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“Meneppreeiei. COMPRISING THE 
Plants of the Roval Gardens of Keiw, 



P.R.S., F.L,8.,, ETO. 


(Or Vol. CLIT. of the whole Work.) 

‘* With such a liberal hand has Nature flung 
Their seeds abroad, blown them about in winds, 
Innumerous mix’d them with the nursing mould, 
The moistening current, and prolific rain,” 
Th , The Si 

Lonvon: l/ 

[All rights reserved. ] 

Mo. Bot. 

Acow is 







Believe me to be, 
Very sincerely yours, — : 




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Tas. 6272. 


Native of Western Tropical Africa. 

Nat. Ord. Cuctursiracez.—Tribe CucUMERINE. 

_ Genus Terai, Hook, (Benth. et Hook. fil. Gen. Plant. vol. i. p. 821). 

Tetrarrta occidentalis, foliis longe-petiolatis pedatim 5-foliolatis, foliolis petiolu- 
latis elliptico-ovatis acuminatis repando-dentatis basi 3-plinerviis, calycis 
tubo hemispherico lobis brevibus latis serratis, corolla campanulata alba 
disco purpureo lobis rotundatis breviter fimbriatis, bacca 1-2-pedali ovoidea 
alte decaptera, alis crassis. 

T. occidentalis, Hook. f. in Oliv. Fl. Trop. Afric. vol. ii. p. 524. 

' The original and for fifty years the only known species of 

- this singular genus is 7. pedata, Hook. (Bot. Mag. t. 2751-3 ; 
Feuillea pedata, Sm. ibid. t. 2681). A native of Hastern 
Tropical Africa (Zanzibar). It is described at great length 
in this work, and as having a fruit three feet long, full of 
seeds as large as chestnuts (one contained 264 of these), which 
are as excellent as almonds, have a very agreeable flavour, 
and yield an abundance of oil equal to that of the finest 
olives; it is called kouémé by the natives of Zanzibar, and 
‘oil plant’? in the Mauritius, where it was cultivated in 
former times. 

T. occidentalis is the West African representative of the 
East African species, distinguished by the triplinerved 
leaflets, short ovary, short calyx-lobes which are simply 
serrated, the smaller more open white corolla with smooth 
fringes and a red purple eye, and by the few broad wings to 
the fruit; the fruit of 7. pedata having no wings, but many 
very deep grooves. It is cultivated in West Africa for the 
sake of its seeds, which are boiled and eaten by the natives, 
and have been imported as oil-nuts into England. We have 
dried specimens from Sierra Leone, Abebokuta, Old Calabar, 
Fernando Po, and Angola, where it was found by Welwitsch, 

growing commonly over littoral hedges of Luphorbia aphylla. 
Our plant was raised from seed presented by Mr. Tyerman, 
late of the Liverpool Botanic Gardens, in 1870; it flowered in 
the Palm House in September, 1876. 

Drscr. An extensive climber, glabrous (except the 
pubescent young parts, petioles, and racemes) with a stout, 
fleshy perennial root, and very slender angled and grooved stem 
and branches. Leaves alternate, petioled, pedately five-folio- 
late ; leaflets three to six inches long, shortly petiolulate, ellip- 
tic-ovate, obtusely acuminate, sinuate-toothed, triplenerved at 
the base, with many transverse veins, membranous, bright green. 
Tendrils bifid. Male racemes a foot long, six- to ten-flowered ; 
_ bracts small. 2owers one and a half to two inches in diameter ; 
pedicel slender, one inch long. Culyz-tube hemispherical, 
grooved ; lobes broadly triangular-ovate, obtuse, serrate. 
Corolla broadly campanulate, white, with a purple eye; . 
segments fimbriate. Stamens five, two of them four-celled, 
one one-celled, connective dilated ; filaments three, free. Fruit 
two feet long, ovoid-oblong, obtusely beaked, yellow-green, 
with ten thick wings an inch deep, three-celled, and flesh 
of golden yellow pulp. Seeds horizontal, one and a quarter 
inch diameter, very numerous, nearly orbicular, compressed ; 

testa brown, coriaceous ; cotyledons plano-convex, fleshy.— 
JODA. 3 

Fig. 1, Branch with male flowers ; 2, flower with course removed ; 3, fruit; 4, 

tranverse section of do. ; 5, seed ; 6, tranverse ; and 7, vertical section of do. : all but 
fig. 2 of the natural size. 


Vincent Brooks Day & Son Imp 

WFitchdlet Lah 

Tas. 6273. 

Native of Costa Rica. 

Nat. Ord. Orcuiprem.—Tribe PLevRoTaaLLipE®. 

Genus Maspevatuia, Ruiz. and Pav. (Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid, p. 192). 

MaspEVALLIA attenuata; parvula, dense cespitosa, foliis patulis lineari-obo- 
vatis imo apice 3-denticulatis in petiolum subelongatum angustatis crasse 
coriaceis dorso carinatis facie canaliculatis, scapis 1-floris gracilibus foliis 
brevioribus glaberrimis, bractea ovario breviore obtusa, floribus parvis pedicel- 
latis albidis v. stramineis caudibus flavis, perianthio 4-poll. longo campanulato- 
tubuloso subtus basi gibbo breviter 3-lobo, lobis in caudas patenti-recurvas 
filiformes tubo fere duplo longiores abrupte angustatis, petalis oblongis 
obtusis, labelli inclusi lamina lingueeformi apice unguiculato, disco carinis 2 
distantibus medio tumidis percurso, columna apice denticulata. 

M. attenuata, Reich. f. in Gard. Chron., 1871, p. 834. 

The genus Masdevallia appears to be coming into cultiva- 
tion as fast as the Indian Dendrobes were some ten to 
twenty years ago, and from a somewhat similar cause to 
that of the Dendrobes. This was owing to the residence of 
two accomplished amateurs (Parish and Benson) in the pre- 
viously unexplored head-quarters of the genus; in that of 
Masdevallia it was owing to similar explorations of the pre-. 
viously little-known mountains of Costa Rica, New Granada, 
and Peru. 7 3 

M. attenuatais one of Mr. Veitch’s introductions, and flowered 

in the Royal Gardens in December, 1874, from specimens 
presented by Mr. William Saunders. : 
_ Reichenbach remarks that the dried native specimens 
have the perianth glabrous within, whilst that of the fresh 
ones is finely velvety ; the contrary of which is frequent in 
_ Drscr. A small, densely-tufted species, with very nume- 
-rous leaves and flowering scapes. eaves with the petioles 
three to four inches long, spreading and almost recurved ; 
blade one and half to two inches long, by one-third of an 

inch broad, narrowly oblong-ovate, minutely three-toothed at 
the tip, very coriaceous, keeled at the back, grooved in front, 
narrowed into the slender petiole. Scapes one-flowered, shorter 
than the leaves, very slender; bract short, obtuse, placed 
below the ovary and shorter than it, whence the flower 
appears pedicelled. Flowers white, with pale green along 
the tube opposite the sepaline lobes, and bright yellow tails. 
Perianth-tube narrowly campanulate, gibbous below at the 
base; lobes rounded, suddenly narrowed into slender 
recurved tails which are almost twice as long as the tube. 
Petals oblong, very shortly clawed, obtuse. ip straight, 
yellow, linear-oblong, with an obtuse claw at the tip, and 
two keels on the face, which are rather dilated in the 
middle. Colwnn green, toothed at the tip.—J. D. H. 

__ Fig. 1, Top of scape, bract, and flower ; 2, top of ovary, petals, lip, and column ; 
3, lip and column ; 4, the same with that lip deflexed :—all magnified. 


W Fiuch del et Lath Vincent Brooks Day & Son imp 

Tas. 6274. 

LIVISTONA ausrraus. 
Native of Eastern Temperate Australia. 

Nat. Ord. Patmea.—Tribe Corypuinua. 

Genus Livistona, Br. (Endl. Gen. Plant. p. 252). 

Livistona australis; caudice 50-80-pedali, petiolis gracilibus arcuatis marginibus 
spinosis, foliis saturate viridibus orbiculatis ad medium fissis, spatha stricta 
}-12-pollicari lanceolato-cymbiformi acuta rufo-fulva villosa, spadice elongato 
cernuo ramosissimo glaberrimo ramulis curvis, fl. masc. minutis ramulis 
tenuibus spicatis vix + poll. diam., sepalis brevibus latioribus quam 
longis, petalis crasse carnosis triangulari-ovatis subacutis valvatis, fila- 
mentis brevibus dilatatis, antheris brevibus parvis, fructu globoso, pericarpio 
indurato minute granuloso intus crustaceo, semine globoso, albumine ~ 
eequabili osseo intus sacculo a chalaza dilatata ad centrum extenso instructo, 
embryone supra-basilari. 

L. australis, Mart. Hi ist.Palm., 241, cum tab. ; Wendland and Drude, Palm. Austral. 
in Linnea, vol. xxxix. p. 232, t. ili, £5; F. Muell. Fragr. Phyt. Aust. vol. v. 
p. 49. 

Coryrua australis, Br. Prodr. p. 128. 

This graceful palm was for many years one of the greatest 
ornaments of the Palm House at Kew, rearing its massive 
head of bright green foliage supported on a rich brown 
caudex, high above all the other palms except Cocos plumosa 
and Caryota wrens. During the present year having reached 
the roof on the west side of the centre, it was felled and re- 
Placed by a Phoenix dactylifera which will take years to 
assume the same proportions, and never rival it in beauty. 

Livistona australis is the most southern palm of the Austra- 
lian continent, reaching the snowy range in lat. 37° 30’ 8. 
when its trunk attains 80 ft. in height, and extending thence 
along the west coast to the Illawarra River, in lat. 34° 45’ 8. 
It flowered annually at Kew, in the spring months, for many 
years. The fruits I have received from Mr. Hill, of the 
Brisbane Botanical Gardens; they resemble specimens brought 
by Brown, preserved in the British Museum, except in 
____ having a thicker and harder pericarp. 

Duscr. Trunk forty to eighty feet high, cylindrical, slender, 
red-brown, marked with circular scars. eaves in a dense — 
oblong crown; petiole spreading and decurved, spinous on the 
margins ; blade three to four feet in diameter, orbicular, cut 
to about the middle into thirty to fifty radiating slender bifid 
lobes, the acuminate points of which do not droop. Spathes 
six to ten inches long, lanceolate, compressed, acuminate, 
rigidly leathery, tomentose. Spadix three to four feet long, 
decurved, much paniculately branched, the branches and 
branchlets curved and slender, quite glabrous, rachis com- 
pressed. Flowers minute, one eighth of an inch in diameter, 
spiked upon the very slender terminal branchlets, green. Calyx 

of three short very broad obtuse segments. Corolla of three — : 

triangular-ovate fleshy coriaceous valvate subacute petals. — 
Stamens six, filaments very broad and short; anthers sub- 
globose. Rudimentary pistil three-cleft. Fruit globose, 
three-quarters of an inch in diameter; pericarp thick, 
crustaceous, granular outside, with a smooth buff obscurely 
veined inner surface; remains of stigma evanescent. Seed 
globose, testa pale brown, smooth, veins invisible; chalaza 
a brown subterminal large polished areole. Albumen very 
hard, white, not ruminate, with a broad sac-like canal. 
passing from the chalaze to the centre, and full of corky 
brown tissue; embryo dorsal above the base—/. D. H. 

Fig. 1. Whole plant reduced ; 2, portion of male spadix of the natural size ; 3, 

portion of spadix and flowers; 4, single flower; all enlarged; 5, fruit of the 
natural size. 

W Bitch del et lath . Vincent Bronks Day&Son inp 

Tas. 6275. 
Native of Texas. 

Nat. Ord. Composirz.—Tribe AsTEROIDEX. 

Genus Xantuisma, DC. (Benth. et Hook. J. Gen. Plant. vol, ii. p. 253). 

XANTHISMA texanum, glaberrimum vy. scaberulum gracile, parce ramosum, rigidius- 
culum, ramulis tenuibus virgatis, foliis sparsis parvis sessilibus lineari-oblongis 
obovatisve aristato-acuminatis cartilagineo-serrulatis 1-nervis aveniis, capitulis 
terminalibus solitariis breviter pedunculatis, involucri hemispherici bracteis 
coriaceis nitidis obtusis cuspidatis, receptaculo plano alveolato paleaceo, 
floribus flavis radii 2 1-seriatis ligula oblonga apice 3-dentata disci $ tubu- 
losis 5-dentatis, styli ramis subulatis hirtis, acheniis obovoideis, pappi setis 
rufis rigidis subpaleaceis achenio multo longioribus. 

X. Drummondii, DC. Prod. vol. v. p. 94: Torr. Bot. Marcy Exped. t.10, sine 
descript ; A. Gray, Plant. Wright, vol. i. p. 98. 

Crntavripium Drummondii, Zorr. and Gr. Fl. N. Am. vol. ii. p. 246. 

A very handsome Centaury-like hardy annual, with golden 
flowers, discovered in Texas some fifty years ago, and since 
found by many collectors, but never introduced into European 
gardens till within the last few years. It was published both 
in Europe and America, and as a new genus, first as Xan- 
thisma, by the elder De Candolle in the Prodromus in 1836, 
and in about 1842 as Centawridium, by Torrey and Gray in the 
Flora of North America. 

Xanthisma is closely allied to the great American genus 
Haplopappus, which extends from California to Patagonia. 

he figure in “ Marcy’s Expedition ” is a very bad one, and 
represents the pappus as two distinctly double, the corolla of 
the ray as acute, which is owing to the margins being involute 
in a dry state ; it omits the hairs on the achenes, and the minute 
serratures of the foliage. This plant flowered in Kew in 
November last. 

Descr. A slender sparingly branched annual,one to three 
feet high, with slender twiggy branchlets that are smooth or 
slightly scaberulous. eaves scattered, three-quarters to one 
and a half inch long, sessile, linear or linear-oblong, or slightly 
dilated upwards, acute, with a deciduous awn at the tip, margin 

cartilaginous fringed with minute cartilaginous teeth, and some- 
times rather coarsely serrate; midrib obscure, nerves obso- 
lete. Heads one to one and a half inch in diameter, solitary, 
terminal, sessile or peduncled, golden yellow. Jnvolwere hemi- 
spherical, bracts in several series, green, coriaceous, the outer 
lanceolate, the inner spathulate, with broad pale serrate margins 
and awned tips. Receptacle flat, pitted, paleaceous. Ray-flowers 
numerous, female ; ligule oblong-lanceolate, three- toothed ; disk 
flowers tubular, hermaphrodite. Style arms linear-subulate, 
hairy. Achenes small, turgid, obovoid, ribbed, pubescent. 
Pappus of six to ten unequal rigid flattened shining rufous 
bristles.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Ray-flower and palea of receptacle ; 2, disk flower and pappus bristle :— — 
all magnified. 


“ee ge 

Tas. 6276. 

Native of Zanzibar. 

Nat. Ord. Liztackm.—Tribe ScrtEx. 

Genus Drimiopsis, Lindl, (Baker in Journ. Linn. Soe., vol. xiii. p. 226). 

Drimiorsis Kirkii, bulbo globoso tunicis membranaceis albidis truncatis, foliis 
6-8 lanceolatis subpedalibus pallide viridibus maculis copiosis saturatioribus 
decoratis acutis ad basin vix petiolatum longe angustatis, scapo subpedali, 
racemo angusto 3—4-pollicari floribus numerosis supremis abortivis, pedicellis 
patulis brevissimis, bracteis abortivis, perianthii segmentis oblongis apice 
leviter cucullatis interioribus diu conniventibus, filamentis omnibus lanceola- 
tis conformibus, stylo ovario xquilongo. 

D. Kirkii, Baker in Gard. Chron., 1874, part 2, p. 644, 

In 1871 Dr. Kirk sent to Kew from Zanzibar bulbs of two 
species of this curious and little-known genus. One of them 

_ proved to be D. dotryoides, which I described in the Linnean 
Proceedings from a couple of poor specimens, without any 
locality, in the collection of the late Judge Blackburn, of 
Mauritius, and the other, the present plant. All the known 
species of the genus resemble one another very closely in 
habit and flower; but there are two types of leaf, one with a 

distinct petiole and an oblong blade, after the fashion of a 

_ Lucharis or a Griffinia, a type of form very rare in Liliacem, 

and the other with the blade narrowed gradually from the 
middle to both ends and not furnished with any distinct 
petiole. This is the first species of the latter group that has 
been brought into cultivation. It flowered at Kew first in 
— July, 1873. 

___ Duscr. Bulb globose, one and a half inch in diameter, with 
_ thin whitish truncate tunics. eaves six to eight, cotempo- 
tary with the flowers, lanceolate, a foot long, one to one 
and a half inch broad above the middle, acute, narrowed 
gradually to the base, not distinctly petioled, very fleshy in 
texture, glabrous, pale green on the upper surface with 
large irregular blotches of dark green, still paler green beneath. 


Scape terete, a foot or more long. Laceme three to four — 
inches long, the upper flowers crowded ; those of the 
lower half laxer, many of the uppermost abortive ; pedicels 
very short; bracts abortive. Perianth white, a quarter of an inch 
long; segments oblong, obtuse, slightly cucullate at the tip, the 
three inner ones permanently connivent. /i/aments shorter 
than the perianth, lanceolate, uniform. Ovary globose ; style 
as long as the ovary ; stigma eapitate—J. G. B. , . 

Fig. 1, Flower; 2, stamens; 3, pistil ; 4, tranverse section of ovary :—all 
. magnified. 




Tas, 6277. 

- Native of New Granada. 

Nat. Ord. Lecuminos%.—Tribe BavnHIniEs. 

Genus Bavutnta, Linn. (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. i. p. 575.) 

Bavaria (Pauletia) petiolata; glaberrima, foliis simplicibus petiolatis distichis 
ovatis obtuse caudato-acuminatis basi rotundatis integerrimis 5-nerviis luride 
viridibus, petiolo basi et apice tumido, floribus paucis in racemum brevem 
terminalem dispositis brevissime crasse pedicellatis, calycis tubo brevi cam- 
panulato, limbo spathaceo obtuso_ basi fisso corolla breviore, petalis anguste 
obovato-spathulatis albis, staminibus exsertis, filamentis decurvis elongatis 
basi monadelphis, antheris anguste hastatis flavis supremo minore casso 
ovario gracile stipitato libero, stylo valido, stigmate 2-lobo. 

B. petiolata, Triana, MSS. 

Amani petiolata, Mutis Sem. Nuev. Granad. 1810, p. 25, ew DC. Prod. 
vol. ii. p. 25. 

Casparta speciosa, Hort. Lind. 

_ The genus Amaria was established by the Spanish botanist 
Mutis, and adopted by De Candolle, for this and an allied very 
interesting plant; unfortunately, the only character by which 
it could have been separated from Mr. Cavanilles’ older genus 
Pauletia is that attributed to it of having the stalk of the ovary 
adnate to the calyx, which however, as shown in our plate, 
is not the case; and it hence, together with Pauletia itself, 
falls into the huge genus Bauhinia. The anthers are repre- 
sented in our drawing (which was made in 1862) as uniform 
and also perfect, but in the dried specimen, preserved at the 
same time, the upper filament is shorter and its anther is im- 
perfect ; and the plant being now lost to the Gardens, I can- 
not determine whether the character is a constant one. The 
only other species of the section figured in this work is B. 
-forjicata (tab. 3741), which has two-lobed leaves and axillary 
flowers. : 
__B. petiolata was introduced by Linden from New Granada, — 
and by him was sent to Kew, where it flowered in October of 
the above-named year. I am indebted to the excellent New 

Granadan botanist M. Triana for identifying it with the plant 
of Mutis. 

Drscr. A glabrous shrub, with slender terete woody pen- 
dulous or inclined branches. eaves alternate, distichous, 
spreading, four to five inches long, ovate or almost deltoid, 
obtusely caudate-acuminate, quite entire, base rounded, with 
five slender nerves from the top of the petiole, reticu- 
lately veined, coriaceous, even, dark green; petiole very 
variable in length, one-half to one and a half inch long, 
slender, swollen at the apex and base. Flowers white, three | 
inches long, few together in a very short terminal subsessile © 
raceme ; rachis thick ; pedicels very short, placed close toge- 
ther; bracteoles minute, triangular. Calyx tube campanu- 
late, half an inch long; limb spathaceous and splitting at 
the base into five segments which cohere at the obtuse apex, 
cylindric and curved in bud. Petals white with a faint rosy 
tinge, narrowly obovate-spathulate. Stamens nearly three 
inches long, with white declinate then ascending filaments 
that are shortly monadelphous; anthers narrowly hastate, — 
nearly half an inch long, yellow. Ovary narrowly linear, 
with a slender free stipes, nearly half an inch long, gradually 
contracted into a stout style with a two-lobed thickened 
stigma.—J, D. H. 

Fig. 1, Tip of filament and anther; 2, pedicel and ovary :—both enlarged. 


invent Brockes Day’ Soni 

Tas. 6278. 
ONCIDIUM cuerornorum. 
Native of New Grenada. 

Nat. Ord. Orcuipe®.—Tribe Vandra. 

Genus Oncipium, Swartz. (Lindl. Fol. Orchid., Oncidium.) 

Oxorpt0m (Paucituberculata) cheirophorum ; pseudobulbis parvis ellipsoideis v. orbi- 
culatis compressis ancipitibus, foliis lineari-lanceolatis subacutis carinatis ; 
scapo filiformi foliis longiore, panicula angusta multi-densiflora subcylin- 
dracea nutante, floribus inter minoribus flavis nitentibus, sepalis petalisque 
parvis subsimilibus obovato-rotundatis concavis, sepalo supremo galeato, 
labello ampliato 3-lobo lobis lateralibus oblongis rotundatisve patenti-recurvis, 
intermedio orbiculato concavo emarginato, disco eallo tricruri ornato, columna 
brevi alis magnis dolabriformibus basi in processum cornutum producta, 

rostello elongato. 

Q. cheirophorum, Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. vol. x. 1852, p. 695, 697; Xen. Orchid. 
vol. 1, p. 191, t. 69; Walp. Ann. vi. 776, et in Gard. Chron. 1871, p. 168; 
Lindl. Fol. Orchid., Oncidium, p. 124. 

A charming, very sweet-scented little species, allied to the 
0. stramineum (Tab. 6254), but afar more elegant plant, with 
narrow leaves, an almost filiform scape, and brighter-coloured 
sparkling flowers. It was discovered by Warscewicz on the 
voleano of Chiriqui, at an elevation of 8000 feet, in New 
Grenada (near Panama) ; flowering in December, with the 
thermometer some few degrees above freezing point. It has 
been long cultivated on the continent, and first of all at 
Hamburgh, a town once so famous for the Orchid collections 
of its high office-bearer, as of Senator Janisch, and Consul 
Schiller ; and was soon thereafter introduced into England. 
It was flowered at Kew in December, 1872, from plants 
reared by Messrs. Veitch the previous year. 
Descr. Asmall species. Pseudobulbs aboutan inch long, orbi- 
cular or ellipsoid, much flattened, with sharp margins, smooth, 
finely wrinkled in age. Leaves three to six inches long, linear- 
lanceolate, acute, green, hardly narrowed into a petiole. Scape 
longer or shorter than the leaves, very slender, bearing an 
elongate, drooping, rather dense-flowered, contracted, sub- 
_ eylindric, very many-flowered panicle; branches short, slender, 

and branchlets horizontal and flexuous; bracts small, spread- 
ing, triangular-ovate, erect or recurved. Flowers one half 
inch diameter, bright yellow, with greenish sepals, not spotted. 
Sepals and Petals subequal, small, spreading and reflexed, 
orbicular-obovate, concave, the dorsal sepal galeate. Lip very 
much larger than the petals, three-lobed; lobes (and crests) 
variable, lateral orbicular or oblong, more or less recurved or 
auriculate towards the column; mid-lobes orbicular or broader 
than long, concave, emarginate; callus of the disk consisting 
of two lateral bosses and a central ridge which notched and 
truncate in front. Column stout, with two large spreading 
hatchet-shaped wings, a beaked rostellum, and a curved basal 
projecting horn.—/. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Side, and 2, front view of flower :—hboth enlarged. 


jay & Son imp 

oks 0 

Vincent Broc 


W Fitch del 

Tas. 6279, 

CORDIA prcanpra. 
” Native of Chile. 

Nat. Ord. Boracinea.—Tribe Corpiex. 

Genus Corpra, Plum. (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 838.) 

Corpta (sebestenoides)decandra, fruticosa, v. subarborea, pilis rigidulis aspera, ramulis 
teretibus, foliis sessilibus lineari-lanceolatis obtusis subacutisve marginibus 
revolutis supra scabridis et venis immersis rugosis subtus griseis, panicula ter- 
minali corymbosa laxa effusa foliosa, pedicellis gracilibus, calyce campanu- 
lato obtuse 3-5-lobo et 10-dentato pilis brunneis hispido, corolle tubo brevi 
infundibulari,‘limbo explanato albo breviter 10-lobo, antheris 10 vix exsertis, 
fructu ovoideo ligneo levissimo apiculato calyce fere incluso 4-valvatim fisso. 

C. decandra, Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. vol. i. p. 38. t. 10.; DC. Prod. vol. ix. 
Pp. 478; C. Gay, Flor. Chil. vol. ii. p. 455. 

A beautiful shrub, native of Central and Northern Chili, 
where it is well known for the excessive hardness of its wood, 
which is much used for charcoal, whence the local name of 
Carbon for the species is derived. The first information we 

possess of it is from specimens gathered in 1825 by Macrae, 
a collector in the employ of the Royal Horticultural Gardens, 
who visited Chili on his way to the N.W. coast of America ; 
since which period it has been met with by many botanists 
and voyagers. It is easy of cultivation and well worth a 
place in a warm greenhouse on account of the pure white of 
the blossoms that are copiously produced in spring. 

The following account of ‘the wood is given in the Ap- 
pendix to Mrs. Graham’s (afterwards Lady Calcott’s) ‘ Chili,’ 
‘Carbon grows in the districts of Guasco, Coquimbo, and 
Cuzcuz only. It is short and thick, and used for small articles 
of turnery, but it is incomparable for firewood. Two logs 
that might not each be more than a yard long and one-third 
thick, suffice to keep a stew boiling night and day, besides 
other kettles, enough for eight or ten people. Mr. Cruck- 
shanks, from whom there are specimens in the Hookerian 
Herbarium, states that the wood is extensively employed for 

fuel in smelting copper (as the dead and withered stems. of 
the cactus are for refining that metal) in the mining districts 
of Coquimbo, so that in many places the district is almost 
cleared of these plants. 

Cordia decandra was introduced by Messrs. Veitch, who 
sent the specimen here figured in May, 1879. : 

Descr. A shrub, rough to the touch from the copious short 
rigid hairs. Branches scabrid, terete, leafy. Leaves alternate, 
sessile, erect, spreading or deflexed, linear, lanceolate, obtuse 
or subacute, scabrid above and rugose with small veins, grey 
and pubescent beneath, with glabrous varied veins, margins 
recurved very strongly. Punicles lax, terminal, corymbose, 
many-flowered, drooping; peduncles and pedicels slender, 
tomentose. Flowers solitary or fascicled, Calyx campanulate, 
many-nerved, hispid with brown hairs, variously irregularly 
lobed and with 10-marginal subulate teeth. Corolla one to 
one-and-a-half inch in diameter, pure white; tube funnel- 
shaped; limb expanded, obtusely 10-lobed at the margin. 
Stamens 10, almost included, filaments slender, ciliate ; anthers 
small, yellow. Ovary conical; style slender, its divisions 
slender forked at the tip. Fruit like a hazel-nut, half to two- 
thirds inch long, almost enclosed in the calyx, hard, ovoid, 
apiculate, smooth, without any trace of a fleshy covering, 
four-celled, with four woody valves that partially separate 
from the woody axis and allow the seeds to escape.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Tube of corolla and stamen; 2, pistil :—both enlarged. 

