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Full text of "Modern blacksmithing : rational horse shoeing and wagon making, with rules, tables, recipes, etc."

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3  9090  013  418  401 

Webster  Family  Library  of  Veterinary  Medicine  • 
Cummings  School  ot  Veterinary  fVledicine  at 
Tufts  University 
200  Westboro  Road 
North  Grafton,  MA  01 536 

J.    G.    HOLMSTROM 

Modern   Blacksmithing 




J.    G.    HOLMSTROM 

Timttb  /IDan^  iFllusttattons 





.  COPYRIGHT,  1904 



Frontispiece 3 

The  Smith 10 

The  Shop 32 

The  Anvil 33 

Tool  Table 35 

The  Sledge 38 

Blacksmith's  Tongs 39 

Hammers , 42 

Wrenches 46 

Correct  Position  at  the  Anvil 50 

Water  Tuyer   53 

Blowers 54 

Standing  Coulter 60 

Holstrom  Tire  Holder \ 81 

Tire  m  Sections 83 

Axle  and  Gather  Grange 86 

John  Deere,  Inventor  of  Plows 89 

Plow  of  200  years  ago 93 

Plowshares 95-1 12 

Japanese  Plow 105 

Bench  for  Holding  Plows 106 

Tube  for  Welding 128 




Tube  Expander 129 

The  Horse 133 

Horse  Shoes 134  to  157 

Foot,  The  Natural 147 

Foot  Prepared  for  Cartier  Tips 150 

Foot  Shod  with  Cartier  Tips 150 

Ring  Bone 154 

Anatomy  of  the  Foot 154 

Clamping  Iron 156 

Sand  Crack  Clamps 157 

Cracked  Walls 157 

Quarter  Crack 157 

Easy  Position  for  Finishing . , 161 

Spavin , 168 

Lathe,  The , , 184 


^HAT  prompted  the  author  to  prepare  this 
book  was  the  of t  -  repeated  question,  by 
blacksmiths  and  mechanics  of  all  kinds,  as 
well  as  farmers:  "Is  there  a  book  treating 
on  this  or  that?"  etc.,  etc.  To  all  these 
queries  I  was  compelled  to  answer  in  the  negative, 
for  it  is  a  fact  that  from  the  time  of  Cain,  the  first 
mechanic,  there  has  never  been  a  book  written  by 
a  practical  blacksmith  on  subjects  belonging  to  his 
trade.  If,  therefore,  there  has  ever  been  such  a  thing 
as  "filling  a  long-felt  want,"  this  must  certainly  be  a 
cas3  of  that  kind. 

In  medicine  we  find  a  wide  difference  of  opinion, 
even  amongst  practitioners  of  the  same  school,  in 
treating  diseases.  Now,  if  this  is  so  where  there  is  a 
system,  and  authority  for  the  profession,  how  much 
more  so  must  there  be  a  difference  of  opinion  in  a 
trade  where  every  practitioner  is  his  own  authority. 
I  shall,  therefore,  ask  the  older  members  of  the  black- 
smith fraternity  to  be  lenient  in  their  judgment  if  my 
ideas  don't  coincide  with  theirs.     To  the  apprentice 



and  journeyman  I  would  say:  do  as  I  do  until  you  find 
a  better  way. 

The  author  has  been  eminently  successful  in  his 
practice,  and  his  ideas  have  been  sought  by  others 
wherever  he  has  been,  blacksmiths  coming  even  from 
other  States  to  learn  his  ways. 

This  little  book  is  fresh  from  the  anvil,  the  author 
taking  notes  during  the  day  while  at  work,  compiling 
the  same  into  articles  at  night. 

He  is  indebted  to  a  number  of  writers  for  article'^  in 
this  book  treating  on  subjects  belonging  to  their 
trades,  in  which  they  have  been  regarded  as  expert ', 

iWow  there  was  no  smith  foutid  in  all  the  land  of  Israel. — 

/  Sajn.  ij.'ig. 



OR  centuries  the  blacksmith  has  been 
a  prominent  person,  and  it  is 
natural  he  should  have  been,  when 
we  consider  the  variety  of  work 
he  had  to  do.  From  the  heavy 
axle  and  tire,  down  to  the  smallest 
rivet  in  the  wagon,  they  were  all 
made  by  the  smith.  Bells  and 
bits  as  well  as  the  ornamental 
parts  of  the  harness,  they  were  all  made  by  the  smith. 
From  the  crowbar  and  spade  down  to  the  butcher  and 
pocket  knife,  they  were  all  made  by  the  smith.  The 
carpenter's  tools,  from  the  broadax  and  adz  down  to 
the  divider  and  carving  steel,  they  were  all  made  by 
the  smith.  From  the  heavy  irons  in  the  fireplace  down 
to  the  frying-pan  and  locks  on  the  kitchen  doors; 
knives  and  forks  on  the  dining-table,  they  were  all 
made  by  the  smith.  From  the  gun  on  the  shoulder  of 
the  soldier  and  the  saber  in  the  hands  of  the  officer, 
the  spurs  and  pistol  for  the  commander,  they  were  all 
made  by  the  smith.     From  the  heavy  anchor  and  its 



chain  to  the  smallest  pulley  in  the  rigging  of  the  ship, 
they  were  all  made  by  the  smith. 

From   the  weather  vane  on  the  church    spire,   and 


the  clock  in  the  tower  down  to  the  lock  of  the  doora 
'and  the  artistic  iron  cross  over  the  graves  in  the 
church  yard,  they  were  all  made  by  the  smith.  No 
wonder,  then,  that  the  smith  was  respected.     Vulgar 


people  swear  by  the  devil,  religious  by  the  saints, 
but  the  Swedes  (the  makers  of  the  best  iron)  prefer 
to  swear  by  the  smith.  The  smith  was  a  well-liked 
j^erson  in  society,  respected  and  even  admired  for  his 
skill,  his  gentlemanly  behavior  and  good  language. 
His  stories  and  wit  were  the  sole  entertainment  in 
many  a  social  gathering.  Things  have  changed  in  the 
last  few  decades.  Most  of  the  articles  formerly  made 
by  the  smith  are  now  manufactured  by  machinery, 
and  the  respect  for  the  smith  is  diminished  in  the  same 
proportion.  Not  because  there  is  not  enough  of  the 
trade  left  to  command  respect — there  is  yet  more  left 
than  any  man  can  successfully  learn  in  a  short  life- 
time. But  it  has  made  it  possible  for  men  with  less 
training  and  ability  to  enter  the  trade  and  consequently 
lower  the  standing  of  the  smith.  The  result  is,  that 
there  is  a  complaint  that  the  smith  is  not  esteemed  as 
formerly,  and  I  have  been  inclined  to  join  in  the 
lamentation.  But  instead  of  doing  this  I  shall  ask  my 
brother  smiths  to  unite  with  me  in  an  effort  to  elevate 
the  craft. 


I  have  had  the  pleasure  of  becoming  acquainted  with 
a  great  number  of  intelligent  and  respected  smiths. 
People  that  did  not  know  them  would  ask:  "What  is 
he?"  and  when  informed  that  he  is  a  blacksmith  would 
say:  "He  doesn't  look  it;  I  thought  he  was  a  business 
man";  another,  "He  looks  like  a  lawyer  or  a  minis- 


ter. ' '  From  this  you  will  understand  how,  in  many- 
cases,  the  blacksmith  looks.  A  great  preacher  was 
announced  to  preach  in  a  neighboring  town,  and  I 
went  to  hear  him.  Just  as  I  sat  down  in  the  pew  one 
of  the  local  smiths  walked  up  to  me  and  sat  down  by 
my  side.  He  was  a  blacksmith  and  he  "looked  it." 
Under  his  eyes  was  a  half  moon  in  black;  on  both 
sides  of  his  nose  was  a  black  stripe  that  had  been 
there  since  his  first  day  in  the  shop.  His  ears,  well, 
you  have  seen  a  clogged-up  tuyer  iron.  His  clothes 
were  shabby  and  his  breath  a  strong  mixture  of 
tobacco  and  whisky,  which  made  wrinkles  on  the  nose 
of  the  lady  in  front  of  us.  I  was  somewhat  embar- 
rassed, but  the  sermon  began.  As  the  congregation 
arose,  I  opened  the  hymnbook  and  my  brother  smith 
joined,  and  with  a  hand  that  looked  like  the  paw  of  a 
black  bear,  he  took  hold  of  the  book. 

After  service  I  was  invited  by  the  smith  to  dinner. 
Between  a  number  of  empty  beer  kegs  we  managed  to 
reach  the  door  of  the  house  and  everything  inside 
looked  the  color  of  his  trade.  I  looked  around  for 
books  and  other  articles  of  culture  and  found  a  hand 
organ  and  a  pack  of  cards.  The  only  book  or  reading 
matter  to  be  found  was  a  weekly  of  the  kind  that  tells 
of  prize  fights,  train  robberies  and  murder.  I  had  a 
fair  dinner  and  told  my  host  that  I  had  to  start  for 
home.  By  this  time  I  was  sick  of  his  language — pro- 
fanity, mixed  with  a  few  other  words — and  I  started  to 
leave.  On  my  way  to  the  livery  stable  I  passed  my 
friend's  shop,  and  he  said  it  would  not  be  fair  to  leave 
before  I  had  seen  his  shop.     "I  have,"  said  he,  **a 


very  good  shop."  The  shop  was  a  building  of  rough 
boards  18x20 — the  average  farmer  has  a  better  wood 
shed.  A  big  wood  block  like  the  chopping  block  in  a 
butcher  shop,  was  placed  so  close  to  the  forge  that  he 
could  only  get  edgewise  between.  On  this  block  was 
to  be  found,  anvil  and  all  his  tools,  the  latter  were  few 
and  primitive,  and  would  have  been  an  honor  to  our 
father  Cain,  the  first  mechanic  and  blacksmith.  What 
thinkest  thou,  my  brother  smith?  Having  spent  years 
to  learn  the  trade  you  must  submit  to  a  comparison 
with  smiths  of  this  caliber.  Their  work  being  inferior 
they  must  work  cheap,  and  in  some,  perhaps  many, 
cases  set  the  price  on  your  work.  Smiths  of  this  kind 
cannot  expect  to  be  respected.  There  might  be  some 
show  for  them  in  Dawson  City  or  among  the  natives 
in  that  vicinity,  but  not  in  civilized  America. 




NE  of  the  chief  reasons  why 
the  blacksmith  is  not  so 
successful  nor  respected 
as  before  is  his  intemper- 
ance. The  danger  for 
the  smith  becoming  a 
drunkard  is  greater 
than  for  any  other  me- 
chanic. It  is  often  the  case 
.^  that  when  a  customer  pays  a 
bill  the  smith  is  requested  to 
treat.  This  is  a  bad  habit 
md  quite  a  tax  on  the  smith. 
Just  think  of  it — fifteen  cents  a  day 
spent  for  liquor,  will,  in  twenty-five  years,  amount  to 
$9,000.  Then  add  to  this  fifteen  cents  a  day  for  cigars, 
which  will,  in  twenty-five  years,  amount  to  $9,000  at 
ten  per  cent  compound  interest.  If  these  two  items 
would  be  saved,  it  will  give  a  man  a  farm  worth 
$18,000  in  twenty-five  years.  How  many  smiths  are 
there  who  ever  think  of  this?  I  would  advise  every 
one  to  put  aside  just  as  much  as  he  spends  for. liquor 
and  tobacco ;  that  is,  when  you  buy  cigars  or  tobacco 
for  twenty-five  cents  put  aside  as  much.  When  you 
buy  liquor  for  one  dollar  put  aside  one  dollar.     Try 


this  for  one  year  and  it  will  stimulate  to  continual 
effort  in  that  direction.  The  best  thing  to  do  is  to 
"swear  off"  at  once,  and  if  you  must  have  it,  take  it 
out  of  business  hours.  Politely  inform  your  friends 
that  you  must  stop,  or  it  will  ruin  you.  If  you  drink 
with  one  you  must  drink  with  another,  and  the  oppor- 
tunity comes  too  often.  When  you  have  finished  some 
difficult  work  you  are  to  be  treated;  when  you  trust 
you  are  to  be  treated;  when  you  accommodate  one 
before  another  you  are  to  be  treated ;  when  you  order 
the  stock  from  the  traveling  man  you  are  to  be  treated. 
Some  smiths  keep  a  bottle  in  a  corner  to  draw  custom- 
ers by ;  others  tap  a  keg  of  beer  every  Saturday  for  the 
same  purpose.  No  smith  will  ever  gain  anything  by 
this  bad  practice.  He  will  only  get  undesirable  cus- 
tomers, and  strictly  temperance  people  will  shun  him 
for  it.  What  he  gains  on  one  side  he  will  lose  on 
another.  Besides  this  he  will  in  the  long  run  ruin 
himself  physically  and  financially.  Let  the  old  smith 
quit  and  the  apprentice  never  begin  this  dangerous 
habit.  A  smith  that  is  drunk  or  half  drunk  cannot  do 
his  duty  to  his  customers,  and  they  know  it,  and  prefer 
to  patronize  a  sober  smith. 




RUE  religion  is  also  an  up- 
lifting factor,  and  must,  if 
accepted,  elevate  the  man. 
I  cannot  too  strong- 
ly emphasize  this 
truth.  Every  smith 
should  connect 
himself  with  some 
branch  of  the 
church  and  be  punc- 
tual in  attendance  to  the  same.  There  is  a  great  deal 
of  difference  between  families  that  enjoy  the  Christian- 
izing, civilizing  and  uplifting  influence  of  the  church 
and  those  outside  of  these  influences.  The  smith  out- 
side of  the  church,  or  he  who  is  not  a  member  thereof 
will,  in  many  cases,  be  found  on  Sundays  in  his  shop 
or  loafing  about  in  his  everyday  clothes,  his  wife  and 
children  very  much  like  him.  The  church  member — 
his  wife  and  children,  are  different.  Sunday  is  a  great 
day  to  them.  The  smith  puts  on  his  best  clothes,  wife 
and  children  the  same.  Everything  in  and  about  the 
house  has  a  holiday  appearance  and  the  effect  on  them 
of  good  music  and  singing,  eloquent  preaching,  and 
the  meeting  of  friends  is  manifested  in  their  language, 


in  their  lofty  aims,  and  benevolent  acts.      Sunday  is 
rest  and  strength  to  them. 

Brother  smiths,  six  days  a  week  are  enough  for  work. 
Keep  the  Sabbath  and  you  will  live  longer  and  better. 


Another  reason  the  smith  of  to-day  is  not  respected 
is  his  incompetency. 

When  a  young  man  has  worked  a  few  months  in  a 
shop,  he  will  succeed  in  welding  a  toe  calk  on  a  horse- 
shoe that  sometimes  will  stay,  and  at  once  he  begins 
to  think  he  knows  it  all.  There  will  always  be  some 
fool  ready  to  flatter  him,  and  the  young  man  believes 
that  he  is  now  competent  to  start  on  his  own  hook. 
The  result  is,  he  hangs  out  his  shingle,  begins  to  prac- 
tice horse-shoeing  and  general  blacksmithing,  and  he 
knows  nothing  about  either.  Let  me  state  here  that 
horse-shoeing  is  a  trade  by  itself,  and  so  is  black- 
smithing.  In  the  large  cities  there  are  blacksmiths 
who  know  nothing  about  horse-shoeing,  as  well  as 
horse-shoers  who  know  nothing  about  blacksmithing, 
except  welding  on  toe  calks,  and  in  many  instances 
even  that  is  very  poorly  done.  In  small  places  it  is 
different.  There  the  blacksmith  is  both  blacksmith 
and  horse-shoer.  Sometimes  you  will  find  a  black- 
smith that  is  a  good  horse-shoer,  but  you  will  never 
find  a  horse-shoer  that  is  a  good  blacksmith.  This  is 
not    generally    understood.     To   many  blacksmithing 


seems  to  mean  only  horse-shoeing,  and  our  trade 
journals  are  nut  much  better  posted.  Whenever  a 
blacksmith  is  alluded  to,  or  pictured  you  will  always 
find  a  horse-shoe  in  connection  with  it.  Yet  there  are 
thousands  of  blacksmiths  that  never  made  a  horse-shoe 
in  all  their  lives.  Horse-shoeing  has  developed  to  be 
quite  a  trade,  and  if  a  man  can  learn  it  in  a  few  years 
he  will  do  well.  I  would  not  advise  any  young"  man 
to  start  out  for  himself  with  less  than  three  or  four 
years'  experience.  -  Every  horse-shoer  should  make  an 
effort  to  learn  blacksmithing.  He  will  be  expected  to 
know  it,  people  don't  know  the  difference;  besides  this, 
it  will,  in  smaller  cities,  be  hard  to  succeed  with  horse- 
shoeing alone.  On  the  other  hand,  every  blacksmith 
should  learn  horse-shoeing,  for  the  same  reasons. 
Therefore,  seven  or  even  ten  years  is  a  short  time  to 
learn  it  in.  But,  who  has  patience  and  good  sense 
enough  to  persevere  for  such  a  course,  in  our  times, 
when  everybody  wants  to  get  to  the  front  at  once? 
Let  every  young  man  remember  that  the  reputation 
you  get  in  the  start  will  stick  to  you.  Therefore  be 
careful  not  to  start  before  you  know  your  business, 
and  the  years  spent  in  learning  it  will  not  be  lost,  but 
a  foundation  for  your  success.  Remember,  that  if  a 
thing  is  not  worth  being  well  done  it  is  not  w^orth  being 
done  at  all.  It  is  better  to  be  a  first-class  bootblack 
or  chimney  sweep,  than  be  a  third-class  o£  anything 

Don't  be  satisfied  by  simply  being  able  to  do  the 
work  so  as  to  pass,  let  it  be  first  class.  Thousands  of 
mechanics   are   turning   out   work   just   as  others  are 


doing  it,  but  you  should  not  be  satisfied  to  do  the 
work  as  others  are  doing  it,  but  do  it  right. 


The  blacksmiths  and  horse-shoers  have  at  last  put 
the  thinking  cap  on,  for  the  purpose  of  bettering  their 
condition.  So  far  nothing  has  been  accomplished,  but 
I  am  sure  it  will,  in  the  long  run,  if  they  only  keep  at 
it.  We  are  now  living  in  the  license  craze  age.  From 
the  saloon  keeper  down  to  the  street  peddler,  they  all 
howl  for  license,  and  unreasonable  as  it  is,  thousands 
of  sensible  men  will  cling  to  it  in  hopes  that  it  will 

We  are,  more  or  less,  one-idea  men,  with  fads  and 
whims.  Nations  and  organizations  are  just  like  indi- 
viduals, ready  to  fall  into  a  craze  and  we  see  it  often. 
It  is  natural  when  we  consider  that  nations  and  organ- 
izations are  simple  one  man  repeated  so  many  times. 

Simply  look  at  the  hero-worshiping  craze  went 
through  at  the  close  of  the  Spanish  war.  First,  Lieu- 
tenant Hobson  was  the  idol,  and  great  was  he,  far  off 
in  Cuba.  But,  coming  home,  he  made  himself  obnox- 
ious on  a  tour  through  the  country,  and  the  worshipers 
were  ashamed  of  their  idol,  as  well  as  of  themselves. 
Admiral  Dewey  was  the  next  hero  to  be  idolized,  and 
he,  too,  was  found  wanting. 

Physicians  have  their  favorite  prescriptions,  min- 
isters their  favorite  sermons.     Politicians   have   their 


tariff  and  free  trade  whims,  their  gold  or  silver  craze. 
Mechanics  have  their  one  ideal  way  of  doing  their 
work.  I  know  horse-shoers  that  have  such  faith  in 
bar  shoes  that  they  believe  it  will  cure  everything  from 
contraction  to  heaves.  Others  have  such  a  faith  in 
toe  weight  that  they  will  guarantee  that  in  a  horse 
shod  this  way  the  front  quarters  will  run  so  fast  that 
they  must  put  wheels  under  the  hind  feet  to  enable 
them  to  keep  up  with  the  front  feet;  and  in  a  three- 
mile  race  the  front  quarters  will  reach  the  stables  in 
time  to  feed  on  a  peck  of  oats  before  the  hind  quarters 
catch  up. 

In  some  States  there  is  a  union  craze.  All  that 
these  schemes  will  do  is  to  prepare  the  legislatures  for 
the  legislation  that  will  some  day  be  asked  of  them. 
Unions  have  been  organized  and  the  objections  are 
the  same.  I  object  to  all  these  schemes  because  they 
fall  short  of  their  purpose. 

Two  years  ago  the  horse-shoers  of  Minnesota  asked 
the  legislature  to  give  them  a  license  law.  I  wrote  to 
a  prominent  member  of  the  house  of  representatives 
and  asked  him  to  put  his  influence  against  the  meas- 
ure. He  did  so,  with  the  result  that  the  bill  was 
killed  so  far  as  the  counties  and  smaller  towns  were 
concerned.  Such  a  law  will  only  provide  for  an  extra 
tax  on  the  poor  smiths  and  horse-shoers,  and  his 
chances  of  making  a  living  will  not  be  bettered, 
because  no  one  will  be  shut  out,  no  matter  how 




It  deprives  him  of  the  means  whereby  to  raise  himself.     Such  a 

law  will  only  create  offices  to  grease  the  machinery 

for  the  political  party  in  power. 

'HE  only  thing  that  will  ever 
elevate  the  standard  of  work- 
manship is  education,  educa- 
tion and  nothing  but  edu- 
cation. Give  us  a  law  that 
will  provide  for  a  certain 
degree  of  education  before 
a  boy  is  allowed  to  serve 
as  an  apprentice ;  and  that 
he  will  not  be  allowed  to 
start  out  for  himself  until 
he  has  served  the  full  term,  both  as  an  apprentice  and 
journeyman  And  if  intemperate,  no  diploma  shall  be 
issued  to  him.  I  see  now  that  I  was  right  when  I 
opposed  this  law.  The  horse-shoers  of  Minnesota  are 
now  kicking  and  cursing  the  examining  board.  The 
National  Convention  of  horse-shoers  whigh  was  held  in 
Cincinnati  passed  resolutions  which  were  ordered 
transmitted  to  the  governor  of  Illinois,  requesting  that 
the   board    of    examiners    now   authorized    to    grant 


licenses  to  horse-shoers  in  that  State,  be  changed,  as 
"The  board  has  failed  to  accomplish  the  purpose  for 
which  it  was  instituted — the  elevating  of  the  standard 
of  workmanship  of  horse-shoers  of  that  State. ' '  Unions 
are  all  right  in  every  place  where  there  is  only  one 
smith,  let  that  smith  unite  with  himself  to  charge  a 
living  price  for  his  work  and  he  is  all  right.  Where 
there  are  more  than  one  smith  unions  will  only  help 
the  dishonest  fellow.  Such  unions  live  but  for  a  short 
time  and  then  the  smiths  knife  each  other  worse  than 

In  hard  times  (and  hard  times  are  now  like  the 
poor,  "always  with  us,")  a  lot  of  tinkers  start  in  the 
shoeing  and  blacksmith  business.  If  they  could  make 
a  dollar  a  day  in  something  else  they  would  stay  out, 
but  this  being  impossible,  they  think  it  better  to  try  at 
the  anvil.  For  them  to  get  anything  to  do  without 
cutting  prices  is  out  of  the  question,  and  so  the  cutting 
business  begins,  and  ends  when  the  regular  smith  has 
come  down  to  the  tinker's  price.  To  remedy  this  we 
must  go  to  the  root  of  the  evil.  First,  political  agita- 
tion against  a  system  whereby  labor  is  debased. 

This  is  a  fact,  in  spite  of  all  prosperity  howling. 
Whenever  there  is  trouble  between  labor  and  capital 
we  will  always  find  the  whole  machinery  of  the  gov- 
ernment ready  to  protect  capital.  The  laboring  men 
will  not  even  be  allowed  to  meet,  but  will  be  dispersed 
like  so  many  dogs.  They  are  the  mob !  But  the 
capitalists,  they  are  gentlemen!  When  the  .govern- 
ment wants  a  tailor  for  instructor  in  our  Indian  schools, 
or  a  blacksmith   for  the  reservation,  they  get  about 


00.00  per  year.  But,  when  a  ward-heeler  wants 
office  he  must  have  $5,000  per  year.  What  induce- 
ment is  it,  under  such  conditions,  for  a  young-  man  to 
learn  a  trade?     Laboring  men,  wake  up! 

But,  as  this  will  bring  us  into  politics  I  shall  leave 
this  side  of  the  question,  for  it  w^ould  do  no  good. 
Thomas  Jefferson,  in  the  Declaration  of  Independence 
said:  "Mankind  are  more  disposed  to  suffer,  while 
the  evils  are  sufferable,  than  to  right  themselves  by 
abolishing  the  forms  to  which  they  are  accustomed." 
The  laboring  people  will,  in  my  judgment,  suffer  quite 
a  while  yet.  In  the  meantime  let  ns  build  up  a  fra- 
ternity on  the  ruins  of  the  ancient  guilds.  Between 
the  twelfth  and  the  fifteenth  centuries  mechanics  of 
all  kinds  prospered  as  never  befoie,  nor  have  they 
done  it  since.  The  reason  for  this  was  not  a  high 
protective  tariff,  or  anything  in  that  line,  but  simply 
the  fruit  of  the  guilds  and  the  privilege  they  enjoyed 
from  the  state. 

What  we  now  need  is  a  modern  guild.  I  anticipate 
there  would  be  some  difficulty  in  securing  the  legis- 
lation necessary,  but  we  will  not  ask  more  than  the 
doctors  now  have.  I  cannot  now  go  into  detail ;  that 
Vv^ould  take  more  room  and  time  than  I  can  spare  in 
this  book. 



NE  thing  is  certain,  we  have  a  hard  row 
to  hoe,  because,  this  is  a  government 
of  injunctions,  and  any  law  on  the 
statute  book  is  in  danger  of  being 
declared  unconstitutional,  according 
to  the  biddings  of  the  money  power, 
or  the  whim  of  the  judges.  One 
tyrant  is  bad,  but  many  are  worse. 

I  am  no  prophet,  but  will  judge  the  future  from  the 
past.  History  will  repeat  itself,  and  Christ's  teachings 
will  be  found  true:  "A  house  divided  against  itself 
cannot  stand. ' " 

I  will  say  so  much,  however,  that  no  man  should  be 
allowed  to  start  out  for  himself  before  he  has  served 
three  years  as  an  apprentice  and  two  or  three  years  as 
a  journeyman.  This  should  be  proved  by  a  certificate 
from  the  master  for  whom  he  has  worked.  This 
certificate  to  be  sworn  to  by  his  master,  one  uninter' 
ested  master  and  himself.  No  apprentice  to  be 
accepted  without  a  certificate  from  the  school  superin- 
tendent that  he  has  a  certain  knowledge  in  language 
and  arithmetic  and  other  branches  as  may  be  required. 
It  shall  not  be  enough  to  have  worked  a  few  days  each 
year,  but  the  whole  time.  With  these  papers  he  shall 
appear  before  three  commissioners,  elected  by  the 
fraternity  and  appointed  by  the  governor  of  the  State. 


He  shall  pay  not  less  than  ten  and  not  more  than 
twenty-five,  dollars  for  his  diploma.  All  complaint 
shall  be  submitted  to  these  commissioners,  and  they 
shall  have  full  power  to  act.  If  a  practitioner  acts 
unbecoming,  runs  down  his  competitor,  charges  prices 
below  the  price  fixed  by  the  fraternity,  or  defrauds 
his  customers,  such  shall  be  reported  to  the  commis- 
sioners, and,  if  they  see  fit,  they  can  repeal  or  call  in 
his  diploma  and  he  shall  not  be  allowed  to  practice  in 
the  State.  These  are  a  few  hints  on  the  nature  of  the 
modern  guild  we  ought  to  establish.  The  fraternity 
should  have  a  journal  edited  by  one  editor  on  litera- 
ture and  one  on  mechanics,  the  editor  on  mechanics 
to  be  a  practical  blacksmith  with  not  less  than  fifteen 
years'  experience.  The  editors  are  to  be  elected  by 
the  fraternity.  This  is  all  possible  if  we  can  get  the 
legislation  that  the  doctors  have  in  many  States.  And 
why  not? 

Mechanics  of  to-day  have  a  vague  and  abstract  idea 
of  what  is  meant  by  journeyman  and  apprenticeship. 
In  Europe  there  is  yet  a  shadow  left  of  the  guilds 
where  these  were  in  existence. 

When  I  learned  my  trade  I  worked  some  time  with 
my  father  in  Sweden,  then  I  went  over  to  Norway  and 
worked  as  an  apprentice  in  Mathison  &  Johnson's 
machine,  file  and  lock  factory  of  Christiania.  I  was 
requested  to  sign  a  contract  for  four  years.  In  this 
contract  was  set  forth  the  wages  I  was  to  receive,  and 
what  I  was  to  learn  each  year.  Everything  was 
specified  so  that  there  would  be  no  room  for  misunder- 
standing.   The  first  two  weeks  I  worked,  they  simply 


drilled  me.  I  was  given  a  good  file  and  a  piece  of 
iron,  this  iron  I  filed  square,  round,  triangle,  hexagon 
and  octagon  I  wore  out  files  and  pieces  of  iron  one 
after  another,  the  master  giving  instructions  how  to 
stand,  hold  the  file,  about  the  pressure  and  strokes  of 
same,  etc.  The  same  careful  instructions  were  given 
in  blacksmithing.  The  apprentice  was  given  some 
work,  and  he  had  to  forge  it  out  himself,  no  matter 
what  time  it  took,  nor  did  it  make  any  difference  if  the 
job,  when  done,  was  of  any  use,  the  apprentice  was 
simply  practicing  and  accustoming  himself  to  the  use 
of  tools.  Thus  the  elementary  rules  were  learned  in  a 
few  weeks,  and  the  apprentice  made  capable  of  doing 
useful  service  that  would  repay  for  the  time  lost  in  the 




AVING  thoroughly  learned  the  trade, 
it  is  important  to  keep  posted 
in  this  matter  by  reading  books 
and  trade  journals.  As  far  as 
books  are  concerned,  we  have  a 
few  treating  on  horse-shoeing, 
with  both  good  and  bad  ideas. 
As  to  blacksmithing,  this  book, 
'  Modern  Blacksmithing,"  is  the  first  in  that  line, 
written  by  a  practical  blacksmith  and  horse-shoer. 

Our  trade  joui  nals  must  be  read  with  discrimination. 
They  are  mostly  edited  by  men  having  no  practical 
experience  in  the  trade,  and  are  therefore  not  respon- 
sible for  the  articles  these  papers  contain.  Many 
articles  are  entirely  misleading.  Blacksmiths  having 
more  experience  with  the  pen  than  the  hammer,  and 
anxious  to  have  their  names  appear  in  print,  write  for 
these  journals. 

Prize  artjcles  are  also  doing  more  harm  than  good, 
the  judges  giving  the  prizes  to  men  with  ideas  like 
their  own,  not  being  broad-minded  enough  to  consider 
anything  they  don't  practice  themselves,  and  the  result 
is  a  premium  on  old  and  foolish  ideas. 

But  we  should  not  stop  at  this.  We  should  read 
much.     Anything,  except  bloody  novels,  will  help  to 


elevate  the  man.  No  smith  should  think  it  idle  to  read 
and  study.  "Every  kind  of  knowledge,"  observes  a 
writer,  "comes  into  play  some  time  or  other,  not  only 
systematic  study,  but  fragmentary,  even  the  odds  and 
ends,  the  merest  rag-tags  of  information."  Some 
fact,  or  experience,  and  sometimes  an  anecdote,  recur 
to  the  mind,  by  the  power  of  association,  just  in  the 
right  time  and  place.  A  carpenter  was  observed  to 
be  very  particular  and  painstaking  in  repairing  an  old 
chair  of  a  magistrate,  and  when  asked  why,  said:  "I 
want  this  chair  to  be  easy  for  me  to  sit  in  some  time." 
He  lived  long  enough  to  sit  in  it. 

Hugh  Miller  found  time  while  pursuing  the  trade  of 
a  stone  mason,  not  only  to  read,  but  to  write,  cultivat- 
ing his  style  till  he  became  one  of  the  most  facile  and 
brilliant  authors  of  the  day.  Elihu  Burritt  acquired  a 
mastery  of  eighteen  languages  and  twenty-two  dia- 
lects, not  by  rare  genius,  which  he  disclaimed,  but  by 
improving  the  bits  and  fragments  of  time  which  he 
had  to  spare  from  his  occupation  as  a  blacksmith. 

Let  it  be  a  practice  or  a  habit,  if  you  will,  to  buy  at 
least  one  book  every  year,  and  to  read  the  same,  once, 
twice,  thrice,  or  until  its  contents  are  indelibly  im- 
pressed upon  your  mind.  It  will  come  back  to  your 
mind  and  be  useful  when  you  expect  it  the  least. 

"A  mechanic  is  known  by  the  toots  he  uses.'* 


O  other  mechanic  will  try  to  turn  out  j-uch  a 
variety  of  work  with  so  few  tools  as  the 
blacksmith,  even  when  the  smith  iias  all 
the  tools  to  be  had,  he  has  fev/  in  propor- 
tion to  the  work.  There  are  a  class  of  smiths 
who  will  be  content  with  almost  nothing-.  These  men 
can  tell  all  about  the  different  kinds  of  tobacco;  they 
can  tell  one  kind  of  beer  from  another  in  the  first  sip, 
and  the  smell  of  the  whisky  bottle  is  enough  for  them 
to  decide  the  character  of  the  contents,  but  when  it 
comes  to  tools  which  belorig-  to  their  trade,  they  are 
not  in  it.  It  ought  to  be  a  practice  with  every  smith 
to  add  some  new  tool  every  year.  But  if  they  are 
approached  on  the  subject  they  will  generally  say, 
"Oh,  I  can  get  along  without  that."  With  them  it  is 
not  a  question  of  what  they  need,  but  what  they  can 
get  along  without. 

Some  smiths  have  the  Chinaman's  nature  (stubborn 
conservatism)  to  the  extent  that  they  will  have  nothing 
new,  no  matter  how  superior  to  their  old  and  inferior 
tools;  what  they  have  been  used  to  is  the  best. 

