emend.) 


Å av 
i VE? 

rr j: ; 

å . LNG 

Early larvae (1—2 cm.). 

W Older larvae (2—6 cm.). 

Br T lanceolatus Stromman emend. 


can be determined with certainty, but through the kindness of the 
authorities at the Zoological Museum of Upsala I have been able 
to examine his type specimens; in this way it has been possible 
to determine their characters and thus to avoid making new names. 
On counting the vertebræ I found that his Leptocevhalus Eckmani 
is identical with a species occurring in immense quantities in our 
gatherings, especially in the Atlantic west of the Azores. In the 
Mediterranean a very similar form was described many years ago 
under the names of Leptocephalus diaphanus and Leptocephalus 
inornatus. To determine whether the two forms from the Atlantic 
and the Mediterranean had anything to do with each other, however, 
necessitated a comparison of numerous specimens, including counting 
of vertebræ. It then appeared that the two forms are very closely 
related, so closely that it is doubtful whether they can be always 
distinguished when the place of occurrence is unknown. The number 
0 vertebræ is not absolutely different, as the same number may 
be found in specimens from the Atlantic and Mediterranean, but on 
an average the number of vertebræ in the form from the Atlantic 
is 2—3 more than in the form from the Mediterranean. Further, 
the head of the latter is a little stouter and the rows of pigment 
Spots between the myomeres are a little more marked, containing a 
few more spots. The Atlantic form is, numerically, by far the most 
important of all eel-larvae in our collections, showing that it must 
have a very wide distribution. It has been taken off the continental 
slope of the western part of the Atlantic from Newfoundland to 
Guiana and eastwards it ranges to near the Azores. It occurs in 
largest quantities between 50? and 70% W. Long., taken at the 
Surface over the greatest oceanic depths. H. M. S. Ingolf” which 
has made collections for us, took no fewer than 477 specimens in 

our Atlantic Leptocephalus specimens of C. balearicus, but the de- 
seription of the two American naturalists is not sufficient to pens 
an identification. 


a single haul of 1/2 an hour with a net of 1!/2 m in diam., near 
60? W. and 25? N. According to our present investigations ”it 
occurs between 15? and 43? N. and between 32? and ca. 75? W. 
but it has not yet been taken east of 30? "W. Long. In the 
Mediterranean we find a very closely" related but not quite 
identical form; of' this the greatest number of larvae were 
taken in the eastern basin (east of Italy): On the other 
hand, we have larvae from the eastern part of the Gulf of Mexico, 
which differ from the central Atlantic larvae by a lower average 
number of vertebræ. Thus, in the North Atlantic region we 
have 3 forms of C. balearicus, whose larvae can be distinguished 
by a small average difference in the number of vertebræ. The 
larvae living in the Western and central parts of the West Atlantic 
have the highest number of vertebræ, whilst in the larvae from 
the European and American Mediterranean (Gulf of Mexico) the 
average is a little lower. 'Furthermore, we have specimens from 
the Southern Atlantic and the Indian Ocean in the older Danish 
collections, and in the collections of the "Albatross” from the Phil- 
ippines I "have seen quantities of related Leptocephali.  Conger 
balearicus-like forms must therefore be "very widespread in the 
warmer parts of the oceans. , 

AS our material does not contain smaller larvåe of this species 
than 21/2 cm., it is impossible to determine the position of its 
spawning-places in the Atlantic and even though the various sizes 
of the larvae at different places over the vast region of occurrence 
seem to indicate, that the spawning of the species is restricted to 
certain parts, I prefer to postpone discussion of this question until 
we have obtained more definite data. : 

Lastly, I may just briefly refer to a fourth species of 
Leptocephalus, which is represented in our collections by åa large 
and valuable material. In old samples dating from Capt. Andréas 
time, a Danish Captain who made pelagic collections for the Z00- 
logical Muséum in Copenhagen between ca. 1860 and 1880, as also 
in collections made during recent years for "Kommissionen for Hav- 


undersøgelser” by various Danish ships, there occurs a characteristic, 
small Leptocephalus which at first glance resembles L. brevirostris. 
The resemblance is however quite superficial and there can be no 
question of. relation. Fig. 7 shows the external appearance; it will 
be seen that the tail is pointed and the snout much longer than 
in L. brevirostris. Furthermore, the myomeres have quite a different 
shape and there is pigment on the tail. An examination of 
Stråmman's type specimens of Leptocephali has convinced me 
that it must be identical with his Z. Janceolatus, though this cannot 
be recognized from his description. The present species has ca. 
160 myomeres of which ca. 88 are preanal and my specimens vary 
in length from ca. 1 to ca. 6 cm. Stråmman's largest specimen 
was 33 mm. and not full-grown. The distribution is seen from the 
Chart (p. 44); it has been found west of 30? W. Long., like C. 
balearicus, but also in the deep, eastern part of the Atlantic near 
30% N. L. A point of special interest is the discovery of larvae 
1 cm. long in the central, deepest parts of the Atlantic. 
These show that the species must spawn out here, as larvae of 
1 cm. in length cannot have drifted very far from the spawning- 
places"), Further, the discovery of such early larvae at the surface 

1) The same is the case with a species of  Nettastoma from the 
Atlantic and with a species for which I propose the name Lep- 
tocephalus ingolfianus. As may be seen from the figure 8 it 
resembles C. mystaæ in shape, but is somewhat higher, and is easily 
distinguished from this in lacking the pigment row along the gut. 
(In L. ingolfianus pigment is only present near and at the end of 
the tail.) The number of vertebræ is also different exceeding 150 in 
L. ingolfianus. (In one specimen 79 mm. long I found 118 + 35 = 
158 and in a smaller 120 + 35 — 155.) The present specimens 
measure from ca. 1 to ca. 3 cm. in length and have been found in the 
Atlantic SW of the Azores, at the surface over a depth of more than 
3000 m.. (329 03" N., 399 00' W). 

I am unable to say whether another species whose larvae occur 
in our collections (see fig. 9) and which is related to Stromman s 
L. tiluroides, also propagates in the deep parts of the Atlantic like the 
parents of L. lanceolatus and ingolfianus, as we have not obtained 
specimens less than ca. 7 cm. in length. Is has about 250 preanal 
vertebræ and is further characterised by the presence of ca. 4 large 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. 4 


over great depths of the ocean, seems to exclude the possibility 
that the species spawns on the bottom, 6000 m. below the surface 
where the larvae were found. 

The four species mentioned with Anguilla vulgaris, Anguilla 
rostrata and Synaphobranchus pinnatus. compose the greater part of 
our material. from the North Atlantic region. Postponing meanwhile 
an account of the. biology and distribution of the last 3 species I 
may sum up our results regarding the distribution of the other 
four. According to the foregoing C. balearicus belongs apparently 
to the western region (west of 30? W. Long.), though a form very 
closely related to it occurs in the Mediterranean. In regard 
to the others, C. mystaæx is apparently restricted to the Mediter- 
ranean and adjacent parts of the Atlantic and our investigations with 
the ”Thor” show that it spawns in the Mediterranean in summer 
and autumn. C. vulgaris propagates both in the Mediterranean and 
in the eastern part of the Atlantic between 30” and 40”? N. Lat. 
but not off the shores of the British Isles or France, nor further 
to the north or east; we may thus conclude that the Conger living 
here, like the fresh-water eel, migrate south- and westwards in order 
to spawn in warmer and salter water than they live in during their 
years of growth. All the information obtained from our present in- 
vestigations show that Conger vulgaris has a rather restricted 
spawning-time in spring and summer. 

L. lanceolatus occurs both in the western, central and eastern 
parts of the Atlantic between ca. 25? and ca. 35? N. L., where it is 
born in the central, deep parts of the ocean — a fact which also applies 
to L. ingolfianus and most likely to many other murænoid species. 

On the other hand my investigations in the Mediterranean 
have shown that the dogma put forward by Grassi that all Murænoids 
spawn in deep water (at least 500 m.) cannot be maintained. Ås 

and distant pigment patches sublaterally in the front part of the 
body. For this form I propose the name L. Andreæ in honour of 
the late Danish captain who collected such a valuable material of 


far as the investigations go we may divide the murænoid species 
into two groups: 1) those spawning in or rather over great depths 
and 2) those spawning in shallow water. To the former belong 
Conger vulgaris, C. mystax and probably also the fresh-water eel 
(further the parent forms of L. lanceolatus and ingolfianus), to the 
latter Muræna helena, Ophichthys serpens and other Ophichthys- 
species, the eggs of which I have been able to identify. The 
latter spawn in shallow water, inside the 200 or even the 100 m. 
lime where their eggs and tiny larvae occur at the surface together 
with larvae of true coastal forms. 

January 1912. 

Explanation of Pl1. III. 

Fig. 1. RE vulgaris, length: MER Stat. 106, ?%/6 1910, 36? 88' NG 
2 00' W., 65 meters wire 0 

ed vulgaris; length: sår se Stat. 144, ?%/; 1910, 349 31' N., 

18? 40' E., 25 meters wire 0 

== BB 64k esareeR mystat), me gi mm; Stat. 204, ?7/s 1910, 
mel 52' N., 79 43' E., 65 meters wire 0 

mk, C. (Congromuræna Mystad), length: og mm; Stat. 10, 75/2 1908, 

379 21' N., 169 45' E., 25 meters wire out. : 

C. (Con ghonuriid balearicus aff. = Leptocephalus Eckmani 

Stromman, emend., length: 95 mm; Stat. 329, ?%/7 1911, 25? 82' N., 

52? 08 W., 35 meters wire out. 

C (Corigroksurena) balearicus, length: 89 mm; Stat. 18, 7%/;> 

1908, 399 45' N., 17? 30' E., 65 meters wire 0 

. Leptocephalus lanordlndte Strimman, emend., length; 54 mm.; 

Stat. 263, 76/5, 1911, 36? 49" N., 309 36' W., 47 meters wire out. 

Leptocephalus ingolfianus Johs. Schmidt, n. sp., length: 79 mm.; 

Stat. 310, ?3/; 1911, 32? 03' N., 39? 00' W, 17 meters wire out. 

Leptocephalus Andreae Johs. Schmidt, n. sp-, length: 101 mm. ; 

Stat. 331, ?5/; 1911, 359 50' N., 299 53' W., 35 meters wire out. 







All the figures are reproductions from photographs of specimens 
preserved in formaline. Figs. 2 and 4 are microphotographs (X 11) by 
Dr. C. U. Maaløe, Copenhagen, the remaining figures photographs 
CX 11/3) by Pacht & Crone, Copenhagen. 

The larval form of Chlopsis bicolor Raf. 
Dr. Johs. Schmidt. 

Tarough Grassi and Calandruccio's work, later continued 
by Grassi, the larval forms of a series of Mediterranean eel- 
fishes have become known. In some cases, certainly, the detailed 
proof is wanting, but we have at any rate become acquainted with 
most of the generic types of larvae through the investigations of 
the Italian authors, and we may hope, according to Grassi's 
statement in his latest paper of 1910, that the, so far, preliminary 
notices will be followed by the long-expected, detailed proof. 

The genera of Mediterranean eel-fishes still unknown in their 
larval stages are Chlopsis and Todarus; regarding the genus Myrus, 
Grassi and Calandruccio certainly state, that they have found 
the larva, but they give no evidence or description. This may also 
be expected in the complete work. 

I propose to deal here with the larva of Ch/opsis, which is 
not mentioned by Grassi and Calandruccio, but which has 
been taken during my investigations with the ”Thor” in the Med- 
iterranean,. As might be expected, it belongs to quite a different 
type from the Mediterranean Leptocephali hitberto known, whilst, 
on the other hand, larvae of the same type have also been found 
in the Atlantic. 

To describe the form is hardly necessary, as reference can be 
made to the figure. At first glance the larva somewhat resembles 
Leptocephalus brevirostris, but when we examine a little further 
into details, we see at once, that the two forms have nothing to 


do with one another. I need not describe all details, but merely 
point out the advanced position of the anus in all my specimens; 
these vary from 3 cm. to a little over 6 cm. in length, and none 
of them are as yet in process of transformation. Among the Med- 
iterranean Leptocephali a similar position of the anus is only 
known in the genera Saurenchelys and Nettastoma. The larva of 
Chlopsis is further remarkable to a special degree for its pigmen- 
tation. It possesses a similar row of mediolateral points to the 
larva of Conger vulgaris, but.these are considerably smaller and 
closer together than in the latter. As can be seen from the figure, 
there is also a row of closely placed points along the upper part 
of the gut. Further, a row of very fine points is present along 
the posterior part of the anal fin. 

The evidence that the larval form figured here belongs to 
Chlopsis bicolor Raf. is contained first of all in the number of myo- 
meres, which in 14 specimens were found to vary between 131 and 
136, ca. 48 being preanal. This number excludes almost all the 
eel-fishes known from the Mediterranean: Anguilla, Conger, Congro- 
muraena mystax, Muraena helena, Myrus, Nettastoma, Saurenche- 
lys, Ophichthys serpens, imberbis, hispanus and sp., in all of which 
I have counted the vertebrae myself. There remain Muraena uni- 
color, Todarus brevirostris, Ophichthys coecus, Congromuraena ba- 
learica and Chlopsis bicolor. Of these Congromuraena balearica 
(with C. mystad) is at once excluded owing to the fact, that my 
material of this species contains all transitional stages between 
metamorphosed, easily determinable specimens and the early larvae 
(see fig. 2 in my paper of 1912), which are totally different from 
the larva in question here. With regard to Ophichthys coecus, 
though the number of vertebrae is unknown to me, yet this species 
may be excluded owing to the fact, that the present larva belongs 
to quite a different type from the other Ophichthys larvae and has 
rays in all the unpaired fins. 7odarus brevwrostris I only know 
from Facciola's and Supino's descriptions and figures, from 
which its appears, that it has a much higher number of vertebrae 


than the present larva. There now remain Muraena unicolor and 
Chlopsis bicolor of the eel-fishes known in the Mediterranean. 
Aceording to Grassi the former has 136—140 vertebrae, whilst 
the latter according to Supino has 133. 

This shows already, that our larva belongs to Chlopsis and 
the position of the anus so far forward also indicates this. This 
position is found in C/lopsis, whereas in Muraena unicolor the 
anus is placed further back, and we have no cases among Lepto- 
cephali of the anus moving backwards during metamorphosis. The 
position of the nostrils also corresponds to the condition in Chlopsis, 
as also the tubular, anterior nostril, a feature that can be quite 
well: detected in the oldest of my larval specimens. Lastly, the 
structure of the tail in the larva agrees with that in C//opsis. 
Both the last and second-last hypural elements are broad plates 
the last bearing 5 or 4 and the second-last 3 or 4 rays. 

Among all the characters I have examined, none stands in 
the way of referring the larva to Ch/opsis; on the contrary, they 
all show agreement. The fact that the larva has large pectoral 
fins (without rays), whilst such are wanting in ChAlopsis, is not 
different to what we find in the larvae of other eel-fishes without 
pectorals, for example Nettastoma melanurum. 

According to our investigations with the ""Thor”, Cålopsis 
Occurs in all basins of the Mediterranean and it must be one of 
the commonest species. (It seems to belong to the Muraenoids 
which spawn in summer and autumn). It is remarkable, there- 
fore, that the larva has not been found at Messina by the Italian 
naturalists, who have made such rich collections of Leptocephali 
there; but it does not occur either in the collections of Lepto- 
Cephali from Messina, which I have at my disposal. 

To the same type as the larva of Chlopsis bicolor belongs 
Leptocephalus hyoproroides, described by Stråmman from the 
western part of the Atlantic, of which I have had the opportunity 
fo examine the original specimen through the kindness of the 

Director of the Zoological Museum at Upsala"). Quite similar 
Leptocephali occur in collections made for Kommissionen for Hav- 
undersøgelser by H.M.$S. fIngolf” at in the neighbourhood of the 

Chlopsis bicolor Rat. 
im length. "Thor” Stat. 156, 32? 24" N. Lat. 26? 51' E, 
Long., July 30, 1910. 

Larva 58 mm. 

West Indies. These show, that the genus ChAlopsis is not restricted 
to the Mediterranean, but is also represented in the western part 

of the Northern Atlantic. 

1) I may take sg opportunity to repeat, that the Leptocephalus des- 
cribed by me in 1909 under the name of L. hyoproroides has nothing 
to do with rrleeder s species of that name. I had overlooked, 
that this name was already occupied and I have later given my species 
the name Leptocephalus thorianus (see Zool. Anzeiger, XXXVI, 1910). 

5. March 1912. 

Report on the Malacostraca colleeted 
by the "”Tjalfe”-Expedition, under the direction 
of cand. mag. Ad. $. Jensen, especially at 
W. Greenland. 
K. Stephensen. 

During the fisheries-investigations carried out by Mr. Ad. S. 
Jensen in the Greenland seas, especially at S. W. Greenland, with 
the Tjalfe” in the summers 1908 and 1909, a considerable 
material of Crustaceans was collected, Especially bathypelagic 
species and larvæ of such species are richly represented in the 
collection, this expedition standing foremost among those, by which 
such material has been brought to light. Itwas, however, by no means the 
whole material of Crustaceans, which was preserved, particularly of 
the more common species, the main object of the expedition being 
fisherjes-investigations, not a general survey of the marine fauna. 

The material contains in all 84 species and 6 species of larvæ. 
The following species are new to science. 

Cleonardo microdactylus. (No. 57). 

Eusirus Tjalfiensis. (No. 67). 

Munneurycope Tjalfiensis. (No. 80). 

Holophryxus Acanthephyræ. (No. 84). 

Besides these the following species are new to Greenland : 

Longithorax fuscus H. J. Hansen. 

Scina sp. 

Cyphocaris anonyx "Boeck. 

Metacyphocaris Helgæ Tattersall. 

Katius obesus Chevreux. 

Amphitopsis longicaudata Boeck. 

Acanthoniscus typhlops G. O. Sars. 

Janthe laciniata G.O. Sars. 

Holophryxus Richardi Koehler. 

A summary and discussion of the new localities in connection 
with those previously known I have given recently in the Report on 
the Malacostraca, Pycnogonida and some Entomostraca collected by 
the Danmark-Expedition to North-East Greenland, in "Meddelelser 
om Grønland”, vol. 45, 1912. 

Some of the stations from the Davis-Strait having great 
interest, a complete list is given here of all the species brought 
home from these stations. 

St. 322. 607 07'N, 48? 26" W, 3—5—-1909. 2000 m. wiré ou 

Acanthephyra purpurea ca. 15spec. Boreomysis microps 7 spec. 
Parapasiphae sulcatifrons 2 spec.  Longithorax leve 1 spec. 
Gennadas elegans 7 spec. yperia medusarum 1 spec. 
Sergestes arcticus 4 spec. Euthemisto San essa 6 spec. 
Thysanopoda acutifrons 30 spec.  Cyphocaris anonyæ 5 spec. 
i É 
oessa longicaudata many spec. Metacyphocaris Helgæ 6 spec. 

(em. 15 cm.? Munneurycope Tjalfiensis 1 spec. 
EÉucopia unguiculata 5 spec. Holophryxus Acanthephyræ 1 spec. 
Gnathophausia zoea 2 spec 

St. 333, 68? 18' N, 54? 55' W, 7—5—1909. depth 1300 m., 

1530 m. wire out. 

Acanthephyra purpurea 12 spec. Boreomysis microps ca. 20 spec. 
Parapasiphae sulcatifrons 4 spec.  Cyphocaris anonyæx 2 spec. 

Gennadas elegans ca. 15 spec. Katius obesus 2 spec. 
Sergestes etern 1 spec. Metacyphocaris Helgæ 5 spec. 
Eucopia unguiculata ca. 25 spec. … Lanceola serrata 1 spec. 

Sratkorkiken zoea 5 spec 

St. 338, 647'01'N, 55? 30" W, 83—5—1909. depth 1185 m. 
1500 m. wire out. 
Acanthephyra purpurea 11 spec. Scina sp. 1 spec. 
" Parapasiphae Hanen ons 5 spec.  Cyphocaris must 2 spec. 
Gennadas elegans 18 Katius obesus 
Boreomysis microps ca. pm spec. or gdetsener Helge 2 spec. 


Sk 336. 647 06"N, 559% 78' W 82540009 depth 1040—1100 m., 
1200 m. wire out. 

Acanthephyra purpurea 10 spec. Eucopia unguiculata 6 spec. 
Parapasiphae sulcatifrons 6 spec.  Gnathophausia zoea 7 spec. 
Gennadas elegans ca. 25 spec. Boreomysis microps ca. 25 spec. 
Sergestes arcticus 1 spec. Cyphocaris anonyæ 2 s 

Thysanoessa longicaudata 1 spec. — Cleonardo microdactylus 2 spec. 


1. Chionoecetes Opilio O. Fabr. 
Cancer Phalangium ig res Fauna Groenlandica, 1780, No. 214 

—…… Opiio O. Bale Køl Danske Vid. Selsk. Skrifter, Nye Sam- 
ling, vol. 3, 1788; p. 185 TPE 
seerne SR Kråyer, Naturh. Tidsskrift, vol. 2, 1838, p. 249. 
Kråyer, Crust., in Gaimard, Voyage en Scand., 1846 
(18492), Pl. 1 
PN —  M. Rathbun, tar U. S. Nat. Mus.,, vol. 16, 1893, p. 
74, Pl. 4, fig. 5—7. 
HE —  A.M.Edwards & Bouvier, Rés. des Camp. Sc. ""Hiron- 
delle”, Monaco, vol. 7, 1894, p. 
Bel Hanoi, Ingolf" 1908, p. 12. 
rn tr H. J. Hansen, V. Grånland 1887, p. 28. 

(St. 100) 669 44'N, 56 08' W, ca. 175 fath. 5—7—1908. 3 spec 
(St. 107) 689 20' N, 549 03" W, 220—280 fath. RB eles lse (the ca- 
rapace 93 mm. > 93 mm 

In Disko Bay and in Umanak Fjord considerable numbers of 
this crab were taken in deep water (140—260 fms.), the largest 
Specimen measuring 30 inches between the tips of the longest legs. 

2. Hyas coaretatus Leach. 

Hyas coarctatus Leach, Transact. Linn. Soc., London, vol, 11, 1815, p. mf 
Cuvier, Rågne animal, Edit. acc. de planches grav., Cru 
Fl. 32, fig. 8, 

SE - fmd Middendorffs Sibirische Reise, vol. 2, 1, 1851, p. 81. 

or Er Bell, 1858, . 35, with fig. 

HEE SEE M. Rathbun, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 16, 1898 p. 69. 


age coarctatus H.J. Hansen, ,,Ingolf” 1908, p. 15. 
Ja V. Gronland 1877, p. 30 

(St. 465) 629 58'N, 509 52' W, ca. 25 fath., 21—6—1909. 7 spe, 

(St. 419) 65? 09' N, 539 38' W, 29 fath. aar Ga 1909. 1 spec 

(St. 100) 66? 44' N, 56? 08' w, ca. 175 fath., 5—7—1908. ca. 20 spec. 
3. Lithodes Maja L. 

Cancer Maja Linné, Systema Naturæ, edit. X, 1758, vol. 1, p. 
Lithodes arctica ng Régne animal, Edit. acc. de ak ikke RL 

FF Maja seg 1858, p. 165, with fig. 

— arctica Bouvier, Ann. Sc, Nat. Boss ser. 7, vol. 18, 1891, p. 181, 
PE 15 fø 7, is 12, fig, 

STe de Bouvier, on: DS Å vol: . ze p. 24. 

— HT. Hans my "Ingo, 1908, 

es == — É Benisnd, 1887, i: 31. 


(St. 100) 66? 44' N, 56? 08” W, ca. 175 fath., 5—7—1908, 1 spec. 
Without locality, 1 sp. 

4. Eupagurus pubescens Kr. 
Pagurus pubescens Kråyer, Kgl. Danske Vid. Selsk. naturvid.-math. Afh., 
, Yol: 7,:1888, p: 
— — Kråoyer, Naturhist. Tidsskrift, vol. 2, 1838, p 
— == — in Gaimard: blege my en Scandinav., tele aen, 
PL 2 "Bø. 
Eupagurus — + E. Krøyeri 8. 5, Smith, Transact. Conn. Acad. vol. 
5, 1879. p. 47, 48. 
—  A. M. Edwards & Bouvier, Résult. d. Camp. Sc. "Hi- 
rondelle”, Monaco, vol. 7, 1894, p. 74. 
— åd Hansen, Trordk 1908, p. 27. 
fr mr V. Grønland, 1887, p. 32. 

(St. 177) 709 42" N, 549 48' W, 253 fath. 7—8—1908. 2 spec. 


5. Munida tenuimana G. O. Sars. 
Munida tenwimana G. O. Sars, Da Selsk. Forh., Christiania 1871 (1872), 

BE Es Ibid. 1882, No. 18, p. 44, Pl. 1, fig. 6. 
æ pe Appellåf, Die Decap. Crust., Meeresfauna Y. Bergen, 
Heft 2—3, 1906, p. 139—49, Pl. 2, fig. 2. 
nar — H. J. Hansen, Ingolf” 1908, p. 34, Pl. 2, fig. 4 a, Pl. 8, 
fig: 1a. 

(St. 429) 639 54" N, 539 15" W.' 988—1400 m. trawl. 8—6—1909. 3 spec. 


6. Munidopsis curvirostra Whiteaves. 

Munidopsis curvirostra Whiteaves, Ann. Journ. Science ser. 3, vol. 8, 1874, 
; 212. 

men == S, J. Smith, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 10, 1884, 
p. 21 (no description), Pl. 8, fig. 2, 3, 3 a. 
vig longirostris A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, Exp. Sc. "Travail- 
leur” le as bra 9 Crust. Decap. vol. 1, 1900, 
p- 4, fe 1 PL BOER 0. 
Sy AE curvirostra H. f Hilde «Tngolf”, 1908, p. 86, pl. 8, fig. 2. 
(St 387) 649 05'N, 559 20'W, 1100 m. 8—5—1909. 1 spec. 

(St. 408—10) 649 14' N, 559 55' W, 839 m. 2—6—1909. 3 spec. 
(St, 302) 649 40' N, 569 37' W, 720—775 m. 2—6—1909. 2 spec. 

6. Scleroerangon boreas Phipps. 
Cancer Boreas Phipps, Voyage towards the North Pole, 1774, p- 190, Pl. 
12, fi 

vig, I 
”Crangon —  Kråyer, Naturhist. Tidsskrift vol. 4, 1842, p. 218, Pl. 4, 
fig. 1—1 
Seler kedelig Boreas H. 5. manke Sae 1908, p. 47. 
”. Grønland, 1887, p. 33. 

(St. 371) 669 44' N, 569 16' W, ca. 150 fm. 20—5—1909. 1 spec. (72 mm.) 
(St. 100) 669 44' N, 56? 08' W, ca. 175 fm. 5—7—1908. 1 spec. (73 mm.) 

The great depths have some interest, as H. J. Hansen (In- 
Solf, p. 48) writes: "It was taken at all depths from ca. 5 fm. to 
118 fm., but a single occurrence at 200 fm. must... be considered 
as less certain”, 

8. Sabinea hystrix A. Milne-Edwards. 
Paracrangon hystrix A. Milne Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat-, ser. 6, Zool., vol. 
11, 1881; 9.6. 
"Sabinea princeps S. J. mur Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 10, 1882, 
p. 38, PL 8 BE: 
Si hystrix, HJ Rib Ingolf”, 1908, p. 51. 

(St. 337) 649 05' N, 559 20" W, 1100 m. 8—5—1909. 1 spec. (110 mm.) 

9. Nectocrangon lar Owen. 

Crangon lar Owen, Zool. of Capt. Beechey's Voyage, 1839, p. 88, Pl. 28, fig. 1. 

legge. obysr, Naturh. Tidsskrift, vol. 4, 1842, p. 255, Pl. 5, fig. 45—62. 

Nectocrangon lar + N. dentata M. Rathbun, Harriman Alaska-Exp., 1904, 
p. 137 with figs.) (teste H. J. Hansen, Ingolf). 


Ne etoerangon las lar H. J. Hansen, ves 1908, p. 49. 
. Grønland, 1887, pp 5%, 

(St. 183) 69? 19' N, 529 56" W, 78 fm., 10—8—1908, 1 spec. 
(St. 179) 699 29' N, 559 26'W, 116 fm., $—8—1908, 1 spec. 

10. Spirontocaris spinus Sow. 

aner spinus Sowerby, Brit, Miscellany, 1806, p. 47, Pl. 
moppon ER Sowerbei Lg Danske Vid. Selsk, math. SHE Afh., vol. 
p. 298, Pl. 2, fig. 45—54. 
— … 8pinus ba ore kd Arch f. Zool., Supplbd. I, Crust., 1882, 
p. 15, Pl. 1, fig. 4—7, 

— — Birula, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Imp. St. Pétersbourg, vol. 
1; 1899; p. 50, hø 1 

jr neeke spinus H. J. Hansen, «Ingolf, 1908, p. 
— Kemp, Decap. Ireland, 1908 1910), 103, Pl], 14, fig. 1. 

Hipøelvt — . H.J. Hansen, V. Grønland, 1887, p. 41. 

(St. 371) 669 44' N, 569 16' W, ca. 150 fm. 20—5—1909. 1 spec. 

11. Spiroøntocaris Gaimardii H. Milne-Edwards. 
Hippolyte Gaimardii H. Milne-Edwards, Hist. Nat. Crust., vol. 2, 1887, 
p. 378. 

mi le — + H.gibba Kråyer, Kgl. Danske Vid. Selsk. math.- 
naturv.-Afh., vol. 9, 1842, p. 282, 288, Pl. 1, fig. 21-30, 
Pl. 2, fig. 31—37, 

Euales obses J. Thallwitz, Bennet Studien 1891, p. 23. 

Hippolyte Gaimardii Åppelléf, Decap. Crust., Meeresfauna v. Bergen, Heft 

—8, 1906, p. 122, Pl. 2, fig. 4. 

Spirontocaris — H. J. Hansen, Ingolf” 1908, p. 56. 

Hippolyte Rg V, Grønland, 1886, p. 39. 

(St. 183) 699 19' N, 529 56" W, 78 fm. 10—8—1908, 7 spec. 

(St. 179) 69? 29' N, 55? 26" W, 116 fm. 8—8—1908, 6 spec. 

The largest specimen, from St. 179, is 93 mm. long. On 
one spec. the rostrum is bent upwards about as in Pandalus 
propinquus. All the specimens have a large curved process on the 
third abdominal segment, except the smallest specimen (44 mm.), 
which has but an inconsiderable tooth. 

12. Spirontocaris macilenta Kr. 
;ØAppolyte macilenta Kroyer. Naturh. Tidsskrift vol. 3, 1841, p. 574. 
— Kgl. Danske Vid, Selsk. math.-naturvid. Afd., 
vol. 9, 1542, p. 305, Pl. 2, fig. 55—56,. 

Hippolyte macilenta S. J. Smith, Transact. Conn. Acad. vol. 5, 1879, 

Spirontocaris  — H. J. Hansen, Ingolf” 1908, p. 60. 
Hippolyte — — V, Grønland, p. 43. 
(St. 100) 66? 44' N, 569 08' W, ca. 175 fm. 5—7—1908. 1 spec. 
(St. 183) 699 19” N, 529 56' W, 75 fm. 10—8—1908. 7 spec. 
(St. 179) 69% 29' N; 559 96'N, 116 fm. 8—8—1908, 5 spec. 

The species seems to be very rare at W. Greenland (H. J. 
Hansen 1. c.). 3 of the spec. from St. 179 are infested with Paryæus 
abdominalis, and on one spec. from St. 100 Bopyroides hippolytes was 
found; till now the species was, not known as a host for any of 
these Bopyridæ. 

13. Spirontocaris turgida Kr. 
Hippolyte turgida + H. Phippsii Kråyer, DE Tidsskrift vol. 3, 1841, 

Ty ds : sk Vid. Selsk. math.- 
valid Afh., id 9, 1842, p. 308, 314, Pl. 2, fig. 57—58, 
Pl. 3, fig. 59—68. 
Phippsii S.J. Smith, Transact. Conn. Acad., vol. 5, 1879, p. 73. 

Søiesistnenrdi turgida H. J. Hansen, Ban 1908, p. 61. 

Hippolyte Phippsii V. Grønland 1887, p. 48. 

(St. 165) 629 58' N, 50% 52" W, ca, 25 fm. 21—6—1909. 8 spec. 
On one spec. the Bopyrid Phryæus abdominalis was found. 

14. Spirontocaris polaris Sab. 
Alpheus polaris Sabine, Suppl. to the App. of Capt. Parry's Voyage, 1824, 
p. 288, PL 2, fig, 5—8. 
"Hippolyte polaris + H. borealis Kroyer, Kgl. Danske Vid. Selsk. math.- 
naturvid. Afh., vol. 9, 1842, p. 324, 330, Pl. 3, fig. 74— 
81, PE 2 fr 82. 
BE — 8. J. Smith, Transact. Conu. Acad. vol. 5, 1879, p. 80. 
Amazo Pfeffer, Jabrb. wiss. Anst. Hamburg, vol.3, 1866, p. 36, fig. 6. 
Syirontaceris Polaris H.J. MARSSR: Preis 1908, p. 
Hippolyte . Orøulskd 1887, p. 48 

(St, 465) 629 58' N, 529 52' W, ca. 25 fm. 21—6—1909. ca. 60 spec. 
(St, 419) 659 09' N, 58? 38' W, 29 fm.. 6—6—1909. 1 spec. 
(St. 371) 669 44' N, 56? 16' W, ca. 150 fm. 20—5—1909. 1 spec. 

One of the specimens from St. 465 is infested with Bopyroides 


15. Pandalus borealis Kr. 

Pandalus borealis Rey, er, ra Tidsskrift vol. 2, 1838, p. 254. 
Ibid., Ny Række, vol. 1, 1845, p. 461. 
— — —" m in dl Voyage en Scand., 1846 (18492), 
Grust, PL 6, fig. 2: 
SE See — G. O. Sars, Fa on Norw. Fish- and Marine-Invest. 
vol. 1; 1900;-No0. 8; p: 81, Pl 9—10, 
- — HJ. Haran: gr 1908, p. 10. 
sæ Eg V., Grønland, 1887, p. 49. 

The Channel outside Nanortalik (ca. 60? N), 6—9—1909. 5 spec., from 
stomachs of Gadus ogak 

(St. 341) 649 34'N, 539 20" W, 200 m. wire, 9—5—1909. 9 spec. 

(St. 183) 69? 19' N, 52? 56' W, 78 fm. 10—8—1908. 2 spec. 

The specimens from St. 341 have very large eyes. 

This shrimp was otherwise taken very often, sometimes in great 
numbers, as e.g. W. of "Store Hellefiske” bank, where in a depth 
of 175 fms. many liters were taken in one haul with otter-trawl; 
the largest specimens measured 15.5 cm. in length (30 cm. with 
the antennæ). 

16. Pandalus propinquus G. O. Sars. 
Pandalus propinguwus G.O. Sars, Forh. Vid. Selsk. Christiania 1869 (1870), 
el — S. J. Smith, Rep. U. 8. Comm. Fish and Fisheries 
1885 (1886) Pl. 13, fig. 1. 
sa Calman, Ann. Ma må Nat. Hist. ser. 7, vol. 3, 1899, 
p. 32; Pl 1:—4, fig. 2. 
== — H. J. Hansen, in såe 1908, .p:. 72. 
Ee Kemp, Decap. Natant, Ireland, 1908 (1910), p- 89, 
Pl 11, fig. 1—4, 

(St. 429) 63? 54' N, 589 15” W, 988—1400 m. trawl. $—6—1909. 1 spec. 

17. ÅAcanthephyra purpurea A. Milne-Edwards. 

Acanthephyra purpurea A. Milne-Edwards, Comp. Rend. Ac. Sc. Paris, 
vol. 93, 1881, 

”Miersia Agassizii S. J. Smith, Bull. Mus. Conp: Zool vol: 10; 188% P- 68 

11, fig. 5-7, PL 12, fig. 1-4 
” Acanthephyra purpurea Kun. Fisheries, Ireland, Sci. Invest. 1905 part 
1 (1906), p.4—16, Pl. 1, Pl. 2, fig. 1—3 (ubi Litt. 
et Syn. ): 
HEE —  H.J. Hansen, "Ingolf" 1908, p. 75. 


Acanthephyra purpurea Kemp, Decap. Natant. Ireland, 1908 (1910) part 

(St. 322) 60? 07' N, 489 26' W, 2000 m. wire, 3—5—1909. 15 spec. 

(St. 333) 689 18' N, 549 55' W, 1580 m. wire, 7—5—1909. 12 spec. 

(St. 338) 649 01' N, 559 30' W, 1185 m. wire, 3—5—1908. 11 spec. 

(St. 336) 649 06, N, 559 18” W, 1040—1100 m., 1200 m. wire, 8—5—1909, 
10 spec. 

H. J. Hansen (l. c.) mentions the species from 6 stations, but 
he has only 1 spec. from each stat. Kemp (1908, 1. c.) mentions 
the species from 32 stations (6 of which are from the Danish in- 
vestigations steamer ””Thor”), but he has, as Hansen, from most 
of the stations only 1 specimen; the largest number from a single 
stat. is five, and that is but a single occurrence. 

One of the specimens from St. 322 is infested with Holo- 
Pphryxus Acanthephyræ K. St. (fam. Dajidæ) (No. 84). 

18. Pasiphae tarda Kr. 

inte tarda Krøyer, Naturh. Tidsskrift, ser. 2, vol. 1, 1844— . 453. 
— … in Gaimard, Yørage en Bonds SerÅ (1849) 
Crust., Pl. 6, fi 
Pasiphae norvegica M. Sars, Bidrag til Kiindskaten om Kristianiafjordens 
auna, Nyt Magasin f. Naturvid, vol. 15, 1868, p. 282, Pl. 4, 
På. 5, fig. 81, fig. 87— 
SE tarda & 2, Bars, Oversigt af Norges Crust., Vid. Selsk. For- 
? bandl: Kristiania, 1882, No. 18, p. 48. 
Men —  H.J. Hansen, Ingolf” 1908, p. 78. 
Sa — — V. Grønland, 1887, p.5l. 
EN —  Wollebæk, Decap. Crust. 1—2, Bergens Musæums Aar- 
bog 1908, No. 12, p. 72, Pl. 13. 
—  K. Stephensen, Revideret Fortegn. over Danmarks marine 
Arter Decap., DR Berenne Naturh. Foren. Køben- 
havn 1909 (1910) p. 2 
Er — Kend, re Natant. DR nd 1908 (1910) p. 39—42, Pl. 
4, fig. 8— 
me princeps S. J. snyd) Rep. Decap. Crust. Albatross” East coast 
U. 8., Rep. U. 8. Fish Commission 1882 (1884) p. 381, 

PL 5 fø, 2, 
SS —  8.J. Smith, Report on the Decap. Crust. Albatros” 
Eastcoast U.S., Rep. U. lg re mmission 1885 (1887), 

p- 609, 612, 613, 617, 619, 6 

=. — … Kemp, Decap. Natant. ireland, won (1910) p. 42—47, 
Pl. 4, fig. 1—7. 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bå. 64 ; 5 


(St. 15) 58? 08' N, 399 24' W. 500 m. wire, 26—5—1908. 2 spec. 
(St. 76) 63? 49' N, 589 277 W, 1300 m., 1300 m. wire, 23—6—1908. 1 spec. 
(St, 429) 63? 54' N, 53? 15' W, 988—1400 m. 8—6—1909. 1 spec. 
(St. 407—08) 649 14'N, 55? 55' W, 839 m. clay, 2—6—1909. 1 spec. 
Kemp (l. c. 1908 (1910) p. 42—43) has given.a synopsis 
of the characteristics of P. tarda Kråyer and P. princeps 8. J. 
Smith. Kråyer has published his description in Danish, and it 
seems that owing to this foreigners have not been able to read his 
description; otherwise Smith would probably not have founded P. 
princeps ås a new species. In order to show the great agreement 
in the descriptions of Kråyer and Smith, I have made the 
following synopsis of the most important characters. 

P. tarda Kråyer. |. P, princeps $. J. Smith. 
(Naturhist. Tidsskrift, ser. 2, (Report U.S. Fish Commission 
vol. 1, 1844—45, p. 453 seq.) for 1882 (1884), p. 381 seq.) 

1. "The carapace, which is about | 1. The pleon exclusive of the 
1/3 of total length or half as long | telson is about one half longer 
as the pleon including telson, is — than the carapace”, (Carapace 
very much compressed”. (From | 75 mm., pleon excluding the tel- 
Kråyer's fig. in Gaimard: | son 112 mm.). 

Voyage en Scandinavie, the car- 

apace is seen to be 39 mm., abdo- | 

men excluding telson 59 mm.). | 

2. "On the dorsum of the ca- | 2. "The dorsum of the carapax 
rapace is seen a sharp, but | is rounded except for about å 
smooth carina, which goes about | third of the length anteriorly, 
to the hinder edge of the cara- where it rises into a carina ter- 
pace, terminating anteriorly in  minating in a short, mucronate 
a little, mueronate and very much — and obliquely upturned rostrum 
compressed rostrum, that ....  overhanging, but  projecting 
projects a little the anterior edge | scarcelv as far forwards as the 
of the carapace”. front itself, which is prominent 
though rounded in outline as 

seen from above'. 

3. "The antennal scale is large 
. »lengthened ovate (more than 

3 times as long as the breadth), 

3. Antennal scale is.... scar- 

cely a third as broad as long, 

| and the outer edge arcuate and 

apically rounded, without spi- | 

(the length is (in the 
in Gaimard: Voyage) 
17 mm., the breadth 4 mm.). 

4. "The abdomen is provided 
along the whole middle line of the 



dorsum with a very conspicu- 
ous carina.” 

5. (Telson) "The tip is strongly 
cut into aåa sharp angle”. 

6. (Second pair of pereiopods). 
The second joint has on the 
lower edge towards the end 3 
(about the third joint 
Kråyer says nothing). 


terminating in an acutely tri- 
angular lamellar tooth” (scale: 
length 29 mm.) breadth 8.8 mm.). 

4. "The second, third, fourth 
and fifth somites are dorsally 
carinate, the fourth and fifth most 
conspicuously. The sixth somite 
is.... compressed, but scarcely 
carinated dorsally”. 

5. (Telson) "The tip (is) divided 
by a narrow sinus”. 

6. "The second pair (of pereiopods) 
are armed with a few small 
spines along the lower edge of 
the propodus, and the lower 
distal angle of the carpus is 

| produced into a sharp spine, 

but åre otherwise nearly like 
the first pair... (smooth, naked 
and unarmed”). 

1) About this G. 0. Sars writes (Christiania ve Selsk. Forh. 1882, No. 
18, Oversigt af Norges Crustaceer, p. 48) translation from Nor- 
wegian): "IT have had opportunity myself ar examine the type-speci- 
men of Kråyer in the Copenhagen-Museum and have convinced my- 
self that the spine in the auntennal plate originally has been grenen 
but has accidentally been broken in the present specimen”. — At th 
present moment (1912) we have in the Zoological Museum in Købte. 
havn (Copenhagen) only the mentioned specimen from the time of 
Krøyer, provided with the following note (in the hand writing of 
J. C. Schiådte), ""Pasiphaé tarda Kr. Sydl. Grønland; Jørgensen 
Kr.” Unquestionably it is this specimen, about which Kråoyer writes 
(1. e., 1844—45; the foot-note p. 455) "in one of the specimens the 
eafinå anteriorly had an incision, that made, so to når: two humps; 
but this seems to be caused by an accidental damage”. 



Ås it may be seen the agreement is very close. The differ- 
ences are not greater, than that they may be ascribed to indi- 
vidual variations (we must remember, that Kråyer had but two 
specimens, Smith even but one specimen). 

The Zoological Museum in Copenhagen has a very large 
material, towards 1000 specimens of P. tarda Kr., of which the 
greater part has been captured in the Skagerak. To convince myself, 
that there were no specimens of F. princeps Smith in the material, 
that hitherto (by H. J. Hansen in "Ingolf" 1908 and by my- 
self in "Vid. Meddel. Naturh. Foren.” 
Kbhvn. 1909) has been determined as P. 
tarda Kr., I have examined each of 
the specimens, but the result has been 
quite different from what might be 
expected, as will be seen from the 

SAT E Kemp is right, that a great part 
P.t, P ø of the specimens may be referred to 

Fig. 1. Dorsal view of the one of the two principal forms; but as 
6th abdominal segment of 
Pasiphae tarda and Pasi- 

Pphae princeps. are combined with numerous interme- 

diate links. 

Rostrum varies so much, that it can not be used as a distin- 
guishing character. The best characters are, according to my investi- 
gations, the sixth abdominal segment, the antennal plate and the 
spines of the basis of the second pereiopod; but these spines are 
not to be found in specimens smaller than 25—40 mm., and even 
in larger specimens their number is varying. G.0O.Sars says (1. c. 
1882, p. 48) "the number of spines in the two first pairs of per- 
eiopods is a characteristic too inconstant to be considered as 2 
real specific characteristic'".  Nevertheless we may in most cases 
use the characteristic of Kemp (l. c. 1908 (1910) p. 42—43) to 
separate the two "species” (specimens more than 30—40 mm. long). 

Besides I have found a characteristic, that I have not seen 

my investigations have shown, they 


described anywhere in the literature, viz. the carina in the sixth 
abdominal segment. This carina goes in the specimens, that from 
the antennal plate and the second pereiopod are to be ascribed to P. 
tarda, just to the hind edge of the segment (fig. 1), but is in the hinder 
part divided into two almost parallel carines; in P. princeps the 
hinder part of the segment is simply compressed without any 
carina (fig. 1). 

That the proportion in the length of antennal plate, carapace 
and abdomen cannot be used, appears from the following measurements ; 
the specimens are determined from the shape of antennal plate, cara- 
pace and sixth abdominal segment) (the measurement are in mm.) 

P. tarda 
| | 
É i Abd 
Locality Total ein i me Carapace | rerk Aalen 
Skagerak Eg get 12 25 46 
70 , 10 21 40 
me 79 12 24 44 
Su 68 95 20” 4 80 
re: 11401 14 SE ul 
629 49' N, 189 46' W. 75 11 B8 | 42 
P. princeps. 
| | Abdomen 
fan Total length | for ren Carapace | excel. Såldon 
mn >= mm minen == | 
S. Greenland (Kriger s | 
ype—specimen of | 
ARE ng 108 imperfeet | — 38 se 
672 19'N, 159 52" W. 605" 5 38 
659 28' N, 279 297 W. VG 0 RR KR ø 

Even the form of the antennal plate may cause some diffi- 
culty. Thus I have seen one, otherwise somewhat typical P. tarda 
from the Skagerak, whose right antennal plate is as in P. princeps, 
whilst the left has the same form as in P. tarda (Kemp 1. c.…. 
1908 (1910), pl. 4, fig. 9); but from the measurements (antennal 
plate 10,5, carapace 23, abdomen excl. telson 38) it might be 
determined as P. princeps. 


Of P. norvegica M. Sars, that in all essentials is like Kemp's 
description of P. tarda, G.O.Sars writes: (1. c. 1882, p. 49) "there is no 
doubt that the species P. norvegica described by my father... is 
identic with the species of Kroyer”. That upon the whole the 
single specimens determined by Kroyer as P. tarda suit the de- 
seription of P. princeps, is evident from the agreement of the descrip- 
tions of Kråyer and Smith, and as the two '”species” are com- 
bined with intermediate links, we must unquestionably obliterate P. 
princeps Smith as species and take the name but as syn. of P. 
tarda Kråyer. 

19. Parapasiphae sulcatifrons S. J. Smidt. 

Parapasiphae sulcatifrons S.J. Smith, Rep. Comm. Fish and Fishery for 
882, (1884) p. 384 Pl. 5, fig. 4, Pl. 6, fig. 1—7 
— 2 H. J. Hanser, ”Ingolf” 1908, p. 79. 
ME orn — Kemp, 1908 (1910), p. 47, Pl. 5. 

(St. 322) 60? 07' N, 48? 26' W, 2000 m., wire, 3—5—1909. 2 spec. 

(St. 3338) 689 18' N, 549 55" W, 1300 m., 1530 m. wire, 7—5—1905. 5 spec. 

(St, 338) 649 01'N, 55930 W, 1185 m., 1400—1500 m. wire, 8—5—1909. 
5 spec. 

(St. 336) 649 06' N, 55? 18" W, 1040—1100 m., 1200 m. wire, 8—5—1909. 
6 spec. 

(St, 348) 649 35' N, 569 18' W, 900 m. wire, 11—5-—1909. 4 spec. 

New to W. Greenland. The largest specimen is from St. 333 
and is 71 mm. long. 

20. Gennadas elegans S.J. Smith. 

Amalopenæus elegans S. J. eee Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. vol. 10, 1882, 
so. 1; p. 87, Pl, 14, fig. 8—14, Pl. 15, fg. 15 
"Gennadas — NavEe Rés. Comp. Sc., Monaco, fasc. 88, (Pénéides), 
1908, p. 25 (distrib. ), p. 28 (key to the species of 
the genus) p. 35 (Syn. ger: litt.). 
Bouvier, Bull. Mus. Océan. Monaco, No. 80, 1906. 

Amalopenæus — — Calman, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 7, vol. 11, 1908, 
. 416. 
Gennadas — H. J. Hansen, "Ingolf" 1908, p. 81. 

"Amalopenæus — Kemp, 1908 (1910), p. 14, Pl. 1. 
— —  H.J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 52. 



(St. 322) 60? 07" N, 489 26' W, 2000 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 7 spec 
(St. 434) 629 58'N, 549 15” W, 1660 m., 1500—1200 m. wire, 5—6—1909, 
7 spec. 
(St. 388) 639 18' N, 549 55" W, 1300 m., 1530 m. wire, 7—5—1909, 15 spec. 
(St. 76) 632 49'N, 539 27” W, 1300 m., 1000 m. wire, 23—6—1908, 1 spec. 
(St. 338) 649 01' N, 55? 30" W, 1185 m., 1400—1500 m. wire, 8—5—1909, 
13 spec. 
(St. 336) 649 06' N. 559 18" W, 1200 m.…. wire, $—5— 1909, ca. 25 ne 
(St. 408) 649 14' N. 552 55' W, 839 m. (trawl), 2—6—1909, 1 s 
(St. 348) 649 35' N, 56? 18” W, 900 m. wire, 11—5—1909, 6 ing 
It is very interesting, that the ”Tjalfe” has taken so many spe- 
cimens at each station; in Ingolf” H.J. Hansen mentions but 
one specimen from each station; only at 2 stations were taken 2 
specimens. The material from the "Tjalfe" thus fully confirms, what 
Bouvier says (Bull. Inst. Océanogr., Monaco, No. 97, 1907, p. 
47—46): fle Gennadas élégans est 1'espéce la plus commune du 
genre: il fut considéré comme une espéce rarissime aussi long- 
temps qu'on se borna aux péches sur le fond; mais, depuis V'em- 
ploi du filet vertical, surtout de celui a grande ouverture, il appa- 
råit trés commun et doit étre considéré comme un des éléments les 
plus caractéristiques de la faune bathypélagique dans nos régions. 
En Méditerranée, præs des iles Baléares, et au centre de V'Atlantique, 
dans les régions des Sargasses, certains coups de filet nous donnérent 
jusqw'å trente spécimens de ce joli Pénéide. Au-dessus de 1000 
metres, on ne rencontre guére que les larves de l'espåce; au dessous 
apparaissent les adultes qui, d'ailleurs, ne semblent jamais se tenir 

sur le fond”. 

21. Sergestes areticus Kr. 

Sergestes arcticus misse Kgl. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skrifter, 5. Række, 
aturvid.-math. Afd., vol. 4, 1859, p. 240, fr 3, fig. 7, 

Pl. 5, fig. 16. 
mr —… HJ. Hansen, «Ingolf” 1908, p. 82 (ubi litt. et syn.). 
HE me — Wasserloos, Zur Kenntnis d. Melomernken von Serg. 
arct., Zool. Anzeiger, vol. 33, 1908, p. 327, with figs. 
Fe — Kemp, 1908 (1910), p. 30, Pl. 8, fig. 13—19. 

KER — HJ, Hansen, V. Grenls 1887, p. 52. 

1. the stage Sergestes Rinkii. 
(St. 1 a) 599 25" N, 229 56' W, 175 m. wire, 12—5—1908, many spec. (1 cm.?) 
(St. 1 b) — — surface — (5 cm.) 

. adults. 

(St. 15) 58? 08' N, 399 24" W, 500 m. wire, 26—5—1908, 15 spec. 

(St. 1a) 59? 25' N, 229 56' W, 175 m. wire, 12—5—1908, 1 spec. 

(St. 321) 60? 07 N, 48? 26' W, 600 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 10 spec. 

(St. 322) 2000 m. wire, 4 spec 

(St. 434) 629 58" N, 549 sw, 1660 m., 1500— 1200 m. wire, 3—6—1909, 

1 spec. 

(St. 30 a) 63? 04" N, 56? 32" W, 500 m. wire, 7—6—1908, 15 spec. 

(St. 30 b) 70 m. wire ja spec. 

(St. 338) 63? 18'N, høj 55 W, 1300 m., 1530 m. wire, 7—5—1909, 1 spec. 

(St. 336) 649-06' N, 559 18' W, 1040— 1100 m., 1200 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 
1 spec. 

(St. 346) 649 22' N, 56? 00" W, 800—400 wire, 10—5—1909, 1 spec. 

The material states, that the species lives at W. Greenland; 
hitherto its occurrence there was doubtful (Krøyer). 

The specimen from st. 346 in infested with Ho/ophryæus Bichardi 
Koehler (fam. Dajidæ) (No. 83). 


22. Thysanopoda acutifrons Holt & Tatt. 

Thysanopoda pectinata H. J. Hansen, Bull. Mus. Océanogr., Monaco No. 
0, 1905, p. 16, fig. 12. 

=k acutifrons Holt & Tattersall, Rep. Sea and Inland Fisheries, 

Ireland, 1902—03 (1905), pt. 2,. app. No. IV, p- 

, 134. 

En — H. J. Hansen, Bull. Mus. Océanogr. Monaco, No. 
42, 1905, p. 22. 

— — Holt & Tattersal, Fisheries, "igen Se. Invest., 
1904, pt. 5 (1906), p. 8, Pl. 

ak H. J. Hansen, ng ol” lse, 5 84. 

— Zimmer, Nordisches Plikkten VOL 6, 1909, p. 6, 


ry — iksaropkidilise Oetiskne: Plankton-Exp., vol. 2, G. b. 1893, p. 9. 
non — pectinata Ortmann, ibid., p. 10. 

(St. 15) 58? 08' N, 399 24" W, 500 m. wire, 26—5—1908, ca. 40 spec. 

(St. 322) 60? 07'N, 489 26' W, 2000 m. wire, 3—5—1909, ca. 30 spec. 
(St. 76) 68? 49' N, 589 277 W, 1300 m., 1000 m. wire, 23—6—1908, 1 spec. 

New to W. Greenland. 

23. Meganyctiphanes norvegica M. Sars. 

Thysanopoda norvegica M. Sars, Forh. Skand. Naturforskermøde 1856 
(1857), p. 169. 
Nyctiphan — G. O. Sars, Forh. Vid. Selsk. Christiania 1883, p. 24. 
Blak jekbkane norvegica Holt & Tattersall, Rep. Sea and Inland Fi- 
sheries, Ireland, npPeg, pt 2, NB. 1V, 
(1905), p. 105, 135, PI. 
— — H. J. Hansen, "Ingolf" 1908, p. 85. 
— — Zimmer, Nordinslés ane vol. 6, 1909, 
p. 8, fig. 8-9, 
Nyctiphanes — Zimmer, Fauna arctica, vol. 3, 1904, p. 419. 
(St. 15) 58% 08'N, 399 24" W, 500 m. wire, 26—5—1908, ca. 35 spec. 
(St, 9) 589 38" N, 359 55” W, 600 m. wire, 17—5—1908, ca. 15 spec. 
(St.3) 589 39” N, 309 50' W, surface, 14—5— 1908, 3 spec. 
(St. 303) 599 28' N, 33? 05' W, surface, 26—4—1909, 1 spec. 
(St. 1a) 599 25' N, 229 56" W, 175 m. wire, 12—5—1908, 2 spec. 
(St. mb 609 07' N, 48? 26' W, 600 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 10 spec. 
(St. 322) …= 000 m. wire, — 7 spec. 
(St. 302) 60? 10' N, 289 13' W, surface, 25—4—1909, ca. 20 spec. 

24. Thysanoessa inermis Kr. 
— Rhoda inermis Kr. + Thysanoessa neglecta Kr. 
(See H. J. Hansen, The genera and species of the order Euphau- 
siacea, with account of remarkable variation. Bull. Inst. Océanogr., 
Monaco, No. 210, 1911, p. 8—13, 38). 
" A. Forma Rhoda inermis. 

Thysanopoda inermis Kråyer in Gaimard, Voyage en Scand., Crust. 1846 
(18492). Pl. 7, fig. 

”Huphausia…  —… G.0.Sars, Forh. Vid. Selsk. Christiania 1882, No. 
18, p. 9, 51, PL 1, fig. 15. 

Boreophausia — G.0O. Sars, Norske Nordhavs-Eip. …, Crust.. 1886, p. 13. 


— ne Ane: Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. 5, 1900, 
me — SEE Fauna re dan 3, 1904, P- 420. 
Fe —'i H.J. Hansen, "Ingolf" 1908, p. 
sæ — Zimmer, Nordisches Hume a vol. 6, 1909, p. 11, 

Boreophausia  —  H.J. Hansen, V. Gronland 1887, p. 58. 
(St. 428) 659 03' N, 549 16' W, 120, 100 and 80 m. wire, 7—6—1909, 1 spec. 


B. Forma Thysanoessa neglecta Kr. 

Thysanopoda neglecta Krøyer, in Gaimard: Voyage en Scand., Crust.… 
1846 (1849?) Pl. 7, fig. 3. 
=Thysanoessa borealis G.O.Sars, Forh. Vid. Selsk., Christiania 1882, No. 
dB, p. 9, 52. PL 1 he. 16—18. 
rr peges Zimmer, Fauna arctica, vol. 3, 1904, p. 423. 
— H. J. Hansen, "Ingolf" 1908, p. 89. 
— — … Zimmer, Nordisches Plankton, vol. 6, 1909, p. 19, 
fig. 28—29. 

— — … H.J, Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 54. 

(St. 9) 58? 38” N, 35? 55" W, 600 m. wire, 17—5—1908, 1 spec. 

25. Thysanoessa longicaudata Kr. 

Thysanopoda longicaudata Krøyer, in Gaimard: Voyage en Scandinavie, 
Crust., 1846 (18492), Pl. 8, fig. 

- Thysanoessa tenera G. O. Sars, res Vid. prer Christiania 1882, No 18 
p- , Pl. 1, fig. 19—20 

— MER NDEER Falk Peuna patrd vol. 3, 1904, p. 424. 

HE 0 ven Holt & Tattersall, Rep. Sea and Inland Fisheries, 
Ireland, 1902—03 (1905), pt. 2, App. No. 2, 
p. 107, 138, Pl. 

om: — H. J. Hansen, "Ingolf" 1908, p. 88. 
FEE — Zimmer, Nordisches reel; ren 6, 1909, p- 


ER Beg HJ "Hage V. Grønland 1887, p. 54. 

(St. 11) 5729 41'N, 359 28' W, surface, 20—5— 1908, 2 spec 

(St. 281) 579 51' N, 439 577 W. 500 m. wire, 29—9—1908, 15 spec. 

(St. 285) 579 51' N, 439 48' W, 1000 m. wire, 29—9—1908, 15 spec. 

(St. 286) 57? 59' N, 41? 21' W, 80—200 m. wire, 30—9—1908, ca. 35 spec- 

(St. 23) 589 01'N, 51? 36' W, surface, 1—6—1908, 3 spec. 

(St. 13) 589 08” N, 39% 10' W. 40m. wire, 26—5—1908, many = ar 

(St. 15) 5839 08' N, 399 24" W, 500 m. wire, 26—5—1908, many me, Jag 
150 cm.2). 

(St. 278) 589 16” N, 479 12” W, 200—80 m. wire, 28—9—1908, 20 spec. 
(St. 308) 58% 20' N, 41? 12" W, 1000 m. wire, 28—4—1909, 20 spec. 

(St.5) . 58? 23' N, 349 41' W, surface, 16—5—1908, 2 spec. 

(St.6) 589 24'N, 342 53' W, surface, 16—5—1908, 10 spec 

(St. 292) 589 24" N, 309 35' W, 500 m. wire, 3—10—1908, nn) ne pet 

(St.7) 58? 33'N, 359 49" W, 150m. wire, 17—5—1908, ca. 1000m2 
(St.9) 58933" N, 359 55' W, 600 m. wire, 17—5—1908, ca. 100 cm. 
(St. 313) 58? 38" N, 46? 13" W, surface, 29—4—1909, ca. 35 spec. 

(St.2) 589 40' N, 309 40" W, surface, 14—5—1908, ca. 35 spec. 

(St. 19a) 589 41 N, 499 44" W, 100 m. wire, 31—5—1908, 15 spec. 

(St. 19b — 200 m. wire, — 5 spec. 

(St. 316) 589 59" N, 50? og Ww, 500 m. wire, 1—5—1909, 35 spec. 

(St. 276) 59% 18' N, 51? 00" W, 80 m. wire, 27—9—1908, 15 spec 

(St.12) 59? 25' N, 229 56' W, 175 m. wire, 12—5—1908, mas sp. (30 cm.3)- 
(St. 1 b) — — surface, many sp. (5 cm,2). 
(St. 298) 59? 41' N, 259 02' W, 500'm. wire, 6— 10—1908, 1 spec 

(St. 321) 609 07'N, 489 26' W, 600 m. wire, 3—5—1909, many bo. (50 cm.2). 
(St. 322) — 2000 m. wire, many sp. (15 cm.32). 
(St. 326) 629 05' N, 539 av W, 100 m. wire, 6—5—1909, many sp. (15 cm.2). 
(St. 270) 629 21'N 519 31' w. 84 fath., 80 m. wire, 2:—9—1908, 10 spec. 
(St. 329) 629 36'N, 54? 12' W, pelagic townet, 6—5—1909, 3 spec. 

(St 330) surface, 6—5—1909, many spec. (30 cm.? 
(St, 30 a) 680 04 04' N, 56? 32' W, j Da wire, 7—6—1908, many sp. Aa 
(St. 30 b) 70 m. wir many sp. (100 cm.). 

(St. 4833) 639 05'N, 549 av W, "tres wire, 9—6—1909, 20 spec. 

(St. 31 a &c) 639 11' N, 569 23' W, pelagic townet, 7—6—1908, 40 spec. 

(St. 33 b) 639 25' N, 549 34" W, 200 m. wire, 3—6—1908, many (3 cm.?). 

(St. 76) 63949'N, 539 27" W, 1300 m. 1000 wire, 23—6—1908, 3 spec. 

(St. 336) 64? 06' N, 55? 18” W, 1040—1100 m., 1200 m. wire, ill Tyne, 

(St. 405) 649 25' N, 56? 12” W, 100 m. wire, 2—6—1909, many (3 cm.?). 
(St. 42) 65 083' N, 549 16” W, 80, 100, 120 m. wire, 7—6—1909, many (4 cm.?). 
(St. 196 d) 68% 40' N, 53? 12” W, 350 m.wire, 17—8—-1908 many spec. (4 cm.?). 

26. Rhoda Raschii M, Sars. 
onen Raschii M. Sars, Forh. Vid. Selsk. Christiania, 1863, p. 853. 
Euphausia G. O. Sars, ibid. 1882, No. 18, p. 9, 51. 
Kleidaekid —… Norman, Rep. Fish. Board Scotl., vol. 4, SAN p. 156. 
Ehoda — … Zimmer, Fauna arctica vol. 3, 1904, p 
—  H.J. Hansen, "Ingolf" 1908, p 

"Boreophausia — … Zimmer, Nordisches Plankton, Val k 1909, p. 11 (fig.). 

Thysanopoda  —  Vanhåffen, 1897. vol. 2, Pl. 1, fig. 1, p. 381 (nomen 
nudum) (coloured fig.) 

Boreophausia —  H.J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 53. 

(St. 11) 579 41'N, 359 28" W, surface 20—5—1908, 1 spec 

(St. 297) 59? 10' N, 272 44' W, pelagic townet, 4—10—1908, 8 spec. 

(St. 329) 629 36' N, 549 12" W, pelagic townet, 6— —1909, 1 spec. 

(St.30a) 639 04” N, 569 32" W, 500 m. wire, 7—6—1908, 1 spec. 

(St. 341) 649 34' N, 539 20" W, 200 m, wire, 9—5—1909, 0a. 50 spec. 

(St. 196 d) 689 40' N, 539 127 W, 350 m. wire, 17—-8—1908, 4 spec. 

Tassiusak at Egedesminde, from the stomach of Gadus ogac, 12—8—1908, 
many spec. (40 ccm.) 

(St. 171) 709 41' N, 529 07" W, 386 fath., 800 m. wire, 6—8—1008, 1 spec. 

(St, 172) 709 42" N, 529 14" W, 450 m. wire, 6—8—1098, 8 spec. 


27. Nematoscelis megalops G. O. Sars. 
Nematoscelis megalops G. O. Sars, Forh. Vid. Selsk. Christiania for 1888, 
od, DØ 
" Fu ze) — Challenger SLÆk vol. 13, p1 57, 
127, Pl. 23, fig. 5—10, Pl. 24. 
eng — H. J. Hansen, Bull. Mus. Océanogr., Monaco, No. 
30, 1905, T; 
ren gar Zimmer, Yautiå arctica, vol. 3, 1904, p. 425. 
Så — H. J. Hansen, "Tngolf” 1 0. 
= gr Sibogn-Belizor. 1910, p 106 

(St. 15) 58? 08' N, 399 247 W, 500 m. wire, 26—5—1908, Å spec. 

(St. 9) 58? 33' N, 359 55" W, 600 m. wire, 17—5—1908, 1 spec 

(St. Ta) 59% 25"N, 229 56' W, 175 m.' wire, 12—5— med 9 SS (2 909 

As recorded above 2 of the specimens from St. 1a carry their 
ova. In "On propagation and early development of Euphausiidæ” 
in "Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab”, vol. 20, 1898, No. 
11, p. 9, G. 0. Sars mentions but 4 species carrying their ovisacs, 
viz. Nyctiphanes Couchii (see also Holt & Tattersall, Schizop. from 
the N.E. Atlantic Slope, Ann. Rep. Fish. Ireland, 1902—03, No. 4 
(1905) p. 104, Pl. 17, fig. 2), N. australis, Nematoscelis microps 
and Stylecheiron carinatum. Sars says "it is.... very probable, 
that these cases are quite exceptional, and that in the far greater 
number of Euphausiidæ the ova are at once ejected into the water”. 
I have from the literature not been able to find later additions 
to Sars' list, 

Fig. 2. Nematoscelis megalops with ovisac. 

