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Ба j p : кз PUE Жл: T 

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Page 4, line 26—for “35. Совма” substitute “35. BorHRIOCHILUS"; line 28 
— for "column" read “pollinia.” 
Page 145, caption of fig. 2, second line—-for “var. ioense" read “var. ioensis.” 

Page 146, Explanation of Plate 1—for "var. ioense” read “var. ioensis.” 

of the 

Missouri Botanical 

Volume XXXIII 

With 19 Plates and 276 Figures 
Published quarterly at Galesburg, Illinois, by the Board of Trustees of 
the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. 

Entered as second-class matter at the post-office at Galesburg, Illinois 
nder the Act of March 3, 1879. 

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ОСА, scrot 

of the 

Missouri Botanical Garden 

A Quarterly Journal containing Scientific Contributions from the 
Missouri Botanical Garden and the Henry Shaw School of Botany of 
Washington University in affiliation with the Missouri Botanical 


The ANNALS OF THE MissouRI BOTANICAL GARDEN appears four times 
during the calendar year: February, April, September, and November. Four 
numbers constitute a volume. 

Subscription iy $10.00 per volume 

Single Numbers |... 2.50 each 

Contents of previous issues of the ANNALS OF THE Missouni BOTANICAL 

GARDEN are listed in the Agricultural Index, published by the H. W. Wilson 


СЕОКСЕ Т. Moore 
Assistant to the Director 

HERMANN VON SCHRENK, Ковект E. Woopson, Jr. 
Pathologist Assistant Curator of 
the Herbarium 
Curator of $$ Herbarium Paleobotanist 
CARROLL У. Dopcr, Ковект №. 5сн 
Mycologist Research Munt" 
Geneticist кұс ion Editor 


СЕОКСЕ C. Нітснсоск 
Second Vice-President 

L. Ray CARTER Кіснакр J. Lockwoop 
Поргеу FRENCH СЕОКСЕ T. Moore 



Chancellor of Washington арзй of the Academy of 
iversity Science of St. Lou 
Mayor of the City of Bishop p. ei Bs. of 
St. Louis Miss 

President of the Board of Education of St. Louis 

GERALD Urmici, Secretary 


Flora of Panama. Part ІП. Fascicle 2 (Orchidaceae) 
4 Robert E. Woodson, Jr., 
“Robes W. Schery, and Collaborators 

Contributions to Our Knowledge of American Car- 
boniferous Floras. VIII. Another Medullosa from 
WA. Henry N. Andrews and Jules A. Kernen 

Maize in Mexico—A Preliminary Survey. _ 
ой И TAM төге 

A Cytological Study of Yeast (Saccharomyces cere- 
WEN) S Lillian Nagel 

Contributions to Our Knowledge of American Car- 
boniferous Floras. ІХ. Some Petrified Seeds from 
Iowa Ellen M. Kern and Henry N. Andrews 

The Gallatin Fossil Forest... 27758 
— Henry N. Andrews and Lee W. Lenz 

Flora of Panama. Part III. Fascicle 3 (Orchidaceae, 
cH IE). 1. 3 Robert E. Woodson, Jr., 
Robert W. Schery, and Collaborators 

General Index to Volume XXXIII | | . 











/ AND 


Fascicle 2 

(in part) 







Part III. Fascicle 2 


Epiphytic, terrestrial, rarely semi-aquatic or saprophytic, perennial herbs. Veg- 
etative growth of two main types: (1) Termed MoNoropiArzs, in which the 
main axis or stem grows steadily upward year after year, the annual growths at 
length being indistinguishable and a monopodium being formed; the inflorescences 

rne on lateral shoots. (2) Termed ЗумроглАТЕ$, in which a new growth de- 
velops laterally from the base of the previous year's growth, which is completed 
and matures in a few months. In the ЗУМРОГАТЕ$ if the annual growth is 
terminated by an inflorescence the plant is termed acranthous (terminal flower- 
ing) ; if the inflorescence originates on lateral branches (usually at the base of or 
laterally on a pseudobulb) and the annual growth is terminated only by leaves 
the plant is termed pleurantbous (lateral flowering). Stems (secondary) of many 
orchids developed into thickened or swollen structures (pseudobulbs) which act 
as storage organs for food and moisture. Flowers hermaphroditic and gynandrous, 
occasionally monogamous or polygamous, the male and female ones being very 
different; zygomorphic; superior. Perianth of two tripartite whorls, alternating, 
often variously united; in the same whorl the even pair similar, the odd one usually 
different in form. Sepals 3, similar, or the dorsal differing from the laterals, free 
or variously united. Petals 3, two similar and termed petals, the other one usually 
strikingly different and termed lip or labellum. Stamens in two tripartite whorls, 
only one (MoNANDRAE) ог two (DIANDRAE) fertile, the others, along with the 
styles and sterile stigmas, forming the column by consolidation; in the MONANDRAE 
the odd stamen of the outer whorl fertile; in the Dianprar the paired stamens 
of the inner whorl fertile. Pollen (except in the СүркІРЕрПОІрЕАЕ) usually 
consolidated into pollinia. Stigmas 3, usually only one or two fertile (if two, 
often confluent and appearing as one). The column, the central structure іп the 
flowers, which is made up of the consolidated styles and filaments along with the 
suppressed anthers and stigmas, is diagnostic of the family.  Fertile anthers and 
stigmas usually borne toward the apex of the column. Ovary 1-celled or rarely 
3-celled. Seeds numerous, minute, lacking endosperm. 

Issued March 8, 1946. 

(107) (1) 

[Vor. 33 

A cosmopolitan family of about 600 genera and 15,000—20,000 species. Most 
abundant in tropical regions of the world. 

The Orchidaceae is an extremely complex family, the morphology of which is 
often not too well understood. The genera, in some groups, are technical and per- 
haps not too well differentiated; in other groups they are fairly well differentiated. 
With the exception of a few terrestrial genera and even fewer of the epiphytic ones, 
the respective genera are limited to either the eastern or to the western hemis- 
phere. A few genera contain a very large number of species (Dendrobium, eastern 
hemisphere, probably more than 1000; Epidendrum, western hemisphere, possibly 
nearly 1000). The species of orchids, as a whole, are distinctive, and extreme 
variation within species is not too common. Terrestrial species, especially those of 
temperate climates, are inclined to be more variable than are epiphytic ones. Species 
are inclined to be restricted in distribution although terrestrials and epiphytes 
growing at low elevations often range widely. 

The greatest concentrations of orchids occur within twenty degrees of the 
equator. While some are found at low elevations, the great majority of them 
grow on mountains within the tropics. Malaysia and tropical America are richest 
in species and genera, with Africa a poor third. New Guinea probably contains 
more species than any comparable land area, although it is still not well known 
botanically. Colombia is perhaps the richest in species of any comparable area in 

the western hemisphere. 


a. Stamens 2, a third usually MONIO E m a large рен. роПеп 

гапшаг, not united into masses or mily DIAN 
тті а 

аа. Stamen 1, the — abortive or forming staminodes; pollen c 
soli a) 

solidated into masses d bodies (pollinia) ...................... Su bfamily MONANDRAE 
b. Caudicle and dud feno from the base of the pollinia; anthers 
rec e less resupinate, very closely adnate to t roa 

ased column, never deciduous after flowering; pollinia always gran- 
ular (sectile ribe II OPHRYDOIDEAE 
bb. Caudicle and gland arising from the apex of the pollinia; — 
о npn ла nt, the filaments short and slender, generally ar- 
rowly joined to the column, usually deciduous but if persistent soon 
e. Pollinia gn soft; anthers commonly persistent but wither- 
ing; inflorescence (normally) always terminal................ Tribe ІП PotycHONDREAE 
. Pollinia waxy or cartilaginous; anther commonly soon ез 
inflorescence terminal or lateral e ТҮ KEROSPHAEREAE 


I. Subfamily Пллмрклв, Tribe CvPRiPEDILOIDEAE. Two genera іп 


a. Stems sig leafy; leaves thin 

aa. Stems very short or — none, leaves coriaceous 2. PHRAGMIPEDIUM 
т Subfamily. MOoNANDRAE, Division Biserowax, Tribe OPHRYDOIDEAE. 
e genus in Panam, 3. HABENARIA 
ш. = ај aig А mas, Divis sion ACROTONAE, Tribe PoLyCHONDREAE. 

nag Ае “distribu ted in five subtribes in Panam 
a. Prin r more or less prone, incumbent. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

b. Leaves not articulated, persistent; stems not cane-like. 

c. Terrestrial d with fleshy roots; small or large rather showy 
urplish flow 4. PocoNiA 
сс Scandent herbs am epiphytic, without fleshy roots; flowers 
large, y whit 5. VANILLA 
bb. Leaves articulated, лера stems cane-like. 
c. Pollinia 
а. "s ase > the lip strongly gibbous or m ornamented with 
o prominent calli; flowers ipe ied mall 6. ELLEANTHUS 
dd. ~ of the lip not strongly gib or же fos with or 
without calli at the base; денді үлек деге very large.............. 7. SOBRALIA 

сс. Pollinia 4 
aa. Anther more or less ea: nec erect or suberect. 
b. Leav t plicate-nerved, usually soft. 
c. Roots fasciculat iri 
d. Lip uppermost, adaxial; flowers not resupin 
e. Pe tals, and sometimes the lip, insert de on the column............ 

f. Lip inserted at the 

5. Is not united into а basal 11. 
£g. Sepals united at the base into a slender tu 9. 

f. Lip united at the I to a cup formed of the united 
epals, helmet-shape 10. 
dd. Lip lowermost, abaxial; ^ ers resupina 13 

cc. Roots not А сол ичейин Ди а from the si on the lower part 
of the 14. 
Leaves оиа peut 22) or subcoriaceous 15; 

IV. Subfamily МОМАМРКАЕ, Division Acro AE, Tribe KEROSPHAEREAE. 

Seventy-two era, distributed in twenty-six subtribes, in Panama. 

a. Series CRANTHAE. Inflorescence normally terminal or by abor- 
tion of terminal inflorescence axillary in uppermost leaves. (See also 

b. Viscid disc, when present, Б. ак babi the apex of the pollinia, 
commonly gr rudim none 
c. Ovary articulated to the иегі pedicel persistent; stems slender, 
rigid, sometimes reduced, usually unif 
d. Sepals all distinctly connate at the bas 
e. Sepals also connate at den jeas open bétwéen tips and bases... 18. 
ee. Sepals not con heir 
Sepals forming a narrow or "айкай tube at the base. 
2. Inflorescence 173 
gg. c yg a ‘ingle ‘flo ower, or rarely 2"Howers;.........2 19. 
ff. Sepals more or less rotate, not forming a narrow tube at 
the base 6. 
dd. -— not E — connate at the base, at least the dorsal 
pal free arly 
e. “Blade of the pads diu i.e. strongly bilobed (except 

tal not transverse, not strongly bilobed. 

ee. Blade 
column-foot; lip with a hood-shaped 

Т; ta 
f. Petals inserted on the 
ca gule at the b 


ff. Petals n not жас rted оп the column-foot nor with а hood- 
shaped callus or ты at the base 
8. Inflorescence terminal or at Мей subterminal оп the 
secondary stems 


gg -— қалы about the middle of the sec- 













ма 1 a with the 

се. 4. not "articulated to the e cel; 
hy, ver - flow 

wer; stems slender or fles - to 
d. "Pollinia Sot appendages, » e. d disc or caudicle. 
e. Column very short; We ad өсері іп үс лердің erect.. 
Column elongated; anther ји > incumben 
dd. Роба nin ed, i. e. with at least a аа: viscid disc 
audicle with a viscid apex 


. Lrparis 

[Vor. 33 

. Column лет lip more ог less connate with the base of 
"а colum 
f. Pollinia 4, two in each cell of the anther. 
. Lip geniculate at its junction with the 
gg. Lip not өзекте ulate at its junction with the colum 
h. Flowers large and showy; stems always ебут 29. CATTLEYA 
hh. Flowers usually пос pae and showy; stems either 
атару ог ebu 
with two large hollow horn- like processes; lip 

column 26. HEXISEA 


or nearly so : 

ii. Lip without hollow horn-like processes; lip com- 
pasci connate with the column at base but not 

ff. бє 8, du ur in each cell of = anther, 
1al 31. npe 


ze, 1al 
into a krenen foot at the base; lip hardly 

connate to the column or at most connate at the base of the 



"те dstichous and scattered along an elongated stem. 
6 - 

34. IsocuiLus 

h. энем 
Ki ТА ТЕТЕ 4. еле ы шын кыы E 

gg. Leaves пос “шш һоив оп ап een и anm terminal 

nm eim or short indurated s 


ff. Pollin 
bb. Viscid disc voa о with the margins well defined, arising 

from the apex of the colum 
with a foot; ч with pseudobulbs; pollinia 4, ог 4 





. Column footless; plants without pseudobulbs; pollinia E 
aa. Series B. PLEURANTH Inflorescence lateral, arising near the base 
of the pseudobulb or in m axils of the lower leaves or sheaths. (This 

A. Subseries a. Sympopraces. Plants forming sympodium, 
stems approxi imate or superimposed and the apical growth Pirna 

B. Pollinia without a stipe; viscid disc commonly rudimentary or the 

La of i caudicle glutinous or none 
. Rhizome short; terrestrial plants with the stems bulbose, usually 

Fer гэн buried in the edi leaves plicate. 


D. Lip with a spur 
DD. Lip without a 40. BLETIA 
сс. a — ог је eic plants Raa Ay pseudo- 
bulbose s ved; leaves r plica 
D. га sdobs is eme (i. e. of se d ps^n = "ВР term- 
nal on which bears c == т, many-leaved; leaves 
eet po кафа relativ 41. Cysts 
DD. Pseud т heteroblastic (ы е. single node with one or 
more term nal leaves), usually M. ee coriaceous or fleshy, 
€ НР elatively small 42. BULBOPHYLLUM 
BB. Pollinia бен а prominent ы sometimes short; viscid disc distinct. 
ollinia of ire exture, easily mashed 
Lip spurred or wit saccate bas 43. EULOPHIA 

DD. Lip not spurred nor saccate ас the bas 
E. Lateral iniri nd column Шын а prominent mentum; 
base of the han and peduncle not enclosed in а submem- 
branaceous sheath 
EE. Lateral sepals and column-foot forming an inconspicuous 
ment Жы; a ase of the leaves and peduncle enclosed in a sub- 


ous sheath 45. GOVENIA 

СС. Pollinia buon in texture, not easily mashed. 


FLORA ОЕ PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

D. Leaves convolute in verna 
E. Pseudobulbs large, ACH homoblastic, many-leaved. 

. Flowers perfect, monomorphic; column twiste 46. MORMODES 


FF. Flowers dimorphic or trimorphic (rarely perfect); column 
not twiste 

G. Ee “thik, imet in male flowers usually with 

wo retrorse antenn 47. CATASETUM 

GG. Ба slender, ud or arcuate, without retrorse 
EE. crie са heteroblastic, 1- to few-leaved. 
tinuous with the base of е и or solidly at- 
кар to ди pe colum re 79% ot articulated, more or 
less оо divided into ап Ем and а hypochile 
or rarely 
G. Бе "s much narrower than the sepals, usually in- 

serted on the base of the 


©; Е saccate ed nF like 57. CORYANTHES 
H. Epichile sacca .56. GONGORA 

Е. fab not dis em narrower than the sepals, from a 
little n wer to broader 
H. Epichile saccate and tuac: like 
HH. Epichile not saccate. 
I. с е connate and forming a distinct men- 
tum base; flowers about 1.5 cm. long, 

П. Me sepals free or if connate not forming a 
ct mentum at the base. 



ip entir 50. SIEVEKINGIA 

JJ. Lip not entire, usually divided into a hypochile 

R lip 
shallowly 3-lobed, the «неде E ES ud 55. STANHOPEA 

KK. Hypochile of lip usually no ncave-saccate 
or if so then the lip иы divided and 
‚ ырда ог p lobe of lip narrowly 

lan ate, minate 

LL. Epichile or terminal e of lip not narrow- 
ly lanceolate, acum 

M. Lateral lobes 21 the E p (pleuridia, meso- 

chile ) erect or at least not parallel to the 

N. Rachis of Mc son and sepals dor- 
sally brown pilose-pubescen 
NN. а of ўн ўч bua sepals not 
O. to жас of the hed joined by a 
large central callus; hypochile of the 

lip бх о. at least as bid as the lateral 

OO. Lateral lobes of the lip not joined 
y a ede callus; hypochile of the 




and inconspicuous 53. PERISTERIA 

MM. Lateral Mo d the lip (pleuri dia) more 

or less parallel to the ne ensiform.... 55. STANHOPEA 

FF. Lip articulated to the apex of the colu 
. Inflorescence basal, i.e. arising Кы e he ы of the 
pseudobulb; lip ueaslly provided with a long low callus. 
H. Inflorescence consisting of a single flower 
HH. Inflorescence a few- to several-flowered raceme. 

I. Flower with a conspicuous spur-like mentum............ 58 



II. Flowers without a conspicuous spur-like mentum.... 59. BIFRENARIA 


[Vor. 33 

GG. Inflorescence suprabasal, i.e. in the axils of the lower 

sheaths; lip usually provided with a transverse callus 

DD. Leaves MEN in vernation. 
E. Colum 


uced i a foot and рест а mentum with 

the њи sepals; а Һа de duced, emarginate. 
F. ж llus of the lip transverse, sd fabellate at еше base of 
e lip Paga inan suprabasal, n the axils of the 
hath or sheath-like pain риа Mod or rudi- 

G. “Callas at the гені of the lip pectinate ог frin 

GG. Bo ый the base of the lip not B un 

ire or bet obscurely lob 

oie 24 obed, or — into a narrow basal and а 
pical pa 

FF. Callus “of = lip ІЗ often puc or 

rarely none; inflor ce borne from the base of a pseudo- 

bulb; ми germ well. pope or Pd elon- 

BOO canc 64. HUNTLEYA 
inate га fringed. 



gated s 
С. Lateral S forming a spur at pe base about as long 
or longer than the blades of the sep 

: nnate and forming a pei Aud at the base; 
lip not half as long as a sepals 6 
a tube at я base; 
the sepals.............. 65. MAXILLARIA 
EE. Column on rostellum commonly и ди sometimes 
subulate or 

Е. An ther incumbent; rostellum porrect or deflexed, never 

© Base a the lip spurred or saccate or appendaged at the 


H. Base of lip forming a spur or deeply saccate. 
I. Lateral sepals free 

II. Lateral sepals con 

HH. Base of the lip eim rns to long appendages; јен 

"e wed connate and commonly spurred or sac- 



ca the 69. Іоморѕ15 
GG. Base p^ the D genres spurred nor saccate nor with 
H. „Ропа 2 
· Clinandeium low, slightly excavated, margin entire 
and not hyaline. 
J. Column winged near the stigma 71. TRIZEUXIS 
. Column wingless near the stigma 76. BR 

ng the an- 
early so, or pe olumn m spreading 
wings near b stigma. 


ТІ Clinandrium with a high margin enfo 
ther or 

K. = of the lip. bed the column and 
hortly adnate to it at its base 
KK. Base of the lip not a column. 
jen d nserted on the ear the midak 75. ASPASIA 
LL. Lip not inserted on “a co узыйм near the 
mid le. 



М. Lateral sepals ог е sepals and spoon 
Eis ен ; column not winged 

the 76. BRASSIA 
MM. Lateral sepals or all sepals and petals 
audate, or if so iih eligen winged 
near yon sti 
N. Base of un lip forming a shallow sac.... 73. 

NN. Base of the lip not forming a місе 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 7 
O. Column with a pair of nar 
stelidia at the т lip ит un- 
lobed, pandur use 79. LEOCHILUS 
OO. Column la ae не narrow stelidia at 
the middle; lip v 
P. Lip long- и: lionis ѕтај.. 80. SIGMATOSTALIX 
PP. Lip not TN unguiculate; flowers 
usually not small. 
. Lip erect др me. or con- 
tiguous to the column at the 
base; calli on the lip s Bush Z 
parallel rae not joined; column 
usually ged 74. ODONTOGLOSSUM 
QQ. Lip pie а; approach- 
ing a right angle) from the col- 
umn; calli on the lip various 
but if 2 then usually joined; 
M doji usually winged at the 
R. Lip usually анау large 
and not sharply lobed, us- 
ћу lacking calli except at 
the base; flowers white.......... 77. MILTONIA 
RR. Lip usually relatively small 
а а tly 3-lobed, usual- 
ly provided У rich cali above 
the base (as well as often at 
the base); flowers commonly 
yellow to mar 78. ONcIDIUM* 
JJ. Leaves not articulated, i.e. marcescent; plants 
with densely equit md cun elongated stems, 
without died obulbs 81. LoCKHARTIA 
. Pollinia 4; lip with a retrorse callus near the base...... 82. ORNITHOCEPHALUS 
FF. бее erect on the back of the column or erect оп the 
apex of the column under the clinandrium; rostellum erect 
or ascendin 
G. Column пен with stiff hairs 85. TELIPOGON 
GG. Column not provided with stiff hai 
12% булоон margins small, not prem surrounding 
the a 83. NOTYLIA 
HH. RUE margins large, almost forming a calyptra 
over the anther 84. MACRADENIA 
AA. е » MONOPODIALES. E ee forming a monopodium, i.e. the 
$ having infinite apical growt 
в. Co sha ма ап infrastigmatie Бай stems with equitant leaves.... 86. DICHAEA 
BB. Column without а ТАН ligule; stems not having equitant 
leaves, priate sometimes leafles 4 87. CAMPYLOCENTRUM 

ж Oncidium, Miltonia, Оба Brassia, Aspasia, Leochilus and Mesos pinidium are 95% 
one genus, naturally, for they merge comp letely. However for purposes of convenience they 
best left apart. The first three menti we are и well known си: except for borderline els 
even the amateur can soon learn to distinguish them easily by their aspect 


[Vor. 33 

1. SELENIPEDIUM Reichb. f. 

SELENIPEDIUM Reichb. f. Xenia Orch. 1:3, 2. 2. 1854; emend. Pfitz. in Engl. 
Pflanzenr. IV. 50 (Heft 12): 27. 1903. 
Solenipedium Beer, Prakt. Stud. Orch. 310. 1854. 

Tall terrestrial herbs with leafy, often branched stems. Leaves narrow, many- 
nerved, inarticulate. Inflorescence terminal, racemose, many-flowered. Flowers 
small to medium-sized, resupinate. Sepals spreading, the dorsal free, the laterals 
connate nearly to their apices. Petals smaller than the sepals, free. Lip calceiform, 
saccate. Column short, terete. Fertile stamens 2, the third stamen (staminodium) 
sterile. Stigma wider than the staminodium, papillose, trisulcate. Capsule fusi- 
form, trilocular, crowned by the marcescent perianth. 

One species in Panama. 

1. SELENIPEDIUM CHICA Reichb. f. Xenia Orch, 1:3, Ё. 2. 1854; Pfitz. in Engl. 
Pflanzenr. IV. 50 (Heft 12): 27. 1903; Ames, Sched. Orch. 2:1, Ё. І. 1923. 

Stems leafy, erect, slender, up to about 5 га. tall. Leaves when mature 15-30 
cm. long and 1.5-5 cm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate, sub- 
membranaceous, many-nerved, inarticulate, sparsely pubescent dorsally, especially 
along the nerves, or becoming glabrate, contracted at the base into a cylindric 
sheath covering the stem. Inflorescence terminal, many-flowered, densely pubes- 
cent; flowers small to medium-sized, opening in succession, soon deciduous if 
not fertilized; bracts normally 10-15 mm. long, lanceolate, acute, puberulent. 
Dorsal sepal about 2 cm. long and 1 cm. broad, elliptic-oval, acute, puberulent 
dorsally toward the base. Lateral sepals together about 2 cm. long and 1 cm. 
broad, elliptic-oval, acute, connate nearly to their apices. Petals up to 2 cm. 
long and about 2 mm. broad, linear, puberulent dorsally along the mid-nerve and 
within near the base. Labellum 2-3 cm. long and 1-1.8 cm. broad in natural 
position, calceiform, margins strongly involute. 

Endemic in Panama. 

“PANAMA”: without data, eo PANAMA: in foothills 20 miles northeast of 
Panama cn alt. 60-90 m., Powell 258; northeast of Panama City, Powell 3007. CANAL 
ZONE: Ancon Hill, Killip pi Cañon of Río Chagres, alt. 70-80 m., Sfeyermark & 
Allen 17506. 

This is undoubtedly the largest terrestrial orchid in the Americas. 

2. PHRAGMIPEDIUM (Pfitz.) Rolfe 

PHRAGMIPEDIUM (Pfitz.) Rolfe іп Orch. Rev. 4:331. 1896; Pfitz. in Engl. 
7 Pflanzenr. IV. 50 (Heft 12): 42. 1903, as Phragmopedilum. 
Papbiopedilum 8 Phragmopedilum Pfitz. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 25:527. 1898. 


Fig. 64. Selenipedium chica 


[Vor. 33 

Terrestrial or epiphytic herbs with very short stems. Leaves duplicative, 
coriaceous, sulcate above and carinate below, inarticulate. Inflorescence terminal, 
racemose or paniculate, several-flowered; flowers medium to large-sized, resupinate. 
Sepals spreading, the dorsal free, the laterals connate almost to their apices. Petals 
narrower than the sepals but often much elongated and caudate. Lip calceiform, 
saccate. Column short. Fertile anthers 2, the third stamen (staminodium) 
sterile, stigma deflexed from the apex of the column, subparallel to the ovary or 
subrotund, papillose. Capsule long-fusiform, trilocular, the perianth deciduous. 

Two species in Panama and about a dozen species in South America. Often 
in cultivation. 

a. Petals mostly more than 30 cm. long when mature; leaves lorate.......... 1. P. CAUDATUM 

. Petals mostly less than 10 cm. long when mature; leaves linear or 
linear-ligulate 2. P. LONGIFOLIUM 


PHRAGMIPEDIUM CAUDATUM (Lindl.) Rolfe in Orch. Rev. 4:332. 1896; Pfitz. 
in Engl. Pflanzenr. IV. 50 (Heft 12): 52. 1903, in synon; L. Wms. in Ann: 
Missouri Bot. Gard. 26:279. 1939. 

Cypripedium caudatum Lindl. Gen . & Sp. Orch. РІ. 531. 


b. f. 1852. 
уе caudatum Pfitz. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 19: 41. 1894; Kerch. Orch. 454. 

ndn caudatum var. Warscewiczii Hort. in Kerch. loc. cit. 1894. 
Cypripedium caudatum var. roseum Hort. in Kerch. loc. cit. 1894. 
Pbragmopedilum оаа Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:9. 1922. 

Stems very much reduced, leafy. Leaves 15-20 cm. long, 3-5 cm. broad, 
lorate, obtuse, apex shallowly and unequally bilobed, coriaceous, inarticulate, 
glabrous. Inflorescence terminal, few-flowered, exceeding the leaves; rachis 
velutinous; flowers large; bracts 3-6 cm. long, obtuse, subrotund, clasping the 
rachis. Dorsal sepal 10-15 cm. long and 1.5-2 cm. broad at the base, lanceolate, 
minutely pubescent dorsally. Lateral sepals together about 8-11 cm. long and 
2.5-4 cm. broad, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, connate to their apices. Petals 
30-70 cm. long when mature, 0.5—1 cm. broad at the base, long-caudate, puberu- 
lent. Lip 5-6 cm. long and about 2.5-3 cm. broad in natural position, calceiform, 
margins involute, lateral edges of the opening pilose. Ovary velutinous. 

Panama, Venezuela (?), Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. 

CHIRIQUÍ: probably Volcán de Chiriqui, Warscewicz; vicinity of Casita Alta, Volcan 
de Chiriquí, alt. 1500—2000 m., Woodson, Allen & Seibert 062. 

The description is based on the specimens collected by Woodson, Allen and 
Seibert. Мо living material was available, and the plant is difficult to describe 
from dried material. The form of the species in Panama is the superior horti- 
cultural form and for this reason has been almost exterminated there. The species 
is dificult to grow at sea-level. 

2. PHRAGMIPEDIUM LONGIFOLIUM (Warsz. & Reichb. f.) Rolfe in Orch. Rev. 
4:33. 1896. 


1946] А 
FLORA ОЕ PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 11 

рне и» Warsz. & Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:690. 1852; Hook. f. in 
. Mag 5070, 18 

бзен VAR dh Reichb. +. Xenia Orch, 1:3. 1054. 

Cypripedium Hincksianum Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. n. s. 9:202. 

Paphiopedilum longifolium Pfitz. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ^ 6:84. 1888. 

Papbiopedium longifolium Kerch. Orch. 455. 

Papbiopedilum Hincksianum Pfitz. in Engl. Bot. тік, 19:41. 1894. 

Stems much reduced, leafy. Leaves up to 80 cm. long and 1-4 cm. broad, 
linear or linear-ligulate, canaliculate, acute, inconspicuously and unequally bilobed 
at the apex, inarticulate, distichous. Inflorescence terminal, several-flowered, 
glabrous; flowers medium-sized; bracts 4-9 cm. long and 1-2 cm. broad, acute, 
distichous, glabrous. Dorsal вера! 3-5.5 cm. long and 1–1.8 cm. broad, lanceolate 
or lanceolate-acuminate. Lateral sepals 2.5-5 cm. long and 1.7-2.5 cm. broad, 
ovate-lanceolate. Petals 5-10 cm. long and 0.4-0.8 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate, 
caudate, pubescent within, especially at the base. Lip 2.5-4 cm. long and about 
half as broad, calceiform, pubescent within, at least at the base, margins involute. 

Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. 

CHIRIQUÍ: in Jom west of Caldera River, alt. 3800 feet, Powell 308; without 
locality, Wars cocLÉ: valley of the upper Río Mata Ahogado, alt. 350 m., Allen 
145; Las залдың | Bouché 4. PANAMA: without locality, Seemann 1114. 

3. HABENARIA Willd. 

Hapenaria Willd. Sp. Pl. 4:44. 1805; Kranzl. Orch. Gen. & Sp. 1:174. 1901; 

Ames, Orch. 4:1-288. 1910. 

Gymnadenia R. Br. in = Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:191. 1813. 
Hina na L. C. Rich. in Mém. Mus. Par. 4:48. 1818. 
Limnorchis Rydb. in Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1:104. 1900. 

Terrestrial or palustrine herbs with cauline or basal leaves or rarely the leaves 
reduced to bracts. Leaves thin to fleshy, usually prominent. Inflorescence few- 
to many-flowered, spicate or racemose; flowers various; bracts often large and 
conspicuous. Sepals subequal, free or connate at the bases, the dorsal erect, 
usually concave, the laterals usually spreading.  Petals similar to the sepals but 
usually smaller, or more or less deeply bifid (rarely trifid or polyfid). Lip simple or 
3 or more-lobed, often adnate to the column, spreading or pendulous, spurred at 
the base. Column short, footless. Stigmas 2 or 1 stigma 2-lobed, often elongated 
into short or comparatively long processes. Anther erect, rarely more or less 
resupinate, persistent; pollinia (or pollen) granular, with short or sometimes long 
caudicles from the base. 

A polymorphic genus of world-wide distribution, probably one of the oldest 
genera in the family. There are many more generic synonyms than those cited 
but the ones given are the essential ones for the Panama flora. А good account 
of the North American species known to 1910 will be found in Ames, Orchidaceae, 
Vol. 4. 



[Vor. 33 


a. Petals entire or merely toothed; lip entire, toothed at the base or 3- 

b. Petals lanceolate 
bb. Petals not lanceolate 
aa. Petals bifid; lip 3-lobed. 

Palustrine or aquatic plants 

1. H. ALATA 

..8. H. REPENS 

bb. Not palustrine nor aquatic plants. 
c. Sepals less than 5 mm 

cc. Sepals much more than 



5 mm. long 
=. Dn of the lip very ман shorter than the mid-lobe; 

. long (mostly 3 mm.) 




dd иш pem of the lip about as long as the mid-lobe or longer; 
etals mal. 

Fig. 65. 

Habenaria alata 

e. Bracts of the inflorescence large and 
leaf-like; flowers mostly less than 5... 6. H. PAUCIFLORA 
ee. Bracts of the inflorescence not large 
and leaf-like; flowers mostly more 
than 5 
2 "n 40—50 ram. long; leaves en- 
siform to linear-lanc . H. BICORNIS 
ff. Spur m. long; leaves 
те to ovate-lanceolate. 2. H. MONORRHIZA 

1. HABENARIA АГАТА Hook. Exot. Fl. 3:7. 160. 
1827; Ames, Orch. 4:273. 1910; Bot. Mus. Leafl. 
Harv. Univ. 3:20, fig. 1934. 

Erect or ascending terrestrial herbs with leafy 
stems, 2-7 dm. tall Leaves 6-14 cm. long and 
0.8-2 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, 
acute or acuminate, reduced to bracts below and 
above. Inflorescence subracemose, up to 2 dm. long, 
densely flowered; flowers pale green.  Dorsal sepal 
6-10 mm. long and 5-7 mm. broad, ovate to sub- 
orbicular, concave. Lateral sepals 7-10 mm. long 
and 3.5—4.5 mm. broad, lanceolate to triangular- 
lanceolate, acute or acuminate. Petals 5.5-10 mm. 
long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute or 
obtuse, auriculate at the base on the anterior margin. 
Lip 5.5-8 mm. long and about 2 mm. broad, linear- 
lanceolate to lanceolate, entire, auriculate or dentate 
on either side at the base; spur up to 13 mm. long, 
recurved, subclavate. Ovary prominently winged 
when mature. 


CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Kenoyer 240; 
Ana Lago and Corozal, Powell 316, 317, 318, 321, 3403. 

The Panamanian material is somewhat atypical. 


FLORA ОЕ PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 13 

2, HABENARIA MONORRHIZA (Sw.) Reichb. f. in Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 3:274. 1885. 
Orchis monorrhiza Sw. Nov. Gen. & Sp. Prodr. 118. 1788. 

Erect, slender, terrestrial herbs up to about 12 dm. tall. Leaves 3-13 cm. long 
and 1.5—4 cm. broad, elliptic-oblong to lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute or 
acuminate, margins chartaceous, reduced to bracts upward. Inflorescence a dense- 
ly flowered raceme up to about 20 cm. long; flowers white. Dorsal вера! 5-8 mm. 
long and 4-5.5 mm. broad, ovate or suborbicular-ovate, obtuse, cucullate. Lateral 
sepals 4-8 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, ovate, oblique, obtuse. Petals 5-8 mm. 
long, bipartite, the lobes subequal; anterior lobe filiform; posterior lobe elliptic or 
elliptic-oblong, obtuse or acutish. Lip about 7-10 mm. long, trilobate; lateral 
lobes filiform, spreading; mid-lobe linear-ligulate; spur 15-25 mm. long, pendu- 
lous, slender. Ovary somewhat winged. 

Guatemala to Panama, the West Indies and South America. 

Quí: Boquete, alt. 1150 m., Terry & Terry 1641. сосі.Е: hills south of El Valle 
de Antón, alt. 600-800 m., Allen 2 
3. HABENARIA PETALODES Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 316. 1835. 
Habenaria petalodes var. micrantha Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr. ES 5. 1866. 
Habenaria Warszewiczii Schltr. in Апех. Mem. Inst. Butantan 17:25. 1921. 

Erect terrestrial herbs up to about 6 dm. tall. Leaves 4-17 cm. long and 1-5.5 
cm. broad, lanceolate to elliptic or elliptic-oblong, acute or somewhat acuminate, 
crowded near the middle of the stem, reduced to bracts above. Inflorescence up 
to about 25 cm. long, strict, densely flowered; bracts up to 3 cm. long, lanceolate 
to lanceolate-ovate, acute or acuminate. Dorsal вера! 6-10 mm. long and 4-6 
mm. broad, ovate to broadly ovate, obtuse, cucullate. Lateral sepals 7-10 mm. 
long and 3.5—5 mm. broad, semi-lunate or oblong-arcuate, obtuse. Petals 5-9 
mm. long and 3.5—6.5 mm. broad, oblong to subquadrate to triangular-oblong 
and cuneate at the base, dilated toward the truncate, bi- or tridentate apex. Lip 
7-12 mm. long and about 1 mm. broad, linear, acute or obtuse, sometimes dilated 
at the apex and sometimes with obscure teeth on either side at the base; spur up 
to 30 mm. long (mostly about 20 mm.), slender, straight. 

os ей Brazil and ES 

Nata, alt. about 50 m., Allen 820. PANAMA: 
Tubos ped ЕТІ pde py pe. same y Dee on alt. 0-350 m., Allen 1280. cANAL 
ZONE and PANAMA: Chorerra, Tapia, Sieba Terra, Sosa Hill, ообо Hill, Juan Diaz 
Range, Powell 212, 26о, 261, 262, 264, 265, 266, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 332, 336, 
337» 339» 346, 3417, 3419, 3421. 

I have reported a specimen of this, in error, as H. strictissima var. odontopetala 
(Reichb. f.) L. Wms., in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:271. 1940. 

4. HABENARIA AVICULA Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:138. 1921. 
Habenaria patentiloba Ames in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 34:151. 1921. 

Slender, erect, terrestrial herbs up to 4.5 dm. tall, with leafy stems. Leaves 
7-15 cm. long and 1—3.5 cm. broad, lanceolate, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, obtuse, 


[ VoL. 33 

acute or acuminate, reduced to bracts above and below. Inflorescence laxly to 
densely flowered; bracts 1-2.5 cm. long and 0.4-0.8 cm. broad, lanceolate to 
ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate. Dorsal вера! about 4-6 mm. long and as 
broad, suborbicular, concave. Lateral sepals 6-10 mm. long and 4-7.5 mm. 
broad, broadly sub-lunate, spreading. Petals 4-6 mm. long and about 3 mm. 
broad, bifurcate, the lobules or teeth acute, the anterior tooth shortest. Lip 12-16 
mm. long and 1-2 mm. broad, linear, provided with a pair of narrow basal teeth 
about 1-3.5 mm. long; spur 15-30 mm. long, slightly recurved. 

Endemic in Panama. 

"PANAMA": Joseph; Purdom. PANAMA: Orange River Valley, Killip 3124. CANAL 
ZONE: near feit Kobe, Allen 2023; hills near Summit, Allen 2251; foothill savannahs 
east of city, Powell 162. 

5. HABENARIA BICORNIS Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 309. 1835. 

Erect terrestrial herbs up to 6.5 dm. tall, with leafy stems. Leaves 5-25 cm. 
long and 0.5-1.5 cm. broad, ensiform to linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate. 
Inflorescence a many-flowered raceme; bracts 1-3 cm. long, lanceolate, acuminate. 
Dorsal sepal 6-8 mm. long and 4-6 mm. broad, ovate-orbicular, cucullate, obtuse 
or acute, apiculate. Lateral sepals 8-10 mm. long and 4-5 mm. broad, semi-lunate, 
acute, apiculate. Petals bifid; posterior lobe 5-6 mm. long and 1.5—2 mm. broad, 
acute, arcuate; anterior lobe 6-9 mm. long and about 1 mm. broad, linear- 
filiform, acute, arcuate. Lip tripartite; the mid-lobe 7-10 mm. long and 1-2 
mm. broad; lateral lobes 9-12 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, arcuate-spreading, 
acute; spur 40-50 mm. long, slender, subclavate. 

Panama, the West Indies. 

PANAMA: near Pacora, Powell 315. CANAL ZONE: Las Sabanas, Pittier 6792. 

6. HABENARIA PAUCIFLORA (Lindl.) Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 2:10. 1854; L. 

W ms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 26:280. 1939. 

Bonatea pauciflora Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 329. 1835. 
Habenaria setifera Lindl. in Ann. Nat. Hist. 4:381. E 252 Orch. 4:209, 1. бо. 

1910; in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv: Univ. 3:35, fig. 1, p. 2 934. 

Habenaria паа Rich. & Gal. in Ann. Sci. Nat. III, 3: A pin 

Erect terrestrial herbs up to 5.5 dm. tall. Leaves 4-12 cm. long and 0.3—1.8 
cm. broad, linear-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, sometimes 
much reduced, usually partly sheathing the stem, reduced to bracts above. 
Inflorescence few-flowered (rarely more than 5-flowered); bracts similar to the 
leaves but smaller. Dorsal вера! 9-12 mm. long and 5-8 mm. broad, ovate- 
lanceolate to ovate, apiculate, cucullate. Lateral sepals 8-12 mm. long and 3.5-5 
mm. broad, triangular-lanceolate, subfalcate, acute, acuminate or apiculate. Petals 
bipartite; anterior lobe 6—10 mm. long and up to 1 mm. broad, subfiliform, some- 
what arcuate; posterior lobe 8—10 mm. long and 3—4 mm. broad, lanceolate or 
elliptic-lanceolate, acute, somewhat arcuate. Lip tripartite; the lateral lobes 
divergent and subequal to the mid-lobe in length; mid-lobe 10-14 mm. long and 
up to 2 mm. broad; spur 2.5—6 cm. long, subclavellate. 



FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

Fig. 66. Habenaria repens 



[Vor. 33 

Mexico to Argentina. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Llanos del Volcán, Seibert 326. PANAMA: Campana to Chica, Allen 2653; 
Pacora to Chepo, Woodson, Allen & Seibert 1665. 

An extremely variable species which has twenty or more synonyms. 

7. HABENARIA HEPTADACTYLA Reichb. f. іг Linnaea 22:812. 1849. 

Slender, erect, terrestrial herbs up to 3.5 dm. tall. Leaves up to 7 cm. long, 
linear-filiform, aristate, reduced to bracts above.  Inflorescence short, several- 
flowered, more or less secund; bracts up to 1.5 cm. long, ovate-lanceolate, long- 
acuminate; flowers small for the genus. Dorsal sepal 3—3.5 mm. long and 2-2.5 
mm. broad, ovate, obtuse, cochleate, 3-nerved. Lateral sepals 3.5-4 mm. long 
and 1.2-1.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved. Petals 2.5-3 mm. long, 
bipartite; the segments subequal or the outer shorter, lanceolate, acute, somewhat 
arcuate. Lip 3-lobed; the mid-lobe linear, 3-4.5 mm. long and about 0.5 mm. 
broad, linear, obtuse; lateral lobes 2.5—3.5 mm. long and 0.4—0.6 mm. broad 
linear, obtuse, spreading; spur 10—12 mm. long, recurved, slightly saccate at the 

Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, British Guiana and Brazil. 

опт LOCALITY: Bouché 7. PANAMA: near Arraiján, alt. about 15 m., Woodson, 
Allen 4 Seibert 1406. 
8. HABENARIA REPENS Nutt. Gen. М. Am. Pl. 2:190. 1818; Ames, Orch. 4:216. 

1910; in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:35, fig. p. 23. 1924. 

Erect, slender, palustrine or aquatic herbs up to about 1 m. tall. Leaves up to 
20 cm. long and 0.5-2.3 cm. broad, linear-elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, acute or 
acuminate, reduced to bracts upward. Inflorescence a densely flowered raceme; 
flowers green. Dorsal sepals 4-7.5 mm. long and 3-5 mm. broad, oval to sub- 
orbicular-ovate, cochleate, apiculate. Lateral sepals 4-8 mm. long and 2-3 mm. 
broad, ovate to lanceolate-oval, oblique, apiculate. Petals 4-9 mm. long, bipartite, 
the lobes subequal; anterior lobe filiform; posterior lobe 1-2 mm. broad, linear- 
lanceolate to lanceolate, arcuate. Lip 5-10 mm. long and 1-2.5 mm. broad across 
the base, trilobate, the lobes subparallel; lateral lobes filiform; mid-lobe linear- 
lanceolate, usually a little shorter than the laterals; spur 8-15 mm. long, slender. 

Southeastern United States, Guatemala, British Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa 
Rica, Panama, the West Indies and South America. 

CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Bailey & Bailey 663; Dodge 3483; Woodworth 
8 Vestal 55A, 65A. 

Often found in floating debris and in very wet places. The illustration, fig. 66, 
is redrawn from Ames, Orch. 1:51, 7. 16. 1905. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 17 

4. POGONIA Juss. 

Росомтл Juss. Gen. 65. 1789. 
Triphora Nutt. Gen. N. Am. Pl. 2:192. 1818. 
Cleistes L. С. Rich. in Мет. Mus. Par. 4:31. 1818. 

Rhizome or tuber-bearing, leafy or leafless terrestrial herbs. Sepals subequal, 
free, erect or rarely spreading. Petals similar to the sepals or shorter and broader, 
usually erect. Lip erect, simple or 3-lobed, sessile or unguiculate, plane or with 
various lamellate or thickened nerves, spurless. Column elongated, wingless, foot- 
less; stigma oblong or broader; clinandrium more or less raised, entire or denticu- 
late; anther subincumbent or apparently erect, substipitate (at least in some 
species) ; pollinia 2 masses, granular. 

Ames (Orch. 7:7. 1922), in his account of this group of allied genera, sep- 
arates Cleistes (Pogonia rosea) from Pogonia (typified by P. ophioglossoides) on 
the basis of simple pollen grains for Pogonia and compound pollen grains for 
Cleistes. However the so-called Cleistes seem to have simple pollen grains as 
often as not. The case for maintaining Triphora as a distinct genus is much better 
and is based on better characters. It is a matter of choice whether or not it is 

a. Lip with two stipitate processes at the base; lamina simp 1. P. ROSEA 
aa. Lip without stipitate processes at n base; lamina 3- E. 
b. Apex of the lip, at least, verruc 4. P. CUBENSIS 
bb. Apex of the lip, nor any part, verrucose 
. Cauline leaves well develope 2. P. MEXICANA 
cc. Cauline leaves none or very much reduced 3. P. WAGNERI 

1. Росоміл rosea (Lindl) Hemsl. in Godm. & Salvin, Biol. Centr.-Am. Bot. 
Cleistes rosea Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 410. 1840. 

Tall, slender, erect, terrestrial herbs up to 1.5 m. tall (Panamanian material 
up to 0.7 m. tall). Leaves 3-12 cm. long, 0.8—2.5 cm. broad, lanceolate, obtuse 
or acute, sessile and clasping the stem, apparently rather thick when fresh. 
Inflorescence of 1 or 2 rather large and showy flowers in the axils of the upper 
leaves. Dorsal sepal 5-6.5 cm. long and 0.6-0.8 cm. broad, linear-elliptic to 
lanceolate-elliptic, acute. Lateral sepals 5.5-6.5 cm. long and 0.8—1.1 cm. broad, 
linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, acute. Petals 5—6.5 cm. long and 1—1.6 cm. broad, 
elliptic to elliptic-oval, acuminate. Lip 4.5-5.5 cm. long and 1.6—3 cm. broad, 

roadly oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, obtuse, the median line of the lip 
callus-thickened or lamellate, lacerate toward the apex, with two stipitate pro- 
cesses at the base. 

Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, British Guiana, possibly also in Costa Rica, and 
doubtless in other of the South American countries,—the “West Indies" according 
to Hemsley. 

COCLÉ: Seibert 504. CANAL ZONE: Powell 113, 3305, 3400. "Panama," Duchas- 



а г ОЬ 

À Жз қ 
ге E Ў ТОД 

^ "ы. 


? £15; - 
l 4 ту 4 

2 Ка 
a “КУШЛ PEU \, 
W D TOv EL Heb 

Fig. 67. Pogonia rosea 


[Vor. 33 

FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 19 

Mr. Powell reported a white-flowered form of the species. 

2. PoGonta MEXICANA S. Wats. in Proc. Am. Acad. 26:154. 1891. 
Tripbora mexicana ie fso Fedde Rep. Spec. Nov. Beih. 17:139. 1921; Ames, Orch. 

7:40, 1. 100, f. 5-6. 

Weak terrestrial herbs up to 27 cm. tall, with leaf-bearing stems. Leaves 
8-20 mm. long and 5-17 mm. broad, narrowly to broadly ovate, obtuse or acute. 
Inflorescence of 1-3 single flowers borne іп the axils of the upper leaves (or leaf- 
like bracts?). Dorsal sepals 10-17 mm. long and about 2 mm. broad, linear to 
linear-oblanceolate, obtuse or acute. Lateral sepals 10-17 mm. long and 1.5-3 
mm. broad, linear to narrowly elliptic, subfalcate, acute. Petals 9-17 mm. long 
and 1-3 mm. broad, linear to linear-elliptic, subfalcate, acute or obtuse. Lip 
10-16 mm. long and 5-9 mm. broad, narrowly oval to obovate in outline, con- 
spicuously narrowed to the base, 3-lobed; lateral lobes obtuse, subtriangular, 
terminal lobe suborbicular to deltoid; disc trilamellate. 

Mexico, Guatemala and Panama. 

CANAL ZONE: Bevins. 

Very close if not the same as Pogonia trianthophora (Sw.) BSP. 

3. Poconta Wagneri (Schltr.) L. Wms., comb. nov. 
Tripbora Wagneri Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 17:139. 1921. 

Small, leafless, erect, terrestrial herbs up to 7.5 cm. tall. Inflorescence 1- 
flowered, the flower erect. Dorsal вера! about 12 mm. long, ligulate, obtuse. 
Lateral sepals about 12 mm. long, ligulate, obtuse, falcate. Petals a little shorter 
and a little broader than the dorsal sepal, ligulate, obtuse, subfalcate-oblique. Lip 
about 10 mm. long and 5 mm. broad, narrowly obovate-cuneate in outline, promi- 
nently 3-lobed near the apex; lateral lobes obliquely ovate, obtuse; mid-lobe semi- 
ovate, obtuse, somewhat undulate; disc with 3 thickened, subverrucose nerves 
toward the apex. 

Known only from Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ and vERAGUAs: Wagner 1778. 

The description is taken from the original and a manuscript analysis. 

PoGONIA CUBENSIS Reichb. f. іп Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. 4:322. 1850, as Р. 
тибепзіз by error. 

Tripbora cubensis Ames, Sched. Orch. 7:35. 1924. 


Small terrestrial herbs up to 15 cm. tall. Leaves few, reduced to sheathing 
bracts, often much reduced above, 0.8-2 cm. long and 0.4-1 cm. broad, lanceolate 
to suborbicular. Inflorescence several-flowered, the pedicels of the lower flowers 
often elongated and hence the raceme often appearing subcorymbose. Dorsal 
вера! 7-8 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, linear to linear-lanceolate, obtuse. 
Lateral sepals similar to the dorsal вера! except more or less arcuate. Petals 7-7.5 


[Vor. 33 

mm. long and 1-1.2 mm. broad, narrowly elliptic to narrowly elliptic-oblanceo- 
late, acute or obtuse. Lip 7-8 mm. long and about 3 mm. broad, lanceolate- 
obovate, unguiculate, 3-lobed, mid-nerve more or less lamellate and often dentate; 
mid-lobe subrotund; lateral lobes usually short, lanceolate to lanceolate-ovate. 
Florida, Mexico, Panama and Cuba. 
CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Kenoyer 250. 

This species has the appearance of a saprophyte but probably is not. It has 
been collected but once in Panama. 


VANILLA Sw. in Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. 6:66. 1799; Rolfe in Jour. Linn. 

Soc. Bot. 32:439-478. 1896. 

Usually epiphytic, scandent, leafy (in Panama) or leafless herbs, often with 
branched stems. Leaves coriaceous or fleshy, sessile or short-petiolate. Inflorescence 
a (short) raceme from the axils of the leaves. Sepals subequal, spreading, free. 
Petals similar to the sepals. Lip with its claw adnate to the column, often en- 
folding the column. Column elongated, footless, wingless; anther incumbent 
(rarely appearing erect); pollinia granular. Capsule (“bean”) elongated, fleshy, 
often fragrant. 

The only truly commercial members of the Orchidaceae belong to the genus 
Vanilla. The extract of the Vanilla "bean" was perhaps the first flavoring used 
by the American Indians. Natural Vanilla flavoring is now largely displaced 
by the synthetic. 

The taxonomy of Vanilla is most difficult because of the fugaceous flowers. 

a. Lip with verrucose lines or papillae 1. V. PLANIFOLIA 
aa. Lip without verrucose lines or papillae 2. V. POMPONA 
1. VANILLA PLANIFOLIA Andr. Bot. Repos. 8: ¢. 538. 1808; Dillon іп Am. Orch. 

Soc. Bull. 10:339, 7. тт. 1942. 

Vanilla fragrans of authors. 

Scandent branched leafy herbs. Leaves 8—23 cm. long and 2-8 cm. broad, 
narrowly lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, acute or acuminate, fleshy. Raceme short, 
5-7 cm. long, axillary; bracts 5-10 mm. long, oblong, obtuse or subacute. Sepals 
4-7 cm. long and 1-1.5 cm. broad, linear to oblanceolate, obtuse or acute. Petals 
similar to the sepals but smaller. Lip 4-5 cm. long and 1.5-3 cm. broad, with 
longitudinal, verrucose lines or papillae and a tuft of pubescence on the disc. 
Column about 3 cm. long, pubescent dorsally. Capsule (“bean”) up to about 
20 cm. long and 1 cm. in diameter. 

Mexico to Panama, a also in the West Indies. Cultivated throughout 
the tropics of the wor 

SAN BLAS: Perme, Cooper 287. CANAL ZONE: Fort Clayton and Corozal, Standley 
20103. PANAMA: Río Tecümen, Standley 20353; near Panama, Standley 20731. 



65793 А 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

Fig. 68. Vanilla planifolia 


[Vor. 33 

We think that Vanilla rubra (Lam.) Urban will probably prove to be the 
correct name for this species. 

This is the most commonly cultivated of the Vanillas. There are apparently 
several forms of the species and considerable difference in the flavor of the Vanilla 
extract in the various forms. 

2. VANILLA POMPONA Scheide in Linnaea 4:573. 1829; Ames, Sched. Orch. 

9%6,> 1925. 

Vanilla Pompona Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 437. 1840. | 
Vanilla Pittieri Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 3: 106. 1906. 

Scandent, branched, leafy herbs. Leaves 10-30 cm. long and 3.5-9 cm. 
broad, variable in shape, narrowly elliptic-oblong or elliptic-lanceolate to lanceo- 
late-ovate, rarely obovate-lanceolate, often oblique, acute or obtuse, coriaceous. 
Inflorescence up to about 16 cm. long, several-flowered, axillary; bracts about 1 
cm. long, lanceolate to ovate, obtuse or acute, cucullate. Sepals 7-8.5 cm. long, 
linear-elliptic to narrowly oblanceolate, obtuse or acute. Petals similar to the 
sepals or a little smaller. Lip 7—8.5 cm. long and 2.5—4 cm. broad, obovate- 
lanceolate to obovate, unguiculate, crenulate at least toward the apex, with a 
tuft of hair in the center of the disc. Column up to about 6 cm. long. Capsule 
("bean") about 15 cm. long, fusiform. 

Mexico to Panama, the West Indies, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, British and 
Dutch Guiana; possibly as a cultigen in some of these countries and possibly 

CANAL ZONE: Hunter & Allen 852; Maxon 6770; Powell 127, 412, 3507; Piper. 

Vanilla Pompona is cultivated in some places. It is probably inferior to V. 
planifolia for making extract of Vanilla 


ELLEANTHUus Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1:97. 1827; Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 3:522. 
Evelyna Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. Pl. 1:32. 1835. 

Terrestrial or epiphytic herbs ordinarily with strongly nerved, plicate, cauline 
leaves. Sepals subequal, free or the laterals somewhat connate at the base and 
forming a mentum. Petals subequal to the sepals, usually narrower. Lip adnate 
to the base of the column and usually enfolding it, subequal to or exceeding the 
sepals, usually gibbous-concave at the base and constricted above the base, the 
basal cavity containing two large, usually subovoid calluses. Column erect, foot- 
less; anther operculate, more or less incumbent or erect, bilocular; pollinia 8, 

A rather natural genus which is highly developed in the Andes. 

a. Inflorescence distichou 

. Stems fasciculately nched 4. Е. AURANTIACUS 
bb. Stems not "here и pow] 




FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 23 

c. Leaves 1.5 cm. or less long, oblong-lanceolate or broader, per- 
sistent 7. Е. MUSCICOLA 

сс. Leaves 1.5 cm. ог more long, elliptic-lanceolate or narrower, 

d. Bracts of the inflorescence imbricated; leaves subfiliform to 

inear 6. E. LINIFOLIUS 
dd. € = the inflorescence not imbricated; leaves elliptic- 
5. E. LAxus 
aa. ieee not Ea. tic : 
b. Stems fasciculately "um 4. E. AURANTIACUS 
bb. Stems not fasciculately branc 
c. Inflorescence capitate or subcapitate 1. E. CAPITATUS 
cc. Inflorescence spicate or racemose. 
. Lip trilobulate 3. E. TRILOBATUS 
dd. Lip not trilobulate 2. E. HYMENOPHORUS 

1. ELLEANTHUS CAPITATUS (P. & E.) Reichb. f. in E Ann. 6:475. 1862. 
Evelyna capitata Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. Pl. 1:3 
Bletia = R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:206. TR bas not basis of Elleanthus 


Epiphytic or terrestrial, reed-like herbs up to about 12 dm. tall. Stems slender, 
erect, covered with leaf-sheaths or naked below. Leaves 5—25 cm. long (mostly 
15-20 cm.) and 1-5.5 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, 
plicate, reduced upward and becoming bract-like. Inflorescence a dense, many- 
flowered, capitate or subcapitate raceme; outer bracts sterile, triangular-ovate, 
acuminate, up to about 4 cm. long, inner bracts fertile, ovate-lanceolate, acute or 
acuminate, shorter than the outer bracts; flowers covered with a glutinous material. 
Dorsal sepal 8-12 mm. long and 2.5-4 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, acute, 
slightly cucullate. Lateral sepals 8-12 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, elliptic- 
oblong, acute, somewhat oblique. Petals 11-12 mm. long and 1-2 mm. broad, 
linear, obtuse or acute. Lip 8-13 mm. long and 8-11 mm. broad, oval to sub- 
orbicular-flabellate, anterior margins more or less lacerate-dentate, base gibbous 
and with two approximate, subglobose calluses; disc thickened in the middle. 

Mexico to Panama, the West Indies and in South America to Peru. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Monte Lirio, alt. 1300-1900 m., Seibert 140, 268. 

A distinctive and widespread species. The name is based on Evelyna capitata 
Poepp. & Endl., and not on Bletia capitata В. Br., although the two names ap- 
parently represent the same species. 

2. ELLEANTHUS HYMENOPHORUS Reichb. f. in Walp. Ann. 6:480. 1862. 
Evelyna hymenophora Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:710. 1852. 

Caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 6.5 dm. tall (usually much less). 
Stems slender, covered with leaf-sheaths. Leaves 4-17 cm. long and 1.8-8 cm. 
broad, elliptic, elliptic-ovate, ovate or oval, acuminate, pergameneous. Inflorescence 
a compact many-flowered spike up to about 9 cm. long; bracts up to about 1.5 
cm. long, lanceolate-ovate or ovate, acuminate. Dorsal sepal 5.5-7 mm. long and 
abaut 2.5 mm. broad, lanceolate to oval, acute. Lateral sepals 5-7 mm. long and 
2-3 mm. broad, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, acute, strongly keeled dorsally. 


[Vor -35 

Petals 3.5-7 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, linear-spatulate to spatulate, obtuse 
or acutish, more or less crenulate above. Lip 7-9 mm. long and 6.5-9 mm. 
broad, broadly ovate to orbicular, lacerate-dentate, the gibbous-saccate base en- 
closing 2 ovoid calluses and the sac with a bidentate lamellate callus in front. 

Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Peru. 

CHIRIQUÍ: "Chiriquí," Warscewicz. cocLÉ: summit of Valle Chiquita, alt. 1360 m., 
Bouché 3x; gcn north te El Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2172; near Cerro Turega, 
alt. 650-70 , Woodson & Schery 168. PANAMA: hills above Campana, alt. 600-800 
m., Allen 1885. 

3. ELLEANTHUS TRILOBATUS Ames & Schweinf. Sched. Orch. 8:53. 1925. 

Slender epiphytic herbs up to about 8 dm. tall. Leaves 5-18 cm. long and 
0.5-2.5 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate, plicate, apex tri- 
lobulate, reduced upwards, basal part of the stem in mature plants naked. In- 
florescence up to 8 cm. long, many-flowered; bracts up to 2.5 cm. long, ovate- 
lanceolate to ovate, acuminate, cucullate, chartaceous, reduced upward. Sepals 
more or less pubescent dorsally. Dorsal sepal 6-8 mm. long and 2-3.5 mm. 
broad, oblong-lanceolate to narrowly ovate-lanceolate, acute, apiculate. Lateral 
sepals 6-8 mm. long and 2.5-3 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 
somewhat oblique, acute, cucullate. Petals 5-7 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, 
linear-oblong, obtuse. Lip trilobulate, 6-7.5 mm. broad, obovate-orbicular, flabel- 
late, fimbriate-lacerate on the terminal half, base gibbous-saccate and with 2 oval 
calluses, disc with 2 transverse, sublamellate calluses about opposite each sinus. 
Ovary puberulent. 

Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. 

COLON: near Porto Bello, Maxon 5808. E vicinity of Campana, alt. about 
1000 m., Allen 2405; ime east of Disi a] C an Juan, үлі 97, 3266, 3267, 
3208, 3273, 3529. CANAL ZONE: Barro Colored id. Shattuck 20 

The Powell specimens, regardless of numbers, are Ng all from one col- 
lection. Schlechter has determined Maxon 5808 and Powell 97 as his Elleanthus 
Brenesii and says of the latter collection. (Fedde, Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:13. 
1922): "Die Pflanze stimmt recht gut mit meinem Originalexemplar aus Costa 
Rica überein." The description and analysis of E. Brenesii are not entirely satis- 
factory but when the type can be studied E. trilobatus will probably prove to be 
а synonym. 

4. ELLEANTHUS AURANTIACUS (Lindl) Reichb. f. in Walp. Ann. 6:482. 1863. 

velyna aurantiaca Lindl. in Benth. РІ. age i 149. 1844. 
dcinde Tonduzii Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 8:567. 1910. 

Erect or ascending, branched or usually fasciculately branched herbs up to 
about 1 m. or more tall. Stems slender, covered with sheaths but becoming naked 
below, the lateral stems usually smaller than the main stem. Leaves 2-12 cm. 
long and 0.2-1.4 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate, apex 2-3- 
lobulate and short-aristate, plicate. Inflorescence up to about 4 cm. long, bilateral; 


ek га 

FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

“Бір. 69. Elleanthus trilobatus 



[Vor. 33 

bracts up to about 1.5 cm. long, ovate-lanceolate or ovate, acuminate, cucullate, 
scarious; rachis somewhat fractiflex. Sepals often puberulous dorsally. Dorsal 
sepal 4.5-7 mm. long and 2-3.5 mm. broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, 
cucullate. Lateral sepals 6-8 mm. long and 3—4 mm. broad, lanceolate to lanceo- 
late-triangular, acute, somewhat arcuate. Petals 5-8 mm. long and 2-2.5 mm. 
broad, linear-oblong or oblanceolate, obtuse or acute, often somewhat undulate. 
Lip 7-10 mm. long and 7-9 mm. broad, obovate-flabellate to suborbicular, lacerate- 
dentate at least toward the apex, saccate-gibbous at the base and with 2 approxi- 
mate calluses. 

Costa Rica, Panama, and in South America to Peru. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. 2100 m., Davidson 123. PANAMA: hills above Campana, 
July 1, 1939, Allen 1884. 

Elleantbus aurantiacus is а widespread species with a distinctive mode of 
branching. The description is based on the Central American material and typical 
material from South America. Some specimens from South America are much 
more robust and have larger leaves than typical. 

5. ELLEANTHUS Laxus Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 12:213. 1913; in Fedde 

Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 59: 7. 4, fig. 16. 1931. 

Slender erect caespitose herbs up to about 4 dm. tall. Leaves 4-12 cm. long 
and 0.4—1.2 cm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, 2—3-dentate at the apex, 
plicate, mostly near the summit of the stems. Inflorescence up to 5 cm. long, 
few-several-flowered, distichous, strongly fractiflex; bracts up to 4.5 cm. long, 
reduced upward, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, chartaceous, strongly 
cucullate, longer than the flowers. Sepals ligulate, acuminate, 7 mm. long, the 
laterals oblique. Petals oblique, linear, subacute, about equal to the sepals. Lip 
concave-subcucullate at the base, dilated above and deeply emarginate, the margins 
crenate-incised and undulate, 6 mm. long and 4 mm. broad above the middle, 
base with 2 oblong calluses, the disc with a few papillae. 

Costa Rica (?) and Panama. 

DARIEN: Sambi Basin, alt. 500—974 m., Pittier 5640. 

The description of the flowers is taken from the original publication. No 
flowers from typical material have been seen but there is an analysis (by 
Schlechter) in the Ames Herbarium. If the analysis is correct the Costa Rican 
material, of which flowers are available, belongs to a different species. The Costa 
Rican material called E. laxus has a lip which is essentially oblong, emarginate, 
lacks surface papillae of any sort (certainly lacks the tooth-like “рарШае” of 
Schlechter's analysis and the figure cited) ; the petals are differently shaped as are 
the lateral sepals. 

6. ELLEANTHUS LINIFOLIUS Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1:97. 1827. 
Isochilus linifolium Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 113. 1831. 

Densely caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 3.5 dm. tall, but mostly up to 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 27 

about 1.5 dm. tall in Panama. Stems slender, covered with the leaf-sheaths or 
partially naked. Leaves 1.5-9 cm. long and 0.1-0.4 cm. broad, subfiliform to 
linear, acute, obtuse or denticulate at the apex. Inflorescence up to 2.5 cm. long, 
a short, distichous, obscurely fractiflex raceme; bracts up to about 1.5 cm. long, 
lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, cucullate, scarious, imbricated. 
Sepals glabrous or sparsely brown-pubescent dorsally. Dorsal sepal about 3 mm. 
long and 1 mm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate, cucullate. Lateral sepals 3-3.5 mm. 
long and 1.2-1.5 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate, short-acuminate, somewhat arcu- 
ate. Petals about 3 mm. long and 1-1.2 mm. broad, linear-oblong to oblong- 
spatulate, obtuse, truncate, obscurely crenulate, arcuate. Lip about 3-3.5 mm. 
long and 4-5 mm. broad, subquadrate-flabellate to flabellate, truncate, denticulate, 
gibbous at the base and with 2 lightly attached ovoid calluses, with a short trans- 
verse callus above the base. 

Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, the West Indies 
and south to Peru. 

ON: Cativa-Porto Bello trail, Powell 353. состЕ: El Valle de Antón, alt. 600 m., 

Ай. pa hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2860. CANAL ZONE: 
Gatun Lake, Purdom 
7. ELLEANTHUS MuscIcoLa Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Вей. 19:10. 1923. 

Small caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 12 cm. tall. Stems slender, 
covered with leaf-sheaths. Leaves 10-15 mm. long and 2.5-5 mm. broad, oblong- 
lanceolate to oblong-ovate, obtuse, coriaceous, persistent, distichous. Inflorescence 
up to about 1.7 cm. long, a short distichous, obscurely fractiflex raceme; bracts 
up to about 1 cm. long, lanceolate-ovate or ovate, compressed, cucullate, scarious, 
sphacelate, imbricated. Sepals substellate-furfuraceous dorsally; dorsal sepal about 
3 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, elliptic, acute, cucullate; lateral sepals about 3 
mm. long and 1.5 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, cucullate. Petals 
about 3.5 mm. long and 1.5 mm. broad, oblanceolate-subflabellate, obtuse, crenu- 
late-undulate above. Lip about 3-3.5 mm. long and 3.5—4 mm. broad, flabellate- 
triangular, truncate and denticulate. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

COCLÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2150. 

Elleanthus muscicola is unusual in the genus because of the habit and small 
persistent leaves. 
7. SOBRALIA Ruiz & Pavon 
SoBRALIA Ruiz & Pavon, Fl. Peruv. & МЕ Ргодг. 120, #. 26. 1794. 
Fregea Reichb. f. in Вог. Zeit 
Lindsayella Ames & Тозығы іп A [^i e Harv. Univ. 5:33. 1935. 

Large or small, reed-like, terrestrial or epiphytic herbs. Leaves pergameneous, 
plicate-veined, sessile, usually few. Inflorescence a terminal raceme or óften re- 
duced to 1 flower; flowers fugaceous in Panamanian species. Sepals equal or nearly 
so, erect or somewhat spreading, connate at their bases. Petals similar to the sepals 


[Vor. 33 

but usually broader. Lip erect, from the base of the column, usually covering 
or enfolding the column, simple, retuse or 3-lobed, usually concave, a little longer 
than the sepals and petals, often undulate or fimbriate; the disc smooth, lamellate 
or lamellate-cristate, usually with inconspicuous or conspicuous callus thickenings 
at the base. Column elongated, semi-terete, more or less arcuate, with narrow 
wings (auricles) or acute angles at the apex, footless; anther incumbent; pollinia 
8, granular or subceraceous. 

A small tropical American genus, possibly with its center of distribution in 
Panama. Difficult to work because of the fugaceous flowers. 

Fregea, a genus described by Reichenbach, has been maintained as distinct but 
has no characters which will separate it from Sobralia.—The original specimen was 
collected in Chiriqui. 

Lindsayella, a genus based on specimens from Panama, seems to have no char- 
acters of generic value. The main segregation character is the callus at the base 
of the lip. Rather than a generic character these calluses seem to be the culmina- 
tion of a tendency within the genus Sobralia. 

Our knowledge of this genus in Panama is entirely inadequate. A large num- 
ber of the species presumed to grow there were described by Reichenbach from 
material collected by Warscewicz, and of many of them nothing further is known. 
Paul H. Allen, long a resident of Panama and the keenest collector of orchids who 
has been in the country, is inclined to believe that many of the Warscewicz 
Sobralias which were ascribed to Panama were actually collected elsewhere. Mr. 
Allen writes that when Sobralias are present in the Panama flora they are apt to 
be quite abundant; yet he has not been able to discover many of the species that 
Warscewicz is said to have collected in Chiriquí Province although he has collected 
the same area many times. 

We have not been able to make a satisfactory key to this genus because many 
of the species are practically unknown and require more study, as a whole, than is 
possible now. 

1. SoBRALIA ALLENI L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29:336, pl. 30, figs. 

1-3. А 

Caespitose, epiphytic plants up to about 5 dm. tall. Stems about 1-2 mm. іп 
diameter, slender, bearing 1-3 leaves toward the apex, leafless below or the leaves 
reduced to sheaths. Leaves 13-18.5 cm. long and 1.8-2.5 cm. broad, elliptic- 
lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, acuminate, plicate, with seven principal nerves, 
lepidote on the lower surface especially along the nerves at the base, glabrous above 
or essentially so; leaf-sheaths closely appressed to the stem, lepidote. Inflorescence 
terminal, 1-flowered; flowers small, white with a pale yellow lip. Dorsal sepal 
about 3.5 cm. long and 7 mm. broad, oblanceolate, apiculate, 7-nerved. Lateral 
sepals about 3.5 cm. long and 7 mm. broad, linear-oblong, apiculate, 7-nerved. 
Petals about 3.5 cm. long and 6-7 mm. broad, oblanceolate, acute, terminal half 
serrulate, 7-nerved. Lip about 3.5 cm. long and 1.8 cm. broad, oblong-oval, 
truncate or shallowly retuse, terminal half lacerate-dentate; disc with several 



Fig. 70. Sobralia Allenii 


[Vor. 33 

inconspicuous longitudinal carinae and with a small bipartite callus thickening at 

the base, pubescent longitudinally along the middle, especially toward the apex. 
cocLÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2686. 

2. SoBRALIA amabilis (Reichb. f.) L. Wms., comb. nov. 

Fregea amabilis Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:712. 1852; Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 10, 
f. 2. 1866. 

Epiphytic or terrestrial herbs up to 6 dm. tall. Leaves 3-10.5 cm. long and 
1-3.5 cm. broad, elliptic to broadly lanceolate-elliptic, acuminate; leaf-sheaths 
prominently verrucose. Inflorescence a single terminal flower; flower small for 
the genus, purple. Sepals 23-27 mm. long and 7-8 mm. broad, elliptic to elliptic- 
oblanceolate, acute, apiculate. Petals 20-25 mm. long and 8-10 mm. broad, 
broadly elliptic to elliptic-obovate, obtuse ос acute. Lip 30-35 mm. long and 
20—25 mm. broad, quadrate-obovate, emarginate, somewhat narrowed at the base 
and enfolding the column; column 10-15 mm. long. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: An einer nassen und kalten Stelle, Cordilleren von Chiriqui, Warscewicz. 

The original species of the genus Fregea, which we do not consider distinct 
from Sobralia. 

3. ЗбовклІлА Ві ЕТІЛЕ Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:713. 1852. 

Plants of unknown but probably large size. Leaves 10-17 cm. long and 3-4.5 
cm. broad, elliptic to broadly lanceolate, acute. Lip about 4 cm. long and about 
2 cm. broad, cuneate or narrowly obovate in outline, 3-lobed; lateral lobes 
lanceolate-triangular, falcate; mid-lobe obovate-orbicular, emarginate, slightly 
exceeding the lateral lobes; disc with five crisped lamellae. 


CHIRIQUÍ: Warscewicz. 

We have seen no material of this species. The description is taken from the 
original and from a photograph of the very poor type specimen. 

4. SoBRALIA Boucuri Ames & Schweinf., Sched. Orch. 10:4. 1930. 

Slender terrestrial or epiphytic herbs up to 7.5 dm. tall. Stems about 3-4 
mm. in diameter. Leaves 8-17 cm. long and 3—4.5 mm. broad, elliptic or broadly 
elliptic-lanceolate, acute, marginate. Sepals 5.5—6.5 cm. long and 1.5-1.7 cm. 
broad, elliptic to lanceolate, the laterals somewhat arcuate. Petals about 6 cm. 
long and 2.2 cm. broad, elliptic-oblanceolate, acute, somewhat oblique. Lip about 
5.5 cm. long and 5 cm. broad, obovate-orbicular, trilobulate, margins crenulate- 
dentate anteriorally; mid-lobe small, suborbicular; disc with 7 longitudinal, 
crispate carinae. Column about 2.5 cm. long. 


сост: El Valle de Antón, alt. about 1000 m., Allen 2454. “PANAMA”: Bouché s. n. 

Probably the original came from Coclé or Chiriqui. It is very closely allied 
to S. Bletiae Reichb. f. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 31 

5. Зовклла callosa L. Wms., nom. nov. 
Lindsayella amabilis Ames & Yn in pe: Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 5:33. 1937, non 

Sobralia amabilis (Reichb. f.) L. 

Slender, caespitose (?), epiphytic or terrestrial herbs up to about 4 dm. tall. 
Leaves 4.5-10.5 cm. long and 3-8 mm. broad, narrowly elliptic to linear- 
lanceolate, acute or obtuse, apex 2—3-dentate, prominently plicate; leaf-sheaths 
concealing the stems, striate, glabrous. Inflorescence usually 1-flowered, from 
the axis of the uppermost leaf. Sepals 20-25 mm. long and 7-8 mm. broad, 
elliptic, acute, the laterals slightly arcuate, slightly connate at the base. Petals 
2, 20-23 mm. long and 10-12 mm. broad, lanceolate to lanceolate-ovate, acute. 
Lip about 30 mm. long and about 20 mm. broad toward the apex, triangular- 
obovate in outline, emarginate, somewhat crenate, the lamina with 1 prominent, 
crispate lamella and with a prominent oblong-obovoid callus at the base. Column 
about 10-12 mm. long. 


coc ecimen originally collected in Coclé, cultivated in the Canal Zone Ex- 
Me Gd. Lindsay 449. 

6. SoBRALIA FENZLIANA Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:714. 1852. 

Slender terrestrial or epiphytic herbs. Leaves 13-17 cm. long and 4-6 cm. 
broad, elliptic-oblong to lanceolate-ovate, acuminate. Sepals about 4 cm. long, 
elliptic or oblong-elliptic, acute. Petals a little shorter than the sepals, narrowly 
obovate, acute. Lip (4-6 cm. long?) obovate-orbicular, crenate-dentate anterior- 
ally, ecarinate. 


CHIRIQUÍ: Warscewicz 48. 

The description is taken from the original and an pow of the type. Seems 
to differ from S. Bouchei only in lacking carinae on the lip 

7. SoBRALIA FRAGRANS Lindl. in Gard. Chron. 598. 1853. 
Sobralia eublepharis Reichb. f. ex Kránzl. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 26:255, f. 78. 1929. 

Relatively small, terrestrial or epiphytic herbs up to 35 cm. tall Stems 
ancipitous, with the principal leaf near the middle. Leaves 6.5—23.5 cm. long and 
1.5—5 cm. broad, narrowly elliptic to broadly lanceolate, acute or acuminate. 
Sepals 3-4 cm. long and 0.4-0.7 cm. broad, linear to oblong-lanceolate, acute or 
apiculate, the laterals somewhat falcate. Petals 3-4 cm. long and about 0.5 cm. 
broad, lanceolate to oblanceolate-linear, obtuse or acute, sometimes apiculate. Lip 
28-35 mm. long and 16-20 mm. broad, oval to obovate, the anterior margin 
dentate-fimbriate, the posterior margins entire; disc with several thickened nerves 
and 2 callus thickenings at the base, pubescent especially toward the apex. Column 
about 16-18 mm. long. 

British Honduras, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. 

HiRIQUÍ: San Felix to Cerro Flor, alt. 100-800 m., Allen 1041. УЕКАСУА8: head- 
waters of Rio Cafiazas, alt. 300—600 m., Allen 167. сост: between Las Margaritas and 


[Vor. 33 

ЕІ Valle, Woodson, Allen & Seibert 1314. PANAMA: drowned forest near Vigia and San 
Juan, Dodge, Steyermark & Allen 16521. CANAL ZONE: Powell 114, 3404, 3424. 

Perhaps the most distinctive of the Panamanian species of the genus. 

8. SOBRALIA LABIATA Warsz. & Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:714. 1852. 

A plant of unknown size. Leaves up to about 27 cm. long and 2 cm. broad, 
linear-lanceolate, acuminate. Sepals about 6 cm. long, oblong-lanceolate, acute. 
Petals about as long as the sepals and a little broader. Lip about 7-8 cm. long 
and 5—6 cm. broad, flabeilate, anteriorally crenulate, retuse. 


CHIRIQUÍ: Warscewicz. 

The description is taken from the original and a poor analysis of the type. 

9. SOBRALIA LEUCOXANTHA Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 68. 1866; Hook. 
f. in Bot. Mag. 115: /. 7058. 1889. 
Sobralia Powellii Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:11. 1922. 

Tall, slender, terrestrial or epiphytic herbs up to 1.5 m. tall. Leaves 8—22 
cm. long and 3—7 cm. broad, elliptic to lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous above, 
more or less scurfy below; leaf-sheaths verruculose or obscurely punctate. In- 
florescence 1-flowered; the flowers large. Sepals and petals white, the lip white 
with the throat yellow to orange. Sepals 5-8.5 cm. long and 1.5—2.5 cm. broad, 
linear-lanceolate to oblong. Petals 5-7 cm. long and 2.5—3.5 cm. broad, oblong 
to obovate. Lip 5—7 cm. long and up to 5 cm. broad, obovate, enfolding the 
column, somewhat retuse, margin undulate, with short calluses at the base and 
1-3 thickened nerves above. Column 3-4.6 cm. long. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

COCLÉ: south of El Valle, alt. 600 m., Allen 2839, 2840; mountains beyond La 
Pintada, alt. 400—600 m., Hunter & Allen 620. PANAMA: Peluca Hydrographic Station, 
alt. about 90 m., Hunter 9 Allen 648; Gatün Lake, Powell 2, 3329, 3330, 3331. 

There seems to be little or no difference between Sobralia leucoxantha and S. 

10. SoBRALIA LINDLEYANA Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:713. 1852; Xenia Orch. 

2:156, Ё. 163. 1868. 

Slender epiphytic or terrestrial herbs up to 6 dm. tall. Leaves 5.5—13 cm. 
long and 2-5 cm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, often 
vernicose above; sheaths neither pubescent nor verruculose. Inflorescence 1- 
flowered; the flowers white or (with age?) yellowish, the lip with red maculations. 
Sepals 4-5 cm. long and 0.8-1.2 cm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, 
acute. Petals 3.5—4.5 cm. long and 1.2-1.4 cm. broad, similar to the sepals or 
broader. Lip 4—5 cm. long and 3—4 cm. broad, cuneate-flabellate or obovate, sub- 
trilobate, the lobes rounded, apical part of the lip dentate-lacerate or crisped; 
disc with a tricornute callus at the base and pubescent longitudinally within. 
Column about 2 cm. long, with 2 acinaciform, terminal stelidia or auricles. 



FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

Fig. 71. Sobralia panamensis 



[Vor. 33 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Llanos del тш, 3i 1120-1200 m., Seibert 325; Chiriqui Viejo Valley, 
W bite 35; "Chiriquí," Warsce 
11. SOBRALIA PANAMENSIS Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:11. 1922. 
Sobralia panamensis var. albiflos Schltr. loc. cit. 

Erect or ascending, epiphytic or terrestrial herbs; the stems up to about 15 dm. 
long, simple, branching or producing new plants at the nodes, lepidote or fur- 
furescent. Leaves 5-20 cm. long and 2-6.5 cm. broad, elliptic to broadly elliptic- 
lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous or slightly furfurescent at the base dorsally; 
leaf-sheaths densely pubescent, lepidote or furfurescent, older sheaths appearing 
pustulate. Flowers purple to white. Sepals 4.5-6 cm. long and about 1.2-1.6 
cm. broad, ligulate to lanceolate, acute, the laterals somewhat oblique. Petals a 
little shorter than the sepals and up to about 2 cm. broad, obtuse or acute. Lip 
4-6 cm. long and 3-4 cm. broad, obovate or oblong-obovate, obtuse, glabrous, 
apex undulate, with 2 small calluses at the base. Column up to about 3 cm. long. 


26 e 
CANAL в. Santa Rita nu Cowell 146; Quebrada Fata Dodge 8 Steyermark 
106a, 1065; near Vigía and San Juan, Dodge et al. 16557; hills east of canal, Powell 21, 
31, 3082, 3086, 3105; Barro Colorado Island, Woodworth & Vestal 388. 
Sobralia panamensis is closely allied to S. decora Batem. and to S. sessilis Lindl. 
but seems to be distinct. 

12. SOBRALIA DECORA Batem. var. AERATA Allen & Williams in Ann. Missouri 

Bot. Gard. 29:337, Ё. 31. 1942. 

Slender, erect, epiphytic or terrestrial herbs up to about 5 or 6 dm. tall. Stems 
covered with the amplexicaul leaf-sheaths, simple or rarely branched. Leaves 
8-16 cm. long and 1.3-5 cm. broad, lanceolate or lanceolate-ovate, acuminate, 
coriaceous. Inflorescence sessile, 1-flowered. Sepals 5.2—5.5 cm. long and 1.2-1.5 
cm. broad, lanceolate, acute, greenish on the outer surface, very near "brick red" 
on the inner surfaces. Petals about 4.7 cm. long and 1-1.2 cm. broad, elliptic- 
lanceolate, acute, reflexed, washed "brick red" with lighter margins and dorsal 
median line, the inner surface "brick red" with a white border. Lip about 4 cm. 
long, more or less tubular but flaring at the apex, the disc "brick red" with a 
median white stripe and the lateral margins white toward the base, base of the lip 
“Acajou red" within.—Description from the type specimen and ample field notes. 

The species is found from Mexico to Honduras. Тһе variety only in Panama. 

cocLÉ: bad lands south of El Valle de Antón, alt. 500—600 m., Allen 2755, 2846. 
13. SonRALIA ROLFEANA Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 17:12. 1922. 

Erect, slender, probably terrestrial herbs up to about 1 m. tall Leaves 
6.5—21 cm. long and 2-7.5 cm. broad, oblong-elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate or 
elliptic-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, glabrous and smooth, mostly near the 




FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

Sobralia decora var. aerata 

Pig. 72. 

Inflorescence probably consisting 

reduced upward. 


middle of the stem and above 

yellow with a 

-1.6 cm. broad 

flowers creamy 

of a single flower in the axis of an upper leaf; 

ligulate to 
Petals 5.5-6.5 


Sepals 5.5—7.5 cm. long and 0.8 

lemon-yellow throat. 

elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, acute, the laterals somewhat oblique. 


[Vor. 33 

cm. long and 0.8—1.4 cm. broad, ligulate to oblong-ligulate, obtuse or acute. Lip 
5,5-7 cm. long and 2.5—4.7 cm. broad, obovate, retuse, anterior margin lacerate- 
dentate, obscurely bilamellate at the base, glabrous. Column 2-3 cm. long, 
enfolding the lip. 


NAMA: Cerro Campana, alt. 800 m., Allen 2663. CANAL ZONE: without definite 

Бену, Powell 3, 3327, 3357, Er 3374. BOCAS DEL Tomo: epiphyte with yellow 
flowers, von Wedel 409. 

Sobralia Rolfeana is very closely allied to S. leucoxantba Reichb. f. and to S. 
Lindleyana Reichb. f. 

14. SOBRALIA SUAVEOLENS Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. n. s. 9:622. 1878. 
Sobralia epiphytica Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 12:213. 1913. 

Strict terrestrial or epiphytic 
herbs up to about 4 dm. tall. Leaves 
5-19 cm. long and 2-4.5 cm. 
broad, elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, 
acute; leaf-sheaths glabrous, not 
verrucose. Inflorescence usually 2- 
3-flowered, from the axils of the 
uppermost leaf; flowers small for 
the genus, yellow. Sepals and petals 
20-25 mm. long and 4-5 mm. 
broad, linear-lanceolate, acute. Lip 
20-25 mm. long and about 10-15 
mm. broad, oval to ovate in out- 
line, trilobulate toward the apex, 
with several (about 7) longitudinal 
lamellae which become lacerated 

toward the apex and are branched 
into two groups at the base; mid- 

Fig. 73. Sobralia suaveolens 

lobe about 8 mm. long and broad, 
subquadrate. Column about 12 mm. long. 


PANAMÁ: Río La m alt. 0-25 m., Allen 50. CANAL ZONE: near Vígia and San 
Juan on R. Pequeni, alt. m., Dodge et ‘al. 16623; Rio Indio de Gatun, alt. sea-level, 
Maxon 4829; around Culebra, alt. 50-150 m., Pittier 4780 

The type was a specimen collected near Colén and grown in England. 
15. SOBRALIA VALIDA Rolfe in Kew Bull. 1909:65. 1909. 

Stems robust, glabrous, 20-25 cm. tall, 3-4-leaved, base covered with 2 tubular 
sheaths. Leaves broadly elliptic, subacute, subplicate, glabrous, subcoriaceous, 
12-20 cm. long, 6-8.5 cm. broad, amplexicaul; sheaths tubular, subcompressed, 
ancipitous, 3-5 cm. long. Spathe abbreviated, subfoliaceous, apex subacute. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 37 

Bracts small. Flowers few, appearing at intervals, ochroleucous, fragrant. Pedi- 
cels short, subincluded. Sepals subconnivent, lanceolate-oblong, acute, equal, 
more or less concave. Lip entire, oblong, obtuse, minutely crenulate, concave, 
about 4 cm. long; disc tricarinate, veins pilose at the apex. Column clavate, 2 
cm. long; teeth linear-obleng, incurved, about 4 mm. long. 


DARIEN: near the Darién Gold Fields, Dr. Hodgkinson. 

No specimens were seen. The description is taken from the original Latin. 

16. SoBRALIA Warszewiczn Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:714. 1852; Beitr. Orch. 

Centr.-Am. 9, 7. 1, figs. І, 1-2. 1866. 

Terrestrial herbs of unknown height. Stems robust, the younger ones hispidu- 
lous-pubescent, becoming glabrous and more or less verrucose with age. Leaves 
13-18 cm. long and 4-6 cm. broad, elliptic-oval, acute or acuminate. Inflorescence 
a single terminal or subterminal flower; flowers average for the genus, purple. 
Sepals up to about 5 cm. long and 2 cm. broad, broadly oblanceolate. Petals 
about as long as and broader than the sepals, cuneate-obovate, acute. Lip about 
5 cm. long and 3 cm. broad, flabellate, emarginate, apical part crisped, with 2 
basal lamellae, somewhat verrucose at the base. Column 2—3 cm. long. 


CHIRIQUÍ: “Vulcanes von Chiriquí,” alt. 1850 m., Warscewicz 8. 

We have seen only a photograph and a record of the type. 

SOBRALIA MACROPHYLLA Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:713. 1852; Xenia Orch. 

1:218, #. 00. 1856. 

The type of this species is apparently a sterile specimen which was accompanied 
by the collector's sketch and color notes. Reichenbach later published a plate of 
the species and at the same time reduced the Brazilian S. chlorantha Hook. to 
synonymy. Inasmuch as the type is not satisfactory for diagnosis in this difficult 
genus we think it best to place 5. macrophylla among the obscure species. It is 
possible that it and 5. Rolfeana Schltr. are the same. 

8. PALMORCHIS Barb. Rodr. 
Patmorcuis Barb. Rodr. Сеп. & Sp. Orch. Nov. 1:169. 1877; Schweinf. & 
Correll in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 8:109. 1940. 
Jenmania Rolfe i in Kew Bull. 198. 1898, "i Wachter, 1897. 
Rolfea Zahlbr. n Jour. Bot. 36:493. 189 
Neobartlettia Schltr in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 16:440. 1920. 

Large or small, terrestrial, reed-like herbs. Leaves pergameneous, plicate- 
veined, petiolate, usually few. Inflorescence a terminal or axillary raceme or 


[Vor. 33 

Sepals equal or nearly so, connivent or somewhat spreading. Petals 

Lip erect from the base of 

similar to the sepals but narrower and shorter. 
the column and adnate with it toward the base along the median line, broader than 
the sepals and petals, enfolding the column, retuse or 3-lobed; the disc pubescent 
or glabrous, callused. Column elongated, slender, more or less arcuate, footless; 
anther incumbent, operculate, the terminal part fleshy and sterile; pollinia 4, 
pyriform, granular or subceraceous. 

