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St ebbing Lisssie Susan, 18S5-1943 

A modern elementary logic, 
5th ed, 3 ^ethuan C 196l 3 

ersitj paperbacks,, UP-23) 


16O SSI me 

Stabbing, Lizzie Susan, 


A modern elementary 

logic / 

1961, 1969 

A Modern Elementary Logic 

This is a straightforward textbook for philo 
sophy students in their first year. For this 
reason traditional and modern developments 
in logic have been combined in a unified 

Questions and exercises have been added 
in an appendix, and solutions to them are 


By the same author 



A Modern 
Elementary Logic 







First published August 12, 1943 

Reprinted five times 
Fifth edition, revised, 1952 

Reprinted three times 
First published in this series 1961 

Printed in Great Britain by 

Butler &. Tanner Ltd, Frome and London 

Catalogue no. (Methuen) 2/6766/27 

University Paperbacks are published 


36 Essex Street, Strand, London WCs 


105 Fifth Avenue y New Tork 3 

Reviser s Note to Fifth Edition 

In the course of using this book for teaching purposes, I dis 
covered a number of logical errors, most of them in the first 
five chapters. Although I have now made a systematic search 
for such errors I cannot guarantee that none have been over 
looked, for several which I had not noticed have since been 
pointed out to me by Mr R. N. W. Smith of St Andrews 
University. I have limited myself to such alterations to the 
text as could be effected by the deletion, amendment or 
insertion of not more than a single sentence or group of 
logical symbols except in the following cases: the second 
paragraph on p. 87 has been rewritten, and the set of 
diagrams given on p. 96 has been altered. Regarding this last 
change, Miss Stebbing followed J. N. Keynes in acknowledg 
ing only seven of the ten possible cases. Keynes gave only 
seven diagrams because he was restricting his attention to the 
cases where S and P, as well as S and JP, have members, but 
Miss Stebbing does not seem to have intended to adopt this 
restriction. In the course of looking for logical errors I have 
noticed and corrected a few grammatical slips. 


University College 
Dundee, ig$2 


<2T 67i^ : * : 

Publisher s Note 

Readers should bear in mind that this book was written 
dialing the Second World War. For this reason a number of 
examples have a military flavour. 


The aim of this book is extremely limited. It is definitely a 
textbook primarily intended for the use of first-year students 
reading Logic for a University examination. The present 
conditions of examinations in this country make it necessary 
to include some trivial technicalities with which, in time, 
teachers of elementary logic will be able to dispense. Already 
the situation is much more hopeful than it was a few years 
ago. Teachers and examiners have made some progress in the 
task of carting away some dead wood. Accordingly, it has 
been possible to reduce the discussion of technical trivialities 
in this book to a small space, thus leaving the student time to 
consider the wider implications of logic as a formal discipline 
instead of a depository of antiquities. 

Within the limited number of pages available it has not 
been possible to treat of methodology, or scientific method, 
as fully as is necessary for covering all the topics dealt with in 
examinations in elementary logic. Only the last chapter 
touches upon these topics and hardly does more than indicate 
to the student what the problems are about which he must 
seek fuller information elsewhere. This omission is the less to 
be regretted in that there are several books on scientific 
method well suited to the purpose and obtainable in most 
university and public libraries. The case of formal logic is, 
however, very different. So far as I know, there is no simple, 
introductory textbook on formal logic, written from a modern 
point of view, that is both unencumbered with much dead 
traditional doctrine and yet meeting the needs of students 
preparing for an examination. I have tried to repair this 
omission. I have kept especially in mind the student who is 
reading by himself, without any guidance from a teacher. 
There are, I understand, not a few such students today, many 
of them in H.M. Forces. To aid this class of reader I have 
included some typical questions, together with a key indicat 
ing the way in which the questions should be answered, 



These are given in an Appendix, which can be neglected by 
those who are fortunate enough to have someone at hand to 
deal with their perplexities. In the answers I have given I 
have had in mind the sort of difficulties which years of teach 
ing have shown me to be very commonly felt by young 
students who are not born logicians and yet can gain some 
thing (besides the advantage of passing an examination) 
from a course in elementary logic. I am convinced that the 
careful consideration of logical principles, even in the simple 
form in which they are presented in this book, is well worth 
while for any student. This belief, I am aware, may be the 
result of my own interest in, and liking for, logical studies; in 
other words, I am perhaps allowing myself to be too partial 
to my main preoccupation. It remains possible that a state 
ment that is not impartial may nevertheless happen on the 

I regret very much that I have given no references to 
Formal Logic., by Prof. A. A. Bennett and Prof. C. A. Baylis 
(Prentice-Hall, New York). Although I possessed a copy 
war conditions deprived me of it, and it is only recently 
that I have been able to read it. It can be unreservedly 

I am much indebted to Mr A. F. Dawn for reading the 
Appendix and making many valuable suggestions, and to 
Professor D. Tarrant and Miss M. E. F. Thomson for help in 
the reading of the proofs. To Professor Tarrant I owe more 
than help in proof-reading; her critical mind and sound sense 
have saved me from many blunders. 

War-time economy forbids a dedicatory page; it is, how 
ever, permitted to express the wish to dedicate this textbook 
to my students, present and past, in appreciation of the help 
they have often given me, unsuspected by themselves. 


Bedford, College 
London, May 






i. Reflective Thinking. 2. Argument. 3. Validity 
and Truth. 4. Form and Logical Forms. 5. Logical 
Symbolism and Form 



i. Propositions and Sentences. 2. Propositions, 
Mental Attitudes, and Facts. 3. Assertion, Inference, 
and Implication. 4. The Traditional Analysis of 
Propositions. 5. Simple, Compound, and General 
Propositions. 6. The Seven Relations between Proposi 
tions and the Figure of Opposition. 7. Immediate 



i. Equivalents and Contradictories. 2. Compound 
Arguments with One or More Composite Premisses 


i. Defining Characteristics of a Syllogism. 2. Figures 
and Moods of the Syllogism. 3. Reduction and the 
Antilogism. 4. Polysyllogisms. 5. Abbreviated Argu 
ments and Epicheirema 



i. Individuals and Characteristics. 2. Classes. 3. 
Relations. 4. Class-inclusion and Class-membership; 
Single-membered Classes. 5. Subclasses and Empty 
Classes. 6. The Universe of Discourse and the Universal 
Class. 7. Reconsideration of the Traditional Treatment 


of Opposition and Immediate Inferences. 8. The 
Logical Properties of Relations and the Validity of 



i. Terminological Confusions. 2. Connotation, 
Denotation, and Intension. 3. Extension and Con 
notation. 4. Classification and Division. 5. The Pre- 
dicables. 6. Definition. 7. Descriptions 


i. Variable Symbols. 2. Prepositional Functions and 
General Propositions. 3. Material Implication and 
Entailing. 4. Extensional and Intensional Interpreta 
tions of Logical Relations 



i. The Traditional Laws of Thought. 2. Necessary 
and Factual Propositions. 3. The Necessity of Logical 
Principles. 4. Persuasion and Proof. 5. Is Syllogistic 
Proof Circular? 


i. Inductive Reasoning. 2. Causal Laws. 3. Methods 
of Experimental Inquiry. 4. The Nature and Import 
ance of Hypothesis. 5. Systematization in Science 


References and Exercises arranged in chapter order 
Key to the Exercises 

INDEX 211 


The Study of Logic 


When we are told something that is startling or unpleasant 
we may be moved to ask our informant: How do you know 
that? 3 Usually such a question is a demand for reasons: we 
want to know the grounds for the statement rather than to 
inquire what were the processes of thought through which 
our informant was led to make the statement in question; we 
are asking for some assurance; we are not willing to accept 
the statement without evidence. The sort of answer that 
would satisfy such a questioner would take the form: Because 
it (i.e. what was originally stated) follows from so-and-so. 5 

The reader, it is assumed, will have no difficulty in under 
standing the above paragraph; he is already familiar with a 
notion of great importance in the study of logic, namely, the 
notion of evidence in support of a statement. In this book it 
is taken for granted that our interest in logic is, for the most 
part, confined to the domain of evidence. Our purpose is to 
examine the principles in accordance with which it is reason 
able to accept, or to reject, statements made by ourselves or 
by other people. During the greater part of our daily life we 
unhesitatingly accept what we hear or read and the answers 
given to our questions. It seldom occurs to us to question what 
generally passes as true; for example, that our cat will pro 
duce kittens and not puppies, that if we sow seeds from a 
poppy we shall get poppies and not sweet-peas, that a stone 
thrown into a pond will sink and ripples will spread outwards 
from the spot where the stone struck the water, that - in the 
northern hemisphere - we shall never see the sun due north, 
that we shall eventually all of us die. Examples could be 
added indefinitely. Most of us could give reasons for these 
beliefs but usually it does not seem necessary to ask for them. 



Our common daily activities are for the most part carried on 
without reflection: the paper knife will slit the envelope if we 
make the usual movements, the upset cup of coffee will stain 
the tablecloth, the electric light will come on if we turn the 
switch. Unless we could take such things for granted our 
more or less orderly lives could not go on as they do. 

This unreflective state of mind cannot always be main 
tained: our statements are challenged or some unexpected 
change occurs in our environment. We may even have 
enough leisure and alertness of mind to be curious and thus 
to begin to ask questions simply to satisfy our curiosity, as 
intelligent children do. To be in a questioning frame of mind 
is to be thinking; reflective thinking essentially consists in 
attempting to solve a problem and thus in asking questions 
and seeking answers to these questions so as to solve the 
problem. We distinguish reflective thinking from idle reverie 
or day dreaming. In reflective thinking our thoughts are 
directed towards an end - the solution of the problem that 
set us thinking. Thinking is a mental process in which we pass 
from one thought to another. A thought is an element in this 
process which requires for its full expression a complete 
sentence. When one thought is more or less consciously con 
nected with another in order to elicit the conclusion towards 
which our thinking is directed we are reasoning. 

Reasoning is a familiar activity; we all reason more or less, 
badly or well. We connect various items of information and 
draw conclusions; we judge that, if certain statements are 
known to be true, then certain other statements are also true 
and must be accepted. In saying that the latter must be accep 
ted we are saying that, provided we are thinking logically, we shall 
accept them; that is to say, we should not be rational beings 
if we accepted the former statements and rejected the latter. 


Consider the following passage taken from Boswell s Life of 

I introduced the subject of toleration. JOHNSON: Every 
society has the right to preserve public peace and order, 


and therefore has a good right to prohibit the propagation 
of opinions which have a dangerous tendency. To say the 
magistrate has this right, is using an inadequate word; it is 
the society for which the magistrate is agent. He may be 
morally or theologically wrong in restraining the propaga 
tion of opinions which he thinks dangerous, but he is 
politically right. MAYO : C I am of opinion, Sir, that every 
man is entitled to liberty of conscience in religion; and that 
the magistrate cannot restrain that right. JOHNSON: Sir, 
I agree with you. Every man has a right to liberty of con 
science, and with that the magistrate cannot interfere. 
People confound liberty of thinking with liberty of talking; 
nay, with liberty of preaching. Every man has a physical 
right to think as he pleases; for it cannot be discovered how 
he thinks. He has not a moral right, for he ought to inform 
himself and think justly. But, Sir, no member of a society 
has a right to teach any doctrine contrary to what the 
society holds to be true. The magistrate, I say, may be 
wrong in what he thinks: but while he thinks himself right, 
he may and ought to enforce what he thinks. MAYO: 
Then, Sir, we are to remain always in error, and truth 
never can prevail; and the magistrate was right in persecut 
ing the first Christians. JOHNSON: Sir, the only method 
by which truth can be established is by martyrdom. The 
magistrate has a right to enforce what he thinks; and he 
who is conscious of the truth has a right to suffer. I am 
afraid there is no other way of ascertaining the truth, but 
by persecution on the one hand and enduring it on the 
other. * 

This conversation is an example of argumentative dis 
course. It is argumentative because the thoughts of the 
speakers are connected in such a way as to lead to a con 
clusion, that is to say, there is direction towards a statement 
which logically concludes the argument. Certain statements 
were taken for granted from which the conclusion was 
obtained; these statements are called premisses. A premiss is a 
statement from which another statement, called the conclusion, 

* Bosweirst/5 of Johnson (Globe edition, 1922), p. 265. 


is drawn. Thus premiss and conclusion are correlatives. Not 
every statement is put forward as a premiss, any more than 
every man is a husband. But just as men become husbands 
by entering into the relation of marriage so a statement 
becomes a premiss when it is put into the relation of providing 
evidence for a conclusion. Usually more than one premiss is 
required to establish a conclusion, and more than one con 
clusion can be drawn from the same statement or set of 

Whenever we use such words as therefore 3 , it follows 5 , 
hence , consequently , we profess to have offered premisses 
from which our conclusion may be drawn; when we use such 
words as because , for , since , for -the reason that , we 
profess to offer premisses for a conclusion already stated, that 
is to say, we are offering evidence in support of our conclusion. 
The premisses are evidence for the conclusion only in virtue 
of certain relations in which they stand to the conclusion. The 
relation between premiss and conclusion which justifies the 
assertion that the conclusion follows from the premiss is a 
relation of implication. When this relation holds, the premisses 
imply the conclusion, and the conclusion follows from the pre 
misses. For example, the conjoint assertion of the two state 
ments, Every society has the right to prohibit the propagation of 
opinions having a dangerous tendency and These opinions have a 
dangerous tendency, implies Society has the right to prohibit the 
propagation of these opinions. Provided that the premisses are 
true, the conclusion is true. We might refuse to admit that 
one of the premisses is true, or we might deny both; in that 
case we are not rationally bound to accept the conclusion, 
but we must, in our turn, give reasons for denying the premiss 
or premisses. To do this is to argue. 

If the reader looks back to the conversation reported by 
Boswell, he will see that Johnson was engaged in putting 
forward premisses to justify his conclusions.* The reader may 

* The student should re-read Johnson s argument and attempt to determine 
its structure. It should be noticed that Johnson (i) asserts his belief [on the topic 
for discussion] and gives a reason for it; (ii) points out (in response to a comment 
made by another participant in the discussion) the need to make certain dis 
tinctions; (iii) makes further statements on the basis of these distinctions; (iv) 
answers an objection to his original contention by accepting the objection as arj 
unavoidable consequence. 


very well dissent from Johnson s conclusions; if so, he will in 
his turn be engaged in reflective thinking - arguing from 
premisses to conclusion or seeking premisses to establish as a 
conclusion a statement which, perhaps, had been previously 
accepted without question. Johnson s argument was on a con 
troversial topic and carried on in a somewhat controversial 
manner. This is not the essential characteristic of argument 
Even though we often dispute heatedly with one another we 
do sometimes enter into an argument solely in order to arrive 
at correct conclusions. It is this sense of "argument" which 
concerns the logician, and from this point of view an argu 
ment is simply a set of statements in which one statement (the 
conclusion) is accepted on the evidence of the remaining 
statements (the premisses). Frequently the conclusions we 
seek to establish do not stand to the premisses in so strict a 
logical relation as that of being implied by the premisses; the 
premisses may provide evidence in support of the conclusion 
without providing logically conclusive evidence , in this case the 
relation may be said to be a probability relation. When the con 
clusion is implied by the premisses the argument is deductive", 
when the premisses do not suffice to imply the conclusion but 
nevertheless have some weight as evidence in favour of it the 
argument is said to be inductive. In an inductive argument the 
premisses may be true and yet the conclusion may be false; 
the evidence, however strong, is thus inconclusive. With 
arguments of this kind we shall be concerned later. In a 
deductive argument the conclusion could not be false and yet 
the premiss be true; hence, in this case, the evidence is rightly 
called conclusive. 

In ordinary discussions we seldom state fully all the 
premisses which we should on reflection unhesitatingly admit 
to be required for establishing our conclusion; still less do we 
recognize exactly how it is that the premisses do suffice (when 
they do) to establish the conclusion. In practice our argu 
ments are often very much abbreviated; we omit premisses 
because they are self-evident or are regarded as accepted by 
everyone. This procedure is good enough for most of our 
purposes and is further necessary in order to avoid intolerably 
long and prolix statements. It is not, however, free from 


danger, for it may be that the validity of the argument 
depends upon an unstated, or implicit, premiss which would 
not be accepted had it been made explicit what the required 
premiss is. The omission of premisses is, as we shall see later, 
a common cause of fallacious arguments. 


We have just used the phrase, c the validity of the argument . 
An argument is valid if the truth of the premisses necessitates 
the truth of the conclusion; this is equivalent to saying that 
the premisses cannot be true and the conclusion false, or, in 
other words, that the premisses logically imply the conclusion. 
We have just used three alternative expressions to state the 
relation holding between premisses and conclusion in a valid 
argument. It should be noted that we do not define these 
expressions but assume that the reader understands at least 
one of them - for example, c the premisses cannot be true and 
the conclusion false ; he has then to see that the other two 
expressions are alternative ways of saying the same thing. It 
is, moreover, taken for granted that we know what is meant 
by "true" and "false". The logical relation of implication 
holding between a premiss and a conclusion does not deter 
mine whether the premiss is true; hence, the validity of an 
argument is in no way a guarantee that the conclusion is 
true. For example, Boccaccio died before Dante and Dante died 
before Voltaire together imply Boccaccio died before Voltaire. 
Logical considerations alone suffice to assure us that the 
conclusion is true provided that the premisses are, for the 
premisses certainly imply the conclusion. In fact, the first 
premiss is false, the second is true, and the conclusion is true. 
We know this (if we do know it) not from logic but from 
historical records. Again, it may be true that Bothwell loved 
Mary, Queen of Scots, and also that she loved Bothwell; but, 
from Bothwell loved Mary it does not follow that Mary loved 
Bothwell; there are, unfortunately, many unrequited lovers. 
Both these statements may be true or one may be true with 
the other false; hence neither implies the other. But Darnley 
married Mary does follow logically from Mary married Darnley, 


and indeed, conversely; if one statement be true, the other is; 
if one is false, the other is. It is impossible for A to be married 
to B without its being true that B is married to A , this logical 
impossibility is involved in the meaning of "married to". But 
logic does not determine who marries whom, who loves 
whom, nor when men are born or die. 

Consider the following examples of arguments: 

(1) All Athenians are Greeks and no Greeks are bar 
barians; therefore, no Athenians are barbarians. 

(2) All Austrians are Germans and all Germans are 
Europeans; therefore, all Austrians are Europeans. 

(3) No insects have six legs and all spiders are insects; 
therefore, no spiders have six legs. 

(4) All members of Parliament have great responsibili 
ties, and Winston Churchill has great responsibili 
ties; therefore, Winston Churchill is a member of 

(5) Some poets are not Roman Catholics and all who 
acknowledge the authority of the Pope are Roman 
Catholics; therefore, none who acknowledge the 
authority of the Pope are poets. 

We shall examine each of these five examples in order to 
answer two questions: (i) Are the premisses true? (ii) Is the 
argument valid? [The student should carry out this examina 
tion for himself before he reads further.] 

We summarize the result of the examination as follows: 

(i) Are the premisses true? (Is the conclusion true?) Is the argument valid? 

1 . Both premisses true. Conclusion true. Valid. 

2. First premiss false. Conclusion true. Valid. 

3. Both premisses false. Conclusion true. Valid. 

4. Both premisses true. Conclusion true. Invalid. 

5. Both premisses true. Conclusion false. Invalid. 

In addition to answering the two questions posed to us we 
have noted whether the conclusion is true or false. From these 
examples we can see that there can be (a) a true conclusion 
from a valid argument although the premisses are false; (b) 
an invalid argument with both premisses true and the con 
clusion true; (c) a false conclusion in an invalid argument 


with true premisses. Validity, then, is not dependent upon 
truth. On reflection we see that this must be so. Every state 
ment has implications, or, as we sometimes say, consequences. 
For instance, a scientist may wish to determine whether a 
possible hypothesis, which would account for the phenomena 
he is investigating, is true or false. An hypothesis is a state 
ment of the form If so and so, then suck and such (e.g. If light has 
a finite velocity , then the light from different stars reaches us after a 
longer or shorter time depending upon the distances of the stars from 
the earth) . The consequences are deduced, and, when possible, 
tested. If the implied consequence is false, there is no reason 
to accept the hypothesis; if the implied consequence is true, 
then the hypothesis may be true. When the premisses of a 
valid argument are true, then the conclusion must also be 
true. When the argument is valid and the premisses are false, 
we do not know whether the conclusion is true or not; con 
sequently, we should have no reason for accepting the con 
clusion as true. When the argument is invalid and the 
premisses are true, we again have no reason for accepting the 
conclusion; in such a case we might say that the conclusion 5 
is not properly a conclusion since it does not follow logically 
from the premisses; hence, the argument is inconclusive.* 

We had no difficulty in determining whether the state 
ments (premisses and conclusions) in our five examples were 
true or false, since these statements were about familiar 
subject-matter. Anyone who reads this book (it is assumed) 
knows that Austrians are not Germans but that both 
Austrians and Germans are Europeans; and so on, in each 01 
the other examples. The question whether these statements 
are true is a question concerning matters of fact, or, as we 
shall say, it is a factual question. The question whether the 
premisses suffice to prove the conclusion is a question about 
the logical form of the argument. As logicians we do not care 
whether Austrians are Germans, or whether Athenians are 
not barbarians; our concern is wholly with the conclusiveness 
of the arguments, for unless our arguments are conclusive we 

* As the logician, Augustus de Morgan, has said: It is not therefore the 
object of logic to determine whether conclusions be true or false; but whether 
what are asserted to be conclusions are conclusions. 


have no logical reasons for accepting the conclusions. If the 
conclusion does follow from the premisses, the argument is 
valid; if the conclusion does not follow from the premisses the 
argument is invalid. The validity of an argument depends 
entirely upon the logical form of the argument. What, then, 
do we mean by logical form? 


We are all familiar with the notion of change of form: butter 
left standing in the sun becomes a runny mess; water heated 
to boiling-point becomes steam, frozen it becomes ice; an 
orderly procession of civilians suddenly charged by mounted 
police becomes a disorderly crowd, and so on. What is meant 
by and so on , in the last sentence? It is used to invite the 
reader to supply other examples, in the confident expectation 
that he will be able to do so, for the examples have all been 
of the same form: something that in one sense remains the 
same and in another sense is different. The crowd and the 
orderly processions are composed of the same people but they 
have entered into new combinations; the shape made by 
them as they march in procession is quite different from the 
varying shapes made as they huddle together or push one 
another in various directions. Probably we should say that 
the crowd was a shapeless mass , for we tend to use the word 
shape only when the elements that are shaped stand in 
relatively constant relations to one another. But shape is a 
matter of degree; when we press a piece of rubber we change 
its shape; when we blow into a toy balloon we transform it 
from a relatively shapeless bit of stuff into shapes of various 
sorts, perhaps ending with a round ball-shape. Shape is the 
most common meaning of the word "form", but we fre 
quently use it in greatly extended senses. How widely we 
understand this notion of form is shown by its numerous 
synonyms or partial synonyms, e.g. arrangement, orderliness, 
type, norm, standard, design, pattern. The paper pattern for 
a dress has the same form, or shape and size, as the material 
of the dress when the material has been cut to pattern. This 
is what we mean by saying that the paper pattern is a pattern. 


The design of the English penny and twopenny stamps 
(current issue) is the same but they differ in colour; the 
design as well as the colour of the shilling stamp differs from 
that of either of the other stamps. A meat-mould, a jelly, and 
a blancmange may all have the same shape or form but they 
differ in the materials of which they are made. Everyone 
understands this distinction between material and form, or, as 
we sometimes say, between matter and form. When a child 
builds a house out of his toy bricks he is arranging the bricks 
(i.e. the matter) in a certain way, viz. in the form of a house; 
this is a construct. Not all that is constructed, or has form, is 
material. Consider, for instance, musical form. A scale is a 
musical form consisting of notes, but these notes cannot be 
taken in any order; they must be put together in a certain 
definite way. We might use the same notes put in a different 
order and thus get a singable melody, quite different from the 
scale. We distinguish between hymn form, fugue form, sonata 
form; we might say that a symphony is a sonata for the 

Why do we call the musical scale a scale? Obviously 
because the order of the successive notes is felt to resemble the 
order of rungs as one goes up and down a "scale" or "ladder". 
A ladder means originally a certain material thing, but we 
have come to recognize a ladder-like arrangement in many 
other things, e.g. a ladder in a stocking, and even more 
abstractly, as when we speak of the educational ladder. Our 
manner of speaking shows that we implicitly recognize a 
common form in diverse material; we see a relation that is 
analogous between the notes of a scale from lower to higher 
and the colour-scale from dark to light colours. Analogy is the 
recognition of a common form or structure in very unlike 

Our thoughts have form. When we are successfully 
engaged in reflective thinking our thoughts occur in an 
orderly way; what does not fit in is, as far as possible, kept out 
of mind. Our languages are adapted, somewhat imperfectly, 
to express our thoughts; hence, we have grammatical form- 
Words cannot be put into any order to make a sentence. The 
student who knows a little Latin but not much finds in 


translating unseens that he sometimes knows all the words 
but can t get the hang of the sentence , but sometimes he can 
get the hang of the sentence but does not know what some of 
the words mean. In the first case his knowledge of syntax is 
inadequate; in the second case it is his vocabulary that is at 
fault. Syntax is the formal structure of a language; vocabulary 
is its material. 

In learning Latin syntax Balbus murum aedificavit does just 
as well as but no better than Caius puellam amamt to illustrate 
the use of the accusative case. Analogously, the logician can 
use any material to illustrate logical forms. As soon as we are 
able to frame sentences correctly we have gained an implicit 
knowledge of grammatical form; as soon as we are able to 
reason, and to demand reasons, we have an implicit know 
ledge of logical form. Our apprehension is at first implicit; if 
it were explicit we should not merely apprehend but com 
prehend: we should thus understand just why this combina 
tion of words, in grammatical form, was right for our purpose, 
and just why that special combination of statements was 
logically right for sound reasoning. In studying logic we 
extract this implicit knowledge from the particular instances 
in which it is present, and are thus able to state the logical 
principles to which our reasoning must conform if it is 
valid. Our interest is wholly in the formal combinations of 

Consider the statement If Jones is a painter, and all painters 
are irascible, then Jones is irascible. This is a compound statement 
consisting of three statements each of which could be 
separately asserted. This compound statement is true in 
virtue of its form; if the first two statements are true, the third 
must also be true, but, as we have seen, the implication holds 
even if the first two statements (joined by and] are false. Thus 
the whole compound proposition is true in virtue of its form. 
The implication does not depend upon any characteristics 
Jones may possess other than his being a painter, we could then 
say, If Robinson is a painter, and all painters are irascible, then 
Robinson is irascible. It is not difficult to see that we could 
likewise replace painters by musicians, by schoolmasters, or by 
anything else that would make sense, provided we made the 


substitution in both statements; likewise with irascible. Let us 
then replace Jones by X, painters by C s, and irascible people by 
D s; we thus obtain, If X is a C, and all C s are D s, then X is 
a D. We have now no longer a definite statement about 
certain persons or classes of things but a logical form or 
structure. If we substitute for X, C, D anything yielding a 
statement which makes sense, we shall have an instance of a 
valid implication instead of an implicationalform. What makes 
the implication valid (and thus the statement that it holds 
true) is the form of the separate statements and the mode in 
which they are combined, i.e. the way in which the three 
statements are inter-related. 

Logic is a formal science. What exactly is involved in say 
ing that logic is formal will be clear only after we have studied 
in detail various logical forms. For this purpose we need to 
make explicit the forms we implicitly apprehend. Con 
sequently, at times we shall need to use special symbols, since 
we want to consider forms of reasoning without paying atten 
tion to the subject-matter, or material, of specific arguments. 


We are all familiar with such symbols as the national flag, a 
flag at half-mast, the wearing of a crown. Language is a 
symbolism. We use language not only to express our feelings 
but to communicate what we feel and know to others. So 
long as men were confined to a spoken language they could 
not communicate more than those living were able to 
remember. With a written language it is possible to com 
municate what we know to those who live centuries after we 
and all our contemporaries are dead. We communicate by 
using signs to convey our meanings. A word is a special sort 
of sign. A sign indicates something other than itself. For 
example, a rapid upward movement of the arm until the 
tips of the fingers touch the cap is a visible sign conventionally 
expressive of courteous recognition of a superior in rank. But 
to whom is this sign significant? Only to those who are aware 
of this special convention of a salute. Signifying is a relation 
requiring three terms: a sign, that of which the sign is 


significant, and an interpreter for whom the former indicates 
the latter. The appearance of the sunset-sky is a sign to a 
weather-wise countryman of what tomorrow s weather will 
be; it is significant for him because he has had experience of 
connecting a certain sunset-appearance with a certain kind 
of weather next day; to the ignorant townsman there may be 
no significance. A symptom, in the medical sense, is a sign 
characteristic of a certain sort of disease. These are natural 
signs; they are to be contrasted with conventional signs which 
owe significance to the actions of men who seek to fulfil their 
needs and desires. 

The w r ords in our languages are conventional signs. 
Aristotle (thinking of the spoken language) called them 
sounds significant by convention 3 . They are not merely 
sounds but significant sounds; in the written language words are 
significant marks , but a word must not be identified with any 
particular sound uttered by someone on a particular occasion, 
nor with any particular mark written by someone in a 
particular place. For example, in this paragraph the mark 
sounds occurs more than once, but these separate, numerically 
different, but recognizably the same, marks are each an 
instance of the one word sounds. In sending a telegram we 
count .the number of words in the sense of marks; if the mark 
five occurs twice we count it twice in estimating the cost of the 
telegram at so much per word; in the sense of the mark s 
meaning there is only the one word five. Sometimes a mark 
may exemplify more than one word, e.g. patient 5 , bull 3 . 
Bull is a mark that may be used to signify a certain kind of 
animal or it may be used to signify a certain sort of ludicrous 

A conventional sign is called a symbol- The kind of symbols 
we are most familiar with are ordinary words; these are called 
verbal symbols. Anyone who knows our language knows what 
it is we are referring to when we use words in the language. 
For many scientific purposes we find it more convenient to 
use non-verbal symbols. There are various kinds of non-verbal 
symbols, of which we shall here distinguish only two kinds. 
A third will be dealt with later.* 

* See Ch. VII. 


(i) Shorthand symbols* These are either abbreviations for words 
or concise marks substituted for words, directly representing 
what they symbolize. For instance this is used as a 
road-sign symbolizing that there is a double bend 
ahead. This shorthand symbol can be more easily 
apprehended by a rapid driver than the words c double bend 
ahead . In mathematics shorthand symbols make it possible 
to express a complicated idea so briefly that it can be appre 
hended at a glance. For example, V is easier to grasp in 
a formula than the square root of; similarly, + instead of 
c plus 3 , X instead of multiply 5 , and so on. The student will 
recognize that shorthand symbols are indispensable in 
practice if we wish readily to grasp even comparatively 
simple algebraical expressions. For example, 

/ , b + Vb*-4ac\ ( 
= a { x + - ) [ 
\ 2<2 / \ 

1 , i, , , - , 

ax 2 + bx + c = a { x + - ) [x + 

will be easily read by anyone with the most elementary know 
ledge of algebra; if the student attempts to write out this 
equation using only English words he will soon find that it 
is difficult to keep his head. The choice of appropriate marks, 
i.e. shorthand symbols, is often very important. Compare, for 
example, the difficulty of working out a long sum in multi 
plication using Roman numerals with the ease of working it 
out when expressed by means of the Arabic notation.* In 
logic we find such shorthand symbols as == to stand for is 
equivalent to 5 ; = for equals , ^ for a special sense of 
implication, extremely convenient both for brevity and ease of 
apprehension. We shall see later that it is a help to use 
different shorthand symbols for distinguishing between 
different meanings of the word "is". 
(ii) Illustrative symbols. Suppose someone contends that all who 

* A simple example of a shorthand symbol of great utility is provided by 
io ?1 ; this is short and easily apprehended (once the notational rules have been 
learnt), but written out in full, in the usual manner, it would require so many 
zeros after the unit i that it would be difficult to grasp what number it is. Sir 
Arthur Eddington believes that the number of electrons in the universe is 
136 X 2 258 , a number which requires i followed by 79 other digits to write out 
in full (see The Philosophy of Physical Science, p. 171). 


have been at Public Schools are fair-minded. Someone may 
reply, e l don t agree. A, who was at a Public School, is grossly 
unfair. Granted the truth of the second statement, the 
generalization that all Public School men are fair-minded is 
disproved. The symbol C A was used to stand for a definite 
person who was not specified. In the trial of blackmailers it 
is sometimes necessary to conceal the name of the victim from 
the public press; accordingly, he may be referred to as c Mr 
A 5 . This device is convenient for it permits an individual to be 
uniquely referred to throughout the trial without disclosing 
his identity to the general public. The A 5 and the Mr A 
used in the above examples are instances of the use of 
illustrative symbols. Our purpose in using illustrative symbols 
in logic is analogous to the purposes in the examples; we want 
to refer to some one definite object but not to an identifiable 
object; hence we use capital letters of the alphabet to serve 
as an arbitrary, undescriptive name. An illustrative symbol 
signifies a definite object, or characteristic, but not a specified 
one. The use of x for the unknown in solving algebraic 
equations is an example of the use of an illustrative symbol. 
The combination of shorthand and illustrative symbols 
enables us to exhibit explicitly the forms of our arguments. 
To understand why it is that a given argument is valid and 
another invalid, we must be able to discern clearly their 
respective forms since it is upon their form that their validity 


Propositions and Their Relations 


In discussing examples of argument we have hitherto used 
the word statement 5 to refer to what is stated by someone or 
other. This word is ambiguous for it may mean either what is 
stated or the verbal expression used by a speaker in stating 
something. The ambiguous word was deliberately used 
because we did not then wish to raise the question of dis 
tinguishing these two meanings. The word proposition 3 is 
frequently used for the former. A proposition is anything that 
can significantly be said to be true or false. A proposition 
stated in thought, in speech, or in writing, must be expressed 
in words or other symbols arranged in the sort of order which 
we recognize as constituting a sentence. A proposition must 
not be confused with a sentence; not all sentences express pro 
positions. When King Lear exclaims, 

Why should a dog, a horse, a rat, have life, 
And thou no breath at all? 

he is asking a question, not stating anything true or false 
although he was certainly presupposing the truth of a 
proposition concerning the comparative value of e his fool s 
life. Again, when he cries, Tray you, undo this button , he is 
making a request, not stating anything. In the context of a 
conversation an interrogative sentence may be apprehended 
as having the force of a proposition, but, if so, the sentence- 
form is simply disregarded. A rhetorical question is intended 
to be understood as a statement: 

Whafs Hecuba to him or he to Hecuba 
That he should weep for her? 

In thus passionately asking himself this question Hamlet uses 



the question-form to emphasize the inevitable answer - an 
answer which his further argument assumes. It is not a 
genuine question for the questioning-attitude was not present, 
but it is present when, in the same soliloquy, he asks himself, 
Am I a coward? 5 This time he is not sure what the answer is. 
The same proposition may be stated by using different 
sentences, e.g. "I have a dog", "I possess a dog", "Ich habe 
einen Hund", "J ai un chien". These four different sentences 
all express the same proposition. We shall see later that some 
times the same sentence may be used to express different 
propositions, for sentences no less than single words may be 


The four sentences given above which express the same 
proposition have the same meaning; indeed, the proposition 
just is what these sentences mean. What the sentence means 
can be believed, disbelieved, doubted, or merely entertained 
as a supposition. A thinker may have any one of these 
attitudes, at different times, to the same proposition. The 
preceding sentence expresses a proposition which I, the 
author of this book, believe; you, the reader, may be willing 
to suppose the proposition to be true in order that you may 
further inquire what follows if it is true; you may doubt it and 
subsequently resolve your doubt and come to have the 
attitude of believing the proposition in question; or you may 
disbelieve it. 

"Belief 35 as ordinarily used may be ambiguous, for it may 
mean the mental act of believing or that which is believed. For 
the purpose of this book "belief" will always be used to mean 
that which is believed. In this sense a belief means a proposition 
that is believed; all beliefs are then propositions, but many 
propositions are not believed. Many beliefs are not true but 
every belief (being a proposition) either is true or is false and 
not both true and false. A proposition, whether believed or 
not, is true or false. Whether a proposition is true is deter 
mined by what is in fact the case, or, more shortly, by facts. 
Facts simply are; they are neither true nor false. If anyone 


were to judge that Sir Walter Scott wrote Marmion, he would 
be judging truly; it is in fact the case that Sir Walter Scott 
wrote Marmion, and it would still be a fact if no one except 
Sir Walter Scott knew that it was so. Obviously no example 
can be given of what no one has ever thought of, but there 
are many facts that have not been thought of and never will 
be thought of. 

