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Plants of the Ropal Gardens of Kev, 




EESis 0L.8;,: 20. 


ft) VOL. XXXIX. 

(Or Vol. CIX. of the Whole Work.) 


“Fair pledges of a fruitful tree, 
Why do ye fall so fast ? 
Your date is not so past, 
But you aad go stay here yet aw hile 
To'blush and gently smile.”—Hrrricx. 

ee 1883, 

[All rights reserved.| 

Mo. Bot. Garden, 





My pear Sir, 

It gives me great pleasure to offer you the 
dedication of a volume of the Borantcat Magazine, in 
. _ Tecognition of your eminent services to Horticulture ; and as 
_ aslight mark of that esteem which I, in common with the 
intelligent gardening world of Europe, entertain for your 
knowledge, skill, and enthusiasm, and for the liberality with 
which the treasures of your garden are distributed amongst 

_ your fellow-Horticulturists. 

Believe me, with great regards, 
Very sincerely yours, 

J. D. HOOKER. — 
Royat Garpens, Kew, 
December 1st, 1883, 


Vincent’ Brooks Day &Son Imp 

MS. del, J.N-Ritch hth 

Tas, 6665. 

Native of Queensland. 

Nat. Ord. AmarYLuIpex.—Tribe AGAVER. 
Genus Doryantues, Oorr. ; (Benth. et Hook. J. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 739, ined.) 

DoryantueEs -Palmeri; foliis perplurimis patentim recurvis 5-6-pedalibus 4-6 
poil. latis anguste ensiformi-lanceolatis subplicatis nervis crassis prominulis, 
apice in tubum sphacelatum cylindraceum 4-5-poll. abrupte angustatis, caule y. 
scapo stricto elato 6-10-pedali foliis parvis erectis lineari-lanceolatis instructo, 
inflorescentia thyrsoidea bracteata e spicis perplurimis paucifloris secus rhachim 
brevem crassam constante, bracteis coloratis exterioribus vaginantibus oblongis 
acutis interioribus lanceolatis concavis floribus brevioribus, perianthii tubo 
supra ovarium coloratum. brevissime, segmentis lineari-oblongis obtusis extus 
‘coccineis erecto-patentibus, interioribus dorso crasse ‘costatis, filamentis inferne 
incrassatis, antheris breviter oblongis. ; 

D. Palmeri, W. Hill MSS.; Benth. Fl. Austrat. vol. vi. p. 402; Gard. Chron. 

1874, vol. i. p. 181, ewm ic. xylog. f. 44, 45 (icones in Fl. des Serres iterate et 
incaute colorate), ef-I881, vol. i. p. 408, f. 64; Regel Gartenfl. 1874. 

When, in the very commencement of ‘this century, the 
prototype of the genus Doryanthes (D. excélsa, Plate 1685) 
flowered for the first time in Europe, it was regarded as 
one of the wonders of the vegetable kingdom; and all the 
more so from the singular fact that the above-mentioned 
flowering was that of a solitary flower “which came to per- 
fection at Kew from a portion of stem without roots, which 
had been cut many months before in New Holland.” This 
fact, overlooked by some of the later historians of the 
genus, is recorded by its founder, Dr. Correa de Serra, in 
the sixth volume of the Linnaan Society’s ‘Transactions, 
where the genus is well figured and described in a paper 
read December 2nd, 1800. Though very rarely flowering 
im this country, D. ewcelsa-has continued in cultivation in 
establishments provided with space enough for so gigantic 
an amaryllid, along with its allies, the Fourcroyas and 

JANUARY Ist, 1883. 

Agaves ; but it was not till seventy years after its dis- 
covery that the present even more gigantic species was 
made known by Mr. Hill, Government Botanist of Queens- 
land, who found it on elevated rocks between Moreton 
Bay and Darling Downs. From the specimens then 
brought, which flowered in the Queensland Botanical 
Gardens in 1870, and were exhibited at the Intercolonial 
Exhibition in Sydney, together with a drawing made by 
Miss Scott, the description of D. Palmeri by Mr. Bentham, 
in the “ Flora Australiensis,” was taken. This description, 
though accurate, is necessarily incomplete; it takes no 
notice of the ribbing of the leaf, nor of their singular 
tubular brown tips, the latter a character common to both 
species, though exaggerated in this; nor of the fact that 
the ovules and seeds, though inserted in two series, are SO 
superposed as to form one row in each cell; in which 
respect the genus differs from all others of the tribe Agavew 
to which it belongs, and of which tribe it is the sole extra 
American representative. 

Though, as above stated, Doryanthes Palmeri was not 
known as a distinct species till 1870, it must have been 
discovered a considerable time before that date, for the 
plant which is here figured has been in the Royal Gardens 
for upwards of sixteen years, under the name of D. excelsa. 

As a species D. Palmeri differs from D. excelsa in its 
much larger size, broader, longer, more ribbed leaves, 
thyrsoid inflorescence, short and coloured bracts, and much 
shorter not recurved perianth-segments, which are a pale 
red within, and in the short anthers : it commenced flowering 
in the Succulent House at Kew in 1881, and was trans- 
ferred thence to the South Octagon of the Temperate House, 
where it commenced to open its flowers in March, and 
continued in beauty for two months, finally ripening its 
seeds in October. 

The name Palmeri records the services to Horticulture 

of A. H. Palmer, Esq., formerly Colonial Secretary of 

Duscr. Roots fibrous. 
and recurved, ensiform, si 
six inches broad, slightly 
six inches long. Stem 

Leaves very numerous, spreading 
x to eight feet long and four to 
ribbed, tip brown tubular, four to 
or scape eight to ten feet high, 

clothed with lanceolate short erect bracts. Inflorescence 
three feet long, thyrsoid, compact, of many short few- 
flowered spikes surrounded by red-brown oblong acute 
bracts, the inner of which are shorter than the perianth. 
Flowers scarlet, from the tubular ovary, which is one and 
a half inch long, to the tips of the segments, which are 
erecto-patent, narrowly oblong, obtuse, and two inches 
long. Stamens shorter than the perianth-segments, fila- 
ments gradually narrowed upwards; anthers half an inch 
long, yellow in bud, then purple. Style deeply grooved, 
base conical ; stigmas very minute, radiating —J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, End of leaf; 2, portion of inflorescence :—both of natural size ; 3, reduced 
figure of whole plant; 4, outer, and 5, inner perianth-segments ; 6, top of ovary 
and style; 7, top of style and stigma :—all enlarged. 


Vincent Brooks Day & Son Imp 


MS. del, JN. Fitch 

Tas. 6666. 

Native of the South-Western United States. 

Nat. Ord. In1pEa.—Tribe SISYRINCHIER. 
Genus Nemastyuis, Wuttall; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen, Pl. vol. iii. p. 696, ined.) 

Nemastyuis acuta; bulbo ovoideo tunicis pluribus membranaceis brunneis, foliis 
basalibus 2-3 elongatis linearibus Plicatis glabris, caule gracili furcato, ramis 
2~4 apice floriferis basi folio reducto bracteatis, spathez biflore valvis 2 lanceo- 
latis r'gidulis striatis apice membranaceis, pedicellis spatha zequilongis, ovario 
turbinato, limbi segmentis oblongis ceruleis patulis, staminum filamentis 
brevissimis, antheris erectis linearibus luteis post anthesin revolutis, styli ramis 
subulato-cylindricis inter antheras patulis apice stigmatosis. 

N. acuta, Herbert in Bot. Mag. sub t. 3779; Engelm. et A. Gray Pl. Lindheim. 
parti. p.27; Baker in Journ. Linn. Soe. vol. xvi. p.103; Van Houtte Flore 
des Serres, t. 2171. 

N. geminiflora, Nuttall in Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol. v. p. 157. 
Ixta acuta, Barton Fl. North. Amer. vol. i. p. 76. 

Of this curious and little-known genus of bulbous 
Tridacess there are three closely-allied species in the 
Southern United States. It is remarkable for having its 
Style divided down to the base into six branches, which 
spread two together between each of the three anthers at a 
right angle from their base, and are stigmatose only on the 
slender tip. The flowers are a bright azure-blue, and are 
very fugitive. In the present species they are, so far as I 
have seen, always two in a cluster, one appearing after the 
other has faded ; but in its close ally, NV. celestina, they are 
usually solitary. It has been introduced several times into 
European gardens of late years. We had it from Mr. 
Chas. Green in 1874, from Mr. Wm. Bull in 1875, and it 
was figured in the “Flore des Serres” in 1875, from speci- 
mens sent by Max Leichtlin of Baden Baden. Our drawing 
was made from plants that flowered at Kew in the summer 

JANUARY Ist, 1883. 

of 1882, which came from the collection of the late G. C. 
Joad, Esq., of Wimbledon. 

Descr. Bulb ovoid, about an inch in diameter, with many 
dark-brown membranous tunics. Basal leaves two or three, 
not distichous, sheathing the stem at the base, then pro- 
duced into a linear plicate glabrous lamina half a foot or a 
foot long, of moderately firm texture. Stem slender, terete, 
a foot or more long, with two, three, or four ascending 
branches, each ending in a spathe and bracteated at the 
base by a reduced leaf. Spathe of two lanceolate valves 
above an inch long, green and moderately firm in texture, 
membranous at the tips. Flowers two in a cluster, with 
pedicels as long as the spathe. Ovary small, turbinate ; 
perianth-limb slit down to the base into six similar oblong 
azure-blue spreading segments about an inch long. Stamens 
three, erect, with very short filaments, the bright-yellow 
erect linear anthers soon curling up after the flower is 
expanded. Branches of the style spreading horizontally, 
not more than half as long as the anthers, fruit a small 
coriaceous loculicidal capsule, with several subglobose seeds 
in each cell.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, Stamens and styles ; 2, front view of a stamen ; 3, back view of astamen; 
4, style, with its six spreading forks :—all more or less enlarged. 

ie Siti. AS 


on imp 


entBrooks Day 





{ Fitch hth 

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‘Tas. 6667. 
BABIANA xtncens. 

Native of the Cape of Good Hope. 

Nat. Ord. In1pEx.—Tribe Ix1nm. 
Genus Banrana, Ker; (Benth. et Hook.f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p- 706, ined.) 

Bastana ringens; bulbo globoso tunicis pluribus membranaceis brunneis, foliis 
basalibus 6-8 caulis basin longe amplectentibus linearibus plicatis glabris 
rigidulis, caule piloso pedali vel sesquipedali medio rami brevi arcuato florifero 
et sub apicem altero abortivo predito, floribus densis secundis spicatis erectis, 
spathe valvis 2 magnis lanceolatis rigidulis crebre striatis apice sphacelatis, 
perianthii tubo infundibulari viridulo, limbo bilabiato splendide rubro, labio 
superiori oblongo integro longe unguiculato, labio inferiori segmentis 5, centra- 
libus oblongis unguiculatis, lateralibus minoribus lanceolatis reflexis, genitalibus 

' exsertis. 

AntTHotyza ringens, Lian. Sp. Plant. vol. i. p. 54; Miller Gard. Dict. edit. 8, 
No.1; Thunb. Fl. Capen. edit. Schultz, p- 39, non Andrews. 

Banana ringens, Ker in Konig et Sims Ann. vol. i. p. 223; Gen. Irid. p. 152; 
Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1006; Herbert in Bot. Reg. 1838, Misc. p- 18; Klatt in 
Linnea, vol. xxxii. p. 732; Baker in Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xvi. p- 166. 

This is one of the most curious and striking of all the 
Cape bulbs, and it is interesting historically as being one 
of the first Cape plants known to botanists. It was intro- 
duced by the Dutch in the seventeenth century, and ex- 
cellently figured and described by Commelinus in 1697 in 
his “Hortus Medicus Amstelodamensis ” (yOL 1... p. sl, 
tab. 41) under the name of “Gladiolo zthiopico similis 
planta angustifolia, caule .hirsuto, flore rubicundissimo,” 
by Gladiolus «wthiopicus what we now call Antholyza 
wthiopica being intended. It has never been grown in 
England except casually as a curiosity, and whenever intro- 
duced appears to have been soon lost. Philip Miller had it 
at Chelsea in 1759, Loddiges at Hackney from 1820 to 
1825, and in 1838 it ripened its seeds with Dean Herbert 
at Spofforth in Yorkshire in the open air, standing out of 
doors in a pot of sandy loam, after having been kept during 
the winter in a greenhouse. Of late years we have had 

JANUARY Ist, 1883, 

living specimens sent from Mr. Barr in 1878, and Sir 
Chas. Strickland in 1879: Our drawing was made from a 
plant that flowered at Kew in the summer of last year, 
received from Mr. Harman. Ms 
Descr. Bulb globose, about an inch in diameter, with 
numerous brown membranous tunics. Leaves six or eight 
in a distichous basal rosette, sheathing tightly the lower 
part of the stem for several inches, produced above the 
sheath into an erect linear plicate glabrous lamina of firm 
texture. Stem pilose, a foot or afoot and a half long, with 
a short arcuate branch bearing a dense secund spike of 
flowers below its middle, and another or sometimes two 
near the top, represented only by small bracts. Spathe 
about an inch and a half long, clasping tightly the perianth- 
tube, composed of two lanceolate valves of firm texture, 
the outer one both broader and longer than the inner. 
Perianth with a green funnel-shaped tube as long as or a 
little longer than the spathe; limb bright crimson, bilabiate, 
the upper lip oblong, acute, with a long claw with incurved 
edges, the lower lip shorter, with five segments, the three 
central ones standing forward, the two side ones small, 
lanceolate, reflexed. Stamens and style wrapped round 
by the incurved edges of the claw of the upper lip of the 
perianth, protruded beyond its tip ; anthers linear, purplish; 
stigma with three falcate linear branches. Capsule oblong, 

coriaceous, with five or six turgid seeds in each cell,— 
J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, Front view of anther; 2, back view of anther ; 3, stigmas ; 4, vertical 
section of ovary; 5, two ovules :—adl more or less enlarged, 


MS. del J.N-Fitch hth. 

Vinrent Brooks Day & Son Imp 

LReeve & C2 London 

Tas. 6668. 
MICROSTYLIS merattica. 

Native of Borneo. 

Nat. Ord. OxcHipEm.—Tribe EprpeNnpRER. 

Genus Microstyuis, Nutt.; (Benth, et Hook.f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 404, ined.) 

Microsty1is metallica; caule brevi folioso, foliis e basi late vaginante sulcato 
ellipticis acutis 3-5-nerviis plicatis totis purpureis marginibus crispato- 
undulatis, scapo gracili sulcato remotifloro purpureo, bracteis parvis lanceolatis 
reflexis, floribus longe pedicellatis, pedicellis horizontalibus ad basin ovarii 
breviusculi decurvis, sepalis lineari-oblongis obtusis purpureis marginibus 
recurvis, petalis consimilibus sed paullo longioribus angustioribus et acutis, 
lubelli ambitu Jate obovato basi sagittato angulis acutis, antice rotundato eroso- 
dentato callis 2 minutis column antepositis, columna brevi superne dilatata 

M. metallica, Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. 1879, vol. ii. p. 750. 

The tendency in the genus Microstylis to assume a deep 
purple colour, in the foliage especially, is a curious feature 
of many of its species; in the Ceylon M. discolor (Plate 
5403), which in foliage closely resembles this, the colour 
is confined to the leaf excepting its margin, and to the 
Scape ; whilst in the present species it pervades the whole 
plant with the exception of the column. The colours, 
however, vary in kind and intensity in the same species, 
being no doubt much influenced by the amount of light 
under which the plant is grown; thus, in the specimens of 
this species flowered by Mr. Bull, and described by Dr. 
Reichenbach, the leaves are blackish purple above and rose- 
coloured beneath, the scape violet, the odd sepal yellow, 
and the lateral ones rose-coloured on one side and yellow 
on the other. Prof. Reichenbach further remarks that 
after being plunged in boiling water and dried the leaves 
become green, and I find that in the racemes of flowers 
dried without boiling water the pedicels become pale green, 
and the perianth more or less yellow green. Microstylis 
metallica was communicated by Messrs. Low, of Clapton, 
JANUARY Ist, 1883, 

in May, 1880, and it flowered in the Royal Gardens in May, 

Desor. A small herb five to seven inches high, for the 
most part of a fine vinous purple colour. Pseudo-bulbs 
very indistinct in our specimen (‘ cylindric,” Reichb. f.). 
Leaves four to six, erecto-patent, two to three inches lon 
by one to one and a half broad, elliptic, acute, plicate along 
the three to five deeply impressed nerves, margin crisply 
undulate; sheath broad, grooved, of the same colour as 
the blade. Scape very slender, two to three inches high, 
grooved. ftaceme as long, few and distantly flowered. 
Bracts small, lanceolate, reflexed, purple. Pedicels one 
third of an inch long, slender, horizontal, decurved at the 
insertion of the ovary, which is slender, and one-sixth of 
an inch long. Flowers vertical, two-thirds of an inch broad 
across the sepals. Sepals straight, spreading, linear-oblong, 
subacute or obtuse, margins Strongly recurved. Petals 
rather longer, much narrower, acute. Inp pale purple, 
shorter than the sepals, broadly obovoid in outline, flat, 
deeply sagittate, cleft at the base, the angles acute and 
sidcs of the cleft straight ; anterior margin rounded, irregu- 
larly toothed; calli two, minute, opposite the column. 
Column very short, expanded upwards and truncate with 
acute angles; anthers nearly cireular.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Front, and 2, 

i back view of flower; 3, column 3 4, anther case; 5, pollen : 
—all enlarged, 




MS.del, JN Bitch ith 

L Reeve & C° London. 

Tas. 6669. 
CEREUS oazspitosus. 

Native of New Mexico and Texas. 

Nat. Ord. Cactex.—-Tribe Ecu1nocactex. 
Genus Cereus, Haworth; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. i. p- 849.) 

Crrevs (Echinocereus) cespitosus; caulibus ovoideis v, ovoideo-cylindraceis soli- 
tariis v. cespitosis 12-18-costatis, areolis elevatis linearibus approximatis, 
Junioribus albo-villosis, aculeis radialibus 20-30 subrecurvis appressis pectinatis 
albis nonnunquam roseis superioribus inferioribusque brevioribus lateralibus 
longioribus centralibus 0 v. paucis, tubo foris pulvillis 80-100 longe cinereo- 
villosis setas apice seu totas fuscas seu nigricantes 6-16 gerentibus stipato, 
sepalis interioribus 18-25 oblanceolatis integris sea denticulatis, petalis 30-40 
obovato-lanceolatis obtusis acutis seu mucronatis ciliato-denticulatis, stigmate 
viridi infundibulari 13-18-partito, bacca viridi ovata perigonio coronata villosa 
setosa denum denudata, seminibus obovatis tuberculatis nigris.— Engel. 

C. cespitosus, Engelm. in Plant. Lindheim. 202; et in Cact. U.S. Mex. Bound. 
Suro, 32, t. 43, 44; Walp. Ann, vol. v. p. 43. 

EcurnocrreEvs cespitosus, Eingelm. in Bot. Wisliz. Exped. 26; Walp, Ann. 
vol. iii. p. 896. 

E. pectinatus, Hort. 

Dr. Engelmann, of St. Louis, the learned and most 
accurate investigator of the Cacti (as of many other groups 
of American plants), says of this species, that it extends 
from the Arkansas river to Saltillo, and has been found as 
far west as the Nueces and San Pedro, and adds that the 
loose darkish wool and slender bristles on the extremely 
numerous (eighty to one hundred) pulvilli of the flower- 
tube, and especially the position of these pulvillim—not in 
the axil, but considerably above it on the sepal, just below 
its foliaceous tip,—distinguish this species from the nearly 
allied H. pectinatus, and from all other Echinocerei known to 
him. And with regard to the name, cespitosus, which 
would apply much better to a number of other species of 
the section Hehinocereus, it was given before any of these 
were known ; it not inaptly represents a common state of 
the plant, when it makes five to twelve heads, but not 

JANUARY Ist, 1883. 

rarely it is almost or quite simple. As a species this is 
very near and usually confounded with EH. pectinatus, a 
Mexican plant (under which name it came to Kew). #. 
pectinatus has more (about twenty-three) ribs, sixteen to 
twenty subrecurved prickles, of which two to five are 
central, sixty to seventy pulvilli on the tube, and fewer 
(sixteen to eighteen) oblong petals. 

Dr. Engelmann enumerates three varieties (of H. cespi- 
tosus,—a, minor, with shorter more slender not interlaced 
spines and smaller flowers; 8, major, with longer stronger 
interlaced spines and larger flowers; and y, castanea, with 
red or chestnut-brown spines. 

This plant was given to the Royal Gardens by Mr. 
Croucher, formerly foreman of the propagating department 
at Kew, and subsequently gardener to Mr. Peacock at 
Hammersmith, and now in the United States of America. 

Desor. Stems four to six inches high by three to four in 
diameter, simple or clustered, cylindric-ovoid, pale greyish 
or whitish with scanty brown wool. Ribs twelve to eighteen, 
low, one-half to thr -quarters of an inch broad at the base. 
Pulvilli close-set, a quarter of an inch apart or more, with 
twenty to thirty pectinately arranged straight spines a 
quarter of an inch long or more, mixed with wool; spines 
white or rosy, appressed to the stem, the lateral much the 
longest, central none or very few and short. Tube of the 
flowers with eighty to one hundred pulvilli clothed with long 
ashy wool, and bearing six to sixteen brown or blackish 
spines. Inner sepals eighteen to twenty-five, oblanceolate, 
entire or toothed. Petals thirty to forty, deep rose-coloured, 
oblong, acute, obtuse or mucronate. Stigma funnel-shaped, 
green, with twelve to eighteen rays. Berry green, ovoid. 
Seeds obovate, tubercled, black.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Group of spines; 2, vertical section of calyx and ovary; 3, pulvillus of 
tube; 4 and 6, anthers; 6, stigma; 7, ovules :—all enlarged. 



Vincent Brooks D ay & Son Imp 

Syne eae pci 

Tas. 6670. 

Native of Brazil. 

Nat. Ord. Bromettacex.—Tribe BRoMELIER. 
Genus Bintpereia, Thunb. ; (Benth. et Hook.f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p- 664, ined.) 

Bitisereta (Helicodea) Porteana; acaulis, foliis paucis loratis rigide coriaceis 
3—4-pedalibus obscure viridibus purpureo tinctis vittis pluribus transversalibus 
albidis decoratis, pedunculo farinoso foliis subduplo breviori, bracteis pluribus 
lanceolatis magnis patulis splendide rubris, floribus pluribus ebracteatis in 
spicam laxam pendulam dispositis, ovario oblongo farinoo multisulcato, calycis 
segmentis deltoideis parvis, petalis lanceolatis viridibus basi appendiculatis 
post anthesin spiraliter tortis, staminibus purpureis, antheris linearibus basifixis, 
stigmatibus spiraliter convolutis. 

B. Porteana, Brong.; Beer. Fam. Bromel. p- 115; K. Koch in Wochenschrift 
1860, p. 146; EF. Morren in Belg. Hort. vol. xxvi. (1876), p. 9, tab. 1-3. 

This is one of the most striking of all the cultivated 
Bromeliacew. It belongs to the section of the genus of 
which the well-known Billbergia zebrina (figured in the 
Borantcan Magazine in 1826 at Tab. 2686, under the 
name of Bromelia zebrina, and described by Dean Herbert) 
is the typical representative. These plants, which Lemaire 
proposed to separate generically under the name Helicodea, 
are remarkable for the way in which the petals roll up 
spirally from the top when the flower begins to fade. The 
present plant was discovered by M. Marius Porte, after 
whom it is named, in the province of Bahia, in Brazil, in 
1849, and was sent by him to M. Morel, of Paris, after 
whom another very fine species of the genus was named. 
It was named by M. Adolphe Brongniart, but was first 
described fully by Dr. Karl Koch. I have seen in the 
herbarium of the latter the specimen from which this 
description was made, and a drawing from it is now at 
Kew. The plant is now widely spread in cultivation, and 
is universally reckoned one of the most desirable Bro- 

FEBRUARY Ist, 1883. 

meliads for a cultivator to obtain. It flowered with us at 
Kew for the first time in the summer of 1878, and again 
in June, 1882, when the present drawing was made. 

Descr. Acaulescent. Produced leaves five or six in a 
rosette, erect, lorate, three or four feet long, two or two 
and a half inches broad at the middle, four inches broad at 
the base, dull green more or less tinted on the back with 
claret-purple and marked with irregular transverse bands 
of white, the marginal prickles deltoid cuspidate, ascending, 
small and moderately close. Peduncle about two feet long, 
terete, densely farinose, with several large lanceolate bright 
red spreading bract-leaves. Flowers without any special 
bracts, arranged in a lax drooping simple spike six or 
eight inches long with a farinose rachis. Ovary oblong, 
half an inch long, densely farinose, with several strong 
vertical ribs ; segments horny, deltoid, not more than half 
as long as the ovary. Petals green, lanceolate, above two 
inches long, furnished with a pair of minute scales at the 
base, rolling up spirally from the top when the flower 
begins to fade. Filaments violet-purple, shorter than the 
petals; anthers linear, basifixed, nearly an inch long. 
Ovary with numerous ovules in a cell; stigmas protruding 
beyond the anthers, twisting up spirally.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, A petal, with its basal appendages ; 2, front view of an anther; 3, back 

view of an anther ; 4, pistil, showing a vertical section of th ; 6, an ovule:— 
all more or less magnified. : er & 


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Vincent Brooks Day & 

S.deL. JN Fitch ith. 



L Reeve & CS 


Tas. 6671. 

Native of Northern India. 

Nat. Ord. OncH1pEm.—Tribe Nzorrizx. 
Genus Pogonta, Juss. ; (Benth. et Hook.f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p- 615, ined.) 

Pogonta (Nervilia) Gammieana; glaberrima, folio late rotundato-cordato acumi- 
nato multinervio margine obscure undulato supra lete viridi subtus pallido, 
juniore plicato inter nervos seriatim sublacunoso, scapo robusto pauci- 
vaginato, racemo 6-10-Horo, bracteis linearibus floribus pendulis brevioribus, 
sepalis petalisque elliptico-lanceolatis acuminatis pallide lilacinis v. carneis, 
labello elongato sepalis sequilongo v. longiore albo-virescente lobis lateralibus 
parvis inflexis terminali rotundato-ovato reticulatim venoso crispato piloso, 
ovario profunde 6-sulcato. 

Tubers of this plant were received through the Royal 
Botanic Garden of Calcutta under the name of Pogonia 
Jlabelliformis, from Mr. Gammie, of the Sikkim Cinchona 
Plantations ; it however differs entirely from that plant in 
the size, colour, and broad form of the sepals and petals, 
and in the length of the lip, which equals or exceeds the 
rest of the perianth. I have a flowering specimen of 
apparently the same species, collected by myself in hot 
valleys below Darjeeling in 1847; and another, also 
flowering only, collected in Kumaon, in the Western 
Himalaya, at Bagesar, 3500 feet above the sea, by Strachey 

and Winterbottom ; and which is the “ Eulophia No. 19” 

of their Herbarium. 

The genus Pogonia is not a small one in India ; and 
there are probably a dozen species in the Himalaya, 
Bengal, and the two Peninsulas; but owing to the delicate 
nature of their flowers, and to the fact that many of the 
Specimens we possess are either flowerless or leafless, it is 
impossible to determine them specifically from dried spe- 
cimens. They should be drawn and analyzed in a fresh 
State, to provide material for accurate comparison and 

FEBRUARY Ist, 1883, 

description. As a rule, they are very difficult to keep under 
cultivation; the beautiful P. discolor, Bl. (Plate 6125) did 
not long survive being figured (in 1874). 

P. Gammieana bears the name of one who has contri- 
buted greatly to our knowledge of Sikkim plants, by a 
frequent correspondence with the Royal Gardens of Cal- 
cutta and Kew, carried on uninterruptediy for many years. 
The specimens here figured flowered in May, 1881, and 
perfected their leaves in July of the same year. 

Desor. Tuber subglobose, the size of a hazel or walnut, 
tuberculate. Leaf solitary, quite glabrous, four to six 
inches long and broad, rounded-cordate, acuminate, basal 
sinus very deep, margin obscurely undulate; nerves very 
numerous, radiating; young plaited between the nerves, 
with a row of very shallow broad pits on each fold; deep 
green above, pale beneath; petiole cylindric, streaked with 
red-brown, with one obtuse sheath at the base. Scape six 
to eight inches high, green, stout, with three or four 
sheaths, the lowest of which are streaked with red-brown. 
feaceme six- to eight-flowered, rachis green ; bracts linear, 
slender, membranous, much shorter than the flowers; 
pedicels very short; flowers drooping. Ovary turbinate, 
deeply six-grooved, brown. Sepals and petals subequal, 
three-quarters to one inch long, elliptic lanceolate, acu- 
minate, pale lilac streaked with pale pink. Lip pale green, 
as long as or rather longer than the sepals, narrow, lateral 
lobes small and folded round the sides of the column, 
terminal rounded veined with darker green, crumpled, 
hairy. Column smooth, semiterete, one-fourth shorter than 
the lip. Anther depressed-hemispheric.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Side view of lip and column; 2, ditto : : 
4, anther-case; 5, pollen masses :—aii enlarged. seen from above; 3, column; 


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Vincent Brooks Day & Son Imp 

AB. de JN Fitch lith. 

LReeve & C°London 

J OMOSTYLIUM cabulicum, Nees in Linnea, vol. xviii. p. 513. 

Tas. 6672. 
MICROGLOSSA axpesorns. 

Native of the Himalaya. 

Nat. Ord. Compositm.—Tribe AsTEROIDER. 
Genus Microetossa; DC.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 282.) 

Microetossa albescens ; erecta, suffruticosa, ramis sub-sulcatis, ramulis foliis subtus 
et inflorescentia cano-pubescentibus, foliis breviter petiolatis lanceolatis acutis 
v. acuminatis integerrimis, capitulis parvis numerosissimis pedunculatis in 
paniculas corymbiformes terminales et axillares gracile pedunculatas confertis, 
involucro campanulato, bracteis anguste lanceolatis acuminatis exterioribus 
brevioribus, floribus radii azureis, -acheniis oblongis angulatis et costatis 
pubescentibus pappo rufo paullo brevioribus, 

M. albescens, Clarke Comp. Ind. p. 59; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vol. ii. p. 257. 
M. cabulica et M. Griffithii, Clarke 7. e. pp. 57, 58. 