A small genus allied to Sobralia. There are eight or nine species with the 
center of distribution in northern South America. Specimens have not been often 

a. Disc of the lip without parallel lamellae; flowers about 13 mm. long... 1. Р. TRILOBULATA 
aa. Disc of the lip with 5 parallel lamellae; flowers about 17 mm. long...... 2. P. PowELLII 

1. PALMORCHIS TRILOBULATA L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28:415, f. 20. 


Caespitose, terrestrial herbs up to 35 cm. tall. Stems up to about 15 cm. long 
and 4 mm. in diameter, bearing 3—4 leaves near the apex. Leaves subchartaceous, 
plicate; lamina of the mature leaves 10-22 cm. long and 3-6 cm. broad, elliptic, 
acute or acuminate, with 7 prominent nerves; petiole up to 7 cm. long, plicate, 
nervose. Inflorescence up to 7 cm. long, terminal, much exceeded bv the leaves, 
few-flowered; rachis about 3-4 cm. long; bracts 1-1.5 cm. long and 1.5-5 mm. 
broad, elliptic to lanceolate-ovate, acute or acuminate. Flowers about 13 mm. 
long, white. Dorsal sepal about 12 mm. long and 3 mm. broad, spatulate-ob- 
lanceolate, obtuse, 3—5-nerved. Lateral sepals 10-12 mm. long апа 3-4 mm. 
broad, arcuate, spatulate-oblanceolate, obtuse, 3—5-nerved, somewhat carinate 
along the mid-nerve dorsally, Petals 11-12 mm. long and about 2 mm. broad, 
linear-oblanceolate, obtuse, somewhat arcuate, 3-nerved. Lip about 10-12 mm. 
long and about 5-6 mm. broad near the apex, oblanceolate-flabellate, trilobulate at 
the apex, the base or claw adnate to the column along its median line for about 
2-3 mm., more or less enfolding the column; disc of the lip pubescent, especially 
so toward the base, less pubescent and fleshy-thickened toward the apex; lateral 
lobes about 1 mm. long (free portion), rounded, obtuse; mid-lobe about 1.5 mm. 
long, transversely oblong, blunt, slightly exceeding the lateral lobes. Column 
slender, arcuate, about 10 mm. long; anther operculate, incumbent; pollinia 4, 
exappendiculate, ceraceous or appearing so, pyriform. 


cocLÉ: El Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2463; alt. 500-700 m., Seibert 459. 
Рагмокснів Роувли (Ames) Schweinf. & Correll in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. 
Univ. 8:119. 1940. 

Rolfea Powellii Ames, Sched. Orch. 7:32, fig. б. 1924. 



FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 39 

Caespitose, terrestrial herbs up to 
about 60 cm. tall. Stems about 30 
cm. tall and 3-4 mm. in diameter. 
Leaves subchartaceous, plicate; lam- 
ina of the mature leaves 15-28 cm. 
long and 3-5 cm. broad, elliptic- 
lanceolate, acuminate, with 5-7 
prominent nerves; petiole up to 8 
cm. long, plicate, nervose. Inflores- 
cence terminal or axillary, up to 5 
cm. long, simple or branched; bracts 
5-6 mm. long, ovate, acute. Flowers 

about 17 mm. long, white. Dorsal 

Fig. 74. Palmorchis Powellii 

broad, spatulate, obtuse. Lateral 
sepals similar to the dorsal sepal but slightly arcuate. Petals about 15 mm. long 
and 3 mm. broad, rotundate-flabellate, trilobulate in front; disc pilose, with 5 
parallel lamellae. Column about 12 mm. long, slender, arcuate. 

CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Starry 323; “Juan Diaz,” near Panama City, 
Powell 325. | 


STENOPTERA Presl, Rel. Haenk. 95, £ 14, 1827; L. Wms. in Caldasia 5:11. 1942. 
Gom phichis Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 446. 1840. 

Terrestrial leafy herbs. Leaves radical or cauline, contracted or petiolate at 
the base. Inflorescence a terminal, compact or loose spike. Flowers mostly small, 
non-resupinate. Sepals subequal or the dorsal narrower, free or joined into a short 
tube at the base, subconnivent to recurved. Petals linear to nearly as broad as 
the sepals. Lip uppermost, erect or parallel to the column, contracted or unguicu- 
late at the base, simple or 3-lobed lamina plane or concave or subgaleate. Column 
subterete, erect, wingless, glabrous or villous; anther erect in the clinandrium; 
pollen granular or dust-like. Capsule ovoid, erect. 

The single species known in Panama has been referred to Gom phichis, but there 
are several species, unknown to Lindley, which seem absolutely to close the gap 
between the two presumed genera. 

1. SrENOPTERA COSTARICENSIS Schltr. in Вей. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:375. 

Gom phichis costaricensis Ames, Hub. & Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:37. 

Terrestrial herbs up to about 6 dm. tall. Leaves basal or those on the stem ге- 
duced to bracts, 7-30 cm. long and 2.5-3.5 cm. broad, mostly elliptic-lanceolate, 


[Vor. 33 

acute or acuminate, contracted at the base into a broad petiole. Scape erect, with 
several bracts which are reduced upward, villous above but glabrescent below. 
Inflorescence a spike 3-16 cm. long. Dorsal sepal about 8 mm. long and 2.5 mm. 
broad, broadly elliptic, acute or acuminate, cucullate, 1-nerved, pubescent dorsally. 
Lateral sepals similar to the dorsal but more oblong and oblique. Petals 3.5-5 mm. 
long and 2.5-3.5 mm. broad, elliptic-ovate, acute or obtuse, ciliate or subfimbriate, 
slightly cucullate, 3-nerved. Lip 4-5 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, 3-lobed, 
slightly unguiculate; lateral lobes rounded; terminal lobe ovate, about 2 mm. long 
and 1.5 mm. broad, fleshy, villous; disc fleshy, villous; with a small marginal 
callus on either side at the base. Column about 3 mm. long, terete, straight or 
nearly so. Capsule ovoid. 

Costa Rica, Panama, and possibly South America. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. 2000 m., Davidson 163, 309. 

This species is an Andean type and has several close allies, if not synonyms, in 
the Andes. 

10. PRESCOTTIA Lindl. 

Prescottia Lindl. in Hook. Exot. Fl. 2: £. 115. 1824. 

Small terrestrial herbs with basal or semi-basal leaves. Leaves usually radical 
(Panama), sessile or petiolate, membranaceovs, large or small. Inflorescence a 
terminal spike. Flowers small, non-resupinate. Sepals connate at their bases into 
a tube, spreading or revolute. Petals narrow, adnate to the base of the column, 
often revolute. Lip uppermost, unguiculate and with the claw adnate to the 
sepals, lamina plane to concave, cucullate or galeate, biauriculate at the base, often 
enclosing the column. Column short; stigmata 2; clinandrium erect, acuminate 
or subfilamentous, the margins adnate to the rostellum; pollen granular or 

A small genus with but two distinctive species known in Panama. 

a. Lamina of the leaf less than 7 cm. long; petiole much shorter than 

the lamina 1. P. OLIGANTHA 
aa. Lamina of the leaf more dom 7 cm. long (usually 10-20 ст.); sinc 
about as long as the lam . P. STACHYODES 

1. PRESCOTTIA OLIGANTHA (Sw.) Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 454. 1840; С. 

Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 7:20. 1938. 

Cranichis oligantha Sw. Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 120. 178 
Prescottia panamensis Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 16: ae 1920. 

Small erect terrestrial herbs up to about 32 cm. tall. Leaves 1.5-7 cm. long 
and 0.8—3 cm. broad, basal, membranaceous, suberect or spreading, elliptic to 
cordate or obovate, acute or obtuse; petiole shorter than the lamina, usually much 
shorter. Scape erect, slender, glabrous, with several bracts which are reduced 
upward. Inflorescence up to 10 cm. long, a densely flowered spike. Sepals 1.5-3 
mm. long and 0.6-1 mm. broad, oblong-ovate, obtuse, the laterals oblique, connate 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 41 

Fig. 75. Prescottia oligantha 

into a short tube at the base and forming an inconspicuous mentum. Petals 
1-1.5 mm. long and about 0.5 mm. broad, linear-oblong, obtuse, somewhat 
oblique. Lip 1.5-2 mm. long and as broad, suborbicular, strongly cucullate, with 
a small auriculate callus on either side at the base; the disc puberulent. Column 
about 0.5 mm. long. 

Florida, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, the West Indies, Venezuela, and 

осі: Cerro Vaca, alt. 900-1000 m., Pittier 5358. coc Lt: valley of upper Rio 

M ma 350 m., Allen 130; vicinity of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1150. 
2. PRESCOTTIA sTACHYODES (Sw.) Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 22: sub 1, 1010. 1836; 

L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:272. 1940. 
Cranichis stachyodes Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. 3:1427. 1799. 


[ VoL. 33 

Terrestrial herbs, up to about 1 m. tall. Leaves basal, long-petiolate, large, 
membranaceous, suberect; petiole up to about 25 cm. long, slender; lamina 8-22 
cm. long and 3-16 cm. broad (those of Panamanian specimens large), elliptic or 
elliptic-oval to broadly oval, acute, acuminate or obtuse, margin often sphacelate. 
Inflorescence a densely flowered spike up to about 30 cm. long. Sepals 3-5 mm. 
long and 0.75-1.25 mm. broad, linear-oblong, obtuse, 1-nerved, strongly coiled, 
connate ас their bases into a short tube. Petals 3-5 mm. long and 0.2-0.5 mm. 
broad, linear, obtuse, 1-пегуе4. Lip 4-6 mm. long, strongly concave ог calcei- 
form, short-unguiculate, with a lateral callus on either side at the base, glabrous. 
Column about 2 mm. long. 

Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, the West Indies, 
Colombia, Brazil, and perhaps elsewhere in South America. 

LE: vicinity of El Valle de Antón, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1183; same ns 

Allen. per hills north of El Valle de Antón, vicinity of > Mesa, alt. about 1 
Allen 2326; mountains beyond La Pintada, Hunter & Allen 623. 


CRANICHIS Sw. Nov. Gen. & Sp. Prodr. 8, 120. 1788. 

Small terrestrial herbs with basal leaves or rarely with reduced cauline leaves. 
Leaves sessile or petiolate, membranaceous. Scape slender, simple, with several 
bracts. Inflorescence a terminal spike. Sepals free, similar, or the laterals often 
broader. Petals free or obscurely adnate to the base of the column. Lip upper- 
most (i. е. flowers non-resupinate), sessile or rarely unguiculate, adnate to the 
base or up to the middle of the column, erect, plane, concave or saccate. Column 
short; rostellum erect, often as long as the column; pollen granular. 

A small genus with but one species known in Panama. 

1. CRANICHIS MUSCOsA Sw. Nov. Gen. & Sp. Prodr. 120. 1788. 

Small terrestrial herbs 10-38 cm. tall. Leaves petiolate, basal or semi-basal, 
usually with leaf-like bracts at the base of the scape, which are reduced upward; 
lamina 3-8 cm. long and 1-4 cm. broad, elliptic, elliptic-oval or oval, acute or 
obtuse, membranaceous; petiole 1-8 cm. long, usually a little shorter than the 
lamina. Dorsal sepal about 2.5 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate, 
cucullate, obtuse or acute. Lateral sepals about 2.5 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, 
ovate-lanceolate, oblique, obtuse or acute. Petals 2-3 mm. long and 0.3—0.5 mm. 
broad, linear or linear-oblanceolate. Lip 2.5-3 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, 
simple, strongly cucullate, elliptic-oval to oblong-oval, acute or acutish. Column 
1-1.5 mm. long. 

Florida, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, and the West Indies. 

COCLE: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 800-1000 m., Allen 74, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1235. 


Pontuieva К. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:199. 1813; Benth. & Hook. Gen. 
Pl. 3:593. 1883. 




FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

Cranichis muscosa 

Fig. 76. 


[Vor. 33 

Small glabrous or pilose terrestrial herbs with basal leaves and naked or 
bracteate scapes. Sepals free, spreading, subequal or dorsal smallest. Petals at- 
tached above the middle of the column, spreading. Lip uppermost (non- 
resupinate), adnate to the column by its unguiculate base, abruptly dilated from 
the claw. Pollinia granular. 

A small genus limited to the warmer regions of the western hemisphere. 

a. Leaves a escen t 3. Р. MACULATA 
aa. Leaves glabr 
b. Lip with М M calluses at the base of the blade 1. P. EPHIPPIUM 

bb. Lip without calluses at the base but the claw with a single callus... 2. P. RACEMOSA 

1. PoNTHiEvA Ернтррюм Reichb. f. in Linnaea 28:382. 1856; L. Wms. in Ann. 

Missouri Bot. Gard. 26:280. 1939. 

Small terrestrial herbs up to about 3.5 dm. tall. Leaves basal, 5-12 cm. long 
and 1.2-3.5 cm. broad, petiolate, variable, elliptic to oblong to oblanceolate to 
oval or subcordate, acute or obtuse, membranaceous. Inflorescence a few-several- 
flowered raceme on a bracteate peduncle, pubescent. Flowers small, white. Dorsal 
sepal 4,5-7 mm. long and 1.5-2.5 mm. broad, elliptic to broadly oblanceolate, 
acute, pubescent dorsally. Lateral sepals 4.5-7 mm. long and 2-5 mm. broad, 
obliquely ovate, acute or obtuse, pubescent dorsally. Petals 4—6.5 mm. long and 
1-3 mm. broad, oblique and with the anterior margin developed into a large sub- 
basal auricle or angle, unguiculate, obtuse. Lip 2-5 mm. long, trilobulate, un- 
guiculate, attached near the apex of the column; the lamina from obovate in 
outline to transversely oblong, with 2 calluses near the base, mid-lobe small, about 
0.5 mm. long; claw thickened. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Finca Lérida to Boquete, alt. about 1300-1700 m., Woodson, Allen t$ 
Seibert 1116. 

2. PoNTHIEVA КАСЕМОЗА (Мај) Mohr in Contr. О. S. Nat. Herb. 6:460. 1901; 

Ames & Schweinf. in Sched. Orch. 10:14. 1930. 

Arethusa racemosa Walt. Fl. Carol. 222. 1788. 
Neottia glandulosa Sims in Bot. Mag. 21: /. 842. 1805. 

Ponthieva glandulosa R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:200. 1813. 
Pontbieva rostrata Lindl. in Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 15:385. 1845. 

Pont bieva guatemalensis Reichb. f. in Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 63. 1866. 

Mostly small terrestrial herbs up to about 6 dm. tall, but usually about 2-3 
dm. tall. Leaves basal, 4-30 cm. long and 1.5-6 cm. broad, variable, elliptic to 
oblanceolate to ovate to obovate, acute, petiolate, glabrous. Inflorescence pubes- 
cent, а few-many-flowered, loose raceme; bracts prominent. Dorsal вера! 4-7 
mm. long and 1.5-3 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute or acuminate, pubescent dorsally. 
Lateral sepals 4.5-7 mm. long and 2-4 mm. broad, oblique, lanceolate to ovate- 




FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

Ponthieva racemosa 

Fig. 77. 


[VoL. 33 

lanceolate, acute, pubescent dorsally. Petals 4.5-6 mm. long and 2-4 mm. 
broad, obliquely subovate or subtriangular, unguiculate, obtuse. Lip 4-7 mm. 
long and 2-5.5 mm. broad, trilobulate, unguiculate, suborbicular to subquadrate 
in outline; lamina fleshy, cucullate at the base; claw fleshy with a conspicuous 
callus at its base. 

Virginia to Florida and Louisiana (U.S.A.), Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, 
Costa E Panama, the West Indies, and in South America to Peru. 

RiQUÍ: Volcán de Chiriquí, alt. 3500-4000 m., Woodson & Schery 460. cock: 
бегу of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1161. PANAMA: San Juan ыға alt. near 
sea- аа, Powell 3 56. 

3. PoNTHIEVA MACULATA Lindl. in Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 15:385. 1845; 
Hook. f. іп Bot. Mag. 108: f. 0637. 1882. 
Pontbieva Brenesii Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:165. 1923. 

Small pubescent terrestrial herbs up to about 3 dm. tall. Leaves basal, 5-20 
cm. long and 0.8—5.2 cm. broad, variable, linear-lanceolate or oblanceolate to 
ovate, acute or acuminate, petiolate, strigose-pubescent on both surfaces, mem- 
branaceous. Inflorescence а few-—several-flowered raceme on a slender bracteate 
peduncle. Dorsal вера! 9-14 mm. long and 3--4.5 mm. broad, elliptic to lanceolate, 
acute or acuminate, pubescent dorsally. Lateral sepals 9-14 mm. long and 5.5-8 
mm. broad, broadly oval to obovate, obtuse, pubescent dorsally. Petals 6-9 mm. 
long and 2-3 mm. broad, oblique, obtuse, angled toward the base anteriorally, 
short-unguiculate, inserted above the middle of the column. Lip 3-4 mm. long 
and 2—3 mm. broad, oblong to suborbicular, trilobulate, cucullate, with a hood- 
shaped callus which forms a cavity at the base, inserted near the apex of the 

Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Cerro Punto to headwaters of Río Caldera, alt. 2250-2500 m., Allen 1430. 

One of the most pubescent orchids in Panama. 

13. SPIRANTHES L. C. Rich. 

SPIRANTHES L. C. Rich. in Мет. Mus. Par. 4:50. 1818, пот. conserv.; Schltr. 
in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 37, Abt. 2:317-454. 1920. 
Gyrostachys Pers. 2 РІ. 2:511. 1807 
Stenorrbyncbus. С ich. in ae Mu Par. 4:59. 1818. 
Pelexia L. C. Rich. I cit 
Sarcoglottis Presl, Rel. Henk 1:95, t. I5. 1827. 
Cyclopogon Presl, loc. cit 
Belogloth is is Schltr. га Већ. ~ Centralbl. 37, Abt. 2:364. 1920. 
Brachystele Schltr. loc. cit. 370 
Small, or rarely large, terrestrial (rarely epiphytic) herbs with basal or cauline 
leaves or both, or leafless. Roots often fleshy, fasciculated or tuberous. Leaves 
various, produced before, with, or after, the flowers. Sepals free; dorsal sepal 
usually erect and forming a galea with the petals; lateral ones erect or spreading, 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 47 

affixed to the summit of the ovary, decurrent and forming a free or adnate 
mentum. Petals usually narrow and usually coherent to the dorsal sepal. Lip 
sessile or clawed, plane, concave or gibbous, simple or lobed, in some species bi- 
caudate at the base, adherent to the column in almost all the species, ecallose or 
callose. Column terete; clinandrium often membranaceous and conspicuous, often 
continued into the rostellum; rostellum various, inconspicuous or conspicuous, 
truncate and retuse to lobed to aristate; anther dorsal, erect, sessile or stipitate; 
pollinia 2, powdery or granular, usually attenuated at one end. 
A large and technical genus with its main center of distribution in Mexico. 

a. Lip less than 8 mm. long. 

b. Lip less than 3 mm. long . S. GUYANENSIS 
bb. Ка т. ore lon 
ral mare al ligulate to pun petals oblanceolate-ligulate....2. S. COSTARICENSIS 
cc. ` Lateral sepals linear-lanceolat to arrowly lanceolate-triangular; 
Lans s linear to narr ovii allip 3. S. PRASOPHYLLUM 
aa. Lip 

le iouis. 
b. dede ыы p arsa a produced, acute or obtuse mentum at the 

c. Lip bicaudate at the base 9. S. FUNCKIANA 


cc. Lip not bicaudate at the base 
bb. Lateral sepals not forming a produced, obtuse or acute mentum at 
their base. 
c. Lip not bicaudate at the base; rostellum terete 6. S. SPECIOSA 

. Lip bicaudate at the base; rostellum flattened or tere 
“2 Terminal part of the lip not = nor јаје nor with 
pubescent рақ ridges; rostellum t 
dd. тана part of the lip when or Mes or with pubescent 



callus ges; rostellum flat 
e. Base т й stem leafy; рақ? from rhizomes 4. S. Моорзоми 
ee. Base of the stem not leafy; plants from fascicled roots.......... 5. S. ACAULIS 

. SPIRANTHES GUYANENSIS (Lindl.) Cogn. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 34:209, /. 47, f. П. 
Good yera guyanensis Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 494. 1840. 

Brachystele guyanensis Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 37, Abt. 2:373. 1920. 
рта 3 aguacatensis Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 3:214. 1855; Ames, Sched. Orch. 2:7. 

Sees aguacatensis O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. 2:664. 1891. 
Brachystele aguacatensis Schltr. lod cit, ЗАК 

Erect terrestrial herbs up to 20 cm. tall. Stems with several loose, lanceolate 
or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate bracts. Leaves unknown. Inflorescence up to 6 
cm. long, densely flowered. Dorsal sepal 2-3 mm. long and about 0.7-1.5 mm. 
broad, lanceolate, acute or obtuse. Lateral sepals 2-3 mm. long and 0.7-1.5 mm. 
broad, lanceolate-triangular, acute or obtuse, somewhat oblique. Petals 2-2,5 mm. 
long and 0.6—0.9 mm. broad, oblanceolate-spatulate, truncate, or obtuse, coherent 
to the dorsal sepal, unguiculate. Lip 2-2.8 mm. long and 1.7-2.2 mm. broad, 
oblong-pandurate to ovate or suborbicular and constricted toward the apex, the 
terminal lobe small, oblong to suborbicular, with two retrorse auricles or caudae 
at the base. 


[Vor. 33 

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad, the Guianas, 
Colombia, and Bolivia. 
CANAL ZONE: open fields near railway station, Monte Lirio, Maxon 6862. 

The smallest-flowered species of Spiranthes in Panama. 


SPIRANTHES COSTARICENSIS Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 3:214. 1855; Beitr. Orch. 
Centr.-Am. 46. 1866; Xenia Orch. 2:185, #. 179, f. I, 1-30. 1868; Ames, 
Sched. Orch. 9:7. 1925. 
Gyrostachys costaricensis О. Ktze. Rev. Gen. 2:664. 1891 
Beloglottis costaricensis Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 37, Abt. 2: a. 1920. 
Spirantbes subpandurata Ames & Schweinf. Sched. Orch. 8:4, f. 1 

Erect terrestrial or epiphytic herbs with basal leaves, or leafless at flowering 
time, up to 4.5 dm. tall. Leaves 3-18 cm. long and 1-5 cm. broad, elliptic to 
oval or oblanceolate, acute or acuminate, membranaceous, petiolate; petiole 2—8 
cm. long. Inflorescence a few-many-flowered raceme, up to about 20 cm. long. 
Dorsal вера! 4—6.5 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, pubescent 
dorsally. Lateral sepals 4—6.5 mm. long and 0.7-1.3 mm. broad, linear-ligulate 
to ligulate, acute or obtuse, pubescent dorsally. Petals 3.5-6 mm. long and 0.7-1 
mm. broad, oblanceolate-ligulate, acute or obtuse, oblique, coherent to the dorsal 
sepal. Lip 5—6.5 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, lanceolate-pandurate, short- 
unguiculate, retrorsely bicaudate at the base. 
Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. 
CANAL ZONE: upper Chagres River Range, Powell 377. 
А species easy to distinguish because of the unusual lip shape. 

3. SPIRANTHES PRAsoPHYLLUM Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 65. 1866; 

Ames, Sched. Orch. 9:8. 1925. 

Gyrostachys Prasophyllum O. Ktze. Rev. € 2:664. 1891. 
Spiranthes epiphytica Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Хоу. 2:130. 1906 
Cyclopogon Prasophyllum Schltr. in Beh. P» Centralbl. 37, Abt. 2:393. 1920. 

Small epiphytic herbs 8-25 cm. tall, with basal leaves. Leaves short-petiolate; 
lamina 3-13 cm. long and 0.8-2.8 cm. broad, elliptic, acute; petiole 1-4 cm. long. 
Inflorescence 2—8 cm. long, the flowers often unilateral. Dorsal вера! 5-6 mm. 
long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute or acuminate, pubescent at the base 
dorsally. Lateral sepals 5—6.5 mm. long and 1—1.8 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate to 
narrowly lanceolate-triangular, acute, pubescent at the base dorsally. Petals 4-5 
mm. long and 0.5—1 mm. broad, linear to narrowly elliptic, acute or obtuse, co- 
herent to the dorsal sepal. Lip 5-7 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, narrowly ob- 
long-pandurate to lanceolate-ovate and constricted toward the apex; apical lobe 
oblong to transversely oval or reniform, bicaudate at the base, the caudae retrorse 
or incurved. 

Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. 

cocLÉ: north of El Valle de Antón, alt. about 1000 m., Allen 2004. CANAL ZONE: 
Gatun, Hayes 138; forest, Rio Indio at Gatun, Maxon 4816. 



FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 


> rr 
re ЗИ 

4228 Ww 24 

мй > 

Sage ORT; 




> 9x 


ЛЫ ; 
ІШ 4 



Fig. 78. Spiranthes Prasophyllum 

4. SPIRANTHES Моорзохи L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29:337. 1942 
Rhizomes slender, rooting at 
Stems slender, 

Terrestrial palustrine herbs up to 5.5 dm. tall. 

most of the nodes, with scarious sheaths arising from the nodes. 
with well-developed leaves at the base which become bract-like above, glabrous 


[Vor. 33 

below but becoming densely pubescent above. Leaves 3-10 cm. long, 1.3-2.8 cm. 
broad, oblong-elliptic to oval, acute or obtuse, largest near the base of the stem 
and reduced to amplexicaul bracts above. Inflorescence up to 10 cm. long, flowers 
congested, becoming more open in fruit; bracts up to 4 cm. long and 1.6 cm. 
broad, lanceolate, acuminate, pubescent dorsally. Flowers large, similar to those 
of S. acaulis. Dorsal sepal 16.5-19 mm. long and 3.5-4 mm. broad, lanceolate, 
acuminate, 3—5-nerved, densely pubescent dorsally. Lateral sepals long-decurrent 
on the ovary, 35-40 mm. long from the apex to the base of the saccate mentum; 
free part 16.5-19 mm. long and 4-4.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acuminate, arcuate, 
spreading, densely pubescent dorsally, 3—5-nerved. Petals 15-18 mm. long and 
2-2.5 mm. broad, narrowly elliptic to narrowly oblanceolate, pubescent or ciliate 
near the margins of the basal half. Lip 28-32 mm. long and 6-7 mm. broad 
(apical lobe), linear-oblong and somewhat expanded and pandurate in the terminal 
third, caudate, with two extremely pubescent converging callus-ridges on the 
terminal third, the basal part densely pubescent and the remainder, except the 
glabrous apex, less pubescent, glabrous dorsally except at the base; terminal lobe 
oval or transversely rhombic; caudae about 5 mm. long, retrorse, fleshy but 
то vicinity of El Boquete, alt. 1000-1500 m., b iier 2050; vicinity of 

lions. alt. 1200-1500 m., Woodson 9 Schery 753; i mpy meadows, Finca Lérida 
to Boquete, alt. about 1300-1700 m., Woodson, Allen bi Seibert 1148. 

Very few species of Spiranthes have rhizomes. 

5. SPIRANTHES ACAULIS (J.E.Sm.) Cogn. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 3*:221. 1895. 

Neottia acaulis J. E. Smith, Exot. Bot. 2:91, /. 105. 1806. 
Arethusa picta Anders. in Trans. Soc. Arts. 25. 1807. 
Neottia жек Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:199. 1813; Sims in Bot. Mag. 37: #. 1562. 

Ld picta Klotzsch in Allgem. Gartenz. 10:106. 1842; Schltr. in Beih. Bot. 

© , Abt. 2: "r^ 1920. 

Gyrostachys picta O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. 2:664. 1 

Sarcoglottis hd. Schltr. in Fedde Rep. ш Nov. Beih. 17:13. 1922. 
docent Powellii Schltr. loc. cit 

Sarcoglottis Purpusiorum Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 21:333. 1925. 

Large terrestrial herbs with basal leaves or with the leaves withered at flower- 
ing time, up to 1 m. tall but more commonly 3-4 dm. tall. Leaves petiolate or 
epetiolate; lamina 6-18 cm. long and 4-7 cm. broad when mature, elliptic to oval 
to oblanceolate or obovate, acute or obtuse, membranaceous, mottled; petiole 
short or none. Inflorescence up to 2 dm. long, few-many-flowered; bracts up to 
4 cm. long, linear to linear-lanceolate, acuminate. Dorsal вера! 15-22 mm. long 
and 3-4 mm. broad, ligulate, acute, pubescent dorsally. Lateral sepals 40-50 mm. 
long and 4-7 mm. broad, free part 18-28 mm. long, lanceolate, acute, arcuate, 
pubescent dorsally, basal part decurrent on the ovary and extending almost to 
the base. Petals 14-24 mm. long and 2-4 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate or usually 


19461 5 
FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 51 

linear-oblanceolate, acute or obtuse, slightly arcuate, coherent to the dorsal sepal. 
Lip 30-40 mm. long and 7-11 mm. broad, essentially narrowly oblanceolate, ob- 
tuse, the dilated apical portion constricted and with an oval or suborbicular 
terminal lobe, disc pubescent below the constriction, bicaudate at the base, the 

caudae fleshy, retrorse. 
From Mexico through Central America and the West Indies, in South America 

to northern Argentina. 
ANAL ZONE: Culebra, Pittier 3427; near Panama City, San Juan, Manteca, Mata 
қойады Juan Diaz, Ari as Hill, Е rijoles, Powell 147, 179, 388, 380, 300, 301, 302, 394, 
БАЛ 30%, 309, 3435, 3521, 3525, 3531, 3532, 3534, 3536, 3541, 3551, 3567, 3568, 3569, 

Known іп Panama only from the Canal Zone where it grows in fairly open 
situations. A variable species. 

6. SPIRANTHES sPECIOSA (J.F.Gmel.) A. Rich. іп La Sagra, Hist. Isla Cub. 

ей. 2, 11:252. 1850. 

Satyrium plantagineum L. SHE Veg. ed. 10, 1244. 1758-59, non Spiranthes plantaginea 
Lindl., Spreng. vel Tor 
Serapias speciosa J. F. rel. Syst. 59. 1791. 
Neottia speciosa Jacq. Ic. Pl. Rar. 3:1. боо. 1793; Sims’ Bot. Mag. 33: 1. 1374. 1811; 
DER 3, 4. 10 
Stenorrhynchus speciosus L. C. Rich. in Мет. Mus. Par. 4:59. 1818. 
Spiranthes colorata М. E. Br. in Gard. Chron. n. s. 19:210. 1883. 

Erect terrestrial or epiphytic herbs up to 4 dm. tall, with a rosette of basal 
leaves at flowering time. Leaves 4-18 cm. long and 1-8 cm. broad, еШіргіс to 
ovate or obovate, acute or acuminate; petioles 2-15 cm. long. Stems with several 
amplexicaul bracts. Inflorescence up to 10 cm. long, flowers congested; bracts 
up to 5 cm. long, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, usually red. Dorsal вера! 12-14 
mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute or acuminate, glabrous. Lateral 
sepals 12-15 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate- 
triangular, acute or acuminate, forming a short mentum at the base. Petals 12-14 
mm. long and 3—3.5 mm. broad, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, somewhat arcuate, 
acute or acuminate, coherent to the dorsal sepal. Lip 13-15 mm. long and 4.5-5 
mm. broad, terminal lobe lanceolate or oblong, acute, basal part oblong, pandurate, 
the basal margins somewhat thickened, disc pubescent. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, the West Indies, and in 
South America. 

осі: vicinity of "New Switzerland," central valley of Río Chiriqui Viejo, alt. 
1800-2000 m., Allen 1382; Salta Boquete, Boquete District, alt. 5500 feet, Terry 1267. 
7. SPIRANTHES NAVARRENSIS (Ames) L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 
22:397, .1942. 
Stenorrbyncbus navarrensis Ames, Sched. Orch. 9:15, f. 3. 1925. 

Erect or ascending terrestrial herbs up to about 5 dm. tall. Leaves basal, 
petiolate; lamina 7-16 cm. long and 3.5-8.5 cm. broad, narrowly to broadly 


[Vor. 33 

ovate, acuminate, membranaceous, often oblique; petiole 9-20 cm. long, winged 
and closed or sheathing at the base. Peduncle usually erect, with several mem- 
branaceous, sheathing bracts. Inflorescence up to 10 cm. long, few-many- 
flowered. Dorsal sepal 18-21 mm. long and 3.5-4.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute. 
Lateral sepals 18-22 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, lanceolate, more or less ob- 
lique. Petals 16-20 mm. long and about 2 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, acute, 
subsigmoid, connate to the dorsal sepal. Lip 16-18 mm. long and 4-7 mm. broad, 
essentially lanceolate, constricted just above the base and again above the middle, 
auriculate at the base, the auricles fleshy. Anther up to 11 mm. long. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: cloud forest, Cerro Horqueta, alt. about 2000 m., von Hagen 9 von Hagen 

Closely allied to S. speciosa. 

8. SPIRANTHES ORCHIOIDES (Sw.) L. C. Rich. in La Sagra, Hist. Isla Cuba, ed. 2, 

11:252. 1850. 

Satyrium orchioides Sw. Nov. Gen. & Sp. Prodr. 118. 178 

Neottia orchioides Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. 3:1411. 1799; Sims in жүт” Mag. 25: f. 1036. 1807; 
Edwards’ Bot. Reg. 9:7. 701. 1823. 

Stenorrhynchus orchioides L. C. Rich. in Mém. Mus. Par, 4:59. 1818. 

Spiranthes jaliscana S. Wats. in Proc. Am. Acad. 26:153. 1891. 

Stenorrhynchus jaliscana Nash in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 22:158. 1895. 

Strict, leafless (at flowering time), terrestrial herbs up to 7 dm. tall but nor- 
mally about 3 dm. tall. Leaves appearing after the flowering stage, 15-21 cm. 
long and 2,5-4 cm. broad, elliptic, membranaceous. Stems with several amplexi- 
caul bracts which occasionally become leaf-like below. Sepals connivent or spread- 
ing at the tips, pubescent dorsally. Dorsal sepal 13-21 mm. long and 3-6 mm. 
broad, lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 18-27 mm. long and 3-4.5 mm. broad, 
lanceolate, acute, the bases decurrent on the ovary and at the base forming a pro- 
truded, acute or obtuse mentum. Petals 12-15 mm. long and 2.2-4.5 mm. broad, 
elliptic to elliptic-linear, acute or obtuse, coherent to the dorsal sepal. Lip 15-23 
mm. long and 5.5-9 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute or acuminate, the margins of 
the broad claw fleshy and pubescent. 

Florida and Mexico through Central America to Panama, the West Indies, and 
in South America to northern Argentina. 

CANAL ZONE: EUN alt. 75 m., Allen 2453; Bella Vista, Ceiba Tierra, Monte Lirio, 
near Gatun, La Сһоггега, Тесит Ts ia, Mt. McComber, Mata R Redonda, Powell 386, 

387, 393, 396, 402, 404, 407, 408, 400, 410, 414, 3454, 3527, 3547, 3557. 3559. 

The flowers of this species vary іп color from white to brilliant red. 


Panama they are often greenish. А widespread and variable species. 

9. SPIRANTHES FUNCKIANA Rich. & Gal. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ІП, 3:32. 1845. 

Pelexia Pringlei Fernald in Proc. Am. Acad. 35:562. 1900. 
Pelexia Funckiana Schltr. іп Fedde pud Sp. Nov. 15:197. 1918, as P. Funkiana; Ames 
& Schweinf. Sched. Orch. 8:5. 



FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

Fig. 79. Spiranthes orchioides 



[Vor. 33 

Pelexia guatemalensis Schltr. loc. cit. 
Pelexia congesta Ames & Schweinf. Sched. Orch. 10:5. 1930. 

Slender terrestrial herbs up to 4.5 dm. tall. Leaves basal, petiolate; lamina 
6-13 cm. long and 1.5—5 cm. broad, lanceolate to ovate, acute or acuminate, 
membranaceous; petiole 3-10 cm. long. Inflorescence up to 13 cm. long, several- 
many-flowered, lax or dense; bracts 1-3 cm. long, linear or linear-lanceolate, 
acuminate, somewhat pubescent dorsally. Dorsal sepal 14-19 mm. long and 4-5 
mm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse or acute, pubescent dorsally. Lateral sepals 25—35 
mm. long and 3-3.5 mm. broad, linear-oblanceolate, acute, pubescent dorsally, 
oblique, free part strongly recurved, 14-18 mm. long, the basal part adnate to 
and decurrent on the ovary, 12-16 mm. long, forming a free spur-like projection 
at the base. Petals 14-19 mm. long and 2.5—3 mm. broad, linear-oblanceolate, 
acute or obtuse, coherent to the dorsal sepal. Lip 18-27 mm. long and 4-6.5 
mm. broad, linear, subpandurate, with two retrorse auricles at the base, the disc 
puberulent toward the base. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, and possibly South America. 

cocLÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, vicinity of La Mesa, alt. about 1000 m., Allen 


Екутнкоре5 Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Nederl. Ind. 410, #. 72. 1825. 
Physurus L. C. Rich. іп Мет. Mus. Par. 4:55. 1818, nomen. 

Terrestrial herbs with semi-basal or cauline leaves. Sepals free, nearly equal, 
erect or spreading. Petals connate toward their apices and usually coherent to the 
dorsal sepal and with it forming a galea. Lip simple or lobed, slightly adnate to 
the column for a short way, extended into a simple or didymous spur at the base 
which usually contains four or more mammillate calli or callus-like structures at 
the base. Column short. Pollinia sectile or granular. 

A genus found in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres. The species 
are difficult to interpret. 

A single species recognized in Panama. 

1. Екүтнкореѕ Киллри Ames in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 34:150. 1921. 

Erect or ascending terrestrial herbs from a creeping rhizome, up to 1 m. or 
more long. Stems leafy toward the base, slender. Leaves petiolate; lamina 6-13 
cm. long and 2—4.5 cm. broad, lanceolate to ovate or suborbicular, acuminate or 
acute, often oblique, membranaceous; petioles 2-5 cm. long, inflated and scarious 
at the base, semiamplexicaul. Sepals connate nearly to their apices. Dorsal вера! 
5-7 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or 
acute, pubescent dorsally. Lateral sepals 5.5—7 mm. long, 1.5-2.5 mm. broad, 
narrowly elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or acutish, pubescent dorsally. Petals 
5-6.5 mm. long and 1.5-2.5 mm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse. Lip saccate; lamina 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 55 

5-6.5 mm. long and 2.5-3.5 mm. broad, the basal part oblong, canaliculate, fleshy, 
the terminal lobe bi- or trilobulate, transverse, often ciliolate; sac 4-5 mm. long, 
obtuse, straight or curved slightly. 

CLE: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 1000 m., Allen 120I and 1702. cHrriQuf: Bajo 
re бын alt. 6000 feet, Davidson 317; valley of the Río Caldera from El Boquete to 
the Cordillera, alt. 1400-1600 m., Killip 3561. 

More adequate material may show that the specimens from Coclé represent 
a different species. 


CoryMBorCHIs Thouars, Orch. Iles Afr. №. 37, 38. 1822. 
Corymbis Thouars, loc. cit., is Corymborchis by elision. 

Terrestrial herbs with plicate or subplicate leaves and often with branched 
stems. Sepals and petals connivent into a tube at the base, usually linear with 
the petals dilated at the apex. Lip canaliculate, erect from the base of the column 
and free from it, apex usually dilated and recurved. Column erect, slender, the 
ze clavate, bilobed; anther erect, acuminate, E to the rostellum; pollinia 

2, granular. 
The genus is pantropic, with two species in the western hemisphere. 

1. CORYMBORCHIS FLAVA (Sw.) О. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 2:658. 1891. 
Serapias flava Sw. Nov. Gen. & Sp. Pl. Prodr. 119. 
Corymbis flava Hemsl. in сө & Salv. Biol. Centr. Аға. Bot. 3:297. 1884. 

ТАП, slender, terrestrial, leafy herbs up to 15 dm. tall. Stems up to about 6 
mm. in diameter, covered with the leaf sheaths. Leaves when mature 25—45 cm. 
long and 3.5-7 cm. broad, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, plicate, sessile 
or nearly so. Inflorescence a simple raceme or a panicle from the axils of the 
upper leaves, up to 13 cm. long; bracts up to 10 mm. long, ovate, acute. Dorsal 
вера! 13-15 mm. long and about 2.5 mm. broad, linear to linear-lanceolate, acute. 
Lateral sepals 13-15 mm. long and about 2 mm. broad, linear or linear-lanceolate, 
acute or arcuate. Petals 13-14 mm. long and about 4 mm. broad, oblanceolate, 
acute. Lip 12-15 mm. long and 4-7 mm. broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 
acute, cucullate, with a callus ridge extending along the margins from the base 
up to the middle or beyond. 

British Honduras, Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, the West Indies, also in South 

CHIRIQUÍ: llanos, on slope of Volcán de Chiriquí Viejo, alt. 1200 m., Allen 1000. 

16. STELIS Swartz 

STELIS Swartz іп Schrader's Jour. f. Bot. 2:239. 1799; in Svenska Vet.-Akad. 
Handl. 21:248. 1800, nom. conserv. 


[Vor. 33 

Humboltia Ruiz & Pavon, Fl. Peruv. et Chil. Prodr. 121, pl. 27. 1794, non Vahl. 

Small to fairly large epiphytic herbs with caespitose or repent stems; secondary 
stems terminated by a single, usually fleshy, often petiolate leaf. Sepals subequal or 
the dorsal longest, more or less connate at the base, the laterals sometimes connate 
to their tips (S. Allenii). Petals much smaller than the sepals, broad, often flabel- 
late, anterior margin usually thickened. Lip sessile, simple or 3-lobed, usually fleshy 
and about as long as the column. Column short, footless; stigmas confluent or 
separated. Anther terminal, operculate, incumbent, biloculate; pollinia 2, 

A difficult genus to study because the petals and lip are usually very small and 
often extremely fleshy. 

a. ин, a Жар shorter than the dorsal sepal, connate to 

ddp ovate ae the ‘thick central callus concave in front 3. 8. DESPECTANS 
bb. Lip not ovate, without a thickened ce Me 1 callus 
c. Dorsal sepal more than 10 mm. "e посен 1. S. ALLENI 
сс. Dorsal вера! less than 5 mm. long, 2. S. INAEQUALIS 
aa. эж у sepals not Em shorter et ge dorsal sepal, connate 
only at their bas 
b. Lip up to more I twice as long as broad. 
c" al sepal 3.5 mm. or more broad; leaves 3 cm. or more 
oad 5. S. MONTANA 
cc. = бергі less than 3 mm. broad; leaves 2 cm. or less broad. 
d. Sepals 4 mm. or more long, теби пи -оуасе to oblong-lanceo- 
late, inner құла glandular 7. $. котснп 
dd. Sepals 3 mm. r less long, triangular to orbicular. 
e. Lip 1-1.5 mm. long; sepals triangular.: 6. S. ATRORUBENS 
0.5—0.6 mm. long; sepals ovate to orbicular 4. S. MICROCHILA 
bb. Lip about as long as broad or broader than long 
c. Lip uced into an apicule or acumen in Mis 
ip produced into a broad acumen, acumen not erect.................- 8. S. HYMENANTHA 
dd. Lip produced into an inconspicuous apicule igi 3) or 
fleshy erect apicule. 
e. Apicule fleshy, erect 9. S. CRESCENTIICOLA 
ee. Apicule not fleshy, erect. 
f. Sepals 2-4 mm. long, usually 3-nerved 11. S. ENDRESII* 
ff. Sepals 4-9 mm. long, usually 5-nerved 10. S. LEUcoPocoN* 

. Callus of н lip cruciform; bracts on rachis prominent, acute 
or acuminat 12, S. PowrrLII 
dd. Callus of чи Пр not crucifor 
е. Callus of the li Рађен ан Пр with two minute auricles 
at the base; plants mostly less than 5 cm. tall 3. 5.5токкп 
ee. Callus of the lip те Бр without бды ас the base; 
plants mostly more than 5 tall. 
f. Inflorescence subequal to or n or but slightly longer 
than the subtending leav 14. S. Махомп 
апа 15. S. PANAMENSIS* * 
ff. Inflorescence twice or more longer than the subtending 

2. Secondary к usually 3 cm. long or longer. 
h. Sepals dens glandular-pubescent within 16. 8. VESTITA 
hh. one not m glandular-pubescent within, rarely 
pubescent 17. S. AEMULA 
gg. Secondary = s 3 cm. or less long. 
Һ. callus running at right angles to the trans- 
verse 4: viii base of lip 18. S. COLLINA 



FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 


~ Q 
а А 2 >>, 
Ly 9а, 
= > 



WE. V) M 
D S 
ЕМ “4 

Fig. 80. Stelis Allenii 



^ (Мог, 33 ' 

hh. No callus-ridge running at right angles to the trans- 
verse callus 

i. Sepals 3. 54.5 mm. long 19. S. WILLIAMSI 
ii. Sepals 1.5-2.5 mm. long. 
j Bracts of the inflorescence мн. rne WR LE 17. S. AEMULA 
jj. Bracts of the inflorescence well s ted. a 20. S. LONGIPETIOLATA 

*'These two species appear somewhat different but il. are not dist 
**$. panamensis would seem to key out here also, but the material available is so scanty that it 
can not t be properly placed. 
1. STELIS ALLENI Г. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29:338. 1942. 

Large caespitose epiphytic herbs up to 4 dm. tall. Secondary stems 7-15 cm. 
long and 0.25-0.35 cm. in diameter, covered with two or three loose sheaths 
which soon disentegrate, shorter than the leaves. Leaves 10-19 cm. long and 
3.5—7 cm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-oval, acute or obtuse, coriaceous, attenuated 
into a short petiole at the base. Inflorescence up to 30 cm. long, floriferous to 
the base, one or more borne from the apex of the stems (if more than one then 
presumably borne in different years); sheaths up to 2.5 cm. long, cucullate, 
ample; bracts 2-18 mm. long, reduced upwards, ovate-lanceolate, acute or 
acuminate, infundibuliform; flowers largest of the genus. Dorsal sepal 14-16 
mm. long and 5-6 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, 11-13-пегуед, cucullate. Lateral 
sepals connate to their apices, together 10—12 mm. long and 8—10 mm. broad, 
suborbicular-ovate, acute or obtuse, cucullate and gibbous at the base, many- 
nerved. Petals about 1 mm. long and 1.5 mm. broad, broadly flabellate to trans- 
versely oval, the apex much thickened. Lip 0.75-1 mm. long and 1—1.4 mm. 
broad, about 0.75 mm. thick at the apex, flabellate, truncate, the transverse 
callus at the apex of the lip, very like the petals but slightly smaller. 

Endemic in Panama. 

COCLÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 800 m., Allen 2952. 

Stelis Allenii is perhaps the most distinctive species of the genus in Central 
America and seems to be the largest-flowered. There are no near allies in Central 
America but the species seems to belong to Lindley's section DrALISsA, a section 
with but a few species in the Andes. 

2. STELIS INAEQUALIS Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:12. 1923; in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. 

Univ. 3:155, £. 1955. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 5 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
about 3 mm. long, concealed by the sheathing bracts. Leaves 1.5-2.5 cm. long 
and 0.4-0.5 cm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse, emarginate, coriaceous. Inflorescence 
up to 5 cm. long, exceeding the leaves; bracts about 1 mm. long, infundibuli- 
form. Dorsal вера! 2-2.5 mm. long and 1-1.4 mm. broad, elliptic-oblong, 
obtuse, puberulent ventrally. Lateral sepals 1—1.4 mm. long and together 
1.6-2 mm. broad, connate to beyond the middle. Petals 0.5—0.75 mm. long 
and 0.75-1 mm. broad, flabellate. Lip 0.6-0.75 mm. long and about 0.35—0.5 
mm. broad, rather thin below the middle and much thickened above, strongly 
concave in front of the obtuse apex. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 59 

Honduras and Panama. 
PANAMA: foothills, upper reaches 
of Chagres River near San Juan, alt. 

near sea-level, Powell 271. 

Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 8:453. 

Stelis chiriquensis Schltr. in Beih. Bot. 
Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:386. 1918. 

Stelis nutentiflora Schltr. loc. cit. 390. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up 
to about 25 cm. tall. Secondary 
stems 2-12 cm. long, about as 
long as or shorter than the leaves. 
Leaves narrowed to a petiole at 
the base; lamina 2-12 cm. long 
and 2-7 mm. broad, linear-elliptic 
or linear-oblanceolate; petiole up 
to 4 cm. long, slender. Inflores- 
cence about as long as or exceed- 
ing the leaves in length. Sepals 
connate at the base for a short 

distance; dorsal sepal 2-3 mm. 

| long and 0.75—1.5 mm. broad, 
STELIS inaequalis Ames lanceolate-oblong to obovate-ob- 
ong, acute or obtuse; lateral sepals 
1.7-2.5 mm. long and 1.2-1.5 
mm. broad, ovate, acute or obtuse. Petals 0.5—0.7 mm. long and 0.4—0.5 mm. 
broad, suborbicular, apex truncate and thickened. Lip 0.6-0.75 mm. long and 
0.3—0.6 mm. broad, rhombic to broadly ovate, thickened, excavate and concave in 
front, the basal half much thickened and the callus submammillate. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

Fig. 81 

CHIRIQUÍ: between Alto de las Palmas and Cerro Horqueta, alt. 2100-2268 m., 
Pittier 3228. 

The specimen cited is the largest known for the species and the maximum 
measurements apply to it. 
4. STELIS MICROCHILA Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 9:289. 1911. 

Stelis barbata Rolfe in Kew Bull. 1913: 141. 1913. 

Stelis costaricensis Schltr. in pos. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:388. 1918. 
Stelis cinerea Schltr. loc. cit. 4 

Stelis bryophila Schltr. in er p Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:16. 1923. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 15 cm. tall. Secondary stems 


[Vor 33 

up to about 2 cm. long, covered with one or more loose sheaths. Leaves 2-6 cm. 
long and 0.2—0.8 cm. broad, narrowly to broadly oblanceolate, obtuse or acute, 
attenuated into a narrow petiole at the base. Sepals connate for a short distance 
at the base, puberulent within and sometimes dorsally; dorsal sepal 1.5-2 mm. 
long and 1.3—1.5 mm. broad, ovate to suborbicular, obtuse or acutish; lateral 
sepals 1.2-1.5 mm. long and 1.1-1.3 mm. broad, broadly ovate. Petals about 0.75 
mm. long and 0.75-1.1 mm. broad, transversely oblong or subquadrate, the 
truncate terminal margin thickened. Lip 0.5-0.6 mm. long and 0.25-0.4 mm. 
broad; basal У; or 24 very fleshy, with two more or less longitudinal calluses ог 
thickenings which have a distinct sinus; terminal lobe oblong or subquadrate, 
obtuse, cochleate, relatively thin. 
Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Panama. 

COCLE: mountains beyond La Pintada, alt. 400-600 m., Hunter & Allen 590. 

5. STELIS MONTANA L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot.. Gard. 27:272. 1940; loc. 

cit. 29:340, Ё. 32, figs. 0-12. 1942. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 53 cm. tall. Secondary stems 11-13 
cm. long, covered with the sheathing cauline bracts, shorter than the leaves. 
Leaves 17-20 cm. long and 3-3.5 cm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse, coriaceous, 
gradually narrowed into a short petiole. Inflorescence racemose, as long as or 
longer than the subtending leaves. Sepals connate for a short distance at their 
bases. Dorsal вера! about 6 mm. long and 3.5 mm. broad, ovate to lanceolate- 
ovate, acute, apiculate. Lateral sepals about 5 mm. long and 4.5 mm. broad, 
broadly ovate, somewhat oblique, acute, apiculate. Petals about 1.5 mm. long 
and 1.5 broad, nearly orbicular, the apex thickened. Lip about 2-2.25 mm. long 
and 0.8—1 mm. broad, oblong to oblong-obovate, obscurely 3-lobed, the basal half 
filled with a large callus, the terminal part thin, minutely puberulent dorsally. 

Endemic to Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Río Caldera, alt. 2250-2500 m., 
6 ` 

Allen 1463. 

6. STELIS ATRORUBENS L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29:239. 1942. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 18 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
1.5-3.5 cm. long, slender, covered with bracts. Leaves 6-9 cm. long, petiolate, 
much longer than the secondary stems; lamina about 4-6.5 cm. long and 0.5-1 
cm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate, obtuse, fleshy; petiole 2-3 cm. long. 
Inflorescence up to 15 cm. long, upper half more or less densely flowered; bracts 
about 2 mm. long, infundibuliform, acute, scarious. Sepals connate at the base, 
rotate, 2-2.5 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, triangular, acute, 3-nerved. Petals 
about 0.75 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, suborbicular, 1-nerved, the terminal 
part thickened, fleshy. Lip 1-1.5 mm. long and 0.5-0.6 mm. broad, obscurely 3- 
lobed, oblong or oblong-oval, basal part of the lip oblong, somewhat concave, 
fleshy, terminating into two small, suberect lateral lobes, terminal lobe of the lip 
about 0.5 mm. long, suborbicular, strongly concave, fleshy. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 61 

Fig. 82. Stelis atrorubens 

Endemic to Panama. 

COCLE: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1234; hills north of El Valle de 
Anton, trail to Las Minas, Allen 2876. 

Allied to the preceding and the following species. 

7. STELIS SkurcHm Ames in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 6:17, 2. 1938. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to 3 dm. tall. Secondary stems 6-10 cm. long, 
slender, covered with scarious sheaths. Leaves petiolate; lamina 5-12 cm. long 
and 0.8—2 cm. broad, elliptic, obtuse or acutish; petioles 2—4 cm. long, sulcate. 
Inflorescence up to 22 cm. long, exceeding the subtending leaf; bracts about 2 
mm. long, infundibuliform. Sepals connate at the base, papilliferous within; 
dorsal sepal about 6 mm. long and 2 mm. broad, lanceolate-ovate, apiculate; lateral 
sepals about 4.5 mm. long and 2 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate, slightly oblique. 
Petals about 1 mm. long and about 1.3 mm. broad, flabellate, callus-thickened 
toward the truncate apex. Lip about 1 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad, linguiform, 
with an erect but obscure lobule on each side near the middle, callus-thickened 
below, terminal part slightly concave above and slightly narrower than the basal 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, Boquete District, alt. 6000 feet, Davidson 270. 



Fig. 83. Stelis Skutchii 


[Vor. 33 

FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 63 

8. SrELIS HYMENANTHA Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 10. 291. 1912. 
Stelis cuspidilabia Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:17. 1923. 
Stelis seleniglossa Schltr. loc. cit. 97 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 20 cm. long. Secondary stems 
1-5 cm. long, shorter than the leaves. Leaves 4-10 cm. long and 0.2-1 cm. broad, 
linear, ligulate to oblanceolate, obtuse or acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence up to 
13 cm. long, longer than or subequal to the subtending leaves. Sepals 1-1.4 mm. 
long and 0.75-1.2 mm. broad, broadly oval to suborbicular, obtuse or acute, free 
almost to their bases. Petals about 0.5 mm. long and 0.25-0.3 mm. broad, oblong, 
truncate, apex thickened. Lip 0.5-0.7 mm. long and about 0.4 mm. broad, sub- 
quadrate to suborbicular-ovate, the apex produced into a broad, acute or acuminate 
apicule about 14 the length of the lip, disc provided with a bipartite callus on 
the basal half. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. 6000 feet, Terry 1286. 


STELIS CRESCENTIICOLA Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 16:442. 1920; Ames, 
Sched. Orch. 5:11. 1923; Ames in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:175, t. 

Stelis flexuosa Lindl., sensu Kränzl., in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 26:450. 1899. 

Stelis Isthmii Schltr. in Fedde 21 Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:16. 1922. 

Stelis praemorsa Schltr. loc. cit. 17. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 20 cm. tall. Secondary stems 1-2 cm. 
long, slender, much shorter than the leaves. Leaves 4-9.5 cm. long and 0.5-1 cm. 
broad, oblanceolate, acute or obtuse, attenuated into a petiole at the base, coria- 
ceous. Inflorescence up to about 18 cm. long, much exceeding the leaves, raceme 
densely flowered; bracts 1-2 mm. long, infundibuliform. Sepals 1-1.5 mm. long 
and 1-1.5 mm. broad, suborbicular to subrhombic-ovate, acute or obtuse, papilli- 
ferous within. Petals about 0.5 mm. long and about 0.75 mm. broad, flabellate, 
not thickened at the apex. Lip about 0.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad and nearly 
as thick, rhombic-ovate, with a transverse callus through the middle and the short 
apex incurved. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CANAL ZONE (?): in tidal belt, Pittier 6505. PANAMA: Rio Chagres, Lehmann 4540; 
hills east of [Panama] City and San Juan, all near sea-level, Powell 232, 234, 284, 285, 
3312, 3313, 3314, 3522. 

The smallest-flowered of the Panamanian species. 
10. STELIS LEUCOPOGON Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 95, 7. 9, figs. 1, 1-4. 
° 1866. 

Stelis cascajalensis Ames, Sched. ОЧ 4 11. 1923. 
Stelis eximia Ames, loc. cit. 6:54 






4 XS UNS oA t. 

Fig. 84 


[Vor. 33 

FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 65 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 40 cm. tall. Secondary stems 2-15 
cm. long, either longer or shorter than the leaves. Leaves 6-15 cm. long and 
1-4.5 cm. broad, ligulate, oblanceolate to narrowly oval, acute or obtuse, coria- 
ceous, attenuated into a petiole at the base. Inflorescence up to 30 cm. long, one 
or more from the apex of each secondary stem, subequal to usually much exceeding 
the leaves in length. Sepals 4-9 mm. long and 4-8 mm. broad, broadly ovate- 
triangular to suborbicular, acute or obtuse, puberulent or glabrous within, usually 
5-nerved. Petals 0.75-1.3 mm. long and 1.75-2.2 mm. broad, flabellate, truncate 
apex very fleshy. Lip 0.5-1 mm. long and 0.7-1.2 mm. broad, transversely oblong 
to suborbicular-quadrate, apiculate or triapiculate at the apex, disc very fleshy, 
the callus more or less transverse. 

Costa Rica and Panama; possibly also in South America. 

CHIRIQUÍ: vicinity of Bajo Chorro, alt. 1900 m., Woodson t$ Schery 624; “СагатШа,” 
alt. 4000-6000 feet, Powell 312, 334. сосі.Е: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 
m., Allen 2173; vicinity of La Mesa, north of El Valle de Antón, alt. about 1000 m., 
Allen 2301; north rim, El Valle de Antón, Alston & Allen 1840. 

A variable species which may include Stelis Endresii Reichb. f. Тһе specimens 
from Coclé differ somewhat from the others in having a triapiculate apex on the 

11. STELLIS ENpresu Reichb. f. іп Gard. Chron. 1373. 1870; Ames іп Bot. Mus. 

Leafl. Harv. Univ. 1?: fig. p. 9. 1933. 

Stelis parvibracteata Ames, Orch. 7:131. 1922. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 22 cm. таП. Secondary stems 1.5—5 
cm. long, slender, shorter than the leaves. 
Leaves 4—13 cm. long and 0.5-2 cm. 
broad, elliptic to oblanceolate, obtuse or 
acute, attenuated into a petiole at the base. 
Inflorescence up to 18 cm. long, floriferous 
to the middle or below, much exceeding 
the leaves, 1 or more from a stem; bracts 
1-2 mm. long, infundibuliform. Sepals 2—4 
mm. long and 2-5 mm. broad, suborbicular 
to subtriangular, acute or obtuse, glabrous 
to puberulent within, 2-(or rarely 5-) 
nerved. Petals 0.75—1 mm. long and 1-1.5 
mm. broad, flabellate, truncate, apical part 
thickened and fleshy. Lip about 0.75 long 
and 1 mm. broad, transversely oval, with a 
small, erect apicule at the apex. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and 


[Vor. 33 

em. possibly also in South America. 
Cana and vicinity, alt. 6000 feet, Williams 072. сосіЖ: hills north of El 
Valle өү рее alt. 800-1000 m.. Allen 2273. 
Critical work on the genus may prove this species to be the same as S. leuco- 
pogon Reichb. f 

12. STELIS Рохкілл Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 17:16. 1922; Ames in 
Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 1°: fig. p. 0. 1933. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 
STELIS Powellii Schltr. 15 cm. tall. Secondary stems 1-3 cm. long, 
shorter than the leaves. Leaves attenuated 
into a petiole at the base; lamina 2-7 cm. 
long and 0.5—1.5 cm. broad, oblanceolate to 
ligulate-oblanceolate, obtuse; petiole up to 
3 cm. long. Inflorescence longer than the 
leaves; bracts 2-4 mm. long, ovate, acute, 
large and conspicuous for the genus, infundi- 
buliform. Sepals 2.5-3 mm. long and 3-3.5 
mm. broad, connate for a short distance at 
the base, suborbicular to ovate-suborbicular 
or ovate-triangular, obtuse, 5-nerved, puber- 
ulent or papillose within. Petals 1-1.5 mm. 
long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, flabellate, sub- 
truncate and thickened terminally. Lip 
ыы 1.2-1,5 mm. long and 0.75-1.2 mm. broad, 
Fig. 86 ovate, concave, relatively thin with a cruci- 

form callus in the middle. 
Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: alt. 4000 feet, Powell 247. 
Conspicuous among Panamanian species by the relatively conspicuous bracts. 

13. STELIS Ѕтоккп Ames in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:54, fig. 1935; І. 
Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:273. 1940. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 6 cm. tall. Secondary stems 1-2 cm. 
long, covered with sheathing bracts, shorter than the leaves. Leaves 1—4 cm. 
long and 0.25—0.5 cm. broad, oblanceolate, acute or obtuse, inconspicuously 
marginate, longer than the secondary stems, equal to or usually shorter than the 
inflorescence. Inflorescence up to about 4 cm. long; bracts 1-1.5 mm. long, 
infundibuliform, apiculate. Sepals connate for a short distance at their bases, 
1-1.3 mm. long and 1—1.3 mm. broad, nearly orbicular, obtuse, 3-nerved. Petals 
0.5—0.75 mm. long and about 0.6 mm. broad, broadly obovate or cuneate. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 67 

flabellate, slightly cochleate, the apex thick- 
ened, Lip about 0.5-0.75 mm. long and 
as broad, nearly orbicular, fleshy, with a 
large central callus extending through the 
middle of the lamina and prominently 
raised at the base. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 
OCLÉ: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 800-1000 

m., Allen 1828. 

14. STELIS Махомп Schltr. in Већ. Bot. 
Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:389. 1918. 
Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to 40 cm. 

tall. Secondary stems up to 23 cm. long, 

slender. Leaves 9-15 cm. long and 1-2.7 

cm. broad, elliptic to lanceolate, obtuse, 

coriaceous, attenuated into a short petiole at 
the base. Inflorescence up to about 15 cm. 
long, subequal to the leaves; bracts about 3 
mm. long, infundibuliform, acute or shortly 
acuminate. Sepals 2-3 mm. long and 2.2- 
3.5 mm. broad, suborbicular. Petals about 
1 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, suborbicular, 
flabellate, the terminal part thickened and 
fleshy. Lip about 1.2 mm. long and 1 mm. 
broad, broadly oval in outline, with a trans- 
verse callus across the middle of the lip, the 
lip fleshy. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 
IRIQUÍ: Volcán de Chiriquí, alt. 10,000 STELIS «оғ Chnes 

T "Devin 088; above El Boquete, alt. / 
1450-1650 m., Maxon p southern slope of Fig. 87 
La Horqueta, alt. 1700-2100 m., Pittier 3242 

Closely allied to S. thecoglossa Reichb. f. with which it has been placed. 

15. STELIS PANAMENSIS Schltr. in Већ. Bot. Centralbl. 37, Abt. 2:391. 1918. 
Erect epiphytic herbs up to 18 cm. tall Secondary stems 2-3 cm. long, much 
shorter than the leaves. Leaves 8—10 cm. long and 0.8—1 cm. broad, oblanceolate- 
ligulate, obtuse, narrowed to a petiole at the base. Inflorescence equal to the 
leaves or shorter; bracts cucullate. Sepals broadly ovate, obtuse; dorsal sepal 
about 2.5 mm. long; the lateral sepals distinctly smaller, oblique. Petals broadly 
rhombic-reniform, oblique, obtuse, apex thickened. Lip subequal to the petals, 
reniform, obtuse, excavated at the base and the middle with a transverse callus. 


[Vor. 33 


PANAMA: forests of the upper Mamoni River, alt. 150-400 m., РИНег 4490. 
This species is known to us only by the description and an analysis of the type. 

STELIS vestita Ames 16. STELIS VESTITA Ames, Sched. Orch. 6:56. 
B 1923; in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 
б; 1°: fig. р. 9. 1933. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to 45 cm. 
tall. Secondary stems 4-10 cm. long, sub- 
equal or shorter than the leaves. Leaves 
5-16 cm. long and 1-2 cm. broad, elliptic- 
oblong to oblanceolate, attenuated into a 

petiole at the base, coriaceous. Inflorescence 
up to about 35 cm. long, much longer than 
the subtending leaf; bracts 2-3 mm. long, 
infundibuliform. Sepals 2-2.5 mm. long 
and 2-2.3 mm. broad, ovate to suborbicular, 
obtuse, densely glandular-pubescent within. 
Petals 0.8-1 mm. long and 1.5-1.75 mm. 
broad, cuneate-flabellate, fleshy, truncate. 
Lip 0.8-1 mm. long and 1-1.2 mm. broad, 
suborbicular or transversely subrhombic, 
callus-thickened in the middle and the basal part with a smaller spongy» callus, 

the margins of the lip thin. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

снікюоі: Boquete, alt. 4000 feet, Davidson боб. 
Allied to S. Endresii Reichb. f. and to S. leucopogon Reichb. f. 

17. STELIS AEMULA Schltr. in Већ. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:385. 1918. 
Stelis sarcodantba Schltr. loc. cit. 392. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 2.5 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
1.5—7.5 cm. long, slender, shorter than the leaves. Leaves 4-11.5 cm. long and 
0.5—1.3 cm. broad, ligulate to oblanceolate, obtuse or acute, coriaceous, attenuate 
at the base into a petiole. Inflorescence up to 20 cm. long (in Panama mostly 12 
cm. or less), much exceeding the leaves; bracts 1-2 mm. long, infundibuliform. 
Sepals 1.5—2.2 mm. long and 1.75-2.5 mm. broad, broadly ovate-orbicular or 
suborbicular, obtuse or acutish, marginate or the margins obscurely involute, 
puberulent or glabrous within. Petals 0.5-0.6 mm. long and 0.6-1 mm. broad, 
oblong to flabellate, the apex thickened. Lip 0.5—0.75 mm. long and 0.6-1 mm. 
broad, suborbicular, obtuse, with a transverse callus in the middle, margins not 



19461 | 
FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 69 

(Guatemala, Honduras — $. perplexa Ames) ?, Costa Rica, and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Palo Alto, alt. 4500-5000 feet, Powell 200, 201, 203, 204. сосіЁ: hills 
north of E] Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2154, 2157. 
18. STELIs COLLINA Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:15. 1922. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 28 cm. long. Secondary stems up to 
3 cm. long, slender. Leaves 3-10 cm. long and 0.7-1.2 cm. broad, oblanceolate- 
ligulate, obtuse, attenuated into a petiole at the base. Inflorescence elongated, 
much exceeding the leaves; bracts about 2 mm. long, infundibuliform. Sepals 
3-3.5 mm. long and 3—3.5 mm. broad, triangular-ovate, obtuse, 3-nerved. Petals 
about 1 mm. long and 1.5 mm. broad, flabellate, truncate apex thickened. Lip 
about 0.8 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, suborbicular, obtuse, with a transverse 
raised callus in the middle, the basal half with two lateral cavities and a small 
longitudinal ridge between them. 


PANAMA: foot-hills near [Panamá] City, near sea-level, Powell 180. 

Formery referred to S. Williamsii Ames, but probably distinct, though closely 

19. STELIS WirLiIAMsm Ames, Orch. 7:133. 1922. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 25 cm. tall. Secondary stems about 
1.5 cm. long. Leaves 4-10 cm. long and 0.6-1.1 cm. broad, attenuated into a 
short petiole at the base, oblanceolate-ligulate. Inflorescence up to 23 cm. long, 
much exceeding the leaves; bracts 2-5 mm. long, infundibuliform, free part tri- 
angular-lanceolate or broadly ovate, acute or acuminate. Sepals about 3.5—4.5 
mm. long and as broad, suborbicular, obtuse. Petals about 1.5 mm. long and 1.7 
mm. broad, cuneate-flabellate. Lip about 1 mm. long and 1.2 mm. broad, trulli- 
form, obtuse, with a raised transverse callus. 


DARIÉN: Cana and vicinity, alt. 6000 feet, Williams 970. 
Has been confused with S. collina Schltr., a closely allied sea-level species. 

20. STELIS LONGIPETIOLATA Ames, Sched. Orch. 1:6. 1922. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 10 cm. tall. Leaves 4.5-8 cm. long and 
0.7-1.1 cm. broad, elliptic, petiolate, the lamina up to 5.5 cm. long. Secondary 
stems 1.5—2.5 cm. long, slender, much shorter than the leaves. Inflorescence 
about equalling the leaves in length; bracts about 1.5 mm. long, infundibuliform. 
Sepals 2-2.5 mm. long, rotate, deltoid-ovate. Petals about 1 mm. long, ovate to 
suborbicular, thickened nearly to the base, abruptly excavated below the thicken- 
ing, apex obscurely and minutely papillose. Lip about 0.75 mm. long and 1.5 
mm. broad, reniform, very fleshy, somewhat concave above with a prominent and 
obscurely bilobed callus in the middle, the sides of which are decurrent laterally 


[Vor. 33 

and form a transverse ridge. 


cHIRIQUI: humid forest between Alto de las Palmas and Cerro de la Horqueta, alt. 
2100-2200 m., Maxon 5460. 


Рнүѕоѕрном Lindl. in Bot. Кер. 21: sub 7. 1797. 1836. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs. Secondary stems slender, terminated by a 
single leaf. Sepals connate at the base into an (usually) inflated tube, free above, 
erect or spreading, not caudate. Petals very small in comparison to the sepals. 
Lip small, articulated to the column-foot, entire or three-lobed. Anther terminal, 
incumbent, operculate; pollinia 2, ceraceous. 

A small genus of rather diverse species, of which the Panama one is not typical 
of the genus. 

1. Рнузоярном MINUTIFLORUS Ames & Schweinf. Sched. Orch. 8:11, 7. 22, figs. 

1-6 and habit. 1925. 

Small caespitose epiphytic herbs up to 30 cm. tall. Secondary stems 2-10 cm. 
long, invested by 2-3 loose sheaths. Leaves 3.5-12 cm. long and 0.5-1.5 cm. 
broad, oblong-ligulate, coriaceous, attenuated at the base into a petiole. Inflores- 
cence up to 25 cm. long, equalling or exceeding the leaves, densely flowered almost 
to the base; bracts 2-3 mm. long, infundibuliform. Sepals connate into a short 
tube at the base, 2-3 mm. long and about 0.6-0.8 mm. broad, free portion ovate- 
lanceolate, acute or obtuse. Petals about 0.75 mm. long and about 0.2 mm. broad, 
lanceolate, acute or obtuse. Lip about 0.75 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, 
ovate-quadrate to suborbicular, apiculate. 

Costa Rica and Panama; possibly Honduras. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Cerro Vaca, alt. 900-1136 m., Pittier 5340; "Caramillo," alt. 5000 feet, 
Powell 345. 


Cr¥PTOPHORANTHUS Barb. Rodr. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Nov. 2:79. 1882; Kranzl. in 

Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 34:220-232. 1925. 

Small epiphytic herbs, the secondary stem terminated by a single leaf. Іп- 
florescence short, 1-flowered or with a fascicle of flowers. Sepals connate at the 
base and at the apices, leaving an opening ("window") on either side between the 
dorsal and lateral sepals, the lateral sepals forming a mentum at the base. Petals 
small in comparison to the sepals. Lip free, simple, obscurely lobed or hastate, 
with two parallel lamellae, subequal to the petals in length. Column small, terete, 
erect or arcuate, produced into a short foot at the base. Anther terminal, opercu- 
late, incumbent; pollinia 2, ceraceous. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

Fig. 89. Physosiphon minutiflorus 

A small genus closely allied to Masdevallia and Pleurothallis. 
or four species in Costa Rica and one in Panama. 



There are three 

[Vor. 33 

1. CRYPTOPHORANTHUS LEPIDOTUS L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29:340, 

і. 30, figs. 4-5. 1942. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 17 cm. tall. Secondary stems 2-7 cm. 
long and 1-2 mm. in diameter, covered with 4-5 pergameneous, infundibuliform 
sheaths which soon disentegrate. Leaves oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, obtuse 
or acutish, coriaceous, contracted into a distinct petiole; lamina 3.5-10 cm. long; 
petiole 1-2 cm. long, conduplicate. Inflorescence consisting of 1-6 long-peduncu- 
late flowers at the apex of the secondary stem; the peduncle with 1—3 short 
infundibuliform sheaths. Sepals joined together at the base and at the tip, leaving 

Fig. 90. Cryptopborantbus lepidotus 

a small opening between the dorsal and lateral ones; dorsal вера! about 15-20 mm. 
long and 6—7 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, strongly cucullate, fleshy, 7-nerved, 
ridged dorsally and the ridges verrucose; lateral sepals connate to their apices, 
about 12-18 mm. long and together 6-8 mm. broad, fleshy, each about 7-nerved, 
with verrucose ridges dorsally. Petals 5-6 mm. long and 2.5-3.5 mm. broad, 
broadly ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, 3-(5-)nerved. Lip 5-6 mm. long, 
hastate, unguiculate; lamina about 4 mm. long, 1.5-2 mm. broad, 3-nerved, 
verrucose or lepidote, with two longitudinal, lamellate calluses extending from 
the auricles to about the middle; auricles about 1 mm. long, retrorse, subulate; 
claw 1.5-2 mm. long and 1—1.5 mm. broad, verrucose-scurfy or lepidote toward 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 73 

its apex. Column of the genus. 
COCLÉ: trail to Las Minas, hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. about 1000 m., Allen 

19. MASDEVALLIA Ruiz & Pavon 

MaspDEVALLIA Ruiz & Pavon, Fl. Peruv. & Chil. Prodr. ed. 1, 122. 1794; ed. 2, 
110, Ё. 27. 1797; Woolward, Genus Masdevallia. 1896; Kranzl. in Fedde 
Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 34:1-202. 1925. 

Caespitose or repent, epiphytic or terrestrial herbs. Secondary stems usually 
very short, bearing a single leaf and a peduncle or the leaves and peduncles borne 
on separate stems. Leaves most often broadest toward the apex and attenuated 
into a petiole at the base, with an abscission at the end of the secondary stem and 
another slightly above. Peduncles usually 1- to 2-flowered. Sepals connate into 
a tube at the base or to the middle or beyond, the free portions often spreading, 
the tips usually developed into slender tails, produced into a mentum at the base. 
Petals very much smaller than the sepals, usually narrow. Lip small, articulated 
to the column-foot, about as long as the column. Column erect, produced into 
a column-foot at the base; margins of the clinandrium usually membranaceous 
and denticulate. Anther terminal, operculate, incumbent; pollinia 2, ceraceous. 

A large and complex genus of some 250 species. The species are most ab andant 
in coo! mountain regions of the tropics of the New World. The genus was once 
very popular with orchid fanciers, some of the rarer or more beautiful species 
commanding fabulous prices. 

Masdevallia connects to the genus Pleurothallis at several points, notably 
through such species as М. Allenii L. Wms., which differs but slightly from the 
species of Schlechter's Barbosella (previously reduced to Pleurothallis). Scapho- 
sepalum has several species which are "connecting links" between Мазде а а and 
Pleurothallis. Lindley’s genus Restrepia, which I have reduced to Pleurothallis, 
contains some intermediate species between Pleurothallis and Masdevallia, and if 
Restrepia were to be maintained as a genus most of the species which were re- 
ferred to Barbosella and many of the species of Masdevallia § Triaristella (M. 
triaristella Reichb. f., M. Allenii L. Wms., etc.) should be placed there. There is 
little or no technical reason why Pleurothallis (and Stelis too) should not be re- 
duced to Masdevallia, but it would serve no practical purpose to do so. Pleuro- 
thallis and Masdevallia are both large and technical and most of the species can 

be placed in the proper genus readily. 

a Tails of the lateral sepals preme: below the apex 8. M. ALLENII 
a. Tails of the lateral als, if present, terminal. 
b. Lateral — with transverse pr des at the base 7. M. SIMULA 
bb. Lateral sepals wi transverse calluses at the bas 

с: кер = the base of the petal free and appearing to be a салда... 1. M. COLLINA 
сс. Callus lacking at 52. base of the petal, or if present not free 
d. Lip less than 2.5 . long 6. M. TENUISSIMA 
dd. Lip more than El mm. long. 


[Vor. 33 

е. Du sepal prolonged into a subfiliform tail. 
Peduncle қ. ri - uam Law: as long as the leaves or 

ыдыс» er; lip up t 3. M. CHONTALENSIS 
ff. iva lowered em shorter than the leaves; lip 
than 4 2. M. ATTENUATA 

ee. Doral sepal either ore i tails, or with tails not filif 
f. am t of the dorsal sepal lanceolate or edit 

ff. Free part of the dorsal sepal ligulate or lanceolate-ligulate, 
recurved 5. M. LivINGSTONEANA 

1. MASDEVALLIA COLLINA L. Wms. in Am. Orchid Soc. Bull. 11:93, 7. 3. 1942. 

Small caespitose epiphytic herbs up to 15 cm. tall. Secondary stems very 
short, bearing a leaf and ап inflorescence. Leaves 6-9 cm. long and 1.1-1.5 cm 
broad, oblanceolate, obtuse, attenuated into a petiole at the base, coriaceous, 3- 
nerved. Inflorescence slender, (1?—)2-flowered, peduncle much exceeding the 
leaves. Sepals about 25 mm. long, connate into a tube for about У; their length; 
tube 11-14 mm. long, free part of the sepals 9-14 mm. long, consisting of sub- 
filiform caudae from a very short free lamina. Petals about 4 mm. long and 1.5 
mm. broad, linear-oblong, truncate and tridentate at the apex, 1-nerved, with 
an elongated, sublamellate callus which extends from near the base to near the 
apex along the anterior margin; another callus begins near the base and extends 
to and off at the base forming a free, curved, cauda-like process, the free part 
about 1 mm. long. Lip about 6 mm. long and 2 mm. broad, linear-oblong, trun- 
cate and retuse at the base, the apex rounded, somewhat dilated and ciliate, fleshy, 
somewhat canaliculate, keeled on the mid-nerve below. 


COCLÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. about 1000 m., Allen 2158. 

2. MASDEVALLIA ATTENUATA Reichb. f. іл Gard. Chron. 834. 1871; Woolw. 
Genus Masdevallia 7. [35]. 1896; Hook. f. in Bot. Mag. 33: £. 6273. 1877. 
Masdevallia Laucheana vier Pda ex Woolw. loc. cit. 7. [19]; Kránzl. іп Fedde Rep. 

Sp. Nov. Beih. 34:166. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 15 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
very short. Leaves 5-13 cm. long and 0.5—1.8 cm. broad, linear-oblanceolate to 
oblanceolate, acute or obtuse, attenuated into a petiole at the base. Inflorescence 
1-flowered; peduncles slender, shorter than the leaves. Sepals 18-22 mm. long, 
connate into a tube for about № their length, the caudate apices about as long as 
the broad part of the sepals, puberulent within, the broad, free part of the sepals 
oblong-ovate to triangular-ovate. Petals 3.5—5 mm. long and 1.2 mm. broad, 
subrhombic to oblong-lanceolate, acute, somewhat oblique, with a longitudinal 
callus along one margin. Lip 4.2-5 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, oblong- 
lanceolate to oblong-pandurate, obtuse or acute, apical portion denticulate, with 
two longitudinal keels which converge toward the apex. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Boquete, alt. about 1360 m., Davidson 1271; “Chiriqui,” Pfau; "Cerro 
Horconcito," alt. about 1360 m., Powell 268. 


| FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 75 

са У US 
Ж fy A м NN 4 

Fig. 91. Masdevallia collina 


[Vor. 33 

Possibly the original collection of this species was from Chiriqui (Pfau), 
Powell’s collection differs slightly from the others. The species is rare and more 

specimens are desired for study. 

3. MASDEVALLIA CHONTALENSIS Reichb. f. іп Otia Bot. Hamb. 1:274. 1878; L. 
Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:274. 1940. 
Masdevallia diantha Schltr. in Вей. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:384. 1918. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 11 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
up to about 2 mm. long. Leaves 2-9 cm. long and 0.2-0.8 cm. broad, oblanceo- 
late to linear-oblanceolate, acute or obtuse, attenuated into a petiole at the base. 
Inflorescence 1- or usually 2-flowered; peduncles from almost as long as the leaves 
to twice as long. Sepals 9-18 mm. long, connate into a tube for about № or 35 
their length, the free part ovate to ovate-lanceolate and caudate. Petals 2.5—3.5 
mm. long and 0.7-1.2 mm. broad, linear-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, apex tri- 
dentate, truncate or obtuse, with a small lateral callus extending from about the 
middle toward the apex. Lip 2.8-4 mm. long and 0.9-1.7 mm. broad, oblong- 
oblanceolate to oblong-obovate, biauriculate at the base, with two longitudinal 
callus-ridges extending from the base nearly to the apex where they converge, 
dilated apical part denticulate. 

Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. 

ocLÉ: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1231; vicinity of El IE north 
rim, alt. 800-1000 m., Allen 1826; trail to Las и, El Valle de Antón, alt. 

Allen 2876. 
4. MASDEVALLIA ECAUDATA Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:384. 1918; 

L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:274. 1940 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 12 cm. tall. Secondary stem 
short, 2-10 mm. long. Leaves 3-9 cm. long and 0.6—1.1 cm. broad, oblanceolate, 
obtuse, coriaceous, attenuated into a petiole at the base. Inflorescence about as 
long as or exceeding the leaves, 1-flowered, the peduncle slender. Sepals puberulent 
within, about 15-22 mm. long, connate into а tube about 24 of their length, the 
free parts lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, usually ecaudate but 
sometimes caudate, the apices thickened. Petals 5-8 mm. long and 1.5—3.5 mm. 
broad, oblong-ovate, short-unguiculate, usually angled on one side. Lip 6.5-9 
mm. long and 2-3.5 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, auriculate at the base, disc 
with a pair of longitudinal fleshy calli. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

cHiRIQUÍ: valley of the upper Río Chiriqui Viejo, White 9 White 81. 

Very closely allied to M. Livingstoneana, from which it differs mainly in having 
slightly different sepals and petals and a larger lip. 

5. MaASDEVALLIA LIvINGSTONEANA Reichb. f. іп Gard. Chron. II, 2:322. 1874; 

Ames, Sched. Orch. 5:9, fig. 2. 1923. 

Scaphosepalum panamense Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. е 12:205. 1913. 
Masdevallia panamensis Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:9. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

/ dj T V | 
UM Ју 

/, Й 
2 | : у 

Fig. 92. Masdevallia Livingstoneana 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 13 cm. tall. Secondary stems short. 
Inflorescence 1-flowered, peduncle shorter than the leaves. Sepals 15-20 mm. 
long, connate into a tube for about У; their length; free portion of dorsal sepal 
up to 12 mm. long and 3 mm. broad at the base, ligulate or lanceolate-ligulate, 



[ VoL. 33 

somewhat thickened and fleshy toward the apex; free part of the lateral sepals up 
to 12 mm. long and 5 mm. broad, lanceolate-triangular, arcuate, acute or obtuse. 
Petals 4.5-5 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, oblong, obtuse, with a single longi- 
tudinal sublamellate callus extending from below the middle to the apex. Lip 
4-6 mm. long and 1-1.2 mm. broad, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, acute or obtuse, 
sometimes more or less pandurate, the disc thickened and with two raised, longi- 
tudinal calli. 

Costa Rica (?) and Panama. 

CANAL ZONE: forest along Río Indio de Gatun, alt. near sea-level, Pittier 2803; west 
of canal near village of Arrajan, alt. near sea-level, Powe 3. PANAMA: foothills east 
of Panama City and San Juan, alt. near sea-level, Powell 273, 411, 3282, 3287. 

6. MASDEVALLIA TENUISSIMA С. Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 4:111. 


Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 3 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
very short, up to about 1 mm. long. Leaves 1-2.2 cm. long and 1-2.5 mm. 
broad, linear-oblanceolate, obtuse or acute, attenuated into a narrow petiole at the 
base. Inflorescence up to 3 cm. long, exceeding the leaves; scape filiform. Sepals 
connate into a tube at the base; dorsal sepal about 6 mm. long and 2.5 mm. broad, 
caudate, the lamina about 2.5 mm. long and as broad, suborbicular. Lateral sepals 
about 7.5 mm. long and each about 1 mm. broad, caudate, free part of lamina 
lanceolate. Petals about 2 mm. long and about 0.75 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, 
subtruncate, triapiculate. Lip about 2 mm. long and 0.7 mm. broad, oblong- 
lanceolate, obtuse, with 2 inconspicuous, submarginal, lamellate calli extending 
from the base to the middle, shortly bicaudate at the base, the caudae about 0.2 
mm. long. Ovary inconspicuously muricate on the angles. 


СОСІ.Е: mountains beyond La Pintada, alt. 400-600 m., Hunter & Allen 587. 

Masdevallia pygmaea Kránzl. will possibly include this species when the type 
can be studied 

Fig. 93. Masdevallia simula 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 79 

MASDEVALLIA SIMULA Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. n. s. 3:8. 1875; Woolw. 
Genus Masdevallia, #. [71]. 1890; L. Wms.’ in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 
27:274, pl. 31, figs. 1-8. 1940. 

Small caespitose or repent epiphytic herbs up to about 9 cm. tall. Secondary 
stems up to about 1 mm. long. Leaves 1-10 cm. long and 0.2—0.5 cm. broad, 
linear to oblanceolate, attenuated into a petiole at the base. Inflorescences 1—3- 


flowered, much shorter than the leaves. Sepals connate for only a short distance 
at the base; dorsal вера! 3.5-9 mm. long and 2-4 mm. broad, lanceolate to ovate- 
lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate, acute, acuminate or caudate; lateral sepals 
similar to the dorsal except usually somewhat falcate and each provided with a 
transverse, semi-lunate callus at the base. Petals 1.5-3 mm. long and 1.5—3 mm. 
broad, subquadrate or subrhombic, angulate. Lip 2-3.5 mm. long and 1.2-3 
mm. broad, unguiculate; lamina subquadrate to subquadrate-obovate, biauriculate 
at the base, with two lamellate calli near the junction with the claw. 
Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador. 

CANAL ZONE: in tops of high trees, Quebrada Lopez, alt. about 30 m., Allen 2115. 

Masdevallia simula is quite a diverse species 
in Central America and may prove to be either 
an aggregate or a polymorphic. It is not a 
typical Masdevallia and might almost as well 
be placed іп Pleurothallis. The forms М. 
guatemalensis Schltr. and M. linearifolia Ames 
are included in the description. 

Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:273, pl. 31, figs. 12- 
16. 1940. 

Small caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 
5 cm. tall. Secondary stems about 3 mm. long, 
covered with white chartaceous sheaths. Leaves 
10-20 mm. long and up to 2 mm. broad, 
linear, acute, coriaceous, subterete and canal- 
iculate. Inflorescence 1-flowered, longer than 
the leaves; peduncle about 3—4 cm. long. Sepals 
forming a short tube at the base; lamina of 
the dorsal sepal 2.5—3 mm. long and 3-3.5 mm. 
broad, free portion of the lamina triangular, 
long-caudate, the cauda filiform and about 10 
mm. long; lateral sepals 12-15 mm. long, con- 
nate to their apices or nearly so, the lamina 
lanceolate, with a lateral, filiform appendage 

about 5-6 mm. long near the apex on either 

Fig. 94. Masdevallia Allenii 


[Vor. 33 

side. Petals 1.5-2 mm. long and about 0.75 mm. broad, oblong, obtuse. Lip 
about 3 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, lanceolate or lanceolate-oblong, obtuse, bi- 
caudate at the base; the lamina with two longitudinal calli. 


cocLÉ: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1230. 


Scar UM Pfitz. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 29:139. 1888; 
Kränzl. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 34:204-219. 1925 

Caespitose or repent epiphytic or terrestrial herbs. Secondary stems very short, 
unifoliate. Leaves mostly broadest near the apex and attenuated into a petiole at 
the base. Inflorescence а distichous raceme. Sepals connate at the bases; the 
dorsal sepal free or nearly so, sometimes caudate; lateral sepals more or less united 
usually forming a cymbiform synsepal, often callus-thickened near the apices, the 
apices often attenuated into tails. Petals much shorter than the sepals. Lip 
small, articulated to the column-foot. Column erect, produced into a foot at 
the base; margins of the clinandrium membranaceous and denticulate. Anther 
terminal, operculate, incumbent; pollinia 2, ceraceous. 

Scaphosepalum is hardly distinct frora Masdevallia. The one Panamanian 
species might well be placed in Pleurothallis. 

1. SCAPHOSEPALUM ELASMOTOPUS Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 12:204. 1913. 
Scaphosepalum longirepens Ames in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 34:155. 1921. 

Small, repent, epiphytic herbs. Rhizome elongated. Secondary stems short, 
up to about 5 mm. long, bearing a leaf or a leaf and a peduncle, with an addi- 
tional abscission layer in the petiole above the apex of the secondary stem. Leaves 
7.5-15 cm. long and 0.7-1.4 cm. broad, oblanceolate, acute, coriaceous, attenuated 
into a slender petiole at the base. Inflorescence about as long as or shorter than 
the leaves; raceme distichous, several-flowered, up to about 6 cm. long. Dorsal 
sepal free nearly to the base, about 5-8 mm. long, obtuse, oblong-ligulate, the 
apex thickened. Lateral sepals joined nearly to their apices, 6-10 mm. long, the 
lamina oblong, short-caudate at the apex. Petals 3-3.5 mm. long, elliptic-oblong 
to elliptic-ovate, oblique, acute. Lip about 3 mm. long, short-unguiculate; lamina 
oblong-pandurate or ovate-oblong and constricted toward the middle, the terminal 
lobe rounded, ciliate. 


