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“Seeoeenes, oR 

Flower Garden Displayed: 

In which the most Ornamental Forr1en Pian‘ cultivated in the Open Ground, 
the Green-House, and the Stove, are accurately represented and coloured. 

To which are added, 

Their Places of Growth, Times of Flowering, and most approved 
Methods of Culture. 





F.R. A.and L. S. and Regius Professor of Botany in the University 
of Glasgow. 2 

VOL. Il. (2 
Or Vol. xvi. of the whole Work. 

** Soft roll your incense, Herbs, and Fruits, and Flowers, 
In mingled clouds, to Him, whose sun exalts, 
Whose breath perfumes you, and whose pencil paints.” 

Printed by Edward Couchman, 10, Throgmorton Street 5 
Also by Sherwood, Gilbert, & Piper, 23, Paternoster Row; J. & A. Arch, Cornhill; Treuttel & Wurtz, 
Soho Square; Blackwood, Edinburgh; and in Holland, of Mr. Gt. Eldering, Florist, at Haarlem: 
Anda to be had of all Booksellers in Town and Country» 


Uris Walworth, Jan? 122 

( 2876 ) 


Class and Order. 
Dianpria Monoeynts. 

( Nat. Ord. — Scropuurarina. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 4-partitus. Cor. bilabiata: labium inferius calcei- 
forme, inflatum. Caps. semibivalvis, valvulis bifidis. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Caxcrotaria connata ; herbacea subpubescens, foliis ova- 
tis basi attenuatis connatis, grosse dentatis, superiori- 
bus subcordatis sessilibus, bracteis: cordatis integer- 
rimis, panicula trichotoma patentissima. : 

Cauceotaria. Hook. MSS. Graham in Edin. New Phil. 
Journ. 1828, p. 572. : ; 

Descr. Root biennial, or more probably perennial. 
Stems erect, slender and weak, rounded, pubescent, as, in- 
deed, is the whole plant in a greater or less degree. 
Leaves, all in opposite pairs, ovate, or narrow ovate, acute, 
‘waved, nerved ; the nerves much branched and reticulated, 
the margins very coarsely and unequally serrated, the lower 
ones attenuated at the base and connate, the upper ones in 
remote pairs, almost cordate, sessile. Bractee resembling 
leaves, but smaller, and quite entire. Panicle terminal, 
and smaller ones are often lateral, dichotomously divided, 
and much spreading, with a solitary flower in the axil, and 
the flowers on the branches, in the more luxuriant state, 
racemed. Pedicels slender, free from bractee. Flowers 
pale yellow. Laps of the corolla closely applied to each 
other, compressed, the upper one not much larger than the 
lower. A 

My first knowledge of this new species of CaLcEoLARIA 
was derived from plants sent to us by Mr. Tarte of the 
Sloane Street Nursery, who raised it from seeds which he 
received “in 1827 along with Tacson1a * pinnatistipula and 
many other rare plants and bulbs from M. Hogan, Esq. 
Consul of the United States at Valparaiso.” About the 
same time, indeed, seeds were sent to the Glasgow Botanic 
Garden both by Dr. Griures and by Mr. Crurcxsnanks ; 
those from the latter gentleman were gathered near La 
Guardia, on the Western side of the Andes, on the route from 
St. Jago de Chile to Mendoza. They have all blossomed 
readily and abundantly during the whole of the summer 
and autumnal months, on a cool shelf of the greenhouse, 
and promise to have perennial roots, though the stems are 
very slender and herbaceous. 

’ The dried specimens sent me by Mr. Cruicxsnanxs have 
much larger panicles of racemes than what are here repre- 
sented ; so that, another season, when the plants become 

stronger, we may expect to see, in this species, one most 
highly deserving of cultivation. ; 

°. ipa has flourished in the Sloane Street Nursery, planted in the open 

Fig. 1. Lower Leaf, to show the connate base ; nat. size. 2. Flower, with 
the lower Lip forced down. 3. Stamen.—Magnified. 

WIZ dele 4 : 
PiLh ay S Curtis Walwor ‘Ch: Tar? 2IE20. Swati 

Se ( 2877 ) 


— : 

\ Bropima.. 

Se ee 
| Class and Order. | 

TrianpriA Monoeynia. | 
( Nat. Ord. — Hemerocatipem. ) 
: Generic Character. 

Perianthium tubulosum, sex-fidum, persistens ; Squame 
tres ad faucem (stamina abortiva) staminibus alternantes. 
Stylus filiformis. Stigma trifidum. Capsula obovata, basi 
in stipitem attenuata, 3-locularis, polysperma. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. : x 

Bropiza* grandiflora; pedunculis umbellatis bracteas 
longe excedentibus, squamis lanceolatis obtusissimis 
integris. , , 

Bropiaa grandiflora. Smith in Linn. Trans. ». 10. p. 2. — 
Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 169. Bot. Reg. t. 1183. 
(not of Pursh, nor of Nuttall.) : 

Broprza coronaria. Salish. in Par. Lond. t. 98. 


Descr. Root a small, roundish, solid, wrinkled bulb, 
from the top of which, and surrounded by a few membra- 
nous scales below, spring two or more linear, acuminated, 
very slender leaves, grooved on the inside. Scape ss as * 

f Viviane petOnS 

* « A plant of the Liliaceous, or Patrician Order, which I have named 
after James Bropie, Esq. F. L. 8. of Brodie, in North Britain, a gentleman, 
whose scientific merits, whose various discoveries, and whose liberal commu- 
nications on every occasion, tending to elucidate the Botany of his own country 
in particular, require no elaborate display before the Linnean Society.’— 
Situ, in Linn. Trans. v. 10. ee 

long as the leaves, erect, terete, terminated by a bracteated 
Umbel of from six to eight very handsome flowers. Brac- 
tee small, soon becoming membranous and withered. Pe- 
duncles an inch and a half long, and about equal in length 
with the flower, spreading. Perianth tubular below, where 
it is green, with six elevated brown lines, upwards expand- 
ing mto six spreading, lanceolate, bright purplish - blue 
segments. The throat or faux has three stamens, whose 
anthers are oblong, yellow, opening at the sides, and the 
filaments winged and short ; and alternating with these are 
three lanceolate, or rather linear-oblong, very obtuse, white 
and entire, somewhat fleshy scales, or abortive anthers ; 
their bases unite with the bases of the filaments, which 
thus, to a certain degree, are monadelphous. Pollen of the 
anthers oblong, diaphanous. Germen obovate, attenuated 
at the base into a stalk, three-lobed upwards: Style fili- 
a not reaching beyond the stamens, white: Stigma 

A beautiful plant, and well worthy of bearing the name 
of so great a patron of Botany as the late James Broprz, 
Esq. It was first found by Mr. Menzies in 1792, in New 
Georgia, on the North-west coast of America, and recently 
by Mr. Doveras and Dr. Scouter at Puget, Fort Van- 
couver, and throughout the dry plains West of the Rocky 
Mountains. By the former of these travellers, bulbs have 
been introduced to the gardens of the Horticultural Society, 
which flourished, and blossomed in July, 1828, planted in 
the open border, and im a peat soil. | 

Mr. Doveras has examined the Missouri Hyacinth of 
Lewis, which is the authority for Pursu’s and Nurrat.’s 
Bropiaa grandiflora, and clearly ascertained it to be a very 
distinct plant, having six perfect stamens. Beautiful spe- 
cimens of this plant, gathered also by Mr. Doveuas, prove, 
that it is anew species of Mittea of Cavaninies, and scarce- 
ly differing from Bropiaa, but in the presence of six perfect 
stamens. Stilla third genus allied to them is in Mr. Dove- 
Las’s rich collection, having six stamens, placed in two rows, 
three higher up on the perianth and large, and three lower 
down and small: and by no means monadelphous. 

Fig. 1. Flower, two of the Segments being cut away to show the position 
of the Stamens and Seales. 2. Flower cut open. 3. Back view of a Stamen- 
4. Front view of ditto Magnified. 


4ub. & S. Curtis. Walworth, Jan” 2 1¢20 oe 

( 2878 ogre eas 



Class and Order. 

GynanpDRIiA MonanprRiA. 
( Nat. Ord.—OrcuipeEz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Labellum ungue simplici; lamina indivisa. Petala dis- 
tincta patula. Masse Pollinis 8 (vel plures !) 
Specific Character. 

Brassavoxa * tuberculata; caule unifloro, lamina labelli 
integra, pedunculo petalis exterioribus tuberculatis. 


= yellow 


* In honour of Avronto Musa Brassavon, a Physician of Ferrara, in 
Italy, who published many works in the 16th century, on the properties of 
_ Plants as employed in medicine. 

yellow towards the base, the margin quite entire. Column 
short, white: the margin, behind the anther, trifid, with 
the segments fimbriated. Anther hemispherical, sunk _ 
within the margin at the top, yellowish, externally finely 
granulated ; within having eight distinct cells in two rows. 
Pollen Masses eight, large, ovate, compressed, attached in 
pairs to the two opposite extremities of two elastic, flat- 
tened, yellow filaments, which filaments bear near the 
middle three or four other smaller, and apparently abortive — 
pollen masses. Germen very long, terete, straight, pur- 
plish, tuberculated at the base. 

Hitherto only one species has been described of this very 
singular Genus, which was established by Mr. Brown upon — 
the Cymgrpium cucullatum of Swartz and WiLtpENow, the 
Erwenprvm cucullatum of Botanical Magazine, t. 543. The — 
present, although the same in the structure of the leaves, 
differs remarkably in the form of the labellum, and in the — 
want of the fringe. 3 

A native of the trunks of trees, in rocky places, at the en- 
trance of Botafogo Bay, where it was found by Henry 
Harrison, Esq. and by him brought to the collection of his 
brother, Ricnarp Harrison, Esq. of Aigburgh, near Liver- 
pool. It produced its flowers in July, 1828, and we were — 
then favored with a specimen, and a drawing from the pen- 
cil of Mrs. Arnotp Harrison. | 

In habit, it very much resembles the only species of this 
curious Genus at present known (Br. cucullata. Brown) ; 
but it differs remarkably in the form and colour of the 
flower, and especially the labellum. 

Fig. 1. Column. 2. Under side of the Anther, shewing the arrangement 
of the Pollen Masses. 3. Inside view of the Anther Case. 4. Front view of 

the Pollen Masses. 5. A pair of the filaments, with the Pollen Masses at- 
tached to them.—Magnified. 


4l9PH LM 


( 2879 ) 


7 Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord. — Nycracinez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Perianthium simplex subhypocrateriforme, limbo 5-par- 
tito, basi tumido angulato. Staminum filamenta 5, basi 
coalita in vaginulam hypogynam. brevissimam, supra ag- 
glutinata tubo perianthii coarctato, demum libera: Anthere 
oblonge, incluse. Germen 1, vaginula staminifera infra 
cinctum, in tumida perianthii basi: Stylus 1. Stigma 
incrassatum. <Achenium 1, perianthii basi quinquangulari 
tectum. : 

‘Specific Character and Synonym. & yeas 
Asronia* mellifera; foliis ovatis subsinuatis glutinosis, flo- 

ribus glabris, perianthii limbo undulato (albo). 
Asronia mellifera. Douglas MSS. 

Descr. Stem procumbent, rounded, branched, succu- 
lent, glabrous, green, reddish at the joints, slightly gluti- 
nous. Leaves in opposite pairs, on long petioles, ovate, or 
ovato-oblong, more or less oblique, somewhat sinuated, 
quite free from serratures, glabrous and fleshy, glutinous, 
nerved. Peduncles axillary, solitary, four to six incheslong, 
more viscid than the stems, terminated by a compact, dense 
head of white flowers, and there subtended by an involucre 
of lanceolato-oblong, slightly pubescent, at length reflexed 
leaflets. Perianth an inch long: tube greenish aie gila- 

: ous : 

* Derived from aBpos, pretty, delicate. 

brous ; limb spreading, waved. Stamens unequal, three 
longer than the other two: filaments in part agglutined to_ 
the inner tube of the perianths, but easily separated. Style 
shorter than the filament: stigma incrassated, villous on one— 
side. Achenia obovate, enclosed within the pentangular 
persistent base of the perianth. Embryo conduplicate, 
enclosing within its fold, the small mass of the albumen. 

A native of Northern California, extending to N. lat. 46°. 
and to W. longitude 122°. near the great falls of the Co- 
lombia, where it was discovered by Mr. Davin Dovetas. 
It is abundant throughout the dry sandy deserts of the in- 
terior, never growing near the shores of the sea like the two 
hitherto described, Asronia wmbellata and arenaria. The 
blossoms have a powerful honey-like smell in the evening. 

By Mr. Dovetas it was introduced to the garden of the 
Horticultural Society, where it flowered in the summer of 
1828. At present it is very rare: but being easy of culti- 
vation, and thriving luxuriantly in sandy peat, it may be 
= gee, soon to form a valuable addition to our flower-_ 



Fig. 1. Flower, nat. size. 2. Flower, magnified. 3. Stamen and Pistil. 
4. Pistil. 5. Anther. 6, Pollen. 7. Fruit. 8. Achenium. 9, Embryo 
and Albumen, 10, Embryo.—More or less magnified. 

WIE. tele 

Lae, Yy Lf Curtis, Wan 7 iy San? L829, 

( 2880 ) 

SeIGSE SH oinosekeek 
Class and Order. 

Decanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Rosacez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. campanulatus, semidecemfidus, laciniis alternis ac- 
cessoriis. Pet. 5, (parva, Schlecht.) Stam. 10, biseriata, 
calycis parietibus inserta. Receptaculum conicum, siccum, 
villosum. Ovaria, indefinite numerose. Styli simplices 
cum ovario articulati, subterminales. Achenia calyce in- 
clusa. Schlecht. in Linnea. a: ie 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Horkewia* congesta; foliis radicalibus pinnatis laciniis 
cuneato-oblongis apice incisis, calycis laciniis exte- 
rioribus integerrimis, petalis calyce longioribus. 

Horkexia congesta. Douglas MSS. . 

Descr. Plant more or less hairy and pubescent in every 
part. Froma perennial root rises a rounded stem, branched 
upwards, and bearing but few leaves. Root-leaves several, 
prostrate, pinnate with from three to seven, sometimes op- 
posite, sometimes alternate pairs of cuneato-oblong leaflets, 
and an odd terminal one, more or less decurrent at the base ; 
the apex cut into from three to five longer teeth or laciniz : 
slem-leaves alternate, pinnatifid, with the segments linear, 
acute, entire. Stipules adnate to the base of the leafstalk, 
deeply laciniated, broader upon the stem, and at the forking 
of the upper branches, where the leaf seems to be elccoe 

Saeee an 

* In compliment to Jonn Horxen, Professor of Physiology, in Berlin. 

and the ‘practee take the place of stipules. Flowers col- 

lected into dense, terminal heads, which have two such brac- 
tee as I have just described immediately at their base. 

Pedicels short, branched. Calyx campanulate, marked with 

ten striz, with five large and (placed a little below their 
sinus externally,) five small, spreading, lanceolate teeth, 
green, sometimes tipped with brown. Petals much longer 

than the calyx, inserted in the sinus of the large teeth or — 

segments, and opposite the smaller ones, white, rounded, 
with a long, yellowish claw. Stamens ten, inserted a little 
below the mouth of the tube; five larger, opposite the large 
segments of the calyx ; five smaller opposite to the petals. 
Anthers two-celled, rounded, yellow. Filaments inversely 
cuneate, with an elevated, longitudinal line in the front, 
white. Receptacle of the pistils conical, rather fleshy, and 
having a few scattered hairs. Germens roundish- oval, 
green. Style filiform, yellow, incrassated at the base, where 
it is jointed upon the germen a little below the summit. 
‘Stigma obtuse. 

This new genus of plants has lately been established by 
Cuamisso and ScuiecuTenpat in the second volume of the 
“ Linnea,” upon the species found during the late Russian 
Voyage of Discovery, at San Francisco, in California. 
have now the satisfaction of publishing a second species 
of the genus, detected by Mr. Doveras at Cape Mendo- 
cena, and on the low hills of the Umptqua River upon 
the North-west coast of America. From specimens kindly 
communicated by the Horticultural Society of London, 
which flowered in August 1828, from seeds brought home 
by Mr. Dovexas, the accompanying figure was made. 

It is a hardy perennial, allied to the genus Srspaip1, but 

differing in various particulars. It varies much in the shape 
of the pinne of the leaves. 


Fig. 1. Single Flower. 2. Portion of the Flower, to show the insertion of 

the Stamens, &c. 3. Pistils. 4. Receptacle of ditto. 5. Single Pistil— 

™ ie aii ‘ 
vn, ieee ge 

Pure, by S. Crrtis Wai Vor Pe; San IG29. 

WHI dele 

Pt ae 
rig 5 

( 2881 ). 

oy JULICHRYSUM,:.. 7 2 

Sea abokoksbiebeskakesbsteateskeae 
Class and Order. 


( Nat. Ord.—Composrrz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Involucrum imbricatum, squamis internis scariosis radi- 
antibus. Pappus plumosus. Receptaculum nudum. 

Specific Character. 

Exicurysum* incanum ; incano-tomentosum, foliis longe 
linearibus acutis basi attenuatis, caulinis remotis su- 
perne sensim minoribus, caule simplici unifloro (squa- 
mis albis rubrisque). : 

Descr. Apparently an herbaceous plant, producing an 
unbranched stem, which is erect, waved, terete, and as well 
as the leaves clothed with a soft, white tomentum, which 
gives the plant a hoary appearance. Leaves mostly radical, 
the lowermost soon withering and persistent, four to six 
inches long, linear, acute, much tapering at the base, slightly 
channelled above, beneath having a prominent midrib :— 
the cauline leaves are remote, and gradually smaller u 
wards. Flower terminal, large, solitary. Scales of the 
involucre numerous, beautiful, spreading in sunny, warm 
weather ; the outermost silvery-white, the intermediate — 

; ff aoe whic 

a F 

* From ag, spiral or twining, or sAssoc, marshy, according to Sota, and 
xpreos, gold; that is, a golden-coloured flower, whose stems are twining, or 
which inhabits marshy places. Both characters, indeed, at variance with what 
we know of the individuals of this genus. It is not known to what plant the 
eAxxpugos, Of the older Greek Authors was applied. 

which are the largest, tipped with red, the innermost pale 
yellow or cream-coloured ; all of them elliptical, rather 
obtuse, concave, suddenly contracted into a long, narrow, — 
green claw, which has a tuft of hairs at its top. Florets — 
all tubular. I could not find that any were female or 
pa Gare all appeared to have both stamen and pistils, 
and to be five cleft, and yellow. Pappus yellowish, plu- — 
mose. Receptacle plane, dotted, naked. 

A very beautiful species of Exicurysum of which the seeds 
were received from Van Dieman’s Land, under the name of 
«© Native Amaranth.” We have specimens likewise in the 
Herbarium from Fraser and other correspondents, gathered 
in the interior of New Holland. It differs from all the 
described species of the genus, by its long, narrow, and dis- 
tinctly, on both sides, hoary leaves. 

Its flowers are produced in May, and, as may be ex- 
pected from _their nature, they continue a long time in 
flower; opening and closing many times in the day, ac 
cording to the temperature and force of the sun’s rays. 


Fig. 1. Inner Seale of the Involucre. 2. One of the larger coloured Scales. 
3. Flower. 4, A Hair of the Pappus.—Magnified. 3 | 



( 2882 ) 
VeEsIcariIa arctica. Arctic VEsIcARIA. 

Ra okakoakakebakobakebok 
3 Class and Order. 

~ ( Nat. Ord. — Crucirerz. ) 

Generic Character. — 

Silicula inflata, subglobosa, polysperma. Cotyledones ac- 
cumbentes. Br. ~ 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Vesicarta* arctica; tota stellatim pilosa tomentosa incana, 
‘foliis radicalibus spathulatis, siliculis orbiculatis stylo 
longioribus. : ee 

Vesicarta arctica. Rich. in Frankl. Journ. App. p: 743. 
De Cand. Prodr. ¥:1. p. 159. Spreng. Syst. Veget. 
v. 2. p. 872. Hook. in Parry’s 2d Voy. App. p. 388. 

Atyssum arcticum. Fl. Dan. t. 1520. “De Cand. Syst. 
Veget. v. 2. p. 324. : a 


Descr. Root perennial, subfusiform, long, woody, here 
and there fibrous; bearing at the top many decumbent, 
simple, scarcely fruticose, slender stems. Leaves mostly 
radical, and spreading on the ground, spathulate, from two 
to three inches long, including the footstalk, somewhat 
thick and fleshy, destitute of nerve, clothed on both sides, 
as well as the stems and calyx, with minute, fringed scales 
or tufts of beautifully stellated hairs, which are white, and 
ive to the whole plant a hoary or frosted appearance : stem- 
leaves four, linear- spathulate, alternate, sometimes quite 
linear. Corymbs terminal, of few flowers, which are —— 



ra om vesica, a bladder, on account of the peculiar shape of the seed- 
ssels. : : 

yellow. Pedicels rather long, slender, hoary. Calyx of 
four, equal, ovate, concave leaflets. Corolla of four, obo- 
vato-oblong, slightly clawed, veiny petals, twice the length 
of the calyx. Stamens yellow: Anther ovate: Pistil : 
Germen elliptical, stellato-pubescent, tipped with a colum- 
nar style, scarcely its own length. Stigma capitate, mi- 
nutely glandular. Pouch nearly globular, slightly com- , 
pressed at the dissepiment, inflated, sparingly clothed with 
stellated pubescence: tipped with the persistent style and 
stigma. Seeds, six in each cell, brown, orbicular and com- 
pressed. Dissepiment very thin and membranaceous, pure 
white. Embryo green, with the radicle applied to the 
edges of the Cotyledons. 

This species of Vestcaria was first discovered by. Profes- 
sor GiEsEKE, at Omenak in Greenland, and figured in the 
Flora Danica as Atyssum arcticum. Dr. Ricuarpson de- 
tected it in Arctic America, in lat. 67°, and gave an excel- 
lent description of it in the Appendix to Capt. Franxuin’s 
Journal ; rightly referring it to the genus Vesicaria. Again, 
Mr. Drummonp, during Capt. Franxuin’s second Journey, 
found it abundantly upon the Rocky Mountains. 

From seeds, gathered by Mr. Drummonp, and presented, 
together with many others by Captain Franxun and Dr. 
Ricnarpson to the Glasgow Botanic Garden, plants were 
raised, which blossomed during the same year in which they 
were sown, in the months of August and September. The 
flowers are of a bright and vivid yellow, and appear in suc- 

cession for a considerable length of time; so that it is a 
most desirable plant for rock-work. : 


: Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Petal. 3. Shorter Stamen, posterior view. 4. Longer 
ditto, anterior view. 4, Pistil. 6. Pouch. 7, The same, the Valves having 

parted from the Dissepiment. 8. Embryo. 9. Portion of a Leaf, to show the 
stellated Scales —All more or less magnified. 


Lith. Op Sf. Curtis Walweor thy Jan? 27089. 

( 2883 ) 


Class and Order. 

PenranpriA Monoeynta. 
( Nat. Ord.—Po.emoniAcez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. campanulatus, 5-fidus. Cor. infundibuliformis vel 
hypocrateriformis, quinquefida. Stamina fauci inserta. 
Stigma trifidum. te 3-locularis, 3-valvis, loculis 
mono- di- polysperma. | 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Ginia* mconspicua ; caule ramosissimo calycibusque _pu- 
bescenti-glandulosis, foliis. pinnatifidis inferioribus 
bipinnatifidis, segmentis linearibus. 

Giza inconspicua. Douglas MSS. 

Gitta parviflora. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 626. 

PoMopsis inconspicua. Smith Exot. Fl. t. 14. 

witerea parviflora, Pursh FI. Am. Sept.'v.2. p. 730. Suppl. 
p. 730. a 


Descr. An annual, much branching plant, with rounded 
stems, glanduloso-pubescent upwards. Leaves one or two 
mches long, those of the root bipinnatifid, ‘becoming less 
compound upwards, so that the cauline ones are simply 
Pinnatifid, and the uppermost, especially those that may 
be considered bractee, undivided: the lacinie linear, acute, 

entire. Flowers, some few of them lateral and eg 


* So named by Cavawruiés in honour of Parurpra range ig : 
Spanish Botanist, who wrote on the plants of Peru, and a history ns cata 
m of Terra Firma, in America. 

rest forming a sort of terminal panicle. Pedicels glandu- 
lar. Calyx tubular, quinquefid, glandular, the segments 
erect, brown, with white margins. Corolla hypocrateriform : 
the tube a little longer than the calyx, nearly white ; hmb 
of five, patent, ovate, bright-blue, segments. Stamens in- 
serted within the mouth of the tube, and scarcely exserted. 
Anthers pale blue. Germen oval, with three longitudinal 
furrows. Style as long as the tube of the corolla. Stigmas 
three, filiform, hairy. Capsule elliptical, with three deep 
furrows, indicating three lobes, enclosed within the persist- 
ent calyx, and equal in length with it, bursting by the 
centre of each lobe, into three valves, three celled ; cells 
with seven to eight angular, but not winged, seeds in each, 
arranged in two rows. 

Of the authors who have hitherto described this plant, 
Smiru alone has seen specimens which were cultivated at 
Sion House, in 1793, from seed which he supposed to be 
brought from some part of America. Pursn imagined it to 
be a native of America; but it was reserved for the indefa- 
tigable Mr. Dovetas to determine its exact locality. He 
discovered it in the woodless tracts, or sandy barrens on 
the Southern branches of the river Columbia, on the North- 
west coast of America, growing under the shade of PursHia 
( Tigarea. Pu.) tridentata and some species of ArTEMIsIA. 

In the garden of the Horticultural Society it thrives well, 
if cultivated among sandy peat, and blossoms in the early 
part of summer. It first flowered at Chiswick, in May, 1827. 

Fig. 1. Radical Leaf. 2. Flower. 3. Stamen. 4. Pistil. 5. Section of 

the Fruit. 6. Ripe Fruit surrounded by the Calyx. 7. Capsule removed from 
the Calyx.—More or less magnified. 






7 f i m/f EE Wh (fi 


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(2884 +) 

SH Hidicekiiielelok- 
Class and Order. 

Decanpria Monoeynia. 

( Nat. Ord.—Lreuminosaz. Div. 1V. Casarpinen. D.C.) — 

Generic Character. 

Calycis: sepala 5, inequalia, basi in cupulam subper- 
sistentem coalita, inferiore fornicato. Petala 5, stipitata, 
superiore difformi: Stam. 10, longissima, omnia fecunda, 
filamentis basi hirsutis. Stylus longissimus. Legumen 
plano-compressum, bivalve, submultiloculare, isthmis spon- 
giosis. Semina obovata, compressa, endopleura in aqua 
gelatinosa, cotyledonibus planis, plumula ovali. De C. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Poincrana * regia; inermis, foliis bipiunatis, pinnulis ovali- 
oblongis muticis, petalis longe stipitatis crenato-un- 
dulatis, superioris ungue marginibus involutis. 

Poiciana regia. Bojer MSS)” ; 

ae = : ger — 

Descr. A magnificent tree, thirty or forty feet high, 
having an erect trunk, three feet in diameter, for half its 
height unbranched, covered with a grey smooth bark ; the 
wood white ; above forming a vast cyme of alternate patent 
branches, the younger ones green spotted with white, and 
glabrous. The leaves broadly ovate in their cireumscrip- 
tion, two feet long, very patent, abruptly bipinnate, 
with from eleven to eighteen pairs of Pimne, which are 
four inches long, horizontally patent: pinnules spit 

* In honour of M. pg Pornet, a governor of the 
the Seventeenth century, who is said to have paid 
the Natural History of those islands. — 

blunt at each extremity, upon very short petioles, beneath 
paler and one nerved. Common petiole grooved above, 
inserted upon a remarkably swollen fleshy base. Stipules 
abruptly bipinnated, erect, the lower leaflets plane, like 
those of the true leaves, the rest subulato-setaceous, decidu- 
ous. Flowers in lax racemes, terminal, and from the axils 
of the superior leaves, bright scarlet. Pedicels alternate, 
patent, two inches and more in length, jointed at the extre- 
mity, having at the base an ovate, acute, reflexed, gla- 
brous bractea. Leaflets of the calyx equal, coriaceous, 
acute, very patent, coloured within, and deciduous with 
the petals. Petals almost orbicular, patenti-reflexed, taper- 
ing into long claws, crenate at the margin, at the base, on 
the upper side veined, and above the base dashed with yel- 
lowish lines: the wpper petal more cuneate, with the mar- 
gins involute at the base, variegated and striated with red 
and yellow; beneath striated with these two colours: all 
of them and the filaments downy at the base. Stamens ten, — 
shorter than the petals: Filaments red: Anthers oblong, 
two-celled. Germen linear-oblong, plane, shortly stipitate, 
glabrous: Style filiform, terminated by an obtuse stigma ; 
the whole green, scarcely longer than the stamens. Le- 
gumen somewhat inflated, two-valved, of a rather woody 
texture, about four inches long, terminated by the persist-_ 
ent style. Seeds more than half an inch long, compressed, 
ash-coloured, streaked with brown. Boser MSS. _ 
' Sometimes, though rarely, we have introduced in the 
present work plants of great beauty and rarity, which we 
have no hope of ever cultivating successfully. Such is not 
the case with the present individual, which is, however, B0_ 
less remarkable for its extreme beauty than for its rarity, 
having been found only in Madagascar, near Foule Point, 
(where it is known by the name of Tanahou) by Professor 
Boser. To that gentleman I am indebted for a magnifi- 
cent drawing, of which a portion only is engraved for the 
present work : and this is so satisfactory in all its parts, that 
I have no hesitation in immediately laying it before the 
pas Were not the subject of such great interest, I might 
ave been induced to wait for its blossoming in this coun- 
try: for plants have been raised by Mr. Barcray at Bury 
Hill, from seeds sent by Mr. Terai, and there is every 
reason to think they will be brought to great perfection in 
that well-managed establishment. set 


Fig. 1. A Legume, natural size. 2. A Stipule, magnified. 


( 2885 ) 

Doe ae oe oo es Os oe a NO a 
Class and Order. 

IcosanpriA Monoeynta. 
( Nat. Ord. — Porrutaces. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. aut liber aut imo ovario adherens, bipartitus, demum 
basi circumscissus et deciduus. Pet. 4—6, equalia, inter 
se libera aut ima basi concreta, calyci inserta. Stam. 8- 
15 (v. plura,) filamentis liberis interdum ima corolla adna- 
tis. Ovarium subrotundum. Stylus 1, apice 5—6- (9-) 
fidus, aut stylus nullus et stigmata 3—8 elongata. Capsula 
subglobosa, 1-locularis, medio circumscissa. Semina plu- 
gee placente (v. placentis tot stigmata) centrali affixa. 

Specific Character. 

Portrutaca * grandiflora ; caulibus diffusis ramosis, foliis 
cylindraceis acutis, axillis pilosis, floribus terminalibus 
congestis, petalis calyce longioribus. 7 


Descr. Root tuberous. Stems diffuse, branched, six to 
eight inches long, rounded, smooth, succulent, reddish. 
Leaves scattered, rather remote, an inch or an inch and a 
half long, cylindrical or terete, acute, sessile, or with a 
very imperfect contraction at the base, which may be con- 
sidered a sort of petiole, fleshy, glaucous green, glabrous ; 
the axils alone have numerous long, entangled, white (de- 
ciduous ?) hairs. Flowers terminal, three or four in a 
cluster, sessile upon the top of a branch, and —- 

ane y 

———— en 

_ *- An ancient Latin word applied to the Purs/ane, of very doubtful origin, 
Some say from portula, a little door, because the leaves resemble a little door. 

by a kind of involucre, whose leaflets resemble the cauline 
leaves, and are plentifully interspersed with hairs at the 
base. Calyx diphyllous, spreading, leaflets ovate, green, at 
length scariose, hairy at the point of insertion. Corolla 
large, showy, considerably longer than the calyx, orange co- 
lored, or of a very bright reddish purple. Petals five, united 
at the base, and apparently incorporated with the base of 
the calyx at the point of insertion of the germen. Stamens 
united with the base of the calyx and corolla, and in aslight 
degree with each other, numerous: Filaments deep, blackish 
purple. Anthersrounded,two-celled, purplish: pollen bright 
yellow. Pistil: Germen superior, conical, including several 
upright receptacles, to which the seeds are attached : Style 
as long as the stamens, filiform: Stigma of seven to nine 
filiform, pubescent, at length recurved rays. 

Professor De justly observes, that the Genus 
Porrutaca is a very heterogeneous one; and its characters 
are certainly but imperfectly understood. I am happy, 
therefore, in haying the opportunity of giving an analysis 
of what I cannot but think a new species of the Genus, and ~ 
one,, the beauty of whose flowers must render it a desirable 
inhabitant of the cool stove or greenhouse. . 

It was discovered by Dr. Gituies, growing in light sandy 
soil, in various situations between the Rio del Saladillo, or 
Western boundary of the Pampas, and the foot of the 
mountains near Mendoza. On the Western side of Rio 
Desaguardero plants were in great profusion, giving to the 
ground over which they were spread a rich purple hue, here — 
and there marked with spots of an orange colour, from the 
orange-coloured variety which grew intermixed with the 

It has some affinity with P. pilosa, (Bot. Reg. t. 792) 
but differs in the greater length of its leaves and vastly 
larger size of the flowers. The colour of these flowers we 
find to vary to that degree, that it must afford a very deceit- 
ful character for the grouping of the species of the Genus. 
P. teretifolia and P. lanuginosa will also rank very near our 
plant, but the latter is described as having small flowers, 
and the former, many ovate, acute, diaphanous bractez. at 
the base of the flowers. 


Fig. }. Orange-flowered state of the plant. 2. Purple-flowered ditto. 3. 
Extremity of a Flowering, Branch, from which the corolla is removed. 4 
Portion of the Stamens. 5. Pistil. 6. Section of the Germen.—All but fig. 
I. and 2 more or less magnified. 

( 2886 ) 
Iris TRIPETALA. Turre-PeTALeD Irté. 