Sei Seni? Ae be NRE nttinmimmmnitintin Mata seeenees Hi ee Bp tess EE 

Tas. 6280. 
Native of the Khasia Mountains. 

Nat. Ord. Littackm—tTribe AspipIsTRE®. 

Genus Tuptstra, Gawl. (Baker in Journ. Linn. Soe. vol. xiv. p. 580). 

TuristRa macrostigma ; rhizomate crasso ramoso, foliis binis lanceolatis longe 
petiolatis chartaceis viridibus, exterioribus rudimentariis in fibras dissolutis, 
pedunculo brevi erecto, spica laxa cernua, bracteis deltoideis, perianthi 
atropurpurei segmentis deltoideis tubo campanulato quilongis, stigmate 
magno peltato convexo margine 6-lobato tubum corolla et antheras occultante. 

T. squalida, Baker in Journ. Linn. Soc. loc. cit. partim, p. 130, t. 192, non Gawl. 

~ Macrosrrama tupistroides, Kunth, Enum. vol. v. p. 319; Hegel, Gartenflora, 



In my monograph of the Aspidistree just cited, judging from 
dried specimens alone, I joined all the species of Tupistra 
then clearly known into one. Now, upon study of living © 

specimens of this, I recognise that it is really distinct speci- 

fically from 7. squalida of Gawler, which inhabits the same 
country, and differs from the plant now in question by its 
more robust habit, broader leaves, denser spikes, and mate- 
rially smaller stigma. For making the plants two different 
genera, as Kunth has done, I certainly cannot see any good 

The native country of the present plant has never been 
stated. We have a considerable suite of specimens in the 

: Kew herbarium, gathered in the mountains of Khasia, at an 
- elevation of between two thousand and four thousand feet, by 
_ Griffithand Hooker and Thomson. There is a fine drawing 

at Kew yet unpublished, by Cathcart, of the true 7: squalida, 

from Sikkim. ‘The present drawing of 7. macrostigma was 

made from a plant which flowered in Kew Gardens in 

December, 1876, which was sent to the collection by Dr. 
- Regel in 1872. 

Descr. Rhizome like that of a Ginger, short, creeping, 

thick, much-branched ; floriferous tufts consisting usually of. 

two produced leaves, and the flower-stem, with several small 
sheath-leaves outside which split up into fibres.  Pettole 
dilated at the base, firm, erect, half a foot or more long, 
channelled down the face; blade lanceolate, acute, chartaceous, 
above a foot long, narrowed from above the middle to the 
point and petiole, bright green on both sides, with the 
copious fine regular veins rather oblique as regards the 
midrib. Peduncle dark purple, erect, two or three inches 
long. Spike drooping, lax, about as long as the peduncle; 
bracts large, deltoid, persistent. Perianth campanulate, dark 
purple, half an inch in diameter, the reflexing deltoid segments 
as long as the campanulate tube. Anthers sessile at the 
throat of the tube. Ovary globose, minute; style fleshy, 
cylindrical, reaching up to the top of the tube; stigma, large, 
peltate, fleshy, convex, distinctly six-lobed round the border, 
filling up the whole mouth of the tube and concealing the 
stamens.—/. D. Baker. 

Vig. 1, Flower cut open to show thé stigma; 2, a sixth part of the perianth, 
showing the shape and insertion of the anther :— both magnified. 


FincentBrooks Day & Son imp 

Tas. 6281. 5 

Native of the Himalaya Mountains. 

Nat. Ord. Lasrara.—Tribe NEPETE. 
Genus Dracoceruatum, Linn. (Benth. et Hook. fil. Gen. Plant. vol. ii. p. 1699)” 

Dnracocepuatum (Boguldia) speciosum ; ascendens Vv. erectum pubescenti-tomen- 
tosum v. subvillosum, foliis rugosis crenatis utrinque viridibus radicalibus 
longe-petiolatis late cordiformibus caulinis paucis sessilibus v. breviter 
petiolatis subtus laxe pilosis, floralibus orbiculatis subbracteseformibus, ver- 
ticillastris supremis in spicam latam oblongam obtusam dense congestis, 
‘bracteis inciso-crenatis calyce multo brevioribus, calyce infandibulari- 
campanulato curvo dentibus 4 triangulari-ovatis acutis quarto orbiculato 
dilatato, corolla purpurea albo maculata. 

D. speciosum, Benth in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. vol. ii. p. 65, nom Sweet; Gen. 
et Sp. Lab. p. 494; Wall, Cat. no. 2128. 

Discovered by Wallich’s collectors in Nepal, and afterwards 
almost simultaneously found by Madden in Garwhal, by 
Strachey and Winterbottom in Kumaon, and by myself in 
the Sikkim Himalaya, all at elevations ranging from 12000 to 
15000 feet above the sea, where it forms a robust handsome 
plant in grassy places. The genus is a very considerable 
one, containing many species well worth cultivation, espe- 
cially on a rock-work. It extends from Europe to the Altai 
and Himalaya, where about 30 species are known. Of these 
only one bas been previously figured in this work, the D. 
peregrinum, t. 1084, the D. sibiricum, t. 2185, being a true 
Nepete. The D. speciosum of Sweet’s Flower Garden, vol. 1. t. 
98, is Physostegia virginiana (see Benth. in DC. Prod. vol. xii. 
p. 404). 

The specimen here figured was received at Kew from the 
Rev. Mr. Harper Crewe, who raised it from seeds sent from 
Sikkim by Mr. Elwes. It flowered in June last. : 

Desc. More or less clothed with spreading pubescence or 
almost woolly. Root of very stout fleshy fibres. Séem, 

erect, or ascending at the base, very stout, simple, obtusely 
4-angled. Leaves dark-green, rugose, radical on petioles 
sometimes a foot long; blade cordiform, deeply lobed at the 
base, coarsely crenate, rugose ; cauline in few pairs, sessile or 
shortly petioled, more finely crenate, orbicular or cordiform, 
uppermost bracteiform. Upper whorls densely crowded into 
an oblong almost woolly head 1—4 inches long; bracts shorter 
than the calyx, incised; pedicels very short. Calyx 5 inch 
long, between bell-shaped and funnel-shaped, curved, with 
4 short triangular-ovate acute teeth, and one broadly dilated 
orbicular one. Corolla purple, spotted with white and darker 
purple, tube not much exceeding the calyx, dilated at the 
throat ; lips short; upper compressed hairy, 2-lobed ; lower 
with 2 rounded lateral lobes, and a reniform mid-lobe that is 
attached by a broad claw. Stamens short, filaments ciliate ; 
anther-cells divaricate. Disk fleshy, produced behind. 
J.D. H. 

Fig. 1, Flower; 2, corolla laid open; 3, calyx and style; 4, disk and ovary: 
—all enlarged, 


k j cf a = 
Vince. Brooiss Day & 

Tas., 6282. 

Native of Ceylon and the Malay Archipelago. 

Nat. Ord. Cyprrack®.—Tribe HypoLytTre”&. 
Genus Hyrorytrum, Rich. (Endl. Gen. Plant, p. 116). 

Hyvotytrem latifolium ; culmis robustis 2-4 pedalibus levibus trigonis foliosis, 
foliis culmum longe excedentibus late linearibus $-1 poll. latis plicatis 
3-nerviis striatis rigidulis marginibus et interdum nervis subtus serrulato- 
scaberulis, corymbis terminalibus foliaceo-bracteatis, ramis robustis erecto- 
patentibus, ramulis divaricatis, spiculis floriferis cylindraceo oblongis pedi- 
cellis paullo longioribus, fructiferis squarrosis, squamis obovatis obtusis 
apiculatis obscure 8-nerviis, glumis 2 demum liberis carinatis, carina 
ciliolata, floribus diandris, stigmatibus 2, fructu squamam vix superante 
ellipsoideo-ruguloso apice acuto demum incrassato obtuso. 

HZ. latifolium, Rich. in Pers. Synops. vol. i. p.70; Kunth, Enum. vol. ii. p. 271 5 
Benth. Flor. Hongk. p. 389; Thwaites, Enum. Pl. Ceylon, p. 346; Kurz in 
Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xxxviii (1869) pt. 2, p. 72. 

H. giganteum, Wall. Cat. No. 3404; Nees in Wight's Contrib. p. 93, et in 
Linnea, vol. ix. p. 288. 

H. diandrum, Dietr. Sp. vol. ii. p. 365. 
ALBIKIA scirpoides, Presi, Rel. Henk, vol. 1, p. 185, t. 35. 
Scnanvs nemorum, Vahl, Symb. iii. p. 8; Enum, vol. ii. p. 227. 

Tuca diandre, Roxb. Fi. Ind., vol. i. p. 184. 

It is very rarely that a Cyperaceous plant+has found a place 
in the Botanica, Magazine. Now, however, that elegance 
of form is beginning to be appreciated in cultivation, both 
Graminew and Cyperacee will claim a consideration which 
has hitherto been but grudgingly awarded to them. The 
plant here figured was sent to Kew from Ceylon by Dr. 
Thwaites, an excellent judge of what is horticulturally an 
acquisition, as a very ornamental one, and well worthy of 
cultivation in a tropical house. And this it has proved from 
its graceful bright green foliage, its rich brown inflorescence, 

and its permanent freshness. The genus Hypolytrum is a 

thoroughly tropical one, found in all three Continents, and 
the species have wide ranges; the present extends from 
Hindostan and Ceylon to China and the Fiji Islands, and has 
been identified with an African species. It is common in 
mountain woods of Ceylon, and in the Malay Peninsula, but 
has not been found in northern India. It was raised from 
seeds sent by Dr. Thwaites to Kew, and flowers at various 

Descr. Culms, two to four feet high, stout, trigonous 
with obtuse smooth angles. eaves much longer than the 
culm, often an inch broad, three-nerved, and closely striated, 
plaited, rather rigid ; margins, and often the nerves beneath, 
minutely serrulate. Inflorescence a depressed corymbose 
cyme, often four inches long, and broad, the lower branches 
with large leafy bracts, the upper with smaller, more 
rigid ones; main-branches trigonous, stout, erecto-patent ; _ 
branchlets short, rigid, spreading horizontally. Spikelets one 
quarter of an inch long, cylindric-oblong, longer than their 
pedicels, of eight to twelve closely imbricate obovate, obtuse, 
apiculate, round-backed, broad-keeled, brown opaque scales, 
that spread in fruit, and are very persistent. Glwmes two, op- 
posite, included, much shorter than the scales, at first 
connate, easily separated, keel ciliolate. Stamens two, ex- 
serted ; anthers shortly oblong. Style distinct : stigmas two. 
Fruit ellipsoid, turgid, rough, dark brown, and opaque, at — 
first acute, then obtuse with a thickened tip.—J. D. H _ 

Fig. 1, Spikelet; 2, glumes and flower; 3, glumes and ovary; 4, ovary 
removed :—all enlarged. 


Vincent Brooks 


Day & Son f 



Tas. 6283. 

Natiwe of Brazil ? 

Nat. Ord. Sotanack&.—Tribe Soranna. 
Genus Soranum, Linn. (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. ii. p. 888.) 

Sonantm «acanthodes ; fruticosum, furfuraceo-tomentosum et aculeatum, aculeis 
validis rectis v. lente curvis pallidis, foliis late obovato- v. ovato-oblongis 
pinnatifidis pubescentibus basi cordato 2-lobis, lobis horizontalibus obtusis 
sinnato-lobulatis, costa nervisque rectangularibus ochraceis utrinque aculeatis, 
petiolo robusto cylindraceo, cymis scorpioideis lateralibus 6-10-floris, pedi- 
cellis aculeolatis, alabastris ovoideis semipollicaribus, calycis parvi setosi tubo 
hemispherico lobis ovato-lanceolatis subacutis, corolla ampla 24 poll. diam. 
lobis ovato-rotundatis late marginatis, antheris lineari-oblongis 2 porosis, ovario 

This fine Solanum was for some years an ornament of the 
Palm-stove at Kew, but I am not certain of its origin ; it 
bore the name of S. acanthocalyx, Klotzsch; and as that 
author was keeper of the Royal Herbarium of Berlin at the 
time, it is probable that the plant was derived from the 
Berlin garden. It is not however the true S. acanthocalyz, 
which is a Mozambique plant, described as having two 
flowered peduncles which are densely aculeate. Its nearest 
ally is undoubtedly the S. macranthum, Dunal (DC. Prod. vol. 
xiii. pars 2, p. 315), a native of the Amazons, of which 
there are fine specimens from Spruce in the Herbarium at Kew, 
which differ in the broader, shorter, more rounded sinuately- 
lobed leaves, in the much larger buds and calyx, which and 
the pedicels are not at all or very rarely aculeate, not densely 
shortly setose asin our plants. The S. macranthum of this 
work again (t. 4138), and of the Revue Horticole (1867, p. 
132) is a very different plant, with the leaf-blade decurrent 
on the petiole, and is the §S. marionense, Poit. I find no 
species out of the many hundred in the Kew Herbarium, nor 
in the descriptions of Dunal, at all agreeing in this, of which 
I am obliged reluctantly to make a new species. The figure 
was made in August, 1863. 

Descr. Shrubby, clothed with a mealy tomentum, and 
scattered stout, pale, straight, or slightly curved prickles. Stem 

MARCH Ist, 1877, 

and branches dark green and bright orange, the younger ones 
wholly orange. Leaves a foot long and upwards, ovate or 
obovate-oblong, pinnatifidly lobed to the middle or lower, 
deeply two-lobed at the base, dull green; lobes horizontal, 
sinuate, subacute ; midrib and horizontal nerves orange-red ; 
prickles scattered on the midrib and nerves of both surfaces ; 
petiole robust, cylindric, armed with scattered stout prickles. 
Cymes lateral, scorpioid, 6—10-flowered; rachis and pedicels 
clothed with short prickles, reddish yellow. Flowers two and 
a half inches in diameter, pale blue-purple. Calyz-tube green, 
hemispherical, and its lobes stellately hairy, both clothed with 
short stiff bristles; lobes one quarter of an inch long, recurved, 
ovate-lanceolate, subacute, green. Corolla nearly flat, lobed 
to about the middle, the lobes rounded apiculate, margins 
concolorous waved. Anthers about one quarter the length of the 
corolla, narrowly linear-oblong, yellow, with two apical pores, 

filaments very short. Ovary glabrous ; base of style pubescent. 
—J. D. A. 

Fig. 1, Calyx and ovary :—enlarged. 




tied sate eames #8 MESS” 


y & Son. 


Vincent Brooks ! 

Tas. 6284. 

GONC GORA portTEnTosa. 
Native of New Grenada. 

Nat. Ord. OrncuiwEa:.—Tribe VanpEx. 

Genus Goncora, Ruiz and Pav. (Endl. Gen. Pl. vol. i. p. 199.) 

Goncora portentosa; pseudobulbis conico-ovoideis, foliis elliptico-lanceolatis, 
pedunculo elongato, racemo laxo multifloro pendulo, floribus longo-pedicellatis 
pallide carneis petalis columna labellique disco violaceo-punctatis, sepalo 
dorsali unguiculato lamina ovato-lanceolata acuminata, lateralibus late-ovato- 
oblongis acutis basi lata oblique truncata, petalis linearibus falcatis caudato- 
acuminatis, labello crasse carnoso compresso medio incrassato et antice trun 
cato superne tentaculis 2 retrorsis instructo apice in caudam rectam v. 
apice decurvam abrupte angustato, columna gracile exalata. 

G. portentosa, Reichb. and Lind. in Gard. Chron 1869, p. 892; André in I’ Lilust. 
Horticol. vol. xviii. p. 92, t.61. 

A very remarkable species of a genus already well known 
for the grotesque forms assumed by its flowers, and for the 
adaptation of these to ensuring cross-fertilization by insects. 
In the present genus the upturned margins of the lip, as 
observed by Mr. Darwin (Fertilization of Orchids, p. 276), 
no doubt act as lateral guides to lead insects up to stand 
beneath the middle of the rostellum and carry the pollen. 

The genus Gongora is rapidly being recruited with new 
Species from tropical America, and especially the Andes, 
Only two are enumerated in Lindley’s Genera and Species of 
Orchidew ; upwards of fifteen species are now known, and 
we have drawings of other unfigured ones. The present one 
is a native of Cundinamarca, in the province of Bogota, and 
was discovered by Mr. Wallis in 1868. It has been widely 
distributed by M. Linden, and the specimen here figured, 
flowered with Mr. Bull, of Chelsea, in April, 1874. 

Descr. Pseudobulb two to three inches long, between 
ovoid and conical, faintly-grooved, dark green. Leaves six to 
ten inches long, elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate. Scape slender, 
very pale; bracts small. Raceme pendulous, laxly many- 

MARCH Ist, 1877. 

flowered. Flowers on slender pedicels, one and a half to two 
and a half inches long, pale flesh-coloured; the sepals faintly — 
speckled with red purple; the petals, column, front 
and sides of the lip nearly white and closely speckled with 
violet purple; the lower part of the lip golden -yellow. 
Dorsal sepal with a slender claw adnate to the column, and 
an ovate-lanceolate acuminate blade; lateral sepals very much 
broader, broadly oblong-ovate, acute, spreading, finally undu- 
late. Petals narrow linear, strongly falcate, adnate below 
to the sides of the column, terminating in slender filiform 
awns. Lip very large, laterally compressed, almost boat- 
shaped, obliquely truncate in front, the everted lips white 
and’ spotted with purple, and furnished each with a recurved 
slender awn; tip abruptly contracted into a stouter awn; 

sides smooth, shining. Colwmn very slender, curved.— 
Fi Dill, 

Fig. 1, Lip and column :—enlarged. 

W Vide dol oh Tu Vincent, Brooks Day & Son imp 

Tas. 6285. 
BORONIA  gExattor. 

Native of South Western Australia. 

Nat. Ord. Ruracka.—Tribe Boroniex. 

Genus Boronia, Smith. (Benth. et Hook. J. Gen. Plant. vol. i. p. 291) 

Boronia (Heterandre) elatior ; frutex elatus floribundus, ramis patentim pilosis, 
foliis pinnatis, pinnis 5-13 linearibus planis rigidiusculis glabris v. pilosis, 
rachi inter pinnas subdilatata, floribus axillaribus cernuis, pedunculis 
petiolum xquantibus 2-bracteolatis, sepalis ovatis acutis, corolle subglobose 
fusco-rubre petalis orbiculatis apiculatis imbricatis, filamentis brevibus 
subulatis ciliolatis, oppositipetalis incurvis antheris minutis flavis, alternis 
crassioribus antheris magnis atris sterilibus, ovario hirsuto, stigmate maximo 
pyramidato obtuso basi 4-lobo. 

B. elatior, Bartl. in Plant. Preiss. vol. i. p. 170; Benth; Fl. Austral. vol. i. p. 316° 
B. semifertilis, Muell. Fragm. Phytol. Austral. vol. ii. p. 98. ' 

A near ally of the sweet-scented B. megastigma, tab. 6046, 
and like it belonging to a small group of the extensive genus 
with dimorphous anthers and enormously large stigmas, which 
is confined to Western Australia. Though a very distinct 
Species it is a variable one, especially in the amount of pubes- 
cence, which is almost absent or so copious that the branches 
are almost hirsute with soft-spreading hairs. Its neat habit 
andabundanceof red-brown flowers, which in well-grown species 
completely hide one side of the branch, render it well worthy of 
cultivation, as indeed are almost all the species of this genus, 

Nearly fifty species of Boronia areknown, they inhabit heathy 
and rocky places in Ausiralia, and with the various Epacridece 
and Zetrathecas, etc., form one of the most beautiful features 
of the scenery. About fifteen species have been raised and 
figured in England, but it would be difficult to find half of 
them now, so entirely has the cultivation of Australian plants 
been superseded by easier grown soft-wooded things. 

MARCH Ist, 1877, 

B. elatior was introduced by Messrs. Veitch, who sent speci- 
mens for figuring in May, 1876, at which time also it 
flowered at Kew. 

Descr. A slender twiggy erect shrub, four to five feet high, 
and much branched. Stem and branches more or less clothed 
with long soft, rather distant spreading hairs. Leaves close 
set, uniform and rather distichous on the flowering branches, 
one to two inches long, by one-half to three-quarters inch 
broad, pinnate; rachis slightly dilated between the pinne 
which are in 2-6 pairs with an odd one, sessile, linear, 
acuminate, flat, quite entire. J/owers very numerous on the 
branches, drooping, shortly peduncled ; peduncle glabrous or 
hairy, with two small bracts about the middle. Sepals broadly 
ovate, acuminate. Corolla dark, red-brown, nearly globose ; 
petals nearly orbicular, apiculate, much imbricate. Stamens 
8, filaments very short, subulate ; those opposite the sepals 
with small yellow anthers placed under the stigmatic lobes ; 
then alternate with large black anthers. Ovary pubescent, 
hid under the obtusely pyramidal stigma, which is 4-lobed at 
the base.—J. D. H. | 

Fig. 1, Portion of leaf; 2, peduncle and flower: 3, flower with petals removed 
—all enlarged. 


WAitedel et Lith 
: Vincent Brooks Day & Son Imp 

Tan, 6286. 

PECTIS aneusrrroria. 
Native of New Mexico and Western Texas. 

Nat. Ord. Compostra.—Tribe HELenrowER., 

Genus Peocris, Linn. (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. ii. p- 412.) 

Preis angustifolia ; annua, glaberrima, caule basi simplici superne dichotome 
corymboso ramosissimo, ramis obscure angulatis, foliis lineari-subulatis 
acutis marginibus incrassatis glanduliferis basin versus ciliis paucis subulatis 
instructis, capitulis terminalibus breviter pedunculatis, involucri bracteis 
8 coriaceis dorso convexis, floribus radii ad 8, ligula elliptica emarginata, 
disci 10-12 tubo puberulo, acheniis angustis estriatis puberulis, pappi squa- 
mellis minutis. 

P. angustifolia, Vorr. in Ann. Lye. New York, vol. ii. p. 214; A Gray in Pl. 
Wright, pars 1. p. 83. Plant. Fendl. p. 61; Coulter, Syn. Flor. Colorado, 
. 55. 

Pp ‘ 
P. fastigiata, A. Gray. Plant Fendl. p. 62. 
Pecriporsis angustifolia, D.C. Prod. vol. v. p- 98. 

A very pretty annual, forming dense golden cushions in its 
native country, from the excessively branched corymbose 
habit of the plants which grow close together, and the abun- 
dance of flowering heads that open at the same time. It 
was found by all the early travellers in New Mexico, that 
Colorado district, ete., as by James, Coulter, Gregg, as well 

as by the later travellers, as Fremont, Wright, Fendler, ete.; 
and it was introduced into cultivation by Mr. Thompson, of 
Ipswich, in 1865, who sent specimens in that year to Kew. 

The genus Pectidopsis, founded by the elder DeCandolle 

for this plant, on the form of the pappus, has rightly been 
sunk in Pectis by Asa Gray. The organism in question being 
not only very variable in the genus, but in the present species, 
in which it consists of sometimes five pointed scales, at others, 
of retrorsely serrulate bristles, at others of 1-2-awned scales. 
Descr. A glabrous annual, six to ten inches high. Stem 
simple at the base, then excessively dichotomously branched 
in acorymbose manner. Leaves opposite, all cauline, one to one 
_ anda half inches long, linear-subulate, apiculate; margin’s 

‘MARCH Ist, 1877. 

thickened with a few oblong oil-glands, and a few subulate cilia 
towards the base. Heads very numerous, crowded, shortly 
peduncled, half to three-quarters inch in diameter, golden- 
yellow. Involucre cylindric, of about eight erect linear obtuse 
coriaceous bracts that are convex and smooth on the back. Kay- 
flowers about eight, tube short, slender; limb elliptic, ob- 
tusely notched at the apex.  Disk-flowers with a slender 
puberulous tube and campanulate 5-toothed limb. Style of 

ray with two linear obtuse awns ; of disk, slightly thickened, | 

truncate, and notched. Achene linear, cylindric, pubescent. — 
Pappus in our specimens of very minute scales.—/. Dy, #4. 

Fig. 1, Leaf; 2, head; 3, disk-flower; 4, ray-flower; 5, achene :—<all enlarged. 

Vincent Brooke Day & Son inp 


Tas. 6287. 
CAMASSIA xscunenta, var, LEICHTLINII. 
Native of British Columbia. 

Nat. Ord. Lintackz.—Tribe Scottie. 
Genus Camassta, Lindl. (Baker in Journ. Linn. Soe. vol. xiii. p. 256). 

Camassia esculenta var. Leichtlinii ; foliis lineari-loratis, racemo laxo subpedali 
interdum furcato, pedicellis 6-12 lin. longis apice distincte articulatis, 
perianthii 12-15 lin. longi albi segmentis dorso 7-nervatis. 

Cutorocatum Leichtlinii, Baker in Gard. Chron, 1874, p. 689. 

This is a third subspecies of Quamash, differing from the 
well-known Camassia esculenta, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1486, 
by its more robust habit, broader leaves, laxer sometimes 

- compound raceme, and larger flowers with more numerous 

nerves in the keel of the segments of the perianth. At first, 
led by its compound raceme and distinctly articulated 
pedicels I was inclined to place it in the genus Chiorogalum, 

_ but now after having seen further and better specimens, I am 

convinced that the present is its correct position. It was dis- 
covered by Mr. John Jeffrey in British Columbia in 1853. As 
a garden plant my first knowledge of it was derived from 
our indefatigable correspondent, Max Leichtlin, Esq. The 

_ present sketch was taken from a plant which flowered on the 

rockery in Kew Gardens in May, 1873. The ordinary 

‘ eolour of the flowers of @. esculenta and of C. Fraseri, its 

representative in the Eastern States, is blue, but in all the 
specimens which I have seen of the present plant the flowers 
are white. 

Descr. Bulb globose, one and a half inch in diameter, with 
brown membranous tunics. Leaves about half-a-dozen in a 
basal rosette, linear-lorate, a foot or a foot and a half long at 
the flowering time, an inch or more broad low down, 
narrowed gradually to the point. Scape one and a half to 
two feet long, terete. Raceme a foot long, sometimes 

branched ; pedicels solitary, erecto-patent, half an inch to an 

inch long, distinctly articulated at the tip ; bracts lanceolate, 

MARCH Ist, 1877, 3 

persistent, equalling or exceeding the pedicels. Perianth 
white, one inch to an inch and a quarter long, the lanceolate 
segments spreading horizontally when fully expanded, — 
furnished with a keel of seven distinct ribs. Stamens about 
half as long as the perianth. Ovary oblong; style subulate ; 
stigma obscurely bicuspidate.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, The pistil, complete; 2, horizontal section of the ovary :— both 

i a a let ie a tte ne a eae er 

Tas. 6288. 

Native of the Andes of New Grenada. 

Nat. Ord. OrcoipEea.—Tribe PLEUROTHALLIDES. 

Genus Restrepra, HW. B. and K.; Lindl. Fol. Orehid. 