Nematoscelis megalops carries, as is shown by the figure (fig- 2), its 
ova in an ovisac pointed in front; seen from below it seems to be 


composed of two parallel ovisacs and has about the same form as 
from the side, and it has about the same length as the carapace. 
The ova are (in alcohol) yellow, the diameter is 0,45 mm. 


28. Gnathophausia zoea Will.-Suhm. 

uontepergeler zoea re egene) ns vol. 8, 1873, p. 401 fig. 1. 
EX Tra . Linn. Soc., ser. 2, vol. 1, 

1875, 9. 83, PL 3. fø, Se 15. 
y sy — G.0O.Sars, Challenger ER Zool., vol. 18, pt. 37, 
1885, p. 44, Pl. 6, fig. —10. 
u Fz Willeitiocsii G. O. Sars, Bil: p. 38, Pl. 5, fig. 1—6. 
rev zoea Zimmer, Kanisaher Plankton, vol. 16, 1909, p. 54. 

ØEN — H.J. Hansen., ”Tngolf” 1908, p. 98. 
En — —- Siboga-Schizop., 1910, p. 17. 

(St. 322) 609 07'N, 489 26' W, 2000 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 2 spec 

(St. 484) 629 53" N. 549 15” W, 1660 m., 1500—1200m. wire, 9—6—1909, 
12 spec. 

(St. 32) 632 16' N, 55? 52" W, surface, mæ night) 8—6—1908, 1 spec. 

(St. 333) 639 18'N, 549 55' W, 1580 m. wire, 7—5—1909, 5 spec. 

(St. 76) 639 49'N. 539 27" W, 1300 m. 1600 m. wire, 23—6—1908, 9 spec. 

(St. 386) 649 06' N, 55? 18” W, 1040—1100 m., 1200 m. wire, 8—5—1909, 


(St. 344) 649 29" N, 559 487 W, 1040 m., 1200 m. wire, 10—5—1909, 4 spec. 
The largest specimen is from St. 322 and is 70 mm. exclusive 

of the rostrum (which is broken). In Ingolf” H. J. Hansen men- 
tions the species from 9 localities; but he has from no station more 

than 1 specimen. 
29. Eucopia unguiculata Will.-Subm. 
Charalaspis unguiculata Abt eget neg Transact. Linn. Soc., ser. 2, 
vol. 1. ; Pk 
(partim) Euecopia australis mi O. Sars, Challanosr Report, Zool., vol. 13, 
t. 37, 1885, p.. 55, PL. 9—10, 
y — SEE aeg H. J. Hansen, Bull. Mus. Monaco, No. 42, 
1 p 8 
Des ER BE ting" 1 1908, p. 
Zimmer, Nordisches Plankton, vol. 6, 1909, 
p. 87, fig. 5 
FH. J. Hansen, Siboga-Schizop, 1910, p. 20. 


non Eucopia australis Dana, U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., vol. 1, 1852, p. 
609, p. 40, fig. 10 (teste Zimmer, 1. c.) 

(St. 322) 609% 07' N, 489 26' W, 2000 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 5 spec. 
(St. 333) 639 18' N, 542 55' W, 1300 m., 15830 m. wire, 7—5—1909, ca. 
25 spec. 
(St. 336) 64 06” N, 55? 18” W, 1040—1000 m., 1200 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 
6 spec. 
In "Ingolf" H.J. Hansen mentions but a single specimen 

from the Davis-Straits (61? 50' N, 56? 21' W, 1435 fm.). 

30. Boreomysis tridens G. O. Sars. 
Boreomysis tridens G.O. Sars, za nen Forh., Christiania, 1869 (1870), 

sr em — == MRRDEN Norges Mysider, III, 1879, p. 
Pl 14, 
- — H.J. Hansen, "Ingolf" 1908, p. 100. 
— — Zimmer, ruger Plankton, vol, 6, 1909, p. 59, 
fig. 91— 

(St. 402) 649 40' N, 569 37” W, 720—775 m., trawl, 2—6—1909, 10 spec. 

32, Boreomysis nobilis G. O. Sars. 
Boreomysis nobilis G. O. Sars, Archiv f. Math. og Naturv., vol. 4, 1879, 

p i 
"Boreomysis nobilis G. O. Sars, Norske Nordhavs-Exp., Crust., 1885, p- 54, 

Pl. 5, fig. 22-28 

Ea — Ohlin, 1901, p. 70, fig. 3. 

— — … Zimmer, Fauna arctica, vol. 9, 1904, p. 452. 

NEN —  H. J. Hansen, Ingolf 1908, p. 101. 

— — Zimmer, Nordisches Plankton, vol. 6, 1909, p. 56, fig. 

Fa — … H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 214. 

(St. 431) 689 24' N, 589 10' W, 892 m, trawl, 9—6—1909, 2 spec. 

(St. 337) 649 05' N, 529 20' W, 1100 m., trawl, 3—5—1909, 1 spec. 

(St. 407—08) 649 14' N, 559 55" W, 839 m, clay, trawl, 2—6—1909, 10 spec. 

(St. 125) 699 17' N, 529 14" W, 550 m wire, 16—7— 1908, many spec. (100 cm?). 

(St. 171) 70% 41' N, 529 07' W, 386 fath., 800 m wire, 6—8—1908, many spec. 
(100 cm?). 

32. Boreomysis microps G. O. Sars. 
Boreomysis microps G. O. Sars, Forh. Vid. Selsk. Christiania for 1885, 


=Boreomysis nobilis G.O. Sars, ener es Zool., vol; 18, pt. 37, 
5, p. 185, Pl: 38, fig, 7—10. 
— subpellucida H. J. Hansen, Bull. Mus. Océanogr., Monaco, No. 
30, 1905, p. 8, fig. 5—8. 
ra microps, Zimmer, Fauna arctica, vol. 3, 1904, p. 431. 
— — Nordisches Plankton. vol. 6, 1909, p. 55, fig. 
VER — …… HH. J. Hansen, Ingolf 1908. p. 103. 
(St, 322) 609% 07'N, 489 26' W, 2000 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 7 spec. 
(St. 434) 62? 58' N, 549 15' W, 1660 m., 1500—1200 m. wire, 9—6—1909, 
(St. 333) 639% 18' N, 542 55' W, 1300 m., 1530 m. wire, 7—5—1909, 20 spec. 
(St. 338) 649 01' N, 55? 30' W. 1185 m., 1400—1500 m. wire, $—5—1909, 
20 spec. 
(St. 336) 64? 06' N, 55? 18” W, 1040—1100 m., 1200 m. wire, 8—5—1909, 
25 spec. 
(St. 346) 649 22" N, 56? 00' W, 800—400 m. wire, 10—5—1909, 25 spec. 
(St. 348) 649 35' N, 56? 18' W, 900 m. wire, 11—5—1909, ca. 20 spec. 
New to W. Greenland. 

33.  Longithorax fuscus H. J. Hansen. 
5 ete hak ed fuscus H. J. Hansen, Ingolf 1908, p. 103, Pl. 5, fig. 1. 
— Zimmer, Nordisches Plankton vol. 6, 1909, p. 125, 
fig. 240—453. 
(St. 322) 60? 07” N, 48% 267 W, 2000 m. wire, 3—5—1909. 1 spec. 
(9,17 mm., very imperfect). 
New to Greenland. — Only 4 specimens of this species are 
known, viz, besides the specimen from the '"Tjalfe”, 3 from the following 
localities: 61% 30' N, 17? 08” W, 1800 m. wire (S. of Iceland) (H. 
J. Hansen Ingolf"), 49? 27' N, 1839881 W, 2600 m., 2800 m. wire 
(H. J. Hansen, ibid.), and 50? 59” W, 117 52” W, 900—1064 fms., 
temp. 15,49 C. (W. of Ireland) (Tattersall, Fisheries, Ireland, Sci. 
Invest., 1911. p. 52). 

34. Meterythrops røbusta S. I. Smith. 

Meterythrops robusta S. 1. Smith, sgronng Conn. Acad, vol. 5, 1879, p. 
93, Pl. 12, fig. 1 
"Parerythrops —  G. 0. Sars, 5 Norges Mysider, III, 1879, 
p.. 98, PL: 39. 
mp: — Zimmer, Fauna arctica, vol. 8, 1904, p. 445. 


Meterythrops robusta Zimmer, Nordisches Plankton. vol. 6, 1909, p. 85, 

fig. 168—72. 
— —  H. J. Hansen, Ingolf 1908, p. 106. 
non — — … Holt & Tattersall, Rep. Sea and Inland Fisheries, 

1902—03 (1903), pt. 2, App. No.4 (is Parerythrops 
obesa, see H. J. Hansen 1.c., p. 107, Meterythrops 

(St. 196 d) 68? 40' N, 539 12' W, 410 m., 350 m. wire, 17—8—1908, 1 spec. 

35. Mysis oculata O. Fabr. 
Cancer oculatus O. Fabricius, Fauna Groenlandica, 1780, p. 245. 
— Kgl. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skrifter, Ny Sam- 
ling, vol. 1, 1781, p. 565, fig. 
Mysis oculata Krøyer in Gaimard, Voyage en Scåndinkvie, Cruiat: 1846 
(1849?) Pl. 8, fig. 2— 
— — —  Naturhist., Tidsskrift, 3. Række, vol. 1, 1861, p. 13. 
"— — … G. 0. Sars, Monografi Norges Mysider, III, 1879, p. 69, Pl. 31. 
— —"… Zimmer, bens arctica, vol. 3, 1904, p. 461. 
— — ordisches Plankton, vol. 6, 1909, p. 160, fig. 

lg 54, 
— + HJ Hansen, Sen, 1908, p. 114. 
SEE DEN V. Grønland 1887 i, p. 214. 

Vaskebugten close by Ritenbenk, from the stomach of Gadus callarias, 
29—7—1908, many spec. (ca. 15 cm2). 


36.  Diastylis Goodsirii Bell. 
Alauna Goodsirii Bell, in Belcher, Last of the arctic vorngen; vol. 2, 1855, 
p. 403, Pl. 34, fig. 2. 
"Diastylis — H. J. Hansen, Dijmphna —Togtets zool.-botan. Udbytte, 
1887, p. 241, PL 29 fig, 5, PL 28, 871. 
må — … Zimmer, Fauna arctica, vol. 1, 1900, p. 422. 
……— — G. 0. Sars, Account, vol. 3, Cumac., 1900, p. 54, Pl. 41. 
— — … H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 206. 

(St. 369) 669 45' N, 569 30' W, ca, 200 fath., trawl, 20—5— 1909, ca. 20 spec. 

37.  Diastylis spinulosa Heller. 
Diastylis spinulosa RE Denkschr. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Wien, Math. 
naturwiss. Cl., vol. 35, 1878, p. 28, Pl. 1, fig. 5. 
— — menn Nieded. Arch. f. Zool., Supplbd. 1, 1882, p. 25. 
—  nodosa  G.0. Sars, Norske Nordhavs-Exp., Crust. 1885, p. 61, 
PL 7, fig, 1.4: 


rare Skaane O. Sars, Account vol. 3, Cumaec., 1900, p. 55, Pl. 42. 
mer, Fauna arctica vol. 1, 1900, p. 225. 
e« — H. J. Hanseni V. Grønland 1887, p. 205. 

(St. 369) 66? 45' N, 569 30' W, ca. 200 fath., trawl, 20—5—1909, 4 spec. 


38. Scina sp. 
(St. 338) 649 01'N, 55? 30' W, 1185 m., 1400—1500 m. wire, 8—5— 1909, 
. 1 spec., very imperfect. 
The genus is new to Greenland. 
Genus Lanceola. 
Key to the species: Stebbing in Biscayan Plankton, part 2, 
Amphip. & Cladocera, Transact. Linn. Soc., London, 1904, ser. 2, 
Z001., -vol. 10, part. 2; p.: 29. 

39. Lanceola serrata Bovallius. 

Lanceola serrata Bovallius. On some forgotten genera among eget 
(& Svenska Akad. 

FT — — Arctic and Antarctic Hyperids, Pale Been 
tionens vet. Iaktt., vol. 4, 1887, p. 554 

Fu — EJ Amphip. Hyper, part I, 1. Kgl. Sspnska Vel 
Akad. Handl, vol. 21, 1887, No.5, p. 34, Pl 
5, fig. 2— 

(St. 338) 68% 18' N, 549 55' W, 1300 m., 1530 m. wire, 7—5—1909, I spec. 
(St. 344) 64? 22' N, 559 48" W, 1040 m., 1200 m. wire, 10—5—1909, 1 spec. 

?40. Lanceola Sayana Bovallius. 
Lanceola Sayana Bovallius, On some forgotten genera among the Amph. 
Crust., Bihang Kgl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., 
vol, :10,.1885, No. 14, p. 7; PL 1 fø 1 
une —  Bovallius, Kgl. Svenska Vet. Akad. R, vol. 21, No. 5, 
! 1887, p: 30, PL 4 PL 5, fig. I 
FE — . Chevreux, Amphip. de 1'» Hirondelle«, Rée: Camp. Sci. 
; fasc. 16, Monaco, 1900, p. 134, Pl. 14, fig. 10 
(Coloured fig.). 
my — . Vosseler, sæ d. Plankton-Exp. I, EO NEES S 
Mitt. Kønigl. Natur-Kabinet, Stuttgart, N 
17, 1901, p. 127 
Vidensk. Meddel, fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. SR 6 

82 z 
Lanceola sayana Stebbing, Biscayan Plankton, Amphip. and Cladoc. 
ransact. Linn. Soc. London, Zo0ol., vol. 10, 
pt. 2, 1904, p. 29— 

(St. 434) 622 58' N, 54? 15' W, 1660 m., 1500—1200 m. wire, 9—6—1909. 
1 spec. 

I am not quite sure that the determination is right, the 

specimen being somewhat imperfect; but, if it is, as I believe, L. 

Sayana, the species is new to Greenland. 

Lanceola sp. 
(St. 1b) 59? 25' N, 22? 56' W, surflace, 12—5—1908, 2 spec 
(St. 434) 62? 53' N, 54? 15' W, 1660 m., 1500—1200 m. wire,  9—6—1909. 
1 spec. 
I have not been able to determine these 3 specimens, partly 
because they seem to me to be not full-grown, partly because they 
are somewhat imperfect. 

41. Hyperia medusarum O. Fr. Miller. 
Cancer medusarum O. Fr. Miiller, Zool. Dan. Prodromus, 1776, No. 2355, 

P- is 
Hyperia spinipes Boeck, Skandinav. og Arkt. Amphip, 1873—76, p. 81, 
Pl. 2, fig. 

— …… medusarum Bovallius, Arctic and Antarctic Hyperids, VegrrEr- 
itionens vetenskap. Iaktt. vol. 4, 1887, 

560, Pl. 42, fig. 26—33. 
df mme — G. 0: Rg grene vol. 1, Amphip., 1895, p. 7, 

Ph 8 2 2 
rs — H. J. Hansen, ig: nlkad 1887, p. 86. 

(St. 11) 57241'N, 35? 28' W, surflace, 20—5—1908, 2 spec. 

(St. 285) 57? 51' N, 43? 48" W, 1000 m. wire, 29 —9—1908, 1 spec. 
(St. 15) 58? 08' N, 39? 24" W, 500 m. wire, 26—-5—1908, 3 spec. 
(St. 6) 58? 24'N, 34? 53' W, surflace, 16—5—1908, 3 spec 

(St. 312) 589 38'N; 469 13' W, mars townet, 29—4—1909, aA spec. 
(St 818): — surflac 1 spec. 
(SÉ 89) 58988 N, 859 55 W, prsgeg wire, 17—5— 1908, 5 spec. 
(St. 19b) 58? 41'N, 49? 44" W, 200 m. wire, 3.—5—1908, 1 spec. 
(St. 1a) 59? 25'N, 22? 56' W, 175 m. wire, 12—5—1908, 3 spec. 
(St. 1b) surflace — 2 spec. 
(St. 322) 60? OVN, 48? 26 W, 2000 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 1 spec. 

(St. 270) 62? 21' N, 51? 31' W, 84 fath., 80 m. wire, 240.1908, I spec. 
(St. 329) 629 36' N, 54? 12" W, pelagic townet, 6—5—1909, 4 spec. 

(St. 434) 629 58' N, 549 15” W, 1660 m., 1500—1200 m. wire, 9—6—1909, 

(St. 423). 65? 08' N, 549 16' W, 80, 100, 120 m. wire, 7—6— 1909, Dybe, 
(St. 30a) 63% 04” N, 569 32' W, 500 m. wire, 7—6— 1908, i spec. 
(St. 30b) — — 70 m. wire spec. 
(St. 76) 63249" N, 589 sam W, 1000 m. wire, SS DE 1 spec. 

From the literature we cannot see, if the species hitherto has 
been taken at W. Greenland; in V. Grønland 1887 H. J. Hansen 
mentions it from Greenland without special locality, and Bovallius 
(1. c.) mentions it but from ”coasts of Greenland”. 

42. Hyperoche Krøyeri Bovallius. 

Metoecus Medusarum Krøyer, Grønlands Amfipoder, Kgl. Danske Vid. 
Selsk. math. ageren Afhandl., vol. 7, 18838, 
288, Pl. 3, fig. 

Tauria — Boeck, Skand. og uges Amphipoder, 1873—76, 

Hyperoche Krøyeri + H. Liitkeilis Bovallius, Året. and Antarct. Hyperids, 
en NE vet. Iaktt., vol. 4, 
1887, p. 564, p. 565, Pl. 44, fig. 63-71. 
Fo Krøyeri G. O. Sars, Account, vol. 1, Sker pege p. 9, Pl. 4, 
— medusarum H. J. Hansen, V. brøkland 1887, p 

(St. 11) 57241'N, 359 28" W, surflace, 20—5—1908, 2 spec. 
(St. 23) 58? 01'N, 51? 36” W, surflace, 1—6—1908, 1 spec. 

(St. 229) 64? 20' N, 53% 03" W, 80—120 m. wire, 29—8— 1908, 7 spec. 
(St. 405) 64? 25' N, 56? 127 W, 100 m. wire, 2—6—1909, 1 spec. 

43.  Parathemisto oblivia Kr. 

Hyperia oblivia Krøyer, Grønlands Amfipoder, Kgl. Danske Vid. Selsk. 
naturvid.-math. Afh., vol. 7, 1838, p. 296, Pl. 4, fig. 10. 
Parathemisto abyssorum ren eger, Crust. Amphip. boreal. et arcet., Vid. Selsk. 
Forh. Christiania, 1870, p. 86. 
za oblivia G. O. Sars, gone af Norges Crust., ibid., 1882, 
218 p. 10, PL 5, fr 1 
"Parathemisto obliven G. O: Sars, pømd, vol. 1, Frej ren p. 10, 
PIL. 5, fig. 1. 
vi abyssorum + Hyperia Latreillei (partim) H. J. Hansen, 
V. Grønland 1887, p. 59, 56. 


(St. 10) 57937'N, 35? 17” W, surflace, 20—5-—1908, 3 spec. 

(St. 321) 60% 07' N, 48? 26' W, 600 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 1 spec. 

(St. 30a) 63? 04 N, 56? 32' W, 500 m. wire, 7—6—1908, 1 spec. 

(St. 76) 63949'N, 53? 277 W, 1300 m., 1000 m. wire, 23—6— 1908, 1 spec. 
(St. 196d) 68? 40' N, 532.12' w, 410 m., 350 m. wire, 17—8—1908, 1 spec. 
(St, 125) 699 17' N, 529 14' W, 550 m. wire, 16—7—190 many spec. 

(5 cm3) 
(St. 171) 70941'N, 52? 07' W, 386 fath., 800 m. wire, 6—8—1908, 15 spec. 
(St. 172) 70? 42' N, 529 147 W, 450 m.wire, 6—8—1908, many spec. (5 cm.). 

44.  Euthemisto compressa Goés. 

Themisto compressa vhs Crust. Amphip. Spetsberg., Kgl. Svenska Vet. 
kad. Forh., 1866, No. 8, p. 538, Pl.41, fig. 34. 

. Parathemisto — mel Crust. A Amphip. boreal. et arctca, Vid. Selsk., 
Forh., Christiania 1870, 

”Euthemisto —  G. 0. Sars, Account, vol. å Amphip., 1895, p. 12, 
Pl 5, fø, 

(partim) — —  — H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 59 (confounded 

with E. bispinosa Boeck). 
(St. 10): 572 37' N, 35% 17" W, surflace, 20—5—1908, 10 spec 
(St. 11) 57941'N, 35? 28' W, surflace, 20—5—1908, manyspec. (25 cm.”). 
(St. 281) 572 51' N, 489 57" W, 500 m. wire, 29—9—1908, many spec. 


(St. 285) 57? 51' N, 48? 48' W, 1000 m. wire, 29—9—1908, many spec. 
(25 cm.?) 
(St. 286) 57? 59" N, 412 21' W, 80—200 m. wire, 30—9—1908, many spec. 
(25 cm.?). 


St. 23) 58? 01' N, 51 36' W, surflace, 1——6—1908, 9 spec. 

(St. 15) 58? 08" N, 399 24' W, 500 m. wire, 26—5—1908, many pa 
(25 cm.?) 

(St. 278): 589 16' N, 479 12 W, 80—200 m. wire, 283—9—1908, many pre 
(10 cm.?). 

(St. 308) 58% 20" N, 419 12” W, 1000 m. wire, 283—4—1909, 8 spec. 

(St. 5) 58? 23'N, 349 41' W, surflace, 16—5—1908, 10 spec. 

(St. 6) 58? 24'N, 349 53' W, surflace, 16—5—1908, many spec. (20 cm.?). 

(St. 292) 58? 24' N, 30% 35' W, 500 m. wire, 3—10—1908, many spec. 3 
(5 cm.”). 

(St. 4) 58927" N, 33? 03" W, surflace, 15—5—1908, 10 spec: 

(St. 25) 589 32'N, 519 11' W, surflace, 2—6—1908, 1 spec. 

(St. 9) 58? 38'N, 85? 55' W, 600 m. wire, 17—5—1908, , spec. 

(St. 312) 589 38' N, 462 137 W, Pelskis townet, 29—4—1909 1 = 

(Bk 513) 3 s 

(St. 2)  58%40' N, 30940 W, en id 51008, tøusy FE 10 cm.”). 

(St. 19b) 58? 41' N, 49? 44" W, 200 m. wire, 31—5—1908, 2 s 

(St. 316) 58% 59" N, 509 28" W, 500 m. wire, 1—5—1909, han 0 (5 cm.?). 


(St. 1a) 59925" N, 229 56' W, 175 m. wire, 12—5—1908, many spec. 

0 cm.2). 
(St, 1b) — surflace, — så ing 
(St. 303) .599 28' N, 83? 05" W, rr SE 26—4—1909, 8 spec. 
(St. 298) 59? 41'N, 25? 02" W, 500 m 'e, 6—10—1908, 3 spec. 

(St, 321) 60? 07” N, 48? 26" W, 600 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 15 spec. 
) Sae RE 20 m. > spec 

(St. 301) 609 10' N, 289 13” W, pelagic townet, 25—4—1909, 3 er. 

(St. 326) 629 05" N, 53? 41' W, 100 m. wire, 6—5—1909, 2 spec. 

(St. 329) 629 36' N, 549 12" W, see townet, 6—5—1909, 12 spec. 

(St. 330) En se urflac 2 spec. 

(Sk; 29). 629 45' N. 57 TW. SR 7—6—1908, Bug spec 

(St. 30a) 639 04' N, 56% 32" W, 500m. wire, 7—6—1908, mens pen. gen cm 3). 

(St. 30b) — 70 m. 

(St. 31a) 63? 11” N, 56? 28 W, Br Bar, F— 6—1908,. 1 spec. 

(St. 33b) 63? 25'N, 549 34" W, 200 m. wire, $—6—1908, 6 spec. 

(St. 37b) 639 47'N, 529 12" W, 100 m. wire, 9—6—1908, 1 spec. 

(St. 76) 639 49'N, 539 27" W, 1000 m. wire, 23—6—1908, 7 spec. 

(St. 229) 649 20' N, 539 03' W, 80—120 m. wire, 29—8—1908, many spec. 

(St. 423) 659 083” N, 549 16 W, 80, 100, 120 m. wire, 7—6—1909, 1 spec. 

45.  Euthemisto bispinosa Boeck. 

Themisto bispinosa itrr, Crust. Amphip. boreal. et arctica, Vid. Selsk. 
Forh., Christiania, 1870, p. 8. 
"Euthemisto —  G. sa tig Account, vol. 2, Amphip., 1895, p. 14, Pl. 
6, fig. 
(partim) — — compressa is A. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 59 (E. E 
spinosa Boeck and E. compressa Goés are co 

(St. 23) 58% 01' N, 519 36' W, surflace, 1—6—1908, many spec. (12 cm.?). 
(St. 15) 589 08'N, mal 24' W, 500 m. wire, 26—5—1908 sneg (7cm.?). 
(St. 278) 589 16' N, 479 127 W, 80—200 m. wire, 28—9—1908, 2 spec. 
(St. 308) 589 20' N, me: 127 W, 1000 m. wire, 28—4—1909, 2 spec. 
(St. 25) 58932'N, 51911' W, surflace, GE rs 5 spec. 
(St: 813) 589 38' N, 469 13" W, 29—4—1909, 6 
(St. 19a) 589 41''N, 499 44" W, 100.m. wire, 31— 7155-1908, 4 spe. 
(St. 19b) — 200 m. wire, 
(St. 316) 589 59' N, 509 og Ww, 500 m. wire, 1—5—1909, 9 spec. 
(St. 276) 59? 18” N, 519 00' W, 80 m. wire, 27 —9—1908, many spec. 

(15 cm.2). 
(St. 298) 59 417 N, 259 02' W, 500 m. wire, 6—10—1908, 3 spec. 
(St. 270) 629 21' N, 519 31' W, 84 fath., 80 m. wire, ens me 



(St. 329) 62? 36' N, 54” 12' W, pelagic townet, 6—5—1909, 3 spec. 
(St. 330) 62? 36' N, 549 12' W, surflace, 6—5—1909, 3 spec. 

(St. 29) 62? 45' N, 57? 11' W, surflace, 7—6—1908, 10 spec. 

(St. Son 63? 04" N, 56? 32" W, 500 m. wire, 7—6—1908, many spec. (30 cm.?). 
(St. — — 70 m. wire, — 2 spec. 

(St. tig; 639 49' N, 53? 27' W, 1300 m., 1000 m. wire, 23 —6—1908, 1 spec. 
(St. 229) 64? 20' N, 53? 03' W, 80—120 m. wire, 29—8—1908, 8 spec. 

46.  Euthemisto libellula Mandt. 
Gammarus Lzibellula ce Observat. in hist. nat. et anat. compar: in 
ere Groenl. factæ, 1822, p. 32. 
Themisto arctica —+ fo crassicornis Krøyer, Grønlands Amtipoder, Kgl. 
Danske Vid. Selsk. naturv. math. Afh., vol. 7, 1838» 
p. 291, Pl. 4, fig. 16, p. 295, Pl. 4, fig. 17. 
— libellula Boeck, Skand. og Arkt. Amphip., 1873—76, p. 88. 
Euthemisto + E. Nordensktåldii Bovallius, Arct. and. Antarct. 
Hyp., Vega Exp. vet. Iaktt., vol. 4, 1887, p. 569, 
Pl. 46, fig. 90—96, p. 570, Pl. 47, fig. 104—10. 
HE mo — G. O. Sars, Account, vol. 1, Amphip., 1895, p. 13, 
HET eg H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 60. 

(St. 25) 59982" N, 519 11' W, surflace, 2—6—1908, 5 spec. 
(St. 7) 58988'N, 35940" W, 150 m. wire, 17—5—1908, 1 spec. 
(St. 312) 589 38'N, 469 13" W, pelagic townet, 29—4—1909, 1 spec. 
(St. 321) 60? 07' N, 48? 26' W, 600 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 2 spec. 
The channel at Nanortalik, from stomachs of Gadus, 6—9—1909, 7 spec. 
(St. 521) 61% 42' N, 499 46' W, 260 m., 100 m. wire, 9—7-—1909, 15 spec. 
(St. 329) 62936'N, 549 127 W, pelagie townet, 6—5—1909, many, very 
little spec. (1 cm.?). 
(St. 29) .62945'N, 57? 11' W, 7—6—1908, 10 spec 
(St, 30a) 63? 04'N, 569 32" W, gl m. wire, w 6—1908, 3 spec. 
(St. 30b) — spec. 
br an, 65? EN, 50" 2 W, dø hpikg st 7—6— file 5 spec. 
SE: 81 
(St. 37b) 68947' N, 52% 12" W, 100 m. wire, 9—6—1908, 4 spec. 
(St. 76) 63? 49' N,- 53? 27" W, 1300 m., 1000 m. wire, 23—6—1908, 1 spec. 
(St. 69) 63? 58' N, 58? 28" W, 600 m., surface, 22—6—1908, spe: ER 
( cm.”). 
(St. 405) 649 25' N, 562 127 W, 100 m. wire, 2—6—1909, many, very little 
spec. (1 cm.”). 
(St. 423) 65? 08' N, 549 16” W, 80—100—120 m. wire, 7-—6—1909, many 
spec. (15 cm.”). 
(St. 196d) 68? 40' N, 53? 12" W, 410 m., 350 m. wire, 17—8—1908. many 
spec. (150 cm.J)- 
(St. 125) 699 17'N, 52? 14' W, 550 m. wire, ma Års many spec. 
(75 cm2)- 

(St. 124) 699 17” N, 529 14" W, 150 m. wire, 16.—7 .—1908, many spec. (5 cm.3). 
(St. 171) 70% 41' N, 52? 077 W, 386 fath., 800 m, wire, 6—8—1908, many 
(St. 172) 709 42' N, 529 147 W, 450 m. wire, 6—8—1908, many figen (15 cm,2). 
In "V, Grønland” 1887 H. J. Hansen mentions the species 
only from 5 localities (ca. 642—77? 40' N). 

47. Socarnes Yahlii Kr. 
Lysianassa Vahlii Krøyer, Grønlands Amfipoder, Fe: teret Vid. Selsk. 

mye Mar math. Afh., , 1838, p 
Anonyx — — n Gaimard: ale en Åre in 1846 
(18492) Pl 1 6 1 

=Socarnes —  G.0.Sars, Account, vol. 1, Amphip. p. 45, Pl. 16, fig. 2. 
— —  Stebbing, Tierreich, p. 57 (ub 
ge — … H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland ryg i . 62, 

St. 465) 629 58' N, 509 52" W, 25 fath., 80 m. wire, 21—6—1909, 2 spec. 

48. Hippomedon abyssi Goés. 
"Lysianassa abyssi Goés, Crust. Amphip. Spetsberg., Ofvers. hænge For- 
handl., vol. 22, 1866, p. 519, Pl. 37, fig. 
Paratryphosites — Stebbing; Tierreich, p. 43 (ubi litt.). 
éppomedon … — H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 66. 

St. 118) 699 17" N, 529 50" W, clay-bottom, ca. 225 fath., trawl., 
15—7—1908, 7 7 spec. 

49. Cyphocaris anonyx Boeck. 
Cyphocaris anonyr Boeck, Crust. Amphip. boreal. et aretica, Forh. Vid. 
Selsk., Christiania, 1870, p. 104. 
== SER — ma og arkt. Amphip., 1873—76, p. 141, Pl 

£. —… micronyx Stebbing, see Report, vol. 29, 1888, p. 656, 

Er —  Chevreux, Amphip. . . . del'Hirondelle, Result. Camp. 
sc., fasc. 14, Monaco 1900, p. 164, Pl. 14, fig. 11 
(coloured fig.). 

im sitrer Stebbing, Tierreich, p. 29. 

mA H.J. Hansen, V. Sibeleid 1887, p. 66. 

(St. 322) 609 07' N, 489 26" W, 2000 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 5 spec. 

(St. 434) 629 53” N, 549 157 W, 1200—1500 m. wire, 9—6—1909, 2 spec. 

(St. 30a) 63? 04" N, 56? 32 W, 500 m. wire, 7—6—1908, 1 spec. 

(St. 333) 63? 18' N, 549 55" W, 1300 m, 1530 m. wire, 7—5—1909, 2 spec. 

(St. 338) 649 01' N, 559 30' W, 1185 m., 1400—1500 m. wire, fee, 


(St. 336) 64? 06' N, 55? 18” W, 1040—1100 m., 1200 m. wire, $—5—1909, 

(St. 346) 64? 22' N, 56? 00" W, 400—800 m. wire, 10—5—1909, 2 Blog 
(St. 348) 649 35' N, 56? 18' W, 900 m. wire, 11—5—1909, 1 spec. 
New to W. Greenland. In V, Grønland 1887 H. J. Hansen 
mentions the species from 30 miles S$. 0. to Cap Farewell, 300 fath., 
but not from W. Greenland. 

50,  Metacyphocaris Helgæ Tattersall. 

Metacyphocaris Helgæ SOREN Pelagic Amphipoda of the Irish SeESak 
ope. Fisheries, Ireland, Sci. Invest., 1905, 
[v (1906), p. 29; PL 3, fig. I, PL 4, fig: ver. 
(St. 322) 60? 07' N, 48? 26' W, 2000 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 6 spec. 
(St. 333) 63? 18' N, 54? 55" W, 1530 m. wire, 1300 m., 7—5—-1909, 5 spec. 
(St. 338) 649 01'N, 55? 30" W, 1185 m., 1400—1500m. wire, 83—5—1909, 
2 spec. 
New to Greenland. Tattersall (l.c.) mentions 17 spec. from 
4 localities at W. Ireland. 

51. Åristias tumidus Kr. 
Anonyx tumidus Kråycr, iu Gaimard, Voyage en Scand., Crust., 1846 
(18497?) PL 16, fg..2. 
sæ —  Karcin. Bidrag, Naturhist. Tidsskrift, Ny Række, 

2, 1846, p. 16 

vol. . 16, 40. 
"Aristias  —  G.0.Sars, Account, vol, 1, Amphip, 1895, p. 49, Pl. 

SE sk me. Sender p- 49 (ubi litt.) 
, V. Grønland 1887, p. 67. 
non TER ENAS tumidus Bear Kgl. lt Vet.-Akad. Handl., n. ser., 
vol. 3, 1859, no. 1. p. 41: 

(St. 465) 629 58'' N, 50? 52” W, ca. 25 fath., 21—6—1909, 1 spec. 

52, Alibrotus littoralis Kr. 
Anonyw littoralis Kråyer, in Gaimard: Voyage en Scand., Crust., 1846 
(1849?) Pl. 13, fig. 1. 
—  litoralis sigte; Karcin. Bidrag, Naturh. Tidsskrift, Ny Række, 
vol. 1, 1845, p. 621; vol. 2, 1846, p. 
=£ Alibrotus littoralis ix, i Sars, Account, vol. 1, pres 1895, p. 102 

g: 2. 
"MEE rart ksenle Er RReeE: Tierreich, p. 33. 
Onisimus H. J. Hansen, V. Grånland, 1887, p. 73. 

Kangerdluarsuk (61? 50' N), from stomachs of herrings, 23—6—1909, man) 
spec. (15 cm.). 


53, Katius obesus Chevreux. 
” Katius obesus Chevreux, Description d'un Amphipode (Katius obesus nov. 
gen. et sp.) Bull. Mus. Océanogr., Monaco, No. 35, 1905 

Be — … Tattersall, Pelagic Amphipoda of the Irish Atlantic slope, 
Fisheries, Ireland, Sci. invest., 1905, pt. 4 (1906), p. 29. 

(St. 15) 58? 08' N, 399 24" W, 500 m. wire, 26-—5—1908, 22 spec. 

(St. 322) 609 07' N, 489 26' W, 2000 m. wire, 3--5—1905, 2 spec. 

(St. 434) 629 53' N,-549 15' W, "1600'm., 1200—1500 m. wire, 9—6—1909, 

(St. 333) 63? 18” N, 549 55' W, 1300 m., 1530 m. wire, 7—5—1909, 2 spec. 
(St. 338) 649 01'N, 55? 30' W, 1185 m., 1400—1500 m. wire, 8—5—1 
(St. 410) 64? 14'N, 55? 55” W, 839. m., trawl, 3—6—1909, 1 spec. 

New to Greenland. 

Most of the specimens from the Tjalfe” measure 25 mm. 
(the specimen of Chevrenx is 12 mm.), and where the colour is 
preserved it is bright scarlet. Hitherto but two specimens of 
the species were known, viz., from 36? 17'N, 28? 53' W, 3410 m., 
0—3000 m. wire 1 spec. (Chevreux l. c.,), and 50 miles N. to W. 
of Eagle Island, Co. Mayo, 1200 fath., 1 spec. (Tattersall 1. c.). 

54. Pontoporeia femorata Kr. 

Pontoporeia femorata Kråyer, Nye nordiske Sl. og Arter af Amfip., 
kykteds Tidsskrift, vol. 4, 1842, p. 158. 
SE, — n Gaimard, Voyage en Scand., Crust., 
1846 8499) PI 28, fif, 2 
i Bog — " G. 0. Sars, Account, vol. 1, Amphip. 1895, p. 123, 
Pl. 41, fig. 1 
E — Stebbing, Tistreick. p. 128 (ubi. litt.) 
ses —  H.J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 80. 

(St. 118) 699 17” N, 529 50' W, clay-bottom, ca. 225 fath., trawl, 15—7—1908, 
! 1 spec. 

55. Stegocephalus infatus Kr. 
Stegocephalus inflatus Kroyer, Nye nordiske Sl. og Arter af Amfip., 
Naturh. Tidsskrift, vol 4, 1842, p. 150. 
vane — … Krøyer, in Gaimard, Voyage en Scand,, Crust., 
1846 (1849?) Pl. 20, fig. 2. 
Å lekg —"G.0. Sars, Account, vol. 1, Amphip, 1895, p. 198, 
Pl. 69. 


Sne Rene Stebbing, .Tierreich, p. 91 (ubi litt.) 
H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 87. 

(St. 397) 669% 42'N, 569 127 W, 130 fath., trawl, 31—5—109, 1 spec. 
(St. 370) 66? 45' N, 56? 23" W, ca. 175 fath., trawl, 20—5—1909, 1 spec. 
(St. 177) 70% 427 N, 542 48' W, 253 fath., trawl, 7—8—1908, 1 spec. 
The spec. from St. 397 is 37 mm., the two other are but a 
little smaller. 
56. Metopa pollexiana Sp. Bate. 

Montagua pollexiana Sp. Bate, Rep. Brit. Ass. f. the Adv. of Sc., 1855, 
, omen nudum). 
= Metopa — G.0.Sars, Account, vol. 1, Amphip., 1895, p. 269, 
PI. 95, 

ren norvegica Stebbing, Tierreich, p. 177 (ubi litt). 
— pollexiana H. J. Hansen, V. Gronland 1887, p. 92, Pl. 3, fig. 5. 

(St. 52) Kugssukfjord (Godthaabsfjord), 156 fath., trawl, 15—6—1608, 
ca. 25 spec. 

57. C€leonardo microdactylus n. sp. (fig. 3—4). 
(St. 336) 649 06' N, 55% 18” W, 1040—1100 m., 1200 m. wire, 8—5—1909, 
2 spec., 2. 

Upon the whole we know 6 species of the genus C/eonardo, 
viz. C. (Tritropis) appendiculatus G. 0. Sars (Norske Nordhavs-Exzp. 
Crust. I, 1885, p. 194, Pl. 16, fig. 3), C. dongipes Stebbing (Chal- 
lenger Report, Zool., vol. 29, p. 959, Pl. 86), C. Neuvillei, C. lon- 
girostris, C. spinicornis and C. biscayensis Chevreux (Bull. Inst. 
Océanogr. Monaco, No. 121, 1908, p. 1-—12 (all the four species), 
fig. 1—6). Knowledge of the species is very defective, for they 
are bathypelagic and known in but single specimens; of most of 
the species we know but one sex. 

As I have given figs. of all the appendages (except the pleo- 
poda) I shall give but a very short description. 

Length 7 mm. 

d' unknown. — 2Q: The head with rostrum a little shorter 
than the first segment; this is somewhat longer than the following 
ones, The eyes are distinct, rather large and uncoloured. The side- 
plates 1—4 rounded below. Pereion is inflated, the back rounded 


and the segments 1—2 have a distinct, but low dorsal carina as 
in C. appendiculatus; the postero-lateral corners on these 3 seg- 
ments acutely produced... Telson has about the same form as in 

the other species (unknown in C. appendiculatus). The antennæ 

Fig. 3. Cleonardo microdactylus. 

åre about half as long as the body; ant. 1 a little shorter than 
ant. 2. In antenna 1 the first joint is stout about as in C. lon- 
gipes; the second joint is of equal length, but much narrower; the 
third very short. In antenna 2 the ultimate joint in the peduncle 
is a little shorter and narrower than the penultimate; flagellum 


a little shorter than the peduncle. The form of the oral parts 
may be seen from the figs. In the two gnathopoda the 5th joint 
has about the same form as in C. Z/ongipes.… Pereiopoda 1—5 have 
the usual form, but in p. 3—5 the dactylus is not half as long 

Cs 2 

Fig. 4. Cleonardo microdactylus. 

as the 6th joint; in the other species the dactylus always is at 
least half as long as the 6th joint, in some of the specimens some- 
what longer. The pleopoda have the usual form. The form and 
length of the uropoda may be seen from the fig. 

58.  Paramphithoé pulchella Kr. 

Amphitoe pulchella myrde in Gaimard, Voyage en Scand., Crust. 1846 
849?) Pl. 10, fig. 2. 

=Paramphithoe elske G. O. Sars, Account, vol. 1, Amphip., 1895, p- 
346, Pl. 122, fig. 1. 

Neopleustes pulchellus Stebbing, Tierreich, p. 312 (ubi litt.). 

Paramphithoe pulchella H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 119, Pl. 5, fig. 2. 

(St. 40c) 63? 48' N, 529 23' W, 194 m., trawl,. 10—6—1908, 1 spec. 

59. Paramphithoé bicuspis Kr. 

ADRRRDE bicuspis Krøyer, Grønlands Amfipoder, Kgl. Danske Vid. Selsk 
math. naturvid. Afh., vol. 7, 1888, p. 273, Pl. 2, fig. 10. 

”Paramphitoe bicuspis ke O. Sars, mg ng vol. 1, Amphip., 1895, p. 349, 
123, fig. 

Neopleustes . — Se nyrk TSAR ls p. 313 (ubi litt.). 
Paramphithoe — H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 122. 

(St. 465) 629 58'' N, 50% 52” W, 25 fath., 21—6—1909, 10 spec. 

60. Epimeria loricata G. O. Sars. 

Kokssrkg loricata G. O. Sars, hev et nes nova, ET et Mat. og 
rvid., vol. 4, 
les — — Hebe vob i in rel p. 368, 
PI. 129 "2. 3 
ER — Stebbing, Tierreich, p- 322 (ubi litt.). 
Sa —"" H J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 126. 

(St. 431) 63? 24" N, 539 10' W, 892 m., trawl, 9—6—1909, 1 spec. 
(St. 396) 669 41'N, 569 17” W, 150 fath., trawl, 31—5—1909, 1 spec. 
(St. 397) 66? 42' N, 569 12" W, 130 fath., trawl, 31.—5—1909, 1 spec. 

The largest specimen (St. 397) is 38 mm. long. 

61.  Åcanthonotosoma inflatum Kr. 
Acanthonotus inflatus Krøyer, Nye nord. Slægt. ap mm af Amfip, Naturh. 
Tidsskrift vol. 4, 1842, 
= Vertwmnus — rider, Crust. Amphip. RE. Ofvers. Kgl. re 
Vet. Akad. Fårh., se hal pgn re ble MER re: 
ne mee Stebbing, Herreidh 
Acanthonotosom H. J. Hansen, V. aeklled 188%;p. 127. 

(St. 143) Outside the Mudderbugt (Disco) 128 fath., trawl, 22—7—1908, 1 spec. 

62. Åcanthonotosoma serratum O. Fabr. 
iscus serratus O. Fabricius, Fauna Groenlandica, 1780, p. 262, No. 237. 
" Acanthonotosoma serratum G. O. Sars, Bones vol, 1, Amphip., 1895, 
p. 374, Pl. 131, fig. 1. 
Acanthonotozoma — Stebbing, og p. 218 
Acanthonotosoma Ek H. J. Hansen, V. Grblsid 1887, p. 127. 

(St. 465) 629 58' N, 509 52" W, 25 fath., 21—6—1909, 1 spec. 

63.  Acanthozone cuspidata Lepechin. 
Oniscus cuspidatus Lepechin, Tres Onisc. spec. deseript., Acta Acad. Scient. 
Imp. Petrop., 1778, pars 1, p. 247, Pl. 8, fig. 3. 


= Acanthozone cuspidata G. O. Sars, Account, vol. 1, Amphip., 1895, p. 

? Paramphithoe hystrix Stebbing: Tierreich, p. 325 (ubi BER 
Acanthozone cuspidata H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 128. 

(St. 143) Outside the Mudderbugt (Disco), 128 fath., trawl, SE se 
a. 20 spec. 

64.  Parapleustes latipes M. Sars. 
Amphithoe latipes M. Sars, Oversigt ov. Norges Arkt. Krebsdyr, For- 
andl. Vid. Selsk. Christiania 1858 (1859), p. 139. 
£ Parapleustes latipes G. O. Sars, Account, vol. 1, Amphip., 1895, p. 360, 

Pl a4 
Sympleustes —  Stebbing, Tierreich, p. 317 (ubi litt.). 
Amphitopsis:… —  H.J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 135, Pl. 5, fig. 4, 
(St. 367) 66? 22' N, 57? 16' W, 686 m., dredge, 19—5—1909, 1 spec. 

65. Syrrhoe erenulata Goés. 

Syrrhoe crenulata mg Crust. Amphip. Spetsberg., Ofvers. Kgl. Svenska 
Akad. Forhandl., 1866, p. 527, Pl. 40, fig. 25. 
re Em, i. ad Sars, Account, vol. 1, Amphip. 1895, p. 390. 
PI 186, 

En — Stebbing, Tierreich, p. 282 (ubi litt.). 
ER — H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 103 

(St. 465) 629 58' N, 50? 52” W, 25 fath., 21—6—1909, 3 spec. 

66.  Pardalisca cuspidata Kr. (non Buchholz). 

Pardalisca cuspidata Krøyer, Nye nord. Sl. PÅ fck af Amfip., Nat. 
Tidsskrift, vol. 4, 1842, p. 
ze: — G. O. Sars, Account, vol i nere 1895, p. 403, 
Pl. 141, PL 142, fig. 1 
mm mm slebne. ER p- 228 (ubi litt.). 

ig me = H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 148. 
non — STE Buchholz, Swehs nn epienn mee eg vol. 2, 
Crust: 1874, p. 306, Pl. 1, fig. 3, Pl. 2, fig. I 

. (=P, abyssi Boeck, teste Stebbing, fellenn p. 222). 
(St. 465) 629 58' N, 50? 527 W, 25 fath., 21—5—1909, 2 spec. 
67. Eusirus Tjalfiensis n. sp. 
(St. 171) 709 41' N, 529 07” W, 386 fath., 800 m. wire, 6—8—1908, 1 spec. 

At the mentioned locality the Tjalfe” has taken one specimen, 
unfortunately rather defective, of a new species of the genus Eusirus. 

Fig. 5. Eusirus Tjalfiensis. 

Total length 38 mm. 

Of the known species of the genus it is most like E. Ccuspi- 
datus Kr., but it differs chiefly in the following regards. The eyes 
åre almost quite invisible. The pereion segment 7 has no tooth 
im the dorsal line, ånd the pleon segments 1 and 2 are evenly 
Tounded on the hinder lateral corners. The convex lateral margin 
of the posterior edge of the pleon segment 3 seems to have 
Some single small teeth. The telson is most like that in E. Holmi 
H. J. Hansen. The gnathopoda 1—2 are long and slender, about 
as in E. Holmi. The pereiopoda 1—3 are quite lost; the perei- 
Opodad 4—5 are sonly partly preserved. The specimen seems to 
be a d'; at all events it has no marsupial plates. 

Ås may be seen the description is very imperfect, for only 
one specimen was brought home, and this single specimen was very 
defective, as is said above; but in the figures I have given all 
details to be seen without dissection. 


68.  Eusirus Holmii H. J. Hansen. 

fEusirus Holmii H. J. Hansen, Dijmphna- HR zool.-botan. Udbytte, 
1887, p. 224, Pl. 22, fig. 
— —  Stebbing, Tierreich, p. Eb: (ubi litt.). 

(St. 363) 66? 21' N, 57% 04" W, 680 m., 800 m. wire, 18—5—1909, 1 spec. 
(St. 171) 709 41" N, 529 077” W, 386 fath., 800 m. wire, 6—8—1908, 1 spec. 

New to W. Greenland; but the species has been taken at E. 
Greenland (70? 32' N, 8? 11' V, 470 fath. (H. J. Hansen, Meddel. 
om Grønland, vol. 19, 1895, p. 128); this locality is not mentioned 
in Stebbing, Tierreich). 

69. Apherusa glacialis H. J. Hansen. 
"Amphitopsis glacialis H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 137, Pl. 5, fig. 6. 
Apherusa Stebbing, Tiefreich, p. 307 (ubi litt.). 

(St. 324) 60? 07 N, 48? 26' W, pelagic i 3—5—1909, 1 spec. 
(Ht 3). 600 m 4. spec. 
" (St. 465) 629 58' N, 509 sø! W, ca. 95 hver  21—6—1909, 1 spec. 

Like the specimens of H. J. Hansen those from Tjalfe” are 
also very imperfect: all have some legs or the antennæ broken. 

70. Amphitopsis longieaudata Boeck. 
Amphitopsis longicaudata Boeck, Forh. Skand. Naturforsker-Møde, 1861, 

P i 
pA - G. O. Sars, Account, vol. 1, Amphip. 1895, P- 
PE 161. 
re — Stebbing, Tierreich, p. 289 (ubi litt.). 

(St. 143) Outside the Mudderbugt (Disco), 128 fath., trawl, 22—7—1908, 
ca. 35 
New to Greenland. 

71. Gammarus locusta L. 

Cancer locusta Linné, Fauna Suecica, Edit. altera, 1761, p. 405, No. 2042. 
"Gammarus locusta G. O, Sars, Account, vol. 1, Amphip. 1895, P. 499, 
PL L PE 178, fø £L 
FR — … Stebbing, Tierreich, p. 476 (ubi litt.). 
sa —… H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 144. 


(St. 28) 58? 01' N, 51? 36' W, surface, 1—6—-1908, 1 spec 
(St. 521) 61? 42' N, 499 46' W, 260 m., 100 m. wire, 9—7—1909, 3 spec. 
(St. 484) 629 58' N. 549 15' W, 1660 m., 1200—1500 m. wire, 9—6—1999, 
1 spec. 
(St. 30a) 639 04" N, 569 327 W, 500 m. wire, 7;—6—1908, 1 spec. 
(St. 30b) 70 m. wire spec. 
(St. 433) 639 05' 5 N, 549 av W, 120—180 m. wire, 9 61999, 8 spec. 
(St. 425) 640 24' N, 58? 05" W, 80—120 m. wire, $—6—1909, 5 spec. 
(St. 425) 65? 08' N, 549 16" W, 80—100—120 m. wire, 7—6—1909, 1 spec. 
The localities from the "Tjalfe" show that this species can 
live pelagically at a much greater distance from the coast, than has 
been known hitherto. G. O. Sars (1. c., p. 500) writes ,,.... this 
species is .... met with in the littoral and sublittoral regions. 
It. also occasionally descends . to greater depths, at least to 50 
fathoms, and in some places occurs in great abundance among de- 
caying algæ, accumulated on the bottom...”. H.J. Hansen says 
(1 c., p. 145) ,,a couple of times it has been taken in the Davis- 
Strait in the surface” (without locality), but he believes that 
Ordinarily it lives on the bottom at 0—5 fath.; he is of the opinion 
that localities on 60, 100 or 200 fathoms are not certain. 

272. epe setosa Boeck. 

Huploops setosa Boeck, Crust.. Amphip. bor. et arct., Forh. Vid. Selsk. 
Christiania 1870 (1871), p. 228. 
ie mm — 6.0. Sars, Account vol. 1, Amphip., 1895, p. 194, Pl. 68, 
fig. 1. 

Aeg —  Stebbing, Tierreich, p. 117 (ubi litt.). 
se —  H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 153 
(St. 367) 66922" N, 579 16" W, 686 m., dredge, 19—5—1909, 1 spec. 
My determination is not sure, because the specimen is some- 
what imperfect and has lost the setæ of the dorsal surface. 

75. Unciola erassipes H. J. Hansen. 
hele pressen i J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 165, Pl. 6, fig. 6. 
tebbing, Tierreich, p. 679. 
(St. 367) 669 22' N, 579 16" W, 686 m., dredge, 19—5—1909, 2 spec. 

Vidensk, Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. 


74. Calathura brachiata Stimps. 
Anthura brachiata ER Marine Invertebr. Grand Manan; Smithson. 
trib. to Knowl., vol. 6, 1854, p. 43. 

£Calathura —  G. OD: Sars, Åteotint vol. 2, Isop., 1900, p: 46, PIL 19; 
— branchiata Richardson, Isop. of N. Am., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus, 

54, 1905, p. 72, (ubi litt. ) fig. 56—57. 
brachiata H. K Hanen NE Grønland 1887, p. 181. 

(St. 367) 66? 22' N, 57? 16' W, 686 m., dredge, 19—5—1909, 6 spec. 

75. ålga psora L. 
17 E SD 636. 
Sars, Account vol. 2, Isop., 1900, 3 . 24. 
på — Richardson, Isop. af N. måge ferne: U.S. Nat. Ma No. 54, 
1905, p. 168 (ubi litt.), fig. 
— —… H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland rn p. 183. 

Oniscus elg Linné, Systema Naturæ, edit. X, vol. 1, 
>= Æ ga RER 

(St. 396) 669 41' N, 569 177 W, 150 fath., trawl, 31—5—1909, 2 spec. 
(St. 397) 669 42" N, 569 127 W, 130 fath., trawl, 31—5—1909, 6 spec. 

All the specimens were taken free-living on the bottom. 

76. Alga ventrosa M. Sars. 
Æg ventrosa M. Sars, Vid. Selsk. Forh., Christiania, 1859, p. 154. 
G. O. Sars, Account vol. PA oboer; 1900, p. 64, PL. 26, fig. 3. 
Richardson, Isop. of N. Am., Bull. U. S, Nat. Mus. No. 54, 
1905, p. 187 (ubi litt.), veg 173—74. 
— Nordenskidldii; H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 184. 

(St. 397) 669 42'N, 569 12" W, 130 fath., trawl, 31—5—1909, 1 spec. 

77. Åreturus Baffini Sabine. 
Idotea Baffini Sabine, Suppl. to the re: to Capt. Parry's Voyage, 1824, 

. 228, Pl. 1, fig. 4— 
"Arcturus — G. O. Sars, Norske Northsts Bop … Crust., 1885, p. 97, 
PI. 9, fr. 

— mm Rislaiedsor Poe of N. Am., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. dd, 
1905, p. 337. (ubi litt.), fig. 367—68. 
—… —… H. J. Hangen, V. Grønland 1887, p. 188. 

(St. 100) 669 44' N, 56? 08' W, ca. 175 fath., trawl, 5—7—1908, 1 spec. 


(St. 107) 689 20' N, 54903" W, 220—289 fath., trawl, 9—7—1908, 4 spec. 
(St. 199) 68? 28' N, 549 477 W, 184—245 fath., trawl, 13—8—1908, 2 spec. 

The two largest specimens (St. 107) are 55 mm. (body) + 68 
mm. (ant.) and 45 mm. + 78 mm.; the specimen from St. 100 
measures 47 mm. + 70 mm. 

78. Åcanthoniseus typhlops G. O. Sars. 
” Acanthoniscus typhlops g al Sars, Norske Nordhavs-Exp., Crust. 1885, 
9, Pl. 10, fig. 27—30. 
(St. 431) 639 24' N, 589 10' W, 892 m., trawl, 9—6—1909, 1 spec. 
New to Greenland. Hitherto it was known only from W. of 
Lofoten, 68" 20 N, 10940' E 457 fath, =£ 07? C. (Sats, LC): 

79. Janthe laciniata G. O. Sars. 
Janie laciniata G. O. Sars, Mar Selsk. Forh., Christiania 1872, p. 92. 
Account vol. 2, Isop., 1900, p. 101, Pl. 41. 
(St. 481) 689 24' N, 532 10' W, 892 m., trawl, 9—6—1909, 1 spec. 
(St. 369) 66% 45' N, 56? 30 w, ca. 200 fath., trawl, 20—5—1909, 1 spec. 

New to Greenland. 

80. Munneurycope Tjalfiensis, n. gen. n. sp. (figs. 6—8). 

(St. 322) 60% 07'N, 489 26' W, 2000 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 1 spec. (Cc). 

The specimen is very like Munnopsis (2?) Murrayi Walker 
(Ann. Mag. Mat. Hist. ser. 7, vol. 12, 1903, p. 227, Pl. 18, figs. 
1—6; Tattersall, Isop., Fisheries, Ireland, Sci. Invest. 1904 pt. 2 
(1905), p. 24,73, Pl. 5, fig. 8, and Tattersall, Nordisches Plankton 
vol. 6, Lief. 14, 1911, p. 190, figs. 8—14); but though it is very 
imperfect, not only the larger part of antennæ and pereiopoda being 
lost, but also otherwise being damaged, it is yet certain that it 
is another species. 

Both species differ from Munnopsis typica G.O.Sars (Sars: 
Account vol. 2, 1900, Isop., p. 133, Pl. 57—58) in the somewhat 
regular lanceolate outline, the hinder part of the body being not 

V lig 


suddenly narrower than the first segments. In regard to the man- 
dibles (figs. 7—8) the specimen from the Tjalfe” is very like Munn- 
opsis longicornis H. J. Hansen (Ergebnisse d, Plankton-Exp., vol. 
2Gc, Isop., Cumac. und Stomatop., 1895, p. 8, Pl. 2, fig. 1—1d), 
whilst the mandibles in M. typica are quite different from these. 
Walker gives no fig. of the mandibles of 
M. Murrayi (Tattersall has a fig.: Fisheries, 
Ireland, Sci. Invest. 1904 pt. 2, (1905) Pl. 5, 
fig. 8); but he writes (1. c. 1903 p. 228) ,,;man- 
dibles with a prominent molar expansion and 
divided cutting edge as in M. Zongicornis Hansen; 
" palp very large and prominent, with a lamellar 
terminal joint. As G.O.Sars has pointed out, 
Munnopsis longicornis Hansen differs in the struc- 
ture of the mandibles from the generic descrip- 
tion, as does the present species" (MM. Murrayi). 
The sculpture of the dorsal surface is very 
like that in M. Murrayi; the few differences may be 
seen from the fig. (fig. 6). Of ant. 1 the mutual 
length of the joints is quite another than in M. 
typica, Ath and 5th joints being longer than 
Fig. 6. the others. Also the flagellum is different, Ist 
Munneurycope joint being very short and the second very long; 
Anikeneis the other joints (only 6 are preserved) are about 
4 times longer than their diameter. Of ant. 2 only two joints of 
the stem are preserved; they are of about equal length. Labrum 
is very prominent, has the usual form and 3 cross-furrows. The 
oral parts agree very well with those in M. Jongicornis and M. Murrayi, 
whilst the mandibles as mentioned are very different from those in 
M. typica, Of the 4 pairs of ambulatory legs only some single 
joints are preserved. Of the natatory legs the 4 first joints are 
preserved; the 4th joint has the same form as in M. Murrayi and 
is a little broader than in M. Jongicornis, but much broader than 


in M. typica. The uropoda (fig. 7, U.) are half as long as the 
caudal segment; the second joint 4 times as long ås the first. 
Lenght 8 mm. The colour is (in alcohol) black-brown, except 

the caudal segment, which has no colour and is pellucid. 


Fig. 7. Munneurycope Tjalfiensis. 

Though M. Tjalfiensis is known but from a single, very imper- 
fect specimen, it may be seen, that it is very closely allied to MM. 
longicornis, M. Murrayi and a third species not mentioned above, 
viz. M. oceanica Tattersall (Fisheries, Ireland, Sci. Invest. 1904, 


pt. 2, (1905) p. 23, 72, Pl. 5, figs. 1—7, and Tattersall, Nordisches 
Plankton vol. 6, Lief. 14, 1911, p. 187, figs. 1—7), whilst it is 
very different from M. typica. The form of the body, the mandibles 
and the natatory legs which (probably) have the same form as in 
the genus Eurycope, are such essential differences from Munnopsis, 
that it seems to me 
necessary to establish 
a separate genus for 
it, for which I propose 
the generic name 
Munneurycope. This 
genus besides com- 
prises the 3 species 
M. longicornis H. J. 
Hansen, /M. Murrayi 
Walker, and MM. ocean- 
ica Tattersall. I can- 
not agree with Tattersall who is of opinion (1. e. 1904 (1905), p. 24) 
thatall these species belong to the genus Munnopsis G. O. Sars. How 
the relationship is to the 3 species of F. Beddard in Challenger 
Report, Isopoda, cannot be decided; but it must be taken for 
granted that Sars is right, when he says (Account, vol. 2, Isopoda 
1900, p. 133) ,,it is, however. somewhat questionable, if all these 
species are actually referable to the present genus" (viz. Munnopsis). 

Md. Ms. I 
Fig. 8. Munneurycope Tjalfiensis. 
Cutting edge of Md. and Mx. 1. 

81. Phryxus abdominalis Kr. 
Bopyrus abdominalis Krøyer, Naturhist. Tidsskrift, vol.3, 1840, p. 102-12, 
289-99 2 

— — — in Gaimard, Voyage en Scand., Crust., 1846 
3 (1849?), Pl. 29, fig. 1 
Phryxus — G. 0. Sars, Account vol. 2, lags 1900, p- 215, 
Pl. 90-91. 
E = Richardson, Isop. of N. Am., Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mu- 
seum, No. 54, 1905, p. 500 (ubi litt.), fig- 550-52. 
i — HL J. Hansen, V. Grønland 1887, p- 196. 


(St. 465) 622 58" N, 509 52" W, ca. 25 fath., Heks, 1 spec 
n Spirontocaris haben 
(St. 179) 699 29' N, 559 26' W, 116 fath., trawl, s-8- 1908,3 s 
n Spirontocaris is dilegkn: 
The species was hitherto not known from Spiront. macilenta ; 
Sars (1. c.) mentions as hosts 8 other species of gen. Spirontocaris 
and 3 species of gen. Pandalus. 

32. Bopyroides hippolytes Kr. 
Bar yrus Hippolytes Krøyer, Srælseds Amfipoder, Kgl. Danske Vid. Selsk. 
naturvid.- æ ath. Afh. vol, 7, 1838, p. 306, 

NE — —… in rer Vovsge en Scand., Crust. 1846 
(1849?) Pl, 28, fig. 
=Bopyroides — . O. Sars, Account vol. 2, fab. 1900, p. 199, Pl. 84, 
fig. 2. 

== — Richardson, ne of N. Am., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 
, 1905, p. 567 (ubi litt, fig. 628-37. 
Gyge == HJ; ner i Grønland 1887, p. 197. 
(St. 465) 629 58” N, 509 52” W, ca. 25 fath., 21—6—1909, 1 spec. 
on Spirontocaris polaris. 
(St. 100) 669 44' N, 569 08' W, ca. 175 fath., 5—7—1908, 1 spec. 
Spirontocaris macilenta. 
This species like Phryæxus abdominalis was hitherto not known 
from Spiront. macilenta; Sars (1. c.) mentions as hosts 3 other 
species of gen. Spirontocaris. 

Fam. Dajidæ. 
The characters for the family see G. O. Sars, Account vol. 2, Isop. 1900, 
p. 221. 

Å synopsis of the genera (partly also of the species) is given in 
Stebbing, A history of Crustacea, Recent Malacostraca, The inter- 
national scientific series, vol. 74, 1893, p. 398—400. — A short 
Synopsis (with litt.) is given by H. Richardson in Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus. vol. 33, 1908, p. 689 and (without litt.) by Koehler in Bull. 
Inst. Océangr. Monaco, No. 196, 1911, p. 31—34. 


Synopsis of the species (the genera are in chronological order). 
1. Dajus Mysidis irhøkrå w 7» ren enlig eee en Scand., Crust. 1846 
9?) PL-28, fig. 1—2 PL 29, fø: 1 

ea Em & Og Bie Account vol. 2, følg 1900, Pl. 2253, 
Pl. 93—94. 

c= —… Richardson, Monograph of Isop. N. Am., Bull. U. S. 
Nat. Mus. No. 54, 1905, p. 573 (ubi litt.), fig. 688. 

In the some of Mysis oculata or M. miæta; 

aretic, length 4 m 



Dajus Siriellæ G. O. Sars, Challenger Report, Zool. vol. 13, 1885, 
Schizop., p. 220—21, Pl. 38, fig. 12—14. »Attached to the 
ventral face of the trunk posteriorly on a few specimens of 
Siriella Thomsoni Milne Edwards, both males and females, 
in the latter lying partly within vest marsupial pouch, as was 
also the case with Dajus Mysidis. 


Aspidophryxus peltatus G. O. Sars, Oversigt af Norges Crust. I, Vid. 
Selsk. Forhandl., Christiania 1882, p. 72, PL 
2, fig. 12— 

or — S sk nn Adeouit vol. 2, Isop. 1900, p. 228, 

SE == rate En Fisheries, Ireland, Sci. Invest. 
1904, pt. 1 (1905), p. 76, 82. 
DÆ En — Nels Plankton, vol. 6, 1911 
(Lief. 14), p. 244, fig. 139—44, 
p: 290, 283—87. 
— … Sarsii Giard & Bonnier, Epicarides de la fam. ve Dajidæ. 
Bull. Scient. France et Belgique, 1889, p. 266. 
Length 3 mm. On the carapace of Erythrops or £ Gaden 
Mysidopsis didelphys or Parerythrops obesa. Norway (Sars), 
Scotland (Scott), Ireland (Tattersall). Dr. Th. Mortensen has 
taken the species on Erythrops (pygmæa?), Kristineberg 
zool. St. (Gulmarfjord, Bohuslin), 60 m., 11—1—1910. 