Class and Order. — 

TrianpriA Monoeynia. 

( Nat. Ord. — Irie. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cor. 6-partita: laciniis alternis reflexis. Stzgmata peta- 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

{ris tripetala ; imberbis, caule tereti foliis lineari-ensiform- 
ibus longiore, corolle laciniis interioribus erectis minu- 

tis integris dentatisve. Eee & 
Iris tripetala. ‘ Walt. Fl. Carol. p. 66.” Elliott Sketch. 

v. I. p. 45. Roem. et Schultes Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 
480 ; 

— Tris tridentata. Pursh Fl. Am. Sept. ». 1. p. 30. Roem. 
et Schultes Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 468. Spreng. Syst. 

Veget. v. 1. p. 161. 


Descr. Root “ creeping” Exx. Stem one and a half to 
two feet high, terete, bearing a few deaves ; but most of 
them spring from the root and are linear, ensiform, striated, 
acuminated, slightly faleate : uppermost ones spathiform. 
"towers, three or four from the extremity of the stem, each 
subtended by its own foliaceous spatha. Peduncle shorter 
than the spatha. Exterior segments of the corolla broadly 
Oval, much waved, somewhat clawed, large, of a beautiful 
bluish purple mottled with white, and distinctly marked 
with deeper purple lines, the claw whitish, with yellow- 
own reticulations : inner segments very small, linear-lan- 
ceolate, acuminated, the segments incurved, entire, or with 
three teeth at the extremity, the middle tooth beg longer 
and much acuminated : the colour a pale purple. Divisions 

: : of 
J  Hedhean, crate Bett. 

of the styles purple: stigmas toothed, bifid and almost 

Communicated by Davin Fatconer, Esq. from his collec- 
tion at Carlowrie, Edinburgh, in May, 1828. It is a native 
of Carolina, first described by Watrer, in his Flora of that 
country : nor does it appear to have been known to any 
other Botanist except Mr. Exxiorr, who, however, speaks 
of it as being very much circumscribed in its locality. 

The inner segments of the corolla, I do not find to be by 

any means constantly three toothed. Sometimes they are 
quite entire. : 

Fig. 1. One of the Inner Segments of the Corolla— Magnified. 

The Ints lutescens figured at tab. 2861 of the present yolume being consid- 
ered by Dr. Granam distinct from the Iris Iutescens of SpRENGEL, his specifie 
character should have been adopted in lieu of that of the author last men- 
tioned. “ 1. Zutescens; caule simplici unifloro folioso, folium inferius equanti; 
flore barbato, breve pedunculato, tubo corolle germen superanti, laciniis un- 
dulatis, crenulatis, obtusis, unguiculatis, interioribus latioribus inflexis, laci- 
niis labii superioris stigmatis acutis, spatha erecta, excedente et valvula interi- 

oe a inflata involvente tubum. Granam in Edin. N. Phil. Journ. No. [X- 
p- 174. 


WS Bae 

Luk. by So. lartis, Wadworthy, Be 22829 : 

( 2887 ) 


Class and Order. 
PoryAnpriA T'rrrRAGyniA. 

( Nat. Ord.—Papavaracez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Receptaculum ampliatum, hypocrateriforme, limbo ex- 
panso integro. Cal. mitreformis, caducus. Cor. 4-petala, 
petalis unguibus fauci receptaculi insertis, staminiferis. 
( Cham.) Caps: siliquiformis, bivalvis ; Semina marginibus 
valvarum affixa. ©  t * gs 

: Specific Name and Synonyms. 

Escuscuoxzia * californica. Mae 
Escuscuouzia californica. Chamisso in Hore Phys. Berol. . 
p. 74. t.15. De Cand. Prod. v. 3. p. 344. — rt. Reg: 
t. 1168. Sweet Brit. Fl. Gard. t. 265. Chamisso et 
_ Schlecht. in Linnea, v. 1. p. 554. "a 

/ . st ia 4 a 
* 2. ee : eee i ¢ . ‘ Pet. ed - Pi! 7 

Descr. Root perennial, large in proportion to the size 

of the plant, somewhat fusiform, woody, tortuous, produ- 

cing from its upper extremity many leaves ai d geal 
Pf als andi 

“4 J . 

en ee ce 3 

Pe gt, ts . 

a ; 
, ™* Named by Caamusso in honor of Dr. Escuscuo1z, an excellent Botan- 
ist and Entomologist, who accompanied him as a fellow Natu in ‘the 
Voyage round the world under the command of Korzznvs. It is not, perhaps, 
‘enerally known, that this gentleman is a descendant of the Joun Sicismunp 
_ Etsnouz, a Prussian Botanist, author of a Flora Marchiea, | after whom 
‘ILLDENOW named the Exsnonza aristata. ‘The Russians, into whose ser- 
vice the present Exsnouz went, wrote his name EscuscHou: 
The Genus is now so well established, that the alteration to | 

name might create unnecessary confusion. ks: 


abounding ina yellowish juice. Stems about a foot long, 
terete, branched, glaucous, as is the whole plant, and bear- 
ing several distantly-placed leaves. Leaves: all of them 
on long, flat, linear footstalks, especially the radical ones, 
tripinnatifid, the segments linear, acute, the ultimate ones 
trifid at the point. Peduncles axillary and terminal, long, 
terete, terminating in a cup-shaped, fleshy receptacle. 
Flowers large, beautiful. Calyx mitriform, thin, membra- 
naceous, acuminated at the top, separating transversely 
from the thickened margin of the receptacle at its base, and 
like the calyptra of a Moss, which it very much resembles, 
falling off quite entire, or with one or two short fissures, 
previous to the expansion of the bud. Petals four, spread- 
ing, inserted within the margin of the receptacle, and bear- 
ing some of the stamens upon the very short claws, obcor- 
date, waved, and crenate or notched at the margin, of a 
beautiful bright yellow colour, at the base deep orange, 
gradually melting into the yellow. Stamens about thirty, 
partly inserted on the thickened inner margin of the recep- 
tacle, and partly accrete with the claws of the petals. Fla- 
ments short: Anthers long, linear-lanceolate, golden yellow, 
the cells opening longitudinally, and occupying the mar- 
gins of the anthers. Pistil inserted at the very base of the 
hollow receptacle. Germen subcylindrical, but tapering 
upwards, and bearing four filiform glandular stigmas, two 
opposite ones shorter than the other two. A section of the 
germen exhibits two opposite, lougitudinal, parietal, rows 
of seeds, placed where the sutures of the valves of the cap- 
sule will appear*. Ovules very numerous, but many prov- 
ing abortive. Capsule a long, siliquiform, straight, capsule, 
generally curved after the valves have separated, attenuated 
at both extremities, and surrounded at the base with the 
persistent, cup-shaped receptacle, with ten deep sulci, the 
corresponding ridges forming distinct ribs; bursting, from 
the extremity to the base, into two equal valves, and exhi- 
biting, attached to the margin of these valves, by means of 



* The peculiar situation of these seeds or ovules within the germen, corre- 
sponding as to situation with the shorter, or abortive stigmas, has led Mr- 
Liyotey (in the Bot. Register) to form a new theory of the structure of the 
fruit of the Crucirer#, in which the two stigmas are, contrary to the us 
structure in fruits, opposite to the receptacle of seeds (placenta): and it hence 
appears to him, that their fruit is “formed of four confluent pistilla, of which 
two are placentiferous, and furnished with stigmata, and two destitute of ple 
cent and stigmata, but separable, in the form of valves. 2 

slender stalks, many globose, corrugated, dark brown, 
almost black seeds, filled with a fleshy albumen, and having 
an embryo immersed in that albumen, near the base of the 
seed, and with the radicle pointing to the hilum. The coty- 
ledons are a little spreading, and notched at the ends. 

This singular and very beautiful plant, which already con- 
stitutes one of the most lovely ornaments of our flower- 
borders, was discovered by Mr. Menzizs in 1792, during 
the celebrated voyage of Capt. Vancouver, in various parts 
of the coast of California: but lay long in the Herbaria of 
various Botanists of this country, to whom its discoverer 
had generously distributed it, as a new Genus, allied to 
CneLiponium, but without any public notice being taken 
of it. At length, in the year 1820, it appeared in the Hore 
Physice Berolinenses, under the name we have here adopt- 
ed, as a discovery of the able Naturalists, Cuamisso and 
Escuscnoxz, at St. Francisco in California, during the Rus- 
sian voyage of discovery, directed by Count Romanzorr, 
and commanded by Korzzsus. Still it was only known 
from dried specimens, and it was again reserved for a Bo- 
tanist of this country to introduce it to our gardens. The 
indefatigable Mr. Dovetas gathered it abundantly on the 
North-west coast of America, on the dry sandy banks of 
streams, on the plains of the river Multnomah, in about 43° 
North latitude, and Southward to the Spanish possessions, 
where, as with us, it flowers from July till September; and 
seeds were sent to the Horticultural Society’s garden, 
whence they have been dispersed both at home and abroad 
by that valuable institution. | : 

I may observe, that specimens of the Escuscnoiz1a were 
found. by the Botanists Mr. Lay and Mr. Coxtre of Capt. 
Brrcuy’s Expedition, both at Monterfy and other places on 
the coast of California. Ds Canpotxe, in his Prodromus, 
not without much hesitation, places this Genus among his 
Catycirtor#, at the end of Loasez: misled, perhaps by 
Cuamisso, who, in his first memoir on the plant, in the Hore 
Phys. Berol. calls the stamens perigynous. But had he 
Seen living plants, or had Cuamisso’s further observations in 
the “ Linnza”’ been then published, where this latter error 
'S corrected, that great man would unquestionably have 
ranked it with Papayaracesz: or if, as eRe A “ the 
recewed Character of Paravarace# Will not admit the union 
of Escuscuoxzia, that Character must be amended.” ‘The 

cup-shaped, fleshy body into which the pistil is pp arias 

assuredly, nothing more than an enlarged receptacle or ex- 
tremity of the flower-stalk, a tendency to which, Mr. Linp- 
Ley remarks, is observable in CHELiponium majus and Hyrr- 
coum grandzflorum. - : 

Fig. 1. Base of one of the Petals, to which some of the Stamens are attach- 
ed. 2. Apex ofan Anther. 3. Pistil inserted in the cup-shaped Receptacle, 
or hollowed extremity of the Peduncle. 4. Section of the Germen. 5. Ripe 

Capsule (nat. size). 6. Seed. 7. Section of ditto. 8, Embryo.—All but 
fig. 5, more or less magnified. 

( 2888 ) 
Ponta ALBIFLORA, x. rosea. DovusLe 

Wuite Cuinese Paony, with Rose 
coloured Flowers. 

Class and Order. 

Potyanpria Dieynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Paontacez. ) 

Generic Character. 

_ Cal. 5-sepalus, foliaceus, inequalis. Pet. 5—10, subor- 
biculata. Stam. plurima. Discus carnosus, ovaria cingens. 
Carpella 2—5, grossa, stigmatibus bilamellatis crassis in- 
structa, in folliculos capsulares conversa. Semina subglo- 
bosa, nitida. D.C. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Paonta * albiflora; herbacea, carpellis glabris recurvatis 
foliorum segmentis glabris nitidis tripartitus, lobis ova- 

3 to-lanceolatis. D.C. . “ 
Paonia albiflora. Pall. Fl. Ross. v. 2. t. 84. De Cand. 
% oe v. 1. p. 392. Prodr.v. 1. p. 66. Bot. Mag. t. 

(x) rosea ; flore plenissimo, petalis roseis, t. 2888. 


Communicated by Joseru Sanrne, Esq. from the garden 
of the Hortisaitural Society, as a rare and new kind of 
Paony from China, and well deserving a place in the works 

which treat of plants that are cultivated in our gardens. ’ 
: i 

* After Paxon, a physician whe cured the wounds which the Gods received 
during the Trojan war. 

it was unaccompanied with any further notes or observa- 
tions, its being referred to the P. albiflora rests entirely 
upon myself. I have so done, from its general resemblance 
to the P. albiflora y. Whitlejt of Bot. Reg. t. 630, and still 
more to the P. edulis (a synonym to P. albiflora, var. sinen- 
sis, Bot. Mag. t. 1768.) From the former it is distinguished 
by its inner petals being much broader, and more entire, 
and from the latter, by these being of a beautiful and most 

delicate rose colour, little if at all inferior to that of our 
most favourite roses. 

te eee 

PP abet 


Feb! Jie 




Pah by 

¢ 2899 ) | 
“CENoTuERA DECUMRENS. Decumeenr Smatt- 
FLOWERED Evening Primrose. 
Class and Order. | 

Ocranpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Onacraria. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 4-fidus tubulosus. Pet. 4 calyci inserta. Capsula 
4-locularis, 4-valvis, infera. Semina comosa. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

(Enornera decumbens ; caule pubescente basi decumbente, 

foliis lanceolatis glaucis, petalis calyce vix longioribus, 
stigmate globoso, capsula subcylindracea sulcata pu- 

(xornera decumbens. Douglas MSS. 

Descr. Annual. Stem decumbent, especially below, 
waved, pubescent and much branched. Leaves nearly ses- 
Sile, alternate, lanceolate, glaucous, entire, or sometimes 
distantly and obscurely toothed towards the extremity. 
Flowers axillary, solitary, of a dark purple colour, small. 

alycine segments acuminate, glabrous. Petals broadly 
obovate, waved, and irregularly notched. Stamens eight ; 
four long and four short. Anthers oblong, white. Stgma 
deep purple, the four segments so much reflexed that the 
Whole appears globose : it terminates a slender, white style. 
about equal in length with the stamens. Capsule nearly an 
inch long, cylindrical, a little tapering upwards, furrowed, 

This, as well as the species given at tab. 2873 of this 
Work, from the same country, is nearly related to G4. purpu- 
rea; but the present differs from it in its decumbent stem 

and lax, slender branches: in the capsule being less ss : 

and less deeply furrowed. The flower is smaller, the style 
shorter, and the stigma has the appearance, from the short, 
reflected segments, of a globose head. Dovetas. 

Detected in Northern California, where: it frequents dry 
soils in mountain vallies, by Mr. Davin Dovetas, who sent 
seeds in 1827 to the Horticultural Society, in whose Garden 
at Chiswick it blossomed in the same year, and seems to 
flourish in any kind of soil. 

Fig. 1. Style and Stigma, magnified. 2. Capsule, nat. size. 

ty Feb? L/$29 

La its Wadwore 

ae by 

( 2890 ) 
Class and Order. 
Penranpria Monoeynia. 


( Nat. Ord.—Escattonez. Br. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-fidus, superus. Petala 5, et stamina, calyci inser- 
ta. Stigma bilobum. Caps. baccata (?) semi- bilocularis, 
placenta bine in quovis loculo: semina creberrima. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Escattonia * rubra; foliis obovato-lanceolatis acutis basi 
in petiolum attenuatis duplicato serratis inferne glan- 
dulosis subtus (plerumque) resinoso-punctatis, pedun- 
culis in axillis foliorum terminalium simplicibus vel 
ramosis bracteatis, floribus oe 

Escarionia rubra. Pers. Syn. Pl. v. 1. p. 235. Spreng. 
Syst. Veget.v. 1. p. 793. 

Stereoxyion rubrum. Ruiz et Pav. Fl. Per. v. 3. p. 15. 

pf O00. Jb, ed a 

Descr. A shrub, with numerous twiggy, rounded, red 
branches, more or less pubescent, and sprinkled with pedi- 
cellated glands. Leaves numerous, alternate, persistent, 
rigid, coriaceous, obovato-lanceolate, acute, doubly ser- 
rated at the margin, attenuated at the base into a short, red 
petiole, and there bordered at the sides with glands, which 
are sometimes sessile or nearly so, sometimes pedicellated ; 
the surface is veined, but not very distinctly, from these 
veins, on the underside, there exu on from a points, 
minute resinous drops, most abundant on the native speci- 
mens. A tuft of young leaves springs from the axil ofeach 


% * After Escanuon, a pupil of the celebrated Mutts, as well as his compa- 
on and fellow traveller in New Spain. 

of these older ones, indicative of numerous branches. In the axils 
of the upper leaves the peduncles appear, which, in our cultivated 
specimens, are single-flowered, but in the wild ones, the peduncle 
is branched, and bears many rather drooping flowers. Indeed, in 
our plant, the two small, alternate, leaf-like bractee, near the 
base of the peduncle, show a disposition to bear pedicels. Calyx: 
the lower part turbinate and adherent with the ovary, the upper 
part free, cup-shaped, with five acuminated, at length elongated 
and reflexed teeth or segments, reddish, glabrous. Petals five, 
inserted upon the calyx, s athulate, erect, and forming a tube for 
the greater part of their length, and, indeed, slightly cohering 
with the back of the anthers and the margins, just below the oval 
spreading or reflexed limb. Their color is a deep red, paler in the 
limb, and there, when fading, becoming brown, and distinctly 
marked with a few dark veins. Stamens inserted upon the calyx, 
alternately with the petals, and nearly equal to them in length: fila- 
ments rose colour: Aniher oblong, yellow, opening by two longi- 
tudinal clefts. Germen inferior, imperfectly two-celled by means 
of the introflexed margins of the valves, and these latter at the ex- 
tremity, have two longitudinal receptacles, which are covered with 
very minute ovules. Sty/e filiform, purple, sheathed at the base 
by a large, conical, grooved, yellow, afterwards reddish gland; up- 
wards the style is greenish, and terminated by a two-lobed, cap! 
tate stigma. «i 
Raised from seeds, sent about two years ago by Mr. Crvuick- 
sHANKs from Chili, in the Botanic Garden of Liverpool, where, 
in September of the present year (1828) it has produced its richly- 
coloured blossoms : and from the structure of these, as from the 
form of the leaves, there can, I think, be no doubt that it is the 
Esc, rubra of Ruiz and Pavyon. Our cultivated individuals, m- 
deed, exhibit no traces of the resinous dots upon the leaves? but 
our native specimens in the Herbarium, sent also by Mr. CrvuiceK- 
SHANKS, show them very distinctly : so that their absence may; 
perhaps, be considered due to the cooler temperature to which 
plants are exposed in our greenhouses. Mr. Suepaerp, indeed 
finds, that the plants flourish when planted in the open air; al dif 
they can be made to bear the winter they would constitute a great 
ornament to our shrubberies. on ae 
I possess, in my Herbarium, a variety with white flowers: an 
the Esc. glandulosa of Smrru in Rees, and Loppices (tab. 1291) 
is, probably, not distinct. As far as I am able to judge from 
various individuals in my collection, the Genus is very liable 1 
vary in the degree of pubescence, in the presence or absence © 
glands, and of the resinous dots, — eo ESP ie 
Escantonia has been considered by Jussrev’and most authors 
to belong to the Ericinez. Mr. Brown detected its affinity with 
Rizes, yet seems to consider that it should constitute a distine 
rebes kos. with ANopTERUs and some other New Holland gene 
for which he proposes the name of EscanLone®, as here adopted. 

Fig. 1. Flower, with the Peduncle and Bractee. 2. Petal and Stamem, 
3. Calyx and Pistil. 4. The same ina more advanced state. 5. Section 

the Germen. 6. Leaf of the cultivated plant. 7. Leaf froma native specimen ’ 
—All more or less magnified. 


nF 1A 7 a) 
Lue. by S. Gartis. Walworth March t§29, 

( 2891 ) 

Hipiscus LiLiFLorus: var. hybridus. Hy- 
brid var. of the Lity-rLowerep Hisiscus. 

Class and Order. 

MonapetpuiaA PoLyAnpRIA. 
( Nat. Ord. — Matvacea. ) 

Generic Character. — 
~ Cal. cinctus involucello sepius polyphyllo, rarius foliolis 
paucis aut inter se coalitis. Petala hinc non auriculata. 
Stigmata 5. Carpella in capsulam 5-locularem coalita, 
valvis intus medio septiferis, loculis polyspermis aut rarius 
monospermis. ' 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Hiziscus * liliiflorus ; foliis lanceolato-oblongis rariusve tri- 
fidis, involucello 5-phyllo, calyce 5-dentato, petalis 
extus subvelutinis. D. C. 

Hiziscus liliiflorus. Cav. Diss. 3. p. 154. t. 57. f.1. De 
Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 446. 

Var. hybridus, ex H. liliifloro et H. Rosa-sinensi. (Tan. 

gc, OURS) 


_ Descr: A mule plant, derived from H. —, whose 
flowers were fertilized by the pollen of H. Rosa-sinensis. 
The consequence is a production, very variable, indeed, 
as to the size and form both of leaves and flowers, and amply 
deserving a place in every collection of stove plants. 

The first I heard of this charming plant was from my often- 

mentioned friend and invaluable correspondent, Cuarues 

ete — 

* From s€icxos, an ancient Greek name, which was applied to the Autuma, 
& plant of the same natural family with Hisiscvus, and nearly allied to it, 

Texrair, Esq. of the Mauritius, to whom I am indebted for — 
two beautiful drawings, from the pencil of Mrs. Trexrair ; 
from one of which, the engraving here given is made. 

These drawings were accompanied by a letter, with the 
following remarks-upon them. “ We think a sight of these 
drawings may induce our excellent friend Mr. Barcray to 
endeavour to cultivate and vary this beautiful shrub. The 
variety to be artificially produced is endless, especially in 
the colour :—the size of the flowers too is very great, and 
their brilliancy and delicate shading render them objects of 
great interest to cultivators. With us it grows almost 
to a tree: and the blossoms are upon it nearly at all seasons 
of the year.” | : 

Plants were at the same time sent to Mr. Barcray at 
Bury Hill, who cultivates them most successfully, and has 
favoured me both with drawings and dried specimens. 

Sometimes the shape of the leaves is almost exactly as in 
H. Rosa-sinensis: at other times, and that very frequently, 
they are trifid, or tripartite, with the segments laciniated. 
The flowers are deep red, buff-coloured,and more frequently 
of a bright and delicate rose colour. The outer calyx, or 
involucre of Dr Canpotts, is always more erect than in H. 

Rosa-sinensis: but the column of fructification is not so 
much declined. 

Fig. 1. One of the trifid Leaves.—Nat. size. 

ptt ay 


* ay 


Nie | 




i de® 

Lub by SL. Curtis Walworth Marcel 2g 

( 2892 ) 


Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynis. 
( Nat. Ord.—Brometicez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx superus. Petala convoluta, basi squamosa. Stam. 
basi perianthii inserta. Stylus filiformis. Stigmata linea- 
ra, convoluta. Capsula baccata? Semina nuda. Lindl. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Birtgereia * cruenta ; foliis ligulatis obtusis mucronatis 
dentato spinosis apice (sepissime) sanguineo-maculatis, 
bracteis lato-ovalibus imbricatis obtusissimis concavis, 
Spica capitata subsessili. 

Bromenis cruenta, Graham in Edin. Phil. Journ. 


_ Descr. Plant probably parasitic. Stem short, ascend- 
ing, cylindrical. Stolons axillary, sheathed with large, im- 
bricated, ovate, adpressed, entire scales. Leaves (one and 
a half to two feet long, three inches broad,) numerous, im- 
bricated, erect at their base, spreading above, linear, ob- 
tuse, mucronate, serrato-spinous, very hard and rigid, bright 
Steen and concave above, pruinose in transverse stripes and 
rounded below, sprinkled irregularly with blood-red stains, 
and marked with the same colour on the anterior surface 
for above half an inch at the apex, greatly dilated at their 
base, and forming a cup, from which water thrown upon 

the plant does not escape. Spike terminal, capitate, bea 
| . tea 

* Sp named by Taunzere, in honour of Gustavus Joun BiLLBERG, an 
excellent Swedish Botanist. 

teate, but without coma, nearly sessile, and raising only its — 
upper surface above the water which the cup formed by 
the leaves contains. Bractee, one on the outside of each 
flower, ovate, convex internally, and somewhat cucullate, 
broadest on the outside of the capitulum, and there longer 
than the calyx, shorter than it in the centre. Flowers ex- 
pand in succession from without inwards, generally only 
one or two at atime, standing three-fourths of an inch above 
the surface of the capitulum. Calyx ovate, acuminate, 
green, glabrous, shining, segments overlapping, greatly 
dilated upon one side, which is scariose, transparent, and 
rT between the next segment and the corolla (ten and a 

alf lines long). Corolla (one inch four and a half lines 
long) three-parted, segments subequal, unguiculate, claws 
white, linear, glabrous, equal in length to the calyx (two 
and a quarter lines broad) erect, bearing on their inside at 
their base large, connate, smooth, shining, colourless, nec- 
tariferous glands ; limb spreading, segments ovate, acumi- 
nate, blue, slightly striated in the centre, and paler behind 
and towards the edits Stamens inserted at unequal heights 
into the claws, three into one, two into another, and one 
into the third; filaments flattened, similar in structure and 
colour to the claws of the corolla, inserted into the back of 
the anthers, and continued along these to their apices ; all- 
thers projecting into the throat of the corolla, of equal 
length, and approximating at their apices (nearly three 
lines long), white, acuminate, cleft from the base for about 
a quarter of their length, above which they are connate 
along the back with the filaments; pollen white. Pistil 
equal in height to the stamens ; stigmata three, flattened, - 
ciliated on one edge, spirally twisted ; styles three, united 
throughout their whole length ; germen inferior, glabrous, 
three-celled ; ovula very numerous, small, attached to @ 
central receptacle. ° 

This plant was brought to the Edinburgh Botanic Gat- 

den by Captain Granam, of H. M. Packet Service from Mr. 
Harris, at Rio Janeiro, in 1824, and has grown freely 2 
rich soil in the stove, pushing up three crowns from it8 
root, only one of which has yet flowered. Granam. 


Fig. 1, Flower scarcely magnified. 2, Petal, with the Stamens. 3. Pistil. 
4. Section of the Germen.— Magnified. 


; Bde 
CUP LL Waleorty Mitchel 702 9 

( 2893 ) 

CoLLoMIA. | 

SHE Hokobeekeeakskukskookakskakeskalesk 
Class and Order. ~ 

Penranpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord. — Potemontacez. ) — 

Generic Character. 

Cal. obconicus, glandulosus, 5-fidus. Cor. subhypo- 
crateriformis, limbo 5-fido. Stam. intra faucem tubi inserta, 
inequalia. Capsula trilocularis, trivalvis, valvis obcordatis 
loculicido-dehiscens, axi libera, trialata loculis mono- di- 
Spermis. Semina mucosa. (Flores involucrati.) 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Cottomra* parviflora ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis lato-lanceo- 
latisve opacis plerumque glabris, ramis superioribus 
patentissimis pubescentibus, corolle limbo patentibus 
tubo gracillimo triplo breviore. 

Cottomia linearis. Nutt. Gen. v. 1. p. 126. Douglas 
Journ. ined. Bot. Reg. t. 1166. : 


Descr. An annual, erect, much branching plant, with 
founded, glabrous stems; the uppermost branches ren-ark- 
ably patent and pubescent. Leaves two to. four or five 
inches long, linear lanceolate, lanceolate, or broadly lance- 
olate, the shorter ones almost ovate, alternate, patent, ses- 
Sile, waved, entire, opaque, glabrous, the younger and 
- Upper ones only pubescent: pubescence glandular. The 
uppermost leaves form an involucre around the terminal, 

Sessile, dense heads of flowers. Calyx large, obconical or 
| inclining 


* From xoAa, gluten, in allusion to the character of the seed. 

inclining to bell-shaped, glanduloso-pubescent, cut into 
five deep, acute, erect segments. - Corolla more than twice 
the length-of the whole calyx: the tube slender, enlarged 
upwards, yellowish-brown : Limb spreading horizontally, 
small, pale lilac-purple, its breadth not equalling one third 
of the length of the tube; the segments oval. Stamens 
five, inserted at unequal heights within the mouth of the 
tube: Filaments short: Anther rounded. Germen obo- 
vate, with three furrows. Style filiform ; Stigma three- 
cleft. Capsules ripen abundantly, and are lodged within 
the enlarged husky, persistent calyces, obovate, three-lobed, 
three-celled, bursting longitudinally from the summit in 
the centre of these lobes into three obcordate, deeply groov- 
ed valves, which leave the axis or. central three-winged re- 
ceptacle free, to the flat sides of which are attached three 
seeds, one to each cell. These are oval, fixed by the middle, 
filled with a horny albumen, which encloses a cylindrical 
embryo, whose radicle is inferior. _ 

This plant seems to have been first discovered by Mr. 
Norraxz, near the banks of the Missouri river, about the 
confluence of the Shian river. Dr. Ricuarpson and Mr. 
Drummonp found it abundantly further North, to the East- 
ward of the Rocky Mountains, particularly plentiful about 
Carlton House and Cumberland House Forts: and Mr. Dove- 
Las and Dr. Scouter on dry sandy banks of the Columbia; 
and the former traveller observes, that it extends over a 
immense tract of country from Menzies Island in the Colum- 
bia, to Lake Winipeg, East of the Rocky Mountains, @ 
distance of sixteen hundred miles, growing upon the banks 
of streams ; and flowers from May to July. In our garden 
it is a hardy annual, flowering nearly the whole summer. 

Introduced by Mr. Doveuas to the garden of the Hortt 
cultural Society. 



Fig. 1. Single Flower. 2. Stamen. 3. Pistil. 4, Capsule within the 

Calyx. 5. Capsule in the act of bursting. 6. Seed with its Hilum. 7 

Section of a Capsule from which the Se . Section of ? 
and Te e Seeds are removed. 8 


0 ewer izen Malvortn. MarchZiG??, 

( 2894 ) | 

Class and Order. 

PrentanpriaA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Potemontiscez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. obconicus, 5-fidus, glandulosus. Cor. subhypocra- 
teriformis limbo 5-fido : Stamina intra faucem tubi inserta, 
inequalia. Capsula trilocularis, trivalvis, valvis obcor- 
datis, loculicido -dehiscens, axi libera trialata: loculis 
mono- di-spermis. Semina mucosa. (Flores involucratis.) 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Cottomia grandiflora; foliis lato-lanceolatis nitidis inferio- 
_tibus sepissime serratis glabris superioribus ramisque 
junioribus pubescentibus, capitulis viscosis, corolla 
limbo obliquo erectiusculo tubo vix breviore. 
one grandiflora. Douglas Journ. ined. Bot. Reg. t. 
174. | | 


Descr. Annual. Much stronger in its growth than the 
Subject of the last plate, Cornomsa parviflora. The stem 
reddish purple, striated, pubescent above, the branches 
‘rect, pubescent. The leaves large, shining; the lower 
ones quite glabrous, and inciso-serrate, the upper ones en- 
tire, glanduloso-pubescent. Heads of flowers larger, few 
More showy. Calyx smaller in proportion to the size of 
the corolla, viscid with glandular hairs; the teeth more 
obtuse. Corolla at first yellow, when fully expanded, the 
limb becomes of a salmon colour, and is never spread hori- 
Zontally, but stands nearly erect, with a degree of obli- 
quity in the oval segments; its whole breadth is ane 


equal to the length of the tube. Some of the stamens are 
alittle protruded. Anthers oblong, bluish. Germen ovate, 
surrounded by a glandular ring. 

This fine new species of Cottomia (a genus, by the bye, 
which seems to me too closely allied to Gix1a), which is 
much more worthy of cultivation than C. parviflora, was 
discovered by Mr. Doveras and Dr. Scovuter on the North- 
west coast of America, especially about the mouth of the 
Columbia; and it has been traced by the latter from the 
sea to the source of that vast river in the Rocky Mountains, 
which seem to be its limits to the East. 

Flowers in the open border the whole summer. Intro- 
duced by the Horticultural Society in 1827. 


_ Fig. 1. Single Flower. 2. Stamen, 3. Pistil—Magnified. 

i ; q 
LLL by S Curtis: Walworth March 2723 io ua 

| ( 2895 ) 

Class and Order. — 

PentTanpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Potemonracez. )~ 

Generic Character. ro 

Cal. obconicus, glandulosus, 5-fidus. Cor. subhypocra- 
teriformis, limbo 5-fido.. Stam. intra faucem tubi inserta, 
Inequalia. Capsula trilocularis, trivalvis obcordatis locu- 
licido-dehiscens, axi libera trialata ; loculis mono- di-sper- 
mis. Semina mucosa. (Flores involucrati.)» » 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Cottomia heterophylla ; pubescens, caule erecto ramoso, 
‘foliis inferioribus bipinnatifidis superne sensim magis 
Integris, involucris omnino-integris, capitulis pauci- 
oris. : 
Gitta heterophylla. Douglas Journ. ined. 


_ Descr. Annual. A foot to a foot and a half high, 
frect, much branched. Leaves alternate, all petiolated : 

1€ lower ones on long petioles, and deeply and doubly 
Pinnatifid ; the segments lanceolate, rather acute, pubes- 
Cent as are all the leaves and stem: upwards the leaves be- 
pome gradually more and more entire, and upon shorter 
footstalks, till they pass into the uppermost leaves or brac- 
_"e of the involucre, where they are oval, sessile, quite en- 
re, or with a single tooth on one side. Heads sessile, of 
ew flowers. Calyx campanulate, nerved with five deep 
Segments half its length, glanduloso-pubescent. Tube of 
the corolla very long, slender, purplish, enlarged and yellow 
"uPWards at the faux: Limb of five oval, purple segments, 

spreading horizontally. Stamens wholly within the tube. 
Germen oval, three-celled, each cell having two seeds: 
Style filiform, as long as the tube of the corolla: Stigmas 
three, linear-filiform. 

Introduced to the Horticultural Society’s Gardens at 
Chiswick, by Mr. Davin Dovetas, who, as well as Dr. 
Scouter, found it about Fort Vancouver, on the Columbia. 
Mr. Dovetas afterwards ascertained it to be ‘‘ a common 
plant on the subalpine hills of North-west America, grow- 
ing in partially shaded places. It is of easy cultivation in 
any soil ; flowering through the summer. 

I have specimens in my Herbarium, which were gathered 
by Mr. Menzies in California, in 1792. 