Philosophers are by no means agreed as to the nature of 
truth and falsity or with regard to the relation of facts to 
propositions in virtue of which relation we can say that a 
given proposition is true or that it is false. The discussion 
of this topic belongs to the branch of philosophy called 
epistemology or theory of knowledge and lies outside the 
scope of this book. We must be content with the dogmatic 
assertion that facts determine whether propositions are true 
or false. 

To disbelieve that Sirius is the nearest star to the earth is to 
believe that Sirius is not the nearest star to the earth. Propositions 
can always be paired in this way so that one contradicts the 
other; that is, one must be true and one must be false. To 
disbelieve a proposition is thus logically equivalent to believ 
ing its contradictions. We are not at all concerned with the 
differences there may be between the mental attitudes of 
believing and disbelieving but only with the logical relations 
between what is believed and what is disbelieved. Connected 
with believing and disbelieving are affirming and denying. 
These are mental acts familiar to everyone. If I* am asked: 
e ls equality of incomes desirable? and I answer c Yes , then I 
am in effect affirming that equality of incomes is desirable; if 
I answer c No 3 , then I am in effect denying that equality of 
incomes is desirable. Suppose my belief is that the JVb-answer 
is correct: ihen I might say Equality of incomes is not 
desirable 3 but I might equally well have said c Equality of 
incomes is undesirable . In one case I use an affirmative, in 
the other a negative sentence to express my belief, but either 
sentence expresses equally well that I am denying that equality 

* T stands - here and elsewhere in this book - for any thinker, unless it is 
explicitly qualified to show that T, in the given context, stands for the author 
of this book, viz. Susan Stebbing. 


of incomes is desirable. The distinction between affirming and 
denying is fundamental: whether I affirm or deny that such 
and such things are related may be of the utmost importance, 
and should I pass from denying to affirming I have changed 
my mind; the difference, however, between using an affirma 
tive or a negative sentence to express either my denial or my 
affirmation is not a logical difference; the verbal statements 
will be different but both are used to state the same belief or 
proposition. Every affirmative sentence can be translated into 
an equivalent negative sentence, and conversely, just as I can 
translate e j ai un chien by C I have a dog . 


It is characteristic of the study of logic that at the beginning 
we use certain words in the confident expectation that they 
will be understood, but, later, we talk about these words, 
perhaps raising difficulties that do not ordinarily occur to us 
as we go about our daily business, making inferences and 
seeing the implications of other people s statements. "State", 
"affirm", "deny 53 are instances of this procedure* The reader 
has had no difficulty in our using these words. Now, however, 
we must inquire what precisely is meant by "stating a proposi 
tion" , how does a stated proposition differ from that proposi 
tion unstated? 

In ordinary conversation when we use a sentence in the 
indicative we intend our hearers to understand that we 
believe the proposition. If I say The Russians resistance at 
Stalingrad is magnificent 5 , I should be understood to be 
stating that I believe this proposition, and am not merely 
putting it forward for contemplation^ provided that I say the 
sentence in the course of a discussion or in silent meditation 
about the war situation in September 1942. In teaching logic 
we often take examples of propositions merely in order to 
investigate the logical relations between propositions of 
various forms; it by no means follows from the fact that we 
use a given example of a proporition that we wish to assert it. 
Our attitude to the example is purely contemplative. We do 
wish to make assertions to the effect that a given proposition 


(contemplated as an example) does stand in a certain relation 
to another proposition (also contemplated). Nearly the whole 
of this book consists of assertions which the author believes 
and hopes the reader will also believe. 

Without assertion there is no argument; this is equivalent 
to saying that without assertion there is no inference. Since our 
usual attitude is one of making declarations, putting forward 
our point of view, informing one another of our beliefs, we do 
not ordinarily need to call attention to the distinction between 
asserting a proposition and contemplating it. The distinction is 
nonetheless of vital importance. Even in ordinary conversa 
tion we do not always intend to assert the propositions we 
state; sometimes we take to a proposition an attitude of 
hypothetically entertaining the proposition in order to see what 
follows from it. But we do intend, somewhere or other, to 
break the chain of hypothetically entertained propositions 
and make an assertion: So this is true*. For example, e lf the 
Russians continued resistance implied that the German army 
could be defeated by the Russians alone, and the Russians 
could continue to resist, then the German army could be 
defeated by the Russians alone asserts nothing more than c if a 
given implication were true and a given proposition were 
true, then a given conclusion would follow . This is not the 
sort of statement we should wish to make if we were anxiously 
(however amateurishly) considering the possible outcome of 
the war. Contrast this with, Since the Russians can continue 
to resist, and since their continued resistance implies that the 
German army can be defeated by the Russians alone; there- 
fore, the German army can be defeated by the Russians 
alone. 3 Here two assertions are made: If so-and-so, then such- 
and-such is replaced by since so-and-so; therefore such-and-such. 
The conclusion has been detached from the if . . . then . . . 
statement and has been put forward as true, and thus as 
capable of standing by itself. To assert a proposition is to put 
forward the claim that the proposition is true; from the point 
of view of the speaker the assertion of a proposition is the 
putting forward of a belief. That the proposition is asserted 
forms no part of the proposition itself. Affirming and denying 
are assertive acts. The difference between the assertive and 


the contemplative attitudes is fundamental; inference is 
assertive. Propositions have implications whether anyone 
thinks of them or not; inference involves a thinker. 

Inference is a process of thought in which the thinker 
passes from a certain proposition (the premiss) to another 
proposition (the conclusion) because he apprehends, or 
believes himself to apprehend, certain evidential relations 
holding between the premiss and the conclusion, in virtue of 
which relations he asserts the conclusion. It should be noticed: 
(i) that evidential relations are not necessarily conclusive, they 
may be probability relations; (ii) a thinker may falsely 
believe that he is apprehending an evidential relation, when, 
in fact, no such relation is present. He is nonetheless inferring^ 
but he is not justified in inferring the conclusion unless his 
belief that the evidential relations are present is not mistaken. 
Unfortunately, we often do make mistakes of this kind. It is 
a mistake to define "inference" so narrowly that it covers 
only deducing. This mistake is frequently made. It is even 
worse to define inference in such a way that "inferring 
invalidly" is excluded from the definition. Whether an in 
ference is deductive or inductive depends upon the relations 
holding between the premiss and the conclusion. 


Aristotle is commonly and justly regarded as the founder of 
the science of logic. As Professor A. N. Whitehead says: 
Aristotle founded the science by conceiving the idea of the 
form of a proposition, and by conceiving deduction as taking 
place in virtue of the forms. 5 * Unfortunately his successors, 
for nearly two thousand years, studied in detail only a very 
few forms of propositions; they tried to express anything that 
anyone might want to say in one or other of four prepositional 
forms together with a few other forms that were not carefully 
studied at all. No clear distinction was made between a 
proposition and a sentence so that some important distinc 
tions were relatively neglected whilst differences in verbal 
statements were treated as differences in prepositional forms. 

* Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, N.S. XVII, p. 72. 


In this section we shall be concerned with the traditional 

Consider the following propositions: 

(1) All Cornishwomen are good cooks. 

(2) JV0 British Ambassadors are women. 

(3) Some poets are pacifists. 

(4) Some voters are not householders. 

Each of these propositions contains three elements - subject, 
copula, predicate - and in addition a sign of quantity. The 
subject and predicate are called the terms of the proposition; 
the copula (some part of the verb to be) connects the predicate 
with the subject; the sign of quantity shows whether reference 
is made to all or to some of the members of the class con 
stituting the subject-term, (i) and (2) differ in quantity from 
(3) and (4)5 the former being called universal, the latter 
particular propositions, (i) and (3) are affirmative, (2) and (4) 
are negative; this is said to be a difference in quality. This 
classification of propositions rests upon the assumption that 
any proposition is a statement to the effect that one class is - 
either wholly or partially - included in, or excluded from, 
another class. Certainly many propositions are quite naturally 
expressed in one or other of the four forms exemplified above; 
our examples are not at all odd in expression. On the other 
hand, many statements do not resemble any of these four 
in form and cannot, without distortion of meaning, be put 
into one of them. For example, e To know all is to pardon 

At present we neglect these difficulties, but they must not 
be entirely forgotten. We shall now use the illustrative 
symbols, S, P, to stand respectively for the subject and 
predicate of the propositions; the four traditional forms can 
then be symbolized as follows: 

All S is P SaP A Universal affirmative. 

JVb S is P SeP E Universal negative. 

Some S is P SiP I Particular affirmative. 

Some S is not P SoP Particular negative. 

The third column gives the letters customarily used to name 


these forms; the vowels are derived from the first two vowels 
in affirmo (I affirm) and from the vowels ofnego (I deny). They 
provide a convenient shorthand symbolism. The second 
column shows the quantity and quality of the proposition by- 
putting the appropriate vowel between the illustrative sym 
bols, S and P. If the terms of the proposition were symbolized 
by M and N, then the four propositions would be written as 
follows: MaN, MeN, MiN, MoX. The student should 
familiarize himself with this shorthand symbolism. It has long 
been used for convenience only but it has one special merit 
it serves to remind us that we are concerned not with 
specified classes, e.g. Cornishwomen and good cooks, but with 
any class. The four propositions listed on page 22 are true or 
are false, i.e. they really are propositions. The second list is a 
list of prepositional forms: All S is P does not assert anything 
that is true or that is false; it may be regarded as an empty 
schema into which may be fitted a proposition such as no. I 
on page 22. 

It should be noticed that universal propositions are dis 
tinguished from particular propositions in that the former are 
unrestricted generalizations and the latter are restricted. In 
stating All Archbishops are males., reference is made to every 
member of the class archbishops , in stating Some architects are 
women reference is not made to every member of the class 
architects. This difference is technically named a difference in 
distribution. The decision whether a term is distributed or 
not is of primary importance in determining the validity of 
certain of our inferences. Hence, it is desirable for the student 
to familiarize himself with this notion; the following defini 
tions should be learnt: 

A term is distributed, in any proposition, if reference 
is made to every member of the class for which the term 

A term is undistributed, in any proposition, if reference is not 
made to every member of the class for which the term stands. 
It is easy to see that the subject-terms of universal propositions 
are distributed, whilst the subject-terms of particular pro 
positions are undistributed. With regard to the predicate- 
terms the determination is not so simple. No Eskimos are 


sculptors does clearly exclude the whole class of sculptors from 
the class of Eskimos no less than it excludes the Eskimos from 
the sculptors. Hence, the predicate-term is also distributed. 
In the particular proposition. Some socialists are not Marxists., it 
is stated that the whole class of Marxists is excluded from some 
socialists. Thus the predicate-term is distributed. In the pro 
position All Cabinet Ministers are Members of Parliament the 
reference is not to the whole class of Members of Parliament , 
consequently the predicate-term is not distributed. Likewise 
in the proposition Some policemen are detectives the predicate- 
term is not distributed. The following table sums up these 
conclusions which we have obtained by considering specific 
examples of the four forms: 





All S is P 




No S is P 




Some S is P 



Some S is not P 



It should be noted that in these forms "some" must be taken 
to mean "some at least", which is equivalent to "some and 
perhaps all". In ordinary English we most commonly use 
"some" to mean "some only"; thus Some A.R.P. workers are 
paid would probably be understood to mean that some were 
paid and some were not paid. But it might be used to mean 
that some at least were paid, leaving it still open to question 
whether all were. Now, if we were to interpret "some" in 
Some S is P to mean "some only", then this proposition would 
be in fact, though not in linguistic form, the conjoint assertion 
of both the / and the propositions, for it would assert Some 
A.R.P. workers are paid and some A.R.P. workers are not paid. It 
is, therefore, desirable to give the minimum interpretation to 
"some"; we thus interpret "some" so that it is consistent with 
"all" but excludes the meaning of "none". Accordingly pro 
positions A and / are consistent, and E and are consistent 
as thus interpreted. 

If we take S and P to stand for two different unspecified 
classes, there are five different relations possible between 


them, ranging from complete coincidence to complete 
mutual exclusion: 

1. The two classes may completely coincide. 

2. The first may be wholly included in the second without 
coinciding with it. 

3. The first may wholly include the second but not 
coincide with it. 

4. The two classes may partially overlap, i.e. each partially 
includes and partially excludes the other. 

5. The two classes may wholly exclude each other. 

The mathematician Euler (1707-83) represented these 
class relations diagrammatically, using circles whose spatial 
relations have some analogy with the logical relations of the 
two classes. These diagrams, known as Euler s Circles, are: 

It is important to notice that there are four prepositional 
forms and five diagrams; hence there is not a simple corre 
spondence between the prepositional forms and the circles. 
This is due to the fact that propositions are used to state what 
we know or believe; and what we know is usually not 
determinate. If we knew, with regard to some class S and 
some other class P, that they were related precisely in the way 
in which the two circles in diagram 4 are related, we should 
know more than any one of the A, E, /, propositions can 
state. Since an undistributed term is indeterminate in its 
reference, a proposition containing an undistributed term 
cannot be represented by any one of Euler s diagrams. Only 


diagram 5 corresponds to a single proposition of the four-fold 
scheme, viz. E 9 which is the only proposition in which both 
terms are distributed, thus giving information with regard to 
the whole extent of each term. To state the information 
provided by each of the first four diagrams it is necessary to 
affirm conjointly two or more of the propositions. The follow 
ing table expresses in terms of Euler s diagrams the informa 
tion provided by each of the four propositions: 

A allows i, 2; excludes 3, 4, 5. 

E allows 5; excludes i, 2, 3, 4. 

/ allows i, 2, 3, 4; excludes 5. 

allows 3, 4, 5; excludes i, 2. 

Unless at least one possibility represented by the five diagrams 
is excluded no information has been given; to know that 
trepangs are wholly or partially included in, or excluded from, 
the class of echinoderms is to know nothing more about tre 
pangs than can be known by logic alone. We might just as 
well- replace trepangs by T, and echinoderms by E. This is 
indeed equivalent to what we have done by using the symbols 
S, P, to illustrate any two different classes. If, however, we 
are told that trepangs are wholly included in the class of 
echinoderms, we know that diagrams 3, 4, and 5 are excluded. 
If, now, we further know that trepangs are wholly included in 
echinoderms without exhausting that class, we know that their 
relation corresponds uniquely to diagram 2. This information 
can be given by the conjoint assertion of an A and an 
proposition: All trepangs are echinoderms and some echinoderms are 
not trepangs. 

At this point an intelligent student might well ask such 
questions as the following: 

1. What about those things which are neither trepangs 
(whatever these may be) nor echinoderms? Are they sup 
posed to lie outside the circles? If so, where in the diagram 
are they represented? 

2. If I say, Ghosts are not always draped in sheets , am I 
to draw a circle representing ghosts even if there aren t any 
ghosts in the world? 


To answer these questions it will be necessary to raise other 
questions which go beyond the traditional treatment of 
propositions. Accordingly these questions will be answered in 
a later chapter. 


Among the simplest statements we can make are those which 
attribute a characteristic or property to an individual thing, 
e.g. That leaf is green, That table is round, Roosevelt is wise. We 
shall adopt the convention that such propositions as these are 
simple and that they are subject-predicate propositions. The 
subject is that to which some characteristic is attributed; the 
predicate is that which is attributed to the subject. Simple 
propositions are to be contrasted with compound propositions 
and with general propositions. Consider the following: 

A. (i) The line AE is equal to the line BC. 

(2) Aristotle was tutor to Alexander the Great. 

B. (3) If the angle BAG is not equal to, or less than, the 

angle EDF, then it is greater than the angle EDF. 

(4) If Winston Churchill has visited Moscow, then 
Stalin will be pleased. 

(5) If Tom has matriculated, then he cannot be less 
than sixteen. 

(6) Either Sirius is not larger than the sun or it is much 
farther from the earth than the sun is. 

(7) It is not the case both that fuel economy is un 
necessary and that also the production of coal is 

(8) Paul is in the R.A.F. and Marion has joined the 

According to the convention we have adopted, the proposi 
tions of set A, as well as those in the first paragraph above, 
are simple. Those of set B are compound. A compound 
proposition contains two or more component propositions. 
Thus in (4) there are the two components: Winston Churchill 
has visited Moscow and Stalin will be pleased. Each of these could 
significantly be separately asserted but they are not so 


asserted; what is asserted is that the second is consequent 
upon the first, hence, the second is called the consequent and 
the first is called the antecedent. (3) and (5) are other examples 
of this form; they are called hypothetical propositions. What is 
common to these three propositions is that each as a whole 
asserts that the antecedent implies the consequent, in the 
sense that the antecedent cannot be true without the con 
sequent s also being true. The antecedent is the implying 
proposition, the consequent the implied proposition. The rela 
tion between these in virtue of which the implication holds is 
different in different cases, e.g. in (3) it is due to certain 
definitions in geometry, in (4) to certain political and military 
conditions in Europe in 1942, in (5) to certain university 
regulations. It should be noted that the truth of the hypo 
thetical depends not at all on the truth of the antecedent or 
the consequent separately considered but only on the relation 
asserted to hold between them. It has sometimes been held 
that a hypothetical proposition expresses doubt. This is a 
mistake. The intention of anyone who asserts (4), for instance, 
is not to express doubt whether Churchill has visited Moscow 
but to assert a consequence of the visit were it in fact made.* 

(6) is an example of an alternative proposition; it asserts 
that at least one of the two component propositions is true, not 
excluding the possibility that both are. The component 
propositions are called alternants^ there may be any number 
of alternants. The interpretation of either ... or ... as non 
exclusive has the same logical justification as the interpreta 
tion of some, in / and propositions, to mean some at least and 
perhaps all; namely, that ambiguous expressions should be 
given minimum significance. Common usage of either . . . or 
. . . varies. To say Tom is either stupid or idle does not 
necessarily exclude the possibility that he is both. On the 
other hand, to say either immediate aid must be given to 
U.S.S.R. or national unity will be split from top to bottom 
would probably be intended to be taken as asserting exclusive 

(7) is an example of a disjunctive proposition; it asserts that 

* The student who knows some Latin should consider, from this point of 
view, the logical basis of the rules for conditional sentences in Latin. 


not both of two component propositions are true, and is 
consistent with neither s being true. The component pro 
positions are called disjunct*; there may be any number of 

Compound propositions fall into two distinct kinds: (i) 
composite, including hypothetical, alternative, and disjunctive 
propositions; (ii) conjunctive propositions. (8) is an example of 
a conjunctive proposition. The three forms of composite 
propositions are related to one another in such a way that 
anything stated in one of these forms can be equivalent^ 
stated in either of the other two forms. How this can be done 
will be explained in 6. 

At the beginning of this section we said that certain 
propositions, of which examples were given, would be 
regarded by us as simple subject-predicate propositions. Set 
A provides other examples of simple propositions but they 
are not subject-predicate propositions; they are relational 
propositions: The line AE is equal to the line BC states that the 
relation of equality holds between the two lines named respec 
tively AE, BC. There are various kinds of relations which 
must later be distinguished. At present it is enough to notice 
that a relation requires at least two entities standing in the 
relation; the entities between which a relation holds are 
called the terms of the relation. In the proposition Andrew is 
twin of Mary, the terms are obviously Andrew, Mary. 

The notion of a simple proposition is itself not at all simple. 
Some logicians consider that, for instance, This is white is an 
absolutely simple proposition. We reject this view but must 
here be content to say only that we regard a proposition as 
simple provided that (i) it does not contain other propositions 
as components (ii) and includes in its verbal expression a 
word, or set of words, which uniquely indicates an identifi 
able object.* The traditional Logicians did not approach the 
analysis of propositions from this point of view. They seem to 
have assumed that a grammatically simple sentence expressed 
always a simple proposition, and that a grammatically com 
plex sentence expressed always a compound proposition. 

* We shall see later that this Is equivalent to saying that a simple proposition 
is one that does not involve any reference to variables in its analysis. 


Thus the sentence "All schoolmasters are fallible" and the 
sentence "Thomas Arnold is fallible" were regarded as alike 
expressing simple propositions; whereas the sentence "If a 
man is a schoolmaster, he is fallible" was taken to express a 
compound proposition. This is a mistake - "All school 
masters are fallible" and "If a man is a schoolmaster, he is 
fallible" are verbally different statements of the same pro 
position, and it is not simple. The proposition expressed by 
"All schoolmasters are fallible" is clearly an A proposition. 
Propositions stating that one class is, wholly or partially, 
included in, or excluded from, another are general proposi 
tions. These, it will be remembered, are the A, E 9 /, 
propositions of the traditional schema. It is a complete 
muddle to regard such propositions as simple although it is 
true that they cannot be analysed into the combination of 
two, or more, simple propositions. We must, then, distinguish 
these general propositions both from simple propositions and 
from the compound propositions with which we have so far 
been concerned. We shall see later exactly why it is that 
particular propositions (/, 0) are correctly said to be general. 


We have already seen how the possible truth or falsity of one 
or more propositions limits the truth or falsity of others, and 
we have had no difficulty in recognizing, in earlier sections, 
pairs of contradictory propositions and pairs of equivalent 
propositions. Unless we were able to recognize some cases of 
contradiction and to discern equivalence in spite of verbal 
difference we could hardly begin the study of logic, since 
logic arises from reflection upon our attempts to think 
problems out. But to be able to recognize logical relations in 
some instances is not the same as knowing clearly exactly 
what these relations are. In this section we shall be concerned 
with seven relations between propositions which are of funda 
mental importance. Every discussion concerning valid in 
ferences in the book may be regarded as illustrating one or 
other of these seven relations; it is thus important that they 


should be thoroughly understood. Consider the following 
eight propositions: 

(a] Human nature never changes. 

(b) If human nature never changes, wars will not cease. 
(c} If human nature does change, wars will cease. 

(d) Wars \sill not always go on. 

(e] Wars will not cease. 

(/) Human nature always remains the same. 
(g) Human nature can rise to sublime heights. 
(h) Human nature does change. 

These propositions are either about human nature or about 
wars or about the connexion between human nature and war. 
But propositions may be about the same subject-matter and 
yet not be logically connected, e.g. (a) and (g). These could 
both be true or both be false or one true with one false; thus, 
the truth or falsity of one is logically independent of the truth or 
falsity of the other. Other pairs of independent propositions 
are contained in the list, e.g. (g), (K). The student should 
select for himself other pairs. Some propositions in the list are 
not independent of others in the list; (d) denies what (K) 
asserts; these are contradictories of each other. At first sight 
it may seem that (b) and (c] are contradictories; a little 
reflection, however, will show that this is not the case: there 
is no contradiction in saying that wars will go on under 
certain conditions (e.g. provided that human nature does not 
change) but not under other conditions (e.g. provided that 
human nature does change); hence (b) and (c) are also 
independent of one another. 

Let us now assert (b} together with (a), thus obtaining the 
conjunctive proposition: If human nature never changes, wars will 
not cease and human nature never changes. What is the relation 
between this conjunctive proposition and (e) given above? If 
(b) and (a) are both true, then (i) must also be true; but 
(e) may be true even though the conjunction of (b} with (d) is 
false. Thus the truth of (e) leaves the truth of the conjunction 
of (b} with (a) undetermined. Other propositions thus related 
will be found in the list; propositions so related that if the 
first is true the second is true, but if the second is true the 


truth or falsity of the first is not thereby determined, are said 
to be in the relation of superimplicant to subimplicant, 

(a) and (/) are verbally different but both assert the same 
matter of fact; hence, either they are both true or both false. 
These propositions are said to be equivalent. 

We have now recognized, by means of significant examples, 
four of the seven distinct logical relations that may hold 
between one proposition, or set of propositions, and another 
proposition, or set of propositions. We shall now define these 
and the remaining three relations. Using/?, q as illustrative sym 
bols for different propositions, the definitions are as follows: 

(1) Equivalence or Co-implication: p and q are equivalent, or 
co-implicant, when they are so related that if p is true, q is 
true, and if q is true, p is true; and \p is false, q is false, and 
if q is false, p is false. Thus, p == q, if they are true together 
or false together. This is the relation that holds when p 
implies q and q implies p. The name co-implicant brings out 
this relation. 

(2) Superimplication or Super alternation: p is superimplicant to q 
provided that if p is true, q is true, but q may be true 
although p is false. Thus the truth of q leaves the truth of p 

(3) Subimplication or Sub alternation: p is subimplicant to q pro 
vided that if q is true, p is true, but p may be true although 
q is false. The relation of subimplication is the converse of the 
relation of Superimplication; hence, when p is superimplicant 
to q, then q is subimplicant to p. 

(4) Independence: p is independent of q when neither the truth 
nor falsity of p determines the truth or falsity of q\ and 

(5) Sub contrariety: p is subcontrary to q provided that, if p is 
false, q is true, and if q is false, p is true, whilst p and q can 
be true together. The excluded case is the conjoint falsity of 
p and q. 

(6) Contrariety: p is contrary to q provided that, Up is true, q is 
false, and if q is true, p is false, whilst p and q can be false 
together. The excluded case is the conjoint truth of p and q. 

(7) Contradiction: p and q are contradictories of one another 
provided that, ifp is true, q is false, and if ^ is false, q is true; 


hence, p and q cannot be true together or false together, i.e. 
one must be true and one false. 

These relations are relations of consistency or inconsistency; 
if any of the first five hold between propositions they are 
consistent, if either of the last two, they are inconsistent. The 
relation of independence combines consistency with com 
plete lack of any conditions necessary for inference. This lack 
of any possible inferential connexion is clearly shown by 
propositions (g) and (rf), for instance, on page 31 ; it is present 
equally in the case of (b) and (c) although not so easily 
apprehended. Contraries are not less mutually inconsistent, 
or incompatible, than contradictories; the former differ from 
the latter in that there are non-equivalent alternatives to both 
of two contrary propositions. 

These seven relations are summed up in the following 
table, in which p is true is represented by p s p is false by p, and 
likewise with q, and q. 



then q or q Given 

then q or q 

p equivalent to q 


9 P 


p superimplicant to q 


^ P 


p subimplicant to q 


undetermined p 


p independent of q 


undetermined I p 


p subcontrary to q 


undetermined p 


p contrary to q 


q P 


p contradictory to q 


3 P 


In considering these relations between propositions we 
have not confined our attention to the traditional schema, 
the A 9 E, /, propositions. Since every proposition stands to 
every other proposition in one or other of these seven rela 
tions, they must be so defined as recognizably to hold 
between propositions of any form whatever. The traditional 
Logicians, thinking of propositions as differing only in 
quantity and quality or both, constructed c the Square of 
Opposition 5 . The word "opposition" is here used in a 
technical sense which permits compatible propositions to be 
opposed. Thus "opposition" must be defined as follows: Two 
propositions are opposed if they differ in quantity or in quality 
or in both quantity and quality. Those differing in quality 


but not in quantity are contraries (if quantity universal), sub- 
contraries (if quantity particular}. Those differing in quantity 
and quality are contradictories. Those differing in quantity but 
not in quality are subaltern. It is easy to construct the Square 
of Opposition by taking the diagonals of the Square as joining 
respectively the two pairs of contradictories, viz. A and 0, 
E and /. The student may be left to work this out for himself. 
Here the traditional oppositions will be represented by an 
incompletely symmetrical figure, since the perfect symmetry 
of a square is not fitted to represent unsymmetrical relations. 


This Figure of Opposition illustrates the following facts: 

(i) No two of the traditional A, E, I, propositions are equivalent and 
no two are independent. 

(ii) The two universal forms are contraries. 

(iii) The two particular forms are subcontraries. 

(iv) Universals and particulars differing in quality are contradictories. 

(v) The universal form is superimplicant to the particular of the same 
quality, the latter being subimplicant to the former. 

The traditional Square does not illustrate clearly the important 
distinction between superimplication and its converse. 

The following table presents in summary form what may 
be validly inferred, given the truth or the falsity of these 


It can be inferred 

A true 




E true 

A false 




A undetermined 

E false 



A false 

E undetermined 

/ undetermined 

A false 

E undetermined 

/ undetermined 


E false 

A undetermined 




A false 

E true 



A true 

E false 



It will be seen that the truth of either of the universal propositions 
determines the truth or falsity of the other three; the falsity of either of 
the particular propositions determines the truth or falsity of the other 
three. But the truth of the particulars leaves two undetermined cases, 
and thefalsitv of the universals leaves two undetermined cases. 


We have already seen that propositions whose verbal state 
ment is different may be equivalent. Consider the following 
two pairs of propositions: (i) All canned meats are rationed goods :; 
jVb canned meats are unrationed goods , (ii) Some Cabinet Ministers 
are intelligent , Some Cabinet Ministers are not unintelligent. In each 
pair the propositions are equivalent, their subject-terms are 
the same but their predicate-terms are contradictories. Terms 
are contradictory when they stand respectively for two classes 
which are mutually exclusive and together exhaust the wider 
class within which both fall. Thus, for example, if the wider 
class is goods, then every member of this class falls either under 
the subclass rationed goods or under the subclass unrationed goods. 
Hence to assert that all canned meats are included in the class 
of rationed goods is equivalent to asserting that no canned 
meats fall in the class of unrationed goods. It may be objected 
that this is not the case with pair (ii) since being intelligent is 
not exactly the same as being not unintelligent. This may be 
admitted since we ordinarily so use "not unintelligent" as to 
suggest a considerable degree of intelligence. This illustrates 
the figure of speech meiosis, in which what is said intentionally 
gives an impression that something is less than is really the 
case; hence the terms may be regarded as contrary rather 
than contradictory. To avoid misunderstanding we can 
always affix non to the affirmative term, e.g. non-intelligent. It 
must always be remembered that in ordinary discourse what 
we convey is in part dependent not only upon the context but 
also upon intonation, emphasis, and even subtle changes in 
facial expression. For the purpose of discussing logical rela 
tions we ignore these characteristics of speech.* 

It is a distinguishing characteristic of equivalent proposi 
tions that one can be substituted for the other, in any 

* To ignore them is justifiable in an elementary textbook, but this does not 
mean that they do not need investigation. 


argument in which either occurs, without affecting the validity 
of the argument. Equivalent propositions can be inferred one 
from the other. 

It has been customary to distinguish inferences as being 
either mediate or immediate. Usually a conclusion is inferred 
from one premiss together with one or more other premisses; 
in such cases the inference is said to be a mediate inference. An 
inference is said to be immediate if the conclusion is inferred 
from a single proposition. This distinction is not of funda 
mental logical importance but it is convenient to retain it. 
Certain forms of immediate inference are traditionally 
recognized; we shall deal with them briefly. 

In inferring one proposition from another care must be 
taken to see that the inferred proposition (or conclusion) does 
not assert anything not implied in the original proposition 
constituting the single premiss; it is, however, legitimate to 
assert less. This restriction is a special application of an 
important principle of deduction: Do not go beyond the evidence. 
Hence, if in the given proposition a term is undistributed, 
that term must not be distributed in the inferred proposition. 
It has been customary to allow a conclusion having an undis 
tributed term to be inferred from a premiss in which that term 
is distributed. In such cases the given proposition will be 
superimplicant to the conclusion.* 

Before we state the immediate inferences customarily 
accepted we must consider an assumption upon which their 
validity, in some cases, rests. Suppose we wish to consider a 
set of students as possessing or not possessing the char 
acteristics of being able and hard-working. We should expect 
to find the following cases: those who are both able and hard 
working; those who are able but not hard-working; those who 
are not able but are hard-working; those who are neither 
hard-working nor able. We have, then, four mutually 
exclusive and collectively exhaustive classes of students. 
Using H to stand for hard-working, non-Hfor its contradictory, 
A for able, non-A for its contradictory, the four classes can be 
symbolized by AH, A non-H, non-AH, non-A non-H. We have 
assumed that students are contained in each of these four 

* We shall see later that such inferences are not strictly valid. 



classes. It might be the case that there were no students who 
are both non-H and non-A; the fourth class will then be said 
to be empty. If any class contains members, we say that the 
class (which will be determined by one of the characteristics) 
is existent. Representing any subject-term and any predicate- 
term and their contradictories respectively by S 9 non-S, P, 
non-P.. the assumption upon wiiich the validity of the tradi 
tional immediate inferences is based can be stated as follows: 
S 9 77072-5, P, non-P all exist, i.e. no one of the classes is 

Traditional immediate inference depends upon two funda 
mental operations, namely, obversion and conversion. 
(i) Obversion. To assert S is P is equivalent to denying S is 
non-P. Thus it is always possible to obtain a proposition 
equivalent to a given proposition by substituting for the 
original predicate its contradictory and by changing the 
quality of the proposition. Its technical definition is: Obversion 
is a process of immediate inference in which from a given proposition 
another is inferred having for its predicate the contradictory of the 
original predicate. 


Original proposition Obverse 


All S is P 

= No S is non-P 




== All S is non-P 



Some S is P 

== Some S is not non-P 

Some S is not P 

= Some S is non-P 


The symbol == between the original proposition (called the obvertend] 
and the obverse shows that they are equivalent: the quality is changed 
but the quantity remains unchanged. 

Examples of significant obversion: 


No snobs are welcome guests = All snobs are unwelcome guests. 
All Quislings are contemptible == No Quislings are other than con 

(2) Conversion. By the converse of a proposition is ordinarily 


meant another proposition in which the terms are inter 
changed. For example. All equilateral triangles are equiangular 
and All equiangular triangles are equilateral would be regarded 
as converses. But neither can be said to be immediately 
inferred from the other since such an inference would violate 
the rule that no term may be distributed in the inferred 
proposition unless it was distributed in the original proposi 
tion. These are both A propositions, in which the subject- 
term is distributed but the predicate-term is undistributed. 
The technical definition is: Conversion is a process of immediate 
inference in which from a given proposition another is inferred having 
for its subject the original predicate. 

From No snobs are welcome guests we can infer No welcome 
guests are snobs. In each of these propositions both terms are 
distributed: the propositions are equivalent. From Some Irish 
men are air-gunners we can infer Some air-gunners are Irishmen. 
These propositions are also equivalent since, in each of the 
propositions, both terms are undistributed. 

From All landowners are capitalists we cannot infer that All 
capitalists are landowners, since the subject of the converse is 
distributed but was given undistributed in the original 
affirmative proposition of which it is predicate. Hence, such 
a converse is illegitimate; we must infer the weaker proposi 
tion, Some capitalists are landowners. The proposition thus in 
ferred is said to be weaker 3 than the original since it is not 
possible to pass back from it to the original; the converse in 
the case of an A proposition is subimplicant to the original. 
Accordingly, it is said that an A proposition admits only of 
conversion by limitation , this is commonly called by the Latin 
term conversion per accidens. 

From the proposition, Some brachiopods are not bivalves we 
cannot infer Some bivalves are not brachiopods, since, in the 
inferred proposition the predicate (brachiopods} is distributed, 
whereas it was given undistributed as the subject of a par 
ticular proposition. It is in fact true that some bivalves are 
not brachiopods, and in fact, no brachiopods are bivalves. 
But we assert this from information not provided by the 
original statement, which was in the form of an 0, not an E, 



Original proposition 


A AllS is P -> 

Some P is S 


E No SisP == 

No PisS 


I Some S is P == 

Some P zV S 


O Some S is not P 


It should be noted that the converse is the same in quality as the 
original. The symbol -> shows that the converse of A is not equivalent 
to A but subimplicant to it. 

(3) Contraposition. The converse of a proposition can, of 
course, be obverted, and an obverse be converted. Hence, 
other forms of immediate inference may be obtained by suc 
cessively converting and obverting, in either order. There are 
two forms which have received special names, namely, con 
traposition and inversion. 

Contraposition is a process of immediate inference in 
which from a given proposition another is inferred having for 
its subject the contradictory of the original predicate. From 
No mammals are fish we obtain by obversion All mammals are 
non-fish, from this, by conversion, Some non-fish are mammals] 
and by obverting this we obtain, Some non-fish are not non- 
mammals. The two latter satisfy the definition of contraposi 
tion, and are obverts of one another. 


