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TR RS : 

Flower Garden Misplaped: 

In which the most Ornamental Forrren Puants cultivated in the Open Ground, 
the Green-House, and the Stove, are accurately represented and coloured. 
To which are added, 


Their Places of Growth, Times of Flowering, and most approved 
Methods of Culture. 





F. R.A. and L. S. and Regius Professor of Botany in the University 
of Glasgow. 


Or Vol. tx1. of the whole Work. 

Observe the rising Lily’s snowy grace, 

Observe the various vegetable race 5 

They neither toi] nor spin, but careless grow, 

Yet mark how warm they blush, now bright they glow ! 
What regal vestments can with them compare, 

What king so shining, or what queen so fair? 

ee - 

Printed by Edward Couchman, 10, Throgmorton Street ; 


Also by Sherwood, Gilbert, & Piper, 23, Paternoster Row; J. & A. Arch, Cornhill; Treuttel, & Wurtz, _ 
Soho Square; Blackwood, Edinburgh; and in Holland, of Mr. Gt. Eldering, Florist, at Haarlem : 
And to be had of alt Booksellers in Town and Country. 





&c. &c. &c., 



Giascow, Dec, 1, 1834, 



y Curtis. GHazrénweed Fssex 

ub: by 


WAT dei*® 

- ( 8290: ) 
Tree RuopopEenpDron; White-flowered var. 

Class and Order. 

DecanpriaA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Enricez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. infundibuliformis, 5-loba. Stam. 
5—10, declinata: antheris apice biporosis. Capsula 5- 
locularis, 5-valvis, ab apice dehiscens, valvarum marginibus 
inflexis dissepimenta formantibus : Receptaculum centrale, 
5-angulare. Semina membrana involuta. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Ruopopenpron arboreum ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis nitidis 
subtus pubescentibus, racemis terminalibus globosis, 
capsulis 10-locularibus, caule arboreo. 

RuopopenprRon arboreum. Sm. Ex. Bot. t.9. Hook. Ex. 
Fl. t. 168. Bot. Reg. t. 890. 

Var. y album ; floribus albis intus purpureo-maculatis, foliis —__ 

subtus ferrugineis. (Ic. nostr. 3290.) 
Ruopopenpron arboreum, y. album. Wall. List, n. 755. 
Ruopopenpron album. Hamilt. MSS. Don, Prodr. Nep. 

p. 154. Sw. Brit. Fl. Gard. N. Ser. t. 148. 

The drawing here figured of this beautiful Tree Rhodo- 
dendron was communicated by Roserr Baxter, 3 wee 
Hills, Chester, in whose conservatory it flowered in very 
great perfection in February, 1831. It was raised from 
seeds sent by Dr. Watxicu to Mr. Suepuerp of Liverpool, 
about twenty years ago. 

In the List of Plants of the Hon. the East India Com- 
pany’s Museum, Dr. Waxuicu gives this as a native be ea eo 


VOL, VIII. B ae 

high mountains of Nepal, where he gathered it in 1821. I 
have followed the same author in considering it a variety of 
R. arboreum, not having had an opportunity of seeing the 
plant myself. But it is only fair to observe, that Mr. Don 
and Mr. Sweer, following Dr. Hamitron, have described it 
as a distinct species ; observing that it derives its most 
essential specific character from the circumstance of every 
alternate filament of the stamen bearing an appendage a 
little above the base, sometimes one on each side. 

Dr. Haminron appears to have first discovered the plant 
on a mountain at Narainhatty, in 1803. It flowered for the 
first time in Europe in Mr. Baxter’s Collection, 


Curtes Cazena ood Essen Sant lleg ¢. 



Class and Order. 

HexanpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord —ComMeELinEz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. et Cor. profunde tripartite. Filamenta plerumque 
villosa. Capsula 3-locularis. Spr. 

: Specific Character and Synonyms. 

igor alee 
co ait 

TrapescantiA pilosa ; caule erecto flexuoso geniculato-no- | 
doso superne villoso, foliis lanceolatis, superioribus 
bracteisque lanceolatis, pedunculis calycibusque valde 
villosis, floribus terminalibus umbellatis. : Jog: 

Trapescantia pilosa. Lehm. Ind. Sem. Hort. Hamb. 1827. 
Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veget. v. 7. p. 1175. 

Trapescantia Virginica ~. Red. Lil. sub fol. 98. 

Raised from roots sent by Mr. Drummonp from Louis- 
jana to the Glasgow Botanic Garden, where it flowered __ 
during the autumn of 1833, and requiring the same treat- 
ment with its allies T. Virginica and T. subaspera. From _ 
both of these it differs in the extremely hairy leaves and _ 
flower-stalks and calyces and smaller flowers, and from T. 
Virginica 8. pilosa, Linvt. in Bot. Reg., by the very hairy 
(not ect ciliated) and vastly broader and shorter foliage. 
From Dr. Leuman’s T. pilosa it only seems to depart in the 
absence of glands on the pedicels and calyx. | 

Descr. Stem two to three feet high, dichotomously 
branched and jointed, swollen at the joints, particularly in 
the lower part of the stem, which, moreover, is quite gla- 
brous, whereas the upper part is densely hairy. Leaves 
embracing their stem at the base, but scarcely sheathing, 


lanceolate, wavy, striated, the lower ones downy, the upper 
and bracteas densely hairy: the latter have their bases 
somewhat. cucullate. Flowers numerous in terminal um- 
bels from the axil of the two opposite bracteas, the pedicels 
curved, and, as well as the calyx, exceedingly villous with 
jong white, patent hairs, but scarcely glandular. Flowers 
bright purplish-blue, as well as the filaments, and hairs of 
the filaments. Anthers bright yellow. 


Swan Se 

Pub by SCurtis Clazenwovd By sce Sanat hlp st. 



id ( 3292) 
LoBeLia PuBERULA, & Briue Downy 
Lose.ia variety. 

Class and Order. 

PentanpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Lose.iaces. ) 

Generic Character. 

Corolla tubo hine fisso (raro integro) ; limbo 5-partito. 
Anthere connate. Stigma bilobum (nunc indivisum). Cap- 
sula bilocularis, (raro 5-loc.,) apice supero bivalvi,— Herb 
(v. Suffrutices) plereque lactescentes. Folia alterna, integra 
v. laciniata, raro fistulosa. Flores racemosi, terminales v. 
axillares, solitarti, pedicellis bibracteatis v. nudis. Anthere 
sepius barbate. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Losewi puberula ; obsolete pubescens, caule erecto angu- 
lato, foliis oblongis obtusis denticulatis, spica elongata 
terminali, segmentis calycinis erectis subulato-lanceo- — 
latis integerrimis sinubus paululum reflexis, staminibus— 
inclusis. ay : 

Lozexia puberula. Mich. Am. v.2. p. 152. Pursh, Am. v.— 
2. p. 447. LEilliott, Carol. v. 1. p. 267. Roem. et Sch. 
v.5.p.55. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 717. 

8. glabella ; foliis obsoletissime pubescentibus, calycibus 

glaberrimis,. (Ic. nostr. t. 3292.) 

_ This is a highly interesting addition to our garden Lobe- 
lias, and was introduced last year by Mr. Drummonp, who 
sent the seeds from Jacksonville in Louisiana. The spe- 
cles appears, indeed, to be little known even to the Ame- 
rican Botanists, and is probably confined to the southern — 
States. Its nearest affinity is perhaps with L. siphilitica, 
but its spike is less dense and vastly more cage its 


flowers smaller, of a brighter colour, deeply bipartite, the 
upper lip bifid, the segments much reflexed, not split down 
so far that the stamens are excluded as in the last named 
species. : \ 

Descr. The root is perennial. Stem erect, simple, two 
to three feet high, angled, very slightly downy. Leaves 
alternate, remote, three to four inches long, oblong or ellip- 
tical-lanceolate, sessile, dentato-serrate, in our specimens 
nearly glabrous, gradually smaller upwards ; the radical 
ones subspathulate. Spike eight to ten inches to a foot 
long, slender, lax. Flowers on short pedicels, spreading, 
bracteated ; bracteas lanceolate, wavy, with glandular serra- 
tures. Calyx-segments almost as long as the tube of the 
- corolla, erect, lanceolato-subulate, entire, edged with red, 
the sinuses reflexed.- Corolla bright purplish-blue, divided 
almost to the base into two portions ; the upper one linear, 
bifid, the segments acute, reflexed, the lower broad and 
reflexed at the extremity, three-lobed, with two oval, white, 
protuberant spots, the lobes ovate. Stamens included in 
the corolla. 

Fig. 1. Calyx with the upper Lip of the Corolla, Stamens, and Pistil.. 2. 
Lower Lip removed from fig. 1 :—magnijfied. 


Worton ¢ i Young, del, 
Hon CRON 0 

s g " 

- Opuntia Brasritensis. é. Braz AN # 
PRICKINGP Bagg ois! 

Class and Order. 

Icosanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Cacrez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Sepala numerosa, ovario adnata, foliiformia, summa plana 
brevia, intima petaliformia obovata rosacea expansa, tubo 
Supra ovarium nullum. Stam. numerosa petalis breviora. 
Stylus cylindricus basi constrictus. Stigmata plurima, erec- 
ta, crassa. Bacca ovata, apice umbilicata, tuberculata, 
sepius spinifera. Embryo subspiralis teretiusculus. Coty- 
ledones semiteretes, germinantes foliacee plane crasse. 
Plumula parva.—Frutices, trunco demum tereti, juniore 
ramisque rarissimis cylindricis sepius plus minus compressis 
articulatis, articulis ovatis aut oblongis fasciculos aculeorum 
aut setarum ordine quincunciali seu spirali dispositos ge- 
rentes. Folia sediformia caducissima subquoque fasciculo 
juniore. Flores e fasciculis aut marginibus articulorum 
orti, flavi aut rubentes. Stam. tactu subirritabilia. shea 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Opuntia Brasiliensis ; arborea, caule erecto tereti stri 
elato recto, ramis abbreviatis patentibus s. declinanti- 
bus, articulis ultimis compressis foliaceo-planis obe 
spinis solitariis longis subulatis albis apice fu: 
matis lanugine obsoleta. 

Opuntia Brasiliensis. DC. Prodr. iii. p. 474. No. 33. 

The accompanying beautiful and very accurate delinea- 
tion is the joint production of two ladies, whose talent in- 
executing is only equalled by their zeal and readiness in 


undertaking whatever may be useful in the cause of Botan- 
ical science ; the Hon. Miss Norton and Miss Youne. 

Though of comparatively recent introduction to Madeira, 
O. Brasiliensis now occurs in several gardens at Funchal, 
flourishing without the slightest care or attention. Its 
principal flowering season is May or June ; but blossoms 
are often produced more or less throughout the year. The 
fruit figured was ripe in May, simultaneously with the inflo- 
rescence ; but August or September is its more abundant 

The peculiar habit and mode of growth at once distin- 
guish this species. It rises with a perfectly straight, erect, 
slender, but firm and stiff, round stem, to a height of from 
ten to twenty, or even thirty feet, very gradually tapering 
to a point from a diameter of two to six inches at the base, 
and furnished all the way up with short, mostly horizontal 
or declining branches, spreading round on all sides not 
more than a yard in any part from the main stem, and gra- 
dually becoming shorter upwards; often altogether ceasing 
a little below the summit. The whole plant resembles a 
straight, taper pole, artificially dressed up with branches. 
Main stem perfectly round, continuous and straight through- 
out ; formidably armed with fascicles of long, slender, sub- 
ulate, very sharp, pale or ash-coloured spines, several 
together. Branches horizontal or declining, short, from 
flattened or triangular becoming downwards round ; armed 
with spines like those of the stem, but fewer in a fascicle. 
The ultimate joints are obovate, or obovato-oblong, ap- 
proaching often to lanceolate, sometimes truncate ; the 
margins a good deal sinuated. They resemble leaves 
in appearance and thickness, more than in any other 
described species of Opuntia ; being only about twice as 
thick as those of Cereus Phyllanthus or phyllanthoides, 
D C., but stiffer. They are armed on both sides with soli- 
tary, long, slender, subulate, spines, which are white with 
chestnut-brown tips, and very sharp; each seated at the 
summit of a slight, irregular tubercle : the down at their 
base is obsolete or altogether wanting. The whole plant is 
a bright green inclining to yellow, especially in young or 
sickly plants : the lower part of the stem only is brownish- 
ash-colored. The flowers open in long succession, being 
abundantly produced all over the plant from the prominent 
jc of the edges of the terminal joints. They are bright 

emon-yellow, middle-sized ; when expanded, from an inch 
to an inch and half in diameter ; without any tube. Petals 


imbricated, sub-patent ; the outer ones short, thick, and 
fleshy ; the inner from half an inch to an inch long. Style 
longer than the stamens, pale yellow, thickish, swollen 
downwards, solid, or with only a thread-like, central hollow 
towards the top. Stigma of generally five, sometimes four, 
pale yellow, finally ferruginous-bordered, erect, subconni- 
vent, ovate lobes. Filaments and anthers pale. Germen 
half or three quarters of an inch long, cup-shaped at top, 
uneven, angulato-tubercular, bearing a minute, fleshy, ova- 
to-globose, yellowish, deciduous leaf at the summit of each 
irregular tubercle, inside of which is a fascicle of short, 
minute, chestnut bristles : a vertical section discovers the 
central, subtriangular, cell-like ovarium, containing from 
one to five ovules. Fruit subglobose, approaching to oval 
more or less, with the cup-shaped hollow at the top obso- 
lete, so as to be often truncate, from an inch to an inch and 
half in diameter, the colour of a Magnum-bonum Plum ; 
perfectly even, but furnished with short, dense fascicles, 
tufts, or branches, of rich chestnut-coloured bristles, con- 
trasting beautifully with the delicate transparent yellow of 
the thin, smooth skin. A few of these are twice as long as 
the rest: all are extremely deciduous, brittle, and acute, 
so as to render the examination of the fruit more than ordi- 
narily troublesome. It is hardly possible to touch the plant 
when in fructification without getting the skin or clothes 
full of these bristles. Inside of the fruzt pale yellowish- 
white, containing in the middle from one to four, much 
flattened, rather large round seeds, three or four lines in 
diameter, enveloped in a singular, dense, cottony mass of 
fibres. The fruit is rather agreeable, juicy, with a fine 
acid, somewhat resembling an indifferent, hard-fleshed, or 
unripe Plum, with a smell and slight flavour like the leaf- 
stalks of garden Rhubarb. Rev. J. T. Lowe. sane 

Fig. 1. Diminished sketch of the whole Plant. 2. Branch with Flowers 
and ripe Fruit. 3. Vertical Section of the Germen and Style, with the 
Stamens and a single Petal. 4. Pistil split down and spread open. 6. 
Seed from the ripe Fruit :—fig. 2—5 nat. size ; the rest magnified. 

Me Jat UWab del? ~ Lieb. by S. Curtis: Gtaxenuwod. Essex, San!) 195 Swan fo. 

LIBERTIA FORMOSA. BerautiruL Lipertia. 

Class and Order. 

Trianpria Monoeynia. Sp. (Monavewruia Trtanpria.) 
( Nat. Ord.—Inivex. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cor. 6-partita rotata, laciniis exterioribus minoribus an- 
stioribus. Filamenta distincta. Stigmata 3 simplicia. 
aps. subglobosa. — Spr. ; 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Lisertia* formosa; caule folioso, foliis radicalibus caule 
brevioribus margine levibus, laciniis perianthii exteri- 
oribus ovatis apice subherbaceis carinatis, interioribus 
unguiculatis cordatis retusis, filamentis basi coheren- 
tibus, fructibus flore minoribus. 

ee formosa. Grah. in Edin. New Phil. Journ. June, 

This species flowered beautifully in Mr. Cunninenam’s 
nursery, at Comely Bank, Edinburgh, in May; having been 
received from Mr. Low at Clapton, who raised it from seeds — 
imported from near the southern extremity of the continer 
of America by Mr. Anprrson. Its root forms a num 
crowns, by which it no doubt may be propagated 
probably will ripen seeds in the greenhouse. 

his Genus was separated from SisyrincuruM _ 
Brown, and the name of RENEALMIA, for a time sup 




* So named, it would a pear, in compliment to Mademoiselle Linert 
DE MaLMepy, “ femme véritablement savante et modeste,” and to whom 
the French Flora is indebted for a great number of new and interesting 
species. The Libertia of DumortiER is Hosta of TRATTINICK, Funkia 

of SPRENGEL, and Libertia of LEsEUNE, scarcely appears different from 

by Smrru, given to it; but as the Genus Renearmia has 
been restored upon good grounds by Roscog, it becomes 
necessary to adopt from Sprencet the appellation of Lisrr- 
71a for the Genus of Brown, which is a most natural one. 
Descr. Root-leaves (six inches to one foot long, two to 
four and a half lines broad) equitant, every where glabrous, 
membranous at the edges of the sheath, linear-sword-shaped, 
acute, nerved, the central nerve thicker and stronger than 
the rest ; stem-leaves few (about three) sheathing, smaller 
upwards, (the uppermost an inch and a half long) in form 
and structure like the root-leaves. Stem (one foot four 
inches high) simple, very slightly compressed, glabrous, 
light green, jointed at the origin of the leaves. Flowers 
capitate, pedicels light green, round, glabrous, outer spathe 
bivalvular, longer than the pedicels, membranous, repeated 
on the inner flowers, which expand in succession. Perianth 
superior, six-partite, glabrous, rotate ; tube none; ovter 
segments small, narrow, ovate and colourless at the base, 
concave, keeled and subherbaceous at the apex ; inner seg- 
ments (seven lines long, six lines broad) about twice the 
length of the outer, unguiculate, cordate, entire, very slight- 
ly crisped, retuse at the apex, somewhat fleshy or like white _ 
wax, with a distinct subdiaphanous middle rib, and very faint — 
diverging lateral nerves. Stamens tliree, inserted into the 
base of the corolla, opposite to the outer segments, about as 
long as the inner ; filaments, like these segments, pure white, 
erect, cohering for about a quarter of their length, above 
which they diverge a little; anthers yellow, incumbent, ob- 
long, cleft at both ends, but especially at the lower, open- 
ing along the sides. Stigmata minute, terminal, capitate, 
colourless: Style white, single, shorter than the stamens, 
cleft into three to the point where the filaments cohere; 
ents diverging between the filaments, each thicker 
than the cohering part included within: the sheath of the 
filaments. Germen inferior, oblong, triquetrous, green; 
glabrous, three-locular. Ovules numerous, oblong, mutu- 
ally impressed, fixed into a central placenta. Graham. 

_ Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Style and Stamens. 3. Capsules, ee ee 
-sule, burst :—magnified. apsules, 4. Single Cap 


mm Pub by S. 

 € 3295) 

Sun-F Lower. 

Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Composirz. Div. Heiantuez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Achenium compressum, conforme, paleis magis minusve 
deciduis, binis pluribusve minoribus coronatum.—Herbe 
sepe altissime, rarius frutices, Americe indigent, foliis oppo- 
sitis vel alternis integris (vel fissis) asperis ; capitulis lutets 
solitartis et terminalibus vel corymbosis ; involucris poly- 
phyllis imbricatis, rachide plana. 

Subgen. Leiguia. Cass. Pappus pluripaleaceus, persis- 
tens, paleis duabus omnium longissimis et oppositis. Invo- 
lucrum disco longius, imbricatum, foliolis exterioribus ap- 
pendiculo foliaceo terminatis. Lessing. 

Specific Character. 

Hewianruus speciosus ; foliis cordatis integris trilobisque, 
pedunculo superne incrassato, involucro foliaceo, pa- 
leis acuminatissimis cuspidatis longitudine flosculorum 
tubulosorum. ae 

Along with the very beautiful drawing here figured, my _ 
obliging correspondent, Tuomas Giover, Esq. of Man-— 
chester, sent me the following account of this charmmg 
Hewiantaus. “ Mr. Epwarp Leeps of this place, who has 
lately commenced business as a Nurseryman and Florist, 
from among a packet of seeds from the Botanic Garden, 
Mexico, sent to him by W. Hieson, Esq. of Manchester, 
has raised several plants that are not known in this neigh-_ 
bourhood. Only one, the subject of my present communi- 
cation, has flowered, and an unfortunately early frost ye 

A cul 

cut it completely off. A single blossom which Mr. Lerps 
had given me to draw is all that is saved, and its beauty now 
is passed : I think, however, I have been successful in deli- 
neating its character and colour, and I send you the frag- 
ments for examination. Only one seed vegetated ; and the 
title upon the paper was. ‘ Composrra speciosa :’—and it is 
said to have come from Jorullo. The plant came up to the 
height of about eighteen inches, very much like a common 
Sun-flower, the outer and lower leaves being about the size 
of the one sent, and the inner ones smaller, and very close 
together at the top, as in the Sun-flower, with all the leaves 
entire. It then threw out lobed leaves, and became a ver 
different looking plant. It rose to the height of about, five 
feet, beset with branches very thickly all the way from the 
bottom to the top, the lower ones projecting nearly hori- 
zontally from the plant, turning up at the ends, and about 
eighteen inches long, the rest gradually decreasing in length 
up to the top and forming a complete cone. The first 
flower which appeared was at the termination of the main 
branch, and quite erect, and afterwards each lateral one 
threw out a flower at its termination rather in a horizontal 
direction, the end of the flowering stalk inclining upwards. 
The stem is round, and covered with a fine silky substance, 
but the leaves are rather coarse, and very subject to be 
infested with Aphis.” 

I confess I have had some difficulty in referring this plant 
to its proper Genus: the swollen peduncle, orange-coloured 
flowers, and lobed leaves, would lead me to consider it a 
Tirnonta ; perhaps even T. tagetiflora (Don, in Bot. Reg. 
t. 591); but the involucre and pappus, and scales of the 
receptacle are very different, unless the figure strangel 
misrepresents these parts, and in all essential characters it 
agrees well with the third subgenus of HELIANTHUs of Lessing 
(Leienta of Cassin1). The florets of the circumference 
are destitute of pappus, those of the centre have six serrated 
scales, and two opposite, very long, subulate, and hispid 

bristles. The scales of the receptacle are very long and 
rigid, keeled on the back, 

Fig. 1. Lower portion of a radiate Floret, 
Scale of the Involucre. 4. Inner view 
Floret of the Disk :—magnified. 

. = Floret from the Disk. 3. 
of the Stigma. 5. Fruit from a 


Pub by 3 Curls Clazenwood A ysta santZ75 74. 


Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.— CapparineEn. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 4-sepalus. Pet. 4, subadscendentia, basi nectarifera. 
Stam. perigyna submonadelpha subinequalia. Siligqua sti- 
pitata vel sessilis. Spr. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Creome dendroides ; frutescens velutino-pubescens subvis- 
cosa aculeata, caule simpliciusculo parum ramoso, 
foliis 7-foliolatis, foliolis lanceolatis subacuminatis 
utrinque sub-20-nerviis, floribus atropurpureis, peta- 
lis reflexis, filamentis thecaphoroque longissimis diva- 
ricatis. , 

Crrome dendroides, Schultes Syst. Veget.v.7. p. 28. 

Creome arborea. Weinm. Syllogep. 227. (non Humb.) 
Spreng. Syst. Veg. v. 2. p. 123. 

Creome arborea. (Humb. Bonpl. et Kunth) D C. Prodr. 

p. 238 ? SRS Li ot 
Crome atro-purpurea? Schott in Scheib. Natarf. p. 129. 

Though the colour of the flowers is rather singular than brilliant, his — 
is a very striking plant, with its curious candelabrum-like flower-spike, 3 
and handsome foliage. It was raised from seeds imported in 1828 from the _ 
Brazils, by Mrs. Penrotp of the Achada, to whose liberality I am in- — 
debted for its having been several years an inmate of my own garden. — 
Miss Youne has, in the narrow space of an octavo plate, admiral 
pressed all the leading characteristics of a plant, which would req 
folio, to display it to advantage. ‘ a 

For the first two years, this Creome has quite the pearance of an 
annual or biennial, herbaceous plant ; rising with-a single, € stem to — 
the height of from one to two or three feet, and producin — | 

mer of the second year, a single, terminal spike of flowe i 
this, it puts forth one or two branches below the first spike ; and the — 
stem becomes more woody, brown, and decidedly shrubby: yet, even in — 
this state, the plant attains no greater height p dine te or five feet, has _ 
seldom above two or three straggling branches at atime, (the rest eying 

away) and rather bears the aspect of an herbaceous plant, become by 
accident perennial, than of a really shrubby one: and, in fact, it rarely 
- lasts altogether more than four or five years. 

Descr. Whole plant densely clothed with short pubescence, and 
slightly viscous. Stem round, about an inch in diameter at the base, 
dividing, at about a yard high, into two or three straggling, simple, or 
. rarely subdivided branches, which are naked below, clothed with leaves 
only towards the ends, in a terminal tuft or crown! Stipules minute, at 
_ first obsolete, hardening gradually into a pair of small, short, slightly re- 

curved prickles : these, however, fall off on the lower parts of the branches 
or stem. |! Petioles four to six inches or more long, often purplish like 
the upper part of the stem and ribs of the leaves, round, or but slightly 
channelled above. Leaflets usually seven, sometimes five, rarely six, 
eight, or nine; soft, flaccid, pubescent, of a dark, dull green above, paler 
beneath, with prominent, simple nerves; lanceolate, subacuminate, and 
often aighy waved: the middle leaflet four or five inches long and two 
broad; the side ones gradually smaller and broader in proportion ; the 
extreme ones not above an inch or two long. aceme of flowers 
terminal, erect, produced out of the tuft of leaves, finally a foot or 
more long, having in strong plants a very handsome candelabrum-like 
appearance. Bracteas simple, ovate, sessile, concave, almost cucullate, 
_ thickly clothing the main stem of the raceme: the lower ones compound 
_ and petioled, and thus gradually passing into leaves. | Flowers large and 
_ singular, of a dark, dull, atro-purpureous colour, foetid, with the very 
_ unpleasant smell of cabbage-water. Pedicels round, about an inch or an 
- inch and a halflong. Calyx of five unequal, narrow, lanceolate, acumi- 
nate sepals. Buds oblong, obtuse. Petals four, imbricate in the bud ; 
before their full expansion the filaments protrude in the shape of a bow, 
_ having a very singular appearance; the petals when expanded are reflex- 
_ ed, somewhat twisted or rolled together into a sort of cornucopia shape; in 
weak or unhealthy plants, and towards the end of the raceme in strong 
_ ones, often mottled more or less with a paler or whitish hue ; their claw 
very short, Zorus ovate or oblong. Stamens six, soon deciduous, leav- 
ing a white scar on the dark-purple torus. Filaments very long, (two or 
three inches,) divaricate, smooth, dark purple. Anthers small. Pollen 
_ bright yellow ; presently whitish or gray. Thecaphore round, dark pur- 
ple, pubescent, about two inches long ; bearing at the end the purplish, 
downy, small ovarium, which gradually, after the petals and stamens 
have fallen, grows into a straight, one-celled, oblong, somewhat inflated, 
compressed, pod-shaped, pubescent capsule, two inches long and half an 
inch broad, with a deep, broad notch at the top, in the middle of which 
appear the remains of the stigma, shorter than the two pointed, short 
beaks between which it is placed, } This seed-vessel, which is, in short, 
a genuine szligua, with only the central dissepiment obsolete or wanting, 
splits vertically from the base upwards into two concave valves, each of 
which separates from the upper and lower seminiferous ribs (placente) 
which run along the whole length of each suture, and are persistent; 
appearing at the base like a fork of the thecaphore, but again uniting at 
the apex. Seeds numerous, in a double (upper and inferior) row, along 
each of the two rib-like pee small, brown, roundish, flattened, 
curiously echinated like the husk of a Spanish Chestnut (CasTaNEa 
vesca, W.), all round the back. Rev. J. 7. Lowe. : 

Fig. 1. Pod. 2, Seed, 

Lub. by 8. Curtis Glarenwoed Besex Feb! 1 Vhi3d, 


ODE Sin 

by dad 

7 any 
Pt, dowe 


( 3297 ) 


BS so Oo On ee 
Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—ConvoLvutacez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus, nudus. Corolla campanulata v. infundi- 
buliformis, 5-plicata. _Ovarium 2—3-loculare, loculis dis- 
permis. Stylusindivisus. Stigma capitatum, 2—3-lobum. 
Capsula 2—3-locularis.—Herbe volubiles, quandoque erecte. 
Folia indivisa ». lobata, nunc pinnatifida. Semina in qui- 
busdam comosa. Br. 

Specific Character. 

Ipomaa rubro-cerulea ; glabra, foliis longe petiolatis pro- 
funde cordatis brevi-acuminatis, pedunculis 3—4-floris 
incrassatis subracemosis, calycis glabri laciniis (parvis) 
erectis appressis lineari-subulatis albo-marginatis, co- 
rolla ampla infundibuliformi, limbo 5-angulato angulis 
mucronatis, stigmate bilobo. 

Of the Genus Ipomza, as distinguished from Convot- — 
vutus, no less than one hundred and sixty-five species are 
described in Roemer and Scuuures. The species which 
compose it are chiefly inhabitants of the tropics, and re- 
markable for the beauty of their flowers, which, thot 
they be individually short-lived, are succeeded so rapidly by 
others that there are few more showy ornaments of the 
forests in warm countries, or of the stoves in our own ; pro- 
vided there be space enough devoted to the great extent of 
their stems and branches. They are rendered valuable too, 
by the peculiar and well-known properties of some of them. 
One species, I. Jalapa, yields the Jalap of the shops, one 
of the most useful of medicines; whilst another, the 1. Bata- 
tas, or Sweet Potato, is as important an article of food Be 

: e 


the tropics, as the Potato is in Europe. In our collections, 
the beauty of the flowers has been the chief recommenda- 
tion of these plants: but there are, perhaps, few, if any, 
that can equal in this respect the one now under considera- 
tion ; for the opportunity of figuring which, we are indebted 
to Joun Aticarp, Esq. of Stratford Green, Essex, in whose 
stove and that of his neighbour, Miss Loxtey, plants have 
been in flower the last two months. Mr. Aricarp informs 
us that the seeds were collected by Mr. Samuen Ricuarpson, 
(an officer in the Anglo-Mexican Mining Association) in the 
province of Guanaxuato, in Mexico, and were by him pre- 
sented to J. D. Powxes, Esq. of Stamford Hill, who liber- 
ally distributed them. 

Descr. A twining, glabrous plant, with rounded, herba+ 
ceous branches, tinged with purple. Leaves alternate, mem- 
branous, palish-green, truly cordate, with a deep and broad 
sinus at the base, shortly but sharply acuminated, quite 
entire, wavy on the surface, much veined, situated on petioles 
about equal to them in length. Peduncles axillary, bear- 
ing three to four flowers, somewhat racemose, the pedicels 
thickened. Calyx five-partite, the segments small, erect, 
and appressed, linear-subulate, brownish-purple with a pale 
almost white margin. Corolla, in bud, white, with the limb a 
of a rich lake red, which, when the flower is fully expanded, 
becomes of a fine purplish blue, with five angles and five 
plice, the angles mucronate. Filaments unequal in height, 
inserted at the base of the tube, hairy at the base. Anthers 
eblong, yellow. Germenoblong. Style filiform. Stigma . 

Fig. 1. Section of the base of the Corolla. 2. Calyx, with two of the 
Segments taken away to show the Germen. 




1 #34 

°, Curtis Glaxrenwood. Fssew, Feb? 

Pub. by 

( 3298 ) 

Class and Order. 

GynanpriA Monanpria. 
( Nat. Ord.—OrcuineEz. ) 

Generic Character. 

_ Sepala patentia, subequalia. Petala sepalis qualia, y. 
angustiora, rarius latiora, patentia v, reflexa, Labellum cum 
marginibus columnz omnino vel parte connatum, limbo 
integro v. diviso, disco sepius calloso, costato v. tubercu- 
lato ; nune in calcar productum ovario accretum et cuni- 
culum formans. Colwmna elongatum, clinandrio marginato, 
sepe fimbriato. Anthera carnosa, 2—4-locularis. Pollinia 
4, caudiculis totidem replicatis annexa.—Herbe Americane 
epiphyte, caule nunc apice v. basi pseudobulboso, nunc elon- 
gato apice folioso. Folia carnosa, rarissime venis elevatis 
striata. Flores spicati, racemosi, corymbosi, v. paniculati, 
termanales v. laterales. Lindl. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Epipenprum nocturnum ; foliis distichis oblongis obtusis 
coriaceis, flore solitario terminali, sepalis petalisque 
linearibus acuminatis patentibus, labelli trilobi lobis 
lateralibus ovatis integerrimis intermedio setaceo bre- 
vioribus, caule superne valde compresso. 

Epmenprum nocturnum. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1349. (Jacq. 
Amer. p. 225. t. 138.) Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 
736. Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. p. 105. Lodd. Bot. 
Cab. t. 713. me 

Epmenprum nocturnum was so named, its original de- 
scriber tells, because, though scentless during the day, - 

night (like many other plants of a greenish or yellowish- 
white colour) it yields a very powerful odour, which he 
compares to that of the White Lily. To us, even by day, 
there is a faint smell resembling Cucumber. Though a 
native of Martinique, Jamaica, and, probably, many other 
of the West Indian Islands, it does not appear to have been 
long introduced to our gardens, since it has no place in the 
Hortus Kewensis ; and it has been figured only in Loppicss’ 
Botanical Cabinet of all our Botanical periodical publica- 
tions. At the Glasgow Botanic Garden, we received plants 
of it from Messrs. SHepuerps of Liverpool, which flowered 
in November, 1833. 

Descr. Stems about a foot high, much compressed up- 
wards, leafy, bearing four to five elliptical, oblong, coriace- 
ous, almost veinless, obtuse, or even retuse leaves. From 
the extremity of the stem arises a single flower, or if more, 
(according to Mr. Loppices) they follow each other in suc- 
cession. Sepals and petals almost exactly resembling each 
other, linear-acuminate, patent, very long, and of a pale, 
greenish-yellow colour. Labellum white, with two yellow 
glands at the base, attached to the cylindrical, elongated, 
fy yellowish-green column, three-lobed, the two lateral 

obes ovate, obtuse, quite entire, and in part closing over 
the extremity of the column, intermediate lobe very long — 
and setaceous. At the extremity of the column are two lateral 
and one dorsal serrated processes, within which the anther 
is sunk: this is hemispherical, white, fleshy, compressed, 
with two teeth in front, and a deep furrow on the top, so as 
to appear didymous. Cells four, their margins brown and 

Fig. 1. Back view of the Column and Labellum. 2. Labellum separated 
from the Column. 3. Extremity of the Column. 4. Inside view of the 
Anther-Case. 5. Pollen-Masses :—fig. 2—5. magnified. 

Eich. by 5S. Curtis Glaxenwood Bisex, Feb? 1 1854. 


of © 3299 -) 
Onorporpum ArRaABicumM. ARABIAN CoTTON 

Class and Order. 

SyncenesiA A QUALIS. 
( Nat. Ord.—Composir2. ) 

Generic Character. 

Receptaculum favosum. Pappus capillaris. Calyx im- 
bricatus, squamis mucronatis, , 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Onoporpum Arabicum ; caule elato, foliis subtomentosis late 
decurrentibus sinuato-dentatis spinosis, involucri squa- 
mis ovato-lanceolatis mucronato-spinosis appressis. 

Onoporpum Arabicum. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1159. Jacq. Hort. 
Vindob. t. 149. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 3. p. 1689. Spreng. 
Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 387. 

Notwithstanding that this very stately plant has been 
cultivated in England (by Mr. Joun Ray) even before the 
year 1686, no figure, that [am aware, has been given of it 
by oat British author: and among foreign ones, there is 
scarcely any except a very indifferent representation in the 
Hortus Vindobonensis of Jacquin. In Botanic Gardens, and 
in those of the curious, it is now and then met with. Pro- 
bably its harsh texture and spinous foliage and involucres 
have tended to expel it from the pleasure-ground ; but these 
very circumstances have recommended it to the northern 
inhabitants of our island : and, forgetting that their national 
emblem should be an aboriginal native.of the country, they 
point it out to the stranger in their cottage gardens as the 
« Nemo me impune lacessit.”” It is a native of Arabia, we 
presuine, as its name implies, as well as of the warmer ps 

of Europe generally, and by the Spaniards was, no doubt, 
along with the Cynaras or Artichokes, introduced to Buenos 
Ayres, where it perhaps constitutes a part of the forest of 
Thistles, which Capt. Heap has described in so lively a 
manner. The specimen here figured is from a plant ten 
feet high, which Mr. Macgay raised at the Dublin College 
Botanic Garden from seeds, sent in 1832, by Mr. T weenie, 
from Buenos Ayres: it flowered in the autumn, and con- 
tinued in perfection till the latter end of November. It is 
quite hardy, and is esteemed a biennial. 

Descr. Stem very tall, fistulose, deeply winged by the 
decurrent leaves, hoary, as is the whole plant, with lax to- 
mentum ; branches numerous, short, erect. Leaves ovato- 
lanceolate, a foot and more long, sinuated at the margins, 
wavy and spinous, reticulated, gradually smaller upwards 
and more lanceolate, their decurrent bases also spinous. 
Flowers terminal, and solitary upon the branches. Invo- 
lucrum almost conical, of numerous imbricated and appress- 
ed, rigid, spinous, ovato-lanceolate scales, of a greenish- 
purple colour, connected with a cobwebby substance. 
Florets numerous, very equal in height, spreading in the 
circumference, long and slender: the tube whitish ; the limb 

urple, erect. Anthers easily separating, linear, with a 
ong, slender appendage at the extremity. Style purple. 
Lacinie of the Stigmas combined. Germen obovato-ob- 
long, four-sided, smooth. Pappus of many, rather short, 
scabrous hairs, united at the base. Receptacle very cellular, 
the margins of the cells laciniated. 

Fig. 1. Cells of the Receptacle. 2. Floret. 3. Portion of the Style and 

Stigma. 4. Extremity of the Corolla, showing the tops of the anth é 
rounding the style :-—magnified. wns P ers, sur 



Crropecia Lusair. Mr. Lusn’s Ceropeeia. 
Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Dieynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—AscieprapEZ. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx 5-partitus. Corolla basi ventricoso tubo infundi- 
buliformi, limbi laciniis conniventibus ligulatis. Corona 
staminea duplex (?); interioris foliolis lobis exterioris op- 

ita. Anthere apice simplices. Folliculi cylindracei, 
eves. Semina comosa.—Suftrutices vel Herb volubiles. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Crropecia Lushit ; volubilis, glabra, foliis lineari-acuminatis 
carnosis canaliculatis, corolla tubo basi inflato-glo- 
boso, limbi 5-fido laciniis linearibus hirsutis approxi- 
matis, lobis coronz staminez exterioris lunulato-emar- 
ginatis interioribus alternantibus, interioris elongatis 
cylindraceo-filiformibus erectis flexuosis exteriori mul- 

7 to longioribus. 

