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pr adil 

BotanicaAL Macazine; 


Flower-Garden Dilplayed: 
The moft Ornamental Fore1cn Prants, cultivated in the - 
Open Ground, the Green-Houfe, and the Stove, are 
accurately reprefented in their natural Colours. 

Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according 
to the celebrated Ltnnxus; their Places of Growth, 
and Times of Flowering: 

Aw: OUR 

Intended for the Ufe of fuch Lapies, GenTLEMEN, and GARDENERS, as 
with to become, fcientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate. 






. The Frowers, which grace their native beds, 

A while put forth their blufhing heads, 

But, e’er the clofe of parting day, 

They wither, fhrink, and die away. 

But THEs£, which mimic {kill hath made, 

Nor feorched by funs, nor killed by fhade, 

Shall bluth with fefs inconftant hue, 

Which Art at pleafure can renew. Lioyp. 

Printed by SrepHeEN CoucuMan, Throgmorton-Street, 

Publifhed by SHzerwoop, Neety, & Jones, 20, Paternofter-Row, 
And Sold by the principal Bookfellers in Great-Britain and Ireland, 
= M DCCC Mais 

JStiuly 118d 

Lub. by TCurts Walworth 

| [ 1374 J 
JeHeedebineek ieee 
Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charafer. 

Cor. 5-petala ringens, petalis exterioribus lateralibus antice 
circa bafin labelli ventricofam connexis. Axthera ftylo acumi- 
nato parallela, poftice inferta. 

Specific CharaGer and Synonyms. 

NEOTTIA /peciofu ; labello lanceolato indivifo, {capo brac- 
teato, bra&teis flore longioribus, foliis oblongis 
margine apicem verfus undulatis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 

é 4. pu q2. Perfoon Syn. 2. fp. 5100 

NEOTTIA /pecio/a; foliis crenato-undulatis, fpathis fuperi- 

. oribus rubris. Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t.600. Colled?. 3. 

NEOTTIA Tecofi Bot. Repof. 3. Swartz Orchid. vide 
 -Tradts on Bot, p. 153. te 4. fo Le eg 
SERAPIAS /peciofa. Gmel. Syjft. Nat. 2. pe 59 
HELLEBORINE foliis liliaceis, radice afphodeli, major. 
Plum. Cat. p.9. Ic. 190. A? 5 

The Nrortra /peciofa is a native of the Wett-India iflands, — 
‘and, of courfe, requires to be kept conftantly in the bark 
ftove. Wittpenow doubted whether the figure publifhed by _ 
Mr. Anprews in the Botanift’s Repofitory might not reprefent 
a different {pecies from Jacguin’s plant. Our drawing, how- 
ever, being certainly done from the fame fpecies as the former, 
leaves no room to doubt of the identity of all three. The co- 
Jour of the leaves, as given in the Botanift’s Repofitory, 1s 
much too dark a green, and the veining is falfely depicted ; 
but WitipeNnow has laid too much ftrefs upon the {mall un- 
dulation at the margin of the leaf, reprefented by Jacquin as 
giving an appearance of its being cr ed; for not unfre- 
quently this particular crifpature is altogether wanting, as in 
one of the leaves in our figure. ecg 

Our drawing was made feveral years ago from a plant that 
flowered in December, at Mr. Wooprorp’s, at Vauxhall, who 
imported it from the ifland of Barbadoes. 1s eafily propagated 

by its roots, 



Clafs and Order. 


Generic Chara@er. 

Spatha, Spadix fimplex floribus te&tus. Cal.o.  Petala 4. 
Bacca difperma. ré 

Specific Charadler and Synonyms. 

POTHOS pentaphylia ; foliis digitatis quinatis ovatis acu- 
| minatis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. p. 687. Perfoon Syn. 1. 
p» 127. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 1. p. 270. 
ee pentaphyllum. Aublet Guian. 2. Pp» 837. 
i, 90, | 

_ _ Our drawing was made: at the colle@tion of Mr. Vers, of 
_Kenfington-Gore, This gentleman’s intelligent gardener in- 
forms us that it came from the Ifland of Trinidad. It appears 
to be the fame as Austet’s Dracontium pentapbyilum, who 
ftates that it isa native of the woods of Cayenne, where it 
climbs up the trunks of old trees, throwing out roots at each 
knot, which infinuate themfelves in the crevices of the bark.. 
We obferve a {pecimen of the fame in the Bankfian Herbarium, 
from the Ifland of St. Lucia a 

Requires to be kept in the bat k ftove with other tropical a 
vegetables, es * 

errant 7M 

I a . oe 
Sel WE dee 
eerte mele Del St ee, Pub. bvSo Carlier Walworth Mar? és 



Jv4."Edwards:Ded. Pub by J Llurtis Baiworts Mav dl FEF. Lita nfom Je 

_ Monograph on this genus. 

[ 23% 4 

eR EE EEE RE IE a a 
Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charafer. 

Cal. 5-fidus. Petala numerofa, linearia, bafi coherentia, 
Cap/. turbinata, carnofa, infera, poly{perma. 

Specific CharaGfer and Synonyms. 

MESEMBRYANTHEMUM wminutum ; acaule, fubglobofum, 
| saat 4 apice concavo floriferum, co- 

~ rolla infundibuliformi. 
MESEMBRYANTHEMUM wiinutum ; (acaule, obconicum, 
2 -floribus fefilibus) lave glaucum 
- immaculatum, petalis late rubi-— 
cundis. Haworth Mefemb, p. 

126. Mifc. Nat. p. 1. 

The petals in this genus for the moft part flightly cohere at 
the bafe ; in fome they form a fhort tube ; but in this {pecies 
they unite into a tube above a quarter of an inch in length, 
narrowing downwards fo as to give the corolla fomewhat the 
form of a funnel. The plant confifts of a congeries of flefhy 
knobs, roundifh, hollowed at the apex. From the centre of 
this depreffion the flower is produced. " Haworrs confiders _ 
thefe button-like fubftances as the leaves, WiLLDENOW, ina 
nearly-related {pecies (minimum) as the ftems. The former of 
courle chara@terizes it as acaule or ftemlefs, the latter would 
 Callit aphylium or leaflefs. 
. What renders this elegant little vegetable the more acceptable 
is, that it produces its lively flowers from the middle of Novem- 
ber to near Chriftmas. 
Our fpecimen was kindly communicated by Mr. Hawortn, 
from his very extenfive colle@ion at Little Chelfea. This — 
adds to the value of our figure, from the certainty of its re- 
_ prefenting the plant intended by the intelligent author of the 

__ Native of the Cape of Good oe 
_ fended from froft, and, after it has done flo ering, to be kept 

| without water during the reft of the \ 


equires to be de- 

pen a f 
N i 
N \ ANA 
R oe AL 
N \. NOE VG 
S N AA sv | 

NY3 od 7. 

[ Ag77 A | 

SRR ee eee 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charatler. 
Cal. urceolatus 5-fidus, carnofus, collo coarélatus, Petala 5. 
Semina plurima hifpida calycis interiori lateri affixa. 

Specific Charaéver and Synonyms. 

ROSA braGeata ; floribus folitariis fubfeffilibus bra€teatis, 
ftipulis peétinatis, caule foliifque aculeatis: foliolis 

- ovatis crenatis glabris. Be APs 
ROSA éraGeata ; germinibus pyriformibus fericeis bra 
caule aculeato, foliis pinnatis aculeatis : foliolis ove tis 

- crenatis glabris fubaculeatis, floribus folitariis. We 

Ob/f. n. 50. Hort. Herrenbau/. t. 23. Willd, 2. p. 1080. 

Vent. Celf. t. 28. a4 | 




Native of China, whence it was introduced by Lord. 
Macarrtny, on his return from his embaffy to that country. 
It bears the cold of our climate very well, and is eafily pro- 
pagated by layers or cuttings.© 

At Mr. Matcotm’s Nurfery at Kenfington, where our 
drawing was taken, there is a very fine {pecimen, planted 
againft a wall, fome of the branches of which did {pread five or _ 
fix feet; but it is now much reduced by the pruning knife. 
The leaves are evergreen, and the flowers fragrant: circum- 
ftances that add to its value. | 

See fubby LS Curhir Wolvorth Ir, 

E1978 1 

TERE RESET IE ok ae ah ake ake sea ales eae ate 

Cla/s and Order. 

TrraAnpriA Monocynia. 
Generic Chara&er.—Vid. N*- 549, 789, 846, 1013. 

Specific CharaGer and Synonyms. 

IXIA monadelpha. Vid. fupra No. 607 ; indeque et fynonyma, 
? quibus fubnedlende. 

IXIA monadelpha. Burm, Prod. Fl. cap. 1. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 
1. 87. 

GALAXIA ixieflora. Lil. a Redouté, tab. 41. 

(8.) flore aurantiaco-flavefcente macula centrali fufca. G. 

IXIA curta. Botan. Repof. tab. 554. (in icone) pixiv. (in 
textus pagina), 

A variety of this fpecies has already appeared in No. 607 of 
this work ; to this we refer for what further relates to the 

fpecies, G, 

NM, 79 

Ak” EL wards Deb. Lib by S Garber Walworlh. May 11 ett.’ Ft arsfone J 

£ 1379 2 

JeeS Si Hnubibidies 
Clafs and Order. 

Generic Charafer.—Vid. N*- 549, 789, 846, 1013. 

Specific Charaéer and Synonyms. 

IXIA fucata ; foliis plufculis, angufte lineari-gramineis, glau- 
cinis, fcapo brevioribus ; fpica pauci- (1—2) flora, 
flexuofa finubus profundis; fpathis acutis ftriatis tubo 
fubtriplo brevioribus ; corolla hypocrateriformi; tubo 
fubclavato ftriéto ftriato ; laciniis ellipticis tubo brevi- 

-oribus, extimis deflexulis, intimis incurvulis ; filamentis 
columellari-compaétis antheras ere€to-divergentes fub- 
zquantibus ; ftigmatibus antherarum bafin verfus reé- 
curvatis, G, ; 

Ons. Affinis nimium 1x12 capillari (Nis. 570, 617, 1013.) ac fi gus 
hybrida ; ed folits glaucis enerviis, corolla tubo nec in Faucem amphiato ; 
limbique inflexione diverfa. G. — 


The prefent drawing was made feveral years ago from a 
plant which flowered in the colleGtion of Meffrs. Lez and 
KENNEDY at Hammerfmith. Is it a genuine fpecies, or the 
mixed produétion of crateroides (No. 594) and capillaris, bred 
In our own gardens? We have never met with any other fpe- 
cies than the prefent. Stem about fix inches high; /pike two- 
flowered ; corolla more than an inch long 5 linb white fuffufed 
with crimfon, particularly on the outfide, with a bright-crimfon 
radiated fpot (ne€taroftigma. Sprengell Hift. R. Herb.) on the 
inner bafe of each fegment. G. 

r, Sry 2 
QWal ay D eZ 
by SL Curl 
we Wal: 
wo rll, May 1.7811 
2 Ee Sanfi 
fart Seulp: 

{ 1380 ] 
Te detest se seale sess ak hee 
Cla/s and Order. 

Generic Charaffer. 

Inflor. feorfim bra€teata. Cal.o. Cor. infera, perfiftens, erefta 
vel pendulo-cernua, regularis, zqualis, hexapetaloideo-partita, _ 
e tubulofo claufa reflexo-patens, laciniis ligulatis apice callofis 
inflexis. Fi/. ime corolla affixa, planiufcula, fubulata, reéta, 
equalia, fepius fafciculato-proftantia. Axth. oblonge, erefe. 
Germ. polyf{permum, rarius-curto ftipite nixum. Svy/us ftriato- 
gracilefcens, curvulus. S#ig. obfcurius muricato-trigonum. 
Cap/. ere€&ta, velata, f{cariofo-pergamea, turbinato- vel evato- 
oblonga, acute vel rotundatim trilobo-trigona, 3-loc., 3-valv., 
valvis medio feptigeris. Sem. in quolibet loculamento pauca 
(1—2) adolefcentia, oblonga deorfum attenuata, ere€ta;_ in- 
terdum (ide Jacquini) unicum reliquis compreffis loculamentis 
in amplitudinem totius capfule laxatum. G. 

Oss. Bulbus rarius complete tunicatus et membrana veflitus, fapius 
nudus ac vel tunicato-[quamofus ex femitunicis vel fquamis amplis ita inter fe 
_ compattis ut vix appareant junttura, vel ex iftis inequalibus Jurfumque im- 
bricatis laxius Squamofus ; folia plura carnofula, craffiufcula, ambientia, 
¢ fafciato-convolutis divergentia, a plano obverfa, linearia ad lato-lancealata, 
acuminata ; fcapus tardior illifve fimultaneus ; racemus continuus Spicatim 
elongatus vel brevis ac diffujus; pedicelli uniflori bracteis Jingularibus 
acuminatis aridis, aliis vacuis vagis haud infrequenter inter{perfis, fuffulti. 
A Lacuenatta facile Se defignat corolla equali reflexa ac ftaminibus rectis. 
ALBUCAM propius collimat ex illius phyfode ; (fupra No. 1049.) G, 

Specific Charaéer and Synonyms. 

DRIMIA Janceefolia ; bulbo tunicato, veltito ; foliis pluribus 
divaricatis, lanceolatis, {capo brevioribus ; racemo 
multi-paucifloro, recurvo-patentiflimo ; pedicellis 
braé&tea minuta fubulata aliquoties longioribus 
corolla cernua laciniis revolutis ; germine breviter 
ftipitato, oblato-conico, rotundato-fexlobo in mar- 
ginem fexdentatam deorfum direétam extenfo; ftylo 

_ fexftriato; capfula rotundato-triloba, fexfulca. G. 

(2) major; foliis lanceolato-acuminatis glaucis nigro-maculofis ; 

_ Facemo cylind -pyramidato numerofiore denfiore. G. 
el Aa heer ee sears LACHENALIA 

LACHENALIA Jlanceaefolia. Facq. ic. rar. 2. tab. 402. Coll. 
Suppl. 69. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2.178. Lil. a 
Redouté, tab. 59. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 287, 
Nobis fupra No. 643. 

(8) minor; foliis ovato-lanceolatis immaculatis ; racemo diffufo 

rariore, modo fubquadrifloro-depauperato.  G. 

LACHENALIA reflexa. Bot. Rep. t. 2993 (nec Thund. Prod.) 

HYACINTHUS revoluins. Hort. Kew. 1. 458. edit. 2. 2. 
283. (De fynonymo certi fumus ex ipfo /peci- 
mine in Herb. Banks. repofito ; ubi priori fue 
JSubnexum habet Drimixz undulate nomen; 

id jure probabiliter apponendum evit planta | 

cognomint Linn. Suppl, 204. et Thunb, Prod. 
64. 0b folia undulata.) 

To continue this plant under LacnsNnarta, now that 
Drimrta has been conftituted, feems to us to be to create an 
unneceffary difturbance in the arrangement of the genera. It 
has all the chara€ters of Daimia, except in where it difagtees 
from both that and Lacnenatta, as in its fix-lobed and 
{lipitate germen, which laft chara€teriftic is however, we think, 
perceptible in Jacgutn’s figure of Drimra undalata, 

For further account of the fpecies, we refer back to No. 643. 

Both varieties are natives of the Cape of Good Hope, and of © 

eafy culture in a common greenhoule. G. 

Pe ae ee ee ee 

Pte et tian erenentemmeont 


Jancezefolia. Supra No. a 

undulata. Facq. ic, var. 2. 44.376. Coll, Suppl. ass Willd. 
Sp. bl. @. 166, (excel, Hort, Kew.) Hyacintuus 
revolutus. Linn. Suppl. 204.. Thunb. Prod. 64. 

ciliaris, Facq. ic. rar. 2. 377. Coll. Suppl. at. Willd. 1. ce 165» 

pufillas Fate lsc. 4.374. p. 42. Willd. I. t. 166. 

media. Jacq. lcs 1.375. p. 40. Willd. |, ¢ 

-elata. Supra No. 822 

altiffima, Supra No.i074. OxrnitHocarum, Willd. 1.c.1196 
ORNITHOGALUM giganteum. jfucqs Hort, Schoenb. — 

bs 1. 45. f. 87. 

