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Plants of the Ropal Gardens of Kew 




BY : 



: VOL. XIIL © Bese: 

(Or Vol. LXXXILL, of the Whole Work.) 


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M.R.LA., A.L.8., ETC. ETC., 






e is Dedicated 




In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the 
Thirteenth Volume of the Tu1rp Series (or Eighty-third © 
Volume of the Work) are alphabetically arranged. 



Plate. ‘ 
4962 Adhatoda, Quince-leaved. 
4982 Aerides, cylindrical-leaved. 
5012 Agapetes, Box-leaved. 

5006 Agave, close-flowered. 

4965 Ansellia, African. 

4959 Astilbe, red-flowered. 

5005 Azalea, Californian. 

4981 Befaria, Mr. Mathews’s. 

5021 Begonia, cut-leaved. 

4983 ———* Hogweed; blackish- 

leaved var. 
4984 Mr. Griffith’s. 
4974 — short-winged. 
4988 — Wagener’s 

5000 Burtonia, rough-leaved. 

4973 Calathea, villous; spotted- 
leaved var. 

4976 Camellia, netted-leaved ; double- 
flowered var. 

4996 Cirrhopetalum, Mr. Cuming’s. 

5018 Codonopsis, round-leaved; large- 
flowered var. 

5001 Ceelogyne, tall. 

4980 Comparettia, sickle-leaved. 

4979 Costus, African. 

5003 Dendrobium,  noble-flowered ; 

; pale-flowered var. 

4993 slippered. 

5011 ———-—— slippered; _ gla- 
brous-lipped var. 

4970 — —  _ various-fruited ; 

, Mr. Henshall’s var. 

4986 Echeveria, channelled-leaved. 

5020 Richornia, three-coloured. 

5010, Epigynium, acuminate-leaved. 

4971 Eucharis, long-flowered. 

4995 Forsythia, pendulous. 

4987 Gardenia, orange-smelling. 

5007 Grevillea, mountain, 













Hoya, coronated. 

Illairea, Canarina-like. 

Lady’s Slipper, Mr. Fairie’s. 


Leopard’s-bane Bourgeau’s. 

Lobelia, shining; blood-red- 
leaved var. 


Lupine, Mr. Menzies’. 

Meyenia, upright. 

Orchis, Medusa’s-head. 

Passion-flower, Laurestine- 

Pokeweed, long-racemed. 

Puya, greevish-flowered. 

Raspberry, shaggy-stemmed. 

Rhododendron, cream-coloured. 

ata Dr, Thomsen & 
Mr. Veitch’s. 

Sabbatia, prairie. 

Sage, Lustre. 

Scheeria, woolly. 

Screw-Pine, Lustre. 

Seaforthia, elegant. 

Snowberry, Mexican small- 

Sonerila, elegant. 

Stokesia, cyaneous. 

Thunbergia, Laurel-leaved. 

Lord Harris’s. 

Tydea, handsome. 

Uroskinnera, showy. 

Violet, Golden, long-stalked. 

Xanthosoma, arrow-leaved. 

Mr. Windsor’s. 


In which the Latin Names of the Plants contained in the 
Thirteenth Volume of the Turrp Serizs (or Eighty-third 
Volume of the Work) are alphabetically arranged. 


4962 Adhatoda cydoniefolia. 
4982 Aerides cylindricum. 
5012 Agapetes buxifolia. 
5006 Agave densiflora. 
4965 Ansellia Africana. 
4959 Astilbe rubra. 

5005 Azalea occidentalis. 
4981 Befaria Mathewsii. 
4984 Begonia Griffithii. 

4983 heracleifolia; var. xi- 

5021 laciniatus. 

4974 —-——— microptera. 

4988 — Wageneriana. 

5000 Burtonia scabra. 

4973 Calathea villosa; var. pardina. 

4976 Camellia reticulata; flore pleno. 

4996 Cirrhopetalum Cumingii. 

4977 Meduse. 

5018 Codonopsis rotundifolia; var. 

5001 Ceelogyne elata. 

4980 Comparettia falcata. 

4979 Costus Afer. 

5024 Cypripedium Fairieanum. 

4990 hirsutissimum. 

4993 Dendrobium crepidatum. 

5011 — crepidatum ; var. 
labello glabro. 

4970 heterocarpum ; 
var. Henshallit. 


— nobile; var. palli- 
5016 Dillenia speciosa. 
4994 Doronicum Bourgei. 
4986 Echeveria canaliculata. 


5020 Eichornia tricolor. 

5010 Epigynium acuminatum. 
4971 Eucharis grandiflora. 
4995 Forsythia suspensa. 
4987 Gardenia citriodora. 

5007 Grevillea alpestris. 

4969 Hoya coronaria. 

5022 Illairea canarinoides. 
4960 Lobelia splendens; var. ignea. 
4964 ———— Texensis. 

5019 Lupinus Menziesii. 
5013 Meyenia erecta. 

5014 Pandanus Candelabrum. 
4958 Passiflora tinifolia. 
4967 Phytolacca icosandra. 
4991 Puya virescens. 

4972 Rhododendron album. 

5002 calophyllum. 
4968 campylocarpum. 
4997 Thomsoni. 
4992 Veitchianum. 
5008 Windsorii. 

5023 Rubus nutans, 

5015 Sabbatia campestris. 
5017 Salvia Candelabrum. 
4963 Scheeria lanata. 

4961 Seaforthia elegans. 

4978 Sonerila elegans. 

4966 Stokesia cyanea. 

4975 Symphoricarpus microphyllus. 
4998 Thunbergia Harrisii. 
4985 laurifolia. 
4999 Tydeea amabilis. 

5009 Uroskinnera spectabilis. 
5004 Viola pedunculata. 

4989 Xanthosoma sagittifolium, 


del. et Lith . 
W Fitch del. et Lith Vincent. Brodks bmp 

Tas. 4958. 


Laurestine-leaved Passion-flower. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4406). 

PasstFtora (§ Granadilla) ¢inifolia ; foliis oblongis brevi-acuminatis integer- 
rimis basi obtusis, petiolis brevibus infra apicem biglandulosis, stipulis 
lineari-subulatis, bracteis amplis ovalibus apice pauci-crenatis dentibus glan- 
duligeris, coronz filamentis calycem zequantibus. 

PassIFLora tinifolia. Juss. Ann. Mus. v. 6. p. 118. t. 41. f. 2. De Cand. Prodr. 
v, 3. p. 328. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p. 36. 

A rare and very little known species of Passion-flower, of the 
group or section called “ Graaadilla” of De Cand. Mem.: that 
is, having a triphyllous involucre beneath the flower, whose leaf- 
lets are entire or toothed, not laciniated ; the calyx ten-lobed ; 
the pedicels single-flowered, and with simple cirrhi arising from 
the same axils with the flowers. This group contains the eatable 
kinds of Passifora. Jussieu’s figure and description were made 
from Richard’s dried specimens gathered in French Guiana. 
We knew not of any other locality, till our friend Charles S. 
Parker of Liverpool sent us living specimens, derived from De- 
merara, in July of the past year, 1856. It is a species of con- 
siderable beauty, and the fruit, described as “‘ globose, yellow, of 
the size of an apricot,” is probably as esculent and well-flavoured 
as that of the other edible species, especially of the P. Jaurifo- 
fia, \., its nearest ally; which however differs from our plant in 
its shorter and, at the base, more heart-shaped leaves, stipules 
which are truncated obliquely at the apex; in the two glands of 
the petiole being placed nearer the leaf; in the large, oval, more 
crenulated leaflets of the involucre, which are equal in length 
with the calyx, of which the segments do not exceed in length 
the longest filaments of the corona. It is a plant of easy culti- 
vation in a moist stove. 

Duscr. Stem climbing, the branches terete, glabrous, tinged 

JANUARY Ist, 1857. 

with purple on one side. eaves about four inches long, alter- 
nate, distant, oblong or subelliptical, quite undivided and entire 
at the margin, subcoriaceous, the base obtuse, the apex shortly 
acuminated ; penniveined, the vems connected by slender vein- 
lets. Petiole short, about half an inch long, bearing below the 
apex two prominent glands. Stipules two, linear-subulate, her- 
baceous. Peduacle about an inch long, solitary, axillary, single- 
flowered, having a little below the flower three large erect bracts 
or Jeafiets, of an oval shape, membranaceous, green, erect, faintly 
and distantly striated, crenato-dentate at the apex; teeth few, 
distant, each bearing a conspicuous gland ; these three constitute 
the iavolucre, which is about half the length of the flower. Se- 
pais narrow-oblong, greenish-white without, red within. Corona 
consisting of a double ray; exterior of several filaments half the 
length of the interior, purple, barred with white at the base, and 
white at the subcapitate apex; zazer row of numerous, equal, 
thickened but compressed filaments, barred with white and red 
at the base, and white-purple and white in the upper half; the 
apex dilated and toothed: there is an innermost circle or ring, 
which is tuberculated, and which would be considered by some 

as a third ray. Colwmn, stamens, and styles and stigmas as in the 

Fig. 1. Section of a portion of the flower, showing the nature of the corona 
Jilamentosa :—magnified. 


Witch del.etlith. 


Vincent Brooks Imp. 

Tas. 4959. 

ASTILBE rvusra. 

The Red-flowered Astilbe. 


Gen. Char. Calyx tubo brevi sublibero, limbi 4—-5-partiti lobis estivatione im- 
bricatis. Petala 4-5 v. 0, perigyna, lineari-spathulata, integra. Stamina 8-10, 
cum petalis inserta ; filamentis linearibus ; antheris oblongo-cordatis. Ovaria 2, 
ima basi calycis adnata, libera v. subconnata, unilocularia ; ovulis plurimis pla- 
centis suture: ventrali adnatis, biserialibus; stylis brevibus; stigmatibus simpli- 
cibus. Capsule 2, folliculares, erectee, libere, coriacese ; rima ventrali dehis- 
centes. Semina plurima v. pauca, lineari-oblonga; ¢esfa, membranacea, reticu- 
lata, utrinque longe ultra nucleum producta; embryone axi albuminis carnosi 
orthotropo, cylindrico.—Herbe Boreali-Americane, J aponice, e¢ montibus Indie 
borealis incole ; rhizomate perenni; caulibus erectis, simplicibus v. ramosis ; foliis 
bi-tri-ternatis ; floribus in spicas racemosas dispositis, albis luteis rubrisve. Endl. 

AstiLBE rubra; caule foliisque parce pilosis, foliis biternatis, foliolis cordatis 
acuminatis argute triplicato-serratis, panicule contracte rufo-villose ramis 
erectis, floribus ramulis lateralibus brevibus dense congestis breve pedicel- 
latis, petalis rubris lineari-spathulatis anguste linearibusve. 

AsTILBE rubra. Hook. fil. ef Thomson, Fl. Ind. ined. 

A very pretty and hardy plant, with the habit and appearance - 
of a Spirea. ‘It was originally detected in the Khasia moun- 
tains of Eastern Bengal by Dr. Griffith, and gathered afterwards 
in the same mountains by Drs. Hooker and Thomson, who found 
it flowering in the month of June at an elevation of 5000 to 
6000 feet above the sea, and by whom seeds were sent to the 
Royal Gardens of Kew, where it proves quite hardy, flowering 
in the late summer and autumnal months. 

Descr. Rhizome horizontal, about as thick as the thumb, 
giving off numerous fibrous roots. Stems simple, four to six 
feet high, covered, as are the petioles, with long, lax, patent, 
flexuous hairs; on the branches of the inflorescence these hairs 
are much more dense and copious, and turn of a fine rufous- 
brown in drying. Leaves biternate, with adnate, half-sheathing 
stipules ; Jeaflets one to two inches long, oblique, cordate, sharply 

JANUARY Ist, 1857. 

triplicate-serrate, with long acuminato-serrate points. Panicle 
robust, its main branches erect; the ultimate ones spreading, 
about one inch long, densely covered with red flowers. lowers 
shortly pedicelled, bracteate at the base of the pedicels. Calyx 
erect, with a short obconic tube and five blunt, glandular, pu- 
bescent lobes. Petals five, narrow, very much longer than the 
calyx. Sfamens ten, shorter than the petals. Ovaries two, 
erect, ripening into erect, coriaceous follicles, which split down 
the ventral suture, and discharge the linear minute seeds.— 
J. D. H. 

Fig. 1. Flower, bract, and part of peduncle. 2. Apex of peduncle and 
ovaries. 3, Stamen :—all magnified. 


W-Fitch delet lith. 

Tas. 4960. 

Shining Lobelia: blood-red-leaved var. 


Gen. Char. Calyx 5-lobus; tubo obconico, ovoideo vel hemisphzerico. Corodla 
superne longitudinaliter fissa, bilabiata; ¢w4o cylindraceo vel infundibuliformi 
recto ; labio superiore sepius minore et erecto, inferiore seepius patente latiore 
3-fido vel rarius 3-dentato. -Anthere 2 inferiores vel rarius omnes apice bar- 
bate. Ovarium inferum vel semisuperum, imo (in speciebus simillimis) subli- 
berum.—Herbe vel rarius suffrutices, foliis alternis, floribus sepius racemoso- 
spicatis, pedicellis axillaribus, corolla cerulea, alba, violacea, rubra vel ex rubro 
aurea. De Cand. 

Lopetia (§ Rapuntium) splendens; glabra, caule erecto simplici, foliis sessili- 
bus lanceolatis acuminatis denticulatis, racemo terminali, bracteis lanceo- 
latis acuminatis dentatis pedicello sublongioribus, tubo calycis hemisphee- 
rico, lobis linearibus acuminatis tubo corolle glabra subeequalibus, antheris 
dorso glabris inferioribus 2 apice barbatis. 

1. foliis viridibus. 

Losetta splendens. Willd. Hort. Ber. t. 86. H.B.K, Nov. Gen. Am. 0. 3. p. $11. 
2. foliis maculatis. te 

Lindt. Bot. Reg. t. 60. De Cand. Prodr. v. 7. p. 382. 

3. foliis omnibus atro-sanguineis. ; 
Lopetra ignea. Pact. Mag. of Bot. v. 6. t. 247 (Lab. Nostr. 4960, and Tab. 
Nostr. 4002). 

Rapuntivum splendens. Presi, Prodr. Mon. Lob. p. 26. 

This species was first known in Europe through the Berlin 
Garden, where seeds were sent by the distinguished travellers, 
Humboldt and Bonpland, from Mexico, and was published by 
Willdenow in his ‘ Hortus Berolinensis.’ Upwards of forty years 
ago it was introduced to our English gardens from Paris, and 
published by Dr. Lindley in the ‘ Botanical Register,’ above 
quoted. It appears to have been lost to our gardens for a 
long season, and has, comparatively recently, appeared again 
under another name, viz. that of Z. 7gnea of Paxton, in his ‘ Ma- 
gazine of Botany.’ It is, indeed, though a truly distinct species, 
subject to some variation in the colour and marking of the foli- 
age: green in Willdenow’s figure; spotted and blotched, with 

JANUARY lst, 1857. 

dark purple, in Lindley’s plant ; in Paxton’s and that now under 
consideration (and we fear we must add our plant given at Tas. 
4002), the leaves are throughout atro-sanguineous. Although 
formerly treated as a greenhouse plant, it has since proved per- 
fectly hardy ; is easily increased by dividing its perennial roots, 
which are somewhat stoloniferous, and it is a truly splendid or- 
nament to our flower-beds. 

Descr. Roof perennial. Stems herbaceous, erect, two to three 
feet high, firm, moderately stout, furrowed, dark reddish-purple, 
glabrous, as is every part of the plant, and shining. Zeaves lan- 
ceolate, acuminate, sessile, serrated ; lower ones subspathulate, a 
span and more long, gradually becoming smaller and more ta- 

-pering towards the upper part of the plant, and among the 
flowers passing gradually into dracteas: all of a singularly dark, 
atro-sanguineous colour, like that of some kinds of beet. a- 
ceme terminal, elongated, leafy, very handsome, from the large, 
numerous, brilliant, scarlet flowers. Pedicels solitary from the 
axils of the superior leaves or bracteas, blood-red, as is the 
calyx, of which the tude is short, hemispherical, furrowed: the 
lobes subulate, erect, as long as the tube of the corolla, and ap- 
pressed to it. Corolla with its upper lip of two, linear-lan- 

ceolate, erect segments: lower very large, of three, spreading, 
ovate lobes. 

Fig. 1. Lower leaf :—nat. size. 2. Flower deprived of the corolla :—magnified. 

ee ee er Roe en eer 

Vincent. Brodks Tmp. 

\ fi MA RY . ANZ 

Witch dé « lith. 

Tas. 4961. 


Llegant Seaforthia. 

Nat. Ord. Patma.—Monea@cia POLYANDRIA. 

Gen. Char. Flores polygamo-monoici, in spadice ramoso sessiles, bracteolati ; 
masculi superiores vel inferne bini fcemineos singulos stipantes. Spatha duplex ; 
interior completa. Masc. Calyx exterior trisepalus; sepalis ovatis, imbricatis ; 
interior trifidus; laciniis oblongis, in alabastro valvatis. Stamina plurima, e 
fundo calycis interioris ; filamenta filiformia, libera; anthere lineares, subsagit- 
tate. Ovarii rudimentum.—Fem. Calyx maris; sepalis imbricato-convolutis. 
Staminum rudimenta nulla. Ovarium uniloculare, uniovulatum ; ovulo erecto. 
Stylus brevissimus, terminalis. .Stigma 3-lobum vel capitatum, glandulo-spon- 
giosum. Bacca 1-sperma, grumoso-fibrosa. Albumen ruminatum, rarissime 
subzequabile. Zmbryo basilaris.—Palme elegantes, inermes. Caudex annulatus. 
Frondes magne, pinnate; pinnis reduplicatis erosis. Spadices infra frondes, 
laterales, simpliciter vel duplicato-ramosi, rarius simplices. Flores plerumque 
virides. Baccee ovales. Semen plerumque striatum vel sulcatum. Kth. 

SEAFORTHIA elegans ; caudice procero, pinnis angusto-lanceolatis apice oblique’ 
truncatis: breviter bifidis lacinia antica longiore et eroso-dentatis, subtus 
in nervo medio squamulis magnis paleolatis, florum masculorum _petalis 
oblongis obtusis, staminibus 24, baccis ovalibus, nucleo leviter 5-sulcato. 

Skarortuta elegans. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 267. Mart. Palm. p. 181. 

t. 105, 106, e¢ 109. Kth. Enum. Plant. v. 3. p. 189. Spreng. Syst. Veget. 
v. 2. p. 623. 

No less than fourteen species of the genus Seaforthia are enu- 
merated by Martius, chiefly inhabiting Eastern Bengal or the 
Malay Archipelago. The genus, however, was established by 
Mr. Brown on a Palm of the northern and eastern coasts of 
tropical New Holland, viz. the one here figured, which was 
named in honour of the late Lord Seaforth, “ Botanices periti 
cultoris et fautoris.” Plants have been raised at the Royal Gar- 
dens of Kew from seeds transmitted by Allan Cunningham ; and 
one of these, having attained a height of twenty-eight feet from 
the ground, produced its racemes of flowers of a pale, dull, lilac 
colour, from the side of the dark green, graceful trunk, as repre- 

JANUARY Ist, 1857. 

sented in our figure, in the autumn of 1856. These flowers 
were, none of them, succeeded by fruit. 

Descr. “ Palma adspectus gratissima,” as Martius has night- 
ly remarked. The ¢ruak or caudex is said to attain a height of 
thirty feet in its native country, erect, slender, annulated with 
the transverse scars of fallen leaves, dark green, almost glossy, 
crowned with a spreading tuft of beautifully pinnated /eaves or 
fronds, eight to ten feet long, which have long sheathing bases 
to the petioles. Pimne numerous, narrow-lanceolate, spreading, 
a foot or a foot and a half long, several of them unequally bifid 
at the apex, one segment being much longer than the rest. 
From the caudex, and below the bases of the leaves, the spa- 
dices, two in our plant, burst out from opposite sides, of a fleshy 
nature, and a dull, pale-lilac colour, each from a double (outer 
and inner) spatha, and forming a drooping, much-branched pa- 
nicle, with many scattered sessile flowers, some male and some 
female. Flowers and ;fruit as described in the generic character, 
except that the anthers are rather oval-oblong than linear, and 
that the female has the rudiments of six stamens at the base. 

Fig. 1. Entire plant, on a very reduced scale. 2. Portion of spadix of flowers : 
—nat, size. 3, 4. Male flowers more or less expanded. 5. Stamen. 6. Rudi- 
ment of pistil from male flower. 7. Female flower. 8. Pistil. (9. Fruit :— 
nat. size. 10, 11. Sections of ditto) :—magnified. 

Vincent Brooks Imp 

Tas. 4962. 

ADHATODA cyponia@FoLia. 

Quince-leaved Adhatoda. 

Nat. Ord. AcantHace#.—D1anpRia Monoeynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx profunde 5-fidus, laciniis equalibus. Corolla ringens, tubo 
brevi aut mediocri, Jabio superiore concavo, inferiore trilobo. Stamina 2, tubo 
infra medium inserta. _Anthere biloculares, loculis in connectivo obliquis, altero 
altius inserto, inferiore calcarato. Stigma obtusum. Capsula depressa!, in medio 
tetrasperma. Semina vel lenticularia vel magis compressa.—Herbe vel frutices 
regionum temperatarum imprimis tamen calidarum totius orbis, floribus variis, foliis 
integerrimis. Vel spice axillares opposite, vel flores axillares, vel spica terminalis. 
Bractez et bracteole, he sepe grandiuscule, calyce longiores. Flores vel abortu 
secundi, vel oppositi. Nees. 

Apuatopa (§ Amblyanthus) eydoniafolia ; fruticosa, villosa, foliis ovalibus, pe- 
dunculis bifloris bracteis bracteolisque ovalibus calyce brevioribus eumdem 
zequantibus. Nees. 

Apuatopa cydoniefolia. Nees in Endl. et Mart. Fl. Bras. fasc. v. 7. p. 148. 
t. 25. Nees in De Cand. Prodr. v. 11. p. 389. 

Of ninety-eight species of Adhatoda, enumerated in De Can-— 
dolle’s ‘Prodromus,’ five only are natives of Brazil, from which 
country our present handsome species was received by Messrs. 
Veitch and Son, Exotic Nurseries, Exeter, and King’s Road, 
Chelsea. Of those five, I have hesitated whether to refer it to 
the 4. holosericea, Nees, or the A. cydoniefolia, Nees; but I am 
most inclined to refer it to the latter, though the description 
seems to allude to a more hairy plant, and having more elliptical 
leaves than our figure exhibits: the former is however probably 
a variable character in the species, and the fact of Nees noticing 
two states of foliage, “a, foliis obtusis,”’ and “8, foliis acutis,” 
would seem to indicate that the form of the leaves is liable to 
sport. We received flowering specimens in the autumn both of 
1855 and 1856. The flowers are large and showy, striking from 
the contrast of colour in the corolla. 

Descr. An erect or more or less ascending shrud, with very 

JANUARY Ist, 1857. 

obtusely tetragonous dranches, swelling at the joints, downy. 
Leaves opposite, on short petioles, elliptical, ovate, rather obtuse. 
penniveined, entire, pubescenti-villous. Peduacles short, axillary, 
solitary, two-flowered. Flowers erect, very large, handsome. 
Calyx downy, deeply cut into five, nearly equal, erect, oblong 
segments, at the base bearing several bracts, which are much 
shorter than the calyx, and narrow-ovate. Corolla with the white 
tube scarcely longer than the calyx : upper lip large, ovate, erect, 
emarginate at the apex, white, tipped with purple: Jower lip very 
large, pendent, broadly obovato-cuneate, three-lobed at the apex, 
deep purple, with a white streak down the middle. Stamens two, 
lodged in the concavity of the upper lip. Azthers two-lobed. 
Rudiment of a third stamen, a long subulate filament, hairy at its 
dilated base. Ovary sunk in a deep gland or fleshy cup, ovate : 
style hairy: stigma obscurely two-lobed. 

Fig. 1. Upper lip of the corolla, showing the stamens. 2. Anther. 3. Trans- 
verse section of ovary in its cup. 4. Cup and ovary. 5. Calyx, bracts, and 
pistil :—magnified. 


Tas. 4963.* 

SCHEERIA anata. 

is bes Woolly Scheeria. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4743.) 

ScHEERIA Janata; caule elato robusto cum tota herba densissime molliterque 
candido-lanato, foliis late ovatis subobtusis, basi obtusis, margine crenulatis, 
subreflexis, superne glabrioribus rugoso-venulosis, breviter petiolatis, pedun- 
culis axillaribus unifloris, petiolo plus 4-plo longioribus, corolla ex angusta 
basi ventricoso-ampliata, ventre multicostulato lilacino, limbi revoluti undu- 
lato-denticulati lobo ventrali kermesino-venoso, fauce albida aurantiaco- 

ScHEERIA lanata. Hanstein, Linnea, v. 27. p. 515. 

Manprrota lanata. Planch. et Linden, MSS. et in Cat. 1855. Ch. Lemaire, 
Illust. Hort. v. 3. ¢. 80. 

Those who compare the specimens found by Galeotti, on rocks 
of the Western Cordillera of Mexico (n. 1902), with the repre- 
sentation given in our Plate (drawn from a plant which flowered 
for the first time in the Royal Botanic Gardens, in October last), 
will be loath to imagine that they can belong to the same species, 
for Galeotti’s specimens, at least the two preserved in, the 
Hookerian Herbarium, are only from two to three inches high, 
and have no more than from six to eight leaves of small size, 
and moreover they are clad with a rather brownish than white 
wool. Yet there is no doubt that they are identical, and that 
Scheeria lanata, like S. Mexicana and other Gesneracee, has 
been much improved by cultivation, whilst the difference in the 
colour of the wool is entirely owing to the process of drying, as 

* Erratum. The Subscribers of this Work are particularly requested to alt 
the numbering of the Plate which accompanies this (Tab. 4963), to 4954, and 
remove it to the page of letter-press so numbered in the last volume; and fur- 
ther to alter the Plate there given (Tab. 4954) to 4963, and transfer it to this’ 
eae By an oversight the two Plates in question were thus incorrectly num- 

JANUARY Ist, 1857. 

is satisfactorily proved by experiment. We have at the present 
moment no means of deciding whether its first discoverer was 
Galeotti or Ghiesbrecht, who, according to Linden, found it on 
rocks near Pantepic; but we learn from Lemaire that we are 
indebted to the brothers Tonel for its introduction into M. Ver- 
schaffelt’s celebrated nursery, whence it was spread through other 

Descr. Stem erect, robust, and clad, as is the foliage, more or 
less with whitish, soft hair. Zeaves broad-ovate, obtuse, at the 
base obtuse, on the margin crenulate, on the upper surface with 
rough veins; petioles short. Peduncles axillary, one-flowered, 
nearly four times longer than the petiole. Corol/a swelling from 
the base, pink-lilac, the lobes denticulated, with purple veins (but 
especially the central one), and the throat white, with orange- 
coloured dots.—Berthold Seemann. 

Fig. 1. Ovary, showing the glandular dise surrounding it, and style and 

stigma :—magnified. 


\\ \ “ap 

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Tas. 4964. 

LOBELIA Texensis. 

Texas Lobelia. 


Gen. Char. Calyx 5-lobus ; tubo conico, ovoideo, vel hemispheerico. Corolla 
superne longitudinaliter fissa, bilabiata, tubo cylindraceo vel infundibuliformi 
recto; /abio superiore seepius minore et erecto, inferiore seepius patente latiore 
3-lobo vel rarius 3-dentato. Anthere due inferiores vel rarius omnes apice 
barbatee. Ovarium inferum vel semi-superum, imo (in speciebus simillimis) 
subliberum.—Herbx vel rarius suffrutices ; foliis alternis; floribus sepius ra- 
cemoso-spicatis, pedicellis awillaribus ; corolla cerulea, alba, violacea, rubra vel ex 
rubro aurea. De Cand. 

Lopenta Texensis ; puberula, caule flexuoso simplici, foliis sessilibus lanceolatis 
denticulatis acutis remotis, floribus racemosis secundis remotis, bracteis lan- 
ceolatis, pedicellis bractea brevioribus, lobis calycinis linearibus, lobis co- 
rollz angustis acutis. 

Lopeita Texensis. Rafin. Herb. Part. 1. ann. 1833, p. 20. De Cand. Prodr. 
v. 7. p. 382. Klotzsch in Ic. Plant. Rar. Hort. Berol. p. 82. t. 33. 

One of the many attractive herbaceous plants which now adorn ag 
our flower-borders ; native of Texas, but when and by whom in- 
troduced to our gardens we are not aware. De Candolle asks, 
“An a LZ. cardinali diversa?” but he appéars never to have 
seen the plant, and indeed intimates as much by the absence of 
the (v. s.) at the end of his remarks. It is of far more robust 
habit than that species, with broader leaves, very large and nu- 
merously flowered racemes, quite leafy, with the copious bracts, 
which are generally longer than the flowers and pedicels to- 
gether. It flowers during the summer months. 

Derscr. Root perennial.. Stem erect, herbaceous, stout, two 
to three feet high, angled, subsimple, leafy. Leaves : lower ones 
a span long; wpper ones gradually smaller, and passing into the 
bracteas, all of them sessile, broad ovato-lanceolate, very much 
acuminated, spreading, and often recurved, rather obscurely 
toothed or serrated, subcarinated, penninerved ; zerves few, ob- 
lique, slightly puberulous. Raceme a span and more long 

FEBRUARY Ist, 1857. : 

many-flowered, subpyramidal, and copiously bracteated. Brac- 
teas gradually becoming smaller upwards, and always as long 
as, or longer, than the flowers, patent or recurved, carinated, 
from an ovate base acuminated, the margin denticulated. Pe- 
dicels about an inch long. overs erecto-patent. Ca/yx with 
the tube exceedingly short, hemispherical, five-angled: /imd of 
five, subulate, almost spiniform, erect, distant /odes, two in- 
ferior ones more distant from the flower than the three supe- 
rior ones: they have all a pubescent line on the back. Corolla 
bright scarlet: ¢wbe narrow, straight, an inch and more long; 
lind two-lipped ; upper lip of two, spreading, linear-lanceolate 
segments ; dower of three spreading ones, rather larger than the 
upper ones. Column of stamens (staminal tube) rather longer 
than the tube of the corolla. Anthers syngenesious, leaden co- 
lour. S¢y/e as long as the stamens, but concealed by the latter. 
Stigma two-lobed, downy. | 

Fig. 1. Flower, from which the corolla is removed :—magnified. 

ar day amen aay aay any amnesia 

saint dadeiinieet tiieemana cen 

Tas. 4965. 

ANSELLIA Arricana. 

African Ansellia. 


Gen. Char. Sepala oblonga, carnosa, eequi-patentia, libera. Petala conformia, 
recta, patula, duplo latiora. Labdellum sessile, patulum, trilobum, bilamellatum, 
lobo medio minore verrucoso. Columna elongata, marginata, basi utrinque auri- 
culata. Anthera dilocularis. Podlinia 4, sessilia, basi contigua, duobus dorsa- 
libus multo minoribus; glandula angusta utrinque acuminata.—Caulis elongatus, 
teres, apice tantum foliosus. Folia plicata, coriacea. Panicula ¢erminalis. Lindl. 

ANSELLIA Africana. 
ANSELLIA Africana. Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1844, sub ¢. 12. et 1845, #. 30. 

Var. 8. Natalensis ; flore pallidiore maculis paucis indistinctis, labello minore 
magis elongato. (Tas. NosTr. 4965, f. 3.) 