Aster cabulicus, Lindl, in Bot. Reg. 1843, Mise. 62; Hook. Comp. Bot. Mag. 
1847, p. 34; Boiss. Fl. Orient. vol. iii. p. 158. 

AsTeER ferrugineus, Edgew. in Trans. Linn, Soc. vol. xx. p. 64. 
AsTER albescens, Walp. Cat. n. 2974. 

AMPHIRAPHIS albescens, DC. Prodr. vol. v. p. 343. 

ONYZA conspicua, Wall. Cat. n. 3066. 

Though cultivated in England so long ago as 1842, this 
very handsome and hardy shrub is very little known in 
gardens. It was introduced by Dr. Royle when in charge 
of the Saharumpore Botanical Gardens, and flowered first 
in those of the Horticultural Society at Chiswick; where, 
from the erroneous supposition that the seeds were sent 
from Affghanistan, it received the name of Aster cabulicus. 
It affords a conspicuous example of the confusion into 
which Indian Botany fell during the first half of this 
century, for it received no less than nine names, and was 
referred to five genera, within a comparatively very short 
period after its being first known to botanists. As a 
genus Microglossa differs from Aster chiefly in the very 

FEBRUARY Ist, 1883. 

small heads, short rays, and not compressed achenes; and 
from Hrigeron in the single row of ray-flowers. M. albescens 
differs from its congeners in having a blue ray. It re- 
sembles Aster sikkimensis (Plate 4557) in the stems 
forming almost perfect wood the first year, full of leaf-buds 
in the late autumn, which die down to the root in most 
winters ; but in the present very mild one are persistent up 
to this date (January 27th). 

Microglossa albescens inhabits the temperate regions of 
the whole length of the Himalaya, from Kishtwar to 
Sikkim and Bhotan; ascending to 9000 feet in the west, 
and to 12,000 feet in the east; it has been repeatedly 
introduced, and flourishes at Kew against a south wall, 
flowering in June and July, but not ripening seed. 

Desor. An undershrub, two to four feet high ; branches 
slender, leaves beneath and inflorescence clothed with 
hoary whitish pubescence. Leaves three to five inches 
long, shortly petioled, lanceolate, acuminate, quite entire, 
nerves inconspicuous, base acute, light. green above. 
Heads one-third of an inch in diameter, very numerous, in 
copiously branched axillary and terminal corymbiform 
peduncles ; branches and peduncles slender. “Involucre 
campanulate; inner bracts narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, 
outer shorter. Ligules pale blue, quite horizontal, variable 
in breadth; disk-flowers prominent, yellow. Achenes 
narrow, angled and strongly ribbed, pubescent; rather 
shorter than the red pappus—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Head ; 2, receptacle and part of involucre; 3, ray-flower; 4, its style- 
arms; 5, corolla of disk-flower ; 6, stamens ; 7, style-arms of disk-flower ; 8, achene 
and pappus ; 9, pappus hair :—all enlarged, 

Vincent Brooks Day & Son Imp 

M.S.da.INFith hth 



Tas. 6673. 

Native of Cochin-china. 

Nat. Ord. Aroripem®.—Tribe PyrHoniEx. 

Genus Pseupopracontium, WN. FE. Br.; (Benth. et Hook. SF. Gen, Pi. vol. iii. 
p- 971, ined.) 

PsEupopracontium Lacourii; petiolo scapoque gracili pallide griseo-rufescente 
olivaceo-fasciato, lamina folii_ trisecta, segmentis sessilibus v. petiolulatis 
indivisis v. 2-pluri-partitis, ultimis sessilibus obovato-oblongo- v. elliptico- 
lanceolatis acuminatis viridibus albo-maculatis, spatha cymbiformi viridi 
apiculata, spadice robusto spathw squilongo, inflorescentia mascula laxiflora 
quam fcemineam brevem cylindraceam longiore et latiore, staminibus ad 4, 
antheris clavato-rotundatis, ovariis oblique globosis, stigmate subsessili, 
appendice crassiuscule stipitato conico obtuso stramineo sinuatim sulcato. 

P. Lacourii, V. #. Br. in Trim. Journ. Bot. 1882, p. 194. 

AmorrHorHattus Lacourit, Lindl. et André in Illustr. Hortic. vol. xxv. p. 90, 
t. 316. 

The singular Aroid here figured is a native of Phuquoc 
in Cochin-china, and was introduced by M. Linden, of 
Brussels, to whom the Royal Gardens of Kew are indebted 
for living plants, which flowered in May of last year. It 
belongs to the same tribe of the order as the Amorpho- 
phalli, of which so many Asiatic species have of late been 
brought under cultivation, and was discovered by M. 
Contest Lacour, a horticulturist employed by the French 
Government in Pondicherry and in Cochin-china. It pro- 
bably attains a much larger size with more divided leaves 
than are exhibited by the specimen here figured. _ 

Descr. Petiole and peduncle slender, pale greyish red, 
banded with olive green, striate, the former four to six 
inches long, the latter twice as long, both surrounded at 
the base by loose membranous sheaths. Blade of leaf 
three-sect ; the divisions each on petiolules one-half to one 
inch long and coloured like the petiole, or the central sessile 
and simple, the lateral two-fid or pinnately three- or more-fid; 
FEBRUARY lst, 1883. 

segments sessile, elliptic- or obovate- or oblong-lanceolate, 
four to five inches long by one-half to two inches broad, 
pale bright yellow-green with scattered round white spots. 
Spathe erect, three inches long, boat-shaped, with an acute 
recurved point, margins hardly overlapping at the base, 
pale green. Spadix about as long as the spathe, sessile. 
Male inflorescence cylindric, lax-flowered, occupying about 
half the spadix, broader and much longer than the female, 
which consists of a short column of densely packed 
obliquely globose ovaries with capitate sessile stigmas. 
Stamens about four ; filaments free, suddenly delated into 
clavate or very broadly obovate obtuse anthers opening b 

small lateral slits. Appendix stoutly stipitate, porn 
obtuse, about one inch long, straw-coloured, sinuately 
suleate—J, D. H. 

Fig. 1, Male flower; 2, 3, 4, and 5, anthers of different forms and in different 
positions ; 6, ovary ; 7, vertical section of ditto ; 8, ovule :—ad/ enlarged, 


Tas. 6674, 

Native of Central America. 

Genus PrevrorgTaLum, Hook. f.; (Benth. et Hook.f. Gen. Pl. vol. i. p. 157.) 

PLEUROPETALUM costaricense; glaberrimum, erectum, foliis alternis petiolatis 
ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis integerrimis v, marginibus subundulatis, paniculis 
terminalibus et in axillis supremis ramosis multifloris, floribus parvis confertis 
breviter pedicellatis bracteatis et 2-bracteolatis, perianthii rubri segmentis 5 
ellipticis concavis obtusis, staminibus 5-8 filamentis perianthio subequilongis 
antheris parvis, ovario ovoideo-globoso, stigmatibus 3  breviter linearibus 
obtusis, baccis pisiformibus globosis rubris polyspermis. 

P. costaricense, H. Wendl. MSS.; Hemsil. in Biol. Centr. Amer. vol. iii. p. 12 
(? excl, Syn.). 

A very handsome half-shrubby plant when in fruit, well 
adapted for pot-culture in a moderately warm house, where 
it retains its brilliant berries for several months. It is a 
native of Central America and Mexico, and if, as explained 
below, it is the same with Melanocarpum Sprucei, its area 
of distribution extends to Equador in South America. It 
was sent to Kew by Dr. Wendland, the learned Director of 
the Imperial Botanical Garden of Herrenhausen, Hanover, 
under the abovename. The specimen here figured flowers 
in the Palm House of the Royal Gardens in the autumn 
months, and ripens its fruit in winter. 

The genus to which this plant belongs is somewhat 
doubtful. Plewropetalum was founded by me in 1846, on a 
single very imperfect specimen of a shrub brought by the 
late Mr. Darwin from the Galapago Islands, and published 
in the * London Journal of Botany” (vol. v. p. 108, t. 2), 
and in the Linnean Transactions (vol. xx. p. 221); it had 
eight stamens, with the filaments united below the middle 
into a membranous cup, and four stigmata. Regarding 
the bracteoles (which are connate) as sepals, and the 
FEBRUARY Ist, 1883, 

perianth-segments as petals, I referred it to Portulacee, 
and named it (after the many ribs on the dried petals) 
Pleuropetalum Darwinit. The only known specimen of 
this plant is in the Cambridge University Herbarium, and 
until better materials should be forthcoming, and especially 
fruiting ones, it was thought better, when describing the 
Portulacee for the first volume of Bentham’s and my | 
**Genera Plantarum,” to retain it, with a mark of doubt, in 

that Order. Endlicher, however, in the fourth Supplement 
to his “ Genera Plantarum” (p. 44), had rightly referred it 
to Amaranthacew, in which he was followed by Moquin 
Tandon in De Candolle’s Prodromus (vol. xiii. pars 2, 
p- 463), who, moreover, changed the generic name to 
Allochlamys, on the ground of the perianth-segments not 
being corolline. When preparing the Amaranthacee for 
the “Genera Plantarum,” I met with an undescribed plant 
gathered by Spruce on Chimborazo, which (relying on 
Spruce’s description of the fruit) I described as Melano- 
carpum Sprucei (vol. iii. p. 24), whose similitude to the 
absent and long-forgotten Plewropetaluwm I did not recog- 
nize, and which differs from that genus in having usually five 
nearly free stamens, and two to three stigmas. This, 
which is also found in Mexico, Mr. Hemsly, in the “ Bio- 
logia Centrali-americana,”’ has regarded as conspecific with 
the Plewropetalum costaricense, and probably rightly ; but 
it remains to be seen whether both may not be referable 
specifically to P. Darwinii, for which better Specimens of 
the Galapagos plant are necessary. 

Dzscr. A small shrub, quite glabrous; branches smooth, 
terete, green. Leaves petioled, alternate, four to five 
inches long, elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, with the tip 
often drawn out, margin even or obscurely undulate, dark 
green above, paler beneath, nerves many oblique; petiole 
one-half to one inch long. Flowers small, very numerous 
in terminal and axillary subcorymbose much-branched 
panicles, shortly pedicelled, bracteate and two-bracteolate ; 
bracts small, at the base of the pedicel; bracteoles minute, 
ovate, obtuse, connate at the base. Perianth a quarter of 
an inch in diameter, green at length scarlet ; segments five, 
elllptic-oblong, obtuse, concave, spreading, strongly many- 
ribbed when dry. Stamens five to eight, hypogynous, 

filaments subulate, united at the base ; anthers gmall, 
included, didymous. Ovary ovoid, with three to four linear 
obtuse short spreading stigmas; ovules very many, at the 
bottom of the cell. Berries size of a pea, globose, blood 
red, shiny, tipped with the stigmas and seated on the 
persistent perianth. Seeds very numerous, black.—J.D. H. 

Fig. 1, Flower; 2, ovary; 3, vertical section of fruit and perianth; 4, young 
seed :—all enlarged. 



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Tas. 6675. 
CARAGUATA. mosalca. 

Native of New Granada. 

Genus Caraguata, Lindl, ; (Benth, et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 668, ined.) 

Caracuata (Massangea) musaica; acaulis, foliis 12-20 loratis integris cuspidatis 
utrinque fasciis copiosis vermiformibus transversalibus preditis, facie pallide 
viridibus fasciis saturate viridibus, dorso purpureo-viridibus fasciis purpuras- 
centibus, pedunculo splendide rubro bracteis multis parvis deltoideis scariosis 
concoloribus predito, floribus in capitulum globosum aggregatis, bracteis 
magnis deltoideis splendide rubris, sepalis lanceolatis eartilagineis glabris luteo 
tinctis, corolla albida calyce breviore segmentis oblongis tubo zxquilongis, 
staminibus inclusis ad tubi faucem insertis uniseriatis, ovario ovoideo stylo 

C. musaica, André in Ill. Hort. vol. xxiv. (1877), p. 27, t. 268. 
Massanaea musaica, HE. Morren. in Belg. Hort. vol. xxvii. (1877), p. 199, t. 8, 9 

Tintanpsta musaica, Hort. Linden. ; J. Moore in Florist (1875), p. 15, cum 

Varese musaica, Cogn. et Marchand in Dallier Plantes feuill. ornam. vol. ii. 
t. 39. ; 

Bin.erGia musaica, Rege! in Gartenfl. (1874), p. 378, cum icone. 

This fine Bromeliad is now widely spread in cultivation, 
and at once attracts attention by the remarkable marking 
of its leaves. It was sent in 1871 to Linden, by Gustave 
Wallis, from a wood, at an altitude of 3000 feet above 
sea-level, near T'eorama, in the neighbourhood of Ocana, 
in New Granada, and was received in the same year direct 
by Mr. Wm. Bull. It was first exhibited by Mr. Bull in 

flower to the Royal Horticultural Society in April, 1875. 

Professor Morren, who gives a full and excellent account 
of its history and characters in the volume of the Belgique 
Horticole above cited, has founded upon it his genus 
Massangea, which principally differs from Caraguata, as 
represented by the well-known C. ligulata of Lindley, and 
CO. Zahnii, by the corolla being much smaller than the calyx. 

MARCH lst, 1883, 

Our drawing was made from a specimen that flowered at 
Kew in October, 1882. 

Descr. Acaulescent. Leaves lorate, twelve to twenty in 
a rosette, rather cartilaginous in texture, obtuse with a 
deltoid cusp, one and a half or two feet long, two or three 
inches broad at the middle, marked with copious slender 
transverse wavy vermiform lines on both surfaces, those of 
the face dark green on a pale green groundwork, those of 
the back bright purple on a purplish-green glossy ground. 
Pedunele central, a foot long, bright scarlet down the base, 
furnished with numerous small scariose deltoid bract-leaves 
of the same colour. lowers about twenty, aggregated 
into a globose capitulum, each subtended by a large bright 
red deltoid bract. Calyz of three, lanceolate, cartilaginous, 
sepals above an inch long, glabrous, free to the base, 
tinged yellow. Corolla white, much shorter than the calyx, 
with an oblong tube and three oblong segments. Stamens 
inserted in a single row at the throat of the corolla-tube ; 
filaments very short; anthers linear. Ovary ovoid; style 

elongated ; stigmas three, oblong, not spirally twisted.— 
J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, Calyx cut open so as to show the corolla; 2, corolla cut open so as toshow 
the stamens and pistil; 3, a stamen, viewed from the back; 4, summit of the style, 
with the three stigmas; 5, horizontal section of ovary :—all more or less enlarged. 


Day & 

Vincent Brooks 

N Fitch lith. 




ee ee a ee 

Tan. 6676. 
EUCHARIS Sanperu. 
Native of New Granada. 

Genus Evcnaris, Planch. ; (Benth. et Hook. J. Gen. Pl, vol. ii. p. 731, ined.) 

Evcnaris Sanderii; bulbo ovoideo, fuliis petivlatis cordato-ovatis cuspidatis, 
magnis membranaceis viridibus, venis primariis 6-10-jugis venulis transversa- 
libus crebris conspicuis, scapo tereti subpedali, umbellis 2-3-floris, spathz 
valvis lanceolatis acuminatis .viridibus, pedicellis brevissimis, ovario oblongo- 
trigono, ovulis in loculo pluribus horizontalibus, perianthii tubo curvato sursum 
late infundibulari deorsum cylindrico, segmentis late ovatis niveis, corona ad 
tubi apicem adnata striis luteis ornata margine libero angustissimo, filamentorum 
parte libero lineari incurvato, antheris linearibus, stylo ex tubo exserto apice 
stigmatoso incrassato trilobato. 

This new Hucharis will, no doubt, be a very popular 
plant. It has completely the habit and foliage.of the well- 
known LHucharis grandiflora, but the corona is almost 
entirely adnate to the dilated upper portion of the perianth- 
tube, leaving only a narrow collar-like free border, upon 
which the distinct portion of the filaments is inserted. It 
comes from the same country as H. grandiflora and candida, 
and requires similar treatment. It was introduced by 
Messrs. J. Sander and Co., of St. Albans, after whom it is 
named, in March, 1882. The bulbs with which they 
supplied us flowered at Kew in November and December, 
and it was from one of these that the accompanying figure 
was drawn. 

Descr. Bulbs ovoid, one and a half or two inches in 
diameter, with brown tunics and a short distinct neck. 
Leaves two to a scape; petiole four or six inches long, 
flattened on the face ; blade cordate-ovate, cuspidate, eight 
or ten inches long, five or six inches broad, membranous in 
texture, quite glabrous, bright green on the face, pale green 

MARCH Ist, 1883. 

on the back, with six to ten pairs of arcuate primary veins, 
connected by close distinct cross-veinlets. Scape terete, 
about a foot long. Spathe-valves three or four, lanceolate 
acuminate, green, unequal. Flowers two or three in an 
umbel, not distinctly scented; pedicels very short; ovary _ 
oblong-trigonous, half an inch long in the flowering stage, 
with about twenty horizontal ovules in each of the three 
cells ; perianth-tube curved, two inches long, cylindrical in 
the lower part, tinged with green, dilated into a funnel in 
the upper third; limb pure white, about two inches in 
diameter when expanded; segments ovate, much imbricated. 
Corona adnate to the upper portion of the perianth-tube, 
except a very narrow free border, furnished with six 
primrose-yellow vertical stripes ; free portion of the filaments 
incurved, a third of an inch long; anthers linear. Style 
protruded from the corolla-tube, thickened and distinctly 
three-lobed at the stigmatose apex.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, Anther, viewed from the front; 2, anther, viewed from the back ; 
3, stigma :—all enlarged. 


Vincent Dr 





Tas. 6677. 

Native of East Tropical Africa. 

Genus TounBERGtIa, Linn. f.; (Benth, et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 1072.) 

THunBERGIA Kirkii ; erecta, gracilis, glaberrima, foliis breviter petiolatis lanceo- 
latis v. trapezoideo-lanceolatis subacutis apiculatis 3-nerviis integerrimis v. 
utrinque obtuse sinuato-unidentatis 3-nerviis, cymis axillaribus 2-floris, brac- 
teolis oblongis subacutis tubo corollz paullo longioribus, calyce annulari 
irregulariter dentato, corollz coerulee tubo brevi, fauce campanulato longiore, 
limbi lobis brevibus late obovatis retusis. 

Tropical Africa is rich in species of Thunbergia, including 
plants referred to Meyenia (now reduced to a section of the 
genus), especially of the erect forms, to which belong the 
T. natalensis (Plate 5082), Meyenia Vogeliana (Plate 5389), 
unfortunately lost to our gardens, and M. erecta (Plate 5013). 
These all differ from the Indian species in never climbing, 
but, as with 7. Kirkii, forming bushes with rigid stems 
and branches; they further differ from such types as 7. 
alala (Plate 2591) in the corolla-lobes being comparatively 
(to the tube and throat) smaller, and not so flat and hori- 
zontally patent. Amongst other superb species yet to be 
introduced into our gardens from Africa as especially 
handsome are the above-mentioned 7’. Vogeliana, Benth., 
from Fernando Po, which forms a shrub 20 feet high, 
bearing a profusion of violet-coloured flowers two inches 
long; 1. lancifolia, T. Anders., of Angola, with deep blue 
flowers as much in diameter. 

Thunbergia Kirkii is most nearly allied to T. erecta 
(Plate 5013), in which there is the same tendency to a 
rhomboid form of leaf, but which has a much larger and 
deeper coloured flower, a calyx of many equal subulate 
teeth, and which is a native of the opposite (western) 

MARCH Ist, 1883. 

African coast, whereas 7. Kirkii has been found only at 
Mombasa, N. of Zanzibar, in latitude 4° 8., where it was 
discovered by the Rev. Mr. Wakefield, who communicated 
specimens to Col. Grant in 1876, without flower, however. 
The specimen here figured was from a plant received from 
Sir John Kirk, K.C.M.G., which flowered in the Royal 
Gardens in September, 1882. 

Desor. A small shrub two to three feet high, with 
slender rigid divaricating acutely four-angled stem and 
branches. eaves one and a half to three inches long by 
half to three-quarters of an inch broad, very shortly 
petioled, lanceolate, subacute or obtuse, apiculate with the 
excurrent midrib, quite entire or with each side dilated 
into an obtuse lobe, giving a rhomboid form, three-nerved, 
rigid, dark green above, paler beneath. lowers in two- 
flowered short cymes; peduncle and pedicels short, stiff. 
Bracteoles one-third of an inch long, oblong, subacute, 
green. Calyx a very short irregularly obtusely toothed 
cup. Corolla one and a quarter inches long; tube short, 
slender, one-third the length of the campanulate limb; 
lobes spreading, but not horizontally, broadly obovate, 
retuse, violet-blue. Stamens at the top of the tube, slightly 
hairy at the very bases of the filaments, or on the corolla 
below their insertion; anthers acute. Ovary glabrous, 
stigma shortly two-lipped.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Portion of corolla and stamens; 2, calyx ani ovary; 3, stigma :—all 



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MS. del. INFitds lith F vent Brooks Day &Soninp 

LReeve & C2 London a 


Tas. 6678. 
FRAXINUS Magziesii. 

Native of North China. 

Nat. Ord. OLEaAcER.—Tribe Frax1IneEx. 
Genus Fraxrinvs, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 676.) 

Fraxinvs (Ornus) Mariesii ; petiolis paniculisque tenuissime puberulis, foliolis 
. 2-jugis lateralibus subsessilibns ovatis obovatis oblongisve acutis obtusis v. 
acuminatis integerrimis v. supra medium serratis utrinque glabris, terminali 
petiolulato obovato v. oblanceolato, paniculis confertis foliis subzquilongis 
ramis gracillimis strictis erecto-patentibus, fl. ¢ calyce minuto, corolla lineari- 
oblonga v. oblanceolata obtusa v. subacuta, staminibus petalis zequilongis. 

The subject of this Plate is a small tree which is likely 
to become a favourite in our parks and ornamental grounds, 
from its profusion of white flowers, in which respect it 
rivals its near ally the Manna Ash of 8. Europe, a tree 
much more rarely cultivated than it should be. The sec- 
tion of “Flowering Ashes’’ to which it belongs are probably, 
with one exception, all hardy, being natives of north 
temperate regions all round the globe, except America east 
of the Rocky Mountains, and are all beautiful trees. Of 
these the best known is the S. European Manna Ash, 
mentioned above, which extends along the Mediterranean 
region from Spain to Turkey. In North India it is replaced 
by the F. floribunda, Wallich, which occurs along the whole 
range of the Himalaya. In N. China this again is replaced 
by F. Bungeana, A. DC., and in S. China, Hongkong, by 
F’. retusa, a species which is probably not hardy; in Japam 
by F. Sieboldiana, Blume, and in California by F’, depetala. 
The absence of any representation in America east of the 
Rocky Mountains, whilst one is present to the west of that 
range, is one of the remarkable exceptions to the well-known 
fact of the Flora of the Hastern United States being more: 
nearly allied to that of N. E. Asia, than is that of the 
Western States. 

MARCH lst, 1883, 

The nearest ally of F. Mariesii is the Chinese fF’. Bungeana, 
which differs in the slender long petiolules of the leaflets, 
which are also more strongly serrated ; otherwise the species 
are, in so far as can be judged from males alone, very alike ; 
I have seen no fruits of either. 

F. Mariesii is a discovery of Mr. Maries, when travelling 
for Messrs. Veitch in China, who sent dried specimens 

from the province of Kiu Kiang, together with seeds, from 

which the plants were propagated, which afforded the Plate 
here produced; they flowered in Mr. Veitch’s nursery at 
Coombe Wood in May last. 

Descr. A small tree, glabrous in all its parts except the 
petioles, rachis of the leaf, and branches of the panicle, 
which are covered with a very fine pubescence, hardly 
visible to the naked eye, branches rather slender. Leaves 
four to six inches long; petiole and rachis very slender; 
leaflets two pairs and an odd one, one to three inches long, 
sessile or narrowed into an exceedingly short petiole, ovate 
obovate or lanceolate, obtuse acute or acuminate, glabrous, 
quite entire or serrated beyond the middle, pale green. 
Panicles very numerous from the uppermost axils, about as 
long as the leaves, strict, erect; branches erecto-patent, 
slender, strict. Flowers (3g only seen) shortly pedicelled. 
Calyx minute, four-cleft, lobes puberulous. Petals five to 
six, one-fourth of an inch long, linear-oblong or oblanceo- 
late, obtuse or subacute, white. Stamens two to four, 
about as long as the petals, filaments slender; anthers 
ovate. emale flowers, fruit not seen.—J. D. H. 

Figs. 1 and 2, Flowers with five and six petals respectively; 4 and 5, ba:k and 
front views of anthers :—all enlarged. 



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Reeve &' 


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Tas. 6679, 

Native of New Granada. 

Nat. Ondi OrcHIDEZ.—Tribe VANDEX. 

Genus CompareErtia, Pepp. et Endl.; (Benth, et Hook.f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. 
p. 558, ined.) 

CompParETTIA macroplectron; foliis lineari‘oblongis acutis crasse coriaceis supra 
convexis marginibus recurvis subtus pallide ferrugineo-irroratis, racemo 
gracile pedunculato pendulo subsexfloro, bracteis parvis, sepalo postico oblongo 
acuminato, lateralibus in laminam cymbiformem acuminatam labello suppo- 
sitam dorso in calcar unicum longissimum productam connatis, petalis obovatis 
acuminatis pallide roseis rubro-punctatis, labello amplo roseo maculis pallide 
rubris consperso, ungue brevi utrinque auriculato medio carina elevata acuto, 
lamina transverse oblonga breviter 2-fida sinu acuto lobis undulatis. 

C. macroplectron, Reichb. f. et Triana in Gard. Chron. 1878, vol. ii. p. 524, e¢ 
1879, vol. i. p. 398; Williams Orchid Album, t. 65. 

_ The genus Comparettia consists of but few species, of 
which this is far the handsomest; it inhabits the rich 
Orchid districts of the Andes, from Mexico to New Granada, 
where the species here figured was discovered by Senor 
Triana. Though a much larger flowered plant, it is much 
inferior in the colour of the flower to DL. falcata, Poepp., 

figured at Plate 4980 of this work, the vivid hues of the 

lip in which are scarcely to be surpassed : it further differs 
remarkably from that plant in the great length of the spur. 
O. macroplectron was, I believe, first imported into and 
flowered in England by Messrs. Low, but the specimen 
here figured was sent in 1881 to the Royal Gardens by Mr. 
Jeuman, when Superintendent of the Jamaica Botanical. 
Gardens in that island, and it flowered in October of last 
year. . 7 | 

Desor. Pseudobulbs none; base of very short stem 
clothed with distichous rigid bases of oldleaves. Leaves two 

to three, four to five inches long, by one-half to one and a 

MARCH lst, 1883, 

quarter inch broad, thickly coriaceous, linear-oblong, acute, 
convex above, with a deep central furrow, margins recurved, 
green above, beneath pale and faintly streaked with rusty 
yellow. Racemes four- to six-flowered, pendulous from a 
slender curved peduncle of about the same length ; sheaths 
few, small, distant, scarious; bracts one-sixth to one-fourth 
of an inch long, membranous or minute and tooth-like. 
Flowers distichous, nearly two inches long from the tip of 
the dorsal sepal to the end of the lip, pale rose-coloured 
speckled with red; pedicel and ovary together nearly an 
inch long. Dorsal sepal oblong, acute, pale; two lateral 
sepals combined into a white boat-shaped acuminate lamina 
under the lip, from the base of the back of which descend 
a long nearly straight or curved spur two inches long, 
concealed within which again are the two slender spurs of 
the lip itself, which extend for more than half its length. 
Petals about as long as the dorsal sepal, oblong, acuminate, 
brightly speckled with red. Lip very large, shortly clawed, 
claw with two small side auricles and a mesial longitudinal 
ridge; blade of the lip transversely oblong, narrowed at 
the base, cleft at the broad rounded end, the cleft acute, 
its lobes short, acute, margins waved; the lip is a deeper 
rose-colour than the petals, and has larger and less vivid 
spots; the spurs of the lip are very slender, and papillose 
towards the tips, which are shortly villous.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Column, 

and cl f li - “ ' ceceies 
Valdracd: aw of lip, &c.; 2, anther-case; 3 and 4, pollinia :—all 







ks Day 

ent Broo 




& CS 

L Keeve 

Tas. 6680. 

Native of Japan. 

Nat. Ord. SaxtFraGacex.—Tribe SAXIFRAGEE. 
Genus Saxrrraca, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen, Pl. vol.i. p. 635.) 

Saxirraca (Hydatica) cortusifolia ; estolonifera, paleaceo-pilosa v. glabrata, foliis 
omnibus radicalibus crasse petiolatis rotundatis basi cordatis v. subreniformibus 
breviter 5-c -lobis crassis setosis denum glabratis, lobis crenatis rotundatis v. 
rarius subacutis, vaginis brevibus longe ciliatis, scapo valido, panicula ampla 
ramosa ramis elongatis erecto-patentibus, sepalis liberis oblongis obtusis, petalis 
totis albis anguste linearibus acutis 1-3 ceteris multoties longioribus, carpellis 
ultra medium connatis, stylis continuis elongatis rectis, stigmatibus parvis. 

S. cortusifolia, Sieb. e¢ Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. vol. i. p. 190, Ykumayu-ssai, 
Soo Bokf. vol. viii. fol. 12-15 ; Maxim. Mel. Biol. dec. xii. p. 599. 

A very near ally of the old “Strawberry Saxifrage,” 
8. sarmentosa, L. (Plate 92 of this work), and still more 
near S. Fortunei (Plate 5877), which, indeed, Professor 
Maximovicz has doubtfully regarded as a variety of it; but 
differing from the former in the want of strawberry-like 
runners, and form of the leaves; and from the latter in the 
much smaller flowers with entire petals. Allare remarkable 
for the inequality of the petals, of which one or more exceed 
the rest by many times their length; a peculiarity in the 
floral development repeated in a plant of widely different 
affinity, lately figured in this work, the Chionographis 
japonica, Plate 6510. All are natives of South China and 
Japan. oe 

S. cortusifolia is, probably, a very variable plant, several 
forms of it being figured in the Japanese botanical work 
quoted as the Soo Bokf., differing greatly in the form and 
cutting of the lobes of the leaf. The specimen here figured 
was communicated by Messrs. Veitch, who raised it from 
Japanese seed sent by their admirable collector, Mr. Maries. 
It flowered in October. 