In No. 822, our obfervation concerning the HyAcintius — 
revolutus of the “ Hortus Kewenfis,’ * fhould be modified ac- 

cording to the above fynonymy. G. 

N13 2. 



2 elas Walworth May. 1.1611. My aE dwardc Def Be far 

f 1381 
GarRLic. gh 

ARR aa aba eee 

Clafs and Order. 

Hexanpria MoNnocynlia. 
Generic Charaéter.—Vid. No. 774. 

Specific Charaéter and Synonyms. | 
ALLIUM 3Bifulcum ; (rhizoma fenefcens tranfverfe bulbiceps ;) 

bulbo ovato-oblongato ; foliis pluribus a plano 
bifariis, brevi-vaginantibus, craffis, femitereti- 
linearibus, acutis, canaliculatis (interioribus id 
etiam utrinque, fide Redoutei), {capo cereti bre- 
vioribus; umbella congefta convexius faftigiata, 
fpatham tranfeunte ; corolla fubcampanulata la- 
ciniis ovalibus ftamina equantibus ; _filamentis 
fubulatis, alternis bafi latioribus; germine viridi, 
trilobo-rotundo, trifulco. G. : 
ALLIUM 3ifuleum, Lil. a Redouté. tab, 286. 

_ The refemblance of the prefent plant to /ene/cens (No. 1150.) 
Is fo near, that we were not without fufpicion of their being 
mere varieties. We have however been determined by the 
work above cited, in confidering them as diftin&t. Bi/uleum 

as narrow thick femicylindric /eaves of a clear deep green 
Colour in no way twifted, in /enefcens.thefe are narrow lorate 
glaucous and twifted or oblique; in our plant the /famens are 
€ven in length with the corolla, in that they reach fomewhat 

tyond it; here the germen is green with flightly protuberant 
lobes, in that it is purplifh with very ftrongly protuberant 
ees, Blooms in June and July. Perfeétly hardy and of eafy 

ure, : 

i. SOE. 

Our drawing was taken from a plant in the fele& colleion 
of Mr. Haworrts, the only one in which we have obferved 
it. It has been fome time cultivated both here and in the 
gardens about Paris; but whence its origin is ftill unknown. 

We did not notice the 4i/uleate charaéter of the inner leaves 
from which the fpecific name has been adopted by Repoure; 
but if fuch exifts, the outer furrow is moft probably the im- 
preffion of the leaf at the back formed during its more com- 
preffed ftage of foliation, or elfe it would be equally prefent at 
the back of the two outer ones. G, 

EE arriomde 

7 \ \ 

tet sELL . S Curtis: Walwore Jus 

ee 1982°° 7] 


Cla/s and Order. — 

, Generic Charaéer. 

Inflor. feorfim bratteolata. Ca/.o. Cor. infera, perfiftens, 
ere€ia, regularis, qualis, hexapetaloideo-partita, oblato- 
oblongove-campanulata, laciniis ovatis ligulatifve imbricationeé 
laxa. Stam. ime corolle affixa, equalia vel fubzqualia, eretto- 
conniventia, inclufa. i. complanata, ovato-fubulata. Anth, 
didymz loculis apice connexis, ereétz, introrfe. Stylus ftriato- 
filiformis, reGtus. Stig. obfolete trifidum, hifpidulo-fubcapitel- 
latum. Cap/. pergamea, rotundato-oblonga, trilobo-trigona, 
3-loc., 3-valv. valvis medio feptigeris ftellatim replicandis. 
Sem, affurgentia, in loculamento pauca, fepti margini interiori 
utrinque (nunc unicum imo angulo) pedicellatim annexa, pappo 
nucleo plurimum longiore, cujus expanfione elaftica extricanda, 
contetta, G. 

Ozs. Rhizoma tubericeps perennans, fubterraneum, folido-carnofum, 
corticatum, ut plurimum irregulariter rotundatum tubere g-multiceps intus 
purpurafcens, rarius decolorum informius oblongatum modove equabiliter orbi~. 
culatum gemma unica carnofa fuperftratum; foliam annuum radicale, in 
Jingula gemma fingulum, involuto-petiolatum, \amina 
oblongatam, coriaceo-crafja, nervofa venis eg ole a be 3 fepius fin- 


tempore alio ac folium vigens 

ERIOSPERMUM /aii abero 
= - multicipiti-torofo, fubrotundo; folii lamina 
 . rotundo-ovata acuta nervofa venis tran{f- 

~ verfis rugulofa, fubtus pallido-glabrata ; 
racemo laxius multifloro patente ; corolla 

- oblato-campanulata papillis glandulofis pel- 

~ lucidis pruinata ; laciniis interioribus ob- 

_gvatis fubbrevioribus acutulis apice erofo- 

© © denticulatis; filamentis membranaceis 
~ | evato-acuminatis corolla tertia parte cir- 

Eh lt RD citer 

citer brevioribus; antheris didymo-ovatis ; 
germine ovato-globofo, obfolete trilobo, 
trifulco, triftriato; ftylo ftaminibus zquali ; 
ftigmate inconfpicuius fubtrifido, murica- 
— tulo. G. 
(a.) pedicellis flore vix longioribus. _Specim. pout. in Herb, Banks. 
(8.) pedicellis flore pluries longioribus. Specim. cult, Hort. 
Kew. in Herb. Banks. . 

ERIOSPERMUM latifolium.. Facq. ic. rar. tab. 420. Coll. 
Suppl..73. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 110. Hort. 
Kew, ed. 2. 2. 256. 

ORNITHOGALUM capen/e. Linn. Sp, Pl. ed. 2. 1.441. Mill. 
Di, ed. 8. 2. g, Thunb. Prod. 62. Lam. 

oe Enyce. A. 618. 

O. foliis cordatis ovatis. Mill. DiZ. ed. 7. n. 12. 

O. africanum Plantaginis rofez folio radice tuberofa. Comm. 
Hort. Boerb, Ind. Alt. 2. 142. 

O. affinis radice tuberofa, Cyclaminis folio C. B. S., flore pal- 
lide ceruleo, Breyn, Cext. 1. 93. tab. 41. 
Rudb, Elyf. tab. 138. f. 14. 

Rootflock from about the fize of a hen’s egg to that of a child’s 
head ; d/ade of the leaf from about two to near three inches 
_ broad; /eape from one to two feet high; flowers yellowith 

white, with a mixture of green and fometimes of purple, fearcely 
the third of an inch in diameter when expanded ; {centlefs, ap- 
pearing about November and fucceeded by the leaf about 
February. Native of the Cape of Good Hope, whence it was 
introduced into gardens as far back as the days of Mitier. 
Our drawing was taken at Mr. Knreut’s Nurfery, King’s- 
Road, Fulham ; the plant had been imported by. Mr. G. 
Hissert. Several (perhaps all) of the fpecies vary greatly 
in the length of the pedicles; a mode of variation to fuch an 

extent not ufual in the genera of this order. G. 

Specterum ENuMERATIO. 

paradoxicum, Nodis. Orxnitnocarum paradoxicum. Facq. 

Collect. Suppl. 81. tab.1. Willd, § Pe Pl. a. 145. 
folioliferum. Botan. Repofit. tab. 521. ubi male fifitur inflore/- 
. centia guafi cum foliatura coexiflente ; dum altera pot 
SS alicram emarcidam enafei ceperit. 
pubefcens. Facq. Hort. Schoenb. 3. 7. tab, 264. 
lanuginofum. ‘Facg. loc. cit. tab, 265. 
latifolium. Supra No. 1382. - 
lanceefolium. Facq. ic. rar. 2. f. 421. Call, Suppl. 72. Willd. 

Sp. Pl. 2. 111. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 256. 

parvifolium. Facg. loc. cit, 422. Coll, Suppl, 74. Willd, loc. cite 


— ee 

Sr lig "gp, rcp DP he Z. 

LLE 5 vS Carlie Walbwarlh: June t. 1912. 


Fariform be 

[ 1383. ] 

Cla/s and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeyntia. 
Generic Charafter.—Vid. No. 1463. 

Specific Charaéer and Synonyms. 

_ STRUMARIA /piralis; foliis femifiliformibus canaliculatis, 
glandulis elevato-punéticulatis, tandem flex- 
uolo vel gyrato-proftratis ; {capo parum altiore, 
fubclavato-filiformi, elaftico-flexili, juxta fu- 
pra bafin finubus fubbinis flexuofo 3; umbella 
uni-pauciflora, pedicellis teretibus ftri@iufculis 
papillofo-punéticulatis, flore duplo longiori- 
bus; corolla turbinato-campanulata, bafi_ in 
brevem tubulum connexa, laciniis oblongo- 
lanceolatis fecurvo-patulis, alternis obtufulis ; 
{taminibus corolla duplo brevioribus, alternis 
parum longioribus; ftylo fufiformi-aciculari, 
obtufangulo triquetro, trifulco ; {tigmatibus 
hirtulis, replicatis ; feminibus bulbillofo-laxa- 
tis, herbaceo-emollitis ; (anne conflanter?) G. 

STRUMARIA Jpiralis. Hort, Kew, ed. 2. 2.213. Nobis fupra 

: No. 1363. pag. alt. in fpec. enum. 

CARPOLYZA Jpiralis. Parad. Londin. tab. 63. 

CRINUM /pirale. Botan. Repofit. tab. 92. 

CRINUM ‘fenellum. Jacq. ic. rar. 2. t. 363. Coll. fuppl. 43. 

HEMANTHUS Spiralis. Hort. Kew.1. 405. Thunb. Prod. 58. 
Mart. Mill. Di&. Willd. fp. pl. 2. 28. 

AMARYLLIS Jpivalis. L’Herit. fert. anglic. p. 10. (exclufa 
palfim citata tabula uti haétenus inedita.) Mart. 
Mill. Did. Gmel. Syf. Nat. tom. 2. 539. 


_ Bulb about the fize of a {parrow’s egg; leaves 4 or 5, 2—3 
~ Inches long, very flender, deep green; /cape fomewhat higher 

than thefe, as well as them enclofed at the bafe within a membra- 

NOUS reotfheath, in the {pecimens we examined flexuofe niet 7 
ee 3 : . ee 

the middle with about two bays or bendings, but not winding 
fpirally in rounds ; pedicles from an inch and a half to about two 
inches long; anthers yellow, three alternate ones exploding 
before the reft. Native of the Cape of Good Hope, where it 
was found by Mr. Brucutere in fandy {pots near the town. 
Introduced into Kew Gardens by Mr. Masson in 1774. A 
greenhoufe plant; blooms Spring and Autumn. 

Our drawing was made at Mr. Knicut’s Nurfery, King’s- 
Road, Chelfea. G. 

NOT E£. 

In the late article of STRUMARIA cri/pa (No. 1363), we 
have negleéted to obferve, that there can be fearcely a doubt, 
but that the following fynonyms fhould be added to the others 
which have been already adduced, viz. 

AMARYLLIS cinnamomea ; corollis fubhexapetalis lanceolatis 
undulatis, genitalibus ereétis, corolla brevio- 
ribus. L’Herit. fert. angl. 16. . 27. (exclufa 
tabula citata uti bucufque inedita.) Mart. Mill. 
Did. n. 29. Gmel. Sy/t. Nat. tom. 2. 540. 


Wiriipenow has omitted to adopt the above in his ** Species 
Plantarum,” either as a fynonym or diftinét f{pecies. G. 



a i 

Srp!” Fluo rar ed >. 4 Lip W a Me A 27.78, 
~ LEP L aL WO. PE: 
FZ), i LUO ed. leirb: , As af? 2LEL7 

Le Saralarrr Ss ¥ 

E i984. : 
OLD CLotu or Gotp Crocus. 

SIME alee eee eae se le 
Cla/s. and Order. 
TRIANDRIA Monocynia. 

Generic Charaéler.—Vid. No. 1110» 
Specific Charafer and Synonyms. 

CROCUS /ulphureus ; (verualis  bivalvis faux nuda ;) bulbo- 
tuberis indufio exteriore {cariofo-membranaceo. 
tenui, nervulis denfe re@tilineo-ftriatulo; fafciculis 
f{ubfexfoliis. ; corolle. limbo zquabiliter radiato- 
patente; (autberis, in cultis faltem, fepius vacuisatque 
pallidis ;) ftigmatibus clavato-cucullatis ore erofo- 
lacinulatis, inzqualibus, pallidis, ftamina longe 
{uperantibus. G, 

CROCUS fulphureus. Supra No. 938 et No. 1111. pag. alt. 

in Jpec. enum. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.1. 81. 
(2) corolla limbi laciniis lineis plumofis fulcis extus inferiptis. 
: G. Supra No. 938. Specim. /pont. ex agro haleppenfi 

, a Do. P. Ruffell Herb. Banks. repofitum. 

CROCUS vernus flavus firiatus. Park. Parad. 163. f. 10. 

CROCUS vernus latifolius flavo-vario, flore. Rati. Hiff. p. 
1174. 2. 8. defer. optima, 

(2) corolla concolore. G. 

CROCUS vernus latifolius flavo flore minore et pallidiore. 
Baub, Pin. 66. Tournef. Inft. 352. — 

Narrow-leaved Spring Crocus with {maller Brimftone coloured 

flowers. Mill, Did. ed. 7. 

This variety is rarely met with in our garden; nor did we 
€ver fee any confiderable number of fpecimens of it, except at 
Mr. Wiitiams’s Nurfery, Turnham-Green, It is at all times 
Teadily diftinguifhed from mafiacus and fufianus, although 
‘pproaching them fo near in the colour of the corolla. For 
_ “More particular account of the fpecies we refer to No. 938 of 
AS work, = Gos pe - 



No. 1375, 1 5 & 6 fiom the bottom, for“ fpecies” 
No, 13 ©, pag. alt. 1. 26, poft ** No,” infere ** 3 380. 


for ** fpecies” read ** fpecimen.”” : 

_ EiLanfornte: 

Lub by So Cirkiis Wale arth Jem ett 4t. 

Sy” Bdwardy Del. 

ee [ 1385 Tpmues IG 
Auitium AmpreLoprasumM. GREAT 

JHE Reet 
. a --Clafs and Order, | 
HEXANDRIA Monoeyn lA. 
Seger Charatler Vit N* 774 
7 Specific Charaer and Synonyms: = 

ALLIUM Ampeloprafum ; ( bulbus bafi multiparus ; ) foliis 
longius vaginantibus laminis fucculentis remotiufcule 
bifariis, ligulato-attenuatis, carinatis, deorfum mar- 
gine ferrulato-fcabridis, caule tereti> fubcompreffo 

_ revioribus, glaucis; fpatha univalvi globofo-pyra- 
midata fepe decidua; umbella numerofiflima, {pha- 
rica, congefta, pedicellis flore longioribus ; ee 
bafin ufque partita, firma, ovato-connivente ; laciniis 
ifometris, exterioribus navicularibus carina {cabra, 
interioribus planiufculis obtufioribus; _ filamentis 
contiguis, bafi connatis, corollam  tranfeuntibus, 
alternis latiffimis ciliatis tricufpidatis cufpide anthe- 
rifera lateralibus cito arefcentibus fere duplo bre-- 
viore; germine fubrhombeo-ovali, fexftriato, minu- 
tiffime punfticulato, zona € projeéturis tribus tranf- 
verfim continentibus emarginatis fingulis porum 
neftarifluum foventibus juxta infra medium cinéto, ~ 
inde furfum prifmatico-pyramidato; flylo a brevi 
fetiformi obtufulo fenfim excrefente. G 

ALLIUM Ampeloprafum. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2 1. 423- Smith. 

Eng. Bot. tab. 1657. Flor. Brit. 1. 355- Prod. Fi. 

crec. Sibiborp 1. 221. Brotero Fi. lufit. 1. 540. 


Willd. Sp. Pl. 2, 63. Hort. Kew. @d. 2. 2. 2323 
= (excl, paffim a ; 

_ ALLIUM radice fobolifera, foliis gramineis, {pica {pherica, 
ftaminibus alterne trifidis, Hall. belv. n. 1218. 
“ALLIUM ftaminibus alterne trifidis, foliis gramincis, floribus 
{fpherice congeftis, radice fobolifera. Hall. cpufe. 

44. te 5. de All, t 5» — 
344. % § ' — scORODOPRASUM 

SCORODOPRASUM I. Clu/. bif. 190. 

