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pants of tfcr Bopal ^artmtd of litb) 





vol. xix. £7 


(Or Fol.LXXXIX. of (he Whole ri'ork.) * 

" A wreath that cannot fade of flowers that Wo 
With most success when all besides decay." 

Mo. B( 










Cjje present Dolume is Jleukatcb, 



Royal Gardens, Exit, 
Dec. 1, 1863. 


Vincent Brooks, Imp. 

Tab. 5334. 


Large-flowered Sonerila. 

Nat. Ord. Melastomace^e. — Triandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Mores 3-meri. Calycis oblongi, subcylindrici, vel triquetri, rarius 
turbinati dentes simplices, acuti, SBepius breviores, persistentes aut sero decidui. 
Petala ovata vel oblongo-ovata, acuminata, nervo medio postice ssepissime 
piloso. Stamina 3, cum petalis alteruantia, rarissime 6 et tunc alternatim 
insequalia; antheris nunc subulatis aut linearibus 1 -porosis, nunc ovatis ovato- 
oblongisve, obtusis, biporosis, interdumqueadmodum brevibus et quasi truncatis; 
connectivo infra loculos nullo, postice autem supra filamenti insertionem basilarem 
aut subdorsalem nonnunquam tuberculato. Ovarium oranino aut vix non om- 
nino adha?rens, triloculare. Stylus filiformis, stigmate punctiformi aut capi- 
tellato. Capsula calycis tubo persistente vestita, ut plurimum triquetra, apice 
umbilicata, 3-valvis. Semina magis minusve regulariter ovoidea aut pyramidata. 
Herba3 interdum suffrutescentes, in India orientali insulisque vicinis indigence, 
inter Melastomaceas ob jtores trimeros memorabiles, habitu autem heterogeno, 
caulescentes et subacaules, glabra et hirsutce ; foliis hand infrequenter maxiwe in- 
cequalibus et heleromorphis ; floribus ut plurimum in racemos scorpoideos dispo- 
sitis, purpureis ant violaceis, rarius albis, Naud. 

Sonerila grandifiora; erecta, glaberrima, caule fruticuloso nodoso, foliis petio- 
latis ellipticis utrinque acutis serratis basi 3-5 - nerviis crassis subtus 
purpurascentibus, petiolo crasso, floribus in cymas curvas terminales dis- 
posals magnis crasse pedunculatis, calyce elongato turbinato, lobis late 
ovatis, petalis rubro-purpureis acuminatis, staminibus stylo sequilongis, 
stigmate simplici. 

Sonerila grandifiora. Wall. Cat. n. 4099. Wight et Am. Prodr. v. 1. p. 322. 
Wight, let. 995. 

This very beautiful, and apparently extremely rare plant, was 
flowered by Messrs. Hugh Low and Son, of Clapton, in Oc- 
tober last. It is a native of the Nilgherrie mountains, where 
it has, according to Dr. Wight, been found by him in one spot 
only, namely, the Long Valley between the Avalanche and Sis- 
panah, where it occurs in great plenty by the banks of a rivulet. 
It is much the finest species of the genus that has hitherto 
flowered in this country. 

JANUARY 1ST, 1863. 

Descr. An erect, glabrous, branching, suffruticose plant, 
twelve to eighteen inches high, with rethei bottle, woody, 
terete branches, and fleshy branchlcts and cymes. I. ppo- 

site, on thick shortish petioles, ovate or elliptic-ovate, acute, 
continuous below with the petiole, serrate, very thick, and almost 
fleshy in texture, with three to five parallel veins, green suffused 
with red above, purple beneath. Flmrcrs in a terminal, falcate, 
stout, unilateral ci/me, nearly one inch in diameter, of a deep 
vinous purple-red. Calyx tube turbinate, as long as the pe- 
duncles ; its lobes short and broad. Petals elliptic, acute, 
spreading. Stamens with subulate flame/its, as long as the 
elongated apiculate anthers. Disk an elongated fimbriated an- 
nulus. Style deflexed, with a simple stigma. 

Fig. 1. Flower with the petals removed. 2. Ovary, disk, and style. 4. 
Stamens. 5. Transverse section of ovary : — all magnified. 

Vincent Brooks, Imp 

Tab. 5355. 

Thimberys Tricyrtis, 

Nat. Ord. UvulariExE. — Hexandria Tkigynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx 6-sepalus, corollaceus, regularis, deciduus; sepala distincta 
oblonga, apice acuminata, campanulato-conniventia ; tria exterior a 7-nervia, basi 
gibboso-saccata ; tria inter iora 5-nervia. Stamina 6, basi sepaloruui inserta, 
a^qualia. Antherce biloculares, ellipticse, complanatse, apice retusse, basi biloba3, 
dorso intus spectante versus medium affixes, externe secundum longitudinem de- 
biscentes. Ovarium liberum, sessile, elongatum, triquetrura, triloculare, apice in 
stylum brevem attenuatum ; ovula in loculis creberrima, biseriata, subhorizontalia, 
anatropa. Stigmata 3, apice biloba, recurvata, capsula triquetro-prismatica, 
trilocularis, apice trivalvis. Semina parva, in loculis biseriatim imbricate, 
ovata, plana, atra ; testa laxiuscula, rugosa. Embryo minutus, in albuminis car- 
nosi cavitate submucosa hilo opposita locatus. — Ilerbsc subliliter piloses. Caulis 
erecttis,foliatus, apice ramosus et paucijlorus. Folia sparsa, ovato-oblonga, cor- 
data, sessilia, amplexantia, acuminata, nervosa, membranacea. Flores in raw is 
solitarii vel gemini, longe pedunculati, cernui, virescente albi, intus rnaculis 
crebris purpureis notati, inodori, pedicellis inarticulatis. Klh. 

Tricyktis hirta ; tota hirta, pilis mollibus patentibus, foliis ovato-oblongis acu- 
minatis sessilibus amplexicaulibus, floribus amplis in racemis brevibus pau- 
cifloris axillaribus congestis, antheris dorso filamenti aduatis, ovario hirto, 
stylo elongato. 

Uvularia hirta. Thunb. Fl. Jap. p. 33. Willd. Sp. PL v. 2. p. 237. Roem. et 
Sclmlt. Syst. Feg. v. 7. p. 370. 

The rediscovery of the Japanese Uvularia hirta of Thunberg, 
as represented in the beautiful subject of the present plate, en- 
ables us to correct the synonymy of the Himalayan Tricyrtis 
pilosa of Wallich, figured in Tab. 4955 of this Magazine, in so 
far as that plant was erroneously (though doubtfully) referred to 
this by its discoverer. Dissimilar as the original T. hirta is 
from the T. pilosa, it is not easy to seize on any further diffe- 
rential characters than are to be found in its more hairy habit, 
larger, longer style, pilose ovary, and more numerous and far 
more beautiful flowers ; and the doubtful reference by Wallich, 
nearly forty years ago, of his Himalayan plant to that of Thun- 

JANUARY 1st, 1863. 

berg (of which he had seen no specimens, and of which neither 
flowers nor fruit were described), is a remarkable instance of 
the sagacity of that very distinguished botani 

The credit of the rediscovery of this plant is due to Mr. 
Fortune, who sent it from Japan to Mr. Mandish, in whose 
nursery at Bagshot it flowered last November. It grows four 
to five feet high, and the copious blossoms which appear on the 
axils of all the upper leaves, and which are of a pearly white 
dotted with clear purple, render it as singular-looking as it is 

Descr. A slender, hairy, branching, herbaceous plant, three 
to five feet high, with terete, leafy stems and braneke*. Leaves 
alternate, two to three inches long, oblong or oblong- lanceolate, 
sessile and amplexicaul at the base, acuminate and^recurved at 
the apex, deep green, quite entire, with diverging veins. Ffa 
in short axillary, two- to five-flowered erect racemes. Bracts 
ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. Peduncles slender, terete, pilose 
Flowers two inches broad, of a pearly white, with small purple 
blotches, and here and there suffused with pink. Perumih 
eatlets erect recurved above the middle, with a large, obscurely- 
lobed, tumid gibbosity at the base. Filament* recurved at the 
apex, spotted with purple, adnate to the back of the estrone 
anther Ovary narrow linear, trigonous, pilose, with a long rtmle, 
and three diverging bifid stigmas. 

S eSiit"^r entsandstamens - 3 - putiL 4 " T — 


"Vincent Brooks, Imp 

Tab. 5356. 
PITCAIRNIA pungens. 

Spinose Pitcairnia. 

Nat. Ord. BromeliacEjE. — Hexandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Perigonii semisuperi sexpartiti lacinice exteriores calycina?, basi 
inter se connatse, lanceolatae, acuminata^, carinatae, erectse, interiores petaloidese, 
longiores, interne in tubum approximator, apice galeatim incumbentes v. sequaliter 
patentes, basi intus squaraosae vel rarius nudse. Stamina 6, annulo perigyno in- 
serta; filamenta libera, subulata, anthem lineares, basi sagittatse. Ovarium 
semi-inferum, triloculare. Ovula in loculorum angulo centrali plurima, adscen- 
dentia, anatropa. Stylus filiformis; stigmata 3, linearia, spiraliter contorta. 
Capsula semisupera, ovato-pyramidata, trilocularis, apice septicido-trivalvis, val- 
vis introrsum demum fissis. Semina plurima, adscendentia, teretiuscula, testa 
fusca scrobiculata, chalaza lata discolore umbilicum setiformem, chalazse apicali in 
acumen longe productae, jungente. Embryo minimus, rectus, in basi albuminis 
dense farinosi, extremitate radicular! umbilicum attingente. — Herbse Americana; 
tropica!, foliis linearibus v. ligulatis, sape spinoso-dentatis, caule erecto, simplici, 
floribus racemosis, bracteatis. Endl. 

Pitcairnia pungens ; subacaulis, foliis longe lineari-subulatis sensim attenuato- 
acuminatis furfuraceis integerrimis, inlerioribus ad spinas elongatas pun- 
gentibus bifariam spinulosis reductis ; scapo molliter furfuraceo bracteato, 
bracteis lineari-lanceolatis erectis, floribus spicatis, spica simplex oblonga 
multiflora, floribus pallide rubris, petalis lineari-spathulatis obtusis basi in- 
tus squama auctis. 

Pitcairnia pungens. H. B. et K. Nov. Gen. et So. v. 1. p. 294. Schultes, Syst. 
Veg.v. l.p. 1219. '* J 

A very handsome greenhouse plant, raised by Isaac Anderson 
Henry, Esq., of Edinburgh, from seeds sent by Professor Jame- 
son, of Quito. We have numerous specimens in our herbarium 
from various parts of the Andes of New Granada, where it ap- 
pears to be common. It is very ornamental. 

Descr. Stem one to two feet high, simple, terete, leafy, prui- 
nose, especially above ; clothed below with sheathes terminating 
in long, sharp, slender spines, which are imperfect leaves, armed 
with two rows of ascending spinules.. Leaves very numerous, 

JANUARY 1ST, 1863. 

sheathing, elongate-linear-subulatc, a foot long, and four to rix 
lines broad or more, rorforaceooa Of rabtomentose below, pale 
green above. Flowers in a rather lax, linear, oblong, simple 
spike, sessile or shortly peduncled, linear, with narrow green 
bracts. Outer peria/i ///-segments tripartite, nearly smooth, with 
oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, keekd .segments ; inner three til 
longer than the outer, linear, obtuse, famished with an oblong 
scale at the base, of a pale but bright orange-red colour. Sta- 
mens included ; anthers linear. Ovary conical, three-lobed ; style 
long, slender; stigma, with three twisted lobes. 


;. 1. Flower. 2. Inner segment of perianth. 3. Rata :— all magnified. 

Witch, del. exhth. 


Tab. 5357. 


White-edged Corgsanthes. 

Nat. Ord. ORCHIDEiE. — Gynandria Monandria. 

Gen. Char. Perianthium ringens. Sepalum supremum, magnum, galeatum; 
lateralia basi connata, brevia v. elongata, nunc filiformia. Labellum amplum, 
cucullatum v. tubulosum. Cohimna brevis, solida. Antliera 1-locularis, semi- 
bivalvis, persisteus. Pollinia 4, oblonga. — Herbse perpusillce, glabrae, teneres, 
radice tuberosa. Folium solitarium, ovatum, basi cordatum, membranaceum, inte- 
grum v. lobatum. Flos solitarius, magnus, subsessile, luride rufus v. purpureus. 

Corysanthes limbata; folio ovato-cordato acuminato venis albis reticulata, 
bractea ovato-lauceolata acuminata, sepalo postico late lineari apice sub- 
dilatato truncato 3-dentato, lateralibus petalisque anguste bneari-subulatis 
labellum longe superantibus, labello basi convoluto lamina expansa orbicu- 
lata eroso-dentata purpurea albo-limbata. 

This perfect gem and most interesting novelty was introduced 
from Java, and flowered by Mr. William Bull, in his Nursery, 
King's Road, Chelsea, last October, and is decidedly the most 
exquisite little plant of its size that ever came under our notice : 
it is, indeed, impossible in a lithograph to do justice to the trans- 
parence of its stem, the vivid green and white of its delicate un- 
dulated and variegated leaf, or the sparkling beauty of its ame- 
thystine flowers. As a botanical curiosity, it derives a double 
interest from being the first authenticated instance of the genus 
flowering in this country, and from the fact of the late Mr. 
Salisbury having figured a species in his ' Paradisus' (tab. 83), 
under the name of Corybas, professedly from a cultivated spe- 
cimen, but which, as Mr. Brown in his ' Prodromus' (p. 328) 
insinuates, was described and figured either from memory or 
from Bauer's drawings, to which Mr. Salisbury had access, but 
to which he made no allusion. 

Descr. A small, glabrous, delicate, translucent, one-leaved 
and one-flowered herb. Leaf ovate-cordate, acuminate, bright 

JANUARY 1ST, 1863. 

green, with reticulated white veins. Flower nearly half an inch 
long. Dorsal sepal elongate, curved into a semicircle, broadly 
linear, rather dilated, truncated, purple, and three-Iubed at the 
apex. Lateral sepals and petal* green and thn -ad-like. Lip 
with a convolute base and expanded orbicular limb, of a deep 
vinous-purple colour, with white eve, and wl, margin — 

J. II. B. ° 

Fig. 1. Leaf and flower. 2. Back of flower and bract. 3. Front of ditto. 
4. Labcllum. 5. Side, and 6, front ?iew of column. 7. Pollen :— all mayuijitd. 



it Brodksjmp 

Tab. 5358. 
SEDUM Sieboldii. 

Siebold's Stonecrop. 

Nat. Ord. Crassulace^e. — Decandria Pentagynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx pentaphyllus, foliolis ovatis, saepius turgidis. Corolla pe- 
tala 5, perigyna, plerumque patentia. Stamina 10, perigyna. Squamulm hypo- 
gynee, integrae vel brevissime emarginatae. Ovaria 5, libera, unilocularia, ovulis 
ad suturam ventralem plurimis. Capsula folliculares 5, liberae, intus longitu- 
dinaliter dehiscentes, polyspermse. — Herbae vel suffrutices in temperatis totius 
orbis, imprimis tamen Europa et Asia media crescentes ; foliis alternis, rariiis op- 
positis, carnosis, teretibus vel plants, integerrimu aut rarius dentatis ; floribus 
cymosis, albis purpureis vel c&ruleis ant fiavis, interdum tetra-heptapetalis, octo- 
tetrudecandris ; squamulis hypogynis integris, tunc a Sempervivis distinguendis. 

Sedum Sieboldii; suffruticosum, caulibus gracilibus subascendentibus foliosis, 
foliis glaucis rubro-tinctis ternato-verticillatis orbiculari-cuneatis carnosis 
concavis grosse sinuato-dentatis, floribus composite cymosis purpureis, fila- 
mentis alternis brevioribus. 

Sedum Sieboldii. Sweet, Cat. 

A very interesting species of Stonecrop, and very unlike any 
one known to me, which appears to have been introduced by 
Messrs. Henderson, Pine-apple Place, from Japan, in 1838, into 
our gardens, under the name of Sedum Sieboldii, of Sweet ; and 
such a name is in garden catalogues, but I have failed to find 
any character or description. Its affinity is perhaps with Sedum 
ternatum of North America, and the habit is a good deal that 
of S. Anacampseros. There is in Thunberg's ' Flora Japonica,' 
p. 350, under "Plantae obscurae," a "Sedum, n. 2, foliis subro- 
tundis crenatis. Caulis filiformis, flexuosus, erectus, uti planta 
tota glaber. Folia opposita, sessilia, suborbiculata, crenata, un- 
guicularia;" which, but for the "folia opposita," I might have 
been disposed to consider the same as this. The leaves are 
very beautiful, quite glaucous, with a deep tinge of purple-red, 
and so concave that they resemble the half of a bivalve shell. 

JANUARY 1ST, 1863. 

It flowers readily in a cool greenhouse, and would probably 
bear the open air. 

Descr. Perennial. Stems six to eight inches bug, slender, 
weak, in our plants ascending or snbdecumbent, simple, Blender, 
leafy at every joint. Leave* ternateh rertirillate, broad, rotun- 
dato-cuneate, concave abow, convex beneath, crenato-dentate at 
the very obtuse apex, very glaucous, and strongly tinged with 
reddish-purple, especially the interior leaves; m gra- 

dually smaller. 0////e-v compound, terminal, rather bright rose- 
purple; calyx small, of five fleshy sepals. Petals thrice long 
than sepals, ovate, spreading. Stamen* longer than the petals. 
Filament* filiform, alternately shorter. Pistils five; yemens 
ovate, tapering into the moderately long style. Stigma punc- 
tiform. l 

Fig. 1. Flower,— magnified. 

H,' 5 

^ncent Broaks,Imp . 

Tab. 5359. 

DAMMARA orientalis. 

Dammara or Amboyna Pitch-Pine. 

Nat. Ord. Conifers. — Dkecia Polyandeia. 

Gen. Char. Flores dioici. Amenta staminigera axillaria v. extra-axillaria, cv- 
Kndrica, basi peralata. Stamina plurima, axi inserta, imbricata ; filumentu br'e- 
vissima, horizontalia, in conneciivum crassum cuneatum v. orbiculatum pro- 
ducta ; anthera loculi nunc quinque v. sex uniseriati, nunc sex ad quindecim 
biseriati, e connectivi basi penduli, cylindrici, filamenti paralleli et Eequilono-i, 
postice longitudinaliter dehiscentes. ' Seminif. amenta terminalia, solitaria v. 
gemina. Squama plurinise, ebracteatse, axi inserta?, dense imbricata?, apicem 
versus sensim crassiores. Gemmula sub quavis squama unica, eidem prope 
apicem inserta, inversa, libere pendula, atropa, apice deorsum spectante aperta. 
Strobilus ovato-globosus, e squamis coriaceo-lignosis, dense imbricatis, demum ab 
axi solutis. Semina sub quavis squama solitaria, inversa, libere pendula, ovata, 
compressa, liilo transversim lineari, integumento membranaceo utrinque in alam 
producto, ala_ altera angusta margiuiformi, altera cultriformi squama latiore. 
Embryo in axi albuminis carnosi antitropus, ejusdem longitudine, cotyledonibus 
duabus semicylindricis obtusis ; radicula cylindrica, infera.— Arbores excelsce, in 
insults Moluccanis et in Nova Zelar.dia crescentes, resinifiuce. Folia alterna et 
subopposita, oblongo-lanceolata, integerrima, crassa, enervia, striata, facie inferiore 
iota stomatnm seriebus dense sibi oppositis. Endl. 

Dammara orientalis; foliis petiolatis staminigeris extra-axillaribus, antherarmn 
loculis 2-15 biseriatis crista cuneiformi orbiculari strobili subglobosi squa- 
mis adpressis, apice rotundatis, seminum ala horizontali. Endl. 

Dammara orientalis. Lamb. Pin. ed. 2. p. 61. /. 38. p. 97. t. 54. Endlich. Syn. 
Conif.p. 189. Miquel, Fl. hid. Bat. v. 2. p. 1070. 

Pinus Dammara. mild. Sp. PI. v. 4. p. 503. Lamb. Pin. ed. 1. p. 61. t. 38. 
Ait. Ilort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 5. p. 321. 

Abies Dammara. Poir. Diet. v. S.'p. 35. 

Agathis Dammara. Richard, Conif.p. 83. t. 19. 

Agathis loranthifolia. Salisb. in Linn. Trans, v. 8. p. 312. 1. 15. Plume, En. PI. 

Dammara alba. Rumph. Herb. Amboin. v. 2. p. 174. t. 57. 

Arbor Javanensis foliis latioribus conjugatis, Dammara alba dicta. Sherard in 
Raii Hist. v. 3. p. 130. 

Perhaps the rarest of all the Coniferous plants in cultivation 
in Europe. Loudon, in his ' Arboretum Britannicum,' records 

JANUARY 1ST, 1863. 

only one instance to his knowledge of its being in England, in 
the Royal Gardens of Kew ; and that is the one from whieli our 
figure is taken, and which was introduced by Sir Joseph Banks in 
1804. It has now attained the height of thirty feet, little indeed 
in proportion to its age; but then it is to be recollected that our 
tender Conifera have been for the last titty yean maintained in 
houses so low and so unsuited to them, and in tubs so small 
(lest their growth should be too much encouraged), that no jus- 
tice has been done them. Notwithstanding, now, in the autumn 
of 1S62, on the removal of this tree to its new abode in the grand 
centre of the New Conservatory (or Winter Garden), it was 
found to have upon it many cones, similar to that here repre- 
sented. Though apparently attaining the full size of the native 
cones, yet for want of male flowers they are necessarily abortive, 
and on a slight movement of the tree or of a coniferous branch, 
the scales fall down in a shower, leaving the large, obovate, 
fleshy receptacle, as shown at our figure. 

The species is a native of the Moluccas ; but, according to 
Rumphius, it is only found on the summits of the loftv moun- 
tains where it attains a very large size, and yields a vast quan- 
tity oi very hard and transparent resin, which forms an article of 
commerce m the East, and of whose uses, etc., an account will 
be found m the Supplement to Miquel's < Flora of the Dutch 
Indies p. 86, like that of the Dammara (Witralii, or Cowdie 
Fine, of New Zealand. Other species of Dammara have recently 
been detected in the South Pacific islands : among them are the 
V.macropfyVa LmdL, figured in Hook. Kew Garden Misc., 
v. 4, p ilo, t. 4, with much larger leaves, and cones twice the 
size of those of D. oriental • from La Peyrouse's Island ; another 
m New Caledonia ; a third in Australia ; and a fourth from the 

froShe L cotTetel the T ^ ^ S ^ W Men a ™. 2. Scale 



Tab. 5360. 
CEREUS pterogonus, Lem. 

Wing-angled Cereus. 

Nat. Ord. Cactace,£. — Icosandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Perigonii tubus ultra germen longe productus, pulvilligerus; 
phylla numerosissima ; sepaloidea infima squamEeformia, superiora elongata, spi- 
rahter imbricata, in axillis ssepissime seti- vel aculeifera, petaloidea longiora plus 
mmusve recurvato-patentia, corollam infundibuliformem semulantia. Stamina 
numerosissima, basi tubo adnata, superne libera, limbo breviora. Stylus filifor- 
mis, stamina vix superans. Stigma multiradiatum, radiis linearibus. Bacca 
squamata aut tuberculata, pulvilligera. Cotyledones libera?, foliacege.— Caulis 
carnosus, atate indurescens, brevis vel elongatus costatus vel angulosus, pulvilligerus, 
crassus v. tenuis, erectus vel reptans, continuus vel articulatus, simplex vel ramosus'. 
Flores laterales, sapissime nocturni, epkemeri, aut aliquot dies aperti. Salm-Dyck. 

Cereus (§ Radicantes) p terogonus ; caule e basi ramoso ramisque articulatis 
laete viridibus divaricatis rigidissime humi adpressis, radicantibus 4-5-angu- 
latis, costis compressis acutatis inter pulvillos obrepandis, lateribus superne 
excavatis inferne planiusculis, pulvillis immersis valde confertis parvulis vix 
tomentosis, aculeis 3-4 aciculatis rigidis fulvidis summo ssepe longiore, cum 
setaceis quibusdam deciduis. Salm. Dyck. 

Cereus pterogonus. Salm-Dyck, Cact. Hort. Dyck. pp. 52, 221. 

We cannot but be glad to see the encouragement given to the 
cultivation of succulent plants in some of the late numbers of the 
1 Gardeners' Chronicle.' As a general collection of such plants, and 
for the interest felt in them by the public, we may confidently 
refer to the " Succulent House," in Kew Gardens, which I be- 
lieve stands unrivalled in Europe. There are among them the 
most strange and varied forms, especially of the Cactus group, 
and it is well known that the genus Cereus, one of which we 
have now under consideration, affords the most magnificent 
blossoms, frequently of the most gorgeous colours, of any in 

The flowers of Cereus pterogonus, if not equal in size or in 
beauty to those of Cereus Macdonaldice (see our Tab. 4707) have 

FEBRUARY 1ST, 1863. 

the advantage of expanding in the daytime, and are not ephemeral; 
those of the last-named species open only m the night, and close 
before sunrise the next morning. This species, yet rare, we be- 
lieve, in Europe, was imported from Carthagena, and has now 
blossomed for the first time. It has flowered with us in August, 

Descr. A straggling-growing plant, needing the support of 
stakes, or to be trained against a wall. Branches articulated ; 
joints three inches or more in diameter, and six to seven inches 
long, usually four-angled, rarely five, or in other words formed of 
four to five deep fleshy wings, flattened at the sides, an inch and 
a half deep, slightly sinuato-lobate at the margin, the sinus of 
the lobes bearing each a tuft (pulvillus) of hair-like bristles, and 
a spreading and somewhat deflexed tuft of three to four unequal 
aculei, five to six lines long, slender and straight, accompanied 
by two to three long setaceous bristles. Flowers sessile, arising 
from just above the tuft of bristles at the margin, five to six 
inches long in the tube, and as much more across the fully blown 
pure white flower. Tube green, sepaloid ; scales ovate, acuminate, 
the lowest terminated by setiform bristles. Stamens pale yellow, 
very numerous, erect or nearly so, united at the base, and form- 
ing a crown at the mouth of the tubes. Style columnar, project- 
ing a little beyond the stamens. Stigma of many, about twenty, 
spreading, subulate, fleshy rays. 

Fig. 1. Cluster of the spines, — magnified. 



VimcentBrooks, J-rnp . 

Tab. 5361. 
PH-/EDRANASSA obtusa. 

Blunt Phcedranassa. 

Nat. Ord. Amaryllidace.e. — Hexandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Perigonium superum, corollaceum, tubuloso-infundibuliforme, sex- 
partitum ; tubo brevi crasso, fame nuda, laciniis spathulatis inferne canaliculato- 
convolutis, subeequalibus. Stamina 6, summo tubo pariter inserta, e basi geni- 
culato-adscendente recta, exserta, tria superiora breviora. Filamenta filiformia, 
inferne gradatim latiora et complanata, in tubum decurrentia. Anthera lineari- 
oblongge, dorso infra medium affixse, versatiles. Ovarium inferum, trigonum, ellip- 
ticum, triloculare; ovula inloculis crebra, angulo interno affixa, biseriata, borizon- 
taliter superposita, superne alata, anatropa. Columna stylina^ filiformis, erecta, 
exserta. Stigma subcapitato-incrassatum, integrum. Capsula trigona, triloculans, 
polysperma. — Herbse Americana, bulbiferce, scapigeree ; bulbo tunicato. Folia 
codetanea petiolata, striato-nervosa. Scapus teres, tenuiter fstulosus (potius totus 
spongiosus). Spatba poly morpha, mar xescens. Flores pedicellati, penduli. Kunth. 