Mr. Dovexas, in his MSS., has considered this plant to be 
a Giza ; and, indeed, I scarcely see how it is to be distin- 
guished from that Genus, except in the inflorescence. If 
the situation of the stamens in the sinus of the segments of 
the corolla be characteristic of Gina, then G. capitata is the 
only North American species with which I am acquainted. 
The present plant cannot, however, be separated from the 

Genus of the plants in the two preceding figures CoLtomIs 
linearis and C. grandiflora. 


Fig. 1. Flower, 2. Pistil. 3, Section of the Germen.—Magnijfied. 

Pad WS. Curtis. WalworthMarch 21099 

C 2896 ) 


Class and Order. 

Penranpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord. — Franxentacez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Stylus 3-fidus, lobis oblongis, intus stigmatosis. Cap- 
sula 3—4 valvis, polysperma. D. C. : 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Frankenta* pauciflora; foliis linearibus obtusis margine 
revolutis ramulisque et calycibus acutis canescentibus, 
petiolis ciliatis, caulibus erectiusculis, floribus termi- 
nalibus solitariis. Graham. 

-Prankenia pauciflora. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 350? 
Graham in Edin. Phil. Journ. 


. Descr. Stem shrubby (one foot high), suberect, branch- 
ing. Branches diffuse, opposite, twigs slender, round, sca- 
brous, dichotomous. eaves (half an inch long) green, sca- 
rous, hoary or minutely tomentose, especially below, where 
ey are paler, opposite, linear, blunt, slightly channelled at 
€ base, reflected in the edges, middle rib prominent below. 
Petiole very short, adpressed, ciliated. Flowers (seven and 
@ half lines long) solitary, terminal or in the cleft of the 
twigs, sessile. Calyx adpressed, scabrous, having also a 

Minute tomentum as on the leaves, and in a slighter degree 


: In honor of J. Francxenrus, a Swedish Botanist, and Professor of Me- 
licine in the University of Upsal, who died in 1633. 

on the twigs, rigid, five-toothed, five-gonous, channelled, 
persisting, teeth acute, erect. Corolla five-petaled, funnel- 
shaped ; claws linear, as long as the calyx, yellowish ; 
Jaminez obovate, scarcely as long as the claws, sharply cre- 
nated at the apex, pale rose-coloured. Stamens six, une- 
qual, subexserted ; filaments white, flattened ; anthers large, 
incumbent: Germen small, green, ovate, glabrous, unilo- 
cular 3-valvular. Style filiform, 3-cleft. Ovules elliptical, 
attached to the edges of the valves. 

This plant, a native of New Holland, but I am not in- 
formed of what district, was obligingly communicated to 
the Edinburg Botanic Garden in spring last from Kew, un- 
der the name of Franxenia pauciflora. The decidedly sca- 
brous leaves, branches, and calyx may excite some doubt 
whether it be the plant to which De Canpotze gives that 
name; but of this I know nothing, except from the short 
character in his Prodromus, Our specimen has been kept 
in the greenhouse. Granam. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Leaf. 3. Petal. 4. Portion of lvx. to shen 
the deep angles. 5. Stamen. 6, Pistil. ortion of the Calyx, to s 

Lub. by 8 Curticg Walworth Marth 2829 

7 del? 

, ( 2897) 

Suipper- Wort. 
ee ee ee ce 
Class and Order. 

DianpriA Monoeynia. 

( Nat. Ord.—Scropuutaring, ) 

; Generic Character. 
Cal. 4-partitus. Cor. bilabiata ; labium inferius mflatum, 
calceiforme. Caps. semi-bivalvis, valvulis bifidis. 
Specific Character. 

CaLcronarta polifolia ; suffruticosa, caulibus erectis ramo- 
Sis, foliis ovatis oblongisve crenatis in petiolum atten- 
uatis, pedunculis dichotomis, floribus rotundatis. 


Descr. Perennial. Stem erect, somewhat woody, round- 
ed, a foot high, much branched, especially below, the 
ranches opposite, every where woolly. Leaves opposite, 
M my wild specimens ovate, in the cultivated ones, oblong, 
attenuated at the base into a petiole, an inch long (includ- 
ing the petiole) obscurely nerved, hoary on both sides, but 
my beneath, with a white, dense, woolly covering. 
The stem is leafless upwards, and divides into two elon- 
sated peduncles, having a pair of opposite, oblong leaves 
or bracteas at the base : each of them bears a corymb of 
rather small, almost globose yellow flowers: the pedicels 
are dichotomous, and there is one, sometimes two flowers in 
bs axil. Calyx, as well as the pedicels, quite white with 

*ariness: the form quadrifid, with the segments patent. 

Pper lip of the corolla small, very pale yellow, the under 
one appressed to it, and deep yellow. -Anther large in pro- 

"tion to the size of the flower. Pistil: Germen roundish, 
vate, dotted : Style filiform. | 


Native of the Cordilleras, whence seeds were sent to the — 

Glasgow Botanic Garden, by Mr. CrutcxsHanks, in 1826. 
It flowered for the first time in July, 1828, in a cool part of 
the greenhouse. Our dried specimens, from the same gen- 
tleman, were gathered below the Ojos de agua, the cele- 
brated pass from Mendoza to St. Jago de Chili. I am in- 
debted to the Horticultural Society of London for speci- 
mens of the same plant, gathered at Combre by their col- 
lector Mr. Macrae: and Dr. Gizuies informs me, that he 
gathered it on la Cuesta de Zapata, the second ridge of 
mountains which is passed in going from St. Jago de Chili 
to Valparaiso, along with the C. thyrsilora of GraHam, 
hereafter to be figured. 

In many points, this plant. agrees with the figure and 
description of Caucrotaria nana of Cavanixies, Icones, t. 
443, f.2.: but that has the leaves much longer, more ob- 
tuse, and the corolla oblong, not subglobose. 


Fig. 1. Corolla, with the upper lip forced back, to shew the Stamen and 
Pistil. 2. Calyx, including the Pistil—Magnified. 

‘Carica Papaya. — Papaw Tree. 


Class and Order. 
- 3 re! be 2 zt 3 > 
‘Dia@cra Decanpria. 

(Nat. Ord. Inserrx sepis; an Urricris arrinis? Cucur- 
BITAcEH. Juss. (non De C.) Passirtorex. Ach. 
Rich. in Dict. Class.. Tricocem. Linn.) 

es ' 

Generic Character. 

Cal. (minutus) 5 dentatus. Masc. Cor. infundibuliformis. 
Stam. alterna breviora. Fam. Cor. profunde 5-partita. 
Stigmata 5. Pepo polyspermus. Sem. membrana obvo- 
luta. Spreng. fT ee ee 

Specific Character and. Synonyms. al 

Carica * Papaya ; foliis palmatis 7-partitis, laciniis oblon- 
gis acutis sinuatis, intermedia 3-fida, fructibus oblon- 

_ gis sulcatis. Spr. Maca 3 
Carica Papaya. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1466. Willd. Sp. Pi. ». 

2. p. 814. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.0. 5. p. 399. Bot. Reg. 

t. 459. (feemina.) Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 905. 
Papaya vulgaris. Laan Ag. t- Bat. 4. Ta} 
Papaya Carica. Gert. de Sem v. 2. p. 191. t. 122. f.2._ . 
Papaya fructu oblongo melonis effigie. Trew Ehret. p. 2. 
Papasa, masc. et feemina. Rumph. Amb. v. 1. p. 147. 
 €. 50. : —- See 

Ampa paja (mase.) Rheede Hort. Mal. v. 1. p. 21. t. 15. f.1. 
PAaPaya-MARAM. Rheede Hort. Mal. v. 1. p. 23. t. 15.7. 2. 

| ae _ Descr. 

Ais So called by Linnaus, I presume on account of its resemblance to the 
‘ mmon Fig (Ficus Carica ; from Caria a province in Asia, where the tree 
Pounded), Papaya is, indeed, a general name for the plant, especially in the 

t Indies ; but Rumpnius suspects, that it was originally brought from a 
“Yay called Popaya, in Peru, and that hence that name came to be applied 

Descr. An upright growing, unbranched tree, with 
somewhat of the habit of a Palm, the foliage being large 
and confined to the top of the tree; every part yielding @ 
slightly acrid and somewhat milky juice. Stem twelve to 
fourteen feet high in the stove of our garden, in the tropics 
attaining to a height of twenty feet and more, cylindrical, 
or, generally, thickened towards the base, clothed with a 
pale greyish, rather smooth bark, here and there marked 
with the scars whence the old leaves have fallen. Leaves 
spreading, often a foot in length, petiolated, heart-shaped 
in their circumscription, cut into seven oblong, sinuated or 
laciniate and almost pinnatifid, rarely entire lobes or la 
cinia, acute at the points, the middle one the longest*and 
the most divided, glabrous on both sides, dark green above, 
and marked with the much ramified pale veins, beneath 
much lighter coloured, with prominent veins. Petiole ove 
to two feet long, glabrous, cylindrical. , 

Flowers (male) in slightly compounded racemes or patl- 
cles, springing from the axils of the leaves, several inches 
long. Peduncles and pedicels terete, glabrous. Calyx very 
minute, a little concave, with five very small teeth. Corolla 
infundibuliform, an inch or an inch and a half long, yel- 
lowish white, of a thickish, subcoriaceous texture, espec! 
ally the tube, which is cylindrical: Zimb cut into five 
lacinie, oblong, imbricating each other, as they do in the 
state of the bud. Stamens ten, inserted into the mouth of 
the tube, and all on the same line, five nearly sessile one, 
opposite the segments, and five furnished with evident fila 
ments, and, of course, taller. Filaments white, halry, 
thickened upwards: Anthers of two, linear-oblong, chat 
nelled cells, projecting on one (in the in-) side of the extte 
mity of the filament. Abortive Pistil small. Germen ob- 
long: Style subulate : Stigma none. Female Flower’, 
which I have not myself had the opportunity of examining, 
m short, simple racemes, upon a different tree from he 
male, or occasionally on the same : and, indeed, according 
to Trew, the flowers are sometimes hermaphrodite*. 
as in themale. Corolla much larger than in the male, of 8 
yellower colour, cut nearly to the base into five, oblong: 
moderately spreading segments, or, if we may trust the 
figures, pentapetalous. Pistil : Germen large, ovato-0 

long, green: Stigmas nearly sessile, of five, radiate, cue 



* In this case the stamens, judgi am neo 
: » judging from the figure, alternately sma™¢ 
in the male, are placed at the yery base of the mate and all are 
with distinct filaments. ti 


Malware Per pet § LEER 


Peel PY. 

ated and fimbriated, yellowish-green lobes. The corolla 
falls away, and the germen, in coming to maturity, becomes 
peasant the tree, too, advancing in height, casts its lower 
eaves from beneath the flowers ; and the fruit, constituting 
a large oblong-kind of berry, or more correctly speaking, a 
pepo, rests suspended upon the leafless part of the trunk, 
very much in the same way as that of the Arrocarrus 
(Bread Tree). The surface, when the fruit is ripe, isa 
pale and rather dingy orange-yellow, obscurely furrowed, 
and often rough with little elevated points. The flesh is 
very thick, coloured, but paler than the outside ; and there 
pass through it, longitudinally, five bundles of vessels (cor- 
delettes pistillaires of Auguste Sv. Hmarre). In the centre 
is a considerable cavity, with five longitudinal ridges; aud 
these are thickly clothed with numerous. seeds, about as 
large as those of Cannasis sativa, roundish, compressed, 
almost black, but covered with a transversely wrinkled, 
loose, greyish, skin or arillus, and enveloped in mucus. 
Albumen fleshy. Embryo rather large, compressed. Radi- 
ele inferior. 
,. The Genus Carica is considered by most authors to be 
dicecious ; and in figuring the female plant in the Botanical 
Register, the author takes occasion to mention, that he had 
hot met with the flowers of the barren tree. In the stove 
of the Glasgow garden, we long possessed a tree, which, 
from the flowers I examined, being male, I imagined was of 
this barren kind. Ina few years’ time, however, this indi- 
vidual plant produced fruit, which came to great perfection, 
and the seeds of which yielded an abundant stock of young 
plants : and this was the case for several years in succession. 
Yet at the moment when I was engaged in’ making the 
analysis of the parts for the accompanying plates (in Febru- 
ary, 1829) none but male flowers were to be found upon the 
tree. I have had recourse, therefore, to the figure in the 
Botanical Register for the representation of the female, and 
for thus enabling me to give all the essential parts of the 
fructification. These, indeed, amply serve to show that 
the characters are at variance with those of any hitherto 
established Natural Order. Laiynaus referred it to the Tri- 
Coccm (or Evpnorsiacez), where Jussieu, in his Genera 
lantarum likewise places it, though he afterwards was dis- 
Posed to arrange it among the CucurBITACEZ, in which he has 
n followed by a great number of Botanists : the | Aa 
Ricuarp, alone placing itamongst Passirtorez. Dp Can- 
POLLE has not introduced the Genus into the third volume 

of his Prodromus, which contains the two latter orders, and 

"perhaps is of the opinion expressed by Aveusts St. Hrtaire, 
in the ninth volume of the. Mémoires du Museum d’Hist. 
Naturelle; that ‘* instead of uniting the Carica: to some 
Natural family, by employing isolated, and, consequently, 
systematic characters, it should be left among the Genera 
whose place is doubtful; and we must wait till new dis- 
coveries will enable us to connect it with other vegetables. 
Nevertheless, if it were absolutely desirable to give it a 
station in a linear series, it ought, perhaps, to be referred to 
the neighbourhood of the Urticez. | fn ae 

The native country of the Papaw Tree is almost as diffi- 
cult to determine as its situation in a Natural series ; writers 

on the Bast, and writers on the West Indies being equally 
disposed to claim it as an aboriginal of their respective 

countries. WiutipENnow gives the East Indies as the station, 

and speaks of it as only being culiivated in America. SO 
likewise the authors of the Dict. Classique d’Hist. Nat. say, 
«* Almost all the species are natives of South America. One 
only, the Carica Papaya, grows in India, but it is to a cer- 
tain degree naturalized in America.”” Rumpuivs, however, 
seems to be decidedly of opinion, that it was introduced to 
India by the Portuguese ; and Dr. Hamizron, in his learned 
Commentary upon the Hortus Malabaricus, published in 
the thirteenth volume of the Transactions of the Linnean 

Society, observes, that every thing he has seen induces him 

to believe, with Rumpurus and Dr. Roxzuren, “ that the 
tree is an exotic in India.” Mr. Brown * justly argues, 

that a careful investigation of the geographical distribution — 
of Genera, might often lead to a determination of the native - 
country of plants now generally dispersed: for example, 

that in doubtful cases, where other arguments were equal, it 

would appear more probable that the plant in question 

should belong to that country in which all the other species 

of the same genus were found decidedly indigenous, than 10 — ; 

that, where it was the only species of the Genus known to 

exist. Hence that learned Botanist and Philosopher infers, _ 
that the Papaw Tree is a native of America, there being” 
several other decidedly distinct species, natives of that con- 
tinent, while no species, except the cultivated Papaw, not 
any plant nearly related to this singular Genus, is known t0 
exist either in Asia or in Africa. Dr. Fremine too, has 

expressly said (Asiatic Researches, vol. ii. p. 161. 8y0- 

ed.) of the Papaw “ this is not an indigenous tree of India, 

and consequently has no name in the Sanscrit languagy 

* Botany of the Congo, p. 50. 

MO cts i eck 

It isa native of South America and the West Indies * ; whence it 
was brought by the Spaniards and Portuguese to the Philippinés 
and Moluccas ; and from these islands, being of very quick growth, 
it spread rapidly to all the other countries of India. It has long 
been cultivated in every quarter’ of Hindostan, and is in flower 
and in fruit during the greatest part of the year.” : 

The Papaw Tree is of rapid growth. Sr. Pierre probably 
spoke from his own knowledge, when he described Virgin1A as 
having planted a seed, which, in three years’ time, produced a 
trunk twenty feet high, with its upper part loaded with ripe fruit. 
It is for the sake of this fruit, mainly, that the plant is cultivated ; 
but if the flavor were not better than that yielded by what ripened 
m our stove, I cannot recommend it as at all agreeable. Brown 
in his Natural History of Jamaica tells us, that “ it has a pleasant 
Sweetish taste, and is much liked by many people; that, while 
young, it is commonly used for sauce ; and when boiled and mixed 
with lime juice and sugar, is not unlike, or much inferior to that 
made of real apples, for which it is commonly substituted.” In 
the opinion of Sioane it is notea very pleasant fruit, even when 
a with pepper and sugar; and the more ordinary use, he 
adds, of this fruit, is before it is ripe, when, as large as one’s fist, 
it is cut into slices, soaked in water till the milky juice is out, and 
then boiled and eaten as turnips, or baked as apples. 

The juice of the pulp, according to Descourtitz, in the Flore 
Medicale des Antilles, is used as a cosmetic, to remove freckles on 
the skin, caused by the sun; and the negroes in the French colo- 
nies employ the leayes to wash their linen instead ofsoap. 

_ As a medicinal plant, the Papaw Tree is particularly deserving 
of notice. H&rnANDEZ long ago spoke of the milky juice of the 
ve fruit as a powerful vermifuge ; which has been confirmed 
by M. Cuarpentier CossigNi, as mentioned in the Asiatic 
Researches, by Dr. Fremine (vol. ii. p. 162.). A single dose, 
that gentleman says, is sufficient to cure the disease, however 
abundant the worms may be. Another French writer (Pourer 

ESPORTEs) recommends the use of the powder of the seed in- 
stead ‘of the juice. ? ; pi 
_ _ But the most extraordinary property of the Papaw Tree, is 

that which is related, first I believe by Browne, in his Natural 

istory of Jamaica; namely, that ‘ water impregnated with the 
milky juice of this tree is thought to make all sorts of meat washed 
m it very tender; but eight or ten minutes steeping, it 1s said, 


Will make it so soft that it will-drop in pieces from the spit before 
it is well roasted, or turn soon to rags in the boiling. Mr. 

EILL mentioned this circumstance more fully in his interesting 
Horticultural Tour through Holland and the Netherlands; and 
it hae repeatedly been confirmed to me by gentlemen of this coun- 
try who have been long resident in the West Indies, and who 

Speak of the employment of the juice for such a purpose as of mae , 

8eneral occurrence ; and more, that old hogs and old poe ick 

. Stoanz. mentions, that there isa lesser sort of Papaw Tree growing 
wild i the woods of Jamaica, which he guesses by culture may be improved, 
“nd brought to the state in which it is now so generally known, 


which are fed upon the leaves and fruit, however tough the meat 
they afford might otherwise be, it is thus rendered perfectly ten- 
der; and good too, if eaten as soon as killed, but that the flesh 
very soon passes into a state of putridity *. 

Whether this power of hastening the decay of meat be attribut- 
able to the animal matter or fibrine contained in the juice of the 
Papaw or not, I will not pretend to say ; but the presence of 
such is a fact scarcely less wonderful than the property just allud- 
ed to. ‘Two specimens of the juice were brought from the Isle of 
France ; in the one the juice had been evaporated to dryness, and 
was in the state of an extract; in the other, the juice was pre- 
served by being mixed with an equal bulk of rum. ‘ Both were 
subjected to analysis by Vauquenin. The first was of a yellowish- 
white colour, and semitransparent. Its taste was sweetish. It 

‘had no smell, and was pretty solid; but attracted moisture when 
kept in a damp place. The second was reddish-brown, and had 
the smell and taste of boiled beef. When the first specimen was 
macerated in cold water, the greatest part of it dissolved. The 
solution frothed with soap. he addition of nitric acid coagu- 
lated it, and rendered it white; and when boiled, it threw down 
abundance of white flakes. When the juice of the Papaw_is 
treated with water, the greatest part dissolves; but there remains 
a substance insoluble, which has a greasy appearance. It softens 
in the air and becomes viscid, brown, and semitransparent. When 
thrown on burning coals it melted, let drops of grease exude; 
emitted the noise of meat roasting, and produced a smoke which 
had the odour of fat volatilized. It left behind it no residue- 
The substance was fibrine. The resemblance between the juice of 
the Papaw and animal matter is so close, that one would be 
tempted to suspect some imposition, were not the evidence that It 
is really the juice of a tree quite unquestionable +”. 

_ This fibrine had been supposed, previously, to belong exclu- 
sively to the animal kingdom : but it has since been found in other 
vegetables, especially in Fungi. <i. Soe 

he plant in the Glasgow Botanic Garden has flowered at 

almost all seasons of the year, and bears fruit in the autumn al 
early winter. 

- Since the above was written, I find in the Third volume of the Trats- 
actions of the Wernerian Society a highly interesting account of the property 
of the juice of the Papaw Tree, by Dr. HoupeEr, who has witnessed its effects 
in the island of Barbadoes, and speaks of them as known to all the inhabitants» 
The juice causes a separation of the muscular fibres. Nay, the very yapour 
of the tree serves the purpose ; hence many people suspend the joints of m 
fowls, &c. in the upper part of the tree, in order to prepare them for the table. 
Such is the effect upon hogs that feed upon the fruit, that the good house” 
wives reject the flesh of such, if it be destined for salting, well knowing. 
it is not sufficiently firm for the purpose. 

t THomson’s System of Chemistry, extracted from the Annales de Chimie, 
v, 43. p. 267. 

a . 
Tas. 2898. Fig. 1. Tree on a very small scale. 2. Portion of a Panicle or Racemé 
of Male Flowers. 3. Male Flower cut open. 4. Calyx. 5. Portion of the Tube of 

the Corolla bearing Young Stamens, the rest being cut away. 6. and 7. Anthers- “is 
Female Flowers copied from Bot. Reg.— Magnified. 

Tax. 2899, Fig. 1. Portion of the Stem with Fruit, naé. size. 2. Section of ditt: 
3. Seeds, nat. size. 4. Seeds cut open vertically, magnified, 5, Leaf, nat. size, 

BeGonia insignis. HANDSOME-FLOWERED 
BEGONFAss bic Af) s 

Jeb eb eeoiobokisketotot 
Class and Order. ? 

‘ rz 4: Rat a 
Monascra PoryanpRIA, = 


tee sf 77 
( Nat. Ord. — BeconrAcez. ) ua 

Generic Character. a | 
_ Masc. Cal. 0. Cor. polypetala, petalis plerumque 4, 
mequalibus. Gres -2 hover 

Fem. Cal.o. Cor. petalis 4—9, pleruamque ineequalibus. 
Styli tres, bifidi. Caps. triquetra, alata, trilocularis, poly- 
sperma, Te ee 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Brconta insignis ; subherbacea, caule erecto ramoso nodoso 
___.glabro, foliis longe petiolatis inequaliter cordatis acu- 
__. minatis obsolete lobatis duplicato serratis ciliatis, supra 
Sparse strigosis subtus subrubris, stipulis lineari-trian- 
laribus acuminatis integerrimis, pedunculis termi- 


~ nalibus nutantibus bis-terve dichotomis multifloris, 
capsule ala maxima acuta, reliquis obtusis. Graham. 

Brconra insignis. Graham in Edinb. New Phil. Journ. 

Descr. Stem erect, subherbaceous, entirely free from 

hairs, but rough and brown, swollen at the joints. Branches 
frect, smooth, shining, subpellucid, reddish, and with a few 
white oblong spots. Leaves alternate, on smooth, shin I 
petioles, which are nearly round, and half the length of tl 
“aves, unequally cordate, acuminate, slightly concave, pi 
Steen, and sparingly strigose above, paler green, or red,a 
always naked below, obscurely lobed, and doubly serrato- 
ciliate, crisped, especially when young. Stipules linear- 
tr langular, narrow, acuminate, entire in the edge, pellucid, 
‘and nearly colourless, submarcescent. Peduneles tern inal, 
twice or thrice dichotomous, nodding. Bracteas ge 


ovate, keeled, reflected at the sides, a pair being placed at 
each bifurcation of the peduncle, caducous. Flowers mo- 
neecious, large, rose-coloured, very handsome. Male: one 
standing in each bifurcation, on a peduncle above two inches 
long, and having in the ultimate division a female flower on 
each side, unless, as is not unfrequent, one of the females 
roves abortive; corolla tetrapetalous, two of the petals 
nes (three-fourths of an inch in either diameter), cordato- 
“subrotund, and slightly pointed, the two others nearly as 
long, but much narrower, spathulate ; stamens about forty, 
yellow, monadelphous ; anthers bilobular, wedge-shaped, 
somewhat flattened; pollen yellow. Female: corolla 
smaller than in the male, generally of five, obovate, some- 
what irregular, unequal petals, occasionally only four; style 
greenish-yellow, stout, three-parted, diverging, enlarging 
and flattened towards the stigmata, which are large, revo- 
lute, glandular, each with two ascending angles, bright 
yellow ; germen pale green, with three very unequal wings, 
the largest acute, the second rounded, the smallest obtuse 
angled, trilocular, placente double in each loculament, 
waved, extending from the central column, to which they 
are attached, to the angles, throughout the whole length of 
the capsule, and every where densely covered with minute 
ovules. The male flowers expand first, and one of the fe- 
males before the other, on the same division of the peduncle. 
We received a plant of this beautiful species from the 
Botanic Garden : Berlin, in spring last, under the name of 
Brconia ciliata, but it differs entirely from the description 
of that species by Kunru, and I think from every other 
which is recorded. Its foliage is not equal to B. argyr- 
stigma, nor the appearance of its stem to B. dipetala, but it 
surpasses these and perhaps every other cultivated species 
in the gracefully drooping clusters of its large, bright- 
rose-coloured flowers. It adds greatly to its value that it — 
flowered most freely in the stove during December. 

regret that I cannot state from what country it was intro- 
duced into Europe. Granam. | 


Fig. 1. Male Flower. 2. Female Flower, slightly magnified. 

2901 | | 
| | 


Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Ruopvopenprez. ) | 

Generic : Characier: rahe 

Cal. 5-dentatus. Cor. infundibuliformis limbo 5-fido, 
Stamina receptaculo inserta. Caps. 3—5-locularis, valvis 
_ dissepimentum formantibus. Sem.nuda. = 

Specific Character and Synonyms. — 

_ Azarea* ledifolia; floribus. ternis, calyce erecto glandu- 

* _loso-viscido, staminibus sensum curvatis. — 

_ Azauea indica, alba. Bot. Mem 1.31. ce. eh 

JEDogava T'sursust, celebris per Japoniam Citisus urbis 

__ gdedogava, surculis hirsutis. Datir alia flore albo, alia 
_ incarnato, alia purpureo. Kampf. Amenit. Exot. 


- Deser. An erect, much branching, but rat le eae 
shrub, two to three feet high; the branches often wh rled, — 
Straight, every where clothed with rigid, patent, brown hairs, 

—_—__———. - —= 

_* From a Ganscc, dry: so called from the situation in which the plant 
naturally grows, * 

delicate and very fragrant, in shape.between campanulate 
and infundibuliform : the tube five-angled: the limb of 
five, nearly equal, spreading, large, ovato-oblong, waved 
lobes. Stamens ten, mostly unequal, and one or more 
frequently abortive. Filaments inserted upon the recepta- 
cle, white, much exserted, curved upwards, glandular at the 
base. Anthers of two, oblong, yellow cells, real bya 
pore at the extremity. Germen ovate, obscurely five lobed, 
glabrous at the base, the rest clothed with white upright 
hairs. Style filiform, white, much longer than the stamens, 
and curved upwards. Stigma incrassated, green. : 

This Azaxea is said to have been introduced from China, 
by Mr. Brookes, of the Nursery, Ball’s Pond, in 1819. It1s 
now commonly cultivated in our greenhouses, and is, I be- 
lieve, generally considered to be a white-flowered variety of 
Azatea indica (Bot. Mag. t. 1480.) As such, too, it seems to 
be enumerated by Kmumprer, under the name of JEepoeavA 
Tsutsusi, in his valuable Ameenitates Exotice. a 

But if the two plants be compared, many differences will 
be discovered which have led me to describe the present as 
a species. The A. indica, for example, is a very free grow- 
ing plant, arriving at a height of eight or ten feet, with long, 
twiggy, pendent shoots. The leaves are longer, glossy, 
concave, generally much less hairy, the nerves on the upper 
side not sunk, but rather elevated above the surface. The 
corolla is scentless and of a firmer texture. The calyx is not 
viscid ; it is clothed with long, white, rigid hairs, and the 
segments are always horizontally patent or reflexed: The 
stamens are straight, scarcely shorter than the style. 

A. ledifolia blossoms at the same season with the indica, 
namely, at the latter end of the winter, and in early spring: 
and requires the same treatment. It is not indeed a plant 
which boasts such vivid colours as the common Indian 
Azalea, but it is not less worthy of cultivation on account of 
the extreme delicacy and pure whiteness of the flowers, a? 
their fragrant scent. 

Our drawing was made from a fine individual profusely 
covered with blossoms in the Glasgow Botanic Garden, 
February 1829. : 

It is very probable, judging from the habit of the plant 
that the “double rose-coloured var. of AzALea indica, 

Bot. Mag. t. 2509, will prove to be of thesame species with 
the present. 

~— iil 

Fig. 1. Stamen. 2. Front view of an Anther. 3. Back view ot 
4. Calyx. 5. Pistil. 6. Section of the Germen.—More or less magnif@ 

MT? Ch. Letiutwrdei* 

Pub. by §. Curtis, Walworth Apr: 11829. 

( 2902 ) ated 
KurHorsta sPLENDENs. Snowy Rep- 

a Class and Order. 

Monacia Monanprts. 
( Nat. Ord.—Evrnorsraces. ) 

< Generic Character. 

Involucrum androgynum 4—5-fidum, extus appendiculis, 
glandulosis (petala Z. nectaria aliorum) : peripherici pedi- 
celli incerti numeri, singuli cum singulis staminibus articu- 

lati. _Germen pedicellatum, centrale: sétyli 3, 2-fidi. Cap- 
sula 3-cocca. Spr. 3 ved 

Specific Character cand Synonym. 

Evrnoretra * splendens; fruticosa, aculeis validis numero- 
Sissimis, foliis oblongo-spathulatis mucronatis, bracteis 
suborbiculatis mucronatis basi unitis concavis, invo- 
lucrum includente, filamentis furcatis. 

Evpxorsia splendens. Bojer MSS. 

i= ; 5? : ee 

‘es 1 

Descr. Stem perennial, much branched, clot 

‘ _with 
_ humerous long and strong, straight aculei, upright and 
dark-purplish at the extremity of the branches, the rest pale r 
roader at the base and horizontal. Leaves alternate, at- 
tenuated at the base, so that the whole is nearly spathulate, 

scarcely fleshy, mucronated at the point, witha midrib, and 
Several lateral parallel veins, bright green, the older ones - 
More or less coloured, very patent, entire, glabrous on both 
Sides. Peduncles axillary, jointed in the middle, and there 
furnished with two small bracteas, upwards agers f 




ki * EvQopior of Dioscorrpss, so called after Evrronsvs, a physician of JuBa, 
ytd Mauritania, who first made known the medical properties of this Genus 
Plants, reese ag: ae : 

divided, so that the flowers form acyme. Bracteas two, 
large, scarlet, roundish, spreading, united and somewhat cup- 
shaped at the base and greenish, the underside of the bracteas 
pale rose-colour. Immediately within the hollow part of 
the bracter is the znvolucre, monophyllous, cup-shaped, 
greenish, with five orange-coloured, fleshy, erect or slightly 
spreading, rounded lobes ; and, alternating with these, a 
small red, inflexed, fleshy lobe or gland. Male flowers 
numerous, many of them abortive and intermixed with 
numerous hairs. Pedicel green. Filament red, forked, 
each fork bearing a one-celled anther of a dark purple 
colour. Female flowers: asolitary pistil in the midst of the 
stamens: scarcely pedicellate: germen three-lobed. Style 
three-partite : stigmas bifid, capitate. Fruit of three one- 
seeded cocci. Seed oblong, blunt at each extremity, gla- 
brous. Bosrr. 

This handsome species of Eurnorsia, well deserving the 
name of splendens, given to it by its discoverer, we trust will 
ere long, through the medium of our Botanical friends m 
the Mauritius, be introduced to the stoves of our country *. 
It was found by Professor Boszr on the borders of fields in 
the province of Emirne, in Madagascar, where it is known 
to the natives, by the name of Soongo Soongo. A drawing 
was taken on the spot by that indefatigable naturalist, and 
Fa eae copy feu kindly made and communicated to mé 

y Mrs. ‘Texrair, from which the a ing yin 



# I have recently seen the plant binaiatain in the gard ; 
é = e en of the Hor- 
ticultural Society o ‘London, in great parfoktion: 

poli: oa ae “2 eee Bae! its Bracteas. 2. Involucre bis 
. ortion . lucre. : ; : ] 
Flower.— Magnified. e volucre. 4. Female Flower 5. 

Lub. by §. Curtis Wal worth.Apral 1829. 


Class and Gril es 
tories ‘AncrosrERsia. = 
(Nat. Ord. — Sint wine ) 

Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. bilabiata, ventricosa. | Rudimen- 
tum filamenti quinti superne barbatum. ‘Caps. bilocularis. 

Specific Character and Synonym: is 

. Prntstemon* ovatus; herbaceus; floribus caule peduneulis- 
_ .. que glanduloso-pilosis, foliis cordato-oyatis amplexi- 
Caalibus glabris_ grosse dentatis, inferioribus longe 
pedunculatis, ae tubulosis, filamento sterili apice 
“ barbato basi unidentato.. Douglas. é 
PENTstEMon ovatus. Douglas MSS. sae 



Descr. Stem herbaceous, four feet high, erect, four-sided 
upwards, clothed with white, somewhat glandular, short 
hairs, - Leaves large, ovate, glabrous, dark green, cordate 
at the base, coarsely dentate, the cauline ones amplexicaul 
at the base, upwards becoming smaller, less dentated, till 
they pass into the quite entire, cordate, floral leaves or 
bracteas. Radical leaves upon very long footstalks. Flowers 
in more or less compound racemes, which are opposite and 
Spring from the upper or floral leaves: these latter, gra- 
us dually becoming smaller, the whole form rather a dense 
_ Panicle. Calyx glandular, five partite ; the es rage me? 

