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‘Plants of the Ropal Gardens of Kew 







(Or Vol. XC. of the Whole Work.) | 4) 


5 a ‘My Garden painted oer 
With Natare’s hand, not Art’s,? 

Mo. Bot. “Garden — 


te LONDON: < : 




£ ; 4 22 i: ' ; x 
: The present Volume is Dedicate, ee 


- Royar Garpens, Kew, 
~ Dec. 1, 1864. 









W Fitch, del. et lith 



Vincent. Brock: 


Tas. 5420, 

Pale-veined Tree-Aristolochia. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5295.) 

ARIsToLocnta Jeuconeura; subarborescens elongata scandens ramosa, trunco 
inferne diametro bipollicari et ultra suberoso rugoso, foliis longe petiolatis 
subcarnoso-coriaceis cordatis acute acuminatis 7-nerviis basi profunde bi- 
lobis glabris, pedunculis flexuosis fasciculatis e basi trunci egredientibus 
unifloris, perianthio subinfundibuliformi subcoriaceo-carnoso curvato, in- 
ferne valde inflato, limbo amplo oblique unilabiato atro-purpureo pulcherrime 
flavo-lineato punctatoque, stigmate profunde 6-lobo lobis ovatis apice un- 
guiculatis patenti-incurvis. 

ARISTOLOCHIA leuconeura. Linden, Cat. n. 13. p. 2. 

This is a very fine species of Aristolochia, evidently belonging 
to the same natural group or section as the Aristolochia arborea, 
Linden, figured at Tab. 5295 of this work; derived, too, from 
the same country, New Granada, and introduced into Europe 
by the same distinguished horticulturist, Mr. Linden, through 
Mr. Triana, who detected it on the Magdalena, between Honda 
and Magdalena. As a species, however, it is totally distinct — 
from the one just mentioned, not only in the foliage, but in the © 
organization and internal structure of the flower. The singular 
blossoms are produced in our stove in September. 

Descr. Stem quite woody, almost arborescent, rough and 
corky on the outside, two or more inches in diameter, in our 
young plant twelve feet long, scandent, branched. Young 
branches terete, herbaceous. Leaves a span or more long, 
carnoso-coriaceous, cordate, deeply two-lobed at the base, with | 
a very obtuse sinus, sharply and rather suddenly acuminate, — 
glabrous, seven-nerved ; nerves very thick and pale-coloured, on — 
a full green ground. Petiole three to four inches long, terete, — 
often twisted, subamplexicaul, but scarcely stipuled. Lowers 
produced in a cluster from the lower part of the old trunk, and . 

near the base, peduncled. Peduncles short, single-flowered. — 

JANUARY Ist, 1864. 

Ovary elongated, club-shaped, terete, six-furrowed. Perianth 
two and a half inches long, following its curvature, dark-choco- 
late purple-coloured, set on as it were on one side of the apex of 
the ovary, so as to stand out at right angles from it; the fuse 
infundibuliform (internally lined with subulate deflexed hairs), 
much inflated at the base; the dim oblique, one-lipped, ovate, 
large and spreading, apiculate, the whole upper side beautifully 
marked with pale yellow, often forked lines, radiating from the 
mouth of the tube. dnthers oblong, attached one to the base 

of each of the six large, patenti-inflexed, unguiculate lobes of 
the stigma. 

Fig. 1. Apex of the inferior ovary, and section of the base of the tube of the 
perianth. 2. One of the hairs from the interior of the tube. 3. Stigma and 
anthers. Transverse section of the germen :—magnified. 


W Fitch, del et lith. Vincent Brooks, Imp. 

Tas. 5421, 


Mr. Bowker’s Pelargonium. 

Nat. Ord. Gerantace®.—Monave entra Decanprta. 

Gen. Char, Flores irregulares. Sepala 5, imbricata, basi connata posticum in 
calcar pedicello adnatum productum. Petada 5, v. abortu pauciora, leviter peri- 
gyna, imbricata, 2 superiora exteriora inferioribus dissimilia, ad latera calearis y 
pone illum inserta. Glandule disci nulle. Stamina 10, hypogyna, basi connata, 
obliqua, 7 v. rarius 2-6 antherifera, cetera ananthera y. rudimentaria, Ovarium 
5-lobum, 5-loculare, rostratum, rostro in sfy/um abeunte, ramis 5 linearibus in- 
trorsum stigmatosis. Ovw/a in loculis 2, ab angulo interno pendula superposita 
v. fere collateralia. Capsule lobi 5, 1-spermi, ab axi placentifero septifrage de- 
hiscentes, caudis a basi ad apicem elastice revolutis. Semina exalbuminosa : 
radicula supera in cotyledones planas v. flexuoso-plicatas incumbens.—Herba: 
suffrutices v. frutices, glabre vel pubescentes, sepe viscoso-odorata, nune carnose 
Folia opposita v. rarius alterna, integra, dentata, lobata v. varie dissecta stipu- 
lata. Pedunculi axillares, oppositifolii, alares v. radicales, umbellatim 2-~<0-flori 
vel rarius 1-flori. Benth. and Hook. : 

PeLarconium (§ Polyactium) Bowkeri; radice nodoso-tuberosa, caule brevi 
carnoso, foliis subradicalibus petiolatis bi-—tri-pinnatipartitis, pinnis in 
rachide valde elongato suboppositis alternisve numerosis, pinnulis lineari- 
filiformibus integerrimis tenuiter adpresse pubescentibus; stipulis lanceo- 
latis acuminatis, scapo foliis longiori patentim puberulo, umbella multiflora, 
pedicellis bracteas oblongas villosas parum superantibus, petalis profunde 
bilobis, lobis fimbriato-multifidis. 

PeLarconium Bowkeri. Harv. Fl. Cap. Suppl. v. 2. p. 592; and Thesaur. Cap. 

,0. 2. p. 14. é. 121. 


Our first knowledge of this very interesting species of Pelar- 
gonium is through Dr. Harvey’s valuable Flora of the Cape 
Colony, Caffraria, and Port Natal; and it was soon after figured 
in the ‘Thesaurus Capensis.’ It is a native of Trans-Kei coun- 
try, of rare occurrence, detected by H. Bowker, Esq., who, to- 
gether with Mrs. Bowker, are eminent contributors towards the 
perfection of the South African flora. Nearly about the same 
time it was collected by Mr. Cooper, then collector for W. Wilson 
Saunders, Esq., from whom we received the plant here figured. 

JANUARY IsT, 1864. 

Dr. Harvey speaks of it as a very handsome species, with the 
flowers of P. schizopetalum, Amatymbicum, and Caffrum, but 
differing from all these remarkably in foliage. It certainly is a 
graceful and elegant plant, both as to foliage and in the struc- 
ture of the flowers; but there is an absence of brilliant colour 
in the latter, which renders so many other Cape Pelargonia 
attractive to cultivators. 

Descr. Zuders large, oblong or egg-shaped or subrotund, 
solitary, or produced two to three, one above the other. Stem 
very short. Leaves subradical, with lanceolate scales or stipules, 
compoundly pinnate, slightly patenti-subsericeous, the segments 
or pinne linear acute. Petioles and main rachis terete, patenti- 
pilose. Scape a foot or more high, terete, patenti-pilose. 
Flowers in a rather large, spreading, terminal wméel, bracteated 
at the base of the pedicels, of a yellowish colour, tinged with 
purple. Calyx with the sepals reflexed. Two upper petals ob- 
long, laciniated or fringed chiefly at the apex, three lower ones 
cuneate, much more deeply and compoundly laciniated. 

Fig. 1. Calyx and pistil. 2. One of the upper petals. 3%. One of the lower 
petals :—all magnified. ait 


Penarth eye cm 

cent Brooks imp 

Tas. 5422. 


Crimson Schizostylis. 

Nat. Ord. IntpE#.—TRIANDRIA MonoGyntIa. 

Gen. Char. Schizostylis, Backh. and Harv.—Flores spicati, bilracteati; brac- 
teis herbaceis integris, apice vix sphacelatis. Perigonium cora linum, superne 
hypocrateriforme, tubo gracili, limbi laciniis equalibus patentibus. Stamina 3, 
fauce perigonii inserta; jilamenta subulata; anthere versatile, basi bilobe. 
Ovarium oblongum, 3-loculare ; ovula plurima, biseriata. Sty/us filiformis, pro- 
funde trifivus; stigmata subulata, erecto-patentia, apice incurva, integerrima. 
Capsula oblonga, teretiuscula ; semina (immatura) plurima, obtuse angulata, im- 
marginata. W. H. Harvey, ms. 

ScHIZOSTYLIS coccinea. Backh. and Harvey, ms. 

The specimen of this lovely Iridaceous plant, here repre- 
sented, was sent to us by Messrs. Backhouse and Son, from 
their Nursery at York, in November of the present year, 1863, 
with the information that it inhabits eastern rivers of South 
Africa, called Kabousie and Keir-kamma, in Kaffirland. Sub- 
sequently, Dr. Harvey has informed me that he possesses speci- 
mens of the same plant, gathered by Cooper (n. 1197 of his 
distributed collection), near Drackensberg Mountain; and also 
from Mr. D’Urban (n. 110), who found it by the Kabousie 
river, in British Caffraria, in both cases growing very near 
water. Again, Dr. Harvey has detected it in Mr. Sanderson's 
collections from Natal; and in Mr. Hutton’s from the Katberg, 
altitude 3000 feet, who speaks of it as a “beautiful pint LHes- 
perantha,’ showing its affinity in his eyes to that genus, to 
which Mr. Backhouse also detected a resemblance. These spe- 
cimens, besides having paler flowers than our figure represents, 
have occasionally also the lobes of the perianth more obtuse. 

Descr. The root, which I have not seen, is described by 

JANUARY Ist, 1864. 

Mr. Backhouse as “likely to form a corm or bulb-tuber at the 
base of the stem, and at the extremity of the runners (like 
Tritonia rosea), though at present there is no clear bulb 
formed.” The plant attains the height of three feet, with long, 
sheathing, sword-shaped, carinated /eaves, the longest arising 
from the base. Upwards they gradually form dracts, and con- 
stitute a distichous spite, from which the flowers (ten to four- 
teen) gradually emerge, opening in succession from below up- 
wards. Tube of the peranth shorter than the bracts; limb 
measuring two inches across, of six spreading, uniform, ovate- 
oblong, very acute, bright crimson /oses. Stamens three, in- 
serted at the summit of the tube. Azthers sagittate, yellow. 
Ovary inferior, subtriangular. Sty/e filiform, divided nearly half- 
way down into three slender branches. Stigmas obtuse. 

Fig. 1. Stamen. 2. Pistil. 3. Transverse section of the ovary :—magnified. 

_ Vincent Brooks Imp 

W-Fitch, lith 

Tas. 5423, 


Creeping Monkey-flower. 


Gen. Char. Calyx tubulosus, 5-angulatus, 5-dentatus. Corolle labium supe- 
rius erectum vel reflexo-patens bilobum, inferne patens trilobum intus ad faucem 
sepius bigibbosum, laciniis omnibus rotundatis planis. Stamina fertilia 4. _An- 
therarum toculi deorsum subconfluentes. Stylus apice bilamellatus, laciniis sub- 
ovatis subeequalibus. Capsula vix sulcata, bivalvis, loculicide dehiscens ; valvudis 
integris raro bifidis, medio septiferis, columnam centralem placentiferam integram 
vel bifidam nudantibus.—Herbe eztra-Huropee, decumbentes vel erecta. Folia 
opposita. Pedunculi avillares, solitarii, uniflori, superiores interdum ad apices 
ramorum opposite racemosi. Benth. in De Cand. 

MIMULUS repens ; repens, foliis sessilibus vel amplexicaulibus ovatis oblongisve 
obtusis, pedunculis folio parum longioribus, calycibus ovatis truncatis bre- 
vissime dentatis. Benth. repens. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p.439. Benth. in De Cand. 

: Prodr, p. 373. Hook. Fil. Fl. Nov. Zel. v.1. p.188. Hjusd. Fl. Tasman. 

v. 1. p. 290. 

Twenty-nine species of the genus Mimulus are enumerated by 
Mr. Bentham, of which the majority are natives of North Ame- 
rica, chiefly on the Pacific side, and with many of these we 
are familiar in our gardens. Three inhabit India, one Mada- 
gascar, one the Cape, two tropical and two extra-tropical 
Australia. The last-mentioned are remarkable in being pros- 
trate or creeping, and necessarily include the present species, 
which was discovered by Mr. Brown, at Port Jackson; but it - 
extends to Victoria (whence seeds were sent to us by Dr. Mueller, 
in 1862), and is probably frequent in the more temperate regions 
of Australia, appearing again in Tasmania; and Dr. Hooker 
speaks of it as common “ in saline situations, and muddy banks 
of rivers, etc., in New Zealand.” It is now, we believe, first 

cultivated in Europe, and we are glad to give a figure of so very i 

pretty a species. Mr. Bentham well observes, “ Habitu Herpe- 

JANUARY Ist, 1864. 

stidi Monnieria simillimus ;” but the flowers are much larger 
and handsomer. We have hitherto kept it in the greenhouse, 
where it flowers copiously ; but in all probability a common 
frame would suffice for its winter protection, and the open air 
im summer. 

Descr. Herbaceous, perennial, branching copiously from a 
central root, everywhere prostrate and rooting, quite glabrous 
and subsucculent ; ranches four-angled. Leaves opposite, ses- 
sile, varying from orbicular to oblong, quite entire in our plant 
at the margin, one-nerved (no evident lateral veins). Peduncles 
longer than the leaves, opposite, axillary, solitary, one-flowered. 
Calyx rather small in proportion to the size of the corolla, sub- 
campanulate, five-angled, five-toothed ; ¢eeth short, erect, with a 
rounded, short, crenate Jobe between the teeth. Corol/a rather 
bright lilac, paler on the lower lip, dotted with deep yellow in 
the faux (and there bigibbous and pubescent); ¢de infundibuli- 
form, longer than the calyx ; im very large and spreading, two- 
lipped, upper two-, lower lip- three-lobed ; /odes large, obtuse, or 
retuse. Stamens and style included. Ovary ovate. Sty/e filiform. 
Stigma two-lipped. , 

Fig. 1. Corolla laid open. 2. Calyx and pistil. 3. Pistil removed from the 
calyx :—magnified, ; : 


Vincent, Brooks, Imp. 

Tas. 5424, 

Cannibals’ Solanum or Boro dina. 


Gen. Char. Calyx 5-(rarius 4—6—10)-partitus -fidus -dentatus -crenatusve, atque 
etiam integer, regularis vel rarius subirregularis. Corolla rotata, cupularis 
vel patellaris, ¢ubo brevi, limdo plicato 5-(rarius 4 v. 6)-fido -partito vel 
-angulari. Stamina 5, rarius 4 vel 6, corolle fauci adnata, plerumque exserta ; 
Jilamenta brevissima, eequalia vel rarius ineequalia. Anthere libere, apice poris 
geminis dehiscentes, conniventes, rarissime connate, equales vel interdum ine- 
quales, Zoculis lateralibus connectivo non conspicuo adnatis. Ovarium bi-(rarius 
3—4)-loculare, placentis dissepimento insertis adnatis multiovulatis. Stylus sub- 
simplex. Stigma obtusum. Bacca 2-(rarius 3—4)-locularis. Semina plurima, sub- 
reniformia, compressa. Embryo periphericus, spiralis, albumen carnosum in- 
cludens. Dunal, in De Cand. 

SOLANUM anthropophagorum ; fruticosum, ramis herbaceis teretibus erectis, foliis 
glabris ovatis acuminatis integerrimis vel (inferioribus) margine angulato- 
lobatis longe petiolatis, pedunculis petiolo brevioribus extra-axillaribus soli- 
tarlis apice subcomposite racemosis, pedicellis paucis gracilibus cernuis, 
floribus parvis, calyce tubo brevi subhemispherico conspicue 5-gibboso, 
limbo 5-lobo, lobis triangulari-ovatis acuminatis, corolla (alba) rotata pu- 
bescente, fructu magnitudine Citri Limetta globoso obscure 2-lobo apice 

Sozanum anthropophagorum. Seem. in Bonplandia, 1862. p. 294. t. 14. 

The ‘ Correspondence relative to the Fiji Islands,’ presented 
to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty in 
May, 1862, is accompanied by an interesting Appendix, being 
a Report, by Dr. Seemann, on the “ Vegetable Productions and 
Resources of the Vitian or Fijian Islands,” in which a chapter at 
page 58 is devoted to “ Vegetables eaten with human flesh ;? from 
which I make the following extract :—‘“ Zhese it may be impor- __ 
tant to notice ; since, thanks to the influence of commerce, Chris 
tian teaching, and the presence of a British consul, cannibalism _ 
survives only in a few localities, and is daily becoming more ard _ 
more a matter of history. Human flesh, Fijians have repeatedly — 
s _ JANUARY Ist, 1864. : oe 

assured me, is extremely difficult to digest, and even the healthi- 
est suffer for two or three days after partaking of it. Probably 
in order to assist the process of digestion, bokola, as dead man’s 
flesh is technically termed, is always eaten with the addition of 
vegetables. There are principally three kinds, which in Fijian 
estimation ought to accompany bokola,—the leaves of Malawani 
(Trophis anthropophagorum, Seem.), the Tudano (Omalanthus pe- 
dicellatus, Benth.), and the Boro dina (Solanum anthropophago- 
rum, Seem.). The two former are middle-sized trees, growing 
wild in many parts of the group, but the Boro dina is cultivated, 
and there are generally several large bushes near every ‘ bure’ 
(or strangers’ house) where the bodies of those slain in battle 
are always taken. The Boro dina is a bushy shrub, seldom higher 
_ than six feet, with a dark glossy foliage, and berries of the shape 
and colour of tomatoes. ‘This fruit has a faint aromatic smell, 
and is occasionally prepared like tomato sauce. The leaves of 
these three plants are wrapped round the bokola, as those of the 
‘Taro are around pork, and baked with it on heated stones. Salt 
is not forgotten. Whilst every other kind of vegetable and meat 
are eaten with the fingers, cannibal food is touched only with 
forks, generally made of the wood of the Nokonoko (Casuarina 
equisetifolia) or the Vesi (Afzelia bijuga, A. Gray), bearing curious 
names, and having three to four long prongs. ‘The reason given 
for this deviation from the general mode of eating is a wide- 
spread belief that fingers which have touched bokola are apt to 
generate cutaneous diseases when coming in contact with the 
tender skin of children, and as the Fijians are very fond of their 
offspring, they are most scrupulous in using forks on the above 

_ The Boro dina above mentioned is the subject of our present 
Plate. Our plants were reared from seed brought home by Dr. 
Seemann, and which flowered in the stove of the Royal Gardens 
in July. Except when in fruit, this species of Solanum has no 
beauty to recommend it for cultivation: it is only interesting 
historically as connected with a practice which is happily yearly 
becoming more and more obsolete. 

Fig. 1. Calyx, including the pistil. 2, Corolla laid open, with stamens and 
pistil,—magnified. 3. Fruits,—nat. size. 4. Transverse section of a fruit,— 
nat, size, 


ra IAW). 



TAB. °3425. 

FORRESTIA uaispipa. 

Hlairy-sheathed Forrestia. 

Nat. Ord. Commetinace.2®.—HexanprIA MonoGynia. 

Gen. Char. Sepala 6, ima basi connata, colorata; ¢ria exteriora erecta, ob- 
longa, acuta; ¢ria interiora angustiora, oblongo-subspathulata, acuta, plana, pel- 
lucida, caduca, in floribus unisexualibus nullis vel cito evanida. Stamina 6, 
hypogyna, sepalis opposita eorumque longitudine. Filamenta distincta, filiformia. 
Anthere biloculares, subcordate, introrse, basi affixee ; Joculis oppositis, secun- 
dum longitudinem dehiscentibus. Ovarium liberum, sessile, subovoideum, tri- 
gonum, superne villosum, triloculare ; ovuda in loculis bina, superposita. Sf/ylus 
terminalis, gracilis, longitudine staminum, glaber. Stigma parvulum, obsolete 
trilobum. Capsula subcordato-triquetra, trilocularis, trivalvis; valvis medio 
septiferis. Semina in loculis 2, obsolete reniformia, medio lateraliter affixa (ex- 
centrice peltata, Hndi.), externe convexa, interne margine revoluta et inzequaliter 
lobulata, concava. Albumen subcartilagineum, densum, album. Embryo ? 
—Herba erecta, bipedalis, simplex. Folia vaginantia, elliptico-oblonga, nervoso- 
striata, glabra, basi angustata et supra vaginam quasi petiolata ; vaginis integris, 
hispido-lanuginosis. Flores rubri, supra vaginam exserti, dense capitati, herma- 
phroditi vel abortu unisexuales, bracteis interstincti. Less. et Rich. 

Forrustia hispida, Less. et A. Rich. in Voy. de U Astrolabe, v. 2. p. 2. t. 1. 
Kunth, Enum. Plant. v. 4. p. 116. Mig. Fl. Ned. Ind. v. 8. p. 541. 

CaMPELIA marginata. Bl. Enum. Pl. Jav. v.1.p.%. Wall. Cat. n. 3977 (not 
Campelia of Rick.). Probably C. mollissima, Bl., and of Mig. Fl. Ned. 
Ind. v. 1. Suppl. p. 609. 

AMISCHOTOLYPE marginata, Hassk., and A. glabrata, Hassk. in Regensb. Fl. 1863, 
n. 23. p. 392, belong here also. 

PoLLia purpurea. Hort. Bull. (certainly not Pollia of Thunb.) 

Our first knowledge of this really handsome stove-plant was — 
derived from Mr. Bull, Nursery, Chelsea, who presented us with 
a living plant, but (a subject of which we have often to com- 
plain) without giving any clue to the period of its introduction, — 
through what channel, or what its native country ; simply ac- 
companied by the name of “ Pollia purpurea.” It may be so 

FEBRUARY Ist, 1864. 



Tan- 0426, 

Slender-stalked Ipomea. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5330.) 

Ipoma@a (§ Orthipomea) jilicaulis; caule elongato raro subvolubili filiformi 
anguloso, foliis linearibus aut lineari-lanceolatis brevissime petiolatis basi 
subhastato-denticulatis glaberrimis, pedunculis folio longioribus 1-2-floris, 
pedicellis clavatis, sepalis acutis ovato-acuminatis eequalibus 3 lineas longis, 
corolla albo-lutea. Chois. 

Ipome@a filicaulis. Bl. Bijdr. p. 721. Ohois. in De Cand. Prodr. v. 9. p. 353. 
ConvoLvuLus filicaulis. Vahl, Symb. v. 3. p. 24. 

Convo.vutus hastatus. Desv. non Sieb. nee Thunb. 

ConvoLvuLus medium. Lour. Ait. Wall., non Linn. (Chois.) 

ConvoLvuuvs filiformis. Thund. 

ConvoLVULus denticulatus. Spreng. angustifolius. Desr. Vahl. Japonicus? Th. Fl. Jap. p. 85. 

Ipome@a denticulata. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 485. Lindl. Bot. Reg. 
p. 317, not Chois. 

Ipoma@a angustifolia. Jacg. Coll. v. 2. p. 367. Ic. Rar. t. 317, not Chois. 
Trpome@a Japonica? Rem. et Sch. 

Ipome@a Blumei. Steud. 

Iroma@a bidentata. Don. 

ConvoLvuLus Blumei. Dietr. 

Tatu-Nout. Rheede, Hort. Malad. v. 11. p. 118. #. 35. 

Of the above numerous synonyms brought under this species, 
we have verified what lay in our power; for the rest M. Choisy — 
is responsible, though there is no reason to believe that he is 
otherwise than correct. It has certainly a widely extended lo- 
cality, being considered to inhabit Asia (India and the Malay 
Archipelago, abundant, whence the seeds are often sent without 
name to Europe), Australia, Africa; and even the warmer parts 

FEBRUARY Ist, 1864. 

of the New World. Being an annual, however, it does not easily 
become established in our stoves: yet it is a graceful and an 
elegant plant, bearing a succession of the pretty dark-eyed cream- — 
coloured flowers, with however scarcely a sufficient mass of foliage 
to set off the blossoms to much advantage. 

Descr. Séems filiform, much branched, and varying greatly in 
length, rambling rather than climbing. eaves alternate, two 
to three inches long, less than half an inch wide, glabrous, 
linear-oblong, acuminate, scarcely petioled: the base entire or 
two-lobed, so as then to be sagittate, or sometimes hastate, and 
toothed. Peduncle filiform, solitary, two to four inches long, 
generally longer than the leaf from the axils of which they spring, 
and for the most part bearing two flowers, with slender pedicels, 
the uppermost flower expanding first. Sepa/s acuminate. Co- 
rolla small, scarcely three-quarters of an inch broad, subinfun- 
dibuliformi-campanulate, white or cream-colour, with a bright 
purple eye in the throat. Stamens scarcely exserted. Ovary 

globose, seated on a fleshy disk. Style filiform; stigma large, 


Fig. 1. Base of a leaf, with its short petiole. 2. Pistil :—magnified. 


sot Og 



W Fitch, del. et lith 

Vincent Brooks, Imp- , 


Tas. 3427. 

Shaggy-stemmed Cornflag. 

Nat. Ord. IntpacEa&.—TRIANDRIA MoNoGyNIA. 

Gen. Char. Perigonium corollinum, superum, irregulare, tubo teretiusculo, limbi 
sexpartiti bilabiati laciniis ineequalibus. Stamina 3, perigonii tudo inserta, 
erecta v. subsecunda, inclusa v. exserta ; filamenta filiformia; anthere lineares, 
dorso supra basin affixee. Ovarium inferum, obtuse trigonum, triloculare. Ovula 
plurima, in loculorum angulo centrali pluriseriata, pendula, anatropa. Stylus 
filiformis ; stigmata 3, petaloideo-dilatata. Capsula membranacea, trilocularis, 
loculicido-trivalvis. Semina plurima, pendula, compresso-plana, alata v. rarius 
globosa, subbaccata, testa laxa vel carnosa, rhaphe intra testam libera, valida. 
Embryo axilis, albumine carnoso parum brevior, extremitate radiculari umbilicum 
attingente, supera—Herbee in Europa media et in regione Mediterranea rariores, 
in Capite Bone Spei copiose, multiformes ; radice bulboso-tuberosa, foliis dis- 
tichis equitantibus, floribus in spira simplici secundis, sepius nutantibus, spatha 
bivalvi persistente. Endl. 

GLADIOLUS sericeo-villosus ; elatus, caule spathisque sericeo-villosissimis, foliis 
bi-tripedalibus et ultra elongatis lineari-ensiformibus striatis, spica pedali 
et ultra multiflora, tubo corolle spatham equante, limbo campanulato sub- 
ringente luteo-virescente rubro tincto, laciniis ovatis subuniformibus concavis 
superiore majore, staminibus subexsertis, styli ramis elongatis curvatis. 

Communicated to the Royal Gardens of Kew by our valued 

friend W. Wilson Saunders, Esq., being one of the many novel- 

ties detected by his collector, Mr. Cooper, in the interior of the 
Cape Colony. It is quite unlike any of the numerous species of 
Gladiolus figured in botanical or horticultural works, and equally 
unlike any of the Cape species in our herbarium, and isa striking 
plant from its size, three to four feet high, the very long and 
densely-flowered spike, and the beautiful long, shaggy-silky 
clothing to the stem and spathes, while the rest of the plant is 
quite free from hairs. The colour of the flowers, too, is very 
peculiar, yellow-green, but tinged with pale-yellowish brown, 
ah striking in the living plant than as seen from a coloured 
I do not venture to notice the affinities of the species of a 
FEBRUARY Ist, 1864. 

has not come aah. dder th r uetvation ; ; and re 
now Be will receive due attention from the learned authors of 

‘Fig. 1. Base of the tube of the corolla, with stamens and style,—slightly 
magnified. 2. Leaf,—natural size. — 




icent Brooks, 


ne eee a eeee 

Tas. 5428. 


Smaller-leaved Trichantha. 