When  the  hoof  shears  were  a  new  thing  I  ordered  a 
pair  and  handed  them  to  my  horse-shoer,  he  tried  them 
for  a  few  minutes  and  then  threw  them  on  the  floor 
and  said,  "Yankee  humbug."     I  picked  them  up  and 



tried  them  myself,  and  it  took  a  few  days  before  I  got 
used  to  them,  but  then  I  found  that  they  were  a  great 
improvement  over  the  toe  knife.  I  told  my  horse- 
shoer  tc  use  them  and  after  a  while  he  could  not  get 
along  without  them,  but  would  yet  have  used  his  toe 
knife  if  it  had  not  been  for  the  fact  that  he  was  com- 
pelled to  use  them.  If  it  was  not  for  the  conservatism 
by  which  we  are  all  infected  more  or  less,  we  would 
be  far  more  advanced  in  everything. 

The  mechanic  that  has  poor  tools  will  in  every  case 
be  left  behind  in  competition  with  the  man  with  good 
tools  in  proper  shape.  There  are  smiths  who  will  take 
in  all  kinds  of  shows  and  entertainments  within  fifty 
miles,  but  when  it  comes  to  tools,  oh,  how  stingy  and 
saving  they  are.  There  is  no  investment  which  will 
biing  such  a  good  return  as  first-class  tools  do  to  a 
mechanic.  The  old  maxim,  "A  mechanic  is  known 
by  the  tools  he  uses,"  is  true.  Many  of  the  tools  used 
in  the  shop  can  be  made  by  the  smith.  If  less  time  is 
spent  in  the  stores  and  saloon  there  will  be  more  time 
for  making  tools. 

I  shall,  in  this  chapter,  give  a  few  pointers  how  to 
make  some  of  the  tools  used.  I  will  not  spend  any 
time  in  explanation  about  the  more  intricate  tools  like 
drill  presses  and  tools  of  that  kind,  because  no  smith 
has  experience  or  facilities  to  make  tools  of  this  char- 
acter that  will  be  worth  anything.  I  shall  simply  give 
a  few  hints  on  the  most  common  tools  used,  with  illus- 
trations that  will  be  a  help  to  new  beginners.  Before 
we  go  any  further  let  me  remind  you  of  the  golden 
rule   of  the   mechanic,   "A   place   for  everything  and 


everything  in  its  place."  Some  shops  look  like  a 
scraj)  iron  shed,  the  tools  strewn  all  over,  and  one- 
tentn  of  the  time  is  spent  in  hunting  for  them.  I  shall 
first  -ay  a  few  words  about  the  shop  and  give  a  plan. 
This  plan  is  not  meant  to  be  followed  minutely,  but 
is  sii.  ,ply  a  hint  in  that  direction. 


In  building  a  shop  care  should  be  taken  in  making  it 
convenient  and  healthy.  Most  of  the  shops  are  built 
with  a  l«igh  floor.  This  is  very  inconvenient  when 
machinery  of  any  kind  is  taken  in  for  repairs,  as  well 
as  in  taking  in  a  team  for  shoeing.  Around  the  forge 
there  should  be  a  gravel  floor.  A  plank  floor  is  a 
great  nuiLance  around  the  anvil.  Every  piece  cut  off 
hot  is  to  be  hunted  up  and  picked  up  or  it  will  set  fire 
to  it.  I  know  there  will  be  some  objection  to  this  kind 
of  floor  but  if  you  once  learn  how  to  keep  it  you  will 
change  your  mind.  To  make  this  floor  take  sand  and 
clay  with  fine  gravel,  mix  with  coal  dust  and  place  a 
layer  where  wanted  about  four  inches  thick.  This 
floor,  when  a  little  old,  will  be  as  hard  as  iron,  pro- 
vided you  sprinkle  it  every  night  with  water.  The 
dust  and  soot  from  the  shop  will,  in  time,  settle  in  with 
it  and  it  will  be  smooth  and  hard.  It  will  not  catch 
fire;  no  cracks  for  small  tools  or  bolts  to  fall  through; 
it  will  not  crack  like  cement  or  brick  floors.  If  your 
shop  is  large  then  make  a  platform  at  each  end,  and  a 
gravel  floor  in  the  center,  or  at  one  side,  as  in  figure 



I.  This  floor  is  cool  in  summer  and  warm  in  winter, 
as  there  can  be  no  draft.  The  shop  should  have  plenty 
of  light,  skylights  if  possible.  .The  soot  and  dust  will, 
in  a  short  time,  make  the  lightest  shop  dark.  The 
shop    should    be    whitewashed    once    a    year.     Have 







P/anA  Floor 

Fig.  I. 







plenty  of  ventilation.  Make  it  one  "fetory  only  if  con- 
venient to  do  so,  as  an  upper  story  in  a  blacksmith 
shop  is  of  very  little  use.  The  shop  is  the  place  where 
the  smith  spends  most  of  his  time  and  he  should  take 
just  as  much  care  in  building  it,  as  a  sensible  house- 
keeper does  in  the  construction  of  her  kitchen. 




The  forge  can  be  made  either  single  or  double, 
square  or  round.  The  square  is  the  best  as  it  can  be 
placed  up  against  the  wall,  and  you  will  then  have 
more  room  in  front  of  it.  The  round  forge  will  take 
more  room,  if  it  is  placed  in  the  center  of  the  floor 
there  will  be  no  room  of  any  amount  on  any  side  and 
when  the  doors  are  open  the  wind  will  blow  the  fire, 
cinders  and  smoke  into  the  face  of  the  smith.  This  is 
very  uncomfortable.  The  smokestack,  if  hung  over 
the  fire  will  sometimes  be  in  the  way.  Of  course  the 
hood  can  be  made  in  halves  and  one  half  swung  to  the 
side,  but  it  will  sometimes  be  in  the  way  anyhow,  and 
it  seldom  has  any  suction  to  carry  away  the  smoke  and 


The  anvil  should  not  be  too  close  to  the  forge,  as  is 
often  the  case  in  small  country  shops.  Make  it  six 
feet  from  center  of  fire  to  center  of  anvil.     The  anvil 


should  not  be  placed  on  a  butcher  block  with  the  tools 
on,  but  on  a  timber  the  same  size  as  the  foot  of  the 
anvil.  Set  the  timber  down  in  the  ground  at  least 
three  feet.  For  heavy  work  the  anvil  should  stand  low 
in  order  to  be  able  to  come  down  on  it  with  both  ham- 
mer and  sledge  with  force.  When  the  smith  has  his 
hands  closed  the  knuckles  of  his  fingers  should  touch 
the  face  of  the  anvil  and  it  will  be  the  right  height  for 
all-around  blacksmithing. 


Close  to  the  forge  under  the  water  tank  or  barrel 
should  be  a  coal  box  18x24x16  inches,  this  box  to  be 
dug  down  in  the  ground  and  so  placed  that  one  end 
will  protrude  from  under  the  barrel  or  tank  far  enough 
to  let  a  shovel  in.  This  opening  can  be  closed  with  a 
lid  if  the  tools  are  liable  to  fall  into  it.  In  this  box 
keep  the  coal  wet.  In  figure  i  a  plan  is  given  from 
which  you  can  get  an  idea  of  a  shop  and  how  to  place 
the  tools  and  different  articles  needed. 


On  the  right  hand  of  the  anvil  should  be  a  tool  bench 
or  tool  table  20  x  20,  a  little  lower  than  the  anvil. 
Outside,  on  three  sides  and  level  with  the  table,  make 
a  railing  of  i}{  inch  iron,  about  i^  inch  space  between 
the  table  and  railing,  this  makes  a  handy  place  for 



tools  and  near  by.  Many  blacksmiths  have  no  other 
place  than  the  floor  for  their  tools,  but  there  is  no 
more  sense  in  that  than  it  would  be  for  a  carpenter  to 
throw  his  tools  down  on  the  floor  all  around  him. 
There  ought  to  be  "a  place  for  every  tool  and  every 
\ool  in  its  place." 



When  a  lawyer  or  a  minister  makes  his  maiden 
speech  he  will  always  be  in  a  great  hurry  on  account 
of  his  excitement.  The  sentences  are  cut  shorter, 
broken,  and  the  words  are  sometimes  only  half  pro- 
nounced.    After  a  few  years'  practice  he  will  be  more 


self-possessed  and  the  speech  will  be  changed  from 
unintelligible  phrases  to  logical  oratory.  When  the 
carpenter's  apprentice  first  begins  to  use  the  saw,  he 
will  act  the  same  way — be  in  a  great  hurry — he  will 
run  the  saw  at  the  speed  of  a  scroll  saw,  but  only  a 
few  inches  of  stroke;  after  some  instructions  and  a 
few  year's  practice  the  saw  will  be  run  up  and  down 
steady  and  with  strokes  the  whole  length  of  the  blade. 
When  the  blacksmith's  apprentice  begins  to  use  the 
hammer  he  acts  very  much  the  same  way.  He  will 
press  his  elbows  against  his  ribs;  lift  the  hammer  only 
a  few  inches  from  the  anvil  and  peck  away  at  the 
speed  of  a  trip  hammer.  This  will,  in  most  cases,  be 
different  in  a  few  years.  He  will  drop  the  bundle — 
that' is,  his  elbows  will  part  company  with  his  ribs,  the 
hammer  will  look  over  his  head,  there  will  be  full 
strokes  and  regular  time,  every  blow  as  good  as  a 
dozen  of  his  first  ones.  Some  smiths  have  the  foolish 
habit  of  beating  on  the  anvil  empty  with  the  hammer, 
they  will  strike  a  few  blows  on  the  iron,  then  a  couple 
of  blind  beats  on  the  anvil,  and  so  on.  This  habit  has 
been  imported  from  Europe,  free  of  duty,  and  that 
must  be  the  reason  why  so  many  blacksmiths  enjoy 
this  luxury. 


In  Europe  great  importance  is  laid  upon  the  position 
taken  by  the  apprentice  and  the  manner  he  holds  the 
sledge.  The  sledge  is  held  so  that  the  end  of  it  will 
be  under  his  right  armpit,  when  the  right  hand  is  next 


to  the  sledge,  and  under  his  left  arm  when  the  left 
hand  is  nearer  the  sledge.  In  this  unnatural  position 
it  is  next  to  impossible  to  strike  hard  and  do  it  for  any 
time.  This  is  another  article  imported  free  of  duty, 
but  few  Americans  have  been  foolish  enough  to  use 
it.  In  this  country  the  apprentice  will  be  taught  to 
use  the  tools  in  a  proper  way. 

The  end  of  the  sledge-handle  will  be  to  one  side ;  at 
the  left,  if  the  left  hand  is  at  the  end  of  the  handle, 
and  at  the  right  if  the  right  hand  is  at  the  end  of  the 
handle ;  and  be  down  between  his  feet  when  the 
handle's  end  must  be  low.  The  apprentice  should 
stand  directly  in  front  of  the  anvil. 

In  swinging,  the  sledge  should  describe  a  circle 
from  the  anvil  close  down  to  the  helper's  feet  land  up 
over  his  head  and  down  to  the  anvil;  this  is  a  perpen- 
dicular circle  blow.  Be  sure  not  to  give  it  a  horizon- 
tal start ;  that  is,  with  one  hand  close  to  the  sledge  the 
apprentice  starts  out  either  in  the  direction  of  the 
horn  or  the  butt  end  of  the  anvil,  and  then  up  while 
both  hands  should  clasp  the  extreme  end  of  the  handle 
close  together  the  sledge  should  be  dropped  down  to 
the  feet  then  up.  The  hold  taken  should  not  be 
changed,  but  the  hands  held  in  the  same  place.  (See 
figure  4.) 

For  ordinary  use  a  nine-pound  sledge  is  heavy 
enough,  a  large  sledge  will  give  a  bump,  while  a  small 
one  will  give  a  quick  good  blow,  it  is  only  occasion- 
ally and  for  special  purposes  a  large  sledge  is  needed, 
even  an  eight-pound  sledge  will  do.  Try  it,  and  you 
will  be  surprised  how  nice  it  works. 



With  these  preliminary  remarks  we  shall  now  begin 
to  make  a  few  tools.  We  will  begin  with  the  black- 
smith's tongs.  I  shall  only  give  an  idea  how  to  forge 
the  jaws,  and  every  man  that  needs  to  make  them  has 

Fig.   4. 

seen  enough  of  this  simple  tool  to  know  what  kind  is 
needed,  and  what  he  has  not  seen  will  suggest  itself 
to  every  sensible  smith. 




Take  a  piece  of  one-inch  square  Swede  iron,  hold 
the  iron  diagonally  over  the  anvil,  with  your  left  hand 
a  little  towaid  the  horn,  the  end  of  the  iron  to  reach 
out  over  the  outside  edge  of  the  anvil.  Now  strike  so 
tliat  the  sledge  and  hammer  will  hit  half  face  over  the 
anvil  and  the  other  half  of  the  sledge  and  hammer  out- 

1 1 


side  of  the  anvil.  Hammer  it  down  to  about  three- 
eighths  of  an  inch  thick.  Now  pull  the  iron  towards 
you  straight  across  the  anvil,  give  it  one  half  turn 
toward  yourself  so  that  this  side  which  was  up,  now 
will  be  towards  yourself;  the  end  that  first  was  outside 
the  anvil  now  to  rest  over  the  inner  edge  of  the  anvil, 
push  the  jaw  up  against  the  anvil  until  it  rests  against 
the  shoulder  made  in  the  first  move.  Now  hammer 
this  down  until  it  is  the  thickness  of  the  jaw  that  is 
desired.  Next,  turn  it  over,  with  the  bottom  side  up 
or  the  side  that  was  down,  up;  push  it  out  over  the 


outside  edge  of  the  anvil  again  so  far  that  the  shoulder 
or  set  down  you  now  have  up,  will  be  about  an  inch  out- 
side and  over  the  edge  of  the  anvil,  now  give  a  few 
blows  to  finish  the  jaw,  then  finish  the  shanks  and  weld 
in  half  inch  round  iron  to  the  length  desired.  The 
jaws  should  be  grooved  with  a  fuller,  if  you  have  none 
of  the  size  required  take  a  piece  of  round  iron  and  ham- 
mer it  down  in  the  jaws  to  make  the  groove.  Tongs 
grooved  this  way  will  grip  better.  Next,  punch  a  hole 
in  one  jaw,  place  it  over  the  other  in  the  position 
wanted  when  finished,  then  mark  the  hole  in  the  other 
jaw,  and  when  punched  rivet  them  together,  the  jaws 
to  be  cold  and  the  rivet  hot.  The  following  story  will 
suggest  to  you  how  to  finish  it.  An  apprentice  once 
made  a  pair  of  tongs  when  his  master  was  out,  and 
when  he  had  them  riveted  together  could  not  move  the 
jaws.  As  he  did  not  know  how  to  make  them  work 
he  laid  them  away  under  the  bellows.  At  the  supper 
table  the  apprentice  told  his  master  the  following 
story:  An  apprentice  once  made  a  pair  of  tongs  and 
when  he  had  them  riveted  together  he  could  not  move 
the  jaws,  and  as  he  did  not  know  what  to  do  he  simply 
threw  them  away,  thinking  he  must  have  made  a 
mistake  somehow.  "What  a  fool,"  said  the  master, 
"Why  didn't  he  heat  them."  At  the  next  oppor- 
tunity the  apprentice  put  his  tongs  in  the  fire  and 
w^hen  hot  they  could  be  worked  very  easily. 



Take  a  piece  of  tool  steel  i  }^  inches  square,  neat  it 
red  hot.  Now  remember  here  it  is  that  the  trouble 
begins  in  handling  tool  steel.  If,  in  the  process,  you 
ever  get  it  more  than  red  hot,  it  is  spoiled,  and  no 
receipt,  or  handling  or  hammering  will  ever  make  it 
good  again.  The  best  thing  in  such  a  case  is  to  cut 
off  the  burnt  part  in  spite  of  all  proposed  cures.  This 
must  be  remembered  whenever  you  heat  tool  or  spring 
steel.  Tf  the  burnt  part  cannot  be  cut  off,  heat  it  to  a 
low  heat,  cool  it  in  lukewarm  water  half  a  dozen 
times,  this  will  improve  it  some,  if  you  can  hammer  it 
some  do  so.  Now  punch  a  hole  about  two  inches  from 
the  end  with  a  punch  that  will  make  a  hole  i}ix  ys. 
If  the  punch  sticks  in  the  hole,  cool  it  off  and  put  a 
little  coal  in  the  hole  that  will  prevent  the  punch  from 
sticking.  This  is  a  good  thing  to  do  whenever  a  deep 
hole  is  to  be  punched.  Be  sure  that  the  hole  is  made 
true.  Next,  have  a  punch  the  exact  size  of  the  hole 
wanted  when  finished,  drive  it  in  and  hammer  the  eye 
out  until  it  has  the  thickness  of  about  ^  of  an  inch  on 
each  side  and  has  a  circle  form  like  No.  2,  Figure  5. 

In  order  to  do  this  you  may  have  to  heat  the  eye 
many  times,  and  upset  over  it  with  the  punch  in  the 
eye.  This  done  put  in  the  bottom  fuller  and  with  the 
top  fuller  groove  it  down  on  each  side  of  the  eye,  like 
the  cut  referred  to.  Now  dress  down  the  face  then 
the  peen-end.  When  finished  harden  it  in  this  way: 
Heat  the  face-end  first  to  a  low  red  heat,  dip  in  water 
about  an  inch  and  a  half,  brighten  the  face  and  watch 



for  the  color.  When  it  begins  to  turn  blue  cool  off 
but  don't  harden  the  eye.  Wind  a  wet  rag  around  the 
face  end  and  heat  the  peen-end,  temper  the  same  way. 
With  a  piece  of  iron  in  the  eye,  both  ends  can  be 
hardened  at  the  same  time,  but  this  is  more  difficult, 
and  I  would  not  recommend  it. 

Fig.    5. 

For  ordinary  blacksmithing  a  flat  peen  hammer  is 
the  thing,  but  I  have  seen  good  blacksmiths  hang  on 
to  the  machinist's  hammer  as  the  only  thing.  See  No. 
I,  Figure  5.  This  hammer  is  more  ornamental  than 
useful  in  a  blacksmith  shop.  The  hammer  should  be 
of  different  sizes  for  different  woik,  light  for  light 
work,  aTxd  for  drawing  out  plowshares  alone  the  ham- 
mer should  be  heavy. 

For  an  ordinary  smith  a  hammer  of  two  up  to  two 
and   one-half    pounds   is    right.      Riveting    hammers 


should  be  only  one  pound  and  less.  No  smith  should 
ever  use  a  hammer  like  No.  3,  in  Figure  5.  This 
hammer  I  have  not  yet  been  able  to  find  out  what  it  is 
good  for.  Too  short,  too  clumsy,  too  much  friction  in 
the  air.  I  have  christened  it,  and  if  you  want  my 
name  for  it  call  it  Cain's  hammer.  It  must  surely 
look  like  the  hammer  used  by  him,  if  he  had  any. 


A  chisel  for  hot  cutting,  see  Figure  5,  No.  4.  This 
chisel  is  made  of  ij{  square  tool  steel.  Punch  a  hole 
i^  X  i^  X  }^  about  three  inches  from  the  end,  the  eye 
should  be  narrow  in  order  to  leave  material  enough  on 
the  sides  to  give  it  strength.  When  eye  is  finished, 
forge  down  below  it,  not  on  the  head-end,  with  top 
and  bottom  fullers,  like  cut.  This  gives  the  chisel  a 
better  shape.  Now  dress  down  the  edge,  then  heat 
to  a  low  cherry  red,  and  harden,  brighten  it  and  when 
the  color  is  brown  cool  off. 


Use  same  sized  steel  as  above  referred  to,  make  it 
like  No.  5,  Figure  5.  To  distinguish  it  from  the  hot 
cutting  chisel,  and  to  give  it  more  strength,  in  harden- 
ing this  chisel,  draw  the  temper  until  it  is  blue.  This 
is  the  right  temper  for  all  kinds  of  cold  chisels. 



One  might  think  that  anybody  knows  how  to  make 
a  set  hammer,  if  every  smith  knows  it,  I  don't  know, 
but  I  do  know  that  there  are  thousands  of  smiths  who 
have  never  had  a  set  hammer  nor  know  its  use.  To 
make  one :  Take  a  piece  of  tool  steel  1 34^  x  1 1^  inches, 
punch  a  hole  about  two  inches  from  the  end,  the  hole 
to  'be  1 34^  X  ^.  Now  cut  off  enough  for  head.  Make 
the  face  perfectly  square  and  level,  with  sharp  corners, 
harden  and  cool  off  when  the  temper  turns  from  brown 
to  blue.  This  is  a  very  important  little  tool  and  for 
cutting  steel  it  is  a  good  deal  better  than  the  chisel. 
Plow  steel  of  every  kind  is  easier  cut  with  this  hammer 
than  any  other  way.  In  cutting  with  the  set  hammer 
hold  the  steel  so  that  your  inner  side  of  the  set  ham- 
mer will  be  over  the  outside  edge  of  the  anvil.  Let 
the  helper  strike  on  the  outside  corner  of  the  set  ham- 
mer and  it  will  cut  easy.  The  steel  to  be  cut  should 
be  just  a  little  hot,  not  enough  to  be  noticed.  If  the 
steel  is  red  hot  the  set  hammer  cannot  cut  it.  The 
heat  must  be  what  is  called  blue  heat.  I  would  not  be 
without  the  set  hammer  for  money,  and  still  I  often 
meet  smiths  who  have  never  seen  this  use  made  of  the 
set  hammer.  Plow  points,  corn  shovels,  and  seeder 
shovels  are  quicker  cut  with  this  tool  than  any  other 
way,  with  the  exception  of  shears. 



Twist  drills  are  not  easy  to  make  by  hand,  as  they 
should  be  turned  to  be  true,  but  a  twist  drill  can  be 
made  this  way.  Take  a  piece  of  tool  steel  roimd  and 
the  size  of  the  chuck  hole  in  your  drill  press.  Flatten 
it  down  to  the  size  wanted,  heat,  put  the  shank  in  the 
vise,  take  with  the  tongs  over  the  end  and  give  one 
turn  to  the  whole  length,  turn  to  the  left.  When 
finished  be  sure  that  it  is  not  thicker  up  than  it  is  at 
point,  and  straight.  Now  harden,  heat  to  a  low  cherry 
red,  cool  off  in  luke-warm  water — salt  water,  if 
you  have  it — brighten  it  and  hold  over  a  hot  bar  of 
iron  to  draw  temper,  cool  off  when  brown,  the  whole 
length  of  the  twist  should  be  tempered. 

Another  way  to  make  a  drill  is  to  just  flatten  the 
steel  and  shape  to  a  diamond  point  and  bend  the 
shares  forward.  This  is  a  simple  but  good  idea  and 
such  drills  cut  easy.  In  cooling  for  hardening  turn 
the  drill  in  the  water  so  that  the  edge  or  shares  are 
cooled  in  proportion  to  point,  or  the  shares  will  be 
too  soft  and  the  point  of  such  a  drill  too  hard.  Our 
trade  journals,  in  giving  receipts  for  hardening  drills, 
often  get  watch-makers  receipts.  This  is  misleading: 
watch-makers  heat  their  drills  to  a  white  heat.  Now, 
remember,  as  I  have  already  said,  when  your  drill  or 
tool  of  this  kind  is  heated  to  this  heat  the  best  thing 
to  do  is  to  cut  that  part  off.  It  is  different  with  watch- 
makers, they  do  not  look  for  strength,  but  hardness. 
They  run  their  drills  with  a  high  speed,  cut  chips  that 
cannot  be  discerned  with   the  naked  eye,   and  must 



have  a  drill  that  is  hard  like  a  diamond.  For  drilling 
iron  or  steel  the  drill  does  not  need  to  be  so  very  hard, 
but  tough  rather,  because  of  the  slow  speed  and  thick 
chips.  Few  smiths  have  been  able  to  master  the  sim- 
plest tempering,  and  they  think  if  they  could  get  a 
complicated  receipt  they  would  be  all  right.  We  are 
all  more  or  less  built  that  way.     Anything  we  do  not 

Fig.   6. 

understand  we  admire.  Simple  soft  water  and  the 
right  heat  is,  in  most  cases,  the  only  thing  needed  for 
hardening.  I  had  occasion  to  consult  a  doctor  once 
who  was  noted  for  his  simple  remedies.  A  lady  got 
some  medicine  and  she  wanted  to  know  what  it  was  so 
she  could  get  it  when  the  doctor  was  not  at  home,  but 
he  refused  to  reveal  it  to  her.  When  the  lady  had  left 
the  doctor  told  me  the  reason  why.  "This  lady,"  said 
the  doctor,  "does  not  believe  in  simple  remedies  which 
she  knows,  but  believes  in  those  remedies  she  knows 
nothing  about."     1  think  it  is  better  for  us  to  try  to 


understand   things   and   not    believe   much   in    them 
before  we  understand  them. 


See  Figure  6,  No.  3.  This  wrench  is  for  ^  nut  on 
one  end  and  ^  on  the  other,  just  the  kind  for  plow 
work.  To  make  one,  take  a  piece  of  tool  steel  i)^  x  ^, 
start  as  you  see  in  No.  4,  Figure  6.  Set  the  jaws  down 
with  the  fullers,  punch  a  round  hole  as  in  end  No.  4, 
cut  out  from  hole  and  finish  the  jaws  to  make  the  right 
length,  now  bend  it  in  S  shape  and  finish.  This  makes 
the  best  wrench.     Do  not  heat  over  a  red  heat. 


Few  blacksmiths  know  how  to  make  a  rock  drill. 
Take  a  piece  of  round  or  octagon  steel,  the  desired 
length  and  thickness,  shape  it,  but  it  must  be  remem- 
bered that  if  during  the  process  you  ever  get  it  over  a 
red  heat  there  is  no  use  to  proceed,  but  just  cut  off 
that  much  and  start  again,  no  hardening  will  prevail 
if  it  is  burnt.  The  trouble  begins  when  you  put  the 
steel  into  the  fire,  and  you  must  watch  until  you  have 
it  finished.  When  ready  to  harden  heat  it  to  a  cherry 
red  heat,  cool  in  water  not  too  cold,  brighten  and 
watch  for  temper.  When  it  is  yellow,  cool  it  off,  but 
not  entirely,  take  it  out  of  the  water  before  it  is  quite 


cold  and  let  it  cool  slowly,  this  will  make  the  drill  both 
hard  and  tough.  By  this  simple  process  I  have  been 
able  to  dress  drills  and  get  such  a  good  temper  than 
only  two  per  cent  would  break.  Another  way  to 
harden  is  to  heat  to  a  very  low  heat  and  cool  it  off 
entirely  at  once.  A  third  way  is  to  temper  as  hrst 
stated  and  when  yellow  set  the  drill  in  water  only  one 
half  an  inch  deep  and  let  it  cool.  By  this  process  a 
good  per  cent  will  break  just  at  the  water  line. 


Be  sure  yon  are  right  then  go  ahead.'''' — Davy  Crocket. 


HOW   TO    STRIKE    AND    TURN    THE    IRON- 

|HE  smith  should  never  turn  the  iron 
on  the  helper's  blow,  he  should  turn 
on  his  own  blow,  that  is,  never  turn 
the  iron  so  that  the  helper's  blow  will 
hit  it  first  because  he  is  not  prepared 
for  it  and  cannot  strike  with  confi- 
dence, but  the  smith  will  not  be 
bothered  by  turning  the  iron  for  himself  as  he  knows 
when  he  turns  and  is  prepared  for  it.  The  smith 
should  strike  the  first  blow  in  starting,  or  signal  the 
helper  where  to  strike,  in  case  the  smith  cannot  strike 
the  first  blow.  The  smith  calls  the  helper  by  three 
blows  on  the  anvil  with  his  hammer,  and  when  the 
smith  wants  the  helper  to  cease  striking  he  taps  with 
the  hammer  twice  on  the  anvil.  The  helper  should 
strike  the  blow  he  has  started  when  the  smith  signals 
him  to  stop.  The  helper  should  watch  the  time  of  the 
smith's  hamaier;  if  fast,  keep  time  with  it,  if  slow, 
keep  time  with  it.  The  helper  should  strike  where 
the  smith  strikes  or  over  the  center  of  the  anvil.  The 
helper  shouM  always  lift  the  sledge  high,  in  order  to 
give  the  smith  a  chance  to  get  in  with  the  hammer. 



M0U1:RN    BLACKSxMltHiN(j 


It  is  proper  before  we  go  any  farther  to  say  a  few 
words  about  the  fire. 

An  old  foreman  in  the  blacksmith  department  of  a 
factory  told  me  once  in  a  conversation  we  had  about 


the  fire,  that  he  had  come  to  the  conclusion  that  very 
few  blacksmiths  have  learned  how  to  make  a  good 
fire.  It  takes  years  of  study  and  practice  before  the 
eye  is  able  to  discern  a  good  fire  from  a  bad  one.  A 
good  fire  must  be  a  clear  fire,  the  flame  must  be  con- 
centrated and  of  a  white  color.     Even  the  nose  must 


serve  to  decide  a  bad  fire  from  a  good  one.  A  strong 
sulphur  smell  indicates  a  poor  fire  for  welding.  In 
order  to  get  a  good  fire  there  must  be,  first,  good  coal ; 
second,  plenty  of  it.  -  It  is  no  use  to  pile  a  lot  of  coal 
on  an  old  fire,  full  of  cinders  and  slag.  The  fire-pot 
must  be  clean.  Many  blacksmiths  are  too  saving 
about  the  coal.  They  take  a  shovel  of  coal,  drop  it  on 
the  forge  in  the  vicinity  of  the  fire  and  sprinkle  a 
handful  of  it  in  the  fire  once  in  a  while.  In  such  a 
case  it  is  impossible  to  do  good  work  and  turn  it  out 
quick.  Have  a  scoop  shovel  and  put  on  one  or  two 
shovels  at  a  time,  the  coal  should  be  wet.  Then  pack 
it  in  the  fire  as  hard  together  as  you  can.  Sprinkle 
the  fire  with  water  when  it  begins  to  spread.  In  this 
way  you  get  a  hard  fire.  The  flames  are  concentrated 
and  give  great  heat.  Saving  coal  is  just  like  saving 
feed  to  a  horse,  or  grub  to  your  apprentice.  Neither 
will  give  you  a  good  day's  work  unless  he  has  all  he 
wants  to  eat.  The  fire,  of  course,  should  be  in  pro- 
portion to  the  work,  but  in  every  case  should  the  fire 
be  large  enough  to  raise  it  up  from  the  tuyer  iron  as 
much  as  possible.  In  a  small  fire  the  blast  strikes 
directly  on  the  iron  and  it  begins  to  scale  off;  in  a 
good  fire  these  scales  melt  and  make  it  sticky,  while 
in  a  low  and  poor  fire  the  scales  blacken  and  fall  off. 
This  never  happens  if  the  fire  is  full  of  good  coal  and 
high  up  from  the  tuyer  iron. 

Good  strong  blast  is  also  necessary  for  heavy  work. 
There  is  an  old  whim  about  the  fire  that  everybody, 
farmers  and  others,  as  well  as  blacksmiths,  are  infected 
with,  and  that  is,  if  a  piece  of  brass  is  put  in  the  fire  it 


renders  the  fire  useless  to  weld  with.  Now,  while  it  is 
a  fact  that  brass  is  not  conducive  to  welding  it  takes  a 
good  deal  of  it  before  the  fire  is  made  useless.  One 
smith  will  not  dare  to  heat  a  galvanized  pipe  in  his 
fire,  for  fear  it  will  spoil  it,  while  another  smith  will 
weld  a  piece  of  iron  or  steel  to  such  a  pipe  without 
difficulty.  Don't  swear  and  curse  if  the  fire  is  not 
what  you  expect  it  to  be,  but  simply  make  it  right. 
Some  smiths  have  the  habit  of  continually  poking  in 
the  fire,  if  they  weld  a  piece  of  iron  they  never  give  it 
rest  enough  to  get  hot,  but  turn  it  over  from  one  side 
to  another  and  try  to  fish  up  all  the  cinders  and  dust 
to  be  found  in  the  fire.  This  is  a  bad  habit.  Yellow 
colored  fire  is  a  sign  of  sulphur  in  the  fire  and  makes  a 
poor  fire  for  welding.     Dead  coal  makes  a  poor  fire. 


One  of  the  chief  reasons  for  a  poor  fire  is  a  poor 
blast.  No  patent  tuyer  will  give  blast  enough  unless 
you  run  it  by  steam  and  have  a  fan  blower.  Ninety 
per  cent  of  the  blast  is  lost  in  transmission  through 
patent  tuyers.  The  only  way  to  get  a  good  blast  is  to 
have  a  direct  tuyer,  and  one  with  a  water  space  in. 

To  make  a  direct  tuyer  take  a  pipe  i^^^  x  12  inches 
long,  weld  around  one  end  of  this  pipe  an  iron  3^  to 
make  it  thick  on  the  end  that  is  in  the  fire,  flare  out 
the  other  end  for  the  wind  pipe  to  go  in  and  place  it 
borzontal  in  the  fire  and  fill  up  around  it  with  fireproof 
clay.     This  gives  the  best  fire.     The  only  objection  to 



this  tuyer  is  that  where  soft  coal  is  used,  as  is  mostly 
the  case  in  country  shops,  it  gets  hot  and  clogs  up, 
but  with  a  strong  blast  and  good  hard  coal  it  never 
gets  hot,  provided  the  fire  is  deep  enough.  From  five 
to  eight  inches  is  the  right  distance  from  the  tuyer  to 
the  face  of  the  fire.  In  factories  this  kind  of  tuyer  is 
used,  and  I  have  seen  them  used  for  ten  years,  and 


never  found  Ihem  to  clog  once.     The  tuyer  was  just  as 
good  after  ten  years  use  as  it  was  when  put  in. 

