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BoraNIcAL Macazine; 


Flower-Garden Difplayed: 


The moft Ornamental Fore1en Prants, cultivated in the 
Open Ground, the Green-Houfe, and the Stove, are 
accurately reprefented in their natural Colours. 


_ Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and | Specific Characters, according — 
to the celebrated Linn 2us ; their Places of Growth, 
and Times of Flowering: 


Intended for the Ufe of fuch Lapies, GENTLEMEN, and GARDENERS, aS 
wifh to become {cientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate. - 




The Frowsrs, which grace their native beds, 
Awhile put forth their blufhing heads, ghee 
But, e’er the clofe of parting day, ae 
They wither, fhrink, and die away : 

Bet tuese, which mimic {kill hath made, 

Nor fcorched by funs, nor killed by fhade, 

Shall blufh with lefs inconftant hue, 

Which art at pleafure can renew. Lioyp. 

- Printed by SrerpHen CoucHMan, Throgmorton-Street. 

~~ Publifhed by SHerwoop, Negty, & Jones, 20, Paternofter-Row; 
And Sold by the principal Bookfellers in Great-Britain and Ieeland, = 





| a 


[ 1636 J 
Laurus Cassra. Cassia, or BASTARD 

ee ee ee ee 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaéfer. 

Cal. 0. Cor. calycina, 6-partita. Neéarium glandulis tribus, 
, bifetis, germen cingentibus.. 4/am, interiora glandulifera, Drupa 

Specific Charaéier and Synonyms. 

LAURUS Cofia; foliis trinerviis ovato-lanceolatis acutis : ju- 
nioribus coloratis, pedunculis trichotome paniculatis di- 

LAURUS Goffa ; foliis triplinerviis lanceolatis. Sp. Pl. 528. 
Willd. 2. p..477- Pevfoon Syn. 1. p. 448. Burm. Ind. gr. 
LAURUS Caffa; paniculis laxis fublateralibus, Lom. Enc. 3. 

p. 441. ill, t. 321. f. 2. 

LAURUS Camella. Mill. Diét. n. 12. 

CINNAMOMUM perpetuo florens, folio tenuiore acuto. 
Burm. Zeyl. 63. t. 28. 

CASSIA lignea. Blackw. t. 391. (fig. ex Hort. Malab. mutuata). 

CASSIA malabarica. Herm. Lugdb. 130. : 

CASSIA cinnamomea myrrhe odore, folio trinervi fubtus cefio, 
Pluk. Alm. 8g. : 

en AMOMUM feu Canella malabarica f. javanenfis, Baub, 

in. 40Q- Sg . 

CARUA. Hort. Malab. 1. p. 107. #. §9- 

_We believe it may ftill be confidered as in fome degree a 
difputed point, whether the Caffia and Cinnamon barks of the 
fhops are not the produé of the fame {pecies ; and in Rees’s 
New Cyclopedia, the lateft publication on the fubjeét, a doubt 
is expreffed whether the Lauaus Ginnamomum and Cafia are not 

rather varieties than diftin& fpecies. On the other hand, 
Gartner's diffeétions of the fruits of the two trees, if there be 
no error, which, as he had them for examination from the 
Leyden colle€tion of feeds, is certainly not impoffible, fhews 
them to be fo diftin&, as to lead to a ftrong fufpicion that they 
muft belong to feparate genera. 

The true Cinnamon and the Caffia, as preferved in our ftoves, 
though eafily diftinguifhed by the eye of an experienced culti- 
vator, are not very readily charaéterized as diftin& fpecies b 
their foliage or habit; but when the flowers are fubmitted to 
careful examination, the ftamens are found to be fo remarkably 
different as to give countenance to Mr. Brown’s opinion of 
their being, in reality, generically diftin& (vide Prod. Fl. Nove 
Hlollandia, p. 401, ad finem). 

The red colour of the leaves on the young fhoots does not 
occur in the’Cinnamon, and in the {pring of ‘the year readily 
diftinguifhes the plants at firft fight. Mr. Marspen, in his 
Natural Hiftory of Sumatra, notices this appearance on the 
Caffia trees on that ifland. 

The Caffia, as cultivated in our ftoves, is a much more 
fightly fhrub than the Cinnamon, not only on account of the 
above-mentioned variety of colour in the foliage, but as being 
generally more healthy, the leaves being far lefs liable to be 
injured by the fudden changes of our atmofphere. 

Our drawing was made at Meffrs. Wuittey, Brame, and 
Mitne’s Nurfery, at Fulham, in May, where it has flowered 
freely every {pring for feveral years paft, 

[ 1637 J 
sie Hecke debe oak sessed teak sk seat 
Clafs and Order. 

Generic Chara@er. 

Calyces multiflori. Corollule tubulofe, hermaphrodite et una 
alterave feminea ligulata. Recep’. paleaceum. Pappus paleis 
* pluribus. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

CEDERA prolifera ; foliis lanceolatis ferratis reflexis. Willd. 
Sp. Pl. 3. p. 2392. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 5. p. 184. Thunb. 
Prod. 169. Perfoon Syn. 2. 498. 

CEDERA prolifera ; foliis lanceolatis oppolitis ciliatis utrinque 
glabris. Linn. Suppl. 391. Sy. Vegetab. 796. Martyn Mill. 
Diét. n. 1. Lam. Illufir. t. 720. 

BUPHTHALMUM Capenfe; foliis oppofitis lanceolato-linea- 
ribus recurvis denticulato-ciliatis, calycibus acute foliofis, 
caule fuffruticofo. Sp. P1274. Amen. Acad. v. 6. p. 104. 

Berg. Cap. 297. 

The genus CEpera, fo named by Linnzus in honour of 
the late Dr. Gzorce Curistian CEper, profeffor of Botany 
at Copenhagen, to whofe management the firft part of the Flora 
Danica was intrufted, is a fmall greenhoufe fhrub, native of the 
Cape of Good Hope. 

This plant affords a good example of the order of Polygamia 
Jegregata of Linn zus, the head of flowers confifting of a num- 
ber of compound flowers, colle&ted together on a common 
receptacle and furrounded by a common calyx or involucrum. 
‘The partial calyxes each contain feveral tubular hermaphrodite 
florets, with females in the circumference; but what is re- 
markable, is that only thofe female flowers, which form part of 
the outer circle of the common head of flowers, put forth a ligula, 
thus making the common head a regularly radiated flower. 

Introduced into the Kew Garden in 1789, by Mr. Francis 
Masson. Flowers in May and June. Propagated by cuttings. 
Our drawing was taken in June 1810, from a plant communi-— 
cated by Meffrs, Loppices and Sons. : 


lfaavdle Dad: PubbyS Carb Wabuort May t.1t1¢ Litt 

AEG O38. 

a Lo butte Wabucrlh. May. 1, 1849: 

SrdO kabwavde Dl: 


E1638 -} 

ER ERE ae ae aes see ae ak ale ake ae ae 
Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Chara&er, 

Masc. Cal. §-partitus. Cor. 5-petala, calyci adnata. 

Fem. Cal. et Corolla maris. Filam. 5 ab{que antheris. Germen 
inferum. Stigmata 3—4, clavata. Pepo 10-fulcatus, ficcus, 
operculatus, 3-locularis, polyfpermus, 

Specific Name and Synonyms. 

LUFFA fetida. Cav. It. 1.p. 7.4. g et 10. Willd. Sp. Pl. 4. 
. 380. 

PICIN NA, f. CUCUMIS fylveftris malabaricus, fru@u 
ftriato amaro. Hort. Malad, v. 8. p. 13. ¢. 7. 

CUCUMIS indicus ftriatus operculo donatus, corticofo pu- 
tamine tettus. Pluk. Phyt. t.172. f. 1. 2 

CUCUMIS longus indicus. Grew. Rar. 229. 1. 27. f. 2. 

PETOLA. Rumf. Amboyn. v. 5. p. 408. t. 149. ? 

CUCUMIS acutangulus. Sp. Pl. 1436. 2 

Profeflor Cavanittes confiders this as a genus to be 
feparated both from Momorpica and Cucumis, on account 
of the filaments being diftin&. He fuppofes that Momorpica 
Lnffa of Linnaus may probably belong to the fame genus. 
Indeed thefe two plants appear to be extremely fimilar, as we 
judge from the excellent figures of Vestincius, in his ob- 
fervations on Prosper atpinus. The feeds of the Egyptian 
plant are however defcribed as being white, in ours they are 
quite black and intenfely bitter. The Cucumis acutangulus of 

Linnus is probably the fame with our plant, at leaft the 

fruit defcribed by Grew and quoted by him undoubtedly be- 
longs to it, All the fynonyms of the Eaft-Indian fpecies placed 
under Momorpica Luffa, probably belong to our plant. 
Raifed by Mr. Anprerson in Mr. Vere’s garden, from 
feeds fent by Dr. Roxsurcn feveral years ago. Our drawing 
was taken there in September laft. Native of the Ifles of 
Bourbon and of France. Propagated by feeds. To be raifed and 
conftantly preferved in a hot-bed, where it will ripen its fruit. 

AMF IO 3 7] 

Pub. By h Cache Warlyos (ti: Bayt ALT fp. LO kia / gree tf ¢. 
v v » 

[ 1639 J° 

Cla/s and Order. 
PentAnpria MonocyYnia,. 
| Generic Charadfer. 
Cor. 10-fida. Stamina receptaculo inferta. Bacca 1-fperma. 
Specific CharaGer. 

JACQUINIA aurantiaca ; foliis obovatis lanceolatifve acu- 
minatis pungentibus. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. v. 2. p. 6. 

Desc. Stem fhrubby, tomentofe. Leaves alternate, obovate, — 
and lanceolate, terminated with a ftiff pungent mucro, fhining, 
pale underneath, rigid, margin thickened. Flowers in a terminal 
few-flowered raceme: Pedicles alternate, longer than the flower, 
thickened upwards ; with a minute draéfe at the bafe of each. 
Calyx five-cleft: fegments rounded, hollowed, clofely em- 
bracing the tube of the corolla. Corvi/a faucer-fhaped: tube 
longer than calyx, thick: /imé ten-cleft: lacinia in two feries, 
alternate, outer row larger and more rounded. Stamens five, 
inferted into the receptacle : filaments thick, united half-way from 
their bafe: anthers exferted, two-lobed. Germen ovate, one- 
celled, with a fingle ovulum: flyle fhorter than filaments: figma 

This curious fhrub is a native of the Sandwich Iflands, 
where it was difcovered by our friend Arcuinatp Menzies, 
Efq. Introduced to the Kew Gardens, in 1796. Flowers 
moft part of the fummer, and as late as November. 

Our drawing was taken at the fine colleétion belonging ta 
the Comtefle Dz Vanpes, at Bayes-Water, 

SelB dards D ef Lib bre LO Cartan Walbworlie Wart 10th FS anjom Lee 

[ 1640 ] 

seokesea dees ables a safes ale ea ae 
Clafs and Order. 
Generic Charaéier. | 

Cal. 4-phyllus. Petala 4. Stam. 4—40. Siliqua unilocularis, 
bivalvis, polyfperma. Sem. exalbuminofa. 2 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

CLEOME /pinofa; aculeata hexandra: ftaminibus juxta_bafin 
ftipitis germine aliquoties longioris infertis, foliis 7—5- 
natifque acuminatis, bra€teis racemi fimplicibus cordatis, 
Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 4. p. 131. 

CLEOME /pinoja. Willd, Sp. Pl. 3. p. 568. (exclufo fynonymo 
Milleri.) Sp. Pl. 939. Jacq. Amer. 190. Swartz Obf. 252. 

CLEOME pungens ; floribus hexandris, foliis quinatis vifcofis, 
caule fpinofo. Willd. Hort. Berol. 1. t. 18. 

CLEOME Erucago. Mill. Did. 

CLEOME affurgens ramofum et fpinofum heptaphyllum, fpica 
multiplici foliata. Brown Fam. 273. 

TARENAYA Marcgr. Bra/fil. 33. t. 34. 

This is undoubtedly the fame plant that is defcribed and 
figured by WiiipENow, under the name of CLeome pungens, 
in his Hortus Berolinenfis; but we fee no reafon to fuppofe it 
to be diftin&t from Cieome /pinofa of Linnaus. The author 
himfelf obferves that they are very fimilar, but that this differs 
in being more lofty and in having conftantly five, never feven, 
leaflets, and in being clammy. But the latter circumftance is 
particularly mentioned by Jacgurny in his defcription of 
Spinofa; and Mr, ANpvERSON affures us, that the leaves of our 
plant, when young and vigorous, had frequently feven leaflets. 
As to the height there is no remarkable di ce in his 

account — 

account and that of Jacquin, if there were any weight in fuch 
a diftin€tion. 

Though generally confidered as annual, and indeed ufually 
flowering the firft year, yet in our ftoves it is perennial, or at 
leaft biennial, and blooms more perfeétly the fecond year than 
the firft. 

Native of the Weft-Indies. Cultivated by Mitver before 
the year 1731. Flowers in July and Auguft. Propagated by 
feeds ; and is to be conftantly kept in the ftove. Our drawing 
was taken at Mr, Verez’s, at Kenfington-Gore, in July 1812. 

MEY O41. 

Dad Lwh. by Pe Carty Wabwrorkte May t IPI ZS. LS arom e 

[ 1641 J 


SE RE EEE EK a ae ae ae ae 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Chara€er. 