ANSELLIA gigantea. Reichenb. fil. in Linnea, v. 20. p. 673. 

This is, as Dr. Lindley well observes, a noble plant of consi- 
derable size, the elongated stems, rather than pseudo-bulbs, 
growing in tufts, and each stem bearing a long, gracefully 
drooping panicle of large flowers ; but the flowers are defi- 
cient in brilliancy or even brightness, the ground-colour a pale 
livid green, dashed with copious dark-purple blotches, very in- 
distinct on the outside of the flower: the lip has its large termi- 
nal segment yellow, the brightest part of the blossom. Looking, 
indeed, at a flower individually in full front, it may be called 
handsome : but a degree of dulness and obscurity is given to the 
mass of flowers in the panicle, by so much of their back being 
seen. Its blossoming is, at least with us, in the winter season, 
and our finest plant has at this moment (January, 1857) five 
noble gracefully drooping racemes from as many stems, of 
which racemes our figure represents but a portion of one. It 
is a native of Fernando Po, and the opposite coast. of tropical 
Africa; but Mr. Wilson Saunders has received from Natal a 
plant considered to be the Ansellia gigantea of Reicher bach, 
fil., in Linnea, vol. xx. p. 675, but which appears to us, as sug- 

FEBRUARY IsT, 1857. 

gested by Dr. Lindley, to be probably only a pale-flowered va- 
riety of the same species, of which we have represented a flower 
of the natural size at fig. 3. 

Descr. Plant growing in dense tufts. Stems, rather than 
pseudo-bulbs, elongated, one and a half to two feet tall, sheathed 
with the long bases of the leaves, which are ribbed with ele- 
vated lines. Leaves, mostly from the upper part of the stem, a 
foot and more long, an inch and a half to two inches broad, 
ligulato-lanceolate, more or less recurved, firm and somewhat 
coriaceous, striated with five parallel lines, prominent on the 
under side. Panicles ample, terminal, much branched almost 
to the base, drooping. //owers numerous, large. Petals and 
sepals moderately spreading, but incurved, oblong, obtuse, pale 
yellowish-green, internally varied with numerous irregular spots 
or blotches, mostly transversely oblong, of a deep purple colour, 
externally with very faint, indistinct, greyish blotches ; the petals 
are a good deal broader than the sepals. zp oblong, three- 
lobed, side-lobes erect, rounded, streaked within with purple; 
the disc has two, elevated, longitudinal plaits or lamellz ; middle 
lobe deep yellow, ovate, rather crisped, recurved at the apex. 
Column elongated, subsemiterete, dilated upwards, pale yellow, 
spotted or blotched with purple; the base is protruded (when 
the lip is articulated upon it), yellow, with a slightly elevated 
margin, edged with red, forming a very short obtuse lobe on 
each side. Anther-case with a short beak. Pol/en-masses four ; 
two very small, attached to a transverse gland. 

Fig. 1. Column. 2. Front view of the labellum :—magnified. 3. Flower of 
var. B.:—nat. size. 



= See GP ERA 


Tas. 4966. 

STOKESIA cyranzga. 

Cyaneous Stokesia. 


Gen. Char. Capitulum multiflorum, radiatiforme. Znvolucrum subglobosum, basi 
bracteatum, pluriseriatum, imbricatum, squamis adpressis, exterioribus ovalibus in 
append. foliaceum patulum ciliato-spinulosum desinentibus, interioribus oblongis 
ciliolatis. Receptac. carnosum, nudum. Corolle palmate, glandulis conspersee, — 
exteriores capituli majores intus profundius fisse. Anthere incluse. Styli rami 
semi-subulati. Achenium breve, tetra-(rarius tri-)gonum, areola terminali lata 
4-gona. Pappus 1-serialis, 4—5-paleaceus, paleis deciduis longis planis scariosis 
integerrimis.—Herba erecta ramosa glaucescens glabriuscula, caule apice villoso- 
tomentoso. Folia alterna, infer. ovalia integerrima in petiolum longe attenuata, 
super. semi-amplexicaulia lanceolata ad basin serrato-spinosa. Capitula ramos 
terminantia, solitaria. Flores cerulei. De Cand. 

STOKESIA cyanea. 

Srokesta cyanea. L’Hérit. Sert. Angl. p. 2%. Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. p. 401. 
De Cand. in Ann. Mus. Par. v. 16. p.154. Prodr.v. 5.p.71. Torr. et 
Gray, Fl. of N. Am. v. 3. p. 60. 

Cartuamus levis. Hill, Hort. Kew. 54. f. 5. 
Carruamus Carolinianus. Mich. in Herb. Mus. Par. (according to De Cand.). 
Carresta centauroides. Cass. Bull. 1816, p. 198. 

CENTAUREA Americana. Hook. in Drum. Pl. of S. U. 8. Comp. Bot. Mag. v. 1. 
p. 48. (not Nutt.) 

A really handsome Composite plant, whose flowers vie in size 
and beauty with the celebrated Chinese As/ers, native of South 
Carolina, Georgia, and Covington, Louisiana; indeed it is con- 
sidered by Messrs. Torrey and Gray “one of the rarest plants 
of the United States ;” nevertheless it was introduced into the 
Royal Gardens of Kew nearly a century ago by Mr. James 
Gordon. Mr. Drummond’s specimens from Louisiana were care- 
lessly mistaken for the fine Centaurea Americana, and recorded 
as such in the Catalogue of his S. U. 8. plants given in the 
Companion to the Botanical Magazine ; it is, in fact, an extremely 

FEBRUARY lst, 1857. 

distinct genus, and was named Sfokesia in compliment to Dr. 
Jonathan Stokes, M.D., of Dublin, and Fellow of Trinity Col- 
lege there.. 

Drscr. Herbaceous, perennial, having a branching, erect, 
somewhat tomentose, terete stem; branches often purplish. Leaves 
lanceolate ; radical ones entire, tapering below into long flattened 
stalks ; the cauline ones gradually become sessile towards the 
upper part of the branches, and those have a few teeth on each 
side near the base; uppermost semiamplexicaul. Jnvolucre of 
many, imbricated, broad /eaflets, terminated by a harsh, leafy, 
spreading and reflexed, ciliated extremity, which gives a squarrose 
appearance to the involucre ; the cilia are firm and subspinulose ; 
the lowermost leaflets more resemble the upper leaves, being large 
and not ciliated. Receptacle fleshy, naked. Head of flowers 
very large, purplish-blue. /orets very numerous ; outer ones the 
largest and subradiate, and more densely cleft at the extremity. 
Achenia four- or five-sided. Pappus of four or five linear-lan- 
ceolate paleaceous scales. 

Fig. 1. Portion of the receptacle. 2. Outer floret. 3. Apex of style :— 

Tas. 4967. 

PHYTOLACCA tIcosanprRa. 

Long-racemed Poke-weed. 


Gen. Char. Flores hermaphroditi, tribracteati. Calyx 5-partitus; laciniis 
petaloideis vel herbaceis, margine membranaceis, zqualibus, fructiferis reflexis. 
Corolla nulla. Stamina 5-25, subhypogyna, libera, disco carnosulo inserta, 5 ex- 
teriora cum calycis laciniis alterna, caetera fasciatim vel inordinate iisdem oppo- 
sita. Filamenta subulata. Anthere ellipticee, incumbentes. Ovarium composi- 
tum. Carpella 5-12, toro convexiusculo sessilia, verticillata, juxta totam longi- 
tudinem connata. Ovula in loculis solitaria, basifixa, campylotropa. Styli 6-12, 
breves, discreti, subulati, apice recurvi, coronulam terminalem sepe efformantes. 
Stigmata superficies interna stylorum. Fructus baccatus, succulentus, depresso- 
globosus vel globosus, longitrorsum costatus vel ecostatus, plurilocularis, calyce 
reflexo interne stipatus; loculis monospermis, indehiscentibus. Semina verti- 
calia, fundo loculamentorum prope axim fructus affixa, subgloboso-lenticularia, 
brevissime rostellata; testa crustacea, fragili. -AJéumen centrale, copiosum, fari- 
naceum. ZHmébryo annularis, periphericus; radicula descendente ; cotyledonibus 
linearibus, planiusculis, incumbentibus.—Herbe, raro frutices, amphigee, tropice 
et subtropice. Caules erecti. Folia alterna, petiolata, integerrima, penninervia. 
Flores pedicellati aut sessiles, in racemos simplices spiceeformes aphyllos primum 
subterminales et erectos tandem oppositifolios et cernuos dispositi. Bracteze gla- 
bre, inferior basi, laterales paulo infra apicem aut medium versus pedicelli. DC. 

Puytonacca icosandra; caule terete, foliis elliptico-ovatis brevi- sed tenui-acu- 
minatis, racemis pedunculatis folio multo longioribus, floribus pedicello 4- 
plo brevioribus 10-15-(20-)andris 10-20-gynis, baccis depresso-globosis — 
umbilicatis demum sulcatis. coe 

Puytotacca icosandra. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 631 (not Bot. Mag., fide Moquin). Mill. 
Ic. t. 207. Mog. Tand. in De Cand. Prodr. v. 13. Pars I. p. 33. 

Puytotacca Mexicana. Gerin. Lam, Ill. t. 393. 2. f. 2. 

Puyrotacca Bogotensis. Mig. Sert. Eeot. p. 6. t. 3. (not Kunth, fide Moq.). 

The Phytolacca icosandra of Sims, in Bot. Mag. t. 2633, and 
which has an erect, herbaceous raceme, flowers longer than the 
pedicels, and leaves undulated or crumpled at the base below, 
is considered by Moquin-Tandon to belong to the P. Mexicana 
of Sweet (not Gertn.), and both are placed in the second section 
of the genus, chiefly distinguished by the “ bacca ecostata ;” and 

FEBRUARY lst, 1857. 

certainly when I first saw our plant, with its bright, black, plump 
berries, quite even on the surface, I could not see how our plant 
could belong to that division: but as the pulp dries, whether on 
the living plant, through age, or as seen in the Herbarium (and 
as shown in our figure), it is as distinctly furrowed or costate as 
the species in the first section. Notwithstanding that our plant 
is destitute of beauty, both in leaf and flower, the bright coral- 
red of the rachis and of the pedicels of the long and graceful 
racemes, together with the deep purple-black of the copious ber- 
ries, are very attractive, and ought to recommend this species to 
general cultivation. It seems to be a native of the warm parts 
of the New World, and was imported, we believe, by the Belgian 
cultivators from Mexico. From them we have received it under 
the name of Phytolacca violacea. We have cultivated it hitherto 
in the stove; but it would, no doubt, succeed well in a green- 
house in the summer, at which season it bears flowers and fruits 

Descr. Our plants are about two feet high, suffruticose below, 

branched and herbaceous above; dranches terete, sometimes 

slightly tinged with purple, glabrous, as is every part of the 
plant. Leaves three to four inches long, slightly fleshy, elliptical- 
ovate, petiolate, sharply acuminate, penninerved, entire ; petioles 
one and a half to two inches long. acemes inserted on the 
branch, opposite to the leaf, very long, graceful, drooping, con- 
tinuing to lengthen as the flowers expand and as the fruits ripen. 
Peduncles two to three inches long, stout. Rachis eight to ten 
inches long, bright coral-red ; pedicels also red, a line to a line 
and a half long in flower, four lines in fruit, bracteolate. Pe- 
rianth of five, spreading, obovate, yellow-green sepals. Stamens 
frequently ten, varying to fifteen and even to twenty. Filaments 
erect, slender. Anther ovate. Ovary globose, terminated by 
ten or more subulate recurved styles, having a line on the upper 
side, forming the stigmatic surface. Berries about as large as a 
small pea, depresso-globose, umbilicated, glossy, at first green, 
then dark purple, at length almost jet-black. On withering the 
fruit becomes costate, the pulpy substance shrinking between 

the cells, and presenting as many ribs and furrows as there are 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2, 3. Stamens. 4. Berry. 5. The same, cut through 
transversely :—magnijied. 6. Withered costate fruit :—wat. size. 





‘Witch del.ct J 

ent Brocks Imp. 



Tas. 4968, 

RHODODENDRON campytLocarpPum. 

Curved-fruited Rhododendron. 

Nat. Ord. Ertcem.—Dxcanpria MoNnoGyNtIa. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4336.) 

RHODODENDRON campylocarpum ; fructicosum, ramis gracilibus, foliis ellipticis 
obtusis mucronulatis petiolatis basi cordatis coriaceis glabris subtus pallidis 
glaucis, umbellis plurifloris, pedicellis calycibus ovariisque oblongis glan- 
duloso-pilosis, calycis lobis parvis rotundatis, corclle lato-campanulate pal- 
lide straminee lobiss ubrotundis, staminibus 10, capsulis oblongis curvatis 

RHODODENDRON campylocarpum. Hook. fil. Rhod. Sik.-Himal. tab. 30, and in 
Journ. of Hort. Soc. v. 7. p. 19. 

From the collection of Messrs. Standish and Noble, Bagshot 
Nursery, where it flowered in April of the past year (1856) in a 
cool frame. It is a native of rocky valleys and open spurs in 
the mountains of Sikkim-Himalaya, elevation 11-14,000 feet 
above the level of the sea, and there abundant. At such an 
elevation it is natural to expect that the plant would be hardy in 
the open air in Britain; and so this and other such Himalayan 
Rhododendrons are: but, unfortunately, the flowering season is 
so early that we cannot hope to see them come to perfection with- 
out the protection of a frame or cool greenhouse, admitting plenty 
of air when the weather is mild. Thus treated, this species will 
be found to deserve the praises it has received from Dr. Hooker. 
in the following description. 

Duscr. “A small dwsh six feet high, rounded in form, of a 
bright cheerful green hue; and which, when loaded with its 7n- 
florescence of surpassing delicacy and grace, claims precedence over 
its more gaudy congeners, and has always been regarded by me 
as the most charming of the Sikkim Rhododendrons. The plant 
exhales a grateful honeyed flavour from its lovely bells, and a re- 
sinous sweet odour from the stipitate glands of the petioles, pe- 
dicels, calyx, and capsules. Leaves on slender petioles, three- 

FEBRUARY Ist, 1857. 

fourths of an inch long, coriaceous, but not thick in the texture, 
two or three and a half inches long, one and three-quarters to 
two inches broad, cordate at the base, rounded and mucronate 
at the apex ; in all characters, except the evanescent, glandular 
pubescence, and spherical buds, undistinguishable from Rhodo- 
dendron Thomsoni. Flowers horizontal and nodding. Corolla 
truly campanulate, delicate in texture, tinged of a sulphur hue 
and always spotless, nearly two inches long, broader across the 
lobes, which are finely vemed. The pedicels of the capsules ra- 
diate horizontally from the apices of the ramuli, and the capsules 
curve upwards with a semicircular arc; they are about an inch 
. long, always loosely covered with stipitate glands.” —J. D. Hook. 
in Rhod. of Sik. Himal. 

Fig. 1. Stamen. 2. Calyx and pistil. 3. ‘Transverse section of ovary :—#mag- 
nified. 4. Capsule :—anat. size. 


‘Vincent Brooks Imp. 

Witch del. et ith 

Tas. 4969. 

HOYA coronaria. 

Coronated Hoya. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4347.) 

Hoya coronaria, Bl.; caule scandente, ramis robustis, petiolis pedunculis calycibus 
extus foliisque subtus pilis curvatis magis minusve velutinis, foliis sublonge 
petiolatis crasse carnosis apiculatis basi obtusis obsolete transversim venosis 
marginibus subrecurvis, umbellis pedunculatis multifloris, corolla majus- 
cul laciniis triangularibus extus pubescentibus intus glabris, corone sta- 
minez foliolis angulo exteriore rotundatis obtusis. 

Hoya coronaria. Bi. Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. p. 1063 (excl. syn. Herb. Amb.), Rum- 
pkia, vol. 4. p. 31. t. 183. f. 2, et 4. 184. f. 2. 

Hoya grandiflora. Bl. MSS. et Decaisne in De Cand. Prodr. v. 8. p. 635. 
Hoya velutina. Wight, Contr. Bot. of India, p. 35. Wall. Cat. n. 8150. 
Aroy kilampahan, Sundaicé. 

This fine Hoya was introduced to our stoves by the Messrs. 
Veitch, of the Exeter and Chelsea Exotic Nurseries, from Java, 
through their collector, Mr. Thomas Lobb, and it proves to be 
the Hoya coronaria figured and described by Blume, |. c. It is, 
next to Hoya imperialis, Lindl., undoubtedly the largest-flowered 
species of the genus yet cultivated in our gardens. The colour 
of the corolla, though exhibiting no bright or gay tint, has no- 
thing of the lurid character of the species last mentioned ; it is a 
pale sulphur-yellow, prettily relieved by five red spots imme- 
diately around and at the base of the corona staminea. Blume 
appears to have been the first to discover this plant'in moist 
woods and shady banks of Western Java, and was then disposed 
to refer it to the “Corona Ariadnes punicea” of Rumphius, under 
the name of H. grandiflora, in which Decaisne has followed 
him in De Cand. Prodr.; but Blume afterwards corrected him- 
self, and gave of this species a good figure and description under 
the name we here adopt. It is not however peculiar to Java: 
Dr. Wallich detected it in Silhet. The milky juice of the leaves, 

MARCH lst, 1857. 

Blume observes, is acrid, and excites nausea; nevertheless the 
mountain tribes eat the plant uncooked, mixed with capsicum and 
salt, and consider that it assists digestion. Our drawing was 
made from Messrs. Veitch’s plant in November, 1856. 

Descr. Suffruticose climber; Jranches rather thick, terete, 
downy, green. Leaves opposite, distant, petiolate, elliptical, api- 
culate, thick, fleshy, pale green, three to five inches long, obtuse 
at the base, the margin a little recurved, penninerved ; xerves 
obscure, nearly horizontal: above glabrous, the costa on the 
upper side, and the whole leaf beneath, as well as the thick, 
terete petiole, about an inch long, are subvelutinous, the hairs 
(and wherever they exist on the plant) curved. Pedunc/e arising 
from between the pairs of leaves, an inch or more long, downy, 
bearing an wmbel of many flowers: pedicels (which are longer 
than the peduncle) downy. Calyx of five, downy, ovate, rather 
acute lobes. Corolla rotate: the /odes triangular, acute, mo- 
derately carnose, pale sulphur-yellow, with five small red spots 
at the base of the tube. Sfaminal crown large, conspicuous, 
of five blunt lobes or rays. Blume describes the fruit as 
“Folliculus cucumerinus, 8—10-poll., cylindricus, aliquantum cur- 
vatus, sulco longitudinali exaratus,—textura crassa spongiosa, 
sulco longitudinali tandem dehiscens.”’ 

Fig. 1. Portion of a pedicel, with the corona staminea :—magnified. 

petucReie tein otierey: 


Tas. 4970. 

DENDROBIUM wererocarpumM; 


Various-fruited Dendrobium ; Mr. Henshall’s variety. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 4352.) 

DENDROBIUM heterocarpum ; caulibus teretibus pendulis, foliis oblongis acutis 
planis, floribus geminatis ternatisque odoratis raceemum spurium formantibus, 
sepalis lineari-oblongis acutis, petalis ovatis acutis sepalo supremo majoribus, 
labello unguiculato, limbo subpanduriformi holosericeo medio elongato acu- 
minato plano. Lindl. 

a. aureum; \abello luteo, disco aureo-sanguineo. 

Denprosrum heterocarpum. Wall. Cat. n. 20. Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. 
p. 718. Bot. Reg. Mise. 1844. p. 49. ”. 11. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4708. 

DenpDRoBiIUM aureum. Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. p. 78. 

B. Henshallii ; caulibus gracilioribus, labello albo basi albo, disco maculis duabus 
atro-sanguineis (Tas. Nostr. 4970). : 

y- pallidum ; floribus minoribus, labello albo basi intus aureo. 

DENDROBIUM aureum; var. pallidum. Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1839. ¢. 20. 

5. immaculatum ; \abello pallide citrino. 

Even in our own stoves this pretty species of Dendrobium is 
liable to great change in the colour and markings of the labellum, 
as the above notice of varieties, that have come under our own 
knowledge, will show. 'T'wo of the above variations have been 
already figured ; a third is here represented ; and a fourth is now 
flowering (February, 1857) in the stove of the Royal Garden of 
Kew, viz. that with a very pale lemon-coloured lip, without any 
blotch of a deeper colour. The range of the species, In its na- 
tive state, is now known to be extensive: Ceylon, the Madras 
Peninsula, the northern (Nepal) and eastern (Assam) districts of 
Bengal; and recently the Messrs. Rollison have imported from 
Java the plant here figured, which, if it had been distinct, we 

MARCH lst, 1857. 

would gladly have named after the collector who sent it to them. 
It seems however unquestionably specifically the same as D. hete- 
rocarpum, and as a variety of that we here give it. All the 
varieties are worthy of cultivation. 

For the description we must refer to that of the original 
Wallichian species (Tas. 4708) of the present work; the chief 
differences may be mentioned in few words: the stems are more 
slender, not so clavate, and the jovnés are less tumid; the “ip 
is for the most part pure white, the base only suffused with 
yellow, and the middle lobe of the lip, instead of having the 
whole disc of a deep golden sanguineous stain, has two dark 
sanguineons spots confined to its base. 

Fig. 1. Side view of the labellum. 2. Front view of the labellum. 3. Co- 
lumn. 4, Pollen-masses : :—magnified, 


Vincent. Broaks Imp 

Tas. 4971. 
EUCHARIS GranpirLora. 

Large-flowered Eucharis. 

Nat. Ord. AMaRYLLIpE# § PancratTie®.—HexanpRia MonoGyn 

Gen. Char. Eucuartis, Planch. et Lind.—Perianthii basis cum ovario con 
creta, tubo a basi leviter incurvo ,inferne angusto, superne sensim infundibuli- 
formi, limdi 6-partiti laciniis revoluto-expansis, exterioribus quam interioribus 
lanceolato-ellipticis angustioribus. Corona subcampanulata, perianthii fauci in- 
serta, ad tertiam partem 6-fida, divisuris latis apice subbilobo-truncatis, inter 
dentes obtusos staminiferis ; filamenti pars libera late subulata, recta. Anthere 
lineari-oblonge, supra basin bifidam dorso inserte, demum versatiles, biloculares, 
rima duplici longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Stylus filiformis, exsertus ; stigma vix 
dilatatum, trilobulatum. Ovarium obtuse trilobum, triloculare; ovulis 2, ana- 
tropis, angulo interno horizontaliter superpositeque affixis. Capsula (immatura) 
alte triloba, lobis gibbosis, a latere compressiusculis, verosimiliter abortu mono- 
spermis (nunc ovulis pluribus, in loculo quoque 16-18).—Herba Novo-Grana- 
tensis, bulbosa, glaberrima, bulbo ovato-oblongo, squamis completis tunicato. Folium 
unicum, floribus coetaneum, longiuscule petiolatum, petiolo antice plano, lamina late 
elliptica, acuminata, basi in petiolum decurrente, costa medio subtus obtuse promi- 
nente, nervis utringue 10 et ultra, incurvis, basi apiceque conniventibus, invicem 
nervulis transversis connexis, pagina supera atro-viridi, infera pallidiore. Scapus 
2-pedalis, folio longior, superne compressiusculus, apice umbella 8-10-flora ornatus, 
spathis pluribus lineari-lanceolatis v. linearibus marcescentibus, pedicellis 8-18 lin. 
longis, floribus candidis (corona basi Iutescente), vix odoratis. Planch. et Lind. 

Eucnarts grandiflora ; foliis in stirpe florifera 2-4 cordato-ovatis medio canali- 
culatis, scapo 8—5-floro, perigonii laciniis exterioribus ovatis interioribus 
latioribus, ovarii loculis 16—18-spermis. 

Eucuaris grandiflora. Planch. et Lind. Flore des Serres, v. 9. p. 255. ¢. 957. 

From the collection of Messrs. Veitch and Son, King’s Road, 
Chelsea, where it bears the appellation of Lucharis Amazonica, a 
name we find nowhere recorded, and there can be no question 
of its being the #. grandiflora of Planch. and Linden, in the 
work above quoted, where however we find the specific character 
at variance with the figure, “ perigonii laciniis exterioribus ovato-— 
lanceolatis interiora latitudine excedentibus :” the reverse is the 
case, both in their figure and in our specimens. Those authors 
notice its affinity with their 2. candida of the same work, vol. ix. 

MARCH Ist, 1857. F: 

p. 107, a species with which we are not acquainted. With us it 
blossoms in the stove in the winter months, and the truly noble 
pure white flowers, the large staminal cup slightly suffused with 
pale yellow-green, are highly fragrant. Inhabits the Province of 
Choco, New Granada. It is impossible not to see a very close 
analogy between Linden and Planchon’s genus Hwcharis and 
Kurycles of Salisbury (in our Tab. 3399); the true nature of 
the bulbs, leaves, and flowers are the same. ‘The latter genus 
is exclusively a native of the warm parts of the Old World, 
whilst our plant is peculiar to the New. 

Drscr. Leaves rising from a rather large tunicated bulb. 
Petioles from five to seven inches long, semiterete, plane or 
slightly grooved above: the d/ade about equal in length to the 
petiole, or longer, ovate, shortly acuminate, striated, dark green 
above, paler beneath. Scape a foot or more high, bearing about 
six or seven large white fragrant flowers, which emerge from a 
bifid membranaceous spatha. Peduncles very short, with subu- 
late dracteas at their base. Perianth hypocrateriform: the tube 
curved, narrow for its greater length, expanding upwards, three 
inches long, including the oblong, green, subtrigonal ovary. 
Limb of six, horizontal, acute or subapiculate segments: three 
outer exactly ovate; three inner cordiform-ovate. Staminiferous 
cup large, white, tinged with green, six-lobed at the margin, 
each lobe bifid, with its obtuse lobules subdivergent, and bearing 
a stamen in the centre. lament short, subulate, erect: anther 
linear, versatile. Ovary oval, trigonous, three-celled, with fourteen 
to sixteen ovules, in two rows. Style longer than the stamen: 
stigma three-lobed. 

Fig. 1. Transverse section of the ovary, with ovules :—magnifted. 

Tas. 4972. 


Cream-coloured Rhododendron. 

Nat, Ord. Ericacr®2.—Drcanpria MonoGynta. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tan. 4336.) eas 

RHoDODENDRON aléum; subhumile, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis brevi-petiolatis 
acutis subtus ramulis junioribus petiolis pedicellis calycibus ovariisque fer- 
rugineo-lepidotis, corymbis terminalibus umbellatis subsessilibus plurifloris, 
floribus parvis, calycibus minutis, lobis rotundatis ineequalibus, corolla late 
campanulata ochroleuca, lobis rotundatis retusis, staminibus 10, ovario 5- 
loculari elliptico sulcato, disco hypogyno magno carnoso sublobato, stig- 
matis lobis 5 parvis erectis. 

RHoDODENDRON album. Cat. Hort. Buitenz. p.712. De Cand. Prodr. v.17. p. 721. 
(non Ham. et Sweet.) 

_ Vinzya alba. Bl. Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. p. 853. 

A native of the Salak mountains of Java, according to Blume, 
and an exceedingly pretty species; not the less pretty for the 
flowers being rather ochroleucous than white. We do not 
wonder that Blume (the only author who has described the 
plant) should have called them white, in comparison of the 
rich orange or red of the other Javanese species of this genus 
known to that author. The ferruginous undersides of the leaves 
too, occasioned by the copious scales or scurf of that colour, give — 
a richness to the tints of the foliage. In the size, and somewhat — 
in the colour of the flowers, this resembles the Rhododendron 
citrinum (see our Tas. 4797), also a Java plant; but that has 
more tubular and yellower corollas, a larger calyx, only five 
(red) stamens, broader leaves, destitute, as is the rest of the 
plant, of the bright ferruginous scales. The Messrs. Rollison, 
of the Tooting Nursery, have been so fortunate as to possess 
this plant, sent by their collector, Mr. Henshall, from Java. 
With them it flowered in the stove in November, 1856, and 

MARCH Ist, 1857. 

from their specimen we have been able to give the accompanying 

Pastis Apparently a small shrwvé, flowering when less than a 
foot high. Branches clothed with a reddish-brown bark; the 
younger ones lepidote. Leaves rather copious, spreading, three 

- to four inches long, oblong-lanceolate, acute, on short lepidote 
petioles, pinnatedly veined, naked, glabrous, and dark green 
above ; beneath, thickly clothed with minute ferruginous scales, 
giving a rich rusty colour'to the whole underside of the foliage. 
Corymbs umbellate, terminal, shorter than the leaves. Pedicels 
an inch or an inch and a half long, lepidote. /V/owers small (for 
the genus). Calye minute and indistinct, of five (unequal) 
rounded lobes, scaly on the outside. Corolla broad-campanu- 
late, pale ochroleucous or cream-colour, its five lobes nearly equal, 

rounded, retuse. Stamens ten, scarcely longer than the tubular 
portion of the corolla. Fi/aments slightly hairy at the base, 
sometimes bearing one or two spiniform teeth. Ovary very le- 
pidote, furrowed, elliptical, five-celled, seated on a large fleshy 

lobed disc. Style shorter than the stamens. Stigma a little di- 
lated and bearing five erect points or small lobes. 

Fig. 1. Calyx. 2. Stamens, one of them with spiniform teeth. 3. Pistil 
and fleshy hypogynous disc. 4. Transverse section of the ovary :—magnified. 


jak ei) ie Oe vy cee ia al 0 id 
ee 5 % vd 

a> ET LE 






Tas. 4973. 

Villous Calathea ; spotted-leaved var. 

Nat. Ord. MarantacEa.—Monanpria MOoNnoGyYNIA. 

_ Gen. Char. Calyx triphyllus. Corolle 6-partite lacinia exteriores lanceolate, 
interiores obtusze ; Jadellum concavum, hine dente auctum. Filamentum petaloi- 
deum, anthera lineari, adnata.. Ovarium inferum, 8-loculare; ovula in loculis 
solitaria, basilaria, campylotropa. Stylus petaloideus: s¢igma trigonum. Cap- 
sula trilocularis, trisperma, v. abortu unilocularis, monosperma. Semen uncinato- 
oblongum, umbilico basilari foveato, ¢esta coriacea. Albumen farinosum. m- 
éryo rectus, excentricus, extremitate radiculari umbilicum attingente, lectuli em- 
bryonalis crure altero vacuo.—Herbee in America tropica indigene, excelse ; foliis 
longe petiolatis, radicalibus maximis, spicis terminalibus imbricato-bracteatis. Endl. 

Cataruea villosa ; acaulis, molliter villosa, foliis petiolatis oblique ellipticis brevi- 
acuminatis scapo vix longioribus, spica cylindracea elongata, bracteis subdis- 
tantibus apice patulis acuminatis, limbi corolle interioris lacinia superiore 
obovata emarginata inferiore oblonga biloba. 

CauaTuEa villosa. Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1845, ¢. 14. 

8. foliis atro-fusco-maculatis. Calathea pardina. Planch. et Lind. in Prix Cou- 
rant, etc., Fl. Nouv. 1855, p. 2. eum Ic. (Tas. Nostr. 4973.) 

That this is the Calathea pardina of Planchon and Linden, 
cannot be doubted ; their figure in the “ Prix Courant ” is suffi- 
ciently satisfactory, and our plants are derived from the Belgian 
Gardens; but why the authors of that little work, who are 
evidently acquainted with the figure and description of Dr. Lind- 
ley above quoted, do not adopt Dr. Lindley’s prior name, we 
cannot understand. “Elle est trés voisine du Calathea villosa, 
‘ Bot. Mag.,’ plante de la Guyanne, probablement perdue pour les 
jardins et qui d’ailleurs ne présente sur la figure aucunes traces 
de ces mouchetures qui donnent & notre espéce un mérite orna- 
mental hors ligne.” It would thus appear that there are three 
reasons why Dr. Lindley’s plant is not the same as ours. — ee 
is a native of British Guiana, and not of the adjacent territory of 
New Granada; 2. It is probably lost to our gardens; and 3. 