To  make  a  water  tuyer  take  a  pipe  1 1^^  x  12,  weld  a 
flange  on  each  end  for  water  space,  now  weld  another 
pipe  over  this,  and  bore  holes  for  %  inch  pipes  in  the 
end,  where  the  blast  goes  in.  One  hole  on  the  lower 
or  bottom  side  should  be  for  the  cold  water  to  go  in 
through,  and  one  hole  on  the  upper  side  for  the  hot 
water  to  go  out  through.  These  pipes  to  connect  with 
a  little  water  tank  for  this  purpose.     The  pipes  should 



be  watched  so  that  they  will  not  be  allowed  to  freeze 
or  clog,  as  an  explosion  might  follow.  These  tuyers 
never  clog.  I  now  use  one  that  I  have  made  as  above 
described.  The  dealers  now  have  them  to  sell.  Any 
smith  can  get  them  as  they  are  hard  to  make  by  the 
average  smith. 


I  have  tried  many  kinds  of  blowers  and  I  shall  give 
my  brother  smiths  the  advantage  of  my  experience. 

Portable  forges  run  with  fan  blowers  are  fair  blow- 
ers if  you  are  strong  enough  to  pump  away  at  high 
speed,  but  it  takes  a  horse  to  do  that,  and  as  soon  as 
you  drop  the  lever  the  blast  ceases.  Root's  blower 
works  easier,  but  the  objection  is  the  same,  as  soon  as 
you  drop  the  crank  the  blast  stops.  Besides  this 
trouble,  this  blower  is  often  in  the  way.  I  have  never 
found  anything  to  beat  the  bellows  yet,  if  you  only 
know  how  to  use  them. 

Never  take  a  set  of  bellows  less  than  48  extra  long. 
Cut  the  snout  off  so  that  it  will  give  a  hole  ij^,  and 


with  a  water  tuyer  this  blower  cannot  be  beaten, 
except  by  a  fan  blower  run  by  steam.  The  bellows 
should  be  hung  over  head  to  be  out  of  the  way.  When 
these  bellows  are  full  of  wind  they  will  blow  long 
enough  after  you  have  dropped  the  lever  to  do  quite  a 
good  many  things  around  the  forge,  and  to  handle  the 
iron  in  the  fire  with  both  hands  as  is  often  necessary. 


Welding  iron  is  easy  and  no  other  welding  compound 
is  needed  than  sand,  unless  it  is  a  case  when  the  iron 
is  liable  to  burn  or  scale  off,  borax  will  prevent  this. 
There  are  thiee  kinds  of  welds,  butt,  lap  and  split. 
The  butt  weld  is  most  used  in  welding  iron.  The  ends 
should  be  rounded  off  a  little  so  that  the  center  will 
weld  first.  Weld  the  ends  this  way  either  in  the  fire 
or  on  the  anvil,  butting  the  ends  while  you  strike  over 
and  dress  down  the  weld.  In  welding  lap  welds  upset 
the  ends  and  make  them  a  good  deal  heavier  than  the 
size  of  the  iron  is ;  then  lap  the  ends  with  a  short  lap. 
New  beginners  will  always  make  a  long  lap.  This  is 
wrong,  for  if  the  lap  is  long  it  will  reach  beyond  the 
upset  part  and  the  ends  cannot  then  be  welded  down, 
without  you  make  it  weak.  If  soft  steel  is  welded  cut 
a  short  cut  with  the  chisel  in  the  center  of  the  lap,  as 
shown  in  Figure  6,  No.  i.  This  cut  will  hook  and 
prevent  the  ends  from  slipping  ^  if  properly  prepared 
this  weld  will  not  show  at  all  when  done. 



Split  weld  is  preferable  when  steel  is  to  be  welded, 
especially  tool  steel  of  a  heavy  nature,  like  drill  bits 
for  well  drillers. 

If  the  steel  is  welded  to  iron,  split  the  iron  and  draw 
out  the  ends  as  thin  as  possible  and  make  it  the  shape 
shown  in  Figure  6,  No.  2.  Taper  the  steel  to  fill  the 
split  made  in  the  iron,  when  it  fits  perfectly  cut  beard 
in  it  to  catch  in  the  lips  of  the  iron  when  fitted  in. 
See  Figure  6,  No.  2.  When  finished  heat  the  split  end 
and  cool  off  the  tapered  end.  Place  the  tapered  end 
snug  up  in  the  split  and  hammer  it  together  with  a 
heavy  sledge.  If  there  is  any  crack  or  opening  at  the 
end  of  the  tapered  end,  plug  it  up  with  iron  plugs,  if 
this  is  not  done,  these  holes  will  be  almost  as  they  are, 
because  it  is  hard  to  weld  a  heavy  shaft  or  drill,  or 
rather,  it  is  hard  to  hammer  them  together  so  the 
holes  will  close  in.  Now  heat,  but  if  you  have  tool 
steel  go  slow,  or  your  steel  will  bin*n  before  the  iron  is 
hot  enough.  Weld  the  lips  while  the  rod  or  drill  is  in 
the  fire.  For  this  purpose  use  a  hammer  with  an  iron 
handle  in.  When  the  lips  are  welded  all  around  take 
it  out  and  let  two  good  helpers  come  down  on  it  with 
all  their  might.  When  welded  smooth  it  up  with  the 
hammer  or  flat  hammer. 


Welding  steel  is  quite  a  trick,  especially  tool  or 
spring  steel.  The  most  important  part  to  remember 
is,  to  have  a  good  clean  fire,  and  not  to  oyer  heat  the 


steel.  To  a  good  smith  no  other  compound  is  needed 
than  borax,  but  if  this  is  not  sufficient,  take  some 
borings  from  your  drill,  especially  fine  steel  borings, 
and  cover  the  weld  with  this  and  borax,  and  if  a  smith 
cannot  weld  with  this  compound  there  is  no  use  for 
him  to  tr3^  Most  of  the  welding  compounds  are 
inferior  to  this,  but  some  smiths  would  rather  believe 
in  something  they  don't  know  anything  about;  another 
will  not  believe  in  anything  he  can  get  for  nothing. 


When  a  round  object  is  to  be  ironed  or  a  hoop  put 
on  to  anything  round,  measure,  that  is,  take  the  diam- 
eter then  multiply  by  three,  add  three  times  the 
thickness  of  the  iron  (not  the  width),  add  to  this  one 
time  the  thickness  of  the  hoop  for  the  weld  and  you 
have  the  exact  length  of  the  iron  needed ;  in  other 
words,  three  times  the  diameter,  four  times  the  thick- 
ness of  the  band.  This  is  a  simple  rule,  but  I  know  a 
good  many  old  smiths  who  never  knew  it. 


To  weld  seeder  shovels  is  no  easy  job.  Prepare  the 
shovel;  shape  almost  to  it  proper  shape,  draw  out  the 
shanks,  weld  the  points  first,  heat  shovel  and  shank 
slow,  then  fit  them  together  so  that  no  cinders  can  get 


in  between.  Now  remember,  if  your  fire  is  :iot  at 
least  five  inches  up  from  the  tuyer  iron,  and  clear,  it 
is  no  use  to  try.  Hold  your  shovel  in  the  fire,  shank 
down.  Heat  slow,  use  borax  freely  and  apply  it  on 
the  face  side  of  the  shovel  to  prevent  it  from  burning. 
When  ready,  weld  it  over  the  mandrill  and  the  shovel 
will  have  the  right  shape.  If  soft  center,  harden  like 
a  plow  lay. 


Every  smith  knows  how  to  drill,  sometimes  it  gives 
even  an  old  smith  trouble.  The  drill  must  be  true, 
the  center  to  be  right,  if  one  side  of  the  drill  is  wider 
than  the  other  or  the  drill  not  in  proper  shape  the  hole 
will  not  be  true.  For  centuries  oil  has  been  used  for 
drilling  and  millions  of  dollars  have  been  spent  in 
vain.  It  is  a  wonder  how  people  will  learn  to  use  the 
wrong  thing.  I  don't  think  that  I  have  ever  met  a 
man  yet  who  did  not  know  that  oil  was  used  in  drill- 
ing. In  drilling  hard  steel,  turpentine  or  kerosene  is 
used  as  oil  will  then  prevent  cutting  entirely.  Nothing 
is  better  than  water,  but  turpentine  or  kerosene  is  not 
as  bad  as  oil ;  if  you  think  water  is  too  cheap  use  tur- 
pentine or  kerosene.  I  had  occasion  once  to  do  a  little 
work  for  a  man  eighty  years  old,  and  when  I  drilled  a 
hole,  used  water.  The  old  man  asked  if  water  was  as 
good  as  oil,  and  when  informed  that  it  was  better,  said: 
"I  used  to  be  quite  a  blacksmith  myself,  I  am  now 
eighty  years  old,  too  old  to  do  anything,  but  I  am  not 

Modern  blacksmithing  59 

too  old  to  learn."  It  ought  to  suggest  itself  to  every 
smith  that  while  oil  is  used  in  boxes  to  prevent  cut- 
ting, it  will  also  prevent  cutting  in  drilling. 


First  prepare  a  drill  which  is  thicker  at  the  point 
than  usual,  and  oval  in  form,  then  harden  it  as  fol- 
lows :  heat  to  a  low  cherry  red  heat  and  cool  in  the 
following  hardening  compound:  two  quarts  soft  water, 
one-half  ounce  sal-ammoniac,  salt,  three  ounces.  Don't 
draw  the  temper,  for  if  you  have  the  right  heat  you 
will  get  the  right  temper.  Now  drill  and  use  water, 
not  oil.  Feed  carefully  but  so  the  drill  will  cut  right 
along.  If  you  have  no  chance  to  get  the  compound, 
harden  in  water  but  draw  no  temper,  let  it  be  as  hard 
as  it  will. 

If  the  iron  is  too  hard  to  be  drilled  and  you  can  heat 
the  same  do  so,  heat  to  a  low  red  heat  and  place  a 
piece  of  brimstone  just  where  the  hole  is  to  be;  this 
will  soften  the  iron  through,  so  the  hole  can  be  drilled. 
Let  it  cool  slowly. 


Standing  coulters  are  made  of  different  materials 
and  of  different  shapes.  Take  a  piece  of  iron  2}{  x  }^, 
twenty-eight  inches   long.     Cut  off  the  end  after  you 



have  thinned  it  out  about  5  inches  from  the  end,  cut 
diagonally  Now  weld  the  cut-off  piece  to  the  main 
shank.  The  cut-off  piece  to  be  laid  on  the  outside  and 
welded,  bend  the  iron  as  soon  as  it  is  welded  so  that  it 
has  the  shape  of  the  coulter,  draw  out  a  good  point 
and  sharpen  the  iron  just  the  same  as  if  it  was  a  fin- 
ished coulter.  This  done,  cut  off  a  piece  of  steel,  an 
old  plow  lay  that  is  not  too  much  worn  will  do,  cut 


the  shape  of  the  coulter  you  have  now  in  the  iron,  and 
let  the  steel  be  half  an  inch  wider  than  the  iron,  but 
on  the  point  let  it  be  as  long  as  it  will,  because  the 
point  ought  to  be  quite  long,  say  about  nine  inches. 
Next  draw  the  steel  out  thin  on  the  upper  end,  heat 
the  iron  red  hot,  place  it  on  the  anvil  outside  up,  put 
a  pinch  of  borax  on  it  at  the  heel,  then  a  pinch  of  steel 
borings,  place  the  steel  on  top  of  this  and  keep  in  posi- 
tion with  a  pair  of  tongs;  now  hold  it  on  the  fire  heel 
down,  and  heat  slow.  When  it  is  hot  let  the  helper 
strike  a  pressing  blow  or  two  on  it  and  it  will  stick 
until  you  have  taken  the  next  weld.     Put  borings  and 


borax  between  steel  and  iron  for  each  weld.  When 
finished,  the  angle  should  be  that  of  the  square;  that 
is,  when  you  place  the  coulter  in  the  square  the  shank 
should  follow  one  end  of  the  square  and  the  foot  of 
the  coulter  the  other.  The  edge  of  the  outside  side 
should  follow  the  square  from  the  point  up.  When  it 
does  it  looks  like  a  hummock  in  the  coulter  but  it  is 
not.  Old  breakers  will  be  particular  about  this  as  it 
will  cut  a  clean  furrow  if  it  is  made  in  this  way  and  it 
will  work  easier.  If  the  edge  stands  under  the  square 
the  coulter  will  wedge  the  plow  out  of  land  and  make  a 
poor  furrow.  Next  finish  the  chisel  point,  soft  or  hard 
steel  as  you  please;  weld  it  to  the  coulter  on  the 
inside,  that  is,  the  side  next  to  the  furrow. 

Last  punch  or  drill  the  hole  in  the  heel.  The  coulter 
should  not  be  hardened  except  a  little  on  and  along 
the  point.  There  is  no  need  of  a  double  chisel  point, 
such  a  point  will  be  too  clumsy  and  run  heavy.  I  have 
received  a  premium  on  a  coulter  made  in  this  shape. 


Mill  picks  are  very  easily  dressed  and  hardened,  the 
whole  trick  in  this  case,  as  in  many  others,  lies  in  the 
right  heat  of  the  steel.  Be  careful  not  to  heat  to  a 
higher  than  a  red  heat.  Dress  the  pick  and  temper 
with  a  low  heat,  when  the  color  is  dark  yellow  the 
temper  is  right,  if  the  steel  is  of  the  right  kind.  No 
other  hardening  compound  is  necessary  than  water. 
After  a  little  experience  any  smith  can  do  this  work 
first  class. 


A  smith  once  wanted  to  buy  my  receipt  for  tem_per- 
ing.  He  believed  I  had  a  wonderful  prescription,  or 
I  could  not  succeed  as  I  did,  I  told  him  I  used  only 
water,  but  he  insisted  that  I  was  selfish  and  would  not 
reveal  it  to  him. 

If  tools  and  receipts  would  do  the  work  there  would 
be  no  need  of  experienced  mechanics.  Tools  and 
receipts  are  both  necessary,  but  it  must  be  a  skilled 
hand  to  apply  them. 


The  best  way  to  harden  files  is  to  have  a  cast  iron 
bucket  filled  with  lead.  Heat  it  until  the  lead  is  red 
hot,  then  plunge  the  file  into  this,  handle  up.  'This 
will  give  a  uniform  heat  and  the  file  will  not  warp  so 
easy  if  the  heat  is  right.  In  cooling  the  file  off,  use  a 
box  four  or  five  feet  long  with  salt  water  in,  run  the 
file  back  and  forth  endwise,  not  sideways,  that  will 
warp  the  file,  take  it  out  of  the  water  while  yet  siz- 
zling. Now,  if  warped,  set  it  between  a  device  so  that 
you  can  bend  it  right.  While  in  this  position  sprinkle 
water  over  where  you  straighten  until  cold  and  the 
file  will  be  right. 


Heat  the  tap  or  die  to  a  red  cherry,  cool  off  entirely 
in  water,  brighten  with  an  emery  paper.  Now,  hold 
over  a  hot  iron  until  the  tap  or  die  has  a  dark  straw 
color,  then  cool  off.  If  a  light  tap,  the  temper  can  be 
drawn  over  a  gaslight,  using  a  blowpipe. 



To  make  a  butcher  knife,  one  smith  will  simply  take 
an  old  file,  shape  it  into  a  knife,  and  harden.  The 
best  way  to  make  a  knife  is  to  first  draw  out  a  piece  of 
iron  %  inch  wide  and  -^^  of  an  inch  thick,  twice  the 
length  of  the  knife.  Prepare  the  steel  the  same  width 
as  the  iron,  ^  of  an  inch  thick,  weld  this  steel  in 
between  the  iron.  This  will  make  a  knife  that  will 
not  break.  When  ready  to  harden  heat  to  a  low  red 
heat,  cool  off  entirely  in  water.  Brighten  and  hold 
over  a  hot  iron  until  brown,  then  cool  off. 

The  steel  should  be  good  tool  steel,  a  fiat  file  will 
do,  but  the  cuts  must  be  ground  or  filed  off  entirely 
before  you  touch  it  with  the  hammer,  for  if  the  cuts 
are  hammered  in  they  will  make  cracks  in  the  edge  of 
the  knife,  and  the  same  will  break  out. 



If  a  circular  saw  is  cracked  it  can  be  repaired  so  that 
the  crack  will  go  no  further,  and  if  the  crack  is  deep, 
it  can  be  so  remedied  that  there  will  be  no  danger  in 
using  it.  Ascertain  the  end  of  the  crack,  then  drill 
a  j\-inch  hole  so  that  the  crack  will  end  in  that  hole. 
Countersink  on  each  side  and  put  in  a  rivet.  Don't 
let  the  rivet  stick  its  head  over  the  face  of  the  saw. 

If  the  crack  is  deep  put  another  rivet  about  half  an 
inch  from  the  edge.  If  the  saw  is  too  hard  to  drill, 
heat  two  irons  about  i  %  square  or  round,  square  up 


the  ends  and  set  the  saw  between  the  ends  so  that 
they  will  meet  over  the  place  where  the  hole  is  to  be 
drilled.  When  the  saw  is  dark  blue,  the  temper  is 
out.  It  might  be  a  possibility  that  this  will  spring  the 
saw  in  some  cases,  therefore,  I  advise  you  to  try  drill- 
ing the  hole  without  any  change  in  temper.  Prepare 
a  drill  that  is  harder  than  usual,  use  no  oil,  but  water. 


The  reason  why  a  circular  saw  cracks  is,  in  most 
cases,  incorrect  filing.  In  filing  a  saw,  never  let  a 
flat  file  with  its  square  corners  touch  the  bottom  of  the 
teeth  you  are  filing;  if  you  do,  you  will  make  a  short 
cut  that  will  start  the  crack,  The  best  way  is  to  gum 
the  saw  in  a  saw  gummer  or  on  an  emery  wheel,  or 
use  a  round-edged  file. 

HOW    TO    SEW    A    BELT 

Belts  can  be  riveted,  sewed,  or  hooked  together.  A 
new  leather  belt  should  not  be  riveted,  because  such 
a  belt  will  stretch  and  have  to  be  cut  out  and  sewed 
over  quite  often  at  first.  There  are  hooks  made  of 
steel  for  belt  sewing,  these  are  all  right  when  the  pul- 
leys are  not  less  than  six  inches  in  diameter  and  the 
speed  is  slow.     In  using  these  hooks  be  careful  not  to 


bend  them  too  sharp  or  drive  the  bends  together  too 
hard;  in  so  doing  they  will  cut  through  the  leather 
and  pull  out.  Lacing  is  the  best  for  all  kinds  of  belts. 
In  sewing  a  belt  with  lacing,  first  punch  with  a 
punch  made  for  this  purpose,  holes  in  proportion  to 
the  width.  Don't  punch  them  too  close  to  the  ends. 
Begin  sewing  in  the  center  holes  and  start  so  that  both 
ends  of  the  lacing  will  come  out  on  the  outside  of  the 
belt.  Now  sew  with  one  end  to  each  side,  and  be 
careful  not  to  cross  the  lacing  on  the  side  next  to  the 
pulleys.  The  lacing  should  be  straight  on  that  side. 
When  the  belt  is  sewed  punch  a  small  hole  a  little  up 
in  the  belt  to  receive  the  last  end  of  the  lacing;  the 
last  end  should  come  out  on  the  outside  of  the  belt. 
In  this  end  cut  a  little  notch  about  three-fourths 
through  the  lacing  close  to  the  belt,  and  then  cut  the 
lacing  off  a  quarter  of  an  inch  outside  of  this  notch. 
This  notch  will  act  as  a  prong  and  prevent  the  lacing 
from  pulling  out.  Tap  it  lightly  with  a  hammer  above 
the  seam  to  smooth  it  down. 


In  placing  shafts  to  be  connected  by  belts,  care 
should  be  taken  to  get  the  right  working  distance  one 
from  the  other.  For  smaller  belts  12  to  15  feet  is 
about  the  right  distance.  For  large  belts,  a  greater 
distance  is  wanted.  The  reason  for  this  is  that  when 
pulleys  are  too  close  together  there  is  no  sag  in  the 


belts  and  they  must  therefore  be  very  tight  in  order 
to  work. 

Belts  should  not  have  too  much  sag,  or  they  will,  if 
the  distance  between  the  pulleys  is  too  far  apart,  pro- 
duce a  great  sag  and  a  jerking  motion  which  will  be 
hard  on  the  bearings.  Never  place  one  shaft  directly 
over  another,  for  then  the  belts  must  be  very  tight  to 
do  the  work,  and  a  tight  belt  will  wear  out  quicker 
and  break  oftener  in  the  lacing  than  a  loose  one; 
besides  this  the  bearings  will  give  out  sooner. 

If  a  belt  slips  use  belt  oil  or  resin,  or  both. 


In  repairing  old  bob  sleds  is  is  difficult  to  find  shoes 
to  suit.  But  in  every  case  the  shoe  can  be  fitted  to 
suit  without  touching  the  runner.  The  trick  here  as 
in  many  other  cases  in  the  blacksmith  business,  lies  in 
the  heating.  Any  shoe  can  be  straightened  or  bent  to 
fit  the  runner  if  only  heated  right.  A  low  cherry-red 
heat  and  a  piece  if  iron  to  reach  from  the  crooked  end 
of  the  shoe  and  far  enough  back  to  leave  a  space 
between  where  it  wants  to  be  straightened.  Now  pat 
it  in  the  vise  and  turn  the  screws  slowly  and  the  shoe 
will  stand  a  great  deal.  If  too  straight,  put  the  shoe 
in  between  a  couple  of  beams  so  that  you  can  bend  it 
back  to  the  right  shape.     Remember  the  heat. 

I  have  put  on  hundreds  and  never  knew  of  a  shoe 
that  broke  when  the  heat  was  right.     I  must  confess, 


however,  that  my  two  first  shoes  broke,  but  I  think  I 
learned  it  cheap  when  I  consider  my  success  after 
that.  The  shoe  should  fit  the  runner  snug.  Ironing 
bobs  is  a  very  simple  and  easy  thing,  every  black- 
smith, and  even  farmers  sometimes,  are  able  to  iron 
their  own  sleds  fairly  well,  and  I  don't  think  it  will  be 
of  much  interest  for  the  readers  of  this  book  to  treat 
that  subject  any  further. 


Dressing  axes  is  quite  a  trick  and  few  blacksmiths 
have  mastered  it.  It  is  comparatively  easy  when  one 
knows  how.  I  have  several  times  already  warned 
against  over  heating  and  if  this  has  been  necessary 
before,  it  is  more  so  now  in  this  case.  In  heating  an 
ax  do  not  let  the  edge  rest  in  the  center  of  the  fire,  it 
will  then  be  too  hot  at  the  edge  before  it  is  hot  enough 
to  hammer  it  out.  Place  the  edge  far  enough  in  to  let 
it  over  the  hottest  place  in  the  fire.  Go  slow.  When 
hot,  diaw  it  to  the  shape  of  a  new  axe,  don't  hammer 
on  one  side  only.  In  so  doing  the  ax  will  be  flat  on 
one  side  and  curved  up  on  the  other.  If  uneven  trim 
it  off;  trim  the  sides  also  if  too  wide;  don't  heat  it 
over  the  eye;  be  sure  you  have  it  straight.  When 
ready  to  harden,  heat  to  a  low  red  heat  and  harden  in 
luke  warm  water.  The  heat  should  be  only  brown  if 
it  is  a  bright  sunny  day.  Brighten  and  look  for  the 
temper.    You  will  notice  that  the  temper  runs  uneven; 


it  goes  out  to  the  corners  first,  therefore  dip  them  (the 
corners)  deeper  when  cooling,  and  with  a  wet  rag 
touch  the  place  on  the  edge  where  the  temper  wants 
to  run  out.  Some  smiths,  when  hardening,  will  smear 
the  ax  with  tallow  instead  of  brightening  it,  and  hold 
it  over  the  fire  until  the  tallow  catches  fire,  then  cool 
it  off.  This  is  guess  work,  and  the  axe  is  soft  in  one 
place  and  too  hard  in  another.  The  best  way  is  to 
brighten  the  ax  and  you  can  see  the  temper,  then 
there  is  no  guess  work  about  it.  When  blue  cool  it 
partly  off  and  then  while  the  ax  is  still  wet  you  will 
observe  under  the  water  or  through  the  water  a  copper 
color.  This  color  will  turn  blue  as  soon  as  the  ax  is 
dry,  and  is  the  right  color  and  temper.  Cool  it  slowly, 
don't  cool  it  off  at  once,  but  let  it  cool  gradually,  and 
it  will  be  both  hard  and  tough. 

By  this  simple  method  I  have  been  very  successful, 
breaking  only  three  per  cent,  while  no  new  ax  of  any 
make  will  ever  do  better  than  ten  per  cent.  Some 
will  even  break  at  the  rate  of  twelve  and  thirteen  per 

The  ax  factories,  with  all  their  skill  and  hardening 
compounds,  have  to  do  better  yet  to  compete  with  me 
and  my  simple  method. 


Well  drills  are  made  of  different  sizes  and  kinds. 
Club  bits  and  Z  bits.  How  to  dress:  heat  to  a  low  red 
heat.     If  nicked  or  broken,  cut  out,  otherwise  draw  it 


out  to  the  size  wanted.  The  caliper  should  touch  the 
lips  of  the  bit  when  measured  diagonally  so  that  the 
bit  has  the  size  on  all  corners.  Heat  to  a  low  red  heat 
and  harden,  the  temper  to  be  from  dark  straw  color 
to  blue  according  to  the  kind  of  drilling  to  be  done. 
The  trick,  in  two  words,  low  heat. 


By  granite  tools  is  meant  tools  or  chisels  used  by 
granite  or  marble  workers  for  cutting  inscriptions  on 

When  a  man  understands  how  these  tools  are  used 
it  is  easier  to  prepare  them.  These  are  the  kind  of 
tools  where  an  unusual  hardness  is  required.  The 
hammer  used  in  cutting  with  this  chisel  is  very  small, 
and  the  blow  would  not  hurt  your  nose,  so  light  it  is, 
therefore  they  will  stand  a  high  heat  and  temper. 
The  chisels  should  be  very  thin  for  this  work.  When 
dressed  and  ready  to  harden,  heat  to  a  red  heat  and 
harden  in  the  following  solution:  one  gallon  soft 
water,  four  ounces  salt.  Draw  the  temper  to  a  straw 

A  blacksmith  once  paid  a  high  price  for  a  receipt  for 
hardening  granite  tools.  The  receipt  was,  aqua,  one 
gallon;  chloride  of  sodium,  four  ounces.  This  receipt 
he  kept  as  a  secret  and  the  prepared  compound  he 
bought  at  the  drug  store,  thus  paying  50  cents  for  one 
gallon  of  water  and  four  ounces  of  salt.  The  real 
worth   is   less   than   a  cent.     It  is  said  he  succeeded 


remarkably  well  with  his  great  compound,  which  he 
kept  in  a  jug  and  only  used  when  anything  like  granite 
tools  were  to  be  hardened.  The  reason  why  he  suc- 
ceeded so  well  was  because  of  his  ignorance  concerning 
his  compound,  not  because  it  was  not  good  enough.  I 
hold  that  it  is  one  of  the  best  compounds,  in  fact,  the 
best  he  could  get.  People  in  general  like  to  be  hum- 
bugged. If  they  only  get  something  new  or  something 
they  don't  know  anything  about,  then  they  think  it 

Salt  and  water  should  be  called  salt  and  water,  and 
be  just  as  much  valued.  Let  us  " call  a  spade  a  spade, ' ' 
the  spade  will  not  be  more  useful  by  another  name, 
nor  will  it  be  less  useful  by  calling  it  by  its  proper 

The  Sultan,  the  Arch  Polygamist  and  Emperor  William  in  the 

same  carriage. 


jHEN  vehicles  were  first  used  is  hard 
to  tell,  but  we  know  that  they  have 
been   used   for   thousands   of   years 
before  the  Christian  era.     It  is  easy 
to  imagine  how  they  looked  at  that 
time,    when    we    know    how    half- 
civilized  people  now  make  wagons. 
The  first  vehicle  was  only  a  two-wheeled  cart  called 
chariot.     Such  chariots  were  used  in  war  and  that  it 
was  a  case  of  "great  cry  and  little  wool"  is  certain. 

The  blacksmith  used  to  be  the  wagon  and  carriage 
maker.  Now  it  is  only  a  rare  case  when  a  blacksmith 
makes  a  carriage,  and  when  it  happens  most  of  the 
parts  are  bought.  In  1565  the  first  coach  was  made  in 

Now  there  are  hundreds  of  factories  making  wagons 
and  carriages  and  parts  of  them  for  repair  use  by 
blacksmiths  and  wagon  makers.  It  is  no  use  for  any 
blacksmith  or  wagon  maker  to  compete  with  these 
factories.  We  have  neither  the  means  nor  the  facili- 
ties to  do  it,  and  have  to  be  content  with  the  repairs 
they  need.  The  mo'st  important  repairs  are  the  set- 
ting of  tire,  welding  and  setting  axle  stubs. 




Wagon  tire  is  often  set  so  that  more  harm  than  good 
is  done  to  the  wheel. 

In  setting-  tire  the  first  thing  to  do  is  to  mark  the 
tire.  Many  blacksmiths  set  tires  without  marking  the 
tire.  This  is  poor  work.  In  order  to  do  a  good  job 
the  tire  should  be  set  so  that  it  is  in  the  same  place  it 
had.  There  are  generally  some  uneven  places  in  the 
fellows  and  when  the  tire  is  set  the  first  time,  it  is  hot 
all  around  and  will  settle  down  in  these  low  places. 
Now,  if  the  tire  is  not  marked  and  set  back  in  its  exact 
bed,  it  will  soon  work  loose  again,  and  it  is  liable  to 
dish  the  wheel  too  much  as  it  don't  sink  into  its  place, 
but  is  held  up  in  some  places.  Another  thing,  when 
a  tire  is  worn  so  that  it  becomes  thin  it  will  settle  down 
on  the  outside,  especially  when  the  wheel  is  much 
dished.  Now  if  you  reverse  the  tire  it  will  only  touch 
the  fellow  on  the  inner  edge  of  the  wheel,  and  leave 
an  open  space  between  the  fellow  and  the  tire  on  the 
outside.  When  a  wheel  has  bolts  every  smith  knows 
that  it  will  make  trouble  for  him  if  he  don't  get  the 
tire  back  where  it  was.  In  every  case  take  a  file  or  a 
chisel  and  cut  a  mark  in  the  tire  near  to  the  fellow 
plates,  cut  also  a  light  mark  in  the  fellow.  These 
marks  are  to  be  on  the  inside  of  the  wheel:  i,  because 
it  will  not  be  seen  on  that  side;  2,  because  in  putting 
the  tire  on,  the  wheel  should  be  placed  with  that  side 
up.  If  there  are  nails  in  the  tire  cut  them  off  with  a 
thin  chisel  so  that  it  will  not  mark  the  fellow,  or  drive 
them  into  the  fellow  with  a  punch.      Next,   measure 


the  wheel  with  the  gauge  (the  wheel  is  supposed  to  be 
right,  not  fellow  bound  nor  any  spokes  loose  in  the 
tenon).  This  done,  heat  the  tire  and  shrink  it.  If 
the  wheel  is  straight  give  it  half  an  inch  draw,  some- 
times even  five-eighths  if  the  wheel  is  heavy  and 
strong.  But  if  the  wheel  is  poor  and  dished,  do  not 
give  it  more  than  one-fourth-inch  draw.  One  tire  only 
with  a  little  draw  can  be  heated  in  the  forge,  but  if 
there  is  more  than  one  tire  heat  them  outside  in  a  fire 
made  for  this  purpose,  or  in  a  tire  heater. 

There  are  different  ways  of  cooling  the  tire.  Some 
smiths  have  a  table  in  a  tank,  they  place  the  wheel  on 
the  table  and  with  a  lever  sink  both  wheel  and  tire  in 
the  water.  There  are  many  objections  to  this,  i,  You 
will  have  to  soak  the  whole  wheel;  2,  it  is  inconven- 
ient to  put  the  tire  on;  3,  in  order  to  set  the  tire  right, 
it  is  necessary  to  reach  the  tire  from  both  sides  with 
the  hammer;  4,  when  spokes  have  a  tendency  to  creep 
out,  or  when  the  wheel  is  much  dished,  the  wheel 
should  be  tapped  with  the  hammer  over  the  spokes. 
Now,  to  be  able  to  perform  all  these  moves,  one  must 
have,  first,  a  table;  this  table  to  be  about  twelve 
inches  high  and  wide  enough  to  take  any  wheel,  with 
a  hole  in  the  center  of  table  to  receive  the  hub.  On 
one  side  you  may  make  a  hook  that  will  fall  over  the 
wheel  and  hold  the  tire  down  while  you  get  it  on. 
Close  to  this  table  have  a  box  5^  feet  long,  12  inches 
wide  and  12  inches  deep.  On. each  side  bolt  a  piece  of 
two  by  six  about  three  feet  long.  In  these  planks  cut 
notches  in  which  you  place  an  iron  rod,  run  through 
the  hub.      On   this   rod   the   wheel   will  hang.     The 


notches  can  be  made  so  that  any  sized  wheel  will  just 
hang  down  enough  to  cover  the  tire  in  the  water.  In 
this  concern  you  can  give  the  wheel  a  whirl  and  it  will 
turn  so  swift  that  there  will  be  water  all  around  the 
tire.  It  can  be  stopped  at  any  time  and  the  tire  set 
right,  or  the  spokes  tapped.  With  these  accommoda- 
tions and  four  helpers  I  have  set  six  hundred  hay  rake 
wheels  in  nine  and  one-half  hours.  This  was  in  a 
factory  where  all  the  tires  were  welded  and  the  wheels 
ready  so  that  it  was  nothing  but  to  heat  the  tires  and 
put  them  on.  I  had  three  fires  with  twelve  tires  in 
each  fire.  An  artesian  well  running  through  the  water 
box  kept  the  water  cool. 

If  the  fire  is  not  hot  enough  to  make  it  expand  a  tire 
puller  is  needed.  A  tire  puller  can  be  made  in  many 
ways  and  of  either  wood  or  iron.  Buggy  tire  is  more 
particular  than  wagon  tire  and  there  are  thousand  of 
buggy  wheels  spoiled  every  year  by  poor  or  careless 
blacksmiths.  In  a  buggy  tire  one-eighth  of  an  inch 
draw  is  the  most  that  it  will  stand,  while  most  wheels 
will  stand  only  one-sixteenth.  If  the  wheel  is  badly 
dished  don't  give  it  any  draw  at  all,  the  tire  should 
then  measure  the  same  as  the  wheel,  the  heat  in  the 
tire  is  enough. 