(G.) planta minor floribus faturate purpureo-rubentibus. G. 

ALLIUM Ampeloprafum. Wald. 8 Kitaib. plant, rar. bungar. 
is 84. tab. 82. 

Porros bravos. Lu/itanis. 

We own we can fee no reafon for believing this plant 
to be fpecifically diftin& from the Leek (A. Porrum), whofe 
origin is yet to be difcovered unlefs referred to the prefent 
fpecies, which we know to be native of the Levant, Portugal, 
Hungary, and of the Holms Ifland in the Briftol Channel. 
Clufius received it among. other bulbs from Conftan- 
tinople, where he fays it is a favourite vegetable. Haller 
doubts its claim toa Swifs origin. _Known in our gardens 
at leaft as far back as the days of Gerard. Flowers in July 
and Auguft. Our drawing was made from Mr. Haworth’s 
colleGtion. G, 

ae ‘ 
. a if 

AY. Lethe. Wh 2tworl/2 Fe 7 O79 P dd fc fi Es 

+“ EVE EO SL. LOLS. he I 2ID/ OFFE f C- 

[ 1386 J 

Fe ek a 
Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaéer. 

Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala, regularis. Neé. glandule 5, 
mellifere, bafi longiorum filamentorum adnate. Arilli 5, 1- 
fpermi, ariftati, ad bafin receptaculi roftrati: ariftis nudis, reétis. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

GERANIUM ibericum ; pedunculis bifloris, petalis trilobo- 
emarginatis foliis fubfeptemlobis incifo-dentatis, 
caule villofo. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p.. 702. Perfoon 
Syn. 2. p.235. Lamark Di. 2. p. 658. Bieberft. 

Fl, Taurico-Caucafica. 2. p. 135+ | 

GERANIUM ibericum; caule herbaceo dichotomo villofo, 
foliis oppofitis quinquepartitis incifis, petalis 
trilobis medio breviore cufpidato, Cav. Diff. 4. 

/ Dp, 209. 4. 124. f. 1. 

GERANIUM orientale batrachioides amplioribus foliis, flore 

maximo. Tourn, Cor. 20. : 


_ Cavanittes inferted this plant upon the authority of a draw- 
ing executed by Tournerort himfelf, now in the poffeflion 
of Jussreu. Since Tournerort’s time we doubt if this Ge- 
ranium has been fubmitted to the eyes of any Botanift, till it 
was difcovered on the Iberian fide of Mount Caucafus, by 
M. Birsersrein, and publifhed in his Flora Taurico- Caucajica, 
a very interefting work, in two volumes oftavo, but which has 
not we believe as yet found its way to this country, except a 
fingle copy, the property of Mr. SracKHOUSE. 
_ Accordingto BieBERSTEIN the middle lobule, much fmaller 
in our plant than in CavANILLE’s figure, is fometimes entirely 
wanting, Our drawing was made at Mefirs. Wxittey and 
Brame’s Nurfery, now removing from Old-Brompton to Ful- 
ham, where thefe {pirited cultivators of rare and valuable plants 
ave taken the extenfive premifes late in the poffeffion of 
t.Burcnex. Flowers in June, and is fuppofed to be hardy 
enough to bear our winters without protection, 

M72 a7. 

na eee S lurlir Walworth Junet 1éit 4 Sarijorn 

| [1987.4 

RR ee 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charafer. 

Cal. 2-labiatus: labio fuperiore e-dentato. Carina erefta. 
Legum. bafi attenuatum compreflum. (Stamina monadelpha. 
Fol, ternata). 

Specific Charaéer and Synonyms, 

CYTISUS divaricatus; racemis terminalibus ereétis, calycibus 
leguminibufque ramentaceo-vifcidis, foliolis ob- 
longis. Hort. Kew. (1789) 3. p. 50. Willd. 3. 

- 1119. Per/foon Syn. 2. p. 309. 

CYTISUS St ; poor tiiasioa al erectis ramis 

divaricatis canis, leguminibus glandulofo-muricatis. 
: L’Herit. Stirp. 184. - tea 

SPARTIUM complicatum, foliis ternatis foliolis conduplicatis, 
caulibus inermibus proftratis glabris, leguminibus 
{cabris. Sp. Pl. 996. 

CYTISUS foliis incanis anguftis quafi complicatis, Baub. Pin, 

CYTISUS a Calcaris. Banh. Hift. 1. part 2. p. 370? 
CYTISUS fecundus. Clu/. Hif. 1. p- 94- Hifp. 190. ic. 192. 
(8.) elatior, foliis glabris explicatis, calycibus pilofis nec glandu- 
___lofis, caule ereéto. | 
CYTISUS primus. Clu/: Hift. 1. p- 94 Hifp. 190. ic. 191. 


Desc. A branchy fhrub : Jranches going off at right angles, 
angular, hairy, efpecially towards the extremities. Leaves ter- 
‘Nate, upon footftalks fhorter than the leaflets, fafcicled, one ge- 
ee ally larger than the reft, two confiderably {maller, and a pas 
ee ee bse ardly 

hardly perfe&t: /eaffers elliptical, green, {mooth, for the moft part 
open and not folded as in (a). S#/pu/es minute and falling early, 
Inflorefcence in termival racemes of fine yellow flowers. Braées 
ciliated, deciduous. Peduncles about the length of the calyx, 
moftly red, villous. Calyx 2-lipped, 5-toothed, 4: under lip twice 
_ the length of the upper. Vexi//um oval, quite entire, reflexed in 
the day, but at night clofing over and proteéting the ale and 
carina. Filaments all conneéted. Germen linear, ftraight : flyle 
afcending: /figma capitate. Legume oblong, narrowed at the 
bafe, glandular-muricate. 

This is an ereét fhrub, growing feveral feet high ; and has 
by no means proftrate flems, nor are the leaflets ordinarily 
conduplicate. It poffeffes very little hoarinefs or clamminefs ; 
and appears to us to correfpond better with the Cyrisus primus 
of Ciusius, than the /ecundus; and, like it, the leaves have a 
leguminous tafte, and though bitter are not intenfely fo, We 
confider Genisva canarienfis, of which the Cyrisus primus of 
C.usius was made a fynonyin by Linn vs, to be altogether 
a diftin& plant, bearing its flowers in crowded clufters at. the 

extremities of the branchlets, not in pyramidal racemes as in. 

our plant, and in Ciustus’s figure. Communicated by Meffrs. 
Loppices and Sons. Flowers in Auguft. Native of Spain, 
a and Southern France. Requires fome prote€tion from 

V-13 6 4 


rl ure t 1801 


Fisb by SF Cierlur 

lyyd"Edwarar Ded 

[ 1388 J 
: CoLTsFoorT. 

Clafs and Order. 

Generic Charafters : 

Cal. fimplex : {quamz zquales, difcum aquantes, fabmem- 
branacee. Cor. feminez ligulate f. edentule. ec. nudum. 
Pappus fimplex, feflilis. (Flo/culi pleri/que polygamo-dioici.) 

Specific Charaéter and Synonyms. 


TUSSILAGO /fragrans ; thyrfo faltigiato, floribus radiatis, 
foliis fubrotundo-cordatis zqualiter denticulatis 
fubtus pubefcentibus. Willd. Sp. P/. 3. p. 1969+ 

- Perfoon Syn. 2. Pe 455: 

-TUSSILAGO fragrans, thyrfo corymbofo, pedunculis fub- 

ramofis, floribus_ reviter. radiatis, foliis acute 

crenatis integris reniformibus fubtus hirfutis. 


Villars AG. Soc. Nat. Scrut. Parif. p. 72+ t. 126 

Said to grow fpontaneoufly about Naples ; but has not, that 
we know of, been noticed by any Botanift before VILLARS. 
Of late years it has been commonly cultivated in gardens in 
France for the fake of its fragrant flowers, which much re- 
femble in odour thofe of HeLiorropiuM peruvianum. It is 
as yet rather rare with us, but will probably foon 5 ei 
enough, being eafily propagated by its creeping roots. intro- 
duced by Mefirs. ra ioe eof gpy, at whofe Nurfery at 
Hammerfmith our drawing was taken, from a plant flowering 
in the greenhoufe before Chriftmas. It is however fufficiently 
hardy to bear our winters-in the open air, when of courfe it 
will blow later. fa Bas gis , ee 

NE73 B Zs 


A AD LET te 
—- Tr aaa 
eee = 

[ 138 J 

TIRE ea seek aes ae ae ae ate ate 

Clafs and Order. 

Decanpria Monocyntia. 

Generic Charafer. 

Cal. fubbilabiatus, 5-fidus. Cor. papilionacea: ale vexilli 
longitudine. Leg. lave, ventricofum, polyfpermum, 

Specific Charaéfer and Synonyms. 

PODALYRIA Jupinoides ; foliis ternatis petiolatis, foliolis 
elliptico-lanceolatis obtufis pubefcentibus, fti- 
pulis lanceolatis petiolo longioribus. Willd. 
Sp. Pl. 2. p. 504. Lamark Ill. t. 327. f. 2. 
Perfoon Syn. 1. P» 453- 

SOPHORA Iupinoides. Sp. Pl. 534- Pallas It. 2."p. 676. 
Mart. Mill. Did. n. 18. Hort, Kew. 1789. 2» 

. 46. a. ye * 

SOPHORA folifs ecias: fpica verticillata. Aman, Acad. 2. 

P+ 359- 

Poparyria /upinoides, though introduced to this wre! 
by the Duke of NorruumBerLanp as early as 1775, is ftill 
very rare. Mr. Loppices, to whom we are indebted for the 
plant from which our drawing was taken, has been in poffeffion 
of it feveral years, having raifed it from feeds procured from 

iberia, but was never fo fortunate as to flower it till June 
1810, and then but imperfe€ily ; for, when in perfeétion, it 

as a long verticillate fpike. Some of Patxas’s {pecimens, 
Owever, in the poffeffion of A. B. Lamaert, Efq. have, like 
Our drawing, a fingle whorl of flowers only. 

The leaves and ftipules are covered with a foft filky pu- 
befcence: the former, in our plant, were moftly imperfect, 
Confifting of a fingle feffile leaflet, befides the leaf-like ftipules : 
When perfe@, the leaf is ternate, with a footftalk. 

Native of Siberia, Kamtfchatka, and Nootka-Sound. Flowers 
n May and June. Hardy; but requires to be carefully pra- 
teed from flugs, eee 

sp fatten 
A Sart/am 
, . 
: - A desde £401. 

m+ ! Cuarhar Wal wartts /iby. LE 

i444 4. Lb Oe 

£140 o 
es de Ded +2 
Syd” Edwardes Ded. 

[ 1390 ] 
Tuxipa Ciustana. Ctustus’s Ty ip, 

aR EE ae ae sae a ese eae te sea 
Clas and Order. 

Hexanpria Monocynia. 
Generic Charaéter.—Vid. No. 717. 
Specific Charater and Synonyms. 

TULIPA clufiana; (uniflora; bulbus lateraliter Sobolifer ;) 
foliis fubquaternis, lanceolato-attenuatis, convoluto- 
concavis, glaucis, caulem glabrum_ fubzquantibus ; 
corolla ex oblongato-connivente recurvato-paten- 
tiflima, fundo breviter turbinato-coarétato ; laciniis 
oblongo-lanceolatis, interioribus deorfum angufti- 
oribus; ftaminibus citra duplum corolla brevioribus; 

- filamentis nudis femitereti-fubulatis antheras fubz- 

quantibus, alternis paulifper longioribus germine 

vix brevioribus; germine columellari-prifmatico ; 

-_ ftigmatibus compreflis, revolutis, criftato-adnatis. Gs 

TULIPA clujfiana. Lil, a Redoutd tab.37. iterum fol. 165. pag. 
_ alt, in obf. Smith. Prod. Fl. grec. Sibth, 1. 229. 

T. rabro-alba, Brotero Flor. lufit..1. 5202 ets. 

T. variegata perfica, Rudb. Ely/. Tab, 111. f. 8 

T. perfica. Park. Parad. 52. Tab. 53. f. 6. a 

T. perfica flore rubro oris albidis elegans. Ger. emac. 142.f:20. 

T. perfica precox. Clu/: cur. poft. g. cum. Ic. : 



We are indebted to Mr. AnpvERsON, of Tooley-Street, for 
feveral {pecimens of this rare fpecies, the bulbs of which were 
imported by him from Sicily and flowered in April. Comes 
very near to ge/neriana, but differs in the more oblong 
contraéted form of the corolla, the bafe of which is turbinately 
convergent and not broadly rounded as in that; the proportions 
of their organs of fruétification are alfo fomewhat different. 
Has been known. in our gardens as far back as the days of 
Parkinson and Gerarp; by whom it was efteemed tenderer 
and more difficult to preferve than others of its congeners, 

Found wild in the vicinities of Florence and Madrid, pro- 
bably alfo in Sicily and Portugal. G, 




Herba glabra, Filamenta barbata. 

fylveftris, Supra No. 1202. 

celfiana. Supra No. 717; ubi perperam pro breyniana habita 
Suit. Confer Corrigenda in No. 1135. pag. alt. T. 
celfiana. Lil. a Red. t. 38. T. fylvettris. v. campeftris. 
Herb. Pallas penes D. Lambert; ubi docemur in 
Volge ripis provenire /pontaneam. T. perfica minima. 
Rudd. Elyf. t. 112. f. 8. | 

biflora, Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 98. Pallas. it. 3. app. 86. t. D.f. 20 
Hujus quoque Jpecimina plurima ex eadem regione [pon= 
anea habet Herbarium precitaium. T. byzantine genus 
alterum. Lalé di dusi fiori, Cluf. hit. 151 cum Ic. 

fibthorpiana.. Smith. Prod. Fl. grec. Sibth. 1. 229. In oriente 


Herba glabra. Filamenta nuda. 

clufiana, Supra No. 1390. 
gelneriana. Supra No. 1135 ct ejus fpecimina fpontanea (fala 
nobis unquam vifa) in deferto cafpico leéa in mode 
_allegato herbario Pallafiano affervantur: 
oculus folis. Lil. a Redout2 tab. 219. T. agenenfis. Liliac. 1. 
2. 60. in agro agenenfi Francie fpontanea. 

Herba cuticula glandulofo-villofi conteZa, : Filam. nuda, - 
fuaveolens. Supra No. 889. Lil. a Redoutd tab. 111. : 

Oss, Tuxira breyniana eft MeLanruium uniflorum (Supra 
No, 767). Cfr. addenda in No. 1135. pag. 3. 

[ 139% J 
Carex FRaseRIANA. Fraser’s Carex. 
eee ee 
oa Clafs and Order. 

Generic Chara@er. 

Flores diclines, amentacei: sqguamis undique. imbricatis, 
unifloris. Mafc. Perianthium. (Corolla. nob.) 0. Stam, 3. Fam. 
{in eadem vel diverfa f{pica, monoici v. dioici.) Per. (Cor) 
a-phyllum, capfulare, bafi muticum, ore coarétato, pertiftcns. 
Stig. a—g. Nux. perianthio (corolla) au€to inclufa, Brows, Prod. 
Fl. N. Holl. 4. 2460 , a oat 

Specific Charafler and Synonyms. 

CAREX fraferiana ; (fempervirens ? [pica unica fimplex andro- 
gyna;) fafciculis unifoliis; folio radicali, adu/to 
coriaceo fubinzquilateri - ligulato concaviufculo 
ecarinato late undato denfe pertenuiterque ftriatulo, 

_breviter attenuato, membrana angultiffima marginato, 

latere altero infignius curvato ora tota crifpata, altero 
reGtiore ora deorfum erugata, juniori longinque 
cucullatim convoluto vaginis fubtrinis alternatim 
longioribus herbaceis tandem fiffili-emarcidis con- 
clufo; culmo fubifometro gracili tereti-comprefio 
fimplici aphy!lo enodi iftias finu extante; {pica brevi 
cylindracea denfa brafteis paleaceis muticis occultatis; 
fuperne mafcula numerofiore comofa braéteis oblon- 
gatis; feminea multiflora in glomum compaéta braéteis 
rotundatis; corolla divaricata elliptica ventricofa 
integerrima bafi conta€tu coar€tata apice fubdepreffa 
mutica tranfeunte ftylo perforata; nuce ovato-tri- 
quetra laevigata caftaneo-nitente angulis fubalatis, 
pedicello clavato fundo glandulofo corollz impacto 
fetam fimpliciffimam inclufam fubtus fuperne educente 
nixa; ftylo perfiftente (nunc poft cafa figmata intra 
corollam fecundum nucem replicatim procrefcente;) ftig- 
matibus trinis lineari-complicatis recurvato divergen- 
tibus ftylo longioribus corolla brevioribus. G. 