Desor. A stout herbaceous perennial, more or less clothed 

MakcH Ist, 1883. 

with coarse cellular hairs on the leaves and scape below, 
and with finer ones on the panicle above. oots without 
stolons. Stems none. Leaves on stout petioles, orbicular 
with a cordate base or subreniform, two to three inches in 
diameter, shallowly five- to many-lobed, the lobes rounded 
and obtuse or triangular and acute, crenate or toothed ; 
nerves radiating from the petiole, bright green above, 
fading to bright red-brown or red; petiole two to three 
inches long, sheath half to three-quarters of an inch, ciliate 
with long hairs. Scape long or short, stout, bearing a 
large open panicle often seven to eight inches long and five 
to six broad; branches erecto-patent; bracts ovate, ciliate. 
Flowers on slender pedicels, one-third to one-half of an inch 
across the smaller petals. Sepals nearly free, oblong, 
obtuse, green, about half the length of the smaller petals. 
Petals linear, subacute, white, unspotted, the one to 
three longer ones one-half to three-quarters of an inch long. 
Filaments slender ; anthers bright red-brown. Ovary free; 
carpels united to above the middle, ending in straight 
suberect styles with small capitate stigmas.—J. D. H. 

Figs. 1 and 2, Anthers ; 3, ovary :—all enlarged. 


VincenlL Brooks Day & Son Imp 

AB del INFitaalith 


Tas. 6681. 

Native of Java. 

Nat. Ord. MgtastomMacEz.—Tribe MEDINILLEZ. 
Genus Mepininia, Gaud.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. i. p. 759.) 

MepinitLa amabilis; glaberrima, ramulis 4-gonis angulis crispato-alatis, foliis 
amplis oppositis sessilibus late obovato- v. elliptico-oblongis acutis quintupli- 
nerviis marginibus undulatis basi obtusis v. cordatis, nervis crassis, paniculis 
maximis terminalibus erectis pyramidatis crasse pedunculatis ramosis multifloris, 
pedunculo rachi ramisque (primariis verticillatis) crassis teretibus ultimis roseis, 
bracteis 0, floribus crasse pedicellatis amplis roseis, calycis tubo hemispherico 
limbo annulari truncato integerrimo v. obscure sinuato, petalis obovato-oblongis, 
staminibus 10 antheris pallide violaceis. 

M. amabilis, Dyer in Gard. Chron. 1874, parti. p. 372, fig. 81; Bull Retail 
List of New, §e., Plants, 1874, p. 13. 

Though differing in habit, this is quite as striking a 
plant as the M. magnifica (Plate 4533), which it excels in 
the size of the flowers, but falls far short of in wanting the 
beautiful coloured bracts of that species. It is much more 
nearly allied to M. speciosa, Blume (Bot. Mag. Plate 4321), 
which differs in the long internodes with smooth margins, 
_and in the pendulous panicle of smaller flowers; and to 
M. javanensis, Plate 4569, also a small-flowered species 
with four-angled internodes and truncate petals. Our 
specimen formed an erect shrub, but so many species are 
scandent that this may be so in a fully developed condition. 
When published by Mr. Dyer the native country of this 
species was unknown, and as it could not be matched with 
any described species, it might well have been supposed to 
have come from some of the little explored islands to the 
eastward of the Malayan groups. Now that we are in- 
formed by Mr. Bull that it is a native of Java, 1t cannot 
but surprise us that so striking a plant should inhabit an 
island so well known botanically, and have remained un- 

APRIL Ist, 1883. 

described so long. No less than eight Javan species are 
- enumerated in the Catalogue of the Buitenzorg Garden in 
Jaya, and sixteen are described as natives of that island by 
Miquel, but I am unable to refer M. amabilis to any of 

The specimen figured flowered at the Royal Gardens in 
August last ; it was presented by Mr. Bull, who imported 
the plant upwards of ten years ago. _ 

Descr. Quite glabrous, shrubby. Stem and branches 
four-angled ;. angles with short crisped or crenately waved _ 
wings. Leaves very large, a foot long by six to erght 
inches broad, sessile, obovate- or elliptic-oblong, acute, © 
often concave, quintuple-nerved, margin wavy, nerves very 
stout, texture thick, colour very bright-green ; base cuneate 
or cordate. Panicles terminal, erect, peduncled, pyramidal, 
much branched, a foot high, by six to nine inches broad; 
peduncle as thick as the finger, cylindric, smooth ; branches 
horizontal, whorled, and branchlets stout terete pale, the 
ultimate ones rosy, bracts none. Flowers shortly peduncled, 
rose-coloured, one and a half to two inches in diameter. 
Calyz-tube hemispheric, limb a short thin erect ring 
obscurely five-lobed or quite truncate. Petals obovate- 
oblong, obtuse, concave, thick. Stamens ten; anthers pale 
violet, slender, upcurved, connectives bigibbous at the base ; 

outta anthers about one-third smaller than the longer.— 

Fig. 1, Flower cut vertically; 2 : : i ] d 
wignadouie pitebipel cally; 2, calyx; 3 and 4, — ; 5, tip of style an 



Tas. 6682. 

Native of the Himalaya. 

Nat. Ord. AsciePraDEx.—-Tribe ManspENIEx. 
Genus Hoya, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 776.) 

Hoya linearis ; plus minusve hirsuta, ramis elongatis gracillimis pendulis flaccidis 
simpliciusculis, foliis 14-2-pollicaribus breviter petiolatis angustis teretibus 
dorso canaliculatis, umbellis terminalibus subsessilibus laxis multifloris, sepalis 
brevibus ovato-lanceolatis hirsutis, corolla alba convexa intus glabra v. 
papillosa, lobis brevibus obtusis, coronz processubus stellatim patentibus. 

H. linearis, Wall. in Wight Contrib. p. 373 Cat. 8155; Don. Prodr. Fl. Nep. 
p- 130; Dene. in DC. Prodr. vol. viii. p. 637. 

Var. sikkimensis ; corollaintus glabra, corona processubus subcylindraceo-ovoideis 
obtusis. Hook. f. in Fl. Brit. Ind. vol. iv. p. 53 (ined.). 

The genus Hoya attains its maximum in transgangetic 
India, and there are still many beautiful species to be im- 
ported, especially from Assam, Burma, and the Malay 
Peninsula and Islands. Westward the genus rapidly 
diminishes in number of species, and is confined to the 
hotter and damper valleys of the Himalaya. In the most 
recent examination of the Indian Hoyas (Flora of British 
India, ined.) there are described seventeen species from the 
country extending from Burma to Malacca ; thirteen inhabit 
the Khasia Mountains and Assam ; ten are found in Sikkim ; 
four of the latter in Nepal, and only two of these enter 
Kumaon, which is the western as well as northern limit of 
the genus; five are known in the mountains of the Deccan 
Peninsula, and only two in Ceylon. By far the most 
gorgeous species are natives of Borneo and the Moluccas, 
from whence the allies and rivals of H. imperialis, namely 
H. grandiflora, Blume, H. Ariadne, Dene., A, lutea, Dene., 
are to be obtained. oe 

H. linearis was founded by Wight on Wallich’s Nepal 

APRIL lst, 1883. 

specimens. I have examined these in Wight’s Herbarium, 
and find that the corolla is papillose within and its coronal 
lobes broader and flatter than in the Sikkim specimens ; 
unfortunately, however, these flowers are detached from 
the leaves, and may probably belong to another species 
(H. lanceolata). On the other hand the form of the coronal 
processes is not so constant in some Hoyas, as that species 
can safely be founded on it alone; and I have therefore 
adopted the course of regarding the Sikkim plant as a 
variety of the Nepal one. I need not remind the reader 
that Sikkim and Nepal are coterminous provinces, with 
almost identical vegetation, and that it is extremely im- 
probable, having regard to the distribution of Hoyas, that 
a strictly endemic species of it should exist in Nepal alone. 

The specimen figured flowered in Messrs. Veitch’s es- 
tablishment in October last. 

Descr. More or less hirsute with soft spreading hairs. 
Stems tufted, pendulous, very slender, flexuous, a foot long 
and upwards. Leaves one and a half to two inches long — 
by one-eighth to one-sixth of an inch in diameter, shortly 
petioled, cylindric, subacute, deeply grooved beneath, dark 
green. flowers in a sessile terminal lax umbel ; pedicels 
oue to one and a half inch long. Calyzx-lobes small, hirsute, 
ovate-lanceolate. Corolla half an inch in diameter, white, 
recurved, glabrous within; lobes short, broad, obtuse. 
Coronal processes stellately spreading, obtuse, subcylindric, 
very pale pink.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Calyx; 2, corona viewed from above, and 3, from the side:—all enlarged — a 


) &Son imp 
MS. del. JN Fitch Vincent Brooks Day | 

LReeve & C® London. 

Tan. 6683. 

Native of Jamaica. 

Nat. Ord. OrncHIDEZ.—Tribe EpIDENDBER. 
Genus Lziia, Lindl. ; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 533, ined.) 

LxL1a monophylla; rhizomate repente ramoso, caulibus pluribus gracilibus erectis 
1-foliatis infra folium longe vaginatis, folio anguste lineari-oblongo obtusiusculo, 
scapo elongato gracili uni-(rarissime bi-)floro vaginis remotis cylindraceis 
appressis aucto, perianthio aurantiaco-coccineo 1-14 poll. diametro, sepalis 
petalisque patentibus subequalibus oblongis subacutis, labello parvo columnam 
amplectente, lobis lateralibus angustis rotundatis terminali brevissimo recurvo 
rotundato, disco papilloso, clinandrio dorso crenulato. 

L. monophylla, WV. E. Brown in Gard. Chron, vol. xviii. (1882), p. 782. 
TRIGONIDIUM monophyllum, Griesb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. p. 629. 
OcrapEsMIa monophylla, Benth. in Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 526. 

Unlike as this pretty plant is to most of its congeners, I 
am unable to find any character by which it should be 
removed from the genus to which Mr. N. E. Brown has 
referred it; except indeed, as may well be held in many 
cases, habit should be made available. This, however, is 
allowable only when the characters which habit affords are 
trenchant, and not those of a transitional nature, or such 
as may be expected to occur in a genus, from certain 
tendencies shown amongst its species. Now in the case 
of Lelia there are species showing a strong tendency to 
the habit of L. monophylla, notably the beautiful L. cunna- 
barina, Plate 4302,in which the pseudo-bulbs are suppressed, 
and the usually large lip of Lelia is represented by an 
organ little larger in proportion to the size of the flower 
than is that of L. monophylla. The red colour of the 
perianth of L. monophylla, too, so unusual in Lelia, is 
represented by one as vivid, though of a much yellower 
tint, in L. cinnabarina. 

APRIL Ist, 1883. 


L. monophylla is a native of the mountains of Jamaica, 
where it was discovered by the late Dr. Bancroft upwards 
of half a century ago, and communicated to Sir W. Hooker. 
It has since been collected by Mr. Morris, Director of 
Gardens and Plantations, and by Mr. G. Syme, the Super- 
intendent of the Botanical Gardens in Jamaica, growing on 
trees at elevations of 3000 to 5000 feet above the sea. 

Living specimens communicated from those Gardens by 
Mr. Morris in 1881 flowered at Kew in October of the 
following year. 

Desor. Pseudo-bulbs none ; rhizomes forming a branched 
matted mass sending up tufts of leafing and flowering stems. 
Stem including the flowering scape six to ten inches high, 
as thick as a crow-quill, rigid, erect; basal part below the 
leaf one to two inches long, clothed with long tubular 
appressed sheaths speckled with pink. Leaf solitary, 
suberect, sessile, two to three inches long by one-half to 
two-thirds of an inch broad, narrowly linear-oblong, obtuse, 
coriaceous, midrib strong beneath, deep green above, paler 
beneath. Scape much longer than the leaf, slender, with 
two or three speckled sheaths one-half to one inch long, 
similar to those below the leaf, the uppermost enveloping 
the base of the ovary. Flowers suberect, one to two inches 
in diameter, vivid orange-scarlet all over, except the 
purple anther-cap. Sepals and petals similar, spreading, 
oblong, subacute. Lip very small, embracing the column, 
lateral lobes very narrow, rounded; terminal minute, 
spreading, rounded, papillose on the disk. Colwmn with 
the dorsal margin of the clinandrium crenulate.—J. D. H. 

_Fig. 1, Column and lip; 2, clinandrium; 3, anther-cap; 4 and 5, front and back 
view of pollinea :—ald enlarged. 

: i 
= | 




~ 99 THT: 1 43 “i 6 So np 
MS. del JN Ritch ith Vincent Brooks Day &900 Imp 


L.Reeve & C? London. 

Tas. 6684. 

Native of the United States. 

Genus Hamametis, Linn. ; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen, Pl. vol. i. p. 667.) 

HaMAMELIs virginiana ; fruticosa v. subarborea, ramulis ultimis petiolis nervisque 
foliorum subtus furfuracev-puberulis, foliis ovalis oblongis obovatisve grosse 
crenato-dentatis v. serratis obtusiusculis basi cuneatis v. cordatis ineequilatera- 
libus, nervis paucis validis, calycis lobis patentibus pallidis, capsula calyce 
persistente vix duplo longiore. 

H. virginiana, Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 124 (1753); Zorr. et Gr. Fl. N. Am. vol. i. 
p. 597; G. B. Emerson Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts, ed. 2, vol. ii. 
p. 472, cum ic. pict. 

H. virginica, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. xiii. p. 129 (1767); Ait. Hort. Kew. vol. i. 
p. 167; Schkuhr Handb, vol. i. p. 88, t. 27; Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 598; Barton 
Fl. N. Am. vol. iii. p. 21, t. 78; Loudon Arboret. p. 1007, t. 756, 757 ; 
DC. Prodr. vol. iv. p. 268; A. Gray Man. Bot, ed. 5, p. 173. 

H. dioica et androgyna?P Walter Carolina, p. 255. 

Hi. corylifolia, Monch. Meth. p. 273. 

H. macrophylla, Pursh, Fl. p. 116. 
TRILorus virginiana, nigra, rotundifolia et dentata, Raf. New. Fl. vol. iii. 
pp. 15-17. : 

This, the common Witch Hazel of the United States, 
derives its name from its resemblance to the English hazel 
in leaf, a circumstance which led to its use as a divining- 
rod in the early days of the American Colonies. It 
abounds in moist woods, and especially along the banks of 
streams east of the Mississippi from Canada to Louisiana, 
sometimes attaining twenty feet in height. Like so many 
other Eastern American trees and bushes, it puts on 
gorgeous colour at the fall of the leaf, and contributes not 
a little to the variegated hues of the forests in autumn. 
G. B. Emerson, in his account of the trees and shrubs of 
Massachusetts, says of it, “ Amongst the crimson and 
yellow hues of the falling leaves there is no more remark- 
able obje@é than the Witch Hazel, in the moment of its 

APRIL Ist, 1883, 

parting with its foliage, putting forth a profusion of gaudy 
yellow blossoms, and giving to November the counterfeited 
appearance of spring. The union on the same individual 
of blossoms, fading leaves, and ripe fruits, not very 
common in any climate, led Linnzus to give to an 
American plant a Greek name, significant of the fact of 
its producing flowers together with the fruit.”—Vol. u. 
. 472. 

In Plate 6659 of last year’s volume of this work, the 
rare H. japonica is figured, and the slight diagnostic 
characters which separate it from this are alluded to. Of 
these the chief are the more numerous leaf-nerves, broader 
revolute brown calyx-lobes, and shorter fruiting calyx of 
the Japan plant. 7 

The Witch Hazel, though rare enough in modern 
gardens, is a very old denizen of England, having been 
introduced in 1736. It flowers annually in Kew in winter, 
but in very various months. 

Descr. A bush or small tree, attaining twenty feet; 
branchlets puberulous, bifarious, slender. Leaves very 
irregular in form, from rounded obovate to ovate elliptic 
or oblong, usually unequally two-lobed at the base, three 
to six inches long, sometimes nearly as broad, margin 
waved, coarsely toothed or lobulate ; nerves strong, five to 
seven pairs, stellately pubescent, at length glabrous ; petiole 
rather short; stipules lanceolate. Flowers in small globose 
peduncled axillary involucrate heads, polygamous. Caly# 
one-quarter of an inch in diameter, with a brown scale-like 
bract at its base; tube pubescent, obconic ; lobes broadly 
ovate, obtuse, brown externally, pale within, ciliate. Petals 
strap-shaped, golden yellow, one-half to two-thirds of an 
inch long. Stamens four, alternating with as many 
incurved staminodes. Ovary hairy; styles recurved. Cap- 

sule ovoid, invested half-way up by the enlarged calyx.— 
ag EE 7 specie iin : 

Fig. L Flower; 2, petal; 3, stamen and staminodes; 4 and 5, stamens; 
6, staminode ; 7, ovary ; _8, vertical section of young carpel ; 9, ripe fruit ; 10, seed ; 
11, embryo ; 12, ripe truit of H. japonica ; 13, seed of ditto; 14, embryo of ditto; 
—all enlarged. : 



Vincent Brooks Day & Son imp 

MS.del JNFitc hth 




Tas. 6685. 
CADIA ELtisrana. 

Native of Madagascar. 

Nat. Ord. Leguminosx%.—Tribe SopHOREX. 
Genus Cap1a, Forsk.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. i. p. 560.) 

Capia Ellisiana; glaberrima, ramis ramulisque gracilibus, foliis impari-pinnatis 
foliolis 7-9 elliptico- v. oblongo-lanceolatis breviter petiolulatis obtuse acumi- 
natis nitidis, petiolo basi incrassato, tacemis paucifloris breviter pedunculatis, 
floribus gracile pedicellatis, calyce campanulato breviter 5-lobo, lobis late ovatis 
acutis, petalis spathulato-obovatis calyce duplo longioribus roseis apicibus 
dilatatis subtruncatis, leguminibus oblanceolatis falcatis in stipitemi gracilem 
longe productis stylo elongato-subulato. 

C. Ellisiana, Baker in Journ. Linn. Soc, Bot. vol. xx. p. 135. 

The genus Cadia is remarkable amongst Leguminose for 
its regular flowers, resembling a good deal those of a 
Mallow or Sida. Only three species are known, natives of 
eastern tropical Africa, southern Arabia, and Madagascar. 
C. Ellisiana differs remarkably from its congeners in the 
very few and large leaflets; those of the African species, U. 
varia, are it twenty to forty pairs and very narrow, whilst 
in the other Madagascar species, C. pubescens, they are in 
eight to ten pairs and broadly oblong. From a note in the 
Hookerian Herbarium it appears that the latter species was 
in cultivation in England about half a century ago, in the 
once famous garden of Mr. Barclay, of Bury Hill. 

C. Ellisiana was discovered in Madagascar by the eminent 
missionary, traveller, and author, the Rev: W. Ellis, who 

ve dried specimens to the Herbarium of the Royal 

ardens in 1870. The specimen here figured was kindly 
communicated by Mr. Day, of Tottenham; it flowered as 
a small bushy pot plant in December, 1882. 

Descr. Apparently a small slender perfectly glabrous 
bush, branches woody. Leaves alternate, four to six inches 
long, pinnate with an odd leaflet; petiole very short; 
swollen at the base; rachis slender, slightly flexuous, 

APRIL Ist, 1883. 

terete; leaflets distant, alternate, spreading, very shortly 
petiolulate, three to four inches long, by one to one and a 
half broad, elliptic-oblong or lanceolate, obtusely acuminate, 
base acute, rather hard, shining, midrib stout ; nerves very 
slender, finely reticulated; stipelle none; stipules minute. 
Flowers one and a half inches long, in axillary few-flowered 
short and shortly peduncled racemes, nodding or pendulous ; 
pedicels one-half to one inch long, very slender. Calyx 
campanulate, pale green, terete, shortly five-lobed ; base 
acute; lobes broadly ovate, acute, erect. Petals twice as 
long as the calyx, obovate-spathulate, convolute, forming a 
campanulate corolla, rose-red; tips broad, almost truncate. 
Stamens subequal, filaments slender; anthers included, 
ellipsoid, yellow. Pod (young) three inches long, oblan- 
ceolate, falcate, narrowed into a very slender stalk, tip 
suddenly and obliquely contracted into a slender subulate 
style.—J. D. H. . 

Fig. 1 and 2, anthers; 3, calyx and young pod ; 4, young seed :—all enlarged. 

Vincent Bro oks Day & Son Imp 

MS. acl IN FED Lith 


shalt, ef Fi prs 

Tas. 6686. 

Native of Burma. 

Nat. Ord. AcanrHacEx.—Tribe RUELLIER. 
Genus Dapatacantuvs, 7. Anders.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 1082.) 

DzxDALACANTHUS macrophyllus ; strictus, erectus, minute pubescens, foliis ellip- 
tico-lanceolatis -ovatisve obscure subserrulatis v. integerrimis acuminatis basi 
longe productis, spicis paniculatis strictis elongatis continuis v. interruptis, 
bracteis laxe imbricatis appressis ovatis obovatisve grosse venosis obtusis 
subacutis v. mucronatis integerrimis glanduloso-pubescentibus, calyce minuto 
ad medium 5-fido lobis lanceolatis acuminatis, corolle violacee tubo gracillimo 
bracteis multo longiore, fauce brevi modice ampliato, lobis oblongis obtusis. 

D. macrophyllus, 7. Anders. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. vol. ix. p. 487. 

Erantuemum macrophyllum, Wall. Cat. 7179; Nees in Wall, Pl. As. Rar 
vol. iii. p. 106, e¢ in DC. Prodr. vol. xi. p. 446. 

A tall herb, native of the drier forests of the upper part 
of the Malay Peninsula, extending northward from Moul- 
mein in Tenasserim to Pegu, and eastward into Burma, 
flowering in the dry season. It belongs to a class of 
Acanthaceous plants that are very suitable for winter 
decoration, flowering freely under proper treatment, which 
consists very much in careful watering at the time when in 
their native country little or no rain falls. Several species 
are in cultivation under the names of Hranthemwm_and 
Justicia, as D. nervosus, Plate 1358, and D. strictus, Plate 
3068. : 

D. macrophyllus has been long cultivated at Kew, having 
been introduced, no doubt, from the Calcutta Botanical 
Garden; it has flowered freely in the Palm House and 
elsewhere during the winter months. 

Desor. Erect, two to three feet high, sparingly branched, 
more or less puberulous with appressed scattered very small 
hairs on both surfaces of the leaves, and with spreading 
short glandular hairs on the stem branches above bracts 
and inflorescence generally. Leaves petioled, lower five to 

May Ist, 1883. 

nine inches long, elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, base of the 
blade decurrent on the petiole, margin sometimes obscurely 
serrulate or denticulate. Spikes long-peduneled, strict, 
erect, three to eight inches long, narrow, glandular-pube- 
rulous ; bracts loosely imbricating, one-half to three-fourths 
of an inch long, appressed, ovate or obovate, tip rounded 
acute or mucronate, green, strongly veined; bracteoles 
narrowly lanceolate equalling or rather longer than the 
calyx. Calyx minute, about one-tenth of an inch long, 
cleft to the middle into five lanceolate erect glandular- 
pubescent lobes. Corolla one and a quarter to one and a 
half inches long, erect, pale violet-blue; tube very slender, 
curved; throat short, moderately inflated; limb reflexed, 
about three-quarters of an inch in diameter; lobes oblong, 
obtuse, with darker violet veins. Filaments about as long 

as the corolla-lobes. Ovary slender, glandular-pubescent, 
—J. D, A, 

Fig. 1, Bract, bracteoles, and calyx ; 2, portion of corolla and stamens ; 3, stigma ; 
4, ovary :—all enlarged, 


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Vincent Brooks Day & Son. imp 4 


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 MSad bv Ack bth 

Tas. 6687. 

Native of Western Australia, 

Nat. Ord. Prorracem.—Tribe GREVILLEZ. 
Genus Grevittes, Br.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii, p. 180.) 

GREVILLEA (Cycladenia) annulifera; frutex glaberrimus, foliis pinnatis, segmentis 
5-11 remotis divaricatis anguste linearibus rigidis pungentibus marginibus 
revolutis subtus 2-sulcatis, racemis laxe multifloris breviter pedunculatis 
solitariis paniculatisve, floribus gracile breviter pedicellatis flayis, perianthio 
brevi glaberrimo intus basi subvilloso segmentis angustis revolutis apicibus 
dilatatis, toro pulvinari, ovario longe stipitato glaberrimo, stylo longissimo, 
stigmate disciforme laterali. 

G. annulifera, F. Muell. Fragment. vol. iv. p. 85; Benth. Fl. Austral. vol. v. 
p- 460. 

A rigid wiry-leaved shrub, characteristic of the scrubby 
vegetation of many parts of Australia. It belongs to a small 
section of the large genus Grevillea, which numbers upwards 
of one hundred and sixty species (almost without exception 
natives of that continent), in which the racemes are usually 

panicled and the flowers are not unilateral on the rachis. 
Two species only belong to it, the present and G. leucopteris, 
with tomentose branches and segments of the leaves four 
to ten inches long; both are natives of the Murchison 
River, on the west coast of Australia, a subtropical region. 

G. annulifera was raised from seed sent by Baron 
Mueller in 1880, and flowered in the Royal Gardens in July 
of last year. 

Descr. A shrub six to eight feet high, everywhere 

glabrous or nearly so, and somewhat glaucous ; branches 
stiff, terete. Leaves spreading and recurved, three to five 
inches long, pinnate; segments an inch long, distant, rigid, 
spreading, linear-subulate, pungent, dark green above, 
glaucous beneath with a strong midrib; petiole one-half to 
one inch long. Racemes three to four inches long, shortly 
peduncled, panicled at the end of the branches, subcylindric, 

May Ist, 1883. 

lax-flowered, rachis pale green. Jlowe7s sulphur-yellow, 
shortly pedicelled, arranged all round the rachis. Perianth 
very short, one-third of an inch long; limb strongly revo- 
lute; lobes minutely puberulous, linear with a dilated ovate 
obtuse antheriferous tip; tube villous at the base within. 
Torus cushion-shaped. Ovary gibbous, stipitate. Style 
upwards of an inch long, curved, very stout, with an oblique 
disciform stigma.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Flower ; 2, segment of perianth ; 3, top of style and stigma ; 4, torus arid 
ovary :—all enlarged. 

6688. i 




PD del. IN Bitch ‘ Vincent Brooks Day & Son bp 5 

LReeve & C2. Loudon 

a  —— 

Tab, 6688. 
SAXIFRAGA LINGULATA var. cochlearis. 

Native of the Maritime Alps. 

Nat. Ord. SaxtFRAGACEH.—Tribe SaXIFRAGES. 

Genus Saxrrraca, Linn. ; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pi. vol. i. p. 635.) 

Saxirraca lingulata ; caudicibus ceespitosis crassis foliorum vestigiis vestitis, 
ramis brevibus foliosis glabris v. tenuiter glanduliferis, foliis rosulatis lineari- 
v. obovato-spathulatis acutis obtusis v. linearibus apicibus rotundatis integerrimis 
v. crenulatis calcareo-crustatis, caulinis paucis linearibus, caulibus gracilibus, 
floribus corymboso-paniculatis gracile pedicellatis, calycis glabri lobis ovatis v. 
oblongis obtusis marginibus membranaceo-ciliolatis, petalis obovatis albis 
sepalis multoties longioribus. 

Var. cochlearis ; minor, rubro- v. purpureo-glandulosa, panicula thyrsoidea, foliis 
basilaribus linearibus apice in laminam rotundatam v. late spathulatam 

S. lingulata var. cochlearis, Engler Monog. Gatt. Sazxifrag. p. 237. 

S. cochlearis, Reichb. Fl. Germ. Excurs. p. 559 ; Bertol. Fl. Ital. vol. iv. p. 456; 
Ardoino Fl. Alp. Marit. p. 149. 

Sazifraga lingulata is a widely-distributed plant of the 
Mediterranean region, varying much and assuming con- 
siderably different forms in the regions it inhabits. The 
Apennines seem to be the centre of its geographical range, 
from whence it extends to Sicily in one direction, and 
westward along the Maritime Aips to Provence in the 
other, The var. cochlearis is a small state of the plant, 
confined, as far as is known, to the alpine regions of the 
mountains north of Nice and Mentone, from the Col de 
Tenda to Mount Mularé. an A 

The specimen here figured was communicated by Mr. 
Jas. Atkins, of Painswick, who flowered this rare plant 
in June of last year, and who communicated two sub- 
varieties; a smaller with the leaves only one-half, an inch, 
figured on the right-hand side of the Plate; the other, the 
eh figure, having leaves three-quarters to one inch 

ong. MT ia \ g 

MAY Ist, 18835. 

Drscr. Densely tufted; rootstocks short, much branched, 
clothed below with withered remains of old leaves. Leaves 
densely rosulate, spreading, one-half to one inch long, 
linear with a dilated rounded or spathulate tip, thickly 
coriaceous, glaucous blue with cartilaginous margins, 
edged with a crust of lime, quite glabrous or the young 
slightly hairy. Flowering-stems from the centre of the 
rosettes of leaves, five to seven inches high, very slender, 
bright red-brown, as are the branches, peduncles, and 
pedicels of the thyrsoid or subcorymbose erect open panicle; 
bracts and leaves on the flower-stem small, erect, linear, 
red-brown. Flowers one-half to three-quarters of an inch 
in diameter. Calyx red-brown, tube hemispheric ; lobes 
small, ovate, obtuse. Petals spreading, obovate, tip rounded, 
pure white. Filaments short; anthers small. Styles short, 
recurved.—J. D. HH, 

Fig. 1, Vertical section of flower ; 2, stamen; 3, style; 4, transverse section of 
ovary :—all enlarged. 


Vincent Brooks Day & Sonkmp 

MS del INFta hin 

LReeve & @° London 

Tas, 6689. 

Native of India and China. 

Genus Urricunarts, Linn; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 987.) 