If  the  wheel  is  fellow-bound  cut  the  fellows  to  let 
them  down  on  the  spokes. 

If  the  spokes  are  loose  on  the  tenon  wedge  them  up 



For  a  back  dished  wheel  a  screw  should  be  used  to 
set  the  wheel  right.  Place  the  wheel  on  the  table 
front  side  up.  Put  wood  blocks  under  the  fellow  to 
raise  the  wheel  up  from  the  table.  Place  a  two  by 
four  over  the  hole  under  the  table;  have  a  bolt  long- 
enough  to  reach  through  the  two  by  four  and  up 
through  the  hub.  a  piece  of  wood  over  the  hub  for  the 
bolt  to  go  through;  screw  it  down  with  a  tail  nut. 
When  the  wheel  is  right,  put  the  tire  on.  The  tire  for 
such  a  wheel  should  have  more  draw  than  for  a  wheel 
that  is  right. 

If  a  buggy  wheel  has  been  dished  it  can  be  helped  a 
little  without  taking  the  tire  off.  Place  the  wheel  on 
the  anvil  so  that  the  tire  will  rest  against  the  anvil. 
Don't  let  the  tire  rest  lengthwise  on  the  anvil.  If  you 
do,  the  tire  will  be  bent  out  of  shape  when  you  begin 
to  hammer  on  it.  Use  the  least  surface  possible  of  the 
anvil  and  hammer  on  the  edge  of  the  tire ;  the  stroke 
of  the  hammer  to  be  such  that  the  blow  will  draw  the 
tire  out  from  the  fellow.  A  tire  too  tight  can  be 
remedied  this  way. 

When  bolting  a  wheel  the  tire  will  be  out  of  place 
unless  the  tire  has  been  shrunk  alike  on  both  sides  of 
the  fellow  plates.  A  smith  used  to  setting  tires  will 
be  able  to  get  the  holes  almost  to  a  perfect  fit.  If  a 
tire  is  too  short,  don't  stretch  it  with  a  sharp  fuller 
that  will  cut  down  into  the  tire,  when  the  tire  is  a  little 
worn  it  will  break  in  this  cut.  Draw  it  out  with  a  wide 
fuller  and  smooth  it  down  with  the  hammer.     If  it  is 


much  too  short,  weld  in  a  piece.  This  is  easily  done. 
Take  a  piece  of  iron  i^-inch  thick,  the  width  of  the  tire 
and  the  length  needed,  say  about  three  inches.  Taper 
the  ends  and  heat  it  to  a  red  heat.  Place  it  on  the  tire 
in  the  fire  and  weld.  This  will  give  material  for 

If  the  wheel  has  a  strong  back  dish  it  cannot  be  set 
right  to  stay  with  the  tire  alone,  as  a  bump  against  the 
fellow  is  apt  to  throw  the  dish  back.  It  is  therefore 
safer  in  all  back  dished  wheels  to  take  the  spokes  out 
of  the  hole  and  set  them  right  by  wedges  in  the  end  of 
the  spokes.  These  wedges  should  not  be  driven  from 
outside  in  but  be  placed  in  the  end  of  the  spoke  so  that 
they  will  wedge  into  the  spoke  when  the  same  is 
driven  back  into  its  place.     Use  glue. 

HOW   TO  PUT    ON    NEW   TIRE 

When  you  have  the  bar  of  either  steel  or  iron  for  the 
tire,  first  see  if  it  is  straight,  if  not  be  sure  to  make  it. 
Next  place  the  tire  on  the  floor  and  place  the  wheel  on 
top  of  the  tire,  begin  in  such  a  way  that  the  end  of  the 
fellow  will  be  even  with  the  end  of  the  tire.  Now  roll 
the  wheel  over  the  tire.  If  a  heavy  tire  cut  it  three 
inches  longer  than  the  wheel,  if  a  thin  tire,  two  inches. 
Now  bend  the  tire  in  the  bender.  Measure  the  wheel 
with  the  gauge,  then  measure  the  tire ;  if  it  is  a  heavy 
wagon  tire  and  a  straight  wheel  cut  the  tire  one-fourth 
of  an  inch  shorter  than  the  wheel.  If  it  is  a  buggy 
tire  cut  it  the  size  of  the  wheel.  In  welding  these 
tires  they  will  shorten  enough  to  be  the  size  wanted. 



There  are  many  different  ideas  practiced  in  welding 
tires.  One  smith  will  narrow  both  ends  before  weld- 
ing; another  will  cut  the  edges  off  after  it  is  welded. 
This  is  done  to  prevent  it  from  spreading  or  getting 
too  wide  over  the  weld.  I  hold  that  both  these  ideas 
are  wrong.  The  first  one  is  wrong  because  when  the 
ends  are  narrowed  down  it  is  impossible  to  make  them 
stay  together  until  the  weld  is  taken,  especially  if  it  is 
a  narrow  tire.  The  second  idea  is  wrong  because  it 
cuts  off  the  best  part  of  the  weld  and  weakens  it. 
Some  smiths  will  split  the  tires,  others  will  rivet  them 
together.  "This  is  done  to  hold  the  tire  in  place  until 
it  has  been  welded.  There  is  no  need  of  this  trouble, 
but  for  a  new  beginner  a  rivet  is  all  right. 

I  shall  now  give  my  experience  in  welding  tire,  and 
as  this  experience  has  been  in  a  factory  where  thou- 
sands of  wheels  are  made  yearly,  I  suppose  it  will  be 
worth  something  to  the  reader. 

When  the  tire  is  ready  to  weld  draw  down  the  ends 
and  let  them  swell  as  much  as  they  want  to.  Now  let 
the  helper  take  the  end  that  is  to  lay  on  top  and  pull  it 
towards  the  floor,  the  other  end  to  rest  on  the  anvil. 
This  will  give  that  end  a  tendency  to  press  itself 
steadily  against  the  lower  end.  Next  place  this  end 
on  top  of  the  other  end.  The  ends  must  now  be  hot 
enough  to  allow  them  to  be  shaped.  You  will  now 
notice  that  the  top  end  is  wider  than  the  tire,  so  is  the 
lower  end.  The  tire  is  to  be  so  placed  that  the  swelled 
parts  reach  over  and  inside  of  each  other  a  little.     Now 


give  a  couple  of  blows  right  over  the  end  of  the  under 
tire.  Next  tap  the  swelled  sides  down  over  the  tire. 
This  will  hold  the  tire  together  so  that  it  cannot  slip 
to  either  side,  and  the  swelled  end  of  the  under  tire 
will  prevent  it  from  pulling  out.  If  the  top  end  has 
been  so  bent  that  it  has  a  tendency  to  press  down  and 
out  a  little,  the  tire  will  now  be  in  a  good  shape  to 

Before  you  put  the  tire  into  the  fire,  let  me  remind 
you  of  what  I  have  said  before  about  the  fire.  Many 
blacksmiths  are  never  able  to  weld  a  tire  tight  on  the 
outside  because  of  a  poor,  low,  and  unclean  fire.  If 
the  fire  is  too  old  or  too  fresh  it  will  not  give  a  good 
heat  for  welding  tire.  If  you  have  a  good  big  fire  high 
up  from  the  tuyer,  then  you  are  all  right.  Place  your 
tire  in  the  fire  and  proceed  as  follows:  No  matter 
whether  it  is  an  iron  or  soft  steel  tire,  sand  is  the  best 
welding  compound  and  nothing  else  should  be  used; 
but  if  you  lose  the  first  heat  then  borax  might  be  used 
as  it  will  prevent  the  tire  from  scaling  and  burning. 
When  you  have  the  right  heat,  place  the  tire  on  the 
anvil  this  way ;  let  the  tire  rest  against  the  inside  edge 
of  the  anvil.  If  the  lower  end  of  the  tire  is  allowed  to 
come  down  on  the  anvil  it  will  cool  off  and  can  never 
be  welded  that  way.  Now  hold  the  tire  this  way  until 
you  have  the  hammer  ready  to  give  the  first  blow. 
Then  let  the  tire  down  and  strike  the  first  blows 
directly  on  top  and  over  the  end  of  the  under  end. 
This  is  important  and  if  the  first  blows  are  not  directed 
to  this  very  place  the  lower  end  will  be  too  cool  to 
weld  when  you  get  to  it.      Next  weld  down  the  upper 


end,  this  done  turn  the  tire  on  edge  and  while  it  is  in 
a  welding  heat  come  down  on  it  heavy  with  hammer, 
if  a  buggy  tire,  and  with  a  sledge  and  hammer  if  a 
heavy  wagon  tire.  Hammer  it  down  until  it  is  con- 
siderably narrower  over  the  weld  as  it  will  swell  out 
when  dressed  down.  This  way  the  weld  has  all  the 
material  in  the  iron  and  the  lapped  lips  will  help  hold 
the  weld  together.  A  very  poor  smith  can  weld  tires 
to  stay  in  this  manner.  The  edges  should  be  rounded 
off  with  the  hammer  and  filed  to  make  the  tire  look  the 
same  over  the  weld  as  in  the  iron.  If  there  should  be 
any  trouble  to  weld  a  steel  tire  place  a  little  steel 
borings  over  the  weld  and  use  borax. 

A  blacksmith  in  Silver  Lake,  Minn.,  working  for  a 
wagon  maker  of  that  place,  when  welding  a  tire  failed 
entirely  after  half  a  dozen  attempts,  and  he  got  so 
angry  that  he  threw  the  tire  down  on  the  floor  with  all 
his  might.  It  happened  to  crush  the  wagon  makers 
big  toe.  This  was  more  than  the  otherwise  good- 
natured  man  could  stand,  and  instantly  the  smith  was 
seen  hurled  through  an  open  window — the  wagon 
maker  attached.  Result:  separation  and  law  suit. 
All  this  because  the  smith  had  not  read  my  book. 

When  a  light  buggy  tire  is  to  be  set  mistakes  are 
often  made  in  measuring  the  tire.  The  tire  is  too 
light  in  itself  to  resist  the  pressure  of  the  gauge.  The 
smith  tries  to  go  it  light  and  if  there  is  not  the  same 
pressure  in  measuring  the  tire  there  was  in  measuring 
the  wheel,  it  will  not  give  the  same  results;  and  when 
the  tire  is  put  on  it  is  either  too  tight  or  too  loose. 
I   worked  for  many  years  on  a  tool  to  hold  the  tire 


Steady  in  order  to  overcome  this  trouble.  The  only 
device  that  I  have  ever  seen  for  this  purpose  before  is 
the  anvil  close  up  to  the  forge,  one  side  of  the  tire  on 
the  forge,  the -other  on  the  anvil.  This  arrangement 
would  crowd  the  smith,  roast  his  back  and  expose  him 
to  ridicule,  but  it  will  not  help  to  ruin  the  tire. 

The  tool  I  invented  is  a  tire  holder  made  of  cast 
iron.  It  consists  of  a  standard  or  frame  with  a  shank 
in  to  fit  in  the  square  hole  in  the  anvil;  in  the  stand- 
ard is  a  slot  hole  from  the  bottom  up.  On  the  back  of 
the  standard  are  cogs  on  both  sides  of  the  slot  hole. 
Through  this  goes  a  clutch  hub  with  cogs  in  to  corre- 
spond with  the  cogs  in  the  standard.  On  the  outside 
of  the  standard  is  an  eccentric  lever.  Through  this 
lever  is  a  tapered  hole  to  fit  over  the  clutch  hub.  This 
lever  is  tapered  so  that  it  will  fit  different  thicknesses, 
while  the  cogs  and  eccentric  lever  will  adjust  it  to  dif- 
ferent widths.  This  device  is  so  cheap  that  any  smith 
can  afford  to  have  it. 

Next  time  you  buy  a  quart  of  whisky  sit  down  and 
figure  out  which  will  do  3"ou  more  good,  my  tire  holder 
or  the  whisky.  Figure  7  is  an  illustration  of  my 
holder.  This  tool  is  better  than  an  advertisement  in 
your  local  paper,  of  which  the  following  story  will 
convince  you.  A  blacksmith  in  a  prohibition  county 
in  a  northern  Iowa  town  got  into  the  habit  of  going 
over  to  a  Minnesota  town  for  a  keg  of  beer  every 
month.  On  one  of  his  periodical  visits  to  this  place 
he  saw  a  crowd  of  men  standing  around  a  road  grader 
in  the  road.  As  he  approached  he  found  that,  the 
grader  had  a  serious  break-down  and  the  men  were 



just  discussing  the  possibilities  of  getting  the  grader 
repaired  in  the  village  shops.  One  said  no  smith 
could  do  it,  another  thought  they  could  if  they  only 
had  tools.      "I  know  a  man,"  said  one  in  the   party, 

Fig.  7 
holmstrom  tire  holder 

"that  can  if  any  man  can,  and  he  has  tools  I  am  sure. 
I  was  over  to  his  shop  the  other  day  to  have  my  buggy 
tire  set,  and  mind  you,  he  had  the  slickest  tool  you 
ever  saw  to  hold  the  tire  in ;  I  never  saw  a  tool  like 
that  before."  *'Well,"  said  one,  "that  has  nothing  to 
do  with  this  case."     "Yes  it  has,"  said  the  road  boss, 


"my  father  always  used  to  say,  'A  mechanic  is  known 
by  the  tools  he  uses,'  and  when  a  smith  has  good  tools 
in  one  line,  he  has  them  in  another,  and  I  shall  give 
this  man  a  chance." 

Our  traveling  smith  had  heard  enough.  This  was  a 
temperance  and  tool  lecture  to  him,  he  began  to  think 
of  all  the  trips  he  had  made  to  this  town.  Twelve 
trips  a  year,  three  dollars  a  trip  for  liquor  and  the  time 
lost  must  be  worth  two  dollars  per  day.  He  figured 
it  out  and  would  have  turned  back  if  he  had  not  been 
so  close  to  the  place.  He  took  a  glass  of  beer  but  it 
didn't  taste  as  usual  and  he  asked  for  a  cigar.  With 
this  he  returned,  and  on  the  road  home  swore  off  for 
good.  He  bought  a  tire  holder  at  once  to  start  in 
with,  and  by  this  time  he  is  one  of  the  best  smiths  in 
the  country,  always  at  his  stand  ready  to  do  the  work 
brought  to  him,  and  his  customers  now  know  that  he 
is  to  be  found  in  his  place,  with  tools  of  all  kinds  and 
a  sober  hand  to  use  them  with.     Do  thou  likewise. 


Many  of  us  remember  the  time  when  tires  were 
made  in  sections  and  nailed  on,  at  this  time  the  wheels 
were  more  substantially  made,  because  the  tire  could 
not  be  set  as  tight  as  it  is  now,  and  the  wheel  had  to 
be  made  so  that  it  would  stand  the  usage  almost 
independent  of  the  tire.  Our  endless  tire  is  a  great 
improvement  over  the  tires  made  in  sections.  The 
wagon  tires  as  they  are  made  now  are,  I  think,  as  near 



right  as  they  can  be,  in  regard  to  size  of  iron,  in  pro- 
portion to  the  wheel.  But  it  is  different  with  buggy 
tires.  I  hold  that  they  are  all  made  too  light  to  be  of 
any  protection  to  the  fellows.  I  understand  the  reason 
why  they  are  made  this  way,  but  if  a  man  wants  a 
light  rig,  let  that  be  the  exception  and  not  the  rule. 

Tire  should  not  be  less  than  one-fourth  of  an  inch 
thick  for  seven-eighths  wide,  and  five-sixteenths  for 
an  inch  wide  and  over. 


A  tire  four  feet  in  diameter  will  expand  two  inches 
and  a  quarter,  or  three-sixteenths  of  an  inch  to  the 
foot.  Steel  tire  expands  less.  This  is  the  expansion 
of  red  heat.  If  heated  less  it  expands  less,  but  it  is  no 
trouble  to  make  the  tire  expand  for  all  the  draw  it 


A  furnace  for  tire  heating  comes  handy  in  cities 
where  there  is  no  chance  for  making  a  fire  outside,  but 
every  smith  that  has  room  for  a  fire  outside  will  do 
better  to  heat  the  tire  that  way.  Don't  build  a  tire- 
heating  furnace  in  the  shop  if  wood  is  to  be  used  for 
fuel,  because  the  heat  and  smoke  will  turn  in  your 
face  as  soon  as  the  doors  of  the  furnace  are  opened. 


When  a  worn  buggy  axle  is  to  be  stubbed,  proceed 
as  follows:  First,  measure  the  length  of  the  old  axle. 
For  this  purpose  take  a  quarter  inch  rod  of  iron,  bend 
a  square  bend  about  an  inch  long  on  one  end.  With 
this  rod  measure  from  the  end  of  the  bearing,  that  is, 
let  the  hook  of  your  rod  catch  against  the  shoulder  at 
the  end  where  the  thread  begins,  not  against  the 
collars,  for  they  are  worn,  nor  should  you  measure 
from  the  end  of  the  axle,  for  the  threaded  part  is  not 
of  the  same  length.  Now  place  your  stub  on  the  end 
of  the  axle  and  mark  it  where  you  want  to  cut  it  off. 
Cut  the  axle  one-fourth  inch  longer  than  it  should  be 
when  finished.  Next  heat  the  ends  to  be  welded  and 
upset  them  so  that  they  are  considerably  thicker  over 
the  weld;  lap  the  ends  like  No.  i.  Figure  6,  weld  and 
use  sand,  but  if  the  ends  should  not  be  welded  very 
well  then  use  borax.  These  stubs  are  made  of  soft 
steel,  and  will  stand  a  higher  heat  than  tool  steel,  but 
remember  it  is  steel.  If  the  ends  have  been  upset 
enough  they  will  have  stock  enough  to  draw  down  on, 


and  be  of  the  right  length.  If  this  is  rightly  done 
one  cannot  tell  where  the  weld  is.  Set  the  axle  by 
the  gauge,  if  you  have  one,  if  not,  by  the  wheels. 


A  gauge  to  set  axles  by  can  be  made  in  this  way: 
When  you  have  set  an  axle  by  the  wheels  so  that  it  is 
right,  take  a  piece  of  iron  ij{xj^,  six  feet  long,  bend 
a  foot  on  this  about  six  inches  long,  with  a  leg  on  the 
other  end.  See  No.  5,  Figure  8;  the  leg  to  be  mov- 
able and  set  either  with  a  wedge  or  a  set  screw  to  fit 
for  wide  and  narrow  track.  The  gauge  to  be  set 
against  the  bottom  side  of  the  axle.  The  pitch  to  be 
given  a  set  of  buggy  wheels  should  be  from  one  to  one 
and  one-half  inches.  I  would  recommend  one  and  a 
half  inches.  This  will  be  enough  to  insure  a  plumb 
spoke  when  the  vehicle  is  loaded.  It  will  also  insure 
safety  to  the  rider  from  mud  slinging.  By  pitch,  I 
mean  that  the  wheels  are  one  and  a  half  inches  wider 
at  the  upper  rim  than  they^are  down  at  the  ground. 
Every  smith  ought  to  have  a  gauge  of  this  kind,  it  is 
easy  to  make  and  it  saves  a  lot  of  work,  as  there  is  no 
use  of  the  wheels  being  put  on  and  an  endless  measur- 
ing in  order  to  get  the  axle  set  right. 


By  gather  I  mean  that  the  wheels  should  be  from 
one-fourth  to  one-half  an  inch  wider  back  than  in 
front      Don't  misunderstand  me  now.     I  don't  mean 



that  the  hind  wheels  should  be  wider  than  the  front 
wheels,  I  mean  that  a  wheel  should  have  a  little  gather 
in  front,  as  they  are  inclined  to  spread  and  throw  the 

Fig.   8 

bearing  on  the  nut,  while,  if  they  have  a  little  gather, 
they  will  run  right,  and  have  a  tendency  to  throw  the 
bearing  on  the  collars  of  the  axle.     If  they  do  they  will 


run  more  steady,  especially  when  the  axle  is  a  little 

A  gauge  for  this  purpose  can  be  made  like  Figure  8, 
No,  6.  This  gauge  to  be  fitted  to  the  front  side  of  the 
axle  when  you  make  it.  It  can  be  made  of  i  x  ^ 
about  three  feet  long,  the  forked  end  to  reach  the  cen- 
ter of  the  axle.  With  these  two  gauges  axles  can  be 
set  right  without  the  wheels. 

' '  The  sluggard  will  not  plow  by  reason  of  cold;   therefore  he 
shall  beg  in  harvest  and  have  nothing,'' — Proverbs. 



'HERE  are  two  kinds  of  shares:  lip  shares 

and  bar  shares,  and  they  must  be  treated 

differently.      We   will   first   treat   of   bar 

shares.      The   first   thing   to    do   when    a 

plow  is  brought  for  a  new  lay  is  to  look 

over  the  condition  of   the   landside.     By 

landside  is  meant  the  bar  to  which  the  share  is  welded. 

Now  if  this  bar  is  worn  down  so  that  you  think  it  too 

weak  to  stand  for  a  new  share,  then  make  a  new  one. 


For  a  14-inch  plow  take  2^  x  ^,  or  2^  x  y\.  For  a 
16-inch  plow,  use  2^  X  y\,  or  3  x  ^^  common  iron. 
Cut  the  iron  diagonally  at  the  point.  This  will  prepare 
a  point  on  each  side  of  the  cut;  that  is,  you  had  better 
cut  out  two  landsides  at  a  time.  But  if  you  do  not 
want  to  do  that,  then  cat  the  iron  off  square.  Next 
take  a  piece  of  common  iron  Z'^V\>  ^3  inches  long  for  a 
shin;  cut  this  diagonally,  and  it  will  make  shins  for 
two.     Some  plow  factories  use  steel  for  shins,  but  that 




is  not  necessary,   for  it  will  not  make  the  plowshare 
any  better,  but,    on   the   other  hand,  will  be  quite   a 


bother  when  you  want  to  drill  a  hole  for  a  fincoulter  if 
it  is  hardened.  Place  this  shin  on  the  land  side  of  the 
landside,  and  weld.     In  preparing  the  shoulder  of  the 


shin  for  the  plate  use  a  ship  upsetter.  See  No.  3, 
Figure  8. 

Not  one  out  of  500  blacksmiths  have  this  tool.  E  very- 
smith  should  have  one.  You  cannot  do  a  good  and 
quick  job  without  it. 

When  you  shape  the  point  of  the  landside  hold  it 
vertical,  that  is,  the  edge  straight  up  and  down,  or 
plumb.  If  you  don't  do  this,  there  will  be  trouble  in 
welding,  especially  if  you  have  held  it  under.  Then 
it  will  lean  under  the  square  when  welded,  and  in  such 
a  case  it  is  hard  to  get  a  good  weld,  and  if  you  do  you 
will  break  it  up  when  you  attempt  to  set  it  to  the 
square.  Another  thing,  don't  make  much  slant  on  the 
landside  up  at  the  joint,  for,  if  you  do,  you  can  never 
weld  the  share  good  up  there.  Give  more  slant 
towards  the  point.  Be  sure  to  have  the  right  curve. 
It  is  very  important  to  have  the  landside  right:  i, 
Because  it  is  the  foundation  for  the  plow;  2,  if  the 
landside  is  right  the  start  is  right,  and  then  there  is  no 
trouble  to  get  the  share  right.  When  finished  place 
the  old  landside  on  top  of  the  new,  with  the  upper 
edges  even;  don't  go  by  the  bottom  edges,  as  they  are 
worn.  Now  mark  the  hole.  You  may  leave  the  front 
hole  for  the  foot  of  the  beam  this  time.  When  holes 
are  drilled,  then  put  a  bolt  through  the  hole  of  the  foot 
of  beam  and  landside ;  now  place  the  plow  on  the  land- 
side  and  measure  14  inches  from  the  floor  up  to  the 
beam.  In  this  position  mark  the  front  hole  of  the  foot 
of  the  beam.  If  the  beam  has  been  sprung  up  you 
will  now  have  remedied  that.  So  much  about  a  new 
landside.     On  the  other  side,  if  the  old  landside  is  not 

Modern  blacksmithing  91 

too  much  worn  to  be  used,  then  repair  as  follows: 
Take  a  piece  of  ^-inch  thick  flat  iron  the  width  of  the 
landside  about  ten  inches  long.  Cut  one  end  off  diag- 
onally, this  end  to  be  flattened  down.  Why  should  this 
end  be  cut  diagonally?  This  piece  of  iron  is  to  be 
placed  on  the  inner  side  of  the  landside  and  as  far  back 
as  to  cover  the  hole  that  holds  the  plate.  Now,  if  this 
iron  is  cut  square  off,  and  left  a  little  too  thick  on  that 
end,  it  will  cut  into  the  landside  and  weaken  it ;  but  if 
cut  diagonally  and  drawn  out  thin  it  will  not  weaken, 
nor  can  it  break  when  cut  in  this  manner.  To  be  sure 
of  a  good  strong  weld,  upset  over  the  weld.  I  hold 
that  this  is  the  most  important  thing  in  making  a  new 
lay.  "No  hoof,  no  horse"  —  no  landside,  no  plow. 
There  are  only  a  few  blacksmiths  recognizing  this  fact. 
Most  of  the  smiths  will  simply  take  a  piece  of  iron 
about  half  an  inch  square  and  weld  it  on  top  of  the 
point.  This  is  the  quickest  way,  but  it  is  also  the 
poorest  way,  but  they  cannot  very  well  do  it  in  any 
other  way,  for  if  you  have  no  shin  upsetter  to  dress 
and  shape  the  shoulder  for  the  plate,  then  it  is  quite  a 
job  to  repair  any  other  way.  There  are  three  reasons 
why  a  landside  cannot  be  repaired  with  a  patch  on  top 
of  the  point:  i,  The  shin  or  shoulder  in  an  old  landside 
is  worn  down  sometimes  to  almost  nothing,  and  the 
only  way  to  get  stock  enough  to  make  a  good  shoulder 
is  to  put  a  good-sized  piece  of  iron  on  the  inside,  back 
and  behind  this  shoulder.  If  a  new  plate  is  to  be  put 
on  and  this  is  not  done,  you  will  have  to  draw  down 
the  plate  to  the  thickness  of  the  old  shoulder,  and  in 
such  a  case  the  plate  will  add  no  strength  to  the  share. 


2,  The  landside  is,  in  many  cases,  worn  down  on  the 
bottom  to  a  thin,  sharp  edge,  and  by  placing  the  piece 
on  top  the  landside  will  be  as  it  was  on  the  bottom 
side,  where  it  ought  to  be  as  thick  as  you  can  make  it. 

3,  The  weakest  place  in  the  landside  is  just  at  the 
shoulder  of  the  shin,  and  by  placing  the  piece  on  top  it 
will  not  reach  over  this  weak  place,  and  with  a  new 
long  point  on,  the  strain  will  be  heavier  than  before, 
and  the  landside  will  either  bend  or  break.  I  have  in 
my  experience  had  thousands  of  plows  that  have  been 
broken  or  bent  on  account  of  a  poorly-repaired  land- 
side.  Blacksmiths,  with  only  a  few  exceptions,  are  all 
making  this  mistake. 

The  landside  is  to  the  plow  what  the  foundation  is  to 
the  house.  No  architect  will  ever  think  of  building  a 
substantial  house  without  a  solid  foundation.  No 
practical  plowsmith  will  ever  try  to  make  a  good  plow 
without  a  solid  landside. 

For  prairie  or  brush  breakers,  where  no  plate  is 
used,  it  will  be  all  right  to  repair  the  landside  by  plac- 
ing a  piece  of  iron  on  top  of  it,  provided  it  is  not  much 
worn,  and  the  patch  reaches  back  far  enough  to 
strengthen  the  landside.  But  even  in  such  cases  it  is 
better  to  lay  it  on  the  inner  side. 


We  have  now  learned  how  to  prepare  the  landside 
for  a  solid  or  long  bar  share.  We  shall  now  learn  how 
to  make  a  landside  point  for  slipshares.     There  are 


smiths  that  will  take  the  old  worn-out  stub  of  a  slip- 
share  point,  weld  a  piece  to  it,  and  then  weld  the  share 
on.  This  is  very  ridiculous  and  silly.  There  is  noth- 
ing left  in  such  a  point  to  be  of  any  use.  Make  a  new 
one;  be  sure  to  make  it  high  enough — at  least  half  an 
inch  higher  than  the  share  is  to  be  when  finished. 
This  will  give  you  material  to  weld  down  on.  If  the 
landside  is  not  high  enough  the  share  will  be  lower — 
that  is,  the  joint  of  the  lay  will  be  lower  than  the  joint 
of  the  mouldboard,  and  it  should  be  the  other  way. 

PLOW    OF    200    YEARS   AGO 

On  this  point  many  an  old  smith  and  every  beginner 
makes  mistakes,  and  not  only  in  this  case,  but  in  every- 
thing else.  Whatever  you  have  to  make,  be  sure  to 
have  stock  enough  to  work  down  on,  and  you  will  be 
all  right.  It  is  better  to  have  too  much  than  not 

In  shaping  the  point  remember  to  hold  it  perpendic- 
ular, and  give  very  little  slant  up  at  the  joint,  but 
more  towards  the  point.  If  too  much  slant  up  at  the 
joint  there  will  be  difficulty  in  welding  it.  Remember 
this.  Don't  make  the  point  straight  like  a  wedge;  if 
you  do  the  share  will  be  above  the  frog.  Give  it  the 
same  circle  it  had,  and  the  share  will  rest  solid  on  the 
frog.     This  is  another  important  point  to  remember: 


The  lay  will  not  have  the  full  strength  if  it  don't  rest 
on  the  frog,  and  it  will  not  be  steady,  and  the  plow  will 
not  run  good,  for  in  a  few  days  the  share  flops  up  and 

When  a  14-inch  share  is  finished  the  point,  from  the 
joint  of  the  share  to  the  extreme  end  of  the  point, 
should  be  II  inches,  not  longer,  and  for  a  16-inch  lay, 
12  inches,  not  longer.  The  point  acts  as  a  lev^er  on  the 
plow,  and  if  it  is  too  long  the  plow  will  not  work  good, 
and  it  is  liable  to  break.  Shape  the  point  so  that  when 
you  hold  it  up  against  the  plow  it  will  be  in  line  with 
the  bottom  of  the  landside,  but  about  half  an  inch 
wider  than  the  landside  to  weld  on.  If  it  is  a  plow 
where,  the  point  of  the  mouldboard  rests  on  the  land- 
side  point,  and  it  is  a  double  shin,  then  cut  out  in  the 
landside  point  for  the  point  of  the  mouldboard  to  rest 
in.  See  No.  i,  Figure  9.  This  will  be  a  guide  for  you 
when  welding  the  share,  and  it  will  slip  onto  the  plow 
easier  when  you  come  to  fit  it  to  the  same.  I  think 
enough  has  been  said  about  the  landside  to  give  the 
beginner  a  good  idea  of  how  to  make  one.  And  if  the 
landside  is  right,  it  comes  easier  to  do  the  rest.  In 
making  a  plowshare  there  are  many  things  to  remem- 
ber, and  one  must  be  on  the  alert  right  along,  for  it 
will  give  lots  of  trouble  if  any  point  is  overlooked. 

We  will  now  weld  a  share  to  a  long  bar  landside. 
The  landside  having  been  finished  and  bolted  to  the 
beam  or  its  foot,  or  to  a  standard,  the  share  is  to  be 
shaped  to  fit.  Hold  the  share  up  to  the  plow.  First 
look  if  the  angle  for  the  point  is  right  in  the  share;  if 
not,   heat  the  share,    and  if  under  the  angle   wanted 



upset  up  at  the  joint;  if  over  the  angle  wanted,  drive 
it  back  at  the  point.  In  doing  this  hold  the  edge  of 
the  share  over  a  wooden  block  instead  of  the  anvil,  so 
as  not  to  batter  the  thin  edge  of  the  share.  If  the 
share  has  been  upset  so  that  it  has  a  narrow  rib  along 
the  point  where  it  is  to  be  welded,  draw  this  down  and 
make  it  level.     In  most  blank  shares  the  point  should 

Fig.  9 

be  raised  to  fit  the  landside  point,  so  that  when  the 
same  is  placed  on  the  floor  the  edge  of  the  share  will 
follow  the  floor  or  leveling  block  (if  you  have  it),  from 
the  heel  right  up  to  the  point,  then  it  will  be  easy  to 
make  the  edge  come  down  to  the  square  in  finishing  it 
up.  If  this  is  not  done  the  edge  of  the  share  from  the 
throat  back  will  generally  be  too  high. 

In  Figure  9  two  shares  are  represented,  one  with  the 
landside  point  on  ready  for  welding.  In  this  share  the 
point  of  the  same  has  been  raised  so  that  the  share 


comes  down  to  the  square  in  the  throat.  The  other  is 
a  blank  share,  straight  in  the  point  between  Nos.  4  and 
5,  resting  on  the  extreme  heel  and  point  with  gap 
between  the  edge  of  share  and  floor  at  No.  3.  In  most 
blank  shares  the  point  is  too  straight,  and  the  point 
too  much  bent  down  at  No.  4.  Bend  the  share  so  that 
the  whole  length  from  heel  to  point  will  follow  the 
floor.  When  the  share  is  held  in  a  position  as  shown 
in  this  cut,  don't  fit  the  share  to  the  brace,  for  in  most 
old  plows  the  brace  has  been  bent  out  of  shape.  Fit 
the  share  to  the  square,  and  then  fit  the  brace  to  the 
share,  and  you  are  right.  Many  a  blacksmith  will 
never  think  of  this,  but  it  is  important. 