CAREX Fra/eri, Bot. Repof. No. 638. ae 

z Sg Es A perennial 

A perennial laxly cefpitofe and probably evergreen plant; 
leaves 8—g inches high, one broad, while young of atender light 
green colour, which becomes very deep and dark by age; 
margin membranous entire but fo curled as to have the appear- 
ance of being crenulate ;_/pike little more than an inch long, 
with the circumference of a man’s finger; the corolla did not 
feem to enlarge as the fruit ripened, being originally larger than 
the germen. The charafler of our plant does not entirely 
agree with that of the Uncrwia of Mr. Brown, and we have 
placed it under Caxrx, leaving its tranfpofition, if neceffary, 
to fome one better acquainted with its kind than we profefs to 
be. Micuaux has an American Carex that he calls /yphina; 
but we do not fee why it fhould be fuppofed to be this, except 
that his defeription will fuit almoft any fpecies with a fimple 
androgynous fpike. We believe it to be a non-defcript. We 
have named the fpecies after the late deferving and induftrious 
Mr. Fraser, by whom it was found in the autumn of 1808 
near the Table Mountain; and upon the banks of the Catawba 
River, in the neighbourhood of Morgan-Town, North-Carolina; 
and by him introduced into this country, where it flowered in 
his Son’s Nurfery, Sloane-Square, this Spring. G, 


fSanfor J &- 

{ 1392 ) 

Ae eles ae de ie sie tesie a ae ik ea ee aa 
Clafs and Order. 

TrianpDria Monocynta. 

Generic Charader.—Vid. No. 1225. 

Specific Charafer and Synonyms, 

TRICHONEMA caulefcens ; (caulis vel et ante anthefin totus 
| terra extans ;) folio radicali fiftulofo-vagi- - 
nante inde quadrifulco-tetraquetro pedi- 
cellos fuperante ; caulinis binis (rarius 
unico) conformibus brevioribus alternatim | 
pedunculorum geminorum (rarius unico) 
bafi appofitis; {fpathe valva externa navi- 
culari-convoluta rigidiufcula herbacea in- 
ternam {phacelato-membranaceam tenuifli- 
mam concludente; corolla turbinato-patente, 
tubo breviffimo, laciniis lanceolatis; antheris 
filamento fubbrevioribus; ftigmatibus juxta 
infra harum apices recurvatim exfertis. G. 
IXIA Julbocodisides. De la Roche. difer. nov. gen. 19. 1. 6; (0b 
oe . feapum fub anthefin exfertum Jupra minus 
reéle in No. 1225. ad rolei varietatem luteam 
allegata s ibi enim caulis floriger lotus terra 
beret.) , 
IXLA, rofee var. floribus aureis fuperne albis. Herbar. Bank/. 
; Speci. fpontan, capenfe. 


The corolla of the prefent plant agrees with that of cruciatum 
(No. 575.) in every refpe&t, except colour; but in caulefcens 
the ftem has acquired its full growth above ground even before 
the flower has expanded ; while in that the leaflefs peduncle or 
branch is alone feen until the fruit begins to ripen, when the 
ftem rifes above the ground as in Crocus. Since this differ- 

ence is feen both in the fpontaneous and cultivated fpecimens 
| 3 which — 

which we have examined, we have thought it a fufficient {pecific 
diftin@tion. From rofeum (No. 1225.) it differs in having the 
ftigmas beneath the apex of the anthers; from pudicum (No. 
1244) by an inner membranous fphacelate enclofed valve to 
the fpathe, as well as by the form of the fegments of the corolla. 
Native of the Cape of Good Hope; from whence it was 
imported by Meffrs. Lzz and Kennepy, at whofe nurfery at 
Hammerfmith our drawing was made. G, 

N13 93, 



Wed "2 hwaenti dig 
s 7 PONT LS od i - ots : 
Lieb, by tt. CeerZ eur Walworth Sulyt 7 Bit, 

7 7 a * 
Sars form Je 

[ 1393 J 
IRIS RUTHENICA. (3.) Picmy Iris. 
ee ee 
Generic Charafler.—Vid. N* 669, 787, 986. 
Specific Charader and Synonyms. 

IRIS ruthenica; (cafpitofa ; rhizoma horizontale ramentis 
Sphacelatis hirfutum ; uniflora ; imberbis ;) fafciculis fteri- 
libus plurifoliis; foliis angufte gramineis, nervofis, 
deorfum equitantibus ; caule his breviore extrafoliaceo 
foliolis fubbinis caulinis brevibus; fpatha bivalvi her- 
bacea lanceolata; germine ovato rotundato-trigono quam 
pedicellus 3—4-plo breviore; corolla infundibuliformi 
fuperne reflexo-patente; tubo quam limbus aliquoties 
breviore, quam germen bis terve longiore, rotundato- 
trigono; limbi laciniis extimis triplo latioribus, unguibus 
turbinato-conflexis ligulato-concavis lamina elliptica 
obtufa recurva parum lJatiore duplo longioribus; intimis- 
angufte f{pathulatis paulo brevioribus, unguibus lineari- 
canaliculatis ere¢tis, lamina ligulato-ovali acutiore 
fublatiore revoluta; ftigmatibus latitudine unguium 
exteriorum, ad mediam laminam ufque produ€iis; inte- 
rioris labii fegmentis parabolice rotundatis reflexis 
imbricato-collateralibus erofo-denticulatis; labio exte- 
riore’ minuto convoluto-mucronato apice  retufo 

g reflexo. G. pears 

IRIS ruthenica, (a.) Supra No. 1123. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 1.117. 

IRIS alpina. Herb. Pallas. Jpecim. Sibiria lefum. 

IRIS humilis. Mar. @ Bieb. Fl, Taur. cauc. 1. 33. 

(@.) pedicello fpatham aquante ; tubo corolle exferto, G. 

The publication of the prefent plant, which can only be 
confidered as a more luxuriant and perfe& fpecimen of that 
already defcribed in No. 1123, was unintentional, We had 
long wifhed to procure a drawing of Iris verna for the prefent 
work ; when Mr. Warttey, of Brompton, kindly informed us 
that he had numerous fpecimens of it in bloom, which he faid 
had been raifed from American feed; and the prefent plate was 
ready for publication, before we had convinced ourfelves that 
the plant reprefented could not be the one we were in fearch of, 
although generally but erroneoufly paffing for it. Verna was 
firft inftituted a fpecies by Gronovius in his “ Flora Virginica,” 

from the dried plant in Clayton’s Herbarium, ftill preferved in 
Sir Josern Banxs’s Mufeum; from him it has been adopted 
by Linnads and fubfequent authors; whofe details however 
afford but little affiftance in difcriminating it from the prefent 
fpecies. But a reference to the prototype in the above herba- 
rium, fhewed us that verva was either a mere variety of criflata 
(No. 412.) with narrower leaves and {maller flower; or if 
{pecifically diftin€t far nearer akin to that than the prefent 
{pecies, from which it differs by a feffile flower having a long 
filiform tube equal to or longer than the limb and about even 
with. its long narrow fpathe. Since the firft adoption by authors 
of verna into their fyftems, the figure from Pruxener’s work 
has been uniformly repeated by them as its fynonym ; now this 
figure any atientive obferver will foon find to belong to criflatas 
of which itis a diminifhed but very charaéteriftic reprefentation; 
where the circular ramenta of its creeping rootftock and long 
intervals between the fafcicles, as well as the cuneately oblong 
lamine, and their divaricately patent ungues of the outer 
fegments of the corolla are accurately defined. The omiffion 
of all mention of the three fingular crefted lines in the corolla 
of criflata (fubfequently taken up as a fpecies from ‘the 
living plant in the firft edition of Hortus Kewenfis), when we 
know that vera was defcribed from a dried f{pecimen in which 
they are obliterated or nearly fo, makes nothing againit our 
fuppofition of the identity of the two plants. We have feen 
crifata with leaves full as narrow as thofe of the plant in CLay- 
ton’s Herbarium. Mricuaux enumerates both as diftiné 
{pecics; but his defcription of verna, like thofe of his prede- 
ceffors, is rendered ufelefs by its vaguenefs. If we could fup- 
pofe that there was no miftake in Mr. Wurtiey’s account of 
the quarter from which the feeds of the prefent plant had been 
received, we might from the habitat guefs that Micaaux’s 
verna was meant for our plant. But we believe that there is 
an error in this account; and that ruthenica is of Ruffian origin 
alone and not of both Ruffian and Virginian, But of this we 
do not pretend to be pofitive; although we are fo that it 1s 
not the verva of Gronovius, Linnaus, or Mititer. In 
Hortus Kewenfis the cultivation of verna in our gardens was 
moft probably recorded folely on the authority of MirveR, as 
was that of fo many other plants in that work; and this is the 
more probable fince there is no fpecimen of it from thofe 
- gardens to be found im the Bankfian Herbarium. ‘To this 
circumftance we ftrongly fufpe€& we owe the formation of 
criftata and verna into diftin& {pecies. Ruthenica thrives well 
in the open border, where it flowers in April and ace the 
corolla has the fcent as well as colour of the violet; for further 
account fee No. 1123. G. 

The Soclly 17 817 



t- iF] 

Be IIE I eR 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaéfer. 

Cal. 5 -dentatus, utrinque appendiculatus. Cor. papilio- 
nacea, alis vexillo brevioribus. Legumen uniloculare, difper- 

Specific Characder and Synonyms. 

PULTEN A daphnoides ; foliis obovatis mucronulato-pungen- 
tibus glabris, ftipulis geminis minutis, bratteis 
ovatis calyce brevioribus. Smith in AZ. Soc. 
Lin. v. Q. p» 247+ 

PULTEN /©A daphnoides; capitulis terminalibus, foliis obovata- 

7 oblongis planis glaberrimis lavibus (unicalibus) 
triplo longioribus quam latis: mucrone pungente. 
Brown in Hort. Kew. ed. 2. Vol. 3. inedit. 

PULTEN £A dapbnoides; foliis obovatis glabris mucronatis, 
floribus terminalibus capitatis, W7i/d. Sp. P/. 2. 
p. 507- Bot. Repo/. 98. 

PULTEN-ZA dapbnoides ; frutex tripedalis, caule ere€to fericeo 
ramofo; foliis alternis cuneiformibus fubmucro- 
natis fubfericeis, floribus fubpapilionaceis termi- 
nalibus capitatis, 6—8, involucro fericeo, ftipula 
cava pilofa. Wendland ob/. 49. Hort. Herrenbus, 

3. Po Jo be 17> 

The name of this fhrub was given by Dr. Smiti_in honour 
of the late Dr. Putteney, (fee above No. 475). It is one of 
the handfomeft of the genus and is now rather common in our 
gardens. Requires the prote€tion of agreenhoufe. Native of 
New South Wales, in the neighbourhood of Port Jackfon. 

Bloffoms moft part of the fummer. 


orl July ft. 184 

Wer bwri 

[1395 J 

Clafs and. Order. 


Generic Charager. 
Cal. 4-partitus. Petala 4. Stamina glabra glandulis infidentia. 
Stylus fimplex. Stigma 4-lobum. Cap/ule 4. coalite. Sem. arillata. 

Specific Charafer and Synonyms. 

ZIERIA Smithii; cymis axillaribus trichotomis, pedunculo 
communi petiolo breviore, foliolis lanceolatis pellucide 
punétatis, caule frutefcente. 

ZIERIA Smiibii. Bot. Repos. No. 606. 

ZIERIA Jdanceolata. Brown in Herb, Banks. 

ai ie a = . . . i Se eee wait “, 

Desc. A low fhrub. Branches rough with glandular warts. 
Leaves oppofite, ternate, with footftalk about the length of the 
leaflets, which are lanceolate or rather oblong-elliptical, rough- 
ifh above and punétate underneath with pellucid glands, as in 
Hypericum perforatum. Flowers in axillary and trichotomous 
cymes, having the common peduncle fhorter than the petiole. 
Braé&es fabulate, horizontal, two at each divifion of the 
peduncle, fubperfiftent. Calyx villous, 4-toothed. Corolla 
white, 4-petaled: pefals ovate acute, fomewhat revolute, 
much exceeding the calyx. S/amens 4, hypogynous, with a 
globular gland on the infide of the bafe of each. Germens 4, 

united internally : /fyle erett: ffigma 4-lobed. 
‘There are three other fpecies of Zierta in the Bankfian 
Herbarium; of which Zieria arborefcens is the only one that 
can be confounded with our plant; and that, befides growing 
into a tree, has the common peduncles longer than the footitalk 
of the leaf, leaves tomentofe underneath and not pellucidly 
ee This 

This genus was named by Dr. Smiru in honor of our late 
friend Mr. Zier, a learned and induftrious botanift, who, - 
having been appointed to a profefforfhip in a Polifh Univertfity, 
was preparing to leave this country, but was prevented by a 
chronic difeafe which terminated in death. 

We are not fond of fpecific names taken from thofe of 
botanifts; but, as in this cafe it ferves to point out the particular 
fpecies from which Dr. Smrru eftablifhed the genus, we adopt 
it. Native of New South Wales. <A tolerably hardy green- 
houfe fhrub. Propagated by cuttings. Communicated by 
Mefirs. LoppicEs. 

£239": J 
PitrosporuM Tosira. -GLOSSY-LEAVED 

Sek eee ie dese sie sk aR 
Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaéer. 

Cal. deciduus. Petala 5, conniventia in tubum, Cap 2—5- 
valvis, 2—5-locularis, Semina tefta pulpa. 

Specific Charalter and Synonyms. 

PITTOSPORUM Tobira ; foliis obovatis obtufis glaberrimis 
coriaceis, capfulis trivalvibus, Hort. Kew. 
2.U. 2. p. 27. 

PITTOSPORUM chinenfe. Donn. Hort. Cant. p. 48. 

EUONYMUS Todira; floribus quinquefidis, foliis obovatis 
retufis integerrimis. Willd, Sp. Pl. 1+ pe 

EUONYMUS Tobira Thunb, Fap. 99. Hellen Diff in Uferi 
diled. 1. p. 93. Martyn. Mill. Did. n. 6. 

TOBERA f. TOBIRA Kempf. Amen. fafc. 5. p. 796: t. 797+ 

A large handfome fhrub with very gloffy foliage and white 

flowers, which change yellow as they fade. Thefe are fragrant 
but the {mell of the bruifed leaves or bark is very difagreeable, 
and their tafte naufeous, exaétly refembling fagapenum, accord- 
ing to KaMPrFER. 

We have not feen the ripe fruit; but in its immature ftate 
it is obtufely three- rarely four-cornered 5 and a tranfverfe 
fe&tion fhows the future valves flefhy, convex, and forming as 
many receptacles of the feeds. There appears however to be 
only one loculament. Kamprer defcribes the feeds as being 
angular from preffure, and only three in number, but in his 
figure they appear to be many, which correfponds better with 

the ftate of the unripe fruit. 

Except the one above quoted, we do not know that there 
has been any reprefentation of this ‘plant publifhed. 
~ Native of Japan and Cuina. A rather hardy greenhoufe 
fhrab. » Propagated by cuttings. Thtrodudééd to Kew Garden 
in 1804 by the Direétors of the Eaft-India Company, in the 
Henry Appincton, Capt. Kirkpatrick. Flowers moft part 
of the fummer, 

Communicated by Meffrs. Matcorm and Sweet, Nurfery- 

men, from their very interefting colle€&tion at Stockwell- 

5 ae 
eee s 

Orde luly 11844 

[ 1397 ] 

SHIR itebseadede 
Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charader. 

Contorta, Near. duplici ftellula tegente genitalia. 

Specific Charadier and Synonyms. 