, ape" 


. From tans, five, and gnu, a stamen, because of the fifth additional stamen 
which is so unusual in this family of plants, : 


ceolate, equal. Corolla of a brilliant purplish-blue colour, 
glandular externally : tube inflated above, upper lip with 
two straight, lower with three reflexed, oblong lobes. Faux 
hairy. Filaments curved : Anthers cordate, purplish-white: 
Barren filament with a sharp tooth at the base, and there 
white, purple at the extremity, and thickly clothed above 
with long brown hairs. Doveuas. 

In point of colour, this is perhaps the most beautiful of 
all the numerous species of this Genus lately detected n 
North-west America by Mr. Dovetas, and it is equally 
hardy with the rest. The flowers, not large, are first ofa 
rich ultramarine colour, gradually, as the flower becomes 
more expanded, the outside especially becomes of a deep 
rales whilst the inside is much more inclined to azure 

ue. | 

Discovered by Mr. Doveuas growing plentifully among 
limestone rocks on the high mountains about the Grand 
Rapids of the Columbia River, at the distance of one hun- 
dred and forty miles from the ocean ; and by him introduced 
in 1826 to the Horticultural Society, whence our specimen 
was communicated in June 1828. | 


Fig. 1. Cauline Leaves. 2. Radical Leaf, nat. size. 3. Corolla. 4. Calyx 
including the Pistil. 5. Anther. 6, Barren Filament.—Magnified. 



| ( 2904 ) Bie 
Popo.LerPis. | 

Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Composirz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Involucrum subglobosum, scariosum, squamis stipitatis. 
Receptaculum nudum. Pappus scaber. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Popo.erts * gracilis ; herbacea, glabra, foliis oblongo-lan- 
ceolatis basi trinerviis amplexicaulibus glaberrimis, 
inferioribus obtusis, superioribus acutis, involucri 

Squamis levibus. F: 

Povoteris gracilis. Graham in Edinb. N. Phil. Journ. for 

_ July, 1828. Sweet. Brit. Fl. Gard. t. 285. 


Descr. Root slender, subfusiform, annual, fibrous. 

em one to two feet high, erect, slender, terete, wiry, pur- 
Plish, quite glabrous, as is the rest of the plant ; branched 
Upwards in a paniculated manner. Leaves alternate, remote, 
ark-green above, paler beneath, oblongo-lanceolate, quite 
entire at the base, three nerved, and embracing the stem : 
€ lowermost ones more or less cordate at their insertion, 
very obtuse at the point, the rest acute, or even acuminate. 
ers numerous, terminal, purple, showy. Peduncles 
slender, scaly, the scales scariose. Jnvolucre almost glo- 
» Of many closely imbricated, scariose, almost white 
Seales ; the outer ones oval, very obtuse, with a short fe 


om xs, wodes, a foot, and Agwy, a scale. So named by LABILLARDIERE, 
Mm the pedicellated scales of the inyolucre. 

stalk and a green central nerve, (f. 1.) the inner and upper 
ones, ovate acuminate; (f. 2.) having a long broad stalk 
with a central green nerve. Florets of the centre purple, 
(as well as those of the circumference,) tubular, five-toothed. 
Anthers purple. Germen oblong, obscurely striated, pu- 
bescent. Pappus shorter than the corolla, distinctly sca- 
brous. Style exserted beyond the stamens. Stigma bifid, 
the segments linear. Florets of the circumference, as long 
as the disk is broad. Corolla ligulate, obscurely bi-.triden- 
tate ; its tube long, slender: Germen, pappusand style, as 
in the central florets.;: the latter a:little protruded beyond 
the tube. . 

We received seeds: of this-very pretty plant from Mr. 
Fraser of New South Wales, at the Glasgow Botanic Gar- 
den, where, treated as a hardy annual, it flowered in the open 
border during the summer and autumnal months. _ Dr. 
Granam, with his accustomed promptitude and kindness, 
communicated at the same season specimens which bloomed 
at Edinburgh, and which he described in Jameson’s Jour- 
nal, under the name we have here adopted) ~ 

It certainly comes very near to the ye of Popo.eris. 

ata of Lanitiarpiere: but there the flowers are yellow 
(according to Cassrn1) the leaves are narrower and more ta- 
pering at the base, and the scales ‘of the involucre are de- 
scribed, fhoush net represented, as being wrinkled. 

SprencrEr has united the Scaxza jaceoides of Dr. Stms 
(Bot. Mag. t. 956.) with the Popo.eris rugata, notwith- 

standing that. the florets of the ray are both figured and — 

described as being tubular (as in Centaurea) which is by 10 | 

means the case with Lapimtarpiere’s plant; whilst Mr. 
Brown has made of the same plant his Poponeris acuminata 
(Hortus Kewensis, vol. 5:), but without noticing the partl- 
cular nature of the florets of the cireumference. ~~ 


Fig. 1. Outer Seale of the Involuere, 2. Inner ditte. 3. Floret of the 
Disk. 4, Floret: of the Circumference... 5. .Haindrom the: Pappuss—~Mag* 


( 2905 ) 

Class and Order. 

MonapveEtpPHIA PoLyANpRIA. 
( Nat. Ord.— Burrnericez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus, persistens, involucello 3-phyllo unilaterali 
cinctus. Pet.5. Stam. 15—20, filamentis vix basi coalitis, 
5-sterilia, 2—3 fertilia inter quodque sterile. Stylus 1, apice 
in stigmata 5, subreflexa fissus. Carpella 5, bivalvia, 
l-polysperma in capsulam arcte connexa. Cotyledones 

contortuplicate, bifide. De C. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. , 

Domerya* angulata; foliis cordatis acuminatis serratis adul- 
tis angulatis, supra glabris subtus pubescentibus, flo- 
ribus capitato-corymbosis, calycibus pedunculisque 

Domseyva angulata. Cav. Monadelph. p. 123. t. 39. f. 1. 
and Cat. Hort. Calc. (fide Wallich.) 

Domsrya tilizfolia. Cat. Hort.: Calc., an Cavan.? (fide 

Wallich.) - 
Domserya cordifolia. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p.499? (Wal- 


Descr. A shrub ten to twelve feet high, much branched, 
clothed with greyish wrinkled bark, naked below. The 
leaves confined to the extremities of the branches, weer 



x! Named in honour of Josern Domsey, a French Botanist, who accom- 
panied Ruiz and Pavon, and of whose adventurous life an interesting account 
18 given in the Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, and in Konre and 

Stms Annals of Botany. 


ed, cordate, somewhat waved, acuminated, serrated, three- 
nerved, with many smaller lateral nerves, glabrous above, 
minutely pubescent beneath, horizontally patent, the older 
ones with from three to five angles: Petzoles two inches or 
more long, slender, terete, pubescent. Peduncles terminal, 
two to three inches long, bearing a corymbus of many 
flesh-coloured flowers, and, as well as the calyx, stellato- 
pubescent. Pedicels with three oval, concave bractez just 
beneath the calyx. Calyx five-partite: Segments lanceolate, 
acuminate, spreading ; at the base having a large yellow 
gland, and a smaller one alternating with each. Stamens 
twenty, united into a tube at the very base, five are linear 
barren filaments, much longer than the fertile ones, yet 
shorter than the style. Anthers oblong purplish, two-celled. 
Pollen yellow. Germen ovato-globose, hairy. Style slen- 
der, cylindrical, glabrous, terminating in five linear, re- 
curved, glandular stigmas. 

Raised in the stove of the Glasgow Botanic Garden from 
seeds sent by Dr. Watuicu, under the name of Dompeya 
angulata, and as a native of the Mauritius. To Dr. Wat- 
icu I am likewise indebted for the above synonyms, and 
some excellent specimens from the Calcutta Botanic Garden, 
im which the leaves are more angled than in the plant cul- 
tivated in our stove. y 

It is a fine handsome growing shrub, with somewhat of 
the habit of Astrapa@a, but altogether wanting the large 
stipules which seem to be characteristic of that Genus ; and 

the flowers are of a very different structure in the two 



Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Portion of the Stamens. 3. Anther. 4. Pistil. 

5. Base of a portion of the Stamens, with a Segment of the Calyx to sho¥ 
the Three Glands at its base —Magnified. we a 

UW. 7 Radel? Lub by S Cartes, Walworth; Map £1528, 

€ 2906 ) 


Class and Order. 

GyNANDRIA MonanpriA. 
( Nat. Ord. — Orcupex. ) 

Generic Character. 

Labellum ecalcaratum, articulatum cum apice processus 
unguiformis, cujus lateribus petala antica adnata, calcar 
emulantia. Masse pollinis 4, parallele: Br. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Denprogium* emulum ; caulibus erectis apice 2—3-phyllis, 
foliis ovali-oblongis integerrimis racemo coruledat ali mul- 
tifloro brevioribus, perianthii foliolis linearibus, labello 
infra divisuram carina triplici, lobo intermedio semi- 
ovato acutiusculo unicarinato. Br. 
Dexprosrum emulum. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 333. 
Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 739. ave 

— ye 

Not having seen the present plant in a living state, I will 
hot venture to state any particulars respecting it, further 
than that the plant was sent from New South Wales in 1823, 
by Mr. Cunninenam, to the Royal Gardens at Kew, where 
it flowered in December, 1825. The beautiful drawing 
from which the accompanying engraving was made, was 

indly communicated by Wizt1am Townsenp Arron, Esq. 
and marked ‘* Denprosium emulum” of Brown. — 


* From dedpov, a tree, and Sus, life: from the circumstance of the plants 
that name, living for the most part in the trunks of trees. 

Pos: 1. Column and Lip. 2, Column, 3, Pollen Masses. 4. Single 
ollen Mass.—Magnified. 


“2h, Maan LELY 


LUE bY 5. Eur LaLa 

W 7k ael* 

( 2907 ) 
‘Mentua verticinrata. Wuorien Mint. 
Jeb rebiohnneibbick 
Class ended a 
_ Dipynamia Grito 
( Nat. Ord. eg 3 
Generic. Character. | 

Calyx 5-dentatus. Cor. 4-loba, subregularis, lobo Iatiori 

emarginato. Stamina distantia, recta. Spr. — 

Specific Character and ‘Synonyms. 

Menrna* verticillata ; spicis terminalibus cylindricis crassis, 
floribus densissime congestis, filamentis exsertis pilis 
articulatis medio cinctis, caule ramoso ascendenti basi 
repente, foliis verticillatis superne quaternis elliptico- 
linearibus serratis. Graham. = : 

Menrua verticillata. Roxb. Hort. Beng. p. 44. Don. 
Prodr. Fl. Nepal. p. 114. Graham in Edinb. N. Phil. 
Journ. n. 11. Spreng. Syst: Veet. cur. post. p. 227. 

ENTHA veronicefolia. Hamilton MSS. 2 < 

Menrua? pumila. Graham in Edinb. N. Phil. Journ. for 

“April 1829, ae hes 

_ Descr. Annual. Stem cespitose, ascending, rooting at 
the joints where it lies upon the ground, much branched, 
‘x to eight inches high, striated, translucent, obscurely 
angled, the cells of the circumference large, empty, pale 
steen, and equal in length to the joints, their walls being 
A posed of a single row of small four-sided cells ; those in 
© centre much smaller, succulent, surrounded by a purple 
Pye AS piémbrane, 


* ; ~ 
An ancient Latin word, mostly written Menta, adopted from the Greeks, 
7 > y written , adopted from the | 
Whose jesse is synonymous with their 7dvocjos, the latter being titost generally 
ion =e Nymph Mintha, a favourite of Pluto, is fabled’ fo have bert 
hae by Proserpine into this Herb, as incidentally mentioned by Oviv.— 


membrane, to the angles.of which the roots, branches, 
and leaves may be easily traced, and on the inside of 
which there is a fascicle of spiral vessels. Branches simple. 
Leaves one and a half inch long, gradually smaller upwards, 
very numerous, verticillate, four in the whorls towards the 
top of the stem, often five or six below, (ten according to 
Don,) oblongo-linear, sparingly and distantly serrated in the 
upper half, rarely more than two serratures on each side, 
spreading, veinless, flat, slightly channelled above, keeled 
below, and having minute dots on both sides. Inflores- 
cence a terminal, dense, whorled, cylindrical spike (on the 
leading shoot three-fourths of an inch long, on the others 
shorter,) much thicker than the top of the stem. Bractee, 
one at the base of each flower, ovato-lanceolate, hairy and 
strongly ciliated, concave, connivent at the points, and as 
long as the calyx. Calyx ovate, inflated, four-cleft, seg- 
ments equal, connivent, pointed, hairy. Corolla four- 
toothed, slightly spreading, hairy on the outside, twice the 
length of the calyx, nearly regular, purple, and varyitg 
with the internal membrane of the stem in the depth of its 
shade, lower segments slightly emarginate. Stamens four, 
exserted; anthers like rounded, clavate, terminations to the 
filaments, pale, unilocular, bursting in a line across their 
extremities, and becoming brown; pollen subglobular, 
white ; filaments pink, straight, distant, having in thelr 
middle a whorl of hairs, appearing under the microscopé 
like strings of round beads. Style filiform, as long a8 the 
stamens, cleft at the top ; segments revolute. Stigma cap 
tate. Germen four-lobed. Granam. , 

My friend Professor Granam is perfectly correct m Te 
ferring this plant to the Menrua verticillata of RoxBuRreH; 
for, though somewhat at variance with the description ° 
Mr. Don in the Prodromus Flore Nepalensis, it quite 2 
cords with the figure sent by Dr. Roxsureu to the Honour 
able the East India Company. It is a native of watery 
places in Bengal as well as in Nepal, and was raised in the 
Edinburgh Botanic Garden from seeds obtained from the 
latter country, and communicated by Capt. M‘Gitt. ‘ 
plants were reared in the stove in pots set in watel, bu 


after blossoming they soon damped off without produci"s 
- any seed. 

tT 0: 

Fig. 1. Flower and two Buds. 2. Stamen. 3. Hair from the Stame® 
4, Pistil—_ Mag nified, 








a a ae 

awe - a hi a = 



€ 2908.) 


Class and Order. git Ba 

HEXANDRIA Monoeynta. rai 
( Nat. Ord. — AMARYLLIDER. yA 
Generic Character. a 

Cor. 6-partita subregularis, laciniis apice uncinatis. Stam. 
recta, tubo inserta. Caps. trilocularis. Spr. 

‘Specific “Charatte? and Synonym. 
Crinum* plicatum ; foliis supra basin alato-expansis, alis 
_ plicatis. : Gta 

inuM plicatum. Livingstone MSS. 

_. Descr. From the top of the Bulb arise several dark-green 
leaves, from a foot and a half to two feet long, sheathing at 
the very base and striated : at some little distance above 
the base, the margin is suddenly and very curiously ex- 
panded intoa broad, membranaceous, striated, and singularly 
-_plaited wing, which, upwards, gradually becomes attenuat- 
ed into the extremity of the leaf itself. In other respects 
the plant so much resembles the Crinum asiaticum, that it 
1s not necessary here to describe it. | 
About five years since Dr. Livinestone obligingly com- 
municated to our Glasgow Botanic Garden, a bulb of this 
Singular plant from China, and he sent me a drawing of 
the natural size, made in that country, which, after compar- 
ing with our plant that flowered in the spring of last year, 

1828, I have here copied upon a greatly reduced scale. I 
3 confess 


* From xpos, a Greek word for the Lily, and hence applied to other showy 
flowers allied to that tribe. 


confess myself unable to decide upon what constitutes a 
species and what a variety in this most variable tribe of 
plants. 1 cannot do better, then, than follow the opinion of 
my valued friend Dr. Liyinestons who has cultivated it in 
China, along with the Crinum asiaticum (its nearest ally,) 
and who, from many years’ experience, finds it to be per- 
anent in its character. He observed that it was not diffi- 
It to increase it; and at Macao he obtained several 
individuals by offsets from the bulbs. It has, he observes, 
‘not unfrequently three flowering stems from the same bulb, 
and each stem about twenty flowers. — 

i < 

The figure represents Crinum plicatum, reduced to about one quarter of 
the natural size. k 

( 2909). 

Class and Order. 

£7 F, S 

Syneenesia ALQuALis. 

( Nat. Ord. — Composirz. 2 
ore Character. 

Involucrum conicum ; foliolis acuminatis, interioribus 
imbricatis, integerrimis, exterioribus reflexis spinoso-den- 
tatis. Receptaculum convexum pilosum. Flosculi omnes 
hermaphroditi, tubulosi : Limbo altero quinque partito : la- 
ciniis linearibus apice incrassatis: tubo 5-angulato basi 
angustato. Filamenta glanduloso-pilosa. Anthere basi 
bisetosee. Stigma bifidum ; laciniis approximatis. Pappus 

sessilis, plumosus. Sweet. 
| Specific Name and Synonym. 

Eryrarotana* conspicua. , 
ERyTHRoLmna conspicua. Sweet. Brit. Fl. Gard. t. 134. 

Descr. Annual, or perhaps biennial. Stem eight to ten 
feet high, erect, much branched, angled and furrowed, 
pubescent, purplish-green. Leaves alternate, sessile, the 
Ower ones six to eight inches long, deeply pinnatifid or 
even bipinnatifid, dark shining green, pubescent with deci- 
duous own, much veined, the veins most conspicuous be- 
neath, the margin waved and sinuated, and armed with short 
brown or purplish spines: those of the upper part of 
the stem and branches lanceolate, very spinous. Flowers 

large and very handsome, terminating the young poet 


* From Epupos red and adaawa a covering : so named in consequence of the 
beautiful red inyolucre of the flower. 

Involucre long, conical : scales lanceolate, outer ones reflex- 
ed, somewhat foliaceous, green with a purple tinge, spinous 
at the margin and tipped with a long, sharp spine ; the rest 
erect, imbricated, linear-lanceolate, somewhat membrana- 
ceous, very sharp, but scarcely spinous, of a beautiful 
deep orange-red colour. Florets several, inserted upon a 
convex, fleshy, pitted receptacle, interspersed with numer- 
ous chaffy hairs. Corolla yellowish, scarcely longer than 
the involucre, tubular; limb cut into five long, linear seg- 
ments. Anthers purple, much protruded, bisetose at the 
base: filaments purplish, rough. Style considerably ex- 
serted. Stigma clavate, bifid, purple. Germen oblong, 
glabrous. Pappus sessile, the hairs beautifully plumose. 

_ This extremely beautiful plant, which is already becom- 
ing a general ornament to our flower borders, was intro- 
duced to this country from Mexico, by Mr. Butxocx ; and 
first raised by Mr. Tare of the Sloane Street Nursery, 
under the name of the Scarlet Thistle. It was early brought 
to flower in the highest degree of perfection by Mr. Barczay, 
at Bury hill, by planting it in the border against a South 
wall. So situated, it thrives most luxuriantly in the latter 
end of summer, and a succession of blossoms appear till the 
plant is cut down by the frost. The Glasgow Botanic 
Garden is indebted to Mr. Barcray for its introduction 
there ; and even in this Northern latitude it thrives well in 

the exposed flower bed. 


Fig. 1. Floret, with some of the chaffy hairs of the Rece i 
3 4 ¢ ptacle at its base. 
2. Searcely mature Germen. 3. Hair from the Pappus.—Magnified. _ 

Lue by 


M CaItts, Melworth May LILII 


( 2910) 


SHES Seceeokabbekseak 

Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord. — VerBenacez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-fidus, dente unico subbreviore. Cor. limbus irre- 
gulariter 5-lobus. Stam inclusa. Utriculus 4-spermus, 
cito rumpens, ut maturi fructus caryopses sistant, , Spr... 

“ris 136 ae 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

VERBENA * bracteosa ; hirsuta, foliis laciniato-pinnatifidis, 
supremis trifidis, spicis elongatis, bracteis lanceolatis 
fructu duplo Jongioribus squarrosis. ‘ 3 

Versena bracteosa. Mich. Fl. Am. Bor. v. 2. p.13. Pursh. 
ip Am. Sept. v: 2. p. 416. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. 

Zarania bracteosa. Poir. Encyel. »v. 8. p. Sg 

‘eee, ‘ek 

Descr. Perennial. “Stem procumbent below, branched ; 
the branches opposite, square, hairy. Leaves opposite, 
Iree inches and more in length, spreading, hairy, laciniato- 
Plunatifid, veined, dark green; paler, and with more pro- 
minent veins beneath, the upper leaves trifid, gradually 
Smaller, and changing almost imperceptibly into bractez. 
emuch elongated, composed of numerous flowers, which, 
however, are very evanescent, bracteated ; the bractew oe 
‘nceolate, entire, variously curved and Squarrose, 2 

T * From Ferfaen a Celtic word. Fer (charier in French, scan Se 
—— and hence I presume meaning) to convey away, and faen, a 8 ; 
it was employed to cure the disorder of that name. 

secund. Calyx almost cylindrical, five toothed, the inner- 
most tooth the smallest, green, reddish at the point, hairy. 
Corolla about twice the length of the calyx ; tube cylin- 
drical, reddish purple, pale, a little narrower upwards: 
limb small, oblique, of five unequal lobes, pale bluish pur- 
ple. Fruit of four oblong, wrinkled, pale-brown achenia, 
firmly enclosed in the calyx. 

Versena bracteosaseems to have an extensive geographical 
range, it having been found in the Illinois country and in 
Kentucky, and lately by Mr. Doveras on the sands of 
Menzies Island in the river Columbia, and on dry gravelly 
river banks throughout almost all the Western parts of the 
Continent of North America which he visited. By him it 
was likewise introduced to the Horticultural Society’s Gar- 
dens, from whence the specimen here figured was kindly 
communicated in September, 1828. 

Fig. 1. Flower and Bractea. 2. Pistil. 3. Fruit enclosed in the Calyx. 
4. Fruit separated from the Calyx.— Magnified. 

Sune H829 



( 2911 2912) 

APPLE. ~ | 

Class and Order. 

PoLyanpriA Poryeyni. 
( Nat. Ord.—Annonace®. ) 

Generic Character. 

Sepala 3, basi coalita, concava, subcordata, acutiuscula. 
P e¢. 6, crassiuscula, interiora minora aut nulla. Anthere 
plurime, subsessiles, apice angulate, dilatate, torum obte~ 
gentes. Carpella plurima, coalita in baccam sessilem, cor- 
lice muricato squamoso aut reticulato, intus pulposam, 
ad ambitum multilocularem, loculis monospermis. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Annona * reticulata ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis gla- 
bris subpunctatis, petalis exterioribus oblongis sub- 
clausis, fructibus ovato-globosis reticulato-areolatis. 

Annona reticulata. Linn. Sp. Pl. p.'757. (excl. Syn. Rumph.) 
Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 2. p. 1266. (excl. Syn. Plum. et 
Rumph.) Dunal Monogr. des Annon. p.72. De Cand. 

i Veget. v. 1. p. 473. Ejusd. Prodr. v. 1. p. 89. 
reng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 640. 

(«.) areolis squamoso-rotundatis. 

Anona-maram. Rheed. Mal. v. 3. p. 23. t. 30, 31. : 

Anona maxima; foliis oblongis angustis, fructu maximo 
luteo conoideo, cortice glabro in areolas distincto. The 
Custard Apple Tree. Sloane Jam. v. 2. p. ‘167. ¢. 

2. p. 296 

x ti, 4) 

Often written Anona, a word of doubtful origin. Evsesrus Nreren- 
BERG says it is the name applied to this tribe of plants by the inhabitants « 
St. Domingo, Rumrnivs supposes it to be derived from the Malay word 
» 2hoa, or Menona, by which name the Genus is still known in Banda. Nana 
‘its denomination in Sumatra. Lrxnavs calls it Annona, a Latin word sig- 
nally 5 As peepee and hence applicable to plants whose fruits are so gene- 

sculent, é 


Guanazanvs fructu purpureo. Plum. ed. Burm. v. 2. p. 134. 
t. 143. f. 2. 

(8.) areolis angulatis subpentagonis. 

Annona reticulata. Jacg. Obs. v. 1. p. 14. t. 16. f. 2. 

Descr. A shrub, or small tree, from ten to fifteen feet 
high, or more, with spreading, tuberculated branches, 
tubercles brown. Leaves numerous, alternate, on short, 
channelled petioles, oblongo-lanceolate, six to eight inches 
long, submembranaceous, dark green, quite entire, penni- 
nerved, obtuse at the base, rather acuminated at the point, 
yielding like its congeners, a very disagreeable smell. Pe- 
duncles lateral branched, bearing about three flowers, and 
drooping. Pedicels swollen upwards. Calyx of three mi- 
nute, subcordate, acute leaflets. Three exterior petals 
large, linear, obtuse, broader at the base, of a greenish 
color, thick texture, and trigonous; at the base of each is 
a hollow to receive, as it were, the body of stamens and 
pistils, and there of a deep purple colour, externally paler: 
the inner side of the petals is almost white. Three interior 

tals, very minute, alternating with the outer, linear ob- 

ong, green, with red on each side near the top. Mass of 
Stamens and Pistils roundish, springing from an hemi- 
Bea torus, or fleshy receptacle. Anthers oblong; 
almost sessile, having a capitate appendage at the point. . 
Pistils minute. Germen oblong, green. Stigma. linear, 
brownish, sessile. As the fruit advances to maturity, the 
stamens fall away, and leave that part of the torus naked, 
above which the mass of pistils become enlarged, con- 
glomerated, and united into a globose, inclining to heart- 
shaped, pulpy Berry, as large as a good-sized orange, 
whitish within, externally ofa reddish-brown colour, sprink- 
led with dots of a darker colour, and marked with more oF 
less angular reticulations, whose areole are constituted by 
the enlarged and united pistils. Seeds numerous, oblong, 
compressed, dark, shining brown. Albumen horny, white, 
marked with numerous transverse lines. 

A native of the West India Islands, thence introduced 

into Malabar, and the Mal : aye © 
stoves of the alay Archipelago, and in 

Royal Garden at Hampton Court, in 169, 
It does not appear, however, ever to have produced flowers 
with us: hence I am glad to have the opportunity of repre 
senting the plant both in this state and in fruit, from dried 


V, 2019 



lworth, June LE 

Lub by S Curte's Wia 

specimens and from drawings, sent to me by Mr. Guiting, 
from the island of St. Vincent in the West Indies. 

Although, according to Stoane and other writers, the 
pulp of this fruit “ is, for colour, and consistence, and 
sweetness in taste like a custard” (whence the common 
English name) is ‘‘ eaten with a spoon,” and, “ thought a 
very delicious substance,” yet by others it seems to be but 
little prized, and is scarcely so general an article of food as 
the Sour Sop, (An. muricata) or the Sweet Sop, (AN. squa- 
mosa) of the same countries. It is more frequently vaunted 
on account of its medicinal qualities; so that, according to 
Dr. Curvauier, a celebrated physician of St. Domingo, as 
quoted in the Flore Medicale des Antilles, we have not in 
Europe so quick and so certain a remedy against Diar- 
thea and Dysentery as the Custard Apple. 

The flowering season in St. Vincent is from June to Octo- 
ber ; and the fruit comes to perfection in March and April. 
This latter is termed by the French colonists “ Ceur de 


Tas. 2911. Fig. 1. Flower of the Annona reticulata, with one of the 
Petals bent back to shew the Stamens and Pistils, nat. size. 2. Calyx anda 
portion of the Peduncle. 3. Two ofthe inner Petals. 4. Flower, from 
which the three outer Petals are removed. 5. Stamen. 6. Pistil.—All from 
fig. 2. magnified. 

Tab, 2912. Fig. 1. Fruit of Avnona reticulata, 2. Section of ditto. 3. 
Seeds. 4. Section of ditto.—All of the nat. size. 

— LE é. learhis. y vn 
HT ded? We A « 
7 Pad bd 5 y, 
A arts, Wal OTTA . 2 
2 AM ? 

Swany BO i 

( 2913 ) 


Class and Order. 

Diapetpuia Decanpria. 
( Nat. Ord.—Lecuminosz. ) 

Generic Character. 

6h RS 

Cal. tubulosus, 5-fidus. Ale vexillum subeequantes ; 
‘Carina rostrata. Legumen cylindraceum vel compressum 

apterum ; stylus rectus; stigma oculo nudo subulatum (vel 
Capitatum.) De C. 

Specific Character. 

Lorus* pinnatus ; foliis pinnatis, foliolis 4jugis cum im- 
pari oblongis glabris. és 


Descr. Whole plant glabrous. Stems decumbent, branch- 
ed near the base, branches terete, striated. Leaves remote, 
alternate, pinnated with about three pairs of alternate ob- 
long, or, in the wild specimens, obovate leaflets, and ter- 
minated by an odd one. Stipules ovate, rather small, erect, 
appressed. Rachis or main petiole a little swollen at the 
base. _ Peduncles axillary, but generally spreading in a 
direction opposite to that of the leaves, equal to them in 
length or longer, sometimes shorter. Flowers umbellate. 
Pedicels short. Calyx tubular, thick and fleshy at the base, 

the rest rather membranous, four-toothed, the two — 


* A tink ous ryptians and the Greeks to some plant, which 
employed by the Egyptians and the Greeks to some plant, 

Was esteemed as food, sed heneelgeshenss applied to this Genus, of which our 
jpecies, the Lorvs edulis, is used as food by man in Italy; while the others 
are unquestionably good for cattle. 


and lower teeth linear, the upper one oblong and bifid. 
Corolla: Vexillum and carina yellow: Ale almost white, 
waved, the claws very distinct, linear, that of the vexillum 
remote from the rest. Stamens diadelphous; the free one 
apparently always abortive, the rest united to a little below 
the anthers, where they separate into nine alternately 
shorter and narrow filaments. Anthers smaller on the short- 
er filaments, roundish, yellow. Germen linear : Style fili- 
form, curved upwards: Stigma capitate. Legumen two to 
three inches long, compressed, brownish, a little contracted 
between the seeds, acuminated at the point ; within bear- 
ing several roundish, oblong, compressed seeds. Between 
the seeds are spurious dissepiments. 

This is another of the many interesting novelties dis- 
covered by Mr. Dovetas, and thus introduced to the gar- 
dens of the Horticultural Society, where it flowered in June, 
1828, in the open border, and in common soil. It was 
found growing abundantly in low alluvial, overflowed soils 
between Fort Vancouver and the Grand Rapids, upon the 
Columbia, and also near the base of Mount St. Helen’s, in 
similar situations. The root is perennial. 

The habit of this plant, and the general appearance of 
the flowers and seed-vessels, unite this plant to the Genus 
Lotus. But it differs from it in the pinnated (not ternate) 
leaves, in the long, linear, remote claws of the petals, the 
waved ale, and the capitate stigma ;—still I am not sure 

that these are characters which would warrant a separation 
from the true Lor. : 

Fig, 1. Flower. 2. Stamens including the Pistil. 3. Summit of the 
Pistil and Stamens, the latter spread open. 4. Style and Stigma—Magnified. 

Sune 1. 1829, 

— ML del? 

( 2914 ) 

_ Jusvicia. 

Sees eaeakaeokakoleseakeskeok skakealeate. 
Class and Order. 

Dianpria Monoeynta. 

( Nat. Ord. — AcanrHacez. ) oe 

Generic Character. 

: Cal. equalis, 5, raro 4-partitus. Cor. valde irregularis, 
bilabiata vel 'ringens, labio inferiore diviso. Stam. duo, 
antherifera. Anthere biloculares, loculis insertione sepius 
Inequalibus. Filamenta sterilia nulla vel obsoleta. a- 
ra loculi dispermi. Dissepimentum adnatum. Semina 
retinaculis subtensa. Br. 

Specific Character. 

Justicia nodosa; (anthere loculis distantibus) foliolis ovato- 
acuminatis obsolete serratis brevissime petiolatis gla- 
bris, floribus axillaribus tubulosis bilabiatis, labio supe- 
riore erecto, inferiori deftexo trifido, bracteis longis 
angusto-linearibus, caule ad nodos tumido. : 

‘ata: oe 

Descr. A low shrub, glabrous throughout the stems 
and leaves, much branched, the branches greenish-brown, 
Jointed, articulations terete, swollen at each extremity. 

aves opposite, ovate acuminated, obscurely serrated, 
dark-green above, pale beneath. Flowers in short axillary, 
few (two or three) flowered racemes, erect. Bractee four ° 
or five, at the base of each flower, linear-filiform, subpubes- 
cent. Calyx ovate, cut into five deep, erect, oblongo-ovate 
Segments. Corolla large, handsome, of a beautiful rich 
but rather pale crimson: Tube very long, thickened up- 
Wards and striated, a little pubescent below: Lips long, 

"pper one erect, linear acuminate, emarginate at the ool 
| . ; mity 

mity. Stamens four, didynamous, standing with beautiful 
regularity. Anthers with the cells remote, but opposite 
and unequal in size, deep purple: the substance which 
unites these, whitish, fleshy. 

Of this handsome species I know nothing except. that it 
was imported by the Messrs. Sazruerns from Brazil to the 
Liverpool Botanic Gardens, in the stove of which noble 
Institution it flowered in September, 1828. Its nearest ally 
is, perhaps, Justicia oblongata of Linx and Orro, in the 
ninth number of their plants of the Berlin Garden; but that 
has truly lanceolate leaves, and much longer and more 
‘leafy bractee. Both are swollen at the jointings of the 

J. nodosa is a plant worthy a place in every stove, on ac- 
count of the large size and beautiful colour of the flowers. 


Fig. 1. Calyx with its Bractea and a young Bud. 2, Anther.—Magnified. 

WN 2915, 

"Pab by S. Curtts Walworth, June 17822 

( 2915 ) 


ee ee ee 
Class and Order. 
Dianpria Monoeynia. 