Phcedranassa obtusa; folio synantbio sesquipedali horizontali oblongo in pe- 
tiolum longe angustato (4-pollices lato), scapo stricto tereti glauco subspirali, 
umbella 6-flora, pedunculis tubo brevioribus, tubo cylindraceo basi abrupte 
obtuso sexcostato (carueoj apice (viridi) patulo, staminibus stylo multo bre- 
vioribus. Kth. 

Ph^edranassa obtusa. Herb, in Bot. Reg. 1845 ; Misc. p. 17- Benth. Plant. 
Hartw.p. 260. Kth. En. Plant, v. 5. p. 501. 

Phycelia obtusa. Lindl. in Bot. Beg. 1844 ; Misc. p. 91. 

The genus Phadranassa* was founded by the late Hon. 
and Rev. William Herbert, upon an Aniaryllidaceous plant of 
Ecuador and Peru, the Haemantkus dubius of Hunib. and Kth., 
Collania dubia, Schult., Crinum Quitense, and his own Phycelia 
cldoracra, Herb. Amaryll. p. 155. It is well represented by 
Dr. Lindley, in Bot. Reg. v. 31. t. 17. To this he added his 
Phycelia obtusa, which we are glad now to have the opportunity 
of figuring ; a native of the same region, introduced to this 
country by James Anderson Hay Henry, Esq., of Hay Lodge, 

* Prom </><u8pos, gay, and avaaaa, queen. 

FEBRUARY 1 ST, 1863. 

Trinity Lodge, Edinburgh, (from whom our living plant has been 
received,) a gentleman ardently devoted to botany and horti- 
culture. The seeds were received by him in 1859, from the 
venerable South American botanist Dr. William Jameson, of 
Quito. They were gathered in his favourite mountain Pichincha 
(the vegetation of which he has for so many years successfully 
explored), at an elevation of between ten thousand and eleven 
thousand feet above the level of the sea. It is, as Dr. Lindley 
observes, so very like the P. chloracra, " that it might be mis- 
taken for it, but it has stamens considerably shorter than the 
style, and the tube instead of being green at the bottom where 
it gradually tapers into the ovary, is whollv flesh-coloured, and 
ends above the ovary in six abrupt prominent ribs." Indeed, 
Dr. Lindley is of opinion that this rather than the chloracra, is 
the Hamanthus dubius of Humboldt and Kunth. 
> We had both of the species flowering at the same winter season 
in a temperate house, but though neither of them possesses the 
qualities suggested by the generic name of the learned author 
they are exceedingly pretty, continue a long time in blossom, and 
tend to render a house gay at a period of the year when there is 
little that is so. The leaves, as the scape and flowers advance 
to maturity, go on increasing in size till they become thrice the 
size ot what are here figured. 

Fig. 1. Base of the tube of the flower, stamens, and pistils. 2. Transverse 
section of the ovary -.— magnified. ' i ™"™" 



Tab. 5362. 


Lady Hooker s Cypripedium. 

Nat. Ord. Orchidace^e. — Gynandria Diandria. 
Gen. Char. {Fide supra, Tab. 490 L.) 

Cypripedium Hooherce; foliis carnoso-coriaceis oblongo-ligulatis acutis tessel- 
latis, pedunculo unifloro hirto, sepalo superiore triangulo ovato, sepalo 
inferiore oblongo obtuse acuto, tepalis ligulato-obovatis acutis limbo cilia- 
tulis, labelli sacco cylindraceo galeato, margine libero medio integerrimo 
retuso latere utroque minute angulato, stamiuodio peltato magno oblongo, 
postice integerrimo, antice excisura semiovata bidentato, columna postice 
sub staminodio callo trilobo signata, lobo medio semiovato, lobis lateralibus 
teretiusculis divaricatis. Reichenb.Jil. 

Cypripedium Hookerse. 

This is another of those beautiful species of Cypripedium of 
which Wallich's C. venustum and insigne were the first (and long 
the only types known) in cultivation, but of which many striking 
new forms have of late been brought to this country from the 
islands of the East. For the present species we are indebted 
to Messrs. Low and Sons, of Clapton, who imported it from 
Borneo, and the specimen figured flowered in the garden of 
W. Marshall, Esq., of Enfield. Specimens were also sent at the 
same time to Dr. Reichenbach, fil., who has communicated to 
us the specific name he has given to it, with the further note : 
"Flowers of Cypripedium hirsutissimum and leaves of Phalcenopsis 
ScMllerianum, or nearly so." It partakes also of the characters 
of C. barbatum (Tab. 4234) and C. purpureum (Tab. 4901), from 
both of which it differs in the green and yellow dorsal sepal not 
, striped with purple, and from the former also in wanting the 
bearded tubercles on the margins of the sepals ; the latter cha- 
racter and the purple lip distinguish it from C. venustum (Tab. 
2129), as do the mottled leaves and very different dorsal sepal 
from C. Fairieanum (Tab. 5024) and C. insigne (Tab. 3412); 
whilst the straight, shorter, not decurved petals, and many other 

FEBRUARY 1ST, 1863. 

"WFitxiL,del etlith 

Tab. 5363. 

PLUMBAGO rosea, var. coccinea. 

Bose Leadwort, scarlet var. 

Nat. Ord. Plumbagine2E. — Pentandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx insertione rectus, tubulosus, post anthesin ssepe conicus, 
inter 5 costas latas herbaceas tota longitudine vel superne stipitato-glandulosas 
ad basin usque hyalino-membranaceas, apice quinquedentatus. Corolla gamo- 
petala, bypocraterimorpha, tubo calycera superante, Umbo rotato quinquepartito. 
Stamina 5, hypogyna ; filamenta basi subdilatata carnosula concafiuscula in 
discum lobaturn sub ovario conniventia. Antherce lineares, basi bifidse. Ovarium 
ovatum vel oblongura, stylo filiformi superatum. Stigmata 5, filiformia, latere 
interiori glandulis pluriseriatus dense obsita. Utrieulus membranaceus, styli basi 
persistente mucronatus, ima basi teneriori irregulariter et circurascisse ruptus, 
dein a basi ad medium aut a parte media jam fenestrata basin versus secus an- 
guios valvatim fissus, valvis apice cohserentibus. Semen ovatum, oblongum. — 
Herbse perennes, Europcece, vel frutices tropici, rarius Capenses, ramis scandentibus ; 
floribus subsessilibus, in spicas plus minus elongatas dispositis, sinyulo tribracteato, 
bracteis planis. Calycis cestivatione valvaris. Corolla nunquam xanthica, cestiv. 
contorta, post anthesin emarcida, tubo sub limbo horizontaliter tortili dein paulo 
supra basin utriculi elongatione rupto. Integumentum seminis in hoc genere 
eximie pellucido-punctulatum, nee ut in toto ordine laviusculum. Boiss. in Be Cand. 

Plumbago rosea; caulibus herbaceis erectis elatis teretibus tenuiter striatis 
inferne simplicibus superne ramosis, foliis magnis oblongis superne atte- 
nuatis obtusiusculis basi breviter cuneatis in petiolum, brevissimum amplexi- 
caulem exauriculatum attenuatis, floribus in spicas terminates et ex axillis 
superioribus oriundas longissimas virgatas laxas post anthesin elongatas 
dispositis, rachide spicae glaberrima, bracteis ovatis cuspidatis subsequalibus 
calyce quadruplo brevioribus fere pellucidis, calyce rubello breviter cylin- 
drico breviter et acute 5-dentato ad 5 costas tota longitudine glandulis sti- 
pitatis bifariis aliis subsessilibus intermixtis obsito, corollse tubo tenui calyce 
quadruplo longiore, limbi ampli partitionibus ovatis rotundatis nervo excur- 
rente cuspidatis. Boiss. 

Plumbago rosea. Linn. Sp. PI. p. 215. Curt. Bot. Mag. t. 230 (a very indif- 
ferent specimen). 
Thalia coccinea. Lour. Fl. Cochin, ed. Willd. v. 1. p. 147. 
Plumbago coccinea. Boiss. in Be Cand. Prodr. v. 12. p. 693. 
Plumb agidium roseum. Spach, Teg. Phan. v. 10. 
Var. coccinea ; larger, subscandent, flowers remarkably secund, scarlet. 

Few would recognize this most lovely plant as the Plumbago 
rosea ordinarily seen in stoves and greenhouses, and figured by 

FEBRUARY 1ST, 1863. 

Curtis at Tab. 230 of this work ; yet that such is the case we 
have no hesitation m saying. It has long been in cultivation at 
Kew, and Messrs. Veitch have sent -us fine specimens raised from 
seeds they received from the Nielgherries. Many of the leaves 
measure six inches in length and three m breadth. The panicle 
is two and more feet long; the flowers are one and a quarter 
inch long in the tube and more than an inch broad in the limb 
remarkably secund, and the colour is a bright brick-red par- 
taking of nothing of that purplish hue which induced Linnaus 
to call the species - rosea." Perhaps Loureiro and Boissier had 
this variety (or this coloured variety at least) in view when they 
gave it the name of coccinea, but the difference is hardly such 
as to justify the change of the old Linnaean and well-established 
name of Plumbago rosea to P. coccinea, as Boissier has done 
Popularly, too, " the rose is red." 

pisSf_L^: ^ ^ beautifu,1 y—Sed glandular hairs, including the 


Vincent Brooks, Imp. 

the first to flower a species of Cinchona in this country, and that 
species the most interesting of all in a scientific, commercial, and 
historical point of view. The seeds, Mr. Howard informs us, he 
procured from the mountains of Uritusinga itself, in Ecuador, 
and he has also ascertained that this is the very " Quinquina" 
plant that La Condamine described and attempted to bring to 
Europe in 1737, but which he lost after cherishing the plants 
through twelve hundred leagues of the voyage. 

It is with reluctance that we touch here upon the much-vexed 
question of the nomenclature of this species, but we must adopt 
some name, and as there are, according to authors, seven or 
eight to choose from, we are compelled to vindicate our choice. 
To begin : in this, as in so many other cases, when once the law of 
priority is departed from without perfectly good cause, the door 
is opened to endless future change, and consequent confusion. 
A glance at the very limited synonymy quoted under this plant 
shows, what never indeed has-been disputed, that the genus 
Cinchona of Linnaeus, or, as he also spelt it, Cinhona (Gen. PI. 
ed. 1767), was founded upon the one plant called " Quinquina" 
by La Condamine, to which Linnaeus gave the specific name of 
C. officinalis. This name, which appears to us in every way 
unobjectionable, and which was adopted by Vahl and Lambert, 
Willdenow, Lamarck, and Rcemer and Schultes, was changed 
by Humboldt and Bonpland to C. Condaminca on the following 
grounds, which we cannot consider sufficient, viz. " because many 
species are truly officinal, and may be substituted the one for the 
other." Weddell, who adopts the name Condaminea indeed, truly 
says that Linnaeus afterwards (but not till the twelfth edition of 
the « Systema Natures ') confounded another species, sent him 
by Mutis, with the original ; that still other species were after- 
wards included by various authors under the Linnsean name; 
and that these reasons, together with the vagueness of the epithet 
"officinalis," led Humboldt and Bonpland to abandon the Linnsean 
name ; but the latter authors do not so express themselves : they 
indeed mention the subsequent confusion, and they restrict their 
reasons to the vagueness of the name. But the evil does not 
stop here, for as Humboldt and Bonpland found several plants 
confounded under Linnaeus's C. officinalis, so does Mr. Howard 
find that these authors have included more than one under 
their C. Condaminea, and he hence proposes the third name of 
C. Uritusinga of Pavon's MSS. for the original " quinquina" of 
La Condamine, abandoning altogether not only the Linnsean 
name which, as no one disputes, was applied to this plant (and 
tor many years to no other), but also the name of Condaminea of 
Humboldt and Bonpland, and a fourth subsequent name, C. Acade- 
mica ot Gmbourt. Now the fact of Linnaeus having, Ion* after 

the original publication of the plant, confounded another with it, is 
no justification whatsoever for abandoning his name, for it is the 
original one, and still less is the plea of the term officinalis being 
applicable to other species, an admissible one ; for not only was 
this plant par excellence the officinal Bark of Linnseus's time, but 
it is so to a great extent still ; and if the same test was applied 
to our British plants, we should have to change their names 
by hundreds. We have therefore no hesitation in reverting to 
the Linnsean name, not only as an act of justice, but because 
we consider it in every way an applicable one. The plant con- 
founded with it by Linnaeus has already received another and 
universally-admitted name ; and if Humboldt and Bonpland have 
confounded a third species with it, of which we do not see good 
evidence, let that species also be discriminated and named, 
if new. 

The C. officinalis is not one of the several species which have 
been recently so largely introduced into India, though plants of it 
are flourishing in Ceylon and elsewhere ; it is however known to 
yield a most valuable bark, and to have supplied a large propor- 
tion of the renowned Loxa bark of commerce. — ■/. D. H. 

Fig. 1. Young leaf and stipule. 2. Portion of leaf, showing the downy'spot 
in the axil of a nerve. 3. Flower. 4. Corolla laid open. 5. Ovary, style, 
and stigma. 6. Capsule: — all except Jig. 1 magnified. 

Tab. 5365. 
PYCNOSTACHYS urticifolia, 

Nettle-leaved Pycnostachys. 

Nat. Ord. Labiatje. — Didynamia Gymnospeemia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx ovatus, subaequalis, dentibus 5 subulato-spinosis. Corolla 
iubo exserto defracto bilabiata, labio superiore quadridentato, inferiore integro 
eoncavo. Stamina 4. Filamenta libera, edentula. Stylus apice subulatus, bre- 
vissirae et aequaliter bifidus. Nucula subrolundae, laeves. — Herbse Jfricance vel 
Mascarenses, erectce. Verticillastri densi, in spicas terminates simplices arete ap- 
proximate foliis foralibus bracteaformibus calyce brevioribns. Beuth. 

Pycnostachys urticifolia ; foliis ovatis acuminatis basi truncatis vel obtusissime 
subcuneatis longe petiolatis grosse serratis subtus pubescentibus, spica ter- 
minali ovata acuminata magna thyrsiformi, corolla? labio superiore erecto 
canaliculato lobis 4 incurvatis, inferiore amplo eoncavo apice insigniter iu- 

The genus Pycnostachys is peculiar to tropical or subtropical 
Africa. The first-described species is a native of Madagascar, 
P. cesrvlea; the second, P. reticulata, is derived from Natal, 
and the country north of it, Macalisberg ; while a third, dis- 
covered by Riippell in Abyssinia, has since been sent to us from 
the peak of Fernando Po, altitude seven thousand feet, and from 
the Cameroon Mountains, altitude six thousand, by Mr. Gustav 
Mann. The probability is that the genus extends across the 
whole continent of Africa from east to west. The three now 
enumerated, however, it must be confessed, have a great resem- 
blance to each other specifically, and they are possessed of no 
great beauty to recommend them to cultivation. The one here 
represented is quite a new species, and very distinct from all the 
preceding, and well worthy of cultivation, from the size and 
beauty of the flower-spikes. Seeds of it were sent by Dr. 
Livingstone to Messrs. Backhouse, from " Mount Zaniba," on 
the " Shire river," where they were gathered in September, 
1859; and both seeds and dried specimens have been sent to 
Kew, gathered by Drs. Kirk and Meller, of the same (Zambesi) 
mission, on the Manganja hills, altititude three thousand ket, 

viakch 1st, 1863. 



"lucent Bra6ks,Imp. 

Tab. 5366. 
IMPATIENS bicolor. 

Two-coloured Balsam. 

Nat. Ord. BalsaminejE. — Pentandria Monogynia. 
Gen. Char. (Fide supra, Tab. 5276.) 

Impatiens (Uniflorse) bicolor ; suffruticosa, foliis confertis petiolatis elliptico- 
lanceolatis obtusis v. acuminatis, basi attenuates grosse setuloso-crenatis, 
pedicellis unifloris in axillis foliorum solitariis v. confertis ebracteolatis, 
vexillo parvo erecto, labello amplo late saccato basi in cornu valido ascen- 
dente incurvato contracto, alis parvis late oblongis obtusis. Hook.Jil. 

Impatiens bicolor. Hook. fil. on Veg. of Fernando Po, in Journ. Proc. Linn. 
Soc. v. 6. p. 7. 

In the small island of Fernando, and on the celebrated "peak" 
there, at altitudes varying from two thousand to five thousand 
feet, the enterprising botanical traveller, Mr. Gustav Mann, de- 
tected four new species of Balsam, which have been described 
by Dr. Hooker, in the journal above quoted. The present is 
one of them, of which seeds were sent to Kew, and which 
flowered in December of 18C2, the same period of the year 
when Mr. Mann obtained flowering specimens on its native 
mountain, in I860. These were gathered at the altitude of 
four thousand feet. The flowers are remarkable for the pure 
white at the mouth, and the full purple colour of the labellum. 

Descr. Stem woody at the base, above herbaceous, terete, 
glabrous, purplish-green. Leaves alternate, glabrous, rather long, 
petiolate, patent, three to five or more inches long, elliptical- 
ovate, acuminate, attenuated towards the base, coarsely serrated, 
a few scattered, short setae appear on the petioles, and a soli- 
tary one in the sinuses of the serratures. In the axils of the 
upper and more crowded leaves the single-flowered pedicels are 
produced, about two inches long, slender, glabrous, generally 

MARCH 1st, 1863. 

aggregated, so that the flowers form a large cluster around the 
upper portion of the stem, among the more crowded foliar 
Lateral sepals small, green. Vexillum very convex white erect 
green at the back. Labellum ample, purple, with a long up- 
curved, obtuse tail, the mouth pure white 

Fig. 1. Stamens. 2. Vexillum. 3. Labellum. -4. Pistil 



Vincent Broc 

Tab. 5367. 

MONOCH^ETUM Humboldtianum. 

Humboldt's Monocliceton. 

Nat. Ord. Melastomace^e.— Octandria Monogynia. 
Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tab. 5341.) 

MoNOCHiETON Humboldtianum ; fruticosum, ramulis quadrangulis setoso-pilosis, 
nodis setoso-barbatis, foliis petiolatis oblongis acumiuatis basi in petiolum 
angustatis quintnpli- vel septuplinerviis, supra inter, subtus ad nervos setoso- 
pilosis, pedunculis terminalibus dichotome plurifloris, calycibus striguloso- 
sericeis, petalis obovato-subrotundis muticis, antheris arcuatis in appendiceal 
ascendentem bifidam productis. Kth. 

Monoch^tum Humboldtianum. Kth. Delect. Semin. Plant. Hort. Berol. 1844. 
Collect. Adnot. n. 15. Walp. Repert. Bot. v. I. p. 702. 

Heterocenteon ? Humboldtianum. Naud. Melast. p. 246. 

One of the most lovely of the Melastomaceous plants, with 
large, handsome, rich red-purple flowers, the leaves bright green, 
the square stems and calyxes beautifully tinged with vivid red. 
Kunth compares its flowers, in point of size (not of colour), with 
those of the Evening Primrose {(Enothera biennis), and the affinity 
of the species with Monochcetum dicranantherum of Naudin. 

It is a native of the Caracas. Introduced into the Berlin 
Garden before 1844, whence we derived our plants, which are 
so great an ornament to our stoves in Kew, flowering frequently 
in November. 

l^ig. 1. Calyx, including the pistil. 2. Transverse section of the capsule. 
3. Stamens : — more or less magnified. 

MARCH 1ST, 1363. 


W. Fitch 

Vincent Brool 


Tabb. 5368, 5369. 
WELWITSCHIA mirabilis. 

African Welwitschia. 

Nat. Ord. Gnetace^;. — Polygamia Monadelphia. 

Gen. Char. Squamae strobili homogami 4-fariam imbricatse, perplurirase flori- 
ferse, fructifera3 valde auctae. Flores hermaphroditi et foeminei. Fl. herm. Pe- 
rianthium 4-phyllum, foliolis 2-seriatis, inferioribus connatis. Stamina 6, mona- 
delpha ; antherae 3-loculares. Ovuli integumentum disco stigmatifornri termina- 
tum. Fl. fieji. Perianthiitm ampullaceum, compressissimura, 2-alatum. Ovu- 
lum maris, sed processu styliformi recto apice simplici lacero. Fructus siccus, 
squamis membranaceis strobili velatus. — Truncus obconicus, lignosus. Foha 2, 
opposila, longissime linearia, dilacerata, nervis parallelis. Hook.jil. 

Welwitschia mirabilis. 

Welwitschia mirabilis. Hook.jil. in Trans, of Linn. Soc. v. 24. p. 1. cum tabulis 

The old adage "Semper aliquid novi ex Africa pro-venire," holds 
good in the present day as in times long gone by.. It is little more 
than two years and a half since the first knowledge of this sin- 
gular plant, the subject of our two plates, reached Europe, and 
was contained in a letter addressed to myself by its discoverer, 
Dr. Frederic Welwitsch, a talented naturalist, then on a botanical 
mission at St. Paul's, Loanda, on account of the Portuguese 
Government. The account was soon published, and excited, as 
may be supposed, the greatest interest among the most eminent 
of European botanists, an interest which had never been exceeded, 
if equalled, since the discovery of the Mafflesia. Nor did it want 
an historian to describe fully its character and affinities, and ex- 
ternal and internal organization ; these being all fully detailed in 
the work above quoted. Having, however, actually received 
living plants at Kew, (though in a dying condition,) besides 
copious dried specimens, through the kindness of two gentlemen 

* The expense of the execution of this fine series of 4to plates from the pencil 
of Mr. Fitch, was defrayed from a grant from the fund for the promotion of 
science, placed annually by Parliament at the disposal of the President and 
Council of the Koyal Society. 

march 1st, 1863. 

still residing in South-western Africa. Joachim Monteiro, Esq., 
of Loando, and C. J. N. Andersson, Esq., of Daman Land, we 
are justified on that ground in giving it a place and a brief 
notice in the 'Botanical Magazine,' and thus extending a know- 
ledge of the subject (compiled wholly from the history and figures 
in question) among many who may not have the opportunity of 
consulting the Linnean Society's Transactions. As to the culti- 
vating of this plant in our stoves, we despair of it altogether, as 
much as we do of rearing the Rafiiexia Arnoldii. Climate, soil, 
and native locality are all against success ; yet trials should be 
made, and no doubt will be made, to raise it from seed, when- 
ever opportunity may offer. 

Dr. Welwitsch found the plant in 1SG0 inhabiting the elevated 
sandy plateau near Cape Negro, western tropical Africa, lat. 15 
40' S. Mr. Thomas Baines, the able artist in Gregory's exploring 
expedition across North Australia, and who accompanied Dr. 
Livingstone on the Zambesi mission, while travelling the following 
year in the Damara country, in lat. 2-1° or 25° S., and about 500 
miles south of Cape Negro, was so struck with the appearance of 
this same plant, that he made coloured drawings of it and others, 
as illustrative of the vegetation of the country, and had the good- 
ness to send them to me, accompanied by some cones ; but these 
latter w r ere packed without being dried, and being a long time 
en route to the Cape and to Europe (more than a year), and 
being packed with the succulent leaves of a gigantic Aloe, they 
arrived in a very decayed state. Happily, however, the cones 
contained ripe seeds, which by hardening in alcohol enabled Dr. 
Hooker to satisfy himself of their great similarity in development 
and structure with those of Cycaclcce and Gnetacece. The native 
name "Tumbo" was communicated both by Dr. Welwitsch and 
Mr. Baines ; but as the same name is given to the gigantic Aloe 
of the country, it is a generic rather than a specific name among 
the aborigines : for to the branch of the cones Mr. Baines had 
written, " called by the Hottentots ' Ghories,' and by the Damaras 
* Nyanka-Hykamkop? ' As we were now in possession of speci- 
mens, however imperfect, of this wonderful plant from Mr. Baines, 
and very anxious that its discovery should be announced, Dr. 
Hooker wrote to Dr. Welwitsch, reminding him of a request he 
had made, that a full account of his discovery should appear in 
the Linnean Transactions, and urging him either to make the 
plant known himself to the scientific world, or to send his speci- 
mens here for publication ; proposing at the same time that it 
should be allowed to bear his name, and to be called WeU 
witschia mirabilis. M. Monteiro (as already mentioned) also 
sent us plants collected at Mossamedes (Little Fish Bay of the 
English charts) in 1862. These were gathered during " a jour- 

ney of about thirty miles into the interior from the coast, in 
ground of a hard quartzose character, and were generally grow- 
ing near the little ruts worn in the plain by running water during 
the rainy season." Several Portuguese of Cape Negro assured 
him that they had seen specimens measuring (as Dr. Welwitsch 
had informed him) six feet across the apex of the trunk, and even 
larger, with the ribbon-like leaves two and even three " bracas" 
(fathoms) long ! 

I have now, in reference to the few intelligent persons who 
have seen the plant in its native plains, only to make a brief ex- 
tract from the letter of the eminent African traveller, C. J. An- 
dersson, Esq , while resident in Damara Land, at Otjim Cingue, 
Feb. 12th, 1862 ; this was written in the absence of Mr. Baines, 
in reply to some queries I had addressed to him : " The plant 
you inquire about, and which has so much awakened your cu- 
riosity, is well known to me. Indeed, it is so peculiar as scarcely 
to be mistaken, even from the rudest description. It is only 
found in one single locality, that is as regards Damara Land, 
which locality is exceedingly circumscribed. It grows moreover 
in sandy places, and luxuriates when it can find a few stones 
where to fix its extraordinary tap-root, penetrating often several 
feet deep, so that it is indeed a work of labour and patience to 
extract one single plant. I have been thus occupied more than 
an hour, and even then I have come away with only a portion 
of the root. The leaves attain a length of several feet, a small 
portion at the point only being withered ; in other respects they 
are evergreen ; they are straight-grained, and you can tear them 
from top to bottom without deviating a single line from a straight 
course. Rain rarely or never falls where this plant exists. I 
have crossed and re-crossed Damara Land throughout its entire 
length and breadth, but only found the plant growing on that 
desperately arid flat, stretching far and wide, about Waalvisch 
Bay, or between the 22nd and 23rd degrees of south latitude. 
It is most common about the lower course of the river Swakop. 
But I feel my description is very inadequate to the subject, and 
shall endeavour therefore to procure the plant itself, and forward 
it at an early date to England.* Indeed, I would have sent 
plants years ago, had I not been under the impression that you 
had already specimens of it, for I assisted Mr. Wollaston once 
to excavate a couple, which I thought he purposed presenting to 
the Kew Gardens. I know that the specimens were received at 
the Botanical Garden at Cape Town, for I saw them there only 
the other day, pitched away among some rubbish. No one 
seemed to take the slightest notice of them, which rather sur- 
prised me, since the plant cannot well escape even the dullest 
* This promise has beeii promptly perfonmd. 

. it is so singular." [This latter statement is most discredit- 
able to the authorities of that Colonial Garden, and Buch as we 
trust is unknown in any other.] 