Crerorecia Lushii.’ Graham in Ed. New Phil. Journ. ined. 

_ The Genus Ceroprerta is peculiar to the East Indies, and 
is remarkable for the peculiar shape of the flowers, fre- 
pire arranged in umbels, hence its name xmpornyiov, & Can- 

elabrum, or lamp-stand. Many of them are possessed of 
considerable beauty, and highly ornamental to the bushy 
and uncultivated places where they grow. The species too 
are esculent, and used by the natives either raw or stewed in © 
curries. Of one species, C. bulbosa, the root resembles a 
small turnip, no less in appearance than in flavor, according 
to Dr. Roxguren ; and its leaves taste like purslane. The 
present species is certainly among the least beautiful, and 
was communicated from Bombay by Mr. Lusu to the Edin- 


burgh Botanic Garden, where it flowered in October last. 
Dr. Wieur has pointed out its great affinity, especially in 
the structure of the flowers, with the C. acuminata (Roxs. 
Corom. v. |. t. 8.) ; the chief difference being in the leaves; 
here narrow, thick, and fleshy, exhibiting no trace of veins; 
there broader, not fleshy, and throwing out lateral veins 
from the costa. 

Descr. Whole plant slightly glaucous. Stems and 
branches slender, twining. Leaves opposite, linear and 
acuminate, two to four inches long, sessile, fleshy, with a 
furrow on the upper side. Flowers in pedunculated, axil- 
lary umbels, shorter than the leaves, each of three to four 
flowers. Calyx of five deep, linear segments. Corolla 
yellow-green, tinged with purple, the twbe much inflated, 
the limb of five, linear, erect, and connivent segments, deep 
purple and hairy within. Organs of fructification on a short 
stipes, which supports a double crown: outer of five patent, 
lanceolate, fleshy segments, alternating with the five inner 
ones, which are much elongated, cylindrical, or filiform, 
erect, flexuose, diverging upwards. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Column of Fructification. 

Dr. Wicur has requested me to correct the following errors in the 
description of Ceropecia Wightit at folio 3267 of this Magazine. At 
the beginning of the third paragraph, the words “ exterior” and “ inte- 
rior’ are transposed ; it should have been stated, that the interior lobes — 
are twice as long as the exterior —In the Generic Character, line first, 
for “ lobo’’ read tubo.” , 




p>: “ : 
tub. by S$, Curbs Glaser 


Prickty PEAR. 

Class and Order. 

Icosanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Cacrea. ) 

Generic Character. 

Sepala numerosa, ovario adnata, foliiformia, summa plana 
brevia, intima petaliformia obovata rosacea expansa, tubo 
supra ovarium nullo. Stamina numerosa petalis breviora. 
Stylus cylindricus basi constrictus. Stigmata plurima, 
erecta, crassa. Bacca ovata, apice umbilicata, tuberculata, 
sepius spinifera. Embryo subspiralis, teretiusculus. Coty- 
ledones, semiteretes, germinantes foliacee plane crasse. 
Plumula crassa.—F rutices, trunco demum tereti, juniore ra- 
misque rarissimis cylindricis sepius plus minus compressis 
articulatis, articulis ovatis aut oblongis fasciculos aculeorum 
aut setarum ordine quincunciali seu spirali dispositos geren- 
tes. Folia sediformia caducissima subquoque fasciculo. 
Flores e fasciculis aut marginibus articulorum orti, flavi 
aut rubentes. Stamina tactu subirritabilia. 7 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Opuntia cylindrica ; erecta subramosa, caule ramisque cy- 
lindricis subsimplicibus tuberculosis areolato-sulcatis 
tuberculis rhomboideo-oblongis, folia caduca spinas- 
que subulatis fasciculatis basi lanuginosis apice geren- 
tibus, floribus subterminalibus subparvis, petalis erec- 
tis abbreviatis coroniformibus, stylo equali s. filiformi. 

Opuntia cylindrica. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 471. 

Cereus cylindricus. Haw. Syn. Succ. p. 183. 

Cactus cylindricus. Lam. Dict. v. 1. p. 539. Spreng. Syst. 
Veget. v. 2. p. 495. 

I am indebted to the Honorable Miss Norton for a most admirable 
and truly artist-like drawing of this species of Prickly Pear, which was 
originally introduced into England in 1799, but has never flowered in 
Britain, the inflorescence being unknown to every author who has de- 

scribed the species. Thence it was sent to Madeira. It is truly inter- 

mediate between Cereus and Opuntia ; having the filiform style and 
habit of the former, with the tubeless flowers of the latter. The bony, 
compact, central mass of seeds, (not diffused through the flesh, but dis- 
tinct and separate,) is different from any thing I have observed in either 
of these genera: but the number of species which have fallen under my 
observation, is far too limited to justify more than a suggestion whether 
this character may prove corroborative of Professor De Canpo.ur’s 
idea that the present plant with its allies may hereafter form a distinct 

Descr. Stems several, cylindrical, scarcely erect without some sup- 
port when full grown: the main one six feet high or more, about two 
inches in diameter throughout, with a few, distant, erect or ascending, 
thickish branches, placed irregularly, subdivided; when young, rather 
club-shaped, always very obtuse: the whole of a dark dull green 
(except the lower part of the stem, which is ash-coloured or brownish,) 
and thickly armed with fine, sharp, but not very long, pale or white, 
finally divaricating sprnes, growing in fascicles of two or three on the 
branches, five or six on the stem, out of the top of each of the oblong or 
subpyriform tubercles, which are arranged spirally and quincuncially 
with beautiful regularity round the branches. At the base of the spines. 
is a large, diffuse tuft of very short, white, cottony bristles, filling up 
the channel or hollow above the top of each of the tubercles. Leaves 
deciduous, half an inch long, cylindrical, acute, like those of some 
Sedums. Flowers several together just below the ends of the branches, 
rather small and inconspicuous, about an inch in diameter, scarlet. 
Tube none. Petals short and erect, forming a sort of upright coronet, 
about half an inch high, at the top of the large, spirally tubercled ger- 
men, remote from the pistil; in seldom more than two rows; the outer. 
row more fleshy, narrow, acute, closing over the inner ones in the bud 
in a beautifully regular, rose-like or stellate manner ; ¢nner row thinner, 
much larger and broader, rounded or retuse. Stamens numerous, in- 
curved. Pistil an inch long. Style slender, of nearly equal diameter 
throughout, or not conspicuously swollen downwards as in the true 
Opuntia, pale green, hollow and pinkish within. Sézgma just over- 
topping the anthers, of about eight, erect, linear-lanceolate, or oblong, 
acute, pale green lobes. Germen large, spirally tubercled and setaceo- 
x Hae like the stem, but the tubercles are much shorter and broader ; 
oblong-obovate, deeply umbilicate at the top. Ovary containing many 
ovules, placed high up adjoining the bottom of the cup-like hollow of the 
germen. Fruit oval, subtruncate at each end, with the hollow at the 
top remarkably deep ; about two inches long and one_across ; pale yel- 
lowish-green, generally more or less discoloured with pale ashy brown, 
seemingly from some disease of the epidermis, the tubercles obsolete, or 
as if worn down into broad, flat, rhomboidal areolz, as well as the tufts 
of bristles. Tesh hard, pale-greenish, insipid, but disagreeably viscous 
with a nauseous, fishy smell. Seeds roundish-angular, much more 
convex than usual, or even globose, but of all shapes from compression, 
very closely ae into a hard, dense, bony, compact mass in the 
centre of the fruit, as large as a small marble ; each seed about two or 
three lines in diameter. Rev. J. T. Lowe. 

Fig. 1. Lower part of the Stem. 2. Upper part of ditto. 8. Vertical Section of the 
Germen and Flower, through the Pistil and Deere. 4. Part of the Style iad Stigees, 

split » 5, Leaf, 6. Seed, 7. Diminished sketch of .—Fig. 
shed. sketch of the whole plant.—Fig. 4—6 

Fich. by S. Curtis Claxenwood Fosex Fe ThI54 

( 3302 ) 


Class and Order. 

SyncenestA ALQUALIs. 
( Nat. Ord.—Composirz. Div. CinarocePHa.2. ) 

Generic Character. 

Involucrum ventricosum imbricatum, squamis interioribus 

cartilagineis apice ciliato-spinosis, ex terioribus foliaceis pin- 
natifidis bracteas simulantibus. Filamenta barbata. Semina _ 
tetragona hilo laterali receptaculo adfixa. Pappus palea~ 

ceo-pilosus. D C. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

KentTRoPHYLLUM * arborescens ; subpubescens inferne ligno- 
sum, foliis inferioribus elongato-lanceolatis amplexi- 
caulibus reticulatis superioribus ovato-acuminatis ner- 
vosis omnibus sinuato-spinosis, involucri basi foliacei 
squamis ovatis laxis spinoso-dentatis interioribus cili- 

Carruamus arborescens. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1164. Willd. Sp. 

Pte. 5. p. YIU. 
Carruamus rigidus. Willd. En—et C. hircinus Lag. (ac- 
cording to SPRENGEL. ) ree 
Oxosroma arborescens. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 391. 

This, Mr. Mackay observes, to whom we are indebted 
for the opportunity of figuring it, “ is a singular and very 

ornamental plant of its tribe, and has stood out of doors in s 

the Dublin College Botanic Garden for the last two winters, 
in a sheltered border, flowering freely in Autumn, and throw- 

* From xsvrpa, a spine, and @vdroy, a leaf, in allusion to the spiny leaves. 

ing out many lateral shoots from its woody stem. Both 
flowers and leaves have an agreeable, musky smell. I rais- 
ed it from seeds sent me many years ago from the South of 
Spain, by our late esteemed friend, Dr. Suter, when on 
his way to England from Madeira, before he went to India.” 
Its lively yellow flowers nestled among the bright green 
foliage were in perfection to the very latter end of Novem- 
ber, when our figure was taken. 

I refer this plant to Kenrropuytium, Neck., on account of 
its great affinity with the K. lanatum of De Canpo.te, Car- 
tHAMmus lanatus, L. (Saf-flower), which is, however, an an- 
nual plant, and densely woolly. From the true CarrnHamus 
(tinctorius, L.) it differs im the presence of a pappus, and 
of a tuft of hairs on the filaments; from Onoproma, Garrt., 
Carduncellus, Hauu., with which Spreneex has united it, 
chiefly in the yellow (not blue or purple) flowers. 

Descr. Perennial; lower part of the stem woody, a little 
downy above, striated. Cauline leaves eight or ten inches _ 
- long, lanceolate or linear-oblong and acuminated, amplex- | 
icaul at the base, reticulated with veins, and having a broad 
pale costa, upper ones, or those of the branches shorter, 
much more rigid, ovato-lanceolate, acuminate with longitu- 
dinal nerves connected by transverse veins: all of them 
sinuated and spinous. Flowers large, handsome, terminal, 
solitary. Florets yellow. Filaments with a beautiful yel- 
low tuft of hairs. Style very long: segments of the stigma 
combined: Pappus placed within an elevated rim of the 
germen, composed of flat, paleaceous bristles fringed at the 
margin, the outer ones being the shortest. Palee of the 
receptacle setose, white. 

Fig. 1. Floret. 2. Portion of the three Anthers and Filaments. 3. 
Palee of the Receptacle. 4. Portion of a Bristle of the Pappus :—mag- 

7 lt Pe st sae 
ung del. fib Oy SJ. Curtis. Olax 

i $B0BES) 03 


Class and Order. 

PenranpriaA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Sapore. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx quinquepartitus, parvus, foliolis subrotundis obtu- 
sis persistentibus. Corolla campanulata brevis, limbi laci- 
niis 5 subrotundis patentissimis, tubo brevioribus. Fila- 
menta tubo imposita conniventia. Stylus brevissimus, 
stigmate obtuso subquinquefido. Bacca globosa, 10-locu- 
laris, magna, seminibus solitariis osseis compressis, cicatri- 
cula notatis, nitidis. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

CurysoPpHyLLuM monopyrenum ; foliis ovalibus breviter acu- 
minatis supra nitidis subtus aureo-sericeis parallelo- 
nervosis, pedicellis sparsis axillaribus terminalibusque | 
aggregatis, fructibus drupaceis monospermis ovato- 
oblongis dactyliformibus. . 

CurysopHyttum monopyrenum. Swartz, Fl. Ind. Occ.v.1. 
p.480. Rem. et Schultes, v. 4. p.703. Spreng. Syst. 
Veg.v. 1. p. 666. Pe ae 

Curysorpnyiium oliviforme. Lam. Encycl.v.1, p. 552. 

Curysopuytium Cainito. 8. Mart. Mill. Dict. No. I. (excl. 
Syn.)—Burm. Pl. Amer. t. 69. a een 

Miss Youne has kindly favoured me with a beautiful 
drawing, in which she has represented, with her usual 
ability, all the leading characteristics of this tree, with its 
changes of foliage and fruit. The flowering branch was 
drawn in March ; the fruit added in the following August, 
from the same individual tree, which grows on the ad ( 

Pye ron 

front of the Quinta do Valle, in the immediate neighbour- 
hood of Funchal. Other smaller and younger trees occur 
also in several gardens under the name of Star-Apple, 
agreeing in every particular with this. 

The fruit is insipid, yet not absolutely disagreeable ; be- 
ing tolerably juicy and sweet, with something of an astrin- 
gent, fig-like flavour. It is, however, by no means good 
enough to render the tree worth cultivation apart from 
other motives. 

The flowers appear before the fruit is quite over in Au- 
gust, and continue in succession till the following March. 
The fruit, which is always produced in great abundance, 
ripens in the succeeding July and August; but is deservedly 
held in very low esteem in Madeira. 

This species of Star-Apple, which was introduced to the 
conservatories of Britain in 1812, forms, in Madeira, a rather 
elegant evergreen tree, about thirty feet high, with a trunk 
not exceeding a foot in diameter, covered with a cracked _ 
and roughish, but otherwise pretty even or equal ash-~ 
coloured bark. The head is thick, close, and bushy in the 
middle, but not of a regular formal shape; and the outer 
branches, projecting into the air with a certain fan-shaped 
regularity, have a very light and elegant appearance, when 
seen from beneath, in relief against the sky. The general 
aspect and shape of the whole somewhat resembles a fine 
young, vigorous Hawthorn tree. Terminal or young leaf- 
bearing branchlets growing out in a regular, flattened, 
horizontal, fan-like form ; as if they had been regularly 
trained against a wall : densely clothed with a coat of ferru- 
ginous adpressed hairs, which easily rub off, and ultimately 
disappear. Young leaves clothed on both sides with simi- 
Jar hairs, which disappear from the upper surface in a short 
time. Petioles short, about half an inch long, densely fer- 
rugineo-pubescent. All parts of the tree while young are 
milky when cut or broken. Leaves alternate, oval, ap- 
proaching to oblong, four or five inches long, and two 
broad ; shortly acuminate, sometimes retuse, entire, with 
simple, parallel, equidistant, inconspicuous nerves ; above, 
when adult, smooth and shining ; beneath beautifully sat- 
tiny, with pale, ferruginous, close-pressed, silky hairs ; the 
midrib and nerves deeper ferruginous than the rest. Before 
they fall, the leaves turn to a beautiful deep, rich red, vari- 
ously marbled or mottled with yellow or white. Pedicels 
axillary, all along, and at the ends of the branchlets, and 
even coming out here and there on the older, thicker 
branches ; aggregated, very irregular in number, shorter 


than the petioles, round, densely ferrugineo - pubescent. 
Flowers very small, scentless. Buds globose, ferrugineo» 
pubescent. Calyx of five, or often six, rarely four, rounded, 
imbricated sepals ; the two or three outer ones densely fer- 
rugineo-pubescent. Corolla subcampanulate, pale green- 
ish or yellowish white, clothed outside with shining close- 
pressed hairs of the same colour ; tube longer than the 
calyx ; the limb in five or often six, rarely four, shallow, 
ovate, obtuse, patent, subrevolute lobes. Stamens as many 
as the sepals, very short, opposite the lobes, inserted at their 
base in the throat of the tube. Filaments shorter than the 
lobes, flattened, thick. Ovariwm ovate, ferrugineo-pubes- 
cent. Style very short and thick, smooth and greenish, 
round. Stigma of as many lobes as there are stamens or 
sepals, Fruit a shining, purplish-black, ovato-oblon 

drupe, about an inch long and half an inch broad, narrowed, 
and almost pointed at the top, but otherwise much resem- 
bling a Date in figure ; tipped with the dry remains of the 
short style, and cupped at the base by the persistent calyx. 
The surface is thinly sprinkled with short adpressed hairs, 
but is glossy and shining. It abounds in a viscid milk. 
The outer skin (Epzcarp ) is quite thin and membranaceous: 
the flesh (Sarcocarp) is scarcely above a line thick, dark 
purplish-black, full of milk. Seed always single, large, 
bony, enveloped with a very thin and membranous, closely 
adhering, but easily stripped off skin ; about three-fourths 
of an inch long, and three to four lines broad, hard, bony 
or shelly, elliptic, pointed at each end, but particularly at 
the base, smooth, glossy, dark brown, divided by longitu- 
dinal grooves into generally five, but sometimes six unequal 
compartments like pannels ; and with a large, rough, ob- 
lique, uneven, whitish scar at the base, nearly half the 
length of the whole seed. One of the compartments is both 
broader and longer than the others ; reaching the whole 
length of the seed : the other four or five are terminated by 
the scar. Testa brittle. Episperm a dry, silvery, 0 
skin, lining the testa, and scarcely attached, except about 
the radicle, to the kernel. Albwmen fleshy, enclosing all 
round the two fleshy cotyledons and inferior radicle, forming 
more than half the whole mass of the kernel, which is alto- 
gether intensely bitter, almost acrid, and abounding in oil. 

Fig. 1. Flower, open, and fig. 2, Pistil, magnified. 3. Ripe Fruit. 4. 
Seed, inverted, natural size. : 


Bis sex, Mar LIE IE Swan Se 

WL HE dei? 

otis ( 3304 ) 

Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Bromeuiacez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx superus. Petala convoluta, basi squamosa. Sta- 
mina basi perianthii inserta. Stylus filiformis: Stigmata 
linearia, conyoluta. Capsula baccata? Semina nuda. 

Specific Character. 

BILLBERGIA purpureo-rosea ; foliis erecto-patulis ligulatis 
atro-viridibus brevi-acuminatissimis spinoso -dentatis 
scapo paniculato multifloro brevioribus, exterioribus 
paucis subulato-canaliculatis, bracteis floralibus solita- 
riis foliolisque calycinis ovatis mucronatis roseis, corol- 
lis longe exsertis. 

Among the remarkable features in a tropical forest are 
the numerous and beautiful species of plants which attach 
themselves parasitically to the trunks of trees, investing the 
stems and branches, and adorning them with adventitious 
flowers and foliage. The chief of these are the Orcuis and 
Bsomenta, or Pine-Apple, families. Our plant belongs to 
the latter of these, a groupe of vegetables, which not only 
affords the most richly-coloured blossoms, accompanied by 
foliage armed with exceedingly annoying spines ; but ore 
of the choicest of productions for our desserts : 

“ Her luscious fruit Ananas rears, 
Amidst a coronet of spears ;” 
and | 

and according to the information of our scientific travellers, 
a truly refreshing beverage in the water that collects in the 
hollows formed by the inflated leaves, and which is eagerly 
sought after in times of drought by the natives of those hot 

Our present plant will perhaps yield in beauty to few of 
its tribe. It is a native of Brazil, was introduced by that 
zealous cultivator, Mrs. ARNotp Harrison, and flowered for 
the first time, I believe, in this country, last year in the 
Liverpool Botanic Garden ; and again in November of the 
present year (1833), when the specimen here figured was 
kindly sent by Mr. Henry SHepuerp. 

Descr. - Leaves a foot and a half or more long, ligulate, 
with a short but very pungent acumination at the extremity, 
the base very concave, the margin armed with strong dark 
brown, spinous teeth pointing forward : a few outer leaves 
are shorter than the rest, subulate and channelled: the 
colour is a, dark green, exhibiting, however, exceedingly _ 
minute, farinaceous scales, when seen under the microscope, _ 
In the centre of these, from one to three scapes arise, which 
are longer than the leaves, of a reddish-purple colour, 
shaggy with white loose down, and bearing several oblong, 
membranaceous bracteas, of which, the lower ones are con- _ 
volute. Panicle, or compound raceme, eight to ten inches 
long, bearing numerons rose-coloured flowers ; the petals 
alone being purple. Each branch bears seven or eight 
flowers on its zigzag rachis, and is subtended by a lance- 
olate, membranaceous, withered bractea or spatha. Each 
flower too, has a convolute, obtuse bractea, rose-coloured, 
downy, striated and terminated by a sharp, black mucro. 
Germen and calyx downy, the latter of three ovate, seg- 
ments, tipped with a black mucro. Petals oblong-lanceo- 
late, very bright and deep purple, with a scale at the base 
within. Three of the stamens are free, the other three half 
way combined with the petal. 

Fig. 1. Outer Leaf: naé. size. 2. Flower. 

aa : 
ekiguited: etal and Stamens: 


Miss Young adel! 

4b. by S Curtis, Harenwood. Borex, Mart JAI. 

Jenen x 


-Frovs comosa. Comose, or Turrep Fic. 
Class and Order. 

PoryeamiaA Diccta. 
( Nat. Ord.—Unrrticea. ) 

Generic Character. 

Receptaculum carnosum, clausum, apice pervium, andro- 
gynum. Flosculi pedicellati.. Masc. 3-partiti. Stam. 1—3. 
Fam. 3—8-partiti. Stylus lateralis bifidus. Semina in 
pulpa receptaculi nidnlantia. Spreng. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Ficus comosa ; foliis integerrimis glaberrimis nitidis coria- 
ceis subaveniis oblongo-ellipticis utrinque acuminatis 
subtrinerviis, receptaculis geminis sessilibus obovato- 

; globosis obsolete verruculatis basi tribracteatis. 

Ficus comosa. Roxb. Corom. Pl. v. 2. t. 125. Roem. et 

Schultes, Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 506. Spreng. Syst. Veg. 

v. 3. p. 781. 

Three or four beautiful trees of this species of Fig form 
a noble groupe, in front of the Quinta das Angustias, in 
Madeira, a little out of Funchal to the westward, on the 
way to the Loo rock or Ilheo. They were originally brought 
from England (where, according to the Hortus Britannicus, 
the species was introduced from the Circars, in 1808), in a 
box, which being placed here, and afterwards neglected, 
the plants soon extended their roots into the ground, and 
established themselves, forming a grove-like screen to the 
whole east front of the house, which is of considerable ex- 
tent. In this situation, conspicuous from the whole bay or 
amphitheatre of Funchal, they fail not to attract the atten- 
tion of the most incurious stranger, by their waving, droop- 
ing, tufted masses of dark, rich foliage; to which the epi- 
thet comose or tressy is most appropriately applicable. 
The beautiful drawing, admirably representing the grace- 
fully pendent habit of the foliage, is from the pencil of my 
obliging friend, Miss Youne. 

Descr. A most elegant éree, about forty feet high, with gracefully 
waving, subpendulous, tressy masses of dark rich evergreen, shining fo- 
liage. Zrunk rather slender, scarcely above a foot in diameter, soon 
dividing into numerous spreading, or even declining branches, covered 
(like the trunk) with a light brown, smooth, even bark, spotted with 
minute white lenticelle. Branches slender, bearing crowded, conglome- 
rate masses of leaves towards their ends, on numerous, short, paniculated 
subdivisions or branchlets ; thus forming dense tress-like tufts of foliage, 
subpendulous by their own weight, over the whole outer circumference 
of the tree; while the inside is an open sort of shady vault of naked 
branches. Young shoots compressed or ‘angular, sparingly milky. Sé- 
pules narrow, acuminate, soon turning reddish-brown, deciduous at the 
expansion of the leaf; before this forming a short, slender-pointed, 
horn-like termination to each branchlet. Petioles pale green, flattened, 
slightly channelled above, a quarter or one-third of an inch long. Leaves 
very smooth and shining, dark green above, pale beneath, coriaceous 
and thickish, entire, with a sharp, thin, pellucid edge; faintly three- 
nerved at the base, but both nerves and veins scarcely visible; oblong 
or elliptic, attenuated slightly at both ends; at the apex often somewhat 
eg so, but not acute; from one and a half to two, or even three 
inches long, and from an inch to an inch and a half wide: the whole © 
leaf, when held up to the light, is found to be very closely and minutely 
but faintly, punctate. Receptacles (Figs ) obovato-globose, small, the 
size of large peas, or about one-third of. an inch in diameter; produced 
singly, or more generally in pairs, from the axils of the petioles on the 
terminal branchlets ; each sessile, and clasped at the base by three short, 
fleshy, ovate, rounded, close-pressed bracteas, of a pale yellowish waxy © 
or brownish colour, and very thick and fleshy at their’ base, with the 
edges thin and entire. Figs pale greenish, inclining to white in the 
spring ; of a beautiful rosy wax-colour in the summer and autumn, when 
fully ripe; but even then hard, quite dry, and tasteless; their inside 
chaffy, white or pale yellowish ; their flesh, a mere leathery, milky skin. 
They remain always closed, with a dark brown or purple mark at the 
top: their surface is even, but sprinkled with obsolete white or pale 
warts. When in pairs, the figs are placed back to back, divaricating 
one on each side the branch or petiole. They first appear in January 
or February, and continue till August or September. Female florets 
pedicella: growing amongst long, narrow, acuminate, chaffy, white 

Fig. 1. Branch with ripe Figs. 2. A pair of Figs, 3. Single Fig. 4. A 
Psenaks Floret, with one of the chaffy Scales at the base of the Rteteptacie. 
5 and 6. Male Florets, all but f. 1, more or less magnified. 

306 . 

BS. det* 

Puch by S. Certis, Clasenwe @. Lssex Mar. 1134 

Jwan Se. 

| ( 3306 ) 
OrniTuipium ALBuM. Waite Ornitnipium. 

Si I SSS he he 
Class and Order. 


( Nat. Ord.—OrcuineEg. ) 

Generic Character. 

Perianthium clausum, liberum, equale. Labellum cum 
basi columnz connatum, cucullatum, disco callosum. Co- 
lumna labello parallela, teretiuscula, rostello brevissimo. — 
Anthera bilocularis. Pollinia 2, bipartibilia, lobis incum- 
bentibus ; in glandulam parvam triangularem sessilia.— 
Herba epiphyta caulescens. Caules ramosi, pseudobulbos 
axillares gerentes. Folia subsericea. Racemi sessiles, ax- 
illares, effusi. Lindl. : ae. : 

Specific Character. 

Ornituipium album ; floribus sessilibus, perianthii laciniis 
oblongis obtusis (albis), labello trilobo lobo medio 
obtuso disco glanduloso, glandula rugosa basi setosa._ 

Notwithstanding the important labours of Mr. Brown 
and Professor Linptey among the Orchideous plants, new 
forms are continually presenting themselves, which I find a 
_ difficulty in referring satisfactorily to their proper Genera. 
_ Such is eminently the case with the plant now under consi- 
* deration. Its habit is altogether that of Ornrruipium coc- 
~ eineum, the only hitherto known species of the Genus, and 
the structure of the flower is essentially the same. Yet, 
again, it has a very close affinity with the Camaripium 
ochroleucum, Linn. in Bot. Reg. t. 844 (Cympipium ochro- 
leucum, Linpt. Gen. et Sp. Orch. v. 1. p. 168) ; so much 
so, that on looking at the figure, one would almost pro- 
nounce the two to be identical; but the able author ob- 
serves, that “ the genus (Camaripium) is principally dis- 


tinguished from Orniruipium, by not having the labellum 
united with the base of the column ; nor a connivent pert- 
anth, nor a fleshy disk to the labellum ; and is especially 
characterized by its small labellum and expanded perianth.”’ 
Very similar to our plant, again, is the Denprozium album, 
Hook. Ex. Fl. t. 142, (Maxittaria alba, Linot.) of which 
Professor Linney observes, “ facies Ornithidii:’’ but the 
germen is very much elongated and exserted, and the la- 
bellum is entire. 

Orniruipium album is a native of Trinidad, whence it 
was sent to the Glasgow Botanic Garden by Mr. Davin 
Locxuarr, along with a very accurate drawing by Mr. J. 
Lockxuart. It flowered in November, 1833. 

Descr. Stem much elongated, branched, compressed, 
clothed, except at the extremity of the branches, where it 
bears tufts of linear leaves, with the withered bases of for- 
mer years’ leaves, and bearing, from the side, bulbs, which 
have a single deciduous /eaf. Flowers rather large, white, 
sessile, solitary, or (according to Mr. Locxuarr’s drawing) 
two or three from the same point among the upper recent 
leaves; the germen and part of the flower immersed in 
membranous, sheathing bracteas. Perianth white: the 
segments connivent, equal, oblong, obtuse, concave. La- 
bellum shorter than the perianth, erect, oblong, three- 
lobed ; lobes rounded, obtuse, lateral ones involute, ter- 
minal one yellow within: in the inferior part of the disk is 
a large, wrinkled, yellow gland, having at its base a tuft of 
appressed, coarse, yellowish setee. Column semicylindrical, 
white. Anther conical, compressed at the sides. Pollen- 
masses four, roundish, attached to a nearly square gland. 

Fig. 1. Side view of the Labellum. 2. Inside view of ditto. 3. Gland 
of the base of the Labellum, with the tuft of Hairs at the base. 4, Column. 
5. Pollen-masses :—magnijfied. 

Lad. by J. Curtis, Glarenwood Fissex Mar] LES. 

Sit mat 


( 3307 ) 

ae a ae se ee 
Gliese and Order. 

DianpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.— Lasrara. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. semiquinquefidus, 5-gonus. Corolle labium supe- 
rius planum, bifidum: inferius tripartitum, equale. Sta- 
mina 4, distantia : duo superiora antheris polliniferis, dimi-— 
diatis : inferiora antheris bipartitis, cassis —Frutices eglan- 
dulosi, sepius tomentosi (Rosmarini facie). Folia verticilata, 
integerrima. Flores axillares, solitarii, bibracteati, albi, 
purpureo nunc punctatit. Br. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Westrinei cinerea ; foliis ternis linearibus patentibus mu- 
cronatis margine revolutis, adultis utrinque calycibus- 
que cinereis, dentibus tubo 4—6-ies brevioribus. Br. 

Wesrrineia cinerea. Br. Prodr. v. 1. p. 301. Spreng. 

Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 712. 

Wesrrinera (named by Sir J. E. Smrra in compliment to 
a Swedish Botanist, author of an ingenious work on the 
dyeing properties of Lichens,) is exclusively a New Holland 
Genus, having a good deal the habit_of the Rosemary, of 
which eight species were collected and described by Mr. 
Brown, two of them natives of Port Jackson, one of the 
tropical shores of New Holland, and two of Van Diemen’s 
Land. Most of them, therefore, require the protection of a 
greenhouse, heath soil, and a very moderate supply of 

The present species is a very desirable one for cultiva- 
tion, and was discovered by Mr. Brown on the south ~~ 


of Australia, and afterwards was met with by Mr. Antan 
Cunninenam on Dirk Hartog’s Island, and on the western 
shore of the main land, and by him imtroduced to the 
Royal Garden at Kew in 1822. From that rich collection 
it was, along with the following species, communicated by 
Mr. Arron, in October, 1833, together with some notes from 
Mr. Cunninenam. 

Descr. A much-branched, low, and straggling shrub. 
Leaves numerous, patent, mostly ternate, linear, grooved in 
the centre, the margins recurved, very minutely downy, so 
as to give an ashen hue above, the underside downy and 
white. Flowers solitary, from the axil of a leaf, sessile. 
Calyx slightly downy like the leaves, with five small teeth 
and five angles, and with two appressed small bracteas at 
the base. Corolla with a tube scarcely longer than the 
corolla : upper lip plane, bifid, very hairy, pale purple with 
deep purple spots ; lower lip three-partite, the segments 
linear-oblong, nearly glabrous, with a few yellow and 
pple spots at the base. Stamens two, perfect : Filaments 

airy below, swollen and apparently with a joint above: 
Anther one-celled, edged with purple: Pollen white :— 
There are besides two short, sterile filaments, with two re- 
curved points (abortive cells.) Germen slightly four-lobed. 
Stigma bifid. a 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Perfect Stamen. 3. Imperfect ditto. 4. Pistil. 5. 
Calyx including a Pistil :—magnified. 


oun Je 

Leb by S. Curtis. Glarcenweood. Hzsex. Mar. LISS¢ 

BLE del? 

5 Pe ( 3308 ) 
WestrRINGIA Dampteri. DAMPIER’S 

Seeks skookskakskebeok sk sbebeotesbateate 
Class and Order. 

Dianpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Laszir. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. semiquinquefidus, 5-gonus. Corolle labium supe- 
rius planum, bifidum : inferius tripartitum, equale. Sta- 
mina 4, distantia: duo superiora antheris polliniferis, di- 
midiatis: inferiora antheris bipartitis, cassis.—Frutices 
eglandulosi, sepius tomentost (Rosmarini facie). Folia ver- 
ticillata, integerrima. Flores axillares, solitarii, bibracteatt, 
albi, purpureo nunc punctati. Br. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

WesrrineiA Dampieri; foliis quaternis linearibus margine 
revolutis, adultis supra glabriusculis subtus calycibus- 
que cinereis opacis, dentibus tubo dimidio breviori- 
bus. Br. 

Wesrrineia Dampieri. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. v. 1. p. 
301. Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 3. p. 573. Spreng. 
Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 712. 

This is even a more desirable species than the subject of 
our last plate for cultivation in the greenhouse, and very 
distinct from it ; being, indeed, more allied to the original 
species of Sir James Smiru, from Port Jackson, W. ros- 
marinifolia. It is indigenous to the sandy shores of King 
George’s Sound, and has been an inhabitant of Kew Gardens, 
whence our specimens were derived, ever since the year 
1803. It flowers in October. | 

Descr. A low shrub, with glabrous, brown, rounded, 

generally opposite branches. Leaves in whorls of four, 

linear, obtuse, the margins revolute, glabrous, glossy and 
dark green above, pale and almost white or glaucous be- 
neath. Flowers solitary from the axils of numerous crowd- 
ed, terminal leaves, which are smaller than the rest. Calyx 
campanulate, angled, with two small bracteas at the base, 
slightly downy, five-cleft, the teeth sharp, a little patent. 
— Corolla \arge, white, hairy ; upper lip quite without spots ; 
lower with yellow and purple spots at the base of the seg- 
ments. Stamens asin W. cinerea. Germen of four, round- 
ed lobes, seated on a yellowish gland. Style slender, white: 
Stigma bifid. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Calyx including its Pistil. 3. Pistil. 4. Leaf: mag- 

x, Mar. LILIA 

Lub by S. Curtis. Glazenwoed Fise 

¢ 3309 ) ‘ 
| FRANCOA. se ae 



Class and Order. i 

OctanpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Gatacinez. Don. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx 4-partitus, persistens. Petala 4. Stamina 8, fertilia, 
totidem sterilia minuta cum iis alternantia. Germen 4-sul- 
catum. Stigma sessile 4-lobatum. Capsula 4-loba, 4-lo- 
cularis, polysperma. Semina angulo interiori loculorum 
inserta. o foe 


Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Francoa sonchifolia ; caulescens, foliis lyratis decurrentibus 
lobis distantibus ala sinuata sursum angustata con- 
junctis, racemo spicato erecto, pedunculo pedicellisque 
pubescentibus. Grah. 

Francoa sonchifolia. Juss. in Ann. des Sc. Nat. v. 3. p. 
192. ¢.12. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 262. Don in 

_ Edin. Phil. Journ. 1828. Pee 

LianPankeE amplissimo sonchifolio. Fewzll. Journ. v. 1. p. 
742: t. 31. iio. 

Panxe sonchifolia. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 2. p. 487. 

This species is at once distinguished from Francoa ap- 
pendiculata (see tab. 3168 of this work) by the presence of 
a stem ; the flowers being very similar. In describing F. 
appendiculata (Edinburgh New Phil. Journal, June 1832,) 
I made, though doubtfully, the same reference to the An- 
nales des Sciences Naturelles as is given above ; but 1 now 
believe the absence of stem in the single specimen to whick 
Jussieu had access, to have arisen from the plant havir 


flowered when young. No, 826 of Cumine’s Herbarium, | 

which seems to me, on several accounts, a very distinct 


species, has the foliage of F'. appendiculata, yet a decided 
stem. The subject of the present plate is a large branch- 
ing plant, and, in the greenhouse of Mr. Nem, produced 
flowers in succession during the greater part of July and 
August. It was first raised by Mr. Menziss, Halifax, York- 
shire, from seeds sent from Chili. 

Descr. Stem erect, two feet and a half high, rather 
shrubby, succulent and slightly downy above, round. 
Leaves lyrate, waved, downy on both sides, bright green, 
semi-amplexicaul, decurrent for a little way, lobes blunt, 
waved, toothed. Peduncles axillary and terminal, greatly 
elongated, round, downy, branched ; the branches spring- 
ing from the axil of a diminished leaf. Raceme spiked, 
erect, very long and handsome. Pedicels rising from the 
axils of lanceolate, entire bracteas, and rather shorter than 
them, downy, spreading when in fruit. Flowers sub-erect. 
Calyx four- to five-cleft, as long as the peduncle, downy, 
persistent. Corolla of four or five petals, spreading, more 
than twice as long as the calyx. Petals spathulato-oblong, 
lilac-coloured, darker in the centre. Stamens eight to ten, 
equal to the calyx in length, alternating with an equal 
number of much shorter sterile filaments. Stigma four- to 
five-lobed, sessile, peltate, spreading, attached to the apex 
of a central column, lobes blunt. Germen oblong, four- to 
five-sided, four- to five-celled, deeply furrowed between the 
lobes, which project upwards in acute angles around the 
stigma ; ovules very numerous ; receptacle central. Cap- 
sule elongated, erect, septicidal. Seeds oblong, testa re- 
markably wrinkled. Graham. 

Tam sorry that I cannot concur with my valued friend, 
Dr. Granam, in considering this species of Francoa differ- 
ent from F, appendiculata. My own observations lead me 
entirely to believe that they are mere varieties of the same 


BLE delt Lub bv 3. Curtis. Hazeneood Bsyex Hor Liss# 

Swan fe 

( 3310 ) 
MonarpaA FisTuLosa; (flore maculato). 
Fisrutose Monarpa; spotted flowered. 