Original proposition Contrapositive 

Obverted contrapositive 

(A) All S is P 
(E) No S is P 
(I) Some SisP 
(0) Some Sis not P 

= No non-P is S (E) 
-> Some non-P is S (I) 
33 Some non-P is S (/) 

= All non-P is non-S 
-> Some non-P is not non-S 
= Some non-P is not non-S 



It should be noted that / has no contrapositives, since / obverts to 0, 
and O has no converse, E has not an equivalent contrapositive, since E 
obverts to A, and A has a non-equivalent converse. 

(4) Inversion is a process of immediate inference in which 
from a given proposition another is inferred having for its 
subject the contradictory of the original subject. Thus it is 


required to obtain from a proposition of the form S-P (where 
quantity and quality are not specified) a proposition of the 
form non-S - non-P, ornon-S-P. By obversion we obtain the 
contradictory of the predicate-term. Hence, if we can infer a 
proposition having S as predicate, its obvert would have 
non-S as predicate; if this proposition admits of being con 
verted we should have a proposition of the required form. If 
the last proposition is an proposition it cannot be converted. 
On trial it will be found that by alternately obverting and 
converting (in that order) we can obtain from A a proposition 
of the required form; by alternately converting and ob verting 
(in that order) we can obtain from E a proposition of the 
required form. An inverse cannot be obtained either from the 
/ or the proposition, since, in each case, in attempting to 
obtain a proposition with non-S as subject we succeed only in 
obtaining one with non-S as predicate in an proposition, 
which cannot be converted. The process required to obtain 
inverses from A and from E are set out below: 

A All Sis P. E MS is P. 

obv. JVb S is non-P, conv. No P is S. 

conv. JVb non-P is S. obv. All P is non-S. 

obv. All non-P is non-S. conv. Some non-S is P. 

conv. Some non-S is non-P. obv. Some non-S is not non-P. 

obv. Some non-S is not P. 

The required inverses are the underlined propositions. It will 
be seen that the obverted inverse of A is Some non-S is not P. 
This inference, therefore, breaks the rule of distribution, since 
P was not distributed in All S is P. Yet this inference has been 
obtained by using only the processes of obversion and con 
version which are taken to be valid. This result ought to 
puzzle us. If we take a significant example the result may 
well be absurd, e.g. All honest politicians are mortals has, as its 
obverted inverse, Some dishonest politicians are not mortals, and 
for the other inverse, Some dishonest politicians are immortals. The 
result is absurd because, relying on information about the 
world not derived from logic, we claim that the original 
proposition is true and the inverses are false. But any proposi 
tion implied by a true proposition is true; if, therefore, using 
only the processes of obversion and conversion we obtain a 


false proposition from a proposition admittedly true, we must 
begin to doubt whether these processes are valid. We find it 
necessary, then, to examine the assumptions upon \vhich the 
validity of conversion and obversion rest. Our reason for 
thinking that Some dishonest politicians are immortal is false is 
that we do not believe that there are any immortal men; 
accordingly, we assented to the statement that all honest 
politicians are mortals. If, however, there are immortal men 
and honest politicians are wholly included in the con 
tradictory class, viz. mortal men, then immortal men must 
include dishonest politicians. But it is by no means logically 
necessary that every class represented by S, non-S, P, non~P, 
should have members; hence, the assumption that none of 
these classes is empty must be made explicit. If we assume 
Something is not P, then we have an additional premiss in 
which P is distributed, but if inversion requires this additional 
premiss it can hardly be regarded as a process of immediate 
inference in the sense in which "immediate inference" has 
been defined. The difficulty we find in the illicit process of the 
predicate-term in passing from All S is P to Some non-S is not P 
suggests that immediate inferences may not be valid apart 
from implicit assumptions, which must be made explicit. The 
relevant assumption is that S, non-S, P, non-P are none of them 
empty. If this be admitted, then, if All S is P, it follows that 






Original proposition . 









Obverse .... 





Obverted converse 




Contrapositive . 




Obverted contrapositive 




Inverse .... 



Obverted inverse 




non-P cannot be S 9 so that non-P must be non-S> i.e. some non-S 
is non-P. We shall see later that an assumption of existence is 
always required to render valid the inference of a particular 
proposition from a universal proposition. 

The traditional immediate inferences we have been con 
sidering may be conveniently summed up in the table given 
on page 41. We shall henceforth write non-S as 5, and non-P 
as A 


Compound Propositions and Arguments 


In 5 of the last chapter we distinguished two kinds of com 
pound propositions, namely, conjunctive and composite proposi 
tions. In this chapter we shall be concerned to see what 
exactly is asserted by stating any one of these propositions. 
We shall begin by considering two propositions, illustratively 
symbolized by p and by q respectively, and their con 
tradictories, symbolized by p, q. These may be combined 
conjunctively as follows: (i) p and q, (2) p and q, (3) p and q, 
(4) p and q. The order in which the conjuncts are asserted is 
indifferent; for instance, there is no logical difference between 
Dickens is a great novelist and Anthony Trollope is a good storyteller 
and Anthony Trollope is a good storyteller and Dickens is a great 
novelist. Which of the two components in each proposition we 
assert first will be determined by the context of the discussion 
in which one or other of them happened to be asserted. If one 
compound were asserted no one would feel any need to assert 
the other. 

It may seem easy to state the denial of any proposition; we 
all know how to contradict our neighbour. But it is not always 
easy to distinguish at once between denial by affirming the 
contrary and denial by affirming the contradictory. We sometimes 
fly to extremes and thus assert more than we need. In some 
cases, in everyday discussion, we even at times mistake two 
independent propositions for contradictories.* How should 
we contradict Every prospect pleases and only man is vile? This 
asserts both conjuncts to be true; to deny it must mean to 
assert either that both conjuncts are false or that at least one 
is false. The former is the assertion of the contrary of the 

* For example, propositions (b) and (c) on page 31. The student should 
formulate the contradictories of these propositions. 



original conjunctive proposition, the latter of the con 
tradictory. These are often confused. The contrary is: Neither 
does every prospect please nor is man only vile", the contradictory is: 
Either not every prospect pleases or not only man is vile. This con 
tradictory can be also stated in the form. It is not the case that 
every prospect pleases and also that only man is vile. The student 
should convince himself that both these contradict the 
original proposition. The conjoint assertion of p with q is 
equivalent to the denial that// and q can be disjoined; hence 
the disjunctive Not both p and q contradicts Both p and q; it is 
also clear that if not both of two propositions can be asserted, 
then at least one must be denied; hence a conjunctive can be 
equally well denied by an alternative proposition. 

Ordinary statements in different composite forms can easily 
be seen to be equivalent. Consider the following: 

(i) Either Martin is stupid or Jones is a bad teacher. 

(ii) If Martin is not stupid, Jones is a bad teacher, 
(iii) If Jones is not a bad teacher, Martin is stupid, 
(iv) Not both Martin is not stupid and Jones is not a bad teacher. 

If we write p for Martin is stupid, q for Jones is a bad teacher, and 
p, q for their respective contradictories, we can exhibit the 
form of these four propositions as follows: (i) Either p or q; 
(ii) If p, q; (iii) If q, pi (iv) Not both p and q. These are all 
equivalent to one another and are consequently alike con 
tradicted by the conjunctive Both p and q. 

It will be noticed that we have two hypothetical proposi 
tions in the list above and that they are equivalent. The one 
is constructed from the other by separately contradicting the 
original antecedent and consequent and then reversing them, 
so that the contradictory of the original consequent is the 
new antecedent and conversely. We saw that the order of the 
components of a conjunctive proposition is logically in 
different; the same holds of the order of the disjuncts in a 
disjunctive, and of the alternants in an alternative proposi 
tion. In the case of hypothetical propositions this is not so. 
If he is a hard worker, he will be successful is not equivalent to If 
he will be successful, he is a hard worker, there are other condi 
tions of success - he may be lucky or unusually clever. Using 
X to stand for any one statement, and T for any other, we 


must notice that If X, then T is logically independent oflfT, 
then X: the former asserts that X is sufficient to the truth of T\ 
the latter that T is sufficient to the truth of X. These may both 
be true, but either may be true \vithout the other being true. 
We must also notice that unless ordinarily means if not . . ., 
and is not equivalent to only if not . . .; the former states a 
condition that is sufficient, the latter a condition that is neces 
sary, but a condition may be sufficient without being neces 
sary; for example. Unless it is wet, I shall go for a walk asserts 
that I shall go for a walk if it is not wet, but this is not 
equivalent to saying Only if it is not wet, I shall go for a walk, 
for I might go for a walk even if it were wet because I am tired 
of staying indoors or I want to please a friend. In an ordinary 
conversation the context should suffice to show in which sense 
"unless" is being used. 

The lack of symmetry in the relation of/? to q in Ifp, then q, 
which makes the simple conversion If q, then p invalid, is 
again due to our accepting the minimum interpretation of 
statements, as in the case of Either p or q. To interpret either 
... or ... exclusively is equivalent to asserting Either p or q 
and not both p and q, i.e. to the conjunction of an alternative 
and a disjunctive proposition. To interpret If p, then q as 
asserting that j& is sufficient to the truth of q without at the same 
time asserting it to be necessary to the truth of q is to avoid 
committing ourselves to the maximum assertion that p is both 
sufficient and necessary to the truth of q. If we wish to make this 
latter assertion we can do so by the conjunctive If p, then q, 
and if q, then p. In science we frequently wish to assert that p 
implies q and also q implies p\ i.e. we seek a pair of proposi 
tions in which the implying component of one is the implied 
component of the other. Frequently, however, this is not 
possible: we know that loss of appetite is consequent upon a 
certain bodily disease, but it may also be consequent upon a 
deep sorrow. Medical scientists seek to find whether there are 
common factors, which could be medically treated, in these 
two cases, and, if so, what they are; but medical scientists are 
not always successful. Hence, we must avoid the mistake of 
invalidly inferring If q, then p from Ifp, then q. The conjoint 
assertion of these two propositions is of special importance for 


the advance of knowledge; they have been called com 
plementary propositions. Likewise Either p or q and Not both p 
and q are called complementary propositions. 

The term complementary [says W. E. Johnson] is especi 
ally applicable where propositions are conjoined in either 
of these ways, because separately the propositions represent 
the fact partially, and taken together they represent the 
same fact with relative completeness.* 

This point may be further illustrated by the pair of general 
propositions represented by SaP, PaS. These are comple 
mentary; they are consistent but neither can be validly 
inferred from the other. Together they assert that the class S 
is wholly included in the class P and the class P is wholly 
included in the class S, i.e. the classes S and P are co 
extensive; e.g. Every triangle whose base angles are equal is 
isosceles and every isosceles triangle has its base angles equal. The 
contradictory of the conjunctive proposition SaP and PaS is 
Either SoP or PoS. Thus All Germans are Nazis and only Germans 
are Nazis is contradicted by Either some Germans are not Nazis 
or some Nazis are not Germans. It must be remembered that 
either . . . or is interpreted as non-exclusive. 

The table below sums up the equivalences between the 
composite forms, together with the contradictory in each 
case. It should be observed that Ifp, then q and Ifq, thenp are 



Equivalent hypoiheticals Disjunctive Alternative 

1. Ifp, then q == Ifq, thenp = Not bothp_ and q = Either p or q 

2. Iff, then qz=Ifq, thenp == Not bothp and q s= Either p or q 

3. Ifp, then q = Ifq, thenp == Not bothp and q == Either p or q 

4. If p, then q = Ifq, thenp == Not bothp and q == Either p or q 

p and q 
p and q 
p and q 

the same in form 3 for it is logically indifferent what letters we 
use as illustrative symbols; we used X, T above to illustrate 
antecedent and consequent respectively. But, on the assump- 

* W. E. Johnson, Logic, Part I, p. 37. Mr Johnson points out that comple 
mentary propositions are frequently confused in thought and frequently con 
joined in fact 5 . It should, however, be noted that they are sometimes not 
conjoined in fact; hence, their tendency to be confused in thought may lead 
us astray. 


tion that p stands for some one definite proposition and q for 
some other definite proposition, then Ifp, then q is distinguished 
from Ifq, thenp as its complementary. Both will, therefore, be 
included in the list. 

Certain observations on this table are important and 
should be carefully noted, (i) Propositions on different lines 
are independent; (ii) as any proposition contradicting a 
given proposition also contradicts any equivalent proposi 
tions,, the proposition on the right of the black line contradicts 
all four propositions left of it on the same line; (iii) the pro 
positions, on different lines, along the principal diagonal are 
stated in terms of p 9 q, and are clearly independent; (iv) 
propositions in the same column are the same in form but - 
on the assumption we have been making, viz. that p stands 
for p is true, p stands for p is false (likewise with q, q} - these 
are conveniently distinguished, and have, therefore, been 
separately considered. 

The significance of the composite forms can be brought out 
by formulating specific rules for inferring the various 
equivalent propositions when one is given. It will suffice to 
give these for the case of the hypothetical Ifp 9 then q. It must 
be remembered that If . . . then . . . can be interpreted as 
implies, in the sense that, when p implies q, q is true provided p 
is true. Given If p, then q: 

(1) The denial of the antecedent is implied by the denial 
of the consequent; hence, If q, then p. 

(2) Either the antecedent must be denied or the con 
sequent asserted; hence, Either p or q. 

(3) The assertion of the antecedent is not consistent with 
the denial of the consequent; hence, Not both p and q. 

It is not difficult to formulate corresponding rules for 
obtaining equivalents from one of the other two composite 
forms. The student should construct significant examples and 
transform them in the equivalent propositions; he may then 
intuitively apprehend the validity of these inferences. We 
shall consider one example. 

Example. The British Government in the summer of 1942 
desired to impress the people with the need for economizing 


in fuel in order that the war industries should not be 
hampered for lack of fuel. The Government s exhortations 
might be summed up in the short statement. If we waste fuel, 
we lose the war. To this proposition the three following are 
equivalent: (i) If we do not lose the war., we have not wasted fuel; 
(2) Either we do not waste fuel or we lose the war, (3) It is not the 
case both that we waste fuel and do not lose the war. In the next 
section we shall see that once we have fully grasped these 
rules, and have thus understood the precise significance of the 
various composite forms, we shall be in a good position for 
understanding certain forms of arguments of common occur 
rence in everyday reasoning. If we understand these forms 
we may be on our guard against mistakes in reasoning which 
occur all too frequently from an imperfect apprehension of 
what precisely has been asserted in the premisses. 


Let us consider the following examples of arguments, taken 
from everyday conversation; some are valid, some are invalid. 

(1) Two boys are watching the approach of an aeroplane. 
One says, That s a bomber; I think it is a Stirling. The other 
replies, e lt has four engines and I think it must be a Stirling 
or a Liberator, but I don t think it is a Stirling. As the aero 
plane approaches nearer, the first boy says, You are right; 
it has twin-fins and rudders, so it is a Liberator. 

(2) You cannot maintain that after the war there should 
continue to be unrestricted competition among the nations 
for the world s natural resources and yet, at the same time, 
hold that we ought to aim at giving to all nations economic 
security. But you do admit the latter; hence, you must reject 
unrestricted competition. Moreover, if there is unrestricted 
competition, there will be more world wars, and you have 
agreed that there must be no more world wars. 

(3) If Frock s book deepens our sense of humanitarian 
values, it is worth writing even in time of war; but it is 
certainly worth writing in time of war, so I conclude that his 
book deepens our sense of humanitarian values. 


(4) c lf a man is a coward, he will seek to evade military 
duties, but Tobias is not a coward; so he won t attempt to get 
out of military duties. 3 

(5) Tor a novelist to be sure of getting his books properly 
reviewed, he must be either already famous or have written 
a really first-rate book; but Jensen is already famous, so his 
novel is not first-rate. 3 

It is not difficult to determine the structure of these argu 
ments.* It will suffice to examine in detail only the first. 
It presents a common form of reasoning - something is 
recognized as being this or that:, then, some characteristic is 
looked for that would suffice to distinguish this from that. The 
argument can be formally analysed as follows: 

(i) Either the aeroplane is a Stirling or a Liberator; 
(ii) If it has twin-fins and rudders., it is not a Stirling, but it has 

twin-Jins and rudders; hence, it is not a Stirling. 
(iii) Combining (i) and the conclusion of (ii) yields the 

conclusion: It is a Liberator. 

The logical structure can be exhibited as follows: 

Either A or B (i) 

IfF, then not-A\ ,. 

F :. not-A / W 

/. B (iii) 

In the following table we set out formally the four modes of 
argument corresponding to the four varieties of composite 
premisses, adding the Latin name traditionally used in each 


Modus-f form of Composite Premiss 

1. Ponendo ponens: Ifp, then q; butp; . . q Hypothetical 

2. Tollendo fattens: If p, then q; but q; :. p Hypothetical 

3. Ponendo tollens: Not both p and q; but p; .*. q Disjunctive 

4. Tollendo ponens: Either p or q; butp; . . q Alternative 

* The student should before reading further determine for himself whether 
the conclusion, in each case, does in fact follow from the^premisses. 

f These barbarous names are derived from the Latin verbs: ponere = to 
affirm; toilers = to deny; hence, they can be interpreted as follows: (i) by 
affirming, affirms; (2) by denying, denies; (3) by affirming, denies; (4) by 
denying, affirms. 


The rules for these modes are: 

(i) Ponendo ponens: From the affirmation of the antecedent, 
the affirmation of the consequent follows. (2) Tollendo tollens: 
From the denial of the consequent, the denial of the ante 
cedent follows. (3) Ponendo tollens: From the affirmation of one 
disjunct, the denial of the other disjunct follows. (4) Tollendo 
ponens: From the denial of one alternant, the affirmation of 
the other alternant follows. 

From these rules it is easy to see that, in the examples given 
above, (3) is invalid because the antecedent is affirmed on 
the ground of an affirmation of the consequent; (4) is invalid 
because the consequent is denied on the ground of a denial 
of the antecedent; (5) is invalid because one of the alternants 
is affirmed and the other is denied in consequence. These three 
fallacies are all due to the failure to appreciate what exactly 
the relevant composite premiss asserts. To affirm the ante 
cedent because the consequent has been affirmed is to confuse 
an hypothetical with its complementary; similarly, in denying 
the consequent because the antecedent has been denied. To 
deny an alternant because the other alternant has been affirmed 
is to confuse an alternative proposition with the comple 
mentary disjunctive, or to treat it as though it were the con 
junction of the alternative with the complementary disjunc 
tive. That this is a confusion should be clear from our previous 
discussion of the composite propositions. These invalid modes 
of inference can be summarized as follows: 

1. Hypothetical: Ifp, then q; but q; , . p (consequent affirmed). 

2. Hypothetical: If p, then q; butf; .*. q (antecedent denied). 

3. Alternative: Either p or q; but pi . . q (alternant affirmed) . 

4. Disjunctive: Not both p and q\ but q\ :. p (disjunct denied) . 

Since the same statement can be made in any one of the 
four composite forms of propositions, the compound modes 
can be reduced to one another. 

Equivalent arguments 

Ponendo ponens Tollendo ponens 

If you paid 2, he over- == Either you did not pay 2 

charged you; or he overcharged you; 

You paid 2; You paid 2; 

/. he overcharged you. /. he overcharged you. 


In the same manner the ponendo tollens and tollendo tollens 
can be obtained, the conclusion in each case being the same. 
The Dilemma. As the popular use of the phrase, e l am in a 
dilemma 3 shows, the dilemma is a form of argument, the 
purpose of which is to prove that from either of two alterna 
tives an unwelcome conclusion follows. If skilfully employed, 
it can be made effective by an orator and amusing to an 
audience; it can also be used seriously. For these reasons, no 
doubt, a disproportionate amount of space has been given to 
it in books on logic - disproportionate because no new 
logical principles are involved. We shall deal with it shortly. 
A dilemma is a compound argument consisting of a premiss 
in which two hypotheticals are conjunctively affirmed and a 
premiss in which the antecedents are alternatively affirmed 
or the consequents alternatively denied. If there are three 
hypotheticals conjunctively affirmed the argument is called a 
trilemma, if four, a quadrilemma, if more than four a polylemma. 
These are of rare occurrence; sometimes dilemma is used to 
cover all these forms. 

Four distinct kinds of dilemma are recognized: 

1. Complex Constructive: 

Ifp 9 then q, and if r, then t, 

But either p or r, 

/. either q or t. 

2. Simple Constructive: 

If/, then y, and if r, then q, 

But either p or r, 


3. Complex Destructive: 

If/, then q, and if r, then t 9 

But eithei not-y or not-, 

/. not-/ or not-r. 

4. Simple Destructive: 

If/, then y, and if/, then r, 

But either not-y or not-r, 

.*. not-/. 


It is obvious that the rules for the hypothetical and alterna 
tive modes of argument directly apply to the dilemmatic 
forms, so that they need not be re-stated here. 

The dilemma is often regarded as a peculiarly fallacious 
mode of argument. This is, however, a mistake; any form 
of argument can be, and most are, fallaciously used either 
through stupidity or cunning. In so far as there are any 
difficulties in using valid dilemmas these arise from the 
difficulty of finding premisses both significant and pertinent 
which are true and also fulfil the conditions imposed by the 
form. The force of the dilemmatic situation presented in the 
alternative premiss depends upon the condition that the 
alternants must be exhaustive. If there is a third alternative, 
we can escape between the horns of the dilemma .* Thus, a 
too-anxious parent might argue: Tf my son is idle, he will fail 
in his examination; and if he overworks, he will be ill; but 
either he will be idle or he will overwork; therefore, my son 
will either fail in his examination or be ill. 9 The third alterna 
tive is too obvious to require stating; it is, however, just 
possible that some people may be as silly as this argument 
suggests. An example of a valid dilemma is the following: c lf 
you reflected carefully you would have seen your mistake; 
and if you were honest you would have admitted it; but 
either you do not see your mistake or you do not admit it; 
therefore, either you have not reflected carefully or you are 
not honest. 3 This is a complex destructive dilemma; the con 
clusion can be avoided only by objecting correctly to the 
factual truth of the hypothetical premiss. But this way 
of rejecting a conclusion is not confined to dilemmatic 

A dilemma is said to be rebutted if another dilemma be 
constructed leading to a conclusion which seems to contradict 
the original conclusion. Thus an Athenian mother is reported 
to have presented her son with the dilemma: 

Tf you say what is just, men will hate you; and if you say 

* This phrase emphasizes the fact that the dilemma has been regarded as 
essentially a disputatious argument; the speaker seeks to impale his adversary 
upon the horns , i.e. the unwelcome alternatives; but we do not always argue 
to refute adversaries , we may seek to convince those who oppose our view, even, 
sometimes, to convince ourselves. 


what is unjust, the gods wiU hate you; but you must say what 
is just or what is unjust; hence either men will hate you or 
the gods will hate you. 

To this the son replied: 

If I say what is just, the gods will love me; and if I say 
what is unjust, men will love me; but I must say one or the 
other; therefore, either the gods will love me or men will 
love me. 5 

The rebuttal consists in transposing the two consequents 
and contradicting* them. Thus the form of the mother s 
dilemma is: If^, then q; and if not-p, then r; but p or not-p; 
therefore, q or r. 

The son s rebuttal is of the form: If/?, then not-r; and if 
not-p, then not-q; but either p or not-p; therefore, either not-r 
or not-q. 

It is clear that q or r is not contradicted by not-r or not-q; 
these propositions are independent. What the son needed to 
prove in order to allay his mother s fears was Both men and gods 
will love me. 

A dilemma is said to be c taken by the horns when the 
alternatives are accepted but the consequences drawn from 
them are denied. These picturesque modes of argument have 
no special logical significance. As tests of our ability to use 
logical principles and to discern violations of principles they 
have some utility, but not much. 

* Miss Stebbing here treats "loving" and "hating" as contradictory terms, 
though they would usually be regarded as contrary terms. [C. W. K. M.] 


The Traditional Syllogism 


Formal immediate inference is trivial. When we seem to have 
inferred a non-trivial conclusion from a single premiss it is 
because we have tacitly made assumptions or have pre 
supposed a premiss without noticing that we have done so. 
At least two premisses are required for a properly formal 
inference which is not trivial. Such inference is mediate in 
ference. It is seldom that we state both premisses explicitly, 
but it is possible to find examples. Sir Henry Gampbell- 
Bannerman was making an informal speech to his neighbours 
at Montrose. In the course of it he said: An old friend of 
mine, Wilfrid Lawson, was accustomed to say: "The man 
who walks on a straight road never loses his way. 55 Well, I 
flatter myself that I have walked on a pretty straight road, 
probably because it was easier, and accordingly I have not 
gone astray. * The conclusion I have not gone astray is implied 
by the conjoint assertion of two premisses. The man who walks 
on a straight road never loses his way (i.e. does not go astray) 
and / have walked on a (pretty] straight road. No one should 
have any difficulty in seeing that the conclusion does indeed 
follow from the premisses. Arguments of this kind, in which 
a conclusion is inferred from two premisses, can often 
be stated in a traditional form called the syllogism. For 

(i) All human beings are liable to make mistakes. 
All philosophers are human beings. 

. . All philosophers are liable to make mistakes. 

* Quoted by Lord Oxford and Asquith in Fifty Tears of Parliament, Vol. II. 
P- 5i- 



(2) No vain people are trustworthy. 
All great leaders are trustworthy. 

.". No great leaders are vain. 

(3) All policemen are tall. 

Some policemen are Cockneys. 

.". Some Cockneys are tall. 

In each of these examples there are three propositions and 
three different terms, each of which occurs twice. The term 
which occurs in both premisses but not in the conclusion is 
called the middle term; it is connected in one premiss with the 
predicate of the conclusion, and in the other with the subject 
of the conclusion. The subject and predicate of the conclusion 
were called by Aristotle c the extreme terms , because they are 
connected by a middle term. The predicate of the conclusion 
is called the major term; the subject of the conclusion is called 
the minor term. The premiss containing the major term is 
called the major premiss , the premiss containing the minor 
term is called the minor premiss. The major premiss is tradi 
tionally stated first, then the minor, and then the conclusion. 
This is the order followed in the three examples above, but 
the order of the premisses is logically irrelevant. The line 
drawn between the premisses and the conclusion is intended 
to mark the difference between them - the premisses are 
taken for granted or asserted to be true, the conclusion is 
drawn from the premisses. 

Aristotle defined che syllogism widely. He said, c a syllogism 
is discourse (Aoyog) in which, certain things being stated, 
something other than what is stated follows of necessity from 
their being so , and he adds, I mean by the last phrase that 
they produce the consequence, and by this, that no further 
term is required from without to make the consequence 
necessary .* But the syllogism has traditionally been more 
narrowly interpreted so that an argument, even when valid 
and in accordance with this definition, can in various ways 
fail to fall into syllogistic form. This narrower specification of 

* Analytica Prior a^ 24^ 1 8. 


traditional syllogistic arguments can be stated in three defin 
ing rules: 

1. Every syllogism comprises three propositions. 

2. Each proposition in a syllogism must be in one of the A, E, /, 

3. Every syllogism contains three and only three terms. 

Comments on these rules: (i) Syllogistic arguments are usually 
abbreviated so that one premiss is tacitly supplied by the 
context or is, perhaps, presupposed only in the sense that 
without it the argument is not valid. A syllogism thus incom 
pletely stated is called an enthymeme. Sometimes the conclusion 
is omitted, mainly as the rhetorical device of innuendo. The 
following are illustrations of enthymemes as they might very 
well occur in ordinary conversation although not, as a rule, 
so tersely expressed: 

(i) Dictators are ruthless for all ambitious men are 

ruthless. 3 
(ii) No honest men are advertisers because all advertisers 

are liars by profession. 5 

(iii) Sailors are handy folk, so they are always welcome 

In (i) and (ii) the minor premiss is omitted; in (iii) the major 
premiss is omitted.* 

(2) The singular proposition, e.g. De Valera is not wholly 
Irish, She is reckless, is not excluded by this rule since, for the 
purposes of syllogistic inference, singular propositions are 
regarded as A or E propositions. 

(3) This rule is most commonly violated by equivocation, 
i.e. by using the same word or phrase with different meanings 
in its two occurrences. When this happens the syllogism has 
more than three terms or - as it would be more correct to say 
- the argument is not syllogistic although it appears to be so 
because one word, or phrase, is being used ambiguously. f 

These rules suffice to determine what is to be understood 
as a categorical syllogism, but they do not suffice to deter- 

* Polysyllogisms are also enthymematic. See below, p. 7 1 . 
f On this topic see further, p. 101. 


mine the conditions under which an argument conforming to 
them is valid. That the arguments given on page 55 are valid 
will be easily seen, but such seeing 5 is not proof. We need to 
see further how it is that the conclusion of a valid syllogism 
is valid and to understand exactly why some of the conclusions 
we are tempted to draw in arguing are in fact invalid. For this 
purpose we must state certain rules or axioms: 

I. Axioms of Distribution. 

1. The middle term must be distributed in at least one of 
the premisses. 

2. A term that is distributed in the conclusion must be 
distributed in the corresponding premiss. 

II. Axioms of Quality. 

3. At least one premiss must be affirmative. 

4. With one premiss negative, the conclusion must be 

5. With both premisses affirmative, the conclusion must be 

From these axioms we can deduce three corollaries, which 
we shall find useful in determining which combinations of 
.4, ", /, propositions yield valid syllogisms. Some writers 
of elementary textbooks in Logic include these corollaries 
among the rules, or axioms, but it is desirable to prove them, 
A corollary is a theorem, and a theorem is a general proposi 
tion which is proved entirely by reference to the axioms and 
definitions. For the three following theorems we shall use the 
traditional name corollary. 

Corollaries, (i) At least one premiss must be universal. This can be 
established by indirect proof; i.e. by supposing that both 
premisses could be particular, which is the contradictory of 
the theorem asserted. 

Proof: There are three cases to be considered, (a) Both premisses 
are negative. This violates axiom 3; hence the original supposi 
tion is impossible; therefore, its contradictory, the theorem, 
is proved. 

(b] Both premisses are affirmative. Then, since both are par 
ticular (assumed), no term in either premiss is distributed; 


hence, the middle term is undistributed; accordingly axiom 
i is violated. 

(c) One premiss is affirmative, the other negative. Since only one 
term is distributed, it must, by axiom I, be the middle term; 
but, by axiom 4, the conclusion must be negative [and would 
thus have a distributed term, viz. its predicate]; therefore, 
axiom 2 is violated. 

(ii) Given that one premiss is particular, the conclusion must be 

Proof: There are again three cases: (a) Both premisses are 
negative. This is excluded by axiom 3. 

(b) Both premisses are affirmative. Since one premiss is par 
ticular (given] and both are affirmative,, only one term is 
distributed in the two premisses; this, by axiom i, must be 
the middle term; therefore, by axiom 2, the minor term can 
not be distributed in the conclusion, i.e. the conclusion must 
be particular. 

(c] One premiss is affirmative, the other negative. Since one 
premiss is affirmative and one negative only two terms can 
be distributed in the premisses; of these one term, by axiom i, 
must be the middle term, and the other, by axioms 4 and 2, 
must be the major term; therefore the minor term cannot be 
distributed, i.e. the conclusion must be particular. 

(iii) Given that the major premiss is particular, the minor premiss 
cannot be negative. Since, ex hypothesi, the minor premiss is 
negative, then, by axiom 4, the conclusion must be negative, 
so that the major term will be distributed in the conclusion. 
But the major premiss is particular (given] and affirmative, 
by axiom 3; hence, neither term in the major premiss is dis 
tributed; therefore, by axiom 2, the minor premiss cannot be 
negative if the major premiss is particular. 


Not all combinations of A, E, I, propositions will yield 
valid syllogisms; we must, therefore, determine which com 
binations are valid. Let us first, however, consider the four 
following arguments: 


I. All ruminants are horned. II. No soldiers are pacifists. 

All cows are ruminants. All Quakers are pacifists. 

.*. All cows are horned. /. No Quakers are soldiers. 

III. All film stars are famous. TV. All snobs are obsequious. 
Some film stars are frivolous. No obsequious people are 

/. Some who are frivolous are financiers. 

famous. .*. No financiers are snobs. 

The student will have no difficulty in seeing that these 
arguments are valid. They differ in form in two ways: (i) in 
the position of the middle term; (ii) in the quantity and 
quality of the propositions involved. 

(i) In I the middle term is subject of the major premiss and 
predicate of the minor; in II the middle term is predicate in 
both premisses; in III the middle term is subject in both 
premisses; in IV the middle term is predicate in the major 
premiss and subject in the minor premiss. Using S, M, P, to 
stand for minor, middle, and predicate term respectively, we 
can symbolize these forms as follows: 


M-P P-M M-P P-M 

S-M S-M M-S M-S 

:.S-P :.S-P :. S-P .-. S-P 

These differences are said to be differences in the figure of the 
syllogism. Accordingly, the figure of a syllogism is determined 
by the position of the middle term. 

(ii) The propositions involved in example I are AAA, in 
II EAE, in III All, in IV AEE. This difference is called a 
difference in mood. Accordingly, the mood of a syllogism is 
determined by the quantity and quality of the propositions 
involved. Thus I is in the mood AAA, II in the mood EAE, 
and so on. 

Consider the argument: All polite people are kind:, Some 
customs officers are not polite , therefore Some customs officers are not 
kind. Does this conclusion follow from the premisses? A little 
reflection should enable us to see that it does not - a man 

* The position, of the middle term in the four figures can be easily remembered 
by noticing that a line drawn through M in the above schemas gives roughly 
a W, viz. \ 1 | /. 


may be impolite and yet in other respects kind. If the argu 
ment is examined it will be seen that the major term kind is 
distributed in the conclusion (being the predicate of a nega 
tive proposition) but not in the major premiss; hence axiom 2 
is violated. The argument is in figure I and is in the mood 
AOO. The invalidity is due to its form; it has nothing to do 
with the characteristics of polite people, kind people, and customs 
officers. Accordingly, we can assert that the mood .400 is 
invalid in figure I, no matter what the propositions involved 
may be about. It is invalid because the major term is 
illegitimately distributed in the conclusion. This fallacy is 
called the fallacy of illicit process of the major term, or, more 
shortly, illicit major. Now consider the argument: Some R.A.F. 
pilots are artistic ., all R.A.F. pilots are intelligent , therefore All 
intelligent people are artistic. This is again invalid; the minor 
term is illegitimately distributed; i.e. the syllogism is guilty of 
the fallacy of illicit minor. Finally, consider the argument: All 
operatic singers are temperamental , all disillusioned poets are tempera 
mental , therefore, all disillusioned poets are operatic singers. The 
conclusion does not follow; axiom i has been violated, for, 
since both premisses are affirmative and the middle term is 
predicate in both, the middle term has not been distributed. 
This fallacy is known as the fallacy of undistributed middle. It 
is of common occurrence in our arguments, but it is not 
always easily detected when the argument is less tersely 

The conventional restriction of the syllogism to the four 
traditional categorical forms limits the conclusions to one of 
the following, SaP, SeP, SiP, SoP. Negative terms are excluded 
so that, for example, we cannot have a conclusion involving 
S or P. The major premiss may be any one of the A, E, I, O 
forms; so may the minor premiss. There are, then, sixteen 
possible combinations. These are written below; the first 
letter indicates the major, the second the minor premiss: 



I A IE II 10 

OA OE 01 00 


Some of these combinations can be eliminated at once, by 
reference to the axioms. The axioms of quality exclude EE, 
EO, OE, 00*; corollary (i) excludes//, 10, 01; corollary (iii) 
excludes IE. There are left eight combinations each of which 
will yield a valid syllogism in one or more of the figures. 
These are AA, AE, AI 9 AO, EA, El, IA 9 OA. 

Since the distribution of any term in these propositions 
depends upon its position as subject or as predicate, combina 
tions not excluded generally by the axioms of distribution 
will nevertheless not yield a valid conclusion in every figure. 
We have already studied examples of such invalid combina 
tions. We have now to deduce from the axioms special rules 
for each figure. f 

Special Rules of Figure /. Schema M - P 


(i) The minor premiss must be affirmative. Proof: Suppose the 
minor premiss is negative: then the conclusion must be 
negative (ax. 4) and the major premiss affirmative (ax. 3). 
Then the major term will be distributed in the conclusion but 
not in its own premiss, thus violating axiom 2. Therefoie, the 
minor premiss cannot be negative, i.e. it must be affirmative. 

