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eS te 

Botanica MaGaZINE; 


a cBortien Dilplayed: 

The moft Ornamental ForeriGn ee cultivated in the 
Open Ground, the Green- Houle, and the Stove, are 
accurately reprefented in their natural Colours. 

Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according 
to the celebrated LInNus; their Places of Growth, 
‘ and Times of Flowering: 

A Ww OO Rs 

Intended for the Ufe of fuch Lapies, GENTLEMEN, and GARDENERS, as 
with to become fcientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate. 





VOL. xxxv. [:/ 

. The Flowers, which grace their native beds, 2 
Awhile put forth their blufhing heads, 
But, e’er the clofe of parting day, 
They wither, fhrink, and die away: 
But THESE, which mimic {kill hath made, A 
Nor fcorched by funs, nor killed by fhade, 
Shall bluth with lefs inconftant hue, 
Which art at pleafure can renew. Lioyp. 

: Printed by SrepHEN CoucHMAN, Throgmorton-Street. 
Publithed by SHerwoop, Negry, & Jongs, 20, Paternofter-Row, 

And Sold by the principal Bookfellers in Great-Britainand Ireland, 

MDCCC xi, 


So a a 

CE iy, “IE a 

3 V 7. F 7 OY 

Bdwarde Del. Lub by S Gurlir Walworl/: No v1 181. Banfi mm Sex, 

[ 1419 J 

Cla/s and Order. 

Hexanpria MoNnoGYNIA, 

Generic Charaéer. 

Inflor. umbellata in fcapo terminalis /patha bi-pluri ?-valvi, 
rarius uniflora, Cal.o. Cor. fupera, inferne tubulofa limbo 
fexpartito radiatim patente. Fi/. tubi fauci impofita, ereéto- 
divergentia, deorfum a corona varie profunditatis turbinato- 
connexa. Anth, introverfo-verfatiles.. Germ. poly-definiteve 
oligo-fpermum. Stylus fubulato-elongatus, tereti-trigonus, in- 
clinato-affurgens. Stig. 1 fimplex, 3-ve linearia. Cap/. 3-loc., 
3-valv., valvis medio feptigeris. Sem. plurima-pauca vel abortu 
folitaria, fepti margini interiori annexas G. 

Oss. Radix tunicato-bulbofa ; folia radicalia bifaria vel ambientia,. 
convoluto-ligulata, modo lanceolata, raro peticlata lamina orbiculata ; flores 
ereé?i limbo rariffime nutante, Seminum. tefta minus [ape atricolor. Quafi: 
monadelphum Crinum. Ad AMARYLLIDES quafdam accedit fimbria 
donatas fauciali. Differt NaRcisso quod in eo corona faucis ipfi breviora. 
includat filamina, nec colliget longiora, G. . 

Specific Charafer and Synonyms. 

PANCRATIUM. amboinenfe ; (petiolatifolia ; multiflora’ ;) 
foliis pluribus, ambientibus, petiolis femicylindrico-cana- 
liculatis lamina. (modo maxima ac tranfver/e latiori) cordato- 
orbiculata nervis concentrice coftata cum brevi acumine ; 
{capo fubtereti, iis longiori ; umbella’ fpatham fatis ex- 
fuperante; pedicellis corolla brevioribus fepius braéteis 
interftin&tis ; corolla hypocrateriformi ; germine elliptico 
obfolete trigono levigato loculis difpermis; tubo hoc 
anguttiore, ftri€to, rotunde trigono, furfum vix dilatefcente, 
laciniis parum longiore ; limbo ftellato” 
lanceolatis paulo anguftioribus,. intimis fj 
latis lamina fubrhombeo-ovata ; corona f 

minilega parva 

laciniis fub 4-plo breviore fubfemi- 12-dentata 
(¢ dilatatis et utrinque dente prafixis torum bafibus 
Semicoalitis conftru€fa ;) filamentis nato-divergenti- 

bus corolla fub una quarta br | 
giore punéto ftigmatofo obtu lentem) puberulo. G. 


PANCRATIUM amboinenfe. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2. t+ 419% 
(exclufa var. Q. cum Trewii Synon.). Mill. Dié?, ed. 8. 1. 5. 
Hort. Kew. 1. 413. ed. 2. 2. 220. Bauer's Sketches in Cod. 
Bankf. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 45. 

P. nervifolium. Parad: Londin. tab. 84. 

P. fpatha multiflora, fol. ovatisnervofis. Mill, Dil, ed. 7. 1.5. 

' CRINUM unervofum. L Herit. Seri. Angl. 8. Gmel. Syft. Nat. 
7. 539. Willd. Sp. Pl, 2. 47 

NARCISSUS amboinenfis, folio latiffimo rotundo, floribus 
niveis inodoris. Comm. Hort, Amfi. 1.77. tab. 39. Rudd. 
Elyf. 2. 238. f. 17- 

CEPA fylveftris. Rumph. Amboin. 6. 160. tab. 70. f. 1. 

Desc. Bulb fabglobofe, integuments pale-brown; Jamina. 
of the Jeaves bright green, fometimes little lefs than a foot 
broad, nerves on the upper furface depreffed-lineate, on the 
Jower prominent-coftate, periphery deflex; /pathe whitifh ; 
germen green fhining, fometimes with three white prominent 
fillets, corolla pure white, greenifh towards the bafe of the 
tube, about three inches long. Requires to be kept in the 
ftove, where it blooms about July. Mr. Brown, in his very 
valuable Prodromus of the Flora of New-Holland, obferves 
that this {pecies differs from its congeners in having a germen 
with difpermous cells, as well as by a crown that is fix-parted 
to the bafe. In our plant this laft charatter was not prefent, 
the dilated bafes of the filaments cohering for nearly half the 
Jength of the crown they formed ; fuch feems alfo to have been 
the cafe in the fpecimen delineated, accompanied with a dif- 
feétion of the corolla, by Mr. Bauer, in the firft volume of 
his “ Sketches” in the Bankfian Colle&tion, We entirely agree 
with the author of the Paradifus Londinenfis, in the opinion, that 
this is the {pecies defcribed and figured by Rumputus, although 
there is no appearance of the {mall ftaminilegous crown in his 
engraving. Monf. L’Heritier exprelfsly notices the dilated 
bales of the filaments in his defcription of Catnum nervo/um, 
citing Rumpuius’s figure for a fynonym; and we fufpe& that 
he was induced to feparate his plant from the amboinen/e of 
Linnz£vs, merely on account of that author’s having added 
Trew's figure, as his variety @.; a figure which undoubtedly 
belongs to a very diftin& {pecies from his variety «; which is 
our prefent plant. The Bankfian Herbarium contains a very 
perfe&t fpecimen of our {pecies from the Ifland Amboyna, 
which had been received from Mr. CurisTopHER SMITH. 

Our drawing was made at Mr. Vere’s garden, Kenfington- 
Gore. The plant from which Commetin’s plate was taken 
was brought to the Amfterdam garden from Batavia. 

L’Heaitier gives the Philippine Iflands as the native 
place of his plant. G, 

> ey 7 
LdwardrD ef, 

fied by Lo GerZun Walwordt, Mow LIE. 

L Sertfom Se. j 

a a _ ert 

SPA go -J. 


; Clafs and Order. , 


Generic C barader. 

Floresumbellati. Spatha bivalvis(arefcens; modo Paivalvie G.) 
in fcapo terminalis. Cor. infera, fexpartita, zqualis, patens. 
Stylus1. Stigna1. Capf- Bloc, 3- -valv., polyfperma. Fuff. 
Gen. 53. Sem. pauca atra. Embryo periphericus dimidio al- 
bumine longior, curvatus aut fpiralis. Garin, Sem. 1. 55. 

Oss. Folia fihulsfa aut plana ; 3 flores denfas aut Iprecuthbeliats quandoque 
bulbiferi non capfalares 3 filamenta (alterna G.) quorumdam tricufpidata 
media cufpide antherifera. Bulbus Sphariceus, iaiaiai vel compofitus. 
Germinatia ASPHODELI. Juff. loc. cit. 

Specific Charaéer and § Synonym se 

ALLIUM pallens ; (capfulare s filamenta fimplicia ; foliatio 
fiflulofa ;) bulbo® globofo-pyramidato ; foliis fub- 
trinis deorfum alte vaginantibus  feabriufcule 
~nervofis, laminis remotis, lineari attenuatis cana- 
liculato-depreffis ; caule ftrito tereti ; fpatha 
bivalvi ovato-caudata valva altera umbellam bis 
terve exfuperante ; umbella numerofa laxa_ peri- 
pheriam verfus pendulo effufa, pedicellis capillari- 
bus flore pluries longioribus ; corolla cyathi- 
- campaniformi demam patentiori; laciniis ebovato- 
_ oblongis ifometris, fubtrancatis cum aliqua rotun- 
ditate, integerrimis ; {taminibus corolle equalibus 5 
| filamentis. fubulatis bafi breviter inter fe er cum 
corolla connatis, antheris curtis incumbentibus ; 
germine ovali hexagon6 corolla parum_ breviore 
vertice anguftato vitidiffimo 5 ftylo brevifiino vix 
denuo. in dimidium germinis Jongitudinis Sone i 
cente apiculo ftigmatofo inconfpicuo. G. | 
ALLIUM pallens, Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2. 16 428. (exelufis Hale 
lero et. Baubino ;) . Syft. Veg. Murr. ed. 14. 922. 
Gouan. Hlufir. 24. on. pedem. 2.157. m. 1875. 
Desfont. Flor. Atl. 1 Lam. et Decand. Flor, 
_ Franc. 3. 227. Hor. P. 1.4805 ¢d.8. 9. 996, = 
— (excluf, Sm Red. - og ee Gull. le iP ee 
Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 92 Ii 
ALLIUM = _——_ Liha 


ALLIUM caule teretifolio umbellifero, umbella globofa, fila- 
mentis fubulatis. Gerard Gall. Prov. 152. mJ 
unice tamen refpefiu varietatis 1" 

A. montanum bicorne flore obfoletiore. Banh. Pin. 75. Tourt, 
Inf. 384. 

A. montanum IV; fpecies II. C/uf. Hif. 1. 194. 

Differs from paniculatum in being generally a far taller and 
more robuft plant; by flowers of dirty yellowifh white and not — 
pale rofe colour; by thefe having no fcent; by a lefs tur- — 
binately contra€ted corolla, the outer fegments of which are — 
neither emarginate nor fomewhat fhorter; by a germen that is — 
more than half the length of the corolla, and not narrow tUf- — 
binate with an apex broadly depreffed ; by ftamens that do not — 
at all overtop the fegments, as well as by a ftyle that is never — 
equal to the germen in length; from flavum (fee above, No. 1330) 
in colour of the flowers, the fegments of which are not ovate 
as in that fpecies, where the ftamens are befides nearly twice 
the length of the corolla. ‘The item in our prefent plant was 
nearly three feet high. We omitted Brotero’s pallens, as he 
defcribes the fpathe but little*longer than the umbel ; alfo 
that of Repours, as being certainly diftin@& from our plant, 
and nearer to what we confider_as paniculatum, which will be 
publifhed in the fucceeding Fafciculus. We fhould have 
deemed the {pecies a mere variety of carinatum ; but find that 
it has been reckoned diftin@, not having bulbs intermixed with 
the umbels; a circumftance that we are perfuaded is very 
unftable, even in this genus. We have omitted the ufually 
recurring fynonym from Harxer, as belonging to flavum; 
and have fubflitated another to the ftanding one from 
Bavuin, which pointed to a plant “ flore odoro.” Native 
of the South of France, Piedmont, and the Coaft of Barbary. 
Monf. Lorsereur DisLonecuamps Speaks of it as being | 

rarely found in the country about Paris. Introduced in 177 

by the Abbé Pourrer. 

Our drawing was made from a plant in Mr, HawortTHs 
colleétion, G, 



No. 771, lin. 8, from bottom of the page, for ** inner’’ read ** outer.”® 
No. 860, lin, 16. poft 1,” infere * 195,77 | 

No. 1418, pag. alt. 1, a pag. pede 2, pro ** Thunb. Linn. in”? lege « Thanh 

in Linn? 

No, 1416. pag. alt, 1, 12 3 pro * hesbacea” lege * herbaceo,’* 

> M1421. 

ae 0 dw are Del. Lub. by SL. Gurls Wablyorlt:Nov.t.10t1 Eva refom Je 

[ 1422 |] 

eee ee ae ee ee 
Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Chara@er. 

Cor. fexpartita, patens, laciniis interioribus margine undu- 
latis v. fimbriatis: decidua. Fi/. barbata. Anth, bafi emarginate 
inferte. Germ. loculis polyfpermis. Stylus filiformis. Stigma 
hifpidulum. Cap/. fubglobola, 3-loc., 3-valv., valvis medio 
feptigeris. Sem. pauca, fubangulata, umbilico nudo. Embryo 
curvatus. Brown Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holland, 1. 276. 

Oss. Herbe glabre. Radix fafciculata, e bulbis nune pedicellatis. 
fibrifve craffis. Folia linearia, flaccida. Racemi laxi. Pedicelli aggregaté 
v. falitarti, medio articulati. Flores pendult purpurafcentes v. albi; corolla — 
po/t anthefin conniventi et longe ante fructus maturttatem decidua, bafi cyathi- 
Sormt emarcida remanente. Antherz purpuree v. albicantes. ANTHERICO 
proximum genus. Brownl.e. & PHALANGIO ( fupra No. 914) nec cha- 
ractere nec habitu vel nota quaqua, uti nobis videtur, fe excerpens ; 1bi enim 
filamenta modo pube fitpantur, ut in bicolori Lil. a Redoute, tab. 2153 
(q.¢. ANTHERICUM planifolium Willd, Sp. Pi. 2. 196). Liliaftrum 

(ANTHERICUM ; /fupra No. 318) ad H&EMEROCALLIDEM reéfius 
amandari jupra No. 816 fubmonuimus. G. 

Specific Chara&er and Synonyms, 

ARTHROPODIUM paniculatum, racemo divifo: pedicellis 
aggregatis, corolle laciniis interioribus | 
crenulatis, capfulis penculis, bulbis pe- 
dicellatis, Brows 1. c. Hort. Kew. ed, 2. 
2. 271. 

ANTHERICUM paniculatum. Bot. Repofit. tab. 395. Dry- 

ander Chloris Sc. in Ann. of Bot, 2. 

ANTHERICUM wmilleflorum, Lil. a Redoute. tab. 58, 


Descr. Radical leaves few, divaricate, gramineous, folded- 
channelled ; /fem (in our plant two feet high) feveral times 
— - Jonger; 

longer; raceme panicled lax, partial ones folitary or in pairs ; 
flower-fafcicles numerous, rather diftant, 2—4-flowered, in- 
clining in the fame direttion ; outer /egments of the corolla firm, 
oval-lanceolate, concave, acute; zumer tender, three times 
broader, with defleéted fides and crenulately eroded margin; 
filaments naked for the length of the gerinen, to which they 
are bent; germen elliptic-globular, obfcurely tritorofe, threes 
furrowed, with a line down each protuberance, four times 
fhorter than the ftyle. Native of New South-Wales; whence 
it was introduced by the Prefident of the Royal Society in 1800. 
A perennial plant; generally kept in the greenhoufe ; but the 
fpecimen from which our drawing was made, feemed to thrive 
in Mr. Haworrun’s garden full as well, in the open border at 
the foot of a wall with a fouthern afpeé, where it flowered 
moft part of the fummer. 

“We fufpeét that this genus cannot ultimately be kept up as 
‘diftin& from Puatancium; but muft be reduced to that as 
the firft conftituted; they both agree in the one-jointed pedicle. 

MTA 22. 



t 1492, *) 

see se seks teak ce se ake ck sek se slesiesk le 

Cla/s and Order. 


‘ Generic CharaGer. 

Cal. 5-phyllus. Petala 5. Styli o. Capf. polyfperme. 

Specific Charafter and Synonyms. 

PAONIA bumilis ; foliis biternatis, foliolis tripartito-laciniatis 
fubtus fubvillofis, capfulis i, pilofis 
[glabriufculis S.J]. Retz. Ob/. 3. p 

PONIA hifpanico femine nata f. I1* C/u/. ‘iit. 1. P. 2796 

PAONIA tenuis lJaciniata, fubtus pubefcens flore purpureo. 
Baub. Pin. 323. Morjf. Hifi. 3. p. 455. § 12. t.1. 
Jf. 8. 7 

PZONIA femina hifpanica pumila. Park. Herb. p. 1379. 
Lob. Ic. 683. : 

The dwarf Peony differs from P. peregrina, No. 1050, 
chiefly in having its leaves more finely divided, glaucous 
above, and clothed with a foft pubefcence underneath ; its 
leaflets are more acute and more incifed; the germens are 
nearly {mooth, having only a few thinly fcattered fhort hairs, 
whereas in peregrina they are quite woolly. 

This fpecies feems to have been well known to the older 
Botanifts, but was never correétly defcribed till taken up by 
Retzius. With his ample defcription our plant correfponds 
in every refpe&t, except that, in his fpecific charaéter, he has 

capfulis pilofis ; in his full defcription, however, he fays the 
wo capfules are but flightly hairy ( parum pilofe). ‘ 
-_ Suppofed to be a native of Spain, and is perfeéily hardy. 

- Our drawing was taken from a fpecimen received from 
eflrs. Cuanpier and BuckincuAm, Nurferymen at Vaux- 
ll, the latter end of April. 

va wards Ded. Lb by pt Gurley Walwe rIANo VALET 

FP fanforn tt 

{ 3429. J. 

Tee eRe eee eae ee 

Clafs and Order. 

DianpDRia_ Monocynta, 
Generic Chara&er. 

€al. fimplex vel duplex. Cor. irregularis vel fubregularis. 
Cup/. bivalvis, 2 locularis: diffepimentum valvis contrarium, 
retinaculis feminum uncinulatis. Vaut. 

Specific CharaGer. 
JUSTICIA bicolor ; (calyx fimplex corolla, fubequalis) ped- 

unculis axillaribus trifloris petiolo brevioribus, 
foliis ovalibus acuminatis glabris, limbo corolle 
plano: tubo longiffimo, : 

Se i ck 

; i Gee 
ie — et j pate et ee 

Descr. Stem fhrubby, branched: dranches f{quare with 
rounded angles. Leaves oval, acuminate, undulate and nar- 
rowed at the bafe, quite entire, fmooth on the upper furface 
with fimple unbranched veins, villous and pale underneath, 
with the veins more prominent and reticulate. Peduncles 
axillary, fhorter than the petiole, three-flowered. Braées 
two, fubulate, not half the length of the calyx. Ca/yx fimple, 
ereét, five-parted : /eaflets fubulate. Corolla nearly regular : 
iube three or four times the length of the calyx, flenderer on 
the upper part, villous: Jimé patent, flat, divided into five 
nearly equal fegments, the two uppermoft being rather the 
narroweft and-ere€t, the other three looking downwards, and 
the middle one, fomewhat larger and broader pointed than the 
reft, is gibbous at the bafe, and beautifully ftained and dotted. 
with carmine, the other fegments, except a few feattered dots, — 
being quite white. This irregular arrangement of the lacinize 

oe. gives 

gives the flowers the form of thofe of Heart’s-eafe. Stamens 
the length of the tube: anthers parallel. Germen oblong : /tyle 
thejength of the tube: fgma bifid. 

We are informed by Mr. Ropert Brown, that this fhrub 
is a native of the Ifland of Luconia, in the vicinity of Manila, 
from whence it was introduced to the Kew Garden by Mr, 
Wititam Kerr. Justicia 4dicolor does not feem to have 
been mentioned by any botanical writer; the wincoides of 
Lamarcx and Vaunu appears to approach the neareft to it, © 
but the leaves of this are defcribed as obtufe and only an inch 
in length. 

Propagated by cuttings. In the bark-ftove it bloffoms the 
greateit part of the fummer. Our drawing was taken from 
a.fine plant in the poffeffion of Meflrs. Wuirtey, Brame, 
and Martin, of the Fulham Nurfery. 

Since the above article was fent to the prefs, we find that a 
figure of this plant is juft publifhed in the Botanift’s Repofitory. 
In the account there given, it is ftated that Mr. Mriwe raifed 
it at Font-Hill, from Weft-Indian feeds. But having been 
kindly fhewn the fpecimen fent by Mr. Kerr, from the Phi- 
lippine Iflands, we are certain that the habitat above given is 
the true one, It is moft probable, therefore, that Mr. ANn- 
BREWws was mifinformed, and that the Royal Garden at Kew 
is the real fource from whence it has been derived, 



{ 1424 ] 


Se aR ea eae a a eae eae 

Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charaéler. 

Cal. g-phyllus. Cor. 2-labiata ventricofa. Rudimentum fila- 
menti quinti fuperne barbatum. Cup/. bilocularis. 

Specific Charader and Synonyms. 

PENTSTEMON pubdefcens ; caule pubefcente, filamento 
fterili ab apice infra medium _barbato. 
Hort. Kew. v. 2. p. 360. Willd. Sp. Pl, 3. 
p. 2274. Mart. Mill, Did. n. 2. 

PENTSTEMON pubefcens ; caule pubefcente: foliis ferru- 
latis: filamento fterili ab apice infra medie- 
tatem barbato: corolla eloggata, Michaux 
Flor. Bor. Amer. 2. p.216 

CHELONE Pent/temon ; foliis amplexicaulibus, panicula di- 
chotoma, Mani, 415. 

(a.) foliis ovato-oblongis. 

DRACOCEPHALUS latifolius glaber, Lyfimachie lutee 

foliis. Mori/. Hift. 3. p. 417. f.11. t. ate 


CYNORYNCHIUM nov-anglicanum digitali accedens, herba 
quadricapfularis, floribus albis ri€tum ca- 
ninum referentibus, Pluk. Mant. 62 ? 

(8.) anguftifolia; foliis lanceolatis, — 

ASARINA caule ere&to foliis lanceolatis amplexicaulibus, 
paniculadichotoma. Miller Ic. p. 168. t.252. 


The genus PenTsTEMON appears to us to have been fepa- 
rated from CueLone on rather flender grounds. The rudi- 
Jment of the fifth filament in the latter is fhort and fmooth, in 
| the 

the former hairy and fometimes longer than. the reft. In the 
prefent fpecies we have often found the fifth ftamen perfeét, in 
which cafe the pubefcens of the filament generally difappears: 
we have even feen fix perfe& ftamens in the fame flower; fo 
that a part fo liable to vary does not feem well fuited to eftablith 
a generic chara¢ter upon. 

For the moft part the rudiment in this fpecies is hairy from 
the top to below the middle; but fometimes the pubefcence 
barely extends fo far as to the middle. A more obvious 
diftin€@tion is afforded by the ‘panicle being intermixed with 
leaves, which in /evigata is nearly naked. 

Except the miferable reprefentation by Morison, we do 
not know that the broad-leaved variety PentsTEMON pu- 
befcens has ever been before figured ; there is a bad figure of 
the narrow-leaved fort in M1LLeR’s Icones, 

Native of the Alleghana mountains in North-America, — 
Flowers in June and July, and ripens its feeds in the autumn; 
at which feafon Miter direéts the feed to be fown. It isa 
hardy perennial or rather biennial, as, according to MILLER, 
the roots feldom abide more than two years. 

Communicated from Mr, Sarissuxy’s Botanic Garden at 
Brompton, a. 

Walwo rth Novzt.10ts 

? Charben 

Luh bry 

SVL L bwerdirn Dad, 

[ 1425 ] 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charader.—Vid. No. 1424. 

Specific Charader and Synonyms. 
PENTSTEMON Jevigata ; caule glabro, panicula fubnuda, 

filamento fterili fupra medium barbato. 

PENTSTEMON Jevigata ; caule glabro, filamento fterili 
fuperne barbato. Hort. Kew. v. 2. p. 361. 
Mart. Mill, Did. 0.1. 

PENTSTEMON Jevigata, Wild. Sp. Pl. 3: p. 228. 

PENTSTEMON Jevigata ; caule glabro: foliis levibus, 
fubintegris: filamento iterili fuperne bar- 
bato: corolla breviore. Michaux Fi. Bor. 
Amer. 2. p. 1. 

CHELONE Pentftemon. F. Fred. Mill. Icon. 4. 

CHELONE Jevigata. Perfoon Syuop. 2. p. 169. 

CHELONE foliis inferioribus ovato-acuminatis petiolatis in- 
tegerrimis, fuperioribus amplexicaulibus 
Janceolatis dentatis, corollis patentibus bi- 

_ labiatis. Arduin. Specimen. 14. t. 5. 
DIGITALIS perfoliata glabra, flore violaceo minore. Morif- 

Hift, 2. p. 479. /- §- t. 8. f. 6. 

(ities aaa 

Pentsremon /evigato was cultivated in Dr. Fotuerciiy’s 
garden at Upton, in 1776; but has probably been long loft to 
our gardens, till it was lately again introduced by Meffrs. 
F Raser. At leaft, we have ufually feen the narrow-leaved 
variety of pubefcens palling under the name of this in our 
Coe Befides — 

Refides the differences mentioned in the laft article, we may 
mention that the lower lip of the corolla in this plant is more 
rolled back, the upper lip lefs fo, and the mouth gaping, which 

in pubcfcens is nearly clofed. : 

Native of North-America, from Penfylvania to Carolina. 
Is rather more tender than puéefcens, but fufficiently hardy to 
bear our milder winters. Both thefe plants are confidered as 
perennials, and, with proper management, may be fo; but as 
the root ufually perifhes after the feeds are matured, they are 
perhaps more properly biennials. 

Our drawing was taken at Meflrs. Fraser’s Nurfery, 



+ $8 Spl Bdc®! Del Sar 

[ 1426 ] 
Harry GINGER. 

Jee bide iebiiet ieee 
Clafs and Order. 

Generic Characer.. 

Anthera duplex. Filamentum extra antheram elongatum, 
apice fubulatum, fulcatum, S7y/us in fulco anthere receptus, 

Specific Characer and Synonyms. 

ZINGIBER Cu/umunar; caulibus ere€tis, foliis feflilibus lineari- 
lanceolatis : nervo vaginaque hirtis, f{picis compaétis — 
ftrobiliformibus, ne€lario bilobo crifpato. fs 

ZINGIBER Cafumunar. Roxb, in Afiatic Refearches, vol. 11. 

ag. 347. tab. 7. 

CASUMUNAR. Lewis Mat. Med. p. 193. ed. 410 


In Auguft laft we were highly gratified with the fight of this 
very rare and curious plant, flowering probably for the firft time 
a Europe, in the ftove of James Vers, Efq. at Kenfington- 

ore. } 

Dr. Roxsurcs, in his valuable account on the Scira- 
MINE, natives of the Eaft-Indies, publifhed in the eleventh 
volume of the Afiatic Refearches, informs us that the root of 
this plant appeared both to Sir Joserpu Banxsand Dr, Comse 
to be the Cafmunar of the fhops; a root introduced into this 
country by Martog, as a medicine of uncommon efficacy in 
hyfteric, epileptic, paralytic, and other nervous diforders, 

Dr. Lewis obferves that, from its fenfible qualities, it 
feems to deferve to have been more generally ufed, being “ an 
elegant, mild aromatic, moderately warm, lightly ees a z 

Pg '  Imel 

fmell fomewhat refembling Ginger.” Its {pirituous extra&, he 
fays, “ fmells very agreeably, and impreffes on the organs of 
talte a grateful bitterifhnefs, and a durable glowing warmth, 
not a fiery or pungent heat.” Notwithflanding thefe recom- 

and is no longer to be met with in our fhops. 

Native of the Eaft-Indies. With us an inhabitant of the 
bark-ftove. Propagated by cuttings of the root. Introduced 
by Dr. Roxburgh. 

reac ete ehdemten’ 
———=€=>= — 


No. 1419, pag. alt. While fpeaking of Mr. Brown’s 
‘remark on the crown of this fpecies, we have rendered his 

words inius ad bafin u/que diflinfe by “ parted to the bale ;” — 
implying thereby that it is entirely feparated to the bafe into fix — 
fegments ; while that gentleman means that it is feparated — 
all the way only on the inner, but not on the outer fide. Yet — 
with the obfervation in this fhape our own does not coincides — 
“the crown appearing to us in fuch refpe& not to differ from 

others of the genus. G, 

mendations this drug is neverthelefs gone wholly into difule, — 

arte onees 


wlworlh Deet 1att 


om *£ 

_ : 
Ov AF 


[ 1427 J 

Jb Heb bbe 
Clafs and Order. 
-PenTANDRIA DicyNia. 

: Generic Charader. 
Flores capitati receptaculo pabaceo. ~ 

_. Specific Charafler and Synonyms, waa 
ERYNGIUM corniculatum ; foliis ovato-lanceolatis; petiolis 
fiftulofis, intus feptiferis; capitulis fubconicis, fpina longa 
_ plerumque terminatis. Delaroche Eryng. n. 23. t. 15. 
ERYNGIUM corniculatum; foliis radicalibus lanceolatis dentatis 
partitifve longe petiolatis, petiolis fiftulofis intus articulatis; 
caulinis fupremis tricufpidatis, capitulo conico {pina longa 
fepires terminato. Brotero Fi. lujitan. 1. p. 416. 
ERYNGIUM corniculatum. Lam. Di. v. 4. p. 758. Brot. 
Fl. Lufit..1. p. 416.  Perfoon Syn. 1. p. 299. - 
ERYNGIUM cornutum, Donn Cant. ed. gta. p. 56.0 
ERYNGIUM paluftre lufitanicum corniculatum. Tournef. Infl. 

p- 327- 

ERYNGIUM lufitanicum paluftre, caule fiftulofo, capite cor- 
nuto Tournefortii, Moris. Hift. 3. p. 166. Raj. Hil. Sup. 
p. 240? aly : frogest | 


Desc. Stem dichotomoufly branched, rounded, ftriate hol- 
low. Radical leaves (according to Delaroche) ovate, or ovate 
lanceolate, with margins either entire, more or lefs incifed, or 
dentate-finuate, on footftalks which are fiftular, having the cavity 
frequently intercepted by tranfyerfe partitions. Cauline leaves 
ftem-embracing, palmate, lower ones cut into feveral fegments, 
upper ones trifurcate or fometimes quite fimple, ftrongly nerved 
underneath, {pinous. Heads of flowers nearly globofe, on peduncles 
either terminal, or growing from the divifions of the branches. 
Involucre of fix rigid, fubulate, channelled leaflets, fomewhat 
unequal and terminated with a fpine. From the very centre of 
the head grows a rigid {word-fhaped leaflet twice the length of the 
head, like thofe of the involucre, but broader and rather longer. 

€ are fometimes two (according to Delaroche feveral) 
fhorter leaflets inftead of the long one; and now and then, though 
: rarely, 

rarely, the heads are quite deftitute of this horn. Calyx green 
five-cleft: J/eaflets ovate, concave, mucronate. Peials blue, 
fmall, concave. S/amens and fiyles longer than the corolla, 
Germens hifpid or fealy. Receptacle conical. -Chaff {pathular- 
fhaped, mucronate. 

Our plant, which was fent us by Mr. Donn, curator of the 
Botanic Garden at Cambridge, having no radical leaves, we have 
trufted to Delaroche and Brotero for the defcription of them. 

The figure and excellent,account given by Delaroche leaves 
no room to doubt but that his plant is the fame with ours. And 
as this author probably had an opportunity of examining Tour- 
nefort’s fpecimen, we muft {uppofe that he could hardly be wrong 
in quoting that fynonym alfo. The fame obfervation will apply 
to Lamarck; otherwile his defcription would not readily lead us 
to conclude that his plant was the fame; for he makes no mention 
of the remarkable roftrum terminating the capitula, but attributes 
the name to the inequality of the involucre, two or three of the 
Jeaflets of which he deferibes as being fo much longer than the 
reft as to give the appearance of horns. The fynonym from 
Morison would feem ftill more dubious, as he defcribes the 
heads of flowers:to, be feffile; and that of Ray is only a copy of 
this laft. Detarocue has alfo quoted E. fuaveolens of Broul- 
fonet as a fynonym ; but we obferved no fragrance in the flowers, 
and the {mell of the bruifed plant was to us particularly ungrate- 
ful. Thefe feeming contradittions are however in great meafure 
reconciled by Brorero, who obferves that this plant. varies 
extremely according to the foil; that in very dry places the 
involucre becomes very fmall; the heads of flowers nearly or 
quite feffile, and lemon-fcented; the chaff fubtrifid and much 
longer than the calyxes, This author therefore concludes that 
E. corniculatum, - and odoraium of Lamaxcx are meré 
varieties of the fame plant. . 

_ This {pecies is not taken up in the new edition of Hortus 
Kewenfis, though introduced into the country according to 
Mr. Dow in 1803. | 
‘Native of wet and marfhy places in Portugal. Flowers in 
dene July, and Auguft. Propagated by feeds. If thefe are 
Hse in the autumn, we fhould recommend the young plants to 
: protetted from the froft, during the winter, and planted out 
in the open ground in the fpring. Brotero fays the root is 
perennial ; Donn marks it as biennial, | 


Kh dwaras liad SF4:é 4 ia : 
5 aif * tlh OY » A 7; 4 7 Ly 
BY S Crarlar Walbworlh Devt SPUt FUanforn Il 

[ 1428 ] 

Cla/s and Order. 

MonaNnDRIA MonoeyNia, 

Generic Charafer. 

Antheraduplex. Filamentum \ineare incurvatum, longiffimum, 
apice appendiculatum, Styus laxus, filiformis, in medio anthera 
receptus, Séigma incraflatum. Nearium utrinque bifidum. 

Specific Charaéer. 

GLOBBA /efilifora ; appendiculo cordato, corollz laciniis 
lateralibus longioribus, {pica fubverticillata, bra€teis lan- 
ceolatis marcefcentibus. 

