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Full text of "A curious herbal ?containing five hundred cuts, of the most useful plants, which are now used in the practice of physick engraved on folio copper plates, after drawings taken from the life /by Elizabeth Blackwell. To which is added a short description of ye plants and their common uses in physick."

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Five HUNDRED Curs, 
of e mof& metal Plants, 
whith are now ed un the Lacie of 

bugraved. on fo Leo Comer Ltates, 
after c uana taken from. 

de LIFE. 


O, re th, ‘Py 74 un et 

To which es added 
NA A Eri 
a short Deseripuior off Plants; 
Her common Uses in JPPHYSICK. 
Printed for SAMUPBL HARDING in 8 Martin's Lane 

NA 5 


DER TAKING. was honoured wite de following Publck 
RECOMMENDATION Ly the Undermritiero quanam 

London, Oster 1. 1733. 
MÀ. whose Nimes are undernriten, having seen a considerable Namber 
of de DRAWINGS from which the PLATES are to be Engraved, 
and likewise some of the COLOUR'D PLANTS, think ib a 
Sustice done the PUBLICK to dedare curSatisfacion mith them, 
and our good pinion of the lapacity of the Undertaker. 

R. Mean, MD. la.DoussAs, MD. [loser Minen 
G.L. Teissier, MD. | lames Suerarn,MD Isaac RAND 
ALEX" Stvarı,MD| W CussrtDEN. |Rom Nicuorrs 

Les PERSONNES foufiegnées ont bien volu faire d L'AUTEUR 
de cet OUVRAGE Chonneur de luc donner leur ÁPPROBATION 

de la maniere Suivante 
Londres «2.0.06, 

qnér, ayant vá un affecto grand nombre des DESSTENS 

que nous avons congu une IDEE avant 


Sur Lesquel on dott grave 
es unes des Pi 
wut Si bien EXE CUT. 
ayeuse de la lapacitó de Uutzur, & nous avons tout lew de croire 
que le PUBLIC recevra cet Quvrage farorallement 

R Meap, M.D. Ja. Dovenas, MD. |loseró MILLER 
GL. Tes ster, MD. [lames Suerarp,MD.|Isaac RAND. 
Auex® SrvAn T, MD.|W. Crus Y Ros. Niewouns 

de mime gue 
ES, avont trouve le 



Dat. Cometas (Conjoras ea Hdılus Collegi Aor 

Die prime Jul 1737 
/ vr 

Imagines hafie Plantarum Offieinakum per Dominam 
incifas & depictas, tes qué Medicine Operam 

dant, pernutiles fore Judicamus. —= 

Thomas PELLET, Pres 

Henricus PLUMPTRE 

Rıcmarpus TYsoN, 3 

Prircius Don, 
Guri&LMUS WA , y 

PHYSICIAN in Odia lo las MATESIE® 
and Selm of the Royal COLLEGE of 

PHYSICIANS of London: 

Mozo 74 ! 
o Royal Yocwly, >= 

Su + = 

Ay the Wb ORLD a ndebied w the LENCOW RACERS 
Sf wery Lullik Ya =, die folowing UNDERTAK 
ING J. howl prove wach, wat but - Justice lo declive 
who have been the chief PROMOTERS of thand 
as you was the first who advuil do PUBLICATION, 
and Mauri 4 m he your Na AME, give me Leave e 
el the READER s hor much hey WE UL your 
Delt. for this WORK: and to acknowledge the 

Honour of; your FRIENDSHIP 

: Sir with great Respect your 

Jeden. if 14 of July 1737. a 
SEL i most peg hub, 
let Pla 

The Undertaker, being defirous to make thes Work more ufofel to such as are 
mich other Herbals rojo e a short Defeription of each Plant 
Á, and Tin y in Phy fick, chiefly 
M^ Pa Me Mellons, A Of oil Wal Gs 
2j the Plant in dijjerent Languages. 

the Place of Gre 
extracted jr 

hich the Flowers 
The Root grows 

au a Saladın thes Ka 

orPifje end 

n than. 

Ped. Mildor lorn Poppy. Papaver pu. 

eiue a 
mers in Tune and Tuly 
doté: OUO diu rua red 


matory Fevers. 

Y Tincture 
Jas Latin Papaverrubrum, erratum, rhoeas Prpoulla 
o falvauicha. French, Pavot fawva rman. lapper F. 

n hue. 

ptos Mullen Tig Taper: érhafeum 
4. Jtgrom fe fix & 
nd are thought a); 

agant he 1 

um or Tapfas barbatus. Sanath Gordol / 
ullon. german, Bes Buller aut. Dutch, Wolle hri 

umardlı in Kom. 
rides recommends a Decoctior 

Garden lucumber. cucumat fativud 

Found. the 

leave dh 
flewert, d d Prnt >veral Month 
Jirangury heat of Ur ing Fever nd Pla 
ri mendi the Dave 
panith, Groombs 

pino 5 Shepherds Purfe. Burfa Lajioris. 
the loner Leaves lia flat upon the Ground; the Stalk groms about a Y 
and the Hlonvers are White 
y Rullaph Banks and Walls, am. 
coaliny, refiringent: incraffatin: rd in all forts of Fluxes & puting 
Blood, bleediray at f Mojo» ho too great Flux of $ dings & Uoody Urine 
A Latin, Burfa Pafioris, or Thlapfi fatuum. Italian. Burfa Paftorir. 
Trench, Bourfe a Pafleur, or Bourfe de Berger. German, Sé 
helleraut. Dutch, Borfe kons eruyt s 


vers all the Summer 

Jt grows amo 

This Plant is ef 

Plate 6 Wild Tanfie, or Silver-weed. Argentina or F 

This Plant creeps upon the hround,emiung Fibers pom. the Joints, bu which wt roots 

in the Barth and fpreads; the Leaves are a light green covered as it mere math a 

filver Donn, and the Flowers yellow. 

a boron in mort barren Ground where Water has ftood all the Winter & [loners 
vommonly in May or Tune. E 

y. The Leaves are rofiringent and vulnerary, good to flop all Kindo of Fluxes d preter 
natural Bracuations; (o difilve cagulated Blood, to help thofe who are brusfed by Falls 
outwardly weir ufed as a lofnatic to take off Freckles, Sun-burn and. Morpherd and 

od in red tringent Gargartfmne. 

Latin, Aroentına, Potentilla Tanacetum agrefie alan. Potentilla 

German genferich, grenfich, or 


r P 
French, Li Argentine fauraqe, or Tanefie fauvage 
Grenfing Dutch, Vilvererunt 

Plato Rue. But. 

The Leaves are aWilon green, and the Flowers yellonr; the Stalks grom about 
no Foot high. 

2 Tew planted in Gardens, and florvers in lune and Luly. 

5. The Leaves and Seed are ufed being efleemd alexıpharmsi, good against all ir 
and pestlential Dyfoases, and all kınd of Fevers cafes Diforders of the Head, Nerves, 
Merle convulior and Shjterie Fitt, the collick Weaknefi of the Stomach and Borvely, 
terepells Poison, and taret the Bite of venemous Features and mad Dos It tt an 
Ingredient in the Agua Brion. comp. and the Agua Theriacalız, The official Prepara 
tons are the fimple Water, (mferve of the Leaves, and an Vil by Decoction 

4 Greek Iti yavov. Latin, Ruta & Ruta hortenfis major. Spam, Aruda. Itahan, 
Ruta. French, Rut. german, Rauten or Betneraut. Dutch, Bunte 

pu o. Wild Rofe or Briar Rofe. Rola lanına 

2. The Leaves are a darker green than the Garden-rafe: and the Flowers are fome 
times nrhite, but oftener a pale Red. i n 
y Iegroms ın Hodgen.& flowers in Lune, & Taly The ips are fit to gather the latter End of 
Siptember: On the Sealy of this Bufh $ Bedeouar arons, nebich os à veduh gr vt hairy 
Excroffence, mate lay final Ichneumon Flies See Rays Catalogue of the Plante amihradoe piro. 
3. The Flowers of this Rofe are thought more refirinaent than $ Garden: Some look upon them 
as tpecific jor d Excel of d latamenia. The Pulpo of 6 Hips firengther ly 
the eat of Fovers.w pectoral, good for tough, fpitina y Blood $6 Luro " 
¡Stone and Gravel. The Bedeguar v saul lo have the same Vrtues. Th 
rua Gnoflatı 
otov. ¿yesos or Kure 
planter ftev br 

Latin, Rofa lanina, or Rofa Sul 
-Hocrofen. Dutch, kolantıer 


Phe o. Wool Juge. Salvia agrefiris o 

high dar or and (a 

e ellom, nith purple Stamina 

Yhır Places, and flowers in July and August 

vit, Rheumatym, Seuruy & Dropry; provoking lune & the 

nt vulnerary Plant, preventing Mortifications & hangreent 

v. Latin. ordin via agreliria, Seorodonsa. Spantih, Seordro. 
ench, (hamaraz. German, Bafjerbatenig.or Knohlech 

aves are pre 

This efteemed gi 

Plate 10. Sage. Salvia. 

1; the Leaves are Jometimes a hoary Green d fomehimer 
reddish Purple: he Blowers are a blush Purple; and gronrs about 19 Inches hgh 
It grons beit in dry harp groun wert in May and Lune 
Leaves and Flowers are led, as good for all Difeasey of the Mead and 

Nerves; they are alo diuretic, an 
wall Sorts 
greek, Ede 
and Salv 

good for Obfiruchens of Ur me; and much ufec 
‘fer Drink. * 

nd Salvia hortenf major. Spanish, Salvia 
ntlrer. german, allen. Dutch, 

apar. Latin, Ji 
Talar, Sala. French, 

White Lilly Jahum album. 

The Lilly grows about four Foot high; the Flowers are nhite, nat 9 
Apices br the middle 

Tis planted m Gardens, and lomera in Tune and Luly. 

The Flowers and Roots are wed chiefly in external Applicario 
and anodıne, good to diffolve and ripen hard Tumours and Swellings; anit to break 
Trpolihumátions. Mlöthıolus recommends the Oil, made of the good far 
all Pans of $ Joınts & contracted Nerves. The officinal Preparation vf Oleum Liliorium 
Greek Kcivow Aıeıor. Latin, Lilium. allum, and Lilium album flore erecto 
Sparish, Azucena, and Lirio Manco. Italian, Gíqhio bianco. French, Las. 
German Zilgen and Gilgen. Dutch, Lehe. 



„they are fofining 

eltle. Untica. 
This Nettle grows to be tro Foot high; the i 
the Roman Nettle; the Flowers are a dull Yellow 
The Nettle grows every where in tor great Plenty, and loners for feveral 
Months inthe Summer 
ots, Leaves and feed are wed as cooling 
thought good for all kind: of innard Bloedinas, 
4 Tene dipt mu flops the Bleeding of the Mole or Hounds The Root is efizemed 
and a y) Jaundice eed w recommended for loughs 
ach, and Ülfructione of the Lungs, 
gn or Axadrign. Latin, U 

Ortiga Italian, Ortica. French, Orue. 

Plate 12. Stinging I 

are of a lighter green 

nd refirineent; the Juice is 
norrhagıes and Fluxes 

Sip for the 

a urens, and urens maxima. Sparesh, 

erman, Besfihoder Romifch Heel. 

s Jymıne, or Sefjamine. Jafmınumer Japan albun 

2 Thy Shrub hoots forth long fender green Tony, which would lo on $ Ground. 
4f they mere not fupported; the Powers of the common Janine are whale 

2. tess planted wich us in Gardens, and lowers for foveral Monthy ın the Summer 

3. The Flowers are the only Part ujed. Schroder commends them as good to warm & 
velas the Words wo heal any Schirrehu herein, and to facilitate the Birth; and ajo jo 
a löughand Dyficulty of breathing. The Qu made by Iilfufion of the Flomert c well in 
Perfumes. Mitthuolis thinks that the Ointment made of Jafinine by the Ancients 
mas not that Jafmıne which we have now 

4: Greek, Latin, Jafmınum or Fafminum album or Gelfiminim. Italian, 
jelimino. French, Sa/mın: german, Betelrelen. Dutch 

ws Marron leaved Hantan-Kılmort Dantazo anguli gun quenervi. 

2 4t groms to eight or rune Inches high; the Leaves have five Nerves which pun quite dro 
them from the Root: the Flowers are of a tight Uber colour neh white Aptces. 

2. Jt grows n Fields and Meadors, and Alovera moflly in May and Tune, altho’ you 
may find ome of tin Hower moftMontht of the Summer. 

ye Teas old, iy and binding; good inalikind of Fluxes and Hacmorthages at fiti 
or vomiting of Blood, bleeding at the Nose; the Exiola of the latamenia or Lochnä 
Jrftepor $ anvoluntary making of Urine, cafes ts Heat & Sharpneli.& the jonorrlea d 
Hops the Ueading of Wounds Tho officinal Preparation i the fimple defialled Water 

4. Greek, Hová, rnd ravdye: Latin, Plantago angufafola & Quinque 
nervia Italian, Prantagine longa or Lanciola. French, Planta. ferman, 
Spigiger Wegrich. Dutch, 

Plato 15. Se Johny Wort. Aypercum 

4 This Plant grows to be wo Foot high; the Leavis when held up against the Light 
appear full of small Holes, the Homers aro a brighYolon, mith aser Motor 
tpices & Stamina, which being bruifed betnvon d Fingers emit a Hoody Turco 

2.1 orent an edges and among Bishes, and livery tk Lou and ily 

3. I’ Johny ortu accounted aperative, deterfive, diuretic. alexipharmic: good in 
terhan and quartan Aques: destroys Worms, andas an excelent pobre PU t 
"Miyuawe qe Elwers m Spirit of Wine ts commended againse Melancholy Mabe 
Dubnrardly i1 of great Jorvace in Bros Cneufions E Mind gfe tally th die nervous 
Tarts, The officandl Preparations are,the jünple and com, void Qu. 

Me Greek Tiregicor. Lawn, Saporicim or Hera Minn Spanish; Corajoncilo. 
Thulin Saperico and Tei ovata, or Horta de S Giovanıı French Milepoeas m 
Trucheran. german, Janct Johannicraut. Dutch 

Plate 16. Lox-Glove. Digitales, 
2 Jt grons to be thre t high; che Leaves have a title Down upon tem; i Flowers 
are red. potted mith white; and gronr all on onefide of the Malls 
& Box Glove groms in Hedges and Lanes; and flowers in Tune and July 
3 Tha Planes but rarely used inntardiy, being à Jong Emol nol) edis uprards 
and dommirards, Parkinson extolls aDecoction of it n. Me. with Y lepody Roots, af an 
approved Medicine for $ Faling Jickne/t. The late Doctor adio conunent bontbrcnt 
made o] the Klowers atid May Butter, for ferophulous Ulcers which run naeh tee 
tng them with the Ointinentand purging teo or three Times alat nti proper Puraet 
fuut Preparation w.the Unguentum digital 
Latin, Digitalis, or Digitales puisrurea, Spanish, Italian 
French, La Digitalo. german, Dutch, 


— mane" 

$ i S N 
RS 7; 

Plate io. Wormiwvocd. Mentem. velare 

Falk, are hoary full of a white Pith, d 
Yalshe hoary underneath; the Honers are y 
fie Places, and floners in July and August 
dL they purge Melancholy Humours, provoke "rine 
Drinking. They are good agant the Diforders 
raten te Tora, kl Worms, & are of 
wu infesed 
Lard was 
emet 5 frvelling of the 
are mpl 7 a 
rund Surups an Oil by 
tracta fie Sale. 

Ponticum Spanish, Mentios or Mofita 
or Mince. German Wermut-Duich, Aljem 

fertum $, quartan Apuet [n all 


at. Plgntariom. dj 
ompound Haer; a fomple 
me and Oil by Dijullatton; an. 

tinchiumn vulgare or 


Yarrow or Moe. Ahllefohum. 

2 Inches heghrand are fomenhat hairy, the Homers 
of the Branches ın flat Um, 
ers in June and Luly. 
Yieemed cooling, drying, binding, ferviceatle in all kindy 
a ft muting Blood, Uecding at the Nofe. Dyfonteri th 
the Menfes, violent flooding, cooling and tempering tts unmoderate 
Sharpnefr; te te good in aGonorrhea, Urine: when applied out 
ard 2015 v 2725010 Ruptur mondo 
eor vulpare 

he Stalks grow 

are while, and gr. 
3 It grows in most Freldt,and flo 
3. The. 

hidgodd© pbyas. Latin, 
a Ihn 

Garten. Dutch, Duyfiud -T 

Pine The Garden Bean. Fala major or major hortenfts 

ie Garden Bein grons to be three or four Foot highs the Leaves areapale nen 
Á > Hack pots mn them 

rt ın May and the 

uer dite from Homers w ufad bo many 

arounted good); 

a afm rem 

and che Flor 

ang are ripe in Tune or Luly 
BUDA § Gripes in Children. Disfconidos 
tet y Sriellings in Womens Breijts nach are 
dr il mixt mih Rofes, Time d nh 
matery Rheums from $ E 
The Meal given inwardly i 
are, the Agua 
4 free Ks 

ed good, 


Fala major hortenfis. Spanich, 
rman, Bonen. Dutch, Room/e, or Bocre-Boonen 

‘avast. Italian, 

» Mealow Tiofosly over (rali. Trifolium vulyare 
es are a pale Green, and the 

7t Inches hugh 
vt in mot Fields and Meadonrs, and flowers in May or Tune 
ers are ufed as drying, binding, 

me a tapla/p inh A 
faysaDecocton q Il 
Teipyndov.Liakn, Trıfolum velyare. 

ers purple fpoted nth relato, the Sealks 

ff Strangury de 

Plate 1 

a. Agrımony. Ayrımoma 

1 This ts the Fupatortum of Diofeoride 
do Foot gh, having Piera minged hairy Leaves of a pale green 
and Flowers 

2. Irgronss in Hedges, and the Borders of Fields; and 

3. Ayrimony ut eficemed cleanfing and purifying 
and good in all Difeases arifing from the Wea 
Matthioles recominends te mith white Wine 
Woody Water. Riverius extolo $. 
teas theif a vulnerany Plane puem Yount Drinks; $ oun 

4. Greek Evnarávor Latin, Agrimonta, or Eup, 
Ttakan Agrimonia.French, Apremoin 



Glen, & the ancient Greeky tt grond 

y tn June and Futy. 

rd, firengthning G Laver, 

/, as the Drop fy, Jaundice d; 

4 ure for the Swangury and 
or the Incontinence of Urine. 

My ufed in Baths 4 Fomenta tions, 
rum. Spanish, Agramoma. 


meng. Dutch, Agremonte. 

Plate 22. Common Mallow. Malva vulgaris. 

Mallons grow to be three Foot high; i 
ayellonıfh Green, f Fl J 
ronda by Voy fides, rd 

Stalks are fomervhat harry, & the Leaves are 
dish Purple, urypil rvith a 
74 for most Months in the 
Yening,iooling § Molfying A Decoction of 
a y drank non dnd then to the Quantióy of a Qua 
vfa Pint heaps the Body jo af cholertc Sumour,, allays the heat & Jharpn 
cafes the Stone 4 provokes Urine..tiataplafn made of the Leave 
y art of the Place that 1 fiuna by Bees or Wasps he Mallonrs 
ATAN Jipply the Place 
4. greek, Mardxn. Latin, Mali alva vulgarit, or aoreftts. fpantih, Malvas. Halran 
or Malia. French, Mat man, Pappel Dutch, Kaaffer crud. 

Plate 23. arden (efr. Vaflurtuum Hortense 
en Inches high; the Leaves are abrighe r 
nd yearly, and flowers most Months in the Summer 

the Florvers white 

a. Tegrows to be eiahtee 
3. eu fown in gar 
The Leaves dre much ufedas a 


v others mixed rath them. They are gtwemed good jor the Teuruy,Drophr, Pal and 
Lethargy. Alataplafm of the L nich Koy Lard cured fald Hoady ide Sted helos 
the Ssuruy and Dropsy. and fuelling of the Spleen, and opens Ofeructions in 
the Female fax, and prevent the falling off of the Hair 

4. Greek Kiodanor: Latin, Nifturtium. Spanith, Vafturtio, and Malpica. Italian, 

Aafırutio and Aaret ench, treffon de. Jardim, and Nafitore. German. Garten 
7. Dutch, Rhuyn 


Plate 34 Self Heal. Prunella» Brunella 

4. This Plant grores tode a Foot high, the Leaves arö dark Green, and the 
2. Jt grons in Meadons and pasture Grounds, flowering all the la 

of the Summer 
3. Jr wfed for all Inflammationsand Ue 

Juice or a firong Decoction, as alo 
4. Greek Evnaröpıov. Latin, Pru 

munore French Aare 

y in he Tongue, Janet and Th 

inward Bl. 
Prunella vi 








„Wood.Bind or Honey Suckte.CaporijolumnoTerydemenum: 
the thick eut or ten Inches un circumference 
7 Stalks, tech vi] aderit 
i andthe Flowery epale 

hooting out 
y thing they meet mith; the Leaves are a 
which are fucceeded Im Berries of a 

4 veru freir eere of da Sommer 

The ramet put into Gargariind farsore Throats. Some commend a De 
coctimn of hem for a Cough and the Poyfick; and to open Olfiructone of f Liver & Spleen. 
Tho Oil, made by fueron of d Flowers, wt accounted healing & nrarmına, good for the 
Verves. Matthiolus recommends the Leaves kiherr Juice a 
“erg in the Logs 
Madrefilva. tralian. 

amp $ Lomrujjons 
Good in the Dinimente that are u 

nh Tieoyovóneror Latin, laprifolam, & Feryelemenum. Spanish, 
7 » French Tincıbolb. herman, Beda blaut. Dutch, Geytenblad &Mammeyes-hriyd 


opus to be a Ya: 

pur. Delphiniuin, or Confor hda regalis 

igh, the Leaves are a dark Green, and the Flowers com 
>metimes a Purple 

The orem every Year in gardens, and flowers moft part of the Summer 
This w esteemed a vulnerary Plant, of a healing Nature. Matthiolus fays wt 
cures the Rheums and Inflammation of the Eyes; mixed muh Honey $ drank 
mith fiveet Wine it removes the /flarpnefr of Urin fe clofes up fresh 
Wounds. and heals Ulcers 

GreehAerpivior. Latin, Delphinium or lonfolida regalis. Spanish 

Tralian, (onfolida reato. French Pie d’Allouette. German, Ritterfporea Dutch Ridlerfper 

Balm. Meliffa. 