MARCH Isr, 1857. 

The leaves are destitute of spots. It is thus that Botany is en- 
cumbered with a multitude of false species, to gratify a love of 
notoriety by giving a name of one’s own. We are quite ready to 
acknowledge that large dark blotches are a great ornament to the 
foliage ; and when, in addition, the large yellow flowers are in 
perfection, it must be acknowledged to be a plant well worthy of 
a place in every stove collection. Sir Robert Schomburgk de- 
tected the plant in the neighbourhood of Demerara, and sent 
roots to the Messrs. Loddiges, prior to 1843. M. Schlim more 
recently found the spotted-leaved variety in the valley of the 
Magdalena. With us, in a moist stove, this variety flowers 
readily in the summer months. 

Dezscr. The plant grows in a tufted manner, sending up nu- 
merous and all radical leaves, a span and more long, of an ob- 
liquely elliptical form (the two sides unequal), shortly acuminate, 
the base obtuse, villous, petiolate ; petioles long, slender, terete 
and having long sheathing bases, clothed with spreading hairs. 
Scape radical, arising from the sheathing bases of the leaves, 
terete, patenti-villous, terminated by a bracteated long spike of 
large yellow flowers. Bracteas large, imbricate, ventricose, vil- 
lous, the apex acuminate and spreading. Ovary small, inferior, 
turbinate. Calyx of three, erect, lanceolate sepals. Tube of the 
corolla slender, curved. zterior petals (or rather, exterior limb 
of the petal) of three lanceolate lobes: izzer with the superior 
lobe large, broad, and retuse, inferior two-lobed. Stamen soli- 
tary: anther oblong. Style petaloid, curved. 

Fig. 1. Ovary and calyx. 2. Tube of the corolla (laid open), with stamen - 
and style :—magnified. : 


del et lith . 



Vincent Brooks Imp 

Tas. 4974, 
BEGONIA microprera. 

Short-winged Begonia. 

Nat. Ord. Becontacem.—Monecta PoLyaNpDRIA. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4172.) 

BEGONIA microptera ; subglanduloso-villosa, caule erecto terete herbaceo viridi, 
foliis alternis subdistantibus ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis acute duplicato- 
serratis inequilateris. basi inferiore obtuse auriculatis viridibus subtus 
pallidis, venis rubris, petiolis brevibus (semiuncialibus), stipulis longitudine 
petioli lanceolato-subulatis membranaceis apiculatis, panicula terminali co- 
rymbosa, bracteolis lanceolatis ciliato-serratis, flore masc. tetrasepalo, se- 
palis 2 cordato-ovatis 2 oblongo-lanceolatis integerrimis, foem. pentasepalo . 
sepalis obovatis eequalibus serratis, fructu (vix matura) oblonga pubescente 
angulis 2 exalatis tertio ala brevissima. 

The leaves of this species are very pretty, especially on the 
under side, where the bright red, prominent veins are very con- 
spicuous ; but the flowers, though numerous, are deficient in 
colour, neither are the stamens or stigmas of so deep a yellow 
as is usual with the Begoniacee. The peculiar character of the 
species is to be found in the very narrow wings of the fruit ; 
two of the angles, indeed, can hardly be said to be winged at 
all, and the third has a very narrow wing, more so than in any 
species with which I am acquainted. It is a native of Borneo, 
whence it was imported by Messrs. Low, of Clapton, in whose 
stove it flowered in the month of December, 1856. 

Dezscr. Stems a foot to a foot and a half high, terete, green 
or greenish, subglanduloso-pubescent, as is the rest of the plant,’ 
branched, branches few. Leaves subdistichous, four to nearly 
six inches long, ovato-lanceolate, subfalcate, inequilateral, acu- 
minate, sharply duplicato-serrate, the inferior base of the leaf 
dilated into a large auricle; the colour a rather dark, full green 
above, beneath very pale green, with the prominent nerves 
bright red, and there is a red spot also at the base of the costa 
above. Pefiole about half an inch long, red at the top, where it 

MARCH Ist, 1857. 

unites with the leaf, almost concealed by the two, rather erect, 
lanceolato-subulate, apiculate, membranaceous sfipules, equal in 
length with the petiole. Panicle terminal, corymbose, shortly 
pedunculate: pedicels red where they join the flower. Bracts 
ovate, acuminate, ciliato-serrate. Mate Fiowers: Sepals four, 
spreading, two large cordate, two small oblong-lanceolate, all of 
them entire at the margin. Stamens about twenty, closely com- 
pacted. Frmate Fiowers: Sepals five, spreading, equal, obo- 
vate, moderately acute, serrated. Fruit or capsule (immature) 
oblong, triangular, downy; two angles sharp, wingless ; the third 
with a narrow wing, a little broader upwards. Styles and. stig- 
mas as in the genus. 

Fig. 1. Pedicel, with bracts and male flower. 2. Female flower :—magnified. 

Witch del et lith 

Tas. 4975. 

Mexican Small-leaved Snowberry. 


Gen. Char. Calycis tubus globosus, limbus parvus, 4—5-dentatus. Corolla in- 
fundibuliformis, subsequaliter 4—5-loba. Stamina 5, breve exserta. Stigma semi- 
globosum. Ovarium adnatum, 4-loculare, Joculis fertilibus 1-ovulatis, sterilibus 
pauci-ovulatis. Bacca calyce coronata, 4-locularis, loculis 2 vacuis, 2 monosper- 
mis.—Frutices erecti, dumosi, opposite ramosissimi. Folia ovalia, integerrima. 
Pedunculi breves, axillares, uni- aut multiflori. Flores bibracteati, paroi, albt aut 
rosei, brevissime pedunculati. De Cand. 

SYMPHORICARPUS microphyllus ; floribus axillaribus solitariis, corolle tubo elon- 
gato-infundibuliformi, foliis parvis ovatis subtus glaucis. 

SyMpHoRIcARPUS microphyllus. H.B.K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. Am. v. 3. p. 424. 

SympHortcarpus montanus. H.B.K. l.c. v. 3. p. 425. ¢. 296. Hensl. in 
Maund’s Botanist, v. 1. ¢. 20. 

Sympnoricarpus glaucescens. H. B. K. l.c. p. 424. t. 295. 

Anisantuvs microphylla. Willd. in Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veget. v. 5. p. 223 
(name only). 

The common Sxowberry of North America, chiefly of Canada 
and the Northern United States, and of our gardens and shrub- 
beries, is familiar to every one, with its interrupted spikes of 
small red flowers, which are succeeded by the large, pure white, 
waxy berries, remaining on the plant till almost mid-winter. 
The species here figured is a native of high mountains in various 
parts of Mexico, and was introduced by Robert Barclay, Esq., of 
Bury Hill, through M. Cervantes, Professor of Botany at Mexico, 
in 1829. It forms a small bush with us, and though, from the 
smaller size of the berries and the paler rose-coloured flowers, it 
is perhaps inferior to the last-mentioned species, yet the berries, 
having a pink blush upon them, render the plant equally attrac- 
tive in the autumn. It is perfectly hardy, as may be expected, 
coming from an elevation on the mountains of Mexico, of 8000 
or 9000 feet above the level of the sea; and flowers during most 
of the summer months. 

ApRIL Ist, 1857. 


I think I do not err in referring the 8. montanus, as well as 
the S. glaucescens of H. B. K., to the 8. microphyllus of the same 
author. This latter is the first of the published names, and 
therefore has the right of priority. The authors, in describing 
their S. glaucescens, remark, “ Differt a praecedente (8. micro- 
phyllus) cui similliraus, presertim forma foliorum et magnitudine 
omnium partium.” ‘These differences described are trifling in- 
deed to what we find in our own common Snowberry ; and with 
regard to S. montanus, the remark in the Nov. Gen. et Sp. Am., 
“8. microphyllo proximus: vix distinctus, nisi foliis floribusque 
multo majoribus.”. The figures of the two species there given 
might, as far as any differences even of size are discernible, be 
taken from one and the same plant. It may be some confirma- 
tion of our present opinion to say, that numerous specimens in 
our Herbarium, from different parts of Mexico, exhibit only one 

Descr. A much-branching shrub, with twiggy, opposite, ob- 
scurely-angled dranches, copiously leafy. Leaves opposite, small, 
on very short petioles, generally exactly ovate and acute, penni- 
nerved, glaucous beneath; sometimes broad-ovate, occasionally 
obtuse, always quite entire. Flowers axillary, solitary, scarcely 
longer than the leaves, and pointing downwards, so as to be 
much concealed by the foliage. Bracteas two, small, ovate, at 
the base of the ovary. Calya-limb cup-shaped, five-toothed. 
Corolla tinged with pink, tubuloso-infundibuliform ; Zim more 
or less spreading, of five, broad, ovate segments: tube of the 
corolla hairy within. Filaments short, inserted a little below the 
sinuses of the lobes of the corolla. Anthers oblong, scarcely ex- 
serted. Style half the length of the corolla, swollen at the base. 
Stigma capitate, two-lobed, downy. 

Fig. 1. Flower, with its bracteas. 2. Corolla laid open, with stamens and 
style :—magnijied. 

49 76 . 

"W.Fttch del & ith. 

Vancent roaks Imp. 

Tas. 4976. 

CAMELLIA reticutata; flore pleno. 

Netted-leaved Camellia ; double-flowered var. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 2784.) 

CameLLia reticulata; foliis oblongo-ovatis acuminatis subopacis reticulatis, pe- 
talis amplis flaccidis undulato-plicatis patentibus, calyce pentaphyllo colorato, 
ovario sericeo. 

CaMELLIA reticulata. Lindley, Bot. Reg. t. 1078. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 2784. 
Double-flowered var. (Tas. Nost. 4976). 

Dr. Lindley was assuredly quite correct in describing Camella 
reticulata as a very distinct species from C. Japonica. Fine a 
plant as it is, and a native as it is presumed to be of China, 
does not appear to have been known in Europe till about 1820, 
nor to have flowered in this country till 1826. Not only are the 
leaves very different from those of C. Japonica, but the flowers 
also, the “petals being much undulated and irregularly and 
loosely arranged, with none of the compactness and regularity 
for which the C. Japonica is so much admired.” Nor, it may 
be added, are the colours so brilliant. But that it is a first-rate 
ornamental shrub, if properly grown, will be readily conceded by 
all who have had the privilege of seeing the specimen im the 
conservatory of William Byam Martin, Esq., of Bank Grove, 
near Kingston, Surrey. Upon this* we made the following notes 
in 1849, and we know that it has increased in size and beauty 
since. “On the death of Sir John Broughton Bank Grove was 
purchased by Mr. Byam Martin, whose good taste and love of 
plants induced him to set a high value on the Camellias then on 

* An excellent woodcut, representing the entire plant in flower, figures being 
introduced to show its relative height, was published in the ‘ Historie Times ’ for 

April, 1849. 
APRIL Ist, 1857. 

the property. A skilful gardener was directed to give his best 
attention to them, and particularly to a fine specimen of C. reti- 
culata, which was planted out with other shrubs in the conserva- 
tory, and was said to be one of the first introduced to this country. 
It was desirable to afford the latter more space ; and, whatever 
the sacrifice might be, it was deemed expedient to remove the 
other Camellias, noble specimens in themselves, and devote the 
entire house to this individual. The consequence is that this has 
attained to very great perfection. Its height was (in 1849) 
thirteen feet, the spread of the branches was sixteen feet, and the 
circumference fifty feet! During the last ten years it has grown 
nearly ten feet. Unlike other really fine specimens of reticulata 
we have seen, the present one does not form a straggling bush, 
with leaves and flowers so sparse that the branches may every- 
where be seen; but its beautiful and ample foliage, and its still 
more beautiful, and, for a Camellia, almost gigantic flowers 
(eighteen to twenty inches in circumference !) constitute a dense 
mass of rich green and red, mingled in such equal proportions 
that it is at first sight difficult to say which predominates, the 
flowers or the leaves. Every blossom seems to be in its right 
place, and the number of these is not the least remarkable feature 
of this unrivalled plant. In the beginning of October, 1848, the 
multitude of flower-buds was so great that it was requisite for the 
health of the plant that 2600 should be removed ; and assuredly, 
though it was difficult to count them, nearly an equal amount 
(say 2000, and we are sure we speak within bounds) were 
allowed to remain: and these were in the perfection of blossom 
in April of 1849!” 

This plant, now described, like all hitherto known in Europe, 
had the few and lax petals which are peculiar to this species. In 
January of the present year I received a plant of which a solitary 
flower is here represented, from Messrs. Standish and Noble, 
Bagshot Nursery. It was sent some years ago by Mr. Fortune 
from China, as a “ double reticulata ;’ and it will be seen at once 
that the flowers, though retaining the size of the ordinary reticu- 
lata, are of a brighter colour, and the petals are twice as many, 
and of firmer texture, and disposed with much greater regularity. 

4D/ 4. 





Tas. 4977. 


Me edusa' s-h ead Orchis. 

Nat. Ord. OncHIDEZ.—GYNANDRIA Monoe@ynia. 

Gen. Char. Sepala ringentia; lateralia acuminata, longissima, valde obliqua, 
basi productz columne adnata, supremo multo longiora. Petala nana, apiculata. 
Labellum integrum, cum basi columne articulatum. Columna minima, basi 
longe producta, apice bicornis. Anthera dilocularis. Pollinia 4, quorum duo 
interiora multo minora, per paria connata.—Herbe epiphyte ; rhizomate repente, 
pseudobulbos monophyllos gerente. Folia coriacea, avemia. Flores dense race- 
mosi, nunc radiati, in apice scapi radicalis.—Lindl. 

CirrHopetaLum Meduse ; pseudobulbis ovatis tetragonis, folio oblongo con-, 
yexo emarginato, vaginis scapi oblongis ventricosis supremo pedunculo lon- 
eiore, floribus dense capitatis, sepalo supremo acuminato inferioribus lon- — 
gissimis pendulis, petalis triangularibus acuminatis, labello ovato-acuminato 
bicarinato, columne auriculis acutis.— Lindl. 

CrrrHoPpETaLuM Meduse. Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1842, ¢. 13. 

etl eet hee 

Strange as are the forms of the flowers of many of the tro- 
pical Orchidee, there are few which present a more remarkable 
appearance than the present. ‘They are small, but so numerous 
in the spike, and two out of the three sepals are so very much 

lengthened, as to give the spike the appearance of a head with | s 

very long dishevelled hair, which has induced Dr. Lindley to call 
the plant the “ Medusa’s-head Orchis.” It is a native of Singa- 
pore, and was imported by Messrs. Loddiges to our stoves, where 
it flowers in the winter-months. 

Duscr. Pseudobulbs ovate, compressed but subtetragonal, 
dark brown, with one or more large brown scales at the base, 
and arising from a creeping, slender caudew or rhizome. Leaf 
solitary from the apex of the bulb, large for the size of the plant | 
(five to six inches long), ligulate, obtuse or retuse, fleshy and — 
subcoriaceous, tapering into a short, terete petiole at the base. 
Scape arising from the base of the pseudobulb, a span long, 

APRIL lst, 1857. 

erect or inclined, entirely clothed with large, membranaceous, 
concave, sheathing, pale-green dracts, terminated with a brac- 
teated capitulum, or short, rounded, many-flowered spike, its 
bracteas \inear-lanceolate acuminate. Flowers sessile, small, 
white or cream-colour, faintly spotted with fulvous-yellow or 
buff-colour. Sepals from a rather broad ovato-lanceolate base, 
tapering, the superior sepal into a comparatively short acumen : 
the two /ateral into hair-like pendent apices, four to five inches 
long. Petals small, from a broad base subulate, longer than 
the column. yp shorter than the petals, pressed to the base of 
the column. Column with two subulate, erect points, nearly as 
long as the petals, between which the anther-case is lodged. 

Fig. 1. Flower (from which the long hair-like points are cut away for want of 

space to represent them in). 2. Flower, with the sepals removed. 3. Label- 
lum :—magnified. 


itch dal et lith 


Vincent Brooks Emip 

Tas. 4978. 

Hilegant Sonerila. 

Nat. Ord. MELAstomMacEm®.—TRIANDRIA Monoaynra. 

Gen. Char. Flores 3-meri. Calycis oblongi, subcylindrici, vel triquetri, rarius ’ 
turbinati dentes simplices, acuti, seepius breviores, persistentes aut sero decidui. 
Petala ovata vel oblongo-ovata, acuminata, nervo medio postice seepissime piloso. 
Stamina 3, cum petalis alternantia, rarissime 6 et tunc alternatim ineequalia ; 
antheris nunc subulatis aut linearibus, 1-porosis, nunc ovatis ovato- oblongisve 
obtusis biporosis interdumque admodum brevibus et quasi truncatis ; connectivo 
infra loculos nullo, postice autem supra filamenti insertionem basilarem aut sub- 
dorsalem nonnunquam tuberculato. Ovarium omnino aut vix non omnino adhe- 
rens, triloculare. Sylus filiformis, stigmate punctiformi aut capitellato. Capsula 
calycis tubo persistente vestita, ut plurimum triquetra, apice umbilicata, 3-valvis. 
Semina magis minusve regulariter ovoidea aut pyramidata.—Herbe interdum 
suffrutescentes, in India orientali insulisque vicinis indigene, inter Melastomaceas ob 
flores trimeros memorabiles, habitu autem maxime heterogeno, caulescentes et suba- 
caules, glabre et hirsute ; foliis haud infrequenter maxime inequalibus et hetero- 
morphis ; floribus ut plurimum in racemos scorpioideos dispositis, purpureis aut 
violaceis rarius albis. Naud. 

SONERILA elegans ; herbacea, ramis tetragonis, foliis longiuscule petiolatis ovatis 
acuminatis basi cordatis ciliato-serratis 5—7-nerviis parce pilosis discolo- 
ribus, pedunculis terminalibus cymoso-dichotomis ramis elongatis, floribus 
secundis, calycibus glanduloso-pilosis, antheris basi cordatis apice longe 


SoneRiua elegans. Wight, Ic. Plant. Ind. Or. v. 3. t. 995, 3. Walp. Annal. 
Bot. Syst. v. 1. p. 297. : 
SONERILA solanoides? Naud. Melast. Monog. Tent. p. 324-343. t. 18. f. 3. 

A most lovely Melastomaceous plant, native of the Neilgher- 
ries, remarkable for the beauty of its leaves and flowers, and 
singular among that natural Family for the ternary arrangement 
of the parts of the flower. ‘The leaves too are handsome, being 
purple on the under side, and the petioles are blood-red. We 
are obliged to Messrs. Veitch, of the Exeter and Chelsea Nur-— 
series, (who have introduced the plant to their stoves) for the 
opportunity of figuring it. It appears quite to accord with the © 
S. solanoides of Naudin, except that he describes his plant as 

APRIL lst, 1857. 

suffruticose ; it comes also from the same country. Dr. Wight, 
the first describer, whose name we adopt, says it is abundant by 
roadsides about Sisparah, and a very conspicuous species. “ At 
first,” he observes, “a few pale pink flowers expand; these are 
followed successively by others as the branches elongate, until 
at length each branch is several inches long, covered along the 
upper edge with a row of capsules and two or three flowers at 
the extremity; the branches in the meanwhile extending hori- 
zontally and slightly approaching each other, present somewhat 
the form of the letter V.” We have mature native specimens in 
our Herbarium, showing the correctness of this character as the 
fructification advances. With Messrs. Veitch, this plant flowered 
in the stove in January, 1857. 

Drscr. Plant probably a foot high, branched; the branches 
four-sided. Leaves opposite, on rather long red footstalks, four 
to five inches long, ovate, acuminate at the base, ciliato-serrate, 
hirsute, five- to nine-nerved, these connected by obliquely trans- 
verse nervelets, full dark and bright green above, reddish-purple 
beneath, where the nerves are prominent. Peduncles solitary, ter- 
minal upon the apex of the branches, and bearing a dichotomously 
divided eyme, and many flowers on the upper side of the branches. 
Pedicels short, thick, often tinged with red. Calyx oblong-tri- 
quetral, adherent with the ovary, and villous with spreading hairs, 
which are glandular at their tips ; /imé of three, triangular, spread- 
ing lobes. Petals three, horizontal, rather long, rose-colour, obo- 
vate, acute. Stamens three. Filaments deep red, nearly erect, 
subulate ; anthers inclined downwards from a cordate base, taper- 
ing into a long apex, which forms a double tube communicating 
with the anther-cells. Capsule three-celled, with numerous small 
seeds attached to a receptacle in the inner angle of each cell. 
Style ved, longer than the stamens, curved downwards. 

Figs. 1 and 2. Back and front view of the stamens. 3. Calyx and pistil. 
4. Transverse section of the immature fruit :—magnified. 





+. ‘“ 

Fitch del. et 



Tas. 4979. 

African Costus. 

Nat. Ord. ScrraMINEH.—MoNnanpRIA MoNOGYNIA. 

Gen. Char. Calyx tubulosus, trifidus. Corolle tubus infundibuliformis, Limbi 
lacinie exteriores eequales, conniventes, interiores laterales nulla : ladellum max- 
imum, campanulatum, dorso fissum. Filamentum petaloideum, supra antheram 
intramarginalem longe lateque productum. Ovarium inferum, triloculare. Ovula 
in loculorum angulo centrali plurima, horizontalia, anatropa. Stylus filiformis, 
inter anthere loculos transiens; stigma bilamellatum, basi corniculis binis in- 
structum. Capsula trilocularis, loculicide trivalvis.. Semina plurima, arillata.— 
Herbze inter tropicos totius orbis, imprimis tamen Asia, reperte ; radicibus tube- 
rosis, repentibus ; foliis subcarnosis, vaginis petiolaribus supra folit insertionem in 
ocream oblique truncatam productis ; inflorescentia spicata, terminali v. rarius radi- 
cali, bracteis imbricata. Endl. 

Costus 4fer; foliis supra vaginam brevissime petiolatis elliptico-ovatis tenui- 
acuminatis, bracteis herbaceis muticis obtusis, calyce breve tridentato den- 
tibus herbaceis muticis, filamenti dorso glabro. 

Costus Afer. Ker, Bot. Reg. t. 683. 

This plant, though till recently lost to our collections, was in- 
troduced from Sierra Leone, by seed, to the garden of the Hor- 
ticultural Society, by the late Mr. George Don; but whether 
under the circumstances connected with its recent introduction 
in March, 1855, by Captain J. H. Selwyn, R.N., of H.M.S. 
Prometheus, I am unable to say. It was brought to this gentle- 
man’s notice on the west coast of Tropical Africa, as a specific 
against nausea. Living plants were, through the kindness of the 
Honourable W. Fox Strangways, presented to the Royal Gardens, 
accompanied by the followmg description :— 

“This plant comes from the Isles de Los, about sixty miles 
north of Sierra Leone, west coast of Africa. It is valued by the 
natives as a specific against nausea, from whatever cause arising ; 
and the part used is the stem, after stripping off the leaves, and 
peeling. 'The leaves however will probably be found to contain 
a considerable quantity of the active principle, as well as the stem, 

APRIL Ist, 1857. 

though the latter alone is employed. It is eaten in the green 
state, and is perfectly harmless. The taste resembles that of the 
common Ovalis Acetosella. A peculiarity of its growth is, that 
it has no seed, nor does it propagate from suckers: but the 
flower-head, after shooting out its flowers, and by its weight 
bending the long stem to the ground, gradually withers, while a 
new plant arises from its base, and obtains nourishment from it, 
while forcing its roots into the soil, which is the light volcanic 
loam which is sent with it. The climate is dry heat from No- 
vember to March, and rains more or less frequent during the 
other months, with almost constant heat. It is avery free grower 
in Africa, and therefore easily obtainable in any quantity, if found 
to be so valuable as it would seem for medicinal purposes. 
As far as I have the opportunity of trying it, it has been uni- 
formly successful in relieving nausea. The leaves are dark glossy- 
green, the flower-head also; and the flowers are white, and | 
yellow towards the mouth,—altogether a handsome plant.— 
J. H. Selwyn.” 

It was easy to see, from the habit and foliage of the plant, that 
the plant belonged to the Scitamineous family, and the opinion 
was confirmed by a pencil-sketch of the flowering plant sent by 
Captain Selwyn. It produced its flowers in the stove in the 
month of September, and proves to be a Costus, and the Costus 
Afer of Ker in ‘Botanical Register,’ tab. 683; though that 
figure is evidently made from a very imperfect specimen, which 
gives no idea of the beauty of the blossom, which is large and 
white, and, as Captain Selwyn says, really handsome. 

We have had no means of proving its remedial qualities ; 
should it indeed possess them, they are probably rather attri- 
butable to the aromatic and stomachic properties which prevail 
in the Order, than to the acid. The roots of Costi are bitter, 
and have had a great reputation as tonics, but are now out of 
use; and Dr. Lindley says the Costi of Brazil have a subacid, 
mucilaginous juice, which is used in some disorders, and held in 
very great repute by the natives; but we are not aware that the 
property attributed to the present species is at all known to the 
faculty. We shall be happy if any one who has the inclination 
and opportunity will test the fact. The plant flowers readily in 
the autumn, and then the herbaceous stems die down till the fol- 
lowing spring. 

Descr. Stems clustered, two feet and more high, erect, simple, 
sheathed the whole length with the long vaginant petioles. 
Leaves almost a span long, ovato-elliptical, narrowly acuminate, 
costate, striated with a few slender nerves almost parallel with 
the midrib, the surface is often slightly transversely undulated : 
petiole short till it becomes the cylindrical sheath, and that is 
surmounted by a blunt ocrea. The apex of the stem has a crown 

of leaves which gradually pass into the broad obtuse imbricated 
scales, forming the oval spike of flowers. Calya membranaceous, 
funnel-shaped, three-lobed, dobes very obtuse. Corolla white, 
tinged with yellow: outer liméd of three oblong segments, of 
which one is larger than the rest : iaver reduced to one large, 
erect, convolute, cuneate segment, of which the apex is spreading, 
acute, irregularly lobed and laciniated. Filament large, petaloid. 
Anther \arge, inserted below the apex of the filament, oblong, 
having a groove in which the filiform long style is lodged: stigma 
when seen in front somewhat reniform, the margin beautifully 
fringed ; and on the back is a smaller bifid appendage, parallel 
with it. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Portion of flower, showing the filament, anther, and 
style. 8, 4. Upper and side views of stigma :—magnifed. 

‘W Fitch del ev lith . 

Tas. 4980. 
~COMPARETTIA raucara. 

Sickle-leaved Comparetta. 

Nat. Ord. Oncu1pEm.—GyYNANDRIA MoNoGYNIA. 

Gen. Char. Perianthium ringens. Sepalum intermedium et petala nana, li- 
bera, subgaleata; lateralia in unum connata calcaratum labello suppositum. La- 
bellum liberum, explanatum, obcordatum, unguiculatum, basi calearibus duobus 
intra sepalorum calcar absconditis. Columna libera, erecta, mutica. Pollinia 
2, postice foveata, caudicule cuneate rostrate adnata.—Herbe epiphyte, pseudo- 
bulbose ; racemis terminalibus. Lindl. 

Comparettta falcata ; foliis lanceolatis subfaleatis apice obliquis acutis, labello 
obcordato subrepando basi non lamellato, calcaribus subulatis nudis, co- 
lumna medio sub stigmate mutico. 

Comparertia faleata. Popp. et Endl. Nov. Gen. et Sp. v. 1. p.42. Lindl. Or- 
chid. Linden. p. 24. 

It is upon the present species, a native of trees in Peru, found 
between Cassapi and Pampayaco, that Drs. Poeppig and End- 
licher founded their curious genus Comparettia, after “Andreas 
Comparetti, a Professor at Padua, who first understood the real 
nature of spiral vessels, and who wrote with great skill on vege- 
table physiology.”” The genus is remarkable in the spurs of the 
flower. “ Nothing,” Dr. Lindley observes, “is more common than 
for Orchidacee to produce spurs from their sepals and labellum, 
but it is very unusual for the same organ to produce two spurs. 
Satyrium and Diplocentron were almost the only cases of this 
structure. Here, however, not only has the labellum two spurs, 
but they are hidden within the spur of the united pair of lateral 
sepals, so that they are not discovered till the latter is cut open. 
In this respect we find the same structure for Orchidace@ as we 
have in Aconitum among Ranunculacee.” 

To this species of Poeppig, the C. coccinea of Dr. Lindley 

~ may Ist, 1857. 

(Bot. Reg. vol. xxiv. t. 68) is undoubtedly very nearly allied, 
“our plant differing however in the broader leaves,” (scarcely 
as far as our specimens are concerned), “larger flowers, no ele- 
vated plate at the base of the stigma, and the smooth spurs of 
the lip.” Our plant, which flowered in the stove in the Royal 
Gardens in December, 1856, was received from Mr. Linden, who 
collected the plant in the neighbourhood of Merida, Columbia. 

Dzscr. Pseudobulés smooth, oblong, clustered, more or less 
sheathed with scales. Leaf solitary from the apex of the pseudo- 
bulb, lanceolate, scarcely falcate, with an oblique twist, the apex 
acute. Scape from the base of the leaf, a span or more long, 
red, filiform, pendent (in our plant), bracteated at rather distant 
intervals with small, brown, appressed, and slightly sheathing 
scales, bearing a raceme of from four to six remote flowers, of a 
rich purple-red, almost crimson colour. Jntermediate sepal and 
the petals free, concave; two /ateral sepals combined into one, 
and placed under the labellum and spurred. Zip free, broad- 
obcordate, with an elevation in the claw (but not two lamelle), 
at the base having two spurs which are lodged within the spur 
of the sepals, very much as the two spurs of the anthers in Viola 
are lodged with the spur of the petal, subulate, not ciliated. 
Column free. Stigma large, destitute of any plate at its base. 
Anther-case hemispherical. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Column and labellum with its two spurs. 8. Column: 
—magnified, ; 


Tas. 4981. 
BEFARIA Maruewsit. 

Mr. Mathews’s Befaria. 

Nat. Ord. Ertcacra.—DeEcanpRIA Monoeynia. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4433.) 

Berarta Mathewsii; ramulis glabris subtomentosisve, foliis oblongo-ellipticis 
acutis subtus pallidis glaucis tomentellisque, racemis laxis subcorymbosis 
ferrugineo-tomentosis, pedicellis elongatis strictis bracteatis, calycibus 5-7- 
lobis basi tomentosis lobis acutis, petalis oblongo-spathulatis pallide sulphu- 
te staminibus styloque longe exsertis sursum curvatis, filamentis inferne 


Beraria Mathewsii. Fielding and Gardner, Sertum Plant. tab. 69 (before 1844): 
Beranrta phillyresfolia. Benth. Plant. Hartweg. p. 225 (1846). 