Class and Order. 

DianpriA Monoeynia. 

( Nat. Ord.—Lasirz. ) 
Generic Character. 

Calyx tubulosus, elongatus, 15-nervis, subsqualis, 5- 
dentatus, intus fauce villosa vel rarius subnuda. Corolla 
tubo exserto vel incluso intus glabro vel pubescente exan- 
~ nulato, fauce subdilatata, limbo bilabiato, labiis linearibus 
oblongisve subzqualibus, superiore erecto integro vel emar- 
ginato, inferiore patente apice breviter trifido lobis laterali- 
bus ovatis obtusis, medio angustiore oblongo retuso emar- 
ginato. Staminum superiorum rudimenta subnulla, fertilia 
(inferiora ) 2 adscendentia, e labio superiore corolla sepius 
exserta. Filamenta ad faucem corolle inserta, edentula. — 
Anthere \ineares subbiloculares loculis divaricatis confluen- 
tibus, margine connate. Stylus apice subequaliter bifidus. 
Stigmata minuta, terminalia. Achenia sicca, levia.—Herbe, 
foliis integris plerumque dentatis crenatisve. Flores in ver- 
ticillastris paucis densissimis glomerati, bracteis suffulti. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. — 
Monarpa fistulosa ; foliis petiolatis ovato-lanceolatis basi 
__ rotundato-subcordatis utrinque glabris pubescentibus 
hispidisve, floralibus sessilibus bracteisque exterioribus 
subcoloratis, calycibus subincurvis vix coloratis fauce 
intus hispida, corollis glabris villosisve. Benth. 
Monarpa fistulosa. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 32, Roem. et Schultes, 
Syst. Veget.v.1.p. 211. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 
55. Reich. Ic. Bot. v. 2. t. 172. (floribus coccineis.) 
Benth. Lab. ». 1. p. 316. Curt, Bot. Mag. t. 145? 
(fide Benth.) La : 
M. allophylla. Mich. Am. v. 1. p. 16. 
M. purpurea. Pursh, Fl. Am. v. 1. p. 17. | ; 
M. undulata. Reich, Ic. Bot. v. 2. t. 180. (floribus purpureis.) 

M. altissima. Reich. Ic. Bot. v. 2. t. 170. (floribus roseis 
purpureo-maculatis. ) ; 

M. affinis. Reich. Ic. Bot. v. 2. t. 182. (floribus purpureis 
maculatis. ) 

M. media. Willd. Enum. Sw. Br. Fl. Gard. v.1. t. 98. 

M. oblongata et M. rugosa. Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 1. 
p. bi. 

8. mollis ; foliis molliter pubescentibus, corolla labio supe- 
riore densius barbato. Bent. 1. c. 

M. mollis. Linn. Amen. Acad. v. 3. p. 399. Reich. Ic. 
Bot. v. 2. t. V1. 

M. menthefolia. Graham in Edin. N. Phil. Journ, 1829. 
et in Bot. Mag. t. 2958. 

The above is a list of ten, out of twenty-one different names which 
have been ascertained by Mr. Benruam to have been given to this 
species of Monarpa. The same able author refers the M. fistulosa 
var. of Curr. in Bot. Mag. t. 146, (but with a mark of doubt,) to M. 
didyma, L. (Bot. Mag. t. 546,) from which our plant is at all times dis- 
tinguished by its taller stems, by the calyces and bracteas being less 
coloured, the corollas smaller and more or less pubescent, and especially, 
by the mouth of the calyx being set and often closed with hairs. Mr. 
Bentuam reduces the Genus Monarpa to the two species now men- 
tioned, M. Bradburiana, Berx., M. Russelliana (Bot. Mag. t. 2513), 
M. punctata, and M. aristata.—M. ciliata, Linn. together with M. hir- 
suta, Pursn, (M. ecliata, Micu.) now constituting the Genus BLEPHILIA. 
All are natives of North America: M. fistulosa having a geographical 
range of great extent, from Canada to the Gulph of Mexico: the variety 
mollis, as observed by Mr. Bentuam, being found chiefly in the north- 
ern, the 2. chiefly in the southern regions. 

The plant here figured, with pale rose-coloured flowers spotted with 
deep purple within, and to which we shall confine our description, was 
sent from New Orleans, by Mr. Drummonp, to the Glasgow Botanical 
Garden, and flowered in the open air in the summer of 1833, 

Dxscr. Stem between two and three feet high, four-sided, slightly 
downy, generally hollow. Leaves opposite, upon short foot-stalks, ovate 
acuminate, often deflexed, very obscurely downy, coarsely and remotely 

serrated, slightly waved, the upper pair oblong-lanceolate. Bracteas 
few, ovate, foliaceous, entire, the apex reflexed. Head of flowers rather 
large. Calyces very densely crowded, linear-oblong, curved, striated 

purplish; the imdb of five sharp subulated teeth, the mouth closed with 
connivent white hairs, asin Tuymus. Corolla about an inch long, ar- 
cuate, pale rose-coloured, downy without. Upper lip linear, entire, hai 
towards the extremity; lower one three-lobed, middle lobe elongated ; 
__ the whole upper side spotted with deep purple. Anthers purple. 

a Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Calyx. 3. Stamens: } | 
: owe | y ens :—magnified. 4, Bractea, nat. 

W SH. del? Lub by J. Curts Clazenwood Essex April 1.1834 

geadtialqavo ni GiBBM yD 

Class and Order. 

HexanpriA Monoeynia. 

( Nat. Ord.—AmaryLiinEgz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Corolla 6-partita, subregularis v. ringens, fauce nuda vel 
squamis coronata. Stamina declinata v. recta. Capsula 
trilocularis. Spr. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

AmARYLLIs aulica; ringens, biflora, tubo-subnullo, faucis 
corona contracta triangulari, lacinia ima limbi inferne 
involuta, staminibus declinatis inclusis. 

Amary.uis aulica. Ker. in Journ. of Sc. and the Arts, v. ~ 
2. p. 353. Ker,in Bot. Reg. t. 444, — 

The aulica seems liable to much variation: 
we have represented a splendid variety (t. 2983) with green 
lines in the centre, running nearly the whole length of 
each petal, with a very obsolete glandular disk, and with 
long, narrow, glaucous leaves. Another variety is the pla- 
typetala of Professor Linpxey in the Bot. Register, t. 1038; 
while our present plant seems intermediate between these 
and what is considered the type of the species, the original 
A. aulica of Mr. Ker ; bordering so closely upon the latter, 
however, as scarcely to deserve to be considered a variety. 
The chief differences are, that in our plant, the petals 
are less sharply acuminate and the base of the petals is ofa 
darker green. The bulb was presented to the Botanic 
Garden by — Pearson, Esq. who brought it from the neigh- 
bourhood of Rio Janerio, in Brazil, where it is a native. 

Descr. The bulb is large and coated. The leaves 
moderately long and broadly strap-shaped, full green, not 
at all glaucous, closely striated, the apex rather ae me 


Scape a foot, or a foot and a half high in our plant, rounded, 
glabrous, not glaucous. Spatha of two oblong, mem- 
branaceous leaves, whose sides are involute, two-flowered. 
Pedicels short. Germen inferior, trigonal. Flowers large, 
extremely handsome; Petals unequal, obovate, sharply 
acuminated, patent, striated, within of a rich crimson, 
green at the base, and above the green is a dark blotch of 
red-purple ; externally paler. Gland in the bottom of the 
flower, from which the stamens and style rise, much enlarged, 
angular, with a dark edge: aperture triangular. Stamens 
declined, scarcely so long as their petals. Filaments red, 
yellow-green at the base. Anthers oblong, versatile, deep 
purple when young, at length covered all over with green 
pollen. Style rather longer than the stamens: Stigma 

Puch. by S. Curtis Glaxenwood Bisex, fpr l 1834. : Swan Se 

( 3312 ) 
" _ LEAVED ALyxIa. 

seeks: HEH HHS 
Class and Order. 
Penranpria Monoeynia. 

( Nat. Ord.—Apocynga. ) 

Generic Character. 

Corolla hypocrateriformis, fauce nuda. Stamina inclusa. 
Ovaria 2, oligosperma. Styli subcoherentes. Stigma ob- 
tusum. Drupe 2, (altera nune abortiente,) pedicellate, 
simplices, monosperme, v. catenatim composite, putamine 
semibiloculari! Semen semibipartitum! Albumen rumina- 
tum! corneum. Embryo erectus.—Arbuscule v. Frutices 
glabri, lactescentes. Folia verticillata v. opposita, coriacea, 
compacta, sempervirentia. Flores axillares ». terminales, 
quandoque spicati, inter minores, alibi sepé suaveolentes. Br. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Anyxia ruscifolia* ; floribus subsessilibus terminalibus, fo- 
liis quaternis ternisve lato-ellipticis y. elliptico-lanceo- 
latis acutis mucronatis: mucrone spinescenti, venis 
acutangulis, paginis marginibusque scabriusculis, ee 
mate apice truncato penicillato.f Cunn. . 

Atyxra ruscifolia. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. ». ¥. p co 
Rem. et Feet Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 439. $ rene. 
Syst. Veg. v. 1. p. 835. Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. rat | 
Loudon, Hort. Brit, p. 67. 

Atyxia Richardsoni. Sweet in Loudon Hort. Brit. p er. 

(8.) pugioniformis (Cunn. MSS. Ann. 1828, ) foliis angusto- 
lanceolatis mucronatis. 

** The Generic title, Atyx1A, was originally proposed by 
Sir Josepn Banxs and Dr. So.anper to be applied to certain 
plants of Arocynex, discovered by themselves during the 
first voyage of circumnayigation and discovery of the im- 

mortal Cook. With all the habit and structure of phe 

* From avéy, grief, anziety of mind, in allusion to the deep sombre 
green “ several of the Genus. oat 

+ In the plate, the ee epee a small 
tuft eee at the extremity. ef 

of the true Apocyne2, it differs from the other Genera of 
that Order having baccate or subdrupaceous fruits, in the 
shape of its seed, in its ruminated albumen, and in its erect 
embryo ; and in these two last particulars, it accords with 
Anonacez%. In some of the species, the stigma is certain] 
more or less pencil-formed or bearded at its apex, which 
is one of the characters on which Forster had founded his 
Genus Gynopocon; but Mr. Brown, who examined the 
stigmas of eleven species, and found that organ, in the 
greater number, perfectly smooth, has adopted the original 
name of Alyxia, trom SoLANDER’s MSS., rather than that of 
Forster, who, it may be here stated, previous to his de- 
parture on Captain Coox’s second Voyage, had free access 
to the Banksian Herbarium, and was therefore well aware 
that the Genus, to which his particular voyage furnished 
probably but a single new species (the one he discovered 
on Norfolk Island) had been previously given and charac- 
terized by the very eminent Naturalists above named. 
The present species was detected many years after, in 
New South Wales, within the tropic, to which, however, 
its geographical range is not limited, for upon a settlement 
being established, some nine years since, at Moreton Bay, 
on the same line of coast, but in 27° S. latitude, it was 
found in the dense woods that clothe the banks of the 
Brisbane River, growing luxuriantly amidst great shade 
and but little light; yet, under these circumstances, bear- 
ing its flowers at the termination of each branchlet, through- 
out the cooler season of the year. It was originally raised 
at Kew, from seeds gathered on those intertropical shores, 
in 1820; and from the Royal Gardens, other collections 
were enrichéd by it. It is a hardy conservatory plant, 
ornamental from its habit and dark foliage, and putting 
forth its fragrant, white flowers (smelling like Jasmine) 
freely, and generally during the greater part of autumn, is 
well worthy of a place in every collection.”’ 4. Cunningham. 
Descr. A low shrub, with somewhat verticillate or umbellate, erect 
branches, clothed with a grey-brown bark, Leaves almost always qua- 
ternate, spreading, elliptical-lanceolate, nearly sessile, with a long pun- 
gent point, striated obliquely with veins, glossy and dark green above, 
-pale’and yellower below. Flowers solitary, or two to three together, 
terminal or axillary, sessile, small, but exceedingly fragrant, smelling 
like Jasmine. . Calyx small, five-partite, the segments erect, linear-lan- 
ceolate, slightly downy at the margin; at the base are a few small ap- 
ressed scales. Corolla with the tube elongated, fulvous-brown, swollen 
above the middle: limb yellowish white, the segments ovato-obtuse, at 
~ length reflexed, yellowish white, the orifice very small. Germen round- 
ish, ovate, with a deep furrow on the two opposite sides. Style straight, 
much shorter than the tube. Stigma capitate. 7 2 sees 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Calyx and Pistil: magnified. = 


WT Hdel? thé by 8. barhis Glagenwoed Exeex April 11834 Swan fcx 

at 3313) 

Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.— Arocynez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Corolla hypoerateriformis, fauce nuda. Stamina inclusa. 
Ovaria 2, oligosperma. S/yli subcoherentes. Stigma ob- 
tusum. Drupe 2, (alteré nune abortiente,) pedicellate, 
simplices, monosperma, v. catenatim composite, putamine ; 
semibiloculari! Semen semibipartitum ! Albumen rumina- 
tum! corneum. Embryo erectus.—Arbuscule v. Frutices 
glabri, lactescentes. Folia verticillata v. opposita, coriacea, 
compacta, sempervirentia. lores axillares ». terminales, 
quandoque spicati, iter minores, albi sapé suaveolentes. 
Br. t : 

Specific Character and Synonyms, get 
Atyxta daphnoides, floribus sessilibus axillaribus terminali- 
busve, foliis quaternis obovato-oblongis ellipticis 

rhomboideisve obtusis lavibus nitidis subtus venosis, 

stigmate apice breviter penicillato, ramulis strictis to- 
mentosis scabris. 4. Cunn. 7 

A Shrub of strong growth, inhabiting dry shaded woods 
on Norfolk Island, where it is by no means of freque 
occurrence, and it docs not appear to have been nm 
a species, distinct from Forsrer’s plant (A. Gynopogon 
by that very eminent Botanist and Artist, the late Mr. Fer- 
pinanD Bauer, who, during a residence ‘of several months 

on that isolated spot of the Pacific in the year 1804, care- 
fully prepared a Herbarium of its vegetable productions, as 

well as drawings of the more remarkable phenogamous 

cies. From A. Gynopogon, however, which Forster 

first collected on that island, this second species r iffors | in . 

being ae 

being altogether a shrub of a more robust and stiff habit, 
with rough tomentose branches and broader leaves, the 
latter of an uniformly thicker texture—circumstances that 
have been remarked by Mr. Attan Cunninenam to con- 
tinue permanent in the plant, whether in its native woods, 
or the greenhouse at Kew. ‘The stigma, also, is fur- 
nished at its summit with a little pencil-like tuft, whereas 
that of A. Gynopogon, which has been lately most elabo- 
rately described by M. Enpticner, ‘in his Prodromus of 
the Flora of the island, is perfectly smooth. Living plants 
of this very distinct, Daphne-looking species, were intro- 
duced to the Royal Gardens by Mr. Cunnineuam, in 183], 
where they soon afterwards flowered, and produced green 
fruit. It is remarkably hardy, simply requiring protection 
from frost, and is readily propagated by cuttings. 

Descr. A low shrub, with many spreading, wavy, and 
rather stout, often opposite or verticillate branches. Leaves 
quaternate, rarely ternate, oval or obovate, patent, coria- 
ceous, yellowish-green, scarcely veiny. Flowers solitary, 
terminal, white; the tube yellowish, swollen above the 
middle: limb of five ovate, spreading, at length reflexed, 
oblique segments ; orifice contracted. Calyx small, brac- 
teated, five-partite, the segments appressed. Stamens small, 
inserted intothe swollen part of the tube. Filaments short, 
subulate, hairy: Anthers sagittate, deep orange. Germen 
roundish-oval, compressed, hairy at the base, with a longi- 
tudinal furrow on each side. Style much shorter than the 
corolla. Stigma capitate, yellowish. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Calyx laid open, showing the Pistil. 3. Part of the 
Corolla laid open, showing the Stamens :—magnified, 

Mr. Arran Cunnincuam has kindly favored me with the following 
Synopsis of the different species of Atyxta. 

1. A. actinophylla ; corymbis simplicibus axillaribus pedunculatis, 
pedicellis 1—3-floris, calycibus ebracteatis, foliis quaternis senis octo- 
nisve verticillatis petiolatis elongato-lanceolatis glabris margine revo- 
- lutis subtus glaucis, venis obtusangulis parallelis, pedunculo dimidium 
folii equante, stigmate oblongo membranaceo imberbi, caule arbo- 
_ Has. In Australasia, ad oras tropicas; nempé Endeavour River, 
“supra littus orientale, necnon littora septentrionali-occidentalia, Mon- 
__tagu Sound, ete. 1620. A. Cunningham. (v. v.) bs AEs 

aca bo QA, 


A, apidetas “spicis” axillaribus, oe verticillatis. subsessilibus 
ion foliis ternis ovali-oblongis, petiolis pedunculo brevioribus 
basi simplici, stigmate subconico breviter barbato, —_ 

A. spicata. Brown Prodr. v. 1. p. 470. “Rem. et Schult, Syst. 
Veg. v. 4. p. 439. Spreng. Syst. Veg. v. 1. p. 835. 

Has. In Australasie ora orientali, intra tropicum. 1802, R. Brown. 
—Endeavour River. 1819. A. Cunningham. (v. Vv.) 

3. <A. tetragona; spicis axillaribus, floribus verticillatis subsessili- 
bus tribracteatis, foliis quaternis oblongis, petiolis pedunculo longioribus : 
basi gibbosé. Brown Prodr. v. 1. p. 470. 

A. tetragona. Ram. et Schult. Syst. Veg. v. 4. p, 489. Spreng. 
Syst. Veg. v. 1. p. 835. 

Has. In Nova Cambria Australi, intra tropicum. 1770. Banks.— 
Lizard Island. 1820. A. Cunningham. (v. v. absque floribus.) 

4. A. stellata; umbellis axillaribus pedunculatis folio multo bre- 
vioribus, calycibus ebracteatis, foliis ternis lanceolatis subacuminatis 
obtusiusculis basi attenuatis levibus, (“ stigmate capitato barbato.”’ 

A. stellata. Ram. et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 4. PB: 439, Spreng. 
Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 835. 

-Gynopogon stellatum. Forst. ‘Prodr. n. 117. Char. Gen. p. 36. t. 18. 
Labill, Sert. Caled. p. 30. t. 34, Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 1. p. 1221. Pers. 
Syn. Pl. v..1. p. 266. Spreng. Pugill. v. 1. p. 24. ‘ 

Has. In Societatis et Amicorum Insulis, Maris Pacifici. ‘1774. 
G. Forster. (v. s. sp. in Herbario D. Lambert.) 

5. A. obtusifolia ; umbella axillari pedunculata, calycibus ebracteatis, 
foliis ternis ovatis obovatisve obtusissimis. Br. Prodr. v. 1. p. 470. | 
Rem. et Schult. Syst. Veg. v. 4. p. 439. Spreng. Syst. Veg.v.1. p. M5, 

Has. In ora equinoctiali Nove Cambrie Australis. 1802. 2. 
Brown.—Cape Cleveland, Endeavour River, etc. 1770. Banks 1819. 
A. Cunningham. (v. v. absque floribus.) 

6. <A. daurina ; pedunculis terminalibus subternis 1—3-floris, “At 

cibus ebracteatis, foliis ternis oblongis acuminatis, acumine rotundato~ ve 

emarginato, subcoriaceis, stigmate ciliato. 

A.laurina. Gaudich. in Freyc. Voy. p. 451, tab. 62. 

Pulassarium verum. Rumph. Amb. 5. p. 34. t.20. Gaud. 

Has. In Insulis Moluccis (Rawak.) 1819. C. Gaudichaud. * 

7. A. oliveformis ; pedunculis axillaribus solitariis 2—4-floris ; ‘lis 
ternis elliptico-oblongis utrinque acutis membranaceis, fructibus olive 
formibus. Gaudich. in Freyc. Voy. p. 451. n. 2. : 

Has. In Insulis Sandwicensibus. 1819. C. Gaudichaud. — 

8. A. Torresiana ; pedunculis axillaribus solitariis bifloris petiolun 
superantibus, foliis ternis ellipticis obtusis subemarginatis, basi in petio 
lum decurrentibus, fructibus elliptico-subrotundis. Ce am Fr 
Voy. p. 451. n. 3, 

Has. In Insulis Mariannis. 1819. C. Gaudichaud. 

9. A. Gynopogon ; floribus subsessilibus axillaribus Do atibiave 
solitariis geminatisve, foliis quaternis quinisve obovatis ovato-oblon- 
gisve obtusiusculis basi attenuatis lucidis, subtus aveniis, stigmate om- 
nino imberbi, ramulis virgatis glabris. ee 

A. Gynopogon. Rem. et Schult. Syst. Veg. v. 4. ao ie Brown ome 
in Wall. Catal. n. 1650. Endlicher Prodr. FL t. Norfo re eae 

A. Forsteri. Cunn, MSS. anno 1830. 


| gen Alyxia. orst. Prodr.n. 118. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 1. 
p. 1221. Pers. Syn. Pl. v. 1. p. 266. 

Icon. ined. Ferd. Bauer Illustr. Pl. Norf. t.119. 

Has. In sylvis umbrosis subhumidis Insule Norfolk. 1774. G. 
Forster.—1804, Ferd. Bauer —1830. A. Cunningham. (wv. -v.) 

10. <A. daphnoides. Tab. nostr. 3313. 

Has, In sylvis dumosis siccatis Insule Norfolk. 1880, A. Cun- 
mingham. (v. v.) 

11. A. ruscifolia. ‘Vide Tab. nostr. 3312. 

Has. In ora equinoctiali Nove Cambrie Australis. 1802. R. 
Brown. Cape Cleveland, Endeavour River, etc. 1819; necnon ad Tipas 
fluminis Brisbane, Moreton-Bay, extra tropicum, ubi var. § item cres- 
cit. 1824. A. Cunningham. (v. v.) 

12. A. scandens ; pedunculis axillaribus trifloris petiolo longioribus, 
foliis oppositis ovalibus obtusis petiolatis basi subrotundis, venis obtu- 
sangulis parallelis, ramulis scandentibus. 

“A. scandens. Rem. et Schult. Syst. Veg. v. 4. p. 440. Spreng. 
Syst. v. 1. p. 835. Hook. et Arn. Bot. of Beech. Voy. 

‘Gynopogon scandens. Forst. Prodr.n. 119. Willd. Sp. Pl. ». 1. 
p. 1221. Pers, Syn. Pl. v. 1. p. 266.. . 

Has. In Insulis Societatis. 1774, G. Forster. (v. s. sp. in Herb. 

13. A. buxifolia ; floribus subgeminatis interpetiolaribus, foliis op- 
positis ovalibus obovatisve obtusis cum apiculo calloso utringue levibus 
avenlis, stigmate leviter barbato. 

A. buxifolia. Brown Prodr. ». 1. p. 470. Rem. et Schult. Syst. 
Veg.v. 4. p. 439. Spreng. Syst. Veg. v. 1. p. 835. eee Oe 

Has. in Nova Cambria Australi, omniné extra tropicum : scilicet ; 
ad oram orientalem, Two-fold Bay, in lat. 37 grad. Austr., 1817, 
A. Cunningham.—aAd or. australem, Port Phillip. 1802. #. Brown.— 
Necnon in Insulis freti Bass, Kent’s Group. G. Caley.—Atque in regio- 
nibus septentrionalibus Insulee Van Diemen. 1804. A. Brown. (v. v.) 

There are besides, Axyxta odorata, Wall—A. calophylla, W— 
A. lucida, W., in Dr. Wallich’s List of Plants of the Honorable the 
East India Company’s Museum. Z. 


Class and Order. 

MonazcrA Ponyanpria. 
( Nat. Ord.—Aromez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Spatha monophylla, cucullata, basi convoluta. Spadix 
ad apicem staminifer, mucrone quandoque nudo, medio 
glandulosus, basi germinibus tectus. Anthere peltate, 
subpelta ad ambitum multiloculares. Glandule (stamina 
pope obtuse. Stigma umbilicatum. Bacca monosper- 
ma. Br. 

Specific Name and Character. 

Carapium fragrantissimum ; caulescens radicans, foliis cor- 
dato-oblongis sagittatis, petiolo semitereti marginato, 
spadice acuto spatham cucullato-cylindraceam medio 
constrictam basi ventricosam subequante. 

Among other plants which invest the stems of trees in the 
forests of the tropics, the different species of Catap1um coni- 
stitute a striking feature, both in regard to form and colour. 
Some are stemless, others have long climbing stems, send- 
ing forth thick wiry roots, if they may be so called, for they 
seem rather calculated to imbibe nourishment from the 
surrounding atmosphere, than to fix the plant producing 
them to their place of growth. Their leaves are usually 
ample, more or less coriaceous, approaching to cordate or 
sagittate, generally of a dark, shining green hue, often 
singularly stained and spotted with other colours, and in 
more than one instance perforated with holes of various 
forms and sizes. We are familiar with the general form of 

their inflorescence from that of the Arum maculatum (or 

Wake-Robin) of our banks and hedges in England. The 
floral covering is generally of a pale and unobtrusive colour, 
and scentless; but in our species and some others it is in 
part richly tinged with red, and the whole inflorescence yields 
a fragrance, which in the individual before us, I can only 
compare with that of the well known Ox£a fragrans, but far 
more powerful, All are endowed with an acrid and poison- 
ous juice, often of a very virulent nature, as in C. odorum 
and Seguinum, and even the Caxapr1um esculentum (Indian 
Kale ot the West Indies, Tarro of the South Sea Islanders) ; 
nevertheless, by dissipating the juices, this latter plant be- 
comes an agreeable and most important article of food. 

The new species now figured is from the Liverpool Bo- 
tanic Garden, communicated in January, 1834, by my 
valued friend C. S. Parker, Esq. who introduced it to that 
establishment from Demerara. I was at first disposed to 
consider it identical with the C. grandifolium of Jacquin, 
especially that variety of it figured by Dr. Sims in the Bot. 
Magazine, t. 2643 ; “but the powerful and durable fra- 
grance could never have escaped the notice of any one de- 
scribing the recent plant; and, what is of still more conse- 
quence, the petiole is there completely terete or cylindrical, 
whereas in our plant, it presents a perfectly flat upper sur- 
face, with a raised margin on each side. 

Derscr. Stem elongated, rooting. Petiole two feet or 
more long, for its whole length quite flat and margined 
above, semicylindrical beneath. Leaf a foot and a half or 
two feet long, oblongo-cordate, acute, inclining to sagittate, 
deeply two-lobed at the base, the lobes slightly divaricating 
and very obtuse: the veins oblique, distant: the colour 
every-where green, paler beneath. Spatha almost a span 
long, nearly sessile, convolute and somewhat cucullate, 
approaching to cylindrical, acute, contracted below the 
middle, swollen at the base, of a delicate cream-colour, the 
whole swollen base is red. Spadix acute, nearly as long as 
the spatha, broadest at the base, and there thickly covered 
with dense germens, tipped with the obscurely six-lobed and 
sessile stigma ; the rest of the spadix is completely covered 
with peltate anthers, those at the base being abortive. 

Fig. 1. Spadix, nat. size. 2. Stamen. 3. Pistil: magnified. 

UT 2, Kovefe,d] Jt nb on os : 
LOrS ele tc Pub. by ). Curks. Glaxenwood Besex April Z 183€ Ae 

Irom#a Horsratuim. Mrs. Horsratu’s 
: Ipom#a. 2 
Class and Order. 

PenranpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—ConvoLvuLacea. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx 5-partitus nudus. Corolla campanulata v. infun- 
dibuliformis, 5-plicata. Ovarium 2—3-loculare, loculis dis- 
permis. Stylus indivisus. Stigma capitatum, 2—3-lobum. 
Capsula 2—3-locularis —Herbe volubiles, quandoque erecta. 
Folia indivisa vel lobata, nunc pinnatifida. Semina in qui- 
busdam comosa. Br. ae 

Specific Name and Character. 

Iroma#a Horsfallie ; volubilis glaberrima, foliis quinato-di- 
gitatis, foliolis lanceolatis integerrimis margine undu- 
latis, cymis dichotomis, calycis lobis imbricatis obtusis 
zqualibus, corolla infundibuliformi, stigmate bilobo. 

In so extensive a Genus as the present, and where man 
of the species are necessarily very imperfectly peo | 
it behoves us to constitute new ones with great caution : 
and it is not until after a careful comparison of the present 
individual, unquestionably one of the most beautiful, with — 
all the descriptions to which I have had access, and with 
a most extensive collection of the Genus in my Herbarium, 
that I have considered it to be new, and have given it the 
name of the lady to whose kindness I am indebted for the 
drawing. ‘The seeds were received by Caartes HorsFratt, 
Ksq. either from Africa or from the East Indies, and raised 
by his very skilful gardener, Mr. Henry Evans, at Everton, 

where the plants produced their lovely blossoms in great pro- 

fusion during the months of December and January (1833-4), 
a season when so gay a visitor is particularly welcome to the 
stove. Mr. Evans informs me that he has it under the name 
of I. pentaphylla; but the species so called by Jacquin has 
hairy leaves, and is in other respects quite a different 
plant, while the I. pentaphylla of Cavanuixxs (1. Cavanillesii, 
Roem. e¢ Scuutres) is still more at variance with our species. 
I. Horsfallie, in its inflorescence and blossoms, bears the 
closest affinity with I. paniculata, Br. (Convolvulus, L.) 
but their foliage is so different, that the two plants never can 
be confounded : the former having compound and quinate 
leaves, while those of the latter are simply lobed. 

Descr. Atender evergreen. Slemtwining, of great length, 
glabrous, as is every part of the plant. Leaves upon rather 
long petioles, quinate ; leaflets five, rarely six or seven (Mr. 
Evans,) lanceolate, entire, tapering almost equally at both 
extremities, the margins slightly crisped or waved. Pedun- 
cles axillary, about as long as, or longer than, the petiole, 
bearing a dichotomous cyme of many flowers; Pedicels 
thickened upwards, smooth. Calyx of five equal, roundish- 
oval, very obtuse, purplish-black, imbricated lobes. Corolla 
infundibuliform ; the md short, patent, of five broad, round- 
ed, emarginate lobes, of a very deep rich and glossy rose- 
colour, equally dark within and without. Stamens five, 
equal, longer than the tube. Filaments glabrous, inserted 
upon a hairy scale or gland which is vaulted beneath. 
Germen globose, surrounded by a large fleshy ring. Stigma 
capitate, two-lobed, hairy. The flowers appear to fall off 
without bearing seed, probably owing to the season of the 
year at which they were produced. 

Fig 1. Stamen, with its Scale or Gland at the base. 2. Germ 
Ring. 3. Portion of the Style with the Stigma. en and fleshy 


f AS Lontes ele D8 fied. by S Curtis, Glasenwood Bose Aor LUBE 

( 3316 ) 

Lonicera Curnensis. CHINESE 

Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Mownoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Carrirotiaced. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calycis tubus 5-dentatus. Corolla tubulosa, campanulata 
aut infundibuliformis, limbo 5-fido seepe irregulari. Sta- 
mina 5. Stylus filiformis, Stigma capitatum. Bacca 3- 
locularis, loculis oligospermis. Semina crustacea.—Frutices 
interdum scandentes. Folia opposita, interdum connata, 
integra aut in usdem speciebus subruncinata. Flores axil- 
lares, dispositione vari. D C. | 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Lonicera Chinensis ; ramis flexuoso-volubilibus junioribus 
subpilosis, foliis ovatis petiolatis acutis integris (aut 
sinuatis) in nervis puberulis ceterum glabris, pedun- 
culis axillaribus petioli longitudine bifoliis, floribus 
inter folia sessilibus. D C. 

Lonicera Chinensis. Wats. Dendr. Brit.t. 117. De Cand. 
Prodr. v. 4. p. 333. Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1087. 

Lonicera glabrata. Wall. in Roxb. Fl. Ind. v. 2. p. 175. 
(according to De Cand., but not in Cat. of Pl. in 
E. I. C. Herb. 474.) oe 

Lontcera flexuosa. Ker, in Bot. Reg. t.'712. (non Thunb.) 

Lonicera Japonica. Thunb. Fl. Jap. p. 89. (Sweet in De 

Much confusion seems to have arisen with regard to the 
present species of Honey-suckle ; some having taken it for 
the L. flexuosa of Tuunsere, while others consider it to be 
the L. Japonica of the same author, and the L. glabrata of 


Roxsuren’s Flora Indica. It is certain, however, that it is 
the L. Chinensis of Wartson’s Dendrologia, a name which 
De Canpotte has preferred. Being a native of China, it 
was at first treated as an inmate of the greenhouse or con- 
servatory, but it now proves to be perfectly hardy, and I 
have scarcely witnessed a more beautiful sight than a plant 
of this Honeysuckle, trained against the wall of Mr. Cur- 
TIs’s house at his extensive Nursery at Glazenwood, with its 
long pendent shoots and its copious flowers, appearing 
through a great part of the summer and autumn and scenting 
the air with their fragrance. From a branch of that plant, 
our drawing was made by Mr. S. M. Curtis. 

Descr. Stems long, climbing. Branches glabrous (ex- 
cept the younger ones), red-brown. Leaves opposite, ovate, 
acute, or somewhat acuminate, entire, veiny, on short pe- 
tioles, the upper and younger ones red-brown beneath and 
at the margin. Peduncles from the axils of all the upper 
leaves, short, solitary, each bearing two flowers, having two 
ovate bracteas or small leaves at their base. Germens di- 
stinct, roundish, oval. Corolla red without, yellowish-white 
within, glabrous, the tube gradually widening, the limb two- 
lipped : upper lip broad, erect, with four strap-shaped seg- 
ments, the lower lip of one linear-strap-shaped, recurved 

segment. Stamens as long as the corolla. Style longer 
than the stamens. Z 

dwar de, 

tid. by S. Curtis Claxenwoed Essex April 1832. 

WIH del? 

( 3317 ) 

Class and Ontler: . 

( Nat. Ord.—Crucirer2. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calycis foliola erecta, acuminata, colorata, basi saccata. 
Staminum filamenta subulata, brevia. Anthere elongate, 
acuminate.  Siliqua longissima, tetragono-compressa. 
Semina uniseriata compressa, marginata. Cotyledones 
accumbentes.—F lores purpurascentes. 3 

Specific Name and Character. 

Srreprantuus obtusifolius ; foliis ellipticis obtusissimis basi 
profunde bilobis amplexicaulibus. 

In the beginning of last year, Dr. SHorr of Lexington, 
Kentucky, sent me some seeds of the present plant, which 
he received under the name of “ Arkansa Cabbage,’’ from the 
hot-springs of the Arkansa territory. These were sown in 
the Glasgow Bot. Garden and produced plants, whose fo- 
liage and inflorescence so nearly resembled those of Morr- 
CANDIA arvensis, (Bot. Mag. t. 3007,) that I was at first, 
notwithstanding the singular locality, almost induced to 
believe they were the same. But an examination of 
flowers and fruit soon led to a different conclusion. 
Here the calyx-leayes are remarkably acuminated, and 
singularly membranaceous, all of them hollowed and sac- 
cate at the base; the petals have a peculiar twist. The 
filaments of the stamens are short and subulate, the anthers 
very long and acuminated ; the style almost wanting. The 
seeds flat and broadly margined, the cotyledons flat. tes 

I could find no Genus to*correspond with this till some 
months after my drawing was made, when I received from 
my friend Dr. Torrey, the fifth vol. of the Journal of the 
Acad. of Nat. Sciences of Philadelphia, and found a very 
accurate figure and description of a species of the Genus, 
under the name of Strrepranruus (crpegw to turn or twist, 
and avbos, a flower, in allusion to the twisted petals) macu- 
latus. ‘That author discovered his species “ amongst rocks 
and on shelving hills, near the banks of the Kiamesha of 
Red River in Arkansa territory,” and observes that it isa very 
showy and remarkable plant; a character equally applicable 
to our present species, which differs strikingly in the leaves 
from Mr. Nurratx’s S. maculatus. 1t will no doubt bear 
the open air of our climate, though Mr. Murray has hitherto 
had the precaution to keep it in the greenhouse. The 
Genus may rank next to Aranis. 

Descr. Root annual. Stem erect, simple, or branched, 
rounded, glabrous. Leaves few, oblong or more frequently 
elliptical, amplexicaul, with a very deep narrow sinus or 
cleft at the base, obtuse, forming two straight parallel lobes, 
glaucous-green. The branches terminate in long racemes 
of large flowers. Calyx of four ovate, much acuminated, 
membranaceous, pale purple sepals, concave at the base, 
two opposite inserted lower down and more concave or 
saceate at the base. Petals obovate, on long and at length 
twisted claws, fine rose-colour with a very deep lake- 
coloured spot at the base of each limb. Stamens very 
slightly unequal in length. Filaments short, subulate, 
white. Anthers longer than the filaments, pale purple, 
much acuminated, opening chiefly below. Pollen yellow. 
Germen linear. Stigma almost sessile, shortly two-lobed. 
Pod four to five inches long, linear, compressed, but some- 
what tetragonal from the valves having a dorsal carina for 
their whole length: there are besides some obscure veins. 
Seeds in a single series, much compressed, with a rather 
broad, membranous, wrinkled margin. Embryo greenish- 
yellow : Cotyledons flat. Radicle directed to the margins 
of the cotyledons. 

~ Fig. 1. Calyx and Pistil. 2. Petal. 3. Stamens and Pj a ‘tea 
5. Anther with the Pollen escaping. 6. Pistil. 7, Pod. 8. Portion of ditto, 
9, Seeds. 10. Embryo: all but fig. 7. magnified. | 

Wid Hl deb! P Lieb by S Curtis, Glaicnwood. Arsex May LIES¢ 

(.-8318: ~) 

Class and Order. 