4. MERE frontalis Bonnier, in Koehler: Isop. nouveaux de lå fam. 
Dajides. Bull. Inst Océanogr. No. 196, Monaco 1911, 
p- RR fig. 1—7. — The larva: Tattersall: RR Plank- 
ton, vol. 6, 1911 (Lief. 14.), p. 291, fig. 288— 
Length 1,4m. On rostrum of Siriella re. 349 N, ie 
89 10' W, surface. He 
5. Notophryxus ovoides G. O. Sars, Oversigt af Norges Crust. I, Vid. 
Selsk. Forh., Christiania, 1882, p. 71, Pl. 2, fig. 
er —  -G. 0. Sars, Account vol. 2, Isop. 1900, p.226, Pl. 95. 
— —  Tattersall, Nordisches Plankton, vol. 6 (Lie. 14), 
1911, p. 252, fig. 156—61, p. 266, fig. 192. 
Length 3,5 mm., on tis abdomen of Amblyops abbreviata, Norway. 


6. Notophryxus laterelke G. O. Sars,. Challenger Report, Zool., vol. 13, 
1885, Schizopoda, p. 220, Pl. 38, fig. 9—10. On the gills of 
Nematoscelis megalops, Svath Atlantic. 

7. =Notophryxus clypeatus G. O. Sars, Norske Nordhavs-Exp., Crust. I, 

Lebtophryæie clypeatus G. O. Sars, Crust. et Pycnog. nova, 
rodromus, Archiv f. Mathemat. og Naturvid., Kristiania 1379, 
P. 436. Length 5 mm.; on the dorsal stride of the carapace 
eudomma roseum, W. Norway (63? 10' N, 5? 0" E, 763 m.). 
? Notopryss z (N. clypeatus G. O. Sars?) Tattersall, Isop., Fishe- 
eland, Sci. Invest. 1904, pt. 2 (1905), p. 76. On Pseud- 

md roseum, S. W. Ireland. 

8. =Notophryxus globularis G. O. Sars, Challenger Report, Zool., vol. 13, 
chizopoda, p. 220, Pl. 38, fig. 11. 
— — vore Nordisches Plankton, vol. 6, 1911 
Lief. 14), p. 255, fig. 
On the dbait surface of the stk jaoe of Thysanoéssa 
gregarta, North Pacific. 

9. ” Heterophryxus appendiculatus G. O. Sars, Challenger Report, Zool. 
vol. 13, Schizop., 1885, p. 220, Pl. 38, fig. 8. 
+H. app. Tattersall, Isop., Jorn Ireland, Sci. Invest. 1904, pt. 2, 
(1905), p. 77, Pl. 11, fg. 1—4. 
H. app. Tattersall, Nordisches Plankton, vol. 6, Lief. 14, 1911, p. 247, 
Om Euphausia pellucida (and E. Miilleri?). Cape Verde- 
Isles (Sars), Mediterranean (Lo-Bianco), Bay of Biscay (Fowler), 
W. Ireland (47? 14'N, 79 58' W, Tattersall). 

10. Branchiophryæzus nyctiphanæ urna Zool. Anzeiger vol. 20, 1897. 
; 88, hg. 2 ort en in Journ. Royal n redå 
Soe, London 1897, pt. ” 
; Length 1,4—2 mm. lg tø gills of Meganyctiphanes 
norvegica. Golfe de Gascogne. 

11. Branchiophryxus Caulleryi Koehler, Isop. nouveaux de la fam. des 
Dajides, Bull. Inst. Océanogr. Monaco, No. 196, 1911, p. 
26—30, fig. 18—21. 
Length 0,72 mm. On gills of Stylechetron longicorne. 

12. Prodajus lobiancoi Bonnier, in Lo Bianco: Le pesche abissali esseguite 
e F. A. Krupp col yacht Puritan nelle adiacente di Capri ed 
Be altre localitå del Mediterraneo. . Mitt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 
. 16, 1903, p. 260 (no fig.). 
Pr. løb. ali Comptes Rendus Séances Acad., Paris, vol. 136, 1£ 
108 (no fig.). 







ikngpe enn Tattersall, Nordisches Plankton, vol. 6, Lief. 14, 
3 p. 249. 

"i ngth 2 mm. In the marsupium(?) of Gastrosaccus 
Normani, Mediterranean. 

=Prodajus ostendensis Gilson, Bl. sc. France et Belgique, tome 43, 
19099; 9—92, PL 1— 
"Po HL J: gg Vid. Medd. Nat le Kbhv. 1909 (1910), p 
221—24, PL 3, fig. 3, Pl. 4, PI. 
PS æt Datter: il, Noniikehiet Plankton, i Pa Lief. 147.1911, p: 25K 
114150—55, p. 265, fig. 190—91 
Length 3,5 mm. In the mk En of Gastrosaccus 
spinifer, North Sea. 

Zonophryxus retrodens Richardson, U. S. Fish Commission Bull, 
1903, p. 51—52, fig. 4—5. 
Length 11,5 mm. Hawaiian Islands. Host unknown. 

Zonophryxus trilobus Richardson, Department of commerce and labor, 
Bureau of fisheries; document No. 736, Washington 1910, p- 

" 41, fig. 39. 
Length 14 mm. Philippine Islands. Host unknown. 

Zonophryxzus Grimaldiri Koehler, Sell, Inst. Océanogr. Monaco, No. 
196, 1911, p. 16—22, fig. 13—14. 
Logik 16 mm. (immature). 369.14' N, 89 06" W, Host 
Heterocarpus Grimaldii 

” Holophryxus alaskensis Richardson, U. S. Fish Commission, Bull. 
vol. 24, 1904 (1905), p. 220—21, fig. 8—10. 

H. al. Richardson, Monogr. Isop. N. Am., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 

54, 1905, p. 576, fig. 639—41. 
Length 10 mm. Alaska. Host unknown. 

" Holophryxus Giardi mure Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 33, 1908, 
p. 690—92, fig. 

H. G. Richardson, Pi. v. S. Nat. Mus. vol. 37, 1909 (1910), 

su TØS, 

Hog SE Debat of commerce and labor, Bureau 
fisheries, document No. 736, Washington 

Length 39 mm. On the dorsal surface of the carapace 
of Gennadas borealis. Bering Island, Philippine Islands. 
"PeeRRt else californiensis Richardson, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. vol. 
, 1908, p. 692—94, fig. 4—5. 
H. cal.  Biehandson, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. vol. 37, 1909 (1910), 

led ca. 20 mm. (2) On the dorsal surface of Pasiphæa K 

pacifica. California. 



re Richardi Koehler, Bull. Inst. Océanogr. Monaco, No. 
g 1, p. 23—26, fig. 13—17; — see also No. 83-a., p. 108, 
tal sp. (H. Richardi Koehler?) see No. 83-b., p. 109. 
21. Holophryxus Acanthephyræ n. sp., see Nr. 84, p. 112. 
22. Arthrophryæus beringianus Richardson, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. 
88, 1908,.p. 6 3, fig. 6—7. 

Length 14mm. On Eucopia australis. Bering Island. 


Colophryxus novangliæ Fastepren, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. 34, 
908, p. 391—92, fig, 1—8. 
Length 5 wm. ABB Island. Host unknown. 


Prophryxus alascensis Richardson, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. 37, 
1909 (1910), p. 124, fig. 47— 
Length 2,3 mm. Alaska. Host unknown (a Schizopod ?). 


Allophryxus ruber Koehler, Bull. Inst. Océanogr. Monaco, No. 196, 
—16, fig. 3—12. ; 
Length 6,5 mm. 43? 04'N, 199 42' W, 0—1500 m.; 46? 
31' 20" N, 59 13' W, 0—1750 m. Host unknown. 

The male is known in the following species. 

Dajus mysidis. Prodajus ostendensis 
Notophryxus ovoides. Zonophryxus retrodéns 
Aspidophryxus peltatus Holophryxus californiensis 

se lis 
Heterophryæus appendiculatus Colophryxus novangliæ 
Branchiophryxus nyctiphanæ (no tig.) Allophryxus ruber 

ET Caulleryi 

The larva is known in the following species. 
Dajus Mysidis Branchiophryæne nyctiphanæ (no fig.) 
Notophryxus ovoides Caulleryi 
Aætdophryanet peltatus Prodajus ostendensis 
frontalis Holophryms Acanthephyræ (see p. 115, fig. 

Besides these H. J. Hansen in Ergebnisse d. Plankton-Exp. 
d. Humboldt-Stiftung, vol. 2, &, ce, 1895, p. 22—27 and p. 45—46, 
Pl. 2, figs. 3—6, Pl. 3, figs. 1—2, has described 6 larvæ of unknown 
Species and states that Dr. v. Schab has two not-described larvæ 
from the Guinea-coast. 


Holophryxus Richardi Koehler (figs. 9—10). 
Holophryxus Richardi Koehler, Isop. nouveaux de la fam. des Dajides 

provenant des campagnes de la ,Princesse Alice", 
Bull. Inst. rebet tere No. 19 911, 
23—26, figs. 15—17. 

(St. 368) 669 21'N, 579 04" W, 680 m., 800 m. wire, 13—5—1909. 19 

At the station mentioned above the ,,Tjalfe" has taken a spec- 
imen of Holophryxus Richardi. "The specimen from the ,,Tjalfe" is 
about 21/2 times longer than that of 
Koehler (1. c.) viz. 9 mm. long and 
4 mm. broad. Though on account 
of the difference in size there are 

ig. Fig. 10. 
Holoyhryæns BAA Holophryxus Richardi. 
ntral vicw. Dorsal view (a little from the left) 

and lateral view (from the rigth)- 

great differences, it is evident that the two specimens belong to 
the same species, as may especially be concluded from the form 
of the appendages on the 5th pair of incubatory plates (oostégites). 
A detailed description I find superfluous, as all, that I have been 
able to see, may be seen from my figs; and a close examination 
was impossible, as I had but one single specimen; for this reason 
I cannot render a nearer account of the antennæ and the oral parts. 


lst antenna seems to have 2 joints. Also 2nd antenna seems 
to be two-jointed, but is much bigger; on the Ist joint a little 
bud-like process may be seen. The oral parts are not visible, 
not even the tip of the mandibles, which generally project a little. 
There are 5 pairs of incubatory plates; but what seems to be the 
third pair is the 4th, the third pair being concealed by the 4th. 
The 5th pair have in the hind part a crest, on the left plate with 
8, on the right plate with 6 teeth; such crests åre also to be 
found in the other specimens of the genus Holophryæus from the 
»Tjalfe'" (No. 83b and 84), but are not described in any other species. 
The left incubatory plate of S5th pair is, as shown in the fig., di- 
vided into two lappets, which seems to be caused by accidental 

The colour is (in alcohol) pale yellow. 

Neither the male nor ova were found. 

The host is unknown. A specimen of Eusirus Holmii (No. 
68) is the sole Crustacean brought home from this station, and 
though it was not probable that a Dajid should be a parasite on 
an Amphipod, I have closely examined this specimen, but it has 
no traces showing that it has been the host of the parasite, But 
from the journal it may be seen, that at the stat. mentioned were 
taken a Mysid (probably Boreomysis microps), Gennadas elegans 
and Sergestes arcticus; all these animals not being preserved I 
have not been able to find the host; for the rest see the next 
Species, No. 83b! ; 

83b. Holophryxus sp. (H. Richardi Koehler ?) (figs. 11—14 [13 partly]). 
(St. 346) 649 297 N, 562 00" W, 400—800 m. wire, 10—5—1909. 19 on 
Sergestes arcticus. 

From this stat. the ,,Tjalfe" has brought home a Holophrytus, 
14 mm. long, 5,5 mm. broad. The form is the same as in the other 
Species of the genus, but somewhat more lengthened. 

Articulation of the antennæ is not visible; but the tip of 
the mandibles may be seen to project a little. Only 3 pairs 


of incubatory plates åre visible, viz. 2nd, 4th and 5th pairs; close 
to the hind edge of the 5th pair a pair of little acuminated appen- 
dages are to be seen, and on the hind edge of the right plate (but 
not on the left) a little bud-like prominence may further be seen. 
Each of the crests on the Sth pair of plates seems to have 12 
teeth. The 5th pair of plates are very large and contiguous in 
the middle line; this I cannot understand otherwise than that the 
animal is mature, though it has no ova. — Ova or d were not 

Fig. 11.  Holophryxus (Richardt ?). 
Dorsal, ventral and lateral view. 

The colour is (in alcohol) pale-yellow. 

The appendages on the Sth pair of incubatory plates I ap- 
prehend as showing that this specimen is the fully grown female 
of H. Richardi, and this I base on the following. (For the sake 
of convenience I call Koehler's specimen stage 1, the two others 
(from the ,,Tjalfe" St. 363 and 346) stage 2 and 3). 

1. The cephalon projects in stage 3 still more than in stage 

2, stage 1 has in front of the cephalon a broad projecting part; 
formed partly by the first pair of coxal plates. In stage 2 the 
. cephalon only projects a little midte the projecting part. In se : 


3 the cephalon is more distinctly bilobate ihan in stage 2; in 
stage 1 the cephalon is rounded without any trace of a furrow. 

2. The size of the specimens 

ke EON is enlarged (stage 1 3,7 mm. 


mm.), but the relative breadth 



long, stage 2 9 mm., stag 
is diminished (stage 1 2: 3,7 mm. 
— 1:1,85; stage 2 4:9 mm. 
sæts Babe stage 3 14: 5,5 mm. 

==: 1.2:2,55), 

3. Each species of Dajidæ 

Q i å ; has, as far as we know, only one 
Fig. 12, Holophryxus (Richardi?). : å : 
The GLA single species as host (excluding 

Dajus Mysidis), and here the 
host probably in all 3 cases was Sergestes arcticus. Stage 1 was 
taken 33? 41' N, 36? 55' W, 0—2500 m., thus in the territory of 
distribution of Sergestes arcticus (see H. J. Hansen, Ingolf 1908, 


p. 82); stage 2 was taken together with Sergestes, and stage 3 

Was found fixed to Sergestes. 

Fig, 13. Holophryxus Acanthephyræ on Acanthephyra purpurea 
(above) and Holophryxus (Richardi?) on Sergestes arcticus (below). 


The 3 specimens giving thus together a very distinct series 
of development, I think there is no doubt that they all belong to 
the same species. 

The relation to the host is not mentioned for any Dajid; the 
authors only mention the place, where the parasite is fixed. The 
specimen from the »Tjalfe" St. 346 was, as shown in figs. 13—14, 
fixed on the hind part of the dorsal surface of the carapace of the Ser- 
gestes with the cephalon turned towards the abdomen of the host, 
just as H. Richardson has figured Holophryxus Giardi and H. 
californiensis. The carapace of the Sergestes has dark holes from 
the mouth and pereiopoda of the parasite (see fig. 14); also it 
may be seen, that the Holophryxus has 
removed its legs 2 or 3 times (together 
with its growth ?). 

As the parasite is fixed quite super- 
ficially to the host, some very interesting 
questions arise. Does the parasite only 

Fig. 14. live as long as the time between two cast- 
Kes mee MR ADKOS ings of the skin of the host? Does it 
of Sergestes arcticus with 2 ' 

the marks of the mouth Prevent the host from casting the skin ig 
and pereiopoda of To answer these questions is quite 1m- 
Holophrytus (Richardi?). possible at the present moment. 

84, Holophryxus Åcanthephyræ n. sp. (fig. 13 [partly], 15—21). 
(St. 322) 609 07'N, 489 26" W, 2000 m. wire, 3—5—1909, 1 spec. (9) om 
Acanthephyra purpurea. 

As I have had but one single specimen, a closer examination 
and dissection was not possible; therefore the following description 
can not give all details. 

Length 22 mm., breadth 12,5 mm. i 

The specimen is very like H. californiensis from Califorma 
(H. Richardson, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. 33, 1908, p. 692—94, 
figs. 4—5). From Miss Richardson's very short description and 
her indistinet photographkie fig. it cannot with security be datere … 


ined, that the specimen from the ,,Tjalfe" is mot. H. californiensis, 
and moreover I have no male. But the circumstance, that the host 
belongs to quite another genus /H. calif. lives on Pasiphæa pacifica), 
and that the locality besides is W. of America, seems to me to 
prove, that the specimen from the ,, Tjalfe" is a new species. 

The form is ovate and somewhat skew, the left side being a 
little longer than the right. The cephalon cannot be seen from 
below; it is very small and has a little longitudinal furrow, but is 

Fig. 15. 
Holophryxus Acanthephyræ. Dorsal, ventral and lateral view. 

not really bilobated; at each side of the cephalon there is a little 
Tounded prominence. On the dorsal surface of the thorax just be- 
hind the cephalon 2 transversal furrows are visible; otherwise 
there is no trace of "segmentation of the thorax (seen dorsally) 
exclusive of the existence of 4 longitudinal streaks on the dorsal 
surface, somewhat recalling the segmentation of the abdomen in the 
Paguridæ. The abdomen projects from the thorax as in the other 
Species. The coxal plates are the sole true trace of segmentation. 
There are 5 pairs of coxal plates corresponding with the 5 pairs of 
Pereiopods; the 4 first pairs are separated from the thorax by a seam, 
and the two plates of the first pair are connected by a frontal 
margin lying under the céphalon and forming the anterior boundary 
Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64 8 


of the oral area. There are very slight seams between the coxal 
plates exclusive of those between the two last pairs; the fifth pair 
åre very small. 

Fig. 16. Holophryxus Acanthephyræ. The oral area. 

The ventral surface is, exclusive of the hindpart, somewhat 
concave. The oral area with the pereiopods is rather small and 
about semicircular. The antennæ seem to be articulated, the first 

Fig. 17. PE ml rug Acanthephyræ. 
d part from below. 

pair in 3, the second pair in 5 joints; but it is not excluded that 
the apparent articulation is in reality simple folds. Between the 
antennæ the tip of the mandibles is visible. The gnathopod lies 


between antenna 2 and the first pereiopod and is quite un- 
articulated. The 5 pairs of pereiopods have about the same form 
as those in Zonophryxus Grimaldii (Koehler, Bull. Inst. Océanogr., 
Monaco No. 196, 1911, fig. 13, p. 17); they seem to have but 5 
joints, and the 4th joint is quite globular. Only two pairs of in- 
cubatory plates are visible, and it has been impossible without 
dissection to examine if there are more plates. The hind-plates 
have the usual crest, each with about 14 teeth; inside the teeth 
some embryos are visible. The abdomen has no traces either of 

segmentation or of pleopods or uropods. 

The colour is (in alcohol) reddish 3: e is 
brown spotted with yellow. gg EM 
The specimen was fixed to the "+ ” sek 
host (see fig. 13) quite as Holophryxus | > i 
sp. (No. 83 b), but somewhat obliquely 5" . 
towards the right side of the host;  "/ i 

there was a large spot as trace of the 8 
mouth of the parasite, and it may be bål 
seen, that this has changed its place 

1 mee FE sb ns Ds 

No male was found. The marks of the mouth 

The space within the incubatory — and pereiopoda, an 

plates is quite filled with embryos. sm eet sd teter alg 
These are pale-yellow, 0,2 mm. long. 
On account of the colour a closer examination of the larvæ was im- 
Possible without special preparation. But Prof. H. F. Junger- 
Sen who has a great experience in preparatory-methods, has kindly 
Prepared for me some specimens with potash and pyrogallic acid; 
for this I owe him my best thanks, for otherwise I would not have 
been able to give good figures with all details. 

The larvæ are very like partly those of Dajus Mysidis (G. O. 
Sars, Account vol. 2, Pl. 94, larva), partly those of Clypeoniscus 
Meinertii (Giard et Bonnier, Bull. Scientifique France et Belgique, 
Vol. 25,1893, p.421;Richardson, Monograph of Isopoda N.-America, 



Bull. U. S. Nat.-Mus., No. 54, 1905, figs. p. 580). The body is 
curved ventrally and consists of cephalon and 12 segments. There 
is no trace of an eye. The Ilst antenna is small, short, bud-like, 

Fig. 19. Holophryxus Acanthephyræ, larva. 
Ventral and dorsal view. The pereiopoda and pleopoda are removed 
(the shaded parts). 

apically acuminated and with a spine on the outerside. 2nd an- 
tenna is about as long as the body, three-articulated, and has some 
small spines (see the fig:). 
Through the oral cone the 
mandibles are visible. At 
each side of the oral cone 
a gnathopod is seen of about 
the same form as the per- 
eiopoda of the adult animal. 
Gnathopoda of this form are 
to be found in the Crypt- 
oniscian-stages of the Da- 
jidæ, but they are never 
Fig. 20. Holophryxus Acanthephyræ, found in other larvæ of Da- 
larva. Lateral view a little from below. jidæ of. the stage figured; 
this does not prove that they do not exist in the othér known 
larvæ, but they are, even with the excellent preparation made. by 


Prof. Jungersen, very difffcult to see. — The ventral surface 
has 6 lamellæ (one for each of the 6 pairs of pereiopoda) and a 
large scutum (on the abdomen). The pereiopoda are thick and 
apparently immobile; on the innerside close to 
the tip they have a little bud-like process. When CE. 
made transparent the pereiopoda of the next larval 
stage are to be seen through the skin, and within 
the bud-like process a claw is seen, quite as in Acanthephyræ, 
the adult animal (fig. 21). There are 5 pairs of larva. A pereiopod. 
cleft pleopoda; they have a constriction about midway "and are 
perhaps 2-articulated; but the articulation is not distinct. They 
have rather long natatory setæ. The uropoda are cleft, unarti- 
culated and have no setæ. 

It has been found unnecessary to give a longer description, 
all details being seen from the figs. 

Larvæ of a Decapod (Pandalus propinquus?) (figs. 22—31). 
(St. 30b) 68? 04'N, 569 32” W, 70 m. wire, 7—6—1908, ca. io spec. 
(1. and 2. stage). 
(St. 37b) 639 47'N, 529 12" W, 100 m. wire, 9—6—1908, 2 ln (2. stage). 

(St. 229) 649 20' N, 539% 03" W, 120, 100 and 80 m. wire, 29—8—1908, 
. 10 spec. (5. stage). 

(St. 428) 659 03'N, me mA, 120, 100 and 80 m. wire, 7—6—1909, 
. 60 spec. (25 spec, 2. stage, 35 spec. 3. stage). 

(St. 196d) 689 40' N, se 12 W, 350 m. wire, 17—8—1908, ca. 40 spec. 
(4. stage). 

(St. 124) 699 17' N, 529 14' W, 150 m. wire, 16—7—1908, ca. 25 spec. 
(2. and 3. stage). (known) larval stage (figs. 22—30, st. I). 

The total length 7 mm. ) 

The body is very slender. The carapace inclusive of the ro- 
strum is about one third as long as the; total length. Rostrum is 
half ås long as. the carapace; it is slender and spiniform, without 
any denticles. In the- middle of the dorsal surface of the carapace 
there is a little blunt prominence; the antero-lateral corners are 
apically pointed. The posterior division of the body has 6 seg- 


ments and gradually tapers distally. The abdominal segments have 
no dentition exclusive of telson. Telson has the usual form and 

Fig. 23. The larva of Pandalus propinquus (?): carapace of stage 1—5. 

is deeply emarginated at the hind edge with the usual 7 pairs of 
spines; all the spines are somewhat broken apically. Through the 
skin the incipient formation of the uropoda may be seen. 

The eyes are somewhat applanated; they surpass somewhat the 
sides of the carapace. 


All the appendages exclusive of the pleopoda and uropoda are 
present, The ist and 2nd antennæ have about the same form as 
in the I1st larval stage of Pandalus borealis (G. 0.Sars: Account 
of the postembryonal development of Pandalus borealis…. .; Report 

Fig. 24. The larva of Pandalus propinquus (?): 
telson and uropoda of stage 1—5. 

on Norwegian Fishery- and Marine-Investigations, vol. 1, 1900, 
No. 3, Pl. 1, figs. 3—4); the most important difference is that the 
stem of 1st antenna has a little joint apically. Also the man- 
dibles and the maxillæ have about the same form (Sars l. c., Pl. 1, 
figs. 6—7); through the skin the mandibles and 2nd maxillæ of 
the next stage may be seen. The same agreement will be found 
in regard to 1st and 2nd' maxilliped (Sars l. c. figs. 10—12); but 
3rd maxilliped has the usual form and is not dilated as in Pan- 
dalus borealis (Sars 1. c. fig. 12); besides it has 7 joints. (1. stage 


of P. borealis has but 4 joints). "'The' greatest difference, however, 
obtains in regard to the pereiopods. All the'pereiopods are. rather 

Fig. 25. The larva of Pandalus propinguus (2): 
: antenna 1—9 of stage 1—5. 

large; 1st to 3d pairs are deeply cleft, 4th and 5th: pairs have 
only the endopodite. 

Pandalus borealis has no known larval stage totally corre- 
sponding with the'lst stage of the larva from the "Tjalfe"; stage 
2 (Sars 1. e. Pl. 2, figs. 1—3) is the best corresponding, but it has 


no traces of 3rd to 5th pereiopod, and: 2nd pereiopod is but a 
little, bud-like body. 

Stå St.lV. St. 

Fig. 26. The larva of Pandalus propinquus (?): 
the mandible. of stage 1—5. 

LL Se 

Fig, 27, The larva of Pandalus propinquus (?): 
1. max. of stage 1—5. 

2nd (known) larval stage (figs. 22—30, st. II). 

Total length 9 mm. ; 

The carapace has obtained one supra-ocular tooth. Through the 
larval skin the incipient formation of the. articulation between the 


6th abdominal segment and the telson may be seen as also the 
now cleft uropoda. The telson has now 8 pairs of spines. 

The ist antenna has acquired 3 joints in the stem. The 
oral parts are about as in the I1st stage; but 1st—3rd pereiopod 
have now all the usual 7 joints (in the I1st stage they are un- 

Fig. 28. The larva of Pandalus propinpuus (?): 
2. max. of stage 1—5. 

articulated), and their exopodites have 9 pairs of setæ. Also 4th 

and 5th pereiopod are articulated; but the Sth pair has but 6 

joints, and the articulation is very indistinct. The pleopods are 

little uncleft appendages. 
3rd (known) larval stage (figs. 22—30, st. 111). 
Total length 10 mm. 


In the fore-part of the middle-line of the carapace there. are 
3 little teeth; but they are not to be found in all the specimens. 
lst antenna is unaltered, but flagellum in 2nd antenna is longer 
than the squama, though this is considerably increased in length, 
and the peduncular part (of the flagellum) is well defined, but has 
only å single joint; the terminal part is still unarticulated. The 
Oral parts are about unaltered. The pereiopods are somewhat length- 
ened; 2nd pair are now cheliform, and Sth pair have 7 distinct 
joints. Abdomen has 7 joints, and the uropoda are free. 

4th (known) stage (figs. 22—31, st. IV). 

Total length 12 mm. 

The carapace has 4 teeth in the middle lime. The S5th ab- 
dominal segment has a little tooth at each side of the hind edge. 
The telson is very much altered; it is in the distal part not much 
broader than in the forepart, and it has but 7 pairs of spines, the 
2 pairs of which are placed at the side-edge. 

The antennæ and the oral parts are about as in the pre- 
ceding stage; but in 2Znd maxilla the exopodite is much more 
developed, especially its hinder lappet. The exopodites of the 
pereiopoda have 10 pairs of setæ, and the pereiopoda are some- 
what lengthened in comparison with the preceding stage. The 
pleopoda are now cleft, but have a trace of articulation. The endo- 
podites of the uropoda are about as long as the exopodites. 

5th (known) stage (figs. 22—31, st. V). 

Total length 19 mm. 

The rostrum has 11 teeth, 1 of which is but a little from 
the tip and 3—4 on the carapace. The telson is about linear, has 
8 pairs of spines, and is not emarginate at the tip. 

In the 2nd antenna the peduncular part of the flagellum has 
2 joints, and the flagellum itself is unarticulated, but is somewhat 
damaged in all the specimens. The orål parts are about as in the 
preceding stage. The pereiopoda are still more lengthened than 
in the 4th stage, and the 4th—5th pairs are very like the 


same legs in the Ist postlarval stage in Pandalus borealis (Sars 
1,6., Pl. 1, fig. 1). The pleopoda are now articulated. 

| Fig. 29. The larva of Pandalus propinquus (?): 
'maxillipedes and pereiopoda of stage 1—3 (in st. 2—3 the exopodites 
are not drawn with exception of that in mxp. 1). 

Ås may be seen, it is evident, that all the larvæ belong to 
one species. 
From "the rostrum and the 1st—2nd pereiopoda in the last 


stage it may be concluded, that this species must belong to the 
fam. Pandalidæ, and this fam. has [in the Greenland seas but 3 

Fig. 30. The larva of Pandalus propinquus (2): 
maxillipedes and pereiopoda of stage 4—5. 

Species, viz. Pandalus borealis, P. Montagui and P. propinquus. 
The development of the two first-named species is described by G. O. 
Sars (1. c.); but the development of P. propinquus is quite un- 
known. When compared with the figs. given by Sars the agree- 


ment with the larvæ from the 
Tjalfe” is very distinct; the most 
important discrepancy is that the 
larvæ from the "Tjalfe” have no 
exopodite on the 4th pereiopod; P. 
(| borealis has this exopodite, but 
SLIVP. 2. SLVPA StYA2s from Sars' description it seems, 
that P. Montagui and P. /Panda- 

The larva of Pandalus propin- lina) brevirostris never acquire it. 
quus (?): Pleopods of st. 4—5. 

Ås, besides, P. propinquus has been 
taken in the deeper parts of the Davis Strait (by the "Ingolf" 
and the "Tjalfe”), it seems very probable that the larvæ must be- 

long to this species. 

Mysis-stage of a Decapod (Spirontøcaris sp.!) (fig. 32). 
(St. 465) 629 58' N, 509 52” W, 25 fath., 21—6—1909, 5 spec. 

In "Report on the Malacostraca, Pycnogonida and some Ento- 
mostraca collected by the Danmark Expedition to North-East Green- 

Fig. 32. Larva of Spirontocaris sp. (?). 


land”, in.,,Meddelelser om Grønland", vol. 45, 1912, p. 522, Pl. 
43, figs. 31—39, I have described a larva taken in Danmarks Havn 
(ca. 77? N, E. Greenland), 0—20 m., 19—9—1907. 

Unfortunately the Danmark Expedition has taken but a single, 
badly preserved specimen. The specimens from the "Tjalfe” are 
better preserved and show, that the telson has a little spine at 
the hind corner. There is a little difference in regard to the man- 
dibles, and the flagellum in the 2nd antenna has no trace of ar- 
ticulation; in all other regards the specimens from the "Tjalfe” 
fully correspond with that from the Danmark-Expedition. In the 
specimen figured the uropoda are somewhat shorter than the telson; 
in the other specimens they have the same length as the telson. 

Brachyurid larva, 1st Zoea (fig. 33). 
(St. 193) 589 41'N, 499 44' W, 100 m. wire, 31—5—1908, 1 spec. 
(St. 465) 629 58' N, 509 52" W, 25 fath., 21—6—1909, many spec. (1 cm.?). 
(St. 464) The mouth of the Fiskenæsfjord, 80 m. wire, 21—6—1909, 
many spec. (50 cm.?). 
(St. 30b) 639 04” N, 56? 32" W, 70 m. wire, 7—6—1908, ca. 25 spec. 
(St. 37b) 639 47'N, 52912" W, 100 m. wire, $—6—1908. many spec. 
(5. cm.2). 
(St. 1964) 68? 40' N, 539 12" W, 410 m., 350 m. wire, 17—8—1908, 1 sp 
(St. 124) 699 17'N, 52914" W, 150 m. wire, 16—7—1908, many spec. 
(T cm). 
(St. 125) — == 550 m. wire, — 1 spec. 

At the localities mentioned above the 1st Zoeastage of a 
Crab was taken. The larvæ are in some points very like the larva 
of Hyas araneus (Williamson, Rep. on larval and later stages of 
certain decapod Crustacea: Fisheries, Scotland, Sci. Invest. 1909, 1. 
(Decbr. 1910), p. 13—15, Pl. 1, figs. 1—2; Pl. 5, figs. 70—78, 80—81). 
In other points they are very like the 1st Zoea of Cancer pagurus 
(J. Pearson, Cancer; Transact. Liverpool Biol. Soc., vol. 22, 1908 
p. 461, Pl. 13, figs. 85—87); the appendages are in about the 
Same stage of development, and the telson has about the same 
form and the same number of spines: but the lateral spines of the 
Carapace of the larvæ from the "Tjalfe" are longer, and on the 
abdominal segments there are lateral spines as in the larvæ of 


Hyas araneus. (sée above) and as in the last zoea-stage of the 
American species Cancer irroratus (S. I. Smith, Metamorph. of 
lobster and other crust.; U. S. Commission of Fish, and Fisheries 
1871—72 (1873); p. 530, PL: 8, fig. 37). "Smith does not give 

Fig. 35. Brachyurid-larva (L. a. = labrum). 

any detailed description or fig. of the 1st Zoea; "but the existence 
of åa pair of dorsal spines on the 5th abdominal segment in his 
fig. seems to be the sole -discrepancy not due to the difference 
in age. — 

Description of the larva. 

The length between the tips of the rostrum and of the dorsal 
spine 2 mm. The rostrum is about twice as long as the carapace 


without spines; the dorsal spine is somewhat longer than the ros- 
trum and about twice as long as the lateral spines. All the 4 
spines on the carapace- are almost straight and are in the distal 
part furnished with setæ. The carapace is somewhat globular; at 
the forepart of the under-edge there is at each side a rather deep 
incision behind which 4 setæ are fixed, The eyes are very large 
and have black pigment; nowhere else is pigment to be seen. 
Antenna 1 is an unarticulated conical appendage with 5 (?) 
long setæ; but the number of these is difficult to determine as 
they most frequently lie close to one another. Antenna 2 is un- 
articulated; the exopodite is between 3 and 4 times as long as the 
endopodite, which has 3 setæ on the tip. A little distally to the 
place where the endopodite is fixed, but on the other side, the 
exopodite has a little prominence; for the rest it is furnished 
with small setæ like those on the spines of the carapace. The la- 
brum has the usual form. The mandibles have no palp; the form 
of the mastigatory part may be seen from the fg.; but the 4 little 
rounded teeth are in several of the specimens not to be found. 
Maxilla 1 has no palp, but has the usual 3 lobes; the lst lobe, 
the basal lobe, is rather broad, with 6 short, ciliated setæ; the 
mastigatory lobe is longer and narrower and has 6 setæ somewhat 
longer than those of the basal lobe. Maxilla 2 has the usual form 
with a large exopodite; palp and endopodite have 2 cleft lobes. In the 
lst pair of maxillipeds the endopodite has 5 joints; it is a little 
Shorter than the two-articulated exopodite that has 4 long natatory 
Setæ at the tip. Also in the 2nd maxilliped. the exopodite has 2 
Joints and 4 natatory setæ, but the endopodite is short and has 
but 3 joints. There are no traces of the 3d maxilliped. The 
pereiopods are short unarticulated appendages; the Ist pair are 
cleft. Of the pleopoda and uropoda there are no traces, and ab- 
domen has but 6 segments. On the middle of each side of 2nd 
and 3rd abdominal segment there is a spine that is large and 
Curved and there are long straight lateral spines on the hind 
edges of 3rd, 4th and 5th abdominal segments. Two little 
Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. 9 


bristles are placed dorsally on each abdominal segment. The telson 
has the same number of spines and about the same form as 
Williamson's fig. of Hyas araneus (l. c. fig. 70), but the hook 
in the hind-edge is narrower, being rounded acute-angled. 

Compared with the 1st zoea of Cancer pagurus the larva de- 
scribed above differs, besides in regard to the abdominal segments, 
also in some small details in the appendages. Greater is the agree- 
ment with ist zoea of Hyas araneus (Williamson l. c., Pl. 5 
fig. 73), especially in regard to the abdomen; but the greatest 
agreement seems to me to be with the larva of Cancer irroratus. 
If the larvæ from the "Tjalfe" really belong to Cancer irroratus, 
they have a very great interest; for the adult Cancer irroratus is 
never found at Greenland, but lives at the east coast of N. America. 
Of the mentioned crabs only Hyas araneus lives at Greenland. 

Larva of Munida Bamffica Penn. 
Munida rugosa G. O. Sars, Bidrag til Decapodernes Forvandling II, År- 
chiv f. Mathematik og Naturvidenskab, Christiania 1889, 
p. 178, PL 6. 
(St. 292) 58? 24' N, 30? 35" W, 500 m. wire, 3—10—1908, 1 spec. 

The larva belongs to the stage drawn by Sars (Il. c.) fig. 12. 

Larvæ of Munida (tenuimana G. O. Sars?) (figs. 34—36). 
(St. 281) 57? 51' N, 489 57" W, 500 m. wire, 29—9—1908, 3 spec. 

(St. 285) 57? 51' N, 439 48' W, 1000 m. wire, 29—9—1908, 2 spec. 
(St. 278) 589 16” N, 479 12” W, 80—200 m. wire, 28—9—1908, 3 spec. 
(St. 292) 58? 24' N, 309 357 W, 500 m. wire, 3—10—1908, 1 spec. 

At the stations above the Tjalfe” has taken some larvæ be- 
longing to a species of Munida. Some of the specimens belong 
to a stage between the stages figured by Sars (Munida rugosa 1. 
c. 1889), some of them to a stage corresponding to the older of 
Sars's larvæ; the younger larvæ have no traces of pleopoda and 
are 11 mm. long (incl. rostrum), the older 14 mm. Ås my figures 
will show, there is in most regards a very good agreement with 


Sars” figures; but I have not been able to find the two little 
teeth on the dorsal surface of the abdominal segments in spite of 
very close examination. In the specimen figured of the older larva 
the hinder lateral corners of the carapace reach to the hind-edge 

Msp . 

Fig. 34. Larva of Munida (tenuimana?), older stage. 

of the 6th abdominal segment; in the other specimens they are as 

long as in the specimens drawn by Sars. Butin all the specimens 

the exterior spine on the corner of the telson is relatively much 

longer than in the species described by Sars; as this difference 

" fully corresponds with the specific character in the genus Galathea 

(Sars 1. c., p. 174, Pl. 5, fig. 3, 15, 26; — the specific character 


in the squama of the genus Galathea [Sars Il. c., p. 173, Pl. 5, 
fig, 3, 6, 19] is not to be found in the genus Munida, the squama 
in all stages and in both species having about the same form—), 
I find reason to believe, that these specimens belong to another 
species than that described by Sars. 

Fig, 35. Larva of Munida (tenuimana?) older stage. 
The telson has in the specimen figured 7 setæ in the en side 
of the hook, 8 in the left side. 

During a cruise in the summer 1911 has with the Danish 
Fisheries-investigation-steamer ”Thor” in the Skagerak (57” 09'N, 
79 16'E, 25 miles NNW.1W. to the light house Lodbjerg, 44 m-) 
Dr. Th. Mortensen collected a large number of larvæ of Munida, 
and about all these larvæ totally correspond with the younger larvæ from 
the Tjalfe” (the other larvæ belong to M. Bamffica). M. tenuimana 


É Å CAVER il CY sed SSS5s 
DI (/ / (7 RENE ADS Ad 
SÅ z n 

Mx p. Fz 

Øg | År-2. 

Fig. 36. Larva of Munida (tenuimana?) younger stage. 
Al the figs. are from specimens from the Skagerak except the fig. of 
A. 1—2 (from a specimen from the "Tjalfe”). 

being very common in the Skagerak, whilst M. Bamffica is seldom 
(of the latter species the Danish Fisheries-investigation-steamer 
"Thor” has taken but a single specimen, see my paper: Revideret 


Fortegnelse over Danmarks marine Decapoda, Vidensk. Meddel. Na- 
turh. Foren. København 1909 (1910), p. 274), and as we have 
only the two named species in the Skagerak, I mean, that also the 
larvæ from the "Tjalfe” belong to Munida tenuimana. 

Abbreviations of literature. 

Bell 1853, = Bell, British stalk-eyed Crustacea. 1853. 

H. J. Hansen, V. Grønland — H. J. Hansen, Malacostraca marina Groen- 
landiæ occidentalis. Oversigt over det vestlige Grønlands 
Fauna af malakostrake Havkrebsdyr; Vid. Meddel. Naturh. 
Foren. Kjbhv. 188 

H. J. Hansen, Ingolf = H. J. Hansen, Crustacea Malacostraca I. The 
Danish "Ingolf”-Expedition, vol. 3, part 2, 1908. 

Kemp, Decap. Ireland, 1908 (1910) =— Kemp, Pecaboda Natantia of the 
coasts of Ireland. Fisheries, Ireland, Sci. Invest. 1908, I. 


Ohlin 1901— Ohlin, Aretie Crustacea collected during the Swedish arctic 
ne 1898—1899, II. Decap., Schizop.; Bihang K. Svenska 
t. Akads. Handl., vol. 27, Afd. 4, 1901. 
Stebbing, Ashe raneg Støbbing, Amphipoda I, Gammaridea; Das Tier- 
! reich, Lief. 21, 1906. 

All the figures are from drawings by the author except fig. 13 


Some small Leptocephalids from the Atlantic. 
Cand. mag. H, Blegvad. 

During my time of service onboard H. M. S. ,, Ingolf" on a 
cruise to the Danish West-Indies in the winter of 1910—11, I was 
enabled, by the generosity of the Royal Navy department, to under- 
take pelagic hauls with a plankton-net on the way from Europe to 
the West-Indies and back. 

The main purpose was to examine the distribution of the larvæ 
of Echinoderms, and the material of this kind collected will be 
dealt with by Dr. Th. Mortensen. 

In addition, although the plankton-net measured only "/2 meter 
in diameter, and each haul lasted only about 10 minutes, I caught at 
” Several places in the Atlantic Ocean some Leptocephalids or larvae 
of Murænoids. Three of these — though I do not venture at present 
to point out their relations to distinct species of Murænoids — are 
of special interest, inter alia on account of their small size. I 
give here therefore figures and a short description of these 3 

I. The smallest one, which has a length of 19.8 mm., was 
caught the 14th of November 1910 at 4 0'clock a. m. at the 
Surface of the sea at 21? 34' lat. N., 297 50' long. W.  Accord- 
ing to the kind communication of Dr. Johs. Schmidt, who has 
examined this Leptocephalid, it represents a species hitherto un- 
described; I propose to name it in honour of Dr. Joh. Hjort, 
who was the first to find young Leptocephalids of Anguilla vulgaris 
South of the Azores. 


Leptocephalus Hjorti n. sp. 

Fig. 1 is a photograph in 5/3 times enlargement. Fig. 2, 
which represents the same specimen, drawn with prism, shows 
the extension of the pigment. 
This consists of apparently black, 
but in reality brown, mostly 
branched chromatophores, which 
chiefly follow the chorda and the 
Fig. 1. 5-38: upper margin of the alimentary 

canal, as shown in the figure. 
On two places only, at a distance of respectively 6 and 11 mm 
from the point of the snout, there are great, branched chromato- 
phores on the under side of the alimentary canal. At the tip of 

Fig. 2. 04 51 L 
the tail the chromatophores form a continuous row above and below 
along the base of the tail fin. For the rest the form of the body is 
— as in other Leptocephalids — very strongly compressed. The 
vertical fins are little developed; in the extreme part of the tail 
fin only embryonic fin rays are 
to be seen. Interspinal elements 
are still wanting. The pectoral 
fins are nearly rudimentary. 
Fig. 3 shows the head; the lower 
jaw is more projecting than the 

Fig. 8, 17:1. upper, which has 6 forward point- 

ing teeth on each side; the hind- 

most tooth is very small (not shown in the figure). In the lower 
jaw only 5 projecting teeth are seen on each side. All the teeth 
are long, straight and pointed, except the 2 foremost in the upper 
and lower jaw; these have namely a slight curvature at the 



base and are fastened, as figured, repectively outermost at the 
upper side of the upper jaw and outermost at the underside of the 
lower jaw. 

The number of segments (myomeres) is about 182, or about 
113 præanal and 69 postanal segments. 

The greatest height of the body is gr ses 2,3 mm. 
Distance from the point of the. snout to anus ...... 16,75 — 
Bengt of the. head; s038s so skeder Ser ag, 1,3  — 
Distance from the point of the snout to the anterior 

margin og ENE GE le ll SE MEN | 0,8 — 
1hnmieter Of 1hO OR LA aa Sonne ER NE SE 0,4. — 

II. Fig, 4 is a photograph 
of the next smallest Leptocepha - 
lid; its total length was 21,5 
mm. This specimen was cap- 
tured at the surface on 26745' 
lat. N. 59? 35' long. W. at 
7 o'clock p. m. the 6th of March 
1911. The body is compressed, the tail end tapering. Fig. 5 shows 

Fig. 4. 5:38, 

the distribution of the — very few — dark brown chromatophores 

Nig, 5 -BQ: 7. 
Fig. & FK 

on the tip of the tail. No pigment else is seen on the animal. 
The pectoral fins are small; embryonic fin rays are developed far 
forward in the vertical fins, but interspinalia are not yet visible. 
Fig. 6 represents the head with its powerfully developed teeth. The 
Upper jaw has on each side 3 smaller teeth behind and 4 larger 
teeth in front. The lower jaw has on each side only 2 smaller and 


4 larger teeth. All the teeth are projecting, the 2 foremost in 
the upper and lower jaw have a slight curvature and are, as was the 
case with the above mentioned specimen, fastened respectively at the 
upper side of the upper jaw and the underside of the lower jaw. 
The number of segments is about 163 in all, or about 88 

præanal and 75 postanal segments. 

Th grentest height of. fle. body 18600370 og ok gg 3,1 mm. 
Distance from the point of the snout to anus....... 19,2 — 
Leoneth of the Bed ls vin søn ses henne ge 3,6 — 
Distance from the point of the snout to the anterior 

tret of (he ore SS Ruy N RER 1,0 — 
Diameter Ok he BES IE re EG 0,7 — 

Fig. 7. 3;2, 
III. The third Leptocephalid (Fig. 7), which has a total length 
of 42,5 mm., probably belongs to the same species as No. II, but 

Fig & ØEN 

Fig. 9. 7:1. 
represents an older stage of development. They were both caught 
at the same place and at the same time. The form of the body 
of specimen No. III is very similar to that of specimen No. II; 
the tail end only is not so pointed. Tho pigment is, as shown in 
fig. 8, a little more developed, but otherwise, quite as in specimen 


No. II, confined to dark brown chromatophores on the tip of the 
tail. The pectoral fins still have embryonic fin rays, which is also 
the case in the vertical fins, but distinct interspinal elements are 
now developed to the number of about 112 in the anal fin and 
about 140 in the dorsal fin; (damage of the fins caused some 
difficulty in the exact counting of the interspinalia). 

Fig. 9 represents the head, which is not so distinctly marked 
from the body and has a more depressed form than in the above 
mentioned specimen. In the upper jaw there are 4 smaller and 8 
larger teeth on each side, but the foremost tooth, which has a 
slight curvature at the base and is fastened outermost at the upper 
side of the upper jaw, was broken and is not figured. The lower 
jaw has 3 smaller and 8 larger teeth on each side. For the rest 
the teeth are exactly as those mentioned above. 

The number of segments is about 91 præanal and 67 post- 
anal, or about 158 in all. 

he greatest height bf fhe body BR, 1. 7,1 mm. 
Distance from the point of the snout to anus........ 34,0 — 
XeBeth of fle head 3,3 — 
Distance from the point of the snout to the anterior 

margin Gk Uh er ss ES 1,8 — 
xhAtaber GE TAG SYES DL ser R: 0,8 — 

In ,,Leptocephalids in the University zoological museum of 
Upsala" by Dr. Pehr Stråmman, a species is described under the 
name Leptocephalus lanceolatus, which agrees in several regards with 
My specimens Nos. II and III; unfortunately the number of segments 
is not indicated. Meantime Dr. Johs. Schmidt in his recently 
published ,,Contributions to the biology of some North Atlantic 
Species of Eels" (Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Forening København, Vol. 64. 
1912), after having examined the type specimens of this species, 
gives the number of myomeres as ca. 160, of which about 88 pre- 
anal. After this it can scarcely be doubted that my specimens 
Nr. II and III are really this species. 


It is stated that pigment is quite absent in Dr. Strøm- 
man's Leptocephalus lanceolatus, but this can be caused, without 
doubt, by an insufficient preservation. 

I am indebted to Docent R. H. Stamm for his assistance in 
photographing the Leptocephalids, and to the Officers of the ,,Ingolf" 
for their kind help onboard; in particular I would thank the Captain 
of the ship, Commander C. V. E. Carstensen, and Lieutenant 
Godfred Hansen for their kindness and interest in my work 
during the whole voyage. 


Fuglene ved de danske Fyr i 1911. 

29de Aarsberetning om danske Fugle. 
R. Hørring. 
Med et Kort. 

I 1911 indsendtes fra 32 af de danske Fyr til Universitetets 
zoologiske Museum 923 Fugle af 68 Arter faldne om Natten i Træk- 
tiderne. Sikker Efterretning haves om 2117 artsbestemte faldne 
Fugle, idet Prøver af disse ere indsendte. Ifølge Fyrmestrenes 
Opgivelser er endyderligere opsamlet c. 855 faldne Fugle, hvoraf 
c. 510 vare Drosler. Nøjere Efterretning haves saaledes om c. 3000 
Fugles Død ved Fyrene. Endelig meldes fra Fyrskibene, at over- 
maade mange Fugle ere faldne i Søen efter at være dræbte ved 
Fyrruderne. I det hele er der sikkert faldet mindst 4000 Fugle. 

De Fyr, hvorfra Fugle indsendtes, vare: Graadyb Fyrskib, 
J. S. Ibsen Fyrskibsfører (42 Fugle fra 20 Nætter); Vyl Fyrskib, 
J. S. Jensen Fyrskibsfører (85 Fugle fra 35 Nætter);. Horns Rev 
Fyrskib, H. Sonnichsen Fyrskibsfører (29 Fugle fra 4 Nætter); 
Lyngvig Fyr, P.A.Larsen Fyrmester (50 Fugle fra 26 Nætter); Lod- 
bjerg Fyr, P. S. Pedersen Fyrmester (48 Fugle fra 8 Nætter); 
Hanstholm Fyr, H. Roed Fyrmester (15 Fugle fra 3 Nætter); 
Rubjerg Knude Fyr, J.C. Boysen Fyrmester (28 Fugle fra 2 Nætter); 
Hirtshals Fyr, H. Hinrichsen Fyrmester (11 Fugle fra 1 Nat); 
Skagen Fyr, G. H.E, Wielandt Fyrmester (39 Fugle fra 6 Nætter); 
Læsø Trindel Fyrskib, P. V. Eriksen Fyrskibsfører (50 Fugle 


fra 14 Nætter); Læsø Rende Fyrskib, P. C. Grumsen Fyrskibs- 
fører (40 Fugle fra 13 Nætter); Østre. Flak Fyrskib, N.C. Knud- 
sen Fyrskibsfører (83 Fugle fra 23 Nætter); Anholt Knob Fyrskib, 
T. A.M. Andresen Fyrskibsfører (38 Fugle fra 23 Nætter); Anholt 
Fyr, J.P. Nielsen Fyrmester (102 Fugle fra 7 Nætter); Schultz's 
Grund Fyrskib, P. Larsen Fyrskibsfører (78 Fugle fra 10 Nætter); 
Fornæs Fyr, A. Kruse Fyrmester (1 Fugl); Hjelm Fyr, A. P. 
Jensen Fyrmester (3 Fugle fra 1 Nat); Thunø Fyr, C. Kjeldsen 
Fyrpasser (2 Fugle fra 2 Nætter); Sejrø Fyr, N. J.%. Nielsen 
Fyrmester (7 Fugle fra 2 Nætter); Nakkehoved Fyr, W. Schultz 
Fyrmester (2 Fugle fra 2 Nætter); Lappegrunden Fyrskib, J. C. 
Jensen Fyrskibsfører (1 Fugl); Drogden Fyrskib, N.J. Kromann 
Fyrskibsfører (2 Fugle fra 2 Nætter); Stevns Fyr, L. D. A. Wedén 
Fyrmester (31 Fugle fra 5 Nætter); Sprogø Fyr, A. V. Hansen 
Fyrmester (2 Fugle fra 2 Nætter); Omø Fyr, P.F. Køhler, Fyr- 
mester (6 Fugle fra 3 Nætter); Hov Fyr, H.V.0. Westermann 
Fyrmester (2 Fugle fra 2 Nætter); Kjels Nor Fyr, J. C. Ryder 
Fyrmester (87 Fugle fra 12 Nætter); Æbelø Fyr, E. W. F. C. 
Schonfeldt Fyrmester (3 Fugle fra 2 Nætter); Hammeren Fyr, 
A.M. Dam Fyrmester (2 Fugle fra 2 Nætter); Gedser Fyr, P. A. 
C. Lindgaard Fyrmester (5 Fugle fra 4 Nætter); Gedser Rev 
Fyrskib, J. Jensen Fyrskibsfører (21 Fugle fra 3 Nætter); Hylle- 
krog Fyr, P.W.Sørensen og J. N. B.Håeg Fyrmestre (8 Fugle 
fra 5 Nætter). 

De Fugle, der indkom til Zoologisk Museum som faldne i 
1911, vare: . 
1. Anas crecca 1. 
2. Oedemia nigra 4. 
3. Tachybaptes minor 1. 
4. Procellaria pelagica 1. 
Procellaria leucorrhoa 2, 
Porzana maruetta 4. 
Rallus aquaticus 4. 
Gallinula chloropus 1. 

ÆnN mM gt 



Vanellus cristatus 3. (16 faldt.) 
Charadrius squatarola 1. 
Charadrius pluvialis 2. 
Eudromias morinellus 1. 
Ægialitis hiaticula 1. 
Hæmatopus ostreologus 1. 
Numenius arquatus 2. 

Actitis hypoleuca 1. 

Totanus calidris 2. 

Tringa canutus 4. 

Tringa alpina 2. 

Calidris arenaria 1: 
Limnocryptes gallinula 4. 
Gallinago scolopacina 6. 
Scolopax rusticula 1. (4 faldt.) 
Columba livia domestica 1. 
Columba palumbus 2. (4 faldt.) 
Jynæ torquilla 11. 

Alauda arborea 1. 

Alauda arvensis 144. (306 faldt.) 

.… Sturnus vulgaris 54. (86 faldt.) 

Troglodytes parvulus 3. 
Accentor modularis 1. 

Sylvia cinerea 4. (5 faldt.) 
Sylvia atricapilla 6. 

Sylvia hortensis 15. 

Sylvia nisoria 1. 

Hypolais icterina 1. 
Acrocephalus arundinaceus 1.» 
Acrocephalus phragmitis 2. 
Phyllopseustes trochilus 31. (53 faldt.) 
Phyllopseustes rufus 1. 
Regulus cristatus 6. 

Anthus pratensis 3. 



43. Anthus arboreus 3. 

44. Anthus obscurus 1. 

45.  Turdus iliacus 151. (766 faldt.) 
46. Turdus musicus 96. (257 faldt.) 
47. Turdus viscivorus 2. 

48. Turdus pilaris 51. (182 faldt). 
49. Turdus torquatus 9. 

50. Turdus merula 37. (77 faldt.) 
51.  Sazicola oenanthe 46. 

52.  Praticola rubetra 3. 

53.  Ruticilla phoenicura 24. 

54. Erithacus rubecula 80. 

55.  Cyanecula suecica 1. 

56.  Luscinia vera 1. 

57... Muscicapa atricapilla 16. (28 faldt.) 
58,  Muscicapa grisola 2. 

59. Passer domesticus 1. 

60. Passer montanus 1. 

61. Fringilla coelebs 2. 

62.  Fringilla montifringilla 22, 

63. Cannabina linota 2. 

64. Cannabina linaria 1. 

65.  Emberiza schoeniclus 13. 

66. Emberiza citrinella 2. 

67. Emberiza miliaria 2. 

68. Emberiza nivalis 16. 

Af de faldne Arter var en, nemlig Luscinia vera, ikke faldet 

ved Fyrene i Løbet af de foregaaende 25 Aar. Tallet paa de Arter, 


ere faldne i Løbet af de” sidste 26 Aar, er dermed naaet' op 

til 159. 

Fortegnelse over de Fugle der ere indsendte fra Fyrene 
som faldne om Nat 
(Hver Nat henregnes til den følgende Dag.) 


. Anas crecca. Krikand. - 
August: 3lte Lyngvig 1. 
Oedemia nigra. Sortand. 
Marts: 1ste Graadyb 2 (g' ad., dg jun.). 
April: 21lde Omø 2 
Tachybaptes minor. Lille Lappedykker. 
April: 29de Hyllekrog 1 dg. 
.…. Procellaria pelagica. Stormsvale. 
November: 20de Lyngvig 19 jun. 
Procellaria leucorrhoa. Stor Stormsvale. 
Januar: 8de Sprogø 12 jun. 
December: 30te Sejrø 1. 
Porzana maruetta. Rørvagtel. 
April: 2den Kjels Nor 1 &. 
28de Lyngvig 19 ad. 
29de Hanstholm 1 g'. 
Maj: 4de Skagen 1 &. 
Rallus aquaticus. Vandrikse. 
April: 22de Lyngvig 1. 
26de Schultz's Grund 1. 
27de Skagen 1 &. 
28de Kjels Nor 1. 
Gallinula chloropus. Rørhøne. 
Marts: 29de Sprogø 192 ad. 
Vanellus cristatus. Vibe. 
Marts: Iste Kjels Nor 1. 
4de (Blaavandshuk 1.)7) 
[28de Lyngvig 1 (2 faldt.). 
April: 2den Lyngvig 1 (12 faldt.). 
+) I Klammer er, efter Fyrmestrenes Oplysninger, vedføjet Tallet paa de 
faldne Fugle, naar dette er et andet end Tallet paa de indsendte; paa 
samme Maade vedføjes efter Fyrmestrenes Opgivelser Viber, Skov- 
snepper og Stære, selv om intet er indsendt. 
Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. 10 









(1911.) ; 
10. Charadrius squatarola. Strandhjejle. 
September: 25de Lodbjerg 1. 
11. Charadrius pluvialis. Hjejle. 
April: 22de Lyngvig 1. 
Oktober: 2den Anholt 1. 
12. Eudromias morinellus. Pomeransfugl. 
August: 28de Rubjerg Knude 1 jun. 
13. Ægialitis hiaticula. Præstekrave. 
April: 29de Lodbjerg 19. 
14. Hæmatopus ostreologus. Strandskade. 
September: 17de Hammeren 1 jun. 
15. Numenius arquatus. Storspove. 
April: 23de Lyngvig 1. 
24de Skagen 1 J'. 
16. Actitis hypoleuca. Mudderklire. 
April: 27de Skagen 1. 
17. Totanus calidris. Rødben. 
Marts: 15de Graadyb -1 2 ad. 
August: 28de Rubjerg Knude 12 jun. 
18. Tringa canutus. Islandsk Ryle. 
August: 22de Lyngvig 1g' jun. 
26de Lyngvig 1 jun. 
29%de Lyngvig 19 jun. 
September: 1ste Fornæs 1 jun. 
19. Tringa alpina.  Ryle. 
April: 28de Lyngvig 1. 
December: 18de Læsø "Rende 19 jun. 
20. Calidris arenaria. Selning. 
August: 29de Vyl 1 jun. 
21. Limnocryptes gallinula. Enkelt Bekkasin. 
April: 22de Kjels Nor 1. 
28de Kjels Nor 1. 
30te Æbelø 19. 
November: 2lde Stevns 1. 

22. Gallinago scolopacina. Horsegøg. 
Marts: 28de- Lyngvig 1. 
Maj: 3dje Lyngvig 1. 
Ade Skagen 1. 
September: 25de Kjels Nor 1. 
November: 20de Lodbjerg 2. 
23. Scolopax rusticula.  Skovsneppe. 
April: 26de Hammeren 1. 
November: 20de (Hesselø 3.) 
24, Columba livia domestica. Husdue (Brevdue.). 
Juli: 24de Omø 1. 
Columba palumbus. Ringdue. 
April: liste Kjels Nor 1. 
Oktober: 2den Anholt 1 (3 faldt.). 
. Iynx torquilla. Vendehals. 
April: 23de Æbelø 1. 
24de Anholt 19 ad. 
27de Læsø Rende 1, Østre Flak 17,.:Sejrø 1 &. 
Maj: 3dje Hanstholm 1 dg, Lodbjerg 19, Kjels Nor 1g'. 
l5de Skagen. 1 2. 
August: 21de Nakkehoved 19 jun. 
23de Stevns 12 jun. 
27. Alauda arborea. Hedelærke. 
Marts: 4de Hyllekrog 1. 
."…. Alauda arvensis. Lærke. 
Januar: 8de Kjels Nor 1 å. 
26de Vyl 1. ; 
27de Vyl 4'g', Lyngvig 1 & (10 faldt). 
28de Vyl 1g'. 
30te Vyl 2. 
Februar: 7de Vyl 1J'. 
18de Vyl 19 ad., Horns Rev 29, 
19%de Lappegrunden 1. 
20de Østre Flak 2. 












23de Læsø Trindel 1 g. 

24de Læsø Rende 2, Østre Flak 4. 

25de Læsø Trindel 1 g, Læsø Rende 2, Østre Flak 1. 

26de Læsø Rende 5, Østre Flak 2, Schultz's Grund 5 
(12, 4 &), (Sejrø 60 faldt.) 

lste Læsø Trindel 1 g'. 

2den Østre Flak 3. 

3dje Læsø Trindel 1 g. 

Ade Graadyb 19, Anholt Knob 1 g' (3 faldt.), Hjelm 
2 3, Gedser Rev 5 (3 g, 19 ad., 1 9 jun., 10 faldt.) 

5te Graadyb 1 92. 

8de Kjels Nor 19 jun. 

l4de Graadyb 19 ad. 

17de Vyl 19. 

28de Vyl 19 ad. 

24de Anholt 2 9. 

26de Schultz's Grund 29. 

28de Rubjerg Knude 1. 

29de Lyngvig 18. 

24de Vyl 6 (5 9 jun.,.1 9 ad.). 

lste Østre Flak 1, Anholt 3 (2 9 ad., 1 2 jun.) 
Schultz's Grund 2. 

tde Vyl 192 ad. 

24de Læsø Trindel 1 g'. 

25de Lodbjerg 2, Østre Flak 2 g, Anholt Knob 3 $5 
Anholt 16 (9 g, 7 9, 88 faldt.), Schult'z Grund 4 
(83, 19% 7 fabk). 

26de Stevns 1 9 jun. 

27de Graadyb 1 3, Vyl 3, Horns Rev 3 g', Lyngvig 1 dy, 
Anholt 2 (&', 2), Anholt Knob 1. 

28de- Lyngvig 1 g (10 faldt). 

29de Stevns 11 (63, 52), Hov 19. 

l4de Lyngvig 1 g jun. (3 faldt). 

19%de Graadyb 2 dg. 

November: 20de Lyngvig 19, Anholt 1 g'. 
22de Østre Flak 1 &, Schultz's Grund 2 J. 
23de Østre Flak 1. 
29%de Østre Flak 1 d' jun. 
December: Yde Østre Flak 1. 
12te Læsø Rende 1 J. 
19de Anholt Knob 1 då. 
29. Sturnus vulgaris. Stær. 
Januar: 27de (Blaavandshuk 1.). 
Februar: 19de (Vestborg 1.). 
22de (Gedser Rev 1.). 
25de Graadyb 1 d' ad. 
26de Horns Rev 1 ad., (Sejrø 2.). 
28de Vyl 1 ad. 
Marts: l1ste Graadyb 1 dg ad., (Blaavandshuk 1.), Lyngvig 
19 ad. (4 faldt.), Læsø Trindel 19 ad. 
2den Vyl 14 ad., Lyngvig 19 ad. (11 faldt.), 
Lodbjerg 9 (5 &' ad., 3 9 ad., 1 2 jun.), (Læsø 
Rende 1.), Østre Flak 1 g' ad., Schultz's Grund 2 J'. 
3dje Læsø Trindel 1, (Graadyb 1.). 
4de Graadyb 19 ad., Vy12 (19 jun.), Hjelm 192 ad., 
Thunø 1 d ad. ; 
8de Kjels Nor 2 (9 ad., &). 
9de Graadyb 1 jun. 
23de (Gedser Rev 1.). 
30te Vyl 19. 
April: 2den Hov 19 ad., Kjels Nor 4. 
3dje Graadyb 2. 
åde Graadyb 3. 
16de Anholt Knob 1 ad. 
23de Vyl 18, Anholt 12 (2. faldt). 
28de (Vestborg 1.). 
September: 25de Schultz's Grund 1. 
Oktober: 6te Graadyb 12 jun. 

Oktober: 15de Graadyb 19 jun. 
24de (Blaavandshuk 2.). 
25de (Blaavandshuk 2.), Vyl 1, Lodbjerg 2, Rubjerg 
Knude 1, Anholt Knob 19 ad., Schultz's Grund 
12 jun. 
27de (Blaavandshuk 1.), (Hesselø 2.). 
November: 2den (Gedser Rev 1.). 
20de Læsø Rende 12 ad., Anholt Fyr 19 jun. 
30. Troglodytes parvulus. Gærdesmutte. 
April: Zden Kjels Nor 1 g'. 
September: 16de Anholt Knob 1. 
Oktober: 19de Lyngvig 1. 
. Accentor modularis. Jernspurv. 
April: 23de Anholt Fyr 1. 
. Sylvia cinerea. Tornsanger. 
Maj: 15de Skagen 1 92. 
August: 28de Hirtshals 1 g jun., Skagen 2 (3', & jun., 3 faldt.). 
. Sylvia atricapilla. Munk. 
Maj: 2den Kjels Nor 1 dg. 
25de Kjels Nor 19. 
September: 24de Vyl 192 jun. 
25de Kjels Nor 2, Gedser Rev 1. 
34. Sylvia hortensis. Havesanger. 
Maj: 2dde Kjels Nor 2, 
August: 28de Rubjerg Knude 3, Hirtshals 1, Skagen 2. 
September: 24de Vyl 1 g jun., Hanstholm 1. 
25de Anholt Knob 1, Kjels Nor 3, Gedser 1. 
Sylvia nisoria. Høgesanger. 
August: 29de Lyngvjg 19 jun. 








Hypolais icterina. Gulbug. 

Maj: 25de Hyllekrog 1. 

Acrocephalus arundinaceus. Rørsanger. 
Maj: 25de Kjels Nor 1 g. 