GLOBBA bulbifera. Roxb. in Afiat. Ref. v. 11. ? 


This appears to us to be an undefcribed {pecies of Gropsa 
in the form. of the flower very nearly refembling GrosBa 
orixenfis of Dr. Roxpurcnu, defcribed and figured in his 
paper on the Scitaminez, publifhed in the eleventh volume of 
the Afiatic Refearches; from which however it fufficiently 
differs, in its feflile flowers growing in an interrupted {pike 
and in the greater length of the lateral Jacinia of the corolla, 
which in orixenfis are fhorter than the reft; and in many 
other refpeéts. It may be the du/bifera of this author, but we 
have not fufficient data to determine it to be the fame. It 
certainly bears bulbs in the axils of the leaves and of the lower 

By comparing our prefent figure with.that of Mantista 
Jaltatoria (No. 1320) the generic differences of the two plants 
will be fufficiently evident: not only in the inflorefcence, 
which in the one is radical, in the other cauline, but in the 
form and number of the lacinie of the corolla; in the re- 
markable filiform appendages at the bafe of the filament in 
Manrtisia, which are totally wanting in Grosga, and 7 the 


form of the ne€tarium, bifid at the lower extremity only in the 
former, and not at both as in the latter. 

Our drawing of this very rare plant was made at Mr. Vert’s, 
Kenfington-Gore, from a living {pecimen received from Sir 
Asrauam Hume's. It isa native of Pegu inthe Eaft- Indies, 

Requires the heat of the bark ftove, Flowers in Auguft. 
Introduced by Dr. Roxspurcu. 

el ————E—_;z———Xz=—>__ 


No. 1320. After Mantista /altatoria, add as a fynonym, — 
Guossa radicalis panicula radicali, antheris alatis, Roxb. in 

Afiatic Refearches, vol. 11. P. 359 


aes "Kk harrercle ‘Ded. 

tubby L Garlic Walwortts Doct? 1841 


- Ves 
Flan fort 


[ 1429 J 

ee ee 

Clafs and Order. 

Drianprta Monocynlia. 

Generic Charager. 

Cor. inequalis. Filamenta tran{verfe pedicello affixa. 

» Specific Charader and Synonyms, 

SALVIA Hablitziana ; hirfuta, foliis pinnatis: foliolis li- 
nearibus integerrimis fubyerticillatis, bratteis orbiculato- 
ovatis acuminatis, 

SALVIA Hablitziana ; villofa, foliis pinnatis integerrimis : 
foliolis lanceolatis fubequalibus: fuperioribus geminatis, 
Willd. in Schrad, Bot, Fourn.1. p. 289. t.2. Bith. Fi. 
taurico-cauc. 1. p. 19. 

SALVIA Habliziana ; foliis linearibus integerrimis pubef- 
centibus feffilibus, floribus verticillato-fpicatis, bratteis 

_ ovatis acuminatis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. p. 129. 
SALVIA @aurica. Hablizl taur. p. 207. No. 33. : 
SALVIA Hablitziana. Clarké’s Trav. v. 1. p. 574. cum tab. 


Descr. Stem rounded, hairy, branched at the upper part. 
Leaves pinnate: leaflets linear, diftant, frequently growing four 
or more together in oppofite direétions, fo as to give them a 
whorled appearance, generally fimple; but fometimes two or 
three are united above their bafe. Flowers feffile, growing 
many together in whorls, Braéfes large, acuminate, Calyx 
very hairy, ftreaked, two-lipped: upper lip truncate or ob- 
foletely three-toothed : lower /ip two-toothed, acute. Corolla 
white with {potted throat, very large: upper lip ere€t, concave, 
€marginate: /ower lip four-lobed. 

Wittpenow, in his edition of the Species Plantarum, 
defcribes the leaves as fimple, but in Scuraper’s Journal, he 

underftood and defcribed them better, 
| : | The 


The late Profeffor Vaut confiders the Sarvia /cabiofefolia 
of Lamaxck as the fame plant, attributing the native place of 
Peru affigned to it, to an error not unufual in gardens, But 
after all, the identity of thefe plants is by no means certain, 
the leaves in Lamarck’s figure being pinnatifid, not pinnate, 
with the terminal leaflet much broader than the reft and toothed, 
In the extenfive Herbarium of Mr. Lamsert, we obferve 
confiderable variety in the width of the leaflets; but none that 
refemble the figure of Lamarcx’s /cabiofcfolia. : 

The name of this plant was given by Pati as in commemo- 
ration of his friend Hasriz.*, whole good offices he fo often 
and pathetically mentions in his writings. Dr. Clarke and his 
companion were conduéted by Pattas to this gentleman's 
manfion in the delightful valley of Tchorgana; and in return for 
the hofpitality he there met with, has given a figure of this Sage 
in bis travels, and brought feeds of the fame to England, 
which be prefented to Mr. Donn, who kindly communigated 
fine flowering fpecimens, from one of which our drawing was 

Native of Tauria and of Armenia. Flowers in Auguft. 
A hardy perennial ; according to Dr. Ciarxe, increafing an- 
nually in fize, ull it becomes a fine tall fhrub of very great 
beauty. Propagated by feeds, or by cuttings, | 


* Dr. Crarxe fpells the name Ha bt28,, Which Ithough incorretty — 
we adopt, for the fake of Englith organs of {peech, ~ ip est 

NY 7320, 


‘7 LE dwar, 



[ 1430 ] 


Generic CharaGer.—Vid. No. 923*. 

Specific Charader and Synonyms. 

AMARYLLIS purpurea ; (2-pauciflora ; flos inferne tubulofus, 
obfolete irregularis ; faux nuda ;) folirs pluribus (/ub/enis) 
bifariis convoluto-loratis obtufulis obfcurius reticulato- 
venofis, interioribus elatioribus fcapum_ ftri@tum fubcom- 
preffo teretem a dS 3 fpatha bivalvi pedicellis 
corolla 2—3 brevioribus longiore; germine trigono- 
oblongo; corolla ereéta infundibuliformi limbo fubrotato- 
campanulato labro extrorfum obliquato, tubo rotundate 
trigono in faucem late turbinatam hyalino-fexfeneftratam. 
ifometram ampliato ; lacintis illi fubaequalibus reticulato- 
rugofulis, extimis fubrhombeo - ovatis acutulis cum 
mucrone, intimis elliptico-lanceolatis una tertia angufti- 
oribus ; ftaminibus tubo (alternis vel et citra eum) adnatis, 
ereGto-patentiffimis incurvulis inclufis, alterne fubbrevi- 
oribus ; antheris ere€to-appenfis vibratilibus; ftylo re- 
clinate incurvulo limbum = aequante ; a obfolete 
triplici, fubaperto, puberulo. G. | 

AMARYLLIS purpurea. Hort. Kew. 1. 417. ed. 2. 2. 224. 
Mart. Mill. Di&. Bauer's Sketches in —— Banks. eh ings 
Sp. Pl. 1. 63. 

A. elata. Facq. Hort. Schoenb: 4e3 2 tab.-69% 

A. fpeciofa. L’Herit. Sert. Anglic. 12.1, 11. 

CRINUM /peciofum. Linn, Suppl. 195. Sy. Veg. ed. 14. 319 
Thunb, Prodr. ff cap 59 


Descr. Bulb ‘ieee obitong, Firgev thse a _turkey’s egg, 
brown; fem 2—3 feet high, as well as the leaves purple to- 
wards the bafe; pedicles green; /pathe {phacelate; flowers 
2—4, about three inches long, of a deep uniform blood-red 
colour; outer fegments rounded-keeled and greenifh down the 
centre of their back; faux conneéted by fix paler coloured 
fubtranfparent membranes ; filaments red; pollen yellow ; flyle 
pale red. Comes the neareft’ to longifolia (No. 661) of any 
fpecies known tous; butis very diftin& from regine (No. 453)s 
of which L’Heritier doubted whether it might not be a 
“er Native oF t the fice a3 of Good eet: whence it was 

3 | aes introduced | 

introduced by Mr. Masson in1774. Our drawing was made 
from a plant that flowered laft July, in the greenhoule at the 

nurfery of Meffrs, MtppLemist and Woop, Sheplerd’s- 
Buh. G. 

NOT E£. 

No. 1089. Inftead of “ AMaryuitis HuMi_ts (@).” read 
© AMARYLLIS CorUscA. Upon comparing the two plants: 
this f{ammer, we are convinced that the above fhould have 
been given as a diftin& fpecies from the humilis of No. 726. 
Befides the difference in the dire@lion, fize, and colour of the 
corolla, as well as convolution of its fegments, corufca is 
diftinguifhable by ftamens which are nearly upright and about a 
fourth longer than the corolla, inftead of being horizontal and 
about as much fhorter than the corolla, as in humilis, The 
fubjoined characters will, we think, diflinguifh the following 
clofely allied f{pecies. 

Umbella multiflora ; flos fexpartitus, recurvo-/ubrotatus. 

corufea; fupra No. 1089. Foliis paucis (4?) bifariis lineari- 
ligulatis convoluto-canaliculatis ; pedicellis fpatha _bivalvi 
longioribus; corolla ereéta, laciniis fubaqualibus lanceolato- 
ligulatis ungue breviflimo, fuperne undulatis, inferioribus 
utrinque duas fummas verfus obliquatis, imis binis latius dif- 
cretis; ftaminibus obfolete affurgentibus parum inzqualibus 
corolla una quarta longioribus, imz fifluree appofitis ; {tigmati- 
bus 3, brevibus replicatis. G. 
A. bumilis, (@.) Hort. Kew, ed. 2. 2. 229. : 

humilis ; fupra No. 726. Corolle laciniis lineari-lanceolatis 
{pathulato-convolutis undulatis, lateralibus utringue in pas 
medium fummum obliquantibus, imis binis divaricatiflimis; 
ftaminibus declinato-affurgentibus corolla brevioribus, divati* 
cationis {patio interpofitis. G. 

undulata; fupra No. 369. Corolle laciniis lateralibus duabus 
utringue mediam fummam verfus obliquantibus, ima media 
flaminibus flore brevioribus fubtenfa. G. : 

venufta ; Jupra No.1090. Corolla regulari; ftaminibus ere&o- 
fafciculatis iftam exfuperantibus. G, 

This laft can only be feparated from farnienfis of No. 244 
by the fometimes inconftant charaéter of the leaves preceding» 
and not fucceeding the inflorefcence ; they have been conle- 

quently united in the laft edition of the Hortus Kewenlis 4 _ 
varieties, G, : g £. 



SOR Pep ig hc T A a 
VEE LI EWE aS LICL. Fl, See eer Z i 
: bby St turliv. Walworth Dex? tut fr Sarr farted © 
* see 

oF ae 

[ 1432 J 


: Cla/s and Order. 

- Trranpria MonocGynta. 

| Generic Charadier. 

Cal. tripartitas, perfiftens. Cor. (calyce grandior G ?) 3-partita, 
decidua laciniis unguiculatis, tertia quandoque diffimili v. 
abortiente.. Stam. 6, (v. 5.) Antherarum 3, (nunc 2—4) dif. | 
fimiles : vix polliniferea. Germ. 3-loc., loculis oligofpermis.. 
Stig. 1. Jnvolucrummonophyllum conduplicatum v. cucullatum, 
perfiftens, capfulas includens. Cap/ 2—3-loc., 2—3-valv.,— 
valvis medio feptigeris. Sem. fepius bina, angulo interno loculi 
inferta, Eméryo trochlearis, in cavitate albuminis denfe carnofi 
umbilico oppofitaimmerfus. Brows Prod. Flor. Nov. Holland, 1. 
268, 269. 

Oss. Herbzx fepe diffufe. Folia vagina integra. Pedunculus apice 

SFafciculatim mnullspeens, fooribus hermaphroditis : altero exteriore majcule 
Sepius fiipatus. Brown. loc. cit. 

Specific Charafer and Synonyms. — 
COMMELINA africana ; (herba perennis, diffufe ramofa, 
procumbens, geniculis radicans ) caudice tereti gracili 
ftolonizanter ramofo, articulato, internodiis petiolo mem- 
branaceo fiftulofe convoluto in fiffura ciliato vaginatis ; 
foliorum laminis alternis diftantibus ovato-lanceolatis craf- 
fiufculis glabris (nunc pilis in difco utrinque pauciffimis 
vagis) bafi ciliatis, fabtus ftriatulis ; cauliculis alternis € 
vagine petiolaris latere lamine folii oppofito, introrfum 
villofis, internodio ifometris; involucro cordato-acuminato 
conduplicato-explicante, racemum pauciilorum breviorem 
reclinatum in canale fovente; pedicellis fecundis ereétis 
uniarticulatis ad geniculum. bra€teola ftrpatis (articulo 
Superno frudifero retroverfo) inferiori longiori ; calyce 
fubherbaceo fegmentis 2 orbiculatis, tertio ovato duplo 
anguftiori ; corolla maxime inequali- (qu@ cauli proximior 
rcfupinata ?) laciniis duobus triplo grandioribus angulte 
unguiculatis lamina fubreniformi-rotundata lobo altero 
fubmajore, tertia fpathulato-obovata lamina concava; 
flaminibus.g integrioribus reclinato-affurgentibus totidem 
brevioribus gracilioribus difformiter antheriferis oppofitis, 
omnibus corolla brevioribus ; ftylo fuperne retorto; ftig- 
3 es es? ia ee: 

mate depreffo-aperto orbiculato; capfula ovata; valva 
fuperna biloculari feminibus 2—4 macris caffis, inferna uni- 
-Joculari femini obefo folo fertili tota adnata. G. 

COMMELINA africana. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2.1. 60. Mill. 
Did. ed. 8. 0.3. Thunb, Prod. Fl, cap. 58. Gerin, Sem. 1. 
50. tab. 15. f. 1. Berg. cap. 9. Meerburgh Ic. 4. Hort, 
Kew. 1. 70. ed. 2. 1.123. Vabl Enum. 2.167. Schmidel 
Ic. Plant. 119. tab. 30. Willd. Sp. Pl. 4, 250. 

C. radice perenni; foliis lanceolatis; caule repente glabro; 
petalis 2 majoribus. Wachend. Uliraj. 323. 

C. procumbens, flore luteo. Royen Lugdt. 538. Haller Hort 
Goetting. 66. ; 

Oss. Commelina africana Redoutei (Liliac. t. 207.) alia certe 
Species. Dryander Mf. in Muf, Banks, 

A trailing fomewhat bufhy plant, feldom exceeding three 
feet in height, but generally much fhorter ; the flowers at firlt 
glance refemble thole of fome of the papilionaceous tribe, and 


are of a tawny yellow colour. According to the elaborate — 

and accurate work of Scumipet, fome of the flowers, elpe- 
cially the one neareft the caudex, are often male; the middle 
of the three more perfeét anthers larger and more copioully 
polliniferous than the reft, and of a fagittate form; nor are the 
three lefs perfe&t horizontally cruciate ones (fometimes-whim-. 

fically called: neé?aria) entirely deprived of pollen. A green- | 
houfe plant; native of the Cape of Good Hope; cultivated — 

in 1759 by Mitter; blooms from May to O@ober. Our 

drawing was made from Mr. Vere’s colleétion, a colleétion — 

which the liberality of its owner, zeal and intelligence of its 

fuperintendant, render of great and general fervice to Botany. Ges 

3 = 
NOTE. | 
No. 739. Sanseviera /efilifora, In our obfervations on 

this vegetable, we have faid that “ its {cape was extrafoliaceous — 

and arofe from its peculiar bud ;” in this we were mifled by the 
appearance of the plant when the running rootftock was buried 
in the ground ; but upon that being laid bare, it is feen that 
the {cape really rifes from the centre of each fafcicle of leavess 
and, being horizontally deprefled for a fhort {pace before it 

afcends above ground, acquires the appearance it prefents 1 
our figure, and by which we were deceived, not having at that_ 
time the opportunity of examining it out of the ground. It is 
now become common, and found to be hardy enough to thrive in 
the open border, where it foon forms large tufts. The following 

{ynonyms have appeared fince we publifhed our account of it. 

SANSEVIERA carnea. Bot. Repof. t. 361. Lil, a Redoute. 
t, 323. Hort, Kew, ed.2. 2. 278, 

lyf" Bdare rider J), eZ 


sy 0 AY i 

: aon forre Se 
Lub by Sh Berlir Walworth. Dealt t bat. Ze san for 

[ 1432 ] 

Generic Charafer.—Vid. No. 1420. 

Specific CharaGler and Synonyms. 

ALLIUM paniculatum ; (capfulare ; filamenta fimplicia ; folia 
Siftulofa ;) bulbo globofo-conico; foliis fubtrinis longe 
vaginantibus ftriatis lamina lineari-attenuata, canaliculato- 
depreffa; cauleteretiereéto; fpatha bivalvi nervofa ovato- 
caudata, valvarum altera umbellam aliquoties exfuperante ; 
umbella. numerofa, peripherice pendulo-effufa pedicellis 

~ capillaribus flore pluries. longioribus ; corolla cyathi- 
campaniformi Jaciniis obovato-oblongis truncato-obtufis, 
exterioribus fubbrevioribus incurvulo-emarginatis, inte- 
rioribus planioribus; filamentis compreffo-fubulatis bafi 
inter fe et cum corolla breviter connatis, lacinias fubexce- 
dentibus; antheris brevibus incumbentibus ; germine 
viridi turbinato-oblongo, fexfulco-hexagono, vertice de- 
-preflo; ftylo fetiformi germini equali vel tandem fublon- 
giore, apiculo ftigmatofo fubcapitellato; capfulz loculis 
2—3-fpermis ; feminibus oblongis obovato-attenuatis, 
plano-convexiufculis. G. 

ALLIUM paniculatum. Linn. Sp. Pl.ed. 2.1. 428. Garin, Sem. 
1.56. t. 15. f.1. Bieberfiein Fl, taur. caucaf. 1. 264. 
Hort. Kew. 1. 425. ed. 2. 2. 236; (excl. Redouteo). Willd. 
Sp. Pl. 2.73; (excl, Hoffin. Scop. et Hift. Helv. Halleri.) 

A, pallens. Lil. a Redoute. tab. 272 ? 

A. foliis teretibus, vagina bicorni, umbella pendula fuave pur- 
purea. Haller om at n. 25. De All. 47.0. 22. in 

utrogue cum tc. 

We have purpofely omitted in the fynonymy moft of the 
more recent European Floras, from a fufpicion that the pani- 
culatum they have in view is o/eraceum occurring with a capflu- 
liferous umbel.. The fpecies cited from Hatuer’s treatifes 
was conftituted and delineated from a Siberian plant only ; 
although he fubfequently, but as we apprehend erroncoufly, 
adduced it for a fynonym to a fpecies he found in Switzerland, 
which he obferves is fometimes bulbiferous. From bis clear 
and copious account, we are certain that his original {pecies is 
the fame With our own; and Linn 2us judges it to be alfo his 
Paniculatum. tis very probable that our prefent plant may 

be the pallens of fome of the authors cited to that we have 
given in No, 1420; which is after all a mere capfuliferous 
variety of carinatum. To moft of the Floras, we are perfuaded 
oleraceum and carinatum as they occurred with a capfuli- 
ferous or with a bulbiferous inflorefcence, have, when in the 
firft mentioned fate, furnifhed likewife paniculatum and pallens. 
We have already, in No. 1420, ftated the diftinétions between 
our prefent fpecies, pallens and flavum. From oleraceum it 
differs, by having the filaments fhortly connate at their bale 
among themfelves, and with the corolla. Jacguin’s {pecimen 
of paniculatum from Auftria, in the Bankfian Herbarium, has 
a bulbiferous umbel and is oleraceum. The bloom of the 
prefent plant had a flight degree of fragrance, was white with 
a flight fuffufion of purple or rofe-colour, and marked with green 
down the backs of the fegments. It is evidently the paniculatum 
of Bizserstein, according to his own fpecimens. Our 
drawing was made from a plant that flowered this fummer in 
Mr. Hawortn’s colle@ion, and had been received from the 
Cambridge Botanic Garden, where it was fuppofed to have 
come originally from Siberia. Native of the Crimea, and 
probably of various parts of the South of Europe. We believe 
it to be the pallens of Renoure; but are certain it is not his 
paniculatum, which we take to be a capfuliferous oleraceum. G- 

a | 


No, 1143, pag. alt. Ariium caucafeum. We find that 
M. von Bizpersrein, ina recent work, dropping the name of 
caucafeum attached to this plant in his Herbarium, has con- 
fidered it asa purple variety of the /axatile with white 
flowers of a former one; and this again as diftin@ from 
fellerianum (for which it had been taken by Geonct in Nachtr 
Jur befchr. rufs. reichs. 267) in having a fubulate fpathe, one 
valve of which is longer thanthe umbel. So that the following 
fynonyms fhould be added to thofe given in the above-cited 

page. 7 

A, faxatile, Bieberftein capifche meere. 167. m. 39. Ann. of 
Bot. v. 2. 436. 2. 39. Flor. taur. caucas. 1. 264. 

_ The globofum of the fame author, as which cgucafeum is given 

in Repoute’s Liliaceés, has a fpathe ten times longer than 

the umbel, and ftamens twice the length of the corolla; and can 

neither be the plant given by Revo tb eraceobaloe 
as we gueffed it to G. y Repvourts, nor /pherocep: 



No. 1082, 1. 8, pro ** uniflora,’ lege * plurifora,”” 

On oa 

Walworth. Jan4t. 4212 ; 




Ltb, by ft 

bs ty AOL, a wards D ed. i 

(61433. .4 

Day-Lity or JAPAN. 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaffer. — 

Inflor, feorfim bra€teata, inferne quandoque geminatim. 
Cal. o. Cor. infera, re€&ta, nutans cernuave, fexdivifa, fub- 
aqualis, regularis vel fubirregularis, cucullato-campanata tubo 
obfoleto, aut infundibuliformis tubo varie longitudinis. 
Stam. fafciculata declinato-affurgentia, alternantia, fundo co- 
rollz affixa partimve aut per omnem tubum adnata. An/b. 
introrfe, vibratiles. S¢y/us filamentorum decurfii, germen con- 
tinuans, triquetro-filiformis. Stig, trigonum apice depreffum 
obfolete pubefcens. Cup/. coriacea ere€&ta pendulave, ovato- 
elliptica atque trilobo-triquetra, nunc prifmatico-elongata, 
g-loc., 3-valv. valvis medio feptigeris. Sem. plura-numerofa 
angulo interno loculi biferiate quandoque imbricatim annexa, 
ovato-oblonga, varieque preffa, aut alata nucleo eccentrico ; 
tefa nigra, G. : : 

Herbzx perennes ; rhizoma fibris fafciculatis carnofis craffis nune fufi- 
Sormi-protuberantibus ; folia radicalia plura-numerofa a plano obverfa bifa- 
ria, ambientiave, lorato-attenuata, ab inferius convoluto-equitantibus can= 
aliculato-explicantia, nunc petiolata lamina nervofo-coftata; caulis teres, 
braétea vel {patha fterili nunc folio flipatus, fimplex ; racemus pauci-multi- 
florus, corymbi-vel thyrfiformis, vel nunc fpicatim effufus; pedicelli rami- 
Sormes firiti, a ah ; flores majufculi peciofi. Plurimum Liuit, 
multum AGAPANTHI habet. . 

Specific Charaéer and Synonyins. 

HEMEROCALLIS japonica; (petiolatifolia ; frudlus pendulus ;) 
foliis ambientibus convoluto-petiolatis lamina ovata acuta, 
~~ Coftato-nervofa fubundulata; caule braétea vel nunc folio 

i A - ftipato ; 

flipato; racemo multifloro thyrfoidco-effufo foliofo-brac- 
teato; bratteis convoluto-lanceolatis, inferioribus geminis 
extima pregrandiore nunc tubum wzquante; pedicello 
brevi flexili; corolla fubnutante regulari, cylindraceo- 
infundibuliformi; tubo rotundato-hexagono, (computata 
fauce) quam limbus fubduplo longiore; limbo campanulato 
recurvo; laciniis ovali-lanceolatis; ftaminibus corollz 
ifometris pro longitudine germinis tubo adnatis; antheris 
fagittato-linearibus; ftylo quam germen ter-quater longiore; 
capfula prifmatico-columnari fubnutante, valvis planis; 
feminibus furfum imbricatis alatis,,ellipticis. G. 

HEMEROCALLIS japonica. Syft. Veg. Murr. ed. 14. 339- 
Thunb. jap. 1423 (ubtdefcriptio certe comprebendit et banc, 
licet alias ab autore ad folam \anceolatam refiriéa fit.) 
Id. in Linn. Trams. 2. 335. Lil. a Redoute, 1. tab. 3- 
Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 305. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 198; (excl. 
var. B.) 

Hi. alba. Bot. Repof. tab. 194. : 

ALETRIS japonica, Houtt, Linn. pf. yf. 11. 486. t. 84. fi 25 

ad [pecimen ficcatum japonicum delineata. 

JOKSAN vulgo Gibboofi, Grapioxus plantaginis folio + 

- {capo fefquifpithamali re€to, extremitate florida floribus 
(10—12) liliaceis, vernis, in purpureum albicantibus; ex 
angufto tubulo ampullaceis, 3-uncialibus, in 6 dentes 
Jaciniatis, ftaminibus totidem ftyloque mediorepandis. 
Kempf. am. ex. 863. ejufd. fig. MS. in Muf. Brit. Banks 
ic. Kempf. tab. 11. 


Desc. Leaves feveral: lamina 2—6 inches broad. Pedicles 
white, feveral times fhorter than the flower; inner of the lower 
braces feveral times {maller than the outer. Corolla clear white, — 
very fragrant, nearly four inches long. Anihers yellows 
Hardy; blooms much later in the year than ceru/ea, and not 
fo freely: native of China and Japan. Introduced in 179% 
by Mr. G. Hissert. Our drawing was made from a plant 
that flowered in the open ground at Mr. Vere’s. G. 

as =e 


No. 894. Hemerocariis cxrutea. Under this head the 
following {ynonyms may be added to thofe already cited: 
(a) flore albo? Thund. 
-Hemerocaruis laucifolia. Thunb, in Linn. Tranf. 2 335° 
Willd, Sp. Pl. 2. 198. . 

H. japonica. — 

H. japonica, Thunb, jap. 142. 

AvetRis japonica. Thunb, nov. aft, Upf.3. 208. Gmel. Sy/t. 
Nat. 2. 562. : 

(.) flore violaceo. Supra No. 894. Hort. Kew, ed. 2, 2. 305. 

Gissoosi altera folio anguftiori, fl. autumnali. Kempf. amen. 

exot, 863. Ejufd. fig. MS. in Muy. Brit. ; optima. 

Varies in our gardens with narrow and with broad ovate- 
lanceolate leaves, of a much darker green than thofe of 
japonica. Isa very diftin& {pecies from that, even if it fhould 
vary to white. Mr. Brown remarks, that he has always found 
6—10 embryos in each of its feeds. See his Prod. Nov. Holl. 
1.296; mObf, G. 3 


Liliaftrum. Supra tab, 318. ANTHERICUM. 

graminea. Supra tab. 873. Bifera. &. 

flava. Supra tab. 19. 

fulva. Supra tab. 64. Orient’. incola, : 

difticha, Donn Cunt. ed. 6. 93. fulva. Thunb. jap. 1423 (ex= 
clufo Linn.) Ken, &c. Iris, &c. Kampf. am. exot. 872. 
Icones pifcium pittore chinenfi Cantoni pidte* ; tab, ult. 
Specimen horto regio kewenfi (anno 1793) floridum in Herb, 
Bankf. confervatur. Chine et Jauas incola. 

japonica. Supra tab. 1433. 

cerulea. Supra tab. 894. 

* Dryander Cat, Biblioth, Bankf, 2, 181. 

NTF 34, 



lworth:.Jart ft. 1812. 

L | 


F48.3 I So Cturlur Wa. 

[ 1434 J 


ae ae she sk ae estes deck ck sess dea 

Clafs and Order. 
Hexanpria Tricynita.e Perfoon. Parma. Linn. 

Generic Charafer. 

Flores hermaphroditi; /patha univerfalis 0; padix ramofa; 
Spathe partiales membranacee. Calyx g-partitus perfiltens 
fegmentis minimis. Cor, 3-partita (decidua ‘Facg.) Stam. li- 
bera; filamentis bafi incraflatis. Germ. 3, coadunata; fiigm, 
feffilia fubpubefcentia. Bacce 3, 2 plerumque abortive, 
fub{pherice, pififormes, monofperme; caro pauca, fubamar- 
efcens, -feminibus non adherens. Sem. offeum, rufefcens, 
punétis confperfum, bafi area umbilicali deprefla notatum; 
papilla exigua laterali embryonem obiegente ; abumen cartila- 
gineum, album, eméryo parvus, Cconicus, horizontalis, Guer~ 
Sent obf. in Bullet. de la foc. philomat. No. 87. 

Oss. Rwapats arundinacea (quantum liceat ex fpecimine ficcata non - 
Sructifero dijudicare) hujus, neque flabelliformis jipra No. 1371, con- 
gener. G. 

Specific Name and Synonyms. 
SABAL Adanfoni. Guerfent loc. cit. tab. 253 re/pectu “afr 

efcentie parum bona. 

SABAL minor s. Adanfoni. Perfoon Syn. 1. 399- 

RAPHIS acaulis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 4. 1093. 
CHAMROPS acaulis. Michaux Bor. Amer. 1. 207. 
CORYPHA minor. Facq. Hort, Vind. 3. 8. tab. 8. Murr. Syft 
Veg. ed.14.984. Mart, Mill. Did. n.2. 

C. pumila. Walt. carol. 119. 

Sipe pe fam. 2. 495. 

Aisin wi iit 

Rooiftock not caudefcent ; eaves radical, fan-fhaped-pal mate, 
{mooth ; petiole feinicylindric, thornlefs, longer than the bipar- _ 
tite lamina, lobes” eontiguous- convergent mee qually multifidy 

fe gmenty 


fegments ligulate-attenuated, complicate, fhortly bifid radiate- 
divergent, fometimes with loofe threads intermingled ; flower. 
fiem 3—5 feet high, axillary fubgeniculately-flexuofe upright, 
fheathed its whole length by many fingle alternate clofely em- 
bracing membranous /pathes, cach equalling its internode; 
Jpadixes many, alternate, patently paniculate, numeroully 
flowered, iffuing laterally from the upper fpathes; 4raéfes broad 
exceedingly fhort, denticulate, fingle ; fegments of the calyx 
roundifh concave, of the corol/a rather larger, whitifh, oblong 
obtufe, patent; ji/aments fubulate, length of the flower ; anthers 
fagittate incumbent; piffil rather fhorter; drupe, according to 
Jacgurn, about the fize of a pea, black, and of a fweetifh — 
tafte. Of very flow growth; native of Carolina and Georgia; — 
alfo, according to the infcription on a fpecimen in the Bankfian — 
herbarium communicated by Mr. De Pontuiev, of our 
Weft-Indian iflands. Monfieur Guersent fays, that ites 
cannot be a f{pecies of Coryreua, which has 1 germen, 1 fiyle, 
and a feed with a cavity inthe albumen; nor Eurerre, which 
has a monoicous inflorefcence; nor Cuamszrops, in which 
this is polygamous. 

We are far too flightly acquainted with this tribe of 
vegetables to be able to judge of the folidity of fuch generic — 
diftinGtions, It has been clafled by Wiittpenow under — 
Polygamia Moneecia, in oppofition to the defcriptions of othet 
Botanifts. 3 

Our drawing was made from a plant that flowered this 
fummer in the greenhoufe of Mefirs. Loppicxs, at Hackney. — 


AW 7 / 
“a worlhs. Fiap 

7 48/2. 


af fy, 
/ Sartore 

fe 14395 3 


Clafs and Order. 


MexAnpRia MonocyNntia. 
eae acs 

Generic Charader. 

Cal. triphyllus, Cor, tripetale (unguibus modo tubulofo- 
connexis. G.) Stam. jfilamentorum pilis articulatis. Siylus 
fimplex: ftigmate tubulofo. Cuap/. fupera, g-loc. Sem. pauca 
dorfo vel lateribus embryonifera. Gartner Sem. 1. 51. 

Oss. Inflorefcentia racemofa, fucceffive ephemera, pauci-numerofifora, 
alterna, biferiato-fecunda, rceclinata, braéteis foliaceis minutifve interfiinélas 
ex racemts obverfe binatis nunc fubumbellate contraétis vel nunc fpicatim 
protraétis involucro 2—3-phylla magna conduplicata nunc "olf vel 
minimo bratteaformi baft flipatis: diflachya; aut ex iifdem fingularibus 
alterne difpertitis invaluero monophylla: monoftachya; rarius uniflora. 

A TRADESCANTIA fegreganda CALLISIA 0b flamina 3 v, pauciora: 
nec non f{pecies unguibus petalarum connatis feilicet VRAD. axillaris, crift- 
ata, alieque inedita que inj/uper diverfe funt feminum collateralium altero 
erecio, altero pendulo, umuilico bafilari, embryone in extremitate oppi/fita, 
ideoque diftinélum genus effirmantes. Brown prod. fl. nov. holl, 1, 26935. 

in obf, © 

-— Specific Charaéler and Synonyms. 