Resrrepia antennifera ; caulibus fasciculatis simplicibus strictis vaginatis, vaginis 
subinflatis, foliis breviter petiolatis ovatis obtusis basi rotundatis v. cordatis, 
seapis gracilibus, sepalo dorsali lanceolato serrulato in caudam elongatam 
erecto-recurvam apice clavellatam producto, lateralibus labello suppositis 
lineari-oblongis in laminam oblongam denticulatam apice 2-lobam basin ver- 
sus utrinque appendice subulato instructam connatis flavidis creberrime 
kermesino guttatis, petalis filiformibus basi lanceolatis apice clavellatis, 
labello parvulo panduriformi obtuso sepalis lateralibus appresso iisque con- 
colore, columna gracili marginibus erosis. 

R. antennifera, H. B. and K. Nov. Gen. and Sp. vol. i. p. 294, t. 94; Lindl. Gen, 
and Sp, Orchid. 14; Id. Fol. Orchid Restrepia, p.1; Reichb. in Walp. Ann. 
vol. vi. p. 203; Lemaire, [1. Hortie. t. 601. 

R. maculata, Lindl. Orchid. Lind. 

This, the first discovered and described species of the sin- 
gular genus Restrepia, has not hitherto been accurately figured 
and described. Humboldt’s plate, which though done from a 
dried specimen, is very characteristic in most particulars, 
represents a proliferously 2-leaved state, and omits the serru- 
lation of the outer perianth segments and margins of the 
column, as also the free tips of the lateral sepals, whilst Le- 
maire represents the stem sheaths as uniformly lacerate and 
terminated by a filiform point, and omits both the serrula- 
tion of the perianth, etc., and the subulate processes on the 
outer margins of the lateral sepals. 

R. antennifera was discovered by Humboldt on the trunks 
of trees near Pasto, at an elevation of 9000 feet (French), 
and it has since been found by several travellers in different 
localities in New Grenada, between 6000 and 10,500 feet, 
and in Venezuela. Our plant flowered in the cool orchid- 
house at Kew, in January of the present year. 

Descr. Stems tufted, stout, simple, erect or ascending, 
April. Ist, 1877. 

two to four inches high, clothed with loosely imbricating 
sheaths which have obtuse oblique mouths and are white spotted 
with red. Zeaf two and a half to three and a half inches 
long, shortly stoutly petioled, ovate, obtuse or subacute, 
rounded or cordate at the base. Scapes longer than the 
leaves, very slender, 1-flowered; bract appressed. Dorsal 
sepal one and a half inches long, lanceolate, tapering into a 
filiform tail with a clubbed red-purple tip; blade serrulate, 
pale yellow, with three lines of red-purple dots. Lateral 
sepals united into a linear-oblong serrulate lamina as long 
as the upper sepal, 2-lobed at the tip, and with a subulate 
appendage on each margin towards the base, slightly longi- 
tudinally folded, yellow with eight to ten close-set rows of 
large red spots. Petals like the dorsal sepal, but very much 
smaller. Jp very small, appressed to the lateral sepals, 
oblong-panduriform, rounded at the tip. Column slender, 
pale, with narrow serrulate wings.—/. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Flower with lateral petals removed :—enlaryed. 


Tas. 6289. 

Native of New Grenada. 


Genus Catuirurunia, Herbert ; (Kunth, Enum. vol. v. p. 692). 

Catiipurouria edentata; bulbo ovoideo tunicato, foliis circiter 4 longe petiolatis 
oblongis viridibus, venis pluribus perspicuis arcuatis, pedunculo pedali vel 
Sesquipedali subcompresso, umbellis 6-8-floris, spathe valvis lanceolatis, 
pedicellis flore multo brevioribus, ovario ovoideo-trigono, perianthii infun- 
dibularis sesquipollicaris segmentis oblongis tubo equilongis flore expanso 
falcatis, staminibus limbo subduplo brevioribus, filamentis linearibus in- 
terdum exappendiculatis interdum dente parvo prope basin praedito, stylo 
perianthio subsequilongo apice stigmatoso leviter trieuspidato. 

This is a plant which has been in English gardens for 
many years, and in the absence of flowers has passed for 
Eucharis candida. “Lately it has flowered at several places 
almost simultaneously, and it turns out to be no Lucharis at 
all; but a near neighbour of the Calliphruria Hartwegiana 
which was figured in the Botanical Magazine last year (tab. 
6259). The present plant, however, differs materially from 
C. Hartwegiana in the filaments, in which the toothing is some- 
times entirely wanting, so that for the botanical systematist it 
forms an awkward connecting link between the tribes Amary/- 
idee and Pancratiee. he Eucharis candida which was dis- 
tributed by Mr. William Bull in 1876, and which was 
figured in his catalogue for that year, is the true plant so 
called by Planchon. The present plate was made from a 
specimen sent by Mr. G. R. Sheath, which flowered in the 
garden of M. H. Beaufoy, Esq., at South Lambeth in De- 
cember, 1876. : 

Duscr. Bulb ovoid, one and a half inch in diameter, with 
a few brown membranous tunics. eaves about four to a 
bulb, cotemporary with the flowers; petiole nearly a foot 
long, channelled down the face; blade oblong, acute, bright 

APRIL Ist, 1877. 

green, rather fleshy, six to eight inches long by more than half — 
as broad, with many distinct arching ribs. Pedunele one to 
one and a half foot long, slightly compressed. Flowers six 
to eight in an umbel; spathe-valves lanceolate ; pedicels half 
to three-quarters inch long; unexpanded flowers suberect ; 
expanded flowers horizontal or drooping, scentless. Ovary 
green, ovoid-trigonous, quarter inch long; perianth pure 
white, funnel-shaped, one and a half inch long, the oblong 
segments half as long as the tube, spreading falcately when 
the flower is fully expanded. Séamens inserted at the throat 
of the tube, about half as long as the segments; filaments 
linear; sometimes entirely without any tooth, sometimes 
furnished with a more or less distinct tooth at the base on 
one or both sides ; anthers yellow, linear-oblong ; style as long. 

as the perianth, obtusely lobed at the stigmatose tip.—J. @. 

Fig. 1. Flower, cut open ; 2, horizontal section of the ovary :—both magnified. 

aS ean a aR eer 


Tas. 6290, 

Native of Tropical America. 

Nat. Ord. Rusracrm.—Tribe RonpELETIER. 

Genus Ronveretia, Linn. (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. ii. p. 48.) 

Ronpevetia Backhousii; fere glaberima, caule gracili, ramis teretibus, toliis 
breviter petiolatis elliptico-ovatis subacutis supremis ovatis sessilibus, nervis 
remotis arcuatis, stipulis triangulari-subulatis, paniculis terminalibus amplis 
ramosis basi foliaceo-bracteatis, bracteis ad axillas linearibus v. lineari- 
oblongis, bracteolis subulatis, floribus breviter gracile pedicellatis 5-meris, 
calycis puberuli tubo subgloboso, limbi lobis obovato-oblongis v.-linearibus 
obtusis v. acutis corolle tubo gracili dimidio terve brevioribus, corolle 
rose lobis rotundatis, fauce glaberrima, ore obscure annulato, staminibus 
medio tubo-insertis, filamentis brevibus, antheris inclusis lienari-oblongis 
sequilongis, stylo brevi, stigmatibus linearibus. 

This charming plant was received from Messrs. Backhouse 
of York, about the year 1860, without locality or name, and 
has been cultivated ever since in the Palm-house at Kew, 
where it flowers freely annually in autumn, but does not 
fruit. I have in vain endeavoured to name it, but it agrees 
with no described species, nor is there any at all like it in 
the Herbarium, except one from the Ecuadorian Andes, 
collected by: Spruce (n. 5116), which has lanceolate acumi- 
nate leaves that are very pubescent beneath in the young 
State, and have many nerves. The genus is a very large one, 
including upwards of 60 species, and extends from Mexico to 
South Brazil. Their flowers are probably dimorphic, the males 
having short styles and stamens comparatively high up the 
tube; in which case our plant is a male. I have named it 
in compliment to its introducers, Messrs. Backhouse, of York, 
who can give me no information as to its origin, but suppose 
that it was obtained from their continental correspondent. 

_Descr. A small shrub, glabrous in all its parts, except the 
pedicels, calyx and corolla-tube, which are minutely pubescent. 
Stems and branches slender, terete, green. Leaves opposite, 
shortly petioled, four to nine inches long, ovate, subacute, 
membranous, green with red petiole and veins beneath ; 

APRIL Ist, 1877. 

veins arched, few, distant; stipules triangular-subulate, ap- 
pressed, persistent. Panicle terminal, erect, laxly many- 
flowered, trichotomously branched, the lower branches spring- 
ing from the axils of subsessile ovate acuminate leaves; 
bracts linear-oblong, green, rather appressed to the branches ; 
bracteoles subulate. Flowers pedicelled, half to three-quarter 
inch long, rose-coloured. Calyax-tube nearly globose ; limb 
of five linear-obovate acute or obtuse segments. Corolla-tube 
slender, twice or thrice as long as the calyx-lobes, pubescent ; 
Limb one-third of an inch diam., lobes rounded ; mouth with 
an obscurely thickened ring ; throat glabrous. Séamens small, 
inserted in the middle of the tube, with short filaments and 
linear-oblong included anthers. Style very short, stigmatic- 
lobes linear.—J..D.H. 

Fig.1, Flower with calyx lobes removed and corolla laid open; 2, flower with 
corolla removed :—both enlarged. 

6251 - 

W. Fitch 4 & Lith. 

‘Tas. 6291. 

GLADIOLUS ocurotevevs. 
Native of the Transvaal territory and Kaffraria. 

Nat. Ord. Intpackam.—Tribe GLapIoLex. 

Genus Graprotus, Linn. (Baker in Journ. Linn. Soe, vol, xvi., inedit). 

GuiapioLus ochroleucus; bulbo ovoideo tunicis membranaceo-fibrosis,  foliis 
basalibus 4-6 linearibus pedalibus acuminatis rigide coriaceis glabris 
marginibus et cost’ incrassatis ‘stramineis, caule foliis breviore foliis 1-2. 
reductis vaginato, racemo semipedali 10-15 floro inferne laxo, spathe valvis 
6-12 lin. longis viridibus acutis margine membranaceis, exteriore oblongo- 
lanceolata, interiore lanceolata, perianthii sulphurei sesquipollicaris tubo 
curvato cylindrico segmentis oblongis unguiculatis obtusis tubo duplo 
longioribus, tribus inferioribus decurvatis angustioribus, staminibus perian- 
thio distincte brevioribus, antheris ligulatis mucronatis, stylo profunde 

G. ochroleucus, Baker in Trimen Journ., 1876, p. 182. 

3 This new Gladiolus belongs to a group of which we now 

< know upwards of a dozen species, all of which are compara- 

tively recent discoveries, marked in the subgenus Ewgladiolus 

by flat leaves and flowers, much smaller than in the great 

ensiform-leaved kinds, such as psittacinus, cardinalis, and 

Coopert. The species of this group which have been already 

figured in the Botanical Magazine, are G. sericeo-villosus, 

tab. 5427, G@. Papilio, tab. 5565 and G. purpureo-auratus, 

tab. 5944; the present plant was discovered by the 

Rey. R. Baur, in Transkeian Kaffraria, and was first 

a sent to the Kew harbarium by our indefatigable cor- 

- respondent, Mr. McOwan in 1874. . Mr. Baur describes 

it as growing in grassy places at an elevation of 

two thousand feet above sea-level, and flowering in March. 

We owe the introduction of it in a living state to Mr. 

Bull, who imported it from the Transvaal territory and 
flowered it last autumn. 

Derscr. Bulb ovoid, under an inch in diameter, the mem- 
branous tunics rather splitting up into fibres. Basal leaves 
four to six, produced in a distichous rosette, linear, reaching 
a length of twelve to fifteen inches, and a breadth of half an 

APRIL Ist, 1877, : 

inch, rigidly coriaceous, glabrous, acuminate, the midrib and 
margins thickened and straw-coloured. Stem under a foot 
long, slender, sheathed by one or two reduced leaves. 
Spike simple, half a foot long, ten to fifteen flowered, lax 
in the lower half; spathe-valves half to one inch long, acute, 
green with a membranous colourless edge and tip, the outer 
one oblong-lanceolate, the inner one lanceolate.  Perianth 
primrose-yellow, fifteen to eighteen lines long; tube curved, 
cylindrical, three-eighths of an inch long ; segments all oblong- 
unguiculate, obtuse, twice as long as the tube, the three 
upper ones arching, about half an inch broad, the three lower 
ones decurved, a quarter to one-third inch broad. Stamens 
distinctly shorter than the perianth-segments; anthers one- 
third inch long, ligulate, cuspidate. S/yle deeply three-— 
— the stigmas just overtopping the anthers.—J. @. 

Fig. 1. Anther, with part of filament; 2, upper part of style, showing the 
three stigmatose forks :— both magnified. 


ae - * 


es sahathigte wag (rt cay 
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Tas. 6292. 
AGAVE (irra) Sartori. 

Native of Mexico and Guatemala. 

Nat. Ord. AmaryLLipAcE%.—Tribe AGAvER. 

Genus Acave, Zinn ( Jacobi in Hamburg Gartenzeit., 1864, et anni seq.). 

AGave (Littea) Sartorii ; breviter caulescens, caudice interdum furcato, foliis cir- 
citer 30 laxe rosulatis lanceolatis bipedalibus carnoso-coriaceis viridibus 
seepissime albido-vittatis, e medio ad apicem angustatis, mucrone terminali 
haud pungente, aculeis marginalibus minutis crebris patentibus deltoideis 
inequalibus castaneis, scapo foliis 2-3-plo longiore foliis reductis pluribus 
linearibus erectis predito, panicula cylindrica subspicata tripedali cernua, 
pedunculis et pedicellis subobsoletis, bracteis parvis linearibus basi deltoideis, 
perianthio viridi luteo tincto, ovario oblongo, tubo late infundibulari ovario 
zequilongo fauce dilatato segmentis oblongis erecto-falcatis, genitalibus longe 
exsertis. ' ' 

A. Sartorii, K. Koch in Wochensch. 1860, p. 87; Jacobi, Monog. Agave, p. 128. 
A. aloina, XK. Koch, loc. cit. p. 37. 
A. Noackii, Jacobi, Monog. Agave, p. 125. ; 

A. pendula, Schnittspahn; Jacobi, Monog. Agave, p. 130. 

A. cespitosa, Todaro Hort. Bot. Panorm, p. 32, t..8. 

Fovurcroya Noackii, Hort. 

This is a very well-marked species of Agave, easily recog- 
nisable in the large group of the carnoso-coriacee by its 
caulescent habit, which is very rare in the genus as a whole, 
and confined to this single species in the group In question. 
It was first introduced to the Berlin botanic garden by Dr. 
Rohrbach about 1850, and has since been received from the 
district of Orizaba, in Mexico. Our first notice of its flower- 
ing is by Dr. Schnittspahn in 1857 in the Zeitschrift des 
Gartenbauvereines zu Darmstadt. It is fully described, so 
far as leaves go, under three different names in the mono- 
graph of Jacobi, and has lately been figured under a fourth 
by Todaro from a specimen that flowered at the botanic 
garden at Palermo. The present plate is after a drawing of 
a specimen that flowered with Mr. Wilson Saunders, at 
Reigate, in March, 1870, and it has flowered at least twice 

APRIL Ist, 1877. 

at Kew within the last few years; the last time this present 

Descr. Caudexv reaching in the specimen drawn a length 
of a foot, forked dichotomously, and bearing two tufts of 
leaves. Leaves about thirty in a lax rosette, lanceolate, two 
feet long, three inches broad at the middle, narrowing gradu- 
ally to a non-pungent point, and to a breadth of two inches 
above the dilated base, somewhat fleshy in texture, one-eighth 
to a quarter inch thick in the centre, an inch thick at the 
base, bright green, with often a broad pale band down the 
centre, the margin furnished with copious close, unequal, 
deltoid, spreading, chestnut-brown spines. Scape twice or 
three times as long as the leaves, furnished with numerous 
erect linear reduced bract-like leaves. Panicle cernuous, 
subspicate, cylindrical, three feet long ; peduncle and pedicels 
nearly obsolete; bracts linear, from a dilated base, much 
shorter than the flowers. Perianth green, with a yellow 
tinge in the upper part ; ovary oblong, half-inch long; tube 
broadly funnel-shaped, as long as the ovary, dilated at the 
throat ; segments oblong, obtuse, half-inch long, erect-falcate 
when fully expanded. Filaments inserted in the perianth- 
tube, subulate, reaching a length of eighteen to twenty-one 
lines ; anthers ligulate, versatile, three-eighths of an inch 
long. Style reaching as high as the top of the stamens; 
stigma capitate. Capsule oblong-trigonous, one and a quarter 
to one and a half inches long.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, The whole plant, much reduced in size ; 2, aleaf less reduced ; 3, summit 
of a leaf; 4, portion of the panicle, with several pairs of flowers; 5, capsule, the 
three last natural size. 



Tas. 6293, 
THAPSIA Garcanica, 
Native of the Mediterranean Region. 

Nat. Ord. Umbetiirer#.—Tribe Laserprtiex. 

Genus Tuapsta, Linn. ; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant, vol. i. p..930). 

Twapsia garganica ; glaberrima v. foliis parce setoso-pilosis, caule robusto tereti, 
foliis crasse petiolatis ambitu late ovatis 2-3-pinnatisectis laciniis linearibus 
oblongisve decurrentibus obtusis subacutisve integerrimis y. 2-8-fidis mem- 
branaceis supra nitidis marginibus sepe revolutis, supremis siepius ad 
vaginas tumidas reductis, umbellis crasse pedunculatis amplis longe 
6—15-radiatis, involucro involucellisque obsoletis, floribus flavis interioribus 
in quevis umbellula masculis, fructu 2-3? poll. longo basi et apice 2-lobo, 
nucleo anguste ellipsoideo 5-costato alis latis undulatis nitidis transverse 

T. garganica Linn, Mant. p.57; DC. Prod. vol. ii. p. 202; Desf. Fl. Atlant., vol. 
i. p. 262; Boiss. Flor. Orient. vol. ii. p. 1067 ; Gouan, Til. et Obs. Bot. p. 18, 
t. 10; Sibth, Flor. Graee. t. 287 ; Ait. Hort. Kew, ed. 2, vol. i. p. 156. 

This plant, the aya of Dioscorides, has been celebrated 
for its healing powers from very early times, and has further 
been supposed, but on insufficient grounds, to be the Silphium 
of Cyrenaica, where it abounds. It inhabits the whole 
Mediterranean region, from the south of Spain and Morocco 
to Greece, Turkey, Rhodes, and Crete, growing in fields and 
in good soil. The root is used externally asa specific against 
pains of all kinds, and in the reduction of tumours by the 
Moors of N. Africa, where it is known under the name of 
Dreeas; but I am not aware that it has a place in the 
Pharmacopeeia of any civilized people. That it cannot be the 
famous Silphium of the ancients has been demonstrated by 
Oersted of Copenhagen, who shows that the plant represented 
on the coins of Cyrenaica as the Silphium has the remarkable 
character of growth of the true Asafcetida, and wholly differs 
from that of Zhapsia ; whence it follows, either that a plant like 
Asafetida was formerly native of Cyrenaica, but is no 
longer found there, or that the true Asafcetida was cultivated 
there, which seems to me not to be impossible. 

For the opportunity of figuring the Ziapsia I am indebted 

APRIL Ist, 1877. 

Vincent Brooks Day & Son imp 

Witch del et Lith 

Tas. 6294. 

DYCKIA rricrpa. 
Native of Brazil. 

Nat. Ord. Bromettacra:.—Tribe Povurretize. 

Genus Dyoxta, Schult. fil. (C. Koch in Append. iv. ad indic. Sem. Hort. Bot. Berol. 
ann. 1873). 

Dycxia frigida ; acaulis, robusta, foliis dense rosulatis patenti-recurvis e basi 
13-2-pollicari_ ad apicem pungentem sensim acuminatis concavis supra 
viridibus lucidis subtus striolatis glaucis marginibus et subtus apicem versus 
spinis corneis remotis uncinatis onustis, scapo 2-pedali robusto bracteato, 
bracteis ovato-subulatis spinoso-acuminatis, panicula pedali robusta furfur- 
aceo-tomentosa griseo-brunnea ramis basin versus nudis, floribus subcon- 
fertis, bracteolis ovato-subulatis acuminatis flores equantibus, sepalis oblongis 
obtusis furfuraceis viridibus, petalis late unguiculatis lamina late ovata 
obtusa ochracea, filamentis crassis cum petalis basi in tubum connatis, 
antheris oblongis incurvis, ovario angusto, stigmatibus brevibus, capsule 
perianthio duplo longioris carpellis liberis loculicidis. 

Povrretta frigida, Hort. Lind. 

I advance this as a new species with much hesitation, having 
no better means of discriminating the species of this diffi- 
cult genus than is afforded by C. Koch’s Conspectus, quoted 
above, from which it would appear to be allied to the D. 
remotiflora, Ott. and Dietr., and D. altissima, Lindl. Bot. Reg. 
1841, Mise. p. 84, (erroneously cited as gigantea, by Le- 
maire), from both of which it differs by its almost free 
filaments (not attached to the length of the claw of the 
petal). From D. Princeps, Lemaire (Ill. Hort. t. 224-5), it 
appears to differ in the smaller flowers and longer sepals, but 
it is certainly very closely allied both to that plant and to 
those above mentioned. 

The species of Dyckia are mostly Brazilian, and some of them 
come from the colder southern provinces. This is probably 
the case with the accompanying plant, which flowered freely in 
the cool half of the succulent house, at Kew, in February 
of the present year, and is now maturing its capsules. It 
Was received from Messrs. Linden, under the name of 
Pourretia frigida. 

MAY Ist, 1877. 

Descr. A stemless aloe-like herb. eaves densely rosu- 
late, sixty to eighty together at the crown, one and a half to 
two feet long, one and a half to two inches broad at the 
base, gradually contracted from thence to the pungent’s 
point, spreading and recurved, smooth and concave above, 
glaucous striolate and rounded on the back, margins and 
middle-line at the back towards the apex armed with stout 
hooked yellow-brown spines one quarter of an inch long. 
Scape lateral, ascending, stout, and as well as the inflorescence 
clothed with pale furfuraceous down; covered densely below 
and more sparingly above with bracts, the lower of which 
are four to six inches long, erecto-patent and lanceolate, the 
upper much smaller and triangular-subulate. Panicle del- 
toid, a foot long, with few stout spreading branches which 
are flowerless at the base; bracts ovate-lanceolate, recurved. 
Flowers three-quarters of an inch long, on very short stout 
green pedicels that gradually pass into the swollen green 
base of the perianth. Sepals oblong, obtuse, green, furfur- 
aceous ; rather shorter than the broadly clawed petals, the 
blades of which are ochreous, broadly ovate, obtuse, spread- 
ing. laments united at the base with the petals into a 
rather membranous tube, broad, stout; anthers oblong. 
Ovary narrowly ovoid; stigmas very short. Capsules twice 

as longas the perianth, divided to the axis into three loculi- 
cidal carpels.—J. D. H. 

Pig. 1, Whole plant much reduced ; 2, leaf and, 3, panicle of the natural size; 
4, flower ; 5, the same with 2 sepals and a petal removed :—all magnified. 


Vincent Brosks Day Som Limp 

W. Fitch el & Lith. 

Tas. 6295. 

TIGRIDIA turea. 
Native of Peru and Chili. 

Nat. Ord. Inmacrez.—Tribe Ticripie®. 

Genus Tienipia, Juss. (Baker in Journ. Linn. Soe. vol. xvi. inedit.). 

Tieriia (Beatonta) lutea ; bulbo ovoideo, tunicis brunneis, foliis 3-4 superpo- 
sitis sessilibus linearibus acutis glabris profunde plicatis, caule gracili tereti 
monocephalo, spathe 2-4-flore valvis lanceolatis exterioribus viridibus, in- 
terioribus pallidis membranaceis, pedicellis floriferis spatha equilongis, 
ovario oblongo, perianthii lutei fugacis segmentis unguibus latis diu imbri- 
catis cupulam efformantibus fusco punctatis, laminis rotundis supra un- 
guem flore expanso patulis, interioribus minoribus ad unguis apicem crystal- 
lino-foveolatis, filamentis in tubum cylindricum prorsus connatis, antheris 
ligulatis erecto-patentibus, styli ramis profunde bifurcatis ramulis falcatis 
apice stigmatosis. 

T. lutea, Link, Klotzsch, and Otto, Icon. Plant. Rar. Hort Reg. Bot. Berol. p. 85, 
tab. 34; Baker in Journ, Linn, Soc. vol. xvi, inedit. 

Sisyrincuivum grandiflorum, Cav, Diss. tab. 192, fig. 2? 

Beatonia lutea, Klatt in Linnea, vol. xxxi. p. 567; vol. xxxiv. p. 733. 

This 7’gridia is much inferior in decorative effect to the 
well-known P. Pavonia, and, as in all the other species of 
the genus, the flowers are very fugitive. Probably it is the 
plant figured by Cavanilles, in 1790, under the name of 
Sisyrinchium grandiflorum, but if so the drawing is a very 
poor one. I have seen a dried specimen in the British 
Museum, collected about the time by Pavon, in Peru. It 
was named and well figured by Link, Klotzsch, and Otto, 
from a specimen sent to the Berlin Botanic Garden, from the 
island of Chiloe, by Professor Philippi, in 1840. It is the 
only species of Zigridia that comes from that part of the 
world, all the other five that are known being Mexican. 
The present drawing was made from a plant that flowered 
with Mr. H. J. Elwes, at Cirencester, in the autumn of 


MAY Ist, 1877, 

Descr. Bulb ovoid, with thick brown membranous tunics. 
Stem terete, about a foot long, bearing three or four distantly 
superposed leaves and a single terminal head of flowers. 
Leaves sessile, linear, acuminate, four to six inches long, a 
quarter to half an inch broad at the middle, moderately firm 
in texture, bright green, strongly plicate, glabrous. Spathe one 
and a half to two inches long, two- to four-flowered, the flowers 
opening in succession on different days; valves lanceolate, the 
two outer ones green, the inner ones pale and membranous. 
Pedicels as long as the spathe. Ovary oblong, one-quarter to 
one-third inch long. Perzanth yellow, very fugitive, measuring 
an inch and a half across when expanded, the broad claws of 
the segments forming a permanent cup and dotted with brown, 
those of the inner three suddenly narrowed just above the 
base and furnished with a transverse glittering crystalline 
band at the throat of the claw; blade of the segments 
spreading from the top of the cup when the flower is ex- 
panded, roundish, with a minute cusp, the three inner much 
smaller than the three outer. Filaments united to the top in 
a cylindrical column as long as the cup formed by the claws 
of the perianth-segments; anthers ligulate, erecto-patent. 
Style-arms cut down nearly to the base into two hooked forks, 
ee: are stigmatose in a cushion at the very tip.—J. G. 


Fig. 1, One of the outer segments of the perianth; fig. 2, one of the inner 
segments ; fig. 3, pistil and stamens complete; fig. 4, column of stamens, with 
the anthers cut off so as to show the style-arms :—all magnified. 


W Fitch, del et Li 

Tas. 6296. 

CYPRIPEDIUM Haywnarpranum. 
Native of the Philippine Islands. 

Nat. Ord. Orcnipex.—Tribe Cyprivepie. 
Genus Cyprirepium, Linn, (Endl. Gen. Plant. p. 220). 