Gynanprid MonanprRia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Orcuipez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Sepala conniventia vel patentia, libera, equalia, petaloi- 
dea. Petala nunc sepalis conformia, nunc linearia. La- 
bellum cucullatum, sepius trilobum, lineis disci elevatis v. 
cristatis, nunc integerrimum ecristatum (in Panisca). Co- 
lumna erecta, libera, margine alata, apice dilatata, nunc 
cucullata, stigmate bilabiato. Anthera bilocularis, septo 
medio non partibili, infra apicem columne inserta. Pol- 
linia 4, libera, (SS ) incumbentia ; nunc basi materie gra- 
nulosa coherentia.—Herbe supra arbores et saxa vigentes, 
foliorum basibus in pseudo-bulbos dilatatis, rhizomate nune 
crasso squamoso, nunc obsoleto. Folia coriacea, sepius ve- 
nis distinctis equalibus, nunc quibusdam crassioribus, costata 
v. plicata. Racemi terminales v. radicales, e squamis (brac- 
teis sterilibus) corneis erumpentes. Flores speciosi sepe 
odorati. Lindl. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Caoeyne flaccida ; pseudo-bulbis oblongis angulatis squa- 
mis coriaceis acuminatis ustulatis vestitis, foliis lanceo- 
latis v. oblongo-lanceolatis longe petiolatis, racemo 
flexuoso nutante, bracteis deciduis, petalis lineari-lan- 
ceolatis, labello ovato trilobo lineis tribus elevatis flex- 
uosis lobo medio ovyato basi auriculato (seu dilatato,) 
columna integerrima. Lindl. 

CxLoerne flaccida. Lindl. in Wall. Cat. n. 1961. Lindl. 
Gen. et Sp, Orchid. v. 1. p. 39. 

The present Genus, so called by Professor Linptey (from 
xerr05, hollow, and yvyn, in allusion to the hollow, or depression 


of the stigma) contains no less than twenty-one species, all 
natives of the East Indies ; but of which very few are at 
present known in our European gardens: and all that we 
do possess we owe to the liberality of Dr. Watricn. From 
that source the present species was derived, having been 
received by the Hon. and Rev. Witt1Am Herserr, who 
again communicated it with many other beautiful and rare 
orchideous plants, to the gardens at Wentworth. There the 
present species flowered in great perfection in February 
1833, and Iam obliged to Mr. Cooper for the opportunity 
of figuring and describing it. It was discovered at Noa- 
kote in Nepal, by Dr. Watticu. 

Descr. Bulbs clustered, from three to five inches long, 
oblongo-ovate, tapering upwards, furrowed, partly con- 
cealed by large, glossy, purplish-green, ovato-acuminate, 
largely imbricated, very rigid scales, bearing at the extre- 
mity two, somewhat coriaceous, erect, lanceolate leaves, 
eight to ten inches long, striated, glossy above. Raceme 
arising from the base of the bulb and within the scales, 
eight to ten inches long, drooping, its peduncle short, 
thickened at the base, and imbricated with scales. Ra- 
chis somewhat zigzag, bearing (in our specimen) eight 
moderately large, inodorous flowers. Bracteas quickly 
deciduous. Sepals and petals pure white, spreading, the 
three former oblong, somewhat acuminated, the two latter 
linear, approaching to lanceolate. Labellum oblong, in- 
volute at the sides, three-lobed, intermediate lobe elongated, 
cordate, acuminated, recurved: the disk has three longitu- 
dinal, elevated, and waved lines or ridges. The colour of 
this labellum is white, blotched with yellow at the base 
of the middle lobe, and at the base of the disk. Column 
club-shaped, compressed, dilated and almost winged above, 
and around the anther, which is somewhat conical, opening 
as it were with two lips, and containing four club-shaped 
and somewhat falcate, wavy pollen-masses, not connected 
by a peculiar gland at the base. Stigma two-lipped, hollow 
in the centre. 

Fig. 1. Side view, and fig. 2, front view of the Labellum. 8. Column. 
4. Under-side of the Anther. 5. Pollen-masses :—magnified. 

Lich. by S. Curtis, Claxenwood. Zisex May £1834 

( 3319 ) 

Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.— Orcuiwea, ) 

Generic Character. 

Sepala patentia equalia. Petala nunc patentia, nunc 
conniventia, sepalis zqualia. Labellum cucullatum, cum 
coluinna articulatum, nunc basi saccatum, trilobum, disco 
seepius lamellato v. tuberculato. Columna elongata, semi- 
teres. Anthera carnosa, 8-locularis. Pollinia 8 zqualia, 
caudiculis 4 pulvereis coherentia——Herbe subterrestres, 
foliis ensiformibus plicatis, scapis racemosis multifloris, flo- 
ribus sepius speciosis. Lindl. 

Specific Name and Character. 

Buetia Shepherdii ; perianthio erecto-patenti, sepalis ob- 
longis acutis, petalis obtusissimis undulatis, labelli 
disco lamellis 5—7 rectis undulatis lobo intermedio 
reflexo lato cuneato bilobo valde crispato, foliis lato- 
lanceolatis longe acuminatis. ze 

This beautiful plant is a native of Jamaica, having been 
received from that country by the Messrs. SHEPHERD at 
the Liverpool Garden, where it has been long cultivated, 
and whence specimens have more than once been commu- 
nicated to me, with the remark, that it was probably a new 
species. From Wentworth* Gardens I have likewise re- 
ceived fine flowering specimens of the same plant, which 

* From which, indeed, our present figure is taken. 

Mr. Cooper obtained from Liverpool, and always retaining 
its characteristic form and rich and deep purple colour. 
Its nearest affinity is with Bieria verecunda, (Limoporum 
altum, Bot. Mag. t. 930, not of Jacq. Ic. Rar. t. 602,) but 
there the flowers are much smaller, greatly shorter in pro- 
portion to the size, very gibbous or almost spurred at the 
base, the sepals much more patent, and very pale on the 
outside, and the lip has a white margin: the leaves, too, 
are much narrower. 

Our plant has been cultivated by Messrs. SHeruerps, 
under the name of “ Limoporum tuberosum,” from an idea, 
perhaps, that it was the “ L. altwm vel tuberosum of Jac- 
quin.” But that plant I have endeavoured to prove is the 
same with our Bueria acutipetala (Tab. 3217); and the 
name tuberosum being equally applicable to other species 
of the Genus, I am anxious it should bear the name of 
the Messrs. Surrnerp, uncle and nephew, who have culti- 
vated the Orchideous as well as other plants with so much 
success, and who have paid particular attention to the spe- 
cies of the present Genus. 

Descr. ‘The general mode of growth in this is very 
similar to that of B. verecunda and B. acutipetala. The 
leaves are a foot and a half long, broadly lanceolate, taper- 
ing much at both extremities, plaited and striated. Scape 
two or three feet high, branched. Flowers both within and 
without of an uniform, deep purple colour, except the co- 
lumn, which is pale, and the lamella of the disk of the lip, 
which are dirty yellow. All the segments of the perianth 
are erect, spreading only at their extremity, which becomes 
quite erect again when the flowers begin to fade. 

Fig. 1. Lip. 2. Column. 3. Summit of the Column, the Anther (fig. 4.) 
being removed. 5, Pollen-masses —magnified, 

: A320. 

WI. del* Pub by S.Cetis, Clazenweod, EssexMay J 1834. 

Swan Se 

oe (B30): 

Class and Order. 

DecanpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Enricine2. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. parvus, 5-partitus. Corolla ovata v. globosa, limbo 
5-partito reflexo, basi sepe diaphana. Stam. 10, basi co- 
rollz inserta. Anthere loculi apici poro dehiscentes, dorso 
aristato. Discus hypogynus decangularis. Stigma obtu- 
sum. WBacca 5-locularis, polysperma, nunc drupa subglo- 
bosa, putamine 5-loculari, loculis monospermis. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Arsutus tomentosa ; fruticosa, erecta, foliis brevi-petiolatis 
acutis coriaceis ovalibus ovatisve (nunc subcordatis) 
integerrimis junioribus pubescenti-tomentosis, racemis 
compositis brevibus terminalibus congestis foliis bre- 
vioribus. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. 2. ined. t. 129. 

(«.) hispida; ramis setosis, setis longis patentibus. Hook. 
et Arn. in Bot. of Beech. Voy. v. \. p. 144. Hook. Fl. 
Bor. Am. l. c. t. 129. f. 1. ne 

Arsutus tomentosa. Pursh, Fl. Am. v. 1. p. 282. Spreng. 
Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 287. (Tab. nostr. t. 3320.) 4 

(8.) muda; ramis glabris. Hook. et Arn. in Bot. of Beech. 
Voy. v. 1. p. 144. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1. c. t. 129. f. 4. 

For the discovery of this interesting and very distinct 
species of Arsutus we are indebted to the venerable Men- 
zies, Who gathered it near the mouth of the Columbia, 
Mr. Dovetas noticed it as growing in rocky places, and 
extending from California (San Francisco, where it was 
collected by the naturalists of Capt. Beecnry’s voyage) in 
the south, to Puget’s Sound in the north. We are favoured 


likewise by Professor Linpuey, with specimens of an Ar- 
putus gathered at Vera Cruz, which we cannot distinguish 
from the present. The var. A. seems to be the more south- 
ern state of the species. 

The Glasgow Botanic Garden (where it flowered in the 
greenhouse, in December, 1833) is indebted for the posses- 
sion of this plant to the Horticultural Society of London, to 
which it had been introduced by Mr. Doveras. It is well 
worthy a place in every collection, bearing copious ever- 
green foliage, and flowers of a snowy whiteness, well con- 
trasted with the green of the leaves. 

Descr. With us the shrub has not exceeded a foot, or 
a foot and a half in height, branched, the young branches 
and short petioles clothed with patent rigid hairs. Leaves 
oval, but varying to ovate, or even nearly cordate, coriace- 
ous, rather acute, quite entire, of a dull full green colour, 
the younger ones pubescent or even woolly. Racemes from 
the axils of the nearly terminal leaves, generally drooping, 
compound, dense. Bracteas linear-lanceolate, ciliated, re- 
flexed. Calyx with its segments obtuse, spreading, Corolla 
ovate, pure white, the mouth with five small, blunt, spread- 
ing teeth, within yellowish and slightly hairy. Filaments 
much dilated at the base, and there fringed. Anthers deep 
purple, their awns long, deflexed, yellow. Germen sub- 
globose, downy. Style straight. Stigma obtuse, yellow. 

Fig. 1. Flower and Bractea, 2, Two Stamens. 3. Pistil magnified. 

BE eg ee ee ee SNe TENT REST MOST RRO R ee te re nt ge ee 

( 3321 ) 

Class and Order. 

Monazc1a Monanpria. 
( Nat. Ord.—Evuruorsiacez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Involucrum androgynum, 4—5-fidum, extus appendiculis 
glandulosis (petala, L., nectaria aliorum) : peripherici pedt- 
celli incerti numeri, singuli cum singulis staminibus articu- 
lati. Germen pedicellatum, centrale. Styli 3, bifidi. Cap- 
sula 3-cocca. Spr. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Evurnorsia atro-purpurea ; inermis, fruticosa, ramis apice 
foliosis, foliis lanceolatis integerrimis glaucis floralibus 
quaternis oblongis coloratis, umbella termimali sessili, 
radiis 4-fidis, bracteis duabus oblongo-latissimis colo- 
ratis basi connatis, involucri glandulis 4 retusis, ger- 
mine levi. 

Evrnoreia atro-purpurea. Willd. Enum. v. 1. p. 501. 
Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 790. 

Of this extensive Genus (named in honour of EupHorsus, 
Physician to Jusa, King of Mauritania,) the different kinds 
of which are so remarkable for the copious acrid, milky 
Juice, in some constituting Caoutchouc, no less than two 
hundred and nine species are enumerated in SPRENGEL’s 
Syst. Veget.; and numerous undescribed ones are known 
to exist in our Herbarium. Many recommend themselves 
to cultivation by the strangeness of their forms, especially 
among the more succulent kinds, a few by the rich colours, 
not of the flowers indeed, but of the bracteas = floral 


leaves. The present, though it cannot vie with the E. splen- 
dens (t. 2902.) or E. punicea, both of which bear such rich 
scarlet bracteas, is yet well deserving a place in every 
- shee gone from the deep blood-colour of its bracteas and 

oral leaves, which present a strong contrast to the pale 
glaucous hue of the rest of the foliage. It is a native of 
Teneriffe, discovered by M. Brovussoner, and sent to the 
Glasgow Botanic Garden, where it blossomed in March, by 
Mr. Fiscuer of the Géttingen Botanic Garden. 

Descr. Stem, in our plant, between three to four feet 
high, frutescent, thicker than the human finger, dichoto- 
mously branched above, bare of foliage (but copiously 
marked with the scars of the fallen leaves) except at the 
summits of the branches. There the leaves are numerous, 
three to five inches long, lanceolate, tapering at the base, 
obtuse, pale glaucous-green, patent or drooping, nerves 
obsolete. Umbel of from eight to ten rays, each of which 
is quadrifid or four-rayed, these lesser rays having each an 
oblong coloured bractea at its base, forming a four-leaved 
involucre. Two other bracteas immediately surround the 
proper involucre, these are large, deep red-purple or blood- 
coloured, broadly oblong, obtuse, combined at the base. 
Proper involucre small, cup-shaped, red, with four retuse, 
fleshy, yellow-green glands at the margin. Male flowers ; 
about four are excluded at the same time. Cells of the 
anthers globose, distinct. Female Flowers ; Germen glo-- 
bose, shortly pedicellate. Style with three bifid segments. 

Fig. 1. The two coloured Bracteas, including the Involucre and Flowers. 
2, Involucre (the Flowers being removed). 3. Male Flower -—magnified. 

ae Fab. by §. Curtis Glaxenwood. Exsex May LUE. heed 

= ( 3322 ) 

Class and Order. 

OcranpRiA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—RvrTets ArFinis. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. brevis, 4-partitus. Pet. 4 oblongo-lanceolata. Stam. 
8, quorum 4, subbreviora petalis opposita, filamentis com- 
planatis. Ovarium disco carnoso magno impositum, 4-lo- 
culare, loculis ‘ biovulatis, ovulis superpositis.” Stylus 
breviusculus. Stigma subintegrum. Fructus bacceformis. 
Pericarpium carnosum, 4-loculare: endocarpium crusta- 
ceum ; loculis monospermis. Albumen carnosum. Radi- 
cula brevis ad lutum seminis versa. Arbores aut arbuscule. 
Folia opposita aut alterna. Folia integra glanduloso-punc- 
tata, punctis pellucidis. Petiolus articulatus. Pedunculi — 
axillares aut terminales, apice corymbost. Flores albidi vel 
pallide luteo-virides. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Cyminosma* oblongifolia ; foliis oblongis obtusis subcoria- 
ceis basi attenuatis, pedunculis axillaribus petiolo vix 
duplo longioribus, ovario apice piloso. 

Cyminosma oblongifolia, Allan Cunningham, MSS. 

A native of the colony of Port Jackson, “ inhabiting 
dark, shady woods upon the rivers and immediate coast of 
New South Wales.” It has also been observed within the 
tropic, according to Mr. Arran Cunnineuam, by whom it 
was introduced to Kew in 1824, and was thence on 

7 . = wate 

* Koysor, cumin, or cumin-seed, and ocyn, smell, on account of its pecu- 
liar fragrance. 

cated to us by Mr. Arron. It is treated as a hardy green- 
house plant, and flowers in the summer and autumn. 

This plant does not appear to have been hitherto noticed 
by any author, nor has any species of the Genus been men- 
tioned as a native of Australia. It is closely allied in many 
respects to Cyminosma pedunculata, DC. (JAMBoLIFERA 
pedunculata, Linn.) which is the same as the Gexa lanceolata 
of Louretro, according to Mr. Brown, and consequently 
as Ximenia? lanceolata, D C.; especially to that variety 
figured by Loppiees (Bot. Cab. t. 938,) with short pedun- 
cles. Our specimens of that species from China have 
broader leaves, and those from Ceylon and the southern 
Peninsula of India, broader still, less coriaceous than in 
the present individual, and with a much more hairy ovary. 

Descr. A glabrous shrub, with red-brown branches. 
Leaves alternate or opposite, oblong, obtuse, simple or 
rarely trifoliolate, marked with pellucid dots.  Petiole 
jointed near the summit, and there and at the base swollen. 
Peduncles axillary or terminal, short, about twice as long 
as the petiole, bearing a corymb of flowers. Calyx four- 
partite, persistent, small. Petals four, patent, in estivation 
valvate. Stamens alternately longer and more patent. Ger- 
men ovate, on a large fleshy disk, about as long as the style, 
Stigma obscurely four-lobed. Fruit a dry, four-sided drupe, 

with four crustaceous cells, each with one seed. Seeds erect, 
callous at the hilum. 3 


Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Pistil and glandular Disks, 3. Section of the Fruit: 

= a 
5 VAS Bi 
+2 \ a 
Ne a gy 


FS. Edt? 

aC 3823-5 
CaLyTuRIX virGATA. Twicey CaLyTurix. 

Class and Order. 

IcosanpRIA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Myrracez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calycis tubus basi ovario adherens desinens in tubum 
cylindraceum gracilem ; limbus 5-partitus persistens, lobis 
basi ovatis in setam corolla longiorem abeuntibus. Pet. 
5 decidua. Stam. 10—30 libera, antheris subrotundis. 
Stylus filiformis staminum longitudine. Fructus exsuccus 
indehiscens |-locularis, in ovario biovulatus, maturus mo- 
nospermus. Frutices ericoidei Australasict. Folia sparsa 
conferta tereti-subangulata rigida, sepissimé breviter petio- 
lata et stipulis 2 rigidis minimis filiformibus instructa. 
Flores axillares solitarii subsessiles, bracteis 2 membranaceis 
carinatis persistentibus basi connatis stipati. Petala pur- 
purea aut alba exsiccatione flavescentia. D C. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Carytarix* virgata; foliis petiolatis (stipulatis) sparsis, . 
adultis bracteisque glaberrimis, bracteis tubo calycis 
dimidio subbrevioribus, ramulis tenuiter virgatis gla- 
bellis. All. Cunn. 

Catyrrix ericoides. Cunn. in Field’s N. S. Wales, p. 350. 
(Specific name unsuited, being applicable to the whole 
Genus.) C. = 

Catyrurix, with Darwinia of Ruper, (the character of 
which has been recast by Mr. Davin Don,) and probably 
five other Genera of the Australian Flora, constitute a very 
beautiful group of the Order Myrracez, denominated by 

: De 

* Kaavé, a calyz, and Spé, a hair, from the remarkable hair-like termina- 
tions of the calyx; and not from xaavé, and spigos, treble, as some explain it; 
misled, perhaps, by LABILLARDIERE, the framer of the Genus, having 
spelled the word, calytriz. : 

M. De Cannorte the Chamelauciee, the characters of which 
were we believe, very ably defined, many years ago, by 
that eminent botanist, Mr. Brown. 

The Genus of our present subject, which appears to 
have an extensive geographical range on the Australian 
continent, (the species having been observed sparingly 
scattered on all the coasts within and beyond the tropic, as 
well as in the explored tracts of the interior to the west- 
ward of the colony at Port Jackson, and one species having 
been found in Van Diemen’s Land,) was originally proposed 
by M. Lazitrarprere in his work on the plants of New 
Holland: but the description and figure there given of it, 
which appear evidently to have been taken from a dried 
specimen of the plant he had himself discovered (as he 
says) at ‘ Leeuwin’s Land’ (properly Nuyt’s Land) on the 
southern coast of Australia, are not sufficiently accurate to 
enable us to determine what the particular species may be, 
which he gathered so long back as the year 1792. Three 
species are now in cultivation in the English gardens, and 
the one now figured differs from C. glabra (to which it is 
very closely allied) in having its leaves considerably less 
crowded on the branches, which are altogether smoother, 
more slender and twiggy, and much more productive of 
flowers at the extremities. It is moreover a freer flowering 

shrub, and as it continues in that condition longer than 

C. glabra, and is readily increased by cuttings ; it has much 
to recommend itself to the choicer cultivators, of this country. 

It was originally discovered by Mr. Attan Cunninenam, 
in the hilly country around Bathurst, who introduced it in 
1823 to Kew Gardens, whence our specimens were oblig- 
ingly communicated by W. T. Arron, Esq. 

Descr. <A twiggy shrub, with glabrous stems and 
branches. Leaves scattered, lax, patent, (less so and more 
crowded in the younger branches,) tereti-filiform, acute, 
dotted, shortly petiolated. Stipules deciduous. Flowers 
axillary, mostly collected in tufts at the ends of the branches, 
white, very fragrant. Bracteas 2, erect, membranaceous, 
almost convolute, combined at the base, keeled at the back, 
about half as long as the tube of the calyx. Calyx-tube 
elongated, very narrow upwards ; segments broadly ovate, 
with very long hair-like points. Petals five, oblong, pa- 
tent, white. Stamens about twenty, inserted on the mouth 

of the calyx. Style as long as the stamens. 

PAE 3 1. Unexpanded Flower. 2. Flower. 3. Calyx and Bracteas. 4. 
weal -—magnified. 

ape BK 
eae ee ate 
44 fs 

1. C. glabra ; icosandra, foliis petiolatis confertis adultis bracteisque 
glabris, ramulis erectis glabriusculis seepiusve pube brevi conspersis. — 

Catyturix glabra. De Cand. Prodr, v. 3. p. 208. — ee 
CatyTRix glabra. Brown in Bot. Reg. t. 409. Lodd. Bot. Cab. 

Has. In Australasie ora orientali, circa Port Jackson, atque in In- 
sula Van Diemen. G. Caley. Allan Cunningham. (v. v.) 

2. C. virgata ; (supra t. 3323). 

Has. In Nove Cambrie Australis partibus interioribus, in collibus 
saxosis prope Bathurst, etc. Allan Cunningham, 1822. (v. v,) 

3. C. curtophylia ; icosandra, foliis petiolatis brevibus obtusis, brac- 
teis ramulisque glabris, bracteis tubo calycis quadruplo brevioribus. 

Has, In Australasie ord meridionali-occidentali. King George's 
Sound. C. Fraser, 1827. (v.s.) 

4. C. tetraptera ; icosandra, foliis petiolatis adultis bracteisque gla- 
bris, ramulis villoso-velutinis. De Cand. Prodr. 3. p. 208. 

_ Catyrrix tetragona. Labill. Nov. Holl. 2. p. 8. t, 146, 

Has. In terra Van Leeuwin, (ad oram meridionalem Austr.) Labil- 
lardiere, 1792. + 

5. C. decandra ; decandra, foliis petiolatis (feré semuncialibus) acu- 
tis concavo-planiusculis, bracteis acuminatis ramulisque levibus, tubo 
calycis bracteis ter longiore. 

Catyturix decandra. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 208. ee 

Has. In Australasie ori meridionali. A. Brown, 1802. Guil. 
Baxter, 1829. (v.s.) ye 

6. C. Fraseri; icosandra, foliis petiolatis obtusis arcuatis supra 
subplaniusculis bracteis ramulisque levibus, bracteis retusis tubo calycis , 
quater brevioribus, aristis petala ovato-acuta bis superantibus. 

Has. In Australasia, ad oram occidentalem. Swan River. C. Fra- 
ser, 1827. (v.s.) 

7. C. flavescens ; icosandra, foliis petiolatis modicé patentibus re- 
flexisve, bracteis ramulisque valdé glabris, bracteis attenuatis aristatis, 
tubo calycis triplo brevioribus. 

Has. In Australasie ora occidentali. Swan River. C. Fraser, — 
1827. (v. s.) Bees. 

_ C. stragosa ; icosandra? foliis petiolatis brevibus obtusis valdé 
sparsis bracteis ramulisque glabris, tubo laciniisve calycis strigoso- 
pilosis, bracteis tubo ter brevioribus. eee 

Has. In Australasie ord occidentali; in campis arenosis aridis In- 
sule Dirk Hartog. Allan Cunningham, 1822. (v. v.) 

9. C. brunioides ; icosandra? foliis petiolatis sparsis densé echinato- - 
scabridis, marginibus carinisque bractearum villoso-ciliatis, bracteis dimi- 
dium tubi levis calycis vix equantibus, ramulis valdé cinereo-tomentosis. 

Has. In Nove Cambrie Australis parte interiore, in locis sterilibus 
ea inter Croker’s Range et Wellington. 4. Cunningham, 1825. 
(Vv. v. 

10. C. scabra ; icosandra, foliis petiolatis hispido-scabris, marginibus 
carinisque bractearum piloso-ciliatis, dimidio inferiore tubi calycis brae- 
teas equante, ramulis villoso-velutinis. 


- Caxyturrx scabra. De Cand. Prodr. 3. p. 208. 

Carytrix glabra. Steb. Herb. Nov. Holl. n. 285. fide exempl. in 
Herb. D. Lampert. 

Has. In Australasia, circa Sydney; atque in montibus prope Port 
Jackson. G'. Caley, 1804. A. Cunningham, 1817. (v. v.) 

** Exstipulate, 

11. C. conferta ; icosandra, foliis sessilibus acutis imbricatis incur- 
vatis ciliatis margine asperis, ramulis glabris, bracteis subscabris tubum 
calycis subequantibus, marginibus laciniarum calycis ciliatis, aristis 
petalorum feré longitudine. 

Has. In Australasia ora septentrionali-occidentali, ad littora arida. 
Cambridge Gulf. A. Cunningham, 1819. (v. v.) 
~ 12. C. microphylla ; icosandra, glaucescens, foliis brevissimis sessi- 
libus obtusis, (cum mucronulo), supér concavis, bracteis acuminatis tubo 
calycis triplobrevioribus, petalis aristas superantibus, marginibus aris- 
tarum retrorso-denticulatis. 

Catyturix exstipulata. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 208. 

_Has. In Australasia, ad oram septentrionalem, Carpentaria. R. 

wey 1802. Palm Bay, Port Essington, etc. A. Cunningham, 1818. 
v. Vv. 

WIE del 

TROCHOCARPA. | ad? to 

Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—EpacripEz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx bracteatus. Cor. infundibuliformis, limbo patenti, 
barbato. Ovarium 10-loculare. Drupa baccata, putamine 
rotato-10-lobo, demtm partibili. Arbor parva, tota gla- 
bra, ligno durissimo. Folia sparsa, petiolata, nervosa (lau- 
rina). Spice terminales et axillares. Flores albi. Br. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Trocuocarpa* laurina. Br. Prodr. Nov. Holl. v. 1. p. 548. 

StypHeia cornifolia. Rudge in Linn. Trans. v. 8. t. 9. 

Cyatuopes laurina. Br. olim in Herb. Banks. dein D. 
Rudge in Linn. Trans. v. 8. p. 293. 

This is an extremely pretty evergreen shrub, having very 
glossy, evergreen leaves, with parallel nerves resembling 
those of many of the Laurel tribe, and, like the Laurus 
cumnamonum, of a fine and delicate red colour when young. 
The Genus is confined to a single species, a native of Port 
Jackson, whence it was introduced by Mr. A. CunnincHam 
to the Royal Gardens of Kew. Our specimens were kindly 
communicated by Mr. Arron. 

Descr. A Tree of regular growth, not unfrequently 
attaining in its native country, the height of twenty-five 
feet, and every where glabrous. Leaves scattered, or the 
uppermost only opposite, elliptical, acute, “Tepgge very 

—eortates fe 

* Tpoxs, a wheel; in allusion to the wheel-shaped cells of the fruit. 

glossy, tapering below into a short petiole, marked with 
parallel nerves, bearing small, oblique nervelets, the margin 
quite entire. Spikes terminal or axillary, solitary or clus- 
tered. Flowers small, occupying nearly the whole length 
of the rachis, bracteated. Bracteas ovate, resembling the 
segments of the calyx. Corolla infundibuliform, white ; 
tube oblong; limb of five spreading segments, bearded 
within. Anthers oblong on short filaments. Germen ovate, 
tapering into a short style. Stigma capitate. Fruit (young) 
a small depressed berry, with ten cells. | 

Fig. 1. Flower with its braeteas. 2. Corolla. 3. Stamen. 4. Pistil. 5. 
Young Fruit (nat. size). 6. The same magnified, and f.7, the same cut 
open. All but f. 5 more or less magnified, 

( Wea 

tw Ayer tl Lidett 

Lub by S. Curtis. Glaxtnot Fisex, Tune Pe he adie! Swan Se. 

( 3325 3326 ) 


Se ee ae ae 
Class and Order. ee 

DecanpriA Mownoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord —Lecuminos2. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cotvittea. Boj.—Cal. magnus, oblique gibbosus, colora- 
tus, bipartitus, Jobo superiore maximo erecto, ventricoso, 3— 
4-dentato, 3—4-nervo ; inferiore minore lineari-lanceolato, 
Corolla 5-petala, subpapilionacea: vexillum minutum, ro- 
tundato-reniforme, convolutum, alis tectum: ale obovate 
basi attenuate erectz, vexillum in partem tegentes. Carina 
e petalis duobus, oblongis, liberis, basi attenuatis ciliatis, as- 
surgentibus, alas excedentibus. Stamina 10, libera, fila- 
mentis inequalibus basi pubescentibus: Anthere supra 
plane, birimose. Ovarium subsessile, lanceolatum, attenu- 
atum, compressum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma acutum. Le-— 
gumen rectum, turgidum, bivalve, polyspermum. Semina 
elliptica, compressa, utrinque retusa. Cotyledones in statu 
germinationis foliacee, plane. Bojer. 

Specific Name. 

Cotvitiea racemosa. Bojer, MSS. 

This truly splendid plant, worthy of bearing the name 
of his late Excellency Sir Cuartes Cotvitie, Governor of 
the Mauritius, to whom it was dedicated by its discoverer, 
is probably a native of the east coast of Africa: but was 
only seen by Professor Boser in 1824, in the Bay of Bom- 
batoe, on the western coast of Madagascar, where a single 
tree was cultivated by the inhabitants. That indefatigable 
naturalist raised it from seeds which he took to the Mauri- 
tius, where it has perfectly succeeded : and we may soon 
expect to add this most ornamental plant to the stoves of 



our own country. Its flowering season in the Mauritius is 
April and May. I am indebted to Professor Boser for the 
excellent drawing, of which a portion is here represented, 
as well as for the description and for specimens. 

Descr. Tree fourty to fifty feet high, with the general 
aspect of Pornciana regia, (Bot. Mag. t. 2884,) but with a 
thicker trunk and more ample foliage: the bark is reddish- 
grey, smooth ; the wood white, rather fragile. Branches 
very long and spreading, rounded, grey, the younger ones 
greenish, rough with elevated points. Leaves alternate, 
remote, very patent, the lower ones reflexed, bipinnate 
with twenty to thirty pairs, oblong-oval in their circum- 
scription, three feet long : pinnz opposite, four inches long, 
with twenty to twenty-eight pairs of horizontal, linear leaf- 
lets, half an inch long, shorter at the base and at the extre- 
mity of the pinne, rather unequal, on very short petiolules, 
slightly pubescent. The common petiole is swollen at the 
base, channelled above, green or purplish. Stipules minute, 
setaceous, deciduous. Flowers bright scarlet, racemose. 
Racemes from four to twelve, partly arising from the apex 
of the branches and partly from the axils of the superior 
leaves, a foot and a half long, simple or branched. Pedun- 
cles rounded, clothed with ferruginous down, often warted. 
Pedicels crowded, jointed upon the stem, reddish: bracteas 
coloured, very deciduous. The buds are obliquely globose, 
somewhat acute, beautifully velvety, red. Calyx greenish 
within, including the ale and vexillum. The vexillum is 
singularly small, convolute, and almost wholly covered by 
the ale: it has a broad nerve with a white downy tubercle 
at the base, and is of a yellowish colour, marked with veins. 
Of the ten free stamens, three are inserted beneath the vex- 
illum, two under the alz, one under the carina, and the rest 
beneath the ovary. Ovary glabrous green, ending in a 
very long style.* (Boser.) 

* The description, from which this is extracted, was read at a meeting of 
the Natural Hist. Society of the Mauritius, by Professor W. Bossr, the 

Tab. 3325. Portion of a flowering branch, nat. size. 
_ Tab. 3326, Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Flower, from which the Calyx is removed. : 
3. Vexillum. 4, The same spread open. 5, One of the Alm. 6. 6. An- 
thers. 7. Pistil, magnified. 8. Legumen nat. size. 

ee eS ee 
Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—AspHopELeEz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Corolla infundibuliformis, tubo recto, limbo sexpartito, 
plano ; laciniis alternis angustioribus. Anthere subsessiles, 
fauci inserte, oblonge. Germen pedicellatum. Stylus 
filiformis, exsertus, stigmatibus 3, globosis, villosis. Cap- 
sula oblongo-triangularis, trilocularis. Semina ovata, 
acuta. Cav. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Mitta uniflora; scapo unifloro, spatha bifida inequali, 
capsula clavata apice depresso (Grah.), staminibus 
alternis longioribus. 

Mixa uniflora. Graham in Jameson's Ed. Phil. Journ. 
Dec. 1832. 

The credit of discovering this very pretty plant is due to 
Dr. Gituies, from whom we possess specimens, gathered in 
1820, ‘on banks near Buenos Ayres,” and marked “ Milla, 
Noy. Sp.” In June, 1832, Mr. Neri received roots from 
the same place, gathered by Mr. Tweep1e, which flowered 
in the greenhouse at Canon Mills, in December of the same 
year, and again in March, 1834, when specimens and a 
drawing by Mr. M‘Naz, were communicated by Dr. Gra- 
HAM, Who is assuredly correct in keeping it distinct from 
the Mexican Mita biflora, the only other species known to 
exist. The stamens alone would afford a distinguishing 
character, in biflora being constantly equal, and in our 
plant as regularly alternately smaller. 

The Genus was named by Cavanixzes, in honour of Jurian 
7 Mita, 

Mitta, head gardener at the Royal Garden at Madrid. 
When bruised, our species yields the most powerful smell 
of garlic. 

Descr. “ Bulb ovate, forming new ones at the base. 
Leaves (one foot long, two and a half lines broad) all ra- 
dical, glaucous, glabrous, linear; concave in their upper 
surface, keeled below, blunt. Scape (four to five inches 
high) erect, glabrous green, very slightly compressed. 
Spatha bidentate, segments connivent, rather unequal in 
length, and the division extending farther down on one side 
than the other. Peduncle generally longer than the spatha, 
nearly cylindrical, green. Corolla (one inch and a half 
across when expanded) six-cleft, marked from the base of 
the tube to the apex of the segments with six dark lines 
which are purplish-green behind, lilac in front; tube cla- 
vate, naked ; segments of the limb rather longer than the 
tube, spreading, ovate, acute, their sides involute at the 
apex, imbricated, the inner segments the narrowest. Sta- 
mens six, of unequal length, adhering to the tube to une- 
qual heights, subcompressed ; anthers yellow, oblong, bifid 
at both ends, lobes acute ; pollen yellow, granules minute. 
Stigma capitate, small, white, pubescent. Style included, 
grooved. Germen superior, rather shorter than the style, 
oblong, six-furrowed, tri-locular. Ovules numerous, green, 

placenta central. Capsule clavate, depressed at the apex.” 

Fig. 1. Inner view of the tube of the Flower, with the Stamens and Pistil : 



SI Gert: 



Class and Order. 

DecanpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord. —Leeuminosz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx 5-fidus, bilabiatus, ebracteolatus. Petala longitu- 
dine subequalia. Ovariuwm dispermum, pedicellatum. Sty- 
lus subulatus adscendens. Stigma simplex. Legumen 
ventricosum. Semina strophiolata——Frutex Australasicus. 
Folia simplicia, quaternim verticillata. Stipule subulate, 
distincte. Flores flavi, in racemum ovatum terminalem dis- 
posit. DC. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Gastrotonium retusum ; foliis cuneatis truncatis utrinque 
lanato-pilosis breve petiolatis, nervo medio in setam ~ 
deciduam producto, stipulis setaceis pilosis persistenti- 
bus, capitulis stipitatis terminalibus axillaribusque. 

Gastrotosium retusum. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1647. Grah. 
in Ed. N. Phil. Journ. 1834. 

This pretty little shrub was first raised at the Botanic 
Garden, Edinburgh, in 1831, from seed brought home by 
Dr. Lane, from New Holland, and again in 1832, from seed 
communicated by her Grace the Duchess Countess of Su- 
therland. It first flowered in December 1833, and the same 
plant much more freely in March, 1834. Graham. 

Descr. Shrub erect; branches long, slender, round, 
pubescent, dotted with green. Leaves (one inch long, half 
an inch broad) verticillate, cuneate, truncate, reflected in 
the sides, covered above and below with long subappressed 
somewhat woolly hairs, shortly petioled, middle rib pro- 


longed into a deciduous bristle. Stipules bristle-like, hairy, 
more than twice as long as the petiole, persisting. Capitula 
dense, terminal or axillary, in the latter situation eight to 
twelve-flowered, on peduncles (half an inch long) solitary 
in each axil. Calyx bilabiate, upper lip bifid, lower three- 
partite. Corolla twice as long as the calyx, orange-yellow, 
of deeper and richer colour before expansion. Petals 
slightly unequal, the vexillum rather the longest, the carina 
rather the shortest, on long claws ; vexillum kidney-shaped, 
striated, reddish at its base ; ale elliptical, striated with red 
at the base ; keel red, rather straight, emarginate and blunt 
at the apex, its petals separated at the base. Stamens free, 
inserted into the torus, imbedded within the keel ; filaments 
red, glabrous; anthers yellow, elliptical, pollen-granules 
yellow, very minute. Pistil as long as the stamens, included 
within the keel: Germen hairy, green : Style glabrous, red, 
falcate, compressed laterally : Stigma simple, dorsal, white. 

Fig. 1. Flower :—magnified. 

a ee z", i, 7 
onwood Lisex, June Ll$3d. 



Class and Order. 

GyNANDRIA Monanpria. 
( Nat. Ord.—Orcuipez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Perianthium sepius globosum, nune explanatum. Sepala 
et Petala subequalia. Labellum crassum, carnosum, nu- 
dum, ventricosum vel explanatum fimbriatum ; sub apice 
saccatum, obsolete trilobum. Colwmna erecta, aptera, li- 
bera, apice utrinque cirrhosa. Anthera subbilocularis, an- 
tice truncata. Pollinia 2, postice biloba vel sulcata, caudi- 
cula maxima nuda demum elastice contractili, glandula 
cartilaginea subquadrata.—Herbe terrestres vel epiphyte, 
caulibus brevibus fusiformibus vestigiis foliorum vestitis. 
Folia basi vaginantia, plicata. Scapi radicales. Flores 
speciosi, racemosi, virides, nunc purpureo-maculati. Lindl. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Carasetum tridentatum ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acumi- 
natis, perianthiis compressis conniventibus, sepalis 
petalisque acuminatis, labello cucullato apice triden- 

: tato. Lindl. 

CarAsetum tridentatum. Hook. Exot. Fl. t. 90,91. Sims, 
Bot. Mag. t. 155. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 726. 
Landl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. p. 155. ; 

Cataserum macrocarpum ? Rich. in Kunth, Syn. 2.1. p. 331. 
Cartaserum Claveringi. Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 364. 