Gen. Char. Calyx inferus, coloratus, profunde quinquepartitus ; Jodis subpal- 
mato-profunde-pinnatifidis, laciniis elongatis linearibus ciliatis. Corolla tubu- 
losa, hinc subventricosa, crinito-hirsuta, supra basin constricta ; Jimbo parvo, ob- 
liquo, 4-lobo, lobo superiore bifido ; 4odis cum appendiculis claviformibus paulo 
infra sinus clavatis, luteis, alternantibus, apice setoso-stellatis. Stamina 4, didy- 
nama, subinclusa; aztheris per pariaconniventibus. Ovarium superum, ovatum 
hinc basi glandula hypogyna, magna. Stylus filiformis, longitudine staminum ; 
stigma bifidum.—Frutices scandentes, radicantes, Caricasani, epiphytt, pilosi. 
Folia subsucculenta, carnosa, ovata, seu obovata, opposita, unico multo minore. 
Flores hirsutissimi (pilis articulatis), axillares, aggregati, pulcherrime picti. Pe- 
dunculi wxiflori, sursum curvati. Hook. 

TRICHANTHA minor; foliis ovatis acuminatis integerrimis ciliatis supra demum 
glabriusculis, caule appresso-piloso vel glabro. : 

TRICHANTHA minor. Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 666. Walp. Repert. Bot. Syst. p. 395. 
Hanst. Conspect. Gesneriac. p. 216. t. 2. f. 63. 

This very remarkable and very beautiful plant, which, to- 
gether with a closely allied species, constitute a new genus of 
Gesneriacee, has been hitherto only known in the herbarium, 
from specimens collected by William Lobb in Columbia, South 
America, and supplied to us by the late Mr. Veitch, of the 
Exeter Nursery, and they were both figured by us in the seventh 
volume of our ‘Icones Plantarum.’ ‘To our great gratification, 
we received in November of the past year 1863, living speci- 
mens in full flower of one of the two species, 7: minor, from 
the present Messrs. Veitch, of Exeter and Chelsea Nurseries ; 
and beautiful as are many of the Gesneriaceous plants, long fa- 
yourites in our stoves and greenhouses, none perhaps excee 
this in elegance of form and structure, and beauty of colour. 
These living plants were introduced through Mr. R. Pearce, the — 
energetic collector for the Messrs. Veitch, in Tropical America. 

FEBRUARY Ist, 1864. 

The | announcing it was dated from Guayaquil, 1861, and _ 
it was mentioned as “a charming little stove-climber, with 
flowers bearing a strong resemblance to spiders ;” but no exact 
locality has been stated either by Mr. Pearce or by Mr. Lobb, 
which is much to be regretted. 

‘Fig. 1. Flower, deprived of the corolla. 2. Corolla laid open. 3. Ovary and 
] gland. 4. Transverse section of ovary :—magnified. 

W. Fitch, delet lith. 

Vincent. Brooks, imp. 

i eee ae 

‘Sawer as 

Tas. 3429. 


Parish’s Canscora. 


Gen. Char. Calyx tubulosus, 4-dentatus. Corol/a nuda, demum seepius deci- 
dua, labio superiore profunde bilobo basi triandro, inferiori emarginato, monan- 
dro; sfamine inferiori longiori. Anthere erect, immutatate, 3 superiores li- 
neares filamento destitute; swprema lobis intermedia, laterales juxta et infra 
labium corolla superius posite ; inferior subrotunda, minor ; Jilamento suture 
loborum inserto brevior. Ovarium uniloculare ; ovudis ad suturam insertis. Stylus 
distinctus, deciduus; s¢igmate bilamellato v. bigloboso aut indiviso, capitulato 
aut bicruri. Capsula bivalvis, septicida, subunilocularis, placentis spongiosis 
suturalibus. Semina placentis immersa, minuta—Herbe annua, Indie orien- 
talis, Africeque tropice orientalis. Caulis tetrapterus, ramosus, tener ; ramis 
erecto-patentibus ; panicula dichotoma, rarissime in spicam redacta. Folia ¢ri- 
nervia, parva, latiuscula. Flores rose vel albi, tenues ; calyce cylindrico, appresso, 
corolla tubum equante. Griesb. in De Cand. 

Canscora Parishii; annua, glabra, caule erecto ramisque dichotomis teretibus, 
foliis omnibus orbiculari-perfoliatis obtusissimis vix mucronato-apiculatis 
glaucis, floribus solitariis axillaribus brevissime pedunculatis, calyce inflato- 
urceolato amplo lobis latis acutis erecto-patentibus, corolla (alba) tubo basi 
inflato, lobis obovatis subobliquis basi biocellatis, staminibus didynamis 
omnibus fertilibus. 

A most interesting and perfectly new species of the Gentian 
family, Canscora, found by the Rev. C. S. P. Parish, on limestone 
rocks, at Moulmeine, and by Mr. Thomas Lobb, on the ruins of 
a pagoda, in the same country. In 1863, Mr. Parish sent to us 
seeds, as well as specimens: the former germinated readily, and 
being annual, and of tolerably rapid growth, the singular leaves 
and copious pure white flowers, yellowish in the centre, were 
quite an ornament to the house in the summer months. The 
species is very remarkable, in having perfectly terete stems 
and branches, and an equally terete calyx, in no way angled 
or winged. “The leaves are. throughout the plant completely 
connato-perfoliate into one exactly orbiculate leaf, with the stem 

FEBRUARY lst, 1864. 

or branch, as it were, passing through the centre, and the veins 
all radiating from that point. In Canscora perfoliata of Lin- 
neeus, and in C. grandiflora, Wight (Pl. Ind. Or. t. 1326), the 
upper leaves are broad and perfoliate, the lower ones narrow and 
free, and in other respects are quite different from ours, and which 
cannot fail to remind the European botanist of our well-known 
Chlora perfoliata, while the larger and orbicular leaves, sometimes 
two to two-and-a-half inches in diameter, bring to recollection 
those of Bupleurum rotundifolium. 

Descr. Root annual. Plant one to two feet high, erect, 
branched, mostly dichotomously so; stem and branches slender, 
quite terete, stramineous, lower ones sometimes opposite. Leaves 
copious, not only opposite, but perfectly connate, so that the 
united two apparently form one exactly orbicular leaf, with the 
stem or branch in the centre, the veins radiating from that point, 
glaucous ; the apices very obtuse, but sometimes indicated by a 
minute point or mucro. /owers almost as copious as are the 
leaves, solitary, axillary, very short petiolate, perhaps the largest 
of the genus. Calyx urceolate, ventricose, inflated, veined, quite 
destitute of angle or wing, four-lobed; lobes unequal, broad, 
acute. Corolla pure white; tube inflated below ; odes obovate, 
oblique, moderately unequal, tinged with yellow in the centre, 
and at the base of each are two small, deep, yellow, ocellated 
spots. Stamens four, two large and two small, inserted in the 

faux. Ovary ovate, free ; style rather short ; stigma rather small, 

Fig. 1. Calyx. 2. Corolla laid’open. 3. Stamen. 4. Pistil. 5. Trans- 
verse section of ovary :—magnified. 

* ¢\ 
y fo 

WFitghdel.thth. - ‘Vincent. Brooks, imp: 

Tas. 5430. 


Fringe-lipped Dendrobium. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5303.) 

DENDROBIUM ciliatum ; caule elongato tereti striato articulato vaginato parce 
folioso, foliis oblongis obtusis junioribus acutis, racemis subterminalibus 
axillaribusque cum pedunculo gracili erecto bracteato spithameis multifloris, 
petalis sepalisque subconformibus patentibus oblongo-spathulatis luteo- 
viridibus, labello luteo purpureo-lineato cuneato-oblongo obsolete trilobo, 
lobis lateralibus elongatis incurvatis intermedio patente longe pulcherrime 
fimbriato-ciliato, ciliis clavatis, caleare conico subobtuso columne longi- 

DENDROBIUM ciliatum. Parish, in Hort. Low. 

A graceful and tall-growing species of Dendrobium, sent to us 
by Messrs. Low, of the Clapton Nursery, in November, 1863. It 
is one of the many interesting novelties discovered by the Rev. C. 
S. P. Parish at Moulmeine; and we gladly adopt his name, so 
aptly derived from the long, rather distant, clavate cilia, which 
fringe the middle lobe of the labellum, and which, on more mi- 
nute examination, are found to be a prolongation of the veins of 
the labellum, of a very different character from real hairs. 

Few gentlemen occupy a better locality for botanical researches 
than our reverend friend at Moulmeine, and few, we know, are 
disposed to derive greater advantage from such a position. He 
possesses, too, scientific knowledge, and great aptitude for drawing. 
We have been favoured with many specimens from his talented 
pencil, and amongst others of the magnified representation of 
the flowers of the Dendrobium, which are of the greatest ser- 
vice to the working botanist at home, who has often only dried 
and withered specimens from which to draw up his characters. 
Mr. Parish’s labours among the Ferns have been as important as 
among the Orchidaceous plants, and we confidently hope he will 

FEBRUARY Ist, 1864. 

contribute largely to the forthcoming ‘Flora Indica’ of Drs. 
Hooker and Thomson, which has now been so liberally patronized 
by the First Secretary of State for India in Council. 

Fig. 1. Column and anther. 2. Pollen-masses. 3. Labellum :—magnified. - 


Dy 37. 


Tas. 5431, 

Mr. Mann’s Helichrysum. 

Nat. Ord. Compositm.—SyYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. 

Gen, Char. Capitulum wultifiorum, nunc homogamum, ff. omnibus tubulosis 
hermaphroditis 5-dentatis, nunc heterogamum, J. radii uniseriatis seepe paucis- 
simis, femineis gracilibus. Involucrum imbricatum, squamis scariosis, interioribus 
conniventibus aut radiantibus. Receptaculum planum, epaleaceum, nunc nudum 
aut areolatum, nune fimbrilliferum. Achenia erostria, sessilia, areola terminali. 
Pappus uniserialis, se¢is subscabris nec plumosis, nune liberis, nunc equaliter 
basi subconcretis, nunc ineequaliter subeoadunatis seu ramosis.—Herbxe aut 
suffrutices. Species presertim Capenses, in omni orbi veteri et Australasia etiam 
erescentes, sed nunguam in America observate. De Cand. 

Hetcurysum Mannii; caule erecto annuo (?) sed basi lignoso simplici inferne 
nudo, foliis copiosis lanceolatis approximatis patentibus oblique pinnatim ve- 
nosis acuminatis basi semiamplexantibus subdecurrentibus, subtus preecipue 
cano-tomentosis, corymbo terminali amplo, capitulis globosis copiosis, invo- 
lucri squamis scariosis (rarius flavis) albis flosculos tubulosos zquantibus 
omnibus erectis vel incurvis eequalibus (non radiantibus), pappo scabro. 

Heticurysum Mannii. Hook. fil. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. v. 6. p. 12. 

De Candolle says of the genus Helichrysum “ (etiam Heliptero 
disjuncto) vastissimum, nec tamen ulterius meo sensu separan- 

dum,” He enumerates, so long ago as 1807, no less than 215 

species! ‘Time was when the beauty of many of the Cape and 
Australian species (Gnaphaliums, as they were then called) re- 
commended them to our greenhouses and conservatories, and 
for the winter decoration of our mantelpieces, on account of the 
property of the flowers retaining their colours long after being 
gathered, whence they obtained the name of Hverlastings. The 
present noble species, if it can be retained in our gardens and 
increased, may revive the taste for the genus. It is a native of 
the summit of the Peak of Fernando Po, and of the Cameroon 
Mountains, elevation from 4000 to 13,000 feet, where it was 
collected by Mr. Gustav Mann. As a species, its affinity is cer- 
tainly with the Cape Helichrysum, H. fetidum, Linn., figured 

MARCH Ist, 1864. 

at Tab. 1987 of this work, which however is very different, as 
may be seen by a comparison with the figure just mentioned ; 
that is moreover a small herbaceous plant, while this is tall and 
with quite a woody appearance below. It flowered in our stove 
- in September, 1863. 

Descr. Our cultivated plants attain a height of two and more 
feet. The stem thick as a man’s finger, the lower half or nearly — 
so brown, quite woody in appearance and bare of leaves, gra- 
dually more herbaceous upwards, and there clothed with close- 
placed, spreading, lanceolate, acuminate, slightly tortuose /eaves, 
with a few erect patent veins, the base semiamplexicaul and 
slightly decurrent at the margins. The summit is crowned with 
a large convex corymb, six to eight inches across, bearing co- 
pious flowers (capitula) nestled as it were among the numerous 
bracts or floral Jeaves of the peduncles. These flowers are an 
inch across, quite globose. Jnvolucre white, sometimes rather a 
bright yellow, scariose, of numerous, acute, oblong, or subspathu- 
late scales, green at the base, closely imbricated, the innermost 
ones not in any way constituting a ray, but rather incurved. 
The centre of the flower or capilulum constitutes a flat disk, of a 
bright yellow colour, formed of innumerable tubular fore/s, all 
attaining the same level. Hairs of the pappus slightly thickened 
upwards and scabrous, of the same length as the corolla. 

Fig. 1. Scale of the involucre. 2, Tubular floret hair of the pappus :—magnified. 

ent Brooks, imp. 


Tas. 5432, 


Mr. Nation’s Quamoclit. 

Nat. Ord. ConvoLvuLAcE®.—PENTANDRIA MonoGynia. 

Gen. Char. Sepala 5, seepius mucronata. Corolla tubuloso-cylindrica. Stamina 
exserta. Sfylus 1. Stigma capitatum, bilobum. Ovarium 4-loculare, loculis 
monospermis.—Herbe volubiles, plereque Americane, Chois. 

Quamoctit Nationis ; perennis, radice tuberosa, foliis cordato-acuminatis omnino 
integris glabris, pedunculis folio longioribus tri-multifloris, sepalis mucro- 
nato-acuminatis, corolla tubo elongato cylindrico albo, limbo diametro 2-un- 
ciali aurantiaco. 

The old and extensive genus Convolvulus of Linnzus has been 
of late years split up into numerous genera, but, in the opinion of 
able botanists, in many instances on very insufficient grounds ; 
and one has an example under Jpomea filicaulis, Bl., given in 
our last number, for February, Tab. 5426, of the great multipli- 
cation of species on no better principles. It behoves me to steer 
clear of an error of this kind, for I was at first disposed to refer 
this splendidly-coloured flower to a gigantic form of Jpomea, or 
Quamoclit, coccinea of our gardens. It has many of the essential. 
characteristics of that well-known species, where the coloyr of its 
flower is notoriously variable. ‘True, the difference in size is 
very unexpected, and is not at all exaggerated in our figure ; and 
we have but to look at the Plate of Jpomea (or Calonyction) 
Bona-Noz, given at our Tab. 752, with its large white flowers, 
not unlike in size and form some Datura, and compare with it 
the var. 8, of Bot. Reg. t. 290, with its singularly small and 
purple flowers (a var. too generally acknowledged), to assure our- 
selves that other Convolvulacee vary in a no less remarkable 
degree. Still there are characters in this plant which compel 
me to adopt it as new. It is perennial, its long stems, running 
the whole length from the ground up the rafters of the green- 
house, arise from a large tuber. The leaves are never otherwise 
than cordate and entire, the sepals are less mucronate, and the 

MARCH Ist, 1864. : 

size and colour of the flower will recommend it for cultivation 
in the greenhouse or temperate stove. It may possibly bear our 
summers in the open air. We owe the introduction of this plant 
to Mr. Nation, who has been long resident in Peru, and has col- 
lected and studied the plants of that rich botanical region. It 
is cultivated at Lima, but is a native of the Cordillera, and we 
have the good fortune to possess in our Herbarium an unnamed 
native specimen, collected by Mr. Mathews in the Amancaes 
(his 2. 721). ; 

Descr. Perennial. oot a large firm éwber. Stems very long 
and slender, branched, climbing, glabrous. Zeaves membrana- 
ceous, exactly cordate, acuminate, quite entire, three to five 
inches long, with a deep sinus at the base, and a flexuose petiole 
two to four inches long. Peduncles solitary, axillary, much 
longer than the leaves (including the petiole), flexuose, generally 
three-flowered at the apex. Pedice/s half to an inch long, with 
a few glands, sensibly thickened upwards. Calyx half an inch 
long, erect, imbricated, ovate, mucronate-acuminate. Corolla 
hypocrateriform, with the ¢ude cylindrical, two to two and a half 
inches long and as many lines in diameter, whitish, minutely 
pubescent. Limb spreading horizontally, two inches in diameter, 
of the richest orange-scarlet colour, five-lobed, the lobes rotun- 
dato-triangular, mucronulate at the apex; a plica or fold runs 
down the centre of each lobe. Stamens much exserted, the style 

less so. Fruit globose, firmly enclosed in the persistent calyx, 
four-celled ; ce//s one-seeded. 

Fig. 1. Pistil and hypogynal ring,—slightly magnified. 

Dy S. 

W-Fitch, lith. : 

Tas. 5433. 


Mr. Harrison's Succolabium. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5326.) 

Sacco.taBium Harrisonianum ; foliis distiche imbricatis oblongis inferne cari- 
nato-canaliculatis striatis apice oblique bifidis, racemis multifloris densis 
pedunculatis axillaribus pendulis, floribus albis, sepalis ovato-oblongis 
obtusis planiusculis subincurvis, petalis angustioribus oblongis subspathu- 
latis, labello oblongo-obovato obtuso grosse apiculato apicem versus sac- 
cato, disco linea solitaria elevata crassa, caleare obconico obtuso. 

Sacco.LaBiuM Harrisonianum. Hort. Low. 

A beautiful white Saccoladium, as we consider it to be, with 
pure white, deliciously fragrant flowers, communicated to us In 
November, 1863, by Messrs. Stuart and Low, of the Clapton 
Nursery, who suggested the name 8. Harrisonianum, in com- 
pliment to C. H. Harrison, Esq., a gentleman greatly interested 
in the introduction and cultivation of Indian Orchids. The pre- 
sent species was imported by him from Pulo Copang, in the 
Chinese seas, and so successfully that the specimen here figured 
flowered in the box during the voyage, and certainly does not 
give an idea of what may be expected from well-cultivated or 
native-flowering specimens ; and indeed, withered samples in the 
same box (some of which were sent to us) prove that the ra- 
cemes attain a length of twenty to twenty-four inches, and one 
plant received had seven such spikes upon it. ‘The effect of 
such a specimen must be very striking. : 

In many respects (but not in the colour of the flowers) this 
plant bears a resemblance to Saccolabium Blumei, figured by 
Dr. Lindley in bis ‘Sertum Orchidaceum,’ t. 47, but the 
apex of the leaves and of the labellum is different: still more 
does it resemble Dr. Lindley’s Vanda violacea, figured at t. 30, 
of the 33rd volume of the Bot. Register, for 1847 ; so much so, — 

MARCH Ist, 18 64. 

indeed, that I was quite disposed at first to consider our plant as 
a white-flowered variety of it. Indeed, generically, I do not see 
how these two plants are to be distinguished. The “ rostellum 
subulatum” and the “labellum indivisum” are the same in 
both; but our plant exhibits nothing of the five elevated lines 
described and so distinctly figured in the Vanda. The flowers 
too of the latter are said to have a faint and rather disagreable 
smell. As Vanda violacea, however, is not introduced into the 
genus Vanda in Dr. Lindley’s ‘ Folia Orchidacea,’ a memoir 
published six years after that of V. violacea, it is probable the 
author may have thought it right to remove the latter from 
Vanda, Neither on the other hand is it mentioned in Dr. Lind- 
ley’s list of “ species excluded” from that genus. 

Fig. 1. Front view of a flower, the perianth being removed. 2. Side view of 
the same :—magnified. 

. ~ 
. ~ 

W Fitch, del. et lith. 

Vincent Brooks, hy 

Tas. 5434. 

BEGONIA Mawnntt. 

Mr. Mann's Begonia. 

Nat. Ord. Beaonrace®.—Monecra POLyYANDRIA. 

Gen. Char. Masc. Calyx 0. Corolla polypetala, petalis plerumque 4, in- 
eequalibus. Fam. Calyx 0. Corolla petalis 4—9 plerumque inequalibus. Styli 
3, bifidi. Capsula triquetra, trilocularis, polysperma. 

Brcon1a Mannii; erecta, succulenta, bipedalis, foliis aquilateralibus ovatis 
acuminatis irregulariter remoto-serratis supra glabris subtus discoloribus 
minutissime copiose punctulatis, petiolis breviusculis costisque subtus rufo- 
hirsutulis, stipulis lanceolatis, pedunculis glomeratis subtrifloris axillaribus, 
floribus tetrapetalis roseis, petalis 2 minoribus, staminibus arcte in conum 
imbricatis, ovariis capsulisque cylindraceis minute squamulosis, 4-locu- 
laribus, stigmatibus lineari-clavatis. 

We have above given only the old generic character of Begonia, 
as considered in its integrity. The late Dr. Klotzsch has, in his 
‘Essay on Begonia,’ formed several new genera, chiefly of Ame- 
rican species, and M. De Candolle is far advanced with his ma- 
terials, from a complete study of most ample suites of species 
and specimens of the family for a forthcoming volume of the 
‘Prodromus.’ A new form among Begoniacee has lately been 
discovered by Mr. Mann, is tropical, viz. the B. prismatocarpa, 
figured at Tas. 5307 of this work (vol. 88, for 1862), possessing 
an elongated, pod-like 4-celled capsule, quite destitute of wing ! 
We are since in possession of two other West African species, 
with the same character, from the same indefatigable collector, of 
which one is here given. It was introduced living to Kew Gar- 
dens, in 1862, and was found on the Peak of Fernando Po, at an 
elevation of not more than 1300 feet above the level of the sea. 

Descr. Epiphytal. Szem succulent, one and a half to two 
feet high, unbranched in our specimens, and glabrous. Leaves 
four to five inches long, petiolate, ovate, acuminate, scarcely per- 
ceptibly unequal-sided, distantly and irregularly subdentate, pen- 

MARCH Ist, 1864. 

niveined, glabrous above, beneath minutely punctated with very 
minute scale-like dots. Petiole one to two inches long, and the 
costa beneath, rufo-pubescent. Stipules large, membranaccous, 
subulato-lanceolate, deciduous. Pedwacles axillary, short, fasci- 
cled, bearing from two to three flowers and a dract beneath them. 
Petals four, rose-colour, two larger subovate, two smaller ob- 
long-linear. Maze ru. Stamens sessile, arranged in a closely 
imbricated cone-shaped mass. Frm. Fu. with a nearly cylin- 
drical tomentose ovary: tomentum mixed with laciniated scales. 
Capsule more than an inch long, siliquiform. _Sfyles four, linear- 
clavate (not capitate).—The elongated inferior ovary, crowned 
with four spreading rose-coloured petals, very much resemble 
the flower of an Apzlobiwm with irregular petals. 

Fig. 1. Male flower. 2. Cluster of stamens. 3. Portion of a stem with 
bracts and flowers. 4. Styles. 5. Sceed-vessel. 6. Transverse section of the 
same. 7. Scale from the surface of the capsule :—magnijfied. 


4 ; 
A Ye | i 
‘| ‘ \ ph } 


W. Fitch, del etlith 

Tas. 5435. 


Deep Orange-flowered Ada. 

Nat. Ord. Orncu1pe®.—GyNaNDRIA MonoGynIa, 

Gen. Char. Perianthium clausum, apice patulum. Sepala subzequalia, acumi- 
nata; lateralibus basi paulo obliquis. Peéala conformia, breviora, Labellum 
elongatum, indivisum, columna parallelum, eique basi adnatum ; lamellis duobus 
membranaceis in appendicem linearem truncatum connatis. Pollinia 2, ecreacea, 
postice sulcata; caudicula brevi, obovata; glandula circulari. Anthera Oneidii, 
ecristata.—Herba epiphyta, Americe tropice, habitu omnino Brassize cujusdam 
glumacee. Scapus bisguamatus. Spica cylindracea, simplex, bracteis membra- 
naceis. Flores xanthini. Lindl. 

Apa aurantiaca; foliis canaliculatis, scapo longiore bisquamato, bracteis eucul- 
latis membranaceis ovariis sessilibus multo longioribus, floribus apice tantum 
patulis, sepalis petalisque lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis, labello lineari-lan- 
ceolato acutissimo convexo column elongate basi adnato, lamellis mem- 
branaceis connatis apice truncatis acutis basi intus pubescentibus. Lindl. 

Apa aurantiaca. Lindl. Fol. Orchid. 

The flowering specimen of this rare Orchidaceous plant was 
sent to us in January of the present year by our excellent friend 
Mr. Bateman, from his collection at Biddulph Grange, Congle- 
ton. It is a native of New Granada, and was discovered in 
the Pamplona, at the height of 8500 feet above the level of 
the sea, by Mr. Schlim, and has been hitherto only known 
by the description given by Dr. Lindley in his valuable ‘ Folia 
Orchidacea.’ It is there recognized as a new genus, “ differing 
from Brassia in some important particulars :—1, the lamellee of 
the lip are confluent and membranaceous ; 2, the lip is parallel 
with the column, and solidly united to the base of it; 3, the 
column is twice as long as in other Brassias, and thin-edged at 
the base ; 4, the caudicle is short and obovate while the gland 
is circular.” It flowered with Mr. Bateman in January, 1864. 

Descr. Epiphytal. Pseadobulbs about four inches long, sub- 
cylindrical, taperig upwards, bearing one to three broad linear 

MARCH Ist, 1864. < 

leaves at the extremity, four to six inches long, and, at their base, 
partially sheathed with reddish-brown mottled scales. Scape 
terminal, drooping, eight to ten inches long, bracteated. Spzke 
oblong, pendent, in our specimen bearing about ten subdis- 
tichous rather distantly placed flowers of a golden orange co- 
lour. Ovaries elongated, clavate, with a scariose lanceolato- 
subulate dract at the base. Perianth spreading only from above 
the middle; the sepals lanceolate, much acuminate; peta/s re- 

-sembling them, but smaller. zp scarcely half the length of the 

perianth, broadly lanceolate, shortly acuminate, crested with a 
grooved membrane of the same shape, nearly the length of the 
hp, its margins irregularly toothed near the middle. Column 
short, thick, concave near the base in front. An/her-case small, 
hemispherical. Pollen-masses two, obovate, seated on a cuneate 
caudicle which arises from a giand. (Some slight differences 
will appear in our description from the characters of Dr. Lindley, 

arising probably from the fact of Dr. Lindley having only a dried 
specimen to consult.) 

_ Fig. 1. Flower slightly magnified. 2. Side view of columnand lip. 3. The 
same, the lip seen from above. 4. Front view of the column. 5. Pollen- 
masses :—magnified. 


Tas. 5436. 

Regnell’s Miltonia. 


Gen. Char. Sepala explanata, equalia; lateralibus basi paulo connatis. Petala 
conformia, squilonga. Labellum indivisum, sessile, cum columna continuum, 
lineis quibusdam elevatis, interruptis juxta basin. Colwmna nana, auriculis 2, 
nune cum clinandrio cucullato confiuentibus. Stigma excavatum. Pollinia 2, 
cereacea, postice sulcata; caudicula obovata; glandula oblonga. Anthera oper- 
culata, membranacea, nuda.—Herbe epiphyte, Americe tropice, pseudobulbose, 
colore sepius lutescente. Folia angusta, plana. Racemi simplices, radicales, pe- 
dunculo sepius squamis arcte imbricato. Flores speciosi, lutei vel purpurei. 

Mixtonta Regnelli ; pedunculo paucifloro, bracteis lanceolatis nervosis pedicellis 
longioribus, sepalis lanceolatis, petalis oblongis, nune obovatis acutis, la- 
bello subpandurato apice quadrato emarginato basi cuneato, callis tribus 
elevatis parvis intermedio minore, alis column integris faleatis. Lindl. 

Mittont1a Regnelli. Reichend. fil. in Linnea, v. 22. p. 851. Ejusd. Xenia 
Orchid. v. 1. p. 133. ¢. 42. Lindl. Fol. Orchid. Miltonia, p. 2. 