Descr. In this we shall confine ourselves to the more popular 
portion of Dr. Hooker's. We must refer for the more scientific 
history to the Linnean Transactions. "It is a woody plant, said to 
attain a century in duration, with obconic trunk about two feet 
long, of which a few inches only rise above the soil, presenting 
the appearance of a flat two-lobed depressed mass, sometimes, 
according to Dr. YVelwitsch, attaining 14 feet in circumference, 
and looking like a round table. When full grown, it is dark- 
brown, hard and cracked over the whole surface, much like the 
burnt crust of a loaf of bread : the lower portion forms a stout 
tap-root, buried in the soil, and branching downwards at the end. 
From deep grooves in the circumference of the depressed mass, 
two enormous leaves are given off, each six feet long (and pro- 
bably often much more) when full grown, one corresponding to 
each lobe of the trunk : these are quite flat, linear, very lea- 
thery, and split to the base into innumerable thongs, that lie 
curling upon the surface of the soil. Its discoverer describes 
these same two leaves as being present from the very earliest 
condition of the plant, and assures me that they are in fact de- 
veloped from the two cotyledons of the seed, and are persistent, 
being replaced by no others. From the circumference of the 
tabular mass above, but close to the insertion of the leaves, 
spring stout, dichotomously branched cymes, nearly a foot high, 
bearing small erect scarlet cones, which eventually become ob- 
long, and attain the size of those of the common Spruce Fir. 
1 he scales of the cones are very closely imbricated, and contain, 
when young and still very small, solitary flowers, which in some 
cones are hermaphrodite (structurally but not functionally), in 
others female. I he hermaphrodite flower consists of a perianth 
ot tour pieces, six monadelphous stamens, with trilocular glo- 
bose anthers surrounding a central ovule, the integument of 
which is produced into a styliform sigmoid tube, terminated by 
a discoid apex. The female flower consists of a solitary erect 
ovule, contained in a compressed utricular perianth. The mature 
cone is tetragonous, and contains a broadly-winged/mY in each 
scale. Every part of the plant exudes a transparent gum. "- 
TJelwitscha is a dicotyledonous plant, belonging to the gymno- 

w!?hTth T? ? , fl ChSS ' and havin 8 a ™y dosefffinity 

known if and G l GtUm > but dlfferin g fo" all previously 

wantLTTIT 8 m haVmg her ^phrodite flowers, and in 

St es D S r " £oT g 7 00d - Cens/ ' Notwithstanding these 

Sfflk^i^K 1 ^ 2t ln the Nat 0rd - <*««<*«> of 

wnicn it is the only South African representative. 

Tab. 5368. — Fig. 1. Copy of the drawing of a young flowering plant, be- 
lieved to be from fifteen to twenty years old, made by Don Ferdinand da Costa 
Leal for Dr. Welwitsch, — on a greatly reduced scale. 2. An old plant, from 
which the panicles have fallen, as often seen in the deserts, — reduced to about 
one-fourteenth of the natural size. 

Tab. 5369. — Fig. 1. Longitudinal section of a very small and young speci- 
men of the trunk, taken through both leaves, showing the insertion of the latter, 
— natural size. 2. Peduncle and cones of hermaphrodite flowers, immediately 
previous to expansion, — natural size. 3. Scale of the cone, with bud of herma- 
phrodite flower in its axis. 4. Flower, with the inner perianth scale drawn back, 
showing the staminal tube and discoid apex of the ovule. 5. Stamens and en- 
closed ovule. 6. The same laid open, showing the position of the ovule : — magnified. 
7. Branch of the panicle, — natural size. 8. Young scale, with the female flower 
seated on a conical prominence of the rachis. 9. Female flower, at the period 
when changes commence in the embryo-sac. 10. Ovule. 11. Back view of a 
scale from the female cone: — magnified. 12. Upper scale, natural size, contain- 
ing a nearly mature seed. 12*. (By an accident this figure stands without a 
number on the Plate.) Ovule, with the lower part of the integument removed 
in front, exposing the nucleus. 13. Ripe seed and base of pericarp, showing 
the ramifications of vascular bundles in its walls. 14. Longitudinal section of 
seed, showing the calyptriform integument at its apex, the only other integument 
being the nucleus terminating upwards in its fleshy cone. The obovoid mass in 
the interior is the albumen, crowned by the coiled-up suspensor. 15. Longitu- 
dinal section of the albumen, showing the embryo, with its suspensor still at- 
tached to the cone of the nucleus above : — magnified. 


Vincent Drodka.lrnp. 

Tab. 5370. 

CCELOGYNE lagenaria, 

Flash-shaped Coelogyne. 

Nat. Ord. Orchide;e. — Gynandria Monandria. 
Gen. Char. {Vide supra, Tab. 5323.) 

Ccelogyne (Pleione) lagenaria; pseudobulbis lagenseformibus nebulosis, bractea 
cucollata acuta basi longe angustata, sepalis petalisque lineari-lanceolatis, 
Iabello rotundato integerrimo emarginato lineis 5-barbatis. Lindl. 

Ccelogyne lagenaria. Lindl. in Paxt. Fl. Gard. v. 2. t. 39./. 2. (under Pleione); 
Fol. Orchid. Ccelogyne, p. 15. n. 39. Reichenb. fil. in fFalp. Annal. Bot. 
v. 6. p. 234. 

" The genus Pleione of Don (corresponding with Gomphostylis, 
Wall.)," says Dr. Lindley, " possesses something so peculiar in 
habit, that it would be desirable to find some means of separating 
them from Ccelogyne. Occasionally I have imagined that they 
might be defined by such characters as a saccate lip, an undi- 
vided lip furnished by bearded and lamellate veins, or by the 
divisions of the flower tapering to the base instead of being 
obtuse ; but the last peculiarity, on which I had much relied, is 
so entirely set aside by C. Hookeriana, which has the form of C. 
crisiata, that after all I find it necessary to leave them as an al- 
pine form of Ccelogyne, in the hope that future observers will dis- 
cover some sound generic character. All the species are alpine. 
The secret of their successful cultivation in England lies in 
keeping them cool and dry while at rest, and forcing them with 
heat, moisture, and light as long as they are inclined to grow." 
The present beautiful species, from Himalaya, flowered at the 
Nursery of Mr. Jackson, at Kingston. It is unfortunate that the 
leaves do not appear along with the blossoms ; but certainly the 
markings of the latter and the singular form of the pseudobulbs 
recommend the species to every Orchid -grower. 

Descr. Pseudobulbs clustered, very remarkable in form, some- 
what flask- or bottle-shaped, flattened below the conical neck, 
APRIL 1st, 1863. 

and there lapping over, like the lid of a box; they are green 
mottled with brown, and more or less wrinkled, and in a young 
state bear a solitary leaf at the summit. Scapes one to two, from 
the very base of the pseudobulbs, stout, and shorter than they 
clothed with large concave ovate imbricated brads. Flowers 
large solitary, very handsome. Sepals and petals uniform, nar- 
row lanceolate, rose-colour, spreading. Lip very large, convo- 
lute at the base around the column, spreading, and waved and 
crisped at the margin, white mottled with yellow and deep- 
purple. Column elongated. 

Fig. 1 Column and anther. 2. Pollen-masses. 3. Front view of the lip — 
>re or less maanifird. l 

more or less magnified. 

Tab. 5371. 
ENCEPHALARTUS horridus; var. trispinosa. 

Three-toothed Encephalartus. 

Nat. Ord. Cycade.e. — Dicecia Polyandria. 

Gen. Char. Flores masculi : Antherce apertae, in strobilum terminalem pe- 
dunculatum collectse, undique rachi cornmuni insertse, singulo oblongo-ciineatfe, 
apice mcrassato-obtusae vel acuminata) acumine sursum flexo, connectivo plus 
minus distincto. Flores fceminei : Carpidia plurima monophvlla, aperta, in 
strobdos terminates pedunculatos collecta, rachi communi undique inserts, sin- 
gula basi in stipitem attenuata apice in peltara rhomboideam dilatata, pelta 
subtus utrinque ovulo unico inverso, fceta. Fructus syncarpium, e carpidiu 
laxiuscule coalitis. Semina ovoidea, testa ossea, raepius carpidii processu fungoso 
cupulatim excepta. Embryo inversus, in axi albuminis camosi, radicula respectu 
racheos communis centripeta.— Arbores inierdum gigantece in Africa austral* 
subiropica (regime Caffrorum) et in Nova Hollandia extratropica obvice, frondibus 
pmnatis, pinnis lata basi sessilibus muliinerviis, apice satpe spinoso-denticidalis 

Encephalartus horridus; caudice glabro vel lanuginoso, rachi stipiteque obtuse 
tetragonis glabris, foliolis oppositis alternisve pruinoso-glaucis viridibusve 
lanceolatis, forma polymorphs, infimis (rarissime fere omnibus) integerrimis 
vel margine inferiore uni-tridentatis aut uni-bidentatis apice bifida, rarius 
margine superiore breviter unidentato, dentibus omnibus epinoso-pangen- 
tibus, plerumque grandioribus divaricatis, conis solitariis glabris, maribus 
elongato-cylindraceis, fceminis ovoideis. Miq. 

Encephalartus horridus. Lehm. in Pugill. v. 6. p. 14. Miq. Monogr. Cycad. 

p. 37, and in Linneea, v. 17. p. 726. 
Zamia horrida. Jacq. Fragm. p. 27. t. 28. 

Var. trispinosa; foliolis apice spinosis, margine inferiore laciniis duabus elon- 
gatis spinoso-pungeutibus. (Tab. Nostr. 5371.) 

Perhaps there are few families of plants which require a more 
complete and careful revision than that of Cycadea. Lehman n, 
Miquel, and De Vriese have done much towards their illustra- 
tion, but their characters have been too frequently taken from 
imperfect and often garden specimens, and they are too often 
incorrectly named. The present plant has long been cultivated 
at Kew as a Cape species of Encephalartus, under an impression 

APRIL 1st, 1863. 

that it was the Zamia tridendata of Willdenow, but that plant 
(now Encephalartus, Lehin.), as shown by the figure in Miquel's 
work, 1. c., taken from Willdenow's original specimen in his her- 
barium, is totally distinct, and more like a Macrozamia than an 
Encephalartus. After the most careful examination of our plant, 
I can only come to the conclusion that it is one of the many 
varieties of E. horridus, with a great tendency to have, on the 
inferior margin of the pinnules, two large spinescent lacinia? 
which, in conjunction with terminal spines, justify the application 
ot the term var. trispinosa. 

<• g Q J ? Wlth a male ™™~°»e-fflh of the not. size. 2. Pinnae ,—nat. 
size 3. Male cone,— naf. size. 4. Under side of a scale from the male cone. 
5. View of the upper side of a scale. 6. Anther ■.—magnified 


Tab. 5372. 

Heart-leaved Codonopsis. 

Nat. Ord. Campanulaceje. — Pentandbia Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Invohwrum uniflorum, 5-partitum, lobis dentatis. Calyx hemi- 
sphsericus ovoideusve, ovario adnatus, limbo truncato (an semper?). Corolla 
5-fida vel apice 5-loba.* Stamina 5, involucri foliolis opposita, Jilamenti basi 
latioribus. Stylus inclusus. Stigmata 5, linearia, demurn revoluta. Ovarium 5-lo- 
culare, omnino inferum. Capsula globosa, corolla persistente teriniuata, demum 
iiuda, apice areolata, ibique valvis 5 brevibus dehiscens. Loculi cum iavolucri 
foliolis alternantibus, ideoque lobis corolla? oppositi. Semina plurima, parva, lenti- 
cularia. Be Gand. 

Codonopsis cordata; perennis, ramis volubilibus glabris, foliis oppositis petio- 
latis cordato-ovatis acutis hirsutiusculis subtus glaucescentibus crenato-ser- 
rulatis 3— 5-nerviis, pedunculis axillaribus uuifloris petiolo suo longioribus 
foliis brevioribus, alabastro hirsuto, calycis tubo piano germini adnato, 
laciniis oblongo-lanceolatis obsolete serrulatis, corolla? viridi-flavescentis 
lobis paulo longioribus, bacca truncata nunc -|-spba3rica nunc apice subpen- 
tagona basi tereti crassa violacea, calycis laciniis augmentatis vegetis subae- 
quilonga, corolla emarcida longiter persistente coronata, receptaculis car- 
nosis, semiuibus ellipsoideis. Haskl. 

Codonopsis cordata. HasM. in Retzia, v. 1. p. 9. Walp. Ann. Bot. Syst. v. 
Z.p. 393. 

The flowers of this gracefully-climbing plant are large, but 
sadly deficient in colour as compared with the rich blue of the 
corollas of C. gracilis, Hook, fil., figured at t. 16 of the ' Illustra- 
tions of Himalayan Plants.' This is a native of moist woods in 
Java, at altitudes on the mountains of 3500 to 8000 feet above 
the level of the. sea, and was sent to us by Dr. Anderson, of the 
Calcutta Botanic Garden. The general aspect of the plant is 
not unlike that of C. rotundifolia, figured at Tab. 4942 of this 
work, and the flowers are nearly of the same colour j but here 
the corollas are much more spreading, and what at first sight 
appears very remarkable, the segments of the calyx, called by 
apbil 1st, 1868. 

De Candolle an involucre, are entirely free from the ovary ; the 
apparent calyx-tube that surrounds the latter being really the 
base of the tube of the corolla. 

Pig. 1. Pistil and stamens, the ovary surrounded by the adnate base of the 
corolla, and, beneath it, is the base of the calyx, — magnified. 


"VmcentBrooks, Imp . 

Tab. 5373. 
LYCIOPLESIUM pubiflorum. 

Downy-flowered Lycioplesium . 

Nat. Orel. Solanace^e. — Pentandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Lycioplesium, Miers. Calyx ovato-campanulatus, 5-dentatus, 
persistens. Corolla tubulosa, tubo 5-partito, sestivatione lobis acutis valvato- 
plicatis, margine tomentosis. Stamina 5, corolla? longitudine ultra basin inserta, 
siibm&qunlia, Jilamentis insertione villosis, vel omnino glabris ; antheris oblongis, 
bilobis, basi cordatis, longitudine dehiscentibiis. Ovarium obovatum, biloculare, 
placentis e dissepimento formatis, multiovulatis. Stylus simplex. Stigma 
bilobo-capitatum. Semina nuraerosa, parva, compressa, renifortnia, albuminosa. 
Embryo cylindricus, annularis. Miers, in Illustr. S. Am. Bot. p. 10, in note. 

Lycioplesium pubiflorum; spinosum, ramis rugoso-striatis asperiusculis, foliis 
juxta axillara spinas fasciculatis ellipticis acutis in petiolum brevem latius- 
culuin alternatis nitidis margine pubescentibus spinam vix asquantibus, 
pedunculis solitariis v. in apice rami congestis e ramulo abbreviato oriundis 
patentibus calycem subsequantibus calyceque et corolla extus pube ferru- 
ginea densa et brevi tomentosis, corollae (1" longae, 4-5'" lata?), tubocampa- 
nulato calycem quinquefidum patulum intus glabrum limbumque 5-partitum 
subinaequalem quadruplo superante, lobis rotundato-acutiusculis intus glabris 
cum plicis minutis alternantibus, staminibus basi pilosis styloque exsertis. 

Lycioplesium pubiflorum. Griseb. Syst. Bemerk. Pjtanzensam. Philippt's und 
Lechler's in Siidl. Chili, etc. (1854),^?. 40. 

Latua venenata. Philippi, in Bot. Zeit. Aug. 1858. p. 24. 

An extremely handsome Solanaceous plant, lately received by 
Messrs. Veitch and Sons from South Chili, Valdivia, from their 
collector, Mr. Richard Pearce,* with the name Latua venenuta. 
This is a name we find published and the plant fully described 
by Dr. A. Philippi, of St. Jago de Chili, in the ' Botanische 
Zeitung ' for August 13th, 1858; but it was previously pub- 

* We gladly correct an unintentional omission under Tab. 5343 (Berberidopsis 
coruUina), where we mentioned Mr. Pearce as the discoverer of that most charm- 
ing new shrub. We should have added that Mr. Pearce is the South American 
collector for Messrs. Veitch and Sons, and from the latter were received the 
specimens figured. We may here state that the Berberidopsis has borne the 
winter unharmed, without any shelter, .and not a leaf been injured. 

APRIL 1st, 1803. 

lished by Dr. Grisebach from Dr. Philippi's specimens (and that 
botanist is probably the discoverer*) in the work, 1. c, published 
in 1854, under the generic name of Lycioplesium of Miers, and 
as L. pubijlorum, a name we consequently adopt. It is, indeed, 
a most charming plant, and coming from the latitude of Chiloe 
there is every reason to believe it will prove hardy. It was deemed 
prudent, however, to protect one of them against a wall, as the 
plant has a drooping or pendent habit, covering it only with a 
glass movable frame, and about the middle of February it pro- 
duced the lovely flowers here represented. It is said to be a spi- 
nous shrub, but our specimen did not exhibit these spines. The 
habit of the shrub seems to be a good deal that of a Habrotkamnus, 
and the shape of the flowers (though infinitely larger) is not much 
unlike that of Habrothamnus (or Cestrum, as it is now considered 
to be) fasciculatus. The leaves appear to be partially deciduous 
in winter. 

Fig. 1. Corolla laid open. 2. Pistil. 3. Section of the ovarium : — magnified. 

* We have however specimens in our herbarium gathered bv Mr. Win. Lobb, 
in Chiloe, in 1848. 



Tab. 5374. 
CYRTANTHUS lutescens. 

Yellow-flowered Cyrtanthus. 

Nat. Ord. Amaryllide.e. — Hexandeia Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Perigonium superum, corollaceum, elongato-tubuloso-infundibuli- 
forrae, limbo 6-fidura, leviter curvatum, interdum parum ventricosum j laciniis 
brevibus, subsequilongis, multinerviis, exterior ib as calloso-acutis ; interioribus la- 
tioribus, obtusis. Stamina 6, supra medium tubi libera, recta, inclusa, alterna 
lotigiora. Anthera lineares, dorso infra medium affixa?, mobiles. Ooarium in- 
ferum, trigonum, triloculare ; ovula in loculis crebra, biseriata, funicularia, hori- 
zontalia. Cblumna stylina filiformis, erecta vel declinata, stamina superans, ex- 
serta. Stigma breviter trifidum. Caps/da trigono-ovata, trilocularis, loculicido- 
trivalvis. Semina plurima, paleaceo-compressa ; testa nigra. — Herbae Gapenses, 
bulbifera, scapigera. Bulbus tunicatus. Folia elongata, angusta, plana vel sub- 
canaliculata. Scapus teretiusculiis vel compressiusculus, fistulosus. Spatha di- 
polyphylla, uni-multiflora. Flores pedicellati, bracteis linearibus scariosis inter - 
stincti, scepe penduli. Kth. 

Cyrtanthus (§ Monella) lutescens; floribus 4-6 pallide luteis fragrantibus an- 
guste infundibuliformibus, filamentis brevissimis, foliis lineas tres latis linea- 
ribus acuminatis. 

Cyrtanthus lutescens. Herb. Amaryll. p. 129. Kth. Enum. Plant, v. 5. p. 539. 

Cyrtanthus albo-luteus. Burch. Herb. n. 7144. 

Monella ochroleuca. Herb. Jpp. p. 29. 

One of the many interesting Cape bulbs lately presented by 
William Wilson Saunders, Esq., to the Royal Gardens of Kew, 
part of the collections made by Mr. Cooper in South Africa du- 
ring extensive journeys into the interior. This species of Cyr- 
tanthus was known to Mr. Herbert, but only from dried speci- 
mens in Mr. Burchell's herbarium. It is now for the first time 
introduced to our gardens, and produced its graceful and very 
fragrant flowers in a warm greenhouse in February, 1863. It 
is less closely allied to C odon/s of Gawler (in Bot. Reg. t. 503) 
than Mr. Herbert considered, for not only are the flowers crimson 
APRIL 1st, 1863. 

in the latter, but the leaves are less than one-third of the dia- 
meter of those of our plant, and narrow for their whole length, 
and obtuse. 

Fig. 1. Flower, laid open to show the style and the stamens. 2. Transverse 
section of the ovary : — magnified. 




Tab. 5375. 
CALANTHE Veitchii : hybrida. 
Mr. VeitcJis Calanthe. Garden hybrid. 

A hybrid between Calanthe vestita {Bot. Mag. t. 4671) and Limatodes 
rosea {Bot. Mag. t. 531ii). 

The following account of this singular production appeared in 
the ' Gardeners' Chronicle' for 1859, p. 1016:— 

" Of all the beautiful Orchids obtained by hybridizing, this 
curious plant stands first. It forms a tuft of flower-stems one 
foot and a half high, loaded with blossoms of the richest rose- 
colour of different degrees of intensity. Mr. Dominy produced 
it in the Nursery of Messrs. Veitch and Sons, of Exeter, by fer- 
tilizing Limatodes rosea, a rich rose-coloured beautiful Indian 
Orchid, with that variety of the white Calanthe vestita which 
has a deep purple spot at the base of the lip. The result has 
been most curious ; the hybrid, although completely interme- 
diate between the two parents, yet shows a rather greater ten- 
dency to its mother than its father. Of the father it has exactly 
the manner of growth and the peculiar four-lobed lip ; but it 
has the rich colour of its mother, and some other peculiarities of 
her lip, along with an entire correspondence in form with her 

" The following comparison of the three will explain this still 
more clearly. 

"A. — Calanthe vestita : Male plant. 

" 1. Pseudobulbs fleshy, conical, bluntly angular. 

"2. Spur curved. 

" 3. Flowers white, with a deep purple spot at the base of 

the lip. 
" 4. Sepals and petals secund. 
"5. Lip adhering to the column, flat at base, with four 

deep blunt lobes. 
" 6. Column deep, large, compressed, quite smooth. 
" 7. Pollen-masses eight, deep yellow, adhering by two 
smooth separate straps. 

APRIL 1st, 1863. 

"B. — Limatodes rosea: Female plant. 

"1. Pseudobulbs narrow, stem-like. 

"2. Spur straight. 

" 3. Flowers, a clear uniform rose-colour. 

"4. Sepals and petals spreading equally. 

"5. Lip free from the column, rolled up at the base, un- 

" 6. Column small, terete, downy at the back. 

" 7. Pollen-masses eight, pale-yellow, adhering to two rough 
connate straps. 
" Calanthe Veitchii : hybrid between the two foregoing. 

" 1. As in A. 2. As in B., but longer. 3. As in B. 4. 
As in B. 5. As in A., but rolled up at the base, 
as in B. 6. As in B. 7. As in B." 

The plant from which our figure is taken was communicated 
by Messrs. Veitch and Sons. 

Fig. 1. Column, spur, and ovary. 2. Pollen-masses of C. Veitchii .—magnified. 


Tab. 5376. 


Mr. Low's Alocasia. 

Nat. Ord. Aroide.e. — Momecia Moxandiua. 
Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tab. 5190.) 

Alocasia Lowii; acaulis, foliis longe petiolatis cordato-sagittatis acuminatis 
supra atroviridibus sinu profundo, costis costulis raargineque crasso albis, 
subtus purpureis, scapis basi vaginato-bracteatis superne teretibus albis, 
spatha alba inferne convoluta globosa, lamina oblonga obtusa concava, 
spadice spatha breviore, ovariis laxiusculis subglobosis viridibus, stylo 
nullo, stigmate sessili lobis 5 profundis acutis. 

This is another of the many handsome species of Alocasia of 
which I can find no description, and lately introduced from the 
Malayan Archipelago. It has been received by Messrs. Hugh Low 
and Son, of the Clapton Nursery, from Borneo. It flowered in 
their stove in January, 1863. It will unquestionably be one of 
the most desirable for cultivation. 

Descr. Root an elongated, perennial, subcylindrical tuber. 
Leaves radical, when of full size 14-16 inches long, 5 inches 
wide in the broadest part, cordato-sagittate, with a very deep 
sinus at the base, forming two large, oblong, obtuse, deflexed 
lobes, acuminate at the apex, very dark-green above, with the 
stout costae and its primary branches or costules as well as the 
margin white, beneath deep-purple. Petioles about equal in 
length to the leaf, terete, inserted at a distance from the bottom 
of the sinus, clothed in the lower half with large sheathing, 
pale-purplish scales. Scape as long as the leaf, terete, white, 
purplish below, sheathed in the lower half with similar scales to 
those of the petiole. Spatha 4^ inches long, white, constricted 
near the base, the base itself, or tubular portion, subglobose, 
the rest of the spatha or lamina oblong, acute, very concave, 
faintly striated. Spadix shorter than the spatha, the base of it 

MAY 1st, 1863. 

occupied by several rather lax, subglobose, green ovaries, one- 
celled, with four ovules, and crowned with a sessile, acutely five- 
lobed, fleshy stigma, the lobes spreading, the apex, for an inch 
and a half in length, clothed with fleshy, yellow, irregularly- 
shaped bodies, abortive stamens. Between these the spadix is 
occupied by the sessile, fleshy anthers, flat at the summit, the 
anther-cells arranged along the side of this connectivum. 

Pig. 1. Spadix, natural size. 2. Pistil. 3. Vertical section of ditto. 4. 
Transverse section of ditto. 5. Anther, with its cells. 6. Transverse section 
of an anther-cell. 7. Abortive stamens :— all more or less magnified. 



^mcent Bnxjks,lmp 

Tab. 5377. 
SAXIFRAGA Fortunei. 

Mr. Fortune s Saxifrage. 

Nat, Orel. Saxifragace.e. — Decandria Digynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx liber v. inferne cum ovarii basi connatus, quinquefidus v. 
5-partitus. Corolla petala 5, perigyna, uuguiculata, sequalia v. interdura inaequa- 
lia. Stamina perigyna ; filamenta subulata, anthera biloculares, lougitudinaliter 
dehiscentes. Ovarium liberum v. serni-inferum, biloculare, placentis dissepi- 
mento adnatis, multiovulatis. Styli 2, distincti vel rarius basi connati ; stig- 
mata subtruncata v. capitata. Capsula semisupera v. tandem libera, bilocu- 
laris, birostris, inter rostra loculicide dehiscens septo utrinque placentifero. 
Semina plurima, ovoidea; testa leevi v. rugosa, adnata. Embryo in axi albu- 
minis carnosi, brevis, subcylindricus, orthotropus. — Herbse perennes habitu multi- 
formi, in hemispharii borealis temperatis et frigidis, imprimis alpiuis, magna spe- 
cierum numero luxuriantes, in summis America tropica jugis rant, in America 
australi extratropica rarissima ; foliis radicalibus sapissime rosulalis ; caulitiis 
allernis v. interdum oppositis, petiolorum basi plerumque dilatata ; iloribus panicu- 
latis v. corpnbosis aid abortu solitariis. Endl. 

Saxifraga Fortunei; sarmentosa ?, foliis radicalibus longe petiolatis reniformi- 
cordatis villosis subseptem-lobatis, lobis rotundatis grosse acuteque laciniato- 
serratis unicoloribus, petiolis basi dilatato-vaginatis, vaginis ciliato-dentatis, 
scapo paniculato inultifloro, floribua albis, petalis inaxmalibus, 4 minori- 
bus lanceolatis integerrimis vel subintegerrimis, quinto (inferiore) valde 
elongate grosse laciniato-serrato. 

Most people, even if they are not botanists, are familiar with 
the pretty Saxifraga sarmentosa of Linnaeus, figured in this 
work at Tab. 92 (published in 1789), and popularly known as the 
Strawberry Saxifrage, still cultivated in many cottage windows, 
but utterly neglected in the gardens of the curious ; a native of 
China and Japan. In those countries, comparatively little yet 
known to botanists, other species allied to it may be looked for. 
Siebold and Zuccarini have already published one such in their 
S. cortuswfotia, from Japan ; and now we have to publish a second, 
among the many discoveries of Mr. Fortune, in Mr. Standish's 
Nursery, Bagshot. The specimen sent by the latter, and here 
figured, does not exhibit any sannentose character, but it will 

-MAY 1st, 1863. 

probably appear when the plants are more advanced. It differs 
in many points from the two species just mentioned, from S. sar- 
mentosa particularly in the pure white flowers and the whole- 
coloured leaves ; but we believe Mr. Standish will soon be able 
to make known a variety with such richly-coloured foliage as 
will throw this normal state, pretty and elegant as it is, quite 
in the background. 


"Vincent Brooks, Imp . 

Tab. 5378. 

ELEMANTHUS Natalensis, Pappe. 

Natal Hcemanthus. 

Nat. Ord. Amaryllidace^e. — Hexandria Monogynia. 
Gen. Char. {Fide supra, Tab. 4745.) 

