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Conducted and published for the Club, by 


Publication Committee. 



Boston, Mass. | Providence, R. 1. 

740 Exchange Building. Preston and Rounds Co. 




Vol. 6 January, 1904 No. бї 


Salix lucida, with its lustrous foliage and closely flowered golden- 
yellow staminate aments, is one of the handsomest and easiest 
recognized of New England willows. As it ordinarily occurs in 
eastern America the species is a large shrub, but occasionally, when 
undisturbed, it develops into a small tree twenty-five feet high, with 
trunks even six inches in diameter. Through the greater portion of 
its range the species is, for a willow, very constant in its characters ; 
but during the past few years the fact has been more than once 
impressed upon the writer that in extreme northeastern New Eng- 
land and adjacent Canada Sa/ix lucida gradually becomes notably 
different from the typical shrub, while on the western borders of 
New England occurs a beautiful shrub so unlike S. /ucida in many 
characteristics that by some who know it it has been taken for quite 
another species. Я 

True 5айх lucida has the leaves glossy and green on both surfaces, 
glabrous or glabrate, though when very young bearing some crisp 
early-deciduous colored hairs. Its mature leaves taper to very 
elongate (caudate) usually curved tips, while in general outline the 
leaf varies from lanceolate to ovate. 

The variation of Salix lucida which is characteristic of extreme 
northeastern New England and adjacent Quebec and New Brunswick 
was first detected by Messrs. Emile F. Williams and J. Franklin 
Collins in 19oo, although the plant, with its peculiarity unnoticed, 
for two years had lain in the writer's herbarium. ‘The material first 
collected by Messrs. Williams and Collins was from a fine tree at 
Fort Kent, Maine; and during the summer of 19o1 additional speci- 

- M Rhodora [JANUARY 

mens from the same source were secured by Mr. Williams, Dr. B. L. 
Robinson, and the writer. Тһе foliage of the Fort Kent tree was 
very long for S. lucida. and the under surfaces of the leaves, espe- 
cially along the veins, were pubescent with persistent rufous hairs. 
A comparison made by the writer of this material and an authentic 
sheet of Andersson's .S. /ucida, var. macrophylla led him to identify 
the Fort Kent tree with Andersson's variety from British Columbia. 
Subsequently, however, the pubescent-leaved extreme has been 
watched in northern Maine and Quebec, particularly upon the upper 
St. Francis where it abounds, and a more detailed examination 
shows that it cannot well be treated as identical with the British 
Columbian willow with which it was at first placed. 

Salix lucida, var. macrophylla, as shown in the Gray Herbarium by 
a specimen of Lyall’s from the Lower Frazer River, has the ample 
young leaves glaucous and glabrate beneath, though minutely pubes- 
cent on the midrib above, and it is apparently a phase of the extreme 
western S. Jasiandra, Benth. The northern Maine willow which was 
once referred by the writer to S. /ucida, var. macrophylla, proves 
upon further study to differ very constantly in having the leaves 
green and not glaucous beneath and permanently pubescent on the 
nerves beneath with sordid or rufescent hairs. "This plant with per- 
manent pubescence is found to vary in size from a small shrub of 
cold swamps, with mature leaves only 4 or 5 cm. long, to well devel- 
oped trees of rich alluvium, with leaves often 15 cm. in length. 
Except in the abundance and permanence of the pubescence there 
seems no other character by which to separate the northern Maine 
willow from narrow-leaved forms of glabrous or early-glabrate .S. 
lucida; but as a variety with marked geographic range it is worthy 
separation as 

SALIX LUCIDA, Muhl., var. intonsa. Shrub or small tree, rarely 
becoming 7 or 8 m. high with trunk r.3 dm. in diameter: branches 
of the first year pubescent with mostly permanent sordid or rufes- 
cent hairs: mature leaves elliptic-lanceolate, taper-pointed, 4 to 15 
cm. long, 1 to 3.5 cm. broad, permanently pubescent, especially on 
the veins beneath.— S. Zucida, var. macrophylla, Fernald, according 
to Williams, Кнорова, iii. 277, not Andersson.— By streams and 
in swamps, St. John River and tributaries, Maine, Quebec, and New 
Brunswick; Mattawamkeag River, Maine; and Restigouche River, 
New Brunswick, ‘The following herbarium specimens have been 


1904] Fernald,— Allies of Salix lucida 3 

examined. Maine, Beau Lac, St. Francis River, August 14, 1902 
(W. W. Eggleston & М. L. Fernald); Fort Kent, July 22, 1900 (7. 
F. Collins & E. F. Williams), August 11, 1901 (B. L. Robinson, E: 
F. Wilhams & M. L. Fernald); Island Falls, July 9, то, 1898 (AZ. 
Z. Fernald, nos. 2452, 2453); New Brunswick, Toms Island, 
Restigouche River, July зо, 1896 (G. U. Hay). 

The other willow of New England, which, by some who have 
known it either in the field or the herbarium, has been reluctantly 
placed with Sa/ix /ucida, is a remarkable shrub with a varied history. 
The attention of. New England botanists was directed to it in 1899, 
when Mr. Ralph Hoffmann reported from “а peat-bog in Stock- 
bridge, Mass., a handsome: willow, growing as a shrub fifteen feet or 
less in height” ; with the additional notes that “the persistence, or 
late ripening of the fruit is particularly characteristic; a branch col- 
lected September 24, still retains its half opened capsules. The 
willow grows plentifully in beds of sphagnum, in company with 
Betula pumila L. and Sarracenia purpurea L. Mr. C. E. Faxon, who 
has kindly examined a branch, pronounces it Salix amygdaloides, 
Anders.,"! a species then unrecorded east of central New York. 

On June 1, 1900, Mr. Hoffmann collected from the Stockbridge 
bog material in pistillate flower which has been deposited in the 
herbarium of the New England Botanical Club; and on May 31, 
1902, in a deep larch-swamp among the ‘Taconic Mountains, at 
Salisbury, Connecticut, scarcely twenty-five miles from the Stock- 
bridge bog this handsome willow, in staminate flower, greatly per- 
plexed Messrs. C. H. Bissell, J. R. Churchill, and the writer. In 
the Salisbury swamp, as at Stockbridge, the willow was associated 
with Betula pumila, while Salix candida, Carex Schweinitsii, C. teta- 
nica, C. teretiuscula, var. ramosa, and other characteristic plants of 
the Taconic region were in this or adjacent swamps. At the time of 
collection the Salisbury shrub was not identified with the Stock- 
bridge willow which had been taken for Salix amygda/oides ; for, as 
the Salisbury shrub had the leaves lustrous-green above with gland- 
tipped petioles, and short-oblong staminate aments, it was tempo- 
rarily placed with S. /ucida. Unlike that species, however, which 
was in the neighborhood, the Salisbury willow had the leaves very 
pale or even whitened beneath, the character ordinarily relied upon 

RHODORA, i. 229. 

4 Rhodora [JANUARY 

to distinguish from the eastern S. /ucida the extreme western S. /asz- 
andra. Accordingly, in his recent account of the Salisbury excur- 
sion Mr. Bissell has suggested! the possibility that further observa- 
tion may show the presence of S. /asandra in eastern America. 

In attempting to settle this problem Mr. Bissell has brought to the 
writer excellent fruited specimens of the Salisbury willow, which now 
proves to be quite the same as Mr. Hoffmann's Stockbridge shrub; 
while an examination of the Gray Herbarium shows the plant to 
extend southwestward to the mountains of northern New Jersey, and 
to reappear on Lakes Superior and Michigan; and some fragments 
from the Bebb Herbarium, generously furnished by Dr. C. F. Mills- 
paugh of the Field Columbian Museum, show it to be also in western 
New York, northern Ohio and northern Minnesota. The suite of 
specimens now before him have encouraged the writer to make a 
detailed comparison of the shrub with the three species to which it 
has been variously referred, айх amygdaloides, S. lucida and S. 
lasiandra, and from them all it proves to be abundantly distinct. 

Aside from its firm thick elliptic-lanceolate finely crenulate-serrate 
leaves which in maturity are pale or whitened beneath and on gland- 
tipped petioles, the shrub is characterized in early summer by short- 
oblong dense staminate aments (т to 1.5 cm. long, т to r.2 cm. 
thick), the short peduncle, rachis, and short obovate pale straw 
colored entire scales, softly pubescent with white hairs; the pistil- 
late aments rather loosely flowered, in anthesis r.5 to 2.5 cm. long, 
with white-pilose oblong entire bluntish scales. But the most strik- 
ing condition of the plant is in late September and October when 
the fruit is mature. Then, when the firm discolorous leaves are 
` about to fall, the matured pistillate aments are 2 to 3.5 cm. long, 2 
to 2.5 cm. thick. The spreading capsules are olive or bronze-tinged 
(rarely pale), thick-walled, conic-subulate in outline, 7 to 12 mm. 
long, and on thickish pedicels which are only twice as long as the 
tongue-shaped gland. 

From all three species, Sa/ix amygdaloides, S. lucida, and S. lasi- 
andra, with which isolated specimens of this autumn-fruiting willow 
have been sometimes associated, it is quickly separated by three 
significant characters: its very late fruiting, the fruiting material at 
hand having been collected at dates from September 8 to October 9, 
while the fruited specimens in the Gray Herbarium of S. amygda- 

! RHODORA, V. 34. 

1904] Fernald,— Allies of Salix lucida 5 

oides were collected from May 23 to June 26, of S. /ucida, May 27 to 
June 25, of S. /asiandra, June 15 to July 7; its thick-walled, conic- 
subulate capsules which in maturity are 7 to 12 mm. long, the 
thinner-walled capsules of S. amygdaloides being conic-ovoid, 4 to 5 
mm. long of S. Zucida and of S. /asiandra narrowly conic-ovoid, 4-5 
to 6.5 mm. long; and the thickish pedicels which are about twice as 
long as the gland, while in S. /asiandra the more slender pedicel is 
three times as long as the gland, in S. amygdaloides and S. lucida 
often four or five times as long. 

From Salix amygdaloides the late-fruiting willow is further distin- 
guished by its short thick aments and by the gland-tipped petioles ; 
from S. /ucida, as already stated, by its elliptic-lanceolate leaves which 
are acute or short-acuminate but rarely caudate-attenuate at tip, and 
pale or sometimes whitened beneath. In leaf-outline it is not unlike 
some forms of the western S. /asiandra, but in view of the three 
important distinctions already pointed out, the eastern shrub is hardly 
to be identified with that Cascade Mountain tree. 

The only willow which in its conic-subulate capsule and gland- 
tipped petioles approaches the shrub is the European .SaZix pentandra, 
a tree which is occasionally cultivated but rarely established about 
towns from New England to Ohio. "That tree, however, has oblong 
or ovate-oblong leaves, green on both surfaces, the flower-scales gla- 
brous or at first pubescent at base with stiff straightish hairs ; and the 
slightly shorter mature capsules, at least in the American form, 
subcordate instead of narrowed at base. Furthermore, as .S. pentan- 
dra occurs in New England it matures and loses its fruit in mid- 

A search through local floras of the regions from which this shrub 
of our inland sphagnous swamps is known, reveals several interesting 
.notes, all emphasizing its leading characteristic — the late flowering 
and fruiting. "Thus, in Dudley’s Cayuga Flora we find: “S. lucida, 
Muhl., var. with beautiful shining, coriaceous, very finely ser- 
rate leaves, larger, light-brown pods, and flowers and fruits very much 
later than in the type, occurs in the Round-Marshes. I have also 
collected it in Bergen. Swamp, N.Y., from which place Mr. Bebb has 
received it, as well as sparingly from N. J., Ohio, and Mich. Flowers 
from June 10-30 and matures fruits slowly, the writer obtaining pods 
still in excellent condition, Sept. 9, 1880." ! [In the same district 

! Dudley, Cayuga Flora (1886) 87. 

6 Rhodora [JANUARY 

Prof. Dudley found S. Zucida flowering “ May 20-30.”] In the Report 
on Botanical Work in Minnesota for the year 1886, the shrub, though 
meagrely described, was treated with more assurance as “ Salix 
lucida Muhl., var. serissima Bailey (л. var.). Differs from the 
species in fruiting very late. It occurrs at Lansing, Mich., where its 
fruit matures in September, assuming a bright red color in the sun. 
It is one of the most ornamental of the willows. B 357, Mud river; 
in fruit.”! Two years later, Dr. N. L. Britton, noting from northern 
New Jersey stations for supposed S. Zucida, said: “In Sussex county 
this willow holds its fertile catkins until late in September."? And, 
again in 1896, in the account of Plants of Monroe County, New York, 
and adjacent Territory, Misses Beckwith and Macauley recorded * S. 
lucida, Muhl, var. ? In Bergen Swamp. Flowers June 
10-30; fruit last of Aug. to Sept.” 3 

That the observations of Messrs. Hoffmann, Bissell, and others in 
western New England are borne out by these records is very obvious. 
Furthermore, examination of material of Prof. Dudley's Cayuga 
shrub and of the original numbered plant from Minnesota and the 
Lansing (Michigan) material of Bailey's Salix lucida, var. serissima 
shows that those plants are quite like the shrub of the Berkshire and 
Taconic swamps; while one of the specimens first identified with the 
material from western New England was a finely fruited branch from 

a swamp in Sussex county, New Jersey. 

The late-flowering and fruiting shrub with long thick-walled cap- 
sules appears, then, as specially emphasized in the comparisons on a 
preceding page, to be quite distinct from other willows of the Zez- 
tandrae; and the name first applied to it when Prof. Bailey considered 
it a variety of S. Zucida recognizes its most obvious characteristic. 
Its characters and known history may be briefly summarized as 

SaLix serissima. Shrub, sometimes 4 m. high; the branches 
covered with olive-brown lustrous bark, branchlets brown or yellow- 
tinged, glabrous, lustrous: leaves elliptic-lanceolate, or on young 
shoots sometimes oblong-lanceolate, acute or short-acuminate, in 
maturity dark shining green above with a broad whitish midrib, pale 
or whitened beneath, thick and firm, 4 to 8 (on sterile young shoots 

1 Bailey in Arthur, Geol. & Nat. Hist. Surv. Minn., Bull. no. 3 (1887) 19. 
2 Britton, Cat. Pl. N. J. (1889) 226. 
Beckwith & Macauley, Proc. Rochester Acad. Sci. iii. (1896) 103. 

1904] Fernald,— Allies of Salix lucida | 7 

even 10 or 11) cm. long, 1 to 3.5 cm. broad, closely and finely gland- 
ular-serrulate; the slender lustrous petioles tipped by 1 to 3 pairs of 
glands: winter buds lance-oblong, 5 to 7 mm. long, olive-brown or 
castaneous, lustrous: aments on short white-pilose peduncles, termi- 
nating short leafy branches: the staminate ament short-oblong, 1 to 
1.5 cm. long, 1 to 1.2 cm. thick, the rachis white-pilose ; scales short- 
obovate, entire, pale straw-color, white-pilose ; filaments loosely hairy 
at base: pistillate aments loosely flowered, in anthesis narrowly 
oblong, 1.5 to 2.5 cm. long, with white-pilose oblong entire bluntish 
scales; style evident; stigmas 2, thick, 2-lobed; mature ament 2 to 
3.5 cm. long, 2 to 2.5 cm. thick, the spreading-ascending mostly olive 
or brown-tinged thick-walled lustrous conic-subulate capsules 7 to 12 
mm. long, their thickish pedicels 1 to 2 mm. long, twice exceeding 
the oblong-ingulate gland.—.S. Zweida, var., Dudley, Cayuga Fl. 
(1886) 87. S. /ucida, var. serissima, Bailey in Arthur, Geol. & Nat. 
Hist. Surv. Minn., Bull. no. з (1887) 19. S. Zucida, in part, Britton, 
Cat. РІ. N. J. (1889) 226. S. Zucida, var.?, Beckwith & Macauley, 
Proc. Rochester Acad. Sci. iii. (1896) 103. S. amygdaloides, С. К. 
Faxon according to R. Hoffmann, RHODORA, i (1899) 229, not 
Andersson. 5, s^. С. H. Bissell, RHODORA, v. (1903) 33.— In 
deep sphagnous bogs or larch-swamps, from the Housatonic Valley, 
Massachusetts, to the north shore of Lake superior, south to Morris 
Co., New Jersey, western New York, northern Ohio, Michigan, Wis- 
consin and Minnesota, flowering from late May to late June or early 
July, the fruit mature from late August to October. MASSACHUSETTS, 
peat-bog, Stockbridge, September 24, 1899, June 1, 1900 (Ralph 
Hoffmann) : CONNECTICUT, larch-swamps, border of Twin Lakes, 
salisbury, October 9, 1901 (C. ZZ. Bissell, no. 5511), May 31, 1902 
(C. H. Bissell & J. R. Churchill), near State Line, Salisbury, May 31, 
1902 (C. M. Bissell, J. №. Churchill, & М. L. fernald), Sept. 22, 
1903 (C. H. Bissell): New Jersey, margin of pond near Sparta, 
Sussex Co., September, 1867 (С: F Austin); Budd’s Lake, Morris 
Co., August 6, 1869 (7: C. Porter — Vield Columbian Museum, no. 
2804): New Үокк, Round-Marshes, McLean (W. R. Dudley — 
Field Col. Mus., no. 5904); Buffalo (G. W. Clinton — Field Col. 
Mus., nos. 4370, 4372): Onto, Painesville, Lake Co., 71 (ZZ. C. 
Beardslee — Field Col. Mus., no. 7106); Ashland Co., July тт, 1899 
(Selby & Boyd, no. 1488 — Field Col. Mus., no. 103208): ONTARIO, 
Pic River, Lake Superior (Zoring): MICHIGAN, Flint, 1871 (D. 
Clarke — Field Col. Mus., nos. 2426, 2427); Lansing (Z. 27. Bailey 
— Field Col. Mus., no. 6401) ; Jackson, Sept. 8, 1893 (.S. ZZ. & D. №. 
Camp — Field Col. Mus. no. 2709): Wisconsin, Milwaukee (old 
specimen, presumably from Lapham, in Gray Herb.): MINNESOTA, 
Mud River, Vermillion Lake, July 28, 1886 (Arthur, Bailey, & 
Holway, no. B 357 — Field Col. Mus., no. 6390). 

The stations from which we know .SaZx serissima suggest that it 

8 А Rhodora [JANUARY 

should be looked for at other points in New England and New York, 
Its occurrence with Betula pumila, Salix candida, Carex Schweinitzii, 
and other characteristic swamp plants of the Berkshire and Taconic 
Mountain region, indicates that it may be sought with some confidence 
in Bennington County, Vermont, and with real assurance in Dutchess 
and Columbia Counties, New York. In fact, the junction of these 
two counties of New York with Litchfield County, Connecticut, is at 
the base of Mount Riga, just north of the'State Line swamp where 
Salix serissuma was first studied by the writer. Larch swamps to all 
appearances the same extend westward from northern Litchfield 
County nearly to the Hudson Valley, and are characterized ' by Betula 
pumila, Salix candida, Valeriana sylvatica, Viburnum Opulus, Cypri- 
pedium spectabile, Carex Schweinitsii, C. tetanica, C. teretiuscula, var. 
ramosa, etc., all of which with the exception of Valeriana (abundant 
only three miles west of Salisbury) are among the typical plants of 
the Stockbridge or the Salisbury marshes; while many of them occur 
with Sa/ix serissima in the swamps of northern New Jersey, in the 
famous Bergen Swamp of Genesee County, New York, or in the 
marshes near Cayuga Lake. It will then, be indeed surprising if 
an exploration of similar tracts fails to reveal in eastern New York, 
as in western Massachusetts, northwestern Connecticut, northern 
New Jersey, and northwestern New York, Salix serissima as а com- 
panion of these notable species. Phe 

(Plate 50.) 

A MosT noteworthy instance of the segregation of an old species 
is to be found in the recent treatment of the common blue violet. 
The polymorphous group of plants included in the last edition of the 
Gray Manual under Viola palmata and its var. cucullata, it is now 
proposed to divide up into at least thirty species. 

'This radical treatment of a common and familiar plant, though not 

! See L. H. Hoysradt, Bull. Torr. Cl. VI. appendix. 

1904] Brainerd,— Notes on New England Violets 9 

without precedent, naturally challenges our attention and criticism. 
Even an amateur student of botany may be tempted to scrutinize the 
facts that appear in his limited field of observation. That the reader 
may understand upon what data the present article is based, the 
writer may perhaps be pardoned for saying, that for the past two 
seasons his botanical field work from May to October has been 
almost entirely devoted to this genus, that he has collected and 
examined some two or three thousand plants from over two hundred 
stations in Western Vermont and Western Massachusetts, and that 
much of his material has been examined and discussed by expert 
students of the genus. His purpose is to put on record certain facts 
of observation that may prove of interest, and to give the results of 
his study as to specific limitations. 

I desire to express herewith my grateful appreciation of the cour- 
tesies and assistance that I have received in the course of my studies 
from Mr. C. L. Pollard of the National Museum, from Prof. Greene 
of the Catholic University, and from Dr. Robinson of the Gray Her- 
barium. I am also under great obligation to numerous friends for 
the use of valuable material from many localities. 

Itis only in recent years that students of our violets have paid 
attention to the development of the plant during the summer months. 
In the Synoptical Flora (1895) the specific characters are taken 
almost exclusively from the plants as they appear when flowering in 
Spring, though the existence of later cleistogamous flowers, *abun- 
dant and short peduncled," is stated. Even Mr. Pollard, who has 
distinctly urged the importance of studying the mature plant, is, in 
his treatment of Viola in the recent Manuals of Dr. Britton and of 
Dr. Small, quite vague in his account of the apetalous flowers and 
their mature capsules. Yet right here are to be found the most 
marked and constant characters on which to divide the acaulescent 
blue violets into species. These plants are best understood, as are 
the Cruciferae and Umbelliferae, when zn fruit. 

This is indeed what might have been expected from certain well 
known biological laws. In the evolution of species the most marked 
differences are found to appear when the individual has reached the 
climax of its life-history. The young of allied species are more 
alike than the adults. An herbaceous plant in its vernal state, even 
though in flower, has often less pronounced characters than when in 
summer or autumn it has attained its full size and produced its seed. 
“ By their fruits ye shall know them.” 

10 Rhodora À [JANUARY 

It may be well here to rehearse briefly the methods of reproductive 
economy that prevail in those species of Viola that have neither 
stems nor stolons. The petaliferous flowers that appear in May 
have a special mechanism that ensures cross-fertilization. They are 
believed to be sterile unless visited by insects with pollen from 
another flower. Their infertility has been often observed, especially 
in foreign gardens, from which doubtless the requisite insects were 
absent. But in the wild I have, during the past season, found these 
capsules to be usually fertile. It takes three or four weeks from the 
time of flowering for the capsule to ripen its seeds. It then splits 
into three boat-shaped valves with very thick rigid keels. As the 
thin sides of the valve dry and contract, the seeds within are more 
and more pinched, until they fly out, one or two at a time, to a dis- 
tance of several feet. (See RHODORA, iv. 183 & 230.) 

Soon after petaliferous flowering, the plant begins to produce from 
the crown of the rootstock minute, apetalous, self-fertilized flowers on 
peduncles that are short and horizontal, or long and ascending, 
according, for the most part, as the plant grows in a dry or in a wet 
situation. But in all cases as the capsule ripens, the peduncle 
lengthens; and the effort of the plant is to lift the capsule into the 
air, and to raise it from a nodding to an erect position, after which 
it opens and scatters its seeds, as did the earlier capsules. When 
thickly covered with dead leaves the blanched peduncles are often 
six or more inches in length, and may never succeed in getting the 
ripe capsules up into the air. But I certainly have never discovered 
in the *cleistogenes " any *tendency to bury themselves deep in the 
ground instead of remaining close to the surface," such as Mr. 
Pollard attributes to V. domestica, Bicknell. (Bot. Gaz. xxvi, 337.) 
The mature capsules of all species are normally “aerial” and not 
* hypogaeous." 

А vigorous plant under favorable circumstances, especially in the 
open, will continue to bear fruit from cleistogamous flowers from July 
till the last of October. The cool wet weather of last August was 
specially favorable for all species of violets, and they bore abundant 
fruit in the autumn. The capsules of the apetalous flowers usually 
differ somewhat in appearance from those of the petaliferous flowers. 
They have this advantage for purposes of study that they may be had 
at almost any time during a period of three or four months. It is 
upon differences that are found in the apetalous flowers and their 

1904] Brainerd,— Notes on New England Violets II 

capsules — differences in shape, size, color, in form of sepals and of 
auricles — that I believe specific distinctions in the acaulescent 
violets can be most satisfactorily based. "These characters prove to 
be fairly constant; they seem to have no “biological importance,” 
and so are not subject to “adaptive changes,” and have, therefore (to 
use Dr. Gray's terms once more), “high classificatory value.” 

That the importance of these characters has hitherto escaped atten- 
tion seems strange; but it may be accounted for by two facts. First, 
the plants are most attractive when in vernal flowering; if fruit and 
mature leaves are wanted, most collectors have been satisfied to collect 
the plants a month later, before they are injured by the drought and 
insects of summer but before the apetalous capsules are mature. 
Secondly, the capsules of the apetalous flowers, even when but half- 
grown, split open on drying, and the sepals shrivel, so that their 
characters in ordinary herbarium specimens are greatly obscured. 

I present herewith a synopsis of the New England species of 
acaulescent, non-stoloniferous violets, with the omission of Viola 
pedata, which, since it has beardless petals and a peculiar style, Dr. 
Gray has placed in a group by itself. 

A. Apetalous flowers subulate; their mature capsules bright green, oblong, 
acute, 5-15 mm. long; sepals on mature capsules lanceolate, nearly as 
long as the capsules; with straight auricles 2-5 mm. long. (Pl. so, 
fig. 1.) 

I. V.cucuLLATA, Ait. Plant usually glabrous; leaves broadly 
cordate-ovate; petaliferous flowers blue varying to white, often 
with a darker blue center; peduncles longer than the leaves ; — 
springs, cold brooks and bogs, and moist soil of mountains. 

B. Apetalous flowers ovoid-acuminate; their mature capsules purple, sub- 
globose, mostly obtuse, 4-8 mm. long; sepals on mature capsules one 
half as long as the capsules, with short appressed glabrous auricles. 
(PE зо; ШО 2) 

2. V.VENUSTULA, Greene. Plants small, glabrous throughout; 
leaves ovate-acuminate, 2-5 cm. wide; petals blue; peduncles 
about as. long as the leaves; — moist, mucky borders of streams, 
marshes and lakes. 

C. Apetalous flowers ovoid-acuminate ; their mature capsules pale green, 
or more or less speckled with purple, oblong, acute or acutish, 8-15 mm. 
long; sepals one quarter to one third as long as the capsule, with short 
appressed commonly hispidulous auricles. (Pl. 50, fig. 3 & 4.) 

* Leaves never lobed, broadly ovate or reniform, 4—12 cm. wide. 
t Plants essentially glabrous; petals violet. 
3. V. LATIUSCULA, Greene.  Leaf-outline above the cordate 
base approximately deltoid, earliest leaves purplish on the under 
surface, petioles puberulent or slightly pubescent; —dry copses 
in sandy or sterile soil. 

12 Rhodora [JANUARY 

4- V. PAPILIONACEA, Pursh. — Leaf-outline above the cordate 
base broadly orbicular, earliest leaves green on the under sur- 
face, petioles usually glabrous; — rich moist soil, often in yards 
and cultivated ground. 

t t Plants more or less villous-pubescent; petals light blue or 

5. V. ѕоковіл, Willd. Moist rich woodlands, shady ledges, 
meadows and pastures. 

* * Some or all of the leaves palmately divided or lobed. 
t Plants more or less villous-pubescent ; petals light blue. 
б. У. PALMATA, L. Dry open woods and ledges. 
+ + Plants nearly or quite glabrous; petals bright blne. 
7. V.SEPTEMLOBA, LeConte. Sandy soil near the coast. 

D. Apetalous flowers sagittate on horizontal or deflexed peduncles ; their 
mature capsules purple, subglobose, 4-6 mm. long; sepals somewhat 
obtuse and ciliolate, with long divergent auricles. (Pl. so, fig. 5.) 

V. SEPTENTRIONALIS, Greene. Plants pubescent or sub- 
glabrous; earliest leaves purplish on the lower surface; mature 
leaves ciliate, broadly ovate, 3-7 cm. wide; petioles slender, 
wiry, often purple at base; petals violet, with sepals closely 
ciliolate nearly to the tip ; — dry or moist copses. 

E. Apetalous flowers sagittate on erect peduncles; their mature capsules 
green, ovoid or oblong, 6-14 mm. long; sepals lanceolate with long his- 
pidulous auricles. (Pl. 50, fig. 6.) 

* Leaves pubescent, ovate-oblong, petioles usually shorter than the 
blades; petals violet-purple. 

9. V. FIMBRIATULA, J. E. Smith. Dry soil. 

* * Leaves nearly glabrous, lanceolate, basal lobes spreading toothed or 
incised, petioles usually longer than the blades; petals deep violet. 

IO. V. SAGITTATA, Ait. Wet meadows and marshes. 

I subjoin a few comments on each of these ten species. 

1. Viola cucullata, Ait., is beautifully distinct. Prof. Greene was 
the first to call attention to its distinctness in Dec. 1896.  (Pittonia, 
iii. 143 & 336.) There is, however, still some uncertainty as to 
whether this was the plant that Aiton had before him when he gave 
the name in 1789. Prof. Greene now regards the group as separ- 
able into about ten species, and names much of the Vermont material 
V. prionosepala. 

The specific name —cucu//afa—is not especially appropriate 
except to plants that grow in open bogs; those that grow in the 
shade have leaves as widely spread as those of any other species. 
All violet leaves are involute in the bud. When expanding they 
have the shape of a monk’s hood, the basal lobes being rolled in 
so as to touch each other; and when full grown, if evaporation is 
excessive, they all tend to revert to this natal condition. If a violet 
specimen is not soon put in press after it is collected, the basal lobes 

1904] Brainerd,— Notes on New England Violets 13 

will roll inward, and even the mature leaves will appear cucullate 
when dried. In the field I believe this character is of doubtful 
value; in the dried specimen it is often misleading. 

Viola cucullata, more than any of its allies, affects a cold situation. 
It thrives near perennial springs and along cold brooks. [It is the 
common violet of mountain regions, where it is often found on wood- 
roads and along highways. 

This species is omitted from Dr. Small's recently published Flora 
of the Southern States. But there is in the Gray Herbarium a speci- 
men of it, collected in the mountains of North Carolina by Rugel, 
October 1841. It has petaliferous flowers that differ from those of 
spring in having sepals with long auricles, such as regularly appear 
in the apetalous flowers. For this reason Shuttleworth considered 
Rugel’s plant a distinct species. But numerous specimens from 
several localities in Western Vermont show that Viola cucullata not 
infrequently has petaliferous flowers in autumn, and that these as a 
rule have long-auricled sepals. A period of mild, springlike weather 
in autumn often causes the appearance of vernal flowers. It is as 
though under this impulse the life-forces of the violet got confused, 
and mixed the characters of its two kinds of flowers. The 
V. macrotis and the V. leptosepala of Greene also remind one of this 
“long-eared " form, which might occasionally occur in spring as well 
as in autumn. 

2. V. venustula, Greene, is notably the smallest plant of the 
group. The type is from the vicinity of Ottawa, Ont., but the species 
is of frequent occurrence at low elevations in the Champlain Valley. 
Probably when understood the species will be found to have a much 
wider distribution.! 

Under division “ C? we have a natural group of five species or 
subspecies, in which the details of flower and fruit are much alike. 
They are separable from one another chiefly by features that 
appear in the foliage — pubescence and lobation — characters which 
are obvious enough when fully developed, but inconstant and inter- 
grading. In the most pronounced form of V. palmata the leaf is 
5-7-parted ; but plants with 3-s-lobed leaves (var. dilatata, Ell.) 
are perhaps more common ; and growing with these are plants with 

‘I have recently seen specimens collected by Messrs. Bissell and Andrews at 
Lakeville in the northwest comer of Connecticut, and specimens from Willoughby 
Mt. collected by Mr. Eggleston. E 

14 Rhodora [JANUARY 

one or more entire leaves, and still other plants with all the leaves 
entire. It is extremely difficult to make out how these last differ from 
V. sororia. The situation is quite the same when we consider the 
character of pubescence. We find specimens of V. sororia with 
dense, almost matted, pubescence on the petioles, others with sparse 
spreading pubescence, others with mere traces of pubescence just 
below the blade, and this on only one or two leaves, and finally 
other plants quite glabrous. Somewhere in this shifting series we 
pass from V. sororia to V. papilionacea. In several other species 
of Viola we find pubescence just as variable a character. V. blanda 
is sometimes quite pubescent, but often nearly or wholly glabrous ; 
so is V. rotundifolia; so is V. renifolia. Under these circumstances 
it would seem that in the genus Viola, whatever may be the case else- 
where, pubescence, unless correlated with other characters, is not a 
satisfactory basis on which to found a species. Possibly these cor- 
related characters may yet appear. Meanwhile, as I am loth to 
make new names or new combinations, I provisionally speak of 
these five forms under division “С” as species. 

3. V. latiuscula, Greene (Pittonia, v. 93, Nov. 1902), was 
founded upon specimens from Twin Mts., West Rutland, Vermont. 
'The plant proves to be of frequent occurrence in dry sterile soil in 
western New England and adjacent New York. It was collected 
by the writer in May, 1899, on the dry open sand-plains near Fort 
Ethan Allen, Essex, Vermont. Оп revisiting the station for mature 
leaves and fruit in June, 1903, after over fifty days of rainless 
weather, I found that the plant had completely disappeared. But on 
a third visit, September 11, after a rainy August, large plants in abun- 
dance bearing copious fruit were to be had. The plant had become 
as completely dormant during the summer drought as during the 
winter cold. Further facts tend to show that certain species of 
stemless violet are capable of leading a double existence, passing, 
with intervals of rest between, through a vernal and an autumnal 
stage that differ from each other in foliage, flower and fruit, — thus 
posing as a sort of Jekyll and Hyde among plants.! 

! Viola rotundifolia, Michx. well illustrates this; there is a marked contrast 
between the April plant with its small leaves and yellow flowers, and the August 
plant with its large leaves and chocolate cleistogamous flowers on branching 
peduncles (really, disguised stolons). Pursh described the latter form as a distinct 
species, V. clandestina; though he opined its connection with Michaux's species. 
But for this opinion he was taken to task by Schweinitz, who stoutly asserts that 

V. rotundifolia “can have no affinity whatever” with V. clandestina ! (Am. Jour. 
Sci. v. 63.) 

1904] Brainerd,— Notes on New England Violets 15 

4. V. papilionacea, Pursh, is the name taken up in recent years by 
Messrs. Greene and Pollard for the common purple-flowered violet 
of meadows and orchards, including the form found frequently in 
door-yards and borders of streets ( V. domestica, Bicknell). In New 
England the species is more frequently seen within fifty miles of 
the coast than farther inland. In habitat and general aspect it 
seems quite distinct from its near ally, V. /atiuscu/a. But when one 
attempts to state the difference, as in the above synopsis, the marks 
of distinctness are found to be elusive,— if not illusory. 

s.  F. sororia, Willd. The colored plate that accompanies the 
original publication of this species represents the petioles as erect 
and edged with sparse spreading hairs. ‘This is a peculiarity of the 
plants to which we apply the name, and there can be no reasonable 
doubt as to its applicability. Dr. Britton so understands the species 
in the Illustrated Flora (ii. 448). It is the commonest of all violets 
in the Champlain Valley and occurs in various situations. In wet 
mucky woodlands its leaves are not infrequently до cm. high and 15 
cm. wide; in the hollows of open pastures and on sparsely wooded 
hillsides its leaves are usually but 7-10 cm. high and 5-7 cm. wide. 
In the latter situation it fruits in autumn far more abundantly than 
in the former. 

I have included under V. sororia, several of Prof. Greene's spe- 
cies, especially his V. cuspidata, V. Dicksonii, and V. nodosa,— con- 
fessing my inability to make out any other than trifling or local 
differences between them. In Pittonia (v. 103) Prof. Greene has 
called attention to a singular feature that he has observed in V. 
Dicksonii: — the occurrence of underground fruit *converted into 
what appears to be a berry. It is evidently globose (as large as an 
ordinary wild gooseberry, or middle-sized pea), absolutely indehis- 
cent, the pressed and dried pericarp being unbroken, translucent 
and showing the seeds that lie: within, just as, in the herbarium, the 
seeds of many a berry-like fruit are seen through their fleshy cover- 
ing in its dried state.” This is but a malformation of the capsule 
due to the sting of a gall-fly. A dissection of the “ baccate fruit" in 
August shows the presence of the scarlet larvae of a species of this 
sort of insect. We find that at least four other species of Viola — 
У. palmata, V. venustula, V. cucullata and V. septentrionalis — are 
attacked in the same way, though with less frequency. 

6. V. palmata, L., has been found in Vermont in only a few 

16 Rhodora [JANUARY 

stations from the middle of the State south along the western bor- 
der, and only in the form bearing leaves with 3—5 shallow lobes. 
The form with deeply divided leaves I have collected as far north as 
Great Barrington, Mass. 

7. V. septemloba, Le Conte, is in New England confined to 
the costal regions. I include under this name V. Brittoniana, 
Pollard, which I cannot regard as specifically distinct from the 
plant of Le Conte. 

8. V. septentrionalis, Greene (Pitt. iii. 334). This admirable 
species was founded upon specimens collected by J. M. Macoun 
near Ottawa, Ont., in May and June, 1898. Several sheets of this 
collection are in the Gray Herbarium. Prof. Greene has recently 
made several other species, from different localities, out of what 
seems to be essentially the same thing as the Ottawa plant. V. 
septentrionalis he now regards as a local species, and calls the plants 
sent from Vermont, V. subviscosa. Believing as I do in their 
specific identity I am obliged to use Prof. Greene's oldest name, — 
a name, by the way, as felicitous for this northern species, as the 
other name is infelicitous, the plant being never in the least viscous. 

At the time of vernal flowering the species might be confused with 
V. sororia, both having cordate-ovate pubescent leaves ; but one soon 
learns to distinguish it by the rich violet of the petals and the purple 
coloring on the lower surface of its earliest leaves. These marks, 
indeed, after a few months fade out in herbarium specimens. But 
here I find a fairly reliable mark in the fine ciliation of the sepals 
extending nearly or quite to the tip. In V. sororia the sepals are 
obscurely ciliate and that chiefly at the base. When, however, one 
examines V. septentrionalis in late summer, it is seen to be more 
closely related to V. fimbriatula than to any other species. This 
resemblance is seen in the pubescence, in the color of the petals, in 
the form of the apetalous flowers and fruit, and in the ciliation and 
long auricles of the sepals. Nevertheless there are obvious and radi- 
cal points of difference between the two species, and no one would 
think of merging them into one. 

The species is a common one in the northern New England 
States. Mr. Eggleston has collected it on the cold cliffs of Smug- 
glers’ Notch. І have seen it from numerous stations in Maine and 
New Hampshire. Mr. Bissell has it from at least two stations in 
Connecticut. І have collected it in Lanesboro, Mass. In western 

1904] Brainerd,— Notes on New England Violets 17 

Vermont it is frequently found in partial shade on gravelly hillsides. 
It especially affects the company of young conifers, and thrives in 
the open groves of arbor-vitae that abound on the rocky shores of 
Lake Champlain. 

9. V. fimbriatula, J. E. Smith, has been separated of late years by 
general consent from V. sagittata, and is too well known to call for 
special comment. 

10. V. sagittata, Ait., has not been found in Vermont or in the 
Berkshire Hills. In New England it seems to be for the most part 
restricted to the neighborhood of the coast. 

Some may query whether these closely allied species are ever 
found to hybridize under natural conditions. It often happens that 
colonies of two species are growing intermixed, and it would not be 
strange if occasionally a crossing should be effected in the petalifer- 
ous flowers through the agency of insects. I am aware that evidence 
of such crossing should be weighed with great caution and verified in 
all possible ways; but an important phase of this report would be 
omitted if I failed to state that in three instances I have found plants 
that had every appearance of being hybrids. Опе of these that I 
have watched for two seasons, is in flower, fruit and foliage a 
striking intermediate between V. /mériatula and V. sororia; the 
second is an intermediate between Ё. cucullata and V. venustula ; 
and the third, an intermediate between V. septentrionalis and V. 
venustula. In all instances the supposed parents were near at hand 
and numerous. Mr. Pollard, who has seen flowering specimens of 
the first mentioned hybrid, was inclined to regard it rather as a new 
species; and so it may be — possibly. But I fancy that more than 
one of the many new species recently proposed, based on plants 
from a single station, seen only in petaliferous flower, may prove on 
more extended observation to be hybrids. This interbreeding may, 
indeed, be more extensive than we have supposed, and be one of the 
causes of the perplexity that has attended the study of these inter- 
esting plants. 

MIDDLEBURY CorrtEGE, Middlebury, Vermont. 

18 Rhodora [JANUARY 



$омЕ years ago Chionanthus virginica, which though not native 
to New England is often cultivated for its ornamental qualities, 
attracted my attention by some peculiarities in its fruiting and flow- 
ering. І noticed that the shrubs in bloom presented noticeable : 
differences in their appearance and that some shrubs bore fruit 
abundantly, while others had no fruit at all. An examination of the 
flowers of several shrubs showed some difference in their structure 
and as I could not remember any notice of it in botanical literature, 
I decided to make a closer investigation. I examined carefully the 
flowers of all the shrubs of the species growing in the Arnold Abore- 
tum, of which 14 were planted in one group together, while one 
shrub was standing solitary some distance away from that group. I 
marked them all with numbers and took notes on the structure of the 
flowers of each one of the shrubs; besides those I observed two 
shrubs standing solitary in private gardens. As the chief difference 
between the flowers I found that one part had well developed stigmas 
and smaller anthers which did not open, but fell off still closed with 
the fading corolla, while others had a rudimentary stigma, though 
the ovary and the style seemed to be normal, and larger anthers 
shedding pollen freely; occasionally, however, I found among the 
first kind of flowers a few anthers which opened and discharged 
their pollen. Only four plants of all those observed belonged to 
the second kind and these four plants, as I found in comparing 
again my notes with the plants, when the fruits were ripening, bore 
not a single fruit, though all other shrubs surrounding them were 
loaded with fruits. The three solitary plants, which all belonged to 
the first kind, had only a few fruits; a small part of the flowers 
apparently had been fertilized by the occasionally appearing fer- 
tile anthers; the number of fruiting panicles in these plants was 
comparatively small and each panicle bore only 1 to 3, rarely more 
fruits, while the shrubs in the group mentioned above, which were 
growing side by side with pollen-bearing plants, had a very large 

1904] Rehder,— Pseudo-monoclinism of Chionanthus I9 

number of fruiting panicles and each one bore from 5 to 12 and 
occasionally even to 20 fruits. 

The chief differences which show, however, intergradations between 
the staminate and the pistillate flowers, as they may be called, though 
the latter are not perfectly monoclinous, are the following — 

Pistillate flowers : calyx with ovate to lance-ovate sepals, shorter than 
or as long as the style, petals generally smaller | 
and narrower, usually about 20 mm. long: 
filaments elongated, about half as long as the 
anthers, these narrower, distinctly apiculate, 
exceeding the corolla tube, the anther-cells 
remaining closed; pistil with well developed 
stigma (fig. 2). 

Staminate flowers: calyx with lanceolate 
sepals, longer than the style, petals generally 
longer and broader, attaining 28 mm. in 
length, stamens occasionally 3 or 4, filaments 
very short, anthers short-apiculate, 1.5—2 mm. 
long, not or slightly exceeding the corolla 
tube; pistil somewhat smaller with imper- 
fectly developed stigma (fig. 1). 

The ovary of the staminate plant, though somewhat slenderer, 
hardly differs from that of the pistillate plant and contains appar- 
ently well developed ovules. The anthers 
of the pistillate flowers also have the 
appearance of normal anthers, though 
somewhat narrower, and are filled with 

Fig. 1. 

Fig. 2. 

numerous pollen cells, but these differ 
from the normal ones in being somewhat 
smaller and nearly subglobose and I 
could not distinguish the granular struc- 
ture of the extine which can be observed in 
the normal ovoid anther cells. 

The panicles of the staminate plants are 
usually larger and more floriferous, and as 
the individual flowers have generally longer 
and broader petals, the staminate plants 
are more showy in bloom and therefore 

ж superior as an ornamental plant. 
In the second species of the genus, Chionanthus retusa, Lindley & 

20 Rhodora [JANUARY 

Paxton,! the polygamy was observed by Maximowicz ; the differences 
in this species are much more pronounced, because in the staminate 
flower the pistil is reduced to a small subglobose body, otherwise 
they are of the same character, as the accompanying illustrations 
(fig. 3 and 4) show. Also the anthers in the pistillate flowers seem 
to remain closed as far as can be judged from herbarium specimens, 

In the literature of systematic botany I failed to find any reference 
to the polygamy of Chionanthus virginica; in the generic descriptions 
which include C. retusa the genus is characterized as having perfect 
or polygamous flowers, while C. virginica is always described with 
perfect flowers. The polygamy, however, has been observed before 
and the first notice of it I found in the Horticulturist of 1857 
(12: 266), where Th. Meehan in an article on trees and shrubs with 
ornamental fruits makes the following remarks about the Fringe-tree : 
“ Many trees do not bear and others imperfectly... . for though it is 
classed .... with the perfect flowering plants, it is in reality polyga- 
mous, as much so as the Ash." A similar statement in an unsigned 
note, probably also by Th. Meehan, appeared in the Gardeners' 
Monthly of 1885, (27: 228). Two years later Meehan ? gives a short 
account of his observations on the polygamy in Chionanthus vir- 
ginica, accompanied by two figures showing the different styles, and 
he remarks that Gray notes in *the later edition of his Manual " 
that Chionanthus is occasionally polygamous. I could, however, find 
no allusion to it in Gray's Manual nor in any of the more recent 
American floras, and it seemed to me therefore not useless to draw 
again attention to the fact that the flowers in Chionanthus virginica 
are not monoclinous, but are, what probably would be the best term 
for it, andro-dioecious, though they could be called perhaps as well 
imperfectly dioecious. These terms will apply to the whole genus, 
for there is no real difference between the two species in this respect, 
only the Asiatic species represents a more advanced state of dioecism. 


! Brit. Fl. Gard. 3:85, f. 273 (1853). 
C. chinensis, Maximowicz, Bull. Ac. Sci. St. Petersb. 20: 430; Mél. Biol. 3: 393 

? Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1887: 280 (1888). 

1904] Wiegand,— Some Notes on Galium 21 


IN my previous paper on the genus Galium! several varieties of 
Galium tinctorium were described among which was the variety 
Labradoricum, and the range there given was “In sphagnous bogs 
Connecticut, New York and Wisconsin northward to Labrador. 
Since that time Mr. M. L. Fernald has generously supplied me with 
fruiting specimens and has called my attention to the fact that this 
form is really a distinct species, quite different in many respects 
from Galium tinctorium. Observations made during the past sum- 
mer have fully convinced me of the correctness of his view, and it 
seems, therefore, desirable to raise this variety to specific rank as 

Салом Labradoricum sp. nov. (C. tinctorium Labradoricum 
Wiegand Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24; 398, 1897.) Low and erect, or 
ascending and more diffuse if in shady places, 1-4 dm. high, moder- 
ately stout: stem 4-angled, nearly or quite smooth: early in the 
season somewhat bushy branched, but later through the elongation 
of erect branches appearing often nearly simple: internodes 1-4 
times the length of the leaves: leaves mostly in fours, 5-13 mm. long, 
oblong-linear, rounded at the apex, cuneate at the base, glabrous 
except the aculeolate margins, dull above, usually more or less 
reflexed : flowers very few in groups of 2—6 on short terminal ped- 
uncles which later become stout and apparently lateral: pedicels 
short, mostly reflexed in fruit, 1-3 fld.: corolla large 2-3 mm in diam. 
white, lobes 4, acute: fruit small, glabrous ; carpels 1.25 mm. diam. 
usually but one developing: endosperm a hollow sphere. 

Sphagnous bogs and arbor vitae swamps, Connecticut, New York 
and Wisconsin northward to Labrador. 

Specimens studied ; — Oswego Co., New York, Rowiee & Wiegand 
1895 (type, in herb. Cornell Univ.); Connecticut (Torr. Herb.) : 
New York (Torr. Herb.): Wisconsin (Zapham); Lake Superior 
(Loring); Maine (Aroostook Co., Fernald); Newfoundland ( Wag- 
Aorne, 1893) ; Labrador (Storer). s 

This species grows quite generally throughout the sphagnous bogs 
of northeastern North America and seems confined to such locali- 
ties, while (С. “ctorium grows normally in ordinary swamps or 

! Galium trifidum and its North American Allies. Bull. Torr. Bot, Club 24; 
389, 1897. 

22 Rhodora [JANUARY 

marshes and is a more southern plant. It differs from G. Zinctorium 
in the fruit which is only one-half as large, the carpels of the latter spe- 
cies being 2.25-3 mm. in diameter, in the position of the fruit on short 
stout apparently lateral branches, and in the more reflexed leaves 
which are of equal breadth throughout or slightly spatulate, but not 
with a tendency toward the lanceolate form as in G. tinctorium. But 
itis similar to the latter species in the smooth stem, sparsity of 
flowers, 4-parted acute-lobed corolla and fruit maturing usually but 
one carpel, and in the hollow spherical endosperm. 

A NEWLY INTRODUCED GALIUM.— Last summer in the latter part 
of June, while wandering through a low, swampy meadow at Norfolk, 
Conn., I chanced upon a small clump of yellow Galium. 

At first sight I thought the plant was the yellow bedstraw that is 
occasionally found in this region, G. verum, L., and wondered that it 
should blossom a month earlier than usual and choose such soil, as 
before I had always found it in dry, sandy fields. Upon closer 
inspection I was convinced that this clump was not С. verum. ‘The 
plants were more slender. with fewer and larger flowers, while the 
flower clusters were shorter and more scattered upon the stem. Being 
unable to find any description of it, a specimen was sent to the Gray 
Herbarium where it was determined as G. praecox, Lang in Hagen- 
bach's Flora Basiliensis Supplement, 26 (1843). The Norfolk plant 
was compared with specimen no. 2222 * Flora Exsiccata Austro-Hun- 
garica” and was also matched with specimens from Deidesheim 
collected by Schultz Bipontinus and labeled С. Wirtgeni, Schultz, 
the latter name appearing to be a synonym for G. praecox, Lang. 
Our plant is a native of Central Europe and this, so far as known, is 
the first report of its introduction into New England. — Mary 
C. SEYMOUR, Norfolk, Connecticut. 

PLANTS NEW TO THE FLORA ок New Beprorp. — In a dumping 
ground on the outskirts of New Bedford I found in June a colony of 
about a dozen plants bearing diminutive, white, umbellate flowers. It 
was necessary to revisit the locality later to obtain fruited specimens 
essential in determining the species, which proved to be Coriandrum 

1904] Publications Received 23 

sativum, Willd. Coriander is cultivated in England, and the seeds, 
which are aromatic, are used for seasoning and in some forms of 
confectionery, Its occurrence here may be traced perhaps to its use, 
by the English operatives in our cotton mills. Centaurea vochinensis, 
Bernh.. a pretty composite flower, was found in both of the neighbor- 
ing towns of Dartmouth and Westport. Hypochaeris radicata, L. 
mentioned in an early number of Кнорова as found at Wood's Hole 
grows in great abundance in and about one of our public parks. It 
resembles greatly the Fall Dandelion, Leontodon autumnalis, and is 
already a troublesome weed and difficult to eradicate. Another rare 
weed found for the first time in this locality is Camelina microcarpa, 
Andrz. I am indebted to Mr. M. L. Fernald for his valuable assist- 
ance in determining these uncommon plants. — E. WILLIAMS HERVEY, 
New Bedford, Massachusetts. | 


IN his popular work on the ferns! of the Northeastern States Dr. 
C. E. Waters has told with great clearness and in excellent literary 
style practically all that most amateurs will wish to know about the 
Filices and Ophioglossaceae of our flora. The book is profusely illus- 
trated by fine half-tone reproductions of very cleverly taken and well 
selected photographs, exhibiting all phases and features of fern life 
from massed individuals in the natural habitat to microscopic details 
of the sporangia. 

Mr. Alfred. Rehder has recently published an admirable synopsis 
of the genus Lonicera. ‘This paper, which forms the piéce de resist- 
ance in the r4th Report of the Missouri Botanical Garden, is the 
outcome of a patient and exceedingly detailed examination of a large 
genus, the difficulties of which are from the chiefly Asiatic distribution 
of the species little realized by most American botanists. Mr. Rehder 
enumerates 154 good species, together with a great number of varie- 
ties, forms, hybrids, and doubtful species. Synonymy, bibliography, 
and copious citation of herbarium specimens are added in great detail. 

1 Ferns, a Manual for the Northeastern States, with analytical keys based on 
the stalks and on the fructifications, by C. E. Waters, Ph. D. of Johns Hopkins 
University. New York, Henry Holt & Co., 4to, 362 pp. 

24 Rhodora [JANUARY 

The paper is unique in recent American literature in dealing so 
exhaustively with a large and complicated group of plants chiefly of 
Old World distribution. The specific delimitation of our New Eng- 
land species is but little modified by Mr. Rehder’s treatment, although 
there are some necessary nomenclatorial changes from the usage of 
Gray's Manual, thus Z. ciliata, Muhl., is made to give way to the earlier 
Г. canadensis, Marsh., and Z. glauca, Hill, to Z. dioica, L. The paper 
is illustrated by twenty plates. Although it was not found practicable 
to publish specific descriptions in the synopsis, the running keys are 
so complete that the lack of the characterizations will scarcely be felt. 
Throughout the work is critical and scholarly. 

Mr. Alexander Wallace has just published an attractive and read- 
able book on the heather. Although dealing primarily with the folk- 
lore and romance of his subject the author has taken great pains to 
bring together the existing scientific records of the habits and distri- 
bution of the heather both in Europe and America. Among many 
pleasing illustrations there is an excellent portrait of Boston’s distin- 
guished horticulturist, Mr. Jackson Dawson, and a reproduction of 
“Vanity Fair’s cartoon of the Flower Committee of the Massachusetts 
Horticultural Society searching for the Heather at Tewksbury,”—fea- 
tures which alone are worth the price of the book. 

The most gigantic enterprise in recent systematic botany, the Pflan- 
zenreich, a collaborative work being prepared under the energetic 
editorship of Professor Engler and designed to include specific as well 
as generic descriptions of all known plants, is making excellent pro- 
gress. The latest issues include monographic treatments of the 
Scheuchzeriaceae, Alismataceae, and Butomaceae all by Professor Franz 
Buchenau, the Zy/hraceae by Professor E. Koehne, and Zaxaceae by 
Dr. R. Pilger. 

Mr. Theodor Holm has published in the Ottawa Naturalist, xvii. 
149-160, some well illustrated Biological Notes on Canadian Species 
of Viola, a paper which will be found interesting by New England 
students of the genus. Mr. Holm groups the species according to 
peculiarities of the rhizone. 

| The heather in Lore, Lyric and Lay, by Alexander Wallace, editor of the Flor- 
ist’s Exchange. New York, De la Mare Publishing Co. 8vo, 245 pp. 

Vol. 5, no. 60, including pages 281 to 308, plate 49, and title page of volume 
5, was issued December 22, 1903. 

Rhodora. Plate 50. 








Fig.l Viola cucullata Fig.2 Viola venustula 

Fig.5 Viola septentrionalis | Fig.6 Viola fimbriatula 

F. Schuyler Mathews del, 







Vol. 6 February, 1904 No. 62 



(With portrait.) 

(Read at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Vermont Botanical Club.) 

THE recent transfer of the valued herbarium of Mr. C. C. Frost to 
the University of Vermont makes it fitting at this time and place that 
something should be said regarding the personal history of this keen 
but modest botanist. I have been asked to tell you what I have 
known of him during many years’ residence in Brattleboro, where he 
lived and worked. 

To-day the world is alert and on every hand interested in scientific 
inquiry. Even our smaller communities are penetrated by the spirit 
of research, and the student may have the stimulation and inspiration 
of daily companionship with those who share his special interests. 
Some of you will, however, remember the small New England village 
of thirty years ago, will recall its relative simplicity not only in the out- 
ward mode of living but in its intellectual activity, and can picture the 
still simpler life which prevailed two or three decades earlier. The 
centre of all culture was essentially the home. The literary club, the 
lyceum, extensive and well selected libraries, and carefully arranged 
museums, which are now multiplying throughout our country, were 
then relatively rare. The atmosphere was not one to stimulate 
research. The impulse must in those days have come much more 
from natural aptitude, and to persons of character strong enough to 
take the initiative, to men who might be leaders. 

To have known Mr. Frost as he was and to have seen the high 
character of his intellectual attainments notwithstanding the limita- 
tions of his environment, makes one long to have known him as he 

26 Rhodora [FEBRUARY 

might have been, had his working years fallen later in the century, 
when he would have been in closer touch with the moulding influ- 
ences of a wider culture, and his work influenced by the advanced 
methods now prevalent in botanical research. 

“Мт. Frost always impressed me as possessing in high degree the 
characteristics we call puritan. Thrift, industry, perseverance, sim- 
plicity, singleness of purpose, integrity, and great reserve, were the 
salient features of his personality. The inspirational forces of life 
were his, but he lacked the surroundings that tend to life's enrich- 
ment. He had a fine face, indicating at once strength of character, 
the clear, dark and penetrating eyes being most pleasant to meet and 
suggesting the fine fibre of the man. In manner he was quietly 
courteous, his words were few and to the point. 

For almost half a century Mr. Frost followed his trade in the one 
shop, and for most of this time lived in the one house, which stood 
near Whetstone Brook. It was a typical house of our early New 
England villages, long, low, and painted white, the chambers enclosed 
in the sloping roof. The site of the shop is now occupied by a 
modern business block. Тһе house is still standing but not upon its 
original foundation. 

Mr. Frost's business and studies held a strange companionship. 
All the business hours of the day found him at the bench or counter, 
usually the former. It was there that the visitor found him with shoe 
upon his aproned knee, his hands busy with awl and thread, and an 
open book by his side. His whole attention came directly to your 
need, though you knew his mind had dropped an absorbing train of 
thought to meet your wants. At noon the shop was closed for an 
hour, fully half this time being spent in the attic room, where his 
botanical work was done. It is easy to imagine the almost irresis- 
tible impulse to extend this short half hour, the reluctance with which 
researches were broken off just at a point of critical interest; yet 
the observer could not see but that the door of his treasure house 
— a veritable treasure house it was to him — was closed as readily 
as the door of his shop. Rare occasions there were when the shop 
remained closed one, two, or even three days at a time. For when 
some friend came, some one with kindred interests, business was laid 
entirely aside and even his household saw him only at meals. Our 
imagination need not be great or intuition especially sympathetic to 
tell us that these days must have been oases in life's journey. But 

1904] Ames,— Spiranthes neglecta 27 

the visit over and the friend gone, his hours were immediately read- 
justed to the old routine. 

To the casual acquaintance Mr. Frost spoke of his botanical 
interests only when questioned, but he welcomed everyone who came 
to him for botanical help, assisted courteously, and was always ready 
to give careful directions for finding the station of any plant for 
which the student might be inquiring. 

When this reserved man labeled a specimen * more precious than 
gold " he was giving for a moment a swift vision of the enthusiasm 
and love for his'special calling which lay deep in his strong nature, 
where it burned like a fine fire. Mr. Frost's character in its entirety 
makes him a representative of a type challenging admiration, com- 
pelling respect and inspiring to ideals of patient, thorough, and 
persevering work. Itis not necessary for me to speak specifically of 
Mr. Frosts work in his chosen field of botanical research. Any 
discussion of this subject would come far more fittingly from the 
University of Vermont, which has just done so much to honor his 
name and has given his work a permanent place and association with 
her history. | 


(Plate 51.) 

Wuat I propose to call Spiranthes neglecta, is a rare New Eng- 
land orchid, often confused with Spiranthes praecox, Watson, of the 
Southern states. It is scantily represented in most herbaria, though 
the known stations from which it is reported are numerous enough 
to show that the characters considered of specific value are not con- 
fined to a localized form. In the New England Botanical Club Her- 
barium there is a single specimen from Connecticut; in the Gray 
Herbarium there are several specimens, among them one from 
Washington, D. C., and one from Georgia, but none from New Eng- 
land, if we exclude a specimen with nothing more definite on the 
label as to habitat than, “collected on the Cape, August, 1896,” 
which conjecturally may be ascribed to Massachusetts. Mr. Walter 

28 Rhodora [FEBRUARY 

Deane has compared plants from Easton, Massachusetts, with plants  : 
from Milford, Connecticut, in his herbarium, and has pronounced 
them specifically similar, and unlike S. praecox, Watson, collected in 
New Jersey. 

Among the Orchidaceae published in Кнорова in the * Lists of 
New England Plants," Mr. Emile F. Williams reports S. praecox, 
Watson, as having been found in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and 
Connecticut. As I have seen no true S. praecox from these states, 
and as they are north of the northern limits of this species, the plants 
Mr. Williams refers to may be S. neglecta. It is also reported from 
Middlesex County, Massachusetts, by Mr. Ernest C. Smith (Кно- 
DORA, i. 97), as S. graminea, var. Walteri, Gray. According to the 
“ Portland Catalogue," S. praecox is ascribed to Maine. Its absence, 
however, from the Maine Spiranthes in the New England Botanical 
Club Herbarium is remarkable,'especially so, as the representation 
of the genus from this state is unusually rich and comprehensive. 
There is, however, in this herbarium a specimen of S. cernua, col- 
lected by J. C. Parlin in wet places at Hartford, Maine, Sept., 1885, 
which bears on the label the name S. graminea, var. Walteri. In the 
preparation of his List of New England Orchids, Mr. Williams was 
unable to authenticate the report of the * Portland Catalogue" 
regarding S. ^raecox, so that it seems advisable to omit this species 
at present from the Maine flora. 

During August, 1903, Mr. Robert С. Leavitt, in company with Mr. 
H. D. Sleeper, found many plants of this neglected species at Black 
Point, Crescent Beach, Connecticut, where it grew in dry fields not 
far from the seashore. In early September, Mr. Sleeper obtained 
additional material from the same locality, and later, in the same 
month, Mr. A. A. Eaton, while collecting near North Easton, Mass- 
achusetts, came upon several stations where it was associated with 
S. gracilis and S. cernua, var. ochroleuca, hybridizing with the former. 

In Кнорова (v. 261) I described the hybrid and for comparison 
showed drawings of the lips of the parents. The lip of what is 
there called .S. praecox, Watson, as shown in the illustration is decid- 
edly ovate in outline, and therefore very different from the oblong 
lip of the true S. praecox. In the dried state Spiranthes neglecta may 
usually be distinguished from S. praecox by the color and texture of 
the flowers, these being of a deeper brown. ‘The lip, as a rule, is 
more opaque, and thicker, with the nerves showing less distinctly 

1904] Ames,— Spiranthes neglecta 29 

than in S. praecox. The diacritical characters which distinguish S. 
neglecta from S. praecox beyond uncertainty are mainly in the lip. 
The callosities of the latter are decidedly marginal and basal, and 
the base of the lip passes rather obliquely into the claw behind them. 
The sides of the basal half of the lip are quite parallel and leave a 
very narrow, almost imperceptible margin where they pass round the 
callosities. In S. neg/ecta, on the other hand, the callosities do not 
have the appearance of being marginal, and the base of the lip 

Fig. т. Lip of Spiranthes neglecta. Fig.2. Lip of Spiranthes praecox, Wats. 

curves gradually into the claw behind them. ‘he sides of the basal 
half of the lip swell outwards and where they pass round the callosi- 
ties leave a conspicuous margin. Although in general outline the 
lip varies from narrowly to broadly ovate and is sometimes lanceo- 
late, it is always dilated at the proximal half and tapers noticeably to 
the apex. S. praecox is very constant in the lip outline, and when 
spread out the sides at base and near the apex appear to be equi- 
distant or very nearly so, or sometimes the apical third is broader 
than the base. 

The blooming season of S. praecox begins in March in the far 
South and somewhat later as the northern boundary of its range 15 
approached. .S. weg/ecta does not bloom till August in New England, 
but in Georgia, which seems to be the southernmost limit for it, the 
flowers open in June. 

30 Rhodora [FEBRUARY 

Spiranthes neglecta resembles S. gracilis, but only in a general way, 
as the elongated leaves, hyaline-margined floral bracts, pubescent 
rhachis (.S. gracilis is usually glabrous or only sparsely pubescent), 
ovate lip, and yellowish flowers render it clearly distinguishable from 
that species. As it grows together with S. cernua, var. ochroleuca 
and SS. gracilis, one might well regard it a hybrid derived from them, 
if several. characters, for which it would be difficult to account on 
such a supposition, did not exist. The more robust plants of .S. 
neglecta recall S. cernua, var. ochroleuca, but differ from it, among 
other things, in the shorter floral bracts, longer, more slender, linear 
spike, and in the narrower fugacious leaves. When dry S. cernua, 
var. ochroleuca is of a yellow-brown color, while S. neglecta especially 
in the leaves is deep-brown, sometimes blackish in aspect. 

SPIRANTHES neglecta, sp. nov. Plant 15—56 cm. high (average 
height 33 cm.). Roots elongated, fleshy, fusiform; leaves linear- 
lanceolate, 7-15 cm. long, 8-9 mm. wide, tapering to both ends, 
mostly basal, the lower ones usually passing before anthesis, the 
upper ones withering early; cauline bracts acuminate, acute; scape 
smooth below, summit and rhachis pubescent, pubescence often 
dense, frequently extending below the uppermost cauline bract; 
floral bracts lanceolate-acuminate, longer than the ovaries, conspicu- 
ously hyaline-margined, margins often crenulate or wavy, base some- 
times auriculate; flowers (average length of perianth 7 mm.) mostly 
yellowish-white, pubescent, in a regular or irregular, one-ranked 
spiral; spike 1-1.5 cm. thick, 8—15 cm. long, slender; lateral sepals 
3-nerved, lanceolate, 6-10 mm. long, margin involute ; upper sepal 
adhering lightly to the oblong, obtuse, 3-nerved petals; lip narrowly 
ovate to broadly ovate when flattened out, rarely lanceolate, strongly 
channeled longitudinally along the middle, apical third with an erose 
margin, central portion suffused with yellow or greenish-yellow, veining 
obscure, base gradually rounded into a short claw; callosities some- 
what curved, copiously hairy on the inner side, smooth above, 
gynostemium much the same as in S. cernua, Richard. — In dry, 
gravelly fields, and in sandy places by the seashore. New Castle 
Co., Delaware, July 27, 1863 ; Ocean City, Maryland, July 25, 1878 
(A. Commons) ; Closter, Bergen Co., New Jersey, July and August, 
(C. F. Austin); Vicinity of Washington, D. C., August, 1897, 
CE. Е. Steele); Millen, Georgia, June 5, 1901 (Roland M. Harper) a 
single specimen in Gray Herbarium ; Oxford, Connecticut, August, 
1887, (E. B. Harger) a single specimen in New England Botanical 
Club Herbarium; Crescent, Connecticut, August, 1903, (A. G. 
Leavitt & H. D. Sleeper); Easton, Massachusetts, Sept., 1903, 
(A. А. Eaton) — type. 

Fig. т shows the lip of S. neglecta (from Easton, Mass.) flattened 

1904] Davenport,—— Notes оп New England Ferns,— VI 31 

out. Fig. 2 shows the lip of S. praecox (from Thomasville, Georgia ) 
similarly treated: doth from material preserved in alcohol. 
AMES BOTANICAL LABORATORY, North Easton, Massachusetts. 

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 51.— Spiranthes neglecta to show inflorescence, 
leaves, and roots. (Natural size.) Fig. І, petal (X 3). Fig. 2, lateral sepal to 
show involute margin (X 3). Fig. 3, flower (X 3). Fig. 4, upper sepal (X 3). 
Fig. 5, lip, flattened out to show outline (X 3). 



what late in the summer of 1902 Mr. Henry A. Purdie brought to me 
an unusual form of Mephrodium spinulosum, Desv., which he had col- 
lected in Concord, Massachusetts. His specimen consisted of one 
large frond with narrowly angular aculeate segments resembling 
some forms of Polystichum angulare, the whole presenting an appear- 
ance quite unlike the ordinary forms of N. spzmulosum. 

Mr. Purdie reported finding only one plant, which he carefully 
located for further investigation, and in August, 1903, I had the 
pleasure of visiting the locality with him and was able to obtain a 
few additional fronds for specimens. I also secured, by detaching 
them from the main rootstock, two offshoots for propagation, and was 
able to separate these subsequently into two more, thus obtaining 
four small plants as a nucleus for further increase. ‘The swamp in 
which the original plant was found abounds with zs/ermedium and 
dilatatum forms of N. spinulosum, and characteristics of each of 
these are to be seen in the make-up of the new form. Indeed, it 
might be not inaptly described as a very much dissected var. 

NOTE 10. 

intermedium with the outlines of var. dilatatum. In the vicinity of 
the plant there were a few large individuals of var. gufermedium and 
from them the new fern was readily distinguishable by its unique 
architectural form, notwithstanding some resemblance to its nearest 

As to its probable origin two theories present themselves; for it 
may be either a hybrid or a spore variation. In this instance I am 

32 Rhodora [FEBRUARY 

not inclined to accept the hybrid theory because, although charac- 
teristics of var. zufermedium and var. dilatatum may be found in its 
composition, these are not sufficiently obvious or pronounced to 
justify us in assuming the hybrid relationship of the new form. The 
special feature of Mr. Purdie’s fern is the narrow and angular form 
of the segments, and in this respect there is a resemblance to some 
of the angulare forms of Polystichum aculeatum. In that species the 
segments are usually auricled at the base on the anterior side, and 
the auricle is essentially a characteristic of the genus; nevertheless 
the auricle is frequently wanting altogether, and in this way forms 
arise to which our fern bears a strong resemblance. In fact, if any 
form of P. aculeatum grew near by there might be grounds for 
assuming a hybrid relationship between it and the new form. Then, 
too, I believe with the distinguished and lamented botanist, Thomas 
Meehan, that the tendency to vary inherent in all plants is sufficient 
to account for most of these exceptional forms, and that it is rarely 
needful to resort to the theory of hybridity. ` It is noteworthy also 
that where hybridity has actually existed the resultant characters 
have been sufficiently evident even when actual proof was wanting ; 
and the recent successful experiments of that very clever fern-student, 
Miss Margaret Slosson, in demonstrating hybridity in Asplenium 
ebenoides and Nephrodium cristatum X marginale, show very conclu- 
sively that in such instances proof is attainable. 

I am much more inclined to the belief that the Concord fern is а 
spore-variety. ‘There is, in fact, no reason why the results of spore- 
reproduction in the fern-plants should not be as diverse as those of 
seed-reproduction in the flowering plants. I remember to have seen 
once in a florist’s greenhouse six plants of a Selaginella, all raised 
from the spores of a single individual, which was still growing near 
by, yet they were so different that had their origin not been posi- 
tively known they might have passed as different species. There- 
fore, I am inclined to consider this fern as having originated from 
a spore of either var. intermedium or var. dilatatum, and here in 
comparing the different characters, I find those which suggest var. 
dilatatum, to be of a superficial nature, such as the mere outlines of 
the lamina and the angles of direction of the different parts, while 
those which suggest var. zufermedium are fundamentally associated 
with fructification and vestiture. I therefore regard the plant as a 
natural variation of Mephrodium spinulosum, var. intermedium, and 

1904] Davenport,— Notes оп New England Ferns— VI 33 

think it will be better treated as a variety than as a mere form, as 
the entire plant shows the peculiar character, which is again repro- 
duced in its offspring. It has apparently been established for some 
years, having attained large proportions and, fortunately, there 
appears to be little or no danger of its being disturbed, as the sur- 
rounding woods are safe-guarded from trespass. ‘The plant is cer- 
tainly unique in every way and entitled to recognition. I therefore 
submit the following description : — 

NEPHRODIUM SPINULOSUM, var. Concordianum, n. var. (Pun- 
piE's CONCORD NepHropiuM.) Original plant large, with matured 
fronds two and one-half to three feet in height. Rootstock as in the 
species; crosiers densely clothed with rich brown scales; stipites 
one-fourth to one-third the length of the whole frond, greenish- 
stramineous in the early stages but at length turning to a warm 
brownish tone, channeled along the face, rounded at the back ; scales 
at base broadly ovate-acuminate, dark brown with deeper centres, 
the upper pale and intermixed with narrower linear scales and chaff ; 
laminae one and one-half to two feet long, correspondingly broad, 
narrowing from below the middle upward to an acuminate apex, 
tripinnate throughout, the inferior pinnules on the lowermost pinnae 
of the larger fronds two inches long and pinnate with pinnatifid or 
deeply lobed oblique divisions ; segments distinct, narrowly angular, 
about one-eighth of an inch wide, sharply aculeate, the base so 
narrow as to appear stalked (in some cases really so); rachises 
scaly throughout with small pale scales and chaff ; venation pinnate ; 
sori below the apex ; indusia and surfaces minutely glandular. 