TRADESCANTIA crifata; (monoftachya; cor. bypocra-— 
teriformis;) caudice gracili tereti geniculato, diffufe fto- 
lonizanti-ramofo, procumbente, internodiis folio fube- 
qualibus nervis articulofis ftriatis, latere folii lamina con- 
trario villofis ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis~ftriatulis ciliatis, 
petiolo brevi vaginante in fiffura pubefcente ; cauliculis 
alterne fupernis; involucro herbaceo ovato-lanceolato § 
racemo foliolofo, criftato-fpicato, imbricato; floribus 
fubfeflilibus braétea femiovato-falcata obliquata fubinclufe 
interftin@is, calyce herbaceo extrorfum pubefcente feg- 
mentis naviculari-conduplicatis tubi floralis angulos equi- 
tantibus; corolle unguibus in tubulum prifmaticum linbo 

: Siac, 5 . ce longiorem — 


longiorem calyci equalem cohzrentibus, laminis explan- 
atis; ftaminibus corollam nequicquam exfuperantibus ; 
filamentis extra tubum contortis hirfutis, intra flexuofis 
nudis; antheris ovatis; germine oblongo, rotundate 
trigono, villofo; ftylo germen 5-ies excedente, fubtortim 
fluxuolo; ftigmate clavato tubulofo, ore crenulato. G. 
TRADESCANTIA criflata. Linn. Syft, Nat. ed. 12.2. 233. 
Sy/t. Veg. ed. 19. 263. ed. 14.315. Facg. Hort, Vindob. 
2. 67. tab. 137. Hort. Kew. 1. 403. edit. 2. 2. 203. 
Mveerburgh. Ic. 32. Wiild. Sp. Pl. 2. 21. 
COMMELINA eriftata. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2. 1. 62. 

C. corollis equalibus involucris fpicatim imbricatis. Linu, Fl. 

Zeyl. 13. tab, 1; ex tabella archetypa Hermanniania nunc in 
Mufeo Bankfiano. 

EPHEMERUM azeylanicum procumbens criftatum. Herm. 
Parad. 148. Burm. Zeyl. 94. Rati Hiff. 5. 556- 

Said to be an annual plant; corol/a blue, about 4 lines long, 
jointedly veined; flaments inferted at the bottom of the tubes 
az"ers {mall yellow upright, in which the lunulate form of the 
locular receptacle is lefs evident than in the larger flowered 
forts; flyle white; figma blue; raceme fhorter than the invo- 
lucre; draées large in proportion to the flower. Very clofely 
allied to papilionacea; but differs in being altogether a fome- 
what larger plant and lefs hairy, as well as in not having ftamens 
that are confiderably longer than the corolla, which is alfo 
blue infead of purple. Found on the decayed parts of the 
trunks of old trees, and moift fituations in the Malabar country 
and the Ifland of Ceylon. Introduced in 1770 by Monfieut - 
Ricuarp. Mr. Brown thinks that this, with fome others, 
fhould be generically feparated from Trapuscanria; bis 
reafons are added above. 

We are indevied to Mr. Vers for the fpecimen, Seems to 
require to be kept conitantly ina hot-houfe. G. 




S Garlis Vb 

Luh by 

[ 1436 ] 


Glalexaxd. Oibdets 



Generic Charafer. 

Cal, 5-fidus (modo 4-fidus). Cor. 1-petala. Squamae neRari- 
fere 5, ad bafin germinis. Cuap/. 5 (modo 4). 

Specific Characler and Synonyms. 

COTYLEDON crenata ; foliis decuffatis obtufis crenatis 
carnofis, floribus cymofo-paniculatis ereétis quadrifidis, 
Venten. Malmaif. 49. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. v. 3. Pp. 110. 

VEREA crenata ; foliis oppofitis patentibus, racemis longif- 
fimis laxis, floribusluteis. Bot. Repof. 21. Willd. Sp. Pl. a. 

p- 4716 
CALANCHOE Verea. Perfoon Syn. 1. p. 446. a. 
KALANCHOE, Adan/on Fam, de Pl. 2. p. 248. 


This fucculent fhrub, native of Sierra Leone, whence 
it was introduced by our friend Profeflor Apam Arzetius, 
and, under the fuppofition of its being an undefcribed genus, 
was named by Mr. Anprews in honour of James Vere, Efq. 
a great encourager of botanical {cience. But if it can be pro- 
perly feparated from Corytepon, being undoubtedly a con- 
gener of Coryiepon /aciniata, of which Apanson, in his 
Familles des Plantes, long ago conftituted a genus, it muft 
take his name of Karancnéz. Decanpotte, a French 
botanift, and Persoon, have adopted this divifion; but 
M. Ventenat has followed Linnaus, who confidered his 
Cotyievon Jaciniata as belonging to the genus, though cur- 
tailed of one-fifth in the number of all the parts of fru€tification. 



It is not improbable, however, that had he known there were 
half a dozen fpecies in the fame predicament, he would have 
himfelf made a feparation, fo congenial with his claffification. 

In the new edition of the Hortus Kewenfis, both this plant 
and Bryopuytium of Sarispury, No. 1409 of this work, 
are retained with Coryitepon ; Bryopuy.ttium is, however, 
in our opinion, very diftinét, not only in the number of the 
parts of fruétification, but likewife in the form of the corolla, 
the relative proportion of the calyx and it, and efpecially in 
having the ftamens arranged in one rank, 

The original imported plant bore leaves many times the fize 
of thofe in our figure, and more irregularly fcolloped, but 
fucceeding ones have not attained to the fame vigorous growth. 

Our drawing was made at the late Right Honourable Mr. 
Grevitte’s, at Paddington. Propagated by cuttings. Re- 
guires to be kept in the dry ftove, or in an airy part of the 
common hot-houfe, Flowers from May through the fummer. 
Cultivated by Mr, Wittiam AnpeRson, in 1793. 

“weg <a 

4 90 L? 7 _ 3 ‘ 
We L Pwerde Ded, Lib by S Gerber Wabworth Jans.7002, Eagle te 

E2497 6°] 

TRE Rae Rae as eae eae EE 

Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charafer. 

Cor. 4—5-petala ereéta vel patens. Ne7arium concavum, 
bafi calcaratum, lamina patula, Anthera opercularis, decidua. 
Pollen globofum. 

Specific Charaer and Synonyms. 

CYMBIDIUM coccinenm; fubcaulefcens, foliis terminalibus 
aliifque radicalibus bulbo innatis enfiformibus obtufis, 
{fcapis filiformibus axillaribus unifloris. Swartz Nov. A@. 
Up/fal, 6. p. 70. and in Traés on Botany, p. 168. Willd. 
Sp. Pl. v. 4. p.g4. Perfoon Synop. 2. Ps 514. 6. 

EPIDENDRUM coccineum; foliis caulinis enfiformibus ob- 
tufis, pedunculis unifloris axillaribus confertis. Sp. Pl. 
1348. Facq. Amer. p. 222. t. 135. 

HELLEBORINE coccinea multiflora. Plum. Spec. g. ic. 180. 

The orchidee in general are rather difficult to cultivate, but 
the parafitical ones in particular were long thought beyond 
_ the power of art to bring to any tolerable degree of perfeétion 
in our northern climate. Of late years however, by planting 
them in a mold compofed chiefly of decayed wood, and cover- 
ing the furface with large pieces of bark; fome cultivators 
have fucceeded to admiration with many of them. “ 

The Cymsipium coccineum has been feen here in flower 
before, but perhaps never in the fame perfe€ion as in the 
bark ftove of Mefirs. Loppices, at Hackney, in June lait, 
from whence our drawing was made. — 

| When 

When the flowers firft come, they appear to grow from the 
bofom of the radical leaves, but, as the ftalk lengthens, frefh 
flowers are produced from the axils of the cauline leaves, as 
is defcribed by Jacquin. A kind of thickening of the foot- 
ftalk, fo as to form what are called bulbs, of an oval com- 
prefied form, terminated with one or more leaves, is very 
common in this genus, and occurs in this {pecies alfo, though 
there were none to be obferved in the fpecimen from which 
our drawing was made. By thefe knots or bulbs the plants 
may be propagated. They probably ferve as refervoirs of the 
juices, neceffary to preferve the life of the vegetable, during 
the dry feafon. 

Native of the Ifland of Martinique, growing in moift 
woods, efpecially on the banks of the torrents, 

2” edward D 2d 

thb. by SL Gerber Walworth: Jont 1842 Fanfon fe 

E2498 4 

Tet eee eee a eceeeiiese seat 
Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charafer. 

Cal. 2-labiatus: labio fuperiore 2-dentato. Caring erefta. 
Legum. bafi attenuatum, compreflum. (Stamina mouadelpha. 
Folia fernata.) 

Specific Charader and Synonyms. 

CYTISUS Jeucanthus ; caulibus ere&tis ramofis, floribus capi- 
tatis, calycis labio fuperiore emarginate truncato : inferiore 
integerrimo acuto. 

CYTISUS Jeucanthus ; floribus umbellatis terminalibus, cau- 
libus ereétis, foliolis ellipticis glabris acutis, Wéilld, Sp. 
Pl. 3. p. 1124. Perfoon Syn. 2. p. 810. é 

CYTISUS Jleucanibus. Plant. rar. Hung, t. 132. 

Descr. Stem fhrubby, branched upwards; branches vil- 
lous. Flowers in terminal fubumbellated heads. Leaves pe- 
tiolate : Jeaflets lanceolate, filky on both fides from adpreffed 
fhining hairs. Calyx cylindrical, bilabiate : upper /ip emarginate- 
truncate : /ower /ip apparently fimple, acute. Coro//a elongated : 
vexillum oblong-obcordate, with reflexed fides. Ale not half 
the length, clawed. Carina two-petaled: pefa/s united at the 
point, nearly like the ale. Filaments all conne&ted. Germen 
oblong, flattened, filky. Séyle naked: /figma fubcapitate. 

The branches are flenderer, and the flowers much {maller 
than in Cytisus auffriacus. 

We were favoured with living fpecimens of this plant by 
Mr. Down, from the Botanical Garden at Cambridge, at the 
fame time with thofe of Sarvia Habdlitziana, publithed in laft 
number. We have alfo received fpecimens of the fame plant 
from Mr. Bucuanan, Nurferyman at Sydenham. 

Native of the heaths and woods of the Banate, in Hungary. 
Hardy. Flowers in Auguft. 


se ees 

Sinan ali ci si ait 


Lh by S lurhir Walworth, Jant. tEL2. 

S4""E dwardr Dol 

[ 1439 J 

TEA EE oe ae ae ae eae ai ae ah aie ae a ae 
Clafs and Order. 7 


Generic Charaéer. 

Cail, braGeis 4, pluribufve imbricatus, Cor. tubo ventricofo, 
calyce duplo longiore, intus juxta bafin fafciculis 5 villorum : 
limbo brevi, patenti barbato. Filamenta \inearia inclufa. 
Ovarium 5-loculare. Drupa fubexfucca, putamine offeo, folida. 
Brown Prod. Nov. Holl. 

Specific Charaéer and Synonym. 

ASTROLOMA bumifufum ; proftratum ramofiffimum, foliis 
lanceolato-linearibus fupra convexiufculis margine ciliatis. 
Brown Prod. Nov. Holl. p. 538. 

VINTENATIA bumifufa. Cav. ic. 4. t. 348. p. 28. 

Weare indebted to Meffrs. Matcorm and Sweet, Nurfery- 
men, at Stockwell-Common, for the opportunity of giving a 
figure of this rare plant, which we have not feen in any other 
colleétion, | r 

The genus Srypueria having become very extenfive, 
Mr. Brown has divided it; but, in plants of this natural 
order, it is not eafy to find difcriminating chara€ters in 
the parts of fruétification ; accordingly, the only difference we 
remark in the chara@ter of this genus from that of StrypHELIa, 
in this author’s valuable work, exifts in a rather flight variation 
in the form of the corolla, and the more linear anthers, which 
are included within the tube of the corolla, not exferted as in 
StypHeria. Thefe diverfities, though not ftriking, are, 
however, important when combined with certain peculiarities 
of habit, which probably afforded the firft guide in making the 

Native of New-Holland, about Port-Jackfon, alfo of the 
fouthern coafts, and of Van Diemen’s Ifland. Flowers in 
Auguft. May be confidered as a hardy greenhoufe fhrub, re- 
quiring nearly the fame treatment as the Cape Heaths, 

[ 1440 ] eee 
Datura Meret. Downy Tuorn-Appie. 

secede desbedeskest desk sea deae 

Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charaéfer. 

Cor. infundibuliformis, plicata. Ca/. tubulofus, angulatus, 
deciduus. Cap/. 4-valvis. = Las 

Specific Charaéfer and § ynOny IIS. 

DATURA Mete!; pericarpiis fpinofis nutantibus globofis, 
foliis cordatis fubintegris pubefcentibus, Sp. Pl. 1. p. 256. 
Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. p. 1009. Hort. Kew. ed. alter. 1. p. 387. 
Mart. Mill. Dré. 

DATURA innoxia. Mill. Did. ed. 8. n.5. Idem Martyn n. 8. 

STRAMONIUM folio hyofcyami; flore toto candido; fruétu — 
propendente, rotundo, fpinis innoxiis ornato. Boerb, Ind, 
alt. v. 1. p. 262, exclufo fynonymo Hort. Ey. 

STRAMONIA. Dod. Pempt. 460. f. 1. Camer. Herb. 377. d. 
equfdem Epitom. 

STRAMONIUM peregrinum. Ger. Em. 348. f. 1. 

SOLANUM pomo {pinofo retundo, longo flore. Banh. Pin, 

= YOGa | 

HUMMATU. Hort. Mal. 2. p 47. t. 48. ? 

DUTRA alba. Rumf. And. 5. p. 242. ¢. 87.? 

- This plant, when cultivated in the ftove, hardly acquires a 
height exceeding four feet. Stems purplith, downy, irregularly 
branched. Leaves cordate, moftly quite entire, but, about the 
flowers more efpecially, irregularly angular, villous on both 
fides ; footftalks long. The calyx is long, fomewhat inflated, 
ut rounded and not angular ; at firft ufually two-lipped, but 
afterwards {pontaneoufly divides or is eafily feparable into 
five Jance-fhaped teeth. Corolla white, generally fingle, large, 
and fweet-tcented. After flowering, the peduncle, which was _ 

fore ere@, bends downwards, and the nodding, — violate # 


fruit is covered with tubercles terminating in fhort foft fpines. 
The greater part of the calyx falls with the flower, but the 
bafe remains and grows with the capfule, forming a circular 
calyx irregularly fcolloped at the edge and refleéted. 
Our plant was faid to be raifed from feeds fent from Surinam, 
and we think it doubtful whether it be the fame {pecies as the 
Falt-Indian plant, which grows to a much larger fize and is not 
defcribed as being fo pubefcent: at the fame time it corre- 
fponds fo well with the fpecific charatter of Linn us, that 
we can but conclude it is the fame as what he intended in his 
Species Plantarum for Darura Mee! ; nor do we think it 
differs from the Strramonta of Doponzus and the older 
authors. In the Hortus Cliffortianus, Linn aus confidered all 
thofe with nodding fruit as varieties of the fame f{pecies, and 
fome Botanifts fill incline to the fame opinion, Peds 
We were favoured with the plant from which our drawing 
was taken, by Mr. Sarisaury, proprietor of the botanic 
garden in Sloane-Street, under the name of Datura innoxia 
of MtrveRr: and it is not unlikely but it may be the fame as the 
one defcribed by him, which he raifed from feeds received from 
Vera Cruz, though he fays the fruit is oval, and covered with 
long, foft, innocuous f{pines, It is not improbable, however, 
that there may be fome variety in the form of the fruit and in 
the length of the fpines. 
The extraordinary narcotic and inebriating effets of thele 
: oO 
plants has been fully defcribed by the early writers on Ealt- 
Indian plants ; but we have not been able to trace in any of 
them the praétice of f{moking the root in the afthma, not very 
long fince introduced to this country from Madras. The fir 
mention we find of this pra@ice is in Loursrro’s Flora 
Cochin-Chinenfis : this author afferts, that the bruifed root of 
the Darura (he confiders all the fpecies of Linnaus 2 
mere varieties, except aréorea) {moked through a tobacco pipe 
ipcedily relieves violent paroxyfms of the afthma. ; a 
.. The roots of this fpecies are large, and confequently much 
fitter for the purpofe of fmoking than thofe of Datura fra 
moninm ; but whether thefe are fuperior in efficacy to the — 
other parts of the plant, is at prefent undecided. ih 
_ May be treated as other tender annuals, raifed on a hot-bed — 
in the fpring and planted in the open ground the latter-en¢ 
of May, where it will thrive and bloffom very well; but wih 
not ripen its fruit, except the weather prove very favourable. 

1441 7. 


Cla/s and Order. 
Generic Charafer. 

Cul, g-phyllus. Pefala 5. Styli o. Cap/; polyfperme. 

Specific Charaffer and § HON IIS. 

PHONIA daurica ; foliis pinnatis: foliolis fubovatis glaucis, 
caule herbacco. Hort. Kew. ed, alt. 3. Pp. 317+ 

PH ONIA daurica ; foliis pinnatis : foliolis fubovatis glaucis, 
floribus rubro- -purpureis, caule herbaceo bipedali, Bote ; 
Repof. 486. 

Our drawing of this rare fpecies was ; taken at the Silenic: 
garden of Isaac Swainson, Efq. at Twickenham, in May 
Jaft. The round egg-fhaped petiolated glaucous leaflets dif- 
tinguifh the Paonia daurica from every other known {pecies. 

A_ hardy perennial, native of Siberia, Introduced - = ad 
Joun Be. ues Efq. in 1790. | 

oath ma: 


der damZdwardk:, Dad . Llanfert Jes 

worlls eb t tete 

» WZ, 

” Aerlz 

[ 1442 | 

tee e eT oe... ee 
Cla/s and Order. 


Ee Generic Charafer. 

_ | Cal. 5-dentatus. Cor. papilionacea, Legumen tetrapterum, 

Specific Charader and Synonyms. 

EDWARDSIA microphylla ; foliolis (25—41) obovatis. -_ 
Kew. ed. alt. v. 3. p. 1- 

EDWARDSIA microphylla. Salifb, in Linn. Soc. Tranf. vol, 9. f 

ae Pes299- vig ed 
SOPHORA microphylla. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. p. 499. Facq. Hort. 
Schoenbr. 3. p. 10. t. 269. Lamarck ill. gen. 1. 325. f. 1. 

SOPHORA ietraplera. Fort. Prod. 1. 183. Linn. Sup. 230. 

The genus Sorwora, as conftituted by Linn aus, ferved 
for fome time as a common receptacle for almoft the whole of 
the papilionaceous plants, having their {tamens all diftinét; and 
thefe not being very numerous, no particular inconvenience 
arofe from the affemblage. But when the great number be- 
longing to this natural order, natives of Auftralfia, began to 
be known, it became neceflary to feparate the genera which 
were united by this one charatter only. With refpeét to the 
Papilionaceous genera of New-Holland, this tafk was ably 
Commenced by the PresipenT or THE LINNEAN Socisrty, 
In the firft volume of the ANNats of Botany, and is now 
Carrying on with more ample materials, by Mr. Roseart 
Brown. The prefent genus was framed by R. A. Sarissury, 
Efg. in the gth volume of the Tranfaftions of the Linnean — 


Society, and named by him in honour of our botanical 
draught{man, Mr. Sypennam Epwarps; and Epwarpsia 
has been fince adopted in the new edition of the Hortus 
Kewenfis. Sopnora tefraptera, No. 167 of this work, is 
another fpecies, and is now called Epwarpsta grandiflora s 
tetraptera being the generic chara€ter of the fruit, and equally 
applicable to the whole genus. 

The prefent fpecies is not quite fo hardy as the other; at 
leaft it does not flower fo well when cultivated in the open air, 
which perhaps is owing to its difpofition to put forth its bloffoms 
fomewhat more early in the fpring. It anfwers be{t therefore 
to treat it as a hardy greenhoule fhrub. Our drawing was 
taken from a fine old tree, which has for many years produced 
abundance of flowers every {pring, in Mr.’s green- 
houfe at Kenfington, and the fruit added from a {mall fhrub at 
Mefirs. Wutrrey and Co. now of the Fulham nurfery. 

Native of New-Zealand, where it was difcovered by the 
Right Hon. Sir Joseru Banks, Bart. K.B. and introduced 
at the fame time with Epwaropsta grandiflora, than which the 
flowess are fearcely lefs fhewy, but fhorter and lefs pointed. 

orks Fab. t. 182. 

Wa bw 


vi Ded 




[23403 3 


seek aR aR ikea etek eck 

_Clafs and Order. 

Hexanpria Monocynia. 

Generic CharaGer, 

Umbella pluri-numerofiflora braéteis utplurimum interftin&a, 
e fpatha generali bivalvi breviore. Ca/.o. Cor. fupera hexa- 
petalo-partita, fuburceolato-campanata tubo nullo, vel infundi- 
buliformis radiatove-divaricata illo breviflimo, fubzqualis, 
fubirregularis regularifve. #7/. eyus fundo inferta tubove adnata, 
declinata ere€tave, alterne longiora. Sty/us horum decurfii. 
Stig. fimplex, vel obfoletius trina. Cap/.membranacea fub- 
diaphana, turbinatim trilobo-trigona lobis aut devexe compreffis 
aut alatim extenuatis, 3-loc., g-valv. valvis medio feptigeris ; 
loculi oligofpermi deorfum caffi. Sem, horum angulo interiori — 
appata, aciniformi-oblongata teftd nigra, vel tuberofo-laxata 
(nec tamen ui loculum repleant) difformiter rotundata, fufce- 
{centia. G. 


Ors. _ Bulbus funicatus integumentis membranaceis brunneis, quandogue 
Seariofo-rigentibus ; axis rhizomatofa modo deorfum prominens ; fibre fibril- 
difere craffe, nune nedofo-protuberantes ; tolia pauca-plura bifaria a 
plano chverfa, craffiufcula, fpathulato-cblonga ..«.. lingulato-lorata, plana, 
fcapo varie compreffo utplurimum breviore tardiora, vel ejus contemporalia ; 
epee cum capjulaclavati. Fiore tenus cum AMARYLLIDE, frué?u cum 

ASSONIA plurimis confentit ; caterum HAMANTHO accedens, Mar- 
ginate et Radule frucium nondum habuimus perfedium. CG. 

' Specific Charaéfer and Synonyms. 
BRUNSVIGIA falcata ; foliis pluribus, anguftius lingulato- 
__ Joratis, glaucis, alterne in utramque partem falcato-obli- 
) -cilio brevi cartilagineo fimbriatis, externis lon- 
ioribus humi recumbentibus; fcapo 4-plo magifve bre- 
_Viore, complanato aciebus rotundatis, inflorefcentiam vix 

zquante ; umbella multiflora, pedicellis inequilareri- 
or. triguetris, 

triquetris, laxis, germine quater longioribus, flore bre- 
vioribus, fructigeris ftri€tis fupra g-nervi-coftatis 5 ger- 
mine utringue conformi-continuo; corolla ereéto-fub- 
nutante, infundibuliformi, fubirregulari, emarcida fruétum 
coronante ; tubo germen uniformiter continuante, laciniis 
quater breviore ; his anguftius fpathulato-lanceolatis vix 
ultra bafin imbricantibus, media fumma aliis recurviore ; 
extimis anguftioribus convoluto-unguiculatis, acutis mu- 
crone glochidiformi, intimarum lamina oblonga obtufa; 
ftlaminibus declinato-affurgentibus corolla parum_ bre- 
vioribus; ftylo fubexferto tortiufeulo; {tigmate obfolete 
triplici depreffo patulo ; capfula inverfo-pyramidata nervo 
medio in fingula facie prominulo, lobis anguftis declive 
in aciem compreffis; feminibus difformiter atque inazqua- 
liter tuberofo-laxatis, fufcefcentibus. G. 
AMARYLLIS falcata. L’Herit. fert. Angl. 13. m. 15. Hort. 
Kew. 1.418. ed. 2. 2. 225. Nod. Jupra No. 1089, verfe 
_ folio in Spec. Synth. Walid. Sp. Pl. 2. 55. 

AMARYLLIS longifolia. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 1. 1. 293. de 204s 
421. Reich. 2.27; (exclufo Ehret.) Syft. Veg. ed. 14+ 32% 

— Mill. Did. ed. 8. n. 7. Non vero L’Heritieri, editorum 
Horti Kewenfis, Jacquini, Willdenovii, noftrumye, plantam 

- numeri fuperioris 661 pro Linnaana male intelligentium. G. 

CRINUM falcatum. Murr. Syft. Veg. ed. 14. 919. Facq. Hort 
Vindob. 3. 34. tab. 60. : + gigiteng ; 

HAMANTHUS falcaius, Thunb, Prod. 58. 

AMARYLLIS fpatha multiflora, corollis campanulatis aqua 
aa fcapo tereti ancipiti. Royer Lugd. 36. Mill. Ditts 
Cd. 7. My Jo 

LILIUM africanum humile longiffimis foliis polyanthos fatu- 
rato colore purpurafcens.—id. diluto colore purpurafcens- 
Herm, Lugd. 682. dd. Parad. Batav.1gg. tab. 1956 © 

LILIO-NARCISSUS africanus pumilus polyanthos, J ourne} 

~ — Inft. 386. Boerb. Ind. Alt. 2. 147. | 

L. N. africanus laticaulis humilis. Rudd. Ely/: tab. 180. 

L. N. africanus platicautis humilis flore purpurafcente odoratd. 

“ Rises Hort. —_ 1.71. tab. 36. 

- N. indicus pumilus polyanthos. Mor. Hift, pars 2. 368 

NARCISSUS pumilus itdicts cyano i Cornnts’ Cena. 

154; cum fig. mala, : fa 

Ozs. Licet in nofira tabula folia de bulbo florida refeta delineentur fearfis 
natura quidem prieveniunt perdurantque inflorefcentiam. Geo. 

se : i iinnnaeti 

_ Ona review of the defcriptions and fynonymy of AmaRYl+ 
Lis longifolia in the works of Liynaus, we have found it to 

be the prefent plant, and not the one given under that 
tile in No. 661 of the prefent work; which ‘has been 
fubftituted in its place, from .a general mifapprehenfion. in 
fucceeding writers. We have reftored to each the fynonyms 
that. belong to it; without attempting to difturb {pecific deng- 
minations by: which both are at this time univerfally called 
and underitood. Lu/é.round-ovate, integuments numerous 
membranous; outer /eaves fometimes nearly two feet long, 
from half to an inch broad, quite flat, furrounded by a 
fhort white cartilaginous fringe ; /cape 3—4 inches high, in old 
many-flowered {pecimens very broad in proportion to its height; 
corolla about two inches and a half long, changing from 
greenifh white to deep rofe-colour; tube ‘half an inch long; 
@pfule with its continueus. pedicle from fix to feven inches 
Jong, brown, narrow-turbinate and fhortly contraéied at 
the top ; ce//s about three inches long, with from one to. three 
Jeeds of various fizes, which are flefhy but’not outwardly. her 
baceous andirregularly rounded compreffed. Native of the Cape 
of Good Hope. Cultivated in 1752, by P. Mitter. Blooms 
' about Auguft, diffufing a fragrance, which appeared to us to 

refemble that of the “ Lily ofthe Valley.” i apar ot 

Our drawing was made from a plant in, the colle@ion of 
Mefirs. Lez and Kennepy, at Hammerfmith, who have been © 
very fuccefsful in its treatment. G. . 


Amaryutis longtfolia. Supra No. 661. 

Exclude Sp. P/. 421. Roy. Lugdb. 36. Reich. 2.27, Mill 
Di, n. 7. Syft. Veg. Murr. 320. Mart. Mill. Did. Heri. 
Parad. 195. t. 195; cum defcr.; ad Baunsviciam falcatam 

Lin. 21; infere poft “59” verba “ exclufo fynonyme Linnei.” 

Line the laft, and firft of the next page, for “ fix inches” 
put “ one” 

Line fecond of the fecond page, for “* 12—20” read “ g3—7.” 

To the remaining fynonymy add, 

Amary tuts longifolia. Hort. Kew, ed. 2. 2.2273 (exclufo Mil- 
lero, loco citato faliem tenus). 
A. bulbifperma. Burm. Prod. 9. 
A. capenfis. Mill. Did. ed. 8. n. 12. 
4k. fpatha 3-flora corollis campanulatis aqualibus genitalibus 
declinatis, Mill. DiZ. ed. 7. 12 


thie Supra tab. 1443. 

multiflora. Hort. Kew. ed, 2. 2. 230. AMARYLLIS orientalis, 
Facq. Hort. Schoenb. 1. 38. tab. 74. 

marginata. Hort. Kew.eod. A. marginata. Facq. cod. 34. tab. 65. 

Radula. Hort. Kew. eod. A. Radula. Facg. eod. 95. tab. 68. 

ftriata. Hort. Kew. cod. 231. A. ftriata, Faq. eod. 36. tab. 70, 

wee ae SR A CON NM. ean gp cece 


No. 1044, 2d page, 1.8, for ** their,’? read ‘* the.” 

No. 1992, 1. 13, pro‘ uzico,’’ lege ‘© unici.’? 

‘No. 1418, 1.17, pro ‘* utraque fine,’’ lege ‘* utroque fine.” 

No. 1125, 1. 17, from the bottom, omit the words <* of thefe.’’ 

No. 1433, verf. fol. 1.14, pro ‘* lanceolatam’’ Jege ‘* Jancifoliam.”’ 
No. 1434, 1. 15, pro "* abumen’’ lege ‘* albumen.’’ 

No. 1435, 1. 14, pro %* falioformi’’ lege ‘* foliiformi.’’ 

. verf. fol. 1. 6, pro ‘* fluxuofo’’ lege ** flexuofo.”’ 

1,13, pro §* Hermanniania’’ lege ‘* Hermanniana.”™ 


ars/oTte Je 


“bb fo Cartan Waluror Th Feb, SIPLO 

L dw awely Dad. 


A o7 

[ 1444 J 



y f S, bp ate. ales 2 Va aie, ‘, , y 

Cla/s and Order. 

Hexanpria MonoGynia. 

Generic Charafler.—Vid. No. 1380. 

Specific Charader and Synonyms, 

DRIMIA cilraris ; bulbo {quamato fubovato e fquamis acutis 
fubeequatis ; foliis pluribus (4—5)  lorato-linearibus 
acutulis, fubcarinatis, albicanter pruinatis, cilio brevi 
Marginatis ; {capo bis terve altiori eretto; racemo laxius 
multifloro divaricato; pedicellis flore brevioribus braétcola 
fubulata longioribus ; corolla horizontali, trans bafin ufque 
reflexa, per tertiam tubulofa; laciniis lingulato-linearibus, 
fuperne concavis carinatis, interioribus fubanguttioribus 
utplurimum infra medium utringue crifpulis; filamentis — 
una quarta brevioribus in fafciculum porreétis; germine 
ovato-pyramidato obtufe triquetro, hedris ftilla ex poro 
medio udis, angulis fulcatis ; flylo continuo id ter exce- 
dente, filamentis quarta breviore, craflius filiformi-triquetro _ 
3-fulco, apiculo ftigmatofo depreflo-trigono glandulofo- 

puberulo. G, , “Se 

DRIMIA ciliaris. Jacq. Ic. Rar. 2. t.377- Collect. 41. te 5. 
Jig. 5. Nob. fupra No. 1380; ver/. fol. inSpec. enum. Willd. 
Sp. Pl. 2. 165. : 


. Descr. Bulb of a dingy purplifh brown colour, varying 
in fize and compaétnefs; /eaves 6—8 inches long, about the 
third of one broad ; fiem from a foot to one and a half high, 
fri, obfcurely {potted ; corolla about half an inch long, on 
the outfide greenifh and covered with minute thickfet purple 
dots ; pale on the infide and glofly ; anthers brown when entire, 
Short oblong. Introduced from the Cape of Good-Hope by 
Mr. W. Grirrin, in whofe greenhoufe, at South-Lambeth, — 
it flowered laft September, G. | es 

of M1445. 

aN Doce mee 


a Tal #43 by Lali Walworth Fob. t 7812. F Sanfom Je 

[ 1445 J 


RR ER ae a eR RE 
Clas and Order. 


Generic Chara@er. 

Cor. (infera, G.) hexapetala, decidua, petalis concavis; 3 
interioribus altius infertis. Stam. breviffima. Anth. poftice 
fubfefliles. Germina 3—6, monofperma. Sty/i breves (vel 
nulli. G.) Stigmata adnata. Cap/. 3—6, evalves. Semina 
ereGta. Brown Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl. 1. 343. 

Specific Charagfer and Synonyms. 

TRIGLOCHIN Jbulbofum ; (tricapfulare ;) radice aggregato- 
bulbofa, bulbis folidis plexu fibrofo per ztatem multipli- 
cando ac in philyras fetaceas folvendo conteétis; foltis fcapo 
fubtardioribus denuo pluribus (4—6) ortu bifario, cana- 
liculato-hliformibus, bafi membranaceo-dilatatis convolu- 
to-vaginantibus; {capo altiori tereti-gracilefcente, flexuofo- 
ereéto, fimplici ; racemo continuo, ebraéteato, multifloro, 
laxius fpicato ; pedicellis patulis, flore parum longioribus ; 
corolla ereéta, piftillis breviore, cupulato-connivente ; peta- 
lis imbricantibus ovato-orbiculatis bullaformi-convexis, 
extimis majoribus longe citius caducis; antheris extrorfis, 
petalorum (quorum replent cavum) bafi fubinfidentibus, 
alternis fuperioribus lympha diftentis ferius {unquando ?) 
maturandis; germinibus viridibus, in columellam triquetro- 
prifmaticam coadunatis, fingulis linearibus plano-con- 
vexiulculis fine fligmatofo continuo breviter replicato 
radiato-penicillato; capfulis feorfim deciduis, introrfum 
inferne verticaliter dehifcentibus. G. 

TRIGLOCHIN dulbofum. Linn. Mant. 226. Syjft. Veg. ed. 14. 
348. Thunb. Prod. Flor. cap. 67. Jacq. Ic. rar. 2. tab. 
454. Coll. Suppl.102. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 264. 

GRAMEN triglochin bulbofum monomotapenfe. Breyz. fa/cic. 