38. Acrocephalus phragmitis. Sivsanger. 
April: 28de Kjels Nor 1 d'. 
September: 25de Gedser 1. 
39. Phyllopseustes trochilus. Løvsanger. 
April: 26de Schultz's Grund 1. 
Maj: 16de Østre Flak 1. 
25de Kjels Nor 1. 
August: 28de Rubjerg Knude 9, Hirtshals 8 (29 jun., 1, 
1 2 ad.), Skagen 4 (26 faldt.), Læsø Trindel 2 
(19 un.) 
September: 24de Vyl 2 (g', 2), Lodbjerg 1. 
25de Graadyb 1, Gedser Rev 1. 
40. Phyllopseustes rufus. Gransanger. 
Oktober: liste Anholt 1. 
41. Regulus cristatus. Fuglekonge. 
April: 26de Schultz's Grund 1 9. 
29de Østre Flak 1 J'. 
September: 25de Graadyb 1 d'. 
Oktober: 10de Anholt Knob 1 9. 
25de Østre Flak 1 J'. 
November: 19%de Østre Flak 1 J'. 
42. Anthus pratensis. Engpiber. 
April: 2den Vyl 1. 
September: 6te Vyl 1. 
Oktober: Øde Vyl 1. 
43. Anthus arboreus. Skovpiber. 
September: 24de Vyl 2 (1). 
25de Kjels Nor 1. 
44. Anthus obscurus. Skærpiber. 
Oktober: 24de Lyngvig 1. 
45. Turdus iliacus. Vindrossel. 
April: 22de Kjels Nor 2. 
24de Skagen 2, Østre Flak 1. 






27de Læsø Rende 1, Anholt Knob 1, Sejrø 2, Omø l1. 

28de Stevns 1. 

l5åde Graadyb 12 jun. 

20de Læsø Trindel 6 (3 jun., 1g' ad., 29 ad.). 

24de Vyl 2, Lyngvig 12 ad. (68 faldt), Læsø Trin- 
del 6 (15 jun., 2 ad.,.82 jun), "Gedser 1. 

25de Vyl 1, Lodbjerg 14, Horns Rev 12, Rubjerg 
Knude 10, Østre Flak 10 (5d&, 19 ad., 3 9 jun.):. 
Anholt Knob 18, Anholt 19 ad. (ec. 18 faldt), 
Schultz's Grund 5 (2 &, 39 jun., 21 faldt). 

26de Lyngvig 19 ad., Stevns 2 (1 & jun., 12 jun.). 

27de Graadyb 4 (3 dg ad., 12 jun.,), Vyl 1, Horns 
Rev 8, Lyngvig 1 & ad. (327 faldt.), Anholt 13 
(6, 79 ad,, 142 faldt). 

28de- Vyl 1, Lyngvig 1, Kjels Nor 20. 

llte Læsø Trindel 2. 

20de Lyngvig 1, Østre Flak 1 (mange faldt), Anholt 
Knob 5 (65 faldt.). 

2lde Anholt Knob 1, Stevns 2. 

22de Østre Flak 2, Schultz's Grund 2. 

17de Gedser 1. 

46. Turdus musicus. Sangdrossel. 


lste Hyllekrog 1 d'. 

20de Schultz's Grund 2 (16 faldt.). 

22de Vyl 1 (2 faldt), Læsø Rende 4, Kjels Nor 2. 

23de Graadyb 1, Vyl 1 (6 faldt.), Læsø Trindel 1, 
Anholt Knob 1, Æbelø 1. 

24de Skagen 2, Østre Flak 1, Anholt 2 (19 faldt). 

26de Vyl 1 (6 faldt.), Schultz's Grund 2 (4 faldt.). 

27de Skagen 1 (20 faldt.),. Læsø Rende 1, Østre 
Flak 4. 

28de Schultz's Grund 4 (10 faldt, mange udenbords), 
Stevns 1, Kjels Nor 9. 

29de Lodbjerg 2, Østre Flak 1. 














30te Skagen 1 (20 faldt). 

2den Lyngvig 1 (4 faldt.). 

3dje Lodbjerg 1, Hanstholm 2. 

23de Gedser 1 jun. 

24de Vyl 2. 

25de Lodbjerg 1, Læsø Rende 192 jun., Østre Flak 
1 g' jun., Kjels Nor 1. 

iste Graadyb 1 g' jun., Schultz's Grund 13, Gedser 
Rev 6. 

2den Anholt Knob 3 (1g'ad., 19 ad., 56 faldt.). 

24de Læsø Trindel 1 jun. 

25de Horns Rev 1, Lodbjerg 1, Østre Flak 5 (4 
12 ad.), Anholt I Yad. (c. 18 faldt.) 

27de Graadyb 2 dg. Vyl 1. 

28de Kjels Nor 2. 

29de Stevns 1. 

Turdus viscivorus.  Misteldrossel. 

28de Stevns 1 9. 
25de Anholt Knob 19 ad. 

Turdus pilaris. Sjagger. 

26de Horns Rev 19 ad. 

22de Graadyb 1, Lyngvig 1 (2 faldt.). 
23de Anholt Fyr 1 &' (32 faldt.). 
24de Skagen 19, Anholt 12ad. (6 faldt.). 
26de Graadyb 1 92. 

27de Anholt Knob 1, Omøl ?. 

28de Stevns 12, Kjels Nor 1. 

29de Østre Flak 3. 

30te Skagen 1 gg (4 faldt). 

25de Vyl 1. 

27de Graadyb 1g, Vyl 1. 

2den Vyl 1, Lyngvig 1 (4 faldt.). 
12te Anholt Knob 1. 

låde Lyngvig 1. 

November: 15de Østre Flak 1, Anholt Knob 1. 
20de Lyngvig 1, Lodbjerg 1, Læsø Rende 7 (1, 
3 2 ad., 1 9 jun,), Østre Flak 1 g (mange faldt.), 
Anholt Knob 1, Anholt6 (1 g' ad., 29 ad, 19 jun., 
92 faldt), Nakkehoved 1 (3 faldt.). 
2lde Østre Flak 2. 
22de Schultz's Grund 6. 
29%de Østre Flak 1. 
49. Turdus torquatus. Ringdrossel. 
April: 23de Anholt 1. 
24de Læsø Trindel 1. 
27de Østre Flak 1. 
29de Lodbjerg 1, Hanstholm 1. 
Maj: å3dje Vyl 1. 
September: 24de Hanstholm 1 9 ad. 
Oktober: liste Gedser Rev 1. 
3dje Vyl 1 & jun. 
50. Turdus merula. Solsort. 
Februar: 26de Vyl 1.d' ad. 
Marts: i1ste Læsø Trindel 19 ad. 
4åde Graadyb 19 ad. 
8de Kjels Nor 1 d' ad. 
April: 24de Læsø Trindel 19. 
27de Sejrø 13 ad., Omø 19. 
29de Hanstholm 1. 
Oktober: 7de Vyl 19 jun. 
24de Læsø Trindel 2 (1 gjun., 19 jun.). 
25de Rubjerg Knude 19 ad., Østre Flak 12 jun., 
(Hesselø 2.), Schultz's Grund 19 jun. 
27de Schultz's Grund 1 jun., (Hesselø 3.). 
November: ilte Læsø Trindel 5 (2 $ jun, 2 9 jun.). 
12te Østre Flak 1 gad. 
13de Thunø 19 jun. 
1l4de Lyngvig 1. 


20de Østre Flak 19 jun. (mange faldt), Anholt Knob 
1g jun. (2 faldt), Anholt 4 (gg ad., & jun., 29 
ad., 28 faldt), (Hesselø 10). 

2lde Østre Flak 4 (2J' ad., 1 dd jun., 1 9). 

22de Anholt Knob 1 ad., Schultz's Grund 3 (g' 
jun, 2 jen Pad] 

51. Saxicola oenanthe. Stenpikker. 
April: 23de Graadyb 2 (3,2), Vyl 2 g, Anholt 19. 

24de Læsø Rende 1, Anholt 192. 

26de Graadyb 1&, Vyl 2 g. 

27de Læsø Rende 19. 

28de Lyngvig 1, Lodbjerg 2 J'. 

30te Skagen 2 (J', 2). 

Maj: 3dje Lodbjerg 1 dg, Hanstholm 3 (2 g, 19). 
4de Graadyb 1. 
September: Ilte Vyl 1. 

24de Graadyb 12 jun., Vyl 10 (6 dg, 19 ad., 22 
jun.), Lodbjerg 1 g ad., Hanstholm 2, Anholt Knob 1. 

25de Læsø Rende 1, Østre Flak 1, Schultz's Grund 
1, Gedser Rev 1, Kjels Nor 2. 

26de Østre Flak 1. 

Oktober: 1ste Anholt 1g' ad. 
November: 21lde Østre Flak 1 g jun. 

52. Praticola rubetra. Bynkefugl. 
April: 27de Sejrø 1 &. 
Maj: 13de Vyl 13. 
17de Læsø Rende 1 d. 
53. Ruticilla phoenicura. Rødstjert. 
April: 27de Læsø Trindel 1 dg. 
Maj: 2den Lyngvig 1. 
13de Vyl 2 dg. 
1l6de Vyl 1, Østre Flak 12. 
August: 22de Lyngvig 1 d'. 





28de Rubjerg Knude 19, Hirtshals 1 g', Skagen 6 
(3 &, 32), Læsø Trindel 1 g'. 

24de Lodbjerg 2 (2, &). 

25de Østre Flak 1, Schultz's Grund 1, Kjels Nor 2, 
Gedser Rev 1. 

27de Læsø Trindel 1 & jun. 

54. Erithacus rubecula. Rødkælk. 




lste Anholt Knob 1 g', Hyllekrog 1. 

23de Østre Flak 1, Anholt 3, Hyllekrog 19 jun. 

24de Læsø Rende 1. 

26de Schultz's Grund 4. 

27de Læsø Trindel 19, Østre Flak 1å, Anholt 
Knob 5 (2 3, 32), Sejrø 1. 

28de Anholt Knob 1. 

29%de Østre Flak 12. 

30te Læsø Trindel 29, Anholt Knob 1:92. 

3dje Læsø Rende 2 (3, 2). 

24de Vyl 2, Hanstholm 2, Læsø Trindel 19 jun. 

25de Schultz's Grund 2, Kjels Nor 9, Gedser Rev 5. 

26de Læsø Rende 1, Østre Flak 1, Anholt Knob 1. 

30te Anholt Knob 1. 

lste Anholt 22 ad., Schultz's Grund 6. 

llte Vyl 1. 

20de Læsø Trindel 2 (J', 2 jun.). 

24de Lyngvig 19 jun., Læsø Trindel 3 (1 d, 2 2)- 

25de Østre Flak 2 g. 

27de Anholt Knob 1 å, Schultz's Grund 1 d' ad. 

28de Kjels Nor 2. 

29de Stevns 7 (39 jun., 2 g). 

55. Cyanecula suecica. Blaakælk. 
September: 26de Østre Flak 19 jun. 

56. Luscinia vera. Sydlig Nattergal. 
Maj: 25de Kjels Nor 12 ad. 

57. Muscicapa atricapilla. Broget Fluesnapper. 
April: 24de Skagen 1, Læsø Rende 3 J'. 
30te Skagen 1 d'. 
3dje Lyngvig 1, Lodbjerg 1. 
16de Østre Flak 1 2. 
17de Læsø Rende 1 d'. 
25de Kjels Nor 1 J'. 
August: 28de Skagen 4 (16 faldt.). 
September: 24de Vyl 19, 
25de Kjels Nor 1. 



58. Muscicapa grisola. Graa Fluesnapper. 
Maj: 15de Skagen 1 g'. 
25de Lyngvig 1. 


Passer dometicus. Spurv. 
April: 30te Lyngvig 1 d'. 
Passer montanus. Skovspurv. 
Oktober: 1lte Anholt Knob 1. 



. Fringilla coelebs. Bogfinke. 
Oktober: 9de Vyl 1 ad. 
l4de Vyl 12 jun. 


Fringilla montifringilla. Kvækerfinke. 
April: 23de Anholt 19, Hyllekrog 1 2. 

24de Anholt 1. 
28de Kjels Nor 1. 

September: 24de Lodbjerg 1 2. 

Oktober: liste Anholt 4 g ad. 
8de Lyngvig 19. 
20de Læsø Trindel 23. - 
24de Lyngvig 1, Læsø Trindel 1 d'. 
25de Østre Flak 19, Anholt 19 ad. 
27de Horns Rev 1 $, Lyngvig 1 3, Anholt 3 

Q2F, 1?) 

28de Vyl 12. 

63. Cannabina linota. Irisk. 
Marts: 29%de Vyl 12 ad. 
Oktober: 15de Graadyb 1 g'. 

64. Cannabina linaria. Graasisken. 
November; 19de Østre Flak 1 dg. 

65. Emberiza schoeniclus. Rørspurv. 
April: 24de Læsø Rende 1 g'. 
30te Skagen 1. 
September: 24de Anholt Knob 1. 
Oktober: Iste Anholt 7 (13, 19 jun., 59 ad.). 
2å5dde Anholt 2. 
29de Stevns 1 g jun. 

66. Emberiza citrinella. Gulspurv. 
Oktober: 20de Anholt Knob 1. 
November: 20de Anholt 192 ad. 

67. Emberiza miliaria. Bomlænke. 
November: 29de Drogden 1. 
30te Drogden 19 jun. 

68. Emberiza nivalis. Snespurv. 
Marts: 4de Hyllekrog 12 ad. 
låde Vyl 29. 
28de Lyngvig 19 jun. 
Oktober: 25de Schultz's Grund 19 jun. 
27de Anholt Knob 19 jun., Anholt 1. 
28de Vyl 192, Lyngvig 1 J'. 
November: låde Østre Flak 19. 
19%de Graadyb 1 2. 
20de Anholt 2 J'. 
22de Schultz's Grund 1 d'. 
December: 9de Østre Flak 2 g. 

Oversigt over de Nætter da Fugle ere komne til Fyrene. 

Hver Nat henreynes til den fregDron Dag. — Tallet efter Vindretningen betegner Vind- 
styrken broil Beauforts Skala (0—12), h 

" str bes Let Bris 7 mee Trerebet Merssejlskuling. 

: Laber re RE 8 g rebet Merssejlskuling. 
. — Bramsejlskuli: pr rsæry ondere el. Storm. 
4 — Merssejlsku 10 — Haard Storm. 
5. — : Rebet Merssejlskuli 11 —  : Orkanagtig Storm. 
6 — : Torebet Merssejlskuling. 12 — : Orkan. 

8de Januar. 
Lodbjerg. S.3, overtr., diset. 1 Stær ved Ruderne om Morgenen. 
Sprogø. S.V. 3, diset. En Stor Stormsvale faldt. 
Kjels Nor. S., S.V. 2, skyet og diset. En Lærke faldt. 
Procellaria leucorrhoa. Sprogø 1. 
Alauda arvensis. Kjels Nor 1. 
13de Januar. 
Bovbjerg. N.Ø., skyet og diset. En Stær ved Fyret om Natten. 

2lde Januar. 
Lyngvig. V.S.V. 3, overtrukket. En Stær ved Fyrruderne. 
Lodbjerg. S.Ø. 2, klart. En Lærke ved Ruderne før Midnat. 

26de Januar. 
Vyl. V.S. V. 5, Regn. En Lærke fandtes død paa Dækket om Morgenen. 

Alauda arvensis 1. 

27de Januar. 
Blaavandshuk. V., Regntykning. 1 Stær og 1 Drossel faldt 
(ikke indsendte.). 
Vyl. V.N.V. 3, Regn. Flere Lærker saas om -Natten, 4 faldt. 
Horns Rev. V., overtr. Omkr. 80 Lærker ved Fyret om Natten. 
Lyngvig. V.3,overtr. Stære og Lærker om Fyret. 10 Lærker faldt. 
Alauda arvensis. Vyl 4, Lyngvig 1 (10 faldt.). 
(Sturnus vulgaris. Blaavandshuk 1.). 
28de Januar. 
Vyl. V.N.V. 3, skyet. Enkelte Lærker ved Fyret om Natten, 1 faldt. 
Lodbjerg. V. 3, overtr., diset. 2 Stære ved Ruderne efter Midnat. 
ÅAlauda arvensis. Vyl 1. ; 

30te Januar. 
Vyl. Ø.S.Ø. 3, skyet. Enkelte Lærker om Fyret, 2 faldt. 
Alauda arvensis 2. 
3dje Februar. 
Læsø Trindel. N.N.V. 2, Taage. Fugle ved Fyret. 
7de Februar. 
Vyl. N.N.V. 4, Regnbyger. En Lærke faldt. 
Alauda arvensis 1. 
18de Februar. 
Vyl. S.V.3, graat. Flere Smaaflokke Lærker ved Fyret om Mor- 
genen; en Lærke faldt. 
Horns Rev. V., Regn. Omkr. 50 Lærker ved Fyret om Natten, 2 faldt. 
Alauda arvensis. Vyl 1, Horns Rev 2. 
19de Februar. 
Horns Rev. V., Regn. Enkelte Fugle ved Fyret om Natten. 
Vestborg. S.Ø., diset. En Stær faldt (ikke indsendt.). 
Lappegrunden. $S.Ø. 2, overtrukket, Regn. En Lærke faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Lappegrunden 1. 
” (Sturnus vulgaris. Vestborg 1.) 

20de Februar. 
Østre Flak. 3.8. Ø. 1, Snebyger. Flere Lærker saas .ved Fyret i 
Løbet af Natten; 2 faldt. 
Gedser Rev. V. 4, Regndis. 2 Lærker ved Fyret. 
Alauda arvensis. Østre Flak 2. 
2lde Februar. 
Gedser Rev. N.V. 5, Snevejr. En Lærke ved Fyret. 
22de Februar. i 
Gedser Rev. V.S.V.4, Snevejr. 3 Stære ved Fyret, 1 faldt paa 
Dækket (ikke indsendt.). 
(Stwrnus vulgaris 1.) 
23de Februar. 
Læsø Trindel. S.V. 5, Regnbyger. Smaafugle — Lærker og Stære 
— om Fyret, endel faldt i Vandet; 1 Lærke faldt. paa Dækket. 
Alauda arvensis 1. ) ; 


24de Februar. 

Lodbjerg. 6, overtr., Regn, Dis. En Lærke og 2 Stære ved Ru- 

derne efter Midnat. 
Læsø Rende. V. 4, Regnbyger. 2 Lærker faldt. 
Østre Flak. S.V. 3, overtr. Flere Lærker saas ved Fyret; 4 faldt. 
Anholt. S.V. 6, overtr., Regn. Enkelte Lærker ved Fyret; ingen faldt. 
Gedser Rev. S.V. 5, Regn. En Vibe ved Fyret. 

Alauda arvensis. Læsø Rende 2, Østre Flak 4. 

25de Februar. 
Graadyb. S.Ø. 3, Regn. Flere Fugle ved Fyret. En Stær faldt. 
Læsø Trindel. S.S.Ø. 4, Regn og Sne. Smaafugle om Fyret; en 
Lærke faldt. | 
Læsø Rende. N.V. 5, Snebyger. Flere Smaafugle ved Fyret; 2 
Lærker faldt. 
Østre Flak. N.V. 1, skyet. En Lærke faldt. 
Alauda arvensis. Læsø Trindel 1, Læsø Rende 2, Østre Flak 1. 
Sturnus vulgaris. Graadyb 1. 
26de Februar. 
Vyl. V.S. V. 3, Regn. Endel Lærker og Stære ved Fyret om Natten; 
1 Solsort faldt. 

Horns Rev. N.V. Skyet. Enkelte Fugle ved Fyret om Natten; 1 
Stær og 1 Sjagger faldt. 

Bovbjerg. S., Sne og Regn. Nogle Stære ved Fyret. 

Lodbjerg. S.$.Ø. senere V.N.V., 4, overtr., Regn, Sne og Dis. 
Mange Stære ved Ruderne efter Midnat. 

Læsø Rende. $. 3, Regn, Snebyger. 5 Lærker faldt. 

Østre Flak. 8.2, Regn. En stor Flok Lærker fløj omkring Skibet, 
da det blev Dag; 2 Lærker faldt. 

Anholt Knob. S. 8. Ø. 4, Regn og Sne. Enkelte Lærker ved 
Fyret og omkring Skibet. 

Schultz'”s Grund. S. 3, Sne. 5 Lærker faldt. 

Sejrø. 8.8. Ø. henad Morgen V. 8. V., Snetykning, Regn, diset og 
overtrukket. Store Fugletræk; Lærker og Stære paa og omkring 
Fyret; omkring 60 Lærker og 2 Stære faldt (ikke indsendte). 

Vidensk, Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. JT 


Vestborg. S., Regn. 1 Lærke faldt (ikke indsendt). 
Sprogø. En Lærke paa Fyrets Ruder. 
Æbelø. S.V. Overtrukket, Regn. Endel Lærker og Stære paa Ru- 
derne; 6 Lærker faldt (ikke indsendte.). 
Gedser :Rev. V. 3, Regn. Omkr. 25 Lærker ved Fyret; 1 faldt 
(ikke indsendt.). 
Alauda arvensis. Læsø Rende 5, Østre Flak 2, Schultz's Grund 5, 
(Sejrø 60). 
Sturnus vulgaris. Horns Rev 1, (Sejrø 2). 
Turdus pilaris. Horns Rev 1. 
Turdus merula. Vyl 1 
28de Februar. 
Vyl. S.S.V. 4, Regn. En Stær faldt. 
Sturnus vulgaris 1. 
Iste Marts. 
Graadyb. S.V. 4, Regn. Mange Smaafugle og Viber ved Fyret; 
2 Sortænder og 1 Stær faldt. 
Blaavandshuk. V.S.V.5, Regntykning. 1 Stær faldt (ikke indsendt.). 
Lyngvig. S.V. 3, overtrukket. Endel Stære om Fyret; 1 faldt. 
"Bovbjerg. S.V. 3, Taage. En hel Del Stære ved Fyret om Natten. 
Lodbjerg. S.V. 5, overtrukket, Taage. Enkelte Viber i Nærheden 
af Taarnet efter Midnat; nogle Stære ved Ruderne efter Midnat. 
Læsø Trindel. S.V.4, Regn. Fugle om Fyret; 1 Lærke, 1 Stær 
og 1 Solsort faldt. 
Kjels Nor. S.V. 4, Regnbyger. 1. Vibe faldt. 
Æbelø. S.V. Regn. Endel Stære paa Ruderne; ingen faldt. 
Vanellus cristatus. Kjels Nor 1. 
Alauda arvensis. Læsø Trindel 1. 
Sturnus srrebng nnng 1, (Blaavandshuk 1.), Lyngvig 1 (4 faldt.) 
Læsø Trin 
Turdus Sean tie Trindel 1. 

2den Marts. 
Vyl. V.S.V. 4, Regn. En Stær faldt. 
Lyngvig. V.S.V. 6, Regn. Mange Stære om Fyret; 11 faldt. 
"Bovbjerg. V.7, skyet, Dis. En hel Del Stære ved Fyret om Natten. 



Lodbjerg. V.S. V.7, overtrukket, Regn og Dis. Mange Stære ved 
Ruderne efter Midnat; 9 faldt. 

Læsø Rende. V. 4, Regnbyger. Flere Stære ved Fyret, 1 faldt 
(ikke indsendt.). 

Østre Flak. V.S.V. 3, Regn. 3 Lærker og 1 Stær faldt. 

Anholt Knob. V. 5, overtrukket, Regn. Enkelte Lærker og Sol- 
sorter ved Fyret og omkring Skibet. ; 

Anholt. V. 7, overtrukket. Endel Lærker og Solsorter omkring 
Ruderne; ingen faldt. 

Schultz's Grund. S.V. 4, Regn. 2 Stære faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Østre Flak 3. 
Sturnus vulgaris. Vyl 1, Lyngvig 1 (11 faldt.), Lodbjerg 9, (Læsø 
Rende 1), Østre Flak 1, Schultz's Grund 2. 

3dje Marts. 
Graadyb. N.V. 8, Byger. En Stær faldt. 
Læsø Trindel. V. 3, Taage. Fugle om Fyret; en Lærke og en 
Stær faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Læsø Trindel 1 
Stwrnus vulgaris. Læsø Trindel i (Graadyb 1.). 

4de Marts. 

Graadyb. S.V. 3, Regn og Taage. Mange Fugle ved Fyret, der- 
iblandt Stære, Lærker og Strandskader; Fugletræk saas ustand- 
seligt; 1 Lærke, 1 Stær og 1 Solsort faldt. 

Blaavands Huk. V.S.V. 2, Taage. En Flok Viber ved Fyret; 
1 faldt (ikke indsendt.). ; 

Vyl. V.2, Taage. Endel Lærker og Stære "om Fyret; 2 Stære faldt. 

Lodbjerg. V. 4, overtrukket, Dis. Mange Stære ved Ruderne før 
og efter Midnat. 

Anholt Knob. S.V.4, Regn og Taage. Lærker saas ved Fyret; 
3 faldt. 

Hjelm. V, 3, Taage. Endel Lærker og Stære ved Ruderne; 2 Lærker 
og 1 Stær faldt. 

Thunø. S.V. 2, Taage. En Stær faldt. 

Gedser Rev. S.V. 2, Taage. 10 Lærker faldt. 


Hyllekrog. V. 3, Taage. Nogle Smaafugle ved Ruderne; 1 Hede- 
lærke og i Snespurv faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Graadyb 1, Anholt Knob 1 (3 faldt.), Hjelm 2, 
Gedser Rev 5 

Alauda arborea. Hyllekrog 
"Sturnus vulgaris. Gmalyb É Vyl 2, Hjelm 1, Thunø 1. 
Turdus merula. Graa 
Emberiza nivalis. Fee ske I: 
5te Marts. 
Graadyb. V.N.V. 3, Regnbyger. En Lærke faldt. 
Alauda arvensis 1. 

åde Marts. 
Kjels Nor. S.3, Regnbyger. 1 Lærke, 2 Stære og 1 Solsort faldt. 
Alauda arvensis 1. 
Sturnus vulgaris 2. 
Turdus merula 1. 
9de Marts. 
Graadyb. En Stær faldt. 
Sturnus vulgaris 1. 
14de Marts. 
Graadyb. Ø. 3, Regnbyger. En Lærke faldt. 
Alauda arvensis 1. 
I5dde Marts. 

Vyl. S.Ø 3, Regn. Enkelte Lærker saas ved Fyret; 2 Sne- 

spurve faldt. 
Emberiza nivalis 2. 
17de Marts. 

Vyl. Ø. 4, skyet. z Lærke faldt. 

Alauda arvensis 
25de Marts. 

Gedser Rev. Ø. 3, overtrukket. 15 Lærker, 5 Stære og 1 Spurve= 
høg ved Fyret; 1 Stær og 2 Lærker faldt paa Dækket (ikke 

Hyllekrog. Ø.N.Ø. 2, overtrukket. Mange Stære paa Ruderne. 
Sturnus vulgaris. (Gedser Rev 1). ; 



28de Marts. 

Vyl. Ø. 2, graat. Endel Fugle ved Fyret om Natten, deriblandt 
Viber, Lærker samt Raager, der sad i Rigningen; en Vibe 
faldt og gik om paa Dækket til det blev Dag, da den atter 
fløj bort; 1 Lærke faldt. ; 

Lyngvig. Ø. 2, overtrukket. Viber og Stære om Fyret; 2 Viber, 
1 Horsegøg og 1 Snespurv faldt. 

Vanellus cristatus. ERR 1 VAR faldt.). 
Gallinago scolopacin æn 
Alauda arvensis. Vw l 
Emberiza nivalis. fonde i 

29%de Marts. 

Vyl. Ø.N.Ø.2, graat. Endel Fugle ved Fyret om Natten; Lærker 
og Viber kendtes; en Irisk faldt. 

Læsø Rende. N.Ø. 2,skyet. En ubekendt Fugl faldt, ikke indsendt. 

Sprogø. N.Ø. 3, Taage. En Rørhøne og en Lærke (ikke ind- 
sendt) faldt. 

Gallinula chloropus. Sprogø 1. 
Cannabina linota. Vyl 1. 
30te Marts. 

Vyl. Ø.8S.Ø. 3, Taage. 1 Stær faldt. 

Sturnus viljarie å Å 
lste April. 

Anholt Knob. S.Ø. 2, skyet. En Rødkælk faldt. 

Anholt. Ø.S.9. 4, overtrukket. Endel Solsorter og Drosler ved 
Ruderne; ingen faldt. 

Kjels Nor. 'Ø.S.Ø. senere V. 2, Taage. En Ringdue faldt. 

Hyllekrog. Mellem S.Ø. og S.V. Flovt og Taage. Mange Smaa- 
fugle paa Ruderne, Drosler, Stære og Rødkælke. En Sang- 
drossel og en Rødkælk faldt. 

Columba palumbus. Kjels Nor 1. 

Turdus musicus. Hyllekrog 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Anholt Knob 1, Hyllekrog 1. 
2den April. 

Vyl. Stille, Taage. En Engpiber faldt. 



Lyngvig. Stille, overtrukket, diset. Mange Viber, Hjejler og Regn- 
spover om Fyret; 12 Viber faldt. 

Lodbjerg. S.V. 2, Taage. Enkelte Stære og 1 Rødkælk ved 
Ruderne efter Midnat. 

Hov. S.Ø. 2, diset og Taage. En Stær faldt. 

Kjels Nor. Ø. senere V.S.V. 2, Taage. 1 Rørvagtel, 4 Stære 
og 1 Gærdesmutte faldt. 

Porzana maruetta. Kjels Nor 1. 
Vanellus cristatus. Lyngvig 1 (12 faldt). 
Sturnus vulgaris. Hov 1, Kjels Nor 4, 
Troglodytes parvulus. Kjels Nor 1. 
Anthus pratensis. Vyl 1. 

3dje April. 
Graadyb. N.N.Ø. 7, klart. Mange Stære omkring Skibet; 2 faldt. 

Sturnus vulgaris 2. 

4de April. 
Graadyb. N.Ø. 5, klart. Mange Stære omkring Skibet; 3 faldt. 
Sturnus vulgaris 3. 

16de April. 
Anholt Knob. V. 4, Regn. 1 Stær faldt. 
Sturnus vulgaris 1. 

18de April. 

Lodbjerg. S.S.Ø. 3, skyet. 2 Stære og 1 Fuglekonge ved Ruderne 
efter Midnat. 

Hanstholm. S.Ø. 2, overtrukket. Endel Solsorter: og enkelte 
Drosler flagrede om Fyret fra Kl. 11 til Daggry. i 

Skagen. 8.8. V. 4, diset. Store Mængder af Stære, Drosler, Rød- 
bryste, Kongefugle og 1 Skovsneppe ved Ruderne; 1 Stær, 1 
Solsort og 1 Drossel faldt (ikke indsendte). 

Skagens Rev. S.Ø. 2, overtrukket. En Mængde Smaafugle vare 
ved Fyret om Natten; enkelte faldt i Vandet. 

Anholt Knob. S. 3, overtrukket, Regn. Enkelte Smaafugle saas FF. 

ved Fyret og nogle opholdt sig paa Skibet. 

19de April. 
Lodbjerg.. S.Ø. 3, overtrukket, Dis. 1 Solsort og 1 Fuglekonge 
ved Ruderne efter Midnat. 

20de April. 
Schultz's Grund. $8.S.V. 2, Regn. 16 Sangdrosler faldt. 
Turdus musicus 2 (16 faldt). 

2lde April. 
Skagen. V.3, diset. Endel Stære, Drosler, Rødbryste, Digesmutter 
m. fi. paa Ruderne; 1 Drossel faldt (ikke indsendt.). 
Læsø Trindel. S.V. 3, overtrukket. Enkelte Fugle ved Fyret. 
Omø. N.V. til V. 2, skyet. 2 Sortænder faldt. 
Oedemia nigra. Omø 2. 

22de April. 
Graadyb. S.V. 4, overtrukket. En Sjagger faldt, ellers ingen 
Fugle ved Fyret. 
Vyl. S.V. 3, graat. Nogle Smaafugle vare ved Fyret om Natten; 
1 faldt i Vandet, 2 Sangdrosler faldt paa Dækket. 
Lyngvig. S.V. 4, diset. Hjejler og Drosler om Fyret; en Vand- 
rikse, en Hjejle og 2 Sjaggere faldt. 
Læsø Rende. S.V. 3, overtrukket. 4 Sangdrosler faldt. 
Hesselø. V.S.V. 4. 1 Vandhøne og 2 Sjaggere faldt (intet indsendt.). 
Kjels Nor. S.V. 3, overtrukket. 1 Enkelt Bekkasin, 2 Sang- 
drosler og 2 Vindrosler faldt. 
Rallus aquaticus. Lyngvig 1 
Limnocryptes gallinula. Kjels Nor 1. 
Charadrius pluvialis. Lyngvig 1. 
Turdus iliacus. Kjels Nor 2, 
Turdus musicus. Vyl 1 (2 faldt), Læsø Rende 4, Kjels Nor 2. 
Turdus pilaris. Graadyb 1, Lyngvig 1 (2 faldt). 

23de April. 
Graadyb. S.V. 3, Regnbyger. Smaafugle om Fyret; 1 Sang- 
drossel og 2 Stenpikkere faldt. 
Vyl. S.V. 3, Regn. Endel Fugle ved Fyret om Natten; 1 Stær, 
6 Sangdrosler og 2 Stenpikkere faldt; flere Fugle faldt i Vandet. 


Lyngvig. S.V. 3, overtrukket. En Storspove faldt. 

Rubjerg Knude. S.V. 4. Mange Regnspover om Fyret. 

Læsø Trindel. V.S.V. 3, skyet. Enkelte Fugle ved Fyret; 1 
Sangdrossel faldt. 

Østre Flak. S.V. 2, overtrukket. En Rødkælk faldt. 

Anholt Knob. S.V. 3, overtrukket. En Sangdrossel faldt. 
Anholt. S.V. 4, diset. 2 Stære, 1 Jernspurv, 32 Sjaggere, 1 
Ringdrossel, 1 Stenpikker, 3 Rødkælke og 1 Kvæker faldt. 
Hesselø. V.S. V. 4. 1 Skovdue og 5 Vindrosler faldt (intet indsendt). 
Sejrø. S.V. Regn, diset, af og til Taage. Endel Fugle omkring 

Ruderne; 4 Vindrosler og 1 Rødkælk faldt (intet indsendt). 
Æbelø. S.V. Regnbyger og diset. Endel Drosler og mindre Fugle 
påa Ruderne; 4 Fugle faldt. 
Hyllekrog. S.V. Flovt, diset. Endel Smaafugle paa Ruderne i 
Nattens Løb; 1 Rødkælk og 1 Kvæker faldt. 
Numenius arquatus. Babe E 
Iyna torquilla. Æbelø 
Sturnus vulgaris. Vyl 3 Anholt 1 (2 faldt.). 

Accentor modularis. Anholt t1 ; 
Turdus musicus. En 1, Vyl 1 (6 faldt.), Læsø Trindel 1, 

Turdus pilaris. Anholt 1 c faldt.). 
Turdus torquatus. Anhol 
Saæicola oenanthe. za 2 Vyl 2, Anholt 1. 
Erithacus rubecula. Østre Flak 1, Anholt 3, Hyllekrog 1. 
Fringilla montifringilla. Anholt 1, Hyllekrog 1. 

24de April. 

Vyl. S.V. 3, Regnbyger. Enkelte Fugle ved Fyret om Natten; 
2 faldt i Vandet. 

Skagen. V.S.V. 4, Regn, diset. Store Mængder af Regnspover, 
Stære, Drosler m. fl. kredsede om Fyret og fløj mod Ruderne; 
1 Storspove, 10 Drosler og 1 Broget Fluesnapper faldt. 

Læsø Trindel. V.S.V. 3, Regnbyger. Endel Fugle ved Fyret; 
8 Sangdrosler, 1 Solsort og 1 Ringdrossel faldt. 

Læsø Rende. V. 5, Regnbyger. 3 Brogede Fluesnappere, 1 Sten- 
pikker, 1 Rødkælk og 1 Rørspurv faldt. 



Østre Flak. S.V. 2, overtrukket, Regn. Flere Fugle ved Fyret; 
1 Vindrossel og 1 Sangdrossel faldt. 

Anholt. S.V. 5, Dis og Regn. 1 Vendehals, 2 Lærker, 19 Sang- 
drosler, 6 Sjaggere, 1 Stenpikker og 1 Kvæker faldt; mange 
Fugle faldt i Søen. 

Sprogø. V.S.V. 3, diset.. 3 Vindrosler faldt (ikke indsendte.). 
Numenius arquatus. Skagen 1. 

Iynæ torquilla. Anholt 1. 

Alauda arvensis. Anholt 2. 

Turdus iliacus. Skagen 2, Østre Flak 1. 

Turdus musicus. Skagen 2, Østre Flak 1, Anholt 2 (19 faldt.). 
Turdus pilaris. Skagen 1, Anholt 1 (6 fa ldt. 
Turdus merula. Læsø Crindel i; 

Turdus torquatus. Læsø Trindel 1. 

Saæicola oenanthe. Læsø Rende 1, me E 
Erithacus rubecula. Læsø Ren 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Skagen n ØR Rende 3. 
Fringilla montifringilla. Anholt 1 

Emberiza schoeniclus. Læsø Rende 1. 

25de April, 
Lodbjerg. V.N.V.2, overtrukket, Dis. 1 Lærke og 1 Solsort ved 
Ruderne om Morgenen. 
Hesselø. V.S V.2. 1 Sjagger og 4 Vindrosler faldt (intet indsendt). 

26de April. 

Graadyb. S.V. 3, Regn. Nogle Fugle om Fyret; 1 Sjagger og 
1 Stenpikker faldt. 

Vyl. S.V.2, Regn. Endel Fugle ved Fyret om Natten; 6 Sang- 
drosler og 2 Stenpikkere faldt. 

Hanstholm. " S. 2, Regndis. Nogle Regnspover hørtes omkring 
Fyret Kl 

Nordre Rønner. 83. 3, Regndis. 1 Vindrossel og 1 Lærke faldt 
(ikke indsendte). 

Hesselø. V.4. 6 Vindrosler faldt (ikke indsendte.) 

Schultz's Grund. V.S.V. 2, Taage. 1 Vandrikse, 2 Lærker, 1 
Løvsanger, 1 Fuglekonge, 4 Sangdrosler og 4 Rødkælke faldt. 

Sejrø. V,S,V, Overtrukket og diset; af og til Taage. Endel 
Drosler og BRRRENEr omkring Ruderne. 

Vestborg. S. Dis. 2 Vindrosler faldt (ikke indsendte.) 
Hammeren. S.V. 4, Taage og Regn. 1 Skovsneppe faldt. 
Rallus aquaticus. Schultz's Grund 1. 
Seolopax rusticula. Hammeren 1. 
Alauda arvensis. Schultz's Grund 2. 
Phyllopseustes trochilus. Schultz's hems E 
Regulus cristatus. Schultz's Grun 
Turdus Mmusicus. ge 1 (6 faldt), Bale s Grund 2 (4 faldt). 
Turdus pilaris. Graadyb 1 
"telemdig oenanthe. mid NE 
Erithacus rubecula. Sechultz's Grind 4. 

27de April. 

Skagen. S. 3, Regn. Store Mængder af Burn nok, Drosler 0. fl. a. 
kredsede om Fyret; 1 Vandrikse, 1 Mudderklire og 20 Sang- 
drosler faldt. 

Nordre Røn. V. 4, Regnbyger. Flere Stære om Fyret. 

Læsø Trindel. V.3, Regntykning. Endel Fugle ved Fyret; 7 Sjag- 
gere (Sangdrosler?), 1 Rødstjert og 1 Rødkælk faldt. 

Læsø Rende. S.og V. 5, Regn. 1 Vendehals, 1 Vindrossel, 1 
Sangdrossel og 1 Stenpikker faldt. 

Østre Flak. S.S.V. 3, overtrukket og Regn. Mange Fugle saas 
ved Fyret; 1 Vendehals, 4 Sangdrosler, 1 Ringdrossel og 1 
Rødkælk faldt. 

Anholt Knob. V. 4, overtrukket, Regn; 15 Fugle faldt, 1 Vindrossel, 
1 Sjagger og 5 Rødkælke indsendtes; mange faldt udenbords. 

Hesselø. S.V. 3. 3 Vindrosler faldt (ikke indsendte.): 

Fornæs. V.S.V. 3, Regn. Enkelte Drosler omkring Fyret; 3 faldt 
(ikke indsendte.). 

Sejrø. V.N.V. Overtrukket. Nogle Fugle ved Ruderne hele Natten ; 1 
Vendehals, 2 Vindrosler, 1 Solsort, 1 Bynkefugl og 1 Rødkælk faldt. 

Lappegrunden. S.V. 2, Regn. Endel Smaafugle ved Fyret. 

Sprogø. Mange Smaafugle paa Ruderne. 

Omø. V. til N. 3, skyet og Regn. 1 Vindrossel, 1 Sjagger 08 
1 Solsort faldt. 

Rallus aquaticus. Skagen 1. 
Actitis hypoleuca. Skagen 1. 

Iynx torquilla. Læsø Rende 1, Østre Flak 1, Sejrø 1. 
Turdus iliacus. Læsø Rende 1, Anholt Knob 1, Sejrø 2, Omø 1. 
Turdus musicus. Skagen 1 (20 indie oe Rende 1, Østre Flak 4. 
Turdus pilaris. Anholt Knob 1, Om 

Turdus torquatus. Østre Flak 1. 

Sazicola oenanthe. Læsø Rende 1. 

Praticola rubetra. Sejrø 1 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Læsø Trindel 1 

Erithacus rubecula. Læsø Trindel 1, Bee Flak 1, Anholt Knob 5, 
Sejrø 1, 

28de Agril. 

Lyngvig. N.Ø. 2, overtrukket. Endel Smaafugle om Fyret; 1 
Rørvagtel, 1 Ryle og 1 Stenpikker faldt. 

Lodbjerg. S.S.V. senere Ø. 2, overtr., Dis. 1 Ringdrossel og 
nogle Stenpikkere ved Ruderne om Natten; 2 Stenpikkere faldt. 

Hanstholm, S.V. 2, Regndis. Nogle Ringdrosler, Vindrosler og 
Solsorter samt nogle Strandskader om Fyret fra Kl. 11 til Daggry. 

Anholt Knob. S.S.V.3, overtr., Regn. Enkelte Fugle ved Fyret; 
1 Rødkælk faldt. 

Schultz"s Grund. V. 2, Regn. 10 Sangdrosler faldt paa Dækket, 
mange udenbords. 

Vestborg. Ø. Regn. 1 Stær og 1 Vindrossel faldt ; (ikke indsendte.). 

Stevns, S. 2, Regntykning. 1 Vindrossel, 1 Sangdrossel, 1 Sjagger 
og 1 Misteldrossel faldt. 

Kjels Nor. S. 4, Regndis. 1 Vandrikse, 1 Enkelt Bekkasin, 1 
Sivsanger, 9 Sangdrosler, 1 Sjagger og 1 Kvæker faldt. 

Porzana maruetta. Lyngvig 1. 

Rallus aquaticus. Kjels Nor 1. 

Tringa alpina. Lyngvig Il. 

Limnocryptes ilibieta Kjels Nor 1. 

Stwrnus vulgaris. (Vestborg 1.). 

Acrocephalus afo-hener Kjels Nor 1. 

Turdus iliacus. 1. 

Turdus musicus. fries s Grund 4 ye eee Stevns 1, Kjels Nor 9. 

Saæzicola oenanthe. renter x RER 2. 
Erithacus rubecula. Anholt Knob 1. 
Fringilla montifringilla. Kjels DR 1, 

29de April. 
Lodbjerg. V.S.V. 3, overtr., diset. Nogle Drosler og Stære ved 
Ruderne; 1 Præstekrave, 2 Sangdrosler og 1 Ringdrossel faldt. 
Hanstholm. S.V. 2, Regn. Nogle Regnspover, Strandskader og 
Solsorter samt Ænder om Fyret fra Kl. 11 til Kl. 3; 1 Rør- 
vagtel, 1 Ringdrossel og 1 Solsort faldt. 
Østre Flak. S$. V. 2, overtrukket. 1 Fuglekonge, 1 Sangdrossel, 
3 Sjaggere og 1 Rødkælk faldt; mange faldt i Søen. 
Fornæs. V. 3, Regn. Mange Drosler omkring Fyret; 24 faldt. 
1 Skovdue faldt (ikke indsendt.). 
Hyllekrog. V. og V.N.V., flovt. En lille Lappedykker faldt. 
Tachybaptes minor. Hyllekrog 1. 
orzana maruetta. Hanstholm 1. 
Ægialitis hiaticula. Lodbjerg 1. 
Regulus cristatus. Østre Flak 1. 
Turdus musicus. Lodbjorg 2, Østre Flak 1. 
Turdus pilaris. Østre Flak 3. 
Turdus torquatus. Lodbjerg 1, Hanstholm 1. 
Turdus merula. Hanstholm 1. 
Erithacus rubecula. Østre Flak 1. 

30te April, 

Lyngvig. S.S.V.3, overtrukket. En Spurv faldt. 

Lodbjerg. S.S.V.3, overtrukket, diset. 1 Drossel og 1 Stenpikker 
ved Ruderne før Midnat; flere Drosler, Stenpikkere og Flue- 
snappere ved Ruderne efter Midnat. 

Skagen. $.S. V. 3, overtrukket. Endel Drosler, Rødbryste, Rødstjerte 
o. fl.a. paa Ruderne; 20 Sangdrosler, 4 Sjaggere, 2 Sten- 
pikkere, 1 Broget Fluesnapper og 1 Rørspurv faldt. 

Læsø Trindel, S. V, 2, Regn og overtrukket. Endel Fugle ved 
Fyret; 6 Sjaggere (Sangdrosler?) og 2 Rødkælke faldt. 

Anholt Knob. V. 4, overtrukket, Regnbyger. Enkelte Smaafugle 
ved Fyret; en Rødkælk faldt. 

Æbelø. S.V. 3, diset og Regn. Endel Kramsfugle samt andre 

Smaafugle paa Ruderne; 1 Enkelt Bekkasin faldt. 
Limnocryptes gallinula. Æbelø 1. 
Turdus musicus. Skagen 1 (20 faldt.). 

Turdus pilaris. Skagen 1 ør faldt.). 
Saxicola oenanthe. Skagen 2. 
Krithacus rubecula. Læsø Trindel 2, Anholt Knob 1. 
Muscicapa atricapilla. Skagen 1 
Passer domesticus. Lyngvig 1. 
Emberiza schoeniclus. Skagen 1. 
lste Maj. 
Skagen. V.3, byget. Flere Slags Smaafugle paa Ruderne. 

2den Maj. 
Lyngvig. V. 2, skyet. 4 Sangdrosler og 1 Rødstjert faldt. 
Kjels Nor. S.Ø. 3, overtrukket, Regn. 1 Munk faldt. 
Sylvia atricapilla. Kjels Nor 1. 
Turdus musicus. Lyngvig 1 (4 faldt.). 
Ruticilla phoenicura. Lyngvig 

3dje Maj. 

Blaavands Huk. $S.8S.Ø. 1, Regntykning. 2 Drosler faldt (ingen 

Vyl. S.V.3, Regn. Endel Fugle om Fyret; 1 Ringdrossel faldt. 

Lyngvig. 8.9.2, Regn. 1 Horsegøg og 1 Broget Fluesnapper faldt. 

Lodbjerg. S.3, Regn, Dis. Drosler, Fluesnappere, Stære, Lærker 
og Stenpikkere ved Ruderne om Natten; 1 Vendehals, 1 Broget 
Fluesnapper, 1 Sangdrossel og 1 Stenpikker faldt. 

Hanstholm. $. 2, Regn. Endel Sangdrosler, Ringdrosler og andre 
Smaafugle om Fyret fra Kl. 11 til Daggry; 1 Vendehals, 2 
Sangdrosler og 3 Stenpikkere faldt. 

Læsø Rende. S$S. 3, Regnbyger. 2 Rødkælke faldt. 

Sprogø. S$. 3, diset. 1 Rødkælk faldt (ikke indsendt.). 

Ajels Nor. $80 8 fiske 1 Vendehals faldt. 

Gallinago scolopacina. Lyngvig 

Iynx torquilla. Lodbjerg 1, Hanstholm 1, Kjels Nor 1. 
Turdus musicus. gig 1, Hanstholm 2. 

Turdus torquatus. 

Saæicola oenanthe. gerne. 1, Hanstholm 3. 
Erithacus rubecula. Læsø Rende 2. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Lyngvig 1, Lodbjerg 1. 

4de Maj. 
Graadyb. S.S. V. 4, Regn. Mange Fugle om Skibet; 1 Stenpikker faldt. 


Lodbjerg. S.S.V. 6, overtrukket, Dis, Regn, 1 Stær og 1 Flue- 
snapper ved Ruderne efter Midnat. 

Skagen. S$S. 5, overtrukket. 2 Vindrosler, 1 Vadefugl 0. fl. a. paa 
Ruderne; 2 Drosler, 1 Rørvagtel og 1 Horsegøg faldt. 
Porzana maruetta. Skagen 1. 

Gallinago scolopacina. Skagen 1. 
Saæicola oenanthe. Graadyb l. 
b5te Maj. 

Anholt Knob. Stille, skyet. Flokke af Regnspover trak forbi Skibet 
om Natten. 

13de Maj. 
Vyl. Stille, klart. 1 Bynkefugl og 2 Rødstjerte faldt. 

Praticola rubetra. Vyl 1. 
Ruticilla phoenicura. Vyl 2. 
Il5åde Maj. 

Graadyb. S$S. 2, Regnbyger. 1 Rødben faldt. 

Skagen. Ø.S.Ø. 4, Regn. Endel Rødstjerte, Digesmutter 0. a. Smaa- 
fugle paa Ruderne; 1 Vendehals, 1 Tornsanger og 1 Graa 
Fluesnapper faldt. 

Totanus calidris. Graadyb 1. 

Iyna torquilla. Skagen 1. 

Sylvia cinerea. Skagen 1 

Muscicapa grisola. Skagen 1. 
léde Maj. 

Vyl. V. 2, Taage. En Rødstjert faldt. 

Østre Flak. S.Ø. 1, overtr. og Regn. 1 Løvsanger, 1 Broget 
Fluesnapper og 1 Rødstjert faldt. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus. Østre Flak 1. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Østre Flak 1. 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Vyl 1, Østre Flak 1. 
19de Maj. 

Læsø Rende. S.2, byget. En Bynkefugl og 1 Broget Fluesnapper faldt. 
Praticola rubetra. Læsø Rende 1. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Læsø Rende 1. 

24de Maj. 
Skagen. S.V.3, overtrukket. Flere Smaafugle kredsede om Taarnet. 

25de Maj. 
Lyngvig. V. 2, Taage. Endel Smaafugle om Fyret; 1 Graa Flue- 
snapper faldt. 
Sejrø, S, Ø. Regntykning. Endel Smaafugle ved Ruderne. 
Vestborg. S. Taage. 1 Kongefugl, 2 Havesangere og 1 Gærde- 
smutte faldt (intet indsendt.). 
Kjels Nor. S. 2, Regndis. 1 Munk, 2 Havesangere, 1 Rørsanger, 
1 Løvsanger, 1 Sydlig Nattergal og 1 Broget Fluesnapper faldt. 
Hyllekrog. S.Ø. Flovt og Regntykning. Mange Smaafugle paa 
Ruderne; 1 Gulbug faldt. 
Sylvia sønner Kjels Nor 1. 
Sylvia hort Kjels Nor 2. 
Hypolais SØDÅE Hyllekrog 1. 
Acrocephalus arundinaceus. Kjels Nor 1. 
Phyllopseustes sene, Rør: Nor-1. 
uscinia vera 
Muscicapa grisola. ets i. 
Muscicapa atricapilla. Kjels Nor 1. 

24de Juli, 
Omø. Stille, skyet. En Brevdue faldt. 
Columba livia dom. 1. 

2lde August. 
Nakkehoved. N.Ø. 3, diset. 1 Vendehals faldt. 
Iynx torquilla 1. 

22de August. 
Lyngvig. Ø.2, overtrukket. Smaafugle om Fyret; 1 Islandsk Ryle 
og 1 Rødstjert faldt. 
Gedser Rev. S.Ø. 2, Regn. 1 Stær og 2 Rødkælke ved Fyret. 
Tringa canutus. Lyngvig 1. 
Ruticilla phoenicura. Lyngvig 1. 

23de August. 
Stevns. N.Ø. 3, Regntykning. 1 Vendehals faldt. 

Gedser Rev. N.V. 2, Regn. 2 Regnspover ved Fyret. 
Iynx torquilla. Stevns 1. 

26de August. 
Lyngvig. V.S.V. 2, overtrukket. 1 Islandsk Ryle. faldt. 
Stevns. V.S.V. 4. 2 Drosler og 1 Lærke faldt (ikke indsendte.). 
Tringa canutus. Lyngvig 1. 

27de August. 
Læsø Rende. V.2, Regnbyger. Flere Fugle ved Fyret, nogle faldt 
i Vandet. 

28de August. 

Hanstholm. N.Ø.2, Regn. En Mængde Smaafugle omkring Fyret 
fee KL PL Al KI 4 

Rubjerg Knude. N.V.3, Regn. Mange Smaafugle omkring Fyret; 
1 Pomeransfugl, 1 Rødben, 1 Lærke, 3 Havesangere, 9 Løv- 
sangere og 1 Rødstjert faldt. 

Hirtshals. S.V.1—V.2. 1 Tornsanger, 1 Havesanger, 8 Løv- 
sangere og 1 Rødstjert faldt. 

Skagen. V.S.V. 3, Regn og Dis. Havesangere, Irisker, Sten- 
pikkere, Rødbryste og mange andre Slags Fugle paa Ruderne; 
omkr. 70 faldt, deriblandt 3 Tornsangere, 2 Havesangere, 26 
Løvsangere, 6 Rødstjerte og 16 Brogede Fluesnappere. 

Læsø Trindel. V.S.V. 3, Regn. Endel Smaafugle ved Fyret; 2 
Løvsangere og 1 Rødstjert faldt. 
ry inn morinellus. Rubjerg Knude 1. 

Totanus calidris. Rubjerg Knude 1. 

irer arvensis. Rubjerg Knude 1 

Sylvia cinerea. Hirtshals 1, Skagen 2 (3 faldt.). 

Sylvia hortensis. Rubjerg Knude 3, Hirtshals 1, Skagen 

Phyllopseustes trochilus. Rubjerg Knude 9, Hirtshals 8, KE 4 
(26 faldt.), Læsø Trindel 2. 6, 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Rubjerg Knude 1, Hirtshals 1, Skagen 
Læsø Trindel 1. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Skagen 4 (16 faldt.). 

29de August. 
Vyl. S.V. 3, Regnbyger. En stor Flok Strandfugle kom om Natten 
flyvende fra Ø. mod Fyret; Flokken vendte straks og fløj. 
indad igen; 1 Selning faldt. 


Lyngvig. S.V. 2, Regn. Endel Hjejler og andre Smaafugle om 
Fyret; 1 Islandsk Ryle, 1 Lærke og 1 Høgesanger faldt. 
Lodbjerg. S$.2, overtrukket, Regn og Dis. Nogle Fluesnappere og 
Stenpikkere ved Ruderne efter Midnat. 

Læsø Rende. V.2, byget. 1 Strandryle faldt (ikke indsendt.). 
Tringa canutus. Lyngvig 1. 
Calidris arenaria. Vyl 1 
Alauda arvensis. Lyngvig 1. 
Sylvia nisoria. Lyngvig 1. 

3ålte August. 
Lyngvig. N.V.5, skyet. En Krikand faldt. 
" Læsø Rende. V.2, byget. En ubekendt Fugl faldt (ikke indsendt.). 

Anas crecca. Lyngvig 1. 

lste September. 
Bovbjerg. S. V.5, Regn. Enkelte Smaafugle om Fyret; 1 Vildand 
og 1 Sneppe faldt (ikke indsendte.). 
Fornæs. S.V. 3, Regn. Enkelte Smaafugle om Fyret; 1 Islandsk 

Ryle faldt. 
Tringa canutus. Fornæs 1. 

6te September. 

Vyl. N.V. 4, graat. En Engpiber faldt. 
Anthus pratensis 1. 

Ilte September. 
Vyl. S.V. 2, klart. En Stenpikker opholt sig paa Dækket imorges 
og fandtes henimod Aften død i en Krog. 
Saxicola oenanthe 1. 
16de September. 
Anholt Knob. N. 6, skyet. En Gærdesmutte faldt. 
Troglodytes parvulus 1. 
17de September. 
Hammeren. V.S.V. 3, klart. Omkring 20 Strandskader saas 
flyve om Fyret; 1 faldt. 

Hæmatopus ostreologus 1. 
Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren, 64. Bd. 12 

18de September. ' 
Hammeren. N.V. 5, diset. En Rødkælk saas paa Ruderne. 

20de September. 
Skagen. S.V. 3, overtrukket. Endel Smaafugle paa Ruderne; 1 
Digesmutte faldt (ikke indsendt): 

23de September. 
Omø. Stille, skyet, Dis. Enkelte Fuglekonger ved Fyrruderne. 
Gedser. N.N.Ø. overtrukket, fin Regn. 1 Sangdrossel faldt; der 
fandtes kun denne ene Fugl. 
Turdus musicus. Gedser 1. 

24de September. 

Graadyb. Ø. Overtrukket, Regn.  Endel Smaafugle om Fyret; 
1 Stenpikker faldt. 

Blaavands Huk. Ø. 2, Regntykning. Mange Smaafugle ved Fyret; 
6 Lærker, 2 Drosler, 3 Fuglekonger og 3 Rødkælke faldt 
(intet indsendt). 

Vyl. Ø. 2, Regn. 6 Lærker, 1 Munk, 1 Havesanger, 2 Løv- 
sangere, 2 Sangdrosler, 2 Skovpibere, 10 Stenpikkere, 2 Rød- 
kælke og 1 Broget Fluesnapper faldt. 

Horns Rev. S. Overtrukket. Enkelte Smaafugle ved Fyret om Natten. 

Lodbjerg. Ø.N.Ø. 2, overtrukket, Dis. Nogle Rødstjerte, Flue- 
snappere og 1 Fuglekonge ved Ruderne efter Midnat; 1 Løv- 
sanger, 1 Stenpikker, 2 Rødstjerte og 1 Kvæker faldt. 

Hanstholm. Ø.N.Ø. 2, graat. Endel Smaafugle omkring Fyret 
fra Kl. 1 til Daggry; 1 Havesanger, 1 Ringdrossel, 2 Sten- 
pikkere og 2 Rødkælke faldt. 

Skagen. Ø.S.Ø. 3, overtrukket. Store Mængder af Rødbryste, 
Rødstjerter, Kvækere, Havesangere, Irisker og Fuglekonger 
paa Ruderne; 1 Rødstjert, 1 Kvæker, 1 Havesanger 08 u 
Sjagger faldt (intet indsendt). 

Skagens Rev. S.Ø. 2, overtrukket. Enkelte Smaafugle ved Fyret 
om Natten; 1 Rødkælk faldt. 



Læsø Trindel. Ø.3, skyet. Enkelte Fugle ved Fyret; 1 Rødkælk faldt. 

Anholt Knob. Ø. 4, overtrukket. Fugle ved Fyret hele Natten; 
1 Stenpikker og 1 Rørspurv faldt. 

Romsø. S$. til N.V. med Dis og Regn mellem Kl, 8 Eftm. og 
Kl. 4 Form. Mange Smaafugle om Fyret; deriblandt Have- 
sanger, Rødkælk og Graa Digesmutte; ingen faldt. 

Omø. Ø. 5, klart og diset. Flere Smaafugle ved Fyrruderne. 
Alauda arvensis. Vyl 6. 

Sylvia atricapilla. Vyl 1 

Sylvia hortensis. Vyl 1, Hanstholm 1. 
Phyllopseustes trochilus. Vyl 2, Lodbjerg 1. 
Anthus arboreus. Vyl 2. 

yl 2. 
Turdus torquatus. Hanstholm 1. 
Saæwicola oenanthe. Graadyb 1, Vyl 10, Lodbjerg 1, Hanstholm 2, 
Anholt Knob 1. 
Ruticilla phoenicura. Lodbjerg 2. 
Erithacus rubecula. Vyl 2, Hanstholm 2, Læsø Trindel 1. 
Muscicapa atricapilla. Vyl 1. 
Fringilla montifringilla. Lodbjerg 1. 
Emberiza schoeniclus. Anholt Knob 1. 

25de September. 
Graadyb. V. Overtrukket. Enkelte Fugle om Fyret; 1 Løvsanger 
og 1 Fuglekonge faldt. 
Blaavands Huk. Stille, Smaaregn og diset. Mange Smaafugle 
ved Fyret; 8 Drosler og 1 Regnspove faldt (intet indsendt.). 
Vyl. Stille, klart. Viber og flere andre Fugle om Fyret; 5 Krams- 
fugle faldt (ikke indsendte.). 
Bovbjerg. S.S.V. til N.V. 2, Taage. Endel Lærker, Finker og 
Kramsfugle om Fyret, enkelte faldt (ingen indsendt.) 
Lodbjerg. Ø.N.Ø. senere N.V. 2, overtrukket, Taage. 1 Ring- 
drossel, 1 Vindrossel og forskellige Smaafugle ved Ruderne om 
Natten; 1 Strandhjejle og 1 Sangdrossel faldt. 

Læsø Rende. S.S.Ø. Skyet. Enkelte Fugle ved Fyret, 1 Sang- 
drossel og 1 Stenpikker faldt. 

Østre Flak. $.S.Ø. 1, overtrukket, Regn. Flere Fugle ved Fyret; 

1 Sangdrossel, 1 Stenpikker og 1 Rødstjert faldt. 



Anholt Knob. S.Ø. 2, overtrukket. Fugle omkring Fyret; 1 
Havesanger faldt. 

Schultz2s Grund. 1 Stær, 1 Stenpikker, 1 Rødstjert og 2 Rød- 
kælke faldt. 

Sejrø. S.Ø. Regndis. Endel Smaafugle samt store Flokke af Viber 
omkring Fyret. 

Kjels Nor. V.S.V, 2, Regndis. 1 Horsegøg, 3 Havesangere, 2 
Munke, 1 Træpiber, 1 Sangdrossel, 2 Stenpikkere, 2 Rødstjerte, 
9 Rødkælke og 1 Broget Fluesnapper faldt; mange flere faldt, 
men toges af omstrejfende Katte. 

Gedser. V.N.V. Tykning og Regn. En Mængde smaa Fugle om 
Fyret. 1 Havesanger og 1 Sivsanger faldt. 

Gedser Rev. V.N.V. 3, Regn, Taage. Omkring 20 Fugle om 
Fyret; 1 Munk, 1 Løvsanger, 1 Stenpikker, 1 NR og 5 
Rødkælke faldt. 

Hyllekrog. Stille, flovt. Overtrukket og Tykning. Mange Smaa- 
fugle flagrede paa Ruderne og i Fyrets Straaler; ingen faldt. 
Charadrius squatarola. Lodbjerg 1. 

Gallinago scolopacina. Kjels Nor 1. 

Sturnus vulgaris. Schultz's Grund 1. 

Sylvia hortensis. Anholt Knob 1, Kjels Nor 3, Gedser 1. 

Sylvia atricapilla. Kjels Nor 2, RR Rev 1. 

Acrocephalus phragmitis. Gedser 1. 

Phyllopseustes trochilus. brkadyb 1, Gedser Rev 1. 

Regulus cristatus. Graadyb 

Anthus arboreus. Kjels Nor L 

Turdus musicus. Todbjerg 1, Læsø Rende 1, Østre Flak 1, Kjels 
Nor K 

Saæxicola oenanthe. Læsø Smal 1, Østre Flak 1, Schultz's Grund I, 
Kjels Nor 2, Gedser Rev 1. 

Ruticilla phoenicura. Bet Flak 1, Schultz's Grund 1, Kjels Nor 
2, Gedser Rev 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Schultz's Grund 2, Kjels Nor 9, Gedser Rev 5. 

Muscicapa atricapilla. Kjels Nor 1. 

2bde September. 
Læsø Rende. V. Skyet. 1 Rødkælk faldt. 

Østre Flak. S.S.V. 3, skyet. Flere Fugle ved Fyret; 1 Sten- 

pikker, 1 Rødkælk og 1 Blaakælk faldt. 

Anholt Knob. V.S.V. 3, skyet. 1 Rødkælk faldt og fangedes 
af Hunden. 
Saæicola oenanthe. Østre Flak 1. 
Erithacus rubecula. Læsø Rende 1, Østre Flak 1, Anholt Knob 1. 
Cyanecula suecica. Østre Flak 1. 
27de September. 
Skagen. S.V. 4, overtrukket. 1 Rødstjert og 1 Havesanger paa Ruderne. 
Læsø Trindel. S.V. 3, skyet. Enkelte Fugle ved Fyret, 1 Rød- 
stjert faldt. 
Ruticilla phoenicura. Læsø Trindel 1 

283de September. 
Lodbjerg. V.N.V. 5, Regntykning. Mange Viber kredsede om 
Fyret efter Midnat. 
Skagen. S.V.4,Regn. 2 Dobbelte Bakkasiner og 1 Digesmutte faldt. 
Hammeren. S.V. 3, diset. Endel Smaafugle paa Ruderne; 10 
Kongefugle, 3 Rødkælke og 1 Stær saas. 

29de September. 
Hesselø. Ø.S.Ø. 3, diset. 35 Vindrosler og endel Lærker faldt 
(intet indsendt). 

30te September. 

Anholt Knob. V.N.V. 3, skyet. 1 Rødkælk faldt. 

Hammeren. S.Ø. 3, klart. Endel Smaafugle paa Ruderne. 2 
Kærsangere, 2 Nattergale og 1 Drossel saas; 1 Kærsanger faldt 
(ikke indsendt.). 

Erithacus rubecula. Anholt Knob 1. 

lste Oktober. 
Graadyb. Ø.N.Ø. Overtrukket, Regn. Enkelte Fugle om Fyret; 
1 Sangdrossel faldt. 
Østre Flak. N.Ø. 4, overtrukket. 1 Lærke faldt. 
Anholt. Ø, 3, overtrukket. Mange Smaafugle ved Ruderne; 3 
Lærker, 1 Gransanger, 1 Stenpikker, 2 Rødkælke, 4 Kvækere 
og 7 Rørspurve faldt. 



Eekalle"s Grund. 2 Lærker, 13 Sangdrosler og 6 Rødkælke faldt. 

Hjelm. Ø.S.Ø. 3, Regn. Mange Fugle ved Ruderne; 11 Lærker 
faldt (ikke indsendte.). 

Sejrø. Ø.S.Ø. Regndiset. Flere Hundrede Fugle omkring Fyret; 
12 Lærker, 10 Rødkælke og omtr. 100 Vindrosler faldt (intet 

Gedser Rev. Ø.S.Ø. 5, Regn. 1 Ringdrossel og 6 Sangdrosler faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Østre Flak w Anholt 3, Schultz's Grund 2. 
Phyllopseustes rufus. hol 

Turdus musicus. Graadyb 1, Skals Grund 13, Gedser Rev 6. 
Turdus torquatus. Gedser Rev 

Saæicola oenanthe. Anholt 1. 