CHIRIQUÍ: east of Rio Caldera, alt. 2. га., Killip 3567; between Alto de las Palmas 
and top of Cerro de la Horqueta, alt. 2100-2268 m., Pittier 3220, 5730. CANAL ZONE: 
Quebrada Lopez, alt. 30 m., Allen 2 et 

This species has been reduced to Scaphosepalum macrodactylon Rolfe by 
Kranzlin. Kranzlin probably did not see material from Panama. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 81 


LEPANTHES Sw. in Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. 6:85. 1799; in Svensk. Vet-Akad. 

Handl. 21:249. 1800. 

Small repent or caespitose epiphytic herbs. Stems (secondary stems) generally 
unifoliate, with several loose, often ciliate and pubescent, sheaths below. Leaves 
coriaceous. Inflorescence terminal, 1 or few from the base of the leaves, the 
flowers small, often distichous. Sepals subequal, often more or less connate at 
the bases or the laterals connate nearly to their apices. Petals shorter than the 
sepals, bipartite or transversely bilobed, usually short-unguiculate and adnate to 
the column, except L. eximia. Lip bilobed or sometimes trilobed, with the mid- 
lobe small and inconspicuous, adnate to the column, the lobes usually appearing 
as wings. Column short, footless, wingless, dilated at the apex; anther terminal, 
operculate, incumbent; pollinia 2, waxy. 

An easily distinguished genus with many closely allied and poorte defined 

a. Petals simple, not bilobed and transverse 8. L. EXIMIA 
aa. Petals not simple, bilobed and transverse. 
b. Sepals linear-lanceolate, at least 5 times longer than broad................ 7. L. INSECTIFLORA 

bb. Sepals broader than linear-lanceolate, less than 5 times longer than 

c. Anterior lobe > the petal as long ав the dorsal 5 5. L. ROTUNDIFOLIA 
сс. а obe the абл Beet re ve the Mind. x 
d. sal sepal ү than m. lon 
e. езд 3-nerved 6. L. TURIALVAE 
ee. Petals 1-nerved 1. L. CHIRIQUENSIS 
dd. Dorsal sepal 4 mm. long or longer. 
f. Petal 1-nerved; dorsal sepal 14—17 mm. long 4. L. MaxoNm 
ff. Petals 3-(5-)nerved; dorsal вера! 4—8 mm. long. 
в. Dorsal вера! about 4-6 mm. long, ovate 3. L. ЕСПЛАТА 
gg. Dorsal siam about 8 mm. long, Іапсеојасе........................ 2. L. ELATA 

1. LEPANTHES CHIRIQUENSIS Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 17:17. 1922. 
Lepantbes micrantba Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:31. 1923. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 10 cm. tall. Secondary stems slender, 
up to about 8 mm. long. Leaves 1—4 cm. long and 0.3—1.1 cm. broad, variable, 
linear-lanceolate to ovate. Inflorescence few-flowered, shorter than the leaves. 
Dorsal sepal 2-2.5 mm. long and 1.2-1.5 mm. broad, oblong-ovate to lanceolate- 
ovate, acute. Lateral sepals 1.5-2 mm. long and 0.75—1.2 mm. broad, ovate- 
lanceolate, acute, arcuate, sometimes denticulate toward the apex. Petals 0.5-0.7 
mm. long and 2—2.5 mm. broad, transverse, ciliate, the lobes lanceolate to ovate- 
lanceolate. Lip 0.75-1.2 mm. long and 0.75-1 mm. broad, 3-lobed; the lateral 
lobes malleoliform, about 0.75—1.2 mm. long; mid-lobe small, apiculiform, about 
0.2 mm. long. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

RIQUÍ: vicinity of Monte Lirio, valley of upper Río Chiriqui 524 alt. 1300-1900 
m., Seibert 174, 104, 198; "Province of Chiriqui,” alt. 4500 ft., Powell 2 


[Vor. 33 

Lepanthes chiriquensis has been referred to L. Lindleyana Oerst. & Reichb. f. 
as a synonym, which it may be, but the original description and figures of L. 
Lindleyana are either very inaccurate or the species is quite different. 

2. LEPANTHES ELATA Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 90. 1866. 

Rather large, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 6 dm. tall. Secondary stems 
up to 5 dm. long, covered with scarious sheaths which are glabrous or at most 
ciliate. Leaves 3.5-12 cm. long and 1.8-7 cm. broad, lanceolate-ovate to oval, 
acuminate. Inflorescences 1 or more from the axils of each leaf, densely flowered; 
bracts very crowded, ovate-acuminate, infundibuliform. Dorsal sepal about 8 mm. 
long and 3 mm. broad, lanceolate, acuminate. Lateral sepals about 8 mm. long 
and 3 mm. broad, lanceolate, acuminate, somewhat oblique, connate nearly to the 
middle. Petals transverse, about 5 mm. broad; the posterior lobe about 2.5 mm. 
long, oblong-obovate; the anterior lobe about 2.5 mm. long and about 2 mm. 
broad, the lateral lobes malleoliform, the mid-lobe small, apiculiform. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

cHiRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. 6000 ft., Davidson 237. 

3. LEPANTHES ECILIATA Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 12:203. 1913. 

Erect, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 18 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
slender, covered with several sheaths, the mouths of which are eciliate but puberu- 
lous. Leaves 3.5—7.5 cm. long and 0.8—1.8 cm. broad, elliptic or lanceolate, erect, 
attenuated to the base. Inflorescences several, about half as long as the leaves. 
Sepals ovate, ciliate; dorsal sepals about 4—6 mm. long and about 3.5 mm. broad, 
short-acuminate; lateral sepals about 4—5 mm. long and together about 3.5 mm. 
broad, acuminate, oblique, connate to about the middle. Petals about 4 mm. 
broad, transverse, glabrous; anterior lobe oblong, oblique, obtuse; posterior lobe 
narrowly oblong, obtuse, oblique. Lip about 1-1.5 mm. long, bipartite and with 
an apicule in the sinus, lobes semirhombic, obtuse, glabrous. 


cHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. about 1800 m., Davidson 128 in part; Cerro de la Hor- 
queta, alt. 1700 m., Pittier 3173. 

4. LEPANTHES Махомп Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 12:204. 1913. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 15 cm. tall Secondary stems 
up to about 9 cm. long, covered with several pubescent or scabrous infundibuli- 
form bracts. Leaves 3.5—5.5 cm. long and 1.5—2.5 cm. broad, ovate, acuminate, 
apex tridenticulate. Inflorescence distichous, fractiflex, exceeding the leaves; 
flowers large for the genus. Sepals connate at the base; dorsal sepal 14—17 mm. 
long and about 4—5 mm. broad, triangular-lanceolate or lanceolate, long-acuminate; 
lateral sepals connate to the middle or beyond, 12-17 mm. long and together 5-6 
mm. broad, broadly lanceolate, acute or acuminate. Petals transverse, about 3—4 
mm. broad; anterior lobe narrowly oblong to lanceolate, arcuate, acute or obtuse, 
about equal to the posterior lobe in length; posterior lobe narrowly lanceolate, 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 83 

arcuate, acute. Lip about 1 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, bipartite, the lobes sub- 


CHIRIQUÍ: between Alto de las Palmas and Cerro do la Horqueta, alt. 2100-2268 m., 
Maxon 3256; same locality, Pittier 5404 

in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 

275, pl. 31, figs. 0-11. 1940. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs 
up to about 8 cm. tall. Secondary 
stems slender, covered with sheaths 

orbicular-ovate, or even broader than 
long, coriaceous. Inflorescence dis- 
tichous, shorter than the leaves. Dorsal 
sepal about 3 mm. long and 2 mm. 
broad, suborbicular, abruptly acumi- 
nate. Lateral sepals about 2.5 mm. 
long and 2 mm. broad, suborbicular, 
obtuse or acutish, connate ас their 
bases. Petals bipartite; lobes near the 
dorsal sepal longest, about 3.5 mm. 
long and 1 mm. broad, lanceolate, 
acute, oblique; lobes near the lateral 
sepals about 2 mm. long and 0.8 mm. 
broad, lanceolate, acute, oblique. Lip 
bipartite, about 1.5 mm. long and 2 
mm. broad, the lobes malleoliform. 

rth rim, vicinity of El Fig. 95. Lepanthes rotundifolia 
Valle, ale, '800— 1000 m., Allen 1835. 
6. LEPANTHES TURIALVAE Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 3:225. 1855; Xenia Orch. 

1:151, £. 50, figs. V, 15-16. 1855. 

Small epiphytic herbs up to 15 cm. tall. Secondary stems slender, covered 
with sheaths which are usually dark-colored. Leaves 1.5—4.5 cm. long and 0.9—2 
cm. broad, elliptic-oblong to suborbicular, attenuated into a short petiole at the 
base. Sepals lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute; dorsal вера! about 2.5—3.5 mm. 
long and 1.5-2.2 mm. broad; lateral sepals about 2.273 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. 
broad, connate to the middle or beyond. Petals about 0.5-1.5 mm. long and 3-4 
mm. broad, transverse, posterior lobe the larger. Lip about 1-1.5 mm. long and 
1.5-2 mm. broad, trilobate; the lateral lobes large and. peltate or flattened; mid- 
lobe apiculiform. 


[Vor. 33 

Mexico to Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: vicinity of Casita Alta, alt. 1500-2000 m., Woodson, Allen & Seibert 054. 
COCLÉ: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1241; north of El Valle de Antón, 
alt. 800—1000 m., Allen 2265. 

The description is based on Panamanian material only. Lepanthes turialvae, as 
now delimited, is possibly an aggregate of several species. 

7. LEPANTHES INSECTIFLORA C. Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 7:152. 


Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 9 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
slender, 2.5-7.5 cm. long. Leaves up to 2.5 cm. long and 0.9 mm. broad, elliptic- 
oval to subrhombic, apex tridenticulate. Inflorescence several-flowered, shorter 
than the leaves. Sepals about 5 mm. long and 0.5-1 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, 
acuminate. Petals transversely bipartite; posterior lobe about 3 mm. long, sub- 
filiform; anterior lobe about 0.7 mm. long, subovate. Lip about 1 mm. long and 
as broad, suborbicular, deeply emarginate and bilobed, with a minute apicula in 
the sinus. 


CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. about 1800 m., Davidson 185. 

Differs from L. tipulifera Reichb. f. only in having the anterior lobe of the 
petal shorter. Material seen inadequate. 

8. LEPANTHES ЕХІМІА Ames, Sched. Orch. 5:21. 1923. 
Lepanthes abnormis Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:21. 1923. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 6 cm. tall. Secondary stems very 
slender, up to 4 cm. long, covered with infundibuliform sheaths. Leaves 0.6-2 
cm. long, 0.4-0.7 cm. broad, elliptic to oval, acute or obtuse, attenuated to the 
base. Sepals 2-3 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate, acute or 
acuminate, denticulate. Petals 1-1.5 mm. long and 0.2-0.4 mm. broad, linear, 
auriculate on the anterior margin at the base, not transverse. Lip 1-1.4 mm. 
long and 0.6-0.8 mm. broad, oblong to subquadrate, short-unguiculate, retuse 
or emarginate, ecallose. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. about 1800 m., Davidson 186. 

Unusual in having petals which are not transverse. 

22. ACOSTAEA Schltr. 
AcOSTAEA Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 19:283. 1923. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs. Secondary stems very short, unifoliate, 
covered with a loose sheath. Leaves subcoriaceous, attenuated into a petiole at 
the base and with an abscission layer above the one at the apex of the secondary 
stem. Inflorescence terminal, usually one from each stem, few-flowered; flowers 
small. Dorsal вера! broad, cucullate, enclosing the column. Lateral sepals con- 
nate into an oblong, bidentate lamina, longer than the dorsal sepal. Petals small, 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 85 

linear, inserted on the apex of the column-foot, retuse at the apex and with a 
large, auriculate, hood-shaped callus or ligule toward the base. Column arcuate, 
with a broad, membranaceous wing on each side; column-foot elongated, subequal 
to the column; pollinia 2, ceraceous. - 

A small genus of only two species, one Panamanian. Perhaps the most dis- 
tinctive of the Pleurothalloid genera in Central America. 

1. ACOSTAEA CosTARICENSIs Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:284. 1923. 
Very small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 3 cm. tall. Secondary 
stems up to about 1 mm. long. Leaves 9-15 mm. long and 2.5-6 mm. broad, 
obovate-spatulate, obtuse, attenuated into a petiole at the base. Inflorescence up 
to about 3 cm. long, few-flowered; peduncle slender, exceeding the leaves; flowers 
small. Dorsal sepal 2.5-3 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, suborbicular, transverse, 
strongly cucullate, obtuse. Lateral sepals 4-5.5 mm. long and together 2-2.5 mm. 
broad, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, connate nearly to their apices and with the free 
parts acute. Petals 1.5-2 mm. long and 0.3—0.5 mm. broad, ligulate, obtuse or 
acute, falcate. Lip 2-2.5 mm. long and 0.5-1 mm. broad, with а large, thin, 
hood-shaped callus near the base, apex emarginate and the lobules divergent. 
Column arcuate, broadly winged, the wings membranaceous and subquadrate. 
Costa Rica and Panama. 
CLÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. about 1000 m., Allen 2352; trail to Las 

Minas, El Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2892; mountains beyond La Pintada, alt. 
400—600 m., Hunter & Allen 593. 


PLEUROTHALLIs К. Br. in Aiton, Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:211. 1813; Lindl. Folia 

Orch. Pleuroth. 1859. 

Restrepia HBK. ке» E & Sp. Pl. 1:366, #. 94. 1816. 
Kraenzlinella O. Ktz ees & Kuntze, Gen. Phan. 310. 1904. 
Platystele Schltr. in Fedde R p. Sp. Nov. 8:565. 1910. 

Small to medium-sized pue herbs with caespitose or repent primary stems. 
Inflorescence terminal or rarely pseudo-radical. Sepals subequal, erect or spread- 
ing; dorsal sepal free or connate with the lateral sepals for a short distance, apex 
sometimes clavellate; lateral sepals from nearly free to connate to their tips, often 
gibbous at the base. Petals usually shorter and narrower than the sepals, apices 
plain or clavellate. Lip simple or three-lobed, shorter or about as long as, or some- 
times longer than, the petals, often unguiculate. Column about as long or shorter 
than the lip, winged or wingless, produced into a foot, or sometimes footless at the 
base; column-foot, when present, from short to as long as the column. Anther 
terminal, operculate; pollinia 2 or 4, ceraceous. 

Pleurothallis is one of the largest of the New World genera of orchids with 
many diverse forms. The division of the genus most often used is that which 
was proposed by Pfitzer (in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., Nachtrage zu Teil 
II-IV:105. 1897), but that is wholly artificial and quite impossible to use. The 


[Vor. 33 

separations used here are quite as artificial as those of Pfitzer and have nothing to 
recommend them except, as far as the Panamanian species are concerned, they are 
convenient even though they are not absolute. Further, it may cause allied species 
to be widely separated. 

a. Apices of the dorsal sepals or of the vent not clavellat 
b. Sheaths not appressed to the stems, ciliat their mou i: „Series I. LEPANTHIFORMES (p. 86) 
bb. gon usually appressed to the stems, EL mouths always glabrou 
Inflorescence exceeded by the муены чи leaf, 1-flowered, кешік 
or racemose Series П. BRACHYSTACHEAE (p. 86) 

cc. Inflorescence subeq ual to or hing - cea 4 leaf, 
flowered, a fascicle on a long ncle, mose......Series III. је (р. 87) 
аз. Арісев 4 the dorsal se and id vm eer dd ENS Series ГУ. КЕЗТВЕРТАЕ (p. 88) 

Series І. по EPANTHIFORMES.—A small, rather natural group of species 

which are easily m d we loose Vra sheaths; inflorescence 
= айе ог ап «һе ending 
a. Petals not is y nor ха its петље de apex; stems with 1-3 
leaves 1. P. BRoapwayi 

aa. Petals ciliate or ciliate-lacerate toward the apex. 
b. Sepals glandular-pubescent dorsally 
bb. Sepals glabrous and smooth dorsally. 
c. Leaves narrowly elliptic to oval, margins not recurved 



. Lea 
cc. Leaves broadly "e to Беке rar qnibos sphacelate margins 
кин recur 4. Р. ROTUNDATA 
Series П. BRACHYSTACHEAE.—An artificial group which probably has no 

phylogenetic mra but is of value in separating and keying species of this 
ifficult genus. Plants in which the inflorescence is exceeded by the 
subtending leaf. Inflorescence a single flower, a fascicle of flowers, a 
raceme or fascicle of racemes. 
a. oe а fascicle ү” опе to many flowers ас the apex of the 

ы” pec now cordate at the "T mostly bro: 
c. Lip about 6 mm. long; petals 2- to 3- dae ‘flowin relatively 
сс. Lip 4 m. or less long; eng 1-nerved; flowers relatively small. 
d. josh. — or denticu 
e. Base of the lamina of che lip with a transverse E-shaped 
ee. Base of a lamina of the lip without an E-shaped callus. 
‚ Lip st po or iir ый ai gm А n smooth........ . P. TRIANGULABIA 
Lip LL oblong-c Low 8. P. ANTONENSIS 

dd. we -— ci iliate nor den id 
e. Bas the lip with i ы ы arms; petals semi-terete 
above 9. Р. ARIETINA 
ee. Base of the lip without lateral arms; petals not semi-terete. 
f рое of lamina of the lip with a transverse E-shaped 


ff. Base J the lamina of the lip without a transverse E-shaped 
callus 10. P. HOMOLANTHA 
bb. Leaves not Же 26 at the base, usually attenuated. 
c. Secondary stems 25. P. ALPINA 


ec. Muda stems not ged. 
d. Lateral in "те ас a mel above the middle, usually nearly to 


at the base 15. P. TRACHYCHLAMYS 

f. Petals abruptly dilated 
ff. he als not к dilated at the base. 
a small falcate lateral lobes y ^A Val Базе.......... 19. P. UNCINATA 
dd. Pol mith connate to their apices or nearly 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

e. Lip deeply saccate- 

ее. Lip not saccate-concave. 
f. Petals serrulate (or ciliate). 
2 Dorsal sepal bois lip not ^a с к 5.5.) 13; 
. Dorsal sepal мин ж, lip EE elis- 11. 
if Petals entire (sometimes ciliolat 

в. = forming a ee: һы at the base, hispidulous 


55. == not forming a distinct tube at the base, the 
do a. 5. from the laterals, glabrous. | 
echinate 20. 
hh. басе пог егі т 

i Lip about as ped. s long, € me basal lobes...... 14. 

i. Lip longer dam чи; simple t least not with 
е basal lobes 
. Pe ii els of the flowers less than / as long as the 

gn 17, 

jj- Pedicels of the flowers at least half as long as the 
eaves 16. 

aa. Inflorescence а few- to several-flowered raceme. 
. Secondary stems less than half as long as the leaves they bear. 
C. Sep als pube escent within 46. 
се Sepals MES. ithin. 

. Inflorescence a "ad of short racemes, much shorter than 

the subtending 36 

4а. net cal : eds raceme nearly as long as the subtending 

bb. eo stems at least half as long as җе leaves that they bear. 
c. Pet "r s linear or linear- lanceolate, enti 

d. Lip lepidote-verrucose a 28. 
ip not сени slate 42. 

а. T: 

cc. Petals broader than linear or linear-lanceolate (or if not then 
serrulate), entire or serrulate 


Petals very vds ad recurved- -arcuate; denticul 33. 

dd. Mir not stro ved-arcuate; dencieulare or entire. 

Lip broader d Жн base ellip 34. 

ee. к А ос broader th nor transversely Ten 
. Lip with small acral grew r the middle 
g- pope stems with кайс: т wings. 
(Cf. also P. vELATICAULIS 

ch вера! 9-11 mm. long, elliptic-obovate................ 29. 

. Do 
hh. Dorsal вера! 6-6.5 mm. long, elliptic to oblong- 

Е u ond . 30. 
hh. Petals not denticulate, oblong to adi oblanceolate.... 31. 

ff. Lip without lateral он near the mi 
g. Petals not serru lat 
h. Lip with erect ruses near the middle; petals oblong 
to oblong- ames. < 

oblon cbe to su ubr ho 
gg. Petals а at least 
h. Lateral sepals connate to » i apices; petals elliptic to 

hh. а макту: ree for at least № their length; petals 
broader than elliptic or spines зак 
^ Petals oblong-oblanceolat 27. 
шегі subrhombic-obova "№. 
бегіев "d ELON eries of species not = eei е” allied 
but ing the 2.2 босса іп common. Plant apris the 
Sci exceeds the subtending leaves in length. Inflo orescence a sin- 
le-fl d to a many-flowered raceme or a fascicle of flowers on an 

elongated peduncle. 
a. Inflorescence a 1- to several-flowered fascicle on a long peduncle. 

















25. P. ALPINA 



hh. Lip without erect pens near the middle; petals 
n ond 32. P. GELIDA 



[Vor. 33 


b. Lateral lobes of the ҰЗ erect; lamina with a pair of parallel lamellate 
calluses near the mi 23 

bb. Lateral ad of the гк if present, not erect; lamina without par- 
allel lamellate calluses. 

с. Pedunc e puberulent 24. 

с. Peduncle след 5% 
aa. Inflorescence a 
Ь. Peduncle бга and win 

с. ap of the lip p or retuse 50. 
pex of the lip 49. 

bb. [S eh not ме nor winged. 
c. Lateral sepals free nearly to Si bases, at least not connate to 
nea middle. 

r the 

d. rrii ary muricate 51. 

dd. Ovary not muricate. 
e. Disc of the lip with 3 prominent longitudinal callus 
ee. Disc of the lip without prominent longitudinal «кек 


f. Sepals 10 mm. or more long 52. 


ff. hag 19 mm. or les 

s long. 
tals fimbriate or мел са 41. 

s above. 
. Lip narrowly oblong; pem Mee acuminate 39. 

ip ovate; Dod sepals acu obtuse 37 
cc. Lateral sepals connate to about the middle « or usually to near their 

d. Secondaty stems less than half as long as the leaves they bear. 
e. Ovary 40 

мә CV v 








echinate . P. РОЕСИ var 
ee. Ovary not echinate. MEN 
f. Petals fimbriate or д рен -fimbriate 41. P. ARISTATA 
ff. Petals not fimbriate nor r lacerate-fimbriate, 
Ж T4 3- lobed; sepals pubescent with 46. P. SEGOVIENSIS 
imple; se glabrous eb, 38. P. Сковут 
dd. р stems at. is half ei long as the leaves they bear. 
e. Petals linear or anceolat ‚ 42. P. PRUINOSA 

ee. Petals not linear nor linear- теке T either lanceolate or 
oblong or broader. 
f. Petals truncate 4 


als pubescent within 46 
gg. Sepals glabrous — 
Lateral sepals 5-9 mm. long. 
1. m als alliptic- бм to ovate-lanceolate, 6-8.5 
ong 47 
г жені oblong-obovate to subrhombic, 2.5-3.5 mm. 
long 3 

hh. Lateral sepals 12-25 mm. lon 

erect basal sien or lobes; petals ver- 
rucose at the apex 

к ғғ. basal auricles or lobes; petals not ver- 
Series ТУ. ResrREPIAE.—AÀA 42. cnin group of species mainly distin- 
guished by th poete vn ке of the хун sepal and the petals. 

Sheaths of yw sec usually maculat 
a. Disc of the te an par rad ew lip verrucose; VM NN more than 

half as long as the lea 
b. iei wich a short y PRO appendage on the anterior side just 



bb. Pedicel idunt pend 
aa. Disc of the янги с hes of the lip not verrucose; inflorescence less 
than half as long as the lea 






. Р. PowEerrn 




1. PLEUROTHALLIs BRoADwAYI Ames, Orch. 2:267. 1908; С. Schweinf. in Bot. 

Mus. Leaf. Harv. Univ. 8:41. 1940. 

Pleurothallis Williamsii Ames, Orch. 7:120. 1922; Sched. mpr 7:31, 
Pleurothallis Broadwayi var. tricarinata C. Schweinf. loc. cit 


t. 15. 1924. 

FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 89 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs 
up to about 15 cm. tall. Secondary 
stems up to about 6 cm. long, slen- 
der, bearing 1-3 leaves. Inflorescence 
exceeding the leaves; peduncle sub- 
filiform, rachis somewhat fractiflex. 
Leaves 0.6—1.6 cm. long and 0.3—0.8 
cm. broad, elliptic-oval to obovate, 
obtuse, short-petiolate. Dorsal sepal 
3.5-6 mm. long and 1.2-2 mm. 
broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 
acute or acuminate, somewhat cucul- 
late. Lateral sepals 3—5.5 mm. long 
and 0.6—1.2 mm. broad, free almost 
to the base, lanceolate, acute or 

acuminate, oblique. Petals 1.1—1.5 
mm. long and 0.6-0.8 mm. broad, 

oval to obovate, obtuse, slightly ob- 
lique, short-clawed. Lip 1-2 mm. 

Fig. 96. Pleurothallis Broadwayi 

long and 0.7-1.1 mm. broad, ellip- 
tic-ovate, obtuse, sometimes obscurely trilobate, the lamina bi-tricarinate, papilli- 
ferous, the apex thickened. 

Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, and the West Indies. 

DARIEN: Cana and vicinity, alt. about 600—1950 m., Williams 976. 

2. PLEUROTHALLIS GNOMONIFERA Ames, Sched. Orch. 6:61. 1923. 
Pleurothallis brevis Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:183. 1923. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 12 cm. tall. Secondary stems up to 
about 8 cm. long, covered with infundibuliform, hispidulous sheaths. Leaves 
1.4-4.5 cm. long and 0.6-2 cm. broad, elliptic to ovate, acute or obtuse, coriaceous, 
attenuated into a short petiole at the base. Inflorescence one to several racemes 
from the axil of the leaf, usually less than half as long as the leaves, few-flowered. 
Sepals glandular-pubescent dorsally; dorsal вера! about 3-4 mm. long and 1 mm. 
broad, oblong-lanceolate, acute or obtuse; lateral sepals 3-4 mm. long and together 
2.5-3 mm. broad, connate at the base or as far as the middle, free parts oblong, 
obtuse. Petals about 1.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad, oblong, obtuse, ciliate or 
lacerate at the apex. Lip 1.6-2 mm. long and 0.5-0.6 mm. broad, narrowly ob- 
long, obtuse, subpandurate, biauriculate at the base, with a small submammillate 
callus near the base of the disc. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

cHIRIQUÍ: Cerro Punta to headwaters of the Rio Caldera, alt. 2250-2500 m., Allen 
1466; Cerro Horqueta, alt. 1500-1800 m., Powell 311. 


[Vor. -33 


Am. Acad. 23:284. 1888. 
Pleurothallis peraltensis Ames, Sched. Orch. 6:65. 

1923; loc. cit. 7: f. II, figs. 1-5. 1924. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 
15 cm. tall. Secondary stems up to 10 cm. long, 
covered with several more or less pubescent, 
loose sheaths which disintegrate with age. Leaves 
2—6.5 cm. long and 0.4—2 cm. broad, narrowly 
elliptic to oval, acute or obtuse, coriaceous, at- 
tenuated into a short petiole at the base. In- 
florescence a raceme or fascicle of racemes, short, 
usually less than half as long as the leaves, few- 
flowered. Dorsal sepal 4-6 mm. long and 1.5-2 
mm. broad, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 
acute, usually eciliate. Lateral sepals 4-6 mm. 
long and together 2.5-3 mm. broad, connate at 
the bases or nearly to the middle, free portions 
oblong-lanceolate, acute or obtuse, usually ciliate 
toward the base on the outer side. Petals 2-2.5 
mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, oblong, obtuse, 
apical part ciliate or fimbriate. Lip 2.5-3 mm. 
long and 0.75-1 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate 
or oblong-pandurate, obtuse, ciliate, auriculate at 
the base, short-unguiculate. 
Fig. 97. Pleurothallis Blaisdellii Mexico, British Honduras, Honduras, Costa 

Rica, and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. about 1800 m., Davidson 160; “Chiriquí Province,” alt. 
about 1200 m., Powell 424. 
4. PLEUROTHALLIs ROTUNDATA С. Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Нагу. Univ. 

4.113. 1937. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 13 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
up to about 9 cm. long, slender, covered with several hispid, infundibuliform 
sheaths. Leaves 2.5-4.5 cm. long and 2-3.7 cm. broad, broadly oval to sub- 
orbicular-ovate, obtuse, with a very short petiole, the margins sphacelate and 
rolled toward the dorsal surface. Inflorescence a fascicle of 1(—few?) -flowered 
racemes, shorter than the leaves. Dorsal вера! 4.5-5.5 mm. long and 1.5-2.1 mm. 
broad, lanceolate, acute or acuminate, ciliate or eciliate. Lateral sepals about 5 
mm. long and together 2.5—3 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate, connate to about the 
middle, free apices fleshy-thickened, ciliate laterally toward the base and near the 
sinus within. Petals about 1.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, oblong or oblong- 
obovate, obtuse, the apex ciliate-lacerate. Lip 2.5-3 mm. long and 0.8-1 mm. 
broad, lanceolate to ligulate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, ciliolate, short- 



FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

Endemic to Panama. 

COCLE: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1242; north rim of El Valle de 
Anton, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1676; hills north of El Valle de Anton, alt. about 1000 
m., Allen 2206, 2259; mountains beyond La Pintada, alt. 400-600 m., Hunter 9 Allen 

Fig. 98. Pleurothallis cardiochila 

5. PLEUROTHALLIS CARDIOCHILA L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29:343. 


Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 21 cm. tall. Secondary stems up 
to about 11 cm. long, slender, with 1-2 loose chartaceous sheaths toward the base, 
naked above. Leaves 9-10 cm. long and 3.6-3.9 cm. broad, lanceolate-cordate, 
acuminate, coriaceous. Inflorescence а 1(—few?)-flowered fascicle subtended by 
а chartaceous sheath about 1-1.5 cm. long, much shorter than the leaves. Flowers 
very large for the group, yellowish with the dorsal sepal tinged with dark red, lip 


[Vor. 33 

deep orange. Dorsal sepal about 20 mm. long and 12.5 mm. broad, oblong-oval, 
obtuse, with 7—9 principal nerves, strongly cucullate. Lateral sepals connate to 
their apices, about 18 mm. long and 10 mm. broad, ovate, acute, with 7-9 prin- 
cipal nerves. Petals about 13 mm. long and 2.5 mm. broad, linear-oblong, acute, 
arcuate, subauriculate on the posterior margin at the base, entire, 3-nerved at the 
base, the posterior nerve short, the anterior nerve branched near the base, hence 
the apical part of the petal’ 3-nerved. Lip unguiculate; lamina about 6 mm. long 
and 5.5 mm. broad, suborbicular-cordate, obtuse, callus thickened along the basal 
sinus and below the subapiculate apex, 3-nerved; claw about 2 mm. long, oblong. 
Endemic in Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. about 1800 m., Davidson 119. 

Pleurothallis cardiochila is most closely allied to P. palliolata Ames, from which 
it is distinguished by the suborbicular-cordate lip and the 3-nerved, entire petals. 

6. PLEUROTHALLIS RHODOGLOSSA Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:22. 


Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 2 dm. tall. Secondary stems up 
to about 13 cm. long, slender, with 1-2 sheaths at the base, otherwise naked. 
Leaves 4-7 cm. long and 2.2-4 cm. broad, broadly ovate-cordate, acute or acumi- 
nate, coriaceous. Flowers rather small, greenish with a purple lip. Dorsal sepal 
about 3.5—4 mm. long and 1.8-2.2 mm. broad, oblong-obovate, obtuse, 3-nerved. 
Lateral sepals about 3 mm. long and 3 mm. broad, orbicular, connate to the apices. 
Petals about 2-2.5 mm. long and 0.5-0.7 mm. broad, linear-ligulate, acute, slight- 
ly arcuate, obscurely denticulate (ciliolate, fide Schltr.). Lip about 1.4-1.7 mm. 
long and 1.1-1.3 mm. broad, cordate or narrowly cordate, obtuse; lamina fleshy 
and with a transverse E-shaped callus toward the base (open part of the "E" 
toward the base). 

HIRIQUÍ: "Province of Chiriqui," alt. m., Powell 182. (Schlechter i in his de- 
Sube cites Powell 182 but gives the alien as “Auf Hiigeln bei Panama-city”). 

Two specimens of this have been seen. The one in the Ames Herbarium gives 
the data cited above. The specimen in the Herbarium of the Missouri Botanical 
Garden bears the data given by Schlechter. The Chiriqui locality is doubtless 

7. PLEUROTHALLIS TRIANGULABIA C. Schweinf. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard, 
24:183. 1937. 

" Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 4 dm. tall. Secondary stems up to 
about 3 dm. long, slender, with loose sheaths which soon disintegrate. Leaves 
3.5-12 cm. long and 1.3-6 cm. broad, oblong-cordate to ovate-cordate, acuminate, 
coriaceous. Inflorescence a 1- to few-flowered fascicle, the flowers rather large. 
Dorsal sepal 9-12 mm. long and 6-9 mm. broad, oblong-ovate to oval, acute or 
obtuse, larger than the combined laterals. Lateral sepals 9-12.5 mm. long and 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 93 

together 5-8 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate to broadly ovate, acute or obtuse, con- 
nate to their tips. Petals 6-8 mm. long and 1.5-2.1 mm. broad, elliptic-linear, 
acute, ciliate to lacerate-dentate, arcuate. Lip 3.2-4 mm. long and 3-4 mm. 
broad, triangular to triangular-subquadrate, surface verrucose, base truncate with 
a submammillate callus in the middle with cavities on either side. 
Costa Rica and Panama. 

IRIQUÍ: Cerro Punta to headwaters of the Rio Caldera, alt. 2250-2500 m., Allen 
ту m us of the upper d Chiriquí Viejo, alt. 1300—1900 m., Seibert 269; Bajo 
Chorro, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 223. 

8. PLEUROTHALLIS ANTONENSIS L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29:341. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 3 dm. tall. Secondary stems slender, 
with one or two scarious sheaths at the base, naked above. Leaves 4—9 cm. long 
and 1.5—4.7 cm. broad, lanceolate-cordate to broadly cordate (juvenile leaves 
elliptic), acute or acuminate, coriaceous. Inflorescence a 1- to several-flowered 
fascicle from the apex of the secondary stems, much shorter than the subtending 
leaves. Dorsal берг! 6-7.5 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, elliptic-obovate, obtuse 
or acute, 3-nerved. Lateral sepals connate to their apices, 5.5—7 mm. long and 
4-5 mm. broad, ovate to broadly ovate, obtuse or acute, 6-nerved. Petals 3.8—4.5 
mm. long and 0.6-1 mm. broad, linear-oblong, acute, serrulate, strongly arcuate, 
1-пегуед. Lip unguiculate; lamina 2.5—3 mm. long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, cordate 
to oblong-cordate, denticulate, fleshy, the surface obscurely verrucose or smooth, 
with a small central cavity near the base; claw short. 

Endemic іп Panama. 

LÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. about 1000 m., Allen 2156; same rons 
Pring pe^ 2267, 2701; mountains beyond La Pintada, alt. about 400—600 m., Hunte 
& Allen 504. 

Specimens of Pleurothallis antonensis have been referred to Р. phyllocardia 

Reichb. f., a rather obscure and poorly described species. 

9. PLEUROTHALLIS ARIETINA Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:16. 1923; loc. cit. 7: £. 16. 


Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to 3.5 dm. tall. Secondary stems up to 2.5 dm. 
long, slender, ancipitous or winged, at least when dry, with one or more basal 
sheaths, naked above. Leaves 6—13 cm. long and 1.5—3.5 cm. broad, lanceolate 
to ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, cordate at the base when mature, coria- 
ceous. Inflorescence a fascicle of 1—several, rather long-pedicellate flowers, shorter 
than the leaves. Dorsal вера! 9-10 mm. long and 2.5—4 mm. broad, oblong to 
oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, cucullate, fleshy. Lateral sepals 9—10 mm. long and 
together 2-4 mm. broad, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, cucullate, fleshy, 
connate to their apices. Petals 7-10 mm. long and 1.4—1.8 mm. broad, linear- 
oblong or linear-lanceolate, obtuse, attenuated into a thin claw at the base, the 
apical half semi-terete. Lip 1.5—2.5 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad when expanded, 
triangular-crescentiform and with two linear-lanceolate arms at the base, the 


[Vor. 33 






N \ ы 
N N 

Pleurothallis arietina 

Fig. 99. 


19461 i 
FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 95 

whole when spread out suggesting a ram’s head. 
Costa Rica and Panama. 
IRIQUÍ: Cerro Horqueta, alt. 1500—1660 m., Powell 288. состЕ: mountains be- 
кеі ‘La Pintada, alt. 400-600 m., Hunter 9 Allen 505. 
10. PLEUROTHALLIS HOMOLANTHA Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:106. 

Pleurothallis nemorum Schltr. loc. cit. 191. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 3.5 dm. tall. Secondary stems 
up to about 23 cm. long, slender, with one or more sheaths toward the base, naked 
above. Leaves 3.5-10 cm. long and 0.9-3.5 mm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate to 
ovate, cordate at the base, acute or acuminate. Inflorescence a fascicle of 1—few 
flowers, much shorter than the leaves. Dorsal вера! 6-10 mm. long and 3-4.5 
mm. broad, elliptic-oblong to elliptic-obovate, acute. Lateral sepals connate to 
their apices, 6-10 mm. long and 3,5-6 mm. broad, lanceolate-ovate to ovate, 
acute, somewhat cucullate. Petals 3.5-5 mm. long and 0.5-1 mm. broad, elliptic- 
linear, acute, arcuate, glabrous. Lip unguiculate; lamina 2-3.5 mm. long and 
1.5-3 mm. broad, oblong-cordate, obtuse (rarely acutish), fleshy. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

HIRIQUÍ: valley of the upper Río Chiriquí Viejo, White t$ White 80. сосіЁ: El 
Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1236. 
11. PLEUROTHALLIS SIMULANS L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:281, 

pl. 33, figs. 8-10. 1940. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 10 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
2.5—6 cm. long, slender, usually a little longer than the leaves, with one or two 
sheathing bracts at the base. Leaves 3-5 cm. long and 0.5—0.8 cm. broad, ligulate 
to elliptic-oblanceolate, obtuse, coriaceous, submarginate. Inflorescence 1-flowered 
or а few-flowered fascicle, shorter than the subtending leaf. Dorsal вера! about 
10 mm. long and 3.5—4 mm. broad, lanceolate, acuminate. Lateral sepals connate 
to their apices, about 10 mm. long and 4.5—5 mm. broad, broadly lanceolate, 
acuminate. Petals 5-6 mm. long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, broadly elliptic to sub- 
rhombic, acute or acuminate, lacerate-ciliate nearly to the base. Lip 3—3.5 mm. 
long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, simple, subcordate in outline, acuminate, the anterior 
margin somewhat serrulate, the disc covered with a thick callus simulating that 
found in species of Stelis; the callus with an anterior rim, an inconspicuous de- 
pression toward its apex and sharply declined to the attachment of the lip. 


coc north rim of El Valle de Antón, Allen 1912; trail to Las Minas, hills north 
of El Valle de Antón, Allen 2 

An interesting and conspicuous species of Pleurothallis because of the unusual 
structure of the lip. 


[Vor. 33 


Fig. 100. Pleurothallis simulans 

12. PLEUROTHALLIS CONCAVIFLORA C. Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ 
4:114. 1937; L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28:416. 1941. 
Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 11 cm. tall. Secondary stems 

up to about 7 cm. long, slender. Leaves 2.5-4 cm. long and 0.7-1.5 cm. broad, 
elliptic-oblong, obtuse or acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence a fascicle of 1- to 
several-flowered peduncles. Sepals obscurely puberulent or glabrous within. Dorsal 

sepal 4-5 mm. long and 2.5-3.3 mm. broad, oblong-ovate to oblong-obovate, 
acute or obtuse, cucullate, fleshy. Lateral sepals connate to their apices, about 
4.5 mm. long and 4-5 mm. broad, ovate-suborbicular to suborbicular, cucullate, 
obtuse or acute. Petals 1.7-2.5 mm. long and 0.6-0.9 mm. broad, linear-oblong 
со elliptic-oblong, acute or obtuse. Lip 2-2.5 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. deep, 
3-lobed or at least the base produced into prominent retrorse auricles, saccate- 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 97 

concave, apiculate at the apex; lateral lobes or auricles retrorse or erect, triangular- 

lanceolate; the disc with a callus connecting the bases of the lobes or auricles. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

COCLÉ: vicinity of El Valle de Antón, alt. about 600 m., Allen 2058; vicinity of La 
Mesa, alt. about 1000 m., Allen 2317. 

This species seems to differ from P. excavata Schltr. only in having slightly 
smaller flowers. Мо material of P. excavata is available for study. The types of 
the two units are from the same locality in Costa Rica. 

13. PLEUROTHALLIS COBRAEFORMIS L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:277, 
pl. 34, figs. 7-14. 1940. | 
Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 13 cm. tall. Secondary stems 

mostly up to 4-6 cm. long, slender, subequal to the leaves or a little longer. 

Fig. 101. Pleurothallis cobraeformis 


[Vor. 33 

Leaves 4-6 cm. long and 0.8-1.1 cm. broad when mature, obtuse or acute, fleshy. 
Inflorescence a 1- to several-flowered fascicle (or possibly an abbreviated raceme?), 
much shorter than the leaves. Dorsal вера! 8-10 mm. long and 7-9 mm. broad, 
suborbicular, subacute, strongly cucullate. Lateral sepals connate to their apices, 
about 6-7 mm. long and 4.5-5 mm. broad, broadly oval. Petals 4-6 mm. long 
and 1.2-2.5 mm. broad, elliptic, acute, arcuate, dentate-ciliate. Lip about 3.5 
mm. long and as broad, short-clawed; lamina apiculate, broadly cordate, fleshy, 

Fig. 102. Pleurothallis Allenii 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 99 

sharply deflexed, the basal auricles rounded. 


COCLÉ: vicinity of El Valle de Antón, alt. about 600 m., Allen 2057. 

14. PLEUROTHALLIs ALLENI Г. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:275, pl. 

33, figs. 5-7. 1940 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 15 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
3-6 cm. long, slender, shorter than the leaves, with one or two sheaths at the 
base. Leaves 5-9 cm. long and 0.3—0.6 cm. broad, ligulate to linear-ligulate, 
obtuse or tridentate, coriaceous. Inflorescence a 1- to several-flowered fascicle, 
shorter than the leaves, the flowers large for the size of the plant. Dorsal sepal 
about 15 mm. long and 4 mm. broad, lanceolate, long attenutate-acuminate. 
Lateral sepals connate nearly to their apices, about 15 mm. long and together 
about 5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute. Petals about 12 mm. long and 3 mm. 
broad, lanceolate, acute or acuminate, slightly oblique. Lip about 4 mm. long 
and as broad, 3-lobed; the lateral lobes erect, about 1.25 mm. long and 1 mm. 
broad, broadly oblong, the apices rounded; the mid-lobe about 2 mm. long and 
1.5 mm. broad at the base, narrowly triangular, acute; disc very fleshy, with a 
tripartite raised callus near the middle, and the mid-lobe covered with echinulate 


OCLÉ: vicinity of El Valle de Antón, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1240; vicinity of 
La n alt. about 1000 m., Allen 2338. 
15. PLEUROTHALLIS TRACHYCHLAMYS Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 17:23. 

1922; Ames, Sched. Orch. 7:31, #. 10. 1924. 

Small, repent, epiphytic herbs. Secondary stems up to about 6 cm. long, 
covered with scarious sheaths which are scurfy or at least verrucose. Leaves 4.5—7 
cm. long and 0.4-1 cm. broad, elliptic to lanceolate, acute. Inflorescence a 1- to 
few-flowered fascicle. Dorsal sepal 4-5 mm. long and 1.5—1.8 mm. broad, ovate 
or oblong-lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 4-5 mm. long and about 1.5 mm. 
broad, free to the bases, oblong-lanceolate, acute. Petals about 4 mm. long and 
1.5 mm. broad, lanceolate and abruptly expanded near the bases. Lip about 2 
mm. long and 1 mm. broad, oblong-oval, obtuse, with 2 small, erect, lateral lobes 
near the middle, with a small callus at the base. 

Costa Rica (?), Panama, and dubiously in Peru. 

PANAMÁ: foothills east of Panama City, Powell 215. 

16. PLEUROTHALLIS EUMECOCAULON Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 

19:187. 1923; L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:277. 1940. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 2 dm. tall Secondary stems 
slender, strict, with one or two sheaths. Leaves 2.5-7.5 cm. long and 0.4-1.3 
cm. broad, linear, elliptic or usually lagceolate, acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence 
a fascicle of long (2-3 cm.) -pedicellate flowers; one or more short, scarious bracts 


(Моб 33 

at the base. Dorsal sepal 5-7 mm. long and 2.5—3.5 mm. broad, lanceolate to 
ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, cucullate. Lateral sepals connate to their 
apices, 4.5-5.5 mm. long and 2.5-3.5 mm. broad, broadly lanceolate to ovate- 
lanceolate, obtuse or acute, fleshy. Petals 4.5-5 mm. long and about 1-1.5 mm. 
broad, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate, papilliferous, the acumination 
subterete. Lip 3-3.5 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, papilliferous to subciliate, 
lanceolate to oblong-ovate, acute, truncate at the base, slightly constricted above 
the middle, fleshy, with a small V-shaped excavation above the middle and with 
3 raised lines on the dorsal surface. 

COCLE: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1237; hills north of El Valle de 
Antón in the vicinity of La Mesa, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2 2330. 
17. PLEUROTHALLIs RUSCIFOLIA (Jacq.) К. Br. in Aiton, Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:211. 

1813; Ames in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 192. р. 5. 1933. 
Epidendrum ruscifolium Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. 29. 176 
Dendrobium ruscifolium Sw. in Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsala 6:84. 1799. 
Pleurothallis glomerata Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:21. 1923; loc. cit. 7: f. 10. 1924. 

Caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 5 dm. tall but usually much smaller. 
Secondary stems up to about 4 dm. long, slender. Leaves 4-20 cm. long and 1-5 
cm. broad, linear-lanceolate to elliptic to lanceolate-ovate, acute or acuminate, 
contracted into a short cucullate petiole at the base. Inflorescence a 1- to many- 
flowered fascicle. Dorsal sepal 6-10 mm. long and 1.3-3 mm. broad, narrowly 
to broadly lanceolate, cucullate. Lateral sepals 6-10 mm. long and together 
2.5-3 mm. broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, cucullate, acuminate, connate to 
their apices. Petals 4-8 mm. long and 0.31 mm. broad, subfiliform to narrowly 
lanceolate, acute. Lip 1.5-2 mm. long and about 1.2-1.4 mm. broad, ovate to 
oblong-cordate or ovate-cordate, acute or acuminate. 

Costa Rica and Panama, the West Indies, and South America. Reported from 
Guatemala and Salvador. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo coe alt. 1800 m., Davidson 262. cocré: hills north of El Valle 

de Antón, alt. 800-1000 m., Allen 2260; trail to Las Minas, hills north of El Valle de 
Anton, alt. 1000 m., proe 

This variable and widespread species is the generic type of Pleurothallis. 

18. PLEUROTHALLIS OCTOMERIAE Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:21. 
Pleurothallis cerea Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:19. 1923; loc. cit. 7:26, fig. 4 and 1. 8. 1924. 

Erect, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 5 dm. tall. Secondary stems up 
to about 3 dm. long and 0.4 cm. in diameter, covered with closely appressed 
sheaths which may be scurfy, the sheaths disintegrating with age. Leaves 4—20 
cm. long and 0.8-6 cm. broad, narrowly elliptic to broadly lanceolate, acute or 
obtuse, coriaceous. Inflorescence a few- to many-flowered fascicle. Dorsal sepal 
5.5-8 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse. 
Lateral sepals 4.5-7 mm. long and 2-2.8 mm. broad, broadly lanceolate, obtuse 



FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 


Fig. 103. Pleurothallis ruscifolia 


101 ` 

| [Vor. 33 

or acute, usually arcuate, connate at the base and forming a short mentum. Petals 
4-8 mm. long and 1.5-2.2 mm. broad, lanceolate, obtuse or acute, somewhat 
arcuate. Lip 2-3 mm. long and 0.8—1.3 mm. broad, oblong to oblong-ovate, 
obtuse, short-clawed, with 2 submarginal, elongated, sublamellate calluses which 
are about as long as the lip. 

Costa Rica and Panama; possibly also Honduras. 

IRIQUÍ: e of Chiriqui,” Powell 252, 3432. COCLÉ: hills north of El Valle 

de рее alt. 1000 m., Allen 2710. РАМАМА: hills above Campana, alt. 600-800 m., 
Allen 1881. 

Allen 2719 consists of a fine series of plants which show that P. cerea is only 
a robust phase of P. octomeriae. 

19. PLEUROTHALLIS UNCINATA Fawc. in Jour. Bot. 33:12. 1895; Fawc. & 
Rendle, Fl. Jam. 1:63, Ё. 10. 1910; C. Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. 
Univ. 7:151. 1939. 

Pleurotballis Alexandrae Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:103. 1923. 

Tall, rather coarse, subcaespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 5.5 dm. tall. Secondary 
stems up to about 3.5 dm. long, covered with several loose, ancipitous, chartaceous 
sheaths which soon disintegrate. Leaves 8-22 cm. long and 1-5 cm. broad, linear- 
elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence a 1- to few-flowered 
fascicle with the flowers on long pedicels. Dorsal sepal 10-20 mm. long and 4-6 
mm. broad, linear-oblanceolate to oblong, acute or obtuse, puberulent dorsally. 
Lateral sepals 12-20 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate to oblong- 
lanceolate, acute, puberulent on both sides. Petals 5-9 mm. long and 1.3-2.5 
mm. broad, oblanceolate, acuminate, denticulate above, 3-nerved. Lip 6-8 mm. 
long and 2.5-3 mm. broad, oblong-ovate, usually subpandurate, obtuse, with two 
narrow, falcate lateral lobes above the base, typically with thick calluses near the 
base of the lateral lobes and without a retrorse callus at the base. (Cf. note below.) 

Costa Rica, Panama, and the West Indies. 

осі: Boquete, alt. about 1800 m., Davidson 220 (sterile specimen). СОСІ.Е: 
Valle ys pé RA about 800 m., Cope s. 

Schweinfurth, loc. cit., has reduced P. Alexandrae Schltr. to P. uncinata with- 
out comment. Adequate material may prove that it is distinct and that the Cope 
specimen should be referred there. Тһе lip on the Cope specimen is relatively 
small, has a prominent retrorse callus at the base (which typical P. uncinata lacks), 
and is membranaceous at the base of the side lobes (while in P. uncinata a large 
callus is situated at the base of each of the side lobes). 

20. PLEUROTHALLIS TRIBULOIDES (Sw.) Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. РІ. 6. 1930. 

Epidendrum tribuloides Sw. Nov. Сеп. & Sp. РІ. Do "dd 1788. 
Pleurotballis fallax Reichb. f. in B Е: 3:224. 
Cryptophoranthus acaulis Kranzl. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 34:232. 1925. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 8 cm. tall. Secondary stems about 1 


FLORA ОЕ PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 103 

cm. long, covered with loose, chartaceous bracts, slender. Leaves 2-7 cm. long 
and 0.4-1.4 cm. broad, narrowly to broadly oblanceolate, obtuse, attenuated into 
a petiole ас the base, coriaceous. Inflorescence a fascicle of 1—few brick-red flow- 
ers. Dorsal вера! 5-7 mm. long and 2-2.2 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate or oblong- 
oblanceolate, acute, papilliferous, constricted just above the base. Lateral sepals 
often connate to their apices, 4.5-7.5 mm. long and about 3 mm. broad, oblong or 
oblong-lanceolate, acute, cucullate, papilliferous. Petals 2.5-3 mm. long and 
1.2-1.4 mm. broad, oblong-oblanceolate, oblique, lobulate, acute, fleshy especially 
toward the apex. Lip 2.5-3 mm. long and 0.7-1.5 mm. broad, oblong or oblong- 
lanceolate, lobulate below the middle, obscurely ciliate toward the apex. Capsule 
echinate. | 
Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, and 
the West Indies. 
CHIRIQUÍ: banks of Caldera River, alt. 1360 m., Powell 237, 3376. 
21. PLEUROTHALLIs HISPIDA L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:277, pl. 33, 
figs. I-4. 
Ни Powellii Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:8. 1925, non Pleurothallis Powellii 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up 
to about 5 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
0.5-2 mm. long, shorter than the leaves, 
with 2 or 3 cauline bracts, the upper 
infundibuliform, maculate with maroon 
dots and hispid at least along the angles. 
Leaves 1—3.5 cm. long and 0.3—1.3 mm. 
broad, narrowly elliptic to elliptic-oval, 
obtuse, coriaceous, margins hispid or his- 
pidulous. Inflorescence a one- to few- 
flowered fascicle. Dorsal sepal connate 
with the laterals for half its length, 5—6 
mm. long, lanceolate, acute, hispidulous 
dorsally. Lateral sepals about 6 mm. 
long and together about 6 mm. broad, 
connate to their tips, strongly cucullate, 
in natural position calceolate, carinate, 
hispidulous dorsally and papillose with- 
in. Petals about 4 mm. long and 1 mm. 
broad, linear-oblong, the apex obliquely 
truncate and acute. Lip about 3 mm. 

long and 1.5 mm. broad, unguiculate; 
Fig. 104. Pleurothallis hispida lamina oblong-lanceolate, with a lamel- 
late callus extending from each lateral 



[Vor. 33 

angle toward the apex and with a mammillate callus at the junction of the lamina 
and the claw, apical margins entire or denticulate; claw about 0.5 mm. long, 
minutely biauriculate at the base. 
Endemic in Panama. 
cocLÉ: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 782, 1243. PANAMA: San 
Juan, Powell 278. 
22. PLEUROTHALLIs BricHaMu S. Wats. in Proc. Am. Acad. 23:285. 1888; 
Ames, Sched. Orch. 7:19, £. у. 1924. 

Pleurothallis barboselloides Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 17:18. 1922; loc. cit. 
59: 1. 20, fig. ІІ 

Pleurothallis periodica Ames, loc. cit. 7:21, t. 4. 
Қ... acrisepala Ames & Schweinf. Sched. Orch. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 12 cm. 
tall. Secondary stems up to about 6 mm. long, 
very short and inconspicuous, enclosed by sheaths. 
Leaves 1.8-9 cm. long and 0.3-1.2 cm. broad, 
oblanceolate to linear-oblanceolate, obtuse or acute, 
attenuated to the base, coriaceous. Inflorescence 
a 1- to several-flowered fascicle borne on a long 
slender peduncle, up to 12 cm. long, subequal to 
or exceeding the leaves. Flowers small, opening 
one at a time. Sepals connate for a short distance 
at the base; dorsal вера! 6-10 mm. long and 1.2-3 
mm. broad, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse 
to acuminate. Lateral sepals 6-9 mm. long and 
together 3-4.5 mm. broad, oblong to oblong- 
ovate, connate to the middle or beyond, acute. 
Petals 2-3.5 mm. long and 0.75-1.7 mm. broad, 
obliquely spatulate to obliquely oval, the anterior 
margin produced, acute or acuminate. Lip 2.1-4 
mm. long and 0,8-2 mm. broad, oblong-ligulate 
to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, the apex ciliate or 
denticulate, with an auriculate lateral lobe on 

Fig. 105. Pleurothallis Brighamit either side near the base of the lamina, claw with 

a prominent callus. 
A not uncommon plant at low elevations from Guatemala to Panama. 

AS DEL TORO: without locality, Wedel 185; Isla Colón, Wedel 486. CANAL ZONE: 
dacs Cond, Island, Kenoyer 256, Sbattuck 205, 567; drowned forest between Tumba 
Vieja and Salamanca, Steyermark & Allen 16750; Salamanca Hydrographic Station, Wood- 
son, Allen & Seibert 1585; hills east of or near Panama City, alt. near sea- ris Powell 
02, 219; Gatün Lake, Powell 275. DARIÉN: vicinity of El Real, alt. about 1 , Allen 
043. PANAMÁ: Río La Maestra, alt. 0—25 m., Allen 54; Río Tecámen, ides of "Chepo 
Road, alt. about 30 m., Hunter 9 Allen 225; 1 near Tapía River, Juan Díaz region, Maxon 
& Harvey 6699; Casa Ladre, San Juan, hills east of Panama City, Powell 274, 275, 420, 


FLORA ОЕ PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 105 

Dorsal se pal 

Fig. 106. Pleurothallis alpina 

Pleurotballis Brighamii is a variable species which may eventually prove to be 
the same as P. pyrsodes Reichb. f. 
23. PLEUROTHALLIS FULGENS Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. n. s. 4:516. 1875. 
Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 10 cm. tall. Secondary stems. 
up to about 1 mm. long. Leaves 4—8.5 cm. long and 1—1.8 cm. broad, elliptic to 
broadly oblanceolate, attenuated into a petiole at the base. Inflorescence a single 


қ [Vor. 33 

flower or a few-flowered fascicle borne on a long slender peduncle, about as long 
as or exceeding the leaves. Dorsal sepal 8-9 mm. long and about 3.5 mm. broad, 
ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, somewhat cucullate. Lateral sepals 10-12 mm. long, 
connate nearly to the middle, the bases gibbous; free part of the sepals about 6-7 
mm. long and 3 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute or acuminate. Petals about 4 mm. 
long and 1.5 mm. broad, sublanceolate but oblique, produced anteriorally into an 
auricle at the middle, acute. Lip about 5 mm. long and 2.5 mm. broad, elliptic, 
obtuse, with a pair of small, erect, lateral lobes below the middle and a pair of 
parallel, submarginal, lamellate calluses near the middle. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

cHIRIQUÍ: Cerro Horqueta, alt. 1200-1500 m., Powell 335, 340. 

The description is based on a record of the type and the specimen cited. Speci- 
mens from Costa Rica which have been referred here are very much larger, have 
relatively short inflorescences, and show slight floral differences. 

24. PLEUROTHALLIS GLANDULOSA Ames, Sched. Orch. 6:60. 1923. 
Pleurothallis vittariifolia Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:26. 1923. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 5 cm. tall. Secondary stems 1 
mm. long or less. Leaves 1.5-2.5 cm. long and 0.1-0.2 cm. broad, obtuse, at- 
tenuated to the base. Inflorescence a single flower or a few-flowered fascicle; 
peduncle slender, puberulent, up to about 4 cm. long, exceeding the leaves. Pedicel 
and ovary up to about 1 cm. long, puberulent. Dorsal вера! 6-9 mm. long and 
about 1.5 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, puberulent and lightly 
keeled dorsally. Lateral sepals 6-8 mm. long and together about 2.5 mm. broad, 
connate to about the middle, gibbous at the base, puberulent and lightly keeled 
dorsally. Petals about 3 mm. long and 1.3 mm. broad, subdolabriform, cuneate 
at the base, oblique, apiculate. Lip about 3.5 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, unguic- 
ulate; lamina subpandurate and auriculate at the base, glandular-puberulent on 
the margin and upper surface. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CANAL ZONE: near Mes Ж San Juan, Dodge, Steyermark & Allen 16578. PROVINCE 

(PA ANAL ZONE m Тапа Grande Range, alt. near sea-level, 
Powell pi Ns perdis di, Purdom 
25. PrEUROTHALLIS ALPINA Ames, Sched. Orch. 5:14, fig. 3. 1923. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 4 dm. tall. Secondary stems slender, 
up to about 3 dm. long, prominently 2- or 3-alate, expanded at the apex and the 
wings passing into the leaves. Inflorescence a raceme or fascicle of racemes, few- 
flowered, short, not half as long as the leaf. Leaves 5-12 cm. long and 0.6-2.5 
cm. broad, ligulate to elliptic-lanceolate or elliptic-oblanceolate, acute or obtuse, 
coriaceous. Sepals acute, fleshy, obscurely puberulent dorsally; dorsal sepal 6—6.5 
mm. long and 1.5—2.5 mm. broad, elliptic to oblong-oblanceolate, cucullate; 
lateral sepals 5-6 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, lanceolate, arcuate. Petals 
about 2.5 mm. long and 1-1.2 mm. broad, elliptic-oblong, acute, serrulate, arcuate. 
Пір 2.5-4.5 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, with two 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 107 

Gordon а ЖТ. 

Fig. 107. Pleurothallis pterocaulis 

small lanceolate-arcuate lateral lobes about 0.5 mm. long near the middle, apex 
fimbriate, with two carinate, longitudinal calluses near the middle of the disc. 


[Vor. 33 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Caramillia, alt. 1360 m., Powell 282. сосіЁ: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 
600-1000 m., Allen 1238; hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. about 800-1000 m., 
Allen 2280. 

A not uncommon species which is allied to Р. sicaria Lindl. 

26. PLEUROTHALLIS PTEROCAULIS L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:280, 

t. 32, figs. 1-7. 1940 

Repent epiphytic herbs up to about 16.5 cm. tall. Secondary stems 2.5-7 cm. 
long, winged or strongly angled (at least when dry), shorter than the leaves. 
Leaves 4-11 cm. long and 1-1.5 cm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, acute, 
coriaceous. Inflorescence a fascicle of one- to few-flowered racemes, shorter than 
the leaves. Dorsal вера! about 6 mm. long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, 
strongly cucullate, carinate with the apex thickest. Lateral sepals connate for 
about half or more their length, 5-6 mm. long and together about 5 mm. broad, 
each sepal oblong-lanceolate, somewhat oblique, acute, carinate and with a thicker 
carinate cushion near the outer margins. Petals about 2.5 mm. long and 1.7 mm. 
broad, subrhombic-obovate, the apical margin serrulate. Lip about 4 mm. long 
and 1.5 mm. broad, unguiculate, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, carinate, with two in- 
conspicuous calluses at the junction of the lamina and the claw, the claw incon- 
spicuously biauriculate at the base. 

Endemic in Panama. 

COCLE: vicinity of El Valle de Antón, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1230. 

Originally said to be closely allied to P. hondurensis Ames, it is probably more 
closely allied to P. verecunda Schltr. 

27. PLEUROTHALLIS VERECUNDA Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:24. 

Erect, repent, epiphytic herbs up to about 3.5 dm. tall. Secondary stems up 
to about 19 cm. long, terete or angled (at least when dry). Leaves 8.5-16 cm. 
long and 1-2.2 cm. broad, elliptic or lanceolate-ligulate, acute, coriaceous. In- 
florescence a few-flowered raceme about half as long as the leaves. Dorsal sepal 
5.5-7 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, acute. 
Lateral sepals 5.5-7 mm. long and each 1.5-2.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, 
apex thickened, free nearly to the base. Petals 2.2-3.2 mm. long and 0.75-1 mm. 
broad, oblong-oblanceolate, oblique, apical half denticulate. Lip 3-3.5 mm. long 
and 1.5-2 mm. broad, oblong to oblong-ovate, obtuse, truncate at the shortly 
unguiculate base; lamina with two short auricles at the base, fleshy, with a sub- 
mammillate callus at the apex of claw and two lateral callus thickenings. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CANAL ZONE: Rio Indio, near mouth of Chagres River, alt. about sea-level, Powell 01; 
Barro Colorado Island, Shattuck 722. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 109 

Fig. 108. Pleurothallis verecunda 


[Vor. 33 

Fig. 109. Pleurothallis lepidota 


FLORA ОЕ PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 111 

28. PLEUROTHALLIS LEPIDOTA L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:279, pl. 

32, figs. 8-12. 1940. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 2.2 dm. tall. Secondary stems 
about 9-12 cm. long, partially invested with 2-3 scarious sheaths. Leaves 7-10 
cm. long and 3-3.5 cm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, short-acuminate. 
Inflorescence one or more few-flowered racemes, shorter than the leaves. Dorsal 
sepal 13-14 mm. long and about 2 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, acute. Lateral 
sepals about 14 mm. long and together 12 mm. broad at their bases, subtriangular, 
connate nearly to their apices, acuminate or acute, carinate-winged along the mid- 
nerve dorsally, outer surface papilliferous. Petals about 5 mm. long and 0.25. 
mm. broad, linear, acute. Lip about 8 mm. long and 5 mm. broad, unguiculate, 
obscurely 3-lobed, upper surface lepidote-verrucose, with a mammillate callus at 
the junction of the lamina and the claw, margins serrulate to serrate; lateral lobes 
2 mm. long and as broad, rounded; mid-lobe oblong-lanceolate, acute, about 4—5 
mm. long and 2 mm. broad. 


CHIRIQUÍ: Llanos del Volcán, alt. about 1300 m., Allen 1552. 

29. PLEUROTHALLIS COGNIAUXIANA Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 3:246. 1907. 

Repent or caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 3.2 dm. tall. Secondary 
stems up to about 19 cm. long, slender, naked or with 1—2 sheaths at the base, 
with 2-3 narrow but prominent wings. Leaves 8-15 cm. long and 3-9 cm. 
broad, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate. Inflorescence 1 or more short 
racemes up to half as long as the leaves. Dorsal sepal 9-11 mm. long and 3-4.5 
mm. broad, elliptic-obovate, obtuse or acute, slightly verrucose within. Lateral 
sepals 5-7.5 mm. long and together 5-7 mm. broad, suborbicular, connate to their 
apices or nearly so, slightly verrucose within. Petals 3.5-4.5 mm. long and 
1.5-2.4 mm. broad, lanceolate-subrhombic, acute, terminal half denticulate. Lip 
4-5 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, subrhombic, unguiculate, with two inflexed 
auricles or lateral lobes below the middle and two auricles at the base of the claw, 
surface of the apical half verrucose and the margin denticulate, with 2 parallel 
callus thickenings near the mi 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

Qui: vicinity of “New Switzerland,” alt. 1800-2000 m., Allen 1383; Bajo 
к: at 1800 m., Dies 100, 362 
30. PLEUROTHALLIs VITTATA Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 24: Misc. р. 73. 1838; L. Wms. 
in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 26:280. 1939. 
Pleurothallis polystachya Rich. & Gal. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ІП, 3:16. 1845. 
Pleurotballis mandibularis Kránzl. in Vid. Medd. ab. Foren 71:169. 1920. 
Pleurothallis В Kranzl. in Ark. f. Bot. 168:15. 

Repent or caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 2.5 dm. tall. Secondary 
stems up to 15 cm. long, prominently angled, at least when dry. Leaves 5-12 
cm. long and 1-2.3 cm. broad, lanceolate to elliptic-ligulate, acute or obtuse, 


[VoL. 33 

coriaceous. Inflorescence 1-several short racemes, % as long as the leaves or less. 
Sepals densely puberulent dorsally; dorsal sepal 5-8 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. 
broad, oblanceolate, acute; lateral sepals 5-8 mm. long and together 3-5 mm. 
broad, ovate or oblong-ovate, connate to their apices, slightly gibbous at the base. 
Petals 2.2-2.7 mm. long and 1.2-1.5 mm. broad, obovate, acute or obtuse, serru- 
late above. Lip 2-3 mm. long and 1.2-1.5 mm. broad, oval, obtuse, denticulate 
above, unguiculate, with 2 small inflexed, crescent-shaped lateral lobes near the 
middle of the lip and 2 auricles at the base of the claw; lamina with 2 parallel 
callus-like thickenings near the middle. 
Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, and possibly Venezuela. 

LÉ: hills south of El Valle de Antón, alt. 700 m., Allen 2513; between Las Маг- 
ws and El Valle, Woodson, Allen 9 Seibert 1282. 
31. PLEUROTHALLIS VELATICAULIs Reichb. f. in Linnaea 22:824. 1849. 
Pleurothallis Pittieri Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 3:247. 1907. 

Small to large, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 6 dm. tall. Secondary 
stems up to 4 dm. long, slender to stout, partly to entirely covered with loose 
sheaths. Leaves extremely variable, 8-22 cm. long and 1.2-9 cm. broad, ob- 
lanceolate-ligulate to oval, attenuated into a petiole at the base. Inflorescence a 
raceme ог fascicle of racemes, shorter than the leaf. Dorsal вера! 3-5.5 mm. long 
and 1.2-1.8 mm. broad, lanceolate or lanceolate-oblong, acute, somewhat cucullate. 
Lateral sepals 3.5-5 mm. long and 1-1.8 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, lightly 
connate nearly to the apices but becoming free. Petals 1.5-3 mm. long and 
0.5-0.75 mm. broad, oblong to oblong-oblanceolate, obtuse. Lip 1-2 mm. long 
and 1-1.5 mm. broad, oblong-oval to subrhombic, obtuse, with fleshy, erect, 
auriculate lateral lobes near the middle. 

Costa Rica, Panama, the West Indies, and from Venezuela to Peru. 

CHIRIQUÍ: forests between Las Palmas and top of Cerro de la Horqueta, alt. 2100- 
2268 m., Pittier 3227. cocrí: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2245. 

One of the most variable of the species of Pleurothallis in Panama. 

32. PLEUROTHALLIs GELIDA Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 27: Misc. р. 91. 1841. 
Pleurotballis chiriquensis Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:19. 1922. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 5.5 dm. tall. Secondary stems up to 
about 3.5 dm. long and about 0.4 cm. in diameter toward the base, partially 
covered with chartaceous sheaths. Leaves 8—23 cm. long and 1.5—7 cm. broad, 
elliptic-oblong to oblong-ovate, obtuse or acute, coriaceous, attenuated into a short 
petiole at the base. Inflorescence 1-several racemes, either shorter, subequal to, or 
longer than the subtending leaf, few- to many-flowered. Dorsal sepal 5-7.5 mm. 
long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, acute, cucullate, puberulent within. 
Lateral sepals 5-6 mm. long and each 2-2.5 mm. broad, acute, connate to the 
middle or nearly so, puberulent within. Petals 2.5-3.5 mm. long and 1.5-2.5 mm. 
broad, oblong-obovate to subrhombic, obtuse or truncate and the apex often 
dentate or lobulate. Lip 2-2.5 mm. long and 0.9-1.4 mm. broad, dilated from a 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 113 


752 > 





~ са 

Fig. 110. Pleurothallis gelida 



[Vor. 33 
narrow base into an oblong-cuneate lamina, truncate, with 2 parallel, lamellate 
calluses near the middle. 
Florida, Mexico to Panama, the West Indies, South America. 
BOCAS DEL TORO: "Chiriqui," alt. 1200—1500 m., Powell 227. 

A variable species and one of the most widespread of the genus. 

Fig. 111. 

Pleurothallis Rowleei 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 115 
33. PLEUROTHALLIs КОУТЕЕГ Ames, Sched. Orch. 1:11. 1922; loc. cit. 7: Ё. 18. 
1924. | 
Pleurothallis cucullata Ames, loc. cit. 3:5. 1923; loc. cit. 7: £. 17. 1924. 
Caespitose or repent epiphytic herbs up to 3.5 dm. tall. Secondary stems up 
to 25 cm. long, slender, partially covered with one or two sheaths. Leaves 3-13 

Fig. 112. Pleurothallis praegrandis 


[Vor. 33 

cm. long and 1—5.4 cm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, 
subcordate at the base. Inflorescence 1 to few slender racemes, shorter or rarely 
longer than the subtending leaf. Dorsal sepal 6-11 mm. long and 2.5—5.5 mm. 
broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, cucullate. Lateral sepals 
7-10 mm. long and together 2.2-7 mm. broad, elliptic-oval to ovate, acute or 
obtuse, connate to the apices. Petals 6-8.5 mm. long and 1.2-2.5 mm. broad, 
subsigmoid-elliptic, denticulate, acute. Lip 2.5-4 mm. long and 1.5-2.5 mm. 
broad, subsagittate; the basal portion broad and fleshy; the apical portion nar- 
rowly triangular. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

снікюоі: Bajo Chorro, alt. 1810 m., Davidson. DARIEN: Cana-Cuasi trail, alt. 1650 
m., Terry & Terry 156. 

34. PLEUROTHALLIS PRAEGRANDIS Ames, Sched. Orch. 5:17. 1923; loc. cit. 

7:5. 17. 1924. 

Large, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 12 dm. tall. Secondary stems 
up to about 9 dm. long. Leaf 31.5 cm. long and 20.5 cm. broad, cordate, acumi- 
nate. Inflorescence consisting of several racemes which are shorter than the leaf. 
Dorsal вера! 2,5-3 mm. long and about 1-1.5 mm. broad, elliptic-oblong, acute. 
Lateral sepals about 3.5 mm. long, connate to their apices, suborbicular, cochleate. 
Petals about 2 mm. long and about 1 mm. broad, oblong-spatulate, obtuse, the 
apex fleshy-thickened. Lip about 1 mm. long and 2.5-3 mm. broad, transversely 
elliptic; disc with a transversely rhombic thickening in the middle. 


DARIEN: Cana and vicinity, alt. about 1800 m., Williams 973. 

Description based on a photograph and a flower of the type, and the original 

35. PLEUROTHALLIS ELLIPSOPHYLLA L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29:344. 

Small, repent or caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 2 dm. tall. Secondary 
stems up to 9.5 cm. long, prominently angled when dry, with one or more loose 
sheaths covering the basal part. Leaves 4—9.5 cm. long and 0.7-2.7 cm. broad, 
elliptic to elliptic-oblong, acute or obtuse, coriaceous. Inflorescence of 1 to several 
short, few-flowered racemes, about half as long as the leaves. Dorsal sepal 9-14 
mm. long and 1.5-2.5 mm. broad, narrowly lanceolate to elliptic-oblanceolate, 
acute or acuminate, cucullate, puberulent dorsally. Lateral sepals 10-13 
mm. long and together 3—4 mm. broad, connate except at the very tip, the 
lamina lanceolate, acute or acuminate, pubescent dorsally, gibbous and with a 
mentum at the base. Petals 5.5—6.5 mm. long and 1.4-2 mm. broad, elliptic or 
elliptic-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, arcuate, denticulate or denticulate-lacerate 
toward the middle but the base and apex usually entire. Lip 4—5 mm. long and 
1—1.3 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute or subaristate, biauriculate at the base, claw 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 117 

Бір. 113. MEN ellipsopbylla 

short; lamina with an inconspicuous V-shaped callus on the basal 14. 

AS DEL TORO: Maccaw Hill, Isla Colón, alt. 0—125 m., von Wedel 560; Río Crica- 
mola, between St. Louis and Konkintóe, alt. about 10-15 m., Woodson, Allen & Seibert 

36. PLEUROTHALLIS STENOSTACHYA Reichb. f. in Linnaea 18:399. 1844. 

Pleurot ballis myriantba Lehm. & Kranzl. in Engl. Bot. m 26:445. 1899. 
Pleurotballis Lankesteri Rolfe in Kew. Bull. 1914: 210. 
Pleurotballis dubia Rich. & Gal. var. myriantba Schltr. in Реда Кер. 5р. Моу. Већ. 

Pleurothallis stenostachya Reichb. f. хат. Lankesteri Ames, Sched. Orch. 7:31, Ё. 15 pars. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 1 dm. tall. Secondary stems up 
to about 2 cm. long, very slender, covered with loose sheaths. Leaves long- 
petiolate; lamina 0.5-5 cm. long and 0.3—0.9 cm. broad, linear-elliptic to oblong- 
elliptic or usually oblanceolate, attenuated into the petiole; petiole very slender, 
0.3—3 cm. long. Inflorescence a fascicle of short, few-flowered racemes; the 
flowers from greenish to brick-red and very small. Dorsal вера! 1.2-1.7 mm. 


(Vor. 33 

long, lanceolate-ovate to ovate, strongly cucullate, acute. Lateral sepals 1.2-1.5 
mm. long and 0.5-0.75 mm. broad, segments lanceolate-ovate, acuminate, connate 
below the middle. Petals 1-1.5 mm. long and 0.2-0.6 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, 
acute, arcuate. Lip 1.1—1.3 mm. long and 0.5—0.7 mm. broad, elliptic-oval, obtuse, 
glandular-puberulent above, short-unguiculate. 

Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. 


Quí: Boquete, alt. 1500 m., Davidson 1268; El Boquete, alt. 1000-1300 m., 
Pittier үреді “Chiriqui,” alt. 1060 m., Powell 224; vicinity of Boquete, alt. 1200-1500 
, Woodson & Schery 800 

А small-flowered and distinctive species. 

37. PLEUROTHALLIS OVATILABIA Ames & Schweinf. Sched. Orch. 10:33. 1930. 
Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 8 cm. tall. Secondary stems up 
to about 6 mm. long, covered with scarious sheaths. Leaves 2.5-6 cm. long and 
0.25-0.6 cm. broad, narrowly oblanceolate,’ obtuse, attenuated into a long petiole 
at the base. Inflorescence surpassing the leaves or rarely subequal; raceme slender, 
unilateral, up to about 3 cm. long. Sepals 1.5-1.8 mm. long and 0.9-1 mm. 
broad, subovate or oblong-ovate, acute or obtuse, cucullate. Petals 1.4-1.5 mm. 
long and 0.3-0.4 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, acute, falcate. Lip 1.5-2.5 mm. 
long and about 1 mm. broad, ovate, acute. 
Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. 
CHIRIQUÍ: El Boquete, alt. 1000 m., Pittier 

Possibly only a variety of P. lancilabris 
(Reichb. f.) Schltr 

38. PLEUROTHALLIs Сковуг Batem. ех 
Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 21: /. 1707. 1835; 
Hook. in Bot. Mag. 65: /. 3682. 1838; 
L. Wms. ex A. C. Sm. in Lloydia 2:172. 

Pleurothallis picta Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 21: sub 
1835; Lindl. loc. cit. 21: f. 1825. 

меги marginata Lindl. loc. cit. 24:Misc. 
Pett Hm - іп Fedde Кер. 

жалы бан en in Fedde R 
Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:186. 1923, non д 
—— integrilabia Ames, Hub. & 
Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 
3: 39. 
Small, densely саеѕрісоѕе, epiphytic 
herbs up to about 15 cm. tall. Leaves 1.5—7 
Fig. 114. Pleurothallis Grobyi cm. long and 0.15-0.8 cm. broad, ob- 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 119 

lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate to suborbicular, obtuse or acute, often marginate, 
attenuated into a petiole at the base. Inflorescence a few- to several-flowered 
raceme, usually much exceeding the leaf. Dorsal sepal 3.2-9 mm. long and 1.2-3 
mm. broad, lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, acute or acuminate, cucullate. Lateral 
sepals 3-11 mm. long and together 1.2-3 mm. broad, lanceolate to oblong- 
lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, gibbous at the base, connate to 
the apex or nearly so. Petals 1.5-2.5 mm. long and 0.4-0.8 mm. broad, ovate- 
oblanceolate or nearly so, acute or obtuse, more or less oblique. Lip 2-3 mm. long 
and 0.6-1.3 mm. broad, oblong, obtuse, short-unguiculate. 
Mexico to Panama, the West Indies and in South America. 

ZONE: Quebrada Lopez, Allen 2137; Colorado poa Aviles 55; Sbattuck 
226, с Standley 31400, 41176; near Vigia and San Juan, alt. 66 m., Dodge, Steyermark 
& Allen 16526; around Gamboa, alt. 2-100 m., tms 4787; hills north of Frijoles, 
Standley 27665; Salamanca Hydrographic іс Station, alt. about 80 m., Woodson, Allen 8 

Seibert 1560, 1580. CHIRIQUÍ and VERA auf Pampasbáumen, Wa agner 24. COLON: 
Rio Indio, alt. near sea-level, Pittier pu PANAMÁ: Río La Maestra, alt. 0—25 m., 
Allen 53; hill east of Panama City, Powell 106. 

Pleurothallis Grobyi is quite a variable and widespread species. It is found 
mostly near sea-level, rarely as high as 900 meters. 
39. PLEUROTHALLIS CALYPTROSTELE Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:23. 
1923; І. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:276, £. 33, figs. 11-15. 1940. 

Pleurothallis biflora Schltr. loc. cit. 181, oc 
а geminiflora Ames, Hub. & Schweinf. i in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:39. 

Fig. 115. Pleurothallis calyptrostele 

Small, repent or caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 3 cm. tall. Secondary 
stems about 2-3 mm. long, covered with scarious sheaths. Leaves 5-15 mm. long 


[Vor. 33 

and 1-4 mm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse, attenuated into a petiole at the base. 
Inflorescence a few-flowered raceme, longer than the leaves. Dorsal sepal 4-5.5 
mm. long and 1.2-1.5 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate. Lateral sepals 
3.5-6 mm. long and 1-1.6 mm. broad, lanceolate, acuminate, arcuate, free nearly 
to the bases. Petals 1.8-2 mm. long and 0.5-0.6 mm. broad, oblanceolate, acute, 
slightly oblique. Lip 2-2.5 mm. long and 0.5-1 mm. broad, narrowly oblong, 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

COCLE: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1233. 

40. PLEUROTHALLIs ЕОЕСИ var. echinata L. Wms., var. nov.! 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 4 cm. tall. Secondary stems very 
short, up to about 3 mm. long, covered with loose sheaths. Leaves 10-17 mm. 
long and 3-6 mm. broad, oval to oblong-obovate, obtuse, attenuated into а 
slender petiole at the base. Inflorescence exceeding the leaves, a simple few- 
flowered raceme. Dorsal sepal 8-9 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, lanceolate, 
long-acuminate. Lateral sepals connate to about the middle, about 7-9 mm. long 
and together about 3 mm. broad, the segments lanceolate, long-acuminate. Petals 
2.5-3 mm. long and 0.6-1 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse. Lip about 3.5 
mm. long and about 1.5 mm. broad, short-unguiculate, oblong-ovate, obtuse, 
constricted toward the middle. Ovary echinate. 

Endemic in Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Volcán de Chiriquí, alt. about 2720 m., Davidson 081 (ТУРЕ in Herb. 

The variety echinata differs from the species in having an echinate ovary, 
narrower petals, larger flowers, and larger leaves. The material is not as good as 
might be desired, and more adequate material may show it to be a distinct species. 

41. PLEUROTHALLIS ARISTATA Hook. in Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 2:329, 7. 15. 


Pleurothallis dicbotoma Ames, Sched. "una 6: PA pe non Schltr. 
Pleurotballis divexa Ames, loc. cit. 7:20, 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 7 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
very short, 1-3 mm. long. Leaves 8-24 mm. long and 1.5—4.5 mm. broad, oblong 
to oblanceolate, obtuse, attenuated into a petiole at the base. Inflorescence much 
exceeding the leaves, a fractiflex raceme with relatively few flowers. Dorsal sepal 
4.5—9 mm. long and 1-1.8 mm. broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, aristate- 
acuminate, cucullate. Lateral sepals 4.5-9 mm. long and 1-1.6 mm. broad, 
lanceolate, aristate-acuminate, connate about 1 mm. at the base. Petals about 
2—3 mm. long and 1—1.5 mm. broad, lanceolate-ovate to ovate, acute or acuminate, 
fimbriate or lacerate-fimbriate. Lip 2-3 mm. long and 0.6-1.5 mm. broad, ob- 

lHerbae parvae Vena epiphyticae usque = 4 i altae. Folia ovalia vel oblongo-ovata, 
obtusa. Sepalum sale lanceolatum, acuminatu Sepala lateralia usque ad medium MEN 

lanceolata, acuminata. Petala oblongo- dm obtusa. Labellum oblongo-ovatum, obtusu 
Ovarium echin 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 121 

long, obtuse, subauriculate at the base, with 2 erect side lobes, keeled on the 
mid-nerve below, apical half of lip more or less fleshy and terete, lepidote-verrucose. 
Costa Rica, Panama, and the West Indies. 
CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 187. 

The specimen upon which this record is based is unsatisfactory but perhaps it 
belongs to this species. 

42, PLEUROTHALIS PRUINOSA Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 28: Misc. p. 75. 1842. 
Pleurothallis pauciflora Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:192. 1923. 

Small, caespitose or repent, epiphytic herbs up to about 14 cm. tall. Secondary 
stems slender, usually with but one sheath, longer than the leaves. Leaves 1-5 
cm. long and 0.4—0.7 cm. broad, linear-elliptic to linear-lanceolate (rarely 
broader), acute or obtuse, coriaceous. Inflorescence a slender, few-flowered raceme, 
subequal to or exceeding the leaves (rarely shorter). Dorsal sepal 2.5-4 mm. 
long and 1,5-1.8 mm. broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, 
cucullate. Lateral sepals 2.5-4 mm. long and together 1.5—2.5 mm. broad, ovate 
or ovate-lanceolate, cochleate, connate to their apices. Petals 2-3 mm. long and 
0.3—0.5 mm. broad, linear or linear-lanceolate, acute. Lip 1.5-2 mm. long and 
0.8—1 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate to triangular-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, 

Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, the West Indies, Surinam, French Guiana, and 
possibly Peru. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Boquete, alt. 1150 m., Davidson 708; Chiriquí, alt. 1200 m., Powell 434. 

A variable species. The Central American material is usually smaller than that 
from the West Indies. 

43. PLEUROTHALLIS MACRANTHA L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28:417, 

pl. 21, figs. 1-6. 1941. 

Caespitose, epiphytic or terrestrial herbs up to 23 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
6-8 cm. long, subequal to the leaves in length on mature plants, almost com- 
pletely invested with one or two loose, scarious sheaths, unifoliate. Leaves 4-7 
cm. long and 1,5-2.8 cm. broad, elliptic, obtuse, coriaceous. Inflorescence a 
several-flowered raceme, about twice exceeding the subtending leaves; sheath at 
the base of the peduncle short, about 9-11 mm. long; bracts 6-7 mm. long, ovate- 
lanceolate, scarious, semiamplexicaul. Dorsal вера! 16-20 mm. long and 6-8 mm. 
broad, elliptic to oblanceolate-elliptic, acute, 3-nerved, keeled dorsally along the 
mid-nerve. Lateral sepals 16-18 mm. long and together 6-8 mm. broad, connate 
almost to their apices, oblong-oblanceolate, acute, together 4-пегуед, somewhat 
gibbous at the base. Petals about 9-11 mm. long and 5-6 mm. broad near the 
apex, oblong-obovate, slightly oblique, truncate or slightly retuse, 3-nerved, with 
an inconspicuous cushion-like callus near the base. Lip 10-12 mm. long and 3-4 
mm. broad toward the apex when expanded, about 2 mm. broad near the middle 
and 3 mm. broad across the auriculate base, subterete, and sulcate above, somewhat 


[Vor. 33 

laterally compressed, expanding toward the apex and into two auricles at the base, 
with three small calluses between the basal auricles. 

Endemic in Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. 1900 m., Woodson 9 Schery 666. 

A very large-flowered species of Pleurotballis. 

44. PrEUROTHALLIs TuERCKHEIMIXI Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 10:292. 1912. 
Pleurothallis megachlamys Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 19:108. 1923. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 7.5 dm. tall, but usually about 3 dm. 
tall. Secondary stems 5.5—42 cm. long, usually provided with 1-2 loose, ancipi- 
tous, brown, chartaceous sheaths. Leaves %-27 cm. long and 2.5-7.5 cm. broad, 
elliptic to oval, obtuse or rarely acute, attenuated into a short petiole at the base, 
either longer or shorter than the secondary stem, usually shorter than the in- 
florescence or occasionally subequal. Inflorescence an erect raceme which usually 
exceeds the leaves, the flowers among the largest of the genus; sheath up to about 
9 cm. long, conspicuous. Погва! sepal 11-25 mm. long and 4-6 mm. broad, 
lanceolate, acute or acuminate, cucullate, puberulent dorsally. Lateral sepals con- 
nate nearly to their apices, 14-25 mm. long and 6-7 mm. broad, elliptic to oblong- 
lanceolate, acute, puberulent dorsally. Petals 4.5-8 mm. long and 2.5-4 mm 
broad, oblong-oval to oval, arcuate, verrucose and subcochleate toward the apex. 
Lip 5-9 mm. long and about 3—3.5 mm. broad, auriculate at the base, the auricles 
erect; lamina ligulate, rostrate, fleshy, smooth or verrucose. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Panama. 

RIQUÍ: upper Río Chiriqui Viejo, alt. 1300-1900 m., White & White 18; vicinity 
of Mon Lirio, alt. 1300-1900 m., Seibert 142. 
45. PLEUROTHALLIS PowEL.u Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:22. 1923. 

Large (for genus), caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 7 dm. tall бес- 
ondary stems up to probably 35 cm. long. Leaves 20—25 cm. long and 7-9 cm. 
broad, oblong-elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, obtuse or acute. Inflorescence several- 
to many-flowered, exceeding the leaves in length. Sepals all slightly connate at 
the base, the laterals connate nearly to their apices; dorsal sepal 12-20 mm. long 
and 2-2.5 mm. broad, ligulate or lanceolate, acute or acuminate; lateral sepals 
14-20 mm. long and 6-7 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate-ovate, cymbi- 
form, acute. Petals about 6 mm. long and 1.6—2.6 mm. broad, oblanceolate to 
oblong-oblanceolate, obtuse, falcate. Lip about 5 mm. long and 2-2,5 mm. 
broad, lanceolate-ovate, obtuse, very fleshy, with 2 upright carinate wings above, 
one on either side and one dorsally. 

Costa Rica (?), and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: “Chiriquí,” alt. 1100-1200 m., Powell 146, 3365. 

One of the largest species of Pleurothallis in Panama. Known only from one 
collection, with field number and garden number—a numbering often practiced 
by Mr. Powell, whose field numbers were rarely used on specimens and then always 
in conjunction with the garden numbers. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 123 

46. PLEUROTHALLIS SEGOVIENSIS Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 3:223. 1855; C. 

Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 4:96. 1937. 