We owe the possession of this plant to the Botanic Garden of 
Berlin. It was first described and figured by Dr. Reichenbach 
fil, from plants introduced into Europe from Minas Geraes, 
Brazil, by Mr. Regnell. It flowered with us in August, 1863. 
Dr. Lindley had only seen a single dried flower of it, and he 
considers it to be nearer M. Russelliana, Lindl. Bot. Reg. 
t. 1830 (under the generic name Oncidivm), than to any other 
species of the genus; but from that it is totally distinct, and, 
but for the scape being more than one-flowered, it might almost 
pass for a form of MM. spectabilis. Reichenbach gives, es the 
essential character of J/. spectabilis, “ pedunculo ancipiti mter- 
rupte vaginato, labello equaliter pandurato obovato-rotundato 
retuso, lamellis ternis in basi;” and of JZ, Regnelli, “ labello 
sessili obpandurato, antice obtuso emarginatove plano, carinulis 

APRIL Ist, 1864. 

‘temis in basi, g nostemii alis ‘apice acutis.” The foliage and 
_ pseudobulbs are very similar in both; but the flowers are very 
inferior in size and colour of our present species. 


Tas. 5437. 

Glaucescent Reidia. 

Nat. Ord. EvpHorpraceE®.—Monecia DIANnpRIA. 

Gen. Char. Reiw1a, Wight.—Flores monoici v. dioici. Masc.: Sepala se- 
pissime 4; glandule 4. Stamina 2, sessilia v. seepissime columna centrali ter- 
minalia, loculis divaricatis transverse dehiscentibus. Fam.: Sepala seepissime 
5-6; glandule 5-6.  Ovarium 8-loculare, stylo brevi trifido, ramis bifido ; 
ovulis loculis 2 collateralibus. Capsula 3-cocca, coccis 1—-2-spermis.—Arbores 
v. frutices, foliis alternis sessilibus v. brevipetiolatis ; stipulis 2, dateralibus ca- 
ducis ; pedunculis avillaribus, unifloris, masculis inferioribus, foeminibus lermi- 
nalibus ; floribus parvis. 

EpistYL1uM glaucescens ; ramulis puberulis, foliis brevissime petiolatis oblique 
oblongis apiculatis subtus glaucis, pedunculis masculis solitariis v. paucis, 
feemineis solitariis longioribus, sepalis basi rubris fimbriato-laceris, antheris 
sessilibus, ovario glaberrimo. 

Rerpra glaucescens. Miguel, Flor. Ned. Ind. v. 1. p. 374. 

Ertococcus glaucescens. Zoll. Herb. 2701. 

This very pretty stove-plant was brought to the Royal Gar- 
dens from Siam, by Thomas Christy, jun., Esq., and owing to_ 
its graceful habit, regular distichous fohage, glaucous beneath, 
numerous pendulous flowers, and red peduncles and branches, 
it is very attractive. The flowers remain in perfection, too, for 
a very long time. It belongs to a genus of which there are se- 
veral species in India, a good deal resembling the present, which 
however differs from all in the fimbriate sepals, glabrousness, 

and other points. Miquel’s specimens are from Java, and they 

seem to differ from ours in the less fimbriated sepals. 

Descr. A small, graceful, glabrous shrub. Leaves broadly 
oblong, blunt at both ends, apiculate, quite glabrous, glaucous 
beneath. Peduncles bright red, of the male flowers, on the 
lower axils, solitary or few together, capillary, shorter than the 
leaves; of the female, towards the end of the branches, longer, 
stouter, solitary. Flowers yellow-red at the base. Sepals all 

APRIL Ist, 1864. 

deeply fimbriate, of males four, of females six ; but of both rather 
variable in number. Glauds of male flower four, connate into a 
four-lobed disk ; of female, forming a cup-shaped disk. Anthers 
sessile. Ovary smooth; sfyle 0. 


Fig. 1. Male flower. 2. Glands and anthers of ditto. 3. Female flower. 
4. Ovary :—mugnified. 

Vincent Brooks, bap. 

W Fitch del et lith. 


Tas. 5438. 


Fugacious Vieussieuxta. 

Nat. Ord. Irnt1pAcE®.—TRIANDRIA Monoaynia. 

Gen. Char. Perigonium corollinum superum, hexaphyllo-rotatum ; Jaciniis 
exterioribus basi unguiculato-angustatis, seepe barbatis, interioribus subulatis v. 
tricuspidatis. Stamina 3, disco epigyno imposita ; filamenta in tubum connata; 
anthere oblonge, basifixee. Ovarium inferum, oblongo-prismaticum, triloculare. 
Ovula plurima, in loculorum angulo centrali biseriata, horizontalia, anatropa. 
Stylus brevis, filiformis ; stigmata 3, petaloideo-dilatata, biloba, staminibus oppo- 
sita. Capsula coriacea, obtuse trigona, trilocularis, loculicido-trivalvis. Semina 
plurima.—Herbee Capenses ; rhizomate tuberoso ; foliis paucis ensatis, caule tereti 
paniculatim ramoso, floribus intra spathas diphyllas herbaceas solitariis, pedicel- 
latis. Endl. 

VIEUSSIEUXIA fugaz ; (imberbis) involucris herbaceis, folio longissimo, corolla 
laminis subconformibus, extimis duplo majoribus obovato-oblongis, stigma- 
tibus assurgentibus incurvo-convergentibus, filamentis deorsum connatis. 

VreussiEux1a fugax. De la Roche. De Cand. Ann. du Mus. v. 2. p. 139. 
Roem. et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 489. 

Mora fugax. Jucqg. Hort. Vind. v. 3. t. 20. p. 14. 

Mora vegeta. Jacq. Ic. Rar. v. 2. p. 20. 

Mora edulis. Gawl. Bot. Mag. t. 613 and t. 1238 (flore flavo). 
Irts longifolia. Vahl, Enum. v. 2. p. 149. Andr. Bot. Repos. t. 45. 

This very pretty Iris-like plant was first imported from the 
Cape by Messrs. Loddiges, of Hackney, at the very beginning 
of the present century ; but we believe it had been long lost to 
our garden till the past year, 1863, when Mr. Cooper, in his 
botanical travels, sent the bulbs to his employer, William Wil- 
son Saunders, Esq. ‘To the latter gentleman we are indebted for 
the possession of the plant, which flowered with us in August. 

It exhibits broader leaves than those of the many varieties 
that are figured, and the flowers are extremely elegant in the 
colours and markings. The ground-colour of the perianth is a 
pale lilac, and the three petals (which are generally broader than 
the sepals) have a very bright orange spot near the base of the 

APRIL Ist, 1864. 

from which some dark-purple 
spots thereby the more conspicuous. = - 
The plant succeeds well in a cool greenhouse, or in a frame 
quite exposed to the air in the summer. | 

: . ‘Fig. 1. Flower, deprived of its perianth. 2. Transverse section of 
“ovary :-—magny 

¥imcent Brooks Iep. 

( das cates ee ee 
of : 

“=e Beal aie 

W. Fitch del et ith. 


Tas. 5439, 

SCUTELLARIA Costaricana. 

Costa Rica Scutellaria. 

Nat. Ord. Laprat#.—DipynaMia GyYMNOSPERMIA. 

Gen. Char. Calyx campanulatus, bilabiatus ; Jadia integra (i. e. sepalo sammo 
excluso squameformi, lateralibus in labium superius, inferioribus in inferius 
coalitis), post anthesin clausa, demum usque ad basin fissa, superius superne 
squama dilatata supra concava auctum, ad maturationem deciduum, inferius per- 
sistens. Corolla tubo longe exserto, intus nudo recto vel seepius extra calycem 
recurvo-adscendente, superne in faucem dilatato ; limbo bilabiato, labio superiore 
apice integro vel emarginato, inferiore patenti-dilatato convexo, apice emargi- 
nato, lobis lateralibus nunc liberis patentibus, sepius cum labio superiore co- 
alitis, rarissime cum inferiore. Stamina e tubo exserta. Anthere per paria 
approximate, ciliate, staminum inferiorum dimidiate, superiorum biloculares 
cordatz ; loculis subdivaricatis, dorso oppositis. Styli lobus superior brevissi- 
mus. Ovarium gynophoro incurvo elevatum, obliquum. Nucule sicce, nude, 
tuberculose, glabree vel tomento adpressee, pubescentes——Herbe annua vel 
perennes, vel rarius frutices, omnium fere regionum incola, excepta Africa trans- 
tropica. Benth. 

ScuTELLARIA Costaricana ; herbacea, glabra, caule erecto atropurpureo, foliis 
ovatis acuminatis serrato-dentatis sublonge petiolatis, floribus racemosis 
subsecundis, bracteis minutis linearibus, pedicellis calycibusque parvis atro- 
purpureis, corollis longissimis minute pubescentibus erectis tubuloso-infun- 
dibuliformibus sursum curvatis, fauce lutea. 

Scurernarra Costaricana. Wendl. 

We have lately figured several handsome scarlet-flowered tro- 
pical American Scufellarig,—for example, S. cordifolia (Tab. — 
4290), 8. incarnata (Tab. 4268, and var., Tab. 5185), S. Ven- 
tenatii (Tab. 4271), and S. villosa (Tab. 4789); but the pre- — 
sent one is quite distinct from any of them, and certainly much 
more beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful, of any of this now _ 


extensive genus, numbering as it does, according to Mr. Bentham, 

eighty-six species. Its beauty consists in the great size and the 

colouring of the numerous flowers: these measure two inches _ : 

and a half in length, of a rich golden-scarlet colour, with the — 
faux, or inside of the lips, a deep yellow. It is a native of 
APRIL Ist, 1864. 

Costa Rica, and was introduced into Europe, we believe, by 
Mr. Wendland, to whom we are indebted for our living plants, 
which flowered in a warm stove in June, 1863. 

Fig. 1. Flower very slightly magnified. 2. Summit of the corolla laid open, 

showing the stamens. 3. One of the stamens. 4. Pistil and gynophore :— 

W. Fthch del. et Lith. 

Vincent Brooks Imp. 

Tas. 5440. 

ERANTHEMUM crenutatum; var. grandiflorum. 

Crenulate-leaved Eranthemum ; \arge-flowered var. 


Gen. Char. Calyx quinquefidus, equalis. Corolla hypocraterimorpha vel 
elongato-infundibuliformis ; uo longo gracili, limbo subsequali. Stamina duo 
fertilia cirea os tubi adnata, longe decurrentia, duo sterilia brevissima, filamentis 
longiorum basi connexa, in speciebus nonnullis anomalis nullis observatis. 4n- 
there exserte, biloculares, mutice ; Joculis parallelis contiguis, texture densioris. 
Capsula inferne depressa; valvulis contiguis, asperma; superius bilocularis, te- 
trasperma. Dissepimentum adnatum. Semina discoidea, retinaculis suffulta.— 
Frutices vel suffrutices, Asie, America, Africa, et Nove Hollandie calidioris 
et tropice, plerumque monticole, speciosis floribus insignes Phlogi similibus, ce- 
ruleis, roseis, albis varie pictis; foliis vel integerrimis vel serratis. Flores spi- 
cati; bracteis communibus majoribus vel minoribus ; bracteolis omnium parvis op- 
positis. Nees. 

ERANTHEMUM crenulatum ; fruticosum, erectum, caule inferne foliisque oblongis 
utrinque acuminatis repando-crenatis glaberrimis, racemo terminali simplici 
compositove pluribusve axillari-aggregatis simplicibus, floribus fasciculato- 
congestis subverticillatis secundisve, bracteis bracteolisque subulatis bre- 
vibus calycibusque glanduloso-scabris, corolle laciniis ovatis obtusis equa- 
libus. Nees. 

ERANTHEMUM crenulatum. Wall. in Bot. Reg. t. 879. Nees in Wail. Plant. 
Asiat. Rar. v. 3. p.107. Spreng. in Syst. Veget. Cur. post p.19. Wall. 
Cat. n. 2491. Nees in De Cand. Prodr. v. 11. p..453. 

Justicta latifolia. Vahl, Symbol. v. 2. p. 1. p.370. Willd. Sp. Pl. v.1. p. 88. 
EraNTHEmvm diantherum. B/. Bijd. p. 792 (nec Roxb.). 

Justicia Honamoorensis. Hort. Madrid. Wail. Cat. n. 2491 a. 

Var. angustifolia ; foliis angustioribus fereque lanceolatis. | 

Justicta orbiculata. Wight in Wall. Cat. n. 2489. 

Var. grandiflora ; foliis latioribus ; floribus majoribus. (Tas. NostR. 5440.) 

Seeds of this plant were sent to us from Moulmeine by the 
Rev. C. S. Parish, and it is, we think, a large and handsome va- 
riety of the Lranthemum crenulatum, a species very common in 
Ceylon and India; as the Madras Peninsula, but most abundant 
perhaps in the Malay Peninsula and Islands, varying, however, 

APRIL Ist, 1864. 

considerably in the breadth of the foliage, and in the size cf the 
flowers (which with us are in perfection in the winter months), 
and in the colour of the latter; for, whereas the limb of the 
corolla is dull lilac in the specimen figured in the ‘ Botanical 
Register,’ here it is rather a bright pink. The specific name 
crenulatum is hardly characteristic of the leaves. 

Descr. A moderately-sized glabrous shruéd, slightly branched 
and herbaceous upwards. Leaves rather long-petioled or ovate, 
sometimes cordate at the base, or lanceolate, acuminate, penni- 
veined, generally quite entire at the margin. Racemes terminal, 
aggregated, three to four inches to a span long, with or without a 
pair of floral leaves near the base. Pedicels very short, small, 
approximate or remote, subtended by one or two small dracts. 
Calyx small, erect, quinquefid, with broad subulate segments. 
Corollas in our plant an inch and a half to an inch and three- 
quarters long, infundibuliform, with a very slender, almost fili- 
form, white fue, dilated at the faux, and there curved, so that the 
limb is oblique, five-cleft, rose-colour, white in the mouth; stamens 
two, or four and didynamous, exserted; anthers apparently all 

perfect. Ovary oval. Style very slender, filiform, as long as 
the tube. 

Fig. 1. Tube of the corolla laid open. 2. Anther. 3. Pistil :—magnified. 

Vinount Brooks Loup. 


i ent ee 



ee ee ee ee eee a ee 

ee ee ee ee ee a ORS ee Te ee 

Tas. 5441. 

DENDROBIUM tuteo.tvum. 

Pale yellowish-flowered Dendrobium. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5303.) 

DenpDROBIUM Zuteolum ; caulibus erectis foliosis ramosis, foliis lanceolatis apice 
obliquis acutis, racemis lateralibus 2—4-floris subaequalibus, sepalis ovato- 
lanceolatis obtusis, lateralibus in mento longe producto incurvo connatis, 
petalis conformibus, labelli trilobi lobis lateralibus erectis rotundatis inter- 
medio majore oblongo convexo emarginato, disco tomentoso. Batem. 

DENDROBIUM luteolum. Bateman in Gard. Chron. for 1864, p. 269 a. 

The beauty of this Dendrobium has attracted much attention 
at the Nursery of Messrs. Hugh Low and Co., at Clapton; and 
happily our valued friend Mr. Bateman has undertaken to de- 
scribe it for the ‘Gardeners’ Chronicle,’ and has obligingly sent a 
proof slip to us to accompany Mr. Fitch’s figure. Native of Moul- 
meine, and sent with many other fine things to Messrs. Low, of 
Clapton, by the Rev. C. S. Parish. ‘“ With the exception of a few 
reddish streaks on the lip, the flowers of this new Dendrobium 
are of a uniform pale primrose tint; indeed, I should have 
called it D. primulinum, if that name had not been already ap- 

- propriated to another and totally different species. The mentum 

(or spur) is about the length of the ovary, and is curved inwards." 
The flowers are about two inches across, and are remarkable for 
their straight margins or edges, which are not waved or curled, 
as in most Dendrobia; they are borne in short lateral racemes 
that come forth towards the upper (not the end) portion of the 
stems. With me these racemes are two-flowered; but in a 
much finer specimen from Clapton, of which a drawing has been 
prepared for the ‘ Botanical Magazine,’ as many as four flowers 
appeared together, and possibly this number may be exceeded 
when the plant, which is of the easiest culture, has been longer 
' APRIL Ist, 1864. 

established. Even now it is very ornamental. Its nearest 
nity is with D. rhombeum. 
- Moulmeine seems to be inexhaustible in new Dendrodia ; 
- Messrs. Hugh Low and Co. can already boast of having intro- 
duced from the same source nearly a dozen species that were 
_ previously unknown, among which the present is one of the 
- most distinct.” J. Bateman. : 

. ‘Fig. 1. Column and spur. 2. Front view of the labellum. 3. Pollen- 
masses :—magnified. 



pT Rescate IST ly - 

W. Fitch del et lith 

Vincent Brooks Imp 

Tas. 5442. 


Caldas’s Alstroemeria. 

Nat. Ord. AMARYLLIDACE®.—HExanpDRIA MonoGynia. 

Gen. Char. PeRtGON1UM corollinum, superum, sexpartitum, subeampanulatum, 
regulare, v. subbilabiatum ; folio/a, lateralia angustiora, duo basi subtubulosa. 
Stamina 6, imo perigonio inserta ; filamenta erecta v. declinata; anthere ovales, 
erectee. Ovarium inferum, triloculare. Ovuda in loculis plurimis, horizontalia, 
anatropa. Stylus filiformis, directione staminum ; s¢igma trifidum, lobis repli- 
‘ eatis. Capsula oblonga v. globosa v. rarius baccata, indehiscens. Semina in 
loculis plura, subglobosa, horizontalia; ¢esta membranacea, rugosa; rhaphe im- 
mersa, umbilicum basilarem chalaze apicali tuberculiformi jungente. Hmbryo 
axilis, albumine carnoso dimidio brevior, extremitate radiculari umbilicum attin- 
gente——Herbz in America tropica et australi extratropica indigene ; radicibus 
tubuloso-fasciculatis ; caule folioso, erecto, scandente v. volubili ; floribus fermz- 
nalibus umbellatis. Endl. 

§ Bomarea, caule scandente v. volubili ; capsula depresso-globosa. Endi,—Bomarea, 
Mirb. Herbert. 

ALsTR@MERIA (Bomarea) Caldasii; caule flexuoso glabro, foliis ovato-lanceo- 
latis tenui-acuminatis obscure striatis subcarnosis, petiolis rubris, umbella 
multiflora, floribus sesquiuncialibus aurantiacis, petalis lato-spathulatis ca- 
lyce multo longioribus rubro-punctatis, ovario styloque pubescentibus. 

ALSTREMERIA Caldasii. Humd. et Kth. Nov. Gen. Am. v. 1. p. 283. Schult. 
Syst. Veget. v. 7. p. 750. 

Bomarea Caldasiana. Herb. Amaryl. p. 118. Kth. Enum, Plant. v. 5. p. 813. 

A mostly lovely Alstremeria (of the Bomarea group), lately 
imported from the Quitinian Andes, where it was first discovered 
by Humboldt and Bonpland. It will prove, I dare say, like 
many other A/stremerias, sufficiently hardy to bear our winters, 
that is, if the roots are planted deep in the ground to protect 
them from the frost. Our specimens were received from Messrs. 
Veitch, of the Chelsea Nursery, and the roots were procured by 
their collector, Mr. Pearce. 

Mirbel first distinguished the genus Bomarea from Alstre- 
meria, and was followed by Herbert and Kunth, but on such 

MAY Ist, 1864. 

slight gi e as it appears to me, Endlicher has done — 
_ wisely in making it only a section of that genus. , 



Vincent Brooks Imp- 

ame | 










Tan. 5443, 

WAITZIA corymsosa. 

Corymbose Waitzia. 

Nat. Ord. Compositm.—SyNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5342.) 

Wartz1a corymbosa ; caule erecto simplici basi pauce ramoso apice corymboso 
laxe lanato, foliis lineari-lanceolatis scabriusculis, capitulis campanulato-tur- 
binatis, involucri squamis ovatis acutis, exterioribus hyalinis vel roseis, inte- 
rioribus niveis, stipitibus omnium dorso glanduliferis, intermediarum tere- 
tibus apice lanatis, intimarum planis, achzeniis glabris, summo apice sub- 
papillosis in rostrum ipsis sesqui- vel duplo longius attenuatis, pappo 

Wairzta corymbosa. Wendl. in Plant. Preissiane, v. 1. p. 450. 

LEFTORHYNCHUS suaveolens. Benth. in Endl. Enum. Pl. Hugel. p. 64. n. 208. 
De Cand. Prodr. v. 6. p. 160. 

Morna nivea. Lindl. Bot. Reg. v. 24. t. 9. 

A lovely herbaceous and probably annual plant, presenting 
a great variety of colouring of flowers in the same species. Preiss 
enumerates two varieties, chiefly depending on colour. Our spe- 
cimens here figured were raised by Mr. Thomson, of Ipswich, 
in 1863, from seeds received from the Swan River settlement, 
West Australia, and produced in the open ground plants of three 
different colours: 1. White, as represented by Dr. Lindley, 
under the name of Moraa nivea (in our specimens, slightly 
tinged with pink); 2. Deep rose-colour (the scales of the invo- 
lucre indeed white and satiny within); 3. Entirely yellow :—in 
all cases the disk is deep-yellow. We think that the species 
may prove a valuable bedding-out plant. 

We have already figured Wattzia Steetziana, at Tab. 5342 of 
this work,—a species well distinguished, besides the characters 
above given, by its globose heads of flowers, of which the scales 

MAY Ist, 1864. : 


‘of the involucre are nev - reflexed in the remarkable manner 
we find to be in our present plant. 


W-Fitch. del et Tith. 
Vincent Brooks imp. 

Tas. 5444. 


Bearded-lipped Dendrobium. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5003.) 

Denpropium barbatulum ; caulibus erectis cylindricis vaginatis, foliis remotis 
oblongo-lanceolatis, racemis terminalibus (lateralibusque, Lindl.) strictis mul- 
tifloris, perianthium explanatum album, sepalis lanceolatis, petalis latissime 
obovatis, labello trilobo, basi barbatulo, lobis lateralibus parvis oblongis in- 
curvis purpureo-roseis, intermedio latissime obcordato apiculato integerrimo 
petalorum magnitudine, calcare obtuso breviusculo. 

DenxpRosium barbatulum. Lindl. in Wall. Cat. n. 2018. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. 
p. 84. Paxton, Fl. Gard. v. 3. p. 113. (woodcut). Batem. in Gard. 
Chron. 1864, p. 269. 

Denpropium Fytchianum. Batem. in Gard. Chron. 1864, p. 100. 

This very lovely plant has recently been introduced to this 
country by Mr. Parish, from Moulmein, through Messrs. Low, 
of the Clapton Nursery, from whom the specimen here figured 
has been received in January of the present year (1864). It 
appears to have flowered previously in the collection of Aspinal 
Turner, Esq., at Pendlebury House ; and believing it to be new, 
Mr. Bateman named and described it as D. Fytchianum, in com- 
pliment to Colonel Fytch, the companion of Mr. Parish at the — 
time it was found. But afterwards, notwithstanding some dis- 
crepancies, he satisfied himself of its being specifically the same, 
and corrected the error in a succeeding number of the same work. 
Mr. Bateman remarks, “The flowers are throughout of the most: 
dazzling whiteness, except that the small lateral lobes are tinged 
with crimson. They are scentless, and borne in graceful ra- 
cemes a span long, proceeding from the extremity of the upright 
stems, the latter being about a foot long, and of the thickness of 

May lst, 1864. 

a The slender linear-leaves unfortunately fall off be- 
fore the flowers, which are about an inch across, have had time 
to expand. My description is taken from a most beauteous 
‘specimen, bearing upwards of twenty flowers.” 

_ This plant, Mr. Bateman remarks to us, should always be 
grown on a block of wood, and requires a decided season of 
test.—/J. B. 

‘ _ Fig. 1. Column and spur. 2. Pollen-masses, 3. Lip :—imugnified. 

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Tas. 5445. 


Broom Fchinocactus. 

Nat. Ord. Cactacka.—IcosanprIa POLYGYNIA. 

Gen. Char. Perigonii tubus ultra germen productus, brevis, vel subelongatus, 
squamosus ; phylla sepaloidea, infima squamiformia ; superiora acuta vel obtusa, 
axillis setigeris vel nudis ; pétaloidea varie expansa, corollam campanulatam vel 
infundibuliformem emulantia. Stamina numerosa, tubo adnata, limbo breviora. 
Stylus stamina vix superans, columnaris, spe sulcatus ac fistulosus. Stigma 
5-10-radiatum, radiis abbreviatis aut lineari-extensis. Bacca perigonium mar- 
cescens dejiciens, sepalis adnatis plus, minusve squamata, pulvillis lani-setigeris- 
que instructa, vel interdum glabra. Cotyledones minute, connate, acute vel 
globose.—Caulis carnosus, depressus, globosus, oblongus aut cylindraceus, costis 
plus*minusve numerosis, aut tuberculis pulvilligeris distinctis verticaliter aut spi- 
raliter dispositis instructus. Flores ex azillis pulvillorum juniorum, interdum 
lana densa instructis, per aliquot dies mane aperti noctuque clausi. Bacca sepalis 
adnatis plus minusve squamata. Salm-Dyck. 

Ecuinocactus (§ Microgoni) Scopa ; erectus, cylindraceo-clavatus, subsesqui- 
pedalis, costis 30-36 verticalibus tuberculatis, areolis albo-tomentosis con- 
fertissimis, aculeis centralibus 3-4 purpureis subvalidis, radiantibus 30-40 
setaceis albis, floribus subcopiosis circa verticem locatis luteis diametro 
biuncialibus, tubo brevissimo basi aculeis intense purpureis obtecto, petalis 
biserialibus spathulatis apice subserratis. 

Ecurtnocactus. Link. Hort. Berol. v. 2. p. 21. “ Link et Otto, Icon. t. 41.” 
Lindl. Bot. Reg. v. 24. t. 24. Salm-Dyck, Cact. Hort. Dyck. p. 32. Efeif: 
En. Diagn. Cact. p. 64. 

Cereus Scopa. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 464. 

Cactus Scopa. Link, En. v. 2. p. 21. 

A curious cactoid plant, and really handsome of its kind, na- 
tive of Brazil. Young individuals are of an oval form, but when 

more fully grown attaining a height of a foot or a foot and a 

half, quite clavate, furrowed for its whole length, the ridges 

studded with white cottony pulvilli, from which radiate tufts of 

long, white, setaceous bristles, mixed with about four, brown or 

purple, moderately strong aculei. ‘The flowers are very pretty, 
MAY Ist, 1864. 

| ~ and form a circle around the apex of lemon-yellow colour, with 
a purple radiating centre, formed by the rays of the stigma. It 
flowers in June. | 

_ ‘Fig. 1. A much reduced figure of the entire flowering plant. 2. Summit of 
the same,—natural size. 3. Pulvinulus from a costa, with its setee,—magnified. 




Vincent. Brooks, 

W Fitch, del .ct lith . 

Tas. 5446. 

Funnel-lipped Dendrobium. 

Nat. Ord. Oncu1pacE#®.—GyYNANDRIA MONANDRIa. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5303.) 

DENDROBIUM infundibulum ; foliis lanceolatis angustis acutis, sepalis lineari- 
oblongis, petalis oblongis obtusis triplo latioribus, mento infundibulari 
pedicello sequali, labello lobis lateralibus rotundatis integris, intermedio 
serrulato emarginato. Lindl. 

DenpDRoBIvM infundibulum. Lindl. in Linn. Soc. Trans. Batem, in Gard. Chron. 
1862, p. 1194. 


Not having seen this noble plant in a recent state, I rely 
wholly on Mr. Bateman’s determination of the species, and on 
his remarks, as follows :—* The other day, while looking through 
the Nursery of Messrs. Low and Son, at Clapton, I was shown 
living plants and dried specimens of a Dendrobium, which had 
been recently imported by the firm from Moulmein, and to which 
they had given provisionally the name of D. Moulmeinense, 
under which designation it is already to be found in several col- 
lections. I thought the plant was undescribed, but on looking 
over Professor Lindley’s ‘Contributions. to the Orchidology of 
India,’ I at once recognized in that able botanist’s description of 
D. infundibulum (transcribed above) the very plant that Messrs. 
Low had distributed under the name of D. Moulmeinense, and 
which they have the honour of being the first to import alive. 
It is a species of surpassing beanty, and promises to more than 
rival its nearest relative, D. formosum. <A dried flower that is 
now before me measures, when laid flat, four inches across ; 
and that such glorious blossoms are produced in the greatest 
profusion is evidenced by the withered flower-stalks that crowd 
the tops of the imported stems.” 