( Nat. Ord. — Scropuurarina. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 4-partitus. Cor. bilabiata, labium inferius calcei- 
forme, inflatum. Caps. semibivalvis, valvulis bifidis. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Caucrotaria thyrsiflora; fruticosa ramosa, foliis oppositis 
linearibus, basi attenuatis, lineatis serrato-dentatis gla- 
bris viscosis sessilibus, thyrsis terminalibus confertis, 
pedicellis decompositis umbellatis. ae 

Catcrouaria thyrsiflora. Graham in Edinb. New Phil. 
Journ. 1828, p. 2718. ; 


Descr. An erect shrub: stem round, bark brown and 
cracked ; branches spreading at their origin, afterwards 
erect, when young, somewhat rough and obscurely glan- 
dular. Leaves (two inches long, two lines broad) opposite, 
Sessile, spreading, linear, subacute, becoming narrower 
towards their base, channelled, lineate, keeled behind, 
rather distinctly serrato-dentate ; the whole edge, but par- 
ticularly the teeth, reflected, without hairs, as well as the 
peduncles and pedicels shining on both surfaces froma viscid 
exudation. Common peduncles terminal, elongated, nearly 
naked below, the upper leaves passing into bracteas, and 

oming entire; the pedicels rise from the axils of these, 
and are once, twice, or oftener divided, in form of little 
umbels, having at each subdivision a pair of bracteas, 
Similar, but successively smaller: ultimate division of the 
Pedicels longer than the flowers. Flowers yellow, crowd- 
into a handsome thyrsus at the extremity of each branch. 
“yx yellowish-green, four partite, segments (one-fourth 
of an inch long,) ovato-lanceolate, glandular on both sur- 
~s Unequal, slightly divaricated, but after the corolla 
falls closing over the germen, obscurely nerved. Corolla 
‘ubglobular, nearly twice as long as the calyx, glabrous on 
© outside, except a slight pubescence where the closed 

lips touch, pubescent within, especially towards the base, 
obscurely striated, depressed at its base, closed, lower lip 
larger than the upper ; stamens projecting into a depres- 
sion in the lower lip: filaments rising from the base of 
the lower lip, hairy, stout, slightly curved upwards, pitted 
on their lower side near the anthers. Anthers pale yellow, 
placed transversely on the filaments, bilobular, lobes con- 
nected to each other longitudinally, and furrowed along 
their anterior surface, where they burst and discharge a 
white pollen. Germen conical, furrowed on two sides, 
bilocular, green, viscid. Style, filiform, straight, longer 
than the stamens; stigma small, ovules very numerous, 
and attached to a large central receptacle, the transverse 
section of which is kidney-shaped, and entire in each locu- 
lament. Granam. 

This very handsome and novel species of SiipPER-woRT 
was raised in the Botanic Gardens, both in Edinburgh and 
Glasgow, from seeds received from Dr. Giuties, Mendoza ; 
but it flowered first in the collection of P. Nem, Esq. 
Canonmills, Edinburgh, who had obtained the plant from 
the same liberal source, in the summer of 1828. Mr. 
Cruicxsuanxs also has obligingly sent me specimens mark- 
ed as.“ Palpe’’ of the natives, who use it to procure a 
yellow dye *. 

The blossoms have a slight fragrance, not unlike that of 
the flowers of the Lagurnum. 

* I mentioned under Cau. arachnoidea, (tab. 2874.) that Dr. GrLLiss 
had communicated to me some further information respecting that plant, which 
I should insert under the present species. The Cauiceoxarta, he says, “ de- 
scribed by Dr. Granam under the name of C. arachnoidea, and to which 1 
had assigned the specific appellation of C. tinctoria, in consequence of its 
utility in dying, I first found, near the silyer mines of St. Pedro Nolasco, 
on the summit of the mountain so called, near the junction of the river Maypt 
with the Rio del Yeso and del Volcan. On a subsequent journey across the 
Cordillera, further to the South, and opposite to San Fernando, I also met 
with it in abundance, growing in all the most elevated vallies which I visited, 
in the vicinity of la Casa de las Damas. Here many people were employed in 
digging up the roots, which they dry and collect in bundles for sale. Ib 
Chili, where this ‘plant is in great use, under the name. Relbwn, for dying 
woollen cloths of a deep crimson colour, the alum-earth called Poleura, © 
employed as a‘mordant in this process, is obtained abundantly from a mown” 
tain in the neighbourhood. It grows in hard gravelly soil, where the fibrous 
roots penetrate in all directions ; a circumstance which renders the collecting 
of this plant to any considerable extent, a work of time and labour. _/ Pie 
arachnoidea flowers about the end of March or beginning of April ; and at - 
latter time the ripe seeds may also be procured. ‘ 

“ The elevation of the Casa de las Damas, in the neighbourhood of which 
the Relbun abounds, may be estimated from the height of the barometer, 
which stood at 22,956 inches, heat of mercury 54°. ‘Temperature of atmo- 
sphere 52°. This Relbun appears to be quite distinct from that which 15 
mentioned by Mottin, Chili, vol. 1. p. 115.” 

ee gee 

Fig. 1. Entire Flower. 2. Corolla, shewing Iyx, with the Pi 
4, Pistil—All more or less augue. ———- emdeoin 

eo” aa 

: el, 1829. 

( 2916 ) 

Class and Order. 

- Penranpria Dieynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—AscreprapEz. ) 

Generic “Character. 

; met tS ee 

Cor. urceolata, quinquefida. Corona staminea laciniis 

subulatis patentibus recurvis. Masse Pollinis erecte, basi 

affixe. Stigma muticum. Folliculi leves. Semina co- 
mosa. Br. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Discuipia * benghalensis; foliis ellipticis tereti-compressis 

carnosis glaucis.-  __ toc 
Discrip1a benghalensis. Colebr. in Linn. Trans. v. 12. p. 
357, Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 844. 


_Descr.. Whole plant succulent;glaucous green, para- 
“Sitic. Stem scandent and ¢ . anched, terete, here 
and there sending forth slender, branching, fibrous roots, 
actescent. Leaves opposite, an inch and an inch and a 


half long, elliptical, rather obtuse, tereti-compressed, entire, 
Upon short, rounded, fleshy footstalks. Flowers placed in 
Small, axillary, almost sessile umbels, white. Calyx of five 
feshy, rounded lobes. Corolla urceolate : tube globose, 
limb of five erect, oval, acute, fleshy teeth. Corona of five 

Segments, linear, branching at the top into two falcate, re- 

curved, subulate lacinia. Anthers confluent at the a 
, J Na ovato- 

ici, ee a “i 


* So named by Mr. Brown, from ds, two 
Consequence of the dividing of the segments of the 


ovato-triangular, acute, yellowish-brown, meeting so as to 
form a cone ; each two-celled. Pollen Masses club-shaped, 
yellow, waxy, connected by a gland into pairs, each pair 
belonging to two different anthers. 

This has, I believe, been known for some years as an 
inhabitant of the stoves in this country; but I am not 
aware that it has ever produced flowers with us, except at 
the Liverpool Botanic Garden, whence specimens were sent 
to me in that state by my often-mentioned friends, the 
Messrs. SHEPHERD, in the month of September 1828. Its 
treatment is the same as that of the parasitical orchideous 
plants, and it is by no means difficult of cultivation. 

Two species only of the Genus are known; the one 
Discuipia nummularia, a native of Amboyna and the tro- 
pical parts of New Holland, and the subject of our present 
plate, which is, according to Mr. CoLegrooxg, a native of 
Silhet, where it is named like other parasites, Pardriuhd. 

It was introduced by Mr. M. R. Smiru to the Calcutta 
_ Botanic Garden, and thence to the gardens of Europe. 


* Fig. 1. Single Flower. 2. Corona staminea. 3. One of the segments 
of the Corona Staminea. 4. Two Cells of one Anther ; one of the Cells be- 
ing empty ; the other filled with a Pollen Mass, whose Pedicel is connected 

by a Gland to the Pollen Mass belonging to the nearest Cell of the adjoining 

Pub by 8. Girlie, Walworth, June 1.1829 Soon FO 
—~R2H del* 

( 2917 ) 


Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord. — Piumsaerneg. ) 

Generic Character. 

_ Cal. plicatus, 5-dentatus. Cor. monopetala, hypocrate- 

tiformis, limbo 5-partito. Stam. 5, hypogyna. Stylus 1, 
filiformis. Stigmata 5, acuta. Capsula valvata. Semen 
albuminosum. Br. 

Specific Character. 

PLumBaco * rhomboideu ; annua, caule terete, foliis rhom- 
boideis inferne in petiolum alatum ad basin auricu- 
latum amplexicaule attenuatis, spicis paucifloris, brac- 
teis calicybusque glandulosis. 


Descr. Plant annual, one to one and a half foot high, 
erect, branched, the stem and branches erect, terete. Leaves 
arge in proportion to the size of the plant, rhomboid, 
quite entire, elabrous, veined, tapering into a long, winged, 
Petiole, whose very base is auriculated and embraces the 
stem : upper leaves smaller, and less distinctly auriculated. 
Spikes terminal, of a few remote flowers, each subtended by 

4 single glandular bractea, which is small and ya. 

* From plumbum, lead ; as Sir JAMES SmitH suggests, on account of the 

dark hue of the leaves of Pu. europea; but Puiny says the Plumbago is a 
: * which cures a disease in the eye called Plumbum, and that hence it de- 

res its name: whilst Taérs assures us, that our Plumbago is employed in 
ruring the tooth-ache, but that it at the same time imparts a leaden colour 

to them, In French it is called Dentelaire. 

Calyx oblong, green, somewhat plicate, five-cleft, the teeth 
or segments erect, rather obtuse, clothed with large brown, 
pedicellated glands. Corolla hypocrateriform : tube slen- 
der, purple, more than twice as long as the calyx: limb 
of five spreading, oval, acute, deep bluish-purple segments, 
with a dark line down the centre of each. Stamens five, 
as long as the tube, hypogynous. Filaments slender to the 
very base. Anthers oblong, two-celled, purple. Pistil as 
long as the tube of the corolla. Germen ovate, green, gla- 
brous : Style filiform : Stigmas five, small, linear. Raised 
from seeds sent to the Glasgow Botanic Garden. 

It is cultivated in the stove; and the flowers, though 
— have a very pretty effect, from their extremely rich 

With us it blossomed in the month of September. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Pistil, 3. Stamen.—Magnified. 

WITH. ded? , 
bv § 
f aan 
 Kalworth: Ji Z 
2 y id 
cai . 

( 2918 ) 

— CLARKIA PULCHELLA. Beavtirun CxLarK1a. 

“SSIS Ses eickesieksiokeszsjoteapataatean 
Class and Order. 

Octanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Onacrariz. ) 

Generic Character. - 

__ Cal. superus 4-partitus reflexus, spe laciniis coheren- 
tibus. Pet. 4, unguiculata, zstivatione convoluta. Stam. 

_ alterna sterilia, antheris demum reflexis. Stigma 4-lobum, 
petaloideum. Capsula cylindracea, sulcata, 4-locularis, 4- 
valyis. Semina adscendentia, nuda. a5 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Crarxia* pulchella; petalis trilobis. 
Ctarxia pulchella. Pursh Fl. Am. Sept. v. 1. p. 260. t. 2. 
Nutt. N. Am. Gen. v. 1. p. 249. Bot. Reg. t. 1100. 
De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 52. : ; 
(8.) petalis minus profunde lobatis magis denticulatis. 


Descr. An annual plant, about a foot high, every where 
slightly pubescent, least so on the old leaves, most so. on 
the stems, which are cylindrical, branched upwards. Leaves 
our to five inches long, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, ses- 
ile, the midrib distinct, but the veins obsolete. Flowers 

8e, solitary, handsome, from the axils of the leaves, 
€specially the upper ones, on short footstalks. Calyx supe- 
Mor, reflexed, of four lanceolate, deep segments, which 
senerally cohere by the margins, at length frequently sepa- 
rating and turning brown. Petals large, of a beautiful 

Purple rose-colour, cruciate: claw long, slender, with a 

* So named by Pursu, in honor of Captain Cxarx, who traced the course 
% the Missouri in company with Captain Lewis, 

a det?.. Pith by S.Curtis. Walwortly. July 1. 1829. . Swat? 

( 2919 ) 

Ss oe a Oe na On ON On ROR OR 

Class and Order. 

PrEntTANDRIA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—So.anez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. tubulosus, 5-fidus. Cor. infundibuliformis, vel hypo- 
crateriformis, limbo plicato. Capsula apice 4-dentata, pla- 
centis ad dissepimentum transversis. Spr. ~ 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Nicotiana acuminata ; herbacea, pubescens, foliis lato- 
lanceolatis acuminatis undulatis sublonge petiolatis, 
paniculis paucifloris, calyce glanduloso-pubescenti 
laciniis angustis, corolla tubo elongato, limbi laciniis 
rotundatis obtusis. 

ETUNIA acuminata. Graham in Edinb. New Phil. Journ. 
July, 1828, p. 31 a 


Descr. Root perennial ? Stem herbaceous, erect, terete, 
-Pubescent, branched. Leaves remote, broadly-lanceolate, 
Sometimes almost ovate, acuminate, waved at the margin, 
nerved, stightly pubescent, entire, petiole. Petiole slender, 
about an inch long. Panicle terminal, few-flowered, flow- 
*'s naked or having a leaf or bractea at their base. Pedicel 
short. Calyx ovate, with five unequal, narrow teeth, which 
Tun down and form so many ribs to the glanduloso-pubes- 
rent, and almost colourless tubular portion. Corolla about 
tee inches long. Tube a little curved, green, striated, a 
little enlarged upwards: Limb rather small, of five, nearly- 
equal, rounded, white lobes, blunt, or even emarginate, 

Marked with a few ereen lines. Style filiform, as ve 


the tube. Germen two-celled. Stigma thickened, two- 
lobed, green. Capsule enclosed by the calyx, ovate. 

Communicated in June, 1828, by Dr. Granam, from the 
Edinburgh Botanic Garden, where it was raised, having 
been sent from Mendoza, by Dr. Gitties. Hitherto it had 
been treated as a greenhouse plant : but Dr. Granam con- 
jectures that it will thrive better in the open border. 

Perunia seems to differ from Nicott1ana in little else but 
its irregular corolla, which being wanting here, I have 
reluctantly differed from my valued friend, who has hitherto 
alone described this species, in considering it not to be of 
that Genus. 

Fig. 1. Pistil and Calyx. 2. Section of an advanced Germen. 3. Cap- 
sule invested by the Calyx.—Magnified. 


H. 2920. 

= Sate SO 

Pd tr S. Cartes. Walworth. Faly 1. 1829. 

ded? — 



Class and Order. 

Monaecta PotyanpRiA. 
( Nat. Ord.— Becontacea. ) 

Generic Character. 

_ Masc. Cal. o. Cor. polypetala, petalis plerumque 4, 

Fam. Cal. o. Cor. petalis 4—9, plerumque inequa- 
libus. Styli 3, bifidi. Caps. triquetra, alata, trilocularis, 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Brconra semperflorens ; glaberrima, foliis ovato-rotundatis 
Inequalibus vix cordatis planis apiculatis, minute 
Serratis subciliatis, capsule alis valde inaqualibus, 

Maxima triquetra obtusissima. 
Brconra semperflorens. Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1439. Gra- 

ham in Ed. New Phil. Journ. May, 1829. 

| Pare 

Descr. Stem erect, rather thick, terete, fleshy, glabrous, 
reddish green, scarcely, if at all branched. Leaves alter- 
nate, remote, plane, ovato-rotundate, obtuse at the base, 
rarely a little cordate, unequal, apiculate, the margins 
Minutely serrated, more or less ciliated at the margin, the 
color pale green, the surface particularly smooth, and free 
from hairiness. Petiole long, reddish, channelled : at the 

ase of each are two large, ovato-oblong, deciduous, cili- 
ated, brownish stipules. Peduncles axillary and terminal. 
ale Flowers with two large, rounded, and two small, ob- 
ong or linear, rose-coloured petals: Female, with five small, 

Mequal petals, of the same colour. Capsule greenish brown, 
: membranous 

membranous, reticulated, having three very unequal wings ; 
two small, narrow, and equal in breadth throughout, while 
the third forms a large, triangular, very projecting and 
obtuse membrane. : 

The nearest ally of this species is, probably, the B. spa- 
thulata of WittpEnow ; but there, the leaves are far more 
concave, not apiculated, the stipules are larger, and the 
larger wing is acute. The present species was sent to the 
Liverpool Botanic Garden, by Cuartes CHAMBERLAYNE, 
Esq. from Brazil, and flowered in October, 1828. 

I have seen this species cultivated in gardens in Britain, 
under the names of B. setaria and B. sellovit. 


AD ¢ Py 

swat fi 

Lub. by §. Curtis, Walworth, July 11829 

SH del* 


7 LicusTRUM NEPALENSE, 6 glabrum. NEPAL 
Privet, glabrous var. 
Class and Order. 

Dianpr1a Monoeyntia. 


( Nat. Ord.—Jasminez. ) | 

Generic Character. 

Cal. exiguus 4-dentatus. Cor. infundibuliformis limbo 
A-lobo. Bacca 2-locularis, 4-sperma. Spr. 


Specific Character and Synonyms. 

_ Licusrrum * nepalense ; foliis ovatis vel oblongo - ovatis 

: acuminatis subtus villosis; panicula terminali villosa 
€ racemis suberectis densis. Wall. 

Licusrrum nepalense. Wallich in Fl. Ind. v. 1. p. 151. 

lacusrrium spicatum. Hamilton MSS. Don. Prodr. Fl. 
Nep. p. 107. 

(8.) foliis paniculisque glabris. Wall. in Fl. Ind. v. 1. p. 
152. (nobis Tas. 2921.) 


Descr. From three to four feet high, as cultivated in the 
Steenhouse of our Botanic Garden, much branched, the 
Tanches rounded with small, scattered warts ; the younger 
Shes glabrous. Leaves opposite, from one to three or four 
inches in length, oblong, sometimes approaching to ovate, 
green, coriaceous, glossy, waved, quite glabrous, entire 

at the margin, acuminate, petiolate. Petzole rather short, 
thick, reddish, grooved above. Panicle terminal ; branches 
etragonal, brachiate ; flowers on each branchlet forming a 

cluste ike - . » Calyx small, four-toothed, 
red spike : glabrous. © Calyx slightly 

* From ligare, to bind, from the use sometimes wade of its soft and pliant 

j 5 
slightly scabrous, with four minute, imbricated bractew at _ 
the base. Corolla with the tube so short as to be almost 
rotate, deeply four-cleft, white, the segments, ovate, re- 
curved. Stamens two, opposite: Filaments rather thick, 
white. Anthers short, oblong: Cells remote, opening 
laterally. Pistil : Germen roundish, ovate, green: Style 
shorter than the germen, cylindrical, purplish: Stigma 

A native of the mountains of Nepal, where it is called 
Goom-gacha, and where it grows to be a considerable tree, 
producing profuse clusters of white, sweet-smelling flowers 
from April to June, which are succeeded by small, oval, 
berries, of a beautiful blue colour, and covered with a beau- 
tiful bloom,” as remarked by Dr. Watuicu, to whom our 
Glasgow Botanic Garden is indebted for the living plant. 
This flowered with us in August, 1828. 

The more common state of the plant in its native coun- 
try is to have the panicle and leaves below hairy... 

_Dr. Watticu seems to consider it possible, that the Lie. 
sinense of Lourriro may be the same, and observes, that 

= : poem, Tuoune. and lucidum of Arron, are allied 
it. : 

Fig. 1. Front view of a Sieaae: 2, Back view of ditto. 3. Calyx and 
Pistil. 4. Anther. 5, Section of the Germen.—Magnified. _ 

an Sra 

Pub by 3. Curtis, Walworth. July 1. 1829. 


| ( 2922). : 

Se oe Se cs a ee OO 
Class and Order. 

Poryeamia Moneccia. 
( Nat. Ord —Leeuminosz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Flores polygami. Cal. 4—5-dentatus. Petala 4—5, 
nunc libera, nune in corollam 4—5-fidam coalita.. Stam. 
fumero varia, 1O—200. Legumen continuum. D C. 

Specific Character and. Synonyms. 

~ Acdcra* lanigera ; floribus capitatis, capitulis axillaribus, 
geminis, multifloris ; atdpuilis subulatis, herbaceis, mar- 
cescentibus ; phyllodiis lanceolato-faleatis, multiner- 
__ Viis, ramulisque lanatis. aie de 
Acacta lanigera, Cunningham in Field’s Geographical 
Memoirs on New South Wales, 'p. 345. Graham in 
_ Ed. New Phil. Journ. Jan. 1829, p. 385. 



_ Descr. Shrub erect, aphyllus; branches scarcely angled, 
“rect ; bark brown and wrinkled, on the young shoots 
Woolly. Leafstalks (phyllodia) two and a half inches long, 
four lines broad,) lanceolato-falcate, curved downwards, 
erved, spreading, stiff, dull green, somewhat woolly, 
having one gland towards the base on the upper edge, 
mucronate, mucro rigid, afterwards withering. Stipules 
Small, subulate, withering. Capitula geminate (sometimes 
Solitary at the points of the branches), axillary, globular, 

flowers in each numerous, one spreading to each side ona 
x peduncle, 

Sg. ann Ge eae 
vlan in Greek, (from axafe, to sharpen) applied to some thorny 

peduncle, which is as long as the stamens, and slightly vil- 
lous. Bractee ovate, villous, ciliated, marcescent, one 
sheathing the base of each peduncle, another below each 
flower, the latter attenuated at the base, and more delicate ~ 
than the former. Calyx colourless, transparent, adpressed, 
five-cleft, seements blunt, ciliated. Corolla smooth, twice 
as long as the calyx, five-cleft; tube transparent, colour- 
Jess ; limb yellowish, spreading, segments pointed, concave. 
Stamens (three lines, long) yellow ; anthers small, bilo- 
bular ; lobes round, bursting by a transverse line on their 
outer sides. Pistil wanting in most of the flowers, yellow; 
stigma minute ; style rather longer than the stamens, ob- 
lique ; germen obscurely pubescent, oval. Granam. 

This plant was received at the Edinburgh Botanic Gar- 
den through the kindness of Mr. Arron, from the Royal 
Garden at Kew, in the beginning of 1828. It had been 
sent there by Mr. Cunnincuam under the name now given ; 
and Mr. Cunninenam says of it, in Field’s Memoirs, thatit 
is “a shrub ireanant on rocky barren ranges in the interior,” 
between the colony of Port Jackson and the settlement of 
Bathurst. It flowered freely in January and February. 

This species probably bears a great resemblance to A. 
multinervia, D C. only io to me, however, by the de- 
scriptions in his Memoirs on the Legumrnosa, and in the 
Prodromus ; but it differs in being provided with stipulz, 
and in the young branches being less angular. The pedun- 
cles, too, are probably longer, and the marginal gland, 
perhaps, nearer the base of the phyllodium. Further, the 
woolliness of the phyllodia, and more particularly of the 
young branches, could scarcely have been overlooked ; and 

as it 1s not mentioned, I presume it is wanting in A. 
nervia, GRAHAM, 

— HI del? — Lub be § Cartas Walworth. Faky I. 1829, a 

( 2923. ) 


Class and Order. 

Syncenesia SuPERFLUA. 
( Nat. Ord. — Composir2. ) 

Generic Character. 

Involucrum imbricatum. Receptaculum nudum.  Filos- 
“a radii ligulati angustissimi. Pappus pilosus seu sea- 
er: | | te 

Specific Character and Synonyms. — 

Ericeron * glabellum ; foliis Janceolatis integerrimis gla- 
bris ciliatis, radicalibus subspathulatis nervosis, caule 
involucroque pubescentibus, floribus subcorymbosis, 
radiis (purpurascentibus) numerosis angusti linearibus. 

Ericrron glabellum. Nutt. Gen. of N. Am. Pl. 2. 2. p. 

148. Richardson in Frankl. First Journ. ed. 2. App. 

p. 30. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 519. 


Descr. Root perennial, somewhat creeping, throwing out — 
radicles from beneath. Stems from six to eight inches to a 
foot high, erect, herbaceous, below purple, green and 
pubescent and somewhat angular above, where it branches 
into four to six flower-stalks. Leaves’: those springing 
fom near the root the longest, spathulate, tapering down- 

Wards gradually into a footstalk, the rest sessile, lanceolate 

* From ; i d an old man; in other 
pt, early (from x, spring) and, yépwy, vs 

words, which real old early in the season, The name was given by the 

reeks to the Genus Sznecio, and by more modern writers, to our present 

nus, as allied to it. 

scarcely decurrent, somewhat acute, all of them quite en- 
tire, glabrous, ciliated at the margin, and the midrib 
beneath, sometimes pubescent, nerved; the merves almost 
parallel with the midrib, anastomosing. Peduncles two to 
four inches long, single flower: flower large, handsome. 
Involucre hemispherical, of many subulato-lanceolate, pu- 
bescent, closely imbricating scales. Florets of the ray very 
numerous, exceedingly narrow, linear, purple, female, but 
apparently abortive, bidentate at the extremity. Germen 
oblong, crowned with a pappus of few rough fis Style 
longer than the tube’of the floret: Stigma bipartite; seg- 
ments filiform, much spreading. Florets of the disc yellow, 
tubular, five toothed, perfect. Germen oval-oblong, rough 
atthe margin. Pappus sessile, rough, of few hairs. Anther 
scarcely protruded. Stigma bipartite ; its segments some- 
what incurved. 

There are few Genera, even in the Natural Order of Com- 
Posit#, whose species are so difficult to determine as those 
of Ericeron. Of the present individual, I can confidently 
say, that it is the E. glabellum of Ricuarpson in FRANKLIN'S 
Journal, and that it accords sufficiently well with the de- 
scription of Nurrar, who discovered it on the plains of the 
Missouri, especially about Fort Mandan, in great abund- 
ance. Dr. Ricuarpson gathered it in the moods country of 
British N. America, between the latitudes 54° and 64° North, 
and Mr. Drummonp, in the second overland Arctic expedi- 
tion, under the command of Captain Franx1in, found it m 
the prairies among the rocky mountains, and on the plains 
of the Saskatchawan. From seeds brought home by that 
zealous Botanist, our plants were raised at the ee 

Botanic Garden. They flowered in the autumn of 182, 
and continued in blossom until Christmas. 


- 1. Floret of the Ray. 2, Floret of th i son of a hair of 
as Pape eee e Dise. 3. Portion 

— WIE. del? — 


Pub by §. Carits, Walworth. Inky 1 1829, 

( 2924 ) 
GILLIA Gracitis. Sienper GH. — 

Be a eo ee ee 

Class and Order: 

Penranpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord. — Poremonracez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. campanulatus, 5-fidus. Cor. infundibuliformis vel 
hypocrateriformis, quinquefida. Stam. fauci inserta. Stig- 
ma trifidum. Capsula 3-locularis, 3-valvis, loculis mono- 
di- polyspermis. | : 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Gita gracilis ; elanduloso-pubescens, caule valde ramoso, 
foliis lineari-oblongis obtusis, calycis segmentis longis 
subulatis. aed 

Cottomra gracilis. Douglas MSS. 


_ Descr. Plant much branched, annual, every where, as 
18 the whole plant, clothed with short, glandular hairs. 
Branches. not unfrequently opposite. Leaves: those of 
the stem opposite, those of the branches frequently alter- 
nate, linear-oblong, obtuse, the lower ones inclining to 
Spathulate, costate, and obscurely nerved. The leaves 
continue upon the branches up to the flowers, where they 
become small, and under each calyx become bractez. 
Flowers crowded towards the extremity of the branches, at 
length elongated into a raceme. Calyx cylindraceo-campa- 
ulate ; the tube white, thin, and mem branaceous, with 
five long, awl-shaped, straight, teeth, which run down the 
tube and form five broad, green nerves, and clothed with 
lack glands. Corolla hypocrateriform. Tube long, yel- 
OWish. Limb of five patent, rose-coloured, oval segments. 

Stamens inserted within the tube, unequal in thew apo 

tion. Filaments short, white. Anthers oblong, yellow. 
Pistil: Germen oval, green: ce ie filiform, white: Stigmas 
three, pubescent. Capsule enclosed in the dry and much 
enlarged, husky calyx, whose teeth are now spreading ; 
three-valved, three-celled, three-seeded. Seed semi-oval, 
brown. oS 

Discovered by Mr. Davin Dovetas “ on light soils, on 
the banks of the Spoken river, and on high grounds near 
Flathead river, in North-West America, flowering in May 
and June: and by him introduced to the gardens of the 
Horticultural Society, where it flowered in 1827 and 1828. 

From thence, the specimens here figured were liberally 


Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Stamen. 3. Pistil. 4. Calyx, including the ripe 
Fruit. 5, Capsule. 6, Section of ditto. 7,8. Seeds.—Magnified. 

Cub by S Cardio Pep errrth fapte 182° 

( 2925 ) 


Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Verpenacez. ) 

Generic Character. 

_ Cal. 5-fidus (nunc. 5-dentatus). Cor. tubo cylindrico; 
limbo 5-partito, patenti, laciniis subequalibus. Stam. 

pate faucem inserta, exserta, adscendentia: antherarum 
oculis parallelis. Bacca pyrenis 4, monospermis. Br. 

“Specific Character and Synonym. 

CLERODENDRON * emirnense ; foliis oppositis ternatisque 
ovatis acutis basi in petiolum brevem’attenuatis inte- 
Serrimis vel grosse serratis, corymbis terminalibus, 
corolle tubo gracili staminibus duplo breviore, denti- 
bus calycinis minutis. ~ 3 ? 

LERODENDRON emirnense. Bojer MSS. 


Dzscr. A much branching shrub, from ten to twenty 
feet high, subject to much variation in the stems and leaves. 
The branches sometimes opposite, sometimes verticillate, 
elongated, flexuose, dotted, and slightly pubescent. Leaves 
in the younger plants or branches, opposite, in the older 
Ones ternate or quaternate, from one to two inches or more 
_ 1 length, ovate or oblongo-ovate, shortly acuminate, en- 
_ Ure or grossly serrated, the base attenuated into oy 



From «anos, lot, or fortune, and delpor, a tree; and given to this Genus in 
allusion to the saleniey on dangerous ria of the different species which -~ 
wv it. Thus, the Cu. fortunatum is useful in medicine ; while the Cu. 
calamitosum and infortunatum are the reyerse, Tnéts. 

petiole, above dark green and minutely scabrous, beneath 
paler, veined. Corymbs of flowers terminal, of a pale 
purplish or flesh colour, almost white. Peduncles much 
branched, pubescent, aud the pedicels bearing two or three 
linear bractee. Calyx persistent, short, with five, small 
acute teeth. Corolla salver-shaped: the tube long, curved ; 
limb of five, nearly equal, spreading lobes. Stamens four, 
inserted just within the mouth of the tube; two a little 
shorter, and reaching to twice the length of the tube of the 
corolla. Style a little shorter than the stamens: stigma 
acute. Berry glabrous, globose, included within the some- 
what enlarged calyx, yellowish, four-seeded. 

Discovered by Professor Boyer in waste and mountain- 
ous places about Tananarivou, the capital of the province 
of Emirne, in the interior of Madagascar. Seeds were com- 
municated by that gentleman and by C. Trxrair, Esq. to 
Mr. Barctay, at Bury Hill, in whose stove the plants pro- 
duced blossoms in the month of February, 1824. From 
these our drawing was made : but it is only fair to observe, 
that I have lately received from Mrs. Terrair a beautiful 
drawing of this plant, made in the Mauritius, from which it 
is evident, that the plant as it advances in age becomes 
Jarger in all its parts, especially in the leaves, which are 
twice or thrice the size of those here figured. | 

I have adopted the name communicated to Mr. Barciay 
along with the seeds, by Mr. Bogzr. , 

Fig. 1. Flower, 2, Fruit. 3. Section of the Fruit.—Magnified. 

WV, 2026. 


Pubs by 8 Curtes Walworth: Aug? L829. 

PY @revittedett 

( 2926 ) 
_Bonatea speciosa. Snowy BonatTza. 

Class and Order. 
Gynanpri4 Monanpria. 

( Nat. Ord. — Orcuipez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Corolla 5-petala, ringens, petalo superiore fornicato. La- 
bellum basi subtus calcaratum. Stylus alatus. Anthere 
loculamenta ad marginem ale styli. Willd. 

Specific Name and Synonyms. 

Bonatea* speciosa. | 
Bonarra speciosa. Willd. Sp. Pl. iv. p. 43. Persoon, 
Synop. Pl. ii. 506. _ Lodd. Bot. Cab. t.284. Sprengel, 
Syst. Veget. iii. 694. 
Orcuis speciosa. Thunb. Prodr. p. 4. Linn. Suppl. 401. 
- Swartz, Act. Holm. 1800, p. 206. 

_Descr. “ Roots fascicled.”. Whole plant (one and a half foot 
igh) erect. Stem jointed, joints swelling a little upwards, round. 
Caves (four inches and a half long, two broad), sheathing, ovate, 
spreading on all sides, undulate, reflected at the apex, coriaceous, 
smooth and shining, deep green above, lighter and irregularly 
stained with rusty spots below, collected towards the upper part of 
the stem, the lower part of which is only cased in black, decayed 
sheaths ; middle-rib strong, and prominent behind, with four to 
eight much smaller lateral nerves. Spike (seven inches long, five 
road) terminal, erect, many-flowered. Bractee large, ale green, 

ovate, attenuated at the base, acuminate, smaller upwards. — 
ascending obliquely on all sides, nearly sessile ; their perfume pret 

—_ resembling that of the orange flower, but more faint. i 

crianth of three, membranous, nerved, pointed, green segments ; 
of which the upper is cucullate, the two lower ovate, oblique, 
‘preading, undulate, reflected at the apex, and whitish on their in- 
ner side. Inner Perianth three-parted ; the two upper segments 

;“trow, membranous, linear, pointed, green, as long as the cucul- 
late Portion of the whter péviant along the edges of which they 
e near the base, a 

are laid, and each has, arising from its upper edg 

i iform, erect, straight, whive appendage, about half ee . 