(8.) floribus majoribus, sepalis petalisque acutis. 
Catasetum Claveringi. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 840. 
Catasetum floribundum. Hook. Exot. Fl. t. 151. 

(y.) sepalis latioribus, labello flavo (tab. nostr. t. 3329.) 

I ed! concur with Professor Linptey in the propriety 
of uniting his Caraserum Claveringi and my C. ———— 

with the C. tridentatum, the species being exceedingly lia- 
ble to vary in the size and marking of the flowers, (scarcely 
any two being exactly alike in these respects,) and in the 
number of blossoms upona raceme. The plant now figured 
for which and for the drawing of the foliage, I am indebted 
to Mrs. C. Horsratu, of Everton, Liverpool, was given to 
Mr. Horsrattz by Mr. Henry Harrison, who imported it 
from the Brazils. It has, as Mr. Evans (the able gardener) 
observes, an aromatic smell, and differs from my original 
C. tridentatum in the larger flowers, and much broader se- 
pals: and may almost be considered identical with the va- 
riety from Trinidad, of which a single flower is represented 
in the plate of C. floribundum in the Exotic Flora, f. A. 
The C. tridentatum, already given in the Bot. Magazine, 
has a much longer raceme and an almost entirely yellow 
lip. C. Claveringi of the Botanical Register differs chiefly 
in the more highly coloured blossoms and densely spotted 
column, while that of Mr. Loppicrs, which Professor Linp- 
LEY refers to his, is remarkable for the deep blood-coloured 
inner surface of the labellum.* 

In all, the elastic nature of stalk of the pollen-masses 
is quite remarkable: in consequence of which the latter 
are thrown to a considerable distance, and with much force, 
on the anther being removed ; and they then firmly adhere 

to whatever body they strike against, by the large glutin- 
ous gland. 

* Still another variety has, since the above was written, been also sent to 
me by Mrs. HorsFA.t, It is remarkable for the greener hue of every part 
of the flower, especially of the labellum, and the much longer and stronger 
teeth of this latter. It may be called C. tridentatum, 9. viridiflorum. It 
was introduced from Demerara, by WinL1aM SANDBACH, Esq. 

Fig. 1. Column. 2, Anther-case. 3. Pollen-masses, Stalk and Gland :— 
slightly magnified. 

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WIH del? ee ce . Swan Se 
Pub by S.Curtis Glazenwood Essex Fune 1 L85F 


Class and Order. 

DranpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Tuyme.ez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Perianthium infundibuliforme, limbo 4-fido, fauce esqua- 
mata. Stamina duo, fauci inserta, laciniis exterioribus 
opposita. Stylus lateralis. Stigma capitatum. Nux cor- 
ticata, rard baccata. Br. 

Specific Name and Character. 

Pimetea hypericina ; involucris octophyllis, foliolis lato- 
ovatis acutis utrinque pedunculoque subclavato vil- 
loso-sericeis ; floribus polygamis, perianthiis extis 
lanato-villosis, (hermaphroditi staminibus exsertis stylo 
longioribus: feminei stylo elongato glabro, tubo duplo 
longiore,) stigmate crassé ciliato, foliis elliptico-oblon- 
gis, oblongo-lanceolatisve acutis glabris venosis, sub- 
tus glauco-pallidis. Cunn. 

An ornamental, slender shrub, rising three or more feet 
in height; and bearing capitula of hermaphrodite flowers 
on a different plant from that which appears to produce 
heads of female flowers only,—the almost sessile anthers 
with which those perianths are furnished, being (in all exa- 
mined) wholly imperfect. In the flowers of the former, the 
stamens extend beyond the mouth of the tube, and are 
uniformly longer than the style. Among them, however, 
are occasionally to be observed, a few perianths, wherein 
the anthers, inserted on abbreviated filaments, are abortive, 
and where these occur, the styles are considerably elongated 
to be convenient to receive the pollen of the well-develop- 
ed anthers of the other, more perfect flowers. 

This hitherto unpublished plant, which belongs to Mr. 
Brown’s first section of the Genus, was discovered by Mr. 
Witu1am Baxter in the neighbourhood of King George’s 
Sound. It has much of the habit and strength of growth et , 

P. ligustrina of M. Lasitxarpiére, an inhabitant of shaded, 
subhumid woods in New South Wales and Van Diemen’s 
Land ; but that species differs essentially in having an invo- 
lucrum of four equal-sized leaves, hermaphrodite flowers 
simply, and a stigma perfectly smooth. 

‘When treated as a hardy greenhouse plant, it thrives vi- 
gorously, and in its season puts forth its flower-heads in. 
abundance. Like other congeners, it blossoms in the spring, 
and, in the Royal Gardens at Kew, whence flowering spe- 
cimens were liberally afforded by Mr. Arron, it was raised 
from seeds received trom New South Wales, soon after the 
return to Port Jackson of its indefatigable discoverer, from 
his last voyage of Botanic enterprise to the coasts of South- 
ern Australia, in 1829. 

Descr. A tall, evergreen shrub, with a few smooth, twiggy branches ; 
the older ones, having a bright brown-coloured bark. Leaves opposite 
and decussate, spreading, distant on the branch, inserted on very short, 
thick petioles, elliptically oblong, and oftentimes much narrower, acute, 
throughout very smooth, veined, of a darkish-green on the upper side, 
and glaucous pale hue beneath. Flowers numerous, collected into a 
rather densely crowded head, upon a terminal peduncle, gradually thick- 
ening upwards. Jnvolucre very silky throughout, of eight leaves, of 
which frequently, the four inner are smaller. These flowers are poly- 
gamous, having hermaphrodite and female’ flower-heads, on distinct 
plants. In the former, the stamens are exserted, and longer than the 
fully developed style, which in some instances extends but little beyond 
the mouth of the perianth. In the latter, the style is exserted, smooth, 
double the length of the tube of the flower (within which are inserted on 
very short filaments, two abortive anthers) with the capitated stzgma of 
the Genus, which in our plant is grossly ciliated. Perzanths of both, 
externally very villous, articulated, base persistent, dilated and hairy, 
enclosing loosely the ovariwm which is oval, green, having a pencil-like 
tuft of hairs at its apex, and inserted on a pilose receptacle. 

Another, and even rarer species, in the English gardens, has been in 

_ flower during the last spring at Kew. It proved to be P. clavata, 
Lasitt., a plant originally discovered, many years ago, in Van Die- 
men’s Land, and afterwards observed on the south coast of New Hol- 
land by Mr. Brown; and from the desert native shores of others of its 
kindred, King George’s Sound, was introduced to the Royal Gardens in 
1823. It forms a large shrub of robust habit : produces dicecious flowers, 
and in its native country, the fruit it perfects, is a small, baccated 
Seupe- _its rather myrtle-like leaves, glossy above and villous on the 
under side, may give it some claim to a place in a general collection of 
___ exotics ; but we fear, a plant producing flowers in very small heads, and 
_ Certainly the least attractive of all the known species of this, in many 
_ other respects, much esteemed Genus, furnishes too little, to secure the 

= peu. = oo of the gay, and gaudy-flowering vegetables of 

ey “vig. 1. Hermas hrodite Flower. 2. Head of Fe 3. Si oe 
la Peat eat : - & male Flowers. 3. Single Fe- 
oS -_ Se 4.  ortion of the same, showing an abortive Stamen: siagushed. 

oll I det? Bd. by S Curtis. Clarenwood Bisex. June LUISE. Sinan, Se 

pod MM cela) ait 
i ’ , Cress. ieee ag 

Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Crucirerz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Siliqua linearis ; valvis planis medio uninerviis. Semina 
in quoque loculo uniserialia, ovalia aut orbicularia, com- 
pressa. Cotyledones plane (O==). Flores albi aut rarius 
rosei. DC. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Arazis verna ; foliis grosse dentatis pubescenti-hispidis, 
caulinis cordatis amplexicaulibus infimis petiolatis, pe- 
dicellis longitudine calycis, silique valvis convexis, 
stigmate subemarginato. 

Arasis verna. Br. in Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 0. 4. p. 105. (non 
Desf.) De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 142. Spreng. Syst. 
Veget. v. 2. p. 890. 

Hesperis verna. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 928. Sibth. Fl. Grec. t. 

An extremely pretty annual, especially when cultivated 
in tufts, the very vivid purple of the blossoms making 
amends for the small number of flowers on each individual 
specimen ; and of these few I have never seen more than 
one expanded at the same time. It is an inhabitant of 
the south of France and of Europe generally, as well as the 
north of Africa, according to Desronraines. Sir James 
Smiru describes it as flowering abundantly about Naples, 
in March, and seeming to occupy the place of our Arazis 
(Sisymbrium) thaliana, which, however, it much excels in 


beauty. In the Glasgow Botanic Garden it flowers at the 
same season as in Naples; but under the protection of a 
frame, during the previous winter months. It is, however, 
well suited to ornament rock-work, when it would probably 
produce its blossoms a few weeks later. The seeds were 
communicated by Professor Trenore, from Naples. 

Descr. Roof small, annual. Stem erect, three or four 
inches high when in flower, much elongated in fruit, usu- 
ally simple, more or less slightly oe with bi-tripartite 
hairs. Leaves also rough with similar hairs: the lower ones 
spathulate, rather crowded, the rest remote, cordate, am- 
plexicaul, all coarsely toothed. Flowers three to four, ter- 
minal. Pedicels smooth, short. Calyx of four linear-oblong, 
erect, hairy leaflets. Petals obovate-spathulate, bright 
purple, tapering gradually into pale yellow claws. Stamens, 
the four longer ones much dilated, the two shorter ones with 
a distinct tooth below the middle. Anthers small, yellow. 
Young /ruit linear, elongated, slightly hispid. Stigma 
scarcely two-lobed. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Flower from which the Calyx and Corolla are removed. 
3. Petal :—magnified. 

Prd by §. Curtis Glazenwoed Esser July 1834 Swan Se 

( 3332 ) 


Class and Order. 

GyNANDRIA Monanpria. 
( Nat. Ord. —OrcuweEaz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Sepala patentia, subequalia. Petala sepalis qualia, v. 
angustiora, rariis latiora, patentia vel reflexa. Labellum 
cum marginibus columnz omnind vel parte connatum, lim- 
bo integro y. diviso, disco spits calloso, costato vel tu- 
berculato; nunc in calcar productum ovario accretum et 
euniculum formans. Columna elongata: clinandrio mar- 
ginato, sepé fimbriato. Anthera carnosa, 2—4-locularis. 
Pollinia 4, caudiculis totidem replicatis annexa. Herbe 
(Americane) epiphyte, caule nunc apice vel basi pseudo- 
bulboso, nunc elongato apice folioso, Folia carnosa, raris- 
sime venis elevatis. Flores spicati, racemosi, corymbosi, v. 
paniculati, terminales v. laterales. Land. 

Specific Name and Character. 

Eripenprum bicornutum ; labello libero trilobo, lobo inter- 
medio elongato lanceolato acuto, basi intus alte cor- 
nuto, sepalis petalisque zqualibus lato-ellipticis aeutis 
concavis, bulbo elongato subcauliformi apice folioso, 
foliis paucis lineari-oblongis obtusis coriaceis, pedun- 
culo terminali, racemo paucifloro. | 

aes aang 

For the opportunity of figuring this charming orchide- 
ous plant, a native of Trinidad, I am indebted to Mr. 
Josrpu Cooper, of Wentworth Gardens, where it produced 
its large and highly fragrant blossoms (smelling like those _ 
of the Persian Iris) in April, 1834. To that zealous and 
excellent cultivator it was sent by the Messrs. SHEPHERD, 



of Liverpool, who introduced it to the stoves of Europe. It was marked 
“ Cattleya, n. sp.,” and it has many points in common with that Genus, 
especially in the general habit, the large flowers, and in much of their 
structure, but differing remarkably in the labellum and the shortness 
of the column. Wishing, however, to have the opinion of Professor 
Linpiey, he informed me, with his accustomed readiness, “ your 
Trinidad orchideous plant is certainly a new species; but I think it can- 
not be separated from Eprpenprum. The only distinction between it 
and that Genus consists in the labellum being distinct from the column: 
but you will find various degrees of separation between those parts in 
E. asperum, venosum, vitellinum, and bidentatum, which nobody can 
doubt are genuine Ep1pENpRa :—and I have from the Havannah a small- 
flowered species without leaves or stem, the structure of whose lip, 
plates, and lobes and all, is quite yours in miniature.- Should you, 
however, be of opinion that it nevertheless must form a new Genus, its 
character will have to depend upon the large size of the petals, and the 
slight adhesion of the sepals at their base. The latter is, however, but 
a fallacious character, and the former occurs in what I consider true 
Epipenpra :”—In this opinion, expressed by one whose judgment is so 
valuable, I need hardly say, I entirely concur. . 

Deser. Roots consisting of numerous fibres, about the thickness of 
a crow-quill. Stem (or bulb) nearly a foot high, subcylindrical,* but 
swollen in the middle, jointed, obscurely striated, and marked with the 
scars of the old foliage, bearing at the extremity about four oblong, or 
somewhat strap-shaped, distichous, coriaceous, scarcely striated leaves. 
From the base of the upper one of these, and consequently from the 
extremity of the stem, arises the peduncle, a span long, jointed, and in 
part sheathed with small membranaceous scales, bearing a raceme of 
three to four large and highly fragrant flowers. Sepals and petals very 
much spreading, pure white, broadly ovate, rather acute; the former 
rather smaller, and combined at the base, the latter more concave. Iap 
standing forward, sessile on the base of the column, and broader than 
it at the base, spreading, three-lobed, white, with a few purple, small 
oe the side lobes short, intermediate one elongated, lanceolate, entire : 

e disk bears two very large conical divaricating tubercles, which are 
hollow beneath. Column short, white, with a few purple spots at its 
base within, semi-terete, dilated upwards, and somewhat winged. _An- 
ther hemispherical, inserted a little below the extremity of the column 
and in front of it. Pollen-masses four, yellow, in pairs, the caudicule 

replicate and united in pairs. Germen green above, white below, where 
it tapers into the footstalk. 

Fig. 1. Side view of the Column and Lip. 2. Front view of the Column. 
3. Upper side of the Lip. 4. Under side of ditto. 5, Inside view of the 

Anther-case. 6. Pollen-masses renioved from the Anther-case :—more or 

Lub by § Curtis Clazenweed Besser Jule 2 IEF#: 

WV ttertis dedt Swanse 


Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—VeErBENACER. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-fidus, dente unico subbreviore. Cor. limbus irre- 
gulariter 5-lobus. Stam. inclusa. Uétriculus 4-spermus, 
cito rumpens, ut maturi fructus caryopses sistant. Spr. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Versena chamedrifolia ; procumbens, hispido-pilosa, foliis 
oblongo-lanceolatis grosse serratis, corymbis peduncu- 
latis multifloris, calycibus tubulosis hispidis, corolle 
tubo elongato laciniis emarginatis cuneatis. 

VerBeEnA Chamedrifolia. Juss. in Ann. du Mus. v. 7. p. 73. 
Spreng. Syst. Veget. v.2. 748. Hook. in Bot. Miscell. 
v.1.p.167. Sw. Br. Fl. Gard. t. 9. 

Versena veronicifolia. Sm. in. Rees Cyel. 

Versena Melindres. Gill. in Bot. Reg. t. 1184. 

Erinus Peruvianus. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 576. 

LycunipeEa veronice folio, flore coccineo. Feuillée, Per. v. 
3. p. 36. t. 25. 7 

No plant with which we are acquainted exhibits flowers 
of so brilliant and dazzling a scarlet as the present: and 
although a native of the Banda Orientale, the Plata, and the 
whole of the Pampas of Buenos Ayres, as far as the pro- 
vinces of Cordova and St. Luis, it is found to flourish in the 
open air with us and to bear our moderate winters unhurt. 
It should, however, as we may judge from the character of 
the soil in its native country, and indeed from what we 
know of the habit of almost the whole Genus, have its roots 


well drained. It is then too, better able to repel the effects 
of our severer frosts. It flowers during the whole summer, 
and if planted in patches of considerable size, it is not pos- 
sible to conceive the splendour of its appearance without 
seeing it. 

Descr. Perennial and suffruticose : its branches strag- 
gling, procumbent and almost hispid. Leaves rough with 
hairs, opposite, oblongo-lanceolate, more or less attenuated 
at the base, somewhat wrinkled on the surface. Spike of 
flowers forming a sort of corymb when in perfection, and of 
the richest scarlet. Calyx tubular, hispid. Tube of the 
Corolla almost twice the length of the calyx, nearly white : 
its limb of five rather large, spreading, cuneate, and emar- 
ginate segments. Stamens included within the tube. 

WT. aed® 

Tub by S Curtes Glarennood Basen Iuly 218484. 



Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Unsettirera. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calycis margo 5-dentatus. Petala elliptica, integra, acu- 
tiuscula, apice recto, estivatione subvalvata. Styli diver- 
gentes. Fructus a latere compressus contractusque didy- 
mus. Mericarpia gibbo-convexa evittata 5-juga, jugis 3 
dorsalibus valleculisque muricato-tuberculatis, lateralibus 
marginantibus. Carpophorum indivisum. Semen gibbo- 
convexum anticé planiusculum.—Herbe aué suffrutices, 
omnes € Nové Hollandié. Umbella composita pluriradiata. 
Umbellula 3—12-flore. Involucra polyphylla. DC. — 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

TRACHYMENE lanceolata ; fruticosa, foliis lanceolatis coria- 
ceis glabris nervosis utrinque attenuatis ; umbella con- 
ferté multiflora. 

TracuyMEneE lanceolata. Spreng. Syst. Veg. v. 1. p. 879. 
De Cand. Prodr. »v. 4. p. 73. 

AzoreEttA lanceolata. Labill. Nov. Holl. ». 1. p. TA. t. 99. 

The present Genus, of which the species were previously 
united with AzoreLta by Lasituarpiére, was constituted 
by Rupee; its name being derived from rpaxvs, rough, and 
Yun, a membrane, on account of the tuberculated coat 
of the fruit. It contains two groupes or divisions ; one 
(Piatymene, D C.) characterized by the remarkably com- 
pressed, herbaceous stems, and extremely minute divided 
leaves ; the other (Denpromeng, D C.) distinguished by the 
rounded, fruticose stems, and conspicuous, entire ae 


Our plant, it will be at once seen, belongs to the latter 
section, and has at first sight so little of the character of an 
umbelliferous plant, as easily to deceive any but an observ- 
ing Botanist. From its coriaceous leaves and frutescent 
stems, and crowded, white flowers, it might almost be 
taken for a Diosma. I am indebted to Mr. Arron for the 
specimen here represented. It isa native of Port Jackson, 
where it inhabits dry barren, rocky situations. ‘ With 
us,’ Mr. Attan Cunnincuam writes from Kew, “ it is a 
hardy greenhouse plant, and was first introduced to our 
culture in the King’s Gardens, from a solitary individual 
springing up in a box of Orcuipez received from New South 
Wales in 1825. In that collection, it makes a variety 
among other compatriots ; where, although it belongs to a 
family possessing few external attractions to the Horticul- 
turist ; it nevertheless recommends itself to the care of the 
cultivator, not less by the freedom of its growth, than by 
the ready disposition it exhibits to produce its ample um- 
bels of flowers at various seasons.”’ 

Descr. A shrub, seldom more than two feet high, of 
diffuse, branching, twiggy habit, clothed with brownish 
bark. Leaves chiefly on the younger branches, alternate, 
lanceolate, attenuated at the base, and sharply acuminated 
at the extremity, coriaceous, glabrous, entire, marked with 
parallel nerves. Unmbels terminal, compound. Involucres 
and involucels scarsely different from the leaves, the former, 
however, much longer than the umbels. Limb of the calyx 
consisting of five sharp teeth. Petals five, spreading, white, 
elliptical, entire. Stamens five. Filaments spreading : 
anthers globose. Styles two, subulate: Stigmas capitate. 
Fruit elliptic, approaching to orbicular, compressed, with 
three broad, dorsal, ridges, much tuberculated ; the two 
lateral ones smooth. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Young Fruit: magnified. 

<{ 3335 Ses! 

Jee SS obskbksksbakskekeiokek 
Class and Order. 

PentanpriA Monoeynia. 

( Nat. Ord.—GrossuLaRIEz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx 5-lobus, laciniis plus minisve coloratis. Pet. 5 
parva albida lutea vel rubra. Stam. 5, rarissimé 6, fila- 
mentis liberis. Styli 1—2—3—4-fida. Bacca unilocu- 
laris, receptaculis lateralibus. Semuzna arillata (an in om- 
nibus ?) oblonga compressa. D C. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Rises sanguineum ; inerme, foliis cordatis subquinquelobis 
serratis venosis supra glariusculis subtus villoso-tomen- 
tosis, racemis laxis pubescentibus folio duplo longio- 
ribus, calycibus tubuloso-campanulatis laciniis oblon- 
gis obtusis patentibus petala (rubra) integerrima supe- 
rantibus, bracteis lineari-oblongis, baccis turbinatis 

Rises sanguineum. Pursh, Fl. Am. v. 1. p. 164. Smith, in 
Rees’ Cycl. Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veget. v. 5. p. 497. 
Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 811. Dougl. in Hort. 
Trans. v. 7. p. 509. t. 13. Bot. Reg. t. 1349. Hook. 
Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1, p. 234. i 

Rises malvaceum. Sm. in Rees’ Cycl. 

Few, if any of the numerous interesting and hardy plants, 
introduced to our gardens by Mr. Dovexas from the North- 
west coast of America, are more truly deserving of cultiva- 
tion, and of a place in our borders and in our shrubberies, 
than the subject of the present plate. Its original disco- 
verer was Mr. Menzizs, and it has since been gathered by 


Mr. Dove tas, by Messrs. Lewis and Crarxe, and b Dr. 
Scouter, in countries extending from lat. 48°, in California, 
to 52° N. Most of the species of this Genus hitherto known 
to us, recommend themselves by the excellence of their fruit: 
their flowers being insignificant, both as to size and colour : 
here we have a species remarkable for the fine purplish red 
of the numerous clusters of flowers and the delicate green 
of the copiously veined foliage. But in proportion to the 
beauty of the flowers, in this instance, is the worthlessness 
of the fruit, which, though it has not, that I am aware, been 
produced in this country, is described by Mr. Doveuas as 
*‘ turbinate, brownish-black, bitter, having a tough, lea- 
thery, thick skin, with numerous minute, angular seeds, 
adhering together by a small portion of limpid, viscid, 
mucus, and completely destitute of the pulpy substance 
common to most species of the tribe.’ The whole plant 
possesses the peculiar fragrance of our black currant, Rises 
nigrum. It is easily increased by cuttings, thriving well 
even in the West of Scotland, and in the early spring, 
before the foliage appears, it is rendered conspicuous by 
the copious racemes of flowers, which last till the full ex- 
_ pansion of the leaves. 

Descr. An upright shrub, with the numerous branches 
clothed with a brown bark. Leaves broadly cordate, 5-lobed, 
unequally serrated, copiously reticulated with veins, of a 
bright, pleasant, velvety green, and almost glabrous on the 
upper side, paler and downy beneath. Petzoles glandular. 
Peduncles and Pedicels purplish, glandular, as are the ob- 
long, rather large bracteas. There are besides two small 
bracteas at the base of the germen. Flowers bright rose- 
red. Calyx tubular, externally, as well as the inferior 
germen, glandular: Segments of the limb oblong, patent, 
obtuse. Petals obovate, entire, erect, red, shorter than the 
calyx. Stamens as long as the petals. Style cloven at the 
apex. Stigma small, capitate. 

Fig 1. Flower: magnified. 

egos. Lub by 8. Curtis (a 2en, 
WT, ZT : : 

wood Lesa Judy 11834 eet 

| ( 3336 ) 

SIRE skekesoksedekek 
Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—ScropuutarinEg. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal, prismaticus 5-dentatus. Cor. subcampanulata, 
limbo §, lobis subequalibus. Stigma bilamellatum. Dis- 
sepimenta lateribus placentifera. Spr. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Mimovtus luteus; caule (erecto vel) -decumbente glabro, 
foliis dentatis supra pubescentibus (vy. glabris) superi- 
oribus sessilibus ovatis, inferioribus petiolatis, pedun- 
culis filiformibus folio longioribus, corolla calyce mul- 
toties majore, laciniis transversis, palato barbato. 

Mimoutus luteus. Linn. Sp. Pl. p.884. Spreng. Syst. Veg. 
v. 2. p. 799. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1030. (non Bot. 

Gratioxa foliis subrotundis, &c. Feuill. Per. p. 745. t. 3A. 

(«.) rtoularis ; caulescens, multiflorus. Lindl. I. c. 

(B.) —— ; subacaulis, uniflorus, foliis minoribus. Land. 

(y.) variegatus ; caule erecto, corolla pallide flava, seg- 
mentis omnibus purpureis. (Tab. nostr. 3336.) 

Mimuuus variegatus. Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1872. 

This is a very beautiful plant, quite hardy and deserving 

a place in every garden, flowering as it does almost the 
whole summer through. Our figure does no justice to the 
entire plant, for, as each branch only bears one expanded 
flower at a time, unless the whole could be represented with 

its several flowering branches, its real merits cannot be es- 
timated: Our plants in the Glasgow Botanic Garden were 
derived from Mr. Loppiges, who received them from Chili: 
and published them as a species under the name of M. va- 
riegatus ; but after a most careful examination and com- 
parison, I am forced to the conclusion that it is not specifi- 
cally distinct from M. luteus, which is probably a very 
variable plant. Our native specimens have the segments 
of the flower sometimes spotless, sometimes with a single 
spot confined to the lower segment, at others apparently, 
as in the present case, having each segment stained with a 
large purple spot. 

Descr. Root perennial. Stem herbaceous, branched 
from the base, erect, or with the side branches more or less 
decumbent, rounded, purple upwards. Leaves broadly 
ovate, sometimes nearly orbicular or approaching to rhom- 
boidal, coarsely toothed with about five nearly parallel 
nerves, the margin often reddish ; the lowermost tapering 
into a long footstalk, the uppermost sessile. Peduncles 
axillary, solitary, opposite, purple. Flower large, hand- 
some. Calyx tinged with purple. Corolla pale lemon- . 
colour, the palate of two, deep yellow, hairy prominences, 
the segments of the limb each with a large purple blotch, 
the throat dotted with purple. 

Fig. 1. Calyx and Pistil. 2. Pistil :—magnified. 

FI dees 

Pid by 5 artis Hasenmeed Eevee July 11826 . Swan Se 

0 ai: 8887 >. 

Class and Order. 

Potyeamia Moneecia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Leeuminosz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Flores polygami. Cal. 4—5-dentatus. Pet. 4—5, nunc 
libera, nunc in corollam 4—5-fidam coalita. Stam. numero 
varia 10—200. Legwmen continuum exsuccum bivalve. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Acacta elongata ; stipulis subnullis, ramulis angulatis, phyl- 
lodiis lineari-falcatis glabris longitudinaliter trinerviis, 
mucrone calloso terminatis, margine superiore ad basin 
uniglandulosis, capitulis axillaribus solitariis ternisve, 
pedicellis canescentibus phyllodiis multoties breviori- 
bus, corollis 5-fidis, stylo elongato staminibus duplo 
longiore. All. Cunn. 

Acacia elongata. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 451. Don's 
Syst. of Gard. v. 2. p. 403. n. 36. 

_ This slender and graceful species of Acacta is frequent 
on the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, and it also 
inhabits rocky hills in the interior to the westward of Port 
Jackson, where it was originally discovered during the first 
expedition of Mr. Oxxey on the Lachlan river, in 1817 ; 
but was not introduced to the English gardens till 1823, 
when plants were raised at Kew from seeds sent by Mr. 
Autan Cunninenam. Mr. Arron obligingly communicated 
the specimens from which our drawing was made in full 

flower, in April, 1834. | 
Descr. A slender shrub, with drooping angular branches, 
of which the younger ones are green, glabrous. Leaves or 

rather phyllodia alternate, three inches or more in length, 
linear, acute, with a callous point, falcate with three ele- 
vated, longitudinal lines on each side, and an oblong gland 
on the upper edge near the base. Peduncles rather more 
than half an inch long, downy, solitary, or two or three 
together, from the axils of the leaves, each bearing a glo- 
bose head of rather deep yellow flowers, about the size of a 
pea, but inodorous. ‘The number of such heads is very 
considerable on the branches, Siving them a lively appear- 
ance. Each minute blossom has a calyx, of five or more 
deep segments, and a corolla of five or more lobes. Sta- 
mens numerous, shorter than the slender style. 

_ Fig. 1. Single Flower. 2. Leaf:—magnified. 

WeSATaded* , 

Pub by S.Curtis Glasenweed Hevee Jiulyd WSF Swan sc 

C 3338) | : 

Class and Order. 

PotyeamiaA Moncecia. 
( Nat. Ord —Lecuminosz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Flores polygami. Cal. 4—5-dentatus. Pet. 4—5, nunc 
libera, nunc in corollam 4—5-fidam coalita. Stam. numero 

varia 10—200. Legumen continuum exsuccum, bivalve. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Acacia umbrosa; phyllodiis obliqué ovali-lanceolatis subfal- 
catis glabris, basi apiceque sphacelatis attenuatis bi- 
vel obsoleté trinerviis, margine superiore juxta basin 
uniglandulosis, racemis axillaribus terminalibusve pa- 
tentibus dimidium phyllodii equantibus, capitulis dis- 
tinctis pedicello brevioribus, caule arborescenti. All. 

Acacia umbrosa. Cumnn. in Don’s Syst. of Gard. vol. 2. 
p. 405. n.61. Loud. Hort. Brit. p. 407. 

The Acacia here figured is derived from the same source 
as that represented in our last plate; namely, from the 
Royal Gardens of Kew, which stand unrivalled for their 
collection of South African and Australian Plants, those 
from the latter interesting and remote country, being chiefly © 
obtained through the exertions of ALLAN CUNNINGHAM. 
By him Acacia umbrosa was introduced in 1823. “ It de- 
lights in dry shaded woods in New South Wales, in the 
mountainous districts on the coast; at the Illawarra, and 
elsewhere.” It flowers in the spring, and its blossoms are 
powerfully fragrant. 

Descr. A Tree, in its native country attaining a height 
of twenty-five feet, glabrous in every part. Young branches 


green. Leaves, or phyllodia, four or five inches long, ob- 
liquely oval or oblong-lanceolate, slightly acuminated at 
the summit, attenuated at the base, marked with two or 
three strong nerves, which send off lesser oblique ones ; 
and the upper margin, a little above the base, has a small, 
oblong gland. Racemes axillary, erect, shorter than the 

phyllodia, bearing many globose heads of fragrant, pale 
yellow blossoms. Calyx brown, and, as well as the corolla, 
four-lobed. Stamens numerous. 

Fig. 1. Flower: magnified. 

Sowerby, delt 

Lieb, by §. Curtis. Glaxenwood. Essex Lug LI§S4. 

: Be 3339 abe 
Somnus Mote. -Pervvian Masrrex-rree, 

Class and Order. . 

Dicacra Decanpria. 
( Nat. Ord. ‘TeresintHacea. ) 

Generic Character. 

Flores dioici. Calyx 5-partitus. Petala 5. Stamina 
10.  Rudimentum ovarii.Filamenta sterilia. Ovarium 
1 sessile. Stylus o. Stigmata 3—4 in punctum collecta. 
Drupa globosa, epicarpio tenui, carne pauca, nucleo I- 
spermo osseo in peripheria lacunis 6 vacuis excavato. Semen 
funiculo e pariete laterali orto suspensum, compressum, ex- 
albuminosum, cotyledonibus planis, radicula infera.—Fru- 
tices aut Arbuscule Americane balsamifere piperite, race- 
mis paniculisve axillaribus, foliis impari-pinnatis. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Scninus * Molle ; foliis impari-pinnatis, foliolis multijugis — 
serratis terminali longissimo, floribus paniculatis. 

Scninus Molle. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1467. Lam. Ill. t. 822. 
Sm. in Rees’ Cycl.n. 1. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. TA. 
Hook. Bot. Misc. v0.2. p. 213. Spreng. Syst. Vow. v. 

nay Me De OIL. 

Motte. Clus. Exot. 322. 

Mouxui Clusii, &e. Feuill. Peruv. v. 3. p. 43. 7 

(8.) integerrima ; foliolis integerrimis. foe, 

ace Te Linn. Sp. Pi. p. 1467. De Cand. Prodr. 
v. 1. p pamiest - 

Mott foliis non serratis. Feuzll. Peruv. v. 3. p. 43. t. 30. 

Mo tt arboris adultis ramis. Clus. Cur. Post. 50. 

This plant, the Moll or Molle of the Peruvians, grows wild, not in 
Peru only, but also in Mexico, according to authors, where it inhabits 


* From cys, the ancient name of the Mastick Tree: and this is known 
by the same name in Peru. 


dry and sandy places: it is likewise found in Chili, unless the specimens 
I have received from that country are cultivated plants. If not possessed 
of much beauty in the flowers, (which, however, are rarely produced in 
our collections,) the Molle yields to few trees in the gracefulness of its 
foliage: added to which, its properties and uses are well deserving of our 

The whole plant abounds in a viscid and resinous oil, which yields a 
powerfully aromatic and pungent odour, and which some have compared 
to the scent of Fennel. That which naturally exudes from the bark is 
most viscid, and concretes on exposure to the air, and resembles Mastick ; 
that of the leaves is more fluid; and if these leaves be broken trans- 
versely into pieces and thrown on the surface of water, especially if the 
back of the leaf be applied to the fluid, they move by jerks, generally in 
circles, in a most remarkable manner. In warm weather, and during a 
calm state of atmosphere, this movement continues for a considerable 
length of time, gradually becoming weaker and weaker, till it ceases 
altogether. This singular property is due to the escape of the oil just 
mentioned, which escaping suddenly from the wounds in the broken 
fragments of foliage, propels them in an opposite direction. Some other 
species of Molle (if we may judge from the peculiar odour, for they have 
not flowered with us,) have been observed by Mr. Murray to exhibit 
this phenomenon ina more remarkable degree, especially a simple-leaved 
species from Peru, given to us by Mr. Crucxsnanxs. A white odori- 
ferous substance is also obtained from the foliage, resembling Gum Elemi, 
which, dissolved in milk, is used for diseases in the eye. Of the bark, 
boiled in water, lotions are made for healing tumours and reducing in- 
flammations. _ The pulp of the fruit is described as gummy, and of a sweet 
flavour: the Indians prepare from it an agreeable drink which is very re- 
freshing, by infusing the berries in water and pressing out the juice which 
communicates a vinous colour. This again is often converted into vinegar. 
In Mrs. Granaw’s “ History of Chili,’ we are told that the heart of 
the Molle tree is very solid, and used for pillars, for the axletrees of 
waggons, and gables and corner-posts of dwellings. Where a part is 
buried under ground, it takes root, and thereby secures the building better. 
This tree yields a gum, which applied to the head as a plaister, relieves 
Spasms; and the thickened fluid that exudes from the wounded bark is 
excellent for nervous complaints, and affords a good stomachic and car- 
— “preneag 

is shrub flowered in April of the present year, 1834,) in the green- 
house of WiLt1am aasas Jun., Esq. of Clhare oa aa our 
drawing was obligingly made from his specimens by Mr. J. D. C. 
_ Sowersy, who inherits the same talent for the fine arts which so emi- 
nently distinguished his father. : 
Descr. Inour collections this forms a moderately-sized shrub: bear- 

ing copious evergreen, pinnated leaves, varying exceedingly in the num- 
ber of leaileta, as well as in their relative length and brontth, the margins 

_ Serrated, in # entire, the terminal leaflet generally the longest. Flowers 

small, in axillary and terminal panicles; 
oe five-cleft. Petals five, obovato-lanceolat 


se ary ; in the present instance bearing 
_ Stamens and pistil; but the latter are small and probably imperfect, Calyz 
e, Spreading, pale yellow-green. 

_ Germen globose. Styles three, each tipped with a large capitate stigma. 


> ~ 1. Part of a Flower, exhibiting the Cal 

i x, a Petal, the Stamens,- 
Pistil. 2. Stamen: slightly magnified, : eae 




"Class and Order. 

PentanpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Rovracez: ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-partitus. Discus basi calycis adnatus, margine 
5-lobus. Pet. 5, limbo patente, ungue lato longitudinaliter 
canaliculato. Filamenta 10, 5 sterilia, petalis opposita, 
eorumdem basi adnata et canaliculo applicata, breviora, 
teretia, apice glanduloso-attenuata; 5 alterna disci lobis 
opposita, unguibus petalorum subequalia, antherifera, an- 
theris subrotundis, apice glandula sessili minuta instructis. 
Stylus filamentis subequalis, apice dilatatus in stigma 
capitatum, papillosum, obscure 4-suleum. Ovaria 5 in-— 
trorsum connata apice in cornu liberum producta, glabra, 
ovulis superpositis. Fructus 5-coccus, coccis apice extror- 
sum breviter corniculatis, compressis, punctato-rugosis. 

Frutices. Folia sparsa, brevia, linearia, acutissima, 
glanduloso-punctata. Flores albi, in summis ramulis axil- 
lares, solitarii, breviter pedunculati, bracteis pluribus ad- 
pressis sepaliformibus stipati. Adr. de Juss. 

Specific Name and Character. 

Corzonema * pulchrum; ramis virgatis, foliis filiformibus 
acuminatis supra planis subtus semiteretibus convexis, 
floribus (roseis) axillaribus solitariis folio multo brevi- 
oribus, bracteis subulatis. 


* From xoAsos, a sheath, and pa, a filament, from the groove in the 
rode - the petal in some species, in which the sterile filament is partly 

The present graceful and beautiful plant is no doubt a 
native of the Cape of Good Hope, and has long been culti- 
vated in the greenhouse of the Botanic Garden of Glasgow, 
under the name of Diosma angustifolia, a name, however, 
only of the gardens and implying a character common to 
others of the Genus. Our plant unquestionably comes un- 
der the Genus Cotronema of Barti. et Wenpt. of which 
only three species are enumerated by Aprian DE JUussIEU : 
C. album (Diosma, Tx., probably the D. ericefolia, Anvr. 
Bot. Rep. t. 451. which it cannot be,) and Diosma aspala- 
thoides, Herb. Burm. and D. /filiformis, Herb. De Cann. 
—of the two latter we know nothing but the names. It 
flowers in April and May, and deserves a place in every 
collection from its graceful mode of growth and bright and 
conspicuous rose-coloured blossoms, which continue long 
in perfection. 