Pleurothallis Wagneri Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 17:141. 1921. 
Pleurothallis falcatiloba Ames in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 34:152. 1921. 
Pleurothallis canae Ames, Sched. Orch. 2:18. 1923; loc. cit. 7: Ё. 13. 1924. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs 3-22 cm. tall, ordinarily 10-15 cm. tall. Secondary 
stems about 0.5-6 cm. long, covered with sheaths, much shorter than the leaves. 
Leaves (when mature) 4.5-12 cm. long and 0.2-1.2 cm. broad, linear-oblanceolate 
to oblanceolate, obtuse or rarely acutish, gradually attenuated to the base. In- 
florescence a few- to several-flowered raceme, often unilateral, usually exceeding 
the leaves but rarely shorter. Dorsal sepal 5-11 mm. long and 2-3.5 mm. broad, 
lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, cucullate, keeled dorsally, 
pubescent within (especially laterally) to glabrous. Lateral sepals 5.5-11 mm. 
long, oblong-lanceolate to suborbicular-ovate, acute, cucullate to cochleate, con- 
nate almost to their apices or rarely connate only 24 their length, pubescent within 
(especially laterally) to glabrous, keeled dorsally along the mid-ribs. Petals 2—3.5 
mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate, obtuse or acute, more 
or less arcuate, apex rarely trilobulate, the base auriculate. Lip 3-4 mm. long and 
2.5-3 mm. broad, occasionally papilliferous, 3-lobed; lateral lobes basal or sub- 
basal, from lanceolate-falcate to subtriangular, usually erect; lamina cblong, 
obtuse, with 2 large lamellate or ridge-like calluses on the basal half or two 
thirds, and with an elongate bipartite central callus at the base. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 170; Rio Quebrada, alt. 1700 m., 
Killip 3540; “Chiriqui,” alt. 1200-1650 m., Powell 236, 278, 280, 3176; Wagner 25; 
Monte Lirio, alt. 1300-1900 m., Seibert 190, 212, 213, 271; Bajo Mona, alt. 1500-2000 
m., Woodson, Allen & Seibert 1004. COCLE: vicinity of La Mesa, alt. 1000 m., Allen 
2307. DARIEN: Cana and vicinity, Williams 971. 

One of the most variable of the species of Pleurothallis in Panama. The 
description is taken from all of the specimens available. A critical study may 
show some of the forms to be varietally distinct. In addition to the Panamanian 
synonyms listed above the following names seem to belong here also: Pleurothallis 
Aguilarii Ames, P. amethystina Ames, P. Jobannis Schltr., P. melicoides Schltr., 
P. pompalis Ames, and P. vinacea Ames. 

47. PLEUROTHALLIS GHIESBREGHTIANA Rich. & Gal. in Ann. Sci. Nat. III, 3:16. 


Jas racemiflora Lindl. ex Lodd. Bot. Cab. 10: /. 949. 1824, non (Sw.) Lindl. 

Pleurothallis os aon pus Folia Orch. Pleuroth. p. 31. re pote 2% in Xenia 
Im. s. 6-9. 1867; in Saunders’ Ref. Bot. 

Pleurothallis bis Ыы Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 8:566. 5; 

Pleurothallis Niederleinii Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. i 396. 1918. 

Caespitose or repent epiphytic herbs up to about 6 dm. tall, but usually about 
3 dm. tall. Secondary stems 3-18 cm. long, usually shorter than the leaves. 


[Vor. 33 

Leaves 4-17 cm. long and 0.9—3 cm. broad, oblanceolate to elliptic-oblong, obtuse 
or rarely acute, usually attenuated into a short petiole at the base. Inflorescence 
a few- to usually many-flowered raceme, usually much exceeding the subtending 
leaves. Dorsal вера! 6-8.5 mm. long and 2.5-4 mm. broad, lanceolate to elliptic- 
ovate, aeute. Lateral sepals 6—8.5 mm. long and together 3-5 mm. broad, elliptic- 
oblong to oval, acute or obtuse, connate to their apices or nearly so, cucullate. 
Petals 6-8.5 mm. long and 1.5-3 mm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 
acute or obtuse, oblique. Lip 3.5-6.5 mm. long and 1.5-3 mm. broad, oblong- 
pandurate, obtuse, basal portion orbicular, terminal portion oval. 

Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, and 
the West Indies. 

IRIQUÍ: Cerro Vaca, alt. 900-1136 m., РИНег 5320. PANAMA: Rio La Maestra, 
alt. 0-25 m., Allen 63. УЕКАСУА8: Bahia Honda, Taylor 1511 
48. PLEUROTHALLIs DOLICHOPUS Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 10:394. 1912. 
Pleurothallis lamprophylla Schltr. loc. cit. 15:205. 1918. 
Pleurothallis poasensis Ames, Sched. Orch. 1:10. 1922; loc. cit. 7:/. 12. 1924. 
Pleurothallis peregrina Ames, loc. cit. 6:67. 1923. 

Caespitose or repent epiphytic herbs up to about 3.5 dm. tall. Secondary 
stems up to about 23 cm. long, usually exceeding the leaves. Leaves 5-15 cm. 
long and 1.3-3.5 cm. broad, elliptic-oblong, obtuse or rarely acute, contracted 
into a short petiole at the base. Inflorescence 1 or more, few- to many-flowered 
racemes, subequal to or usually exceeding the leaves. Dorsal вера! 14-23 mm. 
long and 2-3.5 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, ciliate and puberulent 
to glabrous within. Lateral sepals 9-22 mm. long and 1.5-3 mm. broad, linear- 
lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate, ciliate and puberulent to glabrous within, 
free almost to their bases. Petals 3-5 mm. long and 1-2 mm. broad, from nearly 
oblong to oblong-oblanceolate, obtuse. Lip 2.5-5 mm. long and 0.8-2.5 mm. 
broad, oblong to oblong-obovate, obtuse, the disc with 3 longitudinal calluses and 
the outer 2 serrated in front but erect and forming the side of the lip below, 
terminal part of the lip denticulate or entire. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Volcan de Chiriquí, alt. 2875 m., Davidson 1030; Volcan de Chiriquí, alt. 
3500-4000 m., Woodson & Schery 302. 

Some Mexican specimens have the sepals no more than 6 mm. long, which is 
unusual. The normal length is about 12 mm. 
49. PLEUROTHALLIS Pravu Reichb. f. in Flora 69:555. 1886. 

Masdevallia platyracbis Rolfe іп Gard. Chron. III, 4:178. 188 

Pleurotballis platyracbis Rolfe іп Jour. Bot. 28:136. 1890; Hook. f. in Bot. Mag. 116: 

t. 7120. 1890. 
Kraenzlinella platyracbis Rolfe in Orch. Rev. 23:326. 1915. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 30 cm. tall. Secondary stems up to 
about 2 cm. long. Leaves 7-20 cm. long and 1.2-3 cm. broad, ligulate-oblanceo- 
late, obtuse, coriaceous, attenuated into a petiole at the base. Inflorescence up to 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 125 

25 cm. long, exceeding the leaves; peduncle ancipitous and winged, with one or 
more bracts; rachis fractiflex, somewhat flattened or nearly terete, bracts large. 
Sepals spreading, free nearly to their bases, verrucose within except at the bases, 
keeled dorsally toward their apices. Dorsal sepal 13-20 mm. long and 4.5-5.5 
mm. broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, cucullate. Lateral sepals 13-20 
mm. long and 2-4 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, connate nearly to their apices. 
Petals 4-5 mm. long and about 1 mm. broad, ligulate, falcate, verrucose externally. 
Lip 5-6 mm. long and about 1.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, arcuate, acute, with a 
pair of inframarginal, lamellate calluses beginning above the base and extending 
nearly to the apex. 

Mexico, Costa Rica, and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: "Chiriqui," Pfau. 

Originally collected in Panama but not reported in recent years. 

50. PLEUROTHALLIS SPECTABILIS Ames & Schweinf. Sched. Orch. 8:34. 1925. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 3 dm. tall. Secondary stems up to 1.5 
cm. long, covered with loose, tubular sheaths. Leaves 6-13 cm. long and 0.6-1.5 
cm. broad, elliptic-oblanceolate to oblanceolate, obtuse or acute, attenuated into 
a petiole at the base. Inflorescence up to 30 cm. long, much overtopping the 
leaves; peduncle ancipitous; rachis distichous. Sepals spreading, lanceolate, acute, 
densely verrucose within except at the bases. Dorsal вера! 15-21 mm. long an 
5.5—7.5 mm. broad, cucullate toward the base. Lateral sepals 15-21 mm. long 
and 4—5.5 mm. broad, arcuate, connate ас the base. Petals 3-5 mm. long and 
1—1.5 mm. broad, oblong-falcate, slightly broader toward the obtuse or tridentate 
thickened apex, slightly verrucose. Lip 4.5—6 mm. long and about 2 mm. broad, 
oblong, obtuse or slightly retuse, base of lip thin, upper 25 somewhat fleshy and 
with a pair of inframarginal, lamellate calluses which extend nearly to the apex. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

VERAGUAS: Santa Fé, alt. 460 m., Powell 382. 

51. PLEUROTHALLIS MURICATA Schltr. in Fedde Кер. Sp. Nov. 10:293. 1912. 

Pleurotballis sororoa Schltr. loc. 
оке diuturna 127 іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:19. 1922; Ames, Sched. 
Orch. 7: 

Caespitose or repent, eos herbs up to about 5 dm. tall. Secondary stems 
up to 5.5 cm. long, usually angled and sulcate. Leaves 8-17 cm. long and 1.2-4 
cm. broad, oblong-ligulate, obtuse, coriaceous, somewhat attenuated to the base. 
Inflorescence up to 23 cm. long, peduncle and rachis terete, the rachis somewhat 
fractiflex and distichous, much exceeding the leaves. Sepals free nearly to their 
bases, fleshy, keeled along the mid-nerve dorsally. Dorsal sepal 6-18 mm. long 
and 4-7 mm. broad, broadly lanceolate, acute, cucullate. Lateral sepals 13-19 
mm. long and 3-5.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, cucullate. Petals 5-10 mm. 
long and 1.2-2.5 mm. broad, linear-elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate, acute, slightly 
arcuate, obscurely auriculate at the base, adnate to the base of the column. Lip 


[Vor. 33 

6-10 mm. long and 2-3.2 mm. broad, unguiculate, ligulate, lobulate toward the 
base; the claw short, thin; lamina fleshy, the surface slightly muricate, arcuate, 
with two small, erect, lateral lobes toward the base. Ovary muricate. 
Mexico to Panama, possibly Peru. 
cocLÉ: vicinity of El Valle de Antón, alt. 800 m., Allen 2294, Hunter & Allen 361. 
VERAGUAS: near Santiago, alt. 150—220 m., Powell 172. 
52. PLEUROTHALLIS CRENATA Lindl. in Gard. Chron. 6:207. 1846; Lindl. Folia 
Orch. Pleuroth. p. 38. 1859. 

Masdevallia aperta Kránzl. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 17:430. 1. 

Pleurothallis Hunteriana Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Vera 17:20. 1922. 

Pleurothallis hamata Rolfe ex Ames, Sched. Orch. 3:8 

Pleurothallis aperta Ames, Sched. Orch. 7:17, fig. 3. T 
Small repent or caespitose herbs up to about 15 cm. tall. Secondary stems up 

to 1 cm. long. Leaves 4.5—13 cm. long and 1-2.7 cm. broad, broadly to narrowly 

oblanceolate, acute or obtuse, attenuated into a petiole at the base. Inflorescence 
about half as long as the leaves, 1- to several-flowered, peduncle and rachis terete. 

Sepals more or less spreading, minutely papilliferous within, keeled or winged along 

the mid-nerve dorsally, the keel or wing extending onto the ovary, the apices sub- 

terete; dorsal вера! 11-18 mm. long and about 3-3.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, 
cucullate; lateral sepals 12-18 mm. long and 1.5—3 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, 

connate to, or nearly to, the middle. Petals 4-4.5 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. 

broad, oblong-lanceolate, somewhat pandurate, acute, slightly oblique. Lip 4.5-5 

mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, ob- 

long-lanceolate, obtuse or acutish, 

the sides erect and fleshy, disc densely 
Mexico, Costa Rica, and Panama. 
CHIRIQUÍ: without locality, alt. 1200 

-1500 m., Powell 245, 277, 3436. 

(A. & S.) L. Wms. in Bot. Mus. 
Leafl. Harv. Univ. 8:144. 1940. 

poor filamentosa Ames & Schweinf. 

d. Orch. 8:19, fig. 3. 1925 
Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs 
up to 12 cm. tall. Secondary stems 
up to about 6.5 cm. long, slender, 
covered with loose, chartaceous 
sheaths. Leaves 4-5.5 cm. long and 

1-1.7 cm. broad, elliptic or elliptic- 

lanceolate, acute, attenuated into a 

short petiole at the base. Inflorescence 
Fig. 116. Pleurothallis filamentosa shorter than the leaves; peduncle 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 127 

slender, 1-flowered, pedicel with a short filamentose appendage on the anterior side. 
Dorsal вера! 13-16 mm. long and about 2 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, the terminal 
half subfiliform and the apex thickened and clavate, free nearly to the base. Lateral 
sepals 14-16 mm. long and together 4-5 mm. broad, connate nearly to their apices, 
puberulent within, the lamina oblong-lanceolate, the free apices acute. Petals 
10-12 mm. long, about 0.5 mm. broad, subfiliform, apices thickened and clavate. 
Lip about 6-7 mm. long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, 3-lobed, lanceolate-ligulate, obtuse, 
short-unguiculate; the basal 14 oval, fleshy, with a small porrect lobe near the 
middle on either side; terminal 25 linear-oblong, denticulate, the surface more or 
less verrucose. 


CHIRIQUÍ: Cerro Horqueta, alt. 1500-1700 m., Powell 344. 

Very closely allied to P. subserrata (Schltr.) L. Wms. 

54. PLEUROTHALLIS SUBSERRATA (Schltr.) L. Wms. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. 

Univ. 8:144. 1940. | 
Restrepia subserrata Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 19:291. 1923. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 15 cm. tall. Secondary stems up 
to about 9 cm. long, covered with loose, chartaceous sheaths which disentegrate 
with age. Leaves 4-6 cm. long and 1.5-3 cm. broad, elliptic to ovate, obtuse, 
contracted into a short petiole at the base. Inflorescence as long as or exceeding 
the leaves; peduncle 1 or more from each stem, slender, 1-flowered. Dorsal sepal 
1.6-2 cm. long and about 0.2 cm. broad, narrowly lanceolate, with the terminal 
half subfiliform and the apex clavellate, free nearly to the base. Lateral sepals 
1.6-2 ст. long and together 0.5-0.65 cm. broad, connate nearly to their apices; 
the lamina oblong-elliptic, the apices acute. Petals about 1.3 cm. long, 0.75 cm. 
broad at the base, with a narrow, entire or denticulate lamina at the base, but the 
remainder subfiliform and the apex clavellate. Lip 8-10 mm. long and 2-3 mm. 
broad at the base, lanceolate-ligulate, acute or obtuse, short-unguiculate; the basal 
lá oval, fleshy, with a small porrect lobe on either side near the middle; terminal 
22 linear-oblong, serrulate, the surface slightly verrucose. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

IRIQUI: vicinity of "New Switzerland,” central valley of Río Chiriquí Viejo, alt. 
1800- “2000 m., Allen 1384; Bajo Chorro, alt. 2000 m., Davidson 116. 
55. PLEUROTHALLIS XANTHOPHTHALMA (Reichb. f.) L. Wms. in Bot. Mus. 

Leafl. Harv. Univ. 8:144. 1940. 
ене to обрач Reichb. f. іп Hamb. Gartenzeit. 21:300. 

ichb. f.", sensu Hook. in Bot. Mag. 87: 6 esp. 1861. 

сақау Powellii ма а in Fedde Rep M es Beih. 17:25 
Restrepia Tonduzii Schltr. loc. cit. 19: 291 3. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to 2 dm. tall. Secondary stems up to about 12 
cm. long, slender, covered with several loose, ancipitous sheaths. Leaves 3.5—8 


[Vor. 33 

cm. long and 0.6—3.5 cm. broad, elliptic to lanceolate to ovate, acute or obtuse, 
attenuated into a short petiole at the base. Inflorescence 1- to several-flowered, 
very much shorter than the leaves, rarely reaching to the middle of the subtend- 
ing leaf. Dorsal sepal 10-12 mm. long and 1-2 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, 
becoming subfiliform above, with the apex clavellate. Lateral sepals 8-12 mm. 
long, together 4-6 mm. broad, connate nearly to their apices, the lamina oval to 
obovate. Lip 5-6.5 mm. long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, 
with two slender lateral lobes near the base, terminal part somewhat narrowed 
and ciliate or denticulate. 
Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: “Chiriquí,” alt. 1280 m., Powell 123. 

PLEUROTHALLIS BARBAE Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:104. 1923. 
Specimens so determined belong elsewhere. 

PLEUROTHALLIS PERPUSILLA Reichb. f. in Bot. Voy. Herald, 215. 1852. 
Obscure, possibly a species of Stelis. 

PLEUROTHALIS PHYLLOCARDIA Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 97. 1866. 
The species is obscure. Specimens so determined belong elsewhere. 

PLEUROTHALLIS PHYLLOCARDIOIDES Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:193. 

A plant so determined, from Darién Province, is probably an undescribed 
species but the material is not good. 
PLEUROTHALLIS PYROsODES Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. п. s. 6:386. 1876; Schltr. 
loc. cit. 17:22. 1922. 
The specimen reported by Schlechter is P. Brigbamii S. Wats. 

24. MALAXIS Solander ex Swartz 

Ma axis Solander ex Sw. Nov. Gen. & Sp. Pl. Prodr. 119. 1788; in Svenska Vet.- 
. Handl. 21:233. 1800; Fawc. & E Fl. Jam. 1:41. 1910. 

Achroanthes Raf. in ме. Repos. М. Ү. 5:3 180 

Microstylis Nutt. Сеп. Am. Pl. 2:196. pes Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. РІ. 

Benth. & Hook. ей РІ. 2:494. 1883; Pfitzer i in Engler & m Nu aur P 

6:130. 1888; Ridley in Jour. Linn. Soc. 24:308-351. 

Small, erect or repent, terrestrial or epiphytic herbs with cormous pseudobulbs 
or repent stems. Section EUMALAxIs with cormous, usually hypogaeous, pseudo- 
bulbs bearing 1 or 2 leaves. Section BLEPHARIGLOTTIS with more or less elongated 
stems and leaves scattered along them. Leaves 1—3, continued at the base into a 
sheathing petiole, membranaceous, the lamina usually broad. Scape or peduncle 
slender, usually elongated. Inflorescence a spicate or subumbellate raceme; flowers 
small. Sepals free or the laterals connate, subequal, spreading. Petals equal to 
the sepals or usually shorter, narrow to subfiliform. Lip erect or spreading, 
sessile, entire or lobed, usually cordate or auriculate, with the auricles embracing 
the column, usually broader than the sepals, concave at the base (or plane in 


FLORA ОЕ PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 129 

Malaxis Wendlandii). Column very short, terete, usually at right angles to the 
axis of the lip; anther erect or suberect, persistent, 2-celled, the cells often nearly 
separate; pollinia 4, 2 in each cell of the anther, waxy, their long axis parallel to 
the long axis of the column or nearly so; caudicle none. 

About 200 species distributed in the temperate and tropical regions with the 
greatest concentration in tropical Asia and Oceania.—A fascinating but difficult 
genus, closely allied to Liparis, and with no really good characters separating the 
two. The section BELPHARIGLOTTIs is entirely tropical American, and while it 
resembles some species of Liparis its characters are more those of Malaxis. 

8 4.5-7 “> long 10. M. TIPULOIDES 

а: т > nd nee he stems. 
Lip 5 
bb Lip 3 атаны қ pe 9. M. BLEPHARIGLOTTIS 
aa. Plants нан аса bulbous stems "вук аге пос leafy along their length 
but bear S or 2 lea 

b. Lea 1; j inflorescence a narrow raceme 
c. Lip simple in uo not tridentate, tri 2. nor retuseé........,......... 1. M. MAJANTHEMIFOLIA 
се Реде not simple іп front, either нее | trilobate, or retuse. 4 
d. Lip мінді; ап 11. M. WENDLANDII 
dd. Lip not obovate-triangular; anther not rostrate. 
e. Lip кк» at the apex; inflorescence a dense spike................ 3. M. SouLer 
rilobate in front; inflorescence a кес: raceme 2. M. PITTIERI 

Lip tril 
bb. basa 2; oun nce a subumbellate racem 
c. -Lip сібе ог denticulate За. M. PARTHONI var. 


сс. Lip neither ciliate nor denticulat 
rei ignc or одн; пеаг "did 
. Lip uadrat outline, ud Ва Басгојасе basal 
2 а” 6. M. Хоорзомп 
ee. Lip not subquadrate in outline, without linear-lanceolate 

f. Lip without basal auricles 4. M. SIMILLIMA 
PE Lip with E or uncinate basal auricles 5. M. EXCAVATA 

dd. Lip entire in 
e. Lip s d сун to transversely oblong-oval, 3.5—7 mm. 
broad 8. 
ee. Lip ovate-triangular to ovate-lanceolate; 1.5—2.5 mm. broad... 7. M. FASTIGIATA 


1. MALAXIS MAJANTHEMIFOLIA Cham. & Schlecht. in Linnaea 6:59. 1831; Ames 
& Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:121. 1935; L. Wms. in Ann. 
Missouri Bot. Gard. 26:281. 1939. 

Malaxis icbtbiorbynca Rich. & Gal. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ІП, 3:18. 1845. 

Malaxis cocbleariaefolia Rich. g^ Gal. loc. cit 

Microstylis majantbemifolia Reichb. f. in Linnses 22:834. 1849. 

Microstylis cochleartaefolia Reichb. f. loc. cit. 

ы ias al ыш н Reichb. f., Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 99. 1866. 

ant bemifolia Greene, Pittonia 2:184. 1891. 

Microst-ylis eue Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 3:17. 1906. 

Small, erect, terrestrial herbs from 1 to 4 dm. tall. Stem short, cormous or 
flehy, covered with scarious sheaths. Leaves long-petiolate, one to each plant; 
lamina 2.5-12 cm. long and 2—9.5 cm. broad, ovate-cordate to broadly ovate- 
cordate, acute or obtuse, membranaceous; petiole elongated, sheathing and enclosing 
the peduncle for half its length (thus the lamina seemingly borne near the middle 
of the otherwise naked part of the peduncle). Inflorescence an elongate, many- 
flowered raceme. Dorsal sepal 2.5-3 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, elliptic-oval 


[Vor. 33 

to elliptic-ovate, obtuse ог acutish. Lateral sepals 2.3-2.8 mm. long and about 
1.5 mm. broad, oval, obtuse or acute, slightly arcuate, shortly connate at the 
base. Petals 2-3 mm. long and 0.3—0.7 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, acute, 
slightly arcuate. Lip 2-3 mm. long and 1.5-2.5 mm. broad, ovate-cordate or 
triangular-cordate, acute or obtuse, somewhat concave. Anther bipartite with 2 
fused pollinia in each part of it. 

Mexico, Guatemala, ipsus and Panama. 

cHIRIQUÍ: Boquete, alt. 1515 m., Davidson 801; Casita Alta, Volcán de Chiriqui, alt. 
1500—2000 m., Woodson, Alles. 6 Seibert 830; Potrero Muleto de Volcán de Chiri iquí, 
alt. 3500-4000 m., Woodson © Schery 474. 

2. Maraxis PITTIERI (Schltr.) Ames in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 35:84. 1922. 
Microstylis Pittieri Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 12:203. 1913. 

Erect terrestrial herbs up to about 2 dm. tall. Stems short, fleshy or cormous, 
 unifoliate. Leaves long-petiolate; lamina 2-3 cm. long and about 2-2.5 cm. 
broad, broadly ovate-cordate, acute or short-acuminate, membranaceous; petiole 
sheathing the lower half of the peduncle. Inflorescence a sublax, many-flowered 
raceme up to about 9 cm. long. Dorsal вера! 2.2-2.7 mm. long and about 1 mm. 
broad, elliptic-oblong, obtuse. Lateral sepals about 2-2.3 mm. long and together 
about 1.7 mm. broad, suborbicular-ovate, connate 34 their length. Petals 
about 2.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad, linear, acute or obtuse. Lip 2.2-2.5 mm. 
long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, 3-lobed, the disc cochleate and with a carinate U- 
shaped ridge in front; mid-lobe triangular-lanceolate; lateral lobes oblong-ovate. 

Known only from Panama. 

cHIRIQUÍ: between Alto de Las Palmas and the top of Cerro de la Horqueta, alt. 
2100-2268 m., Pittier 3277. 

A rare species, distinctive because of the lobing of the lip. 

3. Maraxis Souter L. Wms. іп Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 21:343. 1934. 
Microstylis montana Rothr. in Wheeler, Rept. О. S. Geog. Surv. W. 100th Меп. 

6 (Bot.) :264. 187 
Achroanthes montana Greene, Pittonia 2: ee 1891. 
Malaxis montana O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: ye: 1891, non Blume. 

Malaxis venerit "(La Llave & Lex ve . Ku ntze,” sensu Ames & Schweinf. in Bot. 
Mus. Leafl. = arv. Univ. 3:120. 1935, Һа я of La Llave & aun nor of Lindley 
nor of Kuntz 
Erect terrestrial herbs up to about 4.5 dm. tall. Stems short, fleshy or cormous, 

probably hypogaeous, covered with the scarious bases of the sheaths and petiole. 

Leaves 1 on each growth; lamina 2.5-16 cm. long and 1-6 cm. broad, elliptic- 

ovate to oblong or oblong-ovate to obovate, variable, acute or obtuse, mem- 

branaceous; petiole elongated and enclosing the peduncle for a third to a half of 
its length and thus the lamina borne well above the ground. Inflorescence an 
elongated, densely flowered spike. Dorsal вера! 1.5-2.5 mm. long and about 
0.8—1.2 mm. broad, lanceolate-ovate to elliptic-oblong, acute or obtuse. Lateral 
sepals 1.5-2.2 mm. long and 0.8—1.2 mm. broad, oblong-elliptic, obtuse. Petals 


19 46] 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 

Ру 252. 

Lil P 


«210409 т 

ANS AT db s". 

D % 


117. Malaxis Soulei 



[Vor. 33 

1.2-2 mm. long and 0.2-0.6 mm. broad, linear or linear-lanceolate, obtuse. Lip 
1.7-2.5 mm. long and 1.4-2.5 mm. broad, ovate-cordate to suborbicular-cordate, 
auriculate, cochleate, apex tridentate. 

Arizona, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Volcan de оа alt. about 3025 m., Davidson 000; Llanos del Volcan, 
E 1120-1200 m., Seibert 128; Casita Alta, Volcán de Chiriquí, alt. about 1500-2000 

‚ Woodson, Allen 9 vi 804, 835; Casita Alta to Cerro Copete, alt. A de m., 
Fio 8 Schery 371 
4. MALAXIS SIMILLIMA (Reichb. f.) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 2:673. 1891. 
Microstylis simillima Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 101. 1866. 

Erect terrestrial herbs up to about 3.5 dm. tall. Stems short, cormous, hypo- 
gaeous, bifoliate, covered with the scarious bases of the sheaths and petiole. Leaves 
long-petiolate; lamina 3.5-14 cm. long and 2-7 cm. broad, lanceolate-ovate to 
broadly ovate, acuminate, membranaceous, reaching to about the middle of the 
peduncle. Inflorescence a short, dense, many-flowered, subumbellate raceme. 
Dorsal вера! 3-4 mm. long and 1.2-1.8 mm. broad, broadly lanceolate or ovate- 
lanceolate, acute or obtuse. Lateral sepals 3-4 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, 
ligulate-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, acute, connate to the middle or less. 
Petals 2-2.5 mm. long and 0.2-0.5 mm. broad, linear, acute or obtuse. Lip 
3.5—4.5 mm. long and 1.5—3 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate, acute, cochleate, with 
2 small lateral or inframarginal teeth below the apex. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. 1900 m., Woodson & Schery 685. 

MaLaxis EXCAVATA (Lindl) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 2:673. 1891; L. Wms. 
in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 6:75. 1938. 

Microstylis excavata Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 24:Misc. p. 51. 1838. 

Microstylis bastilabia Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr. Asp. 101. 1866. 

Malaxis bastilabia O. Ktze. loc. cit. 

Microstylis Carpinterae Schltr. in Beih. Bot. E epum 36, Abt. 2:381. 1918. 
Malaxis Carpinterae Ames, Sched. Orch. 7:157 

Malaxis uncinata Ames & ee Sched. ote. 2 15. 1930. 


Erect terrestrial herbs from а rhizome, up to about 4.2 dm. tall. Stems short, 
cormous, bifoliate, covered with the scarious sheaths of the petioles and bracts. 
Leaves long-petiolate; lamina 5-12 cm. long and 2-7 cm. broad, ovate-lanceolate 
to ovate, acute or acuminate, membranaceous, paired, reaching to about the middle 
of the peduncle; petioles sheathing the lower part of the peduncle. Inflorescence 
a short, dense, many-flowered, subumbellate raceme. Dorsal sepal 3.5-4 mm. 
long and 1.5-2.7 mm. broad, elliptic-oblong to ovate, obtuse. Lateral sepals 3-4 
mm. long and 1.3-2.2 mm. broad, oblong-oval to oblong-ovate, obtuse, free to 
the base or nearly so. Petals 2.5—3.5 mm. long and 0.3-0.4 mm. broad, linear (or 
linear-lanceolate), obtuse. Lip 3-4 mm. long and 2.5-4 mm. broad, oblong- 
cordate to triangular-cordate, auricles at the base erect or uncinate, trilobulate at 
the apex, disc excavated and gibbous, the cavity with a longitudinal ridge. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 133 

Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, 
and Brazil. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Boquete, alt. about 3025 m., Davidson 1002; vicinity of Monte Lirio, их 
1300-1900 m., Seibert 175; Casita Alta to Cerro Copete, alt. 2300-3300 m., Woods 
& Schery м. Potiero Muleto to summit of Volcan de Chiriqui, alt. 3500-4000 m., Wood. 
son & Scher 

Dam drawn from Central American material. Some South American 

specimens have smaller flowers. А variable species. 

Е Ж E о 

= иу 

Fig. 118. Malaxis Woodsonii 

6. Maraxis Woopsonn Г. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 26:281, 2. 21, 
figs. 1-2. 1939. 

[Vor. 33 

Small terrestrial herbs up to about 15 cm. tall. Stems short, cormous, covered 
with the bases of the petioles and bracts. Leaves long-petiolate; lamina 1.5—5.5 
cm. long and 1.3—4.5 cm. broad, broadly ovate, obtuse or acute, crenulate or 
obscurely serrate, membranaceous, borne about the middle of the peduncle. In- 
florescence many-flowered, subumbellate. Sepals 2.5-4 mm. long and 1.5-2.5 mm. 
broad, broadly lanceolate, obtuse. Petals about 2.5-3 mm. long, filiform. Lip 
3.5-5 mm. long and 3-3.5 mm. broad, quadrate in outline; apex 3-lobate, the 
mid-lobe small and exceeded by the lateral lobes in length, lateral lobes large, 
rounded, obtuse, the basal auricles linear-lanceolate, acute, erect; disc with two 
shallow cavities. 


IRIQUÍ: Casita Alta, Volcán de Chiriqui, alt. about 1500-2000 m., Woodson, Allen 
8 Seibert 831, 

Well distinguished from all other species in Central America by the basal 
auricles of the lip. 

7. MaLaxis FASTIGIATA (Reichb. f.) О. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 2:673. 1891; Ames 

& Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:116. 1935. 
rwr fastigiata Reichb. f. in Linnaea 22:834. 1849. 

Microstylis brachyrrhynchos Reichb. f. in Flora 71:152. 
Malaxis ries шшш] Si а Ames in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 35: 84. 1922, sphalm. 
Malaxis Lankesteri Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:7. 1923 

Small erect terrestrial herbs up to about 6 dm. tall. Stems short, cormous, 
bifoliate, tunicate. Leaves long-petiolate; lamina 3—16.5 cm. long and 1.5-9.5 
cm. broad, oval to broadly ovate, obtuse or acuminate, membranaceous, paired, 
reaching to about the middle of the peduncle; petiole sheathing the lower part 
of the peduncle. Inflorescence a many-flowered, short or rarely somewhat elon- 
gated, subumbellate raceme. Dorsal sepal 3-5 mm. long and 1-1.6 mm. broad, 
lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, obtuse. Lateral sepals 3-4.5 mm. long and 1-1,8 
mm. broad, lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, obtuse, free to their bases. Petals 2—3.5 
mm. long and 0.3—0.4 mm. broad, linear or linear-ligulate. Lip 2-4 mm. long 
and 1.5-2.5 mm. broad, ovate-triangular to ovate-lanceolate, the apex from 
rounded to subrostrate, acute or obtuse, disc excavated and gibbous, fleshy, the 
cavity with a longitudinal ridge. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Llanos del Volcán, alt. 1120-1200 m., Seibert 327. 

Malaxis fastigiata and M. brachyrrhyncha are often considered to be distinct 
species. The first is supposed to have the lip distinctly rostrate; the second is not 
supposed to be rostrate (although the type is short-rostrate). This seems to be 
the only method of separating the two and, as the two conditions intergrade 
completely, the two species should be considered synonymous. 

8. Maraxis Равтноми Morr. in Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. 5:485. 1838; L. Wms. 
in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 26:281. 1939. 
Microstylis bistionantba Lk., Kl. & Otto, Ic. Pl. Rar. Hort. Berol. 1:11, #. 5. 1841; Hook. 



FLORA ОЕ PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 135 

in Bot. Mag. 70: f. а 1844. 
Microstylis Part bonii R ichb. f. in Walp. Ann. 6:206. 1861. 
Microstylis Brenesii hie in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:167. 1923. 

Erect terrestrial herbs up to about 6 dm. tall. Stems short, cormous, bifoliate, 
covered with the scarious bases of the petioles and bracts. Leaves 8—18 cm. long 
and 3-12 cm. broad, ovate-lanceolate to broadly ovate or suborbicular, acute or 
acuminate, membranaceous, paired, reaching to about the middle of the scape, 
their petioles sheathing the lower part of the peduncle. Inflorescence a short, 
many-flowered, subumbellate raceme. Dorsal вера! 4.5-6 mm. long and 1.5-2.5 
mm. broad, lanceolate-ligulate to elliptic, obtuse. Lateral sepals 3-5 mm. long 
and together up to 6 mm. broad, connate to the middle or beyond or free to the 
base, suborbicular in outline or separately lanceolate-ovate, obtuse. Petals 2-4 
mm. long, filiform. Lip 3.5-5 mm. long and 3.5-7 mm. broad, orbicular to 
transversely oblong-oval, concave toward the base. 

Mexico, Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama; reported from Peru but а small- 
flowered form if so. 

ONE: vicinity of Salamanca Hydrographic Station, alt. about 80 m., Woodson, 
Allen 8 Seibert 1581. CHIRIQUÍ: Finca Lérida to Boquete, alt. 1300-1700 m., Woodson, 
Allen & Seibert 1172. 
8а. Mavaxis РАКТНОМП Morr. var. DENTICULATA (Reichb. f.) Ames, Hub. & 

Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:40. 1934 
шар ш Parthonii Reichb. f. var. denticulata Reichb. f., Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 100. 
он Wercklei Schltr. іп Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:382. 1918. 

Malaxis Wercklei Ames in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 35:85. 1922 

Much like the species except the floral parts smaller, the lip denticulate or 
ciliate and the cavity at the base of the lip definitely bipartite. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: vicinity of upper Río Chiriquí, Monte Lirio, alt. 1300—1900 m., Seibert 
170, 221; valley of upper Rio Chiriqui, alt. 1300-1900 m., White 9 White 17; vicinity 
of Casita Alta, alt. 1500-2000 m., Woodson, Allen 8 Seibert 832bis. 

9. MALAXIs BLEPHARIGLOTTIS (Schltr.) Ames in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 35:84. 


Microstylis blepbariglottis Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 12:202. 1913. 

Small, erect, epiphytic (or terrestrial?) herbs up to about 4.5 dm. tall. Stems 
up to about 2 cm. long, densely leaved. Leaves 4.5—12 cm. long and 0.8—1.5 cm. 
broad, elliptic to oblanceolate-ligulate, acute or acuminate, membranaceous. In- 
florescence densely flowered, elongated; bracts up to about 8 mm. long, lanceolate, 
acuminate, entire or lacerate, cucullate. Sepals 2.5-3 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. 
broad, elliptic-lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, obtuse, slightly cucullate. Petals 3-3.5 
mm. long and 0.4—0.6 mm. broad, linear-ligulate, obtuse. Lip 3—4 mm. long and 
2-3 mm. broad, oblong-obovate, obtuse or acute, slightly constricted above the 
base, the base emarginate and callus thickened, margins ciliate or ciliate-lacerate. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 


[Vorn 33 

cHIRIQUÍ: above El Boquete, alt. 1650-1925 m., Maxon 5667. 

Known in Panama only from the original specimen although the locality has 
been often collected. This species, along with Malaxis tipuloides (Lindl.) O. 
Ktze., belongs to Schlechter’s section BLEPHARIGLOTTIS of Microstylis (Schlechter, 
loc. cit. 203). The species of the section (perhaps a dozen) resemble some species 
of Liparis rather closely. The anthers are neither completely erect, as they are 
supposed to be in Malaxis, nor are they incumbent as in Liparis. The position of 
the anther in these genera is controlled by the length of the rostellum, and this 
species has a relatively long one. It is perhaps important that the pollinia of 
these two species have their long axis parallel to the long axis of the column, 
which doubtless indicates an anther nearly erect. The position of the anther has 
been used in separation because there is hardly a way in which the two genera 
may be distinguished. Perhaps the relative length of the column would afford a 
better criterion. 

10. Maraxis TIPULOIDES (Lindl.) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 2:673. 1891, as Malaxis 

Microstylis tipuloides Lindl. in Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ~, 256. 1845. 

Liparis eustachys Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:91. 1923. 

Liparis fratrum Schltr. loc. cit. 92; L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:282. 1940. 

Liparis pee Schltr. loc. cit. 91; C. Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 6:2. 

Repent or ascending terrestrial herbs often with the stems rooting at the 
nodes, up to about 7 dm. long. Stems up to about 10 cm. long, densely leaved, 
slender. Leaves 5-17 cm. long and 0.9—3.5 cm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-oblance- 
olate, petiolate, acute, membranaceous. Inflorescence a loose or dense raceme up 
to about 5-6 dm. long, much exceeding the stems and the leaves. Dorsal вера! 
5.5-6 mm. long and 1-2 mm. broad, ligulate, lanceolate, obtuse. Lateral sepals 
similar to the dorsal but somewhat arcuate. Petals 4.5-7 mm. long, linear or linear- 
lanceolate, obtuse or acute. Lip 5.5-9.5 mm. long and 3-4.5 mm. broad, elliptic- 
obovate, acuminate, auriculate, ciliolate, somewhat constricted below the middle. 

Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Cerro Punta, alt. 2000 m., Allen 1528. 

See note on preceding species. 

11. Maraxis Wendlandii (Reichb. f.) L. Wms., comb. nov. 
Liparis Wendlandii Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 98. 1866. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 6 dm. tall. Stem a short cormous 
pseudobulb covered with fibrous sheaths and the bases of the petioles and bracts. 
Leaf 1, petiolate; lamina 0.9—2 cm. long and 0.5-1.2 cm. broad, oval to sub- 
orbicular, acute, membranaceous. Inflorescence a few-flowered raceme, the base 
enfolded by the petiole and the bracts. Dorsal sepal about 3—3.5 mm. long and 
1.5-1.7 тт. broad, ovate-lanceolate, obtuse or acutish. Lateral sepals 2.7-3.2 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 137 

mm. long and about 0.8—1.2 mm. broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, obtuse or 
acutish, somewhat arcuate. Petals about 3 mm. long and 0.6-0.7 mm. broad, 
linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate. Lip 3—3.5 mm. long and 2-2.6 mm. broad, 
obovate-triangular, retuse, denticulate, with an umbonate callus toward the base. 
Column about 0.75 mm. long, at right angles to the lip; anther about 0.75 mm. 
long, erect or semi-erect, long-rostrate, the rostrum about 0.5 mm. of the length 
of the anther; rostellum very long. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: valley of the upper Río Chiriquí Viejo, vicinity of Monte Lirio, alt. 
1300—1900 m., Seibert 195, 216. 

Malaxis Wendlandii is a very curious plant which seems to have most of the 
technical characters of Malaxis but a lip like that of Liparis, in which genus it 
was originally placed. Тһе short column, erect or semi-erect anther with sep- 
arated cells and the long rostellum point to Malaxis. The rostrate anther is 
unusual. The shape of the lip certainly reminds one of the genus Liparis. 

25. LIPARIS L. C. Rich. 

Lrearis L. С. Rich. in Мет. Mus. Par. 4:52, t. 5, fig. 10. 1818; Lindl. Gen & 
Sp. Orch. Pl. 26. 1830; Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 2:495. 1883; Ridley in 
Jour. Linn. Soc. 22:252-297. 1886. 

Small terrestrial or epiphytic herbs with pseudobulbous stems. Leaves few 
(1-4), petiolate, the base of the petiole enclosing the pseudobulb; lamina mem- 
branaceous (in Panama), usually broad. Inflorescence a few- to several-flowered, 
terminal raceme. Flowers small. Sepals free, subequal, spreading. Petals sub- 
equal to the sepals or usually smaller and narrower. Lip erect or spreading, 
shortly adnate to the base of the column or free, sessile or usually shortly clawed, 
entire or usually emarginate, 1- to 2-tuberculate at the base, broader than the 
sepals. Column elongated (compared to that of Malaxis), arcuate, semi-terete, 
footless, usually parallel to the axis of the lip; anther terminal, operculate, in- 
cumbent, usually soon deciduous and versatile; pollinia 4, waxy, their long axis 
at right angles to the long axis of the column or nearly so. 

About 200 species in tropical and temperate regions with the greatest con- 
centration in tropical Asia and Oceania. Closely allied to Malaxis. 

1. LIPARIS ELATA Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 14: /. 1175. 1828; Г. Wms. in Ann. Mis- 

souri Bot. Gard. 26:282. 1939. 

Terrestrial herbs from 13 to 40 cm. tall. Stems short, becoming fleshy or 
cormous, sheathed with the bases of the petiole. Leaves petiolate, usually 3 or 4 
from each stem, rosulate; lamina 5-30 cm. long and 2.5-11 cm. broad, elliptic- 
oval to ovate, acute or acuminate, membranaceous. Inflorescence a more or less 
lax, few- to many-flowered raceme. Dorsal вера! 6-7 mm. long and 2-2.2 mm. 
broad, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse. Lateral sepals 4-6 mm. long and 2-3 mm. 
broad, oval to ovate, obtuse, arcuate. Petals 5-5.7 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. 


[Vor. 33 



Liparis elata 


Fig. 119. 

FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 139 

broad, linear to linear-oblanceolate, obtuse, arcuate. Lip 4-5.5 mm. long and 
4-5 mm. broad, obovate to flabellate, truncate or emarginate, fleshy, bituberculate 
at the base. Column long, arcuate. 

Florida, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, the West Indies, 
Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. 

CANAL ZONE: Quebrada Salamanca, alt. 70 m., bobo: Steyermark & Allen 16988; 
Salamanca Hydrographic Station, Río Pequeñí, alt. роне 80 m., Woodson, Allen & Seibert 
1580. PANAMA: Cerro Campana, alt. 600-800 m., Allen 2677; foothills east of city, 
Powell 243. 

A widespread and somewhat variable species. 

26. HEXISEA Lindl. 

HexisEa Lindl. in Hook. Jour. Bot. 1:7. 1834. 
Eutbonaea Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:772. 1852. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs. Stems simple or branched, terete or angled, seg- 
mented, thickened or pseudobulbous. Leaves few, usually one or two from the 
apex of each segment, usually deciduous annually. Inflorescence from the apex 
of the growths, few-flowered, short; flowers small but highly colored. Sepals 
similar, erect or spreading, narrow, the laterals often shortly connate at the base. 
Petals similar to the sepals. Lip simple or lobulate, adnate at the base with the 
column, base of the lamina geniculate and usually callus-thickened. Column 
short, adnate to the lip below the middle; clinandrium 3-lobed; anther operculate, 
incumbent; pollinia 4, collateral, waxy. 

About a half dozen species in Central and South America. Living material 
should prove instructive as to the origin of the inflorescence and new growth, for 
both apparently come from the apex of the preceding growth, which is somewhat 
unusual. The monotypic genus Alemania Llave & Lex. (The only one of the Llave 
& Lexarza orchids for which a type is known to exist) should possibly include 
Hexisea. Florally they are not to be distinguished but the vegetative growth may 
keep them separate until more is known about them. 

1. НЕХБЕА BIDENTATA Lindl. in Hook., Jour. Bot. 1:8. 1834. 

Diotbonaea imbricata Lindl. Sert. Orch. 7. 40, f. I 
Epidendrum oppositifolium Rich. & Gal. in Ann. Sci, ‘Nat E^ 3:21. 1845. 
Diotbonaea oppositifolia Reichb. f. in Linnaea 22:842. 18 
at е» Reichb. f. in = Zeit. 10:772. Коу 
mbricata Reichb. f. loc. 
Heer oppositifolia Reichb. f. in Walp. Ann. 6:470. 1862. 
Hexisea imbricata Reichb. f. loc. cit. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 4 dm. tall. Stems segmented, the 
terminal growth producing flowers and then a new growth and leaves from its 
apex, simple or branched, the segments subcylindric or fusiform. Leaves 2.5-16 
cm. long and 0.3-1 cm. broad, linear to linear-ligulate, obtuse or retuse, cori- 
aceous, borne from the apex of the segment of the stem. Inflorescence a short, 


[Vor. 33 

few-flowered raceme. Flowers usually bright red. Sepals 10-14 mm. long and 
2.5—4 mm. broad, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, acute, the laterals somewhat 
oblique. Petals 10-13 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate to linear- 
oblong, acute. Lip 8—13 mm. long and 2.5—4 mm. broad, oblong-oblanceolate, 
obtuse or acute, base of the lamina geniculate and the angle or "knee" usually 
callus-thickened, claw adnate with the basal half of the column. 

Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and British 

CHIRIQUÍ: “Chiriqui,” alt. 1200 m., Powell 64, 3113, 3156, 3157, 3161, 3100, 3102, 
3214, 3504. PANAM MA: San Juan Hills, е ast of Panama ea Powell 333, 3146, 3420; 
"Panama": Panama et Colombia occidentalis, in 1831, Cuming 1207. ҮЕКАСОАЅ: head- 
waters of the Río Cafazas, alt. 300-600 m., Allen 195; Bahia "Honda, Taylor 1509. 

The genus should possibly be referred to Alemania Llave & Lex. 

(To be concluded in Part III, Fasc. 3) 


of the 

Missouri Botanical Garden 

Vol. 33 APRIL, 1946 No. 2 



In the last number of this ‘Carboniferous Flora" series (Andrews, 745) it was 
mentioned that xylary fragments of a rather large Medullosan stem were present 
in a collection of coal balls received from Mr. Frederick O. Thompson, of Des 
Moines, Iowa; and that while they apparently represented a distinct species they 
were not sufficiently complete to warrant description. А few weeks after this 
was published Mr. Thompson sent us another collection of coal balls which in- 
cluded an interesting Medullosa, and this specimen consists of a stelar system that 
appears worthy of its own alcove in the archives of pteridosperm stem remains. 

Perhaps the most disturbing feature connected with coal ball studies is the 
necessity of casting a decision occasionally as to when to stop and record newly 
acquired information. One must necessarily draw a line somewhere between the 
extremes of describing each fragment as it turns up or of waiting indefinitely for 
a more or less complete set of fossils to accumulate. Unfortunately, the latter 
may never happen. А statement of Dr. Cannon's in his recent book (Cannon, 
'45), that "Since no research can be final, every publication is a progress report," 
seems most appropriate to coal-ball investigations. 

The Iowa coal-ball plants previously described (Andrews, '45) were obtained 
from the Urbandale mine, the location of which is noted on the accompanying 
map (text-fig. 1). The present specimen, however, was collected from the Shuler 
coal mine a few miles to the west of the Urbandale mine. The exact location of 
the Shuler shaft is: 8 miles west of 63rd Street (Des Moines) and 1.2 miles north 
of U. S. Highway No. 6. The coal vein lies 610 feet above sca level, and 387 
feet beneath the surface of the ground which has an elevation of 997 feet. 

! Student at Southwest High School, St. Louis. 
Issued April 30, 1946. 

[Vor. 33 

Some question has prevailed as to whether the veins worked by the Shuler and 
Urbandale mines are continuous. Recently we have been informed by Mr. Charles 
Bendixen, an official of the Shuler Mine, that drill holes show that the Shuler coal 
disappears entirely to the east toward the Urbandale mine. There is also some 
evidence to indicate that the Des Moines Ice and Fuel Co. coal does not extend to 
that worked by the Shuler mine. However, in view of the general similarity of 
the fossil floras from the two mines (Shuler and Urbandale), the fact that the 
shafts are but six and one-half miles apart and that there is a difference of only 
ten feet in the elevation of the veins at the position of the respective shafts, it 
seems likely that they represent contemporaneous Pennsylvanian forests. А more 
precise statement must await the publication of recent stratigraphic studies. 

Inasmuch as we may reasonably expect more paleobotanical contributions from 
this region the accompanying map is presented to show the exact geographical 
position of the productive mines. 

Medullosa anglica var. ioensis, var. nov. 

The single specimen available consists of a stelar system composed of three 
steles (pl. 1, fig. 1). Although slightly crushed, they were all of approximately 
the same size in life. The best-preserved one (fig. 2) measures 18 x 10 mm. in 
transverse section. "These measurements are limited by the secondary xylem, the 
tissues external to which (except for the partly preserved secondary phloem) being 
absent. The primary xylary body of this stele is somewhat crushed and distorted 
but apparently measured about 2 mm. in diameter in life. The radial development 
of the secondary xylem in two of the steles is fairly uniform, while the third 
(fig. 1c) displays pronounced endocentricity. The rather weak development 
and loose organization of the xylem on one side of stele a (fig. 1) is apparently 
the result of stelar branching. 

Although the endocentric stele is crushed, the primary xylary body is, for the 
most part, intact (fig. 3). Тһе relative amount of parenchyma associated with 
the primary tracheids is markedly greater than that in either M. anglica or M. 
Thom psonii. Yn the latter the primary body consists almost entirely of tracheids, 
while in M. anglica there is a somewhat greater admixture of parenchyma. Ас- 
cording to Scott's account of the English species: ‘Тһе whole interior of each 
stele . . . . is occupied by the primary wood, which consists of elements of two 
kinds—tracheides and parenchymatous cells. The arrangement and relative pro- 
portions of the two constituents vary much in different steles, and in different 
parts of the same. At some places, the tracheides form a continuous system over 
a considerable area, only interrupted by scattered strands of parenchyma... . In 
other cases the tracheides are arranged in definite groups, separated from one an- 
other by a network of parenchyma... ., while sometimes the cellular tissue pre- 
dominates, and is traversed by comparatively few tracheides, isolated, or in small 
groups.... In no case is there any differentiation of a true ‘partial pith,’ or even 
any marked increase in the amount of parenchyma towards the middle of the 
stele.” [Scott, 799, p. 88]. 




Бра ааа | t 4 1 

z [7] 
5 9 5 ii 
Y 2 
EIE Tm 9 

о | = с^ 

SECT. 23 > | ә: 
T $ E E a 
–|= О 

2, v п 
ELEV. е]! z z Lam 5 
= SECT. 2! | 5 
form _| | LUN Боя ж 
| | Edgy, 805' z 

ЛО ОМАНА 155 M. U.S. HIGHWAY] No. © ELEY, 905” ELEV. ud 
1.2 M 
ылы м 

Text-fig. 1. 

Map showing coal mines near Des Moines, Iowa, where coal balls have been found. 

By Frederick O. Thompson. 

[Vor. 33 

It is evident from Scott’s description that the primary xylem in the steles of 
M. anglica presents appreciable variation with respect to the tracheid-parenchyma 
ratio. In view of the size variation in the steles this might be expected according 
to Bower’s (730) size and form principles. However, іп the three major steles 
composing the stem of М. anglica, the primary bodies appear (Scott, 799, pl. 6, 
photo 5) to be of about the same areal size and the tracheid-parenchyma ratio 
seems to be uniform in all. Comparing that figure with a corresponding one of 
М. anglica var. ioensis, two features are noticeable: first, the primary body in 
the steles of the Iowa specimen is much crushed which in itself would suggest 
relatively more of the delicate thin-walled conjunctive parenchyma, and second, 
where the primary wood is well preserved (fig. 3) the relative paucity of tracheids 
is conspicuous. The crushed nature of the primary tissues of M. anglica var. 
іоепзік makes it impossible to make an accurate size comparison with М. anglica. 

The radial walls of the secondary tracheids are composed of closely compacted 
and, for the most part, irregularly arranged bordered pits (fig. 5), an organization 
so characteristic of many supposed pteridosperms. Individually the pits vary 
from oval to an irregularly angular outline where they are most closely compacted. 
Occasionally they are nearly hexagonal, tending to be arranged in vertical rows. 
In a few cells the pit orifices are remarkably well preserved, being slender, hori- 
zontally orientated slits (fig. 4). 

The wood rays, which may be classified in group IIB (Andrews, '40), are very 
narrow, being one to three cells wide, and of great height, exceeding 6. mm. 

Associated with the steles, although not organically connected, are two small 
segments of the outer cortical rind of a Medullosan stem or petiole. While the epi- 
dermis of these fragments is missing, the general organization of the fibrous strands 
and of the enclosing parenchyma resembles that of M. anglica. In one of the two 
fragments secretory canals are especially abundant, abutting on nearly every 
fibrous strand, and present an appearance not unlike that of Myeloxylon Bendixenii 
(Andrews, '45, pl. 7). 

Locality: Shuler Coal Mine, Des Moines, Iowa. 

Horizon: Des Moines Series, Pennsylvanian. 

Type specimen: No. WCB425, Henry Shaw School of Botany, paleobotanical 


There are now some eight species and varieties assigned to the Anglorota section 
of Medullosa. Whether or not these will all retain their present taxonomic dis- 
tinction in the light of a future monographic study is a decision that we are not 
obliged to meet at the moment. There already exists a most interesting series of 
stems displaying significant, although more or less intergrading, anatomical varia- 
tions. Some of these are perhaps only physiological variations while others appear 

to carry more taxonomic weight. Until more information has accumulated con- 



= = — 

798 nm 

— .- --- — 

Text-fig 2. А diagram showing the (somewhat restored) stelar system of Мей оза 

nglica v е > primary xylem is indicated in solid black, the secondary xylem 
by radiating lines, mi ine — position of the stelar periderm by the dotted line. This 
diagram has been red at a magnification of x 2.8 to facilitate comparison with other 

ibe of the PL a group shown in pl. 12 of Part VII of this series (Andrews, '45). 

cerning this most important Pennsylvanian genus it seems most expedient to take 
advantage of even relatively slight structural differences. 

In the account of Medullosa Tbompsonii considerable weight was placed on 
the anatomy of the cortical tissues, particularly the fibrous strand-secretory canal 
relationship. However, since this tissue is lacking in the present specimen we are 

[ Vor. 33, 1946] 

handicapped in making a precise comparison. If the two associated cortical 
fragments belong with the stelar system they present characters, correlating with 
those of the primary wood, that clearly separate them from Medullosa Thom psonii. 
In both of these characters the new stem lies closest to the English M. anglica. 

The qualitative differences separating the species of this group as а whole are 
by no means striking yet there are good reasons for believing that, such as they 
are, they may be of sound taxonomic validity. First, it is well known that stem 
anatomy in general is of а more conservative nature than that of other plant 
organs such as foliage or reproductive structures. Second, the Iowa coal balls 
contain a considerable variety of seeds, a number of which are, in all probability, 
those of pteridosperms. 

It is a trifle embarrassing that the present report had to be given separately so 
soon after the previous account of Iowa Medullosas. On the other hand, we are 
not averse to hoping that future discoveries will render possible a continuation of 
these reports regardless of how long or short the intervals may be. 

Acknowled gment.— 
Thanks are again due to Mr. Frederick О. Thompson for his vital and con- 

tinued interest in furthering these investigations. 


ide a = N. 2. hes the stelar 2. > the pteridosperms with particular reference to 
condary wood. . Mo. Bot. Gard. 1-118. 
5 5-2 to our пи of American carboniferous floras. УП. Some 
eridosperm stems from Тома. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 32:323-360 
1 . Size i 

Cannon, W. B. (1945). The way of an investigator. orton & Co. 
Scott, D. H. (1899). Оп the structure and affinities of fossil plants from the Palaeozoic rocks. 
Ш. On и ee а new representative of the Cycadofilices. Roy. Soc. Lond. Phil. 
Trans. В, 191:8 

Medullosa anglica var. ioense 

Fig. 1. The stelar system in transverse section. Slide 1391, x 2. in 

Fig. 2. Stele а shown at a higher magnification. Slide 1391, 

Fig. 3. А portion of the endocentric stele c showing the е РЕЙ and part of 
the Eon tissues. Slide 2. 

Fi Radial view of ni a l secondary tracheid showing the slit-like, nearly 
ee orifice of the pits. “Slide 1392, x 12 

Fig Radial view of part of three ian tracheids showing the arrangement 
of the ite: Slide 1392, x 66. 

Рт.АтЕ 1 

ANN. Мо. Bor. бакр., Vor. 33, 1946 

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m с 







Mexico, even more than any other country of the New World, is the land of 
maize. There it is the actual staff of life, directly, as well as indirectly, for the 
vast majority of the inhabitants. Today, as in pre-historic times, the state of the 
maize crop is the commonest subject for conversation throughout the Republic. 
Maize is so thoroughly identified with Mexico that a survey of the varieties grown 
there might be useful to historians, geographers, and anthropologists, as well as 
to agronomists and geneticists. To students of maize in the United States the 
Mexican varieties have a special significance. Nearly all of the maize now being 
grown here must trace back, though often by very complex routes, to varieties 
once grown in Mexico. Some of the problems of commercial maize breeding in 
the United States and some of our archaeological problems cannot be solved until 
we have a more complete understanding of the maize of Mexico. 

Any attempt to get a general over-all picture of Mexican maize is a difficult 
problem. Maize in Mexico is extremely variable; it not only varies in the same 
way that it does in the United States and with greater magnitude; in Mexico 
there are further patterns of variation. In the corncrib or the field it varies from 
plant to plant as do our open-pollinated (1.е., non-hybrid) varieties, but the 
variation is nearly always greater than in an American cornfield or corncrib. In 
one Mexican village it often varies widely from field to field for the same variety. 
Unlike American maize, there are, in addition, great differences between varieties 
and from region to region. There are frequently as many major kinds of maize 
in one Mexican village as in the entire United States, yet when one goes to a village 
in another part of Mexico he may find quite another set of varieties. For instance, 
there are shown in figure 1 the varieties grown by two Mexican families; one 
(above), in Toluca near Mexico City; the other (below), from west of Autlan in 
Jalisco. It is unfortunate that photographs of the plants could not have been 
included in the picture since variation in plant type was even more extreme than 
that in ear type. A careful comparison of these two pictures will show that 
several quite distinct varieties are being grown by each family. Yet none of 
those grown in Toluca are found in Autlan or vice versa. As a matter of fact, 
progressive farmers and agronomists in either of these regions know little or 
nothing about the types of maize grown in the other. The ear at the left in fig. 1 
(No. 1 below) belongs to an ancient, well-established type of maize widely grown 
ШЕТ нн dedicated to the maize growers of Mexico who received me with uniform courtesy 
and furthe de these dowd in their Арт: т and store- 34 Much of the work reported herein 
was carried o M the author was a Fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation. Acknowledgments 

are Pw due arl Sauer t Ralph Beals Isabel Kelly, R. H. Barlow, and E. J. Wellhausen for large 
and ётё айн msc of Mexican maize turned over to me for st ne 


[Vor. 33 

in western Mexico (Anderson, 44a). When studying the maize of the Toluca- 
Mexico City region, ears of this variety were carried about and shown to farmers, 
plant breeders, and other agriculturists. All were much interested, but none 
recognized it or knew anything about the general type of maize to which it 
belonged. Similarly, the small rice popcorns of fig. 1 (above) were carried back 
from Toluca to Jalisco where they created general amazement when shown to the 
maize growers of that region, yet the air-line distance between Autlan and 
Toluca is only 300 miles. 

With regional variation piled upon local variation in this fashion, cataloguing 
the maize of Mexico and discussing the results in general terms is a research 
problem of no mean dimensions. It is indeed as if one were called upon to discuss 
the physical anthropology of Europe before any of the technical papers upon that 
subject had been published (Anderson and Cutler, 742). The present paper is 
little more than a first approximation. It is based upon six months of residence 
and travel in Guadalajara and Mexico City and the regions between them, plus 
five seasons of study in the laboratory and the experimental field of collections 
made by various collaborators. It scarcely even touches upon such important 
centers as Oaxaca, Chiapas, and the barrancas of western Mexico. 

In studying Mexican maize it becomes immediately apparent that the cus- 
tomary pigeon-holes of maize agronomists (popcorn, sweet corn, dent corn, pod 
corn, flour corn, flint corn) are worse than useless. When these names were set 
up by E. Lewis Sturtevant in 1884 he dignified them with Latin equivalents, and 
they have therefore been taken more seriously as outlining real natural entities 
than he himself ever intended. They will serve as pigeon-holes in most of the 
United States, though they are artificial and do not divide Zea Mays into natural 
subdivisions. In Mexico they are bad even as pigeon-holes, and furthermore the 
different ones are bad in different ways. Flint and flour are single gene differences. 
In regions where both kinds are being grown (Ameca, Jalisco, for example) this 
single difference may occur in the same field and on the same ear so that shelled 
kernels from a single ear would have to be classified in two different groups by 
this system. Pod corn is likewise a single gene difference and, though seldom met 
with in Mexico, it might be expected to turn up in any kind of maize which was 
being grown. Sweet corn too is a single gene difference. In the case of 
Mexican sweet corn this character becomes still less reliable, since Mexican dents 
carry suppressors which may prevent the sweet character from showing even 
when it has been inherited. 

Dent corns and popcorns however, differ from non-dents and non-pops by a 
considerable number of genes, and the names delimit more or less natural entities. 
Yet neither one will serve efficiently in cataloguing Mexican maize. The dent 
corns vary among themselves in the amount of denting, and they have been so 
hybridized with non-dented sorts that the classification into dents and non-dents 
is difficult and subjective in many parts of Mexico. Popcorns are more a group 
by themselves, or rather two groups. The two most different varieties of corn in 




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4-5 6-7 8-9 ІС-І 12-3 

4-15 16-17 

Fig. 2. Grid used жыны аы this paper and the Appendix for diagram- 
ming variation in Mexican maize. Vertical С row number; осе нар 
width of the kernel in mm. T o diagrams illustrate how in 

e Six 
denting and in pointing of the kernel is represented. 
e tex endix. 

t and in the foreword to the Appe 

Further са іп 

[Vor. 33 



06 9 
Q 7! 
оо e >? | 
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]-—— — — \ 1 1 і 4 
Бір. 3. aae of all the collections made in Mexico on the same grid 
illustrated in fig. 2. Each circle represents the average of a single po 

t the right the average degree of pointing has been ке шіге d for each row 
number (row numbers run from 22 at the top to the төй np 2.00, 
strongly pointed; 1.00, slightly pointed; 0, no аб 

all of Mexico are both popcorns. They grow in different regions and on very 
different-looking plants. When examined cytologically one has a maximum num- 
ber of chromosome knobs, the other few or none. All they have in common is the 
ability to pop when heat is applied. Furthermore, one of them (the popcorn of 
Toluca) is so thoroughly amalgamated with the dent corns of that region that 
one cannot tell where dent corns leave off and popcorns begin (see below). 

For the above reasons the maize of Mexico could not effectively be catalogued 
in these formal categories. It therefore became necessary to find a more useful 
classification. А fine preliminary report was published by the Russian Expedition 
(Kuleshov, 730) and with that as a basis it was possible from the beginning to 
work towards a natural system of classification for the maize of Mexico. (For 
a discussion of natural versus artificial classification see Anderson and Cutler, 742). 

[Vor. 33 


In beginning the work, collections of maize on the ear were received from H. 
C. Cutler, Ralph Beals, and Isabel Kelly. It was soon found that in a country 
with an ancient, indigenous civilization like Mexico, archaeologists, geographers, 
or even historians, were better collaborators than agronomists and botanists. Ма/2 
reventador (Anderson, 744) is an example іп point. Dr. Isabel Kelly collected 
numerous examples of this interesting variety from various localities in Jalisco and 
Zacatecas, though it was not represented in collections made by agronomists, 
either Mexican or American. 

A variable and cross-pollinated crop such as maize cannot be effectively studied 
as individuals; more significant than any one plant or any one ear is the variation 
in the entire field or in the entire corncrib. To study the problem effectively it 
was therefore necessary to work out techniques for recording and analyzing varia- 
tions in populations. Seed from samples from various parts of Mexico was 
grown and studied throughout the growing season. Ву trial and error, methods 
were worked out for recording the variation between plants, most particularly 
the differences between varieties from different parts of Mexico. Herbarium 
specimens of tassels and leaves were made and assembled with photographs of the 
original ears, diagrams of the internode patterns, samples of the kernels, and in- 
formation about the chromosome knobs (in the few cases where that had been 

From these preliminary studies characters were chosen according to the fol- 
lowing criteria: 

1. The characters used should be objective and, if possible, capable of being 

measured or scored in an exact, objective fashion. 

2. Their genetic basis should be broad (i.e., they must depend upon a large 

number of genes), so that their use will tend to bring genetically similar 

individuals together. 

3. They should tend to characterize the varieties of any one area and to dis- 

tinguish between the varieties of different areas. 

The following characters were finally chosen: 
Mid-ear width—The width of the mature ear with its kernels attached, meas- 
ured to the nearest millimeter with sliding metal calipers. 

Shank. diameter-—The diameter of the shank which supports the ear, measured 
immediately below the ear with sliding metal calipers. Unfortunately, in most 
Mexican maize this has to be estimated from such portions of the shank as adhere 
to the ear when it is picked. 

Kernel width.—The width of a row of kernels, measured on the ear. 

Kernel thickness-—Measured at right angles to the above. In practice the 
thickness of ten consecutive kernels was measured with the calipers and the result 
was divided by ten. 


Tesselation—The degree to which the kernels аге tesselated (i. e., like tiles in 
a pavement). This is an important difference but needs to be broken down into 
such components as variation in kernel size and shape, 6- vs. 5- or 4-sided kernels, 
etc. In this material it was scored in three grades. 

Denting of tbe kernel.—Scored as absent, slightly developed, strongly devel- 
oped. А more objective way of scoring since worked out in North American 
material is: 1, kernel with no denting or capping of soft starch; 2, kernel 
markedly capped with soft starch but not dented; 3, kernel capped and lightly 
dented; 4, kernel capped and dented but surface of kernel not conspicuously 
wrinkled; 5, kernel capped, dented, and wrinkled. 

Husk striation.—Longitudinal striations across the face of the kernels due to 
tight husks. Scored in three grades: 0, absent; 1, striations present but not 
making grooves across several consecutive kernels; 2, deep striations across the 
face of consecutive kernels. 

Base compression.—Ears tapering slightly toward the base due primarily to 
tight husks. Scored in three grades. 

Row number.—The number of rows, counted about a quarter of the way up 
the ear from the base, since many varieties have irregular rowing and/or in- 
creased row numbers immediately above the base, and many varieties drop out 
rows progressively between the middle of the ear and the apex. 

Pointing of tbe kernel.—Scored in three grades. 

Enlarged base.—Base of the ear, perceptibly wider than the rest. Scored in 
three grades. 

Using these characters, variation in populations was studied from one field to 
another, largely in Jalisco, Michoacán, and the state of Mexico. In making the 
actual collections, 25 ears were selected at random from the field or corncrib 
under study. Except in a few instances, the corn in the crib represented the 
harvest from a single field. Obvious nubbins and ears on tillers were rejected; 
otherwise the selection was completely at random. Іп the corn cribs the microm- 
eter was tossed into the crib and the ear nearest its point was selected for measur- 
ing. In fields the fourth plant in the row was taken, then the eighth in the 
next row, the twelfth in the next, and so on. Whenever possible Leica photo- 
graphs were made of a portion of the collection. Due to the great scarcity of 
corn in Mexico, the minimum number of ears was retained as samples; it was 
usually easy to obtain permission to study the corn if the point was stressed that 
we did not care to buy it, but merely wanted to study it for an hour or so. 

As soon as a few cornfields and corncribs had been sampled it was apparent 
that an efficient method of analyzing and summarizing the data was of first 
importance. The variation was too extreme and too manifold to carry in the 
mind or even to interpret from a series of averages and ranges of variation. What 
was needed was some method of turning the data on each cornfield into а general 

[Vor. 33 

over-all picture of that particular field. The graphical method used in Carter 
and Anderson’s study of the maize of the Southwest (745) had certain advantages, 
but the indices were somewhat subjective, the computations involved and there 
was no transparent relation between the spots on the comparison grid and the 
actual data. After considerable experimentation the method illustrated in fig. 2 
was eventually adopted. It uses the two characters (row number and kernel 
width) which best fulfil all the criteria mentioned above. They are diagrammed 
at right angles to each other on Cartesian coordinates, the former being plotted 
on the vertical axis, the latter on the horizontal. The next two most important 
characters in studying the maize of Mexico are the denting of the kernel and the 
degree to which it is pointed. Both of these characters are easy to observe but 
dificult to score exactly in objective grades. Each was merely recorded as 
, "weakly developed", or "strongly developed”. They are, however, so 
important in characterizing the maize of different regions and of different varieties 
in Mexico that they were included in the diagram. This was done graphically as 
shown in fig. 2. The shape of each individual spot on the diagram shows whether 
that individual had unpointed, slightly pointed, or sharply pointed kernels. The 
degree of darkening of the spots shows the amount of denting on the kernels. 

The method outlined above makes it possible to "see the woods in spite of the 
trees" and to compare one field of maize in its entirety with another field measured 
weeks, months, or even years later. In a variable and cross-pollinated organism 
such as maize, populations are more significant than individuals. Each individual 
combination of characters is more or less an accident; what is important is the 
general complexion of the whole population. If the diagrams in the appendix 
are examined it will be seen that each population is a more or less coherent whole 
and that the spots are not spattered at random over the diagram; for each sample 
they tend to cluster about a particular average. Іп some cases they are strongly 
aggregated, in others more dispersed, but even where they are widely scattered 
they are coherent. In other words, the field from which they came had a sig- 
nificant combination of gene frequencies and the diagram of 25 spots, all seen at 
once with a glance of the eye, is a fairly efficient reflection of that population. It 
is at least far more significant than isolated averages or frequency distributions of 
the four characters taken separately. As an example of how much can be analyzed 
and demonstrated by these diagrams, compare the two fields of Maz criollo studied 
at Tlaquepaque with the two studied a few miles to the southwest at El Grullo 
and Autlán. At Tlaquepaque Maíz chino and similar varieties (with higher row 
numbers and more denting and pointing) are growing, and have been grown for 
at least a generation, in adjacent fields to the Maz criollo. At Autlán and El 
Grullo these other varieties are not grown. It will be seen that, although all four 
diagrams present the same general picture, the spots in the Tlaquepaque diagrams 
show a tendency to drift up towards higher row numbers and narrower kernels 
and that in one of them is strong indication of mixture with a highly dented, 
more pointed-kernelled variety of higher row numbers (Appendix Nos. 1 & 2 
vs. 15 & 20). 


The results of the Mexican collections are summarized in Table I and the Ap- 
pendix. In Table I the collections are assembled by communities and according to 
states, the latter arranged roughly from west to east and from north to south. 
Averages for ten of the characters are presented for each collection, together with 
the local name of the variety (as well as the name of the grower, or the location 
of the field in those cases where several collections in one locality make it necessary 
for precise identification). 

Table I deals only with averages of populations. Records of individuals are 
presented in Appendix I as photographs of representative ears and diagrams of the 
type described above. It is apparent from even a casual inspection of Table I and 
the Appendix that the ten characters presented in the table are not distributed at 
random. On the whole, the characters tend to be associated in complexes, and 
these complexes show strong geographical trends. High row number, narrow 
kernels, and pointing of the kernel tend to go together as one complex which is 
most frequent in the state of Mexico and becomes increasingly less frequent as 
one goes westward. These facts are shown more precisely in fig. 3. In that figure 
each spot represents the average of a collection rather than individual ears. 
It will be seen that, as a whole, the collections run from narrow-kernelled and 
many-rowed varieties to wide-kernelled and few-rowed varieties. Furthermore, 
pointing of the kernel shows a very definite tendency to be associated with narrow 
kernels and many rows. This is demonstrated statistically at the right of fig. 3. 
Assigning grades of 2.0 for extreme pointing of the kernel, 1.0 for intermediate 
pointing, and 0.0 for no pointing, the averages have been calculated for the 
average (median) ears of each row number. It will be seen that the degree of 
pointing decreases regularly from 2.0 for 22-rowed ears to 0.0 for ears of 8 and 
10 rows. 

Table I also shows that this complex of high row number, narrow kernels, and 
pointed kernels follows a fairly definite trend from western Mexico to central 
Mexico. In the state of Jalisco, the bulk of the ears measured are 8- to 10-rowed, 
and population averages never go above 14 rows. While pointed kernels are 
fcund in certain varieties, they always represent less than half of the sample. In 
Michoacan, the next state to the east, there were no collections which averaged 
less than 12 rows and one which averaged as many as 18, and for some of the 
collections more than 50 per cent had pointed kernels. Still further east in the 
state of Mexico, there were no collections with average row numbers below 14, 
and half of the collections had a majority of pointed kernels. 

The geographical trend in pointing and high row numbers is demonstrated 
more precisely in fig. 4, which presents collection averages for all those communi- 
ties from which five or more collections had been made. The location of these 
four communities is shown in fig. 5. It will be seen that in the neighborhood 
оғ Autlan, in western Jalisco, all five collections had very similar averages in spite 
сі the fact that the Autlan collections were actually made over a much wider 
area (San Gabriel to Autlán) than those in the other three communities. At S. Р. 

[ Мог. 33 




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| = 5 E 
5 > | Вы! Я „| Mg 
z = 29| ба | м; | 55 = e xu 2 | 225| Е |+ 
= 5 Б= | 25 | 55 | 55 | Eg] 8 | 25| ЗЕ | 52 | 8 |4; 
% 3 |25| => | we | м | ve | A | 25) 28| 2 | 2 |58 
ЕУ. Г. Coalcoman area | 16 3.9 1.0 29 32 = + 0 10 0 0 
Е. МЕ. Y 15 4.1 ESI Lu 227 = + = 10 0 0 
У. № х 14 9:9 LI 1.0 33 за re = = 14 0 0 
Е. А. Apatzingan 25 4.6 1.4 ы 529 гір + = 10 0 0 
ЕАС г 5 4.2 1-9 1.3 9 = + = 10 0 0 
Кел, Sahuayo 3 4.3 1.6 1.4 44 Е E a 10 0 0 
E. А. Jiquilpan vi 4.6 1:5 1.0 41 + 0 0 14 0 0 
EvA: г 25 4.5 152 .8 .34 Ls == 0 18 um 0 
ЕА; E 25 4.7 1.4 ы 41 Ste = 0 12 0 0 
E. А. ја 25 251 9 .8 .34 0 E -- 14 0 0 
ЕГА ” 25 4.8 3 1:2 .40 + + = 12 zs 0 
EA. id 25 4.5 1.6 1.3 45 0 -- T 12 0 0 
Е. А. Uruapan 25 4.2 122 LI .40 pm = 0 12 0 0 
Е. А. Я 25 4.4 1.7 1.4 .48 ЕЕ + ZEE 10 0 0 
Boas San Lorenzo 25 4.4 1.4 1d .45 + 0 0 12 ZI 0 
E. A. Cheran 25 3.7 1:5 .8 44 Бі 0 0 14 = 0 
Е. А. 3 25 4.4 1.3 1.0 „30 тн 0 = 14 0 0 
E. А. ч 22 4.8 1.5 Я 43 Et: 0 0 16 = СЕ 
Е. А. Patzcuaro 25 2:7 11 19 38 БІ 0 0 12 0 0 
Е. А. й 5 4.4 1,3 42 42 =m m 0 14 0 a 
E. А. Lake Patzcuaro | 25 4.2 1.4 3 41 Е 0 0 14 0 0 
Е. А. + в 5 4.5 1.4 121 .45 ЕЕ ал 2 12 0 0 
E.J. W. Zitácuaro 25 3.6 9 IN ат 0 0 12 0 ШЕ 
1 el a A Toluca- 
km. 60 25 5.0 .8 152 1 0 zr = 12 0 0 
E.J.W. ОО 85570 | 25 3.4 .8 4-28 0 0 0 22 + 0 
ЕЛЕУ ” Кт.17 |25 | 4.6 1.0 8 |1139 mm 0 0 16 0 0 
ECT WA та 25 3.9 .9 .8 57 0 0 0 14 0 0 
E.J.W. КААЛ 4:25 3.9 .8 7 597 ЕЕ 0 0 16 A 0 
E.J.W.| Chal 25 | 49 | зр е ЕТЕ о | о | 14 | || о 
E: Т.М: Metepec 5 4.7 17] .8 41 + 0 0 16 zm 0 
E. A Tepotzotlán 24 p S 4 8 |.40 | + | о 0 16 0 0 
E. A. Huehuetoca 25 4.4 .9 .8 41 = 0 гіз 16 0 0 
Е.А. Асирша 25 3.9 m 2 132 0 =e Ж 16 0 0 
Е. А. Huehuetoca 22 4.2 .8 .8 .42 £ zi 6 14 0 0 
Е. Л 25 4.6 1 8 39 xum 0 0 16 0 
Е » 25 4.2 1.3 9 215 zum 0 0 16 0 0 
ЕА; Tlaltitzapan 25 5.3 1.1 .8 102 ЕЕ T 0 16 = 0 
Е. А. 4 25 | 4.4 юры] 12 | 0 0 
| PUE | | | 
R.H.B. Otlatlán 25 4.5 .8 8 .43 cUm 0 16 0 0 

TABLE I (Continued) 

[Vor. 33 





79 192% 
1 1 4 А 197 02 

Fig. 4. eee of 5 varieties of maize grown at each of the following towns: 1, Autlán in 
western Jalisco; 2, S. P. Tlaquepaque in centra | Jalisco; 3, Patzcuaro, Michoacán; 4, "To luca, "Mexico 
Each circle represen nts a collection of 25 ears averaged for row number, kernel width, denting of 

the kernel, and pointing of the kernel. 

Tlaquepaque, a suburb of Guadalajara, some of the five collections are from ad- 
jacent fields and none is more than a mile distant from any of the others. These 
Tlaquepaque averages are particularly significant because although two of them 
are quite as extreme as those from Autlan, the other three are not, and one of the 
collections averages exactly the same as one from Patzcuaro, Michoacan. The 
Toluca collections present the other extreme. It will be noted that three of the 
five have a majority of pointed kernels and that all of them average 14 or more 
rows. Here again it should be pointed out that while these collections were made 
within a few miles of each other and some of them from adjacent fields, one of 
the collections is no more extreme on the average than are those from Patzcuaro. 
Figure 4 therefore demonstrates a fact which is borne out repeatedly in the de- 
tailed observations reported in the Appendix: The pointed-kernel, high row- 

number complex is not a direct effect of the environment. It is possible to grow 


unpointed, few-kernelled varieties in central Mexico or many-rowed and pointed- 
kernelled ones in Jalisco. On the average, however, this is not done, and there is 
a strong and surprisingly regular gradient in these characters between Mexico 
City and western Jalisco. 

64;0 5632 40; 
56;0 48; 2846 
52,0 4424 20; 0 
14;0 6:84 
о 8; в 



g. 5. Approximate cross-section from west to east icis ugh the area in central Mexico where 
most of these pue were made. Figures at the extreme right, elevation in feet ab sea- 
iie For three mountain towns t of ea riety with ears enlarged at the base is 

above at left of colon, the per cent of pointed kernels at right of n. It will be seen that 

Шы. of ride Sn increase from east to west and percentages of pointed kernels from 
st to east, on the av 

While the discussion has so far been limited to the evidence on kernel size and 
shape and on row number, many other characters are associated with this same 
gradient. The photographs of the Appendix show that the western Mexican 
extreme types have narrow, irregularly tapering ears which taper slightly towards 
the base as well as towards the tip. Тһе varieties from central Mexico tend to 
have much shorter ears, many of which taper sharply to the apex and in an exact, 
almost mathematical fashion. From observations and collections in Mexico, as 
well as from progeny tests made at various points in the United States ( Arcadia, 
Calif.; College Station, Tex.; St. Louis, Mo.; Johnston, Iowa; Blandy Farm, Va.), 
we know that there are correlated tendencies in the rest of the plant. 


Long, narrow leaves with tough veins Broad leaves with weak veins 

More or less glabrous leaf sheaths Very hairy leaf sheaths 

Long, wiry tassel branches Short о branches with densely arranged 

Tassel branches, several to many spikel 

Tassel cé SN several to few « 

Plant color, when co ii is present, Plant color, when conspicuously present, 
strongest along the veins and towards the EE between the veins and above the 
base of the plant (strong R, a shoot (strong B, weak r) 

Strong root system Shallow, weak root system 

In other words, we have two extreme types of maize, one characteristic of 
western Mexico, the other of central Mexico. While the two extremes are so dif- 
ferent as to be instantly recognized even as single individuals, they are connected 
by series of various intermediates. On the whole, the average intermediacy of a 

[Vor. 33 

population is proportional to its geographical position between the two different 
centers. Such geographically centered groups of correlated tendencies are char- 
acteristic of Zea Mays, and we have chosen to refer to them as "races" (Anderson 
and Cutler, '42), defining that term as “а group of related individuals with enough 
characteristics in common to permit their recognition as a group." The two 
races described above, while not the only major races in Mexico (see below), are 
by far the commonest. We have already designated the one from central Mexico 
s "Mexican Pyramidal” in reference to the short, and regularly tapering ears. It 
has also been recognized by Kuleshov (730) in the report of the Russian expedition 
to Mexico as "Central Mexican Type." Kuleshov also referred to the other race 
described above as the "Narrow, long-leaved type." Ав a major race it probably 
extends all the way from the southwestern United States to the lowlands of South 
America. Until it has been more widely studied and more accurately measured 
it seems best to designate by name only that portion of it which has been accurate- 
ly studied in western Mexico as "Mexican Narrow Ear." 

The demonstration of a geographically oriented difference of this magnitude 
presents two questions: first, the theoretical one of how it originated and how it 
is maintained; second, the practical one of how to use it in making a natural 
classification (Anderson and Cutler, '42) of Mexican maize. А detailed discussion 
of the latter question will be deferred until some of the special varieties of Mexican 
maize have been described. For the first question there is fairly strong circum- 
stantial evidence that the ultimate reason is historical; that these two races of 
corn were associated with different peoples and different cultures and that they 
once were even more distinct than they are now. Ultimately, of course, they 
must have had a common origin, but that problem is beyond the scope of this 
paper. However, even though there do seem to be historical reasons for the begin- 
nings of these two races, their persistence must be due in part to differences іп such 
factors as rainfall and altitude. The whole problem is much too complicated to be 
anything more than outlined here. Some of the most significant pieces of evidence 
are as follows: 

The fact reported above, that varieties of very different positions on the 
gradient were sometimes grown in adjacent fields. 

2. Ina good part of Jalisco (see Appendix) the Mexican Narrow Ear varieties 
are referred to by a variety of names but are very commonly called “maíz criollo.” 
Criollo, literally "Creole," used in this sense, means native or local, “old stuff be- 
longing to this part of the country." Іп this same area intermediate varieties, 
however, are most commonly referred to as maíz chino. The word chino, literally 
"Chinese", is frequently used to indicate something foreign or peculiar. The 
common use of these two terms indicates that the 8-rowed varieties are the older 
sort and that the many-rowed, pointed-kernelled types are a later introduction. 
Though the latter are still much in the minority, their introduction is not a matter 
of just a few years. All the farmers with whom I talked assured me that "maiz 
chino" varieties were being raised in the locality when they were small boys (1890 

to 1910). 


3. There are various theoretical reasons for believing that when native var- 
ieties of popcorn are present they may represent the most primitive types of 
maize in that area. The native popcorn of western Mexico, maiz reventador, is 
like Mexican Narrow Ear varieties in everything but kernel size and its slightly 
higher row number. It has 12 to 14 rows but never the high row numbers of 
central Mexico. The native popcorn of the Mexico City-Toluca region, however, 
is vastly different and a typical “Mexican Pyramidal” variety. It is exactly like 
the small white dents of that region in every character except kernel size and 
texture. There is archaeological evidence to indicate that these two popcorns 
have been in their two respective areas for a considerable time. As has already 
been reported, Dr. Isabel Kelly has found charred remains of a corn at least very 
similar to maiz reventador in two excavations in western Mexico (Anderson, 
44a). In Gamio’s excavations at Teotihuacan (roughly from 1200 A. D.), just 
north of Mexico City, he found large masses of carbonized corn cobs and kernels 
which are on display in the local museum and which I was allowed to examine 
through the courtesy of the custodian. Measurements for the material are as 

Row number: 18, 18, 20 

Kernel width in mm.: 4-7 

Kernel thickness in mm.: 4 

Kernel length in mm.: 8 
Allowing for a little shrinkage in carbonizing they are exactly the same size and 
have the same shapes and row numbers as the popcorns and small pop-dents which 
are now being grown in the same region. 

4. Among the most conservative and primitive Indian tribes of western 
Mexico are the Huichol who live in the steep-sided cañon region of Nayarit and 
adjacent states. The ethnologist Carl Lumholtz visited them in 1890 and collected 
a fine series of the varieties of maize used in their ceremonies, which are now in 
the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Three of the varieties 
are identical with those still being grown in the neighborhood of Autlán, the 
other differs only іп its color (stippled aleurone). All are typical "Mexican 
Narrow Ear.” Through the courtesy of the department of Archaeology I was 
able to measure these and the results are presented in fig. 6. 

5. The differences between these races are inherent. When grown at various 
experimental fields in this country, these two extreme types were quite as con- 
spicuously different as they are in Mexico. Both forms were somewhat abnormal 
when grown in the north, though mostly in different ways. The Mexican 
Pyramidal varieties often developed long ear branches. The Mexican Narrow Ear 
extremes have the capacity to develop tillers equalling the main stalk. In western 
Mexico these varieties are usually planted in the summer on account of the spring 
dry season, and only а few tillers develop. (In S. P. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, I made 
a small experimental planting in the early spring and ascertained that Mexican 

[Vor. 33 

оо ө 
А о 
оо о 
o0 O 

>. 6. сое pd 5224 m Me Huichol Indians by Carl Lumholtz and now in 
the American Museum of ral His New York. — circle represents a single ear 
(collection пов. 1889, 1892: 5. 1890). pos "of grid as in fig. 

Narrow Ear varieties would also develop many tillers if planted there at that season, 
though Mexican Pyramidal varieties did not tiller.) When planted in the north 
in the springtime, these western Jaliscan varieties tiller profusely. As a result of 
these two tendencies, these two races of Mexican corn look even more extreme 
when grown in the United States than they do in Mexico. 

6. All the above evidence shows that the two extreme types have been in 
their areas for a long time and suggests that anciently the boundary between the 
two may have been sharper than it is to-day. There is some evidence, however, to 
show that ecological factors also play a role in keeping up the partial barrier 
between the two sorts. Between Autlan and Mexico City there is a general 
change in altitude and in climate pattern. The differences in amount and distri- 
bution of rainfall are probably a controlling factor. All of the large collections 

of corn which I measured in the plain and valleys around Autlán (Autlan, 


Chachahuatlan, Tuxcacuesco, San Gabriel, El Grullo) were either specialty crops 
like maiz dulce (see below) or were typical Mexican Narrow Ear varieties. This 
is a region in which the scarcity of water has been a problem for a long time 
(Kelly, 745). Near by, in small clearings in the forested hills between Tuxcacu- 
esco and El Limon, however, I made small collections of much superior, large- 
cobbed, many-rowed, deeply dented varieties (see Palmar in Table I and the 
Appendix). I was told locally that these varieties were grown back in the hills 
because there was more water available there. 


While the maize of the Mexican plateaus is varied as compared with that 
of the American Corn Belt, the variation becomes even greater as one ascends the 
mountains which rise above the plateaus. This maize of the mountains is so ex- 
tremely variable from plant to plant and from field to field that it is difficult to 
discuss its general over-all tendencies. Collections were made in three such 
mountain regions and at about the same elevation in all three cases (fig. 5): 
(1) Toluca, just to the west of Mexico City; (2) Cheran in Michoacan; and 
(3) Tapalpa in Jalisco, on the northern flank of the great Volcan de Colima. In 
all three of these regions the corn was smaller-eared and shorter-statured than on 
the plateaus below. It was also more variable in pericarp color and with more red 
in the pericarp on the average. The percentages of pointed kernels were also 
somewhat higher. In the mountains one also finds a character which is very 
common in Guatemala though rare in most of Mexico: ears which are conspicu- 
ously larger at the base, giving them the over-all appearance of slightly tapering 
cylinders emerging from flattened spheres. Such ears are seldom seen on the 
plateaus. Around Guadalajara, Jalisco, for instance, at a general altitude of 
5200-5400 feet there were twelve collections made. In eight of these there was 
not a single ear with a perceptibly enlarged basal region; there were two collec- 
tions with 4 per cent and two with 16 per cent. In the mountains of Michoacan 
nine collections were made at elevations over 7000 feet with percentages from 
32 to 80. 

