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Botanical Magazine; 

al OR, 

The most Ornamental Forrien Piants, cultivated in the Open 
Ground, the Green-House, and the Stove, are accurately 
represented in their natural Colours. 

Their Names, Class, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according 
to the celebrated Linnzvus; their Places of Growth, 
and Times of Flowering ; 

Together with the most approved Methods of Cunrone. 


Intended for the Use of such Lapres, Gentiemen, and Garpeners, as wish 
to become scientifically ies, page with the Plants they cultivate, 



| Vou. U0 Ff SLES pe 
Being the Ninth of the New Series. pla ‘ge ORT ai 

The Frowe_rs, which grace their native beds, 
Awhile put forth their blushing heads, 
But, e’er the close of parting day, 

They wither, shrink, and die away: 

But THEsE, which mimic skill hath made, 
Nor scorched by suns, nor killed by shade, 
Shall blush with less inconstant hue, 
Which arr at pleasure can renew. Lio 

Printed by Sreruen Coucuman, Throgmorton-Strect. 
Published by Sner woop, Jones, & Co, 20, Paternoster-Row, 
And Sold by the principal Booksellers in Great-Britain and Ireland. 

Wed gall. fe 

Bobby S. Gertis  Wakworth. Wor, 11823. 

Tee ee ee Le 

Pe ee er hs et ee eee ee 

PET ee eee eT EOE Pe ee ee ee 


Class and Order. 

DecanpriA Monoeynia. . 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-fidus, campanulatus. Petala 5, calyci inserta. 
Bacca 5-locularis, calyce obvoluta. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Metastoma granulosa; foliis ovato-lanceolatis integris 
quinquenerviis supra granulosis, paniculis termina- 
libus, caule alato. Lam. Encycl. 4. p. 44. Persoon 
Syn. 1. p. 476. n. 98. Smith in Rees Cyel. in loco. 

MeEtastoma granulosa; ramis marginato-tetragonis, foliis 
ovali-lanceolatis longius acuminatis supra appresse 

hispidis lucidis subtus pannoso-villosis, petalis obovato- 

oblongis acumine brevi abrupto, filamentis superne 
longe laxeque lanatis. Don in Bot. Reg. 671. 
Ruexia Fontainesii Humb. et Bompl. Rhexia, 93. t. 36. 

Metastoma granulosa owes its specific name to the gra- 
nulated appearance of the upper surface of the leaves, 
arising from a number of callous excrescences, terminated 
by a short adpressed bristle. These are more remarkable 
in the dried state from the shrinking of the parenchyma- 
tous substance of the leaf; but were sufficiently evident, 


in our plant, while growing. 

Our drawing of this beautiful shrub, by far the most 

splendid of any species of Metasroma that has as yet 

owered in this country, was taken at the fine collection at — 

Bayeswater, belonging to the Count Dz Vanpes. It grows 

to the height of ten feet. A plant of this height, covered 
: “E : a eee wi 


cin ae 

with its pendent flowering branches, must make a most 
splendid appearance. 

Native of Brazil. Requires to be kept in the stove, | 
where it flowers, in this country, in the month of August. 

The outline figure represents one of the stamens detached, to show thes | 
hairy filament and curiously wrinkled anther. 

“ ta ee : = S 
rte Ga. Pick. by. 5. Curtis Waterorth, Woe: 11923 

Wsidell Sc. 

( 2442 ) 


Class and Order. 

Decanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

Cal. profunde 5-fidus, subbilabiatus. Cor. papilionacea: 
Carina compressa, longitudine alarum equantium vexillum 
explanatum. Stylus adscendens. Stigma simplex. Legu- 
men polyspermum, ventricosum, ovatum, acutum. Brown. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Oxytogrium arborescens ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis, bracteis 
| apicis pedicellis persistentibus, corymbis confertis, 
leguminibus calyce vix longioribus. Br. in Hort. 
Kew. ed. alt. 3. p.10. Bot. Reg. 392. 

The teaves in this species are long, linear with re- 
curved margins, smooth, but wrinkled on the upper side, . 
and tomentose on the under; in our specimen they grew 
by fours, in whorls; but this is not constant, Mr. Brown’s 
native specimens more frequently growing by threes, and 
sometimes being simply opposite. The flowers are much 
crowded together at the extremities of the branches, and 
also in whorls lower down the stem, which is villous and 

The specimen from which our drawing was taken was 
communicated by the Hon. and Rev. Wituiam Herpert. 
It was raised from seeds gathered near Port Macquarrie, 
and flowered at Spofforth in June last. Through the favour 
of Mr. Brown this specimen has been compared with his 
native ones, and the comparison leaves no doubt of its 
pane reall¥ the Oxyiosium arborescens of the Kew cata- 
ogue. : 

A hardy greenhouse shrub. Native of Van Diemen’s— 
island and New South Wales. It was first discovered by 
Rozert Brown, Esq. Introduced into the Kew garden in 
1805. Flowers from April to Midsummer. 

f + pa 77 4 
7-4, aertiy. Water rth. Wow 82é 



( 2443 ) 


Class and Order. | | 

Trerranpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

Bacca \-sperma, cincta calyce. Corolla quadripartita. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Cissus guinquefolia ; foliis quinatis : foliolis utrinque atten- 
uatis acuminatis serratis pedicellatis, ramis teretibus 
nodosis lavibus. | 

Cissus guinguefolia; foliis quinatis ellipticis serratis gla- 
bris, ramis levibus. . Soland. Mss. ; 

Descr. Stem ligneous at the lower part: Branches nu- 
merous, rounded, fleshy, swelled at the joints. Leaves 
alternate, petioled, quinate: leaflets petioled, elliptic (or 
attenuated at both extremities) unequally and acutely ser- 
rate, smooth, thin, unequal, the middle one the largest, 
being often three inches long. Common petiole mostly an 
inch and half long; partial ones four times shorter than the 
leaflets. Peduncles opposed to the petioles, longer than 
these, naked, branched: branchlets terminating in small 
compounded cymes. Bractes minute, lanceolate, one 
under each branchlet of the cyme. Calyx small, urceolate, 
obtusely four-toothed. Petals four, small, concave. 

The above description is chiefly translated from the 
late Dr. Soranper’s manuscripts in the Banksian library, 
where it is said to be a native of the isle of Raza, near the 
mouth of the river Rio Janeiro, Brazil. 

This species must not be confounded with pentaphylla, a 

native of Japan, nor with guinata, a native of the Cape. 

Cissus striata of the Flora Peruviana resembles our plant | 
in many points, but in that the branches are striate, in 
this rounded and smooth ; jn that the leaflets are sessile, 
and serrate towards the point only, in this they are pedi- 
cled, entirely serrate and acuminate; not to mention that 
our plant is void of all pubescence in every part. 

It was observed by Professor Tuungere in his Flora 
Japonica, that Cissus and Vitis must be united into one 
genus, varying with four or five stamens, and some modern 
botanists have accordingly united them ; but, in the hope 
that some characters will be found, especially when the 
fruit shall have been more attentively examined, sufficient 
to keep them distinct, we have preferred adhering to the 
old division, according to which our plant must be arranged 
with Cissus. It has no appearance of the petals being 
united at the points, forming a sort of Calyptra, a circum- 
stance so common in the genus Vitis; but we fear not 
constant enough to form a generic character. Had the 
one-seeded berry in Cissus, and five-seeded in Viris been 
found to be constant, no idea of uniting the two could 
have existed. 

Our drawing was made in August last, at the garden 
poten ging to the Horticultural Society at Chiswick, where 
the plant was raised from seeds sent to the Society in 1821, 
by Atexanper Catpcteven, Esq. from Rio Janeiro, Being 
a native of a country situate within the tropics, it of course 
requires to be preserved in the stove. 


ee Pub. by.S.bertis Walworth. Nov.1.1823, Wed Jal. Jee 

( 2444 +) 
BiscuTeLuA Hispipa. Hesreip Buckier 

Vices and Order: 

Generte Character. 

Silicula didymna, segmentis evalvibus foliaceo-compressis 
monospermis. Radicula descendens ! Cotyledones accum- 
bentes, inverse. Brown. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. ; 

Biscutetta hispida; calycibus acute bicalcaratis, siliculis 
glabris in disco punctis elevatis scabris apice in stylum 
non cocuntibus, caule hispido. De Cand. 5 Veg. 
Nat. 2. p. 408. Ann. du Mus. 18. p. 295. ¢.7. f.1. 

Lreucoyum montanum flore pedato. Col. Ecphr. 2. p, 59. 
t.61. Moris. Hist. 2. §3. t.9. f. 7. ex figura Columne 
pessime corrupta. | 

Jonprapa alyssoides lutea angustifolia. Barrel. ic. t. 230. 

| spicata lutea major. Barrel. ic. t. 1219. 

Tuxasp1 biscutatum villosum flore calcari donate. Bauh. 
Prodr. p. 49. sine icone. Bauh. Pin. 107. 

‘Tuaspipium hirsutum, calyce floris auriculato. Tourn. 
Inst. 218. 


Descr. The whole plant is hispid. Stem branched. 
Leaves sessile, half- stem embracing, oblong, sinuate- 
dentate, hispid on both sides. Calyx erect: leaflets 
connivent, two outward ones spurred at the base. 
Spur one-third the length of the whole calyx, in our 
plant not nearly so sharp pointed as represented in Dz 
CaNnpoLLe’s figure above quoted. Claws of the open 


the length of the calyx: limb flat, yellow. The longer | 
filaments dilated on_one side. Style longer than the sta- — 
mens, persistent. Stigma capitate. Silicule 2-lobed : lobes — 
orbicular, marginate, not hairy but the disk roughened — 
by crystalline elevated glands, not united with the style 
or only for a very short distance. | 

The above description was taken from the plant from — 
which our drawing was made, and appears to agree in 
most respects with that of De Cannone; and certainly 
with the synonyms he has quoted, which are however 
the same as those adopted by Lannaus for his auri- 
culata ; nor does it seem to us that the characters made 
use of by this learned botanist to distinguish this species 
from auriculata are entirely satisfactory: in our speci- 
mens the spurs of the calyx were rather obtuse than 
acute, though longer and less rounded at the end than 
in the specimens of auriculata which we have exam-_ 
ined. The principal difference between the two appears 
to us to be, the much greater hairiness of hispida, and 
greater dentation of the leaves, even of the superior ones, 
which in auriculata are generally quite entire, or nearly so. 

BiscuTeLLa, as a genus, is much extended since Linnaus, 
who, in his Species Plantarum, has only two species, in- 
creased in the last edition of the Systema Vegetabilium to 
six, and finally extended by De Canpouzz to twenty-three. 
These are by him very usefully separated into two sections. 
Ist, Such as have a calyx with two spurs, the Jonpraga of 
some authors. 2dly, Those in which the leaflets of the 
calyx are equal; which have been considered as a distinct 
genus, under the name of TuLaspipium. 

A hardy annual. Native of the south of France and the 
north of Italy. Communicated by N. S. Hopson, Esq. 
from the botanic garden at Bury St. Edmunds; where, we 
are informed by the intelligent curator, it was introduced 
by Mr. Fiscuer, of the Gottingen garden. 

Wedd Se, 

(| 2445) 
Eropium Gussonu. Gussonr’s Heron’s- | 


Connie Character. 

Cal. 5-phyllus: Cor. 5-petala.. Nect. Squamule 5, cum 
filamentis alternantes et. glandule mellifere basi staminum 
insidentes. Arillz 5,- monospermi, aristati, ad basin recep- 
taculi rostrati : aristis spiralibus introrsum barbatis.. 


Specific Character. and Synonyms. 9 — 

Eropium Gussonii; pedunculis longissimis multifloris, foliis 
petiolatis, cordato-ovatis inciso-lobatis crenatis, utrin- 
que villosis, caule ascendente hirto. 

Eropium Gussonii; pedunculis multifloris longissimis, 
foliis cordatis lobatis obtusis dentatis glaucis, caule 
petiolisque hirtis, corollis calycibus aristatis duplo 
longioribus, petalis emarginatis, caule erecto. Tenoré 
Prodr. fl. Neap. p. 39. 

Eropium Gussoni. Flor. Neap. p. 97. t. 63. Tenoré. 
Hort. reg. Neap. p. 38. 

Descr.. Root perennial. Stem herbaceous, decumbent, 
rounded, hairy: hairs pointing downwards. Cauline leaves 
opposite, unequal, one being generally larger than the 
other, petioled, cordate-ovate, obtuse, somewhat lobed, 
Crenate, soft-villous on both sides. Peduncles axi 8 
alternate, three or four times longer than the hairy petiole. 
Umbel about ten-flowered. ucre scariose, two-leaved, | 
Kidney-shaped. Pedicels horizontal. Calycine leaflets un- 
equal, streaked, each of them furnished with a short arista 
or mucro, inserted a little below the apex. Petals pour 

; quite. 

quite entire (Trnoré says emarginate), purple, veined, two 
of them stained with a deeper colour towards the base. 
Filaments five fertile, bearmg dark purple two-celled 
anthers, opening internally, and five sterile, alternating 
with the fertile. Stigma five-rayed, persistent. | 

This species has considerable affinity with Eropium 
malacoides, of which very variable species it perhaps may 
be thought to be only a variety. It differs however in 
having larger flowers; much longer seed vessels ; pedicels 
longer and more horizontal; leaves softer and more 
glaucous. | 

Communicated, in flower, in July last, by Pamir Barger 
Wess, Esq. to whom we are entirely indebted for the 
above synonymy. This gentleman informs us, that the 
plant was sent to Professor Tenoré by his pupil, Dox 
Giovanno Gussoné, from Avellino, in Sicily, where. Mr. 
Wenrs gathered both specimens and seeds. Gussoné, a 
zealous, active, and accurate botanist, was at that time 
curator of the Duke of Calabria’s garden at: Palermo,. and 
gave Mr. Wess reason to expect from him before long, 4 
Flora Sicula; with descriptions of many new species. 


NV 7446. 

Pub. by S.furtis Walworth Nov 1182 

| (2446 5) 
Irpomama speciosa. BroaD-LEAVED.leomama. 

Class and. Order. 

Pentranpria Monoeyrntia. - 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus, nudus. Cor. campanulata v. infundibul 
formis, 5-plicata, Germ, 2-3-loculare, loeulis disp 
Stylus, ope Stigma, capitatum, 2-3-lobum. Caps 
2-3-locularis. Brown. ; ah 

ss sa Character and Sync 
Ez Caulis volubilis. Folia indivisa. 

lroma@a speciosa ; -foliis integerrimis étirda tid’ Bicutib cubbiss 
argenteo-sericeis, pedunculis petiolo longioribus um- 
belliferis, bracteis ovato-lanceolatis, stigmate:bilobo. 

Apoma@a speciosa ; foliis cordatis subtus tomentoso-seri- 
ceis, pedunculis petiolo. longioribus: umbelliferis: 
ete i. nee Roem. et Sch. 4. p. 239- et 

ConvoLvutus speciosus ; foliis cordatis subtus tomentoso- 
sericeis, pedunculis petiolo longioribus umbelliferis, 
calycibus acutis, caule volubili. Hort. Kew. ed. 1 1. 
p.211.—ed. alt. 1. p. 381. Smith. Ic. pict. t. 17. Willd. 
Sp. Pl. 1. p. 859. 

Convorvutus nervosus ; foliis cordatis multinerviis subtus 
tomentoso-sericeis, agg umbellatis multifloris. 
Lam. Encycl. Bot. 3. 

_ Convonvuius vial ‘Burm i Ind. 48. t. 20. f. 12 De- 
scriptio bene, figura autem pessime quadrat. 

Samupra-Stsocam. Hort. Malab. 11. p. 125. ¢. 61. 


There is a considerable affinity between Ipomaa speciosa 

and insignis (No. 1790), but the leaves of the former ite 

quite entire, and clothed on the underside with silvery 


silky adpressed hairs, which pubescence extends to the ) 

peduncles, calyx, and‘outside of the corolla. 

This is one of the most beautiful species of this exten- — 

sive genus; was introduced by the late Right Hon. Sir 
Josepn Banks, from the East Indies, in 1778, but has but 
rarely flowered in our hot-houses, probably from having 
been generally confined to too limited a space. Our 

specimens were communicated by Lapy Harzanp, of Oswell — 

Park, Ipswich; .in whose stove it flowered in August, 
September, and October, 1822. Her ladyship observes, 
that “it isan evergreen, and being planted in the corner 
of a pit of mould, in the stove, its branches extend over a 
trellis about twenty-three feet, and, if allowed, would 
fill the house, being constantly growing all the year round, 
so that the gardener is obliged to be continually cutting it 
in. The stem, just above the ; ) Bt 
inches in circumference. It would ‘never flower in ‘a pot, 
as it requires space for its roots, as well asa great deal 
of head-room.”’ .. ;, ey si 
The figure in Smiru’s icones picte represents the limb 
of the corolla with pointed lobes, and the stigma bifid and 
subulate, probably from the lobes of the stigma having 
fallen off. The outline figure in our drawing gives a true 
representation of the stigma in our specimens. __. 
_ We have formerly mentioned the inadequacy of the 
character drawn from the stigma ‘to distinguish Convou- 

vutus from Ipomma; we are inclined to put more, con- 

fidence in the funnel-shaped corolla of the latter, as 

contrasted with the campanulate or bell-shaped corolla 
of the former. - = ; 


‘ound, measures eight — 

J Maaaena ie 

PROTEA GRANDIFLORA, a. latifolia. Broav- 

Class and Order. 

Terranpria Monoeynia, 

Generic Character. 

Petala 4, quorum 3 superne coherentia. Anthere api- 
cibus concavis corolla immerse. Nux supera, undique — 
barbata, stylo persistente coronata. Free 

Specifie Character and Synonyms. 

Protea grandiflora ; foliis oblongis sessilibus ramisque 
glabris, involucro hemispherico imberbi nudiusculo: 
corollis tomentosis: unguibus dorso glabriusculis, 
aristis brevissimis, stylo glabro. Brown in Lin. Soc. 

. Trans. 10. p. 85. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 1. p. 191. 
Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 3. p. 348. : 

Prorea grandiflora. Thunb. Diss. 51.—Prodr. 27.—Flor. 
Cap. 1. p. 504. Lam. Mlustr. 1. n. 1210.—Poirét En- 
cycl. Bot. 5. p. 640. Willd. Sp. Pl.1. p. 530. 

UCADENDRON cynaroides, 6. Sp. Pl. 136. 
‘ Lepipocarpopenpron folio saligno lato, Boerh. Ind. alt. 2. 
p. 183. cum tab. 
SeOLTMOCEPAALag foliis oblongis. Weinm. Phyt. 4. p. 286. 
(@.) angustifolia. Bot. Reg. 569. : 
ROTEA marginata ;. foliis lineari-lanceolatis nudis venosis : 
margine cartilagineo subpubescente, calyce hemis- 
pherico glabro. Lam. Ill. Gen. 1. p. 235. n. 1225, 
AAGENBOOM, Incolis Batavis. 


There are several species of Prorea with much larger 
flowers than this, which has probably acquired the — 

of grandiflora from comparing it with Prorga Scolymus, 
a much smaller, but somewhat related. species. 

Mr. Brown remarks that it sometimes varies with linear- 
oblong leaves, and is then hardly to be distinguished from 
Protea abyssinica, a species known to us only by the 
figure, and account of it in the appendix to Brucer’s travels. 

The Protea grandiflora is said to form a tree eight or ten 
feet high. Native of the Cape of Good Hope, where it was 
detected by Professor Tuunserc. Introduced to the Kew 
garden, by Mr. Francis Masson, in 1787. Our drawing 
was taken several years ago, by the late Mr. Sypennam 
Epwarps, at Knicur’s Exotic nursery in the King’s Road, 
not long after its first establishment, from a plant out of the 
collection of Grorcr Hiszert, Esq. Flowers in May and 
June. Requires to be kept in an airy greenhouse. 



hurtiy. Walworth . 

Pubdy J. 

, Da 


Class and Order. 

Dianpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

Cor. 5-fida: lacinia infima patentiore. Stam. approxi- 
mata. Calyx subcampanulatus. Stam. 4, gibba. 

Specific Name and Synonyms. 

Ameruystea cerulea. Sp. Pl. 30.—edit. Willd. 1. p. 121. 
Amen. Acad. 1. p. 386. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 1. p. 48. 
Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 1. p. 207. Vahl. Enum. 1. 
p. 212. Gmel. Sib. 3. p. 248. - 

Amernystea corymbosa. Pers. Syn.1.p.24. 

Ameruystina montana erecta, foliis exiguis digitatis trifidis 
serratis, flosculis cum coma é ceruleo janthinis. Amm. 
Ruth.n. 70. Hall in Act. Ups. 1742. p 51. f. 1. 


_Descr. Stem herbaceous, erect, from one to two feet 
_ high, square, smooth, purplish. Branches opposite, square, 
with the sides deeply channelled. Leaves opposite on 
channelled footstalks, three parted : leaflets ovate-lanceo- 
late, coarsely serrate: serratures unequal, obtuse, some 
of them denticulate: Flowers blue, in leafy corymbs, ter- 
minal, and axillary, on peduncles longer than the petioles. 
— Calyx subcampanulate; half five-cleft : segments acute, 
spreading, cerulescent. Corolla minute, ringent, blue: 
Stamens 2 : filaments short : anthers white, didymous. 
ermens apparently united to near the apex. Style longer 
than stamens, blue: Stigma bifid: lower segment, revo- 
lute. When ripe, the germen separates into four gibbous 
Seeds, rough on the convex side. The whole plant 1s very 
t. AmETHysTEA appears to us to be a connecting: 

link between the natural orders of Labiate and Vitices. 

Native of Siberia. A hardy annual, cultivated by Pamir 
Mutter, in 1759; but is rarely met with in our gardens. 
Communicated by N. S. Hopson, Esq. from the botanic 
garden at Bury St. Edmunds, under whose zealous auspices, 

and the skill of his curator, this establishment continues to 
thrive. 3 

Iti ort orem: PUTeme eed. 
“WR cnmemse, 



( 2449 ) 

Putomis Herpa venti. Rovueu-LeaAvep 

seakeokoesk seo eo skeet ake skool skate 
Class and Order. 


Generic. Character. 

Cal. 5-gonus, 5-dentatus. Cor. galea incumbens, cari- 
nato-compressa, barbata, emarginata v. ineisa; lab. inferius 
proportionatum: lobo medio majore. Stigmatis labium — 
superius brevius, 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Putomis Herba-venti; foliis ovato-oblongis serratis subtus 
hirtis, calycinis dentibus lanceolato-subulatis erectis, 
bracteis subulatis cauleque hirtis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. 
p. 122. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 3. p. 408. Poir. Encyel. 
Bot. 5. p. 275. De Cand. fi. fr. 3. p. 556. 

Putomis Herba-venti ; involucris setaceis hispidis, foliis 
ovato-oblongis scabris, caule herbaceo. Sp. Pl. 819. 
Hort. Ups. 171. 

Putomis Herba-venti; foliis venoso-rugosis subtus tomen- 
tosis serratis; inferioribus cordato-ovatis petiolatis ; 
floralibus lanceolatis subsessilibus ; calycinis dentibus 
patentibus bracteisque subulatis mucronatis. Fl. Taur. 
Cauc. 2. p. 5d. | 

Putomis narbonensis hormini folio, flore purpurascente. 
Tournef. Inst. 178. 

Marrveium nigrum longifolium. Bauh. Pin. 230. Ger. 
emend, 701. : 

Herpa vents. Lod. ic. 532. 

Herga venti monspeliensium. Bauh. Hist. 3. p. 854. 


Mr. Rozert Brown, in his invaluable Prodromus, be- 

sides adopting Prrsoon’s name of Leonoris for one meton. 
3 Be 


of Puiomis, containing P. nepetifoha, P. Leonurus, and 


P. Leonitis of Linnxvs, has separated another division of - 
the genus, under the name of Leucas, by which he has_ 
reduced the genus Patomis very considerably, limiting it 

to fruticosa, purpurea, italica, Nissolii, armenica, a 

nitis, laciniata, samia, crinita, biloba, pungens, 

erba | 

venti, alpina, and perhaps tuberosa, of the hitherto re-— 

corded species. 

It is surprising that this handsome plant, which has been | 
in our gardens occasionally from the time of Grrarp, should 
never before have been figured-in any modern botanical | 

work; the wooden cut of Losex and its 
only representations existent. — 2. 
When exposed to wind and rain, the leaves are apt to 
lose their softer parts, leaving merely a network of fibres, 
pervious to the wind, whence the old name of Herba-venti. 
A hardy herbaceous perennial. Native of the South of 
Europe. Flowers from July to September. Communi- 
cated by Mr. Anperson, from the Chelsea Garden. 

copies being the 

Pub. by. f. Gertie 

- Walworth. Decl S23, 


( 2450 ) 



Class and Order. 

DiapetpH1A Decanpris. 

Generic Character. 

_ Cal. 5-partitus : laciniis linearibus. Vesillum striatum. 

Legumen turgidum, sessile. Filam. connata absque fis- 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Ononis hispanica; pedunculis aristatis subunifloris, foliis 
omnibus ternatis canaliculatis recurvatis totaliter ser- 
Yatis. Lin. Suppl. p. 324. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 1008. 

Ononis oligophylla. Tenoré. 

NONIS ot spinosa villosa et viscosa hispanica. Barrel. | 
ic. 775. 

Ononis crispa, 6. eam. Encycl. 1. p 510. 



Descr. A low thickly branched shrub: branches short, 
Somewhat viscid. Stipules lanceolate, patent, recurved, 
sheathing at the base. Leaves ternate, reflexed: petiole 
channelled : Jeaflets round-oval, margin entirely serrate, 
rXcept a little at the base, fleshy, ciliate, with glandular 

i's on the under side; terminal one somewhat largest and 
Petioled. Peduncles solitar , axillary, one-flowered, twice 
the length of the leaf, jointed towards the apex, and 
‘vided ; the upper portion is what is termed the arista in 
this genus, but seems to be only an abortive pedicel. 
Calyx five-cleft; segments subulate, patent, viscous, with 
airy glands. Vexillum ovate, acute, yellow, streaked 
With purple ; ale connivent. Carina very much curved. 