The petals of many of the Rhodoreous group of Hricacee 
undergo such a change of colour in the process of drying for 
the Herbarium that it is there difficult to say what was the ori- 
ginal colour in the living state. De Candolle says of the genus 
Befaria, “Flores seepissime purpurei;” and I do not find that 
any species is described otherwise. In the present plant, the 
living specimens of which we have received from Messrs. Veitch’s 
Nurseries (Exeter and King’s Road, Chelsea), the flowers are 
sulphur-yellow. The species is now for the first time cultivated, 
having been raised by Messrs. Veitch from seeds, which were 
accompanied by specimens sent by Mr. Wm. Lobb from the 
mountains of Peru. It has appeared under two names: firstly 
as described and figured by Messrs. Fielding and Gardner from 
Mr. Mathews’s specimens gathered in Chacapayos (n. 1424, 1425) 
and at Sesuya (n. 3039); and secondly by Mr. Hartweg in the 
Andes of Popayan, frequently at an elevation of 6-11,000 feet 
above the level of the sea (n. 1231). ‘These, as well as Mr. Wn. 
Lobb’s specimens, are assuredly one and the same species, but 
varying considerably in the size of the leaves (from three-quarters 
of an inch to two and two and a half inches), and somewhat in 

MAY Ist, 1857. 

the size of the flowers. It produced its flowers at the end of 
March, 1857, with Messrs. Veitch, and seems simply to require 

Duscr. A large shrub or small ¢ree in its native regions, with 
terete, very woody éranches, often tawny or reddish from the 
presence of copious tomentum of that colour, and which is more 
or less deciduous. Leaves tolerably copious, spreading or sub- 
erect, from three-quarters of an inch to almost three inches (in 
some rare instances) long, shortly petioled, oblong-elliptical, 
acute, glabrous and dark green above, beneath glaucous, and 
often subtomentose. Flowers on terminal, scaly peduncles, 
clothed with tawny tomentum, and bracteated with small, ap- 
pressed, ovate, acute scales, racemose, or rather corymbose. 
Calyz short, cup-shaped, downy at the base, five- to seven-lobed ; 
lobes erect, ovate, acute. Corolla of from five to seven oblong- 
spathulate, erecto-patulous, pale sulphur-yellow petals. Stamens 
ten, or rarely twelve, a good deal longer than the petals, curved 
upwards. /i/aments subulate, hairy below. Anthers ovate, two- 
celled, opening at the apex by two pores. Ovary depresso- 
globose, five- to seven-lobed, five- to seven-celled. Style long, 
curved upwards. Stigma dilated, with a small five-lobed disc. 

Fig. 1. Stamen. 2. Pistil. 3. Section of ovary :—magnified. 


WRitch del cclith Vincent Brooks Jap 

Tas. 4982. 

AERIDES cyuinpricum. 

Cylindrical-leaved Aerides. 

Nat. Ord. Orncnu1pra.—GynanprRIA MoNANDRIA. 

_ Gen. Char.—Perianthium patens v.clausum. Sepaia lateralia basi seepius ob- 

liqua, cum ungue producto columne connata. Ladellum cum ungue columne 
articulatum, saccatum vel calcaratum, trilobum; lobis lateralibus nanis ; limbo 
cucullato, aut subulato, aut abbreviato-tumido, aut subfornicato. Columna in 
ovarium recumbens, brevis, aptera, Authera bilocularis. Pollinia 2, postice 
sulcata ; caudicula lata v. filiformi, glandula peltata, subrotunda.—Herbe epi- 
phyte, caulescentes. Caules subsimplices, radicantes. Folia distiche coriacea aut 
subcarnosa. Flores racemosi v. spicati. Lindl. 

AzERIDEs cylindricum ; caule gracili, foliis elongato-subulatis teretibus apice acu- 
minatis supra linea angusta canaliculatis, floribus solitariis axillaribus, sepa- 
lis petalisque obovatis undulatis conformibus, labello alte trilobo, lobis late- 
ralibus e lata basi ineequaliter bifidis erectis lacinia majore subulata, lobo 
medio bipartito unguiculato basi bilamellato, segmentis orbicularibus con- 
cavis crenatis. 

AERIDES cylindricum. Lindl. in Wail. Cat. n. 7817. Wight, Ic. Pl. Ind. 

t. 1744. 

A flowering plant of this was received from Mr: Parker, of 
Hornsey, in February of the present year, 1857. Dr. Lindley 
refers it, and no doubt correctly, to his Aerides eylindricum in 
Wall. Cat. and Wight’s Ic. Plant. Ind. Or. t. 1744, where it is 
stated to be a native of the Jyamally hills, Coimbatore. There 
are differences in the structure of the labellum, but not sufficient 
to justify the separation as a species. Our flowers were in ex- 
-cellent condition, and our figure accurately represents every part 
of the flower. , 

Dezscr. The stem of this is a foot and a half long, terete, 
flexuose, probably pendent if left to itself; clothed with the 
sheathing and striated bases of the leaves, of a purplish-brown 
colour. Zeaves distant, an inch or more apart, four to six inches 
long, subulate, terete, with a sudden acumination at the point, 

MAY Ist, 1857. 

as if the upper half were cut away; a narrow line or furrow runs 
down on the upper side, from the base of this acumination to the 
sheaths. Zeeture harsh and rigid. Flowers lateral, solitary, ra- 
ther large, white. Sepals obovato-cuneate, tapering below, so as 
to be almost unguiculate, spreading very much, undulated and 
almost crisped. ‘Pefals also spreading horizontally, similar to 
the sepals, but broader, less undulated in the lamina, but with a 
more decided twist in the claw. Jip of a very remarkable 
form, equally white with the rest of the flower, and spotless. It 
is primarily three-lobed : the lateral lobes are large, conspicuous, 
having an erect position from a broad base, subulate, and in 
themselves two-lobed, bearing a lesser irregularly-toothed lobe or 
segment near the inner base: intermediate lobe curved down- 
wards, broadly obcordate, but suddenly tapering below into a 
broad claw, deeply two-lobed, each lobe almost orbicular, con- 
cave, crenulate: at the base the disc bears two elevated protu- 
berances or laminz, which are a little downy: the under side of 
the lip at the base is prolonged into a moderately large subulato- 
terete spur, greenish towards the apex: the tip red. Column 
short, destitute of wing or appendage, greenish, tinged with rose- 
colour. -Anther-case helmet-shaped. _Pollen-masses two, orbicu- 
lar, with a cleft on one side :—caudicle long, arising from a tri- 
angular gland. 

Fig. 1. Portion of leaf. 2. Lip and spur. 38. Column and anther. 4. 

4 IO 3 . 

Tas. 4983. 

Hog-weed Begonia; blackish-leaved var. 

Nat. Ord. BEgontacEm.—Mone@cia PoLyaNnDBIA. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4172.) 

Brconta heraclejfolia ; acaulis, foliis subeequaliter cordatis profunde palmatis, 
lobis 7 lato-lanceolatis magis minusve acuminatis incisis serratisque ciliatis 
sublonge petiolatis, petiolis scapisque elongatis patenti-hispidis, panicula 
composita, corollis dipetalis, fructu trialato, alis 2 rotundatis brevibus tertia 
elongata ovata porrecta maxima. 

Brconra heracleifolia. Schlecht. et Cham. in Linnea, v. 5. p.603. Lindl. Bot. 
Reg. p. 1668. Grah. in N. Phil. Journ. Ed. July, 1833. Lindl. Bot. Reg. 
p- 1668. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3444. 

Grreoupia heracleifolia. Klotzsch, in Begon. Gatt. und Art. p. 94. 

Var. nigricans ; foliis nigro-variegatis. 

BgcGonta punctata. Link et Otto, Ic. Pl. Rar. p. 17. t.7. Begonia punctata et 
B. nigricans, Hort. Berol. 

Grreovupt1a heracleifolia, 8. punctata. Klotzsch, in Begon. Gatt. und Art. p. 95. 

This is a very handsome variety, but assuredly nothing more, 
of the well-known Begonia heracleifolia, and justly recorded as 
such by our friend Dr. Klotzsch, in his beautiful work on the 
Begoniacee above quoted ; yet it still continues to be dispersed 
as a species, sometimes under the name of B. punctata, some- 
times under that of nigricans. It is a misfortune when a genus 
of plants becomes a favourite, as is just now the case with 
that under consideration, with cultivators: for then it becomes 
an object with horticulturists and nurserymen to multiply the 
species in all manner of ways; till at length, as with Cape 
Heaths, Cape Geraniacee, Calceolaria, etc. etc., to name them 
becomes a hopeless task. The present species is a native of 
Mexico ; and the variety a very handsome one: the leaves being 
green, blotched with a deeper and almost black tint at the mar- 
gins of the lobes: the petioles, scapes, and ramifications of the 
flower-stalks are tinged with red: the bracts are pale green, the 

MAY Ist, 1857. 

petals nearly white, and the broad wing of the fruit is rose- 
coloured. It flowers in winter. 

Descr. Rhizome short, thick, horizontal. Stems none. Leaf- 
stalk three to five inches long, pale yellow-green tinged with red, 
hispid with patent hairs: at the base is a pair of broad triangular 
stipules. Leaves broad-cordate, with nearly equal sides, deeply 
palmate, with usually seven lobes which are broadly lanceolate, 
more or less acuminate, sinuato-incised, subserrate, ciliated ; be- 
neath slightly hairy, of a pale purplish-green ; above deep green, 
much darker almost black at. the margins. Scapes erect, much 
longer than the leaves, terete, hispid, bearing a moderately large 
panicle or compound raceme. Bracts large, ovate, horizontally 
patent, pale green, membranaceous. Pedicels slender, glabrous. 
Male flowers dipetalous ; the petals white, suborbicular, concave. 
Stamens several, erect. Filaments short. Anthers elongated, 
linear-cuneate. Female flowers dipetalous: the petals nearly 
oval, also white. Fruit green, dotted: the wings rose-colour : 
two of them very short: the third elongated, very large, ob- 
scurely striated. 

Fig. 1. Fruit, scarcely mature :—magnified. 


Tas. 4984. 

BEGONIA Gruirriruu. 

Mr. Grifith’s Begonia. 

Nat. Ord. Brconracem.—Monecra PotyanpRIA. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4172). 

Breonta Grifithii; acaulis, hispido-pubescens, foliis longe petiolatis oblique 
cordatis brevi acuminatis crenato-sinuatis pictis, scapis folio sublongioribus, 
floribus cymosis masculis tetra- foemineis penta-sepalis, sepalis duobus inte- 
rioribus minoribus exterioribus dorso convexis piloso-hispidis, fructu ovali 
hine gibboso hispido alis duabus brevibus tertia basin versus ala majori 
cristeeformi crenato-lobata. 

We received this very beautiful Begonia from Messrs. Hen- 
derson, of the Wellington Road Nursery, St. John’s Wood, 
under the name of B. picta, a name that must have been given 
to it by mistake, for it is extremely different from the well- 
known B. picta of Sir J. E. Smith, figured by us both in the 
‘Exotic Flora,’ t. 89, and in the present work, Tab. 2962. A 
decidedly caulescent species. We find in our Herbarium spe- 
cimens of a Begonia, in every respect corresponding with this, 
gathered by the late Mr. Griffith in Bhotan, whence, through 
some channel or other, the plants now in cultivation were pro- 
bably derived. It flowers in the stove in the winter and spring 

Descr. Stemless. eaves rising directly from the subterra- 
neous rhizome, large in proportion to the size of the plant, ob- 
liquely cordate, shortly acuminate, having a deep sinus at the 
base, forming two rounded lobes, which lap one over the other, — 
the margin sinuate-crenate, hairy, the hairs short, rising from a 

small, pellucid tubercle, which gives a granulated appearance to 

the surface; colour a dark green, beautifully variegated; some — 
way within the ciliated margin is a broad, pale green line, and 
the margin itself is dark purple, beneath the colour is pale green, 
but deep blood-colour in the centre and at the margin. Lea/- 
stalks nearly as long as the leaves, rather thick, red at the base, 

MAY Ist, 1857. 


glandularly downy. Scapes resembling the petioles, but longer 
than they, shorter than the leaves, though rising above them 
on account of the horizontal or deflexed position of the blade. 
Cyme few-flowered, with deciduous dracts. Flowers large, white 
internally. Male flowers of four sepals; stamens numerous, ca- 
pitate ; female of five sepa/s; in both cases the two innermost 
are smaller and generally narrower: the outer are cordato-sub- 
rotund, externally convex or ventricose, more or less downy, 
tinged with blush. Fruit or capsule ;—the only one I have 
seen on the living plant ;—of a peculiar form, obliquely oval, 
almost terete, hispid and somewhat tuberculated, with two nar- 
row wings, and one large projecting one from the base, and 
there forming a crest, crenated at the edge: the whole fruit a 
good deal resembling the body and tail of a barn-door fowl. 
Stigmas large, green. 

Fig. 1. Fruit :—magnified. 


* Tas. 4985. 
THUNBERGIA tavrirotia. 

Laurel-leaved Thunbergia. 


Gen. Char. Calyx brevis, cupuleformis, truncatus, v. pluridentatus, dentibus 
tam pluribus quam decem. Bracteole due ad basin calycis, calyce majores 
floremque ante anthesin valvatim tegentes. Corolla campanulato-infundibuli- 
formis, fauce inflata, limbo quinquefido patente subsequali. Stamina 4, didynama. 
Anthere erecte, adnate, loculis parallelis margine ciliato-barbatis, altero basi 
paulo breviori iidemque in calcar aristeeforme producto. Stigma infundibuli- 
forme, transversim emarginatum, subbilabiatum. Annulus nectariferus crassus, 
lobatus, ovarium cingens. Capsula ad basin globosa, bilocellata, di-tetra- 
sperma, superiora versus rostrato-attenuata, depressa, commissura plana contigua. 
Dissepimentum membranaceum, in centro coheerens, a valvis solubile. Retinacula 
nulla, quorum loco annulus cartilagineus basin seminum cingens, qui ex ambitu 
funiculi umbilicalis oritur. Semina globosa, basi callosa, perforata, funiculo um- 
bilicali per foramen intrante. Cavum interius a parte hili convexum, post solu- 
tam partem callosam et fere osseam retinaculi vices gerentem extrinsecus mar- 
ginatum. Membrana tenuis foraminis umbilicalis investit—TFrutices vel herbee 
scandentes, plereque Indie orientali insulisque Indie orientalis, alie Africe 
Australi insulisque Mascarenis indigene. Folia plerisque angulata, sepe sicuti et 
bracteole hirta. Flores azillares, pedunculati, solitarii vel in racemum dispositi. 
Corolle speciose, lutee vel caerulea, fauce plerumque saturatiori. Nees. 

THUNBERGIA laurifolia ; scandens, glabra, foliis longe petiolatis oblongo-ovatis 
acuminatis trinerviis petiolis basi (longe) apiceque incrassatis, racemis termi- 
nalibus axillaribusque nunc foliosis, pedicellis subverticillatis, bracteis amplis 
spatheeformibus marginibus superioribus coherentibus, corolla ampla, limbi 
lobis profunde emarginatis fere bilobis. 

TuunBerata laurifolia. Lindl. in Gardeners’ Chron. 1856, p. 260. 

Two very striking new kinds of Zhunbergia (of the same 
group with Zh. grandifiora, Roxb.) have lately appeared in our 
gardens, both having a certain affinity, especially in the size and 
colouring of the corolla. The one we have now the pleasure of 
figuring: the other, much more beautiful than the present, will 
shortly form the subject of another plate. That now before us 
was first raised at Frogmore Gardens from seeds presented to 
Mr. Ingram by an officer, who brought or procured it from the 

MAY Ist, 1857. 

Te a 

Se ES Aa ae ee, eee 

Malayan peninsula,—we presume so, at least, from the fact of 
our having since received and raised seeds of the same plant 
from Dr. Thomson, of the Calcutta Botanic Garden, collected in 
that region. These have produced fine flowering plants with us ; 
but our drawing was taken from Mr. Ingram’s plant. The 
name was given by Dr. Lindley, in the ‘ Gardeners’ Chronicle,’ 
above quoted, to specimens from Frogmore, which were exhibited 
at the rooms of the Horticultural Society of London in 1856. 
It is a plant of rather rapid growth, and flourishes in the stove, 
either trained against a back wall or beneath a rafter,—flowering 
at various seasons of the year, not unfrequently in early spring ; 
and is really a striking object. 

Descr. A climbing much-branching s/rvd, with the younger 
branches terete and green, glabrous. Leaves opposite, long pe- 
tiolate, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, entire, or sometimes a little 
toothed, three-nerved, reticulated with transverse nerves. -Pe- 
tioles two to three inches and more long, slender, remarkable 
for being incrassated both at the apex and at the base; at the 
apex the thickened portion is nearly terete; at the base the in- 
crassation extends for a greater length, and is flattened or plane 
on the upper side, and even slightly winged. Raceme of flowers, 
both axillary and terminal, sometimes bearing a few flowers, and 
destitute of leaves ; at other times the raceme consists of whorled 
flowers, with a pair of opposite leaves at the base, which are 
smaller than those of the stem. Bracteas of two vaginant leaves 
or large scales, resembling a spatha, open and free at the lower 
edge, adherent by the upper margin, faintly striated; this em- 
braces the lower gibbous portion of the tube of the corolla. Calyx 
very small, cup-shaped, dotted. Corolla very large, pale blue, 
with a yellowish eye. Zude obliquely funnel-shaped, wide at the 
mouth. Limé very large, spreading, five-lobed; lobes rotun- 
date, deeply emarginate, almost bifid. Stamens quite included, 
inserted near the base of the tube of the corolla. Filaments 
broad, subulate, curved. Anthers oblong, apiculate, fringed in 
front, and having two subulate spurs at the base. Ovary sub- 
globose, sunk in a fleshy dise or cup, crenate at its edge. Style 

long, but included within the tube of the corolla; stigma bifid; 
each lobe channelled within. 

Fig. 1. Stamens, including the pistil. 2. Calyx, cu ss disc, and _pistil :— 
ified. y. Pp ? P. 


Tas. 4986. 


Channelled-leaved Echeveria. 



Gen. Char. Calyx quinquepartitus ; laciniis foliiformibus, erectis. Corolla 
perigyna, quinquepartita ; laciniis erectis, crassis, rigidulis, nervo medio incrassato, 
basi subtrigonis acutis. Stamina 10, ime corollee inserta, inclusa. Squame 
hypogyne breves, obtuse. Ovaria 5, libera, unilocularia ; ovis ad suturam ven- 
tralem plurimis. Capsule folliculares, 5, in stylos subulatos attenuate, libere, 
intus longitudinaliter dehiscentes, polysperme.—Frutices Mexicani, carnosi ; 
foliis alternis, caulinis v. rosulatis suboppositis, integerrimis, enerviis ; floribus secus 
rachin v. secus cyne ramos sessilibus, coccineis v. flavis. Endl. 

Ecueveria canaliculata ; caule erecto crasso brevi, foliis rosulatis oblongis acu- 
minatis crassis carnosis glauco-rufescentibus superne canaliculatis, ramorum 
elongatorum floriferorum foliis remotis minoribus angustioribus basi gibbosis, 
racemis elongatis bracteatis, sepalis lineari-lanceolatis patenti-recurvis, corolla 
tubo brevissimo dilatato laciniis lineari-lanceolatis erectis apicibus subpaten- 


Among the Crassulaceous plants the species of Mcheveria, 
though straggling in habit when flowering, are eminently worth 
cultivating in our greenhouses. The flowers are often bright- 
coloured, and the leaves are very varied in form, thick and fleshy, 
more or less glaucous, and more or less tinged with red or purple. 
The present is not one of the least teresting, and makes a good 
appearance among its allies in the month of April in the succu- 
lent-house of the Royal Gardens of Kew. Plants of it were re- 
ceived from Mr. Staines from the Real del Monte mountains of 
Mexico, many years ago. I do not find any described species to 
correspond with it. Its nearest affinity is probably the 2. Scheertt 
of Dr. Lindley (Bot. Reg. vol. xxi. t. 27) ; but the rosulate leaves 
are widely different in the two, broadly spathulate in the latter, ob- 
long and tapering and deeply channelled in our present species. 

Drscr. Stem short, thick, between fleshy and woody, erect, 
marked with the scars of fallen leaves. When not in a flowering 
state, all the eaves are rosulate, crowded, patent, four to six inches 
long, oblong or somewhat strap-shaped, thick, fleshy, tapering 

JUNE Ist, 1857. 

gradually upwards. into a very slender almost filiform point, 
deeply channelled above, semiterete beneath, glaucous but much 
tinged with purple. Flowering stem or branch elongated, one and 
a half to two feet high, its lower leaves the same as the rosulate 
ones, the rest are placed far apart (yet numerous), of the same 
shape, but smaller than the rest, with a gibbosity or blunt spur 
at the base beneath (not dilated like the rosulate ones), gradually 
passing upwards into small, very glaucous, oblong-obtuse drac- 
teas. Raceme aspan or more long. Pedice/s half an inch or 
more long, with a few minute subulate dracteoles. Calyz of five, 
equal, linear-lanceolate, patenti-deflexed, glaucous sepa/s, much 
resembling the bracteas. Corol/a nearly an inch long, rather 
bright brick-red, orange within. Sepals five, erect, close-placed, 
united at the base into a short dilated five-angled tube, the seg- 
ments linear-lanceolate, the apices moderately spreading. Sta- 
mens quite included, five inserted at the base of the corolla, five 
smaller ones a little higher up. Anther oblong. Ovaries five, 
narrow, oblong, subcoadunate : at the base of each is a conspi- 
cuous, suborbicular g/and, with a depression on the upper side. 
Styles slightly twisted. Stigma globose. 

Fig. 1. Petal and three stamens. 2. Pistils and hypogynous glands :—magnijied. 

Vincent. Brooks 

Tas. 4987. 
GARDENIA cirriopora. 

Orange-smelling Gardenia. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4791.) 

GaRvENtA citriodora; frutex glaber, ramis viridibus obtuso-tetragonis, foliis 
elliptico-lanceolatis subacuminatis petiolatis, stipulis e lata basi longe subu- 
latis, corymbis axillaribus alternis plurifloris folio multo brevioribus, calycis 
lobis ovato-lanceolatis ciliatis intus sinubus glandulis 3, corollz hypocra- 
teriformis tubo brevi limbi lobis obovatis obtusis, stylo exserto superne in- 
crassato, stigmate mitreeformi, fructu ovali polyspermo. 

Our first knowledge of this interesting plant was from dried 
specimens sent from Natal, both in flower and in fruit, by Mr. 
Guienzius, about the year 1849: and we have lately had the 
opportunity of making a drawing from a living plant in the pos- 
session of Messrs. Rollison, of Tooting, who imported it from 
Natal. It forms a handsome spreading evergreen shrub, about 
two feet high, with spreading branches and copious axillary white 
blossoms, of the size and with the general shape of those of the 
orange; and the delicious odour, not unlike that of the same 
favourite flower, suggested the specific name. It appears to be 
entirely new species, and worthy of cultivation in a stove or 
warm greenhouse. 

Dzscr. Apparently a moderately-sized glabrous shrud, with 
terete or occasionally obtusely subquadrangular erecto-patent 
branches. Leaves opposite, subcoriaceous, elliptical-lanceolate, 
petiolate, acute rather than acuminate, penninerved, spreading. 
Petiole about half an inch long. Stipules large and conspicuous, 
from a broad and fleshy base, narrowly subulate, erect, appressed, 
half an inch and more in length. Mowers delightfully fragrant, 
aggregated in the axils of the leaves, subcymose ; peduncles and 
pedicels very short. Calyx with the adherent tube oval; Amb 
of five, erect, subulato-lanceolate, ciliated lobes, about equal in 

JUNE Ist, 1857. 

length with the tube: within the limb and alternating with the 
lobes are three, small, oblong, sessile glands. Corolla hypocra- 
teriform, white, the tube, about as long as the /imé, is broad, 
yellowish ; the latter of five spreading, oblongo-obovate Jodes, 
tipped with pink ; most so when in bud: mouth a little spread- 
ing. Stamens five, small, inserted near the mouth of the corolla. 
Anthers \inear-oblong, yellow, exserted. Style as long as the 
tube of the corolla; stigma club-shaped, the stigmatic surface 
two-lipped, glanduloso-tomentose. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Calyx and pistil. 3. Glands, and one of the lobes of the 
calyx :—magnified. 

Tas. 4988, 


Wagener’s Begonia. 

Nat. Ord. Beaonracr™.—Monacta PoLyANDRIA. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 4172.) 


Brconta Wageneriana ; erecta, flexuosa, glaberrima, caule ramisque teretibus, fo- 
. liis sublonge petiolatis ineequilateraliter cordatis brevi-acuminatis subnitidis 
— leviter angulatis crenato-serratis, cymis longe pedunculatis repetitim dicho- 
“ tomis, floribus masculis disepalis, sepalis suborbicularibus, floribus foemineis 
5-sepalis, sepalis parvis viridibus oblongo-spathulatis subinzequalibus, brac- 
teis 2 parvis oblongis ciliatis, capsule alis 2 angustis tertia maxima trique- 
tra, stigmatis ramis elongatis spiraliter tortuosis. 

Moscuxowi1tTzi1a Wageneriana. Klotzsch, Begoniacee, p. 77. 

Native of Venezuela, where it was detected by Mr. Wagener, 
and sent to the Royal Gardens of Kew from the Berlin Garden 
under the name of Moschkowitzia Wageneriana. The genus is 
formed by our excellent friend Dr. Klotzsch in the work above 
quoted. Of course opinions will differ as to the importance 
given by this indefatigable botanist to the characters which con- 

- stitute genera in Begoniacee. For ourselves we deem it to be 
the most accordant to nature to preserve the old genus Begonia 
(with perhaps some exceptions) intact, and consider the so-called 
generic distinctions recently suggested as sectional characters. - 
At any rate, before such genera can be finally decided upon, the 
numerous species, comparatively unknown to Dr. Klotzsch, of 
India and other parts of the old world, should be taken into ac- 
count. The present is a stove plant and a free flowerer, but 
rather of straggling habit. It is remarkable for the white or 
cream-white cymes of two-petaled (mostly) male flowers, and 
the pale-green cymes of five-petaled (mostly) female flowers, 
with their long twisted lobes or branches of the style. It flowers 
in the spring months. : 

Descr. Our growing plants of this are from one to two feet 
high, glabrous in every part, and of a palish-green colour. Stems 

JUNE Ist, 1857. 

terete, succulent, weak, erect, with rather straggling dranches. 
Leaves cordato-ovate, acuminate, with a deep sinus at the base, 
subpeltate, the margin obscurely lobed and more or less dentato- 
serrated. Veins radiating from the base. Petiole one and a 
half to two inches long, a little tinged with purple, as are the 
veins beneath, and generally the under side of the young leaves. 
Peduncles axillary and terminal, cymose, each cyme having gene- 
rally a predominance of either male or female flowers, repeatedly 
dichotomous; dranchlets spreading. Male flowers disepalous, 
sepals cordato- or reniformi-orbicular, white, spreading. Séa- 
mens forming a dense compressed head. Female flowers penta- 
sepalous, each subtended by two, oblong, ciliated, appressed 
bracteas: sepals small, green, oblongo-spathulate, nearly equal. 
Ovary (or young fruit) turbinate, triangular, one of the wings 
elongated, ovato-triquetrous, acute, the two others short. 

Fig. 1. Female flower :—magnified. 

Vincent Brooks Imp. 

"W. Fitch del. & ith . 

Tas. 4989. 


Arrow-leaved Xanthosoma. 

Nat. Ord. Anorpr®.—Monecia PoLyaNDRIA. 

Gen. Char. Spatha basi convoluta, recta. Spadix interrupte androgynus ; geni- 
talibus rudimentariis infra stamina; appendice sterili nulla. Anthere biloculares, 
plurime, connexivis conoideis truncatis verticillatim adnate (sessiles, Schott), dis- 
crete ; loculis contiguis, apice rimulis transversis apertee. Ovaria plurima, con- 
ferta, stylis crassissimis placenteeformibus inter se cohzrentia, subquadrilocularia ; 
ovula in loculis plurima, medio axi affixa, horizontalia (peritropia, Schott). Stigma 
latum, depressum, lobatum, flavo-glutinosum. Bacca . . . .—Herbe Antillanee ; 
rhizomate caulescente, erecto. Folia simultanea, sagittata. Pedunculi subsolitarté 
(reves, Schott), vaginati. Spatha Jlavescens. Kth. 

XANTHOSOMA sagittifolium ; caudice brevi erecto, foliis late sagittato-ovatis acu- 
tis lobis baseos divaricatis obtusis, pedunculis petiolo brevioribus, spathee 
ample (spadice longiores) tubo convoluto inflato viridi, lamina ovata con- 
cava breviter tenuiterque acuminata alba. 

XANTHOSOMA sagittifolium. Schott, “ Melet. v. 1. p.19.” Hjusd. Syn. Aroid. 
p. 56. 

CaLADIUM sagittifolium. Vent. Cels. sub p. 30. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 4. p. 489. 
Arum sagittifolium. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1369. Jacg. Hort. Vind. o. 2. p. 157. 

Anum xanthorrhizon. Jacy. Hort. Schinbr. v. 2. p.32.t.188. Plum. Plant. Am. 
v. 1. ¢. 35, et p. 67. p. 106. f.1. Sloane, Jam. Hist. v. 1. t. 106. f. 2. 

The tropical Aroideous plants have not received from the sci- 
entific botanist that degree of attention to which they are en- 
titled, especially when we consider the valuable property of so 
many species as esculents, if only the acrid and more or less 
poisonous properties are dispersed by the expression of the 
Juice, or by its dissipation through heat. Nor are they less in- 
teresting in cultivation, in consequence of the noble and very 
varied foliage of many of them, the peculiar fructification, and 
often the delicious fragrance of the spathaceous flowers. That 
they have been generally ill-described in books, and incorrectly 
named in our gardens and in our herbaria, is notorious to every 
working botanist. The present plant, the Arum sagittifolium ot 
Linnzus, well deserves a place in every stove when space and 
moisture can be given for the full development of the leaves and 

_ JUNE Ist, 1857. 

flowers ; and these leaves are often four or five times as large as 
the one here represented. The species is a native of tropical 
America, and was introduced to the Royal Gardens of Kew 
prior to the year 1710, from the West Indies, where, at least in 
Jamaica, according to Lunan, it is extensively cultivated as an 
esculent ; little, if at all, inferior to the Colocasia antiquorum ; 
“in wholesomeness and delicacy far superior to Spinach; and 
in this respect it may vie with any European vegetable. what- 
ever.” It flowers in our stoves during the winter months. | 

Descr. Young plants of this are stemless, but in age, from 
the decay of the old leaves, an annulated caudex is formed, some 
inches in height, each throwing out stout fibres from the base, 
and from time to time producing offsets, by which the plant is 
- easily propagated ; or if suffered to remain, the plant becomes 

tufted, and numerous leaves are produced from the summit of 
the short yet stem-like trunks. Zeaves, from a foot to two and 
almost three feet in length, broadly sagittato-ovate, suddenly 
and shortly acute at the point: the two lobes at the base broad- 
obtuse, between horizontal and deflexed: the costa, or principal 
midrib, is very stout and prominent, and sends two primary 
branches into the side-lobes : the secondary nerves diverge and 
anastomose ; those near the edge unite with an intramarginal 
vein: petiole inserted in the bottom of the sinus, longer than 
the blade, terete, much sheathing at the base, and enveloping 
the leaf-stalks immediately within them : all green. Peduncles 
several, stout, terete, shorter than tlie petiole, bearing a large 
spatha, eight to ten inches, or more, long. The base of this 
spatha, from its convolute character, forms an inflated green tube, 
this suddenly expands into the cream-white, ovate, very concave, 
and finely but shortly-acuminated Jimé. Spadix shorter than 
the spatha, subcylindrical. The lower portion is coated with the 
green ovaries, which are connected together at the collum or 
neck of the ovary, a fleshy disc surrounding the stigma (fig. 4) : 
these ovaries are subglobose, three- or four-celled, with many 
ovules. Above these, a space of two or three inches of the 
spadix is covered with abortive anthers of a flesh-colour, peltate 
fleshy bodies, plane at the top and angled at the sides: the rest 
of the spadix is entirely clothed with the peltate, yellowish, 
fleshy s¢amens, bearing the double cells of about five anthers at 
the sides, each opening by a pore at the apex. 

i - 

ae ¥. Poca nat. size. 2. Stamen. 3. Abortive stamen (from the middle 
OF” Spadix). 4. Two ovaries, showing how they are united at the collum or 
neck. 5. Transverse section of an ovary :—magnified. 

s iinp. 


pdr clr nw RRR  eeeHEHT oD 

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Tas. 4990. 