This Plant grows to be three Foot high; th 

yellow Green, and the Flowers white 

grons only in Gardens here, and flowers in luly and August 

and efteemed cordial cephalic. good for Diforders of the Head 

events Fainting, Melancholy, 

tion, and i of in 
the Stinging of 

monty afine bie; l 


tks are fyuare, the Leaves a light 


malignant ana 
Bees and Wasps 
Greek Modis pudro 

atagroud Dif 

> officinal Preparation is, the Simple Water 

lefa, or Meliffop hy lun. Spanish Torongil or Herva lidrer 
vily de gr 

Jalan, Meliffa. French Meliffe EPmeirade. formar. Nelffen Muttercraut Ducha 


Kedge-Mufiard. Eryfimum 
high, the Leav ayellow Green, df Mowers a pale Yellor 
ns commonly by Waj-fides, and on Banks, and flower 

mus to be d 
bye Muftars 
most part of te 

This Plant is hot; dry 
lony Fiumours inf Lungs, helps a Cough and 
ended against anhabitual 

Egvoior Lati 

warming Lualety, it defolves thick 
ineft of Breath Ie ts much recomm 
recover Voice. Rrvertus pragfes a Decoctim 
ficindl Preparation v, pur de Eryfime 

Zruyfimum.Spanush, Einchaon French. Wélar or Torte lle. Itahan 

ref Dutch Steen-Raket 

Erifimoer Irion. German, Hederich & 



White Mufiard. Sipapt album, 

ron: to be two Foot high, and are hairy; the Leaves are a fight 

the Flowers a bright yellow 

y wild in dry Banks) and the Edges of Fields, and florvers in Luly. 

4 provokes an Appetite. firengihens the Stomach and helps Digestion 

recommends the Juice mixed nith Water and Money as good to 

A roat mich, and help Women who are troubled nuh the Mother; 

Wekzplafın of Figs and the Juice i good for the Lethargy. lo laying wt on the 

dd faved. all the place groms ved; & the fame lataplajm laid on Sip eafes 

the tatio Seed he mendi as good in Plufterr to foften y Jcabs of the Head. 

le greek 1eoov. Latin, Sinapi allum,or.alterum. Spanish Moftaxa Manco 
alan. Senape or Senauro filvatico.Frenc h,Jeneve blanc. german, elder Senff. 
D Wit Mofiard-Zaat. * : $ 

plate 30. Sor Lhifile. Sonchus adper: 

1. Irgrams about bro Foot high the Leaves are a brightireen; and the Flowers 
a pale yellow : 2 

s. Thi Soir hill. grows commonly on Banks, and flowers in May and Tune. 

3 The Leaves are of the same Nature mith thofe of he De andelyon, being aperative 
md diuretio, and good for the Gravel and Jtppage of trie. Machiolus Jays the 
Roots and Leaves when young are much used ın Italy m.» lr; recommend 
‘he Milk of the Stalk im Wine a good for an Afhmaz & the difiemperz of the Ear, 
when boled nith Dil. Galen recommends $ Leaves to be 7 an offensive Breath 

zi en, Sonchus t/per. Spanish, Serraya ov Jerralha. 

4- Gree dvxos. L 
h, Latteron.german, Bilder Yafentol or faufdiftol, 

Jtalian, Soncho, Gcerbita 
Dutch, Gonfe- diftel. 

Plate 31. Crom’ foot. Ranunclus pratensis repens 
s. This Plane grows to be a Foot hinh, the Stalks and Leaves are somenhat 
hairy, the Flowers are a firing bright Yellow 
a. Ir grome in most Fields, and flowers in May 
v foot 22 cauftio, and may be ued to draw Blisters, where lantharides cannot 
had: but heu muft not ly on too long, for fear of ulcerahng the Part 
The Bavarian? extol the distilled Water from the Leaves of the bullous Sort 
or the Leaves infused in Brandy, as an excellent Remedy against the Plague 
4. Greek Barpaxsov & 0&Mroväyesov. Ibarugmos Latin, Ranunculus pratenfit Spanish 
ferva behda. Itahan, Ranone or Pie lorbins. French, Grenoillette or Baffiniz 
German, Hanen Fuft. Dutch, SAnthonis Ri 

rites. Water Mint. Mentha aquatica or Siymlruum 

1 Jegronos to be p Inches high, d Halte are hairy: Homers a red Purple and $ Leaves 
aredduh Green : 

ers in June and Iuly. 
J carminative expolin Hing out of the 
i Womb and procures the latamenta. 

Pain & help Dea/n 
dio top a Reaching’ 
in. Mentha aquatica or Sjymbrium. Spanish Berror o 

4 German, Dutch, Rofo water 

and Natery places, an 
vr thant Garden Mont be 
itopens Obfiracuons 
Ea + good to eafe 

tuo 33 White Archangelor Dead Metle Lamm album o UÚrtica mortua. 
te Stalls grow to be a Foot high; the Leaves are a dark Green and the 

es, and lowers in April and May 

71 are accounted a Specific against the Fluor albus, and are frequently 
mado ua of in a (onferve or Decoction for that purpofe, which is to be continued jor 
some hme . Some recommend this Plant as of Great ufe agangt the Kings Evil, and all 
Frropludoue Swellings The oficinal Preparation is, the lonierve of the Flamer 
Greek Ta o yis “Latin, Lamtum allum, or Urtca martua. Spanish, Ortica muerta 
Tralian, Ortica fetida, or Ortica morta.French, Ortie german Daulmeffel Dutch Dood Abtelen. 

the Fl 

plate sa Woody Night Shade rBiter-SweetSolanum lignofumnDulia mara 

This Species of Night Shade has many long afh-coloured Branches, lat cll up upon 
any thing 1t gron ir to; the Leaves are a deep Green, and the Flowers Purple 
1 E matery Places, and flowers in May and Tune . 
mmended ly some against the Drops. 
Gaundice, and Kings Evil. Parkinson Jays it purged violently enough. Prevotius ın 
his Medicina Pauperum, commends t a4 a kindly Evacuator of Bile. Diofeorided 
commends the Berries as good to take Spots out of the Shin. 2 
4 Greek Munróros ayp ía. Latin, Solanum lignofam 4 Dulca mara. Spanish, 
alan Vit falvatica. French, Morelo. German. Jelengerje lieber Dutch. grove ande 

Pla 3; Broad paved. Plantain. Plantago lafoliaor Seplnervia 
1. The Stalks of this Plantain gronr to be eight Inches hith; the Flowers are a 
whitish Glour. e 
d 7t grons by Way 
3. Plantain te cold, dry, 

y and Meadows, and flowers in May. 

: nd bindingzußfullın all hinds of Faxes and Saemorrhages, 
ac fpiting & vomiting of Blood, bleeding at the Nofe, the Excefs of the latamenta or 
Lochia. It i Iikennfe esteemed the involuntary making of 
and Sharpnefi, & the Gonorrhea; t helps to stop $ Heedina of Wounds & confo 
their lips. The officinal Preparationys the Simple difalled Water. 

4. Greek, Aprdyrasov.Latin, Plantago latifolia, or Septinervia. Spanish, Lhantem or 
Tamehagern. Italian, Piantagine or lentinerbra. French, Plantain. German, 
Megrich. Dutch, Weeg bree 


7 Green, and the Flowers Purple 
often found nel near Koufes 

Pate 36. Borrage Borrago, 
1. Je gromz to be 18 Inches high, the Leaves are a gr: 
2. Iegrons frequently as a Weed in Gardens; and v 
and upon Walls; and flowers in Tune 
3. The Leaves are efteemed cordial, comforting the Heart, preventing Faintn 
Melancholy. The Tops are much u/ed in Wine & (vol-Tankards. They are 
Alexisharmic, and good in malignant Fevers. The Homers are one of the four 
tordial Homers. the oficinal Preparation tt the lenforve of the Honers. 
Matthiolus recommends the whole Plant difilled,as good for $ Inflammations 
the Eyes, whether inrrardly or outwardly applied. 
4, Botydoo rov. Latin, Borrago or-Buglofrum. Spanish, Borraja, Borrajenes 
yet Tian, Borragine French Borrache forman, Burreveh. Dutch, Bernau. 

plate 37. White Briony. Bryonia alba o Vitis alba. 

1 the Stalks of this Briony clint: up to a great 
much refemble th Vine; the Flowers are a whinsh green Glour 

y Jr rom in Lane: ‘edges, and floners in May and Tune 

The Root wa strong Purger of ferous matery Himourt, which wt does both upnarte 
and denmwardı, & teemed good fer $ Drop, Gout. ply, Pally & hyfteric Disorders, 
Doctor Sydenham commendi it very much in cales of Madnelt The Faecula i much 
vf the same Nature, but something Weaker. The offieınal Preparations are the Aqua 
Brioniae comp. or the Syfteric Water, and the Faecula Briomae 

4. Greek Auc dos Azvan. Latín, Bryonia alba, or Vita alba. Spanısh,Aeura,orAnorca. 
Tealian, Briomia, or Zucca falyatica. French, lolubrine or Guluree.german ftnt 
or Zeufelluurbfa. Dutch, Wilde Wyngaarde 2 

ght in the Hedges; the Leaves 


Plan ss. Great White Bindweed. lonvatvitus major albusor Sila laevis. 

a It runt up to a great height when ıthas any thing to twist about, the Leaves 
are a willen Green, and the Flowers white 

2. Dus Plane grórs in most Hedges,and flowers all the latter end of the Summer. 

ug. The Root of the Great White Bindrveed is fomenrhat cathartic. Prevotius in his Medicina 
Pauperum reckons 4 a gentle Evacuator of the Bile. lamerarius doubts whether this 
te the Smilax laevis of the Ancients 

4 frech Zuinag Nea. Latin, lonvolvulus major albus, or Smilax levis. Spanish, 
lorrequela major. Italian, Vilucchto maggiore. French, Lifet or lampanetre. German, 
Binden. Dutch, Groote Winde 

Plate 59. Clivers or Goofe Graff. Aparine 
4. This tt a creeping Plant that grons annually from the Seed; the Stalks, Leaves and 

Seed are rough, and the Flor are white 

2 JE gren in most Hedges, and loners for several Months in the Summer 

3. The whole Plant ve used. & tt eficemed moderately cooking & drying, good to fueeten ¢ Blood: 
Tew also accounted vulnerary freie ind Kina Evil, for which some give the Jute as 
a great Secret. Te v Iikennje diuretic, and helps the Stone and Gravel. This it one of those 
Kerbs which are commonly put mto Spring Porridge as good for the Scurvy. 

4 GreekAmag iva. Latin, Aparine. Spanish. Italian, Aparine, or Speronella. 
French, German, Kleberaut. Dutch, Kleef-kruyd. 

Pave 4o Wheat. k Bearded Wheat. Triticum, & Triticum arıstatum. 

1 The Wheat nithout Anns or Beards ts that which grores most common in England; 

Place as. Vervein. Verbena & Verbenaca. 
qc gror be two Foot high, the Stalks are a purple Brown, the Leaves 
ac ilie. Green. and the Flowers pale Purple. 
arenes in Sighways, near Toren & Villages, flowring in Tudy, 
3 Ihe Whole atic, good aganse Dy 
ino from Cold and phlegmatic (ufag. Some commend io open Ofiructions 
Jpleeie, help the Jaundice and yout. duimardly wi esteemid 
sore watery inflamed Eyes : 
wv. Latin, Vorbenaca fpina. Spanish, Berbena. Malan, 
onch, Jervaine maffe. german, Fifeneraut. Dutch, Yserkruyd. 

bis used, beina accounted c 

ases ars 

y re 

plate 32. 0x Eye -Daufiy, Ihe Great Daify. Bellis major 

1 The Stalks grou more than a Foot high, the Leaves are a deep graft 
Green, & the Flomers white with a yelloro Thrum in. the E 

aie grows in Pasture Grounds, and flowers in Tune 

3. he Flowers of dis Dazu are efieemil Lalfamıe. good for al Diforders of 
dhe Breast and Lunas, ús lought, shortne/s of Breath, Plewisies lonsump 
tions and Jastina if the Flesh. They are frequently put into dpozeme and 
Decoctions jor inward Bruifes, Wounds, and’ Ruplares. 

4. drech, Bégeaduov. Latin, Bellis major. Jpanısh, Buphthalmo. Italian, Occhio di 
"Bue. French, Mel de Beuf German, ande lug. Dutch, Groote Maagdelieyen 

place 45. Pimpernel r Male Panpernel.. duque terrestres mas. 

1.7 gvonıs to be a Foot hath. the Leaves are a grafi Green and the Flowers farlet 

2. C rore in torn Fei florering ın May and Tune 

3. Thi: Plane is moderatly warm k dry with a liule stup tictty, an 4 Ly some 14 account 
ed a good vulnerary. The Juice taken inwardly, (by it sel), or muxd math Comi Milk) 
u good in Consumptiona and Diiempers of the Lungs.-It u often put n. Cordial 
Waters as alexipharmue, & good against malignant Diftempers. Some Uriters of 
Vote have recommended itin (ales of Lunacy and Dilerious Fevers.-Mathotus 

oon eh Jrasfed apo the Hoferdl on that Side where the 

commends $ Juice, for i 
Pan does not tie 

4. greek Ayay dis Latin Anagallıs mas. Spanish Muruges. Italian, Anagallo 

Gauch hel. Dutch, Baftard Muur l 

French, Mouron. German, 

Plate ss Panfies or Searts Haye. Viola tricolor. Jaccea Hor Trıntalıs 

Z Foot high, the Leaves are a dark Green, the Flowers fpotted mith a 
Ihe Purple, a deep Purple and Yello 
It grows Wild in the Borders of Fields, and ı alto p lanted in Gardens, 

1. de grow: 

at 2 Summer 

The Leaves are est us and à y. qood to take off the 
Gripes in Children, and prevent the Fitz kom them 

Greek, ¿STáxgoov. Latin Upant. va des. Trinadados. Italian, 
Jaccea. French, Penfees. German farben Plemdin. Dutch. Pere 

Io. 12 

Bramble or Blackberry Bufh. Rubus or Rubus vulgari. 

many long ¢ 

xing Branche 

tarts, and three om the wy 

are a deep G Flowers a pate Red, and 

wit when ripe is of a black ¿tour 

& flon tr Tune & July; the Fruit is ripe tn Sep 

nied refiringent:gare 

the unrıpe 

luxe Bleeding, 

into Syrup t 

4. Greek, Báros. Latin, Rubus,& Rubus vulgaris. Spanish, Car za. Iralian,Rovo French, 
Rone. German, Briamen. Brambeer ind Grakbeer. Dutch, Braam- bezeın 

talk in the lorver 

rut w very biiding and restrin, 
dr Thr tif sore Mouths. Th 

Plato 46. Betony. Betonica, & Betonica Julvestris or vulgaris 
1 Te grom to be eighteen Inches high. the Leaves are a deep grafy Green, and the 
Fimers a red Purple : 
a Betony grom in Woods 7efiles, & flomers vn 
3 Iris accounted a good cephalic, hepatick & vulperary Plant 
much in esteem that Antonius Musa, Phy; 
Treatise on tt. The Leaves dried & mix id with 
for the Sead.lich, Vertizo, d sore Eyes. Mixd mith 
makes a good diet Drink for the Gout $ Rheumat 
are good for green Wounds & ta draw out ,Splinters. The 
the tonferve" of the Flowers, and the Emplastrum de B. 
4. Greek Yoxoregpor Latin, Betonica. Sp. 

French, Betowne. German, Betonien. Dutch. Beton 

chen & by ay and Tune 

he Ancient had i£ 10 
ear, wrote aw 
frequently smoaked 
od Sage & (round Pine tt 
The fresh leaves brufed 

etam to Augustus 

venal preparatons are 


nich, Bretonia. Italian, Betoneca. 

Plate ap. Mari, or Syrian mafhe Thyme. Marum Syriacum 
2. This Plant grow to Foot hugh, the Leaves are willow Green d 2 
2 Jr grors naturally in landy and Syria; and ws nurfed up here m 
of the Curious; and flomers in Luly. 
3. Marum u accounted a good cephalic and nervine 
phalic Snuff. f bite fervice elle in Ph 
k Moor. i vc Latin, Marum Iyriacum 
rMarum tretenfe. Spanish, 

Plant, and 15 much ufedin 

t if. oy 

- French 

Plats 4s. Brooklime. Anagalıs aquatica or Becabunga 

4 Iegrom: to be ficteen Inches high, the Leaves are a gral Green, and the Stalks a 
redliih Green, and the Flowers a fine Blue 

3 Ths Plant gron in Rls 


urun, being an Ingredient of 4 antfeorhutic I 
vang, wfoful in oBfructions of $ Kidneys 

one & Dropfiy Matthiotus fays tt tà good to bring anal aj 
+ wl vayan) is. Latin, Anahalts aquatica & Becaluriga. Span 
French Berto. german. Wajjerbungen and Backlu 
Vo 12 S 5 

m. Dutch, Bekeboon $.Beek 

Plate 49. Spinge. Spinachia 

Foot hıyh,.the L 

+ are a graft Green, and the Flom 

rly in Garde ort according to the Months 
re used for Food than Medicine, being a good boil. 
satenin the Spring, as good to temper the Heath Sharpneh of th 
pened cooling, me 
E Pu fician 
holz had beter 
y Greek Enaváxiov. Latin, Spinachia or Lapathum ‚hortenfe. Spanish, Spanache. 
Yalan, Sprache. French, Espiroches. german, Senat. Dutch Mpinasıe 

ad fl 

+ ford in 

Mad, and much 

ptor, It 

‚rendring the Body folulle. Seraprr an trab 

mi that Spinage creates Wind; so that thofe who are troubled 

Place 50. Wild Teafel Dipfacus lvestris orkabrum venari? 
Y This Teafel gron to be four or- five Foot high, the Leaves are a tight graft 
NN Un Nonery pe ; 
BUG grans upon Banksin the borders of Fields, and foners vv June and July 
5. De Roots are eficemed dsan/ıng; the Ancients commend a Decoction of hom in Wine 
boiled to a onfiten ^ Veliel.0 be applied to $ Rhagades, or left 
the Fundament, and for a Fistula herein; and t take anray Warte The Water) 
hollonr of th 4 1 commended as a lollyrium to cool Inflammakions of 
and aj a lofinetic to ven. 
4. Grech Avanos. Latin, Dipfacue 

ept in á br 

x gronr to be 

t/t Faltures, 

Human Body 
and flowers in March & April. 

or the Haemorrhotdes or Pes, to eafe their Paın and 
the Roots being ken inmardly, & an Ointment made othe 
idly. So mmend ttjer the Jaundice; & Scurvy elpecially 
Gums and preferve the Teeth 

Tegroros ti Meadors, m 
us Herb accow 

po be 7 
ots applied cuim. 

vo firengthen à 

3: Greek Kehidéviov uexpóv. Latini, Chelidenium minus. Apanteh, Serofolaría menor: Italian 
Ghelidoma mino th lovilas de Prefires. ermanifffénhodln Dutch kelyn 
Place 52. Primrofe. Primula Ver 

ight or ten Inches high: the Leaves are a graft Green, & th 
and the Roots a reddish Purple Pus 
nd under Hodgessand flowers in March and Apr 
commented at qood aparte Diforders arifing from phlegm 
y the Root 11 used as an Errhine (5 purge the 
Latin, Primula Veris. Spanish Italian, Fiore di Prim 

3. Tt grows in Thicke 

Primevere. German, Schluffelllumen Dutch, Groote Wile 

of PHYSICIANS of London, and Phy 
VA Gee Royal - Loc, tel, 

Le his ze ORK reves “igi lo MANKIND, 
they We ^ Ml vut. dou an ze 
ENCOURAGERS TF "de lille 2 2 ameng 
whom YOU Ould ZZ c UL a 2 vu pal man Y lo 
Le remembred. 