Erithacus rubecula. Anholt 2, Schultz's Grund 6. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Anholt 

Emberiza schoeniclus. Anholt 7 

2den Oktober. 
Anholt Knob. N.Ø. 7, Regn... 1 Drossel faldt. 
Anholt. Ø. 7, Regn. 1 Hjejle, 3 Ringduer, og 56 Sangdrosler faldt. 
Charadrius pluvialis. Anholt Knob 1. 
Columba palumbus. Anholt 1 (3 faldt). 
Twrdus musicus. Anholt 3 (56 faldt.). 

3dje Oktober. 
Vyl. N. 3, klart. Mange Smaafugle ved Fyret; 1 Ringdrossel faldt. 
Rubjerg Knude. S.Ø. 3, Regn. Flere Smaafugle om Fyret; 1 
Drossel faldt (ikke indsendt.). 
Turdus torquatus. Vyl 1. 

4de Oktober. ' 
Horns Rev. N.V. Regnbyger. Enkelte Fugle ved Fyret om Natten. 
Hanstholm. Ø.S.Ø. 2, graat, Regnbyger. Enkelte Ringdrosler 
og Vindrosler om Fyret. 

6te Oktober. 
Graadyb. Ø. klart. 1 Stær faldt. 
Sturnus vulgaris 1. 

7de Oktober. 
Vyl. Ø.S.Ø. 3, skyet. Endel Fugle om Fyret; 1. Lærke og 1 
Solsort faldt. 
Alauda arvensis 1. 
Turdus merula 1. 
8de Oktober. 
Lyngvig. N.Ø. 3, Regn. Endel Drosler og andre Smaafugle om 
Fyret; 2 faldt. 
Lodbjerg. N.Ø. 2, overtrukket, Dis. 1 Stenpikker ved Ruderne 
efter Midnat. 
Fringilla montifringilla. Lyngvig 1. 

9de Oktober. 
Vyl. N.N.Ø. 3, skyet. Flere Smaafugle ved Fyret; 1 Engpiber 
bi 1 Bogfinke faldt. 

Anthus pratensis 1. 
Fringilla coelebs 1. 

10de Oktober. 
Skagen. V.N.V. 2, skyet. En Kongefugl paa Ruderne. 
Anholt Knob. N.V:3, overtrukket. Forskellige Fugle opholdt sig 
påa Skibet; 1 faldt. 
Regulus cristatus. Anholt Knob 1. 

llte Oktober. 
Vyl. N.N.V. 3, skyet. Enkelte Smaafugle ved Fyret; 1 Rød- 
kælk faldt, 
Anholt Knob. N.V. 5, skyet. 1 Skovspurv faldt; flere opholdt 
sig paa Dækket hele Dagen. 

Erithacus rubecula. Vyl 1. 
Passer montanus. Anholt Knob 1. 

l4de Oktober. 
Vyl. N.N.Ø. 2, tætskyet. 1 Bogfinke faldt. É 
Hammeren. N.N.V. 2, overtrukket. Omkring 30 Kongefugle 
saas paa Ruderne. 
Fringilla coelebs. Vyl 1. 


15de Oktober. 
Graadyb. Ø. klart. 1 Stær, 1 Vindrossel og 1 Irisk faldt. 
Sejrø. Ø.S.Ø. Af og til overtrukket. Enkelte Drosler ved Fyret; 
3 Vindrosler faldt. 
Sprogø. Ø.S.9. 4, Regndis. 1 Sangdrossel faldt (ikke indsendt). 
Sturnus vulgaris. Graadyb 1. 
Turdus tliacus. Graadyb 1. 
Cannabina linota. Graadyb 1. 
19de Oktober. 
Lyngvig. Ø.N.Ø. 2, Taage. Stære og andre Smaafugle om Fyret; 
1 Gærdesmutte faldt. 
Skagen. Ø. 2, klart. 1 Havesanger paa Ruderne. 
Troglodytes parvulus. Lyngvig 1. 

20de Oktober. 

Vyl. Ø. 2, skyet. Flere Smaafugle ved Fyret om Natten; 2 Drosler 
faldt, den ene i Vandet og en Sortdrossel paa Dækket, hvor 
den opholdt sig hele Formiddagen og fløj da mod V. 

Læsø Trindel. S. 3, Regubyger. Endel Fugle om Fyret; 6 Vin- 
drosler, 2 Rødkælke og 2 Kvækere faldt. 

Anholt Knob. 2. Taage. 1 Gulspurv faldt. 

Romsø. S.V. og Dis mellem Kl. 8 og Kl. 12 Eftm. Mange smaa 
Fugle om Fyret; ingen faldt. 
Turdus iliacus. Læsø Trindel 6. 
Erithacus rubecula. Læsø Trindel 2. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Læsø Trindel 2. 
Emberiza citrinella. Anholt Knob 1. 

2lde Oktober. 
Lodbjerg. S.Ø. 2, overtrukket, Taage. Viber hørtes i Taarnets Nær- 
hed før Midnat. Efter Midnat S. 2. En Drossel kom ved Ruderne. 
Hanstholm. S.Ø. 2, Taage. Endel Vindrosler omkring Fyret fra 
Kl. 14 til Dag. 
Skagen. S$. Stille og 2, Taage og Regn. Store Mængder af Vin- 
drosler og andre Smaafugle paa Ruderne; 21 Drosler 08 - 
Kvækere faldt (ikke indsendte). 


Gedser Rev. S.V. 2, diset. Omkring 10 Lærker og 1 Rødkælk 
ved Fyret. 

22de Oktober. 

Skagen. S. 20g4, Taage. Endel Vindrosler, Rødkælke m. fl. paa 
Ruderne; 3 Drosler og 1 Kvæker faldt (ikke indsendte.). 
Gedser Rev. S.Ø. 3, klart. 3 Fuglekonger ved Fyret; 1 faldt paa 

Dækket (ikke indsendt.). 

23de Oktober. 
Skagen. N.Ø. 2, Regn og overtrukket. Store Mængder af Rød- 
kælke; enkelte Drosler, Kongefugle og andre Smaafugle paa 
Ruderne. 4 Drosler og 1 Lærke faldt (ikke indsendte.). 

24de Oktober. 

Blaavands Huk. V.4, Regntykning. Mange Smaafugle ved Fyret; 
75 Drosler, 1 Solsort og 2 Stære faldt (intet indsendt.) 

Vyl. V. 5, Regnbyger. Nogle Smaafugle ved Fyret om Natten; 
2 Vindrosler faldt. 

Lyngvig. Stille, overtrukket, Regn. 1 Stenpiber, 68 Vindrosler, 1 
Rødkælk og 1 Kvæker faldt. 

Lodbjerg. N. 2, overtrukket, Dis. Nogle Fuglekonger ved Ruderne 
om Morgenen. 

Skagen. S.Ø. 5, Regn. Endel Vindrosler paa Ruderne; 5 Drosler 
og 1 Stær faldt (ikke indsendte.). i 

Læsø Trindel. S$. 4, Regn. Fugle om Fyret. 14 faldt. 

Anholt Knob. V.N.V. 7, skyet. Enkelte Smaafugle ved Fyret; 
ingen faldt. ; 

Gedser. V. Af og til Regnbyger. 1 Vindrossel faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Læsø Trindel 1. 

Sturnus vulgaris. (Blaavands Huk 2). 

Anthus obscurus. Lyngvig 

Turdus iliacus. Vyl 1 ser 1 (68 faldt.), Læsø Trindel 6, Gedser 1. 
Turdus musicus. Læsø Trindel 1. 

Turdus merula. Læsø Trindel 2. 

Erithacus rubecula. Lyngvig 1, Læsø Trindel 3. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Lyagvig 1, Læsø Trindel 1. 

25de Oktober. 

Graadyb. S. Overtrukket, Regn. Enkelte Smaafugle om Fyret. 

Blaavands Huk. S.V. 5, Regn. 3 Drosler og 2 Stære faldt 
(ikke indsendte.). 

Vyl.. S.V. 3, Regn. Endel Drosler, Stære og Lærkér saas ved 
Fyret om Aftenen; 1 Stær, 1 Vindrossel og 1 Sjagger faldt. 

Horns Rev. $.8S.V. Regn. Omkr. 100 Smaafugle ved Fyret om 
Natten; 12 Vindrosler og 1 Sangdrossel faldt. 

Bovbjerg. S. Ø.—S. 8, Taage, Regn. En Mængde Kramsfugle og 
Stære om Fyret hele Natten; i Tusinder trak de mod S. i 
Nattens Løb. 

Lodbjerg. S. 6, overtrukket, Regn og Dis. Mange Drosler og Stære 
ved Ruderne om Natten; 2 Lærker, 2 Stære, 14 Vindrosler 
og 1 Sangdrossel faldt. 

Hanstholm. S.Ø. 2, Taage og Regn. Endel Vindrosler, Solsorter 
og enkelte Smaafugle om Fyret fra Kl. 10 til Dag. 

Rubjerg Knude. Ø. 4, Regn. Mange Smaafugle om Fyret; 1 Stær, 
10 Vindrosler og 1 Solsort faldt. 

Læsø Rende. $. 5, Regn. Mange Fugle ved Fyret; mange faldt 
i Vandet. 

Østre Flak. S.S.Ø. 4, overtrukket og Regn. Mange Fugle ved 
Fyret; 2 Lærker, 1 Fuglekonge, 10 Vindrosler, 5 Sangdrosler, 
1 Solsort, 2 Rødkælke og 1 Kvæker faldt; endel faldt i Søen. 

Anholt Knob. S. 5, overtrukket, Regn. En Mængde Fugle saas 
omkring Fyret;'3 Lærker, 1 Stær, 1 Vindrossel og 1 Mistel- 
drossel faldt. 

Anholt. S.S.Ø. 3, overtrukket, Regn. 88 Lærker, 36 Drosler 
(Vindrosler og Sangdrosler), 1 Kvæker og 2 Rørspurve faldt. 

Hesselø. V.S.V. 4, Regn, Dis. 40 Vindrosler, 2 Solsorter 08 
endel Lærker faldt (intet indsendt,.). 

Schultz's Grund. $.8.V. 3, overtrukket. 7 Lærker, 1 Stær, 21 
Vindrosler, 1 Solsort og 1 Snespurv faldt. 

Hammeren. S.S.V. 4, diset, overtrukket. Omkr. 20 Kongefugle 
paa Ruderne. 

Gedser Rev. S.S.V. 3, klart. Ingen Fugle ved Fyret; 1 Fugle- 
konge faldt paa Dækket (ikke indsendt.). 

Alauda arvensis. Lodbjerg 2, Østre Flak & Prepig Knob 3, An- 
holt 16 (88 faldt.), Schult'z Grund 4 (7 fa 

Sturnus vulgaris. (Blaavands Huk 2.), Vyl dj sr 2, Rubjerg 
Knude I, Anholt Knob 1, Schultz's Grund 1. 

Regulus cristatus. Østre Flak 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Vyl 1, Horns Rev 12, Lodbjerg 14, Rubjerg 
Knude 10, Østre Flak 10, Anholt Knob 1, Anholt 1 (ca. 18 faldt), 
Schultz's Grund 5 (21 faldt.). 

Turdus musicus. Horns Rev 1, Lodbjerg 1, Østre Flak 5, Anholt 1 
(c. 18 faldt.)1. 

Turdus pilaris. Vyl 1. 

Turdus viscivorus. Anholt Knob 1. 

Turdus merula. Rubjerg Knude 1, Østre Flak 1, (Hesselø 2), 
Sehultz's Grund 1, 

Zrithacus rubecula. Østre Flak 2. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Østre Flak 1, Anholt 1. 

Emberiza schoeniclus. Anholt 2. 

Emberiza nivalis. Schultz's Grund 1. 

26de. Oktober. 
Lyngvig. N.V. 3, overtr. Enkelte Drosler om Fyret; 1 Vindrossel faldt. 
Stevns. S.V. 4, Regntykning. 1 Lærke og 2 Vindrosler faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Stevns 1. 
Turdus iliacus. Lyngvig 1, Stevns 2. 

27de Oktober. 

Graadyb. S.V. Regn og Hagelbyger. Endel Fugle om Fyret; 
1 Lærke, 4 Vindrosler, 2 Sangdrosler og 1 Sjagger faldt. 
Blaavands Huk. S., S.V. 5, Regn og Torden. 36 Drosler og 1 

Stær faldt (intet indsendt.). 

Vyl. Ø.S.Ø. 4, Regnbyger. Mange Smaafugle ved Fyret om Natten; 
3 Lærker og 26 Drosler faldt; flere faldt i Vandet. 

Horns Rev. 3, Regn. Flere Hundrede Smaafugle ved Fyret om 
Natten; 70 faldt paa Dækket, ligesaamange udenbords; 3 
Lærker, 8 Vindrosler og 1 Kvæker indsendtes. 

Lyngvig. S.V. 5, Regnbyger. Mange Drosler om Fyret; 1 Lærke, 
327 Vindrosler og 1 Kvæker faldt. 



Hanstholm. Ø.N.Ø. 5, Regn og Sne. En Sneppe fløj omkring 
Ruderne Kl. 2. 

Anholt Knob. S. 4, overtrukket, Regn. Flere Fugle saas ved 
Fyret om Natten; 1 Lærke, 1 Rødkælk og 1 Snespurv faldt. 

Anholt. Ø. 2, Regn. 2 Lærker, 142 Vindrosler, 3 Kvækere og 
1 Snespurv faldt. 

Hesselø. S.V. 4, Regndis. 10 Vindrosler og 3 Solsorter faldt 
(intet indsendt,). 

Schultz”s Grund. S.V. 3, Regn. 1 Solsort og 1 Rødkælk faldt. 

Gedser Rev. S.V. 2, Regn. Enkelte Stære og Solsorter ved Fyret. 
Alauda arvensis. Graadyb 1, Vyl 3, Horns Rev 3, Lyngvig 1, 

Anholt 2, Anholt Knob 1. 

Sturnus vulgaris. (Blaavands Huk 1.). 

Turdus iliacus. Graadyb 4, Vyl 1, Horns Rev 8, Lyngvig 1 (327 
faldt.), Anholt 13 (142 faldt.). 

Turdus musicus. Graadyb 2, Vyl 1. 

Turdus pilaris. Graadyb 1, Vyl 1 

Twrdus merula. Sechultz's Cru 1, (Hesselø 3.). 

Erithacus rubecula. Anholt Knob 1, Schultz's Grund 1. 

Fringilla montifringilla. Horns Rev 1, Lyngvig 1, Anholt 3. 

Emberiza nivalis. Anholt 1, Anholt Knob 1. 

28de Oktober. 
Vyl. N.Ø. 6, Regnbyger. Enkelte Smaafugle ved Fyret; 3 faldt. 
Lyngvig. N.Ø. 2, skyet. En Del Lærker og Drosler om Fyret; 
10 Lærker, 1 Vindrossel og 1 Snespurv faldt. 
Kjels Nor. S.V. 2, Regn. 20 Vindrosler, 2 Sangdrosler og 2 Rød- 
kælke faldt. 
Gedser Rev. N. 3, Regnbyger. Enkelte store Kramsfugle ved Fyret. 
Alauda arvensis. Lyngvig 1 (10 faldt.). 
Turdus iliacus. Vyl 1, Lyngvig 1, Kjels Nor 20. 
Turdus musicus. Kjels Nor 2. 
Erithacus rubecula. Kjels Nor 2. 
Fringilla montifringilla. Vyl 1. 
Emberiza mivalis. Vyl 1, Lyngvig 1. 

29de Oktober. 
Blaavands Huk. N.Ø. 3, klart. 19 Drosler og 7 Lærker faldt 

(intet indsendt.). 

Hesselø. Ø. 4, Regndis. 5 Vindrosler og 2 Stære faldt (intet indsendt.). 
Stevns. Ø.N.Ø. 4, overtrukket. Af og til Regnbyger. 11 Lærker, 
1 Sangdrossel, 7 Rødkælke og 1 Rørspurv faldt. 
Hov. N.N. Ø. 4, skyet og klart. 1 Lærke faldt. 
Alauda arvensis. Stevns 11, Hov 1. 
Sturnus vulgaris. (Hesselø 2.). 
Turdus musicus. Stevns 1 
Erithacus rubecula. Stevns 7. 
Emberiza schoeniclus. Stevns 1. 
30de Oktober. 
Lodbjerg. Ø.S.Ø. 5, overtr. 1 Drossel og 2 Stære ved Ruderne 
efter Midnat. 

lste November. 
Nordre Røn. V.S.V.7, Regnbyger. 4 Drosler faldt; enkelte Smaa- 
fugle om Fyret. 

2den November. 
Vyl. V. N.V. 2, skyet. Nogle mee af og til ved Fyret om Natten; 
1 Sjagger faldt. 
Lyngvig. S. V. 2, skyet. Enkelte Drosler ved Fyret; 4 Sjaggere faldt. 
Gedser Rev. V. 4, diset. Omkr. 10 Stære ved Fyret; 1 faldt paa 
Dækket (ikke indsendt.). 
Sturnus vulgaris. (Gedser Rev 
Turdus pilaris. Vyl 1, lind: 1 (4 faldt.). 
10de November. 
Skagen. V.S.V. 3, klart. En Stær paa Ruderne. 

lite November. 
Nordre Røn. S$S. 4, Regn. Mange Fugle om Fyret. 
Læsø Trindel. $S.Ø. 3, Regn. Fugle om Fyret; 2 Vindrosler og 
5 Solsorter faldt. 

Turdus iliacus. Læsø Trindel 2. 
Turdus merula. Læsø Trindel 5. 

12te November. 
Nordre Røn. S.Ø.7. Enkelte Fugle om Fyret; ingen faldt. 

Læsø Trindel. Ø. 9, Regn. Enkelte Fugle om Fyret; ingen faldt. 
Østre Flak… S:Ø.: 3; skyet. 1. Solsort. faldt. 
Anholt Knob. Ø.3, overtrukket. Fugle om Fyret; 1 Sjagger faldt. 

Turdus pilaris. Anholt Knob 1. 
Turdus merula. Østre Flak 1. 

13de November. 

Lodbjerg. Ø.S.Ø. 6, overtrukket, Regn, Dis. 2 Viber i Nærheden 
af Taarnet om Aftenen. Efter Midnåt S.Ø. 5. 2 Stære ved 

Thunø. S.Ø. 7, Regn. 1 Solsort faldt. 

Sejrø. S.S.V., overtrukket, Regn, af og til Taage. Nogle Drosler 
og Smaafugle omkring Fyret; 3 Vindrosler faldt. 

Turdus merula. Thunø 1. 

1l4de November. 
Lyngvig. V.S.V.2, skyet. Drosler og Lærker ved Fyret; 3 Lærker, 
1 Sjagger og 1 Solsort faldt. 
Lodbjerg. S.S: V. 4, overtrukket, Regn, Dis. 1 Stær ved Ruderne 
før Midnat. 
"Skagen. S.V. 4, Regn. Endel Drosler paa Ruderne; 1 Solsort og 
3 Vindrosler faldt (ikke indsendte.). 
Anholt Knob. S.3, overtrukket. Fugle omkring Fyret. 
Alauda arvensis. Lyngvig 1 (5 faldt.). 
Turdus pilaris. Lyngvig 1. 
Turdus merula. Lyngvig 1. 
l5de November. 
Hanstholm. S.Ø. 2, Regn. Endel Sjaggere, Vindrosler og Solsorter 
omkring Fyret fra Kl. 739 til Kl. 829, 
Skagen. S.V.3, overtrukket og Regn. Endel Drosler paa Ruderne; 
1 Verling, 4 Vindrosler og 6 Sangdrosler faldt (ikke indsendte.)- 
Østre Flak. S.V. 3, overtrukket, Regn. Mange Fugle vare ved 
Fyret; 1 Sjagger og 1 Snespurv faldt. 
Anholt Knob. S.V. 3, overtrukket, Regn. 1 Sjagger faldt. 

Turdus pilaris. Østre Flak 1, Anholt Knob 1. 
Emberiza nivalis. Østre Flak 1 

16de November. 
Skagen. S.V. 4, diset. Enkelte Drosler og andre Fugle paa Ruderne. 

17de November. 
Skagen. V.S.V. 6, byget. Sangdrosler og flere Smaafugle paa 
Ruderne; 1 faldt (ikke indsendt,). 

18de November. 
Nordre Rønner. S.Ø.2, overtrukket. Enkelte Smaafugle om Fyret. 

19de November. 
Graadyb. Ø.S.Ø., overtrukket. Enkelte Smaafugle om Fyret; 2 
Lærker og 1 Snespurv faldt. 
Nordre Rønner. N.Ø.5, overtr. Endel Drosler og Sjaggere om Fyret. 
Østre Flak. Ø. 2, overtrukket. 1 Fuglekonge og 1 Irisk faldt. 
Sejrø. S. senere Ø.S.Ø., diset, Regn og Tykning. Enkelte Drosler 
ved Ruderne; 2 Vindrosler faldt (ikke indsendte.). 
Gedser Rev. S.Ø.3, diset. En enkelt Rødkælk ved Fyret. 

Alauda arvensis. Graadyb 2. 
Regulus cristatus. Østre Flak 1. 
Cannabina linaria. Østre Flak 1. 
Fmberiza nivalis. Graadyb 1. 

20de November. 

Horns Rev. $S.3, overtr., Regn. Endel Smaafugle ved Fyret; nogle 
faldt i Vandet. 

Lyngvig. N.Ø.2, Regn. 1 Stormsvale, 4 Lærker og 7 Drosler faldt. 

Lodbjerg. S. 2, overtrukket, Regn, Dis. En Drossel ved Ruderne 
før Midnat; 2 Rødkælke, 1 Stær og enkelte Drosler ved Ru- 
derne efter Midnat; 2 Horsegøge og 1 Sjagger faldt. 

Hanstholm. Ø.N.Ø.4, Regn. Endel Sjaggere og Solsorter omkring 
Fyret fra Kl, 8 til Midnat. 

Læsø Rende. Ø. 3, Regn. 1 Stær og 7 Sjaggere faldt. 

Østre Flak. Ø.N,Ø. 4, overtrukket og Regn. En Mængde Fugle 
var hele Natten ved Fyret. 45 Kramsfugle, 1 Lærke og 5 
Solsorter faldt; mange faldt i Søen. 



Anholt Knob. N.N. Ø. 4, Regn. Mange Fugle ved Fyret; flere faldt 
udenbords; 1 Sjagger og 2 Solsorter faldt. 

Anholt. Ø.S.Ø. 2, overtrukket, Regn. 1 Lærke, 1 Stær, 65 Vin- 
drosler, 92 Sjaggere, 28 Solsorter, 1 Gulspurv og 2 Sne- 
spurve faldt. 

Hesselø. N.N.V. 2, Regn, diset. 3 Skovsnepper, 5 Bekkasiner, 
20 Vindrosler, 15 Sjaggere, 10 Solsorter og endel Lærker 
faldt (intet indsendt.). 

Sejrø. Stille, Regn, diset. Store Fugleflokke omkring Fyret hele 
Natten; 8 Vindrosler faldt (ikke indsendte.). 

Nakkehoved. 3.$S.V. 3, Taage og Regn. 3 Sjaggere faldt. 
Procellaria pelagica. Lyngvig 1. 

Gallinago scolopacina. Lodbjerg 2. 
Scolopax rusticula. (Hesselø 3). 

Alauda arvensis. Lyngvig 1, Anholt 1. 
Sturnus vulgaris. Læsø ends 1, Anholt 1. 

Turdus iliacus. Lyngvig 1, Østre Flak 1, Anholt 5 (65 faldt.). 
Turdus pilaris. Lyngvig 1, Lodbjerg 1, Læsø Rende 7, Østre Flak 1, 
Anholt Knob 1, Anholt 6 (92 faldt.), Nakkehoved 1 (3 faldt.). 
Turdus merula. Østre Flak 1, Anholt Knob 1 (2 faldt.), Anholt 4 

(28 faldt.), (Hesselø 10.). 
Emberiza citrinella. Anholt 1. 
Emberiza nivalis. Anholt 2. 

2lde November. 
Østre Flak. N.N.Ø. 3, Regn og Sne. Flere Fugle ved Fyret; 
2 Sjaggere, 4 Solsorter og 1 Stenpikker faldt. 
Anholt Knob. N.Ø. 3, Regn. Mange Fugle ved Fyret; 1 Vin- 
drossel faldt, flere faldt udenbords. 
Stevns. N.V. 4, Regntykning. 1 Enkelt Bekkasin og 2 Vindrosler faldt. 

Limnocryptes gallinula. Stevns 1. 
Turdus tliacus. Anholt Knob 1, Stevns 2. 
Turdus pilaris. Østre Flak 2 

Turdus merula. Østre Flak ii 

Saxicola oenanthe. Østre Flak 1. 

22de November. 
Lodbjerg. Stille, overtrukket, Sne og Dis. Nogle Drosler og 3 Sol- 
sorter ved Ruderne om Aftenen. 


Østre Flak. N.N.Ø. 2, overtrukket. 1 Lærke og 2 Vindrosler faldt. 
Anholt Knob. N.N.Ø. 3, overtrukket. Fugle omkring Fyret; 1 

Solsort faldt. : ; ; 
Schulz's Grund. 3, Regn og Sne. 2 Lærker, 2 Vindrosler, 6 

Sjaggere, 3 Solsorter og 1 Snespurv faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. Østre Flak 1, Schultz's Grund 2, 

Turdus iliacus. Østre Flak 2, Schultz's Grund 2. 

Turdus pilaris. Schultz's Grund 6. 

Turdus merula. Anholt Knob 1, Schult's Grund 3. 

Emberiza nivalis. Schultz's Grund 1. 

23de November. 
Østre Flak. N.Ø. 3, overtrukket. 1 Lærke faldt. 
Anholt Knob. N. 3, overtrukket. Fugle omkring Fyret. 
Alauda arvensis. Østre Flak 1. 

25de November, 
Lodbjerg. Stille, overtrukket. 1 Stær ved Ruderne efter Midnat. 

29de November. 
Østre Flak. S. 2, Regn. 1 Lærke og 1 Sjagger faldt. 
Drogden. N.V. 2, Taage og Dis. 1 Bomlærke faldt. 
Alauda arvensis. Østre Flak 1. 
Turdus pilaris. Østre Flak 1. 
Emberiza miliaria. Drogden 1. 
30te November. 
Drogden. N.N. Ø. 2, Taage og Dis. 1 Bomlærke faldt. 
Gedser Rev. N.V. 2, diset. 2 Lærker ved Fyret. 
Emberiza miliaria. Drogden l. 
9de December. 
Østre Flak. S. 1, overtrukket. Flere Fugle saas ved Fyret i Løbet 
af Natten; 1 Lærke og 2 Snespurve faldt. 
Alauda arvensis 1. 
Emberiza nivalis 2. 
12te December. | 
Læsø Rende. S.S. V. 2, overtrukket. 1 Lærke faldt. 

Alauda arvensis 1. 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd, 64. 13 


17de December. 
Gedser. S. Tykning. 1 Vindrossel faldt; der faldt kun denne ene Fugl. 
Turdus tliacus 1. 

18de December. 
Læsø Rende. 3.4. Regn. Enkelte Fugle ved Fyret; 1 Ryle faldt. 
Tringa alpina 1. 
19%de December. 
Anholt Knob. S$S. 5, overtrukket, Regn. 1 Lærke faldt. 

Alauda arvensis. 1. 

20de December. 
Anholt Knob. 2, Taage. Enkelte Lærker ved Fyret; en lille Fugl 
fandtes senere paa Dækket død (ikke modtaget.). 

24de December. 
Læsø Rende. S. 4, overtrukket. 1 Ryle faldt (ikke indsendt.). 

30te December. 
Sejrø. N. Overtrukket. 1 Stor Stormsvale fangedes ved Ruderne 
i forkommen Tilstand. 
Procellaria leucorrhoa 1. 

Forskellige Iagttagelser fra Fyrene. 

Graadyb Fyrskib. Februar: 28de S.S.V. 5, Regntykning. 
Flere Lærker, flyvende i forskellige Retninger, iagttoges. Marts: 
Iste S. V. 4. Regn. Træk af Ænder mod N.Ø. Ste V.N.V. 3. 
Regnbyger. Træk af Ænder mod N.Ø. 6te N.V. 3. Klart. Træk 
af Viber. 10de V. 3. Klart. Træk af Viber mod N.Ø. 14de 
Ø. 3. Regnbyger. Træk af Ænder mod N.Ø. 28de Ø. 3. Over- 
trukket. Træk af Viber mod Ø. — April: 14de V. S.V.3. Diset. 
Træk af Svaner mod N. — Oktober: 3dje N. Ø. Klart. En Flok 
Svaner fløj mod S. 4de S. Klart. En Flok Vildgæs fløj mod 5. 
6te Ø. Klart. Flere Træk af Smaafugle mod S. Yde N.Ø. Klart. 



Træk af Smaafugle mod Ø.; flere Træk af Ænder mod S. Ilte 
N.V. Klart. Træk af Vildgæs mod S.;' Krager omkring Skibet. 
I15de Ø. Klart. Træk af Vildgæs mod S.; Smaafugle og Krager 
omkring Skibet. 16de Ø.S.Ø. Klart. Træk af Smaafugle mod S.; 
Træk af Ederfugle og Svaner mod N.V. 19de Ø.S.Ø. Klart. 
Træk af Smaafugle mod S. 27de V. Skyet. 7 Graagæs trak mod S. 
2&8de N.Ø. Skyet. En Flok Krager fløj mod Ø. — December: 
7de S.S.Ø. Graat. En Gærdesmutte og enkelte Smaafugle fløj om 
Skibet. 9de V.S.V. Skyet. En Flok Ænder fløj mod S. — 
J. S. Ibsen. i 

Vyl Fyrskib. Januar: Iste N.V. 5. Graat. En Del Sø- 
papegøjer saas idag svømme, dykke og flyve rundt om Skibet. 
Imellem dem saas en meget lille, påa Størrelse med en Stær [Mer- 
gulus alle?]. Maagerne, hvoraf en Mængde i denne Tid opholder 
sig ved Skibet, graadigt slugende alt Affald, gjorde ivrigt Jagt paa 
den, men den dykkede under hver Gang, de kom den nær. Flere 
Suler saas. 19de V.N.V. 3. Graat. Flere Smaafugle,” vistnok 
Lærker, saas i Dagningen flyvende mod S. Ø. 

Februar: 7de N.N. V. 4. Regnbyger. Enkelte Lærker saas 
om Morgenen. 13de Ø.S.Ø. 2. Taage. Flere Smaaflokke af Lærker 
Saas idag. 18de S.V. 4. Graat. Viben hørtes inat. 27de. En 
Kramsfugl saas paa Dækket. 

Marts: 14de Ø.N.Ø. 2. Regn. En Snespurv saas paa Dæk- 
ket idag. 16de. En Bogfinke og 2 Engpibere opholdt sig paa 
Dækket. 22de Ø.3. Skyet. En Gærdesmutte opholdt sig paa Dækket 
i Eftermiddag. 28de Ø.2. Graat. En Ugle opholdt sig i Rig- 
ningen om Eftermiddagen. 29de Ø.N.Ø. 2. Graat. En Stær op- 
holdt sig paa Dækket. 31te N.Ø. 2. Klart. Flere Smaafugle op- 
holdt sig idag paa Dækket, derimellem Fuglekonger og Gærdesmutter. 

April: 2den Stille, Taage. Endel Stære, Lærker og Drosler 
Saas ved Skibet. 

Maj: 2den S$.2. Taage og Dis. Endel Drosler og Stære flyve 
om Skibet. 1Ode Ø.N.Ø.2. Letskyet. En Mængde forskellige smaa 

Sangfugle flyve rundt paa Dækket, jagende efter Fluer og andre 



Insekter, der i det smukke Vejr ere komne ombord i stort Antal. 
I Skumringen saas en lille Ugle komme flyvende fra Ø. Terner 
saas idag. Ilte Ø. 2. Halvklart. Endel smaa Sangfugle opholde 
sig stadig ombord og jage efter Fluer. En Høg saas i Middags at 
kredse om Skibet. I de sidste Par Dage er en Fugl paa Størrelse 
med en stor Due hyppigt set kredsende om Skibet; den er lys med 
sort Hoved, Vinger og Hale; Halen løber ud lange -Spidser. 
Af Søfvlk kaldes den ,,Baadsmanden med Merlespigerne" [Lestris sp]. 
En Skovdue hvilede idag paa Klyverbommen. .13de. Stille, klart. 
Endel Smaafugle stadig ombord. 16de V.2. Taage. En Spurvehøg 
kredsede om Skibet imorges. 17de N. 2. Skyet. "Et Par Stære og 
nogle Smaafugle ved Skibet. En Spurvehøg kredsede om Skibet 
og satte sig hyppigt til Hvile et Øjeblik. 20de N.N. Ø. 2. Skyet. 
Nogle Suler saas idag, jagende efter Maagerne. 25de. Stille, graat. 
En Flok Svaler fløj rundt om Skibet idag. 26de Ø.S.Ø. 2. Skyet. 
Nogle smaa Sangfugle saas idag jagende efter Fluer paa Dækket. 
Flere SvYaler saas ved Solnedgang. . 29de N.Ø.2. Klart. To smaa 
Sangfugle opholdt sig. paa Dækket idag, jagende efter Fluer. 

Juni: 20de. Stille, Regn. En Sjagger saas ved Skibet idag. 
24de N.V.2. Letskyet. En Korsnæb opholdt sig en Tid paa Skibet. 
26de Ø.2. Klart. En Høg sad ved Solnedgang nogen Tid i Rigningen. 

August: IIte. Stille, klart. To Graa Fluesnappere have igaar 
og idag opholdt sig paa Skibet og været travlt beskæftiget med 
at fange Fluer. 

September: 16de Ø.2. Klart. I Formiddags opholdt en 
Fuglekonge sig omkring paa Skibet. 

Oktober: 7de Ø.S.Ø.3. Skyet. En Høg kredsede om Skibet 
ved Solnedgang; en Ryle og en stor Ugle saas flyve om Skibet. 
l4de N.N.Ø. 2. Tætskyet. En' Høg, Krager og flere Smaafugle 
saas idag. 20de S.2. Skyet. Nogle Bogfinker og Stære opholdt 
sig i Eftermiddag omkring paa Dækket. 21de. Imorges var atter 
et Par Bogfinker paa Dækket. 24de V. 5. Regnbyger. I Efter- 
middag var. 2 gule Vipstjerter paa Dækket; de fløj bort mod S.V. 
— J.S. Jensen, A.H. Schmidt. 


Horns Rev. Fyrskib. Februar: 13de Skyet. 2 Stære op- 
holdt sig paa Dækket om Dagen. — Maj: Ilte. En lille Fugl 
opholdt sig paa Dækket hele Dagen, blev Natten over og fandtes 
død paa Dækket om Morgenen (ikke indsendt.); en Høg kom og 
satte sig i Rigningen om Aftenen ved Fyrets Hejsning. 12te. Flere 
forskellige Smaafugle kom om Morgenen flyvende til Skibet og blev 
hele Dagen; de fleste af dem fandtes døde om Natten paa Dækket. 
— Oktober: 4de. En Høg kom om Aftenen og satte sig paa 
Mesanbommen, fløj kort efter bort. 67e. En Stær kom om For- 
middagen, satte sig i Rigningen, fløj kort efter bort. 13de. En 
Flok Stære (omtr. 10 Stkr.) kredsede flere Gange om Skibet ved 
Fyrets Hejsning og fløj derefter bort. 14de. Enkelte Smaafugle 
sad om Morgenen ved Fyrets Slukning i Rigningen, men fløj kort 
efter bort. — November: 20de. En Ravn opholdt sig i 4 Dage 
paa Skibet; den dte Dag om Morgenen var den borte og antoges 
det, at den var falden i Vandet om Natten. — H. Sonnichsen, 
C. E. Søjborg. i 

Bovbjerg. Januar: 12te. Aarlig plejer Masser af Fugle at 
vise sig ved Fyret, men iaar er ingen set siden sidst i November. 
— Februar: 26de. Ingen Fugle set siden 12te Januar. — Maj: 
8&de S. 9. 2. Dis. Flere store Flokke Graagæs trak mod N.; der var 
i hundredevis i hver Flok. — C. Rude. : 

Thyborøn. Februar: 2den N.V. Skyet. En Rødben påa 
Fjordstranden. — April: 14de V. Diset. En stor Flok Krager 
trak mod N.Ø., efter at have opholdt sig paa Fjordstranden en Tid. 
18de S.Ø. Skyet. En Mængde Krager trak mod N. — Maj: 6te 
N.V. Klart. En Flok Ænder trak ind over Kanalen. Ide N.Ø. 
Skyet. Endel Krager trak mod N. Ø. — September: 6te V.N.V. 
Skyet. Vildgæs trække fra N. langs Kysten. &de S. V.. Diset. 
Vildgæs trække fra N. langs Kysten. 9de N.V. Skyet. 6 Flokke 
Vildgæs trak ind i Fjorden. 14de N.V. Byger. Store Flokke 
Vildgæs trak fra N. 15de N.V. Store Flokke Vildgæs kom atter 
idag trækkende fra N. — Oktober: Iste N. N.Ø. Skyet. 5 Krager 
trak mod S. 3dje N.N.Ø. Byger. Store Flokke Vildgæs trak 

mod S. 4de S. Byger. 3 Graagæs trak mod S. 6te Ø.N.Ø. 
Diset. En stor Flok Graagæs trak mod S. 19de S.Ø. Diset. En 
stor Flok Krager trak mod S.V. — J. Nielsen. 

Lodbjerg. Februar: 2den. Nogle Stillidser i Fyrets Plan- 
tage om Dagen. 24de. Drosler og Solsorter i Haven om Dagen. 
— Marts; Ilte. Rødkælken set om Dagen. — April: 24de. 
Lys Fluesnapper set om Dagen. — Maj: 10de. Svalen set om 
Dagen. 14de. Gøgen hørt om Dagen. — Oktober: 22de S. Ø. 4. 
Overtrukket, Regn, Dis. En Drossel set i Haven om Dagen. — 
P. 8. Pedersen. 

Højen. Intet Fuglefald. — A. T. Friis. 

Skagen. Maj: 12te Ø.3. Skyet. Hørtes Gøgen første Gang. 
— Oktober: I16de $S.2. Klart. 3 Gæs fløj mod 8. — No- 
vember: Øde S.V.4. Skyet. En stor Flok Gæs fløj mod 8. V. 
— GG. H, E. Wielandt. 

Skagens Rev Fyrskib. Januar har der været de sædvan- 
lige Maager og Alke, men ellers intet særligt Træk af Fugle. — 
Februar: 2den V.4. Skyet. 2 Lærker vare ved Skibet. 10de. 
Laber, løbende Vind, skyet. 1 Lærke var her ved Skibet om Dagen. 
24de. Vind 4. Bygevejr. 2 Lærker vare ved Skibet. 25de. Vind 4. 
Skyet og Byger, Flere mindre Flokke Lærker fløj forbi Skibet om 
Dagen. 26de S. 3. Skyet. Atter i Dag fløj flere mindre Flokke 
Lærker forbi Skibet. — Marts: I1ste N.Ø. 2. Klart. 2 Krager 
fløj mod Øst; endel Lærker var her i Løbet af Dagen. Fra 5te 
til 10de saas enkelte Krager og Lærker ved Skibet. 12te S. 4. 
Byget. En enkelt Vibe fløj mod V. 13de 8. 2. Overtrukket, Byger. 
I Løbet af Dagen vare enkelte Stære ved Skibet. 20de. Stille, 
klart. Flere Flokke Lærker og Krager trak forbi Skibet i Løbet af 
Dagen. 24de N.Ø. 3. Skyet. En Mængde Krager fløj i Ø.; enkelte 
Lærker og Stære vare ved Skibet. 24de til 31te fløj daglig Lærker, 
Krager og enkelte Stære forbi Skibet. — April: 16de og 17de 
V. 9. Klart. Flere Flokke Ænder fløj mod Ø. — Maj: 2den 
S. V. 2. Overtrukket. Flere Flokke af Ænder og Gæs. 13de S. Ø. 
2. Overtrukket. Flere Smaafugle ved Skibet. 31te N.N. ø, 2. 



Klart. I Løbet af Dagen fløj en Masse Svaler i østlig Retning. — 
Oktober: Iagttoges Flokke af Ænder, ellers kun de sædvanlige 
Maager. — November: Ilte S. 2. Overtrukket. Enkelte Flokke 
af Krager fløj i vestlig Retning. 14de S.S.V. 3. Overtrukket. 
Flere Flokke af Ederfugle og Ænder fløj i alle Retninger. — De- 
cember: Maager og Ålke saas, ellers iagttoges ingen andre Fugle. 
—T. A. R. Due. 

Nordre Rønner. Januar: Intet Fuglefald. 17de. Stæren 
set. 26de. 4 Svaner fløj i N.V. — Februar: Iste. 2 Svaner 
fløj i S.V. 6te. Præstekraven set første Gang. 16de. 2 Svaner 
fløj i N. Ø.; de første Gravænder saas. 23de kom flere Gravænder, 
som toge Ophold her for Sommeren. — Marts: Intet Fuglefald. 
Af andre Fuglearter har her været ligesom de foregaaende Aar og 
noget forøget i Tal. — L.F. Madsen. 

Læsø Trindel Fyrskib. Januar: 27de N.V. 2. Overtrukket. 
6 Svaner og omkr. 20 Gæs trak N.  29de N.Ø, 2. Klart. 18 
Svaner trak N. — Februar: 12te Ø. 2. Skyet. En Stær opholdt 
sig paa Dækket. 20de V.2. Skyet… 14 Svaner trak N.Ø. 25de 
S. 2. Skyet. En Flok Viber fløj forbi. — Marts: &de S.Ø. 2. 
Skyet. Flere Flokke Krager mod N.Ø. Ilte S.V. 6. Regn. En 
Flok Viber mod S.V. — April: Iste Ø.S.Ø. 2. Skyet. Flere 
Flokke Krager fløj mod N.Ø. 16de V. 6. Regnbyger. En Flok 
Krager fløj mod N.Ø. 17de N.V.5. Skyet. Atter idag fløj en 
Flok Krager mod N.Ø. — Juli: 24de V. 3. Skyet. 12 Viber fløj 
mod S.Ø. 30te S. 9.3. Klart. En Due opholdt sig ombord nogle 
Timer om Formiddagen; en Falkehøg kredsede nogle Gange om 
Skibet og fløj da mod S.V. — September: 2den V.S.V., 3. 
Skyet. Nogle Lærker og Vipstjerter mod S.V. 23de Stille og 
Smaabyger. 2 Svaler ombord midt paa Dagen. — Oktober: &8de 
N. 3. Skyet. En Bogfinke ombord midt paa Dagen. 12te V.N.V. 
3. Skyet. Flere Flokke Krager fløj mod S.V. 14de Ø. 2. Skyet. 
En Flok Graaspurve ombord; mange Krager fløj mod S.V., — No- 
vember: Iste V.7. Regnbyger. Mange Elokke Ederfugle i alle 
Retninger. 4de V.S. V.7. Tre Suler fløj mod Vest. 25de Ø.N. Ø. 


4. Skyet. Flere Flokke Svaner fløj mod V. — December:. Iste 
S, Ø.3. Overtrukket. En Flok Svaner paa 15 Stkr. fløj mod V. — 
F. Winther. 

Læsø Rende Fyrskib. Februar: 25de. En Maage [Larus 
tridactylus.], forfulgt af andre søgte Tilflugt ved Skibet og fan- 
gedes; Bugen var oprevet. 26de. 10 Svaner fløj fra V. mod Ø.; 6 Viber 
fløj fra V. mod Ø. — Oktober: 7de S. 3. Skyet. Flere Flokke 
Krager fløj mod V. 8&8de N.Ø.3. Regn. Flere Flokke Krager fløj 
mod V.; en Bogfinke opholdt .sig paa Skibet. — P. C. Grumsen. 

Egense. Januar: 13de S.S. V. Skyet. I Farvandet iagttoges 
torskellige Flokke Ænder og Ederfugle. — Februar: 5te N.V. 2. 
Klart. Flere Stære saas i Stationens Have og Lærker hørtes. 12te 
Ø. Skyet. Blaakrager saas påa Landgrunden. 19de Vind 1. Skyet. 
Stæren saas i store Flokke og 2 Viber saas. — Marts: Ide 
S. Ø. 1. To store, sortvingede Maager saas paa Grunden. — April: 
9de N.Ø. Skyet. Store Flokke af Gæs paa Kanten af Landgrunden. 
10de Vind 6. Skyet. Gæs og Maager i Flok -paa Landgrunden. 
22de S.V. Overtrukket. Store Flokke Gæs opholdt sig paa Land- 
grunden. — Maj: 4de S.V. Den første Svale saas paa Stationen. 
7de. Stille, klart. 4 Svaler saas; de første Maageæg fandtes påa 
Holmen; Storken saas i Hals. — Juni: 30te S.V. 2. Skyet. En 
Strandsneppe saas paa Strandbredden. — Oktober: 3dje. Stille. 
Stæren trak mod S. 5te. Stille. En Flok Svaner trak mod S$. — 

Anholt Knob Fyrskib. Februar: 20de V.2. Skyet. En- 
kelte Lærker hørtes synge. 24de V.S. V.5. Regn. En Vibe og 2 
Lærker fløj mod V. — Marts: 7de. Stille, skyet. Store Flokke 
Krager fløj mod Ø. 12te S.S.V. 3. Taage. Enkelte Smaafugle 
omkring Skibet. 31te N.2. Skyet. Mange Flokke Krager fløj 
mod Ø.; flere Smaafugle opholdt sig paa Skibet. — April: 18de 
S, 3. Regn. Flere Flokke Krager fløj mod Ø. 19de 8.9.2. Diset. 
Flere Smaafugle paa Dækket hele Dagen. — Maj: Iste S. N,8 
Skyet. Flere Smaafugle opholdt sig paa Skibet. 16de S. ØM. 3. 
Overtrukket. En Flok Graagæs fløj mod V. — Juni: øde N.5. 


Klart, 2 Stære opholdt sig en kort Tid paa Skibet og fløj da mod 
S.S. V. — September: Iste V. 6. Overtr. En Svale opholdt sig 
nogle Timer paa Skibet, fløj senere mod V. 7de V.N.V. 6. Skyet. 
En Flok Ænder fløj. mod S.V. 21de. S. Ø. 6. Overtrukkket. En 
Flok Ænder fløj mod S.V. — Oktober: 11te N.V. 5. Skyet. 
Flere Skovspurve opholdt sig paa Dækket hele Dagen; en fandtes 
død (indsendt.). 15de Ø.S.Ø.6. Skyet. Flere Flokke Krager fløj 
mod V. 16de S.Ø.3. Skyet. Atter idag fløj store Flokke Krager 
mod V. 28de N.N. Ø. 4. Skyet. Flere Flokke Krager fløj mod 
S. V. — November: 4de V.8. Skyet. En Flok Ænder fløj fra 
Ø. mod S.V. — Th. Andresen. Toftgaard Nielsen. 

Spodsbjerg. Iutet Fuglefald, — P. Christensen. i 

Fornæs. Februar: 2Zden N.V.3. Overtr. Den første Stær 
saas. 7de N.N.Ø.5. Skyet. 2 Svaner fløj lavt over Havet fra S. 
til N. — April: 29de V.3. Regn. Om Dagen saas mange Rød- 
kælke i Fyrets Have. — Maj: 14de S. 9.2. Klart. 3 Strandskader 
fløj langs Stranden fra N. til S. Ingen Taage eller usigtbart Vejr 
i dette Foraar er vel Aarsagen til, at ikke flere Fugle have været 
omkring Fyret. — Juli: 27de S.3. Skyet. Omkr. 50 Knortegæs 
passerede Fyret fra S. til N.  31te Ø.S.Ø. 2. 13 Strandskader 
fløj lige over Fyrbygningen fra N. til Ss — August: 24de V. 3. 
Skyet. 15 Regnspover passerede Fyret fra S. til N. — Sep- 
tember: 16de N.2. Klart. 7 Skarve fløj over Fyret fra N. til S. 
Toplærker, som have været set her ved Fyret hele Aaret rundt i 
flere Aar, ere ikke iagttagne her i 1911. Intet Fugletræk har været 
her i Efteraaret. — A. Kruse. 

Hjelm. Januar: Iste. Set en Stær. - Februar: 20de. Set 
en Stork. 21de. Set Viben. — A. Jensen. 

Æbeltoft. Intet Fuglefald. — H.P. Mønsted. 

Sletterhage. Intet. — V. Larsen. 

Sejrø. Oktober:… 7de. Ederfuglene begynde nu at indfinde 
sig; de opholde sig i Smaaflokke paa Revet udfor Fyret. 15de 
Ø.S. Ø. Om Morgenen saas enkelte store Flokke Ederfugle og Dyk- 
ænder paa Træk. — November: 13de S.S.V. Store Flokke af 

Dykænder og Ederfugle opholde sig paa Søen udfor Fyret. 19de 
S. senere Ø, S. Ø. Smaaflokke af Havlitter saas og hørtes paa Søen 
i Fyrets Nærhed. — December: 28de. 4 Svaner saas ude paa 
Revet N.V. for Fyret. — N. J. Z. Nielsen. 

Lappegrundens Fyrskib. Februar: 17de N.V.8. To Vild- 
ænder fløj mod V. 20de Ø.3. En Flok Lærker fløj mod S. Ø. — 
Maris: ste V.S, V.2. Skyet. 8 Svaner fløj mod N: …&de, En 
Flok Ederfugle fløj mod Ø. 31te. Flere Flokke Ederfugle trak i 
forskellige Retninger. — April: 8de N.V.2. Klart. Flere Flokke 
Ederfugle trak mod S. 18de S.S.Ø.2. En Flok Vildgæs fløj mod 
S. — September: 19de S. Regnbyger. En Flok Vildgæs fløj 
mod N. — Oktober: Ilte N.V. En Flok Vildgæs fløj mod V. 
12te N.V. Flere Flokke Ederfugle og Vildænder fløj i forskelllige 
Retninger. 14de S.Ø. Flokke af Krager fløj mod S.V. 20de S.V. 
En Flok Vildgæs fløj mod V. 28de N.N.Ø. En Flok Ederfugle fløj 
mod V. — November: Iste V.N.V. En Flok Ederfugle fløj mod $. 
&de S.S.V. En Flok Vildgæs fløj mod V. — December: 17de 
S. V. En Flok Vildænder fløj mod S.Ø. 25de S. V. En Flok Vild- 
ænder fløj mod S.. — J.C. Jensen, A. Albertsen. 

Kronborg. Iutet Fuglefald. — H. B.'J.Reinwald. 

Middelgrunden. Intet. — A. G. Saxtorph. 

Trekroner. Intet Fuglefald. — H.E. Andresen. 

Nordre Røse. Her ved Fyret er i Aarets Løb ikke indtruffet 
noget Fuglefald; de Fugle, som i Reglen trække her, ere Ederfugle 
og af og til en Flok Gæs, som om Aftenen trækker over mod Salt- 
holmen. — J.F. Hansen. 

Drogden Fyrskib. September: 25de V. En Rødkælk ved 
Fyret hele Dagen. — Oktober: 30fe S.Ø. Skyet. En Svane fløj 
fra V. mod N.Ø. Kl. 8 Form. — November: 19de Ø.S.Ø. 5 
Svaner i Flok fra S. V. mod N.Ø. 30te. Lærker i Flok ved Skibet 
Kl. 9 Form. — December: Iste Ø.N.Ø. 12 Svaner fløj fra 
N.Ø. mod S.V. Kl. 10 Form. 8&de S.S.Ø. Dis. 5 Lærker kred- 
sede om Skibet Kl. 9 Form. — N, J. Kromann. 


Refsnæs. Hele Vinteren store Flokke af Ederfugle, Havlitter, 
Sortænder og enkelte Torskeænder [efter indsendt Prøve Fløjls- 
ænder (Oedemia fusca)] paa Revet. — Marts: 30te begyndte de 
første Ederfugle at trække mod N. — April: 26de saas Storken 
første Gang. — Maj: 2den saas Svalen første Gang; 3 Par Grav- 
ænder ankom til Rugeplads i Fyrets Nærhed. 9de hørtes Gøgen 
første Gang. — I Oktober og November saas dere Nøddekriger 
i Fyrets Nærhed, undertiden Flokke paa omtr. 20 Stkr. Ederfugle. 
Havlitter og Fløjlsænder have hele Efteraaret opholdt sig paa 
Revet. — C. F. V. Jensen. 

Romsø. Maagerne begyndte d. 1åde Juli at trække væk fra 
Øen med Yngelen. — H. Wirtz. 

Halskov. Intet Fuglefald. — C. P. Henningsen. 

Sprogø. Februar: 3dje. 4 Svaner fløj fra S. til N. 4de 
saas Stæren første Gang. — Marts: 17de. Stort Kragetræk fra 
Fyn til Sjælland. 23de ankom de første Maager, en Snes Par, til 
Rugepladsen. — April: 16de saas de første Maagerededannelser. 
I8de kvækkede Strandtudse og Grønbroget Tudse første Gang iaar. 
19de saas den første Svale. 24de saas de første Hættemaageæg. 
27de saas de første Strandmaageæg. — Maj: 9de saas en stor 
Flok (et Par Tusind) Ederfugle trække mod N. i Bæltet; der har 
været usædvanlig mange Ederfugle tilstede i Løbet af Forsomme- 
ren. — Juni: 16de saas de første Strandmaageunger. — August: 
9de havde Maagerne forladt Øen. 26de kom flere store Flokke 
Stære til Øen, efter at de havde været borte nogen Tid. — Ok- 
tober: 8de. Kragetræk fra Sjælland til Fyn. 9de saas den første 
store Flok nyankomne Ederfugle paa Revene; Ederfuglene synes at 
være talrigere og at være tidligere i Aar, end de pleje; sidst paa 
Aaret, og efter at være jagede endel, var dog en stor Del af dem 
atter trukket bort. Fugletrækket forbi Sprogø har i 1911 været 
yderst sparsomt. — A. V. Hansen. 

Slipshavn. Intet Fuglefald. — E. Jørgensen. 

Helholm. Januar: 22de Gravgaasen set. — Februar: 
19de. Viben og Strandskaden sete. I Aaret 1911 intet Fuglefald. 

Af Fugle, som ruge her, kan nævnes Strandskaden, Strandmaagen, 
den Sorthovede Maage, Gravanden, Graaanden og den Spidsnæbede 
Ånd. — P. Larsen. 

Omø. Juli: 24de. Om Natten faldt en Brevdue ved Fyret; 
den var mærket med en Ring om højre Ben med Indskrift D. 11 
—110. Stille og skyet. — September: 10de store Flokke Viber 
fløj om Eftermiddagen over Øen mod S. — Oktober: 27de S. V. 
Stormende, skyet og diset. En Mængde (omtr. 200 Stkr.) Eder- 
fugle opholde sig ved Fyret; de kom i Løbet af Natten. — No- 
vember: 14de, diset. Kl. 8 Aften stod jeg ude paa Omgangen i 
Anledning af, at Orlogsskibe affyrede flere Kanonskud, hvorved en 
større Flok Ederfugle blev opskræmt; i deres Forskrækkelse fløj de 
lige mod Fyret, som de først opdagede i sidste Øjeblik. Jeg saa 
dem i Flugten rejse sig lige paa Halen med Fødderne udstrakt som 
for at værge for sig og Vingerne udspilede. Fuglene tumlede ned 
paa begge Sider af Taarnet; jeg hørte dem straks efter kravle i 
Vandet. En Fugl klarede sig ikke; Farten, den havde paa, var for 
stærk, saaledes at den kom ind mellem Gelænderet og Taarnet og 
forslog sig endel; jeg var straks efter nede og undersøge Stranden, 
men de andre vare da komne i Vandet. — P. F. Kohler. 

Vejrø. Intet Fuglefald i sidste Halvaar. — C. A. Hansen. 

Taars. Intet Fuglefald. — W. Pedersen. 

Æbelø. I Efteraaret har der ikke været en eneste Fugl påa 
Ruderne. — E. Schønfeldt. 

Strib. Intet Fuglefald. — Februar: 17de Stæren set. — 
Marts: 3Ite. Stille; Mange Flokke Graagæs fløj mod N. — Au- 
gust: 10de. Stille og klart. Mange og store Flokke Himmelhunde 
trak mod S. — September: 20de S.S.V. 2. Overtr. Mange 08 
store Flokke Graagæs trak mod S. — Enkelte forskellige Ænder 
have opholdt sig i Bæltet hele Aaret. — A.H. Andersen. 

Baagø. Intet Fuglefald eller Fugletræk iagttaget. — N. 

Assens. Intet Fugletræk eller Fuglefald iagttaget i Aarets 
Løb. — N. Lund. 


Hammeren. Oktober; Daglig ses Vildgæs trække mod V. 
i smaa Flokke. 26de V.S.V.8. Diset. Omkr. 20 Svaner fløj mod 
V. — A. M. Dam. 

Dueodde Sydfyr. April: 9de N.V.2. En Flok Svaner paa 
omtrent 50 Stykker saas paa Søen S.V., for Fyret i en Afstand af 
c. 2000 Alen fra Kysten. — Oktober: 13de N.V.1. En Flok 
Graagæs trak mod S. V. ud over Søen Kl. 4 Eftm. 14de Ø. 3. 
Klart. En Flok Graagæs paa 23 Stykker trak mod Ø. om. Efter- 
middagen Kl. 5. 16de Ø. 3. Klart. 8 Graagæs trak mod S.V. 
— November: 16de S.V.3. Kl. 11 Form. saas 21 hvide Svaner 
i Flok trækkende langs Kysten mod Vest; Kl. 11% saas 19 Svaner 
i Flok atter trækkende langs Kysten mod Vest. — Ud over oven- 
staaende har intet været iagttaget. Intet Fuglefald af nogen Slags 
har fundet Sted i 1911. — H.S. L. Madsen. 

Møen. Ingen Fugle ere faldne i Aaret 1911, dog kun at 
regne fra 5te April, da jeg tiltraadte Tjenesten her. — H. P. Jensen. 

Harbølle. Intet Fuglefald. — A.J. Olsen. 

Gedser. Oktober: 16de Kl. 10% trak en Flok Vildgæs fra 
N.V. og fortsatte i S. S.Ø. ud over Søen. — Fuglefaldet i dette 
Efteraar hår her ved Fyret været meget ringe, hvilket antages at 
skyldes den Omstændighed, at vi kun have haft ringe Tykning i 
Træktiden. — Chr. Lindgaard. 

Gedser Rev. Januar: 20de V.3. 6 Svaner fløj fra N. V. 
mod S. Ø. — Februar: 7de V.S. V. 3. Tre Svaner fløj fra N.V. 
mod S.Ø. Ilte S.Ø. 2. 17 Svaner fløj fra S. Ø. mod N.V. — 
Marts: 8de V.2. Omkring 50 Graagæs fløj fra N.V. mod S.Ø. 
3lte V.S.V. 2. Diset. 30 Graagæs trak fra N. V. mod S. Ø. — 
August: 28de S. V.2. Tre Fluesnappere opholdt sig ved Skibet 
Dagen igennem. 29de V.3. Skyet. 100 Storke fløj mod S.S.Ø. 
Kl. 4 Efterm. — J. Jensen. 

Hyllekrog. Februar: 25de Stille, klart. Flokke af Lærker 
kom fra 8. — J. N. B. Håog. 


Meddelelser om mindre almindelige danske Fugle. 

Colymbus arcticus. 

En Sortstrubet Lom, Han, blev skudt ved Oddesund i Lim- 
fjorden 1ste Januar 1912 og indsendt som Gave til Museet af 
Fisker Peter Outzen. 

Procellaria pelagica. : 

To Stormsvaler fandtes ifølge Meddelelse fra Lærer Chr. 
Christiansen 6te November 1911 døde paa Jelling Mark og 
Toftby Mark, Gadbjerg Sogn (c. 15 Kilm. N. V. for Vejle), sandsyn- 
ligvis forslaaede og dræbte i den foregaaende Stormnat; de fandtes 
en Afstand af c. 250 m. fra hinanden. 

Phalaropus hyperboreus. 
En Odinshane, ung Hun, blev skudt paa Taarnby Fælled, Amager, 
3lte August 1912; Skindet erhvervedes af Zoologisk Museum. 

Alca torda. 

En Alk, ung Hun, i Sommerdragt men hvidfødt med alle de 
ellers rensorte Fjer hvidbrune, skudt 10de Maj 1911 i Lille Belt, 
modtog Museet fra Lottericollecteur J, Petersen i Assens. 

Lestris longicauda. 

En Lille Kjove, ung Han, blev skudt i Kalvebodstrand 12te 
September 1911; Skindet, der var usædvanlig lyst farvet, er- 
hvervedes af Museet. 

Sula alba. 
En udfarvet Sule fandtes mellem Jul og Nyaar 1910 døende 
paa Vandet nær Middelgrunden, meddeler Fyrmester H. Wirtz. 

Aquila nævia. 

En Skrigørn, gammel Hun, blev, efter Meddelelse af Conser- 
vator H. P. Hansen i Herning, skudt 7de Juli 1912 i Højsvig, 
Sønder Felding ved Troldhede, hvor den havde opholdt sig omtrent 

14 Dage i et Egekrat med Eng ved den ene Side. Skindet og 
Skelettet erhvervedes af Zoologisk Museum. 

Circus cineraceus. 

En Enghøg, udvokset Han, blev skudt ved Sevel, Vinderup, 
N. Ø. for Holstebro 1ste Aug. 1912. I Maven var Rester af 1 Mus 
og 2 Lærker. Skindet modtog Museet fra Conservator H. P. 

Hansen, Herning. 

Nucifraga caryocatactes v. macrorhynchus. 

Nøddekriger viste sig i Efteraaret 1911 i betydelig Mængde, 
som det synes over alle Landets Dele. Til Museet indkom følgende 
Individer: ; 

Et Expl. skudt ved Refsnæs Fyr 24de September 1911 af 
C. F. V. Jensen; i Oktober og November saa han ligeledes flere 
Nøddekriger i Fyrets Nærhed, undertiden i Flokke paa omtr. 20 Stkr. 

En ung Hun blev skudt 7de Oktober 1911 i Farum af frh. 
Møller J. P. Jørgensen. 

En Han blev skudt l14de Oktober 1911 i Boserup Skov ved 
Roskilde af Stud. med. Ed. Collin. 

To gamle Hunner bleve skudte i Rude Skov ved Holte 27de 
Oktober 1911. (R. Hørring). 

To Expl. (deraf den ene en gammel Hun) bleve skudte i Bo- 
Serup Skov 16de November 1911 af Stud. med. Collin; han havde 
set endel af dem. 

En Han blev skudt 24de November i Rude Skov; samme Dag 
saas en Nøddekrige flyve højt over Skoven. (R. Hørring). 

En ung Hun, skudt 4de Januar 1912 i Holte, hvor den over- 
raskedes gaaende mellem Hønsene i en Hønsegaard, modtoges fra 
Conservator J.E. C. Scheel. Hele Efteraaret havde Nøddekriger 
stadig været at se i Geel Skov ved Holte. 

Hirundo rustica. 
Fra Lærer Tejlbjerg i Nivaa modtog Museet en fuldkommen 
hvid ung Landsvale, født paa Nivaagaard og set der til sin Død 

(1911.) " 
lste Oktober 1911. — 17de September 1912 saas en ligeledes renhvid 
Landsvale flyve i Tømmerup Overdrev paa Amager (R. Hørring). 

Parus Ccristatus. 

Distriktslæge A. Bertelsen iagttog flere Gange Topmejser 
ved Vejlefjord Sanatorium i Vinteren 1911—12. Reservelæge 
K. Schåffer har venligst meddelt følgende Enkeltheder om dens 
Ynglen sammesteds; han iagttog Fuglen første Gang nær Yngle- 
stedet i Slutningen af Marts eller Begyndelsen af April 1912, da 
et enkelt Individ færdedes i Granerne; derefter saas jævnligt en 
eller to i Følge; 12te Maj og senere saa han et Individ flyve ud 
af et Hul i et gammelt Piletræ; l1ste Juni og senere saas samme- 
steds 2 Topmejser med Foder i Næbet hoppe ud og ind af samme 
Hul, hvorfra Ungerne hørtes at pibe; efter at Ungerne vare fløjne 
af Reden, undersøgte han I1lte Juni denne nøjere; nævnte gamle 
Pil, der sammen med andre danner et Gærde om en Strandeng, er 
kun skilt fra Strandkanten ved en smal Gangsti; Redehullet var 
c. 150 cm. fra Jorden; Reden sad c. 15 cm. inde og var bygget af 
Mos og hovedsageligt udforet med Faareuld; i Reden fandtes et 
ikke udruget Æg. Nær Redestedet fandtes store Granplantager. 

Praticola rubicola. 
Fra Conservator Scheel har Museet erhvervet Skindet af en 
Sortstrubet Bynkefugl, Han, skudt i Omegnen af Ribe i August 1903. 

Luscinia vera. 
En Sydlig Nattergal, udvokset Hun, faldt 25de Maj 1911 ved 
Kjels Nor Fyr; sml. S. 175. Skindet i Zoologisk Museum. 

Fra Færøerne. 

Tveraa. Intet Fuglefald. — E. B. Jacobsen. 
Sumbø. Oktober: 16de. Stille, Taage. Flokke paa flere 
Hundrede Smaafugle fløj omkring Fyret. 24de Ø. 4. Overtrukket. 


En Svenske (Ligurinus chloris) faldt og nedsendtes til Museet 
30te S.Ø.4. Skyet. 

Flere Flokke Graagæs i Nærheden af Fyret. 
3lte S. Ø. 3. Regn. Smaafugle paa Ruderne; ingen faldt. — No- 

vember: Iste N.1. Skyet. En Vandrikse faldt (ikke indsendt.). 
dd. da00ob8en, 

Tofte. Intet Fuglefald. — Simon Thorkildshøj. 
Kalsø. Intet Fuglefald. — Joen Clementsen. 
25. 9. 1912, 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. 



Sr er É å SFEN 
rubel i Si pdaold 
BE mand Bag på 



Additions and Corrections to the paper: On a 

new Gymnoblastic Hydroid (Zchthyocodium sarco- 

tretis) epizoie on a new Parasitic Copepod (Sarco- 
tretes scopeli) infesting Scopelus glacialis Rhdt. 


Hector F. E. Jungersen. 

I am sorry to have made a wrong statement in the paper 
named above saying on p. 3: "In the Davis Strait it (oa: the Sar- 
'cotretes) seems not to occur; among some 330 specimens of Scop. 
glacialis collected by the Tjalfe” W. of Greenland, between ca. 
63% and 71? Lat. N., none were found infested.” This is not true. 