STAPELIA reclinata ; corollis quinquefidis: laciniis lanceo- 
Jatis margine ciliatis: fundo elevato, pedunculis 
corolla longioribus, ramis patentibus tetragonis 
fupra bafin floriferis. Walid. Sp. Pl. 1. 1282. 
Hort. Kew. 2. v. 2. p. 88. 

STAPELIA reclinata; ramis pluribus tetragonis reclinatis 
dentatis: dentibus acutis patentibus, corolla 
quinquefida recurvata;  laciniis _ patentibus 
replicatis fimbriatis. Maffon Stap. p. 19. 1. 28. 
t. 28, aie Soe. 


StaPenta reclinata, elegans, cefpitefa, and radiata of the 
Botanical Magazine very much refemble each other both in 
the herb and the flower. The laft is moft obvioufly diftin- 
guifhed from the others by the lacinie of the corolla being 
altogether without pubefcence ; elegans by the infide of the 
laciniz being covered with hairs as well as the margin ciliated ; 
reclinata and cae/pitofa have the margin only ciliated, in the 
former the peduncle is longer than the flower, and the exterior 
ftellula of the ne€tary (which in all four {pecies is orbicular and 
- quite entire) is of the fame dark red as the laciniz, but in the 
latter this part is green, and the peduncle only equal to the 
flower in length. 

Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Difcovered by Mr, 
Francis Masson. Introduced in 1795. Flowers through 
moft part of the fummer. Our drawing was made from the 
colle&tion of Mrs. Waker, at Stockwell. | 

£ 1398 J ! 

TEER se aa aie aie ae ak aie ae 
Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charafer. 

Cal. 5-fidus, cyathiformis. Cor. fauce campanulata, 5-fida, 
fubtus ventricofa, Siliqua 2-locularis.§ Sem. membranaceo- 

Specific Charafer and Synonyms. 

BIGNONIA grandiffora ; foliis pinnatis: foliolis ovatis acu- 
minatis dentatis, panicula terminali brachiata: 
pedicellis cernuis biglandulofis, calyce femi- 

BIGNONIA grandiflora. Syf. Veg. 564. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. 
p- 302. Thunb. Fap. p. 253. Banks Ic. Kempf. - 
#.21. Perfoon Syn. p. 2.172. Mart. Mill. Did. 
n.16. Bot. Repof. 493. Parad. Lond. 61. 

BIGNONIA chinenfis.. Lamarck Encycl. 1. p. 423. 


At firft fight there is great fimilarity between this fpecies and 
Brenonta radicans (No. 485); but, when carefully examined, — 
they are foon found to be fufficiently diftin€&. The flowers of 
the latter are produced in bunches upon very fhort peduncles; ~ 
in this they form a large panicle, the branches of which go off 
at right angles, and are ftraight, except juft below the calyx, 
where they are curved fo as to make the flowers droop ele- _ 
gantly. The calyx too is angular, much longer, and more 
deeply divided. The ftems are not furnifhed with thofe root- 
like excrefcences by which, in radicans, they adhere to a wall 
or the bark of a tree. e 

The Bicnonra grandiflora is an extremely ornamental 
fhrub, is eafily propagated by cuttings, and bloffoms more 
readily than radicans. It is confidered as a greenhoufe plant, 
and is obferved to flower moft freely, when forced by artificial 
heat. It is not improbable however that it may be found to be 

‘fafficiently hardy to, bear our winters without fhelter, being a 
native of Japan and China. 

Our drawing was made from a fpecimen from the royal 

‘garden at Kew. i x 

Lib. by L Gato Walwortt: Auglt ell, 4 Be Set EB rl warn, Dad. Bitrrve Jove Sethe. 

KN 7299. 

Lich. by TL Curlir Weaky orl Arua 44844 

SF Sreraf ort 

[ 1399 J 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaéer. 

Cal. 4-phyllus. Cor. perfiftens: limbo 4-fido. Anthere ante 
anthefin per foramina duo Jateralia connexe. Cap/. 4—8-locu- 
laris, 4—8-valvis. 

Specific Charaéter and Synonyms. 

ERICA odorata (Breviflora. Corolla tubus fubglobofus.) brac- 
teis a calyce remotis, antheris muticis. Hort, Kew. 
ed. 2. VU. 2. P. 391- 

ERICA odorata. Andrews’s Heaths, vol. 3. 

In the divifion to which it belongs, this is the only fpecies 
which has no appendix at the apex of the filament. The 
leaves grow by fours, but often fo crowded together that their 
order is not readily difcernible. 

- The Erica odorata is altogether one of the moft defirable of 
the genus, both from the elegant waving of its delicate white 
flowers, lightly fupported on flender footftalks, and its charming 
fcent fomewhat refembling a compound of rofes and honey- 

Flowers in the fpring. Native of the Cape of Good Hope, 

whence it was introduced to this ‘country by Joun WEDGE- 
woop, Efq. in 1784. Our drawing was taken from a plant 

communicated by Mr. Knicut, Nurferyman, King’s-Road, 
Little Chelfea, 

5) + 
a. lazte fortt Ses 

ly APE dwardrD ed. J Gerlor Walw orth Aug. 4981. 

[ 1400 ] 


Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charadfer. 

Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. fubeampanulata. Stamina per paria 
approximata. Cap/- dentibus elalticis diffiliens. 

Specific Charaffer and Synonyms. 

RUELLIA /formofa ; foliis petiolatis integerrimis ovatis utrin- 
que pubefcentibus, pedunculis axillaribus alternis 
longiffimis paucifloris, corollis fubringentibus. 

RUELLIA /ormofa ; caule fuffruticofo ere&o; foliis pilofis, 
petiolatis, integerrimis, ovatis, obtufis; pedunculis 
lateralibus foliis duplo feu triplo longioribus, ra- 
mofis ramulis fubtrifloris, Bot. Repo/. 610. 

Descr. Stem ere&, obtufe-angled, hairy. Leaves oppofite 
ovate, more or lefs pointed, rounded at the bafe, covered with 
fhort hairs on both fides: footftalks not half the length of the 
leaf. Peduncles axillary, alternate, ftraight, two or three times 
longer than the leaf, fomewhat branched at the extremity. 
Braées \inear-lanceolate, falling before the flower is expanded. 
Calyx five-cleft, linear-lanceolate, ere&t. Corolla fhewy, fine 
fearlet : Zuée an inch and half long, curved, expanding upwards 
and fomewhat compreffed, a little hairy on the outfide: limé 
fmooth, divided into five, nearly equal lacini, bilabiately 
arranged ; the two upper ones conjoined half-way up, all of 
them refle€ted at the fides, but efpecially the lateral ones. 
Filaments proje&ting a little beyond the tube = anthers fagittate, 
ag Style fomewhat longer than ftamens : /ligma unequally 

_ This fpecies comes very near to the macrophylla of Vaut, 
and appears to be the fame as the fpecimen preferved under 

that name in the Bankfian Herbarium, which was colle@ed at 
St. Martha, the native place of Vaut’s plant. The latter, 
however, differs fo much in the relative length of the peduncles 
and leaves, and in the form of the flower, according to his 
figure and defcription, that we cannot venture to determine 
them to be the fame fpecies. | 

Our plant is faid to be a native of Brazil, and was introduced 
to this country by Sir Coaries Cotton, Bart. inthe year 1808. 
Our drawing was taken at Mefirs;s Wueatiey, Brame, and 
Martin’s, who received the feeds from Mr. Donn, the 
worthy curator of the Botanic Garden at Cambridge. Flowers 
moft part of the fummer. Requires the heat of the ftove. 


Fay g 
Sass fom Se. 

fi; 4« 

lis Wal worlh Aug t. 1244. 


Pieb. by AG 

Sed” durardr Del, 

1 1960") 

Sie RR aah ab ae ae eee aR eR a 
Clafs and Order. 

Hexanpria Monocynia, 
Generic Charaier.—Vid. N* 745, 854, 993+ 

Specific Charadler and Synonyms. 

LACHENALIA contaminata; (flores 2 minoribus ;) foliis 
pluribus recumbenter ambientibus, femite- 
retibus, lineari-fubulatis, canaliculatis, {capo 
duplo citrave longioribus; racemo cylin- 

. draceo-oblongato, conferto ; bra€teolis ovato- 
fubulatis breviter decurrentibus; pedicellis 
flore 3—4-plo brevioribus; corolla eretiuf- 
cula, tubulofo-campanulata, brevi, fubirre- 
gulari ; ex fundo obliquato in tubulum con- 
flexa inde fubbilabiato-patula ; laciniis ex- 
timis ilometris re@tis ovato-oblongis planiuf- 
culis obtufulis, faprema externe juxta infra 

-apicem callo carinato retufo aucta; inte- 
rioribus una tertia longioribus, lateralibus 
fummis binis ligulatis explicatis obtufatis 
furfum divaricatis fepeque erofo-dentatis, 
infima conyoluto-attenuata paulo breviori 
fubdeflexa; filamentis corolla ifometris, 
fubdeclinato - divergentibus; antheris fub- 
cuboideo-ovatis ; germine ovato, obtufato, 
pulvinatim trilobo, trifulco; ftylo fetiformi 
declinato, quam id duplo longiore, punéto 
: acuto inconfpicuo ftigmatofo terminato. G. 

LACHENALIA contaminata ; Hort. Kew. 1. 460. ed. 2. 2. 
285. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2.170. (exclufo paffim 
orthopetale /ynonymo quod uftulate Herb, 
Bankf. [pecieique alien.) 

L. byacinthoides. Facq. ic. rar. 2. tab. 382. Coll. 5. 58. Willd. 
Sp. Pl. 2. 173. 

L. orchioides. Jacq. Hort. Vindb. 2. tab. 178. 

HYACINTHUS orchioides aphyllus ferpentarius major. 
Breyn. Prod. 24. tab. xi. f. 3. (male a Willde- 
novio L, orchioidi cétatus.) 


Descr. Leaves from fix inches to a foot long, narrow, 
flefhy, and thick, often marked on the inner fide with a 
ftraggling dufky brown {pot or two; fem marbled-variegated 
with cinnamon colour and green; flcwers about three lines 
long, greenifh white with an external reddifh brown ftain at 
_ the fummit of each fegment, appearing, though more faintly, 
on the inner farface; {cent fomewkat refembling that of the 
Peruvian Heriorrorium. While fpeaking in No. 1372 of 
this plant (at that time unknown to us but by drawings and in 
herbariums) we had formed an opinion that it would be found 
not to be fpecifically different from the anguffifolia of No. 7353 
but a comparifon of the corolla in the live ftate fhewed us that 
no two fpecies could be more clearly diftin@. The orthopetala 
of JAcguin has been errofieoufly adduced by WILLDENOW. 
as its fynonym, who has been followed in this error by the 
editor of the fecond edition of the Hortus Kewenfis ; fee our 
obfervations in No, 1372. 

Native of the Cape of Good Hope, whence it was brought 
into the Kew Gardens by Mr. Masson in.1774. 

Our drawing was made at Mr. Knicut’s nurfery, King’s: 
Road, Fulham. G, 3 

a a 


N6. 750, 1. 29, for “inner read «€ outer.” 
No. 695, 1. 13, pro * fifyrinchio” lege ‘ longiflora.”” 
No, 1372, 1. 23, for * contominata’”’ read “ contaminate,’ 

Syd tdwardr Del. 

Pub. by So Carter Walworite Aug tt att. 


[ 1402 | 

Clafs and Order. 

Hexanpria Monocoynita. 
Generic Charatier.—Vid. No. 916. 

Specific CharaGer and Synonyms. 
UVULARIA /efilifolia ; caule glabro fummitate bifido; ra- 

mulo altero fterili, altero unifloro; foliis feffili- 
bus lanceolato-ovalibus fubtus glaucefcentibus ; 
corollz laciniis planis ovalibus ; capfula ovoidea 
ftipitata. Michaux Fl. Bor- Amer. 1. 199. 
UVULARIA /efilifolia. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2.1. 437. Smith. - 
Exot. Bot. 1. 101. tab. 62. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 95- 
Hort, Kew. ed. 2. 2. 247. 

We loft the opportunity of examining the Plant for defcrip- 
tion after it had been drawn. Differs from all the other fpecies 
Known to us in having feffile, not perfoliate nor petioled leaves, 
and which are of an elliptic-lanceolate form, fearcely per- 
ceptibly downy beneath; fegments of the corolla ribbed, 
fmooth on both fides; neétary oblong ; anthers pointlefs. 
Found by Micuav x, in different tra&ts of country from Canada 
to Carolina, and about Charleftown. 

Our drawing was made from a plant imported from North- 
America, by Meffrs. Fraser, of Sloane-Square, in whofe 
colleétion it flowered in May laft. “ 

According to the fecond edition of the Hortus Kewenfis, 
introduced into this country by Mr. AncH1sALD MENZIES 
in 1790. Perfeétly hardy, G, 

E13 1 





Clafs and Order. 

Hexanpria Monocynia. 

Generic Charafter.—Vid. No. 1155+ 



Specific Charaéer and Synonyms. 

borealis ; foliis 3—4 inferne caulinis, elliptico- 
obovatis, denfe ftriatulis, villofo-ciliatis— (ad 
lentem a fupino punticulatim pruinatis), deorfum 
attenuatis complicatis, fuperiore cauli ‘longius 
adnato, inferioribus breviter fiftulofo-vaginan- 
tibus; caule altiore tereti-angulofo villis teéto ; 
umbellaebraéteata paucifloralaxainzequali,(modo 
proliferavelalia inferius fefililaterali,;)pedicellis 
corolla ifometris ad triplo breviores, hirfutis ; 
corolla decidua turbinato-patente, _ laciniis 
oblongo-lanceolatis ad bafin fpatio vacuo inter- 
ftin@is ciliatis, extus villofis, deorfum ungui, 
culatim convolutis ac foffula elongata intus 
impreffis; filamentis immediate hypogynis, 
linéari-fubulatis, plano-convexis, corolla ifo- 
metris, fubequalibus, deorfum villofis ; an- 
theris fubfagittato - oblongis introrfis a dorfo 
fabincumbentibus ; germine viridi rotundato- 
trigono pun€ticulatim pruinato 5 ftylo fubcla- 
vato trigono; ftigmate triquetro, ampliato, 
aperto, tri-bilobulato-fiffo. G. 

borealis. @; nobis fupra No. 11553 (exclufa 
varietate (a.) in propriam fpeciem nomine um-~ 
bellate /egreganda). 

DRACAENA Borealis. Hort. Kew. 1. 454. tad. 5. ed. 2. 2. 

278. (exclufo fynonymo Bot. Mag. 1155.) Mart. 
Mill. Dif. Bot. Repof. tab. 206, ubi flamen et 
pifiillum audlim exbibita omnino erronea. Willd, 
Sp. 2.158. Dalman. diff. de Drae. 3. 7- 

The inflorefcence of the prefent plant having till now been 
only known to us by imperfeé& figures or ina dried ftate, and 
having been mifled by the very fingular agreement of its other 
parts, we had in No. 1155 joined it with the amécllata of 
Desronratnes, as the variety 8; keeping however the 
proper fynonyms of the two plants diftin&. A comparifon 
of the defcriptions of their inflorefcence, now that both are 
known to us in a living ftate, will fhew that the two plants 
never can be confidered but as very diftin& fpecies. Borealis 
approaches in many refpeéts to Uvutaria, as umbellata on 
the other hand does to Convattarta. We can find no 
difference in their /eaves ; but in our plant the amdel had no 
traces of any braétes at the bafe of its pedicles, nor were thefe 
placed round a fhort axis as in that, but iffued fafciclewife from 
the naked top of the ftem, and were of very unequal lengths ; 
they alfo differed in form, fize, and colour of their re- 
fpeftive corollas. Umbellata was found by Micuaux on 
the Alleghany mountains ; there is likewife a {pecimen of it in 
the Bankfian Herbarium, brought by Mr. Turner from the 
Cherokee territory. Borealis was introduced into this country 
in 1778, by Dr. Soranper, from Newfoundland and the 
neighbourhood of Hallifax in Nova-Scotia. We find alfo a 
one-flowered fmaller fpecimen, brought from the North-Welt 
coaft of America, by Mr. A. Menztzs, in the fame Herbarium, * 
which very probably belongs to a fpecies diftin& from both. 
Umbellata was moft likely unknown in this country till publifhed 
in this work, Both {pecies are hardy, and bloom together in. 
june. a 

A ree ee 


No. 1155, 1.23 for “SmitactnaA BOREALIS (a)”, read 
“ SMILACINA UMBELLATA;” and in line 13, exclude variety 
8 with its proper fynonymy, as belonging to the fpecies now 
publifhed. The account of the habitat is alfo to be modified 
according to the preceding obfervations. G 

WV LHe f 

SY” E dwardrDeol 

Lub by SF Carbkip Wal worlte tug 47877. 