. Habitat: rich swampy woodland, Concord, Massachusetts, autumn 
of 1902, H. A. Purdie & Wm. Brewster; August, 1903. 2. A. 
Purdie & G. E. Davenport. 

As the discoverer of this interesting fern protested with his usual 
modesty against my associating his name with it, I have decided to 
dedicate it to Concord. Type specimens from the original plant will 
be deposited in the Gray Herbarium, the Herbarium of the New 
England Botanical Club, and the Davenport Herbarium (Massa- 
chusetts Horticultural Society). 









[The sign + indicates that an herbarium specimen has 
been seen; the sign — that a reliable printed record has been 

Juncus acuminatus, Michx. . 


alpinus, Villars 

"* var. insignis, Fries 
articulatus, L.. ps 

Y var. obtusatus, Engelm . 

balticus, Dethard 
brachycarpus, Engelm . 
brachycephalus, Buchenau 
brevicaudatus, Fernald . 
bufonius, L. 

A var. congestus, Wahl. 
* var. halophilus, Buchenau 
Fernald . 
canadensis, J.Gay . . 
“ var. subcaudatus, ‘Engelm. 

debilis, Gray . 
dichotomus, Ell. 
Dudleyi, Wiegand 

effusus, L. E A 
var. compactus, Lejeune 
Courtois . 
filiformis, L. 

Gerardi, Loisel 

Greenii, Oakes & Tuckerman 
marginatus, Rostk. 
militaris, Bigelow 
nodosus, L. 
oronensis, Fernald 
pelocarpus, E. Meyer 

secundus, Beauv. . 

stygius, L., var. americanus, Buchenau 
subtilis, E. Meyer 




++++++ ме. 


++ ++++ 

++++++++++++ ++ 


+ + ++++ 
++ + +++ + 

! Printed in RHODORA as supplementary material. 


+ Mass. 

+++ + 
++++ +++ 




++++ ++ 
+++ + 

+ Conn. 


+++ 444 ++4+4+ ++ 

++ +++++ 


1904] Fernald,— Lists of New England Plants,— XIII 



Juncus tenuis, Willd. . MES. 
n * — var. anthelatus, Wiegand 
a “var. Williamsii, Fernald 
"  'Torreyi, Coville 
*  trifidus, L. . 
Vaseyi, Engelm. PONE. Lo a ЕЕ 
Luzula campestris, DC., var. frigida, Buchenau . 
S А var. multiflora, Celako- 

+++ +++ Me 
an See m | 
++ + + Mass. 


vsky ibd bd bd bd hs 
“ — confusa, Lindeberg . . + |+ 
* parviflora, Desv. . +|+|+|+ 
*  saltuensis, Fernald +\+|+|+ E 
“spicata, Desv. +++ 


Juncus alpinus, Villars, with castaneous capsules, is the character- 
istic plant of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and extends locally southward 
to the St. John valley in Maine and to Willoughby Lake, Vermont. 
J. alpinus, var. insignis, Fries, the commoner plant of the St. John 
and Kennebec valleys and occurring locally on Lake Champlain, has 
pale capsules and is usually a larger plant. Both forms occur in 
northern Europe. 

Juncus articulatus, L. The typical form has brown flowers, the 
castaneous capsules 3—4 mm. long, gradually tapering to the mucro- 
nate tip. Var. obtusatus, Engelm., with greenish or greenish brown 
flowers, the pale capsules 2.5-3 mm. long and abruptly mucronate, 
often replaces it in brackish or alkaline situations, and on the coast 
is occasionally found in salt-marshes. 

Juncus brevicaudatus. /. canadensis, var. brevicaudatus, 
Engelm., Trans. St. Louis Acad. ii. (1866) 436; var. coarctatus, 
Engelm. 1. c. ii. (1868) 474. ‘This northern plant has long seemed 
to the writer to be unfortunately treated as a form of the essentially 
southern and, in New England, mostly coastal J. canadensis. A 
detailed examination of the great mass of material now accumulated 
by the Gray Herbarium and the New England Botanical Club indi- 
cates several important points of distinction and confirms the long 
established conviction, which has been shared by others who know 
the two plants in the field. 

Juncus canadensis is a stout plant with the inflorescence (when 
well developed) ovoid or broader in outline, at most one-third longer 
than broad, the branches spreading or subascending ; the glomerules 

36 Rhodora [FEBRUARY 

are densely many-flowered, the perianth-segments awl-pointed, 
equalling or slightly shorter than the abruptly short-pointed capsules ; 
and the seeds are т to 1.8 mm. long. J. drevicaudatus is a slender 
plant with the inflorescence elongate, strict, and narrow, three to six 
times longer than broad; the glomerules are 3—7-flowered, the outer 
perianth-segments (sepals) acute, but scarcely awl-pointed, the inner 
(petals) acute or obtusish, and much shorter than the prismatic 
gradually pointed capsules ; and the seeds are very rarely more than 
т mm. long. Furthermore /. canadensis, which occurs in marshes, 
swampy meadows, and on wet shores, is commonest on the coastal 
plain from southern Newfoundland to Louisiana, and on the upper 
St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes, though it is occasionally found 
at other inland stations. Its average fruiting season is in early Sep- 
tember, fruited (but not over ripe) material from до stations showing 
a range from August 12 to October 8 with an average of September 
9. J. brevicaudatus, on the other hand, abounds in damp open soil, 
roadsides, ditches, wet rocks, shores, etc., from Newfoundland to the 
upper Saguenay, west to Minnesota, and south, mostly in cold bogs, 
to the mountains of Pennsylvania. Its fruiting season is four weeks 
earlier in the same region than that: of 7. canadensis, mature speci- 
mens from 54 stations showing a range from July 16 to September 9, 
with an average of August 12. In view of these marked differences 
the writer feels justified in treating the strict northern plant as 
a distinct species. 

Juncus effusus, var. compactus, Lejeune & Courtois, Compend. Fl. 
Belg. ii. (1831) 23, with inflorescence glomerulate, has passed in 
America as 7. effusus, var. conglomeratus, Meyer (J. conglomeratus, 
L. J. Leersii, Marsson) which is a distinct species of Europe, known 
also in. America from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. J. effusus, 
var. compactus, is the common form of the species in Cape Breton and 
Nova Scotia proper and occurs frequently in eastern Maine, but is 
apparently unusual southward. 

Juncus (PororHvriLI) oronensis. Perennis dense caespitosus. 
Caules erecti stricti pallide straminei vel flavo-virides 3-6 dm. alti. 
Folia basilaria; vagina pallide fusca vel rosea; auriculae membran- 
aceae vel fere scariosae; lamina gracillima firma valde involuta 1-2 
dm. longa. Inflorescentia subdichotoma 2.5-9 cm. longa r-4 cm. 
diametro; rami stricti suberecti, flores plerumque secundi distincte 
distantes vel rarius approximati et umbellulati. Вгасќеа erecta 
inflorescentiam multo superans. Flores 4-5 mm. longi pallide 
straminei. Tepala lanceolato-subulata marginibus angustis membra- 
naceis vel omnia subaequilonga vel tria interna paullo breviora. 
Stamina 6 tepalis 4 breviora; filamenta linearia; antherae lineares 
filamenta aequantes. Fructus tepalis brevior oblongus trigonus trun- 
cato-emarginatus lateribus planis vel prope apicem paullo concavis ; 

1904]  Fernald,— Lists of New England Plants,— XIII 37 

stigmata sessilia vel subsessilia. Semina 1 mm. longa circa 0.2 mm. 
diametro sigmoideo-fusiforma basi et apice albo-caudata, caudis quam 
nucleus fuscus ter brevioribus, longitudinaliter circa 15-costata reticu- 
lata.—Hab. in paludibus sphagnosis. Orono et Rangeley, Maine. 
Perennial, densely caespitose. ‘The stiff erect culms 3-6 dm. high, 
pale straw-color or yellow-green. Leaves mostly basal; the sheaths 
pale brown or pinkish, with membranous or almost scarious auricles ; 
the blades very slender, firm, strongly involute, 1-2 dm. long. 
Inflorescences usually much overtopped by the erect bracts, subdi- 
chotomous, 2.5—9 cm. long, 1—4 cm. in diameter; the flowers mostly 
secund and distinct along the strict suberect branches, rarely umbellu- 
late. Flowers 4-5 mm. long, pale straw-color, the lance-subulate 
segments firm, with narrow membranous margins, subequal or the 
inner slightly shorter. Stamens half as long as the perianth-segments ; 
the linear anthers equalling the slender filaments. Capsule shorter 
than the perianth, oblong, trigonous, truncate-emarginate ; the sides 
flat or a little concave toward the tip; stigmas sessile or subsessile. 
Seeds 1 mm. long, about o.2 mm. thick, sigmoid-fusiform, white- 
caudate at base and apex, the tails one-fourth as long as the brown 
body, longitudinally about 15-ribbed, reticulate. — MAINE, swamp 
with 7. Vasey? and J. tenuis, var. anthelatus, Orono, August 13, 1890, 
July 21, 1892 — no. зоо, distributed as 7. dichotomus, type (M. L. 
Zernald); Rangeley, 1882 (Kate Furbish).— This plant has long been 
a perplexing one. At Orono, where it abounds in a dry sphagnum- 
carpeted remnant of a larch- and alder-swamp, it is mixed with the 
characteristic northern 7. Vaseyi and J. tenuis, var. anthelatus, and 
when first found it was very immature. From this immature material, 
with its strongly involute firm leaves, the plant was referred by a stu- 
dent of the genus to whom it was shown to' 7. dichotomus of the 
southern coastal plain. In 1892 excellent fruiting material was col- 
lected, and without further examination placed with that of earlier date. 
The plant seemed in some points so unlike 7. dichotomus that Dr. К. 
M. Wiegand, when studying the group for his recent valuable synopsis ! 
was unwilling to leave it with that species, but, as indicated on the 
herbarium sheets and in a letter to the collector, he preferred to 
consider it a doubtful form as nearly allied to his 7. enuis, var. 
anthelatus. Recently, in overhauling some specimens collected in 
1882 by Miss Kate Furbish at the Rangeley Lakes, far above the level 
in Maine of the coastal plain, the writer was surprised to find mixed 
with good 7. Vasey? fruiting material of the plant which at Orono is 
associated with 7. Vasey? and which now proves to be a species quite 
unlike either 7. dichotomus or J. tenuis. In both those species the 
capsules are ovoid or obovoid, rounded to the mucronate tip, and with 
rounded or convex sides ; the tiny oblong seeds (0.3-0.4 mm. long) are 
bluntly apiculate; and the anthers are distinctly shorter than the fila- 

‘Wiegand, Bull. Torr. Cl. xxvii (1900) 511-527. 

38 Rhodora [FEBRUARY 

ments. In 7. orvonensis, on the other hand, the capsule is oblong, trun- 
cate-emarginate, at most mucronulate, the sides flat or at tips concave ; 
the larger spindle-shaped seeds have distinct white caudate appen- 
dages; and the anthers equal the filaments. These characters place 
the plant very near the northern 7. Vaseyi, but from that it is clearly 
distinct in its elongate subdichotomous inflorescence, long bracts, cap- 
sule shorter than the perianth, and in the short caudate seeds, those 
of /. Vaseyt having the tails more than half as long as the dark body. 

Juncus Torreyi, Coville. ‘The only New England station known is 
along a railway ditch at Chelsea, Massachusetts, found by Mr. W. P. 
Rich! in r9or. ‘The species is ordinarily of inland distribution, from 
western New York and adjacent Pennsylvania westward, and it is 
probable that the Chelsea plant is of recent introduction. 

Luzula campestris, DC., in its typical form, a loosely caespitose and 
strongly stoloniferous plant with 2—6 large (6—7 mm, thick) casta- 
neous spikes on wide-spreading or decurved peduncles, seems to be 
confined to northern Europe. Its common representative in Amer- 
ica, as in parts of Europe and Asia, is var. multiflora, Celakovsky, 
Prod. Fl. Böhmen (1869) 85 (Z. multiflora, Lejeune), densely caespi- 
tose, with the 3 to r2 subglobose or oblong ferruginous or pale 
brown (greenish in deep shade) spikes on mostly ascending peduncles. 
Var. frigida, Buchenau, Oest. Bot. Zeitsch. xlviii. (1898) 284, with 
very short peduncles and subglomerulate dark brown to nigrescent 
spikes, occurs from Greenland to Newfoundland, and reaches our 
district in northern and eastern Maine. 


During the summer of r9o2 members of the New England Botanical 
Club who botanized on the coast of eastern Maine and the Maritime 
Provinces were much interested in the variations of Juncus bufonius, 
and particularly in its behavior upon the salt marshes and below the 
limit of high tide. Abundant material was secured and during the 
following winter the writer undertook a study of the species. The 
results of this study were the decision that in North America we have 
not only true Juncus bufonius with certain well marked varieties and a 
number of trivial forms, but that in the western districts, from the 
Rocky Mountains to California, etc., much which has passed as /. 
bufonius is the well-known Old World species, 7. sphaerocarpus. In 
order to verify his conclusions the writer sent materials and notes to 
the distinguished specialist on the Juncaceae, Prof. Franz Buchenau 
of Bremen, and after a detailed correspondence and a study of 
much material, generously augmented by critical specimens from Prof. 
Buchenau, he presents the following treatment of 7. bufonius and its. 
allies as known to him in North America. 

! See RHODORA, iv. 170. 

1904] Fernald,— Lists of New England Plants,— XIII 39 

* Capsule trigonous, oblong to ovoid, 3 to 4.5 mm. long, in maturity rather 
closely embraced by the ascending perianth. 

J. BuFoNIUS, L. Sp. (1753) 328. Perianth-segments all acute or 
subulate-attenuate, longer than the capsule, the inner (petals) slightly 
Shorter than the outer. Seeds ovoid, apiculate at base and apex. 
Plant varying greatly in size and habit, o.3 to 3.5 dm. high, erect or 
matted, subsimple to freely branched; the flowers mostly scattered 
and secund on the elongate branches, occasionally * viviparous.” — 
Damp open soil, roadsides, ditches, etc., nearly cosmopolitan. 

Var. coNGEsTUS, Wahlb. Fl. Goth. (1820) 38. Flowers similar, 
mostly aggregated in glomerules.—/. Congdoni, Watson, Proc. Am. 
Acad. xxii. (1887) 480; and various other synonyms (see Buchenau, 
Mon. Junc. 176).— Rather unusual in North America. Examined 
from Marne, North Lubec (Kate Furbish): SourH CAROLINA, Sulli- 
vans Island (Ravenel): ‘Texas, Galveston (Lindheimer): CALI- 
FORNIA, Mariposa and San Mateo Counties (Congdon). 

Var. halophilus, Buchenau et Fernald, var. nov. Flores ultimi 
saepe approximati. Tepala externa acuta acutata vel subulato- 
acutata fructu fere semper longiora, interna breviora obtusa vel 
rotundato-obtusa interdum mucronata fructum subaequantia (vel 
paullo longiora breviorave). Semina apice truncata.— Hab. in locis 
salsis. Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Maine, Massachusetts ; 
Germany, Sicily. 

Formae intermediae /uncus bufonii (genuini) et var. Aalophili haud 
raro occurrunt, praecipue in locis salsis. Pro exemplo: 7. ranarius, 
A. Songeon et E. Perrier (Billot, Annotations, 1859, 192) tepala 
interna fructum subaequantia vel paullo superantia! acuta vel obtusa 
et semina ovoidea praebet. 

Ultimate flowers usually approximate. Outer perianth-segments 
acute, acutish, or subulate-acute, usually equalling or exceeding 
the capsule; inner segments (petals) shorter, obtuse or rounded, 
rarely mucronate, shorter than or barely equalling the capsule. 
Seeds truncate at apex.— Wet, usually brackish or alkaline soil. 
QUEBEC, marshes, Rivière du Loup, Aug. 15, 1892 (С. G. Kennedy), 
August 2, 1902, type (Æ. F. Williams & M. L. Fernald), Aug. 8, 
1902, (J. Rk. Churchill, И. W. Eggleston, M. Г. Fernald) ; brackish 
shore, New Carlisle, July 28, 1902, mouth of Bonaventure River, July 
31, 1902 (Ж. F. Williams & M. L. Fernald): PRINCE EDWARD 
IsLAND, above the beach, Summerside, July 21, 1901, and bog, Tra- 
cadie Beach, July зо, 1901 (/. R. Churchill): Maine, salt marshes, 
Cutler, July 4 and 7, 1902 (С. С. Kennedy, E. F. Williams, J. E: 
Collins, & M. L. Fernald): MassacHUsETTS, Plum Island, New- 

1« Divisions du périgone.... les trois extérieures acuminées, subulées, dressées 

‚б адан! la capsule ou la dépassant à peine, les intérieures plus largement 
scarieuses et moins roulées sur les bords, plus ou moins aigués et un peu plus 
courtes que la capsule mire”. ... Songeon et Perrier, 1. c. 

40 Rhodora [FEBRUARY 

buryport (Wm. Oakes): GERMANY, Nienburg an der Weser, 1859 
(ANó/da&a) ; Weimar, August 22, 1888 (Zorges): SiciLv, Porto 
Empedocle, Girgenti, May 3o, 1885, Paterno, Catania, June 2, 1885 
(W. О. Focke).— A strongly marked extreme, in its best develop- 
ment, with its broad blunt short inner perianth-segments and short 
truncate seeds, seeming very distinct from true 7. bufonius, but clearly 
connected with that common species by specimens from various 
regions. Thus /. ranarius, A. Songeon and E. Perrier, described 
from borders of salt water near Motitiers, Savoie, has the inner seg- 
ments thin and barely equalling or rarely exceeding the capsule, 
acute or obtuse, and the seeds ovoid. Other plants showing transi- 
tional tendencies in the perianth or in the shortening of the seed 
have been examined from such extreme regions as Lapland, South 
Australia, and Manitoba, so that it is probable that /. bufonius, var. 
halophilus is broadly distributed over the globe. 

tad Capsule subspherical or short-ovoid, 2 to 3 mm. long: perianth- -seg- 
ments in maturity with loosely spreading-ascending or subsquarrose tips. 

J. sPHAEROCARPUS, Nees in Funck's Correspondenz, Flora (1818) 
521. Resembling 7. bufonius, but very slender, rarely 2 dm. high: 
quickly distinguished by its small capsules and loosely ascending 
perianth-segments.— A well-known species of central and southern 
Europe and Asia. The following American specimens have been 
examined. Rocky MouwTaiNs, without station cited (Hall & 
Harbour, no. 559, in part): IDAHO, common in wet places, valley of 
Big Potlatch River, Nez Perces County, June 4, 1892 (Sandberg, 
MacDougal & Heller, no. 312). OREGON, Swan Lake Valley, 
Klamath County, June 6, 1895 (Afplegate no. 751, in part): CALI- 
FORNIA, margin of pool, Mendocino City, May, 1866 (Bolander — 
material distributed in Engelmann's Herb. Junc. Bor.-Am. Norm., 
no. 28, as “J. bufonius forma erecta sepalis subaequalibus. capsulam 
retusam longe superantibus"); Woodland, April 15, 1893 (Blankin- 
ship) ; Sisson, Siskiyou County, June, 1897 (27. E. Brown, по. 346) ; 
Chico, 1885 (4. Gray); San Isabel, May, 1852 (Thurber, no. 620). 
ARIZONA, vicinity of Flagstaff, alt. 7000 ft., July 8, 1898 (MacDougal, 
no. 241). 


Juncus balticus, Dethard, ordinarily a companion of /. Gerardi 
along the coast, is common on ledgy and gravelly river-banks of 
Aroostook County, Maine, with /. alpinus, var. insignis, J. brachy- 
cephalus, Tofieldia glutinosa, etc., and in an inland swamp of Genesee 
County, New York, with Scirpus Zorrevi, Zygadenus chloranthus, etc. 
It should, therefore, be expected to accompany some of those charac- 
teristic species in the Champlain Valley. 

1904] Collins, — The Black Spruce in Rhode Island 41 

Juncus brachycarpus, Engelm., found locally on the coast of New 
Haven County, Connecticut, and of Plymouth County, Massachusetts, 
will possibly be found in light soil near the coast of Rhode Island. 

Juncus bulbosus, L., similar to 7. subtilis, but with more numerous 
flowers in glomerules and blunt capsules, occurs in water and in 
boggy places in Labrador, Newfoundland, and on Sable Island, Nova 
Scotia, and should be sought on our northern borders. 

Juncus castaneus, J. E. Smith, found on Newfoundland and Anti- 
costi, and common on the northern Rocky Mountains, may yet be 
discovered on the mountains of northern New England. 

Juncus conglomeratus, L. (J. Leersii, Marsson) similar to 7. effusus, 
var. compactus, but with more rigid costate scapes, and with capsules 
tipped by a crown-like blunt mucro, occurs in southern Newfound- 
land and Nova Scotia and possibly reaches eastern Maine. 

Juncus dichotomus, Ell., known near the coast of Connecticut and 
of Massachusetts, is to be sought in Rhode Island. 

Juncus oronensis, Fernald, occurs on Rangeley Lake, Maine, and 
is probably in damp thickets or swamps of Coos County, New 

Juncus scirpoides, Lam., has been reported from various New Eng- 
land stations, but all the specimens seen by the writer have proved to 
be other species. It occurs, however, along the coast from Florida 
to Long Island, and may well be expected to extend northward to 
Cape Cod. 

Juncus stygius, var. americanus, Buchenau, one of the rarest and 
most evasive of American rushes, has been known in bogs of Somer- 
set County, Maine, and Jefferson County, New York. It may, there- 
fore, be hopefully sought in northern New Hampshire and Vermont. 

Juncus dii var. monanthus, Bluff & Fingerhuth, Compend. FI. 
Germ: sect L (1825) 440, wiih the numerous basal leaves equalling 
the slender culms (2.5-6 dm. high) occurs locally along the moun- 
tains from Ulster County, New York, to Virginia and North Carolina, 
and should be looked for in New England, especially in Litchfield 
County, Connecticut, and Berkshire County, Massachusetts. 

Juncus Vaseyi Engelm., found locally near the Rangeley Lakes, and 
in the Penobscot and St. John valleys, Maine, and in the valley of the 
Black River, Jefferson County, New York, is to be expected in north- 
ern New Hampshire and Vermont. 

THE BLACK SPRUCE IN RHODE IstAND.— In 1888 Mr. J. L. Bennett 
recorded! Picea nigra, Link, as occurring in “Johnston, Foster, etc.” 
Apparently no specimens were preserved by him to corroborate this 
statement and as a result certain botanists have been somewhat skep- 

! Plants of Rhode Island (1888), p. до. 

42 Кһодога | FEBRUARY 

tical of its occurrence in Rhode Island. Mr. L. L. Dame in his excel- 
lent little hand book? says of it “Rhode Island — not reported," 
meaning that he had seen no specimen from the state. Sometime 
during last winter or early in the spring of the present year (1903) Mr. 
H. W. Preston called the writer's attention to this statement of Mr. 
Dame's, and suggested that we make special effort to get some herba- 
rium specimens as both of us recollected having seen a group of the 
trees within a year in Scituate (Rhode Island), while riding on one 
of the Danielson electric cars. 

About this time Mr. G. W. Burlingame sent to the Brown Univer- 
sity Herbarium, for identification, a specimen of the Black Spruce 
which was collected, as I learned later, at the station just mentioned. 
Mr. Preston has since then visited this place and photographed the 

Early in May the writer spent a day about Wakefield. Pond, Burrill- 
ville, in company with Rev. К. К. Cheney of Pascoag. At the time 
ofour visit the water appeared to be higher than usual— though it 
may not have been — and what looked at a short distance like several 
ordinary islands proved, upon closer inspection, to be partially of 
wholly submerged islands — if such an expression be allowed — often 
with only the bushes and small trees projecting above the water. 

These trees were nearly all Black Spruce and we counted more than 
a hundred on three or four of these “islands.” Many of the spruces 
were in fruit while, in some cases, scarcely a meter in height. 
Perhaps the tallest one we saw was growing on the mainland — it was 
estimated to be 5 or 6 meters high. It is probable that the Black 
Spruce occurs at quite a number of stations in northern Rhode Island 
as it has been reported from at least six different towns, although the 
writer has personally seen it in but two of them, as stated.—- J. 
FRANKLIN CorriNs, Providence, Rhode Island. 

again a year later I collected, in a “sand-blow” in South Windsor, 
Connecticut, a plant which proves to be Panicum Commonsianum, Ashe. 
'There were a few scattered clumps of it, growing in pure sand, some 
with Carex siccata and other plants of dry ground, some in places 
where nothing else had the courage even to try to exist. Mr. Fernald 

* Dame and Brooks: Handbook of the Trees of New England (1902), p. 12. 

1904] Andrews,— Mosses from a Vermont Peat-bog 43 

informs me that this species of Panicum, originally described from the 
pine-barrens of New Jersey, has not before been reported from New 
England. I have never seen the New Jersey barrens, but I imagine 
the region in which I found my Panicum is not unlike them. It is a 
tractof low sand hills and plains, covered for the most part with rather 
sparse and scraggy woods, but here and there bare of all vegetation. 
It was on the edge of such a “sand-blow” that the Panicum grew. 
Р. xanthophysum is another denizen of the same region, which can 
be found by a sufficiently patient seeker. It took me an hour and a 
half last summer to find two small plants — but it is there. —- C. A. 
WEATHERBY, East Hartford, Connecticut. 

BoG.— A peat-bog of Pownal, Vermont, which furnishes a station for 
several flowering plants of northern range, is also the abode of several 
mosses considered uncommon in New England. Especially worthy 
of mention are the following: Hypnum cuspidatum, L., Hypnum 
vernicosum, Lindb., Polytrichum strictum, Banks., Camptothectum 
nitens, Sch., Meesia tristicha, Br. & Sch. and Dicranum Bonzeant, 
DeNot. All are species of more or less northern tendencies. АП 
except the last are included in the Vermont list, but with not more 
than one or two stations, generally much farther north. The Poly- 
trichum is a species associated in New England rather with alpine 
mountain summits than with lowland peat-bogs. The Dicranum Dr. 
True characterizes as representing the typical form of the species, a 
form which he considers rare. The species has not been included in 
the Vermont list. The mosses of this peat-bog, which is an espe- 
cially wet and spongy one, if the matter is one admitting of compari- 
son, are by no means profuse in the matter of spore-production. 
The only one of the above to fruit even comparatively freely is the 
Dicranum. Meesia is sufficiently conspicuous with its distinctly 
three-ranked leaves, and I was doubly delighted to find the past 
summer a small tuft bearing numerous sporophytes, very striking 
indeed with long seta and pendulous capsule upon a long, erect 
apophysis. In the summer of 1902 a small tuft of Camptothecium 
also produced fruit, an uncommon occurrence for the species. The 
other species mentioned were sterile. ОЁ more common sorts, I 
noted Aulacomnium palustre sparingly fruited in тоот, though it 

44 Rhodora [FEBRUARY 

generally contents itself with pseudopodia and gemmae, Sphagnum 
acutifolium in 1902, and Sphagnum cymbifolium in 1903. The 
fruiting specimens of Sphagnum were in either case at the top of 
large, compact tufts where conditions were slightly less moist. Of 
the less common species of Sphagnum none appeared to be fructi- 
fying.— A. LeRoy ANpREws, West Virginia University, Morgan- 

Spiranthes Grayi, nom. nov. About three years before the 
publication of the fifth edition of “Grays’ Manual,” A. H. R. 
Grisebach, in the “Flora of the British West Indian Islands” 
described a new species of Spiranthes as S. simplex. In the fifth 
edition of the “Manual” Asa Gray described under the same name 
a new species, native to the United States. As the two species 
described are distinct this duplication of specific names in the genus 
is unfortunate and, in a broad sense, confusing, therefore, I propose 
to call our native plant S. Grayi.— OAKES AMES. 

Vol. 6, no. 61, including pages 1-24 and plate 50 was issued 30 January, 
1904. Mr. Fernald’s article, Two Northeastern Allies of Salix lucida 
(reprinted in advance) was issued 29 December, 1903. 

Plate 51. 


Blanche Ames, del. 





Vol. 6 March, 1904 No. 63 



Tue European beech, Fagus sylvatica, has produced a number of 
varieties, of which several are in cultivation. These forms have 
almost surely originated by sudden saltatory changes; that is, by muta- 
tion. The varieties differ from the species in one or more characters 
which — at least in several of the varieties — may be transmitted by 
seed. The well-known purple beech is one of these offshoots from 
the specific stock. The original tree was discovered in Germany 
between the middle and the end of the eighteenth century, according 
to some, and in Loudon's day was said to be still standing. Accord- 
ing to Loudon all the purple beeches cultivated in Europe in his time 
had been produced from this tree either by seed or by grafting. The 
seedlings come up tolerably true. Other varieties are 7. s. pendula, 
F. s. cristata — the leaves small and tufted, the wood dark and curi- 
ously grained — and Z. s. asplenifolia. The last named form, upon 
which some observations are made below, according to De Vries 
may be propagated by seed. It differs from the species in having 
narrowly elliptical or lanceolate leaves, variously cut, while the leaves 
of the species are, as a rule, broad and almost or quite entire. This 
form has originated, with little doubt, by mutation from the older 
type. Such “sports” are of special interest to students of evolution 
for the light they may possibly throw upon evolutionary processes. 

One of the chief problems to be solved in working out the origin of 
species is whether new races arise by the accumulation of slight vari- 
ations, or whether the alterations are more violent and sudden, so 
that new species are abruptly created with differentiating characters 

46 Rhodora [MaRcH 

fully formed. It is certain that now and again new races do appear 
suddenly. Many of them come reasonably true to seed ; and in this 
fact lies an argument for the stability of the new forms. Neverthe- 
less the period during which such matters have been subjects of 
inquiry is not long. What the results of protracted breeding experi- 
ments may be is as yet problematical. Granting that the newly 
appearing, or as they are called mutational, characters have a certain 
force as hereditary factors, it is yet to be ascertained whether the 
races produced by mutation do not of themselves ultimately return to 
the “normal,” or original, type. If we conceive that the change of 
outward characters which signifies the occurrence of a mutation is - 
the visible expression of an inversion or derangement of the constitu- 
ents of the complex substance controlling the development of form, 
and in reproduction serving as the vehicle of hereditary traits, then 
it seems possible that after a time these constituents may regain their 
previous, or normal, arrangement and in consequence the original 
external characters be restored.! 

The tendency of Fagus sylvatica asplenifolia to revert in certain 
parts is well known. De Vries speaks of frequent atavistic bud 
variation.? Carriére? figures a young shoot on one side of which all 
the branches bore exclusively leaves of the specific form. A tree 
growing at North Easton, Massachusetts, has manifested a still 
further localized and restricted resumption of original characters. 
Atavism has appeared not in one branch, or one bud, but in a part 
of a leaf, in many instances. In most cases about one quarter to one 
third of the lamina was thus affected, usually in the proximal part, 
occasionally in the distal, on one side or other of the midrib. These 
leaves were unsymmetrically developed, as will be seen from the 
accompanying figure, through overgrowth of particular regions of the 
blade. The unusual portions had entire or at most somewhat den- 
tate margins. When the blades were applied to blades of the same 
length taken from the species, so that bases, apices, and midribs 
coincided as nearly as possible, the margins of the overgrown parts 

‘Students of our native flora may render good service to science by reporting 
and describing aberrant forms and by cultural experiments. Careful notes con- 
tributed to botanical journals would be of much value. Careful and full records 
of how the new or unusual forms behave in prolonged vegetative reproduction, 

in propagation by seed after pollination by their own pollen and after cross-polli- 
nation with the normal forms, are especially desired. 

? De Vries, Die Mutationstheorie, т: 488. 
? Carriére, Production et Fixation des Variétés (Paris 1865), p. 49. 

1904] Leavitt, — Reversions of the Fern-leaved Beech 47 

of the varietal laminae very nearly coincided with the margins of the 
corresponding parts of the specific laminae. In lateral extent, in the 
angle bétween margin and midrib, and in the character of the margin, 
the parts in question agree nearly with parts similarly situated in 
leaves of the original type. ‘There is therefore no doubt that we are 
here dealing with a reversion. 

In the Figure — the original drawing for which was traced from the 
leaves themselves — the ab- 
normal leaves of the variety 
are delineated in continuous 
line, the applied specific 
leaves in broken line. In 
the specimens as placed the 
right side of the lamina is 
true to the varietal type, 
showing the somewhat fern- 
like margin to which the 
variety owes its designation, 
asplenifolia. Specimens a, 
б, с have the proximal half 
or more of the left side ex- 
tended to the limits habitual 
in the specific form, while 
the remainder is contracted 
in the manner of the variety. 
In specimens a and c the 
transition from one character to the other is abrupt; in 4, gradual. 
In specimen g the region of disturbance is distal and includes not 
more than one eighth of the entire blade; in this part, however, the 
margin of the ancestral form is exactly matched except at the very 
apex of the blade, where the attenuation characteristic of the variety 


The sudden transition seen in specimens æ and ¢ is especially 
interesting and noteworthy. 

It is to be observed that, as a close examination of the figure will 
show, the restoration of the original form is in no case perfect. 
While the old — the specific — predominates in a remarkable degree, 
the new is evidenced in some way in each atavistic section, either at 
the apex, as in d, or at the base, as in a-c, or throughout, as in 4. 

48 Rhodora [Marcu 

Both old and new form-giving factors are present and operative at 
once in the same field, and the actual figure imparted is a resultant. 
Whether reversions ever reproduce past and now relinquished struc- 
tures with entire exactness is at least questionable. 

Many leaves of the tree mentioned were of the same dual charac- 
ter as those here figured. In each blade as a whole the varietal 
character predominated, while partial atavism when present was 
shown in various degree. The examples found were not confined to 
a few branches but were well scattered, and occurred without any 
apparent rule. | 

Ames BOTANICAL LABORATORY, North Easton, Massachusetts. 



Sisyrinchium intermedium Bicknell. This species is represented in 
my herbarium by two collections: Ledyard, near Pine Swamp, June 
7th, 1897, and New London, field near Ocean Beach, June 28th, 
1992. ‘The specimens differ from material at the Gray Herbarium, 
named by Mr. Bicknell, only in the color of the spathes which are 
greenish rather than purplish. 

Sisyrinchium albidum Raf. А single plant of this species was col- 
lected May 27th, 1889, by Miss Ellen Coit, of New London, in a field 
near the New London-Waterford line. It was probably a stray 
individual, introduced perhaps in seed. ‘The plant was given to me 
in the fresh state, and since then has lain in my herbarium. Its 
identification has been verified by comparison with material at the 
Gray Herbarium. 

Salix longifolia Muhl. This species was first reported from Con- 
necticut by Mr. C. H. Bissell, who found it near Glastonbury beside 
the Connecticut River (КнорокА, IV, 99). It may be of interest 
also to note its occurrence farther down the river at Selden's Cove, 
where it is frequent on the sandy levels bordering the creek. 

I am informed by Mr. M. L. Fernald that in the-Herbarium of the 
Royal Gardens, Kew, there are two sheets of S. /ongifolia collected 

1904] Graves,— Plants of southeastern Connecticut, — IV 49 

by the late Joseph Barratt and marked: (1) “In arid sands, 
Chatham, 2 feet high, Barratt”; (2) ‘Chatham sands, opp. Middle- 
town on the Banks of the River Connt. 1834, Sept. Barratt." 

Salix pentandra L. A single small tree of this species grows close 
to the shore of the Connecticut River a short distance north of Had- 
lyme Ferry. Itssurroundings make it probable thatit is spontaneous 
at that point. 

Maclura aurantiaca Nutt. is spontaneous along a roadside north of 
the railroad station at Waterford, having escaped from the adjoining 

Rubus cuneifolius Pursh was found by the writer in Sept., 1902, in 
a pasture near the Lyman Viaduct in the northwestern part of Col- 
chester. This is, I believe, the first report of its occurrence east of 
the Connecticut River. 

Spiraea lobata Jacq. is well established in a low brushy lot near the 
roadside about one mile east of Groton ferry, having probably escaped 
from a neighboring garden. 

Solidago Canadensis L. var. glabrata Porter. This form grows on 
the low sandy levels bordering Selden's Cove in Lyme, where it was 
discovered July 29, 1902, by Messrs. C. Н. Bissell, L. Andrews and 
the writer. So far as I am aware it has not hitherto been reported 
from Connecticut. At the date mentioned it was just coming into 
bloom, a surprising fact when it is considered that S. Canadensis is 
one of our late flowering goldenrods. It would be interesting to 
know whether the flowering seasons of these two forms show nor- 
mally such a divergence in time. 

Lactuca Scariola L. and its var. integrata Grenier & Godron, 
were found by me in the summer of 1902 growing on filled land 
adjoining Pequot Ave., New London. The species with its pin- 
nately lobed leaves is apparently rare. At this station it was much 
less abundant than the variety. 

Bidens aristosa (Michx.) Britton. This western species has been 
detected at Norwich by Mrs, Elisha E. Rogers, and by the writer at 
South Windham and Lebanon. 

For aid in verifying the determination of some of the plants noted 
above, I am under obligation to the authorities of the Gray Herbarium. 


50 Rhodora [Marcu 


B. L. RoniNsoN. 

THE genus Anychia contains two easily recognizable although 
often confused species, both of which grow in New England. One 
of these, with fastigiately branched puberulent stems, lance-linear 
leaves, and numerous subsessile flowers, has long passed as .4. 
dichotoma, Michx. ‘The other, with more diffuse branching, elliptical 
leaves, and pedicillate flowers scattered in the forks, has according 
to varying ideas of specific lines апа nomenclatorial principles been 
called A. capillacea, DC., A. dichotoma, var. capillacea, Torr., and 
A. canadensis, Britt., Sterns, & Poggenb. While recently in Paris, 
Mr. M. L. Fernald had an opportunity to examine the type specimen 
of Michaux’s A. dichotoma and found it to be not, as generally sup- 
posed, the puberulent plant so called, but the glabrous diffuse one 
later characterized as 4. capi/lacea. Mr. Fernald forwarded to the 
Gray Herbarium an excellent photograph of the type together with 
some notes and the suggestion that the literature of the two species 
should be re-examined in the light of this interesting discovery. 
When in London some weeks later Mr. Fernald also examined the 
extant specimen of the Linnaean Queria canadensis, and found it 
likewise to be the glabrous diffusely branched plant, and thus iden- 
tical with the type of Michaux’s 4. dichotoma. 

On turning to a copy of Michaux’s Flora, long ago annotated by 
Dr. Gray, I find that he also had noticed the real identity of the 
Michauxian plant, as he had penciled the words “the capillacea ” 
against the description of 4. dichotoma. His note, however, was 
made at a time when in the broader interpretation of species, A. 
capillacea was regarded a mere form of A. dichotoma, Presumably 
for this reason he never published any mention of his observation on 
the type at the Jardin des Plantes. 

It has long been clear, however, that our two Anychias are distinct 
species and it is a matter of interest to learn that Michaux’s name 
A. dichotoma has been applied to the wrong one. In the light of the 
new information now at hand it will be necessary to change the 
names now current. Concerning the smooth diffusely branched 
plant, there can be no question. To those who use the first correct 
combination it must hereafter be 4. dichotoma, Michx. ‘Those, who 

1904] Robinson, — Identity of Anychia dichotoma 5I 

on the other hand prefer the earliest specific name, may continue to 
call the plant 4. canadensis, Britt., Sterns, & Poggenb. 

Concerning the other plant, namely the one with puberulent stems, 
the difficulty is greater. The only available names found in litera- 
ture appear to be several of Rafinesque’s, who in the Atlantic 
Journal’ and New Flora? characterized no less than six species of 
Anychia, prefacing his treatment of the group in the latter publica- 
tion by the following characteristic remarks: “ Тһе plants of this 
G[enus] and others akin forming a small natural group, have been 
blended with the G[enera] Queria, Paronychia, Achyranthus &c., 
their synonymy and ѕр[есіеѕ] are in utter confusion. Having shown 
to Torrey 4 sp[ecies] widely different in habit, leaves and flowers ! 
he pronounced them all varieties of Queria canadensis! They 
require as yet a monograph, and must be divided into 2 or 3 Genera 
by the stamens, that must all be examined again, since Michaux and 
Nuttal|] differ about them. І regret that I did not examine all 
mine when met alive. Meantime I will divide them into 3.subgenera 
or Genera, and add some new species.” <A. nudifiora, Raf., is 
described as smooth and may be excluded from consideration 
оп this ground. ‘The other five, namely, 4. polygonoides, fastigiata, 
conferta, lateralis, and divaricata, are all said to be puberulent or 
pubescent. Of these, the first published (if priority of position as 
well as of time be regarded) was A. polygonoides, which was charac- 
terized! as follows: “Stem dichotomous, lax, erect, puberulent ; 
leaves patent, linear cuneate, acute, nearly smooth, stipules lanceo- 
late; flowers solitary in dichotomy, subpedicellate, erect. From the 
mountains Alleghany, and estival like the three following [.4. fasti- 
giata, conferta, and lateralis], six inches high." 

Every part of this description corresponds to the more loosely 
branched specimens of our puberulent-stemmed plant, and there can 
be no serious doubt that 4. polygonoides, Raf., was what has long 
passed as A. dichotoma. Further proof, however, is to be found in a 
subsequent note з by Rafinesque, in which he states that his 4. poly- 
gonoides is A. canadensis of Nuttall and most of our botanists.” 
This is significant, for at that time Nuttall, Torrey, De „Candolle, 
and others had all mistaken the puberulent-stemmed plant for 
Queria canadensis of L. and A. dichotoma of Michaux., separating 

! Atlantic Journal, i. 16 (1832). ? New Flora, iv. 41—43 (1836). 

? New Flora, iv. 43. 

52 Rhodora [Marcu 

from it as a variety or independent species the smooth-stemmed and 
broader-leaved A. capillacea, DC. That Rafinesque himself had a 
correct knowledge of these plants is shown by his further remark ! 
that “The A. capillaris N[uttall] is the real A. dichotoma, of Mx. 
quite distinct by broad leaves elliptic, stem filiform smooth.” 

The only points in the description of A. polygonoides, which can 
raise any question, are the lax branching and subpedicellate flowers, 
but it must be remembered that Rafinesque employed these expres- 
sions only in a comparative way while endeavoring to separate 
several forms of the same plant, all regarded by Dr. Torrey as 
Queria canadensis, Fortunately authentic specimens of Rafinesque’s 
Anychias were preserved in the Torrey Herbarium, and we have 
recent and critical authority in Dr. Britton's notes on the genus ? for 
regarding 4. polygonoides, Raf., as identical with the puberulent plant. 

The species of Anychia should therefore follows. As 
from habital similarity they have been much confused, it seems best 
to cite specimens as well as synonymy pretty fully. 

A. DICHOTOMA, Michx. Stem filiform, glabrous: leaves elliptical, 
thin: inflorescence diffuse; flowers distinctly pedicellate. — Fl. Bor.- 
Am. i. 113 (1803); Raf. New Fl. iv. 43. — Queria canadensis, L. 
Sp. 90 (1753). Q. dichotoma, Moench, Meth. 351 (1794). О. capil- 
Ѓасга, Nutt. Gen. i. 159 (1818). О. canadensis, var. capillacea, Eaton, 
Man. ed. 4, 422 (1824). Q. canadensis, var. capillaris, Britton, Bull. 
Torr. Bot. Club, xiii. 187 (1886). Anychia dichotoma, var. capillacea, 
Eaton, Man. ed. 6, 295 (1833). A. capillacea, DC. Prodr. ііі. 369 
(1828); Redfield, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vi. 6: ; Britton, ibid. xiii. 
187; Wats. & Coult. in Gray, Man. ed. 6, 426. A. capillaris, Rat. 
(by clerical error), New Fl. iv. 43. <A. filiformis, Raf. acc. to 
Britton, l. c. A. canadensis, Britt., Sterns, & Poggenb. Prelim. Cat. 
№. Y. 44 (1888) ; Britt. & Brown, Ill. Fl. ii. до; Britt. Man. 405.— 
New HaMrsHIRE: Nottingham, 20 July, 1900, 4. А. Eaton. VER- 
MONT: Bellows Falls, 22 Aug. t9o2, Blanchard; Pownal, 23 July, 
1898, Eggleston; North Pownal, 11 Aug. 1902, Blanchard. Massa- 
CHUSETTS: Danvers, 5 July, 1896, Sears; Melrose, 27 Sept. 1882, 
Perkins; on gravel, Pine Hill, Middlesex Fells, 21 July, 1895, 
Charles Eliot; Medford, 3 Aug. 1878, Perkins; damp rocky woods, 
Woburn, 28 July, 1895, A ; sandy soil, Cambridge, 11 Sept. 1891, 
Fernald; on Snake Hill, Waltham, 13 Aug. 1866, W. Boott; Blue 
Hills Reservation, 11 Aug. 1894, Manning; roadside in shade, 
Sharon, 12 July, 1896, Williams; Highland Grove, Walpole, 20 
Aug. 1878, Young. Кноре Istanp: Thurber; Diamond Hill, 

! New FI. iv. 43. ? Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, xiii. 187. 

1904 | Robinson,— Identity of Anychia dichotoma 53 

20 Sept. 1884, W. W. Bailey. CoNNeEcTICUT: in shade, not rare, 
Southington, Andrews, no. 797; woods, Southington, 15 Aug. 1901, 
Bissell; Pomfret, 4 July, 1901, Driggs. New York: Staten Island, 
1855, Zhurber. PENNSYLVANIA: Lancaster near Binkley’s Bridge, 
6 Sept. 1901, Heller; Allegheny, in hilly woods, Zzeg/er. DISTRICT 
OF CoLuMBIA: wooded hillsides near Washington, зо Jun. & 16 July, 
1896, Steele. MARYLAND: in hb. Gray without locality. VIRGINIA: 
along the New River, Blue Bridge, 12 July, 1892, Sma//; Stony Man 
Mountain, .Szee/e, no. 73. NORTH CAROLINA : Asheville, Robinson, 
no. 32; dry slopes, Buncombe County, Biltmore distribution, no. 
5419a. Kentucky: Harlan Court House, Kearney, no. то. OHIO: 
Perkins, 8 July, 1895, Moseley. ONTARIO: Essex County, 1891, 
Dearness; Leamington, 30 July, 1892, Macoun. 1Їїллхо1$: Lansing, 
А. Chase, no. 863; Rock River, Bebb. MINNESOTA : on red bluffs 
of the upper Des Moines River, Gever. 

A. POLYGONOIDES, Raf. Stem puberulent: leaves lance-linear, of 
firmer texture: inflorescence lax to fastigiate ; flowers scarcely or not 
at all pedicelled.— Atl. Journ. i. 16 (1832). A. canadensis, Ell. Sk. 
i. 307 (1817), as to pl. descr. but not as to syn. Queria canadensis. 
А. dichotoma, DC. Prodr. iii. 369; Torr. & Gray, Fl. i. 172; Gray, 
Man. eds. 1-6; Britton, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, xiii. 186; Britt. & 
Brown, Ill. Fl. ii. до; Britton, Man. 405; not Michx. Queria cana- 
densis, Nutt. Сеп. i. 158 (1818). A. fastigiata, conferta, & laterals, 
Raf. Atl. Journ. i. 16 (1832), from char. and acc. to Britton, Bull. 
Torr. Bot. Club, xiii. 187. 24. divaricata, Raf. New Fl. iv. 42 
(1836). Paronychia canadensis, Wood, Bot. and Flor. 58 (1870). 
— MassacHusETTs: Danvers, 14 Aug. 1887, Sears; W. Quincy, on 
wood roads, 11 Sept., 1894, Rich; road east of Great Dome, Blue 
Hills, Manning. CONNECTICUT : on railroad track, Norwalk, 6 Aug. 
1894, Averill, PENNSYLVANIA: roadsides near the Delaware Water 
Gap, Oct. 1867, C. F. Austin; Safe Harbor, Heller & Halbach, no. 
656; Allegheny, 21 July, 1889, Zzeg/er. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 
Washington and vicinity, 17 Sept. 1896, .S/ee/e. VIRGINIA : Bedford 
County, тг July, 1871, Curtiss; Massanuttin Mountain, Heler & 
Halbach, no. тодо; Stony Man Mountain, зо Aug. 1901, Steele, nos. 
72,242. NORTH CAROLINA; Cullowhee, 1887, Thaxter; Asheville, 
Robinson, no. зо. FLORIDA : brackish shores, Duval County, Curtiss, 
no. 337 (form with exceedingly short puberulence, the sepals more 
conspicuously ciliated). ALABAMA: ex herb. J. Torrey; dry rich soil, 
1858, ex herb. Dr. Short. ‘TENNESSEE; upon woods, Henderson, 
Bain, по. 239. Kentucky: Poor Fork, Kearney, no. 198. Omio: 
Oxford, 6 Aug. 1895, Moseley. ILLINOIS: Mt. Carmel, 1875, Dr. 
Schneck. ARKANSAS: sandy fields, Harvey, no. 16. KANSAS: open 
woods, Cherokee County, Hitchcock, no. 801. Texas: Dallas, June, 
1873, Reverchon. Arizona (ог New Mexico): S. B. Parish, no. 310. 


54 Rhodora [Marcu 


[The sign + indicates that an herbarium specimen has 
been seen; the sign — that areliable printed record has been 

found. | 


JH) | alate 
Ф | -| 0 
ж Z| >| Zx] 
Cornus alternifolia, L. f. + [ФРЕЕ 
* — Amomum, Mill. . +/+ +++ 
" canadensis, L, + FE РР 
* — circinata, L'Hér. +++ ++ ГЕ 
© До Шы м .... „у, „ше жЕ ЫЫ 
е - paniculata, L'Hér. . .,, 2 s ++|+|++ 

n X Purpusi . + 
“___Ритриз1, Koehne. ++ +|+|+ 
*  stolonifera, Michx. . омат ФОТА [У + 
ума, @yivatica, ММА о... ‚у, ЕЕ ++ рТ 


$ 2 BE ID = 
| 2 zx о 
Diervilla Lonicera, Mill. . 3E I| H- | +/+ 
Linnaea borealis, L. Lo ЕЕЕ + [+ 
Lonicera canadensis, Marsh. КЕРГЕ + {+ 
“ coerulea, І. eee i a 
s dioica, L. eta [oi | PS 

- hirsuta, Eat. "EM 
*  japonica, Thunb. . + 

"т Morrowii, Gray . + 

* ^ oblongifolia, Hook. TIU] 
«4 sempervirens, L. + +/+ + 
"  tatarica, І. Wit E 

* — Xylosteum, L. . | + 

Sambucus canadensis, L. ФР +++ 
T racemosa, L. . +1116 161+ 

1 Printed іп RHODORA as supplementary material. 


1904] Rehder,— Lists of New England Plants, — XIV. 55 

ae і 
=|&|>|®| о 

Symphoricarpus orbiculatus, Moench. AM E 

racemosus, Michx. . . . +|+|+|+|+ 

Ы 1 var. pauciflorus Rob- | 
bins +/+ 

Triosteum angustifolium, L. ы Eu 
E aurantiacum, Bickn. . . . . . . J/+/4+/+/)/+ +/+ 
Š peMohzum ОО а ee 8 
Viburnum acerifolium,L. . . . . . RE ыны ыг 
E alnifolium, Marsh. . . . . . . . (|+ (+++ 
Ы cassinoides, L. 2 2. о 1+ 
A dentatum. eaen a A eae |+ ТЕЕ Oo alt ba 
M Шейгаго Ее. 16. О РЕ LE РЕСЕ 
b nudum ор 0 нне CM | SF 
X Opuls, L. ... . . . . . . . |T|T4* Ыг E 
B pauciflorum, Pylaie +|+ n HERE 
Б prunifolium, L. | | [T 
p pubescens, Pursh. bed + | ЕЧ 
с озо Brittoni р ОЕ са ЕТЕ re 


Cornus Purpusi, Koehne! is a recent segregate of C. Amomum 
Miller (C. sericea, L.) and was first described from plants raised in 
Germany from seeds collected near Toledo, Ohio, by C. A. Purpus. 
It is chiefly distinguished from C. Amomum by the numerous papillae 
on the epidermis on the under side of the leaves which appears there- 
fore glaucous, while in C. Amomum the epidermis is perfectly smooth 
and the color of the under side usually green. Other characters of 
C. Purpusi are the generally narrower leaves, cuneate at the base and 
with only 4 to 5 or rarely 6 pairs of veins usually furnished with pale 
pubescence, the smaller flowers and inflorescence and its more 
appressed pubescence, the paler color of the branches, the but 
slightly ribbed stone and the usually much paler often almost whitish 
fruit. The habit of the shrub is looser and especially the more or 
less pendulous leaves give it a distinct appearance from C. Amomum 
which has broaler leaves with 4 to 8 pairs of veins and a usually 
rounded base and stouter petioles. Cornus Purpusi ranges from 

! Gartenfl. 48: 338 (1899) ; Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr. Ges. 12: 48 (1903); Rehder 
in Sargent's Trees & Shrubs т: 77, pl. 40 (1903). 

56 | Rhodora [Marcu 

New England westward through the Lake region and the Central 
States, while C. Amomum is strictly Alleghanian. In New England 
both species occur and intermediate forms are occasionally met with. 

Cornus paniculata х Purpusi = С. Arnoldiana, Rehder' is a 
hybrid which originated spontaneously in the Arnold Arboretum. 
As the two parent species grow not unfrequently together in New 
England, it is to be expected that this hybrid will be found elsewhere. 
It is probably best described as a Cornus panicudata with the branches 
` of last year purplish instead of grayish. 

Cornus stolonifera has been reported from Rhode Island, but the 
only specimen I have seen under this name from that state proved to 
be C. Amomum. 

Linnaea borealis, ‘The American plant has been distinguished from 
the type which occurs in Europe and Northern Asia as Z. borealis, 
var. americana (L. americana, Forbes). It is, however, hardly spe- 
cifically distinct as considered by Britton in his Mannal. The only 
locality known in Rhode Island where it had been collected by S. T. 
Olney has long been obliterated (see RHODORA 2: 218). 

Lonicera canadensis. This species is better known under the name 
L. ciliata, Muhlenberg, but since Marshall’s name is about зо years 
older and the species is recognizable from his description, it has to 
supersede Muhlenberg’s later name. 

Lonicera coerulea. The American plant, at least that of northeast- 
ern North America, belongs to Z. coerulea, var. villosa, Torrey & Gray, 
which varies greatly in the pubescence and shape of the leaves. It 
is chiefly distinguished from the type by its more or less upright win- 
ter buds and the glabrous campanulate corolla. 

Lonicera hirsuta. The only specimens I have seen from the New 
England states were collected near Middlebury, Vermont, by E. 
Brainerd. No specimen from the type locality, which is Williams- 
town, Mass., could be found in any of the herbariums consulted. 
At the time of its discovery by Eaton, about 85 years ago, it seems 
to have been plentiful there, for he says in his Manual (ed. 6, p. 210) 
that two miles west of Williams College he saw "hundreds in flower 
climbing the trees and shrubs of an elevated ridge or hill in the sum- 
mer of 1817." If the wood where Eaton found it has not entirely 
disappeared, the plant probably still exists there and a thorough 
search at the flowering time, about middle of June, in the region 

! Rehder in Sargent's Trees & Shrubs 1 : 79, pl. 39 (1902). 

1904] Rehder,— Lists of New England Plants,—XIV 7 

described might lead to the rediscovery of this species at its type 
locality. Eaton also mentions that it had been found later near 
Worcester, Mass., and Middlebury, Vermont. At the latter locality 
it was rediscovered by E. Brainerd in 1880 (Herb. Univ. Vermont). 

Lonicera oblongifolium. Specimens under this name from Rhode 
Island collected by W. W. Bailey near Olneyville proved to be the 
European Z. Xy/osfeum. 

Lonicera japonica, L. Morrowit, L. sempervirens, L. tatarica, and 
L. Xylosteum, also Symphoricarpus orbiculatus, Moench (S. vulgaris, 
Michaux) have been found escaped from cultivation and well estab- 
lished. As several of them have maintained themselves for a con- 
siderable time and are spreading апа those which have been observed 
but recently will in all probability do likewise, they ought not to be 
omitted from an account of the flora of New England. Z. japonica 
which is, according to Mr. C. H. Bissell, à not uncommon escape 
along the coast of Connecticut was found last year also in Massa- 
chusetts by Mr. L. A. Wentworth of Lynn who informs me that he 
discovered at Essex a large number of plants of this species along a 
roadside some distance from any habitation. А 

Sambucus racemosa. ‘The American plant is often considered a 
distinct species, 5. pubens Michaux (S. racemosa, var. pubens, 
Koehne), chiefly distinguished by its pubescence from the glabrous 
European type. 

Triosieum perfoliatum. ‘his species seems to occur only in Con- 
necticut ; all specimens from other states I have seen proved to be 
T. aurantiacum. 

Viburnum alnifolium. From Rhode Island I have seen no speci- 
men but one from S. F. Olney's herbarium (Herb. Brown Univ.) 
As this had been collected probably about 60 years ago, the locality 
may now possibly be obliterated. 

Viburnum nudum has been found only in Connecticut. All speci- 
mens from other states named У. nudum which I have seen, 
belonged to V. cassinoides, 

Viburnum Opulus. From the European type the American plant 
differs chiefly in the open shallow groove and the smaller more 
numerous glands of the petiole and in the orange red, not scarlet 
fruit. It has been distinguished as И. americanum, Miller (PF. 
Opulus, var. americanum, Aiton). 

Viburnum prunifolium. Besides the type there has been found in 

58 Rhodora [Marcu 

Connecticut near Greenwich, a form with smaller globose fruits, V. 
prunifolium, var. globosum, Nash (Herb. C. H. Bissell). 

Viburnum pubescens. As this species occurs in Vermont and 
Connecticut, it may be looked for in western Massachusetts. It has 
been reported but probably erroneously from New Hampshire (W. S. 
Harris, Flora of the town of Windham, p. 17). A specimen I 
received as V. pubescens from New Hampshire (Herb. Dartmouth 
Coll., Hanover) proved to be V. acerifolium. 

Viburnum venosum. Under this name Britton has recently sep- 
arated the northern form of V. molle of Gray (V. scabrel/um, Chap- 
man) from the form of the southern states which he takes for the 
type. Though the morphological characters by which the two 
species are distinguished appear rather slight, both are quite distinct 
in their general appearance and seem really less closely related to 
each other than V. venosum is to V. dentatum. As regards the name 
V. molle which has been left to the southern form, a closer study of 
the matter has led me to the conviction that V. molle of Gray and 
subsequent authors is not the V. molle of Michaux, but the V. denta- 
tum, var. semitomentosum, Michaux, while the typical V. molle, 
Michaux, is identical with the species recently described as V. 
Demetrionis. Although V. molle, Gray, if V. venosum is considered 
a distinct species, is not included in the flora of New England, I 
suppose it will not seem out of place to insert here the following 
notes intended to make clear the somewhat confused synonymy of 
V. molle, especially as it will show conclusively that the name V. 
molle can never be used for the New England plant. 

VIBURNUM MOLLE, Michaux, Fl. 1:180 (1803). V. Demetrionis, 
Deane & Robinson, Bot. Gaz. 22 : 167, pl. 8 (1896) ; 24: 436 (1897); 
Britton & Brown, Ill. Fl. 3:231, fig. 3441 (1898); Britton, Man. 871 
(1901 ). 

'This species has been found only in Kentucky and Missouri. 

It had always seemed improbable to me that Michaux really should 
have considered one and the same species, even if represented by 
somewhat different forms, as a variety of V. dentatum and also as a 
distinct species allied to V. Ofu/us, and as furthermore the descrip- 
tion of V. molle, Michaux, did not fit very well the V. molle of Gray, I 
concluded to follow the matter up. Mr. Fernald to whom I spoke 
about it before he left for Europe last summer, kindly promised me 
to look up the species in Michaux's herbarium. He brought back a 

1904]  Rehder,— Lists of New England Plants, — XIV 59 

good photograph of Michaux's type which enabled me, almost as well 
as if I had had the specimen itself, to study the characters of V. 
molle; a close examination made it soon apparent that it could not be 
identical with V. mole of Gray, as the petioles are stipulate and the 
venation and serration of the leaves perceptibly different. Of the 
species with stipulate petioles V. Demetrionis seemed to be the most 
similar and indeed its deeply cordate leaves and their venation and 
serration agrees perfectly with Michaux’s specimen; also Michaux's 
description, especially as regards “fructibus oblongo-ovatis" and 
"cortice quotannis laceratim deciduo” fits V. Demetrionis exactly, 
but not at all V. molle of Gray. Michaux also apparently observed 
the stipules and for this reason characterized it as a * V. Opulus 
foliis indivisis.” ‘To make the evidence conclusive the V. molle has 
been recently rediscovered at the type locality, Danville, Kentucky, 
by Mr. Boynton of Baltimore and Mr. C. D. Beadle remarked in a 
letter regarding this discovery that the specimen look much like V. 
Demetrionis and that Michaux's description likewise agrees very well 
with that species. A specimen which he sent a short time afterwards 
to the Arnold Arboretum leaves no doubt that Boynton's specimen 
is identical as well with Michaux's V. molle as with V. Demetrionis. 

VIBURNUM BRACTEATUM, Rehder in Sargent's Trees & Shrubs 1: 
135, pl. 68 (1903). V. mo//e, Chapman, Fl. ed. 3. 190 (1897), not 
Michaux. | 

This species is known only from the cliffs of the Coosa River near 
Rome, Georgia. It differs from V. »//e chiefly in its conspicuous 
bracts, the semiorbicular calyx teeth, the shorter petioles, the remotely 
and shallowly dentate leaves and the close bark. 

VIBURNUM semitomentosum, comb. nov. V. dentatum В semi- 
tomentosum, Michaux, Fl. 1:179 (1803). V. dentatum В? scabrel- 
lum, Torrey & Gray, Fl. 2:16 (1841). V. scabrellum, Chapman, 
Fl. 172 (1860). V. mo//e, Gray, Man. ed. 5, 206 (1867); Syn. FI. 
I, 2:11, in part (1834) ; Britton & Brown, Ill. Fl. 3:231, in part, fig. 
3440 (1898); Dippel, Handb. Laubholzk. r:184, in part (1889); 
not Michaux. V. molle, var.? tomentosum, Chapman, Fl. ed. 3, 190 

This species is distributed from Kentucky to Florida and Texas. 
It differs from V. venosum by the thinner and fewer veins, the shal- 
lower often crenate dentation with fewer and larger obtusish teeth, 
the oval or ovate rarely orbicular leaves generally truncate at the 

бо Rhodora [Marcu 

base, the larger flowers and fruits and the reddish brown branches. 
Gray quotes “ V. dentatum semitomentosum Michx., in part” as well 
under his V. molle as under V. pubescens and refers to the latter spe- 
cies, Michaux’s specimens from Lake Champlain, but as Michaux 
himself excludes those specimens from his var. semitomentosum and 
quotes in his Flora as locality only “in Carolinae inferioris dumeto- 
sis,” it seems hardly correct to quote part of his var. semifomentosum 
as synonymous with V. pubescens. 

VIBURNUM VENOSUM, Britton, Man. 871 (1901); Rehder in Sar- 
gent’s Trees & Shrubs 1:85, pl 43 (1903). V. molle, Gray, Syn. 
Fl. т, 2:11, in part (1884); Dippel, Handb. Laubholzk. 1:184, 
fig. 115, in part (1889); Watson & Coulter in Gray, Man. ed. 6, 218, 
in part (18до); Sargent, Gard. & For. 4:29, fig. 8 (1891); Zabel, 
Móller's Deutsch. Gártn.-Zeit. 6:267, fig. (1891); Koehne, Deutsch. 
Dendr. 537 (1893); not Michaux. V. Hanceanum, Dippel, l. c. 
176, fig. 107 (1889), not Maximowicz. 

This species ranges from eastern Massachusetts to Pennsylvania 
and Delaware, and reappears in а peculiar form in S. Carolina. It 
differs from the preceding species chiefly in the more numerous and 
more prominent veins, the acute callous-tipped and more numerous 
teeth, the generally subcordate leaves, glabrous or nearly so above, 
those below the inflorescence suborbicular, the smaller flowers and 
fruits and the grayish or yellowish brown branches. In European 
gardens it has long been in cultivation and is occasionally met with 
as V. pubescens, V. nepalense and V. asiaticum. ‘The two following 
varieties merit distinction. 

V. vENOSUM, var. Canbyi, var. nov. Differs from the type by its 
thinner, less pubescent leaves, often only pubescent along the mid- 
rib beneath, especially those below the inflorescence much larger, 
often 5 to 8 cm. broad and the larger inflorescence like the young 
branchlets only slightly pubescent. This is apparently the form men- 
tioned by Torrey & Gray in their Flora as intermediate between V. 
dentatum and V. dentatum scabrellum. Some remarks regarding the 
pubescence in the description of V. dentatum by Darlington ! and by 
Beck? refer probably also to this form.— DxrAwanE, Wilmington, 
July 2 and Aug. 22, 1902, Christiana, Aug. 25, 1902, New Castle, 
July 2, 1902, W. M. Canby. PENNSYLVANIA, Westchester, Oct. 8, 

1 F]. Cestr. ed. 2, 203 (1837). 
? Bot. U. S. 145 (1856). 

1904] Notes on Publications recently received 61 

1902, W. M. Canby, Mt. Hope, June 24, 1901, A. A. Heller. S. W. 
VIRGINIA, July 16, 1892, 7. А. Small. This form has been for 
many years in cultivation at the Arnold Aboretum, where it was 
received under the name V. /aevzgatum from the nursery of Parsons 
& Son, Flushing, Long Island, As an ornamental shrub it is supe- 
rior to V. dentatum and V. venosum on account of its larger corymbs 
and larger dark green foliage and more vigorous habit. 

V. vENOSUM, var. longifolium, comb. nov. V. dentatum, var. 
longifolium, Dippel, 1. c. 183 (1889) ; Koehne, Deutsch. Dendr. 537 
(1893). V. longifolium, * Loddiges" Zabel, in Beissner, Schelle & 
Zabel, Handb. Laubholz-Ben. 441 (1903). This form known only 
in cultivation differs in its narrower and longer leaves, pubescent on 
both sides, more densely beneath, with single or forked hairs. In 
the plant cultivated at the Arnold Arboretum the inflorescence and 
thé young branchlets are glabrous, but as Dippel and Koehne say 
that they are either glabrous or pubescent, I am inclined to refer 
here a Viburnum collected by Dr. Mellichamp in 1878 near Bluffton, 
S. C. (herb. Gray) which has the inflorescence and the young branch- 
lets stellate-tomentose, but agrees otherwise with the cultivated plant. 



Professor T. C. Porter’s long expected (now alas posthumous) 
Flora of Pennsylvania is at hand,! having been edited and provided 
with analytical keys by Dr. J. K. Small, the nephew of author. The 
work is an excellently printed royal octavo volume of 362 pages 
enumerating no less than 2201 species. It is restricted to the sper- 
matophytes and the sequence of orders and families is essentially that 
of Engler & Prantl’s Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. However, sev- 
eral departures from this arrangement are made, and not always with 
happy results. Thus the Compositae are divided, as by several recent 
writers, into three families, the Cichoriaceae, Ambrosiaceae, and Com- 
positae. About the practical value of this division there will of course 
be a difference of opinion, but if it is made, there would certainly 

! Flora of Pennsylvania by Thomas Conrad Porter, D. D., LL. D. Ed. by 
John Kunkel Small, Ph. D. Ginn & Co., Boston, 1903. 

62 .  Rhodora [Marcu 

seem to be no reason for inverting the sequence and placing the 
Cichorieae before, i. e. below the Compositae proper. It is one of the 
cardinal principles of the modern and very philosophic German sys- 
tem of plant arrangement, that the complex shall come after the 
simple, as having in all probability developed subsequently. Now, it 
cannot be doubted that a highly zygomorphic corolla such as is found 
in the Cichorieae, is a more complicated structure in the sense of 
being a wider departure from primitive simplicity, than is the regular 
corolla of the Æupatorieae, etc. It is easy to believe that the 
asymmetrical corolla of the Cichorieae has arisen from the more 
common regular form by a gradual one-sided splitting, but it is quite 
difficult to conceive that the highly zygomorphic corolla was the 
primitive form. It should be remembered also that the Cichorieae, 
provided as they are with an elaborate latex system, have a more 
complex anatomy than the other Compositae, which is an added 
reason for considering them of later development. 

The nomenclature and delimitation of groups is in conformity with 
the practice of the school of botany which has been called the 
* Neo-American." This will naturally be a matter of regret to many 
of Dr. Porter’s friends, who perceive that even after ten years’ trial 
by some American botanists the Rochester nomenclature is no nearer 
acceptance by the great European systematists. One of the alleged 
merits of the reform system applied in Dr. Porter’s flora is, we 
believe, its consistency, yet in turning the pages one is struck with 
obvious incongruities. For instance, many well established names 
have been discarded on account of the so-called doctrine of homo- 
nyms, yet Cornus candidissima, Marsh. (1785) is maintained quite 
without regard to the earlier C. candidissima, Mill. (1769). Erysi- 
mum is kept up as a good genus resting upon the last of its four 
Linnaean species, yet Stellaria, which if similarly treated would have 
to rest upon S. cerastioides and to stand for what is now called Cer- 
astium, is wholly suppressed and the genus Cerastium although of 
later publication is allowed to stand. Agrimonia striata, a name 
which Michaux gave to a Canadian plant, is arbitrarily transferred 
to a species ranging from Connecticut southward. It is needless to 
multiply such examples. Those here mentioned are selected because 
they have all been previously and quite without effect called to the 
attention of the reform school. A small slip in authority, originating 
doubtless in a typographical error, but handed on from publication 

1904] Meeting of the Vermont Botanical Club 63 

to publication, is that of ascribing Melilotus alba to Desvaux instead 
of Desrousseaux its real author. The local distribution of each 
species and variety within the limits of Pennsylvania is stated with 
remarkable completeness and unquestioned accuracy, but the same 
cannot be said for the more general rangesgiven. This is, of course, 
a secondary feature in a local flora, and therefore some incompleteness 
or slips in stating extra-limital ranges should be readily condoned, 
yet surely surprise must be felt when a plant so noteworthy and so 
much discussed as our dwarf mistletoe is assigned a range which does 
not include a, third part of the territory over which it is known to 
extend. However, notwithstanding the defects here mentioned, the 
work as a whole is a noble monument of untiring and lifelong effort 
to understand thoroughly and record accurately a rich and interest- 
ing flora. Dr. Small’s addition of keys contributes a feature which 
must have cost no inconsiderable labor and will be appreciated by 
those who use the book in the field. 

Under the title Contributions from the Ames Botanical Laboratory, 
No. 1, Mr. Oakes Ames has just issued a valuable and well illus- 
trated paper on some orchids of southern Florida. The observations 
relate chiefly to specimens recently collected by Mr. A. A. Eaton. 
It is to be hoped that this carefully prepared paper is the forerunner 
of an extended series of similar contributions concerning a family of 
plants long in need of an American specialist. 