Next  joint  the  share;  that  is,  if  the  joint  does  not  fit 
the  joint  of  the  mouldboard,  make  it  fit  either  by  filing 
or  grinding.  This  done,  make  the  holes,  and  when  you 
center-punch  for  same  draw  the  holes  a  trifle;  that 
means  make  the  center  mark  a  little  towards  the  inner 
side  of  the  mark,  especially  for  the  hole  next  to  the 
point.  This  is  also  an  important  point  overlooked  by 
most  blacksmiths.  The  holes  that  hold  the  joints 
together  should  act  as  a  wedge.  If  they  don't  the 
joints  will  pull  apait  and  leave  a  gap  between,  where 
dirt  and  straw  will  gather,  and  if  a  slipshare  the  share 
will  soon  work  loose  and  the  plow  will  flop. 

The  holes  having  been  punched  and  countersunk, 
the  share  should  be  bolted  to  the  biace.  Next  put  on 
the  clamp.  It  is  not  necessary  that  the  clamp  should 
be  put  on  while  the  share  is  on  the  plow.  I  never  do 
that.  I  used  to  for  many  years,  but  there  is  no  need 
of  doing  it,  for  if  the  share  has  the  right  angle  it  must 


come  to  its  place  when  even  with  the  point  on  the  out- 
side, and  a  cut. should  be  made  in  the  landside  just  at 
the  place  where  the  point  of  the  mouldboard  rests  on 
same,  this  cut  will  also  be  a  guide. 

Now  a  few  words  concerning  the  clamp.  Figure  8, 
No.  7  illustrates  a  clamp  for  this  purpose.  The  set 
screw  at  the  bottom  serves  to  hold  the  landside  from 
leaning  over  or  under,  while  the  setscrew  at  the  upper 
end  holds  the  share  against  the  point.  If  this  clamp  is 
rightly  made  it  works  splendid.  The  clamp  should  be 
placed  over  the  plowshare  up  at  the  joint,  because  the 
first  heat  or  weld  should  be  on  the  point.  Some  smiths 
— well,  for  a  fact,  most  smiths — take  the  first  weld  up 
at  the  joint.  This  is  wrong.  The  point  should  be 
wielded  first.  Then  you  have  a  chance  to  set  the  share 
right  and  fit  it  snug  to  the  point  the  whole  way  up. 
You  cannot  make  a  good  weld  if  the  share  does  not  fit 
snug  against  the  landside  point,  to  prevent  air  and  cin- 
ders from  playing  between.  Further,  the  share  should 
be  upset  over  the  weld,  when  this  is  not  done  in  the 
blank  share;  the  lower  corner  of  the  share  will  pro- 
trude over  the  landside.  This  should  be  dressed  down 
smooth.  The  next  weld  should  be  taken  up  at  the 
joint.  For  welding  compound  use  steel  borings  and 
scales  from  either  steel  or  iron. 

After  you  have  moistened  the  place  where  the  weld 
is  to  be  taken  with  borax,  then  fill  in  between  the  share 
and  point  with  steel  borings,  and  on  top  of  this  a  little 
steel  or  iron  scales.  Do  not  buy  any  welding  com- 
pound of  any  kind,  because  if  you  learn  to  know  what 
you  have  in  the  shop  you  will  find  that  there  never  was 


a  welding  compound  made  to  excel  borax,  steel  scales, 
steel  or  iron  boiings,  and  powdered  glass.  All  these 
you  have  without  buying. 

In  heating  go  slow.  If  you  put  on  too  strong  blast 
the  share  will  burn  before  the  iron  is  hot  enough  to 
weld.  When  ready  to  weld  let  your  helper  take  with 
a  pair  of  tongs  over  the  share  and  landside  to  hold 
them  tight  together  while  you  strike  the  first  blow. 
Use  a  large  hammer  and  strike  with  a  pressure  on  the 
hammer  the  first  blows,  until  you  are  sure  it  sticks; 
then  come  down  on  it  with  force. 

I  have  made  it  a  practice,  no  matter  how  good  this 
weld  seems  to  be,  to  always  take  a  second  weld.  This 
weld  to  be  a  light  one.  The  share  and  landside  are 
after  the  first  weld  settled,  so  it  takes  very  little  to 
weld  them  then.  On  the  other  hand,  the  first  weld 
might  look  to  all  appearances  solid,  but  it  is  not 
always.  With  this  precaution  I  never  had  a  share  that 
ripped  open  in  the  weld,  while  it  is  a  rare  thing  to  find 
a  share  made  by  a  blacksmith  that  does  not  rip.  Now, 
then,  weld  down  toward  the  point.  The  point  should 
not  be  allowed  to  have  any  twist,  for  if  it  does,  it  will 
turn  the  plow  over  on  the  side.  Now  set  the  edge 
right,  beginning  at  the  heel.  If  the  share  is  made  for 
hard  fall  plowing  give  more  suction  than  for  a  share 
for  soft  spring  plowing.  Grind  and  polish  before  you 
harden,  and  after  it  is  hardened  touch  it  up  lightly 
with  the  polish  wheel.  Much  polishing  or  grinding 
after  hardening  will  wear  off  the  case  hardening. 



We  shall  now  weld  a  slipshare.  When  the  point  is 
finished  hold  it  to  the  plow  with  a  pair  of  tongs  while 
you  fit  the  share.  When  the  share  is  fitted  take  the 
point  off  from  the  plow  and  fasten  it  to  the  share  with 
the  clamp.  As  I  have  said  before,  there  is  no  need  of 
fastening  the  share  to  the  landside  point  with  the  plow 
as  a  guide.  If  the  landside  and  share  are  right  there 
cannot  be  any  mistake,  and  it  comes  easier  to  screw 
them  together  over  the  anvil.  Now  proceed  as  with  a 
long  bar  share,  and  when  the  weld  up  at  the  joint  has 
been  taken,  fit  the  share  to  the  plow  while  hot.  Some 
smiths  in  preparing  the  landside  point  for  a  slipshare 
will  place  the  share  so  that  the  point  is  a  little  too 
short  back  where  it  rests  against  the  end  of  the  plate. 
This  is  a  bad  idea.  It  is  claimed  that,  in  welding,  the 
landside  point  will  swell  enough  to  make  it  reach  up 
against  the  plate.  This  is  true,  if  the  landside  point  is 
only  high  enough;  but  if  it  is  low  and  you  lose  a  heat 
in  welding,  as  most  smiths  do,  then  your  landside  point 
will  be  both  too  low  and  too  short.  Thousands  of 
shares  are  made  every  year  that  have  this  fault. 
Therefore,  whatever  you  are  doing  have  stock  enough. 
It  is  easy  to  cut  off  from  the  landside  while  yet  hot, 
but  it  is  difficult  to  repair  if  too  short.  No  share  will 
work  steadily  if  the  point  does  not  rest  right  against 
the  plate. 

In  blacksmithing,  every  beginner,  and  many  an  old 
smith,  makes  the  mistake  of  providing  less  stock  than 
is  needed  for  the  work  to  be  done.     It  is  essential  to 



have  material  to  dress  down  on ;  and  if  a  heat  is  lust, 
or  a  weld,  it  will  make  the  stock  in  the  article  weaker, 
and  to  meet  these  exigencies  there  must  be  material 
from  the  start,  enough  for  all  purposes.     There  is  also 

a  wide  difference  of  opinion  as  to  whether  the  share 
should  be  welded  at  the  point  or  at  the  joint  first. 
While  I  was  yet  a  young  man  and  employed  in  a  plow 
factory,  I  had  an  opportunity  to  see  the  different  ideas 
set  to  a  test.     In  the  factory  the  practice  was  to  weld 


the  point  first.  A  plowman  from  another  State  was 
engaged,  and  he  claimed  that  it  would  be  better  to  weld 
the  share  first  up  at  the  joint.  He  was  given  a  chance 
to  prove  his  assertion,  and  the  result  was  that  3  per 
cent  of  his  shares  broke  over  the  inner  side  of  the 
landside  at  the  joint  in  the  hardening,  and  10  per  cent 
ripped  up  in  the  weld  at  the  same  place.  These  are 
results  that  will  always  follow  this  method. 

The  first,  because  the  share  was  not  upset  over  the 
weld;  the  second,  because  a  good  weld  cannot  be 
taken  unless  the  share  is  dressed  down  snug  against 
the  point  when  hot.  As  far  as  the  number  of  shares 
welded  per  day  was  concerned,  this  man  was  not  in  it. 
Still,  this  man  was  a  good  plowman,  and  was  doing 
better  than  I  ever  saw  a  man  with  this  idea  do  before. 
For  it  is  a  fact,  that  out  of  one  thousand  plowshares 
welded  by  country  blacksmiths,  nine  hundred  and 
ninety  will  rip  up.  I  have  been  in  different  States, 
and  seen  more  than  many  have  of  this  kind  of  work, 
but,  to  tell  the  truth,  there  is  no  profession  or  trade 
where  there  is  so  much  poor  work  done  as  in  black- 
smithing,  and  especially  in  plow  work.  Blacksmiths 
often  come  to  me,  even  from  other  States,  to  learn  my 
ideas  of  making  plowshares.  On  inquiring,  I  gener- 
ally find  that  they  weld  a  piece  on  the  top  of  the  old 
landside  and  proceed  to  weld  without  touching  the 
share  or  trying  to  fit  it  at  all.  We  need  not  be  sur- 
prised at  this  ignorance,  when  we  know  that  it  is  only 
fifty  years  since  John  Deere  reformed  the  plow  industry 
entirely  and  made  the  modern  plow  now  in  use.  It  is 
impossible   for  blacksmiths    in  the   country   to   have 


learned  this  part  of  their  business,  in  so  short  a  time, 
successfully.  Still,  I  have  seen  blacksmiths  prosper 
and  have  quite  a  repiitation  as  plowmen,  while,  for  a 
fact,  they  never  made  a  plowshare  that  was,  from  the 
standpoint  of  a  practical  plowman,  right. 

'  'He  that  tilteth  his  land  shall  be  satisfied.''' — Proverbs, 



share  is  of  soft  center  steel, 
harden    as    follows:       First, 
;at    the  whole  point  to  a 
very  low  red  heat;   then 
turn     the     share    face 
down,  with  the  heel 
over  the  fire,  and  the 
point  in  such  a  posi- 
tion that  it  is  about  two  inches  higher  than  the  heel. 
This  will  draw  the  fire  from  the  heel  along  towards 
the  point,  and  the  whole  length  of  the  share  will   be 
heated  almost  in  one  heat.     Be  sure  to  get  an  even 
heat,  for  it  will  warp  or  crack  if  the  heat  is  uneven. 
When  the  share  has  a  moderate  red  heat  take  it  out, 
and  you  will  notice  that  it  is  sprung  up  along  the  edge. 
This  is  the  rule,  but  there  are  exceptions,  and  the  share 
is  then  sprung  down.      In  either  case  set  it  right;   if 
sprung  up  set  it  down  a  little  under  the  square;    if 
sprung  down  set  it  a  little  over  the  square.     You  can- 
not with  any  success  set  it  by  a  table  or  leveling  block, 
because   this  will,  first,  cool  off   the  edge,   second,  it 



mtist  be  either  over  or  under  the  square  a  little. 
Therefore,  you  must  use  your  eye  and  set  the  share 
with  the  hammer  over  the  anvil.  This  done,  hold 
the  share  over  the  fire  until  it  has  a  low  red  heat,  as 
stated  before;  then  plunge  it  into  a  tub  of  hardening 
compound,  such  as  is  sold  by  the  traveling  man,  or 
sprinkle  the  share  with  prussiate  of  potash  and  plunge 
it  into  a  barrel  of  salt  water. 

You  will  notice  that  the  share  will  warp  or  spring 
out  of  shape  more  in  the  heating  than  it  does  in  the 
cooling,  if  the  heat  is  right.  Some  smiths  never  look 
at  the  share  when  hot  for  hardening,  but  simply  plunge 
it  into  the  tub,  and  then  they  say  it  warped  in  harden- 
ing, while  it  was  in  the  heating.  If  the  share  is  too 
hot  it  will  warp  in  cooling  also. 

HOW   TO    POINT    A    SHARE 

Points  are  now  sold  by  dealers  in  hardware,  and 
every  smith  knows  how  they  are  shaped.  There  is, 
however,  no  need  of  buying  these;  every  smith  has  old 
plowshares  from  which  points  can  be  cut,  provided  you 
don't  use  an  old  share  too  much  worn.  The  points 
sold  are  cut  with  the  intention  that  most  of  the  point 
is  to  be  placed  on  top  of  the  plow  point.  This  is  all 
right  in  some  instances,  while  it  is  wrong  in  others. 
When  you  cut  a  piece  for  a  point  make  it  the  same 
shape  at  both  ends.  Now,  when  a  plow  needs  the 
most  of  the  point  on  top  bend  the  end  to  be  on  top 
longer  than  the  end  to  go  underneath,  and  vice  versa, 



when  the  point  wants  to  be  heaviest  on  the  bottom 
side.  I  hold  that  in  ordinary  cases  the  most  of  the 
point  should  be  on  the  bottom  side.  If  it  is  it  will 
wear  better  and  keep  in  the  gTOund  longer,  for  as  soon 
as  the  point  is  worn  off  underneath  it  comes  out  of  the 

Don't  monkey  with  old  mower  sections  or  anything 
like  them  for  points,  for,  although  the  material  is  good, 
it  is  not  the  quality  alone  but  also  the  quantity  that 


goes  to  make  up  a  good  point.  It  takes  only  a  few 
hours'  plowing  to  wear  off  a  section  from  the  extreme 
point  of  the  share,  and  then  there  is  only  the  iron  of 
the  plow  point  left  to  wear  against,  and  your  time 
spent  for  such  a  point  is  lost.  Another  thing,  it  takes 
just  as  much  time  to  put  on  such  a  point  as  it  does  to 
put  on  a  good  one  for  which  you  charge  the  regular 

In  putting  on  a  point  of  thin  material  you  must  go 
unusually  slow,  or  you  will  burn  the  steel  before  the 
plow  point  is  hot. 



Smiths,  as  a  rule,  draw  out  a  lound  back  point. 
They  seem  to  be  afraid  of  coming  down  on  the  point 
with  the  hammer  for  fear  it  will  spring  the  point 
towards  the  land.  This  can  be  remedied  by  using  a 
wooden  block  for  anvil.  Then  you  can  set  the  point 
back  without  battering  the  edge  of  the   share.     The 


suck  of  a  point  should  be  one-eighth  of  an  inch.  Don't 
split  the  steel  of  the  point  of  a  share  open  and  wedge 
a  point  in.  Make  one  long  enough  to  reach  around 
the  point,  say  from  8  to  lo  inches  long,  and  you  will 
have  a  good  substantial  job.  There  is  too  much 
experimenting  in  putting  on  points  yet,  but  the  method 
just  described  is  the  only  good  one. 



If  the  share  to  be  sharpened  is  a  hardened  share,  and 
it  is  the  first  time  it  is  sharpened,  then  be  careful  not 
to  heat  it  too  far  towards  the  joint,  so  as  to  leave  the 
temper  as  much  the  same  as  possible.  For  my  part,  I 
never  follow  this  rule.  I  heat  it  as  much  as  is  needed 
to  draw  it  out  good,  and  then  harden  it  over  again. 
But  beginners  can  sharpen  a  new  share  once  without 
hardening  it  over,  if  the  temper  is  not  entirely  out  of 
the  share.  To  sharpen  a  share  without  springing  it 
some  is  an  impossibility.  No  device  will  prevent  this, 
and  the  only  way  to  set  it  right  is  to  heat  it  all  over. 
In  sharpening  a  share  it  is  drawn  out  on  one  side,  and 
it  is  natural  that  that  side  is  made  longer,  and  as  a 
result  the  share  must  warp.  In  a  circular  saw  it  takes 
only  a  couple  of  blows  on  one  side  to  get  it  out  of 
shape;  then  what  else  can  we  expect  in  a  plowshare, 
when  all  the  hammering  is  done  on  one  side? 

Some  smiths  turn  the  bottom  side  of  the  share  up 
and  hammer  on  that  side,  but  this  is  wrong;  first, 
because  in  so  doing  you  unshape  the  share;  second, 
the  scales  on  the  anvil  will  mark  tha  face  of  the  share 
just  as  bad  as  the  hammer,  so  nothing  is  gained  by 
this.  Place  the  share  on  the  anvil,  face  up,  and  use  a 
hammer  with  a  big  round  face,  and  when  you  get  used 
to  this,  the  best  result  is  obtained.  D  n't  draw  the 
edge  out  too  thin.  There  is  no  need  of  a  thin  edge  on 
a  plow  that  has  to  cut  gravel  and  snags,  but  for  sod 
breaking  a  thin  edge  is  wanted,  and  the  smith  has  to 
use  his  best  judgment  even  in  such  a  case. 


HOW    TO    PUT   ON   A    HEEL 

Cut  a  piece  of  steel  about  eight  inches  long,  three 
inches  wide  on  one  end,  and  pointed  down  to  a  sharp 
point  on  the  other.  Draw  out  one  side  thin  to  noth- 
ing. Next,  draw  out  the  heel  of  the  share.  Now 
place  the  heel  piece  on  the  bottom  side  of  the  share, 
and  hold  it  in  place  with  a  pair  of  tongs  and  tong  rings. 
Take  the  first  heat  at  the  pointed  end  of  the  piece, 
next  heat  at  the  heel,  share  down,  then  turn  the  share 
over,  heel  down;  go  slow,  use  borax  freely,  and  place 
a  little  steel  borings  between  the  heel  piece  and  the 
share.  After  a  little  practice  almost  any  smith  ought 
to  be  able  to  put  on  a  heel,  while  now  it  is  only  a  few 
smiths  that  can  do  it.  I  never  put  on  a  heel  yet  but 
the  owner  of  the  plow  would  tell  me  that  other  smiths 
tell  him  it  cannot  be  done.  When  welded  good  be  sure 
to  get  the  right  shape  in  the  share.  Grind  and  polish 
carefully,  as  the  dirt  is  inclined  to  stick  to  the  share  in 
this  place  more  easily  than  in  any  other. 


When  a  plow  is  flopping  or  going  everywhere  so  that 
the  owner  don't  know  what  is  the  matter  the  fault 
should  be  looked  for  first  in  the  beam.  If  the  beam  is 
loose  the  plow  will  not  run  steady,  but  the  reason  for 
this  trouble,  in  most  cases,  is  in  the  share.  If  the 
point  has  too  little  "suction,"  and  the  edge  of  the  share 
is  too  much  rolling  the  plow  generally  acts  this  way. 


To  remedy  this,  sharpen  the  share,  set  the  point  down, 
and  the  edge  of  the  lay  from  the  point  all  the  way  back 
to  the  heel,  and  the  plow  will  work  right. 

HOW    TO    SET    A   PLOW    RIGHT    THAT    TIPS 

ON    ONE    SIDE 

If  a  plow  is  inclined  to  fall  over  on  the  right  handle, 
the  fault  is  in  the  share.  The  share  in  such  a  case  has 
too  much  suction  along  the  edge.  Heat  the  whole 
share  and  roll  the  edge  of  it  up  and  the  plow  will  work 
all  right. 

If  a  plow  tips  over  on  the  left  side  handle,  the  share 
in  such  a  case  is  too  much  rolled  up.  Heat  it  all  over 
and  set  the  edge  down  to  give  it  more  suction. 

WHEN    A    PLOW   RUNS    TOO    DEEP 

There  are  two  reasons  for  a  plow  running  too  deep : 
I,  If  the  beam  is  more  than  fourteen  inches  high  from 
the  floor  up  to  the  lower  side  of  it,  then  the  beam 
should  be  heated  over  a  place  as  far  back  as  possible, 
and  the  same  set  down  to  its  proper  place.  2,  If  the 
point  of  the  share  has  too  much  suction  the  plow  will 
also  run  too  deep.  The  right  suction  to  give  a 
plowshare  is  from  )4  to  j\  of  an  inch.  If  a  plow 
don't  run  deep  enough  with  this  much  as  a  draw,  there 
must  be  something  else  out  of  shape;  or,  if  it  goes  too 
deep,  the  f^ult  must  be  looked  for  in  the  beam  or  in 


the  tugs  with  small-sized  horses.  The  point  of  a  share 
should  never  be  bent  upwards  in  order  to  prevent  the 
plow  from  going  too  deep.  Set  the  share  right,  and  if 
the  plow  then  goes  out  of  its  proper  way  the  fault  must 
be  found  somewhere  else. 


If  a  14-inch  plow  takes  too  much  land  the  fault  is 
either  in  the  point  of  the  share  or  in  the  beam.  The 
point  of  a  share  should  stand  one-eighth  of  an  inch  to 
land,  and  the  beam  should  stand  about  three  inches  to 
the  right.  Tliis  will  be  right  for  a  14-inch  plow  and 
two  horses.  If  for  a  16- inch  plow  and  three  horses, 
the  beam  should  be  in  line  with  the  landside. 

HOW   TO    FIX   A   GANG    PLOW   THAT    RUNS 

ON    ITS    NOSE 

When  a  gang  or  sulky  plow  runs  on  its  nose  and 
shoves  itself  through  the  dirt,  the  fault  is  with  the 
share  or  in  the  beam.  In  most  cases  this  fault  is  a  set 
back  beam,  but  it  might  also  be  the  result  of  a  badly- 
bent-down  and  out-of-shape  landside  point.  If  it  is  in 
the  beam,  take  it  out  and  heat  it  in  the  arch,  then 
bend  it  forward  until  the  plow  has  the  right  shape,  and 
it  will  run  right. 



To  harden  a  mouldboard  is  no  easy  job  in  a  black- 
smith's forge,  and  it  is  no  use  trying  this  in  a  portable 
forge,  because  there  is  not  room  enough  for  the  fire 
required  for  this  purpose.  First,  dig  the  firepot  out 
clean,  then  make  a  charcoal  fire  of  two  bushels  of  this 
coal,  have  some  dry  basswood  or  wood  like  it,  and 
when  the  charcoal  begins  to  get  red  all  over  then  pile 
the  wood  on  the  outside  corners  of  the  fire.  Heat  the 
point  of  the  mouldboard  first,  because  this  being 
shinned,  it  is  thicker  and  must  be  heated  first  or  it  will 
not  be  hot  enough ;  then  hold  the  mouldboard  on  the 
fire  and  pile  the  wood  and  hot  coal  on  top  of  it.  Keep 
it  only  until  red  hot  in  the  same  place,  then  move  it 
around,  especially  so  that  the  edges  get  the  force  of  the 
fire,  or  they  will  be  yet  cold  while  the  center  might  be 
too  hot. 


When  the  mouldboard  is  red  hot  all  over  sprinkle 
with  prussiate  of  potash,  and  plunge  into  a  barrel  of 
ice  or  salt  water.  A  mouldboard  will  stand  a  good 
heat  if  the  heat  is  even;  otherwise  it  will  warp  or 
crack.  Another  way  to  heat  a  mouldboard:  if  you 
have  a  boiler,  then  fill  the  fire  place  with  wood  and 
heat  your  mouldboard  there.  This  will  give  you  a 
very  good  heat.  If  it  is  a  shinned  mouldboard  the 
point  must  be  heated  first  in  the  forge,  then  place  it 
under  the  boiler  for  heating.     This  must  be  done  to 



insure  a  good  heat  on  the  point,  which  is  thicker  than 
the  mouldboard  and  therefore  would  not  be  hot  enough 
in  the  time  the  other  parts  get  hot. 

When  a  mouldboard  is  worn  out  on  the  point  a  patch 
can  be  put  on,  if  the  mouldboard  is  not  too  much  worn 
otherwise.  Cut  a  piece  of  soft  center  steel  to  fit  over 
the  part  to  be  repaired.  Draw  this  piece  out  thin 
where  it  is  to  be  welded  to  face  of  mouldboard.     Hold 

NO.  I. 


NO.  Z. 

Fig.    II 

this  piece  in  position  while  taking  the  first  weld,  with 
a  pair  of  tongs.  Weld  the  point  first,  then  the  edges, 
last  the  center.  The  patch  should  be  welded  to  face 
of  mouldboard.  When  the  last  weld  is  taken  place  the 
mouldboard  face  up,  with  some  live  coal  over  it,  in  the 
fire ;  use  borax  freely,  and,  when  ready  to  weld,  weld 
the  patch  while  the  mouldboard  is  in  the  fire,  using  a 
^  rod  of  round  iron  as  a  hammer  with  one  end  of  it 
bent  for  this  purpose.  When  the  patch  is  thus  welded 
in  its  thinnest  place  then  take  it  out  and  weld  on  the 
anvil.  In  heating  for  the  weld  never  place  the  patch 
down  towards  the  tuyer,  for  there  the  blast  will  make 


it  scale,  and  it  will  never  weld   this  way.     Remember 
this  in  all  kinds  of  welding. 

Figure  iiA  represents  two  shares.  No.  i  represents 
a  share  set  for  spring  plowing,  when  the  ground  is  soft. 
Notice  the  heel  of  the  share  following  the  square  for 
about  one  inch  at  c,  while  the  heel  in  No.  2  rests  with 
the  extreme  edge  on  the  square,  and  is  set  for  fall 
plowing,  when  the  ground  is  hard.  The  line  between 
a  and  b  shows  the  suction  at  d,  which  is  not  more  than 
an  eighth  of  an  inch.  Breaking  plows  and  large  plows 
which  are  run  shallow  should  have  a  wide  bearing  at  c. 
In  breaking  plows  the  heel  will  sometimes  have  to  be 
rolled  up  a  little  at  this  place. 

'The  reason  inosi  men  do  not  accomplish  more  is  because  they 

do  not  atte?nj>t  more.** 



N  filling  a  sickle  bar  there  are  two  ways  to 
remove  the  old  sections.  One  way  is  to 
punch  the  rivets  out,  but  in  every  case 
where  the  back  of  the  section  sticks  out 
over  the  sickle  bar  they  can  be  removed 
easier  in  this  way :  Just  open  the  vise  enough  to  receive 
the  section,  then  strike  with  the  hammer  on  the  back 
of  the  section,  and  this  blow  will  cut  the  rivets  off. 
You  can  cut  out  ten  to  one  by  this  method  to  any  other. 
Sometimes  the  sickle  bar  is  bent  out  of  shape  in  the 
fitting.  To  straighten  it  place  the  sickle  on  the  anvil, 
sections  down ;  now  strike  with  the  hammer  so  that  it 
will  touch  the  bar  only  on  one  half  of  its  face,  the  blow 
to  be  on  the  inner  side  of  the  curve. 


When  a  box  is  to  be  babbited  the  first  thing  to  do  is 
to  clean  the  box  If  it  can  be  placed  over  the  fire  the 
old  babbit  with  melt  out  easily.  If  the  box  cannot  be 
hsld  over  the  fire,  then  chisel  the  old  babbit  out.     At 



each  end  of  the  box  there  is  a  ridge  to  hold  the  babbit 
in  the  box;  that  is,  in  cast  iron  boxes.  On  top  of  this 
ridge  place  a  strip  of  leather  as  thick  as  you  want  the 
babbit  to  be.  This  done,  place  the  shaft  in  the  box. 
Pour  the  babbit  in  level  with  the  box.  Be  careful 
about  having  the  box  dry;  if  any  dampness  is  in  the 
box  the  babbit  will  explode.  Now  place  a  thick  paper 
on  each  side  of  the  box  and  put  on  the  top  box,  with 
the  bolts  in  to  hold  it  in  place  tight,  then  close  up  at 
the  ends  with  putty.  In  some  cases  it  is  best  to  heat 
the  box  a  little,  for  if  the  box  is  cold  and  there  is  little 
room  for  the  babbit  it  will  cool  off  before  it  can  float 
around.  In  such  a  case  the  boxes  should  be  warm  and 
the  babbit  heated  to  a  red  heat.  Now  pour  the  babbit 
in  through  the  oil  hole. 

In  cases  where  there  are  wooden  boxes,  and  the 
babbit  is  to  reach  out  against  the  collars,  the  shaft 
must  be  elevated  or  hung  on  pieces  of  boards  on  each 
side  with  notches  in  for  the  shaft  to  rest  in.  Use  putty 
to  fill  up  and  make  tight,  so  that  the  babbit  must  stay 
where  wanted.  For  slow  motion  babbit  with  a  less- 
cooling  percentage  (tin) ;  for  high  speed,  more-cooling 
(tin).  Grooves  may  be  cut  in  the  bottom  box  for  oil. 
When  a  shaft  is  to  be  babbited  all  around  in  a  solid 
box  the  shaft  is  inclined  to  stick  in  the  babbit.  To 
prevent  this  smoke  the  shaft  a  little  and  have  it  warm. 
When  cool  it  will  come  out  all  right.  Or  wind  thin 
paper  around  the  shaft,  the  paper  to  be  tied  with 
strings  to  the  shaft. 



By  gradually  heating  and  cooling  steel  will  be  soft- 
ened, brittleness  reduced,  and  flexibility  increased.  In 
this  state  steel  is  tough  and  easiest  drilled  or  filed. 
Tool  steel  is  sometimes  too  hard  to  drill  or  file  without 
first  annealing  it;  and  the  best  way  to  do  this  is  to 
slowly  heat  to  a  red  heat,  then  bury  the  steel  in  the 
cinders  and  let  it  cool  slowly.  To  heat  and  let  the 
steel  cool  exposed  to  the  air  will  do  no  good,  as  it  cools 
off  too  quick,  and  when  cool  the  steel  is  as  hard  as 
ever.     This  is  air  temper. 


Cogs  can  be  inserted  in  a  cogwheel  in  different  ways. 
If  the  rim  of  the  wheel  is  thick  enough  a  cog  can  be 
dovetailed  in.  That  is,  cut  a  slot  in  the  rim  from  the 
root  of  the  cog  down,  this  slot  to  be  wider  at  the  bot- 
tom. Prepare  a  cog  the  exact  size  of  the  cogs,  but  just 
as  much  deeper  as  the  slot.  Before  you  drive  this  cog 
in,  cut  out  a  chip  on  each  end  of  the  slot,  and  when  the 
cog  is  driven  in  you  can  clinch  the  ends  where  you  cut 
out.  This  will  make  a  strong  cog,  and  if  properly 
made  will  never  get  loose. 

Another  way:  If  the  rim  is  thin,  then  make  a  cog 
with  a  shank  on,  or  a  bolt  cog.  If  the  rim  is  wide 
make  two  bolts.  The  cog  can  be  either  riveted  or 
fastened  with  nuts.  If  only  one  shank  is  made,  the 
same  must  be  square  up  at  the  cog,  or  the  cog  will 


turn  and  cause  a  breakdown.  But  a  shallow  slot  can 
be  cut  in  the  rim  to  receive  and  hold  the  cog,  and  then 
a  bolt  shank  will  hold  it  in  place,  whether  the  shank  is 
round  or  square. 


H  steel  has  been  burnt  the  best  thing  to  do  is  to 
throw  it  in  the  scraps;  but  if  overheated  it  can  be 
improved.  Heat  to  a  low  red  heat,  and  hammer 
lightly  and  cool  off  in  salt  water,  while  yet  hot  enough 
to  be  of  a  brown  color.  Repeat  this  a  half  a  dozen 
times,  and  the  steel  will  be  greatly  bettered.  Of 
course,  this  is  only  in  cases  when  a  tool  or  something 
like  it  has  been  overheated  which  cannot  be  thrown 
away  without  loss.  By  this  simple  method  I  have 
restored  tools  overheated  by  ignorant  smiths,  and  in 
some  cases  the  owner  would  declare  that  it  was  "bet- 
ter than  ever." 



Care  must  be  taken  in  heating  stone  hammers  not  to 
overheat  them.  Dress  the  hammer  so  that  the  edges 
are  a  little  higher  than  the  center,  thus  making  a  slight 
curve.  A  hammer  dressed  this  way  will  cut  better 
and  stay  sharp  longer  than  if  the  face  is  level.  Dress 
both  ends  before  hardening,  then  harden  face  end 
first.     Heat  to  a  red  heat,  and  cool  off  in  cold  water 


about  one  inch  up,  let  the  temper  return  to  half  an 
inch  from  the  face,  that  is,  draw  the  temper  as  much 
as  you  can  without  changing  the  temper  at  the  face. 
There  it  should  be  as  hard  as  you  can  make  it.  When 
heating  the  peen  end  keep  a  wet  rag  over  the  face  to 
prevent  it  from  becoming  hot.  This  end  should  not  be 
tempered  quite  as  hard  as  the  face. 


Chilled  cast  iron  can  be  easily  drilled  if  properly 
annealed,  but  it  cannot  be  annealed  simply  by  heating 
and  slowly  cooling.  Heat  the  iron  to  a  red  heat  and 
place  it  over  the  anvil  in  a  level  position ;  place  a  piece 
of  brimstone  just  where  the  hole  is  to  be  drilled,  and 
let  it  soak  in.  If  it  is  a  thick  article  place  a  piece  on 
each  side  over  the  hole,  as  it  will  better  penetrate  and 
soften  the  iron.  Next,  heat  it  again  until  red,  then 
bury  it  in  the  cinders,  and  let  it  cool  slowly.  To  heat 
and  anneal  chilled  iron  is  of  no  avail  unless  it  is  allowed 
to  remain  hot  for  hours.  Chilled  iron  will,  if  heated 
and  allowed  to  cool  quick,  retain  its  hardness.  The 
only  way  to  anneal  is  to  let  it  remain  in  the  fire  for 
hours.  Brimstone  will  help  considerably,  but  even 
with  that  it  is  best  to  let  cool  as  slowly  as  your  time 
will  admit. 


First,  make  your  drill  of  good  steel,  oval  in  form, 
and  a  little  heavier  than  usual  on  point,  and  temper  as 


hard  as  it  will  without  drawing  the  temper,  the  heat  to 
be  a  low  red  cherry.  Diluted  muriatic  acid  is  a  good 
thing  to  roughen  the  surface  with  where  you  want  the 
hole.  Use  kerosene  instead  of  oil,  or  turpentine.  The 
pressure  on  the  drill  should  be  steady  so  that  it  will 
cut  right  along  as  it  is  hard  to  start  again  if  it  stops 
cutting,  but  if  it  does,  again  use  diluted  muriatic  acid. 
The  hole  should  be  cleaned  after  the  use  of  the  acid. 