In spite of the variability of mountain corn and in spite of a general tendency 
for increased basal enlargement with altitude there is a very perceptible geograph- 
ical trend in mountain maize from east to west. In central Mexico the mountain 
corns tend to be white, many-rowed, with pointed kernels. As one goes westward 
at equivalent elevations there is an increasingly great tendency for them to be 
yellow, few-rowed, and with an ear perceptibly enlarged at the base. This con- 
clusion is supported not only by the detailed collections from the three areas 
referred to above but by much more maize which was seen but not measured, and 
by the large collections made by Beals in Michoacan and by Kelly in Jalisco. For 
Tapalpa, Cheran, and Toluca the measured collections yield the following infor- 

[Vor. 33 

Locality E State Per cent enlarged Базе | Per cent pointed color 
40 4 Bright yellow 
28 16 Light yellow 
Toluca Mexico 20 0 White 
8 84 White 
| ___|- 8 _|__ 8 ____| White-yelow — 
56 32 Light yellow 
EIL А у 48 0 White 
Cheran Michoacan 44 24 qoe m 
- О __|_____4 |. 32 _| Light yellow — 
64 | 0 Yellow 
56 0 | Yellow 
Tapalpa Jalisco 52 0 White 
4 0 Light yellow 
| 200 | 0 Light yellow 

This tendency to yellow-endospermed varieties with fewer rows and enlarged 
bases seems the more significant because this combination of characters is met with 
in Guatemala to an exaggerated degree. It seems likely that, in addition to the 
Mexican Narrow Ear and Mexican Pyramidal complexes of characters, there is a 
third complex much less strongly represented, which we may call "Mountain 
Yellow." Much more study will be required to demonstrate its presence and to 
analyze its historical and biological basis. From the facts at hand it seems to be 
connected with Guatemala in some way and in central Mexico to have spread from 
the west eastwards, at high elevations. 

“Elote” Varieties (see pl. 7).— 

In Mexico, as in the United States, much corn is used before it is fully ripe, 
either as corn-on-the-cob (elotes) ог in various special dishes. Though native 
sweet corns are widely distributed in western Mexico (Kelly and Anderson, 743), 
they are not used for green corn since they are too gummy. Most of the common 
field corns are so used but there is also a widespread tendency to grow special 
varieties with colored (blue or red) aleurone for that purpose. This tendency 18 
more clearly marked, and the varieties are more clearly differentiated morpho- 
logically from other local varieties, among the Tarascans of Michoacan (as has 
been reported by Beals, 746 [in press]). The elote varieties of this region are dark 
blue or black and are strikingly different in kernel size and ear shape from the 
field varieties there. They are not grown in the regular corn fields (mil pas) but 
in small fenced enclosures close to the houses. In Jalisco the differentiation of 
elote varieties is not so extreme but it exists. In the town of S. P. Tlaquepaque, 
for instance, field corns are mostly white or yellow and are planted quite thickly 
in heavily ridged rows with an underplanting of squashes. The elote varieties are 
red (less frequently blue) and are ordinarily planted widely spaced in fields of 
peanuts. They are early-maturing and are harvested before the regular field 

varieties. In Tapalpa, Jalisco, on the northern flank of the great volcano of 



ig. 7. Relation between the pe Of purple Es corns and the common varieties of maize 
grown in seven A M communities in various parts of Mexico. Grid 
kernel width as in fig. 2. In each case the circle with a number shows the average ro 


Tlaltizapán, ar élos; 4, Uruapan, wer oacán; T Jiquilpan, оф MERE a 
, Huehue , Mexico. Number or instance, indicates that "elote" v 

er of 8 n m 
grown by the same family had an average row number of 14 and an average [фар width of 

10-11 mm. Further discussion in the text 

Colima, I was at first told that no special varieties were used for elotes. Descrip- 
tion of the blue and red corns I had seen elsewhere brought out the fact that they 
were also grown in Tapalpa but on a very small scale. The local corn merchant 
himself showed me seed ears for his next year’s crop of elofe corn hanging in his 
own patio, though no stocks of this variety were stored in his big commercial 

Where they were grown these blue and red varieties were reported to be super- 
ior for green corn-on-the-cob, and for the production of various other maize 
foods such as pinole (Kelly and Anderson, 743). Inquiry as to why they were 

[Vor. 33 

grown usually brought out that they were sweeter or of a smoother consistency 
("son mas suave"), and sometimes that they were earlier to ripen. 

In the Tarascan country (Cheran and other villages near the new volcano) 
the elote varieties were so strikingly different morphologically from the other corn 
of that region that it seems as if they must have been introduced at another time 
than the field varieties or from a different region. In other parts of Mexico the 
difference is not so striking but there is the same general tendency for these 
varieties to have broader kernels and fewer rows than the ordinary field varieties. 
It would be difficult to be certain on this point from mere inspection, due to the 
great variability of Mexican maize. However, the method of recording the varia- 
tion in an entire corn field, illustrated in fig. 2, allows us to make exact compari- 
sons between elote varieties and field corns from the same localities. Figure 7 
shows comparisons of the averages of the blue or red elote varieties in seven dif- 
ferent communities with the white or yellow field varieties of the same com- 
munities. In cases where more than one field variety had been examined the one 
chosen was from the nearest field or was one grown by the same farmer. It will 
be seen that in each of the seven cases the elote varieties are more like Mexican 
Narrow Ear varieties. They are either fewer-rowed or broader-seeded or both. 

To summarize: In Mexico special varieties of maize with colored endosperms 
are grown for use as green corn. These varieties are generally broader-kernelled 
and have fewer rows than the common varieties with which they are grown. There 
is a tendency to grow them in special plots. All these facts suggest that after 
maize growing was already established, there was the introduction of Mexican 
Narrow Ear varieties with colored aleurone for use as green corn. There is no 
evidence that this introduction was a recent matter and there are some indications 
that it may have been pre-Columbian. The habit is widespread; it is highly 
developed in little out-of-the-way towns with conservative habits, and similar 
varieties are used Бу the Huichol Indians in their ceremonies. This last fact is 
particularly significant since the Huichol are a conservative group living in a 
region isolated by high mountains and deep canons. The collections of ceremonial 
corns described above were still being used when Lumholtz collected them, and 
they probably represent varieties which are very ancient in that part of Mexico. 
Two of the varieties collected by him, one a blue and one a red, are so similar to 
the elofe varieties now being grown in Jalisco that they could not be separated 
out if the ears were mingled. Since the Huichol are in western Mexico and since 
the general trend in each locality is for the elote varieties to be more like extreme 
examples of Mexican Narrow Ear, it seems highly probable that these elote corns 
spread across Mexico long ago from the west and that they have since become 

more or less contaminated in each locality by the common maize of each region. 

One of the most distinctive varieties grown in Mexico is the kind called 

Cacabuazintle (literally, "ear of corn with a tough skin") in the region around 


Mexico City. We have two collections, one from the valley of Toluca and another 
from the little Nahua-speaking village of Otlatlán in Puebla. In both ear and 
plant characteristics this variety is enough different from the other varieties of this 
region to be an obvious introduction. On the other hand, its Nahua name and 
its presence in this remote village suggest that its introduction is not a recent 
matter (see fig. 1, lower right two ears, and Appendix No. 71). 

Cacabuazintle kernels are filled almost completely with soft starch, though 
some of the ears from Toluca and a majority of those from Otlatlán show indica- 
tions of a more or less well-developed dent. Their kernels are large, nearly as 
thick as they are wide, and tend to be well distributed over the apex of the ear. 
I did not see the plants but was told in Toluca that they are of a different color 
from the common corn of that region and that they are taller and later to mature. 

The ears of Cacahuazintle are so similar as to be almost identical with the 
Guatemalan variety known there as "Salpor", which in turn differs but slightly 
from some of the large-kernelled white flour corns of highland South America. 
Cacahuazintle is reported to be used commercially in the neighborhood of Mexico 
City for the manufacture of starch. In that region it is commonly prepared by 
swelling it in rapidly boiling water, and when so treated is considered as a kind of 
popcorn. While I never saw any specimens of it in western Mexico, its reputation 
had preceded it there, and I was several times told about the wonderful big pop- 
corn of Mexico City which was cooked in boiling water. 

The facts reported above are all in harmony with the hypothesis that Caca- 
buazintle spread into central Mexico from Guatemala or southern Mexico in 
pre-Columbian times. 

The maize varieties of several Spanish-American communities in the American 
Southwest bear a suspicious resemblance to Cacahuazintle in their large white 
kernels. This is particularly true of some obviously mixed commercial varieties 
from Lower California and in the "maíz del pais", which has been previously 
described (Anderson, '44b), from San Luis Obispo, California. It seems quite 
possible that a variety with kernels of this size and quality might have been widely 
scattered in colonial as well as pre-colonial times. А careful comparative study 
of Cacabuazintle and similar varieties should give us a more precise understanding 
of these relationships. 

Maíz dulce (see pl. 8).— 

These distinctive varieties, carrying the recessive gene for sweet, have been 
the subject of a special monograph (Kelly and Anderson, '43). It remains to 
point out here that although collections made in Jalisco show certain general re- 
semblances to the other maize of that region, they also show a number of differ- 
ences. They have more rows (the rowing is more irregular), the ears are shorter 
and are much more smoothly rounded at the butt. The kernels are smaller and 
the red color of the pericarp (due to various crown alleles of P) is not common 
in that region. А detailed discussion of these differences must be postponed until 

[Vor. 33 

such a time as the origin and dispersal of sweet corn in the New World is con- 
sidered in detail. То clarify this survey of Mexican maize the following summary 
of the evidence may be inserted parenthetically. Recessive genes for sweet are 
known to have appeared as mutations at various times and places, and may well 
have occurred repeatedly in various parts of North and South America. The 
origin of the use of these distinctive mutations, however, follows a fairly simple 
pattern. [t apparently took place in pre-Columbian South America as a source 
of sugar, before the introduction of sugar cane, sorghum, etc. Like the varieties 
of the region where they originated these primitive sweet varieties had "hand- 
grenade" ears, crowned pericarp, and many and irregular rows. They spread 
northward, gradually mixing with other kinds of maize, but protected somewhat 
by being recessives so that when careful seed selection was practiced, outcrossed 
kernels were discarded. In combination with the characteristics of the maize in 
which they originated, these sweet mutants were too gummy to be eaten as green 
corn. As the sweet varieties were gradually modified in their spread northward 
they eventually became watery enough to use as green corn, and were developed 
in this way among the North American Indians. The post-Columbian introduc- 
tion of sugar cane reduced their importance as a sugar source and only in a few 
conservative areas (as in small towns in Jalisco or among the Hopi) have they 
been retained for their original purpose. 


In addition to cacabuazintle (which is scarcely а popcorn by American 
standards) there are at least two popcorns in Mexico. They are grown in different 
areas and are associated with different races of maize. Maíz reventador (pl. 9), of 
the west of Mexico, is similar to Mexican Narrow Ear varieties in everything but 
kernel size and row number and is probably one of the ancestral sources of those 
varieties. It has been the subject of a special monograph (Anderson, '44a). The 
popcorns of Toluca are typical Mexican Pyramidal maize and are thoroughly 
amalgamated with the small white dents of that region (pl. 5). No natural bound- 
ary can be laid down between these small white, many-rowed dents and the small 
rice popcorns of the same regions. They are identical in plant type and they fade 
into each other from plant to plant and from field to field. A little denting is 
to be found in every crib of popcorn which I have examined, and hard, flinty, 
pointed kernels are a commonplace іп the white dent corns of that region. 
Archaeologically these Toluca popcorns and pop-dents are interesting because they 
are identical in size and row number with the corn excavated by Gamio at the 
ancient pyramids constructed by the Toltecs in the valley of Mexico. Agronom- 
ically they are noteworthy as the probable source of the so-called Jap Hull.less 
popcorns to which they bear an extremely close resemblance in plant, kernel, and 

ear characteristics. 



There remains the discussion of certain problems in the light of this general 
survey of maize in central Mexico: (1) the practical question of how to describe 
and catalogue Mexican varieties of maize, (2) the origin of denting, (3) the 
genetics of multiple factor characters in modern maize. 

(1) The classification of Mexican maize.—lhe question of artificial vs. 
natural systems of classification was discussed in extenso in the first paper of this 
series (Anderson and Cutler, '42) and need not be repeated here. It was pointed out 
there that the system usually followed (Sturtevant's) was almost purely artificial 
and that it was not very practical outside of the United States. A wholly natural 
system, however, if indeed it ever can be attained, is a goal to work towards rather 
than something which can be immediately set up in its complete form. We have 
therefore studiously avoided the use of Latin names and descriptions which would 
give our tentative and fragmentary attempts a more official status than they 
deserve. In the survey reported above we have attempted to demonstrate that 
the characters of Mexican maize are not distributed at random but are loosely 
associated in a few great complexes with marked geographical and altitudinal 
trends. The groups of varieties bearing these complexes of characters we have 
termed races, and while some fields show strong evidence of only one race, much 
of the maize of Mexico shows two or more in a single field. 

For the practical business of describing and cataloguing Mexican varieties it 
would seem quite feasible to describe the typical "nucleus of common features" 
which typifies each race and then to indicate the preponderance of the various 
races in any one variety. When more than one race is evident in a variety, they 
should be cited in the order of their predominance. Races evident only upon close 
inspection should be cited within brackets. The varieties grown around Guadala- 
jara, for instance, would mostly fall into Mexican Narrow Ear or Mexican Narrow 
Ear (Mexican Pyramidal). The varieties grown in Tapalpa would be classified 
as Mountain Yellow, Mountain Yellow (Mexican Narrow Ear), and Mountain 
Yellow (Mexican Pyramidal and Mexican Narrow Ear). When all the main races 
of maize in Mexico have been recognized and described it should then be possible 
to work out exact statistical techniques for assigning numerical values to the 
various racial components of any particular variety. 

It is still premature to do anything more than suggest such a system. In ad- 
dition to the races described above there are certainly others in Mexico. Тһе 
varieties of the Tarahumare Indians need intensive study, so do the varieties of 
Oaxaca, Chiapas, and the east coast. Through the kindness of the Dirección 
de Agricultura y Fomentá and of Dr. E. J. Wellhausen of the Rockefeller 
Foundation I was able to measure and photograph collections from other 
parts of Mexico. From these collections it is clear that the highly derived 
varieties of the Pueblo Indians have spread down to northern Chihuahua and 
that some of the maize of the Mexican state of Chiapas is similar to that of 


[ Vor. 




эне ТА ТІ ЕНІП» 



РАД ааа 
РНИИ» | 

Пира фое So 
: jer 


x LEE ВР ОНУ Ае уло (2; ' 




among the collections made in Mexico: 

Drawings showing racial extremes 

sc 2 
“4.9 5 
= о 
S = 
~ © 

ша A „щ 
cU a 

Mountain Yellow 

~ Бе: 
D 792 
w с 
e 4 
5 о 
= ~ 
c = 
< [s] 
е ж 
~ м 
= 4 E 
~ а о 
309 = 
~ A 

representing an even more extreme type than 


maíz chapolote from Sinale 

Lower right, 

“Mexican Narrow Ear. 

Scale in ст. 


adjacent Guatemala. The large shanks, enlarged base to the ear, and long ears 
of these varieties from Chiapas are a complex of characters found іп some- 
what diluted form in Mountain Yellow but of particular importance in Guatemala. 
Just as Mexican Pyramidal maize is tied up with the history of the Aztecs and 
their predecessors in the Valley of Mexico, so this Guatemalan complex is asso- 
ciated with the Mayas and their forerunners. Ав a convenience to students of 
Central American maize, the characteristics of these Mexican races are listed 
below in condensed form: 

Mexican. Pyramidal.—Found in purest form in the Mexico City-Toluca neighborhood. Plants 
short, highly colored, color characteristically interveinal (strong B, weak r). 
root systems, leaves broad, with hairy sheaths.  Tassels with few branches or none, condensation 
index very high. Ears short, tapering regularly, row number high to very high. Ke 
less pointed, more or less dented. Endosperm prevailingly white, and yellow, usually pale, even 
when present (pl. 4). 

Mexican Narrow Ear—Apparently the common гасе of western Mexico, though variously 
modified locally by introduction and selection. The prevailing type in Jalisco up to 7,000 feet 
Allied to such ancient varieties as maíz reventador. Plants tall, slender, from slightly to highly 
colored, color veinal (strong R, weak b). Stalks stiff, sheaths only slightly hairy. Tassel branches 
several to many, long and wiry, condensation index low. Ears narrow with small cob ir 
ularly long-tapered, compressed at butt and with long striation lines from tight husks. R - 
ber characteristically 8 to 14. Kernels unpointed, slightly dented, if at all. Endosperm prevailingly 
white (all those tested have been ccrr [pl. 2 


Mountain Yellow.—At high elevations. Found in purest form on the tableland north of the 
Volcán de Colima. From thence eastward, becoming progressively more mixed with Mexican 
Pyramidal. Endosperm bright yellow. Ears and kernels small, somewhat compressed. Ears dis- 
tinctly enlarged at the base and with irregular rowing there (pl. 5). 

pe. Ears long with large, strong cob, 
firmly held on a big shank. end of ear distinctly enlarged, upper part sub-cylindrical. In 
Mexico known in a pure form only from the State of Chiapas. 

(2) Tbe origin of denting.—The genetics of denting in maize has scarcely 
advanced beyond the point where it was left by the pioneer investigations of 
Hayes and East (715). Whatever the origin of denting, its genetical background 
seems to be complex. The survey reported above demonstrates that in Mexico, 
denting reaches its most extreme development neither in the Mexican Pyramidal 
varieties nor in the Mexican Narrow Ear, but in kinds like maíz chino, which 
seems to be a mixture of both races. This assertion is no more than suggested by 
the figures of Table I, but in Mexico it is a matter of common observation that in 
traveling from western Jalisco to Mexico City one passes out of a region of un- 
dented or slightly dented Mexican Narrow Ear varieties into the variable but 
strongly dented varieties of the Bajio and eventually reaches another region of less 
denting, the Mexican Pyramidal center of pointed popcorns and pointed "sub- 
dents." This would suggest that denting is in some way associated with race 
mixture in maize. These results are in conformity with Jones’ experimental evi- 
dence (724). He crossed a pointed popcorn with a flour corn and obtained 
dented kernels in the second generation. It may be that in some manner not yet 
clear the dent corns of Mexico are hybrid derivatives of the pointed popcorns and 
the crescent-seeded flint and flour corns. 

(3) The genetics of multiple factor characters in maize.—The survey re- 
ported above demonstrates that certain complexes of characters tend to be found 

[Vor. 33 

together in Mexican maize. Since all of the dent corns of the United States are 
derived from Mexican varieties, at least in part, we may expect to find some of 
these complexes still playing an important role in the maize of the United States 
Corn Belt. One who has studied character combinations in the cornfields and 
corn cribs of Mexico cannot walk through a modern breeding field in the United 
States without noticing the resemblances of certain widely grown inbred varieties 
to Mexican corn. The two inbreds, K43 and Illinois HY, for example, present 
combinations of characters that, while very different from the open-pollinated 
varieties from which they are derived, are almost identical with certain Mexican 
combinations. It has been shown from theoretical considerations (Anderson, '39), 
as well as by experimental test, that the total effects of specific and racial co- 
herence are incredibly strong. If this be true in maize, we might therefore expect 
that our American dent corns would still be characterized by whole blocks of 
genes which tend to stay together because they came in together in Mexican white 
dents. If these complexes of genes still tend to be found together, on the average 
in American corn, then to understand and to analyze the genetics of multiple- 
factor characters in maize we shall have to pay attention to certain combinations 
of characters. In other words, the genetics of multiple-factor characters in maize 
has а good deal in common with Oenothera genetics. The complexes іп Zea аге 
probably much less loosely knit than they are in Oenothera and will therefore be 
more difficult to recognize and to locate in the germ-plasm. Оп the other hand, 
Zea is more completely analyzed genetically than any other plant. With concerted 
action it should eventually be possible to find which chromosomes carry the dis- 
tinctive character combinations of Mexican Narrow Ear and Mexican Pyramidal, 

and then to use that information in maize breeding. 

1. The great variability of Mexican maize is described. It varies from plant 
to plant in the same field, from field to field in the same locality, and from region 
to region. For the first two of these categories the variation is like that in the 
United States but greater in magnitude; the regional variation is beyond anything 
encountered in the United States. 

2. The customary pigeon-holes of maize agronomists (dent corns, popcorns, 
flint corns, etc.) are shown to be inefficient and misleading in Mexico. 

3. It is argued that in classifying a variable, cross-pollinated crop like maize 
the population is a more significant unit than the individual. 

A method of measuring and describing maize populations (fields) is de- 


veloped and applied to the collections made іп Mexico. 
5. By means of this method the association and geographical distribution of 
high row number with narrow, pointed kernels is analyzed. 
Other characters are shown to be associated with these trends in row num- 
ber and shape of kernels. High row number, pointed kernels, wide, hairy leaves, 

condensed tassels, constitute a complex characterizing the Mexican Pyramidal race. 


It is centered in the state of Mexico. Low row number, long, irregularly tapering 
ears, wide kernels, narrow leaves, long, wiry tassel branches, form a complex char- 
acterizing the Mexican Narrow Ear race of western Mexico 
The available evidence suggests that the ultimate reasons for these dif- 

ferent races are largely historical but that their persistence in modern times is in 
part due to their adaptation to different areas. 

8. Evidence is presented for the existence of a third race, Mountain Yellow. 
It resembles Guatemalan maize, is restricted to high altitudes, and from Jalisco 
eastwards to Toluca becomes increasingly mixed with Mexican Pyramidal. 

9. Several varieties grown for special purposes are described in detail: 

A: Varieties with colored aleurone used as green corn. They apparently 
spread from western Mexico in ancient times and have become more or less 
mixed with the common varieties of each region. 

B: A large-kernelled flour corn known as "Cacahuazintle" apparently de- 
rived from the "Salpor" variety of Guatemala. 

C: Maíz dulce, whose significance in the history of American sweet corns is 
briefly indicated. 

The ancient popcorn of the west coast, maíz reventador, and the very 
different rice popcorns of the state of Mexico. 
10. Three general problems are discussed in the light of the above survey: 
the classification of the maize of Mexico; the origin of denting in maize; and the 
genetics of multiple factor characters in North American maize. 


Anderson, Edgar (1939). Recombination in А ар crosses. ее 11 668-698. 
-------, (1944a). Maíz reventador. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 31:3 

, (1944b). “Maiz del aut in California. ойт. Calif. ва ee . 52:2—6. 

, and Hugh C. Cutler (1942). Races of Zea Mays: Y. Their tesognitión and classifica- 


Beals, Ralph L. (in press). Cherán, a Sie «Mi 5 Village. Smithsonian Mid eee Social 
Anthropology Publ. No. 2. (Includes " Repor on Maize of Cherán by Edgar Ander 

e | F., and Edgar Anderson asa. A preliminary survey of maize in the ы 

n United States. Ann. Мо. Bot. Gard. 32:297-322. 

Dos H к. and E. Um an (1915). Further experiments on inheritance in maize. Conn. Agr. 
ius = qun 188: 

Jon (1924) о gin of flint and dent corn. Jour. Hered. 15:417 

Kelly, ыы (1945). Тһе о of the Autlan-Tuxcacuesco area of Jalisco 1: The Autlán 


ana e . 
------, and Edgar Anderson (1943). yes: corn in Jalisco. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 30: ео 
ко E N. (1930). The maize of Guatemala, C Panama and Colombia. 

Mex uba, p. 
йу 1, in saan 5. М. The rte 2, p ts of Mexico, mund and Colombia. Bull, 
in , Genet., & Plant Breed. занд 47:470-553 (English summary). 
Lum © 2 (1902). о wn Mexico. Scribne 

Sturtevant, E. Lewis (1889). Varieties of cork, UL 5. Dept. Agr. Off. Exp. Sta. Bull. 57:1—108. 

[VoL. 33, 1946] 


Most of the photographs in these plates are due to the energy and foresight of Prof. Carl 
Sauer, of the Department of Geography of the University of Cali fornia, who not only assembled 
igni о 

a significant collection of Mexican maize saw to it tha s expertly photographed. The 
negatives are e property of the Museum of Anthropology of t institution, an am 
indebted to Mr. E. W. Gifford for permission to use them h The ears illustrated in pl. 5 and 
the lowermost ear in pl. 4 are from my own 

collections; 2” кеде were collected by Dr. Isabel 
Kelly. All are reproduced at a little lon Fs natural s 

Plate 2. Three ears of Mexican Narrow Ear varieties. Left to right: 


from Ameca, Tuxpan, 

Four ^ i Intermediate or maíz chino varieties. 

Plate 3. From top to bottom: from 
Sayula, Pm Sayula, A 

Plate 4. Four ears in which the Mexican laugh i influence is predominant. The 
nda ears are from Nochistlan, Zacatecas. 

The botto а о Morelos. It is an 
e example of the variety known as pipitillo whi ich i is aw red by corn merchants зде it 

shells readily and produces a maximum volume for sale by the 

Plate 5. Five ears from high altitudes, showing Mexican ч influence. Тһе 
to the left аге from the village of Tlacotepec near Toluca maller ones show strong 
evidence of mixture with Mountain Yellow. Right above, жй. black нуе zround, the co 
orn of Toluc i 

Mexic ity. 
Mexican Pyramidal with a strong indication of Mexican Narrow in the ed rd husk 
striations, lower row number, ad plant type (See Appendix No. 64). 

Plate 6. Four oe of Mountain Yellow from Tapalpa, Jalisco, on the northern flank 
of the Volcán de Colim 

ads 7. a examples of "elote" varieties with colored aleurone. The the left 
om Unión de Tula, Jalisco; the one to the right is from Ameca. Note 42 sale "white seed, 
which probably fine pollination with dominant white (Ci) 

Plate 8. Two ears of maíz dulce, a primitive source of sugar, from Unión de Tula, Jalisco. 

Plate Two of maiz reventador from Tuxcacuesco, Jalisco (badly damaged by rw 
and one des бі, "Jalisco. Lower right, two ears of maíz chapolote from an ejido near Culiac 
Sinaloa, Mexi 



Vor. 33, 1946 

ANN. Mo. Вот. GARD., 











Mo. Вот. Garb., Vor. 33, 1946 
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ANN. Мо. Вот. Сакр., Vor. 33, 1946 


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GARD., Vor. 33, 1946 

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ANN. Mo. Вот. Garb., Vor. 33, 1946 PLATE 


ANN. Мо. Вот. Garp., Vor. 33, 1946 PLATE 9 




The following records and photographs are an attempt to sample and record 
the common, every-day corn of Mexico. Much of it is from villages off the 
highway and the railroad; of the 72 samples only two represent the finest corn 
which could be raised in that particular vicinity. Varieties of spectacular pro- 
ductivity can be, and are, grown in Mexico; in this survey they were rather 
deliberately avoided. The old-fashioned varieties of the small growers give a 
clearer picture of what indigenous Mexican maize was like before its variation 
pattern had been blurred by modern commerce. 

The grid used in each diagram has been explained in fig. 2 of the paper to 
which this is an appendix. Row numbers from 8 to 22 are diagrammed on the 
vertical axis at the left; kernel widths in mm. are diagrammed on the horizontal 
axis across the base of the diagram. The first division of the scale represents 4-5 
mm., the second 6-7, and so on up to 16-17 at the right. The same grid to the 
same scale has been used throughout. For a few of the collections with very wide 
kernels only the right-hand end of the scale is represented. The vertical scale 
(though not drawn) is the same as in all the other diagrams and can be obtained 
by measurement. The horizontal scale begins at 10-11 mm. instead of at 4-5 
mm. and is so indicated in each diagram. 

It might be well to point out that although these grids resemble the scatter 
diagrams made in preparing a correlation table, they are a cruder device. They 
are nothing but a set of pigeon-holes classifying all the ears of maize simultaneous- 
ly according to row number and kernel width, and diagramming their denting 
and kernel pointing in a graphic manner. The ears that fall in each square (each 
separate pigeon-hole, that is) are diagrammed as close to the center as is practi- 
cable; the arrangement within the square has no significance. 

The photographs are all snap-shots made with a Leica camera. All but one 
have been printed to the same scale. Most of the pictures include the calipers 
used in making the measurements, and in each case the calipers were set to exactly 
5 cm. In so far as possible the ears which are photographed represent a random 
selection from the field or crib. Where local pride prevented the illustration of 
a typical sample, this has been indicated in the notes. 

Kernel color was scored separately for each ear that was measured, and the 
summaries below each picture are an exact digest of accurate notes. Cob color 
was not recorded in so systematic a fashion, and the lack of any mention of red 
or purple cobs is no indication that they were not present in the sample. 

For a variety of reasons the Appendix does not exactly coincide with the 
collections reported in Table I but in general the collections are represented in 
both places. In the Appendix, as in the table, the collections are arranged accord- 
ing to Mexican states and roughly from west to east within each state. They 
were mostly made on the plateaus of central Mexico and the lower flanks of the 
mountains which rise above these plateaus. Aside from a few scattering collections 
from other parts of Mexico they are from a region about 300 miles in extent, from 
a little west of Guadalajara to the vicinity of Mexico City. 

[Vor. 33 

о өө © 
E о - 
E аға” „ы о ө 
E өө ee @ 
L 1 1 о 1 Q E шай 
10-11 Kernel width 

1. Аш ап, Jalisco. Maíz criollo 

ўе» а small pu at the ee = town. m ailingly white though a majority = seh ears 
had a yellow and a few ears had n One ear had a tan pericarp and o 
жен oak wie ен three of whieh were ie and one Pr. Horizontal scale shifted. to the 
left (as indicated) to accommodate wide kernels. Vertical scale as іп No. 4. 


ee ө 
E e © 
eo © 
— e e ә o - 
o © © 
1 o о 
1 | 1 1 @ | 1 

2. El Grullo. Maíz humiado 

The name ing cd 'smoked") refers to the tan | eaa which тај кји all but eight of 
the ears ably most of these Pie exhibited this character but i o dilut state for recog- 
nition vithout dissection of the pericarp. Over 
endosper r bore a single kernel with colored aleurone (Pr.). Horizontal scale as 
the Di Pur cis not shown, is the same in the first three collections as in those that fallow. 

[Vor. 33 



oo ө 

El Chante, near Autlan, Jalisco. 

Maíz Ритіайо 

3 . 


Very similar to No. 

A sample of thirteen ears obtained for me by Don José Maria Corona. 

ии ve 
S унин ина, " 
генін - Т $) 

ent i кеннен 



-— iini TUM 


т E 
5 22 
т k- 
18 o 
16 o 
© O O 
O O 
12 O O 
1 L 1 L 1 4 4 
4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 
Kernel width 
4. El Limón, Jalisco. Maíz reventador 
sample of ten ae abtained by Don José Maria Corona. Prevailingly white. e 
colored kernels were all pr. Ears similar о to those po in Pi. 9 and in the following Sn ene 
Scale as in fig. 2. аа cal scale: numbers from 8 22; horizontal scale: kernel width 

from 4-5 to 16-17 т 

[Vor. 33 

5. Chachahuatlán, Jalisco. Maíz reventador 

Maíz reventador, the ancient popcorn of western Mexico, has been the subject of a special 
monograph (see Bibliography, Anderson, '44 



ee Фе ө 

odds 1 1 1 1 1 J 


6. Chachahuatlán, Jalisco. Maíz colimote 

rom an old hacienda a few miles down the river from Tuxcacuesco. The corn was prevail- 
Na ie though most of the ears had at least a few = kernels. Four of the ears had 
kernels with colored n (mostly Pr, one pr). Four of the ears had faint pericarp color 
(P The name me "from Colima," which is not pi distant. Note change in position of 
ike к 

[Vor. 33 

[^] ә © 
ву =. 
© ә 9 427 949 E 
© © ә ө 
а L © 1 1 Г 

7. San Gabriel, Jalisco. Maíz blanco 

wo of the ears showed a tan pericarp; one pow ЕР pericarp (P?!9), The corn was prevail- 
Te white, а few ears showed yellow kernels. 5 shifted to left because of very wide kernels. 




ee o 9 

ө ө 

ә жө 9.9 ы ы 
See өө өө 
1 L. @ | ) 

8. Tuxcacuesco, Jalisco. Maíz blanco 

The kernels of this variety were all heavily and 
Prevailingly white, a few ears with occasional yellow 

conspicuously capped with soft white starch. 
kernels and a very few with colored aleurone 


de e 

[Vor. 33 

9. Palmar, Jalisco 

From clearings in the mountains а few miles west of Tuxcacuesco. Prevailingly white with 
many yellow kernels and some yellow ears. 


ө 9 
өө Ф 
© ө Ә е O9 o 
ә 9 
оо оф ee 
ә € 
| | | 1 1 1 
10. Ameca, Jalisco. Maíz amarillo 
ought in the sack by the family who let me measure it. Probably came from some of the 
mountains near by. Shows a strong infusion of Mountain Yellow. Prevailingly yellow. Eight of 

the s had tan pericarp, one a pale pink pericarp. v of the ears were segregating for bright 
versus она yellow 

[Vor. 33 

оо x y ө 
| © о 
оо оо OO 
оо - 
о о2о оо 

11. Ameca, Jalisco. Maíz liso 

ooth, glistening ia as d name M: Said to be very common in the region pier 
Ген per the coast. wc ound in a casual survey o n being stored or 
in the central part of the do ty. ET to т used sometimes as a popcorn. "Prevailingly white with 
a few yellow i on nearly every 


ее оф # в 
“ e 
Өс яо сө 
* e d e 
e e 

12. Ameca, Jalisco. Maíz areneno 
This variety 4 so wide- ups that the scale has had to be shifted as noted in the diagram 

Yellow and white, heavily capped with soft starch and uniformly dented with a smooth, even dent. 
A few kernels wih Aerei pore (Br). 

[Vor. 33 

© ө 
| e w^ 
ô © 
ә о 
L © 
ә ө о 6€ e 
ео ә 
өө ә 

} | 1 1 | 1 1 B 

13. Tlajomulco, Jalisco. Maíz dulce (See plate 8) 

үшү has been the subject of a special monograph by Kelly and ои It had been 

his v 
grown in а den with a red aleurone "elote" variety, apparently for more than one season since 
ear was segregating ll the contaminated kernels were pr er vidi Pr. Maíz d E. is 

red like Mexican 
contaminated kernels. The pr 1s En were usually 

All the ears had yellow endosperm with varying 


опе е 

2. for sweet endosperm, but а 

and these ears all had high 

Pyramidal. The denting was scored o 
rather than evenly flushed ки 4. 

ейіп he pericarp (various alleles of Рс” 

few of the ears showed partial d of the 
ve) and were y 

amounts of dull r 


~ © 

ө о 

ео e 
е 9 ө 

14. Tlajomulco, Jalisco. Maíz criollo 

ajo — is an ancient town of great importance in colonial times but now isolated from the 

aed and t ighway. Samples of maize from it are less ES to show the influence of 
modern varieties. es that he extremely wide kernels have made necessary to poesi thé 
ina as indicated in the diagram. This ых was prevailingly seri most of the ears showing 

a few yellow EL Two of the ears showed colored aleurone on one or two kernels (pr). One 
ear d a brilliant red flush (probably some allele of R). 

[Vor. 33 

ob e 


15. San Pedro, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco. Maíz criollo 

rom a little pottery-making town a fcw miles east 
i r 

F of Guadalajara. Yellow and white with a 
few ears showing occasional kernels with colored aleurone is vari ied i 
i > 1 t 5 

Thi iety was studied in the field 
the veins on the lower sheaths with slight to no interveinal color. e upper sheaths showed 

little color. ‘Tassel branches varied from 5 to 24, with an average of 13. The male glumes were 
10 to 14 mm., with an average of 12. 



16. 5.Р. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco. Maíz ancho 

rown on a field which was better watered than the rest of the fields in town and therefore 
had a longer growing season. ‘This and the next diagram are two selections from the same field 
made at husking time this one I accepted all the ears handed me by the workmen to avoid 
offending them. The Aer selection is strictly at random. Both кенінен аге кайры boran 
with one EET ear and a few yellow kernels on most of the There was one ear with a 
crowned red pericarp (Pr). The field was outstanding in uniting « a i hish id. of Radon levity 
with great “variability i in type of ear. One extreme ear shown in fig. 

[Vor. 33 


17. S.P. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco. Maíz ancho 
second sample from the same field; see the previous accoun 
tive. This photograph is not to the same scale as 

nt. Extremely variable and 
the others in the Appendix. 





18. S.P. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco. Maíz chino 
Prevailingly white. Maíz colorado (pr) was planted at the end of the field. Cross pollinations 

indicate this variety is mostly Pr, C'. Sample of 40 ears. 


у =. 






[Vor. 33 

ж әс өө 9 
өө о ә © 
© © 
oe ө Ө 
| 1 1 1 1 


19. 5. Р. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco. Maíz colorado y maíz negro 

A badly mixed field of “elote?” corn grown by a poor widow. Note that the scale has been 

changed because of the wide kernels. 


© өө Ө 
е5" о 
[^] y^ ui оф e 
се сө 
1 1 1 1 1 4 
20. S.P. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco. Maíz criollo 

vailingly white. Hal 
— ord aleurone (pr). 

f of the ears showed 

yellow kernels. Two of the ears had 

a few 
One ear had faint pericarp ерм (Pcr). 



où осе 


Г © 
eo об ө © 
e e » 
ое өс ее 

[ | | | 1 ) 

21. Tonolá, Jalisco. Maíz criollo 

onolá is a still more. iba pottery town near Guadalajara. 

Te Prevailingly white with few to 
many yellow kernels. A f r kernels. 






[Vor. 33 









22. Tepatitlan, Jalisco. 

Prevailingly yellow, many white kernels and a few colored 


On sale in the local 

aleurone (Pr). 



ns р 

> У» morro 

[Vor. 33 



фо оф ө ө 

еф оф Өө 

o e 

bo eb +: 

o o 

Maíz amarillo 



Tepatitlán, Jalisco. 


ears had kernels with 

the ears with white kernels. Four 



colored aleur one 


(Pr), two ears Pcr, 



4% они 
6” Mm 

ӨЧ леге ақа вене d 

ud Ed vd 249 e 
Hide ora oti 100070992 

СТ ЫТУ 4j 

рар ыы! 

ace See 




- o e 
e 3 O 
99 оо 
e о 9 

24. Tepatitlán, Jalisco. Maíz blanco 

he preceding variety. 

From the same small 

with yellow kernels. 

Prevailingly white, a minority of the ears 

farm as t 

Grown in an adjoining field to the preceding. 

eus Дари 

км" "еметін 

ay АИ 
=> See AS 
SES T mem 


[Vor. 33 

1 1 4 1 


5. Apango, Jalisco. Maíz amarillo 

Apango is a tiny town on the north flank of 

ny the Volcan de Colima. The ears were selected 
from a field and represent the extremes. Yellow; i 

one ear strongly colored crown pericarp (РС”). 

эў у! 
Ri I 
Uo auk Aare АРА 


ГГ vem 
M T 


=e м 

cuf 2 

25 =”: : 

же 3 кы 

то ш" 


ж - ыы 

4% Ин, 
$ d 



обе обе 
ео әс 
229 өсө ө © 
© оф о 
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 

26. Tapalpa, Jalisco. Maíz amarillo 

Tapalpa is a large and handsome town in the middle of a small, ne = plateau on the 
north flank of the Volcan de Colim This variety was prevailingly yel with many white 
kernels. Six of the ears had colored Secale of some shade or other ES pre of P and Рс"). 


Seven had red c 


| Vor. 



eo e e 

27. Tapalpa, Jalisco. Maíz amarillo del cerro 

The majority of the ears have colored pericarp 

Prevailingly yellow with many white kernels. 

(P and Рс”) of various intensities. 



ge Pies Le “ево 
Н Туы жен % y” i 247 

ism t А 415 4% evento 


kal Е 

69801000000 iui 3 
"и 2227 ОИ ШИ 4 
% зале 
ЖАЛА амы MAS: 




9 o 

e 6 

ә 9 

28. Tapalpa, Jalisco. Maíz amarillo de tierra más templada 


As the name indicates, grown on fields well below the town, hence with a longer season. 

yellow and white, mostly red-cobbed. 

tU VR (di л 





pie MER Ti A 

117 17 


ИГ лым 

74: РОДА v tmt 



м week: 

[Vor. 33 

ео ә ө 
e ~ 
i e 
ә o ve € 9 
e өс 
ео ве 
a ео 
. о 
1 1 4 1 1 A і 

29. Tapalpa, Jalisco. Maíz criollo blanco 

White, a few of the ears with а few bright yellow kernels. One ear РС”, 


о о ө 
e ә 
eo өө ө ө 
ее ое 
e 9 e Ө o ә 
i бе 
1 1 1 1 1 1 

30. Tapalpa, Maíz espiga blanca 

Unlike most of the p or varieties, t t have a brightly colored tassel. Pre- 
ee к а few of the ears with white pe pos ба with colored pericarp (P and Рс”), 
Cobs whit a very faint =. The ears of this eu were similar to those illustrated in pl. 6, 
ја угы pod at the 52 and the top of the plat 

[Vor. 33 

оо © “ 
© оф о ё 

| 1 1 1 1 1 _—— 

31. Coalcoman area, Michoacan. From clearing A. 

his and the two following samples were sent me by Sr. F. Vargas Tentory, a member of a 
cultural mission to backward areas. These three 5. were made іп three о — 
clearings in the Coalcomán area in western Michoac The 14- and 16-rowed specimens in each 
collection are very similar to maíz 2. the remainder of the collections looks like crosses 
between that and typical Mexican Narrow Ear varieties 


оо о 9 
оо oe 
ә ә 
- ә © о 
1 L 1 1 Д. 1 = | 
32. Coalcoman area, Michoacan. Clearing B. 

See notes on the ране collection. 7 wee were variable as to color. w had 
dark red pericarp (strong allele of P), a few had colored aleurone (Pr), and 2 ol a 
crowned pericarp (P°"). The rest were i and yale, One of the Pr ears had a single white 
kernel, indicating the presence of dominant white (СІ). 

[Vor. 33 

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 

33. Coalcoman area, Michoacan. Clearing С. 

See notes on two previous collections. These three collections do not represent samples ifa E 
single field, as do most of the examples in this Appendix, but are from all the varieties gro 
each clearing. 



Г * 
әс өсе се 
"5 ш e 
қ o o 
ео eo ФО 
Ө оо ө 
————— BÉ | 1 1 1 1 1 

Prevailingly yellow 

34. Apatzingán, Michoacan. Maíz amarillo 

Two ears had white kernels. Eight of the ears had few to many kernels 

with colored aleurone (Pr). ne had tan pericarp. 


со ә 
| ~ 
ығы Фә бо 
o0 © 
өс ә © 6 
ә ө O © @ 

1 | | | 1 1 1 

35. Apatzingán, Michoacan. Maíz amarillo 

Prevailingly yellow. Eleven of the ears had white kernels; one had a tan pericarp. 

pintada в 5% 





ріпті тім 

ОРА 222” 

[Vor. 33 



Сс Ф 

[ 1 > 1 

4 — 

36. Jiquilpan, Michoacán. Maíz pipitillo 

Prevailingly white, seven of the ears showing yellow kernels. Us ears had a 
P па и but they were all very faint іп color. Apparently the white of 
almost dominant. ле name p/pitillo usually denotes a digo "eared, man 

more or less pointed kernels, dented and wrinkled below the poi 

few kernels with 
this variety is 

y-rowed variety with long, 

[Vor. 33 

ое ее фе 
© ® 
| Li ә 
ec e) о 
oe е. 
Е “> ә 
ip e р 
1 1 1 1 | | 1 

37. Jiquilpan, Michoacán. Maíz amarillo 

at La 2. ia the hills above Jiquilpan. Prev = yellow. A few ears had white 
jene four had a kernels with colored aleurone (Pr Гуо ears had faint pericarp color 
(a low allele of P Su 


1 1 1 1 1 1 4 

38. Jiquilpan, Michoacán. Maíz rosquera 

This variety was identical with the maíz reventador of near- E Jalisco and not at all like the 
pointed popcorn sometimes called by the same name near Mexico City. All the ears bore both 
yellow and white kernels. Six had a few kernels with colored Boone (both Pr and pr). 

[Vor. 33 

| Е 
«o 005 5 
$6 во 
e Ô 
1 1 1 1 д 
39. Jiquilpan, Michoacán. Maíz grueso 

Prevailingly white. А majority of the ears had a few to many yellow kernels. Five had 
kernels with colored aleurone (Pr). One ear was flushed with brilliant color (allele of R). 


Nine of th 


1 Е | 1 1 ES ^ 



40. Jiquilpan, Michoacán. Maíz negro 

iae mi bis blue Aron ko па Pr). Several of the ears were a dicas. for pr 
e ker 

pollination ud dominant white s rather than segregat 

under “elote” 

ed whit s but in such small cete rs that it must hav 

e been due to 

N dae ida seeded a 
this variety is, on the average, than the EGER Miis from Jiquilpan. 

See discussion 

[ Мог. 33 

=) е e ә 
e o 59 со e • 
% ео e 
e © ә Ф 
Ны релі 1 | 1 1 Р ЕНЕ ) 

41. Uruapan, Michoacan. Maíz criollo 

Prevailingly light yellow. Two ears with a few white kernels; two with a few kernels with 
colored aleurone (one Pr and one pr). 


ә ө e e = 
о о О © ~ 
e. - 
о ө e v 
- ә о 
pul П ! ! | 1 ==) 
42. Uruapan, Michoacán. Maíz breve. 
Prevailingly reddish aleurone (br), though a major of the ears show few to many dark 
kernels (Pr) and one was segregating. es had тек; вена y and Рс”), 

[Vor. 33 


o 6 


ео 5% 

e u 

à e 6 5 

° б ө 

“ eo 0 


1 = 1 1 1 1 

43. San Lorenzo, Michoacan. Maíz del cerro 

Prevailingly white and yellow. A few ears with dark aleurone (Pr) on a few kernels. Two 
ears flushed pink (allele of R?) Crop stunted by new volcanic ash. 




44. Cherán, Michoacán. Maíz tulekenio 

Seven of the ears had bright pink or red in the peri- 

Six ears had a few kernels with dark aleurone (Pr). 

White and yellow in various mixtures. 

carp (various alleles of R?). 

: S 


л» эзсе, „ы LN 
"о onroro a | 


ааа! ааа Кэ, 

5%%%4% PUT 0902 
мы MODA 
(P, ie " 

[Мог. 33 





45. Cherán, Michoacán. Ma 


This is the black corn discussed in detail in the Appendix to Beal’s report on Cherán. 
ingly dark aleurone (Pr), many with light to dark red purple in the pericarp (alleles of 

Saat SS 
* МА МАЊУ |. 




; У à 
: E | ж 
3 # Peete aan tae 

МУ Те 
ыи: du tu 3. 
паче ETT 


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 

46. Cherán, Michoacan. Maíz blanco del cerro 

Prevailingly white with a few yellow kernels. Two ears had a few kernels with dark aleurone 
(Pr). Two showed color in the pericarp. 

села ое 

ы. Wee E ры 

+ | 
% à 
* я 
* 2 


[Vor. 33 

ее әс 
o ө 
[ ә 
e ео ФО 
+ “ 
eco од 
e 9 
1 1 1 1 L 1 і 

47. Pátzcuaro, Michoacan. Maíz pinto 

Grown on a small farm, "Las Paredis.” Prevailingly white. Nearly all the ears with some 
kernels showing colored aleurone (usually Pr, sometimes pr). 



48. Patzcuaro, Michoacán. Maíz blanco 

From a field one mile above the town. Prevailingly white and T У за yellow. Three ears 
with a few kernels with dark aleurone (Pr); two ears with colored peri 

pros 3 
geet шақа к. 

[Vor. 33 




Maiz blanco 

49. Lake Patzcuaro, Michoacan. 

Four ears with crowned peri- 

Most of the ears with some yellow kernels. 

Prevailingly white. 

Several ears with colored aleurone (Pr and pr). 

carp (Pcr). 


< УУ 

Cj № 


AT EH ts 

ЈИ ТИ Пети 

мын aga ы 


RIT es 
by free iJ adea 

wa I P 


245r. y 


© © әс 
Г eee 
ее өө 
ә фе 
о e “% 

1 1 1 1 1 1 Í 

50. Lake Pátzcuaro, Michoacán. Maíz colorado 

2: т е (Pr), though many of the ears are i divini for reddish cde 
(pr) a ar pr. Over half the ears with a few t ny white kernels, some 
them io to x. d dominant white (20 • опе ear, for Ik had Pr xe pr kernels e 
a single kernel of pure white with no trace of co 


ee ө 
e © 
6.9% e o 
| 2 
L 1 1 L 1 1 ) 


neers by E. J. Wellhausen. Prevailingly white and pale yellow. 
faint reddish pericarp. Many of the ears were 2. іп spite of being quite short. 
slight error іп this figu re. Of the three ears indicated as having eight rows only 
was eight-ro wo others the same square 

should жей fis 

51. Zitácuaro, Michoacán 

are really ten-rowed, 

t in 
slightly higher in the diagran 

[Vor. 33 

Four of the sli rd a 

the 1. опе 
and these two dots 


e © 
Ё УСУ 0 
6,6 фе 
| boto 
9 фо ёо 

52. Quiroga, Michoacán. Maíz de tierra fria 

Collection by E. J. Wellhausen. Prevailingly white and pale yellow with a few ears with faint 
pink pericarp. 

[Vor. 33 

о ж ә 
© О о O 
1 1 1 1 1 1 4 

53. San Francisco, Villa Allende 

A small collection made by Dr. Wellhausen. АП dark aleurone (Pr). On half the ears the 
color is intensified by red pericarp (P and Рс”) which makes the dark blue into a shiny black. 


Ё © 
© оо (e) pe © 
< оо 
Ё @ 
© ә9о 
ә ә © Ж 
1 1 1 1 1 1 | 

54. Mexico-Toluca Highway, Km. 60. Cacabuazintle 

Nearly all pure white. One ear with five yellow kernels, all brilliant yellow and showing no 
capping of ek uA zu ears with a few kernels of dark aleurone as all of pe very dark. 
Two ears sh , lower right. Two ears of this variety and from the same town are 
illustrated in т 

[Vor. 33 

| 1 \ 1 | | 

55. Mexico-Toluca, Km. 57 

pM асуы white 4. modifi ed by the pinky tan and smoky colors of the pericarp. 
of the ears are st ғ fasciated and look almost like ‘ oes Hull-less’” popcorn. One 
ear is шеші іп pl. 5, ue ove. Note extension + са scale 


ee 0 ө 
| ф % о 
s S obeso 
| ео 
99 о 
1 |: 1 1 1 | - 2 | 

56. Mexico-Toluca, Km. 17 

Collected by E. J. Wellhausen. Prevailingly white and light yellow. Four ears have a pinkish 

tan pericarp. One ear is strongly fasciated. 

[Vor. 33 




Mexico- Toluca, Km. 17 


Prevailingly bright yellow, with some light yellow and white. 

Collected by E. J. Wellhausen. 

Varying greatly from ear to ear in the 

ew kernels with dark aleurone (Pr). 

amount of capping with soft starch. 

Two ears with a f 

ЕН КҚ К + 

me Beet 

S etat 
quita E 


Pete et ЫЫ e tii 

ный M 

петиции, у 9 
аш minsay 


ae ои, 
жек каиыр а? 

Baa * 

lla m mA ч 
aos ыы их РА 
Ри _ ғ” 

ig petet 
A ata едм А, 
ге (4-4 
"ipsae. A 


© ô ô 9 
об бе © 
6,6 ео 
0% 6 
Ф ә 
Г | | 1 | 1 
58. Mexico-Toluca, Km. 57 (Bag Хо. Ш) 
Collected by J. Wellhau Prevailingly white and yellow, the latter mostly very pale. 
Many kernels қ ім dark ood (астана Pr and а semi-dominant white). 

[Vor. 33 

59. Chalco, Mexico 

Collected by E. J. Wellhausen. АП dark aleurone, one ear segregating for white. Most of the 
ears with occasional white or nearly white kernels. Six of the ears with red pericarp (P and Рс” 



1 1 1 

Collected by E. J. Wellhausen. 

60. Metepec 

All white and light ivory yellow. 



[ Vor. 




61. Tepotzotlán, Mexico 

Two ears with pericarp color. 

Prevailingly white and light ivory yellow. 

en 5% 
ашқан wee 
Pig а 4 жен" 

=~ T a t <= ~ 
t as уценили rp) 
orm wm 

Жейн» mrt fugaces 

d = s 

ANS mamam > 
Pn en Ee 
~ А Р 

M E Y ~ 
Be eS асаа оос КҮ, 
%. ” ^ T У - 

"е. —" 
"vest Қым 222224” 
- ланы ы” e 





62. Tepotzotlán, Mexico 


Small samples of two early varieties used for pinole and elotes. 

xg Б> 


* vat ымға 
абы etat" m. 
* "an авз" 

[Vor. 33 




е 9 < 


63. Huehuetoca, Mexico. Maíz blanco 

The ears photo- 

Four ears showed a few kernels with dark aleurone (Pr). 

graphed are the superior ones and not a random sample 

Nearly all white. 


by all 
4% ымы 


ten hee 

gene теа 

жа ede еә, 

^. PPS И ; 





5 яз» 



be TL. 


e 090 о 


ә © 

обе о © 


L о 

ее ое 

Ô © 

0 e 

1 1 1 | 1 1 саба 

64. Acupula, Mexico. Maíz morado араз айо 
Predominantly reddish aleurone (pr), though every ear showed а few Pr and two ears were 
largely so. Most of the ears with a few white kernels (Ct). Two ears with red pericarp. Said 
to be early seasoned. One ear illustrated in pl. 5, right below. 

[Vor. 33 


ео Ө © 
| e 
де со ө 
• “. 
| © 
ое 9 
[ 1 1 1 Кк... ыы 

65. Huehuetoca, Mexico. Maíz negro 

Prevailingly Pr. Many 

B1) І 
presence of dominant white ( 

of the ears with a few kernels of clear white, indicating the probable 


+ % 
eo Фе 
Г 9 
ё o .2 “ 
e 6 
ое € E 
ray ее ә 
1 1 L 1 1 1 РР 

66. Leon, Gto. Maíz vaquereno, tipo I 

An improved variety produced by Sr. Eduardo Limón. White with heavy capping of soft 


[Vor. 33 

1 L 1 1 1 
67. León, Gto. Maíz vaquereno 
collection made from several small farmers in the 4. It тө the original 


Мехісап m belt 
ears with yellow ker ls 

> his selections and is ther representativ the maize of the 
A few 

© Prevailingly white ud 22. capped with MA starch. 



о бө се өе 
e © 

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
68. Salamanca, Gto. Maíz blanco 
collection made by E. J. Wellhausen. Lus ep with a strong api ency to fasciated ears. 
There is a slight difference in scale in this figure. the vertical scale the row numbers run 
from 10 to 26 instead of 8 to 24 as the m entire "om should be pushed up- 

wards one unit to make the grid Маи to all 5. pc Pe, 

Horizontal scale unchanged. 

[Vor. 33 

| б 
$ > Ф 
8 e 
0 ô ёо 6 
об 60 
% m 
ô be 8 
* 5 
ea _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 } 

69. Tlaltizapan, Morelos. Maíz pipitillo 

White and light yellow. One of the extreme ears is illustrated in plate 4, below. None of the 
extreme type with long, pointed kernels showed any yellow stronger than a pale ivory. The less 
pointed kernels (of the type known as maíz perla) nearly all showed light yellow kernels here and 
there. It seems probable that the extreme "pipitillo" has a strong yellow-inhibitor. 


ее e 
9 % 
ә ө "^ ә 9 
ee обе ә ә 
3 ж 

e Ф [] 

1 1 1 [ 1 Ou ETIN 

70. Tlaltizapán, Morelos. Maíz colorado 

Prevailingly pr with several ears showing Pr and a few with white kernels. 

All were red-cobbed. 




71. Otlatlan, Puebla. Cacahuazintle 

Obtained through К. Н. Barlow from а remote mountain village. — Prevailingly 


[Vor. 33 

white with 

kernels of yellow and of dark aleurone (Pr). Obviously extensively mixed with the local 

e corn, samples of which were also obtained. 


© ө 
о ~ 
1 1 4. 4 1 1 4 

72. Chihuahua 

Obtained through E. J. Wellhausen. White and yellow. Very similar to the maize of the 
eblo Indians in Arizona and New Mexico and probably derived therefrom. This conclusion is 
supported by unpublished archaeological evidence from several sources. 

Tea) rut 

Ұй ry 



i $ 


Metis estont rra 
5s жж 



= ж 








of the 

Missouri Botanical Garden 

Vol. 33 SEPTEMBER, 1946 No. 3 

Associate Professor of Biology, Harris Teachers College, St. Louis 
Formerly Instructor in the Henry Shaw School of Botany of Washington University 

A century ago Nageli (1844) first described the yeast cell as having “‘a little 
nucleus of whitish mucus, lying on the membrane.” From that time to this the 
cytology of yeast has been a subject of controversy. Extensive bibliographies and 
discussions of the earlier literature may be found in Wager (798), Wager and 
Peniston (10), Guilliermond (720), Moore (733), and Badian (737). Brandt 
(741) has reviewed the more recent literature, as well as given the results and in- 
terpretations of his own extensive investigations. Recently Lindegren (745) and 
Subramaniam and Ranganathan (745, '46a, '46b) have published differing in- 
terpretations of nuclear organization in yeast. 

In spite of the great amount of work which has been done on the cytology of 
yeasts, there is still no general agreement (Table VI) among students of the sub- 
ject even on fundamental points. There are several reasons for this lack of agree- 
ment: (1) The most important is the small size of the yeast cell which makes 
accurate observation of details extremely difficult and causes interpretation to be 
more or less speculative. (2) The use of only one or two stain techniques by 
many investigators has increased the confusion because interpretations are based 
on incomplete information. (3) Until the work of Winge and his associates 
(35, 737) investigators were handicapped by lack of understanding of the life 
cycle of yeasts. (4) Not until the recent work of Lindegren and Lindegren (44) 
was it possible for a cytologist to secure adequate sporulating material. 

The present work was undertaken with the hope that additional information 
could be gained concerning the structure of the yeast cell through the thorough 
and methodical use of a variety of techniques on the excellent material available 
from the Lindegren laboratory. 

investigation carried out in the graduate laboratory of the sae Shaw School of Botany 

of eae gton University, assisted by a grant from Anheuser-Busch Inc., and submitted as a thesis 
in partial a5 mé of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philoso phy. 


[Vor. 33 


Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used in all of the work reported in this paper 
except as noted below. The cultures were secured from the Lindegrens, and all 
culture designations refer to their material. Most work was done with the dip- 
loids LK, with the hybrids EFF, 30 x 20 сс., and with BC20—, and several 
similar haploids. EFF is a hybrid of three commercial baking yeasts; LK is 
isolated from a Canadian pressed yeast. The haploid BC20— is a single ascospore 
isolate from a strain studied by the Lindegrens as were the other haploids used. 

While working on the identification of wild yeasts found on native fruits ob- 
tained from the Missouri Botanical Garden Arboretum, an especially large one 
which showed peculiar multiple budding was isolated. It is probably an unde- 
scribed species of Syringospora or a related genus. Limited cytological observa- 
tions were made on it for comparison with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A few 
observations were also made on a species of Cryptococcus (?), another wild yeast. 

In so far as possible all techniques and observations were carried out with all 

material used; that is, a general systematic survey was attempted. Parallel ob- 
servations of living material were also made. 

Culture Metbods.—Budding cells of various diploid cultures were sometimes 
obtained from yield tests in the Lindegren Laboratory (Lindegren and Lindegren, 
43). Both haploids and diploids were also cultured in liquid nutrient medium 



Kind Formula Preparation 
Beet (leaves) extract ....10 cc. Streak on slant; in- 
Beet (roots) extract......20 cc. cubate at 25° 
pe Iu oar vs 35 cc. (room temp.). Aft- 
EIU etm 1615 cc. Steam mixture 10 | er 2-3 days pour 
48—72 | Presporulating Yeast -=n UNUM E 2gm.| minutes. Tube and | 1 cc. sterile water 
hrs. Glyc 215 gm.| autoclave. Slant. over yeast. Stir to 
TN 5 gm. make thick suspen- 
1 gm. sion of cells. Take 
Vater [EM 100 cc. up in sterile pipette. 
final v 
Pour over upper part 
of gypsum slant. 
Mix, pour, and slant г dieser 
16-48 | Gypsum slant Water 100 сс.| rapidly. Dry 24 enough acetic acid 
hrs yP Plaster of Paris .......... 100 gm.| hours at 50° С. ve и 
Autoclave. Oe еи 
4.0 into lower half 
of slant. Incubate 


and on nutrient agar slants. Little work was done with copulating yeast cells or 
with old or starved cultures. 

Material for the study of stages of sporulation was cultured in accordance 
with the method developed by the Lindegrens on medium supplied by them 
(Table I). Тһе diploid strains LK and EFF were usually used because they 

sporulate well. 

Smear Technique.—All permanent preparations were made as smears on cover 
glasses and stained in cover glass Coplin jars (cover glass wells of Thomas & Co.). 
The yeast cells were stuck to the cover glass with a thin coating of Mayer’s 
albumen fixative or applied directly to a thoroughly cleaned cover glass. The 
cover glasses with the layer of albumen were generally heated gently over an 
alcohol burner “until a gray smoke is given off” as suggested by La Cour (741) 
before applying the cells. Many more cells remained on the cover glass if fixative 
was applied, but with some techniques the albumen tended to stain and if drying 
occurred artifacts frequently appeared. Many cells were lost in succeeding 
operations if applied directly to the cover glass. 

For applying the yeast to the cover slip a micropipette was found useful. An 
ordinary glass dropper was heated just above the narrow end, drawn out thin, cut 
off to a length of seven or eight inches, and the rubber bulb replaced. A very 
small drop of water was placed on the cover glass with the micropipette and cells 
were added from a slant with a sterile loop; in other cases a droplet of cells was 
pipetted onto the cover slip from a suspension. The cells were spread evenly by 
passing the thin flexible end of the micropipette across the surface of the cover 
glass. This was done rapidly to avoid drying, which causes severe distortion of 
the cells. The cover glasses were immediately floated cell-side down on the surface 
of the fixing solution in a Petri dish. If long fixation was required, they were 
transferred after about fifteen minutes to a cover glass Coplin jar for convenient 


Fixation and Staining Procedures.—Many different fixations were tried, and 
the types which apparently caused least shrinkage, distortion of the vacuole, and 
granulation of the cytoplasm were generally used (Table II). Drying, even after 
fixation, tended to cause shrinkage and distortion. Good fixation was apparently 
related in part to the condition of the cells; fresh, actively growing cells showed * 
better fixation than old cells from giant colonies, and actively budding cells better 
than the highly granular sporulating cells. None of the methods used was com- 
pletely satisfactory. 

The general staining procedures are outlined in Table III. A further discussion 
of outstanding points is given in the following section of the paper. 




Fixative Formula and/or Modifications Time Evaluation 
Mercuric Saturated aqueous НЕСІ + 0. 15-24 Most satisfactory general 
chloride -1.0% glacial acetic Med hrs. fixation 
Iodine- 1% о таи be 1% KI..20.0 сс. 12-24 Good with Giemsa technique 
ormalin- Formalin Ба 4.0 с hrs. (2, Table III) 
acetic acid Glacial ir acid ...... 0.5 сс. 
Distilled water ........ 5-10.0 сс. 
Navashin Plant tissue formula (Lee, 737) 1-12 Fair. Distortion of vacuole 
"Craf" Modification (Johan- hrs. common 
sen, '40) 
Osmic acid Vapor from 1% osmic acid 3-5 Fair. Cytoplasm granular, 
vapor solution min vacuole often distorted or 
Picric acid Sat же, E ees water or 4-12 Fair with methylene blue 
70% a hrs. eosin ie i oig TA "Table Ш) 

*Other fixations tried but not used because of perc rper. and/or granulation of 
др were pua no lemming's niu 


Carnoy-Lebrun, Perenyi, 
cro-formol-acetic acid mixtures, glacial сей acid vapor, " chrome- Bowen-urea 

weak solution, 

(Sem 42 
fluid, у “кейді bath alone and in various combination 



Uranium fixative 

Stain Usual fixation Staining procedure Remarks 
1. Feulgen Mercuric chloride 1. Hydrolyze 7-8 min, in не positive body 
(Johansen, '40;  |Navashin НСІ at 60° C. (Hillary, 739) ре, in all cells. 
де Tomasi, 36; (Unnecessary ta wash |2. Stain E in n Feulgen. С коң сІеаг апа 
Coleman, 73 out fixing solution |3. in each of three} colorless. 

before hydrolysis— 
Bensley & Bensley, 

ash 1 
HCI- KS. rad hs. 

2. Robinow's bac- 
terial Giemsa 
(Robinow, '42; 
Dubos, '45) 

Mercuric chloride 

Osmic vapor 


. 7-10 min. 
. Stain іп Giemsa (1 

tures as fo 

. Hydrolyze in 1 М НСІ at 60° 

drop stain 

per ml. dilute buffer— рН 6.9- 

7.0) 15-45 min 

Pass through acetone- xylol mix- 

li COTES 4—30 sec 
B Amon 10-30 sec 
Ка 10—15 ѕес 

е ayla <i. ЕК, 10-15 min 

Very good; apparently 




TABLE III (continued) 

1. Stain in әй aqueous adii 
violet 10 min 

Results only fair; 
nothing added to 

2: er through: died from other 
0.5% picric oan in 70% techniques. 
Methyl violet “Te ohol 1 
(Johansen, '40) Navashin ee неге E in 95% 

hol 1 

о: rir ты ТШ 4 drops 
H per 100 cc.) 15 sec 

4. 100% alcohol qd 

e. Clove oil 30—45 s 

. Mordant y hrs. "x 196 osmic|Results poor; 

acid in 2% chrom nothing to himétory- 

. Stain in standard інді solu- lin; could probably 

tion be imp by 

4. Flemming's 3. Stain in 1% aqueous crystal ificatio 
i Navashin violet 10-15 min 

triple stain 
(Johansen, '40) 

4. Dip twice in 95% alcohol, 3 or 
4 times in absolute. 

5. Drop sat. sol. orange G in clove 
il on с 10 sec. 

6. Wash in clove oil. 

ДЕ Мајнц іп КАР ferric am- 

Shorter mordanting, 

je pa ns - destain 
E Huh Ресей ii а. zu hrs. ng ga different 
f jnenge Mercuric chloride езе eb. T he picture TL long. 
пика 40 Navashin Ди P E 596 hematoxylin. Cytopla asm tends to 
; : : hrs. or overnight. 
cL М i3 hrs 

3. Destain in sat. aqueous рісгіс 
acid (Tuan, '30). 

1. Mordant 6 hrs. in 1% ferric|Results similar to 
ammonium sulfate іп 70% Heidenhain's hema- 
alcohol. toxylin. 

6. Brazilin pit M ссн 2. Stain 6 hrs. іп 0.5% Brazilin in 
ematoxylin 70% alcohol. 

3. Destain in sat. picric in 70% 

7. Methylene Picric acid . Overstain in 1% aqueous methy-|Results uncertain. 
blue-eosin Navashin lene blue 24—48 hrs Tends to lose stain 
(Badian, '37) Mercuric chloride 2. Differentiate very ШОЛУ with | in alcohol 
dilute eosin (0.5% or less). 
8. Aceto-, lacto-, and | Alcohol-acetic acid. |All combinations of the acids and Ep unsatisfac- 
Propionic carmine, | Also various ants| stai i ious ons Aceto-orc ein 

orcein, Bismar 



n: gr after ae No per- 
t slides prepar 

a. some better 
than other combina- 


ынны were ru 

n up thr ough 

пећина stated. Usual washing or rinsing steps not 

alcohol series into xylol and mounted in balsam unless 
t listed. 

[Vor. 33 



As mentioned in the Introduction there is as yet no general agreement among 
yeast cytologists even as to fundamentals. Тһе body most frequently referred to 
as the nucleus (Guilliermond, '10, 20; Badian, '37; Beams, Zell, and Sulkin, '40) 
is called the centriole by another school (Lindegren, '45) and the nucleolus by a 
third (Wager and Peniston, '10). In the following observations new terms which 
are purely descriptive and have no previous connotation have accordingly been 
chosen in order to present a picture of results, independent of interpretations of 
nuclear organization in yeast. The term "parvicorp" (small body) will be used 
(text-fig. 1) to indicate that part of the yeast cell frequently designated as the 

perv icorp 

companion body 

entral granule (in motion) 

particle іп magnicorp 

refractive cytoplasmic 

cyto hn m 

Diagram of the yeast cell with parts labeled according to the term- 

Text-fig. 1. 
inology used in this paper. 

nucleus. The term “‘magnicorp” (large body) will be used to designate the part 
usually called the vacuole, but also named the nucleus (Janssens and Leblanc, '98) 
and the nuclear vacuole (Wager and Peniston, 710; Lindegren, '45). А diagram- 
matic representation of these parts is shown in text-fig. 1. 

Descriptions of budding material precede those of sporulating material The 
results for each technique are given separately and in the order listed in Table III. 
The drawings on the plates follow the observations of the stained slides as closely 
as possible. All observations were made with a binocular microscope equipped 
with a 90 x apochromatic objective and 15 x compensating oculars. 



Feulgen Technique.—In all cells except small buds the parvicorp is at least 
faintly Feulgen positive (pl. 10). However, not all of the parvicorps exhibit the 
same color depth; a few are small and stain much more strongly than the larger 
ones. In some cells the parvicorp is evenly colored throughout, in others there is - 
apparent variation in color intensity (pl. 10, figs. 4, 5, 11, 13). Тһе buds often 
lack the parvicorp, but in that case it is frequently dividing in the mother 
cell or has finished its division or may not have started to divide, in which 
event it is commonly larger than usual (pl. 10, figs. 1-15). The division 
may be completed in the mother cell and the parvicorp then pass into the bud, 
but in many strains it more often appears to divide directly into the bud. In 
actively growing cultures the parvicorp is usually located proximal to the small bud 
and divides directly into it (Lindegren, '45). Where the budding is not quite so 
rapid the Feulgen positive body may be located between two parts of the magni- 
corp or even opposite the bud. After the buds acquire parvicorps the latter usually 
assume a distal position in mother and daughter cells (pl. 10, fig. 16). Тһе parvi- 
corp may vary in shape from round to oval, may be crescent-shaped, irregular in 
outline, or divided into two bodies, as noted earlier by Margolena (732), Winge 
(35), Badian (737), and others. These bodies have often been interpreted as 
chromosomes (Table VI). Conventional mitotic figures were not seen in the 
dividing Feulgen-stained bodies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The Feulgen stain 
is faint and the parvicorp small, so that details are somewhat speculative. 

The magnicorp, which was unstained but generally quite clear in outline, showed 
no Feulgen positive material with the procedure used. A discussion of the 
magnicorp will be deferred to the sections on methylene blue-eosin and Heiden- 
hain’s hematoxylin in which its structure is more readily observed. However, it 
might be mentioned here that the parvicorp almost universally lies іп contact 
with the magnicorp. 

Robinow's Giemsa Tecbnique.—The use of this technique was suggested by 
La Cour (personal communication) after a number of others were found inade- 
quate. The Robinow Giemsa bacterial stain (742; Dubos, '45, with appendix by 
Robinow) was used with the following minor modifications. Osmic acid was 
slightly less satisfactory than mercuric chloride or iodine-formol-acetic acid as a 
fixation. Samples of stain were obtained from three sources and were found to 
vary somewhat in their staining ability. Destaining was not always even. Insuf- 
ficiently destained and over-destained cells sometimes occurred on the same slide 
probably due to inadequate pH control. Difficulty with fading was overcome by 
controling the pH of the various solutions, especially the balsam which was 
neutralized with sodium bicarbonate following the directions in Lee (9th edition, 
'28) and by storing the finished slides in darkness. The better slides produced by 
this method were the most satisfactory for observation of the parvicorp. How- 
ever, good results were obtained only with the correct balance of all variables. 

[Vor. 33 

Giemsa stains the parvicorp in much the same manner as the Feulgen reaction 
but gives a much deeper color that shows more internal differentiation and greater 
contrast with the cytoplasm. Because of this sharpness of contrast the irregularity 
of the outline of many of the parvicorps is much more apparent than with 
Feulgen. Although many of the cells show parvicorps with relatively regular 
outlines more of those with irregular outlines are illustrated in pl. 11 in order to 
indicate the kind and degree of variation observed. The difference in color in- 
tensity within the stained bodies was often quite marked, resembling somewhat 
the chromocenters of higher plants. One or two small extrusions or appendages 
were often found. In older agar slant cultures, apparently aberrant divisions of 
the parvicorps without consequent division of the cell seemed to occur, giving such 
forms as shown in pl. 13, figs. 92, 93, 95-97. Haploid cells and their parvicorps 
were smaller than diploid, but measurements of the parvicorps were not attempted 
because their size variation in different stages of cell division made exact com- 
parisons of doubtful value. Division of the parvicorp appeared much the same 
as with the Feulgen technique. A few of the parvicorps exhibited the bipartite 
structure noted in the preceding technique but the phenomenon seemed less in 

evidence, especially in the haploids. 

р The magnicorp was generally not visible with this technique, but when it was 
its relation with the parvicorp was usually clear and unquestionable. Іп these 
cells it lay in direct contact with the parvicorp as described above (pl. 11, figs. 30, 
40, 42, 46). In a few cases various other relationships between these two bodies 
were observed, and several of these are illustrated (pl. 11, figs. 45, 47; pl. 13, figs. 
96, 97). In these exceptional cells, however, the definition of the two bodies was 
somewhat obscure. 

Methyl Violet and Flemming’s Triple Stain.—]ohansen's methyl violet stain- 
ing method was used without appreciable change. Methods developed by Smith 
(34), Newton (Johansen, 40), and Hancock (742) did not give good results 
but would probably prove satisfactory if time were taken to modify them. 

The parvicorp generally stained in much the same manner as with Feulgen 
(pl. 12, figs. 48-60), but sometimes only part of it retained the stain, the slides 
thus resembling certain Heidenhain’s hematoxylin slides (pl. 12, figs. 51, 53, 56). 
The magnicorp showed no particles or stained structures. Similar but less 
certain results were obtained with Flemming’s triple stain (pl. 12, figs. 61, 62). 
As these staining procedures provided little additional information to that ac- 
quired from other techniques and as they were more troublesome to carry out, 
they were not used extensively. 

Heidenhain’s Hematoxylin and Brazilin.—After long mordanting and staining 
with Heidenhain's hematoxylin (5a, Table III) the entire parvicorp remained black 
(рі. 13, figs. 72-81). With the short staining procedure (5b, Table III) usually 
a black area designated here as the companion body (text-fig. 1) stained at one 
place and the remainder of the parvicorp was lighter than the surrounding cyto- 


plasm (pl. 13, figs. 82-89). This differentiation resembled that shown in Wager 
and Peniston’s figures of the "chromatin patch” except that the “peripheral layer 
of chromatin” was not generally apparent, nor did the companion body exhibit as 
great a diversity of shape as the authors illustrate (Wager and Peniston, 710, pl. 
16, figs. 53-80). This same phenomenon shows to some extent with Brazilin 
and methyl violet techniques but is not apparent with any of the others that were 
used, although identical fixations were frequently employed. 

In either budding or resting cells this companion body was often double and 
occurred in any one of several positions, probably due to both the orientation 
under the microscope and the condition and stage of development of the cell. 
Division of the companion body at mitosis is difficult to follow even in slides of 
actively budding cultures. It seems to elongate greatly and divide by thinning 
іп the center (pl. 13, figs. 83, 89). In the non-budding cell the parvicorp ap- 
pears to have a very regular outline; in the budding cell it is not distinct as the 
contrast between cytoplasm and parvicorp is not great. With the longer staining 
procedure results are similar to those of the Feulgen and Giemsa techniques, but 
no differentiation within the parvicorp is visible, the boundary is usually regular, 
and no extrusions or appendages are apparent. The parvicorp may destain in 
various unusual patterns, especially in old or poorly nourished cells, and give rise 
to figures such as pl. 13, fig. 76, which, although they may resemble conventional 
mitotic stages, probably do not represent a division stage at all. Because the 
cytoplasm sometimes destains irregularly, results are difficult to interpret. There- 
fore, in spite of the recent work of Subramaniam and Ranganathan (745), the 
author does not consider this technique one of the most satisfactory for the study 
of yeast cytology, certainly not the technique to use as the sole basis of interpre- 

The magnicorp appears clear and optically empty in budding material. How- 
ever, if it is shrunken or distorted in fixation, as sometimes happens, the folds 
tend to retain the stain and give the appearance of strands passing over the sur- 
face (pl. 13, fig. 73). In well-expanded and preserved magnicorps this phenom- 
enon was not apparent. Wager and Peniston reported a “chromatin network” 
over the surface of the magnicorp as a regular cell component, possibly because 
they regularly dried their preparations after fixation. There are times when denser 
strands of cytoplasm seem to radiate from the parvicorp and may or may 
not extend out over the magnicorp depending upon the relative positions of the 
two cell bodies (pl. 13, figs. 77, 78). The early entrance of the magnicorp into 
the bud is especially apparent with this stain when it follows mercuric chloride 
fixation. Subramaniam and Ranganathan have used a Carnoy fixing solution 
which usually leaves the magnicorp invisible and the relative positions of cell 
components uncertain. 

Brazilin gives results similar to Heidenhain’s hematoxylin, staining either the 
entire parvicorp or only the companion body depending upon the length of stain- 
ing and destaining (pl. 12, figs. 63-71). With the shorter procedure the parvi- 

— -—— 

[Vor. 33 

corp sometimes shows shadowy material extending from the companion body 
(pl. 12, fig. 65). 

Methylene Blue-Eosin Tecbnique.—Yhe Giemsa-eosin technique of Badian 
(37) was modified by substituting methylene blue for Giemsa. It can be said 
of it also: "L'application de cette méthode de différenciation aux Levures n'est pas 
toujours ҒасПе--” [Badian, '37, p. 64]. Staining and differentiation of the cells 
in bulk in a centrifuge tube were more easily controlled than on the cover glasses 
although both methods were used. 

Certain particles or granules in the yeast cell stained a brilliant blue-red when 
the differentiation was carried just far enough; further differentiation in eosin left 
the entire cell a faint, even pink. The position, number, and size of these particles 
apparently depended in part on physiological conditions, in part on fixation. In 
a 48-hour unshaken broth culture the stained bodies, if present, were found within 
the magnicorp (pl. 14, figs. 98-107); in a similar culture that was shaken and 
crowded colored particles appeared to lie at the periphery of the magnicorp or 
occasionally in the cytoplasm (pl. 14, figs. 109—112). In the unshaken culture, 
the parvicorp stained faint pink in the blue cytoplasm and was clearly visible in 
98 per cent of the cells, but little or no differentiation was noted. The outline 
was quite regular and clear. In this same culture approximately 85 per cent of 
the yeast cells contained no particles at all in the magnicorp; the rest contained 
one or more of various sizes and shapes (Table IV). In the shaken culture the 


Number of particles | | | | | | | | 
сей 0 | 1 2 IN E. 8 9 10 or 
| E rn more 
| | | | | | | | 
Number of cells | 85 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | -- | 1 | -- 1 2 

particles were exceedingly numerous and were present in most cells where differ- 
entiation was not carried too far. The parvicorp was not visible in these cells. 

Granule number per cell was counted in 100 granule-containing cells (15 
per cent of the total cell number). The results are diagrammed in text-fig. 2. 
Most of the cells in this culture contained few particles which at times appeared 
irregular in outline as if they were possibly aggregates, but the total amount of 
material in the magnicorps was not uniform. 

In a few instances the particles appeared paired (Table V). Тһе pairs of 
granules were similar in staining reaction, size, and shape. At times they occurred 
as separate particles; at times the two were joined in dumbbell (“diplokokken 
ähnlich”, Henneberg, 716) or V-shaped masses with the two ends alike in shape 
and size. Rarely all of the particles of a cell appeared paired (pl. 14, fig. 107); 

1946) 5 

more often there were only one or two such pairs, the other particles not showing 
this condition. The number of pairs of granules was not constant. Due to the 
position and arrangement of granules in some cells it was not always possible to 
be certain whether or not they were paired. These are listed in Table V as 
“Possibly paired.” 




Number of cells 

1-2 3-4 5-6 78 9-0 11:12 
Number of granules 
Text-fig. 2. Number of granules per cell in the magnicorps of 100 granule-containing cells. 


O6 of gran p of total — 
containing cells f cells іп cultur 
No apparent pairing 82.+ 12.4 
One or more pairs present 9.— d. 
Possibly paired 9. 1.4- 

[Vor. 33 

Actively budding yeast from a yield test (4 hour 20 minute shaken culture) 
showed very faintly differentiated parvicorps and a few cells which contained as 
many as thirty to fifty stained particles. The latter were in or at the periphery 
of the magnicorp (pl. 14, fig. 108) and in several instances were passing into the 
bud. Due to the large number of somewhat similar granules in the cells pairing 

could not be determined. 

Aceto-Carmine and Related Smear Tecbniques.—As mentioned in Table Ш, 
various concentrations and mixtures of acetic acid, lactic acid, and propionic acid 
were tried with the following dyes used singly and in combination: carmine, 
orcein, and Bismark brown. Results were generally unsatisfactory. Granular 
cytoplasmic material stained so deeply as to obscure the parvicorp in most cases 
and the magnicorp was generally shrunken and distorted. Various fixations be- 
side acetic-alcohol and a number of other treatments and mordants suggested in 
the literature (Darlington and La Cour, '42) were tried with little success. Aceto- 
orcein and propionic carmine were somewhat more satisfactory than other solu- 
tions. Gentle heating helped bring out contrast, and the slides improved a little 
after standing for two to five days at room temperature. The cells which stained 
most clearly were those from the edge of giant colonies two to four weeks old, 
grown on nutrient agar in a moist chamber (pl. 14, figs. 113-119). Probably this 
is due to the relatively small amount of granular material in the cytoplasm of 
these cells (author's research, unpublished). The parvicorp may be rounded, or, 
more frequently, somewhat star-shaped, or may occasionally appear bipartite, 
especially in dividing cells. Тһе magnicorp (if visible at all) is usually shrunken, 
distorted, and empty. Although much time was spent in trying to adapt this 
technique to yeast, it was finally abandoned as unsatisfactory. 


Feulgen and Giemsa Techniques.—Because of the similarity of results with 
these techniques, they are considered together. In any sporulating culture only 
a few cells were in meiotic division at any one time, and the extremely small num- 
ber found in certain stages would indicate that at least parts of the process are 
very rapid. Preceding spore formation, the parvicorp becomes approximately 
twice its normal diameter, appears filamentous, and resembles the prophase of the 
conventional meiotic division as closely as could be expected in anything as small 
and unique as a yeast cell (pl. 14, figs. 123-127; pl. 15, figs. 128-130, 141-144). 
This phase appears to be of long duration as it is quite common in slides of sporu- 
lating cultures. The next steps in the division are not too certain and probably 
proceed with great rapidity as few instances were found that could be definitely 
assigned to this phase in the many slides that were examined. Probably such 
stages as pl. 15, figs. 131, 145, 146, 149, 150 belong in this category. Very 


rarely two parvicorps lying beside or above each other were found toward the 
center of the cell (pl. 15, fig. 151; pl. 16, figs. 173, 174). While this position 
might be the logical expectation, its extreme rarity leads one to believe that the 
second division normally follows the first so rapidly that the stage with two 
parvicorps may not actually become organized in most cells. The second division 
appeared to start near the center of the cell. Two elongate, slightly dumbbell- 
shaped masses were formed, the ends of which passed toward the periphery of the 
cell, usually toward opposite poles. А gradual thickening of the extremities of 
the masses occurred at the expense of the center (pl. 15, figs. 132—136; pl. 16, 
figs. 152-158). Such division figures were relatively common. Cells with elon- 
gate parvicorps which appeared bipartite or possibly four-partite were also rela- 
tively common in all sporulating material (pl. 15, figs. 147, 148). These may 
represent a stage which either follows the more diffuse early stage or might be the 
beginning of the second division. Instances of a single parvicorp at each pole of 
the cell were not positively ascertained; careful study of apparent examples usually 
showed that at least at one pole one body could be resolved above the other, and 
that the second division had actually taken place. When division is first com- 
pleted, the parvicorps usually lie at the periphery of the cell close to the wall and 
the spore plasm lying between them is frequently more dense than the epiplasm! 
(pl. 16, fig. 160). The organization of the ascospores seems to occur in a manner 
similar to that of other Ascomycetes. Apparently the spore is delimited by being 
cut out by rays extending from the parvicorp. At times one or two of the asco- 
spores develop more rapidly than the others. Ray-like strands of cytoplasm 
frequently extend out from the parvicorp in the fully formed ascospore. If only 
two or three ascospores develop, the other parvicorps can be observed lying free 
in the ascus (pl. 15, figs. 139, 140). Single spores with two or more parvicorps 
were not seen. Old agar slants of diploid cells, some sporulating, showed aberrant 
divisions in which the parvicorp apparently divided without subsequent cell 
division. In some of these cells the parvicorp was divided into separate particles 
(pl. 13, fig. 97). 

Meiotic division of the magnicorp could not be followed in either technique. 
Although this body is generally visible in budding material stained with Feulgen, 
it was imperfectly visible, if at all, in sporulating cells (except in the fully 
developed ascospores where it again appeared empty). 

Notes On Other Tecbniques.—Aceto-orcein was unsuccessful as a stain for 
the division figures of spore formation because of the deeply staining, granular 
cytoplasm. However, the formation of the ascospores was similar to that observed 
with Giemsa and in the fully developed ascospores an empty magnicorp was gen- 
erally visible (pl. 17, figs. 193, 194). 

lIn Ascomycetes, the cytoplasmic contents of the ascus not used in spore formation. 

[Vor. 33 

Methylene blue-eosin was not especially useful as a stain for sporulating 
material, nor did the conventional volutin reaction give an enlightening picture 
of the magnicorp and its particles in meiosis. With both techniques, if magni- 
corps were visible, stained particles in them were few (exceptionally there were 
many particles or none). Мо regular organization of magnicorp and its contents 
was ascertained. 

Slides stained by the longer procedure for Heidenhain's hematoxylin (5a, 
Table III) or by Brazilin gave much the same results as Giemsa and Feulgen, but 
less distinct due to the retention of stain by the granular cytoplasm (pl. 16, figs. 
165—175). If stained by the shorter method (5b, Table III), the results were so 
variable as to be uninterpretable and the companion body could not be followed. 
The magnicorp, though evident in budding and resting cells with these tech- 
niques, could not be followed in sporulating material. 


Comparative studies on living cells of cultures were made whenever slides 
were prepared. In budding cells the parvicorp was only rarely visible in living 
cells, although its position could often be determined by a slight invagination of 
the magnicorp. The latter body could almost always be seen except in certain 
small, very dense cells where it was probably obscured by the highly refractive 
surrounding cytoplasm. It occurred usually as one body, occasionally as two, 
more rarely as several to many, depending on the age, nutrition, aeration, and 
other cultural conditions of the cells. At times one to several particles could be 
seen moving in the magnicorp, and occasionally these appeared to be paired. 

The cytoplasm of many living cells from presporulating cultures was so highly 
granular that all other structures were obscured. It was from these that spores 
developed. Although a number of methods of observing the formation of spores 
in living cells was tried, only the one described below was found satisfactory. 
Nothing externally visible occurred in the living cell the first twelve to sixteen 
hours on the gypsum slant, the variation in time depending upon the culture, 
temperature, presporulating medium, etc. After the culture had been on the 
gypsum slant for twelve hours samples were examined at half-hour intervals. The 
movements of yeast cells are sufficiently rapid that for accurate continued ob- 
servation it was found imperative to restrain them as much as possible. The fol- 
lowing technique prevented excessive motion, yet kept the yeast in viable condition 
under the microscope for five to seven hours. A tiny frayed-out fragment of lens 
paper was placed on a No. 1 cover glass and both were dipped in alcohol and 
flamed. With a little practice the lens paper fibers spread flat and evenly and are 
not charred. A drop of sterile water acidified to about pH 4 with acetic acid 
was placed on the lens paper and a few cells from the gypsum slant were added 
with a needle. The cover glass was placed cell-side down over a concave (drop) 
slide to provide an air chamber and the edges were sealed with wax. The 


yeast cells gathered along the lens paper fibers, and Brownian movement 
was thus greatly reduced. Where the cells were not crowded, an observation 
every fifteen to twenty minutes kept a given cell or group of cells in view. Thus 
individual cells could be watched from the first sign of spore delimitation to com- 
plete spore formation, a process that took three to five hours at room temperature 
under these conditions. In acidified water with no air space, in agar, or in oil, 
sporulation also occurred but only sporadically and after one to five days. 

In living cells the spores appeared to be delimited in the same manner as 
described for prepared slides. Several instances were observed in which the four 
spores were formed from the protoplasm at one end of a large cell. The other end 
was occupied by a body which resembled the magnicorps of other cells on the 
slide although no proof of its actual identity therewith was ascertained. A cell 
of this kind from а Giemsa-stained slide is illustrated in pl. 17, fig. 195. Gen- 
erally the magnicorp was not visible in the living cells during the process of 

When iodine was applied to budding cells, it had the effect of temporarily 
bringing the parvicorp into "relief" and of emphasizing the particles іп the magni- 
corp, often revealing them in rapid Brownian motion. 

Toluidine blue was also applied to budding cultures. This dye at times caused 



Bud dead in 

Q (2) 
SERIES 2 а о А d e 

Text-fig. 3. Series of sketches of two cells under the influence of toluidine blue solution. 