A few days ago Mr. Ad. Jensen found some tubes which 
had been set apart from the material of Scopelus glacialis from 
the '"Tjalfe-Expedition” handed over to me for examination. Evidently 
Mr. Jensen had forgotten the fact that he himself had observed 
the parasite and picked out the infested specimens of Scopelus, 
including them among the Crustaceans which were to be given to 
the Division of Arthropods of our Museum. Thus I naturally 
could not find parasites in any of the ca. 330 Scopel. glacialis 
caught between 63% and 71? Lat. N., every infested specimen 
having been taken out beforehand, and I think I cannot be blamed 
for the error I am now going to correct. 

The tubes contained 9 Scopelus glacialis, from 20 to 52 mm. 

in length, each carrying an adult female of Sarcotretes scopeli ; 


one specimen had besides a pupal stage (C) attached to the margin 
of the right gill-cover (like the single case previously found and 
mentioned on p. 16 of my paper); another carried a Cyclops-stage 
(A) in front of the right ventral fin, and on the bottom of the 
tube was found one more of the same stage (A), dropped off from 
its host. 

The adult female Sarcotretes of the Scopelus with the Cyclops- 
stage is coated with a beautiful colony of JZchthyocodium, while the 
remaining 8 are without any Hydroid. The basal membrane of 
the new Ichthyocodium encloses completely the external part of the 
Sarcotretes; it is thicker than in any specimen hitherto found, and 
its anastomosing tubes are numerous and often provided with 
blindly ending branchlets. A large number of the polypes are 
long (ca. 2 mm.) and slender; many or most of them carry medusæ- 
buds basally. The largest medusæ-buds are somewhat more advanced 
than those previously observed, not only larger (ca. 0,8 mm. in 
length, 0,224 mm. broad) but more medusiform, and attached by 
means of a longer and slender stalk; indications of a pair of 
additional marginal tentacles are quite distinct; thus my assumption 
(1.c. p. 23) that the medusæ, when liberated, might possess 4 
marginal tentacles has been confirmed. The manubrium has still 
no mouth-opening, nor have I been able to observe genital cells. 

Furthermore, among some Museum specimens of Scop. glacialis, 
captured several years ago at the coasts of Greenland, a single one, 
37 mm. in length, labelled: Sukkertoppen, Miller 5/6 1890, has been 
found infested with an adult Sarcotretes without Hydroid. Probably 
it has been brought by some Eskimo to the Colonial Director R. 
Miller, who in 1889 sent a valuable collection of fishes to 
the Museum. The colony Sukkertoppen is situated at ca. 65? 25” 
Lat. N., 52? 45'. Long. W. 

The total number of the Sarcotretes in its final, inserted 
shape examined by me now amounts to 32 instead of 22, that 
of metamorphosis stages to 37. Of the 10 new adult females 
5 protruded dorsally, all in front of the dorsal fin, 5 ventrally. 


5 were found on the right, 3 on the left side and 2 in the (ven- 
tral) middle line (comp. p. 5). 
The localities for the additional specimens are the following: 

1. The association of the Parasitic Copepod with the Hydroid. 

«Tialfe's” Depth of Denth of 
Setion Nr. Lat. N. Long. W. ze Station se re Date 
n Metres n Metre 
336 64906" 559 18' mare 900 8I5. 09. 

2. The Parasitic Copepod, without the Hydroid. 

6 ”g” D epth of Depth of 
Er mme Nr Lat. N. Long. W. an Station — the Capture Date 
sk n Met: in 
171 10? AP 52907 735 600 6]. 08. 
346 (2 spec.) 64? 22' 56890" 300—600 15. 09. 
sn ) 64922" — 559 48" 1040 750—850 — 79/5, 09. 
336 649 06' 55918" 1040—1100 900 815. 09. 
30 a. 68709 569232 375 716. 08. 
434 (2 spec.) 629 53' 549 15' 1660 900—1125 9%. 09. 
Sukkertoppen 658 25: 582 4t 1889. 

3. Stages in Development of the Parasitic Copepod. 
ÅA. Cyclops-stage. 
Depth of Depth of 
"Tjalfe's” : 
Se ore Nr JAR N, Long. W. ne vers the Xerv Date 
386 (2spec,)  64906' 55918"  1140—1100 900 8/5. 09. 

C. 2nd pupal stage 
434 629 58" 549 15' 1660 900—1125 Sie. 09; 

Thus, the northern range of the Sarcotretes has been widened 
from 65? Lat. N. to 70941' L.N., the western extension from 
48? 26' Long. W. to 56? 32" Long. W. (cfr. l.c. p. 3); that is to 
say: this Parasitic Copepod not only occurs east and south of 
Greenland but also west of Greenland through the whole of Davis 
Strait right up to the entrance of the Umanak Fjord, now the 


northernmost point recorded for its capture as well as for that of 
Scopelus glacialis (at Greenland). At the same" time the area of 
the JIchthyocodium has been extended - from 61? 49' Lat. N. to 
64? 06' L.N., and from 14? 11' Long. W. to 58? 18' L. W. Pro- 
bably the geographical distribution of this Hydroid will prove to be 
quite the same as that of the Sarcotretes. 


Undersøgelser over entoparasitiske Muscidelarver 
hos Arthropoder. II. 


Dr. J. C. Nielsen. 

Phryxe Rob Desv. 

Slægten omfatter kun et mindre Antal Arter, hvis Værter, 
saavidt vides, er Sommerfuglelarver. Den eneste Art, om hvis 
Udvikling der foreligger udførligere Meddelelser, er den videst ud- 
bredte og hyppigst forekommende Art, Ph. vulgaris Fall, der an- 
gives som klækket af et betydeligt Antal forskellige Sommerfugle- 
larver, samt — men utvivlsomt med Urette — af en Løbebille 
(Procrustes coriaceus L.). Pantel?) henfører Arten til den sjette 
af de Grupper, hvori han efter Forplantningsmaaden inddeler de 
parasitiske Muscider, en Gruppe indeholdende Arter, der paa deres 
Værter enten afsætter Æg, i hvilke Larverne er fuldstændig ud- 
viklede, eller selve de udviklede Larver. Æggeskallen angives som 
blød og bøjelig, langstrakt, i Tværsnit rund, med noget tykkere 
Overside end Underside. Larven lever i første Stadium frit i 
Værten, men gennemborer senere Væggen til en af de større Tra- 
chéer; fra Hullet udgaar en Kitintragt, paa hvis Yderside findes 
et yderst fint Lag Epithelceller. Tragten omgiver Larvens Bagende, 
og denne ligger helt indhyllet i en Sæk af degenereret Fedtvæv. 
Naar Larven har hæftet sig fast i Nærheden af et Spirakel, øde- 

.1) L Pantel: Recherches sur les Diptéres å larves entomobies I (La 
Cellule XXVI 1910 p. 77, 81, 112, 122). i 


lægger den ved Tryk hele det Parti Trachéer, der findes ved dette 
Spirakel, og udvendig fra ses dette da omgivet af en mørk Plet. 

Jeg har kun haft Lejlighed til at undersøge Udviklingen af 
Ph. vulgaris Fall, der saavidt mig bekendt er den eneste af Slægtens 
Arter, der hidtil er fundet her i Landet. 

Phryæxe vulgaris FU.”). 

Larven i Iste Stadium: Længde c. %/, mm. Forrandene 
af 2.—4. Led med brede Tornbælter, Forrandene af 5.—11. Led paa 
Bugsiden med smalle Bælter, Bagrandene af 5.—11. Led paa Bug- 
siden med Bælter, der bliver bredere henimod Larvens Bagende. 
Svælgskelettets forreste Del langstrakt og smalt, Spidsen bøjet i en 
næsten ret Vinkel (Fig. 1). Den forreste Del (9: foran Udspringet 
af de nedre Svælgplader) omtrent Halvdelen af hele Svælgskelettets 

2det Stadium: Længde 3 mm. Forrandene af 2.—4. Led 
med brede, 5.—11. Led med smallere Tornbælter, der påa 5.—6. 
Led findes baade paa Ryg- og Bugsiden, paa 7.—11. kun paa Bug- 
siden; Bagrandene af 5.—11. Led med Bælter, der kun paa 11. 
Led naar op paa Rygsiden. 12. Led med et bredt Bælte. Mund- 
krogene slanke, bøjede, Roden fortil med en svær, noget fremad- 
rettet Torn og bagtil med en svagere, bagudrettet Tand (Fig. 2). 
Svælgskelettet dobbelt saa langt som Mundkrogene. Forspiraklernes 
atrium (Fig. 3) langstrakt, den inderste Halvdel svagt opsvulmet, 
Spidsen med to Knopper.  Bagspiraklernes atrium krummet, 
Knopperne dybt adskilte, paa Midten opsvulmede. 

3die Stadium. L. 7—11 mm. Forranden af 2det Led 
med et svagt Bælte, 3.—4. Led med bredere, i hvilke Tornene 
staar i nogenlunde lige Rækker, 5.,—11. Led med smallere Bælter 
med Tornene i korte Buer, Bagranden af 5.—11. Led med smalle 
Bælter, der paa 11. Led naar op til Rygsiden, 12. Leds Forrand 

1) De i nærværende Afhandling behandlede Arter er bestemte af Dr- 
J. Villeneuve. 


byg ttt FSR 
ha KU en Edi by uge 
ÅR ig 
W i å df, in ig RES NES $ 
7 SÅN MW ? : KNEE 
Ds ØR TA Per, d 
SÅ i 

su SSG. , ni, arv 
F + Ø å Es 
' LÆR 

Phryze vulgaris Fu 
Fig. 1. 1. Stad. Svælgskelet. 2. 2. Stad. Svælgskele 
2. Stad. Forspirakel. 4. 3. Stad. Svælgskelet. 

6. 3. Stad. Bagspirakel. 


5. 3. Stad. Forspirakel 


med et bredt Bælte. For og bag Bagspiraklerne findes Torn- 
rækker (Fig. 6), i hvilke Tornene aftager i Størrelse udadtil, og 
som gaar over i Tornbæltet paa Leddets Forrand. Foran hvert 
Spirakel findes en lille Kitinplade med et Par større Torne, under- 
tiden findes ogsaa en eller to saadanne Plader bagved Spiraklerne. 
Mundkrogene (Fig. 4) plumpe; Inderranden paa den bageste Halv- 
del med et svagt Fremspring, overfor denne paa Yderranden en 
lille Knude; Roden for og bag med en bagudrettet Tand. De for- 
reste Svælgplader halvt saa lange som Mundkrogene, de øvre af 
disses Længde. Forspiraklernes atrium (Fig. 5) bredt ved Roden, 
derefter indsnævret saaledes, at Spidsen er omtrent halv saa bred 
som Roden, endende med 3 korte Knopper; Spiraklet sidder ind- 
sænket i en lille Fordybning. 

Bagspiraklerne (Fig. 6) af den almindelige, tredelte Type. 
Aandefelterne lige og regelmæssige, Trachéeaabningen skudt op i 
Indbugtningen i den inderste Bro. 

Tøndepuppen: L. 7—8 mm. Bredde c. 21/2 mm. Sort; 
Overfladen glat og glinsende; hverken For- eller Bagspiraklerne 
fremstaaende. Gattet synligt som en meget lille, ubetydeligt frem- 
springende, sort Knop. De ydre Puppespirakler findes som ganske 
svage, mørke Knopper ved Bagranden af dte Led. Analpapillen 
uregelmæssig 5-kantet, noget større end et Spirakel. 


Jeg har fundet Larven snyltende om Foraaret hos Larverne 
af Cheimatobia. brumata L., Hibernia defoliaria L. og Drybota 
protea Bhk. og om Efteraaret hos Larverne af Eremobia ochro- 
leuca Esp., Orgyia antiqva L. og Eupithecia innotata Hfn. 

Mine Iagttagelser har bekræftet Pantel's Meddelelser, med 
Undtagelse af hans Angivelse af Artens Æglægning, idet det af" 
hans Afhandling synes at fremgaa, at han mener, at Snyltefluen 
lægger Æg paa Værten. Det er imidlertid aldrig lykkedes mig at 
finde Æg eller Spor til saadanne paa de af mig undersøgte in- 
ficerede Værtlarver. 


Snylternes Tilstedeværelse i Værterne giver sig først til Kende 
ved smaa, uregelmæssige, sortfarvede Pletter paa Huden (Fig. 7 a), 
der angiver de Steder, .hvor Snylterne har boret sig ind. Nogle 
Dage efter Indboringen fremkommer der omkring nogle af Spiraklerne 
uregelmæssig formede mørke Pletter (Fig. 7 b), der i Overens- 
stemmelse med Pantel's Angivelser hidrører fra, at Snylterne har 
gennemboret og fæstet sig til de fra de paagældende Spirakler ud- 
gaaende Trachéestammer. 

Årten har mindst to Generationer om Aaret. Hos Larven til 
Drybota protea Bhk. var Udviklingen følgende: Værtlarver med 

Fig. 7. Hud af en Drybota-Larve med Phryze-Larvens frlbestkeskel 
(4) og Spirakler (6) omgivne af en mørk Plet, fremkaldt af Phryxe-Larven. 

Indboringshuller indsåmledes den 9. Juni. Pletterne omkring Spi- 
raklerne viste sig d. 13.—14. s. M., Snyltelarverne var fuldvoksne 
d. 16., og de fuldt udviklede Fluer kom frem den 30 s. M. De 
tilsvarende Tidspunkter var for en den 23. Juni indsamlet Vært- 
larve d. 25. og 29. s. M. og 12. Juli. 

De Snyltere, der lever i Sommerfuglelarver, hvis Ædepériode 
falder sent paa Efteraaret, som Eupithecia :innotata Hfn., -er. først 
fuldvoksne sent paa Aaret og overvintrer som Pupper. De voksne 
Larver borer sig ud af Værterne og forpupper sig i Jorden. 


Paa Drybota-Larverne fandtes indtil 12 Indboringshuller, men 
det højeste Antal Fluer, der kom til fuld Udvikling i den samme 
Vært, var 4. Hos Eupithecia innotata Hfn. udvikledes kun ét Eks- 
emplar af Snylteren i hver Værtlarve. 

Tachina Meig. 

Den første Meddelelse om Udviklingen hos en Art af Slægten 
Tachina skyldes Th. Hartig!), der (1837) meddelte, at han havde 
klækket 7. larvarum L. af et Antal forskellige Sommerfuglelarver, 
samt at Larverne levede enlig i smaa Værter, medens der i større 
kunde findes indtil 10 Larver sammen. Efter at Laboulbåne?) 
derefter (1861) havde beskrevet sidste Larvestadium -og Tønde- 
puppen af en Tachina, som han henførte til den af Meigen op- 
stillede 7. villica, der senere har vist sig identisk med den stærkt 
varierende 7. larvarum, findes der i Literaturen — bortset fra 
Beretninger om Klækninger — kun faa og spredte Meddelelser 
om Tachina-Arternes Biologi og Udvikling. 1 en lille Afhandling, 
der indeholder foreløbige Meddelelser om de ved Gipsy moth 
parasite laboratory i Massachusetts foretagne Undersøgelser 
over Snyltefluer har C.H.T. Townsend?) givet korte Meddelelser 
om nogle Arters Æg og Æglægning (T. larvarum L., T. utilis Towns. 
og T'. clisiocampæ Towns.), og Pantel!) henfører T. larvarum L. 
og T. rustica Fall. til en Gruppe Arter, der aflægger store hvide Æg 
paa Værterne. I Sommeren 1911 udkom en stor Beretning af 
Howard & Fiske om de ved Gipsy moth parasite 
laboratory indtil da opnaaede Resultater med Indførelse til 

1) Th. Hartig: Ueber die parasitischen Zweifliigler des Waldes (Jahres- 
bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Forstwissenschaft im Jahre 1886— 
37, 1887, p. 275). 

2 A. Laboulbéne: Métamorphoses d'une Mouche parasite. (Ann. Soc. 
entom. de France. 4 Série, Tome 1, 1861, p. 231). 

3) C. H. T. Townsend: A Record of Results from Rearings and Dis- 
sections of Tachinidæ (U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Bureau of Entomology 

echnical Series No. 12, Part VI). 

1) J. Pantel l.c. p. 34. 


Nordamerika af Porthesia dispar L. og Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.'s 
Snyltere"). Her findes et Par korte Meddelelser om 7. larvarum 
L.; Larven forlader Æggeskallen gennem et uregelmæssigt Hul i 
den ene Pol og borer sig ind gennem Værtens Hud. Den fuldvoksne 
Snyltelarve forlader altid Værten, forinden den forpupper sig, i 
hvilket Forhold den siges at afvige fra den nærstaaende Tricholyga 
grandis Zett., der som Regel forpupper sig inde i Værten. Med Hen- 
syn til den af mig i 1909”) beskrevne Larve af 7'. larvarum L. hen- 
viser jeg til en senere Berigtigelse”), efter hvilken den paagældende 
Larve har vist sig at tilhøre en anden Snylteflueart (Ernestia 
radicum F.). 

Alle de her behandlede Arter har jeg fundet snyltende hos 
Sommerfuglelarver; de henhører alle til Pantel's 1ste Gruppe, der 
omfatter: ,,Espåces collant sur le corps de Vhåte un æuf court, 
macrotype". Larverne aabner Æggeskallerne ved i den ene Pol 
at skære et uregelmæssigt Laag af Æggeskallernes Overside. 

Laaget frembringes ved Hjælp af Spidsen af Svælgskelettets 
Tand, der paa den øverste Rand er fint savtakket"), (Fig. 12). 
Efter at Larven har aabnet Æggeskallen, borer den sig ind i 
Værten. Dens Forhold til denne svarer ganske til hvad jeg tidligere 
har fremstillet for Ptychomyia selecta Meig.'s Vedkommende. 

1) L, 0. Howard & W. Fiske: The importation into the United 
States of the Parasites of the Gipsy Moth and the Brown Tail Moth 
(U.S. Dept of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology Bulletin No. 91). 

?) J. C. Nielsen: Ia elser over entoparasitiske Muscidelarver hos 
"ng tegn emleree mmmnger 2, Række, Bd. 4, 1909 p. 60 
30 Nis A ection concerning Tachina larvarum L 

ge song over roer rd Muscidelarver hos Arthropoder" 
(Ibid. p. 367). 
4) Pantel (1. c. p. 44) synes at meno, at Svælgskelettets Savtakning 
særlig spiller en Rolle ved Gennemboringen af Værtens Hud; jeg er 
nærmest tilbøjelig til antage, at den kun — eller ialtfald fortrinsvis — 
kommer til Anvendelse ved Æggeskallens Aabning; Tænderne savnes 
— saavidt hidtil bekendt — hos de Larver, der borer sig ind i 
Værten gennem et Hul i Æggeskallens Bund, og findes kun hos dem,. 
der forinden de borer sig ind aabner Æggeskallen ved, at skære et 
Laag af eller frembringe et stort Hul i denne. 


Tachina larvarum L. 

Ægget. Æggeskallen (Fig. 8) er c. ?/4 mm. lang og c. 7/2 mm. 
bred, hvid, uden Skulptur. Formen er aflang-oval eller noget æg- 
formet. Undersiden flad, Oversiden hvælvet. 
I Æggets forreste Pol har jeg et Par Gange 
fundet et lille Vedhæng (Fig. 8a), der for- 
mentlig er det samme Organ som Pantel!) 
betegner som conducteur micropylaire, 
og som han hos flere Snyltefluer har fundet 
paa Æg, der var dissekerede ud af Fluerne 
eller ganske nylig lagte. Som Figuren viser, 
har jeg fundet Vedhænget ogsaa paa Æg, 
hvori Larven allerede er fuldt udviklet. Hos 
Fig. 8. andre Tachina-Arters Æg har jeg ikke be- 
Tachina larvarum L. mærket det. 

Æg med en fuldt ud- Larven i lste Stadium: Længden 
Nee rn byg af den i Ægget liggende Larve er ca. ”/3 af 
ene Pol. Æggeskallens, og Larven tiltager ikke syn- 
derligt i Størrelse i dette Stadium.  For- 
randen af 2.—11. Led med brede, regelmæssige Tornbælter, af 
hvilke de, der findes paa 2.—5. Led, bestaar af større og tættere 
sammenstillede Torne end Bælterne paa de følgende Led; Bag- 
randene af (6). 7.—11. Led med svagere Bælter, i hvilke Tornene 
er mindre end i Bælterne paa Forrandene. Paa de mellemste Leds 
Sider undertiden enkelte isolerede Partier af større Torne; 12. Led 
undtagen Spidsen omkring Spiraklerne besat med større og mindre 
Torne, der samler sig i uregelmæssige Bælter. 

I 12. Leds Bagrand findes 2 smaa Kitintappe og påa Under- 
siden i en Bue over Midten af Leddet 4 lignende Tappe (Fig. 9); 
disse er langstrakte, cylindriske og noget bredere ved Roden (Fig. 
10). Deres Betydning er mig uklar; de findes kun hos Larver 
i lste Stadium, men forekommer foruden hos Slægten Tachina 

ds Pantel l. c. p. 42—43. 


tillige hos flere andre Snyltefluer (Ptychomyia selecta Meig., Bactro- 
myia aurulenta Meig., Carcelia gnava Meig. 0. a.). Deres Fore- 
.komst falder, saavidt jeg kan se, sammen med Forekomsten af Sav- 
takningen paa Svælgskelettets Tand; denne findes — som ovenfor 
berørt — hos saadanne Arter, der aabner Æggeskallen andre Steder 
end i Bunden, og hvis Indboringshul ligger helt eller delvis udenfor 
Æggeskallen, medens Svælgskelettets Tand er glat hos de Arter, 
der trænger ind i Værterne gennem Æggeskallens Bund. Man kan 

Fig. 9. Tachina larvarum. Bagenden af en Larve i 1ste Stadium. 
a. Kitintappene. 

maaske antage, at Tappene tjener til at støtte eller fastholde 
Larven i den Periode, i hvilken den har strakt sig ud af Ægge- 
skallen og er beskæftiget med at frembringe Hullet i Værtens Hud. 

Svælgskelettets forreste Del (foran Udspringet af de nedre 
Svælgplader) udgør Halvdelen af hele Længden og danner en stump 
Vinkel med den bageste Del (Fig. 11). Svælgpladerne er omtrent 
lige lange. Ved Siden af hvert Bagspirakel findes to smaa, uregel- 
mæssige, sorte Kitinplader; Bagspiraklernes atrium er cylindrisk, 
Omtrent 3 Gange saa langt som bredt. 

2det Stadium: Længde 3—4 mm. Tornbælterne findes paa ' 
Forrandene af 2.—11. Led; de er bredest paa 2. og 3. Led og af- 


Tachina larvarum L. Fig.10. 1. Stad. Hud fra 12. Led med Torne og 
to Kitintappe. 11. 1. Stad. Svælgskelet. 12. 1. Stad. Spidsen af Svælg- 
skelettet. 13. 2, Stad. Svælgskelet. 14. 5. Stad. Svælgskelet. 15. 3 . Stad. 
orspirakel. 16. Spidsen af et Forspirakel set fra Siden. 17. 3. Sta 
Bagspirakel. 18. Tøndepuppe, Bacegiruklerne og Analtappen. 


tager stærkt i Bredde bagud og forsvinder paa Rygsiden af 6.— 
11. Led; Bagrandene af 7.—11. Led med Tornbælter,. der er 
smallest paa 7. Led, hvor Bæltet kun findes paa Bugsiden, og til- 
tager. bagud i Bredde; 12. Led, undtagen Forranden og Spidsen, 
besat med Torne. Mundkrogenes Rod bagtil afrundet, fortil knude- 
formet, Inderranden temmelig skarpt vinkelbøjet. hen imod Roden 
med en lille Knude. Svælgskelettet c. 21/2 Gang saa langt som 
Mundkrogene (Fig. 13). De øvre Svælgpladers Rand fortil med 
et tandformet Fremspring; de nedre Svælgplader mindre stærkt 
divergerende mod de øvre, saaledes at Svælgskelettet set fra Siden 
bliver temmelig smalt.  Forspiraklerne mangler.  Bagspiraklernes 
atrium cylindrisk, omtrent dobbelt saa langt som bredt, med to 

3die Stadium; Længde indtil 14 mm. Tornbælterne findes 
paa Forranden af 2.—11. Led, bredest paa de forreste, og paa 
.Bagranden af 8.—11. Led; 12. Led undtagen omkring Spiraklerne 
besat med Torne. Mundkrogene saa lange som de øvre Svælg- 
plader; Roden bagtil udtrukket i en kort, bagudrettet Tap og fortil 
i en svagt bagudrettet Forlængelse, Inderranden nedenfor Midten 
med en svag Knude (Fig. 14). Forspiraklernes atrium fladt, Roden 
stærkt udvidet, med 4 eller 5 Knopper (Fig. 15, 16); Antallet 
kan variere saaledes, at den samme Larve har 4 Knopper i det 
ene Spirakel og 5 i det andet, men i Reglen findes samme An- 
tal, 4—5, i begge Spirakler. Bagspiraklerne (Fig. 17) tilhører 
den almindelige Type med 3 Aandefelter; Rammen har et smalt 
Indsnit ovenfor Trachéeaabningen; der kan træffes Larver, hos 
hvilke et af Spiraklerne kun har to Aandefelter").  Aandefelterne 
korte, regelmæssige og svagt bøjede ?). 

1) sm om lignende abnorme Spirakler hos Ptychomyia selecta Meig. 

J.C.Nielsen 1909, p. 32. 

?) Fra the Gipsy Moth Parasite Laboratory har jeg bl. a. mod- 
taget et Præparat af Bagspiraklerne fra en Tøndepuppe af T. larva- 
rum L., i hvilket det inderste Aandefelt omtrent paa Midten er afbrudt 
ved en lille Bro; jeg har ikke paa noget af de talrige danske Eks- 
emplarer af T. larvarum L., som jeg har undersøgt, fundet nogen 
tilsvarende Afbrydelse eller Indsnævring af Aandeteltet. 

Vidensk. Meddel, fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. 15 


Tøndepuppen: Længde 6—12 mm., Bredde 2!/2—5 mm. ; 
aflang oval, eller cylindrisk, undertiden ganske svagt krummet, 
noget fladere paa Bugsiden end paa Rygsiden. Overfladen glinsende, 
fint naaleridset, Forspiraklerne fremstaaende som to smaa spidse 
Tappe.  Bagspiraklerne svagt ophøjede, Analtappen uregelmæssig 
firkantet, større end et Spirakel (Fig. 18); Gattet tydeligt, men 
ikke fremstaaende. De ydre Puppespirakler findes som et Par tyde- 
lige men smaa Tappe ved Bagranden af 5. Led. 

I Sommeren 1911 indsamlede Lærer P. Kryger paa et Sted 
i Fortunens Indelukke i Dyrehaven, hvor Zygæna loniceræ Esp. 
for nogle Aar siden var optraadt i meget stort Antal, men hvor 
den nu var i Tilbagegang ), 460 Stkr. Zygæna-Kokoner, som hån 
overlod mig til nærmere Undersøgelse. Disse Kokoner fordelte sig 

Kokoner, hroraf der kom Zygæner ........1001.0:… 116 Stkr. 
me — — — Tachina larvarum L........ 255 — 
— — — — forskellige Ichneumoner .... 35 — 


460 Stkr. 

Antallet af de paa de enkelte Larver afsatte Tachina-Æg 
varierede fra 1—22; de var hyppigst anbragte fortil paa Larverne, 
ofte klumpede sammen paa Hovedet og Brystleddene, men fandtes 
ogsaa længere tilbage paa Værtens Krop og Sugefødder. Det 
største Antal Fluer, der kom frem af en enkelt Kokon var 4, saa- 
ledes at et betydeligt Antal af Æggene eller Larverne maatte være 
omkomne under Udviklingen. 

For at undersøge dette Forhold nærmere aabnede jeg 150 
Kokoner, efter at Snylterne var udviklede, og talte de Æg, der 
fandtes afsatte paa Larvehudene og de Fluepupper, som laa inde i 
Kokonerne. Sidestaaende Tabel viser Resultatet: 

1) Tilbagegangen skyldes efter Hr. Krygers Iagttagelser særlig en lille 
Proctotrypide, Telenomus zygænæ Kieff., der snyltede i Zygænaens Æg- 

Af omtrent to Tre- 
diedele af Kokonerne kom 
kun én Snylter ud, trods 

= det at der blandt de 

Værter, der laa i disse 
Kokoner, foruden 15 med 
kun ét Æg fandtes Eks- 
emplarer med indtil 16 
Æg hver; af omtrent en 
Femtedel af Kokonerne 
udvikledes to Snyltere; 
af 11 Kokoner tre og kun 
af en eneste, der inde- 
holdt en Zygæna-Larve 
med 13 Æg, fire Ta- 

Foruden disse Snylte- 
fluer klækkedes endvidere 
6 Snyltehvepse af Vær- 
ter, der var besatte med 
Flueæg. Ialt var paa de 
150  SVærtlarver afsat 
767 Tachina-Æg, og af 
Kokonerne klækkedes 144 
Fluer (samt 6 Snylte- 
hvepse), saaledes at An- 
tallet af de Snyltefluer, 
som det lykkedes at fuld- 
føre hele Udviklingen, ud- 
gjorde lidt mere end en 
Femtedel af Æggenes. 

Fluernes Størrelse va- 
rierede stærkt, de mindste 
var 5 mm., de største lidt 

Antallet af de paa Zygæna-Larverne afsatte Æg. 


(NS = & 
en Bo SE RUE 
: D & Fa HG 
Pl SS er & E 
= sæ Fr 882 og 
Es prln Ø Sø == == 
ha aJ & gm 
[5] Bad: > HERE FRR am KIDA TREE 
S S2 moea ae or 
SI = mr RS ar DE HR MER — 
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É 2 rdr gg = 
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borer 00 QQ rd QQ == = 
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=j Na So == == = 
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ur HH KEE 
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på. - 
ri di 
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in = 
g oOo 
: i 
nd g 
S "3 
RS == 
er omg 
vw & & 
== mr ff 
Pr 8 
ng E 
mm Gr 
dd a 

Tabel over Forholdet mellem de paa Zygæna-Larverne afsatte Æg af Tachina larvarum L. og de af 

Zygæna-Kokonerne fremkomne Snyltere. 


over 13 mm. Dette Størrelsesforhold afhænger naturligvis af, om 
de paagældende Eksemplarer har udviklet sig enligt eller om der 
har været flere Snyltere i den samme Vært. Dog viste det sig 
i det sidste Tilfælde, at Fluernes Størrelse ikke reduceredes ligeligt, 
men at en eller to af dem opnaaede en Størrelse, der ikke afveg 
fra de enlige Eksemplarers, medens Resten var Dværgeksemplarer. 
Dette er ogsaa ret naturligt, thi alle Snylterne borer sig ikke ind 
paa samme Tid; de større Eksemplarer hidrører fra de tidligst ind- 
borede Larver, de smaa fra Larver, der er trængte ind i Værter, 
hvor de tidligere indborede Snyltere allerede har fortæret det meste 
af Værtens Indhold, men dog levnet saameget, at de andre kunde 
fuldende Udviklingen, om de end ikke kunde opnaa nogen betydelig 
Størrelse. Et stort Antal saadanne sent indborede Snyltere dør 
naturligvis under Udviklingen enten af Mangel paa Næring, pressede 
ihjel af de ældre Larver, eller af andre Grunde !). 

De fuldt udviklede Snyltere forpuppede sig — i Modsætning 
til Howard & Fiske”'s ovennævnte Meddelelse — saa godt som 
udelukkende inde i de dræbte Værters Hud, og kun i faa Tilfælde 
fandtes enkelte Kokoner liggende frit i Zygæna-Kokonerne. 

Fluerne kom frem 14 Dage til 3 Uger efter Forpupningen. 

De ovenfor beskrevne Zygæna-Snyltere hører til 7. larvarum's 
Sommergeneration. Om Efteraaret har jeg truffet en anden Generation 
i Larverne til Spilosoma lubricipeda L.; her var Larveudviklingen 
afsluttet i September Maaned, og Fluerne kom frem enten samme 
Efteraar eller næste Aar i Mai. 

Tachina impotens Rond. 

Ægget: Som hos 7, Jarvarum L. 

Larven i lste Stadium: Tornvæbningen som hos T. /ar- 
varum L. Af de Kitintappe, som hos denne findes paa sidste Led, 
ses hos nærværende Art tillige et Par paa Undersiden af 2.—11. 
Led; paa 12. Led findes samme Antal som hos 7'. Jarvarum (Fig. 19). 

1) Jfr. herom og om lignende Forhold J. Pantel l.c. p. 176—177. 


Svælgskelettet ikke bøjet; den bageste Del "/2 Gang saa lang som 
den forreste; de øvre Svælgplader meget længere end de nedre 
(Fig. 20), Spidsen bredt afrundet. Bagspiraklerne som hos 7. /ar- 
varum L. 

2det Stadium: L. 3—4 mm. Forrandene af 2.—11. Led 
med Bælter, der er bredest paa 2.—5. Led og meget fine paa 
7.—11. Led, paa 6.—11. Led findes de kun paa Bugsiden; Bag- 
randen af (6.) 7.—11. Led med Bælter, der tiltager i Bredde 

Fig. 19. Tachina impotens Rond. 1. Stad. Bagenden. 

bagud; 12. Led med et Tornbælte paa Midten.  Mundkrogene 
noget slankere end hos den foregaaende Art, Knuden paa Inder- 
randen mere fremtrædende (Fig. 21); Svælgskelettet lidt mere end 
dobbelt saa langt som Mundkrogene, de øvre Svælgplader uden 
Fremspring paa Randen, de nedre stærkere divergerende mod de 
øvre end hos T'. larvarum L. Bagspiraklerne som hos denne Art. 

3die Stadium: Længde indtil 14 mm. Forranden af 2.— 
6. Led med Bælter, der er bredest paa Siderne, 7.—11. Led 
med Torne kun paa Siderne. 12. Led med et smalt Bælte paa 
Midten. Mundkrogene kortere end de bageste Svælgplader, noget 


23 24 

Tachina impotens Rond. 
Fig. 20. 1. Stad. Svælgskelet. 21. 2. Stad. Svælgskelet. 22. 3. Stad. 
Svælgskelet. 23. 3. Stad. Forspirakel. 24. 3. Stad. Bagspirakel. 

plumpere end hos 7'. Jarvarum og med noget stærkere Tand påa 
Inderranden (Fig. 22).  Forspiraklernes atrium fortil bredere end 
hos T. larvarum; Modsætningen mellem Roden og det ydre flad- 


trykte Parti mindre end hos den foregaaende Art; 5 Knopper (Fig. 
23). Bagspiraklerne afviger fra den nævnte Arts ved, at Rammen 
springer frem overfor Trachéeaabningen, og ved at Aandefelterne 
er længere og smallere samt noget stærkere bøjede (Fig. 24). 

Tøndepuppen: Længde 5!/2—8!/2 mm., Bredde 2!/2—4 mm. 
Kan ikke adskilles fra den foregaaende Arts. 


Jeg har fundet denne Art snyltende i Larven af Orgyia an- 
tiqva L., der i en Række Aar har optraadt paa en Tjørnehæk i 
Københavns Omegn. I fire Aar — fra 1907 — havde jeg søgt 
efter Snyltere hos Larverne, der for hvert Aar blev talrigere; først 
i Slutningen af August 1911 lykkedes det mig at finde et Par 
enkelte, fuldvoksne Orgyia-Larver, der hver bar et Æg af T. im- 
potens Rond. Aaret efter, i 1912, var Orgyiaerne tiltagne i Antal 
og havde næsten helt afløvet en Del af Hækken og nogle indenfor 
denne staaende smaa Blommetræer. I Løbet af August Maaned 
lykkedes det mig at indsamle en Del Orgyia-Larver med Æg, men 
de inficerede Larver var i det hele taget sjældne; en løselig Op- 
tælling viste, at knap en halv Snes Procent af dem var angrebne 
af Snylteren. Som Følge af Snylterens Sparsomhed var Larverne 
hver forsynede med kun ét enkelt Æg — en enkelt dog med to. — 
Æggene sad næsten alle paa Larvernes Bugside og fortil paa 
Larven; hos et Par Larver dog paa Sugefødderne. 

Æggene aflagdes, som ovenfor sagt, kun paa fuldvoksne Larver. 
Som Følge heraf skete det hyppig, at Orgyiaerne forpuppede sig, 
forinden Snylterne var trængte ind, saaledes at de derved undgik 
at blive dræbte af disse; af samme Grund forpuppede den over- 
vejende Del af Værtlarverne sig, forinden de blev dræbte af Snylterne, 
saaledes at disse fuldendte deres Udvikling inde i Pupperne. 

For 34 Orgyia-Larver med Æg, der var indsamlede i Dagene 
fra 8.,—15. August, viste Forholdet sig saaledes: 


Forpuppede, førend Tachinalarverne havde boret sig ind..... 21 
Forpuppede, efter at Tachinalarverne var trængt ind ....... 9 
Dræbte af Tachinalarverne før Forpupningen.............. + 

Ialt 34 

Efter at Snyltelarven er fuldvoksen, borer den sig ud af 
Orgyia-Puppen og forpupper sig inde i Spindet; en enkelt Puppe 
fandtes dog inde i Værtens Puppe. 

Trods det, at Larveudviklingen furegaar saa sent paa Aaret 
som i August—September, kommer Fluerne alligevel frem samme 
Aar i Oktober, efter en Puppetid af c. 1 Maaned. 

Tachina macrocera R.D.Y). 
(T. nitidiventris Zett.) 

Ægget som hos T'. larvarum L. 

Larven i 1lste Stadium: Tornbælternes Fordeling påa 
Leddenes Forrande svarer til Forholdet hos 7. larvarum L.; paa 
Bagrandene af 3.—5. Led paa Rygsiden Bælter, i hvilke Tornene 
kun er lidt mindre end paa de samme Leds Forrande, paa Bag- 
randene af 6.—11. Led Bælter, hvis Torne er mindre end de paa 
Forrandene. Kitintappenes Fordeling som hos 7. larvarum Rond. 
Svælgskelettet ligner i høj Grad 7'. impotens, men er noget kraftigere 
og bagtil noget bredere (Fig. 25); den forreste Del udgør !/3 af 
hele Længden. 

2det Stadium; Da jeg af dette kun besidder en sammen- 
krøllet Larvehud, som er udpræpareret af en Tragt, der omsluttede 
en Larve i 3die Stadium, kan jeg intet meddele om Tornbælternes 
Fordeling. Mundkrogene er bredere ved Roden, men slankere i 
Spidsen end hos de to foregaaende Arter; de øvre Svælgpladers 
Rand fortil med en stor Tand og lidt bagved denne en mindre 
som hos 7. larvarum (Fig. 26); Svælgpladerne lidt mere end 

1) Jfr. J. Villeneuve: Sur Tachina macrocera R.D. (Dipt. Tachin.) 
Zeitschr. f. wiss. Insektenbiologie Bd. VIII, 1912, p. 296. 


dobbelt: saa lange som Mundkrogene. . Bagspiraklerne som hos 
denne Art. 

Tachina macrocera Rob. Dew. 
Fig. 25. 1. Stad. Svælgskelet. 26. 2. Stad. Svælgskelet. 27. 3. Stad. 
Svælgskelet. 28. 3. Stad. Forspirakel: 29. 3. Stad. Bagspirakel. 
30. Tøndepuppe; Bagspiraklerne og Analtappen. 

3die Stadium: L. indtil 12 mm. Tornbælterne findes paa 
Forranden af 2.—11. Led, paa 9.—11. dog kun paa Bugsiden, samt 


påa Bagranden af 5.—11. Led, paa 5.—8. Led kun paa Bugsiden; 
12. Led med et bredt Tornbælte. Mundkrogene kortere end de 
øvre Svælgplader, omtrent som hos 7”, impotens; Tanden paa Inder- 
randen noget mere fremtrædende end hos denne (Fig. 27). For- 
spiraklerne slanke, med 5 langstrakte Knopper (Fig. 28).  Bag- 
spiraklernes Ramme med en bred Indbugtning overfor Trachée- 
aabningen; Aandefelterne kortere, uregelmæssige (Fig. 29). 

Tøndepuppen: L. c. 7—10 mm. Bredde c. 3 mm. Brunlig, 
undertiden hos mindre Eksemplarer lys brungul; iøvrigt som hos 
T. larvarum L., dog ligger Bagspiraklerne lidt længere fremme 
paa Rygsiden af sidste Led end hos denne Art.  Analpapillen 
danner en tværliggende Fure, omgivet af et stærkt tværrynket Felt 
(Fig. 30). 


En Del Eksemplarer af Fluen er bjembragt fra Østgrønland 
(Hekla Havn) af Amdrup Expeditionen, klækkede af Deichmann 
af Larverne til Dasychira groenlandica Woche (5/1892). ,,Danmark" 
Expeditionen hjemførte ligeledes fra Østgrønland (76? 46' N. L.) 
flere Dasychira-Larver med Æg eller Larver af denne Art, ind- 
samlede af Fritz Johansen. Een Larve bar seks Æg påa 
Siderne eller Undersiden af Thoraxleddene, en anden indeholdt 3 
Larver i 3die Stadium, en tredie og fjerde hver en enkelt, ligeledes 
i 3die Stadium. Alle Værtlarverne var vistnok voksne og skulde 
have forpuppet sig samme Sommer, som de angrebes af Snylterne. 

Jeg har dernæst selv fundet 7. macrocera R.D. i Jwi i 
Klitterne ved Tidsvilde, hvor den snyltede i fuldvoksne Larver til 
Malacosoma castrensis L. Paa hver Larve fandtes kun et eller 
to Æg afsatte, og de Værter, som det lykkedes mig at finde, for- 
puppede sig alle med Snylterne inde i sig. Fluerne kom frem i 
den første Halvdel af August. 


Tachina vidua Meig. 


Tøndepuppen: Afviger fra T'. Zlarvarum L. ved at Farven 

er brunlig, samt ved at 
Analpapillen er mindre 
end  Bagspiraklerne. 
Disse viser ogsaa nogle 
Forskelligheder fra den 
nævnte Art, idet Spi- 
raklets Ramme  oven- 
for Traheeaabningen er 
fladt indbugtet, og ved 
at Broerne er forholds- 
vis spinklere og Aande- 
felterne — smallere og 
stærkere bøjede. Ved 
disse Karakterer vil 
Larven i 3die Stadium 

Fig. 31. Tachina vidua Meig. 
3. Stad. Bagspirakel. 

kunne adskilles fra de andre her beskrevne achina-Arter (Fig. 31). 


Klækket af Larven til Macrothylacia rubi L. 

Digonochæta Rond. 

Slægten Digonochæta omfatter kun et Par Arter; den ene af 
disse D. setivennis Fall., har været kendt som Snylter hos Øren- 
tviste siden Bohemann!) i 1850 og 51 meddelte, at han havde 
fundet en Ørentvist, hvis Bagkrop var usædvanlig stærkt opsvulmet, 
samt at han Dagen efter, da Dyret var stukket paa en Naal, fandt 

en Fluepuppe stikkende frem mellem dens Bryst og Bagkrop, af 

") Bohemann: Iakttagelser rørande några Insektarters Metamorfose 
(Ofversigt af Kungl. Vetenskaps Akademiens Fårhandlinger 7, 1850 
p-211) og Om Utvecklingen af Tachina setipennis (ibid. 8, 1851 p. 153). 


hvilken Puppe han i Mai Maaned næste Aar klækkede et Eksem- 
plar af D. setipennis Fall. 

Faa Aar senere offentliggjorde G. Newport!) en lille Med- 
delelse om en Snylteflue, som han havde klækket af Ørentviste, 
indsamlede i Londons Omegn; Arten beskrives som ny under Navn 
af Metopia forficulæ. Senere Systematikere har ikke kunnet ud- 
rede, hvad det var for en Art, Newport har haft for sig, da 
hans Beskrivelse er for kortfattet til at gøre den kendelig, og 
hans Typeeksemplar neppe existerer længere. Det er sikkert, at 
den ikke er en Metopia, og den henføres af Forfatterne til Katalog 
der palåarktischen Dipteren III med Tvivl til Slægten Digonochæta. 
Dette er imidlertid neppe rigtigt, da D. setipennis Fll., som For- 
fatterne øjensynlig har tænkt paa, ikke lægger sine Æg paa Øren- 
tvistene, medens dette var Tilfældet med den af Newport iagt- 
tagne Art. 

Næste Gang, Fluelarver i Ørentviste omtales, er da Meinert”) 
i 1863 kort meddelte, at han ved sine anatomiske Undersøgelser 
af Ørentviste fire Gange havde fundet Fluelarver liggende inde i 
saadanne, nemlig to Gange hos For/icula auricularia L. og to Gange 
hos F. acanthopygia Gené. Denne Meddelelse angaar sandsynligvis 
D. setipennis Fll., men det bør dog bemærkes, at der i Ørentviste 
ogsaa findes andre Snyltefluer, nemlig Råocodineura antiqva Meig., 
som Rodzianko?”) har fundet hos Forficula tomis Kol. og Cero- 
masia vicinalis Pand., der af Pantel!) opgives som snyltende i 

Digonochæta setipennis Fall. opgives foruden af Ørentviste til- 
lige som klækket af forskellige Sommerfuglelarver. Med Hensyn 

1) G. Newport: Notes on the dipterous parasites which attack the 
common Earwig and the Emperor Moth (Proe. Linn. Soc. London II, 
1855 p. 247). 

2) Fr. Meinert: Anatomia Forficularum, Kbhvn. 1863, p. 30. ; 

3) W. Rodzianko: Ueber den Parasitismus der Larven von Roeselia 
antiqva Meig. im Innern der Larven von Forficula tomis Kol. (Horæ 
Soc. Entom. Ross. XXXI, 1897, p. 72). 

4) J. Pantel 1. c. p. 46. 


til Udviklingen angiver Pantel!), at Fluen antagelig lægger sine 
Æg eller sine Larver paa Steder, hvor Værterne færdes, og at de 
unge Larver, i hvis Hud er indlejret Kitinplader, selv opsøger 
Ørentvistene og borer sig ind i disse. Indboringen sker gennem 
en Ledhud, og Snylteren ligger fæstet til Værten ved en fra Ind- 
boringshullets Rande udgaaende Tragt. Ved Hudskiftet bliver de 
afkastede Ledhude liggende fuldt udstrakte inde i Tragten. 

Digonochæta setipennis Fall. 

Larven i Iste Stadium: Ligesom Pantel har jeg fundet 
lste Stadiums Larvehud liggende udbredt inde i Tragtens Vægge 
(Fig. 32). Paa Larvehuden fandtes dels en Række efter hinanden 
følgende store Kitinskiver (Fig. 34), dels nogle fra disse udgaaende 
Rækker af mindre Plader, samt enkelte Grupper af saadanne mindre 
Plader. Jeg antager, at de store Kitinskiver har beklædt Bug- 
siden paa Leddene, og at de derfra udgaaende Rækker har strakt 
sig op ad Leddenes Sider og at Pladerne paa Rygsiden har samlet 
sig i Grupper. De store Skiver bestaar af et svagt bøjet, brunligt 
Kitinstykke, i hvilket er indlejret Rækker af langstrakte, i den 
bagudvendte Spids stærkere kitiniserede Smaaplader af samme Form 
som de, der fandtes i Rækkerne og i Grupperne; paa de første 
3 Skiver findes Smaapladerne kun i en enkelt Række, men paa de 
følgende findes 2 eller 3 Rækker. Bag dette Parti bestaar Skiven 
af et lysere, i Bagranden nedadrundet Parti, der er besat med et 
Antal smaa afrundede Kitingryn. Foran Skiverne, med Undtagelse 
af de forreste, findes enkelte smaa, meget spidse bagudrettede 
Torne, hvis Rod løber ud i en langstrakt, lysere Forlængelse. 
Svælgskelettet fandtes liggende foran Larvehuden; det bestod af en 
langstrakt, i Spidsen smallere Plade, der bagtil delte sig i to korte 
Svælgplader, der i Spidsen var udadbøjede (Fig. 33). 

ty dne pp) 176; 77, 101; 110; 125; 


BÆRER setipennis Fall. Fig. 32. Tragt med Larvehud af en Larve 

ste Stad. a. Hud af Øre SÅR 5. Digonoc ochæta-Larvens Svælgskelet. 
Fig, 3 33. 1. Stad. Svælgskelet. 34. Bagranden af den store Plade på2 
3. Led, hele 4. Leds Pude og "Forranden af 5. Leds Plade. 


2det Stadium: Længde c. 3 mm. Huden besat med meget 
fine, spredt stillede Torne. Svælgskelettet (Fig. 35) af en ganske 
ejendommelig reduceret Bygning, som jeg hidtil ikke har truffet 
hos andre Tachin-Larver; da det ikke synes at afvige væsentlig 
fra 3die Stadium, henviser jeg til Beskrivelsen af dette, af hvilket 
jeg har haft betydelig bedre Materiale end af 2det Stadium. 

Bagspiraklernes atrium cylindrisk, svagt opsvumlet i Spidsen, 
med to dybt adskilte Knopper. 

3die Stadium: Længde 7—9 mm. Huden glat og tornløs. 

Svælgskelettet (Fig. 36) lyst, brunligt, Kitinen af en ejen- 
dommelig traadet Struktur. Svælgskelettet bestaar fortil af to brede 
segldannede Plader (Fig. 36), der i den nedre Del er stærkere 
kitiniserede end i den øvre. Pladerne ender fortil med 3 Ud- 
vækster, en øvre, spids og udadrettet og to nedre og kortere, af 
hvilke den ene ved en Bøjle, der passerer over Svælget, forbindes 
med den tilsvarende Udvækst paa den anden Halvdel af Svælg- 
skelettet. Ved Roden af Pladerne findes den sædvanlige Forbin- 
delsesbro mellem Svælgskelettets to Halvdele, og bag ved denne 
Bro udbreder Svælgskelettet sig i de almindelige nedre og øvre 
Svælgplader, der ikke i Formen afviger fra det sædvanlige hos 
Tachinlarverne. Under Svælgskelettet findes i Svælgets Bund en 
Plade (Fig. 36), hvortil intet tilsvarende findes hos andre Tachin- 
larver; Pladen er bred og dækker omtrent Rummet fra Forbin- 
delsesbøjlen fortil til Forbindelsesbroen. Forranden er tilbagebøjet 
hos Larven i 2det Stadium i større Udstrækning end i 3die. Pladen 
er paa Overfladen forsynet med et Netværk af ophøjede Lister 
(Fig. 37), der bærer meget spidse udadrettede Tænder. Dette 
Svælgskelet er i høj Grad afvigende fra andre Tachinlarvers, dels 
ved at Sondringen mellem Mundkroge og forreste og bageste Svælg- 
plader ganske er forsvundet, dels ved Tilstedeværelse af den 
forreste Forbindelse mellem Spiraklerne og af den store Plade i 
Svælgets Bund, der vel fungerer som et Slags Siapparat. At 
Svælgskelettets Reduetion skulde være paavirket af Ejendommelig- 
heder hos Værten, er ikke rimeligt, da jeg kender en anden, endnu 


itigsngder husk netringg Fall. 
E ”SRRNERSGSSS Spids, b. de 
syre milggpn, c. den store Blade un under Synle Skelettet rig. 36, 3. Stad. Svi miguksset set fra 
en, a,b.c. som i Fig. 35, Fed gere len. me . En Del af den store Plade. 
a Forelire 

Fig. 35. 2. Stad. Svæl 


ikke bestemt, ligeledes i Ørentviste levende Snyltefluelarve, hvis 
Svælgskelet har Tachinlarvernes almindelige Form"). 

Forspiraklerne (Fig. 38) sidder i en dyb Indsænkning i Huden; 
Atriet bestaar fortil af et omvendt kegledannet Parti, der løber 
ud i et varierende Antal (5—8) korte Knopper; det kegledannede 
Parti fortsættes i et kort og bredt, udvidet, cylindrisk Parti af 
lysere Farve, der atter fortsættes i et blødhudet Stykke, der naar 
ned til Indsænkningens Bund. Bagspiraklerne er særdeles frem- 
trædende, Rammen er udviklet til et cylindrisk, kulsort Rør, der 
staar ret op fra Huden, og som afflades og omslutter Aandefelterne 
påa Spidsen; disse er langstrakte, snart svagt bøjede, snart lige, 
meget varierende i Længde, Form og Antal (Fig. 39). 

Tøndepuppen: Længde 4—5 mm. Bredde c. 21/2 mm. Æg- 
formet-oval, stærkere hvælvet paa Rygsiden — særlig bagtil — 
end paa Bugsiden. Sort glinsende, Segmentgrænserne kendetegnede 
ved Rækker af smaa lave Knopper.  Forspiraklerne svagt frem- 
staaende. Bagspiraklerne stærkt fremstaaende som to store, glin- 
sende sorte, ved Roden sammenstødende, divergerende Tappe. Gattet 
ikke fremstaaende. De ydre Puppespirakler synlige som et Par 
meget utydelige, smaa Knopper. 


Jeg har fundet Digonochæta setipennis snyltende i Ørentviste 
(Forficula auricularia L.); den er dog ogsaa her i Landet klækket 
af en ubestemt Sommerfuglelarve. Jeg antager, at den hos Øren- 
tviste kun lever hos Imagines, idet mindste fandt jeg den ikke 

1) Jeg kender kun 3die Stadium af denne Larve. Dens Bagspirakel kan 
ikke adskilles fra Digonochæta-Larvernes, men den afviger iøvrigt 
fra denne i følgende Punkter: Svælgskelettet (Fig. 41) tilhører Tachin- 
larvernes sædvanlige Type, (dog findes en meget fremtrædende Plade 
under Mundkrogenes Rod), Forspiraklernes atrium bestaar af et lang- 
strakt cylindrisk Rør, hvis Spids ved Udmundingen i Huden omsluttes 
af en rund, tagformet Ramme (Fig. 42). Huden er — ialt Fald paa 
de bageste Leds Rande — besat med Torne. Habituelt kan Larven 

- kendes fra Digonochæta-Larven ved, at Bagenden er stærkt ns 
og stukket længere ind i Tragten (Fig. 40). 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. 16 

Fig. 12. fy fg Fors 


hos flere hundrede Ørentvistelarver, som jeg i 1910 indsamlede ved 
Hald paa Steder, hvor tomme Tøndepupper viste, at Snyltefluen 
var almindelig. 

Paa et Sted i Fortunens Indelukke, hvor Lærer P. Kryger 
" gennem flere Aar havde fundet Digonochæta-Pupper, indsamledes 
i September 1909 og i August og September 1912 under løs- 
siddende Bark paa Hegnspæle et Antal For/icula auricularia L.; af 
disse viste ikke faa sig at indeholde Snyltefluers Larver. 

Ligesom Pantel har jeg fundet Snylternes Indboringshuller i 
Ledhuden og altid tæt op til Randen af en Kitinskinne, aldeles 
overvejende paa Thorax, i. et enkelt Tilfælde i Bagkropspidsen, og 
som den nævnte Forfatter har jeg set I1ste Stadiums Larvehude 
liggende fuldt udstrakte inde i den fra Indboringshullet udgaaende 
Tragt; derimod har jeg fundet Zdet Stadiums Hud liggende sammen- 
krøllet inde i den Fedtsæk, der omgiver Larven. Udboringen sker 
— ialt Fald i Reglen — gennem Ørentvistens Bagkropspids. 

Snyltelarverne er fuldvoksne i Oktober; efter Udboringen af 
Værten forpupper de sig straks paa det Sted, hvor de har forladt 
Værten, under Bark, i en Larvegang i Træ 0.l. Steder. Enkelte 
Fluer kommer frem samme Efteraar, men de fleste overvintrer som 
Pupper og udvikles først næste Foraar. Af 5 Pupper, der var 
fundne i Oktober 1909, kom 1 Flue frem i samme Maaned, de 4 
andre udvikledes først d. 12., 13. og 24. April 1910. 

Biological observations. 
Phryxe vulgaris Fll. 

This species is double-brooded; the maggots of the first 
generation were found in the caterpillars af Cheimatobia brumata 
L., Hibernia defoliaria L. and Drybota protea Bhk., those of the 



second generation in Orgyia antiqva L., Eremobia ochroleuca Esp. and 
Eupithecia innotata Hfn. On the skin of the Drybota protea Bhk., 
taken on the %/6, were seen little dark spots indicating the way, 
through which the parasites had penetrated into the caterpillars; 
few days after (!??/6—14/6) larger spots appeared around some of the 
spiracles, and by opening the. caterpillar I found the Phryæe- 
maggots fixed to the trachea originating from the spiracle. The 
parasites were full-grown on !%/6 and the flies emerged the 79/6. 
I found no eggs or traces of such on the hosts. The maggots 
which develop in the Eupithecia caterpillars are fullgrown in 
October, and the puparia hibernate; in these caterpillars was only 
found a single parasite, in those of Dryobota up to four. 

Tachina larvarum. L. 

This and the other Zachina species here mentioned have been 
found parasitic on caterpillars and belong to Pantel's I group: 

In the summer af 1911 460 cocoons of Zygæna filipendulæ 
were collected in a little wood in the vicinity of Copenhagen, where 
this species had occurred in abundance some years ago, but where 
it is now strongly decreasing in numbér, From these cocoons 116 
Zygæna emerged, 225 T. larvarum 1… 35 Ichneumon flies and 
54 were empty. From 1 to 22 eggs were deposited on a single 
caterpillar, especially on the anterior part of the body. The 
highest number of 'Tachinas bred from a single cocoon was 4, 
thus a great number of the eggs or maggots must have perished 
during the development. In order to obtain a closer examination 
of this feature I opened 150 cocoons after the hatching of the 
Tachinas and counted the number of eggs on the skin of the hosts 
and the number of puparia lying in the cocoons. The table p. 227 
shows the results: From nearly two thirds of the hosts only one 
parasite was hatched, in spite of the fact that among these hosts were 
. Speeimens on which up to 16 eggs had been deposited; from a 
fifth part two flies emerged, from eleven cocoons three and only 


from a single host, which bore 13 eggs, four parasites. In addition 
to these Tachinas also 6 Ichneumon flies were bred from cater- 
pillars with 7achina-eggs. In all the 150 caterpillars bore 767 
eggs, and the number of bred flies was 144, so that only about. 
a fonrth of the parasites succeeded in accomplishing their develop- 
ment. The size of the flies was of course very variable, differing 
between 5 mm. and 13 mm.; in the cases where several flies 
emerged from the same host, their size was not equally reduced, 
one or two of them not differing in size from that of flies which 
had developed solitary, the remainder being undersized.  Allmost 
all of the maggots pupated within the skin of the dead hosts. 

Tachina impotens Rond. 

The larva is parasitic in the caterpillars of Orgyia antigqva L., 
which were found on a thorn-hedge in the neighbourhood of Copen- 
hagen. The eggs were deposited only on the fullgrown caterpillars 
and with few exceptions on the underside of the body, in the 
furrows between the thoracic segments or between the head and 
the first segment. The fly was not common, and the caterpillars 
were nearly all provided with only a single egg each — one only 
being found with two. Consequent to the maturity of the cater- 
pillars a great number of them pupated before the parasite had 
penetrated into their body and thus escaped being killed by the 
maggots; owing to this fact many of them, into which the Tachina 
maggots had penetrated, pupated, before they were killed. Of 34 
caterpillars 21 pupated before the Tachina-eggs were mature, and 
13 after the penetration; of the lastnamed 9 pupated before they 
were killed and only 4 were killed by the parasites before the 
pupation. The fullgrown Tachina-maggot leaves the remains before 
pupating and pupates in the hosts cocoon. The infested caterpillars 
were collected in the months of August—September, and all the 
flies emerged in October. 


Tachinma macrocera R. D. 
(7'. nitidiventris Zett.). 

This fly has been bred from caterpillars of Dasychira groen- 
landica Woche in East Greenland. In Denmark I have meet with 
the species in June at Tisvilde, where it oviposited on fullgrown 
caterpillars of Malacosoma castrensis L.; all the hosts pupated 
before they were killed by the parasites, which pupated in the 
cocoon outside the pupal shell of the hosts. 

Tachina vidua Meig. 
Bred from a caterpillar of Macrothylacia rubi L. 

Digonochæta setipennis Fall. 

Bred from an undetermined caterpillar and in numbers from 
fullgrown earwigs (Forficula auricularia L.). In September the 
maggots are in the 3rd stage and are found with the posterior 
end attached to a' chitinous funnel originating from a hole in the 
skin between the sclerites, through which the young larva has 
penetrated into the earwig. The hole is in most cases found 
on the thorax of the earwig. In the funnel the cast larval skin 
of the first stage of the Digonochæta larva is lying fully extended. 
Before the pupation the parasite leaves the host. The maggots 
are fullgrown in October and the flies emerge either in the same 
autumn or in April of the next year. 

Explanation of the figures. 
Phryxe vulgaris Fl. 

Fig. 1. 1. Stage. Pharyngeal skeleton. 
meg. — — — 
— 8. 3. —… … Anterior spiracle. 
— 4. - —  KPharyngeal skeleton. 
— 5. - — Anterior spiracle. 
mr — … Posterior spiracles. 

Fig. 7 


Skin of a larva of Drybota protea, with a hole (a) through 
which the Phryæe-larva "has penetrated, and spiracles (b) sur- 
rounded with dark marks indicating that the Drybota-larva is 
infested with Phryxe vulgaris. 

Tachina larvarum L. 

Egg. a appendix. 

l. Stage. Posterior end. a chitinous sticks. 
— Skin from the 12. Segment with spines and two sticks. 
— Pharyngeal skeleton., 
— Apex of the pharyngeal: skeleton. 

2. — Pharyngeal skeleton. 

i ae 

— . Anterior spiracle. 
— The end of an anterior .spiracle, sideview. 
Posterior spiracle. 
Pigkelel' Posterior spiracles and anal papilla. 

Tachina impotens Rond. 

1. Stage. Posterior end. 
— Pharyngeal skeleton. 

— Anterior spiracle. 
at Posterior spiracle. 

Tachina macrocera Rob, Dew. 
1. Stage. Pharyngeal skeleton. 
gr de mr 
; FRE DER — ag 
DE Anterior spiracle. 
— Posterior spiracle. 
Puparium. Posterior spiracles and anal papilla. 

Tachina vidua Meig. 
3. Stage. Posterior spiracle. 

Digonochæta setipennis Fll. 
Funnel, originating from the skin øl: ur earwig, with the cast 
larval skin of a Digonochæta-larva 1. stage. a. å part of 
the skin of the earwig. i Balpkpet Helike of the Digono- 




& SS 





1. Stage. Pharyngeal skeleton. 
— Å part of the skin. 
Pharyngeal skeleton. a. the upper tooth, b. the lower 
ENS of the apex of the skeleton, c. a great plate under the 

3. Stage. Pharyngeal skeleton, from the underside; a.b.c. as 
in fig. 35, d. the connection between the ends of the plates. 
3. stage. Å part of the plates ir the pharyngeal skeleton. 
— Anterior spiracle. 
— End of a posterior spiracle. 

Undetermined larva in earwigs. 
3. Stage. Posterior end lying in the funnel (a). bh. posterior 
spiracles. c. anus 
— Pharyngeal skeleton. 
Fa Anterior spiracle. 


Systematic Studies on the Sertulariidae. 
G. M. R. Levinsen, 
(With Plates IV—V). 

In 1893 I published aåa paper on the Medusae, Ctenophores 
and Hydroids from the west-coast of Greenland, in which I made 
an attempt to introduce a more natural arrangement of certain 
families of Hydroids, advocating the view, that in the limitation of 
the genera the characters found in the single individuals of the 
colony, and especially in the trophosomes, ought to be preferred 
to such characters, which might be derived from their different 
arrangement on the stems and branches of the colony.: As to the 
Sertulariidae I proposed a limitation of the genera on the basis 
of the diversities presented by the opercular apparatus, and by the 
margin of the hydrotheca, the form of which is always contingent 
upon the structure of the operculum. While a number of authors 
(Marktanner-Turneretscher, Schydlowsky, Broch, Sæ- 
mundsson and Kramp) have followed my view, it has been 
attacked by others, but before I undertake to answer the objections 
raised against it, I shall set forth some general remarks on the 
systematic value of the colonial form or the form of growth. 

In all aggregate animals we have to discern between two cate- 
gories of characters of very different systematic value, namely those 
presented by the single individuals (the zooidal ch.) and those 
derived from the different ways in which they may be arranged in 
the colony (the zoarial or colonial ch.). In the first attempts at 
a systematic arrangement of aggregate animals the latter characters 


have of course always been the first used by the authors, who at 
that point of time had only a very imperfect knowledge of the 
single individuals composing the colony or none at all. The pictures 
presented by the different colonial forms captivated the eye, and 
through this mastered the arranging thought. Such an attempt 
is Ellis' renowned work ,on the Corallines") under which common 
name he classes not only Hydroid polyps and Bryozoa, but also the 
articulate chalk-algae, while the first step to dissolve the systematic 
connection between the "two "first. named "divisions was made in 
1828 by Milne-Edwards and Audouin”) who pointed out 
that Flustra in opposition to the polyps possesses an intestinal tube 
provided with two apertures, and in consequence of this discovery 
proposed the institution of a separate family comprising the Frustrae 
and relied forms. But the belief in the systematic importance 
of the outer habitus and "the "mode of growth is not so easily 
conquered, and ten years later Milne-Edwards?) says about the 
result of this proposal: ,,Ce premier essai d'une classification 
naturelle des Polypes fondée sur V'organisation de ces animaux ne 
fut pas adopté par les zoologistes. M.Cuvier, dans la seconde 
édition du rågne animal, publiée en 1830, continua å distribuer 
ces zoophytes d'apres la conformation générale de leur Polypier et 
rangea encore les Flustres entre les Sertulaires et les Corallines 
tandis que les Eschares dont la structure différe å peine de celle 
de ces Flustres se trouvaient relegués dans la tribu des Litho- 
phytes å la suite des Coraux et des Madrépores.” After Milne- 
Edwards had extended his investigations also into the anatomy 
of the strongly calcified cheilostomatous forms (the Æscharae), and 
other naturalists as delle Chiaje, Ehrenberg and Lister had 
arrived at the same results, the Bryozoa were gradually separated 
from the Hydrvid polypes, but still in the second edition of 
Lamarck's Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertåbres (1856) 

1y 18, 

ry, pr 72 
rode 166 


we find for inst. Thwjaria thuja and Thuj. lonchitis referred to' the 
genus Cellaria and placed between Cellaria (Crisia) eburnea and 
Cell. (Bicellariella) ciliata. ; 

While the older Bryozoan systems are based ” entirely on 
diversities in the form of the colony Smitt and Hincks lay the 
chief stress on the form and structure of the zooids, and this view 
must at present be regarded as the dominant. As, however, in 
the Hydroids most authors as systematic. characters still preter 
zoarial diversities to zooidal, I think it might be of use in general 
to examine the question how great systematic importance may be 
ascribed to the form of the colony, and I shall first give some 
quotations from the few authors who have treated this question 
with respect to the Bryozoa. The first quotation is from the late 
Th. Hincks!) who has played a chief part in the working out 
of a more natural Bryozoan system, 'and has, besides, done such 
excellent work also in the Hydroid polyps. After having spoken 
about the slight help, which the polypide, and the avicularia 
give us in systematic regard, he continues: "There remain the 
characters of the cell?) itself and the habit of growth. It can 
hardly be deemed doubtful which of them should have the prece- 
dence in a natural system; we may go very much further, indeed, 
and say that in such a system the latter must hold a very 
secondary and subordinate place. The essential structure of the 
cell”), as one of- the primary zooidal”) forms, must certainly be 
accounted the most important point both in itself and as a clue 
fo relationship. The mere habit is, so to speak, a superinduced 
condition, which may be different in the most nearly related and 
similar in the most divergent forms, and groups based on it, 

1) 28, Introd., p. CXXVIII. 