Cyprivepium Haynaldianum ; foliis distichis lineari-oblongis carinatis obtusis 
apice 2-dentatis coriaceis concoloribus, scapo plurifloro stricto. patentim 
villoso, bracteis oblongo-lanceolatis ellipticisve acutis villosis ovario subsessili 
villoso brevioribus, sepalo dorsali oblongo obtuso marginibus ciliolatis infra 
medium recurvis, dimidio inferiore virescente brunneo maculatis, superiore 
pallide roseo-albo, sepalis lateralibus in unum late ovatum labello suppositum 
et eo brevius connatis, petalis ligulatis patentissimis sepalo superiore duplo 
longioribus eoque concoloribus ultra medium dilatatis apicibus recurvis, labello 
virescente saccato ore biauriculato auriculis latis obtusis sinu triangulari, 
staminodio spathulato apice 2-lobo. 

C. Haynaldianum, Reichb. f. Xen. Orchid. vol. ii. p- 222, et in Gard. Chron. 
N.S. vol. vii. p. 272 (1877). 

A very near ally of (. Zowei, Lindl., also a native of the 
- Philippines ; so near indeed that Reichenbach observes that a 
casual observer might confuse the two, but after a careful 
examination of thirty-five flowers of that plant and five of 
this, he regards them as distinct, summing up the differences 
in C. Lowe as follows :—Upper sepal yellowish-green, with 
purplish lines and dots on the inner base; lower sepal (com- 
bined sepals) narrower and longer, yellow-green ; lip with 
less prominent auricles, and a toothed keel in the sinus; 
stigma round and bent. These distinctive characters are, it 
must be confessed, but slight, and would seem to indicate a 
difference of race rather than of what are usually held to 
constitute a species. It is named after his Excellency Dr. 
Ludwig Haynald, archbishop of Kaloesa, in Hungary, who 
Dr. Reichenbach justly commemorates as a zealous botanist, 
and an active promoter of science and art, and whose name 
will ever be most honourably connected with the development 
of Hungary. ; 

Tam indebted to Messrs. Veitch for the opportunity of 
figuring this plant, which flowered at Chelsea in February 
of the present year. 

MAY Ist, 1877, 

Descr. Leaves dictichous, six to ten inches long, linear- 
oblong, about one and a half inches broad, suberect, keeled, 
obtuse and 2-toothed at the tip, dark green, very coriaceous. 
Scape solitary, one to one and a half feet high, strict, two- or 
more-flowered, clothed with soft long spreading hairs, as are 
the bracts and ovary; bracts one to one and a quarter inch | 
long, elliptic or ovate-oblong, shorter than the ovary. Flower 
six to seven inches across the peta!s, greenish white, except 
the lower half of the ciliated upper sepal and petals, which 
are blotched with dark brown, and their upper halves are 
faintly rosy and white. Upper sepal suberect, oblong, obtuse, 
lower half with recurved margins, upper almost hooded. 
Lower sepal (of two combined) broadly ovate, obtuse, much 
shorter than the lip. Peéals almost twice as long as the upper 
sepal, linear, suddenly twisted beyond the middle with a 
recurved apex. Jip green, saccate, with a rounded base ; 
mouth with two broad obtuse elongated lips, and a broadly 
triangular sinus between them, at the base of which is a tooth. 
Staminode 2-lobed, green.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Staminode and stigma, enlarged. 


Vincent Brooks Day&Son imp 

Tas. 6297. 

Native of South-Western Australia and Tasmania. 

Nat. Ord. Juncea.—Tribe Xerotwex. 

Genus XanrHorrua@a, Smith ; (Endl. Gen. Plant. p- 152) 

XANTHORRH@A minor ; pumila, acaulis, dense cxspitosa, foliis suberectis e basi 
paullo dilatato filiformibus triquetris superne lente convexis v. concavis 
subtus acute carinatis marginibus tenuissime erosis, scapis cum spicis foliis 
brevioribus, spica brevi cylindracea, bracteis anguste cymbiformibus dorso 
subapice pubescentibus, sepalis chartaceis anguste obovato-oblongis sub- 
acutis dorso vix carinatis sub apice, puberulis, petalis paullo majoribus 
planiusculis membranaceis glabris. 

X. minor, Br. Prodr. 288 ; Kunth, Enum. Pl. vol. iv. p. 649; Hook. f. Fl. Tas- 

man. vol. ii. p. 59. F. Muell. Fragment. Phytog. vol. iv.p. 112. ‘Benth. Fl. 
Austral. vol. vii. ined. 

This is the second species of this remarkable genus that 
has flowered at Kew, where three or four others are in culti- 
vation. In the structure of the flower it closely resembles 
X. quadrangulata, figured at plate 6075, but differs wholly in 
habit, and in the leaves, which in that species are square on 
a transverse section. It is not an uncommon plant in the 
moist turfy and sandy moors of South Australia, Victoria, 
and Tasmania, where it covers extensive tracts of land. 

Tam not at all sure but that two dwarf species of Xanthor- 
rhea may be confounded under the one name of X. minor, and 
if so I am doubtful to which Brown’s name should be applied ; 
one, that here figured, has a nearly flat or concave upper 
surface to the very slender suberect leaves; the other, a 
much more robust plant, with longer stouter scapes, has larger 
and more spreading leaves, and more convex upper surfaces 
than those of the first. We have native specimens (gathered by 
myself in company with Mr. Gunn) on Grass Tree Hill, near 
Hobarton, and others from Victoria; whilst the much larger 
form abounds near York Town, Tasmania, where, according 
to Gunn, it covers hundreds of acres, to the exclusion of 
almost every other plant. In December, 1841, Mr. Gunn 

describes the country as being white with it, one plant pro- 
MAY 1st, 1877. 

ducing 36 flowering scapes, whereas in the following year he 
could get only 6 or 8 specimens in flower on the same spot. 
From this he assumes that the Xanthorrheas do not flower 
every year. The copiously flowering one may be that alluded 
to by Mueller (Fragmenta, iv. 112), as possibly distinguishable 
from X. minor, and if so to be called X. polystachya. 

X. minor was sent to Kew some years ago by Baron von 
Miiller from the rich collections of the Melbourne Botanic 
Gardens, of which he was the director, and it flowered in 
February of this year ; its flowering season in Australia being 
December and January. 

Descr. Stemless, densely tufted, glabrous. Leaves 8 to 10 
inches long, suberect, very slender, filiform from a slightly 
dilated base, triangular, flat, slightly concave or convex above, 
acutely keeled beneath, margins minutely erose. Spzke very 
variable in length and robustness; in the Kew specimen 
always shorter than the leaves; scape slender ; bracts nar- 
rowly boat-shaped, equalling the perianth. Perianth green,’ 
with brown pubescent tips to the sepals, which are hard, 
linear, dilated upwards, obtuse, very concave. Petals longer, 
more membranous, flatter, with broader rather spreading 
tips. Stamens horizontally bent from beyond the middle. 
Ovary ovoid narrowed into the straight style—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Reduced view of tuft of plants; 2, leaf; 3, transverse section of ditto ; 
4, scape and spike; 5, spike with expanded flowers; 6, bracts and flowers ; 
7, ovary unexpanded; all but 2,4, and 5 much enlarged. 

W Fitch del et Lath 

ee" nnn meee 

Tap. 6298. 
GLOBBA ScHomsBurertt. 
Native of Siam. 

Nat. Ord. Zinciperacez.—Tribe Guopse. 

Genus Grosna, Linn. ; (Endl. Gen. Plant, p. 222). 

Giospa Schomburgkii ; glaberrima, foliis elliptico-lanceolatis caudato-acuminatis, 
panicula 2-4-unciali cernua, dimidio inferiori bracteis navicularibus obtusis 
imbricatis bulbilliferis tecta, superiore florifera bracteis consimilibus persist- 
entibus, ramulis paucis breviusculis v. elongatis 2-~ floris, floribus 14-pollica- 
ribus aureis labello basi aurantiaco, ovario globoso, calyce brevi campanulato 
3-fido, corollz tubo puberulo, limbi laciniis exterioribus ovatis acuminatis 
interioribus duplo majoribus falcatis, labello apice truncato angulis divaricatis 
acutis, anthere alis bipartitis segmentis triangularibus acuminatis. 

Of the curious genus (lobba, which is a common native of 
damp woods in Tropical Asia and its islands, few species have 
been cultivated in this country, and not a few undescribed 
ones are contained in herbaria. One alone has been figured 
in this work, @. sessiliflora, Sims (t. 1428), whereas thirteen 
are described in Horaninov’s ‘ Prodromus Monographie 
Scitaminearum,’ published in 1862. All are very similar in 
general habit, and many are remarkable for bearing on the 
flowering panicle solid ovaries without perianths cells or 
ovules, which fall off and produce new plants. The structure 
of the flower is very singular, closely resembling that of 
Mantissa (tab. 1320), which differs from G/obba in the in- 
florescence being borne on a separate scape distinct from the 

G. Schomburgkii was discovered by the late Sir Robert 
Schomburgk when H.B.M.’s Consul at Siam, who sent roots 
to Kew in 1864, where it has flowered repeatedly in August. 
It has been distributed as G. bulbifera, Roxb., from which 
and from all others it differs in the curious panicles. 

Duscr. Quite glabrous. Stems tufted, six to twelve 
inches high, with three to five leaves. Leaves six to nine 
inches long by one to one and a half broad, elliptic-ovate 
or lanceolate, with slender acuminate tips, contracted into 

May Ist, 1877. 

a short petiole above the vagina. Panicle two to four inches 
long, drooping, the lower half unbranched and clothed with 
‘ imbricating bracts, each bearing in its axil a globose tuber- 
cled bulbil (which is an imperfect ovary without perianth) ; 
the remainder of the panicle is more or less branched, and 
bears perfect flowers; bracts one quarter to half an inch long, 
oblong, obtuse, very concave, green, persistent, imbricating, 
then spreading ; branches slender, sometimes short and two- 
flowered, at others two inches long, very slender, spreading, 
many-flowered. Flowers one and a half inch long, golden 
yellow with a bright orange-red base to the lip. Ovary 
globose, tubercled. Calyx campanulate, three-toothed. Corolla- 
fube puberulous; three outer segments ovate, acuminate, 
deflexed ; two inner twice as long, deflexed then spreading, 
falcate, acuminate. Lip narrowly wedge-shaped, with a broad 
retuse truncate end, the angles of which are acute and 
divergent. Anthers with a two-partite wing on each side, 
the segments triangular-subulate.—/J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Flower; 2, anther :—both enlarged. 



«4 os 

W Fitch del ef Lith. 

Vincent Brooks Day ® Son lath 

Tas. 6299. 
Native of Natal. 

Nat. Ord. Ficorpnrm.—Tribe MresemMBryveEz. 

Genus Mesempryantnemum, Linn, (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. 
vol. i. p. 853.) 

MEsEMBRYANTHEMUM Sutherlandii ; herbaceum, perenne, ramosum, robustum, 
ramis annuis adscendentibus cylindraceis hispidulis, foliis oppositis 
patenti-recurvis basi subconnatis, elongato lingulatis minute papulosis supra 
medium subdilatatis acutis superne scaberulis marginibus subrecurvis ciliola- 
tis crasse carnosis supra paulo-concavis subtus costam rotundatam versus 
tumidis, scapo 5-floro 1-2-pollicari robusto hispidulo, flore 2-2} poll. diamet. 
calyce tereti tubo turbinato, sepalis inequalibus subcylindraceis patenti- 
recurvis obtusis scaberulis 2 brevioribus membranaceo-marginatis, petalis 
roseo-pupureis anguste linearibus obtusis, staminibus flavis multiseriatis 
exterioribus anantheris, stigmatibus 5 ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis grosse 
papillosis seta terminatis. 

It is not without hesitation that I propose a new South Afri- 
can species of the immense genus Mesembryanthemum, of 

which some 290 species are already contained in Harvey and 
_ Sonders’ ‘ Flora Capensis.’ I have, however, searched in vain | 
amongst those described in that work for any which accords 
with this, which moreover comes from a district beyond the 
range of the species hitherto discovered. Of the sixty-five 
sections under which the S. African species are classified, there 
1s none with which it quite agrees, though it is probably refer- 
able to one of those belonging to the great group of ‘“ Papu- 
losee,” the surfaces of whose leaves and branches are covered 
with minute glistening cellular papille. It may, perhaps, 
be safely referred to a reformed section, “ Platyphylla,” of 
Haworth, from which it differs in the root being perennial 
instead of annual or biennial. 

M. Sutherlandii was sent to the Royal Gardens by Dr. 
Sutherland, Surveyor-General of the colony of Natal, in 
ie and has flowered annually in the summer months since 

Dzscr. Minutely papulose and clothed (except the broad 
tumid middle part of the under surface of the leaves) with 
short rigid hairs. Root perennial, Stem branching from 

JUNE Ist, 1877. 

the base ; branches annual, diffuse or suberect, cylindric, three 
to six inches high, green. Leaves opposite, decussate, two to 
three inches long, spreading and recurved, slightly connate 
by their sessile bases, oblanceolate or linear-oblong and 
dilated beyond the middle, acute, deep green, upper surface 
slightly convex, channelled towards the base, under tumid and 
rounded towards the keel; margins acute, slightly recurved. 
Peduncles subterminal, three to four inches long, stout, terete, 
green, gradually dilated into the almost hemispheric bristly 
terete calyx-tube. Calyax-lobes 5, unequal, spreading and 
recurved, cylindric, obtuse, papillose and scabrid, green, 
two smaller than the others and having broad membranous 
margins. Corolla two to two and a half inches in diameter. 
Petals very numerous, pale bright-purple, linear, very narrow, 
obtuse. Stamens very numerous in many series, the outer 
without anthers. Curpels 5, globose; stigmas large, ovoid, 
acuminate, terminating in hair-like points, densely clothed 
with large papille on the inner surface and margins. 5 

J. DE, 

Fig.1, Apex of peduncle, carpels, and stigma :—enlarged. 


Vincent Brooks Day & Son Lath 

W Fitch del el Lith 

- Tas. 6300. 

Native of Abyssinia. 

Nat. Ord. Lastarm.—Tribe Monarpeai. 

- Genus Saryia, L. (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. ii. p. 1194). 

Satvra (ZEthiopis) Schimperi; araneoso-lanata, caule robusto simplici, foliis 
ample ovato-lanceolatis acutis crenulatis basi rotundatis v. subacutis rugosis 
utringque albo-lanatis, panicula virgato-ramosa ramis erecto-patentibus 
glanduloso-pubescentibus, foliis floralibus sessilibus late ovato-rotundatis 
concavis acuminato-spinescentibus glandulosis ciliatis, calycibus tubuloso- 
campanulatis glandulosis nervis hirtis, labio superiore “3-spinuloso inferiore 
bifido dentibus aristatis, corolla tubo calyce duplo longiore sub fauce in- 
flato, labio superiore compresso oblongo obtuso, inferioris lobis lateralibus 
parvis oblongis-intermedio sub-orbiculari, connectivis postice deflexis abrupte 
dilatatis, nuculis fere orbiculatis eleganter venosis facie obtuse carinatis. 

8. Schimperi, Benth. in DO. Prodr. vol. xii. p. 283. 
S. hypoleuca, Hochst. MSS. (non Benth.) in Schimp. Herb. It. Abyss. No 1916. 

Abyssinia has not added many attractive novelties to 
European gardens, and indeed its vegetation seems to afford 
far less of interest than any other mountain regions in its 
latitude. Its low tropical forests present few or no Orchids, Bro- 
meliacecee, and other such stove favourites, whilst its dry rocky 
mountains have to be ascended to a very great height before 
even a temperate vegetation is met with, and there seems to 
be no Alpine flora worthy of the name. ‘The subject of the 
present plate is a robust Sage, suited for the herbaceous 
ground, belonging to an Oriental group of the genus, and 
closely allied to the fine 8. asperata of Kashmir (tab. nostr. 
4884); it was discovered by Schimper in the mountains near 
Axum, at an elevation of seven to eight thousand feet above 
the sea, flowering in October, and was introduced by Mr. Bull, 
who sent the specimen here figured to Kew in July, 1875. 

Descr. Root woody, asthick as the thumb. Svem two to 
three feet high, very stout, simple, obtusely four-angled, 
woolly or glabrate. Leaves few, petioled, five to seven inches 

JUNE Ist, 1877. 

long, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, crenulate, base rounded, 
rarely acute, rugulose, covered with cobwebby wool, especi- 
ally beneath, where they are snow white ; petiole one to two 
inches long, cottony. Punicle very large, with stiff erecto- 
patent branches, glandular-pubescent, as are the bracts and 
calyces. Bracts orbicular-ovate, with acuminate spinescent — 
tips, membranous, ciliate, white with green borders. Flowers 
sessile, nearly two inches long. Calyz green, tubular-cam- 
panulate, ribs almost hispid; lips short, upper with three 
minute spinous teeth, lower bifid, the tecth aristate. Corolla 
white ; tube twice as long as the calyx, slender, curved, in- 
flated below the lower lip; upper lip oblong, compressed, 
obtuse, puberulous, lower small; lateral lobes small, re- 
curved; mid-lobe nearly orbicular, notched. Conneectives 
produced downward and ending abruptly in a broad plate. 
Nucules nearly orbicular, compressed from back to front, 
ane keeled in front, smooth, pale, elegantly veined— 

Fig. 1, Flower—enlarged. 

/ 4 
| iy 

Tas. 6301. 


Native country unknown. 

Nat. Ord. Lintacka.—Tribe Atoinex. 

Genus Axoz, Linn. (Kunth, Enum. vol. iv. p. 492). 

Aor chinensis ; acaulis vel breviter caulescens, caule simplici, foliis 15-20 dense 
rosulatis lanceolatis acuminatis semi-pedalibus vel pedalibus viridibus cana- 
liculatis utrinque maculis albidis parvis oblongis paucis vel numerosis deco- 
ratis dentibus pallidis deltoideis marginatis, scapo simplici sesquipedali 
bracteis paucis deltoideis instructo, racemo sublaxo, pedicellis brevibus in- 
ferioribus cernuis, bracteolis minutis lanceolatis, perianthii lutei rubro tincti 
tubo brevi campanulato, segmentis superne viridi vittatis, staminibus omnibus 
inclusis, stylo demum leviter exserto. 

A. barbadensis, var. chinensis, Haworth Suppl. Pl. Suece. p. 45; Kunth, Enum. 
vol. v. p. 522. 

Trusting to a large extent to garden tradition we venture 
to identify the present plant with an Aloe which was intro- 
duced from China, by Mr. William Anderson, in 1817, which 
was briefly described by Haworth, from flowerless specimens 
in his ‘Supplementum Plantarum Succulentarum’ of 1819, 
as a probable variety of 4. barbadensis, and is mentioned in 
Salm Dyck’s monograph and Kunth’s Enumeratio, by name 
only. Our present plant is clearly quite distinct specifically 
from A. barbadensis. The leaves are never more than half 
the length of those of that species, and are spotted more or 
less copiously both on back and face after the fashion of A. 
abyssinica ; the raceme is very much laxer and the stamens 
are very much shorter. We have had it for a long time in 
the Kew collection, and have received it from other gar- 
dens, but never, so far as I know, with any definite informa- 
tion as to its native country. The drawing was made froma 
plant that flowered at Kew this spring. The flowers have a 
strong and decidedly unpleasant scent. Its affinity is with 
A. barbadensis, abyssinica and consobrina. 

Descr. Leaves fifteen to twenty, extending on the stem over 

JUNE lst, 1877. 

a space of three or four inches in a sessile or shortly stalked 
rosette, which in the mature plant is multifarious, but in the 
young plant sometimes subdistichous, lanceolate, acuminate, 
varying from half a foot to a foot long, one and a half or 
two inches broad at the base, narrowed gradually to the 
point, flat at the base, where they are about about half an 
inch thick, deeply channelled in the upper part, a sixth of 
an inch thick in the centre, pale green, irregularly marked 
on both surfaces with small oblong whitish blotches, which 
become less numerous in older specimens, the edge margined 
with copious spreading pale green deltoid prickles a twelfth 
or an eighth of an inch long. Scape simple, a foot and a 
half long, furnished with a few distant small deltoid bracts. 
Kaceme simple, four to eight inches long, much laxer than 
in A. barbadensis, about two inches in diameter when ex- 
panded ; pedicels a sixth to a quarter of an inch long, the 
lower ones cernuous ; bracteoles lanceolate, as long as the pedi- 
cels. Perianth cylindrical, bright yellow, slightly tinged 
with red, an inch long; tube campanulate, an eighth of an 
inch long ; segments lanceolate, keeled with green towards 
the tip. Stamens all included; filaments bright yellow; 

anthers oblong, small. Style finally just exserted.—J. G. 

Fig. 1, A single flower; fig. 2, the same, cut open :—both magnified. 


Vincent Brooks Day & Son np 

WHAitch dd et Lith 

Tas. 6302. 
HAPLOPAPPUS sprnutosvs. 

Native of the Rocky Mountains. 

Nat. Ord. Composirm.—Tribe AsTEROIDE®. 

Genus Harroparpus, Cass. (Benth. and Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 258). 

Hartorappus (Blepharodon) spinulosus; fruticulus cano-tomentosus, corymboso- 
ramosus, ramis foliosis, foliis brevibus 1-2-pinnatifidis segmentis brevibus 
recurvis acuminatis aristulatis, capitulis terminalibus solitariis v. subeorym- 
bosis pedunculatis, involucri hemispherici squamis numerosis parvis arcte 
imbricatis subulato-lanceolatis mucronatis canis, radiis numerosis patentibus 
obtusis aureis, disci corollis breviter 5-dentatis, pappi setis rufis, acheniis 
oblongo-obovatis compressis sericeis. 

Apropaprus? spinulosus, DC. Prod. vy. p. 347. 

A. spinulosus, Torr. and Gr. Fl. N. Am. vol. ii. p. 240. 

Amettus? spinulosus, Pursh. Fl. N. Am. vol. ii. p. 564.; Torr. in Ann. Lyc. New 
York, vol. ii. p. 213. 

StankEa? pinnata, Nutt. Gen. vol. ii. p. 169. 
Dirtoparrvs pinnatifidus, Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. vol. il. p. 22. : 
Diererta spinulosa, Nutt. in Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. (N. Ser.), vol. viii. p. 801. 

A widely distributed native of the prairies bordering the 
Rocky Mountains, from the boundary of the British possessions 
as far South as New Mexico, apparently common about the 
source of the Saskathchewan, Platte, and Colorado rivers. It 
forms a low corymbosely branched bush, one to two feet high, 
with innumerable branches from the root, clothed with small 
leaves, and bearing masses of flower-heads. One specimen from 
Mr. Veitch’s garden, about ten inches in diameter, bears 
nearly a hundred golden heads, an inch in diameter, and I 
cannot doubt but that they will prove a most ornamental 
hardy garden plant when fully established, preferring, no 
doubt, a rather dry soil and climate, and flowering, like many 
other Composite, late in the year. The specimen here figured 
was raised by Messrs. Veitch, who introduced it ; it flowered 
with them in August, 1874. 

JUNE Ist, 1877, 

Descr. A low bushy shrub, one to two feet high, with 
numerous ascending corymbosely arranged branches springing 
from a woolly rootstock, covered with soft rather appressed 
woolly down. Leaves very uniform throughout the plant, 
about one inch long, suberect or recurved, once or twice 
pinnatifid; lobes spreading and recurved, linear-subulate, 
aristulate, nerveless. Head one inch in diameter, peduncled, 
solitary or rarely three to four together in a lax corymb; 
peduncle naked. Jnvolucre hemispherical, one-third of an 
inch in diameter, green; scales numerous, imbricate, 
appressed, linear-subulate, aristulate, coriaceous. Receptacle 
alveolate. Ray-flowers twenty to thirty, spreading horizon- 
tally, close-set, corolla-tube slender; limb narrowly linear- 
oblong, notched. Disk-flowers tubular, with a campanulate 
five-toothed limb. Style-arm of ray slender, truncate ; of the 
disk oblong, obtuse, papillose. | Achenes between ovoid and 
turbinate, silky, flattened ; pappus bristles unequal, more or 
less rufous, shining.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Ray-, and 2, disk-flowers :—enlaryed. 

Hitch del et Lith 


Vincent Brooks Dag & San inp 

: Tas. 6303. 
Native of Peru ? 

Nat. Ord. Orcuipes.—Tribe VANDEx. 
Genus Lycaste, Lindl. (Bot. Reg. 1843, Mise. p. 14). 

Lycaste Linguella ; pseudobulbis lagenseformibus sulcatis compressis, foliis 
membranaceis elongato-lanceolatis acuminatis _plicatis, scapis robustis, 
spathis obtusis, bractea coriacea obovata cucullata obtusiuscula ovarium 
superante, floribus flavo-virescentibus labello pallidiore, sepalo dorsali 
obovato-oblongo obtuse apiculato, lateralibus majoribus deflexo-curvatis 
subacutis, petalis late obovatis obtuse apiculatis, mento in cornu obtusum 
producto, labelli dimidio basilari crasso valde concavo lobis_lateralibus 
angustis disco intra lobos in callum semicircularem protrusum lingueeform! 
truncato labello equilato producto, lobo intermedio callo supposito linguz- 
formi recurvo late ovato obtuso eroso, columne basi puberulo. 

L. Linguella, Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. June 1871, p. 738. 

This fine Lycaste is remarkable for the structure of the lip, 
which, as indeed is the case with so many orchids, is difficult 
to describe. ‘The body of this organ forms a coriaceous sem1- 
cylindric tube, with the narrow lateral lobes appressed to its 
sides, whilst the front part is protruded as a truncate fleshy 
spout, and the mid-lobe, which arises on both sides from the 
base of the lateral lobes, is for the rest of its breadth attached 
to the back of the gutter, from which it appears to hang as a 
broad erose tongue. That this is after all only a modification of 
the prevalent character of the lip of Lycaste is obvious on 
comparing that of Z. Linguella with any other figured in 
this work. In Z. lasioglossa (Tab. 6251), the gutter 1s reduced 
to a tongue-shaped callus concealed in the concavity of lip. In 
L. Barringtonie (Tab. 5706), L. fulvescens (Tab. 4193), and 
L. Skinneri (Tab. 4445), it forms a similar but larger tongue, 
which approaches that of L. Linguella in being concave and 
very fleshy; whilst in L. gigantea (Tab. 5616) the tongue 
extends across the disk of the lip almost to the angles of the 
lateral lobes. In none of these, however, does it protrude as 
in the present species. : 

L. Linguella is, according to Reichenbach, supposed to 

JUNE Ist, 1877. 

be a native of Peru. It was imported by Messrs. Veitch, 
from whom it was received by the Royal Gardens, where it 
flowered in January, 1872. It was described in 1871 by 
Reichenbach, who states that it has a close affinity with 
L. ciliata and L. lasipes. 

Duscr. Pseudobulbs three inches long, narrowly ovoid or 
flagon-shaped, deeply grooved, compressed. Leaves twelve 
to fourteen inches long by three to four broad, lanceolate, 
acuminate, membranous, plaited. Scapes three to four inches 
long, strict, erect, with several obovate-oblong obtuse concave 
coriaceous erect green sheaths, the upper larger, and lower 
an inch long. Bract suberect, very coriaceous, dark green, 
hooded, subacute, longer thanthe ovary. Flowers upwards of 
three inches from the tip of the upper to that of either lateral 
sepal, pale yellowish green, with a nearly white lip. Dorsal 
sepal obovate-oblong, nearly one inch diameter, obtusely 
apiculate, as are the lateral sepals, which are larger, curved, 
and deflexed. Petals smaller than the sepals, broadly obovate, 
rather concave. Jip much smaller than the sepals; lateral 
lobes very narrow; terminal broadly ovate, obtuse, recurved, 
erose. Column not winged, pubescent towards the base, 
where it is prolonged into the almost spurred obtuse mentum. 
Anther-case three-lobed in front, the middle prolonged into a 
little tail— J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Column and lip; 2, column :—Doth enlarged. 