(ii) The major premiss must be universal. Proof: Since the 
minor premiss must be affirmative, the middle term, its 
predicate, will be undistributed in the minor premiss; hence, 
the middle term must be distributed in the major premiss 
(ax. i), of which it is subject; accordingly, the major premiss 
must be universal. 

From these rules we can directly determine the valid moods 
in figure I. Granted the assumption that the classes denoted 
by S and P respectively contain members, then, any combina 
tion of premisses that justifies a universal conclusion also 
justifies a particular conclusion, since, in this case, the 

* It should be noted that 00 is also excluded by corollary (i), and OE by 
corollary (iii). 

f This procedure is elegant and affords a useful exercise. Any student who has 
difficulty in following the deduction should turn again to the axioms. It is 
important to remember that a term is distributed if it is the subject of a universal 
-proposition or the predicate of a negative proposition; it will be undistributed if it 
ds the subject of a. particular proposition or the predicate of an affirmative proposition. 


particular conclusion would be subirnplicant to the universal 

Valid Moods of Figure I. The combinations excluded by the 
special rules are: AE, AO excluded by rule (i); I A, OA 
excluded by rule (ii) ; accordingly, the valid moods are AAA y 
\AAT\, All, EAE, [EAO], EIO. The two moods given in 
brackets are the weakened moods, and may be disregarded. 
The unweakened moods have been given proper names 
which, since the thirteenth century, have been familiar to 
students of logic. They are now mainly of antiquarian 
interest but are of some use for purposes of reference. Keeping 
the same order in which the valid moods have just been listed 
and omitting the weakened moods, these names are, Barbara., 
Darii, Celarent, Ferio.* 

Special Rules of Figure II. Schema P - M 


(i) One premiss must be negative.^ This is necessary in order 
to secure the distribution of the middle term, which is 
predicate in both premisses. 

(ii) The major premiss must be universal. This is to prevent 
illicit majoi, since the conclusion is always negative as a con 
sequence of rule (i). 

Valid Moods of Figure II. The combinations excluded by the 
special rules are: AA, AI, I A (by rule i), OA (by rule ii); 
accordingly, the valid moods are AEE[AEO], EAE[EAO], 
EIO, AOO, and their names are Cesar e, Camestres, Festino, 

Special Rules of Figure III. Schema M-P 


* These names were invented for a special mnemonic purpose, viz. to reduce 
to a mechanical procedure the reduction of syllogisms in figures II, III, IV to 
figure I. It should be noted that the quantity and quality of the propositions 
involved in a given syllogism are shown by the vowels contained in the name, 
the canonical order of major, minor, conclusion, being preserved, e.g. Celarent. 
All other letters can be disregarded. Those interested in the purpose for which 
the other letters were used should consult F.L. 258. 

t The proofs of these special rules are very easy; in the case of figure I the 
proofs have been given in full; for the remaining figures the proofs are merely 


(i) The minor premiss must be affirmative. This is for the same 
reason as in figure I, for the rule is required owing to the 
position of the major term, P, which is the same in both 
figures, and has no reference to the minor term, S, the posi 
tion of which differs in the two figures. 

(ii) The conclusion must be particular. This follows from 
special rule (i) together with axiom 2. 

Valid Moods of Figure III. The combinations excluded by the 
special rules are AE, AO (by rule (i)); all other combinations 
are permitted but the conclusion must not be universal. For 
this reason there are six un weakened moods: AAI, All., IAI, 
EAO, EIO, OAO, and their names are Darapti, Datisi, Disamis> 
Felapton, Ferison, Bocardo. 

Special Rules of Figure IV. Schema P- M 



(i) The major premiss cannot be particular if either premiss is 
negative. Violation of this rule involves illicit major, since the 
major term is subject in its premiss. 

(ii) The minor premiss cannot be particular if the major premiss 
is affirmative. Violation of this rule involves undistributed 
middle since the middle term is subject in the minor, and 
predicate in the major premiss. 

(iii) The conclusion cannot be universal if the minor premiss is 
affirmative. Violation of this rule involves illicit minor. 

It should be noted that rule (i) combines the two rules of 
figure II, rule (iii) the two rules of figure III. Rule (ii) is 
analogous to the two rules of figure I but, owing to the 
reversed position of the minor and major terms, it is required 
that an affirmative major premiss necessitates a universal 
minor premiss in order that the middle term should be 

Valid Moods of Figure IV. The special rules exclude the 
combinations AO, OA, AI, and require that A A should have 
/as conclusion. Accordingly, the valid moods are: AAI, AEE, 
[AEO], EAO, EIO, IAI, and their names are, Bramantip, 
Camenes, Fesapo, Fresison, Dimaris. 

It will be noticed that in the first three figures there are, 


including the weakened moods, six moods in each figure. In 
figure III there are no weakened moods, but Darapti and 
Felapton have two universal premisses with a particular con 
clusion. The middle term is unnecessarily distributed in both 
premisses. In figure IV one of the six moods is weakened and 
one (Bramantip) contains a premiss (the major) which could 
be weakened without affecting the validity of the conclusion; 
in this case the mood would be IAI (Dimaris) instead ofAAI. 
In Bramantip we have an example of an over-distributed term, 
i.e. a term distributed in its premiss but not in the conclusion. 
We shall see later that there are difficulties about this mood, 
and, indeed, about all weakened moods.* If the same con 
clusion can, in any syllogism, be obtained although one of the 
premisses is weakened, the syllogism is said to be a strengthened 

Figure IV is usually called the Galenian figure, because it is 
supposed to have been introduced by Galen; it is seldom 
given in books on logic before the eighteenth century. The 
following are examples in figure IV: 

E No aeroplanes are balloons. A All big men are jovial. 

A All balloons are aircraft. E No jovial men are non-smokers. 

.*. Some aircraft are not balloons. E .*. No non-smokers are big men. 

The student should notice that it would be possible to obtain 
the same conclusion, in each of these cases, by a syllogism in 
figure I. How this is possible will be explained in the next 


By using the syllogistic axioms to deduce special rules for the 
figures, thus showing that certain moods must be excluded, 
we have not shown demonstratively that the remaining 
moods are valid. Aristotle, who may be said to have invented 
the theory of the syllogism, did not adopt this method 
of justification. He formulated an axiom which directly 
guarantees the valid moods of figure I. This axiom is called 

* See p. 95, below. 

t We shall see later that every syllogism in which there are two universal 
premisses with a particular conclusion is a strengthened syllogism, with one 
exception, viz. AEO in figure IV. 


the Dictum de omni et nullo because it is an axiom concerning 
all or none of a class. It has been variously formulated; we shall 
formulate it as follows: Whatever is predicated affirmatively or 
negatively of every member of a class can in like manner be predicated 
of everything contained in that class. Thus, for instance, if All 
scholars are inefficient in business affairs and all academic professors 
are scholars, then it follows that All academic professors are 
inefficient in business affairs. Everyone will admit that, granted 
that the premisses (stated in the compound proposition) are 
true, then the conclusion is necessarily true. What Aristotle 
did was to generalize the grounds of this admission. At the 
moment we shall follow Aristotle and admit that the Dictum 
is not only true but necessarily true and, further, that it can 
be accepted as an axiom. It applies directly only to figure I. 
The Dictum permits us equally well to assert that No scholars 
are inefficient^ or to assert that Some academic professors are scholars 
although, in that case, our conclusion must be an assertion 
about some academic professors not about all of them. Hence, 
the dictum gives us a schema for figure I: 

If Every M is P (or not) 
and All (or some) S is M, 
then All (or some) S is P (or not) . 

From this schema we can directly obtain the two special rules 
of the figure and can see clearly why the middle term must 
be distributed in the major premiss and why the minor 
premiss must be affirmative. 

There were reasons, bound up with his metaphysical views, 
which made Aristotle content to formulate an axiom for the 
first figure alone. Now, if it be granted that the Dictum de 
omni is properly axiomatic and, further, that it is the sole 
axiom guaranteeing the validity of syllogistic moods, then it 
must be admitted that the validity of moods in other figures 
than the first can be guaranteed only by showing that these 
moods are logically equivalent to first figure moods. This can 
be done by showing that a conclusion is obtainable in the first 
figure equivalent to or implying the original conclusion and 
from premisses equivalent to or implied by the premisses 
originally given. The process of thus testing the validity of 


moods is known as reduction, of which Aristotle recognized 
two methods: (i) direct reduction, performed by converting 
propositions or transposing premisses; (2) indirect reduction, 
which consists in proof by reductio per impossible. These methods 
must now be illustrated, 
(i) Direct reduction. Consider the pair of syllogisms below: 

(a) (/?) 

All Quakers are pacifists \/r No pacifists are soldiers. 
No soldiers are pacifists /\ All Quakers are pacifists. 

/. No soldiers are Quakers == /. No Quakers are soldiers. 

(a) is a syllogism in AEE in figure II (Camestres] ; (/S) is EAE 
in figure I (Celarent}\ the two syllogisms are equivalent. In () 
the major premiss is the converse of the minor premiss of (a). 
Thus the premisses have been transposed and the original 
minor premiss, which has become the new major premiss, has 
been converted. Accordingly, since the minor premiss con 
tains the subject of the conclusion, the new conclusion must 
be converted in order that the original conclusion may be 
obtained. It must be remembered that we are assuming that 
the validity ofCelarent is established by the Dictum de omni, and 
we have thus shown that the mood Camestres in figure II is 
valid; we are not contending that the moods of figure I are 
superior in self-evidence to the moods of figure II. We are 
adopting an attitude of doubting something that seems to be 
self-evident, and we resolve the doubt by showing that the 
same conclusion can be obtained by means of a mood 
guaranteed by the Dictum; in doing so, we have used only 
simple conversion - which we have admitted to be valid - 
and transposition of the premisses. We shall now give one 
more example of direct reduction: 

Figure III. AAI AIL Figure I 

All pedants are bores. All pedants are bores. 

All pedants are scholars. > Some scholars are pedants. 
/. Some scholars are bores. /. Some scholars are bores. 

We do not need so much information as is provided in figure 
III, AAI (Darapti), in order to draw the same conclusion, 


since the middle term is unnecessarily distributed twice; 
hence we can convert the minor premiss (A] by limitation (7). 
When both the premisses of a valid syllogism admit of 
simple conversion it is clear that the order of the terms is 
logically indifferent. This is the case when the major premiss 
is E and the minor /; hence, the mood 70 is valid in every 
figure. This is shown below: 

/. Ferio IL Festino IIL Ferison IV. Fresison 

MeP == PeM = MeP ~ PeM 

SiM = SiM = MiS == MiS 

:. SoP == /. SoP ~ /. SoP = /. SoP 

These four syllogisms are all equivalent no matter in what 
figure they may happen to be. They present indeed four ways 
of making the same set of statements. Syllogisms of which the 
premisses are A and / (in either order) or A and E (in either 
order) are also equivalent, in the sense that the same con 
clusion can be obtained from the given premisses, in several 
figures providing that transposition of the premisses is 
allowed.* These equivalences are exhibited below: 

I. Celarent IL Cesare t // Camestres IV. Camsnes 

MeX ~ XeM = XeM = MeX 

YaM == TaM = TaM = TaM 

:. TeX = :. TeX = /. XeT = /. XeT 

I. Darii HI. Datisi IIL Disamis IV. Dimaris 

MaX ~ MaX = MaX == MaX 

TiM = MiT == MiT = riM 

:. nx = .-. nx = .-. xir = /. xir 

IIL Felapton IV. Fesapo 

MeX = XeM 

Mar = Mar 

:. r x ~ 

(2) Indirect reduction. The moods Baroco (AOO in figure II) 
and Bocardo (OAO in figure III) lie outside this scheme of 

* To bring out the equivalences in a brief form the regular order of the 
premisses is not always maintained; the minor premiss is that which contains 
the subject of the conclusion, the major premiss that which contains the predicate 
of the conclusion. Accordingly, the minor and major terms are to be identified 
by looking at the conclusion. The order of the premisses is always logically 

t Notice that there is no equivalent argument in figure III hi which the 
conclusion must always be particular. 


equivalences; they cannot be reduced to the first figure, so 
that indirect reduction must be used. It must be remembered 
that we suppose ourselves to be proving that the conclusion is 
validly inferred and that we have accepted the validity of the 
moods of the first figure. It will suffice to exhibit this method 
in the case of Bocardo, i.e. 



:. SoP. 

We reason as follows: If SoP is not true, then its contradictory, 
SaP, must be true; combining SaP with the minor premiss 
MaS, we obtain 


:. MaP, 

which is hi Barbara. But MaP, the new conclusion, contradicts 
MoP, which was given true as a premiss of the original syl 
logism; hence, its contradictory, MaP, must be false; but 
MaP is the conclusion of a valid syllogism in figure I; 
hence it is true if its premisses aie true; since it is not 
true at least one premiss must be false; this cannot be MaS, 
since that was given as true; therefore SaP, its other premiss, 
must be false; therefore, SoP is true, and that is the original 

The reasoning upon which indirect reduction is based rests 
upon the principle that, if the conclusion of a valid syllogism 
is false, then at least one of the premisses must be false. This 
principle can be stated generally, in the form of an hypo 
thetical proposition with a compound antecedent. Let p, q, r, 
be illustrative symbols for the major and minor premisses and 
the conclusion of a valid syllogism. Then we have: If p and q, 
then r. This is equivalent to If not r, then either not-p or not-q\ i.e. 
if the conclusion, r, is false, then at least one of the premisses, 
p, q, is false. Again, If p and q, then r is equivalent to Not (p 
and q) and not-r. This disjunction was called, by Mrs Ladd- 
Franklin, an inconsistent triad ., she invented the name antilogism 
for the triad of propositions constituted by the two premisses 


of a syllogism and the contradictory of its conclusion. The 
following is an example of an antilogism: 

p Xo pets are ugly. 
q All cars are pets. 
f* Some cats are ugly. 

Any two of these propositions imply the falsity of the third; 
hence, we obtained three valid syllogisms. 

Celarent Festino Disamis 

p No pets are ugly. p No pets are ugly. f Some cats are ugly, 

q All cats are pets. f Some cats are ugly. q All cats are pets. 

r :. No cats are ugly. q Some cats are not pets, p .*. Some pets are ugly. 

These three syllogisms are respectively in figures I, II, and 
III. It will be found that, starting with a valid syllogism in 
any one of these three figures two other syllogisms will be 
obtained, one in each of the other figures, if the contradictory 
of the first conclusion is combined first with one premiss and 
then with the other premiss; the new conclusion thus obtained 
will contradict the omitted premiss. It follows that there must 
be an equal number of valid syllogisms in each of the first 
three figures, and that they can be arranged in sets of 
equivalent triads. ~f 

Figure I can be regarded as asserting that a general rule 
applies to a particular case; thus, in the example of Celarent 
given above, a rule is negatively asserted, viz. No pets are ugly., 
the case of cats is subsumed under it, and the conclusion that 
none of them is ugly is deduced. We shall see that, from this 
point of view, we can again bring out the interdependence of 
the first three figures. For example: 

If All great statesmen sometimes lie 

and George Washington is a great statesman, 

then George Washington sometimes lies. 

* f, p, q stand respectively for not-r, not-p } not-q. 

f These triads are: Barbara, Baroco, Bocardo; [AAI, AEO, Felaptori}; Celarent, 
Festino, Disamis; [EAO, EAO, Darapti\; Darii, Camestres, Ferison; Ferio, Cesare, 
Datisi. Triads containing weakened conclusions or strengthened premisses are 
included in brackets. Figure IV is self-contained; the equivalent sets are 
all in the same figure, and are: \Bramantip, AEO, Fesapo]; Camenes, Fresison, 



Now, if we deny that George Washington sometimes lies but 
admit the rule, we must deny that he is a great statesman; 
then we get. Denial of Result combined with Rule yields Denial 
of Case. This will be a syllogism in figure II. If, however, we 
deny that George Washington sometimes lies but contend 
that he is a great statesman, we are forced to deny the rule. 
Then we get, Denial of Result combined with reassertion of 
Case, yields Denial of Rule. This will be a syllogism in figure III. 

This interrelation of the three figures suggests that we can 
easily formulate dicta for figures II and III analogous to the 
Dictum de omni for figure I. Dictum for figure II: If every 
member of a class has (or does not have) a certain property, 
then any individual (or individuals) which do not have (or 
have) that property must be excluded from that class. Dictum 
for figure III: If certain individuals have (or do not have) a 
certain property, and these individuals are included in a 
certain class, then not every member of that class lacks (or 
has) that property. 

These dicta are self-evident in the same sense as the Dictum 
de omni is self-evident; probably they would be most easily 
apprehended in the first instance by means of a significant 
example, explicitly stated; once the dictum has been clearly 
seen to be exemplified in a particular case, it can be 
generalized to cover other cases.* 

Each of the four figures has certain distinctive character 
istics. In the first figure only can all four, ^4, E 9 /, 0, forms 
be proved, and only in this figure can the conclusion be A. 
It is also the only figure in which the major and minor terms 
occupy the same position in their own premiss as in the 
conclusion; it is no doubt this characteristic which makes 
reasoning in figure I seem to be the most natural. In figure II 
the conclusion is always negative, and it is thus specially 
adapted to show that an individual (or set of individuals) 
must be excluded from a given class. Hence, it is sometimes 

* For example, If every member of the class airmen has the property of good- 
eyesight, then these volunteers who lack the property of good-eyesight are excluded 
from the class airmen. It is quite easy to derive the special rules of the figures 
from their respective dicta, as in the case of the Dictum de omni. The fourth figure 
can be similarly dealt with, but we shall not include the statement of its dictum 
in this book. Anyone who is interested should consult M.I.L., p. 97, or W. E. 
Johnson, Logic, Part II, p. 87. 


called the Figure of Exclusion. The third figure, admitting only 
of particular conclusions, is specially adapted to show that 
not every member of a class has a certain property, or that 
two properties are compatible since both are possessed by a 
given individual or by a certain set of individuals. When the 
middle term is singular, denoting a single individual, this is 
the most natural figure to use. For example, Stalin is a dictator, 
Stalin has a passionate love of his country implies that to be a 
dictator is not incompatible with love of one s country. 
Again, Staunton is a great chess-player, Staunton is eccentric might 
suggest that there is an essential connexion between being a 
great chess-player and being eccentric. Accordingly, figure 
III is sometimes called the Inductive Figure. It must, however, 
be noticed that the conclusion cannot show us more than that 
the two properties are compatible (or, it might be, incom 
patible); it w 7 ould then remain to discover some way of show 
ing that the compatibility was due to an essential connexion, 
and the incompatibility to an essential disconnexion. To 
prove such conclusions as these we must go beyond the 


A polysyllogism is a chain of syllogisms in w T hich the con 
clusion of one syllogism constitutes a premiss of the next. The 
conclusions of all the syllogisms except the last are not stated; 
this is the sole peculiarity of this form of argument. The 
syllogism whose conclusion is a premiss (unstated) of the next 
syllogism is called a prosyllogism; a syllogism one of whose 
premisses is the (unstated) conclusion of the preceding syl 
logism is called an episyllogism. 

The Sorites is a polysyllogism in which only the final con 
clusion is stated and the premisses are so arranged that any 
two successive premisses contain a common term. For 

All dictators are ambitious. 

All ambitious men are without compassion. 

* This section and the next section may be regarded as concerned with 
examination tricks. Those who do not require to pass elementary examinations 
in logic, set by old-fashioned examiners, can disregard them. 


All men without compassion are relentless. 
All relentless men are feared. 
All men who are feared are pitiable. 
/. All dictators are pitiable. 

Two forms of Sorites are traditionally recognized: 

(1) The Aristotelian Sorites. The minor premiss is stated first, 
and the term common to two successive premisses occurs first 
as predicate and then as subject; hence the form is 

All A is JB 
All B is C 
All C is D 
All D is E 

:. All A is E 

The special rules of this form are: (i) Only one premiss, 
namely the last, can be negative. (Violation of this rule would 
involve two negative premisses in one of the constituent 
syllogisms.) (ii) Only one premiss, namely the first, can be 
particular. (Violation of this rule would involve undistributed 

(2) The Godenian Sorites (so-called after Goclenius, who is said 
to have introduced this form). The major premiss is stated 
first, and the term common to the two successive premisses 
occurs first as subject and then as predicate; hence the 
form is 

All D is E 
All C is D 
All B is C 
All A is B 

:. All A is E 

The special rules of this form are: (i) Only one premiss, 
namely the first, can be negative, (ii) Only one premiss, 
namely the last, can be particular. An example of a Goclenian 
Sorites is afforded by the following: If those who lack friends are 
miserable, and those who are despicable lack friends, and those who 
betray their own country are despicable, and those who love power for 


itself betray their country, and Quislings love power for itself., then 
Quislings are miserable. This Is stated as a set of Implications, 
not as asserted premisses, 


A syllogism with one proposition omitted is called an 
enthymeme, e.g. Whales are not fish because they are mammals. 
Here the major premiss, Nofish are mammals, is omitted. This 
is called an enthymeme of the first order. If the minor premiss 
is omitted, the enthymeme is of the second order; if the con 
clusion, the enthymeme is of the third order. These names are 
quite unimportant. \Vhat is important is that we should be 
able to recognize an enthymeme for what it is, namely, an 
argument with an unstated premiss or conclusion. It is 
extremely rare for us to state our reasoning in full. We most 
often omit the major premiss, for we are apt to state that so- 
and-so has a certain characteristic because it is a special case 
without bothering to state the rule under which the case falls; 
but sometimes we state the rule and the result, taking for 
granted that we are dealing with a case which falls under the 
rule; less frequently, we state the rule and the case, leaving 
the result to be implicitly understood. 

An epicheirema is a syllogism in which one or both of the 
premisses is stated as the conclusion of an enthymematic 
syllogism. For example: 

No Marxist scientists are fair to Euclid s achievement, 
because they dislike its sociological background; 
Professor H. is a Marxist scientist; 
. . Professor H. is not fair to Euclid s achievement. 

This is a single epicheirema; when both premisses are 
stated as the conclusion of an enthymematic syllogism, the 
epicheirema is said to be double. 

In a reasoned argument we frequently omit not only single 
premisses but even a whole syllogism, tacitly presupposed. 
Sometimes, indeed, an argument is merely hinted. It is often 
not difficult to supply the missing links but the omission of a 
connecting premiss may lead to a fallacy which would be 


detected if the argument were fully stated. It is for this reason 
that the brief examples given in logical textbooks are so 
obvious as to seem merely silly - the reader feels he would 
never make a mistake like that I Yet elementary mistakes in 
reasoning are of common occurrence. 

An argument is sometimes put forward as a single premiss, 
on the assumption that the missing premiss and conclusion 
are too obvious to need explicit stating. For example: 

(1) If that boy comes back, I ll eat my head 5 (Oliver 
Twist], The hearer supplies the premiss and conclusion 
required to complete the tollendo tollens argument. 

(2) c lf we are marked to die we are enow to do our country 
loss; and if to live, the fewer men, the greater share of honour* 
(Henry V}. This dilemma is faulty, since the alternatives 
marked to die, marked to live, are not exhaustive; more men 
might make the difference between victory and defeat. 


Individuals, Classes, and Relations 


We have seen that the validity of inference depends upon the 
relations of implication and not at all upon the truth or falsity 
of the premisses. It is sometimes possible to know that an 
implication holds between propositions without paying any 
attention to the internal structure, or form, of the proposi 
tions themselves. For example. If p and q, then r implies Either 
(P or ?} or r implies If f, then either p or q^ no matter what kind 
of propositions/?, g, rare. Frequently, however, this is not the 
case. When we used p., q, r as illustrative symbols for the 
premisses and conclusion of a valid syllogism, we were able 
to represent the syllogism as an implicational form- If p andq, 
then r. But nothing in this form enables us to know that No pets 
are ugly, All cats are pets, No cats are ugly are so related that the 
first two of these propositions jointly imply the third. We 
know this only because we can analyse the propositions into 
No Ms are P* s, All S s are M s, No S*s are P ^; these forms show 
us that the first two do jointly imply the third. 

Traditional logic is wholly concerned with propositions as 
analysed complexes the elements of which are not proposi 
tions. The terms of the A, E, /, propositions are classes; it 
is these that constitute the subject-matter of the propositions. 
But not all terms are classes; there are also individuals. Terms 
thus fall into two groups: classes and individuals. 

No attempt will be made here to define the word "indi 
vidual"; it will be taken for granted that we all know how to 
use the word; thus, Pius X is an Italian is a proposition about a 
specified individual, viz. Pius X, and being an Italian is pre 
dicated of this individual. Whenever we make statements 
about individuals we say that they have, or do not have, 
certain characteristics - this Pope is subtle, that table is 



round, the sunset last night was beautiful, his attitude is 
intelligent, this feeling is pleasant, and so on. What we 
predicate of individuals is a characteristic, or, as it is sometimes 
called, a property. Roundness is an example of a characteristic; 
it is logically indifferent whether we say Roundness char 
acterizes this table , or This table has the characteristic of 
being round , or This table is round 5 . The last is our normal 
mode of expression; we think of things as having definite 
characteristics without as a rule thinking what it is to be a 
characteristic or to characterize. But the three sentences 
given above all mean the same. 

Characteristics are not always symbolized by single words, 
for example, dissolubility in water expresses a characteristic 
of sugar; we might also have said c the capacity of dissolving 
in water . For certain philosophical problems it is important 
to distinguish between different kinds of characteristics and 
between degrees of complexity. For our present purpose this 
is not necessary. We must notice, however, that characteristics 
may characterize other things than individuals, e.g. reducibility 
is highly abstract, a certain proposition is true, a certain relation is 
difficult to grasp. 

An individual has characteristics but does not characterize; 
it stands in relations but is not itself a relation. As contrasted 
with an individual a characteristic is abstract. Some logicians 
use the word concept for what is here called a characteristic. This 
has the advantage of not suggesting that a characteristic must 
characterize something; there may be characteristics that 
characterize nothing, for every characteristic has a con 
tradictory characteristic, e.g. perfect - imperfect, justice - in 
justice, animality - non-animality. We use concepts with ease 
long before we begin to talk about concepts. Unfortunately 
when we, as philosophers, begin to talk about concepts we 
tend to ask nonsensical questions about them, e.g. What is a 
concept? and expect an answer of the same sort as we should 
expect to the question, What is a centipede? It is enough 
here to say that abstracting is not a highly difficult intellectual 
feat; whenever we think we are abstracting, attending to 
something and not to something else, recognizing similarities 
and differences without necessarily noticing that we are 


recognizing similarities and differences. As William James, the 
psychologist, has said, C A polyp if it ever thought "Hallo, 
thuigemabob again!" would thereby be a conceptual thinker.* 
The disadvantage of using the word concept 3 instead of 
characteristic is that it tends to suggest that a concept is 
dependent upon being thought of. This is a mistake. Complex 
characteristics, e.g. man, are conveniently called concepts, 
provided that we remember that a concept is entirely 
identical with a characteristic or a specifiable complex of 
characteristics. When w r e fully understand a concept we are 
ably actually to specify these characteristics. What I under 
stand by a concept, e.g. justice, home, may be different from 
what you understand by it; we can then be said to have 
different conceptions of the same concept. Thus Newton certainly 
had a different conception enforce from Einstein s, but, so to 
speak, they intended to think about the same concept. 
Advance in scientific thinking in part consists in clarifying 
our conceptions; we aim at abstracting from our personal 
habits of thinking, our private attitudes, hopes, and fears, 
and apprehending clearly what is constant in significance 
throughout repeated instances. 

The converse of the relation of characterization is exempli 
fication , an object, or entity, characterized by red exemplifies 
redness, i.e. is an instance of it. Thus Abraham, Aristotle, John 
Bunyan, James Clerk-Maxwell, etc., exemplify man , these 
individuals are characterized by the complex characteristic 
signified by the word "man". 

A characteristic that could be exemplified even if in fact 
there are no actual instances of it is said to be existent. This is 
the use of the word "existence" in mathematics, as when we 
say, c an even prime exists 5 . This sort of existence or being 
must be distinguished from the full-bodied (so to speak) kind 
of being which individuals have, namely being in time and 
space. Bertrand Russell calls the former subsistence, the latter 
existence. We shall not make use of the word "subsistence" in 
this book; when we say that a characteristic exists we shall 
simply mean that it is not inconsistent to assert that it has 

In the case of individuals we must distinguish between 


what could consistently exist and what does in fact exist. For 
example, there could be a King of the United States but in 
fact there is not; there could be a King of Utopia but in fact 
there is no such country as Utopia and thus no King of 
Utopia. It is easy to indulge in much discussion on this point 
and to fall into apparently inextricable difficulties. But we do 
understand very well what is meant by saying that God exists 
and by saying that God does not exist. The distinction between 
what does exist (in the sense in which this, that, or the other, 
individual exists) is the distinction between fact and fiction. 
Questions of existence are to be settled in two ways. If we 
ask, Do just men exist? 3 we may start from the assumption 
that certain men called just exist, e.g. Aristeides, but want to 
ask whether they are really just. This is a question about the 
concept just, i.e. it asks what the characteristic just is. The 
answer to this question is given by a definition of the word 
"justice", i.e. by clarifying the concept symbolized by 
"justice". But, given this clarification, we may still want to 
ask whether justice is exemplified in human beings. Such a 
question can be answered only by empirical investigation, 
just as the question, Do centaurs exist? , must be settled by 
looking everywhere to see whether there are any centaurs. 
Similarly, the questions, c Does God exist? , Does the Devil 
exist? , might be meant in either of these two ways and must 
be settled either by clearing up what we mean when we use 
the word "God", or the word "Devil", or by appeal to our 


We often want to talk about all the instances of a certain 
characteristic, these instances being taken together. When we 
refer to all possible exemplifications of a given characteristic 
(simple or complex), we are speaking of the class determined 
by the characteristic. Those instances of the class which exist 
are called the members of the class, or sometimes, the elements 
of the class. The class is said to contain its members. 

* It must not be assumed that experience is limited to what is given to sense. 
Whether this is so, or not } is a metaphysical question lying beyond our scope 
as logicians. 


We are all familiar with the notion of class and, as we have 
seen, Aristotle s logic was primarily concerned with relations 
between classes and only incidentally with statements about 
individuals. The notions of class, class-membership, class-inclusion 
are presupposed by Aristotle s treatment and are not discussed 
by traditional Logicians except in the most perfunctory 

A class must be distinguished from its members for, as we 
shall see in a moment, a class has characteristics which its 
members lack. It must also be distinguished from the word 
or symbol used to refer to it. This is not peculiar to classes; 
we must always distinguish between a symbol and what it 
symbolizes, though in fact w r e do not always keep the distinc 
tion clear, especially when talking about classes. 

There are two ways of selecting the individuals who con 
stitute the membership of a class. One is to enumerate the 
individuals one after another, the order of enumerating 
being indifferent. For example, we might enumerate the 
individuals, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, and thus obtain the class 
whose members are Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler. The second 
way is to select a certain characteristic, e.g. being a dictator in 
Europe in 1340, which may belong to many individuals. In 
fact, the membership of this class consists of the three in 
dividuals named above; there is, however, nothing in the 
complex characteristic which determines that it should be 
limited to three members.* World-dictator is a characteristic 
determining a class which contains no members, though no 
doubt Hitler wishes that it contain one member and that he 
should be that member. 

The enumerative selection of a class is possible only when 
the class contains a finite number of members; it is then called 
a finite class. An infinite class is clearly not capable of being 
enumerated; hence, such a class must be determined by a 
characteristic, whilst a finite class is usually but not neces 
sarily so determined. For instance, a complete census, free 
from errors, of the inhabitants of Great Britain enumerates all 

* Indeed this class probably contains more than these members, if General 
Franco and Dr Salazar are to be regarded as dictators in their own countries. 
The class could be limited to the three members specified if we altered the 
characteristic to being a belligerent dictator in Europe in September 1942. 


the members of the class inhabitants of Great Britain. We might 
enumerate the class containing the following members: 
Pompey the Great, FalstafFs red nose, Cleopatra s Needle, 
Napoleon s emotion on first seeing St Helena. No one but a 
logician, or a fool, would want to select such a class, but we, 
for a purpose, have just done so, and the class - which con 
tains four members - might be described as c the class I have 
just selected , and these members each possess a certain 
property possessed by nothing else in the universe, viz. the 
characteristic of being either Pompey the Great or Falstaff s red nose 
or Cleopatra: s Needle or Napoleon s emotion on first seeing St Helena. 
Such artificial classes are seldom useful for scientific purposes, 
but this artificial class has the use to which we have just put it. 

A given characteristic is said to determine the class each 
member of which exemplifies that characteristic. Thus men 
determines the class containing the members Adam, Aristotle, 
Buddha, . . . Winston Churchill, where the dots indicate 
each of the other human beings whom in fact we could not 
enumerate though, it is assumed, God could do so; in a 
minute another item would have to be added to the enumera 
tion, and so on, for every human being that is born. Thus men 
includes the dead, the living, and the yet to be born human 

A characteristic which determines a class is said to be a 
class-property. This phrase is misleading, for a class-property 
is a property common and peculiar to all the members of a 
class; it is not a property of the class at all. It is a property 
of the class men that it has exemplification, but the class men 
has not the property of being a rational animal. 

We could be, even if we are not, acquainted with the in 
dividual Stalin; but we could not be acquainted with the class 
determined by being a dictator in Europe in 1940. Accordingly, 
the way in which we refer to a class when we use a class- 
symbol is quite different from the way in which we refer 
to an individual when we use a proper name speaking to 
the person named. Class-symbols are descriptive; we can 
significantly use class-symbols although no members are pre 
sented to us, and even if we do not know whether the class 
has members or not. It is for this reason that we can signi- 


ficantly prefix to class-symbols such words as "all", "some", 
"any", "a", "the". 

When we speak of all the members of a class the word "all" 
may be used ambiguously; we may mean "each and every 
one member" or "all the members jointly". Usually the con 
text suffices to make the meaning clear, but we may some 
times be in doubt, e.g. "All the men could not move the cart" 
might mean that not one of them alone could move the cart or 
it might mean that all together could not. "The police routed 
the crowd" means all the members of the police jointly; "The 
police carried truncheons" means each member of the police 
did. When we use a term to signify each member severally, 
then we are said to use it distributively , when we use a term to 
signify all together, then w^e use it collectively. The distinction 
is a distinction in usage. 

In the collective usage of "<z/Z", all the members of a class 
constitute its collective membership. For example, if the enemy 
army occupies a country, that which occupies is the collective 
membership of the class; it is clearly not each individual 
soldier who occupies the country nor the class for the class 
cannot carry arms nor shoot -it is only individuals that 
can act. 

Finally, we must keep clear the distinction between classes 
and associations, or organizations, such as the Post Office 
organization, the T.U.C., the United States, the League of 
Nations. The class containing as members the Nations in the 
League of Nations must be distinguished from the League of 
Nations: being a member of the League of Nations is a class- 
property of Great Britain, and of each one of the other 
member-Nations, but being-a-League-of-Nations is not a pro 
perty of any member. To say that it was would be to talk 


All deduction depends upon the logical properties of rela 
tions. Relation cannot be defined without using words that 
are more or less synonymous. We all recognize that in 
dividuals in the universe are not isolated; they stand in 


various relations. Physical objects stand in spatial and gravita 
tional relations; human beings are related in numerous ways, 
e.g. by kinship, by enmity, or by friendship, by precedence, 
and so on. In short every individual object, of every possible 
sort, is related to some other individuals and also to the 
characteristics which they exemplify or which they fail to 
exemplify. Characteristics also stand in relations to other 
characteristics, e.g. implication, consistency, inconsistency. 

Relations relate terms. The most elementary character 
istic of a relation is the number of terms it requires in order 
to make sense. Father <?/~ requires two terms; loving, governing, 
hurting are also two-termed. Such relations are called dyadic. 
Relations requiring three terms are triadic, four terms 
tetradic, five terms pentadic, and so on. Relations requiring 
an indefinite number of terms are polyadic (e.g. among). 
Some logicians call any relation requiring more than three 
terms polyadic. In ordinary discussion we seldom talk about 
relations requiring more than four terms. Giving is triadic: 
Tom gave a ball to Mark relates giver, gift, and recipient. Teaching, 
between, are other examples of a triadic relation; owing is 
tetradic: Jones owes Spencer 10 for this watch. Our discussion 
will be confined to dyadic relations. 