HjEMANTHUS Natalensis ; caulescens, foliosus, basi squamis 3-4 amplis orbiculari- 
oblongis obtusis amplexantibus arete irabricatis pallide viridibus purpureo- 
punctatis apice femigineo-purpureis, foliis amplis caulinis oblongis acutis 
basi longe vagiiumtibus immaculatis, scapo terminali crasso elongato apice 
praecipue semitereti, involucri hcxaphylli bracteis amplis foliaceis subsequa- 
libus pulchrc femigineo-purpureis umbello subbrevioribus apice undulatis, 
perianthii laciniis erectis Liaearibua viridibus erectis, ovario fructibusque 

ILejiaxthus Natalensis. Pappe> in lift, cum ic. 

This is a charming greenhouse plant. It will be at once 
seen that it is a near ally of our Hamanthm imignis, from the 
same country, figured by us at Tab. 4745 of this work, and be- 
longing to the same group or section characterized by the " folia 
cylindraceo-vaginantia, floris limbo erecto," and no less so by the 
size and rich colouring of their flower-heads. But the present 
one is essentially distinguished by the large beautifully-coloured 
and clotted sheathing scales at the base of the plant, by the 
much longer leaves, by the pale-green colour of the flowers, the 
orange-coloured stamens and styles, and by the nearly uniform 
bracteas of the involucre, of a most rich ferrugineous-purple 
colour, shorter than the flowers. 

It was first made known to us as a native of Natal by the 
lute Dr. Pappe, some years ago, and lately we had the great 
pleasure of receiving bulbs from the same country, from 
Dr. Sanderson, in 1802 ; and they flowered and adorned our 
Cape-bulb house by blossoming in February of the present 
year, 1863. 

Fig. 1. Single flower from the umbel; and 2, pistil: — both magnified. 
may 1st, 1863. 



Tab. 5379. 
SCILLA Natalensis. 

Natal Squill. 

Nat. Ord.' Liliace.e. — Hexandria Monogynia. 
Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tab. 5308.) 

Scilla Natalensis; bulbo crasso ovoideo-subgloboso squamoso, foliis subcoseta- 
neis lineari-lanceolatis (potius lato-lanceolatis) acuminatis acutis, scapo 
erecto tereti foliis longiore, racemo siroplici longo multifloro, bracteii ad 
basin cujusvis subulatis pedicello plane evoluto subpollicari fere dimidio 
brevioribus, floribus pallide et amoene caeruleis, perianthii sexpartiti stellato- 
patentis laciniis ellipticis obtusis, staminum filamentis edentulis subulatis 
albis perianthio brevioribus, ovario ovato triloculari, stylo acuto. Planch. 

Scilla Natalensis. Planch, in II. des Sevres, ser. 1. v. 10. 1. 1043. 

Introduced to Europe by Mr. Van Houtte, from Natal, and 
published in the ' Flore des Serres,' above quoted. M. Planchon 
justly notices its affinity with the Cape Scilla plumhea of Dr. 
Lindley, in Bot. Reg. t. 1355; but, besides the differences 
stated by M. Planchon, that species has very few flowers in the 
raceme, while this is remarkable for its very numerous ones. It 
is a graceful and elegant species ; the pedicels are of the same 
pale-blue colour as the corollas. 

Fig. 1. Fully expanded flower. 2. Pistil -.—magnified. 

may 1st, 1863. ' 



"Vincent Brooks, Imp • 

Tab. 5380. 
HETEROTROPA parviflora. 

Small-flowered Heterotrope. 

Nat. Ord. Aristolochie^e. — Gynandria Dodecandria. 

Gen. Char. Perigonium coloratum, urceolatum, tubo late ventricoso, basi cum 
ovario connato, fauce angustata, annulo introflexo plicato, limbi trifidi 
laciniis cordatis, sestivatione induplicatis. Stamina 12, disco perigyno, ovarii 
parti liberse adnato inserta; 6 exterioribus (stigmatibus opposita) filamentis 
triangularibus, antherarum loculis subintrorsis, cotinectivo submutico interposito 
sejunctis, 6 interiora alterna, filamentis nullis, antherarum sessilium, loculis ex- 
trorsis, connectivo dorsali in acumen lanceolatum producto contiguis. Ovarium 
seini-inferum, sexloculare. Ovula in loculorura angulo centrali plurima, adscen- 
dentia. Styli 6, connati, stellatim expansi, singuli obcordati, inferne stigmati- 
t'eri ; stigmata ovato-attenuata pupillosa. — Herbse Japonicce, habit a A-sari, per- 
ennes ; foliis hints, profunde cordatis, obtusis, albo-maculatis ; floribus axillaribus, 
solitariis vel geminis, breviter pedicellatis, folio abortivo bracteatis, intus sordide 
fmcis, faucis annulo alhido. Endl. 

Heterotropa parviflora ; foliis solitariis cordatis albo-maculatis siivu prof undo 
angusto, floribus solitariis bracteatis, perianthii urceolati tubo supra medium 
constricto iuferue ovali- ventricoso, limbi laciniis late ovatis, bracteis flore 

Received through the kindness of Henry Edward Hoey, Esq., 
of Yokohama, Japan. At first, we supposed it to be identical 
with the Heterotrojja asaroides of Morren and Decaisne, in 
' Annales des Sciences Naturelles/ 2nd Series, vol. ii. p. 314, 
1. 10. But the flowers are half the size of that, almost veined in 
the bracts, quite different in the shape of the perianth (broad 
turbinate in the base of the tube in that), and with quite diffe- 
rent stigmas. I cannot therefore do otherwise than describe 
it as a new species. 

I am aware that Messrs. Morren and Decaisne unite the 
genus Heterotrojja with Amrum, and they are probably correct 

o doing 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Flower laid open to show the interior. 3. Ovary and 
stigmas. 4 and 5. Outer and inner stamens. 6. Style and stigma. 7. Longi- 
tudinal section of ovary. 8. Transverse sectiou of ovary : — all magnified. 

may 1st, 1863. 


- ^7 

^ncentBrooks,I-mp . 

Tab. 5381. 
ZOSTEROSTYLIS arachnites. 

Cobweb Zosterostylis. 

Nat. Ord. Orchidia. — Gynandria Monandria. 

Gen. Char. Sepala sequalia, libera, acuminata, patula. Petala conformia 
minora. Labellum liberum, canaliculatum, sessile, posticum, inappendiculatum, 
columnam intra basin excavatam fovens. Columna brevissima, crassa; clinan- 
drlo trilobo. Antkera ovata, a stigmate fere disjuncta, rostrata, bilocularis, 
loculis discretis. Pollinia 2, biloba. — Herbaj ierrestres, radicibus fasciculatis. 
Folia petiolata. Scapus radicalis vacjinatm. Flores sessiles distantes, bracteis 
conspicuis. Lindl. 

Zosterostylis arachnites. 

Zosterostylis arachnites. Bl. Beitr. p. 418. Tahellen, 32. Lindl. Gen. et Sp. 
Orchid, p. 446. 

Zosterostylis Zeylanica. Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. I.e. Thtcaites, Enum. PL 
Ceyl. p. 312. 

Zosterostylis Walkerse. Wight, Ic. t. 1748. 4. 

Cryptostylis arachnites. Reichenh . fil '. in Bonplandia, 1857, p. 37. 

This interesting Orchideous plant, peculiar to Java * and 
Ceylon, is referred by Dr. Lindley to the tribe Neottiea, and the 
division Cranichidece, and is placed next to Mr. Brown's Austra- 
lian genus Cryptostylis, to which it has perhaps too close an affi- 
nity, as observed by Dr. Lindley, who however considered the 
clinandriwn to be of a different form ; and t lie flowers are singu- 
larly drooping or nutant in Cryptostylis, while they are erect in 
Zosterostylis. My specimens from Ceylon appear to be quite 
identical with those from Java, and there is, I fear, but one 
species of the present genus, if genus it may be considered. 

Descr. Boot fascicled, consisting of a few elongated cylin- 
drical tubers. Leaves long-petioled, ovate, rather sharply acumi- 
nated, striato-nervose, the nerves connected by transverse veins. 
Scape six or eight to eighteen inches high, much sheathed with 
bracteas; the base and the petioles dark-purple. Spike lax, 

JUNK 1ST, I S'Jo. 

three, four, to eight inches long, few or many-flowered. Flowers 
sessile, bracteated. Ovary clavate. Petals linear, dull-green, 
and, as well as the longer sepals, much spreading. Lip erect, 
elliptical-ovate or lanceolate, acute, grooved, more or less pu- 
bescent or arachnoid, yellowish, mottled with dull-purple and 
marked with longitudinal lines of the same colour. Column very 
short, thickly sunk in a cavity at the base of the lip ; its apex 
{clinandrium) three-lobed. 

Fig. 1. Front view of a flower. 2. Narrower form of the lip. 3. Side view 
of the column. 4. Front view of a column. 5. Pollen-masses :— all more or 
less magnified. 


"Vincent Brooks, Imp . 

Tab. 5382. 

Flat-branched Lobe-berry. 

Nat. Orel. Polygone^. — Octandria Trigynia. 

Gen. Char. Flores hermaphroditi. Perigonium, subcoloratum, quinquepartitum, 
subseqnale, demum increscens. Stamina 8,perigonii laciniis exterioribus gemina- 
tim interioribus singillatim opposita, uno inter interiora contigua sito ; Jilamenta 
subulata, basi cohserentia ; antherce globoso-didymse, versatiles. Ovarium trigo- 
num, basi cum perigonio connatum, uniloculare. Oculum unicum basilare, 
orthotropum. Slyli 3, distincti ; stigmatibus capitatis. Caryopsis triquetra, 
spongiosa, perigonio baccato tecta partimque connata. Semen triquetrum, 
erectum. Embryo in axi albuminis farinacei antitropus ; cotyledonibus latiusculis 
undulatis, caudicula supera. — Arbores Americance,frutescentes; rands vaginatis ; 
foliis alternis, sessilibus v. petiolatis ; ochreis herbaceis, oblique truncatis ; floribus 
racemosis v. spiels oppositifoliis elongatis ; bracteis ochreis conformibus. Endl. 

Coccoloba platyclada ; fruticosa, glabra, erecta, ramis complanatis pellucentibus 
subtiliter striatis aphyllis v. dissitis foliatis, foliis membraneis oblongo- v. 
hastato-lanceolatis v. hastatis, bracteis stipulisque perbrevibus margine 
eciliatis, floribus solitariis v. frequentius in fasciculos laterales pauci- v. pluri- 
floros collectis subsessilibus, staminibus inclusis, fructibus parvis ovatis v. 
subglobosis sursura profunde sulcatis, caryopside laavi triquetra. Muell. 

Coccoloba platyclada. Ferd. Mueller, collect. 

Polygonum (Homalocladium) platycladum. F. M. in the Transact. Philos. Inst, 
of Victoria, v. 2. p. 73. 

"This remarkable plant was discovered at Wanderer Bay, Solo- 
mon's Islands, by Mr. Milne, during Captain Denharn's Voyage 
of H.M.S. Herald, and a living specimen of it was communi- 
cated to Messrs. Shepherd, of the Darling Nurseries, of 
Sydney, from whence the plant was received at the Melbourne 
Botanic Garden.* Although naturally growing in swampy lo- 
calities and in a tropical region, we find it not only thriving 
well in ordinary flower-borders, but also resisting the occasional 

* Specimens sent from the above locality to Kew by Mr. Miln ■ arc destitute 
of flower; but the living plants have increased both at Sydney and at Mel- 
bourne, and we have growing plants from both establishments. 

june 1st, 1863. 

light frosts of the winter season at Melbourne. Being throughout 
the year covered with innumerable blossoms, generally inter- 
spersed with bright-red and finally dark-purple berries, we re- 
gard this plant, irrespective of its curious flat, leaf-like ramifica- 
tions, also in a horticultural point of view, as one of the most 
interesting acquisitions of our gardens, and anticipate, that ere 
long it will become a general garden favourite. Grown in the 
conservatory, the plant produces mainly leaves, but continues 
usually flowerless; and when even cultivated in the open air 
in the Australian lowlands, leaves are sparingly or hardly de- 
veloped, whilst instead the flowers are produced in the utmost 
exuberance. Our cultivated plants have as yet never produced 
any fertile seeds, and consequently the generic position of this 
species remains as yet doubtful, especially since no genuine 
species of Coccoloba is hitherto known from the eastern hemi- 
sphere ; and since the habit of our plant is quite at variance with 
any other member of the Order. Indeed it is not improbable 
that our plant is referable to Mueldenbechia, under which name 
it has been distributed from our herbarium, or it may, on future 
examination of the embryonic characters, be proved that the plant 
represents a peculiar genus, to which then the published sec- 
tional name, Homalocladium, may be given. It is most readily 
multiplied from cuttings." — F. Mueller. 

Our plate represents a leafing and a flowering specimen ;— of 
which a beautiful drawing and the above description were com- 
municated by Dr. Mueller. 

Fig. 1. Mower, side view. 2. Front view of ditto. (3 is omitted.) 4 Sta- 
men. 5. Pistil. 6 and 7. Side and front view of a fruit, surrounded by the per- 
sistent perianth. 8. Caryopsis. 9 and 10. The same cut through vertically and 
transversely : — maaniRed. J 

transversely : — magnified. 



Tab. 5383. 
HIGGINSIA Gheisbechti 

Gheisbechfs Higginsia. 

Nat. Ord. TCubiace^e. — Tetrandria Monogynia. 
Gen. Char. (Fida supra, Tab. 5280.) 

Higginsia Gheisbechtii; elata, 3-4-pedalis et ultra, caule ramisque alato-tetra- 
gonis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis supra puberulis velutino-viridi- 
bus subtus purpureo-rubris in petiolis lato-alatis longe decurrentibus per- 
foliatis cum stipulis triangularibus junctis, pedunculis brevibus, cymis axil- 
laribus brevibus aggregatis plurifloris. 

Campylobotrys Gheisbechtii. Linden, Cat. 1863 (name only). 

This handsome stove-plant' was sent to us in 1862, by M. 
Verschaffelt, of Ghent, under the name of Campylobotrys Gheis- 
bechtii ; and it appears in Linden's Catalogue for 1863, but 
with no character or description. It is no doubt a native of 
South America, and probably of New Granada, and is remark- 
able not only for the beauty of the foliage, rich velvety-green 
above and purple beneath, but for the sharply quadrangular stem 
and branches, with a very conspicuous wing at each angle. 

Descr. Suffruticose, two to four feet high when well grown ; 
the tranches green, herbaceous, elongated, and, as well as the 
stem, thick and acutely tetragonal, with a very conspicuous wing 
at each angle. Leaves large, a foot and more long, broad oblong- 
lanceolate, acuminate, entire, much decurrent and attenuated at 
the base, so as to be sessile, or rather perfoliate, for there is no 
perceptible petiole, dark rich velvety-green above, very slightly 
pubescent, dull purple-red beneath, strongly penninerved and sub- 
plicate, the veins very prominent beneath. Stipules short, tri- 
angular, united with the decurrent and perfoliate base of the 
leaves. Peduncles short, axillary, aggregated, bearing small 
cymes of few or several yellow flowers, having a reddish spot in 
the disk. Pedicels very short. Calyx slightly pubescent. Corolla 

JUNE 1st, 18G3. 

with the tube twice as long as the calyx, and the limb of four 
spreading segments, as long as the tube. Style and stamens 

Fig. 1. Entire flower. 2. Calyx and pistil : — magnified. 



ViTicent-Broolts.lmp . 

Tab. 5384. 

ANGULOA Ruckeri. 
Mr. Ruder s Anguloa; blood-coloured var. 

Nat. Ord. Orchide;e. — Gynandria Monandeia. 

Gen. Char. Flores subglobosi, nunquam patentes. Sepala lateralia invicem 
imbricantia, basi valde convexa, nee in cornu producta ; alterum nunc anticum 
nunc posticum, conforme, basi planum. Pelala sepala dorsali sequalia, et similia. 
Labellum coriaceum, unguiculatum, subconvolutum, semivolutum, trilobum, la- 
mina carnosa lata plana, supra medium auctum, hinc quasi bilabiatum. Cohimna 
teres, clavata, libera; clinandrio nunc mutico, nunc lacinia acuta porrecta utrin- 
que acuto. Anthera galeata, valvis membranaceis nunc in lacinulas acutas 
productis. Pollinia 4, plana, insequalia, caudicula longa lineari, et glandula 
acuta. — Herbaa epiphyte, Granatenses et Peruviana, Lycastis/««£. Lindl. 

Anguloa Ruckeri ; pedunculo unifloro radicali squamis infimis imbricatis vagi- 
nato, sepalis subrotundis apiculatis obtusis in globum conniventibus, labelli 
trilobi antici lobis lateralibus obtusis aequalibus medio piloso infundibulari 
bilabiato, labio altero emarginato altera tridentato, columna integra. Lindl. 

Anguloa Ruckeri. Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1846. #.41. 

Var. /3. sanguinea. Lindl. in Gard. Chron. 1854. p. 271. 

The original Anguloa Ruckeri, a native of Columbia, is de- 
scribed and figured by Dr. Lindley, I.e., as " immediately recog- 
nized by its flowers having deep crimson spots, on a yellow 
ground, and a deep crimson lip. The form of the latter again 
approaches that of A. Clowesii, but it is less hairy; and the la- 
teral lobes are blunt, as well as shorter. Moreover, it is not resu- 
pinate, in the common acceptation of the term." Our specimen, 
here represented, instead of having the ground-colour of the 
inside of the flower yellow with red spots, is, except the la- 
bellum, of a deep rich blood-colour, a variety recorded in the 
' Gardeners' Chronicle ' as being in the possession of Messrs. 
Rollison, to whom we are indebted for the plant here figured. 
The size and colour and form of the nWer are very striking. 

Fig I. Label! urn : — hwijnijied. 
JUNE lbT, 1863. 


Yirice: ' 

Tab. 5385. 

JReymonoTs Pleurothallis. 

Nat. Ord. Orchldeve. — Gynandria Monandria. 

Gen. Char. Sepalum dorsale liberum, lateralia ssepe cohserentia, basi in men- 
turn s. gibbulum products. Petala libera nana, v. sepalis subeequalia. Label- 
lum c. basi magis minusve producta columns articulatum, varie tuberculatum v. 
divisum, saspius petalis minus. Columna elongata aut nana, teres aut membra- 
naceo-alata, truncata aut clinandrio membranaceo-marginata ; rostello porrecto, 
piano, erecto, aut elongato-convexo. Anthera terminalis aut subdorsals, oper- 
cularis. Pollinia libera, cereacea, ssepius duo obovata aut pyriformia, raro 4 
(maxima pro parte ignota aut inscripta). — Caules e rhizomate orti, scepissime 
monophylli, subnudi v. arete vaginati, nunc inter muscos in rhizoma serpens quasi 
abscondita (Prorepentes) ; rhizoma nunc elongatum polyphyllum (Caulescentes). 
Folia coriacea. Flores axillares, spathacei, sessiles, solitarii, aut racemosi, nun- 
quam minimi ut in Stelide. Lindl. 

Pleurothallis (Restrepioideae) Reymondi ; folio coriaceo lineari-lanceolato ob- 
tuso acuminato caule breviore, vaginis asperis manicatis, sepalis pubes- 
centibus oblongis dorsali majore antico bifido breviore, petalis bilobis lobo 
altero rotundato altero elongato clavato, " labello oblongo minuto basi con- 
cavo ante excavationem bicornutulo." Lindl. 

Pleurothallis Reymondi. Reichenb. fl. in Walp. Ann. v. 3. p. 520. Lindl. 
Fol. Orchid. Pleurothallis, p. 21. 

Duboisia Reymondi. Karst. in Allg. Gartenz. 1847. p. 394. 

Dubois Reyinoudia palpigera. Karst. in Bot. Zeit. v. 6. p. 397. 

This is one of the most remarkable in the structure of its 
flowers of the numerous species of Pleurothallis, now including, 
according to Reichenbach fils, no less than seventy-eight species. 
Our living plant was received from Mr. Schiller, and it appears 
to have been introduced from the Caraccas by Mr. Wagener, 
who detected it at an elevation of 6000 feet above the level of 
the sea. 

Descr. The root is a creeping rhizome, bearing aggregated, 
rounded, slender, terete, simple stems, ten to twelve inches long, 
clothed with long, pale, straw-coloured, black, setose, cylindrical 

june 1st, 1863. 

sheaths. Leaf carnose, thick, solitarv, terminal, subulate, cari- 
nated at the back, the margins reflexed. Flower small, arising 
from the base of the leaf, sessile, the ovary concealed by a large 
hispid bract. Perianth green, purple within ; dorsal sepal free, 
ovate, convex ; lateral ones ovate, combined into one, which is 
very concave, gibbous at the base ; petals white, spotted with 
dark-purple, linear, reflexed, singularly dilated at the base, each 
terminated by a bivalved, subglobose, almost black lobe ; label- 
lum small suddenly reflexed near the middle, ovate, with a 
blunt tooth at each side, the disk bicarinate : column short, semi- 
terete, the margin winged, bearing a tooth just below the an- 
ther, on each side. 

velntlr 7 VieW ' ? n i?' Slde View of a flmver - 3 - Flower > **«. the sepals 
beZ, r0 S-,T W - \ ? de V CW ° f the Same " 5 - Back of the Petals. 6. La- 
bellum. 7. Side view of the column and anther. 8. Pollen-masses -.-magnified. 

ViicenlBrooks, hup . 

Tab. 5386. 

ASPIDISTRA, punctata: alho-macnlata. 

Dotted-flowered Aspidistra ; spotted-leaved var. 

Nat. Orel. AspiDisTEEiE. — Octandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Flores hermaphroditi, solitarii. Perigonvam corollinum, campa- 
nulatum, 6-8-fidum ; laciniis patentibus. Stamina 6-8, perigonii tubo inserta ; 
filamenta adnata ; anlherne dorso affixae. Ovarium minimum, subcylindricum, 
3-4-loculare. Ooula in loculis 2, superposita, amphitropa. Stylus ovario con- 
tinuus, brevis, crassus ; stigma discoideum, maximum, radiato-triquadrilobum, 
perigonii f'aucem recludens. Fructus . . . . — Herbse acaitles, glabra, in China 
australi ei Japonia observatce ; rhizomate annulato, sobolifero ; folds snbbifariis 
solitariisve, petiolatis, vaginalis, oblongo-lanceolatis, nervoso-str iatis ; peduneulis 
radicalibus unifloris, squamoso-bracteatis ; floribus sordide purpureis. Endl. 

Aspidistra punctata ; rhizomate crasso annulato esquamoso, folds pedalibus et 
ultra longe petiolatis junioribus vaginato-bracteatis, scapis brevibus brac- 
teatis, bracteis (sa?pe) periantbioque octo-lobato pallide viridibus minute 

Aspidistra punctata. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 977. Kth. En. Plant, v. 5. p. 312. 

Var. (3. folds albo-maculatis. (Tab. Nostr. 5386.) 

The flowers of the genus Aspidistra are very curious in struc- 
ture. The present species is a native of China, but hitherto 
only known from Dr. Lindley's figure, above quoted. The va- 
riety here represented is peculiar, from the size of the leaves, 
and from being copiously spotted with pure white. We are in- 
debted for the opportunity of figuring it to Mr. Bull, of Chelsea. 
It probably requires the protection of a greenhouse. It flowers 
in February. 

Descr. Mliizome elongated, annulated, thick, creeping, of a 
pale-grey colour, and in our sample, at least, destitute of scales. 
Petiole three to four inches long, deep-channelled on one side. 
Leaf a foot long, broad, oblong-lanceolate, acuminated, striated 
with veins, which are distinct and wide apart, and further strio- 
lated with much closer, parallel, and much less distinct lines ; in 

june 1st, 1863. 

the present instance very clearly spotted with white, less distinct 
on the under side. Peduncles or scapes rising from the rhizome, 
thick, one to two inches long, clothed with imbricated bracts. 
Perianth carnoso-coriaceous, campanulate, octofid (four lobes 
external and four internal), pale-green, minutely dotted with 
purple or brown on the outside, purplish within ; near the base 
ot the tube are eight, sessile, ovate anthers, and within them a 
small, conical, four-celled ovary, tapering into a short style, and 
crowned with a very large, purple, peltate stigma, wrinkled on 
the surlace and four-lobed at the margin, the lobes bifid 

pekat liilT [Ca 9 T Cti ° n ° f a fl °- Ver ' sh ° win S the »»«**. ovary, and ,reat 
peltate stigma. 2. transverse section of an ovary .— mct[/l ujieJ. 


Tab. 5387. 


Mr. Bateman s Rhododendron. 

Nat. Orel. Ericaceae. — Decandria Monogynia. 
Gen. Char. (Fide supra, Tab. 4336.) 

Rhododendron Batemani; ramulis robustis tomentosis, foliis elliptico-oblongis 
oblongo-lanceolatisve subacutis basi obtusis acutisve supra glabris opacis 
subtus petioloque robusto tenuiter ferrugineo- v. ochreo-tomentellis, capitulis 
dense sub-ll-20-floris, calyce parvo cupulari insequaliter 5-dentato, corolla 
carapanulata 5-loba, lobis patentibus undulatis, staraiaibus 10, ovario 
tomentoso 10-loculari. 

This noble plant is one of the many fine discoveries of 
Mr. Booth, in the Bhotan Himalaya, and was sent by him to his 
relative the late T. Nuttall, Esq., of Nutgrove, Cheshire. From 
his hands it passed into those of James Bateman, Esq., E.L.S., 
of Knypersley Hall, Staffordshire. Mr. Bateman having flowered 
it in the early spring of the present year, liberally presented the 
plant to the Royal Gardens of Kew, where it is now growing in 
the new Winter Garden. As a species, it resembles B. campanu- 
latum (Tab. Nostr. 3759) in certain respects, attaining about the 
same stature, and having the leaves clothed below with similar 
ochreous tomentum ; but the whole habit is far more robust, 
the foliage larger, and much longer and narrower, the stout 
branches tomentose ; the flowers are of a very different colour, 
and it further differs essentially in the ten-celled ovary. 

Descr. A robust shrub four to five feet high at the period of 
its first flowering in this country. Branches as thick as the little 
finger. Branc/dets rather loosely clothed with pale-rusty wool. 
Leaves spreading, very coriaceous, on short, stout, tomentose 
petioles, elliptic- or lanceolate-oblong, subacute, margins rather 
recurved, four to eight inches long, very opaque above, below 
laxly clothed with thin ochreous or rusty-brown soft tomentum 
of stellate hairs, blunt at the base, or narrowed into the petiole. 
july 1st, 1863. 

Head nearly globular, of twelve to twenty closely-placed flowers. 
Peduncles pubescent, about one inch long. Calyx small, cupular, 
with five unequal, acute, subulate, or triangular teeth. Corolla 
two and a half inches across, campanulate, of a deep crimson- 
red colour, the five lobes rounded, spreading, undulate. Throat 
with a few dark blotches posteriorly. Stamens ten, with slender 
filament, and small brown anthers. Ovary terete, tomentose, 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Stamen. 3. Calyx and pistil. 4. Cross section of 
ovary. 5. Portion of under surface of leaf. 6. Hairs from ditto -.—all but 
Fig. 1, magnified. 



VmcentBrocks, Imp 

Tab. 5388. 
ORNITHOGALUM capitatum. 

Capitate Ornithogalum. 

Nat. Ord. Asphodele.e. — Hexandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Perigonium hexaphyllum, foliolis patentibus. Stamina 6, hypo- 
gyna; filamenta subulata. Ovarium triloculare. Omla in loculis plurima bise- 
riata, horizon talia, anatropa. Stylus triqueter, rectus. Stigma obtusum, trigo- 
num. Capsula membranacea, obtuse trigona, trilocularis, apice loculicido-dehis- 
cens. Semina in loculis pauca, subglobosa v. angulata, testa atra rugosa, hinc 
rhaphe percussa. Embryo axilis, dimidii albuminis longitudine, extremitate 
radiculari umbilicum attingente. — Herbse bidbosce, in Europa imprimis Mediter- 
ranea et in Capite Bonce Spei indigence ; racemo corymboso, scapo terminante, pedi- 
cellis bracteis membranaceis suffultis, floribus albis. Endl. 