WHFitch del et Lith 

% Son imp 

rooks Day 



Tas. 6304. 

Native of Asia Minor. 

Nat. Ord. Liniackx%.—Tribe TuLPE. 
Genus Turapa, Linn. (Baker in Journ. Linn. Soe. vol, xiv. p. 275). 

Toripa pulehella ; bulbo ovoideo tunicis brunneis intus glabris vel apice obscure 
pilosis, scapo brevissimo unifloro glabro, foliis 2-3 patulis confertis lanceo- 
latis vel linearibus glaucis facie canaliculatis margine obscure ciliatis, 
perianthii infundibularis segmentis conformibus oblongo-spathulatis acutis 
rubris facie deorsum lilacinis unguibus immaculatis basi luteis pilosis, 
staminibus perianthio duplo brevioribus, filamentis basi pilosis, ovario clavato, 
stigmatibus parvis. 

T. pulchella, Fenzl in Kotschy Reise Cilie. p. 379; Baker in Journ. Linn. Soe. 
vol. xiv. p. 289. 

T. alpina, J. Gay in Balansa Pl. Orient. Exsic. anno 1855. 
T. sylvestris, var. pulchella, Regel Hnum. Tulip. p. 45. 

This species belongs to the same group (Sawatiles) as T. 
Hageri, which was figured last year (tab. 6242). They have 
the showy red flowers of the Gesneriane, in combination 
with perianth-segments and stamens hairy at the base, as in 
the Sylvestres. This is a very distinct dwarf species, without 
any dark-coloured blotch at the base of the perianth-seg- 
ments. It isa native of the Alpine region of the Cilician 
Taurus, where it was discovered by Kotschy in 1836, and of 
course is perfectly hardy. It has only very lately been 
introduced into cultivation in this country. For the specimens 
figured we are indebted to the Rev. H. Harpur-Crewe, who 
flowered it at Drayton Beauchamp in the spring of this 
present year, and exhibited it at one of the meetings of the 
scientifie committee of the Royal Horticultural Society. 

Descr. Bulb ovoid, half or three-quarters of an inch in 
diameter, with many dark brown tunics, which are either en- 
tirely glabrous on the face or only obscurely pilose towards 
the tip. Scape one-flowered, glabrous, one to four inches 
long, bearing two or three crowded spreading leaves close to 
the surface of the ground, which are lanceolate or the upper. 

JUNE Ist, 1877, 

one linear, three or four inches long, a quarter to half an inch 
broad, glaucous, channelled all down the face, obscurely ciliated 
on the edges. Perianth erect, funnel-shaped, about an inch 
long in wild, an inch and an inch and a half in cultivated 
specimens; segments all oblong-spathulate, acute, bright 
mauve-red in the upper half of the face, passing downwards 
into a slaty lilac, the claw without any dark-coloured blotch, 
bright yellow and densely pilose at the base. Filaments 
linear, about halfas long as the perianth, densely pilose at the 
base. Anthers linear-oblong, half as long as the filament. 
Ovary clavate, half an inch long. Stiymas not as broad as 
the diameter of the ovary.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, A single stamen; fig. 2, the pistil:—both magnified. 

Vincent Brooks Day & Son inp 

W Fitch dd @ Lith 

Tas. 6305. 

Native of New Granada. 

Nat. Ord, OncH1pEx.—Tribe VanpEx. 

Genus Houtieria, Brongn. (Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1841 t. 69). 


Hovurtetra picta, pseudobulbis ovato-lanceolatis, foliis pedalibus petiolatis elon- 
gato-lanceolatis subacutis plicatis, pedunculo erecto robusto mutltifloro, 
floribus 3} poll. diamet., sepalis oblongis obtusis cinnamomeis a basi ad 
medium tessellatis, petalis sepalis concoloribus sed paulo minoribus, basi 
angustioribus, labelli epichilio late hastato apice lato recurvo canaliculato 
brunneo-tesselato angulis posticisin cornua acuta retrorsa productis, hypochilio 
subquadrato brunneo maculato, callo in foveam transversam utrinque acutam 
marginatam exeunte angulis posticis utrinque in calcar elongatum erectum 
columna parallelum producto, columna flava dorso maculata. 

H. picta, Lind. et Reichb. f. in Regel Gartenflora, 1855, p. 2; Walp. Rep. vol. vi. 
p. 616. | 

The genus Houlletia was founded by Brongniart on a 
Brazilian plant, discovered by M. Guillemin at Rio de Janeiro 
during his mission to Brazil in search of evidence concerning 
the cultivation of tea, and was named after M. Houllet, a 
gardener who accompanied M. Guillemin on his mission, and 
transmitted plants to the Jardin de Plantes. Singularly enough 
M. Brongniart gave no specific name to the plant he described, 
which is in all probability the H. Brocklehurstiana, Lindl. 
Sect. Orchid. t. 41 (tab. nost. 4072), of which we have native 
specimens gathered by Gardner on the Organ Mountains 
(Herb. n. 5871). From this, the original species H. picta, 
though coming from so distant a country, appears to differ 
very slightly, and chiefly in the more cinnamon-coloured 
larger flowers, and in the epichyle of the lip not being of a 
uniform dark violet hue but white and barred with innume- 
rable red-purple bands. The sepals and petals too are longer 
in proportion. Reichenbach, indeed, says that the flowers of 
H., picta are the smallest of the two, but this is not the case 

with our specimen. WH. picta was discovered by Schlim in 
JULY 1st, 1877. 

New Granada, along with other very similar species of the 
genus, collected up to an elevation of four to six thousand 
feet above the sea. It was first flowered at the celebrated 
orchid garden of Consul Schiller at Hamburgh, and later at 
Farnham Castle, from whence the specimen here figured was 

Descr. Pseudobulbs tufted, about three inches long, narrow, 
ovoid, compressed, grooved. Leaves with the slender petiole 
one and a half to two and a half inches long, elliptic-lanceo- 
late, acuminate, plaited, green. Scape from the base of the 
pseudobulb, stout, ascending, green, six- to ten-flowered ; 
sheaths few, short; bracts linear-oblong, green, deciduous ; 
pedicel and ovary three-quarters of an inch long. Flowers three 
and a half inches in diameter ; perianth spreading, cinnamon- 
brown, the leaflets within whole coloured from the tip to the 
midrib, tessellated from thence to the base. Sepals narrow- 
oblong, tips rounded. Pedals rather smaller, narrowed towards 
the base. vp shorter than the petals, jointed at the middle ; 
distal portion (epichyle) broadly hastate, with the broad blunt 
deeply channelled apex so recurved that the epichyle looks 
truncate, posterior angles produced into short recurved horns ; 
colour pale yellow, mottled with short transverse red-purple 
bars; hypochyle somewhat trapeziform, the sides produced 
backwards into long ascending spurs that are rather shorter 
than the column; disk of hypochyle yellow, blotched with 

red purple. Column yellow, blotched with brown on the 
back.—J. D, H. 

Fig. 1, Ovary column and lip; 2, pollen-masses :—both enlarged. 


HFitch da 4 lath Vincent Brooks Day & Son imp 

Tas. 6306. 

Native of Hong-Kong. 

Nat. Ord. Inwacem.—Suborder IriwEex. 

Genus Iris, Linn. (Baker in Gard. Chron, 1876, part 1, p. 526.) 

Ints (Evansta) speculatria ; rhizomate brevi obliquo, foliis productis tribus linea- 
ribus firmis erectis viridibus pedalibus vel sesqui-pedalibus, scapo monoce- 
phalo subpedali arcuato, spathee bifloris valvis tribus linearibus, pedicello ovario 
subequilongo, tubo lato brevissimo, limbi lilacini segmentis exterioribus 
falcatis, lamina parva orbiculata ungue duplo breviora, fauce albo maculata, 
ungue pallide lilacino maculato crista flava predito, segmentis interioribus 
paulo brevioribus, oblanceolatis, erectis, immaculatis, styli ramis segmentis 
interioribus «quilongis, capsule valvis lanceolatis acuminatis late divergen- 

Ints speculatrix, Hance in Trimen Journ, Bot. 1875, p. 196; 1876, p. 75. Baker 
in Gard. Chron. 1876, part IL. p. 36. 

This is a very interesting novelty. It was discovered in 
April, 1874, by a Chinese workman, attached to the botanical 
garden of Hong-Kong, on a hill facing the sea between 
Victoria Peak and Mount Davis, in that island. Its general 
habit is more like that of one of the Cape or Angolan Moras 
than that of the ordinary Irises of the north temperate zone, 
but in structure it belongs clearly to the small group of 
crested Irises, of which I. japonica, commonly grown in 
gardens under Ventenat’s name of J., fimbriata, is the oldest 
and best known representative. Of this group seven species 
are now known, of which two are North American, and the 
others all Japanese, Chinese, and Himalayan.. For the fine 
living plant from which the present plate was made, the Kew 
collection is indebted to Mr. ©. Ford, of the Hong-Kong 
Botanic Garden. It was received in April, 1877, and came 
into flower immediately after its arrival in this country. The 
plant is not likely to prove hardy in England. 

guLY 1st, 1877. 

Descr. Rhizome short, creeping near the surface of the 
ground, about a third of an inch in diameter, the crowded 
relics of former leaves splitting up into fibres. Leaves three 
produced to a tuft, bright green, erect, firm in texture, a 
quarter to half an inch broad, the largest about a foot long at 
the flowering time, lengthening out to a foot and a half 
afterwards. Stem slender, terete, arcuate, one-headed, about 
a foot long, bracteated by two or three linear adpressed re- 
duced leaves. Spathe two-flowered, three-valved, the outer 
valves linear, green at the flowering-time, one and a half or 
two inches long. Pedicel as long as the ovary at the flower- 
ing-time, afterwards an inch or more long. Ovary cylindri- 
cal-trigonous, about halfan inch long. Perianth with a broadly 
funnel-shaped tube an eighth or a sixth of an inch long above 
the ovary ; outer segments of the limb (falls) an inch long, 
spreading faleately, with a bright lilac almost orbicular blade 
with a couple of white spots at the base, which is half as long 
as the claw, the latter paler in colour, spotted and veined 
with deep lilac, and furnished from top to bottom with a 
shallow bright yellow crest ; inner segments of the limb 
oblanceolate-unguiculate, pale lilac, unspotted, permanently 
erect, rather shorter than the outer ones, Branches of the 
style, including their lanceolate crests, as long as the inner 
segments of the perianth, with which they coincide in colour. 
Capsule an inch long, with three lanceolate acuminate diverg- 
ing valves.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, An outer segment of the perianth, enlarged : fig. 2, capsule split open, 
natural size. 


W. Fitch. del et lith 


t ks é , & jon 
\ imcent Broo s Day " 
Vi if 

Tas. 6307. 
Native of Port Natal. 

Nat. Ord. Arocynum.—Tribe CartssEx. 
Genus Carissa, Linn. (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol, ii. p. 695. 

Carrssa (Arduina) grandiflora ; glaberrima, foliis breviter petiolatis, ovatis ovato- 
oblongis v. rotundatis, apiculatis coriaceis costa subtus crassa venis 
obscuris, floribus subsessilibus terminalibus solitariis v. binis, calycis seg- 
mentis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis intus glandulosis, corolle tubo elongato 
lobis oblongis obtusis sinistrorsum obtegentibus, ovarii loculis «-ovulatis, 
bacca ovoidea polysperma. 

C. grandiflora, A. DC. Prod. vol. viii. p. 335; Saunders, Refug. Bot. t. 300. 
Arpurna grandiflora, Z. Meyer, Comm. Pl. Dreg. p. 190. 

_A very pretty evergreen bush, with white fragrant flowers 
and deep green leaves, of easy culture in a moderate stove or 
warm greenhouse during winter, and in a greenhouse or the 
open air in summer. It is a native of Natal, where it was 
discovered by Drege, and has been since collected by Peddie, 
Krauss and other travellers. We have also seen specimens 
from St. Helena, where it is cultivated. Bentham (Gen. 
Plant, 7. c¢.) observes that it differs from other species 
of Carissa in the glands within the base of the calyx-seg- 
ments, and in the indefinite ovules, and suggests that it may 
be generically different, but the habit and other characters are 
so entirely that of Carissa that it would seem unnatural to 
separate it, and I follow him in retaining it in the genus. 

Carissa grandiflora was introduced by Cooper, when 
collecting for Mr. Wilson Saunders; in a note to the her- 
barium specimen which he sent home he gives it the native 
name of ‘ Amatungula,’ adding, “ fruit used for jam, tarts, etc.” 
Harvey states of the African Carissas generally, that the fruit 
is plum-like and delicious. That of the Indian C. Carandas 
is eaten both raw and cooked. 

Our plant flowers in the Palm House at the Royal 

JULY. 1st, 1877. 

Gardens in May. It has narrower leaves and much larger 
flowers than the native specimens and that figured in the 
‘ Refugium,’ which has also a greenish corolla, ours being pure 
white. , 

Descr. A rigid glabrous shrub, with stout cylindric green 
branches. eaves one anda half to two and a half inches 
long, very variable in width, from rounded ovate to oblong 
ovate, apiculate, very coriaceous, with a stout midrib beneath 
and very obscure nerves, margin slightly recurved ; petiole 
very short. Spines very stout two or more inches long, and 
forked, more slender in the cultivated plant. Flowers single 
or in pairs at the ends of the branches, very shortly peduncled; 
peduncles with a few subulate bracts. Calyzx-tube short, 
ovoid ; segments twice as long as the tube, narrow, lanceo- 
late, broader in the native specimen. Corolla-tube white, much 
longer than the calyx-segments, half an inch long, cylindric, 
pubescent within; limb two to three inches in diameter} 
segments oblong, rounded at the tip, twisted and overlapping 
to the left in bud. Stamens half way down the corolla tube, 
anthers oblong, sessile. Ovary ovoid; style short; stigma 
clavate. Berry half an inch or more long, ovoid, fleshy. 
Seeds numerous, imbricated, orbicular.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Corolla tube laid open, showing the stamens and pistil :—enlarged. 


Brooks Day & Son inp 
WH Fitch del et Lith Vincent Brooks Day 

Tas. 6308, 
TULIPA vnputatiroria. 
Native of Asia Minor. 

Nat. Ord. Lit1ackz.—Tribe Turreez. 

Genus Tutipra, Linn. (Baker in Journ. Linn. Soe. vol. xiv. p. 275). 

Turia undulatifolia ; bulbo ovoideo magnitudine mediocri tunicis intus glabris, 
caule monocephalo puberulo, foliis 3-4 prope medium caulis confertis glau- 
cescentibus margine hyalinis obscure ciliatis, inferioribus lanceolatis acumi- 
natis valde undulatis profunde canaliculatis, superioribus linearibus, peri- 
anthii splendide rubri segmentis conformibus oblongo-lanceolatis acutis, 
unguibus macula atra oblongo-oblanceolata luteo marginata decoratis, fila- 
mentis atris glabris antheris oblongis paulo longioribus, ovario clavato, 
stigmatibus parvis. 

Tulipa undulatifolia, Boiss, Diagn. ser. I. pt. 5, p. 57: Baker in Journ.. Linn. 
Soc. vol. xiv. p. 986. 

The increased attention which has been paid lately to 
hardy bulbs is producing as one of its fruits the discovery 
and introduction into our gardens of several new species of 
tulip. The present plant is allied to 7. Greigi, Regel. (Bot. 
Mag. tab. 6177) and T. Hiehleri, Regel (Bot. Mag. t. 6191), 
but is much more slender in habit, with narrow much undu- 
lated leaves and perianth-segments narrowed gradually to a 
point after the fashion of that very fine and too-much neg- 
lected south European species, 7’. Oculus-solis. T. undulati- 
Jolia is less effective horticulturally than any of these three, 
and comes from a different country. It is very near the 
Greek 7. betica of Heldreich, which has not yet been 
figured. It was discovered many years ago by M. Boissier 
on the Tartali-dagh, just above Smyrna, but was only brought 
into cultivation two years ago by Mr. Elwes. Our drawing 
was made from bulbs which he procured on the Boz-dagh, 
sixty or eighty miles east of Smyrna, at an elevation of 4000 
to 5000 feet above sea-level, which flowered at Kew early 
in May of the present year. This spring Mr. Maw has 
procured a good supply of bulbs from Boissier’s original 

JULY Ist, 1877. 

station, which he has distributed with his customary liber- 

Seat. Bulb ovoid, middle-sized for the genus (about an 
inch in diameter) with several brown membranous tunics 
which are glabrous internally. Stem one-headed, about a 
foot long in the cultivated plant, glaucous, terete, obscurely 
downy. Leaves three or four, crowded near the middle of 
the stem, glabrous, glaucous, with a hyaline obscurely ciliated 
border, the lower one lanceolate, acuminate, six or eight 
inches long, an inch to an inch and a quarter broad near the 
base, much undulated, deeply channelled down the face, the 
upper oneslinear, scarcely at all undulated. Pedunele four 
or five inches long. Perianth campanulate, erect, two inches 
long, all the six segments uniform in shape, oblong-lanceo- 
late, narrowed from the middle to a long point, bright red on 
* the face, the claw furnished with an oblanceolate-oblong’ 
black blotch bordered with yellow, which is half an inch 
long. Filaments black, linear, glabrous, three-eighths of an 
inch long; anthers black, oblong, rather shorter than the 
filaments; pollen yellow. Ovary clavate, green, half an 
inch long ; stigmas an eighth of an inch broad.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, Pistil :—magnified. 

WH Fitch dd et Lith 
Day &9on inp 

Vincent Brooks 

Tas. 6309. 

Native of Tropical America. 

Nat. Ord. BromMELiAcE2. 

Genus Tritanpsia, Linn. (Endl. Gen. Plant. p. 183). 

TILLaNDstA (Strepsis) usneoides : squamulis patulis argenteis cana, e basi ramosis- 
sima, ramis filiformibus inordinate flexuosis intricatis pendulis, foliis bifariis 
patentibus v. recurvis subremotis filiformibus teretibus acuminatis canalicu- 
latis, vaginis teretibus, floribus parvis terminalibus viridibus subsessilibus, 
sepalis lanceolatis 3-nerviis bracteis convolutis 3-nerviis acuminatis subduplo 
longioribus, petalorum unguibus 5-nerviis sepalis equantibus lamina oblonga 
recurva apice rotundata, staminibus inclusis antheris linearibus, filamentis 
filiformibus glabris, ovario oblongo, stylo breviusculo, stigmate 3-lobo. 

T. usneoides, Linn. ; Lamk. Encycl. t. 224, £ 2. Chapman Flor. 8, U. States, 
472, Griseb, Fl. Brit. W. Ind. p. 598. Sloane Hist. Jam. t. 122, f. 2, 3. 

This, the Spanish Moss, Old Man’s Beard, and Long Moss, 
of the Southern United States and the West Indies, is well 
described in Sloane’s History of Jamaica as a ‘ mossie plant 
. . . with stalks the bigness of a thread, consisting of a 
thin skin, whitish, as if covered with a hoar-frost, having 
within that a long tough black hair, like a horse-hair . . .- 
very often a yard long, hanging down on both sides from the 
branches of the trees they adhere to, being curled, or twining 
and winding within another, and making a show of an old 
man’s beard (whence the name), or as if they were made to 
climb, which I never saw they did.” Further on he says, 
‘it is used to pack up anything which otherwise may easily 
be broken, as cotton is sometimes made use of with us;” 
and again, “the inward black hairs of this moss’s stalk are 
made use of by the birds called Watchipickets for making 
their curiously contrived nests hanging on the twigs of trees.” 

To this description I have little to add, except that the 
Spanish Moss is a very widely distributed plant in the hotter 
parts of America, from Carolina to South Brazil, and on the 

JULY iar, i877. 

Andes, hanging in bunches sometimes many yards long from 
the branches of trees. It has frequently been sent to England 
as packing for Orchids, but rarely alive, and it is not till 
quite lately that it has been successfully cultivated at Kew, 
from plants imported (as packing from Jamaica). The 
specimen from which our flowers are figured was contributed 
to the Royal Gardens by Mr. J. C. Hopwood, of Stoke 
Newington. It now thrives in a damp stove, growing on 
pieces of tree-fern, and other substances, and flowering in 
spring. The scurfy scales that clothe the plant are beautiful 
microscopic objects. Each presents a nucleus of four central 
cells, around which other cells are concentrically disposed, 
and a delicate transparent wing surrounding the nucleus, and 
formed of a single series of slender extremely delicate ra- 
diating cells. The hairs of the funicle of the seed are formed 
of superimposed cells, of which each fits into a notch of the 
one below it. 

Descr. Forming lax tufts, one to many feet long, pendu- 
lous from the branches of trees, and clothed everywhere with 
a spreading silvery scurf. Stems excessively branched from 
the base, uniform in thickness throughout, filiform, tough, 
flexuose ; branches interwoven. Leaves alternate, bifarious, 
uniform along the whole of the branches, spreading, one to 
three inches long, filiform, acute, groved on the upper side ; 
sheaths half to two inches long, cylindric. Flowers about 
one-third of an inch long, on a very short stout peduncle,. 
terminal, solitary, green. Bracts convolute, acuminate, 3- 
nerved, about half the length of the lanceolate, acuminate, 
green, almost glabrous, 3-nerved sepals, which are tinged 
with red. Petals with a linear 5-nerved claw, equalling the 
sepals ; limb linear-spathulate, recurved, obtuse. Stamens 
included ; filaments filiform; anthers linear, erect. Ovary 
oblong ; style short, stigmas capitate. Capsule half to one 
inch long, straight, linear, trigonous, beaked ; valves of a 
membranous 1-nerved outer layer, and a horny brown sepa- 
rating inner one. Sveds very slender, fusiform; testa 
with a long straight pencil of cellular hairs.—J, D. H. 

Fig. 1, Branch, leaves, and flowers: 2, petals, stamen, and pistil:—enlarged. 




oks Day Ags on Imp 


Vincent Bre 

Witch, del et ith 


Tas. 6310. 


Native of Greece. 

Nat. Ord. Lizracka.—Tribe Tutirer. 

Genus Touttpa, Linn. (Baker in Journ. Linn, Soc., vol. xiv. p. 275.) 

Tura Orphanidea ; bulbo globoso tunicis intus apice brunneo-sericeis, caule glabro 
monocephalo, foliis 2-3 linearibus glabris glaucescentibus facie canaliculatis, 
perianthii infundibularis lutei rubro tincti segmentis omnibus oblongis acutis 
unguibus rubro-brunneo suffusis, exterioribus angustioribus, filamentis lineari- 
bus basi pilosis incrassatis, antheris oblongis filamento brevioribus, ovario 
clavato staminibus breviore stigmatibus magnitudine mediocribus. 

T. Orphanidea, Boiss. in Orphan. Pl. Gree. Exsic. No. 843; Heldr. in Regel 
Gartenfl. vol. xi. (1862) p. 309, tab. 373, figs. 1 and 2 ; Baker in Journ. Linn. 
Soe. vol. xiv. p. 294. 

T. Celsiana, Heldr. in Fl. Gree. Eusic., non DC. 
T. sylvestris, var Orphanidea, Regel num. p. 43. 
T. Orphanidesii, Minervee et atheniensis, Hort. 

For garden purposes this is the finest. of all the Tulips of 
the sylvestris group. It has flowers as large as those of 
sylvestris itself, but flushed on the outside with red instead 
of green. It is quite hardy, being an inhabitant of the 
mountains of Greece, at an elevation of from three thousand 
to four thousand fect above sea-level. It has been for some 
time in cultivation under various names, having been dis- 
covered in 1857 on Mount Malevo, in Eastern Laconia by 
Dr. Orphanides, Professor of Botany in the University of 
Athens, after whom it is named. Our drawing was taken 
from a plant which flowered with the Rev. H. Harpur-Crewe, 
at Drayton-Beauchamp, in June of this present year. In its 
native stations it flowers as early as April, or even the latter 
end of March. 

Descr. Bulb globose, about an inch in diameter, with 

aucust lst, 1877. 

many brown tunics, which are clothed with brown silky hairs 
on the inside towards the top. Séem half to one foot high, 
terete, glaucous, glabrous, tinged with red, one-headed. 
Leaves two or three placed near together below the middle 
of the stem, erecto-patent or falcate, linear, six or nine inches 
long, under an inch broad, glabrous, glaucous, channelled 
down the face. Perianth funnel-shaped, in wild specimens 
about two inches, in cultivated two and a half or three 
inches long, bright yellow, tinged with red on the outside, 
all the segments oblong and acute, but the outer much 
narrower than the inner three, all flushed with a blotch of 
reddish-brown on the claw, the edges of which are ciliated 
with minute silky hairs. Séamens an inch long; filaments 
linear, incrassated and densely pilose at the base; anthers 
oblong, shorter than the filaments. Ovary grecn, clavate, 
shorter than the stamens; s¢igmas one-sixth of an inch broad. 
—dJ. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, The pistil magnified. 

sia a es Reales an a ae ads a Se Ta ae 

Tas. 6311. 

Native of Central America. 

Nat. Ord. Orncu1pE”%.—Tribe VanDEz. 
Genus Norytia, Lindl. (Reichb. in Walp. Ann. vol. vi. p. 670.) 

Noryi1a albida ; pseudobulbis  parvis cespitosis costatis unifoliatis, foliis 
planis lineari-oblongis obtusis apiculatis in petiolum brevem compressum 
antice sulcatum angustatis coriaceis aveniis, racemo breviter pedunculato elon- 
gato cylindraceo densifloro, rachi et pedunculo crasso, bracteis subulatis, 
floribus imbricatis albidis, sepalo dorsali fere orbiculari, lateralibus in unum 
ovatum apice 2-bifidum labello-suppositum connatis, petalis oblongo-obovatis 
subacutis, labello breviter unguiculato trulliformi acuto ecalloso et ecarinato 
angulis posticis acutis, columna breviuscula glabra, anthera elongata. 

N. albida, Klotzsch in Otto and Dietr. Alg. Gartenzeit. 1851, p. 21; Reichb. f., 
Xen. Orchid. vol. 1, p. 47, et in Walp, Ann. vol. vi. p. 674, et in Gard. Chron. 
1870, p. 987. 

Notylia is on the whole an inconspicuous genus of orchids, 
containing some eighteen species, skilfully diagnosed by 
Reichenbach in Walper’s Annals. It is a native of South 
America, from Mexico to Brazil. The species here figured is 
one of the largest flowered ones, though inferior in this respect 
to some others, as it isin colour. Reichenbach well remarks 
that it resembles an Zria in habit and colour, or a small- 
flowered Angraecum. It was discovered, I believe, by 
Warscewicz, in Central America, and sent by him to the Royal 
Horticultural Suciety’s Gardens many years ago, since which 
time it has been re-imported by Messrs. Veitch, to whom I 
am indebted for the specimen here figured, which first flowered 
April, 1872, in Messrs. Veitch’s nursery. 

Descr. Pseudobulbs one-half to an inch long, compressed, 
deeply grooved in front, pale green. Leaves, one from the 
top of each pseudobulb, four to five inches long, linear- 
oblong, rounded and apiculate at the tip, flat, coriaceous, 
nerveless, keeled beneath, pale green, narrowed into a short 
stout flattened petiole about one-third of an inch long. Raceme 

Aucust IsT, 1877. 

from the base of the pseudobulb, six inches long, pendulous, 
curved, cylindric ; peduncle very short, and rachis stout, pale 
green; bracts small, subulate. /owers shortly pedicelled, 
one-third of an inch in diameter, close-set, imbricating, 
shortly pedicelled, white, faintly marbled with yellow. Dorsal 
sepal nearly orbicular, concave ; lateral sepals combined into 
one ovate blade, which is bifid at the tip, and placed under 
the lip. Petals obovate-oblong, rather shorter than the 
sepals, subacute. vp trowel-shaped, with a very short claw, 
the posterior angles rounded, tip subacute, disk neither 
keeled nor tubercled. Column rather stout, glabrous. Anther 
oblong.— J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, side and 2 front view of flowers; 3, column and lip :—all enlarged. 