Every relation has a sense, i.e. a direction in which it goes, 
e.g. loving goes from lover to loved, father of from male parent to 
child. The term/r0?tt which the relation goes is the referent; the 
term to which the relation goes is relatum. In Mary loves 
Darnley (as the order of the words in English shows) Mary is 
referent, Darnley is relatum. We will substitute the illustrative 
symbols x,y for these respectively, and R for the relation; then 
we have xRy, which signifies something having a relation to some 
thing. It is sometimes convenient to write R(x, y] instead of 
xRy, so that the same mode of symbolizing can be used for 
triadic relations, and those with more terms than three, e.g. 
R(x, y, z), is a relational form into which we could fit the 
relational statement Tom gives a penny to Mark, provided that 
we have adopted some convention to show the order of the 
terms. As we are here concerned only with dyadic relations 
we shall use xRy. In what follows R will illustratively sym 
bolize some one relation but not a specified relation. 


Relations are said to hold or fail of given terms. When R 
holds from x tojv, then there is some relation which holds from 
y to x, which will be the converse of the original relation. We 
might symbolize the converse of R by R. xRj is always 
equivalent to yR?x but R and R? are not necessarily the same 
relation. For example, x loves y is not equivalent to y loves x 
since the loved does not necessarily love in return, and is thus 
not also lover of the one who loves. The converse of R is 
sometimes written R, as for instance by Bertrand Russell and 
A. N. Whitehead in Principle, Mathematica. We shall use R c for 
the converse of R since it is more directly suggestive of the 
converse of a relation. Which symbol we adopt is logically 
indifferent; it is a matter of notation to be decided on grounds 
of convenience or taste. 

Logical properties of relations are properties which belong to 
relations without reference to the terms they may happen to 
relate. Many of these properties can be stated only if there are 
certain limitations to the possible referents and relata. Hence, 
it is convenient to distinguish between the domain, converse 
domain, and field of a relation. 

If R is any relation, then the domain oFR is the class of terms 
that have R to something, i.e. all possible referents of R. The 
converse domain is the class of terms to which something has R\ 
i.e. all possible relata of R. The field of R is the sum of the 
domain and the converse domain of R. The domain and the 
converse domain may overlap, as, for example, is the case 
with the relation ancestor of limited to the field of the direct 
descendants of George I. The domain is the class of all those, 
in this field, who have descendants; the converse domain is 
the class of those who are his descendants. In this field, 
Edward VII is referent to George V, George VI, and is 
relatum to Queen Victoria, George L 

The relations holding between members of a family are 
familiar and can be used to illustrate important logical proper 
ties of relations. If the reader considers what is the converse 
of married to, father of, uncle of, ancestor of, he will easily notice 
that sometimes the same relation relates x,y (any two terms) 
as relates y, x, and sometimes a different relation. Again, the 
father of a father is not a father but a grandfather, but the 


ancestor of an ancestor is also an ancestor. These family 
relationships suggest to us the importance of distinguishing 
relations according to the properties they have. We shall now 
consider those properties of relations that are important for 

(1) Symmetry. A relation R is symmetrical when xRy =zyRx. 
Thus, if xRy, thenjy^. For example, spouse of, equal to, different 
from, brother or sister of. 

A relation R is asymmetrical when xRy is incompatible with 
yRx. Thus, if xRy, then never yRx. For example, father of, 
darker than, greater than, preceding. 

A relation R is non-symmetrical when xRy is neither equiva 
lent to nor incompatible with y Rx. Thus, if xRy, then perhaps 
yRx and perhaps not yRx. For example, implication, friend to, 
sister of. 

(2) Transitiveness. This distinction is based upon the con 
sideration of pairs of terms with reference to some relation R. 
A relation R is transitive when, provided it holds from x toy, 
and also from y to , it must hold from x to . Thus, if xRy and 
yRz, then xRz. For example, ancestor of, exactly contemporary 
with } parallel to, implication. 

A relation R is intransitive when it is such that if xRy and 
yRz, then never xRz. For example, next to, father of, one year 
older than. 

A relation R is non-transitive when it is such that if xRy and 
yRx then perhaps xRz and perhaps not xRz. For example, 
sister of, overlapping in time with, cheating, different from. 

The properties of symmetry and transitiveness, and their 
opposites, are logically independent. Hence, we can classify 
relations into the four following groups: 

(i) Symmetrical transitive: equal to; matching in colour. 

(ii) Symmetrical intransitive: spouse of; twin of. 
(iii) Asymmetrical transitive: ancestor of; greater than; above; 

(iv) Asymmetrical intransitive: father of; greater by two than. 

Relations that are both symmetrical and transitive have 
the formal properties of equality. There is a third important 
property that belongs to such relations; this property is called 


reflexweness. It may be defined as follows: a relation R is 
reflexive if it holds between x and itself, i.e. xRx. Identity is 
reflexive; as tall as is reflexive, and so on. A relation may be 
symmetrical without being reflexive, e.g. spouse of. The only 
relation that can be said to be reflexive without limitation is 
identity. Reflexiveness, symmetry, transitiveness are formal 
properties of identical with., and thus, equal to. Any relations 
that have these properties are of the formal nature of identity, 
e.g. exactly matching, co-implication, coincidence. 

A relation that is both transitive and asymmetrical has also 
another property, called aliorelative. A relation R is aliorelative 
when it is such that no term x has R to itself, e.g. successor of. 
Asymmetrical relations are necessarily aliorelative, but the 
converse is not the case, since spouse of, twin of are sym 
metrical but also aliorelative. But if a relation is both transi 
tive and asymmetrical, it is also aliorelative. 
(3) Connexity. Given any relation R and the field of R, it is 
not necessarily the case that any two terms in the field are 
related by R or R c . For example, given the field human beings 
and the relation ancestor of, it does not follow that of every pair 
of terms the relation must hold. When, however, this does 
hold the terms are said to be connected. Connexity may be 
defined as follows: A relation R is connected when, given any 
two terms of its field, viz. x,y, then either xRy oryRx (i.e. xRy 
or xR c y). If this condition does not hold then R is said to be 

A relation that is transitive, asymmetrical and connected 
is a serial relation, i.e. it suffices to generate a series, e.g. an 
arithmetical progression. Greater than, limited to the field of 
natural numbers, is connected, since, of any two numbers one 
is greater than the other if actor ofh unconnected. Greater than 
suffices to generate the series i, 2, 3, 4 ... 

Relations may also be classified according to the number 
of terms to which the referent or relatum may stand in the 
given relation R. If Jones is a debtor to Robinson, it does not 
follow that Robinson alone stands in that relation to Jones, 
who may have many debtors; Jones may also himself have 
debtors. If Mary has sisters she is not the only daughter of 
David but she has only one father. In a monogamous country, 


if Mary is wife of James then no other man can be her 
husband and no other woman be James s wife. As these 
examples suggest, we can distinguish four groups of relations 
from this point of view: 

(i) Many-many relations: R is many-many when both the 
domain and the converse domain can contain more than one 
member, and the selection of a term from either does not 
determine the selection of a term from the other, e.g. i of 
latitude north of, creditor to, sister of. 

(ii) Many-one relations: R is many-one when the selection of 
a term from the domain determines the selection of the term 
from the converse domain, but not reversely, e.g. child of. 

(iii) One-many relations: R is one-many when the selection of 
a term from the converse domain determines the selection of 
the term from the domain, but not reversely, e.g. father of. 

(iv) One-one relations: R is one-one if the selection of a given 
referent determines the selection of the relatum, and reversely. 
There may be many members of the domain and the con 
verse domain ofR, but the selection of any one of these terms 
as referent uniquely determines the selection of the relatum, 
and reversely. For example, eldest son of a father, greater by 

It should be noticed that, for instance, parent of is not a 
one-many relation since, if x is parent of y, then x may be 
either father or mother of y\ hence two terms stand in the 
given relation tojy. If, however, the referents be limited to 
males, then the relation is one-many, if the relatum be now 
limited to eldest son, the relation is one-one. It is important to 
observe that mathematical functions result from one-many 
relations, e.g. the cosine of x, the logarithm of y. One-one 
relations are of great importance in the exact sciences; cor 
relations are one-one relations.* 

* It may be of interest to notice that relations can be combined. Suppose 
there is a relation R such that xRy, and a relation S such that ySz\ then there 
is a relation between x and z compounded of the two relations R, S. This relation 
is called the relative product of R and S. Bertrand Russell symbolizes the relative 
product of R and S by writing R/S. The relative product of sister of and father 
of is paternal aunt. The order in which R, S is taken is significant; if their order 
be reversed a different relation may be obtained. For example, the relative 
product of father o/and sister of is father of. The converse of a relative product 
is obtained by reversing thtjorder of the factors and then substituting their 
converses: i.e. converse of 3/R is S/R (using R for Re), e.g. the converse of the 



We say, "All Marxists are determinists", and "Professor 
Hodd is a Marxist 53 , and are thus led to suppose that are and 
is signify the same relation. This is a mistake. In "All Marxists 
are deter minists" are signifies the relation of inclusion ^ in 
"Professor Hodd is a Marxist" is signifies membership of a class. 
These two relations differ in their logical properties: inclusion 
is non-symmetrical and transitive, whereas class-membership is 
asymmetrical and intransitive. X can be included in T with 
out its being the case that Tis also included in X, but it is also 
possible that where Xis included in T, Talso is included in X. 
Class-membership, on the other hand, is clearly not sym 
metrical, and is indeed asymmetrical. Hodd (in the example) 
is a member of the class Marxists, but the class Marxists is not 
a member of Hodd. All individuals are members of classes, but 
no class is a member of an individual. Class-inclusion is 
clearly transitive, but class-membership is not. For example, 
Fido is a member of the class of my dogs; the class of my dogs is a 
member of the class of single-membered classes; but Fido is not a 
single-membered class, for Fido, being an individual dog, is 
not a class of any kind. When we speak of classes as members 
of other classes we are indeed shifting the meaning of "member 
of . In this book w r e shall always understand by a class- 
membership proposition a singular proposition. 

A singular proposition is a proposition about a uniquely 
specifiable entity, e.g. David Hume is a philosopher. This is a pen. 
A uniquely specifiable entity (e.g. this pen) may be regarded 
as the sole member of some class (e.g. the pens now owned by 
me}. The traditional logicians treated every singular proposi 
tion as being a statement about a class containing only one 
member. On this view, David Hume is a philosopher is equivalent 
to All David Humes (there being only one) are philosophers. We 
mentioned this view earlier (p. 56) without criticizing it. We 
must now observe that, in adopting this view, the traditional 

relative product of husband of and daughter-in-law is father or mother-oj. The 
relative product of R and R is called the square ofR, Thus R/R can be written 
J2 2 ; the relative product of father and father is grandfather; the converse of the 
square of father is grandchild. The square of ancestor of is ancestor of. 


Logicians did not see clearly exactly what they were doing nor 
why their analysis of categorical propositions required this 
interpretation of singular propositions. 

It is obvious on reflection that a class-inclusion statement 
is different in kind from a class-membership statement. If we 
say H.M.S. Hermes is an aircraft carrier we are stating that a 
certain individual is a member of a class, viz. aircraft carriers. 
If we say Aircraft carriers are warships we are saying that every 
member of the class aircraft carriers is also a member of the 
class warships. A ship can, in the proper sense, sail the seas; 
a class cannot sail. We must then distinguish between a state 
ment about a single-membered class and a statement that the 
class has only one member, and similarly we must distinguish 
a single-membered class from its sole member. There exists one 
and only one number which is a factor of every number in a given finite 
collection of positive integers is a statement that a certain class 
has only one member; this member is the H.C.F. of the given 
collection of numbers. The H.C.F. is the sole member of the 
class determined by the above formula when the finite col 
lection is given. The class of even primes is a single-membered 
class, and its sole member is the number 2. The class of most 
virtuous of dogs necessarily contains only one member, for, if 
two dogs were equally virtuous neither could be said to be 
the most virtuous. The class of my dogs (on the assumption that I 
possess only one dog) is single-membered. This class contains 
fewer members than the class of my books, but it does not make 
sense to say that my dog has fewer members than the class of 
my books, or any other class. 

We can see from what has just been said that anything which 
can be significantly stated about a class cannot be significantly 
stated about an individual. Logicians recognize this distinc 
tion by saying that an individual and a class are of different 
logical types. Accordingly "are" and "is" in the two sentences 
given at the beginning of this section differ in meaning. 


A class a included in another class /? is said to be a subclass 
of /?. It is convenient to call the class /? a superclass of a. The 


class Frenchmen is a subclass of Europeans; the class Italians is 
also a subclass of Europeans. For many purposes it is useful to 
be able to distinguish the subclasses of a class. In the next 
chapter we shall be concerned with this process of distinguish 
ing subclasses. Sometimes we distinguish a subclass and sub 
sequently find that it has no members. For example, in the 
summer of 1940 certain penalties were laid down by the 
British Parliament to be inflicted upon those who spread 
alarm and despondency . It seemed good to the British 
Government to take this class into account. But it might well 
have turned out to be the case that spreading alarm and 
despondency was a complex characteristic having no exemplifi 
cation, or, to use other words, the class determined by this 
characteristic was found to be empty. An empty class is a 
class that has no members. In Chapter II w r e noticed that 
there are no dishonest immortal politicians. Among a given 
class of school children there may be none who are both hard 
working and able. We find no difficulty in seeing that complex 
characteristics may lack exemplification. In such cases it is 
convenient to say that the class determined by the char 
acteristic is empty. This is a mode of speaking, or, as we may 
say, a convention. It seems strange to extend the meaning of 
"class" in such a way that we can speak of empty classes. 
But, as the above examples suggest, we shall avoid certain 
difficulties if we do so. For instance, if we admit that A, E, /, 
propositions are statements about class inclusion and ex 
clusion, we shall get into the sort of difficulties we noticed in 
the case of inversion unless we admit that a class may have 
no members. If we grant that a class may be empty, then we 
can bring out the fundamental difference in form between 
the universal propositions A, E and the particular proposi 
tions /, 0. 

Consider the two propositions: All who spread alarm and 
despondency will bejined or imprisoned; All women between the ages 
of twenty and thirty will be called up for military service. As under 
stood by the people of Great Britain in the years 1940 to the 
present (September 1942), it would certainly be admitted 
that the significance of the first of these propositions does not 
depend upon there being any instances of the complex 


characteristic spreading alarm and despondency. Indeed, the British 
Government no doubt hoped that by threatening penalties 
the class determined by spreading alarm and despondency would 
remain empty. In the case of the second proposition we 
unhesitatingly assert There are women between the ages of twenty 
and thirty, i.e. we take for granted that the class constituting 
the subject-term is not empty. We do so because the proposi 
tion is asserted (if, indeed, anyone does assert it) in the con 
text of our knowledge about the people in Great Britain. No 
one would have any interest in making this assertion if there 
were no women between the ages of twenty and thirty. Let 
us for a moment neglect what we know; we should have no 
difficulty in admitting that in neither case does the significance 
of the proposition depend upon there being members of the 
class constituting the subject-term of the proposition. 

What, then, is the minimum interpretation that must be 
given to these propositions in order to render them significant? 
The minimum interpretation imports nothing into the pro 
position which depends upon knowledge not derived from the 
proposition stated. Clearly, then, it is advisable so to interpret 
these propositions that their significance should in no way 
depend upon there being any members of the class con 
stituting the subject-term. This interpretation can be con 
veniently formulated in the sentence "If anyone spreads 
alarm and despondency, he will be fined or imprisoned", and 
analogously for the second proposition. This formulation 
brings out that the proposition asserts that a certain class is 
empty, viz. the class determined by the conjunction of char 
acteristics spreading alarm and despondency without being either 
fined or imprisoned. Its significance is to deny that a certain class 
has members. Such a proposition is called existentially 

Now consider the propositions Someyoung men are combatants, 
Some dishonest politicians are not mortals. Ordinarily we should 
unhesitatingly assert that the significance of these proposi 
tions depends upon there being members of the classes respec 
tively constituting the subject-term. We so use the word 
"some" in English that to assert any proposition of these two 
forms is to assert that there are members of the given class for 


which some is used as a quantifier. Thus, Some trepangs are 
echinoderms asserts that there are members of the class tre 
pangs, i.e. the proposition is existentially affirmative. The 
proposition Some trepangs are not pleasant to eat is likewise 
existentially affirmative, whether true or false. 

Granted then that the minimum interpretation of universal 
propositions does not require that the class constituting the 
subject-term should have any members but that particular 
propositions do require this, we can formulate the A, E, I 9 
propositions as follows: 

A Nothing is both S and non-P SP = o 

E Nothing is both S and P SP = o 

/ Something is both S and P SP 4= o 

Something is both S and non-P SP =j= o 

The set on the right-hand side presents a convenient mode of 
symbolizing propositions from this point of view. SP, SP stand 
for the conjunction of two classes in each case: SP stands for 
the class constituted by combining S and P, SP for the class 
constituted by combining S and non-P\ C = o" signifies that 
the class has no members, i.e. is empty; " =f o" signifies that 
the class has members, i.e. is not empty.* This symbolism is 
convenient, but it must not be supposed that it gives us any 
more, or less, information than is given by the corresponding 
English sentences on the left-hand side. 

It should be observed that if it is true that nothing is both 
S and P, then, provided that S has members, P also has 
members, or - as it may equivalently be stated - either S 
has no members or non-P has members. | For example, if 
it be true that nothing is both human and infallible, then either 
the class human beings has no members or there are fallible 

The above formulations bring out very clearly that the 
universal propositions are fundamentally different in form 
from the particulars, whereas the difference between negative 
and affirmative propositions is not fundamental. 

* This symbol must of course be distinguished from the number o. 
f This can be formulated: Either S = o or P =j= o. 


If we assume that the subject S has members, we can 
formulate these propositions as follows: 

A SaP S 4= o and SP = o 

E SeP S 4= o 0;zd SP = o 

/ SiP SP + o 

SoP 5P o 

Here, again, the difference in form between the universals 
and the particulars is made manifest. On the assumption that 
in the particular propositions the class constituting the sub 
ject-term is not to be interpreted as necessarily having 
members, the formulation is: 

/ SiP Either S = o or SP 4= o 
SoP Either S = o or SP 4= o 


In the preceding section it was said c we unhesitatingly assert . 
For whom does "we" stand? Presumably moderns of Euro 
pean culture who are able to read English. The context in 
which this book is written and read enables us to take the 
reference of "we" as understood. In any discussion that pro 
ceeds without serious misunderstanding or ambiguity the 
context is understood by all the speakers. If I say, Hamlet 
killed Polonius, not Polonius Hamlet , I shall be understood 
to refer to the realm of Shakespeare s plays. If I say,. Crom 
well was not really like what Scott makes him out to be , I 
shall be understood to be contrasting Scott s fictitious present 
ment of Cromwell in Woodstock, with Cromwell who actually 
lived and was Lord Protector of England in the middle of the 
seventeenth century. We contrast the world of fiction with 
the Vorld that actually is . But frequently we want to put 
some limitation upon the context of our discourse so that 
what we are saying shall not be understood to refer to every 
thing that has happened or happens everywhere. For 
example, Women have the right to vote would usually be 
understood to be limited in reference to the country under 
discussion or in which the speakers are living; it would also 


ordinarily be understood to be limited to a fairly recent 
period of time. The context thus understood may be called 
the universe of discourse.* 

In the language of classes we can say that the universe of 
discourse is the class such that all classes discussed are sub 
classes of it. Since every member of a subclass is a member of 
its superclass, it follows that every member of a class under 
discussion is a member of the one universal class. But just as 
we can have a different universe of discourse on one occasion 
(e.g. fictitious entities) from the universe of discourse on 
another occasion (e.g. actual w T orld), so we can have a 
different universal class on different occasions. But, granted 
the context of the discussion, there is only one universal class. 
In a given universal class we can distinguish subclasses which 
would have no place in another universal class, f For example, 
in the universal class of men throughout the history of the world it 
makes sense to distinguish between men acting freely and men 
not acting freely., even if we subsequently decide that one of 
these classes is empty; hi the universal class of physical entities 
such as electrons the distinction between acting freely and not 
acting freely may be without sense. 

When we are not clear with regard to the limitations placed 
upon the universal class (constituted by any discussion) we 
are apt to talk nonsense without noticing that we do so. 



Once we have admitted that the universal propositions SaP, 
SeP are to be interpreted as existentially negative, we can see 

* This phrase was introduced by A. de Morgan (Formal Logic, pp. 41, 55) 
and G. Boole (Laws of Thought, p. 166). It was thus explained by de Morgan: 
4 If we remember that in many, perhaps most propositions, the range of thought 
is much less extensive than the whole universe, commonly so-called, we begin 
to find that the whole range of a subject of discussion is, for the_ purpose of 
^discussion, what I have called a universe, that is, a range of ideas which is either 
expressed or understood as containing the whole matter under discussion. ^ 

f In Pirandello s play Six Characters in Search of an Author, the worlds of fiction 
and of reality are deliberately brought together, with dramatic effect, but the 
real characters in the play and the six characters are, in. fact (as we say), both 


that -we must reconsider the validity of the inferences allowed 
by the traditional Logicians. For \ve have also agreed that 
particular propositions are existentially affirmative, so that 
Some explorers are intelligent implies that there are explorers 
and, consequently, also intelligent beings. 

Confining our attention to the traditional square of opposi 
tion , we find that A and 0, E and /, respectively, are con 
tradictories; for, SaP ~ SP = o, and SoP == SP + o. But the 
inference from SaP to SiP> and from SeP to SoP is not valid, 
since SaP implies only that nothing is SP (i.e. SP = o), 
whereas SiP implies something is SP 9 and this means that the 
class S is not empty. Again, SaP and SeP are not contraries 
since it is not inconsistent to assert SP = o and also SP = o, 
on the assumption that nothing is S. The force of asserting both 
of them is to deny that there are any members of S. This may 
seem absurd, but it is not difficult to give significant examples: 
All disinterested leaders are trustworthy. No disinterested leaders are 
trustworthy, taken as both true, constitute a denial that there 
are any disinterested leaders.* The inference of SiP from SaP 9 
and of SoP from SeP does not hold good, since the particulars 
imply that the class S is not empty, whereas the universals do 
not imply this. 

In general, on the assumption we are making, a universal 
proposition can be validly inferred from another universal 
proposition, and a particular proposition from another par 
ticular; but a particular cannot be inferred from a universal. 
Hence, the following traditional immediate inferences are 
invalid, unless the assertion that S is not empty be added: 
(i) conversion of A; (ii) contraposition of E; (iii) inversion. 
Likewise, a syllogism with two universal premisses and a par- 

* Mrs Ladd-Franklin gives an example in the following quotation: All x isy y 
MX isy assert together that x is neither y nor not-jj>, and hence that there is no x. 
It is common among logicians to say that two such propositions are incom 
patible; but that is not true, they are simply together incompatible with the 
existence of x. When the schoolboy has proved that the meeting-point of two 
lines is not on the right of a certain transversal and that it is not on the left of 
itj we do not tell him that his propositions are incompatible and that one or 
other of them must be false, but we allow him to draw the natural conclusion 
that there is no meeting-point, or that the lines are parallel* (Mind, 1890, 
p. 77 .). This example assumes that on the right and on the left are contradictory 
terms; granted this assumption, then the two propositions are of the form JVb S 



ticular conclusion is invalid, since the conclusion will imply 
that the class S is not empty, whereas this is not guaranteed 
by the minor premisses in the cases under discussion. Con 
sequently the weakened moods are invalid, together \\ith 
Darapti, Felapton, Bramantip> Fesapo, each of wiiich contains a 
strengthened premiss. The valid syllogisms, therefore, reduce 
to fifteen: four in figure I, four in figure II, four in figure III, 
three in figure IV. 

These results confirm our contention in Chapter II that 
the validity of inversion depends upon the assumption that 
the classes S y 5, P, P are not empty, i.e. have existence in the 
universe of discourse. 

At this point we can return to the two questions raised on 
page 26. The assumption that 5, P, S, P, all exist in the 
universe of discourse can be represented diagrammatically by 

saying that the area outside the circles, in each case, repre 
sents everything that is neither S nor P. Let a rectangle 
represent the universe of discourse, within which any of the 
five diagrams given on page 25 can be drawn. It will suffice 
to take one example: we select diagram 4. The compartments 
are labelled with the four possible combinations. We could 
substitute any diagram instead of 4; hence, in every case 
Some non-S is non-P. If this is correct, then every proposition 
of the four traditional forms has an inverse, and, indeed, the 
same inverse. This is absurd. We must, then, conclude that 
there is not always some area outside the circles but included 
in the universe of discourse. We need, then, ten notfae diagrams. 


These ten may be conveniently given in the form of 




















SP \ 









These diagrams* should be compared with Euler s diagrams 
(p. 25). We have now distinguished two ways of interpreting 
each of Euler s diagrams, depending on whether or not the 
class SP has members. Thus diagrams (i) and (ii) correspond 
to Euler s No. i, and so on. 

How do we deal with the case when a term, significant in 
the universe of discourse, nevertheless signifies nothing in the 
actual world? Consider our original example, Ghosts are not 
always draped in sheets. This is a particular negative proposi 
tion. We shall represent it by 

* The student who is interested in this topic may consult T. N. Keynes, F.L., 
Pt. II, Ch. VIII, Pt. Ill, Ch. VEIL See also M.I.L., Ch. V, 4, 5. 


The circle that is shaded may be regarded as blacked-out; 
t is empty, i.e. no ghosts exist in the actual universe; 
ion-ghosts (5), things draped in sheets (D), things not draped in 
sheets (D) all exist both in the actual universe and in the 
iniverse of discourse; ghosts (G) exist only in the universe of 
iiscourse: the class ghosts is empty, but, in the given propo 
sition, it is falsely assumed not to be empty. Hence, the 
Droposition Ghosts are not always draped in sheets is false; so too 
5 the proposition Ghosts are sometimes draped in sheets (i.e. an 
I proposition). 


[n discussing the traditional immediate inferences (in 
Chapter II) we found that in some cases the inferred con 
tusion was equivalent to the premiss from which it was 
inferred but that in some cases it w r as subimplicant to it. We 
:an now see that this difference follows from the logical 
properties of the relations involved. The A, E, 7, proposi 
tions are statements of class-inclusion or exclusion. Since 
inclusion is non-symmetrical we cannot tell from the fact that 
X is included in T whether Tis included in Jfor not. Hence 
from SaP (interpreted as meaning All S s are P*s, i.e. the class 
S is included in the class P) w r e can infer only PiS. Thus the 
converse of an A proposition is not equivalent to the original 
proposition. But partial inclusion and total exclusion are both 
symmetrical; hence SiP and SeP both have simple converses. 
The traditional Logicians did not study the properties of 
relations, so that their treatment of immediate inferences is 
untidy and unpleasing. The conversion of A 9 E, 7, proposi 
tions depends entirely upon the symmetry or non-symmetry 
of the relation asserted to hold between the class taken for 
subject and the class taken for predicate. 

The validity of categorical syllogisms depends upon the 
transitivity of the relation of class-inclusion. Using a, /?, y as 
illustrative symbols for three different classes, the Barbara 
syllogism can be represented by If a is included in /J and /? is 
included in y, then a is included in y. That the compound 


antecedent implies the consequent is manifest from the fact 
that included in is transitive. 

The case is different in a syllogism where one premiss is 
singular, e.g. if All Marxists are determinists and Professor Hodd 
is a Marxist, then Professor Hodd is a determinist. As we have seen, 
class-membership is an intransitive relation. The validity of 
this syllogism depends upon a modified form of the axiom de 
omniy which can be stated as follows: Whatever can be affirmed 
or denied of every member of a given class can also be affirmed or 
denied of any specified member. This principle has been called the 
applicative principle;* it may also be called the principle of 

Consider the following inferences, where a, b, c are illustra 
tive symbols for individuals: 

(i) a b and b = c> . . a c. 
(ii) a is richer than b and b is richer than c 9 .*. a is richer 

than c. 
(iii) a precedes b and b precedes c 9 .". a precedes c. 

No one will doubt that these inferences are valid, whilst the 
following are clearly invalid: 

(iv) a loves b and b loves , .". a loves c. 
(v) a annoys b and b annoys , /. a annoys c. 
(vi) a is father of b and b is father of c, /. a is father of c. 

The relations in (i), (ii), (iii) are, in each case, transitive; 
the relations in (iv) and (v) are non-transitive, in (vi) in 
transitive. In (i) the relation is symmetrical, so that the 
relation and its converse are the same; in (ii) and (iii) the 
relation is asymmetrical. But the validity of the inference 
depends upon the property of transitivity, not upon sym 
metry. In each case the conclusion establishes a relation 
between the first and third of three terms; the second term 
stands in the given relation to one of the terms and in the 
converse relation to the other term. Since the relation is 
transitive the intermediate term can be eliminated. 

Whenever premisses are connected by transitive relations, 
chains of deduction are possible. Given that the premisses are 

* W. E. Johnson, Logic, Pt. II, p. 10. 


true, the intermediate term, or terms, can be eliminated and 
the conclusion can be asserted. William James has expressed 
the principle in virtue of which such elimination is possible as 
the axiom of skipped intermediaries ; he says, symbolically 
we might write it as a < b < c < d . . . and say, that any 
number of intermediaries may be expunged without obliging 
us to alter anything in what remains written .* It is in 
accordance with this principle that the conclusion of a Sorites 
is obtained, and that the middle term in the categorical syl 
logism is eliminated. The property of transitivity, as we have 
defined it for dyadic relations, is indeed a special case of the 
conditions that make elimination in general possible. | 

The traditional Logicians by failing to single out the 
property of transitivity as essential to such inferences fell into 
absurd difficulties in dealing with arguments such as (ii) and 
(iii) above. An argument of this kind was called the a fortiori 
argument. Absurd attempts were made to restate the argument 
in traditional syllogistic form, i.e. in propositions containing 
between them three and only three terms, the terms being 
connected by the copula is. These attempts were bound to 

* Principles of Psychology, Vol. II, p. 646. 

f Any student who wishes to consider this topic further should consult G. 
Boole, Laws of Thought, Ch. VII; cf. also, J. N, Keynes, F.L., pp. 489-94. 
J For a discussion of these attempts, see J. N. Keynes, F.L. 9 pp. 384-8. 


Classification and Description 


The topics to be discussed in this chapter can be approached 
from various points of view; the emphasis placed upon one 
topic as contrasted with another varies in accordance with 
the point of view adopted. Extension and intension, connota 
tion and denotation, classification and division, definition 
and description - all these are more or less interconnected 
topics, important not only for the formal logician but also 
for the purposes of scientific investigation. The traditional 
Logicians approached the discussion of these topics from 
the metaphysical standpoint of the classical doctrines of 
Aristotle s works on logic, modified by the contributions of 
the Schoolmen. We shall not attempt to follow this treatment, 
and, with one exception,* we shall not keep to the traditional 
terminology. The topics to be discussed in this chapter are 
involved in all systematic thinking both at the level of com 
mon-sense reflection and of scientific thought. 

The discussion of interconnected topics is often confused; 
it is difficult to distinguish in thought what is not separated 
in fact, whilst the adoption of an unsatisfactory terminology 
at the outset hinders further advance. Of these difficulties 
extension and intension, connotation and denotation present 
an example. These two pairs of words have been used some 
times as synonyms, sometimes to indicate different meanings. 
We shall distinguish between extension and denotation and 
between intension and connotation. We shall further have to 
make clear to ourselves what it is that has extension, denota 
tion, intension, and connotation respectively. It is only too 

* See 5, below. The topics included in this chapter are dealt with more fully, 
and with more detailed reference to traditional doctrines, in M.I.L., Ch. II, 3, 
4; Ch. IX, 2; Ch. XXII. For a good discussion from a strictly Aristotelian 
point of view, see H. W. B.Joseph, Introduction to Logic, Ghs. IV, V, VI. 



easy* to confuse, in this discussion, the symbol and what is 

In earlier chapters we have frequently used the word 
"term"; it is to be hoped that we have done so without 
ambiguity. "Term" is, however, ambiguous though not as a 
rule inconveniently so, since the context usually suffices to 
show whether we mean by "term 35 a word or an element in a 
complex, such as the terms of a proposition, of the syllogism, 
or of a relation.-]* In this chapter the word "term" will 
always be used to mean a word, or set of words, i.e. what 
signifies, not what is signified. 

The resemblances between individuals and their differ 
ences from one another are recognized in ordinary speech by 
our use of class-terms. No one has the slightest difficulty in 
using many class-terms; numerous instances of them appear 
on every page of this book. A class-term signifies a class- 
property, e.g. the word "book" signifies the complex char 
acteristic which determines the class of individuals each of 
which is a book; the word "steel" signifies a certain constant 
conjunction of characteristics. 

If I say Give me that book , then "that book" is used in 
the hope of referring you to a certain individual object which 
you will be able to identify because you understand the words 
used. If you do not understand "book" reference fails; if you 
do understand "book" but no book is findable reference 
again fails. We are clearly using the word "reference" here 
with a double usage. This double usage is so familiar that it 
requires some effort on our part to notice that it is double. 
On the one hand words are used to refer to individuals; on 
the other hand words are used to refer to characteristics, 
simple or complex; these modes of reference are very different. 
We can refer to an individual by using words because, and 

* As the author knows to her cost; it is not improbable that the reader also 
falls into this insidious confusion. 

f Curiously enough the traditional Logicians unwittingly illustrated ^the 
ambiguity of "term", by giving as one of the rules of the syllogism that the 
middle term must not be ambiguous 5 . Violation of this rule was known as the 
fallacy of quaternw terminorum (of four terms). But this was already provided 
against by the rule that there must be only three terms. Ambiguity is a char 
acteristic of language (i.e. the symbols), not of what language refers to (i.e. the 


only because, individuals exemplify characteristics which also 
characterize, or could characterize, other individuals. An 
individual and its characteristics are distinguishable in 
thought but not separable in fact. To keep clear the double 
reference of words we need as precise a terminology as we can 
devise, for we are going to talk about a distinction which 
everyone makes with ease but often without paying attention 
to the distinction. Our present concern is with words from the 
point of view of their logical functions. 


We have seen that a class is determined by a characteristic, 
simple or complex; conversely, any characteristic determines 
a class. We mention the characteristic, simple or complex, by 
using a word or a combination of words. We shall now use 
"term" as a synonym for "a word or combination of words 
signifying a characteristic or set of characteristics". A term is 
thus an element in the triadic relation signifying; thus a term 
(as we are here using the word "term") is a term (in the other 
sense) going along with the other two terms required for 
signifying, viz. what is signified, and the interpreter. To ask 
What does such and such a term mean?* is to ask What does 
the term signify? These are synonymous interrogative 

We noticed (in Chapter V [see p. 77], i) that, for 
example, the complex characteristic signified by "man" is 
exemplified by Abraham, Aristotle, . . ., where dots are used 
to indicate each of the other individual objects that could 
correctly have the term "man" applied to it. How are these 
objects determined? The answer is clear: because each of 
these objects has the characteristic, simple or complex, which 
"man" signifies. What "man" signifies is technically called 
the connotation of "man". Words or terms have connotation. 
The connotation of a term is the characteristic, or set of char 
acteristics, which anything must have if the term can be 
correctly applied to it. What the term applies to is the mem 
bers of the class determined by the characteristic, simple or 
complex. This constitutes what is called the denotation of the 


term. It should be noticed that the denotation is not the class 
but the collective membership of the class. Hence, the denotation 
of a term is the collective membership of the class determined 
by the characteristic signified by the term. Thus connotation 
determines denotation. 

"Man" connotes "rational animal 53 * and denotes men, i.e. 
the collective membership of the class determined by being a 
rational animal. "Triangle" connotes plane figure bounded by three 
straight lines and denotes the collective membership of the 
class determined by the connotation of "triangle". 

A term signifying a characteristic lacking exemplification 
has no denotation, since the class determined by the char 
acteristic is empty, and thus has no collective membership; 
e.g. "centaur", "house made of gold", "house made of 
plastics". If, in the future, a house is made entirely from 
plastics, then the term "house made of plastics" will have 
denotation. There is nothing in the least mysterious about 
this once we have granted that a class may be empty. 