Cal. 5-partitus: lacinia fuprema definente in tubulum capil- 
larem, nettariferum, fecus pedunculum decurrentem. Cor. 5- 
petala, irregularis. Filam. 10, inzequalia, quorum 3—6 caftrata. 

li 5, monofpermi, ariftati, ad bafin receptaculi roftrati: 
ariftis fpiralibus introrfum barbatis. 

Specific Charatter and Synonyms. 

PELARGONIUM “frifle; fubacaule, umbella fimplici, foliis 
hirtis pinnatis: foliolis bipinnatifidis: laciniis oblongis 
acutis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 650. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. v. 4. 
p- 165. Perfoon Syn. 2. p. 228. 

PELARGONIUM “frife ; fubcaulefcens, umbella fimplici 
foliis multifido-laciniatis villofis, laciniis lanceolatis. Hort. 
Kew. ed. prima 2. p. 418. ‘ 

GERANIUM itrifee ; calycibus monophyllis feflilibus, fcapis 
bifidis monophyllis. Sp. Pl. g50. Kuiph. Cent.*7. n. 29. 

GERANIUM radice tuberofa, foliis longiffimis bipinnatis hirtis, 
floribus umbellatis no€tu fuaveolentibus, corollis fubzequa- 
libus atro maculatis. Cav. Diff. 4. p. 261. 4.107. f.1. Rivin 
Pentap. 105. 

GERANIUM calycibus monophyllis, tubis longiffimis fub- 
feffilibus, radice fubrotunda, Hort. Cliff: 344. Burm. Geran. 

GERANIUM trifte. Cornut. Canad. 109. t. 110. 
GERANIUM noétu olens zthiopicum, radice tuberofa, foliis 
myrrhidis latioribus. Breyn. Cent. 126. 2. 58. 
GERANIUM trifte. Riv. Pentap. 106. 
GERANIUM africanum noétu olens radice tuberofa foliis 
paftinace, Weinm, Phyt. t. 541.0, 7 

- GERANIUM indicum noétu odoratum. Ger. Emac. 948. 

(G.) (filipendulifolium) foliis glabriufculis, corollis irregularibus, 
petalis longioribus laxis. 

GERANIUM trifle africanum. Riv. Pentap. 105. ? 

GERANIUM trifle. Anorr Thefaur. 1. i. 8. 19. 2 . 

GERANIUM trifte {indicum nottu olens. Weinm. Phyt. t. 
538. 6. ? 

The corolla of this variety of the night-{melling Petar- 
CONIUM is more irregular than in any of the figures above 
quoted, the petals which are longer and more lax, looking two 
upwards and three downwards. The leaves are far lefs hairy 
than in variety («), indeed almoft fmooth, except along the 
footftalk and main ribs, and are more like thofe of common 
drop-wort ; on which account we have added the additional 
name of jilipendulifolium, We have been induced to do this, 
more efpecially, as we are not fure that it may not turn out to 
be a diftinet fpecies. The fynonyms we have affigned to this 
variety in particular come confiderably nearer to it than the 
others, but none of them refemble it fo exaétly as to leave no 
doubt. oo ; oe 

In the day-time the flowers of this plant are without fmell ; 
but after fun-fet and through the night emit a powerful fcent, 
which conveys the idea of fome delicious fruit. sp tes 

Like the other tuberous-rooted {pecies, it has only five fertile 
ftamens ; and the pedicles are not recurved, before the flower- 
bud is expanded, as in the other Pelargoniums ; which we have 
before (No. 524) remarked as being common to all this 

Flowers moft part of the fummer. _Propagated by feeds or 
by cuttings of the root. Communicated by Meffts. Wurt.ey, 
Brame, and Mire, of the Fulham Nurfery, — 


Pub by Le Cartir WalwortlyMayt 1t1# iS any omed 

LEAVED Rock Canpy-TurFrT, 

Sea ietiesk desk db abaeteae 

~ Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charafer. 

Silicula emarginata: valvis navicularibus alatis; loculis mono- 
fpermis. Pefala inequalia. 

Specific Characer and Synonyms. 

IBERIS /axatilis; caule fuffruticofo afperato, ramis adfcen- 
dentibus, foliis linearibus carnofis integerrimis, floribus 

{a.) thymbreefolia ; folits pubefcentibus acutis. 

IBERIS /axaiilis ; foliis pubefcentibus acutis integerrimis, in- 
ferioribus linearibus, fuperioribus lanceolatis. Willd. Sp.- 
Pl. 3. p. 453. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 4. p. 84. 

IBERIS /axatilis ; fuffruticofa, foliis lanceolato-linearibus car- 
nofis acutis integerrimis ciliatis. Aman, Acad. 4. p- Gt. 
Sp. Pl. 905. 

THLASPI faxatile vermiculato folio, Baub. Pin. 107. Garid. 
Prov. 460. ¢. 101. 

LITHONTHLASPI 9, fruticofius, vermiculato acuto folio. 
Col. ecphr. 1. p. 273. .277.f01. | 

THLASPI fruticofum folio Thymbre hirfuto. Bauh. Pin, 108. 

(8.) corifolia ; foliis glabris obtufis recurvis. 

IBERIS /axatilis. B. Coridis folio, foliis glabris. fubulato- 
linearibus, ex monte Ventofo. Villars Daupb. 3. p. 288. 

THLASPI quintum hifpanicumalbo flore. Ciu/. Hi. 2. p. 132. 
ex icone Jacobi Plateau, jig. optima. 

As this fpecies, of which we made fome mention at No. 1031, 
has neither ciliated, pubefcent, nor acute leaves, we were in- . 
clined to regard it as quite diftin@ from Jaxatilis, and — 

‘cs at 

that it rather belonged to Ineris garrexiana of Attion1. But 
upon more mature confideration, we rather confider it to 
be a fmooth variety of Isenis /axatilis. It feems pretty 
certainly to be the variety coridis falio of Vitiars, and we find 
an excellent reprefentation of it, from a drawing fent by one 
Ja. Prateav, in Ciustus’s Hiftory above quoted. 

Native of the mountains of Southern Europe, growing efpe- 
cially on lime-ftone rocks. Flowers in the fpring. Propagated 
by feeds, Communicated by Mefirs, Loppiczs and Sons. 

VIO. ‘3. 

A Culig Walwarkte Tutte 4. C279 Lf Serer 

[ 1643 J 


Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charaéer. 

Cal. g-partitus. Cor. ringens. Filam. bafi callofa, Cap/. 2, 
coalita, apice femiquinquevalves. 

Specific Charatter and Synonyms. 

MAURANDIA antirrbinifora ; corollis fauce claufis. Willd, 
Enum. p. 659. Hort. Berol. 83. 
MAURANDIA antirrhiniflora. Humboldt et Bonplond. 

At No. 460 of this work, the reader will find an account 
of another, and, at that time, the only known fpecies of this 

© Native of Mexico, and with us an inhabitant of the green- 

Our prefent plant was communicated laft July, by Meffrs. 
Lez and Kennepy, who, we are informed, raifed it from feeds 
received from Paris, under the appropriate name of MauRAN DIA 
perfonata, which we fhould have gladly adopted; but we find 

‘that it has been already recorded in W1tipENow’s Enumeration 
of the Plants of the Berlin Garden, and well figured in his 
Hortus Berolinenfis. | | 

Tete os eee 


No. 460, 1. 13, adde, Maurannia /emperflorens ; fauce 
corolla aperta pervia, Willd, Enum, p. 699. s : 

7) ne A 
buh by LP Curiae WabworlhJunen LESS 

L Sanfom Se 

[ 1644 ] 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaéfer. 
Cal. fimplex, angulatus. Sty/us multipartitus. Cap/. plures, 
mono- f, tri-fperme. | 
Specific Charaéer. 
SIDA periptera; foliis cordatis fubtricufpidatis acuminatis fer- 

ratis, petalis obcordato-cuneatis : unguibus diftantibus, fila- 
mentis longe exfertis apice recurvis, capfulis muticis. 

The fpecies of Stpa are fo very numerous, that the genus 
might advantageoufly be divided ; for which divifion the re- 
markable difference in the fruit would probably afford fufficiently 
diftinétive charaéters. 

We do not find that any defcribed fpecies will at all correfpond 
with this, nor have we met with it either in the herbarium of 
Sir Josepx Banks, or in that of Mr. Lampert; and are 
therefore conftrained to confider it as undefcribed. _ 

Desc. Stem tall, fhrubby : branches rounded, hifpid. Leaves on 
long footftalks, alternate, diftant, cordate, lengthened out at the 
point, ferrate, pubefcent on both fides, foft underneath, and rough 
on the upper furface, the bafe of the lower ones only flightly 
angled, upper ones halberd-fhaped. Flowers grow in a {cattered 
panicle at the extremity of the ftalks on long alternate generally 
one-flowered peduncles. Calyx fimple, 5-cleft, villous: /egments 
ovate-acuminate. Corolla bright fcarlet: petals longer than the 
_ calyx, emarginate, wedge-fhaped : claws very narrow, having a 
{pace between them, which gives the flower the form from 
whence our name has been borrowed ; the petals ftanding nearly 
‘upright on the receptacle, like the feathers upon the crown of 
the cork in a fhuttle-cock, being feldom more expanded than on 
the uppermoft flower in the drawing. Column of filaments longer 
than the corolla, and the feparate extremities bent back. Szyle 
the length of the ftamens, divided at top into many white threads. 

Communicated by Jonn Watxer, Efg. Arno’s-Grove, 
Southgate. Suppofed to be a native of Mexico, Flowers moft 
part of the year, es a ee 

[ 1645 ] 


SHR bse be okst dest desk 

Clafs and Order. 

PENTANDRIA Monoeynia. 

Generic Charaéier. 

Cal. coloratus, bra@eis foliaceis ¢ pluribufve imbricatus, 
Cor. longitudine calycis : limbi laciniis bafi barbatis. Stam. hy- 
“pogyna : antheris infra medium affixis. Squamule hypogyne 5, 
nunc connate. Cap/ placentis columnz centrali adnatis, Brown. 

Specific Charaéter and Synonym. 

ANDERSONIA /Jprengelioides ; foliis patulis: acumine plano, 
— ~ Hort. Kew, ed. alt. v, 1. p. 322. Brown Prod. 554. 


The genus, of which our prefent plant is a fpecies, was 
eftablifhed by Mr. Brown in his Prodromus Flore Nove Hol. 
landie. differs from SprENcELIA chiefly in the exiftence of 
{cales at the bafe of the germen (neétaria of Linnzus); which 
are wanting in the latter genus, and in the greater length of the 
tube of the corolla, with lacinie bearded at the bafe. 

Mr. Brown gave it the name of An DERSONIA, in memory 
of Mr. Witiiam ANDERSON, Surgeon, who accompanied 
Captain Coox in two of his voyages, in the laft of which he 

 Perifhed; and alfo to commemorate the merits of Dr. ALEx- 
ANDER ANDERSON, Prefeét of the botanic garden in the Ifland 
of St. Vincent, and of Mr. Wittram ANDERSON, a moft 
fkilful gardener and affiduous cultivator of curious exotics, as 
alfo an acute obferver of their peculiar habits, to whofe abilities . 
Our pages bear frequent witnefs, | | 

Communicated by Meffrs. Marcotm and Sweet, from 
oe very interefting colletion at Stockwell-Common, in June 
1813. 7 

A hardy greenhoufe fhrub. Difcovered on the fouthern coafts — 
of New-Holland, by Mr. Brown, Introduced in 1783, by 
Mr. Peter Goon, | 

NX 104 f, 

Pub by A Orrbe Wabworlle barvet 13th 

dure rohoe Del. 

2 harder" 

Pub. by fe Cori, Walucarlts Tiervet 7216 

[ 1646 ] 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaé?er. 

Contorta. Folliculi 2, horizontales. Semina membrane pro- 
pri inferta. | 
Specific Characier. | : : 

CAMERARIA dubia; foliis ovato-lanceolatis fubundulatis, 

corona corolle decemfida: laciniis alternis brevioribus 

We received this fhrub from Meffrs. Lop pieces and Sons, in 
Auguft laft, who informed us that it isa native of the Eaft- 
Indies. We do not find that it has been any where defcribed, 
and not having feen the fruit, it is not poflible to determine 
with certainty to what genus it properly belongs. From its 
great fimilarity to Cameraria Jutea of WititpENow,—C. 

TLamaquarina of Ausxer (Pl. Guian. t, 102.) we areledtocon- 
fider it as a congener of that plant. The habit is nearly the = 
fame; the flowers grow in a few-flowered umbel on a fhort 
peduncle, from the fork of the divided branches, juft in the 
fame manner ; but differ in having a larger corolla with afhorter 

tube, not contracted upwards. The moft material difference, 
however, and which makes an uncertainty with regard to the 
genus, is that the corona or ne€tarium is a procefs of the corolla 
itfelf, apparently independent of the anthers; whereas in /usea 
the anthers are attached immediately to the bafe of the corona, 
which part is confidered by Ausver as filaments bearing the 
anthers at their bafes. 
It is an evergreen fhrub, requiring the heat of the ftove, 

Pubs 4 ” Sher » ta a 2 Z ¥ 
A th -& / 
oti Liter Wal worll Pur 
be SF: 
Ff. U arr Y 


[1647 (J 


HARM ETE REE IE ae aE I ae Ie ae 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charager. 

Cal. 5-fidus. Petala numerofa, linearia, bafi cohzrentia. 
Cap/. carnofa, infera, poly{perma. 

Specific CharaGer and Synonyms. 