Vincent Brooks Day & Son Imp 

Witch, de! etlith 

Tas. 6312. 


Native of South Africa. 

Nat. Ord. Ficoipes.—Tribe MEsEMBRYEZX. 

Genus Mesempryantuemum, Linn. (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen, Plant. 
vol. i. p. 853.) 

Mrsempryantuemum (Papulosa) Cooperi ; totum creberrime papulosum, glaucum 
herbaceum, perenne, ramosum, ramis decumbentibus, foliis oppositis patenti- 
recurvis semi-teretibus linearibus obtusis angulis obtusis facie subconvexa 
apicibus cylindraceis obtusiusculis glaberrimis, pedunculis terminalibus 
solitariis brevibus cylindraceis 1-rarissime 2—3-floris. floribus 24 poll. diametr. 
calycis tubo obconico lobis tubo equilongis subacutis patenti-recurvis 2 ceteris 
longioribus,’ petalis exterioribus perplurimis 1-seriatis anguste linearibus 
roseo-purpureis, interioribus (v. staminodiis) multo brevioribus et angusti- 
oribus erecto-recurvis, staminibus confertis, antheris stramineis, stigmatibus 

5-6 late subulatis. 


‘This is a very handsome and free-growing species of Mesem- 
bryanthemum, filling a large pot with its blue-glaucous glisten- 
ing stems and foliage, and bearing a handsome purple flower. 
It belongs to the Crassulina group of the Papulosa division, 
-but differs very much from all previously described species, 
all of which have very slender stems. Its precise habitat is 
unknown; it was sent by Mr. Cooper when collecting in 
South Africa for Mr. Wilson Saunders, who, with his usual 
liberality, presented specimens to Kew, which flower an- 
nually in the month of June. 

Descr. A much-branched quite glabrous decumbent glau- 
cous blue herb, forming large masses, clothed everywhere on 
‘stem, leaves, and calyx with close-set crystalline papille. 
Branches os thick as a duck-quill, cylindric, terete, not 
thickened at the nodes. Leaves rather close-set, opposite, 
one and a two inches long, spreading and recurved, 
nearly linear, gradually narrowed to the subobtuse apex, 
semi-terete, the angles of the upper surface rounded, very 

AuausT 1st, 1877. 

soft and fleshy ; papille in rows, giving a minutely striate 
appearance to the leaf. Peduncles solitary, terminal, one- 
rarely two- or three-flowered, short, cylindric. Flowers two 
and a half inches in diameter. Calyx tube obconic, half an 
inch long ; dobes five, spreading, longer than the tube, three 
of them shorter than the others, semi-terete obtuse or sub- 
acute. Petals of outer series twice as long as the calyx-lobes, 
very narrow, linear, rose-purple ; inner series or staminodes 
one-third shorter, very narrow, suberect and recurved, also 
rose-purple. Stamens densely crowded in the centre of the 
flower, forming a small yellow disk about one quarter of an 
inch in diameter. Stigmas four or five, ovate-lanceolate, 
apiculate, seated on the top of the 5-lobed ovary.—/. D. #. 

Fig. 1, Apex of leaf; 2, vertical section of flower; 3, top of ovary and 
stigmas :—all magnified. 


EE ee le 



W Fitch del ¢ Lith 

Son imp 



neent Broo! 


Tas. 6313. 

Native of Temperate Sikkim. 

Nat. Ord. Lin1aces#..— Tribe Tovarizm, 

Genus Tovaria, Neck. (Baker in Journ. Linn. Soe. vol. xiv. p. 564.) 

Tovarra oleracea ; caule 2-8-pedali simplici, basi nudo, medio foliato, sursum 
flexuoso dense piloso, foliis 8-14 breviter petiolatis magnis oblongis acutis 
membranaceis facie glabris dorso puberulis, venis 7-9 magis conspicuis, 
floribus in paniculam amplam dispositis, ramis flexuosis dense pubescentibus, 
pedicellis solitariis flore equilongis vel longioribus, bracteis minutis lineari- 
bus, perianthii campanulati albi rubro tincti segmentis oblongis obtusis, 
staminibus perianthio subtriplo brevioribus, antheris parvis, oblongis filamento 
lineari, ovario globoso, stylo brevissimo apice stigmatoso tricuspidato. 

Tovaria oleracea, Baker in Journ. Linn, Soc. vol. xiv. p, 569. 
Smitacina oleracea, Hook. fil. et Thoms. Herb. Ind. 
Smilacina, sp., C. B. Clarke in Journ, Linn. Soe. vol. xv. p. 122. 

This is far the most striking of the eighteen species of 
Tovaria, a genus better known by its much later name of 
Smilacina. Itis an inhabitant of the temperate region of 
Sikkim, at an elevation of from eight thousand to twelve 
thousand feet above sea-level, and, as might be expected, 
proves to be perfectly hardy in English gardens. It was 
gathered first by Griffith, in 1849 by Sir Joseph Hooker, 
whose sketch made on the spot from the living plant is now 
in the Kew collection of drawings, and recently by Dr. — 
Treutler and Mr. C. B. Clarke. It is the Smélacina described 
without a name by the latter gentleman in the account of his 
journey from Darjeeling to Tonglo, printed in the fifteenth 
volume of the Journal of the Linnean Society. We owe its 
introduction into cultivation to Dr. Treutler, who presented 
some of the rhizomes which he brought home to the Kew 
collection, where they flowered in the herbaceous ground this 

present summer. According to Dr. Hooker’s note (see his 
AuGusT Isr, 1877. 

Himalayan journals, vol. ii. p. 48) it is called “ Chokli-bi” by 
the natives of Sikkim, and its young flower-heads, sheathed 
in tender green leaves, form an excellent vegetable, and it is 
to this that the specific name “ oleracea” alludes. 

Descr. Rootstock as in the other species of the genus. 
Stem simple, suberect, attaining sometimes a height of six or 
eight feet, naked in the lower third, leafy from the middle up 
to the base of the inflorescence, flexuose and pubescent in the 
upper part. Leaves eight to fourteen, alternate, oblong, 
acuminate, reaching a length of six or nine inches, mem- 
branous, glabrous on the upper surface, minutely pubescent 
beneath, rounded at the base to a short clasping petiole, with 
seven or nine of the vertical veins more pronounced than the 
rest, the intermediate finer veins numerous and crowded, 
not connected by any distinctly-visible transverse veinlets. 
Flowers in a deltoid terminal panicle, which is sometimes a 
foot broad, and has a very pubescent and very flexuose main 
rachis and branches; pedicels a quarter or half an inch long, 
solitary, densely pubescent, ascending, or the lowest defiexed. 
Bracts minute, linear. Perianth campanulate, white, more or 
less tinged on the outside with red; segments oblong, obtuse, 
about a quarter of an inchlong. Stamens less than half as 
long as the perianth; anthers minute, oblong; filaments 
linear. Ovary globose; style short and stout, tricuspidate 
at the stigmatose tip. Berry rose-purple, with dark spots, 

often with one seed perfected in each of the three cells.— 
J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1,A complete flower with its pedicel; 2, a flower, cut open :—both magnified. 

Witch del. et Lith, 

“Vincent Brooks Day & Son Imp 


Tas. 6314, 

Nat. Ord. Orcuipem.—Tribe EripEnpREa:. 

Genus Eprenprem, (inn, (Lindl. Fol. Orchid. Epidend. p. 1). 

Epmenprum (Hormidium) Sophronitis ; humilis, caule repente robusto, pseudo- 
bulbis parvis, foliis paucis sessilibus patentibus oblongo lanceolatis acutis 
coriaceis utrinque valde glaucis purpureo-marginatis crasse carnosis, floribus 
in pedunculo perbrevi crasso 2-3-floro, bracteis late ovatis acutis cucullatis 
valde carnosis, floribus sesquipollicaribus pallide luride viridi-luteis purpureo 
irroratis, sepalis ovato-lanceolatis sensim acuminatissimis dorsali recurvo 
lateralibus porrecto-deflexis, petalis minioribus et angustioribus recurvis, 
labelli ungue column adnato lamina coriacea lanceolato-lingueformi lateri- 
bus ad medium usque membrana viridi undulato-crenate marginato dein 
subulato sordide purpureo, disco pallidiore tesselato concavo late nectarifera, 
columna brevi crassa conica alis crasse coriaceis rotundatis. 

E, Sophronitis, Lindl. et Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. 1867, p. 655. Xen. Orchid. 
p. 160, t, 167, £1. 

This is certainly one of the most singular species of the 
vast genus Ypidendrum, and few but skilled scientific Orchi- 
dologists, as Reichenbach, would venture at first sight to 
refer it to its proper genus, so unlike to any with which 
we are familiar in horticultural establishments. That author 
has, however, correctly referred it to Lindley’s division 
Hormidium, characterised by the creeping rhizome, true 
pseudobulbs, and subsessile flowers. To it belong Z. pyg- 
meum, Hook (Tab. 3233), and a few other S. American 
species. Reichenbach states that Lindley gave to the group 
the name Hormidium, from the species of it being miserable 
objects, inadvertently adding that they form a group of 
Lindley’s section Aulizeum, which has leafy stems and a 
pronged lip. Perhaps the most curious characters of E. 
Sophronitis are the broad honeyed area of the lip, and the most 
singular pale glaucous greenish waxy secretion that clothes 
both surfaces of the leaves. : : 

E. Sophronitis is a native of Loxa in Peru, where it has 

Aucust Ist, 1877. 

been collected by Wallis and others; the specimen here 
figured flowered in the Royal Gardens in May and June of 
the present year, and was received from Mr. Linden. 

Descr. Rhizomes stout, short, creeping, sending off many 
stout cylindric roots from its under surface. Pseudobulbs 
one half of an inch long, ovoid, green. Leaves two to three, 
at the tip of the pseudobulb, two to three inches long, 
spreading, oblong-lanceolate, acute, thickly coriaceous, keeled, 
clothed on both surfaces with a pale glaucous, green, waxy 
secretion, margins purple. Flowers two to three, on a short 
terminal peduncle, one and a half inch in diameter, dull 
yellow-green, mottled with dull violet-purple; peduncle very 
stout; bracts short, very coriaceous, concave, green; pedicel 
and ovary almost an inch long. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, 
acuminate, upper recurved, lateral, projecting forwards and 
downwards. Petais rather narrower, recurved. Jip with 
the claw adnate to the column; limb broadly ovate, then 
suddenly contracted to a lanceolate acuminate apex, sides of 
the broadest part membranous, green and waved, within this 
green edge is a broad purple belt, which unites with the 
purple tip; dise broadly nectariferous, white mottled with 
red-purple. Column short, very broadly conical, with the 
sides broadened into rounded coriaceous wings.—/. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Fruit; and 2, side view of lip and column :—enlarged. 

Tas. 6315. 

CEROPEGIA sarkteyt. 
Native of South Africa. 

Nat. Ord. AscterIaDEZ—Tribe CERoPEGIE®, 

Genus Crnoprcis, Linn. (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant), v. ii. p. 779.) 

Cenorecia Barkleyi ; rhizomate tuberoso, caule gracili ascendente simpliciusculo 
glabro v. pilosulo, foliis sessilibus ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis carnosis, pe- 
dunculis axillaribus gracilibus paucifloris, floribus 2-pollicaribus, pedicellis 
apice incrassatis, calycis segmentis acicularibus, corolle tubo curvo basi 
globoso dein anguste infundibuliformi, ore dilatato, limbi lobis tubo fere 
sequilongis e basi triangulari filiformibus erectis medio pilosis apicibus hori- 
zontaliter incurvis connatis. 

This is one of many undescribed species of Ceropegia which 
seem to abound in the dry regions of South Africa. ‘These 
probably form a conspicuous feature in the flora of regions 
that are all but desert during a considerable portion of the year, 
to meet the exigences of which they are provided, some with 
tuberous rhizomes, others with very succulent leaves, 
whilst others still have fleshy leafless stems. They differ too 
remarkably in the structure of the corolla lobes; in the 
majority of them these are as in the present species slender, 
erect; spread first outwards and then inwards, finally meeting 
and cohering by their tips as in most extra-African species ; 
in others they dilate much at the tip, and cohering by broad 
expansions, form a sort of parachute over the mouth of the 
corolla, as in 0. Sandersoni, Tab. 5792, whilst in still others 
the lobes are free, clawed, and hang down loosely from the 
throat of the corolla, as in @. Sororia, (tab. 5578) and ©. 
Bowkeri, (tab. 5407). It would be an interesting study for 
some South Africa naturalist to ascertain the significance of 
these three types of corolla, which in all probability represent 
as many modes of fertilization by insect agency. _ Ceropegia 
Barkley’ flowered at the Royal Gardens, Kew, in May of 
the present year, from tubers sent toH. E. Sir Henry Barkly, 
K.C.B., (late Governor of the Cape Colony), from the 

Aucust lst, 1877. 

Morley Mission Station in the Transkei District, by Mr. 
Bowker. It isallied perhaps most nearly to @. africana, (Bot. 
Reg. t. 626). : 

Descr. Glabrous or hairy on the stem. Rootstock tuberous, 
fleshy, sending down stout cylindric fibres. Stem simple or 
branched from the very base, slender at first prostate, then 
ascending, six inches or a foot or more high, probably at 
times climbing, cylindric, lower nerves swollen. Leaves one 
to two inches long, opposite, sessile or very shortly petioled, 
ovate-lanceolated, acuminate, very fleshy, keeled below, bright 
green with white nerves. Flowers in axillary few-flowered 
racemes ; peduncle slender, shorter than the leaves; bracts 
subulate ; pedicels quarter to half inch long, swollen at the 
apex. Calyx segments between subulate and acicular, spread- 
ing. Corolla nearly two inches long; tube slightly curved, 
globose at the very base, then narrowly funnel-shaped, 
glabrous, pale pink, throat not much dilated; limb-segments 
triangular at the base, then narrowed into filiform processes 
which are first incurved, then curved slightly outwards with 
the tips horizontally incurved and cohering ; the segments are 
ciliated about the middle, are pale green externally, and in- 
ternally reticulated with dark purple. Ozer corona annular, 
10-toothed ; inner with rounded lobes—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1. Flower and pedicel; 2, corona ; 8, pollen masses and caudicle :—all 


“Gnconk- Brooker Day & Son Imp 


ae ee 7, 
W Fitch del et Lith SY 

Vincent. Brooks Day &Son imp 

Tas. 6316. 

YUCCA orcuHro1pEs, var. MAJOR. 
Native of the Southern United States. 

Nat. Ord. Lit1acea.—Tribe YuccompeR. 

Genus Yucoa, Linn. (Engelmann, Monograph.) 

Yooca orchioides, var. major; acaulis, foliis 12-15 ensiformibus chartaceis 
glauco-viridibus 12-15-poll. longis deorsum margine parce filamentosis, 
scapo puberulo pedali, panicule laxe ramis brevibus erecto-patentibus, 
pedicellis inferioribus geminis bracteis 2-3-plo brevioribus, floribus inapertis 
viridulis, perianthii albidi segmentis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis 18-21 lin. 
longis, filamentis pilosis perianthio triplo brevioribus, stylis ovario subduplo 

In this group of Yuccas it is very difficult to settle 
satisfactorily where one species ends and another begins. 
Of described forms the present plant comes nearest to 
Y. orchioides of Carriere, described in the ‘Revue Horticole,’ 
for 1861 at page 369 and figured at tab. 89 and 90. It 
differs from this by its more robust habit, branched 
inflorescence, longer styles and longer more acute perianth 
segments. It is probable that in a broad sense orchioides 
is not more than an extreme variety of jilamentosa, and if so 
this should be regarded as a connecting link in the series. 
It was drawn from a plant which flowered in the Kew 
collection in July, 1875, and is perfectly hardy. 

Descr. Leaves twelve or fifteen in a stemless rosette, 
ensiform, glaucous green, chartaceous, a foot or a foot and a 
quarter Jong, an inch broad at the middle, with a few short 
threads splitting off from the margin in the lower half. 
Scape erect, about a foot long, with five or six erect reduced 
leaves. Panicle as long as the scape, with a densely 
pubescent rachis, and five or six short lax erecto-patent 
branches ; pedicels about a quarter of an inch long, the 
lower ones in pairs; bracts membranous, lanceolate, two or 
three times as long as the pedicels. Buds tinged with 

SEPTEMBER Ist, 1877. 

green. Expanded perianth milk-white, broadly campanulate, 
strongly scented ; segments oblong-lanceolate, acute, the 
outer ones about half an inch and the inner ones three- 
quarters of an inch broad. Stamens a third as long as the 
perianth ; filaments densely pubescent ; anthers small, 
oblong. Ovary oblong-cylindrical, about half an inch long ; 
Styles more than half as long as the ovary.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, The entire plant, much reduced ; 2, the stamens and pistil, magnified. 

PLN ene sitesi eg EEO ERS 

a aaa a 

Tas. 6317. 

Native of Ecuador. 

Nat. Ord. Orcu1pE%.—Tribe VanpEX. 

Genus Ovontoctossum, H. B. dé K. (Lindl. Fol. Orchid. Odontoglossum). 

Opontoctossum (Eudontoglossum) cirrhosum ; pseudobulbis oblongo-lanceolatis 
compressis ancipitibus ecostatis foliis lineari-lanceolatis acutis, scapis 
subacutis folia superantibus, paniculis nutantibus, bracteis triangulari- 
subulatis, floribus 3 poll. diam. albis maculis parvis brunneis sparsis, sepalis 
petalisque paulo latioribus consimilibus lanceolatis cirrhosi-acuminatis 
undulatis, labelli elongati lobis lateralibus brevius latioribus quam longis 
aureis rubro-lineatis intermedio elongato-lanceolato cirrhoso-acuminato basi 
aureo dein albo maculis 2-brunneis, disco 2-cornuto columna apice 


O. cirrhosum, Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orehid. p. 211; Fol. Orchid. Odont. p. 3; 
Reichb. f. in Walp. Ann, vi. 827, et in Gard. Chron. 1876, p. 503 eum Le. 
Xylog. 91, 92. 

This beautiful plant was discovered in the the Eucadorean 
Andes in the valley of Mindo, at an elevation of 6000 feet, 
by the late Col. Hall, who sent dried specimen to Sir W. 
Hooker that were imperfectly described by Dr. Lindley, and 
it has since been gathered in the same locality by his fellow 
explorer of the Andes, Dr. Jameson, and others. Subse- 
quently, but not till many years after its discovery, it has 
been fully discribed by Prof. Reichenbach in the ‘ Gardeners’ 
Chronicle,’ with two figures, one of the whole plant reduced, 
the other of a portion of a panicle with about fifteen flowers 
of the natural size. As a species its nearest allies are 
O. Hailii and inter-purpureum, both natives of the Andes, 
but it is abundantly distinct from these and all other species. 

Since its importation by the Messrs. Klaboch, 0. cerrhosum 
has flowered with many collectors, amongst the first of whom, 
I believe, is Sir Trevor Laurence, Bart., whose gardener, Mr. 
Spyers, informed Dr. Reichenbach that thirty flowers might 

be produced on a single panicle. 
SEPTEMBER Ist, 1877. 

Descr. Pseudobulbs oblong-lanceolate, compressed, two- 
edged, two to three inches long, pale green, not grooved or 
striate. Leaves four to six inches long, linear-ensiform, 
acute, nearly flat, coriaceous. Scape much longer than the 
leaves, slender, bearing a many-flowered drooping or inclined 
panicle; bracts minute, triangular. Flowers three inches 
across the petals, milk-white with brown blotches on the 
petals sepals and mid-lobe of the lip; lateral lobes and base 
of the lip golden yellow, the former with red stripes. 
Sepals narrow lanceolate, ending in recurved subcirrhose 
points, undulate. Pe/als broader, otherwise similar, dis- 
tinctly clawed. ip about two-thirds the length of the 
petals, narrowly convolute at the base, then expanding into 
two ciliate lateral lobes, and contracting into a lanceolate 
tongue-shaped recurved acuminate undulate mid-lobe ; disk 
with two ascending prominent yellow horns. Column short 
trigonous, with two spreading cirrhi at the apex.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Lip and column, enlarged. 

Mmcent Brooks Day& Son kup 

Tas. 6318. 

PITCAIRNIA  rravescens. 
Native of Topical America, 

Nat. Ord. Brometiacem.—Tribe Prrcatrniex. 

Genus Prroatrnia, LZ’ Herit. (K. Koch in Walp. Ann. vol. vi. p. 78.) 

Prrcarrnta flavescens ; acaulis, foliis circiter 20 dense rosulatis lorato-lanceolatis 
tenuiter chartaceis 2-3-pedalibus facie viridibus dorso albidis aculeis 
marginalibus nullis, scapo sesquipedali tenuiter floccoso foliis 3-4-valde 
reductis, linearibus bracteato, racemo laxo subpedali, pedicellis patulis petalis 
2-3-plo brevioribus bracteis lanceolatis longioribus, ovario basi distincte 
immerso, sepalis coriaceis lanceolatis nudis petalis lingulatis pallide luteis 
basi squamatis subtriplo brevioribus, genitalibus petalis zquilongis. 

CocuLioretTaLum flavescens, Beer, Die Famil. der Bromel. p. 69. 

This is a fine plant, which has been known in cultivation 
for several: years, but which has never been figured or 
even fully described. Its nearest ally is P. albiflos, Herbert 
in Bot. Mag. t. 2642, (Cochliopetalum albiflos, Beer), but this 
has milk-white flowers and narrower leaves, green on the under- 
side. By Karl Koch, in his monograph of this large and 
intricate genus above cited, it is placed doubtfully under 
P. odorata, Regel in Gartenflora, tab. 114, (Cochliopetalum 
Schuchii, Beer), but this also is a plant with milk-white 
petals and leaves green on both surfaces. Its precise country 
is not known, and I have looked for it in vain amongst the 
wild specimens of Piteairnia in the London herbaria. Our 
drawing was made from a plant that flowered in the 
Palm Stove at Kew in April of this present year. 5 

Descr. Acaulescent. eaves about twenty in a dense 
rosette, linear-lorate, two to three feet long, an inch or 
an inch and a quarter broad at the middle, narrowed to the 
point and downwards to a channelled hatt three or four lines a 
broad, not a proper petiole, bright green on the face, white — 
furfuraceous all over the under surface, entire thout — 
marginal prickles. Scape a foot and a half long, 

SEPTEMBER I1sT, 1877. 

floccose, bracteated by three or four reduced linear leaves. 
Raceme lax, simple, about a foot long and half a foot 
broad when fully expanded; most of the pedicels patent, 
the lower ones half or three-quarters of an inch long; 
bracts lanceolate, a quarter or half an inch long. Calya- 
tube obconical, a quarter of an inch long, adnate to the 
ovary; segments lanceolate, naked, coriaceous, yellowish, 
three-quarters of an inch long. Petals primrose-yellow, 
lingulate, obtuse, two inches long, with a toothed oblong 
scale at the base. Stamens and style about as long as 
the petals ; anthers lemon-yellow, linear, basifixed, nearly 
half an inch long. Stigmas strongly twisted spirally —J. G. 

Fig. 1, Petals, shewing the scale at the base, and a couple of stamens; fig. 
2, pistil :—both slightly magnified. — 




Vincent Brooks D 


Tas. 6319. 

Native of Birma, 

Nat. Ord. Orcu1pEx.—Tribe DenprosiEe. 

Genus Denprosium, Swartz. (Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. p. 74.) 

Deyprostum (Eudendrobium) erystallinum; caule tereti crassiusculo, vaginis 
membranaceis pellucidis arcte appressis striatis tecto, foliis distichis lineari- 
lanceolatis acuminatis membranaceis, racemis ad nodos brevibus 2-floris, : 
peduneulo perbrevi, bracteis ovato-lanceolatis, floribus 2-poll. diametro, albis 
apicibus fsbicloitimn roseis labellique disco aureo, sepalis petalisque ovato- 
lanceolatis patentissimis marginibus recurvo-undulatis, labello orbiculato 
breviter unguiculato, lamina explanata marginibus basin versus inflexis centro 
disci et ungue pilosulis, mento obtuso, columna brevissima, anthera elongata 
obtusa, papillis crystallinis operta. 

D. erystallinum. Rehb. f. in Gard. Chron. 1868, p. 572; Xen. Orchid. vol. ii. 
p. 210, tab. 193, f I. 

This is another of the beautiful Dendrobes, with which 
British Birma abounds, and for which Horticulturalists are 
under lasting obligations to the indefatigable exertions of 
Col. Benson, and the Rev. ©. Parish. It belongs to the 
same group of the genus, called Zudendrobium by Lindley, 
to which the well-known D. Pierardi, and transparens belong, 
together with D. Bensonie, Wardianum, and some twenty 
other Indian species. Prof. Reichenbach, who first pub- 
lished it about 10 years ago, spoke then with confidence of 
its distinctness, and there is no reason to doubt the correct- 
ness of his decision, though it must be confessed that the 
number of Birmese species and the very close relationship of 
many of them, suggests the possibility of hybridisation or 
great variation. A glance at the figure of D. Bensonic (tab. 
5679), and the remarks made under it, illustrate this point. 
From all its congeners, however, L. crystallinum may be 
distinguished by the shape of its elongated anther-case, which 
is covered with very prominent crystalline papille. 

SEPTEMBER lst, 1877. 

D. crystallinum was discovered by Col. Benson, F.L.S. in 
Birma, and introduced by Messrs. Veitch, who first flowered 
it. The Royal Gardens are indebted to Messrs. Low for a 
fine specimen of it, which flowered freely, and the drawing 
was made from a plant in Mr. Bull’s nursery in June, 1874. 

Descr, Stems tufted, terete, slightly flexuous, grooved, 
one third of an inch and upwards in diameter, a foot or more 
long, internodes about an inch long; clothed with closely 
appressed membranous striate pellucid sheaths, the rounded 
tops of which project about one quarter of an inch beyond 
the nodes. Leaves on flowerless stems, distichous, four to 
six inches long, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, membranous, 
bright pale-green. F/owers in pairs on very short peduncles 
from all the upper nodes, two inches in diameter; bracts one 
quarter of an inch long, lanceolate; pedicels slender, nearly 
an inch long; ovary small. Sepals and Petals spreading 
widely, white, with pale rose blotches at the tip, margins 
somewhat waved and recurved; sepals linear-oblong, acute ; 
petals broader, more obovate, and obtuser. Zip with a short 
convolute claw and circular expanded limb, which is in- 
flexed at the base forming two auricles, margin ciliolate, sur- 
face finely furred, golden-yellow, with a small, pale, rose- 
coloured blotch at the rounded tip. Column very short; 
anther-case longer than the column, oblong-cylindric, obtuse, 
clothed with crystalline papille.—J. D. H. 2 

Fig. 1, Column and anther-case :—enlarged, 





Which del et Lith. 

Vincent Brooks Day & Son 

Tas. 6320. 

ALLIUM wtniroutvm. 

Native of California. 

Nat. Ord. Lim1acke.—Tribe ALLER. 

Genus Attium, Linn. (Regel, Alliorum Monographia: St. Petersburg, 1875.) 