Dr. W. F. Ganong in the Educational Review of St. John, New 
Brunswick, xvii. 196, has published an excellent article upon plant- 

Bulletin 103 of the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, a. 
joint publication by Professor L. R. Jones and other members of the 
staff, deals with the Maple Sap Flow. Although it contains much 
tabular matter, embodying the results of extensive experimentation, 
the whole subject is clearly discussed in language so free from tech- 
nicalities that the bulletin will be a practical and valuable guide to 
maple sugar makers, not only in Vermont but throughout the range 
of the industry. — B. L. R. 

winter meeting of the Vermont Botanical Club was held at Burlington 
January 21—22, with President E. Brainerd in the chair. The follow- 

64 Rhodora [Marcu | 

ing papers were read: — Wild Flowers of California, Mrs. H. F. 
Grout; Fruiting Season of the Hair-cap Moss, Miss P. M. Towle; 
The Brandon Nature Club, Miss C. W. Ormsbee; Ferns of Greens- 
boro, Miss H. M. Hodge; Progress of Nature Study in the Vermont 
Schools, Supt. W. E. Ranger; A School-garden in its relation to 
Nature Study, Miss S. T. Palmer; A Trip to the Farallone Islands, 
Mrs. E. B. Davenport ; Soil as a Factor in Plant Distribution, Pro- 
fessor W. J. Morse; Flow of Sap in the Sugar Maple, Professor 
L. R. Jones; The Importance of the Study of Plants when in Fruit, 
President E. Brainerd ; New Plants added to the Flora of Burlington, 
Mrs. N. F. Flynn; Work of the Fairbanks Museum, Miss D. I. 
Griffin; On Goldie's Fern and on the Ginseng, F. A. Balch; Ferns 
in the vicinity of St. Johnsbury, Miss B. M. Rooney; On the 
Shrubby Cinquefoil, A. H. Gilbert ; Botanical Prizes in connection 
with School work, A. J. Eaton; A Small Matter of Color, Miss S. H. 
Bliss; Poisonous Plants of Vermont, W. W. Gilbert; The Pogonias 
about Burlington, F. A. Ross. The annual address was given by 
Dr. Marshall A. Howe of the New York Botanical Garden and was 
entitled Plant Life of the Sea. This exceedingly interesting lecture 
was illustrated by more than a hundred exquisitely colored photo- 
graphs prepared by the late Cornelius Van Brunt and projected by 
stereopticon. The officers of the Club were unanimously re-elected 
and a new executive committee created. As in former years the 
Club met simultaneously with the Vermont Bird Club and during 
some of the exercises the two clubs sat in joint session. A very 
pleasant feature of the meeting was a supper at “The Heights” at 
which about forty members and guests assembled. It was decided 
to hold the summer meeting at Lake Dunmore, on the r2th and 13th 
of July. 

Vol. 6, no. 62, including pages 25 to 44, was issued 17 February, 1904. 





Vol. 6 April, 1904 No. 64 



(Plates 52 and 53.) 

IN the hope of clearing up confusion in regard to our Great Bul- 
rush the accompanying plates have been prepared and the following 
descriptions drawn up after study of the specimens of this group in 
the National and Gray Herbaria, herbaria of the New England Botan- 
ical Club and of the Field Columbian Museum, and in a few private 

Scirpus validus was clearly described by Vahl and this name was 
taken up by the earlier American botanists. From the brief descrip- 
tion of S. Jacustris in Species Plantarum (p. 48) it is impossible to 
decide which species of the group Linnaeus had in mind, but the 
type locality is given as “ Europae," and the descriptions of S. lacus- 
tris L. by Kunth (Enum. Pl. 2:164), Vahl (Enum. Pl. 2:268), and 
Reichenbach (Icones Fl. Germ. 7 : 41, plate 106) clearly describe the 
specimens with 3-cleft styles from Scandinavia, Germany and France 
found in the above herbaria. This European S. /acustris is a plant 
with spikelets usually in capitate clusters; smooth scales (the excur- 
rent tip of the midrib alone being scabrous) one-fourth or more longer 
than the achene; style 3-cleft; achene 1.7—1.8 by 3 mm., triquetrous, 
the ventral facet broadest and the dorsal angle obtuse; and the invol- 
ucral bract flat or plano-convex, the margins scabrous. The Euro- 
pean bulrush with 2-cleft style, described as S. Zabernaemontant 
Gmel. Fl. Bad. 1 : 101, and figured in Reichenbach's Icones (7: 41, 
plate 107), is, to judge from descriptions, plate and numerous speci- 

66 Rhodora [APRIL 

mens in the Gray Herbarium, clearly distinct from S. /acustris L., 
though reduced to synonymy in the Kew Index. To this form our 
American S. validus and S. occidentalis are more nearly allied than 
to S. Jacustris L. 

The achene-characters here given are based on study of mature 
plants; and achenes for measurement and illustration are in each 
case takeh from the lower part of the spikelet, the upper achenes 
being found less characteristic and almost invariably smaller than the 
lower ones. 


Achene lenticular, style 2-cleft : 
Bristles 4—6, slender: 

Achene 2 mm., scales but little longer А ‘ S. validus. 

Achene 2.5-3 mm., scales 4-} longer . . ` S. occidentalis. 

Bristles 2, broad, ciliate below  . : i Р i 5. Caltfornicus. 
Achene triquetrous, style 3-cleft; bristles 2—4, fragile, 

unequal : . А А А : Е . . S. heterochaetus. 

Scirpus VALIDUS Vahl Enum. Р]. 2: 268 (1806). 

Scirpus lacustris of American authors not Linnaeus. 

Perennial: rootstock horizontal: culm erect, 1.2-2.5 m. high, 
о.8—2. cm. in diameter at base, attenuate upward, terete, soft, usually 
flattened in dried specimens, light green, smooth, minutely striate, 
leafless, or the basal sheaths produced into narrow acuminate blades 
(1—15 cm. long); sheaths membranaceous with a hyaline border and 
ligule, usually lacerate: inflorescence a decompound, lax, one-sided, 
more or less drooping umbel of numerous spikelets subtended by a 
single erect, attenuate, terete bract, channeled only at the base (1-6 
cm. long); rays 1-6 cm. long, slender, plano-convex, the margins 
scabrous ; bractlets vaginate, light brown to chestnut, acute or acu- 
minate scarious, pubescent toward the summit, fimbriate-ciliate, the 
midrib excurrent into a scabrous tip; secondary rays 0.5-4 cm. long, 
slender: spikelets usually solitary or in capitate clusters of 2-3 
(rarely 4 or 5) ferruginous to chestnut, ovoid to oblong-ovoid, acute 
or becoming obtuse as terminal achenes mature, 3—4 by 5—10 (usually 
7) mm.: scales equalling or slightly longer than the achenes and 
rounded over them, broadly ovate or nearly orbicular, obtuse or 
emarginate, spotted with chestnut or purplish brown, pubescent along 
the midrib and at the summit with thick stubby hairs, ciliate; the 
strong green or pale midrib exserted into a short scabroustip: bristles 
4-6 (usually 6) shorter, equalling or longer than the achene (usually 
slightly longer), reddish brown, retrorsely barbed: style 2-cleft to 

1904] Chase,— Allies of Scirpus lacustris 67 

near the base: achene fuscous or grayish black when fully ripe 
(flavescent before maturity often falling without turning dark), 
rounded obovoid, abruptly mucronate, 1.3-1.5 by 2 (rarely 2.2 or 
less than 2) mm., in section plano-convex, or the ventral side slightly 
convex above, hexagonally reticulate under a lens. 

Type locality: “ Habitat in Caribaeis.” 

Specimens examined. Nova Scorta, Halifax (Howe & Lang 
1602): ONTARIO (Macoun 34,583): MANITOBA (Bourgeau): MAINE, 
Fort Fairfield (Fernald 2091); Marshfield (Zerza/4) ; Cumberland 
Co. (Ricker 323); Monmouth (Merril 1133); New Sharon (Knowl- 
ton); Sumner (Parlin); Wells (Furbish); South Chesterville (Eaton) : 
New HAMPSHIRE, Pelham (Know/ton) ; Jaffrey (Robinson 327): VER- 
MONT, Shelburne Pond (/Zynn); Manchester (Day 200): Massa- 
CHUSETTS, East Gloucester (Swan); Malden (Collins); Westford 
(Manning); Cambridge (Perkins); Pittsfield ( Hoffmann): RHODE 
IsLanp, Providence (Regester & Collins): CONNECTICUT, Southing- 
ton (Andrews 425, Bissell 895); East Haven (Winton): New 
YORK (Lucy 2225, Millspaugh): PENNSYLVANIA (Heller): VIRGINIA 
(Small): NORTH CAROLINA (Coville 57, Vasey): SOUTH CAROLINA 
(Ravenel): GEORGIA (Harper 160, 575): FLORIDA (Simpson 373, 
Nash 1262, Biltmore Herb. 3310): Texas (Bigelow, Reverchon 889): 
Онто (Selby 321, Young): Inpiana (Hill, Deam, Umbach, Young): 
ILLINOIS (M. S. Bebb, Stewart, V. H. Chase, A. Chase 1136, 1677): 
MICHIGAN (Clarke, Davis, Houghton, H. H. & D. R. Camp): Wis 
CONSIN (Umbach): MINNESOTA (Mearns 695, Pammel 437): Iowa 
(Butler 4, Cratty, Fitzpatrick, Ball, Shimek): KANSAS (Shear 239, 
Norton 549): NEBRASKA (Clements 2586, Rydberg 1276, 1388 in part 
— Nat. Herb. по. 210,395): Monrana (Shear 397, Rydberg 2148, 
3168): WYOMING (4. Nelson 454, 3651, 7605): CoronApo (Wolf 
& Rothrock 930, Crandall 510): ARIZONA (MacDougal 538): Wasu- 
INGTON (Whited 584, Horner 512): CALIFORNIA (Orcutt, Heller 
5827): Porro Rico (Heller 6290, Sintenis 3846): Сова (Wright 

Scirpus validus Vahl is distinguished from S. lacustris L. by the 
2-cleft style; by the lenticular achene $ as large as that of S. Jacutris ; 
by the scales equalling or but little larger than the achenes, pubes- 
cent along the midrib and at the summit; and by the terete involucral 

This species shows comparatively little variation, the most notable 
being that of the Florida, West Indian and Yucatan specimens and 
MacDougal 538 from Arizona, which have scales longer and more 
pubescent, and bristles nearly or quite 4 longer than the achenes. 
As the type locality of S. va/idus 15 “in Caribaeis" it may be assumed 
that these subtropical specimens are the typical form, but the more 

68 Rhodora [APRIL 

northern form is too close to it to be separated even as a variety. 
The achenes (excluding the bristles) are indistinguishable. Two 
specimens in the Gray Herbarium indicate a remarkable range for 
S. validus, or a very closely allied species. Aitchinson 465 and 689 
from Afghanistan have the lax, drooping umbel of ferruginous spike- 
lets and the general aspect of S. va/idus. The style is 2-cleft, the 
achenes, not fully mature, are flavescent, 2.1 mm. long, rounded obo- 
vate. The scales furnish the only distinction; these are minutely 
pubescent along the midrib and at the summit with soft appressed 
hairs, not thick and stubby as in S. validus. 

SciRPUS Occidentalis (Watson), n. comb. 

Scirpus lacustris var. occidentalis Watson, Bot. Cal. 2:218 (1880). 

Perennial: rootstock horizontal, scaly: culm erect 1.2-2 m. high, 
.5-2 cm. in diameter at base, attenuate upward, usually hard espe- 
cially in eastern specimens, olive green, smooth, minutely striate, 
leafless, or basal sheaths produced into acuminate blades broader 
than found in S. validus and sometimes 20 cm. long; sheaths with 
hyaline border becoming fibrillose; lowest sheath usually somewhat 
indurated: inflorescence a compound, usually erect and congested 
umbel of few to many spikelets, subtended by a single erect, attenu- 
ate, terete or obscurely 3-sided bract, channeled only at the base 
(1-7 cm. long) ; rays o-s cm. (rarely over 3 cm.) long, rather stout, 
plano-convex, the margins scabrous ; bractlets vaginate, pale, spotted 
with ruddy brown, scarious, lacerate-fimbriate, slightly viscid-pubes- 
cent especially toward the summit, abruptly mucronate ; secondary 
rays when present o.3-2 cm. long: spikelets in capitate clusters of 
2-7 or solitary (the greater number capitate in every umbel), pale 
grayish brown to dark rusty brown, cylindrical or ellipsoidal, obtuse, 
4-5 by ro-18 mm., densely fruited, the scales overlapping 4 their 
length or more: scales $-4 longer than the achenes, oblong-ovate, 
obtuse and emarginate, spotted with ruddy brown, viscid-pubescent 
along the midrib and on the upper third with stubby hairs, the 
hyaline margin lacerate, ciliate; the strong, pale midrib exserted into 
a prominent scabrous tip: style 2-cleft to near the base; bristles 6, 
slightly shorter than the achene, reddish brown, retrorsely barbed: 
achene dark grayish brown, obovoid, abruptly acuminate 1.7~1.9 by 
2.5-3 mm., in section unequally biconvex, hexagonally reticulate 
under a lens. 

Type locality: “California ranging from San Diego county to 
British Columbia and eastward to Texas and Colorado.” 

Scirpus lacustris var. occidentalis Watson seems to have no type 
specimen extant. Dr. Watson cites no definite specimens and there 
is no specimen of S. occidentalis from San Diego county in the Gray 
or National Herbaria of a date previous to the publication of var. 


1904] " Chase, — Allies of Scirpus lacustris 69 

occidentalis. Inthe Gray Herbarium are the following marked “ 5, 
lacustris, var. occidentalis” in Dr. Watson’s handwriting: NEVADA, 
mouth of Run [?] River, alt. 5000 ft., July 1868 — immature ( Watson 
1212, King Exped.): British CoLUMBIA, Saturna Island, 1858 — 
immature (Zya//, Oregon Boundary Comm.): CALIFORNIA, Yosemite 
Valley, 1866 — nearly mature (Bolander 6231, Geol. Surv. Cal.) 
Santa Barbara, 1875 — very immature (Rothrock 57, Wheeler 
Exped.) New Mexico, 1873 — immature (Loew, Wheeler Exped.); 
1851—52,— immature (Wright 1940). In the National Herbarium 
is one specimen marked var. occidentalis by Dr. Watson: NEVADA, 
Humboldt Pass, alt. 6000 ft., Sept., 1868 — fully mature ( Watson 

The discrepancy іп the data of these two specimens of Watson 
1212 is probably due to giving the same number to all collections of 
one species during the expedition. 

Specimens examined.— Those cited above: NEWFOUNDLAND 
( Waghorne — very immature, but scales large and viscid): MAINE, 
Mattawamkeag Lake (Fernald); Ship Pond, Elliottsville (Fernald 
419); Chemo Pond, Bradley (Briggs); Monhegan Island (F. G. 
Smith); Rangeley Lakes (Furbish): New Hampsuire, Dixville 
Notch (Boott): Massacuusetts, Revere (Young); Fresh Pond, 
Cambridge (Boott): New York, shore of Lake Ontario ( Wibbe): 
ONTARIO, Sarnia (Macoun 34,582): Онго, Licking Co. (Jones): 
InpIANA, Lake Michigan basin (Hil, Lansing 962, A. Chase 345); 
ILLINOIS, South Chicago (4. Chase 1628) : Romeo, Desplaines val- 
ley just beyond Lake Michigan watershed (Umbach): WISCONSIN, 
Lake Michigan basin (A. Bebb): Missouri, Courtney (Bush 23): 
NEBRASKA, Middle Loup River, Thomas Co. (Rydberg 1388 in part): 
MONTANA, Madison River (Aydberg 2277); Madison River (Shear 
521); Snake River (4. & E. Nelson 6571): Wyoming, Little Mis- 
souri Buttes (Griffiths 593): CoLoRapo, Canon City (Brandegee): 
Uran (Bishop): New Mexico (Vasey): Arizona (Rothrock 330a); 
Santa Cruz (Pringle); (Vasey); vicinity of Flagstaff (MacDouga: 
275): BRITISH CoLUMBIA (Zya//): WASHINGTON, Cascade Mts. 
(Tweedy 2); Falcon Valley (Suksdorf 85); Lake Chelan (Gorman 
697); Okanogan Co. (Elmer 539); (Vasey 11): OREGON (Æ. Hall 
562); Wasco Co. (Leberg 865); CALIFORNIA, San Bernardino Val- 
ley (Parish 956); Walkers Basin (Rothrock 280); Tulare Co. (Covi//e 
& Funston 1736); Placer Co. ( Vasey). 

Scirpus occidentalis is distinguished from S. validus by achene & 
larger, by scales $-4 longer than the achene and nearly twice as long 
as scales of S. validus, viscid-pubescent, overlapping 4 their length 
or more; by the cylindric, more densely fruited spikelets in capitate 
clusters; and by the denser umbels and harder culms. From S. 
lacustris L. it is distinguished by the 2-cleft style, lenticular achene, 
viscid-pubescent scales, cylindric, densely fruited spikelets, and by 
the terete or obscurely 3-sided involucral bract. 

70 Rhodora [APRIL 

This species shows much variation. Specimens from New Eng- 
land and the Great Lakes have smaller culms, spikelets darker in 
color, often longer; the scales more viscid (in many western speci- 
mens scales are but very slightly viscid), and umbels less congested 
than usual in western specimens, though the latter vary from dense, 
globular heads to open umbels with rays 5 cm. long. Plants having 
this open umbel can be determined by the achene and scale. 

Scirpus heterochaetus, n. sp. 

Culms erect, 1-2 mm, high, 4-10 mm. in diameter at base, terete, 
usually hard, light green, smooth, minutely striate, leafless, or basal 
sheaths produced into acuminate blades 2-15 cm. long and 3-5 mm. 
wide ; the sheaths with hyaline borders lacerate and slightly fibril- 
lose: inflorescence an open, suberect compound umbel of 9-17 
spikelets, subtended by a single erect attenuate terete bract, chan- 
neled only at the base (3.5-7 cm. long) ; rays 1-6 cm. long, very 
slender, plano-convex, smooth or slightly scabrous on the margins ; 
bractlets vaginate, pale brown to wine color, long acuminate, the 
hyaline margin lacerate-fimbriate, smooth except the scabrous 
excurrent tip of the midrib; secondary rays .5—1.5 cm.: spikelets 
solitary, ovoid-oblong, acute or subacute, 3-4 by 8-10 mm., reddish 
brown: scales 4 longer than the achenes, ovate-oblong, subacute, 
deeply emarginate, thickly spotted with wine-color toward the sum- 
mit, pale below, the hyaline margins erose, glabrous except the 
prominently excurrent scabrous, slender tip of the midrib: style 
3-cleft to below the middle: bristles 2—4 (usually 2) slender, fragile, 
unequal, shorter than the achene (usually not over 4 the length of 
the achene), dark red, retrorsely barbed or nearly smooth: achene 
fuscous 1.7—1.8 by 2.6-3 mm., obovate, abruptly mucronate, in 
section triangular, the ventral side plane or slightly concave, the 
dorsal angle rounded, hexagonally reticulate under a lens. 

Type: “ Brewer & Chickering, swamps, Havana, N. Y., June 26; 
1858,” specimen in the National Herbarium, no. 27,519. 

This is the form referred to (fide note on above specimen) by Dr. 
Gray in Manual, Fifth Ed. p. 563: “ A slender variety with narrower 
heads, very smooth scales and shorter or fragile bristles, was spar- 
ingly collected by Rev. J. W. Chickering at Havana, N. Y.” 

Other specimens examined:— VERMONT, Milton, July 25, 1893 
(Grout): New York, Havana (Chickering in Gray Herb.) : ILLINOIS, 
Athens, July, 1869 (Æ. Hai in Herb. Field Columbian Mus. no. 
35,203); MINNESOTA, Fort Snelling, July 24, 1888,— a robust speci- 
men with immature spikelets (Mearns); Minnesota or South Dakota 
[no locality given] July 24, 1839 (Geyer, Nicollet’s Northwestern 
Exped.): NEBRASKA (“Ex Father Wibbe”): OnkGON, Swan Lake, 
Klamath Co. July 14, 1895 (Applegate 759): Inano, valley of Lake 

1904] Chase,— Allies of Scirpus lacustris 71 

Tesemini, Kootenai Co., specimen with slender culms 2 m. high, 
spikelets 23 in number, slightly larger than those of the other speci- 
mens, scales with scabrous midrib, otherwise glabrous; achenes 
very immature, bristles 2—4 very fragile as in the other speci- 
mens, doubtless a form of this species (Sandberg 687). 

Scirpus heterochaetus is distinguished from S. validus and S. 
occidentalis by the 3-cleft style, by the triquetrous achene, by the 
fragile unequal bristles fewer and shorter, and by the glabrous scales. 
From S. /acustris L., to which it is closely allied, it is distinguished 
by the terete involucral bract, solitary spikelets, and fragile unequal 
bristles fewer and shorter. Apparently rare; the above specimens 
all lack rootstocks. It is worthy of note that four of the above 
specimens bear some note by the collector of variation from sS, 
lacustris so called. 

Scirpus CALIFORNICUS (C. A. Meyer) Britton, Ill. Fl. 1: 267 (1896). 

Elytrospermum Californicum C. A. Meyer, Mém. Acad. St. Pétersb. 
(V.) І: 201, pl. 2 (1831). 

This remaining species of the dacustris group in this country has 
been recognized as distinct, and is so easily determined by its 
aristate scales and broad, dark red bristles plumose below, that it 
needs no delineation here. 

The greater number of specimens examined were immature. In 
Scirpus, as in the other genera of Cyperaceae it is very important 
that plants be collected at maturity. 

Thanks are due the Gray Herbarium, National Herbarium, and 
herbaria of the New England Botanical Club and of the Field 
Columbian Museum, for the loan of specimens, and to Prof. C. V. 
Piper for helpful criticism. 

DIVISION OF AGROsTOLOGY, Department of Agriculture, Wash- 
ington, D. C. 


а. Scirpus validus Vahl (A. Chase 1136, Chicago). 
. Scirpus lacustris L. (Reinsch, Erlangen). 

с. Scirpus occidentalis (Watson) Chase (c. A. Chase 1628, South Chicago, 
illustrating Lake Michigan and New England form; cc. Leiberg 865, 
Oregon, illustrating the western form). 

d. Scirpus heterochaetus Chase (Brewer & Chickering, Havana, N. Y. 
type specimen). 

Corresponding parts drawn on the same scale; inflorescence natural size; 
spikelet X 5 diam., achene with cross section, and scale X 10 diam. 

72 Rhodora [APRIL 


The mountain surface still yields returns for further effort 
expended, more slowly it is true, but each newly found species is of 
proportionately enhanced interest. The species listed below were 
collected on several trips made during the past spring and summer. 
Special attention paid to the closely related genera, Bryum and 
Webera, brought to light several good species, otherwise results are 
more or less “scattering.” 

Ragged Mountain is a spur of the mountain mass, of irregular 
contour and altitude, running in a generally northerly or slightly 
northeasterly direction, from the Bellows Pipe to North Adams, 
forming the eastern wall of the Notch. The eastern slopes of the 
mountain in Adams, as well as those of Ragged Mountain, show 
several species of more or less southern tendency. The Notch is 
perhaps in even greater degree than the Hopper, the abode of 
surprises, generally, though not always, of northern species, the 
isolated character of its moss and hepatic flora corresponding with 
our knowledge of New England mountain flora generally and ofter- 
ing a hint to collectors upon other mountains. 

I again add brief notes as to altitude, distribution, etc. The 
species not previously reported are the following: 


Amblystegium varium (Hedw.) Lindb. Decayed spot on tree at 
middle altitude. This is of the typical form, which, as occurring 
here and in the vicinity, generally is very distinct from the one 
variously treated as variety or species, orthocladon, which Prof. 
Cheney, however, considers unworthy of distinct treatment. 

Anacamptodon splachnoides (Froelich) Brid. A specimen with a 
single capsule mixed with the last. Also on a decayed spot in beech- 
tree at higher altitude, full-fruited. This species, though not fre- 
quently met with, proves to be of general distribution in the vicinity, 

Brachythecium laetum (Brid.) Br. & Sch. On wet bank in Notch, 
lower altitude. 

1904] Andrews,—Bryophytes of Mt. Greylock Керіоп,— ПІ 73 

Brachythecium plumosum (Sw.) Br. & Sch. Wet places at base 
of mountain in Notch. 

Brachythecium rivulare Br. & Sch. In compact, round, yellowish 
cushions of more or less erect stems, near small brook at middle 

Bryum capillare L. Not uncommon on ground and rocks of lower 
altitudes, but rarely fruiting. Found fruiting only on large rock at 
base in Adams. This seems to be a species of very general 
occurrence, but often unnoticed from its sterile condition. I have, 
among others, specimens from Pownal, Vermont. 

Bryum intermedium Brid. Crevices of a small rock in clearing, 
middle altitude. 

Bryum pseudotriquetrum Schwaegr. Occasional at middle or 
lower altitude, about springs or small brooks. PAilonotis fontana is 
regularly a companion plant. The species is an attractive one, its 
long, frequently purple-shining seta sometimes showing a tendency to 
become broadly geniculate at the base. 

Dicranum montanum Hedw. On bark of a dead tree near the 
summit. Not fruiting. 

Dicranum undulatum Turn. On comparatively dry ground on 
east slope of Ragged Mt., North Adams. Very full-fruited. 

Dicranum viride Schimp. On decayed spot in a beech-tree, not 
far below summit. Sterile. 

Eurhyncium Boscii (Schwaegr.) Jaeg. A rather small, fruiting 
form on ground near road at base in Adams. 

Eurhyncium graminicolor (Brid.) Paris. (Hypnum Sullivantii of 
Manual.) On rocks, middle altitude in Hopper. 

Hylocomium brevirostrum (Ehrh:) Br. & Sch. Wet sloping ground 
or rocks in woods, middle and higher altitude. Not fruiting. 

Hypnum cuspidatum L. Swampy place at base of mountain in 
Adams. Sterile. | 

Myurella Careyana Sulliv. Small specimen from large rock in 
woods, middle altitude. 

Pogonatum brevicaule Beauv. Not uncommon on bare ground 
beside roads, at and near base of mountain in Adams and North 

| Pylaisia velutina Br. & Sch. Bark of trees in dense woods, middle 

Rhyncostegium serrulatum (Hedw.) Jaeg. In considerable quan- 

74 Rhodora [APRIL 

tity and well fruited, on ground, lower slopes of Ragged Mt., in North 
Adams. Fruit just reaching good maturity in early September. 

Thuidium paludosum (Sulliv.) Rau & Hervey. Swampy place at 
base in Adams. Sterile. 

Webera annotina (Hedw.) Schwaegr. This species was detected 
by Mrs. E. G. Britton, who kindly, called my attention to the differ- 
ence between its gemmae and the corresponding bodies in the case 
of W. proligera. It is a species of very uncommon occurrence and 
was growing on the bare ground of a moist bank in the Notch. No 
fruit was seen. 

Webera cruda (L.) Schwaegr. This species was growing in a 
similar locality, not far from the last, and was also identified by Mrs. 
Britton. The plants were fruiting abundantly. 

Webera proligera (Lindb.) Kindb. Moist banks by roads near 
summit, also toward base at Adams and in Notch. From the last 
locality I have a single small tuft showing this species and W. anno- 
tina intimately mixed together. The specimens occurring near the 
summit display regularly much longer, flexuous stems , with distant, 
darker green leaves, giving superficially a very different aspect from 
those of lower altitude, which latter, except for the difference of the 
propagula, closely simulate W. annotina. The present species has 
been considered uncommon in America, but may readily have been 
overlooked. In this connection I might mention finding specimens 
in a similar locality in the mountain town of Florida (Mass.), which 
bore abundant fruit, the capsules just reaching maturity when col- 
lected (June 28, 1903). 


Anthoceros laevis L. Small specimen from wet bank in Notch, 
with Blasia pusilla. 

Bazzania triangularis (Schleich.) Lindb. (B. deflexa of Manual.) 
Perpendicular surface of a large rock in woods, middle altitude. Dr. 
A. W. Evans kindly identified this specimen. 

frullania Brittoniae Evans. (F. dilatata of Manual) On bark 
of tree in Notch. Also on rock at Bellows Pipe. 

Geocalyx graveolens (Schrad.) Nees. On ground, middle and lower 
altitudes. Occasionally fruiting. . 

Kantia Trichomanis (L.) S. F. Gray. On ground at various points, 


1904] Slosson,— — A New Hybrid Fern from Vermont 75 

lower altitude. Not fruiting; occasionally showing pseudopodia and 

Moerckia Flotowiana (Nees) Schiffn. This species occurs sparingly 
on a wet bank in the Notch. It is new to New England, and I take 
the liberty of quoting from information kindly furnished me by Dr. 
Evans as to its relationships and American occurrence. “ Moerchia 
flotowiana (Nees) Schiffn. is a plant which Nees von Esenbeck 
originally referred to Pa//avicinia Гуе as a variety, and which has 
until very recently been considered a variety of Moerckia (or Palla- 
vicinia) Hibernia. Schiffner maintains in a recent paper that the 
plant is specifically distinct from M. Hibernica. Nees von Esenbeck, 
in 1838, reported the species from Newfoundland, but it has not 
since been recorded from eastern America. It occurs in the Harri- 
man collections from Alaska.” 

Nardia crenulata (Smith) Lindb. On bare ground at base in 
Cheshire, also in Notch. 

Реа epiphylla (L.) Corda. Wet ground in various places and at 
all altitudes. Not conspicuous except when fruiting, in April. 

Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dumort. At lower and middle 
altitudes, especially about beds of small mountain brooks. Leaves 
entire or denticulate. 

University or West VIRGINIA, Morgantown. 


Dryopteris Pittsfordensis, hyb. nov.— Mature sporophyte 
large, 14-2, or more feet tall, resembling that of D. spinulosa dilatata, 
the young fronds like those of D. marginalis with the lowermost pair 
of pinnae enlarged, partially evergreen, the sporophylls withering in 
late autumn. 

Rootstock decumbent, as in D. spinulosa, between which and D. 
marginalis the plant is a probable hybrid. Fronds fasciculate, cro- 
siers densely clothed with pale brown scales; stipes 6-12 inches 
long, usually about one-third the length of the frond, stramineous, 
browning with age, especially below, deeply furrowed along the face, 
and clothed with a mixture of broad, narrowly ovate, and linear-lance- 
olate acuminate entire or lacerated brown scales, darkest below and 
often with blackish brown centres, paler and transparent above, 

76 Rhodora [APRIL 

becoming chaffy along the strongly grooved and winged rachises ; 
fibro-vascular bundles 3-5 or 7. Laminae то—2о or more inches 
long, 6-10 inches broad, oblong or ovate lanceolate, or triangular- 
ovate with long acuminate apices, broadest just below the middle, 
bipinnate or, in the largest forms, tripinnate, at least below ; pinnae 
mostly ovate or oblong lanceolate, long-acuminate, the lowermost pair 
much the broadest and irregularly deltoid, the superior pinnules much 
the "longest, lobes irregularly spinulose or sharply toothed; texture 
subcoriaceous, softly downy in the young fronds, and wrinkled on 
the face from the deep furrows of the midribs and veins; sori ele- 
vated, submarginal, reniform, indusia coriaceous; veins pinnately 
branched and forked. 

Syn. Mephrodium Pittsfordense Davenport, in litt. 
'The special characters of this plant lie in the long-acuminated out- 
line of the fronds and pinnae, the submarginal elevated sori and cori- 
aceous indusia, and the occa- 
sional presence on the older 
stipes of large deeply lobed 
or lacerated appressed scales 
with a broad dark base and 
the exterior lobe greatly 
elongated. The scales of 
the stipes are for the most 
part attached at the base by 
a well rounded sinus with 
either entire or ciliated mar- 
gins; the smaller ones much 
like those on some of the 
Polypodiums, as for example, 
P. polypodioides. 

In the subcoriaceous tex- 
ture, and to someextent in the 
coloring, of the fronds, and 
in the conspicuous submar- 

2  ginalelevated sori appearing 
almost cork-like in age, the 
plant resembles D. margina- 
lis, The toothed margins of 
the fronds, on the other hand, 
suggest D. spinulosa. Both 

at first sight and on close examination the hybrid character of the 
plant appears unquestionable. 

1904 ] Sanford,— Saururus cernuus in Rhode Island 77 

I first found this plant in 1895, growing among stones by a road- 
side in Pittsford, Rutland County, Vermont. The specimens formed 
a large clump. Nearby grew D. marginalis and a form of D. spinulosa. 

In тдот the hybrid clump was transplanted to Mr. George E. 
Davenport’s garden in Medford, Massachusetts, where it has remained 
since. It has produced mostly smaller fronds in the new location than 
in the old, but apparently has lost none of its peculiar characteristics 
at any time. 

Type specimens are in the herbarium of the New York Botanical 

I am greatly indebted to Mr. Davenport for his kind assistance in 
the study of this fern. 

Nore BY Mr. Davenport.— Since Miss Slosson’s fern was trans- 
planted to my garden in тоот it has increased to five plants from 
young crowns growing out from the main rootstalk. One of the new 
plants was sent to Miss Slosson and another has been reserved for 
the Botanical Garden at Cambridge. During the past two seasons I 
have pressed all available fronds from the original plant and speci- 
mens of these will be deposited in the Gray Herbarium, the Herbarium 
of the New England Botanical Club, and the Davenport Herbarium 
of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. In 1893 Mr. Raynal 
Dodge collected some specimens which he regarded as of hybrid 
origin between Wephrodium spinulosum and N. marginale. These I 
have had under examination for some time, but in the absence of 
the rootstalk, and other necessary data, I have not been able to satisfy 
myself as to their exact status. They differ greatly, however, from 
Miss Slosson’s fern.— С. E. D. 

EXPLANATION OF FicUunRES: — Fig. 1, portion of a pinna of Dryopteris 
Pittsfordensts, X 14. Fig. 2, part of a pinna of D. spinulosa intermedia, 
X 14. Fig. 3, part of a pinna of D. marginalis, X 11. 

IsLanp.— In August, 1902, while exploring the meadowlands stretch- 
ing from Adamsville, Rhode Island, to the ocean shore, Judge 
Benjamin Cook, Jr., ran across some plants, which were at once 
recognized as Saururus cernuus, L. One year later, July 29, 1903, 
Mr. Cook and the writer visited the locality and found the plants at 

78 Rhodora [APRIL 

the height of their flowering period. As Saururus cernuus does 
not appear to be recorded from Rhode Island, the discovery was 
considered worthy of note, and fresh specimens were sent to the 
Gray Herbarium and the Herbarium of Brown University. The 
locality in which these plants were found is about two and one- 
half miles southwest of Adamsville, Rhode Island. The plants 
seem to be well established, for a small stream running through an 
open meadow was literally choked with Saururus for more than fifty 
yards of its course. A more extended exploration of that neighbor- 
hood failed to reveal another spot where the plants grew. The new 
station is interesting from the fact that it brings Saururus cernuus 
well across Rhode Island, and very nearly into Massachusetts.— 
S. N. F. Sanrorp, Fall River, Massachusetts. 

introduced in Connecticut, probably with grain, has already been 
noted (КнорокаА III: бо), and those growing in another place near 
by seem worthy of a little space. This field was sowed in the spring 
of 1902 with oats bought at a feed-store and also with a mixture of 
timothy and clover seed. The first year I found growing among the 
oats, sparingly, Camelina sativa, Crantz. besides a number of other 
more common weeds of grain fields, such as Brassica spp., Spergula 
arvensis, L., Agrostemma Githago, L., Linum usitatissimum, L., and 
Bromus secalinus, L. In 1903 an abundance of Viola arvensis, Murr., 
in May was followed in July by a quantity of Cuscuta Epithymum, 
Murr., in one patch, with occasional plants of Matricaria inodora, L., 
and perhaps seven or eight individuals of Anthemis tinctoria, L. The 
list is finished with Crepis virens, L., which was found scattered over 
the field on Sept. з. Of the above species Camelina sativa, L., and 
Matricaria inodora, L. are not previously reported from the state so 
far as I know, while Crepis virens, L. does not appear in any list at 
hand although credited to the state in Britton's Manual. The 
Camelina can hardly claim a permanent place in our flora, as it seems 
to have already vanished; the Matricaria will be looked for with 
interest in 1904; but the Crepis has every appearance of being well 
established.— E. B. HARGER, Oxford, Connecticut. 

1904] Nye,— Bulblets of Microstylis ophioglossoides 79 

1903, it was my good fortune to ‘find an unusually fine specimen of 
Microstylis ophioglossoides, the stem measuring eleven inches from 
top of bulb to tip of raceme. While I was preparing it for the press 
my attention was attracted to several bulblets which had formed under- 
neath the loose outer coat of the bulb very much as the bulblets form 
upon Vallota bulbs. They were pearly white and closely resembled 
small kernels of rice. There was no regularity in their position upon 
the mature bulb. One of the bulblets had already sent up a tiny leaf 
upon a stem half an inch in length and plainly exhibited the same 
double structure and the same general form as mature bulbs. Micro- 
stylts ophioglossoides is not uncommon in this locality but it seems to 
be a shy seeder, as I seldom find more than one or two capsules 
formed from a raceme of blossoms. Therefore it would seem as if 
Nature provided for its propagation in another method than by seed. 
— Harriet A. Nye, Fairfield Center, Maine. 

CLEOME SERRULATA IN MAINE.— On August 3rd, 1903, a party of 
ladies were waiting for the train at Moosehead Inn Station on the 
line of the Canadian Pacific Railroad. Being interested in botany 
they improved the opportunity by seeking for novel flowers, and just 
as the train was coming into the station one of their number, Miss 
Harriet Burr, found a small plant about five inches in height grow- 
ing in the very middle of the railroad track. This was submitted to 
the writer and by him determined as Come serrulata, Pursh. The 
specimen was sent to Mr. M. L. Fernald of the Gray Herbarium 
who verified the identification and reported that it was new to the 
State.— О. W. Кміснт, Bangor, Maine. 

29th, 1903, while walking through the mowing lot at Esker Point, 
near Noauk, I came across a plant in bud which looked like a Rud- 
beckia, but left it to develop. On my next trip a few days afterwards 
I found it unfolded, and it proved to be Helenium nudiforum Nutt. 
This time I found four or five other plants of the same species a few 
yards away. As the grass was mowed soon after, I saw no more 

80 Rhodora [APRIL 

of it, but shall hope to greet it again another year. Gray’s Manual 
gives the range of this species as from Illinois and Missouri to North 
Carolina and Texas. It has, however, been known for some time 
near Providence, Rhode Island (see W. W. Bailey, RHODORA, iv. 
198), and I learn from the Gray Herbarium that Mr. J. €. Parlin 
has found it spreading from wool-waste at North Berwick, Maine. 

It seems probable that it may have been introduced at the Con- 
necticut station in grass seed.— FRANCES M. Graves, New London, 

NECTICUT.— Bishop’s list gives only two stations for Botrychium mat- 
ricariaefolium, one in Sherman (Fairfield County), the other in 
Franklin (New London County). In RHODORA, 3: 36 (1901) Mr. 
A. W. Driggs notes the finding of 2. matricariaefolium in West Hart- 
ford (Hartford County). In June, 1901, the writer collected several 
specimens at Mansfield (Tolland County). During the summer of 
19o2 at Cornwall Bridge (Litchfield County) many specimens were 
found; and at Kent Falls, North Kent, in the same county one 
plant was collected. Last summer (1903) this species was found 
to be abundant on the mountain slopes in Salisbury (Litchfield 
County). Specimens from these stations are preserved in the 
writer's herbarium. 

As this plant has been found in five of the eight counties and in 
widely separated parts of the state, it is probable that it has been 
overlooked and will be found to be generally distributed throughout. 
— А. Vincent Osmun, Amherst, Massachusetts. 

Vol. 6. no. 63, including pages 45 to 64, was issued 7 March, 1904. 



| oa 


Agnes Chase, del. 

fig. a, Scirpus validus: fig. b, S. lacustris. 


Plate 53. 




p f 




Agnes Chase, del. 

fig. d. S. heterochaetus. 

pus occidentalis: 








Vol. 6 May, 1904 No. 65 



Any lover of plants, one who is looking for species new to his 
experience, should, if resident near a woolen mill, carefully watch the 
waste-heap for species native in those regions forming the source of 
the wool supply. 

For thirteen years, I have had the pleasure of studying the flora 
of the waste-heap of the North Berwick Manufacturing Company’s 
plant, during which time the factory has used wool from Arizona, 
California, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, the 
Middle West, and, in 1892, a few pounds from Australia. 

Not many of the “sheep ticks" have adapted themselves to our 
soil and climate. Perhaps the treatment and use of the wool-waste 
will somewhat explain this. The waste is heaped into a natural 
hollow, the outlet of which is closed; for several years, it there 
collects moisture, is mixed with night-soil, rots, and is finally carted 
away to form a compost heap before being used for a fertilizer. 
Atriplex patulum, L., var. littorale, Gray, Medicago lupulina, L., and 
Erodium moschatum, Willd., are the only species seeming to have 
been introduced in the wool that are at all permanently located here. 
The first is abundant in waste ground around the storehouses of the 
factory; the medick is well established in the surrounding grass- 
land; while the heron’s-bill is occasionally found around the 
buildings and along the river-bank below the mill. Madia glome- 
rata, Hook., Hymenatherum aureum, Gray, Erodium circutarium, 
L'Hér., and Helenium nudiflorum, Nutt., have occurred along the 
river, the last species remaining several years in grassland, but have 

82 Rhodora [May 
shown no signs of becoming permanent. The Helenium has not 
been found near the waste-heap, and may have been introduced in 
grass seed; but I have inclined to the wool theory, because the 
plants were all found along the line of the principal current when the 
river is high enough to overflow the intervales below the mill. 

Taken as a whole, the list does not present many plants of a 
character, in this latitude, to worry the farmer with the fear of new 

For the identification of the majority of the species, I am indebted 
to Merritt L. Fernald. Thanks are also due Dr. B. L. Robinson, 
Dr. J. M. Greenman and Prof. F. Lamson Scribner, for their kind 
assistance in the work of identification. 


Senebiera pinnatifida, DC. 
Erodium cicutarium, L'Hér. 
E. moschatum, Willd. 

E. Botrys, Bertolini. 
Medicago lupulina, L. 

M. arabica, All. (M. maculata, 

М. hispida, Gaertn. (M. denticulata, 

M. laciniata, All. 

Glycyrrhiza lepidota, Nutt. 

Aplopappus gracilis, Gray. 

Artemisia annua, L. 

A. Ludoviciana, Nutt. 

Aster frondosus, Torr. & Gray. 

Bidens aristosa, Britton (Coreopsis, 

Cosmos parviflorus, HBK. 

Cotula australis, Hook. f. 

Dysodia chrysanthemoides, Lag. 

Helenium nudiflorum, Nutt. 

Heterospermum pinnatum, Cav. 

Hymenatherum aureum, Gray. 

Madia glomerata, Hook. 

Verbesina encelioides, B. & H. 

Xanthium Canadense, Mill. 

X. spinosum, L. 

X. strumarium, L. 

Echinospermum Lappula, Lehm. 

E. Redowskii, Lehm., var. occiden- 
tale, Wats. 

Veronica peregrina, L. 

Marrubium vulgare, L. 

Amaranthus retroflexus, L. 

A. hybridus, L. 

A. graecizans, L. (A. albus, L.). 

Atriplex patulum, L., var. littorale, 

Atriplex patulum, L., var. hastatum, 
Gray. . 

Chenopodium leptophyllum, Nutt. 

C. olidum, Watson. 

С. album, L., var. viride, Мод. 

Monolepis chenopodioides, Мод. 

M. trifida, Schrad. 

Cenchrus tribuloides, L. 

Tragus racemosus, Hall. 

Sporobolus interruptus, Vasey. 

S. cryptandrus, Gray. 

S. cryptandrus, Gray, var. strictus, 

Polypogon Monspeliensis, Desf. 

Deschampsia elongata, Munro. 

Chloris cucullata, Bisch. 

C. elegans, HBK. 

Lycurus phleoides, HBK. 

Bouteloua Humboldtiana, Griseb. 

B. prostrata, Lag. 

B. oligostachya, Torr. 

B. uniflora, Vasey. 

Eragrostis major, Host. 

E. Neo-mexicanus, Vasey. 

1904] Parlin,— Casual Elements іп the Flora of Maine 83 

Poa tenutfolia, Buckl. B. mollis, L. 
Puccinellia airoides, Nutt. B. racemosus, L. 
Festuca Myurus, L. B. racemosus, L., var. commutatus, 
F. tenella, Willd. Hook. f. 
Bromus marginatus, Nees (B. B. tectorum, L. 
breviaristatus, Auct.). Hordeum jubatum, L. 
B. carinatus, Н. & A. H. pratense, Huds. 
В. secalinus, L. Elymus Sitanion, Schultes. 

Many other species have grown on the waste-heap, but have not 
attained sufficient maturity to afford me any help to their identifica- 
tion; probably an expert could have recognized many of them. 

Another species that has evidently come to stay is Chenopodium 
Joetidum, Schrad. Its introduction may have been through the 
medium of the wool-waste, or in grass-seed. In the fall of 1900, the 
intervale where it has occurred was “broken ир” and seeded ; during 
the winter and spring of 1901, several heavy rains caused the river 
to overflow the peninsula formed by the lower end of the intervale, 
the top soil of which was scraped away by the ice, which was driven 
across it, instead of being carried around in the channel of the river. 
Hardly anything besides Barbarea vulgaris, К. Br., and Asclepias 
Cornuti, Dec., appeared that season, the ground lying fallow through- 
out the year. In the spring of 1902, the field was plowed, re- 
manured (by which means the seed may have been brought in, the 
dressing coming partly from a stable where baled hay had been fed) 
and planted to potatoes and corn. In August and September of this 
year, I found a considerable quantity of the Chenopodium among the 
potatoes, but none among the corn. In 1903, the field was planted to 
the same crops, and the weed was abundant in all parts of the field. 
I would suggest that some appreciative botanist change the specific 
name from foetidum to fragrans, as I consider the odor pleasing. 

Newly seeded fields, especially those seeded without grain in the 
fall, have always been among my favorite hunting grounds. In one, 
about ten years ago, I found Berteroa incana, DC., Camelina micro- 
carpa, Andrz., Sisymbrium altissimum, L., Thlaspi arvense, L., Viola 
arvensis, Murr., Szene Cucubalus, Wibel., S. noctiflora, L., S. dicho- 
toma, Ehrh., Stellaria graminea, L., Medicago sativa, L., Melilotus 
alba, Desr., M. officinalis, Lam. Heliopsis scabra, Dunal., Echium 
vulgare, L., Narcissus poeticus, L., and Ornithogalum umbellatum, L., 
the last two being, of course, garden escapes. The greater number 
of these have fallen asleep, but Heliopsis, Narcissus and Ornitho- 
galum remain unto this day. 

84 Rhodora [May 

In 1902, another field of fall-seeding gave me the following 
species: — Ranunculus micranthus, Nutt., Arabis perfoliata, Lam., 
Barbarea stricta, Andrz., Brassica juncea, Cosson, Camelina micro- 
carpa, Andrz., Cardamine parviflora, L., Erysimum cheiranthoides, L., 
Sisymbrium canescens, Nutt., S. Sophia, L., Arenaria serpyllifolia, L., 
Saponaria Vaccaria, L., Silene antirrhina, L., a form somewhat 
pubescent and with flowers fully open after sunset! Ærodium 
cicutarium, L'Hér., Е. moschatum, Willd., Lotus arabicus, L. ? , Arte- 
misia Ludoviciana, Nutt., Specularia perfoliata, A. DC., Са linearis, 
Gray, Echinospermum Redowskii, Lehm., var. occidentale, Watson, 
Myosotis verna, Nutt., Veronica arvensis, L., V. peregrina, L., Marru- 
bium vulgare, L., Plantago Purshii, R. & S. (P. gnaphaloides, Nutt.) , 
Apera Spica-venti, Beauv., Bromus marginatus, Nees. As this field 
is on an intervale below the woolen factory and is overflowed every 
year, some of the above list were probably deposited there in waste 
that was washed down in a period of high water. 

Eleven years ago, a pickle factory in this village was demolished 
and the brine in the vats was turned upon the ground, thereby 
saturating the soil with salt. In 1898 there sprang up a dense 
carpet of Spergularia salina, J. & C. Presl., with a border of a bushy 
form of Polygonum aviculare, L., and a colony of three plants of 
Heliotropium Curassavicum, L. ! 

While teaching at Rumford Center, Me., fifteen years ago, I was 
greatly interested in the circumstances attending the appearance and 
disappearance of Euphorbia glyptosperma, Engel. At that time there 
was a steam saw-mill on the outskirts of the village, and the method 
of moving logs from the yard to the slip was by hitching a chain 
around one end of a log and “snaking” it, as they aptly called the 
performance, to its destination. This kind of work tore up the sod, 
making furrow-like places all over the yard. During the summer, in 
these furrows, grew a profusion of the Euphorbia; the next year 
none could be found. Whence came it? Whither did it go? 

NortH Berwick, MAINE. 

1904] Lists of New England Plants, — XV. 85 



[The sign + indicates that an herbarium specimen has 
been seen; the sign — that areliable printed record has been 
found. | 

alz >| Z] 
Saunrüurus Се АБ bak ouo E ++ 
i zi ‚| S 
ls 3 ЖОКЕ ИРЕ 5 
[al >] S|] 
Arceuthobium pusillum, Peck. |+|+|+ү+ - 
ў NET 
|| 3/8/41 E 
Alal] am] 
Lindera Benzoin, Blume. ep eE E 
Sassafras officinale, Nees. ДЕ d EE шы с 
aL: Ae 
o | 5 e 
Acalypha gracilens, Gray ........ 1 
virginica, L. НЕ ИЕ +|+|+|+|+|+ 
Euphorbia corollata, L. + ЙЕ TE 
Cyparissias, L. ЕЕРЕЕ 
» Esula, L. j um + 2 
“ glyptosperma, Engelm р ar 
а Helioscopia, L. . тшш т 
5 hirsuta, Wiegand. +|+|+|++|+ 
“ Ipecacuanhae, L. + 
u maculata, L. н чыр fea 

1 Printed in RHODORA as supplementary material. 

86 Rhodora [May 

T “| |g 
él 15181" 5 
Euphorbia Peplus, L. . +++ +/+ 
= platyphylla, L. + 
Я polygonifolia, L. ++ [++ 
" Preslii, Guss. tic 
Mercurialis annua, L. ^ * 
Ricinus communis, L. + 
Ф " P 4 7 g 
mz > ZAO 
Daphne Mezereum, L. Morse Өш, titit 
Dirca palustris, L. . . . . . . . . . . TERE 
© » = 4 E Е 
Shepherdia canadensis, Nutt. . + tb 


Saururus cernuus, L. was found on July 29, 1903, by B. Cook, Jr. 
and S. М. F. Sanford at Adamsville, Rhode Island, but a few miles 
from the Massachusetts line (see RHopora, vi. 77). It should be 
looked for, therefore, in the latter State. 

That Arceuthobium pusillum, Peck has as yet not been reported 
from Rhode Island is doubtless due to the scarcity in that State of 
one of its commonest hosts, Picea nigra, Link. A careful search, 
however, of the trees recorded in RHODORA VI, 41—42 will perhaps 
reveal this interesting parasite which is probably well distributed 
through much of New England. | 

Croton capitatus, Michx. is represented Ьу a sheet in the herbarium 
of the New England Botanical Club collected in South Boston, 
Massachusetts, in 1879. The name of the collector is not given. 

Croton texensis, Muell. was found by Dr. C. W. Swan on a dump 
in the Back Bay, Boston, in 1890. This and the preceding species 
seem too fugitive to be included in the list above. 

Euphorbia glyptosperma, Engelm. is to be expected from Con- 

1904] Pease,— Lists of New England Plants,— XV 87 

necticut, for it has been found on Fisher’s Island, New York, only 
four or five miles from the Connecticut shore. Dr. J. K. Small 
informs me that the citation of this plant from Connecticut in 
Britton’s Manual, p. 592, has reference to specimens from the 
Fisher’s Island station. 

Euphorbia Ipecacuanhae, L. In the John A. Lowell Herbarium 
at the Boston Society of Natural History there is an undated speci- 
men of this plant collected at Enfield, Connecticut, by Dr. M. M. 
Reed. A letter discovered by Mr. C. H. Bissell and kindly com- 
municated by him to me has shown that Dr. Reed was a friend of 
Dr. J. W. Robbins of Uxbridge, Massachusetts. An undated speci- 
men of this plant, collected in Enfield, by Robbins, is in the 
herbarium of Mr. J. N. Bishop at Plainville, Connecticut, but no 
specimen of it has as yet come to light in the herbarium of Robbins, 
part of which is at Mt. Holyoke College and part at South Natick, 
Massachusetts. It 15 probable that the specimens gathered by Dr. 
Reed and Dr. Robbins date from between 1824 and 1830. 

Euphorbia platyphylla, L., collected on a dump at Cambridge, 
Massachusetts, by Mr. Walter Deane on October ro, 1885, has not 
reappeared and can hardly be included in the list above. 

Euphorbia Presíit, Guss. The report of this species by Professor 
Jesup in his list of plants near Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, 
was probably based on the plant which is now known as Æ. hirsuta, 
Wiegand. Professor Lyman of Dartmouth College writes me that 
the only specimen of true ZupAorbia Preslii in Professor Jesup’s 
herbarium comes from Massachusetts. 

Two western species of Euphorbia which are not sufficiently per- 
manent to be included in the list above should be put on record 
here. Euphorbia prostrata, Ait, gathered оп cotton-waste at 
Malden, Massachusetts, Sept. 20, 18до, by Mr. F. S. Collins, is now 
in the herbarium of the New England Botanical Club. А small 
scrap of Æ. serpens, HBK. is in the herbarium of Brown Uni- 
versity. It was gathered at Gilmanton, New Hampshire, August, 
1871, by Rev. Joseph Blake. 

Mercurialis annua, L. has been gathered on wharves in Bangor, 
Maine, in 1903, by Mr. O. W. Knight, and at East Somerville, 
Massachusetts, in the same year, by Mr. A. H. Moore and the writer. 
It has been known in New England, however, for a much longer 
time, since of two sheets of it in the herbarium of the Boston 

88 Rhodora [May 

Society of Natural History, collected in Boston, at least one (and 
probably both), cannot have been gathered later than 1868. 

Ricinus communis, L. I have with some hesitation included in my 
list. It has been collected in two successive years, however, at 
Dedham, Massachusetts, by Mr. E. F. Williams. 

A plant labelled “Shepherdia argentea, Roxbury, Massachusetts, 
1849, [J. A.] Lowell" in the Boston Society of Natural History 
herbarium cannot represent a native of our range. 

Shepherdia canadensis, Nutt. may perhaps be sought in Coós 
County, New Hampshire, since it is found in Madison, Maine, and 
in Vermont. 'The Vermont stations, however, are in the western 
part of the State. 


LIS. IN MassACHUSETTS.— On Aug. 2d, 1903, Dr. B. J. Handy and the 
writer were botanizing in some fields on the outskirts of Fall River. 
At the edge of an excavation in a bank of glacial till a plant was 
seen which had the characteristic appearance of Verbena, but the 
larger blue flowers and the coarseness of the plant showed at a 
glance that it was not Verbena Aastata, L. common in this region. 
Upon analysis it proved to be Verbena stricta, Vent. About a 
dozen plants were observed growing among the stones and coarse 
soil in the pit. 

As we continued our walk in an adjoining field another group of 
unfamiliar plants, in full flower, attracted our attention. This colony 
was more extensive, there being some fifty plants, which proved to 
be Helianthus mollis, Lam. As no station in New England is men- 
tioned in any of the standard manuals of botany, both plants being 
native of the West and South, inquiry was made at the Gray Herba- 
rium, and a search of the available literature brought to light but 
two New England records of Verbena stricta, namely from Bridgeport 
and Manchester, Connecticut (recorded in Bishop's Catalogue of 
Connecticut Plants), while He/ianthus mollis does not appear to be 
recorded in New England at all. 

The fields in which these plants were found are very close to a 
large cotton mill, and it is probable that the seeds of both species 
were brought North in the raw cotton and thrown into the fields with 

1904] Hill, — Polygamy of Chionanthus 89 

the waste material from the mill. In the case of Helianthus mollis, 
it is probable, judging from the less bunched position of the plants, 
that the cotton waste containing the seeds was spread on the field as 
a fertilizer, a not uncommon practice. — S. N. F. SANFORD, Fall 
River, Massachusetts. 

Rehder in RHODORa (б: 18, 1904), concerning the polygamy of the 
flowers of Chionanthus Virginica, there is reference to a statement of 
Thomas Meehan that it is mentioned in the later edition of Gray's 
Manual, which Mr. Rehder has failed to verify, Mr. Meehan evi- 
dently referred to what is found in a brief characterization of 
Chionanthus among the tribal divisions of О/еасеае in the sixth 
edition, p. 335. It is said of the genus: “Flowers complete, some- 
times polygamous.” Such a character might be construed as a gen- 
eral one and be referred to the genus as including C. retusa. But 
it is not the custom of the book, designed to help students of the 
flora to a safe knowledge of what they may expect to find in the area 
it covers, to put in needless statements. Then this habit of the 
plants had not been given in former editions where the tribal divi- 
sions are also characterized, and the inference from this would be 
that the polygamy was that of С. virginica, the only one of the genus 
described. The statement not being placed in the full description of 
the genus or species is easily overlooked.— E. J. Нпл, Chicago, 

Phaseolus perennis, Walt. was collected by the writer, in flower, on 
August 18th, 1903, and later in good fruit, in the woods skirting the 
base of East Rock, New Haven. It makes a vigorous growth here, 
and the vines cover the low ledges over which they climb. ‘The sta- 
tion is only a few rods from the edge of a salt marsh, and at a 
slight elevation above it. In Кнорока II: 92, April, 1900, Hon. 
J. R. Churchill discusses the occurrence of Phaseolus perennis in New 
England, and states that the record for New England rested at that 
time solely on three specimens all collected more than forty years 
before at New Haven, Conn. He could find no other New England 
specimens of the species in our principal herbaria, nor any botanist 

go Rhodora [May 

who had seen it within our area and inferred that it had disappeared 
from our flora. It seems probable that the station reported by the 
present writer is the one from which the New Haven specimens 
referred to were taken so many years ago, and which had become 
forgotten. Since Judge Churchill’s article was published, Mr. C. H. 
Bissell has discovered this Phaseolus in Norwalk, Connecticut 
(Ruopora iv:13) and Mr. E. B. Harger has reported it from 
Huntington (Кнорока у : 291). The nearest of these two stations 
is some ten miles from New Haven and it is not likely that either of 
them can have been the source of the specimens referred to by 
Judge Churchill. 

On August 3d, 1903, the writer noticed by the roadside on the out- 
skirts of New Haven an unfamiliar grass in full bloom, which proved 
to be Molinia coerulea, Moench. This grass was afterwards found 
at several places within a mile of the first station, and apparently well 
established at each place. It continued to flower for several weeks, 
and is a stately and handsome species.— К. W. Woopwarp, New 
Haven, Connecticut. 

Among several plants of interest, recently received at the Gray Her- 
barium from Judge J. R. Churchill, is the European Stellaria glauca, 
Withering. It was collected on the railway which runs from Quebec 
along the north bank of the St. Lawrence River to Ste. Anne de 
Beaupré. It was observed at several points along the line, but in 
particular abundance near a small flag-station about three miles west 
of Ste. Anne de Beaupré where it was thoroughly established. The 
species shares the general habit of S. Zongifolia, Muhl., S. longipes, 
Goldie, and S. graminea, L., and as it is likely to be found at other 
American localities, it may be worth while to mention its distinctive 
features. It is for the genus tall and slender (3 to 5 dm. in height), 
entirely glabrous and pale green. The leaves are linear and very 
acute, 2 to 3.5 cm. long and for the most part not over 2 mm. in breadth. 
At their bases where they are connate by narrow subscarious mem- 
branes they are entirely free from ciliation. The flowers are rather 
large, the petals being 8 to 12 mm. long. In S. graminea, S. longifo 
lia, and S. longipes the petals are only 3 to 6 mm. in length. In the 
American forms of S. graminea and in S. longifolia the bases of the 

1904] Knight, — Plants new to Maine 9I 

leaves or the membranes connecting them appear always to show 
at least some vestiges of ciliation, while in S. longipes the leaves are 
neither so long nor relatively so narrow as they are in S. g/auca. 
Since the receipt of the specimens from Judge Churchill, .S. g/auca 
from the same locality has been sent to the Gray Herbarium by Mr. 
John Murdock, Jr.— B. L. ROBINSON. 

a fellow botanist, Mr. F. M. Billings, I went on an exploring trip 
September 7th, 1903, which proved a veritable red letter day in the 
botanical line for us both, as in addition to securing many plants 
which we knew to occur in the vicinity, though we had previously 
never personally collected them, we were fortunate enough to secure 
a few which could not be identified by a most rigorous search of the 
botanical literature at our command. Our usual resort in such cases 
is Mr. M. L. Fernald of the Gray Herbarium, and to him the puz- 
zling specimens were sent for identification. А species of which Mr. 
Billings had secured a single specimen the year previous, growing in 
some ballast left by an Italian vessel, was found quite abundant in 
the same locality this season, and on the day in question we secured 
good specimens. Mr. Fernald pronounced this plant to be Mercuri- 
alis annua L. and reported that to his knowledge it had never before 
been recorded from Maine. On the side of a steep railroad embank- 
ment Mr. Billings discovered a low spreading prostrate plant which 
was then almost entirely out of bloom. It was quite abundant and 
seemed to have been established there for at least one season pre- 
viously. Mr. Fernald pronounces this plant to be Anchusa arvalis 
Reichenbach, and he adds that it is apparently not recorded in Amer- 
ica. On September 3oth, Mr. Billings brought me specimens of a 
plant which Mr. Fernald pronounces to be Galinsoga parviflora var. 
hispida DC. These were growing in a waste spot where rubbish and 
other miscellaneous material was being constantly dumped and might 
easily have been introduced with material used in packing crockery 
ware, as such material consisting of straw and similar matter is 
dumped in this locality. September 3o and October 4th 1 collected 
specimens of à Valerian growing in waste places where it might easily 
have been introduced with refuse from gardens. Mr. Fernald pro- 

92 Rhodora [Mav 

nounces the species to be Va/erianel/a olitoria Poll. This and allied 
species are sometimes cultivated under the name of * Corn Salad" in 
this vicinity.— Ora W. Knicut, Bangor, Maine. 

Nore ом EQUIsETUM PRATENSE.— Equisetum pratense, Ehrh., 
appears to be very rare in the United States, although more common 
in Canada and Alaska. It has been reported from New England 
several times, but erroneously so far as my observations have gone. 
While attending the meetings of the Josselyn Society of Maine on 
July 2nd, I explored the south bank of “Old Point," Norridgewock. 
It is quite steep, perhaps 35 feet high, and made up of sand. Неге 
I noticed a peculiar Equisetum and to my delight found it to be the 
much-wanted Æ. pratense. It grew down the south face of the bluff 
and on top among bushes and, trees. Later in the day I found it, 
but sparingly, in a cedar swamp at Madison, which fact shows that 
its habitat is varied, and that it is presumably common in northern 
New England. It has been overlooked for the reason that in 
appearance it is half-way between Æ. arvense and Æ. silvaticum, so 
that casual observers are likely to take it for one or the other of 
these species. From the first it may be told, when growing in the 
sun, by the fact that the top isa little oblique as in Æ. szva£icum 
while the upper. branches are deflexed and then horizontal. In 
shade it is more pyramidal than Æ. arvense, and the branches are 
finer. It can be told at once on examination of the stem, even with- 
out a lens, as Æ. arvense is smooth, while Æ. pratense is covered 
by tall, flattish spinules that often give ita gray tinge. It can also 
be easily separated from Æ. silvaticum by its simple branches, those 
of the latter species being always compound. Æ. pratense is, in 
general, a more nearly erect species, the stem usually being quite 
perpendicular, the oblique appearance where present being caused 
by the deflexed branches.— A. A. EATON, North Easton, Mass. 

Vol. 6, mo. 64, including pages 65 to 80 and plates 52 and 53, was issued 
6 April, 1904. 

Rhodora. Plate 54. 






Vol. 6 June, 1904 No. 66 


THE approach to Willoughby Notch in old times was from the 
north; following up Barton River from Lake Memphremagog to the 
stream, named in Thompson’s History of Vermont (1842) Wil- 
loughby's River, which flows from Willoughby's Lake between Mt. 
Pisgah and Mt. Hor. Who this Willoughby may have been I am 
unable to say, but his name has remained for the region and even 
the higher easterly mountain is now usually designated as Mt. Wil- 
loughby instead of by the older names, Pisgah or Annanance. 

The notch lies in the southern corner of Orleans county and about 
at an equal distance, say 25 miles, from the Canada line on the north 
and the town of St. Johnsbury on the south: approximately, the lati- 
tude is 44^ 43' north, and the longitude is 72? 2' west from Green- 
wich. The two mountains and the ridge at the south end of the 
lake divide the St. Lawrence waters from the Connecticut River 
tributaries; on the east and south sides of Mt. Willoughby, Mt. Hor 
and this ridge the streams unite for the Passumpsic river, and flow 
into the Connecticut; on the west and north sides the waters unite in 
Barton river, flowing to Lake Memphremagog and the St. Lawrence 
valley. The hotel and post office are on this ridge at the south end 
of the lake, three miles from the nearest house to the north, through 
the notch, and a mile from the next farm south. 

The shortest distance to the railroad is to West Burke, a station 
on the Passumpsic division of the Boston and Maine. This drive of 
six miles follows the brook through a beautiful country of hill and 
valley with characteristic northern Vermont cedar (Zhuya occidentalis) 
swamps. West Burke railroad station is 810 feet above the sea and 

94 Rhodora [June 

the following measurements of height are considered approximately 

Willoughby Lake . А Х ; 1060 ft. 
Hotel . Х . і А i 3 1160 “ 
Pulpit Rock . А $ Р А 1700 ©“ 
Summit of Mt. Willoughby : i ; 2650 “ 
North Outlook ‘ . . , , 2410 “ 
Long Pond . 1710 “ 
Height of land on the boat Pond M 
N. E. of the mountain. . à 2170 “ 

The characteristic botanical features “ Willoughby аге the wet 
cliffs and slides on the southwest side of the mountain, and the 
sphagnous cedar swamps of the brooks, beginning close to the nar- 
row ridge that makes the water-divide, and continuing at intervals for 
five miles southward. These cedar swamps are, I suppose, not dif- 
ferent from others in northern Vermont, but the wet slopes of the 
notch are not paralleled except with Smuggler’s Notch at Mount 
Mansfield; and yet while the two notches have so many peculiar 
plants in common, each has some that the other lacks. Of such 
Smuggler’s Notch has Lycopodium Selago, L., Arenaria verna, L., var. 
hirta, Watson, Gentiana Amarella, L., var. acuta, Hook. f., Castilleia 
pallida Kunth, var. septentrionalis Gray. Willoughby Notch has 
Asplenium Ruta-muraria, L., Scirpus pauciflorus, Link, Rhynchospora 
capillacea, Torr., Braya humilis, Robinson, Aster polyphyllus, Willd. 

The Willoughby plants, too, are to be found in a very limited area. 
It is safe to say that nine-tenths of the non-introduced species can be 
found in two square miles, having the ridge at the south end of the 
lake аз`а center: the northern square mile takes in the lake shore 
and slopes, ledges and woods of the mountains on either side of the 
lake; the southern square mile gives us the pastures, wet fields and 
swamps with their interesting orchids and carices. 

The rocks of the district appear to be of calcareous-mica-slate of 
a coarse consistency in some places as if siliceous, and therefore 
crumbling in some parts, while in others they аге of a firmer slaty 
texture. The cliffs and ledges of the mountain disintegrate in large 
or small masses, making a talus at the base of the cliff extending 
even into the lake. On this slope grow many of the cliff plants evi- 
dently torn in sods from the upper ledges. At the south end the talus 
is covered to a greater depth with humus and the vegetation is more 

Rhodora. Plate 55. 



1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 95 

abundant and the trees larger; in fact at this spot one thinks of the 
Virginian Alleghanies with beautiful Viola Canadensis and Caulophy- 
ceum thalictroides; while a few hundred feet further north on the 
slope the trees are smaller, the falling of rock from the cliff more fre- 
quent and the characteristic cliff plants appear at the roadside. 
Further up the road, at the * Devil's Den” the boulders are very 
large, say from 20 to до feet across. 

There is considerable lime in the district, not to be noticed in the 
delicious drinking water so abundantly bursting forth on the south- 
ern part of the ridge, but seen here and there in white frosty patches 
under and about loose rocks, and in one part of the bog below 
the house spreading over a half-acre meadow to which the name 
Marl Pond has been given; a pond from four to six inches deep with 
the water gently moving over a flat bottom, which in all parts except 
one spot is as hard as a floor. The mosses, ferns and many flower- 
ing plants of the region are all more or less those of a limey district. 

Slides of earth and rock from the upper part of the cliff have left 
a series of channeled gravel trails in the higher portion of the wooded 
talus of the cliff. In many of them water flows for the greater part 
of the summer, especially at the north and south ends of the precipi- 
tous walls; that is, not from the actual summit of the mountain, but 
from springs part way down the sides. These slides are old features 
of the mountain, the only recent one occurring about forty years ago 
near the north end of the cliff, obstructing the then new highway for 
several days, and made more memorable by happening on the 4th of 
July, for which reason the slide has always borne that patriotic name. 

The so-called * Flower Garden " of the earlier botanists is at the 
base of the big cliff just referred to and here the wearing away of the 
mountain has somewhat lessened, and apparently the water which 
plays so large a part in the disintegration has sought other channels ; 
for the garden of late years is neither so rich in flowers nor so cool a 
collecting place on a hot day as other parts of the cliff walk. In this 
respect it differs greatly from Smuggler's Notch where the slides are 
usually the result of very heavy rains and where the loss of earth on 
the mountain side has not left such relatively large bare cliffs, and 
where the mass of earth yet to come down is infinitely greater than 
at Willoughby. A slide in 1897 at Smuggler's Notch filled the high- 
way with mud three or four feet deep; and the upper surface having 
in places dried hard enough to walk upon, the mass had a lava-like 

96 Rhodora [JUNE 

consistency, being still soft and muddy below the surface. There is 
not enough earth at Willoughby for such a slide. 

There is no roadway at the base of Mt. Hor on the west side of 
thelake. А highway was laid out and finished in 1856 on the east 
side at the base of Mt. Willoughby and is now the post road from 
West Burke to Westmore village at the outlet of the lake. ‘This high- 
way is certainly one of the most beautiful rural roads in New Eng- 
land, and is fully as much of a flower garden as the base of the cliffs 
above. i 
The Lake is some five miles long, a mile or more wide at its north- 
ern half and narrowing at its southern end in the notch between the 

two mountains. Few water plants have been collected in this south 
part, the precipitous walls of the notch extending apparently into 
deep water. The northern end has a beach half a mile in length 
and meadows extending to the water's edge: the prevailing northerly 
winds tend to drift water plants towards the south end of the lake 
and such plants have been thus gathered on the south lesser beach. , 

No mention is made of Willoughby in Wm. Oakes' elaborate cata- 
logue of Vermont Plants,' nor have I heard that Oakes ever visited the 
northeastern part of the state; but in that catalogue Mr. Robbins is 
named as having collected at Lake Memphremagog and at Browning- 
ton, at which latter place in 1829 he obtained Senecio aureus, L., var. 
lanceolatus, Oakes, as noted in * Some rare plants of New England." 
This is Senecio Robbinsii, Oakes, of the present list. 

Mr. Carey is also named as collecting plants at Lyndon and Sutton 
on the south side of Willoughby and at Charleston on the north, and 
all within a dozen miles of the Notch. This Mr. Carey is John Carey, 
the friend and companion of Asa Gray on his North Carolina trip, who 
lived at Bellows Falls, Vermont, in 1835 and 1836, and died at an 
advanced age in England in 18795 How Mr. Carey could have col- 
lected Botrychium simplex, Hitchcock, at this early date at * Sutton, 
near the village, on the road leading to Burke," * and not visited the 
Willoughby Cliffs, however inaccessible they appeared, is to me a 

1 Oakes in Thompson, Nat. Hist. Vt. (1842) 173-208, reprint 1-36. 

2 Oakes, Hovey's Mag. Hort. vii. (1841) 183. 

3 Vide Asa Gray, Biographical notice, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, xix. (1880) 422. 
4 Oakes, Cat. Vt. Pl. 1. c. 207 (35). 

Rhodora. Plate 56. 


i t П 
ао ааа C од А. а. УА аы. д ель а. ae Des 

inai PN 


1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 97 

Alphonso Wood (1810-1881) was the first botanist to visit Wil- 
loughby and publish any names of plants there collected, and the 
only reference to his visit I have been able to find is in the second 
edition of his Class Book of Botany,’ where under Saxifraga aizoides, 
L. and S. oppositifolia, L. he says he discovered these in August, 
1845, in the clefts of rocks, Willoughby Mt., 500 feet above the lake. 

In July, 1852, C. C. Frost and Rev. A. H. Clapp of Brattleboro, 
Vermont, visited Willoughby and their trip is described by John L. 
Russell of Salem, Massachusetts, in Hovey's Magazine, for Novem- 
ber, 1852.2 The mountain is there called Pisgah or Annance; the 
latter a name of “а chief of the St. Francis tribe of Indians.” They 
say “the region had been explored some years previous by Mr. Wood, 
a botanist of merit, and through whose remarkable discoveries there, 
our tourist was induced to visit the spot.” Forty-seven flowering 
plants and ferns and four mosses are mentioned as found at Wil- 
loughby and as this makes the first list of plants of the region I give 
it here — a list of names only, no authors cited — but here rearranged 
more nearly after modern methods. 