Villous Lady's Slipper. 

Nat. Ord. OrturpE#.—GynanpRria Dranprtia. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4901.) 

Cypripepium hirsutissimum ; acaule, foliis distichis elongatis loratis acutis cos- 
tatis enerviis basi carinatis canaliculatis equitantibus unicoloribus, floribus 
hirsutis, scapo bractea sepalisque dorso villosissimis, sepalo dorsali amplo 
latissime cordato-acuto, petalis amplis lato-spathulatis ungue profunde 
sinuato-lobato, sepalis lateralibus in unum ovatum coadunatis labello bre- 
vioribus, stamine sterili obtuse quadrato angulis obtusis. 

Cypripepium hirsutissimum. Lindl. MSS. 

A native of Java, we believe, and communicated to us by 
Mr. Parker, of Hornsey, who purchased it at a sale of East 
Indian plants. It is an extremely handsome species of the 
stemless group of Cypripedium, allied to C. insigne, villosum, 
Lowii, and barbatum ; nevertheless abundantly distinct from all. 
The first of those just mentioned, “ C. insigne, is only tomen- 
tose, and its petals want the spathulate form, long hairs, and 
strong undulation; C. vid/osum has longer flowers, no undula- 
tion or beard or ciliation of the petals, and has the sterile sta- 
men truncate, not quadrate. Of C. Lowii, the long, flat, naked 
petals are quite different. C. barbatum has a circular, not qua- 
drate, sterile stamen, spotted short leaves, and wants the shag- 

iness. In C. purpuratum the sterile stamen 1s lunate, ete. 
(Lindl. MSS.);—to which may be added the marking of the 
flowers, and the colour, which is particularly rich, of various 
tints of purple and green, brighter and handsomer than in any 
species known to me. It flowered in the stove in April 1858. 

Descr. Stemless. Leaves often a foot and more long, linear- 

oblong or ligulate, acute or bifid at the pomt, distichous, cari- 

JUNE Ist, 1857. 

nated, channelled and equitant at the base, costate, but not con- 
spicuously striated, of a uniform green colour, and quite gla- 
brous. Scape about equal in length to the leaves, terete, green, 
tinged with dark purple, villous or rather shaggy, as are the 
bractea, ovary, and whole back of the flower, with long, spread- 
ing hairs, suggesting Dr. Lindley’s specific name. Bract broad- 
ovate, sheathing, single-flowered. Pedice/ short, almost included 
within the sheath. Sepals all ciliated ; superior one broad, rhom- 
boidal-cordate, the margins at length reflexed, dark purplish- 
green, striated, quite green at the margin. Lateral sepals 
green, united into one, of an ovate form, striated, shorter than 
the lip. Petals very large, spreading horizontally, broad-spa- 
thulate, ciliated, the lamina purple, the claw green, mottled 
and dotted with purple, singularly lobato-undulated at the mar- 
gin. zp large, deep green, with a tinge of purple, the margin 
ciliated. Column short, and, as well as the square sterile stamen, 
obtuse at the angles and with a swelling or boss in the centre, 
variegated with green and white, and spotted with dark purple. 

W_ Fitch daet lith 

Vincent Brooks Imp. 

Tas. 4991, 

Greenish-flowered Puya. 

Nat. Ord. BromeLtace®.—HEXANDRIA MoNoOGYNIA. 

Gen. Char. Perigonii liberi sexpartiti lacinie exteriores calycine, squales, 
subconvolute, interiores petaloidesw, inferne convolute, apice patentim reflex, 
marcescendo spiraliter convolute. Stamina 6, hypogyna; jilamenta subulata ; 
anthere incumbentes, lineares, basi emarginate. Ovarium liberum, trigonum, 
triloculare. Ovuda plurima, in loculorum angulo centrali biseriata, horizontalia, 
cartilaginea, pyramidato-trigona, trilocularis, loculicido-trivalvis. Semina plu- 
rima, compressa, hinc anguste membranaceo-marginata.—Herbe in America tro- 
pica et Australia extratropica monticole; caule simplici, interdum subarboreo, 
Solioso ; foliis angustis, spinosis ; spicis bracteatis, solitariis vel paniculatis. Endl. 

Poya virescens ; acaulis, foliis inermibus lineari-lanceolatis breviter tenuissime 
acuminatis striatis basi dilatato-ventricosis, spica solitaria pedunculata (una 
cum pedunculo folia superantibus) laxa subeomposita bracteata, bracteis 
ovatis acuminatis superioribus obtusis pedunculi longissime acuminatis, flo- 
ribus subsessilibus, petalis pallide-luteo-virescentibus lato-spathulatis limbo 
patente ungue nudo, filamentis cum ungue confluentibus, ovario supero. 

A native probably of Venezuela or New Granada, communi- 
cated from the Belgian Gardens under the name of “ Puya,” to 
which genus we are willing to refer it, until the very difficult 
family of Bromeliacee shall have been judiciously revised by some 
competent authority. The materials for such a work are, com- 
paratively speaking, but small in the herbarium, because they are 
difficult and troublesome plants to dry. Happily they are worthy 
of cultivation, and many unnamed species are, we believe, now in 
our stoves in the English and Belgian gardens. ‘The present 
species flowered with us in March 1857. 

Descr. A stemless plant of moderate size. Leaves one and a 
half to two feet long, from a dilated and somewhat ventricose 
base, broad-linear, sublanceolate, tapering rather suddenly to 
a short but finely acuminated point; the margin quite entire 
and unarmed, the colour a deep dull-green, the surface striated 
with close-placed parallel lines. Scape two feet and more high, 
leafy below, these leaves gradually passing into closely-placed 

JULY Ist, 1857. 

somewhat imbricating dracts, which form a broad sheathing base 
become much acuminated, subulate. Spike oblong, six to eight 
inches long, lax, somewhat compound, much bracteated. Brac- 
teas of the spike broad-ovate, acuminated, the inner ones more 
obtuse: all of them are yellow-green, tinged and striated with 
red-brown. Flowers subsessile. Calya of three, linear-oblong, 
submembranaceous, obtuse, entire, erect sepals, appressed to the 
narrow base of the corolla. Petals three, large, broad, spathulate, 
very pale-whitish, or pale-yellow-green colour, the /imé spreading, 
the long claws slightly adherent at the margins. Stamens six. 
Filaments shorter than the petals, for the greater part of the 
length united and confluent with the claws. Anthers subsagit- 
tate. Ovary subpyramidal, obtusely trigonal. Szy/e as long as 
the stamens, articulated near the base: stigma of three, cuneate, 
papillose lobes. 

Fig. 1. Petal and two stamens. 2. Pistil. 3. Transverse section of ovary. 

Vincent Brooks rp. 

Tas. 4992. 
RHODODENDRON Veircut1anum. 

Mr. Veitch’s Rhododendron. 

Nat. Ord. Ericacr#.—Dercanpria MonoGynia. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4336.) 

RHODODENDRKON Feitchianum ; foliis obovatis mucronato-acutis in petiolum bre- 
vissimum attenuatis supra nudis subtus glaucis sparse ferrugineo-squamu- 
losis, floribus terminalibus 3-4, calyce brevi-quinquelobo lobis ovatis parce 
longe setosis, corolla ampla infundibuliformi-campanulata alba tubo brevi 
lobis profundis patentibus obovatis marginibus insigniter undulatis, stami- 
nibus 12-14, filamentis inferne glandulosis, antheris linearibus albis, ovario 
oblongo-ovato 5-loculari stylique basi squamulosis, stigmate dilatato 5-lobo. 

This fine and new and very distinct species of Rhododendron, 
which we dedicate with singular pleasure to our excellent friend 
Mr. James Veitch, of the Exeter Nursery, but with which the 
name of the son, Mr. James Veitch, jun., of the Nursery, King’s — 
Road, Chelsea, cannot fail to be equally commemorated, was im- _ 
ported by those distinguished cultivators from Moulmein, on the 
‘Tenasserim coast. A fine flowering plant (from which our figure _ 
is taken) was exhibited at the Horticultural Society’s Meeting in 
London on the 6th of May, and is thus favourably mentioned 
in the Gardeners’ Chronicle of the 9th of May :—‘ Among other 
Rhododendrons exhibited by Messrs. Veitch is a new kind from 
Moulmein with pure white blossoms, measuring full five inches 
across, and crisped round the edges like Azalea crispiflora. 
This must be regarded as a valuable acquisition to the green- 
house varieties of this genus.” And again in the following num- 
ber of the Gardeners’. Chronicle (May 16), in a report on the 
plants in Messrs. Veitch’s Nursery at King’s Road, Chelsea : 
“ Among novelties may be mentioned the large white-blossomed 
Rhododendron from Moulmein, exhibited the other day to the 

JULY Ist, 1857. 


Horticultural Society: this we understand has been named by 
Sir W. J. Hooker &. Vettchi.” The flower, though so large, 
is peculiarly Azalea-looking, and the writer in the Gardeners’ 
Chronicle does well to compare the lobes of the corolla to those 
of Azalea ecrispiflora, Hook. (Tab. 4726). Its nearest affinity 
however is with Rhododendron formosum (see Tab. 4457, Wall.; 
Rhod. Gibsoni, Hort.), next to which it should perhaps be ar- 
ranged in the genus ; but it is abundantly distinct both in flowers 
and foliage. 

Descr. Apparently a small or moderately-sized shrub, with 
the older branches clothed with reddish-brown glabrous dark. 
Leaves three to four inches long, truly obovate, coriaceous, 
acute, and even mucronate at the point; below tapering gra- 
dually into a very short footstalk, glabrous and naked above, 
glaucous beneath, and distinctly clothed with scattered, orbicular, 
red or ferruginous, resinous scales, the midrib more closely, and 
with the scales narrower and imbricated. /Jowers three or four 
together from the apex of a branch. Pedice/s scaly, as well as 
the outside of the calyx, which is five-lobed; the lobes short 
and ovate, bearing a few marginal bristles. Corolla very large, 
pure-white, between campanulate and infundibuliform; the 
tube short; the /imd very spreading, of five, nearly equal, much 
spreading, obovate, deep lobes, their margins singularly waved 
and crisped. Stamens twelve to fourteen, arising from an hypo- 
gynous, lobed, annular disc. Filaments glandular below. Anthers 
linear, white. Ovary oblong-ovate, very scaly, as is the base of 
the style. Stigma dilated, five-lobed. 


_ Fig. 1. Portion of the under side of the leaf. 2. Stamen. 3. Calyx and 
pistil and hypogynous disc. 4. Transverse section of ovary :—magnified. 


“65 Ay 

Tas. 4993. 
DENDROBIUM crepipatum. 

Slippered Dendrobium. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4755.) 

DenprosivmM crepidatum ; caulibus elongatis erectis teretibus striatis, foliis ob- 
longis acutis subcoriaceis, floribus geminis, sepalis oblongis obtusis, petalis 
orbiculari-oblongis, labello cordiformi-rotundato integro subsinuato obtuso 
retusove lateribus erectis intus pubescente venoso basi utrinque plicato, 
cornu brevi obtuso. 

DenDRosium crepidatum. Lindl. in Paxton’s Fl. Gard. v. 1; Gleanings, n. 99. 

S.95 (woodcut of flower only). 

This is a very lovely plant, recently (April 1857) communi- 
cated to us in a fine flowering state by Mr. Parker, of the Nur- 
sery, Hornsey. It is a native of India, probably of Assam or 
Khasya Hills, in Eastern Bengal. Dr. Lindley, in naming and 
defining it, as he has done in the work above quoted, takes the _ 
opportunity of mentioning its affinity with D. Prerardi and its 
allies; but it has a firmer texture in the sepals, petals, and la- 
bellum than any of these. He has since also alluded to a great 
resemblance with D. cretaceum (see our Tab. 4686), and like it. 
we find the labellum in our plant to be emarginate or retuse at 
the point; but the flowers are much larger and more deeply 
tinged with pink and orange-yellow, wanting the cold chalky ap- 
pearance of that species: the ovaries and pedicels too are longer 
and red, It first bloomed with Mr. Holford in 1850. - 
Desor. Sfems six to eight inches to a foot and more long, firm, 
suberect, ade striated, branching only at the very base, jointed, 
with the remains of a sheathing scale at the joints. Leaves few, 

and only upon the young and flowerless branches. FJowers large, — - 
white, ined with blush, orange-yellow in the centre of the hp, 

arising from the joints of the naked (leafless) stems, generally in 
JULY Ist, 1857. 

pairs. Pedicels and slender ovaries rather long, red. Sepals 
spreading, oblong, obtuse. Pe/a/s similar to them, but broader 
and subrotund, also spreading. Zip nearly cordate, contracted 
into a claw at the base, entire, scarcely, or but very obscurely, 
three-lobed, obtuse or retuse at the point, plaited on each side at 
the base, forming a slipper-like cavity: the mner or upper surface 
is downy, except the disc, which is obscurely striated : the base 
externally forms a very obtuse spur. Column very short, decur- 
rent to where it joins the labellum. Anther-case operculiform. 

Fig. 1. Labellum. 2. Column. 3. Pollen-masses :—magnified. 

Vincent Brooks immp- 

Tas. 4994, 

DORONICUM Bovurean. 

Bourgeau’s Leopard’s-bane. 

Nat. Ord. Composit#.—SyNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. 

Gen. Char. Doronicum, C. H. Schultz Bipont. (Linn. ex parte.\—Capitulum 
multiflorum, heterogamum, floridus radii 1-serialibus, lingulatis, faemineis ; disci 

tubulosis, hermaphroditis, 5-dentatis. Anthere ecaudate, appendice lanceolata 
terminate. Styli rami apice truncato-penicillati. Involueri 1-2-serialis sguame 

herbacez vel coriacese. Receptaculum convexiusculum, nudum, reticulatum vel 
alveolatum. Achenia radii breve columnaria, utrinque paulo attracta, 10-costata, 
glabra, calva!, subpersistentia, majora quam achenia disci, turbinata vel colum- 
naria, superne attracta, pilosa, omnia pappo coronata piloso, denticulato, 1-2-seriali, 
albente, persistente vel caduco.—Herbz perennes, paleogea, radice repente, pl. 
Jiliformi, internodiis incrassata, fibris numerosis crassisque instructa et caulem 
proferentes pl. corymbo terminatum, rarius monocephalum, cum foliis alternis, subor- 
biculato-oblongis, inferioribus petiolatis, superioribus sessilibus vel cordato-auricu- 
latis, sepius pilis articulatis instructum. Flores flavi vel rubenti-violacei, rarius 
ligule albentes. Schultz Bipont. 

Doronicum Bourgai; herbaceum erectum ramosum, foliis profunde cordatis 
sinuato-angulatis denticulatis simplicibus vel inferioribus lyrato-pinnatis, 
pinnis lateralibus parvis cordato-ovatis (terminali maxima cordata) omnibus 

superne glabris subtus arachnoideis albidis, petiolis basi (folioram superiorum _ 

totis) lato-alatis, corymbis terminalibus compositis decompositisve amplis, 
floribus purpureo-violaceis, acheniis disci pilosis, radii nudis. ke 

Doronicum Bourgei. Schultz Bip. in Bourgeau, Pl. Canarienses (ex itinere se- 
cundo), 1855, n. 1373. 

A highly ornamental greenhouse plant, flowering during the — 

spring months along with the purple-flowered species of Cine- 
- raria (or Senecio, for to that genus they are now generally re- 
ferred) of the Canary Islands. It was detected by M. Bourgeau 
(now, happily for science, engaged on account of the British 
Government on an exploring expedition in North America) at 
Barranco del Angostura, in the Canary Islands, in 1855. Seeds 
were fortunately sent to the Royal Garden of Kew, where it 
proves to be easy of cultivation and a profuse flowerer. If M. 
Schultz has anywhere described the plant, we have failed to find 

JULY Ist, 1857. 


the description. Its nearest affinity is doubtless with Doronicum 
Webbii, Schultz Bipont. in Webb’s ‘Canarian Flora,’ p. 333 ; but 
that is said to have the ray of the capitulum white, and to have 
the achenia of the disc, “inter omnes hujus sectionis species pi- 
losissima.’’ It will doubtless surprise others, as it assuredly did 
ourselves, to find this plant, which has so much in common with 
_ the other purple-flowered Senecios (or Cinerarias) of the Canary 
Islands, separated from those genera and transferred to Doro- 
nicum ; but truly this (and some others of the same supposed 
group) has the essential character of Doronicum, viz. the achenia 
of the disc with, and that of the ray without, pappus. If these 
characters are of any value, such species cannot be retained in 
Senecio. Judging from Mr. Webb’s figure (tab. 104, Phyto- 
graphia Canariensis), Doronicum cruentum, Schultz Bip., should 
belong to Senecio; but Schultz explains the error in fig. 3 of 
that plate: “ Flos radii cum achenio, cui contra naturam pappus 

Duscr. The size of the plant doubtless varies much according 
to the soil, from one to two and a half and even three feet high, 
branched, generally glabrous. Leaves alternate, very variable ; 
lower ones on long footsta/ks and lyrato-pinnate ; terminal pinna 
very large, deeply cordate, acute, sinuato-angulate, the /ateral 
ones very small, distant, opposite, cordato-ovate ; petiole below 
winged on each side with a broad awricle ; upper leaves gra- 
dually losing their lateral pinnz, small, and the whole petiole is 
broadly winged or auricled and subamplexicaul; upper sides of 
the leaves glabrous, beneath white and cobwebby. Vowers in 
large, compound, somewhat leafy corymés ; pedicels with many, 
small, subulate dracteas. Involucre hemispherical, glabrous, 
destitute of bracteoles. Corollas of the ray palish purple, the 
achenium glabrous and destitute of pappus, those of the disc 

very deep purple, their achenia pilose, and the pappus nearly as 
long as the tubular floret. 

Fig. 1. Floret of the ray. 2. Floret of the disc. 3. Hair of the pappus :— 

“Witch del et ith. 

Tas. 4995. 


Pendulous Forsythia. 

Nat. Ord. OLeacea%.—D1anpr1a Monoeynia. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4587.) 

VoRSYTHIA suspensa ; ramis elongatis laxis pendulis, foliis plerisque trifoliolatis 
serratis, floribus preecocibus, pedunculis elongatis, sepalis lanceolatis pistillo 
multo longioribus. 

Forsytuta suspensa. Vahl, Enum. v.1. p. 39.° Spreng. Syst. eget. v. 1. p. 86. 
De Cand. Prodr. v. 8. p. 281. Siebold et Zuccar. Fl. Jap. p. 10. t. 8. 

SYRINGA suspensa. Thunb. Fl. Japon. p. 19. t. 3. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 1. p. 49. 
Rengjo. Kempfer, Amen. Exot. p. 907. 

Charming flowering specimens of this rare and handsome 
plant were received in April 1857, from Messrs. Veitch and 
Son, of the Exeter and Chelsea Nurseries, which had flourished 
unharmed in the open ground, being equally hardy no doubt 
with the better known Porsythia viridissima, Lindl. (Tab. Nostr. 
4587.) The present is the original species upon which the genus 
was founded, and the Syringa suspensa of Thunberg. From 
Syringa it differs not only in habit, but in the polyspermous 
(not dispermous) capsule. The present species, as we related 
under Forsythia viridissima, was introduced from Japan into 
Europe (Holland) so long ago as 1833, by Mr. Verkerk Pisto- 
rius, but appears only recently to be known in England. Siebold 
assures us that in Japan it is scarcely known but in a state of 
cultivation, and seems there to be derived from China. It is 
said to be easy of increase, “the pendent branches soon striking 
root, if only covered with earth.” It must have a handsome 
effect trained against a wall, and its flowers are larger and hand- 
somer than F. viridissima. 

Descr. A straggling, much branched shruéd, with the dranches 
clothed with a red 4ar/, some of them remarkably elongated and 
drooping. Leaves not appearing till after the flowering is accom- 

JULY lst, 1857. 

plished, exceedingly variable, simple or trifoliate; the /eaflets 
ovate or subrhomboid, serrated. /V/owers large, handsome, yel- 
low, arising from opposite, scaly buds. Peduncle elongated, often 
drooping and bracteated. Calya deeply cut into four, lanceolate, 
erecto-patent lobes, large in proportion to the flower. Corolla 
large, bright-yellow, streaked with orange within the short tube, 
campanulate-rotate, segments oblong. Stamens two, as long. as 
the tube and inserted at the very base of the corolla. Anthers 
ovato-subsagittate. Pisti/ small, much shorter than the calyx- 
lobes. Ovary globose, two-celled ; ce//s many-seeded, attached 
to a longitudinal placenta. Style short. Strgma large, of two 
globose lobes. 

Fig. 1. Corolla and stamens. 2. Calyx and pistil. 3. Transverse section of 
ovary :-—magnified. 

Vincent Broaks Irnp 

W-Brch del. et ith. 

Tas. 4996. 

Mr. Cuming’s Cirrhopetalum. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4977.) 

CrrrHoPEtaLum Cumingii ; pseudobulbis tetragonis, folio oblongo obtuso scapo 
breviore, umbella’ dimidiata multiflora, sepalo dorsali petalisque ovatis acu- 
minatis fimbriatis, lateralibus lineari-lanceolatis, labello ovato 3-sulcato pone 
basin bituberculato. Lindl. 

CrrrHopeTaLuM Cumingii. Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1843, sub tab. 49. Pasxton’s Mag. 
of Bot. v. 8. p. 165. 

Notwithstanding that this most lovely Orchideous plant has 
been known in our collections since 1841, when it flowered with - 
the Messrs. Loddiges, it has never yet been figured. It isone — 
of the many rarities imported from the Philippine Islands by 
Mr. Cuming, after whom it has been named by Dr. Lindley. 
The extreme regularity with which the flowers are arranged in 
the depressed umbel, spreading in a circle or a semi-circle, and 
the large size and position of the lateral sepals (not the labellum 
as stated in ‘ Paxton’s Magazine of Botany’) are not the least re- 
markable peculiarities about this plant. It flowers readily in the 
early spring. 

Descr. Pseudobulbs small, oval or oblong, monophyllous, 
sheathed, with a large meimbranaceous scale, and arising from a 
creeping caudex, with a few fibrous roots thrown out from beneath 
the pseudobulbs. Leaf solitary from the apex of the pseudo- 
bulb, three to four inches long, oblong or elliptical, coriaceous, 
nerveless, tapering at the base into a very short petiole. Scapes 
solitary, slender, filiform, red, bearing about two minute sheathing 
scales, and arising from the base of the pseudobulb. Mowers 
most beautifully and regularly arranged in a radiating, almost 
exactly circular, umbel, all on the same plane, and of a rich warm 
- red-purple colour. Pedice/s very short, all equal in length, and, 

JULY lst, 1857. 

as well as the ovary, red, with minute green dracteoles at the 
base. Sepals very unequal: superior one small, ovate, concave, 
very much and narrowly acuminated, fringed with long glandular 
hairs ; /ateral sepals an inch long, linear-oblong, shortly acumi- 
nate, projecting forward, and having a peculiar twist at the base 
which brings the outsides of these two sepals on the same plane, 
their inner edges meeting together like the elytra or wing-cases 
of some insect of the Buprestis kind, and which gives a very 
peculiar appearance to the flowers. Peta/s rather smaller than 
the superior sepal, but otherwise exactly resembling it, and 
fringed in like manner with glandular hairs. vp small in pro- 
portion to the size of the flower, thick, fleshy, tongue-shaped, ob- 
tuse, having two erect plates or ridges on the disc, bent down in 
the upper half, the base articulated on the decurrent base of the 
column, which has there a peculiar upward curvature. Column 
short and thick, the sides projecting in the form’ of wings. An- 
ther-case a little sunk into the top of the column. Podl/en-masses 
in two oval pairs. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Column and lip. 3. Flower from which the upper sepal 
and about three-fourths of the lateral sepals are cut away. 4. Pollen-masses :-— 
all more or less magnified. 








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Vincent -Hroaks 


. Gel t tith 


Tas. 4997. 



Dr. Thomson's Rhododendron. 

Nat. Ord. Er1ck#.—Drcanpria Monoaynta. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4336.) 

RHoDODENDRON Thomsoni ; frutex cortice pallide papyraceo, foliis in ramos ter- 
minales coriaceis glaberrimis orbiculari-ellipticis obtusissimis apiculatis basi 
cordatis supra late virentibus subtus glaucescentibus margine subrecurvo, 
petiolo gracili, corymbis plurifloris, pedunculis longitudine petiolorum, flo- 
ribus radiatim patentibus cernuisve, calyce amplo cylindraceo-cyathiformi 
basi retuso inzequaliter lobato, lobis erectis obtusissimis, corolla intense san- 
guinea coriaceo-nitida, tubo elongato-campanuliformi, limbi lobis 5 patenti- 
subrecurvis profunde emarginatis superioribus intus maculatis, staminibus 
10, filamentis nudis, ovario conico-cylindraceo glaberrimo 6—10-loculari, 
stylo gracili, capsula calyce cylindraceo persistente 2 tecta. Hook. fil. 

RuopoprnpRon Thomsoni. Hook. fil. Rhod. Sik.-Himal. t. 12, et in Journ. Hort. 
Soc. of London, p. 77. 

8, Candelabrum ; floribus pallidioribus, calycis brevioris marginibus ovariisque 

RaopopENDRON Candelabrum. Hook. fil. Rhod. Sik.-Him. t. 29. 

Native of the inner and outer ridges of the mountains of 
Sikkim-Himalaya, abundant at elevations varying from eleven 
to thirteen thousand feet. Mr. Methven, of the Stanwell Nur- 
series, Bonnington Road, Edinburgh, was so fortunate as to 
flower this charming species in April of the present year (1857), 
and was so good as to transmit the specimen here figured. From 
the elevation at which this plant is found above the sea-level, it 
may be justly esteemed a hardy plant ; but it must be understood 
that except we have the power of retarding the blossoms, we can 
only look for their proper development in unusually favourable 
seasons, save with the protection of a frame or cool greenhouse. 
The calyx affords a very distinct feature in this species, and al- 
though in the Rhododendron Candelabrum of Dr. Hooker it ts 
much shorter than in the present plant, it has nevertheless the 
same general form and character, and that author has with pro- 

AUGUST lst, 1857. 

priety considered the two as specifically the same. The plant is 
wholly destitute of the minute appressed scales so copious in 
many kinds of Rhododendron. 

Descr. Dr. Hooker gives the following particulars of this 
species from native specimens :—“ A sfrud six to ten feet, or in 
damp woods, fifteen feet, high, but in the latter case spare and 
woody. Lower dranches stout, a foot in diameter ; upper slender, 
leafy, principally at the extremities. Leaves two to three inches 
long, very broad, much resembling those of R. campylocarpum 
(Tab. Nostr. 4968), only that in the latter the leaf-stalks are 
often glandular, here never. The texture of the leaves is coria- 
ceous, but not very thick; the colour full green, below subgla- 
brous, everywhere quite glabrous. Mowers in a head of six to 
eight together, from the ends of the short branches among the 
leaves, on sfa/és an inch or more long, which radiate as it were 
from a centre, spreading horizontally or curling downwards. 
Corolla remarkable from its almost unrivalled deep blood-colour 
and glossy surface, yielding only in those respects to BR. fulgens, 
deeper-coloured than in 2. arboreum; the tube elongated, often 
vertically compressed, two inches long ; the /imé large, spreading, 
five-lobed, the /odes notched, upper ones spotted within. This 
species is perfectly modorous. In the base of the corolla is se- | 
creted much honey, which is not considered poisonous, like that 
yielded by R. Dalhousie and R. argenteum. The two latter spe- 
cies are said to render deleterious the wild honey which is collected 
during their flowering season.” 

Fig. 1. Calyx, including the pistil. 2. Stamen. 3. Ovary. 4. Transverse 
section of the same. 5. Ovary included in the persistent calyx :—nat. size. 




Tas. 4998. 


Lord Harris’s Thunbergia. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4985.) 


Taunsercia Harrisii ; scandens glabra, foliis breviuscule petiolatis ovato-acu- 
minatis trinerviis integerrimis vel subsinuatis, petiolis marginatis basi 
apiceque vix incrassatis, racemis terminalibus compositis amplis, pedicellis 
verticillatis, verticillis plurifloris nunc remotis, bracteis amplis spathzefor- 
mibus marginibus superioribus coherentibus, corolla ampla, limbi lobis ro- 
tundatis integris. ; 

We intimated, under our description of Zhunbergia laurifoha, 
Lindl. (Tab. Nostr. 4985), that it was our intention shortly to 
figure another Zhunbergia, more beautiful than that, but belong- 
ing to the same section or group as that, ‘“‘calycis limbo truncato,”” 
and we now redeem that pledge. About the same time with the 
introduction of Zh. /aurifolia, direct from the Malayan Peninsula, 
we received seeds from his Excellency the Right Hon. Lord 
Harris, Governor of Madras, marked as a “new and very beau- 
tiful Zhunbergia.” From these seeds have been raised the plant 
here figured, which has flowered copiously with Messrs. Veitch, 
of the Exeter and Chelsea Nurseries, to whom we had given 
plants during the winter and spring months of 1557. On wri- 
ting to our noble friend for some further information, he informs 
us it is considered at Madras to be the Hewacentris acuminata 
of Nees, in De Cand. Prodr. vol. xi. p. 61. If this were reall 
so, that name should undoubtedly be adopted; but I thin 
it will appear that the name is totally unworthy of adoption, 
when I state that that supposed species is made up from two- 
plants, both miserable specimens without flowers, one from Sylhet, — 
in the Wallichian Herbarium, the other from Mergui (Griffith), 

AuGusT lst, 1857. 

in our own herbarium; and it would appear that they are re- 
ferred to Hexacentris, from a resemblance in the foliage to that of 
H. (or Thunbergia) coccinea. Indeed, Dr. Wallich himself called 
it “Th. coccinea?” Assuredly too our plant is a true Zhunbergia, 
and no Hewacentris, if that genus be a sound one. Under these 
circumstances we feel quite justified in dedicating it to the no- 
bleman who has first introduced it to Europe, and who has so 
much served the cause of science both in the West and the East 
Indies. Its close affinity with Zh. lawrifolia (and besides the 
distinctions indicated in the above specific character, the colour 
of the flower is different, much more rich and varied and beau- 
tiful) would lead us to suspect its native country to be the 
Malay Peninsula ;* and since, in foliage, it corresponds with Mr. 
Griffith’s plant, just mentioned, of the Tenasserim coast, I wrote 
to my botanical friend the Rev. C. S. P. Parish, at Moulmein, 
on the same coast, to make inquiry if such a plant were found 
there. His reply seems clearly to point either to this species or 
to its near ally Zh. /aurifolia.: 1 should infer the former, from 
its very high merits. “ Certainly we have a very splendid Zhun- 
bergia in Moulmein. It is a common plant here, and the jun- 
gles, especially those in the neighbourhood of Tavoy, are full of 
it. It flowers in January, indeed throughout the cold season ; 
and as it is a rampant climber and free flowerer, adds much to 
the beauty of the jungle. I knew it was an undescribed plant, 
¢.e. that it had not appeared in any published Flora ; but as it 
had been for some few years introduced to the neighbourhood of 
Calcutta, I imagined that you must have known all about it, and 
possessed plants long ago, otherwise I should certainly have 
called your attention to it. If it grows at home as it does here, 
no hothouse, except your splendid one, will hold it. It is indeed 
a fine thing; but I have never seen seed. It is in my garden, 
running all over a Jack-tree, and in a neighbour’s, but neither 
here nor there does it ripen a seed. I brought my plant, when 
young, from the jungle.” For ourselves we do not find it diffi- 
cult to keep this plant within bounds in our stoves. 