Ornithogalum capitatum ; bulbo subgloboso, foliis lineari-loriformibus modice 
acuminatis carinatis demum elongatis planiusculis, scapis subspithamseis, 
corymbis multifloris umbellato-capitatis hemisphasricis, pedicellis brevibus, 
bracteis ovatis subtus medio gibbosis valde concavis, floribus parvis albis 
extus dorso purpureis, sepalis oblongis basi erectis demum patenti-reflexis, 
filamentis lato-subulatis erectis. 

One of the many bulbous plants lately sent by Mr. Cooper 
from the interior of the Cape Colony, and which have been 
presented by W. Wilson Saunders, Esq., to the Royal Gardens 
of Kew, where it produced its dense capitate corymb, or umbel 
of small, but very pretty white and purple flowers, in a warm 
greenhouse in February, 1863. We have in vain searched for 
any described species corresponding with it. 

Descr. Bulb tunicated, globose, about an inch and three- 
quarters in diameter. Leaves, at the time of the flowering of 
the plant, five to six inches long, erecto-patent, linear-oblono-, 
moderately acuminated, carinate, at length much elongated and 
plane, a foot and more long, half an inch wide, linear-loriform. 
Scape, one or two from the same bulb, six to eight inches long, 
four lines wide, terete, green, narrower, and tinged with purple 
upwards. Corymb an inch and a half or rather more broad, 
convex, of numerous, small, subcapitate_/fo?06T6\ Pedicels short, 

july 1st, 1863. 

bracteated at the base, the bracieas ovate, very convex, and 
even saccate near the middle. Perianth five lines broad ; sepals 
oblong, suberect at the base, thence patenti-reflexed, pure white 
within, but with a dark purple dorsal line, at length, in wither- 
ing, wholly purple. Stamens broad-subulate, erect. Anthers 
didymous. Ovary ovate, obtuse, obscurely six-lobed. Style 
filiform. Stigma, three-lobed. 

Kg. 1. A fully-grown leaf,— natural size. 2. Flower, pedicel and bractea. 
3. Stamen. 4. Pistil. 5. Transverse section of ovary : — more or less magnified. 



Vincent BrooJrs,Imp 

Tab. 5389. 

MEYENIA Vogeliana. 

VogeVs Meyenia. 

Nat. Ord. AcanthacEjE. — Didynamia Angiospermia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx parvus, 5-12-lobus, bracteolis duabus magnis inclusis. 
Corolla infundibuliforinis, fauce sensim ampliata, tubo brevissimo intus annulo 
piloso clauso, limbo aequali. Stamina 4, didynama ; anthene apice barbatae, 
biloculares, superiorum loculis insequalibus, altero magis supero divergente latere 
tomentoso, inferiorum parallelis subsequalibus, basi muticis. Stigma membranaceo- 
dilatatum, bilabiatum, labiis bilobis. Capsula e basi tumidula conico-attenuata, 
ad basin bilocularis, tetrasperma, dissepimento persistente, valvis adnato, ad axin 
lignoso, dissohxbili. Semina (immatura) slropkiolo cupuliformi solubili spongioso 
suffulta. — Plantae Indices vel Africa occidentalis tropicce. Caulis scandens vet 
erectus. Folia opposita, integerrima vel dentata. Flores axillares, pedunculati. 

Meyenia Vogeliana; glabra, ramis erectis, foliis petiolatis oblongo-ovatis 
acuminatis serrato-dentatis, bracteis araplissimis ovatis carnosis corollas 
tubo plusquam dimidio longioribus, calycis lobis filiformi-elongatis sub- 

Thunbergia Vogeliana. Benth. in Hook. Fl. Nigrit. p. 470. Anders. Afr. 
Acanth. in Journ. of Proc. of Linn. Soc. v. 7. p. 18. 

A most lovely plant, native of Fernando Po ; first detected 
by Dr. Vogel, after whom Mr. Bentham named the species, and 
since by our indefatigable collector Mr. Gustav Mann. In 
many respects it has considerable affinity with the Meyenia 
erecta, Benth., from Cape Coast, figured at our Tab. 5013 ; but 
this is much more beautiful, with much larger and serrated leaves, 
and larger flowers, with exceedingly large bracts, more than half 
the length of the tube of the corolla, and very thick and fleshy. 
The calyx, too, has much longer segments of the limb. It bears 
copious flowers in our stove in May. 

Having adopted the genus Meyenia for the M. erecta, I have 
thought it better to refer this to the same genus, though Dr. 
Anderson, our best authority for Acanthaceous plants, considers 
it in no way distinct from Thunbergia ; and, certainly, the ori- 
ginal Indian species of Meyenia, M. Hawtayniana of Nees, has 
july 1st, 1863. 

the flowers of our two Meyenia, but not the climbing habit of 
so many species of Thunbergia, in which genus Dr. Wallich and 
Mr. Thwaites place it. 

Fig. 1. Base of the tube of the corolla, exhibiting the stamens. 2. A superior 
anther. 3. Calyx and pistil. 4. Ovary and hypogynous gland. 5. Transverse 
section of ovary -.—magnified. 

„, m '- 1 


^rice-ritBrooksJ rn p- 

Tab. 5390. 

Scapigerous Nephelaphyllum. 

Nat. Ord. Orchidejj:. — Gynandria Monandria. 

Gen. Char. Sepala et petala lateralia, lineari-oblonga v. lanceolata, pateutia 
v. reflexa. Labellum liberum, anticum v. posticum, basi obtuse calcaratum, in- 
tegrum v. lobatum, in axi cristatum v. appendiculatum. C'olumna semiteres. 
Anthem terminalis, 2-4-locularis. Pollinia 8, subquadrata, sequalia v. inaequa- 
lia, quaternatim connexa. — Herbae Indices, terrestres, glabra, caulescentes v. 
scapigerae, caule vaginato. Folia petiolata, petiolo medio articulato, ovata v. cor- 
data. Scapus terminalis, flores laxe racemosi. 

Nephelaphyllum scapigerum ; foliis ovato-cordatis acuminatis concoloribus, 
scapo aphyllo vaginato, floribus laxe racemosis, sepalis petalisque lateralibus 
lineari-oblongis viridibus purpureo-lineatis, labello antico conice calcarato 
obovato-oblongo acuto recurvo, medio 3-lamellato, flavo maculis purpureis 
disco albo basinque versus ornato, columna immarginata. 

This singular and beautiful little Orchid differs much from 
its congeners in the anticous position of the labellum, the coni- 
cal spur, and the bright colouring of the flower. It was im- 
ported from Borneo by Messrs. Low and Sons, of Clapton, to 
whom we are indebted for the specimen here figured. The 
specific name was derived from the fact of the flowering scape, 
where it emerged from the earth of the pot, being leafless and 
distant from the rest of the plant; there is, however, no real 
difference in mode of growth between this and the other species 
of the genus. 

Descr. Stem subterranean, creeping, covered, as are the 
petioles and scapes, with loose, membranous, elongate, reticu- 
lated vaginae. Leaf 3-4 inches long, of a uniform green on 
both surfaces, rather paler below, nowhere clouded nor spotted, 
blade ovate-cordate, acuminate. Scape about as long as the 
leaves, about four-flowered. Flowers one inch across. Sepals and 
vetals narrow, linear-oblong or lanceolate, oblong, acuminate, 
pale yellow-green, with three purple stripes. Lip anticous, ter- 

july 1st, 1863. 

minatmg behind in a short conical spur, lamina broadly obovate- 
oblong, acute, recurved, with three longitudinal lamella?, white 
towards the base, with purple spots and blotches, golden-yellow 
from the middle to the tip. Column rather short, without wings, 
spotted with purple in front. — /. D. H. 

Fig. 1. Ovary and column. 2. Pollinia. 3 and 4. Lip :— all magnified. 



Vmcerit Brodks.Imp 

Tab. 5391. 


Thick-stemmed Eria. 

Nat. Ord. Orchide.e. — Gynandria Monandria. 

Gen. Char. Sepala semipatentia v. clausa, insequalia, extus lanata v. glabra, 
lateralibus basi valde obliquis, cum pede columnse connatis calcar aamulantibus. 
Petala sepalo superiori sequalia v. minora. Labellum cum basi producta, columnse 
articulatum, trilobum, raro subintegrum, cucullatum, disco calloso v. cristate 
Columna basi longe producta. Jnthera terminalis, bilocularis, loculis obsolete 
4-locellatis. Pollinia 8, nunc omnino libero, nunc materie elastica glandulam 
mentiente cohasrentia. — Herbse in arboribus crescentes ; caulibus carnosk," vagi- 
nalis, cicatricibus foliorum notatis. Folia scepius plicata. Racemi simplices, 
erecti, bracteis sapius dilatatis. Flores nunc conspicui. Lindl. 

Ekia obesa; foliis (terminalibus binis lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis striatim 
venosis), caulibus crassis ovalibus, sepalis petalisque lanceolatis acutis sub- 
glabris, labelli trilobi ecallosi lobis lateralibus obsoletis rotundatis, inter- 
medio ovali retuso, racemis paucifloris pubescentibus, bracteis ovato-lanceo- 
latis pedicello capsularum longissimarum vix sequalibus. Lindl. 

Eria obesa. Lindl. in Wall. Cat. n. 1976. Gen. et Sp. Orchid, p. 68 ; and in 
Lot. Reg. 1844, tinder t. 29. Reichenb. fil. in Walp. Annal. Bot. v. 6. 

p. 277. 

Of this now really extensive Indian genus fifty-two species are 
enumerated by Reichenbach, fil., in Walpers's ' Annales Botanices,' 
above quoted ; — the present species among them, which, if not 
among the most showy of them, is a very neat and pretty one, 
and was discovered at Martaban by Dr. Wallich, afterwards at 
Moulmeine and Mergui by Griffith. Our specimens here figured 
were communicated by the Rev. C. S. P. Parish, Moulmeine, to 
the Royal Gardens in 1859, and they flowered in a warm stove 
there in February, 1863. Lindley's specific character well ac- 
cords with our plant; but in a note he says the pseudobulbs 
are about twenty-seven inches long, much smaller than any of 
ours, but ours may in time become thus elongated. 

Descr. Stems or pseudobulbs, in our plant two to three inches 
long, and one inch broad in the thickest part, oblong oval, taper- 
july 1st, 1863. 

ing at each end, marked with transverse rings or articula- 
tions, which have the remnants of membranaceous scales attached 
to them, and are striated longitudinally, sometimes reticulated. 
Leaves two, terminal. Racemes from the leafless pseudobulbs, 
three or four from each, arising from the apex or from the arti- 
culations, three to four inches long, copiously bracteated with 
oval, large, reflexed, purplish-green bracts. Pedicels elongated, 
slender, much longer than the bracts. Flowers white, scarcely 
tinged with pale-pink, very much resembling those of Dendro- 
bium. Labellum oblong, obscurely three-lobed, lateral lobes sub- 
obsolete, the disk crested for nearly its whole length with three 
elevated lamellae. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Column and lip. 3. Front view of the column, with its 
uecurrent base. 4. Lip -.—magnified. 



"Vincent Brooks,! 1 "? 

Tab. 5392. 
CALCEOLARIA punctata. 

Spotted Calceolaria. 

Nat. Ord. Scrophularinej:. — Diandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx basi ovario subadhaerens, 4-pavtitus, laciniis valvatis. 
Corolla tubus ; limbus concavus, 2-lobus, lobis integris v. calciformibus, su- 
periore ssepius minore inferiorem vulgo inflatum sestivatione vel margines angus- 
tissime obtegente. Stamina 2, lateralis, prope basin corolla? inserta ; antherce 2- 
loculares v. dimidiatse. Stylus simplex, apice non incrassato. Ovarium disco 
tenui irapositum. Capsula ovato-conica, septicide dehiscens, valvis 2-fidis, mar- 
ginibus inflexis columnam placentii'erara nudantibus. Semina perplurima. — 
Herbse v. suffrutices. Folia opposita v. verticillata, rarissime altema. Pedun- 
culi septus cymoso-multiflori. Corolla alba, plana, v. purpurascens. Benth. 

Calceolaria punctata ; suffruticosa, erecta, ramulis tenuiter pubescentibus, 
foliis petiolatis ovatis profunde dupli-triplicato-dentatis basi in petiolura an- 
gustatis puberulis glabratisve subtus pallidis, panicula laxa floril)unda, 
calycis laciniis ovatis acutis, corolla? labiis alte connatis subsequalibus, in- 
feriore apice brevissime involute 

Calceolaria punctata. Vahl, Enum. v. I. p. 177. Benth. in DC. Prod. v. 10. 
p. 206. 

Jovellana punctata. Ruiz and Pav. PI. Per. v. I. p. 13. t. 18. 

BjEA punctata. Pers. Syn. v. \. p. 15. 

This remarkable form of Calceolaria belongs to the small sec- 
tion including C. violacea (see Tab. nostr. 4929) called Jovellana 
by Ruiz and Pavon, in which the lips of the corolla are nearly 
equal, and neither of them saccate. It is a very ornamental spe- 
cies, a native of the southern provinces of Chili, and was intro- 
duced by Mr. Richard Pearce, the well-known and most success- 
ful collector for Messrs. Veitch and Co., of Exeter and King's 
Road, Chelsea. 

Descr. A tall, branched herb, shrubby at the base, every- 
where minutely pubescent. Leaves opposite, petioled, ovate or 
oblong-acute, narrowed into the petiole at the base, deeply 
doubly and trebly toothed along the margin, rugose or wrinkled 
with impressed veins, two to three inches long. Panicles erect, 

AUGUST 1st, 1863. 

spreading, very many flowered. Calyx lobes ovate, acute. Corolla 
broadly campanulate, two inches and a third long, with two 
short, spreading, rounded, nearly equal lips, the lower slightly 
involute at the margin, pale-lilac, spotted with purple at the base, 
the lower lip yellow on the disk. Stamens small, at the base of 
the tube. 

Pig. 1. Portion of leaf. 2. Calyx and ovary. 3. Corolla laid open: — all 



Vincent Brootca Imp- 

Tab. 5393. 
CRASSULA rosularis. 

Sprcading-leaved Crassula. 

Nat. Ord. Crassulaceje. — Pentandria Pentagynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx profunde 5-fidus v. 5-partitus, rarius 6-9-partitus, laciniis 
erectis v. patentibus. Fetala 5, rarius 6-9, libera v. basi connata, erecta, patentia 
v. recurva, apicibus glandulosis. Stamina 5, rarius 6-9, petalis breviora. Squama 
hypogynae, varise. Ovaria 5, rarius 6-9, in stylos breves attenuata, stigmatibus 
capitellatis. Folliculi 5, polyspermi. — Sutfrutices fruticeswe, rarius herbse, plus 
minus crassce v. carnosce. Folia opposita, connata v. dense rosulata, rarius pe- 
tiolata, stepius cartilagineo-serrulata. Flores scepius parti, albi Jiavi v. rubri, 
in cymas varie dispositi. • * 

Crassula rosularis; herbacea, estolonifera ; foliis omnibus radicalibus dense 
rosulatis patentibus imbrieatis oblongo-laneeolatis ligulatis v. spathulatie 
planis glabris cartilagineo-ciliatis, pedunculis scapiformibus erectis striatis, 
cymis oppositis multifloris subcapitatis, bracteis lineari-oblongis, floribus 
parvio albis, petalis patentibus acutis. 

Crassula rosularis. Harv. Rev. p. 13. Harv. andSond. Fl. Cap. v. 2. p. 350. 

One of the many curious succulents once so generally culti- 
vated in our greenhouses, but which have of late years either 
been banished from our houses or are confined to botanical esta- 
blishments. Whether these will ever attain their former popu- 
larity is doubtful, though when we consider the remarkable 
forms they assume, and that their fine evergreen foliage is as 
ornamental in our houses in winter as in summer, we cannot 
doubt that they will again claim an honourable place in the 
conservatory. As it is, few places are more attractive to the 
winter visitors to the Royal Gardens than its richly-stored suc- 
culent-house. The present species is a native of South Africa, 
extending from Natal to Graham's Town, from whence the plants 
from which our figure was taken were sent by our valued friend 
Henry Button, Esq., of Graham's Town. 

Descr. A glabrous perennial, with creeping rhizome sending 
out no stolons. Leaves densely crowded into radical rosulate 

AUGUST 1st, 1363. 

crowns, linear-spathulate, subacute, plane, thick and fleshy, with 
minute cartilaginous cilia at the edges. Scapes numerous, stout, 
erect, bearing numerous opposite, pcduncled, subcapitate, very 
many flowered cymes. Flowers very small, white. Petals oblong, 

Fig. 1. Margin of leaf. 2. Flower. 3. Ditto, calyx removed. 4. Ovary 
and squamulce : — all magnified. 



' -'■• 

Vincent Brooks, Imp. 

Tab. 5394. 
ANCHOMANES Hookeri; var. pallida. 

Hookerian Jnchomanes ; pale-flowered var. 

Nat. Ord. AitoiDEiE. — Mon<ecia Monandria. 

Gen. Char. Spatha elongata, lineari-oblonga, modice cucullata, tota aperta, 
tubo vix ullo. Spadlx spatha brevior, androgyna, floribus continuis. Ovaria 
subquadrata, in stylum crassum conico-elongatum decurvum asperum producta, 
stigmate sub-2-lobo 1-loculari. Ovulum basilare v. subbasilare, sessile, ortho- 
tropum ? Antlierce late quadratse, vertiee planar, depressse, loculis 4 per paria oppo- 
sitis, sub vertiee connectivi rimula dehiscentes. — Rhizoma crassum, tuberosum, 
annulatum. Folium serotinum, petiolo elongato stricto tereti aculeato, lamina 
ternata, divisuris patentibus pinnatis, pinnis 2-3-jugis ovatis v. obovato-cuneatis 
acuminatis sepalibus membranaceis. Pedunculus aculeolatus. Spatha acuminata, 
pallide v. profunde luride purpurea. Spadix crassus, parte macula elongata 
alba, floribus fcemineis purpurea. 

Anchomanes Hookeri. Schott, Prodr. Aroid.p. 134. 

Caladium petiolatum. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3728. 

Var. pallida ; planta quam typica major, pedunculo petioloque magis aculeato, 
spatha spithamaea pallide purpurea, viridi suffusa. 

Of this very remarkable Aroideous plant the tubers were sent 
from Fernando Po by the indefatigable Government Botanist and 
Collector for the Royal Garden, Mr. G. Mann. At first they 
were supposed to belong to an entirely new species, but a care- 
ful comparison with the J. Hookeri, figured at Tab. 3718 as 
Caladium petiolatum, also from Fernando Po, has induced us to 
consider it as a very large pale-flowered and more aculeate 
variety of that plant. Whether in flower or leaf, the plant is 
a most remarkable one : the spathes open in May, reared on the 
summit of a slender, prickly peduncle, two to three feet high, 
and blotched with purple and green. In the following July the 
single leaf appears, the petiole of which is longer, more prickly 
ami slender than the peduncle, and bears horizontally on its 
summit the three-parted lamina, each of which is pinnated, and 
has two to three pairs of leaflets ; each of the lateral leaflets 

ALOIS! 1st, 1S63. 

gradually attains a size of six inches, and the terminal ones even 
a foot and a half, when the whole dies down to the ground, the 
tuber remaining dormant throughout the winter. 

Tig. 1. Tuber and base of peduncle. 2. Spatha and spadix :— both of nat. 
she. o and 4. Ovaries. 5. Longitudiual section of ditto. 6. Stamen. 7. 
Transverse section of ditto -.—all magnified. A reduced sketch of the leaf is seen 
on the right of the Plate. 



Vincent Brooks , Imp ■ 

Tab. 5395. 

Spat'lum, or Reviving Lewisia. 

Nat. Ord. Portulace.e. — Polyandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx ampins, snbseptempartitus, segmentis interioribus late 
obovatis 2 exterioribus oppositis bracteiformibus omnibus herbaceo-membra- 
naceis. Petala numerosa, ante anthesin contorta, subinaequalia, patentia. Sta- 
mina numerosa, hypogyna; fdamenta gracilia ; antheris extrorsis, erectis, linearibus. 
Ovarium subglobosnm ; stylus columnaris; stigmata 8, lineari-filiformia, pubes- 
centia. Capsula globoso-membranacea, unilocularis, basin versus circumscissa. 
Semina numerosa, erecta, funiculata, receptaculo carnoso centrali inserta, al- 
bumine farinaceo ; embryo horizontalis, curvatus, externus. — Hcrba carnosa, 
boreali-occidentali- Americana. Padix fusiformis, lignosa, edulis ; foliis radiculi- 
tis, carnosis, teretibus, glaucis, stellato-patentibus ; scayHsbrevibns, \-bifloris, brac- 
teolis subulatis involucratis ; flore maximo pulcherrime roseo. 

Lkwisia rediviva. 

Lewisia rediviva. Ph. Tl. Am. v. 2. p. 368. Hoole. Bot. Misc. p. 344. t. 70, 

and Book and Am. in Bot. Beech Toy. Suppl. p. 334. t. 86. Torr. and Cray, 

Fl. N. Am. ». 2. p. 177. 
Xnr.Jlore albo. 
Lewisia alba. Kellog, in Proc. of Calif. Acad, of Nat. Sc. 1861. t. 36. 

We have at length the satisfaction of giving a figure, from a 
living plant, of Lewisia rediviva, or Spaflum of the Indians of 
North-west America, of which hitherto little has been known, 
save what is derived from dried specimens : and in so succulent 
a plant the distinguishing characters are very apt to be fallacious. 
The specific name, " rediviva" is given by Pursh in consequence 
of the root, long preserved in the herbarium, and apparently 
dead, having been planted, revived in a garden in Philadelphia. 
We have ourselves had dried specimens, preserved two or more 
years in the herbarium, still sending up fresh crops of leaves. 
The specimen from which our figure was taken at Kew, is one 
of many which, when gathered with a view of being preserved for 
the herbarium, in British Columbia, by Dr. Lyall, R.N., of the 
Boundary Expedition, was immersed in boiling water on ac- 
count of its well-known tenacity of life. More than a year and a 

august 1st, 1863. 

half after, it notwithstanding showed symptoms of vitality, and 
produced its beautiful flowers in great perfection in May of the 
present year, in the Royal Gardens of Kew. It is now ascer- 
tained to be a native of California, probably far in the interior 
and on the high mountains ; but that is not stated by Dr. Kellog, 
who has given an excellent figure of a white-flowered variety in 
the Proceedings of the Californian Academy of Natural Sciences, 
above quoted. 

Descr. Boot a thick woody (but internally subfarinaceous) 
rootstock or rhizome, much eaten by the natives of North-western 
America, and very generally kept dried in bags for the purpose : 
the summit scarcely rises above the surface of the ground, and 
is crowned with numerous terete, glabrous, and glaucous leaves, 
two inches long, subacute. Scapes from the centre of the leaves 
one to two inches long, single or two-flowered, jointed below the 
calyx, and there bearing a circle of six to seven small, subulate 
bracts. Calyx of six to seven imbricated unequal segments, of 
which the two outer and smallest are opposite and bracteiform. 
Corolla two and a half to three inches across, bright rose-colour, 
of many spreading petals. Stamens, pistil, and capsules as de- 
scribed in the generic character. 

Fig. 1. Peduncle, calyx, and pistil. 2. Pistil. 3. Transverse, and 4, ver- 
tical section of the ovary, showing the receptacle of the seeds, ovules, and 
podosperms : — magnified. 


W T'lLch.del et lith 

"\5r\cent Brooks, Imp 

Tab. 5396. 


Pyramidal Groundsel. 

Nat. Ord. Composite. — Syngenesia Superflua. 

Gen. Char. Capitulum homogamum discoideum aut heterogamum, /. radii 
bgulatis foemineis. Livol. 1-serialis nunc nudi nunc squamellis 'accessoriis 
calyculati squamae ssepius apice sphacelates, margine subscariosae, dorso frequenter 
binervatse. Recept. epaleaceum nudum alveolatmnve. Styli fi. hermaphr. rami 
truncati, apiceque solo penicellati ! Achanium erostre exalatum teretiusculum 
aut sulcato-angulatura. Pappus pilosus, pluriserialis, caducus, setis rectis sub- 
sequalibus tenuissirais vix scabris.— Herbse aut fruticea innumeri, polymorph.. 
Species per totum orbem terrarum divulgate, sed eadem in pluribus regionibus vix 
occurrences. Folia alterna, in 2 (dubiis) opposita. Capitula solitaria corymbosa 
vel paniculata. Cor. disci fere semper lutea, rarissime purpurea, nunquam nisi 
culta alba ! Ligulae etiamflava, rarius purpurascevtes aut alba. Be Cand. 

SvKvcio pyramidatus ,■ caule basi suffruticoso-carnoso superne elongato aphyllo 
tomentoso, foliia ad basin coni'ertis sessilibus teretiusculis carnosis cum 
caule glabns araneosisve, racemo thyrsoideo elongato, pedicellis bracteolatis, 
capituhs radiatis circiter 60-floris, mvolucro sublanato pauce calyculato lieu- 
lis 10-12, achaeniis glabris. Be Cand. 

Senecio pyramidatus. Be Cand. Prodr. v. G. p. 402. 

Professor De Candolle, so long ago as 1837, enumerated no 
less than a hundred and seventy-eight species of the genus Se- 
necio, natives of extratropical South Africa, out of the^fivc hun- 
dred and ninety-six he has described ; and, no doubt, Drs. Harvey 
and Sonder will be able considerably to increase the number in 
the forthcoming volume of their 'Flora Capensis.' Many of them, 
as is the case in the present instance, are remarkable for the num- 
ber and size of the flowers, and not a few for their glaucous, en- 
tire, fleshy, and cylindrical leaves (Xteinoidei, DC). S. pyrami- 
datus is perhaps among the most ornamental of the genus, and 
appears to have been first detected by Ecklon and Zeyher at 
Uitenhage, and since found by Henry Hutton, Esq., to whom 
we are indebted for our living plant. Its flowers are produced 
in June. 

aigust 1st, 18C:J. 

Descr. Whole plant very glaucous and more or less cob- 
webby. Stem, in our plant, rather short, succulent, suffruticose, 
copiously leafy below, very sparsely so above. Leaves three to 
four to five inches long, terete, thicker than a writing-pen, 
straight or slightly curved, acute at the apex, scarcely attenu- 
ated at the base. Flowers large, full yellow, two inches in dia- 
meter, numerous, forming an elongated, compound, thyrsoid ra- 
ceme or panicle. Pedicels bracteated, with small woolly scales. 
Florets of the disk and the ray as is common to the genus. 
Achcenia glabrous. 

Fig. 1. Floret of the ray. 2. Floret of the disk:— magnified. 


IV Titch, del et lith . 

"Vincent Brooks, Imp- 

Tab. 5397. 
ophelia umbellata. 

Umbellate Ophelia. 

Nat. Ord. GENTIANEiE. — Pentandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx 5-4-partitus, segmentis ima basi conncxis valvaribus. Co- 
rolla marcescens, rotata, 5-4-partita, plicis coronaque continua destituta, supra 
basim foveis glanduliferis nunc nudis nunc squaraula ssepius fimbriata tectis, et 
margine hinc fimbriatis instructa. Stamina 5, 4 corollas fauci inserta, fi lament is 
nunc basi dilatatis monadelphis nunc basi aequalibus liberis. Antherce incum- 
bentes, nutantes, sgepius virescentes. Ovarium uniloculare, ovulis suturse insertis 
plurirais. Stigmata bina, terminalia, brevia, ssepius revoluta, stylo nullo vel brevi. 
Capsula bivalvis, septicida, unilocularis, placentis nunc spongiosis suturalibus 
nunc juxta suturas expansis. Semina placentis immersa, uumerosissima, minima, 
plerumque exalata. — Herbee fere omnes Imaicolce, annua v. rarius perennes, 
stricta, ramosce, paniculate, interuodiis subcet/ualibus foliis oppositis, cymis extre- 
mis Hmbellifonnibus, hinc contractu. Griseb. 