Hypnum splendens Rosa blanda 

i crista-castrensis Rubus occidentalis 
umbratum * — odoratus 
cupressiforme strigosus 
Pteris atropurpurea Rubus tritlorus 
Woodsia glabella Hedysarum boreale 
Cupressus thyoides Phaca Robbinsii 
Thuya occidentalis Vitis cordifolia 
Calamagrostis Canadensis Helianthemum Canadense 
Danthonia spicata Circaea alpina 
Lolium perenne Oenothera fruticosa 


“ “ 

Muhlenbergia sylvatica 
Oryzopsis melanocarpa 
Panicum depauperatum 

4 nitidum 
Carex eburnea 

*  scirpoidea 

Clintonia borealis 
Anemone cylindrica 

» Virginiana 
Clematis Virginiana 
Arabis lyrata 
Draba arabisans 
Saxifraga aizoides 

d oppositifolia 
Fragaria Virginiana 

1 Wood, Class Book., ed. 2 (1847) 279. 

Primula Mistassinica 
Apocynum hypericifolium 
Asclepias Cornuti 

E quadrifolia 
Lonicera ciliata 
Campanula rotundifolia 
Achillaea Milletolium 
Antennaria margaritacea 
Artemisia Canadensis 
Cirsium lanceolatum 
Eupatorium ageratoides 


Solidago corymbosus 

y: lanceolatus 

? J. L. Russell, Hovey’s Mag. Hort. xviii. (1852) 481-485. 

98 Rhodora [JUNE 

Although some plants of this list cannot now be identified, it yet 
contains nearly all the characteristic cliff plants: but evidently no 
attention was paid to the woods or swamps, though the botanists’ 
route led through rare orchid ground. 

In the 1853 appendix to Thompson’s History of Vermont, is a list 
of ros additions to Wm. Oakes’ Catalogue and 19 of these are cred- 
ited to C. C. Frost from Willoughby. ‘This list was prepared by 
Prof. Joseph Torrey of Burlington. 

Other botanists followed, viz.: Wm. Boott, in 1854, Rev. Joseph 
Blake in 1861, Horace Mann in 1862, Edwin Faxon in 1873, and 
many others now living. 

The second paper on the flora of Willoughby i is by Mr. Chas. E. 
Ridler! giving an interesting account of the approach to the Notch 
from the north and describing the mountain and its flora. "The third 
paper is by Walter Deane,? an account of his collecting trip in 
July, 1885, with J. R. Churchill. The only other paper I have seen 
is by Dr. H. H. Rusby reprinted from the Bulletin of Pharmacy, 
January, 1893, an account of his visit in July and August, 1892. 
This gives special attention to the oecological features of the district 
and to the ferns, a list of thirty-two being given. 

The present list of 690 names is quite as noteworthy for the plants 
that are not in it as for those that are. Many of the common things 
we expect everywhere have not yet been seen in this little area, and 
many plants have been collected only once, and of others only one or 
two stations are known. The introduced plants in the Notch itself 
do not tend to increase and now that the lumbermen have begun a 
crusade in the swamp region and on the mountain sides the possi- 
bility of the destruction of choice botanical areas is alarming. The 
ferns, orchids and carices of wet woods need the protection of forest 
trees and certain plants in the Willoughby region are sure to perish. 

The map of Willoughby has been drawn by Mr. J. F. Collins of 
the Botanical Department of Brown University, Providence, Rhode 
Island, and is believed to be as accurate as the variable material at 
his disposal would allow. 

Unless otherwise noted specimens of allthese plants are in my 
Herbarium, and I shall be glad to receive any additions to this list. 

1 Ridler, Appalachia, iv. (1884) 64. 
? Deane, Bot. Gaz. xi. (1886) 112. 

p m 

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100 Rhodora (June 




. vulgatum, L. In moist mowing land. 

. simplex, Hitch. 
matricariaefolium, A. Br. 
. ternatum, Swartz, var. intermedium, D. C. Eaton. 
. ternatum, Swartz, var. obliquum, Milde. 
ternatum, Swartz, var. dissectum, Milde. 
. Virginianum, Swartz. 

W ww w 


. regalis, L. 
. cinnamomea, L. 
. Claytoniana, L. 



. sensibilis, L. 
. sensibilis, L., var. obtusilobata, Torr. 
. Struthiopteris, Hoffm. 



W. Ilvensis, R. Br. Rocks near Roaring Brook. 

W. hyperborea, R. Br. W. alpina (Bolton) S. F. Gray. Rare; on the 

W. glabella, К. Br. Common on the cliffs. 


D. pilosiuscula, Willd. 2. punctilobula (Michx.) Gray. 

C. bulbifera, Bernh. 
C. fragilis, Bernh. 

A. acrostichoides, Swartz. Dryopteris acrostichordes (Michx.) Kuntze. 

1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby IOI 



>> >>> 

> > р 

acrostichoides, Swartz, var. incisum, Gray. Dryopteris acrostichotdes, 
var. Schwernitzit (Beck) Underw. 

aculeatum, Swartz, var. Braunii, Koch. Dryopteris Praunit (Spenner) 
Underw. In deep rocky woods. 

Noveboracense, Swartz. Dryopteris Noveboracensts ( L.) Gray. 

Thelypteris, Swartz. Dryopteris Thelypteris (L.) Gray. 

. cristatum, Swartz. Dryopteris cristata (L.) Gray. 
. cristatum, Swartz, var. Clintonianum, D. C. Eaton. In deep swamps. 

Goldianum, Hook. Dryopteris Goldtana (Mook. Gray. Not rare in 
wet woods. Variable in form. 

. marginale, Swartz. Dryopteris marginalis ( L.) Gray. 
. Spinulosum, Swartz. Dryopteris spinulosa (Retz. Kuntze. Deep woods 

near Cold Brook. 
spinulosum, Swartz, var. intermedium, D. C. Eaton. Dryopteris spinu- 
losa, var. tntermedia (Muhl.) Underw. 

. Spinulosum, Swartz, var. dilatatum, Hook. 
. Boottii, Tuckerm. Dryopteris Boottiit (Tuckerm.) Underw. In wet 



. polypodioides, Fée. P. Pkegopteris (L.) Underw. 
. Dryopteris, Feé. 


Trichomanes, L. Mt. Hor, Edwin Faxon, 1886. 

. viride, Hudson. Cliffs, Mt. Hor, Mrs. Condit, 1887. Two fronds in 

Herb. C. E. Faxon. 

. Ruta-muraria, L. Cliffs, Willoughby Mountain; not common. 
. thelypteroides, Michx. A. acrostichotdes, Swartz. 
. Filix-foemina, Bernh. 


. pedatum, L. Rapidly becoming rare from the rapacity ot visitors. 


. aquilina, L. Seldom simply ternate. 


. gracilis, Hook. P. Stelleri (S. G. Gmel.) Watt. 
. atropurpurea, Link. Both species on the limestone cliffs. 


. vulgare, L. A form with forking frond, W. A. Lorenz. Another with 

very broad frond, F. G. Floyd. 

102 Rhodora [JUNE 


. arvense, L. 

. arvense, L., approaching forma pseudo-sylvaticum fide A. A. Eaton. 
. arvense, L., var. nemorosum, A. Br. 

. Sylvaticum, L. 

limosum, L. Æ. fluviatile, L. 

hyemale, L. Not common. 

scirpoides, Michx. 

ti pd tu m Dd Dd ш 



‚ lucidulum, Michx. | 

‚ inundatum, L. 

. dendroideum, Michx. 

annotinum, L. 

. sabinaefolium, Willd. Тор of the mountain, A. W. Cheever, 1903. 

clavatum, L. 

. clavatum, L., var. monostachyon, Grev. & Hook. 

complanatum, L., var. flabelliforme, Fernald. Often with peduncles 

stout, much branched and bearing from 3 to 13 spikes, which are fre- 

quently proliferous at the apex. 

Lycopodium complanatum, L., var. Wibbei, Haberer in Herb. Gray. 
Branches with the aspect of var. fabelliforme, Fernald; strobile soli- 
tary, large (3.5 to 4 cm. long).— Swampy woodlands on hills about 
Utica, New York, September, 1900 (J. V. //aberer in Herb. Gray). 
Dedicated to the late Reverend Father J. Herman Wibbe of Schenectady. 
This striking plant, the counterpart in the complanatum series of L. 
clavatum, var. monostachyon, Grev. & Hook., was found in shady cold 
woods at Willoughby, October 1, 1903. Тһе Willoughby specimens 
closely match those of Dr. Haberer. 

L. tristachyon, Pursh. Д. complanatum, var. Chamaecyparissus, D. C. 

lisi li ol o i ud 


I. macrospora, Durieu. Miss Annie Lorenz. This species has been deter- 
mined by Mr. A. A. Eaton. 



P. Strobus, L. Very rare; hardly to be seen except planted. 

1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 103 

L. Americana, Michx. JZ. laricina (Du Roi) Koch. 

лаба Linkter) Canadensis (Mill) Bo Sek 
. nigra, Link. Including P. длето ги, Peck. P. Mariana ( Mill.) B. S. P. 
. rubra, Link. The common “Lumber” Spruce. : 


T. Canadensis, Carr. 
A. balsamea, Mill. 
T. occidentalis, L. Some stumps ot old growth cedars, more than three feet 
in diameter still remain in the Mt. Hor woods. 


T. Canadensis, Willd. Taxus minor (Michx.) Britton. 

Т. latifolia, L. 

S. simplex, Huds. 
S. simplex, Huds., var. angustifolium, Engelm. Long Pond. 


amplifolius, Tuckerm. Long Pond. 

alpinus, Balbis. Little Pond. 

heterophyllus, Schreb. Outlet of Long Pond. 

Spirillus, Tuckerm. Little Pond. 

heterophyllus, Schreb., var. graminifolius, Wats. & Coult. 


104 Rhodora 

о о о 




pusillus, L. North part of Willoughby Lake. 

diversifolius, Raf. Reported from Willoughby in Brainerd, Jones, & 
Eggleston, Fl. Vt., 1900, page 7, as collected by the late H. G. Jesup, but 
no specimen can be found in Prof. Jesup's collection nor in the Herba- 

rium of Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. 

. flexilis, Rostk. & Schm. Little Pond. 
. latifolia, Willd. 
. arifolia, Nutt. 
. graminea, Michx. 
spiralis, L. In Bishop's Brook. 

GLABRUM, Gaudin. Syntherisma linearis (Krock) Nash. 
capillare, L. 

unciphyllum, Trin. P. pubescens, Lam. 



- GLAUCA, Beauv. /xophorus glaucus (L) Nash. In kitchen garden. 
. VIRIDIS, Веау. /xophorus viridis (L) Nash. In farm land. 

. ITALICA, Kunth. Zxophorus Italicus (L) Nash. Roadside. 

‚ ITALICA, Kunth, var. GERMANICA, Richter. Roadside near hotel. 


. arundinacea, L. 
. ARUNDINACEA, L., var. PICTA, Gray. Roadside escape. 


. ODORATUM, L. Not common. 


‚ borealis, R. & S. Rare. Roaring Brook, 1901. 

1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 105 

O. asperifolia, Torr. 
O. melanocarpa, Muhl. 

M. effusum, L. In woods. 

M. Mexicana, Trin. In rocky woods. 
M. glomerata, Trin. М. racemosa (Michx.) B. S. P. 


B. aristatum, Beauv. B. erectum (Schreb.) Beauv. 


P. PRATENSE, L. Very variable in size. 


S. vaginaeflorus, Vasey. On the slides near Clift. 


C. pendula, Trin. C. latifolia (Trev.) Griseb. 


^ A. ALBA, L. “A viviparous form occurs," Jones, Fl. Vt. 

A. ALBA, L., var. vULGARIS, Thurb. * A small form occurs in cool pastures, 
sometimes having flowering glume awned ” Jones, Fl. Vt. 

A. scabra, Willd. A. hyemalis (Walt.) B. S. P. р 

А. scabra, Willd., var. montana, Tuckerm. Оп the ledges at top of the 


C. Canadensis, Beauv. 

C. Langsdorfii, Trin. И.Н. Rusby, 1892; vide Revision of Calamagrostis 
by T. H. Kearney, 1898, p. 27. 

C. hyperborea, Lange. Boott, 1862. Pringle, 1877. Including C. inexpansa 
of Brainerd, Jones, & Eggieston, Fl. Vt., not Gray, collected by Prot. L. 
R. Jones, 11 July, 1900. 

C. hyperborea, Lange, var. Americana, Kearney. C. stricta, Gray, Man. Ed. 
6, in part. The more common form. 

C. hyperborea, Lange, var. elongata, Kearney, Е. & C. E. Faxon, 1887, 
Herb. Gray. 

106 Rhodora 

22900 моют y vy 

ч] мј 


. subspicatum, Beauv., var. molle, Gray. Mountain slides. 


striata, Michx. 
SATIVA, L. А roadside escape. 

. Spicata, Beauv. 
. compressa, Aust. 
. Pennsylvanica, Gray. 

. pratensis, L. 

. pratensis, L., var. angustifolia, Smith. Jones in Fl. Vt. 
. nemoralis, L. 

. ANNUA, L. 

. serotina, Ehrh. P. flava, L. 

, alsodes, Gray. Herb. J. R. Churchill. 


Canadensis, Trin. Panicularia Canadensis (Michx.) Kuntze. 

. elongata, Trin. WPanicularia elongata (Torr.) Kuntze. 
.nervata, Trin. Panicularia nervata (Willd. Kuntze. 

. grandis, Watson. Panicularia Americana (Torr.) Mac M. 
. pallida, Trin. Panicularia pallida (Torr.) Kuntze. 


. ELATIOR, L., var. PRATENSIS, Gray. 


. ciliatus, L. 
. SECALINUS, L. Field opposite the Hotel. 




1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 107 

REPENS, Beauv. 
Novae-Angliae, Scrib. Very variable in size of spikelets. 
caninum, R. & S. 
caninum, R. & S., forma caninoides, Ramalley, fide C. W. Swan. 

silex ca 


S. cEREALE, L. Rye. Roadside escape. 


Н. VULGARE, L. Common barley. In old fields. 

Н. vULGARE, L., var. AEGICERAS, Aitchis. Roadside south of the Hotel. 
(Hooker, Flora British India vii. 371, says cultivated under the name 
* Bald Barley.") 

E. Canadensis, L. 
A. Hystrix, Willd. 
D. spathaceum, Pers. D. arundinaceum (L.) Britton. 
E. obtusa, Schultes. 
E. palustris, R. Br. 
E. tenuis, Schultes. 
E. intermedia, Schultes. Little Pond Bog. 
E. pygmaea, Torr. Herb. W. Deane, 1885. 
S. pauciflorus, Lightf. Eleocharis pauciflora, Link. 
S. validus, Vahl. S. lacustris, Gray, Man. Ed. 6., not L. 
S. atrovirens, Muhl. 
S. rubrotinctus, Fernald. 
S. Peckii, Britton. 
S. atrocinctus, Fernald. 
S. atrocinctus, Fernald, var. brachypodus, Fernald. 
E. alpinum, L 
E. polystachyon, L. 

108 Rhodora [June 





polystachyon, L., var. latifolium, Gray. 

Virginicum, L. 
. gracile, Koch. A. W. Cheever, 1903. 

. alba, Vahl. 
. capillacea, Torr. 
. mariscoides, Torr. 

intumescens, Rudge. 

rostrata, Stokes. C. utriculata, var. minor, Boott. 

Tuckermani, Dewey. Herbaria of W. Deane and J. R. Churchill, 1885. 

retrorsa, Schwein. 

lurida, Wahl. 

lurida, Wahl., var. gracilis, Bailey. C. Baileyi, Britton. 

hystricina, Muhl. i 

hystricina, Muhl., var. Dudleyi, Bailey. The species and variety on same 
plant, G. G. K., 1898. 

scabrata, Schwein. 

filiformis, L. 

stricta, Lam. 

lenticularis, Michx. 

gynandra, Schwein 

gracillima, Schwein. 

castanea, Wahl. Meadow by the Four Bridges, 1898. 

arctata, Boott. 

debilis, Michx., var. Rudgei, Bailey. C. ¢enuis, Rudge. 

flava, L. 

flava, L., var. viridula, Bailey. C. viridula Michx. 

pallescens, L. ' 

vaginata, Tausch. C. saltuensis, Bailey. С. altocaulis (Dewey) Britton. 
Swamp between West Burke and Willoughby, Pringle, 1878, Herb. Gray. 

laxiflora, Lam. А 

laxiflora, Lam., var. varians, Bailey. 

laxiflora, Lam., var. patulifolia, Carey. 

plantaginea, Lam. 

. platyphylla, Carey. 

aurea, Nutt. 

eburnea, Boott. C. setifolia (Dewey) Britton. 
pedunculata, Muhl. 

communis, Bailey. C. pedicellata (Dewey) Britton. 

. albicans, Willd. 

deflexa, Hornem. 
scirpoidea, Michx. On the mountain sides and occasionally on Lake 


1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 109 








leptalea Wahl. С. polytrichoides, Muhl. 

stipata, Muhl. 

teretiuscula, Gooden. Little Pond Bog. 

vulpinoidea, Michx. 

tenella, Schkuhr. 

rosea, Schkuhr, var. minor, Boott. 

rosea, Schkuhr, var. radiata, Dewey. 

stellulata, Gooden., var. angustata, Carey. С. serz/rs, Britt. & Brown, in 
part, not Willd. С. eckinata, Murr., var. angustata, Bailey. 

interior, Bailey. 

canescens, L., var. subloliacea, Laest. 

brunnescens, Poir. C. canescens, L., var. alpicola, Wahl. 

trisperma, Dewey. 

Deweyana, Schwein. 

bromoides, Schkuhr. 

Bebbii, Olney. 

tribuloides, Wahl., var. reducta, Bailey. C. ¢ribulotdes, Wahl., var. moni- 
liformis (Tuckerm.) Britton. 

cristata, Schwein. C. Zribulordes, Wahl., var. cristata, Bailey. C. crista- 
tella, Britton. 

scoparia, Schkuhr. 
scoparia, Schkuhr, var. condensa, Fernald. E. F. Williams, 1894. 
Crawfordii, Fernald. 
mirabilis, Dewey. 
mirabilis, Dewey, var. tincta, Fernald. 
triphyllum, Torr. In both wet and apparently dry soil. 
palustris, L. . 
septangulare, Withering. At north end of Lake. 

. effusus, L. 

. bufonius, L. Of all shapes and sizes. 

. tenuis, Willd., var. Williamsii, Fernald. 
. Dudleyi, Wiegand. 

. nodosus, L. 

IIO Rhodora (June 

J. alpinus, Vill. Herb. W. Deane. 
J. articulatus, L. 

J. brachycephalus, Buchenau. 

J. brevicaudatus, Fernald. 


L. parviflora, Desv. L. spadicea, DC., var. melanocarpa, Meyer. Juncoides 
parviflorum (Ehrh.) Coville. 
L. campestris, DC., var. multiflora, Celakovsky. See RHODORA, vi, 38. 


V. viride, Ait. 

O. sessilifolia, Watson. Uvularia sessilifolia, L. 

H. FULVA, L. Roadside. 


A. tricoccum, Ait. 
A. SCHOENOPRASUM, L. 1899, new to New England, the Connecticut River 
valley plant being the larger var. Sibericum, Hartm. 


L. TIGRINUM, Ker. Roadside by an abandoned cellar. 

. E. Americanum, Ker. 
C. borealis, Raf. 

. racemosa, Desf. Vagnera racemosa (L.) Morong. 
. Stellata, Desf. Vagnera stellata (L.) Morong. 
. trifolia, Desf. Vagnera trifolia (L.) Morong. Herb. J. R. Churchill. 


M. Canadense, Desf. Unifolium Canadense (Desf.) Greene. 


S. amplexifolius, DC. 
S. roseus, Michx. 

1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby III 

P. biflorum, Ell. 
M. Virginiana, L. 

T. erectum, 17. 


(9) (o^ (o. 

undulatum, Willd. T. erythrocarpum, Michx. 


. versicolor, L. 


. angustifolium, Mill. 



. acaule, Ait. Often with white fowers. 
. arietinum, R. Br. Mrs. J. E. W. Thacher, 1897. 
. spectabile, Salisb. C. reginae, Walt. Е. Ф C. E. Faxon, 1887; 

Herb. Gray. 

. pubescens, Willd. С. Azrsutum, Mill. The C. pubescens of the woods is 

a different looking plant from the meadow and swamp form, which 
latter is almost exactly between C, pubescens, Willd. and C. par- 
vifforum, Salisb. 


. Spectabilis, L. Found some seasons in profusion and of wonderful 



. Hookeri, Torr. Lysias Hookertana (Gray) Rydb. Dr. С. A. Cheever, 1903. 

orbiculata, Torr. Zysias orbiculata (Pursh) Rydb. 

. obtusata, Richardson.  Lysze//a obtusata (Pursh) Rydb. 

hyperborea, R. Вг. Limnorchis hyperborea (L.) Rydb. 

dilatata, Gray. Limnorchis dilatata (Pursh) Rydb. Limnorchis fragrans, 
Rydb. is hardly to be separated except by its evident fragrance, 
and perhaps slender form. 

bracteata, R. Br. Coeloglossum bracteatum (Willd.) Parl. 

tridentata, Hook. Æ. clavellata (Michx.) Spreng. 

. psycodes, Gray. Occasional forms approach 27. fimbriata, К. Br. but 

no typical Æ. fimbriata has yet been collected. 

гї2 Rhodora [JUNE 

P. ophioglossoides, Nutt. 

S. Romanzoffiana, Cham. Gyrostachys Romanzoffana (Cham.) MacM. 
S. cernua, Richard. Gyrostuchys cernua (L.) Kuntze. 
S. gracilis, Bigel. Gyvrostachys gracilis (Bigel.) Kuntze. 


L. convallarioides, Nutt. 
L. cordata, R. Br. 

G. repens, К. Br., var. ophioides, Fernald. Peramium repens (L.) Britt. & 

Brown, not Salisb. 
G. tesselata, Lodd. 


M. monophyllos, Lindl. Achroanthes monophylla (L.) Greene. Very rare; 
on the side of Mt. Hor. 
M. ophioglossoides, Nutt. Achroanthes unifolia (Michx.) Raf. 

L. Loeselii, Richard. Leptorchis Loeseli? (L.) MacM. Meadow, rare. 


C. borealis, Salisb. C. bulbosa (L.) Oakes. In deep and cold cedar swamps. 


C. innata, R. Br. Two specimens of C. innata, found June 4, 1901, in dense 
shade in swampy woods, show the condition known as irregular peloria. 
In this case a conversion of the petals into normal or nearly normal lips 
gives a remarkable appearance to the flowering spike. This is more 
common in cultivated orchids than in wild plants and I have to thank 
Mr. Oakes Ames for explaining to me the singular anomaly in these 

C. multiflora, Nutt. 

J. cinerea, L. 

1904] .Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby II3 


M. Gale, L. 


P. balsamifera, L. The leaf-bud has a resinous odor of watchmakers' oil 
rather than the fragrant odor of var. candicans, the Balm of Gilead. 

P. tremuloides, Michx. 
P. grandidentata, Michx. 
S. nigra, Marsh, var. falcata, Torr. North beach on Lake. 
S. lucida, Muhl. 
S. purpurea, L. Large clump on roadside towards Chemical Pond. 
S. rostrata, Richardson. S. Bebbrana, Sarg. 
S. humilis, Marsh. 
S. discolor, Muhl. 
S. petiolaris, Smith. On beach at north end of Lake, Miss A. Lorenz. 
S. cordata, Muhl. 
S. balsamifera, Barratt. Quite frequent. 

O. Virginica, Willd. 
(610) £5 BIOS 

C. rostrata, Ait. 
B. alba, L., var. papyrifera, Spach. B. papyrifera, Marsh. 
B. alba, L., var. cordifolia, Fernald. 
B. lenta, L. 
B. lutea, Michx. f. 
A. viridis, DC. A. Alnobetula (Ehrh.) К. Koch. Very common. 
A. incana, Willd. 

F. ferruginea, Ait. F. Americana, Sweet. 


Q. rubra, L. On “4th of July” and other slides ; not seen elsewhere. 

114 Rhodora [JUNE 



U. Americana, L. 
U. fulva, Michx. In the woods at base of the mountain. 


H. Lupulus, L. At Sutton Road corner. 


L. Canadensis, Gaudichaud. Urticastrum divaricatum (L.) Kuntze. 


A. Canadense, L. Rare. 

R. RHAPONTIUM, L. In a wild farm pasture, escaped. 


R. crispus, L. 

F. TATARICUM, Gaertn. 

P. aviculare, L. 
P. Convolvulus, L. 
P. cilinode, Michx. 
P. sagittatum, L. 


C. capitatum, Watson.  B/rtum cafita/um, L. Near the farm-barn. 

1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 115 


А. RETROFLEXUS, L. Called Rag-weed and said to have come from the 
West, thus indicating a comparatively recent introduction. 

C. Caroliniana, Michx. 

A. GirHAGO, L. Lychnis Githago, Scopoli. 


S. CucuBALUs, Wibel. S. vulgaris (Moench) Garcke. Roadside near 
Chemical Pond. 
S. NOCTIFLORA, L. Near Picnic house at Lake. 


L. CHALCEDONICA, L. Escape at Sheffield Landing. 


S. VACCARIA, L. Vaccaria Vaccaria (L.) Britton. Herb. Walter Deane, 1885. 


D. BARBATUS, L. Escape. 

S. MEDIA, Cyrill. Adstne media, L. 
S. GRAMINEA, L. Alsine graminea (L.) Britton. 
S. borealis, Bigel. 4/szze borealis (Bigel.) Britton. 





116 Rhodora [June 

2 2 




. advena, Ait. f. Nymphaea advena, Soland. 
. advena, Ait. f, var. hybridum, Peck. JV. advena, Ait. f., var. minus, 


. minimum, Smith. Mymphaea Kalmiana (Michx.) Sims. 


. ODORATA, Ait. Castalia odorata (Dryand. Woodv. & Wood.' Planted 

in Little Pond. 

. palustris, L. In both wet and apparently dry places. 


. trifolia, Salisb. 


. rubra Willd. 
.alba, Bigel. Very variable as to pedicels and color of fruit. 


. OFFICINALIS, Retz. Persistent in an old orchard. 


. VULGARIS, L. Roadside escape. 


. NAPELLUS, L. An escape on the Newark Road. 


. riparia, Fernald. All the Anemone reports from Russell's in 1852 to the 

present time are now to be referred to Mr. Fernali's A. riparia. 

acutiloba, DC. А. acuta (Pursh) Britton. 


. Virgininana, L. 
. verticillaris, DC. Atragene Americana, Sims. Occasional. 


1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 117 

дю юю 

abortivus, L. 
recurvatus, Poir. 
repens, L. 
septentrionalis, Poir. 
aquatilis, L., var. trichophyllus, Gray. Batrachium trichophyllum (Chaix) 


T. polygamum, Muhl. 


C. thalictroides, Michx. In mountain woods. 


S. Canadensis, L. Rare. 


Cucullaria, ОС. Brcuculla Cucullaria (L.) Millsp. In mountain woods. 
Canadensis, DC. Bicuculla Canadensis (Goldie) Millsp. On the 


. humilis, Robinson. Sisymbrium humile, Meyer. Probably from its abun- 

dance on the Cliffs the Arabis lyrata of Mr. Russell's 1852 List. 

JUNCEA, Cosson. 
SINAPISTRUM, Boiss. B. arvensis (L.) B. S. Р. 




118 Rhodora [JUNE 


B. STRICTA, Andrz. B. vulgaris, Gray, Man. Ed. 6, in part. 


N. terrestre, R. Вг. V. palustre, DC. Roripa palustris (L.) Bess. 
N. OFFICINALE, R. Br. Roripa Nasturtium (L.) Rusby. 
N. ARMORACIA, Fries. KRoripa Armoracia (L.) A. S. Hitchcock. Fruiting 
specimen in Herb. J. R. Churchill. 
C. Pennsylvanica, Muhl. 

D. diphylla, L. Quite variable as to foliage, but always with the diphylla 


С. BURSA-PASTORIS, Moench. Very variable in size and foliage. 


D. incana, L. 
D. incana, L., var. arabisans, Watson. 


D. rotundifolia, L. 
S. TELEPHIUM, L. Escape by edge of woods, Cheney Place. 
S. acre, L. On old wall. 


. oppositifolia, L. Common on the cliffs. 

. aizoides, L. On the cliffs. 

. Aizoon, Jacq. On the upper portions of cliffs. 
. Virginiensis, Michx. 

оло Ф 

T. cordifolia, L. 

1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby IIQ 


M. nuda, L. 




IU 49) 40) 



Americanum, Schwein. 


. Caroliniana, Michx. In wet pastures. 

Cynosbati, L. 

. oxyacanthoides, L. 

lacustre, Poir. 

prostratum, L'Hér. 

floridum, L'Hér. 

albinervium, Michx. 2. rubrum, L., var. subglandulosum, Maxim. R. 
rubrum, Britt. & Brown, in part, not L. 



. latifolia, Borkh. .$, salictfolia, Gray, Man. Ed. 6, in part, not L. 
. tomentosa, I.. 


. odoratus, L 
. Idaeus, L., var. strigosus, Maxim. R. strigosus, Michx. 
occidentalis, L. Herb. Walter Deane, 1885; not common. 
triflorus, Richardson. XR. Americanus (Pers.) Britton. 
setosus, Bigel. 
Canadensis, L. X. Millspaughii, Britton. 
repens, L. Not common. 

. Virginiana, Mill. 
· Americana, Britton. F. vesca, Gray, Man. Ed. 6, in great part. 


. Norvegica, L. P. Monspeliensis, L. Variable. 
- fruticosa, L. Not common. 
. Canadensis, L. A plant reported under this name was probably P. 

simplex, Michx. 

120 Rhodora [JUNE 



Y'o uY 



. rivale, L. 
b strictum, Ait. 


. Striata, Michx. А. Brittontana, Bickn. 


. blanda, Ait. On the cliffs, and rocky roadside. 
. Carolina, L., var. setigera, Crépin. In wet wood road. 


. Americana, DC. Sorbus Americana, Marsh. 
. Sitchensis, Piper. P. samducifolia, Gray, Man. Ed. 6, not Cham. & Schl. 

Sorbus sambuctfolia, Britt. & Brown, not Roem. 

. Matus, L. Growing wild in many places. 
. arbutifolia, L., var. melanocarpa, Hook. Aronia nigra (Willd.) Britton. 

Rare, Marl Pond bog. 


. oligocarpa, Roem. 

. media, Sarg. 
. flabellata, Bosc. = 

. nigra, Ait. 
. Pennsylvanica, L.f. Very variable in size of tree and fruit. 
. Virgininana, L. 
. serotina, Ehrh. 
ALBA, Desr. 



. viscosa, Vent. Roadside tree near Sheffield Landing. 

1904 ] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby I2I 


A. Blakei, Eggleston. Common on the slides and down to Lake roadside ; 
different from A. Robbinsti, Gray. 


Н. boreale, Nutt. Æ. Americana (Michx.) Britton. On the slides. 


O. Acetosella, L. 
О. cymosa, Small. О. cornicula and O. stricta of authors in part, not L. 




C. verna, L. C. palustris, L. 


К. typhina, L. R. Airta (L.) Sudw. 
R. Toxicodendron, L. X. radicans, L. Only on the mountain slides. 


I. verticillata, Gray. 


N. fascicularis, Raf. //ictodes mucronata (L.) Britton. 

C. scandens, L. Not common. 

122 Rhodora 


A. rubrum, L. 
A. Saccharum, Marsh. A. saccharinum, Wang., not L. 
A. nigrum, Michx. Said to grow at the north end of the lake. 
A. Pennsylvanicum, L. 
A. spicatum, Lam. 

I. biflora, Walt. Z. Salve, Nutt. 
I. aurea, Muhl. Z. pallida, Nutt. Only on Mt. Hor side of the Lake. 

R. alnifolia, L'Hér. In wet pastures. 

V. vulpina, L. Abundant on the mountain slides. 


A. quinquefolia, Michx. Parthenocissus guinguefolia (L.) Planch. 


T. Americana, L. 


. ALCEA, L. Garden escape, Newark Road. 
MOSCHATA, L. Frequent on Long Pond Road. 



. maculatum, Walt. 
. boreale, Bickn. 
. mutilum, L. 



1904 ] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby bs 

H. Canadense, L. 
H. Virginicum, L. Zlodes campanulata, Pursh. Triadenum Virginicum 
(L.) Raf. 
V. cucullata, Ait. 
V. venustula, Greene. Wet places on the slides. President Brainerd writes 
that this is hardly distinct from V. afffzís, Le Conte. 
V. Selkirkii, Pursh. Very variable; in more or less shaded places. 
V. blanda, Willd. 
V. amoena, Le Conte. | V, dlanda, var. palustriformis, Gray. 
V. renifolia, Gray. 
V. rotundifolia, Michx. 
V. pubescens, Ait. 
V. scabriuscula, Schwein. 
V. Canadensis, L. 
V. conspersa, Reichenb. V.canima,L., var. Muhlenbdergii, Gray, Man, Ed. 6. 
V. TRICOLOR, L. Well established in various places. 
D. palustris, L. On the big slide. 
E. angustifolium, L. Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. 
E. lineare, Muhl. 
E. strictum, Muhl. 
E. coloratum, Muhl. 
E. adenocaulon, Haussk. 
O. biennis, L. Onagra biennis (L.) Scop. 
O. pumila, М. Kneifia pumila (L.) Spach. 
C. Lutetiana, L. Rare. E. F. Williams, 1894. 
C. alpina, L. 
H. vulgaris, L. Deep brook in swamp ; submerged form. 

,124 Rhodora [June 

A. racemosa, L. 
A. nudicaulis, L. 
A. hispida, Vent. 
P. quinquefolium, L. Aralia guinguefolia, Dec. & Pl. Rare. . 
H. lanatum, Michx. 
P. SATIVA, L. Escape. 
S. Marylandica, L. 

O. brevistylis, DC. Washingtonia Claytoni (Michx.) Britton. 


Z. aurea, Koch. Very common. 


L. OFFICINALE, Koch. Old garden on deserted farm near Green Tunnel. 

C. Carun, L. Very common. 

C. bulbifera, L. Little Pond bog. 


H. Americana, L. 



. C. Canadensis, L. 
C. circinata, L'Hér. 
C. stolonifera, Michx. Not so common as would be expected. 
C. alternifolia, L. f. 

1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 125 


. chlorantha, Swartz. 

. elliptica, Nutt. 

. rotundifolia, var. uliginosa, Gray. Little Pond Bog. P. uliginosa, Torr. 
. asarifolia, Michx. Lake roadside, 1901. 

весипда D^ 

. Secunda, L., var. pumila, Gray. 

ach 449) tne) еј Go, 

M. grandiflora, Salisb. M. uniflora (L.) Gray. 

C. umbellata, Nutt. 


M. uniflora, L. 
M. Hypopitys, L. /7yfofitys Hypopitys (L.) Small. 


K. angustifolia, L. Not common. 
K. glauca, Ait. 

L. Groenlandicum, Oeder. Z. latifolium, Ait. Not common. 

R. Rhodora, Don. Rhodora Canadensis, L. Rare. 


A. glaucophylla, Link. A large patch in dry field. A. polifolia of Am. 
authors in part, not L. 

C. calyculata, Moench. Cassandra calyculata, Don. Common. 
E. repens, L. Many people have noticed in the early autumn a sweet odor 

in the woods and have usually tried to find a late blossoming Epigaea or 
Linnaea as its source ; but it is probably the Fragrant Fungus, Lentinus 

126 Rhodora [JUNE 

suavissimus, Fries, a species identified for me by Prof. W. G. Farlow and 
occurring on willows, but observed by me at Willoughby on the common 
alder, Alnus incana, Willd. 


G. procumbens, L. Not common. 


V. Canadense, Kalm. Not common. 

V. Vitis-Idaea, L., var. minus, Loddiges. This interesting plant, recorded 
in Vermont only from the summits of Mansfield and Camel’s Hump 
mountains, has increased its area at Willoughby since I first noticed it 
on June 4th, 1901. 

V. Oxycoccus, L., var. intermedium, Gray. Oxycoccus Oxycoccus (L.) MacM. 


C. serpyllifolia, Salisb. С. 4ispidula (L.) T. & G. 


P. Mistassinica, Michx. Abundant on the ledges of the mountain and 
spreading in many wet fields. 


L. stricta, Ait. Z. zerrestris (L.) B. S. P. 
L. thyrsiflora, L. Naumbergia thyrsiflora (L.) Duby. Sheffield Landing. 

S. ciliatum, Raf. 
T. Americana, Pursh. 

S. vulgaris, L. Common on the roadside. 

F. Americana, L. 
F. nigra, Marsh. F. sambucifolia, Lam. 

1904] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 

G. linearis, Froel. In one meadow only. 

M. trifoliata, L. Rare. 


У. MINOR, L. Abundant in one place in cold swamp near outlet of lake. 

strange habitat. 


A. medium, Greene. 
А. cannabinum, L. Including the var. glaberrimum, DC. 

A. Syriaca, L. A. Cornuti, Dec. 

C. sepium, L. 

M. palustris, Withering. Not common. 

S. lateriflora, L. 
S. galericulata, L. 




N. GrEcuoMA, Benth. Glecoma hederacea, L. Old cellar wall by roadside. 


L. MAcULATUM, L. A. W. Cheever, 1903. 

128 Rhodora (June 

P. vulgaris, L. 

G. TeTRAHIT, L. Flowers often white. 


S. palustris, L. Miss A. Lorenz, 1900. 


M. DIDYMA, L. On Newark road; an escape. 


C. Clinopodium, Benth. Clinopodium vulgare, L. 


L. sinuatus, Ell. Z. Americanus, Muhl. 
L. rubellus, Moench. 
L. uniflorus, Michx. Z. Virginicus, in part, of authors. 


VIRIDIS, L. M. spicata, L. In one place in a wet field. 

arvensis, L. 

arvensis, L., var. Canadensis, Briquet. M. Canadensis, L. 



P. heterophylla, Nees. P. Virginiana, Gray Man. Ed. 6, not Mill. 


V. Tuapsus, L. 


L. vurcanRis, Mill. Z. Linaria (L.) Karst. 

C. glabra, L. 

1904 | Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 129 

V. LONGIFOLIA, L. On roadside near Long Pond. 
V. Americana, Schw. 
V. serpyllifolia, L., var. borealis, Laestad. 
U. cornuta, Michx. 
U. clandestina, Nutt. Little Pond, 1896. 
U. intermedia, Hayne. 

O. uniflora, L. Thalesia uniflora (L.) Britton. Aphyllon uniflorum, Gray. 
In great abundance in 1898 on Lake roadside, but not noted before or 
since. ` 


E. Virginiana, Bart. Leptamnium Virginianum (L.) Raf. Common in 
, 20 

beech woods. 


P. MAJOR, L. Often with leafy spikes, as noticed also in Canada. 

P. major, L., var. MINIMA, Dec. Very small and slender and of various 

P. Rugelii, Dec. 

P. LANCEOLATA, L. Not common. 


M. repens, L. 

G. lanceolatum, Torr. 
G. triflorum, Michx. 
G. trifidum, L. 
G. Claytoni, Michx. 
G. asprellum, Michx. 

S. Canadensis, L. 
S. racemosa, L. S. pubens, Michx. 

130 Rhodora [june 


alnifolium, Marsh. И. lantanoides, Michx. Abundant. 
Opulus, L. Not common. 
. cassinoides, L. Not common. 



L. borealis, L. Z. Americana, Forbes. 


S. racemosus, Michx. Escape by roadside. 

. caerulea, L. 
. oblongifolia, Muhl. 
. Canadensis, Marsh. JZ. ciliata, Muhl. 



D. trifida, Moench. 2. Diervilla (L.) MacM. 



E. LOBATA, T. С. Micrampelis lobata (Michx.) Greene. Near the Hotel 
in field. 

CAMPANULACEAE (incl. Lobeliaceae) 

C. rotundifolia, L. 
C. RAPUNCULOIDES, L. Long Pond road. 


L. Dortmanna, L. At north end of Lake. 

L. inflata, L. 

L. Kalmii, L. On the slides and in wet fields. 

E. maculatum, L. 

E. perfoliatum, L. 

E. ageratoides, L. This seems to be Æ. boreale, Greene. 


nn о 

ANNNNH ououucuuo 


> > > > 

>> >> 


. latifolia, L. S. flexicaulis, L. 
Sibicolor lee 
. bicolor L., var. concolor, T. С. S. ispida, Muhl. 

the most noticeable roadside golden-rod. 

. macrophylla, Pursh. In woods on the mountain. 
. Virgaurea, L., var. Randii, Porter. 

. Virgaurea, L., var. monticola, Porter. 
SVüurgaurea, T,., var. Redfieldi, Porter: 

Virgaurea, L., betw. var. Randii & var. Redfieldii. 

Virgaurea, L., betw. var. Randii & var. monticola. 

Virgaurea generally in exposed sunny situations. 

. humilis, Pursh. S. Purshit, Porter. 
. uliginosa, Nutt. 
. rugosa, Mill. 

Canadensis, L., var. glabrata, Porter. 
nemoralis, Ait. 

.lanceolata, L. Luthamta graminifolia (L.) Nutt. 


hyssopifolius, Michx. Оп the slides. 

bellidifolius, Muhl. Æ. pulchellus, Michx. 
Philadelphicus, L. 

annuus, Pers. 

strigosus, Muhl. Æ. ramosus (Walt.) B. S. P. 
Canadensis, L. ZLeptilon Canadense (L.) Britton. 


. divaricatus, L. A. corymbosus, Ait. 
. macrophyllus, L. 
. cordifolius, L. 

Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 131 

Very abundant and 

The varieties of S. 

polyphyllus, Willd. A. Faxoni, Porter. On the mountain ledges and 

even down to the roadside. 
diffusus, Ait. A. lateriflorus (L.) Britton. 
diffusus, Ait., var. hirsuticaulis, Gray. 
paniculatus, Lam. 

. paniculatus, Lam., var. lanatus, Fernald, n. var. *' Stem i m. high, white- 

villous or -lanate: leaves elongate-lanceolate, long-acuminate, 1 to 1.5 dm. 
long, 1 to 1.5 cm. wide, scabrous above, glabrous beneath or slightly 
pubescent on the midribs, sharply serrate, as in the species: heads many, 
paniculate, as in typical A. paniculatus. — West Burke Road, Wil- 
loughby, Vermont, July 20, 1896 (E. F. Williams); Sutton Road, 
Willoughby, Sept. 4, 1896 ( G. G. Kennedy); Punk Island, Lake Winni- 

peg, Manitoba, July 6, 1884 — type (J. M. Macoun). 

Distinctly a form of 

132 Rhodora (June 

A. paniculatus, but distinguished by its striking pubescence similar to 
that of A. longifolius, var. villicaulis, A. cordtfolius, var. Furbishiae, 
and A. £ardifforus, var. vestitus.” 

A. paniculatus, Lam., var. bellidiflorus, Burgess. 
A. longifolius, Lam. 1898. Rare, or some seasons not observed. 
A. tardiflorus, L. 
A. tardiflorus, L., var. vestitus, Fernald. 
A. puniceus, L. 
A. umbellatus, Mill. Doellingeria umbellata (Mill.) Nees. 
A. acuminatus, Michx. Including the form with chaffy scales instead of 
A. Canadensis, Greene. 
A. fallax, Greene. 
A. neodioica, Greene. 
A. neodioica, Greene, var. grandis, Fernald. 
A. neglecta, Greene. 
A. petaloidea, Fernald. 


A. margaritacea, Benth. & Hook. f. 


G. polycephalum, Michx. G. obtusifolium, L. 
G. decurrens, Ives. 
G. uliginosum, L. 


I. HELENIUM, L. A large plant beside brook on Long Pond Road which I 
have never seen in flower. 


H. TUBEROSUS, L. In dooryard. 

B. frondosa, L, 
B. cernua, L. 

A. Millefolium, L. Flowers varying to deep red color. 

1904 ] Kennedy,— Flora of Willoughby 133 

оң [е 




v. 181). 

. BALSAMITAE, L., var. TANACETOIDES, Boiss. А roadside escape. 






Canadensis, Michx. On the cliffs and slides. 

ABROTANUM, L. A garden escape. 

VULGARIS, L. Said to be a recent introduction from Canada; one farmer 
said within 25 years. 

. Pontica, L. Garden escape on the Long Pond Road. 


. FARFARA, L. Abundant. 


. palmata, Gray. Considered rare in the swamps, but appeared in r9or in 

great abundance at the southern end of lake in the waste sawdust from 
an old and abandoned saw mill. 


. Robbinsii, Oakes. Very common. 


prealta, Raf. Æ. hreracrfolia, Raf. Lake roadside, 1903. Not before 

reported in the neighborhood, but two plants were observed Oct. 1, 1903, 
near Roaring Brook after the building of a new lake wall at that part of 
the roadway. It will be interesting to note if the one plant left uncol- 
lected will establish a colony. 


MINUS, Bernh. 

. LAPPA, L. A. Lappa, var. majus, Gray. 

CIRSIUM (Cnicus of many authors) 

. LANCEOLATUM, Scop. Carduus lanceolatus, L. 
. muticum, Michx. Carduus muticus (Michx.) Pers. 
. ARVENSE, Scop. Carduus arvensis (L.) Robs. 

134 Rhodora [JUNE 

T. PRATENSIS, L. Herb. E. F. Williams, 1898. 


H. AURANTIACUM, L. This plant, elsewhere a noxious weed, is apparently 
not spreading, as was feared. 
H. scabrum, Michx. 


S. ASPER, Vill. 
S. ARVENSIS, L. Mrs. Brucke, 1899. 

L. Canadensis, L. 
L. Canadensis, L., var. integrifolia, Gray. ZL. sagittifolia, EN. 
L. hirsuta, Muhl. 
L. leucophaea, Gray. L. spicata (Lam.) Hitchc. 


P. trifoliolata, Fernald, var. nana, Fernald. Madbalus nana (Bigel. DC. Col- 
lected by Dr. H. H. Rusby in 1892 on the top of Willoughby Mountain 
and not reported since that date. Herb. H. H. Rusby. 

P. altissima, L. Nabalus altissimus (L.) Hook. Very common. 



IN a recent manual of the northern flora the plant which has gen- 
erally passed as Lycopus virginicus, L., is divided into two leading 
groups. The first with leaves mostly ovate and the base of the stem 
not tuberous contains a single species, which is identified with reason- 
able certainty as Z. virginicus; the other group, with leaves mostly 
lanceolate to oblong and with the bases of the stems tuberous, con- 
tains plants which are treated without reservation as two new species : 
L. communis, a firm-leaved plant of “ moist soil,” and Z. membranacea, 

1 Bicknell in Britton, Man. (1901) 803, 804. 

1904] Fernald,— Michaux's Lycopus uniflorus 135 

a larger thin-leaved plant of “wet woods." With the exception of a 
corolla-distinction which proves very inconstant in material exam- 
ined, the characters by which these two narrow-leaved tuberous-based 
plants are separated are such that it would seem quite impossible to 
distinguish from Z. membranacea large shade states of Z. communis, 
while on the other hand it would appear equally difficult to distin- 
guish from Z. communis open-soil states of Z. membranacea. 

'This attempt, however, to distinguish the shade state of the north- 
ern plant from the smaller firmer-leaved plant of open moist soll was 
made more than seventy years ago, while Michaux, more than a cen- 
tury since, recognized that the northern tuberous plant was specific- 
ally separable from the rarely tuberous L. virginicus of the South. 

Michaux's material of Lycopus uniflorus, as represented in his 
herbarium at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, consists of four small 
specimens with the characteristic tuberous bases, but all very imma- 
ture, only one of the plants beginning to show young flowers — hence 
the specific name. The specimens came from near Lake St. John 
in Quebec and except that they are very immature they are closely 
matched by specimens of the common northern plant collected in 
Cape Breton by John Macoun and distributed as no. 20,023 from the 
Herbarium of the Geological Survey of Canada. 

Immediately after the publication of Michaux's Flora, Vahl 
described Lycopus pumilus? This was based alone upon Michaux's 
material in the herbarium of Jussieu (Jardin des Plantes) and 
Michaux's description of Z. uniflorus was quoted. ‘The only supple- 
mentary information furnished by Vahl was that the plant had 
lanceolate (rather than oval), subserrate (rather than dentate) leaves, 
and procumbent small stolons. 

In 1833 Bentham, likewise, recognized the Michaux plant, as 
Lycopus virginicus, B pauciflorus citing both Z. uniflorus and Z. 
pumilus as absolute synonyms; and an interesting sheet from the 
herbarium of the late Jacques Gay, now preserved in the herbarium 
of the Royal Gardens at Kew, shows that Gay appreciated the dis- 
tinctions between the northern and the southern plants which have 
passed in America as Zycopus virginicus. The original label in 
Gay’s handwriting reads :— 

1 L, “UNIFLORUS. L. pusillus, radice tuberosa : caulibus simplicibus: foliis ovali- 
bus, obtusis, obsolete dentatis: axillis unifloris. Aad. ad Lacus S-Joannis 
et Mistassins.” — Michx. Fl. i (1803) 14. 
2 Vahl. Enum. i (1804) 211. ? Benth. Lab. (1833) 185. 

136 Rhodora (JUNE 

“Lycopus virginicus La Pyl. Herb. non Linn. nec auct. amer. 
L. uniflorus Mich.— L. pumilus Vahl. Pursh Fl. 1. p. 16 (?) 
differt à virginica, radice saepi tuberosa, verticillis paucifloris, 
calyce $-поп 4-dentate. 

Terra Nova.— La Pylaie dedit Jun. 1828." 

In July, 1839, after the publication of Bentham's monograph, Gay 
supplemented this label as follows :— 

“Lycopus Virginicus В pauciflorus, Benth. Lab. (1832) p. 185. 

L. uniflorus Mich. 

Radix tuberosa ! dentes calycini 4, obtusi.” 

Thus it is quite clear that by certain European botanists our 
northern plant recently described as Z. communis was early distin- 
guished from the more southern Z. virginicus. 

The plant described by Bentham as Lycopus macrophyllus” and 
afterward treated by Dr. Gray as a large-leaved form? of Z. virginicus, 
while Z. uniflorus (L. communis) was treated as a diminutive forms, 
was collected by Scouler on the Straits of Juan de Fuca (between 
Washington and Vancouver). The original material in the Hooker 
Herbarium is identical with the large-leaved plant collected by Lyall 
on the Oregon Boundary Commission near the 49th parallel of 
latitude (near the border of Washington and British Columbia), 
and another distributed by Elihu Hall as no. 395 from Oregon. 
These plants of Scouler, Lyall, and Hall are clearly a large-leaved 
phase of the common JZ. uniflorus (ог L. communis, which by its 
author is said to extend west to British Columbia and Oregon). The 
large-leaved western plant is furthermore inseparable from New 
England specimens which must represent Z. membranacea of “wet 
woods”; and since there is good reason to believe that this plant of 
the East is only a shade-phase of Z. uniflorus or L. communis of 
“moist soil,” the nomenclatorial history of the northern Zycopus 
with thick white tubers should be stated as follows: 

Lycopus UNIFLORUS, Michx. Fl. i. (1803) 14. Z. pumilus, Vahl. 
Enum. i. (1804) 211; Pursh, Fl. i. 16. Z. virginicus, authors, in 
part, not L. Z. virginicus, B pauciflorus, Benth. Lab. (1833) 185 

1 Benth. 1. c. | 

2 “ Forma procera, var. MACROPHYLLUS: Z. macrophyllus, Benth.” Gray, Proc. 
Am. Acad. viii. (1870) 285. 

* “Forma depauperata : Z. uniflorus, Michx. L. pumilus, Vahl.” Gray. 1. с. 


1904] Eggleston, — Flora of Vermont 137 

& in D.C. Prodr. xii (1848) 177. Z. macrophyllus, Benth. ll. сс. 
(1833, 1848).  L. virginicus, var. macrophyllus, Gray, Proc. Am. 
Acad. viii. (1870) 285 & Syn. Fl ii. pt. г, 353. 2. communis, 
Bicknell in Britton, Man. (19or) 803; Small, Fl. 1048. Z. mem- 
branacea, Bicknell, 1. c. (1901) 804. 


W. W. EGGLESTON (revised by E. BRAINERD). 

SiNCE the publication of the Vermont Flora! in r9oo there has 
been a marked increase of interest in botanical field-work in various 
localities of the State, resulting in the discovery of many additional 
species and varieties. At the same time several of the more difficult 
genera of the Northeastern United States have been diligently worked 
over by specialists, and many old species have been divided into 
two, or several, or many species. "Though in some cases the status 
of the proposed species is as yet somewhat uncertain, they have 
nevertheless been admitted with considerable freedom into this pro- 
visional list as plants that challenge for the time being the observa- 
tion and criticism of the field botanist. 

It is expected that within two years a new edition of the Vermont 
Flora will be published, and any further additions or corrections will 
be most gratefully appreciated; they may be communicated to the 
writer, or to the President of the Vermont Botanical Club, Ezra 
Brainerd of Middlebury, or to its Secretary, L. R. Jones of Burlington. 


Aspidium acrostichoides, Swartz, var. incisum, Gray. Occasional. A form 
of this with crisp edges also occurs: Greensboro, Miss H. M. Hodge ; 
Burlington, Mrs. F. A. Richardson. 

! Brainerd, Jones & Eggleston, Flora of Vermont (Contributions to the Botany 
of Vermont, viii). Burlington, 15 December, 1900. 

? As in the Flora of Vermont, the names of plants indigenous in North America 
are printed in full face type and those of species introduced from the Old World 
in small capitals. 

138 Rhodora [JUNE 

A. simulatum, Davenport. Brattleboro, Mrs. F. B. Horton. 

A. spinulosum X marginale. (Dryopteris Pittsfordensis, Slosson, RHODORA, 
vi. 75.) Pittsford, Miss Margaret Slosson. 

Asplenium ebeneum, Ait. var. Hortonae, Davenport, RHODORA, iii. 2, plate 
22. Brattleboro, Mrs. F. B. Horton; Pittsford, Miss K. A. French. 
Osmunda Claytoniana, L. var. dubia, A. J. Grout. An abnormal form, with 
pinnules separated by a distance of one-half to two-thirds their breadth, 
the upper ones greatly elongated and pinnately cleft. Newfane, Grout. 

(See Papers of Linn. Fern Chapter, August, 1898.) . 

Pteris aquilina, L. var. pseudocaudata, Clute. (Р. latiuscula, Desv.) Man- 
chester, F. A. 055,— ће only New England station. 

Equisetum pratense, Ehrh. Newark, Kennedy. 

Lycopodium clavatum, L. var. monostachyon, Greville & Hooker. (See 
RHODORA, iii. 237, and iv. 57, 100.) Westmore, Kennedy; Windham, 
Westminster, Putney, W. H. Blanchard; Ira, D. S. Carpenter. 

L. complanatum, L. var. Wibbei, Harberer, RHODORA, vi. 102. Westmore, 

Isoetes macrospora, Dur. Willoughby Lake, Kennedy. 

I. Tuckermani, A. Br. var. borealis, A. A. Eaton. Grout Pond, Stratton, 
Eggleston and Grout. 

Calamagrostis hyperborea, Lange, var. elongata, Kearney. Willoughby 
Mt., E. € C. E. Faxon, 1887; specimen in Gray Herb. 

Lolium temulentum, L. Burlington, Jones. 

PANICUM MILIACEUM, L. Lumber yard, Burlington, Brainerd. 

P. minus, Nash. Head of Lake Memphramagog, Æ. Tuckerman, 1859. (See 

RHODORA, iii. 105.) 

P. sphaerocarpon, Ell. Railroad, Putney, W. 77. Blanchard. 

Carex aenea, Fernald, Proc. Am. Acad. xxxvii. 480 (1902). Previously con- 
tused with C. foenea, Willd. Cliffs and sand plains in Rutland and 
Addison Counties. 

C. aestivalis, M. A. Curtis. Pownal, J. R. Churchill. 

C. canescens, L. var. disjuncta, Fernald, |. c. 488. The common form; typi- 
cal C. canescens has been recognized in Vermont only from Ripton. 

C. canescens, var. subloliacea, Laestad. Cold bogs, Mt. Mansfield, Brainerd ; 
Mud Pond, Wallingford, Brainerd and Eggleston. 

C. Crawfordii, Fernald, l. c. 469. (C. scoparia, var. minor, Boott, in part.) 
Cold sterile soil ; frequent. 

C. Crawfordii, var. vigens, Fernald. Middlebury, Brainerd; Rutland, 
Eggleston; St. Johnsbury, Hazen. 

С. hystricina, Muhl. var. Dudleyi, Bailey. Manchester, Miss М. A. Day. 

C. intumescens, Rudge, var. Fernaldii, Bailey. St. Johnsbury, Hazen; Mid- 
dlebury, Brainerd, 

C. mirabilis, Dewey, var. perlonga, Fernald, 1. c. 473. Little Notch, Bristol, 

C. mirabilis, var. tincta, Fernald, 1. c. 473. St. Johnsbury, Hazen. 

C. Pennsylvanica, Lam. var. lucorum, Fernald, l. c. 505. Middlebury and 
Burlington, Brainerd; Pownal, J. R. Churchill; Fair Haven, Eggleston. 

1904 | Eggleston, — Flora of Vermont 139 

C. scoparia, Schkuhr, var. moniliformis, Tuckerm. Burlington, Hazen; 
Knight's Island, Brainerd. 

C. scoparia, var. condensa, Fernald, 1. c. 486. West Rutland, Eggleston ; 
Willoughby Lake, E. F. Williams. 

C. setacea, Dewey. Sudbury, Brainerd. 

C. straminea, Willd. var. echinodes, Fernald, l.c. 474. Dame Island, North 
Hero, Brainerd. 

C. umbellata, Schkuhr, var. brevirostris, Boott. (See Proc. Am. Acad. 
xxxvii. 507.) Snake Mt., Brainerd. 

C. varia, Muhl. Pownal, Eggleston; Mallett's Head, Colchester, Brainerd ; 
Burlington, Pringle. 

C. vesicaria, var. distenta, Fries. (See RHODORA, iii. 54.) Knight's Island, 

C. vesicaria, var. jejuna, Fernald, RHODORA, iii. 53. Common. 

C. gracillima X castanea, (?). St. Johnsbury, Mazen. 

[C. scabrata X crinita, Fernald. By an error this hybrid was credited to 
Vermont in Mr. Fernald’s check-list of New England Carices (RHODORA, 
iv.222.) The plant was from Mt. Clinton, №. H.] 

Scirpus heterochaetus, Agnes Chase, RHODORA, vi. 70, plate 53, d. Lake 
Champlain, Milton, A. J. Grout, 1893 ; the only station known, as yet, 
in New England for this new species of bulrush. 

S. lineatus, Michx. Roadside in moist clay soil, Middlebury, Brainerd ; 
Bristol, A. C. Drke. 

Arisaema Stewardsonii, Britton, Manual, p. 1045. Distinguished by its 
green, fluted spathe. Hartland, Pownal, Ferrisburg, Eggleston. 

Juncus alpinus, Vill. Willoughby Mt. and in bog near hotel, Eggleston. 

J. articulatus, L. var. obtusatus, Engelm. (See RHODORA, vi. 35.) Man- 
chester, Miss M. A. Day. 

J. secundus, Beauv. Twin Mts., West Rutland, Eggleston. 

J. tenuis, Willd. var. Williamsii, Fernald, RHODORA, iii. бо, plate 23. “Sand- 
field," Rutland, Eggleston; Willoughby Lake, Kennedy. 

ALLIUM SCHOENOPRASUM, L. Willoughby Lake, Xennedy. The plants 
reported in the Vermont Flora are var. S¢biricum, Hartm. 

Convallaria majalis, L. Thickly covering an area of about six square 
rods in a mucky bog, remote from dwellings, Waltham, Mrss Ruth B. 

Habenaria psychodes X lacera, Andrews, RHODORA, iii. 245 (cf. v. 263). 
Pownal, Andrews and White. 

Listera auriculata, Wiegand. Lyndon, J. W. Congdon. 

Pogonia affinis, Austin. One plant, Burlington, Mrs. Henry Holt. (See 
RHODORA, iv. 216.) 

Populus balsamifera, L. var. candicans, Gray. Persists about old home- 

SALIX ALBA, L. var. COERULEA, Koch. “Planted and spontaneous, Barre,” 
Miss Eunice D. Smith. 

HumuLus Japonica, Sieb. & Zucc. Waste places, Brattleboro, Miss Anne S. 
Angell; Burlington, Jones; Bellows Falls, W. H. Blanchard. 

140 . Rhodora (June 

Polygonella articulata, Meisn. "Roadside, Vernon road, Brattleboro, Aug. 
17, 1844,” 7. W. Higginson. Specimen, now in Gray Herb., was found 
pressed beside the above note in Col. Higginson’s copy of Bigelow’s 
Florula Bostoniensis. Colchester Point, Pringle. 

POLYGONUM AVICULARE, L. var. vEGETUM, Ledeb. (See RHODORA, iv. 70.) 
Frequent in rich shaded soil. This was by error listed in the Vermont 
Flora as P. ramosissimum, Michx., which name should therefore be 

Rumex salicifolius, Weinm. Fort Ethan Allen, 2. B. Sprague. 

CHENOPODIUM ALBUM, L. var. viRIDE, Moq. Common. 

Lvcuwis Егоѕ-сосош, L. Weed, roadsides and meadows, Craftsbury, 

Silene stellata, Ait. Mr. Fernald kindly reports that this species is repre- 
sented in the Michaux Herbarium at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris by 
a characteristic specimen labelled by Michaux, *Vermont et Nouvelle 

Actaea neglecta, Gilman. (А. eburnea, Rydb.) Willoughby Mt., H. H. 
Rusby. This plant has been passing as white-fruited A. spicata, var. 
rubra, Ait. It is perhaps a hybrid of this with A. а/а, Bigel. 

Ranunculus Alleghaniensis, Britton. Smuggler’s Notch, Æ. F. Williams. 

R. sceleratus, L. Colchester, Mrs. Flynn. 

Arabis brachycarpa, Britton. (See RHODORA, v. 225.) Sandy and rocky 
shores of Lake Champlain and vicinity. This and the following species 
replace A, confinis, Watson. 

A. Drummondi, Gray. Rocky hills, western Vermont. 

Sisymbrium canescens, Nutt. (Sophia brachycarpa, Rydb.) Hogback 
Island, Colchester, Mrs. Flynn. 

Crataegus anomala, Sarg. RHODORA, iii. 74. Bridport, Clarendon. ‘This 
and the following proposed species of this genus have been collected 
principally by Brainerd and Eggleston in western Vermont, and by W. 
H. Blanchard in Windham Co. 

C. ascendens, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 141. Middlebury, Bristol, New Haven; 
West Rutland; Westminster, Putney. 

C. asperifolia, Sarg. RHODORA, iii. 31. New Haven, Middlebury ; Bellows 

C. Brainerdi, Sarg. Ruopora, iii. 27. Middlebury, New Haven; West Rut- 
land; Bellows Falls, Westminster ; St. Johnsbury, Miss 7. M. Paddock. 

C. coccinea, L. Marsh Hill, Ferrisburg ; Windham. 

C. Champlainensis, Sarg. RHODORA, iii. 20. Frequent in the Champlain 

C. contigua, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 115. Stockbridge, Zggleston. 

C. delucida, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 139. Widely distributed throughout the 


. demissa, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 139. Charlotte, Horsford. 

. dilatata, Sarg. Bot. Gaz. xxxi. 9. Frequent in the Champlain valley. 

. dissona, Sarg. RHODORA, v. бо. Near Bellows Falls. 

. Egglestoni, Sarg. RHODORA, iii. 30 One of the most common species, 

especially of higher altitudes up to 2300 ft. 


1904] Eggleston, — Flora of Vermont 141 

C. exclusa, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 108. Bald Mt. Shrewsbury. 

C. flabellata, Spach. (See Ruopora, iii. 75.) Bellows Falls, Westminster, 

C. genialis, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 148. Common. 

С. glaucophylla, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 140. Bennington, Arlington; Bellows 
Falls, Westminster, Putney. 

C. Gravesii, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 159. Vergennes, New Haven. 

C. Holmesiana, Ashe. (See Bot. Gaz. xxxi. 10.) Common. 

C. intricata, Lange. Twin Mts., West Rutland; Arlington. 

C. Jesupi, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 61. Twin Mts., West Rutland. 

C. lobulata, Sarg. Ritopona, iii. 22. Common in Champlain valley. 

C. matura, Sarg. RHODORA, iii. 24 & v. 144. Common, 

C. media, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 150. Summit of Willoughby Mt., E. Faxon. 

C. membranacea, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 186. Middlebury. 

C. modesta, Sarg. RHODORA, iii. 28. Twin Mts., West Rutland; Arlington. 

C. pentandra, Sarg. RHODORA, iii. 25. Common. 

C. polita, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 111. Bennington, Pownal; Cornwall; Bellows 

Falls, Westminster. 

C. praecoqua, Sarg. RHODORA, v. 167. Bellows Falls, Westminster, Putney ; 

C. Pringlei, Sarg. RHODORA, iii, 21. Common. 

C. punctata, Jacq. var. aurea, Ait. Common. 

C. scabrida, Sarg. КнорокА, iii. 20. Common. 

C. submollis, Sarg. Bot. Gaz. xxxi. 7. Weybridge Monument. 

C. succulenta, Link. Middlebury, New Haven. 

Potentilla Canadensis, L. West Rutland, Æggleston. 

Pyrus arbutifolia, L. f. Westminster, Bellows Falls, W. 27. Blanchard. 

P. communis, L. Frequently spontaneous. 

Rosa бллсА, L. Established in many places, W. H. Blanchard, 

Rubus nigricans, Rydb. Common in the mountain towns. 

R. occidentalis, L. A form with amber-colored fruit. Burlington, Z. Р, 
Sprague; Weathersfield, W. 77. Blanchard. 

Desmodium rotundifolium, DC. Dummerston, Z. Wild; Bellows Falls, W. 
H. Blanchard. 

LATHYRUS TUBEROSUS, L. Vergennes, Miss Ruth B. Fisher. (See RHODORA, 
iii. 230.) 

Lespedeza Nuttallii, Darl. Vernon, W. H. Blanchard. 

L. Stuvei, Nutt. Vernon, W. HM. Blanchard. 

Linum medium, Greene. Arlington, W. H. Blanchard. 

L. sulcatum, Riddell. Pownal, W. M. Blanchard. 

Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Michx. var. murorum, Rehder. Red Rocks, Bur- 
lington, Reder and Jones. 

Lechea minor, L. Vernon, W. H. Blanchard. 

Viola cucullata, Ait. Springs, cold brooks and boggy meadows; common. 
(For an account of this and the following species of Viola see RHODORA, 
vi. 8-17.) 

У, latiuscula, Greene, Pitt. у. 93. Dry sterile soil; common. 

‚142 Rhodora [June 

V. papilionacea, Pursh. Meadows and orchards; occasional. 

V. septentrionalis, Greene. Pitt. iii. 334. Groves, hill pastures, especially 
under young conifers ; frequent. 

V. sororia, Willd. Rich open woods, moist meadows and pastures; common, 

М. venustula, Greene, Pitt. iii. 335. Moist woods, and boggy meadows ; 
frequent. (Hardly distinct from V. affinis, LeConte.) 

Gaylussacia resinosa, Torr. & Gray, var. glaucocarpa, Robinson, RHODORA, 
ii. 83. Westminster, Pownal, W. H. Blanchard. 

Pyrola asarifolia, Michx. Norwich, Eggleston; Westmore, Kennedy. 

Vaccinium Oxycoccus, L. var. intermedium, Gray. (See RHODORA, iv. 237, 
plate 40.) Colchester, Oakes; Willoughby Lake, Kennedy. 

ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS, L. Lawns, Bradford, Miss A. E. Bacon. 

A. ARVENSIS, L, var. CAERULEA, Ledeb. Bradford, Miss Bacon. (See Ruo- 
DORA, iv. 185.) 

,Apocynum medium, Greene. Willoughby Lake, Kennedy. 

Phlox subulata, L. Old cemeteries ; St. Johnsbury, Miss 7. M. Paddock; 
Putney, Stratton, W. H. Blanchard. 

Myosotis arvensis, Lam. Sharon, Dr. Baxter; Townshend, W. Z. 

SYMPHYTUM ASPERRIMUM, Sims. Dummerston, Vernon, W. H. Blanchard ; 
Stockbridge, Rutland, Zggleston. 

Verbena angustifolia, Michx. Arlington, W. H. Blanchard. 

V. hastata X urticifolia. Pownal, W. А. Blanchard. 

CALAMINTHA AciNOS, L. Townshend, W. H. Blanchard. 

Hedoma hispida, Pursh. Burlington, F. H. Hollister. 

LAMIuM ALBUM. Burlington, Mrs. Flynn. 

Lycopus uniflorus, Michx. (L. communis, Bicknell & L. membranacea, 
Bicknell, Britton Manual p. 803.) Wet meadows and thickets ; common. 
(See RHODORA, vi: 134.) 

Solanum rostratum, Dunal. Barre, Miss Eunice D. Smith. 

S. Carolinense, L. Woodstock, £L. Wild; Westminster, W. H. Blanchard. 

VERONICA CHAMAEDRYs, L. Glebe Mt., Windham, W. H. Blanchard. 

V. serpyllifolia, L. var. borealis, Laest. (See RHODORA iv. 193.) Реасһат, 
F. Blanchard; Willoughby Lake, Kennedy; St. Johnsbury, Miss 7. M. 


Utricularia clandestina, Nutt. Willoughby Lake, Kennedy. 

Galium boreale, L. Burlington, Mrs. Flynn; Manchester, W. //. Blanchard. 

G. svLvATICUM, L. Cultivated, but also well established on a shady ledge, 
Orwell, Brainerd; Peacham, F. Blanchard. 

Campanula uliginosa, Rydb. Britton Manual 885. Separated from C. apa ri- 
noides ; apparently more common. 

Lobelia cardinalis, L. A form with white flowers. St. Albans, M. D. Mer- 

ANTHEMIS ARVENSIS, L. Westminster, Townshend, W. H. Blanchard. 

Aster. Lindleyanus, Torr. & Gray. var. comatus, Fernald, n. var. Stems 
and under surfaces of the midribs copiously pubescent with soft white 
hairs.— NEw BRUNSWICK, dry woods near Four Falls, Grand Falls Par- 

1904] Eggleston, — Flora of Vermont | 143 

ish, August 14, 1901, M. L. Fernald; MAINE, river thicket; Fort Fair- 
field, September 19, 1900 — type — and sandy river terrace, Fort Fairfield, 
September 27, 1901, M. L. Fernald ; VERMONT, Ripton, August 26, 
1903, and Bellows Falls, August 24, 1903, W. H. Blanchard: SASKATCH- 
AWAN, without locality, 1858, Bourgeau. The Vermont plants are less 
extreme than those from New Brunswick, Maine and Saskatchawart, but 
are evidently close to them." 

A. longifolius, Lam. Willoughby Lake, Kennedy; Pownal, Eggleston; ` 
Connecticut valley, W. H. Blanchard. 

A. longifolius, var. villicaulis, Gray. Connecticut valley, W. 77. Blanchard. 

A. paniculatus, Lam. var. acutidens, Burgess. Westminster, И. 77. Blanch- 

A. paniculatus, var. cinerascens, Fernald, RHopora, i. 188. Westminster, 
W. H. Blanchard. 

A. paniculatus, var. lanatus, Fernald, RHODORA, vi. 131. Willoughby Lake, 

A. paniculatus, var. simplex, Burgess, Westminster, W. H. Blanchard. 

A. Schreberi, Nees. Common in southern Vermont, W. H. Blanchard. 

A. tardiflorus, L. var. vestitus, Fernald, RHODORA, i. 188. Westminster, 
W. H. Blanchard. 

Bidens vulgata, Greene. Previously confused with B. frondosa. Common. 

Eupatorium perfoliatum, L. forma purpureum, Britton. Putney, W. H. 

Hieracium Marianum, Willd. Bellows Falls, W. 77. Blanchard. 

H. PrLosELLa, L. St. Johnsbury, Miss 7. M. Paddock. 

Senecio Balsamitae, Muhl. var. praelongus, Greenman, RHODORA, iii. 6. ` 
Manchester, Miss Day. 