Urricurarra bifida; erecta, dense cespitosa, glaberrima, foliis scapo multo 
brevioribus filiformibus obtusis viridibus, surculis repentibus vesiculiferis, 
scapis rigidis 2-5-pollicaribus remotifloris, pedicellis brevibus marginatis 
fructiferis decurvis, bracteis minutis, floribus breviter pedicellatis aureis, sepalo 
superiore late oblongo concavo obtuso, inferiore obovato, corolla labio superiore 
parvo rotundato, inferiore brevi 2-lobo, palato magno turgido, calcare 3 poll, 
longo lente curvo v. fere recto, sepalis fructiferis late elliptico-ovatis, seminibus 
obovoideis testa laxa scrobiculata. 

U. bifida, Zinn. Herb. ; A. DC. Prodr. vol. viii. p- 21; Oliv. in Journ, Linn. 

Soe. vol. iii. p. 182, Hxel. Syn. U. humilis. 

U. biflora, Wall. Cat. 1498, non Roxb. 

U. diantha, A. DC. 1. c. p. 21, Excl. Syn. 

U. Wallichiana, Benj. in Bot. Zeit. 1845, p. 213, non Wight. 
U. brevicaulis, Benj. in Linnea, vol, xx. p. 303. 

U. antirrhinoides, Wall. Cat. 1498 6. 

A very singular little plant, forming, under cultivation, 
mossy matted tufts of leaves in a pot of sodden sandy soil, 
above which the wiry rigid stems with yellow flowers, 
something like those of a miniature Linaria, rise in profusion. 
Besides these conspicuous organs, there issue from near 
the base of the leaves slender transparent threads bearing 
the characteristic bladders of the Utricularias, which, no 
doubt, entrap minute aquatic animals, as do those of our 
English floating species of the genus. Like so many other 
water-loving plants, it has a very wide range, from Nepal, 
Assam, Chittagong (where I gathered 1t in company with 
Dr. Thomson in 1850) to Malacca, and it 1s also found in 
Ceylon, China, Japan, Borneo, and the Philippine Islands. 
It is very nearly allied to another Indian species, Uz 
Wallichiana, which differs chiefly in having erect fruiting 

MAY Ist, 1883, 

Seeds of U. bifida were received from Mr. Ford, Superin- 
tendent of the Hongkong Botanical Gardens in 1881, which 
germinated freely; and the plants they produced flowered 
abundantly in September, 1852. . 

Drsor. Forming densely-matted masses of thread-like 
rhizomes giving off tufts of leaves and bearing obliquely 
orbicular very minute pedicelled bladders; mouth of the 
bladders lateral, overhung by two subulate processes 
depending from the upper lip. Leaves erect, one to two 
inches long, filiform, or slightly thickened upwards, one- 
nerved, obtuse, bright green. capes very numerous, two 
to five times as long as the leaves, slender, rigid, erect, 
simple or very sparingly branched, naked. Flowers distant, 
pedicelled, pedicels recurved in fruit. Sepals in flower 
small, upper about one-tenth of an inch long, shortly 
oblong, obtuse, concave, lower smaller obovate. Corolla 
bright yellow with a very large and prominent hemispheric 
orange-yellow palate; upper lip reflexed; lower very short, 
two-lobed, like two pendulous auricles from the palate ; 
Spur one-fourth to one-third of an inch long, stout, nearly 
straight, subacute, Fruiting-sepals one-fourth of an inch 
long, broadly ovate, acute or obtuse, enclosing the shortly 
oblong capsule. Seeds very numerous, obovoid, testa lax 
closely fitted.—J. D. H. 

Figs. 1, 5, and 6, Bladders: 2 ovary ; 3, stamens; 4, flower; 7, fruiting cal 
m + atta > 3 > > d > ? > fos 
and pedicel ; 8, capsule; 9, placenta and seeds i—ali enlarged. : 

TOT Sng BI I i saat 

Vincent Brooks Day & Son 

7 Selene ice Me RR a 

Tas. 6690. 

Native of Brazil. 

Nat. Ord. OrcuipEx.—-Tribe NEoTTIEZ. 

Genus SprrantuEs, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 596.) 

SprranTHEs (Stenorhynchus) exphlebia ; caule robusto superne cum inflorescentia 
pubescentibus, foliis rosulatis lineari-oblongis subacutis undulatis, vaginis 
elongatis acuminatis superioribus bracteiformibus, bracteis elongato-lanceolatis, 
racemo brevi densifloro, sepalis ovato-lanceolatis longe acuminatis infra medium 
cum ovario in tubum villosum connatis petalisque dimidiato-lanceolatis paullo 
brevioribus albis brunneo pulcherrime venosis, labello petalis multo minore, 
ungue gracili elongato, lamina lanceolato-panduriformi acuminata. 

S. euphlebia, Reichd. f. in Flora, 1883, p. 16. 

A singular plant, belonging to a section of the genus 
Spiranthes in which the perianth 1s decurrent on the ovary ; 
a tendency to which structure may be seen in S. aphylla 
(Plate 2797), avd S. speciosa (Plate 1374), and S. orchioides 
(Plate 1036); whilst in 8. grandiflora (Plate 2730) it is 
carried to as great an extent as in 8. euphlebia. 

This plant was received from Messrs. Shuttleworth, 
Carden, and Co., who imported it from Brazil with S. 
speciosa, and it flowered in the Royal Gardens in November 
of last year. 

Descr. Stout, erect, twelve to eighteen inches high. 
Leaves all radical, five to six inches long, by one and a half 
to two inches broad, linear- or obovate-oblong, contracted 
into a very short broad petiole, acute, rather fleshy, glabrous, 
undulate, pale green with distant white blotches. Scape 
light greenish-brown, glabrous below, above pubescent ; 
sheaths numerous, erect, dark brown, lower amplexicaul 
with lanceolate acuminate tips; upper narrower, Semi- 
amplexicaul, lancevlate, passing into the bracts. Raccmes 
two to three inches long and nearly as broad. Flowers not 
numerous, but crowded, horizontal, very shortly pedicelled ; 
bracts nearly as long as the perianth-tube, lanceolate, erect, 

May lst, 1883. 

dark brown. LPerianth pubescent externally, white with 
red-brown veins on the free portions of the sepals and petals. 
Sepals united into a tube half an inch long, witha gibbosity 
at the base on the anterior face ; free portions spreading, 
lanceolate, finely acuminate. Petals inserted at the mouth 
of the calycine tube, semi-lanceolate, acuminate, erect; 
forming with the posterior sepal an ovate shallow erect 
hood. Lip very small, inserted at the very base of the 
calyx-tube; claw long, concealed in the tube; limb ver 
small, recurved, lanceolate and contracted at the middle on 
each side, veined like the sepals and petals.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Flower ; 2, éalyx tube, column, and lip (very inaccurately represented) ; 
3, column showing the stigma ; 4, anther ; 5 and 6, pollen masses :——all magnitied. 


= : AB del INFtchlith 

Vincent Brocks Day &Sonimp — 

L-Reeve & C° London. 

Tas. 6691, 

Native of Japan. 

Nat. Ord. SaxtrraGacex.—Tribe SaxIFRAGER. 

Genus Roperrsta, 4. Gray; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. i. p- 635.) 

Roperrsia podophylla ; rhizomate crasso, caule simplici, foliis radicalibus maximis 
longe petiolatis palmatim v. pedatim 5-foliolatis, foliolis cuneato-vel deltoideo- 
obovatis acuminatis integris v. 3-fidis argute serratis, stipulis membranaceis 
petiolo adnatis, foliis caulinis brevius petiolatis 3-6-sectis, panicula ampla 
nuda ramosa, floribus parvis luteo-albis in cymas scorpioideas puberulas 

R, podophylla, 4. Gray in Mem. Amer. Acad. Ser. 2, vol. vi. p. 389; Miguel, 
Prolus, Fl. Jap. p. 260; Regel Gartenfl. vol. xx.p. 355, t. 708 (R. japonica); 
Franch. et Sav. Fl. Jap. vol. i. p. 144. So Mokou, vol. viii. t. 27: 

Though so dissimilar in habit, Rodgersia is nearly allied 
to Sazifraga, being placed between that genus and Astilbe, 
from which latter it differs chiefly in the connate carpels 
and the scorpioid inflorescence. On the other hand, in the 
stout rhizome and large radical leaves it recalls the noble" 
Saxifraga peltata (Plate 6074) of California. The specimen 
here figured is a small one; for the leaves attain upwards 
of a foot and a half in diameter, and the individual segments 
ten inches in length and eight in breadth; whilst the panicle 
in dried specimens preserved in the Herbarium at Kew are 
ten inches long and broad; under cultivation, no doubt, 
larger dimensions will be attained. 

The genus Rodgersia was named after Commodore 
Rodgers, of the United States N avy, the Commander of 
a squadron that explored the shores of Japan. In the 
words of the author of the genus, the latter is dedicated to 
him “in acknowledgment of the enlightened and generous 
interest which he took in the naturalists of his squadron, 
and of his constant care to facilitate their explorations. 
And the name is more appropriately conferred upon the 
present very striking plant, since Captain Rodgers was 
himself one of its discoverers.” : 
MAY Ist, 1883. 

R. podophylla, the only known species of the genus, 
inhabits open subalpine mossy woods in Japan, at Yesso, 
Hakodadi, and on Fudsi-Yama, flowering in June. It was 
introduced into the Imperial Botanical Garden of St. 
Petersburg by Dr. Maximovicz, where it flowered in 1871. 
Our specimen is from a plant flowered by Messrs. Veitch in 
June of last year, which was raised from seed sent by their 
most successful collector, Mr. Maries. 

Descr. A herb with a stout perennial rootstock. Radical 
leaves few, long petioled, peltately five-foliolate, six to 
eighteen inches in diameter; leaflets sessile, five to ten 
inches long by. three to six in breadth, cuneately obovate or 
almost deltoid to beyond the middle, then trifid, with acu- 
minate lobes or suddenly contracted and acute, the lateral 
sometimes irregularly lobulate, margin coarsely serrate, 
rather membranous, rugose from the numerous venules, 
glabrous above, glabrous or pubescent on the nerves be- © 
neath; petiole six to twelve inches long, stout, with a few 
paleaceous hairs at the summit; stipules adnate to the base 
of the petiole; cauline leaves few, smaller, shorter-petioled, 
three to five foliolate. Flowering stems, two to three feet 
high, bearing a terminal much-branched matted panicle six 
to twelve inches high and broad, of scorpioid pubescent 
cymes. lowers one-third of an inch in diameter, shortly 
pedicelled, yellowish white. Calyzx-tube very short, lobes. 
spreading, ovate, acute. Petals none. Stamens twice as : 
long as the calyx; anthers very small. Ovary depressed, 

globose, with two suberect styles. Capsules very small.— 
J. D-H; : 

Fig. 1, Flower ; 2, vertical section of ditto; 3 and 4, stamens; 5, top of style 
and stigma; 6, transverse section of ovary :—all enlarged. 


Vince nt Brooks Day & Son Imp 

MS.del INRtdh hth 

L Reeve &C° London 

Tas. 6692. 
BOMAREA patacocensis. 

Native of Ecuador. 

Genus Bomarga, Mirb. ; (Benth. et Hook.f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 736.) 

BomarEa patacocensis; caule tereti bracteis pedicellisque pubescentibus, foliis 
lanceolatis acuminatis superne glabris subtus puberulis, petiolo brevi torto, 
bracteis lineari-oblongis obtusis v. acutis pedicellis brevioribus, floribus nume- 
rosissimis subumbellatis confertissimis, pedicellis gracilibus 2-23 pollicaribus, 
floribus 24-pollicaribus coccineis, perianthii regularis segmentis exterioribus 
lineari-oblongis obtusis, exterioribus longioribus spathulatis. 

B. patacocensis, Herbert, Amaryllid, p. 120, t. 14; Kunth. Enum. Pl. vol. v. | 
p- 814. 

B. conferta, Benth. Plant. Hartweg. p. 259; Walp. Ann. vol. i. p. 837; Masters 
in Gard. Chron. 1881, p. 330, and 1882, p. 186, f. 31. 

This noble plant was discovered by the late Colonel Hall 
in Ecuador at a place called Patacocha, alt. 6000 feet, 
which I do not find on any map accessible to me; and was 
described by the late Dean Herbert in his classical work on 
the Amaryllides, published in 1837. It was subsequently 
collected by Hartweg in the Western flanks of Pichincha, 
and published by Bentham, who could not have seen Hall’s 
specimen, as B. conferta. It is probably a common plant 
in the Quitenian Andes, for Jameson, in his Herbarium of 
Keuador plants, states that it grows in various wooded 
localities of the temperate region of the Andes, at an eleva- 
tion of 8000 feet. From B. pardina, Herb., with which 
Bentham compares it, it differs in the much narrower 
leaves, longer pedicels, and larger bracts. The plant 
alluded to by Baker in the “ London Journal of Botany 
(1882, p. 205), under B. conferta, from the Andes of Quito, 
collected by M. André, and which has orange-coloured 
outer perianth segments and yellow inner ones spotted with 
dark violet, can hardly be this species. 

B. patacocensis flowered in the Royal Gardens in October 

JUNE Ist, 1883. 

of last year, in the cool end of the Succulent House, from 
a plant presented by Messrs. Shuttleworth, Carder, and Co. 

Dzsor. A tall climber. Stem purplish-brown, rather 
stout, pubescent. Leaves four to six inches long, lanceolate, 
acuminate, dark green, glabrous above, pubescent beneath ; 
petiole very short, flattened, twisted. lowers very shortly 
racemose on a terminal rachis, very numerous and densely 
clustered, pendulous, scarlet, except the green ovaries. 
Bracts many or few, whorled, two to three inches long, 
linear-oblong, acute or obtuse, pubescent on both surfaces. 
Pedicels two to two and a half inches long, very slender, 
pubescent. Perianth as long as the pedicels, very narrowly 
campanulate ; outer segments linear-oblong, obtuse, with a 
brown spot below the tip on the back; inner one-third 
longer than the outer, elongate-spathulate, obtuse or sub- 
acute. Stamens as long as the perianth; anthers blue. 

Ovary turbinate, five-grooved. Style straight, stigma 
simple.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1 and 2, Anthers; 3, ovary; 4, stigma :—all enlarged. 

Vincent Brooks Day & Son Imp 

MS. del,J N Fitch hith 




ee ee 

Tas. 6693. 
ANGRAICUM $ mopestu™. 

Native of Madagascar. 

Nat. Ord. OxncHIDEx.—Tribe VANDER. 
Genus Anerxcum, Thou.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 583.) 

AnGREcUM modestum; caule brevi, foliis 4-5-pollicaribus elliptico- v. lineari- 
oblongis subacutis, racemo pendulo 6-10-pollicari, pedunculo 3-6-pollicari 
modice robusto vaginis brevibus crebris appressis cum rachi pedicellisque polli- 
caribus pallide brunneis, bracteis brevissimis, floribus candidis 1-1}-poll. diam., 
sepalis petalisque consimilibus patenti-recurvis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis, 
labello petalis paullo longiore et latiore recurvo, calcare gracillimo pedicello 
duplo longiore, columna brevi obscure pilosa, polliniarum stipite solitario 
gracili glandula squamiformi 2-loba. 

The nearest ally of this is no doubt the A. apiculatum 
(Plate 4159) of Sierra Leone, which differs in the acuminate 
petals and sepals tipped with pink, the green rachis and 
peduncle of the raceme, and the clavate stipes of the pollen- 
masses ; there is also a tendency in the leaves of A. apicu- 
latum to become two-lobed, of which I see no traces in this. 
A, bilobum, Lindl. (Bot. Reg. vol. xxvii. t. 35), is another 
closely allied plant, a native of Cape Coast Castle, in 
Western Tropical Africa; it differs in the strongly veined 
two-lobed leaves, and acuminate sepals and petals; it 1s 
possibly the same as A. apiculatum. In the hairy column, 
a character probably overlooked in other species, 1t resembles 
A, descendens, Reichb. f. (in Gard. Chron, 1882, p. 558). 

Angraecum modestum is a native of Madagascar, and the 
plant here figured was presented to the Royal Gardens by 
the Dowager Lady Ashburton; it flowered in April of the 
present year. : : 

Descr. Stem very short. Leaves distichous, three to six 
inches long by one to one and a half inches broad, elliptic- 
or linear-oblong, acute, tip entire, pale bright-green, 
coriaceous, nerveless. Raceme pendulous, longer than the 
leaves, many-flowered ; peduncle three to six inches long, 

JUNE Ist, 1883. 

rather stout, clothed with numerous very short appressed 
sheaths, pale brown, as are the rachis and pedicels; rachis 
subangularly flexuous; bracts very small, broad, appressed, 
brown; pedicels slender, one inch long. lowers pure 
white, one to one and a half inches in diameter. Sepals 
and petals oblong-lanceolate, acute, spreading and recurved, 
the petals rather the broadest; lip rather larger than the 
petals, also oblong-lanceolate, acute, recurved; spur very 
slender, straight, about twice as long as the pedicel. 
Column very small, slightly hairy; anther conical, obtuse; 
pedicel of the pollen-masses single, slender, with a large 

bilobed gland.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Side and, 2, front view of column ; 3, anther; 4, pollen :—all enlarged. 


Pa ae 


Tan, 6694, 
GERRARDANTHUS tomenrtosus. 

Native of Natal. 

Nat. Ord. Cucursitackm.—Tribe ZANONIER. 

Genus GzRRarpantuvs, Harv.; (Cogniaux in A. DC. Monogr. Phan. 
vol. iil. p. 935.) 

GERRARDANTHUS fomentosus; ramulis foliisque novellis subtus et petiolis dense 
tomentosis denum glabratis v. pubescentibus, foliis ambitu reniformibus sinu 
basilari profundo 5-7-lobis, lobis brevibus triangularibus acutis, fl. ¢ petalis 
ovato-oblongis obtusis marginibus late reflexis, connectivo in calcar elongatum 
producto, fl. 2 ovario tubuloso-campanulato 10-costato, staminodiis setiformibus, 
stylo brevissimo conico, stigmatibus sessilibus reniformibus, fructu campanulato 
10-costato ore trilobo. 

The singular plant here figured belongs toa very little 
known genus of tropical and southern subtropical African 
plants, of which the first described species was named after 
its discoverer, Gerrard, a collector in N atal, who perished 
in Madagascar. G. tomentosus differs a good deal from 
the generic character, but hardly sufficiently to form anew 
genus for its reception. Of the three described species in 
Cogniaux’s monograph quoted above, none have the spurred 
anthers of this, and in the only one of them of which the 
female flower is known, this has three distinct styles and 
no staminodes. The ovules, too, which in the previously 
known Species are pendulous from parietal placentas, in 
this are suspended from the top of the cells of the ovary; 

the seeds are, however, quite characteristic of Gerrard- 


One of the most curious features of this genus is the 
enormous size of its tuberous roots. Mr. Wood, now 
superintendent of the Natal Botanical Gardens, and who 
Sent seeds of this plant to Kew with copious herbarium 
Specimens, informs me that he first found it in 1874, in one 
stony ravine only (in Inanda), where the tubers were 
seated on the top of and between large stones. Of these 

tubers one measured six feet in circumference, and was 

JUNE lst, 1883. 

nearly two feet thick; its surface was scarred; and from the 
centre arose a stem not more than three-quarters of an 
inch in diameter, thickly covered with small round tuber- 
cles, which ascended without a leaf to the tops of trees 
fifty feet high. On turning over one of the tubers, it was 
found to have but one fibrous root, about half an inch 
thick. Mr. Wood adds that the natives do not appear to 
put the plant to any use. 

The specimen here figured was raised from seeds sent by 
Mr. Wood in 1879, and it flowered for the first time in 
August, 1681. 

Descr. Stem very tall, climbing, from a large tuberous 
root; branches clothed with spreading hairs; young parts 
and leaves beneath densely tomentose. Leaves three to 
four inches in diameter, reniform in outline, angularly five- 
to seven-lobed, strongly nerved beneath, dull green; lobes 
short, triangular, acute; basal sinus deep, rounded, with 
connivent sides; petiole one and a half to two and a half 
inches long. Male flowers in short racemes, bracts small. 
Calyz-lobes short, rounded, pubescent. Corolla rotate, one- 
half to three-quarters of an inch in diameter ; lobes ovate- 
oblong, obtuse, dull yellow, margins strongly and broadly 
recurved. Stamens five, one imperfect, the others conni- 
vent in pairs; filaments incurved; anthers oblong, one- 
celled, with the connective produced into a spur longer — 
than the cell. Female flowers solitary or binate, axillary, 
pubescent, shortly peduncled. Calya and petals as in the 
male. Ovary three-quarters of an inch long, narrowly 
campanulate, three-celled, pubescent, ten-ribbed; style 
short, conical; stigmas three, shortly reniform, with the 
sinus uppermost; ovules few, pendulous from the summit 
of the cells. Fruit three inches long, between campanulate 
and clavate, ten-ribbed, coriaceous, dry, mouth broadly 
three-lobed above the ribs. Seeds one and a half inches 
long; nucleus oblong, compressed, margined, ending in 4 
broad membranous wing.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Male flower ; 2, stamen (both from dried specimens) ; 3, petal of female — 
flower; 4, ovary, style, and stigma; 5, vertical section of ovary; 6, fruit, and 7, 
seed (both from dried specimens) :—all but fig. 6 enlarged. 

r ~~ 


-—~ —nai ci 

Setietaneencactaeaaee ee 


at, Brooks Day & Son Imp. 


Reeve & C9? London. 


a a rT 

Tas, 6695, 
CLERODENDRON sacrosipnoy, 

Native of Zanzibar. 

Nat. Ord. VerBenacem.—Tribe Vit1cEx. 
Genus CLERopENDRON, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. SF. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 1155.) 

CLERODENDRON (Cyclonema) macrosiphon; ramis gracilibus foliisque puberulis, 
foliis petiolatis oblanceolatis v. elliptico-lanceolatis grosse inequaliter dentatis 
in petiolum longe angustatis, floribus in cymam brevissimam terminalem 
subsessilem confertis, pedicellis brevissimis, calyce parvo dentibus ovatis acutis, 
corolla alba tubo 3-4-pollicari gracillimo piloso, limbi 1-poll. lati unilateralis 
lobis secundis ovato-oblongis subacutis, filamentis 2-pollicaribus antherisque 
parvis purpureis. 

A very elegant shrub, one of the many discoveries of Sir 
John Kirk, who sent living plants of it to Kew in 1881, 
which flowered in May of the following year in the stove. 
The corolla, which is pale green in bud, becomes when 
expanded snowy white, relieved by the long purple threads 
of the filaments. Most of the species which possess a 
corolla-tube approaching this in length, belong to the 
Section of the genus with a more regular limb of the corolla, 
as, for example, C. hastatwm, Wall., of India (Plate 3398), 
of which the corolla-tube is even longer. There is, how- 
ever, described in the botanical part of “ Peter’s Reise nach 
Mossambique” (p. 259) a O. incisum, Klotzsch, from the 
Sana river in East Africa, which approaches C. macrosiphon 

" very closely, differing, according to the description, chiefly 
In the glabrous calyx and corolla. This latter has a 
Similar corolla, and it is probable that the species in which 

the lobes all point one way should form a distinct section 
of the genus. Only one other species with this structure 
has been previously figured in this Magazine, namely, C. 
macrophyllum, Sims (Plate 2536). 

Sir John Kirk found C. macrosiphon on the coast oppo- 
site Zanzibar Island, in very rocky places, where it formed 
a small slender shrub. 

JUNE Ist, 1883, 

Dusor. A very slender erect shrub; branches and leaves 
finely pubescent. Leaves two to three inches long, by 
three-quarters to one and a quarter inches broad, oblanceo- 
late or elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, coarsely and deeply 
irregularly toothed or almost lobulate along the margins, 
base gradually narrowed into a petiole. Flowers forming 
a small subsessile terminal reduced cyme, pedicels about 
one-tenth of an inch long. Calyx campanulate, pubescent, 
one-fourth of an inch long, tube cylindric, teeth trian- 
gular acute erect. Corolla pure white, tube four to four 
and a half inches long by one-tenth of an inch in diameter, 
hairy, erect, slightly curved, hardly dilated at the very 
short throat; limb completely one-sided, one to one and a 
half inches in diameter, five-lobed to the middle; lobes 
oblong, subacute, converging. Stamens inserted on the 
throat of the corolla, the four anterior declinate, the pos- 
_ terior erect ; filaments two to two and a half inches long, 
very slender, red-purple, as are the very small oblong 
anthers. Ovary very small, four-lobed; style very long, 
filiform, exserted portion as long as the stamens; stigmas 
two, small, filiform, recurved.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Calyx; 2 and 3, anthers; 4, stigmas; 5, transverse section of ovary :— 
all enlarged. - 



etl tanetmrgn ea 




A.B. del, JN Fitch hth. 

Vincent Brooks Day & Son imp. 

LReeve & C° London. 

Tas. 6696. 
CEPHASLIS tomentosa. 

Native of Guiana. 

Nat. Ord. Rusracrz.—Tribe PsycHoTrRiEZx. 
Genus CepHztis, Swartz; (Benth. et Hook.f. Gen, Pl. vol. ii. p. 127.) 

CrepH2xuis (Bracteocardis) tomentosa ; hirsuta, foliis breviter petiolatis ellipticis 
v. elliptico-lanceolatis utrinque acuminatis, nervis numerosis, stipulis utrinque 
2-nis elongato-lanceolatis erectis, capitulis longe pedunculatis, pedunculis 
axillaribus v. terminalibus 1-cephalis, involucri bracteis 2 magnis late ovatis 
subacutis v. cordato-reniformibus coccineis hirsutis, bracteolis spathulatis v. 
oblongis hirsutis, calycis lobis brevibus, corolla tubulosa flava limbo brevissimo 
5-dentato, dentibus triangularibus patulis, antheris linearibus subsessilibus 

C. tomentosa, Willd. Sp. Pl. vol. i. p. 977; Vahl Eelog. vol. i. p. 19; DOC. 
Prodr, vol. iv. p. 533. 

Catticocca tomentosa, Gmel. Syst. vol. i. p. 371. 
Tapocomea tomentosa, Aubl. Guian. vol. i. p. 160, t. 61. 

A very singular plant, congeneric with that yielding the 
medicinal Ipecacuanha, but of very different appearance, a 
native of tropical America, whence it extends from Mexico 
to Guiana on the east, and Peru on the west side of the 
Andes; also found in Trinidad, but in no other of the 
West Indian Islands. It belongs to a small group of the 
genus (which is reduced to Psychotria by many authors), 
to which the sectional name of 7'apogomea has been applied 
by Mueller Argan in Martius’ Flora of Brazil (Fasc. lxxxiv.), 
distinguished chiefly by the bracts; it includes five species 
so strikingly alike that they may prove to be varieties of 
one; of these two have the calyx-lobes much longer than 
its tube, whilst in the other two the calyx-lobes are no 
longer than the tube. C. tomentosa is one of the last 
group, but differs from Mueller’s description in having 
tufts of hairs in the corolla-tube. 

C. tomentosa was introduced into cultivation by Messrs. 
Veitch, who imported it from British Guiana, and sent the 

JUNE Ist, 1883. 

specimen here figured to Kew to be named in September, 

Descr. A shrub, hirsute throughout, with long soft hairs, 
especially in the branches and peduncle. Leaves six to ten 
by two to four inches long, rather membranous, elliptic or 
elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate at both ends; nerves very 
numerous, eight to sixteen pairs, slender, arching; petiole 
one-half to one and a half inches long, stout; stipules 
one-half to three-quarters of an inch long, in pairs on each 
side of the stem, narrowly subulate-lanceolate, erect. Pe- 
duncle solitary, axillary or terminal, one to four inches long, 
stout, erect. Bracts two, opposite, spreading, one to one 
and a half inches long, one to two inches broad, broadly 
ovate or subreniform or orbicular-ovate, acute or acuminate, 
scarlet, rugose, hirsute; bracteoles irregular, short, hairy, 
spathulate. Flowers densely crowded, three-fourths of an 
inch long. Calya-lobes short. Corolla twice as long as 
the calyx-lobes, tubular, yellow, pubescent ; lobes five, very 
small, triangular-ovate, spreading; tube with tufts of hairs 
within about the middle. Anthers linear, subsessile near 
the mouth of the corolla, peltately attached. Ovary small, 
two-celled; style slender; stigmas short, linear. Drupe 
blue.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Head cut vertically, of the natural size; 2, bracteole ; 3, bracteoles and 
flower ; 4, vertical section of flower (inaccurate as to lower part); 5, tuft of hairs 
of interior of corolla-tube; 6, anthers; 7, transverse section of ovary :—all enlarged. 

AB. dd IN. Bitch lth. Vincent Brooks, Day &Son-inp ae 

L Reeve & C° London. 

Baad es Da ate lo 

Tas. 6697. 

Native of Persia. 

Nat. Ord. SapInDACER.—Tribe ACERINEE. 

Genus Acer, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen, Pl. vol. i. p. 409.) 

AcER insigne; ramulis validis glaberrimis, alabastri squamis magnis lineari- 
oblongis rubris, foliis gracile petiolatis ambitu reniformi-rotundatis ad medium 
palmato-5-lobis subtus glaucis, lobis oblongis v. oblongo-lanceolatis grosse 
obtuse serratis, floribus in paniculas terminales pyramidatas dispositis, petalis 
linearibus sepala ovata vix superantibus, filamentis glaberrimis, ovario 

pubescente, samaris glabris v. pilosiusculis alis subdivergentibus. 

A. insigne, Boiss. et Buhse, Aufz. p. 46; Boiss. Fil. Orient. vol. i. p. 947 ; 
G. Nicholson in Gard. Chron. 1881, vol. ii. p. 75. 