LL Sani sertede 

be MOb ede vety-s 

Set es 
Clafs and Order. 

Hexanpria Monocynlia. 

Generic CharaZer. 

Corolla { Perianthium. Br.) fexpartita, equalis, patens, decidua. 
Filamenta curvata apice incraffata ftupofa (glandulofo-incraffatave 
G.) Anthere \ineares, ftri€te, bafi inferte. Ovarium loculis 
polyfpermis. Stylus filiformis. Stigma fimplex. Bacca globofa, 
polyfperma. Semina ovalia umbilico nudo. Brown. Prod. Flor. 
Nov. Holl. 1. 279. | 

Oss. Herbzx perennes. Radix fibrofa. Folia graminea, elongata 
bafibus femivaginantibus. Flores paniculati, pedicellis juxta apicemarti- 
culatis, bafi braéteola unilaterali flipatis: nutantes cerulei (albidive G.) 
antheris apicibufque filamentorum flavis. Bacce carulee. Semina fplen= — 
dentia. Brown. /. c. 

Specific Charaéer and Synonyms. 

DIANELLA enfifolia ; foliis glabris, floribus laxe paniculatis. 
Lil. a Redoute 1. tabi. 

(a.) floribus albidis G. . | 

DIANELLA enffolia. Lil.a Red. 1. c. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 
276; (exclufo fynonyma Milleri quod ANTHOLYZ& 

DIANELLA uzemorofa. ‘Facq. Hort. Schoenb. 1. 49. tab. 94. 

DRACANA enfifolia, Hort. Kew. 1. 454. Gaertn, Sem, et fr 

- 1. 57. tab. 16. f. 4. 

(G.) floribus czruleis. G. ; 

DIANELLA zemorofa. Lam. Encyc. 2. 276. 

DRACAENA enffolia, Lin. Mant. 63. Syft. Veg. ed. 13. 274. 
ed. 14. 334. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 158. 

GLADIOLUS odoratus indicus. Rumph. amboin. 5. 73. 

We have never happened to obtain a living {fpecimen of this 
plant for examination, but as it is the fame with thofe of Jacquin 
and Repoure, in whofe works very ample defcriptions will be 
found, it would have been moft probably unneceflary for us to 

” have 

have offered any further remarks of our own. We have divided 
the refpettive fynonyms between the white and the blue flowered 
plants; the firft of which has been long known in European gar- 
dens; the latter only through the work of Rumpurus and the 
Herbarium of Commerson, and may after all, as far as we can 
fee, be a diftinét fpecies from the other. In the Bankfian Her- 
barium we found a fpecimen nearly allied to our plant, brought 
from China by Sir Gzorce Staunton, and which may 
probably be the plant of Lourzrro. Gartner profeffes 
to have had his. fpecimen from the Kew-Gardens, fo that 
his fynonym is certain. In the fecond edition of the Hortus 
Kewenfis, by a miftake very unufual in that excellent work, 
the Guapio us. 6, of the firft edition of Mrzitir’s Dic- 
tionary, has been adduced as an authority for the period. of 
the introduétion of our plant, when in fa€ that fynonym belongs 
to ANTHOLYzA éthipica; nor do we find our plant noticed 
in any of the editions of Mriuer’s work publifhed in his own 
life time. We fufpeé that there is no authority for the period 
of its introdudtion into this country; nor any certain one fof its 
habitat, unlefs we knew it to be of the fame {pecies with Rume 
Putus’s plant. Requires to be kept in the hot-houfe. G, 


Sy l”E dwarde Del. Lan fer Sule | S Cerhic Wabworlhe Lap tI0tt 



ererrers: ere 
Clafs and Order. 
Hexanpria Monocynia, 
Generic Chara@er.—Vid. No. 936- ae 
Specific Charadfer and oe ee 

monadelphum ; foliis omnibus caulinis numerofis 

_ confertius fparfis patentibus (bine inde fubverticil-— 

latim approximatis) ovato-lanceolatis obtufulis fub-— 
tus breviter puberulis (pre/ertim in margine et venis) 
fuperne verfus gradatim decrefcentibus ; racemo 
ere€to paucifloro diftante, pedicellis flore 2—gplo 

- brevioribus foliolo brafteatis ; corolla cernua cya- 
; ee a ee ‘ Rees : 
_ thiformi-revoluta, laciniis citra medium conver- 

geotibus inde brevius revoluto-patentibus, intus 

nudis glabris explicatis fuperne verfus fubcanalicu- 
latis, interiorfbus fubduplo latioribus ;_filamentis 

pro germinis longitudine connatis, corolla fub una 

_ quarta brevioribus ; antheris luteis ; germine quam 


ftylus fubtriplo breviore columnari rotundato- 

trigono, fexftriato ; ftylo triquetro clavato; ftigmate: 
elliptico-ovato, ftamina equante. G. 
monadelphum. Marfch. a Biebers.. Flor. Taurico— 

- Caueas. 1. 267. 

orientale latifolium flore luteo maximo odoratiffimo. 
Tourycf, Cor. 1. 25. : 

ee Xitee 


Descr. Stem 2—g feet high; corolla of a light fhi ag 

yellow colour thinly fpeckled on the infide with fmall oblong 
brown fpecks ; pollen light yellow; flyle and /igma green; 

fcent very {trong and pungent, to us difagreeable. Differs 


from Pomponium (N* 798, 971.) by leaves that are not nar- 
rowed downwards, and which are blunter, fhorter, and broader 
than in that; by the pedicles, which are twice fhorter than the 
flower; by the limb of the corolla, which is not bept back for 
more than about half its length; by the abfence of all warty 
excrefcences on the inner fide of the fegments ; by its mona- 
delphoufly cohering filaments; by a pale yellow pollen, a 
germen three times fhorter than the ftyle, and a ftigma that is 
more elongated. 

Native of Mount Caucafus and the adjoining region; whence 
the feed from which our fpecimen was raifed had been received 
by Meffrs. Loppices, of Hackney. Hardy. Flowers in 
June. G., 


kr Led. Pub. br. Lo Crarliir Walworth, Lop. ttt. Larson de- 

[ 1406 } 

Jee adi ibip deed Ps 

Clafs and Order. 

Generic Charafter.—Vid. No. 1072. 

Specific Charafler and Synonyms. : 

WATSONIA /fridiffora ; (flos @ majoribus ;) bulbo-tubere 
globofo-pyramidato ; foliis fubquaternis radi- 
calibus vel inferne caulinis lineari-enfatis 
rigidiufculis nervo medio coftatis ; caule altiore 
fimplici, foliolo medio ftipato; {pica pauci- 
(bi-) flora diftante ; fpathe valva exteriore 
herbacea naviculari-lanceolata corolla tubo 
duplo breviore interiorem parum breviorem 
concludente ; corolla reétiflima tubato-hypo- 
crateriformi ; tubo gracili tereti ftriato laciniis 
duplo longiore in faucem brevem nudam pau- — 
Jatim ampliato; limbo’ regulari rotatim ex- 
planato ; laciniis fubaqualibus concaviufculis, 
exterioribus lato-oblongis rotundatis cum mu- 
crone, interioribus fublatioribus obovato- 
ellipticis deorfum anguftatis apice emarginatis ; 
ftaminibus reétis trifariam patentibus; fila- 
mentis faucem paululum fuperantibus; antheris 
iftis parum brevioribus, ere€tis fuperne recur- 
vatis; ftigmatibus infra antherarum apices di- 
varicantibus. G. 

Descr. Bulb-tuber about the fize of a large nutmeg, 
covered by thick brown membrano-fibrous integuments ; leaves 
4—6 inches long, about half an inch broad; /fem rather higher 
than thefe in the prefent fpecimen, two-flowered ; flower 

ee {centlefs, 

fcentlefs, of a cherry-red colour, about three inches long, 
opening of the faux marked with a deep violet-purple coloured 
ftar of fix fhort broadifh-pointed rays (neGlaroftigmata) one on 
-the bafe of each fegment; anthers dark purple with yellow 
pollen; /igmas deep rofe-colour; when the flower begins to 
fade, the fegments of the corolla, which are about the third of 
an inch broad, converge fubbilabiately. We have not found 
any traces of the fpecies in any work known to us; it agrees 
with marginata ({ee above No. 608) in having trifarious upright 
divergent ftamens, but difagrees with all the {pecies yet known 
to us in the ftraightnefs and uprightnefs of the corolla, length 
of the tube, and proportionate fhortnefs of the faux. Intro- 
duced into this country from the Cape of Good Hope, by the 
Hon. W. Hersert, in whofe. colleftion it: flowered this 
fummer ; to that gentleman we are alfo obliged for the fpecimen 

from which the drawing was made, as well as for his obfervations 
on the fpecies. G, 

N 4407. 

2. 5 > a+ - . 7p p ftv 
tr Ded. Lib. by S Curl Wabworl): Joep 47817. Lf Jarrsot IC. 
# : 

[ 1407 J 
Mora SisyRINCHIUM. European Mora@a, 
or SpANIsH Nur. 
Clafs and Order. 


BGencric Chara&er.—Vid. N*- 593, 613, 6953 reélias tamen 
aie nobis in Ann, of Bot. 1. 238. 

Ons. Mor ab [ripe differentia nota exprefa Spel in ejus 

pra No. 693.) | 

feminibus numerofis fubovat 
inatis tranflucentibus nodu 
caudata...G. ae . 

MOREA Sifyrinchium. Nobis in Ann. of Bot. 1. 241. infra 
No. 1103. pag. alt. in fpec. enum. Hort. Kew, ed. 

Bor dy ANd ros 


IRIS Sifyrinchium. Linn. Spec. Pl. ed. 2.1.59. Hort. Kew. 
1.74. Thunb, Diff. n. 25. Cavan. le. 2. 74. tab. 
193. Desfont. Flor. Ati. 1. 36. Flor. Grec. Sibth. 
1. 30. fab. 42. Lil. a Redoute. 1. tab. 29. Brotero, 
Fl. Lufit. 1. 52%. Vahl. enum. 2. 144. Willd. Sp. 
Pl. 1. 234. 

SISYRINCHIUM minus, Hort. Evjiet. eft, ord. 3. fol. 9. f. 1. 

SISYRINCHIUM majus. Park. Par. 170. tab. 169. f. 6. 
Ger. emac. 103. fo 1. Cluf. Hil. 1. 216 cum Ie. 

Nofehla. Liu/itanis. 

Oss. Corolla in Flora greca et Redoutzi Liliaccis diffecdim exbibita 
tubo falfe donatur. 


Descr. Bulb-tuber about the fize of a {mall chefnut, with 
coarfe brown reticulated cartilagineo-fibrous integuments 3 
leaves 6—g inches long, narrow; flowers about an inch and 
half long, 3—5 opening in fucceffion; /eeds numerous, f{mall, 
of a reddifh brown colour: varies with blue, purple, white, 
and with yellow corollas. In the later botanical works the 
. corolla of this {pecies is defcribed, and even exhibited in diffec- 
' tions annexed to the figures of it, as furnifhed with a long 
tube; but a careful infpeftion fhews, that what has been 
miftaken for the tube of the corol/a is in reality the upper fterile 
part of the germex, in which the /epsa are perceptible although 

’. the ovula are obliterated or nearly fo; and when the corolla 
decays, it is feen to part from the fummit of its fuppofed tube, 
leaving the fame cicatrix that is ufually perceptible on the ends 
of the germens of this genus when the corolla has fallen from 
them. Notwitftanding the plant has been known from the 
days of Gzraxrp (1597) inour gardens, we had never met-with 
it until this fummer at Mr. Vere’s, where it had been received 
from Gibraltar. . 

The interior of the Bulb-tuber is faid to be eaten by the 
children in Spain and Portugal, by way of nuts; whence the 
appellation given it by Parxtnson and Gerarp of “ Spanifh 
Nut.” Native of Spain, Portugal, Sicily, the Grecian Iflands, 
and the Coaft of Barbary. Blooms in May. Should be 
— in the greenhoufe or garden-frame from fevere 


NOTE. . 
No, 693, I, 25 for ** Monza Iaiprorpes,” tcad ** In1s Mor 20ap8s.”” 


N740 8, t 


3 : & | 7 - : ee 
Lirb. 3 a L brerlesr Walworltuter 11804. rh (an fom zat 

[ 1408 J 

Hexanpria MonocyNta,. 

_ Generic Charaiter—Vid. No. 774 

Specific Charaéfer and Synonyms. 

- ALLIUM obliquum; bulbo oblongato membranis teflo, rhi- 
zomate nunc bafi protuberante; foliis deorfum 
Jonge fiftulofo-vaginantibus {triatis, laminis bi- 
fariam divaricatis alterne diftantibus ligulato- 
attenuatis carinatis glaucis obliquatis tortifve, caule 
{ubterete brevioribus; fpatha bivalvi umbella bre- 
viore, valvis ovatis muticis; umbella numerofa 
fpherica, pedicellis flore aliquoties longioribus ; 

corolla rotundato-campanulata, Jaciniis lanceolato~ 

ovatis fubifometris ; germine (pro flore) grandiuf- 
culo fubglobofo obfolete trilobo-gibbofo apice de- 
preffo, lobis obfcurius carinatis, fingulis foraminulo 
ne@tarifero bafi fubtus pertufis; filamentis corolla 
bis longioribus, planis lineari-fubulatis equalibus ; 
antheris ereétis fubcuboideo-didymis 5 {tylo feti- 
formi ftamina demum zquante, punto ftigmatofo 

inconfpicuo. G. 
ALLIUM obliquum. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2. 1. 424. Mill. Dif. 
ed. 8 2.7. Hort. Kew. 1. 423. ed. 2. 2 233- 
Georgi befchr. ruff. reichs. 4. 892. Willd. Sp. Pl. 

7 2.67. Lam. Encyc. 1. 65. 
ALLIUM ramofum. Facq. ic. rar. 1. tab.62. Mife. 2. 308 ; 
S2 nec aliorum, quod idem cum tatarico fupra No. 1142 
A. caule planifolio umbellifero ftaminibus filiformibus flore 
triplo longioribus foliis obliquis. Mill. Dit?. ed. 7. 
It. Je 

A. radice a foliis planis linearibus caulinis capitulo 
umbellato. Gmel. Sibir. 1. 49. 440. 9. 


Descr. Bulb {carcely of greater circumference than the 
ftem with its fheathing leaves, of which it appears a mere con- 
tinuation, Integuments membranous brownifh ;, Jeaves fheathing 
a ftem 1—3 feet high for nearly half its length, 6—8, bafe of 
the blade in lower one nearly an inch broad, in the upper ones 
gradually narrower ; flowers of a greenifh yellow colour, rather 
{mall ; the whole plant, when bruifed, .emits.a very rank fmell 
of Garlic. Native of Siberia. Blooms in May. Hardy. 
Cultivated by P. Mttier in 1759. Our drawing was made 
from a plant in the colleétion of Mr. Hawortn, the only one 
in which we have ever met it. G, ent, 


In No. 1385, we have quoted the plant reprefented in the 
work on the rarer Hungarian vegetables, by Krraisex and 
Wacostern, under the name of Attium Ampelopra/um, as 
the variety B of the Ampelopra/um given in that number; and 

__4n fo doing we have followed the editor of the new edition of 

_ the Hortus Kewenfis. But we are now convinced that it is a 
non bulbiferous variety of arenarium ;. anda freth proof of the 

fallacy of diftinguifhing the fpecies of this genus by their du/- 

~-biferous or capfuliferous umbels. Arenarium is very clofely 
allied to Ampelopra/um, but differs in being altogether a much 
{maller and flenderer plant, in the colour of the flowers and by 
the form of the fpathe and bulb. G. 

Abby Curler Wabworlhlep?t. 1611. 