Descr. Our plant forms an upright shrub, four to six 
feet high, bearing numerous twiggy, slender, pendent 
branches, clothed with a yellow brown bark and glandular. 
Leaves an inch and a half long, slender, filiform, tapering 
to a sharp brown point, the upper side flat, the under semi- 
terete, glandular and marked with two pale lines, the mar- 
gin very minutely scabrous: towards the extremity of every 
branch, in the axil of each leaf, is a rather large bright 
rose-coloured flower, on a short peduncle which has several 
subulate imbricated bracteas, the whole much shorter than 
the leaf. Calyx five-partite with a short green tube, and a 
five-partite limb; segments subulato-lanceolate, erect, 
reddish. Petals five, ovate, clawed, inserted at the back of 
a five-lobed, glandular cup which is adnate with the tube of 
the calyx, and alternating with these five lobes. Stamens 
five, perfect, free, at the back of the lobes of the cup, as long 
as the claws of the petals: filaments subulate, white. 
Anthers orange, with a short point: pollen yellow. Five 
sterile filaments are adnate with the claws of the petals, 
white. Germen with five free, erect lobes. Style very 
short. Stigma capitate. 7 

_ Fig. 1. Flowers. 2. Portion of the Glandular Cu , with two perfect 
Stamens, a Corolla and the adnate sterile Stamen. 3. Pistil 4, Uso side 
ofa Leaf. 5, Underside of ditto :—magnified. 

WIM del? Pub by $. Curbs, Glazenwoed Essex dug") saa ™ Swan SO: 

cee ape 

¥ ; 2 * €. EY “ 
Sian flit « cE ~83341 i} ,> oigere £ 
J 7 4 2 es | Pica ds sh ae es = 
$y $ m £2. 23 : 4 T 

Acacia wastunata. -Lirtite Hateerp- — 
= LEAVED,, ACACIA. dt Has ) 

Class and Order. | 

PotyeamiaA Monaecia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Lxeuminosz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Flores polygami. Cal. 4—5-dentatus. Pet. 4—5, nune 
libera, nunc in corollam 4—5-fidam coalita. Stam. numero 
varia 10—200. Legumen continuum exsuccum bivalve. 
DC. | 

Specific Name and Character. 

Acacia hastulata ; ramis elongatis dense foliosis hirtis, phyl- 
lodiis verticalibus sessilibus deltoideo-hastatis cuspi- 
dato-acuminatis pungentibus rigidis, basi hinc uniglan- 
dulosis, stipulis setaceis rigidis persistentibus, pedun- 
culis solitariis vix folio longioribus, floribus capitatis 

Acacia hastulata. Sm. in Rees’ Cycl. Suppl. De Cand. 
Prodr. v. 2. p. 449. 

_ Notwithstanding the many species that have been pub- 
lished of the Australian leafless Acacias, I believe very many 
more lie unnoticed in our Herbaria, and numerous others 
exist in the country to reward the researches of future Natu- 
ralists. The present, which may certainly be reckoned 
among the most singular and distinct, was discovered by 
Mr. Menzies, in King George’s Sound, and in the same 
country by the late Mr. Fraser, whence he sent to me 
native specimens in 1829, and seeds to our Botanic Garden. 
Plants raised from the latter flowered in the greenhouse in 
1834. The blossoms are delightfully fragrant, smelling 
like Hawthorn, 


Descr. A shrub of moderate size, with long, twiggy 
branches, obscurely striated, hairy. Leaves or Phyllodia, 
numerous, crowded, vertical, sessile, three to four lines long, 
deltoid, acuminate and pungent, somewhat hastate at the 
base, and there a little oblique, with an obscure gland in 
the upper angle, having a strong central rib and a slightly 
thickened margin, most evident in the dried specimens : the 
surface glabrous on both sides: colour dark green. Stipules 
setaceous, brown, rigid, persistent. Peduncles axillary, 
solitary, scarcely longer than the leaves, and bearing a glo- 
bose head of few, but very fragrant lemon-coloured flowers. 
Calyx and corolla 4-fid. Stamens yery numerous. 

Fig. 1, Portion of a flowering Branch, 2. Single Flower. 3. Leaf and 


DCW. Short del® Pub by 3 Curtis Clazenwoed kesarLugt I8SF. Swan ce 

( 3342 ) 
SineNE VirGinica. VireGintan CatTecuriy. 

Class and Order. 

DecanpriA TRIicyNtiA. 
( Nat. Ord.—CanryoruyLtes. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. tubulosus quinquedentatus nudus. Pet. 5, ungui- 
culata fauce sepissime coronata, limbo bifido. Stam. 10. 
Styli 3. Capsule basi triloculares, apice in 6 dentes dehis- 
centes. DC. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Sitene Virginica ; viscoso-pubescens, caule inferne decum- 
benti dein erecto ramoso, foliis oblongis spathulatisque 
acutis infimis longe petiolatis basi longe ciliatis, pani- 
cula trichotoma, calycibus amplis cylindraceo-clavatis 
basi obtusis, petalis longe unguiculatis latis bifidis 
coronatis (coccineis). 

SitenE Virginica. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 600. Mich. Am. v. 1. 
p. 272. Pursh, Fl. Am. v.1. p. 316. Elliott, Carol. 
v.1.p.516? Torrey, Fl. of Un. St. v. 1. p.450. De 
Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 379. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. 
p. 411. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1. p. 90. 

Lycunis flore simplici specioso coccineo, &c. Gronov. 
Virg. p. 16. 

In the Flora Bor. Americana, above quoted, I expressed 
a doubt whether the S. Virginica, of which I had then only 
very indifferent specimens at my command, were reall 
different from the S. Pennsylvanica. But my valued friend, 
Dr. Snort of Lexington, has cleared up all my difficulties 
on this point, and by a beautiful drawing of the former, 
(which though said in the Hortus Kewensis to be introduced 
to our collections by Mr. Loppiees in 1783, I have never 
seen in our gardens,) and by excellent specimens of both 

with remarks upon them, has enabled me to give the accom- 
panying representation and description. ‘‘ The S. Penn- 

Wwanica is always of humble growth, rarely rising more 
than six or eight inches from the ground, which it covers in 
dense patches of considerable size; and improves much un- 
der cultivation.”” The flowers too are of a rose colour. 
* The S. Virginica is more solitary in its habit: there are 
fewer stems arising from one root, and they frequently ex- 
ceed two feet in height.” Mr. Exuiorr says, that this has 
sometimes entire petals ; but Dr. Snort has never seen the 
petals otherwise than bifid : a circumstance, together with the 
smaller size, narrower leaves, and smaller flowers, by which 
it may be known from S. regia (Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 1724.). 

Descr. Stem a foot and a half to two feet high, nearly 
glabrous, almost erect and trichotomously panicled above. 
Leaves in remote, opposite pairs, oblong, acute, glabrous, 
the lower ones broader upwards, and the lowest petiolated ; 
the petiole fringed with ate hairs on each side. Peduncles 
mostly bearing three flowers, with small ovate or lanceolate 
bracteas on the pedicels. Calyx oblong or cylindraceo- 
clavate, striated, very obtuse at the base, five-toothed, and 
as well as the pedicels viscido-pubescent. Petals of a fine 
scarlet, the limb spreading, oblong, bifid, with acute seg- 
ments. <Anthers and Styles exserted. 


Pub by S. Curtis. Glaxenweed Bisex. dug TT8L. 

Iris Tenax. 'Tovueu-rureapep Iris. 
Class and Order. 

TrianpriA Monoeynia, 
( Nat. Ord.—Irwex. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cor. 6-partita : laciniis alternis reflexis. Stigmata petali- 
formia. — 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Iris tenax ; imberbis, foliis lineari-ensiformibus tenacissimis 
cauli unifloro subequalibus, corolla tubo brevissimo, 
ovario longipedunculato nudo, petalis exterioribus obo- 
vatis acuminatis venosis, stigmatibus bilobis abbrevia- 
tis. Lindl. 

Iris tenax. Dougl. Journ. ined. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1218. 

This interesting plant is stated by its discoverer in the 
work just referred to, to be a common plant in North Cali- 
fornia, and along the coast of New Georgia, in dry soils or 
open parts of woods, flowering in April and May, the same 
season that it does with us when kept in a cool frame. 
Mr. Dovetas gave it the appropriate appellation of tenax, 
because the native tribes about the Anguilac River make a 
fine cord from the fibres of the leaves, of which they weave 
their fishing-nets, a purpose to which it is admirably suited 
on account of its buoyancy, strength, and durability, Snares 
are made of it for deer and bears, of such strength, that 
one not thicker than a sixteen-thread line is sufficient to 
strangle the great stag of California, (Cervus Alces,) one of 
the most powerful animals of its tribe. 

It has been recommended for cultivation by Professor 
Linptey in England, (where it proves perfectly hardy,) as 
better suited to our climate than the famous New Zealand 
Flax. The Glasgow Garden is indebted to the London 


Horticultural Society for the possession of the plant from 
which our drawing was made. 

Descr. Plant from ten inches to a foot high. Leaves 
distichous, linear-ensiform, scarcely so tall as the stem, 
striated, upper ones convolute, short, forming an imperfect 
spatha. Flower solitary, handsome. Perianth nearly ses- 
sile on the elongated, obtusely trigonal germen, its ground 
colour a reddish-purple, with deeper veins ; outer segments 
broadly obovate, unguiculate, with an acute point, having 
in the middle a broad white spot, variegated with yellow, 
and marked with deep purple veins, around this the purple | 
is of a deeper and brighter hue than on the rest of the seg- 
ments: imner segments erecto-connivent, broadly-spathu- 
late, acute, waved, concave, almost as long as the outer 
ones. Styles oblong, linear, purple, carinate on the back, 
and covering the stamen, appressed to the claw of the outer 
segment of the perianth ; Stigma bifid. 

«ig. 1, Outer Segment of the Perianth: slightly magnified. 

WITH del* 



Lab by §. Curtis Glazenwoed. Essax dag LI834 

O98 Comey ts 

Sfeslesle atest ate ak sk skh steate Mak slant 
Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynta. 
( Nat. Ord.—AmaryLuipez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Perianthium corollaceum, subcampanulaceum, 6-parti- 
tum, irregulare, laciniis duabus (vel tribus) interioribus 
basi tubuloso-conniventibus. Stam. 6, laciniis inserta, 
demum declinata. Stigma trifidum. Capsula trilocularis, 
loculis polyspermis.—Caulis erectus, scandens aut volubilis, 
foliatus. Flores umbellati. Kunth. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

ALsTR@MERIA oculata; caule terete glabro volubili, foliis 
ovato-oblongis obtusis utrinque glabris, petiolis tortis, 
umbellis multifloris, pedunculis subbifloris pedicel- 
lisque glabris, bracteis bracteolisque obovato-spathu- 
latis crispatis, petalis difformibus longitudine subequa- 
libus. Graham. : 

Atstra@meriA oculata. Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1851. Gra- 
a = Ed. Phil. Journ. 1834. Cuming, Herb. Chil. 
n. 345. 

Various species of this elegant and beautiful Genus 
abound in South America, especially on the side next the 
Pacific. Forty-nine kinds are enumerated in Scuuures’ 
Systema Vegetabilium. Several new ones exist in our 
Herbarium, and others are to be met with in the stoves 
and greenhouses of this country. The present species can 
boast of flowers, which though perhaps the Hiaflest of the 
Genus, are among the most desirable for gracefulness and 
beauty, and remarkable for the eye-like spots in the centre 


of each inner petal. It appears to have been first discovered 
at Valparaiso by Mr. Cumine, with whose collections it has 
been distributed, marked, No. 345, in 1830, “* These speci- 
mens,’’ Dr. Granam observes, “ differ from the cultivated 
plant only in being more drawn out, in the peduncles being 
occasionally three-flowered, in the leaves being more ellip- 
tical, less glaucous, and free from undulation in the edges, 
but in every essential particular the two appear to be the 
same.” Our drawing was made by Mr. M‘Naszat the Edin- 
burgh Botanic Garden, in April, from a plant sent to Dr. 
Grauam by Mr. Knigur. 

Descr. Stems numerous, flexuose and voluble, green, 
glabrous and shining, simple. Leaves ovato-oblong, many 
nerved, crisped at the edge, in my cultivated specimens 
glabrous on both sides, bright green above, glaucous below, 
petioled ; petioles twisted, illustrating that beautiful ar- 
rangement of nature to correct that lusus, so common in 
this Genus, by which the upper and lower surfaces of the 
leaf are originally reversed. Umbel terminal, several rayed, 
the rays generally bifid and supporting two flowers. Brac- 
tee and bracteole corresponding in number to the primary 
and secondary divisions of the umbel, obovato-spathulate, 
crisped, and generally coloured in the edges. Corolla 
(nine lines long, seven and a half across) campanulate, red ; 
petals subequal in length, the outermost the broadest, 
nerved, ovate, so narrow as to resemble a claw nearly in 
their lower half, notched at the apex, somewhat revolute in 
their edges ; inner ones sandglass-shaped, pubescent on the 
inside in their lowest half, connivent in the middle, so as to 
close the throat, which is whitish and surrounded by a 
broad, dark purple semilunar band, especially on the two 
uppermost (which are the broadest) of the three inner pe- 
tals. Stamens shorter than the corolla, decumbent ; fila- 
ments glabrous at their origin and near the apex, pubescent 
and slightly swollen in the centre, immediately above 
which they are sprinkled with small lilac tubercles ; anthers 
ascending, reddish-leaden-coloured, oblong, flat, bursting 
in the edges, when, as in the Genus, they become flattened 

in the opposite direction ; pollen granules minute, greenish- 
_ leaden-coloured. Pistil about as long as the stamens; 
Stigma trifid ; Style glabrous, with some small scattered 
lilac tubercles in its upper part; germen dark green, tur- 
binate, triquetrous, angles rounded. Graham. ; 

Fig. 1. Stamen. 2. Inner, 3, Outer Petal -—magnified. : 

—— BB ge OR, 
CaLaApium, or Inp1AN KaALeE. 

Class and Order. 

Monaecia PotyAnpria. 
( Nat. Ord.—ArorpEz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Spatha monophylla, cucullata, basi convoluta. Spadix 
ad apicem staminifer, mucrone quandoque nudo, medio 
glandulosus, basi germinibus tectus. Anthere peltate, 
sub pelta ad ambitum multiloculares. Glandule (stamina 
sterilia) obtuse. Stigma umbilicatum. Bacca mono- 
sperma, Br. ; 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Catapium grandifolium; caulescens radicans, foliis opacis 
cordato-sagittatis acutis petiolis teretibus, spadice ob- 
tuso spatham superne cucullatam medio subconstric- 
tam basi attenuatam equante. eh. Pnag. Eek ZEVS. 

Catapium grandifolium. Willd. Sp. Pl. v.4. p.490. Spreng. 
Syst. Veget.v. 3. p. 770. 

ARUM Seewokun. Jacq. Hort. Schenbr. v. 2. t. 189. 
p. 32. 

When I published the Cataprum fragrantissimum at t. 
3314 of this Magazine, I expressed myself as of opinion 
that the Catapium grandifolium of Sims (Bot. Mag. t. 2643,) 
should be considered a variety of the original plant, of the 
same name, of Jacg. Hort. Scheenbr. t. 189. I had not then 
seen a recent flowering specimen of the true grandifolium. 
Now that I have done so, I cannot but come to the con- 
clusion, that Dr. Sims’s plant is quite another species, with 
leaves glossy on the upper surface, and having a broad, 
semicircular sinus at the base, with differently-shaped eer 


and a spatha almost exactly resembling both in form and 
colour that of our Ca.aprum /ragrantissimum being red, 
and remarkably inflated below *, and not pale green and 
attenuated at the base. 

The plant from which our present drawing was made in 
April, 1834, at the Glasgow Botanic Garden, came from 
Demerara. It makes a truly handsome appearance, with 
its climbing and rooting stems, its large foliage, and pale 
spathas with a dark red line down the middle on the back. 

Descr. Stem scandent, terete, dingy green, spotted with 
purple, rooting, when cut across exhibiting a copious fluid 
which dries and forms a kind of varnish. Leaves two feet 
or more long, cordato-sagittate, opaque above, petiole 
rounded, spotted with purple. Flowers bursting two or 
three together from a fissure at the base of the petiole, 
scentless, accompanied by a marcescent, large bractea. 
Spatha at first pale green, afterwards pale buff, green at 
the base on the outside, pinkish within, marked at the back 
with a purple hue. It is cucullate at the extremity, slightly 
contracted in the middle, tapering at the base downwards 
into ashort, somewhat trigonal peduncle. Spadix obliquely 
inserted (or decurrent) as long as the spatha, slightly club- 
shaped, below clothed with numerous green pistils, above 
with dense, white stamens. 

* The species may be thus distinguished : 
C. Simsiz; caulescens radicans, foliis lucidis cordato-sagittatis acutis petio- 
lis teretibus, spadice obtuso spatham cucullato-cylindraceam medio con- 
strictam basi ventricosam subequante. . 

CaLapium grandifolium. Sims in Bot. Mag. t. 2643. (non Jacq.) 

Fig. 1. Portion of the Spatha, to which the Spadix is affixed, scarcely 
magnified. 2. Stamen. 3, Pistil: magnified. 


Pub by 5.Curtes Hlazernaeed Exaae Sup U195e. 

( 3346 ) 


Class and Order. 

Potyeam1A Monaecia. 
( Nat. Ord. Leeuminos. ) 

Generic Character. 

Flores polygami, Cal. 4—5-dentatus. Pet. 4—5, nunc 
libera, nunc in corollam 4—5-fidam coalita. Stam. numero 

varia, 1O—200. Legumen continuum exsuccum bivalve. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Acacia lineata ; villoso-hirsuta, phyllodiis linearibus strictis 
(subuncialibus) uninerviis apice obliquis subuncinatis 
mucrone calloso terminatis, nervo lineeformi, margini 
superiori parallelé approximato, capitulis axillaribus 
solitariis geminisve, pedunculis filiformibus phyllodio 
longioribus, floribus quinquefidis. A. Cunn. 

Acacia lineata. A. Cunn. in Don’s Syst. of Gard. v. 2. p. 
A403. n. 28. 

A shrub of bushy growth, frequent in the interior of 
New South Wales, in barren forest-grounds lying West 
from Wellington Valley, in long. 148° E. ; as also in the 
country on the North from the settlement of Bathurst, where 
it flowers throughout the winter months (May—July), and 
ripens its legumes in December. “It was originally disco- 
vered, during the progress of the expedition on the Lachlan 
River in 1817, and was two years’ since, communicated 
by Mr. Arron, from the Royal Gardens at Kew, where it 
flowers with many of its kindred, in the months of April 
and May. All. Cunn. 



Descr. An upright growing shrub, bearing copious, 
erecto-patent leaves, which are pubescenti-hirsute, less than 
an inch long, slightly curved, attenuated at the base, with 
an acute curved point at the extremity, and having a single 
nerve running near to and parallel with the upper margin. 
Bracteas small, acute, brown, one on each side the leaf. 
Peduncles one or two from the same axil, very slender, 
filiform, longer than the leaves, bearing a globose head of 
deep yellow, fragrant flowers, and sometimes a solitary 
flower below the capitulum. Calyx and corolla 5-fid: 
Stamens numerous. 

Fig. 1. Leaf and Peduncle with a Head of Flowers. 2. Single Flower. 
3. Leaf. :—magnified. 



( 8347) 

CAMPANULA MACRANTHA, @. polyantha. LarcE-riow- 
ERED Grant BELL-FLowER; many-blossomed var. 

Class and Order. 

PentanpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—CampanvuLaceEa. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cor. campanulata, fundo clauso valvis staminiferis. Stig- 
ma 3-fidum. Caps. infera, poris lateralibus dehiscens. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

CampanuLa macrantha; caule erecto simplici levi, foliis 
duplicato-serratis radicalibus lato-cordatis petiolatis 
caulinis ovatis sessilibus, pedunculis erecto-curvatis 
demum cernuis, calycis basi obtusi laciniis lanceolato- 
acuminatis corolla longe campanulata maxima triplo 

Campanuta macrantha. Fischer MSS. 

Campanvuta latifolia, macrantha. Swms Bot. Mag. t. 2553. 
Alph. De Cand. Monogr. Camp. p. 265. 

Campanvta Iberica maxima subhirsuta, flore maximo ceru- 
leo. Tourn. Herb. Cor. 4. (fide Alph. De Candolle.) 

B. poggerite caule altiori, floribus numerosis. Tab. nostr. 


I am aware that ALpHonse De Canpotze in his valuable 
work on the CampanuLacea, as well as Dr. Sims, and lately 
even Dr. Fiscner himself, are of opinion, that the present 
Bell-flower is only to be considered a variety of the C. lati- 
folia; but on a careful comparison of the two, growing 
side by side in the Glasgow Botanic Garden, I cannot but 
look upon them as really distinct. Besides the much larger 
and deeper colour of the flowers, the calyx is far more ob- 
tuse at the base, the leaves are much broader and coarser, 


and of a darker colour, and the whole plant is stouter and 
stronger. That which I here consider the var. 6 was re- 
ceived from Mr. Fiscuer of the Gottingen Botanic Garden, 
and is certainly the handsomest of all the Campanutas, and 
the most worthy of a place in every collection, and in the 
borders of every shrubbery. It was received with the name 
of « C. mucronata ;” but as there is nothing mucronate 
about the plant, I am disposed to think that the word 
** macrantha’’ was intended to have been written. It is a 
still taller plant than the C. latifolia y, macrantha, figured 
at t. 2553 of this work ; the flowers are larger, of a bluer 
colour, and much more numerous upon the stem. 

WL. aw 

é a i ea Spree SE 
Pab tv 8 € neti s Claenw out Heae vqbe SISSH, ie 


Class and Order. 


( Nat. Ord.—Lecuminosz. ) 
Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-fidus lobis acutis. Vexillum rotundatum emargi- 
natum. Carina utrinque calcare subulato notata demum 
sepe elastice deflexa. Stamina diadelpha. Stylus filiformis 
glaber. Legumen teretiusculum aut planum aut tetrago- 

num polyspermum bivalve, rarius oligospermum ovatum _ 

imo monospermum subglobosum. Semina ovata utrinque 
truncata isthmis cellulosis sepe disjuncta.—Herbe aut suf- 
frutices. Stipule a petiolo distincte parve. Pedunculi ax- 
illares. Flores racemosi purpuret cerulet aut albi. Folia 
nunc simplicia impari-pinnata aut dilatata, foliolis sepe bast 
stipellatis. Pili nunc omnino nunc plerique strigosi centro 
adfixi adpressi. DC. 

* Specific Character and Synonyms. 

InpicgorerA violacea ; fruticosa, foliolis 6-jugis oblongis, 
racemis axillaribus folio dimidio brevioribus, legumi-— 
nibus strictis subcylindraceis glabris 6—10-spermis. 
Roxb. ~ 

Inpicorera Violacea. Roxb. Fl. Indica. 3. 380. Graham 
in Ed. N. Phil. Journ. 1834. 

This very handsome shrub has stood for several years in 
the open air in the Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, and flow- 
ered tor the first time in July, 1834. We received it from 
Mr. Tomas Hoge, of Clapton, in 1820, marked witha query 
as a species of Inpicorera. It differs from Roxpuren’s de- 
scription of I. violacea, in having the raceme rather longer 
than the leaf. I should have considered it his I. arborea, — 
had it not been that the branches are erect, not “ spreading 


in every direction,” and had it not been reasonable to ex- 
pect that I. arborea would have attained a larger size ina 
shorter time. There is a very near affinity between Inpico- 
FERA casstoides, Rortt., 1. violacea, Roxs., 1. arborea, Roxs., 
I. Jirahulia, Haminton, and the specimens which I named 
I. verrucosa, in Wautuicn’s List of Plants in the East India 
Company’s Museum. If they shall prove to be specifically 
the same, the name of I. cassioides ought to be adopted, as 
published by De Canpoxze, in his Prodromus, in 1825. I 
have no specimen of I. violacea from the Botanic Garden, 
Calcutta, with which to compare our plant, and the speci- 
mens of I. arborea from thence have their branches much 


Descr. Shrub (with us five feet high) erect; branches sub-erect, 
round, pubescent when young, bark brown, with straight, slightly pro- 
minent, continuous, longitudinal lines, slightly warted on the older 
branches. Leaves (two inches and a half long) pinnated ; leaflets in five 
pairs, obovato-elliptical, flat, slightly pubescent on both sides, the hairs, 
as most commonly in the Genus, fixed by the middle, and adpressed, 
rufous upon the young leaves, and on the extremities of the twigs. 
Stipules and stipellules bristle-like, hairy, marcescent, the former spread- 
ing, the latter erect. Aacemes axillary, longer than the leaves; flowers 
twelve to twenty, continued nearly to the bottom of the pubescent pe- 
duncle ; pedicels rarely twice as long as the concave, subulate, deciduous 
bractee, from the axils of which they spring. Calyx rather shorter 
than the pedicel, pubescent, rotate, five-toothed, the lowest tooth the 
longest, the two upper distant. Corolla large and handsome, nectari- 
ferous at the base; vezillum erect, elliptical, concave, with a white 
slightly striated spot on the inside, near its base, above which it is red- 
dish-purple, passing into lilac, and becoming gradually paler upwards ; 
nearly sessile, and somewhat callous at its insertion into the calyx. 
Ale scarcely shorter than the vexillum, of a bright and deep rose-co- 
_ lour, spread out horizontally in the centre of the flower, the upper (inner) 
edges being straight and in contact, the lower (outer) edges hatchet- 
shaped, attenuated downwards, swollen at the base, and there slightly 
hairy and gibbous on the outer and upper sides, its short tooth-like claw 
being projected from the lower edge; keel rather longer than the ale ; 
rose-coloured in its edges, every where else pale lilac: its petals united, 
except at the claws, which are callous; at first straight, and afterwards 
bent down elastically, separating very widely the keel and ale from the 
vexillum, somewhat hairy towards its edge and back, toothed on the 
upper edge of its claws, and having a distinct papilla on each side. 

_ Stamens diadelphous, included within the keel. Filaments purple, gla- 
_ brous, a very short ascending portion only being free; anthers green, 
_ Mucronate; pollen granules extremely minute. Pistil little longer than 
the stamens; stigma minute; style slightly pubescent; germen linear, 

_ glabrous. Ovules about ten. Graham. 

ee 20m: OP lawdsc:: 2. Calyx and Pistil. 8. Carina. 4, Anth spss 
tion of the Filament sic aananiiieck plone ore es ser ae 

WI del* 

ra > i, 7 x . a ra 
Lub oy Ses Glazenwoed Zivsex Sept LEFF Swans 


GARDENIA FLORIDA, fl. simplict. Sine.e- 

Class and Order. 

PentTanpDrRIA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Rusiacez. ) 

) Generic Character. 

Calycis tubus ovatus sepe costatus ; limbus tubulosus 
truncatus dentatus fissus partitusve. Cor. infundibuliformis 
aut hypocraterimorpha, tubo calyce multo longiore, limbo 
per estivationem contorto patente 5—9-partito. | Anthere 
5—9 lineares ad faucem subsessiles. Stigma clavatum 
bifidum aut bidentatum, lobis® crassis erectis. Ovarium 
dissepimentis incompletis 2—5 semi-divisum, 1-loculare. 
Bacca carnosa calyce coronata intus chartacea aut nucleata 
incomplete 2—5-locularis. Semina minuta placentis parie- 
talibus carnosis immersa. Embryo albuminosus vagus.— 
Arbores aut Frutices, inermes aut spinescentes. Folia op- 
posita raro verticillata, ovalia. Flores axillares aut termi-— 
nales, plerumque solitarii albi, demum sepe flavescentes, 
sepius odori. DC. ; 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Garpenta* florida ; inermis, fruticosa, erecta, foliis ellipti- 
cls utrinque acutis, floribus solitariis subterminalibus 
sessilibus hypocrateriformibus, calycis laciniis vertica- 
libus lanceolato-subulatis tubum corolla zquantibus, 
baccis elongato-turbinatis costatis. D C. 

GarpveniA florida. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 305. Ker, in Bot. 
Reg. t. 449. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 379. Spreng. 
Syst. Veget.v. 1. p. 765. Roxb. Fl. Ind. v. 2. p. 550. 


nd In honour of Dr. ALEXANDER GARDEN, Botanist and Zoologist ; a 
_— of Scotland, but who settled as a Physician, at Charleston, South 

GarpeniA jasminoides. Sol. in Phil. Trans. v. 52. p. 654. 
t. 20. 

(8.) flore pleno. Ker, l.c. G. jasminoides. Ellis, Phil. 
Trans. v. 51. p. 935. t. 23. 

Catssopiri. Rumph. Herb. Amb. v. 7. p. 26. t. 14. f. 2. 

This delightfully fragrant shrub flowered in June of 
the present year, in the noble gardens of Wentworth, 
where it was received from the East Indies, and is treated 
as a stove-plant ; and was obligingly communicated by 
Mr. Cooper, with the remark that it is probably different 
from the single-flowered state of Garpenia florida. In 
this doubt I partake myself, for it differs from the only 
figure | am acquainted with, taken from the recent plant, 
namely, that of Mr. Ker, in the Botanical Register, t. 449, 
—chiefly, however, in the greater length of the tube of the 
corolla, and in the leaves being much more crowded to- 
wards the extremities of the branches. Still I dare not 
venture to make it a new species, without an examination 
of the fruit, but prefer conSidering it a long-flowered var. 
of the G. florida. 

Descr.* A shrub, with numerous stout woody branches, 
which bear crowded foliage towards their extremities. 
Leaves oval or obovate, acute, subcoriaceous, opposite, 
often appearing verticillate. Bracteas acute, membrana- 
ceous, deciduous. Flowers large, solitary, very fragrant. 
Cal. segments erect, narrow, almost linear, much shorter 
than the tube of the corolla. Corolla pure white, some- 
what leathery, soon turning yellowish, hypocrateriform ; 
‘Tube long, straight ; Limb spreading, of six oblong, wavy, 
obtuse segments. Anthers nearly sessile, linear, situated 
at the mouth of the corolla. Germen inferior, scarcely 

ribbed. Style as long as the tube of the lla. Stigma 
thick, bifid, exserted. ue 


MT Mab del* 

Cf SEBO Die vege 2 
ee ee 
Class and Order. 

Hexanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—AmaryLuineg. ) 

Generic Character. 

Perianthium corollaceum, subcampanulaceum, sexparti- 
tum, irregulare; laciniis duabus (v. tribus) interioribus 
tubuloso-conniventibus. Stam. 6, laciniis inserta, demum 
declinata. Stigma trifidum. Capsula trilocularis; loculis 
polyspermis. Caulis erectus, scandens aut volubilis, folia- 
tus. Flores umbellati. Kunth. reer 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

ALsTREMERIA aurea; caule stricto glabro, foliis lineari- 
ellipticis sparsis glabris pallidis margine scabriusculis 
supra nervosis glaucis, pedunculis umbellatis bifloris 
erectis, foliis superioribus duplo brevioribus, corolle 
laciniis patentibus subaequalibus mucronatis exteriori- 
bus obovatis serratis concoloribus interioribus lanceo- 
latis integerrimis striatis. Graham. 

Ae aurea. Grah. in Edinb. Phil. Journ., June, 

This species, imported by Mr. Anprrson, from Chiloe, 
was received at the Botanic Garden at Edinburgh from Mr. 
Low*, of Clapton, under the specific name here adopted, 
and is now in flower in the greenhouse. I am afraid that —— 


* Mr. Low has most obligingly also communicated an excellent drawing, 
which would have been engraved, had we not already possessed the figure 
here given. W. J. #. 

in this, as in many other South American ‘genera, we are 
unwarrantably multiplying specific names ; but this is pro- 
bably rightly considered distinct from any of the plants 
previously described. In habit it approaches nearly to 
Atstrameria pulchella, but probably will always bea much 
smaller plant. Graham. 

Descr. Stems (a foot and a half high, exclusive of the 
terminal umbel) numerous, erect, simple, glabrous. Leaves 
(four inches and a half long, three-fourths of an inch broad) 
very numerous, linear-elliptical, scattered, glabrous, light 
green, glaucous, and many-nerved on the upper surface, 
which, by the twisting of the long attenuated base, becomes 
the lower, slightly rough on the edges, callous at the apex, 
as is best seen in dry native specimens. Peduncles umbel- 
late, erect, about half the length of the leaves, which sur- 
round their base like an involucre, two-flowered, the lateral 
flower springing from the axil of a leaf-like bractea, bear- 
ing another similar but smaller bractea on its side, and in 
general below its middle; and here probably in a very 
luxuriant state of the plant another flower would arise. 
Corolla orange-coloured, segments nearly equal in length, 
spreading, mucronate, the three outer segments obovate, 
serrated, the three inner lanceolate, the lower as well as 
the three outer segments of nearly uniform colour, and 
occasionally with one or two deep orange-coloured streaks, 
the two others more yellow below the apex, and havin 
many such streaks down even to their channelled nectari- 
ferous bases. Stamens declined, rather longer than the 
lowest segment of the corolla, orange-coloured ; pollen 
granules small, oblong, yellow. Stigma trifid, with short 
pubescence on the surface. Style ascending, angular, of 
uniform orange-colour. Germen green, ribbed. Graham. 

W SH del* 

Lub oy ° Cartes Glazcriwood Essec Sep "278 I7- ebostend 

MorinDaA. : . 


Class and Order. 

PentranpriA Monocynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Ruvstacea. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calycis tubus obovatus sepits cum vicinis floribus con- 
cretus; limbus brevis vix dentatus. Corolla infundibuli- 
formis, tubo subtereti, limbo patente 5-lobo rarits 4-lobo. 
Stam. 5, rarits 4; filam. brevibus, antheris inclusis (aut 
exsertis). Stylus filiformis, sepé exsertus. Stigma bifidum. 
Bacce 2—4-pyrene, loculis 1-spermis, cum vicinis sepissi- 
mé concrete et mutua pressione compresse aut angulate, 
calycis vestigio areolate. Hmbryo teres in albumine car- 
noso. DC. 

Specific Name and Character. 

Morinpa* jasminoides ; ramis tetragonis sterilibus volubi- 
libus, foliis lanceolatis supra nitidis, sepé in axillis 
nervorum foveolato-bullatis, stipulis membranaceis 
acutis basi connatis, capitulis pedunculatis 2—5-floris. 
A. Cunn. 

Morinpa jasminoides. All. Cunn. MSS. 

A volubilous suffruticose plant, rare in shaded brushes — 
of the Colony of Port Jackson, where it was detected 
by Mr. Attan Counninenam, bearing its orange-coloured 

berries in the month of March, 1821, by whom it was intro- 

* Quasi Morus Jndica, in allusion to its eastern origin, and to the re- 
semblance of the fruit to that of the Morus or Mulberry. 

duced to Kew, from which collection we have been favoured 
with specimens, that flowered in April, 1833. In habit it 
resembles a Jasminum: and as a species, it approaches 
very near to M. parvifolia, D C., a native of the Island of 
Luconia, one of the Philippines. 

Descr. In the cultivated state, Mr. CunnineHam ob- 
serves that this is a very variable plant. In some situa- 
tions, in the houses at Kew, it forms a dense bush, in others 
a volubilously-branched shrub, with lanceolate or elliptico- 
lanceolate leaves, entire, shortly acuminated, sometimes 
undulated, with or without foveolated blotches in the axils 
of the nerves: when present, they are sometimes two, op- 
posite each other, or three, four, or five scattered. Séi- 
pules membranaceous, brown, acute. Peduncles axillary, 
forked, bearing two leaves, and two capitula, each of from 
two to five flowers. Germens combined into one body. © 
Limb of the calyx scarcely any. Corolla pale buff-coloured ; 
Tube narrow, limb of three, four, or five segments, reflexed. 
Stam. three, four, or five; Filaments short. Anthers ovate, 
deep yellow. Stigmas two, long, linear, acute. 

Fig. 1. Head of Flowers. 2. Corollain bud. 3. Stamen. 4. Stigmas. 
5. Young Fruit :—magnified. 

Wilurtis del* 


Pub by 8. Curtis Clazerwod L8sew, Sépt 11Est. 

( 3352 ) 


Do So a a aie a ae a a a a a 
Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Sotanez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx tubulosus, ventricosus, basi peltata persistente. 
Cor. infundibuliformis, plicata, limbo dentato. Stigma 2- 
lobum. Capsula semi- 4-locularis, 4-valvis, placentis dis- 
cretis. Spreng. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Datura * ceratocaula; corolla decemdentata, foliis ovato- 
oblongis eroso-sinuatis subtus glaucescentibus tomen- 
tosis, fructibus pendulis inermibus, caule herbaceo 

Datura ceratocaula. Ortega, Decad. 1. p. 11. Jacq. Hort. 
Schoenbr. v. 3. p. 48. t.339. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1031. 
Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 103. 

Datura macrocaulis. Roth, N. Beytr. p. 159. 

This fine annual is a native of Cuba, whence it was in- 
troduced to our gardens through the medium of Spain, and 
blossoms in the open air during the months of July and 
August. The plants are best raised in a frame, trans- 
planted into the open border in the spring months, and if 
into a poor soil, they will have less of the rank and weedy 
character, which all the annual species of this Genus 
exhibit. The present figure was made by Mr. Winuram 


* From the Arabic word Tétérah (Forskael.) In some parts of the East 
Indies it is called Daturo, c ( ) P 

Curtis, from a plant that flowered in the extensive nursery 
at Glazenwood. 

Descr. Stems erect, with many stout, erect or spreading 
branches, which often present a twisted, and (tapering as 
they do towards the extremity) a horn-like appearance. 
Leaves alternate, petiolate, ovate or almost lanceolate, un- 
equal at the base, sinuato-pinnatifid, waved, acute, veiny, 
glabrous and green above, whitish and downy beneath. 
Peduneles axillary, solitary, single-flowered, erect in flower, 
afterwards drooping. Calyx tubular, cleft on one side at 
the extremity, large, green, slightly tinged with purple. 
Corolla very large : tube long, angled, purplish-green : limb 
broad, spreading, plaited, with five large and five smaller 
teeth, white, tinged with purple, greenish at the base. 

Stamens and style exserted. Capsule large, drooping, sub- 

Fig. 1, Capsule :—naz, size. 

Wale Pith ass? 

Lid, by 5. 

Curtes, Glaxenuwood Zssex, Oct? 7 LES#, 

lwan F° 

f wag a = eet ete : C | 3353 ) oe = “ts 
Mimutus roseus. RoskE-coLourED _ 
MonkeEy-F Lower. 

Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Scrornutarina. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. prismaticus 5-dentatus. Cor. subcampanulata, | 
limbo ¢, lobis subequalibus. Stigma bilamellatum. Dis- 
sepimenta lateribus placentiferis. Spr. 