Silphium perfoliatum, L. Burlington, Janes; Westminster, W. 77. Blanchard. 

Solidago juncea, Ait. var. scabrella, Gray. Manchester, W. 27. Blanchard. 

S. odora, Ait. Vernon, W. H. Blanchard. Also at Walpole, N. H. 

155.) Rutland, Eggleston. 

Xanthium Pennsylvanicum Wallr. (X. commune, Britton.) Bellows Falls, 
Brainerd; Burlington, Jones. 

X. speciosum, Kearney. Burlington, Jones. 


The following is a list of plants that have recently appeared spontaneously 
in cultivated fields, along railroads or near buildings. They are either gar- 
den escapes or waifs coming in mostly with foreign seed and should not, as 
yet, be regarded as having a proper place in our Flora. 

Juncus Gerardi, Loisel. On the margin of a marshy meadow very near the 
railway station at New Haven Junction; perhaps from saltmarsh hay 
often used in packing. Brainerd. 

ORNITHOGALUM UMBELLATUM, L. Brattleboro, W. H. Blanchard. 

IRIS PSEUDACORUS, L. Burlington, F. A. Ross. 

144 Rhodora (June 

RUMEX MONTANUM, Desf. Burlington, Mrs. Flynn. 

SILENE DICHOTOMA, Ehrh. ‘Townshend, W. H. Blanchard. 

DIANTHUS PLUMARIUS, L. Manchester, Mrs. L. Munson. 

DELPHINIUM Ajacis, L. Middlebury, Brainerd; Westminster, Zggleston. 

PAPAVER INTERMEDIUM, Becker. Townshend, W. H. Blanchard. 

P. Ruo&As, L. Townshend, W. H. Blanchard. 

RAPHANUS SATIVUS, L. Hartland, Eggleston ; Westminster, W. 77. Blanchard. 

CICER ARIETINUM, L. Burlington, Mrs. Flynn. 

ViciA КАВА, L. Peacham, F. Blanchard. 

Eropium Bornvs, Bertol. Gravelly bed of Winooski River below woolen 
mills, Burlington, Brainerd. 

Gilia linearis, Gray. Burlington, Mrs. Flynn. 

AJUGA REPTANS, L. Lawn, Burlington, Jones. 

SHERARDIA ARVENSIS, L. Introduced with seed of Eschscholtzia, Middle- 
bury, Brainerd. 

Ambrosia trifida, L. var. integrifolia, T. & G. Burlington, Mrs. Flynn. 

ANTHEMIS TINCTORIA, L. Townshend, W. M. Blanchard. 

Artemisia gnaphalodes, Muhl. Along railroad, Bellows Falls, W. H. 

Crepis sETOSA, Haller. Townshend, W. H. Blanchard. 

CREPIS VIRENS, var. AGRESTIS, Koch. Townshend, W. H. Blanchard. 

CREPIS VIRENS, var. RUNCINATA, Bischoff. Townshend, W. //. Blanchard; 
Stowe, Mrs. H. E. Straw. 

Dysodia chrysanthemoides, Lag. (Boebera papposa, Rydb.) In river gravel 
below Winooski Falls, Burlington, Brainerd. 

HIERACIUM PRAEALTUM, Vill. Burlington, Mrs. Flynn. 

Iva xanthiifolia, Nutt. Manchester, Mrs. L. Munson. 

PLANTS NEW TO THE FLORA ОЕ New Beprorp.— The following 
plants additional to those mentioned in RHODORA, vi. 22, 23, were 
collected by the writer in the summer of 1903 : — Heracleum Sphon- 
dylium, L. was found on the side of a wooded lot and near the high- 
way in the vicinity of New Bedford. If I am not mistaken, this is 
the first report of this European species from New England. I am 
indebted to Mr. M. L. Fernald for its identification. Foeniculum 
vulgare, Mill., fennel, was found near the city in waste ground, and 
afterwards was discovered to be cultivated quite extensively by a 
Portuguese farmer in the adjoining town of Dartmouth. А con- 
siderable patch of Rubus argutus, Link, var. Randii, Bailey, was 
also found in the latter town.— E. WiLLiAMs Hervey, New Bedford, 
Massachusetts. i 

1904] Collins, — Some Maine Mosses 145 

SoME Marne Mosses.— In the latter part of July, 1900, Mr. E. Е. 
Williams and the writer noticed a luxuriant growth of mosses along 
the course of a tiny rill which trickled down the face of a steep 
(apparently limestone) ledge near Frenchville, Maine. Upon close 
inspection it was seen that this mat consisted largely of about half a 
dozen species. Four of these were not recorded for the state, namely, 
Distichium capillaceum, (Swz.) Bry. Eur.,! Myurella Careyana, Sull., 
Bartramia Oederi, (Gunn.) Swz., and Facalypta ciliata, (Hedw.) 

The discovery of these plants was very interesting though not sur- 
prising when we consider that they have been found in adjacent 
territory, eastward, northward and westward. The ZzcaZvffa is the 
plant which Prof. Kindberg calls Æ. Macouni. Itis apparently well 
distributed in Maine. The writer has collected it in Frenchville, 
Township 18 of Range то and in New Limerick — all in Aroostook 
County — and in Pleasant Ridge in Somerset County. He also has 
specimens collected by Mr. E. D. Merrill in Auburn, Androscoggin 
County, nearly 250 miles from the Frenchville station. At Pleasant 
Ridge the plant was growing with the same associates as at French- 
ville. Similar associations of the four species exist in the gorge of 
the Aroostook River in New Brunswick as shown by specimens col- 
lected in 1902. 

Beyond the two Maine stations already mentioned for Distichium 
capillaceum this species was collected on the rst of September, 1903, 
associated with Myurella Careyana and Bartramia  Oederi near 
Moxie Falls, Somerset County. At this station it was also growing 
in company with Homalia trichomitrion, var. /amesit, (Schpr.) Holz. 
— another moss which has not hitherto been reported from Maine. 
This Homatia was first collected by the writer on the 4th of August, 
1896, in Stony Brook * Canyon," Carrying Place Plantation, Somer- 
set County, and again on the rst of July, 1903, at Skowhegan in the 
same county where it was quite abundant on two or three granite 
boulders in the woods. 

It is a noteworthy fact that at all the stations here mentioned for 
Distichium capillaceum it has invariably been associated with Myurella 
Careyana. ‘This social tendency is also in evidence in Europe, as 
shown by specimens collected by Jack in Switzerland and by Oldberg 

1 This species has recently been reported from Maine, in the “Offerings” in 
The Bryologist for January, 1904. 

146 Rhodora (June 

in Scandinavia. In the first instance the Myurella was M. julacea, 
(Vill.) Bry. Eur. and in the last M. apiculata, (Hüb.) Bry. Eur.— J. 
FRANKLIN CoLLINS, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. 

1897 I made a visit to Central Village, Connecticut, and collected a 
few plants in that vicinity. Among others were three that I could 
not determine by the aid of any of the manuals of the flora of North 
America, but I had no trouble in finding them in several of the 
European manuals. These plants as determined by myself, and 
later by Mr. M. L. Fernald, were Jasione montana, L., Campanula 
patula, L., and Crepis virens, L. The field in which these plants 
were found had been seeded to clover the previous year. I was 
able to trace the clover seed to an importing house in New York 
City, giving me an extra clue as to how these weeds were introduced. 
There were but a few plants at most óf either species, but I collected 
all that I could find. Last summer (1903) I visited the same field 
and found an abundance of Jasione, distributed nearly over the entire 
field. Of Campanu/a there were perhaps a dozen plants all near one 
another, while Crepis had evidently died out. At this time I found 
large mats of Thymus serpyllum, L., which had in all probability 
been introduced with the other weeds, but which I did not happen 
to see at the time that I found the others. In the same locality I 
have found at various times a number of other weeds that have been 
introduced from the West and elsewhere in grain and grass seed. 
Among these are Agrostemma Githago, L., Echium vulgare, L., 
Silene Cucubalus, Wibel, and S. dichotoma, Ehrh., Sisymbrium altissi- 
mum, L., Solanum rostratum, Dunal., Cuscuta Epithymum, Murr., 
and a number of others that I have not determined yet, one of which 
is probably Berteroa incana, DC. A number of the above have 
already been sent to the herbarium of the New England Botanical 
Club and others will be in course of time.— Joun L. SHELDON, West 
Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia. 

JAMES LAWRENCE BENNETT, whose name has long been associated 
with the flora of Rhode Island, died at Hartford, Connecticut, April 
30th, 1904. Mr. Bennett was born in Providence, April 8th, 1832. 
He was educated in the public schools of his native city and prepared 

1904 ] James Lawrence Bennett 147 

for Brown University, which, however, he was unable to attend. For 
many years he was a manufacturing jeweller, but found time for 
scholarly pursuits and was widely read in the natural sciences. His 
keen interest in botany dated back at least to his twentieth year. 
His botanical collecting was done chiefly in Rhode Island, but 
extended to the White Mountains, which he visited about ten times. 
He made also smaller collections in northern Vermont and in Tomp- 
kins County, New York. During 1890 and 1891 Mr. Bennett was 
curator of the Herbarium of Brown University, and from 1891: to 
1894 the curator of the Herbarium and Museum of Economic Bot- 
any at the same institution. In 1891 he received an honorary 
degree of Bachelor of Arts from Brown University. In 1888 he 
published under the auspices of the Franklin Society his “Plants of 
Rhode Island, being an enumeration of plants growing without culti- 
vation in the State of Rhode Island.” This publication of 128 pages, 
dealing both with the flowering plants and several of the groups of 
cryptogams, is still the most comprehensive catalogue of Rhode 
Island plants. Mr. Bennetts herbarium of flowering plants has 
long been incorporated with the Herbarium of Brown University, 
It is said that his cryptogams were sold to the Brooklyn Institute.— 
B. L. Е, 

A NEW SUNFLOWER FOR MaINE.— On September 7th, 1903, Mr. 
F. M. Billings and I were botanizing along the water front of Bangor 
between the Maine Central Railroad and the wharves at City Point. 
A cluster of sunflower plants averaging 20 inches in height attracted 
our attention. Only one of these was in bloom and one had gone to 
seed, while the others showed no tendency to blossom. ‘The flower- 
ing specimen was collected and submitted to Mr. M. L. Fernald of 
the Gray Herbarium for identification. He pronounces it to be 
Helianthus maximiliani asperrimus Gray, a plant not previously 
reported from the State. I am inclined to believe the seed was intro- 
duced with grain from the West.— O. W. KNIGHT, Bangor Maine. 

THE JossELvN BoranicaL Society or Marne will hold its tenth 
annual meeting and field day at Fort Kent, Aroostook County, July 
6th, 1904. Extremely low rates will be granted by the Maine Central 
and Bangor & Aroostook Railroads. The Hotel Dickey at Fort Kent 

148 Rhodora [June 

also offers greatly reduced rates. ‘Tickets will be made good to 
remain two weeks and it is hoped all members will avail themselves 
of the opportunity thus offered to visit this wonderfully rich portion 
of the State. Programmes and detailed information will be sent to 
members, June 15th.— Dora H. Mou ron, Secretary, 9 Hill Street, 
Portland, Maine. 

ADDITIONAL Nores FROM WiLLoucHpy.— Willoughby has its sur- 
prises even for one who has studied its Flora carefully, and in the 
last ten days of the present month I have collected some new plants 
and found stations for other rare ones and I therefore print this note. 

Equisetum pratense, Ehrh. In wet pasture land, by the edge of woods, very 
near the Hotel. This plant as noted by Eaton (RHODORA, vi. 92) is rare 
in New England, having been found only in the Kennebec valley, Maine ; 
and its occurrence at Willoughby is an interesting extension of range. 
Only sterile plants were found, but in considerable quantity and it may 
have been overlooked by summer botanists in the luxuriant growth of 
ferns and grasses. The rough ridges of the stem thickly set with fine 
spicula under a lens are so different from other New England Equiseta 
as to render its identification comparatively easy. 

Carex deflexa, Hornem., var. Deanei, Bailey. On the beach at south end of 
the lake. 

Rosa CINNAMOMEA, L. Grows in wild abundance in pasture by an old 
cellar wall. 


Rosa blanda, Ait., which is very smooth without prickles when 
growing on the slides, shows frequent spines and prickles when 
gathered on the Lake roadside. 

Carex vaginata, Tausch, found by Pringle, and .Sp/acina trifolia, 
Desf., collected by Churchill, and both plants unsuccessfully sought 
for by other botanists, were found growing in a cedar swamp, quite 
near the original stations below the Four Bridges.— George G. , 

May 31, 1904. 

Vol. 6, no. 65, including pages 81 to 92, was issued 2 May, 1904. 




Vol. 6 July, 1904 No. 67 



In January, 1904, the Rev. Mr. Cheney of Pascoag, Rhode Island, 
visited a pond several miles from his home for the double purpose of 
fishing through the ice and of obtaining a winter outing. During 
the day his botanical interest, which is always very great, over- 
balanced for a time his piscatorial enthusiasm and he left the fishing 
holes to investigate the winter remnants of plants projecting above 
the ice and snow on one of the so-called floating bogs in the pond. 
One plant having evergreen leaves with revolute margins interested 
and puzzled him. Не took home several twigs and a few days later 
showed them to the writer who confirmed his suspicions that the 
plant was what has long passed as Andromeda polifolia, L. (really 
A, glaucophylla, Link) — new to the flora of Rhode Island. 

On the тоїһ of May, Messrs. Cheney, H.. W. Preston and the 
writer visited the locality for the purpose of obtaining flowering 
specimens of the plant. We could not have timed our visit better 
for flowering specimens as the plants were in their prime— both 
buds and fully open flowers being found on almost every plant. Not 
one of the party ever dreamed of such a sight of Andromeda as was 
there revealed, for the plants could be counted by the thousands, 
partially covering and fringing all the floating bogs, each with scores 
of the beautiful pink or white corollas and similarly colored pedicels. 
It is safe to say that none of the party will ever forget the sight. 
Mixed with, or between, the patches of Andromeda were hundreds of 
plants of Kalmia glauca, Ait., another plant new to the state. Неге 
also was found Eriophorum vaginatum, L., a third plant unrecorded 
for Rhode Island. Upon the bogs grew many Black Spruces, in fact 
many more than all the others that the writer has seen anywhere 

150 Rhodora [Jury 

else inthe state combined. Arceuthobium pusillum, Peck—a fourth 
plant new to the state—was found to be covering many of these 
trees. The party returned happy botanically although somewhat 
uncomfortable as the result of a persistent and penetrating rain. 

The retrospective view of an excursion of this sort often reveals 
vistas of thought and speculation which are sometimes of consider- 
able interest. In this particular case at least two such have been 
opened to the writer. 

First, it is impossible to believe that this section of the state could 
ever have been visited by such well known sharp-eyed older Rhode 
Island collectors as S. Т. Olney, С. Thurber, J. W. Bailey, A. L. 
Calder, G. Hunt and J. W. Congdon, or some of these plants would 
long ago have been added to the known flora of our state. 

Second, the speculation as to the origin and survival of such 
unique plant formations is of extreme interest. The writer has not 
fully satisfied himself as to the origin of these characteristically 
northern plants at this station, but probably it is not unlike that of 
other plants growing in similar situations elsewhere. ‘The condi- 
tions which maintain them are, on the other hand, apparently quite 
evident. All the bogs are of the floating type, though anchored by 
at least a few roots or stems so that they do not drift about over the 
surface of the pond. Beneath the film of floating vegetation there 
is often twelve or more feet of water, as we learned by measuring 
through some of the numerous and treacherous openings in the float- 
ing mass. In the winter the ice forms beneath as well as through 
this comparatively thin layer of loosely entangled stems and peat 
moss. As the warm weather approaches in the spring the ice in the 
open pond is readily melted; not so with that in and under the 
bogs. Shielded from the sun’s rays by the mass of stems and moss 
it melts but slowly and lingers long into the spring. At the date of 
our visit (19th of May) the ice at the depth of eight inches or a foot 
below the upper surface was still, in many places, too thick for us to 
break even by jumping upon it. In the more exposed spots it had 
entirely melted and at intermediate places we succeeded in breaking 
it where it measured more than an inch in thickness. It will thus 
be seen that many of the plants, while yet in bloom, had the lower 
part of the stems and roots at least partially encased in ice — a truly 
boreal condition of affairs and one which readily accounts for such 
an abundance of these northern plants at this station. 


1904] ШПеапе, — Lists of New England Plants,— XVI. ISI 


[The sign + indicates that an herbarium specimen has 
been seen; the sign — that a printed record has been found.] 

Elisia Nyctelea, L. . 
Hydrophyllum appendiculatum, Michx. 

" d g 
3| .| la 5 
Gilia coronopifolia, Pers. zs 
СОЗСО Won her e Vos MENU Е — 
m ецсосерп аа Сау: c CREE ues — 
прса отау 1 523. = ЖЖ c p 
* tricolor, Benth., var. longipedicellata, Green- 
man c npe JF 
Phlox maculata, L.  . ENT ШИЕ — nr 
d ££ var. EL Gray E + 
раисаш И ++ [+++ 
S рибоза b. - : n^ 
*  reptans, Michx. . Nur pM Meca in 
СОО Vou op M MO SE e nus + 
Polemonivmereptans. C. r =n 5 c NL ын + 
E Van-Bruntiae, Britton . . . . , | |+ 
1 | 
| ч АЕ 
© а. ES © 
aJa] >| SK] 
| | 

canadense, L. EE veio —| |— 

i virginicum, L. C NEL ие +|+|+| |+ 
Phacelia brachyloba, Gray + | 
CitGinata, Jac. te m MEE NON —| 

E conpesta» Hook. a ^ ША НИ eee — 

Ec жшүлад кок, Bentha к о у ТЕЕ + 
ш viscida, Torr. ; | - 
* — Whitlavia, Gray . +| 

1 Printed in RHODORA as supplementary material. 

152 j Rhodora [Jurv 

Ф " т 4 " - 
eE|Z-|ze MIO 
Pinguicula vulgaris, L. ++ 
Utricularia biflora, Lam. +++ 
“ clandestina, Nutt. . + TTL 
" cleistogama, Britton + 
е cornuta, Michx. +|+|+|+|+|+ 
“ gibba, L.. . +|+|+|+|+ |+ 
е inflata, Walt. ++ +) +) +] + 
i intermedia, Hayne +++ +++ 
" minor, L.. . . +|— +1+1+ 
“ purpurea, Walt. | +/+ +\+i+ 
E resupinata, B. D. Greene TELE 
E subulata, L. . +|—|— 
2 vulgaris, L. +++ + + 
s е à 
48 |4 
52| хо 
Conopholis americana, Wallroth . . . . . . {+++ + + + 
Epiphegus virginiana, Bart. . EX +|+ + |+ 1+ + 
Orobanche uniflora, L. +|+|+ +|+|+ 
al Ар |210 
Martynia louisiana, Mill. . . . . . . . [= + 
H^ | gill 
gi, d! .|o 
Dianthera americana, L. . . . . . . . . + 


Judge J. R. Churchill and I discovered Gi/ia coronopifolia in 
Montague, Mass., on July 24, 1887. It was scattered over a dry, 
sandy field and along a bank by the road, the spike-like clusters of 

1904] Deane,— Lists of New England Plants, — XVI. 153 

scarlet flowers making a beautiful display. We were assured that 
the plants had been established there for several years. The native 
home of this species is South Carolina, south and west, and it is cul- 
tivated freely in gardens, but we could not trace the source of the 
Montague plants. 

Mrs. Nellie F. Flynn has sent me for examination a specimen of 
Gilta linearis of which she found two plants growing near the Malted 
Cereal Company's mills in Burlington, Vt., on July 26, 1902. (See 
Torreya, III, 1903, 105.) In the herbarium of the New England 
Botanical Club I find a specimen of this species collected by Mr. J. 
C. Parlin in June, 19o2, in an old field in North Berwick, in the 
extreme southern part of Maine. The label states that the plant 
probably originated from wool waste. These plants were of course 
casual introductions, but the species may yet be found in northern 
New England, for it is locally abundant on sandy beaches and rocky 
hills of the Baie des Chaleurs between the Province of Quebec and 
New Brunswick, and about seventy miles from the nearest point of 
northern Maine. f 

Mr. J. A. Collins of Lawrence, Mass., has sent me for examina- 
tion a specimen of Gilia which he collected on wool refuse in that 
city on June 14, 1900, and noted in Ruopora, III, 1901, 92, as Gilia 
androsacea, Steud. He has since presented it to the Gray Herbarium. 
Dr. J. M. Greenman has kindly made a thorough study of the 
specimen, and his report, dated May 7, 1904, is as follows : 

“I have compared carefully Mr. Collins's specimen with the entire 
representation of this genus in the Gray Herbarium, but I am unable 
to identify it unqualifiedly with any species there represented ; and I 
am also unable to place it satisfactorily with anything recently de- 
scribed in this genus. 

“The affinity of the plant is evidently with the Californian G. tri- 
color, Benth. and not with G. androsacea, Steud. А part of the original 
collection on which Mr. Bentham founded his G. ¢ricolor is in the 
Gray Herbarium, and a comparison of Mr. Collins's specimen with 
this material shows the two plants, although differing in several 
regards, to be conspecific. A considerable suite of specimens repre- 
senting G. tricolor shows, moreover, that the species is quite variable, 
more especially in the amount of pubescence and in the size and color 
of the corolla. Giving due weight to the possibility of variation, the 
single specimen secured by Mr. Collins seems to me to differ suffi- 

154 Rhodora (Jury 

ciently from the type in habit, in the mode of inflorescence, and in 
the calyx-characters to merit varietal rank. I therefore submit the 
following name and characterization : 

“GILIA TRICOLOR, Benth., var. longipedicellata, Greenman, n. 
var. Stems diffusely branched from the base, 1 to 2 dm. high, sparingly 
glandular-puberulent: flowers on long slender pedicels (1 to 3.5 cm. 
in length): tube of the calyx becoming scarious below the sinuses, 
but little or not at all colored: calyx-teeth lance-acuminate: corolla 
7 to то mm. long, colored as in the species proper.— MASSACHUSETTS: 
on wool refuse at Lawrence, 14 June, 1900, John А. Collins, Jr. 

“Tt is with some hesitation that I base this new variety upon an 
isolated specimen, especially as the plant was introduced evidently 
into the eastern locality, but I feel confident that the same form will 
be found sooner or later in its native country, most likely in Califor- 
nia. Our thanks are due Prof. Willis L. Jepson for a careful com- 
parison of Mr. Collins’s specimen with the material in the Herbarium 
of the University of California.” 

The species of Phlox recorded are all escapes that have become 
more or less established in various localities. A few instances 
will suffice. Mr. M. L. Fernald found PA/ox paniculata locally abun- 
dant in Langdon, N. H., in July, 1899, in a roadside thicket, and 
Mr. C. Н. Bissell has shown me the species from Lyme, Conn., 
where he says it was well established in July, 1892. Dr. C. B. 
Graves collected Phlox maculata in June, 1891, not far from New 
London, Conn., where the species had been established for many 
years, far from any cultivated plants of the same kind. lox subu- 
lata seems to show a fondness for spreading in and about old grave: 
yards. It was found in such a situation by Mr. E. B. Chamberlain 
in Cumberland, Me., on June 23, 1902, and by Messrs. L. Andrews 
and C. H. Bissell in Southington, Conn., in May, 1899 and 1901, as 
well as by Mr. E. B. Harger in Oxford, Conn., on May 13, 19or. 
Mr. H. E. Sargent, writing from Wolfboro, N. H., under date of 
December 9, 1903, says, “It is very abundant in some cemeteries 
here, and also by the roadside in some places.” He has sent me 
a specimen collected in Alton, N. H., in 1901 by Mr. George Rob- 
erts. Мг. E. F. Williams's herbarium contains specimens of this | 
species recently collected in Milton and Halifax, Mass., while Mr. 
William H. Blanchard writes me that he found this plant growing in 
a cemetery in Stratton, Vt., on July 7, 1903. Specimens accom- 

1904] Deane,— Lists of New England Plants,— XVI. 155 

panied his letter. PA/ox subulata grows naturally on Staten Island, 
and may possibly be found in western New England. 

Philox divaricata is indigenous near Quebec and in northern and 
western New York and consequently should be expected in northern 
and western New England. 

Mr. H. E. Sargent of Wolfboro, N. H., has shown me a specimen 
of Polemonium reptans, doubtless an escape from cultivation, which a 
pupil of his collected in that town at a distance from any garden, on 
May 27, тдот. This species may be found growing naturally in 
western New England, for it occurs in New York State. 

I have in my herbarium a specimen of Polemonium Van-Bruntie 
collected on July 5, 1879, in Ripton, Vt., on the border of Abby 
Pond, 1500 feet above sea level, by President Ezra Brainerd, who 
recorded it in the Bulletin of the ‘Torrey Botanical Club, VIII, 1881, 
6. The range of this species as now known is limited to Vermont, 
New York, New Jersey and Maryland. It should be sought for in 
western Massachusetts and Connecticut. 

Mr. W. P. Rich has given me a specimen of £//ista Nyctelea col- 
lected by him in Everett, Massachusetts, on the border of the Revere 
Beach Parkway, on June 1, 1902. Тһе plant was numerously 
represented and had been introduced in grass seed. Mr. Rich has 
recorded it in RHODORA, IV, 1902, 170. The. species grows natu- 
rally from Virginia, south and west. 

I very much doubt if there is extant a specimen of Hydrophyllum 
canadense from New England, but it certainly grows in western 
Massachusetts, for Mr. Ralph Hoffmann tells me that he collected it 
on the north slope of Greylock Mountain close to or within the 
limits of Williamstown on June 29, 1899. As he was not preserving 
plants at the time no specimens were kept. It grew “along a brook- 
side," but Mr. Hoffmann did not see much of it. Botanists will cer- 
tainly visit this locality again, and the species will surely come to 
light before long. Dr. Jacob Bigelow, in his Florula Bostoniensis, 
2d edition, published in Boston in 1824, says, on page 73, of 77. 
canadense, “Collected in the western part of the State.” A little 
later Professor Edward Hitchcock, in his Catalogue of plants grow- 
ing without cultivation in the vicinity of Amherst College, published 
at Amherst in 1829, says, on p. 23, “Windsor, Dr. Porter.” І find 
other references to this species from Massachusetts, all relating, 
where any definite locality is given, to the Connecticut valley or 


156 Rhodora [JuLY 

west. Reverend Chester Dewey, in his Report on the herbaceous 
flowering plants of Massachusetts, Cambridge, 1840, on page 187, 
gives as the habitat of this species, “woods and hedges; June,” but 
leaves the locality indefinite. 

Hydrophyllum canadense was reported from Connecticut nearly 
three quarters of a century ago in a Catalogue of the phenogamous 
Plants and of the Ferns, found within five miles of Yale College, by 
Doctors Eli Ives, William Tully, and Melines C. Leavenworth, pub- 
lished in the Annals of Yale College in New Haven, Connecticut, 
in 1831, by Ebenezer Baldwin. The reference occurs бп page 282 
where the name is inserted without comment. There must have 
been considerable botanical activity in those early days, for the 
authors say in the preface preceding the list :— “within five miles 
of Yale College, somewhat more than 1150 phenogamous plants and 
ferns, have already been ascertained.” Recent lists give no addi- 
tional information in regard to this plant; they either make very 
indefinite references to it or omit it altogether. It must certainly 
have occurred in New England when such definite localities have 
been recorded by botanists of distinction, and it will be most inter- 
esting to learn of the rediscovery of the species in western New 
England. Although it does not occur very close to the borders of 
New England, yet in Dr. John Torrey’s Flora of the State of New 
York, published at Albany in 1843, we find in volume II, page 92, 
that it grows “In rich shady soils, northern and western parts of 
the State ; common.” 

Hydrophyllum appendiculatum is reported from Connecticut in the 
same list mentioned above under 27. canadense. The name occurs 
on the same page and is also without comment. The nearest station 
that I can find for this species is the flats of the Mohawk River, 
near Utica, New York, where the plant is rare as it is elsewhere in 
the State. 

In the herbarium of Brown University there is a specimen of 
Hydrophyllum virginicum labelled in Mr. J. L. Bennett’s handwriting, 
“ Hydrophyllum, R. I. July, 1881, G. Hunt.” As the label is not 
the original one and the locality is very indefinite, it is best to dis- 
regard the evidence furnished by the specimen. It may have been 
an escape, but more proof is needed that the species is native to the 

At least twenty-five years ago Mr. C. G. Pringle found in a patch 

1904] Deane,— Lists of New England Plants,— XVI. 157 

of rich woods in Charlotte, Vt., a Hydrophyllum exhibiting charac- 
ters unlike those of any known species. It grew in *a clump about 
a foot broad, the entire clump of uniform character and of rather 
dense growth." As it bore no resemblance to H. virginicum, Mr. 
Pringle says that he supposed it to be ZZ. canadense, which he had 
never seen at that time, and he sent it out to several of his corre- 
spondents under that name. A flowering specimen deposited in the 
Gray Herbarium was examined by Dr. Sereno Watson, Dr. Gray 
being in Europe at the time, and was pronounced an undescribed 
species. It was not published, however, and, to quote from Mr. 
Pringle, who has kindly furnished me with most of my information 
in a letter dated November 12, 1903: “When I visited Cambridge 
a few years later, I asked Dr. Gray's opinion of my plant. He 
assured me that he had examined it critically, had found its flowers 
defective, sterile, and had judged it to be a monstrosity or abnormal 
condition of 27. Virginicum. Не charged me to watch the behavior 
of the plant, to see whether it ever produced seeds. .... I had my 
plant marked and was wont to return to it year by year, sometimes 
taking off more specimens. There was no confusing it with Æ. Vir- 
ginicum, as it was growing isolated. Though I revisited it during 
several years, I never found its flowers bearing seed. Апа more, 
the last time I saw it, some of the rhizomes which composed the 
clump were showing normal Æ. Virginicum leaves. I felt positively 
sure that the plant was recovering its normal Virginicum type. 
There was no chance for mistake about it. After I had been away 
from home on several annual journeys, I looked again one summer 
for the plant; but no trace of it was to be found. The young trees, 
which had sprung up around it, had become so dense as to choke it 

I have examined two specimens of this remarkable plant, one 
kindly loaned me by Prof. L. R. Jones from the Herbarium of the 
University of Vermont, collected on June 2, 1878, and one in the 
Gray Herbarium, collected on June 6, 1879. ‘The two specimens are 
identical. If the plant is an instance of teratology, it certainly 
retains absolutely no characters of whatever species it is allied to, 
with the exception of the production, on one occasion, of virginicum 
leaves, which Mr. Pringle unfortunately did not preserve. A fact 
tending to prove its abnormality is the absence of ovules which care- 
ful microscopic examination in which I was assisted by Dr. B. L. 

158 Rhodora [Jury 

Robinson and Dr. J. M. Greenman failed to discover. Dr. Watson, 
as I stated before, at first believed it to be a new species, and he 
went so far as to attach a specific name to it on the sheet. He was, 
however, evidently persuaded by Dr, Gray to abandon that position, 
for he never published it. Whatever the plant may be, its extraor- 
dinary appearance, so totally unlike that of virginicum or canadense, 
or, in fact, of any species of Hydrophyllum, and the fact that it pre- 
served its characters for so many years, seem to render it advisable 
to put the plant on record as follows : 

HypROPHYLLUM sp.? Branching perennial, 4 dm. high: rhizome 
nodulose, horizontal or oblique: stem branching from near the base, 
erect, striate, strigillose-pubescent, the short white very acute hairs 
appressed or more often retrorse: leaves alternate, thin; the blade 
ovate, coarsely and pinnately about 9-toothed or parted, 6 to 8 cm. 
long, 4 to 6 cm. broad, pinnately nerved; the teeth or lobes ovate 
to elliptic-oblong, obtuse or obtusish, mucronate; the sinuses acute 
or narrowly rounded, above sparsely strigillose, dark green, beneath 
paler and strigillose; lower petioles very long, 11 to 20 cm. in length, 
the upper 1.5 to 3.5 cm. long: cymes round-topped, 2.5 cm. broad, 
raised on slender, strigillose peduncles 2 to 7.5 cm. long; pedicels 
in anthesis 3 mm. long: calyx deeply 5-parted; lobes linear, acute, 
3-nerved, strigillose on the outer surface, hispid-ciliate chiefly near 
the tip, 3.5 mm. long, 0.8 mm. broad: corolla funnel-formed, 5-parted 
to the middle, 6 mm. long, probably white; lobes oblong, rounded 
at the apex; internal folds 2.5 mm. long; filaments 8 mm. long, 
glabrous; anthers oblong, mucronate : style filiform, glabrous, 1 cm. 
long, shortly 2-cleft; stigmas capitate; ovary hairy, r-celled, con- 
taining the two large involute placentz characteristic of the genus, 
but so far as can be determined entirely devoid of ovules. 

The Phacelias listed are waifs growing on flats, in wool-waste and 
similar places, and have a general interest attaching to introduced 

In the Flora of Mount Desert Island, Maine, published by Messrs. 
Rand and Redfield in 1894, the late Dr. Thomas Morong comments, 
on page 135, on a peculiar form of Utricularia gibba as follows: 
“The flower has the spurs of U. biflora very decidedly, but the foli- 
age and the bladders are those of U. gibba. ‘The spur here is oblong, 
narrow, not curved but projecting straightwise, and the perianth is 
somewhat larger than is generally the case in C. gibba. Other speci- 
mens with foliage and bladders better represented might show this 
to be U. biflora, but at present it is safer to call it © U. gibba verging 
towards U. fora in flowers." The letter containing the above 

1904]  Deane,— Lists of New England Plants,— XVI. 159 

remarks was written to те, and I have the very specimens that were 
examined, for they were returned to me with the letter. They were 
collected at Somes Pond by Mr. E. L. Rand, who sent them to me. 
I have other specimens of the same collecting besides abundant 
typical material from elsewhere. Comparison of all these specimens 
shows that the points of difference between the Somes Pond form 
and typical plants lie in the size of the flowers and in the longer 
narrow spur. Dr. Morong says that the spur is “not curved,” but a 
slight curve does occur in specimens that were not submitted to him. 
In the Gray Herbarium are specimens collected in South Kingston, 
R. I., by Olney and Thurber in 1846, resembling in size of flowers 
and shape of spur the forms submitted to Dr. Morong. These . 
points alone do not seem to warrant regarding the plants as more 
than a form of gibba, and it is much better to follow Dr. Morong's 
critical judgment as expressed above. 

In the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, III, 1872, 56, Mr. 
Elihu S. Miller reports finding Utricularia fibrosa, Walt. ( U. striata, 
Le Conte) at Wading River, in the northern part of Long Island. 
As the width of Long Island Sound only separates this station from 
Connecticut, the species should be looked for in the southern part 
of that State. 

The latest published record crediting Utricularia purpurea to 
Vermont, and embodying the results of all previous study of the 
flora of that State, is found in the Flora of Vermont by Brainerd, 
Jones and Eggleston, published in 1900, where stations for that spe- 
cies are given on the authority of the late Dr. F. Blanchard of 
Peacham, Vt. In my search for herbarium specimens of this spe- 
cies from that State I have been kindly aided by the three authors 
of the above-mentioned Flora, but every effort has failed to disclose 
the plant. Dr. Blanchard was a copious collector in Vermont and 
many herbaria contain specimens of his work. These herbaria I 
have traced and examined with the greatest care, but without result. 
Utricularia purpurea from Vermont has failed to appear. Mr. Eggle- 
ston wrote me in December, 1903, that Mrs. Alice F. Stevens of 
Washington, D. C., had written him in 1895 that in her herbarium, 
among Dr. Blanchard's plants, of which she had purchased a large 
number, was U. purpurea from East Barnet and West Danville, Vt. 
Mr. Eggleston, however, did not see the specimens. Mrs. Stevens 
writes me that she cannot recall the circumstance and that a careful 

160 Rhodora [Jury 

search in her herbarium does not reveal the plants, but that a few - 
years ago, alarmed at the dampness in the room where they were 
stored, she examined them and destroyed quite a number, among 
which might possibly have been the much desired species. She has 
sent me one of Br. Blanchard's Utricularias marked “ U. purpurea?” 
but no other data accompanies the sheet, so that it is only presum- 
ably from Vermont, while the specimen is not purpurea but intermedia. 
Of course I do not think that there. is the very slightest doubt that 
the species occurs in Vermont, for it is found in all the other New 
England States, specimens from which I have seen, but under the 
circumstances I do not feel justified in crediting it to the State. It 
will doubtless turn up during the coming summer in one or more of 
the many ponds or streams that are scattered over Vermont. 

Utricularia subulata reaches its northern limit, as far as I can dis- 
cover, in southérn New England, where I know it to occur only at 
Worden’s Pond, South Kingston, R. I. (Plants of Rhode Island, 
J. L. Bennett, 1888, 28) ; Nantucket, Mass., where I have collected 
it at Tom Never’s Pond and Gibb’s Pond; and “within five miles of 
Yale College,” New Haven, Conn. (Annals of Yale College in New 
Haven, Conn., E. Baldwin, 1831, 300). This is in the list of plants 
referred to above under Hydrophyllum canadense. 

U. cleistogama has been reported only from Nantucket and Cape 
Cod, Mass., and appears to reach its northern limit here. They are 
both coastal species. 

I have been unable to find even a published record of the occur- 
rence of Utricularia clandestina from New Hampshire or of U. minor 
from Vermont, but there is no reason why these species should not 
grow in these States, as they are so generally distributed over the 
rest of New England. 

In the Herbarium of the New England Botanical Club is a speci- 
men of Martynia louisiana labelled “ Boston, 1877. C. E. Perkins.” 
This very transient stranger was probably collected on South Boston 
flats. Prof. George L. Goodale in his Catalogue of the flowering 
plants of Maine, published in the Proceedings of the Portland Society 
of Natural History, I, 1862, 56, says of this species: “occurs in 
Portland around wharves of Cuban traders." 

Prof. L. R. Jones of the University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., 
has been kind enough to send me from the herbarium for 
examination the classic sheet of Dianthera americana collected in 

1904] Deane,— Lists of New England Plants,— XVI. 161 

the first quarter of the last century, about 1819, in Ferrisburg, Ver- 
mont, by Dr. William Paddock, and representing the only known 
specimen from the only known station in New England. Dr. Pad- 
dock was Professor of Botany and Materia Medica in the Medical 
Department of the University of Vermont from 1821 to 1824. Prof. 
Jones in a letter to me writes that he has learned from Prof. G. H. 
Perkins that all of Dr. Paddock's collections (of which there was 
quite a package in the herbarium when it came into Prof. Perkins's 
charge) were made about 1819. 

Owing to the rarity as well as antiquity of the specimen, a descrip- 
tion of it may not be amiss. The original sheet measures twelve by 
seven inches and contains a small specimen about five inches long, 
of six leaves and two heads or spikes, one in bud and one in flower. 
Below this are three separate leaves and one spike in flower with its 
long peduncle. These fragments are all glued to the sheet. Two 
labels pasted on the sheet and written in black ink read: — “Justicia 
pedunculata” and * 26 Sept. Ferrisburgh Vt.” This sheet is pasted on 
to a larger one, sixteen by ten inches in dimensions and contains the 
following inscription in red ink in the corner :— “Justicia Americana, 
Vahl. Dr. Paddock's specimen. Déanthera Americana, L.” In a 
letter accompanying the sheet Prof. Jones tells me that the words 
* Justicia Americana, Vahl. Dr. Paddock's specimen” are in the 
handwriting of Prof. Joseph Torrey, who was connected with the 
University as Professor and President from 1827 to 1867. This is a 
good voucher for the authenticity of the specimen. Prof. Perkins 
says that the plant can be no other than the one collected by Dr. 
Paddock. Definite reference to this specimen is made by William 
Oakes on page 194 of his Botany of Vermont, published in Thomp- 
son's History of Vermont in 1842, where it is also stated that it was 
seen by Dr. J. W. Robbins. 

Dianthera americana is recorded from near Montreal, from Staten 
Island and through central New York, and should be looked for in 
the western parts of Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut. It 
is hoped that the old and interesting record now remaining as the 
sole one from New England will soon be broken. 


162 Rhodora [Jurv 



Alnus viridis, DC. (A. Alnobetula, К. Koch) is the type of a sub- 
genus which is represented in alpine or cool situations in nearly all 
parts of the northern hemisphere. The European shrub, A. viridis, 
a species of mountain districts, has glabrous twigs, thinnish but finally 
firm leaves which are glabrate and pale beneath and in maturity 3 to 
6 cm. long, the mature fertile aments o.8 to 1.3 cm. long, 5 to 9 mm. 
thick. In northeastern America it is represented by two shrubs, 
both of which have been generally referred to it. | 

А. CRISPA, Pursh, Fl. 623 (1814). Betula crispa, Aiton, Hort. 
Kew. iii. 339 (1789). This is the nearest ally of A. viridis in Amer- 
ica, but differs from the European shrub in its much firmer thick leaves 
which are more rugose and with greener under surfaces. It occurs 
from Labrador and Hudson Bay south to the Alpine summits of Mts. 
Katahdin, Washington, Mansfield, and Whiteface (New York). For 
the identification of our alpine shrub I am indebted to Mr. Edmund С. 
Baker of the British Museum of Natural History, who has obligingly 
compared material of this and of the following shrub with the orig- 
inal of Aiton’s Betula crispa which proves to be essentially like the 
firm-leaved glabrate shrub of Mt. Katahdin. 

A. mollis, n. sp. Young branches and peduncles pubescent: 
mature leaves 4.5 to ro cm. long, closely serrate with sharp unequal 
teeth, and permanently covered beneath with a soft short plush-like 
pubescence: mature fertile aments 1.2 to 2 cm. long, 0.9 to 1.2 cm. 
thick.— Cold bogs, swamps, exposed rocky banks, etc., Newfound- 
land to Lake Winnipeg, south to southern Maine and New Hamp- 
shire, western Massachusetts, New York and Lake Superior. Speci- 
mens examined : — 

NEWFOUNDLAND, near Topsail, Conception Bay, August, тоот 
(Howe & Lang, no. 1342); St. John's, August 1, 1894 (Robinson & 
Schrenk, по. 24): New Brunswick, Kent County, 1870 (Fowler): 
Nova Scotia, Point Pleasant, June 18, 1884 (Macoun); Pictou, 
July, 1901, Digby, July, 19or, Yarmouth, June, тдот (Howe & Lang, 
nos. 552, 273, 46): Maine, St. Francis, Aug. 17, 1893 — no. 98, 
Ashland, June 13, 1898 —no. 2445, Island Falls, Aug. 26, 1897, 
Blanchard, Sept. 4, 1897, Orono, May 24 and Aug. 18, 1890, Cut- 
ler, July 1, 1902, Southport, Aug. 1, 1894 (M. L. Fernald) ; Dover, 
May and July 1, 1896 (G. B. Fernald, nos. 5, 45, 62, 65); Man- 
chester (Scribner) ; Northport (Furbish): New НАМРЅНІКЕ, White 

1904] Clark,— Ariszema triphyllum 163 

Mountains (Zuckerman) ; Crawford Notch, 1888 (Swan); Oakes 
Gulf, Mt. Washington, alt. 4500 ft, June 29, 1898 (Williams); 
Ammonusuc River, September, 1842 (4. Gray): VERMONT, Brook- 
line June 30, 1895 (Grout): MassacHuusETTS, Buckland, July 26, 
1903 (F. F. forbes): ONTARIO, Nepigon, September, 1896 (G. .S. 
Miller) ; near Sault Ste. Marie, 1848 (Loring) ; Silver Islet, August. 
1871 (Gillman): МАМІТОВА, Lake Winnipeg, 1857 (Jourgeau).— 
Occasional specimens from alpine situations have the small fertile 
aments of A. crispa, but ordinarily this shrub of temperate areas is 
very constant in its characters and is quite unlike any Old World 
shrubs of the 2272015 group known to the writer. 


common * Jack-in-the-Pulpit," was recently brought to me by a school- 
boy. It showed a peculiar malformation, the inflorescence being 
made up of two spathes and three spadices. The spathes were each 
perfectly formed and were connected at 
the base where one overlapped and en- 
closed the other; but the spadices were 
each much wider throughout than is nor- 
mal, and they were also deeply grooved 
and ridged lengthwise, and united at the 
base where the spathes scarcely clasped 
around them. 

Whether or not the plant showed any 

other tendency to abnormal growth I am 
unable to say, for the “flower,” snapped 
off boy fashion, is all that I have been 
able to procure. Probably some read- , 
ers of RHODORA have seen monstrous 
growths of Arisema triphyllum in which 
there have been two spathes with one 
spadix, as noted by Prof. W. W. Bailey, 
Bot. Gaz. ix, 177, or vice versa, but I doubt if anyone has before 
. come across a specimen showing so much divergence from the nor- 
mal form as is found here in the specimen illustrated. — ALICE С. 
CLARK, East Weymouth, Massachusetts. 

164 Rhodora [Jury 

and Brooks’ Handbook of the Trees of New England, p. 159, the 
only locality in Maine given for Nyssa sylvatica, Marsh., is “ Water- 
ville on the Kennebec.” І have in my collection a specimen, brought 
me by Walter Emery of Wells Depot, which he collected in the town 
of Newfield, York Co. — J. C. Partin, North Berwick, Maine. 

CAL CLUB. — The tenth annual field meeting of the Vermont Botan- 
ical Club will be held at Silver Lake and at Lake Dunmore, Addison 
Co., on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 12 and 13, 1904. This will 
be a joint gathering with the Vermont Bird Club, following the suc- 
cessful practice of the last two summers. 

The members of the Club are expected to meet at “The Inn” 
Brandon, on Tuesday, by trains arriving from the south at 10.54 A. M. 
or 2.40 P.M., and from the north at 10.15 A. M. or 2 P.M. After 
dinner conveyances will start for Silver Lake, along a mountain road, 
where there is much of botanical interest. Fare 35 to бо cents. 
Supper, lodging and breakfast wiH be had at the Silver Lake House 
for one dollar each. Оп Wednesday excursions will be formed for 
the ascent of Rattlesnake Point on Moosalamoo Mt., or for trips by 
rowboats or steamer to points of interest along the lake. 

Dinner and supper may be had at the Lake Dunmore House at 
special rates. Members of the party may return that evening or on 
the following day, and either by Brandon or by Middlebury, as they 
may decide after getting on the ground. 

It is important that hotel and livery proprietors should know in 
advance just what numbers they are to provide for; and the mem- 
bers of the Clubs who expect to attend the meeting are requested to 
send in their names to President Brainerd of Middlebury at least one 
week in advance of the gathering. 


Committee on Field Meeting. 
Middlebury, Vt., June 8, тоол. 

Vol. 6, No. 66, including pages 93-148 and plates 54-56, was issued 15 June, 
1904. . 




Vol. 6 August, 1904 No. 68 

(Plate 57.) 

In the first paper of this series! attention was called to fourteen 
species of Hepaticae which were of interest either because they were 
new to New England or because they were imperfectly described in 
American literature. The present paper is a continuation along the 
same lines. With the exception of Scapania convexula and the new 
Lepidozia all of the species noted are common to Europe. The 
arrangement followed is again that of Schiffner in Engler and 
Prantl’s “ Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien." 

I. PALLAvICINIA FLorow1ana (Nees) Lindb. Musc. Scand. ro. 
1879. Cordaea Flotowiana Nees, Flora, 16: 405. 1833. Diplolaena 
Lyell, var. Flofowiana Nees, Naturgeschichte der europ. Lebermoose, 
3: 344. 1838. Blyttia Lyellit, var. Flotowiana G. L. © N. Syn. 
Hep. 475. 1846.  Moerckia hibernica, var. Wilsoniana Gottsche ; 
Rabenhorst, Hep. Europ. z27 (note). 1860. Pallavicinia hibernica, 
vars. Wilsoniana and leptodesma Pears. Hep. Brit. Isles, 435, 436. 
Ёё. 193. 1901. Moerckia Flotowiana Schiffn. Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 
51: 41. 1901. A very few plants of this interesting species were 
found last September by A. LeRoy Andrews on Mt. Greylock, 
Massachusetts; they were growing on a wet bank in the * Notch." ? 
Until recently most botanists have considered the species a variety 
or even a mere form of P. Atbernica, and no allusion to it what. 

! RHODORA, 4: 207-213. 1902. 
* Mr. Andrews has already noted his discovery in RHODORA, б: 75. 1904. 

166 Rhodora [AvcusT 

ever is made by Stephani in his Species Hepaticarum (1900). The 
studies of Warnstorf,! however, show conclusively that the plant is 
worthy of specific rank, and it is now recognized as a distinct spe- 
cies by Schiffner and by several other European hepaticologists. 
Many years ago Nees von Esenbeck ? referred to P. Flotowiana a 
specimen from Newfoundland, in the Montagne herbarium. This is 
apparently the only reference to the species as an American plant, 
and even this must be considered doubtful since the Newfoundland 
specimen is not mentioned in any subsequent writings. The species, 
however, was collected several years ago at Yakutat, Alaska, by 
Coville апа Kearney and has been listed and described by the 
writer under the name of P. Aibernica.s The latter species has also 
been recorded from Nebraska, Ontario and British Columbia,* and it 
is of course possible that some of these reports are based on P. 
Flotowiana instead of on the true 2, Aibernica. The two species are 
separated from each other by purely vegetative characters: /. 
hibernica is less robust than P. Flotowiana, the midrib of the thallus 
is thinner and passes more abruptly into the delicate marginal wing, 
and the latter is never crispate but is plane or nearly so. In robust 
forms of P. Flotowiana, Tansley and Chick * have demonstrated the 
presence in the midrib of two slender strands of slightly elongated 
cells with lignified walls, and Pearson's var. leptodesma is based on a 
peculiarity of this sort. Cavers® has shown that these strands play 
an important part in the conduction of water, just as the single 
strand does in P. Lyellii, but he has also shown that they fail to 
develop in plants cultivated under very moist conditions. It would 
appear from this that the presence or absence of the strands is not 
of very great importance from the standpoint of the taxonomist and 
that it should hardly be used as a differential character in separating 
Moerckia generically from Padlavicinia, P. Flotowiana is perhaps 
the most noteworthy of the recent additions to the hepatic flora of 
New England. 

1 Allgem. Bot. Zeitschr. 1899: 15. Kryptogamenfl. der Mark Brandenburg, 1: 
99. 1902. 

2 Naturgeschichte der europ. Lebermoose, 3: 346. 1838. 

3 Proc. Wash. Acad. 2: 291. 1900. 

+ Webber, Cat. Flora Nebraska, 93. 1890; Macoun, Cat. Canadian Plants, 7 : 
8. 1902. 

? Ann. Bot. 15: 7. 2/. г, f. 1. 1901. в The Naturalist, 1903: 451. 

1904] Evans,— Notes on New England Hepaticae,—— П 167 

2. MARSUPELLA AQUATICA (Nees) Schiffn. 1.005, 44: 267. 1896. 
J. emarginata, var. aguatica Lindenb. Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.- 
Carol 14, suppl: 75. 1829 (not Jungermannia aquatica Schrank, 
1789).! Sarcoscyphus Ehrharti, var. aquaticus Nees, М aturgeschichte 
der europ. Lebermoose, 1: 125. 1833. J. emarginata, var. grandis 
Hüben. Hep. Germ. 124. 1834. S. Ehrharti, var. robustus DeNot. 
Comm. Soc. Critt. Ital. 1: 80. f. 2. 1861. Nada emarginata, vars. 
major and aguatica Carr. Brit. Hep. 14. 1874. M. emarginata, 
var. aquatica Dumort. Hep. Eur. 126. 1874. JV. robusta Trevis. 
Mem. R. Ist. Lomb. III. 4: 4oo. 1877. N. emarginata, var. 
aquatica Massal, & Carest. Nuovo Gior. Bot. Ital. 12: 312. 1880. S, 
aguaticus Breidl. Mitth. d. Naturw. Ver. f. Steiermark, 30: 286. 
1894. Mt. Katahdin, Maine (Cowles Party) ; White Mountains, 
New Hampshire (Oakes). : 

3. MARSUPELLA MEDIA (Gottsche) Schiffn. Lotos, 49: 49. IgoI 
(as synonym). Sarcoscyphus sphacelatus, var. medius Gottsche ; 
Rabenhorst, Hep. Europ. 737. 1860 (in part). S. Su//vanti DeNot. 
Comm. Soc. Critt. Ital. 1: 84. J. 6. 1861.2 S. Ehrharti, var. 
erythrorhizus Limpr.; Cohn, Kryptogamenfl. von Schlesien, 1: 248. 
1876. S. sphacelatus, var. erythrorhizus Limpr. /. с. 432. Мама 
sphacelata, var. media Massal. Ann. dell. Ist. Bot. di Roma, 2: (9). 
1886. M. sphacelata, var. erythrorhiza Schiffn. Lotos, 44: 267. 
1896. Л. erythrorhiza Schiffn. 7. c. 49:48. rgor. Streaked Moun- 
tain, Hebron, Maine (7. А. Allen); Mt. Washington, New Hamp- 
shire (Z. M. Underwood); Magnolia, Massachusetts UN. G. 
Farlow); Mt. Carmel and Beacon Falls, Connecticut (4. У. E.). 

Only two dioicous species of Marsupella, M. emarginata and М. 
Sphacelata, have been recognized by American students as occurring 
in eastern North America. These two species, which have a wide 
distribution in northern regions, have recently been studied by 
Professor Schiffner, of Vienna, one of the most careful students of 
the Hepaticae, and the conclusion is reached that both species, as 
ordinarily understood, are aggregates. What he considers the typical 
М. emarginata grows in moist rather than wet localities and is some- 

1 The synonym “Jungermannia aquatica” for this species is sometimes attrib- 
uted to Schrader, with the citation “Spic. Fl. Germ. 75. 1794." This, however, 
is an error, because Schrader, although describing the plant in the place quoted, 
does not give it a formal name. 

* Based on Musc. Alleg. 276 (distributed as Sarcoscyphus Ehrharti.) 

168 Rhodora [AvcusT 

times completely dried up in the summer; from this he would sepa- 
rate as a distinct species the submerged M. aguatica. The typical 
M. sphacelata, on the other hand, is a submerged aquatic, and from 
this he would separate M. erythrorhiza, which grows in drier locali- 
ties. M. aquatica and M. erythrorhiza were both clearly described 
many years ago by Limpricht, who treated them as varieties only, 
but implied at the same time that their characters were fully as 
marked as those separating the typical forms of M. emarginata and 
M. sphacelata. The validity of M. aguatica as a species was recog- 
nized by Lindberg, Massalongo, Stephani and others, and there is 
now a tendency among European writers to recognize M. erythro- 
rhiza also. 'The choice of a name for this second species is not an 
easy matter. The oldest synonym isthe one first quoted, but Schiff- 
ner discards the name eda, provisionally at least, because Vo. 737 
of the Hep. Europ. is a mixture of two species. If we follow him in 
this course we should choose the name Sw//ivanti of DeNotaris 
rather than the later name ery/hrorhiza of Limpricht. The synonymy 
of the species is already very complicated and in order to avoid 
increasing it still further the name M. media is here retained. 

The characters separating M. aguatica and M. media from the two 
species to which they are respectively allied are drawn almost entirely 
from the vegetative organs; they concern the structure of the stem, 
the shape of the leaves and the peculiarities of the leaf-cells. Most 
of these characters are relative, and although extreme forms of both 
species are easily distinguished, other forms are sometimes met with 
which are difficult to refer definitely. As, however, other species, 
such as ZopAozia lycopodioides and Г. Floerkii, are recognized, 
between which connecting links actually occur, there seems to be no 
great objection to following this policy in the case of M. aguatica 
and M. media. Even if they are not yet wholly permanent, they are 
assuredly species in the process of evolution. 

M. aquatica is a very robust plant and sometimes reaches a length 
of a decimeter or тоге. The stems are sparingly branched and 
very firm in consistency. In a cross-section the cells all appear of 
about the same size and are polygonal in outline. Those in the 
middle are thin-walled but pass gradually into the thick-walled cells 
of the outer portion. The outermost layer is composed of shorter 
cells than those in the interior but they are usually thick-walled also ; 
sometimes, however, close to the base of a leaf, the walls of this 

1904] Evans,— Notes on New England Hepaticae,— II 169 

layer are distinctly thinner. Тһе stiff leaves spread widely from the 
stem,so that even when close together they do not present the 
appearance of being crowded. They are strongly complicate and 
are bifid about one-eighth with a short and blunt apical sinus and 
broad and rounded lobes. The leaf-cells are usually distinctly 
thickened throughout and have conspicuoustrigones. The true //. 
emarginata is a smaller plant with shorter and more delicate stems, 
although the latter are essentially the same in structure. The leaves, 
which spread more obliquely from the stem, are more obtusely com- 
plicate and more deeply lobed, the lobes being sometimes blunt but 
usually obtusely pointed. The walls of the leaf-cells are less strongly 
thickened although still provided with conspicuous trigones. With 
respect to color M. emarginata varies from bright green to reddish. 
М. aquatica also varies considerably but is usually of a duller hue ; 
sometimes it glistens as if varnished. Neither species ever exhibits 
the deep purplish black color which is so often to be seen in M. 
media. M. aquatica is apparently confined to alpine or subalpine 
regions while M. emarginata descends into the plains. 

M. sphacelata attains its most characteristic development in the 
boggy pools and sluggish brooks of subalpine regions. The follow- 
ing are the only New England stations to be cited at present with 
certainty: Mt. Washington, New Hampshire (D. C. Eaton, W. С. 
Farlow, A. W. E.); Mt. Mansfield, Vermont (D. C. Eaton, A. W. 
£.). The records for Maine and Connecticut, therefore, in the 
writer's Preliminary List of New England Hepaticae! should be 
revised. The species grows in broad thick tufts of a dull green 
color often tinged with blackish and is much less firm in consistency 
than the two plants just considered. In cross-section the stem 
shows a distinct border of large thin-walled cells; just within this 
the cells have slightly thickened walls but pass gradually into the 
thin-walled cells of the interior. The leaves are divided by a narrow 
sinus into two broad and rounded lobes; they are very delicate in 
texture, and yet theircells, although thin-walled, show small but dis- 
tinct trigones. M. media is found not only in the mountains but also 
in the plains, and its range extends as far south as Georgia. Itisa 
much firmer plant than M. sphacelata and is usually much more 
richly colored; a deep purplish black is perhaps the most character- 

1 RHODORA, 5: 170-173. 1903. 

170 Rhodora [Ассивт 

istic hue, but in shaded localities the color tends to be much paler. 
The cross-section of the stem, as in M. sphacelata, shows a distinct 
border of thin-walled cells, but this is often broken down and indefi- 
nite in weathered specimens ; the cells just within this layer are very 
thick-walled but grade into the thin-walled cells of the interior. The 
leaves are more deeply divided than in M. sphacelata, and their 
divisions, although commonly rounded, are sometimes obtusely 
pointed; the leaf-cells have slightly thickened walls and distinct 
trigones but are more delicate than in M. emarginata. The reddish 
rhizoids, which account for Limpricht's varietal name, may usually 
be detected on the stems and branches themselves, especially near 
the base, as well as on the stolons. They are not confined to M. 
media but may also be found in M. emarginata and M. sphacelata, 
where, however, they are scanty and developed only on the stolons. 
Even in M. media these rhizoids are sometimes very few in number 
and bleached out until they are almost colorless, so that they do not 
always constitute a reliable character. 

4. JUNGERMANNIA CORDIFOLIA Hook. Brit. Jung. 77. 32. 1816. 
Aplozia cordifolia Dumort. Hep. Eur. 61. 1874. Solenostoma cordi- 
folium Steph. Bull. de l'Herb. Boissier, II. 1: 499. 19or. Many 
years ago Russell! doubtfully referred to /. cordifolia a sterile hepatic 
which he had collected in bogs at Plymouth, Massachusetts. He 
described his specimens as being *furnished with capitula and with 
white pulverulent granules," so that he evidently had a gemmiparous 
plant before him. His determination, therefore, was probably incor- 
rect as the gemmae of /. cordifolia are unknown, A second New 
England record, from Oakes Gulf in the White Mountains,” has also 
been proved erroneous, the specimens in question being referable to 
Nardia obovata ‘The true /. cordifolia, however, was discovered by 
Miss Annie Lorenz and the writer at Rainbow, Connecticut, during 
the June meeting of the Connecticut Botanica] Society in 1903; it 
may therefore be looked upon as an addition to the New England 
flora and also to that of the eastern United States. The species is 
already known from Cape Breton and from other parts of Canada 
and is abundant from the Rocky Mountains westward. The Rain- 
bow specimens grew on wet and gently sloping rocks on the banks 

1 Boston Jour. Nat. Hist. 3: 466. 1845. ? Hep. Amer. 775. 
3 Evans, Proc. Wash. Acad. 2: 298. 1900. 

1904] Evans,— Notes on New England Нерайсае—П 171 

of the Farmington River, and the majority of them were partially 
covered with sand. It is probably on this account that they are 
less robust than is usual in the species and that their leaves are less 
concave and more frequently spreading. In these respects the 
specimens resemble large forms of /. riparia Tayl. (particularly the 
var. potamophila Bernet!) a species known in America from British 
Columbia only. In /. cordifolia, however, the walls of the leaf-cells 
although thin are firm and usually more or less pigmented with pur- 
plish red, while in 7. riparta the cell-structure is more delicate and 
the walls are colorless. The cells of 7. cordifolia, moreover, are 
wholly destitute of trigones, while in 7. riaria minute but distinct 
trigones may almost always be demonstrated. The cuticle of /. 
cordifolia, finally, is distinctly striate-verruculose, especially toward 
the bases of the leaves, while in the other species it is perfectly 
smooth. According to Pearson? the absence of rootlets and of 
flagella is a constant peculiarity of J. cordifolia, both being abun- 
dantly produced by /. riparia. This difference cannot be relied 
upon; the fertile specimens of /. cordifolia distributed by Schiffner 
in his Hep. Europ. Exsic. 78, show both rootlets and flagella, and 
the same is true of the Rainbow specimens. 

5. SPHENOLOBUS EXSECTAEFORMIS (Breidl.) Steph. Bull. de 
l'Herb. Boissier, II. 2: 178. 1902. Jwngermannia exsectacformis 
Breidl. Mitth. d. Naturw. Ver. f. Steiermark, 30: 321. 1894. Diplo- 
phyllum exsectiforme Warnst. Kryptogamenfl. der Mark Branden- 
burg, 1: 161. 1902. Mt. Desert, Maine ( W. G. Farlow); Ran- 
dolph, New Hampshire ( W. G. Farlow); Laconia, New Hampshire 
(Mrs. Carter) ; Jericho, Vermont (А. W. £.). 

б. SPHENOLOBUS EXSECTUS (Schmid.) Steph. Bull. de Негр. 
Boissier, II. 2: 178. 1902. Jungermannia exsecta Schmid. Ic. 
Plant. Ed. II. 241. pl. 62, f. 2, p. Р. 1797. Lophosia exsecta 
Dumort. Recueil d'Obs. sur les Jung. 17. 1835. Scapania exsecta 
Aust. Hep. Вог.-А тег. 27. 1873. Diéplophylium exsectum Warnst. 
Kryptogamenfl. der Mark Brandenburg, 1: 160. 1902. Shelburne 
and Glen Ellis, New Hampshire (W. G. Farlow); Willoughby, 
Vermont (Miss Lorenz); Branford, Connecticut (4. W. £.). 

The two species just noted are very closely allied, and it is only 

1 Cat. des Hép. du Sud-Ouest de la Suisse, etc. 58. A. т, f. z. 1888. 
? Hep. Brit. Isles, 291. 1901. 

172 Rhodora [AvcusT 

within recent years that they have been clearly distinguished. Both 
species produce an abundance of gemmae but are exceedingly rare 
in fruit. The characters which separate them are derived from the 
leaf-cells and the gemmae. In S. exsectaeformis the median cells 
average 22 х 36 д, and their thin walls show distinct trigones; in 
S. exsectus the cells in the same position average 9 X 18 д, and 
their walls are more uniformly thickened, the trigones being incon- 
spicuous. The gemmae of 5. exsectaeformis are angular, while those 
of the other species are ellipsoidal or ovoid. Both species are widely 
distributed in Europe, and an interesting account of them may be 
found in a recent paper by M. G. Dismier, of Saint-Maur, France.! 
Under his Scapania exsecta, Austin quotes as a synonym the Junger- 
mannia scitula of 'Taylor; the type-specimen of this species, however, 
shows that it is abundantly distinct. Stephani also recognizes its 
validity and describes it as Sphenolobus scitulus (Tayl.) Steph. 

7. SPHENOLOBUS HELLERIANUS (Nees) Steph. Bull. de l'Herb. 
Boissier П. 2: 166. 1902. Jungermannia Helleriana Nees; Linden- 
berg, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. 14, suppl: 64. 1829. 
Diplophyllum Hellerianum Dumort. Recueil d'Obs. sur les Jung. 16. 
1835. Jungermannia verruculosa Lindb. Not. pro F. et Fl. Fenn. 
13: 369. 1874. Diplophylleia Helleriana Trevis. Mem. К. Ist. 
Lomb. III. 4: 420. 1877. J. verruculosa, var. Helleri Lindb. Musc. 
Scand. 8. 1879. Cephalozia Helleri Lindb. Medd. Soc. F. et Fl. 
Fenn. 14: 65. 1887. S. Hellerianus is quoted in Gray's Manual 
from * N. Eng.” but was omitted from the Preliminary List because 
the record was so indefinite. "There is, however, in the herbarium 
of the New York Botanical Garden, a specimen from the White 
Mountains, New Hampshire, collected by Oakes, and on the basis of 
this, the species may be restored. The plant grows on rotten logs, 
and is usually accompanied by other minute hepatics. Although 
widely distributed in North America, it is apparently very rare. All 
of the specimens seen have been provided with gemmae but destitute 
of floral organs, yet this fact offers no difficulty in their determination 
because the gemmiparous branches are so striking ; they consist of 
short upright shoots with closely appressed and more or less imbri- 
cated leaves, which give off the gemmae from their margins. "These 
leaves are imperfectly developed and differ considerably from the 

1 Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, 49: 204-209. 1902. 

1904] Evans,— Notes on New England Hepaticae,— II 173 

typical leaves on prostrate shoots ; they give the gemmiparous branches 
very much the appearance of those found in Scapania glaucocephala 
and Odontoschisma denudatum, both of which are larger species. S. 
Hellerianus may certainly be expected in other parts of New England. 

8. CEPHALOZIA JACKII Limpr. ; Spruce, On Cephalozia, 67. 1882. 
Cephaloziella Jackit Warnst. Kryptogamenfl. der Mark Brandenburg, 
I: 230. 1902. “Оп earth at base of a pine tree.” Amesbury, 
Massachusetts (7. W. Huntington). ‘This interesting little species is 
very closely related to C. divaricata but is distinguished by its par- 
oicous inflorescence. The species of Cepfhalozia belonging to the 
subgenus CepAa/ozie//a are not clearly understood even in Europe, 
and this is especially true of C. divaricata. Apparently Spruce him- 
self understood this species in too broad a sense and included in it a 
number of dioicous types which are probably specifically distinct. A 
few of these have already been separated by Schiffner and others, 
but the confusion regarding the group as a whole is not yet wholly 
cleared away. Several of these newly separated species also occur 
on this side of the Atlantic, but it seems wisest for American stu- 
dents to continue referring them to C. divaricata until European 
writers have reached more definite conclusions. 

9. CEPHALOZIA SERRIFLORA Lindb. Medd. Soc. F. et Fl. Fenn. 3: 
188. 1878. Jungermannia reclusa Tayl. Lond. Jour. Bot. 5: 278. 
1846 (in part ?). C. reclusa Dumort. Hep. Eur. 92. 1874 (in part ?). 
C. catenulata Spruce, on Cephalozia, 33. 1882 (in part). C. Vir- 
giniana Spruce, Z с. 37 (?). Jericho, Vermont (4. W. E.) ; West- 
ville, Connecticut (4. W. £.). The specimens from Mount Desert, 
Maine, collected by Е. L. Rand and listed as C. virginiana are some- 
what doubtful but probably also belong here.’ In Spruce's descrip- 
tion of C. catenulata the perichaetial bracts are said to be denticulate 
as a rule but in rare instances nearly or quite entire. According to 
more recent European writers Spruce's species includes two distinct 
specific types, the plants with entire bracts representing the true /. 
catenulata of Hübener and those with denticulate bracts belonging to 
J. reclusa of Taylor. Unfortunately the identity of Taylor's species 
cannot be satisfactorily established; the plants labeled /. rec/wsa in 
his herbarium include four or five distinct species in poor condition, 
and his original description makes no allusion to the bracts. It is 

1 Rand & Redfield, Flora of Mount Desert Island, Maine, 221. 1894. 

174 Rhodora [Aucust 

perfectly evident that he had no definite idea as to the limits of his 
species, and this statement is fully corroborated by the writings of 
both Carrington and Spruce. On this account it seems best to give 
up the name reclusa altogether and to apply to this distinct species 
the later name зел оға of Lindberg, a course already pursued by 
Jack and others. С. Virginiana is scarcely distinct from C. ет оға 
and apparently represents a luxuriant form of the species. The 
range of C. зету оға extends from Canada to the Gulf States, 
the species becoming more abundant southward. In New England 
it seems to be rare but has probably been overlooked. From other 
species growing on rotten logs it may be distinguished by its widely 
spreading and deeply bifid leaves, the acute divisions being straight 
or slightly connivent; by its leaf-cells with uniformly thickened 
walls; by its dentate or denticulate perichaetial bracts, and by its 
thin-walled, three-angled perianth with ciliate mouth. It varies in 
color from green to brown, and does not become bleached out with 
age. The true C. catenu/ata is not yet definitely known from North 

(79 be continued.) 


Ir appears from Mr. Fernald's carefully prepared list of New Eng- 
land Juncaceae published in RHODORA 6: 34-41, that Juncus aristu- 
latus Michx. is not known as a New England plant. In regard to 
this Mr. Fernald writes me, “I searched in vain for it in such herba- 
ria as were accessible when I was preparing my list, for it belongs to 
the flora which is so characteristic of Nantucket and Martha's Vine- 
yard, and I was surprised not to find it creeping into our borders." 
It should be recorded therefore that this rush does occur within these 
borders and, moreover, not at all as a feeble straggler but as a defi- 
nite feature in the flora, reaching a very full development and fruit- · 
ing prolifically. On September 18, 1899, I found it on Nantucket. 
where it was not uncommon about one general locality somewhat east 
and north of the middle of the island. Specimens there collected 
have been forwarded to the Gray Herbarium. It may be added that 

1904 ] Bicknell,— Juncus aristulatus SN 

the species occurs, but in less vigorous development, at Van Cort- 
landt, N. Y., not very many miles from the Connecticut State line. 

No practised eye which has once rested on this plant in life will 
hesitate to accept it as entirely distinct from /uncus marginatus 
Rostk., of which it was long supposed to be only a variety, and there 
is no need of here rehearsing the characters that give it individuality. 
But Mr. Fernald, referring particularly to the Nantucket specimens, 
calls my attention to a character of the species in distinction from 
Juncus marginatus which seems to have been generally overlooked. 
Dr. Small in his Flora of the Southeastern United States has 
described the larger stamens of /. aristulatus. Mr. Fernald 
observes that these larger exerted stamens with their darkened 
anthers are persistent and conspicuous in fruit when the small 
included stamens of /. marginatus are usually quite shrivelled and 
obscure. Something of this same difference in size and persistence 
is also seen in the styles of the two plants. In the Nantucket speci- 
mens these characters are very noticeable, but they are probably not 
always obvious, since I find them much less evident in certain 
specimens collected on Long Island. 