[ 1409 J 

SHI eee ee 
Cla/s and Order. 

Generic Charager. 

Calyx 1-phyllus ; cylindricus. Corol/a tubulofa, limbo 4-fido 
érefto. Filam. equalia bafi corolla inferta. Germina 4. Neé?- 
aria {quamz 4, unicuique germini unica. 

Oss. 4 Kalanchoe Adanfoni differt pracipue flamentis equalibus, neque 
Serie binaria difpofitis. 

Specific Name and Synonyms. 

BRYOPHYLLUM calycinum. Salifb. Parad. Lond. 3. 
COTYLEDON calyculata. Solander M/s. apud Banks. 
COTYLEDON pinnatas foliis quinato-pinnatis, foliolis obo- 
: vatis crenatis: crenis filamento-barbatis, flo- — 
ribus longis pendulis. Lam. Enc. 2. p. 141? 
CALANCHOE pinnata. Perfoon Sym, 1.p-4462 2 2 
CRASSUVIA floripendula. Commerfon M/s? 

Desc. Stem ere&t, fhrubby, knotted by the veftiges of the 
fallen leaf-ftalks ; afh-coloured at the lower part and reddifh 
~ upwards, with raifed oblong whitifh fpots. Leaves upon long 
fpotted footftalks, which continue to grow and become recurved 
after the leaf is decayed, oppofite, flefhy, fimple, ternate, or 
even pinnate, ovate, crenate, veined on the upper furface, 
paler beneath. Flowers pendulous in termina compound pani- 
cles: pedicles divaricate, curved at the extremity. Corolla 
about twice the length of the calyx, one-petaled, fomewhat 
contraéted upwards, and obfcurely four-fided ; /émd divided 
into 4 lanceolate /acinie, fuffufed with red. Neéary 4 tongue- 
fhaped fcales inferted into the bale of the germens, which are 
four, oblong, terminating in as many /fyles equalling the 
ftamens. Filaments 8, inferted into the bafe of the corolla, in 
one equal row, the length of the tube. “ 

The name was happily conceived by Mr. Sarispury, from 
Gove to germinate & guArov a leaf. For this plant poffeffes the 
fingular property of germinating from the dark {pot obfervable 
at the bafe of every indentation in the margin of the leaf, not 
whilft growing, but as it decays. Thus, in attempting to dry a 
{fpecimen, little germinating bulbs were produced in abundance, 
though there was no appearance of any before the plant was 
depofited between papers. We know of no other fpecies which 
will come under this genus; the Coryitepon pinnata of 
Lamarck being probably the fame; and his two varieties 
differing in nothing but that in the one the crenatures of 
the leaves had germinated and put forth radicles, while the 
other had not. 

Native of the Moluccas, and brought into England from the 
Calcutta garden by Dr. Roxsurcu. Requires a moderate 
ftove. Flowers in May. Propagated by the crenatures of the 
leaves or by cuttings. 

We were favoured with the fine plant from which our 
drawing was taken, by Mr, Barr, of Ball’s-Pond, Ilington, 

tf Af) 
Li oF le 

[ 1410 ] 

ee Se 
Clafs and Order. 


Generic Chara@er. 

Cal. 1-petala. Capf. 2-valvis, 1-locularis: receptaculis 2, 

Specific Charaéler and Synonyms.—Vid. N*. 1229, 

Synonimis ibi citatis adde 

GENTIANA /eptemfida. Bicberft. Fl. taurico-cauc. 1. p. 195- 
Hort. Kew. edit, 2. VU. 2. p. 110. 

(«.) limbo corolla impun@tato. Supra No, 1229. 

(8.) limbo corolla punétato. 


The plant here figured has wider leaves than the one given 
at No. 1229; the gores of the corolla are more finely cut, and 
the limb is {potted with white: circumftances probably owing 
altogether to cultivation. We fhould not, therefore, have 
thought this variety of fufficient importance to have given a 
_ feparate figure of it; but that, for want of more early attention, 
the whole impreffion was coloured under an idea of its being 
another fpecies, which we have not yet been fortunate enough 
to meet with. 

The fpotted-flowered variety of Gentrana Pacumonanthe, 
No. 1101, is probably alfo the effeé&t of cultivation, and not 
really different from our indigenous {pecies. The two plants 
mutually illuftrate each other. 

The name of /eptemfida is a very improper one; a corolla 

with feven laciniz being a very rare occurrence; BirBer- 

_ STEIN obferves that out of many thoufands, he could not meet 

_ With a fingle one: the ufual number is five. 

Our plant was communicated by Meffrs. Lopptces, with 

= — no fpecies of Gentian thrives better or flowers more 


Fl, anjom fe: 



/ 7 
/ Ca 

PSOE i; 


Lubb; t lV Licrlar W 

Com y- 


Clafs and Order. 

Suncenzsta EguALIs.. 

Sig. Charaffer. 

Cal. Sitongis, imbricatus. we qudum. _Pappus plas 

mofus, coloratus. 
Specific Charaéter and ae 

LIATRIS /picata ; foliis ligeatitrus integerrimis is (bafi: 
ciliatis) nervofis et punétatis, floribus {picatis, fqua- 
mis calycinis linearibus obtufis.. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3.. 
p- 16. 36. . 
LIATRIS cimoprtbvs. Mi. ‘has. Fl. Bor. Am, 2. p. gt. 
SERRATULA. /picata; foliis linearibus bafi ciliatis, floribus. 
{picatis feffilibus lateralibus, caule fimplici. Spe. 
Pl. 1147. Reich 3. p.672. Hort. Kew. 3. 
p. 138. Mart, Mill, Did. #. 14. Gron. Virg. 

at (Oh. &, DP. 416. 
CIRSIUM —— la@tucee capitulis = Dill. Eltham. » 
Pr 85, 1. 72. fi 83. : 


The /eaves of this fpecies vary Fwaitsch in length and breadth, 
and when cultivated are more or lefs ciliated at the bafe, or 
frequently naked: the broader ones have feveral longitudinal 
nerves, and when held to the light, are perceived, by the aid. 
of a lens, to be full of tranfparent dots, The /pikes of flowers 
vary much in length, and begin flowering at the top of the 
ftalk ; on which account, the appearance is much better when. 

it firft bloffoms than afterwards, when the dead flowers at the . 
fummit of the ftem render the plant unfightly. The remark- 
able length of the fligmas is perhaps common to the genus, 
though this charatter would exclude fome fpecies that are at 
prefent arranged under it. Though not comparable with the 
fragrance of Liatris odorata, the leaves of this plant are by no 
means deflitute of an agreeable fmell when dried. 
| | 2 We 

We have omitted the fynonyms of Banisrer and Piuxr-. 
NET, as being very dubious; and that of Morrison, as cer-. 
tainly wrong; the figure of the laft is referred to by Linnaeus 
himfelf, for Srerratuca [Liatris) /quarrofa, with the epi- 
thet of dona. In the fecond edition of the fpecies plantarum, the 
fame fynonym is repeated at /picafa; and this error has been 
carelefsly continued by Retcuarp, Wi LLDENOW, and 
Martyn, which could'not have happened had any of thefe 
writers taken the pains to compare the originals. 

Our drawing was taken at Meffrs, Wuit ey, Brame, and 
Mitne’s, of the Fulham Nurfery, from a plant imported by: 
the late Mr. Fraser. 

A hardy perennial. Flowers in Auguft. Propagated by. 
parting its roots er by feed, 


Syd idwartr Ded. . Lich, by So Cer laT. Walworitt Oclober7.1277- ™ LSarfore Seago 

ee oa [ . 1412 ] 

Se ee eee ee 

Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Chara@er. 

Calyx urceolatus truncatus. . Filamenta ramofa. Stylus lon- 
giflimus. Stigma 6-partitum. Cup/. lignofa, 1-locularis, poly- 
fperma, of ee 

Specific Charailer and Synonym. — 

CAROLINEA minor ; foliis feptenatis; foliolis elliptico- 
oblongis utrinque acutis, pedunculo calyce 
Jongiore, petalis decoloribus. 
BOMBAX Carolinoides. Donn Hort. Cant. p.156. 

We received this elegant fhrub from Meflrs. Loppices 
and Sons, under the name of Bomsax Carolinoides, an ap- 
pellation given it by Dr. Anperson of the Botanic Garden at 
St. Vincent’s, who was induced to refer it to that genus becaufe 
its feeds are enveloped in a fine brown cottony fubftance. But 
it is fo exa& a reprefentation in miniature of CaroLinea 
infignis, the fame truncated calyx, linear flefhy petals, and 
fingularly branched filaments, that we cannot confent to feparate 
it from that genus, and refer it to Bomsax, with the other 
fpecies of which it has fo much lefs affinity ; even though it 
fhould be found that the feeds of Caro.inea princeps and 
infignis have no cottony or other analogous envelope ; of which 
however we cannot find any certain proof, 

Caro inea minor differs from infignis not only in fize, the 
latter being a very lofty tree, but in the relative length of the 
peduncle, nearly twice that of the calyx, which in ijfignis is 
hardly fo long, though the calyx in the latter is more than 
fifteen, but in the former only about five times fhorter than 
the petals. The petals in our plant are green on both fides, 
in infignis, according to Swartz, they are of a bright red 
within, — : A 


The Pacntra aquatica of Austet, CAROLINEA princeps 
Linn. is reprefented with large lanceolate ftigmas, but in 
the dried fpecimens that we have feen, which for aught’ we 
know may have all really belonged to C. infignis, they are juft 
as reprefented in our figure, or not fo large in proportion to 
the fize. of the flower. : 

Caro.inea minor, according to Dr. ANDERSON, is anative 
of Guiana, growing on the borders of rivers, and forming a 
very elegant tree ; but isnot commoneventhere. The fruit, he 
fays, is about the fize of that of Bomrax Ceiba, is a woody cap- 
fule, one-celled, with five valves, and numerous kidney-fhaped 
feeds difpofed in five rows, and enveloped in fine brown cotton. 
Mr. Lovpiezs received the feed of this tree feveral years ago 
she Dr. AnDERson, and has now feveral fine healthy looking 



Lot 4.4807 


Aly ordre 




i all 

0 HRA 

Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charaéer. 

Masc. Calyx imbricatus: foliolis concavis, interioribus 
gradatim majoribus, intenfius coloratis. Stam. 6? coalita in 
clypeum orbiculatum, fexfidum, margine revolutum: laciniarum 
finubus, tot foramina fimulantibus, polliniferis, 

Fem. Calyx ut in mare. Germina plurima ovoidea. Stigma 
breve acutum. Bacce 1-{perme, receptaculo elongato fpicatim 

Oss. Genus Menifpermo affine Nomen a Lycig et avyg, ob fifuras 
antheris quafi interjectas. 

Specific Name. 

SCHISANDRA coccinea. Michaux Flor. Bor... Am, 2. p. 219. 
tab. 47._ 

For the {fpecimen of this very rare climbing fhrub, from 
which our drawing was made, we are indebted to our friend 
Joun Wa ker, Efg. of Arno’s-Grove, Southgate. As it 
unfortunately produced only male flowers, our charaéter of the 
female was neceflarily borrowed from Micaaux: that of the 
male we have made to correfpond with our ideas of its {tru@ture 
from aétual though too limited obfervation. 

The fhield-like body, in the centre of the flower, which 
appears to have fix perforations, or five according to Mr- 
“CHAUX, is confidered by him to be formed by the coalefced 

feffile anthers ; we regard it as rather compofed of filaments 
| united 

united together; but, without deciding the queftion, we ufe 
the word ffamen, as applicable to either. Thefe apparent per- 
forations are not, however, really fuch, but fo many clefts in 
the border of the fhield, the fides of which are clofely applied 
together towards the margin, but feparate at their termination 
towards the centre, fo as to form fmall oval openings, the 
edges of which are covered with a white pollen. In the 
flowers of our fpecimen the leaflets of the calyx exceeded 
nine; thefe are round, concave, and imbricate, the inner ones 
regularly increafing in fize and in intenfenefs of colour 
withinfide, till they become of a bright minium red. 

Native of South-Carolina and Georgia, therefore liable to 
be killed by the feverity of our winters, unlefs proteéted by 
the fhelter of glafs, Flowers in June. Propagated by 


Li, Lf ‘ 

[ 1414 J 

TEE Ee eae a ae Rea eae Hee ae ak ake 
Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaéer. 

Cor. 1-petala. Cap/.2-valvis, »—6-locularis. Recepiaculis 2, 

Specific Charatter and Synonyms. 

GENTIANA macrophylla; corollis quinquefidis (f. quadri- 
fidis) feffilibus verticillatis, foliis radicalibus 
caulem inferne fubnudum zquantibus. Pallas 
Fi. Rofs. 2. p. 108. t.96. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. 
p- 1335- Fralich. Gent. p. 31. 2.7. ‘Hort. 
Kew. edit Il. v. 2. p. 110. 

GENTIANA floribus_ confertis terminatricibus, corollis 
quadrifidis et quinquefidis, foliis lanceolatis, 
caule procumbente media parte nudo. Gmel. 
Sib, 4. Po 104+ te 52. , 

Desc. Stalk affurgent, rounded, moftly naked in the 
middle part, but often having a pair of fmall imperfeé& leaves 
near the bottom, and another pair, fomewhat larger, towards 
the upper part. Radical leaves lanceolate, five-nerved, pale 
underneath, quite entire, fome of them equalling the ftalk in 
length. Flowers verticillate, crowded together at the fummit 
of the ftalk, feffile. Floral leaves feveral, four long growing 
crofswife, others fmaller intermingled with the flowers; one 
or two flowers fometimes grow in the axils of the upper pair 
of cauline leaves. Calyx truncate, fplitting on one fide. Corolla 
fomewhat inflated upwards: /imé divided into four or five 

fegments, foon becoming ere€t and more acute. The corolla 

is blue at firft, but changes: green,’ and perfifts in this ftate till 
the feeds are ripe. - Stamens four or five, fhorter than Germen, 
which is fpindle-fhaped. Stigmas -flaty at firft- applied clofe 
together, afterwards revolute. The tafte of this plant is flightly 
bitter, but dwells long on the tongue. .— 

Native of Siserta, according to Patxas, where, efpecially 
in the eaftern parts, it is very common, in the paftures, in 
woods, and in the mountains. In all this tra€t of country 
GENTIANA cruciata does not occur. : 

Communicated by Meffrs. Loppices and Sons. Flowers 
in oe Is a perfeétly hardy perennial, Propagated by 



Walworlh Ock 91-1801. 

Prbby f Girtes 

q Dy 

Sod Eda artr Del kK Sarnjom So. 



4 Je nb eee vi 

Clafs and Order. 

Hexanpria Monocynia. 

Generic Charafter.—Vid. No. 1352 

ic eee 
2 Sn gs Poets ron etree 

Specific CharaGer and Synonyms. 

ALOE /ferrulata ; (caudex brevior foliatus ; flores e majoribus, 

nutantes, rei ;)foliis multifariam ambientibus, im- 

ee sigan vesgeratshent mneroiylaiecolst2-susey aris 

. albo-maculofis, margine. cartilagineis ferrulato-denti- 

» enlatis, apice carinato-triquetris; caule fubramofo 5 

racemo multifloro remotiufculo; corolla fubclavato- 

_cylindracea compreffiufcula ore brevi regulari patula, 

laciniis pro tribus pariibus concretis inde conniventi- 

bus, obtufulis ; germine columellari, rotundate trigono, 

quam ftylus fubtriplo breviori ; ftylo filamentis graci- 
liore, punéio ftigmatofo obfolete pubefcente. G. 

ALOE /ferrulata, Haworth, Linn, Tranf. 7. 18. Hort. Kew. 

ed. 2. 2. 295+ oe 
ALOE perfoliata. ». ferrulatas Hort. Kew. 1. 467. Mart. 

Mill. Diz. 