“The Rev. Mr. Parish, from whom Messrs. Low received 
the plant, found it flowering in February, upon the mountains 
of Moulmein, where it seems also to have been discovered in a 

May Ist, 1864. 

former year, at the height of five thousand feet, by Mr. Lobb. 
Mr. Parish mentions that he had forty-four blossoms open at 
one time upon some plants that he kept in a small basket, and 
adds that they continued a very long time in perfection.” ./. 
Bateman.—I fear that here, as in the case of D. darbatulum, the 
form and size of the sepals are liable to considerable variation. 

“This plant, like all the other Dendrodia belonging to Dr. 
Lindley’s nigro-hirsute section of the genus, is very impatient of 
stagnant moisture, although it can hardly have too much water, 
provided the same passes freely away. To effect this, it should 
be placed in a pot filled with little else than broken potsherds 
mixed with some chopped sphagnum and a morsel of fibrous 
peat. It likes a good heat.”—J. B. 

Fig. 1. Column, spur, and ovary. 2. Pollen-masses. 3. Front view of the 
lip :—magnified. — 

— Tas.$447, 


Distichous-flowered Aichmea. 

Nat. Ord. Bromeniacr#.—Herxanpria Monoaynta. 

Gen. Char. Bractee sub singulo flore cyathiformes. Perigonii superi, sexpar- 
titi; Jacinie exteriores calyculate, equales, spiraliter convolute, aristate v. 
mutice, apice hine oblique dilatate ; interiores petaloider, exterioribus multo 
Jongiores, inferne convolute, basi intus squamose v. rarius nude. Stamina 6, 
imo perigonio inserta; fi/amenta filiformia, tria laciniarum interiorum basi ad. 
nata; anthere ovate, dorso affix, subincumbentes. Ocarium inferum, trilocu- 
lare. Ovuda plurima, e loculorum angulo centrali pendula, anatropa. Stylus fili- 
formis ; stigmata 3, linearia y. petaloidea, spiraliter convoluta. Bacca ovato- 
subglobosa, triloculares. Semina plura, ex apice loculorum pendula ; testa cori- 
acea, fusca, umbilico filo brevi gracili appendiculato. Embryo minimus, rectus, | 
in basi albuminis dense farinacei, extremitate radiculari umbilicum attingente, 
supera.—Herbe Americane tropice, sepe in arborum truncis pseudoparasitice ; 
foliis radicalibus ligulatis v. ensiformibus, crassis, coriaceis, integerrimis v. spinu- 
loso-serrulatis ; scapo ramoso, paniculato; rachi flexuosa ; .bracteis’ sub singulo 
Jlore cyathiformibus, spinoso-aristatis, integerrimis v. tricrenatis; floribus termi- 
nalibus abortivis. Endl. 

AXcuMEA distichantha ; foliis e basi dilatata amplexantibus bipedalibus lineari- 
oblongis elongatis glaucescentibus elongatis acuminatis canaliculatis, aculeis 
uncinatis atris remotis spinescentibus, scapo foliis breviore colorato folioso— 
apice paniculato-spicato, ramis spicatis copiose bracteatis distichis, bracteis 
rubris copiosis, floribus etiam distichis, sepalis erectis imbricatis roseis, — 
petalis purpureis, singulo intus bisquamuloso, staminibus 6, filamentis sur- 
sum clavatis. : tee 

AicumEa distichantha. Lemaire, Jard. Fleuriste, v. 3. p. 269 cum icon. 

BrnBercta? polystachya. Paxt. Fl. Gard. v. 3. t. 80. 

Hoptopnytum distichanthum. Beer, Bromel. p. 136. 

A South American Bromeliaceous plant, from the province 
of St. Paul (South Brazil, we presume); a family which stands _ 
in great need of scientific examination, instead of being left 
to the tender mercies of mere horticulturists, who contribute 

JUNE Ist, 1864, 

little: " ‘either generic o or 
ferences, but who are, nevertheless, instrumental in importing 
omy which can hardly be described except from living culti- . 

: 1 Flower. 2 Petals and scales, with a stamen. 3. Stamen. 4. Pistil :-— 


Vincent. Brooks,mp- 









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W. Fitch, del. et lith 


Tas. 5448, 

Mr. Mangles’s Trichinium. 



Gen. Char. Flores hermaphroditi, tribracteati. Calyx 5-sepalus; sepalis equa- 
libus aut inzequalibus (duobus exterioribus majoribus), erectis, apice demum 
divaricatis, villoso-plumosis. Stamina 5, inferne in cupulam vel rarissime in 
tubum coalita. Filamenta filiformia y. dilatato-subulata. Staminodia nulla. 
Anthere biloculares, ellipticee v. subrotunde. Ovarium uniloculare, uniovula- 
tum. Stylus elongatus. Stigma simplex, capitatum. Fructus (utriculus) obo- 
vatus v. ovatus, evalvis, monospermus ; sepadis inferne conniventibus et apice 
plumosus, inclusus. Albumen farinaceum, centrale. Hmbryo annularis, peri- 
phericus; radicula ascendente-—Herbee perennes vel annue, raro suffrutices, 
Australiace, interdum Capenses, intra vel extra tropicos observata. Folia alterna, 
rarissime opposita vel fasciculata. Flores terminales, in capitula v. in spicas con- 
gesti, tandem avolantes juvante calyce patuloso-plumoso. Bractee carinate, sca- 
riose, nitentes, colorate, persistentes, lateralibus interdum cum fructu deciduis. 
Pili florum articulati, oblique erecti. Stamina sepius inequalia et ovarium ob- 
lique gibbosulum. Mog. in De Cand. 

Tricuin1um Manglesii; caulibus herbaceis adscendentibus simplicibus sulcatis 
striatis glabriusculis virescentibus, foliis radicantibus longe petiolatis 
oblongo-spathulatis mucronulatis margine sinuatis glabris viridibus, cau- 
linis lanceolato-linearibus aut linearibus roseis, calyce bracteis fere duplo 
longiore, sepalis uninerviis apicem versus nitidulis, pilis calyce brevioribus . 
sat numerosis rigidis albis. 

TRIcHINIUM Manglesii. Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1839, n.28, in not. Field. Sert. Plant. 
t.52. Mog. in De Cand. Prodr. 13. part 2. p. 289. 

TRICHINIUM macrocephalum. Nees, in Lehm. Pl. Preiss. v. 1. p. 627 (not Br.). 


Few more lovely plants have been introduced to our gardens 
of late years than the one here represented, from our friend 
Mr. Thompson, of Ipswich. It is one of the many Swan River 
species which he has been instrumental in importing, and suc- 
cessful in its cultivation. At present it has been, I apprehend, 
only treated as a greenhouse plant ; but there is no reason why 
it should not be employed as a summer annual, as are many 
Australian plants, and others from South Africa, to the great 

JUNE Ist, 1864. 

advantage of our flower-borders. Forty-nine species of the genus 
Trichinium are known to science; but none is more beautiful 
than the present, unless it be 7. spectabile, Field. l.c. t. 289; 
and that is considered by Moquin as probably a short and broad 
spiked var. of the present, with narrow leaves. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Stamens and pistil. 3. Pistil:—magnified. 


Vincent Brooks, imp. 


Tas. 5449, 


Dr. Lindley’s Cattleya. 

Nat. Ord. Orcu1pE®.—GyNANDRIA MOoNANDRIA. 

Gen. Char. Sepala membranacea vel carnosa, patentia, equalia. Petala sepius 
majora. abdellum cucullatum, columnam involvens, trilobum vel indivisum. 
Columna clavata, elongata, semiteres, marginata, cum labello articulata. Anthera 
carnosa, 4-locularis, septorum marginibus membranaceis. Pollinia 4, caudiculis 
totidem replicatis.—Herbee epiphyte (Americane), pseudobulbose. Folia soli- 
taria vel bina, coriacea. Flores terminales, speciosissimi, sepe e spatha magna 
erumpentes. Lindl. 

Cattieya Lindleyana ; pseudobulbis cauliformibus elongatis aggregatis tere- 
tibus articulatis, articulis bracteato-spathaceis albidis mono-diphyllis, foliis 
lineari-lanceolatis, floribus solitariis terminalibus sublonge pedunculatis, 
sepalis lineari-lanceolatis, petalisque iis latioribus albis, labello amplo 
obscure trilobo albo pallide luteo purpureoque tincto, lobo intermedio sub- 
rotundo concavo medio linea purpurea maculato. 

CaTTLeya Lindleyana. Batem. in Herb. Hook. 

This, which we cannot find to be anywhere described, was 
lately sent to us from Bahia, by our valued correspondent 
C. H. Williams, Esq. In aspect it much resembes Lelia ; but 
the’ pollen-masses are four and not eight. It flowered with us 
in September, 1863, not long after the plant was imported. 

JUNE Ist, 1864. 





Vinc € 

W Fitch, del et lith. 



Tas. 5450, 

THIBAUDIA sarcantua, 

Fleshy-flowered Thibaudia. 

Nat. Ord. Vacctnrr®.—Dercanpria MonoGynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx semiadheerens, tubuloso-urceolatus, brevis, subcoriaceus, 
limbo 5-partito, partitionibus dentiformibus erectis persistentibus. Corolla tubu- 
loso-urceolata, 5-dentata, carnosa. Stamina 10; filamenta brevia, compressa, li- 
nearia, glabra, nunc libera, nune monadelpha. -dnthere elongate, biloculares, 
basi liberee, medio adnate, superne libere furcate, id est loculi superne segregati . 

in tubulos vacuos elongati, rima longitudinali dehiscentes. Discus epigynus, sub- 

integer, obsolete 5-dentatus, vel 5-gonus. Bacca subglobosa, subangulosa, trun- 
cata, calycis limbo carnoso-coriaceo 5-partito coronata, 5-locularis, loculis poly- 
spermis.—Frutices ; caules erecti diffusique, ramosissimi. Gemme florifere azil- 
lares terminalesque, bracteis sguamosis coriaceis subrotundis imbricatis tecte. Folia 
alterna, coriacea, sempervirentia, breviter petiolata, petiolis sepe contortis, sepius 
integerrima, interdum. denticulata vel serrata. Flores racemosi vel subumbellati, 
pedicellis wnifloris bibracteatis, sepe cernuis interdum secundis. Gemmze, squame, 
bractez, racemi, calyces, corolle e¢ baccz sepe rubicundi coloris. Bacce sapore 
grato acido donate. De Cand. 

THIBAUDIA sarcantha; ramis teretibus pendulis, foliis earnoso-coriaceis oblongo- 
ovatis acuminato-acutis 3—5-venosis, corymbis lateralibus terminalibusque, 
floribus uncialibus, pedicellis clavatis calycibusque in pedicello articulatis 
campanulatis 5-dentatis viridibus, corolla insigniter carnosa urceolata, tubo 
subgloboso rubro, limbo contracto flavo-viridi 5-dentato, dentibus erectis bre- 

Psammista sarcantha. Batem. in litt. 

Psammtsi sclerophylla. Planch. et Linden, Fl. des Serres, v. 8. p. 205. ¢. 825? 

A most charming Vacciniaceous plant, we believe imported 
from New Granada, cultivated by Mr. Bateman, and exhibited 
at one of the late spring meetings of the Royal Horticultural 
Society at Kensington Gardens by that gentleman, whence the 
specimens were sent to be figured. The Psammisia sclerophylla, 
Kl. in Linnzea, v. 24. p. 42, Thibaudia, Kth. et auct., Planch. et 

JUNE lst, 1864. 

d. Fl. des Serres, v. 8. p. 825, very much resembles 
ur plant, but the chatter are there erect, and the corymbs 
only drooping. | 

Fig. 1. Flower and pedicel. 2. Calyx and pistil, 8. Stamen —magnifed. 



Vincent, Brooks,Imp 


Tas. 5451, 

DENDROBIUM Farme_enrt, var. awreo-flava. 

Mr. Farmer’s Dendrobium ; golden-yellow var. 

Nat. Ord. Oncu1pes.—GyYNanpDRIA MonoGynta. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB, 5303.) 

DENDROBIUM Farmeri; caulibus elongatis clavatis articulatis profunde quadri- 
sulcatis et obtuse 4-angulatis apice foliosis, foliis 2-4 ovatis coriaceis stria- 
tis, racemis lateralibus multifloris pendulis, bracteis parvis ovatis concavis, 
sepalis (albis roseo tinctis) late ovatis obtusis, petalis conformibus (ejus- 
demque coloris) majoribus, labello (albo disco luteo) rhomboideo obtusis- 
simo unguiculato supra pubescente margine subintegerrimo. 

DENDROBIUM Farmeri. Part. Mag. of Bot. p.15, cum Ic. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 

Var. B. aureo-flava ; sepalisque intense flavis, labello aureo. (Tas. Nostr. 5451.) 

During the course of last year (1863), accompanied by speci- 
mens of the plant alluded to for the Royal Gardens, and for 
Mr. Lowe, of Clapton, the following note was received from the 
Rev. S. P. Parish, of Moulmeine :—‘ What if I were to say that 
Dendrobium Farmeri (see our Tab. 4659) and D. chrysotoxum 
(our Tab. 5053) were one and the same? I know both of them 
extremely well, having had them growing for three years. There 
is no mistaking the two without the flowers. ‘Two days ago, 
on going down into my garden, I was astonished, and could 
hardly believe my eyes, at seeing a panicle of the golden flowers 
of D. chrysotorum proceeding from the bulbs of D. Farmeri/— 

the only difference being that the labellum is here rather pointed, 

and not so round as in D. chrysotoxum.” Dr. Lindley, too, has 
a remark, or rather offers a conjecture, somewhat to the same 
effect, when he says, in his ‘Contributions to the Orchidology 
of India,’* “ D. Farmeri is scarcely distinct from D. chrysotorum, 

* «Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London,’ yol. 3. p. 7. 
JUNE lst, 1864. 

although its flowers are tinged with pink, and its lip less abun- 
dantly fringed.” I fear both one and the other of these botanists 
have placed too much confidence in colowr in the present case ; 
for not only is the nature of the pseudobulb quite different 
(multangular in D. chrysotorum, deeply quadrangular in D. Far- 
meri), but the curious deep velvety fringe of the lip of D. chry- 
sotorum, well represented both by Dr. Lindley, Bot. Reg. 1847, 
t. 36. f. 1, and by myself, Bot. Mag. t. 5053, f. 2, has nothing 
resembling it in the labellum of D. Farmeri. This I take there- 
fore to be a yellow-flowered variety of the latter, and quite dis- 
tinct from D. chrysotoxum. 

Fig. 1. Column and anther. 2. Front view of the labellum :—magnijied. 

W-Fitch delet lith 

Vincent. Brooks, Imp. 


Tas. 5452, 

DESMODIUM Skinner, var. albo-lineata. 

Mr. Skinner's Desmodium, white-lined var. 

Nat. Ord. LeGumMINos#.—DiapeLpeHia DecanpRria. 

Gen. Char. Calyx basi bibracteolatus, ad medium obscure bilabiatus, labio su- 
periore bifido, inferiore tripartito. Corolla papilionacea, vexillo subrotundo, ca- 
rina obtusa, non truncata, alis carina longioribus. Stamina diadelpha (9 et 1), 
Jilamentis subpersistentibus. Zegumen constans articulis plurimis ad maturitatem 
secedentibus compressis monospermis membranaceis coriaceisve, non aut vix de- 
hiscentibus.—Herbz aué suffrutices, plerigue eguinoctiales. Folia nunc 3-foliata 
seu l-juga cum impari, nunc simplicia dicta nempe ad impar foliolum reducta ideo 
unifoliolata. Stipelle 2 ad basim folioli extremi, 1 ad quodque laterale. Racemi 
terminales sepius laxi. Pedicelli 1 aut sepius 3, ex bractearum agillis orti, fili- 
Jormes, uniflori, Flores purpurei cerulei aut albi, minores guam in Hedysaro. De 

DeEsMopIUM Skinneri ; pubescenti-hirsutum, suffruticosum, caule scandente, fo- 
liis trifoliolatis, foliolis lato-lanceolatis, terminali longe petiolata, racemis 
elongatis subpaniculatis axillaribus terminalibusque, floribus intense pur- 
pureis, vexillo macula alba biloba, calycibus ciliatis, ovario oblongo hirsuto. 

Desmopivum Skinneri. Benth. in Herb. Hook. 

Var. B. albo-nitens. (Tas. Nostr. 5452.) 

Ruynewosia albo-nitens. Hort. Verschaff. 


A very pretty climber, received at the Royal Gardens of Kew 
under the name recorded last from Mr. Verschaffelt; but it 
appears to correspond with a Guatemala plant named by Mr. 
Bentham as a Desmodium, and in compliment to its discoverer, 
of which specimens are preserved in the Hookerian herbarium. 
If it be truly the Desmodium Skinneri of Mr. Bentham, the 
young pods are very flat, curved and sickle-shaped, one inch 
long, three to four lines broad, of one or two joints, one to two- 
seeded. ‘Trained along the rafters of the stove, the effect of the 
flowers is very pretty. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Calyx and pistil. 3. Vexillum. 4. Ale and carina:— 
JUNE Ist, 1864. 

‘ 5453 ° 

Tas. 5453. 


Splendid. Macleania. 

Nat. Ord. Vaccrnin#,—Decanprta Monooynta. 

Gen. Char. Macieanta, Hook. Calyx truncatus, obsoletissime 5-dentatus, 
5-alatus, inferne ovario adherens. Corolla, cylindracea, non raro angulata, limbo 
5-fido. Stamina 10, basi corolle inserta, fi/amentis per totam longitudinem in 
urceolum connatis. dzthere basi affixee, dorso mutice, apice in tubum simplicem 
attenuate, et rimula singula introrsum dehiscentes. Ocarinm quinqueloculare, 
multiovulatum.—Frutices Americe tropice Andine, habitu Thibaudie. Folia 
coriacea, integerrima, trinervia. Flores speciosi fasciculati vel racemosi. 

MACLEANIA speciosissima ; fruticosa, ramis elongatis pendentibus, foliis ovatis 
obtusis distichis brevipetiolatis trinerviis, floribus copiosissimis fasciculatis 
nutantibus, calycis tubo 5-alato; corollis 12-14 lineas. longis tubuloso-sub- 
urceolatis 5-angulatis, limbi lobis parvis subpatentibus. 

Tuipauptia elliptica. Hort. Lind. (fide Bateman), non Ruiz et Pav. 

Rarely have we seen a more lovely flowering shrub than that 
we have now the satisfaction to figure, from a specimen sent to 
us by James Bateman, Esq., from his collection at Biddulph 
Grange, Congleton, after having attracted much attention at one 
of the Exhibitions of the Royal Horticultural Society at Kensing- 
ton Gore, in April of the present year. By that gentleman it 
was received from Mr. Linden, under the name of “ 7hibaudia 
elliptica ;” but it certainly is not that plant of Ruiz and Pavon, 
but is clearly a species of Macleania, yet not according with any 
of the ten species of that genus given by Dr. Klotzsch in his 
classification of the group of “Bicornes,” published in the 24th 
vol. of the ‘ Linneea,’ for 1851. It is stated to be a native of 
Columbia, and its nearest affinity is perhaps with our J/. angu- 
lata, Bot. Mag. t. 3979, and, though less so, with our J/. flori- 
éunda, Ic. Plant. Rar. v. 2. t. 109. Our specimen was accom- 
panied by the following note from Mr. Bateman :—“ I received 

JULY Ist, 1864. 


the plant in 1859 from Mr. Linden, of Brussels. It requires 
the heat of a warm greenhouse, and should be placed in a /arge 
pot, which ought to stand on a bracket or shelf near the glass ; 
in this way the branches will hang down gracefully, and flower 

Descr. A straggling shrub, of some few feet in the spread of 
its branches, which are much elongated and pendent, well clothed 
with coriaceous, distichous, evergreen /eaves, two inches or rather 
more in length, ovate or oblong-ovate, shortly petiolate, obtuse, 
entire, with three principal nerves, thick and coriaceous ; young 
leaves particularly delicate, semipellucid, purplish-red. The fowers 
are all drooping, most copious, in fascicles from beneath the leaves 
of the pendent branches, and in a measure concealed by them. 
Peduncles half to three-quarters of an inch long, clavate, and on 
the apex of these the calyx is articulated, five-winged, minutely 
five-toothed, with the tube incorporated with the ovary, purplish- 
green. Corolla nearly an inch and a quarter long, bright scarlet, 
yellow towards the mouth, tubular, but contracted below the 
small limb, so as to be tubuloso-ventricose, longitudinally five- 
angled; the limb is of five small, acute, slightly spreading cili- 
ated lobes. S/amens: filaments five, broad-oblong, slightly co- 
adunate. Anthers large, oblong, two-celled, tapering upwards 
into a long tube, and opening each by one pore or slit at the 
apex (our artist has by mistake represented two). S/yle nearly 
as long as the corolla, slender; stigma obtuse. Fruct globose, 
waxy and subpellucid. ; 

__ Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Summit of the peduncle, calyx, and pistil. 3. Two of 
_ the anthers (the filaments forming part of the staminal tube):—more or less 


W.RBitch, del et ith 

Tas. 5454, 
DENDROBIUM mareinatum. 

White-margined Dendrobium. 

Nat. Ord. OncHIpEZ.—Gynanpria Monanprta: 

Gen. Char, (Vide supra, TaB. 5303.) 

DENDROBIUM marginatum ; caulibus erectis pedalibus et ultra articulatis angu- 
latis, apice preecipue foliosis, foliis lineari-lanceolatis, floribus lateralibus 
geminatis albis, sepalis lanceolatis, petalis paulo latioribus brevioribus, la- 
bello unguiculato subpanduriformi trilobo, lobis lateralibus erectis intus 
cinnabarinis, labio. medio suborbiculari undulato, disco cinnabarino albo- 
marginato. : 

DENDROBIUM marginatum. Batem. ms. 

This very pretty Dendrobium was obligingly sent to us, in 
April of the present year, by Sigismund Rucker, Esq., from his 
fine collection at West Hill, Wandsworth, with the name here 
adopted. It would be easy to refer to nearly allied species of 
this now extensive genus, especially to the Dendrobium hetero- 
carpum, Wall. and Lindley, figured at our Tab. 4970, and its 
Several varieties there noticed, some of which are remarkable 
enough, and this should perhaps rank as one of them. It is a 
native of Moulmein, and was discovered by the Rev. C. S. P. 
Parish and sent to Messrs. Hugh Low and Co. 

Duscr. The stems, for they can scarcely be called pseudobulbs, 
grow in clusters a foot and more long, are rather thicker than a 
swan’s quill, jointed (the joints slightly sheathing), angled ; the 
younger ones bearing a few sparse linear-lanceolate /eaves towards 
their extremity. Flowers, from the joints of the old stems, also 
towards the upper part, generally in pairs, from one short pe- 
duncle. Sepals and petals pure white, the former lanceolate, the 
latter nearly ovate, much spreading. Zip moderately large, ta- 
pering below into a long claw, as long as the spur, three-lobed ; 
‘JULY Ist, 1864. ; : : 

side lobes large, erect, spotted with deep orange; the disk has 

three elevated ridges, the terminal lobe is subrotund, waved, ob- - 
_ tuse, with a cinnabar-orange disk and a white margin, whence, — 
_ probably, the specific name. Column rather short, the truncated 

anther-case sunk, as it were, in the clinanthium. Pollen-masses 

- oor. 

Fig, 1: Lip and spur. 2. Column, spur, and base (only) of the labellum. 

3. Front view of the labellum. 4. Pollen-masses :—«ll more or less maynified. 

— rine 

—— Dis = 


Tas. 5455. 


De Candolle’s Micranthella. 

Nat. Ord. MELastomacE#.—DEcANDRIA Monoeynia. 

Gen. Char. MicrantTuELLa, Naud. Flos pentamerus. Calycis campanulati 
vel oblongi dentes acuti, persistentes. Petala obovata, apice rotundata, ciliolata. 
Stamina 10, parum inzequalia, conformia, antheris lineari-subulatis aut oblongis 
1-porosis, connectivo infra loculos magis minusve producto et in insertione fila- 
menti seepius bitesticulato. Ovarium basi adherens, 5-loculare. Stylus filifor- 
mis, stigmate punctiformi. Capsula 5-valvis; semina cochleata.—Herbe vel 
suffrutices austro-Americani et Mexicani, sepius ramosi, varie pilosi, micranthi et 
submicranthi ; foliis petiolatis ovatis ovatove-oblongis ; floribus paniculatis aut 
glomeratis, nunquam cernuis, purpureis albis flavis aut aurantiacis.* Naud. 

MICRANTHELLA (Cheetogastroidezet) Candollei ; fruticosa, ferrugineo-villosa, pro 
genere macrophylla, ramis teretibus, foliis petiolatis ovatis acuminatis ob- 
solete serrulatis vel subintegerrimis 5-nerviis, utraque pagina rufescenti- 
villosis, paniculis terminalibus brevibus confertifloris et multifloris, flori- 
bus rubris aut violaceis. Naud. 

Micrantuetta Candollei. Naud. in Ann, des Se. Nat. Ser. 3. v. 13. p. 352. 

CuxT0GAsTRA mollis. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 134. 

Ruexta mollis, Bonpl. Rhew. t. 19. 

A very pretty Melastomaceous plant, of which dried specimens 
only were known in our collections till our zealous horticultural 
and botanical friend Isaac Anderson Henry, Esq., of Hay Lodge, 
Trinity, Edinburgh, sent us in May, 1864, from his garden 
flowering specimens, raised from seeds sent by the Professor 
Jamieson, of Quito. This latter gentleman had long previously 

* M. Naudin further observes on this :—‘Genus fere omnino artificiale imo et 
subheterogenum ; Lasiandre, Chetogastre, et Oreocosmo sequaliter affine, nulli 
tamen apto conjungendum. Precipui characteres in parvitate florum (si gene- 
rum proximorum floribus comparentur), inflorescentia et habitu resident. : 

Tt “Antherz oblong sed non vere subulate ut in sectione precedenti (‘Ge- 
nuine’), connectivo infra loculos brevissimo et bilobo, aut subnullo.”’ 

JULY lst, 1864. 

received specimens from the Andes, gathered at elevations of 
from 9000-—10,000 feet, and more recently from Mr. Spruce, n. 
5833. We have the same from M. Triana, from New Granada, 
and from Ruiz and Pavon’s herbarium, gathered in the Andes 
above Lima, in Peru, and from the late Mr. M‘Lean, from the 
same locality. It is well suited for greenhouse cultivation. 

Dzscr. A much branching shrud, with opposite dranches and 
leaves, the whole plant, save the petals, covered with a dense 
mass of close-placed hairs, rusty-coloured when dry. Leaves 
about three inches long, petiolate, ovate-oblong, entire, 5-nerved ; 
the nerves united by obliquely transverse veins. Panicles ter- 
minal, leafy below. Calye hispid, with subulate, spreading 
bristles, turbinate, crowned by five spreading, broad, subulate 
lobes. Stamens ten, nearly equal, obliquely obovate, purple. 
Pistil: ovary free, ovate, hispid above. Style filiform, longer 
than the ovary. Stigma obtuse. 

Fig. 1. Calyx and pistil. 2. Petal. 3. Stamen. 4. Pistil:— more or less 

W.Fitch,del et ith 


Vincent Brooks imp. 


Tas. 5456. 
MECONOPSIS acuxeata. 

Prickly Meconopsis. 

Nat. Ord. Papaverace£.—PoLyanprRia MoNoGynia. 

Gen. Char. Sepala2. Petala4. Staminaor. Ovarii placente 4-20, nerviformes 
vel plus minus intromisse ; stylus distinctus, stigmatis lepresso-dilatati vel clavati 
lobis deflexo-radiantibus placentis appositis. Capsu/a ovoidea, oblonga vel bre- 
viter sublinearis, valvis brevibus, placentas cum stylo persistentes nudantibus de- 
hiscens. Semina scrobiculata, raphe cristata vel nuda.—Herbe perennantes v. 
rarius annue, succo flavo. Folia integra vel sepius lobata vel dissecta. Flores 
longe pedunculati, speciosi, flavi purpurei vel ceruléi, alabastris nutantibus. Benth. 
et Hook. : 

Mrconopsis aculeata ; sparse hispido-aculeata, foliis radicalibus cordatis ova-_ 
tisve varie lobatis, caulinis oblongis pinnatifidis, omnibus varie lobulatis, 
floribus racemosis bracteatis purpureo-ceruleis, capsulis brevibus setoso- 

MeEconorsis aculeata. Royle, Ill. Pl. Himal. p. 617. ¢. 15 (the flowers represented 
red, in consequence, no doubt, of the colour being taken from dried speci- 
mens). Wail, Cat. n. 8122. Hook. et Thoms. Fl. Ind. p. 253. 