Dermat me then on Was Occaston, to acknowledge 
ado Subjeribe my Self > 
Jr your much obliged 
Ue ae 
Elizabeth 2 

Cel} ag 14% of July 737. 

lule Satyrion,or- Male Focls- Stones. Satyrum mas. 

common, Satyrion of the Shops 
en spotted with Blach,, dh 
ed Purple. 

„and flowers in April and May 
Jamulus to Venery, strengthening the Genital Parts, and 
these Purpofes are a chief Ingredientinth warum 

Yprlsdinform.of a Guaplaın and are seemed goodie djiolve 

uM Diefatyrium. 

Diosc: ays, that the Roots of ths Plant boiled dad eat ly Men, makes then beget 
Boys andthe Roots of the Female Jatyruom eatlıy Women rakes them ratito Girt. 
Greek opcs Theophrastus. EardesarrerpimDiofareds Latin, Jabyrien mas, or Telas 
‘moronic. panis, deperro. Italian Teftccolo di lane. French, loullon de Poles 
German, Jchmel nabenerautmeunle. Dutch, Kulegeshruyd. 

Plate 54. ollyhocks. Mahra hortenfis. 

y Ius Plant grons sia or seven Foothighithel.eares are a light green. and thue 
Powers apiade Red. E 

3. Te gron: in Gardens, and flowers in Judy and August _ 

3. Hollyhocks aremuch.ofrhe Natureaf the common Mällenrs, vid Plateaa. but less mol. 
Yying; they aremojly Wed inGarglesforthe Swelling of theTonfils, and.Relaxa 
hon of the Unula. * * = T 

4. reel avisparixn,  Camerarius. Latin, Malva hortenfis. Spanish, Mabvay Italian 

Nalvamaggiore. French, Malves de Jardin. German Ernrofen. Dutch, Stockrrojen. 

Plato.55. March Violet. Virlamartia, 

+The Stalks of this Violet creep on the Ground; ho Lomas are adark Green and. 
dheHoners arae Purple 

2. Itgramı mildın Hedges, ands cultivated ken in Gardens; and flowersin March 

3-The Flowers are one of the four lordial loners; vc eitzemed. ling, mopiring, and laxative, 
godin Afectons oftheBreaftand.Lungs, helping (oughs andpleuretic Pains . 
The Syrups given to (huldrento open and cool the Bodies 
Tre Leaves are cooling and opening, and freguentlyputinte Glisters, and Ointments 

un Inflammatons. 

The Seeds reckon d goodfor the Jone and Granel. 
Ihe inalProparation u the Syrupues Violarin 

4 Grech xoxo, Diofcorutes. Latin Violamartia. panichHateta. alan Viela 
French, Violette. German, Merken.Biolen. Dutch, Diote, 

2 Plate se. White Faxy paje. Fan Praga alba 

zo tl ta 
e nach Yello Apuces 
2E grosor e. Neadenvs and flowers in April and Mo 
3 The Plant takes ¿o Name es der Sed diuretic, and lithe 

triple good for Me tone and Gravel, and /eoppage of T rie 
Pinal Dyan hele Gal TT 
4 faga alla re 

Ran ‘Dutch, feeenbreah 

ver are alight Green and the 

Bears - foot Black Súdebo Helle 

Diego © de 18 Inches high, the Bottom Leaver are dark Green, and Ve «pn 
Might Green; the Flowers are a very light Green, tinceured wish Punple round 
the Fdo. a 

But gros on the Mountains of Swrifterland, Aufıria,and Mirta; and is 
planted. with us in Garde nd Florerz Mo Liter end of December, = 
Bierzo it de called the Chrivenahi Flo 

aeo oot wal etecmed ly he Ancients good for Melancholy and Mudnefı 
purge Wack Coler. and Siumours ariceing thence; they le 

hewife gave din Leprofiet, 
Ahingles, the Ttchvand the lke cutaneous UYfections. Te u alto erede for the Gout, 
and of late it hat been very much made use of in stubborn Olfiruction of the 
lalamérta. The offieinal Medicine ıs the Vinetura Ellebori 

Burch EMipocos nédas, Dioscorides. Lago, Hleborum nigrumerHellelorat 
ler spanısh, Verde Garde: nero, or Elleboro. tulian,Lllelire ner, French, 
Ellebore noire. german, Chrtstrurt. Dusch 

Ble 50 Doves- fette Canes Bull. geranium. latumbirum,erPes Glonlonne 
Ellis Species of Gunes Bill grows a foot high, the Leaves at he Bottom gread on the 
Grow, and are a bright Green: the stalks are a Reddish Green, and ihe Flowers 
ared Purple 

Ele grows on Banks and Flowers great Part of che Summer 

Ht i esteemed. a vulrierary Plant, ufetill in invard 

Wounds Bruises and Hemorrhagic 

and all Fluxes. Te ie much eryid ip for he tare 
Te alto helps the stone and provoked Urine 
Porch reed ov. Dioscoridas. Latin Geranium eolumbinum Ypanich, Pico de 
(inguenha.Tedlian, Geranio. French, Bec de Cicongue German, Belfcher 
Storchfchnabel. Dutch ‚Duyvervet M 

f Ruptures in Children. given inFruder 

Plate 59. Pertwinckle Vinca Pervinca, or Clematis Daphnoides 

richte gromy a fro high, Ha Leases aro a righe shining Green, and dh 

Flowers a len Purple, lut. sometimes white 

vr in shady Banks he dry Ditches: & Flowers most Months in $ Summer 

Bew accounted a good vulnerary Plant ly it ofen ed in Wound Drinks for Brusfes ontusions, 

(rt Bieeding Hit j ping of Blood:t f Eccop of f atamenia y Pluor alt: 

PR KA iwaris Sagvoitas. Dioscorides kann, Vinca Pervinca.Swanish, 
Peg uat Malian Provenca French Iyserum.oerman, Singrun.Duch, Virco, Pride. 

Hate 60. Wood. 

Of. Asperuta odorata, or. Asper 

Whe Sealks grow to be a f 
Ye grows in 14 

j y are a deep graft rene} Plomero white 
y and Flowers in May 
BMood.roof is esteemed a atic; and usefull against Dry 

CUfeructions of the Gall Ble dice. The Germans put it into their 

We do Borruge § Burnet, as «great lard 

3 Greek 

de and Cops 

ial and Comforter of the 

x vor. Dioscorides. Latin, A. 

uclca.Erench,Garenie.german.Bildt Fert. Du, 

hot Tumours, Inflammations, and fresh ( 

Pavia lion Rob fit y 

————— —  — 

Por y Inches high ho Leaves are a graft Greensiho Flowerd 

Me Stalk grow 
Hedges und Woods and Flowery in May 

ts are used, and esteemed by some diuretic, and gord to stop all 

Pijek Dinivoos Zaun, Ayacinthus. Spanish, Matos flores. malian 
Yiyacıntho. French. acitt or Jacinte, german, Merkendlumen 
Dusch, Hyaeiithe 

dinde of 

€ Laurel. Laureota 

Place 62 Spury 
This Shrub grons 3 foot high; the Leaves ave a dark Greenzand the Flowers 
a yellon Green 
ond in Woods and Thickers, and towers in March and Apr, and 
Fruit u ripe in September. 

§ The Leaves and Berries ar used by some, as good to purge Bile, cholerie and 

servus Humours; tut hey purge mich great Violence both upwards and downwards 
Sime Adverturvus Persona give them in Dropsies 

greek Aa go trot Latin Laureola. Spanish Julian Laureola 
inch Laredo. german. refs Kellervfalfs. Duich, 

Ple és Sanade or Sélf- Heal. Sanicula or Diapentia 

B The falls grow to be a Foot. high, the Leaves are a bright graft Green, and the 
Wibwvery. white 

B legrone in Words and Flowers inv May 

This is one of the Chief vulnerary Plants, being frequently pue into Wound Drinks 

and traumatic Opozems; and t esteemed good for Ruptures, inward Bruises, spiting of 
Blood. or any Semorrhagiesand Hounds both inward and outward: 
le ek Latin, Sanécula or Diapentia. spanish 
- Tlian, Cónquefoglía Maggiore. French, Lia Sanicle. german 
Etanictel, Dusch ES E Sas. “EO 

Thes ss Bugle or muddle tonjound. Bugula,or onfolida media 
YT Stalk on which the Mowers gre 
Green: and the Powers a bright Blue 
de and Hedges, and Flowers in May 

Bole isa noted vulnerary Plant, and wed insraraly gecvtwnrdly jor all kindı 

are o Inches high. the Leaves are a Reddifh 

RL grany in Wi 

for Sores, Ulcers, Spitting. of Blood, and 

Prides, Wounds and Cmecsions, as ln 

zan, Duguda or ionfolida media ipa 

French. Bugle. ferma 

Gunfel. Dutch 

? the Female Ping, Pasenia fumina 
li gartins, and Flomerd in Apr and May 
Jua Plane genercliy Supplies the Place of j Male Binysand ir accounted geod for the 

ip Aroplauy and all binds of Convulsions and nervous Uffections, both in young $ 

Mh Lochia. The Root and Sted «vd hung bra leal 

umwullions in breeding their Teeth 

y, and j Retention 

ichs to prevent 

gukrTiesuoida: er Maroría uy tía. Latin Faconia facmind. Spanish 
Rosa del monte, or Rosa albardetra. Imlian Peonta French, Pivo tne, or 
Pynoine. german. Peonien. Dutch 

Plate 66 The great Blew -bottle tyinus major 

Dt gren 18 Tüches high, the Leaves are a deep Green on the Inside, an 
a full bh 

Errem ix Gardens and Flowers in. Tune 

This ig reckoned amos 

lighe green 
nthe Bachfido; the Flowers a 

vubnerary Plants, the Juice being commended. against Bruifes and 
Gintusions whichogome of Fallo. though a Vain be broken. and the Party Spit Blood; as alro 
1 heal any Gut or green Wound. 

pjreckiKóavo s hatin, Cpl, major Spanish, Tumba, Fig” 
umpese, fuer Alito, k Ballifuocero. French German, Cornblum 
Dutch, Groote blommen 

Pave 87. May-Weed, x faetud Cumomule. aida jretide- 

y logremos about a fest high. the Leaver are a dark green. and the Flowers white nich a 
yellow Thom in the middle 

xy amongst the born, and on Danke, and waste Places, and Florvers for 
feveral Monchs in de Summer 

me Authoun commend this Plant as good against Vipours and Hysteric Fite 

MO Ray pepe Te was sometimes used in Serephulous (ofer. Tournefort says, That 

shout PAIS they use it in Fomentitions for Paine and Swellings of Haemorbhagies 

yy lío pis, and Atorpor. Latin. Coriila faetida y Chamaemelum faetidum 

I uch, Manzanilla. Tratian, Quma milla French Gumpnima or tamomille 
amulfen Duck, Sankende milk 

Plate oo. Treacle Multard. Thlaspi 

2 This Plant gronss to be a foot high, the 
nd the Flowers are white 

3r grove in forn-fields in Epex and Flowers in May 

TE hot and dry, and somewhat diuretic; and it esteemed good to pro 
and to help the Dropry, eut. Stiatica,and forward the Monfirual Evacuations 

The Seed of thir Plant tt what ought to be ufed in the Theriaca s Mihridate, 
lutbeing jearcely to be had the feed of the Mithridate Muftard, or Thlaspi 
vulgatifiimuin, may be ufed as a Suecedaneum for it 

V dri Odasns. Latin, Thlaspt Spanish. Panigueso. de flor blanco. tralian 
Vhlaspt. trench Senewe Sauvage. German Besencraut Dutch Boren -kerfie 

ares are a graft Green 



¿arden Hower deluce. Ini shorten 

dFlomers in May 
deron Errhine ; when snuffä up the Noowils, it purges j Head 
Where Macas Pina 

mers a bluish Purple 

ars the D. 

Decoction uf the Root, given inwardly is a strony Vomit, and accounted, 

le Dropey „Jaundie and dye 
Ba fmit o very Pensive to the fomac 

fud Yes unn Iris nostras hortendis pani. Lirto Cardeno Tulane Gigtio celeste 

inch, Flambe . german, Blan gugen Beuvart. Dusch, Lisch 

ood for 

Plato zo Lillia of he Valles) | Lione conwaltim 
dp » the Leav 
in the Füdhza , but chiefly in Gardens, and flowers in May and June 

Digne to be 8 0710 Inches 4 are a graf Green, andthe Hamers white 
Pits of the Valley are of greabsernico in all Disorder of the Head andNerves ; au Apople 
Bde, Paley, Conv 

They aro much used in Errhines and cephalic hu 

Wlaryequanaty of them are pue in the Aqua Pacórias C. and pric. Lavendulic 
wud the Ay. Cute pleptca, 

"m Latin, Lilion ermwallirm, Spanish 

ulin Lilia convallio. French, Muguat . German, Reyenklumlin Dutch Lehe 
wen den Daaler 

Wissens escola upon telily, lui 

pions, Vertigo 


da common upon Fuit Trees, & à caled f Lackey fera variety of Colne 

minor er d tatu. 

Plate p. Sage of Virtue. Sa 
Jab gron to bo 18 Inches high, if Leaves are a light Green, and jHowers a palePurple 
me in Gardena and flowers in May and June 
veer. good for all Diseases of the Head and Nerves. as jPalay,Cmwuffons 2 

U arts 


use ie likenise forUterine obseructioms, andin Fevers à 
ves are used in the Ug. Ontepileptica. Antpar 
Syrup Stvechados . Ung. Maraatum . Cagpar Cominélin 
Vvet,z qax chos. Latin, Salvi. minor, or Salvia virtults Spanien Salına or 
Salva menore . Italian, Salvia munare . French German 
Dutch , Sate 

e Composite 

Place 73. Ladies mantle . Aldimilta 

3 dignos t be a foot high, the Leaves aro a grab Green, andy Flowers a yellow green 

It gms in Meakin and Pasture Grounds, and floners in May 

3 Dh Plane is rectonid a good rudnerary, being drying &binding inerafaing and 

af great force to sop inward Bleeding, the ünmoderate Fluz o] 
the Menses, and the Fluor. albus 

ves applyed. owmardly are acorunted good for tank f 
a greater Frmnep and smaller Compap 

ne Latin, Olehimilla. Spanish 

alian, Stellaria. French, Pie de Lyon . german, Synnan 

mnaunsonser Droumen mantel 


lagging Breasts, to bring 


‚ok Green, and the T 
nthe ia much used in Collyriuma for tore. inflan 
The nal Preparation ts the Led Härer- 
Latin, Rosa alta. Spanish, Rosas blanco a 
ench, Roses. German, Rosen. Dutch, Witte Roos 

White Hellebore. Elleborum o Verabrum alti 

r3 foot high ; the Leaves are alright Green; az ers 
or a dark Purple 

f Smilerland, Queria ond Súria; with a 

nd purges nih g 

oat Taten 2 

messing when 

2 vat service in all Dis 
Testers, 4 
The ¢ Marion 
4 dre 3 feborum 
Elle a 2 


area dar 


ring fen 
iari P 
elis fran Dit 

Dyatamı. Dust raa 

#76. QufT- mort . Cruciate 
high, he Á 


ws. Fragaria 

Plate 78 INE! Ros fore Tus 


warn. Syrupnusö Peso fue 
aun Rosarum, TinauraRosarım et [peau Uamataun Rosarum. 
7 Jpanich, Rosas. Ialian, Rosa. French, Roses 

Kard Rosen 

79. Ladies Thistle . Cardınıs Marae 

t high, the Leaves are a millonr Gre 

and stopp 
ud Marias. Sp 
re Dame. german Unfer Frarven Dist 

v, Can 

Plate so Melilot. Hello tus 

Rosin and Wace, is 
vang of Blisters 


#1. garden Radish. Raphanus horinsia 

yh ; the Leaves à 

y lowe 

retires white 1 
in Ma 

and June 

ung and anuscurlulie 
d fer-the None and Gravel 
Raphanus Spanish, Ravane - kalan , Rafın. 

he Dutch, Peperwortel 

talpa, or Mole-kricket 

ud ul Lin is down 

The Damask Rose. Rosa Damascena 

ose Bush groma not so tall as the rhe 

Leaves are a light Graf Green, and the 79 a pale Red 
Ble grows vi Gardens and flomecas forseveral Months m the Summer 

fa gende carharıc Nature 

purging cholerw anc 

tly queen to Ouldre 
Lau, Rosa Dama. 


7t. Dutch, Province Roos 

Plate 83. Pease. Prsum 

s grom to be four foot high, the Leave. 

4 whale 

enn Gardens Fields, they flower 

vod. to smrecteny Blovd & o ri 

: dv. “Latin, Pisum. Spanish t 
French, Les Pots. German ‚Erbis. Dutch 

Pus ea. Hedge Niue. Galupiis 

e Qvo footlugh; y Leaves 

anden Banks, and flowers in June 

unted ly some a good valnerary, and servie 
Wounds , ar d putrid, Ulce 

Galippeis Jhanich, Ortca m. 
imeßel. Dusch, Dove Noctoles 

nd rauıngent, x 

stop inwardBlesding, d making of 

rea . Italians Orica mort 

| Plate es. Clove July Floors Caryophyllus vul 
| ) 

Bis sal 

Dig are alavated Garde 

nes ita 

wall Disease 
malignantD i 
are, ASyrip anda lonferveo 

din Fever he 
nal Preparation 

feck Keg eh Noi Gryopky 

JE Train. Garafonı French Ocleta.orGrrsfloes, German, Grafab 

For tunica velo 

Far a6. Water-Betony or-Figwort. Scrophularıa aquatica. 
1 Salks.Ihan the other Fagnrorts but lefa branchid and L 
The Leaves and Salhs of thi are a Duller-Green 

hae larger and.tal 

u gromng on longer f 
mers abrighler Red 
gren by watery Places and Ditch 

and floners in June 

huesteerizd good for the Pain and Jr i Hamorrhoides orPil counted 
pone deter five and vulnerary ainat the Th 
T Latin. Serophularia aquatica, Spanish Tealian. Serof 

ire. German. Wurmeraut Dutch Jpeenkruyd 
his Creature oaa found by the Side of aDitchin the middle of June; and since it has li 
fometimes tn rater and Sometimes Earth. It eats Herbs and. smalircorma. Somehink it 

ues of the Squillae 

Plate 67. Great Ta Wart Da: laria. Major 

[le ls grom-to bea Yard high, the Leaves arca graft Green and the Flowers 

LM Purple 

[Eres un IGdges and T 
Plant from the J 

the Kings Evil in any Partof the 

marrhoides, either used inn arly o) 

horn Ulcers. 

m dots, and flowers in June 
for the Pain 

ly» i alias wed. for 

2 Lan Mrophuluia Mayor or nodofo focida. Sparash 
Jerofolaria. French. grande Jerctaire. German. Bee Rachtfchalt Dutch 
oot Sneenkruyd 

gworts, more than any other Plant 

erpillar is common lo beth th 

Puss. Lettice Laduca 
thighs the L car esarealight GreenandtheHoners yell 
vding tothe Months wu ts sonen. in 
gredientin Salles being 
Durst. and tempers he Sharpneßsof Kun 
Milk in Auris 
ur smallercold 
m. Lactuca. Span 

alkı gror: to 

emo ort 

le Jamal all 
ru inthe Badpitpre 

; echuga Tialian-Lattuca French. I 


E. Bears Breech ar ran Thin Cleanth 4, Branca Ursina. 

shining dark Gre 

tern of ther, 


v native Place being Teal 

of the Helleboraster. o 
to those that are ignorant 

ita Branca Ursina, or deant 
wrtho, or-Pranea Orsina. French, Branrze € 
the Caterpillar Plate 

o Marshmallens. Olihaca Bismalva, Ibiscus 

Yard high the Leavesarcof.a yellowish 

nlotaurs the Homers arca 

pale Red. 

Sele Marohs, anders nay 

ifa at ism gang and Soupling of greoruse inthe Srangury, Gravvel, Stone Hea 
inthe Stomach and f, i came ivelligs &-Influrcations 

the Jima de diea, PulrcDialthew &Unguentun Dialthea 

¿usos Latin. Olıhaea, Bumalva. Misau. Spanish Shervra (aunamera or Mar 

nch Guymaune. German, Misch. Dutch, terra ervortel, 

Plate gr. Gr eat Clanlline or Yellon horn Poppy behdonum majus 
ile folks grom to be a for: 2 Leanes area blush Gres 

rms among n M. eh, and upon 
pente and cleansing, opening Obs 

andthe Flowers yellom. 
itflowers in May and 
ms of thedpleen &Liver, & 

unice and Jeurvy.— Some reckon it cordial &g 
Pestlential Distempers. — Quenrardh for y w dry up the Rheum, and to 
take array Specks, Films , Tethers, Rig E füurfy Breakings-cut 
vel Nerd viev weya. Latin Qveldonaum. magus orPapamer Corniculacur tian 

hanısh, Celiduuna, or Yerva dellas Gotindrinas. adan Celdonsa maggiare.t 
Chelidome, or E re ‘German, Sehelscraut. Dutch, Sankeno 

Plaw 92. Gouls Rue . Galega, or Ruta Tees 

BThe Salks grom to 
2.1 £ 

6 Gre 

he a Yard high ; the Leaves aro a 

eral Places ofltaly mild; lutis planted hero in Gardens, and flonsers 

nd July 

vw encemid, cordial, sudorifc, aleaipharmic, 
^ use in most the Small P. 