Specific. Character and Synonyms. 

Mimu.vs roseus; erectus pubescenti-viscidus, foliis ovato- 
acuminatis 5-nerviis sessilibus inferioribus precipue 
dentatis, calycis dentibus subzqualibus, corolle laciniis 
lato-oblongis obtusis subequalibus. 

Mimutus roseus. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t: 1591. Lodd. Bot. 
Cab. t. 1976. 

Hitherto all the known species of Mimurus have been 
found bearing flowers of a more or less deep yellow tinge. 
We are indebted to Mr. Dovetas for this very beautiful 
species with flowers of a fine rose-colour, in size fully equal 
to those of M. luteus, and clothed with a viscid down which 
yields as powerful a smell of musk, especially towards even- 
ing, as the well-known Mimutus moschatus discovered by 
the same indefatigable traveller. It inhabits northern Cali- 
fornia, and flourishes in the open border of our gardens 
during summer, as well as any other species even in as 
northern a latitude as that of Glasgow. Our Botanic Gar- 
den owes the possession of it to the Horticultural Society, 
which has been the means of adding so many truly orna- 
mental plants to our collections from the North-West coast 
of America. It flowers in July and August, and bids fair __ 
VOL. VIII. i 3 


to ripen its seeds with us, by which, or by cuttings, it may 
be readily increased. 

Descr. Whole plant pubescent and viscid. Stem and 
branches rounded, green. Leaves an inch to an inch and a 
half long, ovato-acuminate, rarely approaching to oblong, 
with five to seven nerves, the lower ones dentate: all of 
them sessile, paler beneath. Calyx often tinged with brown, 
the teeth nearly equal, the angles much less acute than in 
M. luteus. Corolla beautiful rose-colour: tube longer than 
the calyx, pale beneath ; segments of the limb broadly ob- 
long, obtuse or retuse, nearly equal, the base deeper red, 
forming a sort of ring around the mouth, except on the 
lower side, where are two elevated, longitudinal, yellow, 
hairy lines. Stamens and Style as in M. luteus, and shorter 
than the tube of the corolla. 


aig ‘ ; 
Pub by § Curtis Glazenweed E55 or 



Sitpnium PERFOLIAT Me Perrouatep 
Class and Order. 

SyNGENESIA Potyeamia NeceEssAriA. 
( Nat. Ord.—Composira. ) 

Generic Character. 

Receptaculum paleaceum. Pappus marginato-bicornis. 
Cal. squamosus. : 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Sinpuium * perfoliatum ; foliis oppositis deltoideis petiolatis 
perfoliatis, caule tetragono levi, achenio breviter bi- 
dentato. . ee 

Sitpuium perfoliatum. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1301. Willd. Sp. — 
Pl. v. 3. p. 2331. Pursh, Fl. Am. v. 2. p. 377. Elliott, 
Carol. v. 2. p. 464. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 630. 

The Genus S1ipuium contains fourteen or fifteen species, — 
mostly of a stately character, all inhabitants of North Ame-_ 
rica and in general confined to the Southern States. Very 
few of them are yet figured, and the greater part of them 
are scarcely known to the European Botanists, save through 
the short and imperfect descriptions of WittpEnow and 
Pursu. The es is indeed a Linnean plant, and 
together with the S. connatum and S. laciniatum may be 
reckoned among the tallest of the Composirz which inhabit 
the Prairies of the Southern United States. They are how- 
ever, perfectly hardy in our climate, even in Scotland, flow- 

* From Silphi, or Serphi, a name said to be given to a plant in Africa 
which yielded the Laser of the Romans, a kind of gum, but which seems 
to have no connection with the present Genus. 

ering during the months of July and August. S. perfolia- 
tum extends from Pennsylvania to Carolina. ‘The roots 
from which our plants were raised were sent from Georgia 
by Dr. Wray. 

Descr. Root perennial. Stem herbaceous, six to eight 
feet high, branched, glabrous, four-angled, angles obtuse. 
Leaves ample, rough, deltoid, sinuato-dentate, petiolate, 
opposite, the petioles connate, upper leaves broadly ovate, 
scarcely toothed, sessile and connate, concave. Peduncles 
rounded, glabrous, generally in threes from the ultimate 
pair of leaflets, of which the middle one is single-flowered 
and naked, the lateral ones two or three-flowered, with a 
pair of small connate leaves. Flowers very large, yellow. 
Involucre \eafly, the scales or leaflets squarrose, gradually 
smaller within, and insensibly becoming narrow, linear, 
chaffy scales to the florets. Florets of the ray about twenty- 
five to twenty-eight, fertile, in four rows. Achenia com- 
pressed and winged, the innermost ones nof bidentate : 
outer broader and with two short teeth. Florets of the 
centre with a long, cylindrical, abortive germen. Anther 
dark brown. Stigma yellow, linear-filiform, glandular. 

Fig. 1. Inner Floret of the Ray. 2. Achenium of an outer Floret. 3. 
Ditto of the Disk: magnified. 


z ae 
Wik deét 


Pub by £ Cut Glas corned. eae 4 ed TI, SIF. SwanSe 

( 3355 ) | 


Class and Order. 

SyncEnesiA PotyeamiA NEcEsSARIA. 
( Nat. Ord.—Composirz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Receptaculum paleaceum. Pappus marginato-bicornis. 
Cal. squarrosus. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Sitpurum trifoliatum ; caulibus angulatis glabris, foliis ter- 
natim quaternatim verticillatis lato-lanceolatis denta- 
tis, panicula di- trichotoma. 

Sitpuio trifoliatum. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1302. Willd. Sp. 
Pl. v. 3. p. 2332. Pursh, Fl. Am. v. 2. p. 378. Eilli- 
ott, Carol. v. 2. p. 467. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. 
p. 630. 

Sipniuo ternifolium. Mich. Am. v. 2. p. 146. 

A native of Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia, and received 
at the Glasgow Botanic Garden (along with the preceding — 
species S. perfoliatum) from Dr. Wray. It flowers at the 
same season, but is a less showy plant, having smaller and 
paler coloured flowers, and leaves more resembling those of 
several species of Sun-flower. 

- Descr. Stem arising from a perennial root, erect, five to 
six feet high, purplish, smooth, angled, panicled above. 
Leaves mostly verticillate, spreading, three or four together, 
the lower ones often alternate, all of them scabrous, especi- 
ally above, broadly lanceolate, toothed. Panicle branched 
in a di- or trichotomous manner, glabrous, with small leaves 


at the forkings. Flowers large, rather pale yellow. Invo- 
lucre squarrose, the outer scales large, very leafy. Corol- 
las of the ray about eighteen, bearing achenia, which are 
compressed, margined with a broad wing, and distinctly 

Fig. 1. Achenium: magnified. 

pb ~ 



nn of 

‘ - oO. 7 
zenwood Essex OvtT 7 IS3# Swain sé 

| C3356) | 
Class and Order. 

IcosAanpRIA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Myrraces. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calycis tubus turbinatus basi attenuatus, fauce ultra ova- 
rium producta dilatata obovata, limbo 4-fido, lobis subro- 
tundis. Petala 4 apici faucis inserta, lata concava obtusa. 
Stamina numerosissima petalis longiora libera stricta. Sty- 
lus filiformis. Stigma simplex acutiusculum. Ovarium 
pluriloculare multiovulatum, Fructus 1—2-spermus ca- 
lyce ampliato et baccato grumoso-carnosus, apice umbilica- 
tus. Semen angulatum, cotyledonibus carnoso-corneis 
crassis marginibus conferruminatis, radicula subcylindrica 
intra cotyledones latente. DC. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

JampBosa* vulgaris; racemis cymosis terminalibus, foltis 
angusto-lanceolatis basi attenuatis apice acuminatis. 

Jamposa vulgaris. D C. Prodr. v. 3. p. 286. 

Myrrus Jambos. Kunth.—Spr. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 485. 

Kueentra Jambos. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 672. (excl. syn. 
Rumph.) Mart. Mill. Dict. No. I. Sims Bot. Mag. t. 
1696 (where a flowering specimen is alone represented). 

Matacca-Scuampn. MWRheed. Hort. Mal. v. 1. t. 17. 

JamBoetro. Lusit. 

The Rose-Apple, a native of the East Indies, is one of the 
commonest garden-trees of Madeira: but there is scarcely 
another that combines so eminently the beauties of flower, 


* From the Indian name Jamboo, or Schamber. 

fruit, and foliage. The delicate white tassel-like bunches 
of flowers, contrasting with the thick, dark foliage, enliven 
the trees from February to July or August, when the fruit is 
principally in season. The fullest bloom, however, is in 
March or April; and just after this, the trees are beautifully 
enriched by the fine cinnamon-coloured or reddish young 
leaves or shoots. Nothing can exceed the loveliness and 
delicate appearance of the fruit ; its rich clusters half hidden 
by the ack thick tufts of foliage, which clothe the outer 
branches: but though one or two may be eaten with some 
relish, the over-powering perfume and taste of rose-water, 
together with the want of juice or dryness, render it gene- 
rally unpalatable ; and it is entirely excluded, except to 
satisfy occasional curiosity, from the table or dessert. It is 
produced in the greatest profusion, but used for no other 
purpose than sometimes to feed the pigs, which eat it 

This tree, by its thick, evergreen foliage, is admirably 
adapted for a screen to exclude buildings, or for shelter. 
It also is of rapid growth, and extremely tractable, bearing 
lopping well, or heading down to any height ; and produces 
its flowers at all ages or sizes, whether as a tree or bush. 

The drawing of my friend Miss Youne transcends all 
praise ; whether as a most happy illustration of character 
and habit, or as a truly artist-like production in its painting, 
grouping, and arrangement. 

Descr. A handsome evergreen tree, from twenty to 
thirty or forty feet high, with a bushy but not close head of 
shinmg, fine dark green foliage: quite smooth in all its 
parts. Bark of the stem and branches cracked, but clean 
and even ; reddish-brown. The stem rarely exceeds nine 
inches or a foot in diameter, Branches not much spread- 
ing, densely leafy towards the ends: the ultimate ones 
drooping from the weight of the fruit and flowers : all 
round, smooth and even. Leaves opposite, lanceolate, six 
or eight inches long, and one and a half or two broad, 

attenuated at the base, gradually acuminate at the apex, 

coriaceous, firm, and stiffish, rather faintly veined and punc- 
tate, dark shining green above, paler aur opaque beneath ; 

€ young ones and shoots of a bright cianamon-red : Peti- 
oles short, stout, channelled, not above a quarter of an 
inch long. Flowers large, handsome, very pale yellowish 
or greenish white, with a slight fragrance of Primroses or 

wslips : generally in terminal, small, close, short cymes 
or bunches ; occasionally lateral, from the axils towards the 


ends of the branches. Peduncles either simple, bifid, or 
trifid ; usually the latter ; placed cross-ways (cruciate), and 
at nearly right or wide angles with the branch ; very rarely 
more than once compound : the pedicels divaricate, stout, 
round, smooth and shining, jointed at the top. Flower- 
buds inversely pear-shaped, hard, firm, purplish-red 
below, the imbricate sepals green, Sepals four, patent, 
concave, transversely oval ; permanent as a crown to the 
fruit, and then erect and connivent. Petals greenish or 
white, much larger than the sepals, round, very concave, 
erecto-patent, deciduous, with the very numerous stamens, 
which are curiously subspirally involute, as if in four sets, in 
the buds. Filaments long, (the outer ones an inch anda 
half,) white, with a very pale primrose or greenish-yellow 
tinge becoming deeper by age; the innermost gradually 
shorter ; seated on a raised, prominent, suboctagonal ring 
at the base of the sepals. Anthers very small, oblong, 
yellowish-white. Style longer than the stamens, white, 
subulate, simple, persistent. A naked, hollow, cup-shaped 
square, or four-sided space surrounds its base, within the 
raised, staminiferous ring ; but I have never seen the fila- — 
ments exposing this, as figured in the Botanical Magazine, 
unless when part of them had fallen. On the contrary, 
they quite conceal the whole centre of the flower ; incury- 
ing rather, and becoming denser towards the style. ‘They 
retain something of a spiral tendency, acquired in the 
bud, for some time after full expansion. Ovary uniformly 
two-celled, containing numerous angular, narrow-oblong 
ovules, attached by one end to a placenta, prominent into 
each cell from the central axis or dissepiment. Fruita sub- 
globose, one-celled, rather dry, smooth, drupe-like berry, 
approaching always more or less to pear-shaped ; about an 
inch in diameter, crowned by the persistent calyx, and um- 
bilicate at top ; ofa delicate pale ochre-yellow, suffused more 
or less on one side with rose colour, and with a very power- 
ful smell and taste of rose-water ; the flesh about two lines 
thick, sweet, but somewhat dry and mealy, or rather gru- 
mose. A large cavity inside of one cell, with merely traces 
of the obliterated dissepiment, containing from one to three 
large brown seeds, loose and rattling within the cavity. 
When there is only one seed, it is the size of a marble, 
subglobose, but a little flattened on one side. When there 
are two or three, they are irregularly flattened by com- 

pression, and smaller; one however being always the 

largest. Testa brown, crustaceous, easily shelling off. Co- 
tyledons from two to four or even five or six ; usually two or 
three ; large, bright green, punctate, of very irregular, un- 
equal shape and size ; the external surface rounded ; inner 
angular. Rev. J. T. Lowe. 


Fig. 1. Transverse Section of the Ovary: magnified. 2. A Seed, with 

of the Testa removed, showing the four Cotyledons. 3. Two of the 
Cotyledons separated with the Plumule: all but fig. 1. the naé. size. 


WISE dott 

Lub by 8 Curtis Glazenwood Kssea O01 1834 Prous 

~( 3357 =) Bi 


Class and Order. 

Potyanpria Monoeynia. 

( Nat. Ord.—Porrutacez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. persistens, bipartitus, sepalis subrotundo -ovatis. 
Pet. 3—5 hypogyna aut imo calyci inserta, libera aut ima 
basi subconnata, equalia. Stam.4—15 toro vel basi peta- 
lorum inserta, libera, petalis sepe alterna. Stylus 1 brevis- 
simus apice tripartitus, lobulis in stigma clavato-capitatum 
collectis. Capsula oblongo-elliptica, 1-locularis, 3-valvis, 
polysperma. Semina placentz centrali funiculis capillari- 
bus adnexa.—Herbe succulente glabre Americane habitu 
Samoli. Folia integerrima radicalia aut alterna. Pedicelli 
1-flori axillares aut oppositifolii. D C. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Catanprinia * discolor ; caule suffruticoso tereti, foliis spa- 
thulato-lanceolatis acutis carnosis discoloribus supra 
glaucis subtus purpureo-rubris, racemis compositis ter- 
minalibus, calycibus muculatis. 

Catanprini discolor. Hort. Goett. 

Among many other novel plants which adorned the Glas- 
gow Botanic Garden in the year 1824, three species of 
CaLanpRrInIA were not amongst the least beautiful, C. gran- 
diflora of Dr. Linptey, which we received from the Horti- 
cultural Society of London ; C. speciosa, for which we are 


* In honor of I. C. CALANDRINI, an Italian Botanist. 

indebted to Messrs. Youne of Epsom; and C. discolor, from 
Mr. Fiscuer’s collection at Gottingen, the subject of the 
present plate. I regret that of the two last I am ignorant 
of their native country: but if we may judge from their 
general affinity with the C. grandiflora, they are from Chili. 
Similar, however, as they are in aspect, they are totally 
different as species. They succeed well, treated as green- 
house plants, or better still if planted during the summer 
months in the open border, where both the flowers and 
foliage attain a larger size and a brighter hue. Flowering 
season July and August. 

Descr. Stem sufiruticose, succulent, much branched, 
flexuose, marked with the scars arising from the falling of 
the old leaves. Leaves mostly confined to the extremity, 
or near the oy of the branches, lanceolato-spathu- 
late, acute, frequently recurved, succulent, of a glaucous © 
green on the upper surface, purplish-red beneath. Racemes 
terminal from the apex of the branches, long ; pedicels com- 
pound, deflexed before and after flowering. Flowers large, 
twice the size of those of C. grandiflora. Calyx of two, con- 
cave, ovate, green leaves, spotted with black. Petals very 
large, obcordate, bright rose colour. Stamens 25—30. Fi- 
laments red, slightly downy. Anthers red-brown. Pollen- 
orange. Germen broadly ovate, green: Style thickened, 

cially upwards. Stigma of three flattened lobes, 

Fig. 1. Stamens. 2. Pistil: magnified. 

FSH dett 

Pub. by S.Curtis Glazenwoed Essex. 0cé°I8S+4. Swan Sf 

(. 3358) 


ne eee ee ee 
Class and Order. 

Potyeami1a Monaccia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Lereuminos.. ) 

Generic Character. 

Flores polygami. Cal.4—5-dentatus. Pet. 4—5, nune 
libera, nunc in corollam 4—5-fidam coalita. Stam. nu- 
mero varia 1O—200. Legumen continuum exsuccum bi- 

valve. DC. 

Specific Character. 

Acacia brevipes ; stipulis acuminatis minutis deciduis, phyl- 
lodiis lanceolato-oblongis vel sepé elongato-lan-— 
ceolatis falcatis striatis plerumque trinerviis glabris, 
margine antico ad basin attenuatam uniglanduloso, 
capitulis solitariis axillaribus brevissimé pedicellatis, 
pedicellis phyllodiisque junioribus cinereo-furfuraceis,. 
floribus quinquepartitis, staminibus stylo brevioribus. 
All. Cunn. 

The specimens from which our drawing was made, were 
obligingly communicated to us last year, by Mr. Arron, 
from the Royal Gardens at Kew, where this previously 
unnoticed species, which appears closely allied to A. mul- 
tinervia, D C., has been cultivated for upwards of twenty 
years. It is said to be a native of New South Wales ; and 
at Kew, where it is treated as a hardy conservatory plant, 
it usually flowers in the earlier months of the year, when 
its numerous congeners, under similar care in the King’s 
Gardens, are also induced by the return of spring, to put 
forth their more abundant, and, in most examples, gayer, 
and more attractive blossoms. 7 


Descr. A shrub, of rather robust growth, with erect, 
subangular, smooth branches. Phyllodia lanceolate-ob- 
long, and frequently of a narrow, lanceolate outline, from 
four to six inches in length, falcate, striate, with several 
(more usually three) well-marked nerves, extending 
throughout their whole length, tapering to the base, near 
which, the upper margin is furnished with an oblong gland ; 
the base itself being swollen and articulated. Peduncle 
very short, solitary, axillary, bearing a pale-yellow head of 
flowers, and with the younger phyllodia clothed with a 
grey scale-like process. Calyx five-cleft, each segment 
obtuse, ciliated. Corolla of five petals, each oblong-ovate, 
bluntish, erect. Stamens many, much shorter than the 

Fig. 1. Flower :—magnified. 

MR. Lf del® 

ee y 2 . 
Lub, by 3S. Curtis, Claxenweod Hesew, Oct” 7 1839 

( 3359 ) 

SSI Se Si Se 
Class and Order. 

GynanpRIA Monanpria. 
( Nat. Ord.—Orcnipea. Div. Vanvem. Linn. ) 

Generic Character. 

Perianthium membranaceum, patentissimum v. reflexum. 
Sepala libera, subundulata mole sua ruentia. Petala con- 
formia angustiora. Labellum liberum, anticum, ecalcara- 
tum, carnosum, utrinque cornutum : dimidio superiore (epi- 
chilio) convexo, inferiore (hypochilio) excavato. Coluz 
longissima, petaloideo -marginata. Anthera bilocularis, 
Pollinia 2, elongata, fissa, caudicula quam glandula biloba 
stipitata breviora.—Epiphyte pseudo-bulbose. Folia pli- 
cata. Scapi radicales, vaginati, pauciflori. Flores max- 
imi, magis minusve maculati. Lindl. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Srannorea eburnea ; labello oblongo non medio constricto, 
hypochilio pone basi bicorni, epichilio ovato-oblongo 
obtuso, metachilio duplo longiori solido plano-con- 
vexo antice truncato bidentato, scapo pendulo bifloro 
petalis duplo longiori. Lindl. 

Srannopea eburnea. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1529. 

A no less peculiar, though far less beautiful plant than 
STANHOPEA insignis, figured at t. 2948 of the present work. 
It is a native of Brazil, a country pre-eminently rich in the 
tribe of Orcuipex. Our figure was taken from a remarkably 
fine specimen communicated in August 1833, by the Messrs. 
Sueruerps of Liverpool. 

Descr. Bulb ovato-conical, dark green, furrowed, clothed 
with ragged and anastomosing brown scales, and terminated 


bya single, large, elliptical, acute, waved, and strongly- 
striated leaf. From the very base of the bulb descends a 
scape, sheathed with membranous bracteas, and bearing two 
large flowers. Perianth of an uniform ivory-white. Lip 
white, thick and fleshy, marked below, in front, with reddish- 
purple blotches. Column directed downwards, very long, 
semicylindrical, pale green, with a broad, membranous 
wing towards the extremity, remaining perfect some time 
after the decay of the perianth. Aniher hemispherical. 
Pollen-Masses club-shaped : gland cordate. Germen very 
long, clavato-cylindrical, furrowed. 

Fig. 1. Upper portion of a Column, from which the Anther-case has been 
removed. 2. Anther-case. 3. Pollen-Masses. 4. Young Fruit with the 
withered Perianth: magnified. 


M Young dd? Pub by § Curls Clazenwood Hover Niv" /183F i Swarr Se 

( 3360 ) 

ERtopENDRON ANFRACTUosUM, (. Caribeum. Frvz- 
STAMENED SILK-Corron TreE; Caribean var. — 

Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Bompaceaz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx nudus obtuse 5-lobatus. Petala 5 inter se et cum 
staminum columna connexa. Stfamina filamenta basi in 
tubum brevem coalita, apice pentadelpha, adelphiis ad 
summum connexis filiformibus apice antheras 2—3 ge- 
rentes lineares aut anfractuosas et antheram unicam simu- 
lantes, | 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

ERiopEnDRON anfractuosum ; antheris anfractuosis, foliolis 
integris, caudice sepius aculeato. 

Eriopenpron anfractuosum. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 479. 

Bompax pentandrum. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 959. Cav. Diss. v. 
5. p. 293. t. 151. 

Bompax occidentale. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 124. 

(«.) Indicum, floribus intus flavescentibus. Rheede Hort. 
Malab. v. 3. t.49—51. Rumph. Amboyn. v. 1. t. 80. 

(8.) Caribeum; floribus fauce purpureis. Jacg. Amer. 191. 
t. 176. f. 70. ‘Tab. nostr. 3360. 

(y.) Africanum. Brown Congo. p. 10. 

An elegant as well as singular looking tree, of which the present vari- 
ety is a native of the West Indies, but cultivated in Madeira, where it 
rises with a clear, straight, slender stem to a considerable height, and then 
throws out somewhat distant, spreading, or nearly horizontal branches, 
“Swhich, like the stem in young trees, are covered with a shining, smooth, 
green bark: this, however, soon becomes grayish, and almost hidden by 
very large and remarkable, woody, or rather corky inside, sharp, conical, 
brown, usually straight prickles, which on the stem are much the size 
and shape of an extinguisher, presenting a most formidable and peculiar 
appearance. Occasionally they are bifid, or even three to six-cleft at 
the point. They become smaller and rarer on the branches ; and on the 



ultimate fresh shoots are either distant, feeble, small, or altogether 

Whole plant smooth, except parts of the flower. Leaves palmate, 
deciduous; but the trees are scarcely or for a very short time quite bare, 
when the flower-buds appear simultaneously with the young leaves, 
which are of a beautiful, delicate, light green, often tinged with cinna- 
mon-red. This happens in November or December at Madeira. Sit- 
pules narrow, small, linear-acuminate, patent or reflexed, deciduous. 
Petioles two to four inches long, often purplish or red; upwards round, 
not channelled; swollen at the base. Leaflets from five to seven, 
generally seven, oblongo-lanceolate, with a fine, withered, acuminate 
point ; very smooth and shining above; opaque and paler, with a faint 
bluish tinge beneath, and a yellow, prominent midrib ; a little inclined to 
coriaceous: the middle one largest, two to three inches long and one 
broad. Petiolules short, reddish, channelled above. Flowers for the most 
part axillary towards the ends of the branches ; either solitary or two or 
even three together in a short kind of panicle, about the size of those of 
the Tulip-Tree, (Lirtopenpron tulipifera, L.,) conspicuous, hand- 
some, and with a delightful but very evanescent fragrance of primroses 
(Primvuta acaulis, L.); abounding with honey. Pedicel thick, firm, 
erect, round, often reddish. Bracteole beneath the calyx deciduous. 
Calyx turbinato-cylindrick, splitting down a little way irregularly into 
five short, ovate, unequal segments: the outside perfectly smooth 
and shining green; inside whitish and beautifully sattiny. Before ex- 
pansion the calyx resembles a young green fruit rather than a flower- 
bud. Petals five, remarkably flaccid, reflexed very soon after expan- 
sion, and drooping over the calyx as if withered, oblongo-clavate, two 
inches long ; of a delicate pale primrose or cream colour, with the part 
a little above their base or claw of a deep purplish-red, spreading in 
Streaks more or less, chiefly on one side towards their middle: the 
outside densely clothed with a loose, shaggy coat of soft shining, silky, 
fleecy hairs; inside quite smooth, and shining as if varnished. Fila- 
ments five, united half-way up round the germen and style into a tube 
or erect hollow column, which forms a swelling kind of knot covered 
with reddish, short, woolly hairs, apparently closing the throat of the 
flower: above as well as below this knot, the column is perfectly 
smooth, separating about half-way up into five erect or erecto-patent, 
antheriferous branches, or distinct filaments ; each of which is channelled 
on the outside or beneath, and bears at its end a pair of erect, simple, 
parallel, linear, subsinuate anthers, forming apparently a single, large, 
ovate-oblong one. Column and filaments pale primrose or cream colour. 
Pollen and Anthers the same. Style round, long, slender, white, smooth, 
about the length of the stamens, tipped at the end by the small, five- 
lobed, crimson, subcapitate stigma. Germen enclosed. in the base of 
the tube or column formed by the filaments, white or pale green, smooth, 
shining, sessile, half-ovate, five-celled, each cell containing many ovules. 
The cup-like base of the flower is half filled with honey, bathing the. 
base of the column and petals. 

Miss Young, to whose admirable pencil I am indebted for a most 
beautiful delineation of this plant in all its parts, except the fruit, has. 
observed that the purple stain prevails in greater intensity and extent 
_ on the same side of every petal in the same flower; but in different 
_ flowers does not uniformly keep to the same side; though still by far 

most commonly to that here figured. Rev. R. 7. Lowe, > 

Pub. by S Curtis Glaxenw ood Ersex Nov? LU34. 

( 3361 ) 

GEnorueraA Drummonpir. Mr. Drum- | 

Class and Order. . 

OcranpriA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Onaerariz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx 4-sepalus, sepalis coalitis in tubum longum tetra- 
gonum vel octo-costatum, limbo parteque tubi post anthe- 
sin caduco. Petala 4. Stamina 8, erecta vel declinata, 
polline triangulari viscoso. Stigma 4-fidum vel spliericum. — 
Capsula oblongo-linearis, obtuse tetragona vel obovato- 
clavata, 4-locularis, 4-valvis, polysperma, cum basi calycis _ 
coalita.—Herbe vel Suffrutices. Folia alterna, sepius den- 
tata, laciniata vel pinnatifida. Flores axillares solitarit aut 
terminales spicati. Corolla flava, rarius aurantiaca aut 

Specific Name and Character. 

(Enornera Drummondi ; pubescenti-mollis procumbens, 
staminibus subdeclinatis, foliis oblongo-ellipticis ob- 
tusiusculis sinuato-dentatis inferioribus in petiolum 
attenuatis, floribus axillaribus, petalis magnis luteis, 
capsulis (immaturis) cylindraceis striatis pubescenti- 

The indefatigable Drummonp, the Assistant-Naturalist 
in Capt. Sir Joun Franxwin’s over-land expedition, bids 
fair to make as valuable Botanical collections in the ex- 
treme Southern territories of the United States, as he did in 
the British Possessions of North America. From Louis- 
iana, whence among other interesting plants he has added 
to our gardens the rare Nurratiia Papaver and Sarracenia 
psittacina, he has entered the province of Texas, and from 


the embouchure of the Rio Brazos and from San Felippe 
de Austin in the interior, he has sent very valuable de- 
spatches both of the animal and vegetable productions. 
The present is one of two Ginorueras, of which seeds were 
transmitted from Brazosia, both of which have flowered 
copiously in the Glasgow Botanic Garden, during the 
months of August and September. In size and colour, 
the blossom vies. with those of GinoTHERA macrocarpa, 
Missouriensis, and grandiflora, but in other respects differs 
considerably from them and from every other with which 
we have had an opportunity of comparing it. It flourishes 
in the open air though a native of Texas. 

Descr. Stem decumbent, branched, succulent, soft with 
down as is the whole foliage, ten or twelve inches long in 
the wild specimens, attaining to a foot and a half or two 
feet in cultivation. Leaves three to five inches in length, 
elliptical, oblong, the upper ones obscurely toothed and 
sessile ; the lower sinuato-dentate, tapering at the base, so 
that thev may be reckoned petiolated. From the axil of 
each of “e leaves, a solitary large flower appears, destitute 
of fragrance. Peduncle short. Calyx often split into four 
segments and reflexed. Petals large, bright yellow, broadly 
rotundato-cordate, very patent. The young fruit is nearly 
cylindrical, striated, downy, scarcely more than an inch 
long, and but little thicker than the peduncle. 

Fig. 1. Lower portion of a stem with young Fruit : nat. size. 

33 62 + 

WL Hide 

Pub, by SCurtis. Hazenwood Reser Nv? 7 19.44 

‘ r 
fl : Svan SO. ‘ 

soe ee 

( 3362 ) 


Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Passirtorez. Tribe, MALESHERBIACER. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx persistens, tubulosus, membranaceus, inflatus, 10- 
nervius, lobis 10 duplici ordine dispositis, per estivationem 
imbricatis, fauce in coronam 10-dentatam producta. Sta- 
mina 5 exserta. Anthere incumbenti-erecte. Ovarium 
stipitatum 1-loculare. Styli 3 longissimi, infra _apicem 
ovarii orti. Stigmata clavata.. Capsula trigona. Placente 
3 parieti capsule infra dehiscentie# locum inserte. Semina 
strophiola fungosa donata. Albumen carnosum. Embryo 
teres. Cotyledones orbiculate crasse.—Plante pubescentes 
ramose basi suffrutescentes. Folia alterna simplicia. Flores 
lutei. D C. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Maxesuersia* linearifolia; pubescenti- glandulosa, foliis 
linearibus dentatis basi stipulatis, stipulis tripartitis, 
calycis fauce dilatata, ovario subgloboso. 

Matesuersia linearifolia. Poir. in Encycl. Bot. Suppl. v. 
3. p. 581. 

oar ore paniculata. Don in Ed. Phil. Journ. 1827, 
p- : a 

Gynoptevra linearifolia. Cav. Ic. v. 4. p. 52. t. 376. Spr. 
Syst. Veg. v. 1. p. 947. 

Matesuersia coronata. Don in Sw. Br. Fl. Gard. t. 167. 

The present is one of the many interesting Chilian 
Genera for which our gardens are indebted to Mr. Cumine. 

* In honour of LaMoicNon DE MALESHERBES, an illustrious French 
patriot and agriculturist. 

It flowered in the Glasgow Botanic Garden, where it is 
treated as a greenhouse plant, in the month of September 
of the present year (1834). It has a very extensive range 
in its native country among the Andes of Chili, and appears 
to be liable to considerable variation, especially in the con- 
figuration of the corona. 

Descr. Stem annual (?) a foot or a foot and a half high, 
in our specimens panicled above, clothed, as is every part 
of the herbage, with glandular pubescence. Leaves about 
two or three inches long, linear, obtuse, toothed, recurved, 
having what appear to me a pair of tripartite stipules at the 
base, although authors characterize the foliage as exstipu- 
late. Panicle of several large, delicate, but not highly 
coloured flowers. Perianth greenish-purple, glandular, 
striated ; the tube elongated, dilated upwards ; the mouth 
crowned in our specimens with an interrupted, annular 
membrane ; the limb ten-cleft, spreading, of which the five 
outer segments, which alone seem to belong to the calyx, 
are ovate, the five inner ones or petals roundish-rhomboidal, 
subunguiculate, nerved, pale purplish-blue. Stamens and 
pistil stipitate. Filaments five, exserted. Anthers oblong, 
dark purple. Ovary 3—4-lobed, woolly, bearing a long, 
filiform style on the summit of each lobe. 


Fig. 1. Portion of the Stem and Leaf with Stipules: nat. size. 2. Portion — 
of the Perianth. 3. Stipitate Stamens and Pistil. 4, Germen with the 
bases of the Stamens and Style. Magnified. ; 



Pub by S.Curiue Clazenwoed Resex Nor? LIKE4. Swan Se 

: ( 3363 ) 
Mimvtus LuteEvs, var. Youngana. YELLow Cuirian 
Monkery-Friower; Mr. Youne’s variety. 

BO Ons oes Os so Oe 
Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Scrornvutarine. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. prismaticus 5-dentatus. Cor. subcampanulata, lim- 
bo 2, lobis subzqualibus. Stigma bilamellatum. Disse- 
pimenta lateribus placentifera. Spr. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Mimuxus luteus ; caule (erecto vel) decumbente glabro, 
foliis dentatis supra pubescentibus (v. glabris), superi- 
oribus sessilibus ovato-cordatis inferioribus petiolatis, 
pedunculis filiformibus folio longioribus, corolla calyce 
multoties majore, laciniis transversis, palato barbato. 

Mimvutus luteus. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 884. Spreng. Syst. 
Veget. v. 2. p. 799. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1030 (non 

- Bot. Mag.) 

Gratiota foliis subrotundis, &c. Feuill. Per. p. 745. t. 34. 

(a.) rivularis; caulescens, multiflorus. Lindl. l. c. cum Ic. 

(8.) alpinus ; subacaulis, uniflorus, foliis minoribus. Lindl. 
b. . 

(y.) vartegatus ; caule erecto, corolla pallide flava, segmen- 
tis omnibus purpureis. Hook. Bot. Mag. N. Ser. t. 
3336. Muimutus variegatus. Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1872. 

(.) Youngana; caule decumbente, corolla intense lutea 
limbi laciniis omnibus macula magna cruenta. (Tab. 
nostr. 3363.) 

We have before, at Tab. 3336, stated our opinion that 
the M. luteus is subject to much variation, especially in the 
markings of its flowers. The present is certainly among 


the most beautiful, having the corolla of a rich full yellow, 
and every segment marked with a large blotch of a rich 
red-brown inclining to blood colour. It is perfectly hardy, 
and flowers in July and August in the Glasgow Botanic 
Garden, where it was received from Mr. Loppices, under 
the name here adopted: We possess wild specimens of the 
same variety, from its native country Chili. 



Svan Se. 
Lub, by S. Curtis, Glaxenwood. Kesex Mov TTI 34, 

( 3364 ) 



Class and Order. 

OctTanpRIA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Onacrariz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calycis tubus basi ovario adherens, superne productus 
in tubum cylindraceum 4-lobum post anthesin articulatim 
deciduum. Petala 4, summo tubo imserta, lobis alterna, 
rarius 0. Stamina 8. Ovarium glandula urceolata coro- 
natum. Séylus filiformis. Stigma capitatum. Bacca ob- 
longo- aut ovato-globosa, 4-locularis, 4-valvis, polysperma. 
—Frutices. Folia sepius opposita. Pedicelli axillares 1- 
flori, interdum ad apices ramorum racemosi. Flores sepius 
nutantes, rubri rarius albi, interdum 5-fidi 10-andri. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Fucns1a globosa; foliis oppositis petiolatis ovatis acutis 
leviter dentatis glabris, floribus axillaribus pendulis, 
limbo alabastri globoso floris aperti connivente, pe- — 
talis erectis convolutis duplo brevioribus. Lindl. 

Fucusia globosa. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1556. 

This beautiful Fucusra was first published by Dr. Linn- 
LEY, who says of it, that its origin is unknown, and that 
the first specimen he saw was exhibited in March, 1832, at 
the Horticultural Society of London by Mr. Dennis of 
Chelsea ; it was about two feet high, had been skilfully 
trained in a fan shape upon a small trellis, and produced 
a very beautiful effect. 

It is of more humble growth and has more trailing 
branches than any of the species with which we are ac- 


quainted of the same section ; yet except in the very glo- 
bose figure of the flower in the state of bud and the 
« balloon appearance” of the same when fully expanded, 
it would be difficult to point out characters by which it 
may be distinguished from its allies, especially the F. gra- 
cilis of Linp.ey and our gardens: and Mr. Don is probably 
correct in making it a variety of F. macrostemma of Ruiz 
and Pavon, to which he also unites as other varieties, F. 
conica, Linpu. Bot. Reg. t. 1556; F. gracilis, Linpt. Bot. 
Reg. t. 847; and F. decussata, Granam (and Sims in Bot. 
Mag. t. 216). Our present plant Mr. Don considers to be 
wholly a production of the gardens. 

", Y mt J “ ~~ 2 be 
Wh Sura Gai enwead Bes Mov LIAS Suan se 


coLouRED SapicLossis: painted var. 
Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Bienontacez.—Soranex. Sweet. ) | 

Generic Character. 

Cal. 5-fidus, subinequalis. Cor. infundibuliformis, lim- 
bo 5-lobo. Filamentum quintum sterile. hs ay apice di- 

latatus. Capsula bilocularis, dissepimento valvis parallelo. 
Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Sapictossis * straminea ; glanduloso-viscida, stylo eden- 
tulo. , 

Saxrietossis straminea. Hook. Ex. Fl. t. 229. Sw. Br. 
Fl. Gard. t. 231. 

(8.) picta ; corollis pulcherrime violaceo-pictis. Tab. 

Satpicxossis picta. Sw. Br. Fl. Gard. t. 258. 

That the present very elegant plant is a mere variety of 
Sa.piciossis straminea, no one, I think, can reasonably 
entertain a doubt who has been in the habit of cultivating 
that variable plant and seen how much individuals raised 
from seed are liable to sport. Iam not at all satisfied that 
the S. atro-purpurea of my valued friend Dr. Granam 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2811) is specifically distinct from it: and these 
again scarcely differ from the original S. sinuata of Ruiz and 
Pavon, except in the absence of the tooth on the top of the 



* From cadmvyt, a trumpet, and yrweoa, a tongue, from the somewhat 
tubulat, yet tongue-shaped extremity of the style. 

style, and in colour. To the excellent description of Dr. 
Grauam above alluded to (t. 2811) I may refer for a full cha- . 
racter of this plant, save what concerns the colour of the’ 
corolla, which in our plant is straw-coloured, deep-yellow 
within, tinged with rose on the centre of the lobes, and 
beautifully marked, within and without, with deep red- 
purple veins. 