We had the good fortune to have this rare and charming 
plant flowering in the open border, in the month of June of the 
present year (1864). Seeds were obligingly sent to us during 
the previous year, by our friend Dr. Cleghorn, from North-west- 
ern India. It is a native of the high mountains of Kumaon 
(Wallich), at an altitude of 11,000 feet, of Sirmur (Hoyle), Ku- 
nawar (Munro), and Zanshar and Kishtwar, in Kashmir, at an 
elevation of 10—-14,000 feet above the level of the sea ( Winier- 
Jottom). Of the very handsome genus Meconopsis, one species 
inhabits Western Europe, JZ. Camérica, extending as far north 
as Britain, two belong to North-west America, and six are na- 
tives of Himalaya, of which one, our A/. Wallichit, has appeared 
in the Tab. 4668 of the present work, and two, Jf. simplicifolia 
and A, Nepalensis, ave figured in Dr. Hooker’s ‘ Illustrations of 

JULY lst, 1864. - c 

Himalayan Plants.’ ‘The latter species, with yellow flowers, 
having lately blossomed in the Royal Gardens, will at no very 
distant period be given in our pages. All of these are remark- 
able for the size to which they attain as compared with our Eu- 
ropean and North-American species, and especially that of the 

Drscr. Roof, according to Dr. Royle, long and tapering, pro- 
bably therefore perennial. S¢em herbaceous, one to two feet 
high, scarcely branched, clothed, as is the whole plant (except 
the petals), with patent rigid hair-like prickles. Leaves very 
variable ; the outermost, and most radical in our plant, are cor- 
date, somewhat five-lobed, and more or Jess incised; the next to 
them are oblong-ovate in circumscription, with deeper but more 
acute lobes, while the stem-leaves are narrow-oblong, deeply 
pinnatifid, with the segments variously lobed and incised, then 
pass gradually upwards into dracéeas, which only differ from the 
cauline leaves in their smaller size: all are petioled, the radical 
ones the most so. ‘The fowers measure more than two inches 
across, and form a long raceme, of which the upper ones expand 
first; they are solitary in the axils of the flural leaves or bracts. 
Petals a rich purple-blue colour. Stamens numerous, forming 
a bright golden eye to the flower by the rich colour of their 
compact anthers. Ovary oval, hispid, with erect prickles. Style 
columnar ; stigma capitate. 

Fig. 1. Pistil. 2. Transverse section of the same -—slightly mugnified. 

Sak | Sey aaanee, 



ae ee 

Vincent Brooks,Imp. 

W. Fitch, lith. 

of ee 

Tas. 5457. 


Spotted-lipped Cymbidium. 

Nat. Ord. Orncutpex.—GyNaNDRIA MonoGynia. 

Gen. Char. Perianthium explanatum, petalis sepalisque subequalibus liberis. 
Labelium sessile, liberum, ecalcaratum, concavum, cum basi columne nunc arti- 
culatum, nunc leyiter connatum, indivisum vel trilobum. Codumna erecta, semi- 
teres. -dnthere biloculares. Pollinia 2, seepius postice biloba, in glandulam 
subtriangularem subsessilia. Lindl. 

CymBipium tigrinum ; pseudobulbis aggregatis subrotundis ovatisve striatis, 
vetustis foliorum delapsorum basibus quasi-operculatis, foliis subsolitariis 
oblongo-lanceolatis parum tortuosis acutis, scapo radicali, bracteato subtri- 
floro; sepalis petalisque conformibus linearibus patenti-incurvis, labello 
longe unguiculato trilobo albo purpureo-maculato, lobis lateralibus erectis, 
intermedio lato-oblongo apiculato; basi callis duobus; columna elongata 

CyMBIDIUM tigrinum. Parish, ms. 

This is but one of many new Orchidaceous plants sent from 
the Malay Peninsula to Messrs. Lowe, of the Clapton Nursery, 
by the Rev. C.S. P. Parish. It was detected by that gentleman 
in 1863, upon rocks in the Tenasserim mountains, at an eleva- 
tion of 6000 feet above the level of the sea, and the plants were 
accompanied by a faithful drawing from his pencil. Mr. Bate- 
man remarks, “‘ the compact pseudobulbs, and its few-flowered 
Spikes, are very unlike anything in the genus with which I am 
acquainted.” . 

I have here adopted Dr. Lindley’s character for the genus 
Cymbidium, but what are its limits I do not understand. That 
author, in 1840, enumerated in his ‘ Genera et Species Orchide- 
arum, forty species. Reichenbach, fil., seems to have reduced 
them to nineteen, in Walpers’ ‘Annales Botanices Systematice. 

Descr. Pseudobulbs clustered, as large as walnuts, subrotund 
or. ovate, scarred at the top, in the old ones, by the persistent 

= bases of the fallen leaves. eaves three to four inches long, one 

JULY 1st, 1864. 


to three or four from the summit of the young pseudobuld, oblong- 
lanceolate, slightly twisted, subcoriaceous. Scape radical, about - 
a span long, bracteated, with four to six lanceolate, sheathing 
scales. Ovary pedunculiform, one inch and a half long. The 
spread of the flower is considerable, but the floral coverings are 
narrow. Sepals much divaricated, linear or linear-oblong, yel- 
low-green, indistinctly speckled with red; pefa/s conform with 
them, but erect and nearly parallel with the upper‘sepal, slightly 
incurved, ip large, broad-oblong, tapering below into a long 
claw, three-lobed; side-lobes rounded, erect, purple within ; 
middle lobe broad-oblong, quite white, barred transversely with 
short streaks of dark purple: there are a few elevated callous 
lines at its base. Colwmnu much elongated, clavate, incurved. 
Pollen-masses two, transverse, each two-lobed, and attached to 
a large triangular gland. 

Fig. 1. Labellum. 2. Column and upper portion of the ovary. 3. Front; 

and 4, Back view of a pollen-mass, with its large triangular gland :—more or 
less magnified. 


Tas. 5458, 


Spiked Corylopsis. 


Gen. Char. Coryuorsts, Sieh. et Zuce. Calyx adnatus, quinquefidus, laciniis 
subineequalibus. Corolla calyci inserta, pentapetala, regularis, petalis spathu- 
latis. Stamina 5, libera, calyti inserta. Sguame 5, stylos intra stamina cin- 
gentes. Ovarium inferum, biloculare, ovuio unico pendulo in quovis loculo. 
Styli 2, stigmatibus subcapitatis. Capsula semisupera, bilocularis, bivalvis, 
valvis septicidis.—Frutices Japonici, foliis alternis petiolatis stipulatis basi cor- 
datis vel rotundatis subinequilateris acutis vel cuspidatis repando-serratis, serra- 
turis setaceo-mucronatis, costato-venosis, deciduis ; gemmis porulatis foliiferis vel 
mixtis ; floribus precocibus, in spicas amentaceas simplices nutantes dispositis. 
Sieb. et Zuce. 

Corytopsis spicata ; foliis e basi subcordata late obovatis acutiusculis repando- 
dentatis, dentibus setaceis, floribus in racemos simplices 8—12-floros dis- 
positis, calycis laciniis lanceolatis, petalis oblongo-spathulatis, nectarii 
squamis bifidis. Sied. et Zucc. 

CoryLopstis spicata. Sieb. and Zuccarini, Fl. Japon. p. 47. t. 19. 

This interesting Japan shrub, whose pretty drooping spikes 
have the fragrance (as they have the colour) of Cows/ips, is now, for 
the first time, known in cultivation in European gardens. It 
has been introduced from Yokahama by Messrs. Veitch, of the 
Royal Exotic Nursery, King’s Road, Chelsea. Excellent flower- 
ing specimens were sent to us from thence by Messrs, Veitch, the 
latter end of February of the present year: and we are happy 
in announcing the introduction of so interesting a shrub, and 
one whose flowers are doubly welcome, from appearing at so 
early a season of the year. The shrubs however being deciduous, 
the flowers appear before the leaves, which latter have much the 
appearance of our nut-bushes, whence the name of the genus. 

Dzscr. Shrub, in its native country said to be about three to 
four feet high, with long petiolated /eaves, three to four inches 
long, unequal at the base, cordate, acute rather than acuminate, 
Strongly penniveined, green above, and pubescent, somewhat 

AUGUST lst, 1864. 

hoary beneath with more copious down, the margins mucronato- 
serrate. Spikes of fowers two to three inches long, drooping, 
yellow, bracteated ; bracteas ample, cordate or ovate, yellow- 
green, lowest ones the largest and not floriferous, the rest bearing 
each a single flower, which is sessile. Calye with the short, 
turbinate, downy, tube crowned with five, ovato-lanceclate, subin- 
cised, erect segments. Corolla of five, oblong-spathulate, obtuse 
or retuse and erect petals. Stamens five, as long as the petals. 
Within the stamens are, in our specimens, ten erect oblong subu- 
late glands. Ovary turbinate, incorporated with the tube of the 
calyx, two-celled, cel/s one-seeded ; ovules pendent. Styles two, 
about as long as the stamens. Stigmata incrassated, uncinate. 

Fig. 1. Flowerand bract. 2. Calyx and pistil. 3. Ovary (incorporated with 
the tube of the calyx) and the 2 styles. 4. Vertical section of the ovary, sur- 
rounded by the 10 erect glands, 5. Transverse section of the ovary, with 2 
cells, each with its ovule :—all more or less magnified. 


Vincent Brooks, imp 

W. Fitch del. et lith 

Tas. 5459. 


Lvory-flowered Dendrobium. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5303.) 

DrEnDROBIUM eburneum; caulibus erectis brevibus robustis foliosis villis deciduis 
sparse vestitis, foliis coriaceis lanceolatis oblique obtusis, racemis lateralibus 
vel terminalibus 2—5-floris foliis brevioribus, sepalis petalisque subzequalibus 
lanceolatis acutis, labelli trilobi lobis lateralibus brevibus rotundatis, inter- 
medio triplo longiore lanceolato apiculato margine crenulato, mento hori- 
zontali sepalis vix eequali. J. B. 

DENDROBIUM eburneum. Reichenbach fil. mss. 

This fine Dendrobium was found in Moulmeine by Mr. Parish, 
associated with D. formosum and other species, of which figures 
have already appeared in this work. Messrs. Hugh Low and 
Co. received living plants of it about two years ago; and one of 
these having been seen in flower by Professor Reichenbach, he 
at once distinguished it under the characteristic name of D. edur- 
neum, although, so far as we are aware, he has not yet published 
any technical description of it. The flowers have exactly the 
appearance of polished ivory, relieved by lines of dark 
Roman red, which occupy the lower portion of the disk of the 
lip and the base of the column. It seems to flower at irregular 
periods; and although evidently of easy culture, has not yet 
bloomed so profusely as the imported stems, many of which, 
bearing the remains of half-a-dozen racemes, lead us to expect 
it eventually will do. : 

Our figure was derived from a specimen that flowered in Mr. 
Low’s collection in the month of April last. (J. Bateman.) 

_ Fig. 1. Flower, from which the sepals and petals are removed. 2. Front 
view of the column and spur. 3. Pollen-masses :—imagnified. 

AUGUST Ist, 1864. 




i ae ees t 

Tas. 5460. 


Large-flowered Kalanchoe. 

Nat. Ord. Crassutacr®.—OcranprIA MONOGYNIA. 

Gen. Char. Calyx quadripartitus ; daciniis angustis acutis, subdistantibus. 
Corolla perigyna, hypocraterimorpha, tubo cylindraceo, limbo quadripartito, pa- 
tente. Stamina 8, imo corolle tubo inserta, inclusa. Sguamule hypogyne, 
lineares. Ovaria 4, libera, unilocularia; ovadis ad suturam ventralem plurimis. 
Capsule folliculares, liberee, intus longitudinaliter dehiscentes.—Suffrutices car- 
nosi, in Africa boreali-orientali e¢ Capensi, im Asia tropica e¢ Brasilia indigent ; 
foliis oppositis, irregulariter imparipinnatisectis v. ovatis, dentatis, crassis ; flori- 
bus cymoso-paniculatis, laxis, flavis v. rarius rubescentibus aut albidis, Endl. 

KALaNcuok grandiflora ; glabra, glauca, foliis late obovatis sessilibus trinerviis 
sinuato-crenatis, cymis terminalibus corymbosis sublaxifloris, sepalis recurvo- 
patentibus, corollee segmentis ovalibus apice uncinato-mucronatis. 

Kaancuoe grandiflora. Wall. Cat.n.7226. Wight, Cat.n.1174. Wight et 
Arn. Prodr. Fl. Penins. Ind. Orient. p.359. Wight, Iilustr. v.1.¢. 111. 

KaLancnor Wightiana. Wall. Cat. 7225. 

The genus Kalanchoe, closely allied in general structure to 
Bryophyllum (of which we lately figured a new species at our 
Tab. 5147), contains nine species, according to De Candolle, 
not however including our present species, which was first dis- 
tinguished and named by Dr. Wallich, but clearly characterized 
by Wight and Arnott, in their ‘ Prodromus of the Botany of 
the Madras Peninsula,’ and afterwards figured in Wight’s ‘ Illus- 
trations of Indian Botany.’ It is a native of the Mysore country, 
where it appears to be plentiful, though, as far as we yet know, 
it is peculiar to that region. Our plants were raised from seeds 
sent to us in 1863, and flowered in a greenhouse devoted to 
succulent plants, in May, 1864. 

Drscr. Stem, as far as I know, simple, but subarborescent, 
Succulent rather than woody, and, as Dr. Wight assures us, 

AvuausT Isr, 1864, 

often attaining a large size. Leaves also succulent and glau- 
cous, two to three inches long, opposite, sessile, obovate or sub- 
rhomboidal, with three principal longitudinal nerves, and lesser 
ones branching off from them; the foliage becomes gradually 
smaller up the stem, as they approach the flowers; the margins 
coarsely sinuato-crenate. . Cyme terminal, subsessile, many-flow- 
ered, scarcely pedunculate. F/owers rather large ; peduncles brac- 
teated. Calya of four, deep, ovate, reflexed sepals. Corollas 
bright-yellow, hypocrateriform ; ‘ve elongated, swelling at the 
base, so as to be bottle-shaped ; /imé of four, spreading, reflexed 

ip Ssepals, uncinato-mucronate. Stamens eight, four. long and four 
Wy short, mserted at the faux of the corolla; filaments, four long 

and four short. Ovaries four, slightly united. Styles four, glan- 
dular at the apex, elongated, erect. 

Fig. 1. A flower of Kalanchoe grandiflora, Wall. 2. Corolla laid open. 
3. Pistils and hypogynous glands :—magnified. 

“a | 

Witch, del. et lith. 

Vincent Brooks,imp. 

Tas. 5461, 
DELPHINIUM Brunonianum. 

Mr. Brown's Musk Larkspur. 

Nat. Ord. RanuNcULACEH.—PoLYANDRIA MonoGyNia. 

Gen. Char. Sepala 5, basi subconnata, posticum (seu calycis tubus) deorsum 
in calear productum. Petala 2 v. 4, parva, 2 postica (sepe connata) in appen- 
dicem calcariformem intra calcar calycis producta, 2 lateralia ecalcarata vy. de- 
ficientia. Carpelia 1-5, sessilia, libera, pluriovulata, maturitate folliculatim 
dehiscentia. Semina subcarnosa.—Herbee annue v. caudice radiciformi perennes, 
erecta, ramose. Folia alterna, subternatim palmatimve lobata v. dissecta. Flores 
majusculi, lawe racemosi v. paniculati, cerulei purpurei rosei v. albi, rarissime 
Jiavi. Filamenta basi interdum dilatata. Benth. et Hook. fil. 

DELPHINIUM Brunonianum ; caule simplici vel ramoso, folioso, foliis reniformi- 
bus subquinguefidis, lobis cuneato-ovalibus grosse inciso-dentatis, floribus 
corymbosis, calcare late saccato conico obtuso, ovariis 5-6. 

Detpurium Brunonianum. Royle, Illustr. Hook. et Thoms. Fl. Ind. p. 53. 
DEPHINIUM moschatum. Hook. et Thoms, l.c. 

The genus Delphinium, or Larkspur, is considered by Bentham 
and Hooker fil. to include about forty species, dispersed over 
the temperate portion of the northern hemisphere, both of the 
Old and New World, of which fifteen are enumerated as inha- 
biting Northern India. Our present handsome species is a na- 
tive of that country, that is, of Western Thibet, on the lofty alps, 
at altitudes of from 14,000 to 18,000 feet; at Nubra, Ladak, 
and Hangarang, where it flowers in August and September. It 
may, therefore, well be supposed to be hardy in our climate. 
It was first described by Dr. Royle, and named by him “in ho- 
nour of the-illustrious botanist to whom I am indebted for the 
use of the herbarium of R. Inglis, Esq., of Kunawur. This plant 
was found by that gentleman on the Kongno Pass” (Royle, |.c.). 
With us it blossoms in the open border in June, and has quite 
died down to the ground early in July. It is remarkable for 

AUGUST Ist, 1864. 

the very powerful odour of musk, which is not peculiar to this 
species of the genus, but exists in other high alpine species, 
which form a peculiar group, with large half-closed membrana- 
ceous flowers, whence the mountaineers erroneously suppose 
that the musk-deer feed upon them, and thereby communicate 
the peculiar odour to their glandular secretions. The D. mos- 
chatum, Munro, is now, by Hooker and Thomson, rightly re- 
ferred to the present plant. Our plants are raised from seeds 
lately sent by Dr. Cleghorn. : 

Descr. Whole herd musky. Stem erect, six to eight inches 
to a foot or more high, simple or branched, viscoso-puberulous 
or tomentose. Lowest leaves long-petioled ; petioles three, four, 
and six inches long, sheathing at the base: the d/ade appress- 
edly pubescent, three to four inches long, and more broad, 
reniform, deeply lobed, with the lobes strongly inciso-dentate : 
stem-leaves smaller, and on shorter petioles ; ~ppermost ones tri- 
partite and toothed. Yowers corymboso-racemose ; peduncles 
erect, naked, or bracteated: two small ligulate dracts at the base 
of the flower. Flowers large, pale-blue, bright-purple towards 
the margin, yet black in the very centre. Sepals nearly orbi- 
cular, an inch long, veined ; spur infundibuliform, tapering into 
a long, subulate, slightly flexuose apex. Posterior petals, with 
the lamina pale-coloured, obovato-spathulate, two-lobed. 

Fig. 1. Flower, with sepals removed,—slightly magnified. 


W Fitch del et lith. Vencent. Brooks imp. 

Tas. 5462. 


Lfoney-scented Ceelogyne. 

Nat. Ord. Orcnoipra#.—GYNANDRIA MONANDRIA. 

Gen. Char. Sepala conniventia v. patentia, libera (nunc invicem agglutinata), 
eequalia, petaloidea, seepius basi obtusa. Petala conformia, aut multo angustiora. 
Labellum cucullatum trilobum v. indivisum, petaloideum, basi seepe saccatum, 
venis 2-3 pluribusve parallelis cristatis, nunc cum basi columne connatum. 
Columna erecta, libera, alata, apice membranaceo-marginata. Stigma prominens, 
alte excavatum, bilabiatum. Podlinia 4, libera, incumbentia, materie glandulosa 
coherentia. Anthera infra apicem columne inserta, mobilis, vix decidua. —Herbee 
epiphyte vel terrestres Asiwe tropice, pseudobulbose. Folia 1-2, nervosa. Ra- 
cemi, aué flores solitarii, terminales, sepe e squamis corneis erumpentes. Flores 
roe rosei flavidi aut brunneo-maculati, immo virescentes, sepissime speciosi. 


CeLocyne (Erectz) odoratissima ; pseudobulbis ovatis sulcatis, foliis 1-2 
membranaceis nervosis racemo erecto 2—3-floro brevioribus, bracteis angustis 
eymbiformibus divaricatis, labelli trilobi 3-cristati lobo medio obtuso sub- 
undulato, lateralibus brevioribus planis. Lindl. 4 

Ca@nocyne odoratissima. Wight, Ic. Plant. Ind. Or. t. 1640. Lindl, Fol. 
Orchid., Coclogyne p. 5. n. 10. se 

Ca@LoGYNE angustifolia. Wight, Ic. l.c. t. 1641. 

A pretty and graceful Calogyne, native of Ceylon, on the 
mountain of Neura Ellia and of the Nilghiri Hills of the Madras 
Presidency. We possess living plants direct from the latter 
country, and also from Mr. Bateman. Dr. Wight has made ‘two 
species, and Dr. Lindley has considered them two varieties. Our 
plants scarcely merit the name of odoratissima, unless a rather 
powerful smell of honey entitles the species to that distinction. 
In its native hills it grows on the trunks or branches of trees, 
flowering throughout the rainy season, from May till October. 
Respecting this species we have received the following interest- 
ing notice from Mr. Bateman :—‘“The plant that you were good 
enough to give me last year under the name of Calogyne odora- 

 auGust Isr, 1864. : 

tissima has just (April 21, 1864) flowered with me and exactly 
corresponds with the figure of that species in Dr. Wight’s Icones. 
It likewise so entirely corresponds with the figure of C. angusti- 
folia in the same work that I cannot entertain a doubt of the 
perfect identity, which Dr. Wight himself seemed to suspect, of 
the two plants. At the same time it is probable that the plant to 
which Achille Richard gave the name of C. angustifolia may be 
really distinct, a matter of which Dr. Wight had no opportunity 
of judging. C. odoratissima grows freely if not kept too warm ; 
indeed I believe that it will be found to succeed perfectly in a cool 
orchid-house, into which I was led to place it after hearing the 
account of its habitat from General Cotton, who at once recog- 
nized the species when looking through my collection the other 
day. According to him this and other Calogynes are found in 
large masses on the summits of the highest Nilgherry hills, but 
always on the north side, and frequently growing among stones 
and wet moss. It always flowered so punctually the second 
week in April—the week in which was Mrs. Cotton’s birthday 
—that it enjoyed the designation of the ‘Birthday Orchis’ 
during her and the gallant General’s residence in India, and it 
was interesting to me to notice that this year it opened its 
flowers at Knypersley only a few days later than the date of the 
auspicious anniversary in question. Next year I hope it may 
keep exact time |” 

Descr. Pseudobulbs pale-green, about an inch long, very 
much tufted on creeping roots, ovate, but waved and wrinkled 
on the surface rather than striated. Leaves mostly two, crown- 
ing the summit, three to four inches long, linear-lanceolate, ap- 
pearing at the same time with the flowers. Peduncles slender, 
filiform, arising from the summit of the pseudobulb from be- 
tween the two leaves, more or less drooping, shorter than the 
leaves, bearing about three bracteated flowers. Bracteas long 
lanceolate, longer than club-shaped, petiolated ovary. Perianth 
much spreading, pure-white, rather more than an inch across: 
sepals oval-lanceolate ; petals oblong-lanceolate. Lip about 
equal in length with the sepals, curved downwards, obovate, 
three-lobed, white, with a yellow disk, and having three con- 
spicuous lamellz or crests, waved at the margins; side lobes ob- 
long, plane; middle lobe cordato-rotundate, subacute. Column 
elongated, semiterete ; clinandrium with a dilated margin, in 
which the hemispherical anther-case is sunk. 

_ Fig. 1. Column and anther. 2. Front view of the labellum. 3. Pollen- 
masses :—muagnified. ; 


Vincent Brooks, imp: 

Tas. 5463, 


} Libon’s Aphelandra.: 

Nat. Ord. AcantHace®.—DipyNaMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. 

Gen. Char. Calyx quinquepartitus, laciniis chartaceo-membranaceis subtiliter 
striatis, postica sepe latiore. Corolla bilabiata vel ringens, labio superiore bi- 
dentato rariusve subintegro plerisque fornicato, inferioris tripartiti laciniis latera- 
libus seepe minoribus. Stamina 4, corolle tubo prope a basi inserta, subeequalia, 
corolla seepe longiora; filamenta basi pilosa; anther@ uniloculares, basi apiceque 
acute, dorso herbaceo carinato, apice plerisque barbatz villisque connexee. Stigma 
bidentatum. Capsula basi compressa, a medio tetrasperma (levis et nitida). 
Semina retinaculis fulerata.—Frutices Americe tropice. Folia alia integerrima, 
alia dentata pinnatifidave spinosa. Corolla speciosa, rubra. Spice axillares et ter- 
minales, sepe arcte imbricate. Flores solitarii, tetrastichi. Bractee vir calycem 
aquantes, at eo sepe latiores. Bracte due, minores. Nees. 

APHELANDRA Liboniana ; foliis spithameis et ultra late ovato-lanceolatis brevi- 
acuminatis sinuatis basi in petiolum biuncialem sensim attenuatis, ad costam 
albo-lineatis, spicis sessilibus terminalibus simplicibus, bracteis quadrifa- 
riam imbricatis amplis (non carinatis) erecto-patentibus ovatis lineatis 
aurantiacis, floribus parvis vix bractea longioribus, sepalis ovato-lanceolatis 

acutis erectis equalibus, corolla flava rubro-tincta, tubo elongato paululum 
ventricoso, apice bilabiato, labio superiore parvo lineari integro reflexo, in- 
feriore trifido, staminibus styloque exsertis. 

APHELANDRA Liboniana. Hort. Linden. 

Received from Mr. Linden with the name here adopted, but 
no locality has been given with it. It is probably a native of 
Brazil, whence comes an allied but quite distinct species, which 
we have figured at Tab. 4899 of this work, Aphelandra variegata’ 
of Morel. Both have the same rich golden-coloured tetrasti-_ 
chous spike, with yellow flowers; but ere, while the bracteas 
are neither closely imbricated nor carinated, and the flowers 
f 26 scarcely exserted beyond the bracts, ¢here the bracts are carinated : 
i and closely and compactly imbricated, and the larger flowers are _ 

lowers in May, in a warm stove. : 
Descr. At present our plant has attained a height of only 
AUGUST IsT, 1864. ae 

much exserted, to say nothing of other important characters. 

about two feet, is shrubby below, somewhat herbaceous above ; 
branches terete. Leaves; the largest of them a span and more 
long, deep-green, with a white line down the centre, broad 
ovato-lanceolate, rather suddenly acuminate, the margin entire, 
or only slightly sinuated, the base narrowly decurrent into a 
stout petiole two to three inches long; the wpper leaves are 
smaller and more acuminate, all opposite, and rather strongly 
penniveined. Spike sessile, long (five to six inches), composed 
of large, bright, orange-coloured dracis, arranged in four rows, 
an inch and more long, broad-ovate or subobovate, obtuse, the 
base concave and imbricated (not keeled), the upper half some- 
what spreading, the back marked with three to five longitudinal 
slightly elevated lines. J/owers small in proportion to the size 
of the bracts, deep-yellow, red at the apex, scarcely exserted : 
each has two small éracteolas at the base. Calyz of five ovato- 
lanceolate, erect, equal sepals, much shorter than the corolla. 
Tube of the corolla subcylindrical, but ventricose upwards, two- 
lipped at the mouth: wpper lip of a single andivided ligulate 
piece, reflected on the tube; /ower one of three ovato-lanceolate 
lobes. Stamens with the long, narrow, single-celled, nearly equal 
anthers quite exserted. Ovary on a large globose disk. Style 
filiform, protruded a little beyond the stamens: stigma a little 

Fig. 1. Calyx and corolla (the bracteoles being removed). 2, A stamen. 
3. A pistil:—magnified. 


Tan. 5464, 
URCEOLINA prnputa. 

Drooping Urceolina. 

Nat. Ord. AmaryLimpace®.—Hexanpria Monoeynia. 