Lo cure the Bites of Venemous Creatures 

Lean, Galega. or Ruta, canraria. Janis 

French, german, 

rod against pesulenualDistem 
and Measels — klima 

Plate 93. Great lentory, Cenlaurium majus, or-magnum 

he Stalks grave to be five or-six: foot high, the Leaves are alight Green. and the 
vera purplish ^ ju OU cee 
roms mild in Italy, but is planted herein Gardeng dnd flowers in July 
4 The Rootis accounted drying, binding. good or allkinds of Fuzz y 

arthe Nose, Mouth, or aniy other AA - [tis als 
ame as Pliny Jays fromihe ntaur-Quron, who cured him 
me of the Ürroms of Heradles, ly the Use of this Plant 
qp Greek Kevralpıov péya. Latin (entaurium magnum. Jpanich, Ruipontie. Italian. 
Tentaurea maggiore French. Rlepontico. German Reupontice. Dutch, 

Plate 94. Tutsan or Le ark. i _eaves. U Indic aemum 
1 The Stalks gronr to be two or three foot hıgh. theLcanes areagrafi Green, the 
Rowers Yelore, and the Berries hun. ripe purple a 
at grows in Hedges and Thichets and florsers in July. a 
3 The Lean Homers areaccounted much of the Nature of E Johns Wort being 
agood Wound Merb: used bothinnrardly and outnrardiy - InFrenchitis called 
Toutsain, heal, and from thenzely ue corruptly Titsan 
4.breekAvopocarnor. Latin Androsaemum; Ulmen. Ipanish 
Tealian, Undrosemo . Pretich, Toutsain german, 


Stopping Bleeding 
dito heal Wounds. take 

Wound he recet 

"Late 45 ThorowNax. Perfotiaa 

2 JL grome to be a foot high, the Leaves are a blue Greer, and the Hirwers 
a greenish Yellonr 

2 legroros among the Corn, and flowers in June & July 

3.Thorgugh Waz is reckomd among the Vadnerary Plants, and is much used for 
‚green Wounds, Bru Rupaurea | Contusiona, old Ulcers and Sores, eth zgwen 
in Ponder or the Decoction 2 

4. Greek, Latin Perfoliata- vulgari. Spanish 
Jialian, Perfogliata. French German Durchavafehfs Dutch 

Plasegs. Swallon- Wort, Tan Poison. Qscleprias Vincetocicumallirunanara 

1 Tho Salks are aboutafootandanhalf high, the Leaves areadark 
Green, andthe lowers white. 

aligrons here w Gardens, and flowers in Sune and Judy. 

3 The Rovers esteemed agreat Counterpowan. especially against the bad. E, 
of Apocynum. and. other poisonous Harts. à 

Tis also used to cure the Junge and Bites of Venemous Creatures 

Wis helpful against Malignant pestilential Fevers rohichit carrves off by Srteat 
Misused. also for the Dropate and Jaundt 

‘Grek, Alarmas Laur, Osclepras. Spanish, Ttakian. Vincetofswo. 
French German. Schralbenavurt. Ducth, 


NE 2 4. 

Plate 97 Pomgranates. granata, Puraca mala 

vs ús alow Tree, having on is Branches, a fene Thorns; The Leaves are a 

ne Graft Greer and die Plowere a fine earl 

zunates grow in Spain & Tealy and many other Guntrist, and flowers in 

the large double Flow. 

in its manner of Growth from che other Thefo,as nell. ad the 

Lilo Bark are very drying $ roforgont good for all sort of Fluxes, 
y. They aretes Ha ame pedal Ter help the falling « 

f the Usula, and cancerous Ucery in the Mouth and Throat 

Greek pora Lutne Granata. Spanish Granadas. Italian Melagrano, or Pomo granato 


of $ wild Pomgranate nhach differs 

ingle Flowers 

E french.Pomes de Grenades, om Mygrains.German franatoy fillaum Dutch grandat Boom, 

mary or Alecoast. Balfamita mas.or ftue hortorum 
more than a foot high, the Leaves are a pellone green.and 

ws and Flowers in July. 

4L goodta srengthen tho Stomach, ke cafe Head. ud arifing 
reo] - It expels Wind and prevents four Belehingacoubvard 
nations to comfort and strengthen, the Limbs 

Latin dofus hortorum Spanish Ttalian, Menta Greca 
French, sch. German Bufer Framen Munk Dutch, Balfame 

2 Dif 

Plate gg. Arrach Ayer. 
5 fort high, the L 

June and July 
boiled % eaten. ihe Colemorts mich Sale Meats de in 
vistningrendring the Body J 
fed mach other- ómolliene Horta ın 

y The Leaves are / 
Jallads, and are 
good for hot. bile 
Greek, Areagaz i5. 
Tealian, Aoryplice 


atin. Aeriple,- alba hortenfis-pallide virens. spanish, Armotes, 

nchderoches. german Motten Dutch 

king Arrach. Atriplex olida. 

1 The Stalka of chug on the Ground.and the Leaves are covered 
mith amealy Green ithe Flowers are small and Green 

whole Plant has a trong 
om» on Dunghills & T 

This Hert ia neculiarly 

uterine Dorders, goo 

Plate 100. Wild 

e is wSyrup keptiny Sh 
‘a Latin Aoryplex olds slveT rid. 

3 E 
E. A O 
PHYSICIAN un Ordinary to her MAIESTY 

PRESIDENT. of the opa. Sorten 

The Cneouragement Chit WORK hus met mat. 
Vom your: gencrous Misia E iL ying me te 
Ler LO draw such fi % rom your 
WPECIHENS (as were noc io de had in 
UNGLAND) obligo me to this pa le M 
llqment that de may be known to whom I have 
Veen obte de this DERTAKING qnd Pal 

Gray have the Honour t ferio my. Self 

Jt 4^ ur much obliged 
Merle Sey 

vos. The Leach Tree. Perfica Malus 

This Tree groros to no great Bignefs here, the Leawes are a deep Green 

, he Flowers a fine Pink Colour 

lanted in Gardens & flowers in March; the Fruit ie ripe in August 

The Flower » opening and purging, and are chiefly given to thildren à carry 
iff thin jerous Jümors, and to kill Worms. The Fruit ir cooling and motetning 

full 0 the Palate; lub apt to putrefy and caufe Surf 

g greek wepoixa puna, and Podanva. Latin, Perfica Malus. Spanish, Pexcegor 
Taalıan, Pefche & Perfiche. French, Pefches. German Derfich. Dutch, 


pus 103. Plorrmans Spikenard great tenyfa Baccharis Monfpeliensium 
ithe talks grow to be Three fo 
and the Flowers Yell 
Bur grome on hilly chalky; Places and. flowers in Fly. 
y Tas Plant is esteemed ly some a good Vilnerary, for Bru 
Ruptures, and Invard Wounde, Pang in 
4 ireekKovija. Latin, Baccharis Monsp 
arts. Spanish Atadegua. Ttahan, (oniz: 
er. German, feel Munk. Dusch, 

vot high, the Leaves are a dull Green 

‘ide. & Difficulty of Breathing. 

ienfium, and Conysa major vul 

“or Pulicaria. French, Herbe aux 

Plate 105. Flea-bane lonyfa & Pulicaria 

talks gran about a Span high, the Leaves are a graf Green, 
> Flowers yellow 

4 The 


3t grons in moist Places, and where Water has stood all the Winter 

wal flowers in Augufe and September 

y Thi 17 the Pulizaria of Lobel, so calld becaufe by itr Smell it. defroys Fleas 

sand Grats. Parkinfon and Media ae better than tha 

for the Jtch 

atin, Conyfa and Pubicaria. Spanish, Aeadegua menore 
inch, Herb aux Puces. German, Geel Munk 

Gerard commena 
Jame commend an Ointment made of ther Plant as 7 
L Rovita. pupa 

lan, Comyfa, minor 
Bun, 7 

Plate 103. Basil. Basilicon or Ocimum 
De proms about a foot high, the Leaves are a light Green 
and the 
sen in Gardens and flowers in Iuly and August 

Incients condemn the inward ufe of thir Plant as hurtfad to the 

lowers white 

dir chande y Lunge of Flogm, and provoke 

2 are ufod in the Ag. Hystorica and Ung: Martiatum. The 
vae i rupArtemitiae. Palv Diarrhodon te Casper mte 
[fire a ilicon & Ocimum. Spanish. Albahaca. Italian Basilico 

French, Basilie. german, Basten. Dutch Basilicon 
6f — 

Plate 1 Amond Tree Onygdalur 
b. fembles of the Peach tn the Leaves and Blof mes; ond, the 
linend Tree is a Native of Spain and Barbary, tt flowere early inf 

Bruit w ripe in August 
monde are accounted nourishing, but sf eaten too much hard of Digesting 
he wn Uffections of the Lungs, Stone Gravel llic. 
frecly of it before they Expect heir Delivery and. of 
tildrer-misced with any opening Syrup. The Biker ane 
Ed vette. being cleansing and leauti/ying- The Dil di 

2 lo pura. 

into he Ears is good for 
». frequently put among Inodine Liniments. The Oficinal Preparation? are the 

Brick Awydakos. Latin, Amyodalus amara & dulcis - fatvaz. panico Almendras. Italian 

Mundrole. French. dIman des. German. Mandellaum Dutch Amdndell, 

piso cof Marygolds . Calendula 

ight Green and the Flowers Vellori 

and flowers great part ofthe Summer 

Leaves and Flowers are ‘anointed dordialAlacipharnice good in all ndi 
rro; they promote vweat and are frequently ufed to drive cub the small Pox and 
br, Soma comnend them for de Jaundice, sore inflamed Eyes, and Warts 
| Zutin ‚ülendula, fing lice flore-rmascima iticha vil 
Zalian., Fior Rancio French, Prujry german, Ringel- lum Dusch Bruddlibem. 

Niglht-Shate . Solanum hortense 

Verona de sat highsthe Leaver are agrofaGranandceKloners White wäh Yellow 
Ube tn Che Middle 

Piss by High Hays, and amo 

ne a cas are 

Wie Leaves are a 

in garden, 

Rubberhand Florrery in August. 
Valori goad for ald kinda of Inflummations and. 
Pelivellinge the Shingles and her cutialar Eruptans ; as alıo for Burra and Falda 
Titulo Solar that should bepputinthe Unguentum Populesn; bub the Herb folks sell the 
[ium ignogumin iestead, rhachis of acomrary Nature; therefore ets heiter to use the Solanum 
(ale wuchs to behad atthe same tne, and agrees better mios other. Ingrédients 
First Scr caves amvaíos . Latin, Solanumhorienae > vulgare. Jpanüh, yarııa mora 
Elan. Salairo or Herbamarella. French, Morelle. German, Nachijehatt Dutch Nachijhade 

d, ard ert 

Patezos . Wild Cucumber: Cucumis agrestris ajunua 
Phielialk of this Plant creep on the Ground; the Leanes are alighGreen andthe 
Powers ello 
Bu sormin Gardens here, and flomeria July 
Bia ua fron (athartic carrying of serowmatery Humors both uprards and 
garda, rif reat Valence: rhenceitis of great lae in theDropsy When 
dove arenot décayed; ur forably Urrings dorem the (atamena, and ever de 
ee Focus in the Ford, ows therefore only fit to be admarastred Ly a very 
Vil 7527.4 
fork mor gio. Latin, Cucumis PT rea tria - apininaus - Spanish, 
¡prórilo, amargos . Itaları, Cocomero sabratea French, Cogombrre arua 

"man Bidder lucumerDutih, Feel Gmeommer. 

09. Harmort,or Aster Que. Aster ticus or Inquinalis. 

adks groro to bea foot and; arc half high, the Leanes are a Gra 

af Green, «c 
ie Flowers purple ruta YollowThrum inthe Middle. ” v 

Diofiorides recommends forthe too great JGataf y Somachs Inflammationsof 
the Eyes x 

Müreel Ash drlınos. Latin, Aster Atticus, Ingunalis o-Bulonium. Spanish 
Ustaraucon. Tealan, Asteratico. French, Petite Espargiutte. German. Stern baut-Dutch 

Fupatorium Avicennae 

hoec rali Green uc 

wardly, but espe 
secure Coughi latarrhs. 

are. Spanish, Agrano 
rman ,luntgundelaut Dutch, 

Wally outrrardly e us 

ve Latin, Eupatorium Avicenna or 
Min. Italian, Eupatorio.Erench, 4 

Pacers White Honbane. HMjofeyamus albus. 

nie Stalks gronr to be two Bact hi 
Blowers di pale Yellon 

Alu a Native of the warm Countries, beng planted nithus ıngardens flonring 
in July and August 

Bhs Henbane u accounted milder than the Black erefore saferto be given wand. 
ly, being emollient: corna and lnodyne, good for br famatons, andDefuctons of 
hat Rheum, ands ofienmusıner cooling repelling Ointments. 

4 Greek, Vooxócuos reines Lawn, Ayoscyamus alla. Spanish, Velenho bic 
alan Turguiame bianco. French, Lusguiame blanc. German, Bilfam. Dutch, Bilfenkr 

Plateriz. Alkanet. Anchus 

The Sualks gron-alout mafoot high, the Leavesare adark Green, andthe Hamers 
ahlue Purple. ; B 

BdlLorops ingardens here, and flomers in June and, 
3-Dí or a ve other Ancients commend. the Ro: 

igh, the Leaves are a dark Green, and the 

ar good agate the Bites of Tee 
lj against Burns I" Anttongs 

— E. EC — 

VOU or Briajfewort ‚Japonarıa 

and an half- high, the Lear 

1 near Rivers and flower 

1 for feve 

va. Dutrrardly applied di 


mit the Lues T 


Vis Laten, Saponaría vulgaris, or Iychnır Saponaria dicta. Spanish 
ltalan, Lichnide coronaria. French, 

Margenroflin. Dutch, Seep kruyd. 

Plate n4.The Marte Tree 
Phas is a lithe 


indament, both taken 

A Syections. Preparations from $ 

Berries are yrupusMyrtinus,-Pul: Diamargaridon frigid. OL: Myrtinum. Ung: ad. 
Yringenc. Fernel. Empl. ad” Rupturas > 

Wreck, in Latin, Myrtus. Jpamsh,Murta, or Rajam. Italian Myrto martina. 4 
f rench Meurte. german, Bellkheiderbeer baum. Dutch Myrte Boom 

Plate us Toad-Plac. Linaria.- lua vulgaris 
B ue ruth more 

an a foot high, the Leaves are a millon 

Green, and the Flowers, Vellonr. 
Ele grorur common on Bink and Hedges,and flowers in. Tuly 

Be whote 
ver % Spleen. helping the Dro 4 
The Ointment made with Hogs hard, and a good Zuantity of thes Herts t 

Fed a y. es ly anointing Ihe Part; -at the time of Using “it 

it.The Offiemal Preparation i $ Ung. Linarue 

Greek Do ulgaris and Ofyris. Spanish binaria. Hakan 

Tinaria. French. Lunaere . German, Harncraut. Dutch 


Pla us. Tarragon. Dracuncilus hortenfis . 
Ele grows to 

and the Flo 

evo foot high, he Leaves are a shineing dark Green 
vers a Yellorish colour 

BM planted in Gardens, and fl 
ESL... a 

geod for 

yin July and August 
which are chiefly used are accounted heating and drying 
ojo who have cold Stomachs, for which they are often pue into 
ome say they expel Wind provoke Urine § the Menfe 
Latin, Dracunculus hortenfir. Spanish, Dragons . Taliar 
French, Targon. German, Draguncell. Dutch, Dragon 

The great Burdock. Bardana major Lappa major 

hy gronr to be ovo Foot high, the Leaves are whiteshoary underneth 

> gral Green above, atid the Flowers are Purple. — 
w by Ma fides and flomers in Tune and luly 

are Judorific and. alexipharmie, qood in malignant Fevers, k are herefo 
wed in the ly Theriacalis, - They are accounted good against the Gout and Pung in ff 
Til. The Leaves boild in Milk, and applied as a Cataplarm are by some used for the 
me Distemper v fer Burns and Inflammations, and are one of the Ingredients of 
Unguent: Popudaeum. - The ümmen People apply them oftentot Feet Wrists tr 
Fever The Seed rid and given in white Wine V good to provoke Urine, and 
help Fite of the Stane 

Latín Bardana, Perfonata or Lappa major. SpanwshBardana. Italian, 

Jappola. maggiore. French Gloteron or Bardana. jerman,großs Pletten Dutch, Kifer 


bai: Dead or jpoued Arfmart. Perficaria maculata x maculofa. 
Inltarons to le mo Foot high, the Leanres are a deep Green wich a epot ind middle 
in chape tke a half Moon. and the Fiomens are a pale Red 

Br grows ve morft Places ty Ponds and Ditches and flomert in Tuly 

i The Leaves ari ewteemil ly some of a cooling Nature, good againt hot Tumors 
inflammations, Imposthumes and green Wo "P 

yp reek Vdsonéneo- Latin, Terficaria taculofa » 
Puficaria maggiore. Frevich, (urage . be 

nish Hierva pe nera Italian. 
merken Dutch. Terlich - kruyd. 

Plate 10. Sharp "fart or Water Pepper. Hy dropiper. 

This Plant gronss lo the same height as the formers the Leaves are tighter and 
nant the spot vr the dead Arfinart and the F y are a paler Red. 

ac the same time 

6 verimental Phy losop hy, 

recommends the dicil Mater of thi: Plank as a good Remedy avant the Stone 
seis commendes old Jultern leer 

4 frock YA. iy drrpipesz and Perfiaria — "maeuet 

Spanish. Herva 

ian. Pepe aquatico and Perficaria. French. (rm 
Dutch, Perfich- kruyd. 


Plate no. Buck horror Swines (reja es. loronopud Riellic. 

he lower Leaves of thir Plant lie on the Ground, and are tn shape and 
our hike the Garden (Pefrer, the Flowers are White 

y lay Way-Sides ind flowers great Part of the Summer 

GI the Wejeluitry this ut much used a1 a Sallad. both ranr and boiled, for 
le great Yefaulnef in the Stone and Gravel; and se ral Gardners ali 
London talivale itinterr Gardens for har End being a great decrete 

2 it gro 

+ Greek, Latin. ioronopue Ruellü, recht. or + Ruellu 
Spanish Italian. Frene 
German Dutch 

We So, 

Plate ras. Ihe Cornel Tree. Cornus- mas. 
his Tree grows tothe Size of a Che 
ers Yelioro, and the P. 7. 


learn in Gardens, y flomvers in arch Ape but f 

"y Tree; the Leaves are a de 

o Green, t 

unotripe till August 

ut coe eot, deying end binding, Srengthening $ 
Ge Officinal Preparation t the Robe de larnis 

Greek Koaria. Latin, Cornas, and tormes he 
ornato. French, Corner: Ger 


ach, stopping 

nfs mas. Spanish Cornizoles Tiadian, 
an, lornelbaum Dutch, lernoelje 

Plate r3. Garden Cary. Horminum hortenf. Selarea. 
lelegroros tobe vo Foot high: the Leaves are a dull Greenonthe 
nthe Backfide ; the Flowers are a light Blue. 

Rlgrons in Gardens, flowring in Juneand July 

lazy 1s eslem’dwarmıngw.dryung. - Infused. 
Jone commendit as a, great. strengthener-of the he 
mung a Cold relaa dWomb:- Matthiotus recommends 
Yoney as good for Boils. Tuo same Author says thattheWomeninItalyputasingleseed 

Eyes when they are troubled with any Reduefi, hammers or Dinnefi: but T" Miller 

gives has Vertucto the Wild Cary. 2 

Wireek. Opp vov. Latin. Hormanıinhe 
Searlegyia. French, Orval, or Toutel 

and. hoary 

Vine ut comforts a 
1. help 

/dmindy Stomach: 

fused in Hncgar 

Bere and Jdlarea. Spanish. Jillian, 
une. German, Scharlach. Dutch, fearten 

lora Gar 
2 Te stalks grow 
Homers yellonrish 
alegrons in andf 
Buone use this Plant to pul 
mards and 
stalks destr 
y Greek, Aa 
hunore. French, Espurge. German, Jpringeraut, Dutth, dpraugeéri 

Lathyris. lataputia minor, Lathyris - 
thigh; theL eame areabluih Green andthe 

lon Spurge 
2 three or four 

u Months us tae Summer 
tery aora rachat does wühgreat Violence both up 
ndn seldome used for this but by Emperies The Milk of the 
Warts by anointing themmithik 
‘ors. Lain Lathyris, «lataputiaminor. parish, Tartago Malian. éuaputa 
id. purge. 