The reader may not be willing to agree that "man" con 
notes "rational animal"; he may object either: (i) men are 
not rational anyhow , or (ii) Nationality isn t a good char 
acteristic to select for the purpose of distinguishing men from 
other animals*. These objections we might be willing to admit, 
but must first point out that anyone who does raise them has 
clearly understood what is meant by "connotation", which 
is the sole point under discussion. The objections, however, 
serve to call our attention to two important points: (i) a 
characteristic cannot belong to the connotation of a term if 
any member of the term s denotation lacks it; (ii) what char 
acteristics are signified by a term (and must therefore 
characterize anything denoted by the term) is by no means 
always easily settled. It is a sheer mistake to suppose that 
most words have fixed and quite determinate meanings, so 
that anyone who uses the word correctly knows exactly how he 
is using it. To this point we shall need to return. f But, as the 
second objection emphasizes, one function which we want 

* "Man" can also be said to connote man, i.e. the characteristic or concept 
signified by the term "man". 
| See 6 5 below. 


the words we use to perform is to mark off what we are talk 
ing about from anything with which it might easily be con 
fused. There may arise a moment in a discussion at which 
we find ourselves compelled to ask: Well, what exactly do 
you mean by this word? One answer to this question would 
be to state the connotation of the word. 

At this point a third objection might be raised: (iii) Do 
not different people mean different things by the same word? 5 
The answer is that often they do but sometimes they do not. 
It must be remembered that a term signifies something to 
someone; it is the signifying element in the relation and 
requires an interpreter. When / use the words "tiger", 
"montbretia", "home", "intelligent" (to select examples 
almost at random), what I happen to think of as the charac 
teristics that must be possessed by anything denoted by one 
of these words is very likely to differ to some extent from the 
characteristics you think of when you use the word. We say, for 
instance, "Home" doesn t mean the same for him as it does 
for me, or for you. We want to distinguish the meaning of 
a word in this sense from the meaning in the sense of 
^connotation 5 . Hence, the convenience of using as a technical 
term a word not very often used in common speech, and to 
which we (in our activity as logicians) have given a precise 
meaning. What the word makes me, or makes you, think of 
is distinguished from connotation, and is usually called sub 
jective intension. We can define "subjective intension" as "the 
characteristics which a given user of the term thinks of as 
possessed by the members of the class signified by the term". 
The phrase just given in inverted commas tells us the conno 
tation of "subjective intension" (unless the author of this 
book is in error on this point). 

"Intension" has been used as a synonym for "connota 
tion" but, as the above objections indicate, this is an unhelp 
ful usage. The "intension of a term" connotes characteristics 
possessed by the denotation of the term, but we must distin 
guish these characteristics into three sets: (i) all the charac 
teristics possessed by all the members of the class - whose 
collective membership constitutes the term s denotation; (2) 
the characteristics which anyone may happen to think of 


when using the term, and which, therefore, vary from time 
to time and from one person to another; (3) the character 
istics which must be possessed by the denotation of the term. 
It is convenient to call (i) the objective intension, or the 
comprehension, of the term; (2) the subjective intension; (3) 
the connotation. Hence, (i) comprises all that could be 
meant, (2) all that you or I may happen to mean, when the 
term is used. The connotation includes some only of the 
characteristics in fact possessed by the denotation; this selec 
tion of a minimum of meaning is, we shall find, useful for 
certain purposes, as, for instance, in defining. 


We saw that the traditional Logicians failed to distinguish 
the relation of an individual to the class of which it is a 
member from the relation of a subclass to a class which 
includes it. Accordingly they said that, for instance, the class 
Europeans extends over or includes in its extension 5 the class 
Frenchmen and also that the class Frenchmen includes in its 
extension all individual Frenchmen. Now that we have seen 
that the membership relation is quite different from the class- 
inclusion relation we must also see that we cannot use the 
same word both for the term signifying the relation of a class 
to its subclasses and for the term signifying the relation of a 
class to its members. Accordingly, we shall distinguish in 
meaning between "extension 53 and "denotation 55 . The exten 
sion of a term signifying a class-property of a given class is 
all the subclasses collectively. For example, "Man 55 is a term 
signifying a certain class; it denotes each individual man; 
the extension of "man 55 is the collective membership of all 
subclasses of the superclass man, e.g. it comprises white men, 
black men, brown men, yellow men, red men. Another way of 
saying the same thing is: the extension of a term signifying 
a class-property is all the varieties distinguished as sub 
classes. The extension, therefore, are classes, not individuals; 
the denotation is the membership of the classes, not the classes. 
Hence, when a certain man dies, the extension of "man 55 is 
in no way affected. The subclasses need not have members 


although it must be possible that there should be members. 
Thus centaurs is an empty class, but there is no logical incon 
sistency in supposing that there may be centaurs^ since there 
are none, "centaur" lacks denotation, but its extension com 
prises wise centaurs and foolish centaurs. 

It has been held by many logicians that extension and 
intension vary inversely. This doctrine is worth discussing 
because the discussion should reveal the confusions which 
have been caused by failure to distinguish clearly between 
denotation and extension.* Jevons, for instance, says: 

When we pass from one term to another by merely adding 
some quality or qualities to the connotation, the denota 
tion of the new term is less than the old, and when we 
pass from one term to another by merely removing some 
quality or qualities from the connotation, the denotation 
of the new term is greater than that of the old.f 

In his Principles of Science, he states the doctrine as follows: 
"When the intent or meaning of a term is increased the 
extent is decreased; and vice versa, when the extent is in 
creased the intent is decreased. 5 J This he calls an all-important 
law . He cites as examples: planet, exterior planet. But, he points 
out, there must be c a real change in the intensive meaning, 
and an adjective may often be joined to a name without 
making a change. Elementary metal is identical with metal:, mortal 
man with man.^ These quotations suffice to show that there is 
considerable confusion in this doctrine. It is not surprising 
to find that logicians who have accepted it have worried 
themselves over the question whether the intension of man 
can be said to increase when a man dies and decrease when 
a human baby is born. Obviously not. The question is so 
absurd that we may suppose the whole doctrine is nonsense. 
If so, it is not downright nonsense, for it suggests something 

* We have defined "denotation" and "extension" in such a way that we could 
not attempt to use them as synonyms; that they have frequently been so used 
is due to the failure to notice the distinction upon which we have insisted. 

t Elementary Lessons in Logic, p. 40. Jevons is careful to point out the decrease 
is not in exact proportion to the increase. One wonders why,, hi that case ? the 
precise phrase inverse variation should have been used. 

t op. cit., Ch. XXX, 13. 



true but in so confused a manner as to lead to nonsensical 

As the connotation of a term is increased, the extension, is 
decreased. It is connotation and extension that vary in this 
way, not connotation and denotation, nor intension and exten 
sion. Since the extension of "ship" is all the subclasses of 
skip, it follows that by enriching the connotation, e.g. adding 
steam- and thus obtaining steam-ship, the extension is 
decreased, for all subclasses of ship not propelled by steam are 
now ruled out. Conversely, by changing the connotation of 
"plays" so as to comprise cinema plays the extension is in 
creased as the connotation has been decreased, for the term 
"plays" will have less richness of connotation if it is to com 
prise dramas not witnessed by eyewitnesses than the word 
"plays" formerly had.* 

These examples suggest that the so-called inverse varia 
tion of extension and intension relates to terms arranged in 
a classificatory series, i.e. that it relates to classes arranged 
in a certain order, namely, in which a subclass is grouped 
together with other subclasses under a superclass, which is 
in turn a subclass of another superclass, and so on. Such an 
arrangement of classes constitutes a classification. 


The process of distinguishing the subclasses of a class is 
called logical division; the reverse process is classification. The 
process of classifying presupposes the grouping of individuals 
in classes; it is useful only when the classes to be arranged 
in an orderly manner have important characteristics. 
Importance is relative to a purpose. All men have needs which 
necessitate the making of classifications, e.g. of people into 
enemies and friends, of plants into edible and poisonous - 
which itself presupposes a distinction between edible and 
non-edible - of materials into inflammable and not-inflam 
mable, and so on. The earliest classifications are made to 

* It should be noticed that I have not written "plays** and "cinema plays" 
but "plays" and cinema plays, i.e. the term "plays" is supposed to include in its 
connotation cinema plays. If this is not noticed the reader may think that I 
increased the connotation of "plays". 


satisfy some practical purpose; in using class-terms it is 
hardly possible not sometimes to notice that certain classes 
are closely associated with certain other classes. The earliest 
stage of a science is the classificatory stage: it is not long 
since botany passed beyond this stage and sociology has 
hardly done so yet, 

A class, then, can be assigned a place in different systems 
of classification. The arrangement of vehicles, for instance, in 
classes and subclasses would be very different if carried out 
for the Ministry of Transport from what it would be if done 
to satisfy the needs of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.* An 
unscientific person is likely to choose obvious characteristics 
for the determination of which subclasses are to be associated, 
but obvious characteristics are often not important ones 
because they are not connected relevantly. Thus a landlady 
arranging a student s books is very likely to be guided by such 
characteristics as size, colour, style of binding rather than by 
the subject-matter or authors of the books. If the books must 
be fitted into shelves of different heights, then size is certainly 
a characteristic important for that purpose, but it remains 
irrelevant for the purposes of the student who uses the books. 
Consider the example on page no. 

This arrangement of aeroplanes in subclasses, and sub 
classes of subclasses, can be looked at either as a classification 
or as a division; if the former, then we begin with the smaller 
classes and include them in wider classes; if the latter, we 
begin with the widest class and subdivide into smaller classes. 
Classification and division are fundamentally the same so far 
as the logical principles are concerned. These principles can 
be most conveniently stated in terms of the process of 
division. Subclasses on the same level are called co-ordinate; 
on a level above super-ordinate to the subclass below; on the 
level below sub-ordinate. 

The basis of the division, that is the characteristic by 
reference to which co-ordinate subclasses are differentiated 
one from another, is usually known by its Latin name- 
fundamentum divisionis. The principles in accordance with 

* See MJX., pp. 433-4, where the classification of vehicles, from the point 
of view of transport, is worked out. 


which a sound division should proceed can be summed up 
in the following rules: 

1 . There must be only onefundamentum dimsionis at each step. 

2. The co-ordinate classes must be collectively exhaustive 
of the superclass. 

3. The successive steps of the division must proceed by 
gradual stages. 

From Rule i there follows the corollary that co-ordinate 
classes must be mutually exclusive. Violation of this rule 
results in the fallacy of cross-division^ i.e. there are over 
lapping classes. This corollary together with Rule 2 secures 
that every member contained in the classes is contained in 
one class only and no member in a superordinate class is 
omitted in the next level. Hence, the sum of the subclasses 
must equal the whole class divided, or classified. 

Rule 3 secures that each stage of the division should be 
in accordance with the ongmalfundamentum divisionis. If, for 
example, we were to divide university students first into science 
and arts students, and were then to subdivide science students 
into polite and impolite, and art students into dark,, fair,, and 
medium-complexioned, the division could serve no useful purpose. 

The fallacy of cross-division is of common occurrence. If we 
divide the languages of mankind into Aryan, Semitic, Slavonic, 
Hamitic, and Ancient Egyptian, we commit this fallacy, since 
Ancient Egyptian falls into the Hamitic group, and Slavonic into 
the Aryan. This division is also not exhaustive. 

Any given class can be subdivided into two mutually ex 
clusive and collectively exhaustive subclasses on the basis of 
a given characteristic which is possessed by every member of 
the one class and is not possessed by any member of the 
other class. Thus we can divide civilians into those doing 
work of national importance and those not doing work of 
national importance. It would be a contradiction to assume 
that any member of the one subclass could also be a member 
of the other subclass, whilst every civilian must fall into one 
or other of the two classes - granted that the criterion - work 
of national importance - is sufficiently well-defined. Such 
a division is called division by dichotomy (i.e. cutting in 




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two]. The following is an example of a dichotomous division. 
This division formally secures that the subclasses are 
mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive, but this 
formal simplicity is attained only by a multiplication of 
classes negatively characterized, and it obscures the simpler 
relationships that appear only when classes are arranged on 
the basis of positive characteristics. In the natural sciences 







Mammals Non-mammals 




Birds Non-birds 


uses Non-molluscs 



dichotomous division would be of little use. The above sub 
division of vertebrates into mammals and non-mammals, and 
so on, which results in placing birds on one level and reptiles 
on another, obscures the relation that holds between mam 
mals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes as together 
exhausting the class vertebrates. 

Traditionally, division has been regarded as the division 
of a genus into its species*, the genus from which the division 
starts is called the summum genus , the species with which it 
ends are called infimae species, intermediate species subaltern 
genera^ an intermediate genus is called the proximum genus of 
its constituent species. These names are not of importance; 
what is important is to recognize that the distinction between 
genus and species is relative, and depends for its significance 
upon the given table of division.* 

* In biological classification genera and species are used in a sense fixed by 
the hierarchy of classes: subclasses of species are called varieties:, superclasses of 
genera arc families; then come the order and class. It should be observed that in 
the dichotomous division of animals, given above, the negative class must be 
taken as strictly a subclass of the proximum genus at each stage, thus reptiles are 
non-birds, non-mammals, and vertebrates. 


We have insisted that a division or a classification is 
relative to a purpose - classes are subdivided, or are grouped 
together in a wider class in order to bring out connexions 
between classes that are fruitful for some purpose. In the 
sciences the classes we select for orderly arrangement are 
natural classes, i.e. classes whose members are characterized 
by connected properties. 


If we know that an animal is a mammal we know a good 
deal about it, e.g. that it has a backbone, is warm-blooded, 
and has some kind of hair, and that the female has milk- 
producing glands with which to suckle her offspring. Some 
mammals, the marsupials, bring forth their young in a very- 
undeveloped stage and carry them in pouches; another group 
of mammals lay eggs but still suckle their young. This 
example serves to suggest to us to classify the characteristics 
possessed by the members of a class into three groups: (i) 
those which every member possesses and only the members 
of the given class possess; (2) those which every member 
possesses but which are also possessed by members of other 
classes; (3) those which some only of the members possess. 
Let us take as an example the class man. Every member of 
the class man has the property ofanimality, also the properties 
of being mammalian; every member of the class man has also 
properties peculiar to man, e.g. a larger brain relatively to 
size of body than any other animal, and along with it 
rationality. Animality and being mammalian are generic pro 
perties of man, rationality is a specific or differentiating 
property. "Generic" is here used in the logical, not the 
biological sense; if we regard animal as the genus of man 
(neglecting the genus mammals] then we can say that the 
species (in the logical sense of "species") man is differentiated 
from co-ordinate species of animal by the property of being 
rational. This is to follow Aristotle s classification. We shall all 
agree that along with the property of being rational there go 
other properties peculiar to man within the genus animal, e.g. 
capable of seeing a joke, or - to take one of Aristotle s favourite 


examples - capable of learning grammar. We feel that, even if 
a parrot and a budgerigar can speak (i.e. utter verbal 
sounds), only a man could learn grammar. Such a property, 
common to every member of a species (i.e. a subclass 
of a genus) and connected with the property that differ 
entiates this species from co-ordinate species, is called a 

There are also properties which every member of a sub 
class of man has but which are not possessed by members of 
other subclasses, e.g. white-skinned, black-skinned, curly- 
haired, straight-haired, dolichocephalic, brachycephalic, and 
so on. Such properties are called accidents. 

These names -genus, differentiating property or differ 
entia, proprium and accidents - are known as the predic- 
ables , for Aristotle first distinguished them when he 
attempted to answer the question: What different sorts of 
predications can be made about a species? His reply was that 
we are able to predicate of the species man (for instance) the 
genus - animal, the differentia - rational, a proprium - able to 
learn grammar, an accidens- white-skinned, f The genus and 
differentia taken together constitute the definition, which is 
per genus et differentiam.% 

The words genus, species, differentiate, property, accidental 
characteristic - all come down to us through Aristotle s 
treatment of this topic. Professor R. M. Eaton has said, 
Aristotle s genius for clear analysis, which enabled him to 
give to logic a terminology and form that persisted for two 
thousand years, is nowhere better exemplified than in his 
theory of the predicables. It is rare to find a modern 

* The Latin word proprium (translation of Aristotle s word tStov) is retained 
because in this context it is used with a narrower sense than "property" which 
is often used as a synonym for "characteristic". The plural of proprium ispropria. 

-f It should be noticed that the subject of predication was the species (e.g. man, 
or triangle) not the individual (e.g. Socrates or this scalene triangle). Porphyry 
(A.D. 233-304) hopelessly muddled Aristotle s doctrine by putting the species in 
place of the definition, and taking the subject to be the individual, e.g. Socrates. 
He, and later logicians, wasted their time in making further distinctions, utterly 
trivial and needlessly elaborate. 

J This means by assigning the genus and the distinguishing characteristic . 

General Logic, p. 273. Professor Eaton gives by far the best account of 
Aristotle s theory of the predicables, from the point of view of the elementary 
student of logic, who wishes to know in more detail what Aristotle s theory 
actually was. 


logician according such praise to Aristotle s work in logic, 
but the praise is - in the opinion of the present author - well 
deserved. At the same time we must insist, as Professor Eaton 
also admits, that Aristotle s theory of the predicables is rooted 
in his metaphysic. That metaphysic we reject. It may indeed 
be urged that the influence of Aristotle s metaphysic upon 
his logic was very unfortunate, and the traditional Logicians 
adherence to it and their retention of every mistake Aristotle 
made has been disastrous in hindering the development of 
logical doctrines. Aristotle s theory is now mainly of his 
torical interest to those who are not studying metaphysics. 
It would, however, be worth while to follow it in some 
detail - did space permit - because it provides a good ex 
ample of a rigorous attempt to analyse the sort of state 
ments we can make, and to pay serious attention to the 
important distinction between essential and non-essential 

We may sum up Aristotle s list of predicables by exhibiting 
them in the form of a dichotomous division, the basis of 
which is the convertibility or inconvertibility of the predicate 
with the subject. A predicate is convertible with the subject 
if it is common and peculiar to the subject. This statement 
does not make sense unless we remember that, in this con 
text, subject must be taken to mean species: 



Convertible with subject Not convertible with subject 

i I 1 I 

Definition Not the definition, An element in Not an element in 
i*e. proprium the definition the definition, 
[ i.e. an accident 

I 1 

Genus Not a genus, 
i.e. a differentia 

The italicized words are the predicables. The definition is 
not a fifth predicable distinct from the others but is the 


predication of genus and differentia together. We add an 
example taken from geometry: 


plane figure 

bounded by a line whose points are 
equidistant from a given point 

having equal chords equidistant 
from the centre 

inscribed in a triangle 

Artistotle held that each species had a fixed and determinate 
essence; this was set forth in the definition. The proprium, 
although not part of the essence, was nevertheless regarded 
as essential to the species; it is derivable from the essence, i.e. 
follows from the definition. Thus the distinction between 
definition and proprium was taken to be absolute. This view 
we must completely reject. The distinction is absolute only 
relatively to a given system of concepts. It is most easily seen 
in the case of geometry. Euclid regarded geometrical figures 
as given in intuition by construction of the figures in space. 
This view is now r abandoned, hence we cannot hold that there 
is one and only one definition of, e.g. a "circle", which will 
set forth its essence. If the definition of "circle" given above 
be accepted, then it is a proprium of a circle that with a 
given perimeter its area is maximum; if, however, we define 
a circle as the plane figure which has a maximum area with 
a given circumference, then it follows that all its points are 
equidistant from a given point, and thus this is a proprium. 
Which we choose as definition is determined by non-logical 
considerations; once chosen, then, whatever can be deduced 
from the definition is a proprium. It is easy to see that the 
propria are the theorems implied by the axioms and defini 
tions. They are essential in the clear sense that to accept the 
definitions and reject the propria would be self-contradictory. 
The distinction between propria and definition, and 
between propria and accidents, is much less easy to draw in 
the case of natural species, e.g. man, cow, snake. It must 


suffice to say that a characteristic or property is essential if, 
lacking it, the thing in question could no longer be regarded 
as belonging to the species. Accidental predicates are predi 
cated not of an individual but of an individual as a member 
of a species. The characteristics possessed in common by every 
member of a species are, in the case of natural classes, 
numerous and connected. Hence we seek to discover certain 
characteristics which are significant of others, and can thus 
be used as the basis of fruitful inferences. To pursue this 
topic further takes us beyond anything recognizable as the 
theory of the predicables. 


We have seen that the traditional rule for definition is that 
it should be per genus et differentiam. This is unduly narrow. 
What, we must ask, is the purpose of definition? When do 
we want a definition, and, if successful, what does a definition 
achieve? The student, for instance, who is beginning the 
study of logic may want to know what logic is. Is this a 
request for a definition? If so, how is it to be met? The 
answer to this latter question will depend upon the needs of 
the questioner. Is he entirely ignorant of the meaning of the 
word "logic", i.e. has he just met it for the first time? Or 
does he know that logic is somehow or other concerned with 
reasoning and he wants to know further how logic is to be 
distinguished from psychology? If the former, then the 
answer, Logic is concerned with the principles of reasoning , 
should meet his case, provided he understands how to use 
the words in the defining phrase. If the latter is his case, then 
the answer must indicate characteristics differentiating a 
logical treatment of reasoning from a psychological treatment. 
The most satisfactory answer will probably take the form of 
a set of statements with illustrative examples. It is seldom 
enlightening to be given a definition in a short, crisp state 
ment. Occasionally such an answer will suffice. Suppose A 
asks B: What does "whatnot" mean? B replies, C A "what 
not" is an article of furniture with open shelves, rather wide, 
designed for the purpose of putting objects of various kinds 


on it. 5 Then A s question is satisfactorily answered provided 
that (i) A knows the words B uses in the defining phrase, (ii) 
the defining phrase does indeed present the characteristics 
that things called whatnots have. Perhaps (iii) should be 
added: A wanted an explanation of "whatnot" and not of 
"what not", i.e. something added at the end of a list to mean 
"and all sorts of things". The context alone can decide 
whether A did mean the sort of thing which B understood 
him to mean. If he did not, then communication has failed, 

Usually our requests for definitions are not so easily dealt 
with. We seek definitions as a means of thinking more clearly 
about something; we want to think more precisely, to know 
exactly what it is that we are saying. For instance, c What is 
the policy of appeasement, as understood by Neville 
Chamberlain and his supporters between, say, 1936 and 
I 939 ? * Clearly something more than a dictionary definition 
of "appeasement" is needed to answer this question. But, we 
may feel, "appeasement" as used in the question must have 
some reference to the dictionary definition of "appeasement". 
Or again, c Are you a Communist? , to which the reply may 
be that depends upon what you mean by "Communism". 3 
The student has probably taken part in conversations such 
as the above. At this point he should ask himself what sort of 
answer he would find satisfactory. There is not one and only 
one way of explaining how words are used; any answer that 
enables us to use the word - for a definition of which a 
request is made -is so far a satisfactory definition. The 
answer generally takes the form of a sentence, i.e. we explain 
a word by using other words. Will this leave us in the un 
comfortable position of one who endlessly chases his own 

A proper answer to the questions and difficulties sug 
gested by the preceding paragraph would require a book, 
not a brief section in a chapter.* All that can be done here is 

* I should very much like to write such a book, but neither space (owing to 
war-time scarcity of paper) nor time is available. The student who is interested 
in these topics would find I. A. Richards Interpretation in Teaching both interest 
ing and enlightening. A logician may be pardoned for thinking that Professor 
Richards is unduly narrow in his apprehension of specifically logical problems 
and perhaps unnecessarily dogmatic. But his books are worth careful study. 


to suggest a very few of the pertinent questions we need to 
ask and to indicate, in the case of a few only of these ques 
tions, the lines along which answers to them should be 

We use words to talk about things; we use \vords to ask 
for definitions and most commonly we use words in giving 
the definition. But there must be an attachment of the words 
used to life, i.e. to the rest of reality. We cannot here attempt 
to give any account of the ways in which a child begins to 
learn the language he hears spoken by those who tend him; 
we take the miracle for granted. Verbal expressions must, at 
certain points, link up with other things than words unless 
definition is to remain merely a set of verbal manipulations. 
Such linking up can be given by pointing, i.e. by what has 
been called ostensive definition. For example, What does 
"wink" mean? The most satisfactory answer to this is given 
by "Doing this - and, the speaker winks. The questioner will 
then surely know what "wink" means; he may very well not 
know if he cannot observe someone winking but has to rely 
only on his dictionary.* Again, someone asks, What is an 
epic poem? , and is answered, The Iliad, The Odyssey, The 
JSneid, Paradise Lost, and anything like these. The difficulty 
is to know like in what respects 5 . Shall we include The 
Dynasts ? The answer does not take us very far, but it is a 
beginning. It is an ending also in the case of words such as 
"red", "sound of A$ on a violin". We must ultimately 
explain the meaning of many words by giving samples, as in 
the case of "epic poem" above.]* 

The treatment of definition by most logicians has been too 
much divorced from the consideration of how we come to 

* At this point I consulted the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, which gives 
"A glance, or significant movement of the eye (often accompanied by a nod) 
expressing command, assent, invitation or the like", adding that this (meaning) 
is obsolete except in proverbs; it gives under the verb "to wink" - "to close one 
eye momentarily in a flippant or frivolous manner, especially to convey 
intimate information or to express good-humoured interest". The reader who 
knows that the Latin "connivere" means "to wink" will find the derivation of 
"connive" interesting. 

f The sampling method is quite indispensable, but to learn by means of it is 
not as easy as it may sound, as anyone who has tried to learn, or to teach, Latin 
by the direct method is likely to admit. Here we can only remind the reader that 
we can sort and distinguish without knowing how we have sorted and distinguished. 


use words, how we learn to understand. Attention has been 
concentrated upon what is, from the scientific point of view, 
of great importance, namely, what conditions must a satis 
factory definition fulfil? In answering this question we need 
to remember that satisfactory 5 , like importance , depends 
upon the point of view. Let us first consider the traditional 
rules, which presuppose that what is needed is an explana 
tion in w r ords of how a given word is to be understood. The 
word to be defined is traditionally called the definiendum^ the 
defining phrase is called the definiens. 

A. Rules concerned with the nature of definition. 

1. The definiens must be equivalent to the definiendum. 
From this rule two corollaries follow: (i-i) * The definiens 
must not be wider than the definiendum. (1-2) The definiens 
must not be narrower than the definiendum. 

B. Rules concerned with the purpose of definition. 

2. The definiens should not include any expression that 
occurs in the definiendum or that could be defined only in 
terms of it. 

3. The definiens should not be expressed in obscure or 
figurative language. 

4. The definiens should not be negative in significance 
unless the definiendum is primarily negative in significance. 

Granted that the purpose of giving a definition is to make 
clear the limits within which a word, or phrase, can be 
rightly used, these rules seem obvious enough to require but 
little comment. The point to be stressed is that the definition 
and the defining phrase must be equivalent, from which 
equivalence it follows that the one can be substituted for the 
other without alteration in meaning. A definition per genus et 
diferentiam fulfils the conditions laid down by these rules, 
provided that the expression used for the differentiating 
property be not obscure. What is obscure is relative to the 
questioner s knowledge; the futility of using in the defining 
phrase words more obscure to the questioner than the word 
to be defined is too obvious to need further comment, A 

* The corollaries are numbered in this way to emphasize their connexion 
with rule i ; the decimal point is used to distinguish the two corollaries. 


circular definition also defeats the purpose of defining, e.g. 
c "Physical force" means "the power which produces 
motion" 5 is circular if "force 53 and "power" are taken to be 
synonyms and if, further, the request was for a definition of 
"force" rather than of physical force. "Justice is giving to every 
man his due" is circular if "what is due to a man" is defined 
as "what it is just he should have". 

The definition of "orphan" as "one with no father or 
mother" is not faulty because it is negative but because it is 
unclear whether an orphan thus defined is a Melchizedek. 
"One deprived of father and mother" is affirmative in state 
ment and negative in significance, which fits the concept 
orphan. The student will easily think of words the primary 
significance of which is to deny the possession of an attribute, 
e.g. "alien", "bachelor". 

A question that has been much discussed is whether defini 
tion is of words or of things. The question is badly put; words 
are used to refer to something; we define the word, but there 
is a word to define only because we want to talk about what 
the word stands for; we talk with words about something. 

A distinction has been made between verbal and real defini 
tion. A verbal definition gives in the definiens a word or set 
of words that can be used to symbolize exactly what the 
definiendum symbolizes. In real definitions the definiens 
represents an analysis of the definiendum. A definition is 
always an equation: one word, or set of words, is equivalent 
to another word or set of words. The definiens may be 
analytic, i.e. it may show an analysis of the definiendum. 
Analysis in this sense must be contrasted with physical 
analysis. For example, in chemical analysis there is both the 
unanalysed whole (e.g. water] and the set of constituents into 
which it is analysed. In logical analysis there is not first one 
thing and then a set of things, but there are two expressions 
which mean the same. For example, given the definition: 
"danger" means "exposure to harm", there is not a complex 
property symbolized by "danger" as well as the set of 
properties symbolized by "exposure to harm"; on the 
contrary, there is one set of properties which both "danger" 
and "exposure to harm" symbolize. 



Logicians have often defined "definition 5 as "the explicit 
statement of the connotation of a word". The objection to 
this definition is that it suggests that the connotation of a 
word is fixed, and all that needs to be done is explicitly to 
state this. In the case of abstracta this is so, e.g. the terms 
used in geometry have definitely delimited meanings. Thus 
"chiliagon" means "a thousand-sided regular polygon" on 
every occasion of its use. The words we have most trouble in 
defining are those whose meaning shifts in different contexts; 
such words can only be defined relatively to a given sort of 
usage, and with reference to explanatory examples of the 
word used in some sentence. 

We are naturally tempted to ask whether every word can 
be defined. If "to define" means "to explain how the word 
is used", the answer is that every word can be defined but 
few can be defined shortly. If "to define" means "to state 
explicitly the connotation", then the answer is that some 
words cannot be defined, either because they have no conno 
tation or because the connotation cannot be made clear (to 
one who does not already know it) by means of other words 
alone. To consider the second case first. "Red" connotes red 
ness, but "redness" can only be understood by knowing that 
redness is the quality of those objects which "red" denotes, 
and this can be known only by seeing red objects. Hence, a 
man blind from birth cannot know what "red" means. 

The other case is that of words which have no connotation. 
Whether there are any non-connotative words is a matter of 
dispute among logicians. J. S. Mill held that proper names 
have no connotation. Let us begin by very briefly considering 
how we use a proper name, for example, "Franklin"., as 
contrasted with a phrase such as "the man in the moon" or 
"the man whom you spoke to just now". 

Most of those who hear the name "Franklin" in 1942 
would think of the present President of the United States or 
of the younger son of the present Duchess of Kent or of 
Benjamin Franklin, the American scientist and statesman; 
some may think of some other personal acquaintance. The 


name "Franklin" does not give us any information with 
regard to the objects so named; there is no reason to suppose 
that the four objects (assumed to have been referred to by 
"Franklin") have in common anything except (i) being 
called by the name, (ii) having properties of sufficient interest 
to someone to have been given that name. But (ii) is shared 
by those called John , Cordelia , Smoodger , and does not, 
therefore, suffice to mark out those called "Franklin" from the 
rest. Thus "Franklin" lacks connotation in so far as the name 
does not signify any characteristics common and peculiar to 
the individuals, calied by the name, for "Franklin" may be 
the name of a poodle or a motor-car. If this had been all that 
Mill meant by saying that proper names are non-connotative 
he would have been right. Possibly this is all he meant, but 
he certainly spoke as though he denied any kind of meaning 
to a proper name.* 

A proper name has a meaning because it is given to an 
individual to distinguish him (or it) from other individuals. 
Its significance is thus known only to those who are personally 
introduced to the individual and to those who know a pro 
position of the form, "Franklin" is the name of the present 
President of the United States , c "Cordelia" is the name of 
the girl over there in the red dress - where it is assumed that 
c the girl over there in the red dress uniquely identifies an 
individual. In practice we give proper names only to indi 
viduals in whom we have a special interest which makes us 
desire to refer to them frequently * We ask for c my hot-water 
bottle 5 , not for Aristarchus unless we have notified that the 
hot-water bottle in question has been thus named. 

"The man in the moon", "the present President of the 
United States", "the author of Adam Bede", "the author of 
Ecclesiastes" resemble proper names in one respect, namely, 
that each refers to only one individual. They are known as 
definite descriptions, for, unlike proper names, these phrases 
are descriptive and can be understood by anyone who knows 
English. Some logicians have held that definite descriptions 
are names but very complicated names. This view is certainly 

* See J. S. MUl, A System of Logic, Bk. I, Gh. II, and see further M.I.L., 


mistaken. If "the author of Adam Bede" were simply another 
name for the person called "George Eliot", we could refer 
to this person as "the person called the author of Adam 
Bedi ", just as we can refer to this person as "the person 
called George Eliot 5 " Now Mary Ann Evans was called 
"George Eliot 3 , and the fact that she so called herself con 
stitutes a sufficient title for her to be spoken of as George 
Eliot 5 . But however much she called herself or any one else 
called her "the author of Adam Bede" she would not have in 
fact been the author unless she had actually written Adam 
Bede, and that she did write it is what w r e mean by saying 
she is c the author of Adam Bede\ Likewise, the President of 
the United States is not made President by being called so 
but only in virtue of his actually holding the office. 

"The man in the moon" raises another difficulty against 
the view that definite descriptions are names, for there is no 
man in the moon, and it seems absurd to say that a non 
existent individual has a name. So, if we use the description., 
"the present King of France 53 or "the crock of gold in the 
well 55 -when there is no such crock of gold -we are using 
significant phrases, but there is, in each case, nothing 
answering to the description. Philosophers have been puzzled 
to explain how we can use descriptions that describe nothing, 
and if these descriptions were in fact names the puzzle would 
be insoluble. 

We owe to Bertrand Russell an account of how descrip 
tions are used that shows us exactly how it is that we can 
significantly make use of descriptions that describe nothing. 
The account is given in terms of the theory of classes. A 
definite description is analysable into an identification of a 
class together with the implication that the class in question 
has only one member. Thus "the author of Adam Bede" iden 
tifies the class determined by the characteristic having written 
* Adam Bedi and implies that the class has only one member. 
Since we have reasons for asserting that Adam Bede was 
written by one author the description describes him (or in 
this case her). Since we have reasons for believing that 
Ecclesiastes was written by two authors, the description 
describes no one. "The man in the moon" and "the present 


King of France" are also descriptions describing nothing. 
Since the significance of these descriptions is entirely inde 
pendent of there being any exemplification of the charac 
teristic determining the class in each case, their significance 
is unaffected by the discovery that the class in question is 
empty. This theory also shows how two, or more, different 
descriptions can be different even though they describe 
nothing, or, what is the same thing in different words, even 
though the classes corresponding to the descriptions have no 
members; it is not upon the denotation that their significance 

On this theory we can analyse what it is exactly that a 
proposition such as The author of Adam Bede* is George Eliot 
asserts; it is equivalent to the conjoint assertion of three 

(i) At least one person wrote Adam Bede. 
(ii) At most one person wrote Adam Bede. 
(iii) There is nobody who both wrote Adam Bede and is not 
identical with George Eliot. 

If any one of the three constituent propositions is false, then 
the original proposition is false. 

The proposition The author of the Iliad exists can be 
similarly analysed into the conjoint assertion of: 

(1) At least one person wrote the Iliad. 

(2) At most one person wrote the Iliad. 

If either of these constituent propositions is false, then the 
original proposition is false; hence, if more than one person 
wrote the Iliad, or if no such book was ever written, then The 
author of the Iliad? exists is false. Since (i) and (2) are of the 
same form as (i) and (ii) above, it is clear that The author of 
Adam Bede* is George Eliot asserts that the author of Adam Bede 
exists. Thus any statement attributing a property to the author 
of Adam Bede* is false unless there really was such a person. 
The analysis of The present King of France is bald asserts 

(i) At least one person reigns over France now. 
(ii) At most one person reigns over France now. 


(iii) There is nobody who both reigns over France now 
and is not bald. 

Since, of these three constituent propositions (i) is false, it 
follows that the original proposition is false. 

The definite descriptions we have so far been concerned 
with are singular descriptions; they are often expressed by the 
form "the so-and-so". We must, however, be on our guard 
against supposing that grammatical similarity is a safe guide 
to similarity of logical form. "The lion is carnivorous" does 
not express a singular proposition; it expresses a proposition 
equivalent to All lions are carnivorous, since this latter proposi 
tion implies and is implied by The lion is carnivorous. Accord 
ingly, the proposition is a universal affirmative proposition. 