Very clofely allied to variegata (fupta No. 5133) but is al- 
together a much larger plant with multifarious ambient leaves 
‘Not trifarioufly, decuffated as in that, which are alfo of a 
much duller greyifh green, not undulately variegated as 
there, but marked with largifh diftin& oblong white blotches ; 
the pedicles are about half the length of the corolla, and not 

_ three or four times fhorter than that, as in variegata. Mitten, 
in his Di@tionary, after deferibing variegata, fays, “I have 
raifed a variety of this from feeds which I received from the 
Cape of Good Hope, with broader and flatter leaves, which 

fpread more than thofe of the former, and are not fo beauti- 
fully fpotted; but as thefe plants have not flowered yet, fo I 
do not know if it will prove a diftin& {pecies.” This may 

very probably be our prefent fpecies. Native of the Cape of 
Good Hope; introduced before 1789. 

Our drawing was taken from a plant that flowered this 
fummer in Mr, Hawortu’s colle€tion. G 


No. 870, 1. a paging calce 9; dele “* precedente.” 

No. 894, 1. 8, pro ‘* Germen inferum,” lege « Germen faperum.’? 

No, 1112, 1. 14, prez verbo “ mucronulo’’ infere «« antheris.’” 

No. 1346, 1. a pagina pede 5 ; poft “ minor,” infere « Willd. Sp. Pi, 
2. 186.” 

No. 1391, 1. 7, prov * Mafe.”” lege “ Masc, pro *§ Fem,” Fam,” 

-——— ]. 10, poft * Nux’? dele periodum, 

Syd Edward: Det Vb by S Curler Walworlhs Ook t 1844, Lan ort Je 

f 1416 j 

- Clafs and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Charaéer. 

Inflor. feorfim bra&teata. Cal. femifuperus, trifidus, tubulofo- 
connivens fegmentis acuminatis, perfiftens. Cor. longior tri- 
petaloideo-partita, fegmentorum calycinorum bafi impofita, 
tubulofo-convoluta, regularis ore brevi patula irregularifve 
atque unilabiato-inflexa, decidua, modo arcuato-emarcefcens, 
laciniis ligulato-ellipticis ifometris fapius bafi intus membrana’ 
fubfquamiformi concava a dorfo partim adnata appendiculatis. 
Stam. tota libera ex eodem ac corolla punéto. Fil. compreffo- 
filiformia, Anth. fagittato-lineares, ereéto-continue. Stylus 
fubulatim elongatus, trifulco-trigonus, femiimmerfi germinis 
apicem continuans, deciduus. Sézg. 3, canaliculato-linearia, in 
unum fpiraliter contorta, Cap/. bafi adnato calyce cinéa inde 
velata, ovato-pyramidata, tricocca, trigona, coccis futura media 
introrfum dehifcentibus. Sem. numerofa lineari-oblongata, alata 
vel utrinque membranaceo-caudata, gemino ordine introflexe 
future margini annexa. G. Hereris. Schwartz. Schreber. 

Oss. Herbs perennes; radix rhizoma fibrofum ftaloniferum ; folia a 
plano obverfa, radicalia vel inferne caulina, plurima, e deorfum imbricato- 
ambientibus ereflo-divergentia, lorate-lanceolata, convalute-concava pellicula 
lanuginofa deterfu facili fubtus albefcentia, margine fapius aculeato-dentata 3 
caulis centralis radicalis, foliolis fipatus, fimplex vel ramofus ; racemus @ 
Spicato conferto ad diffufum atque pauciflorum ; calyx rare herbaceus. G. 

Specific Charader and S YNONYMSe 

PITCAIRNIA ébrafeata ; (flores unilabiato-irregulares, /qua- 
_migeri ;) foliis lorato-attenuatis lageribus re-. 
~ flexis, margine fubedentulis, a prono albo- 
lanuginofis; caule fimpliciflimo valido tereti, 
goflypino-lanato, foliolis fguamato ; racemo 
numerofo {picato imbricatim congetto, floribus 
afcendenter divergentibus ; bratteis ciliatis 
calycem exequantibus ; pediceilis pubefcenti- 
bus flore aliquoties brevioribus; calyce extus 
tomentofo, corolla duplo breviore; corolla 

laciniis cochleari-ligulatis, e deorfum con. 
voluto-anguftatis in laminam ovatam conca- 
viufculam explicantibus, totis furfum fibi 
mutuo incumbentibus, duobus tertiam fum- 
mam verfus obliquatim inflexis; {quama den- 
ticulata. G, 

PITCAIRNIA éraGeata. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 202. 

(«.) calyce colorato; floribus rubris. G. 

P. latifolia. Lil. a Redouté, tab. 73. 74. nec aliorum ; (minus 
refe fupra in No. 856, ad ipfam \atifoliam 
excitata.) : 

(8.) calyce herbacea; corolla fulphureo-lutefcente.. G. 

P. fulpburea, Bot. Repofit. tab. 249. Lil. a Redouté, fol. 73. 
pag. alt. abfque Icone. . 

This is the moft robuft as well as clofeft flowered f{pecies of 
any of the genus yet known to us. We have not met with 
the red-flowered plant in any of our colle€tions; but Monf. 
Repours, who has publifhed it in his “ Liliacees* under the 
name of latifolia, fays, that he received it from Mr. Woop- 
Forn’s colleftion in this country, by the name of PircairNia 
racemofa, and that it came originally from the Welft-Indies. 
The yellow flowered plant now given, is a native of the Ifland 
- of St. Vincent, whence it was introduced by Mr. Evans 
about 1799. We agree with the editor of the fecond edition 
of the Hortus Kewenfis in the belief that the two plants are 
mére varieties of each other. : 

The ftem of our fpecimen was about two feet high, and 
towards the bafe about the thicknefs of a man’s finger. 
Requires to be kept in the bark bed of a ftove, where it 
blooms early in the fummer. Flowers about an inch and a 
half long ; fcentlefs ; three or four expanding at a time, and 
decaying in the fpace of a few hours. Propagated by 
fuckers, G. . = S ge a 


No, 856, 1. 12, dele Lil, a Redoute, tab. 74.” 



Le Siaty (i ee 


Lib br S Curlin Walwirl> 

C 1417, J 


Se RE 
Cla/s and Order. 

Hexanpria MonoGyNIA. 
Generic Charaier.—Vid. No. 1352+ 

Specific Charaéfer and Synonyms. 

ALOE arachnoides. Vid. No. 1314. 

(«.) communis. Supra No. 756. 

(@.) pumila. Supra No. 1361. 

(y.) reticulata, Supra No. 1314. 

(3.) tranflucens ; foliis pallidiffimis, tranfparentibus, margine 

et carina fetaceo-denticulatis, cufpide terminali membranacea 

nec echinata; caule fepe foliolis {phacelatis pre aliis numero- 

fius flipato. G. 

ALOE tranflucens. Haworth Linn. T: ranf. 7. 10. Me 15» Hort. 
Kew. ed. 2. 2. 300. 

ALOE. pumilio. Jacq. Hort. Schanb. v. 4. t. 34. 


For general account of the fpecies, fee Numbers 756, 1314,- 
and 1361. Our drawing was made from a plant that flowered 
this fammer in Mr. Hawortn’s colle&tion. We are informed 
that it is the rareft and moft difficult to preferve of the four 
we have mentioned as varieties. G, eee 

No. 1165. Liiium cowcoror. | 
The following fynonym may be added with certainty to 
that {pecies, viz. | 

Santan, vulgo Fime Furi. Lilium quafi cruore infe&tum, 

caule pedali foliis angultis {picato. : 
Idem §. Corona inperialis fl. puniceo fanguineis pun&is de- 

corato, Kampf. Amen. Exot. 871. Fig. MSS. 1415 optima. 

NM Pass are an A a ED PER 

1 Sppieatee 

VA Ldwarie Ded SF Geriar Walwort-s Ocd-#. 1617. 

[ 1418 ] 
Cla/s and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Charaéer. 

Inflor. feorfim bra€teolata, brafteolis fingulis vel et altera in 
pedicello. Cor. fubfemiinfera, tubulofa, ere€ta nutan{ve, extus 
rugofo-{cabrata, obfolete hexagona ore fexfido patulo, laci- 
_ nulis tubo 3—a4plo brevioribus, acuminatis, concavis. Stam. 
lacinularum bafi impofita, illis ifometra. Fil. complanato- 
f{ubulata, ere&to-divergentia. Auth, fubfagittato-adnate, introrfe. 
Germ, corollz fundo fubfemiimmerfum, trilobo-pyramidatum, 
fylis tribus fetiformibus in fafciculum trigonum compaétis 
punéto ftigmatofo fimplici terminatis continuatum. Cap/, vettita 
tricocco-pyramidata apice trifariam foluta ftylis appendiculata, 
cocculis introrfum dehifcentibus utraque fine inanibus. Sem. 
‘numerofa,, minutiffima, oblongata, arcuata, ftriata. G. 

Oss. Herbzx perennes ; radix fibrofa rhizomate modo craffiore oblongata 
folia plurima graminea, radicalia, multifariam ambientia, e dearfum con- 
wolute-imbricatis patentia, a plano cbverfa, carinata ; caulis fmplex altior 
Sfrriatus, foliolis vagis gradatim decrefcentibus fiipatus ; racemus terminalis 
erectus multiflorus fpicatus ; pedicelli corolla breviores. Genus HELONIA 
proximum, ~ Frudius multum Prrcaixnt habet. G. 

Specific Charadler and Synonyms. 

ALETRIS farinofa ; foliis lineari-attenuatis canaliculatis ; 
caule tereti ftriato-angulofo pulvifculo cano irro- 
rato ; racemo numerofo laxo pedicellis corolla 
fubtriplo brevioribus bra€teolis unicis geminilve ; 
corolla ovato-urcéolata breviter oblongata; an- 

 theris tranfeunte filamentorum apice mucronu- 
latis. G. ae 

ALETRIS farinofa. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2.1. 456. Aman, Acad. 
g.11. Hort. Kew. 1. 463. ed. 2. 2. 290. Walt. 
Flor. Carol. 121. Michaux. Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1. 189. 
Mill. Dié. ed. 8+ Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 183. 

ALETRIS. Gron. Virg. ed. 2. 5ie~ 

WURMBEA 2ullata. Willd. Hort. Berol. fol. 8. tab. 8. (excluf. 

: Sim. Plukeneti et Morifoni ad auream pertinenti- 
bus.) : 

HYACINTHUS caule nudo foliis linguiformibus acuminatis 
dentatis. Gron. Virg. 38. (Tantummodo inflorefcentia 
Specimen habet Herbarium Claytonianum ; folia defunt.) 

H. floridanus fpicatus. Pluk, Amalth. 119. tab. 437. fig. 2. 

Descr. ,Stem 1—2 feet high, brownifh green covered with a 
very fine grey meal ; /eaves much fhorter, narrow, grafs-like ; 
corolla {carcely the third of an inch Jong, whitifh, fegments 
tipped with a cinnamon brown; anibers deep tawny yellow; — 
‘germen green; fiyles white, nearly the length of the germen; 
the whole plant fcentlefs. Native of North-America. Culti- 
vated by P, Mriier in 1768. Blooms about June. Requires 
the prote@tion of a garden frame in very fevere weather in this > 
country, where it feldom feeds; and, being propagated with — 
fome difficulty by the root, is ftilla fcarce plant. Nor have 
we ever feen it in flower, until the prefent {pecimen was fent 
us by Meffrs. Loppices, from their Nurfery at Hackney. 

It is faid to be known by the name of Star-gra/s or Star-root 
in America, and ufed medicinally. Seeing that there are no 
leaves to the fpecimen in CLayron’s Herbarium, from which 
the “ Flora Virginica” was compiled by Gronovius; we 
Tufpe& that the very erroneous defcription of them in the firft 
edition of that work, was owing to this circumftance, which 
, org a fome other fource fhould be reforted to by the 
autnor. ° ‘ Sey ” 

n a" 

SpecieRuUM EnumeRatio. 


farinofa. Supra No. 1418. 
aurea, Walt, Flor. Carol.121. Gmel.Syft. Nat. 7.562, Michaux. 
Fl, Bor.- Amer. 1.190, Eruzrmerum ©. Pluk, Almag. 

135- Phyt.174. f. 5; (fynon. a Linnego male Heroni& 
bullate dafum. ) 

japonica, Lambert in Linn. Tranf. 10. 407, iu pag. talte. 
farinola. Thunb. Linn. in Tranf, 2.934, Hyeoxts 
Spicata. id, Flor. Fapon, 136, 

ay site aS SUS Ie slg Ae He 6 6 ste te 




In which the Latin Names of § In which the Englifh Names of 

_ the Plants contained in the 
Thirty- Fourth Volume are alpha- 
betically arranged. 


1418 Aletris farinofa. 

1385 Allium Ampeloprafum. 

1381 bifulcum, 

1408 ——— obliquum. 

1417 Aloearachnoides (4.) tranflucens. 

1415 —— ferrulata. 

1398 Bignonia grandiflora. 

1409 Bryophyllum calycinum. 

2391 Carex fraferiana. 

1412 Carolinea minor. 

1384 Crocus fulphureus (8). 

1387 Cytifus divaricatus (8). 

1404 Dianella enfifolia (a). 

1380 Drimia lancezfolia (8). - 

1399 Erica odorata. 

1382 Eriofpermum latifolium (2). 

1414 Gentiana macrophylla. 

1410 — feptemfida (8). - 

1386 Geranium ibericum. 

1393 Iris ruthenica (8). 

1979 Ixia fucata. 

4378 —— monadelpha (8). 
2401 Lachenalia contaminata. 

3411 Liatris fpicaf. 

1405 Lilium monadelphum, 
36 Mefembryanthemum minutom. 

1407-Norza fifyrinchium. 

1274 Neottia fpeciofa. 

1416 cnc Rae (2) fulphurea, 
1396 Pittofporum-Tobira. 
1389 Podalyria lupinoides, 
1375 Pothos pentaphylla.~_ 
1394 Pultenza daphnoides. ~ 
1377 Rofa bracteata. 

1400 Ruellia formofa. 

1413 Schifandra coccinea, 
1403 Smilacina borealis, 
1397 Stapelia reclinata, 
1383 Strumaria fpiralis, 
1392 Trichonema caulefcens. 
1390 Tulipa Clufiana. 

1388 'Tuflilago fragrans, 
1402 Uvularia fefilifolia, — 
12406 Warfonia ftrictiflora, 
3395 Zieria Smithii, 



the> Plants contained in the 
Thirty-Fourth Volume are alpha- 
betically arranged, 
1418 Aletris, white-flowered Ameri- 
1415 Aloe, faw-leaved. [can. 
1417 tranfparent-leaved. 
1409 Bryophyllum, pendulous-flower- 
1391 Carex, Frafer’s. 
1412 Carolina, leffer. 
1388 Coltsfoot, fweet-fcented. 
1384 Crocus, felf-coloured, cloth of 
1387 Cytifus, fmooth-leaved, ftrad- 
1404 Dianella, whitifh-flowered. 
1380 Drimia, leffer plain-leaved, 
1382 Eriofpermum, hort -pedicled 
1376 Fig-marigold, tiny. 
1981 Garlic, jonquil-leaved. 
1385 -—— great round-headed. 
1408 twifted-leaved. 
1414 Gentian, long-leaved. 
1410 fpotted-flowered crefted. 
1386 Geranium, Iberian. 
1399 Heath, perfumed. 
1393 Iris, pigmy. [delphous. 
1378 Ixia, orange-coloured, mona- 
1379 painted-flowered.  _ 
1401 Lachenalia, mixed-coloured. 
1411 Liatris, fpiked. 
1405 Lily, monadelphous. 
1407 Morza,European,or SpanifhNut. 
13974 Neottia, red-flowered. 
1416 Pitcairnia, yellow-flowered. 
1326 Pittofporum, gloffy-leaved, _ 
1989 Podalyria, lupine-leaved. 
1375 Pothos, five-leaved. 
1394 Pultenea, Daphne-leaved. 
4377 Rofe, Macartny’s Rofe. 
1400 Ruellia, fplendid. 
14193 Schifandra, fcarlet-flowered, 
1403 Smilacina, northern. 
1397 Stapelia, reclining. 
1983 Strumaria, fpiral-ftalked, 
1992 Trichonema, caulefcent. 
1398 Trumpet-flower, Chinefe, 
1390 Tulip, Clufius’s. - 
1402 Uvularia, feffile-leaved. 
‘1406 Watfonia, ftraight-flowered, 
1395 “Zieria, lanceolate. 


ctr — armen 

Printed by §, Couchman, Throgmorten-Street, Londom,