Ophelia umbellata ; annua erecta subpedalis glabra, superne paniculato-raraosa, 
foliis subsessilibus inferioribus obovato-spathulatis, intermediis ovatis acutis 
supremis minoribus lanceolato-acuminatis omnibus 3-subquinquenerviis, pa- 
nicuke ramis ultimis umbellatis, floribus tetrameris albis ca3ruleo tinctis, 
calycibus lato-subulatis, corolla? segmentis lato-lanceolatis acutissimis 3—5- 
nerviis basi poro orbiculari margine elevato ciliato. 

Ofhelia umbellata. Wight, III. of Ind. Bot. v. 2. p. 175 (name only, no descrip- 
tion), t. 175. b. III. A. (ultimate umbel and analysis only). 

Ophelia is a very pretty genus of the Natural Order Genti- 
anece, and nearly allied to Swertia, established by Don, and now 
including many species, all natives of the Old World, chiefly in 
Himalaya and hilly regions of other parts of India. The species 
are difficult of discrimination ; and Dr. Wight assures us that 
the form and structure of the pore at the base of the corolline 
segment, together with its appendages, afford some of the best 
distinguishing characters. A nearly allied species to this is 
figured at Tab. 4489 of this work, where it will be seen that the 
pore is of a very different structure from that which is here 

AUGUST 1st, 1863. 

represented, and the colour of the flowers is very different too. 
Ophelia umhellata is nowhere described that I am aware of; but 
our plant exactly corresponds with original specimens we possess 
from Dr. Wight, gathered in the Nilgherries, whence also we 
derived our plant now cultivated at Kew. It flowers in June. 

rt?" l ' Se & ment of tne c °ro]la, showing the pore at its base, and one stamen. 
2. Ovary : — magnified. 


Tab. 5398. 


Australian JBowenia. 

Nat. Ord. Cycade^e. — Dicecia Polyandria. 

Gen. Char, Mores amenta cei. Ament. masc.: parva, ovoidea, obtusa. Squa- 
ma late obovato-cuneata?, vix stipitatse, crassiusculse, apice dilatatse truncatae et 
tomentosae. Antherce basin versus squamae utrinque aggregatse, confertaa, sub- 
numerosae, minutae, 1-lqculares, rima longitudinal! dehiscentes. Ament. fcem. 
ignota. — Planta elata; caudice brevi, crasso, suhcylindraceo, pro maxima parte 
terra abscondito, lenticellis magnis notato, folia 1-2 ampla apice emiltente. Folia 
longe et gracile petiolata ; petiolo teretiwculo, ima basi tantum lanuginosa; 
lamina bipinnatisecla , circumscriptione suborbiculari, ampla; racbi ramisque gra- 
cilibus, patentibns; pinnulis oblique falcato-lanceolatis, breviter petiolatis petio- 
lulis dccurrentibus cum rachi non articulatis, longe caiidato-acuminatis, integer- 
rimis v. unidentatis, flaccidis, utrinque late viridibus, venis parallelis parce 
anastomosantibm. Ament. masc.: solitaria, breviter stipitata, -|-f vnc. longa. 
Hook. fit. 

Bowenia apectabilis. Hook. v/x. 

With the exception of Stangeria paradoxa (Tab. nostr. 5121), 
no more remarkable Cycadeous plant has been discovered than 
the subject of our present Plate, and like that plant it differs 
from every member of its Order in the nature of its leaves, which 
present remarkable analogies with those of the Ferns ; whereas, 
however, the anomalous character of Stanaeria is afforded by 
the venation of the pinnules, which so exactly simulated those 
of a Lomaria, that two authors had (unknown to one another) 
referred it to that genus. The resemblance in the case of 
JBowenia is in some respects carried further, inasmuch as the leaf 
is not simply pinnate, as in Slangeria and other Cycadea, but 
decompound, like a Marattia. 

The discoverer of this singular plant was the late Allan Cun- 
ningham, from whom we received upwards of forty years ago a 
portion of a frond, collected at the Endeavour river (lat. 15°S.) 
in 1819, and referred by him provisionally to AroideaiBracontiam 
polyphyllum, ins.). Nothing, however, was known further of it till 

SEPTEMBER 1 ST. 1 ^ Bo. 

Mr. Walter Hill, the zealous and able head of the Brisbane Bo- 
tanic Garden, rediscovered it in Rockingham Bay, and sent a 
young living plant, with full-grown dried leaves and a male cone, 
to the Royal Gardens, Kew, in 1S63. From these materials the 
Plate and description have been made ; and, in accordance with 
Mr. Hill's desire as well as our own, we have have attached the 
name of the present enlightened Governor of Queensland (Sir 
George F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., Captain and Governor-in-Chief), 
to the genus, in recognition no less of that officer's position as 
Governor of the district of Australia, in which the plant was 
found, than of his liberal encouragement of botany, and of Mr. 
Hill's exertions in particular. 

As a genus, the most prominent character of Bowenia is the 
compound leaf, its general characters (all but shape), texture, 
and venation ; the leaflets do not differ from those of Macrozamia, 
and are so very similar to those of some West Indian Zamias, 
that it is difficult to distinguish them generically, except that in 
Bowenia the leaflet is decurrent by the petiole, and not articu- 
late with the rachis. The habits of growth, caudex, etc., en- 
tirely accord with that of the South America Zamias, as does 
the male amentum ; the female amentum and fruit are both 
at present unknown, but we trust ere long they will be detected 
and published. Hooh.fil. 

Fig. 1. Reduced figure of entire plant. 2. Caudex and base of petiole. 3. Por- 
tion of leaf. 4. Male cone : — natural size. 5, 6, and 7. Side, upper and under 
view of scale, with anthers : — magnified. 


Tab. 5399. 
CATASETUM cernuum. 

Drooping Catasetum. 

Nat. Ord. Orchide^e. — Gynandeia Monandria. 

Gen. Char. Perianthium. ssepius globosum, nunc explanatum. Labellum car- 
nosum, crassum, nudum ventricosum v. explanatum, sub apice saccatum, obso- 
lete trideutatum v. trilobum. Columna erecta, aptera, libera, apice utrinque 
cirrhosa. Jnthera subbilocularis, antice truncata. Pollinia 2, postice biloba 
vel sulcata; caudicula maxima, nuda, demum elastice contractili, glandula cavti- 
laginea subquadrata. — Herba? terrestres v. epiphyte; caulibus brevibus, fmifor- 
mibus, vestigiis foliorum vestitis. Folia basi vayinantia, plicata. Scapi radicales. 
Flores speciosi, racemosi, virides, nunc purpureo-maculati. Lindl. 

Catasetum cernuum ; racemis elongatis cernuis multifloris, petalis duobus cum 
sepalo supremo conniventibus, labello patentissimo piano trifido, segmentis 
lateralibus acuminatis, intermedio crasso obtuso breviore. 

Catasetum cernuum. Reichenb.fil. in Walp. Annul. Bot. Syst. v. 6. p. 570. 

Myanthus cernuus. Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid, p. 155: Bot. Ben. (1834) 
t. 1720. v \ t* 

Var. fi. columna latiore, anthera acumine subulato breviore. 
Catasetum trifidum. Hook. Bot. May. (1833), t. 3262. 

Our Catasetum trifidum and Dr. Lindley's Myanthus cernuus 
were published respectively in the Bot. Magazine and in the 
Gen. et Sp. Orchid, nearly at the same time, so that it is diffi- 
cult to say which has the priority of name. It is, indeed, true 
that the two are identical as to species ; and in the ' Botanical 
Register,' published in 1834, Dr. Lindley quotes our plant as 
a synonym to his Myanthus. There are some slight differences 
indeed noticed above, which may justify its being considered a 
variety; but as to the genus, Dr. Lindley himself, we believe, 
has abandoned Myanthus as untenable. It has all the essential 
characters of Catasetum, and now merges into that. 

Our original plant, and the first introduced into Europe, was 
derived from Trinidad, and was sent by Mr. Lockhart ; but we 
have since been informed that it was there received from Rio 


Janeiro. It is probably a native of Brazil exclusively, as far as 
we yet know. 

The plant from which our present figure is taken was sent to 
the Royal Gardens of Kew by Mr. Jackson, of the Kingston 
Nursery. It flowered in June, 1863. 

Fig. 1. Column and lip. 2. Transverse section of ovary. 3. Pollen-masses: 
— magnified. 



Vincent Brooks, Imp . 

Tab. 5400. 

SILENE Elizabeths. 

Elizabethan Catchfy. 


Gen. Char. Calyx inflato-, ovoicleo-, campanulato-, v. elongato-tubulosus. 
5-dentatus v. quinquefidus, 10-nervius (nervis lateralibus sepalorura adjacentium 
coalitis), rarius sequaliter et parallele oo-nervius. Petala 5, uugue angusto ; 
lamina integra bifida v. rarius laciniata, basi ssepius bisquamata. Stamina 10. 
Torus in gynophorura stipitiforme plus minus elongatus, rarius abbreviatus. 
Ovarium 1-loculare v. ima basi co-ovulatum ; styli vulgo tres. Capsula apice in 
dentes v. valvas breves 6 rarius 3 dehiscens. Semina umbilieo marginali affixa ; 
embryo periphericus. — Herbse annum v. perennes, erectee, ceespitosce, decumbentes 
v. diff'uso-scandentes. Mores solitarii v. varie cymosi, seepe spicas unilaterales 
thyrsum paniculamue terminalem formantes. Semina opaca, tuberculata v. echinata 
(rar'mime IceviaJ. Benth. et Hook. 

Silene (Elisanthe) Elizabeths ; perennis pubescenti-viscosa ascendens 1-7-flora, 
foliis lanceolatis acutis, calyce tubuloso mox ventricoso, petalis flabellato- 
bilobis lacero-denticulatis calyce duplo-longioribus, unguis corona multi- 
seta, capsula ovoidea multiloculari, thecaphoro brevissimo crasso. Walp. 

Silene Elizabethan. " Jan, Catal. ad ann. 1832. p. 32. adn. ComoU. Ft. Comens. 
v. 3. p. 164." Reichenb. PL Critic, v. 10. i. t. 901. /. 1221. " Cesati, 
Iconogr. Stirp. Ital.fasc. 5.17. cum tabula'' 1 (on the authority of Walpers). 
Reichenb. Ic. Ft. Germ, et Helvet. v. 6. t. 261. n. 5116 (no descr.). Walp. 
Repert. Bot. Syst. v. 5. p. 82. 

For the possession of this very handsome and rare hardy per- 
ennial the Royal Gardens are indebted to Professor Reichen- 
bach, fil., late of Leipzig, now, happily for the cause of science, 
Director of the Botanic Garden of Hamburg. It is a native of 
Italy, according to Walpers, "inter fissuras rupium montium 
Grigna a Campione, Camisola et in Barbisino, in valle Saxina 
ditionis Lariensis, necnon in valle Triumplina ditionis Brixiensis." 
I am unfortunate in possessing few of the works quoted above, 
and I rely for the majority of the authors upon Walpers' Re- 
pertoriuin, from which it appears to have been first noticed by 
Professor Jan, in 1832. Reichenbach's valuable works indeed 

SEPTEMBER 1 ST, 1863. 

are before me, but unfortunately the plate referred to in the 
' Plantse Criticse' is wanting in my copy, and that in the Icones 
Fl. Germ, et Helvet. lacks description and remarks. With us it 
blossoms in the open border in July, and the tufted habit of 
the plant, with its numerous large flowers, have a charming ef- 
fect. Silene pumilio is considered its affinity, but the two are 
very distinct. 

Descr. Perennial. Stems tufted, erect or ascending, viscidly 
pubescent, as well as the foliage, a span or more high. Leaves 
lanceolate, acute, spreading, lower ones two to three inches long, 
becoming gradually smaller upwards. Panicle terminal, dicho- 
tomous. Calyx scarcely an inch long, tubular, at first cylin- 
drical, at length oval and bladdery, pale dull-green, prettily 
veined and margined with purple. Flowers an inch and a half 
in diameter; petals bright rose-colour; claws white below, 
crowned with three to four long setse ; lamina cuneato-flabellate, 
crenato-dentate at the margin, emarginate so as to be two-lobed ; 
stamens shorter than the claws of the petals. Gy nop/tore very 
short. Styles three. 

Fig. 1. Petal and stamen. 2. Pistil : — magnified. 



Vincent Brooks, Imp 

Tab. 5401. 
HOMOIANTHUS viscosus. 

Viscid Homoianthus. 

Nat. Ord. Composite (Nassauviace^:). — Syngenesia ^qualis. 

Gen. Char. Capitidum multiflorutn, homogamum. lnvolucrum 2-3-seriale, 
squamis ext. foliaceia subclentatis, int. subimbricatis integerrimis. Receplaculum 
piloso-firabrilliferum. Corolla labiatse, labio ext. 3-dentato plus minus ligu- 
lseformi, int. bipartito lobis linearibus ssepe cirrhiformibns. Anthera basi 
setosse. Styli rami apice truncati, puberuli. Acheenia villoso-sericea. Pappi 
seta pluriseriales, scabrse. — Herbse ima basi sape svffruticulosce. Folia allema, 
inf. saepe petiolata, glabra aut rigide scabra aid ciliata. Capitula terminalia. 
Corollas soepe ceerulescentes. Be Cand. 

Homoianthus (Homanthis) viscidtis ; glaber, caule erecto subnudo glanduloso, 
foliis radicalibus oblongo-cuneatis obtuse sinuatis acutis subglandulosis, 
caulinis sessilibus, involucri squamis biseriatis integerrimis subsequalibus 
mucronulatis, ovariis villosissimis. De Cand. 

Homoianthus viscosus. Be Cand. Prodr. v. I.p. 64. Gay, Fl. Chil. v. 3. p. 417. 

Perdictum viscosum. Pospp. PI. Exsicc. n. 772. 

Pekezia viscosa. Less. Syn. p. 408. 

Perezia spathulata. Hook, et Am. in Comp. Pot. Mag. v. 1. p. 33. 

Clarionea spathulata. Lag. in Bon, Trans. Linn. Soc. v. 16. p. 205. 

A native of Chili, in the southern provinces, especially in 
Valdivia, whence it has lately been imported by Messrs. Veitch 
and Son, of the Exeter and Chelsea Nurseries, through their in- 
defatigable collector Mr. Pearce, and from whom we have re- 
ceived the specimens from which our figure has been taken. 
That it will prove hardy from such a climate there can be no 
question, and from its size and habit (not much unlike that of 
our favourite species of Tagetes), and the colour of the flowers, it 
is quite likely to become a good bedding-out plant for summer 
flower-borders. In June the flowers begin to appear in per- 

Descr. Root, as far as we can at present judge, perennial. 
Stem, a foot or more high in our specimen, simple and leafy : 


and somewhat woody, pubescently viscid, corymbose above. Ra- 
dical leaves 3-4 inches long, oblanceolate, moderately acute, 
crenato-dentate, tapering into a long but winged petiole ; supe- 
rior ones sessile and gradually passing, in the flower-branches, 
into alternate small foliaceous lanceolate bracts. Capitula large, 
2 inches in diameter, bright blue. Involucres of many imbri- 
cated, linear, green, erect scales, the lower ones tinged with 
brown ; the outermost short and subpatent. Florets all ligu- 
late ; central ones bilabiate, inner lip small, bipartite, the seg- 
ments spirally twisted. Anthers exserted, deep purple; branches 
of the style linear, recurved, dilated at the apex, grooved above, 
the margin glandularly pubescent. 

Fig. 1. Central floret. 2. Apex of style and its branches and stigmas:— 


"W Fitch, del. etlith 

"Vincervt Broote, Imp ■ 

Tab. 5402. 

MUSA sapientum ; var. vittata. 

Common Plantain ; striped-leaved var. 

Nat. Ord. Musacejj.— Polygamia Moncecia. 
Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tab. 5223-4.) 

MlJSA sapientum, Linn. ; excelsa, perennis, caule cylindrico basi stolonifero, 
foliis breviuscule petiolatis, petiolis longissime vaginantibus lineari-oblongis 
acutiusculis basi obtusis v. cordatis, costa valida viridi, spadice nutante 
bracteato, spathi9 densifloris ovato-cymbiformibus obtusis purpureis raas- 
culis deciduis, perigonio labio minore retuso longe mucronato, superiore 
lobis brevibus recurvis, fructu glaberrimo. . 

Var. vittata; foliis fructibusque albo-vittatis. 

Musa vittata. W. Ackerman, ms. in Van Houtte, Flor. des Serres, t. 1510-1513. 

The remarkable variety of the common Banana here figured 
was discovered by the late W. Ackerman in the island of St. 
Thomas, in the Bight of Benin, and by him sent to his employer, 
M. Van Houtte, of Ghent. At about the same time, that 
island was visited by Mr. G. Mann, our own energetic collector, 
by whom fine young plants were sent to the Royal Gardens, 
where they flowered in June of the present year. Though 
similar in all essential characters to the common Banana, this 
forms, especially in its young state, a very striking feature 
amongst the dark-green foliage of a tropical house ; but, as the 
plants come to maturity, the colours fade. The fruit in all our 
plants bears no seed, and there seems little doubt, both from 
this circumstance and from the information we have received 
from Mr. Mann, that the variety is a cultivated one, and 
that the M. sapientum is nowhere indigenous to Africa. It is 
indeed suggested by M. E. Rodigas, in the ' Flore des Serres,' 
that M. vittata is a variety of M. Sinensis {M. C/nnensis, Sweet), 
which is the M. Cavendishii, Paxton, and differs chiefly in stature 
and habit from M. sapientum. 


The true limits of the different so-called Musas, sapient um and 
paradisiaca, Bananas and Plantains, are not known, and pro- 
bably not attainable by direct observation ; and the names also 
are indifferently ascribed in different countries to the same or 
different varieties or species. As a general rule, the name Ba- 
nana is given to the sweet edible fruits, and of Plantain to the 
inedible, or such as are edible only when cooked ; whilst of some, 
all the longer or larger-fruited sorts are Plantains, and the smaller 
or shorter-fruited, Bananas ; but in India, as a general rule, all 
the sweet edible ones are called Plantains, and the w r ord Banana 
is little known. A vast number of varieties of both sorts have 
been cultivated in the great Palm House at Kew ; and we can 
confidently affirm, that in general though the shorter-fruited sorts 
are the best eating, many of the long-fruited are excellent, and 
have been sent to us from the West Indies on account of their 
acknowledged excellency. We do however recognize a preva- 
lent difference of habit between what may be M. paradisiaca, 
which has longer leaves narrowed into the petiole, and M. sapi- 
entum, in which the leaves are more rounded or cordate at the 
base, though intermediate states occur; the flowers afford no 
character. Roxburgh, who has paid particular attention to both 
the native and cultivated Bananas and Plantains of India, pro- 
nounces both to be varieties of one plant that is common in the 
hilly districts of East Bengal, and which he calls M. sapientum. 
Brown again (Congo, App. 471) regards all cultivated Musas, 
except M. Ensete, as varieties of 31. sapientum. Loureiro (Fl. 
Coch. 792) says the same thing; as does Desvaux (Journ. Bot. 
1814, n. 1. f. 27), who enumerates twenty-one varieties of Ba- 
nanas with large fruit (7-15 in. long), called Plantains by the Bri- 
tish j and twenty-three varieties of Fig-Bananas, with small fruit 
(1-6 in. long), called Bananas by the British. Rumphius how- 
ever expressly states that the true Bananas are the long-fruited 
( 12 -13 in- long), and the smaller-fruited form are called " Ba- 
covos." The local East and West India names are endless. 

Fig. 1. Plant reduced. 2. Bract and hermaphrodite flowers. 3. Unripe 
Fruit. 4. Transverse section of the same. 

■ ~h'f('3 


■ L 

Vincent Brooks, lrap 

Tab. 5403. 
MICROSTYLIS discolor. 

Purple crisp-leaved Microstylis. 

Nat. Ord. Orchide^:. — Gynandria Monandria. 

Gen. Char. Sepala patentia, libera ; lateralis basi aequalia, ssepius breviora. 
Petala patentia, linearis v. filiformia. Labellum patentissimum, cum columna 
angulum rectum formans, basi excavatum, sagittatum v. auriculatum, integerri- 
mura v. dentatum, tuberculis nullis. Columna minima, raro paululum elongata. 
apice dentibus s. auribus duabus instructa. Ardhera bilocularis. Pollinia 4, 
collateralia. — Herbae terreslres v. epiphyte habitu Liparis ; foliia plicatis v. mem- 
branaceis basi raro incrassatis. Flores /terbacei, nunc flave&centes v. discolores. 

Mickostylis discolor ; caule folioso, foliis ovato-oblongis abrupte petiolatis un- 
dulatis plicatis, labello ovato integerrimo basi cucullato, columns apice bi- 
corni, sepalis petalisque secundis. Lindl. 

Microstylis discolor. Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid, p. 20. Wight, Ic. Plant. 
Ind. Or. t. 1631. Thwaites, En. PL Zeylan. p. 297. 

This may safely be reckoned among the most lovely of terres- 
trial Orchideous plants, and may well rank with the " Wana 
Rajah," or " King of the Woods " (Ancectochilus setaceus), in- 
habiting the same country (Ceylon). The foliage is a rich 
purple, sometimes with a green edge, plaited longitudinally and 
much crisped at the margin ; nor are the flowers, though mi- 
nute, wantiug in singularity of structure, when seen under the 
microscope, and they have the property of changing colour, as 
may be seen by our figure ; at first, in our living plant, they are 
uniformly yellow, in age deep orange ; Dr. Lindley says of the 
flower, " in purpureo mutabilis." The term discolor, for the spe- 
cific name of this plant, is used perhaps in another sense than 
that of the upper and under side of the leaves being different in 
colour. In our plants the two surfaces are alike in hue, nor are 
they otherwise described. It is true we find the purple leaves 
sometimes green at the margin, but this is not a permanent 
mark, nor noticed in print. The species seems exclusively an 

OCTOBER 1st, 1863. 

inhabitant of Ceylon. Our garden is indebted for this rarity to 
our liberal friend Mr. Thwaites, from whom it was received in 
1862, and it flowered, in a warm stove, in July, 1863. 

Descr. Terrestrial. Steins, somewhat clustered, a few inches 
high, sheathed with large, purplish, imbricated scales, leafy 
above. Leaves about four, suberecto-patent, three to four to 
five inches long, oblong-ovate or ovate, acuminate, deep rich 
purple, plaited and veined longitudinally, sometimes green at 
the elegantly-crisped margin, tapering below into a broad sheath- 
ing petiole. Peduncle terminal, bearing a long, slender spike of 
very small flowers, at first yellow, then deep orange. Ovary not 
twisted, so that the ovate, concave lip stands uppermost, and 
is very conspicuous, for the narrow and nearly uniform sepals and 
petals are secund, and point the opposite way. Column short, 
with two teeth projecting beyond the small anther-case. 

Fig. 1. An advanced flower. 2. A younger flower. 3. Column and lip : — mag- 



i/rncent Brooks, imp 

Tab. 5404. 
SPH./ERALCEA acerifolia. 

Maple-leaved Spharalcea. 

Nat. Ord. Malvace.e. — Monadelphia Polyandria. 

Gen. Char. JBracteola? 3, libera v. basi coalitoe. Calyx 5-fidus. Colnmna 
staminea summo apice v. usque ad apicem in filamenta oo divisa. Ovarii loculi 
oo, verticillati, 2-3-ovulati; styli rami totidem, filiforraes v. clavati, apice stisr- 
matosi. Carpella mature ab axi secedentia, apice rotundata v. truncate, mutica 
vel dorso angulata v. 2-aristata, 2-valvia. Semina reniformia. — Herboe suffru- 
tices v. frutices, Jiabitu Malvis Malvastrisve a/fines. Folia scepe angulata v. lobata. 
Flores breviter pedicellati, solitarii v.fasciculali, axillares v. in racemum sen spi- 
cam terminalem dispositi, violacei v. carnei, rarius pedunculati v. rubri. Bentham 
et Hook. 

Sph^eralcea acerifolia ; pubescenti-toraentosa, foliis cordaiis 5- sub-7-lobato- 
palmatis, lobis latis acutis grosse subinsequaliter serratis, floribus copiosis 
in axillis foliorum superiorum glomeratis vel in apicibus ramorum spicato- 

Sphl^ralcea acerifolia. Torrey and Gray, Fl. of N. Am. v. 1. p. 228. 

Malva (Sphseroma) acerifolia. Nutt. mss. 

This fine Malvaceous plant (and indeed nearly allied to true 
Mallows, and, like them, herbaceous) was discovered on the 
banks of rivulets east of the Wallawallah, North- West Ame- 
rica, by Mr. Nuttall, and he referred it to the section Spharoma 
of De Candolle in the genus Malva* and gave it the appropriate 
specific name of acerifolia. It has since been found in British 
Columbia, by Dr. Lyall, of the late Surveying Expedition to de- 
termine the boundary-line between the British and North Ame- 
rican possessions on the Pacific, when fine specimens and seeds 
were sent to Kew. Plants flowered in a greenhouse of the 
Royal Gardens in June, 1863 ; but there is good reason to be- 
lieve it will prove hardy in the open borders. 

* It may not be irrelevant here to mention that Malva angustifolia, Cav. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2839), M. obtmiloba (Bot. Mag. t. 2787), and M. abutiloides, L. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2544), are now referred to Splueralcea. 

OCTOBER 1st. 1868. 

Descr. Our plants at present have only attained a height of 
one and a half to two feet, with an erect habit, moderately 
branched ; the branches, foliage, bracts, and calyx clothed with 
short, soft, stellated down. Leaves three to four inches long, 
rather long-petioled, cordate, palmately five- or sub-seven-lobed, 
the lobes broad, acute, rather coarsely but unequally serrated, 
rather strongly nerved, smaller upwards. Flowers moderately 
large, copious, appearing in nearly sessile clusters in the axils, 
or, in the extremities of the branches, forming a rather long 
compound spike. Calyx subpatent, deeply cut into five, broad- 
ovate, subserrated, deep lobes, and subtended by three, small, 
subulate, free bracteoles. Corolla deepish rose-colour, afterwards 
paler, an inch and a half in diameter. Petals five, obcordate. 
Stamens very numerous. Ovary very villous. Styles also very 

Fig. 1. Calyx, with bracteoles and pistil, — magnified. 


"Vincent Brooks Imp 

Tab. 5405. 
ERANTHEMUM tuberculatum. 

Tuberculated Eranthemum. 

Nat. Ord. Acanthace,e. — Diandria Mokogynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx quinquefidus, fequalis. Corolla hypocraterimorpha vel elon- 
gato-infundibuliformis, tubo longo gracili, limbo subsequaii. Stamina duo fertilia 
circa os tubi adnata, longe decurrentia, duo sterilia brevissima, filamenth longi- 
orum basi connexa, in speciebus nonnullis anomalis nullis observatis. Anthera 
exsertee (aut subinclusse), biloculares, muticse, loculis parallelis contiguis, texturze 
densioris. Capsula inferne depressa, valvulis contiguis, asperma, superius bi- 
locularis tetrasperma. Bissepimentum adnatum. Semina discoidea, retinaculis 
suffulta. — Frutices vel suffrutices, Asia, America, Africa, et Nova Hollandia 
calidioris et tropica, pleriaue monticoli, speciosis floribus insignes Phlogi similibus, 
car/tleis, roseis, albis varie piclis, foliis vel integerrimis vel serratis. Flores spi- 
cati ; bracteis comnmnibus majoribus vel minoribus, bracteolis omnium parvis oppo- 
sltis. Bene, in Be Cand. Prodr. 