24; (in calce Pl..rar. Cent.) ae & 


A perennial plant throwing up from numerous aggregate 
bulbs (about the fize of {mall acorns) fafcicles of flender pliant 

leaves — 

leaves about 8 inches long, and foon forming large tufis ; fem 
from 8 inches to a foot and a half high, flender, accompanied 
at firft by one or two fhort leaves which grow out in length and 
are followed by others ; flowers {mall herbaceous, membranous, 
{centlefs; anthers large, fubdidymoufly. orbicular, broader 
acrofs, outwardly 4-fulcate; pollex yellow; fligmatole pubel- 
cence white. Introduced fome years fince from the Cape of 
Good-Hope, by Mr. G. Hiszertr. Our drawing was made 
from a f{pecimen that flowered laft O@ober, in the greenhoufe 
at Mr. Knight’s Nurfery on the King’s-Road; Fulham. G. 



* . 

Sel dwardrDel LSanfom Se 

[ 1446 ] 
LIKE, BasiL. 


Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charader. 

Cal, Jabio fuperiore orbiculato: inferiore quadrifido. Cor. 
refupinate alterum labium 4-fidum, alterum indivifum. Fila. 
menta exteriora bafi proceflum emittentia. 

Specific Charaéler and Synonyms. 

OCIMUM /cutellarioides ; corollis falcatis, pedice!lis ramofis. 
Linn. Mant. 84. Reich. Sp. Pl. 395. Willd. 3 p. 166. 
Martyn Mill. Di. n. 18. Hort. Kew: eds alt. 3.424... 

OCIMUM /cutellarioides ; foliis lanceolato-ovatis ferratis, 
racemis verticillatis. Sp. P/, 834. 

PLECTRANTHUS /cutellarioides. Brown Prod, Nov. Holl. 
p- 506. 

MAJANA rubra. Rumf. Amb. 5. p. 291. t. 101. 


Linnavs, in his Mantiffa prima, obferved that this fpecies 
differed fo much in the form of the flower from the reft, as 
almoft to render it a diftin& genus; and Profeffor Vani 
fince added Octmum Zatarbendi of Forskoux, an undoubted 
congener of our plant, to PrecrrantTHUS: WILLDENOW, 
having adopted this change, ought alfo to have placed this under 
the fame genus, as has been done by Mr. R. Brown, in his 
Prodromus Flore Nove Hollandie. But as this author has 
remarked that the genus Ocimum requires altogether to un- 
dergo a re-examination, both to decide which of the fpecies 

ave proceffes to the filaments, and of what value this, as yet 

ubious, charaéter really is in determining the genus ; and 
efpecially as he has not removed this plant in the new = | 

of the Hortus Kewenfis, we have thought it beft to leave it 
under Octmum; efpecially as it is very doubtful whether the 
ecalcarati or thofe {pecies which have no fpur, of which this 
is one, may not, in a general reform, be again feparated from 
the PLectrantuus of L’HERITIER. 

Mr. Brown has followed Mr. Portreau in denying that 

the corolla of thefe plants is refupinate, but not upon the fame 
ground; he thinks that the unopened flower always affords a 
certain mark, the under lip being in every cafe covered over 
by the upper. It is not however unnatural to fuppofe, that if 
the corolla is reverfed, the mode of imbrication will be reverfed 
alfo, in order to prevent the wet from entering into the interior; 
an injury to which it would otherwife be expofed. ‘To us it 
appears, that if this plant does not afford an example of a 
refupinate corolla, it will be in vain to feek for any in nature. 
_ Majana rubra of Rumr (not Mayorana, as cited by 
Linnaus, and copied from hign whenever this fynonym has 
been fince quoted) appears, from the defcription, to be our 
plant, but his figure is a very bad one. 

We were favoured with the fpecimen from which our draw- 
ing was made, by our friend Joun Wacker, Efq. of Arno’s- 
Grove, Southgate. 

-. Native of the Eaft-Indies, of the Ifland of Tanna in the 
South-Seas, and of the tropical regions of New-Holland. An 
annual plant, cultivated in the ftove or hot-bed. 


"Ridwerdy 1 ed 


a | 

Fad 4 uf) 

fm 7 

: i é " i Fy ; a 3 ba 7 ; i } 

Clafs and Order. 

PoLyaNnDRIA MonocyNia. 

Generic Charaéer. 

Cal. 4-phyllus, fuperus. Peta/a numerofa. Stigma feffile, 
peltatum. acca coronata calyce, polyfperma., Semina nuca- 
mentacea. Horr, Kew. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

EURYALE ferox. Salifoury in Aun. of Bot. u 2% p.74. Hort. 
Kew. ed. alt. 3. 

ANNESLEA /pino/a. Bot. Repof. 618. 

LIEN KIEN / Kiteou. Mem. fur les Chinois, 3 p. 451. 

This curious plant is a native of the Eaft-Indies, and has 
been cultivated in China, according to the pretenfions of the 
Chinefe writers, more than a thoufand years before the com- 
mencement of the Chriftian era. The feeds which are involved 
in an infipid pulp, fuppofed to be of a cooling quality, are 
farinaceous, and confidered as a wholfome food. 

The leaves, which float upon the furface of the water, 
fometimes exceed three feet in diameter, and are covered on 
both fides with fharp curved fpines. The under furface is of 
a deep bluifh purple colour, curioufly fupported by fpongy 
ribs, which rifing from the centre of the leaf, where the petiole 
Is inferted, are dichotomoufly branched over the whole. 
Thefe ribs have confiderably more perpendicular thicknefs 
than width, like the rafters of a houfe, and are covered with 
fpines at firft foft but becoming hard with age. The leaf, while 
m bud, is curioufly folded up, and enclofed in aninvolucre, 
which burfts as the leaf expands, fe. 


Introduced by the Marquis of BLanprorp, in180g. Our 
drawing was taken at Jemes'VeRrz’s, Efg. Kenfington-Gore, 
in Auguft laft, where it was cultivated with other tropical aqua- 
tics ina ciftern, placed on a hot-bed, and covered with a melon- 
frame.’ Under this treatment the feeds’ were’ perfefted, by 
which the plant is readily propagated. And as it is cultivated 
in the Jakes and pools at Pekin, though not to the fame per- 
fe&tion as in the fouthern provinces, there is fome reafon to 
hope it may be found not to ftand in need of artificial heat. 
The name of Euryace was firft given to this plant by R. Sa- 
LisBury, Efq. in the Annals of Botany; and five years 
afterwards, inadvertently, that of ANNeszea in the Botanift’s 

q 2 

(yd “tdwards Dad Lub by LS Carlir WalbwarlteMatt t 212 Liason ee 

[ 1448 } 

De ne See ee ee 

Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charafer. 

Cal, 1-phyllus, campanulatus, angulatus, Pefala 5, ovata, 
feffilia, Cap/f globofa, 1-locularis. 

Specific Charager and Synonyms. 

GYPSOPHILA repens ; foliis lanceolatis, ftaminibus corolla 
emarginata brevioribus. Sp Pi. 581. Reich. 2. 324. 
Willd. 2. 662. Mart. Mill. Di@. 1. Hort. Kew. ed. 
alt. 3. p. 74. Facq. Aufir. 5. P. 4. te 407. — 

GYPSOPHILA foliis linearibus carnofis triguetris, ftamini- 
bus petalis emarginatis brevioribus. Ger. Prov. 407. t. 15. 
Vaill. Dauph. 3. p. 602. 

GYPSOPHILA repens. Lam. et Decand, Flor. Franc. 4. 

uP 7396. 

SAPONARIA radice lignofa maxima, foliis glaucis pulpofis, 
petalis emarginatis. Hall. Helv. n. 905. 

CARYOPHYLLUS faxatilis foliis gramineis minor. Baub. 
Pin. 211. 

SYMPHYTUM petreum f, Gypfophyton. Thal. Hircyn. p. 



The flowers of this fpecies are with us nearfy white, and, 
€xcept that they acquire fomewhat of a red colour as they die, 
have none of the purple tinge of proffrata. The colour may 

Owever be variable. Our prefent plant bears its flowers more 
{cattered, the peduncles being longer, lefs divided, and thofe at 

the divifions of the ftem quite fimple, Perhaps the moft decifive 
: character 

charafier to diftinguifh repens from profrata is, that in the 
former the calycine leaflets are more fharply keeled, and 
have white margins ; in the latter the leaflets are more ob- 
tufely rounded and of a uniform colour. The two fpecies 
appear however to have been fo confounded together, that 
the fynonymy is not eafily extricable. 

Communicated by Meffrs. Matcotm & Sweet, Stock- 
well-Common. A hardy perennial. Flowers all the fummer. 
Native of the Alps, the Pyrenees, and the mountains of Auftria, 
growing out of fiffures in the rocks, and among the gravel in 
the torrent beds. Propagated by parting its roots or by feeds. 

AP 1999 


Laporte * 

C 1449 J 


RR RRR eR eRe ee 

Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charader. 

Cal. 4-dentatus obfolete. Stigma uncinato-refra€tum.. Drupa 
nucleo biloculari. | : 

Specific Charafler and Synonyms. 

LANTANA frifolia ; foliis ternis quaternifve ellipticis fupra 
rugofis fubtus villofis, caule inermi, fpicis oblongis im- 
bricatis. Hort. Kew. 2. p. 350.  Ldit. alt. 4. p. 42. 
Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 315. Mart. Mill, Did. Swartz Ob/. 

. 236. 

LANTAN A trifelia; foliis ternis, caule inermi, fpicis ob- 
longis imbricatis. Sp. Pl. 873. 

LANTANA frifolia ; foliis ternis, fpicis oblongis imbricatis, 
floribus carneo-violaceis, fauce flava. Medicus in Ad. 
Palat. v. 3. Phy/f. p. 222. 3 

LANTANA ere&a minor fubaffurgens, foliis verticillato- 
potas pedunculis longis, fpicis ovatis. Brown Fam. 
268. 1. — 

PERICLYMENUM reétum humilius falvie folio rugofiore, 
flore purpureo; fruétu oblongo efculento purpureo. 
Sloane Hift. 2. p. 82. t. 195. f. 3. mala. Raz. dend. 30. 

CAMARA trifolia purpurafcente flore. Plum. gen. p. 32- 

MYROBATINDUM fpicatum, Viburni foliis ex adverfo 
ternis. Vaill. AG. Paris. 1722. p. 203- , 

There are feveral ‘points of agreement between this fpecies 
annua (vide fupra No. 1022); but our plant differs in the 

greater lengthening of the {pike, in having a fhrubby, rounded, 
not annual and {quare ftem, as well as leaves ternate, or fome- 
times, though rarely, quaternate, The fruit of Lantana 
trifolia is more pulpy than in any other of the genus, and 
being of an agreeable flavour, is, as we are informed by Sir 
Hans Sroang,. greedily fought after by the children in 
Jamaica. : 
Reicuarp imagined the plant defcribed by Menicus as 

L. ¢rifolia, really belonged to annua, becaufe of the flefh- 
coloured corollas with yellow throat, not changeable ; but as 
thefe circumftances are common to both fpecies, we fee no 
reafon to doubt that the plant, of which he has given an account, 
is the fame with ours, except that he defcribes the ftems as being 
{quare. His plant the firft year grew with two oppofite leaves, 
but in the fecond year the leaves were alt ternate. 

« Native of the mountains in the Weft-Indies.. Requires 
the heat of the ftove, but in warm weather fhould be removed 
into the greenhoufe or be allowed plenty of air, in. which 
fituation it will ripen its fruit and continue flowering at the 
extremity of the fptke at the fame time. 

_ Introduced. by Dr. Witt1am Hovusrowun before 1733: 
Communicated to us by Meflrs, Loppices, of Hackney, in 
Auguft laft. 

[Abiyl Gorter Wabwopte. A 

Poagge FZ 


TREE RAG Re eae se re ae le se ate ae ate the ae ale se ste 
Generic Charatter.—Vid. No. 923*. 

Specific Charager and Synonyms, 

AMARYLLIS 2landa; (maultifiora; flos fubirregularis, breviter 

deorfum tubulofo-connexus, fauce nuda; foltis plurimis 
(/ubduodenis) bifariis e bafi vaginantibus ere&o-diver-. 
gentibus, interioribus ab utrinque gradatim Jongioribus: 
lanceolato-loratis, {capi validiffimi tereti-ancipitis undato- 
viridis (cui diu poft fuccedunt) altitudinem demum attin- 
gentibus, extimis binis lanceolato-oblongis — latioribus, 
cunétis apice obtufatis ftriatis fubcanaliculatis fubtus cofta 
media pallidiore carinatis, introrfum nitidis ; {patha fpha- 
celato-bivalvi ; umbella divaricata, pedicellis viridibus 
florem fubzquantibus; germine viridi, obovato, rotundate 
trigono, quam tubus fubduplo breviore, fulcis facialibus 
prominulis ; corolla nutante fubzquali obfolete ringente ; 
tubo trigono trifulco quam limbus turbinato-campanulatus 
recurvo-patentiflimus pluries breviore, laciniis fubungui- 
culatis lamina elliptico-lanceolata undulata ; ftaminibus 
per totum tubum adnatis divergenter declinatis; ftylo 
fubulato-triquetro ; ftigmate trigonulo leviter depreffo. G. 

AMARYLLIS Belladonna; 8; vernalis, corolla pallidiore, 

Nobis fupra No. 733- Confervantur in Herbario Bank- 
fiano juxta fe pro mutuis varietatibus eidem charte folio 
affixa fpecimina tum hujufce tum Belladonna N* 733 ex 

hortis noftratibus ; uti et alia d/ande feorfim pofiia cum 

titulo Belladonna ex Promontorio Bone Spei. G. 

_ Descr, Bulb nearly twice the bignefs of a fwan’s egg, 
integuments pale brown, membranous ; /eaves of a bright apple- 
Breen colour, not glaucous, attaining their full fize towards 
the end of January, inner ones about three feet high and an 
Inch and a half broad, outer far fhorter and two inches broad; 

feape three feet high, about an inch in diameter towards the 
bafe ; flowers produced in June and July, about four inches 
long, white:fading to a blufh or pale rofe-colour, but not in 
ftreaks; we did not perceive that they had any fcent. On 
turning back to the article in No. 733 of this work, where the 
plant had on the authority of Micuer in his “ Icones” been 
added as variety @ to Belladonna, it will be feen that we then 
fufpeéted it to be a diftin& fpecies; which conjeéture an 
infpe€tion of the growing fpecimen has made a certainty. It 
would be fuperfluous to particularize differences, which a 
comparifon of the figures and defcriptions of the two plants 
will fo eafily fhew. In Bel/adonna the fegments of the corolla 
do not cohere at all beyond their bafe, but converge in fuch 
way as to give the appearance of their fo doing ; the leaves are 
of a dark dingy green, {carcely more than half an inch. broad, 
and never attain a length in any way equalling the {cape ;. which 
circumftances are here mentioned, becaufe they were omitted in 
our account of that fpecies. Banda, is a native of the Cape of 
Good Hope, where it was gathered by Sir Joseru Banks. 
Was fent to Mixxer in 1754 by Van Roven from Holland, 
and flowered in the Chelfea garden. Our drawing was made 
from a fpecimen that bloomed laft June in the very fine col- 
lection of rare and, beautiful Cape bulbs at Mr. GrifFin’s, 
South-Lambeth, a fource from which the liberality of its 
poffeffor entitles us to hope that many. other curious, and, new 
fubjetts may be obtained for our work. A fpace of nearly 
fix months was fou‘:d to intervene between the. flowering of 
this fpecies and the full growth of its foliage. G. 


AMARYLLIS FORMOSISsIMA; /upra No, 47. At the bot- 
tom of the margin of page 157 of Cxusius’s “ Hiftoria 
Plantarum,” this plant is recorded by the denomination of 
“ Narciffus indicus jacobeus;” the author telling us in the 
text, that “the furname” had fuggefted itfelf to his friend 
Dr. Simon Tovar, feeing the great refemblance its flower. 
bore to the crimfon {word worn as a badge by the knights of 
the Spanifh order of St. James. We haye added this note in 
confequence of having been frequently afked by cultivators, 
whence that fpecies had acquired the appellation, of the 
‘eee Lily,” by which it is fo generally known among, 


wg ctw A 



Sy Ltd: wari Del. ih. by SP Bertin» Walworth. Mar #012. ESarjom Jo 

| {1451 J} 7 

Je eR iieiiek ae 

Cla/s and Order. 

HexanpriA Monocynita. 

Generic Charager. 

Cor. (infera G.) 6-partita, patens, aqualis, decidua. Fil. 
(omnia v. interiora) barbata (nunc inequaliter vel'et obfoleteG. )- 
Anthere verfatiles. Germ. loculis poly{permis. Stylus filiformis. 
Stig. fubpapulofum. Cap/ula fubglobofa, 3-loc, g-valv., valvis 
medio feptiferis, Sem. pauca, angulata, umbilico nudo, Brown 
Prod. Fl, Nov. Holland. 1.275. 

Oxs. Herbs: fepe annue. Radix. fafciculate-fibrofa (rhizamate nine 
caudefcente-G.), rariufue,tuberofg.. Folia linearia, canaliculata, Sepe 
earnofa. Racemi fimplices. Pedunculi folitarii, cum calyce arnealate 
Flores ereéti, flavi (v. alli G.) Stam. fepe declinata.  Filamentoruny 
~ barba laxa. Embryo in quibufdam rectus. Brown loc. cit. 

Specific Charadler and Synonyms. 

ANTHERICUM annuum ; foliis pluribus, radicalibus, lineari- 
attenuatis, teretibus, introrfum fubcanaliculato-depreffis, 
ere€to-divergentibus; fcapo fubaltiori teretifolio; racemo 
fimplici plurifloro diftanter fubthyrfiformi ; pedicellis 
craffiufculis, inferiori florem bratteamque naviculari- 
cufpidatam pluries exfuperante ; corolla erefta rotata, 
laciniis extimis ovato-lanceolatis obtufis, intimis latioribus 
elliptico-lanceolatis ; filamentis immediate hypogynis fub 
tertiam brevioribus, incurvefcentibus, infra apicem partim 
ac inaequaliter barbatis inde calvis, alternorum fubbrevi- 
orum barba pauca annulari, religuorum copiofiori, fupremi 
omnium plurimum atque extrorfum fubcriltato-fecunde ; 
antheris exiguis didymo-ovatis introrfum a dorfo penfili- 
bus; germine fulvo-nitente, 6-torofo-elliptico, 6-fulco, 
umbilicatim depreffo; ftylo parum longiori inclufo, 


ftamina fuperante, triquetro-aciculari, apiculo ftigmatofo 
depreffiufculo fubpenicellatim pubefcente. G. 

ANTHERICUM annuum. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2.1. 446. Mill, 
Dif. ed. 8. 2.7. Lam. Encyc. 1.199. ”. 4. Medicus Bot. 
Beobacht. (1783.) 49. Hort. Kew. 1. 450. ed. 2. 2. 290. 
Decand. pl. gr. 8. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 145. 

A. foliis carnofis fubulatis planiufculis. Hort. Upf. 83. Mill. 
Diff. ed. 7. 2. 7. ; 

A, acaule, foliis fetaceis caule anguftioribus. Wachend. Ultraj. 
305. i 

ASPHODELUS africanus anguftifolius luteus minor. Tournef. 

Inf. 3.43- 

Descr. An annual fibrous-rooted plant; /Jeaves feveral, 
6—8 inches high, filled with watery pulp; /cape one or more 
of the fame fhape, but rather thicker than thefe; raceme 7—14- 
flowered ; lower pedicle an inch or more long, green, ftraight, 
others fimijar but gradually fhorter ; corolla yellow, fcarcely 
half an inch in diameter; /egments marked with a green ex- 
ternal vertical fubcarinate line ; anthers pale yellow ; ffigma 
whittfh ; cap/ule membranous round-trigonal ;_/eeds tetrahedral, 
3—A in each cell, blackifh. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. 
Cultivated by P. Mixter, in 1748. Flowered at Mr. Ha- 
WORTH’s, where our drawing was taken, in Auguft, G, 

fom Je 
Lil ary? 


WalworliyMar tt. 4 

ae Ape t Q 

Pe 3b. Ar a/ é 


Le dwaprty De 

SS eee os ee Ri oor Hes \ ¥ ii é 

— & Be 
bias Po-Raor 4 
f Sin 

Bis “pith. Seat 


Cla/s and Order. 

Generic Characer.—Vid. No. 1352. 

Specific Charaéer and Synonyms. 

ALOE albicans; (ecaudicata ; flores e minoribus, bilabiati, 
ereGt ;) foliis numerofis rofaceo-aggregatis patentibus, 
ovato-acuminatis, brevibus, rigidiffimis, cruftam cartila- 
gineam tenuem glabram diaphanam toti eorum fuperficiei 
equabiliter obduétam pallide tranflucentibus, fupra de- 
preffiufculis infra convexis, carinato-cufpidatis, marginis 
atque carinz cartilagine craffiore vitreo-pellucente quan- 
doque imperfeéte dentiente ; caule fubquadriramofo ; ra- 
cemis laxius multifloris’; pedicellis flore quater breviori- 
bus ; corolla fubventricofo-cylindrica pro tribus partibus 
concreta, bilabiato-aperta, laciniis obtufis, externis duplo 
anguftioribus, labii fuperioris explicatioribus, inferioris 
media magis convoluta quam relique ; fruétificationis 
organis corolla duplo brevioribus. G. | 

ALOE albicans. Haworth in Linn. Tranf. 7.8. Hort. Kew. 
ed. 2. 299. “2 a 

A. marginata. Lamarck Encyc.1.89..17- ges 

A. africana humilis folio in fummitate triangulari et rigidiffimo, 
marginibus albicantibus. Commel. Prelud. 81. tab. 35; fine 

Flore. Id. in Ic. Plant. Kar. 48. tab. 48; cum fore. 


», Descr., Leaves about two inches long, about one and a 
half broad at the wideft part ; fiem about a foot and half high ; 
corolla upright-divergent, half an inch long, dingyly party- 
Coloured with white, purple, and green; the cartilaginous 
efflorefcence which ufually fhews itfelf on the leaves of this 
§enus in varioufly difperfed tubercles, prickles, &c; is here 

Confluent, and fpreads itfelf in a thin even coat over a 

whole furface; and being whitifh and tran{parent imparts a 
hue that ‘at once diftinguifhes the fpecies from its congeners, 
Comes the neareft to margaritifera (N** 815, 1360) of any 
other known to us. Native of the Cape of Good Hope, from 
whence it was imported into the Kew Gardens, by Mr. 
Masson in 17953 but had been known in the Dutch collec- 
tions long before. A very rare plant, and according to Mr, 
Hawortn (to whom we are obliged for the fpecimen) difficult 
to preferve, as well as to propagate. Should be kept in the 
greenhoufe ; blooms in Auguft; has no fcent. G. 


ALOE DEPRESSA ; jupra No. 1332. At the fuggeftion of 
Mr. Haworrn, we have looked again to the article Atoz 
Jerra in the * Plantes graffes” of Decanpo..e, and are now 
convinced as well as that gentleman, that it is the fame with 
deprefjz, and ought to be added to the fynonymy of that fpeciess 
although the figure is miferably uncharaéteriftic, | 

Atos ferra, Decandolle pl. gr. 80; cum icone mala. 

“hdwarde Del. 

{ 1453 J 


Sh ES ee 
Generic Charader.—Vid. No. 1419. 

Specific Charadter and Synonyms. 

PANCRATIUM fpeciofum ; (umbella pluri-multifiora curtim 
pedicellata ; corona e majoribus ;) foliis plurimis (8—14), 
bifariis, f{pathulato-ellipticis cum acumine, obfcurius 
nervofo-ftriatis, in petiolum femiteretem craffum tertia 
circiter breviorem multoties anguftiorem fenfim decref- 
centibus; fpathe valvis convoluto-oblongis, tubi medium 
fuperantibus, retrofrangendis; pedicellis craflis germen fub- 
zquantibus, braétea ligulata fpathe ifometra interftinétis ; 
germine elliptico, rotundato-trigono faciebus fulcatis, 
loculis collaterali-difpermis; corolle tubo lineari-triquetro, 
ftriato, limbi laciniis fubduplo breviore ; his lineari-lanceo- 
latis, recurvatis, obfoletius carinatis, deorfum involuto-_ 
concavis; extimis fublatioribus, firmioribus, mucrone glo- 
chidiformi; membrana ftaminilega turbinato-expanfa, 
rugulofa, a limbo prorfus difcreta eoque fub duas tertias 
breviore, margine repanda dentibus interftamineis fenis 
fubulatis (quorum nunc unus aut et alter obfolefcit, rarius 
dividitur) ; taminibus corona femel cum una fexta circiter 
longioribus, inflexo-divergentibus ; ftylo quam limbus 
paulifper breviore, fuperne viridi; ftigmate capitellato- 
trigono, obfcure pubefcente, intenfius viridi. G. 

PANCRATIUM /fpeciofum. Salifbury in Linn. Tranf. 2. 73. 
tab.12. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 219; (exclufis Botan. Magax. 
et Lil, a4 Red.) Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 44. 


Drscr, Bulb depreffed-fphzrical, about the fize of a 
turkey’s egg, integuments numerous, membranous, brownith ; 
leaves of a very dark green colour, from a foot and a half to 
two feet long, from three to four inches acrofs the broadeft 
Part, in number uncertain, feveral frefh ones being Fier 

duced each time the plant blooms, while the old ones do not 
décay in proportion, at leaft in our ftoves ; /cape rather fhorter 
than the foliage, compreffed, ancipital, ftreakletted ; /pathe two 
inches or more in length, white-green ; umbe] 7—15-flowered, 
intermixed with draées as long as the fpathe but narrower ; 
flowers pure white, nearly nine inches long, very ornamental, 
extremely fragrant, efpecially in the evening, retaining their 
fcent for many months when dried; the ce//s of the germen in 
all the fpecimens we examined were difpermous, as in Pan- 
CRATIUM amboinenfe ; No. 1419. Wedonot know a more 
defirable ftove-plant than this. Has been confounded in the 
late edition of the Hortus Kewenfis with the caribacum of 
No. 826 of the prefent work, which had been miftaken by 
Repoure in his Liliacées for the prefent {pecies, and publifhed 
by him under the appellation of /peciofum. G. 

LZ Sanfor 



Lub by S Curbs Walbworlts Apr t. 102. 

4 yhk dwarde Del 

£ 1454 ) 


Jee ae uidiciseiek 

Clafs and Order. 

Hexanpria MonocGyNliaA. 
Generic Chara@er.—Vid. N™ 1451. 

Specific Charaéter and Synonyms. 

ANTHERICUM pugioniforme ; rhizomate tuberofo, depreffo- 
fpheroideo fibris craffis fufiformibus; foliis {capo fub- 
tardioribus paucis, fafciculato-divergentibus, craffis, pul- 
pofis, tereti-fubulatis, introrfum fubcanaliculato-depreffis, 
glabris, glauciufculis, bafi per vaginas radicales plures 
membranaceas tum {phacelatas tum herbaceas acuminatas 
convoluto-imbricatas conclufis ; {capo iftis adultis parum 
altiori, plurimum graciliori, tereti, fimpliciffimo, ereéti- 
ufculo; racemo numerofo laxius {picato et deorfum fub- 
interrupte; pedicellis filiformibus, ere€to-divergentibus, 
braétea naviculari-fubulata glabra incurvata floreque claufo — 
longioribus ; corolla radiato-explanata, laciniis oblongis, 
linea media verticali viridi extrorf{um carinato-prominula 
infignitis, extimis lanceolatis, fubanguftioribus ; filamentis 
corolla et inter fe zqualibus, eretto-divergentibus, ine- 
qualiter barbatis, exterioribus parcius et medium tantum- 
modo verfus, ceterum fubcalvis ; antheris brevibus ob- 
longis ; germine viridefcente, ovato-oblongo, obfcurius 
hexagono-ftriato, quam ftylus ter breviore ; ftylo triquetro- 
filiformi ftaminibus zquali, apiculo ftigmatofo depreffo- 
trigonulo obfcurius pubefcente, G. 

ANTHERICUM pugioniforme. Facq. Ic. Rar. 2. tab. 405. 
Coll. 5. 83. Bot. Repofit. tab. 386. Hort. Kew, ed, 2. 2. 
270. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 144. 


Descr. Rooifock brown, an inch and half in diameter ; 

leaves about four, when full-grown nearly a foot ae 

high, about the thicknefs of the little finger towards their 
bafe and purplifh when young, filled with a watery pulp; 
lower rootfoeaths purplifh, upper herbaceous and white towards 
the circumference, from one to near two inches long; /cape 
near two feet high, glaucous; éradzes and pedicles green; 
corolla tawny-yellow, when clofely infpefted glittering ; fila- 
mentous deard bright yellow, fometimes greenifh ; anthers yel- 
low ; flyle paler. Introduced from the Cape of Good Hope, 
by Mr. Masson, in 1793. We are indebted to Mr. Curr, 
of Curzon-Street, for the fpecimen from which our drawing 
was made; it flowered in his greenhoufe laft November. As 
far as we could perceive, the whole plant was f{centlefs, G. 

« wating ill 


¥j bande 

“a “3 LZ San . rf 

i Pid by S Leer Las Walwo: vie Apprt 4 

Syd ree P 

ee de 

ETE IEE EEE HEE EE ah he ah 
Generic Charaéter.—Vid. No. 1352. 

Specific Charaéfer and Synonyms. 

ALOE /piralis ; (caudex gracilis totus imbricato-foliatus ; flores 
e minoribus, eredi, regulares ;) foliis {parfis, plurifariam 
(quandoque per feries duclu /pirali continentes) ambientibus, 
atro-viridibus, brevibus, ovali-attenuatis, carinato-cufpi- 
datis, fubpulvinatis, minutiflime punéticulatis, carina et 
margine denticulato-fcabratis, caudicem fubconniventer 
loricantibus ; caule ftri€to, fimplici fubramofove ; racemo 
multifloro, laxius fpicato, ere&to, patulo ; pedicellis flore 
bis terve brevioribus, bra€tee convoluto-acuminate ca- 
rinate fubifometris; corolla re€ta, cylindrico-trigona, 
fexftriata, juxta infra os conftriéta, extrinfecus rugis — 
callofis denfe fcabrata, laciniis apice replicato-patulis, 
exterioribus citra tres partes inter fe concretis reliquas 
ifometras concludentibus; ftaminibus corolla parum bre- 
vioribus, alterne fublongioribus; antheris curtim fagittatis; 
germine columellari, viridi, fexftriato, ftylum filiformi- 
triquetrum fubequante ; ftigmate depreffo, puberulo. G. 

ALOE /piralis. Linn, Sp. Pl. ed. 2. 1. 459. Syjft. Veg. ed. 14. 
337. Thunb. Diff. 14. Prod. 61. Mill. Did. ed. 8. 0. 12. 
Decand. Pl. Gr. 56. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 291. 

A. fpiralis. a. imbricata. Hort. Kew. 1. 471. Mart. Mill. 
Did. n. 12. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 191 3 (exclufa paffim var. 8.) 

A. imbricata. Haworth in Linn. Tranf. 7. 7. 4. | 

A. cylindracea. (Aloes cylindrique.) Lamarck Dié. Encyc. 1. 
89. ” 19. 

A, Seribus feffilibus ovatis crenatis fegmentis interioribus con- 
niventibus, Mz/l. Did. ed. 7. . 12. 

A. africana ereێta rotunda, folio parvo et in acumen rigidiffi- 
mum exeunte. Dillen. Elth. 16. tab. 13. fig. 14. Commel. 
Prelud. $3. tab. 32. 


Descr. Caudex from an inch to a foot high; when ftripped 
of the leaves flender; corolla whitifh, about half an i 

Jong, {centlefs. Native of Africa; cultivated by Suerrarp, 
at Eltham, and by Mixer, at Chelfea; blooms about Auguft, 
which, however, it is not fo free to do as its clofely allied 
congener pentagona (vid. No. 1338). | 

Our drawing was taken from a plant in 

Mr. Hawortn’s 
greenhoufe, G, 

em Pees . ie Py 
th. by fo Burlan Walworlh | fi 

fe f 

[ 1456 J 


Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charaé&er. 

Cor. 10-petala. Cal. 5-dentatus. Cap/. hifpida, 2-valvis. 

Specific Name and Synonyms. 

BIXA Orellana. Sp. Pl. 730. Reich. 2.580. Willd. 2. 1154. 
Mart. Mill. Did. Gert. Fru. 1. 292. t. 61. f. 3. Hort. 
Kew. edit. alt. 2. p. 296. 

BIXA. Hort. Clif. 211. Brown. Fam. 254. 

BIXA Oviedi, Cluf. Exot. 74. Baub. Hift. 1. pars 2. p. 440. 

MITELLA americana maxima tinétoria. Tourn. Inf. 242. 

ORLEANA. f. ORELLANA folliculis lappaceis. Pluk, Alm. 
272. Phytog. 209. f. 4. 

URUCU Sloane Tip. eh 52. 4. 181. f. 1. 

ROCU Merian Surin. 44. t. 44. 

ACHIOTL Hern, Mex. 74. 

PIGMENTARIA Rumph Amboyn. 2. 79. t. 19: 

ARNOTTA SHRUB. Hughes Barbad. 202. Bancroft Guian. 
p. 27. 

Arbor ieculeais, fru€tu caftanee, coccifera. Bauh. Pin, 419. 
Raj. Hiff. 1771. 

Arbor finium Regundorum. Dalech. Hift. 1834. 