Gen. Char. Perigonium superum, corollaceum, rectum, e tubo gracili tereti ven- 
tricoso-campanulatum, 6-fidum, regulare, marcescendo-persistens ? ; Zaciniis brevi- 
bus, ovatis, subzequalibus, recurvato-patulis, exterioribus acuminatis. Stamina 
6, summo tubo inserta, basi membrana juncta (corona staminifera abbreviata, 
sinubus interstamineis), exserta, ineequalia ; sepalino superiore elongato, petalino 
inferiore abbreviato. Anthere oblong, dorso infra medium affixee, incumbentes. 
Ovarium subrotundo-ovatum, tricoccum, multiovulatum. Colwmna stylina fili- 
formis, erecta, stamina vix superans. Stigma obtusum, trigonum. Capsula 
trigona, trisulca, trilocularis, polysperma.—Herbe bulbifere, scapigere, bulbo 
tunicato. Folia coetanea, petiolata, oblonga, crassa. Scapus solidus, convexo- 
planus, umbellato-plurifiorus. Spatha polyphylla, marcescens. Flores pedicellati, 
penduli. Kth. 

Urcrotina pendula ; foliis petiolatis tripalmaribus, palmam latis, seapo pedali, 
floribus 5-8 bipollicaribus, limbo inferne flavo, superne viridi albo-angulato, 
filamentis styloque limbum superantibus. Herd. 

Urcroxina pendula. Herd. Amaryl. p. 193. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1838, n. 151. 
Urcronarta pendula. Herb. Amaryl. App. 28. 
CRINUM urceolatum. Ruiz et Pav. Fl. Peruv. 8. p. 58. t. 287. fig. 6. 

Cottanta urceolata. Schult. Syst. Veget. 7. p. 893.. Reem. Amaryl. t. 54. 
Kth. Enum. Plant. 5. 645. 

URcEOLINA aurea. Gard. Chron. 1864, p. 627. 

For the opportunity of figuring this very fine Amaryllidaceous 
plant, we ee talebted to ior Veitch, of King’s Road, Chelsea, 
who, through their collector Mr. Pearce, imported the bulbs from 
Peru, where the locality given for it by Ruiz and Pavon (its first 
describers) is “woods on the Andes at Pozuzo and Pampa- 
marca.” Mr. Herbert remarks that the size of the flowers is 
exaggerated in the ‘Flora of Peru and Chili;’ but such is not 
the case, as our specimen and figure will prove; and the shape 
and colour are very remarkable : the former is that of an inverted 

SEPTEMBER Ist, 1864. 

pitcher, having a remarkably inflated yellow upper part to the 
tube, while the limb is quite green with a white edge, the very 
contracted part of the tube is quite filiform. It has flowered 
in June of the present year, 1864. 

Derscr. Bulb subrotund, as large as a good-sized hyacinth or 
onion, tunicated. Leaves two, a span and more long (in the 
present instance on a different bulb from the scape), elliptic- 
oblong, shortly but sharply acuminated, rather thick and carnose, 
faintly striated, tapering rather suddenly below into a semiterete 
petiole about four inches long. Scape fifteen inches long, sub- 
terete, bearing at the summit a large wmbel of drooping flowers. 
Pedicels \3—2 inches long. Perianth with its base incorporated 
with the cordiform, three-lobed, three-celled ovary, then for about 
an inch it is contracted into a ¢vbe so narrow and green as to 
resemble a pedicel, thence it suddenly expands into a very large 
inflated broad-ovate portion of the tube with six shallow furrows, 
while the mouth is spreading, six-lobed, full green, white at the 
margins of the lobes. Stamens six, arising from a short, cup- 
shaped, six-toothed membrane, which lines the base of the inflated 
portion of the tube. FiZaments long, exserted, nearly equal. Style 

very long, filiform, nearly equalling the stamens in length. Stigma 
clavate, subtrifid. 

Fig. 1. Flower laid open. 2. Stigma. 3. Transverse section of the ovary :— 






Vincent Brooks,Imp. 

Tas. 5465. 


Showy Macleania. 

Nat. Ord. VacctnrackEm.—Drcanpria MOoNoGYNTA. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5453.) 

Mac.teania pulchra ; fruticosa, glabra, ramis teretibus elongatis pendentibus, 
foliis 3-4-uncialibus oblongis basi obtusis brevipetiolatis obtuse acumi- 
natis coriaceis nitidis 5-nerviis, junioribus angustioribus rubro-tinctis, flori- 
bus axillaribus aggregatis copiosis pendentibus, pedunculis clavatis calyceque 
turbinato profunde 5-angulato lobisque triangulari-acuminatis coccineis, 
corolle, tubo 15 lineas longis obscure 5-angulatis coccineis, limbo 5-lobato 
flavo, lobis parvis ovato-triquetris subpatentibus. 

This fine plant was presented to us in full flower in May, 
1864, as a native of New Granada, under the name of Zhiban- 
dia floribunda, H.B.K. Nov. Gen. An. 3, p. 369, tab. 254; 
but with that figure and description our plant does not accord, 
neither does it, I regret to say, with any of the numerous sup- 
posed forms in my Herbarium, chiefly from Mexico, Columbia, 
Peru, and Ecuador. The species are probably very variable and 
in the nature of the opening of the anthers; sometimes the 
tubular portion of the two cells forks and two distinct cells and 
Openings or pores are the consequence, and sometimes the two 
seem to combine and constitute one pore or slit, but with an im- 
perfect longitudinal septum as in our present species, which ac- 
cords in so many points with our Macleania speciosissima that, 
but for that circumstance, the much longer and acuminated 
lobes of the calyx and the rich scarlet colour of the peduncles 
and calyx, I should have been disposed to refer it to that plant. 
Dried specimens of this genus of plants have their succulent 
flowers so altered and diminished in size in drying, that it 1s 
‘hard to recognize them. A good series of figures from living 
individuals will, it is to be hoped, help to clear up the difficulties 
attending their determination. 

_ SEPTEMBER l1s7, 1864. 


Dezscr. A handsome-growing glabrous shrud with elongated. 
pendent dranches, and rather large glossy elliptical or oblong 
leaves shortly petioled, 5-nerved, obtuse at the base, blunt 
acuminate at the apex: the young terminal leaves much smaller 
than the rest and with a vinons-red tinge. Peduncles all from 
the axils of the leaves, and there aggregated and pendent ; flowers 
large and beautiful. Peduncles, calyces and the elongated tube 
of the corollas bright scarlet with the dimé yellow. ‘The rest of 
the flower very much resembles that of J. speciosissima of this 
volume, Tab. 5543. 

Fig. 1. Calyx, stamens, and pistil. 2. Two stamens with a portion of the 
staminal tube. 3. Transverse section of the ovary :—magnified. 


Vincent Brooks,imp- 

WFitch del. et lith. 

ee Ree See ee eS eee 

Tas. 5466. 

Sedge-like Lady’s Slipper. 

Nat. Ord. OrcurpacrE#%.—Gynanpria Dranpria. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4901.) 

CYPRIPEDIUM caricinum ; rhizomate repente, foliis angustissimis coriaceis acutis 
unicostatis scapo plurifloro subsequalibus, bracteis ovatis acutis spathaceis 
glabris ovario glabro brevioribus, sepalis lateralibus connatis labelli longitu- 
dine, petalis duplo longioribus tortilibus deflexis, labello mediocri oblongo 
semiaperto, staminodio mystacino, column processu magno bituberculato 
postice aucta. 

CYPRIPEDIUM caricinum. Lindl. in Paxton’s Flower Garden, vol. i. sub pl. 9. 
SELENIPEDIUM caricinum. Reich. fil. Xen. Orchid. v.1. p. 8. 
Cyprirepium Pearcii, Hort. 

This singular Peruvian plant was received last year (1863) 
by Messrs. Veitch from their enterprising collector, Mr. Pearce, 
after whom I had provisionally named it, while under the im- 
pression that it was not only new to our gardens, but new to 
science as well. On proceeding however to collate the plant 
with the species enumerated by Lindley in Paxton’s ‘ Flower 
Garden’ I found, under the name of C. caricinum, what could 
be none other than our present subject ; the description being 
taken from Bolivian specimens collected by Mr. Bridges. As 
the prior name of C. caricinum must of course be retained, that 
of Pearcii will have to be cancelled, a circumstance that I should 
have been more disposed to regret had not Mr. Pearce’s name 
already been worthily associated with divers beautiful plants first 
discovered by himself. Dr. Lindley’s specific name happily 
designates the grassy or sedge-like appearance of the plant, 
which in this respect, as well as in its long creeping rhizome, 
1s entirely unlike any other Cypripedium with which, we are at 
present acquainted. It would be a Selenipedium, if Professor 
Reichenbach’s genus of that name were accepted, but I quite 

SEPTEMBER Isr, 1864. 

agree with Dr. Lindley that no sufficient case has yet been made 
out for any such separation of the South American species from 
the rest of the Cypripedia. 

C. caricinum flowered in May last in Messrs. Veitch’s esta- 
blishment in the King’s Road. It had been kept in a hot and 
moist stove, where it seemed to thrive ; but as its native habitat 
is in a comparatively cool and elevated region, it will probably 
succeed as well, or even better, under coo/ treatment. ‘T'o such 
indeed it has already been subjected at Knypersley, where it is 
erowing vigorously, though it has not yet flowered. Being a ter- 
restrial plant it should be potted in good fibrous peat, and if its 
travelling rhizomes are to have fair play it must have plenty of 

Descr. Whole plant about a foot high. Leaves stiff, resembling 
those of a sedge, and springing in tufts, at intervals of two or 
three inches, from a travelling above-ground rhizome. Scape rising 
clear of the leaves, furnished with two or three acute, slightly in- 
flated, smooth dracts, which are shorter than the ovary. LVlowers 
three to six or more, expanding in succession, and for the most 
part of a pale greenish hue, except that the sepals and petals 
have a narrow white margin, while their extremities are tipped 
with purplish-brown. The sepals (the two lower coalescing into 
one) are broadly ovate, waved at the edges, and about the length 
of the lip. Petals hanging down, very narrow, more than twice 
the length of the sepals, much twisted. Zip of moderate size 
(2.e. not so much puffed out as in many of the other species), of 
an oblong form, open for about half its length, its upper edges 
spread out flat, so as to make a plateau, on which the sterile 
stamen (itself provided with two hairy processes, exactly resem- 
bling a pair of black moustaches) seems to rest. Column short, 
having on its under side a large roundish projecting callosity, 
with tubercles on either side. (J. Bateman.) 

Fig. 1. Front view of lip. 2. Front view of apex of column. 3: Side view 
of ditto :—magnified. ; 


Vincent Brooks,imp. , . 

W.Fitch, delet lith. 

Tas. 5467. 


Sir Daniel Cooper’s Eranthemum. 

Nat. Ord. AcANTHACE&%—DIaNpRIA Monoaynia. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5440.) 

ERaNTHEMUM Ovoperi; suffruticosum, ramis tetragonis, foliis brevipetiolatis 
anguste lanceolatis grosse subserrato-lobatis incisis, floribus geminatis axil- 
laribus, folio multo-brevioribus, calycis laciniis subaqualibus subulatis 
erectis, corolle albze tubo elongato gracili, limbo amplo bilabiato patente, 
labio superiore bi- inferiore tripartito, lobis oblongis medio lineatim purpureo- 
maculato, omnibus fere zqualibus. 

This very handsome and very distinct species of Hranthemum 
has been raised by Messrs. Veitch, from seeds given them by 
Sir Daniel Cooper, from New Caledonia, a fine island, of which 
the French Government is zealously exploring the natural 
history. Its flowers were produced in a warm greenhouse, in 
June, 1864. We possess in our herbarium, native specimens of 
the same plant gathered in the island of Aneiteum, by Milne 
and Macgillivray. 

Drscr. This promises to be a moderate-sized suffruticose 
plant, rather copiously branched, with opposite tetragonous 
branches. Leaves about three inches long by five lines wide, 
shortly petiolate, narrow-lanceolate, acuminate, gradually attenu- 
ate below, the margins inciso-lobate, the segments sharp and point- 
ing forwards. Pedicels short, two springing from the axils of the 
leaf, tinged with purple upwards. Calyz of five, erect, subulate 
segments, also tipped with purple. wée of the corolla slender, 
elongated, white. Zimé white, of two spreading lips, upper lip 
of two deep lobes, ower of three, of which the middle one is 
marked with small purple dots or spots, disposed in lines; all 
the lobes oblong, obtuse or subspathulate, nearly equal. 

Fig. 1. Calyx and-pistil. 2. Ovary and hypogynous gland and styled 
stigma :—muagnified. 
SEPTEMBER lst, 1864. 


area a 


Tas. 5468, 


Thyme-leaved Genethyllis. 

Nat. Ord. Myrracz@ (sect. CoaAMELAUCER).—IcosanDRIA MonoGyYnIa. 

Gen. Char. Calyx tubulosus, 5-costatus, dimidiatus, inferne ovario adnatus, 
basi carnosus, superius in faucem productus, limbo obtuso, 5-dentato; totus 
levis v. inferiore parte ovarium corticante rugulosus, vel rugis transverse paral- 
lelis in marginem liberum cartilagineum productis pluriannulatis. Corolla sea- 
riosa vel membranacea, limbo calycis adnata; petala 5, concava vel naviculari- 
carinata, in acumen obtusum extenuata, conniventia. Andronitis ultra calycis 
limbum brevissimo, brevi, v. longiori spatio monadelpha, inferius inde confluens 
in laminam parieti faucis adnatam.  Sfaminodia 10, staminibus totidem rite 
alterna, varie configurationis dentiformia, subulata, liguliformia, petaloidea, pree- 
floratione erecta.  Filamenta staminodiis subsqualia v. longiora, filiformia, 
preefloratione introflexa, antheris duplici serie, altiori et demissiori, fauci appli- 
catis. Anthere globose, connectivi simplicis fronéi inserte, bilocellatee, locedlis 
subconfluentibus, virgineis leviter constrictis, poro postico dehiscentibus. Ova- 
rium calyci omnino immersum, vertice truncatum, laminaque epigyna indutum. 
Ovula gemina paucave in placenta basifixa centrali erecta, anatropa. Stylus exser- 
tus, infra stigma barbatus, v. glabra. Fructus . . . Flores i apicibus ra- 
mulorum pauci vel numerosi, capitati, congesti, in axis dilatati receptaculiformis 
areolis sessiles v. pedicellati, bracteis stipati, internis hebetatis, extimis vero sepe 
auctis coloratisque involucrum capituli exhibentibus. Bracetole bine, libere, 
juxta calycis basin opposite, sessiles, membranacee, naviculares, carinate, floris 
primordium amplectentes, dein divergentes, sub anthesi decidue. Schauer. 

GENETHYLLIs (Involucrate) fimbriata; erecta ramosa glabra, foliis confertis 
plerumque oppositis decussatis ellipticis obtusis, supra convexis, subtus 
pallidis, margine ciliatis, capitulis terminalibus cernuis 8-10-floris, involucro 
campanulato pollicari, bracteis carinatis elliptico- v. ovato-oblongis margine 
fimbriatis, exterioribus ovatis herbaceis quadrifariam imbricatis, bracteolis 
lanceolatis acuminatis carinatis flores sessiles subsequantibus, calyce ovato- 
eylindrico basi levissimo crustaceo minute punctato, fauce contracte corru- 
gata, lobis minutissimis, petalis ovatis acutis membranaceis, staminodiis 

filiformibus filamenta subulata eequantibus, stylo filiformi, longe exserto 

apice hispido. Kipp. 
GENETHYLLIS fimbriata. Kipp’s Journ. of Linn. Soc. v. 1. Bot. p. 49. 


A lovely shrub, as are all the species of the genus yet known” 
SEPTEMBER lst, 1864. ee 

to us, a native of South-West Australia, discovered by Mr. J. 
Drummond, and sent home in his fifth distribution of Swan 
River plants; subsequently found by Mr. Oldfield, at Stirling 
River. It has been introduced to our greenhouses by Messrs. 
Veitch, of the Chelsea Nursery, from whom we received the 
specimen here figured in June, 1864. It will be observed, that 
it is not the flowers which constitute the beauty of this plant, 
for they are small and insignificant, but the coloured involucral 
scales, resembling a large drooping bell-shaped flower. 

Duscr. A small very bushy shrwd, with alternate, terete, woody 
_ branches, and copious, decussated, and consequently quadrifari- 
ous, firm, obtuse, sessile, glanduloso-punctate /eaves, three to four 
lines long, ciliated, patent, very much resembling some species of 
Thymus. Involucres three-quarters of an inch long, terminal, soli- 
tary, drooping, sessile, composed of numerous scales or bracts, of 
which the outer ones are the smaller and more foliaceous, larger 
than the /eaves, imbricated, reflexed at the apex, and the inner 
or uppermost ones are very large and rose-coloured, so as to 
resemble petals; these are oblong, obtuse, or retuse, all strongly 
fringed, and obscurely three-nerved. Flowers very small, included 
within the involucre and concealed by it. Fores each with a 
pair of small bracteoles, oblong, acute. Calyx with five acu- 
minate teeth. S¥y/e long, subulate, and terminating in a sharp 
stigma tufted with hair at the base. 

Fig. 1. Leaf. 2. Inner bract of the involucre. 3. Bracteoles and flower. 
4. Flower laid open. 5. Stamens and segment of a calyx :—magnified. 







Vincent Brooks,Imp. 

Tas. 5469. 

Dubious Thladiantha. 

Nat. Ord. CucurBirace®.—Dia@cta PENTANDRIA. 

Gen. Char. Flores dioici; masculi dimorphi, inaequales ; fbo calycino late 
campanulato, sepadis majusculis complanatis; majorum petada fere libera, erecta, 
corollam campanulatam fingentia, sepalis (ut plurimum  reflexis) longiora. 
Anthere 5, dimidiate, eequales, 1-loculares, recta, f/amentis liberis, 4 per paria 
petalis 2 opposite, quinta solitaria cum petalis 2 alternante. Appendicula brevis, 
petaloidea, obtusa, discum centralem horizontaliter tegens. Slorum masc. mi’ 
forum : petaéa sepalis breviora ; anthere, ut videtur, steriles. 2. feeminei : calyx 
et corolla masculi. Styli 3, breves; stigmatibus reniformi-capitatis. Bacca 
oblonga, pulposa, sub-12-costata, inter costas lacunosa. Semina numerosa, mul- 
tiseriata, obovoidea, compressa; ¢esfa crustacea, lacunosa, pulpa induta, (De- 
script. partim ex Naudino.) 

Tutapianrua dubia. Bunge, En. Pi. Chin. Bor. 29. Naudin in Annales des 
Se, Nat., ser, 4. v. 12. p. 150. 

According to a notice in the ‘ Gardeners’ Chronicle’ for 1861, 
p. 845, this very remarkable plant forms a large rambling climber, 
covering trellis-work and bushes to a considerable height in the 
Jardin des Plantes at Paris, We received our plant from Messrs. 
Fenderson and Co., of Wellington Road Nursery, and it flowered 
freely’ in a cool pit; but, as is the case both with the Parisian 
Specimens and with those first described by Bunge (the author 
of the genus), all the flowers produced have been males. Ac- 
cording to Bunge the species was discovered by himself in waste 
places near Pekin; and Naudin, who has re-described the genus 
in the ‘ Annales des Sciences Naturelles,’ states that the seeds 
Were received by the Imperial Jardin d’Acclimatation from China. 

n comparing the specimens with our herbarium, we find a 
closely allied plant gathered by Drs. Hooker and Thomson in 
the Sikkim Himalaya and Khasia mountains, from 5-6000 feet 
elevation, together with drawings of both the male and female 
flowers and fruit, made by Dr. Hooker (from which our figures 
8 to 8 are copied). There is however this difference between 
the Himalayan and Chinese male flowers, that the Himalayan 
_ OCTORER Isr, 1864. . 


ones are surrounded at the base by laciniated bracts. This, which 
at first sight appears a most important difference, is m reality 
not so, for in another most closely allied species, of which we 
have a drawing, both naked and bracteate male flowers are re- 
presented as springing from the same axil, and in still older plants 
of the Order, as Momordica tubiflora, Roxb. (Fl. Ind. 711), the 
young plants produce solitary flowers, and the older ones longer 
peduncled flowers with gashed bracts. Under these circum- 
stances we have ventured to introduce the figures (3 to 8) of 
the female flower, fruit, and seed from Dr. Hooker’s drawings 
and dried specimens, with the object of better illustrating the 

: Professor Oliver was much struck with this graceful climber 
in the Parisian Gardens, and thus remarks upon it in the ‘ Gar- 
deners’ Chronicle’ for September, 1864, p. 345 :—“ You notice 
this Cucurbit in 1861, p. 848, as having been then recently in- 
troduced by the French Acclimatization Society. I wonder if your 
notice attracted the attention of English floriculturists to it. 
Few things which I saw in a recent visit to the Botanic Gardens 
of Paris, Lyons, and Grenoble, pleased me more than this 
plant. In the experimental gardens of the Jardin des Plantes, 
it grows like a weed, covering everything in its way with a pretty 
foliage of velvety, heart-shaped leaves, and a profuse abundance 
of beautiful, bell-shaped, yellow flowers. There can be no doubt 
that in the south of England, at any rate, it would grow well 
enough out-of-doors. In the north, if too cold, it would be a 
valuable addition as a greenhouse climber.” 

Descr. A tall scrambling climber, of a bright pale-green co- 
lour, uniformly clothed with a rather stiff pubescence. Branches 
very slender. Zendri/s simple. Leaves broadly ovate-cordate, with 
a very deep closed sinus at the base, irregularly toothed. Howers 
solitary, axillary, on slender hispid peduncles, bright-yellow. 
Calyz of five reflexed linear-oblong lobes. Coro//a campanulate, 
five-lobed to the base, lobes channelled and obtusely ribbed, ob- 
tuse, glabrous ; at the base of the corolla is a small unilateral 
scale which projects over the central hairy disk. Stamens five, 
four in pairs opposite two of the petals, one opposite the union 
of two petals. Anthers linear-oblong, extrorse. Female flowers 
like the male. Ovary narrow-oblong, tomentose ; stigmas three, 
with capitate reniform stigmas. Berry oblong, with about 
twelve elevated ribs, very succulent, eaten by the natives. Seeds 
im about twelve rows, covered with pulp. 

Fig. 1. Male plant. 2. Flower, cut open,—natural size. 3. Female flower. 
4. Ovary. 5. Berry. 6. Transverse section of ditto. 7 and 8. Seed :—all 
natural size. Figs. 3 to, 8 all from the Himalayan specimens. 


Vincent. Brooks, imp. 

W Fitch, lith. 

Tas. 5470, 


Knotted-stemmed Dendrobium. 


Gen, Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5303.) 

DENDROBIUM nodalum ; caulibus elongatis gracilibus ramosis articulatis apice 
foliosis, ad articulos insigniter nodosis, foliis paucis oblongis, floribus soli- 
tariis (an semper?), perianthio ochroleuco, sepalis oblongis, petalis Jatioribus 
brevioribusque, caleare brevi obtuso, labello unguiculato rhombeo-ovato 
acuto 3-lobo, lobis lateralibus brevibus obtusis incurvis, lobo medio amplo 
glabro integro, disco aurantiaco, margine apiceque albo. 

DenDrosium nodatum, Reichend. fil. ms. 

This charming Dendrobium is a Moulmein plant, sent by Mr. 
Parish to Messrs. Hugh Low and Co., of the Clapton Nursery, 
Whence flowering specimens were forwarded in 1862 to Pro- 
fessor Reichenbach, who, finding the species to be undescribed, 
gave it the very characteristic name of ‘odatum, doubtless 
in allusion to the prominent ‘nodes’ into which the stems are 
divided. Iam not aware that the Professor has yet published 
any technical description of the plant. : 

“D.nodatum is a free and rapid grower, and speedily produces 
dense tufts of its singular knotty stems. These unfortunately 
lose their leaves before the gay flowers, which are always single 
(z.e. not in pairs or racemes), make their appearance, a circum- 
stance that points to the desirableness of giving the plant a de- 
cided season of growth and rest. Hitherto the flowers have been 
produced at irregular times, and less profusely than in its native 
country, but I apprehend that, as is the case with some other 
Dendrobia, we shall find that the stems when two or three years 
old, will bloom more freely than when of more tender age.” —J. B. 

Drscr. Stems, rather than pseudobulbs, nearly a foot long, 
slender, branched, articulated, rooting at the joints, and there 
singularly nodose or swollen. Zeaves upon the younger shoots 
mostly terminal, two to three inches long, oblong and obtuse. 
Flowers on the old stems, from which the leaves have fallen, 

OCTOBER Ist, 1864. 

solitary in our specimen, the short single-flowered pedicel spring- 
ing from a nodose joint towards the apex of the stem, and pass- 
ing gradually into the club-shaped inferior ovary. Sepa/s and 
petals ochroleucous, spreading ; the former cblong, obtuse ; the 
latter similar to them, but shorter and broader. Spur short, 
very obtuse. zp projecting, about equal in length to the petals, 
unguiculate, clawed (a white callous disk on the claw), three- 
lobed, the side-lobes short, rounded, incurved with a deep blood- 
coloured spot at the base ; the middle lobe very large, subrhom- 
boid, acute, the whole slightly sprinkled with hairs, deep-orange, 
with a white margin and apex ; co/wmn short, but very decurrent,, 
white, variously spotted in front with green and purple. Anther- 
case purple. 

Fig. 1. Column and anther. 2. Front view of the labellum. 3. Pollen- 

W.Fitch, lith. 

Vincent Brooks. Imp. 


Tas., 5471, 
CYANOTIS nopiriora, 

Nodose-flowered Cyanotis. 


Gen, Ohar. Flores subregulares, Sepaia 6; exteriora subequalia, navicularia, 
basi connata, persistentia; interiora longiora, petaloidea, per ungues connata 
(calyx interior infundibularis, limbo trifido), caduca, Stamina 6, subsequalia, 
subhypogyna, vix basi tubi adhrentia ; filamenta longissima, apicem versus bar- 
bata. Anthere conformes, biloculares ; Joculis parallelis, contiguis (divaricatis, 
~ connexivum marginantibus, Zndl.). Ovarium sessile, triloculare; ovulis in 
singulo loculo geminis, superpositis (collateralibus, Br. Endi.), sessilibus, supe- 
riore adscendente, inferiore descendente. Stylus 1, apice incrassatus (Hndl.). 
Stigma excavatum (Endl.,tubulosum, Don). Capsula trigona, trilocularis, mem- 
branacea, trivalvis; valvis medio septiferis. Semina bina, superposita, angulata. 
—Herbee annue vel perennes, plerumque diffuse et repentes. Folia integra, basi 
vaginantia ; vagina integra. Flores in pedunculis longiusculis axillaribus et ter- 
minalibus spicato-congesti, folio spathaceo cordato-complicato involucrati, singuli 
extus unibracteati ; bracteis falcatis, bifariam imbricatis ; interdum flores in azil- 
lis foliorum per geminos ternos vel plures conglomerati, bracteis interstineti. 
Calyx interior ceruleus vel purpureis. Kth. 

Cyanorts nodiflora ; caulibus erectis simplicibus vel subramosis, superne sub- 
_ flexuosis ; foliis lanceolatis acutis supra pilosiusculis, subtus vaginisque vil- 

loso-pilosis, superioribus gradatim minoribus, spatheeformibus 3 floribus in 
axillis foliorum floralium spicato-conglomeratis, subsessilibus, singulis extus 
bracteatis, bracteis e basi lata lanceolatis, floribus purpureo-violaceis, sta- 
minibus longe exsertis, villosissimis. _ 

Cyanortts nodiflora. Kth. Enum. Plant. v. 4. p. 106. 

TRaDESCANTIA nodiflora. Lam. Encycl. v. 2.p. 371. Poir. Encycl. Suppl. v. 2. 
p. 372. Reem. et Sch. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 1157. 

CoMMELINa speciosa. Thunb. Fl. Cap. p. 294. 

TRapEscant1a formosa, Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 2. p. 20. 

A pretty Commelynaceous plant from South Africa, long 
known in herbaria, but recently introduced into our conserva- 
tories by William Wilson Saunders, Esq., through his collector, 
Mr. Cooper. The genus has been separated from Zradescantia 
by Don, and adopted by Endlicher and Kunth, and embraces 

two groups, of which one is represented by the 7. cristata of : | 

OCTOBER 1st, 1864. 