The different form of the leaves and petioles, the different and 
more compound inflorescence, the shorter and whorled pedicels, 
larger and differently coloured flowers, will distinguish this from 
Th. laurifolia. Its flowering season has hitherto been the winter 
or early spring, the same season indeed as the Amherstia bears 
its rich scarlet and yellow flowers. 

Descr. A glabrous scandent shrué, requiring to be attached 

* At the moment of going to press, a letter from our excellent friend, Dr. 
Cleghorn of Madras, informs us that he detected this plant and conveyed the 

seeds to Madras while accompanying his Excellency Sir P. Grant to the Tenas- 
serim coast : common at Rangoon and Moulmein. 


to a wall, a beam, or trellis-work, with terete dranches, and dis- 
tantly placed opposite petiolated /eaves, in form ovato-lanceolate, 
narrowly acuminate, slightly sinuato-dentate, three-nerved, ob- 
tuse or even truncate at the base; pefdode rather short, thick, 
angled. Racemes peduncled, either axillary, solitary, and short, 
or terminal and elongated, many-flowered, drooping; pedicels 
several, in interrupted whorls, shorter than the flowers, often two 
from the same point, thickened, each with a minute dract at the 
base, and terminated by two very large dracts at the base of the 
flower, half as long as the. tube of the corolla, oblong-ovate, 
convex, gibbous below, with oblique, acute points, striated and 
dotted with minute, black, sessile g/ands ; the upper margins are 
united for nearly their whole length, so that the two form a bifid 
spatha, split open on the lower edge by the time the large hand- 

some flower is fully expanded. Calya little more than the 

slightly expanded turbinate apex of the pedicel, often punctate. 

Corolla, with the twbe campanulate, tawny, gibbous below, con- 

tracted near the base, /imé very large, spreading almost horizon- 

tally, of five subequal rounded lobes of a bright purplish-blue 

colour, very pale beneath ; fawa open, yellow, fading into white at 

the base of the limb. Sfamens four, nearly equal, inserted near 

the base of the tube where the contraction takes place, included. 

Filaments very vouch dilated above the base, curved ; anthers ob- 

long, apiculate, two-celled, the face clothed with very long, spread- 

ing hairs, and each cell at the base has two spreading spurs, 

sometimes both long and equal, sometimes one is nearly obso- 

lete. Ovary broad-ovate, sunk into a large, thick, annular disc, 

as large as the calyx; s/yle as long as the tube of the corolla, 

flexuose and slender at the base, thickened upwards, and expand- 

ing into a trumpet-shaped but two-lobed stigma, of which the 

sides are pressed in on the upper lobe, 


’ Fig. 1. Lower portion of the corolla, with stamens. 2. The minute calyx, 
with the large thick annular dise and stamens :—magnified. 


Vincent Brooks Trap. 

Tas. 4999. 


Handsome Tydea. 


Gen. Char. Calycistubus ovario adnato, laciniis 3 parum ineequalibus. Corolla 
in calyce obliqua, fauce leviter inflata curvula, limbi obliqui laciniis patentibus. 
Ovarium apice libero attenuatum. Glandule 5, distincte v. plus minus in an- 
nulum confluentes. Stigma bifidum.—Herbe bulbillis squamosis subterraneis, 
more Achimenum, perennantes ; caulibus erectis, ramosis, herbaceis ; foliis oppositis, 
haud disparibus, petiolatis, dentatis ; floribus azillaribus vel in thyrsum ¢erminalem 
basi foliosum digestis, speciosis. Decaisne. : 

Typ amabilis ; tota pilis mollibus longiuscule hirsuta, foliis ovatis acuminatis 
acutis crenato-serratis supra viridibus secus nervo fusco-viridi variegatis 
subtus vinosis, pedicellis axillaribus multifloris folio longioribus, laciniis 
calycinis ovatis tubo subsequalibus, corolle amcene purpureo-roseze limbo 
maculis punctiformibus lineiformibusque purpureis picto. Planch. 

Typ amabilis. Pl. e¢ Lind. in Lind. Cat. Hortic. ann. 1835. Van Houtte, 
in Fl. des Serres, 1855, ¢. 1070. 


The type of the genus 7ydea is the well-known Achimenes 
picta of our gardens, and has been separated from the other spe- 
cies of Achimenes by Professor Decaisne. Our plant now figured 
has so many points in common with that species, that one would 
almost take it for a hybrid variety, were it not that Mr. Linden, 
by whom it was originally imported, assures us it is a native 
of Popayan, in New Granada, where it was discovered by M. 
Triana, in 1855, in the cold regions of the Cordillera, at altitudes 
of from eight thousand to nine thousand feet above the level of 
the sea. Linden therefore considers it a greenhouse plant. It 
is very handsome, a ready flowerer, and easily increased by its 
scaly, subterraneous bulbils. With us, it blossoms in the spring 
months. Save in the colour of the flower—throughout a deep 
tose—it is difficult to detect a character by which this may with 
certainty be distinguished from Zydea picta. 

Dzscr. Stem one to two and more feet high, erect, terete, 
herbaceous, greenish-purple, clothed with soft, spreading hairs. 

AUGUST IsT, 1857. 

a ye ge RE ae cee EM tr OR ae hear PO ag eR te tie yee wim 

Leaves also soft with hairs, opposite, ovate, bluntly dentato-ser- 
rate, moderately acuminate, rather dull green, reticulately veined, 
and blotched with dull purple along the principal veins, beneath 
very pale-green, vinous-coloured along the nerves. Petioles about 
an inch long, stout, with purple lines along the upper margins. 
Peduneles axillary, solitary, as long as, or the superior ones much 
longer than, the leaves, erect, clothed with long, soft, spreading 
hairs, terete, purple below, the rest pale green. Calyx very hairy 
or rather villous; the short turbinate ¢w4e adheres to the lower 
half of the ovary ; Zimé oblique, of five, spreading, triangular seg- 
ments. Corolla large, very villous, pendent ; ube long, slightly 
curved, ventricose, infundibuliform, the mouth very oblique; 
limb of five, large, unequal, spreading, rounded, Jodes ; the colour 
dark rose, the limb dotted with purple, and the tube within 
paler-coloured, but marked with larger dots and blotches. 
Stamens five; filaments downy : there is a very small fifth ador- 
tive stamen. Free portion of the ovary ovate-globose, very vil- 
lous, with five, large, conspicuous, erect, linear g/ands at the base. 
Style shorter than the tube of the corolla, thick. Stgma bifid, 
upper segment the shortest. 

Fig. 1. Stamens. 2. Pistil and hypogynous glands :—magnified. 



aoe SS SAAS S99 

Oh ey, 

ee ae 



Vincent Brocks Imp. 

Tas. 5000. 


Rough-leaved Burtonia. 

Nat. Ord. LeauMInos#.—DEcaNnDRIA MONOGYNIA. 

Gen. Char. Calyx profunde quinquefidus v. quinquepartitus, subaqualis. 
Corolle papilionacee vevillum breviter unguiculatum, alis obovato-oblongis lon- 
gius; carina alas subeequans, incurva, acutiuscula v. subrostrata. Stamina 10, 
libera ; filamentis glabris. Ovarium sessile, biovulatum. Stylus seepius ¢ basi 
dilatata subulatus, glaber vel hine barbatus; stigma tenue, imberbe. Legumen 
ovatum v. subrotundum, subventricosum. Semina estrophiolata,—Frutices 0. 
suffrutices Novee-Hollandiz; foliis sparsis, simplicibus v. trifoliolatis, subulatis, in- 
tegerrimis ; stipulis nudlis ; floribus ad apices ramulorum glomeratis, v. terminalibus 
corymbosis ; pedicellis brevibus, bibracteolatis. Endl. 

Burtonta (§ Euburtonia) scadra ; foliis erectis trifoliolatis, foliolis subulato-line- 
aribus scabris subaduncis muticis, ramulis teretibus pubescentibus. 

Burronia scabra. Br. in Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 3. p. 12. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. 
p. 106. Lehm. Plant. Preiss. v. 1. p 41. 
GompHoLosium scabrum. Smith, in Linn. Soc. Trans. v. 9. p. 250. 

More than half a century ago this very lovely plant, a discovery 
of Mr. Menzies, at King George’s Sound, was living and flower- 
ing at the Royal Gardens at Kew, having been introduced in 
1803 by Mr. Peter Good. No figure of it however was ever 
published, and it appears to have been lost to our collections for a 
great number of years past, though other species, nearly as hand- 
some, have taken its place, among which we may mention Bur- 
tonia pulchella, Meisn., figured and described at our Tab. 4392, 
and B. villosa, Meisn. (Tab. Nostr. 4410). ‘The present species 
undoubtedly boasts the most brilliant, flowers of any known to 
us, and is well distinguished by the singularly scabrous surface 
of the leaves, all rough with minute hard papillz. It is moreover 
the species on which the genus Burtonia was founded by Mr. 
Brown. It was first noticed as a Gompholobium by Sir J. E. 
Smith in the’ Linnean Transactions, above quoted; but as his 
knowledge of the plant was derived from a drawing only, he had 
not the materials for determining correctly the genus. Our plant 

AuGustT Ist, 1857. 

here figured was received from the Botanic Gardens of Trinity 
College, Dublin, in May of the present year, through the kind- 
ness of Mr. Bain, the curator, and very able successor to the 
venerable Dr. Mackay. Seeds were received from King George’s 
Sound by Archbishop Whately from his late friend Mr. Phillips, 
of King George’s Sound, and by his Grace given to Mr. Bain, 
who raised them very successfully. It produces its lovely flowers 
in a well-aired greenhouse. 

Dzscr. A small heath-like shrud, with erect, rather virgate, 
but not elongated, stiff, slightly downy branches, clothed with 
erect imbricated leaves. eaves alternate, glabrous, divided to 
the very base into three, shortly petiolulated, linear-subulate, 
rigid Jeaflets, somewhat uncinate, but muticous at the apex; the 
margin closely reflexed, the surface very rough with minute hard 
papillz, resembling the surface of a file. Stipules broad, mem- 
branous, ciliated. /Vowers from the axils of the leaves, but seve- 
ral arise close together in a pseudo-verticillate manner from near 
the apex of the branches; very handsome. Pedicels short, brac- 
teolate. Calyz glabrous, ciliated at the margin, and spotted with 
black dots at the apices of the lobes. Vewillum spreading, rich 
purple, yellow above the claw. Ale blood-red ; carina yellowish. 
Ovary hairy. Style subulate. 

Fig. 1. Leaf. 2. Apex of ditto. 3. Flower and bracteolated pedicel. 4. 
Vexillum. 65. One of the ale. 6. Carina. 7. Pistil:—all more or less mag- 

seta idiiea iain’, conemademmaaias ail 

Vincent “Brooks Emp. 





Tas. 5001. 


Tall Celogyne. 


Gen. Char. Sepala conniventia v. patentia, libera (nune invicem agglutinata), 
eequalia, petaloidea, seepius basi obtusa. Petala conformia, aut multo angus- 
tiora. Labellum cucullatum, trilobum v. indivisum, petaloideum, basi seepe sac- 
catum, venis 2-3 pluribusve parallelis cristatis, nunc cum basi columne con- 
natum. Columna erecta, libera, alata, apice membranaceo-marginata. Stigma 
prominens, alte excavatum, bilabiatum. Pollinia 4, libera, incumbentia, materie 
granulosa, coherentia. —Anthera infra apicem columne inserta, mobilis, vix de- 
cidua.—Herbe epiphyte vel terrestres, Asie tropice, pseudobulbose. Folia 1-2, 
nervosa. Racemi, aut flores solitarii, terminales, sape e squamis corneis erum- 
pentes. Flores albi rosei flavidi aut brunneo-maculat, immo virescentes, sepissime 
speciosi. Lindl. Fol. Orchid. 

Catoeyrne (§ Prolifere) elata ; pseudobulbis oblongis angulatis, foliis oblongis 
coriaceis basi attenuatis longe petiolatis, scapo stricto foliis breviore apice 
squamis distichis coriaceis vaginato, racemo rectiusculo sessili, bracteis 
lanceolato-navicularibus cito deciduis, petalis lineari-lanceolatis, labelli 
plani medio bicristati lobo medio cordato-ovato crenulato lateralibus obso- 
letis. Lindl. 

Cenocrne elata. Lindl. in Wall. Cat. n. 1959; Gen. et Sp. Orchid. p. 40; in 
Wall. Plant. Asiat. v. 3. p. 12. t. 218; in Bot. Reg. 1839, Misc. 151. 

CeLoeyne. Griffith, Ic. t.. 290 (Lindl.). 

A plant of Bootan, first discovered by Dr. Wallich in Nepal 
and Sylhet, then detected in Bootan, and figured by the late 
Mr. Griffith, but without assigning to it any specific name. ie 
was subsequently found in Sikkim-Himalaya by Dr. Hooker, at 
elevations of from 4000 to 6000 feet above the level of the sea; 
and at Kamaon, in the Sarjee Valley, at 3700 feet, by Messrs. 
Strachey and Winterbottom. The specimen here figured was 
sent to us by Mr. Parker, of the Nursery at Hornsey. It be- 
longs to a remarkable group of Cwlogyne, “ all of which agree 
in having a number of hard imbricated scales immediately below 

AvuGustT Ist, 1857.. 

the flowers” (resembling what are seen in some species of An- 
tholyza), “and not at the foot of the scape. They often, per- 
haps always, produce a second scaly sheath beyond the first 
series of flowers, and out of that sheath arises a second series of 
flowers.” With us its flowering season is in April. Dr. Lindley 
considers this perhaps the finest of the genus. 

Dxscr. Pseudobulbs oblong, compressed, angulato-sulcate, 
when young scaly at the base, bearing two or three large sword- 
shaped, striated, coriaceo-membranaceous, acuminated Jeaves, a 
foot and a half and more long. Scape terminal on the bulb, 
arising from between the leaves, shorter than the leaves, clothed, 
below the rather long spike of eight to ten flowers, with op- 
posite, large, closely imbricated, brown, hard, obtuse dracteas. 
The floral bracteas are long, subcarinate, membranaceous, very 
deciduous. Flowers large, .cream-white, drooping. Sepals and 
petals spreading, narrow-lanceolate, the latter the smallest and 
narrowest. Lp large, beautifully spotted and blotched with 
orange in regular figures, obovate, acute, very indistinctly three- 
lobed ; disc plane, with three, slightly elevated ridges, and fur- 
nished with two, remarkably beautiful, long, waved, and crisped 
white crests: dotted at the edge with blood-red, commencing at 
the base of the lip, and terminating as far as the orange blotch 
extends. Column elongated, winged upwards. Anthers sunk in 
the clinandrium. 

Fig. 1. Labellum. 2. Column :—magnified. 




Tas. 5002. 
RHODODENDRON catLopHytuivo. 

Handsome-leaved Rhododendron. 

Nat. Ord. Ericrea.—Drcanpria MonoGynta. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 4336.) 

RHODODENDRON calophyllum, Nutt.; fruticosum, foliis brevi-petiolatis oblongo- 
ovatis subellipticis insigniter acutis basi rotundatis subtus glaucis (etate 
ferrugineis) squamosis, corymbis 4—5-floris, calycis laciniis brevibus rotun- 
datis, corolla ampla tubuloso-campanulata alba, staminibus 20, filamentis 
ta ovario squamoso, capsulis cylindraceo-ovatis obtusis 10-locula- 

RHODODENDKON calophyllum. Nutt. in Kew Gard. Misc. v. 5. p. 362. 


It was a matter of surprise and of interest to botanists and 
cultivators, that during Dr. Hooker’s exploration of the moun- 
tains of Sikkim-Himalaya, he should have detected no less than 
forty-three species of Rhododendrons, of which thirty were con- 
sidered new; and no less a matter of surprise that when Mr. 
Booth, shortly after, visited the adjacent mountains of Bootan, 
he should have added, as detailed by Mr. Nuttall in the journal 
above quoted, sixteen to the number of novelties. We have rea- 
son to believe that if the lofty mountains of the Malayan Archi- 
pelago were as well explored, an equally extensive harvest would 
be reaped. The present is among the number of those disco- 
vered by Mr. Booth, of which seeds were received by Mr. Nut- 
tall, at Nutgrove, Rainhill, where flowers were produced, as well 
as at the Royal Gardens (on a plant presented by Mr. Nuttall), 
in May of the present year, 1857. Mr. Nuttall, from specimens 
without flower, in his description, /.c., judged that the species was 
very nearly allied to his Rhod. Jenkinsii ; itself too near, if really 
distinct from, R. Maddeni (see our Tab. 4805): yet the habit is 
distinct, the corollas in our present plant are much shorter, the 
bracts more persistent, and there is a great disposition, at least 
in our specimen, to send out from the corymbs of flowers new 

SEPTEMBER Ist, 1857. 

shoots, with scaly or stipulated branches, in a somewhat whorled 
manner, which however detract from the beauty and compactness 
of the heads of flowers. 
Descr. Our plant forms a shrué about three feet high, with 
rather patent, stout, terete branches, the young ones scaly. 
Leaves three to five inches long, firm, rigid, coriaceous, ovate, 
oblong or somewhat elliptical, dark glossy green, penninerved, 
obtuse at the base, very acute at the point, glaucous beneath in 
the young leaves, ferruginous in the older ones, with imnumera- 
ble, orbicular, peltate scales: a few of these scales are found on 
the veins above. Petiole from half to three-quarters of an inch 
long, very stout, brownish-green. Corymé of from four to five 
flowers ; dracteal scales large, ovate, concave, membranaceous, 
deciduous. Peduncles short, scaly. Calyx very scaly, short, 
five-lobed ; Jobes rounded, equal or nearly so. Corolla about 
three inches long, and as much broad at the limb, pure white, 
slightly tinged with yellow-green, tubuloso-campanulate, some- 
what ringent, deeply five-lobed, the two lower segments more 
deeply cleft; the /odes large, spreading, a little waved, and 
acute. Stamens shorter than the corolla, eighteen to twenty ; 
_ filaments quite glabrous. Anthers purple-brown, oblong. Ovary 
on a fleshy dise or ring, ovate, very scaly (as is the long séy/e), 
ten or more celled. Stigma broad peltate, two-lobed. 

Fig. 1. Portion of the under side of a leaf, with its scales. 2. Stamen. 
3. Calyx and pistil. 4. Transverse section of ovary :—magnified. 




Vincent Brooks Imp. 

Tas. 5003. 
DENDROBIUM wnosite; var. palhdiflorum. 

Noble-flowered Dendrobium ; pale-flowered var. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4755.) 

DENDROBIUM nobile ; caulibus teretibus pendulis, foliis oblongis oblique emar- 
ginatis obtusis, floribus geminatis, sepalis ovalibus, petalis conformibus ma- 
joribus, labello subrotundo cucullato cordato. 

DENDROBIUM nobile. Lindl. Gen. e¢ Sp. Orchid. p. 80, et in Sert. Orchid. 
t. 3. 

Var. pallidiflorum ; pedunculis unifloris, petalis angustioribus, labello unicolore. 
(Tas. Nostr. 5003.) 

Drawn from a plant sent by Mr. Parker, from his Nursery, 
Hornsey. Dr. Lindley, who has received the same plant from 
Mr. Van Houtte, is at present disposed to consider it a pale- 
coloured variety of Dendrobium nobile, of which the type 1s given 
in the splendid figure above quoted, ‘ Sertum Orchidaceum,’ 
and shows it worthy to bear such a name. ur variety differs 
from it chiefly in the single-flowered peduncles, in the smaller — 
size of the blossoms, in the narrower petals, in the absence of the 
bright roseate tinge, and that of the deep blood-coloured large 
spot which should occupy the tube of the labellum. This plant 
has also much resemblance to D. crepidatum, Lindl. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 4993), D. nobile is a native of China, and was introduced to 
our garden by the late Mr. Reeves. Its flowering season 1s May. 
The perfect state of this plant Dr. Lindley considers to be 
the handsomest of all Dendrodia. “The flowers are unrivalled 
for delicacy of texture and gracefulness of form: at first nodding, 
as if their slender stalks were unable to sustain their weight ; 
and then, as they disentangle their ample folds, assuming a — 
horizontal position, with the rich trumpet-shaped lip: forming an 
apparently solid centre, they seem purposely to raise themselves 

_SEPTEMBER lst, 1857. 

to the distinct view of the beholder.” Little of this beauty, it 
must be acknowledged, is visible in our present variety. 

Descr. Stems clustered, inclined, a span to a foot and more 
long, terete or subcompressed, jointed, furrowed, the younger 
ones chiefly, leafy at the top. Leaves distichous, few, narrow- 
oblong, coriaceous, obtuse, and obliquely emarginate at the 
point ; their sheaths thin, transparent, clothing the articulations. 
Peduncles spreading, short, single-flowered in our variety. 
Flowers nodding in bud, two to three inches in diameter when 
fully expanded, white, tipped with rose-colour. Sepals ‘oblong, 
spreading. Petals broader, nearly ovate. ip downy, rather 
long, broadly obovate, obscurely three-lobed, the sides at the 
base rolled in, streaked with purple, the middle lip large, broad, 
oboyate, pale sulphur-yellow, quite wanting the dark blood-red 
spot within the tube, so conspicuous in Dr. Lindley’s plant. 
Column and anther as in the genus. 

Fig. 1. Labellum. 2. Column and stamen. 3. Pollen-masses :—muagnified. 


Vincent Brocks Imp 

Tas. 5004. 


Long-stalhed Golden Violet. 


Gen. Char. Calycis sepala inzequalia, omnia plus minus deorsum in appendices 
auriculeeformes (e dilatationibus nervorum prodeuntes) producta, post anthesin 
erecta. Petula inzequalia, estivatione convolutiva, ungue trinervi; inferius deor- 
sum in calcar cavum plus minus productum. Stamina approximata aut coarctata 
(uec coalita) ad apicem dentium tori pentagon! 5-dentati inserta. Filamenta basi 
dilatata, oblonga vel triangularia, antheras demissius gerentia; lobi antherarum 
basi divergentes ; stamina 2 anteriora dorso appendices varias nectariferas in 
calear intrantes gerentia. Ovarium nunc superum, nunc basi toro concavo cinc- 
tum et ideo semi-inferum. Valvule capsule elastice post maturationem con- 
tractee semina ejicientes ; semina horizontalia, manifeste carunculata, plus minus 
ovoidea et nitida. Embryo oblongus; radicula teretiuscula ; cotyledones seepius 
oblongo-orbiculate, planiuscule, radicula vix longiores.—Herbe plerumgue per- 
ennes, rarissime annue, nunc caule brevissimo vel subterraneo, unde acaules dicta, 
nune caulescentes vel suffrutices parvi ; folia alterna, marcescentia ; ped unculi sodz- 
tarit, axillares, uniflori, 2-bracteolati, non articulati, apice reflewi; flores cernut ; 
folia seminalia oblonga ovatave, petiolata ; primordialia opposita, sed raro co- 

_etanea. DC. 

Viota (§ Chamemelanium) pedunculata ; glabriuscula elongata ramosa, foliis 
rhombeo-cordatis obtusis grosse crenato-serratis reticulatis basi in petiolum 
longum decurrentibus; stipulis longis lineari-oblongisve basi pinnatifido-laci- 
niatis, pedunculis longissimis longe supra medium bibracteatis, stigmate 
emarginato, calcare brevissimo subnullo, petalis late obovato-rotundatis su- 
perioribus sublonge unguiculatis lateralibus basi barbatis. 

Viota pedunculata. Torrey and Gray, Fl. of N. America, v. 1. p. 141. 


The handsomest we know of the genus, albeit lacking the fi 
erance of the great favourite, the Sweet Violet of Europe. It 
was one of the many discoveries of Douglas in California, during 
the last of his journeys, and but a little before the accident which 
caused his death in the Sandwich Islands. It has been since 

found by Mr. William Lobb. Beautifully dried specimens were 
sent home by him, and plants were reared from seed by Messrs. 
s, the exhibition of 

Veitch and Son, Exeter and Chelsea Nurserie 
which at the Horticultural Society naturally attracted much atten- 

SEPTEMBER lst, 1857. 

tion. It seems well suited to cultivation in a cool frame. It 
flowers copiously in May. Mr. Nuttall detected it as far south 
as Monterey. 

Descr. Roots perennial, but long, slender, straggling. Stems 
more or less compact, four to eight or ten inches long, dichoto- 
mously branched, angular, herbaceous, nearly glabrous, as is the 
whole plant. Leaves two to three inches long, submembrana- 
ceous, broad, cordately rhomboid, full green, obtuse, reticulately 
veined, coarsely crenato-serrate, decurrent from the sinus upon 
the long slender petiole, three to four inches long. Stipules ob- 
long or linear-oblong, moderately large, pinnatifid at the base. 
Pedunceles solitary, axillary, twice as long as the leaves, angular, 
with a pair of subulate sfipu/es situated much above the middle, 
which are opposite or alternate. /V/owers of a rich golden yel- 
low; three lower petals streaked with deep blood-colour at the 
base ; two upper ones each with a very large blotch at the back, 
of the same colour. Calye as in the genus. Lateral petals 
with a tuft of hairs at the base of the lamina: two upper ones 
with long claws. Spur nearly obsolete. Stamens: two inferior, 
anthers with a crest or thick wing at the back. Ovary oblongo- 
ovate. Style club-shaped. Capitate stigma with a longitudinal 
cleft, and a small spur at the base of the cleft; a circle of 
hairs half surrounds the stigma. 

Fig. 1. Lateral petal. 2. Inferior petal (nectary, Z.). 3. Stamen and pistil. 
4. One of the inferior anthers. 5. Pistil :—magnified. 



W. Ritch del etith. 
Vincent “Brooks imp 

Tas. 5005. 

Californian Azalea. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4726.) 

Aza.Ea occidentalis ; corymbis magis minusve foliosis, ramulis junioribus pubes- 
centibus, foliis oblongis obovato-oblongisve pilosulis preecipue ad costam 
marginemque, lobis calycinis parvis oblongis hursutis ciliatisve, corollz tubo 
glanduloso-pubescente limbi lobos eequante, staminibus styloque longe ex- 

AZALBA occidentalis. Torrey et Gray, MSS. ined. 

Azauza calendulacea. Hook. et Arn. Bot. of Beech. Voy. p. 361. 

Our drawing was made from a beautiful specimen sent by 
the Messrs. Veitch (Exeter and Chelsea Nurseries), which was 
raised from seeds sent direct from California by Wm. Lobb. Spe- 
cimens from Captain Beechey’s Voyage in H.M. Surveying-ship 
‘Sulphur’ were there noticed by us, though doubtfully (in the 
‘Botany’ of that voyage), as the Azalea calendulacea of Hastern 
America; and that is perhaps its nearest affinity, and we think 
very close affinity. We possess specimens also from Douglas and 
Hartweg (n. 1827), all gathered in California, and from the 
North Umqua by Mr. Burke within the Oregon territory. I am 
favoured by Messrs. Torrey and Gray with specimens gathered 
by Dr. J.'M. Bigelow, during “Lieutenant A. W. Whipple's 
Exploration* for a railway route from the Mississippi River 
to the Pacific Ocean near the 35th parallel of latitude, during 
1853-4,” to which these able botanists have given the name, 
which we here adopt, of Azalea occidentalis. 1 had considered 
it, when I had only access to dried specimens, as probably not 
different from A. calendulacea ; and now that I have seen the 
living plant, I am not prepared to say that it is a distinct species. 
The leaves are the same, and the form and structure, etc., of the 
flowers are the same, but the colour of the corolla is different : 

* We are informed by our friend Dr. Engelmann, that the Botany of this 
Survey, which will include our plant, is printed, and will soon be published. 

SEPTEMBER Ist, 1857. 

“in 4. calendulacea the corollas are yellow or orange, turning to 
flame-colour,” in 4. occidentalis they are white, streaked with 
red on the tube and outer tips of segments, and have the upper 
lobe of the limb of the corolla within, yellow on the disc. In- 
deed the definitions of 4. viscosa, nudiflora, and calendulacea ot 
_ Eastern America, seem to me by no means satisfactory: few of 
the characters laid down are permanent, and the difficulty of 
giving faithful characters is increased by numerous varieties and 
hybrids that are studied in our gardens. The present is the 
only Azalea of North America found to the west of the Rocky 

Fig. 1. Calyx and pistil. 2. Stamen :—magnified. 


Vincent Brooks Imp. 

Tas. 5006. 


. Close-flowered Agave. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, sub Tas. 4984.) 

AGAVE densiflora; acaulis, foliis subtripedalibus obovato-lanceolatis crassis 
rigidis atro-virentibus ineequaliter breviter spinoso-dentatis apice tenuiter 
acuminatis spinescentibus dentibus remotiusculis simplicibus supra planis vel 
apicem versus concavis, dorso convexo, scapo folia longe superantibus 5—6- 
pedali fere ad basin squamis seu bracteis longis subulatis erectiusculis vel 
appressis, spica elongata fusiformi, floribus sessilibus numerosissimis ad basin 
bracteatis, bractea elongato-subulata, perianthio flavo-viridi hypocrateri- 
formi tubo subcylindraceo limbi laciniis linearibus reflexis apice sphacelatis, 
filamentis fusiformibus styloque perianthio plus quam duplo longioribus. 

The Succulent-house of the Royal Gardens of Kew contains 
two fine plants of an unnamed dyave which are supposed to 
have been imported from Mexico, and which, during the pre- 
sent year, have (both) produced their fine flowering scapes. One 
of these is here figured upon a very reduced scale; but I regret 
to say that, with all the advantages of flower and fruit before me, 
I am unable to refer it to any described species. Kunth, the 
most recent author on the genus, describes thirty-eight species, 
included under three primary groups; 1. Scape paniculato-ra- 
mose ; 2. Scape simple, flowers spiked and sessile (to which our 
plant belongs) ; 3. Species mihi haud classificande. With none 
of the species there described will our plant accord. I have no 
alternative then, but, as with the allied Agave (that is, belonging 
to the same section) figured at our Tab. 4934, to describe it as 

Duscr. Stem none. Leaves, external ones horizontally spread- 
ing, the rest gradually more erect, and the central ones quite so, 
lanceolate, dilated at the base, finely pungently and spinulosely 
acuminated at the apex, four to five inches broad, convex on the 
under side, nearly plain or canaliculate above, or concave below 

SEPTEMBER Ist, 1857. 

the extremity, the svdstance thick, firm, coriaceous, of a full dark 
green colour (not at all glaucescent), the margin spinoso-dentate, 
spines erecto-patent, short, with a broad base, suddenly acumi- 
nate, scarcely a line long, hard, horny, almost black. Scape, 
including the spike, nearly six feet long, more than an inch 
thick, arising from among the inferior leaves, or terminal, bear- 
ing two or three small narrow leaves at the base; these leaves 
suddenly pass into long (three to four inches), subulate, mem- 
branaceous dracts, at first green, then pale brown, numerous, 
more or less erect, or spreading, or even deflexed. Spike 
gradually elongating as the flowers advance, at length a foot 
and more long in the state of the densely compacted innu- 
merable flower-buds, cylindrical, acuminate, pale green. The 
flowers expand from below upwards, and soon the spike takes a 
broad fusiform shape, below narrow, and brownish with the 
withered reflected flowers, then a broad band of yellowish flowers 
past perfection, but not withered: these are succeeded by the 
rich purple of the stamens and pistils of the recently opened 
blossoms, and the apex is formed by the unexpanded buds. 
Flowers often only staminiferous, all densely crowded, sessile, each 
pair subtended by a subulate dractea. Perianth yellow-green, 
hypocrateriform ; segments of the limb patenti-reflexed, sphace- 
late at the pomt. Filaments more than twice as long as the pe- 
rianth, tapering at each end, hence fusiform, purple. Anfhers 
-long-linear, versatile, dark purple, yellow when burst, from the 
copious pollen. Ovary elliptical, somewhat angled, three-celled ; 
seeds many, in two rows in each cell. Style shorter than the 
stamen, stout filiform. Stiyma obtuse, a little dilated. 