Brxa Orellana is a handfome ftove fhrub from its fine green 
foliage, though it very rarely produces any flowers in this 
Country: Mixrer remarks that he had feveral of thefe plants 
feven or eight feet high, with ftrong ftems and large heads, 

t that only one produced flowers, nor had he heard of its 

Owering in any of the gardens in Europe. ‘acs 

Native of South-America, the Weft and Eaft-Indies; at 
Jeaft it is cultivated in thefe parts of the world, chiefly for 
the fake of the colour extraéted from the feeds, and which is 
known here by the name of Anotta, or cheefe-colouring, 
being the drug commonly ufed in Gloucefterfhire to give a 
deeper colour to their cheefe. It is faid too to be added to 
their butter, for the fame purpofe, by the Dutch dairy women. 
The Indians paint the whole of their bodies with this colour; 
and it is fometimes ufed as a rouge by European females. 
The South-American Spaniards make great ufe of it as an 
ingredient in their chocolate and foups, not only for the fake 
of its colour, but on account of its fuppofed cordial virtues. 

It fhould be kept conftantly in the bark-ftove. Is propa- 
gated by feeds. : 

We were favoured with the opportunity of taking our 
drawing by the Comtefle De Vanpezs, in whofe curious 
colleétion at Bays-Water it flowered in November laft. 

> & & i! 2 
Lubby S leer, 

A 7” 

7 f 
Luro re, dprt tere. 

F San femdle- 

a ee 

[1457 J 



Clas and Order. 


Generic Charaéfer. 

Cal. 12-partitus, Pet. 12. Cap/. 12, polyfperme. 

Specific Charaéfer and Synonyms. 

SEMPERVIVUM /oboliferum ; propaginibus globofis deci- 
dentibus, petalis fenis ere€tis fimbriatis, foliis caulinis lan- 
ceolato-ovatis imbricatis. 

SEMPERVIVUM petalis fimbriatis, fobole compaéta, Schmid. 
Ic. 95. t. 26. 

SEDUM majus vulgari fimile, globulis decidentibus. Mori/. 
Hifi. 3. p. 472. f.12. t. 7. f. 18. quoad defcriptionem, 
figura vero vix quadrat. ‘i 

SEDUM vel SEMPERVIVUM majus foliis acutis, floribus 
albis. Weinm. Phyt, 4. t. 913- 

In the Enumeration of the plants contained in the firft twenty 
volumes of this work, publifhed with the general indexes, we 
acknowledged the receipt of a letter from Mr. JonaTHaN 
Wixson, of Congleton, in which the writer ftates that our 
figure of Sempervivum globiferum, No. 507, does not belong 
to the Senum majus globulis decidentibus of Morison ; which 
obfervation we found to be quite correct. The faét is, that 
Linn«vus confounded two diftin® {pecies under the name of 
lobiferum, which miftake has been continued by moft or all 
Botanifts fince; although the one has almoft conftantly fix, 
the other twelve petals, with double the number of filaments, 
and both are in almoft every other refpeét unlike, aie 


The Hen and Chicken is fo called from the numerous glo- 
bular offsets which come out on flender threads from every 
part of the mother plant, and falling off, take root and become 
fo many diftin& plants. The increafe is fo great in this way, 
that the propagation by feeds becomes unneceffary, and there- 
fore the plant may be kept for many years together without 
fhewing any difpofition to throw up flowering ftems; but if 
the young offspring are conftantly taken off, and only one, or 
at moft two or three of the rofettes, conneéted by larger 
runners, are fuffered to remain, the plant will generally flower 
in the courfe of the following fummer. : 

The {pecies moft nearly allied to, and perhaps hardly fufficiently 
diftin&t from this, is the hirtum; Sempervivum petals fim- 
briatis Jebole patula, of ScumMipeL. Sempervivum /obolt- 
Serum is much more common with us than glodiferum, and the 
ate cultivated by Miuter, in 1773, probably belongs to the 



alas ii ii 

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27 pare te. a 
yo OR, wr 1 fides i es Lon ry A 
: dwark Deg Ludby Sh Cerbs Wal worit. Art. 7E72. Lael: 

[ 1458 J 


Clafs and Order. 

Dranpria Monocyntia. 

Generic Chara@er. 

Cor. 4-fida. Ca/.nullus. Stam. fauci inferta. Nux corticata, 

Specific Charaler and Synonym. 

PIMELEA rofea; involucris tetraphyllis lanceolato-ovatis 
utrinque glabris, tubo inarticulato inferne hifpido, foliis 

PIMELEA rofea ; involucris tetraphyllis: foliolis Janceolato- 
ovatis acutis utrinque glabris, perianthii tubo inarticulato: 
dimidio inferiore hifpido, foliis Janceolato-linearibus. | 
Brown Prod. Nov. Holl. 360. 


The genus Pimerea is a very extenfive one; Brown’s 
Prodromus containing no fewer than thirty-four fpecies ; only 
two of which are as yet to be met with in our gardens, 

In fome, the leaflets of the involucrum are but little different 
from the other leaves, and in many fpecies the tube of the 
corolla is jointed, in which cafe the lowermoft portion is _ 
perfiftent. In the prefent fubje& the tube has no joint, but 
the lower half of it is covered with long hairs, while the upper 
half and the limb is naked or only clothed with a fhort down. 
hie ELEA linifolia (No. 891) the limb of the corolla only 
1s hairy. 

The Pime ea 7ofea is a native of the fouthern parts of 
New-Holland, and has been cultivatéd, for fome years paft, 
in the royal garden at Kew, though not inferted in the new 
edition of the Hortus Kewenfis. It is a very defirable green- 

e plant; flowering great part of the year, and propagated 

by cuttings. Received from Meffrs, Matcoim and Sweet's — 

Nurfery, Kennington, in May 1814. : 

fi ptf » r 
LL, ba ar AP LS ad- 

Aid. b " A 
LUD. By S Le - Wad; BA, - a ‘ 
2 lrerhtsr Walworth, fared 4.1292. Sanja hi 

[ 1459 } 

WEE REE EEE aR ae Ra eae ae ae ae 

Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charaéer. 

Cal. 5-partitus. Pet. 5. Neéfaria 5, cordata, ciliata: api- 
cibus globofis. Cap/ 4-valvis. 

Specific Charaéfer and Synonyms. 

PARNASSIA caroliniana ; foliis radicalibus fuborbiculatis, 
ne€tariis tripartitis. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 2. p. 177. | 

PARNASSIA Caroliniana ; foliis radicalibus fuborbiculatis 
appendicibus trifetis. Michaux Fl. Bor. Am. 1. p. 184. 

This is a rather larger plant than Parnassta palu/iris, 
but the infide of the corolla is lefs beautiful, from the greater 
fimplicity of the neéaries, which in the latter confift of a 
number of threads, each fupporting a globular, fhining, yellow 
gland ; whereas in caroliniana, each ne€tary, of which there 
=a five in both {pecies, confifts of only three of thefe pedicled 

Native of the bogs of North-Carolina, and faid by Micnaux 
to be firft difcovered by Mr. Bosc. Introduced to the Kew 
Gardens in 1782, by Mr. Masson. Flowers in July to 
September. Propagated by parting its roots. Communicated 
by Mr. Grass, | 



In which the Latin Names of # In which the Englifh Names of. 
the Plants contained in the the Plants contained in the 
Thirty - Fifth Volume are alpha- 

betically arranged. 

fh =: 
1420 Allium pallens. 
1432 niculatum, 

1452 Aloe albicans, 
1455 —— {piralis. 
1450 Amaryllis blanda. 

2430 purpurea. 
1451 Anthericum annuum. 
1454 pugioniforme. 

1421 Arthropodium paniculatum 
1439 Aftroloma humifufum. 
1456 Bixa orellana. 

1443 Brunfvigia falcata. 

1431 Commelina Africana. 
1436 Cotyledon crenata. 
1437 Cymbidium coccineum. 
1438 Cytifus leucanthus, 
1440 Datura Metel. 

1444 Drimia Ciliaris. 

1442 Edwardfia microphylla. 
1427 Eryngium corniculatum. 
1447 Euryale ferox. 

1428 Globba feffiliflora. 

1448 Gypfophila repens. 
1433 Hemerocallis japonica, 
1423 Jufticia bicolor. 

1449 Lantana trifolia. 

1446 Ocimum {cutellarioides. 
1441 Pronia daurica. 

1422 humilis. 
1419 Pancratium amboinenfe. 
1453 — fpeciofum. 

1459 Parnaflia Caroliniana. 
1425 Penftemon levigata. ; 
1424 pubefcens,'v. #. lati- 

folia. . 
1458 Pimelea rofea. 
1434 Sabal Adanfoni. 
1429 Salvia hablitziana. 
1457 Sempervivum foboliferum. 
1435 Tradefcantia Criftata. 
1445 Triglochin bulbofum, 
1426 Zingiber Cafumunar, 


Thirty - Fifth Volume are alpha- 
betically arranged, 3 

1452 Aloe, hard-leaved. 

1455 —— rough-flowered. 

1450 Amaryllis, Blufh-Lily. 

1430 —- cinnabar-flowered, 
Anotta, wv. Bixa. : 

1451 Anthericum, annual, 

1454. ——————- round- rooted. 

1445 Arrow-Grafs, bulbous-rooted, | 

1421 Arthropodium, panicled, 

1439 Aftroloma, Juniper-leaved, 

1446 Bafil, fkull-cap-like. 

1456 Bixa, heart-leaved, or Anotta. 

1443 Brunfwick-Lily, fweet-fcented. 

1426 Cafmunar, or Hairy Ginger, 

1491 Commelina, yellow Cape. 

1437 Cymbidium, fcarlet-flowered. 

1438 Cytifus, pale-flowered. 

1433 Day-Lilyof Japan,fweet-fcented. 

1444 Drimia, fringed-leaved. 

1442 Edwardfia, fmall-leaved. 

1427 Eryngium, one-horned, 

1447 Euryale, prickly. 

1420 Garlic, pale-flowered. 

1432 ndulous-flowered, 

1428 Globba, feffile-flowered. 

1459 Grafs of Parnaffus, Carolina. 

1448 Gypfophila, creeping. 

1457 Houfe-leek, Hen and Chicken, 

1423 Jufticia, dotted-flowered. 

1449 Lantana, three-leaved. 

1436 Navel-wort, fcollop-leaved. 

1434 Palmetto,fwamp, or dwarfSabal, 

1419 Pancratium Amboyna. 

1424 Penftemon, broad-leaved, hairy, 

1425 fmooth, 

1441 Pzony, Daurian, 

1422 dwarf, 

1458 Pimelea, rofe-coloured. 

1429 Sage, Hablitz’s. 

1453 Sea-Daffodil, balfam-fcented. 

1435 Spiderwort, creft-bunched, 

1440 Thorn-apple, downy. 

Printed by S, Couchman, Throgmorton-Street, London, 

Botanica, MacazineE; 


Flower-Garden Dilplayed : 

The moft Ornamental Foreicn Priants, cultivated in the 
Open Ground, the Green-Houfe, and the Stove, are 
accurately reprefented in their natural Colours. 

Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Charaéters, according 
to the celebrated Linn.xus; their Places of Growth, 
and Times of Flowering: 

A. WW Rok 

Intended for the Ufe of fuch Lapies, GenrTLeMen, and GARDENERS, as 
with to become fcientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate. 





The Frowers, which grace their native beds, 
Awhile put forth their blufhing heads, 

But, e’er the clofe of parting day, 

They wither, fhrink, and die away? 

But THESE, which mimic {kill hath made, 

Nor fcorched by funs, nor killed by fhade, 
Shall blufh with lefs inconftant hue, 

Which arr at pleafure can renew. LioyD. 

Printed by SrepHEN CoucuMANn, Throgmorton-Street. 

Publithed by SHerwoop, Nerty, & Jones, 20, Paternofter-Row, 
And Sold by the principal Bookfellers in Great-Britain and Ireland. 

Wn Bare 
~— SIA BSAA Nps . Baek 
sy cn i» ay i MAL rst 
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aS : ig, WA, y “a . 
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2 Ce pe seo Yo fellas <=. 
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Walworl2 May 2 72a72. 

Lb by LS. Curler 

[ 1460 } 
ALOE SAPONARIA(a). Common Soap-ALor. 

SA eae se ek se eset ese sees 
Clafs and Order. 

Hexanpria Monocynia. 
Generic Charafier.—Vid. No. 1352. 

Specific Chara@er and Synonyms. 

ALOE /faponaria. Vide Char. Spec. fupra in No. 1346. 
A. fapoaria. Haworth in Linn, Tranf. 7. 17. m. 353 (exclufa 
varietate ob{cura). : 
(a) minor ; foliis anguftioribus fub dio rubro-fufcefcentibus ; 
caule fimplici vel corymbofo-ramofo. G, 
A. faponaria. minor. Haw. loc. cit. 
A. umbellata. Decandolle Pl. Gr. 98 5 (exclufis fynonymis que fupra 
in No. 1323 ad pittam allegata reperietis). 
A. pifa; 8; minor. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 186; (tantummodo tamen 
Jynonymo Horti Kewenfis tenus; Daillenit et Linnei enim ad 
pittam Ni. 1323 /peciant). 
. perfoliata ; ©; faponaria. Hort. Kew. 1. 467. 
. perfoliata ; 4, r. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 1. 438. 
. diflicha. Mill. Did. ed. 8. n. 5. : 
. maculoja; (moucheté). Lamarck Dif. Enc. 1. 87. n. 9. 
. caulefcens foliis caulem ampleétentibus floribus aurantiacis. 
Bradley Hift. Pl. Succ. dec. 4.11. cum Ic, ee 
A. africana maculata fpinofa major. Dyilen. Hort. Elth, 17. tab. 
14. jig. 15. 
A. caulefcens foliis fpinofis maculis ab utraque parte albican- 
tibus notatis. Comm. Hort. Amft, 2. 9. tab. 5; fine fl. Boerk, 
ind. alt. 2. 230. 2. 19. 
(8.) major ; foliis latioribus; caule corymbofo ramofo. Vide 
Jupra No. 1346. 

p> > > > > 

Altogether a lefs plant than the variety @; having narrower 
leaves, which are ftraighter at the fides; the raceme is alfo 
fhorter and fewer-flowered. The fame plant produces fome- 
times a fimple, at others a corymbofely branched flower-{tem. 
We have never feen the leaves of @ affume a liver-coloured tint, 

which we have always obferved thofe of a to do when placed in 
the open air during the fummer. Our drawing was made from a 
plant that flowered latt year in Mr: Hawortn’s greenhoufe. 
For an account of the fpecies, &c. fee No. 1346. G, 




Walworlte May-1.1812 

bred. by S Charbus 

Syd" dwardr Del. 


Settle sede estedlese aed sie destedede se 
Generic Character.—Vid. N* 663, 746, 918, 919, cf 4 1855 

verf. fol. 

(a.) flore ceruleo. 

SCILLA xon feripta. Link et Hoffm. in der gefell. nat. fr. zu Berlin 
neue fclrr. 4. (1803) 19. Lid, in Ann. of Bot. 1.103. Lil.a Red. 
tab.224. Nob. fupra No,.1185. verf. fal. mo 

S. muians. Smith Flor. Brit. 1. 366. Eng. Bot. tab. 377. Lam, 
et Decand. Fl. Franc. 3.241. pee 

S. fefialis. Salifbury Prod. Hort, 242. ~ ss 

USTERIA byactuthiflora. Medicus in AG. Palat. v. phyf. 6, 4806 

U. fecunda. Id. in Ufleri Ann. der Bot. Stick. 2. 11. 

HYACINTHUS pratenjis. Lamarck Encyc. 3. 190. 

H, uon feriptus. Linn, Sp. Pl. ed. 2. 1. 453. Bulliard. Herb. 
tab. 353+ Curt. Lond, tab. 139. Hort. Kew. 1.457. ed. 2. 2- 

> 282. Willd. Sp. Pl, 2. 166. a 

H, corollis campanulatis fexpartitis apice revolutis, Mill, Di@. 
a Hs, de 4 geese 

H. non {criptus. Dodou. Pempt. 2. lib. 2. 216.—Dodonei 
Cluf. Hift. 177; cum icone perperam Hyacinthi hifpanici zitulo 
infignita, quafi fi effet plania illic proxime ante tradate (que 
ScriLA campanulata Ni. /uperioris 1102), cum off revera 

Settionis cui aflat, ubi de fpecte prafenti dicttur, 

H. anglicus. Ger. Emac. 111. 1. Park. Par. tab, 125. f. 5. 

H. anglicus belgicus vel hifpanicus. Park. Par. 122 

(8.) flore incarnato. 

SCILLA cernua. Link et Hoffm. loc. cit’ Pee, 

HYACINTHUS cernuus. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2.1. 453. Mull, Did. 
ed. 8. u.4. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 167; (nec tamen-editionis prime 
Horti Kewenfis, qui fecundum exemplarium in Herb. Bank/. 
Sciti# campanulate var. carnea). Pafim citatum Clufa 

Jynonymon icone tantum tenus retinendum, exclufo textu. 

H. corollis campanulatis fexpartitis racemo cernuo. Mill. Diét. 

SG ee oe | 

H. anglicus aut belgicus flore incarnato. Ger, Emac. 112. 3. 

(y-) flore albo, 

H. albus anglicus. Ger, Emac, 111, 2. 


This plant, the Hyacinraus cernuus of the above-cited 
work of Linn us, is, as we have ftated in the latter part of the 
article ScritLa campanulata in No. 1102, a variety of Scritia 
non feripta, and not to be confounded with the pink one of the 
fpecies we are there fpeaking of. In the fame place will be 
found our opinion of that which mifled Linn vs to confider 
the plant as diftin€& from his H. won /cripius, and_ to adopt, as 
diftin&tions between them, marks that are nowife conftant as 
fuch ; as well as to {peak of it as peculiar to Spain. When 
he defcribes the degree of bending in its raceme, which he does 
in a note, it is plain he could not have had a variety of cam- 
panulata in view ; although the fpecimen in the Bankfian Her- 
barium fhews that the compilers of the firft edition of the Hortus 
Kewenfis afterwards had; in the laft edition indeed there is no 
mention of the fpecies as diftin&t from non /cripta and’ campanulata. 
Miter had obferved that the plant appeared to be a mere 
variety of the Englifh Harebell. We infert Grrarp’s account 
of the fpecies : ** The blew Harebels or Englifh Jacinth is very 
common throughout England. The white Englifh Jacinth is 
altogether like the precedent, faving that the leaves of this are 
fomewhat broader, the flowers more open, and very white of 
tolour. There is found wilde in many places of England 
another fort, having flowers of a faire carnation colour, which 
maketh a difference from the other. The blew Harebells grow 
wilde in woods, copfes, and in borders of fields every where 
thorow England. The other two are not fo common, yet do 
they grow in the woods by Colchefter in Effex, in the fields 
and woods by South-Fleet neere unto Gravefend in Kent, as 
alfo in a piece of ground by Canterbury, called the Clapper s 
in the fields by Bathe, about the woods by Warrington in Lan- 
cafhire and other places.” Parkinson mentions the {pecies 
as varying with flowers ‘ of a fine delayed purplifh red or blufh- 
colour.” We have given neither fpecific chara€ter nor defcrip- 
tion in our article, thofe of the blue variety having been fo fre- 
quently and fo fully given in other works; and the differences 
between it and campanulata will be found ftated in No. 1102- 

The drawing was made from a fpecimen that was fent us] 
{pring from Mr. Haworrtu’s garden, at Little-Chelfea. G- 


No. 1452, 1. 22, poft 2, adde 2. 

No. 1455, 1. 24, pro 291 lege 297. 
No, 1459, a calce 1, 9, for 1782 read 1802, 

eS ee 

SRM MEeiiek bie 
Generic ChavaGter.—Vid. No. 1416. 

Specific Character. 

PITCAIRNIA integrifolia ; (flos regularis ; fquamiger ;) folits 
pluribus, lentis, lorato-attenuatis, edentulis (vel interdum 
verfus bafin parciffime. ac vix nifi taliui dentientibus), a ptono 
pellicula lanuginofa candicantibus ; caule breviori, ftritto, 
tomentofo, affurgenter ramofo; racemis remotius multi- 
floris ereétis ; floribus ere€to-divergentibus pedicello villofo 
duplo triplove breviore; braétea {ubulato-convoluta, {pha- 

- celata, tomentofa, calycibus paulifper longiore vel bre- 
viore ; calyce villofo, corollis duplo breviore, imo turbi- 
nato, lanato; corolla contortim tubulofa, rotundato-trigona, 
furfum decrefcente, angufto ore aperta, laciniis ligulato- 
oblongis zqualibus, fquama bafeos ovato-oblonga, biden- 
tata, parvula; flaminibus corollam fubequantibus; fug- 
matibus in lobulum exfertum fpiraliter unitis. G. 

Appears to come the neareft to angu/ifolia of any known to 
us; but in that the leaves are ftiff, narrow, and armed at the 
edge with horizontal widifhly fet fpines or teeth, the corolla 
neither fo flender nor fo upright as here. In integrifolia the 
leaves are about two feet long, pliant, and narrower than thole 
of /atifolia and bromeliefolia, having an entire margin, except that 
now and then the younger ones, when the hand is drawn along 
them, may be perceived to be fomewhat roughened at the lower 
edges ; /cape of an undulated yellow-fcarlet colour; jlwers 
fearlet, about an inch and half long; anthers fhort, yellow. 

As far as our refearches have extended, an unrecorded 
{pecies ; introduced from the Weft-Indies, by Lady AMELIA 

Hume, from whofe colleéion we had the fpecimen from which 
our drawing has been made. Requires to be kept in the bark 
bed of the ftove, where it flowers about Auguft. G. 

eatin, Sia 

Lub. by Slurdin Wed 

STE dared, Dat 

wre, rd May: L4GF2. 


Snrrfom So 

L.-1463 J 


Clafs and Order. 

OctranvpriA Monocynlia. 

Generic Chara@er. 

Cal. 0. Cor. 4-fida. Squamule 4, vel 8 fupra faucem. Nur 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

GNIDIA fnderbis ; foliis fparfis triquetro-linearibus acutis : 
floralibus lineari-lanceolatis capitulo brevioribus, fquamulis 
o€to imberbibus. Dryand. in Hort. Kew. edit. alt, U. 2 
p. 412. 

GNIDIA pinifolia. Wendl. Obf. 15. t. 2. f. 11. 

GNIDIA jimplex. Bot. Repo. 7o.—nec Linnzi. 

This pretty little fhrub has been known feveral years in molt 
of our extenfive colle&ions of Cape plants, where it was 
generally miftaken for Gnip1a fimplex of Linnaus, till 2 
figure of the latter was publifhed in this work (No. 812). In 
the fame manner WenpLanp miftook this fpecies for pinifolia, 
and applied the name of radiata to the latter. 

A tolerably hardy greenhoufe fhrub. Native of the Cape of 
Good Hope. Flowers moft part of the fummer. Propagated 
ry cuttings, Introduced about the year 1792, by Mr. Francis 

AZ 1403 

Sram : 
A fs Bdwrarde Ded. Pash by SP Gerber Walworth Mo Ly 1.1899, ES anfomle: 

La mrcir Dad 

Lub By / 

Burhe Wabwarlhy May 1812 

| Gd 

. , 4, 
Lf Sarrifam A 


[ 1464 J 

de eee se dees eae ese ee eae 
Clafs and Order. 

Generic Charaéfer. 

Cal. (fepius) o. Cor. 1-petala, infundibuliformis. S#am. 10. 
alterna breviora. 

Fem. Cal. (fepius) 0. Cor. 1-petala, patens. Styli 3—2-fidi, 
Cap/. 3-locularis. 

Specific Charafer and Synonyms. 

JATROPHA integerrima ; calyculata, caule arboreo, foliis cor- 
datis integerrimis angulatilve, floribus dichotomo-panicu- 
Jatis dioicis. 

JATROPHA integerrima ; foliis ovatis acuminatis integerrimis 
glaberrimis, racemis fubcymofis. ‘facq. Amer. p. 256. t. 183. 
J. 47. Willd. Sp. Pl. 4. p. 559. Perfoon Syn. 2. p. 587. 

This fplendid Jatropua, which even exceeds in brilliancy 
of colour the pandurefolia (No. 604), was introduced into this 
country from the Ifland of Cuba, by the late Mr. Fraser, of 
Sloane-Square. If it fhould fortunately be as eafily’ propagated 
as its kindred fpecies, it will prove a valuable addition to our 
{tove plants. 

That this tree is dicecious, we prefume; not only from not 
being able to find an individual female flower, but becaufe none 
of any kind is produced in the dichotomy of the panicle: the 
fituation in which alone the female flowers occur in its kindred 
{pecies, the pandurefolia. Meee 

The bark, when dry, is ftrongly aromatic, not unlike in fmell to _ 
Winter's bark, but extremely fiery to the tafte, affetting the fauces 
with the fame durable acrimony, fo common to the natural order 
Of tricocce. 

We have no doubt but that it is the JaTRopHa zategerrima of 
Jacquin, which this author fays is cultivated in gardens in the 
Havannah, for the fake of its beautiful fcarlet flowers, an inch 
indiameter. In dried fpecimens brought over by Mr. Fraser, 
and now in the Herbarium of A. B. Lamsert Efq. molt of 
the leaves are quite entire, {ome with here and there an angular 
Procefs; and the pubefcence, fo confpicuous in our drawing, 
feems, by the fpecimens, to be loft in plants that are further 
advanced, : 

L 1405 ] 

Clofs and Order. 


Generic Charaéter. 

Siliqua elaftice diffiliens valvulis revolutis. Stigma emarginatum. 
Cal. longitudinaliter connivens. 

Specific Charatier and Synonyms. 
DENTARIA dipbylla ; foliolis ternis ovatis incifo-dentatis gla- 

bris: radicalibus bilobatis, ftaminibus corolla brevioribus. 

DENTARIA diphylla; radice dentata: caulibus approximatis, 
diphyllis ; foliis trifoliolatis, oblongis, inzequaliter incifis 5 
floribus flavefcentibus. Michaux Fl. Am. Bor. 2. p. 32 
Perfoon Syn. 2. p. 194. 


The Prrrer-roor grows fpontaneoully in Canada, in the 
Penfylvanian mountains, in the extenfive forefts of Tenaflée, 
and in the loftieft mountains of Carolina. The inhabitants of 
thefe countries dry the root and ufe it as a condiment with their 
food, inftead of muftard or pepper, whence its Anglo-American 

As our plant produced only one cauline leaf, and the flowers 
poffeffed very little inclination to a yellow colour, we at 
hefitated to pronounce it to be the fame with Mrcuaux’s. But 
upon fhewing our drawing to Mr. Freperick PUuRSH, 
immediately recognized it for DenTARra diphylla or Peppet- 
root, and from him we learn, that the number of leaves 9m 
the ftem is indeterminate, ftrong plants frequently throwing Out 
two, néarly oppofite, and fometimes a third below. This 
gentleman has devoted feveral years to the ftudy of North- 
American botany, and we hope ere long to fee from his pen 4 
more extenfive Flora of thofe regions than we have hitherto 

A har nnial ; propagated by dividing its roots; com- 
ire. By Me Bisisee RY from his botanic garden 

“a ay , Elon fe tHe 
tte Af v/s hy 4 Your Qs9 i : m, 

’ ladurc Th artes e72. 

4 lit WALCOTT 2 hd 

73, MS. 4bP lt 

He 2 Luo 

LEM ef Ded 

WG 66. 


FES see et OE 

SO Si Ze ys ee ae 
Lg arn deodn Deg Pub by So Curb Walbworlte Mayht 912. aes Hoe 

[ 1466 J} 

— Seb aslese esa ababe eat sea ae 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic CharaGer. 

Cor. rotata, §-partita: laciniis linearibus. Stigma 2 {. 3-fidum. 
Cap/. 2 f. 3-locularis, infera. _ 

Specific Charatfer and Synonym. 

PHYTEUMA cordata ; bra€teis cordatis acuminatis capitulo 
fubglobofo brevioribus, foliis radicalibus oblongis cordatis 
crenatis: caulinis femiamplexicaulibus acuminatis dentatis, 
ftigmate trifido. 

PHYTEUMA ocordata. Villars Delph. 2. p. 517. t. 11.f. 12. 

The above plant was communicated to us by Mr. Lopprces, 
who informs us that he raifed it from feeds fent from Mount 
Caucafus, at the fame time with thofe of Puyrzuma campanu- — 
loides, under the name of P. comofa, from which however it is 
quite diftin@ ; approaching very near to orbicularis, but differing 
from that in having its radical leaves cordate, and cauline ones 
broader and half embracing the ftem. It is remarkable too by 
the globular form and canefcent appearance of the bafe of the 
corolla. In our fpecimens the ftigmas were all trifid. It appears 
to correfpond tolerably well with the defcription and figure 
above quoted from M. Vitxars, but cannot belong to migra 
of WittprNnow, to which Vixxars’s plant is hefitatingly 

A hardy perennial; propagated by feeds or parting its roots. 

Lf Sariforrn Ser, 

Walwark)r.Sruradt B72. 


a dae 


F dwardr 

FIV hikes 


[ 1467 J 

ETRE RE MEA IEE ee sae ee 
Generic Character.—Vid. No. 1419. 

Specific Characer and Synonyms. 

PANCRATIUM amenum ; (umbella multiflora, Seffilis; corona 
e majoribus ;) foliis pluribus, bifariis, a lamina elliptico- 
lanceolata ftriata in petiolum ter quater anguftiorem de- 
crefcentibus ; fpatha fubherbacea, lanceolato-convoluta ; 

~umbella divaricata, ramentis paucis interftinéta; germine 
fubtrigibbo; corollz tubo limbi laciniis fubtertiam breviore, 
rotundate triquetro-fexangulato ; limbo revoluto-radiato, a 
corona toto difcreto, laciniis lanceolato-linearibus, fub- 
equalibus, fuperne verfus involuto-cufpidatis, exterioribus 
margine inferna plerumgue undulatis; corona ftaminilega 
infundibuliformi, dentibus geminis collaterali-contiguis in 
finu quovis interftamineo mediis; filamentis hance pene 
duplo excedentibus, limbo fub quartam brevioribus, 
divergenti-incurvefcentibus, viridibus ; antheris fubulato- 
fagittatis; ftylo corollam equante; ftigmate viridiffimo, 
capitellato-trigono, leviflime trifido, pube minuta con- 
fito. G. Sais 

PANCRATIUM amenum. Salifbury in Linn. Tranf. 2.71. tab. 
10. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 443 (exclufis in utroque /ynonymis Com- 
melini et Facquini, que caribeei N’ fupertoris 826.) Hort. Kew. 
ed, 2. 2. 220. : oe 

P. amenum. Bot. Rep. tab. 556? Quando fit bujus fpeciet figura 

parum bona. 

Descr. Leaves 6—8, about ten inches long, paler under- 
neath, with a thick flefhy midrib, about three inches over, at 
the wideft part; petiole about three inches long; germen not fo 
evenly fhaped as in caribenm ; tube green-white, more than two 
inches long, not widened upwards, remainder of the flower 
pure white. The fragrance refembles in fome degree that of 
Lpeciofum, but is far lefs powerful. Caribeum (lee No. 826) 

ts from it in having 16—20 leaves, which are longer, 
sm narrower, 


narrower, and lingulate-lanceolate, with a fhort petiole about 
half the width of the lamina; an umbel with more flowers and 
more compaét, a ftreakletted green tube twice fhorter than the 
limb, a narrower crown without the two contiguous teeth in 
each interftamineous finus, a {phacelately membranous flower- 
fheath, and a much flronger fragrance, more like that of 
Vanilla. Said to beanative of Guiana. Our drawing was 
taken from a plant that flowered in Otiober laft, in Mr, Vere’s 
hot-houfe at Kenfington-Gore. G. 



In the fecond edition of the Hortus Kewenfis, the above 
fpecific title is laid up in a kind of abeyance, the right to it 
being declared to reft between Mr. Sarispury’s /ragrans 
Speciofum and amenum. Whether our plant is the fragrans of that 
gentleman, as we have prefumed in the above-quoted article, 
or not, we fhall not pretend to decide. But we can have no 
reafon to doubt its being the fpecies reprefented in the two 
engravings quoted by Linn aus, as the fynonyms of his cari- 
beum ; to which Brown and Stoane, for any thing they con- 
tain beyond the habitat, muft have been quoted nearly at 
random. It has moreover the traditionary proof of having been 
known by that name in all our gardens from the days of its firlt 
inftitution as a Linnean fpecies to the prefent. The following 
fynonyms may be added to thofe already to be found in the 
Number above cited, where the obfervation fubjoined to the 
fynonymy fhould be expunged. 

Pancratium fragrans. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 219. 

P. /peciojum. Liliacees a Redoute, tab. 156 ; (exclufis fynonymis.) 

P. declinatum. Fatq. Stirp. Sele. Amer. Hift. 51. tab. 102. Hort. 
Vindob. 3. 11. tab. 10. 

We fhould obferve, however, that it has the thickly firiate 
‘tube to the corolla, which Mr. Sarisgury attributes to his 
ameénum, as one of the diftinéions of that fpecies from his 
| Sragrans ; fo that we may have, after every attention we coulk 
give his defcriptions, ftill have miftaken his plants. Of his 
rite nel publifhed in our work, there can be no 
oubt, -G; < > 

Sl” Clwands Det, 

Pid by 

Carder Walwo 

rhhe./ used £812, 



Fu aaryfome ve 



[ 1468 J 
Cape SQUILL. 3 
Generic Charafer.—Vid. N®* 663, 746, 918, 919, ¢¢ 1185 ver/. fol. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

SCILLA 4érevifolia; bulbo globofo ; foliis paucis (4—5) ere€to- 
divergentibus, carnofis, femitereti-linearibus, fubacutis, 
vagina radicali herbaceo-membranacea convoluto-oblonga 
cum acumine, ipfis parum breviore, (nunc tota de humo 
extante, nunc in ea femiimmer/a, nunc explicata folits aflante, nunc 
ifla aréie involvente); {capo foliis altiori; racemo laxius 
{picato, fubfecundo, nutante, pluri (6—8-floro) pedicellis 
flexilibus, flore paulo brevioribus ; braéteola fingulari 
minuta obfoletave ; corolla nutante ad cernuam, fexpartita, 
de fundo breviter conftri€to fubrotato-campanulata, lacintis 
fubzqualibus, lanceolato-oblongis ; ftaminibus alterne bre- 
vioribus, longioribus coro}la fub quartam brevioribus. G. 