Jacquin, figured, but very indifferently, in an early volume of the 
‘ Botanical Magazine,’ t. 1435, while our present plant may be 
considered the type of the other. To this also will, no doubt, be- 
long the Zradescantia tumida, Lindl. Bot. Reg. for 1840, t. 42. 

Cyanotis nodiflora is a ready flowerer, blooming in June in an 
ordinary greenhouse, 

Fig. 1. Lower leaf of the plant,—zatural size, 2, Entire flower, 8. Stamen, 
4, Pistil:—all magnified. 

—— se ea ae ee _ _ ie pee a Ee eee 


Tas. 5472, 


Baines's Gouty Vine. 

Nat. Ord. AMPELIDE®.—TrETRANDRIA Monoaynia. 

Gen. Char. (including Cissus, Linn.). Calya levis, integer vel 4~5-dentatus. 
Petala 4-5, libera v. apice calyptratim coherentia. Discus varius v. obsoletus. 
Stamina 4-5, infra marginem disci inserta; anther@ liber. Ovarium ovoideum 
v. subquadratum, 2-loculare (interdum imperfecte), rarissime 3-4-loculare. 
Stylus 0 v. brevis, conicus vel subulatus; ovuia in loculis 2. Bacca ovoidea 
vel globosa, 1-2-locularis ; oculis 1-2-spermis.—Fratices cirrhosi, sarmentosi, 
sepe alte scandentes. Folia simplicia vel composita, rarissime bipinnata, foliolis 
integerrimis serratis v. dentatis nunc pellucido-punctata. Pedunculi oppositifolii 
v. rarissime axillares, sepissime versus apices ramulorum siti. Flores parvi, um- 
bellati, cymosi paniculati racemosi v. spicati, ebracteati, non raro polygami. 
Benth, et Hook, 

Vitis Bainesii ; succulenta, glauca, trunco ovato carnoso napiformi, ramis sub- 
spithameeis erectis simplicibus ecirrhosis; foliis ternatis breviuscule petio- 
latis (infimis nunc simplicibus), foliolis ovatis oblongisve grosse inzequa- 
liter serratis penniveniis (venis subtus prominentibus), stipulis binis oppo- 
sitis subulato-lanceolatis, pedunculis terminalibus longitudine caulis, floribus 
cymosis, pedicellis glandulosis, petalis coherentibus calyptriformibus vel 
demum patentibus. 

I believe botanists have generally agreed that Cissus and Vitis 
constitute but one genus, hardly affording sectional characters. 
Recent researches in tropical Western Africa have made known 
to us a remarkable form of this genus, with a very podagrous 
stem, and short, very succulent leafy branches, of which the Cissus 
macropus of Angola and Benguella, admirably described by Dr. 
Welwitsch in the ‘Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean 
Society’ for September, 1864, p. 77, must be considered the 
type. The description is prefaced by some admirable remarks 
on the Ampelidee of the countries just mentioned. “Among the 
numerous groups of plants,” says this accomplished botanist, 
“which more or less affect the physiognomy of the vegetation of 
Western Africa, the Ampelidee hold a prominent position. They 
are interesting also to phytographists, from the fact that the nu- 

OCTOBER Ist, 1864. 

merous species of Cissus (Vitis), by their varied habit and mode 
of growth, characterize the three great botanical regions into 
which, in my opinion, the district of Angola and Benguela 
must be divided. The entire number of species of Ampelidee 
found by me in the above-named countries amounts to about 
forty (in which, however, are included two species of Leez), and 
a very remarkable plant, which occurs upon the high sandy 
plains of the district of Ambaca, and which ought probably to 
constitute a new genus. ‘These forty species of Ampelidee are 
spread over a space of 300 miles from east to west, commencing 
with the burning sandy steppes of the Atlantic coast region, and 
extending into the richly wooded, cool, elevated plains of the 
interior. ‘Throughout this space the number of species increases 
gradually, and the number of individuals becomes continually 
greater. With regard to their geographical distribution, it is 
found that the species with thick, sappy, fleshy stems preponde- 
rate in the littoral regions (0-1600 feet alt.); those with e/on- 
gated, twining stems, in the region of the primeval forests ; and 
the species with upright, scarcely twining stems, in the highest 
region of the elevated plains of the interior. Thus, the species 
‘ caule stante’ are very rare in the littoral region, whilst almost 
all the species which are found in the region of the elevated 
plains exhibit a short upright stem, without any tendency to 
scramble or to climb.” 

_ We are favoured by Dr. Welwitsch with a living plant of his 
Cissus macropus, which has flowered, and will by-and-by appear 
im our pages; at the same time another of the same remarkable 
group has been sent to us from Namaqua Land by another 
distinguished African traveller and artist, Thomas Baines, Esq. 
Its turnip-like trunk is 18 inches in circumference, but differs 
remarkably, besides other characters, from C. macropus, in having 
the leaves ternate, not quinate; and it is further remarkable 
that, as Welwitsch’s plant inhabits the region where Welwitschia 
mirabilis grows in Benguela, so our Vitis Bainesii is found, we 
believe, in the region of the Namaquas, where Mr. Baines also 
found the Welwitschia. 

Vitis Bainesit requires the protection of a warm stove, and it 
flowered in July, 1864. 

Fig. 1. Entire flowering specimen,—much reduced in size. 2. Portion of a 
flowering branch,—zatural size. 8. Bud and flower. 4. Calyx and pistil, with 

the large hypogynal glands. 5. Petals in a state of cohesion, hence calyptri- 
form :—all more or less magnified. 














Vincent Brooks, imp 

Tas: 5473. 

Cymose Amphiblemma. 

Nat. Ord. MeLastomace®.—Decanpria Monoeynta. 

Gen. Char. Flos pentamerus. Calycis tubus oblongo-campanulatus ; limbus 
dilatatus, membranaceus, mollis; denxtibus triangularibus subacutis paulo infra 
apicem denticulo externo minuto instructis. Peéala ovata aut obovata, apicu- 
lata. Stamina 10, alternatim ineequalia et heteromorpha; antheris lineari- 
subulatis 1-porosis, 5 majorum connectivo infra loculos longe producto arcuato 
gracili ultra filamenti insertionem in appendicem truncatam aut saltem obtusam 
porrecto, minorum infertilium infra loculos nullo aut subnullo. Ovarium toto 
ambitu et fere usque ad apicem adherens 5-loculare, apice membranula margi- 
natum. Stylus filiformis, s¢igmate obtuso punctiformi. Placenta productz, la- 
melliformes. Naud. 


AMPHIBLEMMA eymosum. Naud. Melastom. in Ann. des Sciences Nat. 3d Ser. 
v. 15. p. 51. 

MELAsToma cymosum. De Cand. Prodr. v.3. p.141. Vent. Hort. Malm. t.14. 
MELAsTomA corymbosum. Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 904. 

A very handsome tropical African Melastomaceous plant, which 
we believe to be identical with the Melastoma corymbosum of 
Sims, I. c.; but there being no analysis of flowers there, and the 
fact of its now constituting a distinct genus, are circumstances 
which may justify us in giving a more perfect figure and descrip- 
tion. It is a stove-plant, and has been sent to us by the late 
Mr. Barter, Government Botanist in the last Niger Expedition, 
under Commander Baikie. 

Descr. Our living plant has attained a height of five feet, 
moderately branched, the dranches terete, the young ones her- — 
baceous, all of them glabrous. eaves large and handsome, five 
to six inches long (on petioles two to three inches long), cordate- 
ovate, shortly acuminate, glabrous, seven- to nine-nerved, rich 
satiny green, paler beneath, the margins sharply dentate-serrate. 
Corymbs terminal, branching, spreading; pedicels thickened. 
Calyx suburceolate, five-lobed, /odes thick, ovate-triangular, 

OCTOBER Ist, 1864. 


purple, ciliated at the apex. Ovary five-celled, crowned just 
within the mouth of the calyx with five large emarginate sca/es, 
ciliato-dentate at the edge. Peta/s rather large, bright purple, 
oval, paler beneath. Stamens ten, alternately smaller. /- 
laments of the larger ones branched, with the lesser branch 
short, and sub-four-lobed: simple in the smaller ones, and 
bearing a sterile linear anther. Anther of the fertile stamen 
linear-acuminate, with one pore at the extremity. Sty/e filiform. 
Stigma obtuse. 

‘Fig. 1. Petal. 2 Sterile and fertile stamens. 3. Calyx, including the pistil. 
4. Portion of the calyx removed, showing the epigynous scales. 5. Transverse 
section of an ovary sigs da gree 

Tas. 5474, 
LINUM Macrakt. 

Macrae’s Linum. 

Nat. Ord. Line (Tribe Euninz#).—PentTanpria PENTAGYNIA. 

Gen. Char. Sepala quinque, integra. Petala 5, contorta, fugacia. Stamina 
basi coalita, hypogyna, antherifera 5, petalis alterna, staminodiis totidem minutis 
vel setiformibus interjectis. Glandule 5, parve, tubo stamineo extus adnate, 
petalis oppositee. Ovarium 5-loculare, loculis biovulatis, spurie subbilocellatis ; 

_styli 5, liberi v. rarius plus minus coaliti, stigmatibus capitatis oblongis v. lineari- 

bus. Capsula septicide 5-valvis, 5-locularis, loculis imperfecte septatis, disper- 
mis vy. septo perfecto fissili 10-cocca, coccis monospermis. Seminum albumen 
parcum ; embryo rectus.—Herbe nonnunquam suffrutescentes, glabre v. rarius 
pubescentes. Stipule 0 v. glanduliformes. Folia alterna v. rarissime opposita, 
angusta, integerrima, 1—-o -nervia. Flores in racemos terminales v. azillares, 
nunc laxe racemoso-subcymeformes, nunc in capitula spicas v. fasciculos contractos 
dispositi, flavi, cerulei v. rarius sanguine v. albi. Benth. et Hook. 


Linum Macraei ; glabrum, caulibus adscendentibus basi lignescentibus, ramis 
erectis alternis fasciculatis, foliis lanceolatis basi eglandulosis acutissimis, 
inferioribus suboppositis, superioribus alternis, floribus | copiosis subcorym- 
boso-paniculatis aureis, stylis infra basin liberis, stigmatibus capitatis, 
capsulis acute mucronatis. 

Linum Macraei. Benth. in Bot. Reg. sub 1326. 

About eighty species of the genus Linum are considered by 
Messrs. Bentham and Hooker to inhabit the temperate and ex- 
tratropical region of the two hemispheres ; but it must be con- 
fessed that many of them are difficult of determination, and are 
probably liable to considerable variation ; of these, four are de- 
scribed as natives of Chili, in Claude Gay’s ‘ Flora Chilensis,’ 
but that author has omitted to notice the L. Chamissonis of 
Schlechtendal, in Linnea, for 1826. Our present species is also 
a native of Chili, having been detected at Lota by Mr. Pearce, 
collector for the Messrs. Veitch ; and it was, we believe, exhi- 
bited at one of the Horticultural Society’s exhibitions, under 
that name in J uly of the present year; but on further examina- 
tion it proves to be the Z. Macraei of Mr. Bentham, perhaps 
the most floribund and the most showy of all the species of the 
genus. That author justly remarks that the flowers are of the 

OCTOBER lst, 1864. 

les the ZL. Africanum, ‘from which it 

chiefly in the shorter leaves, less frequently opposite, ind 

the rae ees of the styles. Mr. Macrae gathered it at 
This ee also is omitted by M. ‘Claude Gay. 


ent Brooks, 




Tepe ar: 

a - 

Tas. 5475. 


Mr. Low's Renanthera. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 2997-2998.) 

RENANTHERA Lowii; caulibus robustis subramosis altissime scandentibus, foliis 
coriaceis ligulatis retusis, spicis simplicibus longissimis pendulis flaccidis 
multifloris, floribus heterogeneis, sepalis petalisque seepius lanceolatis un- 
dulatis acutis sed in floribus (duobus) versus basin spice sitis sepalis 
petalisque carnosis obtusis. 

RENANTHERA Lowii. Reichenb. Xenia, p. 89. 

Vanva Lowii. Lindl. Gard. Chron. 1847, p. 239. 

A more remarkable plant than the subject of the present 
Plate is not to be found among the vast and varied tribe to 
which it belongs. While in stateliness of habit and in the length _ 
of its flower-spikes it stands quite unrivalled among the Orchids — 
of the Eastern world, its greatest peculiarity is to be found in 
the constant occurrence of two entirely distinct forms of flower 
on the same spike. his extraordinary circumstance was first 
observed by Professor Reichenbach, who satisfied himself, after 
a careful examination of fresh specimens furnished from M. ; 
Reichenheim’s garden, that the strange phenomena had nothing 
to do with the separate production of male or female blossoms, 
since the organs in either form were equally perfect. Neither 18 
this strange dimorphism to be classed with such fantastic changes 
as have been observed in Cycnoches, Catasetum, and the like, of 
which sundry examples are given in the ‘ Botanical Register 
and the ‘ Orchidacess of Mexico and Guatemala.’ In those in- 
stances certain alien forms were associated with flowers of the 
normal type, but they appeared capriciously, and might be re- 
garded as a sort of monstrous birth. In the present case, how- 
ever, nothing can be set down to caprice, for that singular pair 
of tawny flowers is found, as represented in the Plate, at the 
base of every spike ! 

This wonderful Orchid is a native of Borneo, whence it was 
originaily sent to the late Mr. Low, of the Clapton Nursery, by 

NOVEMBER Ist, 1864. 

his son (Colonial Treasurer at Labuan), in whose honour the 
species was named by Dr. Lindley. It has also been imported 
by Messrs. Veitch, in whose Nursery at Chelsea I first had the 
pleasure of seeing the plant in bloom. It was not however until 
the autumn of the year 1862, when the species flowered in Mr. 
Rucker’s collection (where our drawing was made), that any 
adequate idea could be formed of its beauty. A full account 
was published in the ‘ Gardeners’ Chronicle’ at that time, which 
would apply equally to Mr. Rucker’s plant as it might have 
been seen in September last, when it again burst into flower, and 
if possible in greater beauty, and profusion than before. 

I gather from a memorandum received from Mr. Pilcher, Mr. 
Rucker’s gardener, that the Wandsworth plant is already nine 
feet high, and that it produced six spikes, each bearing from 
forty to fifty flowers, which lasted in perfection for a month. 
‘The spikes attained to such an extraordinary length that. they 
had to be supported on props, and thus formed graceful festoons, 
under which a person might walk! The plant requires the heat 
of the East Indian house, and grows so freely that it seems almost 
to chafe at the comparatively narrow scope which the low roofs 
of modern Orchid-houses afford it. : 

Dr. Lindley, who had only seen the specimens originally sent 
from Borneo, referred our plant to Vanda, but Reichenbach, 
who more recently had the advantage of examining living flowers, 

is decidedly of opinion that it falls more properly under the 
_ genus Renanthera ; and as in this case I quite concur in the view 
of the German Professor, I have not hesitated to substitute the 
name of Lenanthera for that of Vanda Lowii.—J. B. 

Descr. Stems caulescent, an inch thick, climbing to a great 
height, and bearing numerous leathery strap-shaped obliquely- 
obtuse /eaves eighteen inches to three feet long. Flower-spikes 
hanging down, issuing from the upper portions of the stems, 
slightly hairy, attaining the length of from six to twelve feet, and 
bearing from thirty to fifty flowers. Flowers of two kinds on 
the same spike, the lowest pair being always of a tawny-yellow 
colour enlivened with crimson dots, while the remainder are of a 
pale-green, almost hidden on the inner side by large irregular 
blotches of reddish-brown. On the ordinary flowers the sepals 
and petals are waved lanceolate and acute, but on the lower pair 
they are shorter and blunter and more fleshy. Zip less than 
half the length of the sepals, very fleshy, ovate, beaked with a 
small horn in front and five parallel ridges along the disk of the 
mterior. Co/wmn very short and blunt. 

Fig. 1. Reduced view of plant in flower. 2. Leaf,—yat. size. 3. Portion of 

flower-spikes, ditto. “4. Side view of lip and column. 5. Front view of ditto. 
6. Pollen-masses :—imaynified. 


ae or eae ea 

Tas. 5476. 

Tufted Masdevallia. 


Gen. Char. Perigonii foliola exteriora in tubum connata, apice libero longe 
lingulata ; inéeriora libera, nana. Labdellum cum columaa articulatum, sessile, 
oblongum, concavum, nanum. Colwmna incurva, semiteres. Anthera bilocu- 
laris, terminalis, opercularis. Pollinia 2, integra, caudiculis duabus filiformibus, 
elastice replicatis, glandule conice affixa.—Herbe Peruana, epiphyte; rhizo- 
mate parvo repente ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis, bast in petiolum angustatis ; scapis 
radicalibus unifloris ; floribus majusculis. Endl. 

MASDEVALLIA civilis; caulibus dense erspitosis teretibus vaginatis unifoliatis, 

' folio lineari-oblongo acuto basi sensim attenuato, pedunculis brevibus radi- 
calibus unifloris, sepalis in tubum amplum inferne gibboso-calcaratum, api- 
cibus longe subulatis subrecurvis, petalis oblique oblongo-spathulatis labelli 
longitudine erectis, labello ad basin columne decurrentis articulato erecto 
oblongo parum concavo carnoso medio lineis duabus versus apicem lineis 
tribus elevatis, dorso obtuse carinato, columne apice bialato alis inflexis. 

MASDEVALLIA civilis. Reichenb. fil. et Warszew. in Bonpl. v. 2. p. 115, et in 
Walp. Ann, Bot. Syst. v. 6. p. 190. 

Of the singular genus Masdevallia, to which this pretty Or- 
chideous plant belongs, very few species are yet figured, compared — 
to what are at present known in books. One kind alone was 
known to the authors of the genus, Ruiz and Pavon; three only 
to Dr. Lindley at the time his ‘Genera and Species of Orchi- 
-deous Plants’ appeared; while thirty-six are now recorded by 
Reichenbach fil. in Walpers’ ‘ Annales Botanices Systematice. 
We owe the present species, which was discovered by Warszewicz 
in Peru, to the kindness of Mr. Schiller, of Hamburg, and who 
sent it to us as the WV. civilis, Reich. fil. All that are known of 
the genus are of the New World. The only one yet figured in 
the ‘ Botanical Magazine’ is the I. fenestrata at our Tab. 4164, 
where the sepals, besides being combined at the base into a 
tube, are united at the apex also, so as to leave a loophole as it 
were above the middle of the flower. 

NOVEMBER IstT, 1864. 

Drscr. The stems (rather than pseudobulbs) are short, about 
two to three inches long, densely clustered, sheathed with scales, 
and each terminated by a fleshy /eaf five to six inches long, 
linear-oblong, subacute, carinated at the back. Peduncles or 
scapes radical, one to one and a half inch long, sheathed with 
bracts. The solitary flower is set on to the peduncle obliquely 
by the short subturbinate ovary. Flower moderately large. 
Sepals yellow, brownish at the base, internally deep purple at the 
base, and spotted upwards with the same colour, greenish at the 
spreading apices; these sepals are united in the lower half into 
a tube rather longer than broad, very gibbous at the lower base, 
so as to form a blunt spur ; tle segments or free lobes are subulate 
and moderately spreading. Pefa/s small, white, spathulate, acute, 
the sides unequal, erect, and parallel with the column. Zadel/um 
jointed on to the base of the produced column and closely ap- 
plied to it, oblong, mottled and dotted with dark purple. Column 
white, equal in height with the petals, winged upwards, the 
wings incurved towards the stigma. Anther-case small. 

Fig. 1. Section of a flower, with the peduncle. 2. Column, with petals and 
lip in their natural position. 3. The same, with the lip forced back, to show the 
column and petals more distinctly :—magnijied. 

W.Fitch, delet ith. 

j Brooks imp- 
Vincent Brooks, inp 

Tas. 5477. 

AQUILEGIA caru ea. 

Long-spurred Californian Columbine. 


Gen. Char. Calyx coloratus, pentaphyllus, equalis, foliolis sestivatione imbri- 
catis, deciduis. Corolle petala 5, hypogyna, bilabiata, hiantia, labio exteriore 
maximo plano, inferiore minimo, deorsum in calear cavum, apice callosum, inter 
calycis foliola exsertum producta. Stamina plurima, hypogyna, in phalanges 
5-10 disposita, intima abortiva, membranaceo-squameeformia. Ovaria 5, libera, 
unilocularia, ovudis ad suturam ventralem plurimis biseriatis. Capsule mem- 
branacez, conniventes, stylis rostratee, intus longitudinaliter dehiscentes, poly- 
sperme. Semina oblique ovata, nitida.—Herbe im montibus Europe et Asia, in 
America boreali rare, erecte ut plurimum ramose ; foliis biternatis, radicalibus 
vel caulinis, inferioribus longe petiolatis ; floribus terminalibus solitariis, ceruleis, 
roseis, purpureis, albis vel interdum sordide flavis. Endl. 

AQuiLzeta cerulea ; foliis radicalibus biternatis subtus precipue glaucis, foliolis 
late cuneatis lobatis, calcaribus rectiusculis gracilibus limbo cuneato sub- 
duplo longioribus, sepalis rhombeo-lanceolatis. 
AQUILEGIA ceerulea. James, in Long’s Exped. to the Rocky Mountains, v. 2. p. 
204 e¢ p. 345 (Engl. ed.). Torr. in Rocky Mount. Pl. p. 164. Torr. et 
Grev. Fl. N. Am. 0.1. p. 30. Walpers, Repert. Bot. v. 1. p. 51. 

AQuiLEeta macrantha. Hook. et Arn. Bot. of Beech. Voy. p. 311. t. 72. 
Var. ochroleuca ; floribus ochroleucis. (Tas. Nostr. 5477.) 

Aquitecia leptoceras. Nutt. in Journ. Acad. Philad. v. 7. p. 8 (not Fisch. et 
Mey.). Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4407. 

We are glad to have an opportunity of figuring a very hand- 
some variety, that is the Z/ve-flowered (and we presume the 
~ normal-coloured) variety of a fine Rocky Mountain Columbine, 
already given in our Vol. XXIV. Tab. 407, under the name of 
Aquilegia leptoceras, and still more glad to be able to correct an 
error into which we have fallen, by restoring the original — 
of Mr. James (in Long’s ‘Travels in the Rocky Mountains,’ |.c.) 
namely, that now accepted. Our first acquaintance with the living 
plant showed us that the flowers were white or cream-coloured, 
and we considered Nuttall’s name most expressive. The name 

NOVEMBER Isr, 1864. 

A. leptoceras we also find to have been given previously to 
another, and Siberian, species. We have now reason to know 
that, like our own 4. vulgaris, the flowers are liable to vary in 
colour, and unquestionably the present variety is far more worthy 
a place in our gardens than that given before. It was this va- 
riety which led James to say, “It forms a splendid addition to 
the Flora of the United States ;” and our collector, Mr. Burke, 
‘ who detected it about Fort Hall, remarks: ‘“‘ We have here a 
most beautiful Columbine, which I have never found elsewhere, 
growing at the foot of a hill in rich loamy soil in great abund- 
ance ; the flowers very large, beautifully white, variously tinged 
above with light blue. In my opinion it is not only the Queen of 
Columbines, but the most beautiful of all herbaceous plants.” 

Fig. Ovaries,—magnified. 


W Fitch,del et lith. Vincent Brooks mp. 

Tas. 5478, | 

MIMULUS turTeEus, var. cuprea. 

Yellow Monkey-flower, copper-coloured var. 


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5423.) 

Mimutus luteus ; glaber vel viscido-puberulus, caule adscendente v. erecto, 
foliis plerisque eroso-dentatis orbiculatis ovatis suboblongisve inferioribus 
longe petiolatis sublyratis, superioribus sessilibus vel cordato-amplexicaulibus 
plurinervibus, pedunculis folio longioribus, calycibus ovatis fructiferis in- 
flatis, dentibus ovatis supremo maximo, corolle ample tubo calyce duplo 
saltem longiore. Benth. 

Mimutus luteus. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 884; Bot. Mag. t. 1501, 3386, e¢ 3363; 
Bot. Reg. t.1080 ef 1796. Andr, Bot. Repos. t. 61. Jacq. fil. Eelog. v. 1. 

be t. 92. Benth. in De Cand. Prodr. v. 10. p. 370. 

~* _ Muimuxus guttatus. De Cand. Cat. Hort. Monsp. p. 127. Reichenb. Ic. Pl. 

4 Cult. t. 204. 

| variegatus. Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1872. 

Mimouus rivularis. Nudéé. Journ. Acad. Philad. v.71. p. 47. Lodd. Bot. Cab. 
t. 1575. 

Munutus lyratus. Benth. Scroph. Ind. p. 28 in adnot. 
Mimvutus Smithii. Lind. Bot. Reg. t. 1674. 

Var. cuprea; nana cespitosa glabra, foliis subrhombeo-ovatis, floribus primum 
luteis demum cupreis. (‘TaB. Nosrr. 5478.) 

Mruutus cupreus. Veitch, in Gard. Chron. 1864. p. 2. Regel, Gart. Fl. 1864. 
t. 422. 

We received a flowering plant of this from Messrs. Veitch, of 
the Royal Exotie Nursery, King’s Road, Chelsea, in August of 
the present year, under the name of Mimulus cupreus. It had 

been sent to Messrs. Veitch by their collector, Mr. Pearce, from 
the Chilian Andes, at an elevation of six to seven thousand feet 
above the sea-level. Pretty as is this plant in its dwarf and com- 
pact habit, and in the varying colour of its flowers,—from a ful- 
vous-yellow in the newly-expanded blossoms to a rather bright 
copper-colour before they fade,—we are nevertheless satisfied it 

NOVEMBER Ist, 1864. 

is only one of the many varieties of the Linnzean Aimulus luteus, 
of which species our Herbarium possesses copious specimens from 
the Pacific side of South and North America (often extending 
far inland on the mountains), through the whole of the cold and 
temperate regions of South America, commencing in the Andes 
of Maule Province in the south, avoiding the tropics, as far as 
we know, of Peru and Ecuador, but appearing again in Mexico 
(Orizaba, etc.) and California, and thence extending north through 
all British Columbia and the islands, to the Russian possessions 
of Sitka and Unalaskha. Jt seems to have attained its maxi- 
mum about the 49th parallel of north latitude, whence Dr. Lyall 
collected numerous specimens, many quite resembling the Chilian 
form here represented. 

Vig. 1. Calyx. 2. Pistil:—magnified. 

Witch, del et ith. 

gn ann 

ict tee pp e 

Tas. 5479, 
VITIS macropvs. 

Gouty-stemmed Vine. 

Nat. Ord. AmpeLIDE®.—TETRANDRIA MonoeyYNia. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5472.) 

VITIs macropus; succulenta glauca, trunco ovato carnoso hapiformi, ramis bre- 
vibus erectis simplicibus herbaceis ecirrhosis, foliis 5-foliolatis (infimo trifo- 
liolato), foliolis ovato-ellipticis breviuscule petiolatis, junioribus precipue 
albo-tomentosis undulato-plicatisque, stipulis binis oppositis lato-lanceolatis, 
floribus cymosis, petalis coherentibus calyptriformibus. 

Cissus macropus. Welw. in Journ. Proceed. of Linn. Soc. v. 8. p. 77. 

At our Tab. 5472 of this volume we gave a figure and descrip- 
tion of a very remarkable gouty-stemmed V7ze of tropical Western 
Africa (V. Bainesti), accompanied by some interesting extracts 
from a recent account of Dr. Welwitsch of another and nearly | 
allied species found by that gentleman, the /7tis (or Cissus, Welw.) 
macropus. Of this, which has also flowered at Kew, we now 
offer a figure, and the description we shall translate from the able 
author’s own words. We received the plant from Dr. Welwitsch, 
who introduced the plant to the gardens at Lisbon, where, as 
with us, it flowered in April and May, a season which corresponds 
with the autumn in its native country, South Benguela. It 
there grows in brackish (swdsalsis) rocky plains of the Serra dos 
Montes Negros, near Mossamedes, also in dry mountains of 
Giraul towards the east, at an elevation of four to six hundred 
feet above the sea-level. 