Eranthemum tuberculatum ; frutex ramosissima, glaberrima, ramis teretibus 
gracilibus tuberculato-asperis, foliis parvis oppositis copiosis lato-ellipticis 
obovatisve obtusis emarginatisve, petiolis brevissimis, floribus copiosissimis 
solitariis axillaribus fere sessilibus, calycis lobis lineari-subulatis erectis 
sequalibus, tubo subturbinato sparse villoso, corollse albae tubo longissimo 
rectiusculo gracili superne paululum ampliato, limbo obliquo obscure bila- 
biato, lobis ovatis subasqualibus patentissimis, antheris vix exsertis. 

Eranthemum tuberculatum. Hook.fil. ms. 

Seeds of this very floribund plant were given to us and to 
Messrs. Veitch, of the Chelsea Nursery, by Sir Daniel Cooper, 
and flowering specimens raised from them at Chelsea, were com- 
municated to us in June, 1863. We are ignorant of the country 
whence the seeds were derived, nor do we possess any specimens 
of an Eranthemum corresponding with it in our herbarium ; but 
we have two nearly allied species from the South Sea Islands, 
one from the Loyalty Islands {Sir George Grey), the other from 
the Isle of Pines {Milne) ; the former species has subpaniculated 
flowers, the latter rather long peduncles, with one to two flowers, 
and both have leaves three to five times larger than those of the 
present plant, and somewhat hairy. 

OCTOBER 1st, 1 8(1:5. 

Descr. Apparently a small shrub, copiously branched, with 
opposite or subverticillate, slender, tuberculated branches. 
Leaves copious, half to three-quarters of an inch long, elliptical 
or subobovate, very shortly petiolate, entire, obtuse, or more 
generally emarginate at the apex. Flowers very numerous, pure 
white, almost concealing the foliage by their number, axillary, 
solitary, scarcely peduncled (almost sessile). . Calyx small, 
sparsely piloso-hispid on the subturbinate tube ; limb of five 
erect, linear-subulate segments. Corolla with a very long, nar- 
row, slightly curved, almost filiform tube, slightly dilated up- 
wards ; limb an inch across, oblique, scarcely two-lipped, the 
five segments ovate, very patent. Anthers small, purple, scarcely 
exserted. Stigma biglobose. 

Fig. 1. Calyx and pistil, — magnified. 2. Ovary, — magnified. 




Tab. 5406. 

HIBISCUS Huegelii; var. quinquevulnera. 

Baron HuegeVs Hibiscus ; quinquevulnerous var. 

Nat. Ord. Malvaceae. — Monacelphia Polyandria. 

Gen. Char. Bracteola oo, rarissirae 3-5, ssepius angustse, libera? v. coalita?. 
Calyx 5-fidus vel 5-dentatus. Columna staminea infra apicem truncatum vel 
5-dentatum (rarius antheriferum), filamenta plurima exserens. Ovarium 5-lo- 
culare, loculis 3-oo-ovulatis (sepalis oppositis) ; styli rami 5, patentes vel rarius 
erecto-subconnati, superne ssepe incrassati, nunc brevissimi, apice in stigmata 
capitata v. spathulata dilatati. Capsula loculicide 5-valvis, endocarpio rarius 
membranaceo-solubili, v. in dissepimenta spuria per dehiscentiam fissa produeto. 
Semina reniformia, subglobosa (v. rarius subovoidea ?), glabra tomentosa vel la- 
nata. — Herbae frutices vel arbores, nunc elata, Mspidce v. tomentosce, nunc humi- 
liores vel glabra. Folia varia, sape partita. Flores colore vario, plerumque spe- 
ciosi, petalis saepe macula discolori notatis. Bracteolse persistentes v. caducce. 
Benth. et Hook. 

Hibiscus Huegelii; fruticosus erectus pilis stellatis patentibus pubescens, foliis 
petiolatis cordatis 3-5-lobis, lobis obovatis obtusis profunde sinuato-lobu- 
latis lobulis obtusis integris v. iteruia lobulatis, pedunculis axillaribus soli- 
tariis unifloris, supra medium articulatis bracteatis, involucri rnonophylli 
10-12-partiti laciniis lineari-subulatis, calycis laciniis 5 lanceolato-acumi- 
natis, stylo exserto, stigmate 5-fido lobis erectis v. patentibus. 

Hibiscus Huegelii. Endl. in Hueg. Ennm. v. 10. Miq. in Plant. Preiss. v. l.t. 239. 
Benth. PI. Australas. v. 1. p. 217. 

Hibiscus Wrayas. Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1840. t. 69. 

Paritium Wraya?. Walp. Rep. v. I. p. 311. 

Hibiscus grossulariajfolius. Miq. in Plant. Preiss. v. 1. p. 240. Hook. Bot. 
Mag. t. 4329. 

Hibiscus geraniifolius. lures, in Bull. Mosc. v. I. p. 195. 

Hibiscus Meisneri. Miq. I.e. 

Hibiscus Pinonianus. Miq. I.e. 

Var. qxinquevnlnera ; floribus roseis basimaculis 5 atro-sanguiueis (Tab. Nostr. 

It is impossible to compare this very handsome Hibiscus with 
our figure of H. grossulariafolius (Bot. Mag. t. 4329) without 
considering it, save in the colour of the flowers, specifically the 

OCTOBER 1st, 1863. 

same, but varying in the colour of the flower. So again the 
H. Wraya of Dr. Lindley (Bot. Reg. 1840, t. 69) is quite 
identical, even in the colour of its flowers, with //. c/rossularia>- 
fohus. Both these and several other supposed species, as may 
be seen by the above list of synonyms, Mr. Bentharn has, I do 
not doubt correctly, referred to Endlicher's H. Huegehi. But 
among the five varieties he has enumerated the present does not 
seem to be included, perhaps because, depending on colour, the 
dried specimens do not exhibit the peculiar differences : in the 
figures above quoted the petals are of an almost uniform dull 
purplish-blue colour, here deep rose, paler below, and each petal 
with a black-blood-coloured spot on the claw. All the varieties 
inhabit the Swan River settlement and the south-west coast of 
Australia. We owe the possession of our plant (which flowered 
in August, 1853) to Mr. Thomson, of Ipswich. 

Fig. 1. Section of the calyx, with stamens and pistils, — magnified. 



Vincent Brooks, Imp 

Tab. 5407. 


Bowkers Ceropegia. 

Nat. Ord. Asclepiade.^. — Pentandria Monogynia. 
Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tab. 5306.) 

Ceropegia Bowkeri; erecta glabra, caule tenui ancipiti simplici, foliis anguste 
linearibus utrinque acutis internodio longioribus, pedunculis axillaribus uni- 
flovis vix uncialibus, sepalis anguste linearibus, corolla? tubo tenuiter striato 
urceolato inferne ventricoso, liinbi laciniis tubura sequantibus liberis lato- 
linearibus plumoso-ciliatis intus villosis (cito arete reflexis) corona? staminea? 
lobis exterioribus anguste triangularibus margine villosis, interioribus ligu- 
laeformibus glabris duplo longioribus. Harvey. 

Ceropegia Bowkeri. Harvey, Thes. Capensis, v. 1. p. 9. t. 14. 

Remarkable as are the flowers of many species of the genus, 
this is certainly not one of the least peculiar in the structure of 
its flowers and the colour of its corolla. It is one of the many 
discoveries in South Africa (Kreili's country, Caffraria) made by 
Henry Bowker, Esq. j and dried specimens and living tubers 
were communicated to Dr. Harvey, who published a good figure 
in his valuable 'Thesaurus Capensis,' I.e. Mr. Bowker's spe- 
cimens appear to have been preserved when the flowers were 
not fully developed, and with the segments of the corolla erect ; 
whilst in our living plants the segments are remarkably reflected, 
so as almost to conceal the tubular portion of the flower. The 
species flowered, in our Succulent Hoiis ,:, in 1863. 

Descr. Boot a rather depresso-globose tuber, from the crown 
of which arises a very short stem, which soon (near the base) 
divides into a few erect, slender, simple, subcom pressed branches, 
giving the appearance of undivided stems a span to a foot high. 
Leaves in rather distant opposite pairs, two to three inches long, 
one to two lines wide, linear-subacute, sessile, becoming smaller 
upwards. From the axils of the pairs of upper leaves, a short 
peduncle, less than an inch long, bears a single flower. Calyx 

OCTOBER 1ST, 18fi3. 

of five, linear- subulate, pale-green sepals, spotted with brown- 
Corolla an inch and a half long (including the reflexed limb), 
pale yellowish- green. Tube cylindrical, dilated and globose at 
the base, and again at the summit, which is brown, and where 
five subglobose spurs are formed. Segments of the corolla as 
long as the tube, linear-oblong, puckered on the surface and 
hairy above, beautifully fringed at the margin, soon strongly 
reflected on the tube. Outer lobes of the staminal crown broad, 
subulate, villous at the margin, a little spreading ; inner one of 
five, erect, narrow-linear, elongated lobes. 

Fig. 1. Entire flower. 2. Calyx and stamiual crown. 3. Pollen-masses :— 



Viwert, BrooK.Imp 

Tab. 5408. 


Parrot-tony ued Sarcopodium. 

Nat. Ord. Orchide^e. — Gynandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Sepala ringentia, coriacea v. carnosa, lateralibus basi prodnctis 
columnar pedi adnatis, dorsali sequalibus v. minoribus. Petala minora. Labellum. 
nanura, cum basi producta columnae articulatum, camosura, mobile, .canalicula- 
tum, basi subcordatum, nunc lamellis 3 brevibus auctum, nunc inappendiculatum. 
Columna nana, semiteres, mutica, basi in pedem producta. Stigma fovea sub 
rostello excavata. Pollinia 4, collateralia, 00 00, subaequalia, cereacea, omnino 
libera. Anthera bilocularis. — Herbee epiphytes, Jsiee tropica, pseudobulbom. Folia 
solitaria, coriacea. Flores solitarii v. pauci, conspicui, pedunculis radiealibus. 

Sarcopodium psittacoglossum ; repens, pseudobulbis oblongis vaginatis demum 
(folio delapso) ovatis obtusis, vagina pulcherrime reticulatim fibrosa, foliis 
solitariis terrainalibus lato-ellipticis coriaceis obtusis longe lateque petio- 
latis, pedunculis radiealibus pseudobulbis brevioribus bifloris, sepalis peta- 
lisque subunifonnibus patenti-subcampanulatis ovatis flavo-virescentibus 
rubro-striatis, columna bidentata, labello (dimidio superiore reflexo) ovato 
trilobo linea centrali elevato. 

Bolbophyllum psittacoglossum. Reich. Jil. in lift. 

This we consider to belong to a genus lately established in 
Dr. Lindley's ' Folia Orchidacea/ under the name of Sarcopodium, 
" intermediate," the author says, " between Bendrobium and Bol- 
bophyllum, having the large flowers of the former and the pecu- 
liar creeping habit of the latter. The species agree with Ben- 
drobium in having four nearly equal pollen-masses and a hornless 
column; but they have coriaceous, not thin half-transparent 
flowers, and a tough leathery lip, enlarged, not contracted at the 
base. If they had a caudicle and gland to their pollen-masses, 
they would almost be Asiatic Mawillarias. The flowers form 
neither horn nor spur, but are simply inflated and expanded at 
the base of the sepals." The same able author enumerates 
sixteen species, most of those described having appeared as 
Bolbophylla, some as Bendrobia. Amongst them is Bolbophyllum 

OCTOBER 1st, 1863. 

Lobbii, Lindl., in Bot. Reg. and in Bot. Mag. t. 4532, and Bol- 
bophi/lhim leopardinum, Lindl., Dendrobium, Wall. Tent. Fl. Nep. 
v. 1. p. 39. t. 23, allied to our species. To the latter our plant 
seems most nearly allied, differing much in the shape of the 
leaves and the less globose unspotted flowers. The present spe- 
cies was sent by the Rev. C. S. P. Parish from Moulmein, to 
Mr. Low, of the Clapton Nursery, and also to Kew. The spe- 
cific name we have adopted was communicated in a letter to 
Mr. Low, by Professor Reichenbach, fil. 

Descr. A creeping caudex is clothed with numerous ovate 
pseudobulbs, which, while young, have a large and monophyllous 
submembranaceous but fibrous sheath investing them, and which 
in age becomes a beautiful network of fibre. Leaves three to 
four inches long, two to two and a half broad, elliptical, thick, 
coriaceous, long-petioled, solitary from the apex of the bulb. 
Scapes short, from the base of the bulb, bearing two pedicellate 
flowers, having two large ovate bracts at the base. Flowers yel- 
low, tinged with green, beautifully streaked with lines of red. 
Sepals and petals subequal, ovate, moderately spreading, con- 
cave. Lip shorter than the sepals and petals, mottled and 
blotched with deep red, very concave at the base, articulate on 
the bidentate apex of the long decurrent column, subovate, three- 
lobed ; side lobes short, middle lobe much recurved, channelled, 
having a dark elevated thickened ridge on the disk ; column two- 
dentate at the summit. Pollen-masses four. 

Fig. 1. Flower, with the sepals and petals removed. 2. The column, with 
its produced base. 3. Pollen-masses. 4. Front view of the lip. 5. Side view 
of the lip : — all magnified. 

5 409. 

Tab. 5409. 
STAURANTHERA grandifolia. 

Large-leaved Stauranthera. 

Nat. Ord. Cyrtandrace^e. — Didynamia Angiospebmia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx subrotundo-campanulatus, 5-plicatus, latissime subdecem- 
fidus, sinubus nempe in dentes productis. Corolla tubo brevissimo ampla, ob- 
liqua, basi calcarata, apice subquinquefida. Stamina fertilia 4, antheris cordi- 
formibus cruciatim cohaerentibus. Capsula circurascissa. — Herba Indicu, rami- 
ficatione caulis et foliorum obliquiiate Glossanthum referens. Eacemi bi-trichotome 
paniculati, 8-20-Jlori. Benth. in Be Cand. Prodr. v. 9. p. 278. 

Stauranthera grandifolia. 

Stauranthera grandifolia. Benth. Scroph. Ind. p. 57. Br. in Horsf. PL Jav. 
p. 121, excl. secunda sp. Be Cand. Prodr. v. 9. p. 278. 

Glossanthus (?) grandiiblius. Benth. in Wall, Cat. n. 6395. 

For the possession of this charming Cyrtanclraceoiis plant the 
Royal Gardens are indebted to the Rev. C. S. P. Parish, who 
sent seeds of it in 1862, from plants detected by him on Zwaka- 
bin, Moulmein, a limestone rock of the country, at an altitude of 
two thousand feet above the sea-level, in August of that year. 
In August of 1863 our plants were in perfection both as to 
foliage and flowers. It proves identical with a plant gathered 
by Dr. Wallich in Pen an g, and preserved in Mr. Bent ham's 
Herbarium, and first named by the latter gentleman Glossanthus? , 
afterwards Stauranthera grandifolia. Mr. Parish also forwarded 
accurate sketches of the flower. It promises to increase readily 
from cuttings ; but at present our flowers have afforded no seeds. 

Descr. An herbaceous branching plant, everywhere nearly 
glabrous, having succulent green terete stems and branches ; the 
whole about a foot in height. Leaves remarkably large in pro- 
portion to the size of the plant, often ten inches long, sub- 
succulent, glabrous and subglossy above, paler beneath, four 
inches broad, oblong, singularly inequilateral, one side only at 
the base distended into a large rounded lobe or auricle, and 

NOVEMBER 1ST, 1863. 

there chiefly sinuato-lobate, the rest of the margin entire and 
snbciliate, with rather distant hairs ; the opposite half of the 
leaf is, near the base, cut off as it were obliquely. Petiole* 
stout, two to four inches long. The superior leaves bear axillary 
peduncles, which terminate in many subdi- or -trichotomous 
panicles. Flowers an inch in length, and as much in diameter. 
Calyx pubescent, subrotate, of five, acute, deep segments, with 
the sinuses produced into a large spreading or subreflexed tooth. 
Tube of the corolla wide, rather short, white, tinged with purple 
and pale yellow ; limb spreading, two-lipped, upper lip two- the 
lower three-lobed, pale-purple, the throat white, with a broad 
heart-shaped deep-yellow spot on the lower side. Stamens quite 
included. Filaments short, flexuose. Anthers connivent, cor- 
date, hirsuto-glandulose. Ovary globose, glandular. Style 
scarcely longer than the ovary. Stipna oblique, two-lobed. 

Fig. 1. Calyx and pistil. 2. Base of the corolla laid open, including the 
stamens. 3. Transverse section of the ovary : — magnified. 



~Vi nc ent Brro aks, Imp ■ 

Tab. 5410. 
GARDENIA octomera, 

Eight-parted Gardenia. 

Nat. Ord. Rubiace;e. — Pentandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Calycis tubus ovatus, ssepe costatus, limbus tubulosus truncatus 
dentatus fissus partitusve. Corolla infundibuliformis aut hypocraterimorpha, 
tubo calyce multo longiore, limbo per sestivationem contorto patente 5-9-partito. 
Antheree 5-9, lineares, ad faucem subsessiles. Stigma clavatum, bifidum aut biden- 
tatum, lobiscrassis erectis. Ovarium dissepimentis incompletis 2-5 semidivisum, 
1-loculare. Bacca carnosa, calyce coronata, intus chartacea aut nucleata, incom- 
plete 2-5-locularis. Semina placentis parietalibus camosis imraersa. Embryo 
albuminosus, vagus. — Arbores aut frutices, inermes aut spinescentes. Folia op- 
posite, raro verticillata, ovalia. Mores axillares aut terminates, pier unique soli- 
tarii, albi, demum scepejlorescentes, ssepius odori. De Cand. 

Gardenia octomera ; fruticosa inerrais mollissime pubescenti-villosa, folds terna- 
tim verticiliatis ovato-oblongis brevi-acuminatis subsessilibus, tloribus axil- 
laribus solitaries sessilibus octomeris, calycis limbo profunde 8-partito, 
laciniis subulatis erectis unciam longis,tubo brevi laevi, corolla? tubo 6-uuciali 
cylindraceo, limbi segmeutis ovatis patentibus apice mucronatis, stigmate 
subclavato bipartite exserto. 

De Candolle says of Gardenia, " Genus difficillimum, forte 
dividend um, ob fructus plurimos non satis notos speciebus 
forsan heterogeneis conflatum." Genetically our present species 
would, I should think, rank with my Bandia Bowieana, figured 
at Tab. 3409 of this work; but that plant Mr. Bentham, in 
the ' Niger Flora/ refers to Bothmannia, of which Gardenia 
Rothmannia (Rot. Mag. t. 690 ; Rothmannia Capensis, Thunb.) 
is the type, but which both De Candolle and Endlicher refer 
as a section to Gardenia, with the character, " Calycis tubus 
costatus, v. laciniis decurrentibus angulatus. Corolla? tubus 
fauce dilatata obconicus." Mr. Bentham, in the ' Niger Flora,' 
has proposed (p. 382) some distinctive characters for Both- 
mannia and Bandia, but I do not find that our plant tallies well 
with any of his sections. It is a native of Fernando Po, where it 

NOVEMBER 1ST, 1863. 

was detected by Mr. Gustav Mann. The dried specimens were 
unfortunately lost, with many other of his collections, in the 
steamer ' Cleopatra.' It is the more fortunate therefore that 
we have succeeded in raising the plant from seeds sent by the 
same indefatigable collector. Of the size to which the plant at- 
tains we are at present ignorant. It flowers freely when only 
two to three feet high. Whatever differences of opinion there 
may be about the genus, there can be none about the species : 
the very soft pubescence of the terete leaves, the very long, 
deeply striated, villous, green tube of the corolla, equal in width 
throughout, and the octomerous flowers, are very characteristic. 

Fig. 1. Calyx, ovary, and base of the style. 2. Pistil. 3. Vertical, and, 
4. Transverse section of the ovary: — magnified. 


W Pitch, del. et Mi 

Tftncent Brooks, Imp. 

Tab. 5411. 
miconia pulverulenta. 

Floccose Miconia. 

Nat. Ord. Melastomace^. — Decandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Fhres ssepissime 5-meri } raro 4- 6-8-meri, amblypetali. Calyces 
longius breviusve campanulati, interdura subhemisphserici, limbo utplurimum 
brevi, nonnunquam dilatato, dentibus nunc obsoletis nunc productis rarissime 
acutis ; denticulis externis saepius nullis aut punctifortnibus, in parvo specierum 
numero manifestos et acutis. Petala obovata, apice obtuso, integra aut retusa, 
saepe ina3quilatera, interdum suborbicularia, in floribus explicatis ssepissime re- 
flexa. Stamina petalorum numero dupla (in paucissimis speciebus numerosiora, 
in unica, scilicet M. tetrandra, ad quatuor reducta), sequalia aut subeequalia ; an- 
theris diversiformibus, apice 1-2-4-porosis, rarius longitudinaliter 1-2-rimosis, 
connectivo sub loculis nullo aut breviter producto et varie appendiculato, interdum 
et adenophoro. Ovarium saepissime partim adhserens, raro omnino liberum aut 
usque ad apicem cum calyce adnatum, ovoideum aut globosum, 2-3-4-5 -loculare. 
Stylus inodo gracilis exsertus, modo crassus et subinclusus, rarissime nullus aut 
subnullus ; stigmate punctiformi, capitellato aut etiam peltato. Fructus globosus, 
baccatus (fortassis et siccus subcapsularis). Semina pyramidata aut irregulariter 
polybedra. — Frutices baud raro arborei, in utraque America inter tropicos copiosis- 
siine crescentes, micranthi aut suhmicranthi ; foliis multiformibus, magnitudine 
diversissimis, oppositis aut rarius verticellatis, in eodem jugo nonnunquam subdis- 
paribus, glabris, villosis, aut tomentosis ; inflorescentia terminali, septus panicu- 
lata, interdum spiciformi ; floribus sessilibus aut breviter pedicellatis ; petalis 
albis, rarius roseis rubris ant luteolis. Naud. 

Miconia pulverulenta ; fruticosa polystemon, ramis supremis foliisque novellis 
pube tomentosa adpressa rufescentibus ; foliis petiolatis ellipticis subacutis 
basi obtusis sinuato-denticulatis 3-nerviis, pagina superiore matura gla- 
brata, inferiore tomentum retinente; paniculis thyrsoideis pyramidatisve 
confertifloris terminalibus aut alaribus ; floribus ad apices ramorum ramulo- 
rumque congestis 5-meris, fortassis et 6-8-meris. Naud. 

Miconia pulverulenta. Ruiz et Pav, Syst. Veg. Peruv.p. 104. Be Cand. Prodr. 
v. 3. p. 190. Naudin, Melast. p. 181-643. 

Communicated by Messrs. Veitch and Son, from their nur- 
sery, King's Road, Chelsea, in July of the present year (1863), 
under the name we have here adopted, and stated to be derived 
from Peru. But that is all I have to offer in favour of its being 

NOVEMBEK 1ST, 1863. 

the little-known Miconia pulverulenta of Ruiz and Pavon, a 
species not found in our Herbarium, eminently rich in Melasto- 
macea. Ruiz and Pavon's character is very brief and unsatis- 
factory, " Foliis ovatis 5-nervibus crenulis acumine obtuso." De 
Candolle's character is somewhat more in accordance with the 
plant, more so perhaps than Naudin's ; yet they are derived from 
the same source, viz. the specimens gathered by Dombey. But, 
indeed, when it is known that Naudin enumerates 304 species of 
Miconia (including 103 dubious ones), it may well be supposed 
that the difficulty of clearly defining a species is very great, espe- 
cially if unaccompanied by a figure. The beauty of the foliage 
alone of this plant recommends it to cultivation in our stoves. 
It forms a much-branched aud bushy shrub or tree (Ruiz and 
Pavon say " quadriorgyalis "). The leaves often attain a foot 
in length, are very velvety, and, as in so many of the genus, 
strongly reticulately wrinkled. The flowers are very insignifi- 
cant, and enveloped in a dense floccose tomentum, of a pale fer- 
ruginous colour. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. The same with the petals removed. 3. The same laid 
open, showing the pistil, the stamens being removed. 4. Transverse section of 
the ovary. 5. A petal. 6, 7. Stamens :— all more or less magnified. 



Vincent Brc- "■ 

Tab. 541?. 


Pine-leaved Webbia. 

Nat. Ord. Composite (Vernoniace^e). — Syngenesia iEQUALis. 

Gen. Char. Capitula pluriflora, discoidea, dioica ! Eeceptaculum alveolatura, 
alveolorum marginibus subexsertis erosis. Involucrum imbricatum, 3-5-seriale, 
disco brevius. $ Corolla tubulosae, breviter 5-dentatse. Anthera inclusae, lineares. 
Stylus indivisus aut apice subfissus. Ovarium extus villosum, abortivum. Pappus 
pauciserialis, setis vix dentatis. $ Corolla tubulosse, in lobos 5 elongatos an- 
gustos crassiusculos divisse. Antherce nulla?, aut effetse. Stylus e tubo exsertus, 
lobis corolla? brevior, ramis 2 elongatis crassiusculis extus et styli parte indivisa 
supi-ema pilosiusculis. Achanium teres seu turbinatum, pluricostatum, erostre, 
costis villosissimis, sulcis glandulosis. Pappus pluriserialis, setis crassiusculis 
dense barbellatis, exterioribus brevioribus. — Herbse suffrutkosa Africans?, caule 
erecto basi simplici apice corymboso. Folia sparsa, linearia, parce revoluta, supra 
c/labriuscula, subtus cum caule involucro^e canescentia. Flores purpurei, in capi- 
tulo 8-10. Pollen flavum. Stigmata purpurea. De Cand. 

Webbia pinifolia ; caule herbaceo simplici striato subcanescente, foliis sessilibus 
confertis uniuerviis linearibus margine revolutis supra glabris subtus sericeo- 
incanis, corymbo polycephalo fastigiato, involucri squamis oblongo-ovatis 
subcanescentibus, achsenio sericeo-piloso, pappi serie externa dimidio infe- 
riore breviore. De Cand. 

Webbia pinifolia. Be Cand. Prodr. v. 5. p. 72. 

Conyza canescens. Tkunb. PI. Cap. p. 665. 

Conyza pinifolia. Lam. Diet. v. 2. p. 86. excl. Syn. Seb. 

Erigeron Capense. Houtt. Pfl. Syst. X pi. 609. t. 69. /. 2 {ex. Herb. DeUss.). 

Vernonia pinifolia. Less, in Linniza, 1829, p. 257, and 1831, p. 639. 

Our herbarium contains copious specimens of this species of 
Webbia, collected from the close vicinity of Cape Town and all 
along eastward to Natal ; but the rich colour of the numerous 
heads of corymbiferous flowers can only be seen in the living 
plant, and these quite compensate for the unattractive appearance 
of the foliage, which, however, is often quite satiny from the 
copious silky hairs which are close-pressed to the surface. Seeds 

NOVEMBER 1ST, 1863. 

were sent to us by Mr. Hutton, and our plants, which blossomed 
freely in August, 1863, were kept in a cool greenhouse. But 
in all probability the species will bear the open air in summer, 
and it might be planted in clumps or masses, or even used as 
bedding-out plants. 

The ordinary height of the plant is twelve to fourteen inches ; 
it is woody and branching at the base ; the root subherbaceous. 
The corymb is copiously branched, and the branches are long, 
slender, repeatedly forked and fastigiate ; this is terminated by 
an immense number of rich blood-purple level-topped flowers. 

Fig. 1. Base of a plant, — nat. size. 2. Involucre. 3. Tubular floret from 
the centre of the capitulum. 4. Branches of the stigma. 5. Seta? from the 
pappus •. — all more or less magnified. 



Tab. 5413. 
fugosia cuneiformis. 

Cuneate-leaved Fugosia. 

Nat. Ord. Malvaceae. — Monadelphia Polyandria. 