Definite plural descriptions are used in stating such proposi 
tions as The members of the House of Commons are elected. The 
members of the Committee have been notified of the complaint. In 
these propositions a statement is made about every member 
of a certain class specified by the description. 

Indefinite descriptions are used in stating such propositions as 
A member of the King s household was killed. This is equivalent 
to There exists at least one member of the King s household 
and he was killed 3 . Such propositions are often expressed by 
the verbal form A so-and-so is such-and-such , but we must 
again notice that the same verbal form may be used to 
express a proposition different in kind, e.g. C A dog likes 
bones means Every dog likes bones . 


Variables, Propositional Forms, and 
Material Implication 


Frequently in the preceding chapters we have used illustra 
tive symbols.* The use of such symbols is not logically 
essential but it is convenient and is probably psychologically 
indispensable to enable us to concentrate our attention upon 
the form of propositions. Illustrative symbols are by no 
means confined to logic and mathematics. They are em 
ployed in ordinary speech when we use pronouns. For 
instance, suppose you are listening to the news on the wireless 
and are in a room with several people, some of whom are 
not anxious to hear what is said. There is a murmured buzz 
of low-toned conversation. You say: I can t hear; someone 
is saying something; it may be important but can t it wait 
till after the news? Here "I 55 stands for the speaker and is 
definitely specified for anyone who knows who is speaking; 
"someone is saying something" does not specify who says 
what; these pronouns are illustrative symbols standing for one 
person in the class of persons in the room but an unspecified 
one. Suppose now you say, c jack, it is you who are talking , 
then "Jack" names an individual, i.e. the illustrative symbol 
"someone" has been replaced by a specified individual s 
name "Jack". In contrast with the indefinite pronoun "some 
one" we call "Jack" a constant, for it signifies the same indi 
vidual throughout every occasion of its use (provided we 
make the assumption that there is only one person named 
"Jack" in the set to which reference is being made). Personal 
pronouns may also be used indefinitely when the person to 
whom reference is made is not specified. In this book "I" 

* At this point the student may find it convenient to re-read Ch. I, 4, 5. 



and "you" have been thus used to stand for any one person 
(the speaker, questioner, etc.) and for any one other person 
(the hearer, answerer, etc/,, respectively.* "He" is often so 
used to stand for some unspecified murderer (at least by 
detectives in fiction), also in legal documents and in various 
expositions, and in some places in this book, where "he" 
could be interpreted in some contexts as standing for a female. 
We are so used to these conventions that we find no difficulty 
in understanding what is meant. ("We" in the preceding 
sentence is used in an illustrative w r ay even though one person 
denoted by "we" is /, Susan Stebbing.) There is no more diffi 
culty in understanding variable symbols than in under 
standing how pronouns are used. Statements in which pro 
nouns are used will be ambiguous unless the context specifies 
the range of their application; this is usually the case, but 
sometimes difficulties arise through failure in specification. 
Consider the following remarks: 

(1) Someone is saying something, 5 

(2) c He is saying something. 

(3) c J a ck is saying something. 

(4) Jack is saying that he does not want to hear him. 3 

(5) Jack is saying that he does not want to hear Gram 
Swing. 3 

As we proceed from (i) to (5) specification is becoming more 
and more complete, i.e. at each step one more element pre 
viously referred to without specification is now specified. In 
accordance with the ordinary conventions of the English 
language (5) may be taken as completely specified since "he" 
unambiguously stands for "Jack".j It is a question of inter 
pretation whether we say that (i) states a proposition; if it 
be regarded as either true or false, it is a proposition. Some 
logicians may consider that (i) is a propositional form and 
that to obtain a proposition the indefinite someone , some 
thing must be replaced by a definitely specified element. On 
this view (2) and (3) must also be regarded as propositional 
forms; it is, then, perhaps hard to draw a line between (3) 

* See Gh. II, 2, where warning was given that this procedure would be 

f Gf. the use of se and ille in Latin. 


and (4), since "him" is not specified, and "he" is specified as 
referring to Jack only on the convention that whoever made 
statement (4) would have used a proper name instead of 
"he" if there had been risk of understanding that Jack was 
speaking of, say, Tom as not wanting to hear. Then, on reflec 
tion, we may begin to be doubtful about (5). But I^(the 
author of this book) regard (5) as completely specified within 
the context supplied by the illustration at the beginning of this 
section, viz. a set of people some of whom are listening to the 
wireless. There are thus good reasons for holding, in the given 
context, that (i) to (5) are all propositions since (it is assumed) 
each one of them might be stated by a definite person on a 
definite occasion, and the statement so made will be true or 
it will be false, i.e. it is a proposition. Hesitation on this 
point -namely whether any or all of (i) to (4) are proposi 
tions or only schemas (so to speak) for propositions - may 
help us to see clearly the difference between a proposition 
and a propositional form (or schema for a proposition). 
Consider the following expressions: 

(1) Jack loves Jill. (6) Someone hates Dick. 

(2) Jack loves Ben. (7) Someone hates someone. 

(3) Tom loves Ben. (8) A hates someone. 

(4) Tom hates Ben. (9) A hates B. 

(5) Tom hates Dick. (10) x hates y. 

Clearly (i) to (5) are examples of propositions; (6) is a form 
of expression which might certainly be used to put forward 
a proposition by, say, someone who is trying to account for 
the happening of frequent disasters to Dick. (7) is an expres 
sion that would hardly be used except in some such context 
as the above. (8) and (9) are not propositions since it does 
not make sense to assert that a letter of the alphabet hates, 
and we had not adopted a convention that "A" was shorthand 
for Ann or "5" for Ben., or for any other proper name. (10) is 
a propositional form; if a constant be substituted for x and 
another constant for jy, then the result would be a proposition 
- true or false according to the facts of the case stated in the 
proposition. In (10) we have an empty propositional form in 
which one constant 3 hates, is given along with two variables, 


A variable - or more strictly a variable symbol - Is a 
symbol which may be replaced by any one of a set of various 
constants, each of the constant symbols standing for a differ 
ent individual. Thus, if we suppose ourselves to be limited to 
five persons whose names appear in propositions (i) to (5), 
and if, further, we suppose that these five propositions state 
truly the relations holding between them, then, if in (10) \ve 
replace x by one of these names andj by another until we 
have tried all the possibilities, the result would be in some 
instances a true, and in others, a false proposition. The con 
stants thus replacing the variables are called values of the 

We may go a step further than in (10); we can let "hate" 
vary, and write e xRy t . This is a pure prepositional form; it 
is wholly abstracted from particular persons, emotions, and 
so on; nothing is specified, but something is represented, namely, 
the form common to all propositions that state that two 
terms are related. xRy is a dyadic prepositional form. Tom 
is taller than Ben, Dante lived before Mazzini, David worshipped 
God are instances of this form xRy, and the symbolization 
xRy may be regarded as symbolizing all such propositions. 

A prepositional form is a schema: symbols are used to 
show empty places waiting, as it were, to be filled; when all 
the places are filled the result is a proposition. Logically 
there are no restrictions with respect to the symbols we can 
use provided that the symbols do the work required of them. 
But it is convenient to make use of symbols that will be as 
easily grasped and remembered as possible. For this reason 
logicians use x,y, z (and other letters taken from the end of 
the English alphabet when more than three are required) to 
show the empty places for values of the variables. R is often 
used to stand for an unspecified relation; sometimes 0, or 
other Greek capital letters are used, and the relational form 
is written <P(#, j>), <&(x, y, z] according to the number of 
variables required, i.e. the number of terms needed to make 
sense of the relation. may be regarded as an illustrative 

* # can itself be taken as a variable, e.g. can be used to stand for any serial 
relation; it will then require two variables, so that we should write # (x,y). 



Prepositional forms are called by Bertrand Russell preposi 
tional functions, for they are In some respects analogous to 
mathematical functions. Whether we speak of functions 5 or 
forms is not important. One use of propositional forms is to 
enable us to give an analysis of propositions involving the 
notions of all of a class and some of a doss; in this connexion 
it is more convenient to speak of functions than of forms, but it 
must be emphasized that a propositional function is a pro- 
positional form- a schema which requires specification in 
order that a proposition may be obtained. 

The propositions, Ann is sad, Ben is sad, Tom is glad, may 
all be regarded as having the same form - a characteristic 
is predicated of an individual; other examples are. This is 
red,* That is square. If we replace the subject-term, in any of 
these propositions, by x, then we have a propositional form, 
e.g. *x is sad 3 , containing one variable. The values substitut- 
able for x are called arguments of the given propositional 
function. | The arguments are determinate entities; in the 
cases we shall be considering they are individuals, and the 
symbols used to name these individuals are called constants. 
Sometimes we use a, b, c, or other letters taken from the 
beginning of the alphabet, as illustrative symbols for definite 
specifiable individuals which are not, in fact, specified. J 
Thus 0a, 0(a, b}, each represent an unspecified but constant 
value of their respective functions. 

* It is possible to argue that the five propositions given above are not subject- 
predicate propositions, and that, for example, This is red is a relational proposi 
tion, since (it may be contended) red is a term in an irreducible polyadic 
relation. I, myself, take this view of red; but the understanding of such a view 
presupposes that we understand what is meant by saying that red is a non 
relational quality and This is red a simple subject-predicate proposition. As such 
we shall regard it here. 

^ This is a technical use of the word "argument", which has nothing to do 
with "argument" meaning a connected reasoning. 

J Such symbols as a, b, c used in this way are analogous to parameters in 
mathematics. For example, in ax + by c = o (which symbolizes any linear 
correlation), a, b, c stand for variables denoting any numbers, just as x t y do; 
but they are to be distinguished from x y y, because a, b, c retain unchanged 
values throughout the same set of operations with x, y. Since, however, a, b, c 
were not given determinate values, the result is established for any numbers, so 
that a, b, c are properly variables (see, on this point, A. N. Whitehead, Intro 
duction to Mathematics^ pp. 68-9, 116-17). 


There is a further point about notation with regard to 
which we may as well be clear, for the sake of accuracy. 
Sometimes we want to indicate the number of variables 
required by a given function: thus we distinguish 0x* from 
^(*> _> )? si&ze the former requires one, the latter two, 
variables. If we were to write <Px, we should be indicating 
a variable value of <&x, i.e. of the function represented by 0. 
We shall not, in this book, need to make use of 0x, but we 
must notice the distinction. We might say that <&x represents 
something that has the property <&, whereas 0x represents the 
property that something has. 0a indicates a constant but un 
specified value of the function 0x. We use <P<2, as we used 
Ann 5- sad, in the preceding paragraph, merely illustratively; 
we were not talking about an actual person named Ann 
whom we knew to be sad; we used c Ann as an example. 
Thus in C 0#% e < stands for a definite but unspecified 
property, V for a definite but unspecified individual that has 
the property. 

The class of all possible arguments of a given prepositional 
function is called the domain of the propositional function. A 
possible argument is one which, when used to complete the 
propositional form, makes sense. Consider, for instance, x is 
French 3 , and a set of possible values for x, viz. Voltaire, 
Cervantes, General de Gaulle, Petain, Franklin Roosevelt. 
Relying upon our extra-logical knowledge, w r e can say that 
the substitution for x of any one of these five names would 
yield a significant proposition, but only the first, third, and 
fourth would yield a true proposition. Those arguments 
which yield a true proposition are said to satisfy the function 
- a convenient word taken from the terminology of mathe 
matics; the others do not satisfy the function but they make 
sense, and must, therefore, be included in the domain. If we 
were to substitute for x, in x is French , the word "wittiness", 
the result would be a nonsensical set of words. The significant 
propositions which are obtainable by substituting values of 
the variables are called the range of significance of the pro- 
positional function. 

Suppose that in a certain class of university students 

* "$" may be read " 


reading logic in a given year there are twelve members, 
denoted respectively by the letters a, b, ... I. On investiga 
tion it is found (we shall suppose) that a is a chess-player, 
b is a chess-player, and so on to / is a chess-player. This infor 
mation could be given by the conjunction of twelve com 
ponent propositions: a is a chess-player^ and b is a chess-player 
. . . and I is a chess-player. This takes a long time to write or to 
say if we mention each of the twelve component conjuncts 
separately; the same information could be given by saying 
All these logic-students are chess-players. This proposition is 
equivalent to the conjunctive proposition with twelve con 
juncts, for all these shows not only that each of the students 
is a chess-player, but also that we have left none out. Such 
a proposition is enumerative, for each of the individuals about 
which the statement is made has been separately taken into 
account. Clearly this is possible only in the case of a limited 
class with all the members of which we can be acquainted. 
A class containing an infinite number of members could not 
even theoretically be thus enumerated, and a class containing 
an indefinitely large number of members cannot in fact be 
enumerated. At present we shall neglect these difficulties and 
consider only our limited domain. 

We must notice that in using the expression "all these 
logic-students are chess-players" we have not stated a 
properly universal proposition, since "these" is nothing but 
shorthand for the names of the twelve students. Let us 
then say, "For all values of #, if x is a logic-student, then x 
is a chess-player." This expression is unrestrictedly general, 
but we claim to assert the proposition thus expressed only 
because we know that a, b, . . . / are each arguments 
satisfying the prepositional functions, " is a logic-student" 
and "x is a chess-player", and we assume we have left no one 

Let us now suppose that we know further that among these 
students there are some who are musical. We can state this 
information in the form Either a is a chess-player and also 
musical or b . . . , where the dots show that we need to write 
down the remaining ten alternants. We can express this by 
"For some value of #, x is a chess-player and is musical." 


This is equivalent to Some chess-players are musical, where 
"some" has its usual meaning "at least one". 

It will easily have been recognized that we have been 
using expressions which are suitable for expressing the 
universal and particular propositions of the traditional 
schedule. These are general propositions. It may seem odd, at 
the first glance, that a statement made about some members 
of a class should be a general proposition; it will not seem odd, 
however, as soon as we reflect that, in our example of the 
class of logic-students, the statement refers to some members 
in the domain, and it refers to them quite generally, Le. it is 
not necessary to specify any one member. The assertion is that 
somebody in the domain is both a chess-player and musical. 
This is a general statement. 

So far we have been considering a domain limited to 
twelve possible arguments for the prepositional functions, 
x is a chess-player 3 , etc. Let us now forget this limitation and 
consider any two characteristics, which we shall symbolize 
respectively by "$" and "!?", and thus obtain the two 
propositional functions, &x, Wx. Let a be some constant 
value for @x and for Wx. We can assert, If <&a, then Wa. 
If it did not matter whether we chose a> or b, etc., but any 
argument in the domain would satisfy both functions, we 
can write For all x, if &x, then Wx. It is usual to abbre 
viate this to (x} . 0x implies Wx. An example that would 
fit into this form is If an animal is ruminant, it is horned, 
i.e. (x) . x is a ruminant animal implies x is a horned 
animal . This is a proposition and is thus either true or 

We have seen that x is used for a variable symbol. There 
is an important difference between the way in which x is 
used in (x) . <&x implies Wx and in &X. We saw that <&x repre 
sents the property that something has; it is analogous to the 
traditional notion of an abstract term, e.g. "x is red" is 
roughly equivalent to redness, a property that something has. 
The form "x is red" is not a proposition; it asserts nothing 
until a value is substituted for x, in "x is red". The proposi 
tion yielded by the substitution of a value for x will depend 
for its truth or falsity upon which value is substituted. If the 


page on which this is printed were substituted for x, in "x is 
red", the resultant proposition would be false; if the colour of 
blood were substituted, the resultant proposition would be 
true. Hence, the nature of the term substituted is all- 
important for determining the truth or falsity of the resultant 
proposition. But in (x) . x is a flash of lightning* implies x 
is followed by thunder , the resultant proposition will be true 
no matter what value is substituted for x. Hence, in the latter 
expression, x is called an apparent variable* because we do 
not need to give a specific value to x in order that the 
resultant proposition should be true; in "x is red" we do 
need to give a specific value, and the x is here called a real 

It is important to notice that (x) . x is a flash of lightning 5 
implies *x is followed by thunder , does not apply only to 
those terms which are a flash of lightning; what is asserted is 
that ifx is a flash of lightning, x will be followed by thunder. 
We can express the same point by using the traditional sym 
bolism: All S is P. This makes an assertion about what is non-S 
as well as about 6*; if this were not so, we could not use the 
method of reductio ad absurdam, which consists in using impli 
cations where, as it turns out, the antecedent is false. All that 
is required is that in (x} . x is an S implies c x is a P\ we should 
know what can be significantly substituted for x in the pro- 
positional form. What can be significantly substituted depends 
upon the meaning of "S" and of "P"; or, if we use the 0, W 
symbolism, upon the meaning of "0" and "y". 

There is a point about which it is easy to be confused. The 
prepositional form, or function, is not a proposition but, as 
we have seen, it is an empty schema, which does not assert 
anything. But if we can say that the prepositional function 
holds for any, or for some, of its possible arguments, then we 
obtain a proposition. Thus the difference between a real and 
an apparent variable is extremely important; with the former 
we assert nothing, with the latter we assert a true or a false 

We shall conclude this section by writing down the four 
traditional propositions in the symbolism associated with this 

* The term "apparent variable" is due to Peano. 


doctrine of prepositional functions. Let S stand for the terms 
which satisfy 0x y and P for the terms \vhich satisfy Wx. Then 
we obtain 

means [x] . &x implies Wx. 

means (x} . &x implies not-^Px. 

means (3x) . &x and Wx. 

means fix) . <E>x and not-Wx. 

The new symbol 3 here introduced will be easily read, 
since we are already acquainted both with the traditional 
symbolism (given on the left-hand side) and with the analysis 
of particular propositions as asserting Tor at least one value 
of x, <X>x and W. Thus (3*) can be read There is an 
x such that . . . or Tor some value of x . . . 

These different forms of symbolism are merely notationally 
different. But, as anyone acquainted with the history of 
musical notation or of mathematical notation knows, a good 
notation brings out the essential points hi a way that makes 
them easier to grasp. The advantage of the notation with x 
is that it shows us clearly that what we assert in these general 
propositions is a connexion of properties and that the asser 
tion is significant even when we do not know the individuals 
characterized by them. Like the notation used in Chapter V 
(SP = o, etc.) this notation once more emphasizes that the 
difference between affirmative and negative propositions is 
unimportant, whereas the difference between particulars and 
universals is fundamental. Finally, it reminds us that the A, 
, /, propositions are by no means simple propositions. 


In our illustration of the class of logic-students, we felt confi 
dent in asserting that (x) . x is a logic-student implies x is 
a chess-player*, for we were dealing with a very limited domain. 
Knowing (as we do long before we began to study logic) that 
it is, as we say, c a mere matter of chance* that all those who 
studied logic were chess-players, we shall not wish to assert 
that it follows from the fact that someone studies logic, that 
he is also a chess-player. But, within our domain, we could 


assert that If x is a logic-student, then x is a chess-player; this is 
equivalent to Either x is not a logic-student or x is a chess-player. 
In writing out the A and E forms above, we used "implies". 
We saw (in Chapter II) that a proposition of the form If p, 
then q can be interpreted as meaning p implies q, in the sense 
that p cannot be true and q false. This fits in with our 
assertion about the logic-students. 

But "cannot 53 might mean "could not" or it might be 
interpreted as meaning "cannot, the facts being what they 
are". The second gives a much weaker meaning to "p cannot 
be true and q false". To this interpretation of If p, then q, 
Bertrand Russell has given the name material implication. This 
can be defined as follows: 

"p materially implies <f* means "either^ is false orq is true". 

We shall contrast material implication with a stricter rela 
tion illustrated in the following examples: (i}Ifa triangle is 
isosceles, then its base angles are equal; (2) If this is red, this is 
coloured; (3) If A is father of B, then B is a child of A; (4) If B 
and C have the same parents and C is male, then C is brother ofB; 
(5) If all detectives are quick-witted and no quick-witted people are 
easily hoodwinked, then no detectives are easily hoodwinked. The 
relation that holds between the antecedent (i.e. the implying 
proposition) and the consequent (i.e. the implied proposition) 
in each of the above examples is a relation of necessary impli 
cation. It is, it will be observed, the relation that holds 
between the premiss (whether simple or compound) and the 
conclusion of a valid inference. In all the examples except 
(i) the antecedent alone suffices to necessitate the conse 
quent; the latter follows logically from the former alone. In 
(i) there is presupposed the axioms of Euclidean geometry; 
this being understood, we can say of (i), as of the other four 
examples, that the antecedent could not be true and the conse 
quent false. For this relation Professor G. E. Moore has used 
the word entailing, and this word is now used by many 
logicians to signify the relation that holds between p, and q 
when p could not be true and q be false. But this is what we most 
often mean when we say p implies q\ and we so used 
"implies" in Chapter I. Hence, in order to distinguish 
entailing from the weaker relation, we shall follow Bertrand 


Russell, and shall call the matter-of-fact relation material 

It should be noticed that If . . . then ... is ambiguous, 
since it may be used to signify materially implies or it may be 
used to signify entails. Such a sentence as If it is cold to 
morrow, I shall stay indoors is quite naturally used to state 
that I shall not as a matter of fact go out if it is cold; this 
sentence would not normally be understood to mean that its 
being cold tomorrow necessitates my staying indoors., however firm 
my resolution may be. On the other hand it is not unnatural 
to say, c lf Mary and Jane are second cousins, then at least 
one parent of each are first cousins 3 , and here the antecedent 
does necessitate the consequent, for the former could not be 
true and the latter false; i.e. the antecedent entails the con 
sequent. It is, accordingly, not surprising that there should 
have been a good deal of confusion with regard to the inter 
pretation of If. . . then . . ., and a failure to see clearly 
that entailing and material implication are different relations. 
Material implication is the weakest of all relations in virtue 
of which one proposition can in any sense be said to imply 
another; it does, indeed, lay down one essential condition of 
implication in every sense in which we could say that one 
proposition implies another, namely, that if p is true and q 
false, then in no sense can p imply q. 

At this point it is notationally convenient to introduce some 
shorthand symbols. In defining "p materially implies #" we 
used the logical notions of either . . , or, and of the negation of 
a given proposition; to say "p is false" denies, or negates, p; 
hence, we can write the contradictory of p as not-p. Hitherto 
we have used the bar-symbol and have written "j?" to mean 
"p is false". We shall now use the symbol introduced by 
Bertrand Russell in Principia Mathematical thus "not-/>" is 
written "++>p". This is merely notationally different from 
"", as "IV" is notationally different from "4". The notion 
expressed by "either ... or ..." will be written "v", so 
that "either p or y" will be written "p v q"* We shall now 

* The symbol "v" is derived from the letter D, which is the first letter of uel, 
Latin for "or". It is unfortunate that Russell and the symbolic logicians gener 
ally call this relation disjunction. 


rewrite the definition of material implication in the linguistic 

p=> q . = .~pv q df. 

The symbol => is shorthand for "materially implies"; 
",=... df" is shorthand for "is the defined equivalent 
of". The student should have no difficulty in reading this 
expression. It must be remembered that the expression on the 
right-hand side, the definiens, states the meaning given by 
definition to the expression on the left-hand side. Whenever 
we define an expression we must, if we are to be consistent in 
our usage of words, keep to the definition; hence, when we 
say c *p materially implies cf\ or write "p => (f\ we mean 
exactly what "^ p v q" expresses, viz. that " either p is false or 
q is true"; the either ... or is non-exclusive. 

Bearing this definition in mind, we shall see that material 
implication holds between propositions of which neither 
would ordinarily be said to imply the other; ordinarily, we 
understand by "implies" a relation that holds between 
propositions which are relevantly connected; by relevant con 
nexion we probably mean a connexion in the meaning of the 
propositions. To this consideration we shall return after we 
have examined some examples of material implication. In 
stating these examples we take for granted that we know 
(independently of anything we have learnt from logic) which 
of the propositions is true, which false; we also know that 
every proposition either is true or is false. 

(a) 2 4- 2 = 4. (e) A triangle has three sides. 

(b) Italy is an island. (f) Rome is in England. 

(c) A cat has ten legs. (g) 6 + 41 = 57. 

(d} Columbia University is in New York, (fi) The Pope is a woman. 

The examples have been indexed by small letters of the 
alphabet in parentheses, for the purpose of summing up the 
results in a small space; hence (a), etc., will be used to name 
the propositions.* We can see: 

(a) => (e); (b) =>(/); (c) => (g); (d] does not materially 
imply (K), since (d) is true and (K) false. But in the other 

* In reading the statements that follow the student should mentally sub 
stitute for (a), the proposition 2 + 2 = 4, anc * so on for each index letter. 


three cases cited either the first is false or the second is true, 
and, since either ... ar ... is not exclusive, we can admit the 
case when both the first is false and the second is true. The 
excluded case is when the fast is true and the second is false., for 
anything implied by a true proposition is true: this condition, 
we saw, is essential to every 7 possible meaning assignable to 
the w r ord "implies". 

It is easy to see that the eight propositions given provide 
other examples, e.g. (a) => (d); (b] => each of the other 
propositions and so on. 

We can state these considerations in another way. Every 
proposition has two possibilities with regard to truth and 
falsity, namely, truth, falsity. These are called the truth-values. 
There are, with tw r o propositions, four combinations: (i) both 
true; (2) both false; (3) and (4) one true, the other false. 
Using T for truth, and F for falsity, we will WTite them down 
as follows: 











Using this notation we will write down the compound 
propositions, obtained by combining p with g, (i) by ^ , (ii) 
by v, (iii) conjunctively, which we shall symbolize by a dot 
(.), so that "p . q" means "p and 5". 

p * \ p^l 




T | 





F | 

F j T 













From this table we can see at a glance that the conjunction 
of p with q (i.e. p . q) excludes three of the possibilities; but 
p ^> q excludes only one possibility, viz. p true with q false; 


p v q also excludes only one possibility, viz. both p and q false. 
We are interested in the interpretation ofp ^ q, with regard 
to truth or falsity; we see that any proposition, true or false, is 
materially implied by any other false proposition, whilst any 
true proposition is materially implied by any other proposition, 
true or false. This is in accordance with the results we found 
when considering the eight significant propositions given in 
the list above. 

This result has been called paradoxical; indeed, the con 
clusions we have just summed up have been called c the 
paradoxes of implication . There is, however, no paradox, 
for a paradox is a statement apparently absurd or self-con 
tradictory but possibly well-grounded. Provided we keep in mind 
the definition of "material implication", these results do not even 
seem absurd. What is there absurd in saying that, given the 
compound proposition either p is false or q is true, then this 
compound proposition is itself true if (i) p is false and q true, 
(ii) p is true and q true, (iii) p is false and q is false? Clearly 
this is not in the least absurd. What is absurd is to define 
materially implies as we have done and then to forget the 
definition, drop out the qualification indicated by "materi 
ally", and thus think of implies as equivalent to entails. These 
so-called paradoxical 5 consequences, as Professor G. E. 
Moore has pointed out, appear to be paradoxical, solely 
because, if we use "implies" in any ordinary sense, they are 
quite certainly false 5 .* It is difficult to use a very familiar 
word in a wholly unfamiliar and technical sense without at 
times falling back into the familiar meaning which has been 
excluded by definition. This is the simple mistake committed by 
those who allow themselves to be puzzled by apparent para 
doxes resulting from the definition of "material implication". 

For certain technical procedures in mathematical logic it 
is convenient to define "implication 55 in terms of negation and 
either . . . or . . .; thus, for these purposes, "implication" 
means "material implication 55 . It should be noticed that 
whenever it is true that p entails q, then it is true that p => q, 
for =5 is a weaker relation than entailing; it holds whenever 
entailing holds, but the converse is not true. 

* Philosophical Studies, p, 295. 


It is not essential to define ^ in terms of either ... or; it can 
be equally well defined in terms of negation and conjunction; 

This may be read: "p materially implies q" is the defined 
equivalent of "It is false that/ is true and q is false."* 
The following equivalences are worth noticing: 

p 13 q . ==. ~ p v q . ==. -^ (p . r^ qj, 

It should be observed that these three equivalences have 
already been stated, in Chapter III, i, as normal equiva 
lents of composite propositions. These equivalences are in no 
way affected by our definition of =>, for the relation of 
material implication suffices to yield the equivalent alterna 
tive and disjunctive propositions with which we are already 
familiar. It is convenient for certain purposes to use the 
shorthand symbols that appear above, but it is not essential. 


Our discussion of material implication should have made 
clear that knowledge of the truth or of the falsity of/, q is 
alone relevant to determining whether p ^ q: provided p is 
false, q can be any proposition; provided q is true, p can be 
any proposition. Hence, we are entirely unconcerned with 
what p y q may be about; thus, we pay no attention to what 
is commonly called the meaning of the proposition. Hence, 
we saw, Italy is an island => The Pope is a woman because both 
these propositions are false. (The Pope is a man => Italy is an 
island] f is a false statement; the first proposition is true, the 
second false; hence the first cannot be related by => to the 
second. The facts being what they are we discover that The Pope 
is a man does not materially imply Italy is an island. If a 

* The fact that we can give alternative definitions of p 12 q illustrates the 
fact that no one of these definitions is fundamental. We can take our choice 
whether we shall regard either ... or or both . . . and as fundamental; then, 
combining with negation we get the definitions given above. 

t Parentheses are used here to show that the two propositions are combined 
into a single statement which is asserted, as a whole, to be false. 


geological convulsion broke off Italy from the continent, then 
either of these two propositions would imply the other. Thus, 
it is what is actually the case that determines whether a 
material implication holds. Another way of saying this is to 
say that whether a proposition is true or is false depends upon 
what the facts are. It is a fact that Italy is a peninsula; hence, 
Italy is an island is in discordance with, Italy is a peninsula is in 
accordance with, this fact. Looking at a proposition merely 
from the point of view of whether it is true or false is said to 
be taking the proposition extensionally* We are supposed to 
know (how does not matter for our purpose) whether the 
truth-value of a given proposition is truth or is falsity. That is 
all we need to know. 

Suppose, meditating upon the frailty of human nature, we 
say To err is human 5 . Let us now make the somewhat rash 
assumption that this is equivalent to All men err . What does 
this proposition assert? 

(i) We attempt to analyse it as follows: Either A is not 
human or A errs; and Either B is not human or B errs . . . and Either 
X is not human or X errs. The dots show that we have left out 
many cases. Now, Either A is not human or A errs is equivalent 
(by definition) to A is human => A ens , and so on, in each of 
the cases cited. Now A 9 B . . . X belong to the class human 
beings , hence, we can drop out our reference to the individuals 
A, B, etc., and say x is human => x errs, whatever x may be. This 
is an instance of generalized material implication, i.e. a con 
junction of singular statements asserting that a material 
implication holds. Russell calls this formal implication , in 
order to contrast it with the conjunction of singular proposi 
tions, true or false, which fulfil the condition required for 
material implication. No new concept of implication is 
involved in passing from material implications to formal 
implications (as thus understood); a formal implication is 
simply a collection of material implications, in which the 
truth or falsity of the resultant statement depends entirely 
upon the truth-values of the singular statements constituting 
the components of the compound proposition. 

At this point we are forced to ask ourselves whether we 
were justified in saying that, since A 9 B, . . . X belong to the 


class human beings, we can omit further reference to them and 
assert that whatever x may be, x is human ID x errs. For this 
procedure rests upon the assumption that what is true of a 
collection of individuals which are members of a given class 
is true of all members of the class, including those not in the 
subclass \vhich constituted the original collection. Clearly this 
does not hold. For instance, to say * whatever is true of a 
subclass of humans is true of all humans 5 is clearly false; 
Russians are a subclass of humans, Frenchmen are another 
subclass, and there are many things true about Russians that 
are false about Frenchmen, and conversely. It is not necessary 
to multiply instances. 

(2) We thus attempt another analysis. Although it is not 
true 3 , we may urge, that all human beings have all the 
characteristics true of all Russians, this is irrelevant since the 
characteristic we are concerned with is the liability to make 
mistakes*, there is an essential connexion between human nature 
and liability to make mistakes , it follows from the fact that 
human nature is what it is that human beings err. 

If we give this answer, then we are taking an intensional 
view; we are asserting that there is a connexion between being 
human and erring which can be apprehended without examin 
ing vast collections of human beings and finding out in each 
case that this, that, and the other human being errs. We may be 
willing to admit that we should not have noticed this con 
nexion unless we had been confronted with actual instances 
of it; but that is true also of, say, the connexion between 
being an angle in a semi-circle and being a right-angle. But, once 
we have noticed it, we are asserting a connexion that is not 
merely a statement of the coincidence of true singular 

This second answer suggests that we might reformulate our 
original proposition thus: To be human implies to err*. This 
reformulation has the advantage of showing that we are 
abstracting the characteristics being human, erring, from the 
instances which exemplify them; thus, we are considering 
these characteristics in a contemplative way, not taking note 
of their exemplification in actual cases. Or, as we said just 
now, we are regarding the proposition intentionally, as asserting 


a connexion of meaning. Clearly , then, "implies" will not be 
interpreted as "materially implies". Are we, then, to interpret 
"implies" in c To be human* implies c to erf as entails? 

This question raises a problem of great importance to 
which no decisive answer can be given, and of which no 
adequate discussion is possible within the limits of this book. 
Enough, perhaps, may be said to make clear the sort of 
questions this problem raises. 

Let us go back to the examples of entailing, given at the 
beginning of 3. We observed in the case of each of the five 
examples, that the antecedent could not be true and the con 
sequent false; further, that the antecedent alone sufficed to 
necessitate the consequent. The word observed 5 , used in the 
last sentence, is appropriate. We could not claim to have 
done more than to adduce examples which, the reader would 
admit were examples of a relation entirely different from 
material implication. We can now add that the truth of the 
compound propositions adduced as examples is entirely inde 
pendent of the make-up of the actual world. That the con 
sequent followed, in each case, from the antecedent could be 
known without knowing whether the component propositions 
were true or false. Consider example (5), for instance: the 
entailing relation holds between the compound antecedent 
and the consequent; the whole proposition is an example of 
a syllogism in CelarenL Thus one example of entailing is the 
relation of the premisses to the conclusion in a valid syl 
logism. Example (2) - If this is red, this is coloured -is quite 
different. This is an example of connected meanings; we so use 
"red 55 that to say c this is red and to deny this is coloured is 
to say what is self-contradictory. 

It can hardly be maintained that this is true of the con 
nexion between being human and erring. We conclude that we 
cannot hold that To be human entails c to err . Nevertheless, 
we need not rest content with the view that All human beings 
err can be adequately analysed into a set of material implica 
tions stating Either it is false that A is human or it is true that A 
errs, and so on, throughout the remainder of the individuals 
B . . . X. There is another alternative left us. We shall be 
bold enough to maintain that the characteristic of being 


human is relevant to the characteristic of erring^ in a way in 
which The Pope is a man is not relevant to 2 -r 2 = 4, although 
- since they are both true - these two propositions materially 
imply one another, and are thus materially equivalent. 

What the relation of material implication demands is solely 
truth-values; what the relation of entailing requires is a 
necessary connexion between that which entails and that 
which is entailed. We are now insisting that there is another 
connexion that may be found between propositions intension- 
ally interpreted, namely, a connexion of relevance: the mean 
ing of the premiss must be relevantly connected with the meaning 
of the conclusion. 

And what, it may be asked, do we mean by being relevantly 
connected? Some attempt to answer this question will be 
made in Chapter VIII. We shall scarcely be able to claim 
that we have done more than to pose the problem; certainly 
we shall not solve it. But to see that there is a problem to 
folve is to have taken the first step essential to solving it. So 
sar as the author of this book is concerned, this first step is 
likely to be also the last. 


Logical Principles and the 
Proof of Propositions 


In every chapter of this book we have been engaged in 
reasoning; we have - to use a popular phrase - put two and 
two together and obtained four . We have judged that, if 
certain propositions are true., others are also; if certain 
propositions are false, others are also; again, if certain 
propositions are false, others are true. We have not only 
judged that these conclusions are so, but that they must be so. 
In Chapter I we pointed out that to judge in this manner is 
characteristic of rational beings; it is the mental activity we 
call reasoning. When we reason correctly, our reasoning is in 
accordance with logical principles. 