Descr. A dwarf éree, one to two and a half feet high, quite 
succulent. The ¢ruak forms a large ovato-conical du/b towards 
the apex, bi-tribrachiate, covered with a smooth herbaceous- 
green Jark and a whitish-brown pergamentaceous epidermis, 
which separates from the bark in lamelle as in the Birch-tree. 
Root consisting of long cylindrical subsimple fidres. Branches 
short, half to a foot and a half long, two to four inches thick, 
towards their apices dividing abruptly into dranchlets producing 

NOVEMBER lst, 1864. 

leaves and flowers, but no fendri/s have been hitherto seen. 
Branchlets indistinctly striated and very patent, and, as well as 
the leaves and petioles while young, clothed with white arachnoid 
hairs, at length subglabrous, of the thickness of a finger, and, 
like the entire plant, abounding in aqueous juice. Leaves (at 
first plicate and albo-tomentose) long-petiolate, the lowest one 
on the branch tri-, the rest quinquefoliate. Leaflets ovate-ellip- 
tical or obovate, shortly petiolulate, unequally toothed, arachnoid- 
pubescent on both sides, the terminal one longer, petiolulate, 
four to five inches long, the lowest pair mequilateral at the 
base, the rest more or less cordate. Stipules two, at the base 
of the petiole, opposite, broad lanceolate, acuminate, deciduous. 
Peduncles, or by abortion terminal, about equal in length with the 
petioles, slightly striated, patent, slenderer than the petioles, 
dichotomo-ramulose, the dranchlets obliquely erect, forming a 
broadish corymé: Flowers tetramerous, yellowish-green, rather 
small. Calyx very short, obsoletely dentate, the teeth sometimes 
scarcely distinguishable. Corol/a of four petals, induplicate-val- 
vate. Petals fleshy, induplicate at the apex, cohering by pairs, 
calyptrate, deciduous, very cucullate at the apex, white, fugacious. 
Disk much developed, consisting of four columnar teeth, quite 
distinct from each other, obliquely truncate at the apex, auran- 
tiaco-glandulose, enlarged after the flowering. Stamens four. 
Anthers obovate, incumbent, yellow. Ovary ovate or ovate-co- 
nical, longer than the tubercles of the disk, two-celled. Style, 
when flowering, as long as the stamens, firm, straight, terminated 
by a simple (not capitate!) stigma. Fruit, which I have not 

seen, said to be a berry, the size of a pea, reddish-violet.— Wel- 
witsch, 1. ¢. 

Fig. 1. A very reduced figure of a flowering plant. 2. Upper part of a 
flowering branch with young leaf—natural size. 3. Fully-developed leaf,— 
natural size. 4. Flower-bud and fully-developed flower. 5. Ovary, with its four 

large glands at the base. 6. Calyptrate state of the corolla :—Figures 4-6 more 
or less magnified. 

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Se rat FPN IS Sis eate leg 
5 a CBRE eta Ff 

oa ——_- — a 

Tas. 5480. 

Coprous-flowering Acmena. 

Nat. Ord. Myrtacra.—Icosanpria Monoaynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx tubo turbinato, cum ovario connato, limbo supero truncato, 
juniore subinvoluto. Corolle petala 5, calycis fauci inserta, minima, distantia, 
interdum nulla. Stamina plurima, calycis fauci inserta; filamenta filiformia, 
libera; anthere biloculares, dorso inserte, longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Ova- 
rium inferum, triloculare. Stylus brevis, simplex; stigma obtusum. Bacca gio- 
bosa v. ovalis, monosperma. Semen subrotundum, crassum. Lmbryonis exal- 
buminosi cotyledones conferruminate.—Frutex glaberrimus, in Nova Hollandia 
orientali extratropica indigena ; foliis exstipulatis, pellucido-punctatis, integerri- 
mis; cymis ¢rifloris, in thyrsum terminalem paniculatum dispositis; floribus 
albis. Endl. 

AcmENA floribunda ; foliis pellucido-punctatis ovali-lanceolatis utrinque acumi- 
natis. : : 

Acmena floribunda. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 262. 

Merrosiperos floribunda. Sm. Trans. Linn. Soc. v. 3. p. 267. Vent. Mal- 
mais. t. 75. 

ANcorHora floribunda, G. Don. ‘ 

B. elliptica ; foliis ellipticis acuminatis, bacea alba. De Cand. 1. c. 

Evcenta elliptica. Sm. J.c. p. 281. Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 1872. 

Eucent1a Smithii. Poir. 

Myrtus Smithii. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 484. 

However beautiful and striking this plant (native of New 
South Wales) may be, loaded, too, as our tree, above twenty 
feet high, is, with its charming clusters of bright purple berries, 
its flowers are quite unattractive, and perhaps amongst the 
smallest and inconspicuous of all the Myrtle tribe. These 
flowers appear, like those of many other Australian trees and — 

shrubs, in the winter season, and the berries succeed them in 

the early spring, causing the extremities of the slender branches ee 
to bend down by their weight. The tree is too large, however, _ 
for successful cultivation in an ordinary greenhouse, but well — 
suited to our winter garden. De Candolle, I think with justice, — 
refers Sir James Smith’s Hugenia elliptica to this species, con- — 
. DECEMBER Ist, 1864. ae 

sidering it a variety with white berries and broader foliage, de- 
pending on the paler or almost white colour of the berries. This 
Eugenia elliptica is figured by Sims in the ‘ Botanical Magazine,’ 
l.c.; but the figure does not do justice to the species, and is 

destitute of flowers, while, on the other hand, the fruit was un- 

known to Ventenat, who has well represented a flowering speci- 


Descr. A dree in our conservatory, attaining a height of 
twenty feet, and very much resembling a gigantic large-leaved 
Myrtle (Myrtus communis). Leaves very dark-green, two to 
three inches long, ovato-lanceolate, acuminate, pellucido-punctate, 
short-petioled. Panicles terminal, thyrsoid. FVowers very small. 
Calye turbinate or subsemiglobose, with five very indistinct 
teeth. Petals quite minute, elliptical-cuneate, erect, much shorter 
than the numerous stamens. Ovary incorporated with the fleshy 
base of the calyx, which eventually becomes a globose, rich- 
purple subpellucid Jerry, the size of a large pea, umbilicated at 
the summit, of an acid flavour, but destitute of aroma. 

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. The same, cut through vertically, showing the stamens 
and style. 8. Ovary, cut through transversely :—magnified 

pit Se en see oe oy 
ee ee * Ay r: 

Vincent Brooks,lmp- 

Witch Lith. 

TAs. 5481. 

Narrow-leaved Arauja. 


Gen. Char, Sepala latiuscula, persistentia, accrescentia. Corolla campanu- 
lata, tubo inferne ventricoso, limbo 5-fido, lobis conniventibus v. reflexis. Corona 
staminea inclusa, subcoroneeformis, 5-phylla; foliolis dorso corolla tubo adnatis. 
Gynostegium sessile vy. subsessile. Anthere membrana terminate. Podlinia 
compresso-clavata, funiculis latiusculis. Stigma bifidum, laciniis hine planis. 
Ovula plurima. Folliculi patentes, coriaceo-rugosi. Semina carnosa.—Suffru- 
tices volubiles, Americani. Folia dasi glandulifera. Pedunculi axillares v. extra- 
axillares, 1\-pluriflori, foribus cymosis v. racemosis. Corolle suaveolentes. Decne. 
in De Cand. Prodr.—Physianthus, Mart. et Zuce. Bot. Mag, t. 3201. 

ARAUJA angustifolia ; glaberrima; caulibus gracilibus, foliis anguste lanceolato- 
hastatis v. e basi late auriculato anguste et longe lineari-subulato acumi- 
nata, medio albo-lineata, subtus glauca, auriculis transversis obtusissimis, 
pedunculis 1-floris, corolla cylindraceo-campanulata, lobis patenti-recurvis 
ovatis acutis. eo 

Aravsa angustifolia. Decne. in De Cand. Prodr. v. 8. p. 534. 

PHYSIANTHUS angustifolius. Hook. et Arn. Journ. Bot. 1834. p. 292. 

Aravusa Megapotamica. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. v. 4. p. 149. 

Puysrantuvs Megapotamicus. Spr. Syst. App. 111. 

_ +A graceful, rather glaucous climber, of which seeds were re- 
ceived at the Royal Gardens from M. Gibert, of Montevideo, 
from whom also we have dried specimens collected near that 
town. The plant was discovered in the forests of Uruguay, by 
Tweedie, from whom we received the originally-described speci- 
mens, and others since then from Sir C. J. F. Bunbey, Bart., 
collected by the late Mr. Fox. | : 
Desor. A slender, graceful climber, everywhere quite gla- 
brous; the stems, branches, and leaves below more or less 
glaucous. Leaves one to one and a half inch long, variable in 
breadth, usually more or less halbert-shaped, consisting at the 
base of two broad, spreading, rounded, obtuse lobes, and a long, 
straight, narrow, acuminate, middle lobe, bright-green above, 

DECEMBER Ist, 1864. 

1a broad white band down the middle; petiole half an inch — 
ng. Peduncles solitary, axillary, 1-flowered, curved or nod- — 
ing, one and a half inch long, with a subulate bract in the 
middle. Flowers drooping, solitary, nearly an inch long. Calyea- 
lobes ovate-oblong, acute, increasing after flowering. Corolla 
cylindrico-campauulate, with spreading limb, tube whitish, exter- 
nally marked with dull purple; lobes of limb ovate acute, green- 
1-yellow, with a dark-purple blotch at the base. Column in- 
ed. Stigmatic lobes large, oblong, spreading or recurved. 


Fig. 1. Young column, 2. Older ditto. 3. Wing of anther. 4. Pollinia : 
magnified, 7 

Vincent Brooks, imp. 

WFitch, delet. lith. 

’ oo Papi 64825." 
DENDROBIUM Japonicum. 

Japanese Dendrobium. 

Nat. Ord. Orcurprxz.—GyNaNnpRIA MoNANDRIA. 

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5303.) 

Denprosium Japonicum ; caulibus gracilibus elongatis, foliis alternis membra- 
. haceis linearibus obtusiusculis, floribus Jateralibus solitariis v. binis albis, 
bracteolis tumidis basin ovarii cingentibus, sepali dorsali lineari-oblongo, 
lateralibus oblongis acutis, petalis ovato- v. oblongo-lanceolatis acutis re- 
curvis, labelli disco intus pubescente, limbo ovato-lanceolato acuminato 
recurvo glaberrimo, 

Denprosium Japonicum. Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. 89. Reichenb. fil. in 
Annal. Bot. Syst. v. 6. p. 294. 

Onycuium Japonicum. Blume, Bijd. 328. 
DENDROBIUM castum. Batem. ms. 

Although anything but a showy species of Dendrobium, the 
delicious fragrance of D. Japonicum at once recommends it for 
cultivation. It is probably common in Japan, having been sent to 
the Royal Gardens from Nagasaki by Sir Rutherford Alcock and 
by Mr. Hoey, and from the island of Tsu-sima, off the Corean 
coast, by Mr. Charles Wilford, collector for the Royal Gardens. 

Our excellent friend Mr. Bateman, who is of opinion, from 
some slight discrepancies between Blume’s, brief character of his 
Onychium (Dendtobium, Sw.) Japonicum and our plant, that the 
two may not be identical, has suggested the appropriate name 
of D. eastrum for it:—but as it is the only species of the genus 
we have ever received from Japan, and this from widely different 
localities, and from three different correspondents ; it may, I 
think, be reasonably inferred that it is the Japonicum of Blume. 
Should it prove otherwise, the specific name of castum must be 

Drscr. Stems tufted, six to twelve inches long, slender, pen- 

DECEMBER Ist, 1864, 

dulous, rather distantly jointed, attenuated downwards ; articu- 
lations cylindrical, long, upper rather tumid, green, striated, the 
older purplish. Leaves alternate, one to two inches long, a 
quarter to one-third of an inch broad, spreading, recurved, linear 
or linear-lanceolate, obtuse, pale-green. /owers on the naked 
stems, solitary or in pairs, one and a half inch in diameter, pure 
white, speckled with purple at the base of the lip and on its 
claw. Bract small, tumid, clasping the base of the ovary, which 
is slender, three-quarters to an inch long. Sepa/s nearly equal, 
dorsal oblong, acute, lateral, ovate, lanceolate, acuminate. Pe- 
tals oblong, acute, rather broader than the sepals. Lzp white, 
speckled with purple, and pubescent in the middle line above 
the limb ; limb ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, subrecurved. Column 
very short. 

Fig. 1. Ovary, base of lip, and column. 2. Front; and 8. Side view of lip: 
—all magnified. 

WFitch del. etlith. 

Vincent Brooks Imp. 

Tas. 5483, 

BARTONIA wnupa. 

Bractless Bartonia. 

Nat. Ord. Loase#.—Icosanpet1a Monoeynia. 

Gen. Char. Calyx tubo cylindrieo, cum ovario connato, limdi superi quinque- 
partiti lodis equalibus, Corolle petala 10, summo calycis tubo inserta, plana, 
eequalia v. alterna, limbi lobis opposita, angustiora, apice antherifera. Stamina 
plurima, cum petalis inserta; fi/amenta filiformia, libera, anthere biloculares, 
longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Ovarium inferum, uniloculare, placentis parietali- 
bus tribus v. septem, nerviformibus. Ovula plurima, anatropa. Stylus simplex ; 
stigma obtusum. Capsula cylindrica, calycis limbo coronata, unilocularis, vertice 
breviter exserto, tri-septem-valvis, valvis cum placentis nerviformibus alternanti- 
bus. Semina plurima, complanata, alata.—Herbe boreali-Americane, pilis rigidis 
barbate consperse, erecte ; foliis alternis, sessilibus, v. inciso-pinnatifidis ; flori- 
bus ¢erminalibus, solitariis, amplis, albis. Endl. 

Bartonta nuda; tota planta (petalis stamiyibus styloque exceptis) pilis minutis 
barbigeris aspera, caule erecto ramisque albis, foliis sessilibus lanceolatis 
obtusis pinnatifido-dentatis, floribus in ramulis terminalibus amplis pallide 
sulfureis decapetalis subebracteatis, calycis tubo infundibuliformi, limbo 
laciniis elongatis acuminatis reflexis, staminibus numerosis, filamentis non 
raro sterilibus petaloideis, stylo trifido, “ capsula 3-valvi, seminibus nu- 
merosis alatis.” 

Barronta nuda. Nutt. Gen. Am.v.1. p. 297. Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. v. 1. p.- 
328 et 2..p. 749. De Cand. Prod. v. 3. p. 339. 

MEnTzeLra nuda. Torr. et Gr. Fl. N. Am. v. 1. p. 535. 

We are glad to give a figure of this very rare plant, for a fine 
_ specimen of which we are indebted to Mr. Thompson, of Ips- 
_ wich, who has recently introduced it to our gardens from the 
Missouri, where alone it appears to be found, and where it was 
discovered, and has been well described, by Nuttall. But, how- 
ever handsome it looks on paper, Mr. Thompson, who has the 
credit of obtaining it for our gardens, candidly acknowledges 
that “it cannot be looked upon as a hardy ornamental plant ; 
the flowering only takes place late in the evening, and at a sea- 
son, October, when it is too late for the ripening of the seeds. 

DECEMBER Isr, 1864. 

Bracts or floral leaves are not always absent ; but they are much 
reduced in comparison to those of B. ornata, Nutt., for example, 
(B. decapetala, Sims in Bot. Mag. Tab. 1487). 

Fig. 1. Calyx with two bracts and pistil, magnijied. 

PS? — 7 eS 

Tas. 5484, 

VERONICA Hutxeana. 

Hulke’s New Zealand Speedwell. 

Nat. Ord. ScRoPHULARINEZ.—D1anpria MonoGynta. 

Gen. Char. Calyx 4~5-partitus, rarissime 3-partitus. Corolle tubus nunc 
brevissimus, nunc calycem superans ; limbus 4-fidus, rarius 5-fidus, patens, laciniis 
lateralibus vel ima e lateralibus exterioribus sepius angustioribus. Stamina 2, 
tubo inserta, exserta, ad latera laciniz superioris sita. Autherarum loculi diver- 
gentes vel paralleli, apice confluentes. Stylus apice integer, subcapitato-stigma- 
tosus. Capsula compressa v. turgida, bisulcata, carpellis dorso plus minus locu- 
licide dehiscentibus, marginibus inflexis columne placentiferee adhzrentibus vel 
plus minus ab ea septicide solutis; vel capsula septicide cum columna placen- 
tifera bipartibilis. Semina ovata vel orbiculata, facie interna plana vel concava 
affixa, dorso plus minus convexa, levia vel rugulosa. Albumen seepius ob- 
longum, circumdatum testa incrassato-cartilaginea aleformi vel calloso-margi- 
nante. Hmbryo rectus; radicula ad apicem fructus spectans in speciebus oli- 
gospermis, ab hilo parum remota in polyspermis.—Herbe, frutices vel rarius 
arbores in temperatis frigidioribusyue utriusque orbis crescentes, inter tropicos per- 
pauce nec in America numerose. Folia caulina opposita vel rarius verticillata aut 
sparsa, in una tantum specie pleraque alterna, floralia semper alterna, sepissime 
bracteeformia, rarius caulinis conformia. Flores in racemos terminales vel avil- 
lares dispositi, in axillis bractearum solitarii, vel rarius bracteis foliis caulinis 
subconformibus axillares, solitarii. Calycis segmentum posticuim dum adest sepis- 
sime ceteris minus. Corolla cerulea carnea vel alba, in iisdem speciebus sepe 
colore variabilis, normalis 4-fida, \aciniis integerrimis interdum (rarissime tamen 
in omnibus floribus ejusdem speciei) lacinia suprema vel infima emarginata vel 
infima (an etiam suprema?) bipartita vel etiam tripartita. In tisdem floribus 
stamina occurrunt interdum 3-4. Capsula sepissime obtusa vel emarginata, in 
paucis speciebus acuta vel acuminata. Benth. 

Veronica Hulkeana; frutex gracilis, erectus, parce foliosus, 1-3-pedalis, caule 
subsimplici terete supra puberulo, foliis oppositis distantibus 1-1} une. 
longis, oblongo-ovatis (v. ellipticis) obtusis acutisve, obtuse vel acute grosse 
serratis subcoriaceis, petiolo 3-3 unciam longo, spicis patentibus puberulis 
glandulosisque in paniculas longas terminales 4-10 unc. longas 2-4 une. 
latas opposite ramosas dispositis, floribus sessilibus, bracteis late ovatis, 
obtusis ;!, unc. longis, fere longitudine sepalorum similium sed latiorum, 
corolla } une. lata, lilacina, tubo perbrevi, staminibus brevibus, capsula 

parva, oblonga, obtusa, sepalis duplo longiore. Hook. sil. 

Veronica Hulkeana. FP. Muell. in Hook. fil. Handb. of N. Zeal. Fi. v. 1. 
p. 218. 

BeSae RIDE ore) Acceare sas eee ee 

This is quite a new form of Veronica for our European gar- 
dens, for which we are indebted to the indefatigable Dr. Mueller, 

DECEMBER Ist, 1864. 


who sent the seeds under the name we have preserved, as a 
native of New Zealand, where it has been found in the Middle 
Island we believe only, on the Wairu Mountains, alt. 1500- 
2000 feet, by Mr. Travers at Macrae’s Run, halfway up, in 
rocky places by Dr. Munro, and by the late lamented Dr. Sin- 
clair in the Kaikoras Mountains. It first flowered with us in 
May, 1864, in a cool greenhouse, but from its elevation in the 
Middle Island of New Zealand, it ought to prove quite hardy 
im our climate. It is one of the many additions made to the 
genus Veronica since the enumeration of the one hundred and 
fifty-eight species in De Candolle’s ‘ Prodromus,’ by Mr. Ben- 
tham, and it is one of the forty species described by Dr. 
Hooker in his recently published ‘ Handbook of the New Zea- 
land Flora.’ Both the genus and the species of Veronica are 
very difficult of clear definition. Some admirable remarks on 
the former (the genus) we have given above, following the Gen. 
Char.; and Dr. Hooker observes, of the New Zealand species, 
that “they form a more conspicuous feature of the vegetation 
than in any other country, both from their number, beauty, and 

ubiquity, from so many forming large bushes, and from the re- 
markable forms the genus presents.” 

Fig. 1. Front view of a flower. 2. Side view of ditto :—magnified. 


Vincent Brooks, Imp. 

W. Fitch, deLet lith. 

Tan. 5485, 


Mr. Williams’s Epistephium. 


Gen. Char. Perianthium basi urceolo dentato cinctum. Sepala patentia v. 
_ Yeflexa, libera, lateralia labello supposita. Petala latiora v. angustiora. Label- 
dum sessile, liberum, indivisum, circa columnam convolutum, disco barbatum v. 
cristatum. Columna semiteres, marginata, infra stigma 2-tuberculata, apice 
membranacea, dilatata, 3-fida, lobo medio cucullato antherifero. Anthera ter- 
minalis, persistens, loculis approximatis 3-quadrilocularibus. Pollinia 4, com- 
pressa, basi retroplicata.—Herbze Americe equinoctialis, terrestres, Folia ner- 
vosa, evaginata. Flores magni, conspicut. Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. 432. 

Ertstepatum Williamsii; foliis lineari-oblongis acutis }-amplexicaulibus, mar- 
ginibus recurvis valde coriaceis levibus nitidis, nervis parallelis non reticu- 
latis, sepalis lineari-oblongis acutis, petalis oblongis sepalis latioribus, la- 
belli lobo terminali suborbiculato 2-fido marginibus crenulatis, disco medio 
longe cristato. : 

Eptstepnium Williamsii. Hook. fil. ms. 

A very curious and most beautiful plant, for the introduction 
of which we are indebted to our valued correspondent C. H. 
Williams, Esq., of Bahia. It undoubtedly belongs to the genus 
Lpistephium, which inhabits the tropics of South America, and 
is distinguished from its very near congener Sodralia, by the 
toothed calyculus crowning the ovary. ‘The genus is described 
as having strongly reticulated nerves on the leaf, but this is per- 
haps best seen in the dried plant; the leaves of our species are 
very coriaceous, glossy, and almost nerveless; nothing can ex- 
ceed their brilliant, glossy green surface. 

Duscr. Stems from an underground root of tufted, fleshy 
fibres, several together, stiff, a foot to eighteen inches high, 
cylindrical. Leaves alternate on the upper part of the stem, 
three to four inches long, linear-oblong, semi-amplexicaul, acute, 
very glossy-green, nerves very indistinct, not reticulated. #Yowers 
five to eight, in a terminal spike, three ches in diameter, of a 
fine light red-purple colour. Bracts small, ovate, acute. Ovary 

DECEMBER Ist, 1864. 

one inch long. Calyculus very short, shortly six-toothed. Sepals 
one to one and a quarter inch long, linear-oblong, the dorsal a 
little obovate. Petals as long, but much broader. Lip with 
the middle lobe bifid, margins somewhat undulate, of the same 
colour as the petals, but with two whitish areas on the disk, 
which are surrounded with a deeper purple; crest of hairs on 
the disk small, long, yellowish. Column with narrow wings. 
Stigma with its edges crenulate. J. D. H. 


Fig. 1. Upper part of ovary, calyculus, and lip. 2. Base of lip and column. 
3. Upper part of column, showing the stigma and anther :—all magnified. 

5480 Acmene, copious-flowering. 
5435 Ada, deep orange-flowered. 
5447 Aichmea, distichous-flowered. 
5442 Alstroemeria, Caldas’s. 
-5473 Amphiblemma, cymose. 
5463 Aphelandra, Libon’s. 
5481 Arauja, narrow-leaved. * 
5420 Aristolochia, pale-veined tree. 
5483 Bartonia, bractless. 
5434 Begonia, Mr. Mann’s. 
5424 Borodina or Cannibal’s Sola- 
.5429 Canscora, Pathe: 
5449 Cattleya, Dr. Lindley’s. 
5462 Ccelogyne, honey-scented. — 
5477 ‘Columbine, wis Besar Cali- 
. fornian, 
5427 Corn-flag, shagey-stemmed. 
_ §458 Corylopsis, spiked. = 
_ 5471 Cyanotis, nodose-flowered. 
5457 Cymbidium, spotted-lipped. — 
5444 Dendrobium, bearded-lipped. , 

Eattaw? var. 

-5465 Macleania, showy. 

5456 Meconopsis, prickly. © 

5436 Miltonia, Regnell’s, 

| 5421 Pelargonium, Mr. Bowker’s 
| 5432 Quamodlit, Mr. N tion’ 

5451 Dendrobium, Mr. “Farmer's | 4 

= i 

‘In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the 
Twentieth Volume of the Tuirp Ssrizs (or Ninetieth — 
Volume of the Work) are alphabetically arranged, 

5440 Eranthemum, - erenulate-leaved, 
. large-flowered var. 
5425 Forrestia, hairy-sheathed. 
5468 Genethyllis, Thyme-leaved. 
5431 Helichrysum, Mr. Mann’s. 
5426 Ipomea, slender-stalked. 
5460 Kalanchoe, large-flowered. — 
5466 Lady’s-slipper, sedge-like. 
5461 Larkspur, Mr. Brown’s Musk. 
5474 Linum, Macrae’s, =~ 

5453 Macleania, splendid. 
5476 Masdevallia, tufted. 

5455 Micranthella, De Candolle’, S. 

5423 Monkey-flower, creeping. 
5478 Monkey-flower, yellow, 
coloured var. 




In which the Latin Names of the Plants contained in the 
Twentieth Volume of the Tuirp Serizs (or Ninetieth 
Volume of the Work) are alphabetically arranged. 


- 5480 Acmene floribunda. 

5435 Ada aurantiaca. 

5447 Aichmea distichantha. 

5442 Alstroemeria Caldusii. 

5473. Amphiblemma cymosum, 

5463 Aphelandra Liboniana. 

5477 Aquilegia cerulea. 

5481 Arauja angustifolia. 

5420 Aristolochia leuconeura. 

5483 Bartonia nuda. 

_ 5434 Begonia Mannii. 

- 5429 Canscora Parishii. 

5449 Cattleya Lindleyana. 

5462 Ceelogyne odoratissima. 

5458 Corylopsis spicata. 

5471 Cyanotis nodiflora. 

pg. BS5T Cymbidium tigrinum. 
5466 Cypripediom caricinum. 

ee 5461 Delphinium Brononianum. 
~ $444> Dendrobiam barbatulum. 

. 6430 Dendrobium ciliatum. 

5459 Dendrobium eburneum. — 

ee flava. 
6446 buudanea? infuindibulien. 
_ . 5482 Dendrobium Japonicum. 

_ 5441 Dendrobium luteolum. — 
5454 Dendrobium marginatum, 
5470 Dendrobium nodatum. 
5452 Desmodium Skinneri, var. albo- 

5445 Echinocactus Seopa. 
5485. Epistephium Williamsii. 
5440 Eranthemum — erenulatum, var. 


| 5422 Schizostylis coccinea. 

5451 Dendrobium Farmeri, vat. rare 5439 Scutellaria Costaricana. ~~ We 

6428 Trichantha minor. 


5467 Erduthemum Cooperi. 
5425 Forrestia hispida. 

5468 Genethyllis fimbriata. 
5427 Gladiolus sericeo-villosus, 
5431 Helichrysum Mannii- 
5426 Ipomeea filieaulis. 

5460 Kalanchoe grandiflora. 
5474 Linum Macreei. 

5465 Macleania pulchra. 

5453 Macleania speciosissima. 
5476 Masdevallia civilis. 

5456 Meconopsis aculeata. 
5455 Micranthella Candollei. 
5436 Miltonia Regnelli. 

5478 Mimulus luteus, var. cuprea. 
5423 Mimulus repens. 
Pelargonium Bowkeri. 
5432 Quamoclit Nationis. 
5437 Reidia glaycescens. 

5475 Renanthera Lowii. 

5433 Saccolabium Harrisonianum. 

5424 Solanum anthropophagoram, = 
5450 Thibaudia sareantha. 
5469 Thladiantha dubia. 

5448 Trichinium Manglesii. 
5464 Ureeolina pendula. 
5484 Veronica Hulkeana. 
5438 Vieussieuxia fugax. 
5472 Vitis Baisiesii. 

5479 Vitis macropus. 

5443 Waitzia corymbosa.