Plate sx. Shepherds Saf. Virga Matris 

oot high the Leaves are light Grafs Green, and the 

a Ligroms tobe four or five 
Flowers Yellonrish 

a grores in Marfaey Grounds particularly behind the Bishop of London's 
hue at Fulham. 

3. Maithıolus says thes has the same Vertues asta Hoan ; vi d Root of thes Caled to the 
Cnfistence of Bsej Wax ın Wine, and kant na Braren Vefrelu qaod fer a fades and 
Ces in he Fundament . ~The Ran Water found ny Hollonrofthe Lea 

cool Inflammations of ij Eyes, wwrender the Face fair 

Lam VirgaPastores. Spanish, Hakan VirgadiLastore 
Dutch, f 

ves ts commen 

eur: Germ 

Plate 125. The Fig Tree. Ficu. 

dhe Frust "hen. ripe 
makes it beliey 
are Turky, Spa 

vat. Bigne/i in England; the Leaves are a 

afi ire sd, Grecia beareth no vifi 

them en. 
y dry them o 

tr time of Bearing u in Spring 


d jravel,- and che 

jing and ripening 

v Malian, Fichi: French, Fioues. German, Fengen 

Dutch Uy sen 

Pace 126. The Mulberry Tree. Morus- nera vulvario 
y to de a tall Tree, the Leaves are a dark jreen, the Floners yell 

uch, and the 

in garde ie Fruit el ripe th Aug 

and September 
d dev, opening olfeructione of the Laver and 
at w binding and dryi 0 all 

ul helping th 

nd In 

o. French, Maurier. german. Maul! 

luprofius mas 
A branchid as the 

up. The Male lypre 
to be a tall Ti bud 

made; th 

hey lekenvife pr 
ll they dre ufu in sup tie 

v. Malian, Gjprefio . French, 

vatbfeum. Bırlingua 

nthe Flowers 

Horje Tenaue,or D 

le ron fie e a deep ir 
hand the Berrys r 
ad wn Italy. 

deemid hi 
yori: Pia 

the latamenıa 

y in Tune 
and drying, good for Diforders and Suffecateone 
astening the Birch, expelling the After Birth and 


lrfrum. Spanish, Lengua de 

Latin, Bislingua, appe? 
French Biskngua. German, X 

len baue Dutch, 

ate 139. Guinea Popper Capsicum Piper indicum 
Baron Foot high, the Leaves 

d ihe Fruit red 
Bri om in Gardons,and, 

Green, the Flowers 

loners tn Augufi th 
mend a Decoction of ther wich Penn, 
The Sans leti! and ufed as a Gar help the 
derd and mit muh Hi dto the 
any thing that vo flatulent and Wir 
fliguactrum. Span » 
rman. Indian] 

wut being ripe in September 
oat. az good to expell a Dead Child. 
doch di. A Gutaplacm of the y 

^ the Quir; 

Tesi much used as a Sau 

Grek Ka oov Latin, cap 
Vlad. French, Poyore d Inde 3 

Hakan Pepo 

Plate 130 Smooth Son thistle. Sonchus laevis 

ln gron about wo Foot high. the I 

Flowers yellow : 
Bltgrems upon Banks and Wiyfides, and flowers in _ lay and Lune 

Pie Leaves are much of the Nature af Dandelyen, being apperative and dure 

| fravel and Stoppage of Urine. Some boil the Leaves tn Pet drink 

rt. The Young Ih at among Salladı as Let 

ts. Jpantch, Serraya. Italian, (io 
diftel. Dutch : 

are a light graft Green, and the 

FO oe nsi Water Calamunt. leamentha aguatica 
Barone t» be a Foot high, the Leaves are a dll Green, and te Fl 
Eltron in moy es where Mater has fiagnated all the Winte 
Bh June. and Tuly 

bw hot and dry. and à. peculiarly appropriated to the fomalo Seas tb ir 
Wim a geod llterine, provokiñg the Menfes and Lochia. It warme the 
Biete, and helps the Chole and Iaundice 

Breed, Karapivea i atin, Calamentha aquatiza. Jpanızh.Novedo. Ttalian, 
lamento aguatico. French, Poullio de German, Baféermunk. Dutch, Water 
a nd aie D 

sa Sroundjel. Erigeron, Jénecto 
Phe Stalks oron to be a Foot high, the Leaves 
Flowery yellonr 

v a light Green and the 

A flowering the greatest part of the Year 
at a Gentle Vomit, to eafe the Pas tn 

acuate Choler, help the Jaundice, and defiroy Wormer. Quin 

Mi usefull in forophulows Tumours, and Inf the Breast, and * 
Ups feald Heads 

Ue oryipor. Latin, Erigeron. Spanish, Bon varron. Tian. lardencells French, 

A, Kruyskruyd. 

mach. e 


ehon. German, lreukniurt. Due: 

No. 33 

in tub, 

Latin. Pomum Amo 

Pomo d'éro. French Pommes d’Amours 

ch Time or Horb Maitich. Maru 

and flowers th Tune and July 
Marjorams Some commen 
f the Pon 
Y a Decoction of the Lea 
2 Head; and the 
refi of any Bruise 
x in, Marum vidgare, y 
Majorana gentile. French, Maren. 

de for 

s Buckthorn. Rhamnus cath 
he has Branches full of 
ven, and the Flowers ye 
ons in Woods de Mea 
Vide Juice of che Berr 

te Gout, Drop fy, Jaundice, 

The Uffiinal Preparation is 
|. Greek Papy 

sica: IO 

the Leaves 

v za Tunes andthe Berries are 

Humoursand & 

le Surupus d Spina lervina. 
larticus, Spina lervina. parie 

se Black or Stinking 

be tm high, the Leaves are a da 

Fealke gron 
19 a Uns Pury 

by High Tar 

es flowring for feveral Mons 
caver beaten mich Vale, and apple 

and the Iuice mizt nith Hi 
nmends it a0 a fingular Remedy against i 
Latin Marrubium nigrum or Ballote 
lastarde m. neir. German 



he Marra 

> in Septem 
2 moje 
in hot Deflu 


hand all manner of Erup 

Horehound Marrulaum nigri 

to the 

Amoris Fomum 

he Leaves are a light yellonih Green 

nad for 
f Rhewin upon 


rum. Spam 

German Gold apodo 


and the Flowers white 

the too great Flux 

er being given in rough Wine 
4 at good for the Dropfy, wh: 

ves mixt nit 

M Honey at vor 

entil. German, 

a cervina 

v are a yellonrish 

ripe in 


ern Dutch Rhynbafien 
um. Ballote 

ark Green, and the 
in de Summer 

found, cures the 


Quinces. lydonea, or Mala cotonea majora 

Tree so tig as the apple 
ny weak Branches. The Leaves are like 
the Blyliomes are a whitish Purp 

Founder. and whitish underneath 

Fruit a _yellon üreen, 
commonly planted ly Po 
and October: 
accounted cordial o 

lonrring in May, the Fruit being 

fp ternb 

> mado 

Throats, and a Thrush ig hich a 
heal fore cho, 

Outwardhy wt is 

Harts Tongue. Lingua lervina. & Phyllis 

1 fine arafi Green, te 

and o 

y, Iris much commena rt of the Liver and 

hard fehirrhous Tumours rr either. Ir is ufifull in the Facete 
and the Bloody Flux. M? Ray recommends the Pande 
Leaves, for Histeric & lonvuliive Fits, and the Palpitation of the 

fe prick b oddirs Latin, Lingua Grvina. Spanish, Lingua corvina. Talian. Lingua 
Vervina. French. Lang de rf. German, Hirfobtungen. Dutch, Hertz Tonge 

Vilex, or Agnus castus 

af tis, or The Chaste 
mall Cherry Tr 

Plate 139. Agnus 

are adırk Green 
dablickish Grey. 
ns, lonering th fummér 
rona and drying: helps the Hardneli of the 
srmerty f. 

me much wed to 

alloy venereal seats $ preforve hai Lue has de ha 
vos Kai Nöy os. Latin Vitex, onus (afteratalix dmeriana. Spanish Gali 

Taian Viti or ano custo. French, lates, german. Schafimullee. Dutch, K 

Plate 140. Privel or prim Prnt Ligustrum 
De This ic a don rubis the Leaves are a grali green, the Flowers white 
the Berries Black 

Bl gron in Hedges and flowers in Hay 
accounted cooling drat 

ding of the Gums and 
in Fine, 

Kuna. ¿Berrics being ripe in September 
$ restringent: good for cers 
lawation of the (vult 
4 for the Sead- de 
talvan, strico 

lo Leaves and Flowers are 
of d Throat, Bl 

11 The Apple Tree. Malus /ativa 
great vartet) of Apples, those whith a 

rman and Pippin. The largest 
are a dark graf, 
‘he Bloboms white tinctured mith 
a Jer planed in (jara 

accounted bes 

armain ts $ Here 

wy underneath, and 

ers en March. 

y Anpleı are accounted ring the Spirits and driving ams Melancholy 

Lyrupi & Pomis, which wt an Ingredient in o hermes 
Latin, Mala fativa. Spanish, Mansanas. tralian, Mole, «y. Pomc 
French, Pores. German, Depjell, Dutch, Appelen 

dde Juice is made the 

4 Grek Mo 

pue vas. Dente Bit. on frooth aca. 

Morrus Diabole & Succi/a 

The Stalks grow ws be a Foot and a half high, the Leave 
and the Flowers a blue Purple 

irren in. and Pasture Grounds, and flowers $ lutter 
The Leaver are etteemid alscipharmic. wfefull in mal mant. Fevers and Pa 
lineal Distempters. Oumvardıy as oltm they are good jor Brusfes and 
Pnctons’ The Hert Women fell the Leaves of this Pant inftead of the 
common Sealious = 
reek Latin. Succy 

f E. Mor fo di Dia 

| Puch, Duvvels Beed. 

d of Summer 

Horsus Dialobe 


ey Mb 

Place ay. Male Speedwell. Veronica mas 
BED is a Lone creeping Plane: de Leaver aro 

uci Purple 
Rleorows in 

the Green, and the Flowers 

both inwardly 


Gughs and "angue? v, 

Veronica. French 

Latin, Veronica mas 


formar. Fhrenpreil. Dutch 

Plate 144 Safron FOCUS 
mr four or five Inches al 

Ehe Stalks q 
Green, and the F 

rund; The Lea. 

1 are adırk graft 

rp purple with red Stamina which is Y the Shop 
The best Saffion grons th Efe, Suffolk and Combridie de flomers un 

has dithmas, 
Latin, & 

us & Crocus Janus. Spanith Azafran. Teakan 
French, Zajfran. german. Jaffran. Dutch, Jf ran. 

Pomgranafes. Granata, Punica mala 
anate Theo which 
the double; and th 

aen, Italy, and the warm 

drying and rezo 
rd. The Fruit i 
derate Flux 
a. Latin, Granata. Ipariih, Granadas. Iakan, Melagrar 
granato. French, Pomes de Grenades “or Mygrains: German, Grana 

nts good for Homorrhasies & D 
dl and frengthning to the Soma 
of the Terms; andis wefull in ho 

inward and oum 

yfenefí and the amm 

7 Puno 

um, Tabaccum. 

in Luly and August 

en Leaves are wed in Ointments and Oils, for Wounds, liters, In 
Tumours, Piles and he ings Evil, The dryed are a strong Emeti 
Inde used mich great lauten. -chen‘d or moakd it ovacuates Phlegm.- A.Drop o] 
te Dinlled ort taken inwardly rill kl a 

oth to cure the Tooth Ich. The Dust destroys Fleas, Luce, à o Termine 
oxóayos. Latin Peur, Hvofeyamus Pepuvianus. Spanith, Petun and 

Teahan Bench 
nich Bundteraut- Dutch, Taback 

ba de la Roine Mere. German India 

Plate 147. Jon-bread. Artanita, Grclamen, 
he Stalks 3 E: Vu. Inches fag, che Leaves are a grafy Green 
d with white above & puplich underneath, & the Howers a pale Red. 
ir planted here in Gardens, larring in aber and Tetober; ity Native 
Places being the Alps, Austria, & Syria 
[rhe Rost ir very forcing, and ward to bring a 
e the Menfes. Some 

ie. Birth and Secundines, 
gainse vertiginous Dilor- 

br cutaneous Eruption. 
Dreck, honrájavos. Latn, Avtanita, iyclamen. Jpamah, Pan de Puerco. Tatan 

Pin Porcino. French yclamen. or Pun. Porcin. German, Schweinbrot. Dutch, 

11 to be Six or Seven Foot high, the Le 
ert are small and staminous of a yellor à 
as, and flowers late in the Simmer 

ly some ery Honors: but they must be 

Tti planted vn 

She Kernels ar 

great laution. The Ou 
ein thildrens Heads 

# free ov. Latin, Ricinus. Spanish 

French, Palma Christ: german, Buri 

uprefrd from the 

Kaki Hf eod 

JA az 


Plate 146, 

Petum, Tabaccum 

ptu qs. Siam thorn. Soma Mba 
This ront to be a prety large Tree, the L 
fomes Me 4 
The Flowers & Fruit are loch uses ps, and are ac 
E ord Stone, jravel, & Purify / iphritica tt ma: 
B roh. Me aii e atin, Mesppilus Oxyacanihus. Spanish arolo 
VM er. German, Dornbaum. Dutch, Doornloam 

ves are a deep graft Green, the 
: Middle, and he Berriz red. 
and the Frust i ripe in September 

s. French, Nel 

Plate 150. Musk lranes Bil. Geranium moschahum 
D the Stalks arom te 
lowers prp 
iris generally planted in Gardens, Honrr area 
times tt is found Wild. in several Parts of England. 
Wim: 1 acconnted a vulnerary Plant, and u useful ın inward Wounds, Brases 

most Fluxes 
arm moschatum. Spanish, Pico de Gnguenka Italian, 
0. French, Bec de acongne. german, Sterch/chnabel Dittch 

a Foot high, the Leaves are a light araft Green, and the 

art of the Summer fome 

vtov. Latin, $ 

Plate 151. Elder. Sambucus. 
I. Te! i4 a common 
are a hight oral; 

(ze Tree, & seldom groms to any great haneli. the Leaves 

green; the Flowers nite, and the Berries a 

E lrgroros frequently in Hedges near Ditches, and flamers in 
Mang ripe ın September 

Di The Bark, Leaves, Flowers & Berries aro used -The inner Bark w much ufd 
fer the Dropay.- The Leaves outnrardly are qood for Inflammatiana, Slalom 
Wire 4 the Piles; the Flowers are used for the same, and are also pu 
tons & (ataplasms for all kinds of Swelings Timonrs, 

they expel Wind. Y help he (holte The Berries 


Pains in the Limls:inovardly 

ordeal te weful im hauterız Difordoro. 

sore Thro} 
Italian, Sambuco. French, Suyer 

+ Ears, being account 

1 for i fivelina & Inflammation af th 
Tek Aer ir Latin, Sambucus, Spanish 

man, Holder: Dutch, Die 

and uinfeys 

Plate 152. Black Alder. Alnus mara 

1 Dus Tree never groms to any great Bigne/s, che Leaves are a gral green, 
the Flowers white, and the Berries black 

Bltgrors in moist chick Woods, mpstead and 
May the Fruit being ripe in S 

Be Te Inn + ferour 


tornfey, and florverrin 

Ive TDuopa ped nus nigra, and Fi 

Nalian, Fra 


£o Latin 

ngula. Spanish 


1. French, tuno noir. german, Faulbaim Due 

A, Ann AA 

Ind Selon’ of the Roi COLLEGE of 

I4 A Royal Meat of London 


Wyo have 

given me te greatest Marks of your 
ann Ly ui WORK on 
WO proper Oxanions‘ more espec d ly enum, 
Ume of the frst DRAWINGS al a publik 
WorzsRIZIVO of the WM 6 Jp of 
ÍPOTHE CARIES and recommenting me do the 
E VD SHIP of Al? Isaac RAND, without 
NCE this WORK would have 
JF shoul be guilty of the 
lighest rug rectitude PI omit tis OCCLSTON 
Pmake a publik. 
Vilicrite my Self 

7 and) 7 

Uchnowle ment, and @ 

Sur your much obliged 
humble Servant 

Delica f 24 of August 2797 Math Bin 


" The Tine Vitis Ton 

ined gen ting to the launtried 
/ e majored, o 


y grow in, both in Seeght 
ind of the Sur 
as Spain, Portugal, Italy and France 
e the latter End of Summer 
hens the Stomach, helps 


he Grapes are 
al nee 

a cemfertr § Borvel. 

Preservative gaint the Hague. Th Hayling of de Sin are madely 
Y of the Bra Ee hh means 
lo other 

Zaun, Vins Vino fra. Spanich 
‘i fora. Spanish 
Pinjora French. Vigne. German, fé 

| Plate 134 The Medlar Tree. Mespilus 

ms as beg as an Apple Tree; the Leaves are a gras Green; the Flowers 
"n JA Fruit when ripe of a branmish Green 

Fur tn Gardens: flmvers tn May, and the Fruit ts ripe in November 


Malian, Tite 

Mullard are erieemf cooling, drying and lending (especially before then are quie ripe 
andare ufoful in all Kinds of Fluxes Some commend the Hard Sted as qood for gravel 
dJStone. are an Ingredient in the Syrupus Mertens. 

vk, MEDI» 5, P rn. Latin Mospilus fativa. Spanish, Nesper. Italian 
Neipoto: French, Hesplier. german. Nospel. Dutch 

2n 15. Kneeholmor Butchers broom. Bruscus or Ruscus 
Elke Stalks grow to be a Foot hgh, the Leaves are a deep Green, the Flowers Yellow 
mih a purple Umbel in the Middle, and the Berries red. 
Bligrons in Hedges and Thickets, particularly on Epping Forrest, and flowers 
fr feveral Months in the Summer 
BM Root w one 
the Liver and „ ei a 
[lie helps the Gravel and . 
Tournefo fort commends a Gmfer tes to stop a honorrhe 
Greek Mugs vin dypia X Oui eymirfine Spanish, Tus barba, and 
dl tartera. Italian, Brusco & Pongitopı. French, Brus. German, Brusch 
Benfsdern. Dutch 

vots, and t accounted good for Ohfiruchons of 
and Dropfy. It ts a itrong Diuretic, pro 
and brings danm the itam 

Hate 136. Pelletory of ue Wall. Parıetarıa, HMeleme 

Jt grenzt to he Hight Inches high, the Leaves are a dark Green, andá Floners 
ved before they are 277 Monn, and white afterwards. 

Is, and flowers m May, 

Horb ia wed being colina opening and cl taining a nib 
rut Sale. which recommends tt fer the Stone, Gravel, Stoppage and bat 
or which Ends the Jutce ochen w given at the Mouth, and in 
irn wcodiv ov. Spanish Yerva del muro. Italian 
nch, Parttoire. german, Zagund Racht. Dutch. 