` Some interesting and rather pronounced differences between the 
seeds of the two plants may here be noted. As seen ел masse, 
sprinkled in hundreds in the sheets where the fully matured plants 
have lain, those of 7. marginatus are of a dull cinnamon-brown color, 
those of /. aristu/atus being of a rather bright brownish-orange in 
marked contrast. Those of /. aristu/atus are the more transparent, 
and though variable are mostly of a very different shape — narrowly 
oblong rather than oval or short oblong, instead of straight often dis- 
tinctly curved, sometimes oppositely so at either end, more tapering 
both ways and distinctly apiculate or short-tailed, sometimes, indeed, 
with one tailed end fully one quarter the length of the body of the 
seed itself; in 7. marginatus the seeds are mostly somewhat blunt, 
indistinctly apiculate on one end and not more than short apiculate 
on the other; they are also shorter than those of /. aristulatus, 
sometimes not more than half as long. These differences have 
proved to be very constant in the specimens I have been able to 


176 Rhodora [AvcusT 



DuRING August, 1903, it was my good fortune to spend several 
weeks in botanizing on the Eastern Shore, Md. Most of the field 
work was done in Talbot County, about three miles south of Easton, 
where the country is much cut up by so-called “creeks ” which con- 
tain brackish or salt water and are really small branches of Chesa- 
peake Bay. There is very little really fresh water in the way of either 
ponds or streams, in that vicinity, nor are there many springs. The 
woods are largely of oak of several species but there is considerable 
pine still standing. Besides botanizing around Easton, I made two 
excursions to Ocean City, Md., and investigated the woodland lying 
between that city and Berlin. The flora along the railroad track in 
that region is very interesting and is quite characteristically that of 
pine barrens. Among the many interesting species collected here, 
those which were of most interest to me were Po/ygala lutea, Diodia 
virginiana, Ludwigia hirtella, Pluchea bifrons, Alnus maritima, Sagit- 
taria lancifolia, Xyris caroliniana, Woodwardia augustifolia and Lyco- 
podium alopecuroides. 

Both in Talbot County and near Ocean City, plants were found, 
which seemed to me sufficiently different from the descriptions given 
in the botanies to raise a question as to the correctness of my iden- 
tifications. They were therefore sent to the Gray Herbarium of Har- 
vard University where Dr. J. M. Greenman kindly examined them, 
and I am under great obligations to him for helping me in- my diffi- 
culty. Among these plants the following seem worthy of special 
note. ` 

of this handsome fern were found in a little glade, two or three miles 
southeast of Easton. The discovery extends the recorded range of 
this variety considerably to the south. 

POTAMOGETON MysTICUS Morong. This pond-weed was found 
growing in company with P. pusillus, P. marinus, P. pennsylvanicus 
and JVazas flexilis in a shallow body of water, which was fresh at its 
inland end but opened into the ocean, near Ocean City, Md. As 
this species has not been collected previously south of Nantucket, its 
occurrence in Maryland seems quite remarkable. 

1904] Woodward,— Two Connecticut Grasses 177 

TIPULARIA DISCOLOR Nutt. As Gray’s Manual calls this orchid 
“very scarce” and Britton and Brown say it is “rare and local,” I 
was greatly surprised to find it quite common in almost every piece 
of woodland I visited south and east of Easton. In fact it was 
decidedly the most common of the seven species of orchids found. 
Although some little time was spent in watching for insect visitors, 
none were seen. 

DESMODIUM PAUCIFLORUM DC. This plant was found in wood- 
land close beside the glade where the Clinton fern was collected, a 
locality apparently considerably east of its previously recorded range. 
The flowers were perfectly pure white, in striking contrast to other 

PLUCHEA PETIOLATA Cass. This species is not very rare in the 
woodlands south of Easton, a place much north of its previously 
recorded range. The first specimens were found beside the public 
highway, in woodland, and were at once distinguishable from other 
Plucheas by the longer petioles, higher stems and more convex inflo- 
rescence; the general appearance was that of depauperate speci- 
mens of Eupatorium purpureum L. Other specimens were after- 
wards found in similar situations, moist but not swampy ground in 
woodland and not near water. 

In conclusion, I may add that specimens of these five species have 
been deposited in the Gray Herbarium. 



Poa serotina.— In the summer of 1902, I noticed, at New Haven, 
Connecticut, a peculiar grass growing for several hundred feet 
along the edge of a shaded woodland road which leads up out of a 
wet meadow. In 1903 the same grass was observed in about the 
same abundance beside this road, and also at several other stations, 
all of which were in more or less shaded situations. It proved to be 
a woodland form of Poa serotina, Ehrhart, occurring in dry places, 
and showing marked variation from the species. The culm is more 

178 Rhodora [AvcusT 

slender and the panicle less ample, with a varying proportion of the 
spikelets undeveloped and consisting of a pair of empty scales. The 
remaining spikelets contain, as a rule, a single, perfect flower with a 
pedicel of a second abortive flower. The glume of this perfect 
flower is somewhat webby at the base and slightly pubescent on the 
lower half of the marginal nerves and the midnerve, with the inter- 
mediate nerves obscure or wanting — well known characteristics of 
Poa serotina. But a further and essential character of normal Роа 
serotina is a spikelet with from two to four perfect flowers, while in 
this woodland form, at least in all the specimens collected by the 
writer, it is unusual and exceptional when a spikelet develops more 
than one perfect flower. Spikelets with two perfect flowers occur, 
however, occasionally. These match spikelets of normal Poa serotina 
in every particular, and connect this perplexing variety with the 
species. It should be added that the proportion of undeveloped to 
See spikelets varies greatly, depending apparently upon the 
density of the shade. In open woodlands nearly all of the spikelets 
may be developed and consist of one perfect flower and a second 
rudimentary flower, as described above. Specimens were collected 
on July 16, July 21 and August 6, 1903. The ordinary form of the 
species was in full bloom about July 15. "This woodland form is not 
mentioned in the current standard manuals. 

Agrostis intermedia, Scribner. — This species is common in dry 
woodlands in this vicinity and sometimes makes a dense growth in 
the more open spaces and in clearings. At one of the New Haven 
reservoirs there is, bordering the water, a narrow strip of recently 
cleared land, where this grass has come in, to the exclusion of other 
species. I collected specimens here on August 14, 1903, and 
endorsed the sheet, * very abundant, enough for a good crop of hay." 
On revisiting the spot a few days later, I found that the same idea 
had occurred to the men employed about the reservoir. They had 
cut and cured and were just hauling away a small load of hay, 
weighing several hundred pounds, which was practically all Agrostis 


PvROLA ASARIFOLIA, MicHx., var. incarnata, n. comb.— P. rotun- 
difolia, var. incarnata, DC. Prodr. vii (1839) 773. P. incarnata, 

1904] Clark, — Triosteum perfoliatum in Massachusetts 179 

Fisch. ex DC. l. c., as syn. P. uliginosa, Torr. & Gray in Torr. Fl. 
N. Y. i. (1843) 453, t. 69. P. rotundifolia, var. uliginosa, Gray, Man. 
Ed. 2 (1856) 259.— P. rotundifolia, with which 2. asarifolia and P. 
incarnata (P. uliginosa) have been very generally united, has white 
flowers 1.5 to 2 cm. broad, and in America occurs in open dry or 
sandy woods from Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia to South 
Dakota and Georgia. 2. asarifolia and P. incarnata, on the other 
hand, have pink or crimson flowers 1 to 1.5 cm. broad, and occur in 
cold, wet or mossy woods or in sphagnum from the Gulf of St. Law- 
rence to Hudson Bay and Alaska, south to northern New England 
and New York, the Great Lakes and the Rocky Mountains; also in 
northeastern Asia. Although in dried specimens somewhat resem- 
bling P. rotundifolia, the plants in the field occupy an area so essen- 
tially different and so constantly have pink or purplish smaller 
flowers that they must be regarded as specifically distinct from the 
larger white-flowered plant of dry woods of the Atlantic slope. In 
their extreme forms P. asarifolia and P. incarnata are separated only 
by leaf-outline, the former having oblate or round-reniform cordate 
leaves, the latter obovate or suborbicular leaves rounded to the base. 
A large series of herbarium specimens and many observations of the 
plants in northeastern stations show no appreciable difference in the 
flowers; and too often colonies with leaves connecting the two 
extremes abound in swamps of northern Maine and Quebec. On 
this account the plants seem to the writer best treated as phases of 
one widely distributed species of the northern mossy woods.— M. L. 
FERNALD, Gray Herbarium. 

bition of native plants at Horticultural Hall, Boston, much interest 
was taken in specimens of Zriosteum perfoliatum, L., from East Wey- 
mouth, Mass. ‘This species has not before been reported from 
Massachusetts, the only station heretofore known for it in New Eng- 
land being in Connecticut. For a long time Z77osfeum aurantiacum, 
Bicknell, has been wrongly called Z. perfoliatum, but both species 
were to be seen at this exhibition and the following differences were 
most noticeable. The opposite leaves of 7: perfoliatum formed а 
wide margin where the two united around the stem of the plant, the 
margin thus formed often measuring half an inch in width on each 
side of the stem, in this respect much resembling Eupatorium perfolt- 

180 Rhodora [AvcusT 

atum, L. In Triosteum aurantiacum, however, the leaves were 
abruptly sessile. The leaves of 7: perfoliatum were so densely 
pubescent as to be nearly viscid, while those of Z. aurantiacum were 
slightly soft-pubescent. | 

Although both species were in bloom at the same time, yet 7: 
perfoliatum was not so far advanced as T, aurantiacum, thus indicat- 
ing a later time of blossoming for the former species. 

Triosteum perfoliatum was found growing at the edge of an oak 
wood near a salt-marsh. Another clump, somewhat farther inland, 
grew along a stone wall in an old field. 

The specimens brought for exhibition were first identified by Mr. 
W. P. Rich, and later verified by Mr. Alfred Rehder of the Arnold 
Arboretum.— ALICE G. CLARK, East Weymouth, Massachusetts. 

Connecticut Commission, Department of Horticulture, Division of 
Herbariums, of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, is exhibiting at 
St. Louis in the Horticultural Building an herbarium representing 
the flora of the State. It contains two thousand sheets so arranged 
on swinging panels that every plant is shown to good advantage. 
The work has been accomplished through members of the Connecti- 
cut Botanical Society and other well known collectors; the following 
having contributed: Dr. C. B. Graves and Mrs. Elisha E. Rogers 
representing New London County; Mr. E. B. Harger, Mr. R. W. 
Woodward and Mr. G. Н. Bartlett representing New Haven County ; 
Dr. E. H. Eames and Mr. Amedee Hans representing Fairfield 
County; Miss Mary C. Seymour representing Litchfield County ; 
Mr. C. H. Bissell, Mr. C. A. Weatherby, Mr. J. N. Bishop, Mr. Irving 
Holcomb, Miss S. Maria Williams and Mr. A. W. Driggs represent- 
ing Hartford County. A large part of the material was collected the 
past year, the work having been started at the opening of the season. 
'This was desirable, as it represents an herbarium of the flora as we 
know it now. After its exhibition in St. Louis this herbarium is to 
be returned to Hartford, where it is hoped that it may be made 
accessible to the public, and prove a help to the student and a 
source of inspiration and stimulus to all interested in botanical re- 
search. — A. W. Driccs, Hartford, Connecticut. 

Vol. 6, No. 67, including pages 149-164 was issued 14 July, 1904. 




Vol. 6 September, 1904 No. бо 



Мот long ago Dr. N. Wille of Christiania, Norway, placed in my 
hands for examination a small but interesting collection of American 
algae; interesting from the extension of range it gave to some spe- 
cies, but even more interesting from the way in which it was made. 
The specimens were collected by “ Steuermann ” Axel Moe, on vari- 
ous voyages to this country ; from the ports at which the collections 
were made, and from some of the notes, the vessels in which Mr. Moe 
sailed were apparently mostly lumber carriers. A large part of the 
lumber freight from America to Europe is in the hands of the Scandi 
navians; the ships are not usually the most recent models ; often 
they are vessels no longer available for other business, but the buoy- 
ant character of the cargo, and the excellent seamanship of the 
Swedes and Norwegians that command and man them, make them 
useful for many years after they would have been given up by other 

Mr. Moe had apparently no scientific knowledge of algae, but was 
accustomed to pick up at any port, one or two floating seaweeds that 
attracted his attention. They are all carefully mounted on paper, 
with particulars of locality and date. Other specimens, mostly forms 
of Sargassum, were picked up in open sea; and with them latitude 
and longitude, to the minute, are given in every case. On one voy- 
age his sister, Ragnhild Moe, was with him and collected a few 
specimens ; all the others are his own handiwork. The time during 
which these collections were made is from 1877 to 1902; the local- 
jties range from Newfoundland and Bay Chaleur to Yucatan; the 
only instances of fresh water algae are specimens of Stigeoclonium 

182 Rhodora [SEPTEMBER 

and Ulothrix, noted as “On pine logs coming down the river ” when 
the ship was at some Florida port. 

For new stations, we may note Goda Baltica (Gobi) Reinke, at 
Louisburg, N. S.; heretofore known in America only by a single 
finding at Newport, R. I. Choreocolax Polysiphoniae, Reinsch, from 
Nova Scotia, Maine being the former northern limit. Dermocarpa 
prasina (Reinsch) Born. & Flah., at Sydney, former northern limit, 
Maine. Sphacelaria cirrhosa (Roth) Ag., St. Lawrence River; with 
the exception of the warm-water colony at Quahaug Bay, Maine, not 
before reported north of Gloucester, Mass. Dictyosiphon foenicu- 
laceus, forma flaccidus, Kjellm., from Newfoundland ; а form extend- 
ing from the north of Europe to Greenland, but not on record farther 
south on this coast. Mesogloia divaricata (Ag.) J. Ag., Newfound- 
land, not reported north of Maine. Uwa fasciata, Delile, Norfolk, 
Va., Florida being hitherto the northern limit. 

The few species from Progreso, Mexico, are very tantalizing. 
Almost nothing is known of the algae of the Gulf coast of Mexico. 
Murray, in his Catalogue of the Marine Algae of the W. I. Region, 
after noting the rich flora of Florida, says, “The whole coast of the 
Gulf 6f Mexico has been ascertained to be barren,” but here are 
very luxuriant specimens of Caulerpa prolifera (Forsk.) Lamour., 
Codium tomentosum (Huds.) Stack., Bryothamnion Seaforthii (Turn.) 
Kuetz., and Eucheuma isiforme (Ag.) J. Ag. Where these were 
found, it is more than likely that forms usually found with them else- 
where should also occur; and while we are grateful to Mr. Moe for 
so much, we can only wish we had been there with him. 

The collection includes about seventy species, and it is now depos- 
ited in the herbarium of the Botanical Museum at Christiania, Nor- 
way. May the example find many followers. 



In the summer of 1892 I found in one of the swamps of Waterford, 
Connecticut, a form of Solidago that was new to me. Notwithstand- 
ing that it grew in a decidedly wet situation I was lead to think, on 

1904] Graves,— Undescribed Variety of Goldenrod 183 

account of its smooth stem and its general resemblance to .SoZiago 
rugosa, Mill., that it was the nearly allied S. «/mifolia, Muhl., and so 
considered it up to two years ago. At that time good material of 
undoubted .S. ulmifolia was collected on dry rocky ground in the 
north part of the county, and a careful comparison with the Water- 
ford plant disclosed several marked points of difference. Further 
study of this swamp plant during the past two seasons has made evi- 
dent that its closest affinity is with S. rugosa rather than S. ulmifolia. 

As to whether it should be looked upon as. specifically distinct 
from S. rugosa there might be an honest difference of opinion, but 
on account of the discovery of a few plants showing intermediate 
characters it seems best to regard it as a well marked variety of that 
species. In 1903 I found the same form in two sphagnum swamps 
of Voluntown, Connecticut. 

Mr. Fernald who has carefully studied the early descriptions and 
types in Solidago kindly informs me that so far as he can discover 
this form has not before been described. 

It may be characterized as follows: 

SOLIDAGO RUGOSA, Miller, var. sphagnophila,n. var. Stems from 
horizontal rootstocks, 9 to r5 dm. tall, simple or occasionally branched 
above, angular-striate, very smooth, usually dark red or purple but 
sometimes green. 

Leaves numerous, ascending, rather thin, moderately or slightly 
rugose, pinnately veined, above smooth except near the very rough 
margin, below somewhat pubescent mostly on the veins with short 
white hairs, sharply serrate above the proximal third or quarter ; 
leaves of midstem the largest, 7 to то cm. long, 14 to 2 or rarely 3 
cm. broad, oblong- or elliptical-lanceolate, somewhat acuminate, 
gradually narrowed to the sessile base; lower stem-leaves smaller, 
narrowly oblanceolate, tapering into margined petioles; leaves of 
upper stem and branches much smaller, oval or narrowly oblong, 
acute; basal and radical leaves absent at flowering time and not 

Inflorescence very variable, from simple to compound corymbose- 
or racemose-paniculate, often large and open with long recurved 
branches; racemes secund, rather densely flowered, more or less 
pubescent; pedicels 1 to 3 mm. long ; heads and rays small, involucre 
33 mm. high, its bracts in about three rows, linear-subulate to oblong- 
linear, acute or obtuse, firm, smooth or the outer puberulent ; rays 6 
to 11, disc-flowers 4 to 8; akenes greenish gray 13 to 14 mm. or very 
rarely slightly more in length, narrowly oblong-obovate, cuneate at 
base, angular-striate and flattened, hirsute with short ascending stiff 
white hairs. 

184 Rhodora [SEPTEMBER 

Connecticut: Waterford, abundant in sphagnum swamp bordering 
Fog Plain Brook. 
Voluntown, Rhododendron Swamp, and in sphagnous 
* meadow, edge of Great Cedar Swamp. 

Not the least interesting feature of this variety is its time of flower- 
ing. It is one of our early goldenrods, following close after S. juncea, 
Ait., and S. odora, Ait., and antedating S. rugosa in the same neighbor- 
hood by at least four weeks. This past summer it began to bloom 
about August first, was well in flower a week or ten days later, and 
by the end of the month — at a time when the species was barely 
beginning — the variety was practically out of bloom. 

Its preference for wet soil is also noteworthy. Thus far it has 
been found only in rather open sphagnum swamps and wet boggy 
meadows. Such of its relatives as are associated with it in these 
situations, S. neglecta, Т. & G., S. serotina, Ait., and S. Elliottii, T. & 
G., frequently spread up on to the higher and comparatively dry 
margins of the swamp, but the variety under discussion seems not to 
occur off the sphagnum. 

It is readily distinguished from the species by its perfectly smooth, 
more striate and usually darker stem, and its relatively smooth leaves. 
Its early flowering season and its habitat also constitute significant 
points of distinction. S. u/mifolia, Muhl., which at times rather 
closely resembles this variety is a plant of dry wooded or rocky sit- 
uations, and comes into flower several weeks later. It also differs 
in its broader, more ovate, and more pubescent leaves, its usually 
more slender and open inflorescence, and its akenes which are 
longer (14-24 mm.) less distinctly cuneate at base and much less 
pubescent than in any observed form of S. rugosa. 


NOTE ом HypROPHYLLUM CANADENSE. — Two references escaped 
my notice when I was writing my recent paper (Preliminary Lists of 
New England Plants, — XVII. RHODORA, VI, July, 1904, 151—161). 
In the Botany of Vermont by William Oakes, published in Thomp- 
son's History of Vermont in 1842, ZZydropAy//um canadense is credited 
to the State, on page 192, in the following words: “ At the base of 
Mansfield mountain, and frequent in the south west of Vermont. 
Robbins. June.” This species should be marked with a line in my 
list under Vermont. 

1904] Evans, — Notes on New England Hepaticae,— II 185 

In the Flora of Vermont by Brainerd, Jones, and Eggleston, pub- 
lished in 1900, under Additions and Corrections, the authors, on 
page 106, referring to Hydrophyllum canadense as occurring in Ver- 
mont, cite the specimens collected in Charlotte by Mr. Pringle, and 
discussed at length by me in the paper above mentioned, on pages 
156—158, and say that they “were somewhat abnormal but were so 
named by Dr. Gray.” This statement is entirely contrary to the 
opinion expressed by Dr. Gray to Mr. Pringle that the plant was 
“a monstrosity or abnormal condition of Æ. Virginicum,” but Pres. 
Brainerd in reply to my inquiry writes me that the note is a “blunder, 
resulting from mixing up the two names, ZZ. canadense and 27. virgin- 
icum.” — WALTER DEANE, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 

(Continued from page 174.) 

10. LEPIDOZIA ЅЕТАСЕА (С. H. Web.) Mitt. Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 
5: 103. 1861. Jungermannia setacea G. H. Web. Spic. Fl. Goetting- 
ensis, 155. 1778. J. sertudarioides Linn. f. Suppl. 449. 1781. J. 
pauciffora Dicks. Fasc. Pl. Crypt.2: 15. 245, 7 9. 1790. J. Schultsii 
Spreng. Plant. Pug. т: 64. 1813. Blepharostoma setaceum Dumort. 
Recueil d'Obs. sur les Jung. 18. 1835. Lepidozia sphagnicola Evans, 
Bull. Torrey Club, 20: 397. //. 162. 1893. The true Lepidozia 
setacea is much rarer in North America than the printed records 
would seem to indicate. In fact nearly all of the American material 
which has been referred to this species belongs to the following, and 
this is true even of the specimens distributed in Hep. Bor.-Amer. 
76 and in Hep. Amer. 85. А number of years ago the writer 
found an abundant supply of a Lepidozia growing in a bog and, rec- 
ognizing its distinctness from what had passed for Z. setacea among 
American writers, described it as new under the name Z. sphagnicola. 
Recently, however, these plants have been restudied and carefully 
compared with European material, and it has become evident that 
L. sphagnicola is a synonym of Z. setacea and that it is our much 
commoner plant growing in woods which is undescribed. Specimens 

186 Rhodora [SEPTEMBER 

of both species have been submitted to Herr C. Miiller, of Freiburg 
in Breisgau, Germany, who has kindly confirmed the above con- 
clusion. The only New England stations for Z. setacea which can be 
definitely cited at the present time are the following: Woods Holl, 
Massachusetts (4. W. £.); Bethany, Connecticut (4. W. £.). 

тї. Lepidozia sylvatica, sp. nov. Z. setacea Auct. (in part). 
Growing in more or less compact tufts, often in company with other 
minute hepatics, brownish or yellowish green, varying to pale green : 
stems о.о8 mm, in diameter, ascending, irregularly pinnate or bipin- 
nate; leafy branches usually lateral, very rarely postical, obliquely 
or widely spreading; flagelliform branches scanty, usually postical 
but sometimes terminating a lateral leafy branch; rhizoids sparsely 
developed, mostly restricted to the lower parts of the leafy axes and 
to the flagelliform branches: leaves transversely inserted, distant to 
loosely imbricated ; stem-leaves averaging 0.21 X o.18 mm., deeply 
trifid or quadrifid to within two or three cells of the base, segments 
entire, subulate, usually more or less incurved but sometimes straight 
and squarrose, two cells wide (rarely three or four cells wide) in 
basal portion and tipped with a row of from two to four cells ; branch- 
leaves similar to the stem-leaves but smaller and usually bifid or tri- 
fid; leaf-cells averaging 16 х 14 m, walls slightly and uniformly 
thickened, cuticle smooth or very indistinctly verruculose: under- 
leaves of the stem trifid (or very rarely quadrifid) to within one or two 
cells of the base, o.15 mm. long, о.об mm. wide at base, segments 
when well developed similar to those of the leaves, one or two 
of the segments regularly aborted and reduced to one or two cells in 
length; under leaves of the branches smaller and often only twice 
divided: inflorescence dioicous: Ф inflorescence borne on a very 
short postical branch, often with no leaves except those of the 
involucre ; bracts and bracteoles in two or three rows, scarcely dis- 
tinguishable from one another, those of the innermost row ovate, т 
mm. long and o.35-o.5 mm. wide, usually bifid about one fourth 
with acuminate and denticulate or ciliolate divisions and a sharp and 
narrow sinus, rarely undivided, entire or sparingly toothed néar base, 
cells longer and with thinner walls than in the leaves, cuticle more 
distinctly verruculose; bracts and bracteoles of second and third 
rows successively smaller and more regularly bifid; perianth nar- 
‘rowly ovoid or cylindrical, 2.7 mm. long, o.6 mm. in diameter, terete 
below, bluntly trigonous above, the keels separated by narrow grooves, 
mouth more or less contracted, ciliate, the cilia one to four cells long 
and one or two cells wide at the base, cells of the perianth similar to 
those of the bracts: 4 inflorescence borne on a short postical or, 
more rarely, lateral branch, usually proliferating at the apex into a 
leafy axis ; bracts in four or five pairs, strongly concave, ovate, 0.35 
mm. long, o.2 mm. wide, bifid about one-half, the divisions acuminate, 
short-ciliate on the margins, sinus sharp, bracteoles mostly bifid 

1904] Evans,— Notes оп New England Hepaticae,— П 187 

with subulate divisions; antheridia solitary, oval: capsule oval, yel- 
lowish brown, 0.9 mm. long, 0.5 mm. in diameter; spores minutely 
verruculose, yellowish brown, 12 y in diameter; elaters reddish 
brown, with two spirals, 9 in diameter. 

On shaded banks and rotten logs. New Hampshire. White 
Mountains (Oakes)! Massachusetts: Woods Holl (4. W. £.); 
Amesbury (/. W. Huntington) ; West Newbury (Miss C. C. Haynes). 
Connecticut: Westville (œ. Veitch, A. W. Е.); New Haven and 
Orange (2. C. Eaton); Hamden (2. C. Eaton, А. И. Е.). The 
Westville specimens collected by the writer in April, 1903, may be 
designated the type. The following stations beyond the limits of 
New England may also be noted: Quaker Bridge, New Jersey (.4. 
W. Е.); Washington, D. C. (7. M. Holzinger); Tibbs Run, West 
Virginia (4. LeRoy Andrews); Dickey's Creek, Virginia (Mrs. 
Britton & Miss Vail) ; Enterprise, Florida (Z. M. Underwood). 

The leaf subtending a lateral branch in Z. sy/vatica is sometimes 
bifid and sometimes undivided; in other cases there is no subtend- 
ing leaf whatever (fg. 3). The latter condition in fact is normally 
found on one side of a branching axis while subtending leaves occur 
on the other. The absence of such a leaf indicates that the whole, 
instead of a part, of an apical segment has entered into the formation 
of the branch. ‘This substitution of a branch for an entire leaf is of 
especial interest and has not before been noted in the Hepaticae, 
although its occurrence was long ago suspected by Leitgeb.? The 
subtending leaves are sometimes found on the right hand side of an 
axis and sometimes on the left, according to the direction of the 
spiral. Similar variations also occur in Z. setacea. 

In their vegetative organs Z. setacea and ZL. sylvatica resemble 
each other very closely, and it is sometimes difficult to determine 
sterile and poorly developed material. Usually, however, the leaves 
and especially {һе underleaves offer a few reliable points of differ- 
ence. Under favorable conditions Z. se/acea is more robust, and its 
leaves are more regularly quadrifid; in many cases the antical seg- 
ment bears an accessory tooth on its free margin, a condition which 
is exceedingly rare in Z. sy/vatica, Occasionally a bifid subtending 
leaf will show an accessory tooth of this character on each side. The 

! These specimens have not been seen by the writer; further reference is made 
to them on page 189. 
? Bot. Zeit. 29: 562. 1871. 

188 Rhodora [SEPTEMBER 

cuticle of Z. setacea is distinctly verruculose while that of Z. sylvatica 
is smooth or very indistinctly roughened. Unfortunately in slender 
forms of Z. sefacea these differences are not always apparent. 

The underleaves of Z. sylvatica are usually trifid but are occasion- 
ally quadrifid on very robust axes and are not infrequently bifid on 
slender branches. One or two of the divisions are tipped with the 
remains of hyaline papillae and are thereby aborted in their growth 
and reduced to one or two cells in length; the divisions without pap- 
illae become almost as long as the segments of the leaves. In Z. 
setacea quadrifid underleaves are the rule on principal axes, although 
trifid and even bifid underleaves occur on the branches. Here again 
the remains of hyaline papillae may be detected on the tips of the 
divisions; apparently, however, they do not interfere to any great 
extent with the development of the segments, which never exhibit the 
extreme disparity in size found in Z. sy/vatica. Even on slender 
forms of Z. sefacea this difference in the underleaves seems to be 

The most important differential characters, however, are afforded 
by the perichaetial leaves. "These have been repeatedly figured for 
L. setacea, but unfortunately the figures show little uniformity. The 
same statement will also apply to the published descriptions. In 
Hooker's British Jungermanniae (1816), the perichaetial leaves are 
figured twice: on plate 8, they appear deeply laciniate with very 
slender divisions; on plate 1 of the supplement, they are ovate in 
outline and undivided. Nees von Esenbeck ! comments on plate 8 
and states that he has never observed the bracts so finely laciniate ; 
Gottsche? criticises the same figures and also remarks that those 
given on plate 1 are untrue to nature because they represent the 
bracts as being undivided; Austin’ accepts the supplementary fig- 
ures of the perichaetial leaves but rejects entirely those given on 
plate 8. As a matter of fact the bracts are almost intermediate in 
character between the two figures of Hooker; they are more or less 
deeply trifid or quadrifid with lanceolate, acuminate, dentate or cili- 
ate divisions separated by very narrow sinuses. In some cases the 
primary divisions of the innermost bracts are not very deep, and 
oftentimes the laciniation seems to be even better marked on unfer- 

! Naturgeschichte der europ. Lebermoose, 2: 299. 1836. 

? С. & К. Hep. europ. 655. 1879. 
3 Hep. Bor.-Amer. 76. 1873. 

1904] Evans,— Notes оп New England Hepaticae,— П 189 

tilized flowers than on those with well developed perianths. Of 
later figures those published by Stephani! and Müller? bring out the 
characters pretty clearly.  Pearson,? however, describes and figures 
the bracts as “bidentate” with the “segments ciliate-dentate, acu- 
minate ”; but, as these figures of the bracts are all drawn from 
North American specimens collected by Oakes in the White Moun- 
tains, it is hardly to be doubted that they represent Z. sylvatica 
instead of the true Z. sefacea. It is also probable that Austin had 
no American material of Z. setacea before him when he rejected 
Hooker’s figures. Fertile material of Z. sy/vatica may be at once 
distinguished by the perichaetial leaves, some if not all of which will 
show the bifid character. 

In the ciliate mouth of the perianth the two species agree with 
each other but differ from the recently described Z. trichoclados С. 
Müll. Frib.,* in which the mouth is minutely denticulate. Z. ¢tricho- 
clados is now known from several widely separated localities in Europe 
and is perhaps to be expected in North America. It is a fragile spe- 
cies and is hardly to be distinguished in sterile condition from slen- 
der forms of Z. setacea. It is remarkable, howeyer, for its short and 
delicate bracts, which are ovate in outline, slightly bidentate at the 
apex and irregularly denticulate in the upper part. Z. ¢richoclados 
is also noteworthy because it matures its capsules in November; in 
the other two species these are matured in May or June. 

I2. SCAPANIA CONVEXULA C. Müll. Frib. Bull. de Herb. Boissier, 
II. 3: 42. 1903. Mt. Katahdin, Maine (Æ. D. Merrill), the type- 

13. SCAPANIA PALUDOSA C. МШ. Frib. Z с. 49. 27. 1. S. undulata, 
var. paludosa C. Müll. Frib. Beih. zum Bot. Centralbl. 10: 220. 
1901. Tuckerman’s Ravine and Mt. Pleasant, White Mountains, 
New Hampshire (4. W. 2.) ; Mt. Mansfield, Vermont (4. W. Е.) ; 
Magnolia, Massachusetts ( W. G. Farlow). | 

The two species just noted are fully described by Herr Müller. 
S. paludosa is by far the commoner of the two and has a wide dis- 
tribution in Europe, especially in subalpine regions; S. convexu/a, 
on the other hand, is known from the type-locality only. Both spe- 

1 Ber. d. botan. Ver. zu Landshut, 7: f. 63. 1879. 
? Hedwigia, 38: 77. 8, f. 14-16. 1899. 

3 Hep. Brit. Isles, 124. 2/. 46, f. 13-17. 1900. 

4 Hedwigia, 38: 197. 2/. 8, f. 1-13. 1899. 

190 Rhodora [SEPTEMBER 

cies are allied to S. undulata; S. convexu/a is distinguished by its 
cordate antical lobe, the margin of which is coarsely spinose-dentate ; 
S. paludosa is a delicate and flaccid species in which the antical lobe 
is broadly orbicular in outline, more or less cordate where it meets 
the postical lobe and distinctly decurrent on the other side. In S. 
irrigua, which is also closely related to S. paludosa, the lobes of the 
leaves are usually apiculate at the apex instead of being rounded. 

In the writer’s Preliminary List of New England Hepaticae, 123 
species are noted. Of this number, 75 are accredited to Maine, 81 
to New Hampshire, 67 to Vermont, 76 to Massachusetts, 65 to 
Rhode Island and 93 to Connecticut; while 31 species are accredited 
to all six of the New England States. During the short time which 
has elapsed since the publication of this list, additions have been 
made to the hepatic floras of every State except Rhode Island, and 
the majority of these are the result of explorations made during 1903. 
The most noteworthy of these additions have already been referred 
to in the preceding pages; the others are as follows: 

For Maine. Riccia Sullivantii ; Waterville (E. B. Chamberlain) : 
this record was inadvertently omitted from the Preliminary List. 
Harpanthus scutatus; The Sands, near Prospect Harbor (Mrs. 
A. R. Northrup) : specimens from this locality were kindly sent the 
writer by Miss Haynes. 

For Vermont. /rudlania Brittoniae; Jericho (А. W. E). F. rip- 
aria; North Pownal (4. LeRoy Andrews). Jungermannia lanceolata ; 
Willoughby (Miss Lorenz). J. pumila; Jericho (А. W. E.). Lophozia 
Floerkti; Mt. Mansfield (4. W. E). Г. marchica, Mylia anomala, 
Scapania irrigua and Notothylas orbicularis; Jericho (A. W. £.). 

For Massachusetts. /vssombronia Wondraczeki; West Newbury 
(Miss Haynes). Radula tenax; Magnolia ( W. G. Farlow). Sca- 
pania curta; Mt. Holyoke (Miss Lorenz). * 

"The census of New England Hepaticae now stands as follows: 
total number recorded, 128 ; number recorded from Maine, 79 ; from 
New Hampshire, 85; from Vermont, 78; from Massachusetts, 83; 
from Rhode Island, 65; from Connecticut, 94; from all six States, 

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 57.—Lefidozia sylvatica Evans. Fig. 1, part of 

plant with perianth, the latter seen from the postical aspect and enclosing a 
detached sporophyte, X 35; Fig. 2, part of sterile plant, postical view, X 50; 

1904 | Fernald,— Identity of Salix pellita IQI 

Fig. 3, part of stem with the bases of three branches, antical view, X 50; 
Fig. 4, 4 inflorescence, lateral view, X 60; Fig. 5, stem-leaf, X 220; Figs. 
6, 7, underleaves of stem, X 220; Figs. 8-10, perichaetial leaves of inner- 
most row, X 35; Figs. 11-13, perichaetial leaves of second row, X 35; Fig. 
I4, transverse section of perianth in upper third, X 35; Fig. 15, teeth from 
mouth of perianth, X 220; Fig. 16, perigonial bract, X бо; Fig. 17, peri- 
gonial bracteole, X бо. The figures were all drawn from the type-specimen 
and were prepared for publication by Miss Edna L. Hyatt. 

Anders. Mon. Salix (1865) 139, was based on two plants, one from 
Lake Winnipeg (Bourgeau), the other from the Rocky Mountains 
(Луай). Material of the Lyall plant in the Gray Herbarium is dif- 
ferent from any eastern species, but is very near the recently described 
S. subcaerulea, Piper, which occurs from the mountains of Oregon 
and Northern California to Montana. In August, 1903, the writer 
examined at Kew original material of the Winnipeg plant of Bour- 
geau and found it quite unlike the Lyall specimen but exactly a 
species which abounds along certain rivers of Maine and eastern 
Canada ; and since the Winnipeg shrub was first cited by Andersson, 
it, rather than the Rocky Mountain element of his complex species 
must bear the name, 5. pg//ita. This species has long perplexed the 
botanists who are familiar with northern Maine; and for want of a 
more satisfactory disposition for the plant, it has been temporarily 
placed with S. candida. From that species, however, S. pellita is 
very quickly separated. S. candida, as yet unknown in Maine, is a 
species primarily of larch or arbor-vitae swamps, the branchlets, 
leaves (usually above as well as beneath) and capsules pubescent 
with du? whitish Zanate or flocculent tomentum; and the young styles 
conspicuously tinged with crimson. S. pellita, a species ordinarily of 
gravelly or well-drained shores, has the young branchlets glabrous or 
at most minutely pilose, the leaves glabrous or quickly glabrate 
above, whitened beneath, at least when young, with /ustrous velvety 
or silky pubescence; the ovaries and capsule sZEy-fomentose; the 
styles yellowish or brownish. In northern Maine and adjacent Can- 
ada S. pellita is one of the commonest willows, and the material now 
at hand shows it to range from the Dartmouth River, Gaspé 
County, Quebec, to the lower Androscoggin River, Maine, north to 
Lake St. John, Quebec, and west to Lake Winnipeg. — M. L. FEn- 
NALD, Gray Herbarium. 

192 Rhodora [SEPTEMBER 


Dora Н. Moutrton, Secretary. 

A party of twenty-six enthusiastic members and friends of the 
Josselyn Botanical Society of Maine entered the St. John Valley on 
July 6th, for four days work along the gravelly shores and steep 
banks of the river, and among the adjacent bogs and hills. The 
Society received most courteous treatment at Hotel Dickey, Fort - 
Kent, where everything possible was done for the comfort of the 
party. The evenings were spent comparing and discussing the 
collections of the day. On Friday evening Mr. M. L. Fernald 
delivered an address on “ The Flora of the St. John Valley " ; and Dr. 
George Upham Hay, of St. John, New Brunswick, spoke of the 
fungi collected, and extended greetings from the Botanical Club of 
Canada, of which society he is the president. Most favorable weather 
made it possible to explore a distance of practically thirty miles 
along the banks of the river. Everywhere, on roadsides, riverbanks 
and open places, the blue of Vicia Cracca, L., апа Campanula rotundi- 
Jolia, L., was most conspicuous, and with the yellow of the butter- 
cups and the white of the daisies, made clearly defined bands or 
ribbons of color bordering the roads. 

This region is rich in local plants, and among such species were 
noted Astragalus alpinus, L., Tanacetum Huronense, Nutt., Castilleja 
pallida, var. septentrionalis, Gray., Hedysarum boreale, Nutt., Vaccin- 
ium caespitosum, Michx., Carex castanea, Wahl., Graphephorum meii- 
coideum, Desv., Equisetum palustre, L., and Æ. variegatum, Schl., 
growing in scattered patches over the drier gravelly shores. Artem- 
isia Canadensis, Michx., was seen on the beach at St. Hilaire, New 
Brunswick, but not noticed on the Maine shore. In the deep wet 
sands Utricularia intermedia, Hayne, flowered abundantly. Here 
also, everywhere on the wet beaches, grew Primula Mistassinica, 
Michx., and Tofeldia glutinosa, Willd., while back, in what might Бе 
termed the river meadows, were an abundance of Anemone Cana- 
densis, L., and large patches of Angelica atropurpurea, L. On the 
steep slopes were seen Halenia deflexa, Griseb., Pedicularis Furbishiae, 
Wats., and Clematis verticillaris, DC. In springy spots was found 
Myosotis laxa Lehm., previously unknown in the valley. Back from 

1904] Moulton,— Josselyn Botanical Society 193 

the river in wet arbor-vitae swamps were found Microstylis mono- 
phylios, Lindl., and Zuzula parviflora, Desv. In rich alluvial woods 
grew Pyrola asarifolia, Michx.; in the upland evergreen woods Pyrola 
minor, L.and occasionally Goodyera Menztesit, Lindl. (very scarce), 
and Geum macrophyllum, Willd. Thlaspi arvense L. was frequent in 

There are fourteen plants previously known as occurring in the 
St. John Valley but not reported in the Portland Catalogue, which 
are worthy of special mention. Possibly the most conspicuous of 
this group is Oxytropis campestris, var. Johannensis, Fernald, growing 
everywhere on the rocky beaches. On these beaches, also, Salix 
glaucophylla, Bebb, and S. pellita, Anders., and on the wet gravelly 
shores Calamagrostis neglecta, Trin., grow in great abundance. Poa 
glauca, L., and Carex vesicaria, var. Raeana, Fernald, are more scat- 
tered on the river banks. The latter plant has been previously 
known only from Methaye Lake, Athabaska, Lake St. John, Que- 
bec, and the Rangeley Lakes, Maine. guisetum pratense, Ehrh., 
abounds in alluvial woods; and Lycopodium complanatum, L. (true), 
L. Sitchense, Rupr., and Z. sabinaefolium, Willd., grow in the upland 
evergreen forest. Veronica serpyllifolia, L., var. borealis, Laest., in 
springy spots, and Gnaphalium sylvaticum, L., in sterile soil, are both 
rather common. Listera auriculata, Wiegand, somewhat rare, is 
apparently found only in sandy alluvium. Viola Labradorica, 
Schrank (true), found on ledges, has been previously known in Maine 
from various stations in the St. John Valley and from the cliffs of 
Mt. Katahdin. 

Two plants new to the State may be credited to the explorations 
of this time. Опе is Osmorrhiza divaricata, Nutt., local in rich 
upland woods, a Rocky Mountain species first found in the East 
at Rivitre du Loup, Quebec, by E. F. Williams and M. L. Fernald 
in 1902. The other plant is Æguisetum variegatum, var. Jesupi, 
A. A. Eaton, found on gravelly shores. 

A new station for Anemone riparia, Fernald, A. multifida, Poir. 
Erigeron hyssopifolius, Michx., and Cynoglossum Virginicum, L., was 
found by a small party who remained longer in this region. 


194 . Rhodora [SEPTEMBER 



DuniNG the past few years several plants have come to my notice 
whose distribution in Maineor in New England seems to warrant 
calling attention to them here. Specimens of all the species here 
noted are in my own herbarium; and in almost all cases there are 
duplicates in the Gray Herbarium, or in the Herbarium of the New 
England Botanical Club. 

Carex alopecoidea, 'Tuck.— On alluvial banks at Vassalboro, Ken- 
nebec Co., Maine, collected July 3, 1902. This is the first station in 
New England outside of the Champlain valley. 

Carex grisea, Wahl.— Growing with the preceding species at 
Vassalboro. Previously reported in Maine only from Waterville. 

Carex HougAtonii, Torr.— Roadside in Falmouth, a very limited 

Carex polymorpha, Muhl.—This rare and local sedge was found by 
the writer and Mr. C. H. Bissell in July, 1902, while botanizing near 
Underwood Springs in Falmouth. Since then the plant has also 
been found in Cumberland. These stations extend the range con- 
siderably from the station at Wells, where it was collected by the 
Rev. Joseph Blake. 

Carex vestita, Willd.— Brunswick, Maine, in a sand pit, collected 
by the writer in 1898. Previously reported from North Berwick by 
Mr. J. C. Parlin,in the second Supplement to the Portland Catalogue 
of Maine Plants. 

Scirpus pedicellatus, Fernald.— Specimens were collected at Cum- 
berland in September, 1902, and determined by Mr. Fernald. 
Apparently the plant has not been reported from Maine before. 

Carya alba, Nutt.— Rather common in some parts of Falmouth, 
Cumberland and North Yarmouth, especially in the localities known 
as Bruce Hill and Presumpscot Gorge. There is also a specimen in 
my herbarium collected in woods at Turner, Maine, June 27, 1897. 
by John E. Dinsmore. These stations extend northward the range 
given in Dame and Brooks, “Handbook of the Trees of New Eng- 
land," p. 49. 

Ranunculus ambigens, S. Wats,— Abundant in a muddy ditch at 

1904] Graves,— Some Unusual Connecticut Plants 195 

Cumberland Center. This station is near the northern limit of the 
plant in Maine. 

Sedum stoloniferum, Gmel.— This plant, a native of Asia Minor 
and adjacent Europe, is well established and spreading in a yard at 
Cumberland Center. Itis doubtless a relic of earlier cultivation, 
but no garden has been on the spot for ten or fifteen years, while 
the area occupied is steadily increasing. . 

Potertum Sanguisorba, L.— Abundant in a mowing field at Cumber- 
land Foreside. 

Vicia fetrasperma, L.— Abundant at one station on the Maine 
Central Railroad near Cumberland Junction, where it has persisted 
for three years at least. This summer, 1904, it has also been col- 
lected by Dr. D. W. Fellows at Cumberland Foreside, some three 
miles from the first station. 

Euphorbia hirsuta, Wiegand.— Very abundant along the Grand 
Trunk Railroad in Cumberland and Yarmouth. 

Nyssa sylvatica, Marsh.— Occasionally found in swampy woods in 
Cumberland and North Yarmouth, in some cases growing in large 
clumps with trees зо or до feet in height. 

Сайит boreale, L.— Quite abundant in а field at Pleasant Pond, 
Caratunk, in Somerset county, where it was collected by Mr. J. Frank- 
lin Collins and the author in August, 1902. It has been reported by 
Mr. L. Н. Baker from Exeter, Maine, in RHODORA, I. 75. 

Houstonia purpurea calycosa, Gray.— One clump of this variety 
was found in 1902 at Cumberland Center; previously it has been 
reported by Mr. J. C. Parlin from North Berwick. 



Panicum Commonsianum, Ashe.— In June, 1903, this species was 
found growing sparingly on a gravelly railroad bank at Giant’s 
Neck, in East Lyme. The determination was confirmed by Prof. 
A. S. Hitchcock, of Washington, D. C. This is its second record 
from Connecticut, the first being by Mr. C. A. Weatherby (RHODORA 
Vi 42). Я 

196 Rhodora [SEPTEMBER 

Juncus tenuis, Willd., var. Williamsii, Fernald.— It may be of inter- 
est to record the fact that the distribution of this well marked variety 
reaches quite to the southern border of New England. Characteristic ` 
specimens were collected both last year and this present summer in 
the town of Groton, close to the shore of Fisher’s Island Sound. 

Rubus Canadensis, L.— Inasmuch as since the recent overturning 
in the genus Rubus the older records will be of little value in fixing 
distribution, it may be worth while to note that last August this 
species, the smooth unarmed high blackberry of the mountains, was 
collected by me at Bigelow’s Gorge in Union. 

Rosa nitida, Willd.— This northern form was discovered in August, 
1903, in an extensive cedar swamp in the northeastern part of Staf- 
ford. The Gray Herbarium contains no material from any locality 
south of the Massachusetts line, and so far as I am aware it has not 
before been found in Connecticut. The record in Bishop’s catalogue 
from East Hartford was, as I am informed by Mr. A. W. Driggs, 
based upon an error. 

Tilia pubescens, Ait.— Several small trees of this species were seen 
last September on the wooded slopes bordering the Shetucket River 
in the town of Sprague. They were sterile at that time, but com- 
parison of the leaves with material at the Gray Herbarium seemed 
to leave no doubt as to the correctness of the determination. This 
form does not appear to have been previously recorded from New 


Vol. 6, No. 68, including pages 165-180 was issued 6 August, 1904. 



Plate 57. 




Vol. 6 October, 1904 No. 70 



Ir has long seemed strange that the handsome plants passing as 
Pyrola rotundifolia should occupy in Europe and America geographic 
areas of such different character. The European plant is a species 
of northern and mountainous districts, extending from latitude 73° in 
Greenland,’ latitude 67° in Lapland,? and Iceland and the Faroe 
Islands across much of Europe and western Asia to latitude 45°, and 
very rarely southward in the Pyrenees, Apennines, and other moun- 
tains An extreme Arctic representative of the plant, 2, grandiffora, 
Radius (P. groenlandica and P. pumila, Hornem., P. rotundifolia, 
var. pumila, Hornem.) occurs in Greenland and the Arctic regions 
of America, extending south in Labrador to Hopedale (latitude 55° 
40’). In Europe the range of P. rotundifolia closely approximates 
that of P. minor; and a third species, P. media, Swartz, unites to 
such an extent the characters of P. rotundifolia and P. minor that 
European botanists often find difficulty in distinguishing it.* 

The large white-flowered plant which in America has long passed 
as true Pyrola rotundifolia occurs in open dry or sandy woods, rarely 
in swamps, from the Baie des Chaleurs, Quebec (latitude 48? то”) 
west to South Dakota and south beyond latitude 35° into Georgia. 
Its range in America is thus much more southern than that of 2. 

! Lange, Consp. Fl. Groen. 85 (1880). 

? N. J. Andersson, Pl. Vasc. Quickjock Lap. Lulensis, 27 (1845). 

? See Nyman, Consp. Fl. Eur. 492 (1879). 

* * P. MEDIA, Swartz.... Perhaps a mere variety of P. minor, and sometimes 
passing almost into P. rotundifolia’ — Bentham, Brit. Fl., ed. 4, 300 (1878). 

198 Rhodora [Остовек 

minor (the European associate of P. rotundifolia), a species occurring 
in arctic and subarctic America, extending southward in cold fir and 
spruce forests and deep swamps to Cape Breton, the higher moun- 
tains of northern New England, the Great Lakes, and the Rocky 
Mountains. At no point, except possibly the extreme northern limit 
of P. rotundifolia and the extreme southeastern limit of P. minor 
(where each species is rare and local) do their ranges coincide ; and 
nowhere in America, so far as known, has there ever been found any 
transition between the two species, such as is represented in Europe 
by 2. media. 

Superficially the three plants, the European Pyro/a rotundifolia, the 
Arctic P. grandiflora, and the so-called P. rotundifolia of temperate 
America, present little to indicate that they may not be phases of one 
broadly distributed species; and as such they have been treated by 
many authors, who, at the same time, have included with them /. 
asarifolia, Michx. and P. bracteata, Hook., both species of well 
defined characters and geographic range. In general, the plant of 
temperate North America is taller and has larger leaves, while the 
Arctic P. grandiflora is lower and with smaller leaves than 7. 
rotundifolia of Europe.’ In general, too, P. grandiflora of the 
Arctic regions and the plant of the eastern United States and Can- 
ada have much larger flowers with thicker petals than the European 
species, but in plants from northern Scandinavia the corolla is as 
large as in average American specimens.” 

A comparison of the stamens brings out certain points which indi- 
cate, even more than the geographic range and the variation in size 
and texture of the petals and the size of the leaves, that the three 
plants are probably best treated as distinct species, or at least as 
well developed geographic subspecies. In the large-flowered plant 
of the eastern United States and Canada the filaments are shorter 

1 Measurement of 50 American herbarium-specimens shows a range in height 
from 9 to 36 (average 25) cm. ; of 28 European plants a range from 15 to 30 (aver- 
age 20) cm.; of 25 Arctic plantsa range from 5 to 16 (average 10) cm. The 
leaves of the American plants show a range in the length of blade from 2 to 6.8 
(average 4.4) cm. ; of the European from 1.9 to 4.6 (average 3.3) cm. ; of the 
Arctic from 1 to 3 (average 2) cm. 

? Petals of 20 herbarium specimens of the plant of temperate America vary in 
length from 6.5 to 10.5 (average 8.4) mm.; of 20 European specimens they vary 
from 5.5 to 8 (average 6.5) mm. ; of 20 Arctic American plants from 7.5 to IL 
(average 8.7) mm. 

1904] Fernald,— Pyrola rotundifolia 199 

while the anthers are distinctly longer than in the small-flowered 
European plant. In the largest-flowered member of the group, P. 
grandiflora of the Arctic regions, on the other hand, both the fila- 
ments and the anthers are shorter than in either the small-flowered 
European P. rotundifolia, or the large-flowered plant of temperate 
North America.! 

In Pyrola rotundifolia of Europe and the Arctic P. grandiflora 
the anthers are muticous or rarely mucronulate at base. In the 
so-called Z. rotundifolia of eastern America, as in 2, asarifolia and 
P. bracteata, the base of the anther is distinctly mucronate. In the 
specimens at hand this character is very apparent, but, for the most 
part, current descriptions of P. rotundifolia, based upon both Euro- 
pean and American material and generally including Z. asarifolia, 
P. bracteata, P. grandiflora, etc., are similar to that in the Synoptical 
Flora: “the mucro at base either short and distinct or obsolete.’’? 

At least one monographer of the group, however, Dr. Alefeld, bas- 
ing his description solely upon Old World material,3 says in his 
extended diagnosis: *antherae....muticae."* In this connection, 
furthermore, it is interesting to note, as our present knowledge of 
plant-distribution might lead us to expect, that the material examined 
from Japan, Manchuria, and Korea has not only the large leaves 
and flowers but the large prominently mucronate anthers of the 
American plant. This fact was emphasized in 1872 by the dis- 
criminating Maximowicz who, in his * Diagnoses plantarum novarum 
Japoniae et Mandshuriae," commented on the monograph of Alefeld 
and stated that in the Japanese and American material the anthers 
were all mucronulate at base, though in Europe, where they are said 
to be muticous, mucronulate anthers often occur.5 

‘The stamens of the American plant show a range in length from 4.75 to 7 
(average 6) mm., the anthers from 2.75 to 3.6 (average 3.2) mm.; of the European 
plant from 5 to 7.75 (average 6.27) mm., the anthers from 2 to 3 (average 2.5) 
mm. ; of the Arctic plant from 4 to 5.5 (average 5) mm., the anthers from 1.7 to 
2.3 (average 2) mm. ? Gray, Syn. Fl. ii. pt. 1, 47 (1878). 

“3 Da ich in allen Herbarien nur europäische oder asiatische, niemals ameri- 
kanische Examplare sah, so kann ich auch die von anderen Autoren angegebenen 
Standorte dieser Art für Amerika nicht anführen."— Alefeld, Linnaea, xxviii. 64 
(1856). * Alefeld, Linnaea, xxviii. 63 (1856). 

5“ Signa, quibus denuo tentavit dignoscere P. asarifoliam et P. rotundifoliam 
monographus Alefeld, sunt: calycis laciniae in priore breviores, antherae basi 
mucronulatae et stylus corollam aequans. In meis speciminibus numerosis e 
Japonia calycis laciniae occurrunt saepe lanceolatae, quales а monographo Р. 

200 Rhodora [OCTOBER 

Among the European specimens examined by the writer only two 
show the mucronulate base of the anther referred to by Maximowicz, 
but in these the mucro is much shorter than in anthers of the Ameri- 
can plant and in their other characters the specimens are clearly 
referable to the European type. The mucronate base of the anther, 
then, although not an invariable character, is worthy at least of second- 
ary consłderation in distinguishing from the European and the Arctic 
species the plant of Eastern America and Asia. 

In the European Zyro/a rotundifolia the anther-cells are slightly 
constricted above, forming very short nearly straight necks or tubes 
through which open the pores. In the Arctic P. grandiflora these 
necks are essentially wanting; but in the plant of temperate America, 
Japan, etc., the necks are continued as prominent curved processes. 

In the form of its style the Arctic Pyrola grandiflora, furthermore, 
presents a character which seems to separate it very clearly from the 
European Z. rotundifolia and its larger American and East Asian rep- 
resentative. In the two latter plants the style is terminated by a 
distinct ring above which are the five protruding stigmatic lobes. In 
P. grandiflora this ring is nearly if not quite obsolete. 

From these comparisons it seems that the plants of Northern 
Europe, of the Arctic regions of Greenland and America, and of east- 
ern temperate North America and northeastern Asia are well defined 
members of the subgenus Z%e/aia. Тһе two former are clearly refer- 
able to Pyrola rotundifolia, L., and P. grandiflora, Radius. The 
plant of eastern America and Eastern Asia has, however, been very 
generally accepted as identical with the Old World 2, rotundifolia. 
Only one author, so far as known, has previously maintained for the 
plant specific validity. Robert Sweet, in 1830, gave the plant an 
rotundifoliae tribuuntur, stylus corollam aequans vel superans, antherae vero 
omnes basi mucronulatae. Ita inveni etiam in americanis, nempe calycis lacinias 
variabiles, antheras vero mucronulatas. At in europaeis, ubi antherae muticae 
postulantur, in permultis (scandinavicis, germanicis, galiicis) etiam mucronulatas 
video." —Maximowicz, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pét. xviii. 623 (1872). 

1 Pyrola rotundifolia, as published by Linnaeus in the Species Plantarum (396), 
included the American as well as the European plant ; and among other citations 
was that of “ Pyrola noveboracensis. Cold. noveb. 99."  Colden's P. noveboracensis, 
published in Act. Soc. Upsal. 1743, p. 122, no. 99, was probably the large Amer- 
ican plant, but I am unable to find that it has been taken up by any post-Linnean 
author as a species distinct from 2. rotundifolia. "Treated by Linnaeus and all 
subsequent authors as a pure synonym of P. rotundifolia, the pre-Linnean name, 

P. noveboracensis, can hardly be given nomenclatorial precedence over the post- 
Linnean 2. americana, Sweet. 

1904 | Fernald,— Pyrola rotundifolia 201 

appropriate name, though, unfortunately, he failed to point out the 
characters upon which he based his conclusion. Sweet’s Hortus 
Britannicus was, as its secondary title explains, “a catalogue of 
plants, indigenous, or cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain." 
The species under each genus were numbered separately, then were 
indicated the color, English name, geographic source, hardiness, dura- 
tion, etc. The American plant, the ninth in Sweet's list of Pyrolas, 
was thus entered : 
“g. americana. (w.) American. N. America... .. H. y. 
rotundifolia Ph. non Eng. bot.” ! 

The reference to Pyrola rotundifolia of Pursh, not of the English 
Botany, alone defines Sweet’s species, for there can be no doubt that 
Pursh's plant, “in dry stony or sandy woods: Canada to Carolina,” ? 
was the common large-flowered plant of eastern America, which, 
treated as a valid species, should bear the name Z. americana, Sweet. 

Briefly, the conclusions reached in this study are, that Pyrola 
rotundifolia, P. grandiflora, and P. americana, are distinct though 
closely related species, each occupying a well defined geographic 
area and maintaining with essential constancy certain characters 
notably in the size of the petals, and the size, proportions, and 
forms of the anthers and filaments. 

The leading characters of the plants are: 

PvROLA ROTUNDIFOLIA, L. Sp. 396 (1753), as to European plant — 
including var. arenaria, Koch. Syn. 478 (1837). Thelaia rotundifolia, 
Alefeld, Linnaea, xxviii. 60 (1856). Plant varying in height from 
15 to 30 (average 20) cm.: leaf-blade from 1.9 to 4.6 (average 3.3) 
cm.: petals comparatively thin, white or slightly purple-tinged, 5.5 
to 8 (average 6.5) mm. long: stamens 5 to 7.75 (average 6.27) mm. 
long; the anthers 2 to 3 (average 2.5) mm. long, muticous or rarely 
mucronulate at base, the cells narrowed above to short straightish 
necks: style with a distinct ring or collar below the 5 protruding 
lobes of the stigma.— Greenland, Iceland, and Lapland, across north- 
ern and central Europe and western Asia and locally southward in 
the mountains. 

P. AMERICANA, Sweet, Hort. Brit, ed. 2, 341 (1830). P. rotundi- 
Jolia, Am. auth., mostly. Plant 9 to 36 (average 25) cm. high: leaf- 
blade 2 to 6.8 (average 4.4) cm. long: petals thick, cream-white, 
rarely pink-tinged, 6.5 to 10.5 (average 8.4) mm. long: stamens 4.75 
to 7 (average 6) mm. long; anthers 2.75 to 3.6 (average 3.2) mm. 

1 Sweet, Hort. Brit., ed. 2, 341 (1830). 
? Pursh, Fl. 299 (1814). 

202 Rhodora [OCTOBER 

long, mucronate at base, the cells constricted above to prominent 
arched necks: style similar to that of P. rotundifolia.— Baie des 

Chaleurs, Quebec to South Dakota and Georgia ; Japan, Korea, 

P. GRANDIFLORA, Radius, Diss. Bytol: a7, t. 35, ig. @ (1821), И 
rotundifolia, var. pumila, Hornem. dansk. oecon. Plantel., ed. 3, 463 
(1821). P. groenlandica, Hornem. Fl. Dan. xi. t. 1817 (1825). и. 
pumila, Ногпет. ex Cham. & Schl. Linnaea, i. 514 (1826). P. 
rotundifolia, var. grandiflora, DC. Prodr. vii. 773 (1839). Thelaia 
grandiflora, Alefeld, Linnaea, xxviii. 68 (1856). Plant 5 to 16 (aver- 
age то) cm. high: leaf-blade т to 3 (average 2) cm. long: petals 
thick, white to crimson, 7.5 to 11 (average 8.7) mm. long: stamens 
4 to 5.5 (average 5) mm. long; the anthers 1.7 to 2.3 (average 2) 
mm. long, muticous at base, the cells barely constricted above: style 

without annulate tips. Greenland and Arctic America, south to Hope- 
dale, Labrador. 




Tue following records from Berkshire County, Massachusetts, may 
be of interest. They refer to plants which either have not hitherto 
been recorded from Massachusetts, or are known from very few sta- 
tions in the state. These plants fall into more or less well-defined 
groups. In the cold sphagnum bogs and on the higher mountains 
occur northern plants which either reach or approach their southern 
limit for New England in Berkshire County. ‘The western and south- 
ern river valleys, on the other hand, extend into New York or Con- 
necticut, and on their well-drained slopes occur plants which for the 
most part have been prevented by the unbroken Hoosac Plateau from 
extending their range into central Massachusetts. ‘Two or three plants 
are adventive but at least one is well-established. 

Specimens of all the plants here recorded have been placed in the 
Herbarium of the New England Botanical Club. They have all been 
collected by me except in three instances where the plants were gath- 
ered by Mr. M. L. Fernald. I have to thank Mr. Fernald for his 

1904] Hoffmann,— Flora of Berkshire County 203 

usual generous assistance in identifying or verifying the specimens, 
and in the preparation of this article. 

Aspidium aculeatum, Swartz, var. Braunii, Koch. In August, 
1904, on revisiting the mountain brook which comes down the north 
side of Greylock, where I had previously found Aydrophyllum Cana- 
dense, I came across several plants of this fine fern. As faras I can 
discover, it has not hitherto been reported from Massachusetts. 

Aspidium simulatum, Davenport. In September, 1904, I found 
this interesting fern not uncommon in the swampy woods bordering 
ponds in Becket and Otis. I have little doubt that on further search 
it will be found in similar situations in other parts of the county. 
Most of the New England records hitherto published have been from 
near the coast. 

Potamogeton confervoides, Reichb. (P. Tuckermani, Robbins). 
Grows in Lake Undine on the Dome at an altitude of 2000 feet. 
The only other known station for Massachusetts is in Uxbridge, 
where it was collected by Robbins. It is found at high altitudes in 
New Hampshire and Vermont, and in several stations in New Jersey. 
It is recorded in Bennett’s Plants of Rhode Island (p. 42) but no 
locality is given. 

Eleocharis intermedia, Schultes. This species has been collected 
in northern Maine, in Vermont and in Salisbury, Connecticut but 
has not, so far as known, been reported for Massachusetts. I col- 
lected it in Pittsfield in 1902. 

Scirpus lineatus, Michx. Collected at Stockbridge in 1902. It 
has been recorded from Middlebury and Bristol, Vermont (Кно- 
DORA, vi, 139), but not so far as I know from the other New Eng- 
land states. 

Eriophorum polystachyon, L., var. Vaillantii, Duby. Mr. M. L. 
Fernald collected this cotton-grass at Sheffield in 1902. The atten- 
tion of American botanists was first called to this variety by Mr. 
Fernald in Кнорока, iv. 82, where he records material collected by 
Dr. Fellows near Portland, Maine. 

Carex aenea, Fernald. Occurs on rocky ledges on the Dome 
Sheffield, and in Glendale (vid. RHODORA, iv, 227). 

Carex Bebbii, Olney. Occurs in bogs and low ground in Pittsfield, 
Glendale and Sheffield (vid. RHopora, iv, 228.) 

Carex intumescens, Rudge, var. Fernaldii, Bailey. Occurs not 
infrequently in wet woods. 

204 Rhodora [Octoase 

Carex pauciflora, Lightf. I collected this sedge in September, 
1904, in deep sphagnum at the head of Ward Pond in Otis. A sheet 
in the Dewey collection in the Gray Herbarium is marked Ashfield, 
and Dewey reported that it was collected in Ashfield and Hawley by 
Dr. J. Porter, Sill. Journ. x (1826), 42. 

Chamaelirium Carolinianum, Willd. This plant was recorded in 
1822 by Eaton (Manual of Botany, Ed. 3, p. 303) from Great Bar- 
rington, and by Dewey (Hist. of Berkshire p. 52) from Stockbridge. 
Several years ago a piece gathered in Stockbridge was sent to me, 
but was subsequently lost. This summer I collected it in Great Bar- 

Sisyrinchium mucronatum, Michx. Mr. Fernald collected this 
southern species in light sandy soil in Sheffield in 1902. It had 
been previously known only as far north as Connecticut. 

Microstylis monophyllos, Lindl. There is no Massachusetts speci- 
men of this orchid in the Gray Herbarium, but it is recorded as hav- 
ing been collected at Berlin, Spencer, and North Adams (Niles, 
Bog-trotting for Orchids p. 273), and it has been collected at Man- 
chester, Vermont, and in New York State and northern Connecticut. 
I found a single plant in a cold spring hole in Stockbridge in 
August, 1904. 

Arceuthobium pusillum, Peck. Grows on black spruce (Picea nigra) 
in peat bogs at the edge of a small pond in Becket, south of Yokum 
Pond, and at the head of Ward Pond in Otis. As I gathered it from 
a low spruce in September, I was struck in the face by a volley of 
seeds. · 

Oxalis filipes, Small. Mr. Fernald collected this southern species 
in Sheffield in June, 1902 (RHODORA, v, 34). It had previously 
been found at Northampton, Massachusetts, and Mr. Bissell has 
recorded it from Salisbury, Connecticut (RHODORA v, 33). 

Zex monticola, Gray, var. mollis, Britton. While collecting on the 
western side of the Dome in 1902, I found a strange Ilex growing 
commonly in shade in the moist woodland. Mr. Fernald has deter- 
mined it as Z/ex monticola, var. mollis. The type occurs on the 
Taconic and Catskill Mts. in New York, but the variety has not 
hitherto been reported north of Pennsylvania. 

Epilobium hirsutum, L. Well established along the edge of a 
ditch in Lenox, forming a very ornamental border. The owners of 
the property inform me that it has been growing there for a long time 

1904] Hoffmann,— Flora of Berkshire County 205 

but they know nothing of its introduction. It has been collected at 
Portland, Maine, and in New Bedford, Massachusetts. | 

Epilobium lineare, Muhl., var. oliganthum, Trelease. Grows іп a 
sphagnum bog in Sheffield. This northern form has been reported 
from Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont and has been collected 
by Mr. К. С. Leavitt in North Easton, Massachusetts. 

Gaura biennis, L. In 1895 I collected a plant of Gaura in a mow- 
ing field in the Notch, North Adams, and in 1904 I found another 
plant in a dry field near the Housatonic River in Lee. In Bishop's 
Connecticut list (p. 39) it is reported as * becoming frequent." 

Angelica hirsuta, Muhl. Grows in rocky woodland on the south 
slope of Monument Mountain in the town of Great Barrington. It 
is reported frequent in Connecticut but has not been recorded for 

Pyrola secunda, L., var. pumila, Gray. Occurs in Stockbridge in 
sphagnum near thickets of Salix serissima, Fernald. It has been 
previously reported from northern Maine, Vermont, New York and 
westward, but not, so far as I know, from Massachusetts. 

Hydrophyllum Canadense, L. In Eaton’s Manual of Botany (ed. 
3, р. 311) this plant is recorded from Williamstown, but it was 
apparently not discovered by later collectors in that region, In 
1899 I found it along a brook that flows down the northern side of 
Greylock, crosses the road from the Notch to Williamstown and flows 
into the Hoosac near Blackinton (vid. Deane, RHODORA, vi, 155). 
On a second visit this summer, I found the plant common in the 
rich soil bordering the brook. "The plant should be looked for on 
other portions of the mountain. - 

Verbena angustifolia, Michx. Collected in Egremont in 1902. It 
has been previously recorded from South Hadley by Hitchcock and 
from Amherst by Clark (Cobb’s Plants of Amherst, p. 16). It has 
recently been added to the Vermont list (RHODORA, vi, 142). 

Veronica Anagallis, L. Occurs in wet brooks in Stockbridge and 
Sheffield. This western species is recorded from two stations in Ver- 
mont, and there is a specimen in the Gray Herbarium collected by 
Oakes in Ipswich, Massachusetts, but it has not, so far as is known, 
been again collected in Eastern Massachusetts. 

Veronica Virginica, L. Grows in alluvial soil in Stockbridge and in 
Sheffield. It is common from Connecticut southward, but there are 
no specimens in the Gray Herbarium from Massachusetts or north- 

206 Rhodora [OCTOBER 

Plantago media, L. A single plant was found on a lawn in Lenox. 
It has previously been reported from Maine, Rhode Island, Ontario 
and New York. 

Galium Labradoricum, Wiegand. In cold bogs throughout the 
county. This northern species has not hitherto been reported from 
western Massachusetts, but it has been recorded from northwestern 
Connecticut (Bissell, RHODORA, v, 33). 

Galium trifidum, L. Occurs in Pittsfield and Sheffield and should 
be looked for in Connecticut. It has not, so far as I know, been pre- 
viously reported from Massachusetts. 

Symphoricarpos racemosus, Michx., var. pauciflorus, Robbins. 
Occurs on a dry hill in Sheffield. It grows in western Vermont, 
but has not hitherto been known from Massachusetts. The record 
for the state in RHODORA, vi, 55 is based on a specimen collected 
in Sheffield in 1902. 

Solidago rigida, L. There is an extensive patch of this fine golden- 
rod on a dry hillside in Sheffield. It has been already recorded from 
South Hadley, Massachusetts, and it occurs in Connecticut. 

Antennaria petaloidea, Fernald. This species is not uncommon in 
the county. It has already been recorded from Worcester County, 
Massachusetts (Harper, RHopora, iii, 186). 




Day Mountain is a steep rocky ridge of land lying mostly in the 
eastern part of Avon, reaching down into Temple at the southern end, 
and into Strong on the eastern slope and northern end. It is nearly 
parallel with the Sandy River, and its general direction is roughly 
north and south. The ridge is well covered with deciduous trees 
except at the southern end. Steep and often perpendicular cliffs are 
very numerous, some of them two or three hundred feet high. 

The entire ridge is over three miles long and is divided into two 
parts by a notch about one-third the distance from the northern end. 

1904] Knowlton,— Flora of Day Mountain 207 

In this notch, shut in by the woods, is a beautiful pond several acres 
in extent. Aneroid readings taken by Mr. E. B. Chamberlain give 
the following corrected results: southern end, 2059 ft. ; pond, 1369 
ft.; northern end, 1601 ft. 

From the pond a brook descends on the eastern side through a rocky 
gorge, 20 to 50 feet deep, to the Sandy River, goo ft. below. About 
соо feet of this descent is a splendid succession of waterfalls, which 
is at high water remarkably romantic and beautiful. The northern 
portion of the range seems to be composed of calcareous slate, while 
the southern end is granitic in structure. 

Allied apparently to Day Mountain as regards flora, is a long range 
of hills stretching through Strong, New Vineyard and Industry, cul- 
minating in New Vineyard Mountain. This range I have not explored 
very thoroughly, and even Day Mountain itself, after seven visits, still 
seems to offer additional finds to the careful observer. 

The following are the more notable plants of the region. Some of 
the ferns have been previously reported by Mr. H. W. Jewell (RHo- 
DORA, iV, 247). 

Adiantum pedatum, L. Frequent along the base of the mountain, 
and in the southern towns of the county. 

Aspidium aculeatum, Swartz, var. Braunti, Koch. Frequent in the 
gorge, and at the base. Exceedingly abundant on one of the New 
Vineyard hills. 

Aspidium Goldianum, Hook. Wet woods near eastern base. It 
also grows in Farmington. 

Aspidium spinulosum, Swartz, var. dilatatum, Hook. ‘This grows 
luxuriantly on the southern end of the mountain, above 1600 feet. 
It is common as low as 1200 feet on all the other mountains of the 
county which I have explored. 

Asplenium Trichomanes, L., is exceedingly common and luxuriant on 
dry shady ledges on the eastern side. This is its limit in this direc- 
tion. It has been reported at Livermore, 3o miles away (Mrs. H. К. 
Morrell), also at Mt. Pisgah, Winthrop (C. ZZ. Knowlton and Г. О. 

Cystopteris bulbifera, Bernh. Wet woods at western base. Also 
in Farmington. 

Phegopteris hexagonoptera, Fée, is abundant in a clearing near the 
southern end. It also grows at Farmington. This is well out of 
range, as the nearest stations are near the Kennebec. 

208 Rhodora [OCTOBER 

Agropyrum caninum, К. & S. Dry rocks, common. 

Asprella Hystrix, Willd., is very common in the dry rocky woods. 
It also grows in wet soil at Farmington and Strong. 

Deschampsia flexuosa, Trin. Abundant on the bare portion of the 
top. It also grows on Bald Mountain, Perkins Plantation (С. Æ. 
Knowlton and E. B. Chamberlain). 

Milium effusum, L. The only station reported in the State. It is 
very abundant, and is stoloniferous. 