[Vor. 33 

very striking reactions in the magnicorp, but the parvicorp was never visible. 
Changes in the magnicorp were especiall apparent with continuous observation 
of a single cell. Text-fig. 3, Series 1, shows sketches of the changes in the magni- 
corp of a budding cell observed continuously for forty-five minutes. In “h” and 
"n" the magnicorp was seen to burst rapidly out into the bud. Series 2 shows a 
similar non-budding cell. Granules of various sizes often stain in the magnicorp 
with this procedure; occasionally also parts of the cytoplasm stain, and the cells 
finally die and become deeply colored throughout. 


Studies of Budding Cultures.—Several yeasts were collected in the wild and a 
few cytological observations were made on two of them. А brief account is 
given here of these fragmentary observations since they are rather suggestive when 
compared with the results with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Had these yeasts been 
obtained earlier in the progress of the investigation more detailed observations on 
them would have been made. 

The yeast represented in pl. 17 is one of a number which was isolated from 
wild fruit gathered late in the fall of 1945 at the Missouri Botanical Garden 
Arboretum near Gray Summit, Missouri. While it has not been positively identi- 
fied, since it has not yet been induced to sporulate, it can be placed tentatively in 
the Fungi Imperfecti, possibly in Syringospora or Blastodendrion or a closely ге- 
lated genus and probably represents an undescribed species. It is an especially 
large-celled yeast that produces from two to twelve easily detached buds in bi- 
polar position when growing actively on nutrient agar. А few Giemsa and 
Feulgen slides were made in order to study its cell organization when producing 
the higher number of buds. 

From one to twelve parvicorps (Feulgen and Giemsa positive) were found 
per cell, the number depending on their size and the amount of budding. Com- 
monly there were more parvicorps than buds. Ав was noted in the microscopic 
study of the living cells, the buds were very delicately attached and some of them 
may have been broken off in handling. Probably also the division precedes the bud 
formation in this species. While no attempt was made to check this fact, the very 
large number of parvicorps in certain cells (pl. 17, figs. 176, 177, 186) would 
suggest such a possibility. However, small, detached, immature buds without 
parvicorps were frequently observed. When numerous parvicorps were present 
they were often of two distinct sizes, the smaller ones staining more intensely. 
In contrast to Saccharomyces cerevisiae the parvicorp is often separated into 
particulate units at division (pl. 17, figs. 178, 180, 183, 187, 189). When several 
parvicorps were present all seemed to divide synchronously, as cells were noted 
with two, four, or eight in division at the same time. Dividing and non- 
dividing parvicorps were not observed in the same cell. Wherever the magnicorp 


was visible it was empty, but when many parvicorps were present they sometimes 
seemed to fill the whole cell. 

Another of the wild yeasts from the same collection (a Cryptococcus?) should 
be mentioned because under certain cultural conditions (usually when several days 
to a week old) moving particles in the magnicorp were the rule rather than the 
exception and many of the particles seemed paired in dumbbell fashion. In some 
sections of one particular slide almost half the magnicorps had two equal particles, 
closely paired, each pair moving as a unit. Under other conditions, especially in 
young or older cultures, this phenomenon was not apparent. 


The very nature of vegetative reproduction in budding yeasts would lead one 
to expect their mitoses and nuclear organization to exhibit certain exceptional 
phenomena. As there is nothing quite comparable to this budding process in the 
plant or animal kingdom, interpretation of nuclear organization should take into 
account as inclusive a picture of all cell components as possible. Both parvicorp 
and magnicorp seem to be associated with vegetative cell division and a complete 
interpretation must take cognizance of both. From genetics there is now exact 
indirect evidence on the organization of the yeast cell. The excellent work of 
Lindegren, Spiegelman, and Lindegren (744) and of Winge (739, '44) has demon- 
strated the regular Mendelian segregation of characters at meiosis. Diploid strains, 
reproducing only vegetatively, are stable and retain their cultural characteristics 
as would be expected; haploid cultures exhibit a far greater mutation rate. This 
is easily observed in giant colony structures where haploids show frequent sector 
mutations which are generally lacking in the more stable diploids. Therefore in 
spite of its small size and peculiar vegetative reproduction yeast cannot be greatly 
different in its fundamental organization from other organisms although in various 
superficial details of mitosis and meiosis one may confidently expect considerable 

Similar superficial modifications of mitosis and meiosis have been reported for 
a variety of tissues and organisms. In the pollen tube of the spermatophytes, 
when mitosis of the generative cell must occur within narrow confines, it is often 
somewhat atypical; the metaphase plate may be greatly elongated and there may 
be no visible achromatic figure (Trankowski, '30). In the Protista, Belar ('26, 
'28) has shown that fundamentally regular but superficially atypical nuclear or- 
ganization is not uncommon. As mentioned before, several conflicting interpreta- 
tions of nuclear organization of yeast have been presented in the past and there is 
to date no general agreement. Table VI presents in tabular form the varying in- 
terpretations by previous authors of the disputed entities of the yeast cell. 

In the light of the work of Магла and Jaeger (°39), Caspersson and Schultz 
(38), Caspersson ('39a, '39b, '40), Mirsky (743), Mirsky and Pollister ('43a, 
'43b), Pollister and Mirsky (743, '44), Greenstein (’44), Davidson and Way- 

[Vor. 33 

mouth ('44), and many others, the Feulgen positive staining of the parvicorp 
would seem indicative of its nuclear nature. Тһе constancy of the parvicorp as 
a cell component and its non-homogeneous character when stained with Giemsa 
supports this interpretation. Opponents to this view point out that the division 
of the parvicorp appears to be amitotic. Since division is intra-nuclear in many 
fungi, this fact plus the very small size of the parvicorp make resolution of indi- 
vidual chromosomes difficult with the ordinary microscope. Іп the wild yeast 
described above particulate units were observed at certain division stages in both 
Feulgen and Giemsa slides. Іп the early stages of meiotic division in S. cerevisiae 
the parvicorp becomes enlarged and appears filamentous, resembling the usual 
early meiotic prophase nucleus, but its small size makes accurate resolution diffi- 
cult. As is true of many nuclei, the parvicorp stains more intensely with Feulgen 
at some stages than it does at others. It is visible in all stages of division in all 
cells stained with Feulgen and Giemsa and with Heidenhain's hematoxylin and 
Brazilin if destaining is not carried too far, but is rarely visible in the living cells. 
In ultra-violet photographs (Caspersson and Brandt, '41; Brandt, '41) the two 
types of nucleic acid are indistinguishable. "These authors state that this technique 
does not generally differentiate the nucleus in yeast. In the very actively budding 
cells, however, the parvicorps appear in the photographs as diffuse, somewhat 
lighter areas in the deeply absorbing cytoplasm, sometimes seeming not much more 
absorbent than the magnicorp which they state contains very little nucleic acid. 

The magnicorp enters the bud before the parvicorp and is probably of im- 
portance in bud initiation as suggested by Lindegren ('45). If particles are visible 
within the magnicorp they also enter the bud, and at times they seem to be paired 
or assume form or position difficult to explain as "reserve stuff." "These phenomena 
plus the apparent amitosis of the parvicorp have led to the interpretation (Jans- 
sens and Leblanc, '98; Wager and Peniston, '10; Lindegren, '45) of the magnicorp 
and its contents as the nuclear vacuole and chromatin respectively. Although the 
magnicorp and its contents are Feulgen negative at all stages of growth and 
division, Lindegren (745) has pointed out that the desoxyribosenucleoprotein 
nature (Feulgen positive) of nuclei of higher organisms does not necessarily indi- 
cate its universality in the chromatin of simpler organisms. However, if the 
magnicorp is interpreted as the nuclear vacuole and the parvicorp as the centriole, 
the latter is not usually Feulgen positive. If visible, the particles in the magnicorp 
vary greatly as to size, shape, and number: (a) with physiological conditions— 
age, nutrition, aeration, etc.; (b) with the strain; and (c) with fixation. Their 
chemical composition is not known with certainty, but common nuclear fixing 
solutions are not generally effective, and special fixation, as, for example, with 
formaldehyde, must usually be employed. As pointed out earlier, the magnicorp 
is usually a single body, but often seems to occur as two bodies, one at either end 
of the parvicorp. In old or starved cultures it may appear to be divided into a 
number of parts (Brandt, '41), in which case the particles may occur in any or 


all the parts of the magnicorp. Budding cells very commonly show no stained 
particles with the techniques employed. The number of particles counted in 
cells of different cultures stained with methylene blue-eosin varied from none in 
most cells to as high as fifty. Van Herwerden (718) found the number of 
particles related to phosphorus content of the nutrient medium. With dark field 
illumination the rate of Brownian motion of particles in the magnicorp and in the 
surrounding medium is similar, indicating a very low viscosity. On the contrary, 
the lack of Brownian motion in the vicinity of the parvicorp and its tendency to 
bulge into the magnicorp would indicate a higher viscosity for the former. The 
pressure changes of the magnicorp with toluidine blue are likewise indicative of 
low viscosity, a character more usually associated with vacuolar behavior than 
with nuclear "sap." Difficulty in following any organization of the magnicorp 
through meiotic division in this investigation (also by Janssens and Leblanc, 798; 
and Wager and Peniston, 710) points strongly away from a nuclear interpretation 
but improved techniques may alter this. However, the presence of the magnicorp 
in the fully developed spore indicates its importance as a cell entity. 

Various chromosome numbers in various parts of the cell have been suggested: 
two—both haploid and diploid—by Badian (738); approximately eight—diploid 
—by Kater ('27) in the parvicorp; and twelve by Lindegren (745) in the magni- 
corp. Although a number of investigators have noted the division of the parvi- 
corp into two bodies at times and have called these chromosomes, present genetic 
evidence (Lindegren, personal communication, unpublished) does not point to 
this chromosome number, and cytological evidence is as yet uncertain. Undoubt- 
edly the parvicorp is divided into two bodies at times, but if these are chromosomes 
they are large enough that they should be seen occasionally in metaphase or 
anaphase configuration. If the parvicorp is nuclear, further refinement of tech- 
nique is necessary to be certain of chromosome number. If the magnicorp is 
nuclear, the variability of the number of particulate units is suspiciously great. 
However, because of the small size of the yeast cell and its lability under various 
cultural conditions, this objection has less force than it would have in other 
material. As mentioned previously, the parvicorp of the wild yeast described 
above appeared to separate into particulate units during mitosis but these were 
too crowded together for the number to be certain. 

At least four parts of the yeast cell have been interpreted as the nucleolus 
(Table VI). Wager and Peniston (710) considered the parvicorp as the nucleolus 
with the chromatin network extending from it over the magnicorp. This places 
the “nucleolus” entirely outside of the “nucleus” as they interpreted it, certainly 
an unusual position for it. Brandt (741) and Caspersson and Brandt (741) con- 
sider the ribonucleic acid-containing granules scattered throughout the cytoplasm 
(designated as "volutin" by them) the equivalent of the heterochromatin and 
nucleolus of higher organisms. Janssens and Leblanc (798) sometimes called 
the central granule of the magnicorp the nucleolus, and Guilliermond (’20) and 

[Vor. 33 



ur aq 
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(penunuoo) JA ATAVL 

[Vor. 33 

Kater (27) thus designated the deeper-staining body or bodies in the parvicorp. 
At times one or more such bodies are visible in the Giemsa-stained slides, but 
whether these are sufficiently consistent to be considered the nucleoli is questionable. 

Whether or not a membrane surrounds the parvicorp has been a question of 
debate. Its presence is indicated by the regularity of outline of the parvicorp 
after certain treatments, for example, with methylene blue-eosin and with Heiden- 
hain's hematoxylin (short procedure; pl. 13, figs. 82-88; pl. 14, figs. 98-108). 
It is true that the parvicorps in Giemsa and Feulgen slides often show an irregular 
outline. Acid hydrolysis has been carried out with both of these, and although 
meee б 52) n жаши that this treatment does not alter the structure of 

the containing material, there is no reason to believe 
that a нЕ, if picot, would stain. Studies of the magnicorp indicate that 
there is a membrane separating it from the cytoplasm. At times it appears to be 
a double membrane for occasionally after fixation the magnicorp seems to shrink 
away from the cytoplasm in places as if both possessed membranes. 

If the nucleo/cytoplasmic ratio is considered, the parvicorp alone gives a ratio 
which is possibly slightly low, the combined parvicorp and magnicorp an excep- 
tionally high one. 

It is thus apparent that after one hundred years of cytological work, the or- 
ganization of the yeast nucleus is still a matter for debate among authorities, even 
as to the most elementary points. Direct observation, uncorrelated with other 
techniques, must probably continue to be relatively unproductive with objects as 
microscopically refractory as the yeast cell. However, direct cytological observa- 
tion in combination with other techniques presents a more encouraging picture. 
Among the most promising of these developments are the following: 

(1) Additional genetic studies such as those of Lindegren and Winge. 
Eventually they should demonstrate the chromosome numbers, their comparative 
size, and even chiasma frequencies and positions. 

(2) Further biochemical studies along the lines of those of Mirsky and 
Pollister on higher organisms, combined with studies of the effects of enzymatic 
action on the several cell entities. A more complete knowledge of the chemical 
nature of the particles in the magnicorp and of the refractive granules in the 
cytoplasm should aid in an understanding of their role in cell organization and 

(3) Comparative cytological studies of wild yeasts. Species with larger 
cells or clearer cytoplasm should reveal more details of cell structure. Wild yeasts 
which reproduce by budding but which also develop true or pseudo-mycelia are 
frequently encountered. A cytological study of these species would relate the 
recognized entities of the yeast cell to the more usual mycelial type of growth. 

Additional investigations with ultra-violet and "phase-difference" micro- 
scopes and the study of thin sections with the electron microscope. 

(5) Further refinements of cytological techniques. A method of removing, 
softening, or breaking the firm cell wall (possibly by enzymatic digestion, chem- 

19461 | 

ical maceration, or pressure) which would permit spreading of the cell contents 
without excessive distortion should make further details of the parvi- and magni- 
corp resolvable. A study of the effects of cold treatment on different stages of 
spore formation may make it possible to obtain many more cells at one time in 
certain phases of meiosis. New techniques, as well as improvements in present 
fixation and staining procedures, should provide additional information for cor- 
relation with other methods. 


1. A review of the literature on the cytology of yeasts showed great con- 

fusion in: 

(1) use of terms, 

(2) interpretation of nuclear structure. 
(This is demonstrated in tabular form in Table VI.) An attempt was made to 
apply systematically a whole battery of techniques to both sporulating and bud- 
ding material of yeast (S. cerevisiae). 

2. All of the techniques tried out are listed and described. Those used ex- 
tensively are discussed in detail. 

3. А descriptive terminology for the major cell entities (parvicorp, magni- 
corp, companion body, text-fig. 1, p. 254) is adopted in order to permit 
presentation of observations unbiased by earlier interpretations. 

Fragmentary observations on two wild yeasts are included for comparison 
(рр. 264-265). 

5. Тһе “рагуісогр” is a Feulgen positive, non-homogeneous, constant cell 
entity. Vegetative division does not appear to be typically mitotic in S. 
cerevisiae, but at least the prophase of meiosis resembles conventional configura- 
tions. А large-celled wild yeast showed particulate units of the parvicorp at 

6. The "magnicorp" (vacuole or nuclear vacuole of most authors) is Feulgen 
negative. It is almost universally present in budding material and enters the bud 
before the parvicorp, but is generally invisible in presporulating and sporulating 
material. Granules of the magnicorp are lacking in most cells with the techniques 
БЕРІШ, but, when present, occasionally appear paired. 

Relationships of these observations to the several interpretations of nuclear 
organization are discussed briefly (pp. 265-271), and suggestions are made as to 
possible future advances in this field. 

[Vor. 33 


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gene reproduction. Nature 142:294 
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somes. Stain m :79-8 
кестені ВЫ (1916). Uber e ‘olin (= metachromatische Kérperchen) in der Hefezelle. 
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ші B. B. eadi Use ss e pres reaction in cytology. I. Effect of fixatives on the re- 
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тн. Е.А i A. река кеңе Recherches cytologiques sur la cellule de Levure. La Cellule 

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on the structure of the yeast cell. Mycologia 37:767-7 

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colony size of commercial yeasts. Ann. Mo. ard. 30:7 

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‚ $. еец and Gertrude Lindegren (1944). Mendelian 552 of adaptive 
nzymes in yeast. Nat. Acad. Sci., Proc. 30:346—352. 

т EL А {19 а ЈА Feulgen’s reaction and some of its applications for botanical material. 
ain Technol. 7:9- 


Мама, D., and L. Jaeger ДЕ Nuclease action, protease action and histochemical tests on 
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Volutin 3% 


Mirsky, А. Е. (1943). Chromosomes and nucleoproteins. Adv. іп Enzymology 3:1-3 

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Thom Ша; T ‘a 940). The aceto-carmine method for fruit material. Stain Technol. 15:1 

Trankowsky, D. A. (1930). бн с che Beobachtungen über Ше Entwicklung der Реми 
niger Angiosperm men. Plan 1- 

i H. (1930). Picric acid as a destaining agent for iron alum. Stain Technol. 5:1 8. 

van Herwerden, M. A. (1918). On the nature and significance of volutin in yeast- am Г Akad. 
mste 0—87. 

Wager, H. (1898). The nucleus of tlie yeast plant. . 12:499- 
------, and errs are bus dE dites observations on the с plant. rn T :45-84. 
Warmke, m E1935). mear method. Stain Technol. 10:101- 

Winge, О. (1935). Оп ef aique E dolok in some Saccharomyces. Lab. Se ICompt. 
Rend. Ser. ези 21:77118. 
(1944) uper a mutation in A. de 24:7 
and O "iq (1937). e ge ее. and оп — segrega- 
tions in Seccherom omyce к ` pies а фф. cultures. Ibid. 22:99-12 
211 39). Saccharomycodes Ludwigii Hansen, a balanced зача 0 Ibid. 

Zikes, Н. (1922). Beitrag zum Volutinvorkommen in Pilzen. Centralbl. f. Bakt. II, 57:21-45. 

[Vor. 33, 1946) 

Cells from budding culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Feulgen technique). 

Figs. 1-19. Shaken broth culture, diploid (LK) strain, mercuric chloride fixation. 

ANN. Мо. Bor. GARD., Vor. 33, 1946 PLATE 10 

Budding material— Feulgen 


[Vor. 33, 1946] 

Cells from budding cultures е E cerevisiae (Robinow's Giemsa technique) —all 
12—24-hr. broth cultures except fig. 
Figs. 20-41, 43. Haploid (Вс20--) strain. 
Figs. 42, 44, 45, 47. Diploid strains. 
тч cell from sporulating culture 24 hrs. on gypsum slant, diploid 
intra- "specific hybri 
Figs. 20-34, 38-42, 44, 45, 47. Todine-glacial acetic acid-formalin fixation. 

Figs. 35-37, 43, 46.  Mercuric chloride fixation. 

ANN. Mo. Вот. Garp., Vor. 33, 1946 PLATE 11 

Budding material — Giemsa 


[Vor. 33, 1946] 


Cells from кн cultures of S. cerevisiae (methyl violet, Flemming’s triple, ог 
веша technique). 

Figs. 48-60. Johansen’s methyl 08 I broth culture, diploid (LK) strain, 
Navashin fixation (figures not drawn to s 
Figs. 61, 62. Flemming's triple stain, otherwise as above. 

Fig ‚ 71. Brazilin (with short еуро на non-sporulating cells from 
gypsum Лы, diploid (LK) strain, mercuric chloride fixatio 

—67, 69, 70. Brazilin (with long ошо), broth culture from yield test, 
"TE intra-specific hybrid, mercuric chloride fixatio 

ANN. Мо. Вот. Garp., Vor. 33, 1946 PLATE 12 

Flemmings triple 

Budding material. 


[Vor. 33, 1946] 


Cells from budding culture of S. cerevisiae (Heidenhain's hematoxylin) and from 
agar slant (Robinow's Giemsa technique). 

Figs. Heidenhain's hematoxylin stain Pe m II), 24-hr., unshaken 
broth culture, diploid (LK) strain, mercuric chloride fixatio 

Figs. 82-89. Heidenhain’s hematoxylin stain (5b, Table III), otherwise as above. 

Figs. 90-97. Robinow’s Giemsa stain, 7-week-old nutrient agar slant, diploid (LK) 
strain, osmic acid vapor fixation 

ANN. Мо. Вот. Garb., Vor. 33, 1946 PLATE 13 


Budding, material Hematoxylin 

~ ви 

К 95 

Op “м 


ANN. Мо. Вот. Garp., VoL. 33, 1946 .  . PLATE 13 


[Vor. 33, 1946] 


Cells from budding cultures of S. cerevisiae (methylene blue-eosin or aceto-orcein 
technique) and from sporulating cultures (Feulgen technique). 

. 98-107. Methylene blue-eosin stain, 48-hr., unshaken broth culture, diploid 
intra- саќе hybrid, fixation іп sat. picric acid іп 70 рег cent alcoho 

Fig. 108. Methylene деді -eosin stain; 4-hr. shaken yield test, broth culture, dip- 
loid, osmic acid vapor fixatio 

Figs. 109-112. Same as figs. 98-107 except culture was shaken. 

Figs. 113-117. Aceto-orcein stain, edge cells from giant colonies, various haploid 

F Aceto-orcein stain, budding cells from sporulating culture 24 hrs. 
on nina s diploid (EFF) strain 

120, 122. Robinow’s Giemsa stain, week-old nutrient agar slant, diploid 
(EFF) бів, osmic acid vapor fixation 
. 121, 124-126. Vii stain, 48 hrs. on presporulating medium, diploid (LK) 
strain, mercuric acid fixatio 

Figs. 123, 127. Feulgen ұлан, кайи: culture 17 hrs. on gypsum slant, diploid 
(LK) strain, mercuric acid fixatio 

ANN. Мо. Bor. GARD., Vor. 33, 1946 PLATE 14 

2 7109 
Budding material 


124 129. 126 . 
Sporulatmg material Feulgen 


ANN. Mo. Bor. Garp., Vor. 33, 1946 PLATE 15 


х д 


Sporulating ‘material 


| | [Vor. 33, 1946] 

s from sporulating cultures of S. cerevisiae коо $ Giemsa, Heidenhain's 
hematoxylin, or Brazilin techniq 

А 152-1 164. Robinow's гае stain, sporulating culture 24 ке оп gypsum 
x: d mercuric chloride fixation. 

Heidenhain's — stain (5a, Table ied sporting c re 

16 ы оп Sun diae diploid (LK) strain, fixation in 48 p 

chloride, 2 per cent glacial acetic acid, 50 = "cent вя асі 
Figs. 170-175.  Brazilin stain, otherwise as above. 

[Vor. 33, 1946] 

Cells from sporulating cultures of S. cerevisiae (Feulgen or Robinow's Giemsa tech- 
igs. 128-140. Feulgen stain, ini. culture 17 hrs. on gypsum slant, diploid 
(LK) strain, mercuric chloride fixat 

Figs. 141-151. Robinow's Giemsa stain, sporulating culture 24 hrs. on gypsum 
slant, diploid, mercuric chloride fixation. Figs. 141, 142 are same cell shown at two 
levels (өлік scale than other figures 

ANN. Mo. Bor. GARD., Vor. 33, 1946 PLATE 16 

Sporulating material 


[Vor. 33, 1946] 


Budding cells of wild yeast (Robinow’s Giemsa or Feulgen technique) and sporu- 
lating cells of 8. cerevisiae (aceto-orcein or Robinow’s Giemsa technique). 

Figs. 176-190. Robinow’s Giemsa stain, 24-hr. agar slant, wild yeast, osmic acid 
vapor fixation. In figs. 176, 177, 186 parvicorps are shown with solid outlines, magni- 
corps with dotted outlines. 

Figs. 191, 192. Feulgen stain, otherwise as above. 

Figs. 193, 194. 
E (EFF) strain. 
Robinow's Giemsa stain, sporulating culture 24 hrs. on gypsum slant, 

Aceto-orcein stain, sporulating culture 24 hrs. on gypsum slant 

mH mercuric chloride fixation 

ANN. Мо. Вот. Garp., Vor. 33, 1946 PLATE 17 





This is a third contribution that has accrued from our study of the coal-ball 
collections of Mr. Frederick O. Thompson of Des Moines, Iowa, the two previous 
accounts (Parts VII and VIII of "American Carboniferous Floras") giving a 
detailed description of the origin of the specimens. All of the fossils described 
herewith were found in coal balls from the Urbandale mine located immediately 
west of Des Moines. 

During the decades that have elapsed since the time of Brongniart’s (781) 
foundational memoir on the silicified seeds from Saint-Etienne a rather vast as- 
semblage of fossil seeds have been described from Paleozoic deposits. Although 
relatively few have been found attached to the plants that bore them they have 
contributed very appreciably to our knowledge of the three great groups of 
Carboniferous seed-bearing plants—the Pteridospermeae, Cordaitales, and Lyco- 
podiales. Comprehensive summaries of the many genera and species are included 
in the works of Seward (717) and Arnold (738). 

With the exception of Lepidocarpon, few structurally preserved seeds have 
been recorded from the Carboniferous of North America, most of the known 
species having been found in European deposits. There is now some evidence to 
indicate that certain areas of the Pennsylvanian forests of Illinois were predomi- 
nantly pteridophytic, and since much of the American coal-ball work to date has 
been confined to collections from that state the apparent paucity of seeds is 
accounted for at least in part. It should be added, however, that only a few of 
the coal mines of even Illinois have been subjected to intense study, and it will 
certainly be some years before we arrive at a clear picture of the composition of 
the ancient forests that are represented in the coal balls. Іп a previous discussion 
a brief contrast was drawn between the coal-ball flora of Illinois and that of 
Iowa, seeds being present in Iowa in much greater numbers. Although there are 
at least seven species of seeds, exclusive of Lepidocarpon, in our present collection 
we have selected for description only the better-preserved ones. 

Conostoma Williamson, 1877. 

Conostoma oblongum Williamson. 

Only one specimen of this species has turned up in our Urbandale collection 
thus far, and since it has been described with considerable precision by Oliver and 
Salisbury (711) from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire a detailed account is 
not warranted here. More recently it has been reported by Krick (732) from the 


[Vor. 33 

upper part of the Carbondale group at Harrisburg, Illinois. 

The Iowa record given here is based on a specimen that was exposed in longi- 
tudinal section, although the cut had been made slightly beyond the median plane. 
The seed (pl. 18, fig. 2) measures nearly 4.5 mm. long by 2 mm. in diameter and 
shows no pronounced tapering toward either end. The apical portion of the 
nucellus (fig. 3) is quite well preserved, showing the distinctive generic features 
of the pollen chamber in which two pollen grains may be noted. Тһе integument 
is lobed at the micropylar end, somewhat more distinctly so than in the previously 
described specimens. 

Conostoma oblongum is described by Oliver and Salisbury as being platy- 
spermic although in their own words it is "only trifling in amount," and their 
figures adequately bear this out. In view of the general wide range in cross- 
sectional shape of the petrified Carboniferous seeds there can be little doubt that 
more fundamental structural features, such as the organization of the pollen 
chamber and the nature of the integument, are of greater significance. In other 
words, Seward's classification of the Paleozoic seeds into three groups, the Lage- 
nostomales, Trigonocarpales, and Cardiocarpales, is certainly preferable to the 
older system based on cross-sectional shape. 

Aside from Krick's citation of Conostoma oblongum in an Illinois coal ball, 
the only previously known American species are those described by Graham (734). 
His well-executed figures of C. platyspermum leave no doubt as to the generic 
identity of this fossil, and although it is very close to C. oblongum its segregation 
as a distinct species seems justified. 

Rhabdospermum Seward, 1917. 

Rhabdospermum spinatum Andrews, sp. nov. 

The fossil seeds, preserved as both petrifactions and impressions, that are 
of Cordaitean affinities already compose a striking assemblage displaying con- 
siderable variation in size, form, and anatomy. The fact that the vast majority of 
these seeds (included in the Cardiocarpales as classified by Seward, '17, pp. 332- 
356) have been described from European Carboniferous deposits by no means 
implies their restriction to that region. Cordaitean stem, root, and foliage remains 
are of frequent occurrence in the Illinois and Iowa coal balls. Although the 
present description is based on a single, incomplete seed, it seems worth recording 
inasmuch as it presents characters that distinguish it from any previously described 

The seed is heart-shaped in longitudinal section and relatively large, measuring 
15 mm. broad by 12 mm. long. The integument, which is composed of four 
clearly defined tissues, is especially well preserved. Following the nomenclature 
used by most previous workers, the outer two tissues will be referred to as the 
sarcotesta and the inner, more sclerotic two, as the sclerotesta (text-figs. 1, 2). 

The outer sarcotesta, which is appreciably thicker than the three inner zones 


combined, is composed of large, relatively thin-walled cells averaging about 20044 
in diameter (text-fig. 2, So). In life this must have been of a fleshy texture, 
probably comparable with that of the outer coat of a Cycas circinalis seed. This 
outer sarcotesta is bounded by an epidermis of much smaller, vertically elongated 
cells averaging about 115и x 70g. Тһе cells of the inner sarcotesta (Si) аге 
nearly isodiametric, like those of the outer tissue, although much smaller, aver- 

aging 50и. 

Text-fig. 1. Rbabdospermum spinatum. Diagram of the seed shown in median longi- 
tudinal section, n um chamber restored: SO, outer sarcotesta; SI, inner sarcotesta; 
SCO, outer sclerotest 

The sclerotesta appears as a conspicuous dark brown band, the color being due 
partly to the cellular contents. Like the sarcotesta, it is composed of two clearly 
defined tissues (text-fig. 2, Sco, Sci), although relatively much thinner and not as 
readily distinguishable at lower magnifications (pl. 18, fig. 1). Тһе outer com- 
ponent (Sco) consists of cells similar in shape to those of the inner sarcotesta 

All cell measurements of these i Wd qe tissues have been taken from the plane of the 
ДЕ; median longitudinal section shown іп рі. 18, fig. 1. 




gne IER атуды 

" > er 
е ж (^ 4 wen 
о * ч 5 |. 
‚4 7 7X4 de. 
‘о ./ Apr У ray f 
^ PNM $ 

Text-fig. 2 
= Rhabdospermum 
Cellular detail taken 
from the equatorial re- 
gion: E, epidermis; So, 
outer sarcotesta; Si, in- 
ner sarcotesta; Sco, 
outer sclerotesta; Sci, 
inner sclerotesta; nm, 
remnants of nucellus 
and megaspore mem- 



although thicker-walled. The most conspicuous feature of this tissue is the ir- 
regularly shaped spines projecting into the inner sarcotesta, and it is in recognition 
of this character that the specific name has been chosen. The inner sclerotesta 
consists of cells that are very poorly preserved but which apparently were elon- 
gated in the plane of the longitudinal axis. 

The remnants of the nucellus are clearly attached to a raised cushion at the 
base of the seed although it otherwise appears to be quite free from the integu- 
ment. It should be noted that, since the innermost tissues of the sclerotesta and 
of the adjoining nucellar tissue are not perfectly preserved, it is not certain 
whether the two were originally in organic connection. Yet the space between 
them is so uniform as to imply that it is natural rather than due to shrinkage or 
decay. . 

Very little remains of the nucellar tissue. At its apex, however, it appears to 
have developed in the form of a broad conical pollen chamber (pl. 18, fig. 1, 
text-fig. 1). Although little more than the cuticularized remains of the epidermal 
cells are left, the form of the integument in this region also suggests such a 
terminal structure of the nucellus. Thus the internal conical cavity presents a 
distinct contrast to the flattened one іп Rhabdospermum cyclocaryon (Ad. 
Brongn.) Seward (Brongniart, 781, pl. XII, fig. 1). 

Affinities: —The affinities of this seed appear to lie with the closely related 
genera Cardiocarpus, Rhabdospermum and Mitrospermum of the Cardiocarpales. 
The last two of these genera are distinguished from Cardiocarpus chiefly in the 
way that the vascular strands originate from the main bundle. In Cardiocarpus 
the outer (lower) bundles depart from the main vascular axis before the latter 
reaches the sclerotesta, while in Rbabdospermum. and Mitrospermum they аге 
given off from the sclerotesta region and recurve back into the outer portion of 
the integument (cf. Seward, '17, figs. 500B and 501E). 

As stated above, the only available specimen of this seed was exposed on a 
previously cut slab from Mr. Thompson’s collection. The fact that the initial 
cut was apparently made directly through the central vascular strand leading up 
through the base of the seed makes it impossible to determine whether the integu- 
ment branches departed from the main bundle before or after reaching the 
sclerotesta. The one observable integumentary strand passes out between the outer 
and inner sarcotesta, more closely comparable with the position of the bundles in 
Rhabdospermum (Seward, 717, fig. 501E) than in Cardiocarpus (Seward, 717, fig. 
500B). Moreover, the strikingly distinct integumentary tissues of Rhabdo- 
spermum spinatum compare very closely with Rhabdospermum cyclocaryon (see 
Brongniart, '81, pl. XII, fig. 3). Тһе spinose nature of the sclerotesta of the 
new seed sets it apart from R. cyclocaryon or the apparently closely related 
Mitrospermum compressum (Will.) A. Arber. 

[Vor. 33 

Diagnosis:—R babdospermum spinatum: platyspermic seed 15 тт. broad 
x 12 mm. long; integument composed of four tissues: an outer conspicuously 
thick sarcotesta, inner sarcotesta, outer spinose sclerotesta, and inner sclerotesta of 
longitudinally elongate cells; pollen chamber shaped like an inverted shallow 

Locality: Urbandale Coal Mine, Des Moines, Iowa. 

Horizon: Des Moines Series, Pennsylvanian. 

Type specimen: No. WCB493, Henry Shaw School of Botany paleobotanical 

Kamaraspermum Leeanum Kern, gen. et sp. nov. 

One of the Urbandale coal-balls received from Mr. Thompson contained a 
dozen or more specimens of a seed which, because of its highly distinctive struc- 
ture, is designated herewith as a new species, Kamaraspermum Leeanum'. 


Text-fig. 3. Kamaraspermum Leeanum. 

Diagrammatic median longitudinal section along 
the minor axis (from еей А, peel 475-Т 21). 
Horizontal broken lines icate corresponding 
positions of transverse sections prit seeds C and 
| 74-0 D (see text-fig. 5). The seed tissues are indicated 
| T12-C as follows: 

ETIO Epidermis—outer black line. 

Outer sclerotic integument—striped area. 

Outer parenchymatous integument—white area. 
Inner sclerotic integument— 

Inner parenchymatous integument — white area 

delimited by inner sclerotic integument and 

T 26-C thin black line 
Nucellus and megaspore membra 
= 7530,2 Probable course of vascular Жі ee line 
T 732-C through basal chamber. 
Parenchymatous cells of basal chamber—black 
| T25-D 
rT 24-D 
| T23-D 

2The prefix Kamara is from the Greek, meaning а chamber or room 22 ап arched covering. 
The species is named for Mr. Arthur Е. т а Engineer of the Binkley Coal Company’s 

ramid Mine, Pinckneyville, Illinois. Mr. most cordial AE ды the past six 
years has been an indispensable aid in our Ed ball collecting. 


In spite of some pyritization the seeds are quite well preserved, and the orienta- 
tion of two of them has allowed the preparation of satisfactory series of transverse 
and longitudinal peel preparations. The remaining specimens, although less com- 
pletely preserved, have been useful in checking structures throughout. 

The seed possesses an integument with a distinctive succession of tissues, and 
a large basal chamber, presumably a buoyancy mechanism which aided in water 
transport. The only previously described seeds with which it may be compared 
in a general way are those assigned to Brongniart's Codonospermum. | However, 
the pronounced platyspermy of the Iowa seeds, as well as the nature of the integu- 
ment, seems to render necessary a new generic name. 


The seed has the approximate shape of a double convex lens (pl. 19, figs. 4, 5), 
slightly elongated in the micropyle-peduncle axis, with an extended micropyle in 
the form of a flattened funnel. It measures about 12 mm. in length, and in a 
median transverse section the major and minor axes measure 11 and 3 mm. re- 
spectively. Thus, quite different aspects are presented, depending upon whether 
the longitudinal section is taken through the major (fig. 5) or minor (fig. 4) 
axis. In order to portray clearly the various aspects of the seed two sets of 
diagrammatic drawings have been prepared: one, from a series of transverse 
sections (text-fig. 4); and the other from a series of longitudinal sections (text- 
fig. 5)? taken through the minor axis. 

It is significant to note that the seeds, with the exception of the terminal 
portion of the micropyle, show no evidence of any appreciable distortion as a 
result of fossilization. Aside from the outer layer of the nucellus and whatever 
may have been within the megaspore membrane at the time the seeds were de- 
posited, the tissues are well preserved and the gross shape as outlined in the text 
figures presents the true life form of the seed. 

A longitudinal section (pl. 19, fig. 4, and text-fig. 3) shows that the seed is 
composed of two clearly defined regions: a basal chamber and nucellar chamber, 
with their attendant tissues. Simply as a matter of convenience these will be 
described separately. 


Integument:—The integument is bounded externally by a single layer of epi- 
dermal cells which appear brick-shaped in both longitudinal and transverse sec- 
tions. Within this epidermis is a succession of four clearly defined tissues. First 

Ея the seeds on which this description is based were contained іп опе к. зд coal-ball ed smt 
s not М to рге 25 al preparations of peels. Consequently in the lon 

t wa 
еді series E in t-fig. 5 ор н are slightly Ы. каар the micropyle E 
basal chamber more Louis at one в. than the other (cf. Nos. 2 and 3 pid Nos. 15 and 16). 

[Vor. 33 



xt-fig. 4. Kamaraspermum Leeanum. А series of diagrammatic drawings of transverse 
sections extending from below the basal chamber to the top of the nucellar chamber. 

1. Sclerotic tissue below basal chamber. Seed D, peel 475-Т21. 

rmost part of basal chamber containing prominent central vascular strand. Seed 

D, peel 475-122. 
3. Lower part of basal chamber. Seed D, peel 475- T2535. 
4. Upper part of basal chamber. Seed D, peel 475-T24. 
5. Тор of basal chamber. Seed D, peel 475-T25. 

part of nucellar chamber, near nucellar attachment. This and the remaining 
figures in this series are from Seed C. Peel 475-Т31. 
7. Lower part of nucellar chamber. Peel 475-Т30. 
8. Lower third of nucellar chamber. Peel 475-T28. 

9. Slightly below center of nucellar chamber. Peel 475-T26. 



Text-fig. 4 (Continued). 

Peel 475-T23. 

Slightly above center of chamber. 
Peels 475-T21, T19, T18, T16, T15, T12 

From upper part of nucellar chamber. 

17, 18. 

Top of nucellar chamber. Peels 475-T8 and T4. 




xt-fig. 5. Kamaraspermum Leeanum. A series of diagrammatic drawings of 
longitudinal sections taken parallel to the minor axis of the seed. From seed A. 


ІХ 301 




Text-fig. 5. (Continued). 

1; peel 475:133; 2, T32; 3, 1351; А 128082 12516, 124; 7, 125; 8, 121: 9, 

'119; 10, Т18; 11, T16; 12, За ОЛТУ; 16; 12, 

[Vor. 33 

is a dark-colored layer, three or four cells thick, of rather large, irregularly shaped, 
thick-walled cells. Within this outer sclerotic tissue is a conspicuous layer of 
light-colored parenchymatous cells, small and hexagonal when viewed in transverse 
or longitudinal section. This tissue is massive in the lower micropyle region of 
the integument (pl. 19, fig. 4), tapering down rather abruptly in the mid-nucellar 
region, and tends to become slightly thicker in the transition zone between the 
nucellar and basal chambers. Тһе third layer, like the outermost one, is relatively 
narrow and consists of dark sclerotic cells. This expands to form a very con- 
spicuous tissue between the nucellar and basal chambers. The fourth layer is 
narrow, and is composed of longitudinally elongate, brick-shaped parenchyma cells. 

Micropyle:—The micropyle of Kamaraspermum Leeanum is а striking struc- 
ture and deserving of special comment. Ав may be noted in the median (minor 
axis) longitudinal section (pl. 19, fig. 4; text-fig. 3), it consists of two quite 
distinct regions: a massive continuation of the integument above the nucellar 
chamber, and a much more slender tapering apex. These will be referred to as 
the proximal and distal portions respectively. | 

The structure of the proximal micropyle differs from that of the integument 
below it only in the great development of the parenchymatous (second) layer, 
and an absence of the innermost parenchymatous tissue. The distal portion of 
the micropyle is approximately 1.5 mm. long and shaped like a much-flattened 
inverted funnel, being twice as broad in the plane of the major longitudinal axis 
as in the minor axis. Like the proximal region, this portion consists of epidermis, 
outer sclerotic and outer parenchymatous layers, the inner sclerotic layer having 
terminated in the upper portion of the proximal region. 

Nucellus:—The nucellus consists of the remnants of a thin layer of small 
brick-like parenchymatous cells surrounding the well-preserved megaspore mem- 
brane, and is attached to the rest of the seed only at the base. No pollen chamber 
was found in any of the seeds, although judging from what is known of petrified 
Pennsylvanian seeds in general, it seems likely that one did exist. If such were 
the case it was probably composed of delicate cells which were destroyed prior to 

Megaspore membrane:—This appears as an orange-colored band immediately 
within the nucellus. It becomes somewhat thicker at the base where the nucellus 
is attached to the integument, and sometimes a few scattered cells may be seen 
within the membrane. 


The basal chamber consists of epidermis, outer sclerotic and outer parenchy- 
matous tissue, each identical to and continuous with the respective layers of the 
integument surrounding the nucellar chamber. An inner sclerotic layer surrounds 
the chamber and appears to be a continuation of the inner sclerotic integument 

1946 | 

around the nucellar chamber. This layer consists of irregular cells, which are 
smaller than those of the outer sclerotic layer but resemble them in shape. The 
inner edge of this sclerotic layer is somewhat irregular, with a few small scattered 
parenchymatous cells occasionally adjoining it. Although not present іп the 
specimens at hand, a vascular strand (indicated by the dotted line in text-fig. 3) 
probably passed from the peduncle through the center of the chamber. Evidence 
for it is an area of vascular tissue visible in cross-sections at the base and at the 
top of the chamber. Furthermore, in one of the median longitudinal sections the 
chamber is strongly heart-shaped due to the extension of some sclerotic cells down- 
ward from the top of the chamber. Тһе fact that some scattered thin-walled 
cells are found within the chamber suggests that it might have been occupied with 

a loose aerenchymatous tissue. 

Kamaraspermum presents a number of structural features that render it of 
very great interest, yet at the same time preclude it being assigned definitely to 
the recognized orders of Paleozoic seeds (Seward, '17, рр. 300—365). Тһе strong 
bilateral symmetry and lack of any semblance of trigonocarpous organization in 
transverse section seem to rule out the Trigonocarpales. In at least three important 
respects it diverges from characteristic Lagenostomalean seeds: Kamaraspermum 
is strongly platyspermic; the nucellus is free from the integument; and the integu- 
ment as a whole is comparatively thick. Its affinities lie closer to the Cardio- 
carpales than either of the previous two orders, and it seems most expedient to 
consider it tentatively as a member of this group. Тһе chief conflicting feature 
here, however, is the structure of the integument. А typical Cardiocarp seed, as 
the present authors understand it, has an integument with a conspicuous and 
bulky outer fleshy sarcotesta, while Kamaraspermum presents in the sequence of 
its integumentary tissues: first (outermost), a sclerotic layer, then a relatively 
fleshy layer followed by another sclerotic one. 

It is also appropriate to comment briefly on the prominent basal chamber. 
Usually where there is a lack of tissue in a petrifaction the possibility of loss 
through decay exists. Yet, since the Iowa seeds are generally well preserved and 
a similar basal chamber occurs in the French Codonospermum species (Brongniart, 
'74, 781; Renault, 796), it appears likely that the basal chamber existed as such 
in life. However, since the chamber region contains some remnants of delicate 
tissue it may be that it was occupied by a very loosely organized aerenchyma. In 
either event there can be little doubt that it functioned as a float mechanism. 

The possibility of Lepidocarpalean affinities has also been considered, There 
are certain points of similarity between Kamaraspermum when viewed in median 
longitudinal section and a tangential section of a Lepidocarpon taken through the 
“heel” or distal end of the sporophyll. The symmetry of Kamaraspermum, its 
complex integument and micropyle, nature of the remnants of the outer nucellar 


tissue are, upon more critical examination, found to be in no way related to those 
of any described species of Lepidocar pon. 
пе is almost tempted to apply the nebulous term "missing link" to this 

curious fossil, with its non-conformity to established groups, yet the evidence 
seems to point in the direction of the Cardiocarpales, to which order it is tenta- 
tively assigned. 

Diagnosis:—Kamaraspermum Leeanum: platyspermic seed 12 mm. long, 11 
x 3 mm. in median transverse section; conspicuous chamber beneath nucellar 
region; integument composed of thin outer sclerotic layer, conspicuous fleshy 
layer, inner sclerotic layer, and thin inner parenchymatous tissue; micropyle of 
two clearly defined regions: a massive continuation of integument above nucellar 
chamber, and delicate distal portion shaped like a flattened funnel. 

Locality: Urbandale Coal Mine, Des Moines, Iowa. 

Horizon: Des Moines Series, Pennsylvanian. 

Type specimen: No. WCB475, Henry Shaw School of Botany paleobotanical 

Literature Cited:— 
Arber, A. Los 10). ied hong structure of the Palaeozoic seed Mitrospermum compressum (Will.). 

Ann. Bot. 24:491- 
Arnold, C. A. насы Paleozoic — Bot. Rev. 4:205- 
— A. (1874). = es sur les pm с эзчу à l'état silicifié dans le terrain 

Houiller A саде Etienn Гом Sci. Мас . V. 20:234-265 (see p. 257). 

— есһег xol sur les graines I silicifiées. Paris. 
Graham, R. mde Pennsylvanian flora of Illinois as revealed in coal balls. I. Bot. Gaz. 

Krick, Н. V. (1932). Structure of seedlike fructifications found in coal balls from Harrisburg, 
Illinois. yee т :151-172. 

Oliver, F. W. and E. J. Salisbury. (1911). E the structure and affinities of the Palaeozoic seeds 
of the оета group. Апп. Bot. 25:1-50 

E = (1896). Etude des T oen minéraux Ұн la France. Bassin Houiller ес Permien d’Autun 

pinac. Flore fossile. 

Seward, г "c. (19 кей Fossil Cin III. Cambridge 

Williamson, W. C. (1877). On the organization "d the fossil plants of the Coal Measures. pt. viii. 
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 167:213-271. 


Fig. 1. Rhabdospermum spinatum. A nearly median longitudinal к. See text- 
fig. 2 M cellular structure of integument. From peel 493-T3. Magnified x 

Fig Con a oblongum Williamson. 5 pem median ae section 
Edict и“ а. ронй рае 1398 Ша 

Fig. 3. The micropylar sr of the seed 2. in fig. 2, at a higher magnification. 
From “lide 1398. Magnified x 

Рі.АТЕ 18 



Bor. GARD., Vor. 

ANN. Mo. 










| Vor. 33, 1946] 

Kamaraspermum Leeanum Kern 

Fig. 4. Median longitudinal section along minor axis. Seed A, peel 475-T21. x 


Fig. 5. Longitudinal section along major axis. Peel 475-T14. x 12. 
Fig. 6. Transverse section through lower part of nucellar chamber, just above point 
of жар attachment. Seed С, peel 475- 2. 
Transverse section through central portion of nucellar chamber. Seed С, 
a 47%. Т23. х 12 

ANN. Мо. Вот. GARD., Vor. 33, 1946 PLATE 19 



The petrified forests of Yellowstone National Park have been a source of won- 
der ever since the early explorations of Jim Bridger, and that wonder grew into a 
more realistic admiration of geologic time and the forces that preserve plants 
through the ages following the studies of Dr. F. H. Knowlton during the latter 
years of the last century. In spite of the fact that some of the plant names in 
Knowlton's monograph would probably meet with revision in the hands of a 
present-day paleobotanist of Tertiary floras, it is likely that it will always stand 
as a classic in the annals of the science. It brought to light a flora, or more cor- 
rectly a series of floras, strikingly different from the one that exists there to-day, 
and it made generally known the most spectacular of all petrified forests. 

Fossil forests representing diverse ages in the earth's history, various modes of 
preservation, and a wide range of plant groups have been acclaimed by numerous 
authors. Perhaps the best known of all are the petrified trees of Arizona, althoug 
there the wood is, for the most part, too highly replaced to be of botanical value, 
and the great trees were transported some distance from their original habitat prior 
to petrification. Certainly among the most unique fossil floras, from the stand- 
point of the plants themselves, is the Devonian Eospermatopteris deposit near 
Gilboa, New York, and the Jurassic Cycad forest of the Black Hills. Unfor- 
tunately there is but little to be seen of these in the field. Through the work of 
the New York State Museum the "Dawn-seed-ferns" of Gilboa have been made to 
live again in an admirably executed restoration, and one may catch a glimpse of 
one of the earliest forests that existed on the earth. And we may be consoled in 
the knowledge that a large and representative series of the Dakota Cycads rests in 
security through the vigorous collecting activities of Professor Wieland. The 
same author has also given us a picture of the great Patagonian forest, especially 
remarkable for the prodigious abundance of petrified Araucarian cones that it has 

In the coal balls and shales of the Carboniferous there is ample evidence of the 
Pteridophytic and early seed-plant forests that once covered so much of the globe, 
while occasionally, as with the Lycopod stumps preserved in Victoria Park, Glas- 
gow, we see fragments of the forests in place. Another remarkable forest, 
preserved in a more precise sense of the word, is the one at Florissant, Colorado. 
Here a profusion of foliar remains, along with occasional representatives of the 
animal population, are preserved in volcanic ash beds immediately surrounding the 
stumps which were petrified in their original position in life. This is a rarely 
enough encountered combination of the trees and foliage that they bore. The 
impressions have been treated by a number of authors and are deserving of a 
comprehensive revision. 


[Vor. 33 

The discovery, in some abundance, of the silicified trunks of the Cretaceous 
Tempskya tree ferns in various of the northwestern states, and especially Idaho, 
has revealed a widespread and unique forest tree. But, like the Arizona petri- 
factions and numerous other western fossil wood deposits, these are not found in 
their original place of growth and hardly deserving of the term "fossil forest." 

All of these forest remains of the past are important and distinctive in their 
own way and the age that they represent. Yet none of them can vie with the im- 
mense grandeur in both space and time of the Yellowstone forests. Nowhere else 
does there exist the succession of one forest directly above the grave of its prede- 
cessor—a succession that emphasizes perhaps more forcefully than any other 
plant fossil deposit the immensity of geologic time. Individually these forests 
attained ages well exceeding 1,000 years, and there is a minimum of no less than 
16 of them extending one above the other. 

The petrified forests in the Specimen Ridge region south of the Lamar River, 
being not far distant from the main stream of travel through the Park, are rather 
well known. It is the purpose of this article to focus some attention on the fine 
display of fossil forests in the extreme northwest corner of the Park. Although 
this is a region that is by no means unknown, it is certainly worth more attention 
than it has received from botanists and geologists, whether amateur or professional. 

There is a fine camp ground about 300 yards up Specimen Creek from the 
Gallatin Canyon highway (Route U. S. 191), and shortly to the north there is 
noted a “Fossil Forest" оп the U. S. Geological Survey's map of the Park. From 
our own observations the finest exposure of the forests is found about two miles 
northeast of this point considerably closer to the summit of Big Horn Peak. While 
it is quite possible to make the climb, see a good deal of the forests, and return to 
the camp ground on the same day, a two-day trip allows a more leisurely and 
profitable study. 

An excellent trail leaves the highway and follows along the north side of 
Specimen Creek. Two unnamed tributaries may be noted on the topographic map 
flowing in from the north, the second of which departs from Specimen Creek 
about one and three-quarters miles from the camp ground. About a quarter of 
a mile north of the trail this divides into two branches which, for the sake of 
clarity, may be referred to as the West Fork and East Fork, although no names 
are designated on the map. Оп our trip of last summer we packed in provisions 
for overnight and set up camp about 200 yards north of the point where the 
two forks join. | 

The finest succession of fossil forests that were encountered occur оп the 
southwest slope of the spur on either side of which the two forks flow. In ascend- 
ing this spur petrified stumps were found at about the 8,000-foot contour, and 
splendid displays of at least ten successive forests were counted extending up the 
rocky exposed southwest face of the spur. 

It is well to emphasize that figures given here are only approximate inasmuch 
as surveying instruments were not employed, and the number of forests given is 
a very conservative minimum. A "forest" was recorded only where a series of at 


Upper: A petrified stump of Sequoia magnifica Knowlton, 14 feet in diameter. 
Lower: A portion of the Gallatin fossil forest showing silicified stumps at three suc- 
cessive forest levels. 


құқ ЖА. 
ыы E : 
~ ET Фе 
a e 


Upper: An exceptionally tall specimen in the Gallatin fossil forest. 
trees weather to within a few feet of the surrounding breccias. 

Lower: Two stumps showing roots intact. 

Most of the 


least four or five stumps could be traced along the same horizon, or where rooted 
specimens were observed. A more precise counting of the forests was hampered 
by two factors—the cover of modern vegetation on the lower slopes of the spur 
as well as the upper reaches on and immediately below the ridge, and the nearly 
precipitous nature of the terrain above the uppermost reaches of the West Fork, 
as is clearly indicated on the topographic sheet of the Park. 

Modern vegetation covers the volcanics. at about the 8,500-foot contour of 
the spur, and it is necessary to follow along in a westerly direction almost to the 
Left Fork. The breccias are well exposed in the stream bed and its immediate 
vicinity and above its uppermost limit for another 500 feet or more. Here six 
more forests were defined at less regular intervals. It is almost certain that the 
actual number preserved here must be at least twice that recorded, but due to the 
steepness of the slope most of the stumps do not remain long in position once they 
start to weather out. 

The average vertical distance between the ten successive forests that were 
counted on the spur slope was about 25 feet, with a variation of about 15 to 35 
feet. To determine the distance more exactly between forests would require 
leveling instruments and considerable excavation inasmuch as only occasionally 
are the stumps exposed to the roots. Since the area is most unique and a 
National Park as well, the latter treatment would hardly be justified. Thus, while 
evidences of sixteen successive eras of forest growth were found on the spur and 
the upper reaches of the Left Fork ravine it seems safe to suggest that half again 
that number would be revealed by more detailed study. Such evidence is hardly 
required to emphasize the spectacular nature of the forests. 

On the second day we ascended the spur that lies between the two previously 
mentioned tributaries of Specimen Creek. The fossil forests are first met at a 
somewhat higher level here partly because the living vegetation cover extends up 
higher, and partly because the beds dip toward the southeast. Following this spur 
to about the 8,300-foot contour one may then traverse about 100 yards to the 
west into an exceedingly rugged ravine where numerous stumps are exposed 
through a vertical distance of some few hundreds of feet. The successive forests 
cannot be traced as clearly in this sector although it is of interest for the large size 
of some of the stumps, a Sequoia 14 feet in diameter being the largest that we en- 
countered. Although a central core some 5 feet in diameter had been destroyed 
in this tree prior to fossilization a study of wood specimens from the remaining 
part of the trunk showed an average of 19 rings to the inch, indicating an age of 
about 1,600 years for the tree. 

Unfortunately there were few evidences of well-preserved foliar remains in 
the territory that was covered. The forests do extend for some distance to the 
northwest, however, and it is possible that leaf impressions might be found at 
other points. If such were located the possibility of an ecological study is evi- 
dent and should produce most interesting results. Aside from this the region is 
well worth a day’s time for any naturalist with a paleontological bent. 




Fascicle 3 

(second part) 





Part III. Fascicle 3 


Ершемокум L. Sp. Pl. ed. 2. 1347. 1763; Ames, Hubbard & Schweinfurth, 
Genus Epidendrum іп U. S. & Middle America, pp. 1-233. 1936. Non L. Sp. 
Pl. ed 1. 952. 1753.—Сопзегуед name, the generic type being Epidendrum 
nocturnum. Jacq. 

Amphiglottis Salisb. in Trans. Hort. Soc. Lond.1:294. 1812, nomen nudum. 
Auliza Salisb. loc. cit., nomen nudum 

Dinema Lindl. Collect. Bot., App. 1825, nomen subnudum. 

Encyclia Hook. in Bot. Mag. 55:1. 2831. 

Nanodes Lindl. in Bot. а yi і. 1541. 1832. 

Physinga Lindl. in Bot. 4: Misc. p. 32. 1838. 

Barkeria Knowl. & Westc. "EL. "Cab. 2:7, Е. 40. 1838. 

Hormidium Lindl. ex Heynhold, фы Bot. Hort. Nachtr. 880. 1841. 
Spathiger Small, Fl. Miami, p. 55. 

Dimerandra Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:43. 1922. 


Small to large, epiphytic or semi-epiphytic herbs or subshrubs with or without 
the stems swollen into pseudobulbs. Stems (secondary) swollen into pseudobulbs 
and the leaves borne at or near the apex of the pseudobulbs ($ Емсүсілом); or 
the stems slender and not swollen and with the leaves scattered along the stem 
($ Есершемркум); or slender or fusiform stems with the leaves scattered along 
them but with the base of the stems swollen (6 ВАККЕКЛА). Leaves variable in 
shape and size, usually coriaceous but occasionally fleshy. Inflorescence commonly 
terminal but occasionally lateral or both terminal and lateral, rarely borne from 
lateral, leafless shoots which later develop into pseudobulbs or stems; from simple 
and often 1-flowered to compound and many-flowered. Flowers from small to 
relatively large. Sepals equal or subequal, spreading, reflexed or subconnivent. 
Petals similar to the sepals but usually smaller and narrower or even filiform, oc- 
casionally broader. Lip unguiculate; the claw free, partially free, or adnate to 
the column; lamina simple or 3-lobed, the lobes often lobulate; the disc ecallous 
or usually bicallous and with or without lamellae or additional calluses. Column 
stout or slender, alate or exalate, clinandrium variously developed. Anther term- 
inal, operculate, incumbent, 2-celled and with each cell more or less divided by a 
septum; pollinia 4, uniseriate, laterally compressed, with appendages, rarely with- 
out, waxy. Capsule various, winged or wingless. 

Issued December 7, 1946. 

[Vor. 33 

Epidendrum is the largest genus of neotropical orchids. It contains about one 
thousand species. Certain species are exceedingly abundant in their range and in 
places might almost be called weeds. 

The most recent study of this vast genus is Ames, Hubbard, and Schwein- 
furth’s admirable monograph, cited above. We are much indebted to the authors 
of the fine key in that work, which has been followed as closely as possible in the 
following key to the Panamanian species. We are particularly indebted to Mr. 
Charles Schweinfurth for suggestions and criticism during its preparation, and to 
Prof. Oakes Ames for his generous permission to use many of the illustrations. 

a. Stems with true pseudobulbs surrounded by scarious non-leaf-bearing 

—€— or —M leaf-bearing sheaths; leaves 1 or more borne at 

or the the pseudobulbs; lip free iis the column or 

vario bd ay І. ENcvcLIUM (p. 322) 

aa. Stems la vem pen I although sometimes thickened; рейн 
distributed along the or at least leaf-sheaths surrounding the 

о stem. 
ib. Lip free from the column or adnate only at the base; the col- 
umn usually winged; the stems swollen at the base or pp 
cylindric ect. П. BARKERIA (р. 338) 
bb. Lip trien adnate to the entire length of the column oe 
less) ; the column not winged laterally; stem never swollen....Sect. Ш. EuEPIDENDRUM (p. 338) 


a. Lip entire or at most obscurely lobulate. 
b. Pseudobulbs 1-leaved. 
с. u^ ligulate or pandurate, slightly er — the apex. 
vary 15 Һап 

muricate; sepals more than 3. E. Воотнп 
Or vary smooth; sepals less 2 10 mm. = 13. E. OTTONIS 
се. Lip ovate to чы rbicular-cordat 
d. Leaves wly linear 20. E. STANGEANUM 
dd. Leaves aee to oblong-elliptic. 
e. Lip hastate-rotund, acute; sepals oblong-lanceolate 18. E. SPONDIADUM 
ee. ты ovate to ovate-subrotund, acuminate; sepals linear- 
lanceolate 10. Е. FRAGRANS 
bb. Pseudobulbs 2- or more leaved. 
c. Inflorescence — ied peduncle short or 1. E. ABBREVIATUM 
cc. PM rescenc t abbreviated; peduncle more or tes yim 
d. ina of ss lip к longer than 
е. Apex of the lip r а d, obtuse, truncate ог retuse [Species 
reported in fir, Ser 0. E. LIVIDUM 
ee. Apex of the lip acute or acuminate 4. E. BRASSAVOLAE 
dd. Lamina of the lip as broad as long or broader than lon 
e. Bracts e inflorescence conduplicate and clasping the 
edicel, conspicuous; rac exuose; pseudobulb stipitate......22. E. VOLUTUM 

ee. Bracts of the inflorescence | concave to flat; rachis straight or 
i nconspicuously flex 
Callus of the lip a a sail or bilobed cush 
в. Disc of. the lip occupied by a central "bilobed cushion- 
like callus; pope т petals usu Шу maculate 9. Е. CRASSILABIUM 
gg. Disc of the Пр with a d мр ba И cushion- 
like callus; жы апа peta tals maculate 11. E. IONOPHLEBIUM 
ff. overs 29 the lip consisting ha or ыл basal keels ог 
wellin 7. Е. COCHLEATUM 
aa. Lip -lobed or 3 -lobul 
b. Column with a ресми lateral auricle on each side about opposite 

the TÉ 
© Colu umn more or less sharply и in the middle; veins of the 
mere lobe of the lip smooth or nearly 12. E. ONCIDIOIDES var. 



FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 317 

cc. Column straight or nearly so; veins on the mid-lobe of lip often 

d. Lateral lobes of the lip triangular-lanceolate to oblong.............. 12a. E. ONCIDIOIDES var. 
dd. Lateral lobes of the lip spatulate or oblong-spatulate.................... 12b. E. oNciDIOIDES var 
bb. жола "em distinct lateral auricles on either side of th а. 
. Mid-lobe of lip proportionally narrower at base, тай. ог 
re ps: filifor 
ateral liba of lip fimbriate-ciliate . E.c 
4 pio 1 lobes of lip entire to somewhat депсаїе............................ T s турин Р 
сс. еа lobe of lip и broader at base, not Тү: Uo pem 
r linear-filiform 
d. Outer margins o£ mid-lobe p lip dentate to fimbriate................ 19. E. STAMFORDIANUM 
dd. Outer margins of mid-lobe of lip not dentate to fimi ria 

e. Mid-lobe of 5 lip mid than either lateral lobe or 2 38 
equal to either of them. 
К 242 bracts conspicuous, . long or more, 
p 3-lobate; mid-lobe бйлу: as broad as long.................. E. VOLUTUM 
5 т - ply 3-partite; mid-lobe oblanceolate, longer E 

6a. E. CILIARE var. 

ff. P bracts not very а екоо 10 mm. or less long. 

. Mid-lobe М m lip triangular 16. E. PYGMAEUM 
Pa 55 каф 12 not trian ngular 
h. Petals is 2 ап one-half as broad as the lateral қы ай 
iria esc commonly basal 7. E. ROUSSEAUAE 

hh. dead at most only e: narrower than the iau 

ee. yrs lobe of 5 lip ЕТ larger than each lateral lobe. 
f. Pseudobulbs 1-leav 

5 ps of the lip gradually narrowed below the ae 

lobes; floral bracts large, chartaceous Е. CAMPYLOSTALIX 
gg. Base of the lip ups Ју contracted below the был: 
lobes; floral bracts small 12a. E. ONCIDIOIDES var. 
ff. Pseudobulbs 2- or more leaved. 
g. ре contracted into a шт». с neck, 4-10 cm. 
ong, iar ben leaves ied the swollen portion...... 21. E. VARICOSUM 
£g. Pseudobulb not contracted into a _aulecen Mick, leaves 
almost aia on pea swollen P 
h. Mid-lobe of lip trulliform, acuminate ..15. E. PRISMATOCARPUM 

hh. ra lobe of lip not trulliform nor acuminate. 
iddle clinandrial tooth at summit of colum 
y and em or ана. 
rate, distinct from lateral t 8. Е. CONDYLOCHILUM 
ii. Middle insueta tooth at summit of column 
small, deltoid, incurved, obtuse or acute, separated 
by as і 

5 Е 

mid-lobe of lip about 4-10 times that 

k. gin Ка mid-lobe of lip entire to eros 
crenulat 2. E. ATROPURPUREUM 
kk. Margin d mid-lobe of lip dentate-lacerate...... 2a. E. ATROPURPUREUM 

. Area of mid-lobe of lip about 3 times that of 
either жене lobe, or less 
k. Column somewhat sharply recurved in the 
idis veins of wb. lobe usually smooth........ 12a. E. qut 
kk. Column ex: d Ы мн veins of mid-lobe of 
lip often verru 
1. Lateral lobes of lip spatulate to oblong.......... 12b. E. ONCIDIOIDES 
ll. Lateral lobes of lip deltoid-lanceolate to 

12a. E. oNcIDIOIDES 


[Vor. 33 



One species in Panama 

a. Leaves equita 

b. Flowers lo amd ааа and terminal 
b. Flowers sessi «v or nearly so and axillary 



aa. ei 
b. Lip dis ti er 5. oid or 3-lobulat 
c. Leaves terete, or subterete and ры or flat and woes 
d. Mid-lobe of lip vos plains тир apiculat 65. E. PUDICUM 

dd. Mid-lobe of lip elliptic to narrowly oblong, и with a 

t lamellate callus 75. Е. TERETIFOLIUM 

d usually more tha А 
with a distinct dorsal horn at the apex 51. E. MICRODENDRON 

dd. Column without a distinct dorsal horn at the apex. 
e. Mid-lobe of lip narrowly triangular to linear, several times 

longer t 

than bro 
f. Lateral lobes ч the lip laciniate-fimbriate 
ff. Lateral lobes of the lip not pos fimbri 


nce subtended by one or more large spathes........ 54. E. OBESUM 

g. Infloresc 
gg. ae кука usually кеі subtended by spathes; if so 
b all i 

en by sma 

inconspicuous one Е. NOCTURNUM 

ee. Mid- lobe of the lip not інді pee to lin 
Lip tubular-involute, usually fleshy, чы pnm 
to ovate-tria ngular, longer dis "m a 72. E. SCULPTUM 
н. eg not tubular-involute, yng flat. 


2 lateral lobe or even lar 

the mid- em of 7 "ne twice that of 

ter surface of ан se је А уеггисоѕе 44. Е. EXASPERATUM 

hh. ge! surface of the lateral sepals smooth. 

mid-lobe of lip rounded or protuberant- 

j. Floral bracts зыш, cucullate, only slightly short- 
the flow 

er than 5; ийи cence subcapitate with 
1 flower appear time 41. Е. ELLIPSOPHYLLUM 
. Floral dem sm mall үе if large then much short- 
er than the flowers), not cucullate; inflorescence 
not subcapitate се normally with several flowers 
at a time. 
k. Lateral lobes of the = dentate to lacerate; in- 
florescence usually long-pedunculate 47. E. IMATOPHYLLUM 

kk. Lateral lobes of = Бр пос — nor lac- 
erate; inflorescence not long-pedun 
1. Lip spatulate, base of the mid- be ы” апа 



ll. Lip not s one base of Т mid-lobe pet 
a narrowed or unguicu ase . E. DENTILOBUM 

ed o ulat 
ii. Apex of the mi -lobe of - lip а, retuse or 

bilobed, жеке apiculat 
і. Lateral lobes of lip digita, lacerate or - 
dentate; sehe e pink, maculate 7. E. CALIGARIUM 
ji. Lateral lobes of the lip o entire to minutely crenu- 
late or crenate- дерінің г bilobulate. 
k. Leaves obtus E minutely bilobed at the apex, 
usually ovate to elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate. 
| Inflorescence paniculate; sepals ап4 petals 



Il эн racemose; sepals and petals not 
aculat 2. E. ENDRESII 
kk. Leaves acute minate, not bilobed at m 

apex, usually Taper. lanceolate to lanceolat 
l. Lobules of the mid-lobe of lip pin times 
larger than the dentiform lateral lobes; in- 
florescence usually subumbellate or subcorym- 





FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 319 

Il. ре es of the mid-lobe 

of the lip about 

ualling in size rn oblong or falcate-lance- 
e lateral lobes, or smaller; inflorescence 
usually racemose E. CENTROPETALUM 

gg. Area of mid-lobe of lip about equal to that of either lat- 

1 lobe or 1 


h. Ovary with a saccate vesicle at the summit 58. E. PHYSODES 
hh. Ovary without a saccate vesicle at the 


n, when seen from the side, like an ox- Ee .39. E. DIFFORME 

. Column, when seen from the side, not like an ox- 
Ow, at most Ms. «Гулу: rched. 

h pure 1 flowered or subumbellat 


als owly lanceolate, long-acuminate; 
stems usually straight c or nearly so; usually but 
1 flower tim 40. E. EBURNEUM 

kk. Sepals mas ме ре че to oblanceolate ог 

-oblong; stems flexuose. 
1. Sepals more than 1 cm. broad; inflorescence, 
f k 

as far as known, 1-flowered 57. E. PENDENS 
II. re less than 0.8 cm. broad; inflorescence 
sually more than 1-flow 

m. Mid-lob be of lip, when re nt, twice or 
more broader Фа long, semi-elliptic to 

orm 39. E. DIFFORME 
mm. Mid- Е: - lip usually little p than 
long; n ad, subquadrate to sub- 
ne ES -OV 

n. Apex of he mid- lobe truncate, retuse 
Кый і bilobed, usually ын” 758 E es DIFFORME var. 

nn. е of Bes mid-lobe of the lip tri- 
gular, acu 39b. E. DIFFORME var. 

jj. пр racemose ог paniculate. 


. Mid- Pos m. the lip bilobed or re 

Uv» v ње: је lip not ос пог retu 
а dense spike-like raceme um 
is more or Ele Б. та leaves linear-lanceo- 
late 6 



. Inflorescence not а dense spike-like raceme; 
penes elliptic to lanceolate or oblanceolate. 
m. Sum column n a denticulate, 
sometimes 4-lobed w 40. E. EBURNEUM 
mm. Д of y columan n. 
Lip up to about . broad; stems 
> 25. Е. АМСЕР5 
2:4 12 mm. or more broad; stems 


l. Margins of ж ateral lobes of lips yc lac- 

a or den 
. Peduncle praed with close scarious 
tubular sheaths and wit ers i 
d es etimes paniculate; 

mm. Peduncles not Wee gated o 
the sheaths аут e т ог іт 
pier 2 stems not bearing roots dimit 

п. Mid. lobe of the lip with two strongly 
explanate lobules 56. E. PANICULATUM 
nn. Mice of the lip with the pie 
more or less porrect, never strongly 
o. Lateral sepals 7-16 mm. long.............. 60. E. POLYANTHU 
oo. Lateral sepals 4-6.5 mm. long............ 60a, E. POLYANTHUM 
var. MYODES 


[Vor. 33 

Il. a of lateral =... оғ lip not digitate, 
lacerate, nor dentate, s metim crenate, un- 

m. Spread between the tips of c divaricate 
lobules of the mid-lobe of the lip about 
tw = or more greater than the length of 
the lobes 74. E. SUBNUTANS 
mm. Spread between the tips of the 
less porrect lobules of the mid- in іе lip 
or brad of the mid-lobe less than twice 
the length 
n. Lip 2 cm. or more broad; raceme usual- 
4 ани and more than 6 ст. іп 

nn. cA; 1.5 or less broad. 
o. Pair of phe calluses of the lip ab- 
nt; peduncle usually elongated 25. E. ANCEPS 

oo. Pair of basal calluses of the lip present. 
p. Peduncle conspicuously winged and 
ancipi itous 24. E. ALLENII 
pp. Peduncle not winged and ancipi- 
а. Lateral sepals 6.5-16 mm. long.... 60. E. POLYANTHUM 
qq. Lateral sepals 4—6.5 mm. long... 60a. E. POLYANTHUM 
var. MYODES 

bb. Lip simple, obscurely lobate or bilobed. 
er portion of lateral margins of lip irregularly lacerate to 
coarsely eod ate; lamina with a prominent central keel extending 

almost to the apex 47. E. IMATOPHYLLUM 
. Lower portion of lateral margins of lip neither lacerate nor 
coarsely dentate. 

d. Leaf- blade not articulated to the sheath, thus not deciduous. 
e. Plants elongated б жай creeping; lateral sepals without a keel 
on the outer surfac 2. E. CONFERTUM 
ee. = not elongated and creeping; lateral sepals keeled on the 

f. Lip con Ир acute; clinandrium entire or denticu- 
ate 33. E. CONGESTUM 
nifor piculate; clina праве lacerate......70. E. SCHLECHTERIANUM 
dd. D T Made қак етер to the riven thus deciduo 
. Ovary with a more or less semiglobose vesicle at np summit 

r the lip. 
nterior portion of the lamina of lip broadly rounded. 
g. Leaves triangular-lanceolate or nins, scattered along 
tem; li 

the s lip not strongly conduplicat 58. E. PHYSODES 
gg. e elliptic to ym MN congested on the upper 
of the ; lip ngly conduplica 28. E. Canoni 

ff. Anterior “portion a the gy pare of the "lip acute or 

ee. Ovary d a semiglobose vesicle at the summit. 
ack of the column terminating in a distinct, more or less > 
a eading Bed 1. E. MICRODENDRON 
ff. mcn of the column not terminating in a distinct spreading 

5. Lip with a tridentate (not қан) or V-shaped 
callus at or near the base of the lam 

h. Leaves usually sulcate, terete or cc if flattened 

n bed т linear-lanceolate, often grass-like 

and a 49. E. ISOMERUM 
hh. Pow da at most conduplicate, ligulate or linear- 
oblong to 52 or lanceolate to nearly elliptic, ob- 
tuse, bilo 
i. Lamina of the д suborbicular-cordate, commonly 
broader than | 59, Е. PLATYSTIGMA 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 321 

ii. Lamina of the lip triangular to ovate-triangular, 
usually longer than broad. 
j. Margins of x lip ых fleshy and thickened........ 69. E. SANCHOII 
ji Margins of the lip not fleshy and thickened. 
- 5 т. о 

eter below the inflorescence; leaf-sheaths and 
bracts not maculate; inflorescence usually lax 

and narrow 66. E. RAMOSUM 
kk. vg p - usually 5-6 in Dr 
ust below the PW фол scu sheaths and 
айн ный Ё nely maculate; inflorescence 
typically rather congested and broad.................. 66a. E. RAMOSUM 

85. he never with a e mee or V-shaped callus at or 
ar the base of А lam 
E Lamina of the ж triangular with a truncate base; 
inflorescence 1-flow 78. E. TRIANGULABIUM 
hh. Lamina of the lip never triangular with a truncate 

i. ку length of column adnate to base of lateral 
61. Е. РОВРАХ 
fone length dm column not adnate to the base of 
the lateral sep 

l. Clinandrium es dentate; iw ig m. 
falcate and acumin plant dwarf................ . E. DENTIFERUM 
ll. Clinandrium пог 34 erate- sd. E 
sepals no 

m. bein bracts very conspicuous, large and 

mm. For bracts not conspicuous, small and 

п. Disc of lip bed earing more or less lobate 
or retuse calluses, usually situated well 
above the base 77. Е. TRACHYTHECE 
пп. Disc of the lip not bearing more or less 
lobate or retuse bees es. 

o. Clinandrium 4 subr iig өң 
pea lobes, bes central pair lon 
est narrowest 76. E. TETRACEROS 
е арі: lacking 4 lobes................ 26. E. BISULCATUM 
kk. Lip eca A (mid-nerve sometimes thickened). 
1. Inflorescence 1-flowered 67. E. REPENS 

ll. pde. 2- or more flowered. 
"I ess йу 1 cm. broad, linear 94 

gs ar-o . E. SANCHON 
mm. etn more ethan 1 cm. broad, oed 
elliptic-o 36. E. CRYPTANTHUM 
jj. Stems dim che 
k. Floral bracts conspicuous due to their 
compared to the flower, or to their гн 
spreading chara ter. 
Lami f the lip broader than long, reni- 
form, bilobed or pie se 34. E. CORIIFOLIUM 
ll. Lamina of the lip longer than broad or at 
most ну slightly broader than long. 
. Flowers clustered at the end of a long 
kise pon ncle. 
n. Peduncle doles NN winged and an- 
cipitous 24. E. ALLENII 
nn. Peduncle not conspicuously winged and 
ancipitous 55. E. PANAMENSE 

mm. Flowers not clustered at the end of a 
long T peduncle. 
n. Lamina of the lip cordate-orbicular, 
Eos as long as broad 68. E. RIGIDUM 


[Vor. 33 
nn. Lamina of the lip oblong-ovate, longer 
than broad 

. E. RIGIDUM var. 


kk. Floral bracts not conspicuou 
1. Inflorescence 1-flowered or subumbellate. 
m. Lateral sepals narrow M lanceolate, long- 

ually 1 flower open 
lip white 40. E. EBURNEUM 

3 5 br г ођ- 
lanceolate to elliptic-oblong ovate- 
hare, id leaf-sheaths dilated bud their 

n. ‘Leaves semiterete and sulcate, linear- 

nn. i flat conduplicate, usually 
18 ulat te to elli dr 

ки af-sheaths strongly cuneate (viewed 

у аи large and flaring, the folded 

sheath 2 cm. broad at junction with 

cm. br е жәй folded 45. E. HUNTERIANUM 
oo. Leaf-sheat t br ced = y the 

folded 2 ыы се . broad 

at junction wit ығ ame more 

or less flat, u se и not stro - con 

duplicate, Bruns so, less t 1 cm. 

broad when folded. 

p. gin of = dpa rtm — 

than lon 
"uu Bette 39. E. DIFFORME 
pp. Lamina of the lip about : as н broad 
as long, жа "и ога 39Ь, Е, DIFFORME 

ll. Inflorescence racemose or paniculate, mostly 
3- fl 

о | 
т. Lateral sepals 22 mm. ог more long 

minate; lip subentire, white............... 0. E. EBURNEUM 
nn. Lateral sepals narrowly spatul 
acute or obtuse; lip denticulate or 
nate-dent er. оннан 2 T DN 64. E. PSEUDEPIDENDRUM 
mm. ioe sepals or less lon 
п. 2 co duplicates “peduncle elongated; 
aceme elongated and n 
o. Apex of t E lip Eu. rounded and 
retuse-apiculate; lateral sepals with а 
orsal keel toward the арех................. 28. E. САКОШ 
oo. Apex of the lip short-acuminate; lat- 
eral sepals without a dorsal Кесі........ 63. E. PROBIFLORUM 
nn. Lip not conduplicate, flat or at most 
what convex 25. E. ANCEPS 

1. EPIDENDRUM ABBREVIATUM Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 3:107. 1906. 
Epidendrum prorepens Ames, Sched. Orch. 2:33. 1923. 

Small, repent, epiphytic herbs up to 2.5 dm. tall. Pseudobulbs 3.5—10 cm. long 
апа 0.3-1 cm. in diameter, fusiform, occasionally stipitate, normally bifoliate. 
Leaves 4—14 cm. long and 0.3—1.5 cm. broad, obtuse, ligulate, subcoriaceous. In- 
florescence a short, 1- to 5-flowered raceme up to about 4 cm. long. Dorsal sepals 
10-15 mm. long and 2.5—3.5 mm. broad, linear-oblanceolate, obtuse or acute, 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 323 

often carinate dorsally along the midrib. Lateral sepals 10-15 mm. long and 3-4 
mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, obtuse to acute. Lip unguiculate, the claw adnate 
to the column, free portion 7-10 mm. long and 5-8 mm. broad, ovate to oblong- 
ovate; disc with a conspicuous callus-thickening at the base. 

Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Boquete District, alt. 1300 m., Davidson 666; “Chiriquí”, alt. 

Powell 152, 3560. cocrf: vicinity of La Mesa, hills north of El Valle de Ал, с 
1000 m., Allen 2354. vERAGUAs: Santa Fé, alt. 500 m., Powell s. n. 
2. EPIDENDRUM ATROPURPUREUM Willd. Sp. Pl. 4:115. 1805; Ames, Hub. & 

Schweinf. Genus Epidendrum іп U. 5. & Mid. Am. 60. 1936. 

Epidendrum auropurpureum Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 99. 1831. 

Epidendrum macrocbilum "a іп Bot. Mag. 63: f£. 3534. 1836 

Epidendrum macrochilum Hook. var. roseum Batem. rm Det & Guat. Ё. 17. 1839. 
Encyclia atropurpurea atin Orchidéen, p. 208, fig. 49. 

Encyclia atropurpurea var. leucantba Schltr. in Fedde ES МЫ Nov. Beih. 17:45. 1922. 
Encyclia atropurpurea var. rhodoglossa Schltr. loc. с 

Robust caespitose epiphytic herbs. Pseudobulbs 3-8 cm. long or more and 
1.5-5 cm. in diameter, ovoid, 1- to 3-leaved, usually bifoliate. Leaves 8-35 cm. 
long and 1.5-3.5 cm. broad, elliptic-ligulate or ligulate, obtuse or acute, coriaceous. 
Inflorescence a simple few- to many-flowered raceme up to 6 dm. long. Dorsal 
бергі 2.5—3.5 cm. long and 0.4-1.2 cm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse. Lateral sepals 
similar to the dorsal but usually arcuate. Petals 2.5—3 cm. long and 0.7-1 cm. 
broad, oblanceolate to obovate, unguiculate, obtuse or acutish. Lip 3-5 cm. long 
and 1.8-4 cm. broad, 3-lobed, free nearly to the base of the column; lateral lobes 
oblong, obtuse or acute, relatively small, enfolding the column; mid-lobe large, 
variable, oblong to obovate to suborbicular to flabellate, always more or less 

Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, the West Indies 
and in South America. 

NCE NOT KNOWN: “Panama”, Sinclair. снікюоі: between El Boquete and 
Caldera, alt phage m., Pittier 3331. cocrÉ: Penonome, alt. 15-300 m., Williams 440. 
en, north of Chepo road, Hunter and Allen 851; ва Juan, “all 
pi 2 re Pacific side", foothills east of city, Powell 80, 148, 140, 3106, 3226. 

The copy of the Plumier plate (ed. Burmann) depicting this, which I have 
seen, is really not satisfactory for absolute identification. Lindley (Gen. & Sp. 
Orch. Pl. 100. 1831) had seen a copy of Plumier's plate in Lambert's herbarium 
and characterizes that of Burmann as a "caricature." 

Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:63. 1935. 
Margins of the mid-lobe of the lip lacerate-dentate and the lateral lobes some- 
what smaller than in the species (a malformation?). 
PANAMA: foothills east of Panama City, alt. sea-level, Powell 287. 

3. ЕРРЕМРКОМ Воотни (Lindl.) L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 26:282. 

[Vor. 33 

Maxillaria pee Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 24: Misc. ‚Р К 1838. 

nema paleaceum Lindl. loc. cit. 26. Misc. p. 1840 
Epidendrum psu Lindl. loc. cit. 29: Misc. H 4. 43. 
те paleaceum Reichb. a in Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 80. 1866; Reichb. f. in 

unders Ref. Bot. 2: f. 87. 
E ema Bootbii Schltr. in Fedde E. E Nov. Beih. 17:43. 1922. 

Repent or subcaespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 3 dm. tall Rhizome 
creeping. Pseudobulbs up to about 5 cm. long, cylindric, fusiform or narrowly 
ovoid, stipitate, unifoliate. Leaves (when mature) 5-22 cm. long and 0.4-1.2 
cm. broad, linear-ligulate, obtuse or acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence a 1- to few- 
flowered raceme; flowers small; bracts mostly 2-3 cm. long, lanceolate, cucullate, 
paleaceous, relatively large. Dorsal вера! 12-17 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, 
narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 11-15 mm. long and 2-3 
mm. broad, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, acute or acuminate, arcuate. Petals 
7-12 mm. long and 2-4.5 mm. broad, lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, acute or acumi- 
nate. Lip 8-11 mm. long and 2-3.5 mm. broad, oblong-oblanceolate, obtuse or 
acute, slightly constricted above the middle, fleshy, bicarinate toward the base; 
disc often verrucose toward the apex. 

From Mexico to Panama, the West Indies and northern South America, mostly 
at low elevations. 

s DEL TORO: Rio Cricamola, alt. about 10-15 m., Woodson, Allen & Seibert 1892; 
Isla "Colón, Wedel 123; vicinity of Chiriquí Lagoon, Wedel 1090. 

A species of low altitudes, often taken to be а Maxillaria. 

EPIDENDRUM BRASSAVOLAE Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:729. 1852; Hook. A 
in Bot. Mag. 93: ¢. 5664. 1867. 

Repent or caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 5 dm. tall. Pseudobulbs up 
to 22 cm. long, from cylindric to ovoid, 2-, rarely 3-foliate. Leaves 12-26 cm. 
long and 2-4.5 cm. broad, oblong-ligulate to narrowly ovate, obtuse, coriaceous. 
Inflorescence a simple few-flowered raceme, exceeding the leaves; sheath incon- 
spicuous, up to 12 cm. long. Sepals 3.5-5 cm. long and 0.3—0.5 cm. broad, 


linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, spreading. Petals similar to the sepals but 
slightly narrower. Lip 3-4.5 cm. long and 0.7-1.5 cm. broad, cuneate to a nar- 
row base and adnate to the column for nearly the length of the column, simple; 
lamina 2-3 cm. long and up to 1.5 cm. broad, lanceolate-ovate, acuminate; claw 
with 2 short lamellate calluses. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: “Chiriqui Vulcan", Warscewicz. 
This, like many another of Warscewicz’s collections, is said to have come from 

Chiriqui, but has not been collected there since. 

5. EPIDENDRUM CAMPYLOSTALIX Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:730. 1852; in Saun- 
ders Ref. Bot. 2: 7. 86. 1869; Summerhayes in Bot. Mag. 154: #. 0243. 1928. 
Encyclia campylostalix Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:45. 1922. 


19461 ; 
FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 325 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 4.5 dm. tall. Pseudobulbs 2-12 cm. 
long and 2-4.5 cm. broad, ancipitous, narrowly oblong to ovoid, unifoliate. Leaves 
4-30 cm. long and 1.3-8 cm. broad, elliptic, acute, subcoriaceous. Inflorescence 
ап erect, 1- to many-flowered raceme subtended by a paleaceous sheath 1-7.5 cm. 
long; floral bracts 0.8-4 cm. long, linear to linear-lanceolate, acute, cucullate, 
paleaceous. Sepals similar, 16-20 mm. long and 3-4.5 mm. broad, linear-lanceo- 
late, acute, the laterals slightly arcuate. Petals 13-17 mm. long and 1.5-2.5 mm. 
broad, ensiform to narrowly linear-oblanceolate, acute. Lip 12.5-18 mm. long 
and 6-9 mm. broad, unguiculate, only slightly adnate to the column at the base, 
3-lobed; claw narrow, comprising about half the length of the lip; terminal por- 
tion of lip subquadrate in outline; lateral lobes from small and rounded to oblong, 
obtuse; mid-lobe rounded to obovate, disc with an inconspicuous callus thickening 

or low raised lamellae. Ovary conspicuously 3-winged. 
Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: forests around El Boquete, alt. 1000-1300 m., Pittier 3047; “Chiriqui”, 
alt. 1600 m., Powell 74. 

This species is variable in size, and many specimens appear depauperate. 

6. EPIDENDRUM CILIARE L. Syst. Nat., ed. 10:1246. 1759; Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 
10: 7. 784. 1824 

Auliza ciliaris Salisb. in Trans. Hort. Soc. Lond. 1:294. 1812 

Ros rum cuspidatum Lodd. Bot. Cab. 1: Ё. 10. 1816; Скат. in Bot. Reg. 10: #. 783. 

ыыы: viscidum Lindl. їп Bot. Reg. 26: Misc. р. 81. 184 
Phaedrosanthus ciliaris O. Ktze. in Post & Ktze. Lex. Gen. Es 429. 1904. 

Repent or caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 5 dm. tall. Pseudobulbs 8—22 
cm. long and 0.6–2.2 cm. in diameter, cylindric, fusiform or tapering to the base, 
1- to 2(—3)-leaved. Leaves 8—28 cm. long and 2-8 cm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, 
elliptic-oblong to oval, obtuse, coriaceous. Inflorescence a few- to several-flowered 
raceme; bracts 3.5—6.5 cm. long and 0.6—1.5 cm. broad, lanceolate to oblanceolate, 
cucullate, pergameneous. Sepals 35-85 mm. long and 1.5-6 mm. broad, linear to 
linear-lanceolate or linear-oblanceolate, acute or acuminate. Petals 35-70 mm. 
long and 1.5-5 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate to linear-oblanceolate, acute or 
acuminate. Lip 4-8 cm. long, 3-lobed, the base adnate to the column; lamina 
3-6 mm. long, with 2 short lamellate calluses at the apex of the column; lateral 
lobes about 1.5-2.5 mm. long, each essentially reniform in outline or obliquely 
lanceolate-ovate, deeply dentate or usually lacerate; mid-lobe linear-filiform, up 
to 6 cm. long. Column with the clinandrium dentate or sublacerate. 

Widely distributed and common from Mexico to Panama, through the West 
Indies and in South America. 

CHIRIQUÍ: around El Boquete, alt. 1000-1300 m., Pittier 3048. "PROVINCE OF VERA- 
GUAS AND CHIRIQUÍ”: alt. 910-1210 m., Powell тоо, 3406. 

A variable species but a distinctive one. Often in cultivation. А putative 
hybrid between E. ciliare and E. Parkinsonianum is recorded. 


[Vor. 33 

FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 327 

ба. EPIDENDRUM CILIARE L. var. Oerstedii (Reichb. f.) L. Wms. comb. nov. 
Epidendrum Oerstedii Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:937. 1852. 

Epidendrum costaricense Reichb. f. loc. cit. 

Epidendrum Umlaufii Zahlbr. in Wien. Illustr. Gartenzeit. 18:209, /. 2. 1893. 