MESEMBRYANTHEMUM odécordellum ; (acaulis) glaucefcens, 
corolla albicante maculis confluentibus ramofis germine in- 
clufo. Haworth Mifc. Nat. 21. Ejufdem Syn. Pl. Succulent. 
p. 203. Hort. Kew. ed, alt. 3. p. 213. 

This curious lithe MesemaryYANTHEMUM was communi- 
cated by the Comteffe Dz Vanoves, from her colleéion at 
Bayes-Water, in 1811. : 

We believe it has never been before figured, nor was it 

noticed by any botanical author, till Mr. Haworrn defcribed 
it in his Mifcellanea Naturalia. 
_ Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Introduced about the 
year 1794, by Mr. Francis Masson. Should be kept near 
the floping lights of a good greenhoufe, and watered ie 
fparingly, and in the winter very feldom, Propagated by off. 
fets, | 

A1O7 § 

[ 1648 J 

STAPELIA,- . oe 

Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charaéder. 

Afclepiadea, Nedar. duplici ftellula tegente genitalia. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

STAPELIA pulla ; ramis obfolete angulatis torulofis aculeatis, 
floribus aggregatis feffilibus ; laciniis lanceolato-acuminatis 
replicatis ereétis. 

STAPELIA pulla; corollis 5-fidis: laciniis ere@is lanceolato- 
acuminatis margine revolutis ; pedunculis flore brevioribus, 
ramis ereétis fubhexagonis medio extra dentes floriferis. 
Willd, Sp. Pl. 1. p. 1288. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 2. p. 92. 

STAPELIA pulla; fubhexagona ereéta, aculeis patentiffimis, 
floribus feflilibus aggregatis, corollarum laciniis lanceolatis, 
fupra holofericeis replicatis. Maffon Stap. p. 29. t. 31. Hort. 
Kew. ed. prior. 1. Pp. 310. 

The Srarexra pulla is among the rareft of the fpecies of this 
numerous family cultivated in our ftoves, and is ftill more 
feldom {een in flower. Our drawing was taken fome years ago 
at the colleétion of the late I. Warker, Efg. of Stockwell. 

The cultivation of thefe plants moft proper to bring them 
into flower does not feem to be generally known, they are 
ufually dire&ted to be kept in the dry ftove; but we have be- 
fore obferved, that the Rev. S. Bare had found that they 
flowered better by being plentifully fupplied with water in a_ 
well-heated bark {ftove. Being natives of fandy deferts, where 
they are expofed to very long droughts at one time, and at 
another to be deluged by rain, it is probable that they fhould 
be kept very dry, during the feafon that they are not difpofed 


to flower; but when the period of flowering arrives, that they 
fhould then be removed to a well-heated bark ftove, and be 
plentifully fupplied, even kept in pans frequently replenifhed 
with water. 

Flowers in Auguft. Native of the fandy diftri@s beyond 
the ridges of mountains north of the Cape. 

by thodby i YOM cok 

TE ERE TE ATE RR RE ae ake ae ae ale ale sake ae 
Clafs and Order. 

DecaNnDRIA MonocoyNias 

Generic Charaéver. 

Cal. parvus, perfiftens. Cor. campanulata, limbo 5-fido, 
Nettaria fovee §, bafi corolle excavate. Axthere bicornes. 
Bacca? 5-locularis. Semina plurima, receptaculo centrali inferta. 

Specific Charaéier and Synonym. 

ENKIANTHUS quinquefora; foliis ovato-oblongis acuminatis, 
_ braéteis plurimis deciduis: externis rotundatis internis 
cymbeformibus. _ 
ENKIANTHUS quinqueflora. Lour. Coch. Chin. p. 276. 
TSIAU TSUNG. Stnenjium. 

Desc. Stem fhrubby: branches {mooth reddifh, bearing the 
flowers in an-umbel at the extremities. Leaves apparently deci- 
duous, with here and there one remaining through the winter, 
oblong-elliptical, acuminate, decurrent down the footftalk, 
reticulate-veined, fhining green on the upper furface and pale 
underneath, veins depreffed on both fides and frequently red on | 
the under. Before the appearance of the flower the duds are 
covered with obtufe, roundifh fcales; and juft before the 
flowers appear the internal fcales burft forth, are much longer 
and canoe-fhaped of a very bright red colour. The fame 
braéies covered the buds which contain leaves only, exciting 
vain hopes of a fucceffion of flowers, where not a rudiment was 
to be feen. From Lourerro’s defeription, perhaps badly 
underftood, it has been furmifed that our plant is a different 
_ {pecies from his, but as there are fpecimens in the Bankfian 

Herbarium, fent from Macao, by Mr. Haxron, under the 
name of Ts1au tTsuNG, which agree exactly with ours, no 
doubt can remain of the identity of thefe plants. That 
the brattes are naturally and not accidentally deciduous, is 
confirmed by two drawings made in China, in both of _— 

| the 

the flowers are nearly without braf&tes. That the leaves are alfo 
naturally deciduous, is confirmed by thefe drawings, for in one 
of them, in the poffeffion of A. B. LamBerr, Efq. a few {cat- 
tered old leaves remain, as in our figure; but in the other, 
preferved in the mufeum at the India-Houfe, and which was 
drawn from the life, by a Chinefe artift, at the Englifh factory, 
under the eye of Mr. Ker, there are no leaves but the 
young ones, which appear at the extremities of the flowering 
branches. Peduncles an inch and half long, recurved fo as to make 
the flower entirely cernuous. Calyx very fmall, five-cleft : feg- 
ments acute and minutely ciliate. Corol/a one-petaled, bell-fhaped: 
tube large: limb 5-cleft: Jacinie obtufe, revolute. At the bafe 
within the corolla are five hollow neétarjferous cavities, much 
as in the flowers of the Crown-Imperial*, making as many gib- 
bofities on the outfide. The corolla, though of one piece, eafily 
feparates into five. Stamens 10. Félaments inferted into the bale 
of the corolla, enlarged and villous a little above their bafe: 
Anthers two-awned. Germen five-cornered; angles projecting ; 
fides depreffed ; within 5-celled, each cell containing many feeds 
attached to the central receptacle. Siy/e ere€t, the length of the 
corolla. Stigma fhining green, fimple. We have not feen the 
ripe fruit, but Lourzrro fays that it is a five-celled derry. 

We are informed by Loursrro, that the fpecies which he 
has defcribed, is cultivated in Canton, where it grows to a 
moderate-fized fpreading tree ; and that flowering branches are 
preferved many days in porcelain veffels filled with water in the 
houfes of the mandarins, where they are highly pleafing to the 
eye, but have no fcent. And Mr. Ker, in a note which ac- 
companies the drawing at the India-Houfe, obferves that this 
handfome fhrub grows {pontaneoufly in the province of Canton, 
where it is held in a kind of veneration, and the flowers deemed 
an acceptable offering to the gods; and, accordingly, at the 
Chinefe new-year, which happens at the feafon of their blof- 
foming, large branches with flowers are hung up in all the 

_. Flowers in January and February. 

For an opportunity of drawing and defcribing this very rare 
plant, which has probably never before been feen alive in 
Europe, we are indebted to Mr. Knicur, of the Exotic 
Nurfery, King’s-Road, Little Chelfea, 

*. From the omiffion of the real minute calyx in fome of the flowers, the 
turgefcency of the ne¢taries, too ftrongly defined in the figure, may be 
miftaken for this part. : ie 



Pub. by 2 Gerba. Wabworty A 

Syd" Edwards Del 

| 1650 of 

Cla/s and Order. 


Generic. Charaéer. 

Masc. F¥. capitati. Calo. Pet. 4, ftaminifera. 

Fem. Stiga obliquum. Nux vel Samara 1-fperma, {quamis 
itrobili inclufa. 4 hace S98 
‘Specific Charadler and Synonyms. 
LEUCADENDRON grandiflorum ; foliis lanceolato-oblongis 
callo antice fubrotundo: adultis glabris; floralibus colo- 
ratis, ramis tenuifflime tomentofis, {quamis amenti_utriuf- 
que fexus ovatis obtufiufculis glabris fucatis. Brown in 

Linn, Soc. Tranfal. 10. p. 59. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 5. p. 3766 
EURISPERMUM erandiflorum. Parad. Lond. 105. 

The genus Prorea, as conftituted by Linnezus, includes 
plants which, though belonging to the fame natural order, differ 
in fo many refpeéts, that he was himfelf fenfible that they ought 
to be feparated, and accordingly made at one period an attempt 
to divide them into two genera; but the very limited number 
_ of fpecies at that time known to him, afforded very infufficient 

materials to found the generic charaéters upon, and when he 
became acquainted with more, they united fo badly with the 
genera he had previoufly founded, that he feems at laft to have 
given them up in defpair, and left off where he had begun, by 
again reducing the whole under one, 

After Linn£us, little feems to have been done more than 
the addition of new difcovered fpecies, till Mr. R. A, Sarts-— 
sury, in the Paradifus Londinenfis, gave definitions of feveral 
genera of the African Proteacee. And very foon after, Mr. 
Rosext Brown, in the tenth volume of the Tranfaétions “ : 

= . the 

the Linnean Society, favoured the botanical world with a com- 
_ plete revifion of the whole order. The principles of this laft 
effay have been adopted in the laft edition of the Hortus Kew- 
enfis, and may be now confidered as a well-eftablifhed ar- 

The names given by Mr. Satissury are for the moft part 
retained by Mr. Brown, except in a few inftances, in which 
he has given his reafon for deviating from this rule. 

Protea argentea of Linnaus, of which our prefent plant 
is a congener, being the original LeucapENDRON of HERMAN, 
PLuKENET, and of Linnzus himfelf, affords a found reafon 
for its adoption, in preference to that of EuryspEeRMUM. 

The fpecimen figured in the Paradifus Londinenfis had a 
much larger flower than the one here reprefented, which we 
believe to have been a female plant, but negleéted examining it 
in its recent flate. Mr. Sarissury remarks, that the males 
exceed the females in fize. 

Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Requires the prote&tion . 
of a greenhoufe. Introduced about 180g. Communicated by 
the Right Hon, Lord Srantey. 

at i 1034. 

‘ yal” Ewardr Ded. : Prd. by 

ae — a AOE 
ct” Leewbes Walworth Aste I PPPS LS FYI 

[ 1651 J 

seiedeie bake dekdeeeeak hake 

Cla/s and Order, 


Generic Charafer. 

Cal. 5-partitus. Cor, 5-petala. Cap 2-roftris, 1-locularis, 

Specific Charaéter and Synonym. 

SAXIFRAGA ceratopbylla ; glabra, foliis radicalibus trilobis: , 
lobis multifidis: laciniis lateralibus falcatis, caule pani- 
culato, calycibus fucatis. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 3. p. 70. 

Descr. Grows in round tufts without runners. Leaves on 
long channelled footftalks, rigid, three-lobed: /obes generally 
trifid, lateral ones fickle-fhaped. Flowering-flems {mooth, up- 
right, nearly naked, except a fimple leaf at the divifions of the 
branches: lower ones tricufpid, upper ones fmaller and quite 
entire. Panicle lax: peduncles frequently red, efpecially at the 
axils. Calyx 5-cleft, fharp-pointed, green, covered with a re- 
finous varnifh, but not clammy. Petals obovate, quite entire, 
white, revolute, thrice the length of the calyx. Stamens 10, 
fpreading, the length of the calyx. Anthers fimple, yellow, 
Styles 2, ere&t. Stigmas club-fhaped, recurved. 

This is a very defirable little Alpine plant, its foliage being 
a particularly bright green growing in hemifpherical even tufts. 
¥t feems particularly fuited to ornament rock-work, and in fuch 
a fituation would probably bear our ordinary winters very well, 
though it will be fafer to preferve fome pots of it under a 

Native of Spain. Flowers in June. Introduced in 1804, 
Communicated by Meffrs, Matcorm and Swezt, of Stock- 



[ 1652 ] 

Clafs and Order. 

Potyanpria Monocynra. 

Generic Chara@er. 

Cal. 4—5-phyllus. Petala plurima germini fud ftaminibus in- 
ferta. Stigma radiatum feffile, medio nettariferum. Bac¢a fupera, 
multilocularis, polyfperma. Smiru. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

NYMPHAEA odorata. Vide fupra N™ 819. : 
NYMPH AA odorata (. rofea) foliis cordatis integerrimis ob- 
tufis, lobis divaricatis acutis; petiolis pedunculis foliifque 

fubtus purpureis, calycibus petalifque extus rofeis. Purfh 
Flor. Am, Sept. p. 369. 7 

Many of the Warer-Littes refemble one another in fo many 
points, that it requires a more intimate knowledge of them 
than can be acquired by a curfory examination, to enable one 
to find charaéters to diftinguifh them by. Mr. Writ1am 
An person, who has for feveral years cultivated a very ex- 
tenfive colleétion of thefe plants, is of opinion that our plant is 
{pecifically diftin& from odoraia. It is altogether fmaller than that, 
the lobes of its leaves divaricate more, and terminate in a fharper 
point, which is frequently a little elongated ; the under furface, 
only faintly tinged in odorata, is of a deep purple colour, and 
the veins, though raifed above the furface, are fo in a much lefs 
degree. That it is really the rofe-coloured variety of odorata of 
Puxsu is certain, being the produét of roots brought from 

| ? America 

America by himfelf. This excellent Botanift defcribes the 
flowers as being externally of a rofe colour ; but in our plant 
neither calyx. nor petals had any fuch ftain. This difference may 
however have arifen from cultivation: the deep purple of the 
under furface of the leaves, from want perhaps of {ufficient air 
and intenfity of light, did not, as defcribed by Pursu, extend to 
the peduncles ; but had that been the cafe, it is eafy to conceive 
that it might have alfo reached the outer fide of the calyx, aad 
even have been diffufed in a fainter tinge over the petals alfo. 