?”) By the ”cell” is here meant the zooecium. 

1) According to the old eystid theory the zooecium and the nutritive 
apparatus (the polypide) were both regarded as individuals (zo0ids). 
The above citation from Hincks has also been used in my work on 
the cheilostomatous bryozoa (35, p. 68), but by a mistake the word 
"zooidal” has been replaced by ""zooecial”. | 


instead of fitting in with natural affinities, are found to traverse 
them at all points.” In 1884 the late G. Busk”) who has 
rendered so great services to the study of the Bryozoa, published 
his report on the cheilostomatous Bryozoa from the Challenger 
expedition. The author, who had hitherto laid the chief stress on 
the colonial characters, strives to a certain degree to accomodate 
himself to the systematic views of Smitt and Hincks, the 
correctness of which he partially acknowledges, but he thinks, how- 
ever, that these authors have underestimated the colonial cha- 
racters. The result of this mediation is, as he himself acknow- 
ledges, far from being satisfactory. I shall here quote the following 
part of his introduction: "As to the scheme of classification followed 
in this Report, .... it is scarcely necessary to remark that it has 
no pretension to be regarded as more than a convenient and to a 
considerable degree artificial arrangement, .... For allthough 
many of the family groups may in some measure be regarded as 
expressing natural alliances, many of them, ..... can only be 
considered as artificial, and as such they must perhaps remain 
until we are better acquainted with the true significance of the 
minute parts or organs upon which the distinctive characters are 
in many cases founded. Nor at present, perhaps, are we in a 
position fully to appreciate the relative value of the zooecial as 
compared with the zooarial characters, which of late it appears to 
be the fashion, unduly as I think, to depreciate; the individuality 
of the zoarium as a continuous whole or entity having been too 
much overlooked in the almost exclusive consideration of its com- 
ponent parts or segments.” 

A somewhat similar standpoint has been taken up by Rev. 
A.M.Norman?), who has published a number of valuable papers 
on the Bryozoa. He expresses himself as follows: "It has been 
argued by recent writers that the form which a colony of a polyzoon 
belonging to the Cheilostomata assumes is of no moment in generic 

7) 14 a. 
?Y 43, p. 122. 


character. Electra pilosa lends strong support to this view. Yet 
it is a view nevertheless in which I am not prepared in all cases 
to acquiesce. The zooecial characters are unquestionably all im- 
portant, but no lasting classification can be based on any part of 
the zooecium....: Why also in all instances is the ultimate 
growth and form of the zoarium to be excluded from generie cha- 
racter among certain families of the Cheilostomata, and at the same 
time to be recognized among the Cyclostomata and Ctenostomata, 
and even other groups of the Cheilostomata? This is surely 
scarcely consistent. In some instances, as for example in Electra 
pilosa, the form of the of no generic and specific value, 
but in other cases it may be and, I believe, is.” 

In the systematic arrangement of most families of Hydroids 
the chief stress has not as in the earlier Bryozoan system been 
laid on the colonial form, but partly on the structure of the zooids 
partly on the different mode of reproduction, and the differences 
of opinion have arisen mostly from the question how great systematic 
importance ougth to be ascribed to the latter. The reason hereof 
is partly, that the zooids which are much larger and therefore 
much easier to examine than those of the Bryozoa, present a 
number of easily recognisåble characters, f. inst. in the different 
form and arrangement of their tentacles, and in the different form 
of their proboscis and hydrothecae, partly, that the colonial form in 
most families does not present such differences which might tempt 
a systematist to the institution of genera. Such are on the con- 
trary to be found in the Sertulariidae, in which the mode of 
arrangement of the hydrothecae together with the mode of branching 
is subject to very great variation, and, therefore, to a great extent 
has been used by the systematists. Ås soon as the operculum 
was detected and used as a systematic character there began a 
discussion about its systematie significance which stili continues. 

The first author who recognizes the systematic importance of 
this structure was HincksY. While Grey had characterized 


Sertularella by the strictly alternate position of its hydrothecae, 
Hincks låys the chief stress on the structure of the latter which 
are provided with 3—4 marginal teeth and with å similar number 
of opercular valves. While he has found no operculum in Sertu- 
laria and Hydrallmania, and in one of the two Thujaria-species 
nåmed in his work, he characterizes Diphasia by the presence of 
an inner (adcauline) operculum, but as he has not seen that a 
quite similar operculum is also present in Abietinaria abietina and 
Ab. filicula he refers them to Sertularia. In the diagnosis of the 
different genera the author also uses the form of the colony and 
the structure of the gonothecae, but he expressly emphasizes that 
the whole arrangement must only be regarded as provisional :”) 
"Without the examination of a much larger number of foreign 
species, the genera of this family cannot be defined with certainty 
and precision; and the present grouping must be accepted as to 
some extent, provisional”. 

Professor G. J. Allman, who has published so many valuable 
works on the Hydroids, in opposition to Hincks has great con- 
fidence in the systematic importance of the colonial characters, 
and in one of his papers?) he even institutes a new family Thu- 
Jariidae, solely based on the mode of division of the hydrocaulus 
into internodes. In his report on the Hydroids from the Challenger 
expedition he unites Sertularella with Sertularia as he has found 
an Oopereulum in some species of the latter genus, and evidently 
cannot imagine that a generic difference might be expressed through 
the different form and position of something so delicate and perish- 
able as the opereulum, about the systematic significance of which 
he says”): "The valves in all these cases are so thin and perish- 
able that it is only in recent or exceptionally well preserved spe- 
cimens we éan hope to meet with them, a fact which in itself 
its the ftinefirnn, derived from them of that practical value 

1) 22, pag. 260. 
?) 2, pag. 267. 
”) 5, stod 51. 


which ought if possible to be found in all well-selected systematic 

In my paper on the Greenland Hydroids I say about the 
colonial characters"): "A zoological system based on that kind of 
characters may be compared to a botanical in which the ehief 
stress was laid on the inflorescences and not on the structure of 
the flowers. In both cases the genus would contain a number 
of heterogeneous species. It can hardly be deemed doubtful, that 
constant differences in the structure of the single individuals, in 
question of the hydrothecae or hydranths, ought to be preferred 
as systematic characters, and that colonial characters ought only 
to be used when structural diversities were not to be found.” 

When we compare the two categories of characters, the 
colonial and the zooidal, with respect to the question, which of 
them give us the most valuable information about the beings con- 
cerned, there can be no doubt that it is the latter which do so, 
as they inform us both about the structure of these beings and 
about the different modifications which this structure may present. 
The colonial characters only inform us of the form of the colony, 
and the different arrangement of the zooids, and in opposition to 
the combination of characters upon which the systematic posi- 
tion of the species is contingent the arrangement of the zooids 
may often be quite the same in species belonging to different 
classes. In the Bryozoan species Gemellaria loricata for inst. 
the colony as in many Sertularia-species is composed of pairs of 
Zo0ids, each of which by a constriction is divided from the next 
one. If the colonial characters might be regarded as a true, 
though imperfect, expression of the natural affinity, it could only 
be on the supposition, that there always existed so close a 
relation between structure and colonial form that differences in the 
latter not only corresponded to a difference in class, but also to 
differences of order, family and genus. Everybody knows tliat this 
is not the case. In the vegetable kingdom we may at the one 

1) 32, pag. 184 


side find the same form of inflorescence in different classes, ordines 
etc., and at the other side different inflorescences in the same 
family or even genus. In the Bryozoa we find the same unstable 
relation between structure and colonial form, and a great number 
of. species may even appear in two or more different modes of 
growth, and with different arrangement of the zooecia. The most 
interesting example we possess is Membranipora (Electra; pilosa L. 
which according to A. M. Norman”) appears in the Trondhjem 
Fjord. in: 10 different modes of growth, a number of which were 
earlier regarded as the chief character of certain genera. The 
author says about these forms: "We see enormous changes brought 
about apparently at the will of individuals, who, building colonies 
after the various fashions characteristic of a large number of 
gonera:…..… simulate the general forms of a Membranipora, å 
Hippothoa, a Carbasea, a Flustra, a Cellaria, a Gemellaria and 
an Eucratea. Numerous other examples are named in my work 
on. the Cheilostomatous Bryozoa?). 

As to the Hydroids there is no reason to believe that the 
arrangement of the zooids should in this division be a more true 
expression of the natural affinity than in the Bryozoa. I shall at 
this. place only bring forward as an example the artificial: genus 
Selaginopsis (Allman) Mereschkowsky, as Schneider?) regards it 
as one of the best defined genera in the family Sertulariidue. 
Nutting!) has given a new definition of it, according to which 
it only contains species of the genera Thujaria and Sertularia, 
but he does not mention where he will put the polyserial species 
of the genus Diphasia. According to the original definition of 


?) 35, p. 70. 

3) »Deutlich sich aus diesem Chaos abhebend standen nur Pasythea -. - 
und Hydrallmania ..... Auch Selaginopsis Allman kann wegen 

vielreihiger Anordnung der Hydrotheken an der einzelnen Sympodien 
nicht zweifelhaft gestellt erscheinen, obgleich Levinsen sie auf drei 
seiner Gattungen, Sertularia, Thujaria und Diphasia auftheilt (54, 

1" 44 p. 127. 


the genus, which is followed by most authors, Selaginopsis is 
only based on the character, that the hydrothecae are arranged 
in more than two longitudinal series, and if an author were to 
institute a new genus for inst. for those species of the bryozoan 
genus Caberea, in which the zooecia present a similar arrangement, 
it would certainly be rejected as based on too feéble a foundation, 
but it would nevertheless possess this advantage over Selaginopsis, 
that its species would agree in all essential respects. Most species 
of the latter "genus" belong to Thujaria, but three must be 
referred to Sertularia, namely Sel. mirabilis Verr. (= Sel. Hincksi 
Mer.), Sel. ochotensis Mer. and Sel. (Pericladum) bidentata (Allm.)Y), 
and two to Diphasia, namely D. fusca (Johnst.) (== Thujaria 
salicornia Allm.) and D. Wandeli Lev. Perhaps the same is the 
case with Sel. Allmani Norman?) (= Sel. fusca Allm.) Also 
Sertularella is represented within Selaginopsis, namely by Sert. 
( Dictyocladium) flabellum Nutt. and Sert. (Dictyocladium) reticulatum 
Krp., which both satisfy the claims put upon the species of this 
"genus”, their hydrothecae being arranged in four longitudinal 
series, but they have by Allman?) been placed into another ar- 
tificial genus, Dictyocladium, which differs from Selaginopsis therein 
that the branches are anastomosing. While the hydrothecae of all 
the species hitherto named are provided with opercula, no opercula 
åre present in a number of other polyserial species, three of which 
have becn referred to Dictyocladium, namely D. dichotomum Allm., 
D. (Selaginopsis Jåd.) affine (Jåd.") and D. (Selaginopsis Jåd.) dicho- 
tomum (Jåd.5), and the same is the case with Selaginopsis pachy- 
clada Jåd.%) and with a number of species referred to the artificial 
genus Staurotheca Allm. Allman?) characterized the latter genus 
by the possession of opposite hydrothecae which are arranged in 
1) 2, p. 273, 

2) 42, 

1) 27, p, 38 and 59, p SST 
5) 26a, and 59, p. 382. 
S) 27å, p. 38. 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64, 17 


decussating pairs, but Ritchie?) has enlarged it to also include 
species with more than four longitudinal series of hydrothecae, 
characterizing it by the arrangement of the hydrothecae in alternate 
transverse series, each containing two or three hydrothecae; but 
a somewhat similar arrangement is also found in a number of 
Selaginopsis-species and according to. Broch?) we not rarely find 
in Sel. mirabilis four longitudinal series of… hydrothecae in the 
place of six, and in that case the hydrothecae are, as in Stauro- 
theca dichotoma, arranged in decussating pairs. 

Even if all the species referred to Selaginopsis possessed a 
special form of operculum not found in any other genus, I should 
only regard the polyserial arrangement of the hydrothecae as a 
systematic character of lower rank, is evident from the 
above enumeration of species that there is not.the slightest con- 
nection between this arrangement and the form of the operculum, 
and the former is as a rule not even constant within the colony, 
as in most species the hydrothecae are biserial in the stem, and 
besides, there has been found a number of species belonging to 
Diphasia, Thujaria and Sertularia, which present both biserial and 
triserial hydrothecae either in the same or in different branches, 
and sometimes in different colonies.  Diphasia Wandeli, in the 
original specimen of which all the branches have three series of 
hydrothecae, is nearly related to D. fallax, and is perhaps only 
to be regarded as a variety of the latter species. Sæmundsson?”) 
refers to D. Wandeli four colonies, three of which have only bi- 
serial hydrothecae while in the fourth, which possesses 17 pairs 
of branches, two at the one side and six at the other have only 
biserial hydrothecae in their proximal portion and triserial in the 
rest of their length. Broch") has described a Thujaria, to which 
he has given no name as he is not sure of its identity. In the 

1) 50, p. 538. 
2?) 13, p. 173. 
Sy Så, p. 97. 

38 np 191. 


proximal part of all the branches the hydrothecae are arranged. in 
three longitudinal series, and in one of them this arrangement is 
continued through its whole length while in the others the rest 
of the hydrothecae are biserial. In another Thujaria-species, de- 
scribed by Torrey?") under the name of Sertularia incongrua the 
branches in their proximal portion possess two series of hydrothecae, 
and usually three series in their distal half. Nutting refers this 
species to Selaginopsis triserialis Mer.; but according to Meresch- 
kowsky the triserial arrangement of the hydrothecae is im the 
latter species constant through the whole colony. Lastly I shall 
mention that Bale?) in a våriety of Sertularia unguiculata Busk 
has found in -some of the pinnae 'fa third series of hydrothecae, 
running for some distance along the front of the first internode.” 
The fact that there is no constant relation between the 
structure of the zooids and the colonial form, or to express it in 
another way, that they are incommensurable values defined by 
different laws, must have the logical sequence that one of them can- 
not be substituted for the other, and, therefore, a genus ought never 
to be instituted solely on the base of a difference in the colonial 
form, when otherwise the zooids present distinct structural diver- 
sities. When. that is not the case, as in the great plurality of 
the cyclostomatous Bryozoa, we have of course only the colonial 
form to rely upon. To regard the colonial characters as the true 
generic characters and the zooidal characters only as specific cha- 
råcters, as some authors have done, is to turn the systematic 

arrangement upside down. — 

In 1897 Dr. C. Sehneider?) published a paper on the 
Hydroid polyps from Rovigno?), in which, besides, he sets forth 
a number of systematic remarks, of which we shall here only 
mention those referring to the Sertulariidae. 1 may give here 

n) 57, Pp. 69. i z i ; j i ; i e 
3 40 
3) 54, 


a critical representation of his Sertularian system, and in order 
to make it more coherent and easier to read, I shall give most of 
the quotations, on which it is based, as notes. Schneider at 
first states!) that my system, which is based on diversities in the 
opercular apparatus, cannot in any way stand together with that 
of the former authors who divide the genera mainly according to 
the arrangement of the hydrothecae in the branches”). He admits 
that at first sight it looks seductive?), but though he does not 
seem to have subjected it to a real test, he comes to the result 
that the older authors are right in the main, and that such a 
great systematic importance cannot be ascribed to the operculum 
in opposition to the characters formerly used"). — Schneider 
gives three reasons why he has not been able to admit my syste- 
matic characters. The first is connected with my assertion that 
there exists a certain harmony between the margin of the hydro- 
theca and the structure of the operculum, and that we, therefore, 
even in colonies which have lost their opercula, may be able from 
the structure of the former to draw a conclusion as to the character 
of the latter. Schneider thinks it possible, therefore, that a great 
deal of my statements are only based on this form of investi- 
gation5), in which he evidently has no confidence. However, I 

1) Levinsen begriindet auf den Bau des Opercularapparats seine von 
der åltern durchaus abweichende Systematik. Es ist nothwendig, zu 
dieser sofort Stellung zu nehmen; denn, falls wir sie acceptiren miissen 
ist eine Besprechung der frihern systematischen Angaben tiiberfliissig 
ja unmåglich" (p. 520). 

?) ,,Die åltere Systematik hielt sich, wenigstens in der rare an 
die Vertheilung der Hydrotheken an den Sympodien"' (p. 521). 

3) stilte den ersten Blick hat diese Eintheilung etwas Bestechendes" 


4) grin fragt es sich, ob wir der Deckelbeschaffenheit so hohe 
Bedeutung gegeniber den bis jetzt angenommenen Charakteren Zu- 
schreiben dirfen und ob letztere nicht doch wenigstens in den Haupt- 
zigen zu Recht bestanden. Ich ORDEÅ me mich dieser letzteren 

nschauung zuneigen zu miissen" (p. 5 ; 

5) ,Ueberhaupt mag Levinsen in den os BEER wohl oft zu sehr 
der åusseren Beschaffenheit der Hydrothekenmindung, die meist doch 

nicht immer auf eine bestimmte Deckelbeschaffenheit schliessen låsst, 
Rechnung getragen haben" (p. 522). 


have not used it for any of the species treated of in my paper. 
Sehneider's second reason is due to a misunderstandig, ås he 
namely has got the impression, that I regard the operculum of 
Sertularia as an internal structure placed under the original roof 
of the hydrotheca, and he cannot understand such an operculum"), 
in which I quite agree with him. I cannot, however, understand 
in what manner Schneider has got this impression. He declares”) 
that he only knows my investigations from the partial translation 
which has been given by Markthanner-Turneretscher?), 
but in this the position of the operculum in Sertularia is mentioned 
in the following way: ,,Die Mindung der Hydrothek ist an der 
abcaulinen Seite mit einer tiefen Einbuchtung versehen, in welcher 
das Deckel befestigt ist", and in my paper I say quite the same 
in Danish as well as in Latin. After having set forth the last 
named objection Schneider says: ,,Diese Bedenken lassen mich 
vor der Hand davon absehen, Levinsen's Gattungskaraktere als 
gute anzuerkennen" after which he adds: …Damit sei ihnen indessen 
nicht jeder Werth iberhaupt bestritten.” Schneider does not 
explain what he means by this sentence, but it seems permissible 
to understand his words as meaning, that the characters named 
may be used as species-characters. 

I think that the chief reason for Schneider's different 
systematic standpoint from mine must be sought for in our different 
mode of working. While I have endeavoured to divide the genera 
as strictly as possible, deferring the question as to their mutual 
relation, till a sufficient amount of knowledge has been secured, 
Schneider's chief aim has been to unite and to find — as fast 
as possible — the unity in the multiplicity. Therefore he does 
not like strictly defined genera which apparently protest against 
this unity, and, besides, he has no time to wait, until the great 
bulk of the hitherto described species have been examined as to 

1) Auf Grund dieser Erwågungen kann eigentlich von einem inneren 
Deckel nicht geredet werden" (p. 522). 

54 p ML 



their opercula. The colonial form, in the systematic importance 
of which he implicitely believes, gives him in much shorter time 
a general view of the connection between all these forms, showing 
him that the different "fgroups” are mutually united by transitional 
forms, and that sharp contrasts do not exist at all. The following 
statement, however, seems to show that Schneider uses the 
term "transition” in a very singular manner"): ,,7hujaria, Sela- 
ginopsis and Pasythea sind durch Uebergånge vermittelt, wie schon 
daraus klar wird, dass Levinsen Vertreter jeder dieser ' drei 
Gruppen 'auf mehrere … seiner Gattungen vertheilt.” I cannot see 
the clearness of this argument. When I have shown that the 
species of the old genus Selaginopsis according to their operculår 
åpparatus must be distributed into the genera Thujaria, Sertularia 
ånd Diphasia, and that other species provided with the same forms 
of opercula are contained within the frame of the old genus Ser- 
tularia, this fact does not prove, that Selaginopsis and Sertularia 
are connected by transitions, but only that they are artificial genera. 
On the other hand theré. are numerous transitions . between the 
different colonial forms which have béen used as generic characters, 
and Schneider, therefore, - quite naturally comes to the result 
that all the Sertulariidae strictly speaking must be regarded as 
forming å single genus). This he again divides into groups ad- 
mitting at the same time thåt neither are they me divided. 
We shall later consider some of these groups. —-. 

While Schneider originålly' declared that my opercular 
system was quite inconsistent with one based on the arrangement 
of the hydrothecae, he at other places sets forth quite contrary 
statements, according to which we should believe,- that there is 
the most complete agreement between the colonial. form and the 
structure of the operculum. Thus he says?). ,,Aber wenn wir die 
typisæhsten Formen der Sertularidae ansehen, scheint. Hand in 
Hand mit besondern Deckelformen auch eine besondere Anordnung 

1) 54, p. 522. 
?) 54, p. 522. 

263 ! 

der Theken zu géhen. Ein kleiner Ueberblick soll dåss erweisen.” 
Further he says”): ,,Aber' ein Ueberblick iibér die ganze Gruppe 
lehrt den innigsten Zusammenhang aller oft anscheinend so hetero- 
genen Formen unter einander; .von einer Gruppe /zur. andern 'ver- 
mitteln Zwischenglieder, und diese Zwiscienformen vermitteln auch 
hinsiehtlich der Form und Anheftungsweise -der Deckel.” . However, 
Schneider's apparently contrådietory assertions might perhaps 
be explained in this way, .that- he has found my statements 
regarding the structure of 'the different opereula incorrect, and 
therefore has undertakén 'a new investigation with another result. 
He says that the large collection of "Hydroids in the zoological 
museum of Vienna, which have been identified by Marktanner- 
Turneretscher hås been at his. disposal, and there might be 
reason' to .believe that by the aid of this collection he had tested 
the correctness of my investigation. — But he does not seem to 
have done such a thing, and the above assertion is directly contra- 
dicted not: only by my investigations, but also by the contents of 
his own groups. 

The 'central point in Schnéider's system is that he regards 
Sertularella as the genus from which all the other genera have 
developed, but he makes no attempt to. solve that question which 
in this connection should be the most important, namely, in what 
manner the different forms of opercula might have been developed 
from thé operculum of Sertulårella. Driesch>”) in the Sertulariidae 
discerns bétween two chief colonial types, the Diphasia-type with 
opposite and the Sertularella-type with alternate hydrothécae, and 
he has tried to show that.the former' type may be derived from 
the: låtter. … From this starting point Schneider?) gives the 
following sketch of the development of the different ,,groups”” from 
Sertularella by méåns of a moving together of the hydrothecae : 
»Es verschwinden zunåchst eine Anzahl Gelenke aus Ursache der 

1) 54, p. 521. 
2) 17. 

3) 54, p. 524, 


grøssern Annåherung der Hydranthen; das ergiebt den Thujaria- 
und den Dynamena-Typus, letzterer vielleicht zum Theil direct aus 
dem Sertularella-, zum Theil aus dem T7hujaria-Typus ableitbar. 
Noch gråssere Annåherung fihrt zur Entwicklung der Pasythea- 
Gruppe, zum Theil von Thujaria, zum Theil von Dynamena aus; 
ferner zur Selaginopsis- und zur Hydrallmania-Gruppe, beide von 
Thujaria aus." When Schneider lets the joints disappear in 
order to produce the Dynamena-type, he forgets that according to 
his own definition of this type it is characterized by the possession 
of a joint between each two pairs of hydrothecae. 

Of the six groups into which Schneider divides the Ser- 
tulariidae we have already regarded Selaginopsis, and we shall 
later speak about Pasythea and Hydrallmania on mentioning the 
systematic arrangement proposed by Professor Nutting. At this 
place, therefore, we have only to mention the groups Dynamena 
and Thujaria. 

Schneider characterizes the Dynamena-group in the following 
way: Die Hydrotheken opponirt, zwischen jedem Paar ein Gelenk; 
NES ER ; Mindung der Theca meist mit zwei vorgetåuschten (L e- 
vinsen) Zåhnen, Deckel einfach. — Hierher gehåren: Diphasia 
rosacea L., attenuata Hincks, fallax Johnston, pinaster Ell. 
et Sol., tamarisca L., pinnata Pallas., Sertularia pumila L., 
gracilis Hassall, operculata L.; Sertularia bispinosa Gray, 
minima Thompson, macrocarpa Bale." Of the species here 
named Diphasia rosacea, D. attenuata, D. fallax, D. pinaster and 
D. pinnata have no teeth and an adcauline opercular valve and 
belong to my genus Diphasia, while D. tamarisca must be referred 
to Sertularella as it possesses a tridentate hydrotheca. and three 
opercular valves.  Sertularia pumila, S. gracilis and S. minima 
belong to my genus Sertularia, as the bidentate hydrothecae 
possess an adcauline. collar and an abcauline opercular valve, while 
Sertularia opercularis, 8. bispinosa and S. macrocarpa must be 
referred to a new genus, Odontotheca. ne 


The Thujaria-group is characterized as follows: ,,Die Hydro- 
theken mehr oder weniger alternirend, oft fast opponiert gestellt, 
dicht benachbart und mehrere bis viele auf ein Internodium ge- 
| 1 ke Sas: ; Mindung der Theca meist glatt, Deckel einfach. — 
Hierher gehåren: Diphasia alata Hincks, Sertularia filicula E1l. 
et Sol., abietina L., argentea Ell. et Sol., cupressina L., Thujaria 
thuja u. lonchitis; Sertularia diffusa Allmann, elongata Lmx., 
tenera Sars, maplestonei Bale, huttoni, Diphasia mutulata Busk, 
Dynamena tubuliformis Markt.” Of the above species Diphasia 
alata and D. mutulata, Sertularia filicula and S. abietina belong 
to Diphasia (the two latter to the subgenus Abietinaria), Sertularia 
argentea, S. cupressina, S. tenera and Dynamena tubuliformis to 
Sertularia, Thujaria thuja and Th. lonchitis to Thujaria and Ser- 
tularia maplestonei to Odontotheca. An opercular apparatus has 
hitherto not been found in Sert. elongata and S. huttoni, both of 
which have the hydrothecal margin provided with 6—7 teeth, and 
if they possess an operculum I am most inclined to think that 
it consists of as many valves as there are teeth. In either case 
these two species cannot be referred to any of the hitherto de- 
scribed genera. -— 

Schneider!) after having given the above phylogenetic 
sketch declares, that to penetrate deeper into the phylogeny of the 
Sertulariidae the close examination of a large living material shall 
be necessary, especially in order to make a thorough study of the 
difficult opercular apparatus. I quite agree with the author on 
this point, but as long as he adheres to the view that the colonial 
characters are the true generic characters, I cannot see that the 
results of such a study may be of any great use to him. He 
concludes his phylogenetic considerations with the following wish: 
»So steht denn zu hoffen, dass die zuktnftige Forschung wohl im 
Einzelnen das hier vertretene System nåher ausbauen und er- 
låuteren, nicht aber es zu Gunsten eines einzelnen diagnostischen 

1 p SE 


Charakters  umstirzen wird; denn die Fundamente- scheinen mir 
durch die innigsten Beziehungen zur Phylogenese "als sichere er- 
wiesen"; I, on the contrary, take the liberty to express the collegial 
wish that. the considerations and studies contained .in ,this paper 
may help Dr. Schneider to change his view about the systematic 
significance of the colonial characters. — 

"Professor Kristine Bonnevie who has rangeret several 
papers on Norwegian and North-Atlantic Hydroids, among which is the 
report on the Hydroids from the Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, 
quite agrees with Schneider in his systematic view, and in the 
last named work. 'says. about the systematic' arrangement proposed 
by the. present author"): "In this family. as in. Campanulinidae 
Levinsen has made a division of genera based upon the nature 
of the; lid of the hydrotheca.. But the remark that. I made 
previously is also. applicable here, namely, that the nature of the 
lid. and of the margin. of the hydrothéeca, are very good specific 
distinguishing features, but that in basing a system upon these 
Characters ;we ascribe ;to them too much importance.” Though the 
author thus acknowledges ; the diversities found in the opercular 
apparatus at least as very good specific characters she does not 
mention' the structure: of the operculum in any of the- species 
named in her work, not éven in the new species described by her. 

". While Bonnevie gives to each species the name of the 
group, to which it is referred, another follower of Schneid er's 
system, Mr. H. B. Torrey”) does not think it necessary, and, 
besides, as: far as I understand him, thinks it an advantage not to 
do: so. - He expresses himself as follows: ,,Anyone who has had 
occasion to work: among the. Sertulariidae will admire the masterly 
way in which Nutting has dealt with the perplexing questions of 
classification. in that family. . I'am not yet prepared, however, to 
abandøn Schneider's plan of segregating the species into typical 
groups which shall tåke thé places of genera, "These ; groups do 

zY 12, p. 48. 
Z) 58, p. 21 


not necessarily give their names to the species which the include: 
Thus they discourage the growth of synonyms, offer no awkward 
bars to the free passage of any species from one group to nearer 
relatives, and at the same time lessén the confusion. which the 
present unsettled state of" opinion regarding thé relationships of 
existing species tends to produce.” "When the groups are to. take 
the placés of genera, one should believe that the generic. names 
must be quite superfluous except ås synonyms, and I am at a loss 
to understand in what manner this retention of them måy be able 
to diminish the growth of synonyms or to lessen confusion of any 
kind, as I am much more inclined to think that this method would 
have quite the opposite result. 

In the year 1904 Professor C. C. Nutting., Iowa, published 
a most valuable work on the American Sertulariidae, in which as 
aå' result of his systematic investigations into this family he sets 
forth the assertion that: the characters taken from the opereulum - 
and the hydrothecal margin are insufficient in themselves to furnish 
a. base for the classification: of the Sertulariidae"), though he 
»thinks them most important aids "in defining certain genera” and, 
besides, he quotes parts of an unpublished manuscript on the 
structure of. the operculum written by Mr. J. H. Paarman?), 
according to which the representation the present author has given 
of the operculum in the Sertulariidae is incorrect. I am first to 
treat the latter point, and the following representation of the 
results to which the two authors have arrived uk refers to Ser- 
tularia pumila. 

According to the named authors the plrothosi margin .is 
provided with two lateral teeth, between which there are stretched 
two quite homologous membranes of unequal size, the: abcauline 
being considerably larger than the adcauline one. … They form 
together' the side-walls of an .A-tent, the front: and rear of "the 
tent being closéd by the two opposite hydrothecal teeth, and there- 

1) 44, p. 41. 
2) 44, pp. 20, 40. 


fore, the two membranes which are both regarded as flaps meet 
in a straight line that would be represented by the ridge pole 
of the tent, When the hydranth emerges in the outer world 
for the first time the first eleavage takes place along this line, but 
it continues until there is room for the egress of the hydranth, 
leaving the bottom of both flaps still attached to the hydrothecal 
margin. Mr. Paarman's investigation seems to prove that..... 
"Sometimes the adcauline piece is attached while the other is free, 
and sometimes the reverse is true. Often the sides of a flap are 
attached for a greater or less distance proximally while they be- 
come free distally, the degree of attachment varying greatly in 
the same species. In most cases both flaps are functional”. 
Paarman and Nutting seem to have overlooked, that in Ser- 
tularia pumila”) the adcauline wall is angularly bent from side to 
side and is provided between the two larger teeth with a much 
smaller one, which divides the adcauline sinus into two lateral halves 
but does not reach the free margin of the adcauline membrane 
stretched between the two larger teeth. This membrane which 
must be regarded as the distal part of the adcauline wall is of 
Course also angularly bent, and the ridge dividing it into two 
lateral halves arises from the tip of the median tooth. The much 
larger abcauline membrane consists, as the corresponding part of a 
Thujaria and a Diphasia, or as one of the three or four corre- 
sponding parts of a Sertularella, of a proximal part, fixed in the 
abcauline sinus, and a distal free valvular part provided with an 
angularly bent margin which fits into the corresponding sinus 
formed by the adcauline membrane. When the hydrotheca is closed, 
the adcauline membrane on account of its thinness inclines a little 
towards the centre of the aperture, and its free margin meets that 
of the adcauline valve, but a perfect closing of the hydrotheca can 
only take place when both membranes are fixed in their corre- 
sponding sinusses to the very tips of the teeth, and this is always 

DEL IV fg. 14: 27 pl H, før 1-8 


the case in every undamaged hydrotheca. The one cause of Paar- 
man's mistake is that he has regarded these opercula only from 
the side and not from the abcauline surface. When such a closed 
hydrotheca is regarded from the side we get the impression of an 
A-tent, as we see a straight line limiting two membranes which 
might be regarded as two flaps, but this line is only the one side 
of the free abcauline triangular valve, which on closing fits into 
the corresponding sinus formed by the angularly bent adcauline 
membrane. The other cause is that he has studied these opercula 
by the aid of microtomic sections, as there can be no doubt that 
the cutting in many cases must have in different degree loosened 
the connection between the fine membranes and the hydrothecal 
margin. Therefore he has found that the degree of attachment 
between the membranes and the hydrothecal margin is very different 
even in the same hydrotheca, but as a rule both membranes have 
been torn away from the hydrothecal teeth (,,as a rule both flaps 
are functional"). 

Though I must, therefore, maintain the correctness of my 
earlier investigation I am willing to adwit, what I formerly denied, 
that the adcauline membrane may be regarded as a part of the 
Opercular apparatus, and that the operculum of Sertularia therefore 
may be called a two-lipped operculum. For this renewed investi- 
gation I have examined fresh material taken in the Trondbjems- 
fiord by Mr. 0. Nordgaard, and I have used the same mode of 
preparation as earlier, namely with a fine needle to cut off under 
the microscope the distal end of the hydrotheca and thereafter to 
examine it in different positions.  Colouring matter may help to 
make the membranes more distinct. 

After having expressed his agreement with Mr. Paarman's 
results Professor Nutting continues: "But there is still another 
and even greater objection to relying exclusively upon the characters 
of the margin and operculum in classifying the Sertudariidae, and 
that is that these characters are inconstant not only in some of 
its genera, but also in some individual species.” To prove the 



correctness of this assertion the author selects 8 species of the 
128 treated in his work, in which the characters taken from the 
margin and operculum either are not found in some species. of 
a certain genus as defined by him or in some species of two 
other genera show 'a supposed variation or inconstancy, and as- a 
consequence hereof' he prefers jto use as chief characters in the 
limitation of most genéra .diversities in the årrangement of the 
hydrothecae or in the form of the colony, but at the same time 
he lays the chief stress on the opercular apparatus and, the form 
of the hydrotheca in the diagnosis of the two genera Diphasia and 
Abietinaria. 1 intend here to undertake a critical examination of 
the genera proposed by Prof. Nutting, and under each genus I 
shall mention not only the species in which this author has thought 
he found inconstancy in. the hydrothecal characters, but also those 
which to my opinion ought to be referred to another genus. — 

In his work on; the American Sertulariidae Prof. Nutting 
gives the following diagnosis of the genera as far as concerns 
the trophosomes, but as the gonosomes on the whole play åa very 
insignificant systematic part, I have not found it necessary to refer 
to that part of the diagnosis concerning these structures. I shall 
later mention these structures in my own diagnoses of the same 

"Sertularia (L.) Nutting. 

"Hydrothecæ in strictly opposite or rarely subopposite pairs. 
Stem and branches normally divided into regular internodes, each 
of which bears a pair of hydrothecæ, but sometimes there are more 

" than one pair to the internode, in which case the hydrothecæ are 

strictly opposite. Operculum normally of two flaps.” 

Thujaria (Flem.) Nutting. 

«"Hydrothecæ normally subopposite to alternate, and more than 
two to each internode. " Internodes vary greatly in length. Hydro- 

thecæ with smooth margin, or with one or two teeth usually more 

or less immersed in the- hydrocaulus. Operculum of one abcauline 

flap, or of two flaps." 


Pasythea (Lamour) Nutting. 

"Hydrothecæ' biserial, strictly opposite, årranged in groups of 
pairs, a- group to an internode, the upper pair being smaller and 
differing in shape from the lower, margin bilabiate, with a too- 
flapped operculum.” 

Sertularella (Gray) Nutting. 

"Hydrothecæ biserial, strictly alternate, usually with three 
Or four marginal teeth and a well-marked operculum with three or 
four flaps." Rarely the teeth are obliterated, in which case. the 
Operculum is stretched across the hydrothecal - aperture like. a 
drumhead.  Branches never regularly anastomosing to form a 
reticulate flabellate structure.” 

Dictyocladum Allm. 

"Colony flabellate in form. Branches anastomosing and forming 
a rudely reticulate structure or network.  Hydrotheca on more 
than two sides of the stem. Aperture without conspicuous. teeth. 
Operculum variable.” 

Diphasia (Agass.) Nutting. 

"Hydrothecæ biserial, opposite or alternate, aperture broad, 
Operculum evident, of a single adcauline flap.” 

Abietinaria (Kirchenp.). Nutting. 

Hydrothecæ non strictly opposite, more or less bottle-shaped (the 
proximal portion turgid, distal portion narrowed), operculum of a 
single adcauline flap, margin usually without teeth. 

Selaginopsis (Allm.) Nutting. 

"Hydrothecæ arranged in more than two longitudinal series, 
at least -on distal parts of branches, or in two or more series each 
of which has the distal ends of the hydrothecæ turned alternately 
to the right and left. Operculum of a single abcauline flap. Inter- 
nodes long or absent.” 

As chief characters for the two- genera Sertularia and Thu- 
Jaria, to which the author only refers species with two-serial 
" hydrothecæ, he uses both the different arrangement of the hydro- 
thecæ and the length of the internodes. The hydrothecæ may be 


opposite or alternate, but between these two conditions there is 
found all possible intermediate stages (strictly opposite, opposite, 
subopposite, subalternate, alternate, strictly alternate), and in many 
species a certain variation is found even within the same colony 
The internodes may be of very different length, bearing one to 
many pairs of hydrothecæ, and also in this respect many. species 
present great" variation within the colony. When the internodes 
are very short the hydrothecæ must of course be opposite, and the 
alternate hydrothecæ, therefore, must be found in longer internodes, 
but the latter are not rarely provided with opposite hydrothecæ 
(Thujaria lichenastrum Pall., Th. sinuosa Bale e.t.c,). In opposition 
to what is said in the diagnosis we very often in species of 
Nutting's Thujaria find internodes with a single pair of hydrothecæ, 
and the author f. inst. figures branches of Th. polycarpa, Th. 
argentea and Th. tenera, which bear a series of 2—4 such inter- 
nodes. In Sertularia grisea Kirch, which is provided with inter- 
nodes bearing 1—5 pairs of subopposite hydrothecæ, I have seen 
brånches with up to 12 such internodes. According to the diagnosis 
of Sertularia there may be found in the genus subopposite hydro- 
thecæ, but when the internodes bear more pairs of hydrothecæ 
the latter are said to be strictly opposite. I do not understand 
why they may not be subopposite, but in either case they seem 
to be so in a rudiment of Sert. Challengeri figured by the author. 
It is evident, that the different arrangement of the hydrothecæ 
cannot give us a distinct delimitation between the two genera, and 
if we use the different length of the internodes we meet with the 
same difficulty when we try to draw a boundary line; but even if 
it were possible by means of the above characters to divide the 
species into two sharply separated groups, the latter would still 
be artificial, if we paid no attention to the structure of the hydro- 
thece and both groups contained species belonging to different 
natural genera. 

Sertularia (L.) Nutting. 

We may first regard the inconstancy in the structure of 


the hydrothecal margin and the operculum which Prof. Nutting 
believed he found in Sertularia desmoides Torr., and which he 
mentions in the following way: "No marginal teeth as a rule, but 
at times the margin has two obscure teeth.. Operculum usually of 
one flap attached to the abcauline side, others with two ill-defined 
flaps, and again there will be two flaps one above the other, both 
attached to the abcauline side.” 8. desmoides, of which Prof. 
Nutting has been so kind as to send me a number of. specimens, 
is a good Thujaria according to my definition of the genus, though 
it corresponds well to his definition of Sertularia. It has 'a quite 
similar aperture to that found in 7%. lichenastrum and Th. (Pasy- 
thea) acrodon, being provided with a freely prominent distal ad- 
cauline wall. In the specimens examined a number of hydrothecæ 
have been regenerated, and Prof. Nutting may have mistaken 
the freely prominent part of the new distal wall for an adcauline 
flap. The regeneration also explains the presence of two abcauline 
flaps one above another. 

In the key to the species the author mentions that three of 
the species, $. rathbuni, S. brevicyathus and S. flowersi are provided 
with a small median tooth. Such a tooth, however, is also' present 
in 8. pumila, and according to the author's figures also in $. 
mayeri, and S. cornicina.  S. rathbuni has not a three-flapped 
operculum; but the author has mistaken the angularly bent ad- 
cauline lip for two separate opercular valves. 

S. operculata, S. bispinosa and SS. pulchella belong to my 
new genus Odontotheca the definition of. which is given later. 

Thujaria (Flem.) Nutting. 

Only four of the twenty species named in Prof. Nutting's 
work, namely Tå. thuja, Th. polycarpa, Th. immersa and Th. lon- 
chitis belong to my genus Thujaria while 10 belong to Sertularia, 
and in two of these, Sert. tenera and Sert. robusta the author 
seems to have found inconstancy in the structure of the hydro- 
thecal margin and operculum. The named structures of S. tenera 
he mentions in the following way: "margin varying greatly, some- 

Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren, Bd. 64. 18 


times being round without teeth and often being curved, with two 
teeth of regular sertularian type. Operculum usually '"composed of 
one flap attached to the abcauline side of margin, but sometimes 
composed of two flaps.” ”"This species appears to break down the 
generic distinctions proposed by Levinsen in that it has both 
a one-flapped and a two-flapped operculum in the same specimens.” 
About the same parts of S. robusta he says: "operculum with two 
flaps on distal portion of branches, often with round margin and 
single abcauline flap on proximal portions.” 

Both in my paper on the regeneration of the Hydrvids 1) and 
in that on the Hydroids from Greenland?) I have pointed out, that 
in the new apertures produced by the regeneration of a hydrotheca 
in a Sertularia the contrast between the thicker and the thinner 
(membranous) parts of the wall: often; seem to be indistinet or 
quite lacking, and as a distinct example hereof I have named 
Sertularia tenera. As I have examined many colonies of. this 
species without finding any other inconstancy in the parts named 
I am sure that the round apertures found by Prof. Nutting, 
must have belonged to regenerated . hydrothecæe and Ritchie”) 
has come to the same: result as I. Of Sertularia robusta I have 
examined a colony from Bering Sea sent to me by the National 
Museum of Washington. All the. hydrothecae present the Ser- 
tularia-characters very distinctly, and when Prof. Nutting in åa 
number of hydrothecae from proximal portions of branches has 
found a different form of aperture and operculum, it is no doubt 
due to cases of regeneration. 

Nutting") declares that the oljkBkbe is almost an ideal 
character to use in separating the "genus Diphasia, but that he 
nevertheless prefers the colonial characters is seen from his refer- 
ence of Sertularia thujarioides Clark- to Thujaria, though it pos- 

1.82 a, p. 22. 

2) 32, p. 189—190. 
5% p. 218. 

sy 44, p. 44. 


sesses an adcauline operculum and a horizontal margin, characters 
which have not been found in any Thujaria. Broch has already 
pointed out that it must be referred to Diphasia. To the latter 
genus I am also inclined to refer Tx. elegans Krp. Th. ramosis- 
sima Allm. and Th. plumosa Clark belong to my new genus Odon- 
totheca, and I shall later show that T. plumulifera Allm.!) belongs 
to the genus Hydrallmania. However, a fragment sent to me by 
Prof. Nutting under the name of Th. plumulifera does not 
belong to this species, but to a new species of the genus Sertularia. 

Pasythea (Lamour.) Nutting. 

This highly artificial genus is at present represented by three 
species, namely P. gvadridentata Ell. & Sol., P. hexodon Bale and 
P. philippina Markt. The first, which is a Sertularia, is nearly 
related to S. pumila, the second, of which I have examined a 
colony from Singapore, is a Thujaria with a similar form of 
aperture to that found in Th. desmoides, Th. lichenastrum and Th. 
fruticosa, and the original specimen of the third which I have had 
on loan from the Zoological Museum of Vienna is a young colony 
of Idia pristis. That neither the colonial characters are constant 
is evident from some observations made by Bale?) who says about 
specimens of P. qvadridentata from Bondi: "The Bondi specimens 
are peculiar, a considerable proportion of the internodes bearing 
only a single pair of calycles each; indeed some of the shoots 
are s0 arranged throughout, and thus differ in no respect from a 
typical Sertularia.” Further he says about the hydrothecæ of 
P, hexodon?): "In most cases those on the two sides of the 
hydrocaulus are opposite to each other, but it is quite common to 
find them alternate, and the set frequently contains more on one 
side than the other, as three to four, or four to six. 

1) I have examined a fragment of the original specimen, sent to me from 
the Museum of Comp. Zoology, Cambridge. 

2) 8, p. 770. 
8 pp 39L 


Sertularella (Gray.) Nutting. 

Among the species which Nutting selects as examples showing 
inconstancy in the hydrothecal characters are the following three 
species, which he réfers to the genus Sertularella. For each of 
them we shall quote that part of the author's description which 
refers to the hydrothecal margin and the operculum: 

S. formosa Fewkes. "Aperture perfectly round and smooth. 
Operculum apparently wanting. Sometimes, however, it appears in 
the shape of a thin membrane stretched like a drumhead across 
the aperture.” 

S. Hartlaubi Nutting. "Margin perfectly smooth and even; 
operculum in some cases an adcauline flap; in others apparently 
an irregularly ruptured membrane, stretehed across the aperture 
like a drumhead.” 

S. magna Nutting. "”"Operculum thick conspicuous, a simple 
membrane of a simple flap where the margin is even, with two 
flaps when there are two evident teeth, sometimes apparently with 
more than two flaps, but they are not well defined, probably 
because the teeth when three or four, are very low and incon- 
spicuous. No better example could be found of the futility of basing 
generic distinction on the number of parts to the operculum. One 
branch could be placed in three different genera, were that criterion 
to be used.” 

I have not seén the two first named species, but the de- 
scriptions and the figures leave no doubt that they cannot be 
referred to Sertularella. There is not the faintest indication of 
marginal teeth, and the thin membrane stretched like a drumhead 
across the aperture is no doubt the original membranous roof of 
the hydrotheca, which is found in all Thecaphora. The author 
does not mention whether he has found this membrane also in 
old hydrothecae. It is possible that a number of Sertularella- 
species may have developed from that group, to which they belong, 
by a transformation of the membranous roof into a Sertularella- 
operculum, but as they themselves lack the chief-characters of 


Sertularella I cannot refer them to this genus. We might with 
the same right refer f. inst. the inoperculate species ” Obelia” 
marginata Allm.”), Campanularia insignis Allm.?) and Camp. jun- 
cea Allm.%) to Thyroscyphus, because they agree with the species 
of this genus in the form and the arrangement of the hydrotbecae. 

From the National Museum of Washington I have received a 
small fragment of the original specimen of Sertularella magna 
Nutt. It contains 12 hydrothecae, the 6 of which have the margin 
more or less injuried, while in the 6 others it is intact, and 
provided with three distinct curves, divided from each other by 
as many distinct teeth (pl. IV, figs. 27, 28). When regarded 
from above the aperture is distinctly triangular with curved sides. 
In none of them have I found a complete operculum, but in some 
of them small remnants of the opercular valves still adhere to 
the curves, and in a single hydrotheca two complete valves are 
fixed each in its curve- while the third is missing. The species 
seems to be very fragile, but there can be no doubt that the 
hydrothecae when undamaged are provided with three opercular 
valves, and that Nutting's divergent statement must be explained 
as an incorrect interpretation of acccidental injuries. The hydro- 
thecae have been regenerated 4—6 times. 

Dictyocladium (Allm:) Nutting. 

The latter part of Prof. Nutting's diagnosis of Sertularella 
does not mean that an operculum of three or four valves cannot 
be found in species which possess a flabellate colony with ana- 
stomosing branches, but only that such species are referred by the 
author to the artificial genus Dictyocladium. While D. dichotomum 
Allm. does not seem to possess an operculum the two other species 
referred to this genus, D. flabellum Nutt. and D. reticulatum Krp. 
belong to Sertularella. Of the latter species I have examined a 
fragment sent to me from the Zoological Museum of Hamburg, and 

11 pl VIE gs 1, 2 
”a, pl TE 
3) 2 pl 11; figs. 3, 4. 


in the best preserved hydrothecæ I have found a distinctly three- 
toothed margin and three opercular valves. 

Diphasia (Agassiz) Nutting. 

Of the nine species mentioned in Nutting's work I must 
refer D. corniculata (Murray) to Sertularia, and D. tamarisca, 
which possesses a three-toothed hydrothecal margin and three oper- 
cular valves, to Sertularella. 

Abietinaria (Kirchenpauer) Nutting. 

Of the 16 species, which Nutting refers to this genus, I 
have here to mention three, namely A. compressa Mereschk., ÅA. 
Aleæanderi Nutt. and AÅ. greenei Murray, and of the two latter 
species I have examined specimens sent to me by Prof. Nutting. 
The first-named species, which the author no doubt refers to Abie- 
tinaria becauSe of the form of the hydrothecae, is according to 
Mereschkowsky provided with two lateral teeth, and as such 
are not found in any species of that genus, I cannot doubt but 
hat it belongs to Sertularia. Å. Alexanderi is also a Sertularia, 
being provided with two lateral teeth, an angularly bent adcauline 
membrane, and an abcauline membrane, which ends with a free 
valve. : 

The hydrothecae of A. greenei are as pointed out by Nutting 
subject to great variation, the abcauline margin being in most of 
them provided with two more or less developed teeth, while a 
number of the proximal hydrothecae in each branch have a plain 
margin without teeth. The specimen examined by me seems to 
contain only dead hydrothecae, and I have found only a small 
number of opercular membranes, a few of which reached from the 
adéauline margin to the tips of the teeth, and, therefore, I am 
most inclined to refer this species to my new genus Odontotheca. 
In such hydrothecae which have no teeth the opercular membrane 
must be provided with a free abcauline margin, and this species 
therefore seems to form a connecting link between Odontotheca and 
Abietinaria. The hydrothecae are provided with a small internal 
adcauline tooth, and a similar more or less developed tooth I have 


found both in a number of species belonging to the latter group 
and in Odontotheca macrocarpa Bale. 

Å species, which presents a still greater variation, is Thujaria 
heteromorpha Allm.”), which according to the author possesses two 
different forms of hydrothecae, some in which the margin is nearly 
circular and even directed away from the supporting internode, 
and others”) in which it is "directed towards the internode, and 
has its apocauline margin produced into a short, slightly incurved 
tooth.” While the former are placed in the proximal part of the 
branches, the internodes of which carry many hydrothecæ, the 
latter are seated in the distal part, and here each internode bears 
a single pair of hydrothecæ. <A further difference is that the 
hydrothecæ of every pair are in some internodes connate to one 
another, but in others separate. 

"Allman expresses his doubt as to the correct reference of 
this species to Thujaria in the following way: "Amid systematic 
eharacters pointing in so many different directions, it would seem 
difficult. to decide on the true generic position of our Hydroid,” 
and I shall hereto remark that we shall only be able to solve this 
question when we get information about the structure and position 
of "the operculum, but otherwise the shape and position of the 
aperture in the two different forms of hydrothecæ leave little doubt 
that the species must belong to the genus Diphasia. 

1) 4, p. 147. 

4 Åse to the figures given by Allman the last named hydrothecae 
have quite the same form as those found in Thujaria copola 
Allm. (5, p. 66), but as pointed out by Billard (10, p. 1357) the 
latter species is identical with Diphasia alata Hincks, and the 

. hydrothecae of this species have not the slightest likeness with All- 
man's picture, their abcauline margin being broadly rounded and 
not at all acuminate. Therefore I am not quite sure, whether the 
corresponding hydrothecae of Th. heteromorpha are correctly figured. 
In the same paper Billard points out that Thecocladium flabellum 
is a Sertularella, that Thujaria pectinata is identical with Th. arti- 
culata Pall: and Th. vincta with Sertularella quadridens Bale. 
Having eéxamined myself fragments of the original specimens of the 
three first named species I can confirm as to them the correctness 
of Billard's observation. 


The author further adds"): "The features here noted in 7%u- 
Jaria polymorpha bring to mind a phenomenon not: unknown in the 
vegetable kingdom; as in the case of certain ephiphytical orchids, 
im which flowers whose differences of form are such as to have 
caused them to be regarded as characterizing so many distinct 
genera, are nevertheless found associated in one. and the same 
I do not think, however, that the last named case has 
induced any botanist to prefer systematic characters taken from the 
form of the inflorescences to those presented by the individual flowers. 

Hydrallmania (Hincks) Nutting. 

I shall later mention this. genus to which Prof. Nutting 
besides H. falcata refers two other species, H. distans Nutting 
and H. franciscana (Trask). 

.Selaginopsis (Allm.) Nutting. 

While Mereschkowsky to this genus refers all Sertulariidæ, 
the hydrothecæ of which are arranged in more than two longitudinal 
series, Allman excepts such species which may be referred to 
the artificial genera Pericladium Allm. and Dictyocladium Allm. 
According to the above definition Nutting only refers to Sela- 
ginopsis such polyserial species, which belong to my genera Thujåria 
and Sertularia, and of the species named in his work in either 
case .S. mirabilis must be referred to Sertularia, but I am not 
sure, whether this may not be the case with some of the others, 
as f. inst. $. ornata and S. pinnata?). 

Among the species which Prof. Nutting in the general part 
of his work selects to show the inconstancy of my systematic cha- 
racters is also S. mirabilis, about which he says: "In Selaginopsis 
mirabilis (Verrill) there are two flaps to the operculum, while the 
one-flapped operculum is characteristic of the genus as a whole. 
I do not believe that any one would separate S. mirabilis and S. 
cylindrica (Clark) generically, and yet they differ in this feature 
mea.: which Levinsen bases his genera.” 

KE DES EGE dne RR dn 

4; p. 148. 
aL I have not seen these two species. 


That the genus Selaginopsis according to the different manner 
in which it is understood by different authors contains species with 
two, three or four different forms of opercular apparatus is to my 
Opinion a proof that the genus is an artificial assemblage of species, 
belonging to different. genera, and not as Nuttin g means a proof 
that my systematic characters are inconstant. But even if all the 
species contained in the genus were "provided with the same form 
of opercular apparatus I should reject it as unnatural if it were 
based on the chief character, that the hydrothecæ are arranged 
in. more than two longitudinal series, as I should reject a Bryozoan 
genus containing for. inst. the Caberea-species provided with møre 
than two longitudinal series of zooecia. I do not deny that Sel, 
mirabilis and Sel. cylindrica have a very similar habitus because 
of the similar arrangement. of the hydrothecæ,. but the outer likeness 
ought to have nothing to do with the systematic arrangement, 
and as the two species show a distinct difference in the structure 
of. the -hydrothecal margin I must put them into two different 

"As. Prof. Nutting has come to the incorrect result that the 
characters taken from the opereulum. and the hydrothecal margin 
are inconstant, he has in the systematic arrangement of the Ser- 
tulariidæ committed the same error as most authors,. of laying 
chief stress on the. colonial characters, and if his genera do not 
contain such a beterogeneous assemblage of Schneider's 
groups, it is only because he has paid more attention to the 
strueture of the operculum. His best defined genera therefore, are 
Abietinaria and Diphasia, in which the chief character is the ad- 
cauline position of the operculum, while the colonial characters 
used are essentially negative. 

Before proceeding to give definitions of the single genera of 
the Sertulariidae I shall set forth some considerations on the relation 
between the four families Campanudariidae, Lafotidae, Campanu- 
linidae and Sertulariidae in order to define the systematic position 
of the latter. family. 


The four families may be defined in the following manner: 
Campanulariidae: The campanulate or  cup-shaped hydrothecae 
which not rarely present longitudinal ridges and marginal teeth 
are as a rule provided with a well-developed stalk, and with few 
exceptions (Hypanthea, Silicularia) show a poly-symmetrical structure. 
A diaphragm is always present, but sometimes only in the shape 
of a marginal thickening. Nematophores are never present. No 
operculum. [A club-shaped proboscis]. 

Lafotidae: The elongate, cup-shaped, retort-shaped or tubular, 
short-stalked or sessil hydrothecae, which never present longitudinal 
ridges or marginal teeth, not rarely show a more or less pronounced 
bilateral symmetry, and their adeauline wall is in many cases in 
different extension more or less firmly connected with the stems 
and branches. A diaphragm may be absent or developed in different 
degree. Nematophores are sometimes present. No operculum. [A 
conical proboscis]. 

Campanulinidae: The more or less elongate, cup-shaped, 
pitcher-shaped or tubular, sessile or stalked hydrothecae, which 
never present longitudinal ridges or marginal teeth"), sometimes 
show a bilateral symmetry, and are rarely provided with a com- 
plete diaphragm. Nematophores are sometimes present. A differently 
formed operculum. [A conical proboscis]. 

Sertulariidae: The pitcher-shaped, retort-formed or tubular, 
bilaterally developed hydrothecae lack a free stalk, and the ad- 

1) 8. F Clark (16, p. 12) has described a species of Campanulina, C. 
" .denticulata, in the hydrothecae of which he thought he found be- 
sides an operculum of convergent segments': an equal number of large 
castellated marginal teeth arising. outside the latter. As both the 
marginal teeth and the operculum must have been formed as å 
secretion from the ectoderm we cannot understand the formation of 
the teeth, as the corresponding part of the ectoderm should have 
been placed outside the operculum. There can be no doubt but that 
the "castellated teeth” are only the worn segments of an old oper- 
culum. The figures 6a and 6b, therefore, ;represent two hydrothecæ, 
. which have been regenerated three times, and the only, hydrotheca 
(fig. 7) in which the author could "find no trace of teeth, only an 
operculum” is a hydrotheca which has not been regenerated. 


cauline wall is as a rule in different extension firmly connected with 
the stems and branches. A complete diaphragm is as a rule 
developed.  Nematophores are never present. An operculum is 
always present, consisting of 1—4 opercular membranes or valves 
fixed in corresponding sinuations of the margin. [A conical proboscis]. 

Of the characters named in the above diagnosis. I have put 
that which concerns the form of tlie proboscis in parenthesis, as 
I have only been able to verify it myself in rather few forms, the 
proboscis being a structure, the form of which can only be examined 
with advantage in well-preserved material. I am not sure, therefore, 
that it really presents so sharp contrasts that the Campanudariidae 
by the aid of the above named character can be sharply divided 
from the three other related families. According to Allman") 
and Hincks?) we have to discern between two forms of proboscis, 
a "conical”, present in the large majority of the Hydroid families, 
and a "trumpet-shaped” which has only been found in the Euden- 
driidae and the Campanulariidae, While Hincks in the diagnosis 
of the latter family calls the proboscis ”ftrumpet-shaped”, in the 
diagnosis of the genus ''Campanularia” he speaks about a "cup- 
shaped” proboscis, and as these two terms therefore must be 
synonymous, it is evident that Hincks when he uses the expression 
"trumpet-shaped” especially thinks of the expanded end of a 
trumpet. The two latter "terms, however, are very unlucky and 
misleading, as every proboscis in its expanded state is ""cup-shaped” 
or "trumpet-shaped”, while at the other side the proboscis of Eu- 
dendrium, Campanularia and Laomedea is ”club-shaped” or bulbi- 
form, not only according to my own examination of well-preserved 
material,, but also- according to figures given by Allman and 
Hincks. In well-preserved specimens of Sertularella tricuspidata 
and Halecium muricatum, lately brought home from Greenland, I 
have found that tbe expanded proboscis is "”cup-shaped” while it 
is conical in its contracted state, and when Hartlaub?) in his 
work on Sertularella says about the proboscis of this genus: "Die 

Vik 8 NNE 


Proboscis der Hydranthen ist nach vortrefflich conservierten Exem- 
plaren zu urtheilen nicht conisch sondern wie bei den Campanu- 
lariden trompetenfårmig,” I cannot doubt that he here speaks about 
the expanded proboscis. Besides in the monograph of Hincks, 
we find figures of the contracted campanularian proboscis also in a 
paper of Pictet!), in which he figures a number of Clytia-species, 
the proboscis of which he designates as ”hypostome en trompette”, 
but according to the figures it is club-shaped, and the same form 
shows the proboscis of Hebella lata Pictet, the hydrothecae of 
which are much more campanulate than in most members of the 
family Campanulariidae. 

According to the systematic arrangement expressed in the 
above diagnosis, all the operculate forms have been referred to the 
two families, the Campanulinidae and the Sertulariidae, and all 
the inoperculate to the Lafoeidae and the Campanulariidae. While 
the presence of an operculum sharply divides the operculate from 
the inoperculate families, the two families contained in each. of 
the two groups are not sharply divided from each other by a single 
character, if we do not possess such a difference between the 
Campanulariidae and the Lafozidae in the form of the proboscis. 
Broch?) and Kramp?) believe they find such a distinguisbing 
character in the different appearance of the gonothecae, which 
according to these authors in the Lafoéidae always present them- 
selves united into more or less densely crowded aggregates ("Cop- 
pinia”, "Scapus””), while in the Campanulariidae they appear singly. 
But in both families there are a number of exceptions to this rule. 
In the Lafoéidae large singly placed gonothecae have been found 
in Lafoéa (Halisiphoniu) megalotheca Allm."); Hebella calcarata 

?”) 18, p. 

3) 80, p. 370—71. 

AN 5, i 

5) 6a, p. 122, figs. 190—191. 
%)-46. p.41 pl T, fig. 56. 


H. coniorta Markt.”) (Pl. V, figs. 16, 17) and Lafoéa venusta 
Allm.”). Such large singly placed gonothecae have also been found 
in two species of the genus Cryptolaria, namely in Or. abyssicola 
Allm.”) and Cr. difusa Allm.%), while two other species, Cr. lon- 
githeca Allm.%) and Cr. conferta Allm,”) have a Coppinia. Nut- 
ting>), however, ascribes to the whole genus Cryptolaria ''a com- 
pact Coppinia” mass much as in Lafoza”, and the reason hereof is 
the following. Pictet and Bedoté) have found in Perisiphonia 
peéctinata a Coppinia surrounding a portion of the stem and, be- 
sides, two small singly placed gonothecåe, seated each in the 
proximal part of an adjacent branch. As Nutting”) and Broch3) 
have found that the Coppiniæ, examined by them, contain gonothecae 
of both sexes, Bedot suggests that the single gonothecae found 
in the named Perisiphonia may represent a different sex from those 
in the Coppinia, and Nutting, therefore, no doubt, compares the 
single gonothecae found in the above Cryptolaria-species with 
those found in the Perisiphonia, and thinks that a coppinia may 
appear later. I do not think, however, that Bedot is right in 
his supposition. It is a well-known fact that a Coppinia may often 

1) 86. Pictet (46) regards Hebella cylindrata Markt., H. contorta 
Markt., and H. scandens Bale as identical with H. cylindrica v. Lend., 
and Billard thinks that the same is the case with H. calcarata 
Ag., but be adds the following remark: "Comme Pictet le fait juste- 
ment remarquer on ne pourra étre complétement fixé sur Videntité 
de toutes ces formes que lorsqu'on aura trouvé et comparé leurs 
gonosomes” (11, p. 17). The gonothecae of H. contorta seem to be 
very different from those of H. calcarata and H. cylindrica, tigured 
by Agassiz and Pictet. Their (Pl. V, figs. 16, 17) distal end is 
divided into 4—6 triangular areas, which no doubt correspond to as 
many opercular valves. The gonothecae of H. scanidens Bale (8, E 
XIII, fig. 18) seem to show a similar mere 


5) 45, p. 946. 

%) 47, p 21 pl V. 
7) 45 a. 

8) 13, p. 155. 


extend from a stem over more adjacent branches, and, therefore, 
I cannot doubt but that we have to do in the named case with 
the beginning of such an extension. In opposition to the numerous 
small gonothecae of the Coppinia, which take their rise from the 
peripheral tubes, the few" large elongate sacs in the named Cryp- 
tolaria-species spring from the axial tube, and it is not reasonable 
to suppose, that in these species.the gonothecae of the two different 
sexes should develop in two so very different manners. 

While in the true "Coppinia” the gonothecae are mutually 
coalesced, the "fscapus” is only a collection of more or less densely 
crowded, but mutually not connected gonothecae. But quite similar, 
more or less dense aggregates of gonothecae are also found in other 
families, f. inst. in species of the campanularian genus Silicularia 
(= Hypanthea)"), in Campanularia. integra and in a number of 
Halecium-species, f. inst. in Hal. muricatum, in Hal. groenlandicum 
Kramp”), and in a new species from Japan, which differs from the 
last named species therein, that the hydrothecae are perfectly 
adnate. In the two latter species the gonothecae are borne together 
with a number of hydrothecae by a large, spongy, richly bran- 
ched, free meshwork formed by a number of peripheral tubes. 

To the Lafoéidae I refer besides the genera Lafoza (Hali- 
siphoniaJ), Hebella, Grammaria, Cryptolaria, Perisiphonia, (Zygo- 
Phylax, Brucellaj and Lictorella also the species referred to Syn- 
thecium, Hypopyxis, Staurotheca, and the inoperculate species 
referred to Dictyocladium, Selaginopsis, Sertularia and Sertularella. 
Also Schneider refers Synthecium to the Lafotidae though from 
other reasons than I, but Hartlaub?), who earlier followed 
Schneider in this question, has altered his opinion, because he 
has found that the species of the latter genus are provided with 
a blind sack, a structure which he regards as characteristic of 
115, p. 26 
2) 30. 

3) 21, p. 670. 


the Sertulariidae. " But Hartlaub!) has also found a blind sack 
im the campanularian genus Silicularia,.and I have: found it in 
Lictorella pinnata Sars. It is also found in the operculate species 
described as Zygophylax operculata Jåd. (Pl. IV, fig. 21) and Lyg- 
grandis Vanh.?), and I cannot doubt but. that it is also present as well 
in the inoperculate species related to them as in the other species 
of the genus Lictorella. ; The presence of the blind sack in the 
named. cases, therefore, seems ,to be contingent upon the more or 
less eres bilateral; symmetry. 