Oryzopsis melanocarpa, Muhl., is very common on dry ledges, and 
has previously been reported in Maine only from East Auburn. 

Pog alsodes, Gray, and Poa pratensis, L. Occasional in open places 
on the summit of the higher part. 

Habenaria bracteata, R. Br. Rather common in high woods. 

Allium tricoccum, Ait. Very common. Also at Farmington. 

Clematis verticillaris, DC. Dry woods, northern portion; the only 
station in the region (E. B. Chamberlain and C. H. Knowlton.) 

Ranunculus abortivus, L., var. еисусіиѕ, Fernald. Frequent in 
moist woods. Also at Farmington. 

Arabis laevigata, Poir. Not common here, but abundant on one 
of the Strong hills across the river. Reported in Maine only from 
North Berwick. 

Draba incana, L. Abundant on dry ledges, the only Maine station. 

Erystmum cheiranthoides, L. One station in an opening half way 
up the mountain, as if introduced. No other station in the county. 

Saxifraga Virginiensis, Michx., grows abundantly here and on the 
New Vineyard hills, but apparently not on the lower land nor farther 

Ribes Cynosbati, L. Frequent. 

Crataegus macracantha, Lodd. Frequent in open spaces. 

Geum album, Gmelin. On dry rocks (C. А7. Knowlton and E. B. 
Chamberlain). In the neighboring towns the white avens is G. 
Virginianum, L. | 

Geranium Robertianum, L. Very common in rocky woods. 
There is one station in Farmington, and it seems here to reach its 
northern limit in this direction. a 

Celastrus scandens, L. The only station known in the Sandy River 
valley. It grows along the Kennebec as far as Skowhegan, and at 
Livermore Falls on the Androscoggin. 

Conioselinum Canadense, Т. & G. One station near the river. 
Also in Madrid, 15 miles north. 


1904] G. E. D.— Death of William Wendte 209 

Calamintha Clinopodium, Benth. Common in dry woods and 
copses throughout the southern towns of the county. 

Arctium Lappa, L., var. tomentosum, Gray. One station in a 
clearing. A remarkably handsome form (C. H. Knowlton and E. B. 
Chamberlain). | 

Solidago macrophylla, Pursh. А little grows on the higher part 
of the mountain. Common on elevations above 1800 feet, and very 
abundant on Mount Blue, in the same town (Avon). 

The flora of the pond is not appreciably different from that of 
similar sheets of water at ordinary elevations. ‘The dryness of the 
cliffs seems to limit their flora to plants of one type, but I may later 
discover wet cliffs. The mountain is particularly interesting on 
account of its many southern species, mingled somewhat with north- 
егп plants. 


Tue DEATH oF WILLIAM WENDTE.—On April 28th, 1904, William 
Wendte, an esteemed member of the New England Botanical Club, 
was killed by hostile natives in British East Africa. He was born 
August 28th, 1877, and his sudden death at the early age of twenty- 
seven is the saddest that has occurred in the history of the Club. 
Mr. Wendte, although for many years keenly interested in plants, was 
diffident in the matter of publication and left no printed papers to 
record his observations. He had traveled somewhat widely, making 
for instance a visit to the Hawaiian Islands some years ago. ‘The 
plants which he collected there he generously deposited in the Gray 
Herbarium. He first attracted the notice of professional botanists 
by a series of minor but very discriminating criticisms on Gray’s 
Manual, which he sent to the editors. He was elected to membership 
in the New England Botanical Club, February 3rd, 1899, and 
although living beyond the limit of resident membership he attended 
the meetings with great regularity. 

An active member of the Society of Friends, he had planned to 
make an extended tour among the Friends’ Industrial Missions 
throughout the world. He had reached the station of Kaimosi, 
about twenty miles northeast of Port Florence in British East Africa 
early in March. The hostile Nandi tribe had at that time become 

210 Rhodora [OCTOBER 

so threatening as to oblige the government to send a detachment of 
soldiers to protect the Mission. 

The exact manner of his death is unknown, but the presumption 
is that, venturing too far into the forest while making some botanical 
investigations, he was, in company with one of the guards, surprised 
and killed by a party of the Nandis. 

William Wendte was one of the most self-sacrificing spirits I have 
ever known. Self with him was always a secondary consideration, 
and he was happiest when doing something for others. His highest 
ambition was to fit himself for a career of usefulness, and his death 
was a great loss. Possessed of an extraordinarily amiable character 
he made friends of all who came in contact with him, and he will 
be greatly missed by those who loved him.— G. E. D. 

ASPLENIUM EBENEUM PROLIFERUM. — Їп a recent number of 
RHODORA ! the writer described a specimen of the above fern which 
he found near Baltimore. A few days ago he came across another 
while preparing to mount an unusually fine plant. Instead of the 
two small, nearly entire fronds less than 4 mm. long, this plant had 
two fronds the largest of which was about 47 mm. long. The other 
frond was not yet fully developed, but it as well as the mature one 
was pinnate and in no way different from fronds of the same size on 

Soon after this eleven more specimens of this form were found 
during the Botanical Symposium at McCall’s Ferry, Pa. Ten of 
these were found in a space six inches square. They were of all 
sizes from 50 mm. down to tiny plants with fronds 6 or 8 mm. in 
length. All of these had pinnate fronds, and none of them showed 
any approach to the simpler fronds of the plant first seen a year ago. 
Only one of them was peculiar in having the young plant at the ex- 
treme lower end of the stipe — practically in its axil — instead of at 
the point where the lowest pinna had been attached. All of them 
were on sterile fronds. From this and the dampness of the earth in 
which they grew it seems evident that the proliferous character is 
mainly caused by the accidental burying of the procumbent sterile 
fronds under circumstances most favorable to the decided tendency 

1 RHODORA, V, 272, 1903. 

1904] Miss Eastman's New England Ferns. 21I 

possessed by the fern in this direction. — C. E. Waters, Johns Hop- 
kins University. 
[Since the above was written two more specimens were found on the steep 

side of arailroad cut. Plainly this form is not rare but has merely been over- 
looked by collectors.-— C. E. W.] 

liminary Lists of New England Plants, — XIII. Juncaceae (RHODORA, 
vi. 34) Juncus effusus, var. compactus, Lejeune & Courtois, is recorded 
only from Maine and Massachusetts. On r3 August, 1903, I found 
this plant, with /. effusus, L., beside a brook in East Andover, New 
Hampshire.— Manv A. Dav, Gray Herbarium. 

PLANTAGO ELONGATA IN MassaACcHUSETTS.— The published records. 
for this plant in New England, do not extend the range of Plantago 
elongata, Pursh, further to the northeast than Greenwich, R. I. In 
the spring of 19or, however, Mr. J. F. Collins and the writer collected 
this plant in East Providence, R. I., and a few days latter in Seekonk, 
Massachusetts. The stations are extensive and the plant well estab- 
lished, so without doubt further search will result in extending the 
known range towards Саре Cod.— Epwarp B. CHAMBERLAIN, Wash- 
ington, D. C. 

ALLIES! is a neat r2mo volume of 160 pages. The style is popular 
without being effusive and the information given is unusually accurate 
for a non-technical book. Even such recently published species and 
varieties as /VepAtrodium pittsfordense and N. spinulosum, var. con- 
cordianum are duly included, showing that the authoress has taken 
considerable pains to follow up the latest work on her subject. The 
nomenclature is in the main that of the sixth edition of Gray’s Man- 
ual. In the present divergence of nomenclatorial practice it is well 
nigh impossible, however, to treat any considerable group consist- 
ently without creating some new combinations. Of these, the follow- 

1 Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, July, 1904, $1.25. 

212 Rhodora [OCTOBER 

ing have been noticed in a brief examination of Miss Eastman’s 
book. Dryopteris spinulosum, var. concordianum, Eastman, and 
Aspidium spinulosum, var. concordianim, Eastman (=Nephrodium 
spinulosum, var. concordianum, Davenport), Aspidium marginale, forma 
Davenportii, Eastman (without synonymy but figured and doubtless 
relating to NVeprodium marginale, forma Davenportii, Floyd), and 
Aspidium pitisfordense, Eastman (Dryopteris pittsfordensis, Slosson, 
Nephrodium pittsfordense, Davenp.). The introduction of such new 
binomials and trinomials in popular works, and unaccompanied by 
complete synonymic citation, although sometimes difficult to avoid, is 
always unfortunate. When such names are so published, however, 
the author will do well to distinguish them clearly either by the use 
of different type (preferably full face) or still better by employing 
the customary abbreviations, n. sp., n. var., n. comb., or n. nom. The 
importance of thus clearly indicating new names is little appreciated 
by popular authors and, indeed, by some technical writers as well. 
Yet no small amount of our present nomenclatorial confusion has 
arisen through negligence in just such matters, a form of carelessness 
or possibly in some cases a false modesty, which has often led to the 
oversight of names until long after others have become established. 

Botrychium tenebrosum, A. A. Eaton, is appended to B. matricari- 
acfolium. We believe it to be rather a shade form of B. simplex, 
from which, in fact, it seems to possess no clearly marked distinction, 
the position and emarginate nature of the sterile frond being highly 
variable even in plants of the same colony. 

The chief fern-allies are also described and figured. It may be 
noted that the plant illustrated as Lycopodium complanatum is Mr. 
Fernald's well marked variety аде оге. 

The illustrations are half-tone plates, attractive and sufficiently 
clear for recognition. But although a very fine screen has been used 
and the printing of the plates is irreproachable the process is not 
entirely satisfactory for the objects represented. The venation, for 
instance, rarely comes out with distinctness. — B. L. R. 

Vol. 6, No. 69, including pages 181-196, was issued September 21, 1904. 




Vol. 6 November, 1904 No. 71 


(Plate 58.) 

Ат the close of my “ Notes on New England Violets” in RHODORA, 
vi. 17, I ventured to suggest that the newly recognized species of blue 
stemless violets occasionally produced hybrids. Another season of 
diligent study of this problem, both in the field and in herbaria, has 
brought to light numerous facts that confirm this theory. Indeed 
the evidence, when taken in all its detail, seems to place the conclu- 
sion beyond any reasonable doubt. The object of the present paper 
is to report some of these facts and to present the evidence. 

There is a widespread reluctance on the part of American botanists 
to regard an intergrading form as a result of natural hybridism. 
The systematists of the Old World have far less prejudice, perhaps 
because they have studied for a longer time and with more care and 
thoroughness the behavior of their species in the field. The burden 
of proof is, of course, on the advocates of the supposed hybrid ; but 
that proof should be considered with candor, and not thrust aside from 
a preconception that hybridism is most improbable. For if hybrids 
ever occur in a state of nature, and few will deny it altogether, we 
should expect them to occur among the twelve or fifteen segregates of 
the old Viola cucullata-sagittata group. These segregates are so 
closely allied, that Dr. Gray, who was acquainted with most of the 
extreme types, recognized only two polymorphous species with inter- 
gradient forms, and that even to-day after prolonged study experts are 
widely apart as to the delimitation of species. The floral structure 
indicates that the petaliferous flowers are incapable of self-fertiliza- 

214 Rhodora ' [NOVEMBER 

tion; and when colonies of two species grow closely intermingled, 
interbreeding is what might be reasonably anticipated. 

In the present paper I shall restrict the discussion to the behavior 
of the five species of this group that are most abundant in Western 
Vermont, and that have naturally been studied in the field with most 
assiduity. I name them with their contrasting characters in the 
following table : 


mina E i A —:,/,——-——— 
PLANTS: glabrous : pubescent : glabrous 
7—1, " V oom E 
LEAVES: cordate- : broadly cordate-ovate : ovate- : cordate 
acuminate : : oblong 
e A ~ a A 1А 
SPURRED PETAL: with few or no hairs : bearded : beardless 
К n PE ^ " 
CLEISTOGAMOUS horizontal or decumbent : erect or ascending 
PEDUNCLES: i ; j : 
r А RTT ^ NX 0 
CLEISTOGAMOUS ovoid-acum ate  : sagittate | =: subulate 
FLOWERS: - - f 
PT » Ew. А а A 
CLEISTOGAMOUS oblong : subglobose: oblong 
CAPSULES: usually m ttled with purple : always green 
` mA m ^ (P A \ 
Cr'sr. SEPALS: lanceolate : ovate-lanceolate : narrowly lanceolate 
СР" ^. — or ^ X EY 
AURICLES : short, inconspicuous : long, spreading, : long, not 
: hispidulous : spreading 

The number of possible combinations in pairs of these five species 
will be found to be ten. In general, if z represent the number of 
species, and JV the number of possible pairs, we have the formula, 
М№=}л(п — 1). That is, among twelve species of Viola there 
would be 66 possible ways of hybridizing. If there were twenty 
species of Crataegus so nearly allied that a cross could be effected 
between any two of them we might have possibly 190 hybrids. 

1 V. venustula, Greene, is found not to be specifically distinct from V. affinis, 
Le Conte, as understood by Prof. Greene, or from V. obliqua, as interpreted by 
Mr. Pollard in the Britton Manual. 

1904] Brainerd, — H ybridism in the Genus Viola 215 

This may be represented graphically by writing the five species, 
as above, in equal spaces, and then drawing from the extremities of 
these spaces straight lines obliquely upward to the right and to the 
left. There will thus be formed ten squares, each of which may 
represent the hybrid that might arise from crossing the two species 
between the sides of the square produced downward. Thus, in the 
diagram below, the square marked “а. c? would represent the form 
obtained by crossing A and С; i. e., V. affinis x septentrionalis. 

a.d b.e 
ж ж ж 
асс" b. а. сет 
ж ж жж ж У. melissaefolia. 
ж ж жж ж o 
а. b Б. с ОСЬ а. е 
ж ж 
* * * ж * ж ж V. Porteriana 
* * 
A B C D E 

Asterisks in the several squares indicate the number of different 
stations in which the hybrid is believed to have been found ; from 
which it would appear, if my conclusions are sustained, that out of 
ten possible hybrids eight have actually appeared, and in most cases 
more often than once. A somewhat detailed account of these eight 
hybrids, of the associated plants, and of the circumstances attending 
their discovery is herewith presented. 

on the mountain side above East Middlebury, partly covered with 
blackberry bushes and young pines, has been a favorite station for 
V. septentrionalis; and in the more open spaces were to be found 
also numerous plants of V. fimdriatula. Неге in the spring of 1902 
I noticed in a tract of about four square rods a number of plants that 
in leaf-outline and in size and color of flowers were quite intermediate 
between the two species just named. The cleistogamous flowers and 

216 Rhodora [NOVEMBER 

fruit, which were carefully studied the following season, presented 
the same intermediate characters; being greenish in general color 
like the one parent, but showing in varying degrees blotches and 
dots of purple like the other parent. I have again watched the 
plants, in their wild state and under cultivation, during the past 
season, and in all their stages of growth they have presented no 
characters not found in one or the other of the associated species, 
with one exception — the plants were nearly sterile. The capsules 
contained on the average only one eighth the normal number of 
seeds ; though along with these seeds could be seen on each of the 
three valves from ten to fifteen aborted ovules. 

Quite similar plants were discovered in August, 1903, in a rocky 
` pasture near the village of Middlebury. The pasture has been in 
use for over a century; but the thin uneven soil of the ledges has 
never been plowed, and is more or less overgrown with weeds and 
shrubs. For a stretch of a hundred rods along this tract are to be 
seen colonies of V. septentrionalis and of V. fimbriatula growing inter- 
mingled. With them are found twenty or thirty plants that are so 
distinct from either that by the leaf or the flower they can be told at 
a distance ; and yet on examination they are seen to be exactly inter- 
mediate. In the late summer they produce numerous cleistogamous 
flowers and fruit, but nine-tenths of the ovules remain unfertilized. 
One of these plants is figured in plate 58, in which may be seen the 
intermediate character of the leaf, and the dwarfed, almost sterile, 
condition of the capsule as compared with the parent capsules. 

The hybrid has also turned up in two other stations in the vicinity 
of Middlebury. I have noted also the following dried specimens, 
which I regard as identical with the Vermont plants : — “ Sandy 
open woods,” Orono, Me., July 3, 1897 (M. Z. Fernald, N. E. Bot. 
Club Hb.), June 4, 1898, no. 2256, and Sept. 5 & 16, 1898, no. 2706 
(Gray Hb.) ; * Dry open woods," Cape Elizabeth, Me., May 11, 1902 
( M. L. Fernald, Gray Hb.), in both stations the parent forms also 
were found; “Dry open hillsides near Gap Mt.,” Jaffrey, N. H., 
June 13, 1898 (B. 2. Robinson, no. 658, N. E. Club Hb.) ; “Glade 
in dry pine woods,” Seabrook, N. H., May 29 & July 2, 1899 (A. А. 
Eaton, Natl Hb.) ; near Winchendon, Mass., Sept. 3, 1895 ( Nat'l 
Hb.), V. fimóriatula is on the same sheet ; * Dry soil, pine woods," 
Amesbury, Mass., June 24, 1899 (A. A. Eaton, Nat’! Hb.), V. sep- 
tentrionalis was collected by him at same time and place. 

1904] Brainerd,— Hybridism in the Genus Viola 217 

Last June I received among other plants three specimens of what 
seemed to be this hybrid from Mr. L. W. Watson of Charlottetown, 
Prince Edward Island. But the trouble was that though V. septentrio- 
nalis was common, V. fimbriatu/a had never been reported from that 
region, and was not known to occur in the Province of Quebec, or in 
northern Maine and New Brunswick. At my request Mr. Watson 
kindly revisited the station, and succeeded in finding there excellent 
specimens of V. fimóriatula. We are taught in inductive logic that 
one of the best possible verifications of an hypothesis is its ability to 
anticipate the discovery of facts not before observed. 

2. VIOLA FIMBRIATULA X CUCULLATA. This I found in Salisbury, 
Vt., along a trout brook that crossed a sterile pasture at the base of 
the mountains. Along the edge of the water and in moist hollows 
V. cucullata was common, with short petioles and peduncles when 
growing in the open, and with long petioles and peduncles when 
growing in the shade of alders. On the drier knolls back from the 
brook were colonies of V. fimbriatu/a. Beside them I observed last 
May plants with wider leaves and larger less decidedly purple flow- 
ers marked with a ring of dark-blue at the center. "They were exam- 
ined again in August, and some eight of the plants removed to the 
garden; the cleistogamous flowers and fruit of autumn, as well as 
the foliage and the vernal flowers, revealed a plant midway between 
the two familiar species with which it grew; but no capsule ripened 
more than four seeds. 

I also collected a similar plant in Cheshire, Berkshire Co., Mass., 
Aug. 26, 1903. V. cucullata was found near by, and V. fmbriatula 
is a common plant of the region. ‘The specimen has two green fresh 
cleistogamous flowers, three somewhat more advanced but brown and 
withered as though entirely unfertilized, and one green capsule 
shorter than the sepals and containing only three seeds but numer- 
ous aborted ovules. 

Just such a plant as these is described and figured by Mr. C. L. 
Pollard in the Bulletin of the Torrey Club (xxiv. 404) as Viola 
Porteriana. It was collected at Bushkill Falls, Pa., May 31, 1897. 
Mr. Pollard in the article states that an abundance of V. fmbriatula 
was collected on the same excursion; and I have noted in the 
National Herbarium and the Bronx Park Herbarium specimens of 
V. cucullata, collected at the same place and time, one by Mr. Pol- 
lard and one by Dr. Britton. Profr. Greene (Pitt. iii. 256) undertakes 

218 Rhodora [NOVEMBER 

to identify this with P. dentata, Pursh, and Mr. Pollard has accepted 
this name for his plant in the Britton Manual. Whether there is 
sufficient warrant for this identification or not, I am confident that 
` the Bushkill plant will prove to be a not infrequent hybrid between 
V. cucullata and V. fimbriatula. 

I would cite as further instances the following specimens: Dry- 
ish hillside in open woods, Cumberland, Me., June 27, 1902, (Æ. В. 
Chamberlain, N. E. Club Hb.); Jaffrey, N. H., July 25, 1896, 
(Walter Deane, N. E. Club Hb.); Jaffrey, N. H., July 4, 1897, 
(В. L. Robinson, no. 657 Gray Hb.), “Transitional form between 
V. fimbriatula and (?) V. cucullata” ; Dry woodland, Indian woods, 
East Lyme, Ct., June 19, 1900, (C. B. Graves, 119, Gray Hb. and 
Hb. E. B.) ; Granby, Ct., July то, 1903, (C. Æ. Bissell, no. 8299); 
Stafford, Ct., Aug. 26, 1903 (C. E. Bissell, no. 8269). 

3. VIOLA SORORIA X FIMBRIATULA. This plant first attracted 
my attention in May, 1902, growing at the base of a ledge in a 
neglected pasture. The foliage and the color of the flowers at once 
distinguished it from the plants of V. fimóriatu/a with which it was 
intermingled. At the same time its narrow leaves and prominent 
stipules separated it from V. sororia which grew about twenty feet 
distant. I took but few specimens, as the colony was not a large 
one; some of these I sent to Mr. Pollard, querying if it might not be 
a hybrid. He considered it more probably a new species. I have fre- 
quently visited the station since, and find that the fruit shows unmis- 
takable marks of V. sororia. The plant much resembles V. fipiórza- 
tula x septentrionalis; but the less ciliate sepals and their smaller 
appressed auricles serve to distinguish it. It is less sterile than most 
hybrids, but I have never found a capsule that contained more than 
half the normal number of seeds. 

I place with this specimens collected in Alstead, N. H., July 15, 
1899, by Mr. Fernald (no. 335, Gray Hb. & N. E. Club Hb.). I 
would also call attention to a quite similar plant collected by Mr. 
Witmer Stone at Media, Pa. (no. 5147) and at Chadd's Ford, Pa., - 
July 5, 1903 (no. 5150), and published by him as V. jimbriatula 
aberrans (Proceed. Acad. Natural Sci. Philad., Oct., 1903, p. 683, 
Pl. xxxvii, fig. 4-6.) Мг. Stone writes, regarding his 5150, “I think 
V. papilionacea did grow in the vicinity; V. fmóriatu/a was there in 
abundance; and my surmise was that my plants were hybrids between 
the two.” І refer to this plant here, as V. sororia and V. papilionacea 

1904] Brainerd,— H ybridism in the Genus Viola 219 

are so closely allied that they might without much impropriety be 
regarded as phases of one species. 

4. VIOLA AFFINIS X SEPTENTRIONALIS.— My first and most im- 
portant station for this is Knight's Island in northern Lake Cham- 
plain, on which I have camped in summer for many years, and whose 
two hundred acres I have thoroughly explored. I never observed 
there but two species of blue stemless violets, V. afinis and V. sep- 
fentrionalis ; but these grow in abundance in moist thickets of arbor- 
vitae, under old appletrees and in moist meadow-land. While 
studying these species critically in August, 1903, I was perplexed to 
find several specimens that I could not satisfactorily place in either 
category. The leaves were too acuminate and narrow for V. septen- 
trionalis, but not sufficiently so for V. affinis; there was a slight 
pubescence on the petiole and on the margin of the leaf and on the 
auricles of the sepals, such as V. affinis never had, but not enough 
pubescence for V. septentrionalis. What added to my embarrassment 
was the fact that I was totally unable to find plump, full grown cap- 
sules, though there were plenty of small seemingly immature ones. 
I carefully weeded and mulched the large clump that I had left 
growing, and waited for further developments. I visited the station 
last May and frequently during the following July, and became thor- 
oughly satisfied that the plant was a hybrid between the two species 
so common on the Island. 

A further incident is of interest, as showing that the seeds of this 
hybrid, though few, are fertile and will produce vigorous plants. 
When I finally on July 24th dug up the clump for herbarium speci- 
mens, I found thirty-three seedlings closely clustered about its roots, 
bearing each only one or twoleaves. These seedlings I carried home 
and planted; they have all lived and flourished. Many of them 
produced in September cleistogamous capsules; but all of the cap- 
sules show the same paucity of seeds as those on the mother plant. 

I found several specimens of this hybrid last May in an open 
grove of sugar maples near Middlebury. ‘The ground was gay with 
the large violet flowers of V. septentrionalis, and in the moister hol- 
lows of the ledge there was an almost equal profusion of V. affinis. 
Careful search revealed intermediate forms. One of these trans- 
ferred to the garden has produced more than fifty capsules, all show- 
ing the characteristic infertility of the hybrid. 

I have collected a few specimens of the same thing at a third 

220 Rhodora [NovEMBER 

station, growing with both parents. But I have failed to discover the 
plant in any of our large herbaria. However, the fact that V. 
septentrionalis is unknown south of New England, and that 7. affinis 
is apparently wanting in eastern New England, would seem to account 
sufficiently for the non-appearance of the hybrid outside of the 
Champlain Valley. 

5. VIOLA SEPTENTRIONALIS X CUCULLATA.— This is another hybrid 
necessarily restricted to northern regions. I have found single plants 
at three widely separated stations, always associated with the parent 
forms. At one of these stations near Silver Lake, Leicester, Vt., I 
observed in a large assemblage of V. cucullata one plant with broad- 
petaled violet flowers, strikingly distinct from the other flowers. An 
examination of the leaves showed decided traces of pubescence. I 
transferred the plant to the garden, where it has since produced 
apetalous flowers and fruit in abundance. ‘The long somewhat his- 
pidulous sepals display qualities inherited from both parents, but the 
capsule bears only from опе to six seeds. Lest it may be surmised 
that the moving of these plants has caused this sterility, I would here 
state that I have the past season transplanted several individuals of 
each of the five species under discussion when they were in flower 
and later, that they have afterward fruited in abundance, and that I 
have never found upon them a capsule that was not plump and 
crowded with 40-70 seeds. Violets are transplanted with the great- 
est ease, if set in moist shaded soil, and grow luxuriantly under 
proper culture. 

I received last May from Mr. Watson of Charlottetown, P. E. I., 
live specimens of V. medissaefolia, Greene (Pitt. v. 103) from the 
type station. As these plants developed in the summer, they turned 
out to be a good match for the Silver Lake plant that I had also un- 
der cultivation. The leaves had the Same scanty finely appressed 
pubescence and ciliation, the petioles the same sparse villose hairs, 
the capsules the same narrow slightly hispidulous sepals and the 
same paucity of seeds. The closing sentence of Prof. Greene’s note 
shows that the plant suggested to his mind both of the species here 
regarded as the parent forms. 

Ialso place here without much hesitation a remarkably robust 
. plant, collected only in petaliferous flower: “Sandy interval, Fort 
Kent, Me., June 16, 1898” (M. L. Fernald, no. 2254, Gray Hb. and 
М. E. Club Hb.) It has peduncles somewhat longer than the 

1904] Brainerd,— Hybridism in the Genus Viola 221 

minutely ciliate and slightly pubescent leaves; the cleistogamous 
flower is nearly as long and slender as in V. cucullata, but with 
slightly hispidulous auricles, somewhat as in V. septentrionalis. 

Dr. James Fletcher, the botanist of the Dominion Experimental 
Farm at Ottawa, who has given much expert study to the violets of 
Canada, showed me when I visited him last September, a potted 
plant of this hybrid that came from St. Stephen, New Brunswick. A 
fine photograph taken last May shows over thirty large flowers on 
slightly hairy peduncles but little taller than the leaves, and confirms 
Dr. Fletcher's statement that it is one of the most beautiful of our 
violets. Mr. Watson and Mr. Fernald have both spoken in similar 
praise of their respective finds. It is a promising plant that merits 
the attention of the florist. 

6. У. SORORIA X SEPTENTRIONALIS. Ihavenotas yet succeeded 
in finding this hybrid in more than one station. This was in a thicket 
on a narrow terrace of fine silt bordering the river above Middlebury. 
The plants were growing with a large colony of nearly glabrous У. 
sororia, a form that might pass as V. papilionacea. A few rods 
farther up the stream was to be seen V. septentrionalis. The hybrid 
is distinguished from the plants with which it grew by the narrower 
leaves, finer pubescence, somewhat spreading auricles of the sepals, 
and the uniformly stunted and often distorted capsules containing 
mostly aborted ovules. ‘The plants have not been seen in flower, 
and require further study. 

7. V.AFFINIS X SORORIA. This has turned up in two stations, fifty 
miles apart. The first was on a narrow wooded island of four or five 
acres, in northern Lake Champlain. Оп the north end of the island 
is a large lagoon of stagnant water made by the joining of two sand- 
bars driven northward by wave-action from the two sides of the 
island. In the moist leaf mould on the borders of this pool are to be 
seen luxuriant specimens of V. afinis, some plants in May bearing 
each as many as forty petaliferous flowers. A little farther back in 

‘drier and more shaded spots are colonies of V. sororia; and these 
are the only two species of blue stemless violets to be seen on the 
island. Not far from them I discovered, Aug. 6, 1903, a colony of 
plants intermediate in foliage and pubescence. At the time I did 
not suspect its relationship with the other forms ; I fancied when I 
noticed its scanty pubescence, that I might have found the long 
sought for V. papilionacea, and destroyed most of the plants in a 

222 Rhodora [NOVEMBER 

vain effort to get good fruit. The capsules all seemed but half- 
grown; though as it afterward appeared many of them contained 
ripe seed. Subsequent study of the plants preserved leaves no 
doubt in my mind that they are the result of a cross between the 
two associated species. 

The other station for this hybrid is in my own dooryard. For 
many years I had admired a large patch of biue violets growing in 
moist loam under a large appletree. ‘The plants were cespitose and 
numerous, and flowered profusely in May, presenting almost a con- 
tinuous sheet of blue. Until recently they have been to me a great 
puzzle; I could not satisfactorily place them with any of the common 
species of the region. I concluded finally “it must be" V. papili- 
onacea, an opinion that both Mr. Pollard and Dr. Robinson were 
disposed to confirm. But the leaves were too small and too pointed, 
the sepals too attenuate, the capsules too small and purple, when I 
compared them with specimens of V. papilionacea from the Middle 
States. Further investigation the past season solves the problem. I 
find (1) several plants that are undoubtedly V. sororia, bearing pale- 
bitie flowers, large broad pubescent leaves, large oblong capsules 
with ovate-lanceolate sepals and abundant seeds; (2) more numerous 
specimens of genuine V. affinis, bearing smaller acuminate perfectly 
glabrous leaves, violet-blue flowers, small, short oblong capsules with 
lanceolate sepals and abundant seeds; (3) still more numerous 
plants, bearing leaves intermediate in outline, size and pubescence, 
and capsules that are small often one-sided and relatively infertile. 
The average number of seeds in ten capsules (all that were mature 
on one plant), was six and two tenths. 

8. V. SORORIA X CUCULLATA. On May 20, 1903, in Cheshire, 
Mass., (alt. 1200 ft.), I found a large clump of a strange violet, 
bearing numerous large blue flowers, growing in moist rich soil 
under a wild appletree along the roadside. The plant was nearly 
glabrous, the peduncles somewhat longer than the leaves, the sepals 
lanceolate. I was at a loss whether to call it V. cucullata or V. 
sororia; and hoping to remove the perplexity by getting mature 
fruit, I revisited the station the following August. But in this I 
was for the time being disappointed; for the capsules, though 
numerous, were all small, imperfect and few-seeded. The long 
auricles and erect peduncles pointed to V. cucullata, while the 
pubescence of the petioles, more manifest than in May, pointed to 

1904] Blanchard,— A New Species of Blackberry 223 

V. sororia. Apparently my troublesome plant is a cross between 
these two species, both of which were growing in the immediate 

The same hybrid was found when in flower last spring in two other 
stations, associated with the parents. In both cases plants were 
transferred to the garden, and developed characters during the 
autumn that are in perfect accord with their supposed origin. 

I have gone, somewhat tediously I fear, into these details of per- 
sonal experience, as I have felt that I could in no other way ade- 
quately present the great mass of circumstantial evidence that to my 
mind establishes the theory of occasional hybridism in this group of 
plants. And this evidence, as the instances increase in number, has 
a cumulative force. A single instance of a plant nearly sterile and 
quite intermediate between two associated species might not bring 
conviction as to its hybrid origin. But when forty or more such 
cases are observed, always under similar circumstances, the evidence 
has a logical force well nigh irresistible. 

Along the southern New England coast and farther south are 
found at least six other species of Viola in the same group with the 
five under discussion. Are these six species equally guilty of hybrid- 
ism with each other, and with any of the five here discussed with 
which they may chance to associate? ‘This is a question so grave 
and so complicated as to require a separate paper for its discussion. 


EXPLANATION OF PLATE 58.— Viola fimbriatula X septentrionalis: a, 
autumnal state showing open capsule with seven seeds and numerous 
aborted ovules. И. fimóriatula, J. E. Smith: 2, leaf; c, mature capsule; d, 
same open, showing normal number of seeds. V. septentrionalis, Greene: 
e, leaf; f, mature capsule; 2, same open, showing normal number of seeds. 


I wisH to report a new blackberry which I think is sufficiently 
common and wide-spread, as well as constant in its characteristics, 
to merit a name and take its place with the five or six best marked 
North American species. Probably every botanist in New England 

224 Rhodora [NovEMBER 

can find it on his or her own botanizing ground, for I have found it 
abundant or common in five of the New England states which I have 
visited. From the common high blackberry (Rubus nigrobaccus, 
Bailey) it is readily distinguished by the entire absence of glandular 
pubescence. It belongs to a group of forms hitherto generally 
referred to A. argutus, Link, and R. Randii, Bailey. The type of 
the former of these species is still preserved in the Royal Botanical 
Museum at Berlin, and I have been able to examine an excellent 
tracing of it, now in the Gray Herbarium. It has decidedly narrower 
leaflets which are cuneate or obtusely pointed at the base but not in 
the least cordate. In A. Randii, likewise, the leaflets are narrower 
than in the plant here described and not at all cordate. Æ. Randit 
is furthermore a much weaker plant scarcely or not at all armed, and 
has a small flower and a small, dry, and seedy fruit. The type speci- 
men is now in the Gray Herbarium. 

The new species is readily distinguishable by its broad, thin pubes- 
cent leaves, by its nearly round stem from two to four feet high, the 
canes very often bending over as in the Black Raspberry, and by a 
noticeable resemblance to the common running blackberry, Æ. villosus, 
Ait. It may be named and characterized as follows : — 

R. recurvans, n. sp. Plant softly and copiously pubescent but 
wholly destitute of glandular hairs of any kind. 

New canes. Stem glabrous, reddish on the upper side, nearly 
cylindrical or with five rounded or rarely furrowed faces. Prickles 
set in lines over the angles of the pentagonal pith, straight with a 
slight backward slant, rather strong, one eighth inch long above the 
enlarged basal part, about five to an inch of stem but varying con- 
siderably in number and strength. Leaves large (sometimes ten 
inches broad), all 3-foliolate or the upper often 5-foliolate. Leaflets 
nearly smooth above with thick straight pubescence beneath, yellow- 
ish green, coarsely and doubly serrate-dentate, generally thin ; the 
middle one broadly ovate taper-pointed, about three-fourths as wide 
as long cordate or subcordate, its stalk an inch in length; side 
leaflets oval, cuneate at each end and nearly twice as long as wide, 
their stalks one fourth inch long; basal leaflets oval, twice as long 
as wide, wedge-shaped at each end, sessile. Petioles furrowed and 
glabrous, the petiolules pubescent, both armed with hooked prickles. 

Old canes. More or less densely pubescent on all parts, except the 
upper surface of the leaves; some parts nearly woolly. Leaves more 
deeply and sharply serrate-dentate than those of the new canes and 
of a lighter yellowish green. Stem nearly round with prickles intact, 
the main axis dying back to a considerable extent during the win- 
ter. Secondary growth polymorphous and difficult to describe, — 

1904] Blanchard,— A New Species of Blackberry 225 

leaf-branches, leafy inflorescences and naked inflorescences occur- 
ring on all parts of the main axis and often all three kinds growing 
from the same old-leaf axil, the leaves often all unifoliate and of all 
sizes and shapes. Flowers rather showy, one and one-eighth inches 
broad. Petals noticeably broad, one-half inch long, one-fourth to 
five-sixteenths of an inch wide, white. ‘The most noticeable form of 
fruiting branch about six inches long, with one trifoliolate leaf, and 
one or two oval unifoliolate leaves subtending the rather closely- 
bunched four to six fruits. Fruit of medium size, cylindrical about 
one-half inch high and rather longer than thick, maturing very early. 
Drupelets larger than those of Æ. zzgrobaccus, Bailey, black, pulpy, 
sweet, but lacking the aromatic taste characteristic of Æ. nigrobaccus. 

Growing chiefly in open sunny places and ranging widely over the 
New England States, being frequent as observed by the writer in 
Southern Vermont, Southern New Hampshire, Western Massachu- 
setts, Southwestern Maine, and Central Connecticut. As examples 
collected by others may be cited the plant of Mr. M. L. Fernald, col- 
lected at Gilsum, New Hampshire, July 23, 1899, no. 22 (hb. Gray), 
and plants in the herbariums of Messrs. Luman Andrews and C. H. 
Bissell collected in 1903 at Southington, Connecticut; also of Pres. 
E. Brainard collected at Middlebury, Vermont. The range is likely 
to extend north, west and perhaps south. 

This blackberry is frequently erect with canes sometimes five feet 
high and seven or eight feet long and a half inch in diameter at the 
base, being two to four feet high generally, but it is more often 
rather straggling, with the canes recurving and prolonged on the 
ground when they frequently tip. The new canes considerably 
overtop and often hide from view the fruiting ones, which on small 
plants are close to the ground. The species often bears a fine crop 
of berries but they are so early that they are overlooked, since they 
are nearly gone when most of our species are at their best. 

I have watched the speciesfor several years over a wide range and 
find it easy to recognize. I have, it is true, found a few plants which 
deviate somewhat from the above description, though they probably 
belong to this species. Some of them are glabrous with thin leaves, 
others glabrous with thick leaves, the former having long, slender, 
recurving stems, generally tipping. 


226 Rhodora [NoveMBER 

Homer D. House. 
(Plate 59.) 

ALTHOUGH the described species of Violets have increased greatly 
within the past decade, it is perhaps more the result of careful study 
of the features that constitute specific differences in the violets than 
it is the segregation of already described species. At first glance the 
peculiar violet described below would appear related to the Sagittata 
group, but a study of several sheets from various localities shows that 
its affinities lie in an entirely different direction. 

Viola Novae-Angliae, sp. nov. — Acaulescent, from slender, as- 
cending rootstocks : earliest leaves ovate or triangular-ovate, cordate, 
crenate, rounded or obtuse at the apex, 1-2 cm. long, on petioles 
2—4 cm. long; later leaf-blades thin in texture, triangular-lanceolate, 
4-6 cm. long, 1.5-2.5 cm. broad at the base, tapering to an acute 
apex, the base subtruncate to cordate, margin crenate-dentate at the 
base, obscurely and distantly crenate toward the apex; dark green 
and nearly glabrous above, paler and more or less pubescent beneath, 
especially on the veins; petioles 7—15 cm. long, pubescent with white 
floccose hairs or glabrate in age: flowering scapes 6-10 cm. long, 
not surpassing the leaves, bibracteolate below the middle, bractlets 
ovate with subulate tips т mm. long: sepals oblong-lanceolate, 7—8 
mm. long, glabrous, obtuse, 3-nerved, the basal auricle less than 1 
mm. long, rounded or truncate: petals narrowly oblong, 12—15 mm. 
long, deep purple-blue, spreading, the lateral and lower ones densely 
villous with white hairs, the lower one veined with dark purple: cleis- 
togamous flowers short-sagittate and blunt, 3-4 mm. long on short 
horizontal peduncles, 15—25 mm. long, their capsules subglobose, 
about 6 mm. long, or less. | 

Sandy shore, Fort Kent, Aroostook county, Maine, M. Г. Fernald, 
no. 2245, June 15, 1898. The type is sheet no. 338,658 in the 
National Herbarium. j 

The systematic position of this species is difficult to decide. By 
its small cleistogamous flowers on horizontal peduncles it is related 
to V. affinis LeConte. Its leaf-shape is somewhat suggestive of V. 
emarginata (Nutt.) LeConte, but its dense pubescence removes it 
from close relation with either of these species. 

In addition to the type mentioned above the following specimens 
may be referred here. 

1904] Clark,— Dalibarda repens near Boston . 227 

St. Francis, Aroostook Co., Maine, Fernald, no. 2244, June 18, 

Blue Hill Reservation, near Boston, Mass., Charles L. Pollard, 
Aug. 24, 1898. 

Bridgeport, Conn., Æ. H. Hames, May 19, 1895. 

Another sheet collected by Mr. Fernald at Orono, Penobscot Co., 
Maine (no. 2256) agrees with the type in all characters except the 
shape of the leaf blades, which are more ovate and cordate in outline 
and more densely pubescent. 


DALIBARDA REPENS NEAR Boston, — Although the dainty little 
plant, DaZibarda repens, L., may not be in reality far out of its course, 
yet it seems to have aroused much interest among botanists in this 
section who have recently learned of its being well-established within 
thirteen miles of Boston. Deep in the woods of Holbrook, far from 
dwelling houses, it covers an area of fully a quarter of a mile in ex- 
tent, usually being scattered about here and there, but occasionally 
forming large mats, which are easily distinguishable from a distance. 
Several hundred plants were in blossom at the time I first visited the 
place with my mother, Mrs. G. L. Grinnell, who first found this little 
colony. ‘lhe plants border a swamp but seem to keep up just out of 
the wet. In company with the 2a//2arda I noticed cinnamon ferns, 
mountain laurel, low blackberry vines, and Lycopodiums. There is 
no doubt that the Da/ibarda repens, L., is as perfectly indigenous as 
any of its neighbors mentioned, for the plants are widely scattered 
and show evidence of long residence.— ALicE G. CLARK, East Wey- 
mouth, Massachusetts. 

Warwick, Franklin County, in August, 1902, I met for the first time in 
Massachusetts the Musk Plant (Mimulus moschatus, Douglas), a little 
traveler from the Pacific Coast. Its comely yellow corolla smiled up 
from a tangle of taller plants that crowded about a spring in a bank 
. by the roadside. The little wayfarer seemed to be thoroughly at 
home in its narrow quarters in the very course of the trickling water. 
The slender viscid stems bore only a few flowers. Аз picked one 

228 Rhodora [NOVEMBER 

I detected a slight musky odor, and again got just a faint whiff of 
musk when at my journey’s end I looked at the carefully cherished 
specimen only to find a black and wilted plant without corolla. 
Taking the same drive in August, 1904, I looked eagerly to see if 
this apparently tender plant had survived the rigors of two New 
England winters. I found the way-side spring and caught the gleam 
of small yellow flowers near it. Mimulus moschatus was in fine con- 
dition ; its ascending stems were well filled with buds and blossoms, 
while other creeping stems by rooting at their joints in the springy 
soil of the bank, had extended the colony to the roadside, where, in 
the black ooze of the gutter, the plant had also established itself. So 
far as I have learned the species has been hjtherto reported from 
only two of the New England states, Vermont and Connecticut.— 
M. E. WARD, Lynn, Massachusetts. 

while fishing in Highland Lake, recently discovered growing on the 
sandy bottom a small plant, which on investigation seemed to be the 
little awlwort, Subularia aquatica, L. Knowing this plant to be 
recorded from only two stations in New Hampshire, and wishing to 
remove any question regarding its occurrence here, the writer sent 
specimens to Mr. M. L. Fernald of the Gray Herbarium, who verified 
the identification. As it is always of interest to the plant-lover to 
learn of a new station for a rare plant, the writer takes pleasure in 
informing the readers of Ruopora of this station. On investigation 
the plant was found growing abundantly in suitable places all around 
the Lake.— Grorce W. Нотт, East Andover, New Hampshire. 

Vol. 6, no. 70, including pages 197 to 212 was tssued 29 October, 1904. 

Rhodora. Plate 58. 

F. Schuyler Mathews del. 

V. FIMBRIATULA, J. E. Sm. (figs. b, c, d). У. SEPTENTRIONALIS, 
Greene (figs. e, f, g). 

Plate 59. 


Н. Р. House del. 

VIOLA NOVAE-ANGLIAE House, sp. nov. 




Vol. 6 December, 1904 No. 72 


On September 4th of this year, the writer visited “ The Flume” in 
the Franconia region of New Hampshire. The Flume is one of the 
well known objects of interest of the mountain region of the state, and 
many readers of RHODORA are doubtless well acquainted with it; but 
for the benefit of others it may be well to say that it 15 a narrow 
passage, perhaps averaging 15 or 20 feet wide, between perpendicular 
walls of rock, seeming almost of artificial construction, so straight are 
the walls, and so even the width. А mountain stream rushes down 
through it but there is a path all the way ; sometimes on a shelf of 
rock, sometimes on planks fastened to the wall. The depth of the 
cut, for such it probably is, though cut by natural not by human 
agency, is so great that direct sunlight can seldom reach anything but 
the uppermost part, and the moisture trickling from above combines 
with spray from the stream to make an ideal region for algae. 

Nearly everywhere the wall is covered with a dark reddish brown 
coating; specimens of this taken at different points showed that it was 
practically the same throughout, four species of algae being found 
in all the specimens, though varying in relative abundance. Every 
here and there on this coating were found masses of translucent 
gelatine, colorless, or pale greenish or yellowish; these also seemed 
to be of uniform character, seven species being found in each 
specimen examined, but in varying proportions. Both the brownish 
coating and the gelatine were more abundunt on the southwestern 
wall than on the northeastern, plainly on account of the smaller 
amount of light to which the former was exposed. The species com- 
posing the brown coating were G/ococapsa Magma (Bréb.) Kütz., giv- 

230 Rhodora [DECEMBER 

ing the reddish tint; Stigonema minutum (Ag.) Hass., S. hormoides 
(Kütz.) Born. & Flah., and Scyfonema ocellatum (Dillw.) Thuret. Sti- 
gonema hormoides occurred also in the gelatine, but not the other three 
species just named; and besides the .S/gonema, there were Aphano- 
thece microscopica Nàg., Plectonema Nostocorum Bornet, Calothrix fusca 
(Kütz.) Born. & Flah., Glococystis rupestris (Lyng.) Rab., С. ves- 
iculosa Nag., and Mesotaenium Braunti DeBy. 

Before the mouth of the Flume proper, the stream flows rapidly over 
a smooth, sloping rock, in the form of a thin sheet rather than a 
stream in the ordinary sense. All through this sheet were scattered 
tufts of a bright green filamentous alga which, on subsequent examina- 
tion, seemed to be a species of Zygnema, with filaments 25-28 p 
diameter. No fruit being found, specific determination was out of 
the question. Zygnemas are found in ponds and still waters gener- 
ally, often forming large loose masses near the bottom where the 
water is not very deep. The present habitat is certainly an unusual 
one, and the smooth, unbranched filaments would seem little suited 
to holding on to the smooth rock. 

As an adaptation there had been developed short rhizoidal pro- 
jections, much in'the same way as the forma polyrhizum of Rhizoclo- 
nium riparium (Roth) Harv. attaches itself to surf beaten rocks, 
while the forma implexum, with perfectly simple filaments, is at home 
in quiet bays, lagoons and ditches. It is curious to note that another 
marine JAZsoc/onium of our coast, R. tortuosum Kütz., though with- 
out rhizoids, resists being swept away by the waves, by means of its 
densely crisped and twisted fronds, which entangle it with any algae 
with which it may come in contact. 

Beside the species mentioned, there were found on the walls of the 
Flume, the thin black sheets of Schizothrix Muelleri Nag. and in 
quieter parts of the stream, Phormidium Retzii (Ag.) Gomont; on 
rocks just outside the Flume, Stigonema mamillosum Ag. 

The only reference heretofore to the algae of this locality that the 
writer has been able to find, is by Prof. Farlow in Appalachia, Vol. 
III, p. 232, 1884; the conditions of his visit were unfavorable, and 
he reports only five species; Synechococcus aeruginosus Nàg., Nostoc 
rupestre Kütz., N. muscorum Ag., Stigonema ocellatum (Dillw.) Thuret 
and Trentepohlia aurea (L.) Mart. It is interesting to note that 
none of these were observed at the present visit. This would seem 
to imply either that there was more variety at different places along 

1904 | Brainerd,— Scirpus validus and Allies 231 

the wall than was detected by the writer; or that the species occur- 
ring here varied from one year to another. In either case, it is 
probable that a student spending some days here might considerably 
extend the list. 




THE lucid account of Scirpus validus and its two allied species, 
presented in the April number of RHopora by Mrs. Agnes Chase, 
has doubtless led many students of Botany to examine these plants 
in the field during the past season. The statement that S. Zezero- 
chaetus had been found in New England only at Milton, Vermont, and 
the fact that S. occidentalis had not been seen from Vermont at all, 
were additional motives for the examination of the bulrushes, that 
were known to occur abundantly in Lake Champlain. The result of 
observations at many stations over a stretch of fifty miles is here 

I. .5. validus is extremely rare in the waters of the Lake. Only 
one small colony was seen in a sheltered bay, where it was growing 
in mucky sand оп the border of a marsh. It is, however, abundant 
along sluggish streams and in small ponds back from the Lake. Its 
weak stems ill adapt it to withstand the waves of large bodies of 

2. S. occidentalis is the prevailing species in Lake Champlain, 
covering hundreds of acres. Its strong, pliant stems enable it to 
grow even in exposed situations. It is found in water, one to three 
feet deepeven in August. This and the matted interwoven condition 
of the rootstocks make it difficult to secure proper specimens. "The 
plant begins to ripen seeds some six weeks later than does S. validus. 
The * Eastern form," with open panicles, is the usual one in Lake 
Champlain; but in one colony near Pelot's Bay, North Hero, the 
spikelets are in congested heads, as figured by Mrs. Chase in Plate 



232 Rhodora [DECEMBER 

3. S. heterochaetus is also common in Lake Champlain, but is 
found in more sheltered places than S. occidentalis. Its stems are 
much more slender, but equally lithe and strong. A marsh of sev- 
eral acres in Ball’s Bay, Ferrisburgh, is almost entirely given up to 
this species. When Isaw it in August the golden fruit was waving 
in the wind, and it looked like a field of ripened grain. Indeed, I 
was told by an intelligent camper in this region, that small birds feed 
extensively on the seeds of these plants in the autumn. S. etero- 
chaetus flowers at a date midway between the two other species, and 
is readily recognized by the color of the spikelets, their ovoid-conical 
shape, and the three-cleft style. 

The pleasure of finding that these two new species were so com- 
mon in Lake Champlain, was not unmixed with a painful sense of 
chagrin that for so many years one had been going in and out among 
these bulrushes without observing their marked specific distinctness. 



Alnus serrulata, Willd. —In 1898 a large clump of this plant 
was found in a swamp along the bank of the Pemaquid river in the ` 
town of Bristol, Maine. This is the first undoubted station thus far 
reported from the state, the shrub previously reported as A. serrulata 
being a phase of 24. incana with rufescent veins. As the locality is 
two miles or more from any house, and is one that is but rarely visited 
save for wood cutting in the winter, there seems to be no possibility 
of the plant having been introduced from farther south. 

Antennaria occidentalis, Greene. (A. Farwellii, Fernald, not Greene.) 
— A large patch of this plant was found on a railroad embankment 
near Cumberland Center, Maine, in 1902, and specimens then collected 
have been determined by Mr. Fernald. "The only other Maine station, 
at North Berwick, is about forty miles southwest, and has been re- 
ported in RHODORA, I: 152. 

Desmodium Dillenii, Darlingt. — Specimens are in my herbarium 
from Chesterville, Franklin Co., and also from Falmouth, Cumberland 
Co. The Chesterville station represents the extreme northward exten- 
sion of the species in western Maine. 

1904 | Chamberlain,— New Stations for Maine Plants 233 

Гота hederacea, Jacq.— Collected in 1903 on a roadside dump in 
Falmouth, where it had escaped from nearby dwellings. ‘This is the 
first report of the plant's occurrence north of Massachusetts. 

Tpomea purpurea, Lam.— Not unusual on the dumps around Port- 
land, and during the past season spontaneous in vegetable gardens at 
Cumberland Center. While this plant is not a permanent factor in 
the state flora, yet its prevalence in cultivation renders it probable that 
specimens could be found on the waste heaps of most of the large 
towns in the state, but to my knowledge the plant has not been 
reported from Maine before. 

Oxalis filipes, Small.— Specimens of a peculiar Oxalis were col- 
lected in a mowing field in Falmouth in 1903. They were at first 
determined as О. stricta, L., but recently Mr. Fernald has deter- 
mined them as above. ‘The species is new to the State flora. 

Panicum virgatum, L.— An abundance of this species was found 
by Mr. C. H. Knowlton and the writer at Pine Point, Scarboro, in 
July, 1903. The plant is of rather southern range in the state, and 
is not common. 

Polygonum tenue, Michx. — In September 1902, while crossing a 
sandy field at Cumberland Foreside, Miss L. O. Eaton and myself 
came across a small patch of a plant later determined as Polygonum 
` tenue. This is the only station thus far known in the state and forms 
the basis of the report in RHODORA, 4: 204. 

Scirpus sylvaticus, L. — Specimens of this plant, since determined 
by Mr. Fernald, were collected by Mr. J. Franklin Collins and myself 
in r903 near West Falmouth Station in the town of Falmouth. Dur- 
ing the past season Dr. D. W. Fellows and I found several plants on 
Cape Elizabeth near Cape Cottage. Previous reports have not ex- 
tended its range north of Wells. 

Specularia perfoliata, A. DC. — А few plants of this species were 
found in 1903 at the falls of the Presumpscot river in Falmouth. 
The plant is of very local distribution in Maine, being known, be- 
sides the present station, only from a few points in York Co., and 
from Mt. Desert Island. 

Specimens of all the species mentioned above are in my own her- 
barium, and with one or two exceptions there are duplicates either in 
the Gray Herbarium or in the Herbarium of the New England Bo- 
tanical Club. 


234 Rhodora [DECEMBER 

looking over certain desmid material during the past summer a char- 
acter was noticed which to my knowledge has not been called to 
notice in any published paper. It is a well known fact that the 
microscopic plants, Desmids, Diatoms, and other small or unicellu- 
lar algae furnish a considerable amount of the food supply of various 
small fresh water animals. ‘The effect upon the plant cell in such a 
case is peculiar. In several cases in material obtained from Read- 
ing and South Framingham, Massachusetts, there were also in the 
bottles various Entomostraca, the two genera bearing upon the mat- 

ter in hand being Daphnia and Cypris. "These 

small crustacea have bivalve shells which are 

“©, transparent, allowing the food to be seen after 

it has entered the digestive tract. It was 

^ noted that the change was not always imme- 

diately fatal to the Desmid that was swal- 

lowed. In a number of cases the cell had 

& net only continued to live but had continued 

to carry on its division. In such cases, how- 

ever, instead of the newly formed cells being like the old cells as is 

the usual condition, they appeared as contorted and bizarre forms 

quite unlike the old semi-cells. This is of course due in some way 

to the action of the chemical contents of the digestive tract upon the 

cells of the plants, thus causing truly pathologic conditions. It was 

noted in three genera, Cosmarium, Euastrum and Micrasterias, that 

such conditions occurred. The last, of which a figure is given, fur- 

nishes perhaps the best example of deviation from the typical form. 

The end lobe is fairly typical in its general shape but has an addi- 

tional small lobe on the face. The lateral lobes are not as well 

marked, being on one side almost entirely fused, on the other less 

so. In both cases there are various additional smaller lobes. Alto- 

gether, if broken away from the old semi-cells, it would never be 

taken for a semi-cell of Micrasterias papillifera, which it neverthe- 

less is. It would be interesting to determine the sort of form that 

would be produced if these peculiar cells were to divide again. Some 

clue as to whether or not these cells would exert an influence on the 

semi-cells derived from them, might perhaps be obtained from actual 

experimenting.— JOsEPH A. CusHMAN, Boston Society of Natural 

1904] Tilton,—— An Addition to the Fern-flora of Vermont 235 

Some NorEwoRTHY PLANTS OF MaiwE.— On Sept. 7, 1902, a 
single root of .So/idago asperula, Desf., with two or three stems was 
found within the limits of Portland. Apparently it has not persisted, 
as the locality was visited last year and again this year, but the plant 
could not be found. 

Centaurea nigra, L., is abundant on Long Island in Casco Bay ex- 
tending over a large area. 

Senecio Jacobaea, L., which Judge Churchill found common on 
Prince Edward Island and working its way southward through the 
Provinces (RHODORA, iv, 34), was discovered three years ago in the 
Deering district, and though still growing freely it does not appear to 
be spreading. 

Coronilla varia, L. I collected this summer at South Freeport, 
where it is thoroughly established, having overrun an old garden lot 
and extended to the adjacent roadsides. This is probably the third 
station for this plant in the State. 

Allium tricoccum, Ait., abundant on Eagle Island, Casco Bay. 

Veronica Chamaedrys, L., has recently been received from Mr. M. 
H. Briant, West Buxton, who states that it has been growing freely 
there in grass land for twelve years or more. 

Other plants I mention which have been collected in Portland the 
present season, are: ZZ4/aspi arvense, L., Sisymbrium Sophia, L., 
Saponaria Vaccaria, L. 

I wish also to report Juncus oronensis, Fernald from Allaguash 
River, northern Aroostook, seen by Mr. Fernald in my herbarium. 
This, as he suggests, establishes an extension of range for this spe- 
cies. — Dana W. FELLows, Portland, Maine. 

Lunaria,Sw., is new to the listed flora of Vermont. I found a specimen 
of it at Willoughby Lake last August. It grew in an upland field, at 
the foot of a high wooded pasture, which extended back to the cliffs. 
I was looking for Ophioglossum vulgatum, L., which I found in abun- 
dance, but nearly all had been decapitated by the scythe. In the 
same field grew also Botrychium obliquum, Muhl., and B. dissectum, 
Spreng. I might mention too Senecio Robbinsii, Oakes, as a very 
common plant growing here and in all the fields and pastures round 

236 Rhodora [DECEMBER 

about. Amid such environment I discovered Botrychium Lunaria, 
Sw. The top of the fruited frond had been cut off by the mowers, 
but the sterile frond and all the rest of the fern was in perfect condi- 
tion. No other specimen was found, but a better time to look for it 
would doubtless be earlier in the season, previous to the ravages of 
the scythe and the rake. The fern has been identified by Mr. 
George E. Davenport. — Ско. H. Tritton, Woburn, Mass. 


Page 21, line 14; for C. Zinctorium read G. tinctorium. 
€ 334, " us; " PUBLICATION read PUBLICATIONS. 

" 34, " go; " Greenii read Greenei. 
"ae "o. 7. rro. 
‚^ 57 “ 5; “ oblongifolium read oblongifolia. 
*" 70, “ 9; " 1-2 mm. read 1-2 m. 
“ 479, “ 30; * Noauk read Noank. 
* 80, * то; * BorRicHIUM read BOTRYCHIUM. 
" gr, * 6; ‘ Murdock read Murdoch. 
* gs, “ 2; “ Caulophyceum read Caulophyllum. 
* 97, * 42; * corymbosus regad corymbosa. 
*" €* € 43;  “ lanceolatus read lanceolata. 
"o prO, “ 19; * Szbericum read Sibiricum. 
“ t14, “ 14; © RHAPONTIUM read RHAPONTICUM. 
* r21, * go; “ cornicula read corniculata. 
* 140, * 20; “ Alleghaniensis read Allegheniensis. 
* 142, * 25; “ Hedoma read Hedeoma. 
«144, “ 1; * MONTANUM read MONTANUS. 
" 145, “ 27; © frichomitrion read trichomanoides. 
"44 “ а; 4 ЖУР vd XVI. 
" 212, “ 2; © spinulosum, var. concordianum read spinulosa, 

var. concordiana. 

Vol. 6, no. 71, containing pages 213 to 228 and plates 58 and 59, was issued 30 
November, 1904. 

1904 | 




New scientific names are printed in full face type. 

Abies, 103; balsamea, 103. 
Acalypha gracilens, 85; virginica, 

Acanthaceae, 152. 

Acer, 122; nigrum, 122; pennsyl- 
vanicum, 122; rubrum, 122; sac- 
charinum, 122; saccharum, 122; 
spicatum, 122. 

Aceraceae, 122. 

Achillea, 132; Millefolium, 97, 132. 

Achroanthes monophylla, 112 ; uni- 
fol a2: 

Achyranthus, 51. 

Aconitum, 116; Napellus, 116. 

Actaea, 116; alba, 116, 140; eburnea, 
140; neglecta, 140; rubra, 116; 
spicata, var. rubra, 140. 

Addenda to the Flora of Vermont, 


Addition to the Fern-flora of Ver- 
mont, 235. 

Additional notes from Willoughby, 

Adiantum, 101; pedatum, ror; 207. 

Agrimonia, 120; Brittoniana, 120; 
striata, 62, 120. 

Agropyron, 107; caninum, 107, 208, 
forma caninoides, 107; Novae- 
Angliae, 107, repens, 107. 

Agrostemma, 115; Githago, 78, 115, 

Agrostis, 105; alba, 105, var. vulgaris, 
105; hyemalis, 105; intermedia, 
178; scabra, 105, var. montana, 105. 

Ajuga reptans, 144. 

Alder, 126. 

Alders of New England, The green, 

Algae, 181, 182, 229, 230, 234; of the 
Flume, 229; Sailor’s Collection of, 

Alismaceae, 104. 

Alismataceae, 24 

Allies of Salix lucida, Two north- 
eastern, 1; of Scirpus lacustris, 
North American, 65. 

Allium, 110; Schoenoprasum, 110, 
139, var. sibiricum, 110; tricoccum, 
110, 208, 235. 

Alnus, 113; alnobetula, 113, 162; 
crispa, 162 ; 163; incana, 113, 126, 
232; maritima, 176; mollis, 162; 
serrulata, 232; viridis, 113, 162, 

Alsine borealis, 115; graminea, 115 ; 
media, 115. 

Amaranthaceae, 115. 

Amaranthus, 115; albus, 82; graeci- 
zans, 82; hybridus, 82; retroflex- 

Amblystegium varium, 72, var. ortho- 
cladon, 72. 

Ambrosia trifida, var. integrifolia, 

Ambrosiaceae, 6r. 

Amelanchier, 120; oligocarpa, 120. 

American Representatives of Pyrola 
rotundifolia, 197. 

Ames, O., Spiranthes Grayi, 44; 
Spiranthes neglecta, 27. . 

Ampelopsis, 122; quinquefolia, 122, 
var. murorum, 141. 

Anacamptodon splachnoides, 72. 

Anacardiaceae, 121. 

Anagallis arvensis, 142, var. caerulea, 

Anaphalis, 132; margaritacea, 

Anchusa arvalis, 91. 

Andersson’s Salix pellita, The Iden- 
tity of, тот. 

Andover, New Hampshire, 
laria at East, 228. 

Andrews, A. L., Bryophytes of the 
Mt. Greylock Region, — III, 72; 
Some interesting Mosses from a 
southern Vermont Peat-bog, 43. 

Andromeda, 125, 149; glaucophylla, 
I25, 149; polifolia, 125, 149. 

Anemone, r16; canadensis, 192; Cy- 
lindrica, 97; rnultifida, 193; rip- 
aria, 116, 193; virginiana, 97. 

Angelica atropurpurea, 192; hirsuta, 

Annual Field Meeting of the Ver- 
mont Botanical Club, Notice of, 
164; Meeting of the Josselyn Bo- 
tanical Society of Maine, Tenth, 
147, 192. 




Antennaria, 132; canadensis, 132; 
fallax, 132; Farwellii, 232; mar- 
garitacea, 97, neglecta, 132; neo- 
dioca, 132, var. grandis, 132 ; occi- 
dentalis, 232; petaloidea, 132, 206. 

Anthemis arvensis, 142; tinctoria, 
78, 144. 

Anthoceros laevis, 74. 

Anthoxanthum, 104; odoratum, 104. 

Anychia, 50; canadensis, 50-53; ca- 
pillacea, 50, 52; capillaris, 52; 
conferta, 51, 53; dichotoma, 50-53, 
Identity of, 50, var. capillacea, 50, 
52; divaricata, 51, 53; fastigiata, 
51, 53; filiformis, 52; lateralis, 51, 
53; nudiflora, 51; polygonoides, 

Apera Spica-venti, 84. 

Aphanothece microscopica, 230. 

Aphyllon uniflorum, 129. 

Aplopappus gracilis, 82. 

Aplozia cordifolia, 170. 

Apocynaceae, 127. 

Apocynum, 127; cannabinum, 127, 
var. glaberrimum, 127; hyperici- 
folium, 97; medium, 127, 142. 

Aquifoliaceae, 121. 

Aquilegia, 116; vulgaris, 116. 

Arabis brachycarpa, 140; confinis, 

140; Drummondii, 140; laevigata,, 

208; lyrata, 97, 117; perfoliata, 


Araceae, 109. 

Aralia, 124; hispida, 124; nudicaulis, 
124; quinquefolia, 124; racemosa, 

бо Ц 124. 

Arceuthobium pusillum, 85, 86, 150, 

Arctium, 133; Lappa, 133, var. majus, 
133, var. tomentosum, 209; minus, 

Arenaria serpyllifolia, 84; verna, var. 
hirta, 94. 

Arisaema, 109; Stewardsonii, 139; 
triphyllum, 109. 163, An interesting 
Specimen of, 163. 

Aristolochiaceae, 114. 

Aronia nigra, 120. 

Artemisia, 133; Abrotanum, 133; 
annua, 82; canadensis, 97, 133, 192 ; 
puc 144 ; ludoviciana, 82, 
4; Pontica, 133; vulgaris, 133. 

Asarum, 114; canadense, 114. 

Asclepiadaceae, 127. 

Asclepias, 127; Cornuti, 83, 97, 127; 
quadrifolia, 97; syriaca, 127. 

Ash, 20. 

Aspidium, 100; acrostichoides, 100, 



var. incisum, 101, 137; aculeatum, 
var. Braunii, 101, 203, 207; Boottii, 
IOI ; cristatum, 101, var. Clintonia- 
num, 101, 176; Goldianum, 101, 
207; marginale, 101, forma Daven- 
portii, 212; noveboracense, IOI ; 
pittsfordense, 212 ; simulatum, 138, 
203; spinulosum, 101, var. con- 
cordianum, 212. var. dilatatum, IOI, 
207, var. intermedium, 101, X mar- 
ginale, 138; Thelyterpis, тот. 
Asplenium, 101; acrostichoides, 101; 
ebenoides, 32 ; ebeneum, var. Hor- 
tonae, 138, var. proliferum, 210; 
Filix-foemina, 101; Ruta-muraria, 
94, 101; thelypteroides, 101; Tri- 
chomanes, 101, 207; viride, 101. 
Asprella, 107 ; Hystrix, 107, 208. 
Aster, 131; acuminatus, 132; cordi- 
folius, 131, var. Furbishiae, 132; 
corymbosus, 131; diffusus, 131, 
var. hirsuticaulis, 131; divaricatus, 
I31; Faxoni, 131, frondosus, 82; 
lateriflorus, 131; Lindleyanus, var. 
comatus, 142; longifolius, 132, 143, 

var. villicaulis, 132, 143; macro- 
phyllus, 131; paniculatus, 131, 132, 
var. acutidens, 143, var. bellidi- 

florus, 132, var. cinerascens, 143, 
var. lanatus, 131, 143, var. simplex, 
143; polyphyllus, 94, 131; puni- 
ceus, 132; Schreberi, 143; tardi- 
florus, 132, var. vestitus, 132, 143; 
umbellatus, 132. 

Astragalus, 121; alpinus, 192; Blakei, 
121 ; Robbinsii, 121. J 

Atragene americana, 116. 

Atriplex patulum, var. hastatum, 82, 
var. littorale, 81, 82. 

Aulocomnium palustre, 43. 

Avena, 106; sativa, 106; striata, 106. 

Awlwort, 228. 

Balsaminaceae, 122. 

Barbarea, 118; stricta, 84, 118; vul- 
garis, 83, 118. 

Batrachium trichophyllum, 117. 

Bartramia Oederi, 145. 

Bazzania deflexa, 74; triangularis, 74. 

Bedstraw, 22. 

Beech, 45; PartialReversion in Leaves 
of the fern-leaved, 45. 

Bennett, J. L., Notice of death, 146. 

Berberidaceae, 117. 

Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 
Notes on the Flora of, 202. 

Berteroa incana, 83, 146. 

Betula, 113 ; alba, var. cordifolia, 113, 
var. papyrifera, 113; crispa, 162; 


lenta, 113; lutea, 113; papyrifera, 
тіз рата 2, 9 

Bicknell, E. P., Juncus aristulatus in 
New England, 174. 

Bicuculla canadensis, 117 ; 
laria, 117. 

Bidens aristosa, 49, 82; cernua, 132; 
frondosa, 132, 143; vulgata, 143. 
Black Raspberry, 224; Spruce, 42, 

149, in Rhode Island, 41. 

Blackberry 2819091 223.8225, A new 
Species of, 223. 

Blanchard, W. H., А new Species of 
Blackberry, 223. 

Blasia pusilla, 74. 

Blepharostoma setaceum, 185. 

Blitum capitatum, 114. 

Blyttia Lyellii, var. Flotowiana, 165. 

Boebera papposa, 144. 

Bogs, Some interesting Rhode Is- 
land, 149. 

Boraginaceae, 127. 

Boston, Dalibarda repens near, 227. 

Botanical Club, Meeting of the Ver- 
mont, 63, Notice of Annual Field 
Meeting of the Vermont, 164; 
Society of Maine, Tenth Annual 
Meeting of the Josselyn, 147, 192. 

Botrychium, 100; dissectum, 235; 
Lunaria, 235, 236; matricariaefo- 
lium, 80, 100, 212, in Connecticut, 
Further Stations for, 80; obliqu- 
Ming 225 Орех об оо 212: 
tenebrosum, ато ternatum, var. 
dissectum, 100, var. intermedium, 
100, var. obliquum, 100; virginia- 
num, тоо. 

Bouteloua Humboldtiana, 82; oligo- 
stachya, 82 ; prostrata, 82 ; uniflora, 

Brachyelytrum, 105; aristatum, 105; 
erectum, то. 

Brachythecium laetum, 72; plumo- 
sum, 73; rivulare, 73. 

Brainerd. E., Addenda to the Flora 
of Vermont, 137; Hybridism in 
the genus Viola, 213; Notes on 
New England Violets, 8; Notice 
of Annual Field Meeting of the 
Vermont Botanical Club, 164; 
Scirpus validus and Allies in the 
Champlain Valley, 231. 

Brassica2 7059. тт eeanvensis, Il 
campestris, 117; juncea, 84, 117; 
Sinapistrum, 117. 

Braya, 117; humilis, 94, 117. 

Bromus, 106; breviaristatus, 832; 
carinatus, 83; ciliatus, 106; mar- 
ginatvs, 83, 84; mollis, 83; race- 




mosus, 83. var. commutatus, 83; 

secalinus, 78, 83, 106; tectorum, 

Bryophytes of the Mt. Greylock 
Region,— III, 72. 

Bryothamnion Seaforthii, 182. 

Bryum, 72; capillare, 73; interme- 
dium, 73; pseudotriquetrum, 73. 

Bulblets of Microstylis ophioglos- 
soides, 79. 

Bulrush, Great, 65. 

Bulrushes, 231. 

Butomaceae, 24. 

Buttercups, 192. 

Calamagrostis, 105; canadensis, 97, 
105; hyperborea, 105, var. amer- 
icana, 105, var. elongata, 105, 138; 
inexpansa, 105; Langsdorfii, 105; 
neglecta, 193; stricta, 105. 

Calamintha, 128; Acinos, 142; Clino- 
podium, 128, 209. 

Calla, 109; palustris, 109. 

Callitrichaceae, 121. 

Callitriche, 121; palustris, 121; ver- 
na 12 

Calothrix fusca, 230. 

Caltha, 116; palustris, 116. 

Calypso, 112; borealis, 112; bulbosa, 

Camelina, 78; microcarpa, 23, 83, 
84 ; sativa, 78. 

Campanula, 130, 146; aparinoides, 
142; patula, 146; rapunculoides, 
ізо wnotundifolla Жо тео 1920 
uliginosa, 142. 

Campanulaceae, 130. 

Camptothecium, 43; nitens, 43. 

Caprifoliaceae, 54, 129. 

Capsella, 118; Bursa-pastoris, 118. 

Cardamine, 118; parvitlora, 54; penn- 
sylvanica, 118. 

Carduus, arvensis, 133; lanceolatus, 
I33; muticus, I33. 