I  have  repeatedly  warned  against  overheating  steel. 
Don't  heat  too  fast,  for  if  it  is  a  piece  of  a  large  dimen- 
sion the  outside  corners  will  be  burnt,  while  the  bar  is 
yet  too  cool  inside  to  be  worked.  Don't  let  steel 
remain  for  any  length  of  time  in  the  fire  at  a  high  heat, 
for  both  steel  and  iron  will  then  become  brittle.  This 
is  supposed  by  some  to  be  due  to  the  formation  of  oxide 
disseminated  through  the  mass  of  the  metal,  but  many 
others  believe  that  a  more  or  less  crystalline  structure 
is  set  up  under  the  influence  of  a  softening  heat,  and  is 
the  sole  cause  of  the  diminution  in  strength  and  tenac- 
ity. The  fiber  of  the  steel  is  spoiled  through  over- 
heating; ■  this  can,  to  some  extent,  be  remedied  by 
heavy  forging  if  it  is  a  heavy  bar. 

Steel  is  harder  to  weld  than  iron,  because  it  contains 
less  cinders  and  slag,  which  will  produce  a  fusible  fluid 
in  iron  that  will  make  it  weld  without  trouble.  Steel 
contains  from  2  to  25  per  cent  carbon,  and  varies  in 
quality  according  to  the  per  cent  of  carbon,  and  it  is 


claimed  that  there  are  twent}"  different  kinds  of  steel. 
To  blacksmiths  only  a  few  kinds  are  known,  and  the 
sturdy  smith  discards  both  "physical  tests  and  chem- 
ical analysis,"  and  he  thinks  he  knows  just  as  much  as 
do  those  who  write  volumes  about  these  tests. 

To  weld  tool  steel,  or  steel  of  a  high  per  cent  of  car- 
bon, borax  must  be  used  freely  to  prevent  burning  and 
promote  fusing.  Steel  with  less  carbon,  or  what  smiths 
call  "soft  steel,"  "sleigh  steel,"  should  be  welded  with 
sand  only.  This  soft  steel  stands  a  higher  heat  than 
the  harder  kinds. 

Good  tool  steel  will  break  easy  when  cold  if  it  is  cut 
into  a  little  with  a  cold  chisel  all  around,  and  the  bar 
then  placed  with  the  cut  over  the  hole  in  the  anvil,  the 
helper  striking  directly  over  the  hole.  If  it  is  good 
steel  it  will  break  easy,  and  the  broken  ends  are  fine 
grain,  of  a  light  color.  If  it*  shows  glistening  or  glit- 
tering qualities  it  is  a  bad  sign. 

Good  steel  will  crumble  under  the  hammer  when 
white  hot. 

To  test  steel  draw  out  to  a  sharp  point,  heat  to  a  red 
heat,  cool  in  salt  water;  if  it  cuts  glass  it  is  a  steel  of 
high  hardening  quality. 

For  armor  piercing,  frogs,  tiles,  safes,  and  crushing 
machinery,  alloy  steel  is  used.  This  steel  contains 
chromium,  manganese  or  nickel,  which  renders  it 
intensely  hard.  Tungsten  is  another  alloy  that  is  used 
in  iron-cutting  tools,  because  it  does  not  lose  its  hard- 
ness by  friction.  Smiths  should  know  more  about 
steel  than  they  do,  and  we  would  have  steel  to  suit 
every  need.     As  it  is  now,  any  poor  stuff  is  sent  to  the 


smith.  The  same  can  be  said  of  iron.  The  American 
wrought  iron  is  the  poorest  iron  that  ever  got  the  name 
of  iron,  but  there  are  thousands  of  smiths  using  this 
stuff  with  great  difficulty  without  ever  a  word  said  as  a 
protest  against  the  manufacture  of  the  rotten  material. 
We  often  get  iron  that  is  too  poor  to  bend  hot  with- 
out breaking.  Let  us  register  a  kick,  and  if  that  has 
no  effect  let  us  try  to  abolish  the  tariff,  and  there  will 
be  good  iron  manufactured  in  this  country,  or  the 
Swedish  and  Norwegian  iron  will  be  used.  But  the 
result  will  be  the  same  with  iron  as  with  the  matches: 
the  American  manufactories  will  make  good  iron  when 
they  have  to.  We  get  iron  and  steel  that  is  both 
"cold-shot  and  hot-shot."  The  former  breaks  easy 
when  cold,  the  latter  when  hot.  We  have  meat  and 
wheat  inspectors;  where  is  the  iron  inspector?  Farm- 
ers know  enough  to  ask  for  protection,  but  blacksmiths 
will  never  say  a  word.  They  use  the  cold-shot  or  hot- 
shot iron,  and  when  they  have  spent  half  a  day  in  com- 
pleting a  little  intricate  work  it  breaks  in  their  hands 
because  of  iron  that  is  either  cold  or  hot  shot,  "'^nsist 
on  good  iron,  and  the  steel  will  also  be  good.  Deduct 
a  little  every  year  from  the  amount  due  your  jobber  for 
poor  iron,  and  you  can  be  sure  if  this  is  done  by  a  few 
thousand  smiths  it  will  have  effect. 

HOW    TO    WELD    CAST    IRON 

Strictly  speaking,  there  is  no  such  thing  as  welding 
cast  iron.  The  best  that  can  be  done  is  to  melt  it 
together;  but  this  is  simply  accidental  work,  and  when 


done  don't  amount  to  anything.  Still,  I  have  never 
met  a  blacksmith  yet  who  could  not  weld  cast  iron,  but, 
at  the  same  time,  I  have  j^et  to  meet  the  man  that  can 
do  it;  and  I  will  give  twenty-five  dollars  to  the  smith 
that  will  give  me  a  receipt  for  welding  cast-iron  shoes 
that  will  be  useful  when  welded.  All  receipts  I  have 
seen  for  this  purpose  are  simply  bosh. 

Malleable  iron  is  a  different  thing.  Many  smiths 
weld  malleable  iron  and  think  it  is  cast  iron.  "The 
wish,"  in  such  a  case,  "is  the  father  of  the  thought," 
but  to  weld  malleable  iron  is  not  more  difficult  than  to 
weld  soft  steel.  Malleable  iron  when  good,  and  steel 
when  soft,  are  about  the  same  thing.  I  would  there- 
fore advise  smiths  to  spend  no  time  in  welding  cast 
iron.  Nothing  will  be  gained  even  if  you  should  suc- 
ceed in  sticking  it  enough  to  haug  together.  It  will  in 
most  cases  be  useless,  because  it  will  not  be  of  the 
same  shape  as  before. 



handle  is  broken  use  rock 
salt    and    powdered    glass 
as    a   welding-    compound. 
Stick  the  ends  together  in 
the  fire.      When  they  are 
about    ready    to    melt    tap 
lightly  on  one  end  while 
your   helper   holds    the 
other    end    steady.      In 
one   case  out  of  a  hun- 
dred it  will  stick  enough 
to    hang   together.       If 
you  have  nothing  else  to  do  this  will  be  a  nice  thing  to 
kill  time  with 


Iron  and  steel  may  be  case  hardened  with  either  of 
the  following  compounds:  Prussiate  of  potash,  sal- 
ammoniac  of  equal  parts.  Heat  the  iron  red  hot  and 
sprinkle  it  with  this  compound,  then  heat  again  and 
sprinkle,  and  plunge  it  while  yet  hot  in  a  bath  of  salt 

Another:  Cyanide  of  potassium;  grind  it  into  a  fine 
powder  and  sprinkle  over  the  iron  while  red  hot,  and 
plunge  into  a  bath  of  salt  water.     This  powder  will 


coagulate  if  it  is  held  against  the  fire  so  it  gets  warm. 
Be  careful  with  this  powder,  as  it  is  a  strong  poison. 
It  is  the  best  thing  that  I  have  ever  tried  for  case  hard- 
ening iron.  It  will  case  harden  the  softest  iron  so  that 
it  cannot  be  touched  with  any  tool.  It  is  also  good  for 
plows,  especially  where  it  is  hard  to  make  a  plow 
scour.  The  only  objection  is  the  price,  as  it  costs  more 
than  prussiate  of  potash  or  other  hardening  com- 


Heat  to  a  heat  that  will  be  discerned  in  the  dark  as 
a  low  red  heat.  Plunge  into  a  bath  of  lukewarm 
water.  Such  a  heat  cannot  be  noticed  in  a  light  sunny 
day,  but  it  is  just  the  heat  required.  Of  course,  it  is 
the  smith  with  practice  who  succeeds,  as  with  every- 
thing else. 

Another  way:  Heat  to  a  low  red  heat  and  bury  the 
spring  in  cold  sand.  Another :  Heat  to  a  low  red  heat 
in  the  dark,  and  cool  in  oil. 



Take  i  pound  of  ashes  from  white  ash  bark,  dissolve 
in  soft  water.  Heat  your  iron  red,  and  cool  in  this 
solution,  and  the  iron  will  turn  white  as  silver. 



Silver,  15  parts;  copper,  2  parts.  These  should  be 
filed  into  powder  and  mixed.  Now  place  your  saw 
level  with  the  broken  ends  tight  up  against  each  other; 
put  a  little  of  the  mixture  along  the  seam,  and  cover 
with  powdered  charcoal;  with  a  spirit  lamp  and  a 
blowpipe  melt  the  mixture,  then  with  the  hammer  set 
the  joint  smooth. 

TO    MEND    A    BAND    SAW 

If  a  band  saw  is  broken  file  the  ends  bevel,  and  lap 
one  end  over  the  other  far  enough  to  take  up  one 
tooth ;  place  the  saw  in  such  a  position  that  the  saw 
will  be  straight  when  mended ;  use  silver,  copper  and 
brass;  file  into  a  fine  powder;  place  this  over  the  joint 
and  cover  with  borax.  Now  heat  two  irons  one  inch 
square,  or  a  pair  of  heavy  tongs,  and  place  one  on  each 
side  of  the  joint,  and  when  the  powdered  metal  is 
melted  have  a  pair  of  tongs  ready  to  take  hold  over  the 
joint  with  while  it  cools.  File  off  and  smooth  the 
sides,  not  leaving  the  blade  any  thicker  than  in  other 




AKE  of  nitric 
acid     4     ozs. ; 
muriatic  acid, 
.   Mix  together, 
cover  the  place 
wish  to  write  on 
beeswax,    the 
teswax  to  be  warm 
when    applied. 
When     it     is    cold, 
write     your      name 
with  a  sharp  instru- 
ment.   Be  sure  to  write 
so  that  the  steel  is  dis- 
cernible   in    the    name. 
Now  apply  the  mixture 
with  a  feather,  well  fill- 
ing   each    letter.      Let  the 
mixture    remain   about  five 
minutes  or  more,  according 
to  the  depth  desired;  then  wash  off  the  acid;  water 
will  stop  the  process  of  the  same.     When  the  wax  is 
removed,  the  inscription  is  plain. 

"Z>^  man  who  confesses  his  ignorance  is  07t  the  road  to 




By  H.  Moen,  Machinist,  Cresco,  Iowa. 

^pHEN  the  leak  or  weak  place  in  the 
boiler  is  found,  take  a  ripping  chisel 
and  cut  out  all  of  the  weak,  thin  and 
cracked  parts.  This  done,  make  the 
patch.  The  patch  must  be  large, 
not  less  than  an  inch  lap  on  all  sides, 
but  if  double  rows  of  rivets  are  wanted  the  lap 
should  be  two  inches  on  all  sides.  Bevel  or  scrape  the 
patch  on  all  edges  to  allow  calking.  The  bolt  holes 
should  be  about  two  inches  apart  and  countersunk  for 
patch  bolts,  if  patch  bolts  are  used.  Next,  drill  two 
holes  in  the  boiler  shell,  one  on  each  side  of  the  patch, 
and  put  in  the  bolts.  These  bolts  should  be  put  in  to 
stay  and  hold  the  patch  in  position  while  the  rest  of 
the  holes  are  drilled  and  bolted.  When  the  bolts  are 
all  in,  take  your  wrench  and  tighten  the  bolts  one  after 
the  other,  harder  and  harder,  striking  at  the  same 
time  on  the  patch  around  its  edges.  At  last  strike 
light  on  the  bolt  heads  when  you  tighten  and  draw  the 
bolt  until  its  head  breaks  off.     These  bolts  are  made 


128  Modern  bi^acksmithino 

for  this  purpose  and  in  such  a  shape  that  the  head  will 
break  at  a  high  strain.  This  done  use  the  calking 
iron  all  around  the  patch. 

The  patch  should  be  put  on  the  inside  of  the  boiler, 
especially  if  on  the  bottom  of  a  horizontal  boiler.  If 
the  patch  is  put  on  the  outside  in  this  place  the  sedi- 
ment or  solid  matter  which  the  water  contains  will 
quickly  fill  up  over  the  patch  and  there  is  danger  of 
overheating  the  boiler  and  an  explosion  may  follow. 

HOW    TO    PUT    IN    FLUES 

The  tools  necessary  to  retube  an  old  boiler  are,  first, 
a  good  expander  of  the  proper  size ;  a  roller  expander 
preferred;  a  crow  foot  or  calking  iron,  made  from  good 
tool  steel.     A  cutting-off  tool  can  be  made  to  do  very 



good  service,  in  the  following  manner:  Take  a  piece 
of  steel,  say  3^  x  i}^,  about  ten  inches  long.  Draw  one 
end  out  to  a  sharp  point  and  bend  to  a  right  angle  of  a 
length  just  enough  to  let  it  pass  inside  of  the  flue  to  be 
cut.  A  gas  pipe  can  be  used  for  a  handle.  In  cutting 
the  flues  set  this  tool  just  inside  the  flue  sheet  and 
press  down  on  the  handle.  If  this  tool  is  properly 
made  it  cuts  the  old  flues  out  with  ease.  After  both 
ends  have  been  cut  the  fl.ues  will  come  out. 


Next,  cut  the  tubes  about  ^  of  an  inch  longer  than 
the  flue  sheet.  After  the  tubes  are  cut  the  proper 
length,  and  placed  in  the  boiler,  expand  the  same  in 
both  ends  with  a  flue  expander.  After  the  flues  are 
expanded  until  they  fit  the  holes  solid,  tuin  them  over 
with  the  peen  of  a  hammer  to  make  them  bell  shaped. 
Now  take  a  crows-foot,  or  calking  tool,  and  turn  the 


ends  in  a  uniform  head  and  tight  all  around.  If  the 
flues  should  leak,  and  there  is  water  on  the  boiler  take 
a  boiler  expander  and  tighten  them  up.  But  never 
attempt  to  tighten  a  flue  with  the  hammer  if  there  is 
water  on  the  boiler. 


In  welding  flues  or  putting  new  tips  on  old  flues,  you 
must  find  out  how  far  the  old  tubes  are  damaged,  and 
cut  that  part  off.  Next  clean  the  scales  off  in  a  tumb- 
ling box;  if  you  have  none,  with  an  old  rasp. 

Now  take  a  piece  of  tubing  the  size  of  the  old,  and 
scarf  the  ends  down  thin,  the  new  tube  to  go  over  the 
old  and  drive  them  together.  In  welding  a  rest  can  be 
made  in  the  forge  to  push  the  tube  against  while  weld- 
ing, to  prevent  the  pieces  from  pulling  apart.  A 
three-eighths  rod,  with  thread  on  one  end  and  a  head 


on  the  other,  run  through  the  flue  will  be  found  handy 
for  holding  the  pipes  or  flues  together.  In  welding 
these  together  don't  take  them  out  of  the  fire  and 
strike  with  a  hammer,  but  take  a  rod  ^-inch  round, 
and  bend  one  end  to  serve  as  a  hammer.  Strike  with 
this  hammer  lightly  over  the  lap,  at  the  same  time 
turning  the  flue  around  in  the  fire.  Use  borax  to  pre- 
vent the  flue  from  scaling  and  burning. 


There  are  many  reasons  for  foaming  in  boilers,  but 
the  chief  reason  is  dirty  water.  In  some  cases  it  is 
imperfect  construction  of  boiler,  such  as  insufficient 
room  for  the  steam  and  a  too  small  steam  pipe  or  dome. 
When  a  boiler  is  large  enough  for  the  steam  and  clean 
water  is  used  there  is  no  danger  of  foaming.  When 
more  water  is  evaporated  than  there  is  steam  room  or 
heating  surface  for,  then  the  boiler  will  foam.  When 
a  boiler  is  overworked  more  steam  than  its  capacity 
will  admit  is  required,  and  the  engine  is  run  at  a  high 
speed,  the  steam  will  carry  with  it  more  water  than 

When  a  boiler  foams  shut  the  throttle  partly  to 
check  the  outflow  of  steam  and  lessen  the  suction  of 
water,  because  the  water  is  sucked  up  and  follows  the 
sides  of  the  dome  up. 

If  the  steam  pipe  in  the  dome  sticks  through  the 
flange  a  few  inches  the  water  will  not  escape  so  easy. 
A  boiler  that  is  inclined  to  foam  should  not  be  filled 


too  full  with  dirty  water;  if  it  is  it  is  best  to  blow  off  a 
little.  Foul  water  can  be  cleaned  by  different  meth- 
ods before  it  enters  the  boiler,  so  as  to  prevent  foam- 
ing and  scaling. 


A  boiler  should  not  be  blowed  out  under  a  high 
steam  pressure,  because  the  change  is  so  sudden  that 
it  has  a  tendency  to  contract  the  iron,  and  if  repeated 
often  the  boiler  will  leak.  If  it  is  done  when  there  is 
brickwork  around  the  boiler  and  the  same  is  hot  it  will 
in  a  short  time  ruin  the  boiler.  In  such  a  case  the 
boiler  should  not  be  blowed  out  for  hours  after  you 
have  ceased  firing. 

'A  trained  7na7i  will  7nake  his  life  tell:    without  training  we 
are  left  on  a  sea  of  luck,  where  thousands  go  down 
while  one  ?neets  with  success,'' — Garfield. 


AA—  ^ATTT-^ 


jHE  horse  must  have  been  one  of  the 
first  animals  subjected  to  the  use 
of  man,  but  there  is  no  record  made 
of  it  before  the  time  of  Joseph,  dur- 
ing the  great  famine  in  Egypt,  when 
Joseph  exchanged  bread  for  horses. 
During  the  exodus  horses  were  used 
more  extensively,  and  in  consequent  wars  we  find  the 
horse  used  especially  by  great  men  and  heroes.  This 
noble  animal  has  always  been  held  in  high  esteem  by 
civilized  people.  In  wars  and  journeys  and  exploits, 
as  well  as  for  transports,  the  horse  is  of  immeasurable 
value.  No  people  cared  for  and  loved  this  animal  as 
did  the  Arabs.  The  care  and  breeding  of  horses  was 
their  main  occupation,  therefore  their  horses  were 
noted  for  intelligence,  high  speed  and  endurance. 
The  English  and  American  thoroughbred  has  an 
infusion  of  blood  of  the  Arab  horse,  which  has  set  the 
price  on  these  animals.  Pedigrees  were  first  estab- 
lished by  the  Arabs. 

Each  country  has  its  own  breed  of  horses.      Horses 




of  a  cold  climate  are  smaller  in  size,  as  also  are  the 
horses  of  the  tropics.  The  best  horses  are  found  in 
the  temperate  zone.  In  Germany  the  horses  are  large, 
well  formed  and  strong.     Norway  and  Sweden  have  a 

Fig.   3. 

race  of  little  horses,  and  not  until  a  few  years  ago  did 
the  people  of  these  countries  know  anything  about 
pedigrees;  their  horses  are  spirited  and  stronger  in 
porportion  to  the  size  than  any  other  race  of  horses. 
In  Sweden  and  Norway  the  farmer,  with  wife  and 
children,    will   walk   many   miles   Sunday  to  church, 



while  the  horses  roam  in.  the  pasture  or  stand  in  the 
stable.  Some  farmers  will  not  hire  out  their  team  for 
money.     The  horses  of  these  countries  are  better  taken 

FIG.  51. 


care  of  than  anywhere  else,  of  course  with  the  excep- 
tion of  American  race  horses. 


The  horse  in  a  wild  state  needs  no  shoes,  the  wear 
and  tear  that  the  feet  are  subjected  to  while  the  horse 
is  hunting-  for  his  food  in  a  wild  country  on  soft  mead- 
ows, is  just  right  to  keep  the  hoofs  down  in  a  normal 
condition.  But  when  the  horse  is  in  bondage  and  must 
serve  as  a  burden-carrying  animal,  traveling  on  hard 



roads  or  paved  streets,  the  horse  must  be  shod  to  pre- 
vent a  foot  wear  which  nature  cannot  recuperate. 
Horseshoes  were  first  -made  of  iron  in  480  A.  D. 
Before  that  time,  and  even  after,  horseshoes  have 
been  made  of  leather  and  other  materials. 

FIG.    52. — TOE   AND    SIDE   WEIGHT    AND    PLAIN  RACING    PLATES,    AS 


It  is  necessary  in  order  to  be  a  successful  horse-shoer 
to  know  something-  about  the  anatomical  construction 
of  the  feet  and  legs  of  the  horse.  Of  course,  any  little 
boy  can  learn  the  names  of  the  bones  and  tendons  in 
a  horse's  foot  in  an  hour,  but  this  does  not  make  a 
horse-shoer  out  of  him.    No  board  of  examiners  should 



allow  any  horse-shoer  to  pass  an  examination  merely 
because  he  can  answer  the  questions  put  to  him  in 
regard  to  the  anatomy  of  the  horse,  for  as  I  have  said 
before,  these  names  are  easily  learned,  but  practical 

FIG.    53. — TOE   AND    SIDE   WEIGHT   AND    PLAIN    RACING    PLATES,    AS 

horse-shoeing  is  not  learned  in  hours ;  it  takes  years  of 
study  and  practice. 

It  is  not  my  intention  to  treat  on  this  subject.  I  could 
not;  first,  because  there  is  not  room  for  such  a  dis- 
course, second,  there  are  nuinerous  books  on  the  sub- 
ject   better    than    I    could    write,    available    to    every 


horse-shoer.  I  shall  only  give  a  few  names  of  such 
parts  of  the  anatomy  as  is  essential  to  know.  What 
the  horse-shoer  wants  to  know  is  the  parts  of  the  foot 
connected  with  the  hoof,  as  his  work  is  confined  solely 
to  the  foot. 

FIG.    54.  —TOE   AND    SIDE   WEIGHT    AND    PLAIN    RACING    PLATES,    AS 


The  wall  or  crust  is  the  horny  sheath  incasing  the 
end  of  the  foot,  in  the  front  and  on  the  sides  from  the 
coronet  to  the  ground.  It  is  through  this  crust  the 
nail  is  driven,  and  it  is  upon  this  crust  the  shoe  rests. 
In  front  it  is  deepest,  towards  the  quarter  and  heel  it 
becomes  thinner.  It  is  of  equal  thickness  from  the 
upper  end  to  the  ground  (from  top  to  bottom).  The 
white  corored  wall  is  the  poorest,  while  the  iron  col- 
ored wall  is  the  toughest.     The  growth  of  the  wall  is 


different  at  different  ages.  It  grows  more  in  a  young 
horse  and  colt  than  in  an  old  horse ;  in  a  healthy  foot 
and  soft,  than  in  a  diseased  foot  and  hard.  In  a  young 
horse  the  hoof  will  grow  about  three  inches  in  a  year 
and  even  more,  while  it  grows  less  in  an  old  horse. 
The  wall  is  fibrous,  the  fibers  going  parallel  to  each 
other  from  the  coronet  to  the  ground. 


The  horny  sole  is  the  bottom  of  the  foot.  This  sole 
is  fibrous  like  the  wall  The  sole  is  thickest  at  the 
border,  where  it  connects  with  the  wall,  and  thinnest 
at  the  center.  The  sole  when  in  a  healthy  condition 
scales  off  in  flakes.  This  scale  is  a  guide  to  the  farrier 
whereby  he  can  tell  how  much  to  pare  off.  There  are 
different  opinions  in  regard  to  the  paring  of  the  sole, 
but  that  is  unnecessary,  for  nature  will  tell  how  much 
to  cut  off  in  a  healthy  foot.  In  a  diseased  foot  it  is 
different ;  then  the  horse-shoer  must  use  his  own  good 
judgment.  It  is,  however,  in  very  few  cases  that  the 
shoer  needs  to  do  more  than  just  clean  the  sole. 
Nature  does  the  scaling  off,  or  paring  business,  better 
than  any  farrier. 


The  frog  is  situated  at  the  heel  and  back  part  of  the 
hoof,  within  the  bars;  the  point  extending  towards  the 
center  of  the  sole,  its  base  filling  up  the  space  left 
between  the  inflection  of  the  wall.  This  body  is  also 
fibrous.  The  frog  is  very  elastic  and  is  evidently 
designed  for  contact  with  the  ground,  and  for  the  pre- 
vention of  jars  injurious  to  the  limbs. 



Coronet  is  the  name  of  the  upper  margin  of  the  foot, 
the  place  where  the  hair  ceases  and  the  horny  hoof 


The  quarter  means  a  place  at  the  bottom  of  the  wall, 
say,  about  one-third  the  length  from  the  heel  towards 
the  toe. 


By  the  bars  we  mean  the  horny  walls  on  each  side  of 
the  frog,  commencing  at  the  heel  of  the  wall  and 
extending  towaids  the  point  of  the  frog. 

Any  blacksmith  or  horse-shoer  desiring  to  study 
more  thoroughly  the  anatomy  of  the  horse  should  pro- 
cure a  book  treating  on  this  subject. 


It  is  only  in  exceptional  cases  that  the  shoer  turns  or 
makes  a  shoe.  The  shoes  are  now  already  shaped, 
creased  and  partly  punched,  so  all  that  is  needed  is  to 
weld  on  the  toe  calk  and  shape  the  heel  calks. 

Heat  the  shoe  at  the  toe  first,  and  when  hot  bend 
the  heels  together  a  little.  This  is  done  because  the 
shoes  will  spread  when  the  toe  calk  is  welded  on,  and 
the  shoe  should  not  be  too  wide  on  the  toe,  as  is  mostly 
the  case.  If  the  shoe  is  narrow  at  the  toe  it  is  easier 
to  fit  the  same  to  the  foot  and  get  the  shoe  to  fill  out 
on  the  toe.     Many  smiths  cut  too  much  off  from  the 


toe.  Before  the  toe  calk  is  driven  onto  the  shoe  bend 
it  a  little  so  as  to  give  it  the  same  curve  the  shoe  has, 
and  the  comers  of  the  calk  will  not  stick  out  over  the 
edge  of  the  shoe.  Now  place  the  shoe  in  the  fire,  calk 
up.  Heat  to  a  good  low  welding  heat,  and  use  sand 
for  welding  compound.  Don't  take  the  shoe  out  of  the 
fire  to  dip  it  in  the  sand,  as  most  shoers  do,  for  you 
will  then  cool  it  off  by  digging  in  the  cold  sand,  of 
which  you  will  get  too  much  on  the  inner  side  of  the 
calk.  The  same  will,  if  allowed  to  stay,  make  the  calk 
look  rough.  You  will  also  have  to  make  a  new  place 
for  the  shoe  in  the  fire,  which  will  take  up  a  good  deal 
of  time,  as  the  new  place  is  not  at  once  so  hot  as  the 
place  from  which  the  shoe  was  taken;  besides  this, 
you  might  tear  the  calk  off  and  lose  it.  When  hot 
give  a  couple  of  good  blows  on  the  calk  and  then  draw 
it  out.  Don't  hold  the  heels  of  the  shoe  too  close  to 
the  anvil  when  you  draw  out  the  calk,  for  if  you  do  the 
calk  will  stand  under,  and  it  should  be  at  a  right  angle 
with  the  shoe.  Do  not  draw  it  out  too  long,  as  is 
mostly  done.  Punch  the  hole  from  the  upper  side 
first.  Many  first-class  horse-shoers  punch  only  from 
that  side,  while  most  shoers  punch  from  both  sides. 

There  is  no  need  of  heating  the  shoe  for  punching 
the  holes.  Punch  the  holes  next  to  the  heel  first,  for 
if  you  punch  the  holes  next  to  the  toe  when  the  shoe  is 
hot,  the  punch  will  be  hot,  upset  and  bent.  If  it  is  a 
large  shoe,  punch  only  two  holes  on  each  side  for  the 
toe  calk  heat.  These  holes  to  be  the  holes  next  to  the 
toe  when  the  shoe  is  hot,  and  then  punch  the  other  two 
when  you  draw  out  the  heel  calks,  and  the  shoe  is  hot 


at  the  heel.  The  heel  calks  should  be  as  short  as  you 
can  make  them ;  and  so  should  the  toe  calks.  I  know 
but  a  few  hoise-shoers  that  are  able  to  weld  on  a  toe 
calk  good.  The  reason  for  their  inability  is  lack  of 
experience  in  general  blacksmithing.  Most  shoers 
know  not  how  to  make  a  fire  to  weld  in.  They  are  too 
stingy  about  the  coal;  try  to  weld  in  dirt  and  cinders, 
with  a  low  fire,  the  shoe  almost  touching  the  tuyer 
iron.  I  advise  all  horse-shoers  to  read  my  article 
about  the  fire. 

I  have  made  a  hammer  specially  for  horse-shoeing 
with  a  peen  different  from  other  hammers.  With  this 
hammer  the  beginner  will  have  no  trouble  in  drawing 
out  the  calks.  See  Figure  8,  No.  8.  The  hammers  as 
now  used  by  most  smiths  are  short  and  clumsy;  they 
interfere  too  much  with  the  air,  and  give  a  bump 
instead  of  a  sharp  cutting  blow  that  will  stick  to  the 

The  shoe  should  be  so  shaped  at  the  heel  as  to  give 
plenty  of  room  for  the  frog;  the  heels  to  be  spread  out 
as  wide  as  possible.  This  is  important,  for  if  the  shoe 
is  wide  between  the  heels  the  horse  will  stand  more 
firm,  and  it  will  be  to  him  a  comfortable  shoe.  The 
shoe  should  not  be  wider  between  the  calks  at  the 
expense  of  same,  as  is  done  by  some  shoers,  for 
this  is  only  a  half  calk,  and  the  heel  is  no  wider.  The 
shoe  should  not  be  fitted  to  the  foot  when  hot,  as  it 
will  injure  the  hoof  if  it  is  burned  to  the  foot. 


HOW     TO     PREPARE     THE     FOOT    FOR    THE 


The  foot  should  be  level,  no  matter  wh^t  the  fault  is 
with  the  horse.  The  hoof  should  not  be  cut  down 
more  than  the  loose  scales  will  allow.  In  a  healthy 
condition  this  scale  is  a  guide.  When  the  foot  is  dis- 
eased it  is  different,  and  the  shoer  must  use  his  own 

The  frog  never  grows  too  large.  It  should  never  be 
trimmed  more  than  just  to  remove  any  loose  scales. 

The  frog  in  its  functions  is  very  important  to  the 
well-being  of  the  foot.  In  the  unshod  foot  it  projects 
beyond  the  level  of  the  sole,  always  in  contact  with  the 
ground;  it  obviates  concussion;  supports  the  tendons; 
prevents  falls  and  contraction.  The  bars  are  also  of 
importance,  bracing  the  hoof,  and  should  never  be  cut 
down  as  has  been  the  practice  for  centuries  by  igno- 
rant horse-shoers. 




Forg-ing  or  overreaching  is  a  bad  habit,  and  a  horse 
with  this  fault  is  now  very  valuable.  This  habit  can 
be  overcome  by  shoeing;  but  it  will  not  be  done  by 
making  the  shoes  short  on  the  heel  in  front  and  short 
in  the  toe  behind.     Never  try  this  foolish  method. 

"To  overcome  forging  the  shoer  should  know  what 
forging  is.     It  is  this:  The  horse  breaks  over  with  his 

hind  feet  quicker  than  he  breaks  over  with  the  front 
feet;  in  other  words,  he  has  more  action  behind  than 
in  front,  and  the  result  is  that  the  hind  feet  strike  the 
front  feet  before  they  can  get  out  of  the  way,  often 
cutting  the  quarters  badly,  giving  rise  to  quarter  cracks 
and  horny  patches  over  the  heel. 

Some  writers  make  a  difference  between  forging  and 
overreaching,  but  the  cause  of  the  trouble  is  the  same 
— too  much  action  behind  in  proportion  to  the  front; 
and  the  remedy  is  the  same — retard  the  action  behind, 



increase  it  in  front.     There  are  different  ideas  about 
the  remedy  for  this  fault. 

One  method  is  to  shoe  heavy  forward  and  light 
behind,  but  this  is  in  my  judgment  a  poor  idea, 
although  it  might  help  in  some  cases.      Another  way  is 




to  shoe  with  side  weight  on  the  outer  side  behind,  but 
it  is  not  safe,  because  it  is  difficult  to  get  a  horse  to 
throw  the  foot  out  to  one  side  enough  so  as  to  pass  by 
the  front  foot  except  in  a  high  trot. 

The  best  way  to  shoe  a  forger  or  overreaching 
horse  is  to  make  a  shoe  for  front  of  medium  heft,  not 
longer  than  just  what  is  needed.     The  toe  calk  should 


be  at  the  inner  web  of  the  shoe,  or  no  toe  calk  at  al"!. 
or,  toe  weight,  to  make  the  horse  reach  farther. 

It  will  sometimes  be  found  that  the  hind  foot  is 
shorter  than  the  front  foot.  To  find  this  out,  measure 
from  the  coronet  to  the  end  of  the  toe.  The  shorter 
the-  foot  the  quicker  it  breaks  over.  If  it  is  found  that 
the  hind  foot  is  shorter  than  the  front  foot,  then  the 
shoe  should  be  made  so  that  it  will  make  up  for  this. 
Let  the  shoe  stick  out  on  the  toe  enough  to  make  the 
foot  of  equal  length  with  the  front  foot.  It  is  well  in 
any  case  of  forging  to  make  the  hind  shoe  longer  on 
the  toe.  If  the  hind  shoe  is  back  on  the  foot,  as  is 
often  done,  it  will  only  make  the  horse  forge  all  the 
more,  for  it  will  increase  action  behind,  the  horse 
breaks  over  quicker,  and  strikes  the  front  foot  before 
it  is  out  of  the  way.  Set  the  shoe  forward  as  far  as 
possible,  and  make  long  heels.  The  longer  the  shoe  is 
behind  the  longer  it  takes  to  raise  the  foot  and  break 

Clack  forging  is  meant  by  the  habit  of  clacking  the 
hind  and  fore  shoes  together.  This  kind  of  forging  is 
not  serious  or  harmful ;  it  will  only  tend  to  wear  off  the 
toe  of  the  hind  foot  and  annoy  the  driver,  possibly  a 
little  fatiguing  to  the  horse. 