A. velutinum?, Van Volzem in Gard. Chron. 1882, vol. i. p. 744. 

The subject of this plate has been much discussed 
amongst botanists and arboriculturists, but its name and 
place have, I think, been definitely settled by Mr. G. 
Nicholson (of this establishment), who communicated to 
the “ Gardener’s Chronicle” a very valuable account of the 
cultivated Maples, including this species. The specimens 
were communicated by M. J. Van Volxem from his fine 
establishment in Belgium, and though still young it pro- 
claims itself to be one of the handsomest species of the 
genus in cultivation, being conspicuous in late spring for 
the size and beautiful colour of the bud-scales, and tender 
green of its pale foliage. M. Van Volxem says of it, that 
it is the hardiest of the eighty species and varieties of 
Maples cultivated by him, having withstood the disastrous 
winters of 1879-80 and 1880-1; and being a late and 
cautious grower, it had never even been nipped by the late 
frosts. Our Kew experience of the plant accords with 
M. Van Volxem’s, but Dr. Masters, whose garden is at a 
considerably higher level than Kew (Haling), says that this 
is not his experience. At this date (May 18th) of this 
very exceptionally late spring, the buds are not even 

JUNE lst, 1883. 

swollen, and will probably not burst for some weeks yet, 
whilst most of the other Maples are in young leaf. 
According to M. Van Volxem, the earliest notice of this 
plant under cultivation is in Vilmorin’s Catalogue of 1867, 
where it is said to be a native of Pontus, at an elevation of 
1500 metres; M. Van Volxem’s own plants were raised 
from seed collected by Balansa, he believes, in Lazistan.> 
Boissier gives the mountains of North Persia (provinces of 
Talysch, Ghilan, and Asterabad) as the habitat of A. 
msigne ; and woods of Ghilan in South Persia as that of 
the var. velutina (under which name this has been culti- : 

I am indebted to Dr. Masters for the specimen figured, 
which flowered in his garden on May 23rd, 1882, before the 
plants did at Kew in the same year, and which were also 
received from M. Van Volxem. 

Descr. A tree. Branchlets rather stout, terete, dark 
brown ; buds ovoid, stout.. Leaves five to six inches in 
diameter, rounded-reniform in outline, palmately divided to 
the middle into five to seven oblong acute coarsely obtusely 
serrated lobes, glabrous above, beneath more or less 
tomentose. Flowers one-fourth of an inch in diameter, 
green, in terminal pyramidal panicles three to four inches 
long, appearing with the leaves, polygamous, the males with 
long slender exserted stamens, the hermaphrodite with very 
short stamens. Sepals ovate, obtuse. Petals hardly longer 
than the sepals, small, linear. Filaments quite glabrous ; 
anthers small. Ovary hairy.—J. D. H. 

. Fig. 1, Male flower; .2, the same cut vertically; 3, female flower; 4, stamens 
» ovary; 6, young fruit; 7, diagram of floral organs :—all enlarged. 

Vincent Brooks,Day &Son imp. 

LReeve & C° London 

ween _S 

=) ba Ni 

ee, ene 

Tas. 6698. 
GREVILLEA ponicea, Br. 

Native of New South Wales. 

Nat. Ord. Proreacrx.—Tribe GREVILLEZ. 
Genus GreviLLEA, Br.; (Benth, et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 180.) 

GREVILLEA (Lissostylis) punicea; ramulis gracilibus foliisque subtus et inflorescentia 
sericeis, foliis subsessilibus elliptico-lanceolatis acutis v. obtusis et apiculatis 
costa subtus prominula, floribus ad apicem pedunculi cernuis subumbellatim 
capitatis, pedicellis brevibus, perianthii coccinei tubo angusto sulcato intus 
tomentoso, limbi lobis tubo brevioribus lineari-oblongis revolutis, toro recto, 
ovario glaberrimo gracili stipitato, stylo elongato puberulo, stigmate discoideo. 

G. punicea, Br. in Trans. Linn. Soe. vol. x. p. 169, et Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 376; 
Meissn. in DC. Prodr. vol. xiv. p. 354; Benth. Fl. Austral. vol. v. p. 468 ; 
Bot. Reg. t. 1319; Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1357 ; Reichb. Icon. Exot. t. 105. 

LysanTHE speciosa, Knight, Prot. p. 118. 

As is the case with so many beautiful Australian plants, 
this, which was introduced so long ago as 1825, has long 
since been out of cultivation, having shared the fate of the 
“ hard-wooded’’ class of greenhouse and conservatory 
shrubs which require a rather special treatment. It is a 
native of Port Jackson itself, and extends thence westwards 
to the Blue Mountains. Its nearest ally is G. sericea, Br., 
to which G. dubia, Br. (Plate 3798), is referred, and it may 
prove to be only a brilliantly coloured variety of that plant 
with larger flowers and longer styles, the geographical 
area inhabited by them being the same. 

The seeds from which the specimens here figured were 
raised were received by Dr. Schomburgk, of the Adelaide 
Botanical Garden, in 1880, and the plant flowered in March 
of this year in the Temperate House of the Royal Gardens. 

Descr. A shrub; branches slender, together with the 
leaves beneath and inflorescence clothed with a fine silky 
pubescence of appressed hairs attached by the middle. 
Leaves alternate, one to two and a half inches long, by one- 
third to two-thirds of an inch broad, oblong or elliptic-. 

JULY Ist, 1883, 

lanceolate, rarely oblanceolate, obtuse or subacute, with 
usually an apiculus, smooth and shining above, midrib 
strong beneath, nerves very obscure, when dry rusty brown 
beneath with recurved margins; petiole very short. Pe- 
duncles terminal, slender, one-fourth to one-half of an inch 
long, curved, bearing a much shortened umbelliform raceme 
of brilliant scarlet flowers; pedicels one-sixth to one-fourth 
of an inch long. Perianth tubular, tube one-half of an inch 
long, grooved, villous within; lobes half the length of the 
tube, oblong, obtuse, revolute, glabrous within. <Anthers 
small, sessile. Disk small, annular. Ovary slender, stipi- 
tate; style very stout, two to three times as long as the 

perianth tube, slightly curved, scarlet; stigma oblique, | 
discoid.— J. D, H. 

Fig. 1, Flower ; 2, portion of perianth seen from within; 3, apex of lobe of ditto 
with anther; 4, pistil; 5, hair :—all enlarged. 


Vincent Brooks, Day & Son lnip- 

MS. del JNFitch th. 


ee Se gee a 5 a ae 

Tas. 6699, 

Native of the Himalaya. 

Nat. Ord. CanYorpHYLLEX.—Tribe SILENER. 
Genus Gypsornita, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. i. p. 146.) 

Gypsopuita (Heterochroa) cerastioides ; perennis, tota cano-tomentosa, rhizomate 
lignoso, ramis diffusis prostratis et ascendentibus foliosis, foliis obovatis 
spathulatisque obtusis in petiolum angustatis utrinque pubescentibus enerviis, 
cymis subcapitatis sessilibus v. breviter pedunculatis foliaceo-bracteatis, rarius 
nudis evolutis et corymboso-paniculatis, calycis semiquinquefidi lobis oblongis 
subacutis ciliatis, petalis calyce duplo longioribus obcordato-spathulatis 3-nerviis, 
stylis 2-3, seminibus latis atris tuberculatis. 

G. cerastioides, Don Prodr. Fl. Nep. p. 213; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vol. i. p. 217. 

Acosmra rupestris, Benth. in Wall. Cat. n. 644; Cambess. in Jacquem. Voy. Bot. 
p. 26, t. 28. i 

Timzosta rupestris, Klotzsch in Bot. Reis. Pr. Waldem. p. 138, t. 33. 

This belongs to a small section of the large genus Gypso- 
phila, established by Bunge for the reception of a few 
Asiatic species, characterized chiefly by the hairyness, the 
leafy cymes, and campanulate five-fid calyx, and which he 
regarded as of generic value. Other characters attributed 
to Heterochroa by its author are either variable or inconstant 
as to their presence, as a slight irregularity of the corolla, 
polygamous inflorescence, a scarious calyx, and the coloured 
petals which suggested the name. 

G. cerastioides is a. very common Himalayan plant, 
extending from Kashmir to Sikkim, at elevations between 
6000 and 12,000 feet. The flowers vary a good deal in 
size, and in colour from white to lilac, always with three 
red or purplish veins. The specimen figured was from the 
Joad collection, which flowered at Kew in May of last year. 
There are also plants at Kew raised from seeds sent from 
the Royal Botanical Garden, Calcutta, by Dr. King, col- 
lected in Sikkim. The plant is a very free flowerer, and 
well adapted for the rock garden. 

JULY Ist, 1883, 

Dnscr. A low densely pubescent herb, clothed with 
spreading soft hairs. ootstock short, woody, with a 
fusiform woody root. Branches numerous from the crown 
of the rootstock, three to eight inches long, decumbent at 
the base, then prostrate or suberect, leafy, simple or 
dichotomously branched. Leaves pubescent on both sur- 
faces, radical long-petioled, one to one and a half inches 
long, spathulate or oblanceolate; cauline one-third to two- 
thirds of an inch long, obovate or spathulate, obtuse or 
rounded at the apex, narrowed into a short petiole, nerves 
very obscure. Cymes terminal, usually sessile between the 
uppermost pair of leaves, rarely peduncled and evolute, 
becoming panicled or corymbose; pedicels usually very 
short, longer in the evolute cymes. Flowers erect, one-third 
to nearly two-thirds of an inch in diameter. Calyx cam- 
panulate, five-cleft to the middle; lobes oblong ovate, 
subacute, ciliate. Petals twice as long as the calyx, obovate- 
spathulate, white or lilac with three pink veins. Stamens 
shorter than the calyx; anthers small. Styles two in our 
specimens (three are figured by Klotzsch). Capsule oblong, 

rather longer than the calyx. Seeds broad, flat, black.— 
J. DH, 

Fig. 1, Calyx and stamens ; 2, and 3, stamens; 4, pistil:—all enlarged. 

- & Son bap: 
MS. del, JN Fitch lth. Vincent Brooks,Day & - 

L Reeve & C° London. 

Tas. 6700. 
~ TORENIA riava. 

Native of Cochin China and India. 

Genus Toren, Linn.; (Benth, et Hook.f. Gen. Pl, vol. ii. p. 954.) 

TorEnta flava; caulibus suberectis v. prostratis elongatis glabris nodis inferioribus 
radicantibus, foliis petiolatis ovatis grosse crenatis glabris v. parce puberulis, 
floribus axillaribus solitariis et in racemos terminales dispositis, pedicellis calyce 
brevioribus, calyce oblongo plicato angulis non alatis, corolla tubo exserto 
superne et intus purpureo limbi aurei lobis rotundatis, filamentis longioribus 
basi unidentatis. 

T. flava, Ham. in Wall. Cat. 3957, A, B; Benth. Scroph. Ind. p. 38, et in DC 
Prodr. vol. x. p. 411. ‘ 

T. Bailloni, Godefroy in Ill. Horticole, vol. xxv. (1878), t. 324; E. Morren in 
ot ga Horticole, vol. xxix. (1879), pp. 22 et 29, t.1,£.2; Floral Magazine, 

» t. 331. 

PerRIsTEe1Ra racemosa, Griff. Notul. vol. iv. p. 120. 

The species of the beautiful genus Torenia are very 
difficult of discrimination, being variable in habit and in 
the size of the flower. In the first published plate of this 
plant (in the “Illustration Horticole”’), it is represented as 
suberect, with the flowers all towards the ends of the 
branches, and hence, through the reduction of the floral 
leaves, subracemose ; thus precisely according in habit and 
inflorescence with native specimens from India and Eastern 
Asia. In the “ Belgique Horticole ” there is a good figure 
of it (vol. xxix. t. 1), which represents the plant as erect, 
but with axillary flowers; and, lastly, in the ‘ Revue 
Horticole” (1879, p. 69) an excellent wood-cut represents 
it as with pendent branches and solitary axillary flowers, 
which accords with the habit of the plant as grown at Kew. 

T. flava was discovered in Assam by Buchanan Hamilton 
three-quarters of a century ago, and has since been found 
to extend southward to Tenesserim, and eastward to Siam 
and China. It was introduced into cultivation by M. Linden, 

JULY Ist, 1883. 

who received the seeds from M. Godefroy in Cochin China 
in 1876, and it is now a common stove plant, flowering in 
summer and autumn. 

Descr. Branched from the base, glabrous or sparsely 
hairy. Stems and branches erect, from a decumbent rooting 
base, or prostrate, or pendulous, acutely four-angled, one 
to one and a half inches long. Leaves one to nearly two 
inches long, petioled, ovate or oblong, acute or obtuse, 
coarsely crenate; petiole half as long as the blade or shorter. 
Flowers axillary and solitary, or subracemose at the ends of 
the branches, in distant pairs on an erect rachis with small 
bracts or floral leaves; pedicels usually shorter than the 
calyx, thickened in fruit. Oalyx one-half to three-fourths 
of an inch long, narrowly oblong, tube with five deep 
furrows and acute ribs or keels; lobes short, subulate. 
Corolla variable in length, tube sometimes twice as long as 
the calyx, rather broad, red-purple above, dirty yellow 
beneath ; limb one inch in diameter and less, bright golden 
yellow, with a purple eye. Longer filaments with a tooth 
at the base.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Corolla laid open; 2, ovary and disk :—both enlarged. 


Vincent Brooks Day & Son kup 



Tas. 6701. 

ERANTHEMUM oporneensnz. 

Native of Borneo. 

Nat. Ord. AcantHacex.—Tribe Justiciex. 
Genus Eranruemum, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. J. Gen, Pl. vol. ii. p. 1097.) 

ErantHEemum borneense ; ramulis glabris, foliis breviter crasse petiolatis ovato- 
oblongis acuminatis basi acutis v. rotundatis coriaceis costa crassa nervis 
utrinque 8-10, spica simplici densiflora, rachi stricta et calycibus puberulis, 

} floribus albis non secundis confertis, calyce 3 poll. longo segmentis subulatis, 
corolla tubo pollicari pubescente fauce non ampliata, limbi vix bilabiati 13-poll. 
diam., laciniis elliptico-oblongis obtusis inferiore majore, antheris purpureis, 
staminibus abortivis ad basin fertilium minutis, ovario glaberrimo. 

This belongs to a genus whose species are very difficult 
. of discrimination, and whose Indian ones have lately been 
| __— ¢arefully revised by Mr. C. B. Clarke for the “ Flora of 
British India.” Of these several have been figured under 
false names in this Magazine. Thus Plate 5957 represents, 
under the name of L. palatiferum, Nees (according to Mr. 
Clarke), two species, neither of them the true palatiferum 
of Nees, the right-hand one being H. cinnabarinum, Wall, 
and the left-hand one E. malaccense, Clarke. I quite 
concur in Mr. Clarke’s opinion as to neither of the plants 
figured on this Plate being the true palatiferwm, but find it 
difficult to believe that they are specifically distinct from 
one another. Another is H. crenulatum var. grandiflorum 
(Plate 5440), which is the EB. Parishii, Clarke (Asystasia 
Parishii, T, Anders. in Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. ix. p- 526). 
From the two first of these E. borneense differs in the form 
of the strict stout spike, the flowers of which are not secund, 
and from H. Parishii it differs in the corolla-tube not being 
funnel-shaped above. A much nearer ally is the L. Ander- 
soni, Masters (Bot. Mag. Plate 5771), which has a glabrous 
7. corolla tube, and a spotted lower lobe of the corolla limb, 
and very long lanceolate leaves narrowed at both ends. 
Eranthemum borneense was discovered in N.W. Borneo 
JULY Ist, 1883, 

by Mr. Curtis, when collecting for Messrs. Veitch, by whom: 
the plant was sent to Kew in May of last year. 

Descr. A nearly glabrous shrub; branches terete, smooth, 
green. Leaves four to six inches long, very shortly petioled, 
ovate-oblong, acuminate, quite entire, base rounded or 
acute, glabrous, studded with raphides, thickly coriaceous, 
bright pale green above, paler beneath with a very stout 
broad midrib, nerves eight to ten pairs strong beneath 
arched. Spike four to six inches long ; peduncle and rachis 
strict, stout, erect, finely pubescent, unbranched. lowers 
crowded all round the rachis, forming a conical inflorescence; 
bracts and bracteoles minute, subulate. Calyx one-third 
of an inch long, pubescent; lobes subulate, acute. Corolla 
white, with a faint lemon tinge on the middle of the lower 
segments; tube an inch long, quite cylindric, pubescent, 
throat not dilated; limb an inch and a half in diameter, 
obscurely two-lipped, quite flat, segments oblong obtuse, 
the lower largest. Fertile stamens with purple anthers; 
rudimentary stamens minute at the base of the fertile. 
Ovary glabrous.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Calyx, bracteoles, and style; 2, interior of portion of corolla-tube with 
stamens ; 3, fertile anther ; 4, pes and disk :—all satenaed. 


MS del JN Bitch lith. 

Vincent Brooks Day & ee : 

LReeve & C° London. 


Tas. 6702. 

Native of Southern Italy and Greece. 

Nat. Ord. SaxrFraGacex.—Tribe SaxIFRAGER. 
Genus Saxrrraca, Linn. ; (Benth. et Hook. J. Gen. Pl, vol. ii, p. 635.) 

Saxtrraca (Kabschia) marginata; glanduloso-pubescens, caspitosa, caudiculis 
lignosis dense foliosis, foliis radicalibus rosulatis cuneato-obovatis obtusis basi 
ciliatis cartilagineo-marginatis caulinis linearibus erectis, caule florifero erecto, 
floribus corymbosis, calycis nigro-glandulosi lobis oblongo-ovatis obtusis, petalis 
amplis obovatis 5-7-nerviis staminibus triplo longioribus, capsula late ovoidea. 

S. marginata, Sternb. Sawifr. Suppl. vol. i. t.1,£.1; Moretti Tent. Saxifr. 35; 
Bertoloni Fl. Ital. vol. iv. p. 460; Ten. Fl. Nap. t. 234; Engler Monog. 
Gatt. Saxifr. p. 262. ‘ 

S. cotyledon, Ten. Cat. Hort. Neap. App. vol. ii. p. 86. 
S. Boryi, Boiss. Diagn. Ser. 2, p. 65; Fi. Orient. vol. ii. p- 801. 


Savifraga marginata belongs to a section of the genus as 
divided by Engler in his valuable monograph published in 
1872, called Kabschia, in which the leaves are pitted and 

Secrete lime along the margins and at the tip, and have 
perennial shoots with alternate leaves. About eighteen 
Species belong to this section, most of them natives of dry 
calcareous mountains in the south of Europe, and the 
Levant, from whence they spread eastwards to the Himalaya. 
Mr. Ball, in a note attached to the specimen in the Kew 
Herbarium, remarks that its nearest ally is 8. scardica, 
Griseb., with which it should perhaps be united, and that 
it differs from its other ally, S. media, in the inflorescence 
and large white flowers, which latter are erroneously 

coloured red (possibly through the discoloration of the 

pigments) in Sternberg’s great work. 8S. scardica (a native 
of Greece) differs, according to Engler, in having deeply 
keeled acute leaves. 

S. marginata is a native of Mount Taygetus in Greece, 
from whence, however, I have seen no specimens; those I 
have seen are from the Abruzzi in Italy, collected by 
JULY Ist, 1883. 

Tenore, and the mountains above Amalfi, at an elevation of 
3500 feet. The specimen figured was presented by Mr. Maw, 
and flowered in the Royal Gardens in March last. Mr. Maw 
informs me that Mr. F. N. Reid, of Minori, is the collector 
and introducer of the plant from the mountains not far 
from Minori. eae 

Duscr. Densely tufted; shoots perennial, hard. Leaves, 
radical glabrous, forming rosettes one-half to one inch in 
diameter, densely coriaceous, cuneate-obovate, obtuse, not 
keeled below, ciliate at the base, margin and tip cartilagi- 
nous, and marked with a series of pits covered with a 
white calcareous incrustation. Flowering-stems two to four 
inches high, stout, glandular-pubescent, laxly clothed with 
erect appressed linear obtuse glandular-pubescent cauline 
leaves. Flowers corymbose, shortly pedicelled, one-half to 
three-quarters of an inch in diameter; pedicels and calyces 
clothed with black glandular hairs. Calya campanulate, 
_cleft to the middle, lobes ovate acute. Petals obovate, five 
to seven-nerved, spreading and recurved, white. Stamens 
much shorter than the petals, filaments subulate. Styles 

conical, stout, erect, stigmas terminal. Capsule broadly 
ovoid.— J. D. H, 

Fig. 1, Portion of leaf; 2, calyx; 3, stamen; 4, ovary :—all enlarged. | 

meal ~ ~~ immer oa 

Tas. 6703. 

Native of the Cape de Verd Islands, 

Genus CampanvLa, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook, f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 561.) 

Campanuta (Medium) Jacobea; fruticulosa, strigoso-hirta, caule noduloso 
lignescente cavo, ramis diffusis herbaceis foliosis, foliis oblongis v. ovato-oblongis 
obovato-spathulatisve obtusis v. subacutis supremis 3-amplexicaulibus, calycis 
tubo brevi cyathiformi laciniis anguste lanceolatis strigoso-ciliatis, corolla 
campanulata quali calycis laciniis 3-plo longiore, filamentis plano-filiformibus 
basi dilatatis fere glaberrimis, capsula depressa seminibus ovatis. 

C. jacobea, Chr. Sm. in Tuck. Voy. p. 251; Webb in Hook. Niger FT. p. 148, 
t. 12, icon in Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 772, iterata, 

As coming from a comparatively low level, in a thoroughly 
tropical and indeed a very hot archipelago, Campanula 
Jacobea forms a remarkable exception to the rule that the 
genus to which it belongs is eminently one of temperate 
and, indeed, cold latitudes. It is certainly one of the last 
vegetable forms that might be expected to occur in the 
torrid and generally arid Cape de Verd Islands, in lat. 15° N., 
and which forms geographically an insular continuation of 
the Saharan region. In this, as in other respects of its 
botany, the Cape de Verd Islands display an affinity with 
the Floras of the temperate Atlantic Islands to the north- 
ward of them (Canaries, Madeira, and Azores), which is 
totally out of harmony with their physical conditions, and 
thus affords one of the strongest proofs known of a previous 
land-connexion, whose effects on the Flora have not been 
obliterated by subsequent geographical segregation. The 
late Mr. P, B. Webb, who published the first Florale of the 
Cape de Verds, founded principally on the collections made 
by Christian Smith in 1816, by myself in 1839, and by 
Vogel in 1841, and which appeared in the “ Niger Flora,” 
states that nearly one-fifth of the species then known belong 
to Canarian genera or forms, only a tenth to the Arabo- 

JULY Isr, 1883, 

Nubian, and a twelfth to the forms of the Mediterranean 
region. Amongst these forms common to the temperate 
Atlantic Islands the Campanulacee hold a most conspicuous 
place, as instanced by the beautiful Campanula Vidalii 
(Plate 4748) being peculiar to one spot in the Azores 
Islands; Musschia aurea (Plate 6556), and M. Wollastoni 
(Plate 5606), being both confined to Madeira; and Canarina 
Campanula (Plate 444) being restricted to the Canary 
Islands. Nor is this continuity of vegetable affinities con- 
fined to the Campanulacee; it extends to Composite, 
Crucifere, and other conspicuous Orders. 
Campanula Jacobea is arather common Cape deVerd plant, 
_ inhabiting 8. Nicolas, Brava, 8. Antonio, S. Vincent, and 8. 
Jago, in which last I gathered it (in 1839) on arid rocks about 
2000 feet above the sea-level. It was introduced into 
cultivation by our valued correspondent, Max Leichtlin, who 
communicated seeds to Kew, which produced (in a cold 
frame) the flowering specimen here figured in March of this 
year. The flowers in a native state vary in colour from 
pale greenish-yellow to a deep blue; those that were pro- 
duced at Kew were of the colour represented in the flower 
at the side of the Plate. 

Dusor. An undershrub, two to three feet high ; stem 
below woody, hollow, gnarled, brittle; branches green, 
angular, rather soft, leafy ; all parts, except the corolla, 
hispid with white spreading hairs. Leaves one and a half 
to two and a half inches long, sessile or subsessile, oblong 
ovate or obovate-oblong, obtuse or subacute, narrowed at 
the base; upper cordate, half-amplexicaul. Flowers axillary 
on curved pedicels two to three inches long, nodding or 
drooping. Calya-tube very small; segments one-half to 
two-thirds of an inch long, erect, narrowly lanceolate, 
margins at the base reflexed, sinus sometimes produced 
backward into an auricle. Corolla campanulate, one to one 
and a half inches long, deep blue or pale greenish, lobes 
very short and broad. laments slender, dilated and 
slightly hairy at the base. Style pubescent.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Flower from a native specimen ‘ 2, and 3, stamens; 4, pistil:— all but 
Jig. 1 enlarged. 


Vincent Brooks Day & Son Imp 

M.S. del, JN Fitch lith 

Tan. 6704. 
LICUALA Grannis. 

Native of New Britain. 

Nat. Ord. PatMex.—Tribe CoryPHES. 
Genus Licvata, Thunb.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 928.) 

Licvata grandis; glaberrima, caudice erectosuperne vaginis vetustis foliorum obtecto, 
foliis perplurimis erecto-patulis, petiolo 3-pedali gracili glaberrimo, marginibus 
infra medium spinosis, spinis brevibus validis rectis v. curvis, lamina orbiculari 
v. semi-orbiculari concavo basi cuneato v. truncato creberrime plicato, marginibus 
breviter fissis, lobis obtuse 2-fidis, ligula brevi late ovata acuta crassa, spadicibus 
axillaribus foliis paullo brevioribus gracilibus glaberrimis, ramulis floriferis 
distantibus paniculatim ramosis sessilibus, spathis 2-pollicaribus lanceolatis— 
acuminatis brunneis, floribus 4 poll. longis viridibus cum _pedicello brevissimo 
articulatis, calyce tubuloso-campanulato ore truncato sublobato, petalis calyce 
brevioribus late ovatis acutis marginibus crassis, staminibus sinubus cyathi 
magni 6-lobi crasse coriacei insertis, filamentis subulatis lobis triangularibus 
cyathi zquilongis, antheris oblongis, ovario obovoideo e carpellis 3 leviter 
coherentibus, stylo brevi filiformi integro. 

L. grandis, H. Wendl. MSS.—André Illustr. Horticol. t. 412. 
Paritcnarpia grandis, Hort. Bull. - 

The subject of the present Plate is one of the most 
striking Palms that have ever been introduced into this 
country; it is graceful in habit, with a bold crown of 
brilliantly green leaves, the rounded cup-shaped form of 
which, delicately folded in innumerable plaits, and doubly 
cut round the edges, are characters quite unlike those of 
any other Palm known in cultivation. The precise date of 
its introduction is not known; it was exhibited at the 
International Horticultural Show at Brussels in 1876 by 
Mr. Bull, from whose possession it passed into that of Mr. 
Wills, and from him to the Royal Gardens, Kew, where it 
— one of the chief ornaments of the Tropical House 

oe @ 

The genus Licuala, consisting of about thirty known 
species, is very badly represented in the Palm Houses of 
Kurope; most are small Palms of very elegant habit, 
natives of the hotter regions of Eastern Asia, and from 

AuGUsT Ist, 1883, 

thence spread through the South Sea Islands, whence, no 
doubt, many new species are to be obtained. 

P. grandis flowered for the first time in Mr. Wills’s 
establishment at Anerley in February, 1881, but did not 
_ ripen seeds. 

Desor. Whole plant six feet high to the base of the top- 
most petiole. Trunk, three feet and a half to the base of the 
leaves, ten inches in circumference, leaf-bearing for nearly 
half of its length, clothed shortly below the leaves with the 
sheaths of the old leaves, which are semi-amplexicaul and 
about three inches long. Leaves about twenty in the 
crown, erect and slightly spreading, deep bright green; 
petiole two and a half to three feet long, slender, concavo- 
convex, armed with short stiff nearly straight or curved 
sometimes irregularly forked spines along the margins 
from the base to the middle, ending in a short ovate acute 
concave thickly coriaceous ligule; blade suberect, three 
feet in diameter, and about two long, orbicular or semi- 
orbicular, concave from the incurving of the sides and 
more or less of the whole blade, closely plaited and a little 
wavy, base cuneate or truncate, margins cleft into bifid 
lobes about an inch long, lobules of the lobes very obtuse. 
Spadizes several, rising from amongst the leaves and nearly 
as long as they are, suberect ; rachis as thick as the little 
finger, cylindric, terete, quite smooth, giving off at 
intervals of a foot or less flowering panicles five to six 
inches long. Spathes at the bases of the panicles two or 
more, two to three inches long, lanceolate, acute, concave, 
brown, striated. Flowers one-third of an inch long, jointed 
on to very short pedicels or sessile on the branches of the 
panicle. Calye tubular-campanulate, terete; mouth trun- 
cate, slightly lobed. Petals as long as the calyx, ovate, 
acute, concave, very thick, with broad margins and an 
inflexed tip. Stamens very small, inserted between the 
triangular teeth of a six-lobed coriaceous cup; filaments 
subulate, as long as the teeth of the cup; anthers oblong.’ 
Ovary of three slightly cohering wedge-shaped carpels, 
united by a very short entire style; stigma simple.—J. D. H., 

: rind 1, Top of petiole and base of leaf blade; 2, branch of panicle and flower ; 
» Hower spread open ; 4, calyx cut open and petals in bud; 5, petal; 6, staminal 

fa a pesmi 7, ovary ; 8, the same with the carpels disunited :—all but fig.1 

MS. del. J. NFitch hth Vincent. Brooks, Day & Son imp, 7 

L Reeve & C° London. 

Tan. 6705. 

Native of the Cape of Good Hope. 

Nat. Ord. Lriracen2—Wibe ALOINER. 
Genus Atox, Linn. ; (Benth. et Hook.f. Gen. Pl, vol. iii. p. 776.) 

ALOE pratensis ; acaulis, foliis permultis dense rosulatis oblongo-lanceolatis acumi- 
natis semipedalibus viridibus glauco tinctis immaculatis obscure verticaliter 
lineatis dorso superne tuberculato-aculeatis margine aculeis magnis patulis 
rubro-brunneis armatis, pedunculo valido simplici bracteis vacuis multis 
scariosis ovatis acuminatis praedito, racemo denso simplici, pedicellis ascenden- 
tibus flore seepe longioribus, bracteis magnis ovatis acuminatis, perianthii 
splendide rubri tubo brevissimo campanulato, segmentis lanceolatis, genitalibus 
demum breviter exsertis. 