I 1255,37 
we sp The litrulo Water-melon. Girullus or Anouria 

a cambr; the Flowers 
ws as big as a Pomkin 


trios, as Italy. Spain, Turkey, the 2 

aut ibi sonen in 

ir cooling and refreshing Qualioy being very 
no of the greater (old Feeds, and 1s much of the 
Melon and lacumber ing with them in their cooling diuretic Facultas 

Latin, Anguria. Spanish, ombro. Italian. Anguria. French. 
pla 153 Wild rtt or Stinking Gladrvyn. Iris filvestris, spatula feoda 
to bi n, and the Flo y a dull 
Hour nih 
lt gro particularly by Jack Straws lafile beyond 
Yilington, and flowers in fune 

the Kingh Evil, and forophulous Swellin 
mardly. It ts fid also to p 2: 

th given in 
ufofull in Kyfteri rs 

035. Latin, Ayrıs. Spanish, Lirio Jpadanal. Italian, Spatola fotida 
Imcul. german, Bandder/scraut. Dutch, 

Plate 159. Rosemary. Rosmarınus. 
a Ths Shrub gros larger in 
underneath and a dark gre 
whe groms nald in Spain & 
Gardens flonring in April 
Dic accounted good jr affections of the Tad & Nerves It firengthens d Sight 
and Memory, and opens Obferuciona of the Liver & Spleen. The Dried Her 
burnt is good to fmeeten the Air. Officinal Preparations are, (onferva Anthos, 
Agua Resinas Iängarzae, the Chymical Oil and feed Sale 
TON vonaruh Later, Libanotis or Roimarınum coronarium 
| Spanish, Romero. Itahan, Rosmarıno 
fomarin. Dutch, Re 

at lountries; the Leaves are hoary 
vers a pale Purple 
vances bute t pi 

and then in m. 
ove, and the 
wthern Parts 

od here in 

onarto. French, Rosmarin. German, 


Plate 160. Flur. Linum 

Bethe Stalks gronr to be a Yard high, 4 
| the Flower blue ; 
B Iti orn in Fields and flowers in Tune 
Tinted is esteemd emolhent, digesting and ripening, of great ufo un 
Inflammations, Tumours and Imposthumes. cold dran Tanseed Oil is of 
eat Service in all Diftempers of the Breaft and lungs. It alo helps the 
[Eie and Stone, both taken at the Mouth and given ın & 
Bisreek Aivov. Zaun, Linum farum Spanish, Lino. Italian Lino. French. 
dos Dutch, Dlas 

Jun. German, hein or 

Ne. 40 

cA 3 

d Winter Cherries. Mhekengt or Pbcacadum 

mo Foot high, the Leaves aro a dull green, the Homers nn 
lore Stamina, ard the Fruit red. * 

ve planted here in gardens, lowing in July and August the Fre being 

emil cooling, and the Berri: 
Boiled in Milk and frretned nith Sugar they cir’ the Heat 
du Water, Übers in the Kidneys and Bladler.-They help the 
Olfiructiona of the Laver and Gall Bladder; and the Drop 
r Vero the Urinary f. inal Preparation w the 

vd Dist fefe in the 

Maine making tos 
Jundice In opening t 
Pierina off the Wi 
ei Menor 

uredeate: Latin, 

not French Buguenana then Dutch Kricken van (Me 

Jalan. Mac 


French Mercury Mercurials mar & fremina. 

ms about a ee high, the Leaves are a graf Gyeen, the Flowers vello 
Baron frequently in Gardens, waste Places, and Rubbish, flomring jor fe 
Months in the Year ae 

es and Stalks are account 
sm purges choleri and fer 
nmends à Decoction of th, 

d mollfying, a Decoction 
din Glıfters. - Matthrolus 
dor the yellen Jauniice 

4 nth Wormyy 

ain, Mercuriales vulgaris mas et-fa 
y Mercurella femina. French, Mercuriale, 

nina. Spanish, 

Pave 133 The /mader Spurge. Esula minor Fılrusa 

v more than a Foot high, the Leaves are a graß Green, 
and the ra yellonish 
Blew planted in Gardens Ih 
Bl! Plant is a violent. 5t 
Drapfin, Gout, bo 
Greek TIO vj Ku ofarias. Latin, Esula minor. « 

& flowers for feveral Months in the Summer 
RM EL ru e ple Lege ar the 
her Obfiina Diftemperz; Bt must le ufed with great lution 
wth, Lecce tregua Italian 
maleh. Du. 

Plate 104. Ühtefenreed.. Anne 
right Inches high, the Leave: 

owers white 

B Itgrons every where in moist Places, and & 
most Months in the Year 

ley offoemH cooling and moifining, good for Inflammations of the Live; 
“Anthony Fire, Rednefi and Pimples in the Face; being applyed toà 
affected as a lataplasm. or Cloths dipt in f Juice — Poulace made of $ 

E lings & Tumours; the Juice de 

tin, Alsıne. Spanish 

on. German, Bogeleraut. Dutch, Maur 

are alight grafı Green and 

en in Gardens, lonring 

Ihe Barberry Bufh. Berbers, Ox 

geil groms to any great Bignefi, the Leaves ap 
lone and the Berries red. * 

Parts hey grow wild and. 

1 being ripe ın September 

Bark of thir Bu/h 


e a fine grafz green, the Flowers 

^ alfo planted in Gardens, flenring in May, 

counted a Sp 

fic for the Yellow 
ing mening and Meruaios. 7 
Mouth and quench Thirst in Burns Pese fein 
viceatle against al kinds of Log fre Hana € E 
drufrinzents The uftcinal Proparaton o de Gabon 

Jparudh, Tralian, Gresppino. French, 
er berire 

rice, either 
2 Berries ar 

nn an 
mitten dh 
The nferve v. 
poem hindi 
Geek 0: 

E formar, E A A 

vale Purple 
y by Hedger 

IE In Galarmine ss hotter than common Mine being a good ornati, expelling Wine 
Flebing the (lhe. Teas of great feris the Female Sex, n Olfıruchons of the 
datanteria, [ringing them'to a regular (rure; thes does, taken inarardin or. a ren 
Dustton given at a dll. The e final Priparation ws the Pul Diacal flan 
Breck Karaus ca dgivn Latin lalumensha vulgaris, montana. Spanuch, 
E Ilan, Npotella montana. French, Poullio montiin, 


man, Bergmunt.Dutch, alımenth 

The öommon Gimeno the Shops. lalamentha Oficinas, 

Bhs omine i much tike dh nly this Iyes much upon the Ground and the 
Leaves are fra are alıke in (olour to the former 
von in lke Places as the former, but loners im Iuly and Auguft. 
las much the same Tertues as the other, being opening and dealfiruent, and y 
offen for the other, becaufe wt groms in greater Pony. and the Sh 
Inostly Supplied with that 
Pepe Karaurroz. Latin, lalamentha officinalis, or Pulegu odor Ne 
| Hoveda. Talian, Calamenta. French, Poulko fauvage. German, Bilder L 
Ze lamenth 

7 Spanish 
lon. Dutch 

Tue rio White Lades Bed-Stram. Galltum altım dian 
1t roms to be tuvo Foot high, the Le: 
Flowers White. 
RTL grors on Banks and dry barren Places, fomering in Tune and July 
Fur Plane ss efteemd drying and inerafiating good t$ stop all kinds of Places and 
and cure Wounds. Some commend a Decoction of te for the Gout ard. 
(fit rofrech‘ Feet when ured mith overnalking. In We North 
We ths Plant infizad of et in making deir Cheefes, 
ov. Latin, gallum. Spanish, (aja Leche Yerva. Italian, Galo 
Peat Muguet: German, Weger aut Dutch, 

a graft Green, and the 

To. 42 

iy. Golden Rod. Virga aurea 
^ o or three Foot high, u 

e Siles 9° 
ppt de Poen 

pA UM willy in tritumatie 
dourvardly in lataplafins and Fomentations. So 
La and other Kaemorrhagies, and think it af yr 
Latin, Tirga aurea a minut ferrata. Spanisch, 
Zabar, Firga aurea. French, La Teorgo dores. serman 

Wiydnisch Bunderaut. Dutch 

Leaves are atishtgrafi jr 

ar. flowring in Tubo, 
are ufed, this being ai 

ur left. vulnerar 
und Drinks 


pro PHuedtra » Poo Speedwell. Elatime o Prot premia 
te Ground and has final hairy Stalks about eighe Inches ong. 
Purple andeyellmv, 
4 the latter End of Summer 
ung accounted Weers and for 

xs, Fluvee, Haemorrhagres, and Inflımmahens 9 

Plant cree} 


hariın. Latin, Elaune. Spanish, 
german, Fhrenprei/ Beil. Dutch, 

Be 3. Motherworter Marmbuim ts Cardiaca. lardaca 

Mean t be eigh ph; the Leaves à 
an the Back, Flowers a red Pury 
pom: un Waste Places and Lanes, flowring in Tune 
hi Plant, from a fupposihon thatit re u 
Bean aid Jornttg, takes the Hera of Tardınan dioses Bad 
Vf commended a Decochon of t feetried nith Sugar as a simular Remedy 
Bp tie above Hag, and for Aechons of the Spleen and Jíjft : 
en un. Wine to che Luantly of a Dram 11 commena 
went Remedy to expediate the Birth 
AIT c tov arrubum. Cardiac 
^. German, far 

tun. Spanish Margo, Tealian, 

¿pers Dutch, 

tuesza, Garden Parody. ptum. hortenfe or Petrofelinum vuljare. 

[D gren to be mo Foot high; the Leaves are a light jrafr. Green and the 
Blowers white : 

HEU foren in gardens, and flowers for feveral Months ind Summer according 
he time 1 i 
| 4 whole Plant tt opening, attenuating, diuretic, ufefull fo 
Quer and Spleen, helps the Jaundice, provokes Urine, and e 
Saleen, helos y ndice, y Urine, an 



Stone, ira 

cinal Preparation dt, the Simp i 
fret o dio y Latin, Petrofelinum vulgare, Spanish, Porescil. Italian, 
Profe wh, Terni de Jardin. german, Peterlin. Dutch, 

zu 375. The lommon Jérvece Tree. Sorbus terminals 
we Leaves are a tight graf Green, the Flowers a 

loro and “the 
4 and Thicker flonrring in May: bue the Fruit er not ripe 
November 2 

unted re 

regent and binding, good for all kinds of Fluxes, 
einen ripe te promoter Digestion. and prevent te 
^ rvels; fome commend itin F 

d or Kuno 
vage 07 the 

Dia. Latin, Sorbus vulgaris. Spanish, Sorbas tabu, 
Jalvatico. French, Sorbes fauvago - german, Eher afihenBowelbeerDurh Wi 

Hate 174. The Manurl Service Tree Sorbus, Lava. 
grows much to the same Height as the formersthe 4. 
2 the Face d; fore nhat hoary on $ Back and the Fruit a + 
wild in Siyford/hire ana lonring in May, the 

y This Ti 

ry restringent and ufeful for all kindy of Flavor 
mich ari our Markets, which obliges many to 
mer Service Tree in the Place of dar. 

forluy legutuma. Soamsh Sorbas. Italian, Sorba. Fre 
rhiern Dutch. Time Qualiter 

yp e | 
break Bia. Latin, 

The Bay Tree. Laurus 

ons to any great Bignefi here, the Leaves are « 
apale underneath if Hon lowi/h, and the Borrios Black 
Y mild in Spain, Italy and France, flonring or May, the Fruit being 
npe m Octobe 
Y The Lear 


y are accounted heating, drying, and emolli dl / 

Mind in the Stomach and Bor (ping d lhe, comforting y res, 

eventing Infections, provoking Urine dh 66.8 expelling $ Socundines 
Outwardly they ai ed in Warmıng and Strenzihening Fomentahons à Ointment. 
final F sare, the Elect ty Lauri Emp. de Baccis Laurr; 
and the Oleum Laurinum 

Rgrvek a dp vin. Late, Laurus latifolia major. Spanich, 
French, Laurier. german, Lorber baum, Dutch, Laurier 

auret. Italian, Lauro. 

Plate 176. Coriander. Coriandrum 
I Ir gronz to be bro or three Foot high, the 1, 
wid the Flowers white 
Bu rom mild in fome Places, 
vrai in Lune 
fieemd to firengthen the 
vt fron puroing Medici 
1 Latin, loridndrun majus vulgare. Spanish 

ves are a bright Green, 

uc if commonly form for the Benefit q 

ftomach & expell Mind 4 ig frequently 
Jer the Kings Evil. 

Mondo. Julian, loriandoto. French. Griandre. german ceriandor 7 

^ hop 

Garden Succory. Cichorium Jatwum or Serty 

a Yard high, the Leaves aro a grafi Greer and the Mowers blue 
b: in Gardens and fervere commonly in June and Judy 
Mir of o Ancient Jay that für Plane i cold but its Biternefy eros ie t de 
hor and is oftsenvd aperative, diuretic, opening Objlructions of the Lines & Hola 
Me Jaundicö, It adio provokes Urine, and cloanjoridrinary IR oj pane 
the ficinal Preparauon ts the Syrupus de Gchorio cum Habba, 

Aya fp Latin, „and Intubus Julvestris. Spanish, 

Zialian, lchoria domestica. French, Mee di German, Begweise 
Begwurk. Dutch, üchoren E 

Plate 173. Ihe Wilding or Gab Tree. Malus Valvertris. 
pdas Tree grows fmaller than the Garden Apple, the > 
an zur 

Te gren in Hedges and florvers in April and Mey 
Herce 1 made of the Juice of de Bruit, which ix ap and Binding, good for 

periringent (ardet, Ulcers in the Mouth and Throat, and fallin, 
Uutwardiy i£ ie good for Burns, Se 

Birch, M9) ov ayorov. Latin, Males fylvestris. Spanish, Maufanas 

Malıan, Mele falvatico. French, Pomes fauvages. german) Bild Dopfell. 
Dutch Wilde Appelen 1 

Sand Blofiomes are 

von of if Urra 
alds, Inflammations, S* Anthonys Fire and red 

Pie szo Wall Foyer. Ker (heu. 
Va, the Lear 
ions upon old Walle and 
Ehe Flory 
and Pu 

are a blue Green and the Hon 
ord in March and April. 

dial and cephalic, strengthen. the 
, eate the Green-Sichnefi, and procure the Menfes 

ort yellow 

4, help the Apoplexy 
The ofa. ss 

fin at the Oil by Infuon of the Flowers, nhich w warming, comporang and good 
fr Pains in the Lund. 
frech Adnoiov d Latin, Leucojum luteum. vulgare. Spanish Violetas 

Viola gialla: French, T 

y. German, Gell Regel Beil. Dutch, 

Plate 190. Small yermander. Chamaedrys, Trifiago. 

Tt grows about eight Inches high, the Leaves are a deep fr 4$ Flowers 
ared Pur 

ron, in Gardens and flowers in June and Tuly 

Ths Plant ss accounted warm, opening Olferucions of the 
1, helping the Jaundice, Dropfi and Sto 

afe for the yout, Rheumaugin and Pain, 

‘ove. Latin, (hamaedrys minor. Spanish, Chamedreos. Ttalian 
Glamandrina. French, Germandree. jerman, gamanderle. Dutch, Bathengel. 


Zwer Spleen and 
Urine. Some cry it up 
in the Limtr. 

Platz 161 White Stock July flores Leucojum album 

| gear about ini high, the Leaves are a light Gree > Fl 
t hla green, and the Flowers 

cometes White, and 

hu planted in Gardens and flomers most Months in th 
mimends the Flores : "^ 

lowers for Ulcers q. Chaps ing Fundament & Inflam 

Altri alor fa, hät hey help} Infor mts se matt Tm. 

: pra o vis, and hasten the Birth = 

Fauges. german, Rot Braun und weify Beil, Dutéh, 

plate 132. Red Archangel. Lamium rubrum 
Mic Archangel is much lof than the White, the Leaves are 

ue Flowers a pale Purple 
Br groms commonly dy Súghavays and Hedges, flowring the greatest part o 

a graft Green and 

the Ye 

Te is. accounted as great a Jpecifick for the Except of $ latamenia 
and all pies, as the White Archarsel ls for de Hor Ulu. Jone 
Es great Service in Wounds & Inflammahene nen outvardy applyed. 
Birch Taroyis yy TaNcoBoo oy. Latin, Lamium purpuräfoendum or lalapfır 


wish, Ortica muerta bermeja . Italian, Ortica /etidi 


Bus rouge. German, Dauhgehell Bute Dove 

Plate 132. Wild Succory. Gchorum fylvestre. 

The Stalks of this dont grow so tall as the Garden lut are more subbed $ wvifted: 
the L a fine grajs Green, and the Flowers a fine Blue 
BU grow in Lanes and ty Hedges, florering in Tuly and August 
B Tlie Vertues of this are much the Same as the Garden, See Plate 177. 
Wuüreek, Kry cá oov. ay tov. Latin, Intubus fylvesiris jpanith Gchoria de Bosque 
Mahn, üchoria falvatica French üchorez fauvage. German, Bild Begrurk 
Dutch, chorey. E 

E onte 04. Mifseltoe.Vifcum or Tifcur quercinus 
B This Plane takes root on the Branches of Trees, and sometimes 
Foot long; Ihe Leaves are awellow Green, the Flowers Yellor 
We leur of white (urranz." lj 

Eitoron; upon several Trees. ad de Apple iral, Has 
White horn $ Oak. The last of whuch is hardly & a 
Which perhaps added to $ Komour that the Anciene Druids paid this Mise 
> y accounted laphatic and nervine, particularly u/eful for all kinds of 
lonvullion Fits, the Apoplexy, Paley, an », for which Purpos 
te Mifieltoe of the etter than $ Others. Vifcus Aucupum, or Bird Lime, 
az formerly made of hit Plant; bue non in England it w made of the 
Bark of § Holly Tree. Bird Lime i apowerfull Auractive, good to ripen hard Tumours 
ind Swellings. See Sir Sohn lolebarches Discourse of Mulreltos y 

Hirte, Fos. Latin, Vileum. Spanish, Vico. Italian, Tüihuo or Panio. French, Guy. 

Jerman, Rogelleun. Dutch, 

vu to or three 
4 df Beriies almoft 


el, Ach, Mapple, Lime, 


We. 46 

Scabious. Seabtosa vulgaris pratenjis. 
ve or three 

thigh, the Leaves are a graf Green 
iwers purple i de, 
udorijic pectoral, good 
ho bc; as dio sore 
wirable in the Tech, ably Sores 
hey also take black and blue 

Throats and Quinsies. Outwardly, they are 
Tutar! and other cutaneous Disternpers 
arks out of the Skin 

| greek a, Latin, Sealiosa. Spanish, Jan, 
French, Jtahewse. german, Apostemen Craut. Dutch 



Due 186. The Scarlet Oak. Ilex coccugera 
This is a small shrubby Oak, mih prickly Leaves, on the 

litle round drerit, or rather Nests of Inge 
olour about as Ing at Peas, made by jmall Ph : 
mule theu are full of luto Worms, and being : the Scarlet 
Liquor ts strdindibro a Steve, and mixt pith its equal Weight of 

"uch 11 the Suecus Kermes of the Shops 

the fouthern Parts France, Italy and links. 

fccit. K u accounted cordial, moderatly binding. comforting $ Heart 
hearing the Anımal Sois. an. Di o prevent Aluysarrwing. It also dr (ut 
the small Pox and Measles 
Week. Kocxos Bapınh, Latin Ilex acculeata coccaglan 
Gano: Lilian, ana da angere. French Termulln. ge 
mich, Scharlaaken Befien Boom 

rush, Grana in 

Plate rep. The Jumper Tree. Juniperus 
DL This seldome gronz to any great Bignely in England, the L 
| Green che Flowers a greenuh Yellorv and the Berries black 

DOr « dis, and flowers in May and Lune; the Berries are green the 
i ond. 

es are a blush 

| the Wood is accounted hot, dry and cephalic 
e & contagious Distempert The Berries are esteeme 
epelling Wind, and wsefull in the Stone, jravel& floppage of Urine 
mis Jad to d jor (utar, & serous D 
and Byes. The Ofjcwral Preparation i, the Dyaitd dil. 
4 Greek (os cis. Latin, Juniperus vulgaris: Spanish, Enebro. Taalian, ginepro 
French, geneure. German, Beccholter. Dutch Deneber Boom 

flucions upon. the Nos 

Place 106. The Tuy Tree. federa arborea 
Shrubs climbs upon any Thing it qronea 10, the Le 
wand the Berries Hack 
[ron in 4 lowers in 
3 The Leaves are nied geod fo 
EM Boyle commends a larve Dofe of 

le Gum 17 [aud io take pote and Freckle 

B ire, Kaos. Latin, ra. Spanish, Eda, or 

Terie: German, amor. Dutch, Mino Boomtyl. 

Jd az 

deep Green, f Flowers 

mart $ February. 
d rail Steads 

di ripe Berries as a Remedo ande d Plague 

eptember 3 Berries 
Inflammanons in L 


a. Dalian. bella. or Fedora. French 

out of t 

The Line Tree.ormanurd Pine. Pinus orP 

(a large Tee with. slender, sharp vowed dark Green 
and bronn oblong round pone qut 4 
ms wild in Ltaly, Uie. tv planted he 

Jf oj 
French, Pin. German 



Y las Pine grows near as tall as the former itf Leaves are much shorter and 
Hendere tally on the Bo the Branched, the (atkins % nes smaller 
und sharper: but much of the our. 

regres in o vers much about $ tone with the other 

[Bon this Thee come. rine, chiefly used by the Ferriers; from 
which. vt dstlld the ol of Turpentine. and the Spirits the Dr lef at the 
atom. of the Sal 11 the common Rosin. Dale Fm Doctor Kreg thats) 
Burgundy Pitch is made of d Turpentine from this Treo. The (urtour may tonaulk 
WE Miller, che Apochecayy Botanıcum officinale p.s4p. where there tt a 

pl Account of thas Thee 

firech Mirvs äyora Pinus montana. Spanish Pino de bosque 
Pileatico. French Pin fauvage. German, Bildjichtentaim Ditch, Wit 

alían, Pine 

Plato 191. Op 

E The Stalks gran 

2. and the 

hady Places flonring in Tune and Luly 

> accounted cooling and bındırın 9804 [or the, 
Heap and Aariniony of tit Anima which 
ly théy are uted against Burns 
ar, Zeland 

Muss an Evo 
and Sealdy ar 

Plate 193 Téatherjon! MNatricaria 
Flowers white nich a yellow Thrum in the Middle 
BI grows in Hedges and Lanes, flowring in Tune and Luto. 
B Tl, Plane is particularly appropriated to the Female Se 
Vervice in all cold flatulene Dijorders of he Womb: and hufieri Actions 
curing the latamenza, and expeding the Bırıh and Secundines 
hut oro Dun the Juice, taken an Hour be 
M kinds of Aques. Tt alto destrovs Worms, provo: 
Dropsu and Jaundice e 
B inek Tía o 40 v. Latin, L 

dema of great 

yerman, Ruttercraut. Dutch, Mosderkruyd. 

lia. French, Matricaıre 

Plate 193. The Cork Tree. Suber. 