Mr. Pursu has expreffed a doubt, whether WittpENoW’s 
figure of odorata, in the Hortus Berolinenfis, may not belong to 
this variety. But, as he defcribes the veins as being depreffed, 
which in both varieties of cdora/a are prominent, his plant may 
perhaps have been our Nitipa. _ 

Native of North-America, in the neighbourhood of New- 
York, and may be prefumed of courfe to be perfeélly hardy ; but 
our fpecimen was flowered under a frame with the affiftance of 
artificial heat, 

Pub. by Lh Curler Walworh Suds, t ttf 

MOSS. . 

LS anforts t 

[1653 J 

TeaB Rae eae aaetea a aeae a a ae 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaffer. 

Hermapu. Cal. 5-dentatus. Cor. 5-fida vel 5-petala. Stam, 
4—100. Pif.1. Ligum. bivalve. 

Mase, Cal.-5-dentatus. Cor, 5-fida f. 5-petala. Stam. 4—100. 

Specific Characler and Synonym. 

ACACIA armata ; foliis fimplicibus obliquis: margine altero 

reCliufculo altero undulato, ftipulis fpinofis capitulis glo- 
- bofis folitariis. 

ACACIA armata ; foliis dimidiato-oblongis, glabris mucronu- 
latis uninerviis: nervo parallele approximato margini inte- 
riori fubtruncato, ftipulis fpinofis, capitulis globofis foli- 
tarlis. Hort, Kew. ed, alt. v. 5. p. 468. 7 

Desc. Stem fhrubby: dranches flexile, ftriate, thinly haired. 
Leaves {cattered, feffile, fimple, quite entire, oblique, ap- 
proaching to the fhape of a bill-hook, the mid-rib ryaning 
parallel with and near to the inner ftraightifh margin, while the 
outer margin proceeds from the bafe in a waved line to the 
point where it is recurved and flightly mucronate. Szipules two 
{pines juft below the leaf, having a globular gland between them. 
Peduncle axillary, fomewhat longer than the leaf, folitary, bearing 
a globular head of yellow flowers, of which the greateft number 
are male. Stamens very many: filaments much longer than the 
minute corolla: anthers orbicular, yellow. When the corollas 
firft expand, the /fy/es in the hermaphrodite flowers are longer 
by half than the ftamens, but the filaments foon fhoot above and — 
conceal them, mG 

A hardy greenhoufe fhrub. Difcovered on the fouth coaft 

of New-Holland, by Rosert Brown, Efq. Introduced in 
4803. Flowers from April to June, Propagated by cuttings, 
ur drawing was taken from a plant communicated by Meffrs. 
- Lopprces and Sons, in 1811. We were favoured with 

fpecimens of the fame in May laft, from Meffrs. Lez and 

as ” 
a ‘ward Daf r As — , 
Lab wardr Ded Lib by Lo Curbir Walworth Jubet 1019 Lf Sat. 

{ 1654 J 


shoe dekeeeedeaeee 

Clafs and Order. 
MonaApELPuta POLryaNnDRIA. 
Generic Chavaéler, 
Cal. imbricatus, polyphyllus: foliolis interioribus majoribus. 
CAMELLIA japonica ; foliis acute ferratis acuminatis, Willd. 
‘Sp. Pl. 3. p. 842. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 4. p. 235. 

(2.) anemoniflora ; petalis interioribus curtis linguiformibus lateri- 
"bus reflexis. 

A number of varieties of this very beautiful tree have been 
within thefe few years imported from China; no fewer than 
eleven are enumerated by Mr. Aiton, in the Hortus Kewenfis, 
viz. 1. The fingle red (vide N™ 42). 2. Semidouble red. 
3. Double red. 4. Middlemift’s red. 5. Myrtle-leaved red. 
6. Anemone -flowered, or Warrata’h. 7. Pzony-flowered. 
8. Double-ftriped. g. Blufh. 10. Buff. 11. Double white. 
To which lift, fome others may already be added, efpecially 
12. Snowdrop-flowered: faid to be white with the internal petals 
fhort and edged with green. 

Of all thefe varieties, the double white or Bourzon Ca- 
MELLIA is, in our opinion, by far the moft beautiful. Nothing 
can exceed in elegance a large tree of this kind, covered with 
beautiful fnow-white double bloffoms, embofomed amidft the — 
bright green fhining foliage; fuch as we remember to have feen 
pte delight two years ago at the Northampton Nurfery, Balls- 
Po | 

Our prefent variety, the ANEMONE-FLOWERED, is at once 
amongft the moft beautiful, fingular, and rare, Being of late 

aoe | ne ___ introduétion, 

introdu@tion, we do not know of its having flowered any where 
till the laft fpring. Our drawing was taken at Mr. Grirrin’s, 
South-Lambeth, in March, and we heard of it in fome other 
collections about the fame time. In the more common double 
varieties, the multiplication confifts of petals of nearly the fame 
fize or only gradually diminifhing towards the centre, where 
they become too crowded to find room fully to expand; but in 
this the outer petals remain of their full fize, not increafed in 
number, and the centre appears by the correfponding length, to 
be compofed of the filaments converted into fhort and imperfeét 
petals with their fides folded outwards. 

_ All the varieties may be propagated by budding on the more 
common kinds. ~ 

The fingle CamELt1a, which at the time of the publication 
of our figure, in 1788, was generally treated as a ftove plant, is 
now found to be hardy enough to bear being expofed, during 
the winter, to the open air; although, on account of its early 
feafon of flowering, before our winters are over, it cannot be 
feen to perfe€tion without fhelter, 

f Like Wabeorte. tore. LS arfons! oh, 


forordeDial F 


[ 1655 ] 


* Clafs and Order. 

Hexanpria Monocyrnia. 

Generic Charaéfer. 

Inflor. fcapofa, {picata, fimplex, brafteata. Cul. 0. Cor. infera, 
fexfida, imbricato-connivens, patentiffima, zqualis, rigida. Stam. 
dimidio breviora; j/. tota preter punGtum antheriferum corollx 
adnata; anth. biloculares, introverfx,; ovate, (in exemplario quod 
habemus parve atque cafiz). Pi. longitudine dupla ftaminum, 
columnare ; germ. depreffum, fubrotundum, folidum 3 Aylus hujus 
ifoperimetrus, 3-plo altior, continuus, tereti-trifulcus, tubulatus, 
ftigmate hians trilobo-labrofo, corrugato. rudus Bacca? G, 

Oss. Bulbus tunicatus, membranis telus, rhizomatis cylindrici de- 
Scendentis terminatrix ; folia pauca (2—3?), latius lorata, convoluton 
complexa, lamina lanceslato-oblonga, plana, nervofa, medio coftata s {capus. 
bis ultrave brevior, centralis, teres, durus, inclinatus ; {pica oblonga; 
cylindrica, conferta, divaricata; brattex arida, frorts Seffilis ifometra ; 
cor. horizentalis, bilabiato-campanulata, brevis, Jubrotato-explicanda 2 
laciniis medietate ferme tenus concretis , ovatis, dorfo convexis, labit Superioris 
planius extenfis, inferioris concavius contraéis. Flores in Spica inferiores 
numero partium addunt. Utrum eff prenotatus in antheris defecius fiirpis 
feminine indicium, an fpeciminis individui vitium fortuitum ? Anne ad 
SANSEVIERAM per pay feffilioram (Vide fupra No. 799) accedit 2 
Anne congener ORONTI1 japonici male cum aquatico, generis es prototypo, 

afficiati? G, 

Specific Name, 
TUPISTRA fqualida. CG. 

The prefent very curious and, as far as we can trace, unre- 
corded vegetable was introduced into this country fome years 
back from the Ifland of mboyna, by Mefirs, Loppices of 
Hackney, and has been ever fince preferved’ in their ftove, 
where it flowered for the firft time in April laft. The flowers — 

—— 3 : “ were 


were of a pale dingy purplifh colour, fcentlefs ; when expanded, 
fomething more than’ the third of an inch in diameter; the 
bra€tes, as far as we could make out, were fometimes two- 
valved, one valve large and ovate, fitted to the lower part of 
the flower, the other minute, placed on one fide; others 
appeared to have only one valve. Our plant has a ftrong 
general refemblance to Oronrium japonicum (fee No. 898 of 
this work); but as we never had an opportunity of infpe€ting a 
flower of that vegetable, we muft leave it to thofe who have 
had, to decide the mutual relations of the two. Orontium 
aquaticum, on which the genus was founded by Linn aus, has 
evidently no generic affinity with japonicum. Mr. R. Brown had 
fuggefted the idea of our plant’s being afemale. We miffed the 
opportunity of feeing any part of the fpecimen except the in- 
florefcence, and that in a very fhattered impeffeét ftate. So 
that we refer, without attempting any further defcription, to the 
adjoining plate for the reft. G. 

AEE, dwordeDed. 

Pub by ht Curl Wabuorihhie§: Lettg Lo Sonfomd: 

[ 1656 ] 

Se RRR ee 
Generic Charaffer.—Vide No. 1046. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

ALBUCA wviridiflora; (cor. biformis, cernua ; flam. alterna flerilia ;) 
bulbo oblato-rotundo, ex laminis crafliflimis tuberoideo- 
confolidato ; foliis pluribus (7—g?), flaccidis, anguttis, 
lineari-attenuatis, convoluto-canaliculatis, extus ftriatis vil- 
lofis, intus glabris, (/ud Jente) totis papulis albidis minuti{- 
fimis priunatis, {capo inferne villofo parum brevioribus ; 
racemo pluri- (5—10) floro, diftante, patente; pedunculis 
flore atque braétea duplo longioribus; corolla pendula, 
laciniis exterioribus ftellatis, quarta parte circa lon- 
gioribus, oblongis acumine obtufato ; interioribus parum 
anguftioribus, ere€to-conniventibus, genitalia concludenti- 
bus, concavis, appendiculo tranfverfe fubreniformi, callofo, 
fornicato-infra&to, pubefcente preefixis; filamentis lineari- 
attenuatis, carinato-canaliculatis, fubequalibus, apice ad- 
uncis, alterne caftratis; antheris ere€tis, a dorfo fufpenfis ; 
germine oblongo, prifmatico, trifulco, glabro; ftylo parum 
breviore, erefto, craffo, obpyramidato, trifulco-triquetro, 
glandulofo-villofo, bafi conftritto; ftigmate conoideo, parum 
prominulo, hirfuto, intra fummos ftyli angulos feffili; capfula 
ovata, triquetra, obtufa; feminibus fubrotundis, varie 
compreffis. G. : . 

ALBUCA viridiflora. Facq. Ic. Rar. 2. tab. 446. Coll. Suppl. 
98. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2.100. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 250. 

The thick lamine which form the Bulb are fo compaé as to 
give it the appearance of being folid, with fomewhat of the 
look of a turnip-radifh ; /eaves a foot or more long, about two 
lines broad near the bafe ; fem round, about the thicknefs of a 
common pen, rather higher than the leaves ; peduncles about = 

inches long; éraé7es {phacelate, brown, tapered ; flowers {cent- 
lefs, about an inch in length, of a deep green colour, having a 
mixture of yellow in the inner fegments ; anthers pale. 

The plant from which our drawing was made had been 
imported by Mr. Grirrin, in whole colle€ion at South- 
Lambeth it flowered in April laft. Native of the Cape of Good 
Hope. Introduced into the Kew Gardens, by Mr. Masson, 
in 1794. G., . 


No. 1613, wer/. fol. i493, pro “ triquetro-fubulata,”* lege éitriquetros 

MIO57. A 

Pub. oy SO Curlir Wabworls July 4 SETS. Aaron SY. 

OB 1657°°9 
Clafs ig Order. a 
Ocrainara Monocynia. 
. Generic Charade, 

Cal, o. Cor. 4-fida: limbo inaequali. Naw fubdrupacea, 

Specific Charagfer and By no mS. 

LACHNEA Juxifolia; foliis fparfis elliptico-ovatis, capitulis 

lanatis. , 
(a.) virens ; foliis viridibus, Jquamulis faucis diferetis inconfpicuisy 
; fiugmate fubinclu/o. 

LACHNA Jbuxifolia ; foliis ovalibus feflibus glaberrimis, 
floribus capitatis tomentofo-lanatis. Lam. Encyc. 373. Illuf. 
f.292./. 1. os 

GNIDIA filamentofa; foliis elliptice ovatis glaberrimis approxi- 
matis, floribus capitatis, filamentis capillaribus. Linn, Suppl, 
224. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. p. 425. Thunb, Prod. 76. 

outfide, and longer ones within. Stamens 8, the alternate fila- 
ments longer and more patent, inferted into the uppert part of 
the tube: anthers yellow. Scales or glandular neétaries white, 
{carcely vifible. Germen fuperior, oblong: /fyle the length of 
the tube, inferted into the apex of the germen: /ligma globular, 

hifpid, fcarcely exferted, 

This plant has been miftakenly called in the nurferies Gurpta 

Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers in the {pring. 
Requires to be kept in an airy light greenhoule. Propagated 
by feeds, difficultly by cuttings or layers. Communicated by 
Mr. Knicurt, of the Exotic N urfery, King’s-Road. 