;. Campenhausen who also refers Grammaria to the Ser- 
tulariidae says about my reference of "Synthecium and the other 
above named forms to the, Lafozidae?): »Abgesehen aber davon 
dass die erwåhnten' Formen s0 typisch alle iibrigen Sertularien- 
Charactere bezitzen ausser diesen einen .,... und,mir ..... eine 
Trennung nur auf ein Merkmal hin willkirlich vorkommt, scheint 
mir das Vorhandensein oder der Mangel eines Operculums -durchaus 
nicht [von so einschneidender Bedeutung zu sein.” As v. Cam- 
penhausen does not seem to ascribe systematic .significance to. 
the arrangement of the hydrothecæ, the typical sertularian -characters, 
about which he speaks, must be the bilateral symmetrical structure 
of the hydrothecae, and the more' or less extensive connection 
between their adcauline wall and the corresponding axial structures"). 
ÅS to the first named character there is no contrast between the 
named. forms and the other Lafoéidae, as most members of this 
family and especially of its freely: branched forms, show a more or 
less distinct bilateral symmetry, which is found not only in species 
with sessile or adnate »hydrothecae, but sometimes also in such 
species the hydrothéeæ of which are provided. with. free stalks. 

3 10 12, note 

| ed v. Batousikraest regards the presence of a well-developed 

aphragm as a specific sertularian character, I may here point out 

I: the diaphragm is quite lacking or imperfectly developed in a 
number of Sertularella-species. ; 


We find f. inst. that the hydrothecae of Lafoza. fruticosa and L. 
gracillima show a distinet adcauline convexity. As to the other 
sertularian characters the genera Perisiphonia, Cryptolaria and Gram- 
maria have -their hydrothecae adnate to the-hydrocaulus in a larger 
or smaller pårt of their adcauline wall, and in the two last named 
genera this connection is as in the Sertulariidae inseparable, while 
in Perisiphonia it can be loosened by the aid of reagents. Ås, 
therefore, the above named forms cannot by a single character be 
divided from the Lafoéidae, I, on the contrary, find it arbitrary 
to refer them to the Sertulariidae, and at the same time there 
can be no doubt, but that the latter family gains in firmness 
and coherence by only embracing operculate forms. 

In animals of so simple å structure as the Hydroid polyps we 
can only expect to find a few distinguishing marks between the 
systematic divisions, and most families and genera are only divided 
from each other by one or two characters. The two chief divisions, 
the Athecata and the T'hecaphora are only divided from each other 
" by the presence in the latter of more or less developed proteetive 
cases for the hydrants and the gonophores, and it seems reasonable 
to ascribe systematie significance also to the operculum, a structure, 
which must be regarded as the complement of the proteetive cases 
Jand, so to speak, as the end-result of the same effort, which has' led 
to the formation of the hydrothecae and gonothecae. We may 
"further point out as an evidence of its systematie importance, that 
it has that in common' with other structures of systematie signifi- 
cance that it presents a rich development of characteristic net 
vcations which give excellent generic characters. 

We may now regard the relation between the Laftkåns and 
the Campanulinidae. If we compare the two above family diag- 
noses we shall find that the two families are only sharply divided 
by a single character, namely the presence ør absence of an; oper- 
"eulum, all: the" other charåcters being more or less relative, and, 
therefore, there can be no dende, that they are rer MAG. related 


as, already pointed out by Broch.) He espécially points out the near 
relation between 7oichopoma obliguum and Lafoza, and not only 
refers the former genus to the Lafoéidae, but is most inclined: to 
refer the named operculate species to the genus Lafoéa, and when 
he provisionally uses the name 7oichopoma it is only because the 
gonothecae of this species were at that time unknown. Kramp?”) 
has later found that it possesses a,'"coppinia”, but while' he like 
Broch refers it to the Lafogidae, he at the same time maintains 
that the presence of an operculum entitles this species to represent 
aå proper genus. In a later paper Broch?) unites the Campanulinidae 
with the Lafoéidae and again divides the latter family into two 
sub-families, the Grammariina, in which the gonothecae are united 
into aggregates and the Campanulinina, in which that is not the 
case: From the reason given above I cannot agcept. this division. 

The connection between the Campanulinidae and the Lafoéidae 
must no doubt be expressed in this way, that the Campanulinidae 
have arisen from the Lafozidae, and this transformation has taken 
place in such a manner, that different members of the latter. family 
have developed an operculum.%) Broch>%) has pointed out the 
great likeness between 7oichopoma obliguum and Lafota gracillima, 
but . Calycella syringa and Tetrapoma gvadridentatum present a 
similar likeness to such ,Lafoéa species as L. pocillum and L. pyg- 
maea. At the other side the species of the genus Cuspidella seem 
to stand in a similar relation to the species of the genus Følellum, 
in which we find two different forms- of sessile hydrothecae, some, 

4) AsI do not believe in a sharp division between the Lafoéidae and the 
iidae, I think it likely that also a number of species of 
the latter family have developed an operculum, and næ have no doubt 
two such examples in ,,Campanularia" marginata (7, p. 54) 
and ,, Camp.” macrocyttara (Bale (7, p. 56), the reg onkegdd 
hydrothecae of which have a four-toothed margin, and, therefore, no 
doubt, possess a T'hyroscyphus-operculum. The double margin in the 
hydrothecae of the mene species is no doubt due to a regeneration. 
5) 13, p, 158 
Vidensk. Meddel. fra den tathrd. Føren. Bd. 64, 19 


the proximal half of which is adnate, and others which are cylind- 
rical and. erect. The first - form of hydrothecae is represented in 
Cuspidella procumbens Kramp, and the second in such species as 
C. humilis and C. costata. The genus Zygophylax (Perisiphonia) 
which is provided with cylindrical nematothecae has given. its 
contingent of operculate forms in the two species, Z. operculata 
Jåderh.”) and Z. grandis Vanh.,”) for which I must propose a new 
genus Abietinella, and Oplorhiza parvula Allm.,”) in which we 
find stalked, globular nematothecae stands in a similar relation 
to ,,Campanularia" armata Pict & Bed.”) as the above new genus 
to the species of Zygophylax. The genus Lafoéina ”) which possesses 
a similar form of operculum ås Cuspidella and Oplorhiza only differs 
from the latter genus in the possession of very long vermiform 
nematothecae. The long slender, sometimes tubuliform hydrothecae 
of the genus Stegopoma leave no doubt as to the near connection 
of the latter genus with the Lafoéidae, and the different modes of 
growth of the different species show distinetly how little systematic 
signifieance we ought to ascribe to the colonial form. The oper- 
culum of this genus is very characteristic, consisting of two plaited 
membranes, fixed each in a curve, formed by the hydrothecal margin, 
and thus divided by two triangular hydrothecal teeth. When we 
find such an operculum in a number of species, presenting a different 
habit of growth, it is to my opinion more reasonable to think that 
they belong to the same natural genus, and that the different forms 
of growth have been produced by the influence of outer circum- 
stances, than to divide these species according to the different 
colonial form, and to suppose that the same form of operculum may 
have arisen independently more than once. The latter standpoint 
has been taken by Prof. Nuttingé&) who has described three new 

7) 26,. p. 376. 


species' of Stegopoma, but at the same time he refers a species 
provided with the same form of operculum to the genus Cryptolaria. 
However, he thinks it likely 'that a separate genus should be 
instituted for this species and for Cryptolaria geniculata Allm., 
which possesses a similar form of operculum. As a' consequence 
of this standpoint Nutting mentions the genus Stegopoma as 
follows: "This genus ..... seems to me to be practically con- 
venient whether a natural one or not.” We meet in this genus 
with three different forms of growth. While St. (Crypt.) opercu- 
lata Nutt. and $t. (Crypt.) geniculata Allm. have a fascicled stem 
with an axial tube, St. plicatile and St, gilberti Nutt. possess a 
fascicled stem, in which all the tubes bear hydrothecae, and St. 
fastigiatum a creeping stem. The gonothecae are of two different 
forms which seem to be independent of the colonial form. In two 
Species with a creeping stem, described by Nutting, we find 
sessile gonothecae of a similar form as the hydrothecae, and the 
same is the case in $+. gilberti, while in St. plicatile and St. geni- 
culatum the gonothecae are elongate sacs without an operculum. 
Schneider!) thinks that the operculum of Campanulina (and 
Opercularella) must be. derived from the hydrothecal teeth of cer- 
tain Campanulariidae, which by attaining a sufficient length and 
thinness have been able to collapse and cover the hydranth after 
its retraction, but this is a more theoretical consideration, not 
sustained by any fact, and it may have been called forth by a 
comparion for inst. of the figures given by Hincks of Gonothyraea 
gracilis and Campanulina turrita, as the hydrothecal teeth in the 
former figure are very much like the segments of the operculum 
in the latter. But in G. gracilis as in all other dentate Cam- 
panulariidae the hydrothecal teeth are divided from each other by 
interstices which have once been filled by membranous parts, and 
these have been thrown off together with the hydrothecal roof. 
On the contrary in Cuspidella, Lafoéina and Oplorhiza as in Cam- 
panulina and Opercularella the operculum is formed by a continuous 

1) 54, p. 512. 


belt representing the upper part of the side-walls after the roof 
has been thrown off, and the only difference between the operculum 
in the three former genera and that of the two latter is that in 
Campanulina and Opercularellå it has been cleft in a number of 
segments, which, however, together represent the whole belt. These 
segments are really not triangular, but about rectangular or tongue- 
shaped, and only seem to be triangular because they cover each 
others” margins. Besides, the proboscis of Campanulina and Oper- 
eularella is according to Hincks conical and not claviform as in 
the Campanulariidae, and on the whole there can be no doubt but 
that the two genera must be derived from the Lafozidae. 

The species of the genus 7'hyroscyphus!) remind us, both 
in the form of their short-stalked hydrothecae and in the structure 
of the colony, of such inoperculate species as ,, Obeliaf” marginata 
Allm.,”) ,,Campanularia" insignis Allm.,”) ,,Campanularia" juncea 
Allm.?”y and ,,Campanularia" rufa Bale,t) all of which possess more 
ør less elongate, somewhat bilaterally symmetrical hydrothecae. The 
form of the proboscis is not known in any of these species, but in 
Th. simplex I have found åa conical proboscis, and the same form 
of proboscis has also been found by Ritchie in Thyroscyphus 
simplex Lmx. (non — Th. simplex Allm.), for which he has 
instituted the genus Parascyphus. The latter species is distinetly 
bilaterally symmetrical and provided with a blind sack, and Ritchie, 
therefore, refers it to the Sertulariidae, but as the hydrothecae 
have a short stalk I prefer to refer it to the Campanulinidae, It 
is, however, doubtful whether this species is sufficiently different 
from the species of Thyroscyphus to represent a proper genus. 
The tripartite operculum is not a sufficient, distinguishing character, 
and also the other species of Thyroscyphus present a more or less 
developed bilateral symmetry. Perhaps they also posséss a blind sack. 

A comparison between the different opercula found in the 


Campanulinidae shows that we have to discern between 6 different 
types, and in two of these the operculum is formed of the whole 
hydrothecal roof. This is the case with the univalvular adcauline 
operculum of Abietinella, and with the three- or four-valvular oper- 
culum in Thyroscyphus, and Tetropoma.”) A third type is repre- 
sented by the operculum of Calycella, which, as shown by Kramp,?) 
is formed of the peripheral part of the roof, while in the three 
last types it is formed of a smaller or larger distal part of the 
side-wall after the roof has been thrown off. In Toichopoma it is 
formed by. an infolding of the side-wall at the one side, while in 
Cuspidella, Lafoéina, Oplorhiza, Campanulina and Opercularella 
it is formed of the whole distal part of the side-wall. The sixth 
type is represented by the operculum of Stegopoma about which 
we have already spoken. The difference between the named forms 
of opercula is really so great, that there can scarcely be any doubt 
but that they have developed independently, and I shall here 
point out the significant phenomenon that a number 
of different forms independently and in different 
manner have developed a protecting roof to the hydro- 

I have already given my reasons why I must regard the pre- 
sence of an operculum as a family character, and I shall lastly 
add that if we were to refer all these operculate forms to the 
Lafoéidae we should also be obliged to refer the Sertulariidae to 
the latter family. 

A comparison between the diagnoses given above of the two 
operculate families, the Campanulinidae and the Sertulariidae, shows 
that they are very nearly related, and the most significant charac- 
ters, which distinguish the members of the latter family, are that 
they are always bilaterally developed, always sessile, and ås a rule 
have a larger or smaller part of the adcauline wall coalesced with 
the corresponding stem or branch. Further in all the Sertulartidae 

. gg This genus must, no doubt, be united with Thyroscyphus. 
2) 30, p. 380. 


the whole roof of the hydrotheca is transførmed into the operculum 
while this within the Campanulinidae is only found in 7'etrapoma, 
Thyroscyphus (with Parascyphus) and Abietinella n. g. 

The interesting species for which I have found it necessary 
to institute the last named new genus has been described by Jåder- 
holm?) under the name of Zygophylax operculata. Like a number 
of nearly related species, referred to the genera Zygophylaæ, Peri- 
siphonia, Brucella”) and Lictorella, it possesses short-stalked, bilat- 
erally symmetrical hydrothecae, at their base provided with one or 
two nematothecae, and the colony consists of an axial tube, which 
bears at least the great plurality of the hydrothecae, and a number 
of peripheral tubes. The hydranth is provided with a blind sack, 
which no doubt is found also in the other related species, but in 
opposition to the latter the hydrothecae possess quite a similar: ad- 
cauline operculum to that found in the genera Diphasia and Åbie- 
tinaria, being at the same time of a similar form as in the latter 
genus, and especially presenting a similar neck-shaped narrowing at 
the adcauline side. In opposition to Zygophylax (Brucella) ar- 
mata Ritchie, the diaphragm of which is perforated by a large 
round opening, the diaphragm-opening of Abietinella operculata 
(pl. IV, fig. 22a) has a similar form to that found in a.number 
of Abietinaria species (pl. IV, fig. 225), being pear-shaped and 
surrounded by a projecting margin. If the proximal half of such a 
hydrotheca were to coalesce with the branch we should find in con- 
tinuation of the line, indicating the concrescence between the hydro- 
thecal wall and the corresponding wall of the branch, another line 
running downwards from the adcauline end of the diaphragma and 
indicating the corresponding concrescence between the stalk and the 
branch. Such a line, which I shall call the ,,stalk-mark”, we find 
more or less developed in all the species of Diphasia (pl. IV, 
fig. 26) and Absetinaria (pl. IV, fig. 24), and it is distinct evi- 
dence that these species must be derived from forms, which have 

1) 25, p. 276; Taf. 12 figs. 7—8. 
?) 50. 


been provided with a free stalk. Another species Zygophøjlax 
grandis Vanh., which must -be referred to the same genus, has later 
been described by Vanhåffen;") Though Abietinaria lacks both 
peripheral tubes and nematothecae the agreement between the 
species of this group and those of Abietinella in the form of the 
hydrothecae and the structure of the operculum is so great, that I 
cannot doubt but that the former genus must be derived from the 
latter. The presence and the development of.the nematothecae in 
the nearly related species, referred to Zygophylax, Perisiphonia and 
Lictorella, is subject to very great variation, and the same holds 
good for the composition of the colony, not only in the same form- 
group, where the peripheral tubes have a very different extension, 
but also in.a number of genera belonging to the Campcanulinidae 
and Sertulariidae. I have already spoken of the differences in the 
form of the colony within the genus Stegopoma, and I shall still 
only mention. that while the stem in the" Sertulariidae is monosi- 
phonic, as a rule, a small number of Sertularella-species' possess a 
polysiphonic stem. The gonothecae have not yet been found in any 
of the two Abietinella-species, but it is permissible to suppose that 
they are arranged in the form of a Coppinia, as this arrangement 
has been found in the related species Perisiphonia conferta, Zygo- 
phylax (Brucella) armata and in a new species of Zygophylax 
from the Philippine Islands. As the presence of a Coppinia in a 
freely growing colony.seems to be contingent upon the presence of 
peripheral tubes, the disappearance of the latter might explain 
the quite different arrangement of the gonothecae in Abietinaria, 
where they as in the great plurality of the Sertulariidae are ve 
in "the neighbourhood of the single hydrothecae. 

The short-stalked Thyroscyphus-species Th. (Parascyphus) 
simplex Lwx.?) Th. Torresi Busk (= Th. simplex Allm.?) and 
Th. vitiensis Markt.) stand in a similar relation to Sertularella as 

1) 50. | 
: 2 ig; p- 158. 

: Hd p: 210-and 9, "EAR 


Abietinella to Abietinaria and Diphasia. They only differ from 
species of that genus in their hydrothecae being short-stalked, and, 
therefore, a concretion: between the stalk and the corresponding 
axis would convert them into Sertulareila-species. 

"There has not yet been found opereulate short-stalked species, 
corresponding to the other genera of the Sertulariidae, but that such 
forms have existed is evident from the fået, that a more or less 
developed stalk-mark is present in most species be- 
løonging to this family!) When a branch is regarded from 
one of the sides, this mark as a rule appears as a narrow chitinous 
process forming a continuation of the inner hydrothecal wall and 
running either downwards or obliquely inwards, but when we regard 
a hydrotheca from its inner, adcauline wall we see the whole stalk- 
mark (Pl. IV, figs. 25, 27) which is provided with a curved or 
sometimes angularly bent. proximal margin, and, therefore, its middle 
part is much shorter than the two lateral margins seen from the 
sides of the branch. Sometimes, however, we may also be able to 
see the whole stalk-mark, when a branch is regarded from the 
outer surface, f. inst. in Hydrallmania falcata. el. V, fg: 7.) 
In some species, f. inst. in Sertularia pumila, Odontotheca trispinosa 
and Abietinaria Coei' the stalk-mark when regarded from the 
side has the form of a short coecum-like projection, and in that 
case the stalk must have been provided with an adcauline con- 
cavity, which has prevented it from eoalescing with the branch 
in its whole length. In the two former species it is evident already 
from an outer inspeetion that this projeetion contains an inner 
cavity (Pl. IV, figs. 13,15, Pl, V, figs. 11, 14), the presence of 
which is confirmed by means of a sagittal section through a hy- 

1) While many BESS: have seen and figured the stalk-mark I have only 
found it mentioned by Clarke (15a) and Ritchie (51). Clarke 
who has seen it in Sertularia complexa describes it in the following 
way: .…: »chitinous processes extend downwards from the base of each 
hydrotheca, surrounding an aperture through which the body of the 
polypite is connected with the cænosare of the stem.« Ritchie 
who has seen it in Sertularia heterodonta and 8 rathbuni mentions 
it in the latter species as »two chitinous processes which project 
downwards and lie alongside the wall of the internode.« 


drotheca. It is: however completely closed outwardly. Also im 
A. coei (Pl. IV, fig. 23) a number of the corresponding projections 
contain a distinet inner cavity, but in most of them it seems to 
be completely filled by a chitinous secretion. 

According to the investigations contained in this 
paper I must maintain that the Campanulinidae have devel- 
oped from the Lafoézidae or partly from the Campanulariidae, 
and that the Sertulariidae must be derived from that 
group of the Campanulinidae in which the whole roof 
of the hydrotheca has been transformed into an oper - 

Thujaria (Fleming) Lev. 

The aperture is vertical or obliquely ascending and provided 
with an abcauline sinus, in which is fixed. an opercular membrane, 
the distal part of which is a free valve. 

'The gonothecae of the species hitherto examined are smooth 
without transverse rings and without spines. 

In most biserial species the hydrothecae are almost symmet- 
rical, being only in a very slight degree turned towards the frontal 
face!) of the colony. 

Of this genus I have examined the following species: 
thuja (L.) Th. lonchitis (Ellis & So0l.), Th. articulata (Pall.), 
lichenastrum (Pall.), Th. annulata Krp., Th. carica Lev…. 
polycarpa Popp., Th. variabilis Markt., Th. cedrina (L.), 
cupressoides (Lepech.), Th. sinuosa Bale, Th. tuba (Bale), 
desmoides (Torr.), Th. hexodon (Bale), Th. juncea (Vanh.), 
Hartlaubi (Nutt.), TX. Hincksi (Mer.), Th. pinnata (Mer.), 
cylindrica (Clark.). 


Sertularia (L.) Lev. 
Dynamena (Lamour.) 
The aperture is oblique and provided with two lateral teeth, 
between which there are found a deeper abcauline and a lower 

EF »Frontal« we call that face of the colony on which the gonothecae 


adcauline sinus, the latter:of which is in most cases divided: into 
two lateral halves by means of a median projection. In each sinus 
is fixed an opercular membrane, the abcauline of which is in most 
species provided with a free distal valvular portion. 

The gonothecae- present a very different habitus, being either 
smooth, ringed or provided with two;or more spines. 

In most biserial species the aperture is distinctly: turned towards 
the frontal surface. 

In the large plurality of the species the adcauline sinus is 
divided imto two lateral halves by means of amore or less devel- 
oped median projection. In all such cases the adcauline membrane 
is at the same time more or less distinctly angularly bent from 
side to side, the ridge of the membrane rising from the median 
projection. In all such cases the abcauline membrane is provided 
with a free, triangular, valvular portion, fitting into the angle 
formed by the adcauline membrane, and the length of this portion 
depends on the development of the median projection and the size 
of the angle in such a manner, that a more developed median 
projection gives a smaller angle and a longer valvular portion. 
In such species as f. inst. $. argentea L, S. mirabilis (Verr.) 
and S. Birulae Schydl.7) the median projection and the angular 
bending of the adcauline membrane are only feebly developed while 
they are well-developed in S$. pumila and in all such species, in 
which the hydrothecae of each pair are contiguous on the frontal 
side of the colony. Such species are f. inst. S$. Versluysi Nutt. 
e. t. c. A still larger development is attained in $. tubuliformis 
(Markt.”) in which species the median projection has the same 
length as the lateral teeth, and the adcauline membrane is at least 
of the same size as the abcauline. When a closed hydrotheca of 
such a species is regarded from the side, the ridge of the adcauline 
membrane forms an obtuse angle with the adcauline wall, and 
when regarded from the frontal surface its opereular apparatus 
might seem to be composed of three valves, two adcauline and an 



abcauline, In such a manner the opercular appåratus of ;$. Rath- 
buni has been interpreted by Nutting!) and Ritchie?), and 
that of 5. heterodonta by: the latter author ?), but the supposed two 
distal valves are really only the two halves of the angularly: bent 
adcauline membrane. ; 

I have already pointed out that Nutting regards the oper- 
cular apparatus in Sertularia as ”shaped like the side walls of an 
"AV tent, the front and rear of the tent being closed by the two 
opposite hydrothecal teeth”, and as a typical example he describes 
the development and structure of the operculum in $. pumila. At 
the same time, however, Nutting's figures of S. cornicina, S. 
Mayeri, S. brevicyathus and S. flowersi distinctly show that the 
operculum in these species cannot be constructed in the above 
manner, the aperture being provided with an adcauline median 
projection and an angularly bent adcauline wall In such of the 
author's figures which present the hydrothecae regarded from the 
side, as f. inst. those of S. Pourtalesi!) and S. exiguaY), only 
the one lateral half of the. angularly bent adcauline membrane is 
seen. I have seen, however, å few species, in Which the operculum 
is construeted in the manner described ”by Nutting, and that is 
the case in S. Suensoni n. sp. (pl.'IV,: figs. 16—20), S.' grisea 
Krp. (= $. similis Clark), and in that form which'Marktanner- 
Turneretscher%) has described under the name S. difusa Allm., 
var. To judge from the figure given by the author Sertularia 
(Sertularella) Clarki Mer. seems to have a similar operculum. In 
these species the adcauline sinus has no median projection, the 
adeauline membrane is not angularly bent, and both: opercular 
membranes, which have an almost straight free edge, form with 
each other. an acute angle. An adcauline median prøjection and 
an angular bending of the adcauline wall we also lack in SS. 
Nuttingi mn. sp. (pl. IV, figs. 1—4) in which the bottom - of the 
sinus is convex aud the adcauline membrane very short. The same 

1) 44. | 
3) 51; 
Sy 36, 


is the case in the nearly related species 5. intermedia (pl. IV, 
figs. 7—10) in which, however, the lateral teeth are less developed, 
and the adcauline membrane only indistinctly defined from the rest 
of the adecauline wall. I must regard both species as intermediate 
forms between Thujaria and Sertularia, and I cannot doubt but 
that the latter genus has developed from the former by a trans- 
formation. of the distal part of the adcauline wall. 

” Sertularia Suensoni nm. sp. 
(pl. IV, figs. 16—20). 

The colony, the height-of which is 67 mm, has a thin, 
but rather rigid ,geniculate stem, which increases in thickness 
towards the tip, and is divided into distinct internodes, each of which 
bears a branch. The branches, which rise from the stem at 
an angle of about 70?, present a spiral arrangement, the sixth 
being placed over the first. They are regularly and richly dichoto- 
mously branched, each being divided 7 times, and, therefore, they 
form a very dense tuft, which in the colony examined takes up 
the distal half, the branches. in the proximal half being only 
represented by a few proximal internodes. The internodes of the 
branches bear 5—13 hydrothecae. 

The hydrothecae, the length of which is c. 0,5 mm, are alter- 
nate or subalternate, provided with a short free, obliquely ascending, 
not outwardly curved distal end, and divided from each other by 
interspaces which inerease in length towards the end of the branches, 
where they may attain the length of a hydrotheca. The aperture, 
which is turned a little towards the frontal surface of the colony 
and is provided with two large, triangular lateral teeth, has a con 
cave adcauline sinus without a median projeetion, and the adcauline 
membrane, which is not. angularly bent and slopes a little out- 
wards has an almost straight free edge, which meets the corres- 
ponding edge of the abeauline membrane at an angle of .c. 50”. 
In opposition to what is found in the large plurality of Sertularia- 
species the abecauline membrane, therefore, has no free valvular 



portion, and the egress of the hydranth takes place only through 
the fissure between the edges of the two membranes. In this 
species, therefore, the opercular apparatus is formed as the walls 
of'an "AP ent 

Å single colony was taken at lat. 429'N, long. 130? 30” E. by 
Capt. E. Suenson. Depth 60 fathoms. 

This species is nearly related to S. Fabricii Lev. which also 
lacks a median adcauline projection, but in' the latter species the 
adcauline membrane is not sloping outwards, and being, besides, 
slightly convex from side to side the abcauline membrane is 
provided with a feebly developed free valvular portion. 

Sertularia decipiens n. sp. 
(Pl. IV, figs. 11, 12). 

The colonies, the largest of which attains a height of 
22 mm, are singly pinnate with alternate branches, and the stem 
is divided into regular internodes, each of which as a rule bears a 
single branch. An exception is found in the lowermost branchiferous 
internode which always bears two opposite or subopposite branches, 
and in a småll number of the colonies examined the same is the 
Case with still another internode, in a single colony even with two. 
While the furrows dividing the single internodes from each other 
are as a rule sloping very little towards the frontal surface of the 
colony, those bounding the proximal end of the internodes with 
two branches are very different from the others, being very long 
and deep and the two lateral halves of each forming with each 
other two acute angles of about 359—40?, a distal on the dorsal 
and a proximal on the frontal surface of the colony. The lower- 
most =non-branchiferous portion of the colony has the length of 
3—4 internodes, and as a rule is not divided into distinct inter- 
nodes, but in a small number of the colonies the distal end presents 
1—2 short internodes, the proximal end of which is bounded by 
similar characteristic furrows as those above mentioned. The 
branches, of which the largest colonies bear 8—9 on each side, 


are divided into internodes; of different length, each: bearing 1—4 
pairs of opposite hydrothecae,; and as a rule the internodes of the 
proximal half of the branch have a larger number of hydrothecae 
than those of the distal half, in which, therefore, most of the 
short imternodes åre found, 

The hydrothecae, which are placed on the frontal side 
of the colony, are adnate to the stem and the branches with a 
portion of their adéauline wall which rarely attains the half length 
of the latter. Besides, the hydrothecae of each pair are contiguous 
in the two thirds of their length and the single pairs of hydro- 
thecae belonging to the same internode are connected with each 
other in such a way, that a larger part of the adcauline wall of a 
proximal hydrotheca is adnate to a smaller part of the abcauline 
wall of a distal hydrotheca. They are elongately vase-shaped, and 
their free distal ends are turned obliquely outwards, those belonging 
to each: pair of hydrothecae forming with each other an angle of 
c. 70%. The aperture is twice as broad as high and provided 
both with well-developed ; lateral teeth and with a well-developed 
median projection, which divides the adcauline sinus into two 
lateral halves. There is found a well-developed, outwards sloping, 
angularly bent adcauline membrane. 

Each branchiferous internode of the stem is provided with a 
pair of subopposite hydrothecae, which in the proximal part of the 
stem are divided from each other by an interstice, the breadth of 
which gradually decreases distally aceording to the decreasing 
breadth of stem, and at last they coalesce with each other in a 
similar way as in the branches. Sometimes this coalescence may 
take place already in the fourth internode, sometimes not before 
the seventh. : Besides there is found a single hydrotheca distally 
to each branch. In most colonies more or less of the proximal 
stem internodes have lost. their hydrothecae which, however, have 
left distinct traces of their presence. 

Of this species I have seen 70 colonies which rise from an 
interlacing stolonic network, fixed to a worm-tube. Paumben enke | 
sun 1 fathom. (C. af denelrks 


Both the form of the hydrothecae and their unilateral arrange- 
ment give to this species a great outer resemblance to Hydrall- 

mania falcata. 

Sertularia Nuttingi n.s 
(Pl. IV, figs. 1—4). 

The colonies, the largest of which has a height of 117 mm, 
have a thin slender: stem, whieh is as a rule only indistinetly 
divided into internodes, but in some. of them. the internodes of 
the distal part are rather distinct and each provided with 3 
branches. In the youngest colony, which has a height of 50 mm. 
and is provided with 15 pairs of alternate branches, the stem has 
very distinct internodes which are provided with 4—8 branches. 
We can discern in the colony between a proximal, somewhat 
longer part, in which the branches are simple and alternåte, and 
a distal part, the branches of which are composite and spirally 
arranged, the sixth being placed over the first. The latter branehes 
are provided on each side with 1—3 alternate branchlets, a few 
of which may rarely be bifurcate. The branches diminish in 
length towards the end of the branch, and as they have their 
ends lying in the same circle-segment these branches look as if 
they were flabellate. The simple branches and the longest branch- 
lets are only divided into two, rarely three internodes. 

The hydrothecae, which are alternate, show some difference 
in the proximal and in the distal portion of the colony, being in 
the former wholly adnate and provided with an almost vertical 
or very little ascending abcauline wall, while in the latter they 
have a very short, free distal end and a distinctly ascending ab- 
cauline wall. While further the single hydrothecae in the former 
are nearly approximate, they are in the latter divided from each 
other by an interstice Which may attain the half length of the 
hydrotheca. "The above differences, however, are not equally large 
in all colonies, and, besides, there may be found some difference 
also between the hydrothecae in the proximal and those in the 


distal part of the branches. The aperture, which is turned a little 
outwards «and  frontally, is provided with two" well-developed 
roundedly triangular lateral teeth and lacks an adcaulihe median 
projection. The bottom of the adcauline sinus is convex, and 
the short adcauline membrane is convex from side to side. 

The gonothecae are pyriform, smooth, and the short an- 
nular aperture is surrounded by 6—8 short spines. 

Of this species I have seen 8 cøolonies from Japan (33? 10' N. 
129? 18' E.), depth 38 fath. (Schån au). 

Sertularia intermedia n. sp. 
(Pl. IV, figs. 7—10). 

The colony, which has a height of 95 mm. is provided 
with a thin slender stem, presenting a number of indistinct inter- 
nodes with 6—12 branches. it is divided into a proximal half 
with simple alternate branches, and a distal half, the branches 
of which are -spirally arranged and composite, each being provided 
on each side with 3—5 branchlets, which gradually deerease in 
length towards the tip, and, therefore, these branches give the 
impression of being flabelliform. 

The hydrothecae which are alternate and divided. from 
each other by an interstice, which may attain the length of a 
half hydrotheca, are in the whole length of the colony provided 
with a distinctly obliquely ascending and gracefully outwards 
curved abcauline wall, and with a rather short free distal end. 
The aperture which is turned directly towards the margin of the 
colony, is provided with two broadly rounded, but low lateral 
teeth, and with a convex or indistinctly angularly bent sadcauline 
wall, the membranous portion of which is very low and indistinctly 

The gonotheeae are pyriførm, and the short ring-shaped 
aperture is surrounded by 6—8 short spines. Besides the above 
described mature colony there are found two small (height 32— 


40 mm) pinnate ones, provided with 12—15 pairs of alternate 
From the Korea-Strait (Capt. E. Suenson). Depth 50 fath. 

Hydrallmania (Hincks) Lev. 

The aperture is provided with two lateral teeth between which 
are found a deeper adcauline and a much lower abcauline sinus, 
which is not divided by a median projection. The opercular 
apparatus is formed by a much larger adcauline and a small ab- 
cauline membrane, the former of which is provided with a free 
valvular portion (Pl. V, figs. 1—7). 

I have already pointed out!) that the characters on which 
Hincks has instituted the genus Hydrallmania are only of specific 
value, and, therefore, the question if the genus has a right to stand 
depends on whether the aperture and the opercular apparatus 
present sufficiently great differences from those found in the other 
genera. The above diagnosis shows that the aperture may be 
regarded as an inverse Sertularia-aperture, and, therefore, there 
may be set førth reasons both pro and contra the independence 
of the above genus, which, for the present I propose to keep. 
Besides the three species, H. falcata L., H. distans Nutt.”) and 
H. fransiscana Trask?), all of which have their bases placed in 
the same longitudinal belt. and only differ from each other in minor 
details regarding the form and mutual position of the hydrothecae, 
I must to this genus still refer the species which Allman has 
described as Thujaria plumulifera. 

Hydrallmania plumulifera (Allman). 
Thujaria Pleionliare rem: Memoirs Mus. Comp. Zoology Vol. V, No. 
mbridge 1877, p. 27, pl. XVII, tigs. 3—6. 
— — mkareren Bihang till K, Svenska Vetensk. Akadem. 
Handl. B. 21, Afd. IV, No. 6, 1896, p. 12, Taf. II, 
fig. 4 

1; 33, 
2) 44. 
Vidensk, Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. Bd. 64. En 

non Thugjaria plumulifera Nutting, The Sertularidae; p. 67, pl. IX, figs. 

(Pl. V, figs, 1—6). 

The colony is provided with an extremely thin and slender 
stem, divided into distinct internodes, each of which bears a branch, 
but while a number of the proximal branches are alternate, simple, 
and rather short (length 8—10 mm), the rest of the branches, 
which are børne by very long internodes, are spirally arranged, much 
"longer (19—30 mm) and each provided with 4—7 pairs of alter- 
nate branchlets. Their axes are like the main-stem divided into 
distinct internodes, a few of which may be without: branchlets. 

The hydrothecae, which are provided with a convex ad- 
cauline and a somewhat concave abcauline lateral margin, are 
turned outwards and more or less frontally, but in opposition to 
what is the case in H. falcata (Pl. V, fig. 8) not only their distal 
ends, but also their bases are in the single branchlets arranged 
into two distinct longitudinal series, and the single hydrothecae 
of a branchlet either do not touch each other at all or only in a 
very small degree, a small proximal and adcauline portion of a 
distal hydrotheca being in connection with or covered by ”a proximal 
one. For the rest they are very like those of H. falcata, and 
their distal fourth is freely' projecting. 

The distance between the hydrothecae of the two series as 
also their direction varies according to their place in the branchlet, 
in such aåa way that the more proximally the hydrothecae are 
placed the greater is the distance between the two series, and the 
less distinet is the frontal turning of the hydrothecae. Å corres- 
ponding difference is also contingent upon the more or less proximal 
or distal position of the branchlet in the branch, and of the branch 
in the stem, and, therefore, the distance between the two series 
of hydrothecae attains its maximum in the proximal part of the 
proximal branches, and here the frontal turn of the hydrothecae 
— is almost imperceptible. A line dividing one of these branchlets 

into two lateral halves, in the distal end only cuts off a small 


adcauline. portion of the 'diaphragms. "Each branchlet is divided 
into 3—6 internodes, each of which bears 3—10 hydrothecae, 
the number of the latter in each internode. decreasing as a rule 
towards the distal end. In the stem as also in the axes of the 
composite branches the hydrothecae are arranged into two well- 
divided longitudinal series, but while the internodes of the proximal 
portion of the stem bear 3 hydrothecae those of the distal portion 
are only provided each with a single one, placed at the origin of 
the branch. The axial internodes of the composite branches bear 
3—6 hydrothecae. 

The gonothecae, of which I have seen a few borne by the 
stems and by the proximal part of a number of branchlets, are 
elongate, smooth, from the middle decreasing in thickness towards 
both ends, the distal of which is somewhat tubiform. 

Georgia from off the mouth of the river Savannah. Depth 4 fathoms. 

I have examined two incomplete colonies sent me from the 
Zoological Museum of Upsala!). 

Allman's short and incomplete description as also his ac- 
companying figures agree very well with the present species, and 
the only disagreement is that according to Allman "the hydrothecae 
are adnate for nearly their whole length”, but this difference "may 
very well be the result of variation. The author especially points 
out that "Thujaria plumulifera has a good deal of the habit of 
Hydrallmania falcata.” "On the other side Nutting's species, of 
which he has sent me some fragments, is not identical with All- 
man's. It is a Sertularia, the hydrothecae of which are provided 
with a rather long, free distal portion and have the adcauline 
sinus feebly divided into two lateral halves. In opposition to what 
is the case in H. plumulifera there is no spiral arrangement of 
the branches, and the internodes which are not sharply divided 
from each other and each of which bears a branch, are of me 
unequal length, each bearing 3—15 hydrothecae, 

1) I have later received a fragment of the original specimen from ka 

Museum of Comp. Zoology, Cambridge, 



I propose to name this species, the examined fragments: of 
which are from the Albatross” station 2015, Sertularia extensa n. sp. 

In some young colonies of H. falcata from Hellebaek, Den- 
mark, which have a length of 29 mm I have also found a proximal 
portion with shorter internodes ;and provided with 8—13 pairs 
of rather short alternate branches, but these internodes differ from 
the corresponding in H. plumulifera therein, that they are only 
provided each with an axillary hydrotheca. In the youngest of 
these colonies the distal portion, which bears a few rudimentary 
branches, has a length of 10 mm. : 

To the present genus may perhaps still be referred Sertula- 
rella limbata Allm.!). 

.Odontotheca n. g.?). 

The aperture is provided with two strongly developed, some- 
times unequal abcauline teeth, between which there are -found a 
much larger and deeper adcauline and a much smaller abcauline 
sinus. In each sinus is fixed a thin opercular membrane, which 
ends in a straight edge, and, therefore, lacks a free valvular portion. 
In a few cases there is found a median adcauline tooth, and in 
such species (f. inst. in O. trispinosa Cought) the adcauline mem- 
brane is angularly bent, and the abcauline provided with a free 
valvular portion. The gonothecae have a very variable habitus, 
being either smooth, ringed or provided with two spines. 

To this genus I must refer the following species: - Sertularia 
operculata L. (22.), S. aperta Allm. (4.), S. minima d'Arey Th. (4.), 
S. unilateralis Allm. (4.), S. crinis Allm. (4.), $. erinoidea Allm. 
(4.), 8. megalocarpa Allm. (4.), S. bispinosa Gray (7.), $. Maple- 
stonei Bale (7.), S.. macrocarpa Bale (7.), S. pulchella d'Arey Th. 
(7.), S. bidens- Bale (7.), S. trispinosa Cought (7.), Sertularella tro- 
chocarpa Allm. (4.), Sert. episcopus Allm. (2.), Sert. rectitheca Ritchie 
(50.), Thujaria ramosissima Allm. (4.), Th. plumosa Clark (44.) and 
Abietinaria greenei (Clark) (44.). 

1% YPL V fg 845 


I have only been able to examine the opercular apparatus of 
Sert. operculata (Pl. V, figs. 8—10) and Sert. trispinosa (Pl. V, 
figs. 11—15), but the form of the aperture in the above species 
leaves no doubt that: they must be referred to the same genus. 
In Thwjaria bidens Allm. (2.) the aperture seems to be an in- 
verted Odontotheca-aperture, and this species must, therefore, no 
doubt, be referred to a new genus. 

Diphasia (Agassiz) Lev. 

The aperture, which is horizontal or very little oblique, has 
no teeth and is provided with an adcauline sinus in which is 
fixed an opercular membrane with a large free opercular valve. 

The above genus not only comprises most species referred to 
Diphasia but also those belonging to Abietinaria Kirchenpauer, 
a genus based solely on the form of the hydrothecae which have 
been characterized by the author in the following manner: ,,es 
sind flachenfårmige, bauchige, mit ihrer Basis angewachsene Be- 
hålter, deren nach aussen gerichtete Offnung das Ende eines engen, 
mehr oder weniger langen, nach einer Seite geliegenen Halses 
bildet.” Nutting who accepts Abietinaria as an independent 
genus next to Diphasia characterizes it not only by the form of 
its hydrothecae ("more or less bottle-shaped” ) and gonothecae, but 
also by the presence of an adcauline opereulum, while Broch”) 
proposes to divide the genus Diphasia into two subgenera- Eu- 
diphasia and Abietinaria. As both the form of the hydrothecae 
and the structure of the gonothecae are subject to great variation, 
and the same forms of hydrothecae and of gonothecae are found 
in a number of different genera, I cannot regard Abietinaria as a 
distinct genus, and I think that we may, at least provisionally, 
accept Broch's proposition to divide Diphasia into two sub- 
genera or groups. ; 

1) 98. 


Group Eudiphasia (Broch). 

The hydrothecae increase in breadth towards the distal end, 
and attain their largest breadth at the aperture. The gonothecae 
are always provided with a number of projections (leaves, spines), 
of different form and size, either placed in the distal end or spread 
øver a larger portion of the gonotheca. 

To this group belong the following species: D. rosacea (L.) 
(22.), D. attenuata Hincks (22.), D. fallax (Johnst.) (22.), D. 
Wandeli Lev. (32), D. pinaster (E11.-Sol.) (22.), D. pinnata (Pall.) 
(22.), D. alata Hincks (= Thuj. pharmacopola Allm.) (22.), D. 
paarmami Nutt. (44.), D. palmata Nutt. (45.), D. tropica Nutt. 
(44.), D. bipinnata Allm. (4.), D. scalariformis Kirkp. (29.), D. 
mutulata (Busk) (7.), D. digitalis (Busk) (7.) = Desmoscyphus 
acanthocarpus Allm. (5.) and possibly Thug. heteromorpha Allm. (4.). 

Group Åbietinaria Kirchenp. 

The hydrothecae decrease in breadth towards the distal end, 
and the breadth of the aperture is smaller — as a rule much 
smaller — than the largest breadth of the hydrotheca. The go- 
nothecae are smooth or ringed, and rarely provided with two spines. 

Besides the 10 species, referred by Kirchenpauer to his 
genus Abietinaria, I also refer the following species to this group: 
AÅ. coei Nutt. (44.), 4. Traski Torr. (44.), A. amphora Nutt. (44.), 
AÅ. gracilis Nutt. (44.), A. costata Nutt. (44.), A. annulata (Krp.) 
(44.), 4. turgida (Clark) (44.), 4. gigantea (Clark) (44), Diphasia 
Kincaidi Nutt. (44.), ?D. pulchra Nutt. (44.), (== Dynamena 
unilateralis Bonnevie (12, p. 78), Thuj. thujarioides (Clark). Nutt. 
(44.) and Sertularia (Selaginopsis) fusca Johnst. (= Th. salicornia 
Allm.) (1.). Lastly I shall set forth some few remarks on the 
structure and synonymy of a number of the above species. 

In a number of them I have found an internal, median, ad- 
cauline tooth-shaped projection of different form and size, which 
is placed a little proximally to the free edge, and only seems to 
be present in such forms in which there is a well-developed ad- 


cauline collar-like narrowing. This projection has been found in 
A. Tilesi, A. melo, A. costata, A. junipérus, A. Jilicula, Å: coei, 
(Pl. IV, fig. 22), A. gracilis and in those forms which Kirchen- 
pauer has designated as A. abietina, var. minor, A, abietina, var. 
purpurea and 4. filicula, var. tornata. 

In 4. Traski the diaphragm is on each side provided with a 
triangular, pointed, ascending portion. 

Thujaria salicornia AHman,”) which, as far as I know, has 
not been mentioned since it was deseribed, is identical with Serr. 
fusca Johnst., and the reason why this fact has not been earlier 
detected "is, no doubt, that the hydrothecae look very different in 
the figures given by Hincks and in those given by Allman. 
The pinna figured by Hincks is namely seen from one of the 
broad sides, while the two pinnae figured by Allman are seen 
from one of the narrow sides. 

Broch regards Diphasia pulchra Nutt. as a synonym to 
Thuj. thujarioidées (Clark), and the two forms, which have quite 
similar gonothecae, are no doubt nearly related, but a comparison 
between specimens of both lias led me to the result, that they must 
be regarded as distinct species. I shall here only point out that 
in 4. pulchra the very short free distal portion of the hydrothecae, 
which is provided with an adcauline collar-like narrowing, is only 
by a very narrow interspace divided from the adjacent portion of 
the branch, while in A. thujarioides the much longer distal portion 
has no narrowing and is divided from the stem by a rather broad 
and deep sinus. ; 

The abcauline wall of Diph. digitalis (Busk) presents a feebly 
developed membranous collar, and, therefore, the aperture is pro- 
vided with two feeble lateral teeth. 

Sertularella (Gray) Hineks. | 
The aperture is provided with 3—4 marginal teeth, between 
which are found as many curves. In each curve is fixed an oper- 
cular membrane provided with a large free, valvular portion. 

y I, P- 


In the large plurality of species the gonothecae are ringed, 
and with the exception of a single species (S$. tamarisca) the 
hydrothecae are regularly alternate. 

As in most genera the form and direction of the hydrothecae 
are subject to great variation, but in opposition to what is found 
in more or fewer species of all the other genera, the turning of the 
hydrothecae towards the frontal surface of the colony is never so 
strong that the hydrothecae of the two opposite series come in 
contact with each other, and this cannot be regarded as a conse- 
quence of the alternate arrangement of the hydrothecae, as such a 
coalescence is found both in Hydrallmania and in Idia, the hydro- 
thecae of which are alternate. 

In opposition to what is found in all other genera with many 
species the arrangement of the hydrothecae is exceptionally con- 
stant, opposite hydrothecae having hitherto only been found in $. 

In respect to the extent in which the hydrothecae are adnate 
to the respective axis Sertularella is the only genus, in which a 
number of species have their hydrothecae only affixed by their 
bases (S. quadrata Nutt., S. catena Allm., S. cylindritheca Allm., 
S. magna Nutt.), and, besides, in a large number of species the 
adcauline wall of the hydrothecae is only adnate in its proximal 
third or fourth (f. inst. in $. areyi Nutt., $. amphoriformis Nutt., 
S. fusiformis Hincks, .S. tricuspidata (Alder) e. t. c.), a condition 
which outside the genus Sertularella has only been found in a few 
species of the subgenus Abietinaria. Only in a few species (& 
lata Bale, S. distans Allm., S. albida Krp.) are the hydrothecae 
adnate in their whole length. 

Corresponding primitive conditions are also presented by some 
species in the structure of the diaphragma, and by others in the 
composition of the colony. 

While all other members of the family seem to possess a com- 
plete diaphragma perforated by a narrow abcauline, pearshaped or 
ovate opening, the diaphragma in a number of Sertularella-speeies 


is more. or less incomplete, and in $. Zata (Bale) and S. distans 
Allm. it is quite absent, being only represented by the somewhat 
thickened proximal edge of the adcauline hydrothecal wall. In S. 
magna Nutt. and S. (Thecocladium) flabellum Allm. it is only devel- 
oped as a narrow adcauline belt, while in $. gvadrata Nutt. and 
S. cylindritheca Allm. a corresponding belt is found in the whole 
circumference of the hydrotheca. It is broader in the dorsal than 
in the frontal surface of the colony, and, in the old hydrothecae of 
the stem I have found it closed with the exception of a round or 
pear-shaped opening. In a number of species I have found the 
diaphragma perforated by an unusually large rounded opening, for 
inst. in $. pinnata Clark, 8. tricuspidata Alder, S. fruticolosa Til., 
S. Tilesii Krp., und $. infractia Krp. A large ovate opening is 
found in S. tamarisca. 

While a fascicled stem is so common a feature in the La- 
Foéidae, the Campanulariidae and the Campanulinidae, it very 
rarely occurs in the Sertulariidae outside the genus Sertularella, 
namely in Diphasia alata Hincks. "Thujaria” diaphana Allm., 
Thujaria bidens and Sertularella cuneata Allm.; but it has been 
found in the following Sertularella-species: S. gayi (Lmx.), $ 
megastoma Nutt., S. catena Allm., S. pinnigera Hartl., S. tropica 
Nutt., 8. pluma Krp., 8. arborea Krp., $. crassicaulis Heller. S. 
antarctica Hartl. S. annulata Allm. and $. crassipes Allm. 

Short-stalked hydrothecae have been found in the creeping Seré. 
(Calamphora) parvula Allm.,!) and in a form which Hartlaub 
has provisionally designated as Sert. tenella(?).”) I think the hydro- 
thecae of the latter are much more like those of Sert. Areyi Nutt.?). 

The above facts, therefore, seem to show that Sertularella is 
the most primitive genus in the family Sertulariidae.  Lastly. we 
must still mention that though the large plurality of the gonothecae 
in Sertularella are ringed, the two other forms, which have been 

g Fi Hels V, fig. 24. 
3) 44 p 


found in most genera, namely, the smooth and the spinous ones 
are also represented in this genus. Hartlaub names five species, 
in which the gonothecae are smooth while spinous gonothecae have 
only been found in S. quadrata Nutt., S. turgida (Trask) and $. 

As the large plurality of the Sertularella-species are provided 
with a stalk-mark, there can be no doubt that they have developed 
from stalked forms, and as the hydrothecae in the genus Thyro- 
scyphus are provided both with a stalk and with a Sertularella- 
operculum, it is permissible to suppose that a large number of these 
ancestral forms have been short-stalked 7%yroscyphus-species. I 
have found the gonothecae of Th. ramosus Allm. and Th. Torresi 
Busk, in which two species they are indistinctly ringed, and there- 
fore they present no difficulty to such a supposition. Neither does 
the diaphragma, which is developed as a marginal thickening in the 
whole circumference of the hydrotheca and, therefore, corresponds 
to the thickened marginal portion of the diaphragma found in most 
Sertularella-species. But such species as S. Zata (Bale), $. dis- 
tans Allm., $. magna Nutt. and S. flabellum (Allm.), in which 
the diaphragma is either quite absent or only represented by a 
narrow adcauline belt cannot have developed from Thyroscyphus, 
and the same, no doubt, holds good also for the earlier mentioned 
group of species, the cylindrical hydrothecae of which are free in 
their whole length, but quite lack a stalk-mark. To Sertularella 
have also been referred a small number of species provided with 
free cylindrical hydrothecae, but without an operculum, namely 
""Sertularella” integritheca Allm., "Sertularella” formøsa Fewkes 
and " Sertularella” Hartlaubi Nutt. In "$.” integritheca, the ons 
one of the three species, which I have been able to examine, the 
diaphragma has a somewhat similar structure as in "8." cylindri- 
theca, and I am inclined to think, that the same is the case, with 
the two other species. I cannot refer the three species to Sertul- 
arella as they lack the chief character of this genus, but it is 
possible that the cylindritheca group may have developed from the 


integritheca group by the transformation of the hydrothecal- roof 
into an operculum. In either case I cannot doubt but that Ser- 
tularella is a polyphyletic genus. 

Idia Lamouroux. 
(PL V, figs, 18—22). 

The obliquely ascending aperture is surrounded by two very 
thin lips, which are bordered on each side by a small tooth, and 
are provided with a very much convex free margin. While the 
presence of an abcauline opercular membrane is only faintly indi- 
cated on each side by the bounding of the lateral tooth, there is 
found a' large, well-defined adcauline sinus, which is divided into 
two lateral halves by a well-developed median tooth, and the ad- 
cauline opercular membrane, which is provided with a median 
fold and with a free valvular portion, is in opposition to the abcau- 
line lip very movable. 

In the only species hitherto known the two series of sub- 
alternate hydrothecae are with the exception of the outwards bent 
distal ends, in the pinnules (but not in the stems) aduate to each 
other along the frontal surface of the colony. The gonothecae 
are urn-shaped, and with the exception of the short broad aperture 
their surface is divided into a number of longitudinal belts. 

In the structure -of the hydrothecal margin and the opercular 
apparatus this genus presents the greatest likeness to Hydrallmania, 
but: it. differs from this genus in the possession of a median ad- 
cauline tooth, and therein that an abcauline opercular membrane 
is only faintly iudicated by the abcauline bounding of the lateral 
teeth. BR 
Also in the possession of subalternate hydrothecae, and in the 
more or less extensive coalescence, which takes place between the 
two opposite series, the species of sense show likeness to 
Idia pristis. 

Allman!) who has misunderstood both the structure of the 



opercular apparatus, and the composition of the colony has referred 
the genus Idia-not only to an independent family, but also to a 
new section Thalamophora. AÅ correct description of the colony 
has been given by Bale”), and Billard”) has pointed out the 
presence of an adcauline operculum. 

Fig. UL 


Plate IV. 
Sertularia Nuttingi n. sp. Hydrothecae from the distal portion 
of the colony. Frontal surface. X 57. 
The same species, Distal partjon of the colony. Dorsal surface. 


The same species. The distal end of a hydrotheca, seen from 

the frontal surface. X 66. 

A gonotheca of the same species. X 34. 

The distal end of a + hr btarten of Sert. Fabricii Lev., seen from 

its frontal surface. 

The distal end of 5 ig same hydrotheca, seen from the side. 

Sertularia intermedia n. sp. Hydrothecae from the distal por- 
tion of a colony. X 34. 

"The same species. The distal end of a hydrotheca, seen from 

its frontal surface. Xx 66. 

The same species. The one side-half of the distal end of a hy- 

drotheca, extended. X 66. 

AÅ gonotheca of the same species. X 34. 

Sertularia decipiens n. sp. A portion ot a branch, seen from 

the side. X 20. 

The same species. A portion of a branch. Front view. X 20. 

Sertularia pumila L. A pair of hydrothecae showing distinct 
talks, and distally to each of them a translucent inner cavity- 

Trondhjem-fiord. X 34. 

The same species. Frontal view of the end of a hydrotheca 

x 66. 

The same species. Longitudinal section through a portion of a 

hydrotheca showing the stalk and the inner cavity between the 

latter and the hydrotheca. X 47. 

Sertularia Suensoni n. sp. Å portion of a branch. Front 
view. X 34. 



The distal end of a hydrotheca from the abcauline surface. X 66. 
The distal end of a hydrotheca from the adcauline surface. X 66. 
The distal end of a. hydrotheca showing the "A”-tent, formed 

The "A”-tent seen from above. X 66. 
Abietinella operculata (Jåd.). X 34. 

The diaphragm of the same species. ; 

The opening of the diaphragm in Abietinaria Traski. X 66. 
A hydrotheca of Abietinaria coei Nutt. showing the stalk-mark 
and the adcauline internal tooth. X 34. 

A hydrotheca of Abiet. abietina L. showing the stalk-mark. 


Two hydrothecae of Abiet. variabilis after their abcauline pro- 
jecting portion has been cut away. Distally is seen the boundary 
line of the adcauline hydrothecal wall, and proximally the dia- 
phragm, the aperture of which is surrounded by a projecting 
margin, and the stalk-mark. X 20. 

A hydrotheca of Diphasia pinaster L, with stalk-mark. X 20. 
A hydrotheca of the same species after its abcauline projecting 
portion has been cut re Proximally åre seen the stalk- 
mårk and the diaphrag 

28—29. Sertularella rs Nok The distal end of a hydrotheca 






seen from the opposite sides. X 

Hydralilmania plumulifera Allm. A portion of a proximal 
branch. Dorsal vi The h der, which show distinet 
sal kr have been regenerated. X 34. 
The same species. A portion of a distal branch. Frontal view. 
x 34. 

The same species. A portion of a distal branch. Lateral view. 
Distinct stalk-marks. X 34. 

The distal end of a hydrothesse, seen from the abcauline sur- 
face. X 66. 

The distal end of a hydrotheca, seen from the side. X 66. 
ip bigger end of a hydrotheca, seen from the adcauline surface. 

Hydralmania [ens (L,). df portion of a branch. Lateral 
Odontotheca SSARE ad E "sortlon of a branch. Frontal 
i i 34. 

The same species. The Distal end of a hydrotheca, seen from 
the abcauline surface. X 66. 
The distal end of a hydrotheca, seen from the adcauline surface 
and partly from above. The translucent abcauline sinus is 
seen, X 66. 


Fig. 11. Odontotheca  trispinosa Cought. A pair of hydrothecae, seen 
from the frontal surface of the branch. The stalk-mark shows 
a translucent inner cavity. X 47. 

— 12—13. The same species. The distal end of a hydrotheca, seen in 
two slightly different positions, but mainly from the adcauline 
surtace and partly from above. In fig. 18 is seen the translucent 
abcauline. sinus. "The line springing from the adcauline tooth 
indicates the ridge of the angularly bent adcauline membrane. X 66. 

— 14. An optical longitudinal section of a hydrotheca showing the 
inner cavity of the stalk-mark. X 75 

— 15, The same species. AÅ hydrotheca seen from the åbcauline sur- 
face. Distally is seen the abcauline opercular membrane. For 
the rest compare with Pl. IV, fig. 24. X 47. 

— 16. A gonotheca of Hebella contorta Markt. X 34. 

— 17. The same gonotheca seen from the distal end. X 34. 

— 18. Idia pristis Lmx. A portion of a branch seen from the frontal 
surface. Near to the distal end of each hydrotheca is seen the 
fold "of tlie adcauline opereular membrane (also seen in the 
othér figures). X 34. 

— 19. The same species. Dorsal view. Distinct stalk-marks. X 34. 

— 20. The same species. A somewhat oblique longitudinal section, 
which has cut away the distal ends of the one series of hy 
thecae. Distinct stalk-marks. x 34. 

— 21. Theé såme species. The distal end of a hydrotheca, seen from 
the adcauline surface. X 66. 

— 22. The såme, seen from the abcauline surface. The presence of a 
special abcauline opereular membråne is only faintly indicated. 
The ådcauline sinus with its median prøjection is seen through 
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Deutsche Sidpolar-Expedition 1901—1903, Bd. XI, 
Zoologie III, pag. 271—340). 


Å new species of Hilara. 
William Lundbeck. 

Hilara anglodanica n. sp. 

Male. Vertex and frons velvet black, above the antennæ a 
greyish or brownish grey triangle, reaching about to the ocellar 
tubercle. Epistoma brownish; palpi greyish, with long hairs, among 
which especially one long bristle. Occiput dark grey, with somewhat 
long, black hairs. Antennæ black, the style fully as long as the 
third joint. Thorax grey pruinose, only very slightly shining; it 
is lightest when seen from in front; between the acrostichal and 
dorsocentral bristles there is on each side a not very distinct, 
slightly brownish stripe, sometimes almost not perceptible. The 
dorsocentral and acrostichal bristles of some length, black, the 
former uniserial, longest behind and especially the last is long; 
the acrostichal bristles regularly quadriserial.. Further a humeral 
bristle, a posthumeral (or præsutural), three notopleural, about four 
supraalar bristles, but only the hindmost long, the two anterior 
placed besides each other and small, finally a postalar bristle; an- 
teriorly in the præsutural depression are some small hairs.. Scutel- 
lum grey, with four long bristles, the median pair longest. Pleura 
grey or dark grey pruinose. Abdomen a little narrowed towards 
the end, black, very thinly greyish pruinose and somewhat shining; 
it is generally slightly translucently brownish at the base. ' 
cléthed with short, black hairs, and has rather long, 'but fine hind- 
marginal bristles. "Venter similarly coloured, but quite | dull, and 
with quite short hairs. Exterior genitalia not large, distinetly grey 


pruinose; the lamellæ black, shining, with rather dense, black 
hairs; they are cleft at the apex. Legs black, a little dark greyish 
pruinose, the coxæ most distinctly; the knees very narrowly reddish, 
most distinctly on the hind knees. Front femora with a little lon- 
gish hairs on the posterior side; middle femora with a row of 
bristly hairs on the anterior side, -longest at base and apex; hind 
femora with longish hairs above and below, longest below towards 
the apex and here aimost bristly; front tibiæ with fine hairs above, 
” being longest and bristly towards the base, 
and with rather dense hairs on the posterior 
side; middle tibiæ mainly short-haired, with 
a bristle at the base on the anterior side 
and one below about one third from the 
åpex; hind tibiæ with a dorsal and anterior 
row: of somewhat long bristles, and short- 
"veiliated below. Front metatarsus cylindrical, 
a little spindle-shaped, somewhat thickened 
and somewhat thicker than the end of tibia; 
it is three fourth of the length of tibia 
and somewhat longer than' the other four 
joints; it is densely short-haired below and 
a little longer haired above, and here ge- 
nerally with two longer hairs, one near the 

Hilara aoistikued d, | 
front leg. x 30. apex and another in or more or less above 

the middle; all tarsal joints are longer than 
broad, the fourth joint on the middle tarsi is the shortest. All 
hairs on the legs are black or blackish. Wings a little brownish 
tinged; veins black or brownish black; the upper branch of the 
ecubital véin issuing almost rectangularly, after the curve it is near- 
ly straight and a little diverging; anal vein fine and pale, disap- 
pearing somewhat : before the margin. Stigma brown or blackish 
brown, long, its inner end nearly opposite to the medial cross-vein. 
Halteres black; the pedunele brown, especially towards the base. 
—… Female. Similår to the male; the front metatarsus simple, 


fully half as long as tibia, but not so long as the four following joints; 
the whole tarsus a little longer than the tibia; hind tibiæ quite simple. 

Length. The species may vary somewhat in size, from 3,5 
to nearly 5 mm., the female is smallest. 

Not quite mature specimens may have the legs, especially the 
front legs, somewhat brownish, ånd the base of abdomen more trans- 
lucently brown. 

This species seems to be somewhat nearly related to H. di- 
midiata Strobl (according to the description), but it is distinguished 
by several characters, among others a different coloration of 
thorax and distinct marginal bristles on abdomen; also the front 
legs are differently constructed; the female is at once distinguished 
by the quite simple hind tibiæ. It may also remind one of H. 
lurida Fall., but the male has thicker front metatarsi and both 
sexes are distinguished by the quite regular quadriserial acrostichal 
bristles. — Among the Danish species it will be known without 
difficulty, and it will be easily placed in the table I have given in 
Dipt. Dan. III; it may here I think only be sought under division 
8, and here are only two species, H. nigrina, which is very diffe- 
rent by the dark wings and dull black abdomen, and qguadrifaria, 
which has a blackish brown thorax; both species have in the female 
thickened hind tibiæ. 

H. anglodanica was first found in 1911 when I took five 
specimens on Bornholm in the wood Almindingen; in 1912 it was 
not uncommon in Dyrehaven at Copenhagen, flying ower ditches; 
this is somewhat curious, for in the preceding years, when I eagerly 
collected species of Hilara on several localities, I did not at all 
observe the species. My dates of capture are ?%/6—10/8, 

When I corresponded with Mr. Collin about the species, he 
kindly informed me, after having examined it, that it is not un- 
common in England, its geographical distribution thus at pre: 
being Denmark and Bages. 





Corrections to the paper on the Malacostraca 
from the Tjalfe-Expedition. 

K. Stephensen, 

Åcanthephyra (p. 64). 

During a visit to Copenhagen last summer (1912) Cand. real. 
O. Sund, Assistant at the Fisheries-Investigation in Bergen, Norway, 
studied the material of the genera Acanthephyra and Pasiphae 
preserved in the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen. At the named 
time I was on a zoological research in Greenland; but Mr. O. 
Sund has left a note, wherein he writes that all the specimens 
of 4. purpurea M. Edw. in our museum do not belong to this 
species, but to Å. multispina Coutiére, and after my return from 
Greenland I have convinced my-self that he is right.  Accordingly 
all the Greenland specimens of the genus Acanthephyra, also those 
from the ,,Tjalfe”-Expedition, in reality belong to A. mudtispina. 

A short report will be given in Conspectus Crustaceorum et 
Pycnogonidorum Groenlandiæ, Meddel. om Grønland vol. 22, 1913, 
p. 44—47; but later on I intend to give the results of a closer 
examination in: Crustacea, in Report on the Danish Oceanographical 
Expeditions 1908—1910 to the Mediterranean and adjacent seas, 
published at the cost of the Carlsberg Fund under superintendance 
of Johs. Schmidt, Ph. D. 

Boreomysis tridens and B. nobilis (p. 78). 
On account of a very unfortunate mistake I have on 3 of the 
labels for B. tridens in stead of the right name written B. nobilis. 


B. nobilis is a true .arctic species, that has never been found South 
of the ridge in the Davis-Strait; my 3 first localities for B. nobilis 
(St. 431: 689 24' N, 539 10' W, 892 m., trawl. — St. 337: 649 05' N, 
52? 20' W, 1100 m., trawl. — St. 407—08: 649 14'N, 55% 55' W, 
839 m., clay, trawl) are thus to be referred to B. tridens. 


N:FV.M.' Bd. 6. 


RE 57 VS 


SET Re NERE dr 4 ROY ØRNEN, SE føren 2) 7 Sø 

DEERE SENERE BE mt 48 SEN SN Sas gl) ger 

St seeren vig 


KET N: Bd 68. 

Pacht & Crone et C. U, Maaløe ( Fig. 2 & 4) ad naturam phot. 

Fig. 1—2, Conger vulgaris. Fig. 3—4, Conger (Congromuraena) mystax. Fig. 5, Conger (Congromuraena) balearicus aff. 
Leptocephalus Eckmani, Stråmman, emend. Ej , Conger (Cong na) balearicus. -— Fig. 7, Leptocephalus lanceolatus, 
Stromman, emend. Fig. 8, ice ingolfianus, n. sp. Fig. 9, FabRelbhalus Andreae, n. sp 

D.N.F.V. M. Bb. 64. 1912, 

Tyr. Branco Luxo 

DNSPV. M'Bo. 04; 1918 

AF:V. 11. 1972 


e Fyr, Fyrskib. 

Rubjerg Knude 


BE un FE