The  position  of  the  feet  at  the  time  of  the  clack  is 
different  from  that  it  is  supposed  to  be.  The  toe  of 
the  hind  feet  is  generally  worn  off,  while  no  mark  is 
made  on  the  front  feet.  From  this  you  will  understand 
that  the  hind  feet  never  touch  the  heel  of  the  front 
feet,  but  the  shoe.  Just  at  the  moment  the  fore  foot 
is  raised  up  enough  on  the  heel  to  give  room  for  the 



liiiid  foot  to  wedge  in  under  it  the  hind  foot  comes 
flying-  under  the  fore  foot,  and  the  toe  of  the  hind  foot 

strikes  the  web  of  the  toe  on  the  front  foot.  This  is 
the  reason  no  mark  is  seen  on  the  front  foot,  while  the 
hind  foot  is  badly  worn  off. 


Interfering  is  a  bad  fault  in  a  horse.  It  is  the  effect 
of  a  variety  of  causes.  In  interfering  the  horse  brushes 
the  foot  going  forward  against  the  other  foot.  Some 
horses  strike  the  knee,  others  above  it,  the  shin  or  cor- 
onet,' but  in  most  cases  the  fetlock. 

Colts  seldom  interfere  before  they  are  shod,  but 
then  they  sometimes  interfere  because  the  shoes  are 
too  heavy.  This  trouble  disappears  as  soon  as  the 
colt  is  accustomed  to  carrying  the  shoes.     Weakness  is 



the  most  common  cause.  Malformation  of  the  fetlock 
is  another  cause.  The  turning  in  or  out  of  the  toes, 
giving  a  swinging  motion  to  the  feet,  is  also  conducive 
to  interfering. 

The  first  thing  to  do  is  to  apply  a  boot  to  the  place 
that  is  brushed.  Next,  proceed  to  remove  the  cause 
by  shoeing,  or  by  feeding  and  rest  in  cases  of  weak- 
ness.    Nothing  is  better  than  flesh  to  spread  the  legs 


with.  Some  old  horse-shoers  in  shoeing  for  interfer- 
ing will  turn  the  feet  so  as  to  turn  the  fetlock  out. 
This  is  done  by  paring  down  the  outside  and  leaving 
the  inside  strong.  This  is  a  bad  way  of  shoeing  for 
interfering,  as  it  might  ruin  the  horse.  The  foot 
should  be  leveled  as  level  as  it  is  possible.  The  inner 
side  of  the  hoof  should  be  scant;  instead  of  being 
curved  it  should  be  almost  straight,  as  the  horse  gen- 
erally strikes  with  the  side  of  the  hoof  or  quarter. 
This  is  done  to  make  a  side  -  weight  shoe,   the  side 

148        "  MODERN    BLACKSMITHING 

weight  not  to  reach  over  the  center  of  the  shoe,  but  to 
be  only  on  one  side.  Put  the  shoe  on  with  the  weight 
on  the  outer  side.  If  the  horse  still  interferes,  give 
more  side  weight  to  the  shoe,  and  make  the  heel  on  the 
outer  side  about  one  and  one-quarter  inch  longer  than 
the  inside  heel;  give  it  an  outward  turn.  This  heel 
will  prevent  the  horse  from  turning  the  heel  in  the 
way  of  the  way  of  the  other  foot  when  it  goes  by,  so 
as  not  to  strike  the  fetlock. 

Properly  made  and  applied,  side  weight  will  stop 
interfering  almost  every  time.  If  the  side  weight  is 
heavy  enough  it  will  throw  the  foot  out,  and  the 
trouble  is  overcome. 

There  are  only  a  few  horse-shoers  that  have  any 
practical  experience  in  making  side  -  weight  shoes, 
which  we  understand  from  the  articles  in  our  trade 

Some  horse-shoers  in  shoeing  to  stop  interfering  will 
make  common  shoes  shorter  than  they  ought  to  be  and 
set  them  far  in  under  the  foot,  so  that  the  hoof  on  the 
inner  side  will  stick  out  over  the  shoe  a  quarter  of  an 
inch.  These  they  don't  rasp  off,  and  everybody  knows 
that  the  hoof  adheres  to  and  rubs  harder  against  the 
leg  than  the  hard  smooth  shoe.  But,  foolish  as  it  is, 
such  shoers  stick  to  their  foolish  ideas.  I  call  all  such 
fads  faith  cures.   • 

The  rule  is  to  have  the  side  weight  on  the  outer  side, 
while  the  exception  is  to  have  the  side  weight  on  the 
inner  side  of  the  foot.  For  old  and  poor  horses  ground 
feed  and  rest  is  better  than  any  kind  of  shoes.  It  will 
give  more  strength  and  more  flesh  to  spread  the  legs. 

''Knowledge  is  of  two  kinds;  we  know  a  //ling  ourselves^  or  we 

know  where  we  can  Jind  i?tfor?nation  upon 

it. " — Z)r.  Samuel  Johnson. 


HOW     TO     SHOE     A     KNEESPRUNG     OR 


...^"NEESPRUNG  is  the  result  of  disease  that 
sometimes  is  brought  about  by  bad  shoe- 
ing. In  a  healthy  leg  the  center  of  gravity 
is  down  through  the  center  of  the  leg  and 
out  at  the  heels.  This  is  changed  in  a  case  of 
kneesprung  legs,  giving  the  legs  a  bowed  appearance. 
This  trouble  always  comes  on  gradually;  in  some  cases 
it  will  stop  and  never  get  worse,  while  in  others  it  will 
keep  on  until  it  renders  the  horse  useless.  A  horse 
with  straight  legs  will  sleep  standing,  but  a  knuckler 
cannot;  he  will  fall  as  soon  as  he  goes  to  sleep,  on 
account  of  the  center  of  gravity  being  thrown  on  a  line 
forward  of  the  suspensory  ligaments.  The  cause  of 
this  trouble  is  sprain  or  injury  to  the  back  tendons  of 
the  legs;  soreness  of  the  feet,  shins  or  joints.  In  old 
cases  nothing  can  be  done  but  just  to  relieve  the  strain 
a  little  by  shoeing  with  a  long  shoe  and  high  heel 
calks,  with  no  toe  calk.  In  cases  not  more  than  three 
months  old  clip  the  hair  off  the  back  tendons  when 
there  is  any  soreness,  and  shower  them  with  cold  water 




several  times  a  day  for  a  week  or  two,  and  then  turn 
the  horse  out  for  a  long  run  in  the  pasture. 


Contraction  is  in  itself  no  original  disease,  except  in 
a  few  cases.     It  is  mostly  the  effect  of  some  disease. 



Contraction  follows  sprains  of  the  tendons,  corns, 
founder  and  navicular  disease.  When  contraction  is 
the  result  of  a  long-standing  disease  of  the  foot  or  leg 
it  will  be  in  only  one  of  the  feet,  because  the  horse  will 
rest  the  affected  leg  and  stand  most  of  the  time  on  the 
healthy  leg;  thus  the  healthy  foot  receives  more  pres- 
sure than  the  diseased,  and  is  spread  out  more;  the 
foot  becomes  much  uneven — they  don't  look  like  mates. 
This  kind  of  contraction  is  generally  the  result  of  some 
chronic  disease,  but  in  most  cases  contraction  is  the 



result  of  shoeing  and  artificial  living-.  Before  the  colt 
is  shod  his  hoofs  are  large  and  open-heeled,  the  quar- 
ters are  spread  out  wide,  and  the  foot  on  the  under  side 
is  shaped  like  a  saucer.  The  reason  of  the  colt's  foot 
being  so  large  is  that  he  has  been  running  on  the 
green  and  moist  turf,  without  shoes,  and  the  feet  have 
in  walking  in  mud  and  dampness  gathered  so  much 
moisture  that  the)^  are  growing  and  spreading  at  every 

IBadiiy  contTzacted  fbfft. 

step.  This  is  changed  when  the  colt  is  shod  and  put 
on  hard  roads,  or  taken  from  the  pasture  and  put  on 
hard  floors  where  the  feet  become  hard  and  dried  up. 
A  strong  high  heeled  foot  is  predisposed  to  contrac- 
tion, while  a  low  heeled  flat  foot  is  seldom  atflicted 
with  this  trouble. 

When  contraction  comes  from  bad  shoeing  or  from 
standing  on  hard  floors,  pull  the  shoes  off,  pare  down 
the  foot  as  much  as  you  can,  leaving  the  frog  as  large 
as  it  is.     Rub  in  some  hoof  ointment  once  a  day  at  the 


coronet  and  quarters,  and  turn  the  horse  out  in  a  wet 
pasture.  But  if  the  horse  must  be  used  on  the  road, 
proceed  to  shoe  as  follows:  First,  ascertain  if  the  frog- 
is  hard  or  soft.  If  soft,  put  on  a  bar  shoe  with  open 
bar.  I  have  invented  a  shoe  for  this  purpose.  See 
Figure  2,  No.  i.  The  idea  of  shoeing  with  an  endless 
bar  shoe  is  wrong.  In  most  cases  contraction  is 
brought  on  by  letting  the  shoes  stay  on  too  long, 
whereby  the  hoof  has  been  compelled  to  grow  down 

with  the  shape  of  the  shoe.  If  an  open  shoe  has 
helped  to  bring  on  contraction,  much  more  so  will  a 
bar  shoe,  which  will  tie  the  hoof  to  the  shoe  with  no 
chance  of  spreading,  no  matter  what  frog  pressure  is 
put  on.  Make  the  shoe  as  light  as  you  can,  with  very 
low  or  no  calks;  let  the  bar  rest  against  the  frog;  keep 
the  hoofs  moist  with  hoof  ointment ;  use  an  open  bar 

Make  a  low  box  and  fill  it  with  wet  manure,  mud  or 
clay,  and  let  the  horse  stand  in  it  when  convenient,  to 
soften  the  hoofs.  Spread  the  shoe  a  little  every  week 
to  help  the  hoofs  out,  or  the  shoes  will  prevent  what 


the  frog  pressure  aims  to  do,  but  this  spreading  mast 
be  done  with  care.  If  the  frog  is  dried  up  and  hard, 
don't  put  on  a  bar  shoe,  as  it  will  do  more  harm  than 
good.  In  such  a  case  make  a  common  shoe  with  low 
or  no  calks;  make  holes  in  it  as  far  back  as  you  can 
nail ;  spread  them  with  care  a  little  every  week.  Let 
the  horse  stand  in  a  box  with  mud  or  manure,  even 
warm  water,  for  a  few  hours  at  a  time,  and  keep  the 
hoofs  moist  with  hoof  ointment.  In  either  case  do  not 
let  the  shoe  stay  on  longer  than  four  weeks  at  a  time. 
In  addition  to  the  above  pack  the  feet  with  some  wet 
packing,  or  a  sponge  can  be  applied  to  the  feet  and 
held  in  position  by  some  of  the  many  inventions  for 
this  purpose. 

No  man  can  comprehend  how  much  a  horse  suffers 
from  contraction  when  his  feet  are  hoof -bound  and 
pressed  together  as  if  they  were  in  a  vise.  The  pain 
from  a  pair  of  hard  and  tight  boots  on  a  man  are  noth- 
ing compared  to  the  agony  endured  by  this  noble  and 
silent  sufferer.  It  must  be  remembered  that  there  is 
no  such  a  thing  as  shoeing  for  contraction.  Contrac- 
tion is  brought  on  by  artificial  living  and  shoeing.  A 
bar  shoe  for  contraction  is  the  most  foolish  thing  to 
imagine.  The  pressure  intended  on  the  frog  is  a  dead 
pressure,  and  in  a  few  days  it  will  settle  itself  so  that 
there  is  no  pressure  at  all.  If  a  bar  shoe  is  to  be  used 
it  must  be  an  open  bar  shoe  like  the  one  referred  to. 
This  shoe  will  give  a  live  pressure,  and  if  inade  of 
steel  will  spring  up  against  the  frog  at  every  step  and 
it  can  be  spread.  I  will  say,  however,  that  I  don't 
recommend  spreading,  for  it  will  part  if  not  done  with 



care.     It  is  better  to  drive  the  shoe  on  with  only  four 
or  five   nails,  and   set   them  over   often.     Contraction 

1-  ^;;C^ 





Fore 'Arm. 


Cannon  hone. 

Zitfantent:  f 


Elexor  ^ 


never  affects  the  hind  feet  because  of  the  moisture 
they  receive.  This  should  suggest  to  every  shoer 
that  moisture  is  better  than  shoes. 



Corns  are  very  common  to  horses'  feet,  a  majority 
of  all  cases  of  lameness  is  due  to  this  trouble. 

Corns  are  the  result  of  shoes  being-  allowed  to  stay 
on  too  long.  The  shoe,  in  such  a  case  grows  under 
the  foot  and  presses  on  the  sole  and  corns  are  formed. 
Even  pressure  of  the  shoe  and  sometimes  too  heavy 
bearing  on  the  heel  causes  corns.  Gravel  wedging  in 
under  the  shoe  or  between  the  bar  and  the  wall  is 
sometimes  the  cause  of  corns.  Leaving  the  heel  and 
quarters  too  high,  whereby  they  will  bend  under  and 
press  against  the  sole,  is  another  cause  of  corns. 

The  seat  of  corns  is  generally  in  the  sole  of  the  foot 
at  the  quarter  or  heels  between  the  bar  and  the  wall, 
at  the  angle  made  by  the  wall  and  bar. 

Anything  that  will  bruise  the  underlying  and  sensi- 
tive membrane  of  the  sole  will  produce  corn.  This 
bruise  gives  rise  to  soreness,  the  sole  becomes  blood 
colored  and  reddish ;  if  bad  it  might  break  out,  either 
at  the  bottom  or  the  junction  of  the  hoof  and  hair  or 
coronet,  forming  a  quittor. 

Cut  out  the  corn  or  red  sole  clear  down.  If  the 
corn  is  the  result  of  contraction  pare  down  the  hoof 
and  sole,  put  the  foot  into  linseed  poultice  that  is 
warm,  for  twenty-four  hours,  then  renew  it.  If  the 
corn  is  deep,  be  sure  to  cut  down  enough  to  let  the 
matter  out.  It  is  a  good  thing  to  pour  into  the  hole 
hot  pine  tar.  In  shoeing  the  bearing  should  be  taken 
off  the  quarter  or  from  the  wall  over  the  corn  by  rasp- 
ing it  down  so  that  it  will  not  touch  the  shoe.     A  bar 


Modern  blacksmithing 

shoe  is  a  good  thing  as  it  will  not  spring  as  much  as  to 
come  in  contact  with  the  hoof  over  the  corn.  Give 
very  little  frog  pressure.     An  open  shoe  can  be  used 

A<772  ^ 

The  clamp  and itai/ remedies 


4  ^ 

>7ctiiaZ  //iichiess 
oftva//s  of /too f. 

0/or/ercrar/<yrifh  crosscut 

and  in  such  a  case  there  should  be  no  calk  at  the  heel. . 
A  calk  should  be  welded  on  directly  over  the  corn  and 
the  shoe  will  not  spring  up  against  the  wall. 




Quarter  and  sand  cracks  are  cracks  in  the  hoof, 
usually  running  lengthwise  of  the  fibers,  but  some- 
times they  will  be  running  across  the  fiber  for  an  inch 

The  crack  WdUr^mcyed  to  show 

C/acke</  Jfaiis. 

Sand  Crack  Clamp. 

One  effect  of  Quar4er  Crack . 

or  more.  Quarter  cracks  are  cracks  mostly  on  the 
inside  of  the  hoof,  because  that  side  is  thinner  and 
weaker  than  the  outside.  The  cause  of  it  is  a  hard 
and  brittle  hoof  with  no  elasticity,  brought  on  by  poor 
assimilation  and  a  want  of  good  nutrition  to  the  hoof. 
Hot,  sandy  or  hard  roads  are  also  conducive  to  these 
cracks.  What  to  do:  If  the  horse  is  shod  remove  the 
shoes,  and  cut  off  the  wall  of  the  quarter  to  take  off 


the  bearing  on  both  sides  of  the  crack.  If  the  crack 
goes  up  to  the  coronet  and  is  deep,  cut  off  both  sides 
of  the  crack  the  whole  length.  About  one  inch  below 
the  coronet,  cut  a  deep  cut  clear  through  either  with  a 
knife  or  hot  sharp  iron  across  the  crack.  This  will 
help  to  start  a  new  hoof. 

If  the  flesh  sticks  up  between  the  cracks,  let  a  veter- 
inarian burn  it  off.  In  shoeing  for  this  trouble,  it  is 
best  to  use  a  bar  shoe  (endless)  and  shoe  the  horse 


When  shoes  with  a  clip  or  a  cap  on  the  toe  are  used 
it  sometimes  happens  that  the  toe  is  bruised  and  it 
starts  a  dry  rot  extending  up  between  the  wall  and  the 
laminae.  Remove  the  shoe,  pare  away  the  hoof  at  the 
toe  so  as  to  take  away  the  bearing  from  the  toe.  Any 
white  or  meaty  substance  should  be  picked  out.  Apply 
hot  pine  tar  into  the  hole,  and  dip  a  little  wad  of  tow 
in  the  hole  to  fill  up.  Replace  the  shoe,  but  don't  let 
the  clip  touch  the  wall. 


Pricking  often  happens  in  shoeing  from  a  nail  run- 
ning into  the  quick,  but  the  horse  is  often  pricked  by 
stepping  on  a  nail  or  anything  that  will  penetrate  the 
sole  and  run  into  the  quick.  If  the  horse  is  pricked  by 
shoeing  pull  of  the  shoes  and  examine  each  nail,  the 


nail  which  has  gone  into  the  quick  is  wet  and  of  a  blue 

If  it  is  a  bad  case  the  sole  or  wall  must  be  cut  down 
to  let  the  matter  out  and  the  foot  put  into  a  boot  of 
linseed  poultice.  In  milder  cases  a  little  pine  tar  put 
into  the  hole  will  be  enough. 


Mistakes  are  often  made  by  inexperienced  men  and 
horse-shoers  when  a  case  of  this  kind  is  to  be  treated, 
and  I  would  advise  every  horse-shoer  to  call  in  a 
veterinarian  when  he  gets  a  case  of  this  kind.  Cramps 
of  the  muscles  of  the  thighs  are  sometimes  taken  for 

When  stifle  appears  in  an  old  horse,  chree  ounces  of 
lead  through  his  brain  is  the  best,  but  for  a  young 
horse  a  cruel  method  of  shoeing  might  be  tried.  Make 
a  shoe  with  heels  three  inches  high,  or  a  shoe  with 
cross  bands  as  shown  in  illustration.  Figure  8,  No.  2, 
for  stifle  shoe.  This  shoe  must  be  placed  on  the  well 
foot.  The  idea  is  to  have  the  horse  stand  on  the  stifled 
leg  until  the  muscles  and  cords  are  relaxed. 


String  halt  or  spring  halt  is  a  kind  of  affection  of 
the  hind  legs,  occasioning  a  sudden  jerk  of  the  legs 
upward  towards  the  belly.  Sometimes  only  one  leg  is 


In  some  cases  it  is  milder,  in  others  more  severe. 
In  some  cases  it  is  difficult  to  start  the  horse.  He  will 
jerk  up  on  one  leg  and  then  on  the  other,  but  when 
started  will  sfo  alonof  all  rig^ht. 

For  this  fault  there  is  no  cure  because  it  is  a  nervous 
affection.  If  there  is  any  local  disorder  it  is  best  to 
treat  this,  as  it  might  alleviate  the  jerk.  For  the  jerk 
itself  bathe  the  hind  quarters  once  a  day  with  cold 
water.  If  this  don't  help  try  warm  water,  once  a  day 
for  two  weeks.     Rub  the  quarters  dry  after  bathing. 


Many  devices  are  now  gotten  up  for  shoeing  kicking 
horses.  It  is  no  use  for  a  man  to  wrestle  with  a  horse, 
and  every  horse-shoer  should  try  to  find  out  the  best 
way  to  handle  vicious  horses. 

One  simple  way,  which  will  answer  in  most  cases,  is 
to  put  a  twist  on  one  of  the  horse's  lips  or  on  one  ear. 
To  make  a  twist,  take  a  piece  of  broom  handle  two 
feet  long,  bore  a  half-inch  hole  in  one  end  and  put  a 
piece  of  a  clothes  line  through  so  as  to  make  a  loop  six 
inches  in  diameter. 

Another  way:  Make  a  leather  strap  with  a  ring  in, 
put  this  strap  around  the  foot  of  the  horse;  in  the  ring 
of  the  strap  tie  a  rope.  Now  braid  or  tie  a  ring  in  the 
horse's  tail  and  run  the  rope  through  this  ring  and 
back  through  the  ring  in  the  strap,  then  pull  the  foot 
up.  See  Figure  i6.  The  front  foot  can  be  held  up  by 
this  device  also,  by  simply  buckling  the  strap  to  the 



foot  and  throwing  the  strap  up  over  the  neck  of  the 

Shoeing  stalls  are  also  used,  but  they  are  yet  too 
expensive  for  small  shops. 

No  horse-shoer  should  lose  his  temper  in  handling  a 
nervous  horse  and  abuse  the  animal ;  for,  in  nine  cases 


out  of  ten,  will  hard  treatment  make  the  horse  worse, 
and  many  horse  owners  would  rather  be  hit  themselves 
than  to  have  anybody  hit  their  horse. 

Don't  curse.  Be  cool,  use  a  little  patience,  aad  you 
will,  in  most  cases,  succeed.  To  a  nervous  horse  you 
should  talk  gently,  as  you  would  to  a  scared  child. 
The  horse  is  the  noblest  and  most  useful  animal  to 



man,  but  is  often  maltreated  and  abused.  Amongst 
our  dumb  friends,  the  horse  is  the  best,  but  few  recog- 
nize this  fact. 


In  shoeing  a  trotter  it  is  no  use  to  follow  a  certain 
rule  for  the  angle,  because  the  angle  must  vary  a  little 
in  proportion  to  the  different  shape  of  the  horse's  foot. 

Every  owner  of  a  trotter  will  test  the  speed  by  hav- 
ing shoes  in  different  shapes  and  sizes,  as  well  as 
having  the  feet  trimmed  at  different  angles,  and  when 
the  angle  is  found  that  will  give  the  best  results  the 
owner  will  keep  a  record  of  the  same  and  give  the 
horse-shoer  directions  and  points  in  each  case. 


The  average  weight  of  a  horse-shoe  should  be  eight 
ounces.  Remember  this  is  for  a  trotter.  Make  the 
shoe  fit  to  the  edges  of  the  wall  so  that  there  will  be 
no  rasping  done  on  the  outside.  In  farm  and  draft 
horses  this  is  impossible,  as  there  is  hardly  a  foot  of 
such  a  uniform  shape  but  what  some  has  to  be 
rasped  off. 
■    Use  No.  4  nails,  or  No.  5. 

Don't  rasp  under  the  clinches  of  the  nails. 

Make  the  shoes  the  shape  of  No.  i,  Figure  8. 



Sometimes  it  is  difficult  to  shoe  so  as  to  make  the 
shoe  stay  on  on  account  of  poor  and  brittle  hoofs.  In 
such  a  case  the  shoe  should  be  fitted  snug.  Make  a 
shoe  with  a  toe  clip. 


In  weak  heels  the  hoof  is  found  to  be  low  and  thin 
from  the  quarters  back.  The  balls  are  soft  and 
tender.  The  shoes  should  not  touch  the  hoof  from  the 
quarters  back  to  the  heels.  An  endless  bar  shoe  is 
often  the  best  thing  for  this  trouble,  giving  some  frog 
pressure  to  help  relieve  the  pressure  against  the  heels. 



Founder  is  a  disease  manifested  by  fever  in  the  feet 
in  different  degrees  from  a  simple  congestion  to  a 
severe  inflammation.  It  is  mostly  exhibited  in  the 
fore  feet,  being  uncommon  in  the  hind  feet.  The 
reason  for  this  is  the  harder  pressure,  a  much  greater 
amount  of  weight  coming  on  the  front  feet,  the  strain 
and  pressure  on  the  soft  tissues  heavier.  The  disease 
is  either  acute  or  chronic,  in  one  foot  or  both.  When 
both  feet  are  diseased  the  horse  will  put  both  feet  for- 
ward and  rest  upon  the  heels  so  as  to  relieve  the  pres- 
sure of  the  foot.  If  only  one  foot  is  affected  that  foot 
is  put  forward  and  sometimes  kept  in  continual  motion, 
indicating  severe  pain.  The  foot  is  hot,  especially 
around  the  coronary  band.  The  disease,  if  not 
checked,  will  render  the  horse  useless.  When  such  a 
horse  is  brought  to  you  for  shoeing  it  would  be  best  to 
send  him  to  a  veterinarian. 

How  to  shoe:  Let  the  horse  stand  in  a  warm  mud 
puddle  for  six  hours,  then  put  on  rubber  pads  or  com- 
mon shoes  with  feet  between  the  web  of  the  shoe  and 
the  hoof,  with  sharp  calks  to  take  up  the  jar.  It 
would  be  best  not  to  shoe  at  all,  but  let  the  horse  loose 
in  a  wet  pasture  for  a  good  while- 

"^  righteous  man  regardeth  the  life  of  his  beast.'' — Solomon.. 


N  this  chapter  the  author  desires  to  give  some 
hints  about  the  treatment  for  diseases 
most  common  to  horses. 


There  are  two  kinds  of  colic,  spasmodic  and 

Spasmodic  colic  is  known  by  the  pains  and  cramps 
being  spasmodic,  in  which  there  are  moments  of  r:  lief 
and  the  horse  is  quiet. 

Flatulent  colic  is  known  by  bloating  symptoms  and 
the  pain  is  continual,  the  horse  kicks,  paws,  tries  to 
roll  and  lie  on  his  back. 

For  spasmodic  colic  give  ^  ounce  laudanum,  ^ 
pint  whisky,  ^  pint  water;  mix  well  and  give  in  one 
dose.  If  this  does  not  help,  repeat  the  dose  in  half  an 

For  flatulant  colic  give,  ^  ounce  laudanum,  ^  ounce 
turpentine,  ^  pint  raw  linseed  oil,  ^  ounce  chloro- 
form, ^  pint  water.  Mix  well  and  give  in  one  dose. 
Repeat  in  one  hour  if  the  pain  is  not  relieved. 




Sometimes  there  is  no  other  symptom  than  the  bots 
seen  in  the  dung,  and  in  most  cases  no  other  treatment 
is  needed  than  some  purgative. 


Mange  is  a  disease  of  the  skin  due  to  a  class  of 
insects  that  burrow  in  the  skin,  producing  a  terrible 
itch  and  scab,  the  hair  falling  off  in  patches,  and  the 
horse  rubs  against  everything.  After  the  affected 
parts  have  been  washed  in  soap- water  quite  warm, 
dry  and  rub  in  the  following:  4  ounces  oil  of  tar,  6 
ounces  sulphur,  one  pint  linseed  oil. 


JMake  a  strong  tea  of  tobacco  and  wash  the  horse 
with  it. 


There  are  many  kinds  of  worms.  Three  kinds  of 
tape  worms  and  seven  kinds  of  other  worms  have  been 
found  in  the  horse.  The  tape  worms  are  very  seldom 
found  in  a  horse  and  the  other  kinds  are  easily  treated 
by  the  following:  One  dram  of  calomel,  i  dram  of 
tartar  emetic,  i  dram  of  sulphate  of  iron,  3  drams  of 
linseed  meal.  Mix  and  give  in  one  dose  for  a  few 
days;  then  give  a  purgative.  Repeat  in  three  weeks 
to  get  rid  of  the  young  worms  left  in  the  bowels  in  the 
form  of  eggs,  but  which  have  since  hatched  out. 



Distemper  is  a  disease  of  the  blood.  The  symptoms 
are:  Swelling  under  the  jaws;  inability  to  swallow; 
a  mucous  discharge  from  the  nose. 

Give  the  horse  a  dry  and  warm  place  and  nourishing 
food.  Apply  hot  linseed  poultice  to  the  swellings 
under  the  jaws  and  give  small  doses  of  cleansing  pow- 
der for  a  few  days. 


As  soon  as  a  case  is  satisfactorily  recognized,  kill 
the  horse,  as  there  is  no  remedy  yet  discovered  that 
will  cure  this  terrible  disease. 


There  are  four  kinds  of  spavin  and  it  is  difficult  for 
any  one  but  a  veterinarian  to  tell  one  kind  from 
another.  In  all  cases  of  spavin  (except  blood  spavin) 
the  horse  will  start  lame,  but  after  he  gets  warmed  up 
the  lameness  disappears  and  he  goes  all  right  until 
stopped  and  cooled  off,  when  he  starts  worse  than 

There  are  many  so-called  spavin  cures  on  the  mar- 
ket, some  of  them  good,  others  worse  than  nothing. 
If  you  don't  want  to  call  a  veterinarian,  I  would  advise 
you  to  use  "Kendall's  Spavin  Cure."  This  cure  is 
one  of  the  best  ever  gotten  up  for  this  disease,  and  no 
bad  results  will  follow  the  use  of  it  if  it  does  not  cure. 
It  is  for  sale  by  most  druggists. 



In  nearly  all  cases  of  lameness  in  the  hind  leg  the 
seat  of  the  disease  will  be  found  to  be  in  the  hock- 
joint,  although  many  persons  (not  having  had  expe- 
rience) locate  the  difficulty  in  the  hip,  simply  because 
they  cannot  detect  any  swelling  of  the  hock- joint;  buc 


Spay  in 

in  many  of  the  worst  cases  there  is  not  seen  any  swell- 
ing or  enlargement  for  a  long  time,  and  perhaps 


Bone  spavin  is  a  growth  of  irregular  bony  matter 
from  the  bones  of  the  joint,  and  situated  on  the  inside 
and  in  front  of  the  joint. 

Cause. — The  causes  of  spavins  are  quite  numerous. 


but  usually  they  are  sprains,  blows,  hard  work,  and,  in 
fact,  any  cause  exciting  inflammation  of  this  part  of 
the  joint.  Hereditary  predisposition  in  horses  is  a 
frequent  cause. 

Symptoms. — The  symptoms  vary  in  different  cases. 
In  some  horses  the  lameness  comes  on  very  gradually, 
while  in  others  it  comes  on  more  rapidly.  It  is  usually 
five  to  eight  weeks  before  any  enlargement  appears. 
There  is  marked  lameness  when  the  horse  starts  out, 
but  he  usually  gets  over  it  after  driving  a  short  dis- 
tance, and,  if  allowed  to  stand  for  awhile,  will  start 
lame  again. 

There  is  sometimes  a  reflected  action,  causing  a  little 
difference  in  the  appearance  over  the  hip  joint,  and  if 
no  enlargement  has  made  its  appearance,  a  person  not 
having  had  experience  is  very  liable  to  be  deceived  in 
regard  to  the  true  location  of  the  difficulty.  The  horse 
will  stand  on  either  leg  in  resting  in  the  stable,  but 
when  he  is  resting  the  lame  leg  he  stands  on  the  toe. 

If  the  joint  becomes  consolidated  the  horse  will  be 
stiff  in  the  leg,  but  may  not  have  much  pain. 

Treatment. — That  it  may  not  be  misunderstood  in 
regard  to  what  is  mearit  by  a  cure,  would  say  that  to 
stop  the  lameness,  and  in  most  cases  to  remove  the 
bunch  on  such  cases  as  are  not  past  any  reasonable 
hopes  of  a  cure. 

But  I  do  not  mean  to  be  understood  that  in  a  case  of 
anchylosis  (stiff  joint),  I  can  again  restore  the  joint  to 
its  original  condition;  for  this  is  an  impossibility, 
owing  to  the  union  of  the  two  bones,  making  them  as 
one.     Neither  do  I  mean  that,  in  any  ordinary  case  of 



bone  spavin  which  has  become  completely  ossified 
(that  is,  the  bunch  become  solid  bone),  that,  in  such  a 
case,  the  enlargement  will  be  removed. 

In  any  bony  growths,  like  Spavin  or  ringbone,  it  will 
be  exceedingly  difficult  to  determine  just  when  there 
is  a  sufficient  deposit  of  phosphate  of  lime  so  that  it  is 
completely  ossified,   for  the  reason  that  in  some  cases 



the  lime  is  deposited  faster  than  in  others,  and  there- 
fore one  case  may  be  completely  ossified  in  a  few 
months,  while  in  another  it  will  be  as  many  years. 

The  cases  which  are  not  completely  ossified  are  those 
that  I  claim  to  remove.  One  of  this  class  which  I  have 
seen  lemoved  was  a  large  bone  spavin  of  four  or  five 
years  standing,  and  I  think  that  a  large  per  cent  of 
cases  are  not  fully  ossified  for  seveial  months  or  years. 

I  am  well  awaie  that  many  good  horsemen  say  that 
it  is  impossible  to  cure  spavins,  and,  in  fact,  this  has 


been  the  experience  of  horsemen  until  the  discoveiy  of 
Kendall's  Spavin  Cure.  It  is  now  known  that  the 
treatment  which  we  recommend  here  will  cure  nearly 
every  case  of  bone  spavin  which  is  not  past  any  rea- 
sonable hopes  of  a  cure,  if  the  directions  are  followed, 
and  the  horse  is  properly  used. 


This  is  similar  to  bone  spavin  in  its  nature,  the 
difference  being  that  the  location  is  within  the  joint, 
so  that  no  enlargement  is  seen,  which  makes  it  more 
difficult  to  come  to  a  definite  conclusion  as  to  its  loca- 
tion, and  consequently  the  horse  is  oftentimes  blistered 
and  tormented  in  nearly  all  parts  of  the  leg  but  in  the 
right  place. 

The  causes  and  effects  are  the  same  as  in  bone 
spavin,  and  it  should  be  treated  in  the  same  way. 