Ps ir a kind of ever green Oak, ty Leaves are tito e y 
Mus ı 7 eaves aro thicker and much lefj indented 
[phan the common Oak, aad the cori] falles gs 
Brut v Spavrarıd Tas and dhe. foddherrs 
Jo Bark of lach they make Cork, cz repara 
Tncitton from the Head to the Root of the 75 
author; jor the young tender Bark. o fpatio 
Wu. Orh if fd to be reftringene ind ; 
Wiwend the Ahes or burro cork, for th 
Nos Latin Suber lalijolaim perpe 
Bue och 7 s 

Jame Purpofo. 
«o virens. spanish, 
German Pantopfelholk.Dutch, Kurck 

glue 104. The Bay of Alexandria. Laurus Alexrändrina. 
The Sales are tough, linber, seldom growing to any great-Height: the Leaves 
ere a hohe Green, he Flowers are greenish mih a purple Umbo vi the Middle 
Veron wi the Mountainous Parte of Italy, and in Hungary 
es and galen recommend tto open Olferuchens of de Kidneys & the 
Urine & the Menjes; and to help lone & hard Labo Some 
lucourd «e a good vulnorart Plant 4 ufoful to dr) up old Ueers and Sores 
Bret Ad pin Ane faves vendria genuina. Spanish 
Tealiaa La ch, Laurior Alaxandıın. german 

d Latin. Lauri. 

The Matlichr hentith-Tree. Lentiycus 

Bug rs Wels naa. sol, the Leaves are a 

the Flowers a greenish ello and the Berries black 

Vltoroni wi the Southern Parts of France and in Haly fut it ytelds the Gum 
Nastich only tn the Idland of Stio, or (aos, th the Arclupelazo 

Whe Gum is esteemd heating & drying jirengthning the Sead & Nervous 
Sistem, & Stomach: wt cafes d loragh Htopir putting of Blood $. says Tomiting 
The dies in Turky chent u to pi x 

dying & 
Wire t x vos. Latin, Lentiscus v 

I Plate 196. The Box Tree. Buxus 

V box feldom grows to any great Bione/s here, the Leaves are a 
Green, the Flowers yellow, and the Frust a do 

Pltoroms mild in some Parts of Kent & Surry, 

d dme commend the Chips of the Wood for the La 
being much of the same Nature. The Oil distill 
de teh. a title Line or Cotton being dpt nied low Tooth 

Birch Ió os. Latin, Buxus arborefens. Spanisch Italian, B 
French, Zur. German, Dutch, Palmboom 

AG. 49 

» Shining 

musho d 
ac Box hill near Darkin 
Venerca. vnstead 
from the Woo 

wused for 

we onto f I 

The tue [meet qum Gstus of tarıdy.Gstus landiera vera Cretica 
Mrul grows to be tw three Foot high, the Ik > 2 
a Pale Red mih a large purple pacing ; ae 
Island of andy, Kader pl 

neft & Gripe 
Hopes cahirrhovs Def 
rengtheräng to the Stomach 
Botanıcum Ojicinale p 252. ¢ 
jreek Kise t Kita oy y K 
Grquacos Malan, Liste 
Dutch, Lakdanum Boom 


a graft d 

2 of b Shops, wh 
«d by fharp Humour ume of it comforts 
huxions. Outwardly applied, itis accounted 
nd. stays Vomieng. See ME Iofoph Miller: 
253 Y 

200v. Latin, ests Ledan Getense. Spant 
ench, German 

ne commend as 


Jio Brain, 4 

glue 1s. The lommon Fer, or Pitch Tree. Abies rubra or Picea 

lige Tee ve + are small flondar & prickly ofabright 
th he (ones a tight Bronm & dj Seed Brown 

Bittgrows null in Germany & Scotland, sending out tty latking in the Spring. 
ju Tho Lear Lin Diet Drinks | 
mde Brunsnick Verasburg Ti 
mollfying healing 
We Fluor allus, te fjections 
Bit Tree, and ws accounted a good pector 
and Ofiructions of the Lury 
peek Heint. Latin, Picea. Spanish, Pino negro. Italian, Pe 
olt. German, Rat Zannenlaum. Dutch, Denne Boom 

Foros Green 

ur, the Calling gre 

aye in Woun A 
Lungs. Tar t alio the Product 
useful for fhortme/s of Breath 

French Lafa Pignet 

Ihe Olive Tree. lea or Olea Jatva 
This Tree grows to a great hignefy ın ls native (mate, the Loa: 
Wrervatove $ hoary underneäth, the Flomers yellonı tho Fruit black wh 
B legroms in Spain, Italy and Turky 
ly Te Ol xs moderacly, healing & mollifying, rendring the Bo 
Web: Dijordors of d Breast & Lungs, á 
asi al Povfond, 

me a deep 
a ripe 

ly law & Joluble 
des Gripimas E the lle - Ins of great uj 
nis Sublimate dc. Tropengti Urinary 
ne & Gravel. The jrickled Olaves are grateful oi Stomach 
and 7. an Appetie. The ripe Of arco Foal of te 
Eastern (ountries, among the Greeks, especially in Lent 

EAdra..Laun, Olea. Spanish Olivo or y temo. Italian, Olivo. French, 
ermano Dell amo Dusch QU P. 

Plate 200. The Small nrıld Daisy. Bellis Jylvestris minor. 

4 TherStalks grow in, the Flowers 

ur four Inches high; the Leaves are a lghe gr 
hrum, & Sometimes red round] E 

donring in March April and May: 
uud Drinks; the Leaves 

xcounteda wanna p hera Plan fos 
"id good dif id coagulated Blood he 
en rdi, and 
wurde us euiracr dinar y Remedies in the Kang 2 j 
fatti Belles minor. Spanish a eno 
enel Marques e Parguste, German, Maftielen. Dutch Mea deloden 


; ^ 


The On ONE ke: v. 492 hea VE gwen lis 
WORK ly promote y ds INTEREST 
amongst your: dca VAINTANCE and 
Youting ‘me tn the Prosecution Ua de ly ly 
pProcuriig me Jer al chotce SPECL MENS 
of the LANDS, are Favours whit deserve 
Eds. Mh nowldrment that I may have the 
72 ASUNE LO tell. hon much. 7 am indebted 
lo your FRIENDSHIP and to Sabk ‘vibe my Se, 
With great: Hejpect. Sir ; 

your mach cbleged 

b... humbie Servant 

August 737 


Platea01. The Tamarind Tree. y 

west India Tamarind: the 3; 

jecimen of th 

Dnus cache 
4 p. pd Physick 

follection. This 7 

out of. ME Rand 
id Theorems very large incheWert Indies; the Leaves are a light 
aj! Green, the Floivers ndn ory with purple Veins; the Pods a brownish 
p 2 3 x pap he Pods a brownish 
gll tinetured with Red: the Pulp of the Pod ws yellow at jose then changer 
into abronmish Wack; & the Stones aro a reddish shiwhy Bron 2 
Teoronıs ur he West Indies, andflomers in ‚Summer s 

These Tamarinds are generally eat ly chemfelves, nithout ary other Medicine 
ive nich the accounted good @ purge choleric Humours, d correct 
telilous Heat in the Stomach and Bonols, 

Greek, 0 Latin, Tamarındus. Spanish, Italian 

French, German, Dutch, Tamarindo. 

Plato 202. The Pabn,o Date Tree, Dactilus or Palma. 

2 rough se ae zer on the maın Stem, the Leaves T 
prof the (ticks of a Fan; tho Flowers are vtlate 

and the Fruit yellon and red. x 

Toren in Barbary, Egypt and Syria. 

The Dates uch used for Food in the lountries where they grow: here 

Whey are esteemd drying and hinding, ufafull for Flaxey, and io month. the 

Röughnef of the Aypera Arteria 

Greek, Poíviz. Laan, Palma, Spanish, Palmera. Italian, Palma. French, 

Palmer. German, Dattelbaum. Dutch, Dade. 

Plate 203 The male Fin or Silver Pir. Mies mas. 

rows to be very large, the Leaves are broad at the Ends & white 
eath; and die tones grow erect 

Tree is fand to grow ridin some Parts of England; but vy found 
in great Plenty in the mountainous Parts of Germany 

Thies w the Tree which ought to be ufed inthe Shops according to the 
Ditpentatory Lute notleing so common as the Spruce, that generally 

Jupplies Wit Place. the Tertues of both being much the same. See the 
ation of Tate 198. 

Dan. Latin, lies mas, Canis fursum fpectantilus. Spanish, Abeto 
y Alıet. german, Dannentaum. Dutch, Denne Boom 

Plate 204. (oll foot or Holes foot. Tufilago or Farfara 
The Stalks on which de Homers grow are about four Inches high. the Leaves are 
Yelonı Green above & whitish underneath, and he Flowers 
ltgrows in meist watery Places and flowers in Fe 3 
© The Leaver & Flowers are accounted pectoral, good for Difeates of the Lunge and 
Breast. as (ought, Onsumptions. 4 shortneff of Brea rome jmoak the dryed Leave 
“mora Tobacco for ought & Ajecuoná of the Lungs 
Geek Buysoy, Latin Ungulacalallina. Spanish Unha da A 
Trench, Pas de Aine. german, Branddattich. Dutch, Ke 

No. E 

2. Elan, Farfaredla. 

pe aos. The Holly- Tree 
rons to be pretty large, 
anh the Ber righ oy 


the Leaves are a deep Green, the Flowery 

din the Warm Quntrizg, and flowers in the Spring 

p Hep vur Bird bime, mi ich is apowerfull attracttve & end to ripen 

Netto an Ingredient in Emplastrum Diachilon magnum 
Tat, Aguifolivim. Spanids tralian, Agrijolio 

v german, Balledistela odor Stechpalmen. Dutch, Salt 

suso The Magellanic Bay like Treo u Winters Bark lorteWinteranud, 

y he Bark of this T Part chiefly used, is abronnith Ah colour: the 
Leaves al lue Gr 1 purple suiceeded by Green Berries. 
Jut grow ori the M 3 
qu P. wich in the Shops, vt is accounted a specific against 
Mo Jturvy, and a go Vervine Medicine, "help fil in Palties EN 
fime account d good for Difeases of the Stomach and Bowels, * 
Grech Latin, lortex Winteranis, Laurifotia Magellanıca iortice aeri 
Epanioh, Zialian ch German, 

his rarely to bem 

Molle Livermort. Hepatica nobilis. 

vut four or five Inches high, the ? green, 
fometimes white, fometimes Uue & fometimed a red Purple 
Bri planted in Gardens, and flowers in March 

The Leaves are commended by some foreign Authors as a qood Tal. 
merarg, and useful in Difiempers of the Live 
Greek Latin, Trifolium aureune. J 
Talian, Srta Trinita. French Germans 

Ditch, Edel Loverkruyd. 

vef are a gni 


ulden Leloreraut. 

Tlute 2o8. Venetian ratus. The True Orobus. Orobus Tes £0rolus 

The Plant marked nith the Figure 2. is the Broad: leaved or Vénetin Orobus 

and has generally a purple Flore hed. 2.14 the Ervum o 

Vetch, which vt commandg used th the Shops, the feparate Figu 

lo thir last, for the Seed, Pod and Flower of the other are 

wit; the Seed of the firstdeing black, the Pod p 

Pale Purple: the Seed of tf other ts white, the Mow 

They grow in Italy and some Fartr of France, flon 

© The Powder of Orabaus mit mich Honey és tatd to ¢ 
Phlegm; and ir a strong Diuretic, expelling 4 
to frequently it causes Moody Urine. : 

i Das Latin, Ervin, & Orobus Apinus luifrliut. Spanish 

| Malian, Ervo or Mocho. Fren He 

Wo. 52 


nre the Lungs 
grated. but 



sey The Carob Tree. Carobeor Siliqua 

1. This Tree grows to aconfideralle Biyne/ wn its native (mate, the Leave. 
area bright graft Greeny the Flowers ved, the Pods a brownish red, and. 
the Fruit a deep Fed. ’ 

9 Iegrons i Syria Ay eet, d flowers ing Spring, he Fruit being re in Autumn 

y Mathiolus recommends the Fruit ay good for the Stomach, en) of 
Guts, & to provoke "rine. The Decocuon of the Beans ws accounted. ly huma 
great Gure for an wweterate Gugh, and the Tick 

y reb Keo a ria, Later, Sigua. Spanish, Afarbas or Garrouges. Italian, Grobolı 


French German, 5 Johannis Brodr. Dutch, Sint Jans Blom 

Plateso. The Tree of Life. Arbor Vitae 

te seldome grows to any great Bignefj in England; the Leaves resemlla 
much those of $ Gyprefi Tree, & the ones area light Brown 

le native (mito “ty Canada 

y TheLeaves are accounted digesting and attenuating. Par Linfon says they 
have dene great Service wiprecing the Lungr fom. thick: Hlegm, dy chenring 
them fasting in the Morni 

Ia Greely Kióeos veta. Lahn, Iycia odrus. Spanish Iealian, 
ladro Lycio. French, German, Dutch, 

Pute a1. Thyme. Thymus 
y Iegrons about half a Fort high; the Leaves are adark Green and the 
Flowers a pale Purple * 
ueorons mild in Spain, and flowers here in July 
4 Thyme is esteernd heating and attenuating good to free the Lungs from viscid 
Flegm and help Wheesing and shortrefi of Breathe, Te is aljo accounted 
cephalic and good ın all Difeases of the Had % Nerves. The Officinal Prepara 
ton t, The lewm Thy ma direilatım 
Greek, © nos. Latin, Thymum durius. Spanish Tomilho falfero. Italian, 
Timo. French, Tun. german, Romischer Duendel. Dutch, Thym 

visura Rue-baved Whitlow Grafs. Paronychiarutaceo folio 

1 This Plant seldome exceeds four or five Inches in height, the Leaves ai 
reddish Green, and the Flowers white 

4 Tt groms on the Tops of Walls & floners in March and April. 

SM Boyle commends this Plant as aSpecific for the Kings Evil 
Se Tobin Cale 

‘atch, in hes Elray upon Acids & Alkalys makes mention 

poor Girl in Worcesterfhire, aflied nich Serophulous Ulcers who received great 

Benefit from it 
We Greek Hage vuxía.Latin, Ruta muraria. Spanish eee 
Paronicchia. French, fuu ee HS: 


Puce 213 The Wild Olive Tree. Olea filvest tor Oleaster, 
ms left than the manurd Olive, de 
m a = of purple ek & the Fruit black n 
at Plenty in Tuscany and flowers in April. 
E, Mahsodue recommends the Leaves à, the Wood as binding & cooling. Disscoridar fape 
U de Oils exceeding astringent; and accounts the Leaves and Fruit good fer SE 
Anthonys Fire and corroding Sores. = 
gres My ori Xara. Latin, Oleaster Spanish, Zebuche. Italian, Olivo falvatico 
V French, aver fauvage. german Bilder ollaum. Dutch Wilde Qd 
E z = 1 
Hate 214. The Savine Tree. Sabina: 
Te seldome grows tall in England. the Leaves are agrafı Green, be Flowers 
reci and the Berries a lackirh purple E 
Jt it planted here in Gardens, and seldome produces Fruit jor which some 
have thought barren 
y Sanne y accounted hot $ dry, opening & adenuating, being a great Provoker of 
the (atamenta, caufing Morton & expelling the Birth. Teis 
Worms in Children, for which Harpo 

y This 
te Homer 

Up Irgrom tng 

are a graff Green, 

len ripe 

estecmd good to destroy 

W Ray commends the Juice mixe nith 
Mik $ sweetned mach Jugar; the Jus into alalaplagm wich Hogs Lard, 
caret Culdrent Sally Heads. Ufficinal ons are the Ol. Salinae per 
Infusionem et decoctionem, & the Oleum Sab, ehymicum 

4 Greek, Boádvs Latin, Sabina. Spanish, Sabina. Italian, Savina. French, 
Mavinter. german, Sebentaum. Dutch, Seventoom 

Plate 315 Wall ferner Polypody of the bak. Tolypodiun QWercinum 
1 This Plane groms about eight or ten Touches high, on the back of the Leaves gron 
the Flonver of a reddish brown (low i 
ateorons on old Walls and Trees, and flowers in Autumn 
9 The Roots are esteemil opening. dy good to purge bilisfe Humours, 4 open Olfiruc 
tons of p Liver, help the Jaundice & Diopyy $ provoke sine. Some account dhem good or 
the uri for which they are pequendy an Ingredient inAntfiorbutic Diet Drinks 
4 Greek, Ho» vaso vow. Latin, Fikcula. Spanish, Folpopio. Talian, Polipodio 
French, Polypode. German, Dropfivurk. Dusch, Boonwaren 

ius 216. Spleen Mort lererach Midevart: Aypleruum leterach Seolopendria 

4 Tegvonzs abrut our Inches high, the Leaves area dari 
trornish onthe bach Side: hich occafioned by th 
m od all and Dali) T : > 

one of te five tapilary Plants, taking ity Name from the yo 
great Laryrefi, whenie thts called Mitwastiit abo opent Uferctons of the Liver 
ard helps the Jaundice, and is good to cure the Rickets mihildren 

4 Greek, Naa evov. Lan, AUqtenaun. ee Doraddha. Mahan, Asp 

Dutch, Seo 

Green on the upper Side, & 
feeds groning there 

fects tt had ın 

no. French 

e A "s 

Plate 16, 

Spleen Mire ecerach. Milowaie Y 

nie. V Aypleniumn, Gradi 
PP Blackwell lin. naf t Pine ee 

Worzetall. Cauda equina 

EN oro 
he ithe Leaves are a bright Gr 

y tegrowt in Ditches and marshy Grounds florring in March 

3 Horsetal 1 accounted vestringent drying b binding, good to Hop Bleeding in 
Hounds, and all Haemorrhagıes ın any part of the Body, the latamenta and 
Fluor alls, Ulcerations un $ Kıdneys or Bladder si ufa inall linde of Ruptures. 

ougıs. Latin, Equisetum. Spanish. Goda de Mula Italian, toda de avallo. 

Cheval. German, Rofichwanti Dutch, Paardefiaart: 

ho & those that bear 
$ Flowers brown 

frech, To 
4 ine 
U French, Zue 

me aie. Sea Scurvy Grafs. (ochlearıa Briannıca marina 
plegrones to be 6 Inches high, the Leaves are alight Green & he Flowers white 
d Tl Seurvy Graf qronz ın great plenty by the Thames Side below Woolwich 
and flowers in March and April 
This Plane is frequently used ın Scorlutic Remedies along nih the Garden 
Seurvy-Grafi; but wanting di fine volatile Parts ib seems not so prevalent; 
Intalounding more m Saline may be ufed to good Purpose. as a Diuretic 

Greek, Latin, löchlearia Britannica. Spantth, Italvan. 
French, Herbe aux Gulers.german, Dutch, Lepellladen. 

Plate 219. White Maulen Haur. Adanthum album 

1 The Stalks grow abouts or 4 Inches high, he Leavefiatight Green above, 
and brown. underneath ly reason of the Seca 

Ta Legrors on old Stone Wally & Buildings. 

y This w one of the five Capillary Herb mentioned wr the Dispensatory, à has 
the same Virtues nrih the. rest of the Maiden Hairs, being opening & alternateur 
and good for Distempers of the Lungs and Breast; and it useful in pectoral” 
Decoctions and Diuretic Apozems 
Greek Ad'vayrov »euxor Latin, Ruta muraria or Salvia Vitae. Spanish, 
Cilantrillo depozzo Lanco. Italian, Capel Venere buanco. French, laprl Venere 

man, Fraven Har. Dutch, Steenruyte 

Manque. ge 

Paw sao Black Muilen Har Adanthun nigrum 

This Maiden Hair qrorez about a Spar hah, te Leaves are alright Green 
above. and underneath they are covered with small Bronm. Seed. 
E Trgrors in Shady Lanes and at he Roots of Trees 
Es. This alto one of the five Capillary Herbs; d rts Virtuss are much the same 
ac ff common Maiden Hair, being useful for Gughs & allafecums of $ lungs and 
fome commend tt as good for the Jaundice 
tdsarthani nigrum vulgare, or Onopeterts 
220 negro. abun. lapel venere 
Dutch. Drowven Mairkruyd. 

| Diseases of f Kidneys, 
ye Greek, Ao avrov poror. Latin 
foemina. Sipanisho Gulanırda 

French. tapıl venere now. german Fraven Har 

1 No.5 5- 

ZA ge 

tdiencham. > 


The East India Iamarind fa 

Be as Pu 0 Rage 

p de ue ee pe ee eye lecture die Fit coria s A 

E ird put alar fro de el and t arem a 

E e oid ra de nr ta EOL pe lr 
are good to allay Thirst, promote Urine. and help the Jaundice.” 