_. Filaments 

Filaments all connected. Germen oval, pubescent, with 
adpressed hairs. Style ascendent. Stigma pointed. 
- Ononts hispanica, crispa, and ramosissima appear to be 
nearly related species; the former is considered by La-_ 
MARCK as a variety of the second; but if the character 
derived from the peduncle is of any value, they must be 
distinct species; Aispanica being described as having aris- 
tated peduncles, while in crispa these are said to be 
unarmed. . a 

Trnoré considered it as a distinct species, and published — 
it under the name of oligophylla, but we see no reason to 
separate it from /éspantea ; we are certain, however, of 
its being TEnori’s plant, as it was raised by Mr. Puturr 
Barker Wess, from seeds received from that botanist. 
Native of Spain and Italy. Requires to be protected from 
frost. Flowers from May to September. 

ie ocala caamlill 

Wed delat 


Pub by. 5 Curtis, Walworth. Dev 21823 


S- brertiz 

( 2451 -) 


Class and Order. 

SyncenesiA Potyeamia FRusTRANEA. 

Generic Character. 

Receptaculum paleaceum. Sem. compressa, emarginata. 
Pappus bicornis. Cal. duplex, uterque polyphyllus. — 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Corzopsis lanceolata ; foliis lanceolatis glabris integerrimis, 
pedunculis unifloris longissimis nudis. : 
oREopsis lanceolata; foliis lanceolatis integerrimis ciliatis. 
Sp. Pl. 1283. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 2256. Hort. Kew. 
ed. — 5. p. 135. Lam. Encycl. 2. p. 108. Meerd. 
tc. p 
Coreopsis lanceolata ; brevicaulis ; foliis cuneato-lanceo- 
latis linearibusve integerrimis; pedunculis longissimis 
simplicibus nudis, seminibus orbiculatis convexo-con- 
cavis scabris manifestius alatis apice bidentatis emar- 
grok a. glabella. Michaux Flor. Bor. Amer. 2 
REopsis lanceolata ; foliis sessilibus lanceolato-linearibus 
integerrimis ciliatis, pedunculis » gore nudis, 
seminibus orbiculatis scabris alatis apice bidentatis 
emarginatis. Pursh. Fl. Am. Sept.2. p.567. > 
eS ex folio, radio amplo laciniato. Dill. Eith. 5B: 
- #5. ff. 56. 
Bivens caroliniana, florum radiis latissimis insigniter den- 
tatis, semine alato per maturitatem convoluto. Mart. 
Cent. 26. t. 26. =A 

‘eee, j. rite 

There can be little doubt that. our plant is the same 

les as figured by Ditxenius, and by Martyn in his » 

Centuria, both of which are referred to by Linnzus as syno- 
nyms of his Corropsis lanceolata; or if any hesitation can 
arise, it must be from the form of the seed, the magnified 
outline of which, in our figure, is represented as oblong; 
but it is not improbable that the form of the seed may vary 
in different parts of the disk. — 

The only species with which it can be confounded is 
the auriculata ; if indeed lanceolata and auriculata are not 
mere varieties of the same species, which seems to us highly 
probable, and was perhaps the opinion of the accurate 
Norra, as he has omitted the latter in his enumeration 
of the species. The ciliz on the leaves vary very much in 
different specimens, and in our plant were not visible to 
the naked eye. 

A tolerably hardy biennial. Native of Carolina. Flowers 
from July to September. Communicated by Mr. Josera 

Knicut, of the Exotic nursery, in the King’s Road, 


( 2452 ) 

Ocimum cANuM. Hoary Basi. 

Class and Order. 


Generic Character. 

Cal. lab. superiore orbiculato ; inferiore A-fido. Cor. 
resupinate alterum labium 4-fidum: alterum indivisum. 
Filamenta exteriora basi processum emittentia. 

Specific Character. 

Ocimum stamineum ; foliis oblongo-ellipticis serratis canis 
longe petiolatis, spicis verticillatis, verticillis subsex- 
floris, staminibus corolla bis longioribus. 


_ There are so many species of Ocimum which are but 
indifferently defined, that it is almost impossible to decide, 
whether this may not have been already described ; but, 
after a careful examination, we cannot find that it altoge- 
ther agrees with the description of any recorded species, 
and are therefore constrained to consider it as new. _ 

We are informed that it is sweet scented; and that it was 
raised from seeds sent from China to the directors of the 
Horticultural Society, in whose garden at Chiswick, our 

wing was taken last July. | 

It seems to be nearest related to Ocimum sanctum and 
‘enuiflorum, both East Indian species, and we a 
‘specimen from thence, given us by the late Dr. Heyne, so 
similar, that we are unable to distinguish it from our plant. 
This had the name of Ocimum album appended to it; but 
s Nearly as unlike the album of Lannaus as any two species 

whole genus. We regret the not having had an 
be ity of examining the living plant. It appears to 
hers and requires to be raised in the stove or 


Puch ley orb Walworth Deel 79. 

Wee d Bm” 

( 2453 ) 

Jonipium Ipecacuanna, 8. WHuite — 

Class and Order. 

PenTANDRIA MonoeyniA. 

Generic Character. 

_ Cal. 5-phyllus, foliolis basi vix productis eidemque equa- 

libus. Cor. subbilabiata, calcare nullo. Nectarzum glan- 
dule bine ad basin germinis. Anthere apice membra- 
hacee plerisque distincte. Stigma simplex uncinatum, 
Caps. trigona, trivalvis ; valvulis medio seminiferis. - Vent. 
Jard. de Malm. 1. p. 27. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Joxiprum * Ipecacuanha ; foliis ovato -oblongis pedun- 
culis axillaribus solitariis cernuis, petalo inferiore 
maximo emarginato. 

Joxiptum Ipecacuanha. Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 5. p. 398, 

Viota Ipecacuanha; foliis ovalibus margine .subtusque 
pilosis. Lin. Mant. 484. Suppl. Pl. 397. Willd. 1. 
p. 1172. Poir. Encycl. Bot. 8. p. 645. 

(«.) glabrum. : 

Jonwwrom Ipecacuanha ; foliis ovatis serratis glabris, petalo 
inferiore plano. Vent. Malm. 1. p. 28. : 

PomBanra Ipecacuanha. Vandelli fase. p. 7. t. I. 

(8.) pubescens, : | 

OMBALIA foliis ovato-lanceolatis crenatis cauleque pubes- 

— centibus. Vandelli. 

La grandiflora ; veronice folio villosa. Barrere. Fr. 
equinoct. p. 113. — 

Jonipium Calncdlage Roem. et Sch. 5. p. 394? Vent, 

: Viota 

per leiiesia 
* From “jv a violet, and “dcr peculiar, 

Vioxa Calceolaria. Lin. Sp. Pl. 1327? Willd. 1. p. 1172? 
Viota Itoubou. Aubl. Guian. 2. p. 808. ¢. 3187 | 

The genus Vioxa, as formerly constituted, contains an 
inconvenient number of species, on which account especi- 
ally, we have followed Venrenat, in adopting his genus 
Jonip1um; for which, by-the-by, the name of Pomsatia, 
given anteriorly by Vanpetu, ought to have been pre- 
served; but, as that of Jonip1um is used in the new Systema 
Vegetabilium now publishing, and generally, by the French 
botanists, we leave it undisturbed. 

The root of this plant is supposed to be the white Ipeca- 
cuanha formerly kept in the shops; but the only Ipeca- 
cuanha now in use is certainly the product of a very 
different plant, also a native of the same country. There 
is no doubt, however, but that the present species is fre- 
quently used in Brazil, for the cure of several disorders, 
especially the dysentery. 

Our plant was raised at the Botanic Garden, Chelsea, 
from Brazil seeds, sent us by Mr. Francis Sento, a very 
industrious and enthusiastic botanist, who has devoted 
several years to the collecting plants, and other subjects of 
Natural History, in that extensive empire. M. Aveuste 
bE Saint Hixairg, in his observations on a voyage in the 
interior of Brazil, published in the ninth volume of the 
Memoires du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, page 329, 
asserts, that the Viota Calceolaria and Ipecacuanha of Lix- 
NEUS are the same species ; and that the Itowbou of AuBLET 
differs in nothing from the Brazil plant, except in its greater 
hairiness ; a character, which, he observes, varies extremely 
in different individuals. 'The same author supposes that 
he had discovered another species, which he calls Jonsp1u™ 
indecorum, growing with the Ipecacuanha, and differing iD 
nothing from it, but in having a corolla shorter by half than 
the calyx, and three of the filaments sterile. It is probable, 
however, that this was a mere variety from abortion, a3 
many of the violets are known to produce apetalous flowers 
later in the season, which bear seeds, even more. readily 
than the perfect blossoms; a circumstance, which, Mr. 
Anperson observed to take pl i OE 
. 2, to take place in the very individua 
from which our drawing was taken. 

We believe this plant has not before been introduced 

into any of our gardens. : 
the aresen t var ens. It flowered at Chelsea, in July 0 


Bish. by S. Gertir. Walworth > a1] 


( 2454 ) 



Class and Order. 

Potyeamra Monazcia. 

Generic Character. 

_ Hermapurop. Cal. 5-dentatus. Cor. 5-petala, s. 5-par- 
ita. Stam.10. Pist.1. Legumen bivalve. 

_Nevr. Cal. 5-dentatus. Cor. 0. vel 5-petala vel 5-par- 
tita. Stam. 10, sterilia, lanceolato-dilatata. : 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

'Desmanrnus virgatus ; inermis, foliis bipinnatis: partia- 
libus quadrijugis: propriis duodecim -jugis, spicis 
paucifloris capitatis decandris, leguminibus linearibus, 
caule erecto angulato. Willd. Sp. Pl. 4. p. 1047. 
Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 5. p. 458. | 

Mimosa virgata; inermis, foliis bipinnatis, spicis decandris; 
Inferioribus castratis maximis, caule erecto angulato. 
Sp. Pl. 1502. Jacq. Hort. Vindob. 1. p. 34. t. 80. 

™osa orientalis non spinosa, rarioribus ramis, floribus 

spicatis. Pluk. Alm. 252. t. 307. f. 4? 


A delicate upright shrub, distinguished by its long linear 
Pods, with which the firure of Rugeve, Hort. Malab. v. 9. 
| - referred to by Linnzus, does not in the least agree, 
We have therefore omitted that s nonym altogether. Nor are 
We without doubts respecting the one from Piuxener, that 
sure representing the branches divaricate, and peduncles 
nger than the leaves. Jacgurn’s figure and description 
“Dove referred to accords entirely with our plant, which 
Was communicated by Joun Watker, Esq. in August last, 
Nt his collection at Arno’s grove, Southgate. : 
_, Native of the West Indies, and also of the East Indies, 

it it be the same with Linnaus’s plant. 


Bobby. Getic. Walworth. Tun 

Fe ser Ragen 

Momorpica Cuarantia. . TopercunatTep,. 

+ a 

Class and. Order. 
Monazcta ‘Monapenraia. 
Generic Character. 

Masc. Cal. 5-fidus. Cor. 5-partita. Filam 3. 
Fem. Cal. 5-fidus. Cor. 5-partita. Stylus 3-fidus. Pepo 
— elastice dissiliens. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Momorosca Charantia ; pomis oblongis acuminatis angu- 
latis tuberculatis, bractea cordata integerrima infra 
medium pedunculi, foliis septemlobo-palmatis dentatis 
subhirsutis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 4. p. 602. Hort. Kew. ed. 
alt. 5. p. 342. 

- Momorpica Charantia; pomis angulatis tuberculatis, foliis 

| villosis longitudinaliter palmatis. Sp. Pl. 1432. Hort. 

| Cliff. 451. 

_ -SALSAMINA cucumerina indica, fructu majore flavescente. 

) Comm. Hort. 1. p. 103. t. 54. 

Amara indica. Rumph. Amb. 5. p. 410. t. 151. 

Cucumis Zeylanicus. Herm. Lugd. p. 204. 

 Panpiraver. Hort. Malab. 8. p. 17. t. 9. 


We are inclined to consider the Momorpica muricata of 
ILLDENOW to be merely a variety of our present species ; 
| for in the natural order of Cucurerracex but little confi- | 
| dence can be placed in the size, or even form of the fruit ; 
witness the numerous varieties of Cucumbers, Melons, and 
The figures of Commenin and Rueve, above referred to, 
gree very well with our specimen, but that of Joan Mi- 

“ER in his Illustrations of Botany, represents the or 7 

jnuch smaller and less tuberculated ; but the bracte on the 

peduncle, with quite entire margins, proves it to belon 

to Momorpica harantia, and serves to distinguish. the 

. ies from Momorpica Balsamina, in which the bracte is 
tate, and placed nearer to the fruit. 

A tender annual. Native of the East Taition, where it 
is cultivated to cover fences, and to form a shade over 
_ arbours. The bitter leaves are used instead of Hops to 

check fermentation in the beer of the Dutch inhabitants, 
which is made from sugar, not from malt. 

Flowers in June and July. Requires to be raised in the © 

stove or hot-bed. Communicated by Joun Watxer, Esq. 
of Arno’s Grove. 

E Gearbic Del 

Baby I farts Walworth. Jani 1824. 


( 2456.) 


es Sr ae ie Sa 
Class and Order. 

Penrannria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

_. Cal. parvus, subturbinatus, 5-partitus. Petala 5, stel- 
Jatim patentia. Stam. receptaculo inserta. Stylus brevis : 
stigmata 2, raro 3. Caps. bilocularis, non dehiscens: loculis 
I-spermis. Sem. e summo receptaculo axillari appensa. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Crritta racemiflora ; foliis cuneato-lanceolatis acutis subtus 
subnervosis, racemis gracilibus elongatis, petalis pedi- 
cello longioribus. 

Crritta racemiflora. L. Mant. 50. Syst. Veg. ed. 14. p. 

RAT. Jacq. ic. rar. t, AT. Collect. 1. p. 162. Lam. 
Encyel. 2. p. 245. , poe! 

Cyritta caroliniana ; foliis cuncato-lanceolatis acutis mem- 

~ branaceis nervillosis, spicis gracilibus, petalis pedicello 

“ lengioribus. Michaux Fl. Bor. Am. 1. p. 158. Per- 
soon Syn. 1. p. 175. Pursh Fl. Am. Sept. 1. p: Vi0- 
Nutt. Amer. 1. p. 144. Poir. Encyel suppl. 2. p. 436: 
Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 5. p. 408. Se 

Ita Cyrilla ; foliis lanceolatis integerrimis. L’Herit. Stirp. 
1. p. 137, t. 66. Swarts Prodr. 50.—Flor. Ind. Occid. 
1. p. 506.—Obs. p. 94. t.4. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. p. 1146. 
Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 2. p. 37. 


Descr. An upright shrub, from four to six feet high. 
(Swarrz says, that in the mountains of Jamaica, it grows 
;ccasionally into a tree twenty feet high). Leaves obovate- 
‘nceolate, smooth, quite entire. Racemes of white flowers, 
stowine, sometimes singly, sometimes opposite, but more 
sferally collected, a number together, at the end of na 


last year’s shoot, and beneath that of the present year, four 
inches long, slender: pedicels a line in length, very close 
together, with a subulate bracte of the same length, at the 
base of each. Calyx very small, 5-parted: segments con- 
cave. Petals twice the length of the calyx, ovate, acute, 
spreading, marcesent. Stamens 5: filaments inserted into 
the receptacle below the germen, somewhat shorter than 
the petals. Anthers oval, purple, didymous. Germen su- 
perior, ovate, two-celled: ovula, apparently two in each 
cell. Slyle short, divided half way into two, fleshy, divari- 
cate, obtuse stigmas. Ripe capsule not seen. 

Great confusion has taken place in consequence of L’He- 
ritier having united the Cyritia of Linnaus to Irea, in 
which he has been followed by Swartz, Wittpenow, La- 
marcK, and the authors of both editions of the Hortus 
Kewensis. But since more attention has been paid to 
affinities, it has been found, that these genera cannot even 
belong to the same natural order, at least as these are 
at present defined ; and in consequence the most modem 
authors have again restored the genus Cyrizza to its ori- 
ginal destination. In doing this, however, they have un+ 

necessarily, and, as we think, improperly, changed the 
specific name from racemiflora to caroliniana. 

. The difference between. these genera, consists in the 
different insertion of the stamens, the number and attach- 
ment of the seeds, the dehiscence of the capsule of Irxa, 
and the division of the style in Cyrizza. 

A pres. shrub. Native of Carolina. . Requires the pro- 
tection of a greenhouse. Introduced in 1765 by Mr. Joan 

Cree. Flowers in July and August. Communicated b 
Messrs. Loppigzs and Sons. = : 

( 2457 ) 

Ecurnops stricrus. Urerigutr Giope- 

Class and Order. = 



Generic Character. 

Calyces uniflori. Corollule tubulose hermaphrodite. 
Receptaculum setosum. Pappus obsoletus. 

Specific Character. 

Etuinops strictus ; caule simplici stricto unifloro, foliis ero- 
so-pinnatifidis spinuloso-dentatis supra glabris subtus 


Descr. Stem erect, simple, three or four feet high, 
furrowed, somewhat woolly. Leaves alternate, half-stem 
einbracing, unevenly pinnatifid, toothed ; teeth terminated 
With a small spine. Peduncle terminal, elongated, rounded, 
Jearing a large globular head of florets without any 
tnyolucre. Calyx (proper) imbricate: leaflets lanceolate 
with a bristly point, the inner ones largest. Florets tu- 
ular ; tube white: limb linear, revolute; bright blue. 
Anthers blue, soon turning brown: stigma deeper blue, 
bifid, revolute. -Germen oblong, hairy, white. Pappus 
lone. Receptacle bristly ; but the bristles adhere to the 
bottom of the calyxes, and when these are pulled off the 
“*ceptacle is left naked and honey-combed. : 

R MS appears to be an undescribed species. Native of 
ussia. Communicated by Aytmer Bourke Lampert, 
$q. In September 1823, and was raised at Boyton, from 

D; S received from Dr. Fiscuer, late of Gorenki, but now 
rector of the Imperial botanic garden at St. Petersbur gh. 



Wed dell: 

BBS. Burbis Webwork San lle. 



( 2458 ) 

Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus, 5-angulatus, inflatus. Filamenta basi 
fornicata, germen tegentia. Bacca ex sueca, 3—5-locularis. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Nicanpra physaloides; foliis ovato-oblongis eroso-sinuatis, 
petiolis decurrentibus. 

Nicanpra physaloides. Gaertn. sem. 2. p. 237. t. 131. f. 2. 
Persoon Syn. 1. p. 219. Willd. Enum: p. 231. Pursh. 
Fl. Am. Sept. 1. p. 158. Nutt. Gen, Am. 1. p. 130. 
Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 4. p. 681. 

Atropa physaloides ; caule herbaceo, foliis sinuato-angu- 
latis, calycibus clausis acutangulis. Sp. Pl. 260. 
Willd. 1. “p. 1017, Jacq. Obs. 4. p. 12. t. 98. Hort. 
Kew, ed. alt. 1. p. 392. : 

Puysaris daturefolia ; foliis ovatis acutis reine ong 
oe fructescentibus acutangulis. Lam. Eneyel. 

> ?p. : 

CALYDERMos erosus ; caule pentagono, foliis ovatis eroso- 
angulatis, pedunculis unifloris erectis, fructibus cer- 

A nus. Flor, Peruv. 2. p. 44. - 

oe amplo flore violaceo. Feuill. Peruv. 2. p. 724. 


th DESC. Root annual. Stem branched, upright, two or — 
ree feet high, sometimes considerably more elevated : 
anches angular. Leaves oblong-oval, unevenly sinuate, 

Very like those of the stramonium or thorn-apple : petioles 
: decurrent. 

decurrent. Peduncles opposed to the leaves, one-flowered, 
at first erect, afterwards cernuous. Calyx five-cleft: seg- 
ments ovate, acute, sagittate at the base, sides compressed 
into five acute angles, persistent and becoming more in- 
flated. Corolla bell-shaped: limb spreading, five-cleft: 
segments rounded. Stamens shorter by half than the 
corolla: Filaments hairy, broad and arched at the base, 
covering the germen, as in the Campanuta. Germen glo- 
bular in the specimens we have examined, always five- 
celled. Capsule or dry berry globular, five-celled: Re- 
ceptacles central, dilated outwards. Seeds many, oval, 

The name of Nicanpra was first given to this genus by 
Apanson, and adopted by Jussieu, Persoon, and others. 
Scureszer applied the same name to the Poraia of Ausiet 
which may occasion some confusion ; but it will be better 
to retain Ausier’s original name for his plant than to 
adopt a new name for this, as Ruez and Pavon have done. 
It ought, undoubtedly, to be separated from Arropa. 

_ _ Native of Peru and Chili; grows very well in the open 

border ; but is best raised in a hot-bed and treated like 
other tenderer annuals; it may, however, be sown in the 

Come in the open ground, but will not flower so early. 
ommunicated by Joun Waker, Esq. — 

(. 2459. ) 

» AmMosium aLatum. ) WINGED-STALKED, 
a -AMMoBIUM. SPST cite 

Class and Order. age adsall 

Sect. Discorpet. 

Generic Character. 

- Receptaculum paleis distinctis. Pappus: margo dentatus. 
ssa basi bisete. Involucrum imbricatum, coloratum, 

Herba erecta, tomentosa. Folia integerrima: radicalia 
lanceolata, basi attenuata: caulina minora, decurrentia. 
Caulis alatus, ramis unifloris. Involucra hemispherica 
laminis albis, intimis patulis radium abbreviatum effor- 
mantibus. Corollule uniformes, flace. Stigmata truncato- 

ta. Semina ancipitia. eceptaculum convexum, - 
Specific Name. 
AmMozrum alatum. Br. Mss. 


Descr. Root supposed to be perennial. Herb upright, 
entose. Leaves quite entire: radical ones lanceolate, 
harrowed towards the base: cauline ones smaller, decur- 
t. Stem winged. Branches one-flowered. Involucre 
(or common calyx) hemispherical, consisting of white 
7; ues; the inner one sleaae and forming a short ray. 
ets uniform, yellow. Stigmas dilated and truncate. 

4s flat, with two sharp edges. Receptacle convex. 
An undescribed genus, belonging to the same tribe with 


* Auuos sand, Bios life. 

Gwarnatium, discovered by Rosert Brown, Esq. in 1804, 

owing plentifully near the shores of Port Hunter (or the 
Goal River), in New South. Wales,‘ and ‘named ‘by: him 
Ammonium, from its growing in sand. Our specimens were 
communicated by Epwarp Forster, Esq. in August 1823, 
from his garden at Hale-End house, where it flourished in 
the open ground. It was raised from seeds received from 
New South Wales, without name, but marked native of 
Bathurst Plains. | 

- F 
i = 4 333 
; nS 4 e ;? it 
Hew aASc.. eee cj , tnigy 
: " 333372 

Pik by. Ssrtir. Walworth. Toer:,1.1923 

Weddell Se 


f ‘ ear 

$5 {1 

) Puecrrantuus, or Omit. 
ee ; : e - ; any ; ; Wnig3se , Sis COW 
HSS SE EES OES Odes anid Order.: loo Isvevg 
: Divrwamia® GymvosrerMita, A 

‘Generic Character. - ae 

Cal. bilabiatus, Jabioinferiore diyiso striatus: fructifer 
basi subtus,gibbosus. Corolle lab..super trifidum, lacinia 
nedia biloba, infertus longius, integrum (plerumque con- 
avum). Stamina declinata, filamentis edentulis (nunc basi 


‘connatis):- antheris unilocularibus,.imberbibus. Brow. 


Piecrranrnus ternatus ; caule. sexangulato, foliis ternatis 
___ petiolatis.ovatis crenatis rugosis,,radicibus tuberosis, 
spicis terminalibus verticillatis. Shi sdF 12 
; an! vind on A 


Descr. Root fibrous, bearing tubers in the same manner 
s the potatoe. . Stem and Branches decumbent till about 
0 flower, when the stem becomes erect, six-angled, the 
des deeply grooved. ‘Leaves growing by threes, crowded 
gether, ovate, crenate, rugose; ‘on! long«chaimnelled pe- 
oles. Flowers in terminal verticillate spikes : whorls 
any-flowered. Bractes ovate, small, falling off before 
e flower expands. Calyx pubescent, appearing sprinkled 

ith golden-coloured glands when seen through a lens, 
bilabiate: upper lip large, quite entire: lower lip 4-toothed, 
Corolla bilabiate : lower lip canoe-shaped, compressed, 
Stamens 4, didynamous : filaments without teeth, connate 
at the base. Germens 4, seated on a fleshy receptacle : 

ident : Stigma bifid. 

. For this very rare and seldom flowering plant, we are 

indebted to our friend Rosert Barctay, Esq. in whose 

Stove at Bury Hill, it flowered for the first time, a 
= Fa | 

vember 1823. Weare informed by this gentleman, that 
he received the tubers in November 1820, from his friend 
Cuartes Teirair, Esq. of the Mauritius, where the plant 
has been introduced from Madagascar, and is there culti- 
vated under the name of Omimé, for the sake of its tubers, 
which are esteemed as a choice and delicate esculent. The 
tubers arrived ‘in good condition and kept sound some 
months, and were freely communicated by Mr. Barctay to 
several collections; but we do not find that any other 
rson has succeeded in bringing it into flower, which we 
understand but rarely takes place, even at the Mauritius. 
Mr. Barctay has grown this plant in the border, undet 
a frame, and in the stove, but has not found, that in any 
case, it has with him produced any tubers. Yet his plants 
were raised from the imported tubers. a 
Dr. Roxsuren has described an East Indian species, under 
the name of Ocimum tuberosum, which has a near affinity 
with this in the form of its leaves as well as its tuberous 
roots, and a specimen of it is preserved in the Banksian 
herbarium, now the property of Rosert Brown, Esq. 


The outline Figures represent : 

1, The Corolla \aid open to show the insertion of : 
2. The Pistil. . insertion of the stamen 
3. The Calyx. All magnified, 



2452, 1. 9, for ‘ stamineum’ read ‘canum 
2453, p. 2, 1, 19, for ‘ FRANCIS’ read ‘ FREDERICK.’ 

(°246L y 
LIKE Ruipsauis. 7 

Lee aes 
Class and Order. 5 Se 

IcosanpriA Monogynia. 

Generic Character. 

Cal. superus, 3-4-partitus, brevissimus. Cor. polypetala. 
Stam. plurima. Stigma partitum. Bacca infera, unilocu- 
» pellucida. Semina duodena, centralia. Gaxrrrn. 