HYACINTHUS Zérevifolius, Thunb. Prod. Fl. cap. 63. Willd, 
Sp. Pl. 2. 168. ; 

When the rootfheath does not unfold, but remains rolled 
together, enclofing the lower part of the foliage, (which is the 
cafe in many fpecimens where the root has grown fomewhat 
deeper in the ground than that of ours) then the leaves have 
the appearance of being very fhort; and Tuunserc’s name 
charatterizes the fpecies much better than in the individual re- 
prefented in our figure, where this is unrolled and the leaves 
lie open their whole length. . Scape fometimes nearly twice the 
length of the leaves, which are from two to near three inches 
long, and about a line and half broad. Comes very near to the 

YACINTHUS corymbofus of THuNBERG, already given by us 
under the name of Massonra corymbofa (fee No. 991); but 
which, we now think, fhould have been referred to SciLvay 
(fee note at end of this article). It differs, however, from that, 
in having a {cape that is not fhorter than the leaves, a raceme 
that is not ere€t and corymbofe, by its large rootfheath and 
nearly obfolete brattes. Imported from the Cape of Good 
Hope, by Mefirs, Lez and Kennzpy, in whofe collettion it 


flowered laft January; and, as far as we can find, for the firft 
time in any European garden. CG. 


No. 991. For * Massonia corymsosa,” read ®Scrita — 

Upon reviewing the two genera, we think that this fpecies 
fhould have been placed under that of Sciiva, rather than the 
clofely adjoining one of Massonia, an amended Generic 
Chara&er of which is fubjoined, 


__InFror. feorfim bra€teata, bra€teis folitariis, exiguis mem- 

branaceis, foliaceifve ac flores equantibus. Cal.o. Cor. infera, 
perfiftens, ere€la, e tubo varie longitudinis patens limbo regu- 
lari, fexpartito, quali, rotato, recurvo, refraftove. Stam. tubo 
adnata, filiformi-fubulata, eretto-incurvefcentia, raro divergentiay 
longius exferta inclufave, equalia vel alterne fublongiora, ferte 
fauciali membranaceo angufte cupulato utplurimum nettarifero 
plerumque connexa. Stylus fetaceo-clongatus. Svig. punttum 
hirtulum, nunc os obfoletiufve triplex. Cap/. {cariofo- 
membranacea, fubdiaphana, a parva fubovata lobato-trigona 
lobis anguftis devexe compreflis ad magnam turbinatam lobis 
alato-extenuatis, 3-loc., 3-valv., valvis medio feptigeris, repli- 
candis. Sem. in loculamento plura numerofave, biferialia, parvas 
globofa ene diffepimenti margini funiculatim annexa; 4 
nigra. G, 

Oss. Bulbus funicatus integumentis membranofis ; {capus ima foliorum 
parte involutus terra haeret, vel fubinde emergit humilis ; folia vulgo bina, 
a plano obverfa, (raro unicum), carnofa, coriaceo-craffa, linearia lanceo- 
latave ereia ad cvato-orbiculata tranfverfe latiora appreffa humi ; racemus 
a corymbofo congefto ad laxum atque thyrfoideo-fpicatum ; flos femel folitarius. 
Cillineat ad diverfa punéa EucoMin, ScILLAM, BRUNSVIGIAM, 
eque H2MANTHUM. G, 


i by S bara Wabworth Sites 1012. | Syd "Ee pvarirDel. FS: ‘anfore oles 

: ge BRE oe oo doa gpm. 
Atiium Cepa (6). Common Onion, Tue 

ete ees. ae 
i: Generic’ Charatter.—Vid. No 1420. at : , 

Specific Character and Synonyms. I i hosas! ‘ 

ALLIUM Copa ; (bulbus tunicatus, ovato-oblatove-globofus ;). foliis 

paucis, fiftulofo-teretibus, acuminatis; feapo cavo attenuato- 
_ cylindraceo inferne ventricofo multum brevioribus; vagina 

brevi, {cariofa; umbella capitata, numerofiflima, congefta ; 
pedicellis flore longioribus; patenter’ campanulata, laciniis 
ovato-lanceolatis, exterioribus acutioribus, -carinatis ; fila- 
mentis has dimidio exfuperantibus, bafi breviter connexis, 
alternis fimplicibus, ceteris de bafi ovato-dilatata utringue 
breviter (nunc imperfecle rarius omnino non) unidentato-incifa 
filiformi-fubulatis ; germine albicante, depreffo-globofo, 
pulvinatim trilobo, fexftriato; ftylo fetaceo; capfula can- 
dicante; feminibus hinc rotundatis, inde angulatis. G. 

ALLIUM Cepa. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2. 1.431. Hort. Kew. 1. p. 
428. ed. 2. 2. 238. Regnault Bot. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 80. 

A. ftaminibus alterne trifidis, caule ad terram ventricofo. Haller 
de All. 10. Opufe. 356. 12. 

CEPA. Mill. Did. ed. 7. 

CEPA vulgaris. Rudb, Ely/. tab. 141. fig. 1. Baub. Pin. 71. 

C. alba. hifpanica oblonga. Ger. Emac. 169. f. 1. 2. 

C. rotunda. Dodon. Pempt. 5. lid. 3.67553 cum ic. 

(8.) capitulo bulbifero, floribus paucis; nunc prolifero. G. 

ALLIUM Cepa. Herb. Bank/. fpecimen ex borte regio Kewenfi. 

Canada or Tree-Onion. Nicholfon's Brit. Encyclp. art. Aut1uM; 
ubi male pro canadenfi habetur. 


The indigenous abode of the Common Onion is ftill un- 
known to us. The prefent variety, in all our gardens, and 
fome of our books, has been miftaken for the canadenfe; a 
{pecies than which no one of the fame genus can well be more 
diftin& from another; that having flat leaves, a flender unin- 
flated ftem, uniform fimple ftamens, and bulbs more like thofe 


of the Garlic than the Onion, This is an ufual plant in our 
gardens ; that we have met in no one, The variety a is deemed _ 
biennial ; our prefent one is certainly perennial. The following — 
account of it is taken from Nicuotson’s Britifh Encyclopedia, 
head Axirum, under which it erroneoufly ftands for the — 
canadenfe, being called the Canada or Tree-Onion. “ This,” — 
it is. there faid, ‘* deferves to be cultivated, both as a curiofity — 
in producing the onion at the top of the ftalk, and for the ufe | 
of the onions, efpecially for pickling, in which they are excellent — 
and fuperior in flayour to the common onion. It is perennial — 
and propagated by planting the bulbs in {pring and autumn. 
Either the root-bulbs, or thofe produced on the top of the ftalk, 
being planted in a bed or beds of any good earth, in rows a foot 
~ afunder, fix inches diftance in each row, and two or three inches 
deep ; they {hoot up leaves and ftalks in the {pring and fummer, _ 
and produce the bulbs for ufe in July and Auguft; and the 
root-bulbs remaining, furnifh a production of top-bulbs annually 
in that feafon ; the root-bulb increafing by offsets, may be taken 
up occafionally at the time the ftem decays in autumn ; or once 
in two or three years, in order to feparate the offsets and plant 
them when neceflary."——This is all we know of the hiftory of — 
our prefent fubjeét, the drawing of which was made from a plant 
in Mr. Haworrn’s garden, where it was fuppofed to be the 

canadenfe. G, 

ae age ‘ 
A” Sariforre It 

Sir oe m4 y er 7 SS Ge Pere 
SVE bypein Ded Fish bit. Cert Waiworitesutced I 4b? ~ 

[ 1470 J. 
Laurus Diospyrus. Twiccy Bay, 
GEESE bie kate 

Clafs and. Order. 

x] ® : 

Generic Charafer. 

Cal. 0. Cor, calycina, 6-partita. Nefarium glandulis tribus 
bifetis germen cingentibus. Drupai-fperma, © 
Specific Charafter and Synonyms. 

LAURUS Dio/pyrus ; foliis ovato-lanceolatis fabtus  venofi3 
fubtomentofis, floribus umbellatis dioicis, umbellulis fe& 
filibus lateralibus, gemmis pedicellifque villofis. » 8 

LAURUS: Dio/pyrus:  Perfoon 450.) 60) oi sons 

LAURUS diofpyroides = humilis, virgatay~ nudiflora :+ > foliis 
oblongo-ovalibus, fubtus fubtomentofis : floribus glomeratos 
umbellatis, dioicis: {quamis gemmalibus pedicellifque vil- 
lofis. Michaux Flor. Am: Boris. pe ogge cused 

LAURUS. meliffefolia ; foliis cordato-lanceolatis ‘venofis, mem= 

: branaceis, fubtus pubefcentibus; gemmis feffilibus trifloris; 

~ drupis rubris. Walter Flor. Carol. aga ? 6) oc oc-orec 

L set 

According to the obfervation of Micuaux, moft of the 
fpecies of Laurus which are found in the colder parts of 
North-America are dicecious ; and all of them produce their 
flowers before any leaves appear. Generally too the feales of 
the buds, remaining after the flowers are open, conftitute an 
involucre to the little umbel or glomerule. 

We have not much doubt but that our prefent plant is really 
the Laurus melifiefolia of Warrer, as Mr. Fraser, the 
friend of the author and editor of his work, always confidered 
it as fuch; but as Micuaux’s name, abbreviated, has been 
adopted in PzRsoon’s fynopfis, and confequently is more 
generally known, we have thought it right to retain er The 


leaves are not at all like thofe of Balm, but it was probably the 
fcent, not the form, that fuggefted the appellation. 

The Pseypo-Benzoin of Micuavux is, when in flower, 
fo like-Laurus Dio/pyrus, that there feems to be no other dif- 
ference, but that the pedicles and {cales of the bud are without 
pubefcence. Our plant is, however, a much {maller fhrub, 
and its foliage is confiderably different. We were kindly 
furnifhed with a growing fpecimen of the Pszupo-BENzoIN, 
by our friend Joun Wacker, Efq. of Southgate, this {pring ; 
but, on comparing it ewith our prefent drawing, executed laft 
year, at Mr. Frazer's in Sloane-Square, we were not aware 
of the difference till the leaves appeared and the flowers had all 
fallen. From the foliage it appears to be the fame as that {peci- 
men of Laurus efivalis, in the Bankfian Herbarium, which 
came from. the Botanic Garden at Leyden; but the flowering 
fpecimen, from J Acguin’s Herbarium, is evidently the geniculata, 
our next article. | 

Our plant produced male flowers only, with an imperfect 
germen; and on this account probably there was no appearance 
of the three two-briftled glands, mentioned in the generic 
charaéter. There were nine perfeét two-celled anthers: on the 
valve clofing, the cell of the anther opens from below upwards, 
and carries with it the whole of the pollen, leaving the cell quite 
empty: in this ftate the .anther appears to be two-horned. 
Befides thefe}nine perfe&t ftamens, there are fix glands ov fhoxt 
pedicles, refembling fo many little yellow mufhrooms with @ 
warty pileus. ile , 

La urus Dzo/pyrus isa native of ftagnant waters and marfhy 
places in North-Carolina, and is found intermixed with L. geni- 
cwata.» Qux drawing was made at the late Mr. Fraser's in 
Sloane-Square, in May 1810, and the foliage added in June. — 

_Propagated by cuttings or layers. Is tolerably hardy, but it 

willbe fafeft to prote&t it from fevere froft, efpecially when fuch 
occurs late in the fpring. : 

! . a Iara ornate 
LE Li dwaridr Ded Luby J lurtir Walvorlte turret 1608. 7 

A BAR coidsc 

JHE nebeitok ieee 

Glafs and Order, 500 
Enneanpura:Monocynis,. : 
Generic Charatier—Vide N® aggo. 9! 82004 

f ace 

Specific Character and Sypomyms, 

LAURUS geniculata ; ramis divaricatis flexuofis, foliis ovalibus 
glabris, floribus umbellatis polygamis: umbellulis termi- 
nalibus paucifloris, antheris quadrilocularibus. 

LAURUS geniculata ; ramis divaricatis, flexuofis; foliis deci- 
duis, lanceolatis, obtufiufculis, glabris, bafi fubtus barbatis ; 
{ub floratione nullis; floribus umbellatis polygamis. Michaux 
Flor. Am. Bor. 1. p. 244. Perfoon. Synop.1. p. 450. 

LAURUS geniculata ; foliis parvis annuis equali-obtufo-lanceo- 
latis, vix venofis, utringue levibus; caule dichotomo- 
ramofo; gemmis pedicellatis trifloris tetraphyllis; floribus » 
pedicello brevi; drupis rubris. Walter Flor. Carol, p. 133. 

It is not eafy to fay to which fpecies Linnaus’s Laurus 
éfivalis really belongs ; his defcription of the leaves does not 
correfpond with this, and as to the character of fupra axillary 
branches, by which we fuppofe he means that the buds are 
formed below inftead of in the axils of the branches, it is equally 
applicable to the three allied fpecies. 

The zig-zag dire€tion and deep red colour of the branches 
diftinguifh the genicu/ata at firft fight; and more {cientific charac- 
ters are afforded by the little umbels being terminal agd pe- 
dunculated. A minute examination of the ftamens fhews a 
difference of charaéter hardly to be fufpetted in {pecies apparently 
fo nearly allied as this and the preceding, and which may 
make it dubious whether both can belong to the fame genus: | 
in Laurus Dio/pyrus the anthers, as we have remarked, are 
two-celled, in gemiculata they are four-celled. According to Mr, 
Brown (vide Prod. Fl. Nov,-Holl. p. 402.) the above ioe 


fhould feparate this fpecies from Laurus and join it to 
TrtraNnTHERA Of Jacguin. But we find four cells in the 
anthers of Laurus /affafras alfo: a diverfity which appears to 
us to throw doubt upon the value of the chara€ter drawn from 
the number of cells of the anther. We ought, however, on the 
other hand to acknowledge that we could not perceive in our 
prefent plant, any of the aromatic {cent in its bark, fo remarkable 
in the preceding fpecies and in Psrupo-BENZzOIN, as well as 
in moft of the genus. : 

Our drawing of this was made at the fame time and place as 
that of the preceding fpecies, and both were introduced from 
North-America by the late Mr. Fraser. 

Requires the fame treatment, but is probably more hardy, 
the texture of its wood being firmer. It fhould be remembered, 
with regard to both, that they grow naturally in very wet 
places, - : 2 7 

M1. 7 2. 

. Z tila LS afor* 
4 aL dard. 2) 2d. Lib bs I Ceer?r Wal work Juctet 1802. 

[ 1472 ] 


Glafs and Order. 

Hepranpria Heptacynia. L. (reftius Penranpria 
Generic Charager. 

~ Cal. 5—7-partitus. Petala 5—7, lanceolata, patentia. Germina 
5—7. NeGaria {quame tot quot germina, horum bafi extrorfum 
inferta. Cap/. 5—7, polyfperma. — 

Oss. Herba fucculente, fubacaules, radicibus tuberofis. A Craffulis 
vix nifi habitu recedunt. 

Specific CharaGer. 

SEPTAS globifera ; foliis floralibus quaternis fpathulatis apice 
revolutis duplicato-crenatis, umbella compofita. 

Descr. Root tuberofe. Stalks fimple, flefhy, red. Leaves 
oppofite, fpathular-fhaped, rolled back from the point towards 
the petioles, twice crenate : thofe neareft the flower are much 
larger than the others, and grow four clofe together. After 
flowering, thefe leaves increafe very much in fize, and are more 
expanded. Above the leaves the peduncle is naked, except 
one or two minute fcales. Flowers grow in a globular umbel 
compofed of feveral fmaller ones. Calyx five-cleft: divifions 
ovate, acute, red. Petals 5, lanceolate, acute, white, red at 
the tip on the outfide, patent, not conniving in a tube, twice the 
length of the calyx. Stamens 5: filaments the length of the 
petals, and alternating with them: anthers roundifh, reddifh- 
Purple. Germens 5, white: flyle ere€t: fligma acute. A {mall 
white /cale is inferted on the outfide at the bafe of each germen. 
The number of the fegments of the calyx of the petals, seer 

7 an 

and piftils, is always equal, ufually five, not unfrequently fix, 
but we have not obferved feven. The whole plant is quite 
fmooth. . 

From the above defcription, it will be feen that this fpecies 
can hardly be diftinguifhed by any permanent charafters from 
Crassuta. Yet, except in the number of its parts, and in 
having the four leaves raifed fome diftance from the ground, 
with {maller ones below, and a compound inftead of a fimple — 
umbel, it correfponds fo exattly with Sepras capenfis, under 
which name indeed we received it, that we cannot but confider 
it as a fpecies of the fame genus. Perhaps we ought rather to 
have added both it and Sepras capenfis to Crassura; the 
difference in habit, however, added to the already overgrown 
fize of that genus, induces us rather to preferve the genus 
Sepras: but we think that it ought to be removed to the fifth 
clafs. The feptenary number appears to be hardly natural in 
any plants, and the whole clafs Heptandria might very well be 
difpenfed with. 

"We were favoured with this hitherto undefcribed plant by 
Mr. Knicut, at the Exotic Nurfery, in the King’s-Road, 
Chelfea, who raifed it from feeds received from the Cape of 
Good-Hope. Flowers in September. Requires the fame 
treatment as other Cape fucculent plants. 

Ad by J: leveltir Wasdworithdursed 12 

f 344755 

Clafs and Order. 

Monecia PoLtyanpDRIA. 

Generic Chara@er. 
Masc. Cal. nullus. Gor. polypetala. Stam. numerofa. 

Fem. Ca/.nullus. Cor. polypetala, fupera. Cap/. alata, poly- 
fperma. p 

Specific Charaéier and Synonyms. 

BEGONIA Evanjfiana ; caulefcens foliis inequaliter cordatis 
acuminatis inaequaliter ferratis fupra fpinulofis fubtus fan- 
guineis, capfule alis acutangulis fubequalibus. 

BEGONIA Evanjfiana ; foliis inequaliter cordatis, fupra hifpi- 
dulis, nitidis, margine inaqualibus, acutiffime ferrulatis : 
petalis duobus lato-ovatis, duobus. obovatis quadruplo 
majoribus: caulibus flexuofo-ereétis, nodofis: axillis bul- 
biferis. Bot. Repof. 627. 

TSOU HOY TONG. & Chinefe drawings” in Mufeo Bankf. Vi 
Linn, Soc. Tranf. v. 1. p. 172. 3. : 

We doubt whether this plant be not a variety of Bzcontra 
grandis; it fo much refembles Kamprer’s figure, that we can 
{carcely find any other difference than that of the leaves being 
lefs angulated, and the female flowers more cernuous. In 
both, thefe flowers are, contrary to moft of the fpecies, 
four-petaled and fimilar to the male, the ftamens are mon- 
adelphous, the alz of the capfules nearly equal, and the upper 
furface of the leaves are covered with minute fpinules. But 

HUNBERG, in his defcription of the fame plant, under the 
name of obliqua, exprefsly fays, the leaves are pale on = te 

furface; while in our plant the older leaves are on the under 
fide entirely bright red: in the younger leaves the veins only 
have this colour, the interftices being of a bright green. 

In the Botanift’s Repofitory it is faid, that Mr. Evans’s 
Colleétor firft found this plant growing in the clefts of the rocks 
in the Ifland of Pulo-Pinang, in the year 1808. Mr. Donn, 
in his Catalogue, marks it as a native of China, and dates its 
introduction to this country four years earlier. That it is really 
cultivated in China, the drawing above referred to, under the 
name of Tfou Hoy Tong, leaves no room to doubt: and we 
believe it has been in the royal colle€tion at Kew from about the 
time Mr. Donn ftates. 

It is a highly ornamental ftove plant, eafily propagated by 
cuttings, or by the bulbs which are frequently produced at the 
divifions of the ftem. Flowers moft part of the fummer. Our 
drawing was made at Meflrs. Lez and Kennepy’s, Ham- 


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att tte ff 


eS La A Awardee Ded. 
2 Sanja sex 

Tees oe 


see dese teks seeded ka 

Generit GharaGer.—Vid. No. 135%. 

Specific CharaSer and Synonyms. 

ALOE /foccotrina ; (candex lignofus, craffits, annofior ftolonizante? 
ramojus ; flores regulares, rei, penduli, e majoribus;) foliis 
numerofis, fparfis, tandem  terminalibus, ambientibus, 
imbricato-amplexicaulibus, . eretto-divergentibuss _lorato- 
attemuatis, convexo-concaviufculis, margine cartilagineis 
fpinifque brevibus pallidis finuato-dentatis ; caule fimplici ; 
racemo eretto, numerofo, laxiufcule {picato; pedicellis 
ereCtiufculis, flori fubzequalibus, brattea f{phacelata con- 
voluto-acuminata longioribus ; corolla fexpartita, cylin- 
drica, rotundate trigona, laciniis intimis fubduplo latioribus 
apice rotundatis, extimis dorfo carinatis, ore brevi patulo ; 
ftaminibus fubex(ertis, alterne fublongioribus ; germine 
oblongo trigono quam ftylus ultra quadruplam breve G, 

a.) minor... G.. 

ALOE, forcotrina. Haw. in Lint. Tranf. 7s 19m 413 (exclufis 
perfoliata , Willdenovit et rabefcente Decandolei.) Decand. 
Pil. Gr. t. 85. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.2. 292. 

A. fuccotrina. Blackw. Herb. 2: tab: 333. Aloes facnoatih: Lam. 
encyc. 1. 85. n. 3. Regnaults Bot... 

A. finuata.. Thunb. Diff. 6. m 53 (exclufo Dillenio.) Willd. Sp. 
Pl. a..187 3 (exclufis Syn, Horti Kewenfis et Dillenii.) 

4. perfoliata. 3; fuccotrina, Hyori. Kew. 1. 466. Woodv. Med, 
Bot. 3. 556. tab. 202. Bot. Mag. fupra No. 472. 

A. perfoliata. &. Linn. B Mt tt $4. AbD 

A. vera. Mill. Dif. ed. 8 

A. vera minor. Munting. ‘Aloid 20. ic. Jine fi. 

A. fuccotrina anguftifolia fpinofa flore purpureo, Comm. Hort. 
Amft. 1. 91. tab. 48. 

A. americana Y aikinifoha floribus fuave rubentibus. Pluk. Phyt. 

— tab.-240. fig. 4. . 

Giwes Go - a6 

ALOE purpura/cens. So. in Li inn, Tranf. 7. 8O. N. 42. Hort. 

Kew, ed. 2. 2. 202. 
A. perfoliata. 

A. perfoliata. «; purpurafcens; foliis purpuraicentibus, fubtus 
_ inferne maculatis maculis parvis fubrotundis. Hort. Kew. 1. 


This fpecies is faid to be that from which the medicine of the 
fame name is obtained; but Tuunserce remarks that a ftill 
fuperior fort is had from A. /picata, a plant, we believe, to this 
time unknown in our collefiions. The ftem of /occotrina grows 
in our greenhoufes to nearly the height of fix feet, acquiring 
— the thicknefs of a man’s arm; the /eaves are fometimes {potted 
with white on the outfide towards their bafe; feldom exceed a 
foot in length and 1—2 inches in breadth near the bafe; when 
the plant is in flower, the inner ones generally converge, bending 
inwards; their colourlefs juice, when expofed to the air and 
’ faffered to dry, becomes of a bright violet-purple colour, a 
colour indeed they themfelves ufually aflume before they are 
quite decayed. Native of the Cape of Good Hope, although 
the name befpeaks it as belonging to the Lfland of Socotora; 
whence the beft Alce for medical purpofes is {aid to have been 
formerly imported; but it does not feem afcertained from which 
{pecies it was extracted. 

Our drawing was made from a fpecimen that flowered in 
March laft (at the fame time with «.) in Mr. Hawortss 
greenhoufe. By that gentleman, @. is confidered as a diffina 
{pecies from 2; and in this view of it he is followed in the 
fecond edition of the Hortus Kewenfis. As we could difcover 
no difference between them beyond that of fize, we have re- 
corded them for mere varieties of each other.. The flower- 
ftem feldom exceeds two feet in length ; the foliage is of darkifh 
dull green, clouded over with a grey bloom or hoar; the 
corolla is of a dark brick-red colour, green at the top; about 
an inch and a half in length: @ was known in our gardens 
before’ 1789, poflibly produced in them from a G. 



: ‘No. 472; for “ Aroz PEerFouraTa, war. SUCCOTRINAs 
_Yead “ ALoz soccorRiNa. a”; inferting at the fame ume 
the fynonymy as given in the prefent article, G, | 

[ eob47Suctchy och io ge: 
_ HesPeRANTHA PILOSA (a.)\ Harry... 

ee ‘Generig Char. rabler-—Vid. No. 9254.0" 

1 : Specific Charaéler and Synonyms. Kee 

HESPERANTHA pilofa; foliis trinis, ereétis, parum diver- 
gentibus, lineari-eniatis cofta media utrinque prominula, 
pilofis, intimo toto compreffe vaginofo nervofo longiori 
caulem altiorem fimplicem pilofum ultra medium in- 
cludente ; fpica flexuofa, remotius pauci-pluriflora ; {patha 
herbacea, lanceolato-convoluta, nuda, integra, valva 
extima fublongiore, apice iphacelata, tubum equante ; 
corolla erefta, Jaciniis longitudine tubi gracilis, extimis 
oblongo-lanceolatis, intimis {ublatioribus brevioribus; ftig- 
matibus lineari-complicaiis, anguftiflimis, pubefcentibus, 
recurvo-divaricatis, ftylo ifometris, ftamina exfuperantibus, 
apice feepius explicatis; ftaminibus limbo duplo breviori- 
bus, ereéto-divergentibus ; antheris fubfagittato-linearibus, 
vibratilibus. G. 

HESPERANTHA pilofa. Nob. in Ann. of Bot. 1. 225. Sifd. 
Jupra No. 1254; iterum eod. verf. fol. in pec. enum, 

IXIA pilofa. Linn. Suppl. 92. Thunb. Diff. n. 5. Prod. Fl. cap. 
g. Syft. Veg. Murr. ed. 14. 84. Vahl Enum. 2. 54. n. 11. 
Willd, Sp. Pl. 1. 197. 

my herba pilofa. G. 

@.) herba nuda. G. Supra No. 1254. 


Desc. Stem 3—14 inches high; /pike 2—10-flowered; limb 
of the corlla white on the infide, outer fegments thickly befet 
with minute cinnamon-coloured fpeckles on the outfide, inner 
ones white on both fides. The flowers, which are about two- 
thirds of an inch long, diffufe their fragrance during the night, 
and then only in a warm dry atmofphere; at other times they 
Temain clofed, and no {cent is perceptible, J 

: ur 

Our drawing of the prefent variety was taken from a plant 
imported by Meffrs. Lex and Kennepy, in whofe confervato 
at Hammerfmith it flowered in April laft, moft probably for 
the firft time in Europe. No figure of either variety has 
appeared in any work known to us, except that of @ in No. 1254 
of the prefent. The Bankfian Herbarium contains feveral 
{fpontaneous f{pecimens, but we do not find the fpecies recorded 
in either of the editions of the Hortus Kewenfis. It is fo ufual 
with cultivators to {trip off the outermoft and thicker coats from 
the bulbs which they receive from abroad, before they plant 
them, that we cannot truft to the appearance they have in our 
colleétions when frefhly received from the Cape ; we fufpeét the 
bulb-tuber drawn. with our figure had been ferved in this way. 
For further account of the {pecies, fee above in No, 1254. G. 



otis Wabworkt tube ttitA 

fr = 4497622°F > 

SRR a Ee 

Generic Character.—Vid, No. 1225+ 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

TRICHONEMA /peciofum ; (caulis fub anthefin adultus ;) foliis 
trinis, gracilibus, fubjuncoideis, tereti-attenuatis, quadri- 
fulcatis fulcorum labris coeuntibus, atrovirentibus, rigidi- 
ufculis, longius vaginantibus, infimo longiffimo tortiufculo 
vagina brevi radicali amplexo, fummorum uno fere toto 
fpathaceo pedunculos unifloros fubequante; caule quam 
infimum aliquoties breviore, pedunculis binis femiteretibus 
bra€teola interftinGis brachiatim bifurcato (rarius unipedun- 
culato) ; {pathe valvulis flore duplo brevioribus, ifometris, 
extima herbacea convoluta ftriata, intima ventricofiore 
obtufiore lateribus late fphacelatis ; corolla breviter cam- 
panatim coherente tubo obfoleto, inde recurvatim ex- 
planata, laciniis inferne fubanguftatis, extimarum lamina 
oblongo-lanceolata anguftiore, intimarum elliptico-lanceo- 
lata obtufiore; filamentis femitereti-fubulatis, villofis, an- 
thera triplo brevioribus; ftylo tereti-triquetro, ftrifto, 
ftaminibus ad unam tertiam breviore ; ftigmatibus brevibus, 
totis bipartitis, fegmentis complicato-canaliculatis margine 
pube minuta fimbriatis, ad medias antheras recurvatis. G. 

TRICHONEMA Jpeciofum. Nob. in Ann. of Bot. 1.223. Sifa. 
Jupra No. 1225, verf. fol. in pec. enum. 

IXIA Bulbocodium ; var. {peciofa. Botan. Repofit. tab. 1703 
exemplari defumpta unifloro, flore male expan/o. 

Descr. Lower leaf from a foot toa foot and an half or 
more in length, rufh-like, four-furrowed, but with the fides of 
the furrows clofing together, fo that they are fcarcely per- 
ceptible, while the leaf retains the appearance of being uniformly 
round ; corolla about an inch and an half long, of a bright 


carmine colour on the infide with a yellow bottom, from whence 
iffue feveral dark-red rays; external /egments yellowith without, 
and marked with five parallel vertical feathery ftripes of a 
black-red colour, nearly as in fome of the fpecies of Crocus. 
Differs from any other known ‘to us, by the fhortnefs of its 
filaments relatively to the anthers, as well as the roundnefs of its 
leaves; its ftigmas are alfo unufually fhort. Native of the 
Cape of Good Hope, from whence it was introduced into our 
gardens fome years back by Mr. G. Hizserr. 

The drawing was taken from a_ plant that flowered ih 
Mr. Knicur's greenhoufe, King’s-Road, Fulham, and which 

_ had originally been obtained from Mr, Hissert’s colleétion. 

teh by isrlur Walwork Irely. 1.1872 


C 1477 J 



Clafs and Order. 

Decanpria Monocynia. 

Generic Charafer. 

Cal. 5-fidus, 2-labiatus. Cor. papilionacea, carina compreffa 
longitudine alarum fubequantium vexilium explanatum. Germen 
fimplici ferie 4-fpermum. Stylus adfcendens. Stigma fimplex. 
Legumen pedicellatum lineari-oblongum, modice ventricofum, 
intus leve. Brown. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

PODOLOBIUM frilobum ; foliis oppofitis fpinofo-dentatis 
trilobis: lobis lateralibus terminali dentato multottes bre- 
vioribus, germine fericeo. Brown MSS, Hort. Kew. ed. 
alt. v. 3. p. g. 

CHORIZEMA “¢rilobum ; foliis fuboppofitis haftato-trilobis 
integris dentatifve fpinofis, racemis axillaribus folio bre- 
viortbus. Smith in AG. Soc. Linn. v. 9. p. 253. 

PULTENZA ilicifolia. Bot. Repof. 320. 

Befides the difference in the length of the keel, and the 
oppofite leaves, which led us to doubt (at No. 1032) whether 
this plant could be properly arranged under the genus Cuort- 
zEMA, Mr, Brown has remarked feveral other peculiarities, 
inferted in the generic character, as above given. 

The Popotosrum frilodum is a native of New South-Wales, 
from whence it was introduced into this country by Meffrs. 
Ler and Kennepy in1791. Is a hardy greenhoufe fhrub. 
It rarely ripens its feed with us, but may be propagated by 
Cuttings, and more expeditioufly by layers. Flowers from 
April to July. Communicated by Mr. Kyrcur, of the Exotic 
Nurfery, King’s-Road, Little-Chelfea. 

*E fwardr Ded. AA bor thieek Wabwortin Pudge 1 130A. 

‘4 [ 4478. eguissz2 ¥d botsescoid 
\ cS ] 
= : : 

: 5 Sree 


‘ Hea rit ty Bi seme? nda = ieee 
onuiip 21 IF On w MmiOid -, SAVSHNGSy Sa) NEAT WLet Writs e¥ill; 
ed: Yo mrtol CENTL 38 Pa i .xYAHOIM 0} entbiosos 
“ enomeBfl of ~ENTLESS, | HILADE LPH #8 io znomest 
uok one oldirvi + shansl slodw 21 bilol anied bus diacel 

MiQi 3 

ea ees | x £ ghhs ath wa iOnw aii ¢ ft 
YReiShy [insia isistd wo io 

esr r rPery ‘oe & 
PwmvooD DvhHsan sai 

03 YEIsoNn 

mott sasbive ems! ti: boaismesig toy ton et witvoxes Yo teds 
O%y § rO2 Bee. j 3 &tafs.and Order. ty tt {9995 2% I2vU zr 
Tg | 1 WA ¢) 2 suri iO MW SONnss ud : ensbyss fod Sii3 
Tcosanbria MONOGYNIA‘ oo) oo) con 

sist waarin W aM vd bemsoinummaoD 
Generic Qhavaiérosdlal odio wos bas 

Cal. 4, {. 5-partitus, fuperus. Petala 4, f. 5. Stylus 4-fidus. 
Cap/. 4, {. 5-locularis, polyfperma. 

ri-biO Yo 

Specific Charaéter and Synonyms. 