Gen. Char. Bracteolee 3-co, ssepius parvae v. deciduas, nunc dentiformes. 
Calyx 5-fidus. Columna starninea, sub apice truncato dentato v. rarius antherifero, 
Jilamenta co exserens. Ovarium 3-4-loculare, loculis 3-co-ovulatis ; stylus 
apice clavatus, 3-4-sulcus v. in lobos 3-4 breves erectos clavato-stigmatosos sub- 
divisus. Capsvla loculicide 3-4-valvis. Semina obovoideo-globosa, saepius pu- 
bescentia v. lanata ; albumen membraniforme ; cotyledones 2-3-plicatae, auriculis 
baseos radiculam rarius partita rectam involventibus. — Suffrutices/rw^'cestv, habitu 
Hibisci. Folia Integra vel lobata, rarius partita. Flores saepius fiuvi. Calycem 
sa?pe punctatum sed cotyledones semper impunctatas vidimus. Seminum integu- 
mentum internum ad chalazam incrassatum et nigrum fere calypirceforme vidimus 
in F. phlomidifolia et australi. Benth. et Hook. fit. 

Fugosia cuneiformis; fruticosa glabra, foliis cuneato-oblongis vel lato-linearibus 
obtusis 1-2 uncias longis integerrimis crassis subcarnosisque, pedunculis 
brevibus crassis, involucro parvo minuto 5-6-dentato paulo infra calycem 
sito, calyce | ad unciam longo glabro v. minute tomentoso nunc glanduloso- 
punctato, profunde in lobos lanceolatos uninervios diviso, petalis \\ un- 
ciam longis sparse tomentosis, capsula 5-loculari ovoideo-oblonga acuminata 
parce tomentosa, seminibus numerosis villoso-lanatis. Benth. 

Fugosia cuneiformis. Benth. M. Austral, v. I. p. 219. 

Hibiscus cuneiformis. Be Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 454. 

Lagunaria cuneiformis. Bon, Gen. Syst. Bot. v. 1. p. 485. 

Hibiscus capriodorus. A. Cunn. mss. in Herb. Hook. 

A rare and little-known West Australian species of Fugosia, 
a genus, as observed by Bentham and Hooker fil., very nearly 
allied on the one hand to Hibiscus, on the other to Gossypium ; 
differing from the former chiefly in the style, from the latter in 
the bracteoles. The present species seems to have been disco- 
vered in Dirk Hartog's Island by Allan Cunningham, who gave 
it a manuscript name implying that it had a goat-like odour. 
Milne, during the voyage of Captain Denham in H.M.S. Herald, 
found it in the same island, and remarks that it is a seashore 

NOVEMBER 1ST, 1863. 

plant (as indeed might be expected from its very thick and fleshy 
leaves), and it is from seeds sent by him in 1S5G that onr pre- 
sent plants were raised, and which flowered in August of 1863. 
It is, however, not now for the first time cultivated at Kew, for 
we have had for very many years in our Herbarium a specimen 
derived from these Gardens ; no doubt introduced by the inde- 
fatigable Allan Cunningham. Our Herbarium also contains a 
specimen from a small island in Sharks' Bay, West Australia, 
from G. Sandford, Esq. 

Descr. A much branching and very woody shrub, with copi- 
ous oblanceolate or spathulate, rather than cuneiform leaves, 
thick and fleshy, readily breaking off in the dry state. Flowers 
large, axillary, solitary ; the peduncles clavate ; the calyx leafy, 
dowmy ; the petals broadly obovate, pure white, with a deep 
blood-coloured spot at the base. Anthers also blood-coloured, 
beautifully arranged in whorls, as in the Hibiscus Huegelii (given 
in our last number, Tab. 5406) ; and the style and stigmas, erect 
and connivent, are the same as in //. Huegelii, from which this 
seems hardly generically distinct. 

Pig. 1. Summit of the peduncle, with involucre, stamens, and style. 2. Pistil : 




Ifeicent Brooks , Imp ■ 

Tab. 5414. 


Splendid Dipter acanthus. 

Nat. Ord. ACANTHACEiE. — Didynamia Angiospekmia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx sequalis, plus minus profunde quinquefidus. Corolla infun- 
dibuliformis ; limbo subaequali quinquefido. Stamina didynama, inclusa, fila- 
mentis basi contiguis aut conjunctis : anthera lineares, sagittatse, loculis parallelis 
sequalibus muticis. Stigma bilamellatum, basi nodulosum. Capsula basi com- 
pressa, asperma, plerumque a medio, raro proprius a basi 2-8-1 2-1 6-sperma. 
Dissepimentum ia medio membranaceum, denique maximam partem evanescens. 
Retinacula uncinata, prsemorsa. Semina orbiculata, compressa, margine tumido 
discreto cincta. — Herbse Americana, Asiatics, paucee Africans et Australasias, 
repentes vel erectee, molliuscula, rarius frutices. Flores aut omnes aut inferiores 
saltern axillares vel solitarii vel fasciculati, sessiles vel pedunculati, supremi sub- 
inde in racemum parvibracteatum collecti. Bracteae dues majores foliacea, scepe 
petiolatce, subjects calyci vel fasciculo ; in racemosis minores et angustiores. Brac- 
tese vel nulla vel exigua?. Formse anomalae : capsula abortu tetra- vel disperma, 
ovulis tamen sterilibus adjectis semini. Nees. 

Diptekacanthus affinis; glaber, caule fruticoso, ramis flexuosis dependen- 
tibus teretiusculis, foliis ovalibus, inferioribus obtusis cum mucronulo, supe- 
rioribus acutis glabris basi acutiusculis petiolatis, floribus axillaribus soli- 
tariis subsessilibus calyce duplo brevioribus, corolla grandi-infundibuliformi, 
tubo in fauces transeunte et cum iisdem limbi laciniis ovatis duplo longiore. 

Dipteracanthus affinis. Nees, in Endl. et Mart. M. Bras. fasc. 7. p. 30 ; et 

in Be Cand. Prodr. v. 11. p. 119. 
Neovedia affinis. Schrad. in Goett. Gel. Anz. 1821. v. I. p. 708. 

Certainly this may be reckoned among'the most beautiful of 
Acanthaccous plants, and of the now extensive genus (counting 
90 species) Dipteracanthus, vying with our D. spectabilis, figured 
at Tab. 4494 of this work, and exhibiting a remarkable contrast 
to that fine plant in the difference of colour in the two ; there a 
rich deep purple-blue, here an equally rich scarlet. It is a na- 
tive of various parts of Brazil, and has been imported by Messrs. 
Henderson, of Wellington Road, to whom we are indebted for a 
plant which flowered at Kew in July of the present year, 1863. 

Fig. 1. Pistil, — magnified. 

DECEMBER 1ST, 1*63. 



ifinoent Brook 

Tab. 5415. 
eria myristic^eformis. 

Nutmeg Eria. 

Nat. Ord. Orchide^e. — Gynandria Monandria. 

Gen. Char. Sepala semipatentia v. clausa, insequalia, extus Janata vel glabra, 
lateralibus basi valde obliquis cum pede columnar connatis calcar semulantibus. 
Petala sepalo superiori sequalia v. minora. Labellum cum basi producta co- 
lumnar articulatum, trilobum, raro subintegrum, cucullatum, disco calloso vel 
cristate Columna basi longe producta. Antliera terminalis bilocularis, lomlis 
obsolete 4-locellatis. Pollinia 8, nunc omnino libera, nunc materie elastica glan- 
dulam mentiente cobserentia. — Herbse in arboribus crescentes, caulibus carnosis, 
vaginalis, cicatricibus foliorum notatis. Folia scepius plicata. Racemi simplices, 
erecti, bracteis scepius dilatatis. Flores nunc conspicui. Lindl. 

Eria myristicaformis ; pseudobulbis aggregatis oblongis squamis amplis sub- 
membranaceis obsitis, demum oblongo-ovatis nudis fuscis lineis pallidis stri- 
atis, foliis duobus terminalibus subspithamseis erectis spatliulato-Ianceolatis 
acutis, scapo brevi, racemo erecto plurifloro glabro foliis breviore, sepalis 
petalisque oblongis obtusis subuniformibus albis, bracteis pedicello vix bre- 
vioribus reflexis albidis, labelli trilobi disco bicallosi lobis lateralibus ovatis, 
intermedio ovali reflexo cristato. 

A very pretty and very fragrant species of Eria, which seems 
to us quite new, recently detected at Moulmeine, by the Rev. 
C. S. P. Parish, and communicated by him to Messrs. Low, of 
the Clapton Nursery, where it flowered in September, 1863. 
It may perhaps, in this now extensive genus, rank near the 
E. obesa, Lindl, figured at our Tab. 5391, but it differs in 
many essential particulars, especially in being everywhere gla- 
brous, in the nature of the labellum, and in the pseudobulbs. 

Descr. Pseudobulbs aggregated, oblong-green, at first clothed 
with large sheathing scales, of which the uppermost one is some- 
times leafy, at length often flowering : the old bulbs remain with 

DECEMBER 1ST, 1863. 

very- much of the shape and appearance of a cluster of nutmegs, 
or of large acorns. Leaves two, terminal on the young pseudo- 
bulb, nearly a span long, lanceolato-spathulate, acute. Scape 
scarcely longer than the bulb. Raceme erect, shorter than the 
leaves, of many moderately large pure white flowers. Pedicels 
bracteated at the base; bract about as long as the pedicel, 
oblong-acuminate, white, reflexed: Sepals and petals nearly 
uniform, oblong, obtuse, semipatent. Labellum forming a spur 
at its union with the produced base of the column, three-lobed ; 
its disk bearing two elongated orange-coloured glands, side-lobes 
erect, ovate, acute, terminal lobe larger, oval, reflexed, bearing 
three elevated ridges near its base. 

Fig. 1. Side view of a flower. 2. Ovary, column, and labellum. 3. Front 
view of the column. 4. Front view of the labellum, with its glands. 5. Pollen- 
masses : — all more or less magnified. 



^ncsnt Brooks, Imp 

Tab. 5416. 


Short-spathed Heliconia. 

Nat. Orel. Musace.<e. — Pentandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Perigonii epigyni foliola exteriors sequalia, basi inter se concres- 
centia, interiora lateralis subconformia, approximata, genitalia amplectentia, 
posticum nanum. Stamina 5, sexto postico abortiente, basi perigonii adnata. 
Ovarium inferum triloculare. Ovula in loculis solitaria, e basi axeos adscen- 
dentia, anatropa. Stylus filiformis ; stigma depressiusculum, obsolete sex-lobum. 
Capsula subdrupacea, tricocca ; coccis osseis, indehiscentibus. Semina in coccis 
solitaria, obovato-subglobosa, basifixa, testa ab endocarpio vix solubili. Embryo 
orthotropus, linearis, in axi albuminis farinaceo-carnosi, extremitate radiculari 
urLbilicura attingente, infera. — Herbse Americana tropica, foliis longe petiolalis, 
petiolis lasi vaginantibus, scapum radicalem scepe velantibus, spathis pluribus dis- 
tichis, in axilla jioriferis. Endl. 

Heliconia brevispatha; foliis oblongis brevipetiolatis glaberrimis, spathis 
paucis brevibus valde acuminatis coloratis, floribus albis spatha longioribus, 
sepalo nano ovato-acuminato. 

Heliconia aurantiaca. Hort. Versch. 

The species of the genus Heliconia are more numerous than 
have been supposed, and do not seem to have attracted the at- 
tention of the horticulturist or the botanist so much as they de- 
serve. The present species we cannot find anywhere described nor 
noticed, except that it has come to us in 1861 from M. Ver- 
schaffelt's garden establishment in Ghent, under the name of 
"H. aurantiaca" an appellation scarcely suited to it. Its native 
country is probably South America. In a warm stove with us 
it produced readily its singular flowers, in the summer both of 
1862 and 1863. 

Descr. This is a small species compared with several of the 
genus, scarcely exceeding three feet in height. Leaves little 
more than a span long, one and a half inch wide, oblong, rather 
obtuse at the base, much acuminated at the apex, quite glabrous. 
Petioles short, but their sheathing bases very much elongated, 

DECEMBEE 1ST, 1863. 

as is common to the genus, green on both sides, pinnatedly 
veined, veins faint. Scape chiefly included within the sheathing 
bases of the leaves, prolonged a few inches beyond the petiole of 
the uppermost leaf. Spike short, of not more than four or five 
orange-red spathes, of which the inferior one is flowerless, about 
four inches long, its upper half green ; the rest are much smaller 
and gradually shorter upwards, each bearing two to three or four 
white flowers in the axil, and with whitish-green ovaries. 

Fig. 1. Flower from which all the sepals but the dwarfed one have been 
removed, — magnified. 

W.Fitah.del etlith 

Vincent Brooks, Imp 

Tab. 5417. 

LIGULARIA Hodgson r. 

Mr. Hodgson's Ligularia. 

Nat. Ord. Composite. — Syngenesia Supekflua. 

Gen. Char. Capitulum multiflorura, heterogamum, fioribus radii uniseriatis, 
Iigulatis v. bilabiatis, staminibus effoetis v. nullis fcemineis, disci tubulosis, her- 
raapliroditis. Involncrum campanulatum, subuniseriale. Receptaculum planum, 
nudum. Corolla radii ligulatse v. bilabiatse, disci tubulosse quinquedentatae. 
Anthera ecaudata3. Stigmata disci obtusa, pube longe descendente utrinque ob- 
sessa, cono brevissimo superata. Achenia erostria, sulcata, teretiuscula, exalata, 
baud ciliata. Pappus pluriserialis, pilosus, conformis. — Herbse perennes, in 
Asia media et India boreali copiose provenientes, in Europa . orientali et media 
rara ; foliis alternis variis, capitulis amplis flavis, in racemumce dispositis aut 
solitariis, longe pedunculatis. Midi. 

Ligularia Hodgsoni ; perennis elata succulenta, foliis radicalibus cordato- 
rotundatis repando-lobatis grosse acuteque dentato-serratis venosis, caulinis 
superioribus prsecipue bracteisque cucullato-vaginatis, fioribus magnis (2£ 
unc. latis) capitato-corymbosis, involucri foliolis uniserialibus basi bracteo- 
latis. > 

A very distinct and perfectly new species of Ligularia from 
Yezo, the most northern island of Japan, and from near Hako- 
dadi, detected there by our late Consul, C. P. Hodgson, Esq., 
after whom I name it. There is every reason to believe that it 
will bear the open air in this climate ; but at present we have 
kept it in a cool frame, where it produced its large bright-yellow 
flowers in July. 

Descr. The root appears to be perennial. The stem is 
thick and succulent, leafy, three feet, and probably more, high 
under favourable circumstances, striated, purplish below, green 
and downy above. Radical leaves on very long petioles, large, 
cordate, or subrotund (occasionally approaching to remform), 
more or less repandato-lobate, serrato-dentate with rather un- 
equal but very sharp, coarse teeth. Cauline leaves gradually 
smaller upwards, at length becoming leafless or nearly leafless 
bracteas, which are cucullato-vaginate around the stein. Flowers 

DECEMBER 1ST, 1863. 

very large, two and a half inches in diameter, capitato-corymbose, 
deep and bright yellow. Involucre turbinate, of several linear- 
lanceolate erect folioles in a single series, subtended by a few 
rather long, subulate bracts, forming a kind of involucel. Ligu- 
1 ate florets sixteen to twenty, large spreading, all female. Disk 
of numerous tubular florets, which are perfect. Pappus deep 
tawny when the fruit is approaching to ripeness. 

Fig. 1. Ligulate floret. 2. Floret of the disk: — magnified. 


Tab. 5418. 
ADENIUM obesum. 

Thick-stemmed Adenium. 

Nat. Ord. Apocyne^e. — Pentandria Monogynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx 5-partitus, lobis lanceolatis glanduloais. Corolla tubus iu- 
ferne cylindricus, angustatus, dein ampliatus exappendiculatus, externe pubescens, 
parte arapliata inferiore longiore infundibuliformi-cylindracea, interne subpu- 
bescente ; lobis aestivatione sinistrorsum convolutis, non replicatis, tubo breviori- 
bus. Mlamenta 5, brevissima, superne in tubi parte angustiore; anthercelmesxi- 
sagittatse, medio cum stigmate cohaerentes, apice seta pilosa longitudine corollae 
terminatae. Glandules circa ovaria nullae. Ovaria duo, globosa (ex Vahl), el- 
liptica (ex A. Honghel) ct glabra. Stylus 1. Stigma capitatum, apice bidentatum, 
" basi (ex A. Honghel) membrana reflexa cupuliformi ciuctum." Ovula co , pen- 
dentia, imbricata. Folliculi. — Sernina (ex A. Honghel) cylindraceo-prismatica, 
utrinque comosa, coma inFeriore serius caduca. Testa striata, denticulis retrorsis 
(sub lente videndis) aspera. Embryo rectus; radicula supera ovoidea oblonga, 
apice conica; colyledotiibus radicula multo brevioribus, ovatis foliaceis, margine 
involutis ? — Frutices caudice carnoso, globoso, ramis camosulis ; fobis paucis in 
axillis settferis, integris ; floribus ad apicem ramorum approximatis, breviter pe- 
dicellatis purpureas. — Genus habitu Pachypodii, sed seminibus bicomosis ! Alph. 
De Cand. 

Adenium obesum ; foliis ad apicem ramorum approximatis oblongis subpetiolatis 
mucronatis eveniis subtus villoso-tomentosis, junioribus utrinque mollibus 
pedicellis villosis, calyce pubescente, lobis corollae rotundatis. A. De Cand. 

Adenitjm obesum. Rcem. et Sch. Syst. Veget. v. 4. p. 411. Be Cand. Prodr. 

v. h.p. 412. 
Nebium obesum. Forsk. Fl. Mg. Arab. p. 205. Vahl, Symb. v. 2. p. 45. 
Paciiypodium obesum. Bon, Gen. Syst. Eort. and Sot. v. 4. p. 80. 
Cameraria obesa. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 641. 
Adenium Honghel. Lindl. in Bot. Misc. v. 32. tab. 54. (vix Be Cand.) 

A very remarkable-looking plant, native of the Arabian de- 
serts, and first noticed by Forskahl, in his « Flora iEgyptiaco- 
Arabica.' It was, prior to 1846, introduced, in a living state, to 
the Horticultural Society's Garden, through the medium of the 
Directors of the East India Company, from Aden. Several 
healthy plants were kindly sent to us also from Aden, by J. 

DECEMBER 1ST, 1863. 

Olding, Esq., of the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers, 
in 1862, and from the finest of these plants, nearly three feet high, 
our figure has been made, in August, 18G3. One of our figures 
(4) represents an entire flowering-plant, greatly reduced, accom- 
panied by a branch of the natural size. But judging by a pho- 
tograph lately sent to us by the kindness of Captain Playfair 
(late Political Agent at Aden, and now Her Britannic Majesty's 
Consul at Zanzibar), the shrub attains a very large size, and 
exhibits a most curious aspect with its thick tortuous branches, 
and very gouty base of the trunk ; the flowers however are 
handsome, and not much unlike those of the Oleander, to which 
family of plants this belongs. A second species {A. Honghel, 
De Cand.) is found on the Senegambia. Lindley speaks of this 
(or probably an allied species) as found at Delagoa Bay. It 
evidently affects a hot dry country. 

"Fig. 1. Tube of the corolla laid open, showing the stamens. 2. Single 
stamen. 3. Pistil : — all magnified. 4. Flowering plant, very much reduced 
from the natural size. 




Tab. 5419. 

BURLINGTONIA decora ; var. picta. 

Neat Burlingtonia ; painted var. 

Nat. Ord. OrchidejE. — Gynandria Monandria. 

Gen. Char. Perianthium membranaceum, convolutum, obliquum. Sepala un- 
guiculata, labello breviora, basi a petalis distincta, lateralia basi concava, con- 
nata, labello subposita. Petala unguiculata, labello parallela, sepalis longitu- 
dine sequalia, sed latiora. Labellum unguiculatum, bilobum, basi cornutum, vel 
muticum, cum colurana parallelum, apice dilatatum, ungue canaliculato, lamel- 
lato. Columna teres, longe clavata, nunc apice appendicibus duabus coloratis 
aucta; clinandrio dorsali, stigmate utrinque cornuto. Anthera uniloculars. 
Pollinia 2, postice excavata, caudiculee subalatse elastice adnata. — Herbse epi- 
phytes, pseudobulbis l-2-phyllis, basi foliatis. Lindl. 

Burlingtonia decora; caulibus elongatis hie inde proliferis, pseudobulbis ovatis 
compressis monophyllis, sepalis petalisque (albis roseo-maculatis) acutis, 
labelli ungue sepalis petalisque longiore, calcare integro, columna apice 
appendicibus 2 falcatis erectis pilosis amita. 

Burlingtonia decora. Lemaire, and Hook. JBot. Mag. t 4834 {which see for 
synonyms and description). 

Var. picta ; pseudobulbis orbicularibus compressis, foliis brevioribus acutissimis, 
sepalis petalisque pulcherrime maculis purpureo-atrosanguineis pictis. (Tab. 
nostr. 5419.) 

This most lovely state of Burlingtonia decora, as we believe 
it to be, was received from Brazil by Mr. Bateman, in whose 
Orchideous House it flowered in October of the present year, 
and was very attractive from its gracefulness, and the rich deep- 
purple mottling of the sepals and petals, on a pure white 
ground, so unlike the pale, dull, pinkish, uniform spotting of 
the B. decora, given at our Tab. 4834. Moreover, the foliage 
is considerably different from that of the latter plant, shorter, 
and more acute ; exactly resembling that of Burlingtonia rigida 
of Lindley, in ' Sertum Orchidaceum,' f. 36 ; a species on which 
we have already offered some remarks under our Tab. 4834.* 

Fig. 1. Side view of the column and lip and spur. 2. Front view of the 
column. 3. Pollen-masses: — magnified. 

* Burlingtonia decora has been given in the 'Flore des Serres,' vol vii. t. 716 
That has the elongated pseudobulbs and elongated leaves of our first figure ; but 
the sepals and petals are all over purple, with deeper small, and nearly uniform 
spots of the same colour. I fear the species is exceedingly variable. 

DECEMBER 1ST, 1863. 


In which the Latin Names of the Plants contained in the 
Nineteenth Volume of the Third Series (or Eighty- 
ninth Volume of the Work) are alphabetically arranged, 


5418 Adcnium obesum. 
5376 Alocasia Lowii. 

5394 Anchomanes Hookeri, var. pal- 

5384 Anguloa Ruckeri. 

5386 Aspidistra punctata ; albo-macu- 

5398 Bowenia spectabilis. 

5419 Burlingtonia decora, var. picta. 
5375 Calanthe Veitchii, hybrids. 

5392 Calceolaria punctata. 

5399 Catasetum cernuum. 
5360 Cereus pterogonus. 
5407 Ceropegia Bowkeri. 
5364 Cinchona officinalis. 
5382 Coccoloba platyclada. 
5372 Codonopsis cordata. 

5370 Coelogyne lagenaria. 
5357 Corysanthes limbata. 

5393 Crassula rosularis. 
5362 Cypripedium Hookerae. 
5374 Cyrtanthus lutescens. 
5359 Dammara orientalis. 

5414 Dipteracanthus affinis. 

5371 Encephalartus horridus, var. tri- 


5405 Eranthernum tuberculatum. 

5415 Eria myristicseformis. 
5391 obesa. 

5413 Eugosia cuneiformis. 

5410 Gardenia octomera. 

5378 Hsemanthus Natalensis, Pappe. 

5416 Heliconia brevispatha. 

5406 Hibiscus Huegelii, var. quinque- 



5380 Heterotropa parviflora. 
5383 Higginsia Gheisbechtii. 

5401 Horaoianthus viscosus. 

5366 Irapatiens bicolor. 

5395 Lewisia rediviva. 
5417 Ligularia Hodgsoni. 
5373 Lycioplesiura pubiflorum. 

5389 Meyenia Vogeliana. 

5411 Miconia pulverulenta. 

5403 Microstylis discolor. 

5367 Monochaetum Humboldtianum, 

5402 Musa sapientum, var. vittata. 

5390 Nephelaphyllum scapigerum. 
5397 Ophelia umbellata. 

53S8 Ornithogalura capitatura. 
5361 Phasdranassa obtusa. 
5356 Pitcairnia pungens. 
5385 Pleurothallis Reymondii. 
5363 Plumbago rosea, var. coccinea. 
5365 Pycnostachys urticifolia. 
5387 Rhododendron Batemani. 

5408 Sarcopodium psittacoglossum. 
5377 Saxifraga Fortunei. 

5379 Scilla Natalensis. 

5358 Sedum Sieboldii. 

5396 Senecio pyramidatus. 
5400 Silene Elizabethan 

5354 Sonerila grandiflora. 

5404 Sphseraleea acerii'olio. 

5409 Stauranthera grandiflora. 

5355 Tricyrtis hirta. 

5412 Webbia pinifolia. 

5368 ' 
5881 Zosterostvlis arachnites. 

Welwitschia mirabilia. 

1 N I) EX, 

In which tl ish Names of the Plants contained in the 

Nineteenth Volume of the Third Series (or Eighty- 
ninth Volume of the Work) are alphabetically arranged. 


5418 Adenium, thick-stemmed. 
5376 Alocasia, Mr. Low's. 

Anchomanes, Hookerian; pale- 
• flowered var. 
5384 Anguloa, Mr. Rucker's ; blood- 
coloured var. 
5S86 Aspidistra, dotted-flowered ; 

spotted-leaved var. 
5366 Balsam, two-coloured. 

5398 Bowenia, Australian. 

5419 Burlingtonia, neat j painted var. 
5375 Calanthe, Mr. Yeitch's ; garden 


5392 Calceolaria, spotted. 

5399 Catasetum, drooping. 

5400 Catchfly, Elizabethan. 
5360 Cereus, white-angled. 
5407 Ceropegia, Bowker's. 
5372 Codonopsis, heart-leaved. 

5370 Ccelogyne, flask-shaped. 
5357 Corysanthes, white-edged. 

5393 Crassula, spreading-leaved. 
5362 Cypripediura, Lady Hooker's. 
5 374 Cyrtanthus, yellow -flowered. 

5414 Dipteracanthus, splendid. 

5371 Encephalartus, three-toothed. 
5405 Eranthemum, tuberculated. 

5415 Eria, nutmeg-bearing. 

5391 thick-stemmed. 

5413 Fugosia, cuneate-leaved. 
5410 Gardenia, eight-parted. 
5396 Groundsel, pyramidal. 
5378 Haemanthiis, Natal. 

5416 Heliconia, short-spathed. 
5380 Heterotrope, small-flowered. 
5106 Hibiscus, Baron Huegel's ; quin- 

quevulnerous var. 





Higginsia, Gheisbecht's. 
Homoianthus, viscid. 
Leadwort, rose; scarlet var. 
Lewisia, reviving, or Spat'lum. 
Ligularia, Mr. Hodgson's. 
Lobe-berry, flat -branched. 
Lycioplesium, downy-flowered. 
Meyenia, Yogel's. 
Miconia, floccose. 
Microstylis, purple crisp-leaved. 
Monochaeton, Humboldt's. 
Nephelaphyllum, scapigerous. 
Ophelia, umbellate. 
Ornithogalum, capitate. 
Peruvian Bark, La Condamine's. 
Phaedranassa, blunt. 
Pitcairnia, spinose. 
Pitch-pine, Dammara or Am- 

Plantain, common ; stripe-leaved 

Pleurothallis, Reymond's. 
Pycnostachys, nettle-leaved. 
Rhododendron, Mr. Bateman's. 
Sarcopodium, parrot-tongued. 
Saxifrage, Mr. Fortune's. 
Sonerila, large-flowered.. 
Spat'lum, or Reviving'Lewisia. 
Sphaeralcea, maple -leaved. 
Squill, Natal. 
Stauranthera, large-leaved. 
Stonecrop, Siebold's. 
Tricyrtis, Thunberg's. 
Webbia, pine-leaved. 

> Welwitschia, African. 

Zosterostvlis, cobweb.