AtLIum unifolium ; bulbis parvis longe rhizomatosis tunicis albidis membra- 
naceis, foliis linearibus glabris scapo brevioribus solitariis vel paucis, scapo 
tereti 1-2-pedali, umbellis densis 20-30-floris, spathe valvis duabus lanceolato- 
deltoideis pedicellis subsquilongis, pedicellis 9-12 lin. longis, perianthii 
rubri segmentis ovato-lanceolatis acutis 5-6 lin. longis flore expanso patulis, 
staminibus perianthio distincte brevioribus, filamentis subulatis conformibus, 
stylo elongato, ovulis in loculo geminis collateralibus erectis. 

A. unifolium, Kellogg in Proc. Calif. Acad. vol. ii. p. 112, tab. 35; S. Wats. in 
Bot. 40 Paraill, p. 486, tab. 36, fig. 9-10; Regel, Alliorum Monog. p. 146. 

This is one of several handsome new Aldiums which have 
lately been discovered in California. It is found in the vici- 
nity of Oakland, and about the bay of San Francisco. It was 
first named and described by Dr. Kellogg in 1861. It was 
afterwards found that name was not an appropriate one, the 
number of leaves not being a constant character. Of well- 
known old-world types it is most like Allium roseum in the 
flowers, but its underground structure is quite unique in this 
very large genus, so far as known, the bulbs being developed 
some distance from one another, and connected by a thread- 
like rhizome, like that of Lilium canadense. Our drawing 
was made from specimens which flowered with Messrs. Back- 
house and Son at Holgate, near York, in July, 1873. 

Derscr. Bulbs small, ovoid, connected by a filiform rhizome ; 
outer tunics whitish, membranous, marked with fine parallel 
anastomosing waved lines. Leaves one, two or more, linear, 
glabrous, shorter than the scape, a foot or less long, a sixth 
to a quarter of aninch broad. Scape erect, terete, one or 
two feet long; umbel dense, 20-30-flowered, about two inches 
in diameter; pedicels nine to twelve lines long; spathe-valves 
SEPTEMBER IlstT, 1877. 

lanceolate-deltoid, about as long as the pedicels. Perianth 
mauve-pink, rotate when fully expanded ; segments ovate- 
lanceolate, acute, five or six lines long. Stamens rather 
shorter than the perianth-segments ; filaments all alike, subu- 
late ; anthers small, oblong. Ovary depresso-globose, deeply 
three-lobed. Style a quarter of an inch long; ovules two in 
each cell, basal, collateral, erect.—J. G. Baker. 

_ Fig. 1, An open flower, natural size; 2, a single stamen ; 8, the pistil: 4, ver- 
tical section of ovary :—all three magnified. 


W Fitch Gel of Lith 

Vincent Brocks Day &Son Imp 

Tas. 6321. 


Natives of Asia Minor. 

Nat. Ord. Liniacka.—Tribe Tutrerz. 

Genus Fririttari, Linn. (Baker in Journ. Soe. Linn., vol. xiv. p. 251.) 

Frirmtaria (Amblirion) dasyphylla ; bulbo parvo globoso tunicis pallidis, caule 
4-9-pollicari sepissime unifloro, foliis 6-12 viridibus omnibus sparsis vel 
infimis et supremis oppositis, inferioribus oblongo-oblanceolatis subobtusis, 
superioribus lanceolatis vel linearibus acutis, perianthii infundibularis seg- 
mentis obovato-oblongis obtusis extus purpureis intus luteis haud tessellatis 
foveola parva oblonga viridi supra basin preditis, staminibus perianthio 
subduplo vel triente brevioribus, antheris filamento puberulo duplo breviori- 
bus, stylo integro ovario zquilongo, stigmate capitato.., 

F. dasyphylla, Baker in Gard. Chron. 1875, pt. 1, p. 653. 
F. tulipifolia var, dasyphylla, Baker in Journ. Linn, Soe. vol. xiv., p. 266. 

Frirmzarta (Monocodon) acmopetala; bulbo parvo globoso tunicis pallidis 
caule pedali vel sesquipedali unifloro, foliis 5-6 glauco-viridibus omnibus 
sparsis linearibus, perianthii campanulati segmentis obovato-oblongis obtusis 
viridulis haud tesselatis dorso et apice plus minusve purpureo suffusis supra 
basin fovéolaé parva oblonga viridi preeditis, staminibus perianthio subtriplo 
brevioribus antheris filamento puberulo duplo brevioribus, stylo supra 
medium trifurcato ramis subulatis. 

F. acmopetala, Boiss, Diag. pt. vii. p. 104; Walp. Ann, vol. i. p. 851; Baker 
in Journ. Linn, Soe., vol. xiv., p. 262; Gard. Chron, 1875, pt. 1, p. 620. 

F. lycia, Boiss. and Held. in Boiss. Niagn., pt. 13, p. 20. 

These are two Fritillaries of which living plants have 
lately been brought for the first time from Asia Minor by 
Mr. Elwes, and liberally distributed. /. dasyphylla is a 
dwarf species, first gathered by Professor Edward Forbes, 
which belongs to the section with an entire style, and re- 
sembles in general habit F. /ulipifolia of the Caucasus, 
figured Bot. Mag. tab. 5969. F. acmopetala, on the contrary, 
is a tall-growing plant, closely allied to F. pyrenaica, but 
with very different leaves, Both are plants of the mountains 

OCTOBER Ist, 1877, 

and perfectly hardy. # dasyphylla was gathered by Mr. 
Elwes in light sandy soil over serpentine between Moolah and 
Aidin, at an elevation of two thousand feet above sea-level, 
and #. acmopetala in rocky woods in Caria. 

Duscr. F. dasyphylla. Bulb globose, under half an inch in 
diameter, with pale membranous tunics. Stem rising four to 
nine inches above the surface of the ground, one- rarely two- 
flowered, bearing six to twelve rather fleshy green leaves, all 
alternate or the lowest and sometimes the uppermost opposite, 
the lowest oblanceolate-oblong, subobtuse, two or three 
inches long, the others lanceolate and linear. Flowers more 
or less drooping. Perianth broadly funnel-shaped, three- 
quarters or seven-eighths of an inch long, the segments pur- 
plish on the back, yellow without any tessellations inside, 
with a small green oblong foveole above the base. Stamens 
three-eighths or half an inch long; filament flattened, pubes- 
cent ; anther oblong. Style a quarter or three-eighths of an inch 
long, entire. 

F. acmopetala. Bulb small, globose, with pale tunics. 
Primordial radical leaves oblong, two or three inches long, 
narrowed to a petiole as long as the blade, Svem above a 
foot long, slender, glaucous, one-flowered. Leaves five or 
six, rather glaucous, all alternate, linear, three or four inches 
long. Flowers drooping. Perianth campanulate, fifteen or 
eighteen lines long, the obovate-oblong obtuse segments 
more or less flushed with purple on the back and tip, for the 
rest greenish, without any tessellation, furnished with a small 
oblong greenish foveole above the base. Stamens less than 
half as long as the perianth; anthers linear-oblong, cus- 
pidate, half as long as the pubescent filaments. Style half an 

inch long, with three subulate forks reaching nearly halfway 
down.—J. G. Baker, 

Fig. 1, segment of the perianth of F’. dasyphylla ; fig. 2, pistil of the same; 

fig. 3, segment of the perianth of #' acmopetala ; fig. 4, pistil of the same :—all 
more or less magnified. 

b ason imp 

Vincent Brooks Ua 

el et. Lith, 

W.H Fitch 

Tas. 6322. 


Native of Brazil. 

Nat. Ord. Orcutpem.—Tribe VANDEA: 

Genus Oncipium, Swartz, (Lindl. Fol. Orchid. Oncidium). 

Oncipium (Micropetala) ewwanthinum; pseudobulbis ellipsoideis compressis canali- 
culatis, foliis binis lineari-ensiformibus acutis acute carinatis, panicula 
ampla ramosa, bracteis triangulari-subulatis, floribus 1-poll. diam. aureis disco 
rubro-maculato, sepalo dorsali columna vix longiore cucullata, lateralibus 
parvis acutis connatis, petalis paulo longioribus oblongis obtusis undulatis, 
labelli trilobi ungue brevi porrecto lobis lateralibus  sessilibus rotundatis 
crenatis intermedio maximo subreniforme bilobo sinu acuto, callo inter lobos 
antice multilobulato, postice in cornu porrecto, columna brevi alis lobulatis. 

O. Euxanthinum, Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. 1869, p. 1158, 

SCSURIRRREGIietonses cre nee RE na = -* SR 

A member of a small group of chiefly Brazilian Oncidia, of 
which the first described species is 0. difolium, Sims, (Tab. 
nostr. 1491), a native of the Brazils, which differs in the 
tacemose flowers, much smaller broadly obovoid pseudo-bulbs, 
and shorter leaves. It is even nearer the 0. martianum var. 
bicolor, Lindl. (0. bicolor, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1847, t. 66) in 
the racemose flowers, but that species has a solitary broad 
leaf, and very much narrower lateral lobes of the ip. . DE 
Reichenbach, who has kindly verified the name for me, de- 
scribes the flowers of the original specimen as having greenish 
Sepals and petals with brownish bars, but those of the speci- 
men here figured are of the same clear yeliow as the lip, and 
the spots on the latter are of a clear red hue. The warts etc. 
of the lip are not only variable in this genus, but most diffi- 
cult to describe ; in the present species they occupy a narrow 
area on the disk, and consist principally of a transverse row of 
tubercles and a prominent but small conical horn. 

O. euaanthinum is a native of Brazil, whence it was im- 

OCTOBER lst, 1877. 

ported by Messrs. Veitch, who sent the specimen represented 
here in November, 1871. 

Duscr. Pseudobulbs two to three inches long, ellipsoid, flat- 
tened, channelled. Leaves two, eight to ten inches long, linear- 
ensiform, acute, not narrowed into a petiole keeled especially 
towards the base, coriaceous, bright green. Scape slender, 
drooping, with the broad spreading many-flowered panicle 
longer than the leaves; branches slender, green, flexuose; 
bracts minute, ovate-subulate. Flowers about an inch in 
diameter across the lip, bright golden yellow with red dots 
on the disk of the lip, and bars across the sepals and petals, 
which latter are very small compared with the lip. Dorsal 
sepal one-sixth of an inch long, obovate, obtuse, hooded, 
arching over the column; lateral sepals united into an obovate 
bifid body with acute lobes placed under the lip. Petals 
rather longer than the sepals, oblong, spreading undulate. 
Lip very large, shortly clawed, the claw protruded and 
winged, 3-lobed; lateral lobes many orbicular, sessile, crenate, 
flat ; mid-lobe reniform, much broader than long, bifid with 
an acute sinus, margins waved; disk with several warts in 
a transverse line, and a prominent horn, besides other smaller 
warts in irregular series. Column short, with coriaceous 
rounded wings.—J. D. H. 

Fig; 1, Flower with midlobe of lip cut away :—enlarged. 

WH Pitch Del et Lath. 


Vincent Brocks, Day&Son tmp. 

o ceittieseees k  Can ee 


Tas. 6323. 

Native of the Hast Indies. 

Nat. Ord. Locantacez.—Tribe Eviocanré. 

Genus Buppiesa, Linn. (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. ii. p. 793.) 

Bupvie1a (Neemda) asiutica; arborea, albo- v. ferrugineo-tomentosa, foliis 

breviter petiolatis lanceolatis v. elongato-lanceolatis acuminatis integerrimis v. 
'  serrulatis supra glabris, floribus parvis albis in racemos elongatos graciles 

axillares et terminales nutantes dispositis, solitariis v. fasciculatis odoris, 
bracteis bracteolisque subulatis pedicellis brevibus v. brevissimis, capsulis 

_ Bz asiatica, Lour. Fl. Cochinch. p. 72; Benth, in DC. Prodr. vol. x. p. 446; 
Brand. For. Flor. p. 818; Beddome, Flor. Sylvat. Anal. Gen. t. xxi. f. 4. 

B. Neemda, Hamilt. in Roxb. Fl. Ind. vol. i. p. 396. Ed. Carey, vol. i. p. 411. 
DO. 1. ¢. 

B. discolor, Roth. Nov. Pl. Spec. p. 83; Benth. Scroph. Ind. p. 42; Wight Ic. Ft 
Ind. Or. t. 894; Ill. t. 165, b. and v. 

B. salicina, Lamk. Illustr. i. p. 291. 

B. sundaica, acuminatissima et densiflora, Blum. Bijd. 743, ex Miq. Fl. Ind. 
Bat. vol. ii. p, 363. 

B. subserrata, Don. Prodr. Fl. Nep. p. 92. 

B. virgata, Blanco, Fl. Filip. p. 57? non L. fil. 

A very common and graceful large shrub or small tree of 
” a alay Peninsula, Cochin- 

Continental India, Burma, the M 
China and Java, advancing north-westwards to the Indus, 

ascending to 4000 ft. in the Himalaya, and to 6000 in the 
Nilgherri Hills, but curiously enough absent from Ceylon. 
Two forms of it are common, differing much in the flowers 
which are very variable in size and the length of the tube 
of the corolla; one form, that here figured, has a salver- 
shaped corolla, with orbicular spreading lobes; the other has 
much smaller flowers with short suberect corolla-lobes. 

The stamens in both are inserted near the mouth of the 

corolla-tube, not as stated by Roxburgh near its base. 

It is certainly remarkable that so very common, elegant 
and sweet-scented a plant as this, which flowers for three 

OCTOBER Ist, 1877. | 

months continuously in India, should not be in common 
cultivation ; but it does not appear in the Hortus Kewensis, 
nor is it figured in any work published in England. For the 
specimen here described I am indebted to Messrs. Downie, 
Laird and Co., who sent it for naming in February 1874. 

Duscr. A shrub or small tree, with opposite cylindric 
branches, the young shoots, leaves beneath and inflorescence, 
clothed with snow white or buff appressed or mealy tomentum. 
Leaves four to eight inches long, short-petioled, lanceolate 
or elongate-lanceolate, acuminate, quite entire or serrulate ; 
nerves diverging ; upper surface glabrous. Racemes three to 
six inches long, axillary or terminal, or panicled, very 
slender, drooping; bracts and bracteoles subulate ; flowers 
very shortly pedicelled, usually ternate, white, sweet-scented, 
of two forms, larger with spreading orbicular erose corolla 
lobes, smaller with erect lobes. Calyz shortly ovoid, 
4- rarely 5-lobed or -toothed, villous. Corolla-tubes two to 
four times the length of the calyx, villous; limb with 

- rarely 5-spreading large, or ovate erect small lobes, mouth 
villous. Stamens inserted on the throat of the large corolla 
tube. Anthers oblong included. Ovary conical, narrowed 
Into a short style with a thick 2-fid stigma. Capsule ovoid, 
deflexed 2-celled, 2-valyed. Seeds numerous, imbricate, 
compressed, winged at both ends.—J. D. 7. 

Fig. 1, Flower; 2, corolla laid open, showing the ovary :—both enlarged. 

Vincent. BrooksDay®& Son,imp. 


W.HFitch Del et Lith 

Tas, 6324, 
ALOE tricoror. 
Native of the Cape of Good Hope. 

Nat. Ord. Lintacka—Tribe Anornex, 

Genus Atoz, Linn. (Kunth, Enum. vol. iv. p- 492). 

AoE tricolor ; breviter caulescens, foliis 12-15 dense rosulatis lanceolatis 
semipedalibus e basi ad apicem attenuatis sordide viridibus maculis copiosis 
parvis albidis irregulariter seriatis decoratis margine dentibus parvis 
deltoideis cuspidatis patulis apice castaneis corneis armatis, scapo sesqui- 
pedali, paniculis deltoideis parce ramosis ramis brevibus densifloris race- 
mosis, pedicellis 3-4 lin. longis, bracteis lanceolatis acuminatis pedicello 
eequilongis, perianthii splendide corallino-rubri tubo cylindrico medio 
constricto, segmentis oblongis introrsum luteis tubo duplo brevioribus, 
genitalibus inclusis. 

This is a fine new dwarf Aloe of the Picte group. It 
differs from 4. obscura, Miller, and from the well- 
known A. Saponaria, Haworth, with its many subspecies and 
varieties, by its typically racemose, not capitate inflorescence 
and by its perianth strongly constricted in the middle. In 
both these points it agrees with 4. macrocarpa, a species 
lately described and figured by Todaro, (Hort. Bot. Panorm. 
tab. 9) sent by Schimper from Abyssinia, from which our 
present plant differs in the shape and maculation of its 
leaves. Perhaps it may be, as Mr. N. E. Brown has 
suggested, the 4. arabica of which the foliage alone is 
described by Salmdyck (see Kunth, Enum. vol. iv. p. 525). 
But it is clearly not the plant originally named arabica by 
Lamarck, which is founded on the Arabian 4. variegata of 
Forskahl. Our present plant flowered for the first time in 
the Kew collection this spring. We received it from the 
Oxford Botanic Garden, and on applying to Professor 
Lawson he tells me that they got it some time ago, labelled 
as a Cape species, from Mr. Justus Corderoy, of Blewbury. 

Descr. Stem very short, simple. Leaves twelve to fifteen, 

OCTOBER Ist, 1877. 

in a dense rosette, lanceolate, half a foot long, one and a 
half or two inches broad at the base, narrowed gradually to 
an acute point, half an inch thick in the middle, rounded on 
the back, slightly turgid in the upper half of the face, dead 
green, marked on both faces with copious irregular transverse 
bands of small crowded oblong or roundish whitish spots, 
the edge armed with crowded deltoid cuspidate spreading or 
deflected prickles, a sixteenth or a twelfth of an inch long, 
which have a horny brown tip, the leaves bordered before 
they fade with purplish-brown, and at the flowering time all 
more or less recurved. Scape a foot and a half long, purplish, 
glaucous. Panicle deltoid, six or eight inches long, with an 
end raceme three or four inches long and two or three short 
erecto-patent branches; pedicels three or four lines long; 
bracts lanceolate, about as long as the pedicels. Perianth an 
inch long, bright coral-red on the outside ; tube twice as long 
as the segments, constricted at the middle ; segments oblong, 
yellow inside. Stamens falling slightly short of the tip of 
the perianth-segments; oblong anthers a sixteenth of an 
inch long.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, A single flower; 2, perianth, cut open—both magnified, 

W.Fitch,Del et Lith. 


Vincent: Brooks, Day & Son, imp. 

Tas. 6325. 
MICROSTYLIS Josrepurana. 
Native of the Sikkim Himalaya. 

Nat. Ord. OrcuipEx.—Tribe PLEvROTHALLIDER. 

Genus Microsrytis, Nutt. (Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. p. 18.) 

Microstyits Josephiana; pseudobulbis evolutis oblongo-fusiformibus aphyllis 
junioribus 3-phyllis foliis oblongis ‘acutis plicatis supra cupreo-aspersis, 
subtus viridibus, pedunculo basi hexagono superne minus angulato, floribus 
racemosis pro genere maximis posticis, bracteis ligulatis acutis, reflexis 
ovaria pedicellata vix squantibus, sepalis lingulato-triangularibus obtuse 
acutis lateralibus connatis flavis nune cupreo-irroratis, petalis linearibus 
acutis, labello cuculato ventricoso basi obtusangule sagittato apice 
emarginato-bilobo flavo intus brunneo maculato, columna utrinque apice 

antico extrorsum rhombea.—Reichb. f. MS. 

A very curious novelty. resembling a good deal the 
African genus Lissochilus, differing in size and habit from the 
majority of species of Microstylis, which are for the most 
part weedy green-flowered plants of no interest to the 
horticulturist. It is a native of the tropical forests of the 
Sikkim Himalaya, where, however, it escaped the notice of 
all observers previous to the late Dr, Anderson, F.L.S., then 
Superintendent of the Calcutta Botanical Garden, who dis- 
covered it in 1863 and sent plants to the Calcutta Garden. 
These flowered in April, 1867, and I am indebted to my late 
friend for a copy of a drawing of the plant taken in the 
garden, which, however, has only three-flowered racemes. The 
specimen here figured flowered at the Royal Gardens of Kew, 
in May of the present year, from plants sent by Mr. Gamnie, 
Superintendent of the Sikkim Cinchona Plantations, to whom 
the Gardens are indebted for numerous and very valuable 
contributions of Sikkim seeds and plants. It is named after 
the editor of this magazine “in recognition of his services to 
orchidology when exploring for the first time by any botanist, 
the primeval forests of the Sikkim Himalaya.” ; 

Descr. Pseudobulbs tufted, three to four inches high, 
oblong-fusiform, old leafless, young with about three leaves 
bright green, smooth, partially clothed with the remains of 

OCTOBER Ist, 1877. 

old leaves. eaves four to seven inches long, oblong or 
oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, plaited, coppery above, beneath 
green. Scape acutely six-angled below, more obscurely so 
above. Flowers six to twelve, in a strict, erect lax raceme, 
nearly globose, three-quarters of an inch in diameter, 
posticous; bracts small, ligulate, acute, deflexed, hardly 
equalling the pedicel and ovary. Sepals broadly ovate, 
revolute, obtuse, apiculate, the lateral connate for one-third 
of their length, all of a dirty-yellow colour with a coppery 
hue. Petals linear, acute, revolute, much narrower than the 
sepals and of the same colour. Lip forming an orbicular 
hood, ventricose and emarginate above, with overlapping 
margins opposite the column, yellow with red-brown blotches 
internally. Column very short, with small rhomboid lateral 
wings.—Reichb. f. 

Fig. 1, Flower; 2, side view of lip; 3 and 4, column—aill enlarged. 


Vincent Brooks Day & Son imp 


Tas. 6326. 

Native of New Caledonia, 

Nat. Ord. Litiacex.—Tribe ANTHERICER, 

Genus Artnnoropium, R. Br. (Baker in Journ. Linn, Soe. vol. xv. p. 351.) 

ARTHRopopIUM neo-caledonicum ; foliis pluribus rosulatis linearibus graminoideis 
Viridibus glabris semipedalibus, caule nudo tereti, panicule laxissime ramis 
elongatis ascendentibus, floribus in racemos laxos secundos dispositis, pedi- 
cellis medio articulatis patulis vel cernuis inferioribus geminis, bracteis parvis 
lanceolatis, perianthii parvi albi segmentis exterioribus lanceolatis, interiori- 
bus oblongis, staminibus perianthio distincte brevioribus antheris minutis 
oblongis filamentis dimidio inferiori nudis dimidio superiori strumosis, ovario 
oblongo, stylo brevi, stigmate capitato. : 

; * A. neo-caledonicum, Baker in Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xv. p. 352. 

This is a native of New Caledonia, recently introduced into 
cultivation by Messrs. Veitch. It is interesting geographi- 
cally as extending to New Caledonia the range of another 
of the characteristic Australian and New Zealand genera. 
Its nearest ally is 4. candidum, Raoul, of New Zealand, and 
the other five or six species besides these two are all confined 
to Australia and New Zealand. Whether it will be hardy 
about London still remains to be proved. I described it last 
year from a single dried specimen gathered on Mount Kanala 
in New Caledonia by M. Deplanche, and it is No. 1695‘ of the 
Vieillard collection distributed by the late M. Lenormand. 
The plant from which our drawing was made flowered with 
Messrs. Veitch in May, 1877. 

-Descr. Root a tuft of cylindrical fleshy fibres. Leaves 
many in a radical rosette, linear, grass-like, bright green, 
glabrous, about half a foot long, three or four lines broad. 
Stem, including the inflorescence, a foot and a half long, 
slender, terete, without any leaves between the radical rosette 
and the branches. Panicle very long, with four or five 

slender ascending branches each about half a foot long, which 
_ OCTOBER Ist, 1877. 

bear the flowers in very lax secund racemes; lower flowers 
in pairs, the upper ones solitary; pedicels spreading or 
cernuous, reaching half an inch in length, articulated at the 
middle, the upper joint whitish and thickened. Perianth 
white, measuring half an inch in diameter when expanded; 
outer segments firmer, lanceolate, acute ; inner broader, more 
tender, oblong, obtuse. Stamens distinctly shorter than the 
perianth-segments ; anthers minute, oblong; filaments appen- 
diculate with an oblong-sagittate pilose struma in the upper 
half, naked and rather flattened in the lower half. Ovary 
Seba oblong; style short, erect; stigma capitate—J. G. 

Se 1, an entire flower; fig. 2, a single stamen; fig. 3, the pistil:—all mag- 


bie , / 



ea (qh 
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yr easements 

Vincent Brooks Day & Son Imp 

| WRith del ot Lith, 

Tas. 6327. 

Native of Mauritius. 

Nat. Ord. Littackm.—Tribe Dracmnex. 

Genus Draczna, Vand. (Baker in Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xiv. p. 523). 

Dracana reflexa ; frutex 6-20-pedalis, foliis lanceolatis acutis patulis laxe dis- 
positis 6-9 poll. longis, 6-12 lin. latis, costa preter apicem perspicua, paniculis 
deltoideis erectis breviter pedunculatis ramis patulis densifloris, pedicellis 
solitariis apice articulatis, bracteis superioribus deltoideis, inferioribus 
lanceolatis, perianthii albidi tubo campanulato, segmentis ligulatis tubo 5-6- 
plo longioribus, staminibus segmentis equilongis, stylo demum exserto. 

D. reflexa, Lamk. Encyclop., vol. iii. p. 324; Red. Lil. vol. ii. t. 92; Kunth, Enum. 
vol. v. p. 6; Regel, Revis. Drac. p. 40; Baker in Journ. Linn. Soe. vol. xiv. 
p. 530. 

D. cernua, Jucg.; Roxb. Fl. Ind. vol. ii. p. 158. 

This is the typical form of the Bos de Chandelle of 
Mauritius. The plant is spread widely through Tropical 
Africa and runs into numerous varieties. It has long been 
known in cultivation, but the only figure which has been 
given is the old one above cited. It may be known from the 
other cultivated Draceenas with lanceolate sessile leaves by 
the looser disposition of its leaves upon the stem and by its 
solitary flowers, with a very short perianth-tube. D. cernua 
of Jacquin is a variety of the same plant, with a drooping 
panicle, longer pedicels and leaves edged with red. Our 
present drawing was made from a specimen that flowered 
some time ago in the Palm-house at Kew. 

Descr. An erect shrub, with slender branches, reaching a 
height of from six to twenty feet. Leaves laxly placed over 
the top half foot of each of the branches, lanceolate, acute, 
six to nine inches long, three-quarters of an inch to an inch 
broad at the middle, narrowed to a quarter of an inch above 
the deltoidly dilated clasping base, bright green, with the 

NOVEMBER Ist, 1877. 

midrib visible on the under side, except near the tip. Panicle 
deltoid, erect, shortly peduncled, usually about a foot long 
and broad, with several densely-flowered spreading branches, 
bracteated by lanceolate reduced leaves ; pedicels solitary, an 
eighth to a quarter of an inch long, articulated at the tip; 
bracts membranous, the upper ones deltoid, shorter than the 
pedicels, the lower ones lanceolate. Perianth whitish, half 
to three-quarters of an inch long, the tube very short. 
Stamens reaching to the tip of the perianth-segments; the 
filament five or six times as long as the pale yellow linear- 
oblong anther. Berry passing from orange to red, generally 
globose and one-seeded.—-J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, A single flower; 2, a single stamen; 3, the pistil:—all magnified. 


Vineant Brooks Day & Son hip 



Tas. 6328. 

VANDA ca#ruescens, var. BoxaLu. 

Native of Transgangetic India. 

Nat. Ord. Orcutpackm.—Tribe Vanpex. 

Genus Vanna, Lindl. (Bot. Reg. 1843 ; Mise. p. 14). 