Flowering plant, greatly reduced. Fig. 1. Apex of a leaf, nat. size. 2. Pair 
of flowers and bract. 3. Ovary. 4. Trensverse section of ditto :—magnified. 


W.Ritch dél etith 

Vincent Brooke Emp. 

Tas. 5007. 

GREVILLEA auxpestrIis. 

Mountain Grevillea. 

Nat. Ord. ProreacEZ.—TETRANDIA MonoGyYNIA. 

Gen. Char. Perianthium irvegulare; foliolis laciniisve secundis; apicibus 
cavis, staminiferis. Anthere immerse. Glandula hypogyna unica, dimidiata. 
Ovarium dispermum. Stigma obliquum, depressum (raro subverticale, conicum). 
Folliculus wnilocularis, dispermus, loculo centrali. Semina marginata, vel apice 
brevissime alata.—Frutices, rarius arbores, pilis dum adsint medio affiais ! Folia 
alterna, indivisa vel pinnatifida, Spicee nunc elongate, racemose, nunc abbreviate 
corymbose vel fasciculiformes, involucro nullo, pedicellis geminatis, raro pluribus, 
paribus fasciculisve unibracteatis. Perianthia sepissime rubicunda, nunc flava, in 
quibusdam oblique inserta. Folliculi vel coriacei ovati, stylo toto coronati, semi- 
nibus ovalibus, augustissime marginatis et apice brevissime alatis : vel lignet, subor- 
biculares, pseudo-bivalves, basi modo styli mucronati, seminibus undique alatis. Br. 

GrREVILLEA alpestris ; foliis semipollicaribus ovalibus oblongis linearibusve muticis 
margine recurvis vel revolutis supra convexis eveniis puberulis punctato- 
scabriusculis subtus ramulisque villoso-tomentosis, racemis terminalibus fas- 
ciculiformibus recurvis paucifloris ferrugineo-tomentosis, calyce pistillum — 
semipollicem subsequante, limbo obtusissimo, ovario sessili albido-villoso, 
stylo dense rufo-hirsuto, stigmate subrotundo-planiusculo. Meisn. 

Grevitina alpestris. Meisn. in Hook. Journ. Bot. 1852, p. 187, e¢ Linnea, 
183. p. 354, e¢ in De Cand. Prodr. v. 14. p. 361. 

Grevituea Dallachiana. F, Muell. First. Gen. Rep. Melb. Gard. p. 47. 
GREVILLEA alpina, B. Lindl. in Mitchell Exp. (fide Meisn.) 

Sent to us from the greenhouse of the nursery of Messrs. 
Rollison, in May, 1857. It is a native of South Australia, in 
mountainous districts. Meisner gives as stations, Australia Felix, 
Mount William, Mitchell ; Grampians, Disappointment, Dandi- 
nong, Loddem and Buffalo Range, Broken, Goulbourne and 
Orans River, Ferd. Mueller ; and Dr. Mueller, in his valuable 
MS. now before us, adds many other localities, and has supplied 
us with numerous specimens. It forms a shrub in its native 
country many feet high, but bears copious flowers with us, on 

plants of a small size; these flowers are of a brick- rather than 


bright-red, merging into yellow in the upper half. In Australia 
it flowers throughout the whole year. 

Descr. Old dranches ashy-brown and glabrous, younger ones 
pubescent. Leaves copious, patent, often reflexed, scattered, four 
to six lines long, three lines broad, generally elliptical, but more 
or less approaching to ovate, sometimes narrow oblong, recurved 
at the margin, pubescent on both sides, dark green above, pale 
beneath. Heads or corymbs of flowers umbellate. Pedicels 
short, thick, downy. Perianth scarcely an inch long, including 
the curvature, downy, or even subhispid, brick-red, gradually 
passing into yellow in the upper half; the ¢vée is inflated below ; 
the /obes are unequal. Anthers sessile, lodged in the cavity of the 
lobes. Ovary and style densely clothed with erect hairs, as is the 
gland at the base. Stigma very large, orbicular, peltate, umbi- 
licate in the centre, lateral. Fol/icle, according to Dr. Mueller, 
“ ellipsoid, downy or villose, six to eight lines long, beaked with 
the persistent style. Seeds narrow, ellipsoid, smooth, three to 
four lines long, one broad, blackish-brown, void of gloss, convex 
on the back, channelled by the inflexed margins on the opposite 

side.” Slight varieties are mentioned both by Drs. Meisner and ~ 

Mueller, and the latter notices its affinity with the well-known 
Grevillea canescens, Br. 

Fig. 1. Leaf. 2. Flower. 3. Pistil :—magnified. 


Tas. 5008. 


Mr. Windsor’s Rhododendron. 

Nat. Ord. Ertce®.—Dercanpria Monoeynia. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 4336.) 

RuopoprnpRon Windsorii ; arboreum, foliis coriaceis oblongo- seu obovato-lan- 
ceolatis acutis in petiolum attenuatis glabris subtus argenteis demum rufes- 
centibus, capitulis multifloris, bracteis sericeis, calycis lobis elongatis lan- 
ceolatis attenuatis extus hirsutis, corolla roseo-punicee lobis emarginatis, 
staminibus 10, capsulis cylindraceo-oblongis glabris 10-locularibus, semini- 
bus lanceolatis subulatis. Nuéé. 

RuopopenpRoN Windsorii. Nudé. in Hook. Kew Garden Misc. v. 5. p. 357. 

B, leucanthum ; foliis elliptico-lanceolatis opacis, floribus albis. Nutt. 

This is another of the many Rhododendron discoveries made 
by Mr. Booth, in the mountains of Bootan, growing at an eleva- 
tion of 7-9000 feet above the sea, on the ridges and slopes of 
Roophrya, in exposed and arid situations, amongst Pines, species 
of Cupressus, etc.; and from seeds transmitted to Mr. Nuttall, 
plants were raised which flowered at Nutgrove, Rainhill, in June 
1857. he variety, which Mr. Nuttall thinks may prove to be a 
distinct species, is readily distinguished by its more lanceolate — 
leaves, of an opaque, dull green above, but like the ordinary state 
of the plant beneath, passing from a silvery-white, at length to 
pale brown: the flowers are constantly white. ‘This, as far as 
we know, has not yet blossomed in England. Both the states 
Mr. Nuttall finds hardy in Lancashire, having stood out all the 
last winter, even small seedlings. 

Descr. A small free, with coriaceous /eaves, which are obo- 
vato-lanceolate and acute, four to five inches long, an inch to an 
inch and a half broad, strongly reticulated and pinnately nerved, 
shining, white and silvery beneath, at length pale brown. Heads 
many-flowered, crowded, the dracts dilated and silky ; lobes of the 
corolla all emarginate, the colour a deep crimson-scarlet, rather 
deeper-coloured than in 2. arborewm, to which this species 1s 
nearly allied. It is still more allied to R. roseum of the gardens, 

OCTOBER IsT, 1857. 

oa ne has We: giana air lobes... Seamnshi ten. 
at length glabrous, oblique at the base, ten-celled. 

“Fig. 1. Calyx and pistil. 2. Stamen. 3. Capsule (nat. size). 4, Transverse 
- section of an ovary :—magnified. 





Vincent Brooks 

_. trived to escape from th 

Tas. 5009. 


Showy Uroskinnera. 


Gen. Char. URosKINNERA, Lindl,— Mistivatio imbricato-bilabiata. Caly« cya- 
thiformis, 4-dentatus. Corolla et stamina Pentstemonis. Stylus planus, stigmate 
furcato. Capsula calyce arctissime vestita, loculicido-dehiscens. Semina scro- 
biculata, membrana cincta.—Herba, facie Gesnere ; floribus spicatis, violaceis. 

UROSKINNERA spectabilis. 
Uroskrwnera spectabilis. Lindl. in Garden. Chron. for Jan. 1857, p. 36, 6. 

This remarkable plant, constituting a new genus, was intro; 
duced to our gardens by the Horticultural Society ; and Tcan- 
not do better than copy Dr. Lindley’s excellent description and 
remarks above referred to. 

“For this beautiful plant our gardens are indebted to G. U. 
Skinner, Esq., the most generous of merchants, the most eager 
of collectors, to whom or to whose assistance the botany of 
Western Mexico and Guatemala owes more than to all the tra- 
vellers who have visited those regions. Nothing more worthy 
of his name could well be found, for the plant is very rare, very 
showy, and now secured to our gardens ; we therefore trust that 
verbal pedants will not quarrel with the manner we have con- 
e difficulty of there being already a 
Skinneria in the botanical field, but agree with us that Ure 
_ Skinner may be fairly blended into a name which shall unmis- 

takably record the labours of one who ought never to be con- 
founded with any other Skinner whatever.” 

Descr. “It forms a soft, stout, erect, herbaceous plant, \ook- 
‘ing like some Gesnera, and grey with close hairs. In drying 1t 
becomes a very dark brown. The leaves are oblong, toothed, 

ked, from two to four inches long. The flowers appeat in. 

ile, terminal, very close spikes, about three inches long, and 

- OCTOBER Ist, 1857. 

are each subtended by a filiform hairy dract. The calya is small, | 
cup-shaped, hairy, four-toothed, and fits close to the base of the 
tube of the corolla, which is pale violet, smooth, an inch and a 
half in length, funnel-shaped, with a nearly equally blunted and 
five-lobed, two-lipped dims, downy on the upper side. The sta- 
mens are those of Pentstemon, the sterile one being linear-spa- 
thulate, coarsely downy, and rather shorter than the shortest 
fertile ones. The fruit is an ovate capsule, naked at the point, 
but otherwise tightly invested with the coarse hairy calyx and 
its four filiform lobes; the dehiscence is through the back of 
the carpels. On a central, eventually loose, spongy placenta are 
closely packed, numerous, scrobiculate, small, oval, plano-convex 
seeds, edged with a narrow membrane, with a straight emédryo, 
lymg in the midst of albumen, and a well-defined, oval chalaza 
near the upper end.” Zzndi. 
It is a stove plant, and flowered with us in July. 

Fig. 1. Corolla laid open. 2. Calyx and pistil. 3. Immature capsule :— 


W. Fitch delet Eth Vincent Broaks ny 

Tas. 5010. 

EPIGYNIUM acuminatum, Klotzsch. 

Acuminate-leaved Epigynium. 

Nat. Ord. Vaccin1e#.—Decanpria Monoeynia. 

Gen.. Char, Evtayni1um, Klotzsch.—Calycis tubus hemispheericus, levis, limbo 
libero 5-partito. Corolla ovata campanulata v. urceolata. Stamina 10, dis- 
tincta; anthere mutice v. aristatz, in tubulos 2 discretos productz, antice ad 
apicem foraminibus ovalibus dehiscentes. Ovarium 5-loculare, multiovulatum, 
disco 5-gibbo limboque calycis coronatum. Bacca pulposa, subgloboso-ovata.— 
Frutices Indiz Orientalis, ramosi, terrestres vel epiphytici ; foliis persistentibus ; 
floribus avillaribus terminalibusve, racemosis v. fasciculatis, rarius corymbosis. 
Klotzsch in Linnea, v. 24. p. 49. 

EpicyN1uM acuminatum ; foliis alternis petiolatis lanceolatis acuminatis remote 
serratis, floribus rameis corymbosis, pedicellis clavatis elongatis corollisque 
ampullaceis puberulis, antheris muticis. 

EPIGyNIuM acuminatum. Klotzsch, in Linnea, v. 24, p. 51. 

AGAPETES acuminata. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. v. 3. p. 862. Dunal in DC. Prodr. 
v. 1. p. 554. 

THIBAUDIA acuminata. Wail. Cat. 6297. 

One of the many beautiful Vacciniee which abound in the 
subtropical and temperate regions of the humid Indian moun- 
tains, but of which very few have hitherto been introduced into 
European gardens. The present species was first detected by 
Wallich’s collectors in the mountains near Silhet (Khasia), and 
has been gathered there abundantly by Griffith and Drs. Hooker 
and Thomson, at elevations of 3-4000 feet, generally growing 
epiphytically upon trees. Mr. Griffit has also gathered it in the 
province of Moalmaque, and it is probably a common plant in 
those regions. The specimens figured are from our friend Mr. 
Nuttall, who introduced it through his collector Mr. Booth, from 
the Bhotan hills. It is a very handsome plant, and some of our 
dried specimens have leaves a span and a half long. ‘The pe- 
duncle of the corymb varies extremely in length ; but the flowers 
and foliage are very constant to their characters. 

Descr. A sinall shrub, two to four feet high, sparingly irregu- 

OCTOBER Ist, 1857. 


larly branched, the dranches rough, leafy chiefly towards the 
apices, warted. Leaves alternate, with little or no tendency to 
verticillation, on short stout petioles, four inches to a span and 
a half long, lanceolate, acuminate, remotely bluntly toothed, 
very coriaceous, persistent, deep-green, opaque above, paler and 
often lurid purple beneath: upper surface sometimes mottled 
with purple; costa stout, lateral nerves remote ; petiole with two 
opposite mamilliform g/ands towards the base of the lamina. 
Flowers abundantly produced, in drooping corymés, from the stem 
below the leaves. Common peduncle variable in length, of a 
quarter of an inch to one inch long. Pedicels one inch long, 
narrow-clavate, bright coral-red, as are the calyces and flowers, 
and all these parts are covered with very short hairs. Calya-tube 
hemispherical, with a five-toothed dimé. Corolla almost globose, 
with five obscure angles and as many recurved short segments. 
Epigynous dise entire. Stamens with rather broad filaments 
which are shorter than the anthers ; anthers without ariste, and 
with short tubular apices. 

Fig. 1. Flower with its thickened peduncle. 2. Calyx and pistil. 3. Stamen: 

W. Etch del, et lith. 

Vincent Brodks Imp 

¥ Tas. 5011. 
DENDROBIUM crepipatum; var. labello glabro. 

Slippered Dendrobium ; glabrous-lipped var. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4755.) 

‘datum ; caulibus elongatis erectis teretibus striatis, foliis ob- 

longis acutis subcoriaceis, floribus geminis, sepalis oblongis obtusis, petalis 

orbiculari-oblongis, labello cordiformi rotundato integro subsinuato obtuso 
retusove lateribus erectis intus pubescente venoso basi utrinque plicato, 

cornu brevi obtuso. 

DENDROBIUM crepidatum. Lindl. in Past. Fl. Garden, v. 1; Gleanings, n. 99, 
FS. 95 (woodcut of flower only). 

B. labello planiusculo glabro. (Tas. Nostr. 5009.) 

Oo ee 

From the collection of the Royal Gardens, having been derived 
from Assam. It was supposed to be a new species of Dendro- 
bium, but a careful comparison with the true plant, D. crepida- 

tum, shows, that though the flowers are very delicate and prettily 

coloured, the plant cannot be considered other than as a variety of 

that species, with a glabrous labellum, and with the involuted 
sides near the base (as seen in our Tab. 4993) spread out, so as 
labellum. We need only refer to 

to give a different form to the 
the description at the Tab. just quoted, for more particulars of 

this species. 

Fig. 1. Column and lip. 2. Pollen-masses, magnified. 


OCTOBER Ist, 1857. 

» JOTK, 

W. Bitch del. et lith 

Ancent Brooks Imp. 

Tas 5012. 

AGAPETES svuxirouia, Nutt. 

Box-leaved Agapetes. 

Nat. Ord. Vaccin1acE®.—DeEcAaNDRIA MoNOGYNIA. 

Gen. Char. Calyx campanulatus, limbo 5-fido, laciniis acutis. Corolla tubu- 
losa, incurva v. recta. Stamina 10; filamentis incurvis; antheris in tubulos 2 
elongatos connatos apice antice dehiscentes productis.. Stigma depressum, 5-lobum. 
Bacea carnosa, 5-locularis, polysperma.—Frutices Indici ; foliis alternis, coria- 
ceis, sempervirentibus ; floribus solitariis racemosisve. Klotzsch in Linnea, v. 24. 
p. 89 (paucis verbis mutatis). 

Aaapetes duzifolia; ramulis calyce pedicellisque pilosis, foliis (pollicaribus) 
breve petiolatis obovato-cuneatis acutiusculis subserratis glaberrimis, flori- 
bus axillaribus solitariis binisve, pedicellis folio brevioribus, corolle tubo 
strictiusculo coccineo folio equilongo ter longiore quam lato, lobis patentibus . 
ovato-lanceolatis, antheris rugulosis basi apiculatis apice in tubulos loculis 
4-plo longiores connatos productis. 

AGapeEteEs buxifolia. Nutt. MSS. 

This very beautiful plant was imported by our friend Mr. 
Nuttall, from the Duphla hills on the eastern frontier of Bhotan, 
bordering on Assam, where it was detected by Mr. Booth, grow- 
ing epiphytically upon trees, at an elevation of 2—3000 feet. It 
forms a small bush with a large, tuberous, root-like stem, which, 
as in many of its Indian congeners, adheres closely by numerous 
fibrous rootlets to the mossy trunks of trees in damp forests. 
Mr. Nuttall further states that it grew with him grafted by ap- 
proach to a species of Epigynium (LH. leucobotrys, Nutt.). 

Descr. An evergreen leafy dush, four to five feet high, with 
spreading, virgate dranches. Branches pilose. Leaves rather 
crowded and spreading, about an inch long, coriaceous, bright 
green above, paler below, shortly petioled, obovate-cuneate to- 
wards the base, subacute, obscurely serrate beyond the middle. 
Flowers solitary or two together, axillary, on slender pilose pedi- 
cels about half as long as the leaves. Calyx obconico-campanu- 
late, green, terete, pilose, with five short, green, triangular-ovate 

OCTOBER Ist, 1857. 

teeth, very many times shorter than the corolla. Corolla tubular, 
cylindric, about an inch long, glabrous, bright red, its five seg- 
ments spreading, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. Stamens ten; 
filaments with broad arcuate bases and slender tips. Azthers 
linear, crenulate, produced into a pair of connate very slender 
tubes, which reach a little beyond the mouth of the corolla. 
Epigynous disc annular, entire. Style straight, erect, gradually 
dilated at the truncate obscurely five-lobed apex. 

Calyx and pistil. 2, 3. Back and front view of stamens :—magnified. 


Vinsent Bro cles, Exp 

Tas. 5013. 

Upright Meyenia. 


Gen. Char. Calyx parvus, quinquelobus, bracteolis duabus magnis inclusis. 
Corolla infundibuliformis, fauce sensim ampliata, ¢u4o brevissimo intus annulo 
piloso clauso, limbo wquali. Stamina 4, didynama ; anthere apice barbate, bi- 
loculares, superiorum loculis inéequalibus, altero’ magis supero divergente latere 
tomentoso, inferiorum parallelis subsequalibus, basi muticis. Stigma membra- 
naceo-dilatatum, bilabiatum, labiis bilobis. Capsuda e basi tumidula conico-atte- 
nuata, ad basin bilocularis, tetrasperma, dissepimento persistente, valvis adnato, 
ad axin lignoso, dissolubili. Semina (immatura) strophiolo cupuliformi solubili 
spongioso suffulta.—Plante Indice vel Afriese occidentalis tropice. Caulis sean- 
dens vel erectus. Folia opposita, integerrima. Flores azillares, pedunculati. Nees. 

Meyenra erecta; glabra, ramis erecto-patentibus, foliis petiolatis ovatis acumi- 
natis integris vel sinuato-dentatis, ealyce brevissimo sub-12-fido, corolle — 
‘tubo bracteis oblongo-lanceolatis quadruplo longiore. 

Meyenra erecta. Benth. in Niger Flora, p. 476. 

A really lovely stove plant, of a genus of which only one 
species has been hitherto known (Meyenta Hawteyneana, Nees, 
Maund’s ‘ Botanist,’ t. 188)—and that an Indian climber, while 
ours is a western tropical African nearly erect shrub, discovered 
at Cape Coast Castle by Dr. J. R. T. Vogel, the first of that 
name whose life has been sacrificed to scientific researches in 
the interior of Africa. Plants were forwarded to us by Messrs. 
Rollison, of Tooting; the seeds had been sent from the African 
coast, and germinated in the stove in the early part of 1856. 
‘The species is hardly so strict in habit as to merit the specific 
name of erecta. It is a graceful, lax-growing shrub, bearing 
extremely beautiful flowers during the early summer months. 

Duscr. A shrub two to three or four feet high with us; six 
to eight feet in its native country, suberect : branches \ax, erecto- 

patent, by no means scandent as in UM. Hawteyneana. Leaves 

approximate, opposite, petiolate, ovate or subrhomboid, glabrous, 

OCTOBER lst, 1857. 

acuminate, entire, or more or less deeply sinuato-dentate, vary- 
ing much in size, from half an inch to one and a half inch or 
two inches. Peduncles axillary, solitary, often opposite, single- 
flowered, much shorter than the flower. Bracteas two, oppo- 
site, small (as compared with those of MZ, Hawteyneana), oblong, 
acute, submembranaceous, pale green. Ca/yx quite concealed 
by the bracteas, cyathiform, white, cut into twelve or fourteen 
erect subulate feeth. Corolla with the tube elongated, slightly 
curved, infundibuliform, pale yellow ; Zimd large, spreading, pur- 
ple (fava deep yellow), of five, nearly equal, subrotundato-ob- 
cordate segments. Stamens four, didynamous, included. Fila- 
ments glanduloso-pilose in front. Anthers one-celled, the margin 
of the cell deeply fringed with subclavate hairs. Ovary globose, 
seated upon a large, thick, fleshy receptacle. Style as long as 
the tube of the corolla, slightly hairy above. Stigma of two very 
distinct lips: superior lip erect, the sides involute ; inferior lip 
_ patent, obcordate, spreading, with a minute tooth on each side 
at the base. Fruit I have not seen. 

Fig. 1. Calyx and pistil. 2. Ovary and receptacle. 3, Stamen :—magnified. 


Tas. 5014. 

PANDANUS CanpeLaBruo. 

Lustre Screw-Pine. 

Nat. Ord. Panpane#.—Diecia PoLyaNnDRIA. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4736.) 

Panpanus Candelabrum ; caule inferne radicibus aereis fulto superne ramoso, 
ramis apicibus erectis, foliis e basi amplexicauli Jineari-subulatis carinatis 
margine serrato-spinosis glaucis, spadicibus masculis axillaribus solitariis 
subsessilibus, fructibus subgloboso-depressis, drupis 3(5)-locularibus. K¢th. 

Panpanus Candelabrum. Beauv. Flor. d Oware et de Benin, p. 37. t. 21 ef 22. 
Kunth, Enum. Plant. v. 3. p. 98. 

We are indebted to our excellent correspondent, Hercules 
G. R. Robinson, Esq., Governor of the West Indian Island, 
St. Kitt’s, for living plants of this rare and little-known species 
of Screw-Pine; which, being accompanied by fine specimens of 
the fruit, enable us to offer the annexed figure, which however 
can give no idea of the peculiar mode of growth of this remark- 
able plant. Some notion of it may however be formed from a 
fine specimen we have long observed with interest, firstly in 
Loddiges’ celebrated collection at Hackney, and now at the 
Sydenham Palace. . A very imperfect sketch of it is also given, 
on an extremely reduced scale, in the work above quoted of Pa- 
lisot de Beauvois, tab. 21, fig. a. Notwithstanding we have re- 
ceived this plant direct from the West Indies, it is not there a 
native; and indeed of the thirty species of Screw-Pine charac- 
terized by Kunth in his ‘ Enumeratio Plantarum,’ and the nine 
enumerated but not described by Freycinet, not one is a denizen 
of the New World: all are exclusively of the tropical regions of 
Asia and Africa, generally inhabiting the muddy banks of rivers 
near their embouchures. Among the beautiful series of draw- 
ings of scenery of Victoria River, made by Mr. Baines during 
the late Overland North Australian Expedition, which we have 

NOVEMBER Ist, 1857. 

lately had the pleasure of seeing, Pandani form a striking 
feature in the landscape. 

Of the leaves of Pandanus odoratissima, growing in Mauritius 
and Bourbon, the bags in which sugar is exported are all made ; 
and when they have served for that purpose they are sold to the 
London fishmongers, where they are familiar to every person who 
buys a piece of fish in the market, as the receptacle for carrying 
home the purchase for his dinner. 

Pandanus Candelabrum, as far as we are aware, is exclusively 
a native of the West Coast of Africa, where it seems to abound ; 
yet it has only been noticed scientifically by M. de Beauvois. 
In the ‘ Niger Flora,’ it is merely observed that it is “ common 
along the coast, where it was observed by Vogel, but no speci- 
men was gathered.” No doubt, in consequence of the great 
and long-continued intercourse between Western Africa and the 
West Indies, this plant (with many others) has been introduced 
into the New World, as many West Indian species are now 
commonly seen about Sierra Leone and other African towns. 

Dzscr. Our description of a plant of whose habits we know 
so little must necessarily be imperfect. We have no record even 
of the height or bulk to which the ¢ree (for such it is) attains in 
its native country. Loddiges’ plant, in the Sydenham Palace, is 
about twenty-five feet high, speaking from recollection. Beau- 
vois represents the stem as lofty, annulated with the scars of 
_ fallen leaves, throwing out from near the base, and also consi- 

derably above the base, at intervals, large stem-like roots, which 
spread, descend into the ground, and form so many props, and 
serve also as anchorage for the trees, where the rapid currents 
would otherwise annihilate them. Somewhat in the same way as 
stem-like roots are given out below, so the upper part bears stout 
branches, which diverge or are deflexed, their apices inclining 
upwards, and there crowned with a tuft of leaves beautifully 
spirally arranged in three ranks: these Jeaves are two to three 
feet (perhaps more) long, about two inches wide, linear-subulate 
in form, broad and sheathing at the base, costate, the margin 
beset with rather distant, red-brown, spinous teeth or serratures 
pointing upwards. We have seen neither male nor female flowers. 
The former are figured (but not fully described) as forming 
oblong, very dense thyrses, springing from the axils of the leaves, 
little being visible but the innumerable s¢amens, with their linear 
anthers. ‘These flowers, says M. de Beauvois, yield a powerful 
and fragrant odour, “qui corrigé celle des vapeurs infectes, 
répandue par le limon vaseux que les eaux laissent & découvert 
deux fois le jour, lorsqu’elles sont retirées.”” Femate FLowERs :— 
Our not perfectly mature fruit is: solitary, arising from the axil 
of a leaf, terminating a stout, decurved peduncle, and it consists 
of a cluster of subcompressed, ovate, very hard and fibrous, an- 


gular, drupaceous nzzs, collected into a nearly globose but de- 
pressed compound fruit, somewhat of the structure of a pine- 
apple, or a bread-fruit. These nuts are imperfect, but they 
exhibit the traces of five (the number seems variable) elongated 
cells ; each with one erect ovule or seed. These drupes, taken 
individually, are richly coloured; yellow below, dark green 
above, with a tinge of red where the free portion unites with 
that which is in contact with the adjacent drupes; the apex is 
crowned with four to six brown sessile stigmas. The fruit here 
figured is preserved in the Museum of the Royal Gardens of 

The Plate represents a fruit-bearing specimen, nat. size. Fig. 1. Single 
drupe. 2. Vertical section. 3. Transverse section :—also of the nat. size. 




“Vincent Brooks Imp — 


T Witch. del et hi 



Tas. 5015. 

SABBATIA campgstris. 

Prairie Sabbatia. 


Gen. Char. Calyx 5-6~7-12-partitus, vel rarissime 5-fidus, segmentis dorso 
exalatis. Corolla rotata, marcescens, limbo 5-1 2-partito. Stamina 5-12, corolle 
fauci inserta. Anthere erecte, rimis dehiscentes, demum recurve. Ovarium 
valvulis parum introflexis sub-1-loculare, ovudis ad suturam insertis. Stylus 
distinetus, deciduus, biecruris, cruribus stigmatiferis demum spiraliter tortis. 
Capsula bivalvis, septicida, subunilocularis, placentis spongiosis. Semina funi- 
culis distinctis destituta, varia.—Herbee biennes, graciles; floribus pedicellatis, se- 
pissime roseis, in America boreali temperata indigene. Griseb. 

SABBATIA campestris ; caule tetragono dichotomo ramoso, ramulis unifloris, foliis 
ovatis inferioribus obtusis, calycis tubi suturis alatis, segmentis lanceolatis 
corollam sequantibus, corolle 5-partite rosez lobis obovatis obtusis. 

SABBATIA campestris. Nutt. Fl. Arkans. p.197. Grisebach in De Cand. Prodr. 
v. 9. p.50. Grised. Gen. et Sp. Gent. p. 123. 

An annual, fragrant, and bitter plant, little known even in its 
native countries, Arkansas and the Red River (where it was first 
detected by the venerable Nuttall), New Orleans and Texas (where 
it was discovered by Mr. James Drummond). In those countries 
it inhabits the open prairies, spangling them with its star-shaped 
deep-lilac flowers with a yellow eye. Lindheimer also found it 
in Texas in 1843, and it is No. 120 of fasc. 1 of his ‘ Flora 
Texana.’ We owe the introduction of this pretty annual to Mr. 
W. Thompson, of Ipswich, who imported the seed through a 
correspondent in Germany, in 1855. By some accident they 
were not sown till the spring of the present year, 1857, but they 
germinated with a little artificial heat. Planted out in the early 
summer they produced their copious and ornamental flowers. 
The segments of the corolla Mr. Thompson observes to be vari- 
able, more or less pointed. ‘The specimen here figured tallies 

well with our native specimens. 
NOVEMBER Ist, 1857. 

Descr. Annual. Root of a few wiry, branching fibres. Stem 
4—5 inches to a foot high, dichotomously branched above in a lax 
but paniculated manner, each branchlet terminated by a solitary 
flower: in the axil of the uppermost fork is often a solitary 
pedunculated flower: stem and branches terete, but having four 
slightly winged angles, glabrous, as is every part of the plant. 
Leaves rarely exceeding three-quarters of an inch in length, op- 
posite, ovate, sessile or even subconnate, entire, three- to five- 
nerved. Calyx with the ¢ude clavate (in fruit turbinate), with 
five longitudinal wings: /imé of five, subulate, spreading, almost 
leafy segments. Corolla large, handsome, between rotate and 
infundibuliform: fv4e short, subinflated; Zimd of five broadly 
obovate, spreading segments, of a deep lilac colour; the fawer 
yellow. Stamens five; filaments inserted at the faux. Anther 
linear. Ovary oval. Style shorter than the ovary, forked above. 
Stigmas long, spirally twisted, above clothed with glandular hairs. 

Fig. 1. Corolla, stamens, and pistil. 2. Single stamen. 3. Transverse section 
of immature fruit, showing the placentz and seeds :—magnified. 


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Tas. 5016. 
DIDLEENEA sancinen, 

Showy Dillenia. 