Specific Character and Synonym. | 

Ruipsaxas salicornoides ; caule prolifero articulato, articulis 
teretibus clavatis, floribus terminalibus subsolitariis. 
HIPSALIS salicornoides ; articulato-prolifer; erectus; valde 
ramosus ; ramis erecto-patulis teretibus subangula- 
Usque ; fasciculis spinularum juniorum capillacearum 
minutis albicantibus, nudo oculo inconspicuis. Ha- 
worth Suppl. Pl. Succul. p. 83. 



_Descr. Plant trailing, proliferous ; branches very nu- 
merous, spreading, jointed: joints club-shaped, rounded, 
tubercled, smooth, scarred, glaucous, older stems grey. 
ers terminal, solitary, or in pairs. Corolla superior, 
Yellow; petals numerous, thin, beautifully reticulated, 
foncave, connivent, never opening wide. Style long ; 
stigma included, large, cleft. fee : : 
‘ he plant when young has a very different habit. It is 
lower -v, the joints shorter, and more turgid at their 
i Portions, to be nearly oval instead of club- 
Ps Satake their tubercles are more numerous, and each is 
The with a little tuft of soft, white, diverging hairs. 
. 4ppearance is not observed on plants whose stems 
«- attained any considerable length, excepting occa- 
“y near the ground, but scars are seen-upon them - 

if the tufts of hairs had fallen off. This habit is shewn in 
a young specimen at the bottom of the plate. ; 
The specimen drawn was raised from a cutting obtained 
from Mr. Surpnerp, of the botanic garden, Liverpool, in 
1818. It has been kept in the stove, and flowered for the 
first time, and very freely, in the spring of 1822. — 
For the above description and the drawing, by Mr. | 

Syme, we are indebted to Dr.Granam, professor of botany, 
in the University of Edinburgh. | § Serbis Walworth Ft, 2 

: ai 

2 es (22a ys 
‘Manpiguia LuctpA. WepbcGeE-LEAVED Bar-~ 
: _ BADOES CHERRY. none 

Class and Order. 

Decanpria Trieynia. ; 
* Sskoare Generic Character. | " Fuseratl aitct 
- Cal. 5-phyllus, basi extus poris binis melliferis. Petala 
Subrotunda, unguiculata, Filamenta basi eoherentis 
ine libera). Drupa 1-locularis, tripyrena: nucibus mo+ 
ermis. a eh: Jb Stan 226i9 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

‘Mareen lucida ; foliis obovatis cuneiformibus integer- 
rimis aveniis nitidis, racemo terminali. Swarts Fl. 
Ind. Oceid. 2. p. 852. Prodr. p.74. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 
“ae Persoon Syn. 1. p. 506. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 3. 
Pp. 105, = : 

. Descr. Calyx five-leaved, at first erect, afterwards re- 
curved at the apex, persisting, surrounded by ten gibbous, 
teldish-brown, obovate glands, disposed like a crown 
“ound the top of the pedicel, indistinctly divisible into 
batts, which correspond with the petals, and are alternate 
mith the leaflets of the calyx, Petals five, lamine reniform, 
weaves spertecily smooth, but slightly irregular at the 
8: Claws linear, long, recurved, colour in the bud 
Fa White, but after expansion gradually passing into a 
The reddish orange, of singular and inimitable beauty. 
as gradation of tint from the apex to the base of the 
ieee adds greatly to the beauty of the plant. Stamens 
dither Lament erect, united one half of their length: | 
pay oblong, half the length of the filaments. _Ger- 
cl, sunk within the calycine glands: Styles 
Race, filiform, slightly diverging : Stigmas very small. 
Be Mes terminal - three; unequal, ovate-lanceolate Bractes 
mse at 

at the foot of each pedicel. Leaves obovate-cuneiform, 
uite entire, sub-glaucous, firm, veinless; it belongs to 
Jussrev’s natural order of Malpighia. a 
Native of the East Indies. Cultivated in the stove. It 
is uncertain when the plant was introduced into the Edin- 
burgh Botanic garden; but the original specimen has” 
flowered very freely in the stove for several years, and is’ 
now a shrub of more than six feet high. The species is 
very ornamental, and deserves to be much more generally 
cultivated. It has never produced fruit, but is readily” 
ag by cuttings. The drawing was taken by Mr 
YME, in June 1821. 1 
Dr. Grauam, professor of botany in the University of 
Edinburgh, to whom we are indebted for the above account 
and the drawing, would insert this genus in Monadelphia 
Decandria ; but as Persoon remarks that the filaments are. 
not always connected, we think it best to retain it in the 
—— where it has been inserted by all the systema’ iG 
writers. 4 S aoty. Wabworth. FRI L626, 

Wed del? .Sv. 

( 2463) 
Crinum Supmersum. Lake Crinum. 
Class and Order. 
Hexanpria Monoeynia. 
Generic Character.—Vide No. 2292. 
Addendum. Scapus solidus, demum flaccidus. 

7 Specific Character. 
Sect. I]. Semipatentes. Subd. J. Ornate. 

RINUM submersum; bulbo oblongo-ovato rubescente ; 
foliis loratis canaliculatis, acutis margine scabro ; 
scapo 8-[ pluri ?]-floro sesquipedali compresso, viridi ; 
spatha 4-unciali, bracteis gracilibus ; germine sessili 
oblongo-ovali viridi; loculis 7-spermis; tubo 5-un- 
ciali viridescente ; laciniis 4-uncialibus albis intis et 
exttis rubro-striatis apice acuto rubro, ovalibus, basi 
canaliculato, temeré 23 vel +3 latis, tribus externis 
uncatis ; genitalibus assurgenter curvatis ; stylo rubro 
limbo breviore filamentis longiore; stigmate minuto 
trilobo albo; filamentis basi sub-gibbos&; antheris 
pallidé cinerascentibus, polline luteo; floribus fra- 
grantibus ante expansionem nutantibus. W.H. 

_ Descr. Bulb oblong-ovate, purplish red, three inches 
diameter; leaves yellowish green, sharp-pointed, chan- 
helled, with a rough edge; scape eight or more flowered, 
eighteen inches high, a little flattened, green, stained with 
-Teddish near the base ; spathe near four inches long, withering 
early; bractes slender ; gerimen sessile, oblong-oval, green; 
cells seven-seeded ; tube five inches long, greenish yellow; 
lacinie four inches long, white, striped with pink, sharp- 
Pointed, tipped with red, oval, channelled near the base, 
the three outer hooked ; genitals curved upwards; style 

red, a little shorter than the limb, longer than the filaments; 
minute, three-lobed, white ; filaments a little 
knobbed at their insertion; anthers before their inversion 
Pale ash-colour, mottled with straw-colour ; pollen deep 
Yellow ; flowers nodding before expansion, fragrant. *o 
a rag >. 

This is a most interesting plant, whether it be an inter. 
mediate tink connecting two species, which are widely 
separated from each other in the two sections of its genus, 
so closely, that it is difficult to say unto which it has most 
affinity, or a hybrid generated between them in the swamps | 
of America. ‘The bulb was discovered by Gzorce Hop-— 
KINS, in the vicinity of Rio Janeiro, growing in water in 
a spot, which, after an unusual course of dry weather, was — 
still inundated, in company with several plants of a smaller _ 
white Crinum, which appears likely to prove a variety 
approaching to the Corantyne variety, of C. erubescens. 
The bulb was received at Spofforth, in August, having — 
three dead scapes adhering to it, and it flowered about six 
weeks after, having been planted in drift sand and well wa-_ 
tered; being in every point of bulb, leaf, and infloresence, — 
intermediate between C. scabrum and erubescens. The 
bulb and foliage greatly resemble the artificial mules at 
Spofforth, between those two species, of which the flower- 
ing, which has not yet taken place, will now be expected 
with increased curiosity. The flowers of submersum have 
the fine nocturnal fragrance of erubescens, but less power-— 
fully. ‘The filaments are knebbed, and the connecting — 
membrane visible between them as in erubeseens, but less 
conspicuously. The upper filament detaches itself as in 
that species, but with less regularity, sometimes taking © 
one of the laterals with it. The anthers before their inver- 
sion are of a paler ash colour than those of erubescens, 
mottled with the straw colour of seabrum. The ye 
have the channelled base and sharp-pointed long-oval form 
which belongs to the Crina of the first section, with the 
lesser expansion and the colouring which belongs to the 
second. The number of ovules is also intermediate be-_ 
tween seabrum and erubescens. The ovules and pollen 
appeared perfect. Have we in this instance discovered 
native mule in the wilderness? Have we lit upon the first” 
origin of a new species? or, have we in this bulb an or-— 
ginal link in the creation between two plants which have 
been placed by some writers in different. genera? Which- 
ever be the ease, no unprejudiced botanist can now compare 
the three plants and not consider them of one genus. ©. 
seabrum is known to grow on. the woody hills near Rio, 
and its pollen may have’ been brought down to the lake 
on the plumage of a humming bird, and produced acci- 
. dentally the same result in the wilds of Brazil, which art 
has effected in our stoves. W.-H. 3 a 

a. Represents the whole plant in miniature. &. ‘The ovules in one cell, 
¢. the half-gibbous insertion of the filaments. 

N24is Rertic Wabo orth. Feb. 11924. 

Test rt Del, 

( 2404 ) 

 Hasrantius Gracitireriuvs. SLenper- 
. BEAVED Haspranravs. 

See baaek 
Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Menocynta. 

Generic Character. 

_ Spatha integra apice bifido. Scapus 1-2 [pluri Basch 
pedunculatus, cavus. Germen a pedunculo declinatum, - 
oblongo-subturbinatum, subtrigonum, triloculare. Corolla 
campanulata. Tbus ‘brevis, campanulatus, membrana 
Be circumvallante clausus. Lacinig aiterne xquales, 
_ tere marginibus tubo imbricantibus. Stylus (uti fila- 
_ menia) dechnatus assurgenter curvatus. -Filamenta pariter 
_fembrana tubo connexa, quorum bo ggar discrepantia, 
_‘Stimum et infimum mediz longitudinis, infimum summo 
Ngius, Jateralia duo superiora longissima, inferiora duo 
sina. Anthere media parte annexe, incumbentes. 
Polien ut in ‘Zephyranthe, Hippeastri et Amaryllidis polline 
"unutius. Stigma trilobum. Semina non visa. ar 

Specific Character. 

fizrawnavs gracilifolius; bulbo oblongo, foliis subcylin- 
draceis, ‘scapo preecoce 8-unciali, corolla 14 unciali 
Pallidé purpureo-rubescente, tubo viridi membrana 
crassa viridi clausus, laciniis acutis, exteris semunciam, 
iternis $ une. latis, stylo filamentis longiore limbo 
breviore, antheris et polline luteis. JV. H. on 


Disc. Buib oblong, ‘blackish; leaves four or five, 
fon Steen, very slender, cylindrical, with a channelled 
hea the inner side; scapes slender, seven or eight inches 
aot purplish near the base, appearing before the leaves, 
ding tes Spathe green, an inch and quarter long; pe- 
fi Steen, erect, two or two and half inches long ; 

te [perhaps more] scentless, closing at night Pal 
: , : panding 

panding more in the sun ; petals of alternate width, the 
outer half an inch, the inner less, pale purplish pink, with 
a green eye’; tube and membrane green ; membrane about _ 
one-twelfth of an inch thick ; style of the same colour as_ 
the petals, longer than the filaments, shorter than the 

limb; pollen deep yellow. | 

This elegant:little plant was imported from Maldonado, 

in S. America. The leaves having decayed in the summer, © 
it produced one scape at Spofforth in September, and a 
second at the beginning of November. It is a hardy green- 
house bulb, and may perhaps succeed out of doors with — 
us in a favourable situation. It agrees with no genus here- 
tofore described. Hasranruus in general appearance 
approaches to Zephyranthes, from which it is distinguished _ 
by filaments of four lengths, fasciculate, declined, not 
inserted, as in Zephyranthes, at the base of the petals with- 
out the mouth of the tube; but connected with its sides 
by a very thick fleshy membrane which fills up the wholé 
tube. Species will perhaps be found hereafter in which 
the membrane may be less massive, in which case the union 
of the filaments with the corolla would be just within the — 
mouth of the tube. It differs from Oporanthus, or Sterne-_ 
bergia, in having the germ pedunculated and declined, 
not oval or compressed, the filainents of four lengths and 
declined, and, doubtless, also in the seed; from Hippeas-_ 
trum, in having the petals of alternate width; the imb 
campanulate, the mouth of the tube not: abbreviated, the 
filaments equally inserted, with a different fourfold diver- 
sity of length; from Amaryllis, by a hollow scape which 
implies a difference of seed, peduncles erect, germ declined, 
and filaments of four lengths equally inserted. Chlidanthus— 
differs from Habranthus in having a cylindrical tube, fila- 
ments erect, attached to the base of the petals, and of | 
alternate length; anthers erect, attached at their base. 
The scape of Habranthus being hollow, its seeds are pro" _ 
bably shelly. W. H. 


“a. The style, filaments, and membrane. 8: The upper petal and filament, 
shewing a section of the membrane, c. Aleaf. d. An offset with thel eal. 

a ncn athena ie tease. 


i ineeus! 

Bd Lihat Walworth. Fi.2. 1626. 

( 2465 ) 
| HEATu. = 

Class and Order. 

OctanpriA Monoeynia. 

. j 
| Generic Character. 

Cal. 4-phyllus. Cor. persistens: limbo 4-fido. Anthere 
ante anthesin per foramina 2 lateralia connexe. Caps. 
4—8-locularis, 4—8-valvis. 

Specific Character. 

‘Sect. 11. Longiflore. Subdiv. C. Anthere mutice. Folia 
quaterna. Flores terminales, pauci (1—8). 

Erica bucciniflora : floribus subquaternis, bracteis a calyce 
remotis, foliis quaternis linearibus ciliatis. 


_, Descr. Stem shrubby, in our specimen half a foot high, 
full of branches and twiggy, the branches spreading. 
Leaves by fours, linear, pointed at the top, beset with 
hairs at the edges, flat above, furrowed beneath, with ‘ve 
short footstalks pressed to the branches. Flowers terminal, 
‘Stowing by fours and sixes at the ends of the branches, 
with short red hairy foot-stalks, and furnished with two 
_ bractes at their base. Calyx four leaved : leaflets 
“‘nce-shaped, sharp at the point and keeled. Corolla trumpet- 
Shaped and slender, the segments of the border spreading, 
| and very white; the tube of a flesh colour. Stamens eight: 
Filaments hair-like. Anthers beardless, included within 
the tube of the blossom. Germen club-shaped and fur- 
‘owed. Stigma four-cornered. 
Native of the Cape of Good Hope, near the Roodezands 
jountains, where it was found by Mr. Burcuatt. Flowers _ 
‘om May to September. } 
i We are indebted to Epwarp Rupee, Esq. FRS. AS. and 
“ author of the Plante Guianenses, for the res 

of this new species of Erica, in whose conservatory at 
Evesham it flowered, in 1823, and to Mrs. Rupee for the 
drawing. ; 1 29 

Reference to the botiom Figures: 

1. Flower. 2. Calyx. 3. Stamens and Pistil. 4. Germen and Style, 
5. Filaments and Anthers 6. Anthers magnified. 7. Germen and Styl 
magnified. | 

yey Chet SVS 

t- _ = Nease: 

ee ASE SE aetna eT 

> y 

Curtis. Walworth Feb L18i¢. 

( 2466 ) 
| Crinum Careyanum. Dr. Carey's Crinum, 

Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character —Vide No. 2292. 

Addendum. Scapus solidus, demum flaecidus. 

Specifie Character and Synonyms. 

Sect. 11. Semipatentes. Subd.I. Ornate. 

_ Crinum Careyanum, bulbo spherico, foliis loratis undu- 
latis margine scabro scapo compresso multifloro lon- 
Sioribus apice acuto, germine trigono sessili, [loculis 
2-6 spermis?’] limbo patente, laciniis albis apice obtuso 
eroso reflexo extis apicem verstis rubescentibus tubo 
rigidé curvato longioribus, stylo filamentis assurgenter 
curvatis longiore laciniis breviore, stigmate vel trifido 
vel breviter trilobo. ) 
Crinum ornatum. Carey M. 8S. et Nobis in Spec. enum- 
No. 2121. p. 7. Species of the Ornate from Mauri- 
us. Nobis in Append. 27. W.H. Be gs 


Descr. Bulb spherical, reddish. Leaves multifarious, 
undulate, thong-like, with a sharp point, above two feet 
long, two inches wide, channelled, deep green, with a 
rough margin. Scape green, flattened, near two feet high. 

ers six or more, fragrant. Spathe short, withering early. 
Tube with obsolete angles, three and half inches a 
steenish, very much curved, rigid. Limb widel expanded, 
easuring about six and half inches across. Lacinie four 
ches long, one and quarter wide or less, with the point 
teflexed, very blunt, and notched near the end, all termi- 
Hating with a hook, white, stained on the outside near the 
*xtremity with red. Filaments white, curved upwards, 
shor ter than the style. Pollen very pale straw colour. Style 
“ur'ved, red near the extremity, shorter than the as deat 

full blown, of the same length at the moment of expansion 
Stigma either deeply trifid, or shortly three-lobed, varying 
in the same umbel.  Germen sessile, triangular. Cal 
with perhaps five or six very indistinct ovules. ‘ 
This beautiful species deserves particular attention, be 
cause it forms'a point of union between the first subdiv. o 
the section Patentes, or Linnean Crinum, and the fir 
subdiy. of the second section which has been detachel 
from the genus Amaryllis with which it does not conform. 
Our figure represents the umbel not full-blown ; ats 
later period the petals become more reflex, and, excepling) 
their greater proportional breadth and bluntness, theres 
hardly any difference between the form of the flowers ani 
those of Crinum americanum. The plant is, however, 9 
closely allied to C. speciosum, which has the limb wide: 
funnel-shaped, that we hesitated whether it should be consi- 
dered a variety of that species. It is distinguished from it by 
greater undulation of the leaves, which are also more acute, 
broader bractes, style longer than the filaments, occasional 
splitting of the stigma, tube more rigid and curved, petali 
much blunter and notched, longer than the tube, colourel 
only at the extremity, and the wide expansion of the limb. 
It is a native of Mauritius, from whence it was received by 
Dr. Carey, who transmitted it to the Spofforth collection. 
We could not retain his name, Ornatum, which if applied 
to any Crinum, would belong to C. Broussoneti, which 8 
the Amaryllis ornata of Linn. fil. Crinum insigne has the 
coats of the bulb harder, the leaves tougher and not ul 
dulated, the points of the petals acute, and is of large 
stature. The buds of C. insigne and speciosum just before 
expansion are very acute; those of C. careyanum are club- 
shaped. These three species, and Crinum moluccanwm, 
are, however, closely allied; there is another E. Indian 
bulb at Spofforth, belonging to the same group with leaves 
shorter, darker, and more obtuse. The anthers of C.m- 
luceanum are represented in our figure 2292, as black, but 
the pollen had been rubbed off in the transmission 0 
specimen : the anthers in a perfect state would have beet 
covered with pale pollen. No species of Crinum or Hipp 
‘astrum has been discovered with dark coloured pollen. 
The range in both genera is from whitish to deep gold 
colour. The point of the leaf in our figure of C. moiuc- 

canum, is also. more acute than is the usual habit of 
plant. W. H. 

ete eee ee z le 

re ~e . . . . ot . 
a. The Germen shewing one cell opened with the indistinet ovules 

i Bel 

Pub-ly Slerbir Watwsrth. March } 1i2a- 


( 267.) 

EuLopuia. : 

Class and Order. 

GynanpriaA Monanpria. © 

Generic Character. 

| Petala 5, distincta, conformia, adscendentia, patentia. 
f Labellum basi calcaratum ; lamina sessili cristata triloba, 
_ Postice indivisa. Masse pollinis 2, bilobe lobulo postico. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Evtopuia guineensis ; foliis elliptico-lanceolatis, labelli 
lobis lateralibus convolutis cum columna connatis, 
lamina ‘striata, calcare adscendente. 

Rutormia guineensis ; foliis Janceolatis > labelli calcare 
subulato adscendente laminam subzequante ; lamine 
lobis lateralibus cum columna in faucem lineate-cris- 
tatam convolutis: terminali grandiore ovato-rotundato 
converse explanato, disco erugato. Bot. Reg. 686. 

Evropaa guineensis. Lodd. Cab.n. 818. 0 

Evroruia is a genus belonging to the natural order of 
Orchidee, framed by Mr. Rozsert Brown “ from se- 
veral south African species hitherto referred to Lr- 
MoDoRUM and Cympipium, viz. Limoporum barbatum, — 
triste, longicorne, and perhaps /ians of 'THUNBERG 
(not however Saryrium Aians of Linnazus which seems 
to bea Disa), Cymerprum pedicellatum and aculeatum ; 
together with several Indian species, referred by 
Swarrz and WitipEenow to LimoporvuM, especially L. 
virens, carinatum, and perhaps epidendrordes. This 
Senus is related to Diroprum (vide Prodr. Nov. Holl. 
“4 ing and to Lissocuitus.” Brown, in Bot. Reg. 



Descr. Leaves elliptically lanceolate, in our specimen 
two, streaked, growing from the crown of the bulb. Scape 
lateral, three feet long, erect, rounded. Bractes alternate, 
distant, ovate-lanceolate, streaked, lower ones sheathing 
the stem for half their length, upper ones sessile, half the 
length of the peduncle. Peduncles alternate, erect, two 
inches long. Germen. scarcely distinguishable from the 
peduncle, which only appears a little enlarged at the bas 
of the flower. Petals 5, all erect, lanceolate, subequal, 
green, tinged with lurid on the outside. Labellum 3-lobed: 
middle lobe elongated, very obtuse, undulated, stained with 
crimson at the base, in slightly raised ridges, lateral lobe 
crenulate, rolled inwards, and connected with the columi 
at its base. Spur subulate, ascending, half the length of 
the lamina. Column keeled at the back, and somewhat 
concave in front, terminated with a double hollow, contain 
ing two globular pollen masses, covered by a lid-shaped, 
obtusely three-toothed anther. — ei. | 

The name of Evxopaia was given by Mr. Brown fro 
the notable crest towards the base of the labellum in the 
other species, but which isnot remarkable in this. 
This beautiful plant of the family of the Orchidea 1s* 
native of the west coast of Africa, and was communicate! 
to us by Messrs. Loppiers and Sons, who, as we are Ir 
formed in their Botanical Cabinet, received a parcel of thei 
in the autumn of 1822, procured by Mr. Warrer Haws 
from the islands of Loss, on the west coast of Afric 
between the ninth and tenth degree of north Jatitude 
Requires to be kept in the stove. Flowered in Septem 
ber, and continued in flower till November. | 


The upper outline figure represents the apex of the column with the lit 

removed, showing the globular pollen masses; the lower one, the shap? 
of the lid. 

T hurbie Del 

Pub-by. 5. Gertis Walworth. March1 1524. 

( 2468.) 


SHR bkk 
Class and Order. 7 

SyNGENESIA Potyeamia Necessaria. Br. 

Generic Character. 

Involucrum (Calyx Lin.) imbricatum, scariosum, colo- 
| a Receptaculum epaleatum, scrobiculatum. Flosculi 

Mascutr Antheris basi bisetis: stigmatibus truncatis : 
Pappo vel penicillato vel apice incrassato. Frmrner fili- 
formes, limbo parvo: staminum rudimentis nullis : Pappo 
capillari. Brown in Lin. Soc. Trans. 12. p. 122. — 

Specific Character. 

Axtennaria triplinervis ; herbacea, erecta, foliis oblongo- 
ovatis triplinerviis subtus tomentoso-incanis, corymbis 
compositis laxis foliosis, squamis calycinis interioribus | 
tenuissimis radiantibus. 


Descr. Stem branched: branches rounded, woolly, 
white. Leaves alternate, half-stem-embracing, oblong, 
oval, quite entire, triply-nerved (or with three nerves 
uniting above the base), white-tomentose underneath, 
sreen but slightly woolly above. Flowers in a terminal 
ty Pee lax corymb, with a small leaf-like bracte at 
the of each pedicel. Involucrum or Calyx imbricate : 
Scales many, the interior ones elongated very narrow, 
“cute, and forming a white ray. Florets yellow, minute, 
jour plant chiefly or altogether female. Pappus capil- 

Receptacle naked, punctate. 
Je genus Anrennaria, of which this is an unpublished 
Species, was framed by Brown, from Gnapuauium dioicum, 
m™, plantagineum, and margaritaceum of Linnzus, 
‘nd carpaticum of Wautensere, excluding G. Leontopo-: 
um and leontopdioides, which Gartner included in his 
| : genus 

genus ANTENNARIA, a name given by him from the form of 
the pappus, which in the male plants somewhat resembles 
the antenne of insects. .Tothe above species AnTENNaRIA 
contorta has been since added in the Botanical Register. — 

AnTennaRiA triplinervis is a rather handsome herbaceous — 
perennial, approaching A. margaritacea, and like it a_ 
good everlasting. Native of Nepal; and probably may 
‘be sufficiently hardy to bear our winters when not parti- 
cularly severe, with little or no protection. Flowers in 
September and October. Communicated by Mr. Brookes 
from his nursery at Ball’s Pond. 

Bib by F Gurtice Walworth. March. 11S 

fh of ey 
Lonicera PUNICEA. | Crimson = FLOWERED 
HoONEY-SUCKLE, 4 000" 
JHE Eeslelokeokek 
Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

Cor. 1-petala, irregularis. Bacca polysperma, bilocu- 
laris, infera. 

Specific Character. 

Lonicera punicea ; foliis cordato-ovatis concoloribus, baccis 
distinctis, pedunculis axillaribus subterminalibus bi- 
floris folio brevioribus. == 

Descr. A low shrub, with scattered branches covered 
with a reddish-brown smooth bark. The leaves ovate and 
cordate-ovate, bright green on both sides, opposite on the 

_ flowering branches, but on the young vigorous shoots in 

our plant, ternate, a circumstance so singular in this genus, 
_that we can hardly help considering it as a monstrosity. 