PHILADELPHUS inodorus; foliis integerrimis, Willd. Sp, Pl. 
2. p. 948. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 3. p. 180. Mill. Dif. ed. 7. 
Walter Flor. Cavol. p. 146. 

PHILADELPHUS flore albo majore inodoro. Cate/b. Car. 2. 
p. 84. cum tab. 

PHILADELPHUS iwodorus ; calyce viridi laciniis fuperne 
fenfim anguftatis, longius acuminatis: petalis candidiffimis 
ampltffimis, patentibus, fubovalibus ; ftylo ftaminibus lon- 
giore, adufque ftigmata indivifo five folido. Michaux Flor. 
Bor. Am. 1. p. 283. 

PHILADELPHUS coronarius. y. inodorus, Mart. Mill. Dif, 
a. te 

The Purtabecpuus inodorus is a very defirable fhrub, the 
flowers being confiderably larger, and of a purer white than thofe 
of the coronarius ; and to moft people are not the lefs acceptable 
for being without fcent, that of the mock orange being far too 
powerful to be generally agreeable even without doors. 

Being a native of Carolina, though hardy enough to bear 
Our winters when not unufually fevere, it muft be liable to be 
deftroyed occafionally. To this caufe we fuppofe is to be 
attributed the prefent fcarcity of a plant introduced into the 
country before the year 1738. : 

| * + Propagated 

Propagated by cuttings or layers. Flowers in June and 
July, rather later than the coronarius ; from which it is diftin®, 
not only in the margin of the leaves being quite entire, but, 
according to MicuauX, in the moré‘acuminate form ‘of ‘the ~ 
fegments of the calyx, and in the ftyle exceeding the ftamens in 
length and being folid its whole.length, not divifible into -four 
nearly to the bafe, 7 

The native country of our prefent plant is certainly Carolina; 
that of coronarius is not yet afcertained : “it feems evident from 
Cxvsivus’s account, that it was difperfed over Europe from» 
the Dutch gardens; but whence it originated is unknown: per- 
haps from Japan.” 

Communicated by Mr. Wuir ey, late of Old-Brompton, 
and now of the Fulham-Nurfery. 



om cpiie 


A 7 of z. Zz + Z OS si. A le fasdarst. 
vi L*hidwards Dee. fab dr d lisrlee Wali 7 GC SUT? 

£ 1479 J Sar iaees 

Clafs and Order. 

Penranpria Monocynia. 

Generic Charafer. 
Petala §, {accata, fornicata. Bacca ficca, 3-locularis, 3-fperma. 

Specific Chara&er and Sytonyms. 

CEANOTHUS americanus ; foliis cordato-ovatis acuminatis 
triplinerviis, paniculis axillaribus elongatis. Willd, Sp. PI. 

4. p. 1114. Hort. Kew. edit. alt. 2. p. 22. 

CEANOTHUS americanus ; foliis trinerviis. Sp. Pl. 284. 
Mill. tcon. ¢. 86. 

CEANOTHUS americanus; foliis ovalibus, ferratis, fubtus 
tomentofis : racemis compofite confertifloris, ob ramulos 
aphyllos quafi longe pedunculatis. Michaux Fl. Bor. Amer. 
1. 7.154. Dubam. Arb. 1. p. 138. t. 51. Wangenh. Amer. 
112.7%. 31.f. 70. Willd. Arb. 54. Plenck Icon. 143. Zorn. 
Icon. 167. Trew Ebret. 53. %. 94. Gronov. Virg. 2. p. 32. 

Gert, Sem. 2. p. 110. t. 106. 

CELASTRUS inermis, foliis ovatis ferratis trinerviis, racemis 

ex fummiis alis longiflimis. Hort. Cliff. 73. Gronov. Virg. 1. 

. 25. 
EUONYMUS novi Belgii, corni foeminz foliis. Comm. Hort, 1. 
p. 167. t. 86. Raj. Dend. 69. 
EUONYMUS, jujubinis foliis, carolinenfis, fru€tu parvo fere,. 
umbellato. Pluk. Alm. 139. t. 28. f. 6. 

The American Ceasotuts, which has its name of New. 
Jerfey tea from the dried leaves being uled as a fubftitute for 
the Chinefe herb, by the common people of that country, is 
indigenous to North-America, from Canada to Florida. The 


twigs are ufed for dying a cinnamon-colour, and the roots are 
efteemed to be medicinal. 

It is a pleafing little fhrub, takes up but little room, and 
though liable to be injured by early frofts, is not often deftroyed 
by the cold of our climate; yet it does not feem to be of long 
duration, probably from being naturally fhort-lived; whence it 
is apt to be loft out of colleétions, unlefs care be taken to 
renew it. May be propagated by layers, but MiLier recom- 
mends raifing it from feeds, which often come to maturity with 
us. Flowers in July and Auguft. Drawn at Mr. Sarispury’s 
Botanic Garden, Sloane-Street. 

> ra 4 
Lub byS burl Wad, i 
4 Slurlir Waluorit, Jud t 1942 

é FFE" 

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note seit fre Agere | 


Je HHH: 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic CharaZer. 

Cor. campanulata. Stamina receptaculo inferta. Capf. §- 
locularis, : ; 

Specific Charafer and Synonyms. 

AZALEA indica ; floribus fubfolitariis pentandris decandrifve, 
calycibus pilofis. 

AZALEA indica ; floribus fubfolitariis, calycibus pilofis. Sp. 
Pl.214. Willd. 1. p. 831. - Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 2. p. 318. 

CHAMARHODODENDRON exoticum, ampliffimis flori- 
bus liliaceis. Breyn. Prod. 1. p.23. Prod. 2. p. 31. cjufdem 
ed. alt. p. 16. et 53. 3 

CISTUS indicus Ledi alpini folio, floribus amplis. Herm. 
Tugdb, 152. t. 153. Raj. Hifl. 1895. , 

TSUTSUSI. Kempf: Amen. 845. t. 846. 


This is a very rare plant, which has been Jong anxioufly 
fought for by cultivators of curious and fcarce exotics, We 
believe there are not above three or four individuals of it in. the 
country, and of thefe only the one in the colle€tion of James 
Vere, Efq. from which our drawing was taken, has as yet 
produced any flowers. 

It is furprifing that this fhrub, fo famed for its elegance, and 
of which Kzmprer enumerates twenty-one varieties cultivated 
in Japan, fhould ftill be fo rare in Europe, efpecially when we 
learn that it flourifhed, for twelve years, in the garden of 
Mynheer Jerome vAN BeverNinGky one of the moft cele- 
brated in Holland, producing annually a profufion of flowers, 
to the admiration and delight of the amateurs. Prof. HERMAN 
declares that, but for its want of fragrance, you might fay of 


it, that nature had never produced any thing more lovely; and 
even this deficiency might be faid to be amply recompenfed by 
the delightful ftru€ture, and exquifite brilliancy of colour of its 

Among the varieties enumerated by Kamrrery befides the 
many different coloured flowers, white, red, yellow, purple, 
and fcarlet, with fpots of the moft contrary hues, the foliage of 
fome is hairy, of others fmooth; fome produce their flowers 
before the leaves, fome after ; others are evergreen ; fome have 
five, fome ten ftamens. The variety cultivated in Holland was 
brought from Jaccatra; its foliage hairy and evergreen; flowers 
of a refulgent pale crimfon colour, and produced in fuch 
profufion from June to Auguft, that the upper part of the 
fhrub looked as if covered with a beautiful crimfon garment. 
Herman defcribes it as having four ftamens only, his 
diffe€ted figure however fhews five: in our plant there were 
ten, unequal in length, and flightly declined, which together 
with the form of the corolla and the fpotting of the fuperior 
lacinie, feemed’ to unite it with Rhododendron, rather than 
with Azalea; but in fa& there are no natural limits between 
thefe genera, or at leaft the number of ftamens affords none ; 
and moft of the varieties of this {pecies recorded by Kamrrer 
are pentandrous: _ ae 

The anthers in the variety here figured, and probably in the 
fpecies in general are very remarkable, ludicroufly reprefenting 
the heads of fo many little birds juft hatched; the polliniferous- 
cells, large and divergent, forming the eyes, and the moderately’ 
“ois body of the anther, terminating in an acute point, the 


_Native of Japan and China, a hardy greenhoufe fhrub, re- 
quiring only proteétion from froft; and we are informed by 
Mr. Anpverson, the fkilful fuperintendant of Mr. Vere’s col- 
. Te@tion, is readily and fpeedily propagated by layers. ‘Flowers in 
the {pring ; in the prefent inftance in March, but this was pro- 
bably fomeWwhat earlier than its natural feafon. 


Aub. by S. Gisrbar Walworlhe Aug? 4.1812. Spot Biren Del Releaiih 

[ 1481 J] 


SEAR ese ee sess i ede ae ae 
Generic Charafter.—Vid. No. 1046. 

Specific Characer and Synonyms. 

ALBUCA fetofa; (flos biformis, eredus ;) bulbo folido-fquamato, 


viridefcente, ovato, fquamis amplis truncatis fimbria fibrofa 
fphacelata crinito-continuatis ; foliis pluribus ambientibus, 
anguftius longeque ligulato-attenuatis, convoluto-cancavis, 
glauciufculis, denfe ftriatulis, flaccidis ; caule tereti, fub- 
altiori; racemo diftanter multifloro, brachiato-divaricato, 
pedicellis craffiufculis re€tangule porre€tis braétea fphacelata 
convoluto-acuminata triplo breviore bafi amplexis ; corolla 
laciniis extimis patentibus, oblongis, planiufculis, extus 
defuperne carinatis, obtufulis cum acumine parvulo callofo ; 
intimis ere€to-conniventibus, fub fextam partem brevioribus, 
latioribus, inferne fubanguftatis, apice conftriGtis fornicato- 
inflexis obfolete mucronatis, organa includentibus; ftami- 
nibus paulo brevioribus, planiufculis, apice uncato-inflexis, 
extimis lanceolato-ligulatis concaviufculis fubbrevioribus, 
intimis piftillum aquantibus ¢ lamina bafilari fubovata 
fuperneque conftri€a lineari-ligulatis ; antheris ere€tis bre- 
vibus fubquadrato-oblongis utrinque emarginatis a dorfo 
introrfum fufpenfis, exterioribus precocioribus; germine 
ftylum zquante, conice oblongato, rotundate lobato-trigono, 
lobis bafi bidentato-prominulis cavoque lato pallido in 
fulcum conftri@tum continuato interceptis; ftylo craffo 
obpyramidali-triquetro faciebus fubfulcatis obfcurius papu- 
lofo-muricatis, fine ftigmatofa truncata pubefcente continua ; 
capfula ovata, obtufa, trifulca. G. : 

ALBUCA /fétofa. Facq. Ic. Rar. 2. tah. 440. Coll. Suppl. 100. 

tab. 14. fig. 3. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.2. 251. Willd. Sp. Pl. 
2. 102. ee ig 

thefe ; pedicles 2—3 inches long, firaight, about the thicknefs 
a crow-quill; draé?es brownifh ; corolla rather more than an inch 
jong, yellowifh with a broad green {tripe down the middle off 
each fegment ; germen green ; flyle yellow, green at the angles; 
capjule brown, about the fize of a filbert. Flowered in May; 
fcent refembling that of bitter almonds, which however could 
only be perceived by fmelling clofe to the bloom. Introduced. 
by Mr. Masson in 1795, from the Cape of Good Hope. 

Our drawing. was made from a fpecimen in Mr. Grirrin’s 
greenhoufe at South-Lambeth. G. 2 


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{ 1482 ] 


Clafs and. Order. 

Trranpria MoNnNoGYNIA. 

Generic Charaéer. 

Infor. difticho-{picata, alterna, remotius feorfim bivalvi. 
fpathacea, /pafha membranacea ampliufcula ariftato-lacera ple- 
rumque arido-fphacelata. Cor. fupera, ereéta, infundibuliformiy 
patens, tubulofo-fexfida, tubus gracilis brevior, limbus fexpar- 
titus amplus regularis fubaqualis ftellato-turbinatove explanatus, 
interdum bilabiato-irregularis atque ineequalis. Stam. tubo ad- 
nata, inclufa, collaterali-inflexa, recto-inclinata, nunc afcendentia, 
rarius trifaria erecta. nth. \ineares, a dorfo appenfe. Stylus 
gracilis, direttione ftaminum. S/g. 3, anguftius lineari-compli- 
cata, recurvato-divergentia. Cap/’ membranacea oblonga, ro- 
tundate trigona, torulofa; triloc., trivalv., valvis feptigeris. 
Sem. biferialia, plurima, fubglobofa. G. 

Oxs. Bulbo-tuber ovatum reticulis multplicibus tenutbus (externis 
Sericeo-fibrofis Jveftitum; folia 4-10 collaterali-difticha, enfata, denfe frriatula, 
latitudine bilineari ad uncialem, caulina fapius in axiliis bulbifera 5 caulis 
Simplex vel paniculato-ramojus, 3-uncialis ad orgyalem; fos rara unicus, 
Sapius in ramo pauci, ampli, [peciofi, colore quam maxime ludentes ; fem, 
magnitudine fere Sinapeos. G. : 

Specific Charader and Synonyms. 

SPARAXIS @ricolr ; (flos regularis ;) foliis pluribus (6—8) 
enfiformibus, eretio-divergentibus, denfe nervulofis, ad 
axillam bulbiferis ; cauli altiori interdum ramofo, craffiuf- 
culo, ereéto-flexuofo ; {pica diftante, pauciflora; fpatha 
{cariofo-fphacelata, rugulofo-plicatula, tabum pluries ex- 
fuperante, inflatiufcula; corolla infundibuliformi-rotata, 
tubo breviffimo germen triquetrum aquante, limbo amplo 
ab inferne turbinato, ftellato-explanato, laciniis fub{pathulato- 
cuneatis, apice rotundatis, alternis fublatioribus bafi fub- 

gibbolis; _ 

gibbofis ; faminibus corolla fubtriplo brevioribus, trifarits, 
erefto-fafciculatis ; filamentis triquetro-{ubulatis ; ftigmati- 
bus prope antherarum apices recurvatis. G. 

SPARAXIS ¢ricolor. Nobis in Ann.of Bot. 1.225. Supra No.7 79. 
vero folio in Spec. Enum. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 1. 85. 

IXIA fricolor. Supra No. 381. Schneevogt et Geuns ic. 39. Lil. 
a Redoutd tab. 129. Vabl Enum. 2.74. n.12. Willd. Enum. 
Art. Bot. Berol. 57. 

(a.) floris Jaciniarum Jamina aurantiaco-flava. Supra No. 381. 

(3.) eadem fanguineo-purpurea, variegatione dilutiore. No. 1482. 

- (y.) eadem violaceo-purpurea. No. 1482. 

(3.) eadem fubrofeo-albida. No. 1482. 

_ Differs from its congeners, in having upright flamens that 
¢oriverge trifarioully, as well as by a ftriate wrinkled fpathe. 
The three varieties now publifhed, have been lately imported 
from the Cape of Good Hope, by Mr. Garrrin, in whole 
wery fele& colle&ion at South-Lambeth we faw them in bloom 
ogether in April laft. None of them are noticed in any work 
we have confulted. The white-flowered one feems to approach 
nearer to the grandiflora of No. 779 than the others do. 


For the enumeration of the fpecies of this genus. fee the 
other fide of the leaf in No. 779. Since the publifhing of 
which, we have fatisfied ourfelves, by the infpeétion of a well- 
preferved {pontaneous {pecimen, that the Ixra pendula (/ee above 
No. 1013, in Spec. Enum.) belongs to Sparaxis, and not to 
Ix1a. We do not believe that this plant has ever made its ap- 
pearance in any European garden, although one of the molt orna- 
mental of its order. Found by Tuunserc, growing in wet 
places near Krumrivier, at the Cape of Good Hope; fome- 
‘times attaining the height of fix feet. G, 


4 yd ET duardr Def. L4eb.borS- Lerlay Walworlth Au att 4872. 5 i farefo 


C 1483 J 

Te RRR RR ae eee ae 
Generic CharaGer.—Vide N*- 538, 569; 992- 

Specific Charafier and Synonyms. 

GLADIOLUS ¢richonemifolius ; bulbo-tubere fubglobofo, teg- 
mine externo fibrofo-textili; foliis trinis, gracilibus, ftri€tis, 
nitidis, longe fiftulofo-vaginantibus, inde lineari-attenuatis, 
tetraquetris angulis fulcatis, infimo caulem plurimum ex- 
fuperante, reliquis ultra vaginam breviffimis fubulatis ; 
caule fimplici, gracili, ere€to, toto fere vaginato; {pica 
2—9-flora, fubfecunda; fpatha herbacea, convoluto. 
lanceolata, denfe ftriatula, integerrima, valva exteriore 
parum longiore, floris faucem fuperante; corolla ereéto- 
fubnutante, infundibuliformi-fubringente, fubaquali; tubo 
brevi, gracili, {triato, germen zquante ; fauce fubventricofo- 
turbinata, quam tubus multum longiore, quam limbus. 
fubbilabiato-patulus parum breviore ; laciniis ovato-lanceo-. 
latis acumine convoluto, fuprema fublongiore, unguiculata,. 
incumbente, a religuis inter fe fimilibus tubo tenus dif 
junéta ; ftaminibus fauci ifometris; filamentis antheras fub- 
equantibus; ftigmatibus anguftis, lineari-complicatis. G. 

IXIA /pathacea. Herb. Bankf. Exemplar /pontaneum. 

Desc. Bulb-tuber about the fize of a common nut, zxfegu- 
ments brown; lower /eaf about a foot and half high, of a dark 
polifhed green colour, {carcely half a line indiameter, fheathed 
at the bafe by a purple root/beath ; flem 6—g inches high; 
flowers about an inch and an half long, exceeding fragrant, the 
fcent refembling that of the violet, of a deep bright yellow 
colour ; faux and the lower part of the limb that forms the 
under-lip marked with purple rays on the infide, tips of all the 
fegments purple. The Bankfian Herbarium contains a three- 
flowered {pecimen, gathered at the Cape of Good-Hope, by 
Mr, Masson, 


Our drawing was made from a fpecimen imported by Meffrs. 
Lez and Kennepy, in whofe confervatory at Hammerfmith 
it flowered in May laft, moft probably for the firft time in 
Europe. A fpecies not yet recorded in any work known to us;. 
very nearly akin to Guapioxus ?riffis, both in leaf and bloom. 
Scarcely a mere variety of i? G. 

Difen A TA; 

No. 1018, verfo folio, 1.9, for ‘519’? read **- 872,” 
No, 1098, 1. 24, pro ‘* deleatur’’ lege ‘¢ deleantur.’’ 
~~ No. 1443, folii fecundi pag, prima, a calce 1, 13, poft. ** defcrs”’ dele: 
ro femicolon, 
a No. 1450, 1. 7, polt. ‘* muda,’’ adde hamum alterum:conclufionise- 
; “No, 1460, 1,19, pro: * ed, 1, 498”? lege “6 ed. 21 1. 498." 

ees at YQ 

manent eens 
tte eal 

[ 1434 ] 

Selb ded eases ak sk kak ae 

Cla/s and Order. 
PenTAnpRIA MonocyNIa. 
(Syncenesta Monocamia. Lim.) 

(Monapevpuia Pentanpria. Peron.) 

Generic Charaer. 
Cal. 5-fidus. Cor. 1-petala, irregularis. Anthere coherentes. 
Cap/. infera, 2—3-locularis. 
Specific Character and Synonyms. 

LOBELIA uwpnidentata; foliis linearibus utrinque unidentatis. 
Hort. Kew, ed. alt. v. 1. p. 356. Donn Hort. Cant. ed. 6. 

p. 51. 
LOBELIA Zidentata. Donn Hort. Cant, ed. 4. p. 41. 


This little plant, from the bright violet colour of its flowers, 
of which it produces a profufion in long fucceffion, is well 
worth cultivating. It thrives beft when the pot ftands conftantly 
in water. The form of the corolla of this {pecies differs con- 
fiderably from’ that of every other in the genus with which we 
are acquainted. It is in fatt tripetalous; the three lacinie of 
the upper lip being united into one at the bafe, whilft the other 
two forming the lower lip are diftin€&t; and the ftamens and {tile 
_ pafs between them ; fo that the flower in this fpecies is reverfed 
when compared with the ufual arrangement of the lacinia in 

We firft obferved this plant in Mr. Wooprorp’s colleétion 
at Vauxhall ; our drawing was taken from one communicated by 
Mr. Satissury, of the Botanic Gardens, Brompton and Sloane- 
Square. Flowers all the fummer. Propagated by feeds or 
Cuttings, Native of the Cape of Good Hope, 


““chvardr Ded. Liab. by tL lurler Wadwartte. hag £842. as” Gan 


[ 1485 ] 

Jee HAS eeiukok eb eke ee 

Cla/s and Order. 

PENTANDRIA Monocynia. 

Generic Charaéer. 

Cal. rotatus, 5-fidus. Stamina bafi fquama munita. <Anikere 

apice poris duobus. Cap/: fupera, 3-locularis, trivalvis : yalvis 
medio feptiferis, 

Specific CharaGer and Synonyms. 

LASIOPETALUM quercifolium ; foliis cordatis trilobis; lobis 
obtufe lobulatis, {tipulis fublobatis petiolatis. . 

LASIOPETALUM quercifolium ; foliis cordatis trilobis: lobis 
obtufe lobulatis. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 2. p. 36. 

LASIOPETALUM quercifolium. Bot. Repof. 459. 

Desc. A low depreffed /2raf, covered in every part with a 
brown, ftellated, rigid, fubpungent pubefcence. Leaves alternate, 
three or five-lobed, with the lobes obtufely finuate, dark green 
on the upper furface, pale and woolly underneath; but both 
fides as well as the footftalks and margins are ftudded over with 
the above-mentioned ftarry pubefcence. Szipules oppofite, ge- 
- nerally three-lobed, refembling the leaves, on fhort footftalks. 
Peduncle folitary, oppofed to the leaf, bearing a fimple raceme 
of red flowers looking one way. Calyx petal like, five-cleft, 
rotate-campanulate. Braées three, linear, reflexed, clofe to 
and nearly as long as the calyx. 

Native of New-Holland. Requires a greenhoufe. Propa- 
gated by cuttings. Flowers from April to June. Communi- 

cated by Mr. Knicut, from the Exotic Nurfery, King’s-Road, 

BO hy ari Dat, 

L444 By. T° Ceerbage Wee Lure wih 

PA z art 

Filanfom Je 


[ 1486 J] 


Clafs and Order. 

Generic CharaGer—Vid, No. 1485. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

LASIOPETALUM /olanaceum ; foliis cordatis fubquinquelobis 
repando finuatis, flipulis reniformibus fubfeflilibus, fila- 
mentis decem : alternis fterilibus longioribus apice hamatis. 

LASIOPETALUM ¢riphyllum. Smith in Rees Cycloped. vix 
tamen Labillardieri. 

Desc. A taller /orub than the quercifolium, covered witha 
fimilar {tarry pubefcence, but fofter ; /eaves alternate, five-lobed, 
obtufely finuate, very woolly on the under furface, frequently, ~ 
but not always bordered with a yellowith ftripe, like fome of 
the variegated geraniums; foot/alks nearly the length of the 
deaf. At the bafe of each footftalk grow two, oppofite, kidney- 
fhaped ftipules, moftly quite entire, fometimes a little lobed, 
feffile or on very fhort ftalks. Thefe ftipules, as we fhould 
call them, are called by LasrtLarpiere and SmtTu leaves, 
and hence this and the preceding are both defcribed as three- 
leaved. Peduncles oppofed to the leaf, horizontal, racemes fre- 
quently branched: pedicles divaricate. Braéfes three, {ubulate, 
not half the length of the calyx, reflexed. Calyx five-cleft : 
fegments folded back, pointed, white with a pale rofe-coloured 
{tripe in the middle. Stamens five, fertile with a longer fterile 
filament between each, hooked at the point; the fertile filaments 
are fhort, flefhy, and flattened: anthers heart-fhape pointed, 
pening on the infide near the tip. Germen fuperior, fee 

aa ve- 

five-angled, three-celled: /lyle ftraight, longer than the ftamens : 
figma, “when viewed through a lens, trifid. 

Although we have no doubt but that our plant is the fame as 
the one defcribed by our friend Dr. Smiru, in the Cyclopedia, 
yet we are far from being convinced that it is the /ripbyllum 
of LaBILLARDIERE, in whofe figure the form of the leaves 
and of the fipules is very different; his plant too efpecially 
differs, in that the latter are on longith footflalks ; and the 
barren filaments are defcribed to be fhorter than the fertile 

Native of New-Holland. Flowers from May to July. Re- 
quires the fhelter of a greenhoufe. Propagated by cuttings. 
We were favoured with the plant, from which our drawing was 
taken, by Meffrs. Cuan pier and Buckincuam, Nurferymen, 
in Vauxhall-Road. 

Wierd: Dek Elurefere Sa Pub by Se Curb Walworth, Aug? t 1202, 


SEA TE ER EE EE ae ae 

Clafs and Order. 

IcosanprRiA Monocynita, 

Generic Charaéer. 

Cal. fuperus, perfiftens, 5-partitus. Cor. polypetala: petals 
unguiculatis, S%amina numerofiflima, ereéta, uniformia. Capf. 
cylindrica, 1-locularis, apice operculatim 3—5-valvis: Recep- 
tacula 3—5, parietalia, duplici ferie feminifera. Sem. plurima, 
complanata, fubelliptica. 5 

Oss. Loaf et Mentzelix affinis; ab hac filamentis aqualibus 
Seminibus numerofis, ab illa petalorum numero et neGtariorum defeéiu Satis 

Specific Charaéer. 

BARTONIA decapetala; petalis decem, germine foliofo, fe- 
minibus nudis. 

The name of Bartonra is given to this plant in honour of 
Dr. B. S. Barron, Profeffor of Botany and Natural Hiflory, 
in the Univerfity of Penfylvania. “, 2 

Jusstzv, in his Genera Plantarum, had added Mentzerra 
and Loasa, in a feparate fe€tion, to the end of the natural 
order of Onagra, as plants nearly related. But fince the publi- 
cation of that work, he has (in the Annales du Muféum d’Hift. 
Nat. v. 5. p. 18.) feparated thefe two genera from the Oxagre, 
making of them a diftinét order, under the name of Loaféz. 

To this natural order Bartonia belongs. It differs from 
Menrze ra in the indefinite number of its ftamens, the unj- 
formity of its filaments, and the number and form of its feeds, 
which in Mentzetra are angular and feldom exceed fix. 
From Loasa it differs in the number of its petals; in being — 

3 | deftiture 


deftitute of ne@laries, or the varioufly formed fcales alternating 
with the petals, in not having its ftamens arranged in diftinét 
bundles, and in its capfule being entirely inferior. 

This beautiful plant is about three or four feet high, with 
fpreading branches, covered with a profufion of odoriferous 
flowers, which expand after fun-fet, and remain clofed up the 
whole of the day. Native of North-America, growing fpon- 
taneoufly in the neighbourhood on the banks of the Miffouri, 
from the river Platt to the Andes, on arid volcanic foil. 

Living plants have been brought to this country, by Mr. 
Tuomas NuttTaLt, who colletied them in the fituation above 
defcribed. It has not however as yet flowered here, on which 
account our drawing was taken from dried f{pecimens. It is by 
particular requeft only that we have been induced to publifh 
fuch, contrary to our rule, feldom deviated from, and never 
| am mentioning it, of admitting none but drawings from the 

_ Another {pecies of this genus is known, which is polypetalous, 

has a naked germen, and winged feeds. 

For the above generic and fpecific charaéters, and indeed the 
whole communication, we are indebted to Mr. Freperick 

_Pursu, author of a new Flora.of North-American plants, now 

vin the prefs. 

[ 1488 | 

eR Ra ash eae ae aia ae 
Clafs and Order. 

Hexanpria MoNnoGYNIA. 

Generic Charader. 

Cor. fupera, fexpartita, regularis, perfiftens. Filamenta bali 
laciniarum corolla inferta, dilatata, fupra cucullata (inflexo- 
fornicata. G.) Germen uniloculare, placentis tribus parietalibus, 
polyfpermis. Stylus trifulcus. Stigmata 3, dilatata. Bacca 
polyfperma. Semina ftriata, albuminofa. Eméryo minutus, in 
regione umbilici. Brown Prod. Flor, Nov. Holland. 1.340. 


Oxs. Herbe glabra. Radix tuberofa (rhizomatofa. G.) Folia 
omnia radicalia palmata v. bipinnatifida, DRaAconTii polyphylli mfar, 
(quandoque integra. G.) Scapus radicalis, indivifus. Umbella term-— 
nalis, fimplex : Involucro polyphyllo, foliaceo : Pedunculis filis (pedunculis 
frerilibus ?) intermifiis. Brown loc. cit. 

Specific Charaéfer. 

TACCA integrifolia ; foliis petiolatis, lamina ovato-lanceolata, 
integra, nervo medio depreffo alios remotiufculos oblique 
parallelos utrinque emittente. G. 


As we had no opportunity of feeing the plant from which our 
drawing was made, we fhall not attempt to add any further 
defcription to that contained in the generic and fpecific characters. 
In the former of thefe, at the fuggeftion of Mr. Brown; WE 
have omitted that part which related to the anthers, as inappli- 
“cable to the prefent fpecies. In the Bankfian library we have 
feen a drawing of it done in India, in which the ftem is uprights — 
fo that we fhould infer that its recumbent pofition in our fpecimen 
was accidental ; perhaps the effe€t of artificial culture? An 
unrecorded fpecies ; lately fent from the Eaft-Indies by Dr. 
Roxsurcn to Sir Anranam Hume, in whofe hot-houfe at 
Wormleybury it bloffomed in June laft, probably for the firft 
time in Europe. Mr. Brown obferves, that the genus is inter” 
mediate between the Arno1pz« and Artstotocuiz. G 


4 "ZL ward Ded 

LUB bY S? Curbecp 

Walbworkh, Sep. 1872 


LU anfonde 

satan AO 

[ 1489 ] 
Uvu arlia. 

TRE RR eRe eck eset ae eae ae see 
Generic Chara&ier.—Vid. No. 916. 

Specific Charafer and Synonyms. 

UVULARIA rofea; (flos e minoribus ; capfula baccata ;) caule 
fubtereti, angulofo-ftriato, fuperne dichotomo flexuofo 
denfius villofo; foliis fubbifariis, amplexicaulibus, ovato- 
acuminatis, nudis, ciliatis, a fupino immerfe fubfeptem- 
coftatis ; pedunculis hirtulis, fingulis pede folii ramei (quo 
pluries brevioribus) pofitis, uno verfu extrorfum diftortis, 
recurvatis, fubfimplicibus, fubunifloris (iuferioribus fepius 
rudimento pedicelli cum flore abortivo Jub medium flipatis ; corolla 
campanulata, recurvula. G. 

UVULARIA rofea. Perfoon Syn. 1. 360. 

STREPTOPUS rofeus ; glaber, lucidus : foliis amplexicaulibus, 
ferrulato-ciliolatis: floribus rofeis; antheris brevibus, bi- 
cornibus, Michaux Flor. Bor. Amer. 1. 201. tab. 18. 

Desc. Stem about a foot and half high; downwards fmooth, 
diftantly leaved, rounder and lefs ftriate than at the branches, 
where it is fomewhat compreffed, angularly ftriate, clothed with 
a fhort thick nap, and alfo flexuofe; /eaves gradually {maller 
and clofer fet as they approach the top of the branches, upper 
ones about half their own length diftant, the fides of all roll 
back as they decay; corolla about the third of an inch deep. 
We had no opportunity of feeing the bloom. We are obliged 
to Mr. Arron for the fpecimen from which the drawing was 
made. Flowered in Kew Gardens towards the end of aft 
May. Native of Canada and the high mountains of North- 
Carolina. Hardy. The figure of it, given in Micuavux’s 
work, is evidently taken from a dried plant. G. 


eee ee 



Lub. by So Curbis habwerth Sof. 1 182. 

Syd." Edwarals Del 

[ 1490 ] 

TEE EE EER Se a aoe 
Generic Charaéer—Vid. No. 916. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

UVULARIA lanuginofa ; (flos e majoribus ; capfula baccata  G.) 
incana, foliis feffilibus, fubcordatis, pedicellis geminatis, 
Perfoon Syn. 1. 360. 

STREPTOPUS Januginofus ; fubcandicanti-lanuginofus : foliis 
feffilibus bafi vix cordatis : pedicellis in breviflimo ftipite 
geminatis; floribus majufculis, virefcentibus. Michaux 
Flor. Bor. Amer, 1. 201. 

Desc. Root as in the reft of the genus; /fem about a foot 
high, terminating in two‘or three divergent branches, from green 
becoming brown, adpreffedly downy ; /eaves ovate-lanceolate, 
far acuminate, three-ribbed, reticulately veined, downy on the 
under, naked on the upper furface ; peduncles dichotomous, two- 
flowered ; cap/ule berried, red, tritorofe, fometimes oblong, with 
- one cell only fertile. Native of the high grounds of South- 
Carolina. We loft the opportunity of infpe€ting the flowers for 
defcription. : 

The drawing was taken from a plant brought to this country — 
from America by Mr, Lyon, with whom it bloomed in May 
laft. Hardy. G. 

es 7491. 

byl" Edwardr i bBo S Leer 2” Jearefmade 
v ards Led. Lub by J leather Ualuorl Seth? 7E72 Le ‘Sate tres 

[ 1491 ] 

eee kaa eR ee eae 

Clafs and Order. 

Gynanpria MonanDRIA, 

Generic Chara@er. 