Fa ower segment (labellum) fleshy, unequally a fale 
Ye; the lateral portions separated to the base, are sprea aon 


— . 
* So named by Witupgnow, in honor’ of Bonaro, a celebrated Botanist, 

ee Wadi. 

cate, acute, pure white, the reflected apex — with green, the 
inner part thick and fleshy, the outer, especially towards the apex, 
reduced to a thin edge; below these, and rather less deeply sepa- 
rated, are two white, shorter segments, ofsimilar structure to them, 
but, from their thin edge being convolute, they appear like two 
parallel, nearly straight cylinders, distilling honey from their ex- 
tremities, and projecting downwards upon the surface of the cen- 
tral lobe, which is the longest of any, and is cleft into three long, 
green, linear, flexuose segments; while from its base, in the centre 
of the flower, rises ashort, white, blunt, slightly curved, cylindrical 
tooth, round which, and round the mouth of the spur, a fold of 
the perianth passes, connecting to each other the bases of the con- 
volute segments. The two lower segments of the outer perianth 
are connate at the base with the inner. Between the bases of the 
first and second portion of the labellum, there is on each side a 
short, broad, subcrenate, fleshy scale. Spur (an inch and a quar- 
ter long) blunt, flattened, nearly straight, shorter than the germen, 
green. Stamen green, cucullate, placed under the hood of the 
outer perianth. Pollen-Masses two, marginal, spathulato-elliP 
tical, flattened bi-parted, yellow, granular, on long, elastic p 
cels, which enlarge at their upper extremities, and arise from @ 
little adhesive scale, which, asin other Orcu1pE4%, attaching itself 
firmly to any body that is brought into contact with it, causes the 
pollen-mass to be readily drawn from the flower ; segments of the 
peace nae somewhat concave on their inner side, granules large, 
oose, and attached only to the outside of the segment, Anther- 
cases greatly attenuated at their bases, projecting forwards like 
two teeth in the middle of the flower, partly covered by the re- 
flected edge of a white, ciliated cucullus, which rises in front of 
the anther-case, and is much larger than it. This investing fold 
of its edge passes backwards, and terminates on each side in the 
fleshy scale, between the base of the first and second segments 0 
the labellum. Germen (about two inches long) longer than the 
spur, green, twisted, unilocular. Ovula minute, very numerous, 
white, naked, forming two waved lines nearly the whole length of 
the germen, on each of three parietal receptacles. 
his rare plant, the solitary species of a genus presenting a very 
complicated form of flower, is a native of the Cape of Hope- 
Here, and I suspect in other cases among the Orchidew, the sud 
den abstraction of the pollen-mass, by the adhesion of the scale at 
the base of its pedicel to the finger of the examiner, has give? 
rise to the belief that it starts out from an elastic power. The pedi- 
cel, when forcibly extended, contracts from elasticity, but never 
forces the pollen-mass from its case, otherwise than by dra 
it after a substance to which the scale at its base had adhered. 
The specimen described was kindly communicated to the Royal 
Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, by Mr. Arron, from the rich collec 
tion at Kew, in 1826. It has been always kept in the stove, I 
soil containing a large proportion of peat, and flowered very 
freely both last year and this in March and April. The flow’ 
remain expanded for a considerable time. Graham. 
— ee ee et 
Fig. 1. Flower, from which the three outer Segments of the Perianth a Ae 
moved, 2. Column of Fructification and peat g 3. Section of the Col a 
and of the base of the Spur. 4,.Anther and Stigma, 5. P ollen-Mass: 

Mannikna eee 

WI delt 


( 2927 ) 
-Maxittaria Harrisonia. Mrs. Harrison’s 
ASRS HSS seiootok 
Class and Order. 

Gynanpria Monanpria. 
( Nat. Ord —Onrcuipez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Perianthium, patens, resupinatum. Labellum cum ro 
Cessu unguiformi columne articulatum, trilobum. Foliola 
lateralia exteriora basibus cum processu column connata. 
Pollinia 4, basibus connata, glandulosa (vel 2, pedicellata, 
pedicello basi glanduloso.) Herbe parasitica, bulbose, 
Americe meridionalis. Racemi (vel scapi uniflori), radi- 
cales. Lindl. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Maxitrarra * Harrisonie ; foliis solitariis lanceolatis pli- 
catis, racemo bifloro, perianthio maximo cerino pa- 
tente, labelli venosi disco glanduloso-piloso, lobis 
recurvis crispis. Lindl. , 

AXILLARIA Harrisonia. Bot. Reg. t. 897. 
ENDRoBIuM Harrisoniew. Hook. Ex. FI. t. 120. 
Corax Harrisonie. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 727. 

Descr. This beautiful plant, which I had the pleasure 
of naming in c ompliment to Mrs. Arnotp Harrison, of 
Aigburgh, has an oblong, attenuated bulb, clothed at the 

€ with a coarse reticulated sheath, and having at the 
extremity a lanceolate, somewhat waved. or ara 
cal, bearing two flowers and the rudiment ofa th ae 


—=== === 

_ * Named by Ruiz and Pavyon from the resemblance of the Labellum to the 
J@W of an animal, 

with sheathing scales at the joints. Flowers very large and 
handsome. ‘The three outer segments of the orl are 
spreading, oval, the two lower ones united for their whole 
length at the back, and tapering down into a sharpish point, 
which embraces the lower part of the corolla, with its invo- 
lute margins. The color of the three outer segments is 
yellow brown, tinged more deeply at the extremity: the 
two inner ones are rather smaller than the outer, yellowish, 
all of them rather thick and fleshy. zp large, standing 
nearly erect, and parallel with the column, narrow at the 
base, and yellowish, broad upwards, cut into three large 
lobes, beautifully, marked with purple veins and pubescent; 
of these the two lateral lobes are incurved, the extreme one 
waved, recurved, and obscurely two-lobed. Within, the 
lip is wholly striated with red lines, except in the middle, 
where is a large orange-coloured gland, and hairy. Column 
long, adnate for nearly its whole length, and uniting to- 
gene the base of all the petals. Anther operculiform, 

-celled. Pollen Masses in two pairs, each pair consisting 
of a larger and a smaller one, attached to the extremity of 
a bifid, large, white, gland, having a duplicature at the 
base. Germen long, cylindrical, or a little thickened up- 
wards, scarcely striated. 

Mr. Linpiezy has rightly determined this plant to pao 
to the Genus Maximraria. As to the species, it varies Wi 
one or two flowers on the scape, and these flowers are cet- 
tainly among the largest of the Genus. They yield too, a 
faint scent resembling that of the Primrose. I had over- 
looked in my figure in Exotic Flora, the gland at the base 
of the pollen-masses, which, indeed, adheres so closely to 
the top of the column, that it is not easily separated. It 1s, 
however, remarkable for its great size. 


Fig. 1. Lip. 2, Upper side of 2 - Under- 
side of ditto.—Magnified, ide of the Pollen-Masses and Gland. 3 

WITH del? 

Pub. by 8 Curtis Walworth, Aug?llg29 

NH 2928. 


Nerves, destitute of gland at 

( 2928 ) 
AcaciA Oxyceprus. Downy-stemMeEp 

Class and Order. 
PotYcamra Monaicra. 
( Nat. Ord:—eeagantiaiiis. } 

Generic Charaeter. 

_ Flores polygami. Cal. 4—5-dentatus. Pet. A—5, nunc 
libera, nunc in corollam 4—5-fidam coalita. Stam. numero 
pote 10—200. Legumen continuum, exsuccum, bivalve. 

Wee a ee 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 
Acacta * Oxycedrus; stipulis subulatis, ‘petiolis lanceolatis 
acuminato-pungentibus sparsis glabris trinerviis eglan- 
dulosis, spicis axillaribus solitariis, floribus 4-fidis, 

ramis velutinis. ae O<-= @ 
Acacta Oxycedrus. Steb. Pl. Exs. Nov, Holl.n.457. De 

; _ Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 453. Spreng. Syst. Veget. 
v. 3. p. 136, ae 
Acacta taxifolia. Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1225. (non Willd.) 
Tee ie 


: Descr. An upright, crowing pants with very downy 
branches, and ph en ‘ied: dark green, scattered, peti- 

oan hich are lanceolate, wie, st eee ot 
int, with three distinct and p 
glabrous, marked with thr Suania™ Atthe base of 
€ petiole j bulate, soft, small, and brownis 
© petiole is a pair of subulate, soft, sm ee geaam 

sti ul a : Pe + litar > a 
pules Spikes of ae eon: solitary Salas 


See ee 

tithe From axaxie of DioscoripEs, which was considered to be a ages we 
Taz’ and a kind of Thorn: or axatw, to point or sharpen: or, acco * 

HEIs, from ac, in Celtic, which signifies a point. 

inches long, yellow. Rachis pubescent. Calyx quadrifid, 
having a small pubescent bractea at the base. Corolla. 
quadrifid, the segments spreading. Stamens very numerous: 
Anthers subglobose. -Pistil: Germen oval, pubescent: 
Style filiform, flexuose: Stigma an obtuse point. 

Seeds of this plant were sent to the Glasgow Botanic 
Garden from New Holland by Mr. Fraser: who detected 
the species in the Blue Mountains. Sreser has publish- 
ed it among his beautiful “ Specimens of New Holland 
Plants,” under the name which I have here adopted. The 
Acacia taxifolia of WititpENow seems to be a very different 
plant, and a native of Cochin China. 

It flowers in the greenhouse in the month of May. 

_ Fig. 1. Single Flower. 2. Pistil. 3. Leaf, with its accompanying Sti- 
_ pules,—Magnijied, 

N 2929. 

f \ 
> vagy 



Pub by § Curtis. Walworth, Anat B29 

€ 2929 ) 
CEsTRUM. eovgigl ois 

oo Se es os OO ON ON OO OR ON Os OO, 
Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Monoeyntia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Soranea. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. tubuloso-campanulatus, 5-dentatus. : Cor. infundi- 
buliformis, limbo plicato, 5-fido. Stam. tubo inserta, sub- 
denticulata. Bacca 1-locularis, polysperma. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. oe 

Cestrum * alaternoides; fruticosum, filamentis denticulatis, 
foliis alternis ovatis undulatis coriaceis nitidis, racemis 
subsessilibus. . Ree 

Cesrrum alaternoides. “ Cat. Hort. Par. 70.” Hamilt. 
Prodr. Pl. Ind. Occ. p. 25. — Pec 


Descr. An upright, much branched, glabrous shrub d 

ving numerous, alternate, subsessile leaves, an inch an 
a half to two inches long, ovate, coriaceous, much waved, 
quite entire, obtuse, with a distinct midrib and Ley om 
nerves, dark green above and glossy, paler beneath. 1 Z 
ers rarely solitary, mostly in short and nearly sessile 6 
femes, most crowded towards the extremities of the 
branches. Pedicels with a small, oblong, slightly ag 98 
pubescent bractea. Calyx nearly cylindrical, with five 

Short, upright teeth. Corolla infundibuliform, pale yello a 
| é _/— green 



| From soz be formerly given to the Betony : 
po, a Greek name supposed to 3 
tnd the flowers of the present Genus have often the appearance of 

*ranged in the same way. 

reen, with a rather long and almost straight tube: limb 
cleft into five spreading, ovato-lanceolate segments, having 
the margins thickened. Stamens inserted just above the 
tube, within the faux. Filaments short, with a small blunt 
tooth at the base: Anthers roundish. Germen small, glo- 
bose: Style filiform : Stigma dilated and concave.. 
Received at the Glasgow Botanic Garden from the late 
Baron de Suack, as a native of Trinidad. It seems en- 
tirely to agree with the C. alaternoides of Dr. Wmu1AM 
Hamirron, in the work above quoted, which is, I believe, 
the only one in which it has been described. 7 

It requires the heat of the stove, and in that situation, it 

flowers very early in the spring. 

Fig. 1. Single Flower. 2. Pistil. 3. Stamen.—Magnified. 


$aTR ELM Vah Feat* 


Pub bys Curtic Waku 
2 e 4 Curtie Walworth: Aug? L829 

ned book: CHILUS. 3 
Class andl Order. if 



( Nat. Ord.— Myoporin&. | Br. ) in : 

Generic Character. oe: 

“Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. ringens; labio superiore erecto, 
semiquadrifido ; inferiore’ indiviso, angusto, deflexo. Stam. 
didynama, exserta. Ovariwm'4-loculare, Joculis mono- 
spermis. Stigma obtusum, indivisum. Drupa baccata, 4- 
locularis. © Semina solitaria. uy ¢ : 
Frutices glabriusculi; v. tomento tenuissimo cinerascen- 
tes. Folia alterna, sepius integra, avenia. Pedunculi 
solitarti, uniflori, ebracteati. Flores purpuret v. flavicantes. 
Drupe putamen abortione sepe biloculare. Br. | 

Specific Character and Synonym. iso 
SteNocuinus * viscosus ;. foliis ‘ovato-lanceolatis | serratis 
postice integerrimis ee nitidis viscosis, flori- 
_bus axillaribus solitariis. Graham.’ = — 
Stenocuitus viscosus. Graham in Edinb. Phil. Journ. 


Descr. Shrub erect, bark brown and smooth ; young 
branches subangular, scabrous, glutinous, green. Leaves 
(One inch and a half long,) scattered, ovat -lanceolate, sub- 
acute, coriaceous, rigid, suberect, slightly concave, gluti- 

hous, shining, bluntly and distantly serrated in their a 


vrhon tess Slender, and xtihos, a lip: The lower lip of the corolla being pecu- 
liarly narrow. 

half, entire behind, obscurely and sparingly veined, midrib 
blunt, and slightly prominent below. Flowers solitary, 
axillary, collected towards the extremities of the shoots, 
longer than the leaves. Peduncles three lines long, green, 
filiform. Calyx half an inch long, green, five-cleft, seg- 
ments subulate, glutinous within and without, the upper 
broadest and longest, the two lateral ones shorter and nar- 
rower than those below. Corolla above an inch long, yel- 
low, ringent, curved, pubescent both within and without, 
the hairs distilling from their extremities a viscid, colour- 
less fluid, bilabiate; upper lip very broad, and folded down, 
by the sides of the teal four toothed, teeth subulate, — 
those at the sides reflected, and their apices approaching 
behind the two in the centre, which are erect, with their 
apices somewhat spreading ; lower lip much more narrow, 
linear, entire, blunt, revolute, tube inflated at its base, nec- 
tariferous. Stamens didynamous, arising from the inflated 
portion of the tube, exserted, (projecting half an inch be- 
yond the corolla) ; filaments thread-like, nearly straight, 
yellow, inserted into the back of the anthers; anthers ob- 
long, bilobular, with a rounded, continuous border ; lobes 
bursting in front; pollen yellow. Stigma minute, blunt, 
cleft, greenish. Style purple, filiform, (four and a half 
lines) longer than the stamens, over which it is curved. 
—— ovate, slightly flattened, yellow, greenish towards 
its apex. 

This “species is a native of New Holland, from whence 
seeds were imported by F. Hencuman, Esq. and plants 
raised by Mr. Mackay, in his nursery at Clapton, along 
with many other additions to our greenhouses from the 
same quarter. The specimen above described was kindly 
communicated by him to the Royal Botanic Garden, Edin- 

burgh, in October last. It fl vorinning of 
March. Graham. : owered in the beginning 


Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Pistil. 3. : F 4. Section of 
ditto, magnified. Young Fruit, nat. size. 

WV, 2801. 

Wr oF Hitet* 8 Curtis: Walwerth. Aig? 11829 

Swear Se 

C 2931 ) 



Class and Order. 
GynanpriA Monanpri. 

( Nat. Ord. — Orcuinez. ) 


Generic Character. 

Petala 5, distincta, conformia, adsendentia, patentia. 
Labellum basi calearatum ; lamina sessili, cristata, triloba, 

postice indivisa. Masse pollinis 2, bilobe, lobulo postico. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Evtornia* streptopetala ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis nervosis, 
scapis simplicibus, sepalis exterioribus oblongis obtusis, 
interioribus duplo majoribus coloratis basi tortis, la- 
belli lobo medio rotundato (emarginato ?): calcare 
conico abbreviato. Lindley. 

Evtopnia streptopetala. Bot. Reg. t. 1002. 

Descr. Bulb (three inches long, one broad) ovate and 
Somewhat elongated, green and smooth, but cased in the 
Withered bases of the leaves. Leaves (one foot long, one 
inch broad), bright green, equitant, articulated above their 
dilated bases by which they ensheath the bulb, strongly 
nerved, plicate, linear-lanceolate, about seven perfect, and 
two or three on the outside, having the dilated bases ma: 
Scape (three feet high), rising from the base of the bulb, 
erect, jointed, with alternate, marcescent pointed sheaths 
Tsing from the joints. Spike were Bre gm evolved before 
the leaves on the bulb which produced it decayed, and after 
the leaves of a new bulb had nearly attained their full size. 
ractee resembling diminished sheaths, ovate, pointed, 
equal in length to the germen. Flowers single, inodorus, 
handsome. External perianth of three segments, reflected, 
ovate, acuminate, contracted at the base, obscurely nerved, 
Steen and irregularly spotted with brown within ; internal 
Pertanth of two segments, similar in form to the — 


* Eyaoos, on account of the crest of the labellum. 


but rather broader, and blunt'with a smaller point, project- 
ing forwards, nearly horizontal, bright yellow on the out- 
side, paler within. “Labellwm articulated at the base of the 
column, of three segments, the two lateral the smallest, 
erect, broad and blunt, reflected’ in the edge, pale yellow 
on the outside, brownish within, with a few dark streaks at 
the base, crenate where it joins the central lobe, which is 
subrotund, reflected at the sides, crisped, but entire at the 
edge, excepting at the apex, where it is subcrenate, on the 
outside having nearly the same colour with the outside of 
the inner perianth, but darker and somewhat orange within, 
thicker than any other part of the perianth, all of which is 
somewhat fleshy, the green outer segments ‘the least so. 
Spur very short, straight, conical, but gibbous on both 
sides towards the apex. Column projecting horizontally 
into the centre of the flower, nearly white, clavato-oblong, 
thick and fleshy, rounded above, flat below. Anther-case 
terminal, pear-shaped, emarginate, having two cysts for the 
pollen-masses, and in the middle. of each an imperfect lon- 
gitudinal septum. Pollen-Masses two, waxy, orange, peat- 
shaped, furrowed on the side ext the anther-case for the 
reception of the imperfect septum, simple, arising by @ 
common, thin, colourless, oblong pedicel longer than them- 
selves, froma scale of similarappearance, oval, and glutinous. 
Germen (one inch long) rather slender, green, twisted, fur- 
rowed, flat on one side, rounded on the other. 

In one of the flowers on our specimen, there is a remark- 
able mansions: One of the segments of the inner perl: 
anth is reflected, and assumes the appearance of the outer 
perianth, and on each. side of the perfect anther there is aD 
abortive but distinct appearance of two others, making the 
whole number five. Mr. Brown remarks, that the appeal” 
ance of one. abortive stamen on each side of the perfect one 
in many Orcuiwex, brings them within the ternary arrang® 
ment so common in monocotyledonous plants ; and  Dr- 
Hooker shows, that in Erienprum fuscatum, Bot. Mag. 
2844, the three anthers are all perfected ; but the singular 
monstrosity which I have noticed, would show that the tea- 
dency exists to carry our plant forward to the quinaly 
arrangement of DicoryLepongs. | 

We received our plant in 1828 from the garden at Kew, 
where so much has been done lately to extend the high re- 
nulanon f iat pohie collection. “It has been kept in the 

» and flowered in Apri ing ina O 
pieces of bark. Graham. DFM ERQIRE AP AP On 97 " 


Fig. 1. Front view of a Flower, fro: : Labellum is removed. 2. 
Labellum. 3, Pollen-Mass,— Magnified. —— “ 


! 4 


fe ae ae 


( 2932 ) 

DR a ee 
Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Ponreperes. Rich. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cor. 6-fida, ringens. Stam. tria longiora ori, tria basi 
corolle inserta. Stylus declinatus. Caps. carnosa, trilocu- 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Ponreperra* azurea ; foliis rhombeis cordatisque, petiolis 
incrassatis intus cellulosis. 

Ponreperra azurea. Swartz Fl. Ind. Occ. v. 1. p. 609. 
Humb. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. et Sp. v. 1. p. 212. (ed. in 
fol.) Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 2. p. 22. Spreng. Syst. Veget. 
v.2.p.42. Relig. Hank. fasc. IL p. 116. 

Powreperia crassipes. Mart. in Nov. Gen. et Sp. Bras. v. 

tap. 0: 7° 


Descr. Whole plant, as cultivated in the aquarium of 
the stove, floating upon the surface of the water ; the roots 
hot descending to the bottom ; and these are exceedingly 
humerous, many of them thick and fleshy, and sent out 
horizontally, apparently for the ——_ of producing new 
Plants, whilst others are more slender, exceedingly long, 

and clothed with numerous long, horizontal fibres. ~~ 

* In honor of Junius Ponrepera, a Professor of Botany at Padua, during 
the beginning of the last century. 

root has a calyptrate covering at the extremity, similar to 
that found on the roots of the Duck-weeds (Lemnz). The 
Plant is stemless ; and, immediately above the roots, there 
rises a tuft of spreading, beautifully green leaves, almost 
entirely emersed: these leaves vary considerably in shape, 
sometimes almost rotundate, sometimes rhomboid, often 
quite cordate, acute, or not unfrequently obtuse at the 
point, having numerous nerves, which are nearly straight 
in the middle of the leaf, but which, towards the sides 
follow their curvature. Petioles various in length, all of 
them more or less thickened and inflated below the middle; 
the longest ones the least so: internally, they are remark- 
ably cellular, the cells filled with air, which no doubt 
assist the plant in floating. At their base are sheath- 
ing, large scales, at first green, then brown. Scape 
about a foot long, having sheathing scales at and above 
the middle, waved at the margin, and one of these is gener- 
ally terminated with one leaf, small, otherwise resembling 
that of the root. Flowers in a large, lax, and most beau- 
tiful spike ; ten or twelve on each scape; and inserted - 
_ upon an angular rachis. Tube of the perianth long, — 
cur ved, pubescenti-glandular, white, greenish at the base, 
where it is jointed upon the rachis, and accompanied bya 
small, deciduous bractea. Limb of six, oblongo-obovate 
segments, pubescent at the base externally, the rest gla- 
brous ; the coloura pale delicate purple ; the five lower 
segments nearly equal in size; the uppermost larger, with 
a blue cloud, or stain in the middle, and in the centre of it 
is an oblong, bright yellow spot. Stamens inserted within 
the tube, three short and three long, all curved upwards 
towards the extremity, and bearing a bluish-yellow, oblong, 
two-celled anther: Filaments of a lilac-colour, with nU- 
merous, pellucid, pedicellated glands. Germen superior, 
oblong, glabrous, green, with three furrows, tapering UP- 
wards into a long, white style, which is glandular : 
Stigma capitate, ¢landulose, white. ‘The number of cells 
in the germen is three, and the ovules are numerous, al- 
tached to the central angles of the cells without any pror 
minent receptacles, 
This most curious and beautiful of plants has, I believe, 
for. some years been cultivated in our stoves, and was intro- 
duced by Mr. Arrox to the Royal Gardens, at Kew; and, if 
I mistake not, from Brazil. To that gentleman we are lr 
debted for the possession of our plants in the Glasgow 
Botanic Garden, where they flowered in great perform 

in July, 1829, immediately on being removed from a small 
tub to the larger aquarium of the stove. 

Every where, I believe, in our collections, this plant has 
been cultivated under the name of PonrEepErtiA crassipes, 
in consequence of that name having been brought more 
immediately into notice-by the beautiful figure (in Sprx 
and Martius’ Genera and Species of Brazilian plants) of 
his P. crassipes. But if that plant be constant in the 
colour of its flowers, as there represented, to the absence 
of the glands on the filaments of the stamens, and to the 
presence of them of a violet black colour on the germen, 
as there described, ours must be distinct, and is, I think, 
quite identical with the P. azurea of Swartz. The flowers 
ofour plant become quite blue when dry, which may ac- 
count for Swarrz’s name. Humsoxpr describes the colour 
more correctly, from specimens gathered in New Grenada. 
Our valued friend Mr. Parwer sent us from Demerara dried 
specimens, which had the flowers apparently wholly blue ; 
but a coloured sketch of the flower, made from the living 
plant, was in every respect like those here figured. Hanxe 
met with the species at Guayakil, and Dr. Giuuies 1n pools 
of water at Buenos Ayres. The plant must, therefore, 
have a very extensive geographical range, and seems to 
hold the place in South America, that PonrepERiA cor- 
data does in the Northern part of that vast continent. 

Sie a er 

Fig. 1. Anther and portion of the Filament. 2. Pistil. 3. Section of the 
Germen. 4, Leaves aa Root. 5. Detached Leaf,—All but fig. 4 and 5 more 

or less magnified. 



| ( 2933 ) 

CO eS a ie 
Class and Order. 

Decanpria Monoeynia. 

( Nat. Ord. —Saxirracesx. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx 5-fidus, superus. Pet. 5, pinnatifida. Stam. nunc 
: Stigmata 2, sessilia. “Capsula unilocularis, bivalvis, 

Specific Character. 

Mrreria * pentandra ; pubescenti -scabra, foliis cordato- 
lobatis crenatis, floribus pentandris, filamentis brevis- 

simis, stigmatibus bilobis. 


. Descr. Root perennial, oblique, rather thick, and throw- 
ms-out numerous, branched jibres, bearing, at its upper 
_ €xtremity, many leaves, all of them radical, and inter- 
_ Spersed with many brown, ovate, shining, membranaceous 
_ Scales. ~The form of these leaves is cordate ; they are lobed 
_ atthe margin, with from five to seven rounded, crenated, 
_ & crenato-serrated lobes, having many scattered, or rather 
Mgid hairs. Petioles generally longer than the leaves, 
Somewhat hispid. Among the leaves, there arise from the 
foot also, many flower-stalks or scapes, four or five times 
 Snger than the leaves, erect, slender, downy at the base, 
and here and there below the middle, having a few brown, 

Concave scales. Flowers in racemes, which are erect, ie 

% ‘ 
From mitra, amitre ; the two-valved capsule bearing some resemblance 
0 little mitre. 

the extremity of the scapes, which become elongated as the 
fructification advances to maturity. Pedicels very short, 
downy. Calyx having its tube obconical and adnate with 
the germen, downy, the limb or free portion deeply cleft 
‘into five triangular, reflected segments, green. Corolla of 
five, pectinated, yellow, reflexed petals, alternating with 
the segments of the calyx, and inserted at their sinuses, the 
segments few, and very slender, opposite. Stamens only 
five, inserted just at the base of the petals. Filament ex- 
tremely short, incurved, shorter than the anther, which is 
subglobose, two-celled, yellow. Germen immersed in the 
tube of the calyx, its upper, and almost flattened extremity 
being alone free. Stigmas two, sessile, bilobed, downy. 
Capsule invested by the persistent calyx and petals, top- 
shaped, opening at the extremity between the stigmas, into 
two short, but very spreading valves, which lie back so 
much as to expose the seeds entirely, long before they are 
ready to be dispersed. ‘These are attached to two oppo- 
site, longitudinal and parietal receptacles. : 

Raised in the Botanic Gardens both of Edinburgh and 
Glasgow, from seeds brought from the Rocky Mountains of 
North America, by Mr. Drummonp. The plant as may be 
supposed is perfectly hardy: blossoming early in June, 
and scattering its numerous polished-black seeds before 
the end of that month. 

Notwithstanding the reduced number of stamens in this 
plant, the short filaments, and the two-lobed stigma, so en- 
tirely has it the habit and every essential character of 
- Mrrexza, that I am unwilling to separate it from that 

Genus. The petals are very beautiful, always reflexed, 
and of a rather rigid texture. - 


Fig. 1. Unexpanded Flower. 2. Flower fully opened. 3. Petal. 4, 

Stamen. 5. Capsule, with its Valyes burst, and including the Seeds.—All 
more or less magnified. 

Lith by S Cardis 

Nalworth Sep * L/§29 

@: 2934 ) 
WuitTLow Grass. 

SH ebsbobokekekokslesesakok 
Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord. — Crucirerz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Silicula integra, ovalis: valvis planis v. convexiusculis ; 
loculis polyspermis. Semina immarginata : cotyledonibus 
accumbentibus. Filamenta edentula. Br. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Draza * aurea ; pubescens, caule erecto simplici folioso, 
foliis ovato-lanceolatis acutis integris dentatisque, co- 
rymbis terminalibus axillaribusque, siliculis oblongo- 
lanceolatis pubescentibus pedicello triplo- longioribus, 
petalis emarginatis. 

Draza aurea. ‘“ Vahl.” Horn. Fl. Dan. ». 9. t. 1460. 
De Cand. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 350. Prodr. v. 1. p. 
170. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 875. ; 


Descr. Root apparently biennial. Stem inclined at the 

» then erect, simple, stout in proportion to the size of 

the plant, pubescenti-hirsute, leafy. Leaves among the 
largest of the species, often an inch and more long, sessile, 
ovato-lanceolate, the lowermost ones crowded and slightly 
tapering below, the rest alternate, erecto-patent, entire, or 
frequently, especially in the cultivated plant, having re- 


iven to the Whitlow 
* From pan, of Droscoripes, a name supposed eae prices acrid or 

Gr 888, or to some allied plant, Linnavus says t 



mote teeth or serratures at the margin, acute, obscurely 
nerved, on both sides pubescent with branched _hairs. 
-Corymbs of several flowers, axillary, from the upper leaves, 
and terminal. The axillary flowers in the wild specimens 
are not unfrequently reduced to a single blossom, as re- 
a, in the Flora Danica. Peduncles pubescenti- 

irsute, as are the pedicels, which are shorter than the 
calyx. Calyx with scattered patent hairs. Petals spathu- 
late, bright yellow, notched at the extremity. Germen 
subcylindrical, with the style about one quarter its length. 
Stigma two-lobed. Pouch oblongo-lanceolate, the valves 
plane, pubescent. Seeds numerous. 

Hitherto this species has only been known upon the 
authority of Vanz and Horneman asa native of Greenland. 
We have now the satisfaction of numbering it among the 
plants of the continent of North America, and likewise too, 
as a denizen of our gardens: it having been found by Mr. 
-Drummonp upon the summits of the Rocky Mountains; 

whence have been derived the seeds from which our flow- 
ering specimens were produced in the Botanic Gardens, 
both of Edinburgh and Glasgow. 


Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Petal. 3. Stamens, 4. Pistil. 5. Pouch, with the 
Valves separating from the Dissepiment, : 

Lub by N. Curtes Walwertl: Sep? LI829 

~( 2935 +) 


Se eo es i as oe 
Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynta. — 
( Nat. Ord.—Comme.inez. ) 

Generic Character. — 

Cal. et Cor. profunde 3-partita. Filamenta subvillosa. 
Caps. 3-locularis. Spr. : 

Specific Character and Synonyms. | 

Travescanria* erassula; caule ascendente ramoso glabro, 
foliis oblongo-lanceolatis nitidis glaberrimis integer- 
rimis nervosis vaginisque ciliatis, umbellis termina- 
libus, filamentis basi villosis. ; 

Trapescanria crassula. Link in Litt. Graham in Edin. 
Phil. Journ. Oct. 1828, p. 387. abe 


. Descr. Stem three feet long, stout, succulent, ascend- 
mg, rooting at the joints, smooth and shining, green, 
occasionally purple, especially at the joints. Leaves four 
to nine inches long, one to two broad, alternate, fleshy, 
ob ongo-lanceolate, mucronate when young, but soon 
Withering at the tip, bent back, slightly channelled in the 
Middle, and reflexed at the sides, naked and shining on 

th sides, sheathing, ciliated, especially when young, and 
at the base: sheaths half an inch long, shortest in the 

‘Upper leaves, ciliated, adpressed. Umbels simple, many- 


* After Joan TRADESCANT, an Englishman, and a great patron of Botany 
Y mn the seventeenth century. 

flowered, axillary, peduncled, the uppermost but one gener- - 
ally sessile, solitary, or two together, of unequal heights ; 
involucrum of two opposite, unequal, ovate leaflets, resem- 
bling the ordinary leaves of the plant. Peduncles one to 
three inches long, angular, straight, smooth, and shining. 
Pedicels full half an inch long, like the peduncles, but re- 
flected when the flower has faded. Calyx of three green, 
boat-shaped, spreading leaflets, hairy upon the whole of 
their outer surface, except at the narrow, transparent, mem- 
branous edge ; hairs tapering, simple, transparent, colour- 
less, arising from slight, glandular elevations. Corolla 
little more than half an inch across, of three flat, spreading, 
ovate petals, pure white, and twice as long as the calyx, 
every where smooth. Stamens six, erect, shorter than the 
corolla ; Filaments colourless, smooth, excepting at the 
base, where each is surrounded with a tuft of jointed, co- 
lourless hairs, as long as itself. Anthers orange-coloured, 
kidney-shaped, loculaments distant, bursting at the edge ; 
pollen yellow. Pistil single, white ; Stigma small ; Style 
longer than the stamens, tapering both above and below ; 
Germen obovate, trigonous, trilocular. GraHam. 

This plant was received by Dr. Granam, at the Edin- 
burgh Botanic Garden, from Berlin, under the name of 
Trapescantia crassula of Linx, in 1828, and it blossomed 
in the stove in the months of December and January fol- 
lowing. We are ignorant of its native country. 


Fig. 1. Bud. 2.3. Flower. 4. Stamen. 5. A Hair from the Filament 
of ditto. 6. Pistil, 7. Section of the Germen. 


Sinise i epee Soa ak Geel 


> 2 —.) CED a MoReeeny Ber ae #7 LfP9 
p 7 6 Halnorvs deRP 5 LIDGE. 
WIHdel* Pub by 3. Cortes. halyorth, be, 

C 2936 ) 

Se Sie Sie Os OR OS OS OR 
Class and Order. 

Decanpria Monoeyni. 
( Nat. Ord —Enricines. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. sub-campanulata, limbo reflexo. 
Antheree bicornes. Caps. 5-locularis, marginibus valvarum 
nudis, columna centrali quinquelobo. Spr. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

AnDRomepa* hypnoides; pedunculis solitariis unifloris ter- 

minalibus, corolla campanulata 5-fida laciniis obtusis 

_ Conniventibus, stylo ovato-acuminato, foliis imbricatis 
pluriseriatis erectis subulatis. Graham. 