_ Peduncles two-flowered, solitary, growing from the axils. 
of the upper leaves, than which they are shorter. Germens 
| distinct, inferior, with two obtuse bractes at the base of 
— €ach: Calyx minute, five-toothed, persistent, and increas- 
Ing after the flower falls. Tube of corolla a little gibbous 
| at the base, limb five-cleft: lacinie nearly equal, irregu- 
_ arly arranged, three looking one way, two another. Ripe 
berries not seen. It belongs to Jussteu’s genus XyLos- 
_ Teum, and to his natural aie of Caprifolia. 
This pretty little shrub was communicated by Mr. 
- Brooxas, of Ball’s Pond, Islington, in flower, in the month 
Of April, 1822. Mr. Brooxzs received it from Mons. Par- 
SENTIER of Brussels, under the name of Lonicera cana- 
- densis. But the plant recorded by that name, by ScuuLres, 


in the new Seek Vegetabilium, from the late Profesn 
Wiipenow’s manuscripts, appears to be different, and i is 
probably the Xyzosteum ciliatum of Pursu. 

The detached sprig in our figure represents the ‘end of 
a young shoot with ternate leaves. — 

b (2470. ) 

fi Con tar tk SARMENTOSA. New-Zeavanp : 
cE: x " af - CortiAriA. a 
Bet Diacra (potas MONGECIA) Decanpria. 


Generic Character. 

Masc. Cal. 5-partitus. Cor.0. Glandule 5. Anthere 
bipartite. . 
. Fem. Cal. 5-partitus. Cor.0. Glandule 5, germinibus - 
Interposite. Styli 5. Caps. 5, monosperme, glandulis 
amphiatis obtecte. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

—Cortaria sarmentosa ; procumbens, diffusa, foliis cordato- 
| ovatis acuminatis integerrimis quinquenerviis sub- 
petiolatis, racemis axillaribus elongatis nutantibus. 
Forst. Prodr. n. 377. Willd. Spec. Pl. 4. p. 818. 


Descr. A diffuse shrub-like herbaceous plant. Stems 
Square, with obtuse angles, somewhat twisted, smooth. 
_ Leaves opposite, quite entire, cordate-ovate, acuminate, 
-five-nerved, on very short footstalks, or more frequently 
Sessile, and even half-stem-embracing, very smooth, net- 
-Yelned, Racemes axillary, elongated, sometimes exceed- 
Ing six inches. Male flowers numerous, on sbort patent 
-Pedicles, with a subulate bracte at the base of each. Calyx 
five-cleft : segments rounded. Petals none. Glands? 5. | 

alternate with the segments of the calyx. Filaments fili- 
form: Anthers purple, abounding with pollen. 

Female flowers on similar racemes. Calyx and glands 

= same. Petals none. —— ae . tte 
hve; Stigmas five, spreading, } e. Capsules five, small, 
Coherent, one-soadet cove is the persistent calyx and 
glands, 2 4 

; eater 

Later in the season, the male flowers bore lengthened 
stigmas of a green colour, but no fertile germens. The 
glands or scales ‘increase after deflorescence, and become 
succulent with purple juice; and as this takes place even 
in the male flowers, it appears, at first sight, as if these 

mh te aes ee a ee 

received it from Commissioner Biees. It has stood the 
present winter in the open ground, and in that situation 
is altogether an herbaceous plant. In the greenhouse it 
is in some degree shrubby, but deciduous. Flowers in 
September and October. 


‘martes Wonder «th 

Pubilby ! 




Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 
Cor. supera, tubulosa, clavata, sexfida; lacinie ovato- 

-oblonge. Filamenta tubo inserta, apice conniventia. 
Moneta. Herbert’s Appendix, p. 29. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Cyrtantuus pallidus ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis carinatis 

. hysterantheis, corollis nutantibus infundibuliformibus, 

: limbo tubum subequante. — 
-Amaryius bivaginata. Donn Cantab. ed. 8. p. 98. 


__ This appears to us to be an undescribed species of Cyr- 
‘Tantuus. It comes nearest to C. ventricosus (angustifolius 
of Jacguin) from which it differs in the paler colour of its 
flowers, in the regular diminution of size of the corolla 
ftom the limb to the base, without any sensible inflation 
of the middle of the tube, and especially in the nearly 
equal proportion of the limb to i tube including the 
faux, which latter character, as well as the absence of 
‘Slaucescence in the leaves and scape, distinguishes it from 
collinus. From Cyrtantuus spiralis it differs totally in the 
orm and colour of the leaves. 

Mr. Hersert, in his valuable Appendix, in which he has — 

displayed such an accurate. knowledge of the family of 
“tacee, has applied the name of MonELLA to this genus, 
reserving that of Cyrranruus for the solitary species here- 
tofore called C. obliquus. But allowing that obliquus is 

properly separated from the genus, we prefer retaining the 
name of Cyrrantuus for the more numerous assemblage. 
Native of the Cape of Good Hope, from whence it was 
sent in 1822, by Mr. Vitter, a gentleman in correspon- 
dence with the Horticultural Society. It flowered at their 
“magnificent establishment at Chiswick, in January 1823, 
but the leaves did not appear till sometime after the 
flower was quite decayed. Requires the protection of the 

( 2472 ) 


Class and Order. 


Generic Character. 
Recept. subvillosum vel nudiusculum. Pappus o. Calyx 

imbricatus, squamis rotundatis conniventibus. Cor. 
radii o, | 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Artemisia biennis; foliis glabris, radicalibus triplicato- 
pinnatis; caulinis inferioribus pinnatifidis, superio- 
ribus indivisis linearibus, caule stricto, floribus subro- 
tundis subsessilibus erectis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 1842. 
Pursh. 2. p. 522. oS 

Artemasta hispanica ; foliis pinnatis utrinque glabris, pinnis 
pinnatifidis, pinnulis incisis, floribus subgemellis ax- 
illaribus erectis. Jacq. Ic. rar. 1. t. 172. Collect. 1. 
p. 98. - 

Artemisia annua var. 8, Zelandica, biennis, racemis foliis 
brevioribus. Lam. Encyel. 1. p. 266. n. 25? 

Though a plant of no beauty, this species of Wormwood 
cannot fail to excite some curiosity, the seeds of it, as we 
are informed by Mr. Saginz, secretary to the Horticultural 
Society, having been collected by Dr. Ricnarpson, on his 
journey to the Coppermine river, during the fatal expe- 

ition under Captain Franxuin, and presented by him to 
the society. As no botanist had ever before explored 
those inhospitable regions, we had naturally supposed 
it would turn out to be an undescribed species, and in- 
tended giving it the specific name of Richardsoni; but 
by the assistance of Mr. Davin Don, we have had the 
°pportunity of comparing it with a specimen of pas 



from the Missouri, preserved in Mr. Lameerr’s extensive 
herbarium, with which it appears perfectly to agree ; nor 
do we see occasion to dissent from its being the same 
species as figured by Jacquin in his Icones, under the 
name of hzspanica, a name adopted by him only, because 
he raised. it from seeds received under that designation, 
without knowing from what country it came. If it be 
likewise the same species as that, which we are informed, 
by Lamarck, was found by Caprain Cooxe in New Zealand, 
but of which we have not been able to discover any ac- 
count in either of his voyages, this plant has a more ex- 
tensive geographical range than is very frequently met 
with. Native of North America. A hardy biennial, raised 
in the garden belonging to the Horticultural Society, 
where our drawing was made in October 1823. 



Thetis. DA Pid. by.S. Guprtip Walworth Marth 11824, 

( 2473) 

_ Kcurres nutans. Nopvpine SAVANNAH 

Class and Order. 3 

PentanpriA Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

Contorta, Folliculi 2, longi, recti (aut apice conniventes). 
Sem. extremitate superiori comosa. Cor. hypocrateri- 
formis : faux nuda (aut villosa.) Anthere medio cum stig- 
mate coherentes. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Ecuires nutans ; volubilis, foliis ovatis acuminatis reticu- 
lato-venosis subtus villosis, pedunculis paniculatis 
nutantibus, corolla laciniis obtusis crispatis. 

HitEs nutans. Anderson Cat. in Trans. Soc. of Arts. 

‘This plant was sent from the botanic garden at St. 
incents to that of the Horticultural Society at Chiswick, 
Mr. Groree Cater, late superintendant of the former 
establishment. The red colour of the veins diappears in 
e older leaves, which then become more clothed with a 
ery soft pubescence. There is a species of Ecurres de- 
ribed and figured in Tusac’s Flore des Antilles, by the 
ame of sanguinolenta (Bloody Savanna-flower of the 
thabitants of Jamaica), which has similar red veins, but 
the Shape of the corolla is totally different, the lacinie 
“ing terminated with a filiform point. — : 

'. Carey informs us, that the garden at St. Vincents — 
aS IN some places overrun with this plant, but that it 
‘Howered in one spot only ; he observes, also, that there 
Was a variety of it in the garden with white or silvery veins 


instead of red, so that this character is by no means con- 

Native of the West Indies. Requires to be kept in 
the stove. Our drawing was taken at the Horticultural 
Society’s garden, in September 1823. 

N 7414. 

Wediball-/ + 
Prob by S. feartis Walworth, Marhh.1 1824. , 

(2474 ) 
Class and Order. 

DecanpriA Penracynia. 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-fidus. Cor. 5-petala. Squame nectarifere 5, ad 
basin germinis. Caps. 5. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Sepum sempervivoides ; planifolium, foliis spathulato-ova- 
tis acutis integerrimis pubescentibus, corymbo hemi- 
spherico. Fl. taurico-caucas. 3. p. 313. 

Sepum sempervivoides. Fischer in Herb. Gorenk. 


f This species has entirely the habit of a Sempervivum, 
but in the number of stamens and capsules agrees with 
Sepum. Modern botanists, who pay less regard to number, 
May choose to consider it to belong to the former genus 
-Tather than to the latter; but as we have hitherto ered 
to the Linnean systematic arrangement, we, without hesi- 
lation, continue it under Sepum. : 

the stem is about a span high, thickly covered with 
alternate, ovate, concave, acute, fleshy, purplish leaves, 
Covered, as is the whole plant, with a close short pubes- 
ence. The Rosule are green, only tinged slightly with 
purple. Flowers in a compound, panicled corymb, of a 
Pwplish deep red colour. Stamens somewhat shorter than 

Se — 

2 A y succulent, we believe never before figured. 
Native of Iberia, a country to the south of Mount Cau- 
Communicated by Mr. Anperson from the Chelsea 
Sarden, where it was introduced by Dr. Fiscner, superin- 
Frevcant of the Royal Botanic garden at Petersburgh. 
lowers in June, July, and August. 


er ree Fm 

Pb. byt turtic. Walworth. Aprit.11 

( 2475 +) 


Class and Order. | 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 

| Generic Character —Vide supra No. 2273. 
Corrigendum. Semina uno ordine conserta, integumento 

_ exteriore nigro margine sepissimé foliaceo cavo, imteriore 
_ separabili, albumini conformi. 

Specific Character. 

_ Hirpgastrum subbarbatum, foliis 24 uncias latis, nitidis, 
viridibus, corolla magna miniaté stella viridi-lutea, 
laciniis exteris multiim latioribus, tubo cernuo macu- 
lato fauce rarissimé subbarbata, stigmate trifido, semi- 
nibus planis margine foliaceo cavo. H. fulgido affine, 
tubo cernuo, laciniis obtusioribus, stella latiore, ima 
laciniad non ventricosé et fenestraté curvata, setisque 
minutis in fauce tubi distinguendum. W. H. 

Se en Te ee ee A a ee et 

_. This beautiful plant, from Rio Janeiro, occupies an 
Intermediate place between H. fulgidum and equestre var. 
_ Inajor, to.which last it approximates in the colour and form 
_ of the limb, the shape of the star, and the vestige of a 
_ beard, which is just distinguishable at the mouth of the 
tube. With great doubt, however, we separate it from 
_ fulgidum, but it cannot be joined with that species without 
also including H. rutilum, crocatum and pulverulentum 
_ which approach nearer to fulgidum in flower; and we feel 
_ adifficulty in making that union, because the differences 
_ between them in the wild state continue when they are 
_ propagated by seed in cultivation: at the same time we 
_ are embarrassed and expect to be more so by the discovery 
_ of other species or varieties in a wild state connecting the 
- links throughout the genus more closely. sage! a0 
haps, be found expedient to unite H. fulgidum, ‘ 
batum, rutilum, crocatum, and pulv um, as perma- 
lent varieties of one species, which may be named 
_ Proliferum, distinguished by the production of blind off-— 
_ Sets, by glossy foliage, a lacie trifid stigma, limb five 

times the length of the tube, and mouth of the tube | 
smooth or nearly so. The throat of fulgidum, crocatum — 
and -pulverulentum appears to be always smooth; that of — 
rutilum, which is distinguishable from fulgidum only by | 
lesser size‘and a shade of colour, has mostly a little excres- _ 
cence at the foot of the upper petal. We have another — 
bulb from Rio, which in bulb, foliage, and habit, ap- 
proaches to fulgidum, with a very pale flower, formed like — 
that of crocatum, having one or two points distinguishable 
on each side of the throat, but more faintly than in sub- 
barbatum, to, which it approximates in no other respect. 
In fuigidum, the filaments are seen through an aperture 
formed by a ventricose curve of the lower petal, which in 
subbarbatum is straight. " | 
We have amended the generic character of Hipreastrum — 
so as to admit reticulatum and striatifolium, abandoning 
the genus Cogureia, which was only separated by the © 
difference of rounder seed: without a hollow foliaceous — 
margin, concerning which separation doubts were ex- — 
pressed in our Appendix. It appears that they breed — 
indiscriminately with any species of Hippeastrum, and the — 
pollen of the mules so obtained is fertile ; and, on further 
examination, it seems that there is no fundamental differ- 
ence in the structure of the seed, but. that the hollow 
margin, which remains unfilled by albumen in the species _ 
which have seeds more numerous and flattened, is com- 
pletely filled in those which produce few and larger seeds. 
A similar habit was observed in the seed of a Brazilian 
Bignonia, now growing in the Spofforth collection, which 
was almost square and not winged, the hollow margin 
of both lobes of the seed being filled up by ‘the thick 
kernel. Imported varieties of H. striatifoliwm give reason 
to helieve that it is one species with reticulatum. There 
are at present thirty-five different hybrid crosses in the 
genus [Hippeasirum at Spofforth, and four or five more 
other collections; but every attempt to obtain a mule by 
~ the pollen of any other genus applied to Hippeastrum has 
failed. The pollen of all these mules appears to be fertile, 
and three have produced seedlings by their own pollen, 
viz. regine-vittatum, fulgido-rutilum, and rutilo-regmé 
vittatum. It is smgular that Hippeastra appear to be 
more easily fertilized by the pollen of another ‘species, 
of a mule, than by their own: for instance, one flower 
subbarbatum bore seed by rutilo-vittatum, and one 
rutilo-vittatum by subbarbatum, and the other flowers 08 
both plants touched with their own pollen were sterile. 

Similar results have been ‘frequently. observed in this 
genus. W, H. 


Apel. Laz, 


Valworth Llertic 

a oo -0QNI6! ) 

Dorsrenia arironia. ARuM-LEAvED Dor- 
ifoscOlane aed. | 
Ss seedele Monoeyni. 

Generic Character. 

Receptaculum commune monophyllum, carnosum, dila- 

_latum, patens, orbiculare aut angulatum, in quo semina 

Wlitaria nidulantur. Stam. 1—5. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Dorstensa arifolia ; foliis cordato-sagittatis undulatim-cre- - 

natis demum lobatis, receptaculis suborbiculatis. 
RSTENIA a@rifolia ; scapis radicatis, foliis cordato-sagit- 
tatis undulatis subdentatis maximis, receptaculis ova- 
libus. Lam. Encycl. 2. p. 317.—Illustr. t. 83. f. 2. 
Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. p.682. Pers. Syn. 2. p. 557. 
Dorstenia arifolia. Hooker Exotic. Bot. v. 1. t. 6. 

‘een : 

Dorsrenta arifolia was first discovered by M. Domsey, 
lee in shady places in Brazil, and described and 
oe by Lamarck ; with his description and figure, both 
dar from dried specimens, our plant so nearly agrees, 

t we apprehend it must belong to the same species. 

‘MARcK describes the leaves without the foo , as 

Ng ten inches long and three and a half wide, and the 
ceptacles as oval, which in our plant are nearly orbi- 
“ular, or approaching to square with very rounded angles. 

€ time our plant was in flower the leaves were entire 
‘te divided into lobes as in Mr. Hooxer’s figure, in which 
its aspect is so different from our representation that 

*s in the drawing, but afterwards it produced some that _ 

Weg pat ee be mistaken for two distinct species; but — 

“are informed, in the Exotic Flora, that according to 


Mr. Suepuerp, the early leaves were. cordate-sagittate ani 
uite entire, so that however different the drawings seen, 
ere can be no doubt but that they belong to the sam 
species. M. Lamarck makes the plant with divided leave 
a variety of the other. 

We had no opportunity of examining the flower ow- 
selves, but, according to Mr. Hooxer, the male and femak 
are mixed indeterminately, and the male are composed of 
two stamens without either calyx or corolla. 

The genus belongs to the natural ordér of Urticee, aul 
some of the species, if not all, are moneecious ; PrRsoos 
has accordingly arranged the genus in the twenty-first clas" 
of the Linnean System instead of the fourth. 

Our drawing was made at the splendid establishment 
belonging to the Horticultural Society at Chiswick, i 
September 1823, at which time it flowered in the stove. 


| Pub. by Carte Wabwortin Apri tL Lies 

( 2477) 

Class and Order. 


Generic Character. 

Recept. nudum. Cal. ovatus, imbricatus. Pappus du- 
‘plex : exterior paleaceus, brevis ; interior capillaris. 

Specific Character. 

Vernonta flexuosa; caule stricto superne dichotomo: ramis 
flexuosis, floribus ad dichotomias et flexuras ramu- 
lorum sessilibus. 


Descr. Radical leaves on short, flat footstalks, ovate, 
quite entire, fleshy, rigid, covered above with closely ad- 
pressed hairs, and somewhat woolly underneath. Cauline 
leaves lanceolate, margin quite entire and scabrous, nar- 
towed towards the base, remote ; upper ones smaller. Stem 
upright, straight, hairy, a foot and half high, dichotomously 
tanched towards the top: branches spreading, zig-zag. 
‘towers in round heads, bright purple, sessile at the divi- 
-Sions and at the flexures of the branches, with a leaf-like 
bracte at the base of each. Calyx ovate, imbricate, hairy : 
leaflets mucronate. Receptacle indented. Limb of corolla 
five-cleft: segments linear. Anthers purple : pollen white. 
Style exserted ; stigma bifid. Pappus double, outer one 
og rather bristly than chaffy. Seed angular, pubes- 
This handsome species of Vernonia, appears to us not 
to have been heretofore described; but has a near affinity 
with sericea and remota. It was raised from seed sent to 


us by Mr. a Setzo, from Brazil, in the garden of 
Joun WALKER, of Arno’s Grove, and flowered in 

September. Is prob: ly annual or biennial. Requires to 
“apse raised in a evs or hot-bed 


( 2478.)- 


Class and Order. 


Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus, equalis. Cor. tubo brevissimo; funde 
eoncavo ; limbo bilabiato, patentissimo; labio superiore 
bifido; inferiore majore, saccato-excavato, trifido; laciniis 
subequalibus. Anthere loculis divergentibus. Stigma 
simplex. Caps. bilocularis, septicido ?—bivalvis ; valvis 
apice bifidis ; placenta centrali demum libera ? 

—Herba Bib ies fe Celsie. Flores axillares, spicati. 
Corolle violacee. Kuntu. 

Specific Name and Synonyms. 

AneEtonta salicariefolia. Humb. et Bonpl. Pl. eq. 2. p.92. 
t. 108. Kunth Syn. Pl. equin. 2. p. 132. Bot. Reg. 
n. 415. 

ANGELON incolarum. 

Descr. Root annual. Stem upright, pee simple. 
Leaves opposite, sessile, ovate-lanceolate, slightly serrate, 
soft-pubescent on both sides. Flowers in a long, terminal, 
raceme. Bractes like the leaves, but smaller and more 
Pointed. Pedunceles axillary, solitary, opposite, pubescent, 
cernuous. Calyx persistent, five-cleft ; segments acute, 
connivent after the corolla drops. Corolla bilabiate, seg- 
ments of upper lip four, suborbiculate, nearly equal, two 
Upper ones slightly acuminate : lower-lip elongated, con- 
Cave at the base, with an emarginate tongue-shaped ap- 
pendix at the lower margin of the cavity, and two small 
tubercles at the upper. Faux open, cup-shaped, _— 


Stamens 4, didynamous. ‘Anthers two-celled: cells diva. 
ricate, distinct. Germen conical, two-celled. Style erect: 
Stigma simple. suk 

For this very shewy annual, we are indebted to Messrs. 
Wuittey, Brame, and Ming, in whose stove, at Fulham, 
it flowered in September; but it appears that its natural 
season is the spring. | . | 

Native of South America; growing on the dry hills in. 
the neighbourhood of Caracas. It belongs to the natural 
order of Scrophularine, and approaches the genus ALansoA, 
Hemimeris of WitLDENow (supra n. 210, et 421. Crtst.). 


fo°2479 =y° dow i “ 
Corx Lacuryma. Jor’s TEARS. _ a 

Class. and Order. dotbag 

Monazcra TRIANDRIA. 

Generic Character. 

Mase. in spicis remotis. Cal. Gluma 2-flora, mutica. 
or. glama mutica. ._ Ls & Pa tax 
_ Fem. Cal. Gluma biflora. Cor. Gluma mutica. Stylus 

iipartitus. Semen calyce ossificato tectum. — 
Specific Character and Synonyms. 

_ Jorx Lachryma ; culmo superne semitereti obtusa, flori- 
bus nudis, fructibus ovatis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 4. p.202. 
Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 5. p. 236. Persoon Syn. 2. p. 533. 
_- Lour. Cochin. p. 551. oot eal ai 
01x Lachryma ; spiculis axillaribus apne pedunculatis. 
Lam cyst 2. p. 422.—Ill. t. 750. 

ox Lachryma Jobi; seminibus ovatis. Hort, Cliff. 437. 
Sp. Pl. 1378. 

: aires Lachryma Jobi. Gertn. fruct. 1. p.7. t.1. 

THOSPERMUM arundinaceum. Bauh, Pin. 213. oe 
 4AcHRYMA Jogi. Clus. Hisp. t. 501. fig. bona. Clus. Hist. 

2%. p. 216. Dod. Pempt. 506. b. ic. 44.—Advers. 
p. 16. fig. mala. Tournef. t. 306. Rumph. Amb. 5. 
+p. 193. Ger. em. p. 88. Park. Herb. 430. 

_ ATHOSPERMUM arundinaceum. Moris. Hist, 3. p. 249. et 
_ ESAMUM arundinaceum semine nudo subceruleo. Ibid. 
ee Sect. 8. ¢. 13. . : ee 

— Ttuwm arundinaceum, multis Lachryma Jobi. Raj. Hist. 
, 2. p. 1252. Bauh. Hist. 2. p. 449. 

— AtRIconpa. Hort. Malab. 12. p, 133. t. 70. 

_ This very remarkable plant has been known in our 
‘dens from the time of Gzrarp; but being a er 
: annual, 

annual, rarely perfecting its seeds with us, is not ve 
common. Its seeds, however, are often imported from 
the warmer parts of Europe, and from the East Indies, 
These are contained singly in a stony involucre or calyx, 
which incloses the female flower, and never opens till com-. 
mitted to the earth; the style, however, is exserted, and 
a pedicle supporting the ake of male flowers issues with 
it from the bottom of the involucre. This stony calyx, 
which, when ripe, is very like a drop of white porcelain, 
with a bluish tinge, is generally supposed to be the seed 
itself. Its shape, round at bottom and pointed at top 
= a drop of liquid, readily suggested a name for the 

ant. : 
- It is said to be cultivated as an esculent, and that a 
coarse bread is made of the seed; but the principal use to 
which it is put is to make necklaces or rosaries, which gives 
occasion to old Parkinson to make a rude remark in his 
usual quaint language. It is said to grow spontaneously 
in Candia, Rhodes, and in Syria, as well as in the Eas 
Indies. With us it must be treated as a tender annual, and 
raised in the spring in a hot-bed, to afford any chance o 
its producing perfect seeds. 
: unicated by Joun Waxxer, Esq. of Arno’s Grove, 
in May last, at which time the involucre was changed from 
a green to a brightish purple. 4 

N 246 0. 

sortie, - : Pub. by, fortis. Walworth Aqer, 11.924 Weddel 

( 2480.) 

_ Eytevéa argorescens. New ZEALAND 

Class and Order. 

Poryanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

-. Cal. A—5-phyllus. Petala4. Stamina indefinita, uni- 
rmia, antheris subrotundis, incumbentibus. Stz den- 
culatum. Capsula spheroidea, echinata, exible 
misexvalvis, polysperma. | 
Arbor (parva, ligno levissimo spongioso. SouanvER) 
pube stellari (in pagina superiore folii adulti parciore et 
Subsimplici) tomentosa. Folia cordata, angulata, dupli- 
talo-crenata, 5-nervia, stipulis persistentibus, parvis, foli- 
aes. Umbelle simplices, terminales, pedunculate, invo- 
_lucro polyphyllo, brevi, pedicellis ebracteatis. 
_ Plores albi, raro 5-fidi, calyce deciduo, foliolis aristatis, 
. — (alabastro) guadricorni, petalis flaccidis, apice sub- 
“aceris, staminibus corolla brevioribus, subtorulosis, om- 
: _antheriferis, stylo angulato, stigmate umbilicato, 
margine denticulato. Capsularum sete longa, rigide, 
pace, pubescentes, spinula pellucida acuta recta termt- 
nate. Semina in singulo loculo biseriata, parva, obovata ; 
F albumine carnoso, semini conformi. Embryone recto, albo, 
. udine fere albuminis: cotyledonibus planis cordatis. 
-_ URp. nar. Inter Tiliaceas proximum genus SPaRR- 
_MANNLE, quacum habitu, inflorescentia, antheris, stigmate, 
: — S figura, earumque setis spinula pellucida ter- 

: is convenit; diversum filamentis omnibus antheriferis 
-\llde nomen) yix manifeste torulosis, capsulis basi indi- 
isis, hec longitudinaliter dehiscentibus, Joculis poly- 
‘permis, nee oligospermis (secundum Tunsere in Sparr- 

nla dispermis, cujus tamen ovarii loculi certe poly- 
Bent Suut) calycis foliolis aristatis nec muticis. R. 
“Row, Mss. 