Cor.4-f. 5-petala, patens. Lade/lum planum, bafi tuberculofum. 
Anthera opercularis, decidua, 

Specific Charafer. 
ONCIDIUM AZrfolium ; bulbis ovatis fubhexagonis, foliis duobus 

lanceolatis carinatis, 


Desc. Bulds oval, obfoletely fix-fided. Leaves two (or 
fometimes only one) {carcely three inches long, lance-fhaped, 
keeled. Scape rounded, three times longer than the leaves, 
growing on the outlide of the bulb, betwixt it and its fheath, 
naked, except a very {mall draéZe at each divifion, Pedicles an 
inch in length and forming right angles with the fcape. Flowers 
growing in a lax raceme, very beautiful. The three upper — 
lacinie nearly equal ; the uppermoft ovate and contratted into a 
claw: the two fide ones oblong, undulated, {preading ; the two 
lower /acinig like the upper, but united into one claw: all of 
them variegated with yellow and brown. Labellum, or NeGaryy 
large, flat, two lobed, of a moft brilliant light yellow colour, 
terminating in a flefhy claw, which is furnifhed with two horn- 
like appendages at the bafe, and tuberculated on the furface. 
Columna, or Style, turgid in the middle, with a wing like ex- 
crefcence on each fide, near the upper extremity, on which refts 
the lid like anther terminating in a brownifh vilcid point; to 
this point the two lobes of the pollen-maffes are attached by 
means of a tranfparent pedicle, continued fomewhat beyoud 
them, : 

: Fer 

For this beautiful flower we aré indebted to our friends 
Mefirs. Loppices and Sons, who received it from a_gentle- 
many who informed them that he brought it from MaitéV ideo, 
and that being hung up in the cabin without earth, it continued 
to flower great part of the voyage home. It feems however 
hardly probable that it fhould be a native of fo temperate a 
climate ; and it has been fuggefted that the fhip may have touched 
at the Brazils, and that this plant was procured there. 

It feems to propagate readily by the bulbs, and promifes to 
be a great ornament to our fteves. Flowered in July laft. 

eile flo 

EL ll 

hy LR, 
"Lwardy DP ed. LF Sars fon te a 
' Lorde. Walworlt Sop? Chl: 

£WEL. OY t 

[ 1492 J 


Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charader. 

Cor. 5-petala, erefta vel patens. Ladellum bali concavum, 

ecalcaratum, lamina patula. Axthera opercularis, decidua, Pollen 

Specific Charaéer and Synonyms. 
CYMBIDIUM byacinthinum ; radice tuberofa, foliis lanceolatis 

multinerviis, floribus ereétis racemofis, labello imberbi 
fulcato quadrilobo. Smith Exot. Bot. p. 117. t. 60. 
LIMODORUM byacinthinum. Hort. Cant. ed, 6. p. 236. 

Profeffor Swartz in his valuable treatifes on the Or- 
cHipe, publifhed firft in the Swedifh and Latin languages, 
and tranflated and republifhed in Traé?s on Botany, has arranged 
the Limoporum alium of Linnaus, under his new genus 
Cymsipium, fince adopted by Prof. WittpzNnow and our 
friend Dr. Smirx. Our plant, from its affinity with that {pecies, 
could not but be arranged under the fame genus, and accordingly 
we find the name of Cymsipium hyacinthinum given it in the 
Exotic Botany of the laft-mentioned author; where it was firft 
noticed. It is diftinguifhed from Limoporum and Denpro- 
Bium by the want of any fpur to the labellum or ne€tary. 

Native of Cuina; but not, we believe, of Trinidad. Intro- 
duced by Tuomas Evans, Ef. of the India-Houfe, in 1803. 
Flowers in the ftove at different feafons of the year. Our 
drawing was taken at Meffrs, Les and Kennepvy’s in April. 


Syd” Ldwardr Dod. 

Lb. by SL Cerber Walwrord, Sap D468. 

L lanfom Se 

[ 1493 ] 
Bossi a.’ 

Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Characer. 

Cal, 2-labiatus: /adio fuperiore majore, femi bifido, obtufo. 
Stam. omnia connexa, Legum. plano-compreflum, margine 
utroque incraflatum. Sem/na ttrophiolata. Brown in Hort, Kew. 

Specific Charaéer. 

BOSSI A profrata; ramis foliofis filiformibus, caule pro- 
cumbente, foliis ovalibus glabris, ftipulis petiolo breviori- 
bus, legumine uniloculari. Brown J. ¢. 4. p. 268. inedit. 

Mefirs. Lopptces and Sons furnifhed us with the plant 
from which our drawing was taken. It is a native of New 
’ South-Wales. Requires the proteétion of a greenhoufe, and 
the fame treatment as the other papilionaceous fhrubs of that 
country. tae os 

No figure has been before given of it, in any publication 
that we know of. 

Our PratytosiuM microphyllum (No. 863) belongs to this 
genus. Bosst#a /anceolata is, in the new edition of Hortus 
Kewenfis, more properly called heterophylla, which was the name 
VenTENAT gave it, the principal reafon for our adopting the 
name by which it is diftinguifhed in the Botanilt’s Repofitory, 
being done away, by its having been now decided that ovatum 
and /anceolatum are mere varieties of the fame fpecies, as we 
fufpefted they might be. 


“2!” BdwardrDed 

Pub by J Cries Walworth Sept 1273 

L Sarre Se 

sli tain ete iinniiteld 


[ 1494 ] 

Ha RRR eae ea 

Clafs and Order. 

DopeEcanpria TRICYNIA, 

Generic Charaéer. 

Cor. 4-f. 5-petala, calyci infidens. Cal, 1-phyllus, ventricofus. 
Caps. 3-cocca. 

Specific Charaéler and Synonyms. 

EUPHORBIA Jpecacuanha ; dichotoma, foliis integerrimis lan- 
ceolatis, pedunculis axillaribus unifloris folia aquantibus, 
caule eretto. Amen. Acad. v. 3. p.116. Sp. Pl. 653. 
Willd. 2. p. goo. Reich. 2. p. 443. Mart. Mill. Did?. n. 44. 

EUPHORBIA Jpecacuanbe ; perennis, procumbens, pumila, 
glabra: foliis oppofitis feffilibus, obovalibus oblongifve, 
integris: pedunculis folitariis, 1-floris, elongatis, Michaux 
Fi. Bor.-Am. 2. p. 212. 

EUPHORBIA inermis ; foltis oppolitis, pedunculis unifloris 
folitariis longiffimis. Gron. Virg. 2. p. 74. 

TITHYMALUS flore exiguo viridi, apicibus flavis, antequam 
folia emittit florens: foliis glabris acuminatis, ad cordis 
formam accedentibus, nervofis, rigidis: radicibus albis 
reptatricibus. Nonnullis Ipecacuanha. Clayton Virg. n. 555. 

We are indebted to Meffrs. Frasers, of Sloane-Square, for 
the opportunity of giving a figure of this very rare plant, which 
is not found either in the new edition of Arron’s Hortus Kew- 
enfis or in Donn’s Hortus Cantabrigienfis. 

It is a native of Pennfylvania, Virginia, and Carolina, grow- 
ing in fandy fituations. 

Formerly two kinds of Ipecacuanha were kept in the fhops, 
the white and the brown: the former was fuppofed by fome to 


have been the produ of the roots of this plant; but this is 
very doubtful. The name of Ipecacuanha appears to have been 
applied. to. feveral different plants which have no_ botanical 
affinity, merely becaufe they were ufed to excite vomiting, for 
which purpofe Crayton remarks that this fpecies of Spurge 
was fometimes rafhly exhibited in America, efpecially by the 
inhabitants of the North. At prefent we ufe but one kind of 
Ipecacuanha, which is certainly not obtained from this or any 
other fpecies of Euphorbia. 

We are informed by Micnavux, that the leaves of this plant 
vary much in form, being obovate, oblong, or fometimes quite 
linear. Often too it is found buried in the fand, growing with 
crowded ftems, and appearing to be leaflefs. 

Flowers in June. Is quite hardy, Propagated by dividing 
its roots, Likes a gravelly dry foil. 


Lyd hdwarde Delf Sanforn Se. Pub by t lsrler Wabworlh, QoL. 1012 


| Cte, oe ane 
EucoMIs NANA. Dwarr EvucomIs. 
Seok se cece ae sesieaki ak cea al ae aaa de 
Geiierie Charader.—Vid. No. 918. 
Specific Charatier and Sree, 

EUCOMIS zawa; foliis pluribus (5—8), multifariis, in orbem 
humi recumbentibus, planis, denfe ftriatulis, remotius im- 
merfo-lineatis, tenuiffima crenulataque cartilagine marginatis, 
clavato {capo fub triplum longioribus, exterioribus {pathulato- 
obovatis, interioribus fpathulato-lanceolatis; coma poly- 
phylla fenfim bra€teis confluente ; racemo conferto, cylin- 

_drico, clavum {capi fubaquante ; imis bratteis ovatis mem- 
branaceis flore brevioribus, fummis longioribus foliola 
come zmulantibus; corolla fubfeffili, nutante, oblato- 
campanulata, fubirregulari, «quali, laciniis fpathulato- 
oblongis obtufis cum parvo acumine, planis, infimis_ trinis 
remotioribus ; filamentis fubulatis, eretto-incurvefcentibus, 
ferto breviffimo cupulatim connexis, corolla pro quarta 
circiter parte adnatis; germine oblato-rotundato, alte tri- 
fulco, pulvinato-tritorofo; flylo triftriato-fetaceo, punée 

; ftigmatofo fimpliciffimo. | G. as 

EUCOMIS unana.. Hort. Kew. 1. 432. ed. 2. 2. 245, LHerit. 
Sert. Angl..197. Facq. Hort. Schoenb..1. 47+ tab..g2. Coll. 4. 
213. Willd. Sp. Pl..2.-92 5 (exclufa palm Frraicuarta 
nana Burmanni et Linnei ad XK. bifoliam N: Juperioris 840 
pertinente.) 3, wag asgss 

BASILAA nana. Zuccagni in Roemer. Coll. Bot. 136. 

ORNITHOGALUM nanum. Thunb. Prod. Fl. Capenf. 62. 

FRITILLARIA regia. Burm. Flor. Cap. 9. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2. 
1.435. Mill. Diét. ed. 8. u. 9. Syf. Veg. ed. 14. 324; 
(minime tamen E.ucomis regia Horti Kewenjis, cui male alle- 
gatur Dillenius ; neque L Heritieri que undulata N’ juperiovis 
1083. : 

CORON i regalis lilii folio crenato. Dillen, Hori. Elth, 109, 
tab. 92. fig. 108 ; et tab. 93. fig. 109. 

. Onr fpecies owes its fpecific name to the having been con- 
fidered as the Fririttaria wana of Burman and Linnaeus, 
although thofe authors have defcribed their plant with bifarious 
leaves, while in this they are multifarioufly difpofed round the 

i oa oe 


fcape. But our plant is their Farriyearra regia, in as much 
as it is the fame with that which they have quoted for it from 
Ditrentus, who was moft probably the authority for their 
fpecies, and the E. djfolia of No. 840 of this work is_ their 
F. nana. It is evident from the original fpecimen in the Bank- 
fian Herbarium, that the E. regia of the Hortus Kewenfis (not- 
withftanding the editors have cited the Dillenian plant) is a 
diftin& fpecies from the prefent, and more nearly allied to the 
undulata of No. 1083; poflibly a mere variety, with broader, 
blunter, and flatter leaves. L’Heritier’s regia, which he took 
up from a plant in the Kew Gardens, is undoubtedly the fame 
with undulata, fince he quotes the figure of it given in H1tt’s 
Hortus Kewenfis, under the title of Frirrixiaria longifolia. 
We have endeavoured to reétify the fynonymy, but left whdif- 
turbed the names by which each fpecies is now generally known. 
The whimfical title of regia was fuggefted by Dittentrus, who 
hit upon rvega/is in the way he explains in the following words ; 
* ceterum cum coronam habeant botanici imperialem (fR1TIL- 
% Lariam imperialem), quidni hanc regalem vocemus, cujus ap- 
“« pellationis rationem thyrfus coronatim digeftus facile vindicabit.” 
Leaves about a foot long, gradually narrower, outer one at the 
broadeft g3—4 inches over; /cape 3—4 inches high; flowers 
herbaceous, fcentlefs; expanding in April and May. Cultivated 
by Dittenrus; and again introduced by Mr. Masson, from 
the Cape of Good Hope, in 1774. 

Our drawing was made at Meffrs. Lez and KENNEDY’ 
Nurfery, Hammerfmith. Has been lately reimported by Mr. 
Niven, and, not being recognized, baptized in fome of our 
gardens by the name of Niventana. Puriver’s figure, by 
fome authors attached to nana, is far from certain; it has been 
taken from a dried plant without leaves. G, 


No. 840. Eucomrs siroria. To this the following fyno- 
nyms fhould be added. 7 

FRITILLARIA nana. Burm. Prod. cap. 9. Linn. Mant. 223: 
Sy. Veg. ed. 14. 325. 

No. 1083. Evcomts unputata. And to this the following. 
EUCOMIS regia. L’Herit. Sert. Angl. 17 ; (excl. Dill. et Linn.) 
E. regia. 8. Mart. Mill. Dié. 

FRITILLARIA longifolia, Hill Hort. Kew. 354. tab. 15+ 

\ 442490. 

Lb by S. larbin Waly orth, Oo? 1.1678 Lalas CD ak BU are e- 

L 1496. J 
) IRIs. 

Jee eiraeseesaiaiatie 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaer. 

| Tnflor. terminalis, fafciculata, uni-pluriflora ; /patha communis — 
bivalvis, intergerinas unifloras includens. Cor. fupera, tubulofo- 
fexfida; ¢udus interdum plenus; /iméus amplus, involuto-emar- 
cefcens, equalis aut perinequalis, fepius biformis laciniis alternis 
inter fe fimilibus; znterioribus frequentius erectis, quandoque 
fuperne reflexis, raro divaricatis; exterioribus lamina conftanter 
reflexa, ungue fepe intus pubefcente. Germ. rarius fubfeffile, 
Stylus triqueter, tubo zqualis ac in pleno una confolidatus. 
Stigm. 3, trifaria, inclufa, petaloidea, extrorfum fornicata,. bila- 
biata /abio exteriore curto diploioideo-fubtenfo, interiore bipartito 
reflexo. Stam. bafi laciniarum exteriorum impofita, faciebus 
ftigmatum accumbentia. th. lineares, extrorlae. Cap/ coriacea, 
nunc chartacea torulofa, rotundate acuteve trigona, rarius hexa- 
gona, 3-loc: loculamentis poly{permis, 3-valv: valvis feptigeris. 
Sem. biferialia, horizontalia, fepti margini interne. utringue 
annexa, nunc globofa, prefiione faepius deformata, were nunc 
rugofe tuberculata ; albumen durum. G. 

Oss. Herbz perennes ; radix rhizoma horizentale divifum, rare 
tuberiforme bulbiceps alque perpendiculare, nunc bulbus tunicatus, nunquam 
ac conftanter in proxima MorA bulbo-tuber; folia enfata collaterali- 
difticha, medo canaliculata tranfverfe. bifaria, rariffime tetragona ; _Caulis 
ramofus cubitalis ad fcapofum fubterraneum fubnullum, G. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. _— 

IRIS falva ; (imberbis ; fubbiflora; rhizoma Jubeylindrcun, ~ if ifitiny 
annulato-nodofum ;) foliis pluribus (4—5), anguftius lorato- 
enfatis, ftriatulis, fubflaccidis ; fummis caulem teretem 
nunc ramofum geniculate flexum fubfuperantibus; fpatha 
florem excedente, valvis extimis herbaceis, naviculari- 


Janceolatis, infima fubfoliacea; germine ovali-oblongo, 
hexagono, quam pedicellus breviori; tubo fiftulofo, ro- 
tundate fubtrigono, fexftriato, germinis fub quartam bre- 
vioris ferme diametro; limbo reflexo, laciniis totis planis 
obtufatis, exterioribus ovali-ellipticis, tubo duplo longiori- 
bus, inferne fubanguftatis, interioribus depreffioribus lan- 
ceolato-ellipticis fubbrevioribus duplo anguftioribus ; ftig- 
‘matibus a corolle difco proftantibus, alte convexis, infra 
utringue ferratis, interioris labii fegmentis dentato-erofis ; 
labio exteriore finuato-bilobo lobulis deflexis; capfula 
ventricofo-ovali, hexagona. G. 

Desc. Rootfock affurgent about ‘half an inch in diameter ; 
leaves of a bright green colour, equitant, fheathing, thofe in the 
fterile fafcicles, as throughout the genus, broader and longer than 
thofe in the fertile ones, about two feet high and more than half 

an inch acrofs ; /lem about the thicknefs of an ordinary quill and 
-ufually one-branched ; corol/a about three inches long, {centlefs ; 
iube greenifh ; _fegments on.their firft development hanging loofely 
down, afterwards extending themfelves fomewhat horizontally, 
_as in the coloured flower of the annexed engraving, of a tawny 
or copper colour with purple veins; by the affiftance of a mag- 
nifying glafs, that part of the outer ones which lies under the 
ftigmas will be found to be covered with a fhort pubefcence, 
refembling that on the fkin of a peach, efpecially at the veins; 
this is likewife the cafe in verficolor and virginica, although re- 
latively termed beardlefs. 

An unrecorded and fingular fpecies, differing from any known 
to us in the colour and infle€tion of the corolla. Found fpon- 
taneous on the Banks of Mififfippi, in low grounds not far from 
the town of New-Orleans. Introduced into this country in 1811; 
by Mr. Lyon, a very intelligent and induftrious colle&tor of 
North-American plants. Hardy. Bloffoms in June. Seeds 
freely, and is eafily propagated by dividing the rootftock. G. 

WV: 749 vf 

WO"L d ward Def 

L303 by A. leer ley Walwo lhe Calf 1272 L ABE f et. 

< £49074 

Generic CharaGer.—Vide N*- 745, 854, 993- 

Specific Characer and Synonyms. 

LACHENALIA uervofa; (flos media magnitudine ;) foliis fub- 
binis, humi appreffe recumbentibus, oblongo-ovatis, acu- 
tulis, planis, immerfe nervofis, {capo duplo brevioribus, 
denticulis in margine cartilagineis minutiflimis, (interdum a 
Supino puftulatis ;) racemo numerofo, laxiufculo; pedicellis 
divaricatis, flore parum brevioribus, brattea fubzquali 
fuffultis ; corolla horizontali-nutante, curtatim cylindrico- 
campanata ; laciniis extimis ovatis, concavis, bafi fubgib- 
bofis, extus callo parvo prominulo proxime infra apicem 
notatis; intimis fublongioribus, oblongis, obtufis, recurvis ; 
ftaminibus corolla duplo longioribus, declinato-affurgenti- 
bus, divergentibus, infimo remotius deflexo; piftillo iftis 
zquali; germine ovato, rotundate trigono, fulcis tribus 
profundioribus ; ftylo ter longiori, triftriato-fetaceo ; ftig- 
mate inconfpicuo. G. 

Comes very near to purpureo-cerulea (No. 7453) from which 
however we are inclined to think it fhould be fpecifically dif- 
tinguifhed, on account of its depreffedly nerved recumbent flat 
leaves ; its corolla is alfo lefs widely expanded, and lowermoft 
ftamen divaricate. Our fpecimen, which was kindly fent us by 
the Hon. Witt1am Hersert, from his colleétion at Mitcham, 
had been raifed with feveral others from feeds produced by a 
bulb imported from the Cape of Good Hope. The offspring 
differed in nothing from the mother-plant, but that their leaves 
were entirely fmooth, while in that thefe were puftulate; a 
_ Variation that takes place in feveral other fpecies, particularly in 

purpureo-cerulea. Bloflomed in June. Flowers about the third 
of an inch in length, of a chocolate-purple hue, diffufing a very 
Sane fcent, which appeared to us to refemble that, of new 


MIAO é. 

Spd” deardn Del Pd. by S learlee Walworlhe Debt Ota. EB Sanfordte 

[ 1498 ] 


Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaer. 

Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala, irregularis, poftice cornuta. 
Anth, coherentes. Cap/ fupera, 3-valvis, 1-locularis. 

Specific Character and Synonyms, 

VIOLA rothomagen/is ; diffufa, hirta, foliis oblongis petiolatis 
fubcordato-ovatis crenatis, bra€teis pinnatifidis: lacinia 
ultima majore fubovata. Per/oon Syn. 1. p. 255. Thuil, Fl. 
Paris, p. 454. Lam. et Dec. Fl. Franc. 4. p. 809. 

VIOLA hifpida. Lam, Flor. Fr. 2. p. 679. 

The Roven Hearr’s-ease, firft difcovered by Profeffor 
Varcvant, and long cultivated, under the name now adopted, 
in the Botanical Garden at Paris, refembles very much the 
common V10 a /ricolor, but has a perennial creeping root, is more 
diffufe-and very hairy; the flowers are pale-blue, and grow on 
very long footftalks. It either has not been cultivated here, or 
has paffed unnoticed, not being found either in the Kew or 
Cambridge catalogue. 

Our drawing was made from a plant communicated by 
Mefirs. MAtcoi™ and Sweet, of Stockwell. Flowers all the 
fummer, and is propagated by feeds or parting its roots, 

MIF9 4 

O ags, 

Syl” EL awardee Del fib byl Lo bad PtLt Walurorbte O88 1272. 

[ 1499 J 


SEE EE EE RE ER SE EE eae ae ae 
Clafs and Order. 

PENTANDRIA Monocynia, 

Generic Charaéfer. 

Cai. 5-fidus. Cor. 1-petala, irregularis. Anthere coherentes. 
Cap/. infera 2 feu 3-locularis, 

Specific Charafer and Synonyms, 

LOBELIA Speculum, caule proftrato, pedunculis axillaribus 
folitariis unifloris longiffimis, corollis hypocrateriformibus ; 
limbo rotato. . 

LOBELIA Speculum. Bot. Repof. 664. 

CAMPANULA africana annua anguftifolia flore purpurafcente 
major. Commel. Hort. 2. p. 75. t. 38. 

This is an annual plant, with many fpreading flender branches ; 
leaves \inear-lanceolate, irregularly toothed or quite entire ; the - 
flowers are of a very deep violet-colour, and grow from the 
axils of the leaves on very long peduncles; fegments of the 
calyx fubulate patent ; corolla monopetalous, with the dude {plit 
on one fide, allowing the ftamens and ftyle to efcape, as in 
many other fpecies of Lobelia: Jimé 5-cleft, nearly regular; 
lacinig rotate, very obtufe, with a {mall mucro or point. — 

It has been fuggefted that this plant, from the regularity of 
its corolla, fhould not be ranked with Losetia. In this 
refpe&t, however, it does not differ more from its congeners 
than Losexia unidentata, next to which we fhould it place in 
a fy{tematical arrangement. : ; 

Although not yet inferted in any modern Flora, this {pecies 
appears to us to have been in Holland many years ago, and to 
have been defcribed and figured by Comme tn in the work 
above quoted. é 

Communicated from the Exotic Nurfery, in the King’s-Road, 
Little-Chelfea. Native of the Cape of Good-Hope. : 


SY. 2” hdwarue Ded Lieb by SL Lecrlor Walvorlh Od? 1062. L "Sate, Otte SO 

[ 1500 } 

Clafs and Order. 

Octanvpria Monoecynia. 

Generic Chara&er. 

Cal. 4-phyllus. Cor. 4-petala. Ned. foliola 4, lanceolata, 
medio petalorum inferta, conniventia. Anihere gemine e bafi 
folit_nettarii dependentes. Cap. 1-locularis, 2-valvis, poly- 
{fperma. Sem. receptaculo fpongiofo inferta. 

Specific Name and Synonyms. 

ROXBURGHIA Ghloriofa. Perfoon Syn. 1. p. 412. 
ROXBURGHIA gloriofoides. Roxb. Corom. 1. p. 29. #. 92. 
Hort, Kew. ed. alt. 2. p. 348. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. p. 321. 
ROXBURGHIA wiridifora. Smith Exot. Bot. 1. p..111. t. 57. 
UBIUM polypoides. Rumpf Amboyn, v. §. p. 365. t.129? | 

In confidering Roxsurcuia as belonging to the clafs — 
Ofétandria, and in the whole generic charaéter, we have followed — 
- Dr. Roxsuxrcn’s own account, which has been adopted by 
WiLipenow and Persoon, as alfo in the new edition of 
Aiton’s Hortus Kewenfis; at the fame time we fufpeé that the 
very different view taken of this genus by our friend Dr. Smitu, 
may be more confonant to nature. 
What is above denominated calyx, Dr? Smitu confiders as 
corolla, and the four petals as filaments, bearing fo many anthers 
on the inferior part of their infide, crowned with an appendage, 
the uefary of Roxsurcu. To this part the laft-mentioned 
author defcribes the anthers as being attached, and hanging 
thence pendulous, one on each fide the longitudinal feptum, 
that divides the petal or filament in the middle; while Dr. 
Smita confiders each filament as bearing one anther only, 
having its lobes feparated by the projeéting feptum. We have 
not had an opportunity of examining a fufficient number of 
flowers in all their different ftages, to afcertain how this matter 
flands, Before maturity, the deep violet coloured — 
+ hee 

here by their whole iength to the filament, nor have we obferved 
that they afterwards feparate and remain attached to the ap- 
pendages or neétary only; but they poffibly may ; and if fo, and 
the two diftin& lobes are really but one anther, the affinity of this 
plant with the natural order of a/clepiadee, between which and the 
liliacee it is faid to be intermediate, will be the more ftriking. 
Dr. Smiru however refers it to the order of a/paragi; which 
was alfo the idea fuggefted to us. On the other hand, each 
lobe appeared by its habit, in our eyes, to be a complete anther, 
having a deep groove running down its middle, which feemed 
to divide it into two diftiné cells; but this appearance may have 
been occafioned by the rolling in of the margins of the invefting 
membrane, We found the pollen perfettly white, and fufpett 
that what Dr. Smitu obferved had been flained by the folution 
of the containing integument. 

We have adopted the fpecific name of Persoon, which 
avoids the impropriety, adverted to by Dr. Smiru, of com- 
pounding words of Greek and Latin. We prefume that it has 
been afcertained that the plant here figured is really the fame 
fpecies as has been defcribed and figured by Dr. Roxpurcn, 
although his reprefentation, as noticed by Dr. Smitu, is in 
feveral refpetts different; and in the dried fpecimens which we 
have feen from the Eaft-Indies, the flowers, as in Dr. Rox- 
BURGH'S figure, are hardly half the fize. 

__ This plant received its name in honour of Dr. RoxpuRGH; 
Phyfician at Calcutta and fuperintendant of the Botanical Gar- 
den there, whofe botanical labours are well known in Europe; 
although but a {mall proportion of them have as yet been pub- 
hifhed. Through him we have become {cientifically acquainted 
with a great number of the curious and ufeful produéts of the 
Ealt-Indies, many of which have long been in requeft for adorn- 
’ ing our houfes, clothing, and feeding us; adding to the palatable- 

nefs, perhaps to the falubrity, of our diet; and furnifhing our 
fhops with drugs, in high eftimation for thé cure of many 

_ The flowers are not very fhewy, and when bruifed have a 

difagreeable {mell, which Dr. Smrru compares to rotten cheefe, 
corrupted water, or the ftinking morell; but to us it appeared 
to contain nothing putrid, but was naufeous and difgufting, like 
that of the dwarf elder and fome night-fhades. 
_ Our drawing was made in the magnificent ftove of the Com- 
tefle de Vannes, at Bays-Water, where this and many more 
curious and valuable tropical plants are cultivated in great per- 
fection. Native of moift vallies among the mountains on the 
Coromandel Coaft. Requires the heat of the bark-ftove. _Pro- 
Spat by cuttings. Flowers from April to Augutt. Introduced 
by the late Lady Ameria Hume. 

BETS O74. 

ev *: | 

i %. & S } 
o%, Sf 

cy yy 

‘ Sy LL, aw order Det Lib by Lo Cierles Wabworith Ood:- 27272 Li Satis sa 

{[ 1501 ] 


Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charager. 

Cal. prifmaticus, 5-dentatus. Cor. ringens: labio fuperiore la- 
teribus replicato, Stigma craflum. Cap/. bilocularis, poly{perma. 

Specific Charaéier and Synonyms. 

MIMULUS ZUuteus ; foliis fuborbiculatis multi-nervofis, ftoloni- 
bus reptantibus. 

MIMULUS Iuteus ; repens, foliis ovatis. Sp. P/. 884. 

MIMULUS Juteus. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. 361. Perfoon Syn. 2. p. 163. 

GRATIOLA foliis fubrotundis nervofis, floribus luteis. Fexs//, 
Peruv. 2. p. 745. t. 54+ 

This beautiful fpecies of Mimutus was found by Dr. 
Lancsporrr, who was attached, as naturalift, to the Ruffian 
embafly to China. He brought it, as we are informed, from 
Unafhka, one of the Fox Iflands, and feeds were tranfmitted to | 
Mr. Hunnemany laft {pring, and through him to Mr. Donn, 
curator of the Botanic Garden at Cambridge, who kindly com- 
municated to us in July laft the fpecimen from which our draw- 
ing was made, under the name of Mimuxus Langsdorfiz, which 
we fhould have adopted, had it proved, as was fuppofed, a new 
difcovery. But the fame fpecies was found in Chili, by Father 
Fevuiiier, and has been long ago defcribed and figured in 
his work, as above quoted. From him Linnezvus inferted it 
in his Species Plantarum, with the {pecific name of /u/eus. It was 
found alfo in California and at Nootka, by Mr. Ancutsa.p 

We received the fame from Mr, Bucuanan, Nurferyman, 


at Camberwell; but it was in Mr, Vere’s garden, at Kenfing- 
ton-Gore, that Mr. ANDERSON pointed out to us the true 
habit of the plant, which leaves no room to doubt but that the 
Chili plant and this are the fame fpecies. It throws out, round 
the bafe of the ereét flowering-ftem, proflrate branches, which 
take root, and from the extremities of fome of thefe other 
flowering ftems fhoot up. Has no fcent, but being fhewy and 
eafily propagated by feeds, and moft probably by its runners, 
muft foon be very common. Although it flowers the fame year 
it is fown, we fhould judge from its habit, that its duration is 
more than annual. 


No. 1487) pag, alt. 1. 8. dele on the banks. 


a4 > 

In which the Latin Names of 4 In which the Englifh Names of 
the Plants contained in the # the Plants contained in the 
Thirty - Sixth Volume are a\pha- g Thirty - Sixth Volume are alpha- 
betically arranged. 9 betically arranged, 

Pi. : PI, 

1481 Albuca fetofa. + non: Aloe, common foap-. 

1469 Allium Cepap. 0 1 largeft foccotrine. 

1460 Aloe faponaria a. $ oe Albuca, briftly-rooted. 

1474 —— foccotrina @. purpurafcens, x 1480 Azalea, Indian. 

1471 Bay, flexuofe. 
1470 —— twiggy. 
1487 Bartonia, conpetaled, 
1473 Begonia, two-coloured, 
1493 Bofliza, procumbent. 
1483 Cornflag, trichonema-leaved. 
1492 Cymbidium, hyacinthine. 
1495 Eucomis, dwarf. ~ 
i Evening-flower, hairy. 
403 Gnidia, fmooth-fcaled. 

1480 Azalea orientalis. re 

1487 Bartonia decapetala, * 

1473 Begonia Evanfiana, 0 

1493 Bofliza proftrata. $ 

1479 Ceanothus americanus. 

1492 Cymbidium hyacinthinum, > 

1465 Dentaria diphylla. $ 

1495 Eucomis nana. a 

1494 Euphorbia Ipecacuanha. 01 

a8 Oe Coe $' 1461 Harebells, pink-coloured, 

Zz n * = 

a ; Hefperantha pilofa. $ 1498 Heart’ "sa Eale, Rouen. 

14 Fs GA ae 3 a ee Lee h sa 

14 — 4 pper-colou 

betas Lachenalia nervofa. 3 1497 Lachenalia, nerved-leaved. 

1470 Laurus Diofpyrus. 1485 Lafiopetalum, oak-leaved. 

1471 Laurus geniculata. 1485 folanum-leaved. 
1485 Lafiopetalum quercifolivm. 1499 Lobelia, looking-glafs. 

1486 —— folanaceum. 1484 fingle-toothed. 

1499 Lobelia Speculum, 1501 Mimulus, Langfdorff’s, 

1484 unidenta. 1479 New-Jerfey Tea. 

1491 Oncidium, two-leaved, 

1501 Mimulus luteus. 
1469 Onion-Tree. 

1491 Oncidium bifolium. 
1467 Pancratium amenum, 1478 Philadelphus, Carolina fcentlefs. 
1478 Philadelphus inodorus, 1462 Pitcairnia, entire-leaved, 

1466 Phyteuma cordata. 4 1477 Podolobium, holly-leaved, 
1462 Pitcairnia integrifolia, 
1477 Podolobium trilobum. 
1500 Roxburghia Gloriofa. 
1468 Scilla brevifolia. 

1461 nonfcripta (8). 1494 Spurge, emetic. 

1472 Septas globifera. 1468 Squil, root-fheathed, Cape. 

$ 1466 Rampion, horned, 
1482 Sparaxis tricolor B. y. % 1482 Sparaxis, thres.colowiud, 
A ad 

1500 Roxburghia, gloriofa-leaved. 
1467 Sea-Daftodil, broad fpear-leaved, 
1472 Septas, globe. flowered. 

1488 Tacca integrifolia. 1488 Tacca, entire-leaved. 

1476 Trichonema fpeciofum. 1465 Toothwort, broad-leaved, or 
1498 Viola Rothamageniis. Pepper-root. 

3490 Uvularia lanuginofa. 1476 Trichonema, crimfon. [downy. 
— rofea. 1490 Uvularia, green- flowered, 
‘red, {mall-flowered. 



Printed by S. Couchman, Throgmorton-Street, London,