Gen. Char. Calyx pentaphyllus, foliolis subrotundis persistentibus fructifer 
auctus. Corolle petala 5, hypogyna, persistentia. Stamina indefinita, hypogyna, 
multiseriata, eequilonga, antheris bilocularibus, elongato-linearibus, adnatis, juxta 
longitudinem dehiscentibus. Ovaria 10-20, unilocularia, axi coalita, ovulis ad 
suturam ventralem biseriatis. S¢y/li radiato-divergentes, intus juxta totam longi- 
tudinem stigmatosi. Bacca plurilocularis, stylis radiantibus coronata, poly- 
sperma. Semina arillo pulposo induta.—Arbores Asie tropice, excelse ; foliis 
alternis, petiolatis, ovalibus v. oblongis, penninerviis, argute dentatis ; petiolis basi 
dilatata semiamplexicaulibus ; stipulis nullis ; pedunculis e gemma squamosa erum- 
ees solitariis, uni-multifioris ; floribus flavis v. albis; fructu eduli, acidulo. 

DILLENIA* speciosa ; foliis petiolatis oblongis vel lanceolatis acutis argute serra- 
tis, floribus coztaneis solitariis maximis, carpellis sub-20 polyspermis. 
DILLENIA speciosa, Thunb. in Trans. of Linn. Soc. v. lp. 200. Sm. Exot. Bot. 

v. 1. p. 3. f. 2, 3. Roxb. Fl. Ind. v. 2. p. 650. De Cand. Syst. Veget. v. 
1. p. 435; Prodr.v.1. p. 76. Wall. Cat. n. 943 (excl. C). Wight et 
Arn, Prodr. v. 1. p. 5. Wight, Ic. t. 823. Hook. et Thoms. Fl. Ind. p. 69. 
DILLEN1A elliptica, Thunb. in Trans. Linn. Soc. v. 1. p. 200. De Cand. Prodr. 
o. Lip., JO. 
Diutenta Indica. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 745. 

Syalita. Rheede, Hort. Malab. v. 3. p. 39. t. 38 et 39. 

This is certainly among the handsomest of Indian trees, 
whether we consider the beauty of the foliage or the size and 
structure of the flowers, which latter remind one of the finest of 
the Magnolia kind. It was indeed introduced into our stoves in 
England at the very commencement of the present century, when 
Lady Amelia Hume received a healthy plant from Dr. Roxburgh, 

* “ Dillenia, in Botany, a magnificent East Indian genus of plants, named by 
Linnzeus in honour of John James Dillenius, the first Sherardian Professor at 
Oxford, because, as he himself says in his ‘ Critica Botanica,’ p. 80, it is of all 
plants the most distinguished for the beauty of its flower and fruit, like Dillenins 
among Botanists.” —Sir J. E. Smith. 

~ NOVEMBER Ist, 1857. 

and the plant is now far from uncommon among us, but no in- 
stance has been known of its flowering in Europe, till August of 
the present year, when Mr. Osborne, of the Fulham Nursery, 
sent to us an excellent flowering specimen, not two feet high, in 
a small pot. In fact it was a cutting recently struck, and it is 
more than probable that the check given to the more rapid de- 
velopment of foliage encouraged it to flower. Indeed it must 
have struck many cultivators, as it has done us, how many plants. 
come into good flower soon after having been received from 
abroad, and then seldom or never flower again. May it not be 
that the nearly uniform degree of close heat at which we keep 
our stove-plants is.calculated to hinder the flowering? There are 
few plants in their native soils which have not a period of rest, 
occasioned sometimes by cold, sometimes by heat and drought,— 
in either case contributing to the health and well-being of the 

Drs. Hooker and Thomson describe this tree as inhabiting 
thick woods throughout the whole of tropical India, from Malabar 
and Ceylon on the west, to Ava and the Malay Islands, often 
cultivated too on account of its beauty. The agreeable-looking 
fruit, about the size and with somewhat the appearance of an 
apple, is eatable, though very acid, and, as Rheede informs us, 
“requires sugar, broth, or some other addition to make it pala- 
table.’ Roxburgh tells us that it makes a tolerably pleasant 
jelly, and that the wood of the tree is both hard and tough and 
used for gun-stocks. 

Descr. Trunk, in its native country, stout, but of no great 
height. Branches numerous, spreading, then ascending. Leaves 
very much confined to the extremities, on short, broad, channelled 
and sheathing petioles, the blade six to eight inches to a foot 
long, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, attenuate at the base, rather 
suddenly acuminated at the extremity, the margin very strongly 
serrated, penniveined, the veins or ribs copious, oblique, close and 
parallel, simple, stout, straight, each terminating at the points of 
the serratures. Peduncle solitary among the terminal leaves, 
slightly curved so as to bring the very large flower (of which the 
diameter is six inches) into an oblique position. Calya of five, 
very large, concave, pale green, thick and fleshy sepals, thin and 
membranous at the edge, enlarging with the fruit which they 
permanently enclose. Pefa/s full three inches long, obovato-cu- 
neate, white, concave in the upper portion, obscurely veined and 
slightly waved. Stamens numerous, forming a dense compact 
mass around the pistil, which they entirely conceal except the 
stigmas, or, as Roxburgh expresses it, “forming a large yellow 
globe in the centre, which is elegantly crowned with the white, 
lanceolate, spreading rays of the stigma.” Filaments short, 
white : anthers linear, yellow, opening by two pores at the extre- 

mity. Ovaries fifteen to twenty, linear, united into a large, 
ovate, cone-shaped mass, with a central fleshy portion : each one- 
celled, many-seeded. Ovu/es minute, attached to a long recep- 
tacle in the axis of the ovary. Styles as many as ovaries, linear- 
lanceolate, white, spreading in a radiating manner. rut com- 
pound, consisting of the “ numerous, subreniform capsules, at- 
tached to the fleshy central mass, and containing a pellucid, glu- 
tinous liquid, which surrounds the seeds.” 

Fig. 1. Stamen. 2. Transverse section of the ovaries which surround the 
central mass, magnified. 3. Combined ovaries with their radiating stigmas :— 
nat. size. 


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W. Fitch dd ec lith. Vincent Brocks Imp. 

Tas. 5017. 


Lustre Sage. 

Nat. Ord. Laprat#.—D1anpria Monoeynia. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4874.) 

Satvra ({ Eusphace) Candelabrum ; caule basi fruticoso villoso folioso, foliis in- 
tegris petiolatis oblongis rugosis utrinque villosis et subtus canescenti-to- 
mentosis, panicula elongata laxa, verticillastris remotis, cymis utrinque 
pedunculatis laxe 3-5-floris, calycibus pedicellatis campanulatis subbilabia- 
tim 5-dentatis viscoso-pubescentibus. Benth. 

Satvra Candelabrum. Boiss. Elench. p. 72. . 156. Voy. en Espagne, p. 480. ¢. 
136. Benth. in De Cand. v. 12. p. 263. Walp. Repert. Bot. v. 3. p. 601. 

There may be species of Salvia with more gaudy-coloured 
flowers in Mexico, but none perhaps of all the 400 kinds de- 
scribed by Bentham is more beautiful (variegated or marbled, if 
I may so say, in their corollas with rich purple and white) than 
the one here represented, a native of the south of Spain, growing 
in mountain regions among Cistuses, and at the margins of vine- 
yards on the Sierra de la Nieve above Yunquera, elev. 2500 to 
3000 feet above the level of the sea. It there bears the name 
of Selima basta. It was discovered (and described and figured) 
by Boissier, who remarks of it: “ This magnificent species, which 
may be cultivated for its beauty, forms, in the section of the 
‘ Busphace, a small group along with S. divaricata of Mont- 
bret and Aucher, and S. Auchert, Bentham, both of them orien- 
tal species, and which it resembles in the habit and in inflo- 
rescence.” From these however it is readily distinguished. The 
specific name suggested itself to the author in consequence of 
the regular form of the panicle and its trichotomous branches. 
It exhales a very powerful aromatic odour. Our plant was re- 
ceived from Mr. Thompson, of Ipswich. With us it proves a 
hardy suffruticose plant, flowering in July. 

Dzscr. Stems square, erect, hoary, shrubby and branched 
below, very leafy, attaining, with the panicle, a height of three 

NOVEMBER Ist, 1857. 

to four feet. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, rather obtuse, three to 
four inches long, crenulate, very closely rugose, hairy and glan- 
duloso-punctate. Petiole one inch long, channelled above. 
Panicle terminal, erect ; the ranches decussately opposite, pa- 
tent, each bearing a cyme of several, large, spreading flowers 
Bracteas small, linear, at the setting-on of each ramification. 
Calyx sharply ribbed, two-lipped, five-toothed, beset with crys- 
tallme glands, green, tinged with purple. Coro//a thrice as long 
as the calyx, externally hairy, white, and striated with pale pur- 
ple. ube enlarged upwards. Upper lip white, much and late- 
rally compressed, straight, broader upwards. Lower lip deep 
and rich violet, variegated and streaked with white at the faux, 
three-lobed ; lateral lobes reflexed; middle one large, pendent, 
bifid, the /obes subquadrate. Branching filament of the stamen 
or connectivum with the lower branch obtuse. Sfy/e bifid. 

Fig. 1. Stamen, showing the nature of its connectivum, magnified. 


W.Bitch del et lith 

Vincent Brooks Imp. 

Tas. 5018. 

CODONOPSIS rotunprro.ia ; var. grandiflora. 
Round-leaved Codonopsis ; largeflowered var. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 4942.) 

Coponorsts rotundifolia ; pilosula, caule volubili, foliis plerisque oppositis pe- 
tiolatis ovatis subrotundatisve crenato-serratis, pedunculis terminalibus 
axillaribusque solitariis unifloris petiolo multo longioribus, calycis tubo 
hemisphzerico sulcato lobis late oblongo-ovatis foliaceis obtusis subdentatis 
patentibus tubo multo longioribus, corolla lobis calycinis sublongiore ven- 
tricoso campanulato, limbi lobis triangularibus patentibus, capsula basi 

Coponorsts rotundifolia. Benth. in Royle Illustr. Bot. Himal. p. 254. t. 62. 
Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4942. Hook. fil. et Thoms. Pracurs. ad Fl. Ind. in 
Journ. of Proceed. of Linn. Soc. v. 2. p. 14. 

Wan tenBerata (§ Megasanthes) rotundifolia. De Cand. Prod. v. 7. p. 4.25. 

B. foliis seepissime alternis floribusque majoribus, corolla intus purpureo irrorata. 
(Tas. Nostr. 5018.) 

Raised from Himalayan seeds in the Royal Gardens of Kew,. 
where the flowering specimens from which the figure is taken 
were produced in July 1857. Certainly the larger, more gene- 
rally alternate leaves, the larger flowers, and the different colour 
and markings, in the inside especially, at the mouth of the 
corolla, led to the suspicion that it would prove a new species ; 
but a more full examination has brought us to the opposite con- _ 
clusion, and proved that it can only be considered a variety 
of the Codonopsis rotundifolia, Tab. Nostr. 4942; and as such 
we here figure it, referring to that Plate for the further characte- 
ristics of the species. The present is the more ornamental of 
the two; the colour of the corolla being more variegated. In 
shape and in the spreading calyx, these flowers very much re- 
semble those of the Deadly Nightshade, Atropa Belladonna. 

Fig. 1. Receptacle of the flower, stamens, and pistil :—magnified. 

NOVEMBER IsT, 1857. 


Sa ye it 

Witch bth . Vincent Brooks Iomp 

Tas. 5019. 

LUPINUS Menzissu. 

Mr. Menzies’ Lupine. 


Gen. Char. Calyx sepe bracteolatus, profunde bilabiatus, sepalis in utroque 
labio plus minus coalitis. Corolla papilionacea; vevillo lateribus reflexis; alis 
antice infra medium externe foveolato-plicatis, postice superne conglutinatis ; 
carina acuminata, genitalia includente: pefalis (ejus) basi liberis. Stamina 
monadelpha, vagina integra; antheris sepalis oppositis oblongis, preecocioribus ; 
petalis oppositis, subreniformibus, senioribus. Stigma barbatum. Legumen coria- 
aceum, fere oblongum, compressum, teretiusculum, torulosum, intus isthmis cel- 
lulosis interceptum. Cotyledones crassee, stomatibus ornate. Agardh. 

Lupinus Menziesii ; (perennis ?), floribus in spica longissima verticillatis pedi- 
cellatis, pedicellis bracteas subsetaceas persistentes subzequantibus, calycis 
ebracteolati labiis integris, superiore scarioso, inferiore herbaceo duplo 
longiore. Agardh. : 

Lupinus Menziesii. 4g. Syn. Gen. Lup. p. 2. Hook. et Arn. Bot. of Beech. 
Voy. Suppl. p. 335. Torrey et Gray, Fl. N. Am. v. 1. p: 371. (dn L. den- 
siflorus, Benth. ?) 

This is a Californian, somewhat shrubby Lupine, sent to the 
Royal Gardens by Mr. Thomson, of Ipswich, as a species un- 
known to him. I am therefore alone responsible for the name 
here given; and I should have the more confidence in the cor- 
rectness of this appellation (and the more so as Agardh says the 
flowers are yellow, a colour far from common among the North 
American species) were it not for the observation of the excellent 
Dr. Torrey, ‘Botany of Captain Whipple’s Expedition,’ viz. that 
“Lupinus densiforus, Benth.” (an older name), “and LZ. Men- 
ziesit, Agardh, cannot be kept distinct : both have white flowers;” 
and he considers that Agardh was under a mistake in pronouncing 
(from the dried specimens) that they were yellow. This view re- 
specting the colour of Z. Menziesii seems to be confirmed by Mr. 
Bentham, judging from an observation in ‘Plantes Hartwegiane,’ 
p. 303: “Planta. Douglasiana quam sub nomine L. densiflori 
olim descripsi est Z. Aenziesii, Ag.;” and this L. densiflorus, 

DECEMBER Ist, 1857. 

Benth. (Bot. Reg. t. 1689), has white flowers delicately stained 
with pink. ‘The plant now before us, I am ready to allow, has all 
the essential characters of Z. densiflorus, but its flowers are quite 
yellow when fully expanded, even inclining to orange, a colour 
one would think very little likely to vary to white tinged with 
rose. Future observations may determine this point. Among 
my dried native specimens in the herbarium, I may say,—1, that 
Dr. Torrey’s “ LZ. densiflorus=L. Menziesii,’ above alluded to, 
clearly an annual, is a larger and more straggling plant than ours, 
with larger and clearly white flowers; 2, I possess from Dr. 
Torrey what is probably the same species (without name) from 
Fremont’s Expedition in 1846, n. 473, equally straggling, and 
the flowers look as if they might have been yellow; 3, a speci- 
men from Douglas, apparently perennial, probably the same as 
Agardh described from, seems identical in habit and structure, 
and apparently in colour of the flowers; 4, Coulter’s n. 381, 
which Mr. Bentham, in ‘ Plante Hartwegiane,’ /. c., refers to L. 
Menziesii, quite the same as ours, but colour of the flowers 


Fig. 1. Flower, magnified. 

Witch aa. et kth : - Vincent Prods ixop 

Tas. 5020. 
EICHORNIA tricotor. 

Three-coloured Hichornia. 


Gen. Char. Perigonium corollinum infundibuliforme, persistens; tudo subin- 
curvo ; imbi sexfidi laciniis bilabiato-ringentibus, interioribus latioribus. Stamina 
6, tria superiora tubo inclusa, tria inferiora longiora, plus minus exserta; jila- 
menta filiformia, incurva; anthere oblong, basi bilobe, biloculares. Ovarium 
oblongum, triloculare. Ovuda anatropa, plurima. Stylus elongatus, filiformis. 
Stigma capitatum. Capsula stylo persistente coronata, membranacea, trilocularis, 
polysperma, loculicide trivalvis, valvis medio septiferis. Semina plurima, pla- 
centis in loculorum angulo centrali decurrentibus insidentia, erecta vel horizon- 
talia, oblonga ; ¢esta longitudinaliter costata ; hilo basilari; chalaza terminali.— 
Herbze aquatica, perennes, acaules vel sepius caulescentes. Folia plerumque petio- 
lata ; petiolis vaginantibus. Inflorescentia spicata vel paniculata, pedunculo e 
folii vagina lateraliter prodeunte, rarius radicali suffulta, basi spatha uni-bivalvi 
munita. Flores sessiles, ebracteati. Perigonium speciosum, extus glandulosum, 
ceruleo violaceoque variegatum, lacinia superiore media ceteris latiore, macula 
disci flava picta, limbus post anthesin spiraliter convolutus, tubus capsulam stipans 
hine fissus. Mart. 

Ercuornta fricolor ; foliis late cordato-ovatis acuminatis, panicula erecta laxa 
multiflora folium caulinum superante, spatha lineari-lanceolata. Maré. 
Ercuornta tricolor. Sew. MS. in Herd. Mart. Martius, Fl. Brasil. Ponteder. 
p. 92. é: xi. 

PonTEepDERIA tricolor. Mart. MS. 

? PONTEDERIA paniculata. Spreng. Neue Entdeck. v. 3. p. 18; id. Syst. Veget. 
v, 2.p.42 Reem. et Schultes, Syst. Veget. v. 7. p. 1144. Kunth, Enum. 
Pl. v. 4. p. 127. (Martius.) : 

Kichornia is a genus of South American, especially Brazilian, 
aquatics, separated by Kunth from Pontederia, and of which our 
Pontederia azurea, Bot. Mag. t. 2932 (now Lichornia speciosa), 
is a very interesting representative, partly owing to the size and 
beauty of the flowers, and partly from its floating habit and the 
power of buoyancy in consequence of the swollen leaf-stalks filled 
with air-cells. The blossoming of that plant is however of very 
rare occurrence; whereas our present species (for the introduc- 
tion of which we are indebted to James Wetheral, Esq., late of 

DECEMBER lst, 1857. 


Bahia) bears its pretty party-coloured flowers readily and during 
most of the summer months. The plant is cultivated in a pot, 
and plunged into a tank of water in the stove. 

Descr. Roof an oblong rhizome, sending down copious fibres. 
Stems, often several from the same root, a foot to a foot and a 
half high in our strongest specimens, erect, terete, soft and her- 
baceous, sheathed below with the membranaceous and stipu- 
late bases of the radical leaves, and a few long, leafless scales, 
terminating in the panicle of flowers, at the base of which is a 
solitary cauline leaf on a short, sheathing petiole. Radical leaves 
on long petioles, all cordate and acuminate, entire, striated ; the 
sinus at the base deep and narrow. Panicle (or rather com- 
pound spike) of from ten to twelve or more flowers. Perianth 
petaloid, two-lipped ; lower lip of three purple segments ; upper 
and smaller of three blue ones, with a two-lobed white spot in 
the centre, yellowish in the disc. Sfamens three large and three 
smaller ones, the latter lower down in the tube, quite included, 
the former exserted ; fJaments piloso-glandulose, as is the rather 
long style. 

Fig. 1. Flower laid open. 2. One of the superior stamens. 3. Inferior one. 
4. Pistil :—magnified. 



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Tas. 5021. 
BEGONIA tbaciIniata. 

Cut-leaved Begonia. 

Nat. Ord. BrGonrace®.—Monecia PoLYANDRIA. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4172.) 

Brconta Jaciniata; caule ramoso petiolis pedunculis pedicellisque pubescenti- 
hirsutis, foliis oblique cordatis laciniato-pinnatifidis pictis, laciniis acumi- 
natis acute serratis, floribus masculis tetrasepalis, sepalis patentibus duobus 
multo majoribus extus rubro-tomentosis, foemineis, pentasepalis, sepalis erec- 
tis omnibus extus rufo-tomentosis, capsula hispido-tomentosa alis 2 mino- 
ribus equalibus unica ovata obtusa. 

Brconta laciniata. Roxb. Fl. Ind. v. 8. p. 649. Wall. Cat. n. 3678. 

For seeds of this truly ornamental Begonia, we are indebted 
to Dr. Royle, of the India House. Dr. Roxburgh gives it as a 
native of the Garrow Hills, in Eastern Bengal, Dr. Wallich of 
Silhet and Nepal. he first of these authors speaks of it as bi- 
ennial: be that as it may, it is readily increased by cuttings, and 
young plants flower better and take a better form than the old 
and straggling ones. The flowers, especially the staminiferous 
ones, are among the largest of the genus, and very striking from 
the almost bright-red tomentum on the white ground of the se- 
pals. he foliage, in the living plant, is beautifully variegated, 
a circumstance not noticed by Dr. Roxburgh, perhaps because 
he made his description from dried specimens, where this cha- 
racter would, in a measure at least, disappear. We do not find 
that our friend Dr. Klotzsch has introduced the species into his 
‘Genera and Species of Begonia,’ though published by Dr. Rox- 
burgh in 1830. 

Descr. Plant at first erect, then becoming more or less strag- 
gling, one to two feet high. Stem and branches green, stout, 
terete, downy. Leaves petiolate, five to six inches long, ob- 

liquely cordate, acuminate, laciniated or rather pinnatifid (but 
not very deeply), glabrous, dark-green above, the margin and 

DECEMBER Ist, 1857. 

centre black-purple, the under side pale-green, margined with 
red, and the centre and veins are red; laciniz acuminated and 
sharply serrated. Petio/e green, about as long as the leaf, 
woolly, subtended at the base by two membranaceous sfipules, 
_ which are rather large, white, tinged with rose. Peduncles ax- 
illary, scarcely longer than the leaves, bearing an wmbe/ of three 
or four large flowers. Male flower the largest, of four, white, 
spreading, oval sepals, two small and glabrous on both sides, 
two outer more than twice as large, concave, clothed externally 
with red tomentum mixed with hairs. Stamens numerous, form- 
ing a dense capitulum. Female flower :—WSepals five, erect, broad, 
oval, concave, uniform, externally tomentose and hairy. Capsule 
very tomentose, three-angled: two angles short and narrow ; one 
large, oval, very obtuse. 

Fig. 1. Female flower. 2. Immature fruit :—magnified. 




Tas. 5022. 


Canarina-like Illairea. 


Gen. Char. Calyx 5-sepalus, sepalis horizontaliter patentibus v. reflexis, trian- 
gulari-lanceolatis, inciso-serratis. Petala 5, sepalis alterna, in corollam campa- 
nulatam approximata, ovato-oblonga, basi obtusissime subsaccata, apice acumi- 
nata, dorso nervo medio elevato anguste carinata. Nectarii squame 5, petalis 
alternz, dimidiato-cymbiformes, curvate, carnose, dorso filamentis 2 seteeformi- 
bus appendiculate. Staminodia ante squamas singulas 2, filamentiformia, annulo 
epigyno insidentia, basi compressa, calcarata, petalis paululum breviora. Sta- 
mina fertilia in fasciculos 5, staminodiis et squamis alternos congesta, numerosa ; 
filamenta filiformia; anthere ovate, basifixee, connectivo obsoleto. Corpuscula 
hemispherica 5, staminum fasciculis alterna, styli columnaris basin circumdantia. 
Germen inferum turbinatum, costis spiralibus instructum.—Herbe Americe tro- 
pice, scandentes, habitu Loase ; foliis alternis et oppositis, exstipulatis, lobatis seu 
pinnatifidis, piloso-prurientibus ; pedunculis axillaribus, solitariis, unifloris. Planch. 

ILLAIREA canarinoides. 
ILLATREA canarinoides. “‘ Lenné et Koch, in litt.” Planch. in Flore des Serres, 
v. 9. p. 145, eum te. piet. 

This is certainly a very remarkable and striking plant, though 
the flowers are wanting in richness of colour. It is a native of 
Central America, according to M. Planchon, where it was dis- 
covered, and was introduced to Europe by Warszewicz. Here 
it proves a hardy annual, climbing to a great length, and need- 
ing the support of tall stakes, producing copiously its great 
Canarina-like, dull, brick-coloured flowers. Mr. Van Houtte re- 
commends it for trellis-work ; but it is a very dangerous neigh- 
bour, one of the men of the Kew Gardens having suffered se- 
verely (and for some weeks) from being accidentally stung by it. 
It flowers during all the warm months of summer. 

Descr. Root perennial? Stems long, twining, branched, her- 
baceous, ten to twelve and more feet long, everywhere, espe- 
cially on the branches, clothed with stinging hairs. Leaves op- 
posite, on rather long stalks, cordate or cordato-oblong or fiddle- 

DECEMBER IsT, 1857. 

shaped, pinnatifid and dentate, deeply and reticulately veined. 
Peduneles solitary, opposite, axillary, erect, curved at the apex, 
so that the large fower is gracefully drooping. Calyx of five, 
patenti-reflexed, subtriangular, coarsely-serrated sepals. Petals 
erect or moderately spreading, ovate, shortly acuminate, gibbous 
at the base, tricarinate, and reticulately veined. Organs of fruc- 
tification as described in the generic character. 

Fig. 1. Portion of the stamens, nectariferous scales, and staminodia. 2. Nec- 
tariferous scales. 3. One of the staminodia. 4, Style and epigynous glands 
which surround it :—magnified. 





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Tas. 5023. 

RUBUS nutans. 

Shaggy-stemmed Raspberry. 

Nat. Ord. RosacE#.—IcosaNDRIA POLYGYNIA. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4678.) 

Rusus xzutans ; inermis basi fruticosus procumbens ramosus, ramis subherbaceis 
petiolis costa subtus pedunculis calycibusque patenti-crinitis, foliis ternatis 
glabris, foliolis late ovatis lobatis serratis, stipulis magnis ovatis concavis 
apice incisis, pedunculis unifloris, calycis lobis ovatis longe acuminatis, an- 
theris apice appendiculatis. 

Rusvs nutans. Wall. Cat. n. 138. Edgew. Pl. of N. W. Ind. in Linn. Trans. 
v. 20. p. 45. Walp. Ann. Bot. Syst. v. 1. p. 276. 

This very pretty decumbent species of Raspberry we find 
flourishing, planted in peat-earth in an open border, near a piece 
of water, at the residence of William Borrer, Esq., Henfield, (who 
received it from Mr. Lowe, of the Clapton Nursery,) covering 
the ground like ivy with its glossy perennial leaves, bearing pure 
white flowers, among the largest of the genus, and these white 
flowers are well relieved by the blood-coloured under side of 
the calyx. It is a native of Himalaya, from Garwhal and Ka- 
maon in the west to Sikkim in the east (Dr. Hooker), at eleva- 
tions of from 8,000 to 11,000 feet. How or when it was intro- 
duced, we have no information. The habit is a good deal that of 
our 2. saxatilis, herbaceous branches arising from the old trailing 
wood; but here are no aculei, and all the branches and _pe- 
tioles are densely covered with long, purple, crinite sete. In 
Western Himalaya the plant is called Jsha/; “ fructus sapore 
optimus.” (Hdgeworth.) 

Descr. A small, much-branching, quite unarmed shrub, two 
to three feet long, decumbent, the old wood glabrous, the younger 
shoots green, terete, ascending, bearing the leaves and flowers, 
and, as well as the petioles, principal nerves of the leaf be- 

DECEMBER Ist, 1857. 

neath, peduncles, and calyces, hispid with copious, spreading, 
long, soft, villous setz, often of a rich purple tint, mixed with 
short white hairs. Leaves petiolate, trifoliolate, glabrous, shining, 
lateral ones obliquely ovate, terminal one larger, broadly obovate 
or rhomboid, all strongly veined, lobed (not very deeply), and 
strongly serrated at the margin, dark green above, much paler 
beneath ; petiolules short, hispid. Stipules large, submembrana- 
ceous, oval or oblong, often incised at the apex. Peduncles 
single-flowered, generally solitary, but sometimes two or three 
together, and then terminal. FYowers large, handsome, very like a 
small white rose. Calyx (in bud globoso-acuminate) of five, ovate, 
very much acuminated sepals, longer than the corolla, united into 
a cup at the base, externally rich purple, densely villous or hispid. 
with long, soft, patent, purple setee, the apices green, and often 
slightly pinnatifid and subfoliaceous. Pefa/s subrotund, white, 
very spreading. Stamens numerous. Filaments erect, or only 
slightly patent, filiform. Anthers oval, yellow, terminated by 
a large, globose, pedicellated gland or appendage. Ovaries se- 
veral, obliquely ovate, glabrous. Style as long as the filaments 
of the stamens. Stigma expanded, concave, villous at the mar- 
gin. Fruit, in the dried specimens, scarcely pulpy. 

Fig. 1. Stamen. 2. Pistil :—magnified. 

Tas. 5024. 
CYPRIPEDIUM Farricanum. 
Mr. Fairie’s Lady's Shipper. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 4901.) 


CypRIPEDIUM Fairieanum ; foliis loriformibus concoloribus apice obliquis apicu- 
latis, seapo piloso, bractea brevi pallida apiculata, ovario glanduloso-piloso, 
sepalis glanduloso-pilosis dorsali erecto subrotundo apice recurvo antico bre- 
viore concavo oblongo obtusissimo, petalis lanceolatis obtusis decurvis re- 
flexis margine crispis et basi intus fimbriatis, labello sepalo antico duplo 
longiore glabro oblongo basi convoluto, stamine sterili lunato, proboscideo 
piloso margine antico utrinque unidentato. Lindi. 

CypriPEpiuM Fairieanum. Lindl. in Gard. Chron. 18517, p. 740 c. 

Of this charming plant we have received specimens from Mr. 
Myland, the able gardener to Mr. Reid, of Burnham, Somerset- 
shire, and from which our drawing was taken; and we have since 
had a flowering plant sent by Mr. Parker, of the Hornsey Nursery. 

In both cases the plants were, we believe, obtained at a sale of 

East Indian Orchids, at Stevens’s Rooms, of a collection sent from 

Assan. The same plant has been exhibited lately at the Exhi- 

bition of the Horticultural Society, in Willis’s Rooms, by Mr.» 

Fairie of Liverpool, and from which Dr. Lindley drew up his de- 

scription above quoted. ‘It is,” says Dr. Lindley, “an exquisitely 

beautiful species in the way of Cypripedium insigne, than which 

the flowers are much smaller. It seems nearest to C. superbiens, 

of Reichenbach, but is much smaller in every part, has no warts 

on the involute sides of the lip, is quite differently coloured, and 

has a long proboscis-like appendage arising from the middle of 

the concave side of the crescent-shaped sterile stamen.”’ Our 

flowering specimens were received in October. ‘The blossoms 

are certainly amongst the most exquisitely coloured and pencilled =» 

of any in this fine genus. * 
DECEMBER IsT, 1857. 

Descr. Stemless. Leaves rising directly from the root in a 
somewhat caspitose manner, distichous or pointing two ways, 
oblong-strap-shaped, acute, whole-coloured, the bases carinate 
and equitant. Scape longer than the leaves, erect, terete, green, 
downy, single-flowered. /Yower large, extremely beautiful, aris- 
ing from a terminal, sheathing, acute, woolly éract, which em- 
braces the lower part of the dark-purple, elongated, glanduloso- 
pilose, somewhat fusiform ovary. Perianth much spreading, 
dorsal or superior sepal very large, cordiform, pale greenish-white, 
beautifully veined with dark-purple, and partially streaked with 
darker green, the apex obtuse, recurved; two inferior sepals united 
into one small ovate obtuse sepal, pale, with streaks of green 
and purple, about one-third the size of the dorsal sepal. Petals 
oblong-lanceolate, peculiarly deflexed and curved, like the horns 
of a buffalo, white, streaked with green and purple. zp very 
large, porrected, inflated, brownish-green, with purple reticula- 
tions, convolute at the base. Sterile stamen orbiculari-lunate, 
greenish, purple and white, downy; between the horns of the 
crescent is a downy proboscis, arising from the sterile stamen. 

Fig. 1. Front view of the column. 2. Side view of ditto. 3. View of the 
under side of ditto, showing the stigma :—magnified.