Introduced about 1800, by Gzorcz Hiner, Efq. 


Sk Edwards Dee. Pub by 2 Cirtir Wabworthe. tuber tete A Sanfor > 

[ 1658 ] 3 


Clafs and Order, 

Generic Charaiter—Vide N: 1657- 

Specific Characer and Synonyms. 
LACHNAA éuxifolia ; foliis fparfis ‘elliptico-ovatis, capitulis 

lanatis. ’ 

(a.) vide N™ 1657. 

(B.) glauca; foliis glaucis, fquamulis faucis 4, geminatis, lutets, fligmate 

LACHN AA glauca. Salifb. Parad, Lond. 109. Hort. Kew. ed. 
alt. UV. 2. p. 415. 

LACHN ASA buxifolia. Bot. Repof. 524. 

GNIDIA grandis. Hortulanis. 

This variety differs from the preceding, in its /eaves being 
glaucous, the head of flowers more globular, the /fiigma exferted 
far beyond the tube of the corolla, and efpecially in having four 
united pairs of yellow very confpicuous glandular neéfaries above 
the faux, which are hardly vifible in the preceding plant. It is 
known among the Nurferymen by the name of Gnipia grandis, 
from which genus Lacun #a differs only in the inequality of the 
laciniz of the corolla. : 

This is a very defirable fhrub, remaining long in bloffom, 
and is fometimes, but not always, very {weet-{cented. Native 
of the Cape of Good Hope. Requires to be kept ina light 
airy part of the greenhoufe; is impatient of continued heavy 

-waterings ; and flowers beft when kept in a fmall pot. Propa- 

gated by feeds, but very difficultly by cuttings. 
oe | : Introduced 

Introduced by Grorce Hispert, Efq. about the year 1800, 
being firft obferved at the Cape by his colle€tor Mr. James 
Nevin. Our drawing was taken fome years fince from a plant 
communicated by Mr. Knicut, of the Exotic Nurfery. We 
received the fame laft April, from Mr, Barr, of the Northamp- 
ton Nurfery, Ball’s-Pond, 

[ 1659 J 




Clafs and Order. 

Potycamia Monaerza. 

Generic Chara€ter. 

Hermaru. Cal. 5-dentatus. Cor. 5-fida vel 5-petala. Stam. 
4—100. Pit. 1. Legumen bivalve. 

Masc. Cal, 5-dentatus. Cor 5-fida f. 5-petala. Stam. 4—100. 

Specific Charaéter. 

ACACIA melanoxylon ; foliis lanceolato-oblongis fubfalcatis, 
capitulis fubracemofis, ramulis ultimis pedunculifque an- 
gulatis furfure tenuiflimo te&is, funiculo umbilical; colo- 
rato plicato femen fubcingente. Brown Mf. et in Hort. Kew. 
ed. alt. v. 5. p. 462. 

This fpecies in its native country, Van Diemen’s Ifland, 
grows into a confiderable tree; the one from which our 
drawing was made reached to feveral feet in height before it 
fhewed any bloffoms. The bark of the extreme branches is 
covered with a fine ferrugineous pubefcence ;_ that of the larger 
is rough, and of a dark brown colour, approaching to black. 
When cut through, the wood of the latter is compact and white ; 
but, from its name, we fuppofe that the wood itfelf in older 
trees, or perhaps of the trunk only, .is of a black colour. 

Raifed from feeds received from New-Holland, by Joun 
Watxer, Efq. of Arno’s-Grove, Southgate, under the name 
of Brack-woop, about fix years ago, 


Pub. bir L Cerhr Walworth Lug. fEs¢ z% lan fore Se 

M7000. \ 

Lab by 0 Carte Wats worlter tug. LILA Aud My) 

Sl Ldwarae Ded. 

{[ 1660 ] 


BESET Re ae ea eR eae ae 

Clafs and Order. 

Drianpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Charaéer. 

Cal. 4-partitus, raro 5-partitus. Cor. fubrotata. Tubus calyce 
brevior. Cap/ula valvis medio feptiferis v. bipartibilis. Brown. 

Specific Charatter and Synonyms. 

VERONICA Jabiata ; racemis axillaribus longiffimis, foliis 
elongato-lanceolatis acuminatis inequaliter ferratis. Brown 
. Prod. Nov. Holl. p. 434. 
VERONICA Derwentia ; foliis lanceolatis, oppofitis, alternis, 
dentatis: floribus {picatis axillaribus: corollis parvis, pal- 
lide violaceis, fragrantiffimis. Littlejohn in Bot. Repof. 531. 

Desc. Root perennial. Stems fimple, ere, fmooth, rounded, 
herbaceous. Leaves croffwife-oppofite, feflile, lanceolate, con- 
cave, fawed with unequal flefhy pointed teeth. Calyx {mooth, 
4-cleft : /egments acute, nearly equal, ere€t. Corolla one petal : 
tube very fhort : faux hairy : limb 4-cleft: Jlacinie fomewhat un- © 
equal, bilabiately arranged: upper one upright, emarginate, 
larger than the other three which form the lower lip. Colour 
of the corolla pale blue. Stamens 2: filaments the length of the 
corolla inferted into the tube. Azthers heart-fhaped, deep blue : 
pollen white. Germen oval, emarginate: Style purple: Stigma 

We did not remark the fragrance of the flowers recorded in 
the Botanift’s Repofitory. 

It is confidered as a greenhoufe plant ; but, being a native of 
Van Diemen’s Ifland and of the South Coaft of New-Holland, 
is probably fufficiently hardy to bear our ordinary winters without 

| ion. Propagated by parting its roots. Flowers moft 
part of the fummer, 

tae tht 
cates T(r 


SRA RS ee de deat ak aha ge 
- Clafs and Order, 


Generic Charaer. 

Afclepiadea. Neétarium duplici ftellula tegente genitalia, 

Speciic Charadler and Synonyms, 

STAPELIA campanulaia; ramis plurimis fimplicibus ereétis 
tetragonis dentatis: dentibus patentibus acutis, corolla 
decemfida campanulata fcabra, tubo barbato. Maffon Stap. 
p- 11.” 6. 7. 6. ran 

STAPELIA campamlata.; corollis decemdentatis : laciniis 
majoribus lanceolatis ; fundo campanulato, pedunculis tri- . 
floris, ramis eretis tetragonis bafi floriferis. Willd, Sp. Pl. 1. 
P. 1293. Hort. Kev. ed. alt. 2. p. 95. . 

. tort. Kew. ed. alt. 2. p. 9 
HUERNIA. Brown Afclep. in Mem. Wern. Soc. 1. p. 22. 

Our figure will be obferved | er in fome refpeéts from 
that of Masson, and has been uppofed to be a diftin {pecies ; 
but we can fee no good reafon for fuch a conclufion. In 
Masson’s figure, the colour of the {pots is feen on the outfide 
of the corolla, but we have obferved the fame difference in 
fome other {pecies, which may probably be owing to our plants 
being blown under glafs, and confequently expofed to a leffer 
degree of light, as well as of air, which leffens the intenfity of 
colour in molt flowers, o : 

The branches are generally four-angled, rarely five-angled 5 
and the tube of the corolla is filled with a club-fhaped 
pubelcence, as defcribed by Masson. oF 

Our drawing was taken from a plant that flowered at 
Mr. Vene’s, in Auguit 1813. We received the fame from 
Meffis, Lopprczs, fome years ago, ae 


‘ . 
LV anon Se 

2 Lyd Edw arelr. Pub by?) Carle Walworth Bug. 1914: 


[ 1662 ] 

JHE sea tba 
Cla/s and Order. 
PentTanpria Dicynia. 
Generic Charaéer. 
Afclepiadea, Neéfarium duplici ftellula tegente genitalia, 

Specific Charaéter and Synonyms. 

STAPELIA reticulata ; ramis pentagonis denticulatis: dentibugs 
patentibus, corolla decemangulata, tubo intus barbato 
ampliato in orbiculum elevatum. Maffon Slap. P. Qe Us &. be Be 

STAPELIA, reticulata; corolla decemdentata ; laciniis majori- 
bus ovatis acutis, fundo barbato orbiculo elevato cinéto, 
pedunculis binis corolla brevioribus ramjs pentagonis patulis 
bafi floriferis, Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. p.1295. Hort. Kew. ed, alt, 
2. p. 96. 4 

HUERNIA, Browy Afclep, in Mem. Wern. Soc, 1. p. 22. 

The eleyated ring which furrounds the mouth of the tube in 
this fpecies is not fo well exprefled in our drawing as it ought to 
have been. The light parts of the flower in Masson’s figure 
are much whiter, and ryn in crofs lines more like the mefhes 
ofa net. Yet from the remarkable five-angled tharg ed 
branches, clouded with purplifh fpots, we haye no doubt of the 
identity of the fpecies. If we miflake not, we were informed that 
Mr. Wooprorp received his plant from Masson _ himfelf, 

under the name of reticulata, as 

This fpecies and the preceding, as well as /entigino/a, No. 506, 
belong to the fame divifion, in which the parts of frutification 
lie at the bottom of the tube, and are feparated into a diftingt 
genus, by Mr. Brown, in his elaborate and ingenious Effay on 
the Natural Order of Afclepiadex, publifhed in the Memoirs of 
the Wernerian Society. To this he has applied the name of 
Huerrnta, “in memory of Justus Heuxnius, one of the 
carlieft colle€tors of Cape planis, and from whofe drawings the 
firft account of SrapeLia was taken.” : 

Grows naturally in the hollows of rocks, near North Olifant’s 
River. Our drawing was taken feveral years ago, from Mr. 
Wooprorp’s collection, late at Vauxhall, in the month of 
Auguft, Renee | 

[ 1663 ] 

See ele te ede debi de ek ada 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charafer. 

Cal. 5-fidus. Pefala numetofa, linearia, bafi coherentia. Cap/- 
carnofa, infera, poly{perma. 

Specific Charatter and Synonyms, 

MESEMBRYANTHEMUM iznclandens ; foliis dolabriformibus 
acie crenulata, corollis femper apertis: petalis interioribus 
teretibus abbreviatis. 

MESEMBRYANTHEMUM inclaudens ; foliis triquetris fub- 
deltoidibus levibus perviridibus, carina gibbola, corollis 
inclaudentibus, petalis interioribus valde abbreviatis im- 
bricatifque. Haworth Syn, Succul. p. 295. Idem in Bot. 
Repy. 388. eee : ce 


This‘is one of the moft defirable fpecies of this numer- 
ous genus, both on account of the brilliancy of its flowers 
and becaufe they remain fully expanded, night and day. 
Flowering branches when cut off will continue unchanged for 
days together ; fo that they may be worn in the hair or bofoms, 
without danger of drooping from the heat of the ball-room 5 
but they are without fcent. “There are feveral other fpecies which 

have their bloffoms always expanded, all of which, Mr. 

Haworrn remarks, are well adapted to the above purpofe ; 
_and if fragrance be an objeét, the addition of fome of the 
night-flowering Tpecies will {upply that alfo, ae 

The rednefs of the leaves and branches depends much upon 
the plant’s being expofed to fun and air, though the apex of 
the leaves and part of the ftems in the neighbourhood of the 
joints, under all circumftances, fhew a greater or lefs tinge of 
this colour. 

Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers in June, July, 
and Auguft. Introduced about the year 1802. Requires to 
be proteéted from froft and from damps. Communicated by 
the Hon, WivLi1aM Herbert. 


L latin | 

Lub by 

Sok” LdwardrD cf. 

[ 1664 ] 

Sela eae see desks see ese a sh shea 

Clafs and Order. 

Decanpria Dicynia. 
Generic. Charaéfer. 

Cal. §-partitus, Cor. 5-petala. Cap/. biroftris, s:locularis, po 
lyfperma. 2 18 : 

Specific CharaGer and Synonyms. 

SAXIFRAGA virginienfisp (tota minutim pubens) foliis fpa- 
~ thulatis undulatim crenulatis, caule fubaphyllo dichotomo, 
floribus congeftis, capfulis alternis feffilibus. 

SAXIFRAGA virginienfis ; tota minutim pubefcens, foliis 
ovalibus obtufis crenatis in petiolum decurrentibus, caule 
fubaphyllo paniculato, ramulis dichotomis, floribus fub- 
feffilibus. Purfh Fl. Amer. Sept. 310. 

SAXIFRAGA virginienfis ; tota minutimpubens ; foliis ovali- 
bus, obtufis, quafi petiolatis, crenatis: caule fubaphyllo, 
paniculato, ramulis fubfeffiliter alternifloris: calycibus 
ereclis. Michaux Fl. Am. Bor. 1.269. Perfoon Syn. 1. p. 488. 

#. 19. f 

SANI CULA virginienfis alba folio oblongo mucronato. Pluk, 
Phyt. 222. f. 5. ad penfylvanicam male relatam. 

SAXIFRAGA foliis cordato-ovalibus crenatis, corolla alba, 
caule hirfiro aphyllo. Fi. Virg. 1. 160. Clayton n. 525, 
Synonymon ad nvalem a Linnzxo relatum. 

SAXIFRAGA ilofa. Bank/. Herb. et Haworth Mifc. Nat. 