Specific Name. 

| Exreéa arborescens. AR. Brown, Mss. : 
) Discovered 

Discovered in 1769, near Tigada, Tolaga, Opuragi, 
and Motuaro, in New Zealand, by Sir Joszerpn Banks 
and Dr. Soranner. It grows in its native country into 
a small tree, the wood of which is remarkably light, 
and, for this property, is used by the natives to float 
their fishing nets with, == 

Enrexéa belongs to the natural order of Tiliacee, and ap- 
$a the genus SparrManniA, from which Mr. Brown , 

istinguishes it by its want of the sterile filaments (nec 
taria of Linnzus), all of them in Enteléa bearing anthers; " 
by its capsules ‘being undivided to the base, and not as_ 
in Sparrmannia longitudinally dehiscent into six distinct 
valves ; by the segments of the calyx being awned, and by 
the cells of the capsule containing many seeds, instead of 
only’ two, as described by Tuunzere; but the value of 
this ha is much weakened by Mr. Brown’s observa 
oa} at the ovarium in Sparrmannia has certainly many 
ovula, Saar | 

For this very rare plant, which perhaps never flowered 
in Europe before, we are indebted to Messrs. Wuirtsr, 
Brame, and Mite, in whose stove, at Fulham, it blo 
somed in May 1823. 1 

Pubdp Sf Curtis. Waiwerd 


( 2481 ) 


Cia and Order. 

Monazcta TeTRANDRIA, 

Generic Character. 

Masc. Cal. 4-phyllus. Cor. 0. Nectar. centrale, cya- 
thiforme, os. | ‘ 
Few. Cal. 2-valvis. Cor. 0. Sem. 1, nitidum. 


| Urrica involucrata; caule ramoso hirsuto, foliis o positis 
_ Totundato-ovatis crenatis trinerviis lucidis ad apices 
ramorum congestis, paniculis sessilibus. ie 


| Wehad no opportunity of seeing this plant ourselves ; 
| but as far as we have been able to discover, it has not been 
hitherto described. 3 

€ are informed by Mr. Sasine that it was brought 
| from the island of St. Vincent’s, for the Horticultural So- 
Ciety, by Mr. James Mac Crag, late under-gardiner at the 
Botanic Garden there, in 1823. It flowered in the Society’s 
stove in October, in the same year, 

Bada by Fale Tire nin lay 8 Ra oe, 

( 2482) 

. WORT. | 

Class and Order. 


Generic Character. 

Calyx imbricatus squamis inermibus. Receptaculum 
setosum vel paleaceum. Pappus pilosus, persistens, pilis 
Ngidis inequalibus. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Sirraruta simplex ; foliis pinnatifidis: lobis distantibus 

costam non attingentibus, caule subsimplici unifloro, 

calyce globoso squarroso, seminibus tetragonis ver- 

—- rucosis. 

‘Serraruza simplex ; foliis radicalibus et superioribus line- 
aribus ; mediis pinnatifidis, lobis remotis costam non 
attingentibus, caule elongato subnudo unifloro, invo- 
lucro tomentoso squarroso. De Cand. in Annales du 

¢ Mus. v. 16. p. 186. Poir. in Encycl. Bot. 6. p. 550. 

Serrarora blanda ; calycibus globosis inermibus squar- 
rosis arachnoideo-lanatis, foliis pectinato-pinnatifidis 
supra villosis subtus albo-tomentosis, caule subnudo 
ragae ey seminibus scrobiculatis. Flor. Taur.-Caucas. 

. p. 549. . 

SerraTva cyanoides. Gerin, Sem. 2. poBi9r t.- 162, 

rejectis synonymis. = eo 
ARDUUs mollis ; foliis pinnatifidis linearibus margme re- 

volutis subtus tomentosis, caule subnudo unifloro, 

calycinis squamis tomentosis ovato-lanceolatis squar- 

oo Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 1661, = 

<4kduus mollis Jacg- Austr. 1. p. 14. t. 18. 
'Rstum molle Scop. Carniol. 2. p. 126. n. 1000. 
ARDUUs mollis laciniato folio. Clus. Pann. 661. t. 662. 

iD Bauh. Pin. 377. | 

‘Rbvvs mollior primus. Clus, Hist. 2. p. 150. 


- Oxvrropts prnosa. Harry OXxyTROPIs. 

| Class’ and’ Order. 

DiapeteHia DecanpRIA. 

Generic Character. 

Carina unguiculata. Legumen sutura superiore intro- 
flexa biloculare, aut semibiloculare. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 
Sect. II. Stipulis caulinis seu petiolo non adherentibus. 

OxyTropis pilosa; caulescens, erecta, villosa, leguminibus 
erectis teretibus subulatis villosis. Decand. Astrag. 
p. 73. n. 27. Fl. Taur. Cauc. 3. p. 502. 

Astracatus pilosus ; caulescens erectus pilosus, floribus 
spicatis, leguminibus subulatis. pilosis. Lin. Sp. Pl. 
1065. Gmel. Sib. 4. p. 39. t. 16. 
Astracaus pilosus. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p..1262. Jacq. 
Austr. 1. p. 32. t. 51. Pall. Astrag. n. 112. t. 80. 
Astracatus pilosus ; caulescens erectus hirsutus, foliolis 
lanceolatis, stipulis falcatis, spicis pedunculatis folio 
longioribus, carina unguiculata, leguminibus oblongis 
erectis. Flor. Taur. Caucas. 2. p. 185. n. 1462. 

Astragatus villosus erectus spicatus, floribus flavescen- . 
tibus. Amm. Ruth. p. 125. n. 166. = 

Astragatus caule erecto ramoso, ex alis spicifero, siliquis 
teretibus. Hall. Hist. 1. p. 179. n. 411.—Comment. 
Goett. 1752. p. 340. t. 12. ; 

Cickr montanum lanuginosum erectum. Bauh. Pin. 347? 
Prodr. 148 ? 


This herbaceous perennial is clothed in every part ex- 

cept the corolla with longish, patent, grey hairs. Stem 

upright, rounded, but little branched. Stipules lanceo- 
late, somewhat oblique, inserted below the petioles. 
Leaves alternate, pinnate: leaflets about me Patt with an 
odd one, lanceolate, rounded at the base, reflexed. Pe- 
duncles axillary, stout, cylindrical, longer than the leaves. 
Flowers sessile, in an oblong spike, yellowish green. 
Bractes subulate, the length of the five-toothed Calyx: 
teeth subulate, the two lateral ones the longest. Vexillum 
oval, with sides reflexed, emarginate, ale shorter than the 
vexillum. Carina equal to the ale, sharp-pointed, one- 
petaled. Stamens diadelphous 2. Germen linear, silky : 
Style ascending, half the length of the germen. 

Native of Austria, Caucasus, and Siberia. Flowers in 
June. Communicated by Mr. Wint1am Anverson from the 
Chelsea Garden, where it was introduced by Dr. Fiscuer, 

late of Gorenki, now of the Royal Botanic Garden, St. 
Petersburgh. : 

—— ee 

( 2484 ) 



Class and Order. 

| 7 
| Pentanpria Monoeynia. 
: : 

Generic Character. 

Cal. tubulosus, 5-fidus. Cor. infundibuliformis v. hypo- 
-cateriformis, limbo 5-fido, plicato. Stigma capitatum. 
Caps. bilocularis apice quadrifariam dehiscens. Brown. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Nortana repanda ; foliis amplexicaulibus cordatis spa- 
_ thulatis subrotundis repandis, corolla tubo gracili 
longissimo, limbi laciniis ovatis acutiusculis. Lehm. 
, Hist. Nicot.n. 16. Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 4. p. 320. 
Mecortana repanda; foliis spathulatis subrotundis repandis 
cordatis amplexicaulibus. Herb. Willd. ex Humb. 
et Bonpl. Mss. R. et S. 4. p. 791. 


A tender annual. Native of the island of Cuba. In- 
troduced into the garden of the Horticultural Society, by 
Mr. Grorer Don, from the Havannah, and said to be the 
‘Plant ftom which the celebrated Cigars of that country 
fe prepared. 

aks LL 

( 2485) 

_ Haprantuus Versicotor. ~ CHANGEABLE 

| _ Haprantuts. 

BR Sh She oe i ie ke Soe a sa or a ac 
Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

_ Spatha integra apice bifido. Scapus 1-2 Pera -florus, 
pedunculatus, cavus. Germen a pedunculo declinatum, 
oblongo-subturbinatum, subtrigonum, triloculare. Co- 
rola campanulata. Tubus brevis, campanulatus, clausus. 
Lacinie alterne subequales, exter marginibus tubo im- 
bricantibus. Stylus (uti filamenta) declinatus assurgenter 
curvatus. Filamenta fasciculata, pariter tubo vix intra 
fatcem connexa, quorum quaterna discrepantia, summum 
et infimum media longitudinis, infimum summo longius, 
lateralia duo superiora longissima, inferiora duo brevis- 
sima. Anthere media parte annexe, incumbentes. Pollen, 
ut im Zephyranthe, Hippeastri et Amaryllidis polline mi- 
nutius, Stigma trilobum. Semina non visa. W. H. 

Specific Character. 

Hapranruus versicolor, bulbo oblongo ; foliis viridibus, 
pedalibus vel sesquipedalibus, 4 unc. latis, recumben- 
tibus ; capo praecoce 5-unciali; corolla. biunciali, 
ante expansionem rubra, demum _ albescente, Tubro 
Versus basin striata; laciniaé summa ceteris latiore ; 
ima angustiore ; tubo membrana dentata clauso ; ge- 
Nitalibus albis ; stigmatis.lobis } uncialibus; antheris 
et polline luteis. W. H. 



Drscr. Bulb oblong, blackish; leaves. three or more, 
green, a quarter of an inch wide, above a foot long ; scape 

about five inches high, appearing before the —- 

first red, fading to a paler and greenish tint ; spathe red, 
one inch and quarter long; peduncle about one and half. 
long, very pale green; germen green ; corolla two inches 
long, red in the early bud, fading before the expansion to_ 
white, tinged with pink chiefly towards the tips of the 
outer petals ; the upper exterior petal 33 wide, exterior 
laterals 12, interior laterals 3, lowest interior 32; a red 
stripe three-quarter long on each side the midrib of each 
petal near the base, the lower part of the midrib greenish; 
membrane closing the tube, bearded, or dentate, and less 
massive than in H. gracilifolius ; stamens and style white; 
the latter an inch and quarter long ; lobes of the stigma 
one-quarter long, fimbriated; anthers and pollen golden. 
The bulb was imported from Maldonado, in S. America, 
and flowered at Spofforth in January, the leaves having 
decayed in the summer. It is not less hardy than Hasrav- 
tHus gracilifolius; but the flowering of both species is 
promoted by artificial heat while the bulbs are at rest: on 
close inspection it appears that there is a fourfold diversity 
of the petals, as above stated, in this species, and probably 
the same difference, will, on re-examination, be found to 
exist in H. gracilifolius, though in a less degree: in this di- 
versity of the petals Hasrantuus agrees with HirreasTRuM, 
but the diversity of its filaments follows a different rule. 
Our prediction that “ species will, perhaps, be found here- 
after, in which the membrane may be less massive,” has 
been quickly verified ; nor should we be surprised at the 
appearance of a species with the tube perfectly smooth. 
We have consequently made a slight alteration in the 
generic character. In the characters of Lycoris and Py- 
ROLYRION in the Appendix, we did not notice the membrane 
in Lycoris aurea and Pyrotyrion flammeum, because We 
had not the means of ascertaining whether its conformation 
was similar in all the species of their respective genera, 
which were sufficiently defined by other features. W. H. 

rc = een ——— 


In the generic character of Gastronema supra 2291; 
for Tubus intus brevis, read Tubus intus levis: 




enna Oe 


wear * 

RublyS Gat Walworth, May11624 


Class and Order. 

Diape.eH1A DecanprRiA. 

Generic Character. 

Ale et Carine columne staminum adnate. Stam. 5-10, 

connata, absque filamento libero. Legwmen monosper- 
mum. bits 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

- Datea mutabilis; foliis impari-pinnatis; pinnulis obovatis 
| emarginatis glabris punctatis, spicis terminalibus. 
Cav. Ic. 4. n. A85. t. 394. (sub Psoralea). 
Daea mutabilis ; decandra, spicis cylindraceis _termina- 
~_. foliis decemjugis obcordatis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. 
p. 1339. : 
Datea bicolor ; spicis terminualibus elongatis, foliis sub- 
qiinquejugis obovatis, caule fruticoso. Willd. Hort. 
Berol. 2. p. 89. t.89. Enum. p. 787. 

_ Descr. A slender shrub; branches smooth. Leaves al- 
_ternate, odd-pinnate: leaflets from seven to fifteen, obo- 
_ Yate, with the point sometimes rounded, more frequently 
_ marginate, dotted with transparent Se 
‘held to the light, give an appearance as if the leaf were 
_ perforated, as in the common St. John’s Wort. Stipules 
Small, subulate, inserted within the footstalk. Peduncles 
| terminal, solitary, bearing the flowers in a close spike, 
. lengthening as the flowers expand. Bractes ovate, con- 
_ y*ve, mucronate, persistent. Calyx of one leaf, five-toothed, 
‘try, membranaceous, with ten green streaks. Standard 
_ Nhite, Ovate-cordate, with a slender claw, longer than the 
_'Imb; wings and keel shorter by half than the standard, 
. » eg tipped with purple, colour encreasing with age. 
Filaments all connected downwards, free above: cca set 
| oval, 

oval, dark purple: pollen orange-coloured. Germen oval, 
hairy: Style longer than the stamens : Stigma acute. 

We have no doubt but that the Daxexa bicolor, figured 
in WitipeNnow’s Hortus Berolinensis is the same plant as 
the Psoratea mutabilis of CAVANILLEs ; we have, therefore, 
retained the specific name ‘of the latter author, this having 
the right of priority. 

Native of Cuba and Mexico. Cultivated with us in the 
stove. Communicated by Mr. Anprrson from the Chelsea 
Garden, in October, 1823, where it was introduced by Mr. 
Orro, in 1821. 

_ a. The vexillum or standard. . Wings'and keelseparated from the 
sheath of the stamens with which they are naturally connate. c. Germen 
and style. d. Stamens, 

Wedd te. Baby llertis Walworth May Libis 

( 2487 ) 



Class and Order. 

Dranpria Monoeynta. 

Generic Character. 

_ Cal. 5-partitus, equalis, raro 4-partitus. Cor. valde 
_ Iregularis, bilabiata vel ringens, labio inferiore diviso. 
_ Stam. 2, antherifera. Anthere biloculares, loculis inser- 
tone sepe inequalibus. Filamenta sterilia nulla, vel 
_ obsoleta. Germinis loculi dispermi. Dissepimentum ad- 
_hatum ; semina retinaculis uncinulatis subtensa. Brown. 

Specific Character. 

Justicia geniculata ; paniculis terminalibus laxis cernuis, 
bracteis subulatis, foliis ovato-lanceolatis glabris sub- 
tus pallidis distantibus. 


This species has great affinity with Justicia secunda 
(supra, No. 2060) and lucida (No. 1014); but differs from 
the former in having the upper lip of the corolla quite entire 
and the lower lip terminated with three obtuse rounded 
teeth; from the latter in having fewer and smaller flowers, 
hot crowded together, leaves much narrower, more pointed, 
not deeurrent down the footstalk ; and from both in having 
&more lax, cernuous panicle, with a much longer, naked 
peduncle. Introduced into the garden of the Horticultural 
Society from St. Vincent’s, by Mr. Groree Carey, under 
the name which we have adopted, given to it by the late 
Dr. Axperson, several years superintendent of the Botanic 
Garden in that island. Mr. Caxey informs us that it loves 

to 8row in the shade. Native 

Native of the West Indies. Requires to be kept in 
stove. Our drawing was taken at the Society’s Garden in 
August, 1823. 

N 2488 

Weds 4: 

( 2488 ) 

Clase and Order. | 

TerranpriA Monoeynia. 
Generic Character. 

p Cal. \-phyllus, 4-partitus. Cor. 4-partita. Bacca 1- 
‘Sperma (rarissime 4—5-sperma), calyce cincta. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Cissus antarctica ; foliis ovatis laxe serratis glabriusculis 
_- subtus glandulosis. Vent. Choix. t. 21. Hort. Kew. 
ed. alt. 1. p. 259. 
Cissus antarctica; foliis ovatis subcordatis remote serratis 
subtus biglandulosis, ramulis ferrugineo-pilosis. Willd. 

) Enum. 163. Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 3. p. 308. 
Cissus glandulosa ; foliis ovatis glabris laxe dentato-ser- 
| ratis, nervis basi glandulosis, petiolis ramisque pubes- 
centibus, caule fruticoso. Poir. in Encycl. Bot. 
Suppl.1. p. 105. n. 14. 


__ This climbing shrub is described and figured by M. Ven- 
_TENAT, as quoted above; the ee ee is also repeated 
by Rormer and Scuutres in the New SystemaVegeta lium, 
towhich we have nothing to add, but to remark that the 
reason our figure does not represent any tendril, is because 
in the branch from which our drawing was taken, the pe- 
duncles all bore flowers, in which case the tendrils are of 
course wanting, these always having their origin in abortive — 
peduncles. a 
Native of New South Wales, and known in our gardens 
y the name of the Kanguru Vine. Introduced into the 
Kew Garden in 1790, by Sir Joser# Banks. Is a hardy 
Sreenhouse plant, only requiring to be kept from frost. 
mmunicated by our friend Joan Waxker, Esq. from his 
€ction at Southgate. 


( 2489 ) 
Buson GALBANUM. Lovidneieayen Bugon. 
JERR b Rbk 
Class and Order. 

Penranpria Dieynia. 
Generic Character. 

Fructus ovatus, striatus, villosus et glaber. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Boson Galbanum ; foliolis ovato-cuneiformibus acutis ar- 
_ ‘gute serratis, umbellis paucis, seminibus, glabris, caule 
frutescente glauco. Hort. Kew. ed. I. 1. p. 352. ed. 
alt. 2. p. 146. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. p. 1439. Pers. 
Boson Galbanum ; foliolis rhombeis dentatis glabris stria- 
tis, umbellis paucis Sp. Pl. 364. Berg. Cap. 77. 
_, vacq. Hort. Vind. 3. p. 21. t. 36. 
Seunum Galbanum; caule frutescente pruinoso glauco, 
foliis triternatis glabris, foliolis ovato-cuneiformibus 
es a serratis rigidulis, extremis trifidis acutis, 
mvolucro lineari polyphyllo. Spreng. in Roem. et. 
| Sch. Syst. Veg. 6. p. 563. ; 
Axisum africanum fruticescens, folio anisi galbaniferum, 
Pluk. Alm. 81. t. 12. f. 2. ee 
ERULA africana galbanifera; folio et facie Ligustici. 
Herm. Parad. 163. cum tab. 
ORrosexinum anisoides. Breyn. Prodr, 2. p. 88. ; 
Br fruticosum africanum galbaniferum. Moris, Hist. 
. p. 297. 


Professor Scuuzres, in the new Systema Vegetabilium ; 
after Sprengel, referred this plant to the genus SELINUM, 
and asserts that upon examining the fruit received from the 
Cape of Good Hope, he finds it to be winged, and exactly 
sWering to the fruit of Sexrinum; not, as Linnzus and 
Lamarck have described, striate without winged sr 
u a specimen in our own Herbarium, the fruit is 
smooth, ovate-rounded and striate without wings ; the seeds 
when separated quite convex on one side, with two or three 
ribs, and flat on the other. — a ; 
Although this plant exudes a milky juice with the fla- 
your of Galbanum, we should doubt whether that drug is_ 
obtained from it, unless it be also a native of the north of 
Africa or Asia, as Galbanum was known to the ancients 
many ages before the discovery of the Cape, and we be- 
lieve it has never been imported from thence, but generally 
from Persia, by way of Odessa. i | 
Burson Galbanum grows to the height of eight or ten feet, 
and is woody towards the base, being a native of the Cape 
of Good Hope, it requires the protection of the green-house, | 
in which situation it is ever green. Flowers in August; 
but rarely produces seed with us. Communicated by our 
late highly valued and now lamented friend Joun WALKER, 
Esq, of Arno’s Grove, Southgate, whose loss we shall long” 
deplore. : adenti. .ciice2 ue 


( 2490 ) 

- Evcrosta Bicotor. ParricoLoreD 
, ._ Euerosia. 

itis ‘nal Order © 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

 Bulbus tunicatus; scapus solidus; germen pedunculo 
‘tontinuatum, triloculare; ovula biseriatim cumulata, alter- 
‘antia, angulo interiori loculi alligata ; calyx nullus ; 
‘torolla supera, 6-fida; tubus declinatus fauce obliqua, 
antics abbreviatus ; limbi lacinie alterne dispares ; corona 
Staminea, declinata, concavo-rutelli-formis, basi cylindrica 
‘trectiore; filamenta inferné dilatata et complanata; -si- 
‘uosé recurvata, mox porrecta, demum (ubi_ pollen 
emittitur) sursum curvata ; superiora duo mediis breviora, 
Inferiora duo longiora; superiora duo tubum_ propius, 
-Inferiora duo remotiis, media puncto intermedio membrana 
feuni obliqué connexa ; stylus sinuosé recurvatus, mox 
(ubi pollen emittitur) deorsum, demum (ubi stigma ma- 
lurescit) sursum curvatus; stigma obtusum, dilatatum, 
-Puberulum; anthere hinc und parte, hinc duabus endule ; 
pollinis particule Hippeastri pollinis particulis minutiores, 
Lephyranthis longiores ; capsula ovata, trisulca. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Ruerosia bicolor; bulbo globoso; foliis latis, petiolatis, 
Viridibus, sub-pedalibus ;  seapo glauco, — pedali, 
precoce, inferné crassiore, gradatim minore ; umbella 
4-flora ; spathé bipartita, bracteata ; pedunculis cir- 

~ Citer_ uncialibus; germine brevi, rotundaté trigono, 
loculis 12-spermis, ovulis oblongis complanatis ; tubo 
tevi, germine crassiore, ex, viridi flayescente, media 

_ parte inflato; limbo sursum curvato lateribus com- 
Pressis ; laciniis uncialibus, miniatis, viridi et flavo 
Striatis, exteris uncatis angustioribus, internis obtusis 

; planioribus ; 

planioribus; coroné mellifera, 1; unciali, limbum 
non expansum prorumpente’ ex laciniis inferioribus 
ima dimot&; corone parte cylindrica superne quasi 
cornuté; glandulis sex ad corone basin extra tubum 
filamentis appositis ; filamentis stylo brevioribus, pal-_ 
lidissimé miniatis; stylo triunciali; antheris viridi- | 
cinerascentibus, W. H. — ! 
Evcrosia bicolor. Bot. Reg. 207. 

We have paid the most minute attention to the drawing 
and description of this curious plant, because the only” 
figure and account of it published: are very inaccurate, the | 
flowers being represented with a funnel-shaped limb and_ 
otherwise distorted (probably in consequence of hayin 
been forced out of their natural posture and form by the 
fingers of the curious) and the generic character being, 1 
several respects, incorrect and imperfect, Bulbs of this 
species were imported from South America inte the Ham- 
mersmith nursery, where one of them flowered in 1817. 
They were soon after lost by exposure in a cold frame, 
and we believe our specimen from the Spofforth collection 
is the only one that has been since produced in Europe. 
The flower has a singular resemblance to a winged insect, 
taking the germen for its head. The four flowers. are 
placed back to back, nearly at right angles. The petals: 
are bent upwards and pressed together sideways, and, 1 
pulled apart, close again immediately. No expansion of 
the flower takes place. On the first ie the point of the 
cup forces itself out in front between the two lower petals, 
the filaments being bent back and crumpled in the bud, 
The next morning the further protrusion of the cup pushes 
aside one of the lower petals, and the style and filaments, 
bent in the form of an S, are gradually and slowly pro- 
duced without any parting of the other petals, and become 
by degrees straitened. On the following day the anthers 
discover the pollen; the filaments and petals being then 
curved upwards, and the style curved downwards. About 
twenty-four hours after, the style begins to reascend, and 
twodays after the inversion of the anthers, it becomes curv 
upwar MRA ERe filaments. Of course the periods —— 
may vary in different temperatures, Our oe —— 

a bud with one petal ined aside, and a eer ith the 

style bent downwards. The dissection shews the ultimate 

posture of the style, and, the petals being broken pies 

vives a view of ihe singular shape of the cup, and of the 
ote attached to each filament inside the cup, and seen 
faintly through the web that connects them. The cup is 
filled with honey which exudes from the glands. The 
detached petal generally slides back into its place, when 
the limb and filaments take their final attitude, excluding 
from the sight the lower part of the cup. When effete, 
the _ and filaments collapse, the petals continuing 
"The leaf of the full-grown bulb, which follows the 
flower, is near a foot long, and too large for the plate. 
The bulbs thrive in the stove in light loam, requiring 
moisture and shade while growing, drought and complete 
Test in autumn and winter. The plant flowered at Spof- 
forth in April. We are, as yet, unacquainted with the 
seeds. The leaves are frequently solitary; probably, 
their number rarely exceeds three. We have inserted in 
the generic character those features which are essential to 
the genus. The compression and upward curve of the 
petals, the glands in the cup, the two-leaved spathe, and 
the bractes, which accompany the secondary peduncles, 
will probably be found throughout the genus; but their 
absence would not justify the separation of an individual 
‘Species from the genus, and are therefore more safely 
cc. in the specific character. This species should have 
rather called tricolor than bicolor. W. H. 


4, An offset with the leaf. b. The flower with the petals broken off 
shewing the form of the cup, which is a little horned or hooded on the 
upper side, and the final posture of the style and filaments. ¢. Particles 

the pollen magnified. d. An ovule magnified. 


( 2491 ) 


Class and Order. 

Diapeten1a Decanpria. 

Generic Character. 

__ Cal. bilabiatus: labio superiore majore semibifido obtuso. 
Stam. omnia connexa. Legumen plano-compressum, pedi- 
cellatum, polyspermum, margine utroque incrassatum. 

Semina strophiolata. Brown, in Hort. Kew. 