Vanna caerulescens, Griff. (Bot. Mag. 5834), var. Bowallii ; sepalis petalisque 
lateralibus pallidioribus, labello violaceo"disco albo-lineato.—Reichenb. Jil. 
in Gard. Chron, 1877, pt. i. p. 749. 

This lovely form of Vanda caerulescens, a species already 
well represented in this Magazine (Tab. 5834) was figured 
from a specimen flowered by Messrs. Low, of Clapton, last 
June. It is merely a horticultural form of the type-species, 
presenting no tangible botanical difference entitling it to 
rank as a variety. Those specimens, in which the outer 
perianth becomes pure white, must be especially charming. 
In the flowers figured they are a very pale violet. 

_ Descr. Stem and leaves as in Vanda caerulescens, the 
latter numerous, rigidly distichous, with an obliquely toothed 
apex, four to six inches long, half to three-quarters of an 
inch broad, strongly keeled. Raceme many-flowered from 
the lower axils, in our specimen rather shortly pedunculate ; 
pedicel and ovary one inch to one and a quarter inch in 
length, subtended by very small ovate or lanceolate bracts. 
Flowers one inch to one and a quarter inch in diameter ; 
NOVEMBER Ist, 1877, 

sepals and petals nearly equal, obtuse or retuse, pale violet 
or nearly white. Lip rather shorter than the sepals, the disk 
with smooth longitudinal ridges, with dark blue or violet 
stripes alternating with white ones, passing into deep violet 
at the dilated extremity with its bilobate convexity.—D. 



Tas. 6329, 

ZECHMEA (Cunvartiera) Veitchii. 

Native of New Granada. 

Nat. Ord. Bromeniacem.—Tribe ANANASSER, 

Genus Aicumea, Ruiz & Pav. Fl. Peru. tab. 264. 

Ecumea (Chevalliera) Veitchii ; acaulis, stolonifera, foliis 12-15 loratis rigide co- 
riaceis pedalibus vel sesquipedalibus facie glabris viridibus dorso prorsus albo- 
lepidotis haud zonatis margine dentibus crebris minutis brunneis armatis, 
scapo pedali bracteis pluribus viridibus firmis lanceolatis adpressis dentatis 
predito, floribus in capitulum densum oblongum dispositis, bracteis 
squarrosis dentatis cartilagineis splendide rubris calyce paulo longioribus, 
ovario inquilateraliter globoso facie exteriori magis convexo, sepalis 
lanceolato-deltoideis acutis haud mucronatis ovario longioribus, petalis 
pallidis parvis lingulatis, genitalibus sepalis subequilongis, staminibus 
petalinis basi squamulis parvis preeditis. 

CuHEvALLIERA Veitchii, Morren in litt. 

This is a very fine new Bromeliad, discovered by Gustave 
Wallis in New Granada in 1874, and introduced this present 
year into cultivation by Messrs. Veitch. It is closely allied 
to the Costa-rican ichmea Marice-regine of Wendland, and 
belongs tothe section Chevalliera, which was proposed asa genus 
by Gaudichaud (Atlas, Voy. de la Bonite, tab. 61-62), and has 
been maintained as such by Grisebach and Morren. Chevalliera 
differs from Hohenbergia, under which most of the cultivated 
Aichmeas fall, by the heads being so tightly packed that the 
ovary and calyx have become unequal-sided by pressure, 
instead of remaining symmetrically globose, and both 
Chevalliera and Hohenbergia recede from the original species 
of Aichmea by their central inflorescence and shorter and less 
protruded petals and stamens. In addition to these, [ am 

_ disposed to look upon Hoplophytum, Pothuava, Pironneava, 

Canistrum and Ortgiesia as mere sections of Auchmea. 
NOVEMBER lst, 1877. f 

Descr. Acaulescent, stoloniferous. Produced /eaves twelve 
to fifteen, forming a dense basal rosette, lorate, horny in 
texture, reaching a length of twelve or fifteen inches, and a 
breadth of under two inches above the.middle, so deeply 
channelled that they are semicircular in horizontal section in 
the lower half, bright green, and quite naked all down the 
face, thinly white-lepidote all down the back without any 
transverse bands, deltoid-cuspidate at the point, the edge 
bordered all down with close small erecto-patent lanceolate 
brown teeth. Scape about a foot long, central, entirely 
hidden by the imbricated lanceolate adpressed green horny 
toothed bracts. Flowers in a dense oblong head, three or 
four inches long, and under a couple of inches in diameter, 
each subtended by a squarrose bright scarlet horny toothed _ 
bract; upper bracts without any flowers in their axils. 
Ovary globose, a quarter of an inch long, the side nearest the 
axis much less convex than the outer one. Sepals lanceolate- 
deltoid, connivent, under half an inch long, bright scarlet in 
the lower flowers of the head, white in the upper ones, acute, 
but not spine-tipped. Petals pale, lingulate, imperfectly 
developed in the specimen drawn. Stamens about as long as 
the calyx, those opposite the petals furnished with a pair 
of small scales at the base—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, A single flower, and its clasping bract; 2, petaline stamen and its 
basal scales ; 3, pistil:—all magnified. 


W. Fitch del et Lith 

VArtcent Brooks Day Son imp 

Tas. 6330. 


Native of Peru and Bolivia. 


Genus Catcrotarta, Linn. (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. ii. p. 929). 

CaLLEoLARiA (Jovellana) lobata ; herbacea vel basi frutescens glanduloso-pilosula 
ramis erectis adscendentibusve, foliis longiuscule petiolatis rotundato-cor- 
datis 5-7-lobatis dentatis, cymis sepius corymbiformibus v. laxe paniculatis, 
calycis viscoso-pubescentis laciniis ovatis v. oblongo-ovatis obtusiusculis, 
corollz labio superiore brevissimo, inferiore elongato oblongo-obovato incurvo 
basi longe contracto ultra medium aperto. 

C. lobata, Cav. Je. et Deser. Plant. vol. p. 26, tab. 443, fig. 1; Benth. in DC. 
Prodr. vol. x. p. 206. : 

We are indebted to Messrs. Veitch for this very interesting 
addition to our cultivated species of Calceolaria. It is a 
dense-growing herb from seven or eight inches to a foot or 
‘more in height, flowering profusely in the autumn. The 
corolla is pale yellow with deep brown-purple spots towards 
the base of the lower lip, which is remarkably long and 
folded back upon itself about the middle. 

Descr. An ascending or decumbent herb, freely branching 
from the base, more or less glandular-pubescent throughout. 
Leaves opposite, on rather long petioles or the upper ones 
shortly petiolate, from half-an-inch to 3 inches in diameter, 
roundish with a cordate base, and palmately 5- to 7-lobed, the 
lobes unequally toothed. Cymes terminal, but shortly pedun- 
culate ; pedicels half to one inch in length. lowers a clear 

NOVEMBER lst, 1877. 

rather pale yellow with warm red-purple spots on the lip. 
Calyzx-lobes herbaceous, glandular-hairy, ovate or ovate-oblong, 
rather obtuse. Corolla with a very short tumid rounded 
upper lip, lower lip elongate obovate-oblong rounded and 
entire at the extremity, sharply recurved a little beyond the 
middle.—D, Oliver. 

Figs. 1 and 2, Side and front view of flower :—a little enlarged. 






Vincent Brooks, Day &Son.tmp. 


* Tan. 6331. 

Native of New Granada. 

Nat. Ord. Orcu1paceEm.—Tribe VanpER. 

Genus Bouxea (Reichenb. fil. in Mohl & Schlecht. Bot. Zeit. vol. 1852, 
p. 667.) : 

Botrea Lalindei ; aff. Bolles violacee, Reichenb. fil. ; foliis anguste cuneato- 
ligulatis acutis, floribus solitariis, sepalis latis oblongo-ovatis petalis 
lateralibus late oblongis subplanis, labello a basi hastato triangulo antice 
utrinque implicito, hinc quasi grosse tridentato, sinubus inter dentes obtusan- 
gulis, callo in disco multisulcato columna angustiori utrinque angulato, sulcis 
rugosis, angulo deorsum verso.—Achb, 

B. Lalindei, Reichenb. fil. in Gard. Chron. 1874, part ii. p. 33. 

For the discovery of this beautiful species we are indebted 
to Mr. Lalinde, of Medellin. A fresh flower was furnished to 
Dr. Reichenbach, by Messrs. Veitch, in 1874, apropos of 
which the notice in ‘ Gardeners’ Chronicle,’ cited above, was 
drawn up. Our figure is from a specimen flowered by Messrs. 
Williams, of Holloway, last August, which differs materially 
in colour from the plant described by Reichenbach. In the 
latter the flower is of a beautiful bright violet with the tip 
of the upper sepal green, the lower half of the lower sepals 
brownish-putple; the lip deep orange and the column deep 
purplish. Notwithstanding these great differences in color- 
ation, there is no doubt as to the agreement of the speci- 
men here figured with Reichenbach’s specific description in 
the diagnostic characters taken from the peculiar form of the 
lip, and the great breadth of the column which completely 
arches over the plaited palate. 

I have already in this Magazine under Tab. 6214 and 6240, 
given it as my opinion that Bod/ea should, with Pescatorsa and 
other genera there enumerated, be regarded as sections of 

NOVEMBER lst, 1877. 

Zygopetalum, and a consideration of B. Lalindei tends to 
confirm me in this opinion. | 

Descr. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, gradually nar- 
rowed below into the petiole, one foot long more or less, about 
one and a half inches broad, strongly five-nerved. Flowers two 
and a half to three inches broad on peduncles about 3 inches 
long, one-flowered with two or three sheathing bracts. Sepals 
spreading and recurved at the lips, broadly ovate-oblong, ob- 
tuse, rose-coloured with straw-coloured tips, the lower margin 
of the lateral ones also straw-coloured. Petals spreading, 
undulate, oblong, obtuse, rose-coloured with white margins. 
_ Lip ovate hastate, margins and tip recurved, the latter ob- 
tusely pointed, golden yellow; disk with raised close-pressed, 
blunt, smooth lamelle. Column broader than the raised disk 
of the lip, arched, rose-coloured.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Column; 2, lip: —both enlarged. 



W Fitch, del ethith Vincent Brooks, Day &Son, Imp. 
itch, del et ht 

Tas. 6332, 

Native of the Mountains of Peninsular India. 

Nat. Ord. Liniackm.—Tribe Turnrren. 

Genus Litium, Linn, (Baker in Journ. Linn, Soe. vol. xiv. p. 225). 

Lito neilgherrense; bulbo magno globoso rhizomatoso squamis ovato-lanceolatis 
albis, caulibus strictis validis erectis 1-3-floris 1-2-pedalibus, foliis 30-40 lan- 
ceolatis sessilibus 5-nervatis firmis viridibus utrinque glabris, perianthii infun- 
dibularis albi suaveolentis 6-10-pollaris tubo segmentis falcatis oblongis 
sesquilongioribus, staminibus parallelis perianthio distincte brevioribus, 
antheris magnis polline luteo, pistillo staminibus equilongo, 

L. neilgherrense, Wight, Icones, tab. 2031-2082 ; Baker in Journ. Linn, Soc, vol. 
xiv. p. 230; Floral Magazine, new series, tab. 237. 

L. tubiflorum, Wight, Icones, tab. 2033-2034; Duchartre Obs. sur le Genre Lis, 
p. 71. 

LL. Wallichianum, Wight, Zeones, tab. 2035 ; non Schultes fil. 
L. Metzii, Steudel in Hohenack. Plant Ind. Or. Exsice. No. 954. 

L. neilgherricum, Hort. Veitch.; Lemaire Jil. Hort. vol, x. tab. 353; Planch. in 
Flore des Serres, tab, 2266-2267. 

This is the only Lily of the mountains of Southern India. 
It inhabits the Neilgherries and Pulnies, at an elevation of 
about eight thousand feet above sea-level. It is closely allied 
to L. Waillichianum of the Himalayas, L. philippinense of the 
Philippine islands, and LZ. longiflorum, japonicum, and Browni 
of China and Japan. It was introduced by Mr. Thomas 
Lobb in 1862, but failed to become established, and has 
lately been imported again in considerable quantity by 
Messrs. Veitch and others. The present plate was taken 
from a specimen that flowered with Messrs. Veitch in 1876. 
I have no hesitation in regarding as slight forms of one 
species the three plants figured by Dr. Wight, and cannot 
follow the view lately expressed by Dr. Planchon in the ‘Flore 

DECEMBER Ist, 1877. 

des Serres’ in separating Lemaire’s L. neilgherricum, which I 
cannot see is distinguishable even as a variety. 

Descr. Bulb globose, two to three inches in diameter, 
developed upon a rhizome which reaches a length of half a 
foot ; scales thick, white, ovate-lanceolate. Stem one to two 
feet high, green, glabrous, stiffly erect, half an inch thick in 
the lower part. Leaves moderately crowded, all scattered, 
thirty or forty to a stem, sessile, lanceolate, three or four 
inches long, half or three-quarters of an inch broad at the 
middle, firm in texture, bright green, strongly five-nerved, 
glabrous even on the ribs beneath. Flowers one, two, or 
three, horizontal or nearly so, pure white except the outside 
of the tube which is greenish, fragrant, narrowly funnel- . 
shaped, varying in length from six to ten inches, the per- 
manently connivent claws of the segments half as long again 
as their faleate oblong limb, which in the three inner ones 
is usually half as broad again as in the three outer. Stamens 
about three-quarters as long as the perianth; anthers some- 
_ times an inch long; pollen bright yellow. Ovary cylindrical, 
above an inch long; style thickened gradually above the 
middle, reaching to the top of the Stamens; stigma capitate, 
deeply three-lobed.— J. G. Baker. 



Tas. 6333. 

Native of Costa Rica. 

Nat. Ord. GrsneRaceEm.—Subtribe CoLUMNEEM. 

Genus Attor.ectus, Martius (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant, vol. ii. p. 1008). 

Attor.ectus peltatus ; fruticosus erectus glaber, foliis oppositis petiolatis carno- - 
sulo-coriaceis altero ovali-oblongo apiculato basi rotundato peltato altero 
multoties minore, floribus axillaribus sepius 2-3-fasciculatis pedicellatis, 
calyce 5-partito rubro-purpureo lobo postico minore cxteris lanceolatis 
obliquis, corolle tubo calyce longiore limbo bilabiato, labio superiore bifido 
inferiore tripartito, segmentis obovato-rotundatis denticulato-fimbriatis, 
glandula disci carnosa ovata ovario breviore postica. 

Introduced by Messrs. Veitch from Costa Rica, where it 
was collected by the late M. Endres, and flowering from 
July to the present month (November) in our stoves. This 
is another of those Gesneriads remarkable in having one leaf 
of each pair permanently rudimentary, as, for example, in 
Columnea aureo-nitens (Bot. Mag. 4294), with farther and, 
so far as I know, unique peculiarity in this genus of a 
distinctly peltate leaf-blade, the insertion of the stout petiole 
being a quarter to one third of an inch within the rounded 
base of the blade. 

Dusor. Shrubby, one and a half to two feet high, wholly 
glabrous excepting the young leaves which are ciliate at 
first as are also the segments of the calyx. Branches stout, 
sub-terete, marked with leaf-scars, the internodes smooth. 
Leaves opposite, but one of each pair fully developed, on a 
stout terete petiole one to two inches in length, blade oval- 
oblong rather coriaceous and somewhat fleshy, acute or 
apiculate, base rounded and peltate, six to nine inches long, 
one and three-quarters to two and a half inches broad, at 

DECEMBER lst, 1877. 

first ciliolate, early glabrous. Flowers in sessile few-flowered 
fascicles, more rarely solitary, from the axils of the present 
or of fallen leaves, on pedicels a half to three-quarters of an 
inch long ; bracts lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, acute, shorter 
than the pedicels. Calye 5-partite, red-purple, segments 
lanceolate subacute one inch long, excepting the posterior 
segment which is much shorter, lateral segments oblique. 
Corolla pale yellow, throat and base of lobes passing into 
orange-brown; tube curved, constricted below, and again 
dilated around the ovary ; limb bilabiate, upper. lip deeply 
bifid, lower lip tripartite, segments like those of the upper 
lip obovate-rotundate, the median lobe larger and rotundate, 
all more or less fimbriate-dentate. Stamens included, four, 
inserted near base of corolla-tube; the glabrous filaments 
cohering below in pairs; anthers slightly coherent, two-celled, 
obtuse and rounded above, sagittate below, cells. contiguous. 
Ovary superior, ovoid, narrowed into the style, minutely 
papillose, one-celled with four mutiovulate placentas ; stigma 
slightly compressed and laterally dilated, undivided, strongly 

papillose. Gland of disk posterior, ovate, about half the 
length of the ovary —D. Oliver. 

Figs. 1, Corolla laid open; 2, pistil and disk. 


Vincent Brooks, Day & Son Imp. 

pcan SORA ON A I amB ye, 

W.H Fitch, Del et Lith. 

Tas. 6334, 


Native of Columbia. 

Nat. Ord. ArorpE&.—Tribe CALLER. 

Genus StenosperMaAtiuM, Schott (Prodr. Syst. Aroid. p. 346). 

SrenosrermMatium Wallisii; caudice assurgente ad nodos radices emittente, 
foliis approximatis longiuscule petiolatis basi vaginantibus lamina oblongo- 
vel ovato-lanceolatis acutis basi oblique rotundatis, pedunculis folio breviori- 
bus v. subequilongis erectis apice recurvis, spadice cylindraceo obtuso 
pedunculato nutante spatha albida rotundata concava v. late cymbiforme 

S. Wallisii, @. 7. Masters in Gard, Chron. 1875, I. p. 558 (cum ic. xylog.). 

One of Mr, Wallis’ important discoveries in Tropical 
America, introduced to cultivation by Messrs. Veitch ; ex- 
hibited two years ago in flower, and described, together 
with an excellent woodcut and detailed analysis, by Dr. 
Masters in the ‘ Gardeners’ Chronicle’ about the same time. 

The pure ivory-white nodding spathes, freely developed 
amongst the clustered dark shining green leaves, render this 
plant one of the most valuable of our stove Aroids for orna- 
mental culture. It belongs to asmall genus consisting 
altogether of but four or five species, peculiar to Columbia, 
Peru, and Northern Brazil. 

Duscr. Stem erect or ascending two to three feet high, 
terete, glabrous, about as thick as the thumb, giving off 
copious wrial roots from the lower nodes. Leaves rather 
numerous, dark-green and shining above, paler beneath, 
lamina obliquely-oblong or ovate-lanceolate, acute or acumin- 
ate, base unequally rounded; midrib depressed above, pro- 
minent beneath, venation rather obscure ; about’six to seven 
inches long, two to three inches broad ; petiole closely am- 
plexicaul, laterally compressed and slightly channelled 

DECEMBER Ist, 1877. 

above, about one inch in length; the sheath three to four 
inches long. Pedunele slender, erect, recurved at the ex- 
tremity, equalling or shorter than the leaves. Spathe ivory- 
white, roundish, deeply concave, apiculate, at length 
deciduous. Spadix distinctly pedunculate, shorter than the 
spathe, about two inches long, cylindrical, obtuse, densely 
covered with hermaphrodite flowers. Perianth wanting. 
Stamens 4, filaments flattened, dilated below ; anthers 2- 
celled, cells broadly divergent at base, at apex ultimately 
confluent. Ovary turbinate, truncate, 4-6-sided, 2-celled 
(not 1-celled, as figured), with 4-6 erect ovules in each cell ; 
upper portion of the ovary solid; stigma sessile, centrical.— 
D. Oliver. 

Fig. 1, Ovary and stamens; 2, detached stamen; 3, transverse section of 
ovary, the dissepiment not shown; 4 and 5, longitudinal sections of ovary —all 


Vincent Brooks, Day & Son,Imp 

WH Fitch, Del et Lith. 

Tas. 6335. 
Native of the Cape of Good Hope. 

Nat. Ord. Inmpackm—Tribe GrapDIoLER®. 

Genus, Tourn. (Baker in Journ. Linn. Soe, vol. xvi. p. 170). 

Grapiotus Hekloni ; bulbo magno globoso, collo setoso, tunicis brunneis in fibras 
parallelas dissolutis, foliis productis circiter 4 ensiformibus acutis 
subpedalibus glabris rigide coriaceis venis et marginibus incrassatis, caule 
subpedali folioso, spica densa 6-12-flora semipedali, spathe valvis magnis 
lanceolatis, perianthii tubo curvato 9-12 lin. longo, limbi crebre minute 
purpureo-rubro punctati segmentis tubo squilongis, tribus- superioribus 
ovatis vel oblongis obtusiusculis, tribus inferioribus minoribus unguiculatis, 
staminibus limbo duplo brevioribus, filamentis brevissimis, stigmatibus 
cuneatis antheras superantibus. 

G. Eckloni, Lehm.; Klatt in Linnea, vol. xxxii. p. 712; Baker in Journ. Linn. 
Soe. vol. xvi. p. 175. 

Nevsert longifolia, Ecklon, Topog. Verz. p. 87 (nomen solum). 

G. carneus, Klatt in Linnea, vol. xxxii. p. 722, non Delaroche. 

This is a most distinct and beautiful species of Gladiolus, 
marked by its comparatively dwarf habit, ensiform leaves, 
and as compared with the best-known Cape species small 
flowers with innumerable minute spots of bright red purple 
on a pale groundwork. It is widely spread in South Africa 
extending from Uitenhage northward through Kaffraria to 
Natal, and inland to Basuta-land and the Transvaal, As it 
ascends to a height of three thousand or four thousand feet 
on the Katberg, we may fairly expect it to be as hardy in 
England as any of the Cape species. For the specimen 
figured we are indebted to Mr. Elwes, who flowered it at 
Cirencester in October. He procured it from Mr. Wilson 
Saunders, who had it from Mr. Thomas Cooper from the 
Drakensberg. We confidently expect it will prove a 

pular favourite. 
DECEMBER Ist, 1877. 

Descr. Bulb globose, an inch and a half in diameter, 
the neck crowned with long bristles and the brown tunics 
splitting up more or less into parallel fibres. Produced 
distichous roof-leaves usually four to a stem, ensiform, 
acute, rigidly coriaceous, glabrous, attaining a breadth of 
an inch or more at the middle, about a foot long, with the 
margins and main nerves much thickened. Stem about a 
foot long below the spike, sheathed with three or four 
reduced leaves. Spike dense, six to twelve-flowered, 
reaching a length of half a foot. Spathe-valves green and 
moderately firm in texture at the flowering time, lanceolate, 
the outer one much the largest, two or three inches long. 
Ovary small, oblong; perianth-tube curved, an inch or 
rather less long; limb about as long as the tube, the three 
upper segments ovate or oblong, subobtuse, the three 
lower smaller and unguiculate. Stamens inserted at the 
throat of the tube not more than half as long as the 
segments; filaments very short, the cuneate stigmas just 
overtopping the anthers.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, Stigmas and summit of the style; 2, a single stamen :—both magnified. 

n, imp. 

Day & So 

Tas. 6336. 

Native of Polynesia. 

Nat. Ord. AcantHackm—Tribe ErantHEME, 

Genus Erantuemum, Linn. (Benth. et Hook. fil. Gen. Plant. vol. ii. p. 1097). 

Eranturmum laviflorum; fruiticosum glaberrimum, foliis ovalibus vel ovato- 
oblongis obtusiuscule acuminatis basi angustatis, pedunculis axillaribus folio 
brevioribus sepius bifcliiferis cymosim pauci- vel multifloris, pedicellis 
spe calyce longioribus, laciniis calycinis subulatis, corolla purpurea hypo- 
craterimorpha lobis subsequalibus subellipticis obtusis. 

E. laxiflorum, 4. Gray in Proce. Am. Acad. vol. v. p. 349; Seemann, £1. 
Vitiensis, p. 185, tab. 42. - 

For this very desirable addition to our autumn-flowering 
Acanthads we are indebted to Messrs. Veitch, for whom it 
was introduced from the New Hebrides. Specimens are also 
in the Kew Herbarium from the Fiji Islands, collected by 
the late Dr. Seemann, where he states (I. ¢.) that it is 
frequently cultivated by the European settlers as an orna- 
mental plant. 

Descr. Shrub or half-shrub attaining from two to four feet 
in height, wholly glabrous; stem smooth subterete or 
obscurely tetragonous. Leaves petiolate, oval or lanceolate- 
or ovate-oblong, narrowed to each end, apex scarcely acute, 
of the flowering branches usually two to three and a half 
inches long; two-thirds to one and a quarter of an inch broad, 
the lower ones, according to Dr. Seemann sometimes 
eight to nine inches long and four to five inches broad ; 
petioles of upper leaves one-sixth to one-half of an inch long. 
Cymes few- or many-flowered, axillary, pedunculate, usually 
with a pair of foliaceous bracts; pedicels equalling or 
exceeding the calyx. Calyx divided to nearly the base into 
five erect subulate subequal segments, several times shorter 
than the corolla-tube. Corolla purple, hypocrateriform ; 
tube cylindrical, exceeding the five-partite spreading limb, 

DECEMBER lst, 1877. 

‘the ‘segments of which are approximately equal, ovate- 
elliptical, rather obtuse. Stamens two, a little exserted, 
anthers recurved at length, each with two contiguous 

equal unappendaged cells. Ovary oblong, conical, glabrous.— 
— Dz. Oliver. : 

Fig. 1, Corolla laid open; 2, calyx and pistil; 3, ovary’:—enlarged. 

To Vol. XXXIII of the Turrp Serres, or Vol. CIIT. of 

the Work. 
JEchmea (Chevalliera) | 6282 
Veitchii. | 6306 
Agave (littcea) Sartorii. 6382 
Allium unifolium. 6274 
Alloplectus peltatus. 6303 
Aloe chinensis. _ 6273 
Aloe tricolor. 6312 
Arthropodium neo-cale- 
donicum. — 6299 
Bauhinia petiolata. | 
Bollea Lalindei. | 6325 
Boronia elatior. | 6311 
Buddleia asiatica. | 6317 

Calceolaria lobata. 

Calliphruria subedenta. 

Camassia esculenta, var. 

Carissa grandiflora. 

Ceropegia barkleyi. 

Cordia decandra. 

Cypripedium Haynaldianum. 

Dendrobium erystallinum. 

Dracena reflexa. 

~ Dracocephalum speciosum. 
-Drimiopsis Kirkii. 

Dyckia frigida. 
Epidendrum Sophronitis. 
Eranthemum laxiflorum. 
Fritillaria acmopetala. 
Fritillaria dasyphylla. 
Gladiolus Eckloni. 
Gladiolus ochroleucus. 
Globba Schomburgkii. 
Gongora portentosa. 
Haplopappus spinulosus. 
Houlletia picta. 


— 6286 



— 6295 
— 6309 

ann enn 

Hypolytrum latifolium, 
Tris speculatrix. 
Lilium neilgherrense. 
Livistona australis. 
Lycaste Linguella. 
Masdevallia attenuata. 
Microstylis Josephiana. 
Notylia albida. 
Odontoglossum cirrhosum. 
Oncidium cheirophorum. 
Oncidium Euxanthinum. 
Pectis angustifolia. 
Pitcairnia flavescens. 
Restrepia antennifera. 
Rondeletia Backhousii. 
Salvia Schimperi. 
Solanum acanthodes. 
Stenospermatium Wallisii. 
Telfairia occidentalis. 
Thapsia garganica. 
Tigridia lutea. 
Tillandsia usneoides. 
Tovaria oleracea. 
Tulipa Orphanidea. 
Tulipa pulchella. 
Tulipa undulatifolia. 
Tupistra macrostigma. 
Vanda cerulescens, var. 
Xanthisma texanum. 
Xanthorrheea minor. 
Yucea orchioides, var. major.