SaxtFRaca virginienfis and nivalis appear to us to be very 
nearly allied, but the flowers and more efpecially the feed- 
veflels of the latter are larger, and the panicle lefs diffule. The 
flowers in wirginienfis do indeed grow in clufters; but, as the 

feed-veffels _ 

fecd-veffels form, the panicle expands, and the capfules are 
diftin@ and placed alternately along the branches: there are 
good fpecimens of the plant in both ftates, fent by BanTRAM 
to Peter Corztinson, in the Bankfian Herbarium, and de- 
{cribed by SoranperR, under the name of pilofa, with a query 
whether it may not be a variety of pen/y/vanica. The origin of 
this doubt appears to have been the figure in PLuxenert, re- 
ferred by Linnaeus to the latter plant, ‘but which certainly 
belongs to this, and is fo quoted by Micuaux and Pursu. 

We have examined the fpecimen in CLayton’s own Her- 
barium, now in the poffeflion of Sir Josepn Banxs, and find 
it to be certainly the fame as our plant in its fully expanded 
fate ; indeed it is quoted by SoranpeR as a fynonym of his 
pilofa. As this fpecimen is the only authority for #valis being 
a native of the United States, that fpecies fhould at prefent be 
excluded from the American catalogue. 

The very different appearance of SAXIFRAGA Uirginienfis, 
when it fir comes into flower and afier the capfules are formed, 
feems to have led to the confufion; in the former ftate, it very 
much refembles nivalis, as may be feen by comparing our figure 
with that of wivalis in the Flora Dangca. : 

: sae 

We obferve, that the leaves vary confiderably in different 
fpecimens, in fize, crenature, and length of the petiole ;_ which 
Jatter are however long as in our {pecimen, which was 

: probably drawn by being flowered under glafs. : 

A hardy alpine perennial ; native of Penfylvania, Carolina, 
and Virginia; propagated by feeds or parting the roots. 

Communicated by Mr, Sweet, from the Stockwell-Common 


Ll” Ftwords Ded Pub. bx: kh Curb Wabaortte Awo*s 

[ 1665 J 

Generic Charaéier.—Vide fupra No. 1564. 

Specific Charaéer and Synonyms. 

GLADIOLUS Jélandus. Vide N* 625, 645, e¢ 648; adjettis 
Jynonymis fequentibus. 
GLADIOLUS A4landus. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.1.100. Vabl Enum, - 
2.103. Nobis fupra No. 992, in Spec. Synth, 
GLADIOLUS albidus. Vabl Enum. 2. 84. 
GLADIOLUS carneus. Lil. a Redoute, tab. 65. 
GLADIOLUS campamulatus. Bot. Rep. t. 188. 
GLADIOLUS ¢rimaculatus. Vabl Enum. 2. 85. 
GLADIOLUS inflaius. Vabl Enum, 2. 87 ? 

The talleft of all the varieties of this fine fpecies, being 
fometimes more than three feet high. We refer to No. 625, 
for defcription and remainder of the fynonymy. The fpecimen 
from which our drawing was made had been received from 
Holland, by the Hon. Wittiam HERBERT. We have 
formerly feen others, received from the fame quarter, G, 


. Sa 7 \ Ke feseiteey tt ts 
ub. by: Curler Madworkss Aug, /4 $f. Li artform vt 

[ 1666} 


Jed biebtint 

Cla/s and Order. 

Hexanpria Monocynia. 

Generic Charafler. 

Cal. 3-phyllus ; foliolis ovalibus, concavis, deciduis. Cor. 
petala fex, calyce majora, patula, ovalia, concava, decidua. 
Stam. petalis dimidio breviora, hypogyna : jilam. brevia, plana : 
anth. oblonge ; loculis membrana a bafi ad apicem junctis, 
eadem foluta dehifcentibus. Pé?. ovarium ovatum: /lylus vix 
ullus : figma capitatum. Bacca fubglobofa, unilocularis, feffilis ; 
fem. 2—3, fubrotunda. Herba PopopuyLir peltati ; folits tamen 
alternis et remote a margine peltatis, Pedunculus terminalis, cyma 
fimplict. Flores candidi. Bacca atvo-cerulee feminibus purpurets. 
Michaux Flor. Bor.-Amer. 1. 203. 

Specific Charaifer and Synonyms. 

DIPHYLLEIA gymoa. Mich. Flor. Bor.-Amer. 1. 203. tab. 19. 
20, Purfh Fl. Amer. Sept. 1. 218. 

Root creeping, jointed, knotted ; herb fmooth; deaves two, 
fubpalmate, angularly lobed, ferrate; lobes acuminate. Found 
near rivulets on the high mountains of Carolina and Virginia. 
Introduced a year or two ago, by Mr. Lyons. Hardy. Our 
drawing was made from a living {pecimen communicated by 
Mr. Wituiam Kent, from his colleétion at Clapton, in the 
beginning of May laft. We have trufted to Micnaux and 
Pursu for what little we have faid by way of defcription, having 

miffed the opportunity of examining the living plant, G, “i 


Syd” Lbvards Del Pub by L Cyttr Walworth S04 TEP. LS aryfore Se 

[1667 J 


she dele eee eee 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaéter. 

-Receptaculum nudum, punéticulatum. Pappus pilofus, feffilis, 
Cal. oblongus, conicus, fimplex, aut {quamis inequalibus im- 

Specific Characer and Synonym. 

TROXIMON oplaucum ; {capo unifloro, calycinis foliolis im- 
bricatis cufpidatis, foliis linearibus integerrimis utrinque 

glaucis. Purfb Fl. Amer. Sept. 2. p. 505+ 

In our cultivated plant the receptacle was flat, rather honey- 
combed than punéticulate; ca/yx in two feries, outer feries 
{carcely half the length of the inner, diftant, dark brown, conical, 
acute: inner feries linear-lanceolate, ereét, equal, green. 
Germen \inear-oblong. Pappus feffile, hairy. Leaves glaucous: 
nerves and veins whitifh, fheathing at the bottom. = 

The glaucous, flefhy foliage, uncommon in this clafs, and 
brilliant, though light, yellow flowers, contrafted with the long 
orange-coloured anthers, gives this plant rather a ftriking afpeét. 
A hardy perennial. Native of the Banks of the Miffouri, North- 
America. Introduced by Txomas Nuttat, Efg. Communi- 
cated by Meffrs. Fraser, from their American Nurfery, Sloane- 
Square. Flowers in May and June. 

EF Saf ore fC ko Cartan Wabyorlte ! opt 18°48 

f 1668 } 



Clafs and Order. 


Generic CharaGer. 

Cor. ringens. Labellum bafi fubtus calcaratum. Glandule 
pollinis nude diftin&te (loculis pedicellorum adnatis vel folutis 
diftin&tis). Brown i Hort. Kew. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

HABENARIA ciliaris; cornu filiformi germini longiore, la- 
bello lanceolato pennatim-fimbriato, petalis interioribus 
dentato-incifis. Brown Mf. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 5. p. 194- 

ORCHIS ciliaris ; labello oblongo-lanceolato pennatim-ciliato 
petalis duplo longiore, cornu germine longiore. Willd. Sp. 
Pl. 4. p.8. Purfb Flor. Amer. Sept. 585. 

ORCHIS ciliaris; bulbis indivifis, neétarii labio lanceolato, 
cornu longiffimo. Ad. Up/. 1741. p. 6. Gron. Virg. 136+ 
Sp. Pl. 1331. Bot. Repof. 42. 7 

ORCHIS ciliaris; {capo foliofo, fpica fubovata multiflora, 
ovario fuperne in fetam braétea longiore attenuato, cornu 
fubunciali, labello fublanceolato pennatim lacero. Michaux’ 
Amer. 2. p. 156. : 

ORCHIS palmata elegans lutea virginiana, cum longis cal- 
caribus luteis. Mori/. Hil. 3. p. 499- 

ORCHIS marilandica grandis et procera, floribus luteis, calcari 
longiffimo; labello fimbriato. Raj. Sup. 588. 

ORCHIS (6.) tefticulata floribus niveis fpeciofis fpicatis labello 
pulcherrime fimbriato plumam referente. Clayt. 2. 560. 

Desc. Scape. leafy, ftriate, ere€t. Leaves lanceolate, acu- 
minate, gradually diminifhing till they become peep sere: 

brafies, {carcely exceeding half the length of the germen. 
Corolla (or perianthium) ringent ; three external petals fubequal, 
ovate: one /uperior, concave, helmet-fhaped : two Jateral, flat, 
dependent: three infernal unequal : two erett, linear, ciliated at 
the apex, one (the /abellum, lip, or neéfary) oblong, finely cut on 
the margin into a wide fringe, elongated backward into a flender, 
cylindrical fpur, equal to or rather longer than. the germen. 
Lobes of the anther diftinét, opening longitudinally : pollen maffes 
flanding ere& on Jong pedicles when they efcape from the anther. 
Germen very long, filiform, and much twifted: figma obtufe, 

The colour of every part of the flower, including the germen, 
is uniformly an iron-yellow. It is fometimes however, though 
rarely, found with white flowers. 

In the above defcription, the relative fituation of the parts is 
confidered, as the flower appears when fully expanded, without 
regard to the contortion of the germen. In-other refpeéts, it 
is accommodated to the ideas of Mr. Brown. (Vide Prod. Fi, 
Nov. Holl. p. 309. 

A hardy perennial. Communicated by Mr. Wooprorp, 
late of Belfont-Houfe, Vauxhall. Native of North-America, 
from Canada to Carolina, growing in meadows and drained 
fwamps. Cultivated before 1796, by R.A. Satissury, Efq, 


Pub by L Lert Mabvortt Sg 4 4ETF 

vole Del F Sanford 

[ 1669 J 

Cla/s and Order. 

Gynanpria MonaNnDRIA, 

Generic Charaéer. 

Columna cum ungue labelli longitudinaliter connata in tubum 
(quandoque decurrentem in ovarium). Maja pollinis 4, parallele, 
feptis completis perfiftentibus diftin@tz, bafi filo granulato elaftico 
autte. Brown. , ¥ 

Specific Charaézer and Synonyms, 

EPIDENDRUM /fvagrans ; folio lanceolato bulbo  innato, 
{capo abbreviato multifloro, lamina labelli cordata acumi- 
nata. Brown in Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 5. p. 218. 

EPIDENDRUM /ragrans. Willd. Sp. Pl. 4. p. 119. Bot. 
Repof. 645. Nobis fupra No. 572. pag. averfa. Swartz 
Prod. 123. | : 

EPIDENDRUM cochleatum. Supra No. 152: icon errore foliis 
binis pitta ideoque delenda. 

At the time the former figure of this plant (vid. No. 151) 
was publifhed, Mr. Curtis, not having feen the flower of 
EpripenprumM cochleatum, miftook this for it. Whether this 
fpecimen, contrary to its ufual mode, really. put forth two 

_ leaves, or that in confequence of his preconceived opinion, 

Mr. Curtis fuppofed this to have been by fome accident 
defeétive, and accordingly gave diretions that the drawing 
_fhould be made with two leaves, cannot now be afcertained. 
However this may be, as the Eprprenprum fragrans, which has 
often flowered in feveral colleGtions about town, has not been — 
ee es obferved 

obferved ever to deviate from its chara€ter of having one leaf — 
only, we are defirous that the former figure fhould be deftroyed; 
and we now give a genuine reprefentation of the plant, with its 
proper charaéters. The error refpeéting the name has been 
before rectified at No. 572 of this work, 

Native of Jamaica. Requires to be conftantly kept in the 
bark-ftove. Flowers in September and O€tober. 

Our drawing was taken thirteen years ago,at Mr. Wooprorp’s, 
at Vauxhall, 



[* 1670 J 

seaside the sce ee ake 

Clafs ond Order. 


Generic and Specific Characters with Synonyms,—Vide fupra No. 1664, 

For this very rare and beautiful variety of CamELiia we are 
indebted to Meffrs. Coanpier and BuckINGHAM, Nurfery- 
_ men at Vauxhall. 
' ‘The leaves, though the fmalleft of any of the varieties which 
| we have feen, are rather too large to warrant the name of 
myrtifolia. The flower is round and. compaét, with the inner 
petals gradually diminifhing in fize ; approaching, except in 
colour, to the Bourbon or double white variety. 
ss Requires the fame treatment as the other varieties, and is 
= readily propagated by inarching- on ftocks of the more com- 
mon forts, or by cuttings. - 

E J07* 

Seabee sbak ek kaise 
Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaéer. 

Cal. §-partitus. Cor. fubinfundibuliformis, inequalis. Svan. 
declinata. Cap/. 5-locularis. 

Specific Charafer and Synonyms. 

RHODODENDRON catawbien/e ; foliis brevi-ovalibus utrin- 
que rotundato-obtufis glabris fubtus difcoloribus, umbellis 
terminalibus, laciniis calycis elongato-oblongis, corollis 
campanulatis. Purfh Fl. Amer. Sept. 1. p. 298. Maichaux 
Flor, Amer.-Bor. 1. p. 258. Ait. Epit. Hort. Kew. addenda. 

The flowers of this fpecies having been reprefented as being 
fearlet, excited a confiderable intereft amongft our colle€tors ; 
they turn out however to be of a rofe-colour, and being only 
ob{curely dotted on the upper petal, though larger, are hardly 
more fhewy than thofe of RHopoDENDRON maximum, Our 
drawing was made at the Hammerfmith Nurfery, Meffis. Ler 
and Kennepy, June 1813. In a fpecimen which flowered 
at Meffrs.§ Marcotm and Sweet's laft fpring, it was 
remarked that the petals were of a much more intenfe colour 
externally than within, and that confequently the flowers were 
more fhewy when but few of them were fully expanded. 