AnpRomepa hypnoides. Linn. Succ. p. 355. Sp. Pl. 9.1. 

Pp. 563. Fl. Lapp. p. 165. t. 1. f. 3. Willd. Sp. Pl. 

v 2. p. 606. Fil. Dan. t. 10. Wahl. Fl. Suec. p 450. 

Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 289. Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 

2.0. 3.p.51. Graham in Edin. N. Phil. Journ. July, 
1829. p. 178. we om 


Descr. Stem procumbent, much branched, every where 
Covered with leaves. Leaves imbricated, erect, minutely 
pubescent, ciliated, subulate, flat above, rounded below. 
eduncles (three lines long) terminal, solitary, one-flowered, 
ted. Flowers drooping.’ Calyx five-parted, red, sub-acute.. 
Corolla pure white, when, as in the specimens here de- 

a So named by Livnazus after the virgin Andromeda, because it is attach- 

rocks in the midst of marshes which abound in aquatic monsters, 

scribed, raised under glass; but said to be reddish in native 

specimens, campanulate, five-cleft, segments rounded, but 

having a minute mucro, and slightly connivent, three-ribbed, 
central rib undivided, those at the sides fainter, and branched. 

Stamens ten, connivent ; filaments glandular, flat, slightly 

dilated below, yellowish above and below, colourless in the 

middle ; anthers orange-brown, bilobular, lobes blunt and 

rounded at the terminations, pores rounded, each with two 

reflexed awns, much longer than itself, and diverging a 

little. Pistil rather longer than the stamens: Germen 
green, globose, scarcely lobed, wrinkled, surrounded by 

brownish glands at its base: Style articulated on the top of 
the germen, suddenly swollen above its base, and gradually 

tapering upwards: Stigma blunt. 

This extremely pretty little plant was introduced from 
Canada, by Mr. Brarr, into the extensive and interesting 
collection of Mr. Cunninenam, at Comely Bank, near Edin- 
burgh, in 1826; and this enterprising cultivator had the 
satisfaction of seeing the plant come into flower in his 
garden in May last; the first time it had been seen in 
Scotland, and after it had been lost in England. 

Pours and Nurraxz confine the American station of this 
plant to the north-west. coast; but this Mr. Buare did not 
visit. It is, therefore, more Aiffused in the northern parts of 
America, and as it is a most abundant plant in the north of 
Europe and Asia, it is extremely probable that it may one 
day in the north of Scotland reward the labour of some 
British botanist : for, unless when it is in flower, it may be 
very easily overlooked. Grauam. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Back view, and 3, front view of a Stamen. 4. Pistil 
5. Section of the Germen. 6, Leaf.—All more or less Magnified. 



Pub. by §. Curtis, Walworth: Sep?lie29 

Wi Hdel™ 

( 2937.) 



Class and Order. 

DiapetpeHia Decanpria. 
( Nat. Ord.—Lecuminosz. ) 

Generic. Character. 

Cal. campanulatus, 5-fidus, lobis duobus superioribus - 
brevioribus. Cor. papilionacea. Stam. diadelphia. Stylus 
gracilis, linearis, apice villosus. Legumen cylindraceum, 
oblongum, 1-loculare, bivalve. Semina hilo lineari. D. C. 

Specific Character. 

Orogus* stipulaceus ; caule erecto angulato, superne subra- 
_ moso, foliis bi- trijugis, foliolis lineari-attenuatis lon- 
gissimis obscure trinerviis glabris, stipulis magnis 
Semisagittatis. — 


~~ Descr. Root perennial. Stem erect, herbaceous, slender, 
acutely angular, but not winged, often entirely simple, at 
other times slightly branched above. Leaves remote, 
Spreading, of two or three pair of opposite, very long, linear, 
attenuate, glabrous, leaflets: dark green above, paler be- 
Neath, with a distinct midrib, between which and the | 
margin is a conspicuous nerve throwing out occasional 
branches on both sides. Petiole terminated by a bristle. 
Stipules large, green, semi-sagittate, obscurely apie = 

ce ‘ 


* From ow, to excite or invigorate, and fous, an ow. Because this or 
Some allied el was so called by the Greeks on account of its yielding food 

entire at the margins. Peduncle terminal, or from the axil 
of a superior leaf, bearing at its extremity a raceme of few, 
but showy handsome drooping ‘flowers. Pedicels short, 
curved. Calyx purple-green, very abrupt at the base, the 
mouth oblique, the uppermost teeth being considerably the 
shortest. Vexillum purple, with two prominent obtuse 
teeth near the middle, one on each side, which embrace 
the inner petals. Ale almost blue, firmly cohering by their 
lower margins to the purple carina. Stamens as in 
tuberosus. Style linear, pubescent on its upper and plane 

The drawing of this species of Orozus was made from a 
fiat which flowered in the Glasgow Botanic Garden in 

ay, 1829: but whence the plant came, or how it esta- 
blished itself in the collection, we are ignorant. From the 
circumstance of its appearing among several American 

lants, Mr. Murray is of opinion it may have been 
introduced by accident from North America. Certain it 
is, that I can find no description that will accord with it, 
nor do I know of any with such very long leaflets. Those, 
too, among the described species of Orozsus, which have 
long and narrow leaflets, have usually narrow and almost 
subulate stipules also. ; 

In my Herbarium is an Orosvus from M. ScuiercHer, 
under the name of O. setiformis, which I can only distin- 
“ae from the present plant by its smaller size and shorter 
eaflets: a native I presume of Switzerland. But again in 
Srevpex’s Nomenclator the O. setiformis of “ ScuiEIcHER” 
is referred to the O. canescens, a very different species. 


Fig 1. Flower. 2. Vexillum. 3, a Pistil. 
5. Style-—Magnified. ets Carina and Ale. 4, Stamens an 

Wan SC: 

dl ade bi . i , > 
4 delt : ‘ Pub by § Curtis Walwer Ot LISELI 

FLOWERED LaApy’s S.LippEr. 

Class and Order. 

GynanpriA Dieyni. 
( Nat. Ord.—Orcuwes. ) 

Generic Character. 

Labellum ventricosum, inflatum (nune saccatum). Co- 
lumna postice terminata lobo petaloideo (stamine sterili) 
antheras distinguente. Petala 2 antica, sepius connata. Br. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Cyrrirepium * macranthon ; lobo columnz elongato-cor- 
dato, ore labelli perianthio brevioris contracto crenu- 
lato, antheris dorso aristatis, caule folioso, foliis gla- 

‘Cyprirepium macranthon. Swarts Gen. et Sp. Orchid. p. 
103. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 4. p.145. Spreng. Syst. Veget. 
v. 3. p. TAD. ae 

Caxcroxus purpureus speciosus. Amman. Ruth. p. 132. n. 
176. ¢. 21. 

Catceotus y. petalis nectario equalibus aut minoribus. 

Gmel. Sib. v. 1. p. 2. t. 1. . 


Descr. Stem simple, a span or more high, terete, joint- 
ed, pubescent, at the base having a sheathing scale, the 
root a good deal concealed by the long, sheathing bases of 
four or five leaves, which are ovate, attenuated at the base, 

Wavy, striated, or almost plicated, downy at the —— 


From Kumpos, Venus, and sods, a slipper, Venus’s Slipper, from the 
shape of the Labellum. 

and on the nerves beneath, ofa palish green colour. Pedun- 
cle terminal, enveloped by the base of a large floral leaf, 
glabrous. Flower solitary, large, very handsome, of an 
almost uniform purple colour, the two lateral or lowermost 
segments of the perianth, (which are united, except at the 
extremity, and adpressed to the underside of the labellum,) 
alone being greenish brown: Uppermost segment reflexed, 
large, broadly ovate: two inner ones broadly lanceolate, 
spreading, or slightly reflexed, dotted and hairy at the base 
within, and beautifully marked with deeper lines of purple. 
Labellum very large; inflated, broadly oval, striated and 
reticulated, the mouth contracted and crenated with a white 
margin: within at the base it is spotted with purple, and 
hairy. Column bent downward into the mouth of the 
labellum. Anthers large, roundish oval, deep brownish- 
green, two celled, bearing on the lower part of the back a 
softy, fleshy spur. _Abortive one, a flat, minutely glandular 
disk, pedunculated: from the back of which arises the 
elongato-cordate, petaloid lobe, of a pale reddish colour. 
Germen elongato-clavate, sharply angular. 

This beautiful species of Cypripeprum, quite new to our 
collections, is said by Amman to be found at Tobolsk, and 
hy Cat, to be peanent in all Siberia, within fhe 58° of 
atitude, in open places, or in w d of scatter 
Rirches pen p oods compose 
_ Seeds had often been sent by Dr. Fiscuzr of St. Peters- 
burg to the Glasgow Botanic Garden; but we nevel 
succeeded in cultivating the plant until last year, when 
roots were presented to us by the same liberal Botanist. 
One of these, from which the present figure aud descrip- 
tion were made, blossomed under tlie protection of a frame 
in May, 1829. 

C. macranthon appears to be nearly allied to the ©. ven- 
éricosum, which I only know by the Aare of Sweet's Brit. 
Fl. Garden , New Series, t.1. But there the two inner 
segments of the perianth are much narrower, and longer! 
than the lip, the mouth of the lip is larger, and with a si 
cleft at the lowest extremity, and is not so regularly note 
s ms in our plant. The whole colour too is a deep 


—— el 

Fig. 1. Perianth, from which the Labellum (f. 2.) is removed. 3, Back 
view of the Column. 4, Front view of ditto. 5. xe view of ditto, slightly 
magnifigd. —Fig. 1, 2, 3, and 4, are represented of the nat. size: 

orth Oct i 4 



Bay Fic. 

ee oe ee oo 
Class and Order. 

PotyeamiA Monecra (vel Diazcra). 
( Nat. Ord. — Urticex. ) 

Generic Character. 

Receptaculum carnosum, clatsum, apice parvum, andro- 
synum. Flosculi pedicellati, 3-partiti. Stam. 1—3, 3~— 
8-partiti. Stylus lateralis. Semina in pulpo receptaculi 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

_ Feus rubiginosa ; foliis ellipticis obtusis coriaceis basi vix 
| cordatis, junioribus subtus precipue ferrugineo-pubes- 
centibus, receptaculis geminatis sphericis cum umbone 

_,, tuberculatis, pedunculo brevi, superne incrassato. 
Ficus rubiginosa. ‘* Desf. Cat. Hort. Par. 209.” Spreng. 

: st. Veget. v. 3. p. 782. 

4 adil Willd, Sp. Pl. v. 4. p. 1138. Ait. Hort. 

Kew. ed. 2. v. 5. p. 486. 

~ Ficus ferruginea. Hort. 


Descr. A small tree in our stoves, throwing out many, 
Spreading branches, and from the stem and branches ae 
merous woody roots, which reach the ground, like those o 
the famous Banyan, and give new support to those parts. 

tes numerous, handsome, three to four inches long, 

on mise eer tioles about an 
Naceous, elliptical, quite entire, on pe inch 


* From the Latin, ficus, a fig. 

inch long, obtuse at the point, and at the base, where there 
is sometimes a shallow sinus; from the midrib there branch 
off several parallel nerves: when young, they are covered, 
but ecially on the underside, with a ferruginous down; 
the older ones are glabrous, except on the nerves beneath. 
Peduncles in pairs, from the axils of the leaves, short, 
thickened upwards. Receptacle scarcely so large as a 
Hazel-nut, greenish brown, globose, with an obtuse umbo 
at the point, the surface granulated with small tubercles. 
This includes many male and female flowers, each petio- 
lated, and having two, small, lanceolate scales at its base. — 
Perianth of each three-parted, the segments roundish oval, 
concave. Stamen single: Filament short; Anther reniform. 
Pistil solitary. Germen oval, pedicellate ; Style lateral, 
filiform. 7 

Introduced by the Right Hon. Sir Josepa Banks, in- 
1789, from New South Wales to the Royal Gardens, whence 
it has been distributed, and is, we believe, now general in 
collections of stove plants. Its fructification is, however, 
of rare occurrence. The specimen from which the accom- 
panying figure was taken was sent by the Messrs. SHEPHERD, 

rom the Liverpool Garden, in the summer of 1827. 


Fig. 1. Male Flower, 2, Female ditto. 3, | a 
All magnified. 3. Receptacle of the Flowe 

* Se 

F P eet 

477 Walworth. Oct! J 1829 


Pub by § ¢ 

se ( 2940 ) 

Class and Order. 


( Nat. Ord. —Composir=. ) 

Generic. Character. 

Receptaculum paleaceum, hemisphéricum. Pappus pa- 
leaceus. Involucrum imbricatum, planum, polyphyllum. 
Cor. radii trifide. = a 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Gamtarpis * aristata ; pubescenti-hirsuta, foliis oblongis 
_ Inferioribus sinuato-pinnatifidis, in petiolum attenuatis, 
-Superioribus sessilibus integerrimis, radio unicolore. 
AILLARDIA aristata. Pursh Fi. Am. Sept. v..2. p. 573. 

Bot. Reg. t. 1186. e7 : 
Gatttarpia bicolor, var. Nutt. Gen. Am. v. 2. p. 175. 

Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 618. 


Descr. A rather tall branching plant, with striated 
stems, which are every where, as well as the leaves, more or 
less pubescent or hairy. Leaves oblong, four to six inches 

Ncles long, terminal, single-flowered. howy 


C Named in compliment to a French Botanic Amateur, M. GAILLARD de 
MARENTONNEAU. It is often incorrectly spelled GaLARDIA. 

showy. JInvolucre of many imbricated, lax, linear-lanceo- 
late, acuminated, pubescent scales, which at length spread 
almost flat. Florets of the ray, all ofa pale, uniform yellow, 
cuneate, trifid. Germen abortive, crowned with five, small, 
subulate, chaffy scales. Florets of the centre perfect. Co- 
rolla tubular, bright yellow, tipped with purplish red, and 
clothed with stout hairs or bristles of the same colour. 
Anthers purple. Germen oblong, green, hairy at the base. 
Pappus of five white, membranaceous, chaffy scales, which 
terminate in long awl-shaped points. Stigmas long, linear, 
hispid, with purple red hairs. 

The principal difference between this and G. bicolor of 
our gardens, consists in the leaves being entire in the upper 
part of the stem, and in the ray of the flower being of one 
pale, uniform, yellow colour. Pursu described it from the 
Herbarium of Lewis, who found it in the Rocky Mountains, 
on dry hills. Mr. Doveras discovered it abundantly in dry 
soils, through a tract of country extending from the Rocky 
Mountains, to the Western ocean ; every where retaining 
the characters above mentioned, which distinguish it from 
the G. bicolor. It varies in size: for intermixed with the 
common appearance of the plant, Mr. Doveias saw many 
which did not arrive to a height greater than ten or twelve 
inches, and having all theleaves entire. It flowers in J uly, 
and will soon become common : the seeds having been in- 
troduced by the Horticultural Society, and by them liber- 
ally dispersed among our gardens. 

Fig. 1. Radical Leaf, natural size. 2. Fi 3. Floret of 
the Disk—Magnijfied. oret of the Ray. 

WIA del? 
Luts br S. Curtis Rielwanth, Oe§? S29 



Swan SO j ; 

( 2941 ) 

LinaRIA @QuiTRILoBA. Smaui Fuesny- 

Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Scropuunarinz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. ee meagre or Capsula bi- 
locularis, apice dentibus dehiscens. Semina submarginata. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Linarra* equitriloba ; pubescens, caule repente filiformi, 
foliis cordatis carnosis obtusissimis integra trilobisque, 
lobis rotundatis integerrimis subequalibus, pedunculis 
axillaribus, calcare calyce breviore. | 

Linaria exquitriloba. Viviani Fl. Cors. Sp. Nov. p. 10. 
(sub. non. AntirRHINI @quitrilobi). Muller in Un. 
Itin. 1827. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 790. 


Descr. Apparently a perennial plant, considerably tuft- 
ed, but having the stems filiform and creeping upon the 
ground, much branched, the branches as well as the leaves 
clothed with a very fine pubescence. Leaves broadly cor- 

ate, very obtuse, fleshy in our cultivated specimens, quite 

entire; but in the wild specimens gathered by M. Mutter 
although many of the leaves are entire, others are three- 
lobed, with the lobes rounded, blunt, nearly equal : petiole 
Onger than the leaf, pubescent. Peduncles filiform, longer 
n the leaves, axillary, solitary, or two from the fc 

* This was the specific name of a species formerly referred to ANTIRRHI- 
NUM, Linaria; from Linum, its leaves resembling those of Flax. 

point, curved, downy. _ Calyx quinquepartite, pubescent. 
Corolla beautiful purple, personate, tube elongated, inside 
of the lips more inclming to blue; palate large, pale red- 
dish-purple, pubescent. 

Seeds of this beautiful little plant gathered by M. Mutter 
on rocks at Laconi, in Sardinia, were sent by the German 
Travelling Society, or “‘ Unio Itineraria” to Dr. Granam, 
in 1828 ; and the specimens from which the above descrip- 
tion is taken, were raised from those seeds, and blossomed 
in the Edinburgh Botanic Garden, in June, 1829. The 
ag: has hitherto been protected during winter in a frame, 

ut in all probability it will bear our climate in a shel- 
tered situation, and would prove a much more ornamental 
species than our L. Cymbalaria, to which it is allied in habit. 
Linaria pubescens, L. pilosa, and L. hepaticefolia belong « 
to the same natural groupe, distinguished by their procum- 
bent, herbaceous, filiform stems, broadly cordate leaves, 

Viviant, who first described this species, gives, as a station 
~ it, moist rocks upon the mountain “ della Trinita” in 

rsica, SESS 


ow _ oe 

nt ~ —- - = =——— 

Fig. 1. Branch of L. éqititiloba with Flowers. 2. Single Leaf, slightly 
— 3, 4, 5. Leaves from the wild Specimens in fhe Herbarium.— 
ral size. 

is Walwerth, Oot?” LI6B9 

Fab by 8.0 

WIE del* 

(€ 2942 ) 
MAS Daltsy. 

Class and Order. 

SyncEengsia SupEeRFLva. 

( Nat. Ord.—Composirz. ) 
Generic Character. 

Receptaculum nudum. Pappus simplex. | Cor. radii 
Plures 10. Involueré imbricati sguame inferiores (nonnun- 
quam) patule. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Aster * salsuginosus ; caule uni pauci-floro, foliis lanceo- 
latis acutis subintegerrimis venosis inferioribus in pe- 
tiolum longe attenuatis, reliquis ‘sessilibus, involucri 
Squamis linearibus acutis pubescentibus subsquamosis 
disco vix duplo, radio plus triplo longioribus. 

Aster salsuginosus. Richard. in Frankl. \st Journ. App. 

ed. 2. p. 32. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 527. 


Descr. From a woody and fibrous perennial root spring 
ohe or more erect, simple, striated, pubescent, and purplis 
stems, about a foot high, leafy. Leaves mostly lanceolate, 
‘cute, those of the stem sessile, gradually smaller upwards, 
the lower ones often inclining to obovate, attenuated at the 

into a long footstalk, entire, or more or less toothed, 
slabrous, especially on the upper surface, below often more 
oF less hairy. Flowers solitary, or two or three at the ex- 
tremity of the stem in luxuriant plants, large and showy. 
volucre small in proportion to the size of the eh 


* So named from the Star-shaped flowers. 

purplish-green, its scales linear or inclining to subulate, 
pubescent, lax and squamose. Florets of the disk tubular, 
yellow, five-cleft. Germen slightly hairy, oblong, sur- 
mounted by the simple scabrous hairs of the pappus. Flo- 
rets of the ray ligulate, three-toothed, purple. Pistil and 
Pappus as in the central florets. 

This handsome species of Aster was first detected YY 
Dr. RicHarpson on the Salt Plains of the Athabasca, N. 
America, and described in the Appendix to Franxuin’s first 
Journal. Mr. Drummonp during the second journey found 
it among the Rocky Mountains, and from seeds brought 
home by him, our plants were raised which flowered in the 
Glasgow Botanic Garden, in May, 1829 ; and there cannot 
_ be a doubt but that so desirable a plant will soon become 

common in our collections. The early flowering and 
weak specimens produced but one flower on the stalk; but 
later in the season, in the month of June, from two to four 
blossoms. were not unfrequent on the same stem. This 

— rather be called the Spring than the Michaelmas 


Fig. 1. Floret of the Disk. 2. Floret of the Ray. 3. Portion of the Hair 
of the Pappus. 4. Scale from the Involucre.—All more or less magnified. 

Sie t2 sieges REE 

ny yg 

( 2943 ) 

Class and Order. 

Dianpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord. — Pivrracez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Spadix cylindraceus, floribus undique tectus. Stamina 
duo. - Stigma indivisum. Bacca monosperma.  Caulis 
herbaceus. Humb. et Kunth. - 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Peperomia * clusiefolia ; foliis obovatis inferne attenuatis 
subauriculatis crassis, rubro-marginatis, margine recur- 
vato brevi-petiolatis subvenosis, caule radicante ru- 
$0so, spicis terminalibus solitariis vel binis cylindra- 
Ceis. : 

Piper clusiefolium. Jacq. Collect. v. 3. p. 209. Ic. Rar. 
v. 2. p. 2. t. 213. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 1. p. 159. 

Piper marginatum. Pl. Suce. Hort. Dyck. p. 24. (non 
Jacq.) Haw. Succ. Pl. Suppl. p. 3. ~~ 

Piper magnoliefolium. Haw. Syn. p. 6. (non Jacq.) 


Descr. Stems much branched, thicker than a swan’s 
quill, red, and full of little transverse wrinkles, glabrous, as 
1S every part of the plant, decumbent at the base, and every 
where, immediately at the base of the leaf-stalks, disposed 
to throw out roots. Leaves four to six inches long, thick, 

tween coriaceous and fleshy, shortly petiolated, obovate, 
tapering downwards from near the middle, and somewhat 

auriculated at the very base, dark green above, peice 


* Derived, as well as Pirer, from wireg, the Greek word for Pepper. 

veined, concave and channelled ; the margin dark red and | 
recurved, especially towards the base, the extremity often 
emarginate, the underside is pale green, and the midrib is 
very prominent when it joins the petiole. Peduncle ter- 
minal, quite smooth and red, bearing one or two long cy- 
lindrical spikes, acute at the points. Flowers numerous, 
almost imbedded in the substance of the spadix. Scale 
pellucid, obtusely quadrangular, above which are placed, 
one on each side, the one-celled small anther, on a short 
filament: and between these is the pistil. Germen ovate: 
Stigma sessile, radiated: at the back is a long sharp mem- 
brane or crest. Berry oval with an acuminated point, 
quite protruded, standing out from the spadix. 

This is one of the handsomest of the tribe, and one that 
appears to have been long cultivated in our stoves. It was 
introduced from the West Indies by Captain Burien, in 1793, 
and flowers in May. The specimen here figured, was from 
a fine plant in the collection of the Edinburgh. Authors 
seem strangely to have confounded this with the Pieer 06- 
tusifolium of WitipENow, which is figured by Piumier in 
his “ Plantes d’Amérique, p. 53. t. 70, and still more accu- 
rately, by Trew, Ehret. p. 54. t. 96.; but the slightest in- 

tion of those plates will at once shew how much that 
plant is at variance with the one here given. 

Fig. 1. Flower with its Seale, 2. Pistil, 3. Stamen. 4, Berry.—Magnified. 

WJ H del? 

Lib. by S. Curtis Waiwor Nov" LIgEg. SwarnSe 

€ 2944 ) 

_ CommretTum craNnpirtorum. Larce FLow- 

oe ee 
| Class and Order. 

OcranpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord —Compreracez. ) 

Generic Character. 

3 — . Calycis limbus infundibuliformis, 4-lobus, deciduus. Pet. 
 4—5, inter lobos calycis inserta. Stam. 8—10, biserialia ; 
_ €x his 4—5, petalis opposita, altius inserta. Germen 2—5- 
 OVvulatum. Stylus exsertus, acutus. Fructus 4—5-pteri, 
 Llocul. 1-spermi, indehiscentes. Semen angulatum, pen- 
dulum. DC. Jie : 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Compretum * grandiflorum ; inerme, scandens, molliter 
hirsuta, foliis oppositis ovali-oblongis acutis integer- 
rimis basi subcordatis, floribus densis secundis spicatis 
decandris, pedunculis he tee pan ovatis acutis. 

MBRETUM grandiflorum. on in Ed. Phil. Journ. 1824, 
- p. 347. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 21. 

i : 

_ Descr. Stems long, climbing, terete, downy, the down 
mixed with brown, patent hairs, the older ones woody, the 
younger herbaceous, bearing many branches of the same 
character as the parent stem. Leaves in rather distant, 
©pposite pairs, from an inch and a half to five inches long, | 
Oval or oblong, or more frequently partaking of the cha- — 
Tacter of the two, acute, scarcely mucronate at the point, 
slightly cordate at the base, nerved, entire at the margin, 

Pn etre 

* Its etymology unknown. 

hairy on both sides, the hairs soft and white, appressed, 
paler beneath. Petiole scarcely half an inch long, thick, 
downy, flat, or slightly grooved above, beneath convex. 
The color of the leaves is a pale green, the smaller and 
younger ones, at the extremity of the branches, beautifully 
tinged with red. Peduncles axillary, occupying the extre- 
mity of the branches, downy, bearing a spike of large and 
richly-coloured, drooping flowers. In my dried native spe- 
cimens, the upper leaves have fallen away, and then the 
inflorescence appears to be a compound brachiate spzke. 
Calyx infundibuliform, springing from the top of the small, 
slender, pentagonal germen, large, five-angled, quinquefid, 
green, shining, the segments acute, brown at the tips, black 
within at the base. At the base of the germen is an ovate, 
acute, deciduous bractea. Corolla of tive obovato-cuneate, 
shortly unguiculated petals, ofa deep scarlet colour, marked 
with still higher coloured veins. Stamens ten; five insert- 
ed lower down upon the calyx, and opposite its segments, 
and five in the sinuses of the segments, much protruded. 
Filaments red. Anthers, small, roundish, yellow. Style 
filiform, acute, green, longer than the stamens. Germen 
one-celled, with five ovules. : | 

This truly splendid stove plant was kindly communicated 
from the gardens of Wentworth House, by Mr. Cooper, in 
July last, as one which that able cultivator had received 
from Mr. Mackay, of the Clapton nursery, under the 
name of Comprerum grandiflorum. The country from 
whence it came was not specified: but on comparing it 
with specimens of a Comsrerum brought to me by Miss 

URNER, niece of the late General Turner, from Sierra 
Leone, I find it to correspond with them in every particular. 
There can scarcely be a question, therefore, of its having 
been introduced from that country. The plant was dis- 
covered by Mr. G. Don, while collecting for that inestima- 
ble institution, the Horticultural Society, growing ‘‘ near 
Freetown, and on the road to Congo,” and is described in 
the Linnzan Transactions. The flowers have at first sight 
the appearance of those of a species of Ipomma, being as 
large as in Ipomma Quamoclit. 


wie 1. Flower, from which the Corolla is removed, the Calyx being 
ud. open to shew the Style and the insertion of the Stamens. 2. Petal. 3. 
(magnified) Section of the Germen.—Fig, 1. and 2. nat. size. 


Pub Py pete n BT: 
t® by So. Certis Walworth. Hes 

WIE del? 


( 2945 ) 

Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Scropnuarinz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. bilabiata, ventricosa. Rudimentum 
filamenti quinti superne barbatum. Caps. bilocularis. . 

Specific Charatsie and Synonyms. ‘ 

Pentstemon gracilis; caule herbaceo subglabro, foliis gla- 
bris glaucis radicalibus lanceolatis in petiolum atten- 
uatis integerrimis, caulinis lineari-lanceolatis acumi-. 
natis parce serrulatis, pedunculis elongatis decussatis. 
multifloris pedicellisque compositis calyce corollaque 
puberulis, filamento sterili barbato. Graham. 

Pentstemon gracilis. Nuttall N. Am. Gen. ». 2. p. 522. 

Penrstemon glaucus. Graham in Ed. N. Phil. Journ. 
July, 1829, p. 348, ? 


Descr. Stem erect, glabrous below, slightly pubescent 

"towards the top. Leaves all glabrous, glaucous: root- 

leaves lanceolate, attenuated at the base into petioles shorter 
than themselves, quite entire ; stem-leaves ovato- or linear- 
lanceolate, acuminate, dilated at the base, and amplexicaul, 
distantly serrulate, smaller upwards and passing into ovato- 

acuminate, entire bracteas at the base of the peduncles. 

Inflorescence, as is common in this genus, axillary, pedun- 
cles collected in the form of a panicle at the extremity of 
the stems, peduncles elongated, as well as the compound, 

filiform pedicels, calyx, and corolla glanduloso- uberulent. 

racteas ovate, acuminate, gradually becoming gon 

from the leaves, and two placed opposite to each other at 
each subdivision of the peduncle. Calyx five-parted, seg- - 
ments, ovate, acute, spreading, the upper the broadest and 
shortest. Corolla rather pale lilac above, and, at the apices — 
of its lobes, yellow, with purple veins below ; upper lip of 
two, lower lip of three segments, upper surface of lower lip 

with long yellowish hairs. Stamens included ; filaments 

ascending ; anthers cordate, lobes spreading, purple on the 

outside, whitish within ; barren filament dilated at its base, 

and adhering to the upper side of the corolla, above which 

it dips to the lower side of the corolla, along which it is 

laid, densely covered with yellow hairs on its upper side for 

more than half its length. Piséil rather shorter than the 

barren filament ; germen conical; style straight ; stigma 

small, entire. : 

The seeds of this species, which flowered at the Botanic 
Garden of Edinburgh, during the greatest part of the sum- 
mer, were received from Mr. Drummonp, on bis return from 
the second expedition under Capt. Franxuin to British | 
North America. Granam. 

This species is unquestionably the P. gracilis of Mr. 
Nurrazt, who gave this name to specimens in my herba- 
rium, from the Mandan territory, which were communicated 
a. Mr. Brapsoury ; this being the same district in which 

r. Nurrazt had gathered the individual plants that he 
has described in the work above quoted. Mr. Doveras 
found it common upon the Red River, about Brandon 
House, in the plains near that settlement, and Dr. RicuarD- 
son near Carlton House. It has flowered in the Glasgow 
Botanic Garden, which yielded the specimen here figured. 


Fig. 1. Root Leaf. 2. Lower Stem-Leaf, nat. size. 3, Pistil. 4. Sta- 

Wi Kdet? 

Lud br S. Curtis Walworth: Nov” LEY ee 

( 2946 ) 

Class and Order. 

Diapetpuia Decanpris. 
( Nat. Ord.—Leeuminosz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. tubulosus, 5-fidus, aut 5-dentatus, dentibus duobus 
superioribus brevioribus. Cor. papilionacea. Stam. dia- 
delpha. Stylus filiformis, angulum fere rectum cum ovario 
conficiens, superne et infra apicem subtus villosus. Legu- 
men oblongum, 1-loculare, polyspermum. Semina hilo 
laterali ovali aut lineari. D C. 

_ Specifie Character and Synonyms. 

Vicia * argentea; canescens, caulibus tetragonis, foliis cine- 
reo-argenteis cirrho destitutis, foliolis oblongo-linea- 
ribus mucronatis, stipulis semisagittato -lanceolatis, 
pedunculis multifloris folio sublongioribus, floribus 
secundis laxiusculis, laciniis calycinis subequalibus 
longitudine tubi, stylis elongatis subclavatis apice 
barbatis, leguminibus oblongis compressis tomento- 
sis, : 3 

Vicra argentea. Lapeyr. Abr. Pl. Pyr. p. 417. Hjusd. 
Suppl. p. 108. (excluding the Synonyms.) De Cand. 
Prodr. v. 2. p. 359. 4 

Vicia variegata. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 269. (not of 
Desr.) rye 


Descr. Root perennial, fusiform, slender, descending 
deep into the earth, and sending out a few branches and 

fibrous radicles. Plant every where clothed with ee 
we 7 s 

* From Gevig, in Celtic, according to Tuiis, whence Gvsor, in Greek. 

silky hairs. Stems many from the same root, ascending, 
branched, in thewild specimens compact, in the cultivated 
ones straggling, and, as well as the branches, angular, 
frequently exactly quadrangular, woody below, the rest 
herbaceous, often tinged with red. Leaves with eight to 
ten pair of alternate, elliptical, lanceolate leaflets, scarcely 
mucronate, terminated by an odd one, of a bluish-grey 
colour from the numerous silky hairs with which they are 
clothed, nearly sessile. Main petiole, or rachis, stout, 
grooved on the upper side; stipules large, silky, semisaggi- 
tate. Peduncles axillary, about as long as the leaves, 
having a secund raceme of several large flowers at the ex- 
tremity. Pedicels, curved, silky. Calyx silky, reddish- 
white, streaked with green at the base, the teeth green. 
Vexillum broadly obovate, gradually tapering into the claw, 
yellowish-white, streaked with purple, most distinctly so in 
the inside. : Ale@ obtuse, of the same colour as the vexillum. 
Carina white, very blunt, purple at the extremity. : 
“ Of this extensive Genus, few are more worthy of cultiva- 
tion than the present extremely rare species. It is sup- 
posed to grow in only one spot, namely, in the elevated 
pastures of Massive de Castanése, in the Pyrenées, where it 
was first discovered by La Peyrousr. For the opportunity 
of cultivating it in our gardens, we are indebted to Mr. 
Arnotr, who brought seeds from the Pyrenées to Dr. 
GranamM: and the plant is now flourishing in the open 
border, in the Edinburgh Botanic Garden, whence the spe- 
cimens here figured and described were kindly commu- 
nicated by Dr. Grauam. Its flowering season is June. 

In the Supplement to his ‘ Histoire Abrégée des Plantes 
des Pyrenées, M. de La Prrrovss has fallen into an error, 
in considering this plant the same with the Armenian V. 
variegata of Desronraines, as any one may satisfy himself; 
by consulting the figure and description of the latter author, 
in the twelfth volume of the “ Annales du Muséum d’His- 
toire Naturelle.” The flowers are there represented con- 
siderably smaller, the plant longer and more straggling, 
(especially than the native V. argentea) and the leaves are 
termimated by branched tendrils. 