Carex, 108 ; aenea, 138, 203; aestiva- 
lis, 138; albicans, 108; alopecoidea, 
194; altocaulis, 108 ; arctata, 108 ; 
aurea, 108; Baileyi, 108; Bebbii, 
109, 203 ; bromoides, 109; brunnes- 
cens, 109; canescens, 138, var. 
alpicola, 109, var. disjuncta, 138, 
var. subloliacea, 109, 138; castanea, 
108, 192; communis, 108; Craw- 
fordii, 109, 138, var. vigens, 138; 
cristata, 109; cristatella, 109; debi- 
lis, var. Rudgei, 108; deflexa, 108, 
var. Deanei, 148; Deweyana, 109; 
eburnea, 97, 108; echinata, var. 
angustata, 109; filiformis, 108; 


flava, 108, var. viridula, 108; foe- 
nea, 138; gracillima, 108, X cas- 
tanea, 139; grisea, 194; gynandra, 
108; Houghtonii, 194 ; hystricina, 
108, var. Dudleyi, 108, 138; interior, 
109; intumescens, 108, var. Fer- 
naldii, 138, 203; laxiflora, 108, var. 
patulifolia, 108, var. varians, 108 ; 
lenticularis, 108; leptalea, 109; 
lurida, 1:08, var. gracilis, 108; 
mirabilis, 109, var. perlonga, 138, 
var. tincta, 109, 135; pallescens, 
108; pauciflora, 204; pedicellata, 
108; pedunculata, 108; pennsylva- 
nica, var. lucorum, Y planta- 
ginea, 108; platyphylla, 108 ; poly- 
morpha, 194; polytrichoides, 109; 
retrorsa, 108, rosea, var. minor, 
109, var. radiata, 109; rostrata, 
108; saltuensis, 108; scabrata, 108, 
X crinita, 139; Schweinitzii, 3, 8; 
scirpoidea, 97, 108; scoparia, 109, 
var. condensa, 109, 139, var. minor, 
138, var. moniliformis, 139 ; setacea, 
139; setifolia, 108; siccata, 42; 
stellulata, var. angustata, 109; 
sterilis, 109; stipitata, 109; stra- 
minia, var. echinodes, 139; stricta, 
108; tenella, тоо; tenuis, 108; 
teretiuscula, 109, var. ramosa, 3, 8; 
tetanica, 3, 8; tribuloides, var. 
cristata, 109, var. moniliformis, 
109, var. reducta, 109; trisperma, 
109; Tuckermani, 108; umbellata, 

var. brevirostris, 139; utriculata, 
var. minor, 108, vaginata, 108, 
148; varia, 139; vesicaria, var. 

distenta, 139, var. jejuna, 139, var. 
Raeana, 193; vestita, 194; viridula, 
108; vulpinoidea, 109. 

Carices, 94. 

Carum, 124; Carui, 124. 

Carya alba, 194. 

Caryophyllaceae, 115. 

Cassandra calyculata, 125. 

Castalia odorata, 116. 

Castilleia pallida, var. septentrionalis, 


Castilleja pallida, var. septentrionalis, 

Caulerpa prolifera, 182. 

Cauloph yllum, 117, 236; thalictroides, 
95, 117. 

Cedar, 93. 

Celastraceae, 121. 

Celastrus, 121 ; scandens, 121, 208. 

Cenchrus tribuloides, 82. 

Centaurea nigra, 235; vochinensis, 

Cephalozia, 173; catenulata, 173, 174 ; 



divaricata, 173; Helleri, 172; Jackii, 
173; reclusa, 173, 174; serriflora, 
173, 174; virginiana, 173, 174. 

Cephaloziella, 173; Jackii, 173. 

Cerastium, 62, 115; vulgatum, 115. 

Chamaedaphne, 125 ; calyculata, 125. 

Chamaelirion carolinianum, 204. 

Chamaenerion angustifolium, 123. 

Chamberlain, E. B., New Stations for 
Maine Plants, 194, 232 ; Plantago 
elongata in Massachusetts, 211. 

Champlain Valley, Scirpus validus 
and Allies in the, 231. 

Chase, A., North American Allies of 
Scirpus lacustris, 65. 

Chelone, 128 ; glabra, 128. 

Chenopodiaceae, 114. 

Chenopodium, 83, 114; album, t14, 
var. viride, 82, 140; capitatum, 114; 
foetidum, 83; leptophyllum, 82; 
olidum, 82. 

Chimaphila, 125; umbellata, 125. 

Chiogenes, 126; hispidula, 126 ; ser- 
pyllifolia, 126. 

Chionanthus, 89; chinensis, 20; Note 
on the Polygamy of, 89; retusa, 
I9, 20, 89; virginica, 18, 20, 89; 
'The Pseudo-monoclinism of, 18. 

Chittendon, M. D., Notice of Annual 
Field meeting of the Vermont 
Botanical Club, 164. 

Chloris cucullata, 82; elegans, 82. 

Choreocolax Polysiphoniae, 182. 

Chrysanthemum, 133; Balsamitae, 
var. tanacetoides, 133 ; Leucanthe- 
mum, var. subpinnatifidum, 133. 

Chrysosplenium, t19; americanum, 

Cicer arietinum, 144. 

Cichoriaceae, 61. 

Cichorieae, 62. 

Cicuta, 124; bulbifera, 124. к 

Cinna, 105; latifolia, 105; pendula, 

Cinnamon Ferns, 227. 

Circaea, 123; alpina, 97, 123; Lute- 
tiana, 123. 

Cirsium, 133; arvense, 133 ; lanceo- 
latum, 97, 133; muticum, 133. 

Cladium, 108; mariscoides, 108. 

Clark, A. G., Dalibarda repens near 
Boston, 227; An interesting Speci- 
men of Arisaema triphyllum, 163 ; 
Triosteum perfoliatum, in Massa- 
chusetts, 179. 

Clark, H. L., Notes on Maryland 
Plants, 176. 

Claytonia, 115; caroliniana, 115. 

Clematis, 116; verticillaris, 116, 192, 
208 ; virginiana, 97, 116. 


Cleome serrulata, 79, in Maine, 79. 

Clinopodium vulgaré, 128. 

ісп ево 

Clintonia, 110; borealis, 97, 110. 

Club, Meeting of the Vermont Botan- 
ical, 63; Notice of Annual Field 
Meeting of the Vermont Botanical, 

Су ере. 

Codium tomentosum, 182. 

Coeloglossum bracteatum, 111. 

Collection of Algae, A Sailor's, 181. 

Collins, Е. S., Algae of the Flume, 
229; A Sailor's Collection of Algae, 

Collins ШШК hes аск Spruce in 
Rhode Island, 41; Some interest- 
ing Rhode Island Bogs, 149; Some 
Maine Mosses, 145. | 

Compositae, 61, 62, 130. 

Concord Nephrodium, Purdie’s, 33. 

Conioselinum canadense, 208. 

Connecticut Flora at the St. Louis 
Exposition, 180; Further Stations 
for Botrychium matricariaefolium 
in, 80; Grasses, Notes on two, 177; 
Helenium nudiflorum in Groton, 
79; Noteworthy Plants of south- 
eastern,— IV, 48; Panicum Com- 
monsianum in, 42; Plants, Some 
unusual, 195; Some Introduced 
Plants of, 78; Some Introduced 
Weeds of, 146; Two Noteworthy 
Plants of New Haven, бо. 

Conopholis americana, 152. 

Convallaria majalis, 139. 

Convolvulaceae, 127. 

Convolvulus, 127; sepium, 127. 

Coptis, 116; trifolia, 116. 

Corallorhiza, 112; innata, 112; mul- 
Horan To: 

Cordaea Flotowiana, 165. 

Coreopsis, 82. 

Coriander, 23. 

Coriandrum sativum, 23. 

Corn, 83. 

Cornaceae, 54, 124. 

Cornus, 124; alternifolia, 54, 124; 
Amomum, 54-56 ; Arnoldiana, 56; 
canadensis, 54, 124; candidissima 
62; circinnata, 54, 124; florida, 
54; paniculata, 54, 56, X Purpusi, 
Ба БОС, Витри 545 Бу; sericea, 
55; stolonifera, 54, 56, 124. 

Coronilla varia, 235. 

Gorylus#1 tah rostrata, тта: 

Cosmarium, 234. 

Cosmos parviflorus, 82. 

Cotula australis, 82. 



Crassulaceae, 118. 

Crataegus, 120, 214; anomala, 140; 
ascendens, 140; asperifolia, 140; 
Brainerdi, 140; champlainensis, 
140; coccinea, 140; contigua, 140; 
delucida, 140; demissa, 140; dil- 
atata, 140; dissona, 140; Eggles- 
toni, 140; exclusa, 141; flabellata, 
120, мат genialis era пум glauca: 
phylla, 141; Gravesii, 141; Hol- 
mesiana, I41; intricata, I41; Jes- 
upi, I41; lobulata, 141; macra- 
cantha, 208; matura, 141; media, 
120, I41; membranacea, 141; mod- 
esta, 141; pentandra, 141; polita, 
141; praecoqua, 141; Pringlei, 141; 
punctata, var. aurea, 141; scabrida, 
141; submollis, 141; succulenta, 

Crepis, 78, 146; setosa, 144; virens, 
78, 146, var. agrestis, 144, var. run- 
cinata, 144. 

Croton capitatus, 86; texensis, 86. 

Cruciferae, 9, 117. 

Cucurbitaceae, 130. 

Cupressus thyoides, 97. 

Cupuliferae, 113. 

Cuscuta Epithymum, 78, 146. 

Cushman, J. A., Division in Desmids 
under pathologic Conditions, 234. 

Cynoglossum virginicum, 193. 

Cyperaceae, 71, 107. 

Cypripedium, 111; acaule, 111; arie- 
tinum, rrr; hirsutum тїї; parvi- 
florum, III: pubescens, III; re- 
ginae, tir, spectabile, 8, TII. 

Cypris, 234. 

Cystopteris, 100; bulbifera, 100, 207 ; 
fragilis, 100. 

Dactylis, тоб; glomerata, тоб. 

Daisies, 192. 

Dalibarda, 119, 227; repens, 119, 227, 
near Boston, 227. 

Dandelion, Fall, 23. 

Danthonia, 106; 
spicata, 97, 106. 

Daphne Mezereum, 86. 

Daphnia, 234. 

Davenport, E. B., Recollections of 
Charles Christopher Frost, 25. 

Davenport, G. E., Death of William 
Wendte, 209 ; Miscellaneous Noies 
on New England Ferns, — VI, 31. 

Day, M. A., Juncus effusus, var. com- 
pactus in New Hampshire, 211. 

Day Mountain, Franklin County, 
Maine, Notes on the Flora of, 206. 

Deane, W., Note on Hydrophyllum 

compressa, 106; 


canadense, 184; Preliminary Lists 
of New England Plants,—XVI, 151. 

Death of William Wendte, 209. 

Delphinium Ajacis, 144. 

Dentaria, 118; diphylla, 118. 

Dermocarpa prasina, 182. 

Deschampsia elongata, 82; flexuosa, 

Desmids, 234; Under pathologic 
Conditions, Division in, 234. 

Desmodium Dillenii, 232 ; pauciflor- 
um, 177; rotundifolium, 141. 

Desmodiums, 177. 

Dianthera americana, 152, 160, 161. 

Dianthus, 115; barbatus, 115; plum- 
arius, 144. 

Diatoms, 234. 

Dicentra, 117; canadensis, 117; Cu- 
cullaria, 117. 

Dicksonia, 100; pilosiuscula, 100; 
punctilobula, 100. 

Dicranum, 43; Bonjeani, 43; monta- 
num, 73; undulatum, 73; viride, 73. 

Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus, forma 
flaccidus, 182. 

Diervilla, 130; Diervilla, 130; Loni- 
cera, 54; trifida, 130. 

Diodia virginiana, 176. 

Diplolaena Lyellii, var. Flotowiana, 

Diplophylleia Helleriana, 172. 

Diplophyllum exsectiforme, 171; ex- 
sectum, (71; Hellerianum, 172. 

Dirca, 123, palustris, 86, 123. 

Distichium capillaceum, 145. 

Division in Desmids under patho- 
logic Conditions, 234. 

Doellingeria umbellata, 132. 

Draba, 118; arabisans, 97; incana, 
118, 208, var. arabisans, 118. 

Driggs, A. W., Connecticut Flora at 
the St. Louis Exposition, 180. 

Drosera, 118; rotundifolia, 118. 

Droseraceae, 118. 

Dryopteris acrostichoides, 100, var. 
Schweinitzii, ror; Boottii, 101; 
Braunii, тот; cristata, 101; Goldi- 
ana, 101; marginalis, 75-77, 101; 
noveboracensis, 101; pittsfordensis, 
75, 71, 138, 212; spinulosa, 75—77, 
101, var. concordiana, 212, var. 
dilatata, 75, var. intermedia, 77, 
101; Thelypteris, 101. 

Dulichium, 107; arundinaceum, 107 ; 
spathaceum, 107. 

Dysodia chrysanthemoides, 82, 144. 

East Andover, New 
Subularia at, 228. 




Eastman's New England Ferns and 
their common Allies, Miss, 211. 
Eaton, A. A., Note on Equisetum 

pratense, 92. 

Eatonia, 106; pennsylvanica, 106. 

Echinocystis, 130; lobata, 130. 

Echinospermum Lappula, 82; Red- 
owskii, var. occidentale, 82, 84. 

Echium vulgare, 83, 146. 

Eggleston, W. W., Addenda to the 
Flora of Vermont, 137. 

Elaeagnaceae, 86. 

Elements in the Flora of western 
Maine, Some casual, 81. 

Eleocharis, 107; intermedia, 107, 203; 
obtusa, 107 ; palustris, 107 ; pauci- 
flora 107; pygmaea 107; tenuis, 107. 

Ellisia Nyctelea, 151, 155. 

Elodes campanulata, 123. 

Elymus, 107 ; canadensis, 107; Sitan- 
ion, 83. 

Elytrospermum californicum, 71. 

Encalypta, 145; ciliata, 145; 
counii, 145. 

Entomostraca, 234. 

Epigaea, 125; repens, 125. 

Epilobium, 123; adenocaulon, 123; 
angustifolium, 123; coloratum, 123; 
hirsutum, 204; lineare, 123, var. 
oliganthum, 205; strictum, 123. 

Epiphegus, 129; virginiana, 129, 152. 

Equiseta, 148. 

Equisetaceae, 102. 

Equisetum, 92, 102; arvense, 92, 102, 
forma pseudo-sylvaticum, 102, var. 
nemorosum, 102; fluviatile, 102; 
hyemale, 102; limosum, 102; pa- 
lustre, 192; pratense, 92, 138, 148, 
193, Note on, 92; scirpoides, 102; 
silvaticum, 92; sylvaticum, 102; 
variegatum, 192, var. Jesupi, 193. 

Eragrostis major, 82; neo-mexicanus, 

Erechtites, 133; hieracifolia, 133; 
prealta, 133. 

Ericaceae, 125. 

Erigeron, 131; annuus, 131; bellidi- 
folius 131; canadensis, 131; hys- 
sopifolius, 131, 193; Philadelphi- 
cus, 131; pulchellus, 131; ramosus, 
1321; strigosus, 131. 

Eriocaulaceae, 109. 

Eriocaulon, 109; septangulare, 109. 

Eriophorum, 107; alpinum, 107; gra- 
cile, 108; polystachyon, 107, var. 
latifolium, 108, var. Vaillantii, 203; 
vaginatum, 149; virginicum, 108. 

Erodium Botrys, 82, 144; cicutarium, 
81, 82, 84; moschatum, 8r, 82, 84. 



Erysimum, 62; cheiranthoides, 84, 

Errata, 236. 

Erythronium, 110; americanum, 110. 

Eschscholtzia, 144. 

Euastrum, 234. 

Eucheuma isitorme, 182. 

Eupatoriae, 62. 

Eupatorium, 130; ageratoides, 97, 
130; boreale, 130; maculatum, 130; 
pertoliatum, 130, 179, forma pur- 
pureum, I43; purpureum, 97, 177. 

Euphorbia, 84, 87, 121; corollata, 85 ; 
Cyparissias, 85, 121; Esula, 85; 
glyptosperma, 84-86; Heliosco- 
Pig, Зу Ehirsuta Е 85, 6 87. 195); 
Ipecacuanhae, 85, 87; maculata, 85; 
Peplus, 86; platyphylla, 86, 87; 
polygonifolia, 86; Preslii, 86, 87 ; 
prostrata, 87; serpens, 87. 

Euphorbiaceae. 85, 121. 

Eurhyncium Boscii, 73; 
color, 73. 

Euthamia graminifolia, 131. 

Evans, A. W., Notes on New Eng- 
land Hepaticae, — II, 165, 185. 

Exposition, Connecticut Flora at the 
St. Louis, 180. 


Fagopyrum, 114; esculentum, 114; 
tataricum, 114. 

Fagus, 113; americana, 113; ferru- 
ginea, 113; sylvatica, 45, var. as- 
plenifolia, 45-47, var. cristata, 45, 
var. pendula, 45. 

Fall Dandelion, 23. 

Fellows, D. W., Some Noteworthy 
Plants of Maine, 235. 

Fern, 77, 176, 236; Clinton, 177; Flora 
of Vermont, An addition to the, 235; 
from Vermont, A new Hybrid, 75. 

Fernald, M. L., American Represent- 
atives of Pvrola rotundifolia, 197 ; 
'The Green Alders of New England, 
162 ; Identity of Andersson's Salix 
pellita, тот; Identity of Michaux's 
Lycopus uniflorus, 134; Prelimi- 
пагу Lists of New England Plants, 
— XIII, Juncaceae, 34; Pyrola asar- 
ifolia, var. incarnata, n. comb., 178; 
Two northeastern Allies of Salix 
lucida, 1. 

Ferns, 23, 95,97, 148; and their com- 
mon Allies, Miss Eastman’s New 
England, 211; cinnamon, 227; Mis- 
cellaneous Notes on New England, 
VI, — 31. 

Festuca, 106; elatior, 106, var. pra- 



tensis, 106; Myurus, 83; tenella, 

Filices, 23. 

Flora at the St. Louis Exposition, 
Connecticut, 180; of Berkshire 
County, Massachusetts, Notes on 
the, 202; of New Bedford, Plants 
new to the, 22, 144; of Day Moun- 
tain, Franklin County, Maine, 
Notes on the, 206; of Maine, Some 
Plants new to the, 91; of Vermont, 
Addenda to the, 137; of western 
Maine, Some casual Elements in 
the, 81 ; of Willoughby, Vermont, 

Flume, Algae of the, 229. 
Foeniculum vulgare, 144. 
Fossombronia Wondraczeki, 190. 
Fragaria, 119; americana, 119; vesca, 
119; virginiana, 97, 119. 
Fragrant fungus, 125. 
Franklin County, Maine; Notes on 
the Flora of Day Mountain, 206. 
Fraxinus, 126 ; americana, 126; nigra, 
126 ; sambucifolia, 126. 

Fringe-tree, 20. 

Frost, C. C. Recollections of, 25. 

Frullania Brittoniae, 74, 190; dilatata, 
74 ; riparia, 190. 

Fungus, Fragrant, 125. 

Further Stations for Botrychium 
matricariaefolium in Connecticut, 

Galeopsis, 128; Tetrahit, 128. 

Galinsoga parviflora, var. hispida, 

Galium, 21, 22, 129; asprellum, 129; 
boreale, 142, 195; Claytoni, 129; 
Labradoricum, 21, 206; lanceola- 
tum, 129; А newly introduced 22; 
praecox, 22; Some Notes on, 2I; 
sylvaticum, 142; tinctorium, 21, 
22, var. Labradoricum, 21; trifidum, 
21, 129, 206 ; triflorum, 129; verum, 
322; Wirtgeni, 22; 

Gaultheria, 126 ; procumbens, 126. 

Gaura biennis, 205. 

Gaylussacia resinosa, 
carpa, 142. 

Gentiana, 127; Amarella, var. acuta, 
94; linearis, 127. 

Gentianaceae, 127. 

Geocalyx graveolens, 74. 

Geranium Robertianum, 208. 

Geum, 120; album, 208; macrophyl- 
lum, 193; rivale, 120; strictum, 
120; virginianum, 208. , 

Gilia, 153; androsacea, 153; coronopi- 

var. glauco- 


folia, 151, 152; inconspicua, 151; 
leucocephala, 151; linearis, 84, 144, 
151, 153; tricolor, 153, var. longi- 
pedicellata, 151, 154. 

Glechoma hederacea, 127. 

Gloeocapsa Magma, 229. 

Gloeocystis rupestris, 230 ; vesiculosa, 

Glyceria, 106; canadensis, 106; elon- 
gata, 106; grandis, 106; nervata, 
106; pallida, 106. 

Glycyrrhiza lepidota, 82. 

Gnaphalium, 132; decurrens, 132; 
obtusifolium, 132; polycephalum 
132; sylvaticum, 193; uliginosum, 

Gobia baltica, 182. 

Goldenrod, An undescribed Variety 
of, 182. 

Goldenrods, 49. 

Goodyera, , 112;  Menziesii, 193; 
repens, var. ophioides, 112; tessel- 
lata, 112. 

Gramineae, 104. 

Graphephorum melicoideum, 192. 

Grass, 90, 177. 

Grasses, 148; Notes on two Connecti- 
cut, 177. M 

Graves, C. B. Noteworthy Plants of 
southeastern Connecticut, — IV, 48; 
Some unusual Connecticut Plants, 
195; An undescribed Variety of 
Goldenrod, 182. 

Graves, F. M. Helenium nudiflorum 
in Groton, Connecticut, 79. 

Great Bulrush, 65. 

Green Alders of New England, 162. 

Grevlock Region, Bryophytes of the 
Mt. — III, 72. 

Groton, Connecticut, Helenium nudi- 
florum in, 79. 

Gymnospermae, 102. 

Gyrostachys cernua, 112; gracilis, 
112; Romanzoffiana, 112. 

Habenaria, 111; bracteata, 111, 208; 
clavellata, 111; dilatata, 111; fim- 
briata. 111; Hookeri, 111; hyper- 
borea, 111; obtusata, III; orbi- 
culata, 111; psycodes, ІІІ, X la- 
cera, 139; tridentata, 111. 

Halenia deflexa, 192. 

Halorrhagidaceae, 123. 

Harger, E. B. Some Introduced 
Plants of Connecticut, 78. 

Harpanthus scutatus, Igo. 

Hay, 83. 

Heather, 24. 

Hedeoma hispida, 142. 



Hedysarum, 121 ; americanum, 121; 
boreale, 97, 121, 192. 

Helenium, 82 ; nudiflorum, 79, 81, 82, 
in Groton, Connecticut, 79. 

Helianthemum canadense, 97. 

Helianthus, 132; annuus, 132 ; Maxi- 
miliani, var. asperrimus, 147; 
mollis, 88, 89, in Massachusetts, 
Occurrence of Verbena stricta and, 
88; tuberosus, 132. 

Heliopsis, 83 ; scabra, 83. 

Heliotropium Curassavicum, 84. 

Hemerocallis, 110; fulva, 110. 

Hepatica, 116; acuta, 116; 
loba, 116. 

Hepaticae, 74, 165; Notes on New 
England, — II, 165, 185. 
Heracleum, 124; lanatum, 

Sphondylium, 144. 

Heron's-bill, 81, 

Hervey, E. W., Plants new to the 
Flora of New Bedford, 22, 144. 

Heterospermum pinnatum, 82. 

Hieracium, 134; aurantiacum, 134; 
Marianum, 143; Pilosella, 143; 
praealtum, 144; scabrum, 134. 

Hierochloe, 104 ; borealis, 104. 

Hill, E. J., Note on the Polygamy of 
Chionanthus, 89. 

Hippuris, 123; vulgaris, 123. 

Hoffmann, R., Notes on the Flora of 
Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 

Holt, G. W., Subularia at East An- 
dover, New Hampshire, 228. 

Homalia, 145; trichomanoides, var. 
Jamesii, 236; trichomitrion, var. 
Jamesii, 145. 

Hordeum, 107; jubatum, 83; pra- 
tense, 83; vulgare, 107, var. Aegi- 
ceras, 107. 

House, Н. D., А new Violet from 
New England, 226. 

Houstonia purpurea, var. calycosa, 

Humulus, 114; japonica, 139; Lup- 
ulus, 114. 

Hybrid Fern from Vermont, A new, 


124 ; 

Hybridism in the genus Viola, 213. 
Hydrocotyle, 124; americana, 124. 
Hydrophyllaceae, 151. 
Hydrophyllum, 156-158; appendicu- 
latum, 151, 156; canadense, 151, 
155-158, 160, 184, 185, 203, 205, 
Note on, 184; sp., 158; virginicum, 
151, 156-158, 185. 
H ylocomium brevirostrum, 73. 
Hymenatherum aureum, 81, 82. 


Hypericaceae, 122. 

Hypericum, 122; boreale, 122; can- 
adense, 123; maculatum, 122 ; mu- 
tilum, 122; perforatum, 122; vir- 
ginicum, 123. 

Hypnum crista-castrensis, 97; cu- 
pressiforme, 97; cuspidatum, 43, 
73; splendens, 97; Sullivantii, 
73; umbratum, 97 ; vernicosum, 43. 

Hypochaeris radicata, 23. 

Hypopitys Hypopitys, 125. 

Identity of Andersson's Salix pellita, 
191; of Anychia dichotoma, 50; of 
Michaux's Lycopus uniflorus, 134. 

Ilex, 121; monticola, var. mollis, 
204; verticillata, 121. 

llicioides mucronata, 121. 

Impatiens, 122; aurea, 122; biflora, 
129 fulva i227 pallida, 122: 

Interesting Rhode Island  Bogs, 
Some, 149; Specimen of Aris- 
aema triphyllum, 163. 

Introduced Сайит, А newly, 22; 
Plants of Connecticut, Some, 78; 
Weeds of Connecticut, Some, 146. 

inula 1325 = Helenium; 132, 

Ipomoea hederacea, 233; purpurea, 

Iridaceae, J11. 

Iris, 111; pseudacorus, 143; versi- 
color, 111. 

Isoetaceae; 102. 

Isoetes, 102; macrospora, 102, 138, 
Tuckermani, var. borealis, 138. 

Iva xanthiifolia, 144. 

Ixophorus glaucus, 104 ; italicus, 104, 
viridis, 104. 

Jack-in-the-Pulpit, 163. 

Jasione, 146; montana, 146. 

Josselyn Botanical Society of Maine, 
Tenth annual Meeting of the, 
147, 192. 

Juglandaceae, 112. 

Juglans, 112; cinerea, 112. 

Juncaceae, 38, 109, 174, 211; Prelim- 
inary Lists of New England Plants, 
— XIII, 34. 

Juncoides parviflorum, 110. 

Juncus, 109; acuminatus, 34 ; alpi- 
nus, 34, 35, IIO, 139, var. insignis, 
34, 35, 40; aristulatus, 174, 175, in 
New England, 174; articulatus, 
34, 35, 110, var. obtusatus, 34, 35, 

139; balticus, 34,40; brachycarpus, 
34, 41; brachycephalus, 34, 40, 110; 
brevicaudatus, 34—36, 110; bufoni- 
us, 34, 38-40, 109, var. congestus, 



34, 39, var. halophilus, 34, 39, 40; 
bulbosus, 41; canadensis, 34—36, 
var. brevicaudatus, 35, var. coarc- 
tatus, 35, var. subcaudatus, 34; 
castaneus, 41; Congdoni, 39; con- 
glomeratus, 36, 41; debilis, 34; 
dichotomus, 34, 37, 41; Dudleyi, 
34, 109; effusus, 34, 109, 211, var. 
compactus, 34, 36, 41, 211, in New 
Hampshire, 211, var. conglomer- 
atus, 36; filiformis, 34; Gerardi, 
34, 40, 143; Greenei, 34; Leersii, 
36, 41; marginatus, 34, 175; mili- 
taris, 34; nodosus, 34, 109; oro- 
nensis, 34, 36, 38, 41, 235; pelocar- 
pus, 34; ranarius, 39, 40; scirpoides, 
41; Secundus, 34, 139; sphaero- 
carpus, 38, 40; stygius, var. ameri- 
canus, 34, 4I; subtilis, 34, 41; 
tenuis, 35, var. anthelatus, 35, 37, 
var. Williamsii, 35, 109, 139, 196; 
Torreyi, 35, 38; trifidus, 35, var. 
monanthus, 41; Vaseyi, 35, 37, 38, 

Jungermannia aquatica, 167; catenu- 
lata, 173; cordifolia, 170, 171; 
emarginata, var. aquatica, 167, var. 
grandis, 167; exsecta, 171; ex- 
sectaeformis, 171 ; Helleriana, 172; 
lanceolata, 190; pauciflora, 185; 
pumila, 190; reclusa, 173; ripa- 
гіа, 171; var. potamophila, 171; 
Schultzii, 185; scitula, 172; sertula- 
rioides, 185; setacea, 185; verrucu- 
losa, 172, var. Helleri, 172. 

Justicia americana, 161; peduncu- 
lata, 161. 
Kalmia, 125; angustifolia, 125; 

glauca, 125, 149. 

Kantia Trichomanis, 74. 

Kennedy, G. G., Additional Notes 
from Willoughby, 148; Flora of 
Willoughby, Vermont, 93. 

Kneiffa pumila, 123. . 

Knight, O. W., Cleome serrulata in 
Maine, 79; A new Sunflower from 
Maine, 147; Some Plants new to 
the Flora of Maine, 91. 

Knowlton, C. H., Notes on the Flora 
of Day Mountain, Franklin Co., 
Maine, 206. 

Labiatae, 127. 

Lactuca, 134; canadensis, 134. var. 
integrifolia, 134; hirsuta, 134; 
leucophaea, 134 ; sagittaefolia, 134 ; 
Scariola, 49, var, integrata, 49; spi- 
cata, 134. 


Lamium, 127; album, 142; macula- 
tum, 127. 

Laportea, 114; canadensis, 114. 

Larix, 103; americana, 103 ; laricina, 

Lathyrus tuberosus, 141. 

Lauraceae, 35. 

Laurel, Mountain, 227. 

Leavitt, R. G., Partial Reversion in 
Leaves of the fern-leaved Beech, 45. 

Lechea minor, 141. 

Ledum, 125; groenlandicum, 
latifolium, 125. 

Leguminosae, 120. 

Lentibulariaceae, 129, 152. 

Lentinus suavissimus, 126. 

Leontodon autumnalis, 23. 

Leonurus, 128; Cardiaca, 128. 

Lepidium, 117; virginicum, 117. 

Lepidozia, 165, 185; setacea, 185- 
189; sphagnicola, 185; sylvatica, 
186-190; trichoclados, 189. 

Leptamnium virginianum, 129. 

Leptilon canadense, 131. 

Leptorchis Loeselii, 112. 

Lespedeza Nuttallii, 141 ; 

Levisticum, 124; officinale, 124. 

Liliaceae, 110. 

Lilium, 110; tigrinum, 110. 

Limnorchis dilatata, 111; fragrans, 
111; hyperborea, 111. 

Linaceae, 121. 

Linaria, 128; Linaria, 128; vulgaris, 

Lindera Benzoin, 85. 

Linnaea, 125,130; americana, 56, 130; 
borealis, 54, 56, 130, var. americana, 

Linum, 121, medium, 141; sulcatum, 
141 ; usitatissimum, 78, 121. 

Liparis, 112 ; Loeselii, 112. 

Listera, 112; auriculata, 139, 193; 
convallarioides, 112; cordata, 112. 

Lists of New England Plants, Pre- 
liminary,— XIII, Juncaceae, 34; 
AIV, 54; ХУ, ВЕУ XVI, 151: 

Lobelia, 130; cardinalis, 142; Dort- 
manna, 130; inflata, 130; Kalmii, 

Lobeliaceae, 130. 

Lolium, 106; perenne, 97, 106; temu- 
lentum, 138. 

Lonicera, 23, 130; caerulea, 130; 
canadensis, 24. 54, 56, 130 ; ciliata, 
24, 56, 97, 130; coerulea, 54, 56, 
var. villosa, 56; dioica, 24, 54; 
glauca, 24; hirsuta, 54, 56; japon- 
ica, 54, 57; Morrowii, 54, 57 ; ob- 





longifolia, 54, 57, 130; semper- 
vireus, 54, 57; tatarica, 54, 57; 
Xylosteum, 54, 57. 

Lophozia exsecta, 171; Floerkii, 168, 
190 ; lycopodioides, 168 ; marchica, 


Loranthaceae, 85. 

Lotus arabicus, 84. 

Ludwigia hirtella, 176. 

Luzula, 110; campestris, 38, var. 
frigida, 35, 38, var. multiflora, 35, 
38, 110; confusa, 35; multiflora, 
38; parviflora, 35, 110, 193; sal- 
tuensis, 35; spadicea, var. melano- 
carpa, IIO ; spicata, 35. 

Lychnis, 115; chalcedonica, 115; 
Flos-cuculi, 140 ; Githago, 115. 

Lycopodiaceae, 102. 

Lycopodium, 102, 227; alopecuroides, 
176; annotinum, 102; clavatum, 
102, var. monostachyon, 102, 138; 
complanatum, 193, 212, var. Cham- 
aecyparissus, 102, var. flabelliforme, 
102, 212, var. Wibbei, 102, 138; 
dendroideum, 102; inundatum, 
102; lucidulum. 102; sabinaefoli- 
um, 102, 193 ; Selago, 94; sitchense, 
193; tristachvon, 102. 

Lycopus, 128, 136; americanus, 128; 
communis, 134-137, 142; macro- 
phyllus, 136, 137; membranacea, 
134-137, 142; pumilus, 135, 136; 
rubellus, 128; sinuatus, 128; uni- 
florus, 128, 135, 136, 142, Identit 
of Michaux’s, 134; virginicus, 128, 
134-136, var. macrophyllus, 136, 
137, var. B pauciflorus, 135, 136. 

Lycurus phleoides, 82. 

Lysias Hookeriana, 111; orbiculata, 

Lysiella obtusata, 111. 

Lysimachia, 126 ; stricta, 126 ; terres- 
tris, 126; thyrsiflora, 126. 

Lythraceae, 24. 

Maclura aurantiaca, 49. 

Madia glomerata, 81, 82. 

Maianthemum, r10 ; canadense, 110. 

Maine, Cleome serrulata in, 79; 
Mosses, Some. 145; А new Station 
for Nyssa sylvatica in, 164; A new 
Sunflower for, 147; Notes on the 
Flora of Day Mountain, Franklin 
County, 206; Plants, New Stations 
for, 194, II. 232; Some casual Ele- 
ments in the Flora of western, 81; 
Some Noteworthy Plants of, 235 ; 
Some Plants new to the Flora of, 
91; Tenth annual Meeting of the 

1904 | 

Josselyn Botanical Society of, 147, 

Malvaceae, 122. 

Maples, 219. 

Marrubium vulgare, 82, 84. 

Marsupella, 167; aquatica, 167-169; 
emarginata, 167-170, var. aquatica, 
167; erythrorhiza, 167, 168; media, 
167-170; sphacelata, 167-170, var. 
erythrorhiza, 167; Sullivanti, 168. 

Martynia louisiana, 152, 160. 

Martyniaceae, 152. 

Maryland Plants, Notes on, 176. 

Massachusetts, Mimulus moschatus 
in, 227; Notes on the Flora of Berk- 
shire County, 202; Occurrence of 
Verbena stricta and Helianthus 
mollis in, 88; Plantago elongata in, 
211; Triosteum perfoliatum in, 179. 

Matricaria. 78; inodora, 78. 

Medeola, тїї; virginiana, тїт. 

Medicago arabica, 82; denticulata, 82; 
hispida, 82; laciniata, 82 ; lupulina, 
81, 82; maculata, 82; sativa, 83. 

Medik, 81. 

Meesia, 43; tristicha, 43. 

Meeting of the Josselyn Botanical 
Society of Maine, Tenth annual, 
147, 192; of the Vermont Botanical 
Club, 63, 164. 

Melilotus, 120; 
officinalis. 83. 

Mentha, 128; arvensis, 128, var. cana- 
densis, 128; canadensis, 128; pipe- 
rita, 128; spicata 128; viridis, 128. 

Menyanthes, 127; trifoliata, 127. 

Mercurialis annua, 86, 87, g1 

Mesogloia divaricata, 182. 

Mesotaenium Braunii, 230. 

Michaux’s Lycopus uniflorus, Iden- 
tity of, 134. 

Micrampelis lobata, 130. 

Micrasterias, 234; papillifera, 234. 

Microstylis, 112; monophyllos, 112, 
193, 204; ophioglossoides, 79, 112, 
Bulblets of, 79. 

Milium, 105; etfusum, ros, 208. 

Mimulus. moschatus, 227, 228; in 
Massachusetts. 227. 

Miscellaneous Notes on New Eng- 

land Ferns, — VI. 31. 

Miss Eastman's New England Ferns 
and their common Allies. 211. 

Mitchella, 129: repens, 129. 

Mitella, 119: nuda, 119 

Moerckia, 166; Flotowiana, 75, 165 ; 
hibernica, 75, var. Wilsoniana, 165. 

122; Alcea, 122; moschata, 

alba, 63, 83, 120; 



Molina coerulea, go. 

Monarda, 128; didyma, 128. 

Moneses, 125; grandiflora, 125; uni- 
flora, 125. 

Monolepis chenopodioides, 82; tri- 
fida, 82. 

Monotropa, 125; 
uniflora, 125. 

Mosses, 43, 95, 97, 145; from a south- 
ern Vermont Peat-bog, Some inter- 
esting, 43; Some Maine, 145. 

Moulton, D. H., Tenth annual Meet- 
ing of the Josselyn Botanical So- 
ciety of Maine, 147, 192. 

Mount Greylock Region, Bryophytes 
of the, — 111, 72. 

Mountain, Franklin County, Maine, 
Notes on the Flora of Day, 206; 
Laurel, 227. 

Muhlenbergia, 105 ; glomerata, 105 ; 
mexicana, 105; racemosa, 105 ; syl- 
vatica, 97. 

Musci, 72. 

Musk Plant, 227. 

Mylia anomala, 190. 

Myosotis, 127; arvensis, 142; laxa, 
192; palustris, 127 ; verna, 84. 

Myrica, 113; Gale, 113. 

M yricaceae, 113. 

Myurella, 146; apiculata, 146; Carey- 
ana, 73,145; julacea, 146. 

Hypopitys, 125; 

Nabalus altissimus, 134; nana, 134. 

Naiadaceae, 103 

Naias, 104; flexilis, 104, 176. 

Narcissus, 83 ; poeticus, 83. 

Nardia crenulata. 75; emarginata, 
var. aquatica, 167, var. major, 167 ; 
obovata. 170; robusta, 167; sphace- 
lata, var. erythrorhiza, 167, var. 
media, 167. 

Nasturtium, 118; Armoracia, 118; 
officinale, 118; palustre, 118; ter- 
restre, 118. 

Naumbergia thyrsiflora, 126. 

Nemopanthus, 121; fascicularis, 121. 

Nepeta. 127; Glechoma, 127. 

Nephrodium cristatum X marginale, 
32; marginale, 77, forma Daven- 
portii, 212; pittsfordense, 76. 211, 
212; Purdie's Concord, 33; spinu- 
losum. 31, 77. var. concordianum, 
33. 211, 212, var. dilatatum, 31, 32, 
var. intermedium, 3r. 32. 

New Bedford, Plants new 
Flora of. 22. 144. 

New England Ferns and their com- 
mon Allies, Miss Eastman's, 211; 
Ferns, Miscellaneous Notes on,— 

to the 


VI, 31; The green Alders of, 162; 
Hepaticae, Notes on,— II, 165, 185 ; 
Juncus aristulatus in, 174; А new 
Violet from, 226; Plants, Prelimi- 
пагу Lists of, — XIII, Juncaceae, 34. 
XIV, 54; XV,85; XVI, 151; Vio- 
lets, Notes on, 8. 

New Hampshire, Juncus effusus, var. 
compactus in, 211; Subularia at 
East Andover, 228. 

New Haven, Connecticut, Two note- 
worthy Plants of, 89. 

New hybrid Fern from Vermont, 75; 
Species of Blackberry, 223; Sta- 
tions for Maine Plants, 194, IL 232; 
Station for Nyssa sylvatica in 
Maine, 164; Sunflower for Maine, 
147; to the Flora of New Bedford, 
Plants, 22; Violet from New Eng- 
land, 226. 

Newly introduced Galium, 22. 

North American Allies of Scirpus 
lacustris, 65. 

Nostoc muscorum, 230; rupestre, 230. 

Note on Equisetum pratense, 92; on 
Hydrophyllum canadense, 184; on 
the Polygamy of Chionanthus, 89. 

Notes from Willoughby, Additional, 
148; on Galium, Some, 21; on 
Maryland Plants, 176; on New 
England Ferns, Miscellaneous,— 
УІ, 31 ; on New England Hepaticae, 
—П, 165, 185; on New England 
Violets, 8; on Publications recently 
received, 23, 61; on the Flora of 
Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 
202 ; оп the flora of Day Mountain, 
Franklin County, Maine, 206; on 
two Connecticut Grasses, 177. 

Noteworthy Plants of Maine, Some, 
235; Plants of New Haven, Con- 
necticut, Two, 89; Plants of south- 
eastern Connecticut,—IV, 48. 

Notice of annual Field Meeting of 
the Vermont Botanical Club, 164. 

Notothylas orbicularis, 190. 

Nuphar, 116; advena, 116, var. hy- 
bridum, 116, var. minus, 116; 
minimum, 116. 

Nye, H. A., Bulblets of Microstylis 
ophioglossoides, 79. 

Nymphaea, 116; advena, 116; Kalmi- 
ana, 116; odorata, 116. 

Nymphaeaceae, 116. 

Nyssa sylvatica, 54, 164, 195, in 
Maine, A new Station for, 164. 

Oakesia, 110; sessilifolia, 110. 
Oats, 78. 



Occurrence of Verbena stricta and 
Helianthus mollis in Massachu- 
setts, 88. 

Odontochisma denudatum, 173. 

Oenothera, 123; biennis, 123; fruti- 
cosa, 97; pumila, 123. 

Oleaceae, 89, 126. 

Onagra biennis, 123. 

Onagraceae, 123. 

Onoclea, 100; sensibilis, 100, var. 
obtusilobata, 100; Struthiopteris, 

Ophioglossaceae, 23, 100. 
Ophioglossum, 100; vulgatum, 100, 

235: ` 

Orchid, 27, 28, 63. 94, 177. 

Orchidaceae, 28, 111. 

Orchids, 28, 63, 94. 

Orchis, 111; spectabilis, 111. 

Ormsbee, C. W., Notice of annual 
Field Meeting of the Vermont 
Botanical Club, 164. 

Ornithogalum, 83; umbellatum, 83, 

Orobanchaceae, 129, 152. 

Orobanche, 129; uniflora, 129, 152. 

Oryzopsis, 105; asperifolia, 105; 
melanocarpa, 97, 105, 208. 

Osmorrhiza, 124; brevistylis, 124; 
divaricata, 193. 

Osmun, A. V., Further Stations for 
Botrychium matricariaefolium in 
Connecticut, 8o. 

Osmunda, 100; cinnamomea, тоо; 
Claytoniana, тоо, var. dubia, 138; 
regalis, 100. 

Osmundaceae, тоо. 

Ostrya, 113; virginica, 113. 

Oxalidaceae, 121. 

Oxalis, 121, 233; Acetosella, 121; 
corniculata, 121; cymosa, 121; fili- 
pes, 204, 233; stricta, 121, 233. 

Oxycoccus Oxycoccus, 126. 

Oxytropis campestris, var. johannen- 
sis, 193. 

Paeonia, 116; officinalis, 116. 

Pallavicinia, 166; Flotowiana, 165, 
166; hibernica, 75, 165, 166, var. 
leptodesma, 165, 166, var. Wilson- 
iana, 165; Lyellii, 75, 166. 

Panax, 124; quinquefolium, 124. 

Panicularia americana, 106; cana- 
densis, 106; elongata, 106; nervata, 
106; pallida, 106. 

Panicum, 43, 104; capillare, 104; 
Commonsianum, 42, 195, in Con- 
necticut, 42; Crus-galli, 104; de- 
pauperatum, 97; glabrum, 104; 


miliaceum, 138; minus, 138; niti- 
dum, 97; pubescens, 104 ; sphaero- 
carpon, 138; unciphyllum, 104; 
virgatum, 233 ; xanthophysum, 43. 

Papaver intermedium, 144; Rhoeas, 

Papaveraceae, 117. 

Parlin, J. C., New Station for Nyssa 
sylvatica in Maine, 164; Some cas- 
ual Elements in the Flora of west- 
ern Maine, 81. 

Parnassia, 119; caroliniana, 119. 

Paronychia, 51; canadensis, 53. 

Parthenocissus quinquefolia, 122. 

Partial Reversion in Leaves of the 
fern-leaved Beech, 45. 

Pastinaca, 124; sativa, 124. 

Pathologic Conditions, Division in 
Desmids under, 234. 

Pease, A. S., Preliminary Lists of 
New England Plants,— XV, 85. 
Peat-bog, Some interesting Mosses 

from a southern Vermont, 43. 

Pedicularis Furbishiae, 192. 

РеПаеа, 101; atropurpurea, 
gracilis, 101; Stelleri, ror. 

Pellia epiphylla, 75. 

Pantandrae, 6. 

Peramium repens, 112. 

Petasites, 133 ; palmata, 133. 

Phaca Robbinsii, 97. 

Phacelia brachyloba, 151; circinata, 
I51; congesta, 151; Purshii, 151; 
tanacetifolia, 151; viscida, 151; 
Whitlavia, 151. 

Phalaris, 104 ; arundinacea, 104, var. 
picta, 104. 

Phaseolus perennis, 89. 

Phegopteris, 101; Dryopteris, 101 ; 
hexagonoptera, 207 ; Phegopteris, 
101; polypodioides, 101. 

Philonotis fontana, 73. 

Phleum, 105; pratense, 105. 

Phlox, 154; divaricata, 155; macu- 
lata, 151, 154, var. candida, 151; 
paniculata, 151, 154; pilosa, 151; 
reptans, 151; subulata, 142, ISI, 

Phormidium Retzii, 230. 

Physalis, 128; heterophylla, 128; vir- 
giniana, 128. 

Picea, 103; alba, 103; brevifolia, 103; 
canadensis, 103; Mariana; 103; 
nigra, 41, 86, 103, 204; rubra, 103. 

Pinaceae, 102. 

Pinguicula vulgaris, 152. 

Pinus, 102; Strobus, 102. 

Plagiochila asplenioides, 75. 

Plantaginaceae, 129. 




Plantago, 129; elongata, 211, in Mass- 
achusetts, 211; gnaphaloides, 84; 
lanceolata, 129; major, 129, var. 
minima, 129; media, 206; Purshii, 
84; Rugelii, 129. 

Plants, New Stations for Maine, 194, 
II, 232; New to the Flora of Maine, 
Some, 9r ; New to the Flora of New 
Bedford, 22, 144; Notes on Mary- 
land, 176; of Connecticut, Some 
introduced, 78; of Maine, Some 
noteworthy, 235; of New Haven, 
Connecticut, Two noteworthy, 89; 
of southeastern Connecticut, Note- 
worthy, — IV, 48; Preliminary 
Lists of New England, — XIII, 
Juncaceae, 34, XIV, 54, XV, 85, 
XVI, 151; Some unusual Connec- 
ticut, I95. 

Plectonema Nostocorum, 230. 

Pluchea bifrons, 176; petiolata, 177. 

Poa, 106; alsodes, 106, 208; annua, 
106; flava, 106; glauca, 193; nem- 
oralis, тоб; pratensis, 106 ; 208, var. 

angustifolia, 106; serotina, 106, 
177, 178; tenuifolia, 83. 
Pogonatum brevicaule, 73. 
Pogonia, 112; affinis, 139; ophio- 

glossoides, 112. 

Polemoniaceae, 151. 

Polemonium, Van-Bruntiae, 151, 155; 
reptans, 151, 155. 

Polygala lutea, 176. 

Polygamy of Chionanthus, Note on 
the, 89. 

Polygonaceae, 114. 

Polygonatum, 111; biflorum, 111. 

Polygonella articulata, 140. 

Polygonum, 114; aviculare, 84, 114, 
var. vegetum, 140; cilinode, 114; 
Convolvulus, 114; Hydropiper, 
114; Persicaria, 114; ramosissi- 
mum, 140; sagittatum, 114; tenue, 

Polypodiaceae, 100. 

Polypodium, 76, 101; polypodioides, 
76; vulgare, тот. 

Polypogon monspeliensis, 82. 

Polystichum aculeatum, 32; var. 
angulare, 32 ; angulare, 31. 

Polytrichum, 43; strictum, 43. 

Pond-weed, 176. 

Populus, 113 ; balsamifera, 113, var. 
candicans, 113, 139 ; grandidentata, 
113 ; tremuloides, 113. 

Portulaca, 115; oleracea, 115. 

Portulacaceae, 115. 

Potamogeton, 103; alpinus, 103; 
amplifolius, 103 ; confervoides, 203; 


diversifolius, 104; heterophyllus, 
103, var. graminitolius, 103; mari- 
nus, 176; mysticus, 176; pennsyl- 
vanicus, 176; pusillus, 104, 176; 
Spirillus, 103 ; Tuckermani, 203. 

Potatoes, 83. 

Potentilla, 119; canadensis, 119 141; 
fruticosa, 119; monspeliensis, 119 ; 
norvegica, 119; simplex, 119. 

Poterium Sanguisorba, 19s. 

Preliminary Lists of New England 
Plants, — XIII, Juncaceae, 34, XIV, 
54, XV, 85, XVI, 151. 

Prenanthes, 134; altissima, 134; tri- 
foliolata, var. nana, 134. 

Primula, 126 ; mistassinica, 97, 126, 

Primulaceae, 126. 

Province of Quebec, Stellaria glauca 
established in the, 9o. 

Prunella, 128; vulgaris, 128. 

Prunus, 120; nigra, 120; pennsyl- 
vanica, 120; serotina, 120; vir- 
giniana, 120. 

Pseudo-monoclinism of Chionanthus 
virginica, 18. в 

Pteridophyta, тоо. 

Pteris, 101 ; aquilina, 101, var. pseudo- 
caudata, 138; atropurpurea, 97; 
latiuscula, 138. 

Publications recently received, Notes 
on, 23, 61. 

Puccinellia airoides, 83. 

Purdie's Concord Fern, 33. 

Pylaisia velutina, 73. 

Pyrola, 125; americana, 200, 201; 
asarifolia, 125, 142, 179, 193, 198, 
199, var. incarnata, 178; bracteata, 
198, 199 ; chlorantha, 125 ; elliptica, 
125; grandiflora, 197-202; groen- 
landica, 197, 202; incarnata, 178, 
179 ; japonica, 199; media, 197, 198; 
minor, 193, 197, 198; noveboracen- 
sis, 200; pumila, 197, 202; ro- 
tundifolia, 179, 197-202, American 
Representatives of, 197, var. are- 
naria, 201, var. grandiflora, 202, 
var. incarnata, 178, var. pumila, 
197, 202, var. uliginosa, 125, 179; 
secunda, 125, var. pumila, 125, 205; 
uliginosa, 125, 179. 

Pyrus, 120; americana, 120; arbuti- 
folia, 141, var. melanocarpa, 120; 
communis, 141; Malus, 120; sam- 
bucifolia, 120 ; sitchensis, 120. 

Quercus, 113; rubra, 113, 

Queria, 51; canadensis, 50-53, var. 
capillacea, 52, var. capillaris, $2; 
capillacea, 52; dichotoma, 52. 



Quebec, Stellaria glauca established 
in the Province of, go. 

Radula tenax, 190. 

Range of Saururus cernuus extended 
into Rhode Island, 77. 

Ranunculaceae, 116. 

Ranunculus, 117; abortivus, 117, var. 
eucyclus, 208; acris, 117; alle- 
gheniensis, 140: ambigens, 194 ; 
aquatilis, var. trichophyllus, 117 ; 
micranthus, 84; recurvatus, 117 ; 
repens, 117; sceleratus, 140; septen- 
trionalis, 117. 

Raphanus, 117; Raphanistrum, 117 ; 
sativus, 144. 

Raspberry, Black, 224. 

Recollections of Charles Christopher 
Frost, 25. 

Rehder, A., Preliminary Lists of New 
England Plants,— XIV, 54: Pseudo- 
monoclinism of Chionanthus vir- 
ginica, 18. 

Representatives of Pyrola rotundifo- 
lia, American, 197. , 
Reversion in Leaves of the Fern- 

leaved Beech, Partial, 45. 

Rhamnaceae, 122. 

Rhamnus, 122; alnifolia, 122. 

Rheum, 114; Rhaponticum, 114, 236. 

Rhizoclonium, 230; riparium, 230, 
forma implexum, 230, forma poly- 
rhizum, 230 ; tortuosum, 230. 

Rhode Island Bogs, Some Interest- 
ing, 149; Black Spruce in, 41; 
Range of Saururus cernuus extend- 
ed into, 77. 

Rhodora canadensis, 125. 

Rhododendron, 125; Rhodora, 125. 

Rhus, 131; hirta, 121; radicans, 121; 
Toxicodendron, 121; typhina 121. 

Rhynchospora, 108; alba, 108; capil- 
lacea, 94, 108. 

Rhynchostegium serrulatum, 73. 

Ribes, 119; albinervium, 119: Cynos- 
bati, 119, 208; floridum, 119; lacus- 
tre, 119; oxyacanthoides, 119; pros- 
tratum, 119; rubrum, 119, var. sub- 
glandulosum, 119. 

Riccia Sullivantii, 190. 

Ricinus communis, 86, 88. 

Robinia, 120 ; viscosa, 120. 

Robinson, B. L., Identity of Anychia 
dichotoma, 50; James Lawrence 
Bennett, 146; Miss Eastman’s 
New England Ferns and their com- 
mon Allies, 211; Notes оп Pub- 
lications recently received, 61; 
Stellaria glauca established in the 
Province of Quebec, go. 


Roripa Armoracia, 118 ; Nasturtium, 
118; palustris, 118. 

Rosa, 120; blanda, 97, 120, 148 ; car- 
olina, var. setigera, 120; cin- 
namomea, 148; gallica, 141; nitida, 

Rosaceae, 119. 

Rubiaceae, 129. 

Rubus, 119; americanus, 119; argu- 
tus, 224, var. Randii, 144; cana- 
densis, 119, 196; cuneifolius, 49; 
Idaeus, var. strigosus, 119; Mills- 
paughii, 119; nigricans, 141; nigro- 
baccus, 223, 225; occidentalis, 97, 
119, 141; odoratus, 97, 119; Капай, 
224; recurvans, 224 ; setosus, 119; 
strigosus, 97, 119; triflorus, 97, 119; 
villosus, 224. 

Rudbeckia, 132; hirta, 132. 

Rumex, 114; Acetosella, 114; cris- 
pus, 114; montanus, 144; obtusi- 
folius, 114; salicifolius, 140. 

Sagittaria, 104; arifolia, 104; 
minea, 104; lancifolia, 176; 
folia, 104. 

Sailor’s Collection of Algae, 181. 

St. Louis Exposition, The Connecti- 
cut Flora at the, 180. 

Salicaceae, 113. 

Salix, 113; alba, var. coerulea, 139; 
amygdaloides, 3-5, 7; balsami- 
fera, 113; Bebbiana, 113; candida, 
3, 8, 191; cordata, 113; discolor, 
113; glaucophylla, 193; humilis, 
113; lasiandra, 2, 4,5; longifolia, 
48; lucida, 1-7, 44, 113, Two north- 
eastern Allies of, 1, var. 5-7, var. 
intonsa, 2, var. macrophylla, 2, 
var. serissima, 6, 7; nigra, var. 
falcata, 113; pellita, 191, 193, Iden- 
tity of Andersson’s, 191; pentan- 
dra. 5, 49; petiolaris, 113; pur- 
purea, 113; rostrata, 113; seris- 
sima, 6-8, 205 ; sp., 7; subcaerulea, 

Sambucus, 129; canadensis, 54, 129 ; 
pubens, 57, 129; racemosa, 54, 57, 
I29, var. pubens, 57. 

Sanford, S. N. F., Occurrence of Ver- 
bena stricta and Helianthus mollis 
in Massachusetts, 88; Range of 
Saururus cernuus extended into 
Rhode Island, 77. 

Sanguinaria, 117; canadensis, 117. 

Sanicula, 124; marylandica, 124. 

Saponaria, 115; officinalis, 
Vaccaria, 84, 115, 235. 

Sarcoscyphus aquaticus, 167; Ehr- 
harti, 167, var. aquaticus, 167, var. 





erythrorhizus, 167, var. robustus, 
167; sphacelatus, var. erythror- 
hizus, 167, var. medius, 167 ; Sul- 
livanti, 167. 

Sargassum, 181. 

Sarracenia purpurea, 3. 

Sassafras officinale, 85. 

Saururaceae, 85. 

Saururus cernuus, 77, 78, 8s, 86, ex- 
tended into Rhode Island, Range 

А ОЁ, 77. 

Saxifraga, 118;  aizoides, 97, 118; 
Aizoon, 118; oppositifolia, 97, 118 ; 
virginiensis, 118, 208. 

Saxifragaceae, 118. 

Scapania convexula, 165, 189, 190; 
curta, 190; exsecta, 171, 172; glau- 
cocephala, 173 ; irrigua, 190; pal- 
udosa, 189, 190; undulata, 190, var. 
paludosa, 189. 

Scheuchzeriaceae, 24. 

Schizothrix Muelleri, 230. 

Scirpus, 71, 107; atrocinctus, 107, 
var. brachypodus, 107; atrovirens, 
107 ; californicus, 66, 71; hetero- 
chaetus, 66, 70, 71, 139, 231, 232; 
lacustris, 65-67, 69, 71, 107, North 
American Allies of, 65, var. occi- 
dentalis, 68, 69; lineatus, 139, 203; 
occidentalis, 66, 68, 69, 71, 231, 2328 
pauciflorus, 94, 107; Peckii, 107 ; 
pedicellatus, 194;  rubrotinctus, 
107; Sylvaticus, 233; Tabernae- 
montani, 65 ; Torreyi,40; validus, 
65-69, 71. 107, 231, and Allies in 
the Champlain Valley, 231. 

Scrophulariaceae, 128. 

Scutellaria, 127; galericulata, 127; 
lateriflora, 127. 

Scytonema ocellatum, 230. 

Secale 107; cereale, 107. 

Sedge, 194. 

Sedum, 118 ; acre, 118; stoloniferum, 
195; Telephium, 118. 

Selaginella, 32. 

Senebiera pinnatifida, 82. 

Senecio, 133; aureus, var. lanceo- 
latus, 96; Balsamitae, var. prae- 
longus, 143; Jacobaea, 235; Rob- 
binsit; 96, 133. 205. 

Setaria, 104; glauca, 104; italica, 
IO4, var. germanica, 104; viridis, 

Seymour, M. C., A newly introduced 
Galium, 22. 

Sheldon. J. L., Some introduced 
weeds of Connecticut, 146. 

Shepherdia argentea, 88; canaden- 
sis, 86, 88. 

Sherardia arvensis, 144. 


Silene, 115 ; antirrhina, 84; Cucuba- 
lus, 83, 115, 146; dichotoma, 83, 
144, 146; noctitlora, 83, 115; stel- 
lata, 140; vulgaris, 115. 

Silphium perfoliatum, 143. 

Sisymbrium, 117; altissimum, 83, 
146; canescens, 84, 140; humile, 
117; officinale, 117; Sophia, 84, 

Sisyrinchium, 111; albidum, 48; 
angustifolium, 111; intermedium, 
48; mucronatum, 204. 

Slosson, M., New hybrid Fern from 
Vermont, 75. 

Smilacina, 110; racemosa, 110; stel- 
lata, 110; trifolia, 110, 148. 

Society of Maine, Tenth annual 
Meeting of the Josselyn Botanical, 
147, 192. 

Solanaceae, 128. 

Solanum carolinense, 142; rostratum, 
142, 146. 

Solenostoma cordifolium, 170. 

Solidago, 131, 182; asperula, 235; 
bicolor, 131, var. concolor, 131; 
canadensis, 49, var. glabrata, 49, 
131; corymbosa, 97; Elliottii, 184; 
flexicaulis, 131; hispida, 131; hu- 
milis, 131; juncea, 184, var. - sca- 
brella, 143; lanceolata, 97, 131 ; lat- 
ifolia, 131; macrophylla, 131, 209; 
neglecta, 184; nemoralis, 131; 
odora, 143, 184; Purshii, 131; 
rigida, 206; rugosa, 131, 183, 184, 
var. sphagnophila, 183; serotina, 
184; uliginosa, 131; ulmifolia, 
183, 184; Virgaurea, 131, var. mon- 
ticola, 131, var. Капай 131, var. 
Redfieldii, 131. 

Some casual Elements in the Flora 
of western Maine, 81; Interesting 
Mosses from a southern Vermont 
Peat-bog. 43; Interesting Rhode 
Island Bogs, 149; Introduced 
Plants of Connecticut, 78; Intro- 
duced Weeds of Connecticut, 146 ; 
Maine Mosses, 145 ; ‘Notes on Gali- 
um, 21; Noteworthy Plants of 
Maine, 235; Plants new to the 
Flora of Maine, 91; Unusual Con- 
necticut Plants, 195. 

Sonchus, 134; arvensis, 134; asper, 


пок brachycarpa, 140. 

Sorbus americana, 120; sambucifolia, 

Sparganiaceae, 103. 

Sparganium, 103; simplex, 103, var. 
angustifolium, 103. 



Specimen of Arisaema triphyllum, 
Ап interesting, 163. 

Specularia perfoliata, 84, 233. 

Spergula, 115 ; arvensis, 78, 115. 

Spergularia salina, 84. 

Sphacelaria cirrhosa, 182. 

Sphagnum, 44; acutifolium, 44 ; cym- 
bifolium, 44. 

Sphenolobus  exsectaeformis, 171, 
122; exeectus, 171, 172; Helleri- 
anus, 172, 173; scitulus, 172. 

Spiraea, 119; latifolia, 119; lobata, 
49; salicifolia, 119; tomentosa, 119. 

Spiranthes, 112; cernua, 28, 30, 112, 
var. ochroleuca, 28, 30; gracilis, 
28, 30, 112; graminea, var. Walteri, 
28; Grayi, 44; neglecta, 27-31; 
praecox, 27-29, 31; Romanzoffiana, 
112; simplex, 44. 

Sporobolus, 105 ; 
var. strictus, 82; 
vaginaeflorus, 105. 

Spruce, Black, 42, 149; 
Island, The Black, 41. 

Stachys, 128; palustris, 128. 

Station for Nyssa sylvatica in Maine, 
A new, 164. 

Stations for Botrychium matricariae- 
folium in Connecticut, Further, 
80; for Maine Plants, New, 194, II, 

Steironema, 126; ciliatum, 126. 

Stellaria, 62, 115; borealis, 115; 
cerastioides, 62; glauca, 90, 91, 
Established in the Province of 
Quebec, 90; graminea, 83, 90, 115; 
longifolia, 90; longipes, 90; media, 

Stigeoclonium, 18r. 

Stigonema, 230; hormoides, 230; 
mamillosum, 230; minutum, 230 ; 
ocellatum, 230. 

Streptopus, 110; amplexifolius, 110; 
roseus, 110. 

Subularia aquatica, 228; at East 
Andover, New Hampshire, 228. 

Sunflower for Maine, А new, 147. 

Symphoricarpos, 130;  racemosus, 

Symphoricarpus orbiculatus, 55, 57; 
racemosus, 55, var. pauciflorus, 55, 
206; vulgaris, 57. 

Symph ytum asperrimum, 142. 

Synechococcus aeruginosus, 230. 

Syntherisma linearis, 104. 

Syringa, 126; vulgaris, 126. 

cryptandrus, 82, 
interruptus, 82; 

in Rhode 

Tanacetum, 133; huronense, 
vulgare, 133, var. crispum, 133. 



Taraxacum, 134; officinale, 134, var. 
palustre, 143. 

Taxaceae, 24, 103. 

Taxus, 103; canadensis, 103; minor, 

Tenth annual Meeting of the Josse- 
lyn Botanical Society of Maine, 
147, 192. 

Thalesia uniflora, 129. 

Thalictrum, 117; polygamum, 117. 

Thelaia, 200; grandiflora, 202 ; rotun- 
difolia, 201. 

Thlaspi arvense, 83, 193, 235. 

Thuidium paludosum, 74. 

Thuya, 103; occidentalis, 93, 97, 103. 

Thymelaceae, 123. 

Thymelaeaceae, 86. 

Thymus serpyllum, 146. 

Tiarella, 118; cordifolia, 118. 

Tilia, 122; americana, 122; pubescens, 

Tiliaceae, 122. 

Tilton, G. H., Addition to the Fern- 
flora of Vermont, 235. 

Tipularia discolor, 177. 

Tofieldia glutinosa, 40, 192. 

Tragus racemosus, 82. 

Trapogon, 134; pratensis, 134. 

Trentepohlia aurea, 230. 

Triadenum virginicum, 123. 

Trientalis, 126; americana, 126. 

Trifolium, 120; agrarium, 120; hy- 
bridum, 120; incarnatum, 120; 
pratense, 120; repens, 120. 

Trillium, 111; erectum, 111; erythro- 
carpum, ІІІ; undulatum, 111. 

Triosteum angustifolium, 55; auran- 
tiacum, 55, 57, 179. 180; perfoliatum, 
55, 57, 179, 180, in Massachusetts, 

Trisetum, 106; subspicatum, var. 
molle, 106. 

Tsuga, 103; canadensis, 103. 

Tussilago, 133; Farfara, 133. 

Two northeastern Allies of Salix 
lucida, 1; Noteworthy Plants of 
New Haven, Connecticut, 89. 

Typha, 103 ; latifolia, 103. 

Typhaceae, 103. 

Ulmus, 114; americana, 114; fulva, 

Ulothrix, 182. 

Ulva fasciata, 182. 

Umbelliferae, 9, 124. 

Undescribed Variety of Goldenrod, 

Unifolium canadense, 110. 

Urticaceae, 114. 



Urticastrum divaricatum, 114. 

Utricularia, 129; biflora, 152, 158; 
clandestina, 129, 142, 152, 160; 
cleistogama, 152, 160; cornuta, 
129, 152; fibrosa, 159; gibba, 152, 
158, 159; inflata, 152; intermedia, 
129, 152, 160, 192; minor, 152, 160; 
purpurea, 152,159, 160; resupinata, 
152; striata, 159; subulata, 152, 160; 
vulgaris, 152. 

Uvularia sessilifolia, 110. 

Vaccaria Vaccaria, 115. 

Vaccinium, 126; caespitosum, 192; 
canadense, 126; Oxycoccus, var. 
intermedium, 126, 142; Vitis-Idaea, 
var. minus, 126. 

Vagnera racemosa, 110; stellata, 110; 
trifolia, 110. 

Valerian, 9r. 

Valeriana, 8; sylvatica, 8. 

Valerianella olitoria, 92. 

Vallisneria, 104; spiralis, 104. 

Vallisneriaceae, 104. 

Variety of Goldenrod, An unde- 
scribed, 182. 

Veratrum, 110; viride, 110. 

Verbascum, 128; Thapsus, 128. 

Verbena, 88; angustifolia, 142, 205; 
hastata, 88, X urticifolia, 142; 
stricta, 88, and Helianthus mollis 
in Massachusetts, The occurrence 
of, 88. 

Verbesina encelioides, 82. 

Vermont, Addenda to the Flora of, 
137; Addition to the Fern-flora of, 
235; Botanical Club, Meeting of 
the, 63; Botanical Club, Notice of 
Annual Field Meeting of the, 164; 
Flora of Willoughby, 93; New hy- 
brid Fern from, 75; Peat-bog, 
Some interesting Mosses from a 
southern, 43. 

Veronica, 129 ; americana, 129; Ana- 
gallis, 205 ; arvensis, 84; Chamae- 
drys, 142, 235; longifolia, 129; 
peregrina, 82, 84; serpyllifolia, 
var. borealis, 129, 142, 193 ; virgin- 
ica, 205. 

Viburnum, 61, 130; acerifolium, 55, 
58; alnifolium, 55, 57, 130; ameri- 
canum, 57; asiaticum, 60; bractea- 
tum, 59; cassinoides, 55, 57, 130; 
Demetrionis, 58, 59; dentatum, 55, 
58, 60, 61, var. longifolium, 61, var. 
scabrellum, 59, 60, var. semito- 
mentosum, 58-60 ; Hanceanum, 60; 
laevigatum, 61; lantanoides, 130; 
Lentago, 55; longifolium, 61; 

Missouri Botanical Garden 
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molle, 58-60, var. tomentosum, 59 ; 
nepalense, бо; nudum, $$, 57; 
Opulus, 8, 55, 57, 58, 130, var. 
americana, 57; pauciflorum, 55; 
prunifolium, 55, 57, var. globosum, 
58; pubescens, 55, 58, 60; scabrel- 
lum, 58, 59; semitomentosum, 59 ; 
venosum, 55, 58-61, var. Canbyi, 
60, var. longifolium, 61. 

Vicia Cracca, 192; Faber, 144; tet- 
rasperma, 195. 

Vinca, 127; minor, 127. 

Viola, 9, 10, 14, 123, 213, 214, 223; 
affinis, 123, 142, 214, 215, 219-222, 
226; affinis X septentrionalis, 215, 
219; affinis X sororia, 221 ; amoe- 
па, 123; arvensis, 78, 83; blanda, 
14, 123, var. palustriformis, 123; 
Brittoniana, 16; canadensis, 95, 
123; canina, var. Muhlenbergii, 123; 
clandestina, 14; conspersa, 123; 
cucullata, 11-13, I5, I7, 123, 141, 
214, 215, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222; 
cuspidata, 15; dentata, 218; Dick- 
sonii, 15, domestica, 10, 15; emar- 
ginata, 226; fimbriatula, 12, 16, 17, 
214-218, var. aberrans, 218; fimbri- 
atula X cucullata, 217; fimbriat- 
ula X septentrionalis, 218; H ybrid- 
ism in the Genus, 213; labradorica, 

193; latiuscula, 11, I4, I5, I4I: 
leptosepala, 13; macrotis, 13; 
melissaefolia, 215, 220; nodosa, 

15; Novae-Angliae, 226; obliqua, 
214; palmata; 8, 12, 13, 15, var. 
cucullata, 8, var. dilatata, 13; pa- 
pilionacea, 12, 14, 15, 142, 218, 221, 
222; pedata, 11; Porteriana, 215, 
217; prionosepala, I2 ; pubescens, 
123; renifolia, 14, 123; rotundi- 
folia, 14, 123; sagittata, 12, 17; 
scabriuscula, 123; Selkirkii, 123; 
septemloba, 1i2, 16; septentrio- 
nalis, 12, 15—17, 142, 214-217, 219- 
221; Septentrionalis X cucullata, 
220; Septentrionalis X fimbriatula, 
215; sororia, I2, 14-17, 142, 214, 
215, 218, 221-223; sororia X cucul- 



lata, 222; sororia X fimbriatula, 
218; sororia X septentrionalis, 221; 
subviscosa, 16; tricolor, 123; ven- 
ustula, тї, 13, 15, 17, 123, 142, 214. 

Violaceae, 123. 

Violet, 8, 12, 13, 15; from New Eng- 
land, A new, 226. 

Violets; О, Ії, 413; 220, 89t, "M6: 
Notes on New England, 8. 

Vitaceae, 122. 

Vitis, 122 ; cordifolia, 97; 


Ward, M. E., Mimulus moschatus in 
Massachusetts, 227. 

Washingtonia Claytoni, 124. 

Waters, C. E., Asplenium ebeneum, 
var. proliferum, 210. 

Weatherby, C. A., Panicum Com- 
monsianum in Connecticut, 42. 
Webera, 72 ; annotina, 74; cruda, 74; 

proligera, 74. 

Weeds of Connecticut, Some Intro- 
duced, 146. 

Wendte, William, Death of, 209. 

Wiegand, К. M., Some Notes on 
Сайит. 21. 

Willoughby, Additional Notes from, 
148; Vermont, Flora of, 93. 

Willow, 1, 3, 4, 6, 126. 

Woodsia, 100; alpina, 100; glabella, 
97, 100; hyperborea, 100; ilvensis, 

Woodward, R. W., Notes on two 
Connecticut. Grasses, 177; Two 
Noteworthy Plants of New Haven, 
Connecticut, 89. 

Woodwardia angustifolia, 176. 

Xanthium canadense, 82; commune, 
143; pennsylvanicum, 143; specio- 
sum, 143; spinosum, 82; struma- 
rium, 82. 

Xyris caroliniana, 176. 

Zizia, 124; aurea, 124. 
Zygadenus chloranthus, 40. 
Zygonema, 230.