A. pratensis, Baker in Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 156. 

This is a well-marked and very handsome new species of 

the dwarf acaulescent group of Aloes, allied to A. humiiis 
and A. aristata. We first received it from Mr. Thomas 
Cooper, of Reigate, in whose rich collection it flowered 
several years ago. In 1872, Professor McOwan sent two 
fine specimens for the Herbarium, gathered on the summit 
of the Boschberg, at an elevation of 4500 feet above sea- 
level. Lately it has flowered again in the collection of Mr. 
Justus Corderoy, of Blewbury, near Didcot, from whose 
specimen the present drawing was made. 
_-Desor. Acaulescent. Leaves sixty or eighty in a dense 
rosette, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, the outer ones five or 
six inches long, the inner ones growing gradually smaller, 
an inch and a half broad at the base, exclusive of the spines, 
narrowed gradually from the base to the point, firm in 
texture, an eighth of an inch thick in the middle, green 
with a slight glaucous tinge, obscurely lineate vertically on 
both back and face, not spotted, furnished on the margin 
with large red-brown deltoid cuspidate horny spines, a few 
of which extend to the back of the leaf near its tip. 
Peduncle short, stout, simple, a foot or more in length, 
AUGUST Ist, 1883. 

furnished with copious ascending scariose ovate acuminate 
empty bracts. Haceme dense, simple, finally half a foot or 
a foot long; pedicels ascending, often longer than the 
flowers ; bracts of the inflorescence just like those of the 
peduncle. Perianth cylindrical, bright red tipped with 
green, an inch and a quarter long; segments lanceolate, 
united only in a short cup at the base. Stamens and style 
finally a little exserted from the perianth ; anthers minute, 
oblong, orange-yellow.—J. G. Baker. 


Fig. 1, The whole plant, much reduced 3 2, a flower, slightly enlarged ; 3, an 
anther, viewed from the face ; 4, an anther, viewed from the back; 5, pistil :—ad/ 

6706, © 




A.B. del JNFitch Lith. Vincent Brookes Day & Son Imp. 

LReeve & C° London. 

Sia ential ee: aM ge 0 eR 

Tas. 6706. 
DENDROBIUM xevoturum. 

Native of the Malay Peninsula. 

Nat. Ord. OncHipex.—Tribe EpIpDENDREX. 

Genus Denprosium, Sw. ; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 498.) 

DEenpDRoBIUM (Eudendrobium) revolutum; caulibus cespitosis robustis sulcatis 
evaginatis, internodiis brevibus, foliis 1-2-pollicaribus sessilibus 3-amplexicau- 
libus oblongis ovato-oblongisve obtusis emarginatisve subtus carinatis enerviis, 
fluribus solitariis oppositifoliis, sepalis petalisque ovato-lanceolatis subacutis 
recurvis albis, sepalo dorsali ceteris paullo majore, labello petalis multo majore 
oblongo-quadrato convexo apice truncato angulis rotundatis, lobis lateralibus 
ad basin medii parvis oblongis obtusis, disco exarato lineis 3 rubris ceterum 
ree caleare petalis subsequilongo fere recto subacuto, columna brevi 

D. revolutum, Lind/. in Bot. Reg. vol. xxvi. (1840), Mise. p-51; Part. Fl. Gard. 
Le. Xylog. n. 42; Walp. Ann. vol. vi. p. 291. 

A very singular form of Dendrobium, one of asmall group 
which inhabits the Malayan Peninsula and Islands. Its 
nearest ally is the D. wnijflorum, Griff. (Notul. vol. iii. p. 305, 
and Ic. Pl. Asiat. t. 303), which differs in the much broader 
Sepals, petals, and lip, and is a native of Mount Ophir, 
Malacca. This or D. wniflorum may further prove to be 
the same as one of two plants from Penang, distributed by 
Wallich under his number 2002, with the name of D. 
bifariwm, Lindl., and which consist respectively of a 
Dendrobium without flower or fruit, but with axillary bracts, 
as in D. uniflorum and revolutum, and another plant with 
terminal and axillary short racemes, which Lindley subse- 
quently rightly identified with a Hong-Kong one, and which 
is his Appendicula bifaria (Kew Journ. Bot. vol. vii. p. 35). 

D. revolutum is a native of Singapore, whence it was first 
introduced into England nearly fifty years ago by the 
veteran collector Cuming, and cultivated by the Messrs. 
Loddiges. The specimen here figured was received from 
C. Peche, Esq., of Moulmein, in 1882, along with other 
orchids. The original Singapore specimen preserved in 

AUGUST Ist, 1883. 

Lindley’s Herbarium at Kew is identical with our plant as 
to flower, but has a more slender stem and narrow leaves 
three and a half inches long. A specimen from the Rev. 
Mr. Parish, collected presumably in Moulmein, is undis- 
tinguishable from that here figured in stem, leaves, and 
form and size of flower, but according to a drawing which 
accompanies it, the lip is a dull green without the thin 
red streaks. 

D. revolutwm flowered in the Orchid House of the Royal 
Gardens in July of the present year. 

Descr. Pseudo-bulbs none. Stems tufted, a foot long, as 
thick as a goose-quill, deeply furrowed ; internodes one- 
quarter to two-thirds of an inch long, not swollen; sheaths 
none. Leaves numerous, distichous, one to two inches long 
(three and a half inches in Lindley’s specimen), oblong or 
linear- or ovate-oblong, obtuse or retuse, semi-amplexicaul, 
keeled by the midrib, striate when dry. flowers solitary, 

axillary, three-fourths of an inch long from the tip of the 
dorsal sepal to that of the hp; bracts caducous; pedicel 
slender, decurved, with the ovary two-thirds of an inch 
long. Sepals and petals white, reflexed upwards, lanceolate, 
acute, nearly equal, except the dorsal sepal, which is rather 
the longest and broadest. Lip nearly quadrate, convex, 
bright yellow-green, tip truncate with rounded angles; 
lateral lobes small, marginal lobes towards the base of the 
median; disk with three furrows and red bands; spur as 
long as the sepals, nearly straight, subacute. Colwmn very 

small, prone upon the labellum, and about one-third of its 
length.—J. D. H, 

Fig. 1, Flower with sepals and petals removed; 2, column and spur; 3, pollen- 
masses; 4, anther-case :—al/ enlarged. 




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LReeve & C° London. 


a: rc Son imp- 
Vincent Brooks,Day & Son imp 


Tan. 6707. 

Native of Cabul. 

Nat. Ord. Lintacez.—Tribe ALLIEZ. 
Genus Auiium, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 802.) 

Attium (Molium) Macleanii; bulbo globoso, foliis 4-5 lanceolatis glabris pedalibus, 
pedunculo tereti 2-3-pedali, umbello globoso maultifloro pedicellis strictis 
elongatis, spathe valvis oblongo-lanceolatis pedicellis multo brevioribus, 
perianthii parvi pallide purpurei segmeatis oblongo-lanceolatis flore expanso 
nears genitalibus perianthio 14-2-plo longioribus, filamentis conformibus 
eas ovario viridi trilobato granulato, ovulis in loculo geminis collatera- 

This is a fine new tall many-flowered Allium, of which 
the bulbs were brought from Cabul by Colonel Maclean. 
It was flowered for the first time last summer by Mr. James 
Wilson, of St. Andrews, from whose plant the present 
drawing was made. It does not resemble any known 
European, Oriental, or Himalayan species, but we have, in 
the Kew Herbarium, a closely-allied undescribed species 
from Beluchistan, gathered by Dr. Stocks, and it also 
nearly resembles two of Dr. Regel’s new species from 
Central Asia, A. stipitatum and A. Swwarowi, both of which 
have lately been figured in the Gartenflora, on Plate 1062. 

Desor. Bulbs symmetrical, solitary, globose. Leaves 
four or five, contemporary with the flowers, evanescent, 
lanceolate, green, about a foot long, an inch or an inch and 
a half broad, flat, glabrous both upon the surfaces and 
margins. Peduncle terete, flexuose, moderately stout, two 
or three feet long. Umbel dense, globose, three or four 
inches in diameter; spathe-valves two, oblong-lanceolate, 
membranous, evanescent, much shorter than the pedicels, 
which are stiff and slender, and attain a length of one and 
a half or two inches. Perianth mauve-purple, a quarter of 
an inch long; segments oblong-lanceolate, acute, spreading 
horizontally when fully expanded, furnished with a distinct 

auaust lst, 1883. 

one-nerved keel down the back. Filaments pale mauve- 
purple, uniform, linear, much longer than the perianth- 
segments; anthers small, oblong. Ovary greenish, orbicular, 

deeply lobed, with a pair of collateral ovules in each cell.— 
J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, A flower complete; 2 and 3, stamens; 4, pistil:—alZ more or less 



L al 
MS.del.J.N Fitch hth. 

Vesa Brooks,Day & Son imp. 

LReeve & C° London. 

4 i 

Tas. 6708. 
NYMPHA‘A oporata, var, minor floribus roseis. 

Native of the United States. 

Nat. Ord. NympH#acEx.—Tribe NyMPHzz. 
Genus Nympuma, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. i. p. 46.) 

Nyrupxma odorata, foliis orbicularibus basi ad petiolum fissis marginibus inte- 
gerrimis, stipulis rhizomati appressis late triangularibus v. subreniformibus 
apice emarginatis, floribus albis odoratis, sepalis oblongis cum petalis et antheris 
obtusis, stigmatum appendicibus brevibus incurvis, seminibus stipitatis oblongis 
arillo multo brevioribus. 

N. —— Ait. Hort. Kew. vol. ii. p. 227; Bot. Mag. t. 819; A. Gray, Man. 
ed. 5, p. 56. 

Var. rosea; petalis roseis. N. odorata var. rosea, Pursh. Fl. N. Am. vol. ii. p. 369. 

The rose-coloured varieties of the European Nymphea 
alba, and of the American JN. odorata, have attracted much 
attention in this country, and I have taken the opportunity 
of figuring the latter in order to correct the misapprehension 
raised by the figure and description of N. odorata var. minor 
published in 1814 in this work at Tab. 1652, which is there 
described as var. B. rosea, but which is not the true 
variety of that name. WN. minor, DC. itself is only a small- 
leaved and flowered state of N. odorata, passing into it by 
every gradation, as remarked by Gray; and the rose-colour 
of the flowers is not confined to it, though possibly more 
usual in the smaller than in the larger states of the species. 
The plate, Tab. 1652, is, no doubt, referable to var. minor, 
and is a narrow-petalled state of that variety, but the calyx 
and petals, though described as rosy externally, are figured 
as pure white. This is the more remarkable, as the de- 
scription says, “ That it is really the rose-coloured variety 
of odorata of Pursh is certain, being the product of roots 
brought from America by himself. This excellent botanist 
describes the flowers as being externally of a rose colour ; 
but in our plant neither calyx nor petals had any such 
avGusT Ist, 1883. 

stain.” The author of the description in the Magazine 
- goes on to state that the difference may have arisen from 
cultivation, for that the deep purple of the under-surface 
of the leaves, from want, perhaps, of sufficient air and 
intensity of light, did not, as described by Pursh, extend to 
the peduncles. To me it appears far more probable that 
Pursh brought the wrong plant, than that imported roots 
changed their character so suddenly as to produce in two 
successive years, first rose-coloured and then pure white 
flowers. = 
N. odorata extends throughout Eastern North America, 
from Newfoundland to Florida, which renders its absence 
in the western half of the continent very remarkable, as 
water-plants are so easily disseminated; and the same remark 
applies to the equally common American Nuphar advena, 
which is, however, represented by another species in 
Western America. The var. rosea is more local than the 
white-flowered form. There are specimens from Pursh in 
the Kew Herbarium from the Bass and Wardings Rivers, 
gathered in 1808, and Gray says that varieties with pinkish 
or rarely bright pink flowers and leaves often crimson 
underneath occur, especially at Barnstable in Massachusetts. 
Chapman does not mention it as a native of the Southern 
United States. | 
The Royal Gardens are indebted to Mr. Kennedy, who 
as done so much for the introduction of water-plants into 
this country, for the specimen from which this figure is 

taken, and which flowered in the tropical Water-Lily House ~ 
nearly all the summer.—J. D, H. 

Fig. 1, Outer, and, 2, inner stamens ; 8, vertical section of torus, with stamens 
and ovary :—a// enlarged. 



Vincent Brooks Day & Son, imp 

S.del . AN Bitch, bth, 

Tarn. 6709, 

Native of the Comoro Islands. 

Genus Crinum, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 726.) 

Crinum (Platyaster) Hildebrandtii; bulbo ovoideo collo elongato, foliis 8-10 
synanthiis lanceolatis glabris sesquipedalibus vel bipedalibus, scapo gracili 
ancipiti subpedali, umbellis 6-10-floris, pedicellis subnullis vel brevissimis, 
spathw valvis lanceolatis reflexis, perianthii albi tubo recto cylindrico 6-7- 
pollicari, limbi segmentis lanceolatis horizontaliter patulis tubo subtriplo 
brevioribus, filamentis purpureis perianthii segmentis brevioribus, stylo exserto. 

_C. Hildebrandtii, Vatke in Monats. Konigl. Acad. Wissen. Berl. 1876, p. 863 ; 
Baker in Gard. Chron. 1881, p. i8v. 

This is a well-marked new species of Crinum, allied to 
C. americanum and erubescens, but from a totally different 
part of the world. It was discovered about 1875 amongst 
the mountains of Johanna Island, at an elevation of 3000 
feet above sea-level, by the late Dr. Hildebrandt, who, after 
a series of courageous explorations in Somali-land and 
other little-known regions of Hast Tropical Africa, visited 
Madagascar, and after making in the island large and 
valuable collections, died a couple of years ago at Antana- 
narivo, worn out by his exertions. It was sent home by 
him about 1875 to the Botanic garden at Berlin. I am not 
aware that any of the original stock ever reached this 
country; but it was rediscovered by Sir John Kirk in 
1878, and it was from bulbs presented by him to Kew, 
which flowered in November, 1881, and again in the winter 
of 1882, that our drawing was made. 

Descr. Bulb ovoid, two or three inches in diameter, 
with a neck finally half a foot long. Leaves eight or ten, 
contemporary with the flowers, lanceolate, bright green, 
firm in texture, a foot and a half or two feet long, two or 
two and a half inches broad at the middle, narrowed 
gradually to the apex, quite glabrous on the margins. 

‘SEPTEMBER Ist, 1883. 

Peduncle slender, lateral, ancipitous, about a foot long; — 
-umbel of six to ten nearly or quite sessile flowers; spathe- _ 
valves two, lanceolate, reflexed. Perianth pure white, 
erect, with a cylindrical tube six or seven inches long; _ 
segments of the limb lanceolate, spreading horizontally 
when fully expanded, two or three inches long, under half 
an inch broad. Filaments bright purple, shorter than the 
perianth-segments; anthers linear, three-quarters of an 
inch long. Style finally exserted beyond the perianth-— 
segments; stigma capitate.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, Front view of an anther; 2, back view of an anther; 3, apex of style, 
with stigma :—all enlaryed. 

a Oe anita ei 


Sea NNT 


kes Day 4 



Tas. 6710. 
TULIPA Kotpakowsgyana, 

Native of Turkestan. 

Nat. Ord. Littacex.—Tribe TuipPex. 
Genus Toxtpa, Linn. ; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 818.) 

Tutira Kolpakowskyana; bulbo magno ovoideo, tunicis castaneis exterioribus 
intus parce adpresse-strigosis, caule valido uniflo® glabro, foliis 3-4 margine 
obscure ciliatis, inferiori lanceolato subpedali, superioribus linearibus, flore 
leviter odoro ante anthesin subnutante, perianthio magno campanulato splendide 
rubro vel luteo segmentis subconformibus oblongis acutis exterioribus magis 
patulis, filamentis glabris, ovario crasso trigono, stigmatibus magnis crispatis. 

_T. Kolpakowskyana, Regel in Act. Hort. Petrop. vol. v. p. 266; Gartenflora, 

vol. xxvii. (1878), pp. 293, 336, t. 951; Gard. Chron. 1880, f. 11l et 113; 
Baker in Gard. Chron. 1883, vol. i. p. 789. 

This new Tulip from Central Asia is a very fine plant, 
and likely to prove quite hardy in our English climate, and 
to become a popular favourite. It is a near ally of 7. 

_ Gesneriana, with which it quite agrees in bulb and general 

habit, differing in its earlier time of flowering and in the 
Segments being narrowed gradually to an acute point. It 
is likely that it will prove equally variable with T. Ges- 
neriana in the colouring of the flower. Mr. Elwes, who 
supplied the specimen for the present figure, says :—“ The 
colour is either bright cherry red, with a black eye, purplish- 
black anthers and filaments; or yellow, flamed reddish on 
the back of the three outer segments ; or pure yellow, with 
blackish eye and yellow anthers and filaments.” It is a 
native of Turkestan, and was introduced to the St. Peters- 
burg garden by Dr. Albert Regel and Fetisow about 1877. 
Descr. Bulb ovoid, about an inch in diameter, with 

= brown membranous tunics, slightly strigose inside. Stem 
erect, terete, one-flowered, about a foot long. Leaves three 

or four to a stem, slightly glaucous, unspotted, obscurely 

_ Ciliated on the margin, glabrous on the face and back, the 

lowest lanceolate, about a foot long by an inch broad, the 
SEPTEMBER lst, 1883. : 

upper ones linear. Peduncle glabrous, erect, six or nino © 
inches long. Bud slightly nodding. Flower faintly scented, 
campanulate, two or two and a half inches long in the 
cultivated plant; all the segments oblong and acute, an — 
inch or more broad at the middle, the three outer, when | 
the flower expands, spreading away from the three inner. 
Segments in the typical red-flowered form, as figured, with 
a faint yellow-black blotch filling up the whole claw. 
Stamens about an inch long, the glabrous filament often 
shorter than the linear anther. Ovary large, stout, with 
three large much-crisped stigmas.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, Bulb; 2 and 3, bates of perianth segments :—all of the natural size ; 
4, stamen, and 5, ovary :—both enlarged. 

MS. del, J. N Fitch, lith. 

L Reeve &C° London. 

Tas. 6711. 

Nate of the Maritime Alps. 


Genus Levcoium, Linn. ; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 720.) 

Leucorum (Ruminia) hyemale; bulbo globoso tunicis membranaceis, foliis 2-4 
synanthiis vernalibus anguste linearibus glabris facie canaliculatis, pedunculo 
gracili 1-2-floro, pedicellis cernuis, spathe valvis linearibus, ovario turbinato, 
perianthii segmentis albis oblongis dorso viridulis laxe multinervatis, exte- 
rioribus acutis, interioribus paulo brevioribus obtusis, antheris conniventibus 
lanceolatis filamentis brevissimis, stylo cylindrico, stigmate papilloso, semi- 
nibus dimidiato-oblongis nigris punctatis carunculatis. 

L. hiemale, DC. Fl. Franc. Suppl. p. 326, er parte; Bertol. Fl. Ital. vol. iv 
p-6; Moggridge Cont. Fl. Mentone, t. 21. 

GALANTHUS autumnalis, Allioni Auct. ad Fl. Pedem. p. 33, exel. syn. 

Acts hyemalis, Rem. Amaryll. p. 55; Kunth Enum, vol. v. p. 475. 

Ruminia hyemalis, Parlat. Fl. Ital. vol. iii. p. 85. 

R. niceensis, Jord. et Fourr. Icones, p. 26, t. 65, f. 108. 

This graceful little Snowflake is one of the rarest of 
Kuropean plants. It is confined to a small strip of rocky 
shore reaching from Nice to two miles east of Mentone. 
The name “‘ hyemale”’ conveys a wrong idea, for it does 
not flower till April, and for that reason M. Jordan has 
proposed to change it to “ niceensis.” The first specimens 
I remember to have seen at Kew were flowered in the 
herbaceous ground in the spring of 1871, from bulbs 
brought home by our valued correspondents, now both 
deceased, Messrs. M. and J. T. Moggridge, the latter of 
whom figured it beautifully for the first time in his illus- 
trated book on the plants of Mentone. Lately Mr. Geo, 
Maw has supplied us with a good stock, and it is from his 
Specimens that the present drawing has been made. 

Descr. Bulb globose, under an inch in diameter, with 
several membranous brown tunics. Leaves two to four, 
contemporary with the flowers, erect, narrow linear, 
SEPTEMBER lst, 1883. - 

glabrous, six or twelve inches long, channelled down the 
face. Peduncle slender, erect, one- or two-flowered; 
pedicels cernuous ; spathe-valves two, linear. Ovary green, 
turbinate. Perianth white; segments oblong, imbricated, 
half an inch long, tinged with green on the back and laxly 
many-veined, the three inner rather shorter and more 
obtuse than the three outer. Stamens epigynous; anthers 
lanceolate, bright yellow, permanently connivent; filaments 
very short. Style cylindrical; stigma minute, terminal, 
papillose. Fruit a membranous turbinate capsule. Seeds 
dimidiate-oblong, black, punctate, furnished with a con- 
spicuous fleshy white carunculus.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, An outer segment of the perianth; 2, an inner segment; 3, pistil and 
stamens; 4, an anther, viewed from the front; 5, one of the loves of the epigynous 
disk :—all enlarged. 



eae aR OOS 

i cee a naan mE 

M.S. del, IN. Ritch hth 

L. Reeve & C° London. 


ane eee 

Tas. 6712. 
PRIM ULA FioriBunpa. 

Native of the Western Himalaya. 

Nat. Ord. Primutacex.—Tribe PrimvuLez. 
Genus Prruvuta, Linn. ; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 631.) 

Primvta floribunda; glanduloso-pubescens, foliis vernatione conduplicatis ellipticis 
ovatisve acutis v. obtusis ia petiolum latum angustatis irregulariter crenato- 
dentatis, floribus in verticillos superpositos involucratos dispositis gracile pedi- 
cellatis, involucri bracteis sessilibus foliaceis ovatis lanceolatisve acutis, calycis 
segmentis ovatis acuminatis fructiferis reflexis, corolla flave tubo gracili piloso 
calyce duplo longiore, limbi lobis obcordatis, capsula globosa, dein conico- 
ovoidea ad basin latam 5-valve, valvis membranaceis, seminibus minutis angu- 
latis granulatis, — 

P. floribunda, Wall. Tent. Fl. Nep. t. 33, et Cat. no. 1825; Duby in DC. Prodr. 
vol. viii. p. 35; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vol. iii. p. 495, xix. parti. p. 113, f. 17; 
Gard. C) ron, N.S, vol. xix. p. 113, f. 17. 

P. obovata, Wall. Cat no. 610. 
AnpDRosack obovata, Wall. MSS. 

P. floribunda belongs to a small section of the genus in 
which the leaves, instead of having revolute margins in 
vernation, are complicate, having them folded down the 
middle on the upper face. The species are remarkable for 
inhabiting comparatively very low elevations in warm 
countries. Thus the plant here figured is found at lower 
elevations in the Himalaya than any other of the numerous 
Species that inhabit that rich region, occurring between 
2500 and 6500 feet along the whole division of the range 
which extends from Kumaon to Kashmir; occurring 
also in Affghanistan, where it was collected by Griffith on 
the banks of canals at Pushut. Its nearest allies are P. 
verticillata, Forsk (Plate 2842, which is the same as 
P. Boveana, Dene.), a native of the mountains of Arabia, 
and P. simensis, Hochst. (P. verticillata var. simensis, 
Masters in Gard. Chron, 1870, p. 597, and our Plate 6042), 
which is an Abyssinian plant. 

The specimen here figured was received from the Royal 

SEPTEMBER lst, 1883. 

Botanical Gardens of Edinburgh, and flowered at Kew in 
a cool frame in March, continuing in flower till May. 
Descr. Whole plant clothed with more or less glandular 
jointed soft hairs. Rootstock woody, as thick as the little 
finger, covered with the withered bases of the petiole. 
Leaves three to six inches long, spreading, membranous, 
ovate or elliptic, rarely spathulate or obovate, contracted 
into a very broad petiole of variable length, coarsely 
crenate-toothed; nerves prominent, reticulate. Scapes 
numerous, four to eight inches high, slender, bearing two 
to six superposed whorls of three to six flowers, subtended 
by an involucre of three or four bracts. Bracts a quarter of 
an inch to an inchlong, sessile, ovate or lanceolate, acuminate, 
toothed, usually three-nerved. Pedicels slender, spreading, 
unequal. Calyx a quarter of an inch long, cleft nearly 
to the base into five ovate acuminate membranous sepals, 
which are spreading or recurved. Corolla golden yellow, 
tube slender, one-third to one-half of an inch long, hairy; 
limb half an inch in diameter, flat; lobes obcordate, quite 
entire, mouth small. Anthers linear, sessile; style long or 
short, stigma capitate. Oapsule globose, after dehiscence 
conico-ovoid from a broad base, split to the base into five 
membranous subacute valves. Seeds minute, angular, 

black, granulate.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Calyx; 2, pistil; 3, capsule and calyx; 4, seels :—all enlarged. 


AB.del, JN Fitch ith. 

L.Reeve & C° London 

Tas. 6713. 
SENECIO concoror. 

Native of South Africa. 

Nat. Ord. ComposiT“.—Tribe SENECIONIDEX. 
Genus Sznxcio, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. J: Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 446.) 

SENECIO concolor ; herbaceus, glaber v. sparse pubescens, radice perennante, caule 
gracili superne ramoso angulato, foliis radicalibus caulinisque inferioribus 
anguste oblanceolatis obtusis in petiolum angustatis subtus purpurascentibus 
integerrimis v. sinuato-dentatis, superioribus sessilibus linearibus obtusis, 
supremis ad dichotomias a basi lata lanceolatis acuminatis argute dentatis, 
corymbis glanduloso-pubescentibus, pedicellis elongatis divaricatis, capitulis 
radiatis 1 unc. latis, involucro subhemispherico pauci-calyculato glanduloso, 
bracteis anguste linearibus acuminatis, fl. radii 10-12 ligula oblonga obtusa 
purpurea, fl. disci albis antheris purpureis, acheniis puberulis. 

8. concolor, DC. Prodr. vol. vi. p- 407, excel. var. 8; Harv. et Sond. Fil. Cap. 
vol. iil. p. 363, in part; N. E. Brown in Gard. Chron. N.S. vol. xii. part 1, 
p- 615 (sub S. speciosus), et vol. xx. p. 75. 

This is a handsome South African species of Senecio 
belonging to the group which includes 8. speciosus (Plate 
6488). In Harvey and Sonder’s “ Flora Capensis,’’ these 
two plants were confounded together, an error which 
was detected by Mr. N. E. Brown, who well describes 
the differences between them in the volumes of the 

_“Gardener’s Chronicle” quoted above. At first sight they 
reach the gorgeous S. pulcher (Plate 5959) of Temperate 
South America, but that species differs widely in its yellow 

_ disk-flowers, those of 8. concolor being white with purple 

anthers, a fact which would militate against the adoption 
of the specific name, were it not that the said colour of the 
anthers being that of the rays just sufficiently justifies its 

S. concolor is a native of the mountainous district of 

_ Tulbaghe to the north-east of Capetown, where it was disco- 
vered by the collector Dregé about fifty years ago ; and it has 

Since been found by T. Cooper, when collecting for the late 

Mr. Wilson Saunders. The specimen was raised from 

SEPTEMBER Ist, 1883. 

South African seed, which flowered in the Royal Gardens 
in a cool frame in July of last year. 

Duscr. Root perennial. Stem one to two feet high, 
angular, and as well as the leaves sparsely pubescent, 
corymbosely branched above. Radical leaves four to six 
inches long, narrowly oblanceolate, obtuse, narrowed into 
a long or short petiole, quite entire or sinuate-toothed ; 
upper leaves sessile, linear, obtuse, irregularly toothed ; 
uppermost at the axils of the corymb, sessile and semi- 
amplexicaul, lanceolate, acuminate, toothed. Heads many, 
long-pedicelled, in a lax open corymb, about one inch in 
diameter, pedicels spreading and involucres glandular- 
pubescent. Involucre hemispherical, calyculate by a few 
subulate bracts at the base ; receptacle convex. lowers 
of the ray ten to twelve ; rays distant, linear oblong, obtuse, 
purple; flowers of the disk not numerous, white, with 
purple anthers. Achenes striate, puberulous.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Involucre with bracts removed ; 2, ray-flower ; 3, its style arms; 4, disk- 
flower ; 5, stamens; 6, pappus-hair; 7, achene and flower :—all enlarged. 

5 a ae 


MS. del.J.N-Fitch hth. 


L Reeve & C° London. 

Tas. 6714. 
; SALVIA. poxntvrana. 

Native of Bolivia. 

Nat. Ord. Lasrarz.—Tribe MonarpeEx. 
Genus Satvia, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook.f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 1194.) 

Satvra (Calosphace) boliviana ; erecta, suffruticosa, cano-puberula, foliis ovato- 
a cordatis petiolatis rugulosis crenulatis, supra glabris, racemis pyramidatim 
NEN, paniculatis densifloris glanduloso-puberulis, verticillastris multifloris, calycis 
Nene purpureo-virescentis labio superiore ovato acuto, inferiore equilongo bicuspidato, 
corolla coccinea calyce quadruplo longiore glaberrima, labio superiore brevi 
ae porrecto obtuso concavo, inferiore vix duplo-majore breviter 3-lobo, lobis 

Pe a, 8. boliviana, Planch. in Flore des Serres, t. 1148. 

Under Plate 5947, the name Salvia boliviana will be 
found cited as a synonym of S. rubescens, Humb., Bonpl., 
and Kunth, a native of almost the same country, and so 
near an ally that, in the absence of specimens, the two 
Species may well be confounded, if indeed they really differ 

Messrs. Henderson, however, show that there are decided 
differences between them, as may be seen by a comparison 
of the plates. In habit, stature, foliage and pubescence, 
they are strikingly alike, as they are in the general 
characters of the inflorescence and structure and colour of 
_ the flowers; but the panicles of S. boliviana are much 
denser-flowered, the calyces larger with longer lips, and 
_ the corolla twice as long and straighter, with a smaller 
lower lip. Itis for the size and number of the flowers 
much the handsomer plant, and indeed few species of the 
Splendid genus to which it belongs can vie with it in the 
size, colour, and beauty of the inflorescence, though for 
size of flower it is far surpassed by S. longiflora, R. and P., 
the red corollas of which are four to five inches long: it is 
-& native of the Bolivian Andes at elevations of 10,000 to 
OCTOBER Ist, 1883. : 

- Specifically. Beautiful specimens of 8. boliviana, sent by — 

12,000 feet. S. boliviana was introduced by Van Houtte, 
and raised from seed collected by Waresewicz, presumably 
in Bolivia; but this, according to Planchon, who published 
it in 1856, is not certain. ve 

- Desor. A branched undershrub, sparingly hoary on the 
stem petioles and leaves beneath, glandular-pubescent on 
the inflorescence. Leaves three to six inches long, ovate- 
cordate, acute, wrinkled, crenulate; petiole slender, one to 
three inches long. Panicle subsessile, two feet high, 
branched ; branches densely clothed with crowded whorls 
of flovers. Flowers many in a whorl, pedicelled, suberect ; 
pedicel shorter than the calyx. Calyx three-quarters of an 
inch long, between funnel- and bell-shaped, dull purple or 
green and purple, base acute, tube deeply grooved and 
strongly nerved ; lips one-third as long as the tube, recurved, 
broadly ovate, upper entire acute, lower with two small 
subulate teeth. Corolla four times as long as the calyx, 
tubular, slightly curved, glabrous, bright scarlet; upper 
lip very small, concave, obtuse, horizontal; lower about 
twice as long, broad, shortly three-lobed, lobes rounded. 