Native of the high mountains of Virginia and Carolina, parti- 
cularly near the fource of the Catawba River, where it was found 
in 1808, by Mr. Joun Fraser and his late father, and by 
them introduced in 1809. 

It forms a low fpreading bufh, feldom afcending more than — 
three feet. The capfule is fmooth, larger, and more approaching 
to an oval form than that of R. maximum, in which it is nearly 
cylindrical and ferrugineous. We have obferved too, that 
variety y Of maximum, in Mr. Pursn’s Flora of North-America, 
has {mooth capfules and a leafy calyx, charaéters fufficient to 
~ entitle it to be confidered as a diftin&t {pecies, 


- £: 
per lar W 

Oe Par 


EF Sanjor ao: 

Sa” Phwardr Del: Lub by L Cathe Wad worl Got 1d1f 

. [ 1672 ] 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaéer. 

- Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. 2-labiata, ventricofa. Frlam. 5*°™ fterile, 
ceteris longius, fuperne barbatum. Cap/ compreffa, 2-locularis, 
2-valvis, Sem. numerofa, fubglobofa, 

Specific Charaéter and Synonyms. 

PENSTEMON glabra; foliis lanceolatis undulatis amplexi- 
caulibus, racemo verticillato fecundo, filamento fterili 
apice fpathulato nudo, 

PENSTEMON glabra ; caule foliifque glabris, foliis fub- 
amplexicaulibus ovato-oblongis integerrimis,  floribus 
racemofo-paniculatis, filamento fterili nudo clavato apice 
retufo, calycis foliolis fubrotundis acuminatis, laciniis 
corollz fubzqualibus rotundatis, antheris hirfutis, Pur 
Fl. Am. Sept. Suppl. p. 738. 

PENSTEMON grandiflorum? Fraf. Cat. 

Desc. Stem adf{cendent, fmooth, generally reddifh. Leaves 
croffwife oppofite, cordate-lanceolate, embracing the ftem: 
margin undulated, veined underneath, fmooth. Flowers in a 
terminal, fubcompounded whorled raceme, looking one way. 
Calyx leaflets ovate, concave, acuminate, minutely toothed. ~ 
Corolla ringent: tube very fhort, contraéted; faux inflated, 
fomewhat contrafted upwards by two deep-indented furrows on 
the underfide, but ftill gaping: Jimé five-cleft: Jacinie nearly 
equal, obtufe, bilabiately arranged, two upper and three lower, 
Stamens didynamous: filaments rounded, fmooth, crooked : 
anther a little bearded at the back: Jobes divaricate: darren 


filament fomewhat longer than the reft, dilated at the top, naked 
or beardlefs. Germen conical: ffyle nearly equal to the fila- 
ments, fligma fimple. The flowers are the largeft of any of the 
fpecies ; mb purple, faux nearly bluifh, changeable. 

We have before remarked that the feparation of PENsTEMON 
from Cuetone, on the ground of the difference in the length 
and pubefcence of the barren filament, is attended with diffi- 
culties. In our prefent plant, this organ exceeds the length of 
the fertile ftamens as in the former, but is entirely beardlefs as 
in the latter. In habit it correfponds with Penstemon J/evigata, 
and efpecially with pube/cens. 

We received this as the grandiflora of Fraszr’s Catalogue, 
and probably it is the plant there meant; but Mr. Pursu ap- 
plies that fynonym to his Penstemon Bradburii, which has ftill 
larger flowers, and is much taller and more upright. 

A hardy perennial. Native of Upper Louifiana in North- 
America. Introduced by Tuomas Nutrar, Efg. Flowers 
in June and July.. Communicated by Mr. Kent, of Clapton, 

AYO, 72. 

PS tate O88 


ll SHO je 


yh Coarl 

E 3073: 3 


see eeekeseseseskak dese sea: 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaéer. 

Cal. fimplex, §-fidus. Petala 5, unguiculata, Sty/i pluress. 
Fruétus orbiculato-depreffus, pellicula tettus, dehifcens in arillos: 
bialatos. | 

Specific Charatter and Synonyms. 

CRISTARIA coccinea ; undique cano-tomentofa et pilis fellatis. 
obfita, follis 3—5-fidis: laciniis incifis acutis, racemis- 
terminalibus, caule diffufo. Pur Fl. Am. Sept. 2. p. 453+ 

MALVA coccinea. Frafer’s Catal. 

This beautiful and fingular little plant is a-native of North. 
America, growing on the dry prairies and extenfive plains of 
the Miffouri. Is a hardy perennial. The whole plant is 
covered with a ftellated pubefcence placed on a clofe white. 
tomentum. Flowers in July, Auguft, and September. Having 
only a fingle calyx, it does not correfpond with the charaéter of 
Matva, but with that of Sipa; from certain {pecies of which, . 
having a winged appendix to the arilli of the feed, the late 
Prof. Cavanitves framed a feparate genus under the name 

Our drawing was made from a plant communicated by. 
Mefirs. Fraser, of the American Nurfery, Sloane-Square. 

Introduced by Tuomas Nutrat, Efq. 

P Saif of 

Lub by f Curler Walworth: Oot £4 S16 

va” Fd wards Del 

{ 1674 ] 


Clafs and Order. 

OcTAN priA MonocyNiA. 

Generic Charaéter. 

Cal. 4-fidus, tubulofus. Petala 4. Cap/. 4-locularis, 4-valvis, 
cylindrica, infera, Sem, nuda. 

Specific Charatver and Synonyms, 

CENOTHERA Frofri; glabriufcula, caule inferne fimplici 
fuperne ramulofo, foliis ovatis petiolatis glandulofo denti- 
culatis, racemis foliofis, capfulis pedicellatis obovatis tetra- 

gonis. Purfb Fl, Amer. Sept. 734. Suppl. 

CEnotuera Fraferi in many refpeéts refembles fruticofa 
(fupra No. 332) but when carefully examined is fufficiently 
diftin@ : the moft important chara€ter, however, is the form of 
the capfule, which in the prefent plant is four-cornered, while 
in fruticofa it is multangular. Mr. Purss, in confequence of 
this fpecies, has propofed the following alteration in the fpecific 
charaéter of the latter: CENoTHERA frulicofa ; tenuiter pubelcens, 
caule a bafi ramofo divaricato, foliis feflilibus lanceolatis fub- 
dentatis acutis, capfulis pedicellatis oblongo-clavatis angulatis. 

CEnotuera Fraferi is anative of North-America, where it 
was firft colle€ted by Mr. Joun Fraser, in the year 1808, 
and foon after introduced into this country. It is a hardy per- 
ennial. Propagated by feeds or parting its roots. Drawn at the 
North-American Nurfery, Sloane-Square. 

The fpecific name was given by Mr. Pursn, in honour of 
the difcoverer, who travelled with his late father in North- 
America in fearch of plants. To thefe laborious colleێtors 
the Botanical Magazine has frequently been indebted for the 
opportunity of publifhing new and rare plants. To their in- 
— duftry, indeed, ought to be attributed the acquifition of many 

; more 

more of the valuable plants which adorn our gardens, than is 
generally known. 



Mr. Pursu has added this as a fynonym of his Q&. macrocarpa, 
Suppl p. 734. In his account of which fpecies he fays, that 
* the figure in the Botanical Magazine is apparently from a 
very weak and ftarved plant. ~The flowers of thofe in the pof- 
feffion of A. B. Lamsurt, Efg. were nearly fix inches in 
diameter, and the tube nearly feven inches long. ‘There is an 
inequality on the edges of the petals, but by no means can it be | 
called ferrulate, which term has been introduced into the dif- 
ferentia {pecifica, and flrongly, but erroneoufly, expreffed in 
the figure.” aa 

Now we apprehend ‘that Mr. Pursi muft have had fome 
other fpecies in view. We have feen a drawing of Mr. Lam- 
BERT’s plant, in which it was reprefented with upright flems, 
whereas our plant is always decumbent. We have attended to 
it particularly this fummer, at Mr. FrAsen’s, where it grows 
apparently in full health; but the flowers are not at all larger 
than reprefented in our figure; and the limb of the corolla is 
always ferrulate, as defcribed, nor is this charaéter at all exag- 
gerated in our figure. It cannot, we think, with any propriety 
be called. macrocarpa, or large-fruited ; the capfule being much 
fmaller than in feveral other {pecies. We muft confefs however 
that we have not feen it with ripe feeds, 

F Sinfor tf 

\varde Dd, Pub é vf Curhe Walworth Octt 1814. 


ee Se ee ee 

Clafs and Order. 


Generic Charaéer. 

Cor. 4-petala. Cal. 2-phyllus, Capf 1-locularis, fub fligmate 
perfiftente poris dehifcens, : ; 

Specific CharaGer and Synonyms. . 

PAPAVER caucaficum ; capfulis obovatis glabris, fligmate 
quadrilobo, caule pedunculifque pilofis: fetis {parfis ereCtis, 
_ foliis pinnatifidis incifis. 
PAPAVER cawucaficum ; capfulis oblongis glabris, caule ramo- 
fiffimo virgato pedunculifque fetis fparfis ereélis evanidis 
foliis pinnatifidis incifis. Flor. Taur. Caucaf. 

The Caucastan Porry is nearly related to Papaver 
dubium, fcom which it differs in having much larger petals, of a 
deeper fcarlet colour, in being more branched, ftems and 
peduncles lefs hairy, with the hairs not adpreffed, asin that, but 
ftanding ftraight out, and often difappearing; and efpecially 
by the large white four-lobed fligma. 

Our drawing was made at Mr. Grirrin’s very valuable 
colle@ion of rare plants at South-Lambeth, in June laft. 

A hardy annual; propagated by feeds, Native of Caucafus. 



No. 1672, pag. averf. 1. g et 4, for The flowers are the largeft of any.of 

the Species, read The flowers are large. ~ 


Fay OM 

2” Edwarde Del Puch by TL Getler Walworth 2 cht 1816 

[: 4676] 
ake eles te teak dk esis deteaiode 
Cla/s and Order. 


Generic Charaéler. 

Afclepiadea. Neéar. duplici flellula tegente genitalia. 

Specific Chara&er and Synonyms. 

STAPELIA Bufonis; ramis fimplicibus: fpinis cruciatim op-. 
pofitis re€tis, corollis quinquefidis rugofiffimis, laciniis nec- 
tarii infimi bidentatis: dentibus divaricatis. 

STAPELIA Bufonia. Donn Cantab. 

ORBEA éufonia. Haworth Succul. p. 40. 

STAPELIA Variegata (fupra No. 26.) S. pifa (fupra No. 1169) 
and our prefent plant, S. Bufouis, are very nearly related, and 
perhaps may be by fome thought to be rather varieties than dif- 
ferent fpecies. There is, however, fo confiderable a difference 
in the herbage, as well as in the colour of the corolla, that we 
can but think that cultivators are juftified in confidering them to 
be diftin&t. The form of the neélaria would probably decide 
with more certainty, but this part not having been attended to 
with a view to their affording diftinguifhing charaéters, entire 
confidence cannot be put in the accuracy of reprefentations. The 
latter have certainly the lacinie of the netlary bifid, and the 
teeth are longer and more divaricate in Bufonis than in piéia. In 
the figure this part is reprefented entire in variegata, on which 
account Mr. Haworrs confiders it not to be the variegata of 
Linnzus. But it is neceflary that thefe parts fhould be care- 
fully compared in the living fpecimens, before any thing can 
be determined. Our prefent plant has been fo well named, that 
were all the fpecies to be feen flowering together, the likenefs to 
that loathfome animal which has fuggefted its appellation, would 
infallibly point it out. 

Flowers in Auguft and September. Native of the Cape of 
Good-Hope. Requires the fame treatment as the reft. Our 
drawing was taken fome years back at the late Mr. WacKer’s, 
at Stockwell, 

| Dott 
, lad Mi alwortl! Oct 
Ay Mala 
by SL Quthi Waa 
VBE LWatdt 1 



ERA AR SE AE aie aaah a af a ae ale shale se ale 

Clafs and Order. 

PENTANDRIA Monocynlia, 

Generic Chara@er. 

Cal. §-phyllus. Cor. hypocrateriformis, limbo reflexo. Anthere 
magne, ereCla. Stigma fimplex. Drupa fupera, monofperma. 

Specific Charaéier and Synonyms. ; 

ARDISIA folanacea ; corymbis axillaribus, pedicellis clavatis 
_nutantibus demum ereétis, corollis carnofis, foliis ovato- 
lanceolatis. | 
ARDISIA /olanacea ; corymbis axillaribus tripartitis, foliis ob- 
longis utrinque attenuatis. /4i/d, Sp. Pi. 1. p. 1063. 
Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 2. p. 4. 
ARDISIA /olanacea. Roxb. Corom. 1. p. 27. t. 27. 

This fine fhrub, in full bloffom, was communicated by 
Mefirs. Loppices and Sons. The corolla has a fingular ap- 
pearance much like an artificial flower made of fhells. The 
corymbs are rarely tripartite, as defcribed by WILLpENow, 
from a folitary inftance in Dr. Roxsurc’s drawing. In our 
plant, the buds were all cernuous ; but, as the flower expanded, 
the pedicle became ftraight, one open flower only appearing at 
"a time in each corymb; in the figure in the Coromandel 
plants, the artift has drawn the buds all] ereél, as well before as 
after expanfion, . 

Native of the Coaft of Coromandel, growing in moift places 
in the vallies among the mountains. Called by the Telingas 
Conda Mayoor. ! 