Similar to E. ciliare except the lateral lobes of the lip reniform, entire or at 
most crenulate, and the mid-lobe from filiform to broadly oblanceolate. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

cHIRIQUÍ: Boquete, alt. 1150 m., Davidson 738; Palo Alto, alt. 1360 m., Powell 239, 
3325, 3339. 

Although this is obviously only a variation of E. ciliare, in which the lateral 
lobes of the lip are entire (or nearly so) and in which the mid-lobe is usually 
broader, its relationship seems not to have been suspected in recent years. Perhaps 
this is because of the very evident but superficial character of lacerate lateral lobes 
of the lip in E. ciliare and the entire (and thus less conspicuous) ones in the 

7. EPIDENDRUM COCHLEATUM L. Sp. Pl, ed. 2:1351. 1763; Ames, Hub. & 

Schweinf. Genus Epidendrum in U. S. & Mid. Am. 79. 1936. 

Extremely variable epiphytic herbs up to about 5 dm. tall. Pseudobulbs 3-25 
cm. long and 0.5—4 cm. broad, cylindric to fusiform to ovoid, round or flattened 
in cross-section, bifoliate or rarely otherwise. Leaves 10-35 cm. long and 2-5 cm. 
broad, elliptic to lanceolate to oblanceolate, acute. Inflorescence from shorter to 
longer than the leaves, a simple to branched raceme, subtended by a sheath which 
may be up to 15 cm. long. Flowers rather pretty, lip purple-marked to almost 
black, sepals and petals white to green, occasionally purplish. Sepals similar, 
2.5-7 cm. long and 0.2-0.7 cm. broad, linear to linear-lanceolate, acute, usually 
strongly reflexed. Petals 1.5-5 cm. long and 0.15-0.4 cm. broad, narrowly linear, 
occasionally broadest near the apex, acute. Lip 1—3 cm. long and 1—2.5 cm. broad, 
short-unguiculate, claw adnate to the column for about half its length; lamina 
cordate-orbicular, usually broader than long, obtuse or apiculate, cochleate, with 
а more or less prominent callus thickening under the end of the column. Ovary 
3-winged, prominently so in fruit. 

Mexico to Venezuela and Colombia; the West Indies. 

DARIÉN: Cana and vicinity, Williams 974. 

A common and variable species, curiously known by only one collection in 

8. EPIDENDRUM CONDYLOCHILUM Lehm. & Krinzlin in Engler’s Bot. Jahrb. 
26:459. 1899. 

ое tessellatum Batem. іп Bot. Кер. 24: Misc. р. 7. 1838, поп Roxb.; Hook. in 
Bot. Mag. 65: t. 8. 

a Deamii Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:402. 1918; Ames, Hub. 
& Schweinf. Genus Epidendrum іп U. S. & Mid. Am. 88. 1936. 

Encyclia аярга Schltr. TA cit. 474, sphalm. 


[Vor. 33 

Repent or caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 4 dm. tall. Pseudobulbs 2-15 
cm. long and 0.3-1.5 cm. in diameter, cylindric to usually fusiform or narrowly 
ovoid, bi- to trifoliate. Leaves 6—25 cm. long and 0.5—2.5 cm. broad, linear to 
elliptic, acute or obtuse, usually erect. Inflorescence usually shorter than the leaves, 
simple or rarely branched, few- to many-flowered. Flowers small, dull-colored, 
variable. Dorsal вера! 8-12 mm. long and 1.5-3 mm. broad, linear to linear- 
lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 8—13 mm. long and 2—3 mm. broad, lanceolate 
to lanceolate-ovate, acute. Petals 8-10 mm. long and 1.5-4 mm. broad, linear- 
oblanceolate to oblanceolate, obtuse. Lip 8—12 mm. long and 4—6 mm. broad, 
obovate, obovate-oblong to oval in general outline, distinctly 3-lobed to almost 
simple, free from the column, provided with a long low puberulent callus extend- 
ing from the base to about the middle of the lip, and mammillate calluses from 
the middle toward the apex, these last often arranged in 3 rows; lateral lobes from 
very small to quite prominent and explanate, obtuse; mid-lobe with the margins 
undulate. Ovary winged. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela and Colombia. 

CHIRIQUÍ: “Chiriquí”, alt. 1050-1450 m., Powell 93, 05, 3345, 3350, 3351, 3350. 

This species has gone under the name of Epidendrum Deamii Schltr. for many 
years. It is perhaps not distinct from E. lividum Lindl., being separated by the 
presence of more or less distinct lateral lobes on the lip. The degree of lip loba- 
tion is of dubious value, for several specimens show almost entire lip, including 
typical material of E. condylochilum. 

9. EPIDENDRUM CRASSILABIUM Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. РІ. 2:1, £. 102. 


Epidendrum variegatum Hook. in Bot. Mag. 59: #. 3151. 
Epidendrum baculibulbum Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 19:116. 1923. 

Erect repent or caespitose epiphytes up to about 70 cm. tall. Pseudobulbs 
15-35 cm. long and 0.5-1.5 cm. in diameter, cylindric (often thickened at the 
base) to fusiform, bearing 2-4 widely separated leaves. Leaves 14-40 cm. long 
and 2.5-4 cm. broad, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, erect or spreading. Inflores- 
cence a simple raceme either shorter or longer than the subtending leaf. Sepals 
similar, 10-13 mm. long and 0.3-0.6 mm. broad, oblong to ovate to obovate, 
obtuse. Petals 7-13 mm. long and 2.5-6 mm. broad, oblanceolate to oblong-ob- 
lanceolate, obtuse, oblique. Lip 7-8 mm. long and 4-6 mm. broad, short-unguic- 
ulate, only slightly longer than the column; claw short, adnate to the column at 
the base; lamina orbicular to ovate, acute or obtuse, provided with a longitudinal 
callus at the base which is usually a single raised ridge and at the apex divided 
into two Jamellae extending almost to the apex of the lip. 

Costa Rica, Panama, the West Indies and to Brazil. 

cocLÉ: El Valle de Antón, Allen 2205, Woodson & Schery 204. 

10. EPIDENDRUM FRAGRANS Sw. Nov. Gen. & Sp. Prodr. 123. 1788. 
Epidendrum fragrans Sw. var. pachypus Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:32. 1922. 


19461 B 
FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 329 

Repent or caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 4 dm. tall. Pseudobulbs 4—11 
cm. long and 0.5-3 cm. in diameter, variable, cylindric, cylindric-fusiform to 
ovoid, occasionally ancipitous, unifoliate. Leaves 8-30 cm. long and 1.5-5 cm. 
broad, ligulate to elliptic, obtuse, coriaceous. Inflorescence to 15 cm. long, shorter 
than the leaves, few- to several-flowered; sheaths up to 6 cm. long, chartaceous. 
Flowers greenish to yellowish, the lip usually lined with purple along the veins, 
sepals and petals rarely maculate. Sepals similar, 1.5—3.5 cm. long and 0.3—0.5 
cm. broad, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate. Petals 2-3 cm. 
long and 0.5—1 cm. broad, broadly lanceolate to oblanceolate or obovate, acute or 
usually acuminate, unguiculate at the base. Lip 1.5-3 cm. long and 1-1.5 cm. 
broad, somewhat cochleate, base unguiculate and shortly adnate to the column; 
lamina ovate to ovate-subcordate, acuminate, provided with an inconspicuous 
callus at the base forming an inverted Y or with two small parallel calluses. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, the West Indies and in South America 
to Brazil and Peru. 

ZONE: Maxon 4913; San Juan and Frijoles, Powell 30, 43, 3355, 3370, 3371, 
39$. E 3428, 3448, 3474; Barro Colorado Island, Shattuck 551. cocré: El Valle 
de Antón, Allen 1678. 

11. EPIDENDRUM IONOPHLEBIUM Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 103. 1866. 
Epidendrum pachycarpum Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 3:109. 1906. 
Epidendrum Hoffmannii Schltr. loc. cit. 16:444. 1920. 

Repent or caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 4 dm. tall. Pseudobulbs 3-9 
cm. long and 1.5—3 cm. broad, ovoid, rarely fusiform, bifoliate or rarely trifoliate. 
Leaves 10—35 cm. long and 1.5—4 cm. broad, ligulate or elliptic, obtuse. Inflores- 
cence up to 15 cm. long, shorter than the leaves, few-to several-flowered. Flowers 
greenish to white with the lip more or less prominently lined with purple. Sepals 
similar, 1.4—3.5 cm. long and 0.3—0.8 cm. broad, lanceolate-ligulate to lanceolate, 
acute, the laterals somewhat oblique. Petals 1.2—2.4 cm. long and 0.4-0.9 cm. 
broad, elliptic-oblanceolate to oblanceolate, acute or acuminate. Lip 1.2-2.2 cm. 
long and 0.8—1.8 cm. broad, unguiculate; claw short, adnate to the column; 
lamina ovate to orbicular, obtuse or apiculate, cochleate, provided with an oblong- 
pandurate to quadrate, obscurely puberulent callus at the base under the apex of 
the column. Ovary angled, when mature alate. 

In all Central American countries from Mexico to Panama and in Venezuela. 

CANAL ZONE: near Frijoles, Maxon gu Culebra, alt. 50— zs m., Piftier 3301; бап 
Juan, Powell 187, 3182. CHRIQUI: uete District, alt. 00 m., Davidson 706; 
“Chiriqui”, Powell 151, 187, 310, 3226, 724 3565. VERAGUAS: +“ ELI yo 300 
m., Powell 384. 

12. EPIDENDRUM ONcIDIOIDES Lindl. var. RAMONENSE (Reichb. f.) Ames, Hub. 

& Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:103. 1935. ‘ 
Epidendrum ramonense Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 81 

Encyclia ramonensis Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2: 473. 1918. 
Encyclia Powellii Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:46. 1922. 


[Vor. 33 

Large caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 1 m. tall. Rhizome short. Pseudo- 
bulbs up to about 10 cm. long, cylindric to usually ovoid, 2- to 4-foliate. Leaves 
10—60 cm. long and 1—2.5 cm. broad, ligulate or ensiform, acute or obtuse. In- 
florescence paniculate, exceeding the leaves, few- to many-flowered, simple or 
compound. Dorsal sepal 14-18 mm. long and 3.5-5 mm. broad, elliptic-lanceo- 
late to oblong-lanceolate, acute or acuminate. Lateral sepals similar to the dorsal 
except somewhat arcuate. Petals 14—17 mm. long and 3—5.5 mm. broad, nar- 
rowly oblanceolate, acute or acuminate. Lip 12-15 mm. long; lateral lobes oblong, 
triangular-oblong, oblong-ovate or subquadrate-oblong, obtuse to truncate, arcu- 
ate; mid-lobe 7-10 mm. long and 6—8.5 mm. broad, ovate to suborbicular, obtuse 
to subacuminate; disc with 2 longitudinal fleshy ridges which form a fovea on 
the isthmus, extending onto the mid-lobe as thickened nerves. Column exauricu- 
late, with terminal angles or with dentiform auricles. 

Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. 

ша “Chiriquí”, alt. 1360-1510 m., Powell $3. cocrf: El Valle, alt. 1060 m., 
Bouché 10 

For all practical purposes this and the two following varieties might well be 
referred to Е. oncidioides Lindl. 
12a. EPripENDRUM ONCIDIOIDEs Lindl. var. GRaviDUM (Lindl) Ames, Hub. & 

Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:104. 1935 
Epidendrum gravidum Lindl. in Jour. Hort. Soc. 4:114. 1849; Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:42, 

А 1 
Eneyelia grevide Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. ЖА E 2:472. 1918. 

Epidendrum alanjense Ames, Sched. Orch. 1:13. 

Encyclia Hunteriana Schltr. in P fe. Sp. Nov. "Beh. 17:46. 1922. 
Epidendrum amandum Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:36. 1923 

Epidendrum peraltense Ames, loc. cit. 46 

Similar to the preceding variety into which it intergrades, usually somewhat 
smaller іп all parts. Mid-lobe of lip triangular-lanceolate to oblong. Veins of the 
mid-lobe verruculose. 

Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Alanje, Pittier s. п.; David, Powell 84, 3261, 3264, 3530, 3545. PANAMA: 
San Juan Range, Powell 271, 3470, 3485. 
12b. EPIDENDRUM ONCIDIOIDES Lindl. var. MoorEANUM (Rolfe) Ames, Hub. & 

Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:106. 1935. 

Epidendrum Mooreanum Rolfe in ad Bull. 1891:199. 189 
Encyclia Tonduziana Schltr, in е Кер. Sp. Nov. Beih. s 132. 1923. 
Encyclia Brenesii Schltr., loc. cit 

Much like the Nc variety. Lateral lobes of the lip spatulate or oblong- 
spatulate, veins verruculose. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Volcán de Chiriquí, alt. 2120 m., Davidson 870; Lino Hill, alt. 1360 m., 
Powell 292. 



FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 


Fig. 121. Epidendrum oncidioides var. gravidum 


[Vor. 33 

13. Еріремркі/м OTTONIs Reichb. f. in Hamb. Gartenzeit. 14:213. 1858. 

Nidema ottonis Britt. & Millsp. Bahama Fl. 94. 
Nidema € (Lindl.) Schltr. var. hint “беріс in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 

Small, repent or caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 25 cm. tall. Rhizome 
creeping. Pseudobulbs up to about 4 cm. long, fusiform, short-stipitate, uni- 
foliate. Leaves 5-19 cm. long and 0.5-0.9 cm. broad, linear-ligulate, obtuse or 
acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence a short, few-flowered raceme; flowers small, 
white or yellowish; bracts mostly 1-2 cm. long, lanceolate, acuminate, paleaceous. 
Dorsal sepal 7-9 mm. long and 2.5-3 mm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate, acute. 
Lateral sepals 7-9 mm. long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acuminate, more 
or less arcuate. Petals 6-7 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, elliptic, elliptic- 
lanceolate to oblanceolate, acute or acuminate, arcuate. Lip 6.5-7 mm. long and 
about 1.5 mm. broad, narrowly oblong, acute, subpandurate, fleshy, canaliculate, 
keeled toward the apex below. Column monandrous or triandrous, if triandrous 
then the lateral stamens usually imperfect. 

Panama, the West Indies, Venezuela, Colombia and Peru. 

isa vicinity of Bejuco, Allen 081; east of Panamá City, Powell 131, 3440; 

Tecümen, Standley 26611; between Las Sabanas and Matías Hernández, 
Standley 31888, 31945. 
Resembles Epidendrum Boothii (Lindl.) L. Wms. very much. 
14. EPIDENDRUM PARKINSONIANUM Hook. in Bot. Mag. 67: f. 3778. 1840. 

Epidendrum aloifolium Batem. Orch. Mex. & Guat. t. 25. 1840, поп Г. 
ее falcatum Lindl. var. a Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:37. 

Repent epiphytic herbs up to about 6 dm. long. Stems creeping, branched, 
cylindric or somewhat swollen. Leaves 15-50 cm. long and 1-4.5 cm. broad, 
ligulate to lanceolate-ligulate, acute, very thick, more or less flaccid, occasionally 
pustulate, usually pendent. Inflorescence a very short, few-flowered raceme; 
bracts short, ovate; pedunculate ovaries up to about 16 cm. long. Sepals 5.5-9 
cm. long and 0.6-1.2 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate to linear, acute or acuminate, 
spreading. Petals 5-8 cm. long, similar to the sepals. Lip 6—8.5 cm. long (from 
the base of the column) and 3-4 cm. broad, 3-lobed, the base adnate to the col- 
umn; lateral lobes 2.5-4 cm. long, broadly lunate to oblong-lunate; mid-lobe 
3-6 mm. long, linear. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. 

cHIRIQUÍ: Pueblo del Volcan, alt. 1800-1960 m., ем Upper Rio Chiriqui Viejo, 
vicinity of Monte Lirio, alt. 1300-1900 m., Seibert 214, 217. 

A curious species with large and handsome flowers. It is allied to E. ciliare 
and E. pugioniforme but is easily distinguished from them by the flaccid, dif- 
ferently shaped leaves. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 331 

15. EPIDENDRUM PRISMATOCARPUM Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:729. 1852; 
Reichb. f. Xenia Orch. 2:83, 2. 123. 1862; Hook. in Bot. Mag. 88: /. 5336. 

Stout repent or caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 5 dm. tall. Pseudobulbs 
up to about 15 cm. long and 5 cm. in diameter, narrowly ovoid, often attenuated 
above, bi-trifoliate, the leaves somewhat separated on the apex of the bulb. 
Leaves 12-33 cm. long and 2-6 cm. broad, variable, from ligulate and oblanceolate- 
oblong to narrowly ovate, obtuse, coriaceous. Inflorescence an erect, few- to 
many-flowered raceme. Dorsal sepals 22-44 mm. long and 3-5 mm. broad, nar- 
rowly lanceolate to narrowly oblanceolate, acute, arcuate. Petals 20-28 mm. 
long and 3-5 mm. broad, elliptic-linear to lanceolate, acute, arcuate. Lip 18-25 
mm. long and 7-9 mm. broad, 3-lobed, free from the column nearly to the base, 
subsagittate, with a central callus from the base nearly to the apex; middle lobe 
large, trulliform, acuminate. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: "Province of Chiriquí”, alt. 1200-1360 m., Powell 00, ТОТ, 3375, 3388, 
3391, 3402; “Chiriquí”, Warscewicz; near El Volcán, White 203; Casita Alta to Cerro 
Copete, alt. 2300-3300 m., Woodson & Schery 375. 

Allied to E. brassavolae. One of the commonest of the Epidendrums in culti- 
vation in greenhouses. It is a good bloomer and grows well, the flowers occasionally 
being sold as cut flowers in the northern markets. 

16. EPIDENDRUM PYGMAEUM Hook. in Bot. Mag. 60: /. 3233. 1833; Hook. Jour. 
Bot. 1:49, Ё. 118. 1834; Ames, Hub. & Schweinf. Genus Epidendrum in 
U. S. & Mid. Am. 160. 1936. 

Hormidium pseudopygmaeum Finet in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 7:121, /. 3. 1899. 

Small repent epiphytic herbs from a creeping rhizome. Pseudobulbs scattered 
along the rhizome, 2-10 cm. long, cylindric to fusiform, bifoliate. Leaves 2-15 
cm. long and 0.7-2 cm. broad, narrowly elliptic со oblong-oval, obtuse to acute. 
Inflorescence sessile in the axils of the leaves, a short few- to several-flowered 
raceme. Flowers small, inconspicuous. Dorsal sepal 5-10 mm. long and 1.5-3 
mm. broad, lanceolate, acuminate. Lateral sepals 6-12 mm. long and 2-4 mm. 
broad, lanceolate, acuminate, keeled dorsally toward the apex, shortly connate at 
the base and lightly adnate to the base of the column. Petals 4-8 mm. long and 
0.5-1 mm. broad, linear, acute. Lip 3-8 mm. long and 3-7 mm. broad, clawed 
at the base and shortly adnate to the base of the column; lamina 3-lobed or 3- 
lobulate; lateral lobes explanate or erect, ovate to orbicular; mid-lobe small, 
apiculate. Ovary winged. 

Florida and Mexico to Panama, the West Indies and to Brazil and Bolivia. 

CHIRIQUÍ: vicinity of Monte Lirio, Seibert 230. сосіЁ: El Valle, Seibert 426; near 
El Volcán, White 205. 

A variable and widely distributed species. There seem to be two forms of 
this,—one compact and small, the other rather loose and comparatively large. "Тһе 
second form is Finet's Hormidium pseudopygmaeum. 


[Vor. 33 

Fig. 122. Epidendrum pygmacum 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 335 

17. EPIDENDRUM RoussEAUAE Schltr. in Већ. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:407. 
1918; Ames, Hub. & Schweinf. Genus Epidendrum in U. S. & Mid. Am. 
170. 1936. 

Epiphytic herbs similar to E. ramosum Jacq. Leaves ligulate, about 7 cm. 
long and 1.2 cm. broad, obtuse. Inflorescence a lax several-flowered raceme up to 
about 10 cm. long. Flowers fleshy, greenish. Sepals about 1.2 cm. long, lanceolate- 
ligulate, acute, fleshy. Petals about 1.2 cm. long, linear or linear-oblanceolate. 
Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina about 7 mm. long and as 
broad, trilobate, provided with 2 parallel calluses extending from the base up to 
the base of the mid-lobe, base deeply cordate; lateral lobes spreading, dolabriform, 
obtuse; terminal lobe about 4 mm. long and 3.5 mm. broad, extended into a sub- 
orbicular blade from a broadly ligulate claw, obtuse, apiculate. 

CANAL ZONE: Mrs. Rousseau, s. п. 

The description is taken from the original publication. Specimens are missing 
from the Ames Herbarium but Ames, Hubbard & Schweinfurth have cited the 
following collections from Panama: Powell 112, 3303; Münch 27164; Shattuck 
Curiously enough, Schlechter contrasts this species with Epidendrum ramosum 
Jacq., which belongs to the section EuEPIDENDRUM, while Ames, Hubbard апай 
Schweinfurth have placed it in the section ENcYcLIUM. 

18. EPIDENDRUM SPONDIADUM Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:731. 1852; Hook. f. 
in Bot. Mag. 119: #. 7273. 1893. 
Epidendrum platycardium Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:36. 1922. 

Repent or caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 35 cm. tall. Pseudobulbs 
3-12 cm. long and 0.6—1.3 cm. broad, cylindric to narrowly ovoid, unifoliate. 
Leaves 10—28 cm. long and 2.5—5 cm. broad, ensiform to elliptic, obtuse. In- 
florescence shorter than the leaves, few-flowered; sheath about 2.5 cm. long. 
Flowers with sepals and petals greenish to white and the lip rose to purple. Sepals 
13-20 mm. long and 3-6 mm. broad, lanceolate, acuminate or acute, the laterals 
oblique. Petals 12-17 mm. long and 3.5—6.5 mm. broad, lanceolate to lanceolate- 
ovate, acute or acuminate. Lip 12-15 mm. long and 10-12 mm. broad, short- 
unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina suborbicular-reniform to cordate, 
apiculate, provided with a small subfoveate callus under the apex of the column 
which usually has 3 thickened nerves extending outward. 

Costa Rica, Panama and possibly Jamaica. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Palo Alto Hill, alt. 1500 m., Powell 141. 

Very closely allied to Epidendrum fragrans Sw. and perhaps only a variation 
of that. 



[Vor. 33 

19. EPIDENDRUM STAMFORDIANUM Batem. Orch. Mex. & Guat. /. 11. 1838; 

Hook. in Bot. Mag. 80: £. 4750. 1854. 

Epidendrum Cycnostalix Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:731. 1852. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 50 cm. tall. Stems pseudobulbose, 
8-27 cm. long and about 0.5-2 cm. in diameter, cylindric-fusiform to fusiform, 
bearing 1—4 leaves at or near the apex. Leaves 10—27 cm. long and 3—7 cm. broad, 
variable, ligulate, elliptic, oblong-lanceolate, or oblanceolate to oval, obtuse, 
coriaceous. Inflorescence up to about 60 cm. long, spreading or pendent, simple 
or paniculate, usually many-flowered, lateral from a short fertile shoot, or rarely 
terminal on the pseudobulb. Flowers rather pretty, fair-sized. Dorsal сера! 
15-18 mm. long and 4—6 mm. broad, elliptic or lanceolate, acute or acuminate. 
Lateral sepals 14-18 mm. long and 4-6 mm. broad, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 
strongly oblique, acute or acuminate. Petals 14-18 mm. long and 1.5—4.5 mm. 
broad, linear, elliptic, linear-oblong to lanceolate, acute. Lip unguiculate; claw 
adnate to the column; lamina 11-16 mm. long and 13-20 mm. broad, 3-lobed; 
lateral lobes large, spreading, oblong, oblique, obtuse, entire or crenulate; mid- 
lobe bilobulate, retuse, transversely oblong in outline, provided with a narrow, 
often cuneate claw at the base, entire or usually crenulate or serrulate; disc pro- 
vided with a pair of parallel, short, lamellate calluses, or a single deeply sulcate 
callus at the base near the apex of the column, and with the median nerve thickened 
or raised into a low lamella. 

Mexico to Panama, Venezuela and Colombia. 

CHIRIQUÍ: "Chiriqui", Warscewicz. 

No recent Panamanian collections seen. Тһе species grows well in cultivation. 

20. EPIDENDRUM STANGEANUM Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. n.s. 15:462. 1881. 
Epidendrum glandulosum Ames, Sched. Orch. 7:5, #. 20. 1924. 

Small repent or caespitose epiphytic herbs from a slender creeping rhizome, up 
to 2 dm. tall. Pseudobulbs 1.5—5 cm. long and 0.1—0.5 cm. in diameter, cylindric 
to narrowly fusiform, covered with marcescent sheaths, becoming naked with 
age, unifoliate. Leaves 4-12 cm. long and 1-3 mm. broad (or in diameter), 
linear and flattened or appearing terete due to their inrolled margins. Inflorescence 
a few- to several-flowered raceme, shorter than the subtending leaf; flowers small 
and inconspicuous. Dorsal sepals 5-6 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, lanceolate, 
acute, sparsely glandular dorsally. Lateral sepals 6-7 mm. long and 2-3 mm. 
broad, oblique, lanceolate, acute or acuminate, sparsely glandular dorsally. Petals 
4.5-5.5 mm. long and 0.5-0.7 mm. broad, linear, acute. Lip 5-6 mm. long and 
3—3.5 mm. broad, unguiculate; claw short, adnate to the column; lamina deltoid 
to ovate-lanceolate, apiculate, slightly cochleate, without calluses. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CANAL ZONE: on trail from Colón, Powell 338; (record without data), Shattuck 454. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 337 

21. EPIDENDRUM VARICOSUM Batem. in Bot. Reg. 24: Misc. p. 30. 1838; Lindl. 
Folia Orch. Epid. 23. 1853; Reichb. f. Xenia Orch. 1:163, Ё. 50. 1856. 
mM chiriquense Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:730. 1852, Xenia Orch. 1:164, Ё. 67. 

bed chiriquensis Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:472. 1918. 

Small to large, repent or caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 1 m. tall. 
Pseudobulbs up to 25 cm. long, usually ovoid at the base and prolonged into a 
long slender neck above, 3- to 4-leaved. Leaves 5-35 cm. long and 1.5-5 cm. 
broad, linear-lanceolate to elliptic, acute or acuminate. Inflorescence simple or 
branched, shorter or longer than the leaves. Dorsal sepal 8-18 mm. long and 3-5 
mm. broad, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, acute or obtuse. Lateral sepals 8—16 mm. 
long and 3—5 mm. broad, oblong to oblong-ovate, oblique, obtuse or acute. Petals 
8-14 mm. long and 2-5 mm. broad, oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, obtuse, 
usually oblique. Lip 9-15 mm. long and 6-13 mm. broad, cuneate, narrowed to the 
base and shortly connate with the base of the column, 3-lobed; lateral lobes arising 
near the middle of the lip, usually small and explanate. Mid-lobe relatively large, 
bifid, and the lobules more or less explanate and flabellate; disc with a large cen- 
tral callus and with mammillate or varicose processes or lamellae from the middle 
extending out to the lobules of the mid-lobe. Оуагу angled or narrowly winged 
in fruit. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: "Chiriqui", Warscewicz. 

Reichenbach first gave the origin of Epidendrum chiriquense as "Costa Rica 
und Chiriqui" and later as "Chiriqui: v. Warscewicz". The species has not been 
seen from Costa Rica or Panama since and the basis of E. varicosum in Panama is 
based on his record. 

22. EPIDENDRUM VOLUTUM Lindl. & Paxt. in Paxton's Flow. Gard. 2:151, fig. 
215. 1851-52. 
Epidendrum Radlkoferianum Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Хоу. 17:142. 1921. 

Erect epiphytic herbs 18-25 cm. tall. Pseudobulbs when young 5-10 cm. 
long and 0.5-0.6 cm. in diameter, cylindric. Leaves 6-8 cm. long and 0.8—1 cm. 
broad, ligulate, acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence a lax raceme of 6-10 flowers, 
about 13 cm. long; peduncle 2-4 cm. long. Sepals about 1.8 cm. long and 0.3 
cm. broad, narrowly oblong-ligulate, acuminate, the laterals oblique. Petals about 
as long as the sepals, linear, narrow and oblique, acuminate. Lip unguiculate; 
claw adnate to the column; lamina about 9 mm. long and 11 mm. broad, ob- 
scurely 3-lobed, subreniform-cordate, apiculate, apex triangular, apical part sub- 
crenate and undulate; disc provided with 2 short, obtuse, parallel, lamellate 
calluses at the base and 3 approximate linear calluses extending up to about the 



[Vor. 33 

CHIRIQUÍ: "im Veragua- und Chiriqui-Distrikt”, alt. 1000-1200 m., Powell $9; 
"Provinz Chiriqui”, Wagner. 

The description is taken from Schlechter's description of E. Radlkoferiamum. 
The specimens indicated above are those cited by Schlechter. 


23. EPIDENDRUM STENOPETALUM Hook. іп Bot. Mag. 62: #. 3410. 1835; Ames, 
Hub. & Schweinf. Genus Epidendrum in U. S. & Mid. Am. 179. 1936. 
Dimerandra stenopetala Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:44. 1922. 

Slender, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 4 dm. tall. Stems terete, 
cylindric, cane-like, often somewhat flexuose, leafy. Leaves 3.5—14 cm. long and 
0.4—1 cm. broad, linear or ligulate to linear-oblong or linear-lanceolate, obtuse, 
unequally bilobulate at the apex, scattered along the stem, one at each node. In- 
florescence a short, few-flowered raceme.  Dorsal вера! 10-13 mm. long and 
3.5—4.5 mm. broad, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, acute or acuminate. Lateral 
sepals 10-13 mm. long and 3.5—4.5 mm. broad, lanceolate to lanceolate-ovate, 
acute or acuminate, somewhat oblique. Petals 11-13 mm. long and 6—6.5 mm. 
broad, obovate to subrhombic, acute or acuminate. Lip 11-13 mm. long and 
8—9.5 mm. broad, obovate to obovate-flabellate, truncate; disc obscurely lined. 
Column short, the clinandrium with 2 large lateral lobes. 

Mexico, Guatemala, British Honduras, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, the 
West Indies and South America at low elevations. 

BOCAS DEL TORO: Water Valley, Wedel 765. CANAL томе: drowned forest near 
Vigía - San Juan on Río Pequeni, Dodge, Steyermark t$ Allen 16586; hills near Panamá 
City, Powell 17, 3451; Las Cruces trail, Standley 20101; between France Field and 
Eu "Standley 30448. PANAMA: swamp east of Río Tecümen, Standley 26610. 

This species is placed in section BARKERIA by Ames, Hubbard & Schweinfurth 
(loc. cit.), but it has little relationship to the other species of the section; it 
would perhaps be best placed in a section by itself. 


24. EPIDENDRUM ALLENI Г. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28:418, £. 22, 

figs. 3-5. 1941. 

Erect epiphytic herbs up to about 3 dm. tall. Stems ancipitous, covered with 
the bases of the 3 to 6 leaves. Leaves 4-12 cm. long, 1.2-3 cm. broad, elliptic to 
lanceolate, acute or short-acuminate. Peduncle about 10—15 cm. long, ancipitous, 
bialate, the wings prominent at the base but disappearing at about the middle of 
the peduncle. Inflorescence short, the rachis covered with the scarious, imbricated 
bracts; bracts up to about 1 cm. long. Dorsal вера! about 10 mm. long and 4 
mm. broad, lanceolate, obtuse, 5- to 7-nerved, with a short dorsal apicule near 
the apex. Lateral sepals similar to the dorsal sepal except somewhat arcuate. 
Petals about 10 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, linear, 1-nerved. Lip unguiculate; 
the lamina about 10 mm. long and 12 mm. broad, subreniform, subentire or ob- 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 339 

E. fni 

Fig. 123. Epidendrum ellipsophyllum and E. Allenii 


[Vor. 33 

Fig. 124. Epidendrum anceps 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 341 

scurely 3-lobed, the terminal lobe inconspicuous and slightly retuse, with 2 ap- 
proximate submammillar calluses at the base. Column of the section, about 7 
mm. long. 

COCLÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2203, 2310. 

25. EPIDENDRUM ANCEPS Jacq. Select. Stirp. Am. 224, 2. 138. 1763; Ames, 
Hub. & Schweinf. Genus Epidendrum in U. S. & Mid. Am. 56. 1936. 
Epidendrum musciferum Lindl. in Hook. Jour. Bot. 1:6. 1834. 

Epiphytic herbs up to about 1 m. tall. Stems slender to rather coarse, covered 
with the amplexicaul leaf-sheaths, usually ancipitous. Leaves 4—25 cm. long and 
1—5 cm. broad, ligulate to elliptic-lanceolate, acute or obtuse, those at the middle 
of the stem or above usually largest, the lower ones reduced. Inflorescence usually 
long-pedunculate (up to 45 cm.), simple or branched, racemose or subcapitate; 
peduncle ancipitous, covered with scarious sheaths. Dorsal sepal 5-10 mm. long 
and 2—3.5 mm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-ovate, acute or obtuse. Lateral sepals 
6-10 mm. long and 2-4 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate to ovate, obtuse or acute, 
oblique, semi-cochleate. Petals 4-9 mm. long and 0.5-1.5 mm. broad, filiform 
to linear-oblanceolate. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina 3-6 
mm. long and 4—7.5 mm. broad, reniform to cordate-suborbicular, 3-lobed; the 
lateral lobes rounded, fleshy; terminal lobe subquadrate to oblong, entire, retuse 
or doubly retuse; disc fleshy, usually with a low longitudinal callus from base 
to apex. 

Florida and Mexico through Central America and the West Indies to Brazil 
and Peru. 

BOCAS DEL TORO: Old Bank Island, Wedel 2081; Bastimentos Island, Wedel 2021. 
CANAL ZONE: Gatün Lake, Frijoles, San Juan, Fort Sherman, Powell 40, 41, 3349, 3366, 
3367; Barro Colorado Island, Woodworth & Vestal 66A. снікшюсі: Lino Hill, alt. 1200— 
1500 m., Powell 200. PANAMÁ: Cerro Campana, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2452; Panamá City, 
Kieswetter s. n. 

26. EPIDENDRUM BISULCATUM Ames, Sched. Orch. 5:24, Ё. 5. 1923. 

Small, branched, epiphytic herbs up to about 50 cm. long. Stems slender, 
much branched, covered with the scarious leaf-sheaths when young, becoming 
naked with age. Leaves 4—10 cm. long and 0.6—2 cm. broad, elliptic to lanceolate 
to oblanceolate, acute. Inflorescence shorter than the leaves, 1- to few-flowered, 
borne on a short winged peduncle. Flowers greenish, the lip with a purple cast. 
Dorsal sepal 7-10 mm. long and 3—6 mm. broad, oval to oblong-ligulate, acutish. 
Lateral sepals 10-12 mm. long and 3-6 mm. broad, oblong to oblong-oval, ob- 
lique, acute. Petals 7-10 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, linear, obtuse. Lip 
unguiculate; the claw adnate to the column; lamina 7-10 mm. long and 9-13 
mm. broad, suborbicular-cordate, crenulate, obscurely emarginate, fleshy, provided 
with 2 (or 3) submammillate calluses at the base which are prolonged into low 


[Vor. 33 


f @ 
кабель ano p 


COCU mn 

оға "a % 7/ я 

Fig. 125. Epidendrum bisulcatum 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 343 

fleshy keels and with a low keel passing between the mammillae. 


HIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, Boquete District, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 122, 322; Palo Alto 
Hill, p 1800 m., Powell 280, 28 
27. EPIDENDRUM CALIGARIUM Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. 1869:1110. 1869; 

Ames, Sched. Orch. 9:48, fig. 8. 1925. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 80 cm. long. Stems slender, strict, 
covered with loosely appressed sheaths, the sheaths densely maculated with minute, 
purple, papillose or tuberculate excrescences. Leaves 1.5—6 cm. long and 0.3—0.6 
cm. broad, linear or linear-lanceolate, borne near the apex of the stem. Inflores- 
сепсе exceeding the leaves, a densely flowered simple or branched raceme. Sepals 



Fig. 126. Epidendrum caligarium 

5-6 mm. long and 2.5-3 mm. broad, oval, obtuse or obscurely apiculate. Petals 
5-6 mm. long and about 1.5 mm. broad, elliptic-oblanceolate. Lip unguiculate; 
the claw adnate to the column; lamina 6-8 mm. long and 8-10 mm. broad, more 
or less orbicular in outline, 3-lobed, the lateral lobes deeply lacerate, often cut 
nearly to the middle of the lip, each lobe often 4-partite, mid-lobe deeply retuse, 
the lateral lobules denticulate or laciniate; disc provided with 2 small antrorse, 
submammillate calluses at the base. 
Known definitely only from Panama. 

VERAGUAS: San Juan, alt. 360 m., Powell 380. 


[Vor. 33 

28. EPIDENDRUM Caro ni Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Вей. 19:35. 1923. 

Erect, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 40 cm. tall. Stems 3-12 cm. 
long, slender, covered with the scarious leaf-sheaths, becoming naked with age, 
bearing leaves toward the apex. Leaves 2.5-8 cm. long and 0.7-2 cm. broad, 
elliptic-lanceolate or oblong. Inflorescence up to 30 cm. long, long-pedunculate, 
a simple or branched raceme; peduncle ancipitous, covered with several equitant 
scarious bracts. Flowers small, usually purplish with a yellow lip. Dorsal sepal 
5-6 mm. long and 1.5—2 mm. broad, lanceolate to oblong, acute or obtuse. 
Lateral sepals similar to the dorsal but oblique. Petals 3-5 mm. long and 1-1.8 
mm. broad, linear to linear-oblong, slightly arcuate, obscurely denticulate. Lip 
unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina 4-5 mm. long and as broad, 
ovate-cordate, crenulate, fleshy, the disc with a longitudinal callus well developed 
and joining the two erect lateral lobes of the lip. 

Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama. 

cHIRIQUÍ: Boquete, alt. 1150 m., Davidson 1058. 

29. EPIDENDRUM CENTRADENIA Reichb. f. in Walp. Ann. 6: index p. 1163. 1865. 
Oerstedella centradenia Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:932. 1852. 
Epidendrum tenuiflorum Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 3:49. 1906. 

Caespitose or spreading and proliferous epiphytic herbs up to 0.5 m. or perhaps 
longer. Stems slender, covered with the amplexicaul, minutely papillose or tuber- 
culate leaf-sheaths, becoming naked with age, simple or branched, bearing leaves 
mainly toward the apex of the new growths. Leaves 2-9 cm. long and 0.2-0.8 
cm. broad, linear to linear-lanceolate, acute. Inflorescence 1- to few-flowered; flow- 
ers lilac-colored. Sepals 7-10 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, acute. 
Petals 7-10 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, linear-oblanceolate, obtuse, slightly 
oblique. Lip 10-18 mm. long and 9—17 mm. broad, unguiculate; the narrow 
claw adnate to the column; lamina 3-lobed, lateral lobes small, about 3 mm. long, 
explanate, mid-lobe relatively large, deeply retuse and with the two large divari- 
cate lobules cuneate to the junction with the lateral lobes; disc provided with a 
small hood-shaped tridentate callus at the base of the lamina. Column with a 
large hood-shaped or calyptriform clinandrium. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: "Province of Chiriquí”, alt. 1200 m., Powell 130. 

30. EPIDENDRUM CENTROPETALUM Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:732. 1852. 
Oerstedella centropetala Reichb. f. loc. cit. 932. 

Epidendrum aberrans Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 15:206. 1918. 

Epidendrum leprosum Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:38. 1923. 

Caespitose or repent epiphytic herbs up to 65 cm. tall. Stems slender, covered 
with the leaf-sheaths or naked with age, simple or branched, bearing leaves mainly 
toward the apex; leaf-sheaths verrucose or tuberculate. Leaves 2.5-8 cm. long 
and 0.3—1.5 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, acute or obtuse. Inflores- 


19461 А 
FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 345 

cence a simple few- to several-flowered raceme exceeding the leaves; flowers small, 
rose to purple. Dorsal вера! 7-9 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, elliptic to ob- 
lanceolate, obtuse or acute. Lateral sepals 7-10 mm. long and 2-3.5 mm. broad, 
oblong or oblanceolate, acute, arcuate. Petals 6-9 mm. long and 1-2.3 mm. 
broad, linear-oblanceolate, obtuse. Lip unguiculate, strongly 3-lobed; claw at 
the base adnate to the column, free above, fleshy and provided with a raised sulcate 
and retuse callus reaching to about the lateral lobes; lamina strongly 3-lobed, the 
mid-lobe strongly bilobed, lateral lobes 2-4 mm. long, explanate, oblong, obtuse; 
terminal lobe clawed and the two lobules explanate to recurved, the lobules oblong, 
obtuse or acute. Column provided with а hood-shaped or calyptriform 
Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Chiriquí Volcano, Warscewicz. 

31. EPIDENDRUM COCLÉENSE Ames, Hub. & Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. 

Univ. 4:6. 1936. 

Scandent epiphytic herbs up to about 2.5 m. long. Stems simple or branched, 
covered with the amplexicaul leaf-sheaths or naked with age. Leaves 4-10 cm. 
long and 4-6 mm. broad, linear or ensiform, acute. Inflorescence short, 1- to 3- 
flowered, shorter than the subtending leaves; sheath up to 15 cm. long, subimbri- 
cated, scarious, cucullate, exceeding the pedicels of the flowers. Dorsal sepals 
about 8 mm. long and 2.5 mm. broad, linear-oblong, obtuse. Lateral sepals about 
10 mm. long and 3.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, shortly alate-keeled dorsally 
at the apex. Petals about 8 mm. long and 2 mm. broad, oblanceolate, acute. Lip 
unguiculate, fleshy; claw adnate to the column; lamina about 6 mm. long and 4 
mm. broad, oblong-ovate, simple, obtuse, provided with a small tridentate callus 
under the apex of the column, the middle tooth of which is prolonged into a 
longitudinal carina. 


cocLÉ: El Valle de Antón, alt. 500 m., Hunter & Allen 380. 
32. EPIDENDRUM CONFERTUM Ames & Schweinf. Sched. Orch. 10:61. 1930. 
Epidendrum prostratum Schltr. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:407. 1918, non Cogn. 

Branched or simple, prostrate epiphytic herbs up to 50 cm. long. Stems slen- 
der, densely leaved, covered with the amplexicaul leaf-sheaths. Leaves 8-15 mm. 
long and 3-6 mm. broad, oblong-ligulate to ovate, acute to aristate. Inflorescence 
usually a single flower at the apex of the stem or branches. Sepals 8—9 mm. long 
and 2-2.5 mm. broad, lanceolate-ligulate, acute. Petals about 8 mm. long and 
1 mm. broad, linear, obtuse or acute, broadest near the apex. Lip unguiculate; 
claw adnate to the column; lamina about 5 mm. long and as broad, orbicular- 
cordate, slightly cochleate. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, Boquete District, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 246. 


[Vor. 33 

33. EPIDENDRUM CONGESTUM Rolfe in Kew Bull. 1913:29. 1913. 
Epidendrum serruliferum Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:44. 1923. 

Small, densely caespitose herbs up to 7 cm. tall. Stems short, covered with the 
broad equitant bases of the leaves. Inflorescence 1- to few-flowered, sessile in the 
axils of the terminal leaves. Leaves 8-30 mm. long and 4-8 mm. broad, linear- 
oblong to oblong-oval, obtuse, approximate, semi-equitant, spreading, fleshy. 
Dorsal sepal 7-9 mm. long and 3—4 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute to acuminate. 
Lateral sepals 8-10 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, lanceolate, cucullate, alate- 
keeled dorsally and the keel denticulate, oblique, connate at the base with the claw 
of the lip. Petals 7-8 mm. long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, minutely 
denticulate. Lip 7-10 mm. long, long-unguiculate; claw adnate to the column 
but exceeding it slightly; lamina 4—5 mm. long and 3—4 mm. broad, lanceolate- 
cordate to cordate, acute or acuminate, fleshy, lobes more or less erect. Clinan- 
drium not fimbriate. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

cocLÉ: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1247. 

34. EPIDENDRUM CORIIFOLIUM Lindl. in Jour. Hort. Soc. Lond. 6:218, fig. 1851; 

Summerhayes in Bot. Mag. 160: /. 0477. 1937. 

Epidendrum magnibracteatum Ames, Sched. Orch. 6. 1922, поп Kranzlin 
Epidendrum coriifolium Lindl. var. purpurascens Scher in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 

17:31. 1922 
Epidendrum fuscopurpureum Schltr. loc. cit. 32. 

Epidendrum palmense Ames, loc. cit. 2:33. 1923. 
Epidendrum subviolascens Schltr. loc. cit. 19:219. 1923. 

Erect, caespitose or repent, epiphytic herbs up to about 40 cm. tall. Stems 
indurated, covered toward the base with sub-scarious sheaths and above by the 
amplexicaul leaf-sheaths, bearing 2-4 leaves above. Leaves 7-30 cm. long and 
1—4.5 cm. broad, ligulate or ligulate-oblong, obtuse, apex bilobed, keeled dorsally 
along the mid-nerve. Inflorescence up to 30 cm. long, with up to 15 flowers, the 
peduncle enveloped in the imbricated floral-bracts; bracts 15—65 mm. long and 
10—30 mm. broad when spread out, strongly cucullate, obtuse; flowers variable in 
size, greenish or the lip purplish. Dorsal вера! 15-25 mm. long and 3.5-6 mm. 
broad, lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 15-25 mm. long and 5-11 mm. broad, 
lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, oblique. Petals 14-20 mm. long and 1.5-2.5 
mm. broad, linear to linear-oblanceolate, acute. Lip unguiculate; the claw adnate 
to the column; lamina 12-25 mm. long and 14-28 mm. broad, cordate-reniform, 
usually retuse or bilobed at the apex, fleshy, provided with a longitudinal callus- 
thickening, entire or serrulate. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru. 

HIRIQUi: Bajo Chorro, Boquete District, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 245; province of 

Chiriquí, alt. 1200 m., Powell 19, 3304. cocté: region north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 
1000 m., Allen 2901 

A. variable species that has been much described. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 347 

35. EPIDENDRUM CRINIFERUM Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. 1291. 1871; Hook. f. 

іп Bot. Mag. 100: /. 6094. 1874. 

Erect, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 50 cm. tall Stems slender, strict, 
simple, covered with the amplexicaul leaf-sheaths or naked below. Leaves 5-13 
cm. long and 0.5-1.5 cm. broad, elliptic-linear to linear-lanceolate, acute, erect 
or spreading. Inflorescence a simple few-flowered raceme, peduncle covered with 
several large imbricated spathe-like bracts at the base. Sepals 10-25 mm. long 
and 2-3 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, acute or acuminate.  Petals 
10—20 mm. long and about 1 mm. broad, filiform. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate 
to the column; lamina strongly 3-lobed, the lateral lobes semi-ovate with crenate 
or laciniate margins and the setae usually recurved, the mid-lobe 5-12 mm. long 
and linear or filiform, disc provided with 2 tubercular calluses at the apex of the 

Costa Rica, Panama and Peru. 

СОСІ.Е: north rim of El Valle de Antón, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1670. 

36. EPIDENDRUM CRYPTANTHUM Г. Wms. in Am. Orch. Soc. Bull. 11:249, 8. 7. 


Repent, branched, epiphytic herbs up to about 40 cm. long. Stems slender, 
covered with the scarious amplexicaul leaf-sheaths, becoming naked with age, 
arcuate, continuing the growth from about the middle of the previous year's 
growth, unilateral in origin, somewhat swollen toward the apex of each growth. 
Leaves 5.5-8 cm. long and 1.7-3 cm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-ovate, acute, 
coriaceous, 2-3 at the apex of each growth. Inflorescence about 3 cm. long, a 
short, congested subcapitate raceme; bracts conspicuous, ovate or ovate-oblong, 
entire or lacerate toward the apex; flowers small, hidden by the subtending bracts. 
Dorsal sepal about 10 mm. long and 3 mm. broad, elliptic-oblong, obtuse. Lateral 
sepals 10-11 mm. long and 3.5-4 mm. broad, elliptic-oblong or elliptic-oval, 
obtuse or acutish, arcuate. Petals about 10 mm. long and 3.5-4 mm. broad, 
oblanceolate-oblong, obtuse. Lip short-unguiculate; lamina about 10 mm. long 
and 8 mm. broad, obovate, cordate at the base, the apex apiculate, lateral margins 
involute; disc fleshy. 

COCLÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 800-1000 m., Allen 2262. 

37. EPIDENDRUM DENTIFERUM Ames & Schweinf. Sched. Orch. 8:42. 1925. 
Epidendrum platychilum Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:42. 1923, non Schltr. 

Small, repent, epiphytic herbs up to about 10 cm. long. Stems slender, simple 
or branched, covered with the scarious leaf-sheaths or becoming naked. Leaves 
2-7 cm. long and 0.3—0.5 cm. broad, linear or ligulate. Inflorescence terminal, 
few-flowered; flowers relatively large for the plant. Dorsal sepal 8-15 mm. long 


[Vor 33 



Epidendrum cryptanthum 

Fig. 127. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 349 

and 2-2.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 9-16 mm. long and 
2.5-3.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acuminate, arcuate. Petals 8-15 mm. long, fili- 
form or subulate. Lip simple, unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina 
7-13 mm. long and 8-14 mm. broad, suborbicular or suborbicular-reniform, 
mucronate, provided with 2 small basal calluses. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

DARIEN: Cana Cuasi trail, Chepigana District, alt. 2400 m., Terry 9 Terry 1412. 

38. EPIDENDRUM DENTILOBUM Ames, Hub. & Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. 

Univ. 3:69. 1935. 

Erect, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 30 cm. tall. Stems slender, 
simple, covered with the scarious leaf-sheaths or naked below. Leaves 6-10 cm. 
long and 1.2-1.8 cm. broad, elliptic, acute. Inflorescence simple or branched, 
few-flowered; flowers inadequately known. Dorsal sepal about 12 mm. long and 
5 mm. broad, concave, narrowly oval. Lateral sepals about 10 mm. long and 6 
mm. broad, oblong-oval, oblique, acute. Petals about 11 mm. long and 5.5 mm. 
broad, spatulate-oblanceolate, oblique, obtuse. Lip unguiculate; claw short, 
adnate to the column; lamina 3-lobed, about 7 mm. long and 8 mm. broad; lateral 
lobes small, dentiform, narrowly triangular-lanceolate, explanate, about 1.5—2 mm. 
long; terminal lobe largest, semicircular-flabellate, cuneate to the base; disc with 
3 thickened, carinate nerves, the central one most prominent and with a mammil- 
late callus at the base. 


CANAL ZONE: hills back of San Juan, alt. sea-level, Powell 342. 
The available material of this species is inadequate. 

39. EPIDENDRUM DIFFORME Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. 20. 1760; Select. Stirp. Am. 
225, £. #30: 71163 

Epidendrum umbellatum Sw. Nov. Gen. & Sp. Prodr. 121. 1788. 

Epidendrum latilabrum Lindl. in Bot. oc 27: Misc. p. 77. 1841. 

Epidendrum chlorocorymbos Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:30. 

ое curvicolumna Ames, Hub. & Schweint. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Uis. 3:67. 

Caespitose or repent, epiphytic herbs up to 50 cm. tall. Stems fractiflex to 
straight, covered with the pergameneous, amplexicaul, occasionally infundibuli- 
form leaf-sheaths. Inflorescence a short, few- to many-flowered, subumbellate 
raceme; flowers greenish or yellowish, long-pedunculate. Leaves 2-12 cm. long 
and 0.5—3.5 cm. broad, variable, from linear-oblong to elliptic-oval, obtuse. Dorsal 
sepals 14-35 mm. long and 2-4 mm. broad, linear-elliptic to lanceolate or ob- 
lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 12-35 mm. long and 3-6 mm. broad, elliptic to 
oblanceolate, acute, oblique. Petals 7-30 mm. long and 1-5 mm. broad, filiform 
to linear to oblanceolate, acute. Lip 7-18 mm. long and 12—30 mm. broad, 
unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina transverse, reniform, broader 
than long, obscurely to prominently 3-lobed; mid-lobe usually bifid and longer 




[Vor. 33 

Fig. 128. Epidendrum difforme 


FLORA ОЕ PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 351 

than the lateral lobes. 

From Florida and Mexico through Central America and the West Indies to 
Brazil and Peru. 

са Вајо Chorro, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 182; Volcan de Chiriqui, alt. 2100 
m., Davidson 885; David, alt. 30-80 m., Pittier 2845; Lino Hill, alt. 1200-1500 m., 
Powell Mery Monte Lirio, alt. 1300-1900 m., Seibert 211. COCLÉ: hills north of El Valle 
de Antón, alt. 800-1000 m., Allen 2287, 2293; Valle Chiquito, alt. 700—800 m., Seibert 
514; San Juan, Chorrera, Pus and Frijoles, Powell 82, 249, 304, 3250, 3202, 3203, 3294, 

A variable and widely distributed species which may include E. Barbeyanum 
Krinzl., a species reported from Panama by garden specimen. The two following 
varieties are hardly distinct. 

39а. EPIDENDRUM DIFFORME Jacq. var. FIRMUM (Reichb. f.) Ames, Hub. & 
Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 2:55. 1934 

Epidendrum firmum Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 87. 1866. 

Epidendrum majale Schltr. in Већ. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:406. 1918. 
Distinguished from the species in having the mid-lobe of the lip “ас most little 

broader than long, subquadrate.” 
Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Finca Lérida to Peña Blanca, alt. 1750-2000 m., Woodson & Schery 208. 

39Ь. EPIDENDRUM DIFFORME Jacq. var. SIMULACRUM (Ames) Ames, Hub. & 
Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 2:57. 1934 
Epidendrum simulacrum Ames, Sched. Orch. 6:75. 1923. 

А small-flowered variant of the species, said to be distinguished from "'small- 
flowered specimens of the typical form of the species in having the mid-lobe of 
the lip a little broader than long.” 


CHIRIQUÍ: Lino Hill, alt. 1200-1500 m., Powell 208. 

40. EPIDENDRUM EBURNEUM Reichb. f. іп Gard. Chron. 404. 1867; Hook. f. in 
Bot. Mag. 93: ¢. 5043. 1867. 

Epidendrum leucocardium Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 12:206. 1913. 

Slender, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 50 cm. tall. Stems strict, 
covered with amplexicaul leaf-sheaths, becoming naked below. Leaves 3—14 cm. 
long and 0.8—2.5 cm. broad, elliptic to lanceolate, obtuse or acute. Inflorescence 
short, usually exceeded by the leaves, rachis strongly fractiflex; flowers rather 
large, white. Dorsal sepal 22-36 mm. long and 2.5—4 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, 
acute or acuminate. Lateral sepals 22-36 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, linear- 
lanceolate, acute or er slightly oblique. Petals 20-35 mm. long and 1—2 
mm. broad, filiform. Lip with claw adnate to the column; lamina 20—30 mm. 
long and 22-28 mm. ud orbicular-cordate to subquadrate or transversely 
orbicular-oblong, usually apiculate, entire or rarely lobed (one flower seen wit 


[Vor. 33 

distinct sinuses) ; disc with 2 mammillate calluses at the base near the apex of the 

Panama, near sea-level. 

CAS DEL TORO: vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 8 50, 1625, 2556, 2766. CANAL 
ZONE: Gatun Lake, near Colón, Powell 38, 132, 3462; “а few miles from Colón in 
swamps,” Henderson. согом: Río Indio de Fató, Pittier 4266. 
41. EPIDENDRUM ELLIPSOPHYLLUM L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28:419, 

[. 22, figs. 1-2. 1941. 

Erect epiphytic herbs up to about 25 cm. tall. Stems slightly fusiform and 
indurated, with only the annual leaves persisting and the sheaths of the older 
leaves becoming scarious and disintegrating. Leaves 11-12 cm. long and 2-2.8 
cm. broad, elliptic, short-acuminate, usually only 2 or 3 persisting. Peduncles up 
to about 4 cm. long, ancipitous, generally covered with imbricated bracts. In- 
florescence short, 1-, or at most few-,flowered; bracts up to about 2 cm. long, 
cucullate, lanceolate-triangular, acute; flowers green, segments stiff and coriaceous. 
Sepals 10—12 mm. long and 3—4 mm. broad, elliptic to oblanceolate, obtuse, 5- 
nerved. Petals about 10-11 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse, 
with 3 principal nerves. Lip unguiculate, the claw mostly adnate to the column; 
lamina 5-6 mm. long and 5-6 mm. broad, orbicular-ovate іп outline, 3-lobed, the 
lateral lobes small and situated toward the base of the lip, with a 2-ridged lamellate 
callus plate at the junction of the claw and the lamina. Column slender, about 
8 mm. long; clinandrium entire and obtuse; pollinia not seen. 


cocLÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2178, 2706. 
This species is illustrated in fig. 123. 

42. EpIDENDRUM Емркеѕи Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. п. s. 19:432. 1883; Hook. 
f. in Bot. Mag. 128: £. 7855. 1902. 
Epidendrum Adolphi Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 3:108. 1906. 

Caespitose or repent, epiphytic herbs up to about 30 cm. long. Stems slender, 
simple or branched; the amplexicaul leaf-sheaths verrucose and tuberculate. 
Leaves 1—4.5 cm. long and 0.5—1.5 cm. broad, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, 
coriaceous. Inflorescence a simple, few-flowered raceme; flowers white tinged with 
purple. Dorsal sepal 8-10 mm. long and 3-5 mm. broad, elliptic to oval, acute. 
Lateral sepals 9-11 mm. long and 3.5—4.5 mm. broad, ovate-oblong, acute. Petals 
8-11 mm. long and 2.5—5 mm. broad, oblanceolate-spatulate to obovate-spatulate, 
obtuse, slightly oblique. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina 
7-12 mm. long and 6—10 mm. broad, 3-lobed; lateral lobes 2—4 mm. long, ex- 
planate, subtriangular, obtuse or acute; mid-lobe bifid with the lobules spreading; 
disc provided with 2 submammillate calluses under the apex of the column. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQU{: Bajo Chorro, Boquete District, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 323. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 353 

43. EPIDENDRUM EQUITANTIFOLIUM Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:39. 1923. 
Epidendrum equitans Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 24: Misc. p. 44. 1838, non Forst. f. пес 

Ruiz & Pavon. 

Erect or pendent, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 4 dm. long. Stems 
slender, leafy, ancipitous. Leaves 8-27 cm. long and 0.4-1.2 cm. broad, equitant, 
ancipitous, linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, fleshy. Inflorescence borne on an 
ancipitous, winged peduncle up to 25 cm. long and simulating a leaf, 1- to few- 
flowered, subcapitate, subtended by a reduced leaf-like bract. Flowers small, dull- 
colored. Sepals 12-17 mm. long and 1.5-2.5 mm. broad, linear to linear-oblong 
or elliptic, acute or obtuse. Petals 8-13 mm. long and 1-2 mm. broad, linear- 
oblanceolate to linear-elliptic. Lip unguiculate; the claw adnate to the column 
for about half its length; lamina 7-9 mm. long and 5-6 mm. broad, 3-lobed, 
provided with a callus on the claw at the base; lateral lobes semi-orbicular; termi- 
nal lobe lanceolate to triangular-lanceolate; disc concave or cochleate. 

Mexico, British Honduras, Honduras and Panama. 

CANAL ZONE: hills east of Panamá City, Powell 206, 3409. снікюоі: "Province of 
Chiriqui”, alt. 900-1050 m., Powell 206. 

44. EPIDENDRUM EXASPERATUM Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 87. 1866. 
Epidendrum chondranthum Kránzl. in Vierteljahrschr. Naturforsch. Ges. Zürich 74:136. 

Erect, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 3 dm. tall, normally less. Stems 
slender to thickened, simple or branched, covered with amplexicaul leaf-sheaths, 
becoming naked with age. Leaves 4—13 cm. long and 0.5—4.5 cm. broad, elliptic 
to lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, obtuse or acute, those on branches smallest and 
narrowest. Inflorescences either terminal or lateral or both, the lateral ones 
originating opposite the base of a leaf, simple or paniculate. Flowers greenish or 
whitish and mottled with red or purple. Dorsal вера! 8-14 mm. long and 3-6 
mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or acute, cucullate, fleshy, verrucose to 
mammillate dorsally, the mid-nerve prolonged into a subterminal apicule. Lateral 
sepals similar but elliptic-oblong and usually oblique. Petals 8-11 mm. long and 
2—4 mm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse. Lip unguiculate, the claw adnate to the 
column, fleshy or callus-thickened; lamina 7-13 mm. long and about as broad, 
prominently 3-lobed; lateral lobes spreading, originating about opposite the apex 
of the column, oblong, oblique, obtuse, 3-5 mm. long, rarely lobulate or dentate; 
mid-lobe bilobulate, emarginate, the lobules divergent to explanate, rarely dentate, 
obtuse; disc usually provided with a low callus-thickening which extends from 
the claw to the isthmus between the lateral lobes and usually is terminated by two 
mammillate processes, rarely continuous from base to apex,—often obscurely 
verrucose. Column provided with 2 thin stelidia at the apex over the anther. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 


[Vor. 33 

CHIRIQUÍ: south slope of Volcán de Chiriquí, Boquete District, alt. 2900 m., Terry 
8 Terry 1343; trail from Potrero Muleta to Finca Lérida, Woodson 9 Schery 475. 

45. Ерремрком HUNTERIANUM Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:33. 
1922. | 

Pendent or erect epiphytic herbs up to about 30 cm. long. Stems simple, 
somewhat compressed, densely leaved. Leaves to 7.5 cm. long and 4 cm. broad, 
oblong or broadly oblong, obtuse, unequally bilobed. Inflorescence short, terminal, 
4- to 6-flowered, subumbellate; bracts ovate, obtuse to acuminate. Sepals about 
1.5 cm. long, oblong-ligulate, subacute, the laterals oblique. Petals about as long 
as the sepals but narrower, lanceolate-ligulate, subacute, narrowed at the base. 
Lip unguiculate, the claw adnate to the column; lamina about 11 mm. long and 
about 10 mm. broad, suborbicular-cordate, very obtuse, base with 2 oblique 
calluses, median nerves thickened. 


CANAL ZONE: Im Uberschwemmungsgebiete des Gatun-Sees, Powell 29. 
No specimens were seen of this species. Description taken from the original. 

46. EPIDENDRUM IBAGUENSE HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. РІ. 1:352. 1816; С. 
Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 11:229. 1944. 

Epidendrum radicans Pavon ex Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 104. 1831; Ames, Hub. & 
chweinf. Genus Epidendrum in U. S. & Mid. Am. 162. 1936 

Epidendrum radicans Pavon var. chiriquense Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:39. 

Variable terrestrial or epiphytic herbs with stems from about 0.1 to 1 m. long, 
erect, pendent or sprawling. Stems simple or branched, usually slender and leaf- 
bearing on the newer growths, provided with long whitish roots which orig- 
inate opposite the bases of some of the leaves, or rarely without these roots. Leaves 
1.5-12 cm. long and 0.6-3.5 cm. broad, ligulate to oval or oblong to ovate, obtuse, 
fleshy, lax or crowded. Inflorescence а lax to short subumbellate or paniculate 
raceme borne at the apex of a scape which may be up to 1 m. long; scape slender, 
terete, covered with scarious, appressed bracts or becoming naked, often branched. 
Flowers variable in size and color, from red to white but most often brick-red. 
Dorsal sepal 12-22 mm. long and 4-7 mm. broad, elliptic or oblong to narrowly 
obovate, acute. Lateral sepals similar but slightly oblique. Petals 12-20 mm. long 
and 5-8 mm. broad, elliptic to obovate, acute. Lip unguiculate, the claw adnate 
to the column; lamina 7-17 mm. long and as broad, 3-lobed, suborbicular-cordate 
in outline; the lateral lobes large, rounded, larger than the mid-lobe, the margins 
entire or usually lacerate; mid-lobe usually oblong in outline, bilobulate with the 
lobules slighty divergent, entire or usually lacerate, equalling or exceeding the tips 
of the lateral lobes in length; disc provided with 2 flattened submammillate calluses 
at the apex of the column and usually with 2 inconspicuous lamellate calluses 
extending from the apex of the column toward the apex of the lip. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 355 

Mexico to Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and British Guiana. 

BOCAS DEL TORO: without locality, Wedel 12. CANAL ZONE: Quebrada Ancha, alt. 
770 m., Dodge & Steyermark 17042; Barro Colorado Island, Woodworth & Vestal 703, 
70 CHIRIQUÍ: Volcán de Chiriquí, alt. 2450 m., Davidson 945; valley of Rio Caldera, 
alt. 1400—1600 m., Killip 3517; Chiriquí, alt. 1000- 1200 m., Powell 61, hee: 3515; be- 
tween Concepción and El Volcán, Peggy White 314; Chiriqui Viejo Valley, Gene White 
84; Finca Lérida to Boquete, alt. 1300-1700 m., Woodson, Allen 9 Seibert 1098; vicinity 
of Boquete, alt. 1200-1500 m., Woodson 9 Schery 707. 

A variable species, both in vegetative and floral structure. Where it occurs it 
is often exceedingly common. 

47. EPIDENDRUM IMATOPHYLLUM Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. РІ. 106. 1831; Ames, 
Sched. Orch. 4:43, figs. 1923. | 
Epidendrum lorifolium Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 17:35. 1922. 

Epiphytic (or terrestrial) herbs occasionally up to about 1 m. long. Stems 
slender, somewhat weak, arising from a rhizome, covered with the pergameneous 
leaf-sheaths, becoming naked with age. Leaves 6-20 cm. long and 0.6-3 cm. 
broad, ligulate to ligulate-lanceolate, acute or obtuse, coriaceous. Inflorescence 
simple or occasionally branched, a more or less compact raceme borne at the apex 
of a slender peduncle which may be up to 2 dm. long; flowers rose to purple. 
Dorsal sepal 13-20 mm. long and 3.5-5 mm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate, 
acute or acuminate. Lateral sepals similar to the dorsal except oblique. Petals 
13-18 mm. long and 6-8 mm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-rhomboid, acute. Lip 
unguiculate; lamina 7-10 mm. long and 5-9 mm. broad, oblong to oblong- 
obovate in outline, obscurely 3-lobed or lacerate-dentate, especially toward the 
base; disc with 2 short submammillate calluses at the apex of the column and with 
a short lamellate callus between them and extending toward the apex of the lip. 

Mexico to Panama, Trinidad, Colombia to Peru, the Guianas and Brazil. 

CANAL ZONE: е swamp, Allen 867. PANAMA: Sabana, Pittier 3403; Tapia 
River, Juan Diaz region, Maxon 9 Harvey 6608; above Peluca Hydrographic Station, 
Hunter & Allen Bea; “Panama”, Powell 138. 

This species usually has its roots inhabited by ants. It is said to deteriorate in 
cultivation if the ants are exterminated. 

48. EpIDENDRUM INCOMPTUM Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:733. 1852; Ames in 

Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 4:64, 2. 1936. 

Erect or scandent epiphytic herbs up to about 70 cm. long. Stems branched 
or rarely simple, bearing leaves near the apex of the stem, covered with the amplexi- 
caul leaf-sheaths or naked below. Leaves 3-13 cm. long and 1.5-5.5 cm. broad, 
narrowly oblong to oblanceolate-acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence a few- to several- 
flowered terminal raceme, about equal to the subtending leaves; flowers greenish. 
Dorsal sepal 11-15 mm. long and 3.5-5.5 mm. broad, oblanceolate, acute. Lateral 
sepals 11-15 mm. long and 4.5-6 mm. broad, semilunate, acute. Petals 11-14 
mm. long and 1.5—2 mm. broad, narrowly oblanceolate, acute. Lip unguiculate; 
claw adnate to the column; lamina 7-9 mm. long and 12-17 mm. broad, fleshy, 


[Vor. 33 


4 Лы S а №. 
^ Cd АА S, 

ЕРОЕМОКОМ inçomplam * vid сеге. f. 
Fig. 129. Epidendrum incomptum 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 357 

3-lobed, subreniform in outline, lobes about equal, the laterals divaricate and 
rounded, the mid-lobe subtriangular; disc without calluses. 
Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: “Chiriqui”, Warscewicz. 

No specimens of this species have been found in Panama since the original was 

49. EPIDENDRUM ISOMERUM Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 2:132. 1906. 

Pendent or repent epiphytic herbs up to 1 m., or perhaps more, long. Stems 
slender, simple or usually branched, flexuose, bearing leaves toward the apex of the 
new growths, covered with the chartaceous leaf-sheaths, even when old. Leaves 
2-12 cm. long and 0.15-0.4 cm. broad, linear, acute, flat or subterete. Inflores- 
cence a single flower borne at the apex of new growths. Flower small, yellowish. 
Sepals 11-15 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, acute, margins 
revolute. Petals 11-13 mm. long and 1.2-1.5 mm. broad, elliptic-linear, acute. 
Lip unguiculate, claw adnate to the column; lamina 8—9 mm. long and 2-2.5 mm. 
broad, narrowly lanceolate, trulliform or canaliculate, fleshy, acute; disc provided 
with 2 short inconspicuous calluses at the base and with 1 sublamellate median 
callus extending from the base to about the middle of the lamina. 

Mexico, Guatemala, British Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. 

OCAS DEL TORO: between Finca St. Louis and Konkintoë, alt. 10-15 m., Woodson, 

Allen 5 Seibert 1886. CANAL ZONE: Rio Medio, Miller 1746. 
50. EPIDENDRUM LOCKHARTIOIDES Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:39. 

1923; Ames, Sched. Orch. 8:46, Ё. 24. 1925 

Small, densely caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 2.5 dm. tall, usually less. 
Stems covered with the subequitant bases of the leaves. Leaves 1—3.5 cm. long, 
laterally compressed, approximate, spreading, cultriform, and the sheathing base 
subequitant, 5-10 mm. broad. Inflorescence composed of several flowers borne 
in the axils of the upper (sheath-like) leaves; flowers inconspicuous, greenish- 
yellow or green. Dorsal sepal 6-7 mm. long and about 3 mm. broad, broadly 
lanceolate, acute, cucullate. Lateral sepals 6—8 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, 
cucullate, arcuate, lanceolate, prominently keeled along the mid-nerve dorsally, 
the keel usually denticulate. Petals 4-7 mm. long and 0.5—1 mm. broad, linear, 
obtuse, slightly arcuate. Lip 5—7 mm. long, unguiculate; claw adnate to the 
column; lamina 4—5 mm. long and as broad, cordate-orbicular to subquadrate, 
obtuse, often with a short apicule, mid-nerve callus- ере; 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

cocLÉ: El Valle de Antón, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 1680, 2206. 

51. EPIDENDRUM MICRODENDRON Reichb. f. in Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 84. 1866. 

Pendent or repent epiphytic herbs up to about 70 cm. long. Stems slender, 
branched, covered with the leaf-sheaths or becoming naked. Leaves 1.5—5 cm. long 
and 0.3—0.9 cm. broad, linear-ligulate to elliptic-oblong, obtuse and with the apex 


[Vor. 33 

obscurely and unequally bilobed. Inflorescence a short terminal subfractiflex 
raceme of 2-8 flowers; bracts 4-7 mm. long, chartaceous, cucullate, acute. Dorsal 
вера! 7-10 mm. long and 1.5-3 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 6.5-9 
mm. long and 2.5-3 mm. broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, oblique. 
Petals 5-10 mm. long and 0.7-1.5 mm. broad, linear to elliptic-linear, acute. Lip 
unguiculate; the claw short, adnate to the column; lamina 5-8 mm. long, and 
when expanded about as broad, 3-lobed but obscurely so, the lateral lobes erect, 
rounded, enfolding the short column, mid-lobe lanceolate or narrowly triangular, 
acute or acuminate, fleshy, and the apex subterete; disc provided with a small 
cucullate callus under the apex of the column which is entire or tridentate at the 
apex. Column provided with a horn-like process at its apex. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Cuesta de las Palmas, Serra de la Horqueta, alt. 1700-2100 m., Pittier 3220. 

The specimen from Panama is not typical—perhaps represents a distinct species. 

52. EPIDENDRUM MOYOBAMBAE Krinzl. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 1:185. 1905; С. 

Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. ГеаЙ. Harv. Univ. 11:238. 1944. 

Epidendrum subpatens Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:40. 1922. 
Epidendrum benignum Ames in Sched. Orch. 2:26. 1923 

Pendent or ascending, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 8 dm. long. 
Stems slender, simple, covered with the leaf-sheaths above, naked at the base. 
Leaves 6-16 cm. long and 1.5-4 cm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, 
acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence a terminal few- to many-flowered pendent raceme 
up to about 4 dm. long; flowers rather large, greenish to yellowish or whitish. 
Dorsal вера! 17-25 mm. long and 5-9 mm. broad, oblanceolate, acute or obtuse. 
Lateral sepals 17-25 mm. long and 5-9 mm. broad, oblanceolate to narrowly obo- 
vate, oblique, obtuse. Petals 16-22 mm. long and 3-7 mm. broad, linear-oblance- 
olate to broadly oblanceolate, obtuse or acute, slightly oblique. Lip unguiculate; 
the claw adnate to the column; lamina 15-25 mm. long and 20-30 mm. broad, 
3-lobed; lateral lobes spreading or deflexed, suborbicular, obtuse, much larger than 
the mid-lobe; mid-lobe bilobulate, the lobules more or less divaricate, smaller than 
either lateral lobe; disc provided with 2 small submammillate or mammillate 
calluses under the apex of the column and with 1 or rarely 3 lamellate calluses 
extending along or near the median line. 

Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad, Colombia, Peru and Brazil. 

ZONE: Gatün Lake, Powell 86, 3337, 3558; Barro Colorado Island, Shattuck 
216. VERAGUAS: Santiago, alt. 15 m., Powell 86, 3558. 

Presumably this was originally confused with Epidendrum patens Sw. It may 
prove to be the same. It is a rather showy plant. Powell's numbers for the two 
localities are the same, and it is possible that all of the material came from one 
original collection. 



FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 



Fig. 130. Epidendrum nocturnum 

53. EPIDENDRUM NOCTURNUM Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. 29. 1760; Select. Stirp 

Am. 225, #. 130. 1763; Ames, Hub. & Schweinf. Genus Epidendrum in U. 5 

and Mid. Am. 129. 1936. 

Epidendrum nocturnum Jacq. var. panamense Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:36. 

Variable, caespitose or subrepent, epiphytic plants up to 1 m. tall. Stems 
slender, simple, covered with the scarious leaf-sheaths or becoming naked. Leaves 


[Vor. 33 

5-15 cm. long and 0.8-6.5 cm. broad, elliptic, elliptic-oblong, ligulate or oval, 
acute or obtuse, coriaceous to fleshy. Inflorescence a 1- to few-flowered terminal 
raceme (1 flower open at a time); rachis when present fractiflex; flowers large, 
usually white. Sepals similar, 35-90 mm. long and 2-5 mm. broad, from filiform 
to linear, acute or acuminate. Petals similar to the sepals but smaller, 35-80 mm. 
long and 1-3 mm. broad. Lip unguiculate, claw adnate to the column; lamina 
up to 65 mm. long, prominently 3-lobed; lateral lobes subparallel, acute, oblique, 
lanciform, 10-40 mm. long; mid-lobe subfiliform, 20-40 mm. long. 
Florida, Mexico to Panama, the West Indies and tropical South America. 
8 DEL ToRO: vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 1001, 2938. CANAL ZONE: 
hills near Panamá City, Gatün Lake, Frijoles, San Juan, aei nó Paja, Powell 35, 216, 
217, 3020, 3055, 3073, 3075. CHIRIQUÍ: “Chiriqui”, alt. 1200-1400 m., Powell 347. 
состЕ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 800-1000 m., Allen 2257. 
Occasional throughout the American tropics, usually found at low elevations 

but occasionally in the mountains. 

54. EPIDENDRUM OBESUM Ames in Sched. Orch. 2:31. 1923. 

Coarse, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 6 dm. tall. Stems slender, 
covered with the loosely amplexicaul complanate leaf-sheaths or reduced leaves. 
Leaves 5-20 cm. long and 3-7 cm. broad, elliptic-ligulate to oval, obtuse, usually 
crowded on the stem. Inflorescence a short, few- to several-flowered raceme sub- 
tended by a large spathaceous sheath, the flowers long-pedunculate, whitish. Dorsal 
sepal 35—55 mm. long and 3-7 mm. broad, linear or linear-elliptic, acute. Lateral 
sepals similar to the dorsal except slightly arcuate. Petals 28-50 mm. long and 
1.5—4 mm. broad, linear, acute. Lip unguiculate; the claw adnate to the column; 
lamina 18-30 mm. long and up to about 15 mm. broad, 3-lobed; the lateral lobes 
semiorbicular to subquadrate, explanate, obtuse, about 6-8 mm. long and as broad; 
mid-lobe about 14-25 mm. long, linear-lanceolate to very narrowly triangular, 
acute; disc provided with 2 fleshy calluses at the base, the apices of which are free 
and porrect. Pedicellate ovary up to about 12 cm. long. 

Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Possibly also in Ecuador. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, Boquete District, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 1288. 

The flowers somewhat resemble those of Epidendrum nocturnum Jacq. 

55. EPIDENDRUM PANAMENSE Schltr. in Fedde Rep. 12:212. 1913. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 2 dm. tall. Stems ancipitous, covered 
with amplexicaul leaf-sheaths, provided with 2—3 leaves toward the apex. Leaves 
8-11 cm. long and 1-1.3 cm. broad, elliptic to lanceolate, acuminate. Inflores- 
cence a compact few-flowered distichous raceme terminating a slender ancipitous 
peduncle. Sepals about 1.2 cm. long, ligulate, apiculate, the laterals oblique. 
Petals about as long as the sepals, linear. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the 
column; lamina about 5 mm. long and 4 mm. broad, ovate, shortly acuminate, 
subcordate at the base, provided with 2 calluses at the base which have a short keel 
between them. (Description compiled from tbe original). 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 361 


PANAMA: Cerro de Garagara, Sambü Basin, southern Darién, alt. 550—974 m., Pittier 

Allied to Epidendrum Allenit L. Wms. and to E. Lankesteri Ames. 

56. EPIDENDRUM PANICULATUM Ruiz & Pavon, Syst. Veg. 243. 1798; Hook. f. 
in Bot. Мар. 94: 4. 5731. 1868; Ames, Hub. & Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. 
Harv. Univ. 2:67. 1934. 

Bre е НВК. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1:353, 7. 86. 1816; Hook. in Bot. Mag. 

“к ш Scb. f. in Gard. Chron. 1871:1678. 1871. 
1 1877 

Epidendrum Isthmi Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp Nov. Beih. 17:34. 1922. 
Epidéndrum reflexum Ames & Sekwa, in Sched. Orch. 8:49. 1925. 

Caespitose epiphytic or saxicolous plants up to about 1.5 dm. tall, often rank 
in growth. Stems simple, erect or spreading, covered with the amplexicaul leaf- 
sheaths or naked with age. Leaves 4—25 cm. long and 0.5-7 cm. broad, variable 
but essentially linear-lanceolate to oval, acute or acuminate, rarely obtuse, coria- 
ceous. Inflorescence from shorter than the subtending leaves to much longer, 
from a simple few-flowered raceme to a compound multiflorous panicle, terminal, 
usually subtended with a spathe which may be up to 6 cm. long; bracts оп the 
peduncle from very short to about 7 cm. long; flowers variable in size and color. 
Dorsal вера! 7-16 mm. long and 2-3.5 mm. broad, elliptic to broadly oblanceolate, 
acute or obtuse. Lateral sepals 8-16 mm. long and 2.5-4.5 mm. broad, elliptic to 
broadly lanceolate, acute or obtuse. Petals 8-15 mm. long and 0.2-2 mm. broad, 
usually filiform or filiform-clavellate but occasionally linear-oblanceolate. Lip 
unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina 4-10 mm. long and 5-12 mm. 
broad, from nearly simple to 3- or 4-lobed (commonly 3-lobed); lateral lobes 
from dolabriform to obliquely triangular-ovate or ovate, outer margin entire to 
sublacerate; mid-lobe usually strongly bilobulate, but often from truncate to 
retuse, often apiculate, lobules variable in form and divergence, linear to oblong 
to triangular or spatulate, margin entire or somewhat lacerate; disc with 2 short 
sublamellate calluses at the base, often provided with one or more callus ridges 
parallel to the mid-nerve. 

Mexico to Panama and in South America to Argentina. 

CANAL ZONE: Quebrada Ancha, Steyermark & Allen 17100; hills east of Panamá 

City, and Rio Indio near the mouth of Chagres River, Powell 104, 323, 3306. CHIRIQUI: 
El Boquete, alt. 100-1300 m., Pittier 2073; “Chiriqui”, Powell 233, 3174; Rio Chiriqui 
Viejo, alt. 1300-1900 m., Seibert 145; Upper Rio Chiriquí Viejo, White 326. сосІЁ: 
vicinity of La Mesa, north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2380. PANAMA: Río 
Tapia, Standley 28137 

A widespread and variable species. Only the essential synonymy for Panama 
and adjacent Costa Rica has been given above. 


[Vor. 33 


/ И 222222 22 
А ee 2 
Ју == | 

Fig. 131. Epidendrum pendens 


57. EPIDENDRUM PENDENS L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28:421, £. 23. 

Pendent epiphytic herbs about 45 cm. long. Leaves 9-15 cm. long and 2-3.5 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 363 

cm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, coriaceous, distichous, marginate, gray, 
deciduous; leaf-sheaths loose, completely investing the stem, pergameneous, an- 
cipitous, the abscission line prominent. Inflorescence of 1 or few large terminal 
flowers subtended by a leaf-like sheath up to 3 cm. long; flowers large for the 
genus, green. Dorsal sepal about 5 cm. long and 1.2 cm. broad, oblong-oblance- 
olate, acute, fleshy, with 5-7 main nerves. Lateral sepals 4.3-4.8 cm. long and 
1.5 cm. broad, elliptic, acute, fleshy, with about 7 main nerves. Petals about 
4.5-5 cm. long and 2 mm. broad, linear, somewhat narrowed to the base, obtuse 
or acute, fleshy, 1-nerved. Lip with the claw adnate with the column to the apex 
of the column; lamina about 2.5-3 cm. long and 3 cm. broad, 3-lobed, suborbic- 
ular in general outline, with a thickened central nerve and with thickened nerves 
or ridges radiating from it and covering the remainder of the lip, lateral lobes 
rounded, about 1.5 cm. long, mid-lobe 1-1.5 cm. long and about 1.5 cm. broad, 
subquadrate, emarginate. Column 1.5-2 cm. long and 6-8 mm. in diameter at 
the apex, fleshy. 


COCLÉ: vicinity of La Mesa, El Valle de Antón, alt. 1000 m., Allen 2570. 

58. EPIDENDRUM PHYSODES Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. 289. 1873. 

Small repent or caespitose, epiphytic or terrestrial herbs up to about 30 cm. 
long. Stems simple, slender, densely leaved, prolonged into a long peduncle above. 
Leaves 1.5—6.5 cm. long and 0.3-0.8 cm. broad, lanceolate, the margins often 
revolute. Inflorescence a short few-flowered raceme (with 1 flower open at a 
time?) on the apex of a long peduncle. Dorsal sepal 5-9 mm. long and 2-3 mm. 
broad, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 5-9 mm. long and 
2.33.6 mm broad, elliptic-oblong to oblong-ovate, somewhat oblique, acute. 
Petals 4.5 mm. long and 0.5—0.8 mm. broad, linear to subfiliform. Lip unguic- 
ulate; claw adnate to the column; provided with a spur which is 3—4 mm. long, 
adnate to the ovary for a part of its length or occasionally for all of its length 
but usually the obtuse and rounded tip free; lamina 3-5 mm. long and 4-6 mm. 
broad, entire, subreniform or suborbicular, fleshy; disc with 2 mammillate calluses 
near the apex of the column and often with a longitudinal callus-thickening along 
the median line. 

Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama. 

BOCAS DEL TORO: vicinity of Chiriquí Lagoon, Wedel 1126. 

This species is atypical in the genus Epidendrum in that it is provided with a 
distinct spur which apparently originates from the lip. If generically distinct it 
belongs in Lindley's genus Physinga. Suitable material for comparative studies is 
not available. 

59. EPIDENDRUM PLATYSTIGMA Reichb. f. in Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 85. 1866. 

Epidendrum ramonianum Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:217. 1923. 
Epidendrum gibbosum L..W ms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28:420, £. 21, figs. 7-10. 


[Vor. 33 

Fig. 132. Epidendrum platystigma 

Simple or branched, repent, terrestrial or epiphytic herbs up to probably more 
than 5 dm. tall. Stems covered with the very loose leaf-sheaths or becoming naked 
and vernicose, up to 15 mm. in diameter. Leaves 2-15 cm. long and 0.5-2.5 cm. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 365 

broad, linear-lanceolate or linear-oblong to ligulate, obtuse and often unequally 
bilobulate at the apex, coriaceous, leaves on the sterile or poorly flowered branches 
largest, on the heavily flowered branches very small; leaf-sheaths usually some- 
what inflated and pergameneous, soon disintegrating. Inflorescences short, few- 
flowered, terminal, the rachis fractiflex; bracts up to 2 cm. long, scarious, coch- 
leate, acute; flowers greenish or whitish, often marked with red. Dorsal sepal 
7-12 mm. long and 4-6 mm. broad, elliptic-oblong, acute. Lateral sepals 7-12 
mm. long and 3-7 mm. broad, narrowly obovate to oblong-ovate, obtuse or acute, 
apiculate or winged dorsally along the mid-nerve. Petals 8—10 mm. long and 3-5 
mm. broad, oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, obtuse. Lip 6-12 mm. long and 
5-10 mm. broad, broadly oblong to suborbicular or cordate, obtuse or shallowly 
emarginate, fleshy and tumid along the mid-nerve or with several raised nerves, 
gibbous at the base, provided with an inconspicuous bi- or trilobate callus under 
the apex of the column. 
Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Volcán de Chiriquí, alt. 2600 m., Davidson 971; Casita Alta to Serra 
Copete, alt. 2300-3300 m., Woodson & Schery 367. 
60. EPIDENDRUM POLYANTHUM Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 106. 1831; Batem. 

Orch. Mex. & Guat. /. 34. 1842. 
Epidendrum pergameneum Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 86. 186 ў 
Epidendrum quinquelobum Schltr. in Fedde Кер. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:125. 1923, 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs, often rank-growing, up to about 1.5 m. tall. Stems 
erect or ascending, simple, leafy above. Leaves 5-25 cm. long and 0.8—5 cm. 
broad, from linear to oval or ovate, acute or acuminate, variable. Inflorescence 
terminal or lateral (i.e. flowers or racemes borne from below a leaf) or both, 
usually consisting of racemes borne laterally on an elongated peduncle, rarely the 
racemes branching and becoming paniculate, rarely consisting of a single short 
terminal raceme; flowers extremely variable in size and coloration. Dorsal sepal 
6.5-13 mm. long and 2.5-3.5 mm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse, papillose externally. 
Lateral sepals 6.5—16 mm. long and 2.5-5 mm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse, ob- 
lique, papillose externally. Petals 5-12 mm. long and about 0.5 mm. broad, fili- 
form or subfiliform. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina 4-7 
mm. long and 4—7 mm. broad, usually broader than long, 3-lobed or rarely almost 
entire; the lateral lobes oblong to flabellate, entire or usually undulate, dentate or 
lacerate; mid-lobe from subquadrate to oblong, retuse or bilobulate, the lobules 
sometimes explanate; disc provided with 2 mammillate calluses near the apex of the 
column and with one or more callus-thickened ridges along the median line. Ovary 
and pedicel usually papillose. 

Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Venezuela and 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, alt. 1400 m., Davidson 457. 

А polymorphic species which, however, is usually easy to recognize. 


[Vor. 33 

60a. EPIDENDRUM POLYANTHUM Lindl. var. мүореѕ (Reichb. f.) Ames, Hub. 
& Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 3:75. 1935. 
Epidendrum myodes Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 86. 1866. 

Similar to the species except the lateral sepals are said to be only 4-6.5 mm. 
long (6.5-16 mm. long in the species). 
Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. 

снікюілі: “Chiriqui”, alt. 1200 m., Powell 188, 242, 3398, 3452, 3404, 3472, 3505. 
61. EPIDENDRUM PonPAX Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 3:220. 1855. 
Epidendrum porphyrophyllum Schltr. in Fedde Кер. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:37. 1922. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 8 cm. tall. Stems short, covered 
with the scarious amplexicaul sheaths of the leaves. Leaves 7-25 mm. long and 
2—7 mm. broad, ligulate to lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or acute, fleshy, 
spreading. Inflorescence consisting of a single flower from the apex of the stem, 
subtended by a scarious sheath; flowers large for the plant, sepals and petals green- 
ish, lip purple. Dorsal sepal 7-14 mm. long and 2-5 mm. broad, lanceolate to 
lanceolate-ovate, acute. Lateral sepals 8-14 mm. long and 3-5.5 mm. broad, 
lanceolate to lanceolate-ovate, acute, adnate at the base to the claw of the lip and 
to the column for about the length of the column. Petals 7-13 mm. long and 
0.5—1.5 mm. broad, linear, obtuse, obscurely ciliolate toward the apex. Lip up to 
18 mm. long, unguiculate; claw narrow, adnate to the column; lamina 9-15 mm. 
long and as broad, suborbicular-cordate, obscurely ciliolate, fleshy, provided with 
2 mammillate calluses at the base under the apex of the column. 
Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and Venezuela. 
AL ZONE: foothills east of ты City, Powell 183. снимоој: “Province of 
Chiriqui” , alt. 1200 m., Powell 400 
62. EPIDENDRUM Ромел Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 17:38. 1922. 
Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 30 cm. tall. Stems simple, somewhat 
flexuose, covered with leaf-sheaths and ancipitous. Leaves 3.5-16 cm. long and 
0.35—1.2 cm. broad, elliptic-linear, acute. Inflorescence up to about 7 cm. long, 
a terminal, densely flowered raceme subtended by one or more spathaceous bracts. 
Flowers small, whitish with pink or orange markings. Dorsal вера! 2.5-3.5 mm. 
long and 1-1.2 mm. broad, narrowly lanceolate to oblong- oval, acute. Lateral 
sepals 3-4 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, oblong-oval to ovate, oblique, acute. 
Petals 2—3 mm. long and 0.3—0.4 mm. broad, linear, acute. Lip unguiculate; claw 
adnate to the column; lamina 1.5—3 mm. long and about as broad, 3- lobed; the 
lateral lobes dolabriform to semiorbicular, entire or crenate or lobulate; mid-lobe 
ligulate to subtriangular, acute; disc with 2 small calluses at the base. 