Specific Character and Synonym. — 

Bossiza linophylla ; ramis foliosis compressis, foliis linea- 

_ ‘tibus: marginibus recurvis, legumine uniloculari. 

ge Mss. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 4. p. 268. Lodd. 
ab. ITA, 

A pretty little green-house shrub, with delicate flexile 
branches, covered towards their extremities with beautiful 
Small blossoms of an orange colour, streaked with red, 
4nd having a green eye. Itis a native of the South-west 
Coast of New-Holland, where it was first detected by Rosert 
Brown, Esq. Introduced in 1803. Flowers in May and 
une. Communicated by Messrs. Loppiers and Sons, who 

iform us in their Cabinet, that “it is not readily in- 
eased except by seeds. A light loam with a little peat 

mixed is a proper soil for it. Is not particularly tender, 
and only requires the common green-house protection, 
with a moderate quantity of water. Planted out in the 

-“ohservatory it grows far more luxuriously, and flowers 
uch better than when confined in a pot.” 

ee ee ee See 

ee ae ere ee ee ee 

: ( 2492 ) 


Class and Order. 

PentanpriA Monoeynta. 

Generic Character. 
Cor. campanulata, fundo clauso valvis staminiferis. 
Stigma trifidum. Caps. infera, poris lateralibus dehiscens. 

| Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Campanuna pulla; cauliculis unifloris, foliis caulinis ovatis 

crenatis, calycibus cernuis. Sp. Pl. 231. Willd. 1. p. 
890. Roem. et. Sch. 5.p.91. Pers. Syn. 1. p. 188. 
Jacq. Obs. 1. p. 30. t. 18.—Austr. 3. t. 285. Scop. 
Carniol. 1. p. 143. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 1. p. 344. 

| Lam. Encycl. 1. p. 57. n. 6. Lodd. Cab. 554. 

_Campanuta alpina latifolia, flore pullo. Bauh. Pin. 93. 

| Prodr. 33. 


Campanuza pulla is a rare alpine plant, of very consi- 
derable beauty, and likely to be especially prized by the 
admirers of the diminutive productions of the vegetable 
kingdom, such as our predecessor and dear friend, the late 
Mr. Witt1am Curtis, used to compare to Cabinet Pictures. 

We have designedly omitted the synonym from Caspar 

AunIN’s Prodromus, p.35, generally referred to as variety 6 

_ of this specics, being convinced in our own mind that it 
_‘Nust be totally distinct, not only from its bearing so many 
_ lowers upon the same stem, but more especially from the 
Style being exserted so far beyond the corolla. The last 
2 ggg: ag will probably exclude also Lamarcx’s va- 
—“‘Nety, y. : 
__ Ahardy perennial, native of the Austrian Alps. Flow- 
sin July and August. Communicated by Messrs. Lop- 
_bieks and Sons. Cultivated according to Mr. Arron, in 
1779, by Joun Brackeurne, Esq. 

Re ee er aR ee ee ee ae Pa cae 

Pick, by 5 hearts, Walworth: Fone] 1B. 

Weddell Le. 

( 2493 ) 


Jeo smiloiolokeobakaeok 
- Class and Order. 

_ SyncenestA PoryeamiA FRustranea. 

Generic Character. 

 Recept. setosum. Pappus simplex. Cor. radii infun- 
-dibuliformes, longiores, irregulares. : 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

: CENTAUREA spinosa; calycibus ciliatis, foliis radicalibus 
indivisis pinnatifidisque glabris; caulinis tomentosis 
pinnatifidis, ramis spinosis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 2093. 

_ Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 5. p. 148. oe 

'-“ENTAUREA spinosa; calyce subciliato, ramis spinosis, 

» Lin. Sp. Pl. 1290. Sm. Prodr. Fl. grace 2. p. 199. 

Fl. Grec. t. 902. ined. 

ERE spinosa maritima. Bauh. Pin. 273? 

RE spinosa cretica. Moris. Hist. 3. p. 136. Park. 
Theatr. 477. f. 8. : 
-Cranus spinosus. Alpin. Exot. p. 163. cum. tab. 

/"ACEa cretica, aculeata, incana. Tourn. Inst. 445. 


|, Ceyraurea spinosa is a rare plant, and, though it was 
known to the older Botanists, no figure, we believe, has 
“een hitherto given of it, except the very indifferent one 
Ot Prosper Atpinus, copied by Parkinson; the plate re- 
ted to in Flora Greca not being as yet published. We 
have quoted Bavurn dubiously, because his synonyms — 
iitdly belong to this, as far as we can judge from the 
‘figure in the Codex cesareus, as copied by Doporns. 

itis a herbaceous perennial, looking from its ri idity 
‘ery shrublike, the branches are -terminated with a simple 

‘Pe. The scales of the calyx are ciliated, and poe 

this and the foliage are unarmed. The whole plant is 
covered with a white cottony pubescence, more remark- 
able in native than in cultivated specimens. 

Indigenous in Candia and in several of the Greek 
islands. Requires to be protected from frost. Flowers in 
July and August. Communicated by P. Barker Wess, 
Esq. who gathered the seeds from which it was raised in 
the island of — ) 

SE ed ee ee a ee ee ee Pee er en ern 

N 2494. 

Weddell fe. 

PubbyS hatis Wadwarth Funel late. 

( 2494 ) 


Class and Order. | 

Monanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

_ Anthera duplex. Filam. extra antheram non elonga- 
tum, Stylus longitudine filamenti, in sulco anthere recep- 
tus. Stgma obsolete trigonum. Caps. carnosa.” 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Avrrnta tubulata; seapo radicali laterali, bracteis sca- 
. riosis corollam tubulosam subequantibus, labello 

_ Atpinia tubulata; foliis alterne bifariis remotissimis ; scapo 
vaginato laterali bracteis communibus divaricatis ari- 
dis acuminatis persistentibus ; corolla tubulosa ; labello 
incluso ; anthera sessili. Bot. Reg. 777. 


Mr. Davi Don, who examined this plant very particu- 
larly, considers it clearly to belong to the genus Apinia ; 
Otherwise from theradical inflorescence and tubular corolla, 

with a nectarium or labellum so small as not to be at all ex- 
Serted,'we should scarcely have conceived it to belong to the 
same genus as Atpinia nutans, and the other species with 
Which we are acquainted ; but we had no opportunity of 
examining the structure of the flower; and if we had, we 
‘Should hardly have had confidence enough in our observati- 
ons to have opposed our opinion to that of so good a botanist, 
having had ourselves so little opportunity of studying the 
‘hatural order of Scitaminee. We may remark, however, 
that in Dr. Roxguren’s Flora Indica there is a section of 
the species of Alpinia, all having radical scapes, and that , 
the first botanists do not consider the difference of a cau- 
line or radical infloresence as sufficient to constitute a 

SUnction of genus. Thi 

This species appears never to have come under the no- 
tice of Botanists till it was raised at Boyton, from seeds 
which Mr. Lameerrt received from Demarara; Mr. Don, 
however, pointed out to us among Piumier’s unpublished 
drawings, a copy of which is contained in the Lambertian 
library, a figure of a plant haying considerable affinity 
with this, but scarcely belonging to the same species. 

The stem and foliage, in our figure, are very much 
reduced in size, the leaves exceeding a foot in length. 


( 2495 ) 

Class and Order. 

Monapetpuia Poryanpris. 

| Generic Character. 

Cal. nudus, 5-fidus, sepe angulatus. Stylus apice mul- 
tifidus. Carpella capsularia (Capsule) 5-30 circa axim 
‘Yerticillata, plus minusve inter se coalita, 1-locularia, 

sy oligo-sperma, apice mutica aut aristata. De 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Sa aurita ; foliis subrotundo-cordatis acuminatis crenato- 
dentatis subtus incanis, paniculis terminalibus laxis, 
stipulis ovatis basi auritis. at 

(DA aurita ; (Watxicn) Herba tomentosa superne pilis 
patulis, foliis acuminatis dentatis subtus incanis, pe- 
dunculis petiolo longioribus, petalis reflexis, capsulis 
muticis. Link Enum. Hort. Berol. 2. p. 206. : 

IDA aurita; foliis sinu angusto profunde cordatis acumi- 
natis serrulatis superne pilosis subtus canis, stipulis 
latis cordato-auritis acuminatis, floribus paniculato- 

corymbosis, staminum tubo villosissimo, carpellis 

quinque hirsutis. De Cand. Prodr. 1. p. 468. n. 117. 


Descr. Stem shrubby? villous. Leaves orbicular-cor- 
te, acuminate, crenate-dentate, white-tomentose under- 
neath, green, and velvety above, on petioles nearly the 
length of the leaf, hairy, inserted somewhat within the 
margin. Stipules ovate, acuminate, eared at the base, 
sides reflexed. Flowers in a terminal lax panicle, of an 
orange-bhuff colour, streaked. Calyx of five, ovate, acute 
Segments, villous. Petals five, ovate, acuminate, reflexed. 
amens shorter than the corolla, sheath very hairy. An- 
thers kidney-shaped: Pollen globular, united in —_ 

Style 5—10-cleft, longer than stamens, purple. Capsules 
(immature) 5—10, truncate, united nearly their whole 
length. | 

De Caxpotte, in his elaborate Prodromus of the vege- 
table kingdom, enumerates no fewer than one hundred 
and ninety-five species of Sra ;-many ofthese, however, 
are undoubtedly a repetition of the same, the characters 
by which they are in general defined being in many cases 
much disposed to vary. | 

Our plant was raised at the late Mr. Verr’s garden, at 
Kensington Gore, from seeds received from Dr. WAtticu, 
and flowered in December 1821. In Mr. Lameert’s Her- 
barium, there is a fine specimen of this plant, ticketed 
withthe name we have adopted, in Dr. Waxticn’s hand- 
writing, by which it appears to have first flowered in the 
garden at Calcutta, in 1819, and to have been introduced 
there fromthe island of Java. | 

In De Canpotte’s enumeration of the species, it is ar- 
ranged in the third section, Anuriton of Kuntu. 

Native of the East Indies. Requires the heat of the 
stove, where it flowered in December 1821. 

tng Eo! 

Abby .d- deaptie Wabwe rth. June L1She. 

N 2496, 


(2496 ) 


Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

Cor. supera. Petala sex reflexa. Anthere in conum 
-acutum coalite. Caps. ovata, 3-locularis, 3-valvis. Sem. 
_ pauca, subrotunda. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

‘Conantuera bifolia ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis, scapo su- 
perne ramoso, pedunculis bifloris, petalis alternis 
ciliatis. 7 

Conantuera bifolia ; pedunculis bifloris, petalis variegatis, 
bulbo articulato solido. Flor. Peruv. 3. p. 68. t. 301. 
Poirét Encycl. Suppl. 2. p. 326. 

_ ConANTHERA bifolia ; pedunculis bifloris, foliis 2. radica- 
libus lineari-ensiformibus. Pers. Syn. 1. p. 370. 
Bermuprana bulbosa; flore reflexo ceruleo. vulgo Inumu 

Feuill. Obs. v. 3, p. 8. t. 3. 

Conanruera bifolia is a native of the mountains of Chili, 
and our plant was raised from seeds, which came from that 
Country, by the late Joun Waker, Esq. of Southgate, 
Where it flowered in June last year, 1823. Z ‘ae 
_ The figures in the Flora Peruviana, and in Feuillée, re- 
Present the petals narrower and more reflexed than they 
‘Nere in our plant; but the descriptions agree so well with 
\tthat we cannot consider them as aistioet species. The 
“aves on the flowering plant decay before the blossoms 
‘Xpand ; those represented in the figure, belonged to a 
bulb that did not flower, which is probably the reason of 
‘third leaf being produced. 28 

The bulbs are eaten by the natives both boiled and raw; 

Fevrirée found them very good in soup. 


F Curbs Dal L furtic, Wabworth . dy i1cte. 


3, bisetis, germen cingentibus. Filamenta interiora glan- 

( 2497 ) 

Laurus acerecara. CxLuster-FLOWERED 

Class and Order. 
ENNEANDRIA Monoeyntia. 
Generic Character. 
Cal.o. Cor. calycina, 6-partita. Nectarium glandulis 
dulifera. Drupa 1-sperma. 
Specific Character. 
Laurus aggregata ; foliis perennantibus ovatis acuminatis 
triplinerviis subtus glaucis, pedunculis simplicibus 

axillaribus aggregatis, bracteis scariosis ovatis con- 


Not having had an opportunity of examining the flowers 

| of this shrub, we are not certain that it may not belong to 

the genus TrerrantuerA, but are not able to unite it with 

7 any described species of that genus. It has been gee 

tobe the Laurus Myrrha, which Brown refers to 

THERA ; but we think can hardly belong to that species, 

Which is described as having a four-leaved involucrum, 

containing five floscules; for if the Bractes at the base of 
the peduncles are to be considered as an involucrum, they 
consist of many leaves, irregularly arranged and seem to 
only the scales which protected the flower-buds. The 
are evergreen, alternate, petioled, ovate, acuminate, 

of a yellowish or apple-green on the upper side and very 
glaucous on the under, with three nerves uniting a little 
ve the insertion of the petiole, and terminating short 
of the point of the leaf. The young shoots, which are 

ewise axillary, and come out from among the pe 

are furnished with several membranaceous slightly coloured 
scales, or a sort of stipules which are very deciduous. 
Lovreiro’s plant is said to be extremely bitter, and to 
taste and smell strong of the myrrh of the shops, and he 
questions whether that drug may not be the product of the 
same species; the leaves of our’s, when long chewed, dis- 
cover a bitter taste, but not durable, and we could per- 
ceive nothing resembling myrrh in smell or taste. 
Our drawing was taken at the Horticultural Society’s 
rden last February, from a plant sent from China, by 
oun Reeves, Esq. in the Orwell, Captain Linpsay, in 1821. 

We suppose it must be kept in the greenhouse or con- 



Wa becrtiy 


Ma by 

( 2498 ) 

| Reep. 

De ee ee 
Class and Order. 

Monanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

_ Anthera simplex, filamenti margini adnata. Stylus cras- 
‘sus, elaviformis. Stigma obtusum. Caps. 3-locularis. 
Sem. globosa, numerosa. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Canna edulis ; foliis lato-ovatis nitidis, vaginis marginibus 

__ foliorum cauleque coloratis, radice tuberoso. 

Canna edulis ; limbi- interioris labio summo tripartito 
erecto, laciniis ovali-oblongis retusis late unguiculatis, 
media plurimum breviore ; labello lineari-oblongo 
recurvato retuso ; caule punicante. Bot. Reg. n. 775. 

Canna indica; foliis ovato-oblongis, laciniis corolla subx- 
qualibus. Ruiz et Pavon, Fl. Peruy 1. p. i. 



Descr. Stem of the specimen from which our drawing 
Was made, rounded, and a little flattened, purple, between 
and four feet high, clothed with leaves all the way, 

of which the lower ones were sixteen inches long, and 
‘even wide, bright shining green on the upper surface ; the 
Margins and sheaths, as well as the stem, purple. Pedun- 
cle in our specimen, scarcely emerging from the upper leaf, 
few-flowered. Germen oval, tuberculated, with two small 
Concave bractes at the base. Calyx superior, three-leaved, 
about the length of the germen. Three outer lacinie of 
the corolla erect, equal, acute, purplish scarlet, three 
mner ones, as usual, variable in size and position, of a 
bright scarlet colour. The nectarium of Linnaus, the 
'pper lip of which bears the anther on its margin, and 

the filament of later authors, is revolute and tinged strongly 
with yellow, as is also the lower lip, now generally called 
the labellum. | . 

This very fine species of Canna, was raised by Mr. Lam- 
bert, at Boyton, from seeds gathered in Peru, near thirty 
years before they were sown. Pavon’s own specimen of 
Canna indica, now in the Lambertian Herbarium, proves 
it to be this species, and not the indica of Linnavs, from 
which, fated: its tuberous ‘esculent roots are alone suffi- 
cient to distinguish it. 

The variable size and position of the inner laciniz of 
the Corolla, together with the petal-like filament and la- 
bellum, often so confuse the different parts of the flower 
in many of the species, that hardly any figure shows the 
whole distinctly ; on this account we have given a rough 
sketch of one of the flowers of this species in whieh all the 
parts are brought into view, and distinguished by letters of 
reference, as under. 

a. a. Two of the outer laciniz ; the third being behind is out of sight. 
b. The largest of the inner laciniz, in this flower, quite erect. 
c. A similar laciniz, facing the former, and revolute. | 
ad. The third lacinia, in this instance, very little exceeding in size one of | 
__. the outer laciniz, but of the same scarlet colour with the others. — 
e. The filament or upper lip of the nectarium, revolute at the point and 
_._ bearing on its margin. ~ ; 
f. Theé anther, which in this stage is become effete, the pollen being dis- 
charged before the flower expands. Bk D 
s- The obtuse ensiform style: 
. The labellum, or lower lip of the nectarium, likewise revolute. 

These two parts (e and h) are always opposed to each other and 
embrace thé style (g), the point of which for some way down 1s_ 
generally covered with adhering pollen, 

i. The calyx. 
k. The germen, 
a The bractes. ; 

Wedaal fe 

Fuly 1 18% 

artis Wabword: 

Pabiby JS. 

( 2499 ) 


eokeokeokeokeokeskeokeokeokeok kesh okcak ok ofak 
Class and Order. 

OctanpriA Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

' Cor. infera, 1-petala, 8-fida, equalis. Anthere fundo 
tubi sessiles, biloculares, introrsum dehiscentes. Stigma 
clypeatum, carnosum, magnum, faucem corolle operiens. 
Germen 4-loculare, loculis 1-spermis. 

Specific Name. 
Aspisrra lurida. Bot. Reg. 628. 

.Rozert Brown has suggested, that there exists some 
nity between this plant with Twupistra (vide supra 
0. 1655), as established by Mr. Ker, whose generi¢ 

fe ree stigma, filling the faux of the corolla, which is, 
Snes egister, not unaptly compared to a mushroom in 
limature. i ee gS 
Jur drawing was taken in Mr. Coxvitie’s stove in the 
King’s Road, in March last ; but we could obtain no certain 
formation of the country from whence it came. 

NX 2500. 



Bib. by S Getic Walerrth Jub Li: 

‘(2500 +) , 
Class and Order. 

Dranpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

— Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. 2-labiata, ecalcarata : labio su- 
-Periore breviore integro ; inferiore 3-lobato, barbato. Stam. 
sub labio superiore adpressa, conniventia. Caps. 2-locu- 

_laris, supera. 

Specific Name and Synonyms. 

Wutrenia carinthiaca. Jacg. Misc. 2. p. 62. t. 8. f.1.— 
{con. rar.1. t.2. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. p.78.—Enum. Hort. 
Berol. p. 24. : : 

ULFENIA carinthiaca ; caule nudo, foliis crenatis. Smith 
in Trans: Lin. Soc. 6. p. 96. Vahl Enum. 1. p. 87. 
Schrad. Fl. Germ.1. p. 47. : 

Peprrora nudicaulis ; foliis radicalibus oblongis obtusis, 

- Spica secunda, caule nudo. Lam. Ill. 1. p. 48. t. 13. 
Sf 2.—Encycl. 4. p. 693. 


The learned President of the Linnean Society, in the 
sixth volume of the Society’s Transactions, has united 
éderota to this genus, with the exception of the Cape 
species, and the characters of the two seem to us to be but 
little different ; but neither Witipenow, ScHRADER, nor 
Rozmer and Scuutres have adopted this change. Wot- 
FENIA, therefore, continues still to consist of a solitary 
"age It belongs to the natural order of Scrophularine, 
€ Personate of Linnavs. : 
_ Native of the loftiest Carinthian Alps, growing in a very 
Neh soil. Appears to be rare even where indigenous, and 
not occur in the last edition of the Hortus Kewensis. 
, A hardy 

A hardy perennial, not annual, though it has been fre- 
quently noted as such. 

Our drawing was taken from a plant communicated by 
A. B. Lamsert, Esq. from his cdilection at Boyton, where 
it flowered in May last. 

. GuAVA. “a 
Class and Order. | 

Icosanpria Monoeynis. 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus. Petala 5. Stamina per totam tubi 
‘calycis parietem inordinatim inserta. Ovar. 3-loculare ; 
loculis placenta septiformi ad marginem fissa, utrinque 
‘Tellexa, “bipartitis ; ovula plurima, horizontalia, margini 
‘placentz inserta. Stigma capitatum. Bacca calyce coro- 
lala, polysperma. Testa ossea. Embryo hippocrepicus : 
Cotyledonibus quam radicula multoties brevioribus. Lixp- 
‘ly. Guaiava. Garr. — 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Pstprum cattleianum ; ramis teretibus, foliis obovatis tio- 
latis coriaceis glaberrimis, floribus solitariis. 

Collect. Bot. 16. Bot. Reg. 622. : 

fsiptum cattleianum. Sabine in Trans. Hortic. Soc. 4. 
. _p. S45: & FT 


The specimen of this fine fruit, from which our drawing 
Was aie was sent us by our lamented friend, the late 
Joun Warxer, Esq. It was originally introduced into 
this country from China, about the year 1817, by Mr. 
Rooxgs, of the Ball’s Pond nursery. ‘The fruit is said to 
‘Xceed in flavour that of any of the known species of 
Guava, several of which are cultivated both in the East 
me West Indies, and from oe or more of these the well 
“town Guava jelly is prepared. _ Pec, 
rhe first pose 4 we haneor this handsome tree is from 
Wittiam Carrizy, Esq. in the fourth volume of the Trans- 
Actions of the Horticultural Society. In this gentleman’s 
, conservatory 

conservatory at Barnet two crops of fruit were produced 
from one tree in the same year; a fine figure of a fruit- 
bearing branch, from the pencil of Mr. Hooker, is added, 
and also some remarks by the Society’s very zealous secre- 
tary, who applied the name of Catilecanum to it. An illus- 
tration of the botanical character of the genus, as well as 
of this particular species, may be seen in Linp.ey’s Collec- 
tanea Botanica above quoted, together with‘a fine figure 
of a flowering branch and separate fruit. 

The flower is very little larger than that of the common 
broad-leaved myrtle, which it is not unlike. The fruit 
contains a juicy pulp, sweet, with some acidity. In the 
one we tasted, perhaps from being too ripe, we could not 
discover the delicious flavour described by Mr. Linvtey. 

May be propagated by cuttings, and these, with good 
ais, Sie Mr. Carttey observes, may be brought into 
fruit the second year. It seems to be a fast grower, Mr. 
Carttey’s plant, when purchased, being only twelve inches 
high, had, in two years, attained the height of three yards. 



Pubby S thetic Madera didy Lie 

(| 2502) 

| SAncopHYLLUM cARNosuM. Capr Sarco- 

| Class and Order. 

Diapeteu1A Decanpria. 

Generic Character. 

— Cal. campanulatus, 5-partitus regularis. Legumen aci- 
; haciforme, acutum. 'THuns. 

| Specific Name and Synonym. 
“Sarcopnyzium carnosum. Thunb. Prodr. p. 125.—Nov. 

Genera. p. 135. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 969. Persoon. 
Syn. 2. p. 283. Lam. Encyel: 6. p. 542. 

et Cees 

Descr. A small shrub, with long curved branches. 
- Leaves chiefly at the extremities of the branches, growing 
In fascicles, curved, fleshy, linear, cylindrical, with a joint 
alittle above the middle. Flowers lateral, distinct, but 
collected together near the extremities of the branches 
lnder the leaves, without bractes, peduncled. Calyx 
—‘ampanulate, smooth, five-toothed; two upper teeth very 
-“lyaricate ; three lower ones somewhat the longest, acute. 
Corolla papilionaceous: Vexillum nearly round, concave, 
Streaked, quite entire, with a short recurved claw. Ale 
Shorter than the vexillum, applied close to, and nearly con- 
-Cealing the Carina, which is somewhat longer. Stamens 
_lonadelphous : filaments all united more than half way, 
. free above; alternate ones shorter, with oblong anthers, 
Which on the longer filaments are round. Germen linear, 
“little curved. Style ascending : stigma capitate, pubes- 
cent, small ; ovules many. 

Native of the mountains of the Cape of Good Hope, 
pricre it is said to flower in March. Raised from Cape 
Seeds ‘at the Fulham nursery, and communicated us m 


flower, by Messrs. Wuittey, Brame, and Mixnz, in June 

_ We received this plant under the name we have adopted, 
but after attentively considering THunsere’s description 
of his Sarcopuyttum carnosum, iti his nova genera plan- | 
tarum, we cannot but entertain some doubts whether we 
have done right in referring it to that genus... 

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i alweo th. Ax» a 28% 
Pub by. £ Curtir We rr 
7, trerten. 


. foi RMD oy | 
Astrap@a Watucun.  Watzicn’s Ass 
TRAP EA. an | 
Class and Orders... ¢o)6 oo ana 

MonapetpuiA Poryanpria. 

Generic Character. 

_ Flores umbellati involucrati. Involucrum (polyphyllum, 

Inequale). Cal. simplex, 5-phyllus, 1-bracteatus. Petala 

5, convoluto-clausa. Stam. 25-in tubo corollifero connata, 

uorum 5 sterilia. Germen 5-loculare, oligospermum. 
lus 1. Stigmata 5. Lanpxey. 

Specific Name and Synonyms. 

-Asmrarma Wallichii. Lindl. Collect. Bot. 14. Bot. Reg. 
691. De Cand. Prodr. Syst. Nat. 1. p. 500, 


_ This very beautiful plant, said to grow to a large tree, 
but whigh Rowerl in our stoves at the moderate height of 
afew feet, belongs to the natural order of Malvacee of 
Jussieu; and to the division proposed by Mr. Roserr 
Brown, in the Appendix to Firxpzr’s Voyage: to be sepa- 

rated into a distinct order, under the name o jacee. 
This separation has been adopted by De Canpoxxz in his 

Prodromus, who has inserted Astrara in his fifth division | 
or tribe of the order, the Dombeyacee. 

This fine plant was introduced into Kew Garden from 
Calcutta, by Dr. Waxzicn ; : but its — oo try is not 
positively ascertained, though supposed to be Madagascar, 
from be oer is though that it was brought to the 
Mauritius, and thence to Calcutta. — 

Our drawing was taken at the garden of the Horticultural 
Society at Chiswick, in June last, from a plant presented 
fo the Society in 1823, by Witiiam Townsenp it 

— from his re collection. We saw it in flower 
at the same time, at Mr. Convixte’s nursery in the King’s 

Not having had any opportunity of examining the fruc- 
tification of this plant ourselves, we must refer to Mr. 
LanDLey’s account of it in his Collectanea Botanica, as we 
are not in the habit of copying the descriptions of other 
writers, when we have not had it in our power to make 
our own observations. 