— <n 4 

Fig. 1, Flower. 2, Carina of the Flower. 3. Leaf—Magnified. 

WIZ del? 

Lub. by. §. Curtis Walworth Nov'l. 1829. 

( 2947 ) 

JERR ikaksbokoleokokelook 
Class and Order. 

GynaypriA Monanpris. 
( Nat. Ord. — Orcuiez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cor. rmgens. Labellum basi subtus calearatum. Glan- 
- dule pollinis nude, distinct (loculis pedicellorum adnatis 
 ¥. solutis distinctis.) Br. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

- Hazenarta * macroceras ; labello profunde tripartito, laci- 
niis lateralibus (petalorumque interiorum bipartitorum 
lacinia inferiore) setaceis incurvis, cornu filiformi lon- 
gissimo, anther loculis basi longe productis. : 

ABENARIA macroceras. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 692. 

Harenarra macroceratitis. Willd. Sp. Pl.v.4.p.44. 

Orcuis Habenaria. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1331. Amen. Acad. 
v. 5. p. 408. “ Sw. Obs. 319. t.9.” aie 

| Saryrium erectum, foliis oblongis, petiolis vaginatis am- 

plexantibus, spica terminali, nectaris _longissimis. 

Brown Jam. p. 324. 


 Descr. Tiber, according to Swarrz, single, oblong, 
~anddowny. Stem, in our a a foot high, the lower part 
clothed with the long, cylindrical, sheathing bases of the 
eaves, above more naked, and obscurely angular, pale 
green. Leaves, the lowermost small and oval, the middle 
ones four to five inches long, elliptical-oblong, rather Mae 

* From Habena, a thong, or the lash of a whip, from the long " 
‘pur of most of the species. 

tuse, waved, the upper ones again smaller, lanceolate, acute, 
with short sheaths, and gradually passing upwards into the 
bractee, all of them faintly striated, of a beautiful yellow 
green. Bractee lanceolato-acuminate, carinate and con- 
cave, longer than the germen. Flowers in a lax spike, 
pale greenish-white : the three outer petals or segments of 
the perianth ovate, greener than the rest of the flower, the 
upper concave, three-nerved, erect, and covering the anther ; 
the two lateral reflexed : éwo innermost ones bipartite, the 
lacinie unequal, divaricate ; upper one linear-lanceolate, 
falcate, appressed to the inner margin of the upper and 
outer petal ; the lower laciniz setaceous, nearly two inches 
long, incurved. Jap deeply tripartite, lateral laciniz 
spreading, setaceous, incurved, more than two inches long, 
the intermediate one an inch long, linear, retuse, project- 
ing, having two flat, fleshy tubercles at the base above, 
while, below, depends a filiform, or slightly compressed 
spur, four to five inches long. Anther bifid, with the cells 
remote, projecting below into two horizontal, fleshy, spur- 
like processes, along the upper margin of which the mem- 
branous cell is continued which contains the stalk of the 
pollen-mass, and at the extremity of which is the naked, 
white gland. The two glands at the base of the anther are 
a continuation of the substance of the anthers: and at the - 
back of each of the-spurs of the anthers, and at their base, 
are two short, fleshy, white, processes, glandular at the ex- 
tremity, and which may be considered two lateral, abortive 
anthers. Pollen Masses yellow, clavate ; stalk long, its 
land white. Germen much shorter than the spur, cylin- 
rical, twisted. oe 
Cultivated in the stove of the Glasgow Botanic Garden, from 
roots, sent by Dr. Disran, from Jamaica. It flowered in Sep- 
tember of the present year, 1829. It may surely be reckoned 
among-the most curious of the terrestrial Orchideous plants, and 
is rendered very striking by the great length of the spur, and the 
long, setaceous lacinie of the lip and inner petals. I have lately 

received beautiful specimens from my valued friend and cor- 
respondent, Dr. Bancrort, of Jamaica. 

_ Singular as is the present species in the magnitude of its spur, 
it is still far inferior to one which I have received, though not in 
a living state, from my often-mentioned friend, C. S. PARKER, 
Esq., who gathered it in Demerara. The representation of this 
I destine for a future number of our Magazine. 

Tas. 2947. A. Hapenaria macroceras re i art of 
— : presenting the upper P 

the Plant, nat. size. Fig. 1. Inner Petal. 2. Anther, Stigma, and Lip. »: 

Side view of an Anther, with the projecting Bases to the Cells, the two fleshy 

Glands, and abortive side Anthers. 4. Pollen Mass. 5. Lower Leaf.—Fis- 
I to 4 more or less magnified. 

WIE dalt 

Pub. bY S. Cartes Walworth ov") 1629 Snaml 
eae ea 

] Hee 

( 2048 2949) 
Class and Order. 

GynanpriaA Monanpria. 
( Nat. Ord.—Onrcuwes. ) 

Generic Chasacts 

Flores resupinati. Petala patentissima, reflexa, 2 inte- 
riora multo angustiora. Labellum liberum, sessile, ecal- 
caratum, saccato-concavum, appendiculatum, appendice 
tripartito, lobis lateralibus lineari - acuminatis incurvis, 
intermedio magno cordiformi. Colwmna superne alata. 
Anthera operculata. Masse Pollinis \ineari-clavate, dorso 
sulcate, pedicellate, pedicello glandule bilobulate, acumi- 

nate, pellucide affixo. 
Specific Name and Synonym. 

Stanuorga insignis. Frost MSS. 


- Descr. Parasitic. Bulbs several, clustered, ovate, sul- 

cated, surrounded by many Jaga! long scales, and termi- 
‘Rated each by a single, br 

y lanceolate leaf, of a dark 

green colour, glabrous, having three principal nerves, and 
many parallel, less conspicuous ones ; all very prominent 
on the under side. From the base of a young bulb, whose 
leaf is scarcely expanded, and which is covered by green, 
not yet withered scales, proceeds a scape, bearing two or 
More (sometimes four) flowers, of a most pogo f! size 
and appearance. This scape is four to six inches ong, 
entirely clothed and concealed by thin, membranous, rts - 
ing, convolute scales, the smallest at the base, the mice 
uppermost, where they form a sheathing bractea, conceal- 
ing and enveloping the whole of the pee ne 
pendent, hanging down perpendicularly over the si eel 

the pot im which the plant grows, large and fragrant. 
Petals singularly reflexed, pale dingy yellow, the outer, 
(that which is, in the most usual position of an orchideous 
flower, the uppermost one), broadly ovato-lanceolate, con- 
cave, the margins reflexed ; the two lateral outer ones broad, 
rotundato-ovate, very concave, acute, waved, all of the 
three striated externally, interiorly sparingly dotted with 
purple : two innermost petals broadly linear, rather acute, 
much waved at the margin, spotted with purple within. 
Labellum, from the position of the flower, pendent, sessile, 
urless, narrow where it is affixed to the receptacle, of a 
thick and fleshy, almost waxy nature, between hemispheri- 
cal and globose, and hollow, hence saccate, and, as it were, 
inflated, the mouth oblong; contracted, the margins reflex- 
ed; of an almost white colour, spotted and blotched with 
dark purple: at the extremity of this, is what I call, from 
the extreme contraction of the base where it is set and fixed 
on to the labellum, an appendage, though it is, in reality, a 
continuation of the substance of the labellum: this append- 
age is nearly as large as the lip itself, deeply tripartite, the 
two lateral lobes or segments linear, acuminate, incurved, 
and slightly spirally so, the intermediate lobe very large, 
cordate, somewhat carinated at the back, acute at the point, — 
the sides curved upwards, the margins reflexed ; the whole 
_ of this is white, beautifully spotted internally with deep 
purple ; without faintly oneal with yellow, and marked 
witha few and rather obscure spots. Colwmn standing out 
parallel with the lip, free from adherence with the petals, 
slightly-incurved, semi-cylindrical, emarginate at the extre- 
pre i below which, and principally confined to the upper 
half, there proceed two semi-circular and somewhat mem- 
branous wings; the whole white, or partially tinged with 
yellow, marked with innumerable small, and ‘generally 
oblong purple spots. Within the notch, at the extremity 
of the column is fixed, the operculate, oblong, acuminate, 
yellow Anther, its extremity lying over an obscure concave 
pe fe and from beneath which, there protrudes the white, 
oblong, at one end acuminate,-at the other rounded and 
_ bifid, gland of the stalks of the pollen masses. Pollen 
Masses two, linear-clavate, deep yellow, waxy, with a 
groove at the back of each, these are fixed to a rather short, 
white pedicel, and that again is attached, by its base, to the 
white gland above mentioned, which stands out beyond the 
point of the Anther-case. Germen four to five inches long; 

nearly cylindrical, scarcely twisted. 













Among the Orchideous tribes, new wonders are contin- 
ually presenting themselves to our observation and our 
study ; more especially now, when the cultivation of them 
in the stoves of this country is brought to so high a degree 
of perfection, and when our increased intercourse with tro- 
pical regions has been the means of facilitating the acqui- 
sition of them. The present species, though it may be 
excelled by others in the brilliancy of its colours, ranks 
preeminent for its.size, and the curious structure of the 
parts of its flower. It was obligingly communicated durin 
the present month of October, from His Majesty’s Roya 
Gardens at Kew, by Joun Frosr, Esq., with the request, 
that it might be called “ Srannorza insignis, in compli- 
‘ment to the Right Hon. Puiu Henry, Earl Sranuors, the 
noble President-of the Medico-Botanical Society of Lon- 
don.” Few plants, indeed, are more worthy to bear the 
name of so distinguished a nobleman. 

In point of magnitude, I am not aware of any that ap- 
proaches this, save the Cerarocuitus grandiflorus of Lop- 
DicEs, Bot. Cabinet, n. 1414. The foliage and the bulbs 
too, bear a considerable affinity to this: but the structure of 
the labellum seems widely different, as far as can be judged 
from the figure of the entire flower: but there is unfor- 
tunately no analysis and no character, either of the genus 
or species, by which we might compare the more important | 
distinguishing marks of the two plants. 

It was introduced from South America some years ago to 
the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, where a drawing (which 
Mr. Arron obligingly allowed to accompany the specimen, ) 
was taken, from the same roots, which flowered in October, 
1827. An old scape, sent also, shows that four blossoms 
are sometimes borne at the same time upon the scape. 

Whilst revising the proof sheet of this number of the 
Botanical Measanie: My have received from Ricuarp Har- 
Rison, Esq. of Aigburgh, near Liverpool, a scarcely a 
splendid Orchideous plant, than that which forms the sub- 
ject of the above description. This is the Zycorrraton 
Mackaii of this work, tab. 2748 ; but having the flowers 
twice the size of those represented in that plate, and so 
much more brilliant in point of colour, that Mr. Harrison 

disposed to consider it a distinct 
and Mr, SHepHerp were dispo Z ote 

species. The scape had nine or ten flowers upon it. Much 
of its beauty and grandeur is doubtless owing to the excel- 
lent management of Orchideous plants adopted in Mr. 
Harrison’s collection. 

Tas, 2944. Plant of Srannopsa insignis. Tan. 2945. Fig. 1. Single 
Flower, seen from its underside. 2. Side view of the Labellum. 3. Front 
view of the Column. 4. Summit of the Column, with the Anther-Case forced 
back, to show how the Pollen Masses lie. 5. Front view of a Pollen Mass. 
6. Back view of ditto. Fig. 4, 5, 6, alone magnified. 


% of Nat- sv'xe, 

LMENad tel* Pab. by S. Curtis Walworth, Deo.” 11829 i Swan So 

( 2950 2951 ) 


Class and Order. 

Monacia Poryanpria. 
( Nat. Ord. —Aromez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Spatha polyphylla. Spadix floribus masculis foemineis- 
que tectus. Masc. Receptaculum subcylindraceum, sta- 
mina plurima nuda vel perianthio multidentato tecta susti- 
nens. Fam. Pertanthium subtetragonum, quadrifidum, 
subsessile, segmentis obtusis: Filamenta 4, longissima, 
sterilia. Germen 4-lobum, uniloculare, polyspermum. 
_ Stigmata 4, depressa. Fructus baccatus. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Lupovia* latifolia ; acaulis, foliis rotundato - flabelliform- 
ibus eid bifidis plicatis, lobis incisis, spadice 
oblongo obtuso longitudine petioli. 

Lupovra latifolia. Pers. Syn. Pl. v. 2. p. 576. ; 

Cariupovica latifolia. Ruiz et Pavon, Fl. Per. et Chil. 
Prodr. p. 292? Loddiges, Bot. Cab. t. 1068. 

SALMIA latifolia. « Willd. Mag. Amic. Nat. Cur. Berol. 
v. 5. 1811, p. 401.” ? Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 

Descr. Stem none, or scarcely any : the leaves spring- 

ing from the top of the root, which scarcely rises above aim 


in honor of 

* This Genus was named Car.upovica, by Ruiz and Payon, in ho 
Cuaruezs the 11th, of Spain, and his queen Louisa. But such a word was 
wholly inconsistent with the rules for constituting Genera, and Persoon 

changed it to Lupovia. 

soil, intermixed at their very base with many dark brown, 
jasged, and much decayed scales. Leaves spreading, petio- 
ated, one and a half to two feet long, and almost of the 
same breadth, membranaceo-coriaceous, between rotundate 
and flabelliform, plicated, and marked with many strong 
ribs, of which the central and two lateral ones (which are 
branched near the base,) are the strongest, and remarkably 
prominent on the underside ; the extremity of the leaf is, as 
it were, truncated, bifid in the middle, with a narrow cleft, 
reaching about half way down, the lobes laciniated: the 
whole very much resembling, as Mr. Loppiers has well 
observed, the young leaf of the cocoa-nut. Petiole four 
to six inches long, thick, keeled at the back, grooved in 
the front, the two edges membranous and often jagged. 
From the centre of these leaves arises the scape, short, thick, 
about as long as the petioles, concealed by several large, 
oblong bracteas, or leaves of the spatha: for the uppermost, 
which only differ from the rest in being more delicate, 
constitute the spatha. Spadix two to three inches high, 
scarcely rising above the spadix, clothed with flowers of 
two kinds, male and female, as many apparently of the one 
as the other. The Male Flower consists of numerous small 
stamens, arising from a thickened, cylindrical, fleshy co- 
lumn or receptacle, by means of which they exceed the 
female flowers in length. Filaments very short: Anthers 
rounded, two-lobed. Female Flower nearly sessile, having 
only a short, fleshy base, consisting of a Ee alabed: four- 
sided, fleshy perianth, whose lobes are erect, and very 
obtuse, within which, and shorter than it, is the four-lobed 
-germen, each lobe having a depression which represents 
the stigma. A section of this germen exhibits one cell 
with four rounded, parietal receptacles, to which numerous 
ovules are attached. Between the perianth and the ger- 
men, and alternating with the lobes of the latter, are four 
very long, rather thick, fleshy filaments, or abortive sta- 
mens? The fruit I have not seen. | 
The habit of this plant, its foliage especially, is so 
similar to that of the Palms, that it is no wonder it has been 
considered to belong to that family. But an attentive ex- 
amination of the structure of the flowers proves it to be 
one of the true Arorpex. Five species of this Genus were 
described by Ruiz and Pavon, a sixth by Humsoxpr and 
Kounru, and two more by Porreau in an excellent paper on 
the Genus, in the “ Mémoires du Muséum.’ But with the 
exception of L. funifera of the latter, all are so imperfectl 


ee Lub. by 8. Cartes Walworth, Dee” LE 29 

characterized, that we cannot say whether the present spe- 
cies rightly belongs to any of them. It inhabits Granada, 
in South America; was imtroduced by Mr. Lopnigzs, to 
whom the Edinburgh Botanic Garden owes the possession 
of it, whence our figure and description were taken in June, 
1829. The native country of this is so remote from that 
of Peru, where Ruiz and Pavon found their Cartupovica 
latifolia, that it is highly probable the two species will 
prove different. Humsoxpt’s L. palmata, from the river 
Magdalena, and Porreau’s L. subacaulis almost equally 
agree with our plant, as far as can be judged from the 
short characters we have of them. 




Tas, 2950. Plant, reduced to one quarter of the natural size. Tan. 2951, 
Fig. 1. Scape and Spadix ; some of the Leaves of the Spatha being cut away : 
nat. size. 2. Portion of the Spadix, exhibiting a Male and a Female Flower. 
3. Pistil and Sterile Filaments. 4. Lobe of the Pistil to show the Stigma, 

5. Section of the Germen.—Fig. 2. to 5. more or less magnified. : 

See e 


Lub br 8. Curtis Walworth, Dee”TIG29 



( 2952. ) 


SS Sr es os Os Os OS Os 
Class and Order. 

Diapetru1a Decanpria. 
( Nat. Ord.—Leeuminosz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx profunde bilabiatus. Corolla papilionacea, vexillo 
lateribus reflexis, carina acuminata. Stamina monadelpha, 
vagina integra, antheris 5 parvis subrotundioribus, precoci- 
oribus, 5 oblongis, serioribus. Stylus filiformis. Stigma 
terminale, subrotundum, barbatum. Legwmen coriaceum, 
oblongum, compressum, oblique torulosum. Cotyledones 
crass, per germin. in folia converse. De Cand. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

- Luprxus littoralis * ; perennis, floribus verticillatis pedicel- 
latis ebracteolatis, calycis labio utroque integro, folio- 
lis 5—7 lineari-spathulatis utrinque sericeis, legumin- 
ibus 10—12-spermis transversim sulcatis, radicibus 
granulatis. Douglas. : : 

Lurinus littoralis. Douglas in Bot. Reg. t. 1198. 


Descr. “ Root somewhat fusiform, with fleshy tubercles. 
Stem decumbent, silky. Leaflets five to seven, linear spa- 
thulate, both sides covered with silky hairs ; stipules subu- 
late, their hairs longer than those of the leaves or stem. 
Flowers whorled ; pedicels hirsute, double the length of the 
calyx. Calyx without bracteoles; both lips entire, nearly 
of equal length. Vesillum ovate, purple: ale gr sae 


SO COS eee 
* The derivation of the word Lupinus is unknown: for the imagi 
Connexion between the term Jupus, a wolf, and the quality in this plant to 
devour the soil, is too absurd to deserve attention, 

shaped, blue, double the length of the vexillum: carina 

llid, ciliated, acute. Pod linear, covered with bristly, 
 soeee hairs ; seeds linear, brown with black spots.” 

For the drawing of this interesting plant, which flowered 
in the Botanic Garden of Edinburgh, in June, 1829, I am 
indebted to my friend Dr. Grevitte, who sent it to me 
from thence. Not having, therefore, had an opportunity 
of seeing and describing a living individual, I have copied 
above, the words of its original discoverer, Mr. Dovetas, 
who found it “ growing abundantly on the sea-shore of. 
North-West America, from Cape Mendocino to Puget’s 
Sound. Its tough, branching roots are serviceable in bind- 
ing together the loose sand, and they are also used by the 
natives of the river Columbia as winter-food: being pre- 
pared by the simple process of drawing them through the 

re until all their moisture is dissipated. The roots are 
then tied up in small bundles, and will keep for several 
months ; when eaten, they are roasted on the embers, and 
become farinaceous. The vernacular name of this plant is 
Somnuchian: and it is the Liquorice spoken of by Lewis 
and Crarxe, and by the navigators who have visited the 
North-west coast of America. 

“ The Sea-shore Lupine is a hardy perennial, flowering 

from June to October, and propagated by cuttings, divi- 
sions of the roots, and seeds.” 

Fig. 1. Flower, before its complete expansion. 2, Vexillum, 3. Ale. 4. 
Carina. 5, Stamens and Pistil—All magnified, 


RIF edt e a 2 Cn 
- Lub by 8 Curtis. Walworth Dee? 11629 SW a 3 

( 2953 ) 

SH bakakokokok skoteobok 
; Class and Order. 

Terranpria Monocynia. _ 
( Nat. Ord. — Aromwez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Spatha monophylla. Spadix cylindraceus, undique flo- 
ribus tectus. Pervanthium tetraphyllum. Baeca di- tetra- 


Specific Character. 

Pornos * microphylla; acaulis, foliis ovatis acutis costatis 
venosis nervoque parallelo versus marginem, petiolo 
subeque longo superne incrassato, spadice brevi-cylin- 
draceo spathe longitudine. 

Descr. Roots numerous, fleshy, simple, partly growing 
out of the soil in-which the plant is cultivated. From the 
crown of these roots, among several purplish-brown scales, 

arise several leaf-stalks, which are glabrous, terete, two to 

four inches long, suddenly thickened, and paler coloured 

_ at the extremity, and bearing a leaf about its own length, 

ovate, acute, quite entire, subcoriaceous, deep green, ae) 
rather-a strong and on both sides prominent midrib, from 
which branch off many veins, and united with a wavy nerve, 
which runs parallel with, but considerably within. x ot 
gin. Scape slender, terete, exceeding the leaves in length, 

bearing a lanceolate, revolute, yellowish-green a 


« 7 ee 

* The name is derived from Potha, which is the common appellation given 
to these plants in the island of Ceylon. 

low the solitary, terminal spadix. This is scarcely more 
than half an inch long, deep purple, oblongo-eylindrical, 
obtuse. Leaflets of the perianth deep purple above, the 
rest pale green. Stamens four, scarcely longer than the 
calyx. Filament flat. Anther of two cells, roundish, pale 
reddish purple, presenting its back to the pistil. Pistil 
roundish. Stigma scarcely any. 

Sent by Mr. Tarre of the Sloane Street Nursery to the 
Glasgow Botanic Garden, where it flowered in the stove, 
in September, 1829. It is a native of Brazil, and has 
much affinity in general habit with P. Harrisii of Granam, 
in Hook. Exotic Flora, t. 211. But there the whole plant 
is much larger than in ours, the leaves much longer, by no 
means ovate, and the spadix is of considerable length. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Leaflet of the Perianth, with a Stamen. 3. Front 
view of a Stamen.— Magnified. 

WL del? 

Put, rs 3 Jie 7 7CIG 
; i PSS 4 wer, Z. We rd, FD ¥AG 
Cd, alWo 4. Dee? LISS . 

Vwi is 

_ Pentstemon procerus. Dox 

( 2954 ) 
| Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Scroruvutarine. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. bilabiata, ventricosa. Rudimen- 
tum filamenti quinti, superne barbatum. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

PrntstEMon procerus; caule erecto stricto subsimplici, 
foliis lanceolatis integerrimis, inferioribus petiolatis 
superioribus sessilibus subconnatis, floribus verticil- 
lato-spicatis, calycis segmentis membranaceo-laciniatis 
mucronatis, filamento sterili edentato. 

glas MSS. Graham in Edin. 

Phil. Journ. July, 1829. 

Descr. Stem erect, straight, a foot to a foot and a half, 
or, in the wild specimens, two feet high, rounded, quite 
glabrous, but little branched. Leaves glabrous, lanceolate; 
the lower ones attenuated into petioles, the rest quite 
sessile, and almost connate, gradually smaller upwards: all 
of them quite entire, dark green, obliquely veined. Flowers 
in crowded, opposite racemes from the upper and smallest 
leaves, and standing so close to the stem, that the whole of 
them seem to form a more or less interrupted and verticillate 
spike, having numerous small, linear, bractee among the 
pedicels. Calyx so deeply divided that it may almost be 
called pentaphyllous, each segment or leaflet ovate, border- 
ed by a white, membranous, and jagged margin, and there 
suddenly contracted into a long and narrow, recurved, pu- 
bescent point or mucro. Corolla small, but of a rich and 
varied purple color, glabrous: upper lip reflected, eee ; 

lower bent down, trifid, with three pale spots at the base, 
and several rufous hairs. Sterile Filament slender, white, 
having a small tuft of reddish hairs on the upper side at the 
extremity, quite entire (toothless) at the base. -Germen 
— purplish green. Style filiform, white above. Stigma 
simple. . 
he recent travels of Mr. Dovexas and Mr. Drummonp 
among the Rocky Mountains, and in the North-west part of 
America, have been the means of enriching our gardens 
with — ney beautiful species of the Genus PrnrtstE- 
mon ; and in richness of colours the present will scarcely 
ield to any. It was found by the former of these two 
aturalists in swampy and overflowed meadows, between 
Fort Vancouver and the Grand Rapids of the river Colum- 
bia, on the North side; and by the latter (to whom our 
— are indebted for the living plant) on the Rocky 

ountains ; and by Dr. Ricnarpson about Carlton House. 
It blossoms in June. 

Fig. 1, Flower. 2. Segment of the Calyx. 3. Sterile Filament. 4. 
Pistil. 5. Section of the Germen,—All more or less magnified. 

Yh, Dec? 1829 


Pub by §. Cariis i 

WI del* 

( 2955 ) 

- Maxinzaria squatens. Diney-riowerep 

a Sa Se oe 

Class and Order. 

GynanpriA Monanpria. 
( Nat. Ord.—Orcumes. ) 

Generic Character. _ 

Perianthium patens, resupinatum. Labellum ecalcara- 
tum. JLabellum cum processu unguiformi columne articu- 
latum, trilobum. Foliola lateralia exteriora basibus cum 
processu column connata. Pollinia 4, basibus (vel dorso) 
connata, glandulosa.—Herbe parasitica, bulbose, Americe 
meridionalis: Racemi (vel scapi uniflori) radicales. Lindl. — 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

‘Maxitraria* squalens ; racemo multifloro, labello trilobo 
lobis lateralibus incurvis, terminali late ovali incras- 
Xyxosium squalens. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. (sub Maxuiaria 

Harrisonia.) t. 897. 
Denpronium squalens. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 732. | 

sd ‘g 

Descr. Parasitic. Bulbs several, oblong, dark green, 
in part sheathed with brown lacerated scales. Leaves, two 
from the summit of each bulb, eight to ten inches to a foot 
long, tapering below into a footstalk, strongly five-ribbed, 
with many parallel veins, ribs-very prominent beneath. 
Scape from the base of the bulbs four to six inches high, 

clothed with ovate, concave, brown scales, and —— 
be y 


* From a fancied resemblance to the mawille, or jaws of an insect. 

by a dense, thyrsiform raceme of many pale, dingy, yellow- 
ich, flesh-coloured flowers. These flowers are resupinate. 
The three outer segments ovato-oblong, nearly equal, the 
two lower ones decurrent: two inner ones lanceolate, within 
streaked with purple. Lip three lobed; faintly streaked 
with purple: side-lobes incurved, terminal one slightly 
deflexed, thick, fleshy, deep purple. Column semicylin- 
drical, dotted with purple. Anther two-celled. Pollen 
Masses four, united at their back, yellow: Gland semilunate. 
Germen clavate, twisted, shorter than the lanceolate brac- 

A native of Brazil: communicated to the Glasgow Botanic 
Garden, where it flowered in the stove in the autumn of 
1828, by the Horticultural Society. The flowers are much 
greener in the specimen figured in the Bot. Register. It is 
there first referred to Denprosium; afterwards Mr. Linney 
constituted a new Genus of it: but as it appears: to me no 
way differing from Maxiixaria, except in aslight difference 
in the place of union of the Pollen Masses; at the back in 
Xytosium, at the base in Maxiuyaria. 

Fig. J. Single Flower: side view. 2. Lip. 3. Front view of a Flower, 
the Lip forced open. 4, 5, Back and front view of the Pollen Mass.— 


In which the Latin Names of the Plants contained in the Third 
Volume of the New Serizs (or Fifty-Sizth of the Work) 

are alphabetically arranged. 

_ 2922 Acacia lanigera, 
2928 Oxycedrus. 

2879 Abronia mellifera. 
2936 Andromeda hypnoides. 

_ 2911 Annona reticulata, 

2912 Ibid. 

2942 Aster salsuginosus. 
2901 — ledifolia. 

‘2900 Begonia insignis. 
2920 — semperflorens. 
2892 Billbergia cruenta. 
2926 Bonatea speciosa, 
2878 Brassayola tuberculata. 
2877 Brodiza grandiflora. 
2876 Calceolaria connata. 
2897 polifolia. 
2915 ——_-_—-- thyrsiflora. 
2898 Carica Papaya. 

2899 Ibid. 

2929 Cestrum alaternoides. 
2918 Clarkia pulchella. 
2925 Clerodendron emirnense. 
2893 Collomia linearis. 
2894 grandiflora. 
2895 heterophylla. 

2944 Combretum grandiflorum. 

2908 Crinum plicatum. 

2938 Cypripedium macranthon. 

2906 Dendrobium zmulum. 
2916 Dischidia benghalensis. 
2905 Dombeya angulata. 
2934 Draba aurea. 

2881 Elichrysum incanum. 
2923 Erigeron glabellum. 
2909 Erythrolena conspicua. 
2890 Escallonia rubra. 

2887 Eschscholzia californica. 
2931 Eulophia streptopetala. 
2902 Euphorbia splendens, 
2939 Ficus rubiginosa. 

2896 Frankenia pauciflora. 


2940 Gaillardia aristata, 
2883 Gilia inconspicua, 
2924 Gilia gracilis, 
2947 Habenaria macroceras. 
2891 sa ag liliiflorus, var. hybri- 
2880 Horkelia congesta. 
2886 Iris tripetala. 
2914 Justicia nodosa. 
2921 Ligustrum nepalense, P. gla 
. brum. 
2941 Linaria equitriloba. 
2913 Lotus pinnatus. 
2950 Ludovia latifolia. 
2951 Ibid. 
2952 Lupinus littoralis. 
2927 Maxillaria Harrisoniz. 
2955 —————- squalens. 
2907 Mentha verticillata. 
2933 Mitella pentandra. 
2919 Nicotiana acuminata. 
2889 Cnothera decumbens. 
2937 Orobus stipulaceus. 
2903 Pentstemon ovatus. 
2945 gracilis, 
2954 = procerus, 
2943 Peperomia clusizfolia. 
2917 Plumbago rhomboidea. 
2904 Podolepis gracilis. 
2888 Peeonia albiflora, «. rosea. 
9884 Poinciana regia. 
2932 Pontederia azurea. 
2885 Portulaca grandiflora. 
2953 Pothos microphylla. 
2948 Stanhopea insignis. 
2949 Ibid. 
2930 Stenochilus viscosus, 
2935 Tradescantia crassula. 
2910 Verbena bracteosa. 

|| 2882 Vesicaria arctica. 

2946 Vicia argentea. “er 


In. which the English Names of the Plants contained. in the 
Third Volume of the New Srrizs (or Fifty-Sixth of the. 
Work) are alphabetically arranged. | 


Pl. FL 
2922 Acacia, Woolly- voided: 2938 Lady’s- Slipper, Large - flow- 
2928 Downy-stemmed. ered. 

2879 Abronia, Honey-smelling. 

2936 Andromeda, Hypnum-like. 

2901 Azalea, Fragrant, Indian. 

2900 Begonia, Handsome-flowered. 

2920 Free-flowering. 

2892 Billbergia, Blood-stained. 

2926 Bonatea, Showy. 

2939 Botany-Bay Fig, Sieh led 

2878 Brassavola, Tuberculated. 

2877 Brodiea, Large-flowered. 

2929 Cestrum, Alaternus-leaved. 

2918 Clarkia, Beautiful. 

2925 Clerodendron, Small- flowered, 


2893 Collomia, Small-flowered. 
2894 Large-flowered. 
2895 Narrow-leaved. 
2944 Combretum, Large-flowered. 
2908 Crinum, Plaited-leaved. 
2911 Custard-Apple, Netted. 

_ 2912 Ibid. 

2906 Dendrobium, Small-clustered. 
2916 Dischidia, Bengal. 

2905 Dombeya, Angle-leaved. 
2881 Elichrysum, Hoary-leaved. 
2923 Erigeron, Smoothish-leaved. 

2909 Erythrolena, Conspicuous. 

2890 Escallonia, Red-flowered. 

2887 Eschscholzia, Californian. 

2889 Evening Primrose, Decumbent, 

2931 Eulophia, Twisted-petaled. 

2896 Frankenia, Few-flowered. 

2940 Gaillardia, Whole-coloured. 

2883 Gilia, Small-flowered. 

2924 Gilia, Slender. 

2947 Habenaria, Long horned. 

2891 Hibiscus, Lily-flowered, Hy- 
brid var. 

2880 Horkelia, Tufted-flowered. 

2886 Iris, Three-petaled. 

2914 Justicia, Swoln-jointed. 

2917 Lead-Wort, Rhomboid-leaved. - 
2913 Lotus, Pinnate-leaved. 
2950 Ludoyia, Broad-leaved. 

2951 Ibid. 

2952 Lupine, Sea-shore. _ 

2927 Maxillaria, Mrs. Harrison’ S. 
—_———- Dingy-flowered. 
2942 Michaelmas-Daisy, Salt Plain. 
2907 Mint, Whorled. 

2933 Mitella, Five-stamened. 

2937 Orobus, Large-stipuled. 
2898 Papaw Tree. 

2899 Ibid. 

2903 Pentstemon, Ovatedearéd: 
2945 Slender. 
2954 Tall. 

2943 Peperomia, Clusia-leaved. 

2904 Podolepis, Slender-stalked. 

2888 Peony, Double -White Chi- 
nese, with Rose- vas 

2884 Poinciana, Superb. 

2932 Pontederia, Large-flowered. 

2953 Pothos, Small-leaved. 

2921 Privet, Nepal, glabrous var. 

2885 Purslane, Large-flowered. — - 

2876 Slipper-Wort, Connate-leaved. 

2897. —_—_—_——— White-leaved. 

2915 ——_—_-——— Tufted. 

2902 Spurge, Showy, Red-flowered. 

2948 Stanhopea, Splendid. 

2949 Ibid. 

2930 Stenochilus, Clammy. 

2941 Toad-Flax, Small, Fleshy- 

2919 Tobacco, Acuminated-leaved. 

2935 Tradescantia, White-flowered. 

2910 Verbena, Bracteated. 

2882 Vesicaria, Arctic. 

2946 Vetch, Silver-leaved. 

2934 Whitlow-Grass, Golden- flow- 