Ig Greek, OfvporaKes. Latin Tamarindo Spanish. Natian, 
French German Dinh 

Plate 222. Bulterbur. Petasttes. 
The Stalks grow about apar high, tho Leaves ar a bright green abou 
and whitih underneath and the Howers purple oF Core 
ple gron in Marshy Grounds and on Banks by River Sides, & flowers 
the Begining of Mari RO Niggas 
The Roots are esteemid Judorific, and aleripharmic good for all Kinds of 
Fevers and malignant Distemper, preventing Fainting and shortnels of Breath 
provoking Urine and destroving out Hlorm?. Ounardy they are edd aru 
ataplarm. for perulential Bubvós and Plague Sores. A good Quantity of 
hem «y put into the ly. Theriacal : x 

t Greek Brivo uöya. Latur, Petasites major. Spanish, Tealian, 
Fufara maggiore. French, German, Pestlensnrurt Dutch, 

Tue 225 Ladies Smock, Cuckonflower. lardamine. 
The Stalks grow about a Foovhigh de Leaves are a oraf green and the 

Flowers a pale purple and ofen white 
Te grons in Meadons and on Banks, florring un March, and April. 
"le accounted heating and warming, qood for the Survy, the Stone and 
Gravel, Dropsy and Jaundice 4 

Greek ZurVußgrov eri pov. Latin Nasturtum pratense magn 
Spanish. Berros. Ilan, Gefnnone minore. French Grefton de € 

German, Wafrer Gefien. Dutch 

Plate 234 Wild Naver. . Mut Vulvestris. 
The Stalks grow to be a Foot high, the leaves are a bright green 

and the Flowers yellow 2.7 43 
Jt grorvs. on Banks and the Edoes of Fields floruring in April. 

The Ancients commend the Seed as good aquinse all Kind of Potions and 
the Butes of venemous Creatures: and good to provoke Urine and the Terms 
Andromachus junior prefers the Seed of bas Wild Sort before the garden 
as of a hotter Nature i 

+ M Bovy ay pha. Latin, Lunas fylvertri Spanith Vabricas 

Ttalian Navone falvatico French Navet fuuvage forman Stechturben Dutch, 


Plat ground LY or Mehoof. Hodera terrestria 
the Stalks grow about engl Inches long the 
ue zivcerr le 2 
2 Teron? by Hedges and Banks, flonring in April, 
ae V, aee a very good Pedtoral being much wid far Conil 
* hortne/s of Breath and ot Disorders of the Lanne for hl E od 
fid d er of the Juice u very beneficial Itu the Plone Cae 
they make the (ul Me with, being econo chil poe uet 
od to provoke Wine & cleanse J Ureters. Some Authors commend djeeped 

brandy as yf Greaciferuce agairut the (olle. The Oficial Propadetin 
u the Syrup f) Suc 

Dy Greek, raros Xegoa? 
terrestris, French 

aves are a grafi Green. 

Latin, thamuecifius Spanish 

la. alarm, Kedera 
ve de laTerre. German. Gundelre 

Dutch, Hondıdra, 

E >. 26 The Cowslyp or Paigle. Paralysis 
a The Stalks grow about nie Incher high, de 5 
and whitish underneath, and the Flowers «ye 
BH promt in mot Meadows and Marther, flonring in April. 
vers are 4 cordial and beneficial io the nervous Sistem, 
Epig ny. Falty, Apples, & Pane inh Road Some f they 
dune $ good po procure Heep for whch Purpose they make Td ij horn 
are used tn marmına, jerenghening Ointment, particularly the 
Unguent. Vervinum. Oficinal P arationd are, The Simple Water, The 
Jürup. and the lonterte 
4 greek, Lat Premula vera major. Spanish Italian, 
Fiore de Primavera. French Pronvere. german. Jchlufielllumen Dutch, Jute. 

ves are a grafs Green alo 
How. s 

Plate 227. Seurvy-graß. lochlearıa Batava . 
Me The Stalks grow to be eight or nine Inches high, the Leaves are a gra 
© Green, and the Flowers white : 
BU yrony weld in the Sorel of England by the Sea Side, tib very much cul 
ardens, and flowers in pl s 
Plant abeuhds wih fie volui 
Juice enprefed, v more prevalent ( 
Bethe Bodily. and ace 
and purjying the Lut 

Par, and therefore $ Horb inf 
in a Decostion, the volatile Parts flying any 
dy against the Sturvy Meansing 
J j had Efecto f eae Za camper dud. 
dearing the com Seals, Pimples 4 foul Erupuons- Official Preparations 
lare. The Simple Water The fret and donot 7 
4 frech Latin, Cochlearia Batava retundjplia hortenni Span 
I Taban, French German, Lofelerut. Dittch, Tepellladen 

d or the 

Plate 223. Wake Rolin or Guckow pint. Aun. 

uber grow more han a Foot & an half high, the Leaves are a deep Gr 

the Flower] purple and the Fruit a vule Red. 
He grows in Hedger and dry Ditches, ind flowers in May 
ADE Roots dryed $ pondered are accounted foul fra (ache 
Luaritity of aDrachm ejf Roots of d Spot 
niil d d Leaves otk a latuplum d aoed f 

1 et to mach & mri rth don Du 
Latin Arsen macilatiin Macas ni 

io The lommonAloes. Aloe Vilar tr 

three Foot high, the Leaves are a whitish 

Aaron vv Apatn, Hadr and thé Were Indies, flonring in the spring 
3. Tío Mocs Hepatica of the Sheps or the Bubba Moet, Harn bi Plane 
eine. much wn tse, and very benefi fy cold more 
self unlify ide o Children for ef Worm 
45 tna Pills, ar alio ins Soccer Hera Tira. 
babosa. Talian, toe French Mocs 

Plate 250. Sorrel. Melosa 

athe Sualky grow euht: or ten Inches high, the Leaves area grafs Green, 
and the Flowers small and Staminous. * 1 

Cale grons in Field and Meadans, flopering in May 

y The Leaves are. accounted cooling’ and cordial and very good in Fevers, 
resting Putrefachon. The Root is esteemd serviceable in the Scurvy d libour 

| Fluxes: The Seed tt restringent & 4 putinto Diascordium & other binding Medicines. 

Vy Greek Dears, Latin, Oxales $ Acetosa pratensis. Spanish. Azedás. Italean 

| Hetosa. French, Saliette. German, Sarr Umpjjer. Dutch, Feld Suringh 

| Plate ssi. Turnep. Rapum 

Jt The Stalks grow about three Foot high, do 4 

| and de Flowers yellow E 

2 Te sonm in Fields and gardens, flowring in April. 

3 Turneps are accounted very wholesome arid! nourishing, but somera mind. 
A Syrup, made nih, thcet of Turney and brown Sügar fandi, baked in an 

| ren, u commended as a good pecioral and of great Service [or Goughs 

and longumptions E 

Ur Greek Toy y oat. Latin, Rapum. Spanish, Nabo. Italian, Rapo. French Rave. 

«ver are a grafo Green 

German, Rüben, Dutch, Raapen knollen 

Plate 232 Wall pepper o Sonecrop. Sedum minimum 

B Die Stalks grow aboye five Inches high: the Leaves are a pale Green 
and the Flowery yellont ; E 
IL grows on Wall and Houfes, flowring in May, 

3 Thu Plant ı often wed vehe Shops jor the Sedum minus Ley the Ignorance 
Af te Herl Women, altho’ its Qualities are directly opposite to the ather Sedum 
tnd y more apt to rare than cure Inflammahons. This Stonecrop is much 
Commended for the Sairvy, and Kings Evil; aken inwardly in Dococtions 
and the Links bathed nth it in Fomentatronz. x 
Eire 42,968 Eidos rorror. Latin Y 
Mempervivá Italian, Horba Gr 
German, Fewer Pfeffer. Dutch, Muur Piper. 

emper vivum. minimum. Spanish 

ella. French, Joubarte de plus petit 


pute 235. Yelo 

hotel Ringier Aphodelas wert Muerta Regia 

y The Stalk grow Foot high the La 
topi green and de Rowers 9 

N ore arid May £u paga d Gardena flo 

#1 commendi the Root as good. to provoke Urine and bring dorm the 

an Ointment made rom he Athes of de Root he fans procured 

nt has fallen off thro any Distemper.” 

y grb Hogodeho SáNea or ros, Latin. Mphodelus fremina or luteus 
Ypanıch Gamoniter. Talian, Anfodilo. French, Atfodel German, Gelb 
AMfodellnurk, Dutch, J 

are «dark Une Green swiped with 

Plate 234.Wild Buglofi. Buglofium Sylvestre 

the Stalks grow near a Foot hugh, the Leaves are alight graft Green, 

and the Flowers d light Blue e 

y Jerome ly Hedges and amongst torn, flowring in April and May 

y Buglofr much of the Nature of Borrage teng accounted cordiál and 
god to exhilarate the Spirits, drive away Melancholy, & 4 of Service 

in Aypocondriac and hysteric Disorders.” Y 

Greek BoöyAwaror äygıor. Latin Buglofsum Julvestre minus. Spanish 

Borrajenes. Italian. Buglofia falvatica. French, Bualose fauvage. german, 

Ochtenzung. Ducch, Buglofie or fre tongen ; > 

Plate 235 Red Beet: Beta rubra, or nigra 
The Stalks grom about wo Foot high, the Leaves are a dark Green, tinctured 
mich. Purple, and the Flowers small and Staminous 
Teis planted in Gardens and flowers in April and May 
Beets are esteemd good to loosen the Belly, and temperate hot choleric Humors. 
The Juice off Roots is sometimes uted as an Errhine being snuffed up $ Hose 
to dar the” Head of Flegm and mucous Humors, and by that meant to 
help old Head Ach. 

Greek, Teurhov Equegór hatin, Beta rubra vulgaris. Jpanith, Arelgar halanı 
Bietola rofía. F 



ach; Prtred rouge. German, Rot Ruben Dutch Rovde Beete. 

Pia 236. Cheryl. Chaerefolium 
2. The Stalke grow about a Foot high, the Leaves are a graff Green, 
and the Flowers white ^ 
2. his somn in Gardens, florering in April and May 
5. This Plane had much of the nature qf Parsley, being aperitive & aterating, 
and good for the Stone and gravel, and to prove Urine and the Mentes. 

Greco tens Caerophylum jativum.Jpanüh 
un ; EI pride id Karel 

cp vxor. 

vfoglio. French, 


| Plate 37 Punutory. Fumarta 
ky orem. about che Inches high, the 
ie Flowers Purple 
in Fields and tilt Ground, fl 
6 di / 

unted 2 great Ceanger 

Leaves are light Greer 

1. Itu much drank with Whe 

Spring & dh Eh [p d Scurvy, Jan 
Greek Kav Latin Fumaria ojjucinarum et Dio. 
emo. French Fumeterre. Y 

"ur ify GB lo 

Yectons of te 
Mectons of the Sp 

Spanich Palomelhr Trahan, 
entorbel Dutch Duyderkerdel. 

The true while. Aphodel. Ayphodelas verus, albur 
y The Stalk gror about thy 

4 Tri a native c 

rman, Erderauch 


Foot high, the Leaves are alight graft Green, and 
ert white with purple Vein i 4 

Spain Italy and the Southern Parts of France and io planted 
here in Gardens fhowring in April. 

y Dioscoridas commends the Root as go 
Breast or Blotches in dh he fays cures Sea 
and cafes the Pain of the 1 5 contrary Ear where 
the ? recommends Root provoke Urine & bring down he Mentes. 

4 Grech, ArpódeWo. Latin, Aphodelus dlbus ramosus mas. Spanish, Gamones. 
Talian, Anfodillo. French, Ayfodele. German, Afodıllarurt.Dutch, 

cating Weert, inflammations à 
kin. The Juice of the R 
ech by pouring some of it into 

Piste 239. Great PM p atte o Leopard bane. DoronicumBomanor 

1. The Stalks grow about eighteen Inches hioh; the Leaves are a dull Green, and 
the lowers q E 

3 Iti a native of the Apr andió planed here in Gardens flowring in April 

3 Some commend the Root against the Poison of Scorpions: others account it a 
Poison, and fay it will destroy Mi lvet, Dogs & other Animals. Those who have 
a mind to fees Arguments on bith consule Lobel & Matehiolus 

4 Grech, Latin, Deronicum radicó Scorpit.Spanith, 
Jtlian, Doronico. French, Le Doronie meenmure Dutch Doronicum 

Plate ag0. Birch. Betula 
1. This grows to be a Gul. Tree, the Leaves are a br tight grafr green, 
and the Cacking bronnith 
Ez Iegromy in Woods, and the (atkins 4 
5. The Liguor dae comes from this Tree. bored in the pring. it accounted 
good für che Stone, Gravel. Srangury 4 ly Urine: The Leaves are ween 
goal for the Drapty à ich, used bith ard eig & oulrvardly, The Wood next & 
Ganpren ¢ pre]et d io burn in times f Pertilence $ contagious Discemp 
AE nuida Latin, Beda. Span Teilen Betola. French 
German, Bircten Dutch 

me out in de ul. 

puse: Slechis or French Lavender So 

: has arabic or purpurea. 

oot high. the Leaves are a nhitish Greenand 

3. 4t gren span, and he Southern Parts of France, and i planted 
here in Gardens, flowring in April and May 7 $ 
2 cordial & cephalic Strengthening the joue Nervosum 

y, Palnies & Corvrulsiori 
ing the Catamenia 
xas Latin, Sto 

opening & 
mul resisting Por. 
has arabica ors 

raul Dutch Sarechas. 

Plate 242. Roi 

y The Stalks grow about dre 

Towers white with purple Teins 

a I sown in Gardens, and flow 

ly. The Leaves are often eat as a Salad wich other Herbs: Some account it a 
Stimulus to Venery, & a qood Diureuc. Mutliolar commends the 

Leaves as good for Ouldrens boughs. Cammerarius that an 

and Gurumin Seed pondred is a good Pre 

qe Greek Erlonor. Latin, Eruca. 

French, Roquette - German, Bei 

et. Eruca 

Foot high, the Leaves are a qrafe Green, and the 

ta April and May 

frigo of the 

wal Tate o Rocker 


afolía alba. Spanish, Ortega. Tialian, Rucola 
uff. Dutch, Rakete 

rvati v 


Plate 243. Stveet- Cicely. Myr 
4 The Stalks grow about four Boot high, the Le 
and che Homers white 
2104 Jom. in Gardens, and flowers in April and May 
3 Thus Plane ws often eat as a Sallad, being much of the same 
aonsiting of hot & thin Parts, being good for cold nando Sam 
tons of the Liver and Spleen, & provoking Urine 
4 Grek Moosic. hatin, Myrrhis major, & Gentaria odorata. Spanish 
Jalan, Miras ch, German, Belliher vorbel. Dusch, 

1 are a bright grafo Green 

lature as thervil, 

opening fri 

Plate 244. Broom. Genislit 

2. The Stalks grow about Bight or ten Foot hıyh, the Leaves are a dark Green, 
and che Flowers a bright Yellow: 

2. Jt groms in Fields and on Commons, flaring in May. 

3 The Stalks Hlowers $ Seed are used & are estecmid good to provoke Urine & open 
Olfiructions of the Liver & Spleen. Iris esteemd good ford Dropsy infused in 
common Drink or f Athes uywsed in Wine, causing great Discharges of 
Mme pickle $ Flonierz, lefore they are full Honm, reli Sales Vinegar: and ws 

ad of (pers, esteeming them good against Diseases yf 5 So 

Latin, Genista angulosa et Scoparta. Spanish Genestra. 

Ginestra. French, German, Ginst. Dutch, Brem 

of the 

Mo. 61. 

Maduntéd! voed in hasteric Cases, Ooructions of th aki 

prevent Convulsions in Breeding their 7 

4 or que 
Mas. Spanisch, Rosa del Monte. Italian, Peonia. French, Pivoine or Pynotne. 
German, Peonien. Dutch, Pivene manche 

ch fruxvaridn, or Harorta. Latin, Faconia folio nigricante jj 

Plate 246. Woad, rates. 

y The Stalk. grow about three or four Foot high, the Leaves are a willen 
Green, and “the lowers yellow 

2 Te gran, wild in several Parts of 
Use of the Dyers; and flowers in May. 

y Woad is extzemil restringent $. drying, and ts good to sop inward à outward 
Blealings. Some commend it much for. Ruptuies & Soins, and to srengthen 
the Ioints Me is an Ingredient in the Emplasırum ad Herniam, — * 

Greek Tad ris Latin, (duum, & Iracs fativa, or latifolia. Spanish, Pastel. 
Tealian, Guado. French (uode or Pastel. German, Weid Dutch, 

rap The Walnut. Juglans. 

1. This grovs to be a large Tree, the os are yellow Green d f lathins yellonish 

2. Jit planted in Walks, Parks $, Fields; and the Gukin! come out in Sprit, 

3. The Bark ir accounted a strong Emetic: either Green, or dryed and porvdered. 
The Green Nuts are cordial & ilexipharmiz being of great lie in all contagious 
malignane Distempers & even the Plague; they are one) of the Principal Ingredient 
in the Treacle Water. The Nuts prererved are good @ be eat in a Morning to 
prevent Infection in the time of Pestlential Distempers.. Tho or three Quni 

nels, te a very good Medicine for the Stone ar 

gland, but is generally dnm. for the 


the dil exprelid from the ripe ry 
Gravel The Shel powdered or burnt are deibunted restringent 

4. Greek, K oru Latin Nx juglans or regia vulgaris: Spantthe 
"han. Voce. French, Moix. German, Nelfclrsly Duce; Ockernooten 

a 3 4 ONES. 

i Pac rss Black Poplar Populus Gra. 

1 Tegrons o be a large Tree, die Teavet are a brighe grafo Green de titht 
yellomish, and the Berries green 

| Ve groros ly Wärery Places dnd Rivers, and the atkins come out in April. 
1x. Whe Leaves & Bude are used to make $ Unguentum Py vuleon. Jchroder fas the 
Women in germany use o Buds to make Deir Hair grow thick & ornamental. 

la Greek Aivergos: Zaun, Populus negra nish, Alamo nigriglio Lalín, Pop 

dejo trench, Treralla.Jerman "Ag or Papel Ween’ Dit Snare Pd 

LH. 62. 

Place 249 OUI 
The Stalks 9 
and the Flowers red. 
Te gras ly Hedges and the Sides of Roads flomring in May à Tune 

U acointed cold drying. & binding, good for latarhous Defluacions 

upon the Lungs; and all kinds of Fluxes & Haemorrhagies, & a Gonorrhed. 
Some account it a vulnerary, & use it for serophudous Tumors, taker iravardlly 
ar plied e dnvardly as a latiplarm. Ihe Ofieinal Preparation ti Pilul. tynogloff 
Greek KuroyAoooor. Latin, Gnoglajsa, $ Gynoglofium majus vulgare. Spanish, 

Italian Lengua lanina. French Langue de Chien. German, Sander, 
E ramo mu. Die Ges ae 

b - Longue. Cynoglofjum. 
ao or three Foot high; de Leaves “are a Une green, 

Plato 250. Valerian. Valeriana or Phu. 

The Stalls grow three Foot high, the Leaves are a graft. Green, and 
the Flowers e, Z No 

Teis aNanve of Italy, and is planted here in Gardens flonring in May, 
ee u a leek llas bord YF gree 
Vervice in malignant Fevers & pestlential Distempers. Ie idso helps the 
Hoad & Nerves, provokes Urine and brings denn the Menses. It i an Ingre 
dent in the Thertaca, and Mithridate .* 

Greek flot & Aveta Nagdo. Latin. Valeriana hortensis & Pla folio Olusatri 

Dioscoridis Spanich Yerva beneditn. Italian, Valeriana. French lalerienne. 
German, Veldrian, Dütch, ff. Valeriana 

raw as. Jolomons-Seal. Palygonatum à Sigilum Solomonis. 

The Sello grow two Foot high, the Leaves are a graft. Green alove and 
a willow Green underneath, and the Flowers white ünciur ed mich Green. 
Tegrons mild in several Woods & Gpres here, and flower? in May 

Leaves & Root are used, being esteem vulnerary and yeztringens, 
‘good to stop all Kinds of Fluxes & Haemorhagies, & contolidate Mounts, 
Fractures & Ruptures, especially, the Root: Mathiotus commends the Root, 
preserved in Sugar, as of great Service against y Fluor albus. Some say a 
plarm y Kove goad to the anvay Hacks, Use Marks arcos ¡pom Options 
a or: Latin Pologorasun dut ilum vulgare. pasti 

Tudo Gunscchieto. French, geniculiere. German Weiß Hurt. Dutch, Salomon 


Plate 252. UTR. Sy imply tum 4 Gondolida major 
The halte prone 3 Foot hish, the Leaves are a dull graft Green, $ of Flowers white 
Ze gran on Banks by River Sides Watery Places feriri in May $ Tune 
The Root Leaves & Flowers are used, being accounted vulnerary, wher 
te ame of Consolida. Teis esteem. good for invard Bruges, puting el 
and sharp corroding Humour thab cause Brosiong ite the Bon LS 
re wo a lataplar as good for the Gout: 
rep de Synphy @ 
Situ major. Spanish tomtuella 
line. German, Sluvartwurt. Dute 5 

pun Roots bi 
The Offieinal Pre 
reel mag urov 
Consolide mag, 



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