" GerbicDel 

Bib byL Gerts Wadmortl Aug 21876. 


(2504) hs 
-Ermnus  Lycantpea. Patox-.ike Erinvs. 
| “SSS epninik 
| Class and Order. 

Generic Character. 

" wOal.. 5-partitus. . Gor...limbus:-6-fidus;.iequalis > -lobis 
emarginatis. Caps. bipartibilis, polysperma. 

» Specific’ Character and Synonyms. 

Erinus Lychnidea; foliis lineari-oblongis obtusis subden- 
ad oppositis; bracteis alternis, limbi laciniis semi-_ 
ifidis. IES ’ 
- Erius Lychnidea ; foliis lanceolatis serratis, corolle tubo 
| ges limbi laciniis semibifidis. Lindl. in Bot. 
eg. 748. 
Ermus Lychnidea. Willd. Sp: Pl. 3. p. 333. Lin. Suppl: 
287. Persoon Syn. 2. p. 147. 
Erinus capensis ; floribus spicatis, foliis linearibus den- 
tatis. Lin. Mant. 252. : 
Erinus lychnideus ; foliis lanceolatis glabris apice serratis, 
caule herbaceo. Thunb. Prodr. 102 ? ; 
Lycunipea villosa, foliis ex alis floriferis florum petalis 
cordatis. Burm. Afric. 138. t.50. fil? _ 
Evpnrasia AEthio ica, Drab foliis, summis oris floscu- 
lorum altius divisis. Pluk. Mant. p. 73? 


Descr. Stem rounded, branched: branches assurgent. 
es opposite, sessile, linear-lanceolate, obtuse, with two 

or three teeth near the point. Flowers in a terminal spike. 
‘actes, or floral leaves, alternate, sessile, like the cauline 
leaves, but with a broader base. Calyx sessile in the axil 
of the Bracte, five-cleft: segments linear, erect, nearly as 
g as the bracte. Tube of corolla slender, three times 
the length of the calyx, dull purple in the middle, and 
: greenish 

ish at both extremities, villous: Zimbd four times 
shorter than the tube, five-cleft ; lacinie bifid more than 
half-way down, dark purple on the outside, and pare white 
within: faux bearded, stamens four: two of the anthers 
concealed within the tube, and two et appearing at its 
mouth. Germen superior, two-celled? ovula many, in- 
serted into a central receptacle. Style filiform, the length 
of the tube. Stigma simple. e flowers are closed 
during the day, but expand after sun-set, and are then 
very fragrant. 

Phere is much difficulty in applying with certainty the 
synonyms of this species; those quoted by us from Burman 
and Piuxener are generally referred to africanus, but ap- 
pear to us to belong to our present subject. The Erinus 
gece of Lamarex’s Encyclopedia is the fragrans of 

ortus Kewensis. Linnzus having described capensis as" 
having a yellow flower, alone throws any doubt upon that 
synonym, and if may vary in this respect, as fragrans is 
said to do. 

For this very beautiful plant we are indebted to Mr. | 
ALEXANDER CuTHBERT, sy ase to the late Lady Wake 
of Pheasant Grove, Chiselhurst, who communicated the 
specimens from which our drawing and description were 
taken, in September 1823. A greenhouse plant. Native 
of the Cape of Good Hope, Bebe aul 

° oo 
_ Ixora Barpata. Bearpep Ixora. 
Class and Order. 
TerranpriA Monoeynia. | 
Generic Character. 

i. Cor. 1-petala, infundibuliformis, longa, stipera. Staining 
ipra faucem. Bacca 4-sperma (2-sperma. Roxb ) 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Ixora barbata; foliis oppositis oblongo-ovatis breviter pe- 

 tiolatis, panicula terminali trichotoma laxa, corolle 

tubo longissimo, fauce barbata. 

Ixora barbata ; tubo corolle longo ; fauce barbata, foliis 
itis breviter petiolatis oblongis integris levibus 

nitidis ; floralibus rotundis cordatis sessilibus. Roxd. 

Flor. Ind. 1. p. 394. 

Bem-Scnerm. Hort. Malab. 2. t. 14? 


Descr. Flowers white, in terminal panicles, always 
ttichotomously divided ; the terminal flower of the last 
division sessile, the two lateral ones peduncled. Bractes 
oe] minute, opposite, two at each division of the panicle, 
4nd two at the base of the germen. Pedicels dull purple. 

globular, inferior, two-celled; segments of the 
calyx four, minute, applied close to the tube of the corolla. 

Tube exceeding an inch in length. Limb four-cleft : lact- 
me oval, obtuse, spreading, finally reflexed. Anthers 
Sessile in the bearded faux, spreading, alternate with the 

i@, acute, before they burst of a yellow colour, with 
atransparent apex. Style erect, longer than the tube, at 
frst club-shaped, afterwards bifid. ee 

Roxguren describes the leaves as oblong, from six to 
tine inches long, and the floral leaves as round, sessile, and 
embracing the base of the panicle. 

Dr. Waxuicn remarks, that this shrub must not be con- 

founded with the Paverra: barbata of Smiru, in ReExs’s 
Cyclopedia. : 

Dr. Roxsureu never met with this species out. of the 
botanic garden at Calcutta. Requires to be kept in the 
stove. Drawn at the Horticultural Society’s garden, in 

Ixora barbata was sent from the botanic garden at 
Calcutta, under that name, by Mr. Joun Ports, a very 
meritorious collector, in the service of the Society; but 
who unfortunately: fell a victim to consumption, on his 
return from his mission to the East Indies and China, in 



— es 

N 2506. 

F hoertis. Ded Bab by S Gort Waloror tn, Asay 21624. 

| (° 2506") 

Class and Order. 

»  Dipynamia Anciospermia. 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-fidus. Caps. 2-locularis, mucronata, obliqua: 
Sem. tunicata.~ ' pe? nr Mee 

Specific Character and Synonyms. ee 

-Pepicutaris canadensis ; caule simplici, foliis pinnatifidis 
inciso-dentatis, capitulo basi folioso hirsuto, corollis 
galea setaceo-bidentata. Pursh. Flor. Amer. Sept. 2. 
p. 425. Sweet Flower Garden, 67. ‘ : 

Pepicutaris canadensis ; caule simplici, spica subfoliosa, 
corollis galea setaceo-bidentata, calycibus deorsum 
truncatis. Lin. Mant. 8. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 211. 

_. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 4. p. 4. ce : 

Pepicutaris canadensis; caule simplici debili, capitulo 
basi frondoso, calycibus deorsum truncatis. Michaux 
Fl. Amer. Boreal. 2. p. 18. 


_ Descr. Stem simple, assurgent, pubescent. Radical 
leaves lanceolate, pinnatifid: pinne doubly incised-dentate, 
petioled, hairy on the underside, especially along the 
nerves: cauline leaves petioled, sub-opposite, pinnatifid, 
dentate. Flowers in a terminal oval capitulum, with leaf- 
like Bractes at the base and intermixed, upper ones quite 
entire. Calyx inflated, angular, hairy at the angles, with 
an oblique quite entire opening, giving the appearance 
of a one-lipped calyx. Tube of the Corolla straight, lon- 
el than the calyx ; upper-lip or galea falcate, with two 
‘bristle-like teeth at the lower edge ; lower-lip three-lobed : 

lobes rounded, hollowed underneath. Capsule (unripe) 

conical, a little curved, mucronate. : Stamens the length. 
of the tube of the corolla: anthers incumbent, included, 

Sighs projecting beyond the eorella ; stigme capitate, 
sm | 

Katm, in the Mantissa, deseribes the leaves as alternate; 
but, in the two specimens from North America, preserved 
in the Banksian Herbarium, one from Canada, the other 
from the neighbourhood of New York, the leaves are op- 
posite as in our figure, or very nearly so; but, as the inser-- 
tion of the petioles is not always exactly opposite, they 
may occasionally become alternate. This author also de-— 
scribes the flowers as white; but Pursu as yellowish white, 
with a tinge of purple. 

Our drawing was taken at the garden of the Horticul- 
tural Society, the latter end of April, in the present year, 
1824. “The plant was purchased for the Society by Mr. 
Prince of Long Island, New York, under the name of 
Pepicunaris gladiata, and brought-home by Mr. Davin 
Dovetas, one of the collectors, who went to North Ame-- 
pee in 1823, and returned this year with his collection of 

, n — 
e A hardy perennial. Native of woods and meadows, from 
Canada to Carolina. : 

Wedd / 2 
Pub. by Gorter ‘Walworth Arg 21 éi4. 

( 9507.) 

Class and Order. 

Ocranpria Monoeynta. 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 4-partitus, coloratus, corollifer. Cor. 4-petala. 
Bacca infera, 4-locularis, polysperma. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. | 

Fucusia decussata ; pedunculis axillaribus uniftoris, foliis 
ternis oppositisque lanceolatis obsolete denticulatis. 
Flor. Perwo. 3. p. 88. t. 123. f. B. Pers. Syn: 1. 
p. 411. Poirét Encycl. Suppl. 2. p. 679. 


 Descr. Shrub. Stem brown, scarred, round, swollen 
at the origin of the branches; branches decussating, fre-. 
quently three together, drooping, younger shoots red, very 
‘lightly pubescent. Leaves opposite, or in threes, Jan- 
ceolate, acuminate, toothed, soft, bright green, very slight- 
ly pubescent above, shining and paler below, petioled, 
Yeined, middle rib furrowed above, prominent, and round 
below, red; veins curved, nearly undivided; petiole shorter 
than the leaf, furrowed above, round below, red. Stipules 
ral, two at the base of each leaf, small, pointed. Flow- 

ers three, in a whorl, drooping ; peduncles equal in length 
to the calyx, filiform, red. Calyx bright red, every where 
Very slightly pubescent, except on the inside of the seg- 
ments of the limb, four-cleft: segments pointed, moderately 
reading, converging slightly at the points, each having 
ree obscure ribs; tube almost cylindrical, but bulging 
slightly near the germen, half as long as the limb. Petals » 
four, obovate, and bluntly pointed, inserted into the faux 

of the calyx, at first, rich purple, afterwards much a 

red, and paler; claws and central rib more red than the 
rest of the petal; veins indistinct, undivided, curved; the 
petals are sometimes flat, and sometimes convolute. Sta- 
mens eight, inserted into the faux of the calyx within the 
petals ; anthers small, incumbent, bilocular ; pollen pale 
yellow ; filaments bright red, longer than the calyx, un- 
equal, shining.. Pistil one; germen. inferior, nearly cy-) 
lindrical, four celled, dull purplish red; seeds obovate, 
very numerous, attached to the central column: Style 
filiform, slightly pubescent, projecting beyond the anthers, 
the same beautiful colour as the filaments and calyx, swell- 
ing near the stigma, which is of a dull purple colour, four- 
pointed, with an opening between the points. Nectaries’ 
eight, green glands in the bottom of the calyx tube. 

The above description was taken by Professor Granam, 
from a plant that flowered in the botanic garden at Edin- 
burgh, in June 1824; and the drawing was made by Dr. 
GREVILLE, at the same time. “eet | 

Raised from seeds sent from Chili, in 1822, by Mr. 
Cruixsnangs, through Francis Puace, Esq. — 4 

Hitherto the plants have been kept in the greenliouse ; 
but some are now planted in the open air and’are expected 
to prove as hardy as the Fucusia coccinea: ! 








Pub byS.Coertis: Wadwrertin. Arg, 218 28. 

J hartis Del 



( 2508 ) 

_ARUM BULBIFERUM. Buipe-pearine Arvum. 

- Class and Order. 

Monazcta Poxyanpria. 

Generic Character. 

__ Spatha monophylla, cucullata. Spadix supra nudus, 
inferne femineus, medio stamineus. } 

Specific Character. 

Arum bulbiferum ; acaulis, radice tuberosa, foliis decom- 
positis bulbiferis ; spatha cucullata spadice cylindracee 
parum longiore. Roxb. Flor. Ind. inedit. ex anglico. 

This magnificent species of Arum, of which we believe 
no figure has been hitherto published, was communicated 
to us in flower by Mr. Brooke of Ball’s Pond, Islington, in 
May 1820, at which time it showed no appearance of 
foliage, nor had we an opportunity of adding this to our 
drawing till March, in the present year, 1824. 

The flower was drawn of its natural size, but the leaf, 
which was nearly three feet high, and spread over an area 
of several square feet, was from necessity extremely dimi- 
nished. Bulbs are formed always at the primary, and. 
sometimes at all the divisions of the leaf, from whence the 
specific name was derived. 

Native of Bengal, where it flowers in the wet season, 
and is called by the natives, Umber Bale. Requires to be 
kept in the stove. 

N 2509. 


Wadd edd Se 

( 2509 ) 
AZALEA INDICA. var. 8. PLENA. Dove.e 
Class and Order. 

PentanpriA Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

Cal. minimus, 5-partitus, inequalis. Cor. infundibuli- 
formis, quinquefida, inequalis. Stam. sub pistillo inserta : 
Jilamenta declinata, exserta: anthere poro gemino oper- 
cilato supra dehiscentes. Stylus exsertus, declinatus. 
Caps. 5-locularis. | 

Specific Character. 

| Azatea indica; floribus subsolitariis pentandris decandrisve 
- ealycibus pilosis. Supra No. 1480, ubi synonyma 
_-petenda. eS Se 

8. plena. flore incarnato pleno, foliis minoribus pilosis. 


Descr. Of the numerous varieties of this beautiful shrub 
tecorded by Kempfer, as occurring in Japan, only one is 
mentioned as being double, and that only with two 
one within another. In the one here represented, the Sta- 
mens were all obliterated, being converted into petals. 

The flowers are more numerous than in the variety before 
given, but rather smaller, the leaves are smaller and more 
ic, It seems to be one of those which, when full grown, 
are described as appearing entirely covered at the upper. 
Part with blossoms. : - 

_So much attention has been of late paid to the importa- 
lion of curious plants from China, that we can hardly fail 
of receiving more of the varieties of this beautiful shrub 
‘om that country, and when once imported they are not 
lifficult to propagate by layers. 

Communicated in March last by Mr. Brooxrs, who im- 

thes it from China in the year 1819, in the Lady Melville 

l oars Deal. 

Pub by f Cesrtis Walworth Sop 11 824- 


( 2510) 



Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

Cor. 6-petala, erecta, persistens, supra medium paten s. 
ager basi dilatata. go 3-locularis. Sem. subro- 
a, nuda. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. — 

OnniTHoGALum narbonense ; foliis linearibus scapo dimidio 
brevioribus, racemo elongato, filamentis equalibus, 

| petalis alternis tridentatis pedunculisque patentissimis. 

OnnitHocatum narbonense ; racemo oblongo, filamentis 
lanceolatis membranaceis, pedunculis floribusque pa- 
tentibus. Lin. Sp. Pl. 440. Willd. 2. p. 118. Per- 
soon Syn. A p- 364. : 

OGALUM narbonense ; racemo longissimo, genitalibus 

equalibus, petalis lanceolatis, foliis linearibus planis. 
Flor. Taur.-Caucas. 1. p. 276. 456 

OkNITHOGALUM majus spicatum flore albo. Bauh. Pin. 70. 

Orniraocgatum narbonense. Dod. Pempt. 222. De Cand. 
Flore franc. 3. p 216. 

Ornrraocatum majus II. Clus. Hist. p. 187. quoad de- 
scriptionem, byzantinum verd quoad iconem, que 
eadem ac Dodonzi. 


Descr. Leaves linear, in our plant channelled, (not 
Plain as described in the Flora Taurico-Caucasica) wither- 
ig at the point. Scape roundish, erect, pale green, twice 

length of the leaves, bearing many flowers, sometimes 
'p to a hundred. Bractes lanceolate, small, five times 
orter than the peduncle. Peduncles very patent but be- 


coming erect as the fruit ripens, one-flowered. Corolla 
divided to the base into six segments or petals, which are 
very patent, white within, with a green stripe along the 
mid-rib on the outside ; alternate ones three-toothed at the 
tip. Filaments erect, widening at the base, accuminate, 
of equal length, shorter by half than the petals: Anthers 
oval, versatile: pollen yellow. _Germen obtuscly three- 
cornered, yellow. ag shorter than the stamens, truncate. 
By some authors this species has been considered to be 
a variety of pyrenaicum, from which it especially differs 
in its humbler growth; in having longer peduncles; no 
yellow colour in the flower ; style shorter than the stamens; 
bractes a fifth part, instead of half the length of the pedun- 
cles. From stachyodes it differs in having all the stamens 
of equal length. 
__Native of the south of France. Communicated by Mr. 
Anperson, from the Chelsea garden in July 1821, who 
received it from Russia, by favour of our friend Dr. FiscHer. 

N 2501. 

weld Si 
Thertic Dod Pub. by. 5. Curtis Watworth San] 1226. 

( 2511°)> 

Betis sytvestris. Large Porrucar’ 
! Daisy. | sf 


Syncenesta Ponyeamia Surerrwva. 
Generic Character. 

Receptaculum nudum, conicum. Pappus 0. Calyx he- 
Iisphericus: squamis equalibus. Sem. obovata. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Betis sylvestris ; scapo nudo unifloro, foliis obovatis cre- 
nulatis subtriplinerviis, seminibus hispidis. 

Betis sylvestris ; scapo nudo unifloro, foliis obovatis cre- 
natis trinerviis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 2122. Hort. 
Kew. ed. alt. 3. p. 86. Persoon Syn. 2. p. 459. 

Betis sylvestris; scapo nudo, foliis ovato-oblongis cre- 
natis trinerviis. Cyrilli Neap. 2. p. 12. t. 4. 

Whether this plant be really different from Arnica 
Bellidiastrum seems not quite certain; both, however, 
‘are recorded as distinct in the Hortus Kewensis, as well 
as by Wittpenow and Prrsoon. The specimens of each, 
which we have examined, are extremely similar, yet in 
the Arnica we find so long a pappus crowning. the 
germen as to appear quite evident amidst the florets ; 
whereas, in our present plant, the germen is covered with 
short bristles, which project but little beyond the seed, and 
do not form a true pappus. There can be very little doubt 
but that Bexais sylvestris is Properly united to the genus 
Betus, whether it be really distinct from the Bellidiastrum 
of Micuexi or not; but we cannot agree with M. Poirét 
(Encycl. Bot. Suppl. 4. p. 298,) in considering it as a mere 
Variety of Bexurs perennis, from which it differs not only in 
size, but in the proportion of the radius and cals the 

former in this plant being barely one-third longer than the 
latter, which in 8. perennis is twice as long. The com- 
pressed bristly seeds too are quite different from the smooth 
ones of the common daisy. — q 

A tolerably hardy perennial. Native of Portugal and 
Italy, growing chiefly in woods and under shady hedges. 
Flowers in the spring. Is propagated. by dividing its roots, 
as it seldom perfects its seeds here: Communicated by 
Mr. Anperson from the Chelsea garden, in May 1820. 



Babb S tote Walworth Smlle24 

( 2512 ) 

Coreopsis TincTortA. ARKANSA Co- 

Class and Order. 

- SYNGENESIA Potyoause Frustranea. 
Generic Character. 

Recept. aleaceum. Sem. compressa emarginata. Pap- 
pus bicornis. Cal. duplex uterque polyphyllus. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Corgopsis tinctoria; foliis oppositis; inferioribus pinnatis 
linearibus ; superioribus trifidis, calyce exteriore di- 

) midio breviore, radio basi maculato, disco discolore. 

Coreopsis tinctoria. Barton Flora of North-Amer. 2. 

t. 45. 

Descr. Root annual. Stem upright, very slender, and 
thence apt to be variously distorted ; fluted, trichotomously 
divided. Lower leaves, which fall off as the plant advances, 
opposite, odd-pinnate, with the leaflets in three or four 
distant pairs, linear, some of them irregularly divided, 
terminal one longer, and somewhat broader than the rest, 
higher up the leaves, have one pair of leaflets at the base, 
and three at the extremity, and the upper ones are simply 
ttifid, sometimes with bundles of young leaves in the axils. 
Peduncles terminal, nearly naked, one-flowered. Outer 
calyx spreading, not half the length of the inner, which 
'S upright, scariose. Radius about eight-petaled: petals 
wedge-shaped, for the most part three-toothed at the point, 
the middle tooth generally the longest, and often notched ; 
but sometimes the petal is as it were truncated, with several 
unequal teeth; colour a golden yellow, with a dark crimson 


spot at the base. Disk black-purple ; but the styles and 
stigma being yellow and exserted, occasion the outer rim, 
when the florets are expanded, to appear yellow. The 
palee are linear, and equal the floret in length. Seeds 
small, compressed, black, curved, naked. ; 

This species has a near affinity to tenuifolia ; from which, 
however, it is readily distinguished by its slender distorted 
stems; its outer calyx being barely half the length of, in- 
stead of equal to, the inner; and above all by the dark 
crimson base of the petals. j 

Native. of the whole of the Arkansa territory, as far as 
the Red River, North America, where it was discovered 
by Professor Nurraui, during his travels in that country, 
and an account of it transmitted to Professor Barron. It 
is of late introduction, and generally treated as a tender 
annual. Flowers the greater part of the summer. Com- 
municated by Mr. Anperson from the Chelsea garden, in 
September 1823, at which time our drawing was taken. 
We also received fine specimens in July last, from the 
botanic garden at Bury St. Edmunds. 

N 2513 

Ward a= 


( 2513 ) 

Monarpba RussELIANA. DotrreD-FLOWERED 

Class and Order. 

Dianpr1a Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

_ Cal. tubulosus dentatus. Cor. ringens: labio superiore 
lineari, filamenta involvente. Semina. 4. . 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Monarva Russeliana ; caule acutangulo bisulcato, foliis 
ovatis acuminatis basi rotundatis ; inferioribus ser- 
ratis, labio inferiore revoluto guttato. 


_ Descr. Stem erect, acute-angled with two deep grooves, 
‘smooth. eaves ovate, acuminate, rounded at the base, 
lower ones serrate, upper ones quite entire, roughish, on 
Very short incurved petioles. Flowers capitate. Involu- 
¢rum consisting of six bractes, ovate-acuminate, longer 
than the calyx, ciliate, pale-flesh-coloured on the upper 
surface and green on the lower. Tube of Calyx curved. 
striate, with five-toothed border: teeth subulate, ciliate. 
Corolla ringent: upper-lip very narrow, a little dilated up- 
wards, entire or minutely emarginate: lower-lip much 
Wider, revolute, obsoletely three-toothed, white, with dis- 
inet crimson dots. —— 

This very handsome and distinct species of Monarpa 
Was communicated by Rosert Barctay, Esq. of Bury Hill, 
in June last. We are informed by Mr. Davin Cameron, 
lhe head gardener, that it was flowered in the greenhouse, 
or though sufficiently hardy to bear our winters in the 
pen ground, it will not in this situation blossom till late 
n the autumn. Native of North America. Raised from 
eeds received from Professor Nurraty, under the name 

ve have adopted. | 


( 2514 ) 


Class and Order. 

Dopecanpria TRIGYNIA. 

Generic Character. 

_ Cor. 4-s. 5-petala, calyci insidens. Cal. 1-phyllus, ven- 
tricosus.. Caps. tricocea. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

EurHorsia carinata; fruticosa, corollis calceoliformibus, 
foliis ellipticis subtus acutissime carinatis. 
CezPmparia carinata ; foliis ovatis acuminatis supra obso-. 
| lete venosis subtus costa profunde carinata: carina 
 ‘mninute — exasperatis. Haworth Pl. Succ. 
_ Suppl. p. 67. : 
Evrnorera cisiatn. Donn Hort. Cantab. ed. 9. p. 155. 
Evpuorsia canaliculata. Lodd. Cab. 727. 


__ The chief account we have found of this rare plant is in 
Hawortn’s Supplement to his history of succulent plants. 
At the time of this publication, in 1819, it does not seem 
tohave flowered in this country, the author having only 
Seen a small plant of it at the Fulham nursery. The 
flowers are very like those of E. Tithymaloides, but the 
leaves are remarkable for a sharp broad keel along the 
midrib on the underside, which in. the younger leaves is 
Undulated, but in the older ones quite plain, and sharp 
edged. Mr. Haworrn, from the slipper-sh corolla, 
has raised the section to which this species belongs into 
4 genus, under the name of Crermaria, as has been before 
done by Neckar, under the name of PepILanTuus. 

Native of Trinidad. Requires to be kept in the stove. 
Communicated by Messrs. Waittzy, Brames, and Mize, 
in May last. 


. Bis by L. Garis, Walworth Sop T1814 Widest 

. ( 2515) 

Class and Order. 

Monapetpuia PoiyanpRiA. 
Generic Character. 

_ Cal. duplex : exterior 3-phyllus. Caps. plurime mono- 
Sperme v. disperme. 

Specifie Character and Synonyms. — 

Matva prostrata; foliis. palmato-quinque-lobatis inciso- 
dentatis, pedicellis solitariis petiolo longioribus, fructu 
glabro, petalis integris. De Cand Prodr. p. 436. Cav. 
Diss. 2. t. 16. f. 3. ee 


 Descr. Stem prostrate, hairy: branches divaricate, 
flexuose. Stipules semi-ovate, two at the base of each 
petiole. Lower leaves round, kidney-shaped, crenate : 
Upper leaves palmately divided into five wedge-shaped 
ents, incised towards the point. Peduncles axill 
solitary, one-flowered, when seed-bearing considerably 
longer than the petiole. Outer calyx consists of three 
subulate leaflets: inner calyx five-cleft, leaflets ovate. 
Petals suborbiculate, scarcely longer than the calyx, 
quite entire. Capsules many, two seeded, nearly smooth, 
two-awned : awns short, subulate. 

In Professor De Canpo.te’s elaborate account of the. 
natural family of Malvacee, he has divided the genus 
‘arpa into four sections, to the last of — our = 
Delongs. This section is formed into a separate genus by 
Mexcu, under the name of Moprota, adopted by De Can- 
POLLE as the name of the section, with a question, whether 
it ought not to be considered as a distinct genus. PE 

Native of South America, particularly by the way side 
in the neighbourhood of Monte-Video. Our plant was 
raised from seeds sent us from Brazil by Mr. Frepericx 
Sextto, in the garden of our late friend Joun Waker, 
Esq. of Arno’s Grove, and flowered in May. | 

Pub. byt Gurtis- Wabwrarthe fop- 1 1321 - 


Wad dats 

( 2516 ) 
OPHRYS ARACHNITES. Buiack-Spiper Opneys. 