The juice of the berries, according to Roxsurcn, is of a 
very beautiful bright red colour, which, upon paper, changes 
to a durable brown. : a 

Introduced in 1798, by the Right Hon. Sir Joszea Banks, 
Bart. K.B. Flowers from June to September, 

PA Saiyf Cie Te 

Aviat Eds ; ; 
Syd Zidwaratt Deé. Lub by. Sf Gtr Wolvorl? Oct. t. 18th 

[41678 j 

ee ae RE Ee RE AER Te te ae a ae oe 

Claft and Order. 

PenTAnpDRia Monocynia. 

Generic Charaéter. 

Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. hypocrateriformis : limbo reflexo. Anthere 
magne, erecta. Stigma fimplex. Drupa fupera, monofperma. 

Specific Charaiter and Synonyms. 

ARDISIA acuminata ; paniculis axillaribus terminalibufque, 
-foliis oblongis acuminatis bafi attenuatis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. 
p. 1062. Hort. Kew, edit. alt. 2. p. 4. 

ICACOREA guianenfis. Aublet Guian. 2. Suppl. p. 1. t. 368. 

Our plant does not agree very well with the charaéter taken 
from AvuBtet, the flowers being rather corymbofe than panicled. 
But as this author faw it in fruit only and not in flower, it is 
poflible that by the lengthening of the peduncle at the part from 
which the pedicles iffue, it may at that feafon put on more the 
appearance of apanicle. * 

Descr. <A forub, in our fpecimen, a foot and half or two 
feet high with green fmooth bark. Branches alternate, {preading. 
Leaves petiolated, alternate, oblong, narrowed at both extremi-_ 
ties, fomewhat undulate, fmooth on both fides, ribbed with 
numerous parallel veins, uniting near the margin. Peduncles 
axillary, not half the length of the leaf; bearing fimple or 
compound corymbs of flowers. Calyx minute, perfiflent, five- 
parted, acute, white, with ruft-coloured dots. Corolla faucer- 
fhaped, limb five-cleft, plain (not reflexed) white with rufly 
yellow dots fearcely vifible to the nakedeye. Svamens five : 
filaments inferted into the tube of the corolla, fhort, {pear- 
pointed: <Axthers connivent. Germen globular. Style ereét, 
longer than ftamens : Stigma acute. : 

Native of Guiana. Communicated by Meffrs, Loppices 
and Sons, flowering in July. 

Pub by SL budir Walworth Cots 1814, 


E Sano LO 

[ 1679 ] 


Seg Sede eee 

Clafs and Order. 

Dianprra Monocyrnia. 

Generic CharaGer. 

Gr. limbo 4-partito: lacinia infima anguftiore, Capf 2-le- 

Specific Charatter and Synonyms, 

VERONICA multifida ; racemis lateralibus, foliis multipartitim- 
pinnatifidis: laciniis linearibus, foliolis calycis trifidis, 
VERONICA multifida ; foliis multipartitis, laciniis pinnatifidis, 

Jobis decurrentibus, pedunculis brevibus, calyce glaber- 
rimo, caule villofo. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. p. 69. excl. Smith. 
AG Soc. Linn. 1. p. 109. Vabl Enum. 1. p. 73. : 
VERONICA multifda ; racemis lateralibus, folits multipartitis 
laciniatis, caulibus ere€lis. Sp. Pl. p.17. Sy/. Veg. Go. | 
VERONICA abrotanifolio, frutefcens, floribus carneis. mm. 
Ruth. 25. 2. 33. 
VERONICA foliis multifidis linearibus. Gmel. Sid. 3. p. 222. 
: exclufo fynonymo Tournefortii. 

Descr. The whole plant is covered with a fine pubefcence, 
fhorter and thinner on the calyxes than elfewhere ; but thefe are 
by no means free from it. Stem fuffruticofe. Lower leaves 
maultipartite, with pinnatifid lacinia, upper ones irregularly 
pinnate with linear, fimple, and pinnatifid lacinie. Aacemes 
realy lateral, though from the drawing they might be taken for 
terminal. Braéves 3—4-cleft: lacinie fimple. Calyw 4-cleft: 
two upper leaflets much longer than the lower, trifid. Coralla 
pale blue, ftreaked with purple: upper lacinia larger than the 
reft: lower one fmaller. Anthers violet-coloured before. they 


burft, afterward white, from the white pollen. Cup/ ovate, 
terminated with long perfiftent /ly/e. 

We aresparticularly happy to be able to give a drawing of 
this little-underftood f{pecies. All Botanifts confounded it with 
auftriaca, til) Dr. Smit gave an account of it from the Siberian 
fpecimen preferved in the Linnean herbarium, in the firft volume 
of the Tranfaétions of the-Linnean Society. 

Native of Siberia. A hardy perennial. Flowers in May. 
Communicated, together with feveral other curious and rare 
plants, by Mr. Princus, Nurferyman, at Sydenham, 

Nir. A 

E Sans wen 

Spi tidsrardr Ded Pub hy Lt Curr Wolvortt Doe t 1474 

[ 1680 } 


Génerie Charaéier.—Vide No. 985- 

Specific Charatter and Synonyms. 
HELONIAS glaberrima; (hermapbhrodita ;) radice tunicato- 

bulbofa, ovato-oblonga ; foliis ligulato-clongatis, convoluto- 
canaliculatis, | attenuatis,  nervofo - ftriatis; | racemo 
diftante, pyramidato; bra€teis convoluto - lanceolatis ; 
corolla rotata, zquali, demum connivente ; Jaciniis laté 
ovatis cum acumine, bafi foffula gemina tranfverfe in- 
{culptis; capfula velata; feminibus lineari-oblongis, prif- 
maticis, integumento membranaceo quam nucleus ampliore 
atque fuperne alato. G. 

ZIGADENUS ¢glaberrimus. Michaux Bor. Amer. 1. 214. tab. 22, 
Purfh Amer. Sept. 1. 241. 

ee | 

As far as we are able to judge from the engraving in the 
above-cited work of MrcHau x, as well as from his defcription, 
we take our prefent plant to be the Zicapenus glaberrimus. 
It fhould be obferved, however, that the figure in that work 
has been done from a dried plant, in which there is not one 
corolla fhewn in its natural flate. We are really at a lofs to 
fay what may have induced the feparation of the {pecies into a 
genus diftinét from that which was left in poffeflion of Hetonras 
virginica (feeabove, No. 985). Excepting that the corolla in the — 
prefent plant is ultimately connivent, which is not the cafe there, 
we cannot deteét the flighteft point to juftify this innovation. 
According to us, Veratrum and the American {pecies of 
Metantuium form but one genus with Hevontas ; and 
we do not fcruple to add Zicapenus to the mais. Our 
_ drawing was made from a plant that flowered this fummer at 

Mr. Fraser’s Nurfery, in Sloane-Square, and which had been 

imported from North-America. If it be the Zicanenus gia 
berrimus, as we prefume, it is found in moift graily {pots in 
Virginia and Lower Carolina, attaining the height of two icct. 

(te - 

A Wd Z. 

Sl Rdbrard Del Pub, by f° Cutlic Wobweorth Onl 116 te mide fesse 

F-96083 >} 

Clafs and Order, 


Generic Charader. 

Cal. 4-phyllus. Petala 4. Stam. 4—40. Siliqua 1-locularis, 
bivalvis, polyfperma. Semina exalbuminofa. Brown, 

Specific CharaGer and Synonyms. 

CLEOME pentaphylia ; floribus gynandris: flaminibus medio 
{tipitis infertis, foliis quinatis paffim floralibufque ternatis, 
caule inermi. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 4. p. 130. 

CLEOME pentaphylla ; floribus gynandris, foliis digitatis. Sp. 
Pl. 938. Willd. 3. p. 564. 

SINAPISTRUM indicum pentaphyllum flore carneo, minus, 
non fpinofum. Herm, Lugdb. 564. Sloane Hifi. 1. p. 294. 
Raj. Hit, 859. 

PAPAVER corniculatum acre quinquefolium egyptiacum 
minus. Pluk. Alm. 280. 

PENTAPHYLLUM peregrinum filiquofum bivalve minus, 
Morif. Hift. 2. p. 289. 

PENTAPHYLLUM (filiquofum arabicum albidum, Park, 
Theat. 397- J. 3- : 

QUINQUEFOLIUM lupini folio. Bauh. Pin, 326. 

CAPA-VEELA. Hort. Malad. 9. p. 43+ 1. 24. 


The number of leaflets is fo apt to vary in this genus, that it 
affords but a very bad {pecific charaéter. Our plant being 
particularly ftrong, produced feven leaflets on each of the lower 
leaves ; but retained its chara€ter of three in the floral leaves. 

The genus is not lefs variable in the number and fituation 

: of 

of the ftamens in the different fpecies, affording an inftance of 
peculiar difficulty in arranging it fatisfattorily | in-the Linnean 
fyftem. Though inferted by Linn cus in his clafs Zesvadynanya, 
Crzome has litle affinity with the genera naturally belonging 
to that family. Jussizu. inferts it in the natural order of 
Capparides, with which it affociates well. 

Native of both Eaft and Weft-Indies. A tender annual, re- 
quiring to be raifed in a hot-bed, and kept in the ftove or under 
a glafs frame. Flowers in June, July, and Auguft. Our 
countryman Parkinson had it in his garden fo long ago as 
the year 1640. Drawn at the Right Hon. Cuaries Lone’sy 
Brompton-Hill, in Kent. 

BY 0S AE INE Me ws MS We BEE WE AE ste Ye 

IN DE x: 

In which the Latin Names of the 
Plants contained in the Fortreth 
Volume are alphabetically arranged. 


1653 Acacia armata. 

1659 melanoxylon,. 

1656 Albuca viridiflora. 

1645 Anderfonia fprengelioides. 

1678 Ardifia acuminata. 

1677 folanacea. 

1654 Camellia japonica (¢.) anemoni- 


1670 Camellia japonica (¢.) myrtifolia. 
1646 Cameraria dubia, 

1640 Cleome fpinofa. 
“1681 pentaphylla. 

1673 Criftaria coccinea. 

1666 Diphylleia cymofa. 

1649 Enkianthus quinqueflora. 

1669 Epidendrum fragrans. 

1665 Gladiolus blandus (0.) 

1668 Habenaria ciliaris. 

1689 Helonias glaberrima, 

1639 Jacquinia aurantiaca, 

1642 Iberis faxatilis (@.) corifolia. 
1658 Lachniea buxifolia (8.) glauca. 
1657 (a.) virens, 
1636 Laurus Caffia, 

1650 Leucadendron grandiflorum, 
1638 Luffa foetida. 

1643 Maurandia antirrhiniflora. 
1663 Mefembryanthemum inclaudens. 
1647 obcordellum, 
1652 Nymphza odorata (8.) rofea. 
1697 C&dera prolifera. 
1674 CEnothera Fraferi, 
1675 Papayer caucaficum, _ 
1641 Pelargonium trifte (@,) filipen- 


1672 Penftemon glabra. ae 
1671 Rhododendron catawbienfe. 
1651 Saxifraga ceratophylla, 

1664 virginienfis, 
1 bas Sida periptera. 

1676 Stapelia Bufonis. 

1661 campanulata, © 
1648 pulla. 

1662 reticulata, 

1667 Troximon glaucum, 
1655 Tupiftra fqualida, 
1660 Veronica labiata. 

iNee Ex, 
In which the Englifh Names of the 

Plants contained in the Fortieth 

Volume are alphabetically arranged, 


1059 Acacia, black-wooded. 

165 fimple-leaved, prickly. 

1656 Albuca, grafs-green. 

1645 Anderfonia, Sprengelia-like. 

1678 Ardifia, acuminated. 

1693 nightfhade-like. 

1654 Camellia, Anemone-flowered, or 


1670 Camellia, myrtle-leaved. 

1636 Caffia, or baftard Cinnamon, 

1646 Cameraria, doubtful, / 

1681 Cleome, five-leaved, 

1640 prickly. 

1665 Cornflag, painted. 

1673 Criftaria, fcarlet. 

1666 Diphylleia, cyme-flowered. 

1649 Enkianthus, Canton. 

1669 Epidendrum, fweet-fcented. 

1674 Evening-Primrofe, Frafer’s. 

1647 Fig-Marigold, heart-fhaped, or 

glaucous checquered Dumplin, 

1663 Fig-Marigold, never-clofing. 

1668 Habenaria, yellow-fringed. 

1680 Helonias, fmooth-leaved. 

1639 Jacquinia, orange-flowered. 

1658 Lachnza, glaucous box-leaved, 

1657 ——-—— green box-leaved.. 

1650 Leucadendron, great-flowered. 

1638 Luffa, ftinking, 

1643 Maurandia, {napdragon-flowered 

1637 CEdera, proliferous. 

1641 Pelargonium, drop-wort-leaved, 

Penftemon, Nuttal’s, 

Poppy, Caucafean, 

Rhododendron, Catawba. 

Rock candy-tuft,fmooth-leaved, 

1651 Saxifrage, fhining-calyxed. 

1664 Virginian, 

1644 Sida, fhuttle-cock. 

1679 Speedwell, fine-cut. 

ee a seo labiated. 

1661 Stapelia, bell-fha: 

1648 beck ies, 

1662 netted-flowered. 

1676 toad-flowered. 

1667 'Troximon, glaucous-leaved. 

1655 Tupiftra, Amboyna. 




1679 ——-— multifida, 
§ 1652 Water-lily, leffer {weet-fcented, 

Printed by S$, Couchman, Throgmorton-Street, Londom