Stamens with one anther-cell slightly exserted, filaments a 

_ very short; arms of the connective much longer than the 

filament, quite straight; barren arm rather shorter than — : | 

the other; staminodes two, minute, capitellate. Style very 
slender, bearded below the tip.—J. D. H. | 

_Fig. 1, Portion of corolla, stamens, and staminodes; 2, anthers; 3, disk and 
pistil :—all enlarged. . 

M.S. del, J.N-Fith kth. 

L-Reeve &-C° London, 

Vincent Brooks, Day & Son imp. 

Tas. 6715. 

Native of Munipore. 

Nat. Ord. OrcuipEx.~-Tribe EPIDENDRER. 

Genus Denprozium, Sw.; (Benth. et Hook.f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p- 498.) 

DENpronium cariniferum ; caulibus fasciculatis elongatis, internodiis 1-1}-polli- 

caribus cylindraceis, foliis alternis lineari-oblongis planiusculis apicibus minute 
2-dentatis, vaginis supremis plus minus nigro-hirsutulis, floribus apices versus 
caulis aphylli solitariis v. 2-nis brevissime edicellatis 2-poll. diametr. albis, 
sepalis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis tateralibus subfalcatis, petalis equilongis 
latioribus ellipticis, labello albo striis flavis v. subcinnabarinis cuneato-flabellato, 
lobis lateralibus obtusangulis intermedio parvo obovato crispulo venis incrassatis 
papillosis, calcare fere recto robusto obtuso, columna recta apice tridentata, 
dentibus lateralibus ovatis dorsali longiore angustiore. 

Dz cariniferum, Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. 1869, p. 611. 

Var. Wattii; foliis angustioribus, vaginis fere glaberrimis, floribus majoribus, 
__ labello flavo fasciato lobo medio longiore oblongo apice 2-lobo. 

Dendrobium cariniferum is very nearly allied to the well- 
known D. longicornu, Lindl., one of the commonest Indian 
Species, remarkable along with, some allies for the short 
stiff black hairs on the leaf-sheaths ; nor should I be sur- 
rised if these two species were found to be connected 
Y 4 series of varieties. As it is, however, the form of the 
Perianth is too different to justify D. cariniferum being 
regarded as a variety. Dr. Reichenbach mentions D. 
-Xanthophlebium, Lindl., and D. Williamsoni, Day and 
Rehb., as comparable with it. . 
D. cariniferum is a native of Burma, whence we have 
Sowers collected at Bhamo, a district not far to the east- 
Ward of Munipore, where the subject of the present plate 
Was procured, and which I think can only be regarded as 
® variety of the plant originally described by Reichenbach. 
It differs in the larger flowers, rather longer spur, the 
yellow bands on the lip, and the longer narrow mid-lobe of 
the latter, and the faintly hairy sheaths. The specimen 

‘Sured came with a collection of orchids from Dr, Watt, 
“OCTOBER Isr, 1883. 

F.L.S., of the Education department of India, whilst 
attached to a mission engaged on the boundary survey of 
the kingdom of Munipore, on the eastern frontier of British 
India, a country previously quite unknown botanically. It 
flowered in October, 1882, soon after arrival. 

Drsor. Stems tufted, a foot and upwards long, rather 
slender; internodes one to one and a half inch long, 
cylindric, grooved when dry. Sheaths as long as the 
internodes, very sparsely clothed with a short furfuraceous 
black pubescence. Leaves alternate, three inches long, 
narrowly oblong, dull green, nearly flat, tip minutely 
notched; blade sessile on the sheath. lowers shortly 
pedicelled towards the ends of leafless stems, single or in 
pairs, two inches in diameter, pure white with golden 
streaks on the lip. Sepals oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, 
spreading. Petals as long as the sepals, rather broader, 
elliptic, acute. Lip as long as the petals, convolute, 
cuneate when spread open with rounded rather crisped 
lateral lobes, and an oblong two-lobed small narrow mid- 
lobe ; veins papillose ; spur three-quarters of an inch long, 
straight, stout, obtuse, greenish at the tip. Column stout, 
tip three-fid, lateral teeth ovate acute, dorsal narrower 
and longer. Anthers puberulous.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Column ; 2, front view of apex of ditto; 3, anther-case; 4, undeveloped 
pollinia :—all enlarged, 


aa ee 


Vincent Brooks Day & Son Imp 

MS del JN Fitch bth 

LReeve & C°London 

Tas. 6716. 
KNIPHOFIA  Letcurnintt. 

Native of Abyssinia. 

Nat. Ord. Lintacrm.—Tribe HEMEROCALLER. 
_ Genus KnrpHoria, Moench; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 775.) 

Kytrnorta Leichtlinii; acaulis, foliis 4-pedalibus patulis linearibus subtriquetris 
obtuse carinatis longe attenuatis lzete viridibus non glaucescentibus, marginibus 
levibus, scapo tereti fusco-viridi sesquipedali, floribus pendulis in spicam 

-densain cylindraceam obtusam confertis, pedicellis 0, bracteis parvis ovato- 

 lanceolatis scariosis, perianthio 3-pollicari pallide aureo-miniato elongato- 

campanulato ore breviter obtuse 6-lobo, tubo supra ovarium vix constricto, 
genitalibus perianthio paullo longioribus. 

K. Leichtlinii, Baker MSS. 

_ The genus Kniphofia has attained a prominent place in 
gardens since the introduction in 1707 of the first species, 
K. Uvaria (see Plate 758, 4816, 6553), and the little 
XK. pumila (Plate 764), introduced in 1774; and it now 
numbers upwards of sixteen species, whilst its geographical 
limits, which were for long supposed to be confined to 
South Africa, have been extended far to the north of the 
tropic in Abyssinia. It cannot be said that the genus has 
grown in beauty as it has in extent, for none of the species 
hitherto cultivated at all compares with the old K. Uvaria 
In size, colour, freedom of growth, or hardiness. _ 
KK. Leichtlinii is a native of Abyssinia, where it was dis- 
overed, and roots sent to the garden of the Grand Duke 
f Baden-Baden by the well-known traveller Schimper. 
The specimen here figured flowered in the Royal Gardens 
in September, 1881, from a plant presented by that 
admirable cultivator, Herr Max Leichtlin, of Baden-Baden. 
As a species it is perhaps nearest to the South African 
K: pumila, — 

Dnscr. Stem none; crown of leaves at the base one to 
oe and a half inch in diameter. Leaves four feet long, 
Spreading all round, about three-quarters of an inch in 
“OcToRER Ist, 1883, 

diameter at one-third distance above the base, dilating at 
the base into a broad membranous sheath, and gradually 
narrowed to the tip; triquetrous, not deeply or sharply 
keeled, bright green, not at all glaucous, margins quite 
entire. Scape three to four feet high, naked, or with an 
occasional linear scarious or membranous bracteal leaf 
sometimes four to five inches long, dull green, minutely 
speckled with red, giving it a brown look. Spike three to 
four inches long, by one and a half to two inches in 
diameter, quite cylindric and obtuse ; flowers quite sessile, 
pendulous; bracts a quarter of an inch long, ovate, acute, 
with long points, membranous, deflexed. Perianth three- 
quarters of an inch long, narrowly bell-shaped, slightly 
contracted above the base, dull pale vermilion red and 
yellow; mouth shortly broadly four-lobed, lobes obtuse 
erect. Stamens shortly exserted, for not more than twice 
the length of the perianth-lobes; anthers shortly oblong. 

Style rather longer than the stamens, stigma minute.— 

Fig. 1, Section of leaf; 2, flower; 3 and 4, anthers; 5, pistil; 6, transverse 
section of ovary :—all enlarged. 


Vincent Brooks Day& Son ine. 

L Reeve & C2 London 

ae a: eas 

Poin it 

M S.del, INFta kth. 

Tas, 6717. 

Native of Northern Mexico. 

Nat. Ord. Linracrm.—tTribe ASPHODELER, 

Genus GiyrHosrrerma, S. Watson in Proc. Amer, Acad. vol. xviii. p. 164. 

GuyrHosPprrma Palmeri ; glaberrima, caule gracili 
gramineis fistulosis basi longe membranaceo-vaginatis, racemis laxifloris, 
pedicellis erecto-patentibus, perianthii segmentis oblongis obtusis albis nervo 
medio dilatato fusco-viridi, filamentis exterioribus brevibus basi in appendicem 
membranaceam late oblongam fimbriatam dilatatis, interioribus longioribus 
appendice angustiore, stigmate magno 3-globoso, capsula subglobosa, seminibus 
3-gonis faciebus subrugoso-undulatis. 

G. Palmeri, §. Wats. 1. e. 

parce ramoso, foliis elongatis 

ceaneormeeeree ee enaEa 

A very singular hardy plant, the type of a new genus, 
- deseribed after the publication of the last volume of the 
“Genera Plantarum,” in which it would otherwise have 
_ been included. Its position in the great natural order of 
Liliacee is in the subtribe Anthericew of the tribe Aspho- 
- delew, and it will stand next to Anthericum itself, to which 
Indeed it seems to be very closely allied, differing chiefly 
in the structure of the filament. 
_ Glyphosperma was discovered by Dr. HE. Palmer, one of 
the most enterprising and successful botanical explorers of 
the North American continent, in sandy valleys at the 
town of Saltillo, in Cohuila (a province of Mexico), during 
oe journey in South-Western Texas and Northern Mexico. 
eeds received from the Botanical Gardens of Cambridge 
University, Massachusetts, were raised at Kew in 1881," 
and flowered in February, 1882. It is not an attractive 
lant, but as a near relative of the European Anthericum 
has a special botanical interest. In the description of 
the flowers given in the American journal, these are said 
0 be of a light salmon colour; as cultivated at Kew they 
are nearly white. ? 

Desor. Root of fascicled fleshy fibres. Leaves twelve to 
OCTOBER Ist, 1883. 

eighteen inches long, by one-sixth to a quarter of an inch 
broad, slender, soft and grass-like, concave im front, 
convex on the back, hollow, bright green, base rather 
broader with sheathing membranous margins. Stem 
eighteen to twenty-four inches high, slender, erect, 
sparingly paniculately branched, naked below; branches 
long, slender, suberect, with membranous ovate bracts 
a quarter to half an inch long at the forks and bases of the 
pedicels. Racemes slender ; flowers very remote; pedicels 

rather longer than the bracts, slender. Perianth three-— 
quarters of an inch in diameter, cleft to the base into’ 

oblong obtuse white spreading segments with a broad 
central greenish-brown nerve, the outer segments rather 
the narrower. Stamens much shorter than the perianth; 
outer the shortest, suddenly dilated at the base into a 
broadly oblong fimbriated membranous appendage; inner 
(both appendage and filament) longer; anthers short, 
oblong, attachment dorsal, versatile, slits introrse. Ovary 
globose, sessile, three-celled ; style slender, equalling the 
stamens, deciduous; stigma large, capitate, three-lobed ; 

ovules two in each cell, pendulous. Capsule nearly globose, 

three-angled, membranous, loculicidal, cells one- to two- 
seeded. Seeds triquetrous, dark, sides and back subrugosely 
pitted.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Stamens and ovary; 2, longer and, 3 and 4, shorter stamens ; 5, ovary; 

6, transverse section of ditto; 7, capsule; 8 and 9, seeds :—all enlarged. 

ee Le 

ee 5 thon ee ee a ae 


AB del, IN Rich 

Tas. 6718. 

Native of the Himalaya. 

Nat. Ord. Compositz.—Tribe ASTEROIDEX. 
Genus AstrrR, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. J. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 271.) 

Aster (Alpigenia) diplostephioides ; glanduloso-pubescens v. -tomentosa, v. -villosa, 
a an . rhizomate robusto, caule simplici erecto robusto folioso l-cephalo, foliis 
Mager radicalibus oblongo- vy. obovato-oblongis v. oblanceolatis acutis in petiolum 
ae * angustatis caulinis sessilibus linearibus oblongo-linearibus obovato-ob ongisve, 
at capitulo 2-3-poll. diam., involucri bracteis lanceolatis exterioribus interdam 
en foliaceti: ligulis purpureis elongatis 2-seriatis, acheniis oblongis compressis 
oe, _-erostatis sericeis, pappi setis sordidis extimis brevibus rigidis. 

fa A. diplostephioides, Benth. in Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 272; Clarke Comp. Ind, p. 45; 

Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vol. ii. p. 251. : 

Hetzrocuxra diplostephioides, DC. Prodr. vol. v. p- 282. 
Dirtoparrvs diplostephioides, Herb. Ind. Or. Hook. J- vol. v. p. 7, in part. 

This is the handsomest and one of the commonest of the 
Alpine Composite of the Himalaya, abounding in moist 
Situations at various points along the southern face of the 
range from Kashmir to Sikkim, at elevations of 8000 to 
11,000 feet in the north-west, but ascending to 16,000 feet 
in Sikkim. Like its congeners, it varies a good deal in 
hairyness, breadth and length of its leaves, and size of head, 

ut it is otherwise a remarkably constant Species. Its 

_hearest ally is the A. Heterocheta, Benth., which is the 

_ Himalayan representative of the European and North Asian 

— A, alpinus. Many of the heads contain ray-flowers with 
Imperfect stamens, and some with a second ligule smaller 

than and opposite to the normal one (see fig. 3), the corolla 

_ thus becoming bilabiate. 

___ the specimens here figured were raised from seed 
gathered in Sikkim by H. Elwes, Esq., and presented by 
him to the Royal Gardens. They flowered profusely in 

ay and June, quite equalling the finest specimens from 
their native country. Dr. Aitchison, who sends dried 

OCTOBER Ist, 1883. 

specimens from Kashmir, states in a note that the roots are 
extensively used in that country in washing clothes. 

Dzscr. Whole plant softly glandular-pubescent or tomen- 
tose or even villous. ootstock stout, short and erect, or 
elongate prostrate and covered with the fibrous remains of 
old leaves. Stem solitary, simple, stout, six to eighteen 
inches high, leafy. Hadical leaves two to four inches long, 
very variable in breadth, from obovate to oblanceolate, 
acute, quite entire, narrowed into a long or short petiole; 
cauline two to three inches long, sessile and semiamplexi- 
caul, linear-oblong, acute. Head solitary, inclined, two to 
three inches in diameter. IJnvolucre broadly hemispherical ; 
bracts lanceolate, herbaceous, outer subfoliaceous, all 
appressed. Receptacle convex. Ray-flowers very numerous, 
in about two series, tube very short; ligule slender, one 
inch long, pale bright-purple, tip obscurely toothed. Disk- 
flowers small, with purple heads before expanding. Achenes 
one-eighth of an inch long, oblong, flattened, not ribbed 
or winged, obtuse, silky; pappus-hairs short, dirty white, 
rigid, scabrid, outer very short rigid.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Vertical section of involucre and receptacle ; 2, ray-flower; 3, another 
with imperfect stamens and a second ligule ; 4, style-arms of ditto; 5, disk-flower ; 

6, stamens of ditto; 7,style-arms of ditto; 8, achene and pappus; 9, hair of pappus: 
—all enlarged. 


al neat: 

t Brooks Day &Son.¥mP 


th hth. 

AB. del IN Fit 

L.Reeve & C® London 

Tas. 6719. 
JASMINUM rtoripum. 

Native of Japan and China. 

Nat. Ord. OLEAcER.—Tribe JaAsMINER. 
Genus Jasminum, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 674.) 

JasMInuM floridum; fruticosum, suberectum, glaberrimum, ramulis angulatis, 
foliis 3-foliolatis pinnatisve foliolis acuminatis y. apiculatis coriaceis enerviis 
marginibus obscure scaberulis costa valida, foliolo terminali ovato: paulo majore, 
lateralibus ellipticis v. rarius obovatis sessilibus v. subpetiolulatis, cymis sub- 
erectis paucifloris, floribus pedicellatis, calycis glaberrimi lobis tubo 5-costato 
equilongis setaceis, corolle auree tubo calyce 4-plo longiore, limbi lobis 5 
ovatis subacutis. 

J. floridum, Bunge Enum, Pl. Chin. p. 42; DC. Prodr. vol. viii. p. 313 ; Miquel 
Prolus. Fl. Jap. pp, 151,559; Franch. et Sav. Enum. Pl. Jap. vol. i. p. 314. 

J. Subulatum, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1842, Append. n.58; DC. 7. ce. p. 312. 

This yellow-flowered Jasmine belongs to a group of 
Asiatic forms of which G. humile, Linn., is the type, the 
latter a plant to which many supposed Indian species have 
been referred by Clarke in the “ Flora of British India” 
(vol. iii. p. 602). It differs from that plant (see Plate 1731) 
in the rarely pinnate leaves, smaller flowers, and slender 
calyx-teeth. It was discovered by Bunge during his 
journey to China, and published by him in 1831; but his 
description seems to have been overlooked by Lindley, who 
gave a curt diagnosis of it in the Appendix to the Botanical 
Register in 1842 under the name of J. subulatum. The 
plant was introduced from China by the Hon. W. Fox 
Strangways, afterwards Earl of Ilchester, an ardent 
horticulturist, whose garden at Abbotsbury in Dorset-. 
shire was famous for its collection of rare and interesting 
plants. Besides authentic specimens collected by Bunge 
himself, there are other North China ones in the Kew 
- Herbarium from Fortune and Bretschneider, and Japanese 
ones from the Herbarium of Leyden. 

J. subulatum grows freely on a south wall at Kew, 
without protection, and flowers in July. 

OCTOBER Ist, 1883, 

Descr. <A glabrous shrub, erect, or with flexuous 
branches and hence probably also scandent, wood brittle ; 
branches green, angular. Leaves alternate, pinnately three- 
foliolate, rarely pinnate with two pairs of leaflets besides 
the terminal; leaflets one to one and a half inch long, 
coriaceous, nerveless, except for the stout midrib, margins 
smooth or minutely scabrid; lateral leaflets elliptic or 
rarely obovate or ovate, acute or apiculate ; terminal larger, 
more ovate and acuminate; petiole stout, one-half to three- 
quarters of an inch long. Cymes terminal, suberect, simple 
or irregularly panicled ; pedicels slender, variable in length, 
one-half to one inch long. Calyza quarter of an inch long, 
turbinate, five-angled ; lobes subulate, as long as the tube. 
Corolla golden yellow, tube four times as long as the calyx; 
limb one-half to three-quarters of an inch in diameter ; 
Segments spreading, ovate, acute. Stamens included, © 

filaments very short; anthers lanceolate, acuminate. Stigma 
notched.—J. D. H, 

Fig. 1, Vertical section of flower ; 2, stamens ; 3, stigma; 4, tranverse section 
of ovary :—all enlarged. 


{ w % 
SS , 4 
H.T.D_ del JN Fitch hth 

7 \ 

Vincen Brooks Day &Son Imp 

Tas. 6720, 
SARMIENTA repens. 

Native of Chili. 

Nat. Ord. GesnERACER.—Tribe CYRTANDRER. 
Genus Sarmienta, Ruiz et Pav.; (Benth, et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 1012.) 

SarMrenta repens; fruticulus gracilis, prostratus v. scandens, glaberrimus, caule 
tenui repente, foliis parvulis oppositis carnosis brevissime petiolatis - ovatis 
ellipticis rotundatisve obtusis integerrimis v. paucidentatis, floribus axillaribus 
solitariis gracile pedunculatis coccineis. 

8S. repens, Ruiz et Pav. Prodr. 4; Fl. Per. et Chil. vol. i. p. 8, t. 7; Lamk. 
LEneycl. 904; Mart. Nov. Gen. vol. iii. p. 66, t. 219, f.2; Gay Fl. Chil. 
vol. iv. p. 350; Hanst. in Linnea, vol. xxxiv. p. 480; Fl. des Serres, t. 1646; 
Flor, Mag. vol. ii. t. 112. 

Urcrotanta, Fruillé, vol. iii., Hist. Pl. Med. p. 69, t. 43. 

U. curtensis, Rem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. vol. i. p. 77. 

_. The Flora of the western parts of Chili contains not a 

few subscandent or scandent forest-loving plants with 
scarlet, flowers, as Lapageria rosea (Plate 4447), Philesia 
buxifolia (Plate 4738), Berberidopsis corallina (Plate 5343), 
and Mitraria coccinea (Plate 4462); a fact that may one 
day no doubt be correlated with some other which will 
account for it;—possibly the presence or abundance of 
certain forestral insects whose operations may be necessary 

_ for the fertilization of the plants, and which are attracted 

by the brilliancy of the colouring of these flowers. Again, 
all these have pendulous flowers, a peculiarity which they 
share with the species of another scarlet-flowered genus 
of the same region, the Fuchsias, and with Tricuspidaria 
(Crinodendron), a beautiful shrub belonging to Tiliacee, 
_. which, though introduced into Europe, has not yet been 
figured from cultivated specimens. 
Sarmienta is a monotypic genus, and very closely allied 
to another also monotypic and Chilian one, the above- 
mentioned Mitraria coccinea, which has larger flowers of a 
somewhat similar form; it inhabits the southern provinces 

NOVEMBER lst, 1883. 

of the Mainland from Concepcion southward, and the Island 
of Chiloe, which is its southern limit. It was introduced into 
cultivation by Messrs. Veitch, and thrives in a cool damp 
conservatory amongst moss and stones or stumps of trees, 
or with a little care it may be trained to form a beautiful 
basket plant, flowering in the summer months. : 

Desor. Stem very slender, flexuous, two to four feet 
long, sparingly branched, ascending mossy tree-trunks or 
straggling over the ground; branches as thick as twine, 
brittle, rooting at the nodes, red brown, very sparsely hairy. 
Leaves one-half to three-fourths of an inch long, opposite, 
subsessile, bifarious, ovate, broadly elliptic or orbicular, 
obtuse, rather fleshy, quite entire or with a few shallow 
crenatures, margins recurved, nerves obscure, upper surface 
dark green glabrous opaque, lower pale punctulate. 
Peduncles solitary or in opposite axils, filiform, one-half to 
one and a half inch long, glabrous, one-flowered. Flowers 
pendulous, scarlet. Sepals five, one-eighth of an inch long, 
narrow, linear, or lanceolate, obtuse, bristly with white 
hairs. Corolla three-quarters to one inch long; tube elon- 
gate, ventricose, constricted at the throat and suddenly at 
the base into a very narrow cylinder, obscurely pubescent ; 
limb oblique, lobes much shorter than the tube, rounded, 
spreading. Stamens inserted near the base of the corolla, 
filaments slender, free, two posterior with perfect anthers 
far exserted; two anterior filiform with clavate fips or 
minute anthers; fifth a very short staminode; anthers 
shortly oblong, free ; cells parallel, distinct. Disk obsolete. 
Ovary superior, attached by a broad base; style capillary, 
exserted, stigma small, simple.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Peduncle, calyx, and ovary; 2, base of corolla laid open, showing the 
shorter stamens and staminode ; 3, front, and 4, back view of anthers of longer 
stamens :—~all enlarged, 



1OT ~ 





Taz, 6721. 
RHAMNUS uipanotica. 

Native of Asia Minor and Syria. 

Nat. Ord. Roamnacex.—Tribe RaamMynez. 
Genus Ruamnus, Linn. ; (Benth, et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. i. p. 877.) 

Raamnvus (Eurhamnus) libanotica ; frutex robustus, ramis crassis erectis v. basi 
procumbentibus, foliis breviter petiolatis a basi rotundata subcordatave oblongis 
ovatisve v. fere rotundatis, obtuse acuminatis acutatisve creberrime denticulatis 
demum late brunneis, junioribus utrinque flavido-tomentellis, venis penni- 
formibus utrinque 12-15 validis arcuatis, floribus dioicis parvulis in cymas 
breves puberulas paucifloras dispositis, drupa hirtula calycis limbo (lobis 
caducis) basi cincta, seminibus obtuse trigonis rima hiante per totam longi- 
tudinem percursa, : 

R. libanotica, Boiss, Diagn. Ser. 1, vol. ii. p. 119; Fl. Orient. vol. ii. p. 19. 
_ R. imeretie, Hort., and R. castaneifolia, Hort. 

This is the Oriental representative of the South European 
Alpine Buckthorn, Rhamnus alpinus, a native of the Alps 
from Spain to Gallicia, and of Morocco and Algeria, and I 
am disposed to think a mere variety of that plant; indeed 
Boissier, its author, mentions its close alliance to the western 
Alpine Buckthorn, giving as its diagnostic characters its 
being more pubescent and having the groove of the seed 
(which I haye not seen) carried almost up to the top of 
that organ, instead of commencing below it. A better 
character might be found in the beautifully bronze colour 
of the old leaves, which characterizes the Kew cultivated 
Specimens, but which is probably not constant; for I do 
not remember having remarked it on the wild plant when 
I gathered it on the Lebanon in 1860. Other hardly dis- 
tinguishable forms are R. Sibthorpiana, DC., and h. fallax, 
Boiss., both of the Greek mountains, and R. cornifolia, of 
Kurdistan and Persia. : 

R. libanotica is a native of the Lebanon and Antilebanon, 
in the former of which it attains an elevation of 9000 feet ; 
it also inhabits the mountains of Pamphilia and the Cilician 

NOVEMBER Ist, 1883. 

Taurus. It is perfectly hardy at Kew, and flowers in the 
month of June. The garden synonyms of R. imeretie and 
&. castaneifolia I have taken on the authority of Lavallée’s 
valuable ‘* Hortus Segrezianus,” confirmed as to the former 
by the fact that the Kew specimens (here figured) came 
from Messrs. Booth of Hamburg in 1876 as R. imeretie. 
It is a female plant, now in bud, nearly six feet high, and 
has in late autumn a very handsome appearance. 

Descr. A ramous bush, four to six feet high; branches 
erect or spreading, or the lower procumbent, stout, leafy, 
young shoots puberulous. Leaves two to nine inches long, 
shortly stoutly petioled, oblong ovate or almost orbicular, 
bright green above, bronzed beneath, acute or suddenly 
contracted at the tip into a short blunt point, coriaceous; 
base rounded or subcordate; margin finely denticulate ; 
nerves twelve to fifteen pair, stout, slightly curved; young 
leaves softly pubescent on both surfaces ; petiole one-fourth 
to one-third of an inch long. Flowers in small axillary 
cymes, dicecious ; branches of cymes and calyces puberulous. 
Mate FLower broadly funnel-shaped. Calyz-lobes ovate, 
acute. Petals bifid, irregularly toothed, rather shorter than 
the stamens. Ferman FLoweR more campanulate than the 
male, apetalous. Calyz-lobes as in the male. Staminodes 
subulate. Ovary globose ; stigmas exserted.—J. D. H. 

Fig, 1, Male flower (from Herbarium s ecimens); 2, petal and stamen of ditto; 
3, female flower; 4, the same laid open pul sable. . : 


; rere, ae 

HTD. del JN-Fitch kth. Vnicent Brooks Day & Son Imp 

L.-Reeve & C° Lendon 

Tas. 6722, 

Native of South Africa. 

Nat. Ord. [r1pEm.—Tribe Ixrez. 
Genus Tritonia, Ker; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 708.) 

Tarronra (Montbretia) Pottsii ; rhizomate longe repente bulbos globosos segregatos 
gerente, foliis 5—6 distichis linearibus viridibus, inferioribus basalibus pedalibus 
vel sesquipedalibus, reliqnis caulinis reductis segregatis, caule 3—4-pedali, 
paniculz laxe ramis spicatis ascendentibus multifloris, spathe valvis parvis 
membranaceis, perianthii crocei infundibularis segmentis oblongis tubo duplo 
brevioribus, staminibus inclusis, styli ramis brevibus cuneatis, fructu ovoideo 
obtuse angulato. 

T. Pottsii, Benth. in Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 708. 

Montbretia Pottsii, Baker in Gard. Chron. 1877, vol. viii. p. 424; Belg. Hort. 
1878, p. 90; Garden, 1880, p. 84, with coloured plate; Gard. Chron. 1880, 
vol. ii. p. 525. 

Guapiotvus Pottsii, Macnab in Hort. Edinen. 

This is one of the most interesting and valuable new 
bulbous plants that have been introduced of late years. 
It was brought into the Edinburgh Botanic Garden several 
years ago by Mr. G. H. Potts, of Lasswade, after whom it 
was named by the late Mr. Macnab, who distributed it 
freely. We do not know from what district in South Africa 
_ it came, and have never received at Kew any wild specimens. 
It flowers in August, and as it dies down to the ground 
in winter, it can easily be given all the protection it needs, 
and is practically hardy in our English climate. As one 
plant will produce fifty or a hundred flowers, and it will go 
on flowering for a month, it is a fine acquisition to our 
stock of bright-flowered hardy bulbs. Recently it has 
been hybridized by Monsieur Victor Lemoine, of: Nancy, 
with its near ally Tritonia (Crocosma) aurea, figured Bot. 
Mag. tab. 4335, and a third fine plant is the result, which 
has been figured in the Belgique Horticole for 1881, tab. 14, 
under the name of Monibretia crocosmeflora. Our present 
plate was drawn from a plant that flowered at Kew in the 
summer of 1881. 
NOVEMEER lst, 1883. 