These  cases  are  often  mistaken  for  hip  disease, 
because  no  enlargement  can  be  seen. 


The  location  of  this  kind  of  a  spavin  is  more  in  front 
of  the  hock-joint  than  that  of  bone  spavin,  and  it  is  a 
soft  and  yet  firm  swelling.  It  does  not  generally 
?ause  lameness. 


This  is  similar  to  bog  spavin  but  more  extended,  and 
generally  involves  the  front,  inside  and  outside  of  the 
joint,  giving  it  a  rounded  appearance.     The  swelling 



is  soft  and  fluctuating.  Young  horses  and  colts, 
especially  if  driven  or  worked  hard,  are  more  liable  to 
have  this  form  of  spavin  than  older  horses. 


This  is  a  small,  bony  enlargement,  and  generally 
situated  on  the  inside  of  the  foreleg  about  three  or 
four  inches  below  the  knee  joint,  and  occurs  frequently 
in  young  horses  when  they  are  worked  too  hard. 


By  this  is  meant  the  sudden  shifting  of  a  joint  farther 
than  is  natural,  but  not  so  as  to  produce  dislocation. 


Every  joint  is  liable  to  sprain  by  the  horse's  falling, 
slipping",  or  being  overworked.  These  cases  cause  a 
great  deal  of  trouble,  oftentimes  producing  lameness, 
pain,  swelling,  tenderness,  and  an  unusual  amount  of 
heat  in  the  part. 

Treatment. — Entire  rest  should  be  given  the  horse, 
and  if  the  part  is  found  hot,  as  is  usually  the  case, 
apply  cold  water  cloths,  changing  frequently,  for  from 
one  to  three  days  until  the  heat  has  subsided,  when 
apply  Kendall's  Spavin  Cure,  twice  or  three  times  a 
day,  rubbing  well  with  the  hand. 

If  the  fever  is  considerable,  it  might  be  well  to  give 
fifteen  drops  of  tincture  of  aconite  root,  three  times  a 
day,  for  one  or  two  days,  while  the  cold  water  cloths 
are  being  applied.  Allow  the  horse  a  rest  of  a  few 
weeks,  especially  in  bad  cases,  as  it  is  very  difficult  to 
cure  some  of  these  cases,  unless  the  horse  is  allowed  to 


A  disease  of  horses,  resulting  from  some  lesion  of 
the  brain,  which  causes  a  loss  of  control  of  vob^ntary 
motion.  As  it  generally  occurs  in  fat  horses  which 
are  well  fed,  those  subject  to  these  attacks  should  not 
be  overfed.  The  cause  is  an  undue  amount  of  blood 
flowing  to  the  brain. 

Treatment. — The  aim  of  the  treatment  should  be  to 
remove  the  cause.  In  ordinary  cases  give  half  a 
pound  of  epsom  salts,  and  repeat  if  necessary  to  have 
it  physic,  and  be  careful  about  overfeeding. 


In  mad  staggers,  it  would  be  well  to  bleed  from  the 
neck  in  addition  to  giving"  the  epsom  salts. 


Take  the  following  ingredients  well  mixed  together, 
and  give  one  tablespoonful  daily  in  food  during  sick- 
ness, and  as  a  preventative  two  or  three  times  a  week: 

Powdered  charcoal i  pound 

mandrake 2       " 

resin i        " 

saltpeter 8  ounces 

madder 8       " 

bi-carbunate  of  soda.  ...  6  pounds 



Pounds   required    to    tear    asunder  a  rod   one  inch 

Cast  steel 145, 000 

Soft  steel 115,000 

Swedish  iron 85,000 

American  iron 60,000 

Russian  iron 62,000 

Wrought  wire 98,000 

Cast  iron,  best 45,000 

Cast  iron,  poor 14,000 

Silver 40, 000 

Gold 21,000 

Whalebone 8,000 


Bone 8,000 

Tin 5,000 

Zinc 3,000 

Platinum 40,000 

Boiler  plates. 50,000 

Leather  belt  (Hn.) 350 

Rope  (manila) 10,000 

Hemp  (tarred) 14,000 

Brass 40,000 


As  near  as  can  be  figured  out,  two  cubic  feet  of  corn 
in  the  ear  will  make  one  bushel  shelled.  To  find  the 
quantity  of  corn  in  the  crib,  measure  length,  breadth 
and  height,  multiply  the  breadth  by  the  length  and 
this  product  by  the  height;  then  divide  this  product  by 
two,  and  you  have  the  right  number  of  bushels  of  corn. 

It  is  estimated  that  510  cubic  feet  of  hay  in  a  mow 
will  make  one  ton.  Multiply  the  length  by  the  breadth 
and  the  product  by  the  height;  divide  this  product  by 
510,  and  the  quotient  shows  the  tons  of  hay  in  the 


Not  often  do  the  farmers  gain  any  by  keeping  the 
grain,  for  it  will  shrink  more  than  the  price  will  make 
good.  Wheat  will  shrink  7  per  cent  in  seven  months 
from  the  time  is  is  thrashed.  Therefore,  93  cents  a 
bushel  for  wheat  in  September  is  better  than  $1  in 


April  the  following  year.  Add  to  this  the  interest  for 
the  money  you  could  have  used  in  paying  debts,  or 
loaned,  and  it  will  add  4  per  cent  more,  making  it  11 
per  cent. 

Corn  will  shrink  more  than  wheat,  and  potatoes  are 
very  risky  to  keep  on  account  of  the  diseases  they  are 
subjected  to;  the  loss  is  estimated  at  30  per  cent  for 
six  months. 

VALUE    OF   A   TON    OF    GOLD   OR   SILVER 

A  ton  of  gold  is  worth  in  money  $602,799.21 ;  a  ton 
of  silver,  $37,704.84. 



Elephant i  to  400 

Whale 100 

Swan 250 

Eagle 100 

Raven no 

Stag    50 

Lion    75 

Mule 75 

Horse 3° 

Ox 30 

Goose    75 

Hawk 35 

Crane 24 

Skylark 20 

Crocodile 100 

Tortoise 150 

Cow 20 


Deer 20 

Wolf ,. ...  20 

Swine 20 

Dog 12 

Hare 8 

Squirrel 7 

Titlark 5 

Queen  bee 4 

Working  bee 6  months 


Ringworm  is  a  contagious  disease  and  attacks  all 
kinds  of  animals,  but  it  often  arises  from  poverty  and 
filth.  It  first  appears  in  a  round  bald  spot,  the  scurf 
coming  off  in  scales. 

Cure:  Wash  with  soap-water  and  dry,  then  apply 
the  following  once  a  day.  Mix  25  grains  of  corrosive 
sublimate  in  half  a  pint  of  water  and  wash  once  a  day 
till  cured. 


Balking  is  the  result  of  abuse.  If  a  horse  is  over- 
loaded and  then  whipped  unmercifully  to  make  the 
victim  perform  impossibilities,  he  will  resent  the  abuse 
by  balking. 

There  are  many  cruel  methods  for  curing  balking 
horses,  but  kindness  is  the  best.  Don't  hitch  him  to 
a  load  he  cannot  easily  pull.  Let  the  man  that  is  used 
to  handling  him  drive  him.     Try  to  divert  his  mind  from 


himself.  Talk  to  him;  pat  him;  give  him  a  handful 
of  oats  or  salt.  But  if  there  is  no  time  to  wait  pass  a 
chain  or  rope  around  his  neck  and  pull  him  along  with 
another  horse.  This  done  once  all  there  is  needed,  in 
most  cases,  is  to  pass  the  rope  around  and  the  horse 
will  start.  It  is  no  use  trying  to  whip  a  balking  horse, 
because  balking  horses  are  generally  horses  of  more 
than  common  spirit  and  determination,  and  they  will 
resent  abuse  every  time.  Kindness,  patience  and 
perseverance  are  the  best  remedies. 


When  a  horse  has  been  bitten  by  a  rattlesnake, 
copperhead,  or  other  venomous  serpent,  give  the  fol- 
lowing: One-half  teaspoonful  of  hartshorn,  i  pint 
whisky,  ^  pint  of  warm  water.  Mix  well  and  give 
one  dose.  Repeat  in  one  hour  if  not  relieved.  Burn 
the  wound  at  once  with  a  hot  iron,  and  keep  a  sponge 
soaked  in  ammonia  over  the  wound  for  a  couple  of 


Rosin,  4  ounces;  bees  wax,  4  ounces;  pine  tar,  4 
ounces;  fish  oil,  4  ounces;  mutton  tallow,  4  ounces. 
Mix  and  apply  once  a  day. 


Aloes,  3  drams;  gamboge,  2  drams;  ginger,  i  dram; 
gentian,    i   dram;    molasses,    enough   to  combine  the 


above.     Give  in  one  dose,  prepared  in  the  form  of  a 



Don't  burn  the  shoe  on. 

Don't  rasp  under  the  clinchers. 

Don't  rasp  on  the  outer  side  of  the  wall  more  than 
is  absolutely  necessary. 

Don't  rasp  or  file  the  clinch  heads. 

Don't  make  the  shoes  too  short.  Don't  make  high 
calks.     Don't  pare  the  frog. 

Don't  cut  down  the  bars.  Don't  load  the  horse 
down  with  iron. 

Don't  lose  your  temper.  Don't  hit  the  horse  with 
the  hammer. 

Don't  run  down  your  competitor.  Don't  continually 
tell  how  smart  you  are. 

Don't  smoke  while  shoeing.  Don't  imbibe  in  the 
shop.  Don't  run  outdoors  while  sweaty.  Don't  know 
it  all.  Always  be  punctual  in  attendance  to  your 
business.  Allow  your  customers  to  know  something. 
No  man  is  such  a  great  fool  but  that  something  can 
be  learned  of  him. 

Be  always  polite.  Keep  posted  on  everything 
belonging  to  your  trade.  Read  much.  Drink  little. 
Take  a  bath  once  a  week.  Dress  well.  This  done, 
the  craft  will  be  elevated,  and  the  man  respected. 




T  is  cruelty  to  ani- 
mals to  raise  a  colt 
and  not  train  him 
for  shoeing,  and 
the  horse  -  shoer 
must  suffer  for  this 
neglect  also.  Many  a  valuable  horse 
has  been  crippled  or  maltreated,  and 
thousands  of  horse  -  shoers  suffer 
hardships,  and  many  are  crippled,* 
and  a  few  killed  every  year  for  the  horse  owner's  care- 
lessness in  this  matter.  A  law  should  be  enacted 
making  the  owner  of  an  ill-bred  horse  responsible  for 
the  damage  done  to  the  horse-shoer  by  such  an  animal. 
Every  horse-raiser  should  begin  while  the  colt  is  only 
a  few  days  old  to  drill  him  for  the  shoeing.  The  feet 
should  be  taken,  one  after  the  other,  and  held  in  the 
same  position  as  a  horse-shoer  does,  a  light  hammer  or 
even  the  fist  will  do,  to  tap  on  the  foot  with,  and  the 
feet  should  be  handled  and  manipulated  in  the  same 
manner  the  horse-shoer  does  when  shoeing.  This 
practice  should  be  kept  up  and  repeated  at  least  once 
a  week  and  the  colt  when  brought  to  the  shop  for 


shoeing   will    suffer    no    inconvenience.     The   horse« 
shoer's  temper,  as  well  as  muscles,  will  be  spared  and 
a  good  feeling  all  around  prevails. 
Horse-raisers,  remember  this. 


In  every  profession  and  trade  it  is  a  common  thing 
to  hear  beginners  say:  I  know,  I  know.  No  matter 
what  you  tell  them,  they  will  always  answer,  I  know. 
Such  an  answer  is  never  given  by  an  old,  learned  or 
experienced  man,  because,  as  we  grow  older  and  wiser 
we  know  that  there  is  no  such  thing  as  knowing  it  all. 
Besides  this  we  know  that  there  might  be  a  better  way 
than  the  way  we  have  learned  of  doing  the  work.  It 
is  only  in  few  cases  that  we  can  say  that  this  is  the 
best  way,  therefore  we  should  never  say,  I  know :  first, 
because  no  young  man  ever  had  an  experience  wide 
enough  to  cover  the  whole  thing;  second,  it  is  neither 
sensible  nor  polite.  Better  not  say  anything,  but 
simply  do  what  you  have  been  told  to  do. 

Every  young  man  thinks,  of  course,  that  he  has 
learned  from  the  best  men.  This  is  selfish  and  foolish. 
You  may  have  learned  from  the  biggest  botch  in  the 
country.  Besides  this,  no  matter  how  clever  your 
master  was,  there  ^will  be  things  that  somebody  else 
has  a  better  way  of  doing.  I  have  heard  an  old  good 
blacksmith  say,  that  he  had  never  had  a  helper  but 
what  he  learned  some  good  points  from  him. 

Don't  think  it  is  a  shame,  or  anything  against  you, 
to  learn.     We  will  all  learn  as  long  as  we  live,  unless 


we  are  fcols,  because  fools  learn  very  little.  Better  to 
assume  less  than  you  know  than  to  assume  more. 

Thousands  of  journeymen  go  idle  because  many  a 
master  would  rather  hire  a  greenhorn  than  hire  a 
"knowing-it-all"  fellow.  Don't  make  yourself  obnox- 
ious by  always  telling  how  your  boss  used  to  do  this  or 
that.  You  may  have  learned  it  in  the  best  way  possi- 
ble, but  you  may  also  have  learned  it  in  the  most 
awkward  way..  First  find  our  what  your  master 
wants,  then  do  it,  remembering  there  are  sometimes 
many  ways  to  accomplish  the  same  thing.  Don't  be 
stubborn.  *  Many  mechanics  are  so  stubborn  that  they 
will  never  change  their  ways  of  doing  things,  nor 
improve  on  either  tools  or  ideas. 

Don't  be  a  one-idea  man;  and  remember  the  maxim, 
*'A  wise  man  changes  his  mind,  a  fool  never." 

Be  always  punctual,  have  the  same  interest  in  doing 
good  work  and  in  drawing  customers  as  you  would 
were  the  business  yours.  Be  always  polite  to  the 
customers,  no  matter  what  happens.  Never  lose  your 
temper  or  use  profane  language,  Don't  tell  your 
master's  competitors  his  way  of  doing  business,  or 
what  is  going  on  in  his  dealings  with  people.  You  are 
taking  his  money  for  your  service,  serve  as  you  would 
be  served. 


A  cement  for  stopping  clefts  or  fissure  of  iron  vessels 
can  be  made  of  the  following:  Two  ounces  muriate 
of  ammonia,    i    ounce    of    flowers  of  sulphur,    and    i 


pound  of  cast-iron  filings  or  borings.  Mix  these  well 
in  a  mortar,  but  keep  the  mortar  dry.  When  the 
cement  is  wanted,  take  one  part  of  this  and  twenty 
parts  of  clean  iron  borings,  grind  together  in  a  mortar. 
Mix  water  to  make  a  dough  of  proper  consistence  and 
apply  between  the  cracks.  This  will  be  useful  for 
flanges  or  joints  of  pipes  and  doors  of  steam  engines. 


(By  a  student  of  James  College  of  Mechanic  Arts,  at 
Ames,  Iowa.) 

Lathes,  when  first  invented,  were  very  rude  affairs, 
but  they,  like  all  other  machinery,  have  experienced 
improvem.ent  from  year  to  year  until  now  some  of  them 
are  more  complicated  than  a  watch,  and  for  that 
reason  should  receive  the  best  of  care.  They  should 
be  kept  clean  and  well  oiled.  While  being  used  the 
dust  and  shavings  should  be  cleaned  off  at  least  every 
night,  and  every  half  day  is  better. 

When  they  are  kept  in  a  dusty  place,  as  is  very  often 
the  case  in  a  general  repair  shop,  they  should  be  kept 
covered  while  not  in  use.  Some  cheap  canvas  makes 
a  good  cover. 

Every  person  who  intends  running  a  lathe  should 
first  become  acquainted  with  his  machine;  become 
familiar  with  all  the  combinations  that  can  be  made,  so 
that  when  a  piece  of  work  comes  in  to  be  done  he  will 
know  just  how  to  arrange  the  lathe  to  do  that  work. 
For  instance,  a  piece  of  work  needs  to  be  turned  taper- 


ing;  this  is  done  by  shifting  the  tail  stock  to  one  side. 
Or  there  are  threads  to  be  cut;  know  just  how  to 
arrange  the  lathe  to  cut  any  number  of  threads  to  the 

Next   to  care  of  lathe  comes  care  of  tools.     When 
there  are  a  few  minutes  spare  time  see  that  the  tools 

are  sharp.  Keep  them  sharp.  They  will  do  the  work 
better,  faster  and  with  much  less  strain  on  the  machine. 
All  cutting  tools  should  be  made  diamond  shape, 
with  either  one  side  or  the  other,  depending  on  the 
way  the  carrier  is  to  move,  made  a  little  higher;  the 
right  side  being  highest  when  the  carrier  is  moving  to 
the  right,  and  vice  versa.  The  sharp  edge  of  smooth- 
ing tools  is  made  square  across,  like  a  plane  bit,  and 
thread-cutting  tools  should  be  made  the  same  shape  as 
the  thread  to  be  cut, 


Water  or  oil  should  be  kept  on  the  iron  or  steel  that 
is  being  turned.  It  keeps  the  point  of  the  tool  from 
getting  hot  when  heavy  chips  are  taken,  and  it  makes 
a  smoother  job  when  the  smoothing  tool  is  used. 
There  is  no  need  to  use  either  water  or  oil  when  turn- 
ing cast  iron. 

The  tempering  of  lathe  tools  is  a  very  particular 
piece  of  work,  varying  considerable  with  the  kind  of 
steel  used  and  the  nature  of  the  work  to  be  done.  For 
slow  heavy  turning  the  tool  must  not  be  too  hard,  else 
it  would  break ;  while  for  light  swift  turning  it  should 
be  quite  hard.  For  water  tempering  the  temper  color 
varies  from  a  dark  blue  to  a  very  light  straw  color, 
depending,  as  I  have  said  before,  on  the  nature  of  the 
work  to  be  done. 

By  way  of  illustration  of  a  piece  of  work  that  repre- 
sents a  number  of  lathe  combinations,  I  will  take  the 
fitting  of  a  saw  shaft  for  our  common  wood  saws.  First 
place  the  balance  wheel  in  the  lathe  chuck,  being  sure 
to  get  it  in  the  center,  so  that  when  the  hole  is  drilled 
in  the  wheel  it  will  be  in  the  exact  center.  Take  a 
drill  a  sixteenth  of  an  inch  smaller  than  the  hole  to  be 
made,  and  drill  out  the  hole.  Use  the  inside  boring 
tool  to  make  the  hole  the  desired  size.  Turn  a  smooth 
face  on  the  hub  of  the  wheel  where  it  comes  against 
the  box;  then  the  wheel  is  ready  for  the  key  seat.  To 
cut  the  key  seat  in  the  wheel  use  a  key-seat  chisel  the  " 
same  size  as  the  milling  wheel  used  to  cut  the  key  seat 
in  the  shaft. 

Next  take  one  of  the  saw  collars;  put  it  in  the  chuck, 
being  careful  to  get  this  in  the  center  also,  with  the 


widest  side  next  the  chuck,  and  drill  a  hole  in  it  the 
same  size  as  the  hole  in  the  saw.  Turn  off  the  end  of 
the  collar  to  get  it  square.  Prepare  the  other  collar  in 
the  same  way. 

Now  cut  the  shaft  off  the  length  wanted,  and  turn 
one  end  to  fit  tightly  into  the  balance  wheel.  Turn 
off  a  place  next  to  where  the  wheel  comes  for  the  bear- 
ing or  box.  Now  turn  the  shaft  around  and  fit  the 
other  end  for  the  collars.  The  collar  that  goes  on  the 
inside  or  side  next  the  bearing  should  be  shrunk  on. 
To  do  this  leave  the  shaft  about  one  sixty-fourth  of  an 
inch  larger  than  the  hole  in  the  collar,  then  heat  the 
collar  to  a  red  heat,  and  slip  it  onto  the  shaft.  It 
should  not  be  driven  very  hard,  or  it  will  break  in  cool- 
ing. Let  it  cool  of  its  own  accord.  When  nearly  cool 
it  can  be  put  into  water  and  cooled  off. 

The  next  step  is  to  true  up  the  inside  of  the  collar, 
leaving  about  one  inch  of  surface  to  come  against  the 
saw.  Now  turn  the  shaft  down  to  the  size  wanted  for 
the  thread,  either  i-inch  or  i^-inch,  then  with  a  cut- 
off tool  about  ^-inch  wide,  cut  in  next  the  shoulder 
the  depth  of  the  thread.  If  there  is  a  die  and  tap  handy 
that  will  be  the  quickest  way  to  cut  the  thread,  but  if 
not  handy  then  use  the  lathe.  Now  screw  the  nut  on 
and  turn  off  the  inside  of  the  nut.  For  fitting  the  loose 
collar  there  should  be  on  hand  a  shaft  about  14  or  16 
inches  long,  turned  a  very  little  tapering ;  then  drive 
the  collar  onto  this  shaft  and  finish  it  up.  When  ready 
put  this  collar  into  place  on  the  saw  shaft  and  screw 
the  nut  up  tight.  Now  smooth  off  the  outside  of  the 
collars  for  loops.     Cut  the  key  seat  in  the  shaft  and 


key  the  balance  wheel  on  solid,  being  careful  to  get 
the  distance  between  the  wheel  and  the  saw  collar  the 
exact  distance  between  the  outside  of  the  boxes. 


When  a  pulley  or  balance  wheel  is  to  be  balanced 
you  must  first  have  a  shaft  that  is  of  the  same  size  as 
the  hole  in  the  pulley.  Of  course,  the  wheel  or  pulley 
must  be  turned  and  trued  up  so  that  it  is  finished 
before  you  balance  the  same. 

After  the  shaft  has  been  put  in  and  tightened,  place 
two  pieces  of  angle  iron  or  T-iron  about  two  feet  long 
parallel  on  a  pair  of  wooden  horses.  The  irons  must 
be  level.  Now  place  the  pulley  between  the  irons  so 
that  the  shaft  will  have  a  chance  to  roll  on  the  "T"  or 
angle  iron,  and  you  will  notice  that  the  heaviest  side  of 
the  pulley  will  be  down.  Start  it  rolling,  and  the 
pulley  will  always  stop  with  the  heaviest  side  down. 
Now,  if  the  pulley  or  wheel,  as  the  case  may  be,  has  a 
thick  rim,  then  bore  out  from  the  heaviest  side  enough 
to  balance,  or  you  can  drill  a  hole  in  the  lightest  side 
and  bolt  a  piece  of  iron  to  it  just  heavy  enough  to  bal- 
ance the  wheel. 

HOW   TO    PUT    IN    A   WOODEN    AXLE 

One  of  the  most  difficult  pieces  of  work  to  do  in  a 
wagon  shop  is  to  put  in  a  wooden  axle. 

In  the  first  place,  you  must  have  well-seasoned  tim- 



ber,  hickory  or  maple.  Take  out  the  old  axle.  The 
skeins  will  come  off  easy  by  heating  them  a  little. 
Now  cut  the  timber  the  exact  length  of  the  broken 
axle.  In  order  to  get  the  right  pitch  and  gather,  you 
must  cut  off  one-half  inch  from  the  back  side  of  the 
end  of  the  timber  and  one-half  inch  from  the  bottom 
side,  this  cut  to  run  out  at  the  inner  end  or  collar  of 
the  skein,  as  shown  in  Figure  14.  Next  take  dividers 
and  make  a  circle  in  the  end  of  the  axle  the  size  of  the 
old  axle — in  case   new  skein  is  put  on,  the  size  of  the 


bottom  of  the  skein  inside.  This  circle  must  be  made 
so  that  the  lower  side  of  it  will  go  down  to  edge  of  the 
timber,  and  the  sides  be  of  the  same  distance  from  the 
edges.  You  will  now  notice  that  most  of  the  hewing 
will  be  done  on  top  side,  as  it  must  in  order  to  get  the 
right  pitch,  and  as  one-half  inch  has  been  cut  froin  the 
back  side  it  will  throw  the  front  side  of  the  wheel  in  a 
little;  this  is  gather.  If  awheel  has  no  gather  the 
wheel  will  be  spread  out  against  the  nut  of  the  skein, 
and  the  wear  will  be  in  that  direction,  and  the  wheel 
will  rattle,  as  you  know  the  skein  is  tapered ;  but  if  the 
wheel  has  gather,  the  pressure  will  be  against  the  col- 
lar of  the  skein,  and  the  wheel  will  be  tight,  as  it  forces 
itself  up  against  the  collar  and  the  wider  end  of  the 


Some  wagon-makers  will  use  the  old  axle  as  a  guide 
and  cut  the  new  by  the  old.  This  is  not  safe,  as  the 
old  is  mostly  sprung  out  of  shape. 

In  hewing  the  axle  for  the  skein  great  care  should  be 
taken  not  to  cut  off  too  much ;  better  go  slow,  because 
it  depends  upon  the  fitting  of  the  skein  to  get  a  good 
job.  When  the  axle  is  finished  or  ready  to  be  driven 
into  the  skein  be  sure  to  have  the  axle  strong;  that  is, 
a  little  too  large  to  go  in  easy.  Now  warm — or  heat, 
if  you  will — the  skein  a  little,  not  so  much  that  it  will 
burn,  and  drive  it  onto  its  place  by  a  mallet.  In  mak- 
ing new  wagons  I  think  it  would  be  wise  to  paint  the 
part  of  the  axle  that  goes  in  the  skein,  but  in  repairing 
I  deem  it  unwise,  because  it  will  have  a  tendency  to 
work  loose  unless  it  will  have  time  to  dry  before  using, 
and  I  have  noticed  paint  to  be  still  fresh  in  the  skein 
after  years  of  use.  There  should  be  no  gap  left 
between  the  collar  of  the  skein  and  the  axle,  as  water 
will  run  in  and  rot  the  timber. 



HOW   TO    PUT    IN    SPOKES 


Jt  VERY  wagon-maker  is  supposed  to  know 
■^4^^^'-  l^ow-to  put  in  spokes.  Still,  there  are 
sometimes  wagon  -  makers,  especially 
beginners,  that  don't  know.  First 
clean  out  the  sliver  left  of  the  old 
spoke,  and  make  the  mortise  dry,  and 
in  every  case  use  glue.  In  a  buggy 
wheel  take  the  rivet  or  rivets  out,  if  there  is  any,  and 
be  sure  to  have  the  right  shape  of  the  tenon  to  fit  the 
mortise  in  the  hub,  so  as  to  make  the  spoke  stand 
plumb.  Set  the  tenon  going  through  the  rim.  Be 
sure  to  have  this  tenon  reach  through.  This  is  impor- 
tant in  filling  a  wagon  wheel,  because,  if  the  tenons 
don't  reach  through  the  fellow,  then  the  heft  will  rest 
against  the  shoulder  of  the  tenon,  and  when  the  tire  is 
put  on  tight  and  the  wagon  used  in  wet  roads,  the 
fellow  will  soften  and  the  spokes  settle  into  the  rim. 
The  tire  gets  loose,  and  some  one,  either  the  wagon- 
maker  or  the  blacksmith,  will  be  blamed — in  most 
cases  the  blacksmith.  Of  course,  the  tenon  should  not 
be  above  the  rim.     After  the  spokes  have  been  put  in 



rivet  the  flange  of  the  hub,  or  so  many  rivets  as  you 
have  taken  out.  This  should  always  be  done  before 
the  tire  is  set. 






















13  280 










20.87  I 







18. 142 















I.  241 











2.  201 











1  5 





32. 160 






































10.  200 







9.  222 










Modern  blacksmitHing^ 




























1. 461 


1. 041 

1. 301 


1. 821 




1. 881 





2. 191 





















4  010 





















































8  332 






















I. 151 



1. 410 


















1  ■ 


















5. 211 


1 1 

























10  310 

















10  835 

12. 190 















































































1  1 










}i     - 









12. 500 



12. 190 











































































5. 311 

























































21  770 




























Advice  to  Horse  Owners 180 

Advice  to  Young  Men 181 

Anatomy  of  the  Horse 135 

Annealing 116 

Anvil,  The 33 

Axle  Gauge 85 

Axes  and  Hatchets 67 

Babbitting 114 

Bands  or  Hoops 57 

Back  Dished  Wheel 75 

Belts,  Points  on 65 

Blacksmith's  Tongs 39 

Blowers 54 

Blowing  out  the  Boiler 131 

Bob  Shoes 66 

Case  Hardening 123 

Coal  Box,  The 34 

Cold  Chisels 43 

Drilling  Iron 58 

Expansion  of  the  Tire 83 


198  INDEX. 


Fire,  The 50 

Forge,  The 33 

Forging 143 

Foaming  in  Boilers 130 

Gather  Grange 85 

Grain  Shrinkage 175 

Hammer,  The 35 

Hints  to  Blacksmiths 179 

Hints  to  Horseshoers 179 

Horse,  The 132 

Horseshoeing 134 

How  to  Measure  Corn  in  the  Crib  and  Hay  in  the  Mow  175 

How  to  Make  a  Landside 88 

How  to  Harden  Springs 124 

How  to  Weld  Cast  Iron 121 

How  to  Repair  Broken  Iron  Pump  Handles 123 

How  to  Repair  Broken  Cogs 116 

How  to  Restore  Overheated  Steel 117 

How  to  Dress  and  Harden  Stone  Hammers 117 

How  to  Drill  Chilled  Cast  Iron. .  . .' 118 

How  to  Drill  Hard  Steel 118 

How  to  Make  Steel  and  Iron  as  White  as  Silver 124 

How  to  Mend  Broken  Saws 125 

How  to  Mend  a  Band  Saw 125 

How  to  Write  Your  Name  on  Steel 12G 

How  to  Patch  a  Boiler 127 

How  to  Put  in  Flues 128 

How  to  AVeld  Flues 129 

How  to  Make  the  Shoe 139 

How  to  Prepare  the  Foot  for  the  Shoe   142 

INDEX.  199 


How  to  Shoe  a  Kicking  Horse 160 

How  to  Shoe  a  Trotter 162 

How  to  Shoe  a  Horse  with  Brittle  Hoofs 163 

How  to  Shoe  a  Weak  Heeled  Horse 163 

How  to  Shoe  a  Knee  Sprung  or  Knuckler 149 

How  to  Eun  a  Lathe 183 

How  to  Balance  a  Pulley 187 

How  to  Put  in  a  Wooden  Axle 187 

How  to  Put  in  Spokes 190 

How  to  Strike  and  Turn  the  Iron 49 

How  to  Make  a  Hammer , 41 

How  to  Make  Chisels 43 

How  to  Harden  Files 62 

How  to  Harden  Taps  and  Dies 62 

How  to  Make  Butcher  Knives 63 

How  to  Repair  Cracked  Circular  Saws 63 

How  to  Prevent  a  Circular  Saw  from  Cracking 64 

How  to  Sew  a  Belt 64 

How  to  Drill  Chilled  Iron 59 

How  to  Make  Plowshares 88 

How  to  Put  on  New  Tire 76 

How  to  Weld  Tires 77 

How  to  Harden  a  Plowshare 103 

How  to  Point  a  Share 104 

How  to  Sharpen  a  Plowshare 107 

How  to  Put  on  a  Heel 108 

How  to  Repair  a  Flopping  Plow 108 

How  to  Set  a  Plow  Right 109 

How  to  Correct  Plow  from  Running  too  Deep 109 

How  to  Fix  a  Grang  Plow  that  Runs  on  Its  Nose 110 

2lO  INDEX. 


How  to  Harden  a  Mouldboard Ill 

How  to  Patch  a  Mouldboard Ill 

Incompetency 17 

Interfering ,  . .  . .  146 

Intemperance 14 

Iron  Cement 182 

Landside  Point  for  Slipshare 92 

Literature , 27 

Mill  Picks 61 

Modern  Guild 19 

Mower  Sections 114 

Religion , 16 

RockDrills 47 

Rules  for  Smith  and  Helper 49 

Setting  Tire 72 

Seeder  Shovels 57 

Set  Hammer   44 

Shoe,  Right  Fitting 144 

Shoe,  Wrong  Fitting 144 

Shop,  The 31 

Sledge,  The , 36 

Slipshare 99 

Smith,  The 9 

Split  Welds 56 

Standing  Coulters 59 

Steel,  Facts  about , 119 

S  Wrench 47 

Taxation 21 

Tensile  Strength  of  Iron  and  other  Materials 174 

INDEX.  201 


Tire  in  Sections 82 

Toe  Tips ; 144 

Tools,  Granite 69 

Tool  Table 34 

Tuyer  Iron 52 

Twist  Drills 45 

Vehicles 71 

Wagon  Making 71 

Water  Tuyer 53 

Welding  Axles 84 

Welding  Steel 56 

Welding  Iron 55 

Weight  of  One  Foot  in  Length  of  Square  and  Round 

Bar  Iron 192 

Well  Drills 68 

Diseases  of  the  Horse 165 

Bots 166 

Mange , 166 

Lice 166 

Worms 166 

Distemper 167 

Hydrophobia 167 

Spavin 167 

Bone  Spavin 168 

Occult  Spavin 171 

Ages  of  Animals 176 

Ring  Worms 177 

Balking 177 

Founder 164 

202  INDEX. 


Hoof  Oiutment ; 178 

Purgative 178 

Horse,  The  Wall 137 

Horse,  The  Sole ' 138 

Horse,  The  Frog 138 

Horse,  The  Coronet . . '. ; 139 

Horse,  The  Quarter 139 

Horse,  The  Bars 139 

Contraction 150 

Corns .' 155 

Quarter  and  Sand  Cracks 157 

Seedy  Toe 158 

Pricking 158 

Stifled 159 

String  Halt 159 

Bog  Spavin 171 

Blood  Spavin 171 

Splint 172 

Sprain.. 172 

Staggers..., 173 

Hog  Cholera,  Cure  for 174 


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211  E.  MADISON  STREET  ^        ^        CHICAGO 

Webster  FamMy  Library  of  Veterinary  Medicine 
Cummings  School  of  Veterinary  Medicine  at 
Tufts  University 
200  Westboro  Road 
North  Grafton,  MA  01536 




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