осі: “Chiriqui”, alt. 1200 m., Powell 228, 3445, 3456. COCLE: hills south of 
El Valle de Antón, alt. 600—800 m., Allen 2 2797. 


FLORA ОЕ PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 367 

63. EPIDENDRUM PROBIFLORUM Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Хоу. Beih. 17:39. 1922. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 15 cm. tall. Stems slender, 
short, produced into a long peduncle above, bearing 2-3 leaves. Leaves 3-5 cm. 
long and 0.6-1.2 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, acute. Inflorescence 
a few-flowered raceme at the apex of the peduncle; flowers small, purple-brown 
with a white lip. Dorsal sepal about 5 mm. long and 1.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, 
acute, Lateral sepals about 4.5 mm. long and 2 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate, 
slightly oblique, acute. Petals about 4 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, elliptic, ob- 
scurely serrulate, acute. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina 
about 3 mm. long and 4 mm. broad, entire, reniform-cordate, acute, fleshy; disc 
provided with a single sublamellate callus near the middle. 


CHIRIQUÍ: “Chiriquí”, Powell 250. 
Known to us only by the inadequate specimen cited. 

64. EPIDENDRUM PSEUDEPIDENDRUM Reichb. f. Xenia Orch. 1:160, /. 53. 1856; 
Hook. f. in Bot. Mag. 97:1. 5020. 1871. 
Pseudepidendrum spectabile Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:733. 1852, not Focke nor Reichb. f. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 1 m. tall. Stems slender, simple, leafy 
above, naked below. Leaves 6-20 cm. long and 1.5—4.5 cm. broad, oblanceolate, 
acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence 1 or more, 1- to 3-flowered terminal racemes borne 
on a more or less elongated peduncle, the peduncle covered at the base with several 
imbricated bracts; flowers relatively large, sepals and petals greenish, lip orange. 
Dorsal вера! 26-30 mm. long and 3-5 mm. broad, oblanceolate, acute. Lateral 
sepals 22-32 mm. long and 5-7 mm. broad, oblanceolate, acute, sometimes obtuse. 
Petals 22-30 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, linear-oblanceolate, obtuse. Lip 
unguiculate; the long claw adnate to the column; lamina 13-17 mm. long and 
15-22 mm. broad, retuse, transversely oblong or subquadrate to suborbicular- 
flabellate, entire (or obscurely 3-lobed), crenulate, dentate or lacerate; disc pro- 
vided with 2 short lamellate calluses at the apex of the column and a longitudinal 
1- to 5-ridged callus-thickening along the median line, from base to apex. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: "auf Ficus-Báumen der Cordilleren von Chiriquí”, alt. 1200 m., Warscewicz. 

Apparently one of the prettier Epidendrums occurring in Panama. 

65. EPIDENDRUM PUDICUM Ames, Sched. Orch. 6:71, fig. 10. 1923. 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 20 cm. tall. Stems slender, ob- 
scurely fractiflex, covered with the persistent, pergameneous, amplexicaul leaf- 
sheaths. Leaves 15-30 mm. long and 1-3 mm. broad, linear, obtuse, fleshy. 
Inflorescence a 1- to few-flowered subumbel. Dorsal вера! 8-10 mm. long and 
1.5—2.5 mm. broad, linear-oblanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals similar to the dorsal 
but slightly arcuate. Petals about 8 mm. long and nearly 1 mm. broad near the 
apex. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina about 5 mm. long and 


[Vor. 33 
7 mm. broad, subtriangular-cordate to reniform, obscurely 3-lobed, acute, pro- 
vided with 2 slightly divergent submammillate calluses at the base. 
CHIRIQUÍ: Palo Alto, alt. 1360 m., Powell 310, 3412. 
Closely allied to Epidendrum difforme Jacq. 

Fig. 133. Epidendrum pudicum 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 369 

66. EPIDENDRUM RAMOSUM Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. 29. 1760; Select. Stirp. Am. 
221, 2. 132. 1763; Ames, Hub. & Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Нагу. Univ. 
2:45. 1934. 

Epidendrum flexicaule Schltr. in Већ. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:403. 1918. 

Epidendrum modestiflorum Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:213. 1923. 

Erect or scandent epiphytic herbs, perhaps up to a meter or more long. Stems 
slender, simple or branched, covered with the leaf-sheaths, becoming naked with 
age. Leaves 1-12 cm. long and 0.2-1.5 cm. broad, linear to lanceolate to oblong- 
elliptic, obtuse and the apex usually unequally bilobed. Inflorescence short and 
few- to several-flowered from a fractiflex raceme; bracts scarious, conspicuous; 
flowers small, variable in size. Sepals 4.5—13 mm. long and 1.5—3 mm. broad, 
linear-lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, occasionally carinate dorsally. Petals 4.5—13 
mm. long and 0.8-2.3 mm. broad, linear to linear-spatulate, acute or obtuse. Lip 
unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina 4-9 mm. long and 2-5 mm. 
broad, simple or subtrilobate, triangular-cordate to lanceolate-cordate, acute or 
obtuse, provided with a longitudinal callus which is bifurcate at the base. 

Mexico to Panama, the West Indies and in South America to Brazil and Peru. 

кішілі: Lino Hill, alt. 1550 m., гуе 322. COCLÉ: El Valle de Antón, alt. 

600- 1000 m., Allen 1244, 2827, 2836. 

66a. EPIDENDRUM RAMOSUM Jacq. var. ANGUSTIFOLIUM (Cogn.) L. Wms. in 
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28:422. 1941. 

Epidendrum imbricatum Lindl. var. angustifolium Cogn. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 35:171. 1898, 
as var. angustifolia. 

Epidendrum imbricatum Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. РІ. 110. 1831, non Lam 

мае inne Cogn. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. II, 2: ed figs. 1-3. 1902, non Forst. f. 

Epidend rum анон Schltr. in Вей. Bot. бағын 36, Abt. 2:459. 1918. 
Epidendrum santaclarense Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:49. 19 
Epidendrum ramosum Jacq. var. imbricatum Ames, Hub. & Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. 

H Univ. 2:47. 1934 

Intergrades with the species but usually varies in having thicker stems, fine 
maculations on the leaf-sheaths and bracts, the bracts more tightly imbricated 
and conduplicate; leaves usually broader and larger. 

Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, the West Indies, Brazil. 

DEL TORO: Río Cricamola, between Finca St. Louis and Konkintoé, alt. 10-15 
m., ‘Woodson, Allen 9 Seibert 1808. 
67. EPIDENDRUM REPENS Cogn. іп Fedde Кер. Sp. Хоу. 7:122. 1909. 

Small, repent or pendent, epiphytic herbs up to about 5 dm. long. Stems slen- 
der, much branched, leafy, covered with the persistent leaf-sheaths, slightly an- 
cipitous, often flexuose. Leaves 6-25 mm. long and 2-6 mm. broad, linear-oblong 
to oblong to ovate, obtuse, coriaceous, usually obtuse and obscurely and unequally 
bilobed at the apex. Inflorescence a single flower borne terminally on the stem, 
subtended by one or more short scarious bracts; flowers small, inconspicuous, 
maroon. Dorsal sepal 7-8 mm. long and about 2 mm. broad, elliptic-oblong or 


[Vor. 33 


———= С 
——— — 


: = , “> рс É E: ii 

Fig. 134. Epidendrum rigidum 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 371 

lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 7-8 mm. long and 1.8-3 mm. broad, elliptic- 
oblong to lanceolate-ovate, acute. Petals 6-7 mm. long and 0.7-1.5 mm. broad, 
linear, acute. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina about 4 mm. 
long and as broad, triangular-cordate to cordate, simple, fleshy, ecallose or pro- 
vided with a short, fleshy, lamellate callus toward the apex. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, the West Indies and Venezuela. 

cHIRIQUÍ: vicinity of Cerro Punta, alt. 2000 m., Allen 1530. 

68. EPIDENDRUM RIGIDUM Jacq. Enum. РІ. Carib. 29. 1760; Select. Stirp. Am. 

232, 85 ТЫ 1763. 

Epidendrum cardiophorum Schltr. in Je hang Sp. Nov. 9:214. 1911. 
Spathiger rigidus Small, Fl. Miami, p. 55. 1913. 

Repent epiphytic herbs up to about 35 cm. long. Stems slender, simple, cov- 
ered with the amplexicaul leaf-sheaths, sometimes appearing ancipitous. Leaves 
3-13 cm. long and 0.4-2 cm. broad, linear to lanceolate-oblong or oblong, obtuse, 
coriaceous, the apex usually unequally bilobed. Inflorescence a strict raceme up to 
about 15 cm. long, few- to several-flowered; bracts up to about 15 mm. long, 
ovate, acute or obtuse, semi-equitant or usually the base surrounding the peduncle, 
usually with a median keel which is decurrent onto the peduncle; flowers usually 
greenish. Dorsal вера! 5.5-9 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, oblong to lanceolate- 
ovate, obtuse. Lateral sepals 5-9 mm. long and 2-4 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate 
to obovate, oblique, obtuse. Petals 5-9 mm. long and 1.2-2 mm. broad, ovate- 
lanceolate to obovate, oblique, obtuse. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the 
column; lamina 4-6 mm. long and about as broad, cordate-orbicular, obtuse or 
obscurely retuse, lateral margins revolute; disc fleshy, with 2 mammillate calluses 
at the apex of the column. 

Florida, Mexico to Panama, the West Indies, tropical and subtropical South 

ZONE: near Salamanca Hydrographic Station, Rio Pequeni, Dodge, Steyer- 
mark 8 wir s. п.; between Tumba Vieja and Salamanca, Steyermark © Allen 16740. 

A widespread species which is surprisingly constant in characters. 

68a. EPIDENDRUM RIGIDUM Jacq. var. angustise$mentum Г. Wms. var. nov.! 

Vegetatively similar to the species. Dorsal вера! 9-10 mm. long and 2-3 mm. 
broad, lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 9—10 mm. long and 2.5—3.5 mm. broad, 
lanceolate, oblique, acute. Petals 7.5-9 mm. long and 0.5—1 mm. broad, subfili- 
form to linear, acute. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina 5-6 
mm. long and 3-3.5 mm. broad, oblong-ovate, obtuse, truncate at the base, fleshy; 
disc with two mammillate calluses at the apex of the column and with one or 
more inconspicuous callus ridges. 

Sepalum rond бағалы қыс acutum. Sepala lateralia lanceolata, obliqua, acuta. Petala sub- 
anc" vel lin acuta. Lamina labelli oblongo-ovata, obtusa, basi truncata, carnosa; discus 
prope basim bici 


(Vor. 33 

OCAS DEL TORO: epiphyte, Nances Cay Island, Wedel 586; Water = Wedel 851; 
Water Valley, vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 1708 (түре Herb. es). 
The variety differs from the species in its narrower floral segments and dif- 
ferently shaped lip. 
69. EPIDENDRUM SANCHO Ames, Sched. Orch. 4:48. 1923; loc. cit. 10:70. 

Repent epiphytic herbs up to about 4 dm. long. Stems small, branched, often 
profusely so, usually consisting of a principal stem and smaller elongated branches, 
covered with the verrucose or rugose amplexicaul leaf-sheaths. Leaves 0.6—8 cm. 
long and 0.1—0.6 cm. broad, linear or linear-oblong, obtuse, apex usually unequally 
bilobed. Inflorescence of terminal few-flowered racemes; rachis fractiflex. Dorsal 
sepal 5-8 mm. long and 1.2-2 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 5—8 
mm. long and 1.2-2.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute. Petals 4,5-7 mm. long and 
0.5-1 mm. broad, linear-elliptic or linear, acute. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to 
the column; lamina 3.5—5 mm. long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, triangular-cordate or 
narrowly so, fleshy, the basal auricles usually erect; the disc appearing excavated, 
provided with a small trilobulate callus at the base. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: rain forest, Boquete District, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 114, 348. 

70. EPIDENDRUM SCHLECHTERIANUM Ames, Sched. Orch. 7:9, fig. r. 1924. 
ара discolor Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 18:Ё. 1541. 1832, non Epidendrum discolor Rich. 

Epidendrum brevicaule Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:30. 1922, non Schltr. 

ы congestoides Ames & Schweinf. Sched. Orch. 10:61. 1930. 

Dwarf, densely caespitose herbs up to 8 cm. tall. Stems short, covered with 
the equitant bases of the leaves. Leaves 1-3 cm. long апа 0.2-1 cm. broad, linear- 
oblong to oblong-oval, obtuse, approximate, semi-equitant, spreading, fleshy. In- 
florescence of 1 to few sessile flowers in the axils of the terminal leaves, shorter 
than the leaves to slightly exceeding them; flowers large for the plant. Dorsal 
sepal 8-20 mm. long and 3-4.5 mm. broad, lanceolate to oblanceolate, acute or 
acuminate. Lateral sepals 8-18 mm. long and 2-4.5 mm. broad, lanceolate to 
ovate-lanceolate, oblique, acute, serrulate-keeled along the mid-nerve dorsally, 
connate at the base with the claw of the lip. Petals 8-18 mm. long and 1-2.5 
mm. broad, elliptic-linear to linear-lanceolate, entire or denticulate, acute. Lip 
8-20 mm. long, long-unguiculate; claw adnate to the column, usually slightly 
longer than the column; lamina 4-8 mm. long and as broad, suborbicular-reni- 
form to oblong-quadrate, apiculate, lobes more or less erect, fleshy. Clinandrium 

Mexico to Panama, Jamaica, Surinam, Brazil and Peru. 

CANAL ZONE: near Vigia and San Juan, Dodge, Steyermark & Allen 16562; Rio 
Azote Caballo, 66-70 m., Dodge, Steyermark & Allen 16864; San Juan, Powell 18, 3465. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 373 

Duos um 4 EZ mn es 

Fig. 135. Epidendrum Schlechterianum 

71. EPIDENDRUM SCHUMANNIANUM Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 9:215. 1911; 

Allen in Am. Orch. Soc. Bull. 10:359, figs. 1942 

Tall, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to a meter or more nak Stems up to 
about 8 mm. in diameter, leafy above, covered with the maculate or verru- 
cose leaf-sheaths, becoming naked and vernicose with age. Leaves 1.5-9 cm. long 
and 1-3.5 cm. broad, lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, obtuse or acutish, coriaceous. 
Inflorescence simple or usually a lax many-flowered panicle. Flowers multicolored 
and rather pretty. Dorsal вера! 8-12 mm. long and 3.5-4.5 mm. broad, oval to 
broadly oblanceolate, obtuse or acutish. Lateral sepals 8-12 mm. long and 3.5—5 
mm. broad, oblanceolate to oval, obtuse or acute, oblique. Petals 8-15 mm. long 
and 5.5-8 mm. broad, obovate or obovate-spatulate, obtuse. Lip unguiculate; 
claw adnate to the basal half of the column; lamina 9-15 mm. long and 7.5-12 


[Vor. 33 

mm. broad, 3-lobed; the lateral lobes small, oblong, obtuse, explanate; terminal 
lobe obovate-cuneate, bilobulate or deeply bifid, anterior margins entire to crenu- 
late; disc provided with 2 small submammillate calluses at the base and with 1—3 
longitudinal callus-thickenings. 
Costa Rica and Panama. 

CLÉ: hills north of EI Valle de pee vicinity of La Mesa, alt. 1000 m., Allen 
xt wer El Valle, alt. 670 m., Dudak s 
72. EPIDENDRUM SCULPTUM Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 2:89. 1854. 
Epidendrum colonense Ames, Sched. Orch. 1:14. 1922. 

Pendent or repent epiphytic herbs up to about 50 cm. long. Stems simple or 
branched, densely leaved, covered with the chartaceous leaf-sheaths or becoming 
naked with age. Leaves 2-4.5 cm. long and 1-1.8 cm. broad, oblong or oblong- 
lanceolate, obtuse, retuse, coriaceous. Inflorescence with 1—3, usually 2, terminal 
flowers subtended by spathaceous bracts; flowers green ог greenish-yellow. Dorsal 
sepal 10-14 mm. long and 2.5—3 mm. broad, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, ob- 
tuse. Lateral sepals 10-15 mm. long and about 3 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, 
oblique, acute. Petals 9-14 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, elliptic-linear to nar- 
rowly oblanceolate, oblique, obtuse. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; 
lamina 9-13 mm. long and 5.5-7 mm. broad, lanceolate-ovate, acute, 3-lobed; 
lateral lobes small, rounded, reaching to about the middle of the lip; mid-lobe 
lanceolate; disc provided with two callus-like thickenings at the base on the lateral 
lobes and with two longitudinal ridges along the median line and reaching to about 
the middle of the lip. 

Possibly Honduras and Costa Rica. Panama, British and Dutch Guiana. 

L ZONE: near Vigia and San Juan, Dodge, Steyermark & Allen 16583; Gatün 
Lake, Powell 116, 3407, 3410; between Fort Clayton and Corozal, Standley 20000. COLON: 
Rio Indio de Fato, Pittier 4265 
A specimen from Costa Rica, presumed to be this species, has an entire lip. 

73. EPIDENDRUM STROBILIFERUM Reichb. f. in Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. 4:333. 


idendrum verecundum Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. pt Beih. 17:42. 1922. 
ru ied strobiliferus Small, Man. Southeast. Fl. 390. 1933 

Small, repent or caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 2 dm. long. Stems 
slender, simple or branched, covered with amplexicaul leaf-sheaths. Leaves 8-45 
mm. long and 2-10 mm. broad, from ligulate to elliptic-linear to linear-lanceolate, 
obtuse or acute, coriaceous, apex usually unequally bilobed. Inflorescence short, 
few-flowered, flexuose; bracts 5-8 mm. long, cucullate, obtuse, chartaceous; 
flowers small, inconspicuous. Dorsal вера! 3.5—5 mm. long and 1.2-1.5 mm. 
broad, linear-lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 3.5-5 mm. long and 1.8-2 mm. 
broad, ovate-lanceolate, oblique, acute. Petals 3-4.5 mm. long and 0.5-1 mm. 
broad, linear-oblanceolate, obtuse or acute. Lip 3-3.5 mm. long and 1.5-3 mm. 
broad, lanceolate-cordate to ovate-cordate, acute, ecallose. Ovary with a small 



FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 375 

^N SN | ie 



| 222 



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dataan 1... 
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Fig. 136. Epidendrum strobiliferum 


[Vor. 33 

subscrotiform sac at the apex near the attachment of the lip. 

Florida, Mexico to Panama, the West Indies, Venezuela, the Guianas, Brazil 
and Peru. 

CANAL ZONE: foothills east of Panama City, San Juan Range, and San Juan, Powell 
209, 350, 3435, 3453; near Summit, Standley 25747. PANAMA: Rio Tecümen, north of 
Chepo Road, alt. 30 m., Hunter & Allen 2 224. 

74. EPIDENDRUM SUBNUTANS Ames & Schweinf. in Sched. Orch. 10:73. 1930. 

Caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 85 cm. tall. Stems slender, simple, 
covered with the amplexicaul leaf-sheaths, naked below. Leaves 4.5-18 cm. long 
and 0.8—4 cm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate to oval or ovate, acuminate or acute. In- 
florescence terminal, paniculate, many-flowered; flowers relatively small. Dorsal 
sepal 5-6 mm. long and 1.2-2 mm. broad, oblanceolate, acute, sometimes papillose 
dorsally. Lateral sepals 5-6 mm. long and 1.7-2 mm. broad, oblanceolate to 
elliptic-oblanceolate, oblique, sometimes papillose dorsally. Petals 4-5 mm. long 
and 0.1-0.5 mm. broad, filiform to narrowly linear-oblanceolate, obtuse. Lip 
unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina 2.5-3.5 mm. long and 4.5-5.5 
mm. broad, 3-lobed, subreniform in outline; lateral lobes explanate, larger than 
the terminal lobe, dolabriform, margins crenate or undulate; mid-lobe subquad- 
rate, retuse and with erect to spreading lobules; disc provided with a large oval 
central callus made up of 3 parallel ridges, the middle one extending to the apex 
of the lip. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

Қ yore Bajo series EH District, alt. 1800 m., сее 43, II 13; “Chiriqui”, 

8; vicinity of Bajo Mona and Quebrada Саш, alt. .» Woodson % 
E bei 541, 554; Bajo Chorro, alt. 1900 m., Woodson & в 648. 

Very closely allied to Epidendrum paniculatum Ruiz & Pavon, of which it may 

be but a small-flowered variety. 

75. EPIDENDRUM TERETIFOLIUM Sw. Nov. Gen. & Sp. Prodr. 121. 1788. 

Epidendrum teres Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 3:220. 1855, non Thunb. 
Epidendrum teretifolium Sw. var. Powellianum Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 
7:41. 1922. 

Caespitose or subrepent, epiphytic herbs up to about 35 cm. tall. Stems slen- 
der, simple, erect or ascending, covered with the amplexicaul leaf-sheaths, even in 
age. Inflorescence a single flower or a few-flowered fascicle borne on the apex of 
a peduncle which is up to about 8 cm. long, and subtended by chartaceous sheaths 
and 1 or 2 terminal leaves which are borne near the apex of the peduncle; the 
peduncle more or less ancipitous; flowers greenish or yellowish, segments fleshy. 
Dorsal вера! 8-10 mm. long and about 2 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, acute. 
Lateral sepals 8-11 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, elliptic to lanceolate, slightly 
oblique, acute. Petals 4-6 mm. long and 1.2—1.5 mm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse, 
the apex fleshy and thickened. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the basal part of 
the column; lamina 6-8 mm. long and 1-2 mm. broad, 3-lobed, elliptic; lateral 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 377 

lobes small, rounded, erect, at about the middle of the lip; terminal lobe with a 
prominent lamellate callus which is higher than the lobe is broad, acute; disc 
provided with a small lamellate callus toward the base and a large one on the 
terminal lobe. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, the West Indies and 

CHIRIQUÍ: Palo Alto, alt. 1200-1400 m., Powell 240. 
76. EPIDENDRUM TETRACEROS Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:733. 1852. 

Much-branched epiphytic herbs, probably up to a meter or more long. Stems 
slender, covered with the scarious leaf-sheath bases when young, becoming naked 
with age, bearing leaves toward the ends of the stems. Leaves 3-7 cm. long and 
0.2—0.8 cm. broad, linear to linear-lanceolate, acute. Inflorescence a few-flowered 
raceme, about as long as or shorter than the subtending leaves. Flowers with sepals 
and petals greenish, the lip white with purple-red markings. Dorsal sepal about 
12-16 mm. long and 4-5 mm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate, acute or acuminate. 
Lateral sepals similar to the dorsal but slightly oblique. Petals 12-14 mm. long 
and 3-5 mm. broad, linear-oblanceolate, acute. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to 
the column; lamina 10-12 mm. long and 11-14 mm. broad, fleshy, suborbicular, 
undulate-crenate, provided with 2 small lamellate calluses under the apex of the 
column (hidden by the clinandrium) and a large, thick, central callus made up of 
3 or more ridges. Column winged laterally at the apex and with two apical 
stelidiar arms above the clinandrium. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: "Chiriqui", Warscewicz; near El Boquete, Pittier 3115. 
77. EPIDENDRUM TRACHYTHECE Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 3:249. 1907. 

Small, caespitose or repent, epiphytic herbs up to about 25 cm. long. Stems 
slender, leafy, simple or usually much branched, covered with the verrucose or 
rugose amplexicaul leaf-sheaths. Leaves 1-4.5 cm. long and 0.3—0.5 cm. broad, 
ligulate, obtuse, the apex retuse and unequally bilobed. . Inflorescence short, a sin- 
gle flower, or usually a few-flowered flexuose raceme exceeded by the subtending 
leaves; bracts up to about 5 mm. long, chartaceous, cucullate, oblong to ovate. 
Flowers small, inconspicuous, greenish-yellow to white. Dorsal вера! 3—3.5 mm. 
long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, oblong to oval, obtuse or acute. Lateral sepals 3-3.5 
mm. long and 2,2-3 mm. broad, oblong-ovate to suborbicular, slightly oblique, 
acute or obtuse. Petals 3—3.2 mm. long and 0.7-0.8 mm. broad, linear-oblong to 
oblanceolate, acute or obtuse. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the lower % of 
the column; lamina 2-2.5 mm. long and 3-3.5 mm. broad, transversely oval to 
subreniform, often short-apiculate; disc provided with a bilobate submammillate 
callus near the middle, the lobes sometimes somewhat separated. 

Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Bajo Chorro, Boquete District, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 124. 



[Vor. 33 

78. EPIDENDRUM TRIANGULABIUM Ames & Schweinf. in Sched. Orch. 10:75 1930. 

Small, caespitose or repent, epiphytic herbs up to about 20 cm. long. Stems 
slender, simple or branched, covered with the loose, keeled, amplexicaul leaf- 
sheaths, naked with age. Leaves 1.3-2.5 cm. long and 0.5-1.2 cm. broad, elliptic 
to oval, obtuse, coriaceous, apex obscurely bilobed. Inflorescence a single terminal 
or lateral flower. Flowers apparently cleistogamous. Dorsal sepal about 12 mm. 
long and 3 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals about 12 mm. long and 
3 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, oblique. Petals about 12 mm. long and 2 mm. 
broad, elliptic, acute, oblique. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; 
lamina about 6 mm. long and 9 mm. broad, sagittate-triangular, the apex of the 
lateral extensions and the terminal point acute. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

COCLÉ: vicinity of El Valle de Antón, alt. um 1000 m., Allen 1245. ?PANAMÁ: near 
top of Cerro Campana, alt. 800-1000 m., Allen 2223. 

We have seen no completely satisfactory material of this species. 

79. EpIDENDRUM Warszewiczu Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:732. 1852; in Xenia 

Orch. 1:69, Ё. 26. 1854. 

Small, erect, epiphytic herbs with relatively large flowers. Stem slender, few- 
leaved. Leaves (about 12-15 mm. long?) linear-ligulate, obtuse, apex bilobed. 
Inflorescence reflexed, many-flowered (illustration shows five). Perianth segments 
oblong, acute (in illustration apparently lanceolate, acute or acuminate); lip 
dilated in front, minutely denticulate, 3-lobulate (illustration shows: about 30 
mm. long and 17 mm. broad, this presumed to be natural size, obovate, obscurely 
3-lobed, denticulate margins); disc with 2 erect teeth (calluses) at the base and 
3 elevated longitudinal lines. 

Costa Rica and Panama according to Warscewicz. 

PANAMÁ: "Costa Rica, Veraguas, Chiriqui", Warscewicz. 

The collection locality of the single specimen known to exist was given by 
Reichenbach, in the second publication cited, as we have shown it. The descrip- 
tion was taken from the original publication and from the plate cited. 

80. EPIDENDRUM LIVIDUM Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 24: Misc. p. 51. 1838; Ames, Hub. 

& Schweinf. Genus Epidendrum in U. S. & Mid. Am. 118. 1936. 

Costa Rica, Venezuela and Colombia. Reported from Panama in cultivation. 

28. DIACRIUM Lindl. ex Benth. 

Diacrium Lindl. ex Benth. in Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond. 18:312. 1881; Benth. & 
Hook. Gen. Pl. 3:526. 1883; Pfitzer in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenf. II, 
6:146. 1888. | 

Epidendrum subg. Diacrium Lindl. in Hook. Jour. Bot. 3:81. 1841. 

Caespitose epiphytic or semi-epiphytic herbs. Stems pseudobulbose, solid or 
hollowed by insect action. Leaves at or near the apex of the pseudobulbs, few. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 379 





р „Зәбт 



Fig. 137. Diacrium bilamellatum 

Inflorescence terminal, racemose, borne at the end of an elongated peduncle, few- 
to several-flowered. Sepals similar, free, spreading. Petals similar to the sepals. 
Lip free from the column and spreading, 3-lobed, provided with two horn-like 
processes toward the base which are hollow and open from the underside of the lip. 
Column short, footless, produced laterally into wings. Anther terminal, opercu- 
late, incumbent, 2-celled, the cells divided by a longitudinal septum; pollinia 4, 
laterally compressed, each one provided with a granular, viscid appendage. 

Diacrium is closely allied to Epidendrum, from which it is easily, if super- 
ficially, distinguished by the hollow horn-like processes on the lip. A small genus 
of four or five species. 


[Vor. 33 

1. DIACRIUM BILAMELLATUM (Reichb. f.) Hemsl. іп Godm. & Salvin, Biol. 

Centr.-Am. Bot. 3:222. 1883. 

Epidendrum bilamellatum Reichb. f. in Walp. Ann. 6:345. 1862. 
Diacrium bilamellatum var. Reichenbachianum Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:47, 

in text. 1922. 

Coarse, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 60 cm. tall. Stems swollen, 
solid or hollowed by insects, cylindric to fusiform, provided with 1-4 leaves at the 
apex. Leaves 6-20 cm. long and 0.6-2.5 cm. broad, ligulate to ligulate-lanceolate, 
obtuse, fleshy. Inflorescence a short several-flowered raceme borne near the top 
of an elongated peduncle; peduncle up to 45 cm. long, provided with amplexicaul, 
chartaceous sheaths. Flowers pedicellate, one or few open at one time, perhaps 
often cleistogamous. Dorsal вера! 12-15 mm. long and about 6 mm. broad, 
oval, acute. Lateral sepals 11-16 mm. long and 5-6 mm. broad, elliptic-oval to 
lanceolate-ovate, acute. Petals 11-14 mm. long and 7-8 mm. broad, broadly 
obovate, short-unguiculate, acute. Lip free from the column and spreading; 
lamina 11-14 mm. long and 4-6 mm. broad, lanceolate-ovate in outline, 3-lobed, 
the lateral lobes small and often obscure above the middle of the lip, apices 
rounded; disc provided with two large lamellate horn-like processes near the 
middle, these processes hollow, 2-4 mm. high. 

Guatemala, British Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and Venezuela. 

BOCAS DEL TORO: vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 2100. CANAL ZONE: Chagres, 
Behr; open woods east of Panamá City, Powell 67; Culebra, Pittier 3406. PANAMA: 
swamp between El Jagua Hunting Club on Río Jagua and El Congor Hill, Hunter 9 Allen 
473; San José and Trapeche Islands, Pearl Islands, Miller 1800, 1000. WITHOUT LOCALI- 
TIES: Ames s. n.; Cowell 160; Jobnston 703; Killip 3394. | 

This species is said to have its stems often inhabited by ants. It is a lowland, 

coastal species. 
29. CATTLEYA Lindl. 

САТТІЕҮА Lindl. Collect. Bot. 7. 33 © t. 37. 1824. 

Epiphytic herbs with thick, fleshy or pseudobulbose stems, 1- to 2-foliate at 
the apex. Leaves coriaceous or fleshy, most often thick. Inflorescence terminal, 
usually subtended by a spathaceous bract; raceme simple; flowers often large and 
showy, usually few. Sepals subequal, free. Petals usually broader than the sepals. 
Lip sessile, broad, erect, free from or slightly adnate to the column, sides erect 
and usually enfolding the column. Column long, wingless, often somewhat 
arcuate; anther terminal, operculate, incumbent, each cell with a longitudinal 
septum; pollinia 4, parallel, ceraceous, broad, somewhat compressed. 

One variety in Panama, about 30 in Central and South America. Cattleya is 
the most widely cultivated of the orchids. It hybridizes easily with Laelia, Brassa- 
vola and Sophronitis and the hybrid genera formed by these crosses. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 381 


Fig. 138. Cattleya Skinneri var. autumnalis 

1, CATTLEYA SKINNERI Batem. var. AUTUMNALIS Allen in Ann. Missouri Bot. 

Gard. 29:345. 1942. 

Epiphytic or semi-terrestrial herbs up to 4 dm. tall. Pseudobulbs 15-30 cm. 
long and 1-3 cm. in diameter, cylindric to fusiform, 2-, rarely 1-, leaved. Inflores- 
сепсе a simple few-flowered raceme; spathe 5-10 cm. long, pergameneous. Leaves 
10-15 cm. long and 3.5—5.5 cm. broad, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, 
coriaceous. Sepals 3-5 cm. long and 0.8-1.4 cm. broad, elliptic to broadly ob- 
lanceolate, acute. Petals 3-5 cm. long and 1-2.5 cm. broad, lanceolate to nar- 
rowly ovate or oval, obtuse or acute. Lip 3—4.5 cm. long and 2-3 cm. broad, 
oval to obovate, retuse, usually darker in color than the sepals and petals, enfolding 
the column. 



[Vor. 33 

PANAMA: vicinity of Bejuca, alt. 15 m., Allen 2668; east of city, Powell 16. CANAL 
ZONE: Сайоп Quebrada, Pittier 6828, 

The Panamanian variety of a species distributed from Mexico to Costa Rica 
and the only known Cattleya in Panama. Autumn flowering, and the flowers 
smaller than in the species. 

30. LAELIA Lindl. 

LAELIA Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 115. 1831; Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 3:533. 
1883; L. Wms. in Darwiniana 5:74. 1941. 
Schomburgkia Lindl. Sert. Orch. /. 10. 1838. 

Epiphytic herbs often with showy flowers and ancipitous, terete, solid or 
hollow pseudobulbs. Sepals subequal, free, spreading, flat or undulate. Petals 
similar to the sepals, sometimes broader. Lip free from or slightly connate with 
the column, 3-lobed (or nearly simple), the lateral lobes enfolding the column or 
more or less explanate; disc smooth or lamellate; column long or short, winged or 
wingless. Anther operculate, incumbent, each cell divided into two by a septum 
and with each cell sometimes again divided by a more or less perfect septum; 
pollinia 8, 4 in each cell of the anther, ovate or compressed laterally, ceraceous. 

The genus is to be found rather widely over tropical and subtropical America, 
where it is often exceedingly abundant. Some species are prized by orchid growers 
and are useful in hybridization. There are about 50 species in the genus. 

a. Pseudobulbs less than 8 Á long; sepals and petals р1апе...................... . L. RUBESCENS 

aa. — bulbs more than cm. long; sepals and petals үтікте” ог 

1. LAELIA RUBESCENS Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 26: Misc. p. 20, Ё. 41. 1840. 
Laelia peduncularis Lindl. loc. cit. 28: Misc. p. 9. 1842. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to 60 cm. tall. Pseudobulbs 1.5—7 cm. long and 
1.5—4 cm. broad, oval to orbicular, ancipitous, 1-, rarely 2-,leaved. Leaves 4—20 
cm. long and 2-4.5 cm. broad, elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate, obtuse, cori- 
aceous. Inflorescence a long-pedunculate, few- to several-flowered raceme, termi- 
nal or rarely appearing laterally оп undeveloped bulbs; bracts up to 1 cm. long, 
chartaceous, cucullate; flowers small to fairly large, white, or white with the base 
of the lip lavender to pink, or lavender throughout. Sepals 2—4.5 cm. long and 
0.2-0.7 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate to elliptic, obtuse or acutish. Petals 2—4.5 
cm. long and 0.3—1.5 cm. broad, elliptic or lanceolate, obtuse or acute. Lip 
1.5-3.5 cm. long and up to 1.5 cm. broad, shorter than the sepals and petals, 3- 
lobed, provided with several inconspicuous longitudinal ridges; lateral lobes short, 
rounded and obtuse, enfolding the column; terminal lobe oblong-oval, blunt or 

Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: “М. №. corner of Chiriquí, near the Gulf of Dulce," cultivated by Powell 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 383 

139. Laelia rubescens 
(Flowers a. есін аге normally resupinate) 

2. Larria LuEDDEMAND (Prill.) Г. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27:282. 


Li iei s Lueddemanii Es in Jour. Soc. Imp. Hort. Paris 8:275. 1862; Rolfe in 
t. Mag. 138: 1. 8427. 

Large, caespitose, M herbs up to a meter or more tall when in flower. 
Pseudobulbs 18-30 cm. long and 2-3 cm. broad, apparently somewhat ancipitous, 
largest toward the top, bifoliate. Leaves 20-35 cm. long and 4-6.5 cm. broad, 
lanceolate or elliptic, obtuse, coriaceous. Inflorescence a long-pedunculate, several- 


[Vor. 33 

to many-flowered raceme up to 75 cm. or more long; bracts up to 6 cm. long, 
linear to linear-lanceolate; flowers brown or maroon with a purple lip, medium- 
sized, long-pedunculate. Sepals and petals 2.5-5.5 cm. long, undulated, linear or 
spatulate, obtuse or acutish. Lip 1.3-2 cm. long and 1-1.3 cm. broad, 3-lobed, 
with 3 or more inconspicuous longitudinal carinae; lateral lobes rounded, obtuse, 
appressed to the column; terminal lobe orbicular-ovate, acute, recurved. 

Costa Rica, Panama and possibly Venezuela. 

RIQUÍ: near city of David, at sea-level, po 170. COCLE: mountains beyond 

La PR alt. 400-600 m., Hunter 9 Allen 

Laelia tibicinis (Batem.) L. Wms., in Darwiniana 5:77. 1941, has been reported 
from Panama but we have seen no specimens nor authentic record of it from the 


BRassAvOLA К. Br. іп Aiton, Hort. Kew., ed. 2, 5:216. 1813. 

Epiphytic herbs with more or less thickened, 1- to 2-leaved stems. Sepals free, 
equal, spreading, linear or linear-lanceolate, often long and acuminate. Petals 
similar to the sepals. Lip sessile, erect, more or less enfolding the column, base 
short or long and narrow, expanded into a broad lamina which is plane, rarely 
concave or somewhat cucullate. Column erect, usually shorter than the claw of 
the lip, more or less bialate, footless; anther operculate, incumbent, each cell with 
an obscure longitudinal septum; pollinia 8, 4 in each cell of the anther, broadly 
ovate and laterally compressed, ceraceous. 

A genus of about 15 species. Flowers often large and showy. 

a. Flowering scapes subtended by a aa „often s long as or longer than 

the leaf; — usually several-flowere . B. NoposA 
aa. Flowering scape from the dM not ae by a leaf; inflores- 
cence usually 1- снн 2. В. ACAULIS 

BRAssAVOLA Noposa (L.) Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 114. 1831; in Bot. Reg. 
17: #. 1465. 1832. 

Epidendrum nodosum L. Sp. Pl. 953. 1753. 

Brassavola venosa Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 26: ж р. 20. 1840. 

Brassavola scaposa Schltr. іп Orchis 13:77. 1919. 


Erect or pendent epiphytic herbs up to about 40 cm. long, usually less; flowers 
often showy. Stems or pseudobulbs 2-12 cm. long, cylindric, slender, 0.2-0.5 cm. 
in diameter, usually covered with а pergameneous sheath, 1-leaved. Leaves 6-23 
cm. long and 0.3—2.5 cm. broad, either terete or flattened, if flattened then usually 
linear-elliptic, acute. Inflorescence borne at the end of the stem, either shorter or 
longer than the subtending leaf, few- to several-flowered. Sepals 4-9 cm. long 
and 0.2—0.4 cm. broad, linear, acute. Petals 4-9 cm. long, 0.05—0.2 cm. broad, 
filiform to linear, acute. Lip 4.5-8 cm. long and 2.5-4 cm. broad; base unguicu- 
late and cucullate, enfolding the column; anterior portion broad, cordate to 
orbicular-cordate, acuminate or at least apiculate, having several prominent veins. 



Fig. 140. Brassavola nodosa 



[Vor. 33 

Mexico to Panama, the West Indies and northern South America. Common at 
lower elevations in Central America. 

BOCAS DEL TORO: Shepherd Hill, Wedel 2; vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 1413, 
1005, 2644. CANAL ZONE: nt Қ Fort Sherman, Allen 2844; еи Field, Powell 
25; between Tumba Vieja and Salamanca, Steyermark & Allen 16753. AMA: Vicinity 
of La Palma, Pittier 6680; ce. Island, Allen 2608; Taboga Island, Killip 3181; 
Hacienda La Joya, Dodge et al 16903; Isla Taboga, Woodson, Allen & Seibert 1487; 
Cativo, Lee 5.0. VERAGUAS: Cerro ‘eed de Cristo, alt. 1500 m., Powell 422. 

2. BRASSAVOLA ACAULIS Lindl. in Paxt. Flow. Gard. 2:152, fig. 216. 1851-52. 
Brassavola lineata Hook. in Bot. Mag. 79: t. 4734. 1853. 

Pendent epiphytic herbs up to about 80 cm. long. Stems 2-7 cm. long, 
0.2-0.5 cm. in diameter, cylindrical, unifoliate. Leaves 40-80 cm. long, 0.3-2 
cm. in diameter, terete, fleshy. Inflorescence borne from the rhizome on short 
peduncles (stems?), 1-, rarely 2-, flowered, much shorter than the leaves. Sepals 
and petals 7-8 cm. long, 0.3—0.6 cm. broad, linear, acute. Lip 5.5-6.5 cm. long 
and 2.5-3.5 cm. broad; base unguiculate, cucullate, enfolding the column; an- 
terior part orbicular to orbicular-cordate, acute or acuminate, prominently veined. 

Panama, reported also from Costa Rica and Guatemala. 

CHIRIQUÍ: "province of Chiriquí,” alt. 1200 m., Powell 102; “Chiriquí province,” 
Svibla s. n.; Boquete District, alt. 1200 m., Davidson 68 3. 

32. SCAPHYGLOTTIS Роерр. & Endl. 

SCAPHYGLOTTIs Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1:58. 1835. 
Cladobium Lindl. Nat. Syst. Bot. 446. 1836 (or 1835?). 
Hexadesmia Brongn. in Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. II, 17:44. 1842. 

Caespitose or repent epiphytic herbs. Stems indurated or pseudobulbose, 
simply branched, or fasciculately branched (superimposed) above. Leaves 1-3 
from the apex of the segments of the stem or pseudobulbs, thin and grass-like to 
coriaceous or fleshy and terete. Inflorescence a fascicle or a raceme, terminal on 
the growths or segments of the stem. Sepals subequal, erect. Petals similar to 
the sepals but usually smaller. Lip articulated from the tip of the column-foot 
or subarticulated, straight, geniculate, reflexed or recurved, clawed or clawless, 
entire or 3-lobed, often emarginate. Column short, wingless or winged or auricu- 
late, produced into a more or less distinct foot at the base; anther terminal, 
operculate, incumbent, the loculae provided with longitudinal septae; pollinia 4 
or 6, if 6 then all of equal size or two smaller than the others, ceraceous, laterally 
compressed (at least 4 of each set compressed). 

A difficult but interesting genus of some 40 or 50 species. The generic name 
Scaphyglottis should, in all probability, be substituted by Cladobium Lindl. The 
original generic description of Scaphyglottis obviously applies more to Scaphyglottis 
parviflora Poepp. & Endl. than to any of the other component species. Of the 
species described in the original publication most are Maxillaria, and the generic 
description applies best to those species which belong to the genus Maxillaria. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 387 

a. Inflorescence about as long as or longer than the subtending leaves........ 1. 5. MICRANTHA 
aa. Inflorescence much shorter than the subtending leaves, commonly less 
than half as lon 
b. Lip stg short, ни dentiform lateral lobes originating about the 
middle of the 12. 8. BILINEATA 
bb. Lip without бай acute, dentiform lateral lobes. 
c. Column Lo ovided with stelidiar arms or teeth near the apex or 
near the middle. 
d. Stelidiar arms near the apex of the column 
e. Lip entire or at most obscurely ти 5. 5. LAEVILABIA 
е. Lip trilobate, the Hie: lobes distinct 7. S. AMETHYSTINA 
"E Stelidiar arms near the middle of the column 9. S. MESOCOPIS 
cc. Column е ng 5 stelidiar arms or teeth near the apex or near the 
middle, etimes auriculate. 
d. Lip о ах at the middle or toward the base 
e. Leaves about five times longer than broad, linear-elliptic to 
elliptic to Bis hie 3. S. LINDENIANA 
ee. Leaves at least ten times longer than broad, linear to linear- 
f. Lip Шы lanceolate, broadest below the middle.............. 11. 5. TENELLA 
ff. Lip obovate to oblong, broadest across the auriculate e 
the middle . 5. MINUTIFLORA 
dd. ч eri t above the middle, usually near the ap 
ves relatively short and broad, mostly es than 6 cm. 

long 4. 8. CUNEATA 
ee. Leaves азалы long and narrow, vie a mostly more 
than 6 cm. long (if Ка then only 1-2 . broad). 
f. Lip 3- Lt and with the lobes about а in length.......... 6. 5. LONGICAULIS 

ff. Lip simple or obscurely 3- yes if lobed then rhe lateral 
lobes туф than the mid-lo 
5. Lip ке ог аи S terminal lobe broad, 
rounded and apiculate . 5. ACOSTAEI 
gg. Lip not pandurate nor subpandurate, terminal lobe 

8. S. ВЕНВИ 

1. SCAPHYGLOTTIS MICRANTHA (Lindl.) Ames & Correll in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. 

Univ. 10:85. 1942. 
Hexadesmia micrantba Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 30: Misc. 2. 1844; Reichb. f. Xenia Orch. 

1:70, #. 50, figs. Ш, 6-10. 1856 

Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 20 cm. tall. Stems pseudo- 
bulbose, fusiform, stipitate, simple or rarely superimposed, 1- or usually 2-leaved 
at the apex. Leaves 3-12 cm. long and 0.15—0.5 cm. broad, linear, obtuse, usually 
bilobed at the apex. Inflorescence a terminal, slender, few- to many-flowered 
raceme about as long as or exceeding the leaves in length; flowers small. Dorsal 
sepal about 1.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, oval, acute. Lateral sepals 1.5—2 
mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, ovate, acute. Petals 1.5-2 mm. long and about 
1 mm. broad, oval or ovate, obtuse. Lip 1.2-2 mm. long and 1.5-2.5 mm. broad, 
subreniform, trilobate,—in natural position the lateral lobes erect and surrounding 
the column and the terminal lobe deflexed. 

Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. 
“VERAGUAS and CHIRIQUÍ”: Warscewicz. 

The smallest-flowered species of the genus. 


[Vor. 33 

2. ScaPHYGLOTTIS AcosTAEI (Schltr.) С. Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Нагу. 

Univ. 10:27. 1941. 

Hexadesmia Powellii Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Већ. 17:27. 1922, поп Scaphyglottis 

Powellii Schltr. 

Hexadesmia Acostaei Schltr. loc. cit. 19:295. 1923. 

Small, slender, densely caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 30 cm. tall. Pseudo- 
bulbs 2.5-12 cm. long and 0.1-0.6 cm. in diameter, the upper part swollen and 
fusiform, the lower part forming a slender stipe, 1- or usually 2-, leaved. Leaves 
5-14 cm. long and 0.1-0.3 cm. broad, linear, obtuse, the apex usually bilobed. 
Inflorescence a short, terminal, few-flowered raceme, much exceeded by the leaves. 
Flowers small, usually white with a dark lip. Sepals 3-4 mm. long and 1.4-1.8 
mm. broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. Petals 3-4 mm. long and 
1.4-2 mm. broad, lanceolate or lanceolate-oblong, acute. Lip 3-4 mm. long and 
2.5-4 mm. broad, oblong or oblong-subquadrate, pandurate, acute or retuse and 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Volcán de Chiriquí, alt. 2100 m., Davidson 867; slope of Cerro de la 
Horqueta, alt. 1200-1700 m., Maxon 5300; alt. 1500 m., Powell 225. 

3. SCAPHYGLOTTIS LINDENIANA (Rich. & Gal.) L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. 

Gard. 28:423. 1941. 

Hexadesmia fasciculata Brongn. in Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. II, 17:45. 1842, non Scaphyglottis 

Hexadesmia и Lindridena Rich. & Gal. in Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ІП, 3:23. 1845. 
Hexadesmia pacbybulbon Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:26. 1922. 

Small to large and coarse epiphytic herbs up to about 50 cm. tall. Stems 
usually stipitate below, swollen into an ellipsoidal or fusiform pseudobulb above, 
bifoliate. Leaves 5-25 cm. long and 1.5-5 cm. broad, linear-elliptic to elliptic to 
lanceolate to oblanceolate, acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence a fascicle of flowers 
borne at the apex of the pseudobulb. Dorsal sepal 7-11 mm. long and 1,5-2 mm. 
broad, elliptic, acute. Lateral sepals 7-11 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, lanceo- 
late, arcuate, acute. Petals 6-10 mm. long and 1.5-3 mm. broad, elliptic- 
lanceolate, acute. Lip 6.5-10 mm. long and 2.5—4.5 mm. broad, oblanceolate to 
narrowly obovate, obscurely 3-lobed, obtuse, apiculate. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama. 

uf: "Province of Chiriquí,” alt. 1500 m., Powell 220, 3149. состЕ: hills 
o of El Valle de Antón, alt. 800-1000 m., Allen 2201; mountains beyond La Pintada, 
alt. 400—600 m., Hunter & Allen 601 

Scaphyglottis falcata C. Schweinf. is possibly only a somewhat larger-flowered 
form of this variable species. 

4. ScAPHYGLOTTIS CUNEATA Schltr. іп Вей. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2:398. 1918. 
Scaphyglottis prolifera (R. Br.) Cogn. and other authors as to plants, not according to 

name-bringing synonym 
Tetragamestus gracilis Schltr. loc. cit. 400. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 389 

Scaphyglottis Wercklei Schltr. in "T Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 19:28. 1923. 
Scaphyglottis gracilis Schltr. loc. 
ни IM Lindl. ex C. Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 11:181. 1944, 

и caespitose or repent, epiphytic herbs up to about 25 ст. long. Stems 
pseudobulbose, usually superimposed; pseudobulbs slender and cylindric to nar- 
rowly fusiform, usually bifoliate at the top of each segment of the growth. 
Leaves 1-6 cm. long and 0.1-0.7 cm. broad, linear or ligulate to elliptic-oblong, 
obtuse, usually retuse. Inflorescence a single flower or a few-flowered fascicle 
borne at the apex of the segments of the stem. Dorsal бергі 3.5—4.5 mm. long and 
1.2-1.5 mm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-oval, acute, cucullate. Lateral sepals 4-5 
mm. long and 1.5—2.5 mm. broad, linear-oblong, oblique, acute, forming an іп- 
conspicuous mentum at the base. Petals 3.5-5 mm. long and 0.5-0.6 mm. broad, 
linear to linear-ligulate, obtuse or acute, slightly oblique. Lip 4-6 mm. long and 
2.5—4 mm. broad toward the apex, unguiculate, cuneate-flabellate, the apical part 
semi-orbicular, obtuse, entire or trilobate; disc with a small flabellate or bipartite 
callus toward the apex of the claw or rarely ecallous. Column without stelidiar 

Guatemala, British Honduras, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama, 
the West Indies and in South America to Brazil and Bolivia. 

ZONE: r Río Medio, Miller 1747; San Juan Range, Powell 349; hills north 
of Frijoles, SL 20057. cocLÉ: vicinity of El Valle de Antón, alt. 600-1000 m., 
5. SCAPHYGLOTTIS LAEVILABIA Ames in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 34:154. 1921, as 

S. laevilabium. 

Similar to Scaphyglottis cuneata except the disc of the lip always ecallous and 
the column with two small stelidiar arms about opposite the stigmatic cavity. 


PANAMÁ: Juan Díaz, alt. 50 m., Killip 3113; foothills east of Panamá City, Powell 211. 

6. SCAPHYGLOTTIS LONGICAULIS S. Wats. in Proc. Am. Acad. 23:286. 1888. 
Scaphyglottis unguiculata Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 12:206. 1913. 

Slender, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 30 cm. tall. Stems slender, the 
pseudobulbs cylindric, simple or rarely superimposed, bearing 1 or 2 leaves at the 
summit of the segments. Leaves 4-16 cm. long and 0.1—0.3 cm. broad, linear. 
Inflorescence one-flowered, or a few-flowered fascicle at the apex of the stem or of 
segments of the stem. Dorsal sepal 5-7 mm. long and about 1.5 mm. broad, 
linear-oblong to linear-oblanceolate, acute, somewhat cucullate. Lateral sepals 
5.5-7 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, linear-oblong, acute, forming a distinct 
mentum at the base. Petals 5-7 mm. long and about 0.7-1 mm. broad, linear- 
oblanceolate, obtuse or acute. Lip 5-7 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad near the 
apex, unguiculate, cuneate-flabellate, trilobate at the apex; disc ecallous. Column 
sometimes with lateral teeth at the apex. 

Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. 


[Vor. 33 

CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Kenoyer 251; hills east of Panama City, Powell 
105, 3392; hills north of Frijoles, Standley 27664; Rio Indio, Steyermark & Allen 17442. 
OLÓN: Loma de la Gloria, Pittier 7000. DARIEN: vicinity of El Real, alt. 15 m., Allen 


7. SCAPHYGLOTTIS AMETHYSTINA (Reichb. f.) Schltr. іп Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 36, 
Abt. 2:456. 1918. 

Ponera amethystina Reichb. f. in Saunders Ref. Bot. 2: /. 03. 1869. 

Scaphyglottis brachiata Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 9:432. 1911. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 25 cm. tall. Stems simple or superim- 
posed, segments cylindric to fusiform, often distinctly stipitate, bearing 1 or 
usually 2 leaves at the apex of each segment. Leaves 3-12 cm. long and 0.4-1 cm. 
broad, linear, linear-lanceolate to elliptic, obtuse, the apex retuse and unequally 
bilobed. Inflorescence a few-flowered fascicle borne at the apex of the segments. 
Dorsal вера! 4.5-6 mm. long and about 1.5 mm. broad, elliptic to oblanceolate, 
acute, cucullate. Lateral sepals 5-7.5 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad, linear- 
oblong to lanceolate, acute, forming a short mentum at the base. Petals 4.5—5 
mm. long and 0.8-1.2 mm. broad, linear-oblong and unguiculate to oblanceolate, 
acute. Lip 6-8 mm. long and 3-5 mm. broad, cuneate, obovate, 3-lobed, the 
lateral lobes large, rounded, situated above the middle of the lip; mid-lobe sub- 
quadrate, obtuse, rarely emarginate, exceeding the lateral lobes. Column with 2 
stelidiar arms near the apex. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CANAL ZONE: Chagres River, sea-level, Powell 358. снікюші: vicinity of San Felix, 
alt. 0-120 m., Pittier 5103. 

8. ScAPHYGLOTTIS Венкп (Reichb. f.) Benth. & Hook. ех Нет]. іп Godm. & 
Salvin, Biol. Centr.-Am. Bot. 3:219. 1883; C. Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. 
Harv. Univ. 7:186. 1939. 

Ponera Вертй mie f. in Bonplandia 3:220. 1855. 

Ponera albida Reichb. f. in Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 103. МеН 

Scaphyglottis Ро йа Schltr. іп Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 3:47. 

Scaphyglottis albida Schltr. in Већ. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Abt. 2: yes 1918. 

Caespitose, epiphytic or pendent herbs up to about 45 cm. long. Stems simple 
or superimposed; segments cylindric to narrowly elliptic or narrowly fusiform, 
l-leaved or usually 2-leaved at the apex, at least the lower segment stipitate 
Leaves 5-26 cm. long and 0.15—0.45 cm. broad, linear, obtuse, obscurely bilobed 
at the apex. Inflorescence a single flower or а few-flowered fascicle or one or 
more much abbreviated few-flowered racemes borne at the apex of the segments 
of the stem. Dorsal sepal 3-4 mm. long and 1-1,5 mm. broad, elliptic-oblong to 
elliptic-oval, obtuse, cucullate. Lateral sepals 3.5—4.5 mm. long and 1,2-2 mm. 
broad, linear-oblong to oblong, acute. Petals 3-4 mm. long and 0.5-1 mm. 
broad, linear to linear-lanceolate, obtuse, more or less unguiculate. Lip 3.5-5 mm. 
long and 2-3.5 mm. broad, narrowly obovate, unguiculate, entire to obscurely 
3-lobed, obtuse and rarely shallowly retuse. Column with a narrow wing. 

Guatemala, British Honduras, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 391 

CANAL ZONE: Chagres, Behr; near Gatin, Hayes; hills east of Panama City, Juan 
Díaz Range, San Juan Range, La Pita, McComber Hill, Frijoles, Juan Diaz, Powell 126, 
359, 363, 367, 360, 373, 374, 378, 3506; Barro Colorado Island, Woodworth & Vestal 
592. CHIRIQUÍ: Lino Hill, Powell 385. PANAMA: Río Tecümen, Hunter & Allen 229. 
VERAGUAS: Bahia Honda, Taylor 1507. 

It is possible that the historical type of Scaphyglottis Bebrii is not the species 
commonly interpreted as such. We have not seen the original specimen collected 
by Behr. А record from the Reichenbach herbarium (not from the type) does 
not match too well. 

9. ScaPHYGLOTTIS MEsOCOPIS (Endr. & Reichb. f.) Benth. & Hook. ex Нет]. 

in Biol. Centr.-Am. Bot. 3:220. 1883 
Ponera mesocopis Endres & Reichb. f. Xenia Orch. 2:222, Ё. 200. 1874. 

Scapbyglottis Powellii Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:28. 1922. 

Caespitose, erect or repent, epiphytic herbs up to about 50 cm. long. Stems 
pseudobulbose, cylindric or usually fusiform, commonly stipitate; segments super- 
imposed, 1- to 2-leaved at the apex, the lower segment often bearing a fascicle of 
stems at its apex. Leaves 3-17 cm. long and 0.2-0.7 cm. broad, linear, obtuse, 
usually bilobate at the apex. Inflorescence a few-flowered fascicle or а much- 
abbreviated raceme borne at the apex of the segments of the stem. Dorsal вера! 
5.5-7 mm. long and 1.8-2.5 mm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, acute. Lateral 
sepals 6-8 mm. long and 1.8-2.5 mm. broad, linear-oblong to lanceolate-oblong, 
acute or obtuse, slightly arcuate, forming a short mentum at the base. Petals 5-7 
mm. long and 1.4-2 mm. broad, linear-oblong to elliptic-lanceolate, acute or 
obtuse, short-unguiculate. Lip 7-10 mm. long and 3.5—4.5 mm. broad, oblong- 
subpandurate, usually broadest near the apex, cuneate to the base and short- 
unguiculate, obtuse and emarginate, obscurely denticulate; disc with one or more 

the median lines raised and papillose. Column with two stelidiar arms originat- 
ing at about the middle. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

CANAL ZONE: hills east of Panamá City, Powell 134. cHrriguf: vicinity of Boquete, 
near Río Caldera, alt. кр m., Allen 2282; n alt. 1200 m., Davidson 1283; 
"Province of Chiriquí," alt. 000 m., Powell 134. CLÉ: vicinity of La Mesa north of 

El Valle de Antón, alt. me m., Allen 2316; region odi of El Valle de ye alt. 800 
m., Allen 2926. 


The Powell record for the Canal Zone is doubtless in error, for the same num- 
ber is used for the specimen from Chiriqui. 

10. SCAPHYGLOTTIS MINUTIFLORA Ames & Correll in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 

10:83, 20. 1942. 

Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 75 cm. tall. Stems slender, cylindric 
to slightly fusiform, superimposed, 1- to 2-leaved from the apex of the segments. 
Leaves 5-18 cm. long and 0.3-1 cm. broad, linear, acute or obtuse, retuse and 
unequally bilobed at the apex. Inflorescence a few-flowered fascicle, borne at the 
apex of segments of the stem. Dorsal sepal about 2.4 mm. long and 1.3 mm. 


[Vor. 33 


Lope Ca PRESS =. 


minutiflora Ames $ Соё “ . 
Fig. 141. Scapbyglottis minutiflora 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 393 

broad, oval, acute. Lateral sepals about 2.5 mm. long and 1.4 mm. broad, elliptic- 
oblong, acute, forming an inconspicuous mentum at the base. Petals about 2.2 
mm. long and 0.6 mm. broad, narrowly elliptic-oblong, acute or obtuse. Lip 
2.5-4 mm. long and 1,5-2.5 mm. broad, obovate to oblong, obtuse or obscurely 
retuse, provided with small, semi-orbicular, auriculate lobes near the middle. 

Guatemala, British Honduras and Panama. 

COCLÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 800-1000 m., Allen 2258. 

It is possible that the Panamanian material is different from the Guatemalan 

11. SCAPHYGLOTTIS TENELLA L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28:423, 

t. 24. 1941 

Caespitose, erect or spreading, epiphytic herbs up to about 50 cm. long. Stems 
slender, cylindric or becoming swollen and fusiform above, simple, bifoliate at the 
apex. Leaves 20-23 cm. long and 0.7-1.6 cm. broad, linear to linear-lanceolate, 
acute, the apex minutely bilobed. Inflorescence a 1- to few-flowered fascicle at 
the apex of the stem. Dorsal sepal 8-9 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, lanceolate, 
acute. Lateral sepals 8-9 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute. Petals 
8-9 mm. long and 3-3.5 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, acute or obtuse. Lip 8-9 
mm. long and 4—5 mm. broad, rhombic-lanceolate but somewhat constricted 
above the middle, fleshy. 


cocLÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, alt. 800-1000 m., Allen 2276. 

12. SCAPHYGLOTTIS BILINEATA (Reichb. f.) Schltr. in Већ. Bot. Centralbl. 36, 

Abt. 2:456. 1 
Ponera bilineata Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 88. 1866. 

Erect or spreading, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 30 cm. long. Stems 
slender, simple or superimposed, cylindric, 1- to 2-foliate at the apex of the seg- 
ments. Leaves 6—9 cm. long and 0.7—1.1 cm. broad, ligulate to linear-lanceolate, 
obtuse. Inflorescence a 1- to few-flowered fascicle borne at the apex of the seg- 
ments. Dorsal sepal about 7 mm. long and 2 mm. broad, elliptic or oblanceolate, 
obtuse. Lateral sepals about 8 mm. long and 2.5 mm. broad, lanceolate-oblong, 
slightly arcuate, acute. Petals about 7 mm. long and 0.8 mm. broad, linear, ob- 
tuse. Lip about 9 mm. long and 3.5 mm. broad, cuneate-unguiculate to the base, 
3-lobed; the lateral lobes originating above the middle, dentiform; the mid-lobe 
suborbicular-flabellate, slightly retuse; disc fleshy, especially the basal portion, 
with the median line callus-thickened toward the apex. Column auriculate at 
the apex. 

Costa Rica and Panama. 

ZONE: Quebrada Lopez, alt. 30 m., Allen 2139. cocté: hills north of El 
Valle "ig peu, alt. 800-1000 m., Allen 2263. 

May be expected to be more variable than the description indicates. 


[Vor. 33 

tenella 26. 

Fig. 142. Scaphyglottis tenella 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 395 

SCAPHYGLOTTIS DOLICHOPHYLLA Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:28. 1922. 
This species is based on Powell 126 of which I have seen two specimens. One 
of these is Scaphyglottis Bebrii, while the other is very similar but recalls in some 
respects Schlechter’s analysis of S. dolichophylla. 


PrATvcLOoTTIs L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29:345, 7. 34. 1942. 

Caespitose, epiphytic herbs from a very short rhizome. Stems slender, non- 
pseudobulbose, indurated, simple. Leaves alternate, distichous, coriaceous, plane, 
deciduous; leaf-sheaths tightly enfolding the stem.  Inflorescence terminal (or 
subterminal?), racemose. Sepals subequal; dorsal sepal free; lateral sepals adnate 
to the short column-foot at their bases and with it forming an inconspicuous 
mentum. Petals similar to the sepals or broader. Lip articulated to the apex of 
the column-foot; lamina broadly ligulate, entire. Column short, clavellate, wing- 
less, produced into a short foot at the base; anther terminal, operculate, incumbent, 
6-loculate; pollinia 6, equal, 4 basal and laterally compressed in one series, 2 
terminal in a second laterally compressed series, ceraceous. 

A single species known only from the vicinity of El Valle de Antón, Coclé 
Province, Panama. 

1. PLATYGLOTTIS CORIACEA L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29:347, f. 34. 


Epiphytic, caespitose herbs up to about 4.5 dm. tall Stems 5-8 mm. in 
diameter, slender, leafy, becoming naked with age. Leaves 2.5—6 cm. long, 1-1.5 
cm. broad, narrowly ligulate, obtuse, obscurely and unequally bilobed at the apex, 
coriaceous, distichous. Inflorescence a short, few-flowered raceme, terminal or sub- 
terminal; bracts 7-20 mm. long, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, cucullate; flowers rather 
large for the tribe, sepals and petals lavender, the lip lavender with greenish mar- 
gins. Dorsal вера! about 10 mm. long and 3.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute or 
acuminate, 5-nerved. Lateral sepals about 10 mm. long and 3 mm. broad, lance- 
olate, acute or acuminate, slightly oblique, 5-nerved. Petals about 10 mm. long 
and 3.5 mm. broad, elliptic-oblanceolate, somewhat oblique, obscurely constricted 
near the apex, 5- to 7-nerved. Lip about 10 mm. long and 5 mm. broad toward 
the apex, broadly ligulate, subpandurate, entire, apex rounded, the margins thin 
and plicated laterally; disc fleshy, with a pair of inconspicuous, subumbonate 
calluses at the base. 


cocLÉ: north of El Valle de Antón, alt. about 1000 m., Allen 2036. 


[Vor. 33 


yc 4 E и 
~ 20/4 асва Ио, WS. 
i. m ИТ, 


Бір. 143. Scaphyglottis coriacea 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 397 


IsocuiLus К. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:209. 1813; Correll in Bot. Mus. | 
ГеаЯ. Harv. Univ. 10:1. 1941. 

Caespitose, epiphytic herbs with slender 
stems and distichous leaves. Inflorescence a 
terminal, often unilateral raceme. Sepals sub- 
equal, free or connate into a short tube at the 
base, sometimes more or less subsaccate at the 
base. Petals about as long as the sepals. Lip 
subequal to the petals, simple, adnate to the 
base of the column or column-foot, often semi- 
terete, wingless; column-foot very short and 
inconspicuous; pollinia 4, ceraceous, elongated 
and laterally compressed. 

Closely allied to Ponera and Jacquiniella. 
According to Correll, the genus consists of two 
species, both variable. 

1. IsocHiLUS Major Cham. & Schlecht. in 
Linnaea 6:60. 1831; Correll in Bot. Mus. 
Leafl. Harv. Univ. 10:9. 1941. 

Isochilus chiriquensis Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 

1 29. 

Caespitose, erect or spreading, slender, ері- 
phytic herbs. Stems simple, slender, leafy. 
Leaves 2-10 cm. long and 0.2—0.8 cm. broad, 
linear to linear-elliptic, obtuse, emarginate and 
unequally bilobed at the apex. Inflorescence 
secund, usually several- to many-flowered; 
flowers subtended by conspicuous chartaceous 
bracts. Dorsal вера! 7-11 mm. long and 3—4 
mm. broad, elliptic-oblong, acute or obtuse. 
Lateral sepals 8-12 mm. long and 3—4.5 mm. 
broad, oblong-lanceolate, acute, keeled toward 
the base, and the keel decurrent onto the ovary. 
Petals 7-11 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, 
oblanceolate, acute or obtuse. Lip 8—12 mm. 
long and 1.5—3 mm. broad, elliptic-linear to 

Fig. 144. Isochilus major 


[Vor. 33 

linear-oblong to oblanceolate, acute or obtuse, 
M Ў entire or obscurely lobed, geniculate and fleshy 
De at the base. 
cH (>> Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, 
OR Уз Panama and Jamaica. 
снікюоі: Rio Quebrada, alt. 1700 m., Killip 
3532; “Province of Chiriqui,” alt. 1200 m., Powell 
08, 3380; Bajo Mona, alt. 1500-2000 m., Woodson, 
Allen t$ Seibert 1003; vicinity of Bajo Mona, alt. 
1500 m., Woodson 9 Schery 518. 


BoTHRIOCHILUs Lemaire, Illustr. Hort. 3:Misc. 
p. 31. 1856; L. Wms. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. 
Harv. Univ. 8:145. 1940. 

Epiphytic herbs with the stems reduced to 
ovoid or lageniform pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs 
several-leaved at their apices, the petioles of 
the leaves simulating stems. Inflorescence lat- 

. eral from the base of the pseudobulbs. Dorsal 
sepal free. Lateral sepals adnate to the column- 
foot and with it forming a mentum.  Petals 
similar to the dorsal sepal but usually shorter. 
Lip simple or obscurely lobed, about as long as 
the petals, shortly and sharply declined at the 
base or even saccate, if saccate the sac some- 
times didymous. Column erect, long and slen- 
der, wingless or nearly so; column-foot about 
as long as the column or longer; pollinia 8, 
ceraceous. Ovary wingless. 

A single species is known from Panama. 

L. Wms. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 

8:148. 1940 
Coelia ӨМетогіесіуе pro in Benth. Pl. Hartw. 
92. 3 Hook. Bot. Mag. 79:4. 4712. 

1853; Reichb. f. Beitr. Orch. Centr.-Am. 41. 

Fig. 1To this genus belong all of the "NON previously re- 
Botbriocbilus macrostacbyus ferred to Coelia, except the type specie 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 399 

Coelia macrostachya Lindl. var. genuina Reichb. f. loc. с 
Coelia macrostachya Lindl. var. integrilabia Reichb. f. loc. cit. 

Epiphytic herbs up to about 90 cm. tall. Pseudobulbs up to about 8 cm. long, 
ovoid to semi-globose, often somewhat compressed, surrounded with scarious sheaths 
at the base, bearing 3-6 leaves at the summit. Leaves 30-100 cm. long and 
0.8—2.5 cm. broad, linear to elliptic-ligulate, acute or acuminate, plicate, sheathing 
at the base. Inflorescence a densely flowered, more or less elongated raceme, lateral, 
up to about 50 cm. long, the scape somewhat flexuous, covered with chartaceous 
bracts; the rachis provided with conspicuous linear to lanceolate, acute or acumi- 
nate bracts up to about 7 cm. long. Dorsal вера! 7.5-11 mm. long and 3-5 mm. 
broad, elliptic-ovate to ovate, acute, rugose dorsally. Lateral sepals 10-14 mm. 
long and 4-5 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, acute, free but forming a short ob- 
tuse mentum, rugose dorsally. Petals 7-11 mm. long and 3-5 mm. broad, elliptic- 
ovate to rhombic-obovate, acute. Lip 11-14 mm. long and 4-6 mm. broad, 
oblong-pandurate, angled or dentate-lobed above the middle, terminal part of the 
lip reflexed, lanceolate, base of lip forming a shallow didymous spur. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: “Chiriquí Cordilleren,” alt. 1800 m., Warscewicz. 

The Panamanian record is a specimen cited by Reichenbach. 


PorysracHvA Hook. Exot. Fl. 2: . 103. 1825; Kranzlin in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 

Beih. 39:1—136. 1926. 

Epiphytic or rarely terrestrial, caespitose, pseudobulbose (Panamanian species) 
herbs. Inflorescence a raceme or panicle. Dorsal sepal free. Lateral sepals larger 
than the dorsal, forming a mentum at their bases. Petals much smaller than the 
sepals, usually linear. Lip non-resupinate, nearly entire or usually 3-lobed; disc 
of the lip usually with a conspicuous callus and often covered with fragile, artic- 
ulated or farinaceous cells. Column short, with a prominent foot; pollinia 4, or 
4 joined into 2. 

Kranzlin, in his monograph, lists 188 species of Polystachya, mostly African. 

1. Р. CEREA 

a. Ovary and rachis of the inflorescence glabrous 
aa. Ovary and rachis of the inflorescence pubescent 

1. PoLYsTACHYA CEREA Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 26: Misc. p. 86. 1840. 

Caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 60 cm. tall, commonly 10-15 cm. tall. 
Stems very short, pseudobulbose; pseudobulbs ovoid to fusiform or cylindric, 
usually enclosed in bracts or the leaf-sheaths, bearing 2-5 leaves. Leaves 3-26 


[Vor. 33 

cm. long and 0.4-3 cm. broad, variable, linear to oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate, 
acute or obtuse, the sheaths enclosing the peduncle at the base. Inflorescence 
terminal, the peduncle covered with scarious sheaths, bearing a single terminal 
raceme or 1 or more short lateral racemes from the nodes of the peduncle. Dorsal 
sepal 3-3.5 mm. long and 1.6-2 mm. broad, lanceolate, ovate to oblong-ovate, 
acute. Lateral sepals 3-4.5 mm. long and 1,5-3 mm. broad, lanceolate-ovate to 
broadly ovate, acute or acuminate. Petals 2-2.5 mm. long and 0.5-1 mm. broad, 
obtuse or acute, slightly arcuate. Lip 2.5-3.5 mm. long and 2-3 mm. broad, ob- 
long or oblong-ovate, 3-lobed; lateral lobes small, usually rounded, erect; mid-lobe 
large, truncate, apiculate or usually retuse; disc provided with an umbonate or 
mammillate callus at the base and with the terminal part covered with evanescent, 
farinaceous pubescence. Ovary glabrous. 
Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, tropical South America. 

CANAL ZONE: hills east of Panamá City, NM 122, 3426; Barro Colorado Island, 

Shattuck 226. снікюоі: opposite чир. alt. 1200 m., Powe 343. COCLE: vicinity of 
El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen 781, 1171. PANAMA: FHaicende La Joya, alt. 50-300 m., 
Dodge et al 16000; Sabanas near Chepo o, alt. 30 m., Hunter 9 Allen 28. PROVINCE NOT 
GIVEN: "hills," Powell 122, 3439; between Fort ыда and Corozal, Standley 20100. 
2. POLYSTACHYA MASAYENSIS Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 3:217. 1855. 

Similar to Polystachya cerea Lindl. but usually somewhat smaller in size, vege- 
tatively, and with the rachis of the inflorescence and the ovary downy-pubescent. 

Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. 

CANAL ZONE: Chagres, Fendler 334. COCLÉ: hills north of El Valle de Antón, = 
1000 m., Allen 2319; Río Antón, alt. 500 m., Hunter & Allen 380. cortów: Cat 
Porto Bello trail, alt. sea-level, Powell 366. 

Perhaps best treated as a mere variety of P. cerea Lindl. 

37. GALEANDRA Lindl. 

GALEANDRA Lindl. in Lindl. & Bauer, Illustr. Orch. Pl., Gen. 7. 8. 1832. 

Terrestrial or epiphytic herbs. Stems leafy, becoming thickened and pseudo- 
bulbose. Leaves distichous, plicate. Sepals free, equal, spreading. Petals similar 
to the sepals, sometimes broader. Lip entire or bilobed, adnate to the base of the 
column, with a conspicuous spur at the base; lateral lobes usually erect and en- 
folded over the column. Column erect, short; anther terminal, operculate, in- 
cumbent, imperfectly 2-celled; pollinia 4, ceraceous, often in pairs. 

There are 3 species of Galeandra in Mexico and Central America, 2 of which 
occur in Panama—About 20 species in South America. 

a. Plants epiphytic; lip large, with ызды 4-5 cm. long 1. С. BAUERI 
Plants terrestrial; Пр about 2 cm. lon ... 2. С. JUNCEA 

1. GALEANDRA BAUERI Lindl. in Lindl. & Bauer, Illustr. Orch. РГ, Gen. £. 8. 
1832; Batem. Orch. Мех. & Guat. 7. 10. 1840; Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 26: 7. 40. 
1840; L. Wms. in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 26:284. 1939. 

Galeandra Batemanii Rolfe in Gard. Chron. III, 12:431. 1892. 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 401 

Fig. 146. Polystachya masayensis 


[Vor. 33 

Fig. 147. Galeandra Baueri 


FLORA OF PANAMA (Orchidaceae) 403 

Caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to about 50 cm. tall. Stems pseudobulbose, 
fusiform to ovoid, covered with the leaf-sheaths or becoming naked, bearing up to 
about 8 leaves. Leaves 8-26 cm. long and 0.8-2 cm. broad, linear-elliptic to 
elliptic, acute or acuminate, plicate. Inflorescence a terminal few-flowered raceme; 
flowers relatively large and pretty. Dorsal вера! 15-19 mm. long and 3-5 mm. 
broad, oblanceolate, acute. Lateral sepals 16-20 mm. long and 4-6 mm. broad, 
lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, acute, slightly arcuate. Petals 16-20 mm. long 
and 4-6 mm. broad, elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate, acute. Lip, including the 
spur, 40-50 mm. long and 30-40 mm. broad, infundibuliform, spur just about 
equalling the lamina in length; lamina suborbicular-rhombic, emarginate. 

Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama and French Guiana. 
A variety in Peru. 

s DEL TORO: in swamp near Almirante, Nash 1962; Shepherd Island, vicinity of 
Chiriqui а Wedel 2712 
2. GALEANDRA JUNCEA Lindl. беге. Orch. sub. 2. 37. 1840; Cogn. in Mart. FI. 

Bras. 34:306. 1895 

Strict terrestrial herbs up to about 50 cm. tall. Stems pseudobulbose, the 
pseudobulbs 1.5—2 cm. long, borne on the surface or just under the surface of the 
ground, simple, invested by the leaf-sheaths. Leaves up to about 20 cm. long and 
0.5 cm. broad, ensiform, conduplicate. Inflorescence a simple (or branched?) 
few-flowered raceme. Sepals about 13 mm. long and 3.5-4 mm. broad, lanceolate, 
acute. Petals about 12 mm. long and 3.5 mm. broad, oblanceolate, acute. Lip 
17-20 mm. long and about 16 mm. broad, obscurely trilobate, spurred; lamina 
when expanded broadly ovate in outline, with 2 small lamellate, pubescent calluses 
near the middle, and toward the apex a dense patch of pilose pubescence arranged 
in three lines; spur short, about 5 mm. long, directed outward and backward. 

Panama, Venezuela, the Guianas and Brazil. 

PANAMA: Isla Taboga, alt. 0-350 m., Allen 1268; Taboga Island, Cheeseman 483. 

The description is drawn from the Panamanian material cited. 


Еррлмтноѕ L. Wms. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 8:148. 1940. 

Small, simple or branched, epiphytic herbs with slender, leafy, repent or caespi- 
tose stems lacking pseudobulbs. Leaves distichous, jointed at the base, plane or 
terete, linear or subfiliform; leaf-sheaths persistent on the stem. Inflorescence a 
terminal, distichous, fractiflex raceme. Sepals similar, free, reflexed or spreading. 
Petals narrower than the sepals, with a callus at the base. Lip simple or 3-lobed, 
adnate to the base of the column. Column short, terete, adnate to the lip or 
callus of the lip for its entire length; anther terminal, incumbent; pollinia 2, 

A small Mexican and Central American genus of three species, only one of 


[Vor. 33, 1946] 

which is known from Panama. It has been confused with Epidendrum, with 
which it has little affinity. 

1. EPIDANTHUS PARANTHICUS (Reichb. f.) L. Wms. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. 
Univ. 8:150. 
Epidendrum paranthicum Reichb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:732. 
Epidendrum Sancti Ramoni Kranzl. in Vierteljahrschr. Noti Zürich 74:137. 1929, 
Small, caespitose, epiphytic herbs up to 30 cm. tall. Stems slender, slightly 
fractiflex. Leaves 0.8—2.5 cm. long and 0.05—0.2 cm. broad, linear, semi-terete, 
obtuse, deciduous. Inflorescence a terminal, fractiflex, few- to several-flowered 
raceme; flowers small, white or yellow. Sepals similar, 2-3 mm. long and 1-1.5 
mm. broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, the laterals often slightly 
cucullate. Petals 2-2.5 cm. long and about 0.5 mm. broad, linear-lanceolate, 
acute. Lip 2.2-3 mm. long and 2-2.5 mm. broad, unguiculate; the claw adnate 
to the column; lamina cordate-orbicular to reniform, long-apiculate. 
Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. 

CHIRIQUÍ: Вајо Chorro, Boquete District, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 121. 

(То be continued in Part ІП, Fascicle 4) 



New scientific names of plants and the final members of new combinations are printed 
in bold face type; synonyms and page numbers having reference to figures and plates, in 

italics; and previously published names and all other matter, in ordinary type.! 


Aceto-carmine stain in studies of yeast 
cultures, 253, 

Aceto-orcein stain in studies of yeast cul- 
tures, 253, 260, 282, 288 

Acostaea, 84 

Acupula, Mexico, maize grown near, 239 

American Carboniferous floras, Contribu- 
tions to our knowledge of. VIII. Another 
Medullosa from Iowa, 141; ome 
petrified seeds from Iowa, 291 

aize in Mexico—A 

ican Carboniferous floras. VIII. Another 
Medull from Iowa, d Lee 
Lenz i 

knowledge of American Carboniferous 
Some petrified seeds from 

Archeological investigations of maize, 161, 
Autlan, Mexico, varieties of maize common 
at, 149, 158 

Blastodendrion, 264 

Bothriochilus, 398 

Brassavola, 384 

Brazilin stain in studies of yeast cultures, 
253, 256, 278, 28 


"Cacahuzintle" variety of maize, 149, 166 

Carboniferous floras, American, Contribu- 
i knowledge of IL An- 
other Medullosa from Iowa, 141; ІХ 

Chalco, Mexico, maize from, 234 
Chihuahua, Mexico, maize from, 247 
r Woodson 

ы іп =. ANNAL 
of the "Flor 

and Schery’s “Flora 

of Panama” only the 
s Index, since a complete а will be appended at the end of each volume 

Coal фен а of, Жр 291; map show- 
in where found, 143 

ERR enum. 303 

Conostoma, 291; oblongum, 291, di Spr 

i micropylar region 


Меди Поза from 

Cycad forest of E. (m Hills, N. D., 
Cytological study of yeast wb г 
cerevisiae), 249 


Dent corn, 148, 153, 1 
Des Moines, Iowa, map showing coal mines 

near, 143 
Diacrium, 378 
Ecological factors in maize variation, 162 
Elleanthus, 22 
"Elote" varieties of Mexican maize, 149, 
164, 174 (pl. 7); showing кезе. Бе- 
tween, and common varieties, 105 
dM кез deposit, near Gilboa, N. 
«y 309 

Кыйан, 403 К 

Epidendrum, 315; ciliare var. Oerstedii, 
327; > apt var. angustisegmentum, 371 

Eryth dh 

Ethnological Eds of maize, 161, 162 


Ferns, fossil, 141, 

Feulgen udies of yeast cul- 
, 288 

Fixations in yeast cultures, 252 
Flemming's triple stain in studies of yeast 
cultures, 256, 278 

plant families and new entities are 


Flora of Panama, Part ІП, Fasc. 2, 1, Fasc. 

Fossil ferns, 141, 3 
Fossil forest, The i 309; views of, 

311, 312 
Fossil T of Arizona, the Black Hills, 
N. Florissant, Colo., and Gilboa, N. 
To 309; of Yellowstone National Park, 

Gallatin e forest, The, 309; views of, 
311, 312 
Genetics іп ma of denting, 171; of 
multiple Theon E 171 

Giemsa technique in study of yeast cultures, 
see Robinow's Giemsa technique 

Guadalajara, Mexico, maize researches in, 

Guatemalan Big Grain maize, 770, 171 


Habenaria, 11 

Heidenhain's haematoxylin in studies of 
yeast cultures, 256, 250, 286 

Hexisea, 139 

Huehuetoca, Mexico, maize grown near, 
238, 240 

Huichol Indians, varieties of maize grown 
by, 161, 

Hybrid yeasts, 250 


Another Medullosa from, 141; map 
pre coal mines near Des NAM 143; 
me petrified seeds from, 2 
шы 397 

Jalisco, Mexico, maize grown іп, 140, 153, 
158, 159, 176-20 
Johansen’s — violet stain on yeast cul- 
tures, 253, 250, 
Jurassic oa forest of North Dakota, 309 


Kamaraspermum Leeanum, 296, longitudi- 

nal section of seed, 206, 300, 301, 306, 
transverse section, 208, 200, 306 
Kern, El M., N. Andrews 

me pet- 
rified seeds from Iowa, 291 

[Vor. 33 


Kernen, Jules A., Henry N. Andrews and. 
I toour knowledge of Amer- 
ican Carboniferous е Қы» Another 
Midulloes from Iow 
Kuleshov's studies on ы МҸ 160 

Laelia, 382 

Lenz, Lee y N. UN and. The 
Gallatin fosil T 

Lepanthes, 8 

Lepiocarpon, 303 

Liparis, 1 

“Magnicorp” in yeast cell: explanation of 
term, 254, 254; fixation of, 257; stain- 

Maiz, 147; amarillo, 749, 185, 198, 200, 
2 ; amarillo del cerro, 

140; de tierra fria, 227; del cerro, 216; 
del pais, 167; dulce, 149, 167, 174 (pl. 
8), 188; espiga blanca, e луу =: 

4), 211, 244; reventador, 140, 161, 168, 

175, 170, 180; rosquera, 213; tabloncillo, 

140; tampenquefo, 749; tulekenio, 210; 

umado, 749; valenciana, 107; vaquerefo, 

Maize іп ме хісо--А preliminary survey, 

147; Appendix, 175 
Maize, Mexican: Central Mexican type, 
159; characters used to study, 152; classi- 
fication of, 169; collections, 175; denting 
, 148, 153, 171; "elote" varie 
164, 174 (pl. 7), relation between com- 


206-227; from 
Toluca, 140, 158, 163, 220-233; genetics 
of, 171; Mexican Narrow Ear, 
(pl. 2); Mexican Pyramidal, 
170, 171, 174 (pl. 4, pl. 5); Mount 
Yellow, 163, 170, 171, 174 (pl. 6); races 



of, 160, 171; variation in, 147, 158; 
varieties of, 149, 164, 175-247 
Malaxis, 128; Wendlandii, 136 
Masdevallia, 73 

Medullosa, Another, from Iowa 1 
Medullosa, 141; anglica, 142, var. ioensis, 
142, stelar mm of, 145, I4Ó; sect. 


anglorota, 144; Thompsonii, 142 

Metepec maize, 2 5 

Methyl violet stain in studies of yeast cul- 
tures, 253. 256, 27 

Methylene blue-eosin stain in studies of 
yeast cultures, 252, 258, 28. 

Mexican Narrow Ear maize, 160, 174(pl. 2) 

Mexican Pyramidal maize, 160, 168, 170, 
171, 174 (pl. 4, pl. 5) 

Mexico: Maize in—A preliminary survey, 
147; Appendix, 175; approximate cross- 
section of central, where maize studies 
were made, 159 

Mexico-Toluca maize, 163, 220-23 

Michoacan, Mexico, study of maize grown 
in, 153, 158, 163, 206-22 

Mitrospermum, 295; compressum, 295 

Mountain Yellow maize, Mexican, 163, 170, 


Nagel, Lillian. А cytological “т of yeast 
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae), 

Narrow Ear varieties of ма maize, 
168; 171. 174 


TR P ik Part III, Fasc. 2, 
‚ Hasc 


Paleontological investigations in Iowa coal 
mines, ud in petrified forests, 309 

Palmorchis, 3 

Panama, Td of, Part III, Fasc. 2, 1, Fasc. 

“Рагуісогр” in yeast cell, explanation of 
term, 254; staining, 25 

Petrified seeds from Iowa, Some, 291 

Phragmipedium, 8 

Physosiphon, 7 

Platyglottis, 395 

Pleurothallis, 85; um var. echinata, 120 

Pogonia, 17; 1 

M Metu: 


Popcorns, аа 148, 140, 161, 168 

Pop-dent corn, 148; grown at Toluca, 
Mexico, 140, 170 
Pteridosperms: fossil stems of, 141 

Purificacion, Mexico, varieties of maize at, 


Me. ом јер 292; cyclocaryon, 295; 
spina 292, diagram of seed, 203, 
cellular detail, 204, ү: жа ә section, 

Robinow’s Giemsa technique in studies of 
yeast cultures, 252, 255, 260, 276, 280, 
282, 284, 286, 288 


Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Cytological study 
of, 249; studies of buddin 

284, 286, 288; techniques, 255, 260, 
terminology of cell parts, 254, 2 
San Francisco, Mexico, maize grown in, 228 

Scaphosepalum, 8 

Scaphyglottis, 386 

Schery, Robert W., Robert E. Woodson 
and. Flora of Panama. Part III, Fasc. 2, 
Te hase. /2, 315 

Seeds, Some petrified, from Iowa, 291 


Sequoia magnifica, petrified stump of, 311 

Shuler Coal Mine, near Des Moines, Iowa, 
map showing location of, I 

Sobralia, 27; amabilis, 30; callosa, 31 

Sporulating cultures d Saccharomyces cere- 
visiae, - 284, 286, 288 

Spiranthes, 4 

Staining Eu employed in study of 
де 5% 251 


Stems, а fern, 141 

Stenoptera, 39 

укоб. 264 


Tempskya, 310 
Tepotzotlán, Mexico, maize grown in, 236, 

Thompson, Frederick O., coal balls received 
from, 141, 291 

Toluca, Mexico: Mountain Yellow maize 


grown іп, 163; Mexican Pyramidal maize 
from, 170; varieties of maize grown near, 

49, А 
Toluidine blue solution, effect of, оп bud- 
ding yeast cultures, 263, 263 
Urbandale Mine: coal-ball plants in, 141, 
291; map showing location of, 143 

Vanilla, 20 

Variation in Mexican maize, 146, 156, 156, 
163; grids used for diagramming, r50, 
I51; methods of studying, 152 


ics Louis O. 5-7 5 Рапатпа, 
art ІП, Fasc. 2, 1, Fas 

[Vor. 33, 19461 


Woodson, Robert E., and Robert W. Schery 
and collaborators. Flora of Panana, Part 
III, Fasc. 2, 1, Fasc. 5, 315 


Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), A cyto- 

Yeasts, wild, studies of budding cultures 
of, 264, 288 

Yellowstone National Park, petrified forests 
of, 309, 510 


Zea Mays, 148; races of, 160