Class and Order. : 

Gynanpria Monanpria. 

Generic Character. 

_ Cor. subpatens. _Labellum ecalcaratum. Glandule pol- 

knis cucullis distinctis incluse. 
Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Opnrys Arachnites ; bulbis. subrotundis, scapo folioso, 
nectarii labiolato emarginato appendiculato. Syst. 
Veg. ed. 14. p. 813.. Host. Syn. p. 492... 

Opurys Arachnites ; caule folioso, labello villoso:trilobo : 
lobo medio obovato apice brevissime trilobo, petalis 
patentibus; tribus exterioribus oblongis obtusis, binis 
interioribus lineari-lanceolatis brevissimis. Willd. Sp. 
Pl. 4. p. 67. ° 

Opurys arachnites. De Cand. fi. frang. 6. p. 332. 

Opurys arachnoides. Bot. Repos. 470? 

Opurys insectifera. n. arachnites. Sp. Pl. 1343. 

— (fuciflora ad iconem) radicibus subrotundis, la- 

bello holosericeo emarginato appendiculato. Hall. 

Hist. n. 1266. t. 24. fig. opt. | 

Orcuis Arachnites. Scop. Chen. 2. p. 194. m. 1115. Lod. 

Pa. 2. 

Orcuis araneam referens. Bauh. Pin. 84. Vaill. Paris. 

| € 30. f 10, 11,48 2. 

Orcuis serapias secunda Dodonei. Hort. Kystt. Ord. 

fist. 4 t.5. 

Hauer, who has given a full description of this plant, 
observes that the marking and appendices on the labellum, 
as well as the colour of the petals, are subject to much 

variation. In our specimen the stem was erect, er 

half-way with sheathing, ovate-lanceolate leaves. Spike 
distant flowered ; bractes ‘lanceolate, the length of the 
slightly curved germen. Petals or Lacinie rose coloured, 
tinged with green: three outer ones ovate, concave, nearly © 
equal, but the upper one something narrowest and in-— 
curved: two inner lacinié conical, somewhat fleshy, mi-— 
nutely ciliate when examined with alens. Labellwm round, | 
with the sides reflected, hollowed underneath, velvety, | 
black-purple, with yellow marks, and three green appen- | 
dices, two towards the base, conical, villous, a third at the 
apex, incurved, emarginate, with a small acumen in the 
sinus. Column erect, incurved, mucronate, green, tinged 
with yellow, not unaptly compared to a bird’s head. 
Pollen masses yellow, edtelad. and attached to a globu-_ 
lar gelatinous gland, contained in distinct sheaths, open-_ 
ing in front. : . . 

ative of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and France. 
Communicated in June last by our friend, Mr. McLeay, | 
from the garden of Caartes Hamppen Turner, Esq. 
Rook’s-nest Park, Surry: The roots were brought by 
Mrs. Turner from Switzerland three years ago, with se-— 
veral other curious plants. 


| ( 317) 
| ALOE AFRICANA, 8. ANGusTIOR. Narrower 
Sworb-Leavep ALor. — 

Class and. Order. 
HEXANDRIA Monoeynia. 

Generie Character. 

Corolla erecta, ore patulo, fundo nectarifero. Filam. 
-Teceptaculo inserta, vk 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Ator africana ; fruticosa, foliis ensiformibus glaucis am- 
plexicaulibus,..spica_ terminali longissima, floribus 
pendulis imbricatis, staminibus exsertis.. m2 
Ator africana; foliis ensiformibus glaucis; inferioribyus 
distantibus; apicibus reflexis, dentibus marginalibus 
igneis. Haworth in Lin. Soc. Trans.7. p. 21.—Syn. 

Pl. Succ. p.76. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 2. p. 296. 

Ator perfoliata, B. africana ; foliis latioribus amplexicau- 
libus margine et dorso spinosis, floribus spicatis, caule 
fruticoso. Hort. Kew. ed. I" 1. p. 466. Mill. Dict. 
Willd. Sp. Pl 2. p. 185. 

(8.) latifolia ; foliis erecto-patulis superne parum recurvis. 

Haworth Suppl. Pl. Succ. p. 47. 
(2.) angustior ; foliis patenti-recurvantibus, fere duplo 
-angustioribus quam in var. 2. Id. 1. c. 


Descr. At the time Mr. Haworrn published his elabo- 
rate arrangement of the genus Axor in the Seventh Volume 
of the Transactions of the Linnean Society, he had never 
seen the flowers of this species, which it rarely has been 
known to produce till it has acquired a very considerable 
size ; the figures of it which have been hitherto published, 

ave, in consequence, represented the form of the plant only, 
; ; without 

without any flower, such as those quoted with doubt by 

Phytographia, which are therefore not quoted above. 


Mr. Haworrtn, from Commerin, and those in WeInmAn’s © 

Ator africana grows with an upright stout stem, marked — 
with the vestiges of fallen leaves. Leaves alternate, stem- — 

embracing, most crowded at the upper part, more or less 
recurved, sword-shaped, concave on. the upper surface, 
armed at the margins, with conical rigid teeth or spines, 
which are of a red-orange colour at their points, some of 
the leaves have also a few similar spines on the under side 
towards their extremities ; when cut, a watery moderately 
bitter juice exudes. From the extremity of the stem rises 
the scape, bearing a very long spike of greenish-yellow 
pendulous cylindrical flowers, which, as they expand, be- 
come ascendent at the point, and the orange-red coloured 
stamens and style are protruded for some distance beyond 
the corolla. 

Our drawing was taken from a specimen kindly commu- 
nicated by Mr. Tuomas Hrrcuen, ot N orwich, from his very 
extensive collection of succulent plants, in December 1823. 
Mr. Haworru suggests that the blossoms might have had 
more of a red tinge, if they had been produced later in the 

lieht.” when they could have enjoyed a greater share of 
ight, rate, 

N 2518. 

Poth doy). Georbig Welworthy Ook 1808 

( 2518 ) 


Class and Order. 

Decanpria PEnragyni. 
Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-fidus. Cor. I-petala. Squame nectarifere 5, ad 
basin germinis. Caps. 5. eo 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Cotytepon decussata ; fruticosa, foliis concinne decussatis 
subteretibus mucronatis glaucis, floribus paniculatis. 
pendulis. j 

CotyLepon papillaris ; farinoso-alba, foliis concinne decus- 

_ Satis oppositis numerosis oblongo-cuneatis teretibusve 

. vel subclavatis acutis, subhorizontalibus ; pagina su- 
periore depressa. Haworth Suppl. Pl. Succ. p. 21.— 
vix C. papillaris Thunbergii. 

Corytepon foliis angustis oppositis cum limbo purpureo, 

_ floribus pendulis. Burm. Afr. n. 54. t. 22. f. 1. 


Descr. Stem shrubby, erect, but very little branched. 
Leaves opposite crosswise, sessile, fleshy, nearly cylin- 
drical, somewhat flattened on the upper side, glaucous, or 
even hoary, narrowed at both ends, varying somewhat in 
shape, and terminated with a dark purple mucro. Common 
peduncle terminal, erect, smooth, half a foot long, purple, 
nearly naked, or furnished*with a pair of smaller leaves 
only, terminated in a panicle of many_pendulous, red 
lowers. Calyx five-toothed, four times shorter than the 
tube of the corolla. Corolla large, shewy, red: tube cy- 
lindrical, nearly an inch long: limb half the length, divided 

Into fiye lacinte rolled back. Stamens ten, aemants 

filaments pass through a hairy ring near the bottom of the 
tube: Anthers, before the flower opens, upright, with four 
grooves. Styles 5, rather longer than the stamens: stig- 
mas lobular, villous. Nectaries five concave scales, one— 
at the base of each germen. 
There can be no doubt but this is the CoryLepon papil-— 
laris of Haworra, but this author himself doubted of its 
being the papillaris of Tuunzere. At the time he wrote 
his Supplement, there was no possibility of coming to a_ 
certain decision in this respect, from the very insuflicient 
specific character given in the Prodromus ; but since the 
publication of the Flora Capensis, it is evident that our 
plant cannot belong to that species, which is there de- 
scribed, as having a herbaceous decumbent stem, and very 
much smaller leaves and flowers, with the limb of the corolla 
equal in length to the tube. Burman’s figure and descrip-| 
tion, quoted by Hawortu, however imperfect, evidently 
apply to our plant. And as this figure is not quoted to any 
other species, and the description of no recorded one cor- 
responds, we are constrained to apply to it a new specific 
name, that of papillaris being, as above-stated, already pre-- 
occupied. We have accordingly given one from the striking 
decussate position of the leaves. a 
- ‘This very rare and beautiful species of Coryrepon, was: 
kindly communicated to us in June last, by Mr. Hoop, 
Surgeon, South Lambeth, who possesses a fine collection 

of rare succulent plants, which he cultivates with great 
success, 7 

N20 9. | 

Bub by 5 Lortas. Waderorth Dot 11 
” léte. Wedatit 

( 2519 ) 

Losevia Rurzorpnyta. SPATHULA-LEAVED. 
LoBetia. | 

oe oe oe oe On Oy Oe on aN oe ON OR 
Class and Order. 

Penranpria Monoeynia. 

Generic Character. 

- Cor. tubo hine fisso (raro integro) ; limbo  5-partito: 
Anthere connate. Stigma bilobum (nunc indivisum). 
Caps. 2-locularis (raro 3-loc.) apice supero bivalvi. Brown. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 
Loseia Rhizophyta ; caule decumbente alato, foliis obo- 
vato-spathulatis repando-dentatis, pedunculis axilla- 
ribus solitariis unifloris folio multo brevioribus. 
Lozeria Rhizophyta ; caule basi radicante adscendente 
| triquetro glabro, foliis inferioribus petiolatis obovatis 
repando-dentatis glabris crassiusculis; superioribus 
»  lanceolatis sessilibus subdecurrentibus ; summis cili- 
atis integerrimis, pedunculis brevissimis axillaribus, 
capsulis cylindricis glabris. Schultes Syst. Veg. 5. 
p. 44. ex Sprengelio. Link. Enum. 1. p. 219. 

This little plant has long passed in our nurseries for 
Lozeuia bellidefolia, under which name we received it from 
Messrs. Loppices and Sons, in September, 1823. But, 
upon examination, we immediately found that it does not 
avree with the character of that species ; and upon shewing 
our drawing to Mr. Sweer he obligingly pointed out to us 
that it had been described by the name of Rhizophyta. 
This appellation we find was given it by Professor Spren- 
SEL, and is recorded in the new Systema Vegetabilium, 
publishing by Professor ScHurEs ; we have, therefore, 

ulopted, without approving, it, 
P PP “ We 

We received specimens of the same species several years’ 
ago from Mr. Barr, late of the Ball’s Pond nursery, and | 
from Mr. Donn, at that time curator of. the Cambridge 
carden, | : 

_Flowers in September and October. Propagated by ’ 
dividing its roots. | 

Tbawrisr. Tet 

Fuad. byl Cuorkic: Walworth, Ob 11826, 

Waddeld Se 

sated ta haere sii 

( 2520.) 


Class and Onde? 

Dopecanpria TRIGYNIA. 

Generic Character. 

Cor. 4- 8. 5-petala, calyci insidens. Cal. 1-phyllus, ven- 

_ tricosus. Caps. 3-cocca. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Eupnorsia anacantha ; inermis, imbricata, tuberculis foliolo 
subrotundo instructis, floribus terminalibus solitariis 
sessilibus, petalis palmatis. Hort. Kew. ed. I™, 2. 
p. 136.—ed. alt. 3. p. 158. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. p. 888. 

Evupnorsia tridentata; imermis ramosa, subtuberculata, 
calycum Jaciniis exterius supra concavis coloratis tri- 
dentatis. Lam. Encyel. 2. p.416. Decand. Plantes 
Grasses 144. fide Hort. Kew. — ~ | 

Dacrytantues anacantha. Haworth Syn. Succ. p. 132. 

Eupnorrium anacanthum squamosum lobis florum triden- 
tatis. Isnard. Mem. de I Acad. 1720. p. 518. t. LL. 

Eupnorsium erectum aphyllum, ramis rotundis, tuberculis 
tetragonis. Burm. Afr. 16. t. 7. f. 2. 

Descr. This plant has altogether the habit of a Srapenia, 
the same kind of fleshy, jointed, tuberculated branches : the 
tubercles are generally four-sided, marked at the point with 
the remains of a small ovate, deciduous leaf. At the extre- 
mities of the flowering-branches from three to five oval 
fleshy leaves are produced, serving as an involucrum to the 
flower, from the centre of which issues the peduncle, bear- 
ing, according to the usual language, a single flower, with 
four or five tubular petals, each having a two-lipped limb, 

the wnder-lip much the longest, and terminated with three 

subulate teeth, green on the under side, rugose and beau- 
tifully variegated on the upper ; the wpper-hp three lobed, 
white tinged with purple.» From a flat receptacle in the 
centre of these petals grows the female flower, a single, 
obsoletely three-cornered germen, with a tripartite style, 
and lobular stigmas; at first erect, but speedily, as in most 
_ of the genus, cerhuous; the germen is surrounded by se- 
veral stamens, which rise in succession: anthers two- 
lobed : lobes divaricate. -The whole plant when wounded 
exudes a white milk, which is not acrid. 

The above description is given according to the Linnean 
notions of the parts composing the flowers of an Euphorbia ; 
but our friend Mr. Rosert Brown has given a much more 
satisfactory explanation of the organs constituting the 
flower ; which cannot be better described than in his own 
words, in the appendix to FiinpEr’s Voyage, page 556. 

“* The view I take (says this intelligent botanist) of the structure of 
EvuPHORBIA is in ove important particular, at least, different from those 
given by Lamarck, Ventenat, Richard, and Decandolle, though possibly the 
same as Jussieu has hinted at; so briefly, however, and, I may add, ob- 
scurely, that if his supposition be really analogous to what I shall presently 
offer, he has not been understood by those who profess to follow him im 
this respect. : : 
 ** With all the authors above quoted, I regard what Linneus has called 
Calyx and Corolla, in EupHorBIA, as an involucrum, containing several 
male flowers, which surround a single female. By some of these authors 
the male flowers are described as monandrous, and in this respect also, I 
agree with them; but the body, which all of them describe as a jointed 
filament, I consider to be made up of two very distinct parts, the portion 
below the joint being the footstalk of the flower, and that above it, the 
proper filament: but, as the articulation itself is entirely naked, it follows, 
that there is no perianthium; the filiform, or laciniated scales, which au- 
thors have considered as such, being on this supposition analagous to 
bractez: The female flower, in conformity with this supposition, has also 
its pedunculus on the dilated, and, in a few cases obscurely lobed; apex of 
which the sessile ovarium is placed. If this be a correct view of the struc- 
ture of Euphorbia, it may be expected that the true filament, or upper joint 
of what has commonly been called filament, should, as in other plants, be 
produced subsequent to the distinct formation of the anthera, which con- 
sequently will be found at first sessile on the lower joint or peduncle, after 
that has attained nearly its full length, and accordingly, this proves to be 
the case in such species as I have examined. Additional probability is given . 
to this view, by the difference existing between the surfaces of the two joints 
in some species. _ I consider it, however, as absolutely proved, by an un- 
published genus of this order, having an involucrum nearly similar to that 
of Euphorbia, and like it, enclosing several fasciculi of monandrous male 
flowers, surrounding a single female, but which, both at the joint of the 
supposed filament, and at that by which the ovarium is connected with its 
pedicellus, has an obvious perianthium regularly divided into lobes.” 

_ Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Requires to be kept 
in the greenhouse, or dry-stove. Propagated by cuttings. 
Flowers in September and October. 

Communicated by Messrs. Loppices and Sons. 

N 2521, 


Bb by S.Getis Walworth. 0411824, 

TL beartie Dod 

Scurzanrnus porricens: Spreapine Scni- 
ZANTHUS. ee eee 
Doe eo oe on ay ons On on a OO Os 
Class and Order. 

| Dianpria (Dipynamia Hooker) Monoeynta. 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. bilabiata, resupinata: labio su- 
-periore 5-partito ; inferiore tripartito. Stam. 4: duo ste- 
Tilia. Caps. bivalvis, bilocularis. 

, Specific Character and Synonym. 

‘Scuizanruus porrigens ; caule diffuso racemis paniculatis : 
| pedicellis divaricatissimis. ; 
Scuizantuus porrigens; pedicellis fructus patentibus dis- 
tichis rectiusculis (corolla labio inferiore pallide pur- 
pureo). Graham in Hooker Exotic Flora, 86. 


Descr. This species is a larger, more branched, and 
diffuse plant than the Scnizanruus pinnatus figured at 
No. 2404 of this work. The leaves and colour of the 
flowers seem to be too subject to vary to be depended 
upon for distinguishing the one from the other. Professor 
Granam seems to have had some confidence in the paler 
colour of the lower lip of the flower in ScuizanTHus porrt- 
gens ; but in our specimens the lower lip was a full violet 
colour, even deeper than in S. pinnatus. The present 
Species is much the most showy, and is a valuable acquisi- 
tion to the flower-garden, being a perfectly hardy annual, 
as we are informed by Mr. Minne of the Fulham nursery, 
to whom we are obliged for the communication of the 
Specimens from which our drawing was taken. 

This species is still more unlike the Scurzanruus figured 

in the Flora Peruviana than pinnata, and in the a 

tion given in that work, the stem is pointedly said to be 
upright, and but little branched. 

Native of Chili. . Flowers in. the- open ground:in J uly, 
August, and September. 3 

I baertior Dol 


( 2522 ) 

Crinum. : 

ae oeoteokazekcokiteok sates steotaate 
Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 
Generic Character.—Vide supra No. 2292, et No. 2463. 

Specific Character. 

Crinum confertum; bulbo ovato, foliis bipedalibus mar- 
gine levi, 14 unc. latis, canaliculatis, apice obliquo 
gradatim attenuatis ; umbella circiter 8-flora ; scapo 
compresso viridi pedali ; spatha viridi 33-unciali, 

_bracteis gracilibus; germine viridi semunciali ob- 
longo sessili, loculis 5—8-spermis ; tubo viridi erecto 
3-unciali ; limbo albo 33-unciali, laciniis exteris 3, 
internis } unc. latis ; stylo purpureo laciniis aliquan- 
tulum breviore ; stigmate trilobo purpureo; filamentis 
stylo sesquiunciam brevioribus, divaricatis, purpureis, 
versus basin albis, basi gibbos4, apice aliquantulum 
sursum curvato; polline aureo. W.H. ~ 

Descr. This species differs from Crinum arenarium in 
having: the coats of the bulb harder, the leaves more atte- 
nuated, the flowers more numerous and erect, the germen 
longer, oblong, and sessile, the style a little shorter than 
the limb, and the limb longer than the tube. Our speci- 
men flowered in June, in the stove of the Earl of Carnarvon 
at Highclere. It is a native of the N. W. coast of Australia, 
from whence it was sent by the collector, under the naine 
of Crinum angustifolium of Brown, a species with rough- 
edged leaves, which does not appear to have been yet 
introduced into this country. W. H. 


In which the Latin Names of the Plants contained in the Fifty- 
First Volume are alphabetically arranged. 



_ 2517 Aloe africana, 6 angustifolia. 

_ 2470 Coriaria sarmentosa. 

2494 Alpinia tubulata. 

2448 Amethystea cerulea. 
2459 Ammobium alatum. 
2478 Angclonia salicarizefolia. 
2468 Antennaria triplinervis. 
2472 Artemisia biennis. 

2508 Arum bulbiferum. 

2499 Aspidistra lurida. 

2503 Astrapza Wallichii. 
2509 Azalea indica. 

2511 Bellis sylvestris. 

2444 Biscutella hispida. 

2491 Bossizxa linophylla. 
er oA Male Seth ‘eae 
2492 Campanula peroeit., 
2498 Canna edulis, 

_ 2493 Centaurea spinosa. 

2488 Cissus antarctica. 
2443 quinquefolia. 
2479 Coix Lachryma. 
2496 Conanthera bifolia. 
2451 Coreopsis lanceolata. 

2518 Cotyledon decussata. 
2466 Crinum Careyanum. 
2522 confertum. 
2463 ——_— snbmersum. 
2456 Cyrilla racemiflora. 
2471 Cyrtanthus 

_ 2486 Dalea mutabilis. 

2454 Desmanthus virgatus. 
2476 Dorstenia arifolia. 
2457 Echinops strictus, 
2473 Echites nutans. 
2480 Enteléa arborea. 
2465 Erica bucciniflora. 
2504 Erinus Lychnidea. 
2445 Erodium Gussonii. 
2490 Eucrosia bicolor, 




2467 Eulophia guincensis. . 
2520 Euphorbia anacantha, 
2514 ——-—— carinata. 

2507 Fuchsia decussata. 

2464 Habranthus gracilifolius. 
2485 versicolor. 
2475 Hippeastrum subbarbatum. 
2453 Jonidium Ipecacuanha @. — 
2446 Ipomza speciosa. 

2487 Justicia geniculata, 

2505 Ixora barbata, 

2497 Laurus aggregata. 

2519 Lobelia Rhi yta. 

|| 2469 Lonicera punicea. 

| 2462 Malpighia lucida. 

2515 Malva prostrata. - 
2441 Melastoma granulosa. 
2455 Momordica Charantia. 
2513 Monarda Russeliana. . 
2458 Nicandra physaloides. 
2484 Nicotiana repanda. 
2452 Ocimum canum. 
2450 Ononis hispanicas—— 
2516 Ophrys Arachnites. 
2510 Ornithogalum. 

2442 Oxylobium arborescens- 
2483 Oxytropis pilosa. 

2506 Pedicularis canadensis.— — 
2449 Phlomis:Herba Venti. 
2460 Plectranthus ternatus. 

2447 Protea grandiflora « latifolia. 

2501 Psidium Catleianum. 
2461 Rhipsalis salicornoides. 
2502 Sarcophyllum carnosum. 
2521 Schizanthus porrigens- 
2474 Sedum sempervivoides. 
2482 Serratula simplex. 

2495 Sida aurita. 

2477 Vernonia flexuosa. 

2481 Urtica involucrata. 

2500 Wulfenia carinthiaca. 


In which the English Names of the Plants contained in’ the Fifty 
First Volume are alphabetically arranged.. 

apa Sa— 


2517 Aloe, Narrow Sword-leaved. 

2494 Alpinia, Demerara. 

2448 Amethyst, Blue. 

2459 Ammobium, Winged-stalked. 

2478 Angelonia, Violet-flowered. 

2508 Arum, Bulb-bearing. 

2499 Aspidistra, Dingy-flowered, 

2503 Astrapea, Wallich’s. 

2509 Azalea, Double Rose-coloured 

Indian. ' 

2462 Barbadoes-Cherry,._Wedge- 


2452 Basil, Hoary. 

2497 Bay, Cluster-flowered. 
2492 Bell-flower, Austrian... — 

_ 2491 Bossiza, Narrow-leaved. 
2489 Bubon, lovage-leaved. 

.2444 Buckler’s-mustard, Hispid. 
2493 Centaury, Prickly-branched. 
2443 Cissus, Five-leaved Brasil. 
2496 Conanthera, Violet-flowered. 
2512 Coreopsis, Arkansa. 

2451 ——__—__ Spear-leaved. 
2470 Coriaria, New-Zealand. 
2518 Cotyledon, Cross-leaved. 
2466 Crinum, Dr. Carey’s. 

2522 Crowded-flowered, 
2463 —-—— Lake. 

2456 Cyrilla, Carolina. 

2471 Cyrtanthus, Pale-ilowered. 
2511 Daisy, Large Portugal. 
2486 Dalea, Changeable. bos 
2454 Desmanthus, Long-twigged. 
2476 Dorstenia, Arum-leaved. 
2480 Enteléa, New-Zealand. 
2504 Erinus, Phlox-like. 

2490 Eucrosia, Particoloured. 
2468 Everlasting, Nepal. 

2467 Eulophia, Sierra Leone. 
2514 Euphorbia, Keel-leaved. 

- 2507 Fuchsia, Cross-branched, — 
2457 Globe-Thistle, Upright. 
2501 Guava, Purple-fruited. 
2485 Habranthus, changeable. 




2464 Habranthus, Slender-leaved. 

2465 Heath, Trumpet-flowered. 

2445 Heron’s-bill, Gussone’s. 

2469 Honeysuckle, Crimson-flower~. 
ed, upright. 

2498 Indian-reed, Tuberous-rooted. 

2453 Ipecacuanha, White. 

2446 Ipomea, Broad-leaved. 

2479 Job’s-tears. 

2487 Justicia, Jointed-stalked. 

2505 Ixora, Bearded. 

2488 Kanguru-Vine. , 

2475 Knight’s-star-lily, Slightly — 
bearded. ep 

2519 Lobelia, Spathula-leaved. 

2506 Lousewort, Canadian. 

2515 Mallow, Pimpernel-flowered, . 

2441 Melastoma, Commerson’s. _ 

2455 Momordica, Tuberculated. 

2513 Monarda, Dotted-flowered, 

2481 Nettle, Imbosomed. 

2458 Nicandra, Physalis-like. 

2516 Ophrys, Black-spider, 

2442 Oxylobium, Tall, 

| 2483 Oxytropis, Hairy, 

2449 Phiomis, Rough-leaved. 

2460 Plectranthus, Ternate-leaved.> 

2447 Protea, Broad-leaved great-. 


2450 Rest Harrow, Small-leaved. 

2461 Rhipsalis, Glass-wort-like. 

2502 Sarcophyllum, Cape. 

2473 Savannah-flower, Nodding. 

2482 Saw-wort, One-tlowered. 

2521 Schizanthus, Spreading. 

2474 Sedum, Houseleek-like. 

2495 Sida, Ear-stipuled. La 

2520 Spurge, Scaly Finger-flowered. 

2510 Star of Bethlem, Narbonne. — 

2484 Tobacco, Stem-clasping Ha- 
vannah, | 

2477 Vernonia, Zig-zag. 

2472 Wormwood, Biennial. 

2500 Wulfenia, Carinthian,