Mr. Netix first reared this very elegant variety in his 
choice and well-kept collection at Canon-Mills, near Edin- 
i and our specimen was from the open border of the 
garden of A. Boetz, Esq. of Gilmour Hill, near Glasgow, 
where the full-grown plants, two to three feet high, made 
a very handsome appearance. 



p> ¥ ~ 
y i 

Oy S. Curtis Glazenwood, hasex. Nov "718 FF Swan Se 


Acacia pLuMosA. Feratnery Acacia. 
Class and Order. 

Potyeamia Monczcia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Lereuminosz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Flores polygami. Calyx 4—5-dentatus. Petala 4—5, 
nune libera, nunc in corollam 4—5-fidam coalita. Stamina 
numero varia, 1O—200. Legumen continuum, D. C. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Acacia plumosa; aculeolata, aculeis sparsis minutis recur- 
vis, caule late diffuso scandente tereti, ramulis sulcatis. 
petiolis rachibusque subtus aspero-aculeolatis pubes- 
centibus, foliis 2-pinnatis, pinnis sub 18—20-jugis, — 
glandula inter 8—I1 ultima paria cylindrica et altera— 
supra basin petioli oblonga, foliolis sub 45—50-jugis — 
linearibus obtusiusculis minutis imbricatis glabrius- 
culis seu minutissime puberulis, spicis pedunculatis 
pluribus axillaribus in paniculam terminalem basi 
foliatam fulvo-velutino-villosam dispositis, legumin- 
ibus planis latis oblongis. Lowe. : 

Acacia scandens. Willd. Enum. p. 1057? De Cand. 
Prodr. v. 2. p. 465 ? 

Acacia pennata. Willd. Sp. Pl. v.4.p.1090? De Cand. 
Prodr. v. 2. p. AGA ? ; 

Mimosa pennata. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1507.? 

A most elegant climbing shrub, with long weak, diffuse, interweaving 
branches, clinging and supporting themselves’ by means of their very 
short, recurved, weak prickles, which are inconspicuous to the eye, 
though at once perceptible to the touch. The prickles are found ‘on 
every part of the plant, except the peduncles, and secondary rachises of 
the leaves: they are also generally worn off the old branches and 
stems. These, when old, are pale brown or gray, as well as smooth 
_ and round: but the young green ones are strongly sulcated and angular, 
and more or less pubescent with short, woolly, fulvous, glandular hairs, 
Foliage most delicate and lovely ; the leaves resembling gracefully cury- 
ed or drooping plumes of feathers; of a fine, bright, peculiar, yellow- 


ce Pex: 1. Side view of a single Flower, 


green, six or eight inches long, and two to four broad. Stipules very 
minute, narrow-ovate, erect, withering. S#ipells ovato-acuminate, per- 
manent. Petvoles geniculate at the base ; the part below the elbow two 
lines long, thickened and cylindrical; above, an inch long, angular and 
Slender, the upper-side channelled, with an oblong, hollow, boat-shaped 
gland a little above the elbow: copiously clothed with short, glandular, 
fulvous pubescence, and furnished with recurved, scattered prickles 
beneath, like the main rachis, which is elegantly curved. Secondary 
rachises similarly pubescent, but not prickly; one to two inches long, 
slightly curved, rarely fewer than eighteen, or more than twenty pair 
(except towards the end of the branches): from eight to eleven of the 
upper pairs have a small cylindrical, elevated, hollow, green gland at 
eir origin, on the main rachis. Leaflets very minute and delicate, 
apparently smooth and naked, but through the lens minutely and irre- 
gukarly puberulous, especially at the edges; very small, numerous, and 
close together, linear, rather obtuse, straight or nearly so, with the 
midrib almost central, scarcely two lines long, and only one-fifth as 
broad; from forty to fifty pair or thereabouts, They close up and lose 
all their beauty towards four or five o’clock in the afternoon. The 
sptkes (not heads) of flowers are short and oblong, pale ochre-yellow, 
produced four or five together from the axils of the upper leaves, which 
become less and less developed, towards the ends of the branches, so as 
to form a long irregular sort of terminal, leafy, compound, branched 
anicle; slightly fragrant. Pedicels half to three quarters of an inch 
fog: round, unarmed, densely fulvo-pubescent. Spikes oblong, abbre- 
viate, about half an inch long. Calyz very minutely pubescent; in 
five shallow segments like the corolla: both pale green. Stamens very 
numerous. -Anthers simple. Legume large, five to six inches long and 
one broad; flat and generally thin; to the naked eye smooth, but to the 
touch and through the lens very closely and minutely velutino-pube- 
‘Tulous ; dark reddish-brown, with paler veins branching off at right 
se eg with the sides, which are often somewhat sinuate : within one- 
celled and quite dry; truly that of our Acacta. It is usually blunt, 
with a short point at the apex, attenuated and stipitate at the base. 
Seeds numerous, (ten to twelve,) rather large, flattened but convex in the 
middle, oblong or oval, shining, dark brown, approaching to black ; the 
edges thin and darker than the raised middle ; about five lines long, and 
two to four broad. 
Though the flowers of this plant are not remarkably conspicuous, it is 

impossible to conceive any thing more graceful and elegant than the 
me — a eae or the extreme delicacy ns symmetry of 
its parts, € pod and seed are singularly large in proportion to the 
rest of the plant. Rev. R. 7 tee ae. as 

(My valued friend, Mr. Lows, does not give the native country of this 

lant, which is without doubt cultivated in Madeira, and would be a most 
esirable inmate of our stoves: nor does he make any remarks on the spe- 

pie ey waives Synon ya. Nor will I venture to offer an 
_ Opinion without an examination of original specimens. The accom in 
figure and full description of a beautifal Species of a most difficult Geta 
: cannot but be acceptable to our readers, D.] 


3 1 2. A Flower seen from beneath. 
9% A-Seed, nat. size. 4. Lower of a Leaf with Petiole. 5, Upper 
‘Part of the same. Fig. 1, 2, 4, and 5 more or less magnified. 

We Fitch det? 

Puch, by Si Curtis Gla xenwood Brecx Deo? 7 LE Ah 


( 3367 ) 

Class and Order. | 

( Nat. Ord.—Scroruutarinz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx membranaceus, coloratus, campanulatus, 5-fidus. 
Corolla: tubus anguloso-clavatus, interne pilis simplicibus 
reflexis, basi ubique, faucem versus 5-fariam vestitus ; lim- 
bus 5-partitus, segmenta subeequalia, erecta. Stamina didy- 
namia, rudimento quinti, erecta, apicibus simplicibus. Sty- 
lus sub stigmate rectus. 

Specific Name and Synonym. 

Ruopocuiron* volubile. Succarini. = 
Loryosrpermum Rhodochiton. Don in Sweet’s Brit. Fl. 
Gard. t. 250. 

This plant, a native of Mexico, was received at the Bo- 
tanic Garden, Edinburgh, from Mr. Low of Clapton, who 
had it from Berlin, and it has flowered very freely with us 
in the open border during September, and will no doubt 
continue to do so during October. It seems perfectly hardy, 
and is highly ornamental. I regret that 1 have not seen 
the original observations on the Genus by Zuccarint; but 
I cannot agree with Mr. Don in uniting it with Lopxo- 
sPERMUM ; though undoubtedly these Genera are very nearly 
allied. The following contrast shows the ground of this 

Ruopocaiton. Calyx membranous, five-cleft, campanulate, seg- 

ments connivent in the bud and long after. Corolla, tube clavato-cylin- 

* From pods, red, and xr», a garment ; I presume from the red colour 
of the enlarged calyx. 

drical, with distinct angles, hairs on the inside reflected, and occupying — 
the five angles; limb erect. Stamens subexserted, filaments nearly 
glabrous, erect, simple at the apex. Style scarcely deflected, straight 
below the stzgma. 

LoruosPermum. Calyx herbaceous, five-parted, segments promi- 
nent at the edges and spreading at the apices even in the youngest 
state of the bud. Corolla, tube campanulate, turgid below, hairs on the 
inside erect, and occupying two dense lines ; limb spreading. Stamens 
included, filaments deflected, glandular towards the anthers, with a tuber- 
cle or short blunt branch at the apex. Style deflected, bent to a right 
angle immediately below the stigma. 

Descr. Stems filiform, branched, twining, subcylindrical, firm, pur- 
ple, sparingly covered with minute, glandular hairs. Leaves (fully 
three inches long, nearly as much broad) alternate, petioled, rounded 
and cordate at the base, acuminate, lobed, dentate, strongly nerved, 
when young of a dark greenish purple, when older bright green above, 
below pale and at length with a purple tinge, sparingly covered with 
short, glandular pubescence on both surfaces; nerves prominent below, 
channelled above; Petioles about as long as the leaf beyond the sinus, 
twining, channelled above. Peduncles axillary, solitary, pendulous, 
filiform, purple, longer than the leaves, flexuose and spirally twisted, 
when young glanduloso-pubescent, afterwards nearly glabrous, shining. 
Flower-buds ovate. Flowers pendulous. Calyx (nearly one inch long, 
tather more across,) campanulate, spreading from the base, five-clett, 
shining, deep purple, reticulated, externally slightly glanduloso-pubescent, 
and afterwards nearly glabrous on the inner surface, pretty copiously 
covered with rather long, glandular pubescence ; lobes ovate, acute, in 
the bud closely imbricated, after expansion slightly connivent, and later 
Somewhat spreading at the apices. Corolla twice as long as the calyx, 

of much deeper, duller purple than it, covered externally with glandular 
pubescence ; tube clavato-cylindrical, unequally five-sided, dilated at its 
base where it encloses the germen, internally towards its base, uniformly 
and rather densely 'covered with blunt, white, inverted, simple pubes- 
cence, which higher in the tube is nearly confined to the longitudinal 
angles, corresponding to the external depressions, and is nearly want- 
ing on the uppermost of these ; Zim glabrous wit in, and externally less 
pubescent than the tube, of five, elliptical, blunt, erect lobes, of which 
two upper are rather the shortest and broadest, the lowest is nar- 
rowest and rather the longest. Stamens subequal, rather longer than 
the tube; filaments straight, purple, glabrous, shining and filiform 
above, near their base dilated somewhat and flattened, paler and covered 
with inverted hairs similar to those on the inside of the tube to which 
they adhere (at the same time becoming smooth) as it passes round the 
germen ; anthers smooth, dark violet-coloured, lobes elliptical, divari- 
cated, bursting along their outer edges ; pollen white, granules minute, 
oblong. There is a minute, abortive stamen between the bases of the 
two upper perfect ones. Stigma of two minute, erect, white lobes. 
filiform, scarcely deflected, rather longer than the stamens, gla- 
_  brous, or with a very few scattered hairs towards the base. Germen 
_ green, ovate, compressed, glanduloso-pubescent, placed obliquely upon 

= 8 smooth, fleshy disk. Ovules very numerous, globular, on podosperms 
as long asthemselves. Graham. 

= ‘Fig. 1. Corolla, removed from the Calyx. 2, Stamen. 3. Pistil. 


Swan Se. 

Curtis. Claznweocd BPssexr Deel 7] JP54 

buh by S 

HIE delt 

( 3368 ) reer 

GaILLARDIA BICOLOR, var. Drummondii. Two- | 
coLouRED Gar_iarp1A; Drummond’s var. 

Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord. —Composirz. ) 

Generic Character. 

Receptaculum paleaceum, hemisphericum. Pappus pa- 
leaceus. Involucrum imbricatum, planum, polyphyllum. 
Cor. radii trifidi. ; 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

GartarpiA bicolor. Lam. 

(a.) vulgaris ; radio elongato basi sanguineo. 

Gamuarpia bicolor. Lam. Encycl.v.2. p. 585. Ait. Hort. 
Kew. ed. 2. p. 129. Pursh, Fl. Am. 0. 2. p. 572. 
Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 1602. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1. 


(B.) ae - ; radio breviori, toto fere sanguineo. 
( Tab. nostr. 3368.) 

(y.) aristata ; radio elongato unicolori. ‘ 

Gaittarpia bicolor, var. Nutt. Gen. Am. v. 2. p. 175. 
Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 618. 

GaituarpiA aristata. Pursh, Fl. Am. v.2. p. 573. Lindl. 
Bot. Reg. t. 1186. Hooker, Bot. Mag.t.2940. Hooker, 
Fl. Bor. Am. ©. 2. p. 315. 

The very pretty Gartrarp1A here figured was raised in 
the Glasgow Botanic Garden, from seeds gathered by Mr. 
Drummonp at Rio Brazos, in Texas, in the autumn of 
1833. It retains all the character of the wild specimens 
sent by the same indefatigable collector, except that the 
plants are larger and the foliage coarser. But this foliage 
is very variable, entire or more or less toothed or incised, 


the lowermost and radical leaves pinnatifid, with a greater 
or less number of segments, and indeed quite similar to that 
of G. bicolor and G. aristata of authors. The flowers in- 
deed appear different from both of those; but this difference 
is more dependent on colour, than any thing, and an atten- 
tive examination of numerous specimens of all three, both 
cultivated and wild, have led me to the conclusion that they 
are in reality varieties of one and the same species, which 
has thus a most extensive range, from the Gulf of Mexico, 
in lat. 24° to the Saskatchewan in lat. 52°, and from the 
Atlantic Ocean to the Columbia. Our Texas plant has a 
shorter ray than the other varieties, but is chiefly distin- 
guished by the deep sanguineous colour of almost the 
whole of the ray of the flower, so that the tips alone are 
yellow. The florets of the disk are more inclined to pur- 
ple, especially at the extremity. 

The specimen, from which our drawing was made, pre- 
sented another remarkable feature, in the florets of the ray 
having, every one of them, a bilabiate corolla, the outer 
with three large teeth and five branching nerves, the inner 
much smaller, lanceolate, with three such nerves. Other 
specimens from the same root had the ray only partially of 
this character. 

Fig. 1. Floret of the Ray with a two-lipped Corolla. 2. Extremity of 
the Style. 3. Floret of the Disk. 4. Scale of the Pappus. 5. Small 
chaffy Scales of the Receptacle : magnified. 

VOLF ded? 

Pub by S.Cuxtes. Claceracovd Bisse Doe? - Ya Swan Se 

( 3369 ) 


Class and Order. 

PotyanpriA Monoeynta. 

( Nat. Ord.—Portutacez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Cal. persistens, bipartitus, sepalis subrotundo-ovatis. Pet. 
3—5 hypogyna aut ima calyci inserta, libera aut ima basi 
subconnata, equalia. Stam. 4—15 toro vel basi petalorum 
inserta, libera, petalis sepe alterna. Stylus 1 brevissimus 
apice tripartitus, lobulis in stigma clavato-capitatum col- 
lectis. Capsula oblongo-elliptica, 1-locularis, 3-valvis, po- 
lysperma. Semina placente centrali funiculis capillaribus 
adnexa.—Herbe succulente glabre Americane, habitu Sa- 
moli. Folia integerrima radicalia aut alterna. Pedicelli 
uniflori axillares aut oppositifol. D C. 

Specific Character and Synonym. 

Caxanprinia grandiflora ; caule suffruticoso, foliis carnosis 
rhomboideis acuminatis glaucis basi in petiolum atten- 
uatis, racemis terminalibus laxis simplicibus, calycibus 
maculatis. ; 

Caranprinia grandiflora. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1194. 

At t. 3357, we have given a figure of one of three beauti- 
ful and nearly allied Catanpriniz, which we mentioned as 
having been lately introduced to our gardens. The pre- 
sent is a second of these, and one that in the climate of 
Scotland at least flourishes during summer in the open 
border better than the discolor, throwing out many branches, 
each terminated by a long raceme, of which only one flower 

is open at a time, and when the flower is past, each seer 

cle is singularly reflexed, the persistent calyx closing over 
the ripening germen. 

Descr. The stem, though succulent, is somewhat shrub- 
by, rounded, and like every part of the plant quite gla- 
brous, the branches spreading, the younger ones green and 
glaucous. Leaves scattered, four or five inches long, glau- 
cous, fleshy, rhomboidal, tapering at the extremity into a 
peculiarly short point and at the base so much attenuated 
as to appear petiolated, of the same colour below as above. 
Racemes terminal, solitary upon each branch, undivided. 
Pedicels an inch and a half to two inches long, remote, 
subsecund, having two green and membranous, ovate 
bracteas at their base, erect in flower, afterwards reflexed. 
Calyx of two ovate, concave, green spotted with brown, 
membranaceous leaves or sepals. Corolla large, of five 
broadly obovate, almost obcordate petals, of a fine purple 
rose-colour. Stamens about thirty, hypogynous, purple. 
Germen broadly oyate, green ; Style purple. 


Pub by 8 Curtis Clarenweoed kisser Dee” Z I83¢ SwarSe, 

( 3370 ) 


Class and Order. 

Pentanpria Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Sotanez. ) 
Generic Character. 

Calyx tubulosus, 5-fidus. Corolla subhypocrateriformis 
tubo longissimo tenui ; limbo 5-lobo, plicato (sub-) zquali. 
Stamina 5, exserta. Filamenta inferne connata (an sem- 
per?). Anthere longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Stigma sub- 
infundibuliforme, bilobum (nobis laterale transverse ob- 
longum utrinque acuminatum recurvum). Capsula infundo 
calycis persistentis bilocularis, bivalvis; dissepimentum 
valvulis parallelum demum liberum ; placente dissepimento 
intime adnate.—Caules lignost aut herbacei, filiformes, 
procumbentes et sepe repentes. Folia sparsa, solitaria, in- 
terdum gemina, integra et integerrima. Flores extra-axil- 
lares aut oppositifoliz, solitarti, subsessiles, albt. Kunth. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

NieremeBereiA filicaulis; erecta glabra, ramis diffusis fili- 
formibus laciniis calycinisque lineari-acuminatis, fila- 
mentis pubescenti-glandulosis. 

Nieremeercia filicaulis. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1649. 

This is a remarkably pretty species of NreremBerera, 
flowering copiously during the summer months, in a cool 
part of the greenhouse. It is well named filicaulis by Dr. 
Lixp.ey, who suspected that the species was a native of Mex- 
ico: but the seeds of the plants raised in the Glasgow Bo- 
tanic Garden, were sent by Mr. T weenie from Buenos Ayres, 

along with dried specimens of the same species. The a 

rolla is liable to some variation in colour, from an almost 
pure white to a rose-purple. The eye, however, is always 
yellow with a radiating, deep purple ring. 

Descr. Stem a foot or more high, bearing copious, fili- 
form, spreading, glabrous branches. Leaves alternate, 
linear, or linear-lanceolate, somewhat acute, single-nerved, 
glabrous. Flowers numerous, both lateral, (axillary,) and 
terminal. Peduncles almost an inch long, slender. Calyx 
with the éwbe funnel-shaped, the limb of five rather long, 
linear-lanceolate, spreading segments. Tube of the Corolla 
scarcely an inch long, very slender, generally curved : limb 
large, very spreading, plaited and five-lobed. Filaments 
standing close together, and arising from the mouth of the 
tube, unequal, pubescenti-glandular. Anthers yellow, in 
part enclosed by the transverse stigma. 

Fig. 1. Portion of the Tube of the Corolla bearing the Stamens, the An- 
thers partly enclosed by the Stigma. 2, Portion of the Style and Stigma. 
3. Leaf: magnified. 



Pub. by 3 Curtis. Hazenwood Besex, Dec” 1 IG5#. Swen S 

( 3871 ) 


Class and Order. 

PentTanpriaA Monoeynia. 
( Nat. Ord.—Sotanez. ) 

Generic Character. 

Calyx tubulosus, 5-fidus. Corolla subhypocrateriformis, 
tubo longissimo tenui; limbo 5-lobo, plicato (sub-) zquali. 
Stamina 5, exserta. Filamenta inferne connata (an sem- 
per?). Anthere longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Stigma sub- 
infundibuliforme, bilobum, (nobis laterale, transverse ob- 
longum, utrinque acuminatum, recurvum). Capsula in fun- 
do calycis persistentis bilocularis, bivalvis : dissepimentum 
valvulis parallelam demum liberum ; placente dissepimento 
intima adnate.—Caules lignosi aut herbacei, filiformes, 
procumbentes et sepe repentes. Folia sparsa, solitaria, in- 
terdum gemina, integra et integerrima. Flores extra-axil- 
lares aut oppositifoli, solitarti, subsessiles, albi. Kunth. 

Specific Name and Character. 

NiEREMBERGIA calycina ; pubescenti- glandulosa, caulibus 
herbaceis procumbentibus, foliis oppositis alternisque 
obovatis petiolatis, pedunculis solitariis lateralibus 
(extra-alaribus), calycibus (magnis) campanulatis lobis 
obovatis foliaceis. 

This is another remarkable species of Nieremperesa, for 

a knowledge of which we are indebted to Mr. T'weepie, 
who discovered it on the Uraguay River, and who sent 
seeds to our gardens, and dried specimens to our collections. 
From the former plants were raised in the Glasgow Botanic 
Garden, where they flowered in a warm situation in the 

greenhouse in the months of September and October. Of 
all the species with which we are acquainted (and we pos- 
sess yet some undescribed ones gathered between Buenos 
Ayres and Mendoza) the present exhibits the longest tube 
to the flower, which appears the more remarkable from its 
arising from so broad a calyx. In the form of the leaves, 
the species comes nearest to the original N. repens, FI. 
Per., but the habit and the form of the calyx are extremely 
different in the two... 

Descr. The stems are decumbent and branched, scarcely 
woody, yet the plant promises to be of perennial duration, 
diffusely branched ; the branches pubescenti-glandular, as 
is the whole plant except the corolla. Leaves sometimes 
opposite, sometimes alternate, broadly obovate, entire, 
rather obtuse at the point, at the base tapering into a short 
footstalk. Peduncle \ateral upon the stem, not arising from 
an axil, short, single-flowered. Calyx large, campanulate, 
with five obovate, leafy lobes, each marked with a nerve in 
the centre. Corolla with a very slender tube, almost three 
inches long, yellowish, suddenly expanded at the summit 
into a rather large, broadly campanulate, five-lobed, white 
lunb, its base alone yellow. Stamens five, springing from 
the mouth of the tube, curved upwards, two a little longer 
than the rest, having their anthers lodged within the trans- 
verse, curved, green stigma. Our wild specimens differ 

In no respect from the cultivated ones, except in being 

ig. 1. Stamen, as situated with regard to the Style and Stigma: mag- 

Lied. by S. Curtis. Glaxenwooct Essex Doe?l W034. Swan Jo 

( 3372 ) 

“Class and Order. 

( Nat. Ord.—Composira. ) 

Generic Character. 

Radius uniserialis. Achenium angulato-compressum, om- 
nino calvum, glabrum, disco epigyno parvo.—Herbe Ame- 
ricaneé, foliis oppositis, integris ; capitulis luteis, solitariis, 
ramos superne aphyllos terminantibus ; involucris imbricatis ; 
rachide conico. Less. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Heuiopsis levis ; caule glaberrimo, foliis glabris ovato-acu- 
minatis serratis, involucri squamis externis lanceolatis 
subserratis.. Dun. 

Hexiopsis levis. Pers. Syn. Pl. v. 2. p. 473. Pursh, Fl. 
Am. v. 2. p. 563. Dun. in Mem. du Mus. v. 5. p. 55. 

Bururuatmom helianthoides. Linn.—L’ Hérit. Stirp. p. 93. 
t.45. Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 5. p. 125. 

Sirpuium solidaginoides. Linn. Sp. Pl. v. 1302. 

Heiantuus levis. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1278. 

Rupsecxia oppositifolia. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1280. 

The Genus Hexiopsis (from 2ass the sum and o ¥ss, a re- 
semblance) was established by Persoon upon the species 
here figured, a native of the United States. To this was 
added another North American species, H. scabra, differing 
indeed but slightly from the present one, and perhaps not 
specifically, H. buphthalmoides of Peru and H. ? dubia, a 
very doubtful species, as its name implies, of South America, 

by Donat; and H. canescens, a Columbian plant. H. levis 

is an old inhabitant of our gardens, where it is a hardy, her- 
baceous plant, flowering in the autumn. 

Descr. Stem erect, herbaceous, obtusely angular, much 
branched. Leaves opposite, petiolate, ovate, triple-nerved 
and veiny, smooth, acuminate, coarsely serrated, the upper 
ones with winged petioles, the uppermost of all nearly ses- 
sile. Peduncles mostly terminal, single-flowered. Invo- 
lucre hemispherical ; scales broadly lanceolate, spreading, 
in a double series. Florets of the ray ligulate. Germen 
compressedly triangular, quite destitute of pappus. Florets 
Bee disk orange. Anthers black. Stigmas short, orange. 

ales of the involucre linear, chaffy. 

fi Fig. 1. Floret of the Ray. 2. Floretof the Disk. 3. Achenium: magni- 




ser 8 

renweed Evgexr Dep 

Puh Ay SS ¢ urlis. ¢ Ha 

Ca SHS © 
HaMANTHUS cARNEUs. Harry, Pink 
Class and Order. 
Hexanpria Monoeynia. 

( Nat. Ord.—Amary.tue#. ) 

Generic Character. 

Spatha 3-multivalvis, corolleformis, umbella fovens, erec- 
ta, rarius patens. Cor. 6-partita, tubulosa, erecta, regula- 
ris; limbo erecto vel patenti, tubum rectum excedente; — 
laciniis angustis. Stam. summo tubo inserta, erecta, ex- 

serta. Anthere suberecte. Stylus setiformis. Stigma 

simplex vel brevissime trilobum. Bacca globosa oblongave, 
levis, trilocularis: loculis 1-spermis, sepius abortientibus. 

Specific Character and Synonyms. 

Hamantnus * carneus ; foliis 2 rotundato-ovatis acuminatis 
scapoque pilis retrorsis undique hirsutis, spatha spha- 
celata reflexa umbella breviora, staminibus inclusis. — 
Ker. 7s, 

Hamantaus carneus. Ker, in Bot. Reg. t. 509. Schult. 
Syst. Veget. v. 7. p. 892. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. 
p. oF fe 

A native of the Cape of Good Hope, like all the rest of 
the Genus Hzmanruus, from which indeed the present spe- 
cies differs in the spatha or involucre not being coloured, 
nor disposed in the upright posture which affords the co- 

rolla-like appearance observable in the majority of the 
: <3 Genus: 

* From aia, blood, and aves, a flower ; on account of the deep red colour 
of the flower of the most common species, H. coccineus. i 

Genus: nor are included stamens prevalent in the other 
species. Our plant flowered in the greenhouse of the 
Glasgow Botanic Garden, September, 1834. 

Descr. The bulb is described as “‘ compressedly conical, 
the laminz bifariously imbricated, inner ones longest.’ 
Leaves two, arising from the summit of the root, broadly 
elliptical, obtuse, nerved, very hairy, with the hairs point- 
ing downwards, striated : in our specimen the leaves were 
almost fully formed, while the flowers were in perfection. 
Scape on the outside of one of the leaves, longer than they, 
terete, hairy. Spatha of three or four membranaceous, re- 
flexed leaves, greenish, tinged with purple. Umbel of many 
flowers, lax. Corolla pale rose-coloured : tube short ; limb 
erecto-patent. Stamens included, three shorter and three 
longer ones. Germen inferior, almost globose. 

| Fig. 1. Flower, with the Limb of the Corolla removed : magnified. 

IND E xX. 

In which the Latin Names of the Plants contained in the Highth 
Volume of the New Series (or Stxty-jirst of the uae) are 

alphabetically arranged. 

Fi. Fi. 
3358 Acacia brevipes. 3372 Heliopsis levis, 
pat 3348 Indigofera violacea. 


its saoaatine lineata. 

— 3366 plumosa. 
3338 ———— umbrosa. 
3350 Alstreemeria aurea. 
3344 oculata. 
3313 Alyxia daphnoides. 
3312 - ruscifolia. 

3311 Amaryllis aulica. 
3331 Arabis verna. 
3320 Arbutus tomentosa. 
3304 Billbergia purpureo-rosea, 
3319 Bletia Shepherdii. 
3318 Celogyne flaccida. 
3314 um fragrantissimum. 
B3b5 ———- difolium. 
3357 Calandrinia discolor. 
3369 ——_——_——- grandiflora. 
3323 Calythrix virgata. 
3347 Campanula maerantha, 

8. polyantha. 
3329 Catasetum tridentatum, var. 
3300 Ceropegia Lushii. 
3303 Chrysophyllum monopyrenum. 
3296 Cleome dendroides. 
3340 Coleonema pulchrum. 
3325 Colvillea racemosa. 
3326 Ibid. 
3322 Cyminosma oblongifolia. 
3352 Datura ceratocaula. 
3332 Epidendrum bicornutum. 
3298 nocturnum. 
3360 Eriodendron anfractuosum, £. 
Sor Caribeum. 

uphorbia atro- urea, 
3305 Fis comosa. ee 
3309 Francoa sonchifolia. 

_ $364 Fuchsia globosa. : 

3368 Gaillardia bicolor, car. Drum- | 

3349 Gardenia florida, fl. s¢mplict. 

3328 Gastrolobium retusum. 

3373 Hemanthus carneus. 

3295 Helianthus speciosus. 

3315 Ipomea Horsfallic. 

3297 rubro-cerulea. 
3343 Iris tenax. 

3396 Jambosa vulgaris. 

3302 Kentrophyllum arborescens. 
3294 Libertia formosa. 

3292 Lobelia puberula, 8. 

8316 Lonicera Chinensis. 

3362 Malesherbia senate 
3327 Milla uniflora. 
3336 Mimulus luteus, var. varie- 

3303 crane’ 
8363 var. Younganus. 
3310 Monarda fistulosa, flore ma- 

3351 Morinda jasminoides. 

|| 3371 Nierembergia calycina. 
|| 3370 —_——. 

—— filicaulis. 

3361 CEnothera Drummondii. 

3299 Onopordum Arabicum. 

3293 Opuntia Brasiliensis. 

3301 cylindrica. 

8306 Ornithidium album. 

3330 Pimelea hypericina. 

3367 Rhodochiton volubile. 

3290 Rhododendron arboreum, var. 

3335 Ribes sangu 


8365 Salpiglossis strsninien 2 var. 

picta. i 
3339 Schiges Molle. 

3342 Silene Virginica. 

3354 Silphium perfoliatum. 
3355 trifoliatum. 
3359 S eburnea. 
3317 Streptanthus obtusifolius. 
3334 Trachymene lanceolata, 
3291 Tradescantia pilosa. 
3324 Trochocarpa laurina. 
3333 Verbena chamedrifolia. 
3307 Westringia cinerea. 
3308 mpieri, — 

: IN D EX, 
In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the 
Eighth Volume of the New Serres (or Stzty-first of the Work) 

are alphabetically arranged. 


8366 Acacia, feathe 

3341 little halberd-leaved. 
3346 narrow line-leaved. 
3333 shady. 
3358 short-pedicelled. 
3337 slender curve-leaved. 

3350 Alstroeemeria, golden-flowered. 

3344 —____——._ eye-marked. 

3312 Alyxia, Butcher’s-broom- - 
leaved. en 

3313 Daphne-like. 

3311 Amaryllis, courtly. 

3347 Bell-flower, giant, large-flow- 
ered, many-blossomed var. 

3304 Billbergia, rose-purple. 

3319 Bletia, deep purple-flowered. 

3345 Caladium, or Indian Kale, 

3314 delicious-scented, 

3369 Calandrinia, large-flowered. 

3357 two-coloured- 

3323 Calythrix, twiggy. 
3329 Catasetum, three-toothed var. 
3342 Catchfly, Virginian. 
3318 Celogyne, drooping 
3300 Ceropegia, Mr. Lush’s. 
3296 Cleome, Tree-like. 
3340 Coleonema, beautiful. 
3325 Colvillea, splendid, 
— 3326 Ibid. 
- 3299 Cotton-Thistle, Arabian. 
3335 Currant, red-flowered. 
_ 3322 Cyminosma, oblong-leaved. 
_ 3332 Epidendram, Be homed. . 
3298 night-smelling. 
_ $361 Evening-Primrose, Mr. Drum- 
sae mond’s, 
' $305 Fig, tufted or comose. 
_ $309 Francoa, Sow-thistle-leaved. 
3364 Fuchsia, balloon-flowered. 
3368 Gaillardia, two-coloured, 
ee Dr nd’s var, 
3328 Gastrolobium, blunt-leaved. 
_ 3372 Heliopsis, smooth-leaved. 
_ $373 Hemanthus, hairy, pink. 
3316 Honeysuckle, Chinese. 
3345 Indian Kale, large-leaved, or 





3348 Indigo Plant, purple. 
3315 Ipomea, Mrs. Horsfall’s. 
3297 - reddish-blue. 
3343 Iris, tough-threaded. 
3349 Jasmine, Cape, single-flowered. 
3302 Kentrophyllum, arborescent, 
3294 Libertia, beautiful. 
3292 Lobelia, blue, downy. var. 
3362 Malesherbia, linear-leaved. 
3339 Mastick-tree, Peruvian. 
3327 Milla, single-flowered. 
3210 Monarda, fistulose, spotted- 

3353 Monkey- flower, rose-coloured. 
3336 yellow Chi- 
lian var. 
3363 YellowChilian, 

Mr. Young's var. 
3351 Morinda, Jasmine-lke. 

| 3371 Nierembergia, large-flowered. 

3370 slender-stem- 

3306 Ornithidium, white. 

3330 Pimelea, Hypericum-leaved. 

3293 Prickly-Pear, Brazilian. 

3301 round-stemmed. 

3367 Rhodochiton, twining. 

3290 Rhododendron, tree, white- 
flowered var. 

3356 Rose Apple. 

3365 Salpiglossis, straw-coloured, 
painted var. 

3360 Silk-Cotton Tree, five-stamen- 
ed, Caribean var. 

3354 Silphium, perfoliated. 

3355 —————- whorl-leaved. 

3291 Spider-wort, hairy. 

3321 Spurge, blood-flowered. 

3359 Stanhopea, ivory-lipped. 

3303 Star-Apple, Date-shaped, or 
Damascene Plum. . 

3352 Stramonium, horn-stemmed. 

3317 Streptanthus, blunt-leaved. 

3295 Sun-flower, Showy Mexican. 

3334 Trachymene, lance-leaved. 

3324 Trochocarpa, cinnamon-leaved 

3333 Vervain, scarlet-flowered. 

3331 Wall-Cress, early-flowering. 

3307 Westringia, ash-coloured. _ 

3308 -- Dampier’s. 

: rage si 8107848 

In which the English Names 

Eighth Volume of the New Serres 

are alphabetically arranged. 

of the Plants contained in the ! 
(or Stxty-first of the Work) 4 

ee ts 
eae rai : 
8366 Acacia, feathery. 3348 Indigo Plant, purple. 
3341 little halberd-leaved. |} 3315 Ipomea, Mrs. Horsfall’s, 
3346 narrow line-leaved. 3297 - reddish-blue. 

8333 —— shady. 

3358 short-pedicelled. 
3337 slender curve-leaved. 
3350 Alstreemeria, golden-flowered. 
3344 —_____._ eye-marked. 
3312 Alyxia, Butcher’s-broom- — 

Soe JORVOG. ola es 
3313 Daphne-like. 

3347 Bell-flower, giant, large-flow- 
_ ered, many-blossomed var. 
3304 Billbergia, rose-purple. 
3319 Bletia, deep punnlé-flobered: 
3345 Caladium, or Indian Kale, 
= large-leaved. 
$3814 ———_— delicious-scented. 
_ 3369 Calandrinia, large-flowered. 
3357 two-coloured- 

8323 Calythrix, twiggy. 
3329 Catasetum, Sires tocibol var. 
3342 Catchfly, Virginian. 
3318 Celogyne, drooping 
3300 Ceropegia, Mr. Lush’s. 
_ 8296 Cleome, Tree-like. 
3340 Coleonema, beautiful. 
3825 Colvillea, splendid. 
- 3326 Ibid, 
$299 Cotton-Thistle, Arabian. 
3335 Currant, red-flowered. 
3322 Cymi 10sma, oblong-leaved. 

3332 Epidend two-horned, | 
“eee —- night-smelling. 
3361 Evenin, -Primrose, Mr. Drum- 

ee mond’s, 

3305 Fig, tufted or comose. 

_ 3309 Francoa, Sow-thistle-leaved, 

_ 3364 Fuchsia, balloon-flowered. 

_ 3368 Gaillardia, two-coloured, 
_____Drummond’s var, 

_ 3328 Gastrolobium, blunt-leaved. 

_ 3372 Heliopsis, Ssnnthsleewred. 
337 airy, pink, 

3343 Iris, tough-threaded. 

3349 Jasmine, Cape, single-flowered. 
3302 Kentrophyllum, arborescent, 
3294 Libertia, beautiful. 

3292 Lobelia, blue, downy. var, 

3362 Malesherbia, linear-leaved. 
3339 Mastick-tree, Peruvian. 

3327 Milla, single-flowered. 
3210 Monarda, fistulose, spotted- 

3353 Monkey- flower, rose-coloured. 
3336 yellow Chi- 
lian var, 
3363 — YellowChilian, 

Mr. Young’s var. 
3351 Morinda, Jasmine-like. 
3371 Nierembergia, large-flowered, 
3370 slender-stem- 

3306 Ornithidium, white. 
3330 Pimelea, Hypericum-leaved. 
3293 Prickly-Pear, Brazilian. 
3301 round-stemmed. 
3367 Rhodochiton, twining. 
3290 Rhododendron, tree, whité- 
flowered var, 
3356 Rose Apple, 
3365 Salpiglossis, straw-coloured, 
painted var. 
3360 Silk-Cotton Tree, five-stamen- 
rs . Caribean var. 
uphium, perfoliated. 
3355 : : 

3291 Spider-wort, hairy. 
Spurge, blood-flowered. 
3359 Stanhopea, ivory-lipped. 
3303 Star-Apple, Date-shaped, or 
amascene Plum. 

‘|| 3352 Stramonium, horn-stemmed. 

3317 Streptanthus, blunt-leaved. 
3295 Sun-flower, Showy Mexican. 
3334 rachymene, lance-leaved. 
3324 Trochocarpa, cinnamon-leaved 
33 Vervain, scarlet-flowered. 
3331 Wall-Cress, early-flowering. 

| ao Westringia, ash-coloured. 

-- Dampier’s.