Descr. Bulbs globose, connected by a long thread-like 
rhizome. (A detailed account of their organization will be 
found in the paper in the Gardener’s Chronicle above cited.) 
Stems slender, erect, three or four feet long including the 
inflorescence, which reaches almost half-way down. Leaves 
about four in a distichous rosette at the base of the stem, 
linear, green, moderately firm in texture, a foot or a foot 
and a half long. Peduncle furnished with two or three 
leaves, similar to the others, but smaller. Panicle a foot or 
a foot and a half long, composed of three to five ascending 
branches, bearing twelve to twenty flowers each; spathe of 
two small membranous valves, the outer lanceolate, the 
inner oblong, entire or obscurely emarginate at the tip. 
Perianth infundibuliform, bright deep yellow, more or less 
‘flushed on the outside with red, about an inch long, the 
oblong segments half as long as the tube. Stamens con- 
tiguous, inserted half-way up the perianth-tube, with anther 
and filament of about equal length. Style with three short 
cuneate branches. Capsule ovoid, obtusely angled, many- 
seeded.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, A flower cut open, life-size; 2, vertical section of ovary; enlarged ; 
3, capsule, life-size, 

Vincent Brocks Day & Son Imp 


LReeve & C2 London. ; 

“HED del INF ith, 

Tas. 6723, 
AN GRACUM ScorrraNumM. 

Native of the Comoro Islands, 

Nat. Ord. Orcu1pEm.—Tribe VanDEx. 
Genus Ancrxcum, Thouars; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 583.) 

Anerzcum (Euangrecum) Scottianum ; caulibus teretibus elongatis radicantibus, 
foliis elongatis subdistichis recurvis semi-cylindricis subacutis facie sulcatis, 
pedunculo 1-2-floro, floribus albis, sepalis petalisque consimilibus linearibus 
acutis, labello magno quadrato latiore quam longo antice retuso medio abrupte 
mucronato basi utrinque sulco semi-lunari notato dorso basi in calcar 4-poll. 
flexuosum flavo-brunneum producto, columna brevissima, polliniorum stipite 
oblongo-quadrato integro marginibus incurvis. 

A. Scottianum, Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. 1878, vol. x. part 2, p. 557, et 1881, 
vol. xiv, part 2, p. 136, £. 30; Fl. Mag. WV. 8S. t. 421. 

A remarkable species, allied to A. eburneum in flower, 
but very different in foliage, which, though resembling that 
of species of several genera of Orchidea, is quite unlike that 
of any other Angraecum. It is one of the many novelties 
for which Horticulturists are indebted to Sir John Kirk, 
who procured it from Johanna, one of the Comoro Islands, 
in 1878, and sent a sketch of the flower to Kew from a 
plant which flowered in his garden at Zanzibar. The flowers 
probably vary a good deal in colour, for Sir John, in his 
notes, describes the sepals as pale green, and the lip as 
having two yellow spots at its base. 

The species was named after Mr. R. Scott, of Cleveland, 
Walthamstow, with whom the plant flowered in 1879. Our 
drawing was made from specimens sent to the Royal 

- Gardens by Sir John Kirk, which flowered at Kew in July, 


Drsor. Stem one to two feet long, a fourth to a third of 
an inch in diameter, cylindric, terete, rigid, dark green, 
clothed with brown sheaths below, scandent by roots at 
the internodes. Leaves three to four inches long, sub- 
distichous, spreading and recurved, shortly sheathing at 

NOVEMBER Ist, 1883. 

the base, semi-cylindrical, subacute, dark green, under 
surface rounded, upper shelving from the margin to the 
deeply grooved mesial line, nerveless. Sheaths tubular, 
terete, appressed, mouth oblique. Flowers solitary or few 
on an axillary peduncle one to four inches long; bracts 
small, lanceolate, appressed ; pedicel and Ovary one inch 
long. Sepals spreading, one to one and a quarter inch 
long by one-fourth of an inch broad, linear, acute, very 
pale straw-coloured or greenish, margins below the middle — 
recurved. Petals rather smaller and narrower, acuminate, 
contracted at the base, white. Lip very large, transversely 
an oblong square with rounded angles, one and a half 
inches broad by one long, retuse in front with a short 
mucro, rather concave, surface even except two small 
semi-lunar depressions at the very base radiating from the 
base of the column; spur four to five inches long, pendulous, 
flexuous, yellow-brown. Column very short, white, two- 
winged anteriorly, wings rounded. ° Pollen-masses two, 
sessile on the top of an oblong stipes with incurved margins. 

—J. D. A, 

Fig. 1, Flower of the natural size ; 2, column and section of base of spur; 

8, column seen from the side; 4 and 5, back and front view of pollen-masses :—alt 

Vincert Brooks Day & Son inp 

Fitch lith 




H.TD. de 

L Reeve & C° London. 

Tas. 6724. 
ROSA atprna. 

Native of the Alps and Pyrenees. 

Nat. Ord. Rosacrm.—Tribe Roszx. 
Genus Rosa, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook.f. Gen. Pl. vol. i. p. 625.) 

Rosa (Pimpinellifoliee) alpina ; fruticosa, erecta, ramis gracilibus inermibus inferne 
aculeis tenuissimis sparsis instructis, foliis patentibus opacis, stipulis planis 
cum petiolo et rachi glanduloso-ciliatis, foliolis 5-13 ellipticis ovatis v. oblongis 
utrinque acutis v. acuminatis duplicato-serratis subtus cesiis, floribus sub- 
solitariis roseis, pedunculis glanduloso-setosis, sepalis caudato-elongatis conni- 
ventibus apicibus quandoque dilatatis serratis, petalis obcordatis concavis, 

' disco obsoleto, stigmatum capitulo vix exserto, fructu obovoideo swpe elongato 
rubro levi v. glanduloso-setoso. 

R. alpina, Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2, vol. i. p. 703; Jacq. Fl, Aust. vol. iii. p. 43, t. 279 ; 
DC. Prodr. vol. ii. p. 611; Hort. Kew. ed. 2, vol. iii. p. 265; Redouté Les 
Roses, t. 113 ; Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 424. 

R. alpina, var. vestita, Gren. et Godr. Flor. France, vol. i. p. 556. 

R. inermis, Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. 8, n. 6. ; 

R. pyrenaica, Gowan Iii. vol. iii. t. 19; Desegl. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. vol. xv. 
Pp 288, x) 

This, which is one of the most elegant of the single 
Roses, though introduced so long ago as 1683, is much less 
cultivated than it deserves to be. Lindley, who calls it the 
beautiful ornament of the Alps of Switzerland arid the 

temperate latitudes of Europe, regards it as the type of a_ 
small group of species with little affinity to each other, 
except in the circumstance of being almost universally 
_ deprived of prickles. Seringe, in De Candolle’s Prodromus, 
enumerates sixteen varieties of it, differing chiefly in the 
amount of glandular hairs; and it is that called pyrenazca, 
_ having the calyx and peduncles hispid, to which the form 
here figured is referable. It has a multitude of synonyms. 
Botanically it belongs to a section of the genus which con- 
tains the Hedge and Scotch roses (R. sepium, BR. spino- 
sissima, &c.), characterized by the connivent permanent 
_ sepals, absence of disk in the flower, numerous leaflets, and 
_ usually the absence of bracts. 
_ NOVEMBER Is7, 1883. 

The specimen from which the figure is taken was brought 
by Mr. Thiselton Dyer from the Pyrenees in 1881. Itisa 
very dwarf form, the R. pyrenaica of Gouan, with hispid 
sepals and elongate fruit. It flowers in June and J uly. 

Duscr. An almost unarmed shrub two to eight feet high, 
suberect, or with a few very slender straight prickles low 
down on the branches; branches suberect, slender, dark 
green, glaucous. Leaves crowded, two to five inches long; 
stipules large, flat, widened upwards, glabrous or gland- 
ciliate, and slightly bristly ; petiole and rachis glandular ; 
leaflets five to thirteen, opaque, elliptic or ovate, acuminate 
at both ends, simply or doubly serrate, naked above, 
glaucous beneath. Flowers two to two and a half inches 
in diameter, solitary, suberect ; peduncle naked, bristly or 
glandular-hairy ; calyx glabrous or glandular-bristly, tube 
obovoid, very variable in length ; sepals very long, narrowly 
lanceolate, points dilated and serrate or simple, erect in 
fruit. Petals broadly obcordate, concave, pink or rose-red. 
Disk none. Head of stigmas convex, slightly exserted. 
Frwit one to one and a half inches long, obovoid, pyriform 

or elongate, longer or shorter than the persistent sepals, 
bright red.—J. D. H. | 

Vincent, Brooks Day & Son Imp 

HTD. del JN Fitch lith 

LReeve & C° London 

to twenty-five, sessile, not cirrhose at 

Tas. 6725. 
FRITILLARIA patuipirtora. 

Native of Siberia. 

Nat. Ord. Lit1acez.—Tribe TULIPEZ. 
Genus Fritituaria, Linn. ; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen, Pl. vol. iii. p. 817.) 

Frrrmrnarta (Monocodon) pallidiflora ; bulbo globoso subsquamoso, caule valido, 
foliis multis ecirrhosis, infimis oppositis oblongis, reliquis alternis, superioribus 
lanceolatis, floribus paucis pedunculatis cernuis, perianthio late cam anulato 
pallide luteo segmentis late imbricatis oblongis vel obovato-oblongis ‘a faciem 
punctis pluribus minutis rubro-purpureis decoratis et supra basin foveola 
globosa viridula preeditis, genitalibus inclusis, antheris filamentis brevioribus, 
stylo conspicue tricuspidato, fructu acute angulato. 

F, pallidiflora, Schrenk Enum. Pl. Nov. part 1, p. 5; Kunth Enum, vol. iv. 
p. 251; Ledeb. Fl. Ross. vol. iv. p. 148; Regel Gartenjfl. vol. vi. (1857), 
p. 329, t. 209; FU. Turkest. vol. i. p. 146; Rev. Hort, 1880, p. 215. 

This is a very distinct species of Fritillary. It inhabits 
the mountains of Southern Siberia, where it reaches an 
elevation of 8000 or 9000 feet above sea-level, so that it is 
quite hardy in England. It is allied to F. Meleagris and 
F. pyrenaica, but the leaves are more numerous and broader, 
and the flowers larger. In the wild state they are creamy 
yellow, with a few minute reddish-purple spots on the face ; 
but, as in many other species, they become greener in our 
insular climate. Our Plate was drawn from a plant grown 

in the herbaceous ground at Kew, from bulbs furnished by 
Dr. Recel, We have also received it from Mr. Elwes and 
Dr. Masters. It flowers in April. oe 

Dzsor. Bulb globose, half an inch or an inch in diameter, — 
subsquamose. Stems stout, erect, varying 10 length from 
six to fifteen inches. Leaves varying in number from eight 

the tip, firm in 
texture, glaucous-green, two or three inches long, lowest — 
oblong, opposite, the rest alternate, the upper ones lanceo- 
late. - Flowers one to six, produced from the axils of the 
upper leaves on cernuous peduncles. Perianth broadly 

NOVEMBER Ist, 1883. 

campanulate, about an inch and a half long, truncate at 
the base, cream-white, tinged with green on the outside, 
dotted over with minute reddish-purple spots inside; 
Segments oblong or obovate-oblong, each furnished with a 
small roundish green glutinous foveole at the bend above 
the claw. Stamens much shorter than the perianth ; fila- 
ments linear, glabrous; anthers linear-oblong. Ovary 
clavate, half an inch long; style deeply tricuspidate. 
Capsule obovoid, with six winged angles.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, Segment of perianth 3 2, a pair of stamens, both life-size. 


M.S. del JN Fitch hth Vincent Brooks Day & Son imp. 

: sae: * : 
J. Reeve & C2 London. 

Tas. 6726. 
EREMURUS rosustus. 

Native of Central Asia. 

Nat. Ord. Litracem.—Tribe ASPHODELER. 
Genus Eremurvs, M. B.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 787.) 

 Eremurvus (Henningia) rodustus; fibris radicalibus crassis cylindricis, foliis 

basalibus pluribus rosulatis ensiformibus bipedalibus glabris flaccidis, scapo 
valido tereti 2-3-pedali, racemo densiusculo 2-3-pedali, pedicellis solitariis 
erecto-patentibus apice articulatis, bracteis parvis linearibus membranaceis, 
perianthii campanulati rubelli segmentis oblongis nervo singulo perspicuo 
rubro-brunneo vittatis, filamentis filiformibus perianthio «quilongis, antheris 
lineari-oblongis cito contortis, ovario globoso, stylo elongato decurvato. 

E. robustus, Regel in Gartenflora, vol. xxii. (1873), p. 257, t.769; Fl. Turkest. 
vol. i. p. 125; Baker in Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xv. p. 284. 

_ Hewnrnara robusta, Regel Enum. Pl. Semenow, p. 134, no. 1092. 

Semenow, growing at a height 

one of whose original specim 
found it at a height of 10,000 feet in Turkestan, and soon 

The genus Hremurus, in which Henningia and Ammolirion 
are now included by common consent, is closely allied to 

= Asphodelus. Upwards of twenty species are now known, | 

which are concentrated in the dry regions of Central Asia, 

two of them just extending within the European boundary, 

and one to the Himalayas, but none, so far as at present 
known, to Japan or China. The present plant is unmistaka- 
bly the finest of the genus; its racemes reach a height of 
five or six feet, and its flowers are a beautiful pinkish red. 
It was first discovered by the well-known Russian traveller, 
of 2000 to 8000 feet above 

sea-level in the Alatau mountains. Madame Olga Fedjenko, 
ens we possess at Kew, next 

after it was collected at a much lower level in the same region 

by Korolkow. It was first flowered in Europe in the 
‘summer of 1871 at the Moscow Botanic Garden. Max 

Leichtlin succeeded with it at Carlsruhe in 1873. Some 

_time ago Mr. W. E. Gumbleton brought to us at Kewa 
beautiful drawing of a plant that had flowered with him in 

DECEMBER lst, 1883. 

County Cork. Our plate was drawn from a plant grown 
by Professor M. Foster, at Shelford, near Cambridge, last 

Descr. Radical fibres numerous, cylindrical, fleshy. Leaves 
in a dense basal rosette, ensiform, glabrous, furnished with 
a narrow cartilaginous border, about two feet in length, 
one to two inches broad at the middle, pale green, weak 
in texture. Scape terete, erect, hollow, two or three 
feet long, half or three-quarters of an inch in diameter. 
Raceme erect, moderately dense, two or three feet long, 
four or five inches in diameter when expanded; pedicels 
solitary, erecto-patent, an inch or an inch and a half long, 
articulated at the apex; bracts linear, membranous, much 
shorter than the pedicels. Perianth campanulate, rotate 
when fully expanded; segments oblong, bright pink, three- 
quarters of an inch long, with a distinct one-nerved reddish- 
brown keel. Filaments filiform, just as long as the perianth ; 
anthers linear-oblong, red before they open; pollen bright 
yellow. Ovary sessile, globose; style as long as the fila- 
ments, slender, deflexed. Capsule globose, smooth, the 
size of a cherry.—J. G. Baker. 

Fig. 1, Stamens and pistil ; 2, front view of an anther ; 3, back view of an anther; 

4, horizontal section of ovary :—all more or less enlarged ; 5, unripe capsule, life 


Vincent Brooks Day &Son 

es 2 AB. del INFith ith 

L Reeve & C® Lendon 

VY iB. 4 27 
GENTIANA Moorcrortiana. 

Native of the Western Himalaya. 

Genus Gentiana, Linn.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. ii. p. 815.) 

Gentian (Amarella) Moorcroftiana ; annua, caule erecto gracili a basi ramoso, 
ramis suberectis v. adscendentibus flexuosis laxe foliosis, foliis sessilibus oblongis 
lineari-oblongis ellipticisve obtusis v. subacutis enerviis, floribus solitariis v. in 
ca cymas laxifloras dispositis gracile pedicellatis, calycis tubo subeampanulato lobis 
a linearibus elongatis, corolla infundibulari coerulea, fauce nuda, lobis ovatis 
ee subacutis, capsula lanceolata pedicellata inclusa, seminibus minutis subglobosis, 
- testa levi. 
G. Moorcroftiana, Wall. Cat. 4390; Griseb. Gentian. 243, et in DC. Prodr. 
vol. ix. p. 96, excl. syn.; Clarke in Journ. Linn, Soe. vol. xiv. p. 433, 
et in Fl. Brit. Ind, vol. iv. p. 108. 

The Gentians of the Himalaya, of which there are no 
fewer than thirty-seven described species, many of them of 
extraordinary beauty, are, with scarcely an exception, 

strangers to European gardens. The only one hitherto 
‘figured in this Magazine is G. ornata (Plate 6514) ; for 
G. decumbens (Plates 705 and 723) and G. detonsa (Plate 
639), though also Himalayan, were both of them figured 
from specimens procured from other countries. A few 
hitherto unfigured are however in cultivation, thanks to 
the exertions of Mr. Elwes; and no doubt before many 
years are over a goodly number of species will adorn our 
rockworks and borders. My impression, however, 1s that 
beautiful as many of the Himalayan species are, none 
compare with those of our own alps in brilliancy of blue. 
This may be due to the fact of these all flowering during 
the rains, which deluge the Indian mountains throughout 
the summer months. ae é 
G. Mooreroftianais a near ally of the British G. campestris, 
and like it is an annual. It is confined to the extreme 
west of the Himalaya, to Kashmir, Western Tibet, and the 
immediately neighbouring provinces, where it 1s common 

- DECEMBER Ist, 1883. aN 


at elevations of 8000 to 12,000 feet. The name it bears is 
that of Mr. William Moorcroft, a veterinary surgeon in the 
service of the Honourable East India Company, one of the 
earliest and boldest of Asiatic travellers, who visited 
Kashmir, Tibet, and Bokhara in the years 1819 to 1825, 
with the view of obtaining Turkestan horses wherewith to 
improve the Company’s stud. Mr. Moorcroft was the 
first collector of Kashmir plants; and he contributed these 
to Dr. Wallich, who named and distributed them as part of 
his famous East Indian Herbarium. His end was untimely, 
falling a victim to fever in Bokhara, after enduring hard-_ 
ships and misfortunes of every description. 

The specimen here figured was raised from seeds sent by 
Robt. Ellis, Esq., from Chamba, a province close to Kashmir. 

Descr., A slender glabrous annual, four to ten inches 
high, Stem simple or branched from the root, the branches 
often again divided, flexuous, leafy. Leaves one to one 
_ and a half inch long, sessile, linear-oblong or elliptic, 
obtuse or subacute, nerveless. Flowers solitary at the ends 
of the branches, or in leafy cymes; pedicels one-sixth to 
half an inch, slender. Calyx campanulate, tube obtusely 
angled, a fourth of an inch long; lobes linear, obtuse, 
longer than the tube, equalling the corolla-tube or shorter. 
Corolla three-quarters to one and a quarter inch long, 
funnel-shaped, pale blue; throat naked and without folds ; 
lobes one-third of an inch long, ovate, subacute. Capsule 
linear, pedicelled, included. Seeds minute, subglobose, | 
testa smooth.—J. D. H. : 3 

Fig. 1, Flower cut vertically ; 2, front and back view of stamens; 3, anther ; 
4, pistil; 5, transverse section of capsule :—al/ enlarged. 

-& Son Lmp 

S Day 



Reeve &C 


Tas. 6728, 
AERIDES Eericu. 

Native of the Andaman Islands, 

Nat. Ord. OncHIDEXZ.—Tribe VanDER. 
Genus Aeripes, Lour.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. iii. p. 576.) 

Arrives Emericit ; foliis elongatis loriformibus latiusculis crasse coriaceis apice 
bifidis lobis obtusis, racemo pendulo multifloro, rachi viscosa, floribus roseis 
longe pedicellatis, perianthio subgloboso segmentis incurvis obtusissimis, 
sepalo dorsali late obovato rotundato, lateralibus majoribus late ovato-oblongis, 
petalis obovato-oblongis sepalo dorsali paullo majoribus, labello in calcar 
infundibuliforme crassum incurvum abeunte lobis lateralibus rotundatis erectis 
terminali parvulo linguzforme inter lobos laterales recondito incurvo. 

A. Emericii, Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. N. 8. vol. xviii. (1882, ii.), p. 586. 

As justly remarked by Dr. Reichenbach, Aerides Emericii 
is very closely allied to A. virens, Lindl. (Bot. Reg. 
vol. xxxvii. tab. 41), a native of Java, which differs chiefly 
in its much larger flowers, with toothed lobes to the lip, 
and in the colouring, which consists of dark purple blotches 

on the tips of the white sepals and petals, and of pale red- 
purple spots on the lip. ‘The leaves are very similar both 
in size and in the lobed tip, and they are alike too in colour. 

A. Emericii was found in the Andaman‘ Islands, on the 
east side of the Bay of Bengal, by Lieut.-Col. Emeric 
Berkeley (son of the veteran botanist and horticulturist, 
the Rev. M. J. Berkeley), by whom the specimen here 
figured was flowered in May last, and kindly communicated 
for figuring. It presents the remarkable character of a 
glutinous secretion along the rachis of the raceme, the 
object of which may possibly be to prevent ants or other 
phytophagous insects from attacking the flowers. 

Descr. Stem stout, short, six to eight inches long, leafy ; 
aerial roots very stout, one-fourth of an inch in diameter 
and under. Leaves distichous, nearly a foot long and 

under, by one to one and a half inch broad, exactly linear, 
nearly fiat, coriaceous, nerveless, keeled, pale green, tip 
DECEMBER Ist, 1883, ; 

. deeply bifid, lobes obtuse, sinus acute. Raceme axillary, 
five to six inches long, drooping, shortly peduncled; peduncle 
and rachis green, the latter viscid. Flowers very numerous, 
half an inch in diameter, ascending from the pendulous 
rachis, pale pink with darker tips to the perianth-segments, 
and purple mid-lobe of the lip; bracts minute; pedicels 
and ovary together one inch long, slender, slightly curved, 
pink. Perianth-segments short, incurved, all with rounded 
tips. Upper sepal obovate-oblong, lateral much broader, 
more ovate. Petals obovate-oblong, rather larger than the 
dorsal sepal. Lip adnate to the produced base of the 
column, funnel-shaped, thus passing into the stout obtuse 
incurved spur; lateral lobes large, erect, rounded, quite 
entire; median one very small, tongue-shaped, incurved 
and almost concealed between the lateral lobes.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Side view of column and lip; 2, front view of column; 3 and 4, pollinia 
with stalk and gland :—all enlarged. 

Day & Son imp 



Tas, 6729. 
PAPAVER Hookert. 

Native of Indian Gardens. 

Nat. Ord. Papaveracem.—Tribe EvPAPAVERACEX. 
Genus Papaver, Linn. ; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. i. p. 51.) 

Papaver Hookeri; elata, robusta, ramosa, patentim hispida, foliis lanceolatis 
ovatisve pinnatifidim lobatis lobis adscendentibus acutis, floribus amplis 
coccineis, petalis basi albis v. nigris, filamentis filiformibus, capsula subglobosa 
brevissime stipitata glaberrima, stigmatis planiusculi radiis 12~20 crenis 
marginalibus rotundatis incumbentibus. 

P. Hookeri, Baker in Hort. Kew. 

The plant here figured has puzzled me very much. I 
found it to be common in gardens in India, both native 
and European, but I know of no native locality for it. 
Supposing it to have been some well-known garden species, 
and introduced from Europe or elsewhere, no notice was 
taken of it in the “Flora Indica,’’ or in the “ Flora of 
British India.” Specimens are in the Kew Herbarium, col- 
lected in the Saharumpore Gardens by Thomson, in those 
of Scinde by Stocks, and by myself in those of Bengal. Its 
nearest ally is obviously P. heas, from which it differs in. 
its great size, for it forms a bushy herb four feet high and 
upwards, and in the great number of stigmatic rays, which 
are twelve to twenty, that is nearly double those of P. 
Rheas; the flowers, capsule, and seeds also are much 
larger, and the stigma broader in proportion. The flowers 
attain three and a half inches in diameter, and the capsule 
three-quarters of an inch. The petals vary from pale rose 
to bright crimson, with a white or black spot at the base. 

Whether to be regarded as a species, or as a large 
cultivated form of P. Rheas, this is a most valuable addi- 
tion to our gardens, being perfectly hardy, and single 
plants flowering continuously in Autumn for several weeks. 
Tt was raised from seeds sent by Mr. J. Beck, of Kashmir 
(formerly of Kew), and which were collected by Mr. 

DECEMBER Ist, 1883. 

Dalgleish during a journey from Kashmir to Yarkand, in 
Central Asia. The collection consisted largely of seeds of 
cultivated plants. 

Drscr. A branching annual herb, three to four feet 
high, covered with hispid spreading hairs. Stem as thick 
as the little finger at the base ; branches erect and ascending, 
flowering copiously. Leaves three to five inches long, 
sessile, ovate or lanceolate, irregularly pinnatifidly lobed, 
the lobes erect, coarsely toothed. Flowers long-peduncled, 
two to three and a half inches in diameter; buds before 
expansion one inch long. Petals broadly wedge-shaped, 
one pair smaller than the other, crenulate, from pale rose 
to bright crimson, with a diffused white or blue-black 
blotch at the base. Filaments filiform, about equalling the 
pistil. Capsule one-half to three-quarters of an inch in 
diameter, subglobose, very shortly stipitate, quite glabrous; 
stigma very broad, with twelve to twenty rays and rounded 
crenatures, the latter of which overlap.—J. D. H. 

Fig. 1, Capsule of the natural size. 




Vincent Brooks Day & Son imp 

MS. del, JNEiteh ith. 

LReeve & C2 London 

Tas. 6730. 

Native of Western Sumatra. 

Nat. Ord. Me~astomacez.—Tribe MEDINILLER. 

Genus Mepinitna, Gaud.; (Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. vol. i. p. 759.) 

Mepiniita Curtisii; glaberrima, caule gracili, ramulis pendulis cylindraceis 
obscure tuberculatis, foliis sessilibus ovatis ovato-oblongisve acuminatis late 
viridibus marginibus costaque rubris, nervis secundariis tenuissimis patentibus, 
cymis terminalibus trichotomis pyramidatis pendulis pedunculatis, pedunculo 
ramis patentibus divaricatis pedicellisque corallinis, bracteis parvis, floribus ad 
apices ramulorum confertis calyce subgloboso albo limbo truncato obscure 
dentato, petalis 5-6 orbiculatis concavis eburneis, filamentis subulatis, antheris 

M. Cartisii, nod. in Hort. Veitch; Gard. Chron. N. S. vol. xx. p. 621, f. 108. 

The species of Medinilla are numerous, and few have as _ 
yet been introduced into cultivation, though probably all — 
merit a place in our stoves. Upwards of fifty have been ~ 
described, including the three gorgeous species, M. speciosa 
(Plate 4321), M. magnifica (Plate 4533), and M. amabilis 
(Plate 6681), and the more modest M. javanensis (Plate — 

4569) and M. Sieboldiana (Plate 4650). From all these — 

white flowers with purple anthers. : 
WM. Ourtisii is a native of the Western Coast of Sumatra, 

where it was discovered by Mr. Curtis when travelling for | 

_ for figuring, with the request that it might bear the name — 
of its discoverer. | : 3 
-"Dusor. A shrub, branches slender, cylindric, dbscurely 
—warted, branchlets pendulous. Leaves three to three and © 
a half inches long, sessile, oblong or ovate-oblong, acum- 
nate, base rounded or subcordate, three-nerved, thinly 
- coriaceous, bright green witha scarlet midrib and margins, — 
‘secondary nerves very slender. oyt 
pendulous; peduncle two to four inches long; bracts 
minute at the bases of t 
s : ‘DECEMBER Ist, 1883. 

the present plant differs in its” graceful habit, and ivory- _ ae 

Messrs. Veitch, who in March last sent the plant to me : 

Cymes pyramidal, peduncled, a 

he divaricate branches, the lower _ 

_ of which are one to two inches long and horizontal, flowering _ 
near the tips only; pedicels a quarter of an inch and upwards, 
_ minutely bracteolate; peduncle, rachis and pedicels coral- _ 
red. Flowers white, one-half to two-thirds of an inch in — : 
diameter. Calyx white, globose, fleshy ; limb short, trun- 
_ cate, obscurely five-toothed. Petals nearly orbicular, con- 
_ aye, imbricate, ivory-white. Anthers purple.—J. D. H. 


ce Calyx ; 2 and 3, stamens; 4, vertical section of ovary :—all enlarged. 

ees ee eee a ay ee Me a) ee ees ae 
2. iS LES f nae f Sg 


- 6728 



ie. -.6678 

oe On? 


— 6698 

To Vol. XXXIX. of the Tuarrp Szrizs, or Vol. CIX. 
of the whole Work. 

Acer insigne. 

Aerides Emericii. 
Allium Macleanii. 
Aloe pratensis. 
Angrecum modestum. 
Angrecum Scottianum. 
Aster diplostephioides. 
Babiana ringens. 
Billbergia Porteana. 
Bomarea patacocensis. 
Cadia Ellisiana. 

Campanula Jacobea. 

Caraguata musaica. 
Cephelis tomentosa. 
Cereus ceespitosus. 
Clerodendron macrosiphen. 
Comparettia macroplectron. 
Crinum Hildebrandtii. 

Deedalacanthus macrophyilus. 
Dendrobium cariniferum, var. 

Dendrobium revolutum. 
Doryanthes Palmeri. 
Eranthemum borneense. 
Eremurus robustus. 
Eucharis Sanderii. 
Fraxinus Mariesii. 
Fritillaria palliditiora. 
Gentiana Moorcroftiana. 
Gerrardanthus tomentosus. — 
Glyphosperma Palmeri. 
Gypsophila cerastioides. 
Grevillea annulifera. 
Grevillea punicea, Br. 
Hamamelis virginiana, 




Hoya linearis. 

Jasminum floridum. 

Kniphofia Leichtlinii, 

Lelia monophylla. 

Leucoium hyemale. 

Licuala grandis, 

Medinilla amabilis. 

Medinilla Curtisii. 

Microglossa albescens, 

Microstylis metallica. 

Nemastylis acuta. 

Nympheea odorata, var, minor 
floribus roseis. 

Papaver Hookeri. 

Pleuropetalum costaricense. 

Pogonia Gammieana. 

Primula floribunda, 

Pseudodracontium Lacourii. 

Rhamnus libanotica. 

Rodgersia podophylla. 

Rosa alpina. _ 

Salvia boliviana. 

Sarmienta repens. 

‘Saxifraga cortusifolia. 

Saxifraga lingulata, var. 
_ cochlearis. 

Saxifraga marginata. 
Senecio concolor. 

Spiranthes euphlebia. 
Thunbergia Kirkii. 

Torenia flava. 

Tritonia Pottsii. 

Tulipa Kolpakowskyana. 
Utricularia bifida,