Three of these principles were formulated clearly by 
Aristotle.* They are traditionally known as the three Laws 
of Thought 5 . They may be stated as follows: 

1. The Law of Identity: Everything is what it is. 

2. The Law of Contradiction: A thing cannot both be and 
not be so and so. 

3. The Law of Excluded Middle: A thing either is or is not 
so and so. 

This statement of the Laws is appropriate to the considera 
tion of the singular proposition This A is B\ Aristotle was 
thinking of the most elementary and fundamental character 
istics of predication, in its purely formal aspect. They can 
be reformulated as they concern propositions, implication, 
and truth and falsity: 

(i) Every proposition is equivalent to itself (i.e. every 

* See Andytica Priora, 470, 9; Metaphysics 10060, 7; De Interpretations, i8b, 1-5. 
Cf. M.I.L., Ch. XXIV, 2. For a detailed discussion of the traditional laws, 
see J. N. Keynes, Formal Logic, Appendix B, pp. 450-67. 



proposition implies and is implied by itself), Principle of 

(2) No proposition is both true and false. 

(3) Every proposition is either true or false. 

This formulation brings out the essential relation of the 
three laws; they cannot, however, be reduced to a single 
principle, since the deduction of, for instance, (3) from (i) or 
from (2) requires the independent notions of falsity,, or of 
negation, which cannot be defined without using the principles 
themselves. Both (2) and (3) are required in order to define 
the relation of contradiction between propositions, since con 
tradictory propositions are defined as propositions \vhich can 
not both be true but one must be true. 

These "three laws of thought" have been subjected to 
severe criticism by modern logicians; these criticisms may be 
summed up in the somewhat Pickwickian formula: They are 
not laws, they are not laws of thought, and they are not the laws 
of thought since there are others no less essential/ We shall 
examine these criticisms briefly. The first two points may be 
taken together. Certainly, the laws of thought are not state 
ments of psychological laws, i.e. statements of the ways in 
which we do think. Unfortunately, we often contradict our 
selves, we often think (or behave as though we believed) that 
there is a mean between truth and falsity. The "laws" are 
not made true by the way in which men think; they are state 
ments of how men ought to think, and will think if, and in so 
far as, men are thinking rationally. Accordingly, it is far 
better not to use the description laws of thought ; it is better 
to call them logical principles . "Laws" suggest at best 
uniformities in mind and nature, at worst commands. Un 
fortunately, no one has the power to command us to think 
logically; even were this not so, we have not always the power 
to obey such a command. Our thinking is in part determined 
by our emotional attitudes and our deep-seated prejudices. 

Certainly the three Laws are not sufficient for regulating 
our thinking; it is undoubtedly true that Consecutive thought 
and coherent argument are impossible without these laws, 

* For reasons given later on this page, it is better to call these Principles and 
not Laws. 


but the traditional Logicians were mistaken in singling these 
out as though they were in any sense more fundamental than 
other logical principles. We cannot here attempt to state all 
those other principles which are clearly exemplified in 
ordinary reasoning; it must suffice to mention only three: 

(4) Principle of Syllogism: If p implies q, and q implies r, 
then p implies r. This is the principle which underlies the 
dicta of the traditional syllogism, but it has a much wider 

(5) Principle of Deduction (sometimes called the Principle 
of Inference] : Ifp implies q, and p is true, then q is true. This 
principle permits the omission of an implying proposition (the 
antecedent) provided that the implying proposition is true; 
it is in accordance with this principle that conclusions are 
drawn from true premisses in valid arguments. 

(6) The Applicative Principle (or Principle of Substitution] : 
Whatever can be asserted of any instance however chosen can be 
asserted about any given instance. W. E. Johnson has said of 
this principle that c it may be said to formulate what is 
involved in the intelligent use of "every" ? .* 

The last three principles are exemplified in all chains of 
reasoning, whilst the first three are also exemplified in all 
coherent reasoning. These principles do not suffice but they 
are all essential to sound reasoning. 

Various special criticisms have been made of the three 
principles known as the traditional laws of thought , most 
of which rest upon extraordinary muddles. Thus it has been 
argued that A is not necessarily A, for A is changing all the 
time, and anyhow, everyone knows that A is always B\ The 
point probably intended in this comment is that things change 
and that every thing has various different properties. The 
principle is not in the least in conflict with these contentions. 
Unless A were identifiable as A, it would make nonsense to 
say that A is B. In the form in which this principle concerns 
propositions, it is clearly true, since, unless p implies p, p 
could be both true and false. This takes us to the principle 
of contradiction, so that the principle of identity stands or 
falls with it. 

* W. E. Johnson, Logic, Pt. II, p. 9. 


More serious criticisms have been made of the principle of 
excluded middle. We shall first, however, consider an objec 
tion that is so easily refuted that it should never have been 
made by competent logicians. 

(i) It is ^ argued that things change insensibly , so that 
sometimes it is not possible to assert that the thing has, or has 
not, a given characteristic; e.g. this tomato is ripe, this tomato is 
not ripe may neither be true, and yet these propositions are 
formal contradictories. The point lies in the last statement. 
Are the propositions contradictories, or only apparent con 
tradictories? That will entirely depend upon what we mean by 
"ripe". Is there a criterion of ripeness? If so, then the proposi 
tions are contradictory, and there seems no reason to deny 
that both cannot be true. If there is no criterion of ripeness, 
then "ripe 53 is like "bald", namely, a word used to signify any 
one of a range of degrees in which a characteristic may be 
present. Some words are properly vague, i.e. are used to 
signify a characteristic capable of a continuous series of inter 
mediate degrees. It is illogical to demand that a sharp dis 
tinction should be drawn between that which possesses and 
that which does not possess such a characteristic. We may not 
know where c to draw the line , and in some cases no line can 
be drawn. But, if it be granted that "bald" can be precisely 
defined in terms of number of hairs, then bald and not-bald are 
proper contradictories; if it cannot be thus precisely defined 
then these are not proper contradictories.* 

(ii) The most serious objection to the principle relates to 
its use with regard to propositions. It is argued that in addition 
to the true and the false there is also the doubtful (or the 

We may begin by noticing that this looks like a cross 
division. The division of propositions into true, false is 
dichotomous, i.e. true, false are mutually exclusive and col 
lectively exhaustive. It is possible to argue that much discus 
sion still centres round the exact meaning of "true" and 
"false". This is so, but it is at least clear that in every 
ordinary usage the division is dichotomous. We can easily 

* I have discussed this point in more detail in TTtinking to Some Purpose^ 
pp. 138-42 (3rd edition). 


obtain a four-fold division of propositions into: (i) true and 
known to be true, (2) false and known to be false, (3) true but 
not known to be true or known to be false, (4) false but not 
known to be false or known to be true. Now we can certainly 
say that (3) and (4) yield the doubtful (or the undecided in the 
sense that we are not able to decide whether the proposition 
is true or is false). But it is clear that (3) and (4) both fall 
under our original dichotomous division. A proposition is 
true if in accordance with the facts; false if not in accordance. 
We may very well not yet know, or never be able to know, 
which of these possibilities is the case, but that we can be thus 
ignorant of the facts has not the slightest tendency to show 
that any proposition can be neither in accordance with the 
facts (i.e. true) nor not in accordance with the facts (i.e. 

It must not be supposed that the above remarks are an 
attempt to prove the principle of excluded middle; if what has 
been said had been offered as a proof it would certainly be 
circular. All that has been attempted is to show that the 
objection has no point, and is, in fact, guilty of the fallacy of 
cross division. 

It may, however, be further argued that, even if the 
assertion that a proposition is true if in accordance with the 
facts, and false if not, be accepted, the principle of excluded 
middle still fails, since the facts may be undecided. This con 
tention rests upon a sheer mistake. It has been argued most 
strongly in connexion with facts about the future. Let us 
consider the proposition, Hitler will be a prisoner in London on 
March 10, 1943. This proposition is asserted today (Septem 
ber 27, 1942) by the author of this book (who would like it 
to be true but is afraid it is false) . The comment in parentheses 
is the sort of comment we all of us make at times with regard 
to propositions about the future. The view we are now con 
sidering is that the proposition about Hitler (henceforth to 
be symbolized by p] is neither true nor false. There seem to 
be two different reasons urged in favour of this view. 

(i) p is not known to be true and is not known to be false. 
This must be granted, but as we have just seen, this does not 
imply that it is neither. 


(2) If we argue that p Is either true or false, we are assert 
ing that it either is the case that Hitler will be a prisoner in 
London on March 10 of next year or it is not the case; and 
this presupposes that there are past and future facts which 
necessitate that he will be a prisoner in London next March, 
if p is true; or it presupposes that there are past and future 
acts wiiich necessitate that he will not be a prisoner in 
London next March, if p is false. But, it is argued, this 
assumes the truth of what is called determinism , namely, 
that everything that happens is necessarily determined by 
past events. Determinism, it is urged, is open to dispute. 

This argument entirely fails to establish the required con 
clusion. Whether Hitler s future movements are, or are not, 
determined by past and present facts, the statement that he 
will be in London on a certain date is a factual statement. I 
determinism is correct, then it is factually (or causally) 
necessary that he will be in London on the given date; or it 
is factually (or causally) impossible that he will be in London 
on the given date. Now, whichever of these is the case, either 
the facts necessarily determine that p is true or the facts 
necessarily determine that p is false; if, however, determinism 
is false, then past and present facts in no sense determine 
Hitler s future movements, so that he may, or may not, 
be in London on the specified date. But whether p is true 
or is false is not in any way affected by the answer to the 
question: e are there facts now which determine future facts? 
To suppose otherwise is to confuse (i) causal necessity with 
logical necessity, (ii) truth with our knowledge of the 

Certain logicians have argued that if there is no available 
method of determining whether a given proposition is true or 
is false, then it is neither. Examples of such undecidable 
propositions are: Julius Caesar sneezed as he entered the Senate for 
the last time. All numbers of the form 2 2fl+9 + i are factorable. 
This contention again confuses truth with knowledge of truth. 
Some who have taken this view with regard to undecidable 
propositions have, it seems, wished to maintain that unless 
the truth of a proposition can be verified or falsified, then it is 
neither true nor false. To maintain this is simply to substitute 


for the notion of truth the notion of verifiability. Here it must 
suffice to assert that this is a question of terminology, and 
nothing in the contentions of these logicians suggests that 
anything is to be gained by this change in the meanings of 
these words.* 


We saw in the last chapter ( 4), that we can regard proposi 
tions from an extensional or from an intensional point of 
view. When we adopt the latter point of view we pay atten 
tion to the meaning of the proposition, that is, to what the 
proposition states; from the former point of view we consider 
only its truth or its falsity. The mere fact that two proposi 
tions are both true (or both false), which entitles us to assert 
that one materially implies the other, does not give to the 
combination thus made any unity of meaning. That is why 
it surprises us to discover that Italy is an island => The Pope is 
a woman, or that 2 + 2 = 4 => A triangle has three sides. We 
cannot easily bring the two component propositions together 
in thought; the truth of the implying proposition does not in 
any way limit the truth or the falsity of the implied proposi 
tion; only, if it so happens that the implied proposition is false 
and the implying proposition is true, then the former does 
not materially imply the latter. Whether ID holds or not we 
discover only after we know the truth-values of the com 
ponent propositions. As we saw in the last chapter, a certain 
geological change in the structure of the continent would 
make it true that Italy is an island no longer materially implies 
The Pope is a woman, since the latter proposition is false. We 
shall, accordingly, say that material implication is a factual 
relation} whether it holds or not depends upon the actual 
constitution of the world. Entailing, on the contrary, is a 
necessary relation. 

* This position is that of most Logical Positivists. The questions raised are 
more properly philosophical than strictly logical, and cannot be discussed here. 
The objections to the principle of excluded middle, discussed above, have been 
dealt with in a masterly fashion by Professor C. A. Baylis, in an article entitled, 
*Are some Propositions neither true nor false? 3 (Philosophy of Science, Vol. 3, 
No. 2, April 1936). This article is so clearly and beautifully written that even 
elementary students may be able to profit from reading it. 


Consider the following propositions: 

(1) Every body continues in a state of rest or of moving 
uniformly in a straight line, except in so far as it is 
subject to external forces. 

(2) All planets move in elliptical orbits. 

(3) Men must die. 

(4) Cows are ruminants. 

(5) This red rose is not red. 

(6) Water freezes at o c Centigrade. 

(7) An angle in a semi-circle is a right angle. 

(8) Prices are regulated by the law of supply and demand. 

(9) Hitler entered Prague on March 15, 1939. 

(10) It rained in Tintagel on September 28, 1942. 

(11) An igloo is an Eskimo dome-shaped hut. 

It is easy to see that these propositions are of very different 
kinds. Should any one of them be disputed, the evidence 
required to justify its assertion would be entirely different 
from the evidence required in the case of some of the others. 
Let us examine them from this point of view. Our first step 
should be to sort them out, so as to bring together those 
which require the same sort of evidence in order to justify 
their assertion. For this purpose we need a principle of 

Ought we not first to inquire in the case of each proposition 
whether it is true or false? This is not essential. Consider (10) 
for instance: the evidence required to establish its truth (if it 
is true) is of the same sort as the evidence required to establish 
its falsity (if it is false). I, the author, who am now writing 
this sentence, assert that proposition (10) is true. The 
evidence I offer is (i) today is September 28, 1942, (ii) I 
see rain falling each time I look up from my desk, (iii) I 
remember seeing the rain falling this morning. Now both 
(i) and (ii) may be questioned, i.e. evidence in support of 
these assertions may also be asked for. There is not space 
to pursue this illustration in detail here. It must suffice to 
say that my evidence for (i) is based upon my acceptance of 

* The student is recommended to pause at this point, and to sort out the 
propositions for himself. 


my calendar as being correctly marked; my evidence for (ii) Is 
sense-experience. I quite literally see rain falling. It is not to 
be denied that people sometimes think it is raining when it is 
not, but the final, and only evidence that can be offered is - 
seeing and feeling rain falling, (iii) may seem to be more 
dubious, but in fact it is not. My reliance about so recent a 
memory is not less great and is not (so far as I can introspec- 
tively judge) different in kind from my reliance upon the 
direct evidence of my sense-experience. It is characteristic of 
the sort of evidence constituted by both (ii) and (iii) that it is 
available only for myself. (Here "/" could, under suitable 
conditions, stand for some other person who is having the 
same sort of experience.) If this be granted, then the truth of 
proposition (10) cannot, at a subsequent date, be established 
by exactly the same sort of evidence, or rather, there would 
be needed in addition evidence of another sort, e.g. an entry in 
someone s diary, the report of the meteorological office, and 
so on. The entry in the diary could be regarded as reliable 
evidence only if the testimony of the writer could be estab 
lished as acceptable. And his statement is based (if correct) 
upon such evidence as that offered in (ii) and (iii). It is not 
unlikely that no entry in anyone s diary, no sufficiently 
detailed report from the meteorological office, will be able to 
be cited in evidence of proposition (10) by the time this book 
is printed; detailed daily reports of the weather in a small 
Cornish village are not likely to be made. But, whether this 
is so or not, that is the sort of evidence that would be required 
to establish the truth of (10) at some date subsequent to the 

This is an example of a singular factual proposition; so, 
too, is proposition (9). The event stated in (9) is an event of 
considerable importance in the history of Europe, and con 
sequently, of the world today. It is reasonable to suppose that 
there will be an abundance of testimony which can be used 
as evidence of its truth. If I (the author*) have made a slip 
in the date, exactly the same sort of evidence will establish 

* No apology should be needed for the author s intrusion into the text at this 
point. The purpose is to call the reader s attention to the need (when occasion 
demands) to verify the statements made to him, and to point out to him that 
certain propositions need more careful scrutiny than others. 


its falsity-. In the case of both g, and iOj the sort of evidence 
required can be summed up under the three heads: <a] direct 
experience, (b) reliance upon testimony which involves fa) 
someone else s direct experience, (/J) some method of testing the 
reliability of such testimony, (7) general principles of in 
ference. Propositions (9) and (io) 3 different though they are, 
resemble each other in one important respect, namely, the 
evidence for their truth includes, in each case, someone s 
direct experience at a specified date. It is probable that for 
years to come the indirect evidence of testimony will be 
available to establish (9), but not available to establish (10). 
This difference has nothing to do with the logical nature of 
these propositions; both are singular factual propositions; 
their difference has to do with the relative importance of their 
truth for the affairs of men. With that difference the logician 
is not at all concerned. 

Propositions (2), (3), (4), (6) are also factual propositions 
but they are not singular propositions; each of them involves 
generalization. Without generalization no science is possible. 
In the next chapter we shall examine what is involved in 
generalization; here it is enough to point out that generaliza 
tion involves an inferential leap: it is the passage from direct 
observation that certain observed instances of the class Ceach 
have the property/, to the conclusion that every member of 
C has /. The four propositions now being discussed are the 
results of such an inferential process. But they are not all on 
the same level. Cows are ruminants, taken thus in isolation from 
any context of discussion, may be regarded as a statement 
that cows fall within a certain superclass in a biological 
classification; or it may be regarded as a generalization from 
the observation of particular cows. The latter interpretation 
takes the proposition to be at a more primitive level than the 
former; by the time we are able to assign a biological class to 
its place in a classification a certain amount of systematiza- 
tion has been achieved. (2), (3), and (6) may be taken 
together, so far as our present purpose is concerned. Of each 
it is true that (i) it involves generalization from direct 
observation of particular instances, (ii) the evidence for its 
truth is in large part derived from its place within the system 


of the special science to which it belongs.* (8) is also a 
factual generalization but, as every student of economics will 
readily admit, it cannot be truly asserted without consider 
able qualification. For example, in Great Britain today, the 
price of many commodities is regulated by governmental fiat. 
Even apart from this complication, questions peculiar to the 
so-called social sciences will force themselves upon our 
attention once \ve begin seriously to examine what is the 
evidence upon which the assertion, Prices are regulated by the 
law of supply and demand, rests. f 

Proposition (i) would at one time have been regarded 
as a generalization from the observed behaviour of bodies 
extrapolated to fit ideal (i.e. imagined) conditions in which 
no actual body can ever be. The way in which this statement 
has been formulated suggests, what is in fact the case, that 
proposition (i) is, as used by physicists, no generalization 
from experience; it is a mixture of conventions and records 
of observation. This proposition is Newton s First Law of 
Motion*, the evidence for it is to be found in the whole body 
of Newtonian science. Once granted, then proposition (2) can 
be deduced from it together with certain premisses about 
planets derived by generalization from particular instances. 
It must be emphasized that the evidence for Newton s Law 
is so fundamentally different in kind from the evidence upon 
which a natural law (such as water freezes at o Centigrade) is 
based that we feel compelled to put evidence in inverted 
commas - a symbolic device commonly adopted to show that 
we are using a word in an unusual sense. 

Proposition (7) is entirely different from the other proposi 
tions we have been considering; nothing that happens in the 
world is relevant to its truth or falsity. That an angle in a semi 
circle is a right angle follows from the definitions and axioms of 
Euclidean geometry; it is a necessary consequence of these. 

Proposition (n) may be regarded as the statement of a 
definition. We say may be regarded because it depends upon 
the context in which it is asserted what exactly the words used 

* On this point, see further, Gh. IX, 5. 

1 1 much regret that lack of space prevents me from raising, and attempting 
to answer these questions. The student should ask himself, in what sense of 
"law" is there a law of supply and demand. 


to express it are intended to convey. Here it is given apart 
from a context; it was in fact taken from the Everyman 
Dictionary^ at random. "Igloo" means "an Eskimo dome-shaped 
hut" has the form of a definition of "Igloo". Even so, it con 
tains a factual element, since it is an assertion which involves 
the statement that "igloo 55 is the word used by Eskimos to 
refer to \vhat in English can be described as "a dome-shaped 
hut". The evidence for the truth of this proposition is factual. 

Proposition (5) is a self-contradictory proposition, or, as it 
is sometimes called, c an inconsistency . It is necessarily false, 
and its contradictory, A red rose is red, is necessarily true. To 
know that this proposition is true it is necessary and sufficient 
to know the meanings of the words used to express it. Such 
propositions are usually called tautologies. 

If we review our prolonged discussion of the eleven 
propositions given at the beginning of this section, we shall see 
that we can divide them into tw r o mutually exclusive and 
collectively exhaustive classes, the principle of division being 
the nature of the evidence required to establish their truth 
or falsity; the two classes may be denominated: factual 
propositions, non-factual propositions. The latter may be 
subdivided into: necessarily true propositions, necessarily 
false propositions, or self-contradictories. 

Factual propositions are sometimes called contingent proposi 
tions, because they can be known to be true (or false) only by 
investigating what happens in the world, i.e. their truth (or 
falsity) is contingent upon what the world is like, and cannot, 
accordingly, be discovered by any careful examination of the 
structure of the propositions. The contradictory of a con 
tingent proposition is also contingent. We have seen that 
contingent (or factual) propositions differ among themselves 
with regard to the way in which their truth or falsity can be 
established. All alike, however, are ultimately based upon 
direct observation of particular instances; that is to say, there 
must be an appeal to sense-experience. Facts that can be 
known only by sensible observation are called empirical 
facts . Such facts constitute the original data of the natural 
sciences. Upon them, in the last resort, is built the imposing 
structure of the physical sciences. 


Necessarily true propositions are usually called necessary 
propositions , for necessarily false propositions are self-con 
tradictory and thus impossible. Many modern logicians hold 
that all necessary propositions are tautologies (i.e. resemble 
This red rose is red] . Thus 2 -7- 2 = 4 is regarded as a tautology 
on the ground that the truth of the proposition follows from 
the definition of the terms involved. On the same grounds 
such propositions as An angle in a semi-circle is a right angle are 
regarded as tautologies. These logicians usually make dis 
tinctions within the class of tautologies. For example, Wealth 
is riches, Courage is bravery, are called synonymous propositions. 
It is not possible for us to examine these views. It must suffice 
to point out that, given that a proposition is such that its 
truth is a consequence of the nature of the terms involved in 
it, then the proposition is necessary and its contradictory is 
self-contradictory. It is impossible for a necessary proposition 
to be false. This statement is itself tautologous. 


Some contemporary logicians (including those known as 
Logical Positivists ) hold that all necessary propositions, in 
cluding logical principles, are conventions. Some go further 
and maintain that such Laws of Nature as the gravitational 
laws are conventions.* To discuss this view properly it would 
be necessary to examine the various meanings of the word 
"convention", and to show how gradually we pass from the 
meaning of "convention" as used in the forms of social inter 
course (e.g. c Mrs Johns is not at home 3 ) to its use in connexion 
with scientific laws. We not only have not the space to 
attempt this here; it must be admitted that a rigorous analysis 
of the concept convention has not yet been carried out. We 
mention the view simply in order to point out that here is 
something for the student to investigate if, and when, he can. 
We shall not adopt the conventional view of logical principles 
in this book. 

It is not easy to make clear exactly in what sense of 

* This view is specially associated with the writings of Professor A. S. Edding- 
ton on philosophy of science. 


"necessary", logical principles are necessary.* It is simple 
enough to assert that their truth is self-evident, and that a self- 
evident truth must be necessarily true. But self-evidence is a 
dangerous notion; it seems to combine obviousness and 
logical priority-. What is obvious to one person is not to 
another; it depends in part upon keenness of mental vision 
and in part upon familiarity. Unfortunately, we have learnt 
that a proposition which has long been regarded by com 
petent thinkers as self-evident turns out to be false. What is 
indubitable is not necessarily true; our capacity to doubt 
depends upon our previous knowledge and our mental 

Modern logicians have devoted considerable skill and 
energy to the construction of deductive systems, in the sense 
in which, for example, Euclidean geometry is a deductive 
system. Setting out from carefully stated definitions and 
postulates, theorems are deduced by a rigorous step-by-step 
deduction. Some of these systems have been specially devised 
in order to offer proofs of the principles of logic. The most 
elaborate construction of the kind is the Principia Mathematica 
of Whitehead and Russell. | In this system the principle of 
contradiction, for instance, is not included among the 
postulates; it is deduced comparatively late in the system. 
But this by no means shows that the principle has not in fact 
been used throughout the demonstration. What such a system 
shows is that logical principles are so closely knit together 
that any one principle can be deductively derived from a 
finite set of other principles, and can be shown to imply itself. 
This procedure may strengthen us in our belief that logical 
principles are indispensable for all rational thinking, but it 
cannot be regarded as offering an independent proof of the 
principles themselves. We must be content to assert here that 
logical principles are so fundamental to our thinking that 
without presupposing them we could not think at all, and 
could not, theiefore, construct systems. 

* The difficulty is by no means due solely to the need for brevity, although 
this limitation does increase it. The difficulty is, however, in large part due to 
unclearness on the part of the author herself. 

f See M.I.L., Ch. X. 4. An excellent introduction to the study of Principia 
Mathematica is provided by Part III of R. M. Eaton s General Logic. 



To believe a proposition and to believe it to be true are one and 
the same thing; nevertheless, we often believe propositions 
which are false. We should like our beliefs to be knowledge; 
sometimes we entertain a belief knowing that it is believed and 
not known. We can know our conclusions to be true only when 
we know both that the premisses are true and that they imply 
the conclusion. For this purpose we reason. Unfortunately, in 
our haste to resolve our doubts we may be persuaded to 
believe by other methods than by reasoning. A sharp distinc 
tion is here to be drawn between persuasion and conviction] 
they are to be distinguished by the nature of the process 
whereby doubt is resolved. The orator frequently uses the 
method of persuasion; his aim is to induce belief at all costs 
rather than to prove his contentions; his art consists in 
persuading his readers (or hearers) to accept conclusions for 
which he may have offered no evidence, and which may 
even be false. The orator s appeal is not to reason but to 
uncontrolled emotion, not to considerations logically rele 
vant but to prejudice. We are not infrequently orators to 

The method of rational conviction consists in reasoned 
proof. A well-constructed argument, designed to convince 
the intellect, exhibits the characteristics of clearness, con 
nectedness or relevance,, freedom from contradiction or con 
sistency, demonstrativeness or cogency. If I seek thus rationally 
to convince myself or others that a certain proposition is true, 
I must be careful to ascertain whether the premisses are true 
and I must aim at constructing a rigorously valid argument. 
An argument is valid if the conclusion is drawn in accordance 
with the logical rules, e.g. of the syllogism or of the compound 
arguments. We may be honestly mistaken in supposing that 
our argument is valid; there may be unsuspected ambiguities 
in our language; we may use as a premiss a proposition which 
we erroneously believe to have been proved. There are many 
ways of going wrong. In the ordinary discussions of practical 

* Some of the paragraphs in this section have been taken in part from M.I.L., 
Ch. XXTV. A fuller treatment will be found in that chapter. 


life, concerning politics, art, education,, religion, careful atten 
tion to the form of our arguments is not sufficient to ensure that 
our conclusions are true. We make tacit assumptions, which 
do not always hold; we have often to rely on but slight 
probabilities. Formal logical rules cannot afford us a certain 
guarantee that our arguments are conclusive, but a keen 
awareness of them, combined with the desire to reason cor 
rectly, undoubtedly helps us to detect fallacies and to put 
the rules we have learnt into practice. 

It is customary in elementary textbooks on logic to include 
a chapter (sometimes more than one) on fallacies. We shall 
content ourselves with a brief indication of the commonest 
kinds of fallacy, and shall make no attempt to classify 

To commit a fallacy is to break one of the rules of logic 
which are regulative of sound reasoning. An argument in 
which one (or more) of these rules is broken is said to be 
fallacious. In learning the rules we must have also learnt the 
fallacy that arises from their violation. It will suffice here to 
remind the reader of formal fallacies due to violation of the 
rules of immediate inference and the syllogism. These may be 
briefly listed as follows: (i) the fallacy of wrong distribution, 
e.g. by simple conversion of an A proposition, by illicit major 
or illicit minor, and the fallacy of undistributed middle term; 
(2) the fallacy of affirming the consequent, and the fallacy of 
denying the antecedent; (3) the so-called fallacy of four 
terms , which consists in using ambiguous language so that 
the term indicated by the words used in the premiss is not the 
term indicated by the words used in the conclusion, or a 
similar mistake with regard to the language used to indicate 
the middle term. 

(3) differs from (i) and (2) in the important respect that 
the fallacy is due to the language used in stating the proposi 
tions entering into the argument, so that, unlike the case of 

* It would be a serious mistake if the student supposed that the treatment of 
fallacies given here is at all adequate. In my opinion fallacies cannot profitably 
be dealt with shortly; they need to be illustrated at length. Space does not 
permit this, nor should it be necessary. The student ought, after studying the 
preceding chapters, to be able to make out his own list. I have given many 
examples of fallacious reasoning in my Thinking to Some Purpose, see especially 
Chs. XII and XIII. 


(i) and ^2), attention to the formal rules alone will not suffice 
to guard us from falling into this fallacy. By the nature of the 
case this fallacy cannot be illustrated briefly.* 

Fallacies of irrelevant conclusion are extremely common. 
A conclusion is irrelevant if it is not the conclusion we set out 
to prove and does not imply it. Such a fallacy is called by 
logicians ^ignoratio elenchi* (i.e. the mistake of disregarding the 
opponent s contention). An example is afforded by the con 
tention that post-primary education is useless because some 
highly educated men and women are not good citizens. | The 
e appeal to authority (called argumentum ad verecundiam) is 
sometimes fallacious, namely, when a point in dispute is sup 
posed to be settled by showing that some respectable person 
has held the disputed view. If, however, the authority in 
question is an expert in the subject and the opponent is 
ignorant, the appeal to authority is justifiable. Logicians, 
however, might notice that progress in logical theory was 
delayed for centuries because logicians were too ready to 
suppose that what Aristotle had said was both true and the 
whole truth of the matter. Another form of this fallacy con 
sists in trying to argue that a certain person s contention must 
be false because he is a disreputable fellow. A converse error 
is to credit someone s opinion on, say, theology or education, 
because he (or she) is in the public eye in some other capacity 
wholly unrelated to the topic, e.g. a popular novelist or a film 
star. The fallacy consists in assuming a relevant connexion 
between public fame in one capacity and expertness in quite 
another. It does not, of course, follow that the novelist or the 
film star is incompetent in these other affairs, but it must not 
be taken for granted. 

The fallacies of composition and division are converses of 
each other: both rest upon the confusion of the collective and 
the distributive use of a term or upon the confusion of an 
alternative with a conjunctive proposition. Thus the extra 
vagant man argues that, since he can afford to buy A, or B, 
or C he can afford to buy A and B and C; the niggardly man 

* For a fuller treatment see my Thinking to Some Purpose, pp. 127-38, and 
also, M.LL.j Ch. II, 2-4. 

f I take this example from a discussion at which. I was a participant, and also 
the next example, illustrating a circular argument. 


argues that since he cannot afford to buy A and B and C he 
cannot afford A, or J3, or C. 

Fallacies of circular argument consist either in flatly 
assuming the point at issue or in using as a premiss a proposi 
tion which can itself be proved only by using the conclusion 
for which it has already been used as a premiss. The arguer 
goes round in a circle. For example, it is argued that higher 
education is useless because it does nobody any good to study 
once he has left school. The premiss simply repeats the con 
clusion, but usually in a more subtle and disguised form. If 
the diameter of the circle 5 is very large, the fallacy may be 
hard to detect, Descartes fell into this fallacy (in a small 
circle) when he argued, There cannot be a vacuum, because 
if there is nothing between two bodies they must touch . 

A fallacy of this sort is known as petitio principii^ i.e. begging 
the question. One form of it consists in using question-begging 
words, usually in the form of unpleasant epithets. As Mr 
A. P. Herbert has said, give your political dog a bad name 
and it may do him more harm than many sound arguments 5 .* 


Some logicians have contended that all deductive arguments 
involve the fallacy of petitio prindpii, because the conclusion 
could be deduced from the premisses only if these premisses 
somehow contained the conclusion . There may be some 
confusion if we use the word "contained" in this context; it 
must mean that the premiss implies the conclusion. This is 
certainly a condition of all valid deductive argument, but it 
does not necessarily involve a circle. It is true that if ^ implies 
q, p cannot be true unless q is also true; but there will be a 
circular argument only if the truth of q has been used as a 
premiss in establishing that p is true. That this is not neces 
sarily the case will be recognized when we examine the way 
in which we do use deductive arguments, and more especially 
the syllogism, in order to obtain a conclusion. If Newton s 
physical theories are true, then it follows that, for example, 

* What a Word! p. 229. Ch. VIII of Mr Herbert s book contains many 
amusing and instructive examples of this fallacy. 


a pair of double stars will revolve around their common 
centre of gravity in elliptical orbits. Now this statement con 
cerning the pair of double stars formed no part of the evidence 
upon which Newton s physics is based. But the conclusion 
can certainly be validly deduced from premisses afforded by 
Newton s physics. We may know that everyone to whom a 
V,C. is awarded has performed an act of conspicuous gal 
lantry, and subsequently discover that A, whom we had not 
supposed to be specially courageous, is a V.C. and we thence 
conclude that he has performed an act of conspicuous 

It may be objected to this last example that we cannot be 
certain that the V.C. is always rightly awarded. Even if this 
were true, the objection would be irrelevant. The falsity of a 
premiss in no way tends to show that the argument is invalid, 
still less that it commits the particular fallacy of petitio 
principii. It is important to notice that universal premisses 
may be accepted on the basis of evidence which is not con 
clusive but has considerable weight; new cases can be sub 
sumed under this universal premiss and a conclusion deduced 
which certainly did not constitute part of the original 

J. S. Mill raised this question in its best-known form. He 
argued that e in every syllogism, considered as an argument 
to prove the conclusion, there is a petitio principii .* The point 
of this contention lies in what we mean by proving the con 
clusion . Mill looked at it in this way: Every X is 9 This A is an 
X 9 therefore This A is a + How do we know that every X is 
unless we have already used this A as part of the evidence for 
establishing the generalization stated in the major premiss? 
As Mill clearly saw, the answer to this question involves an 
account of how we come (i) to form, (ii) to justify, empirical 

* System of Logic, Bk. II, Ch. Ill, 2. Space is lacking to examine Mill s 
doctrine here. It is discussed, but not very clearly, in M.I.L., Ch. XII, 3, and 
to that the student may be referred. In that chapter also I have discussed the 
question whether we can obtain new knowledge from syllogistic reasoning. 
By far the best account of Mill s theory of the syllogism is contained in R, 
Jackson s An Examination of the Deductive Logic of John Stuart Mill. The student 
cannot do better than read this book, if he is interested in this problem; he must, 
however, be warned that it is not an easy book to read and was not written for 
the elementary student. 


generalizations. This question cannot be discussed here, but 
it may be pointed out that our inferences, when they are 
fruitful, are made within a context of knowledge. To prove 
a proposition is to find true premisses by which it is implied. 
When our premisses are factual propositions the evidence for 
their truth is never conclusive, but this does not imply that 
all factual generalizations are of equal value. There are 
various sources of knowledge and various criteria for deter 
mining what \veight may validly be attached to a conclusion 
that has not been demonstrated. Mill wanted to use as 
premisses only propositions that are known to be certainly true. 
We never can know this when our premisses relate to matters 
of fact. It is, however, a mistake to suppose that \ve must 
wait until the evidence is - so to speak - all in before we can 
assert a proposition and use it as a premiss for deducing 
conclusions that we should not have known otherwise. We 
cannot by deductive inference guarantee the material truth 
of factual propositions, but we can show that conclusions 
follow from such premisses and have such probative force as 
belongs to the premisses themselves. 


Methodology of Science * 


If we were confined to deductive reasoning we should be 
gravely inconvenienced. To say this is indeed to speak too 
mildly. We should not be able to reach any conclusion con 
cerning matters of fact that went beyond the present 
testimony of our senses, or the records of our memory J .f 
Generalization (i.e. going beyond the evidence) is essential 
to carrying on the affairs of our daily lives; it lies at the very 
foundation of all the empirical sciences. All the sciences 
except logic and mathematics are empirical; they are based 
upon observation, experiment and generalizations from ex 
perience. Generalization from a number of observed instances 
of a certain class, which are assumed not to constitute all the 
instances of the class, is called Induction by simple enumera 
tion . Its logical foim is: All the observed S s are P s; therefore all 
S s are P s. This inference is clearly not valid, for, in inferring 
from a premiss about some S s a conclusion about all S*s y there 
is an illicit distribution of S. Consequently, the premiss may 
be true although the conclusion is false. This is an essential 
characteristic of inductive reasoning. All valid reasoning is 
deductive, but it does not follow from this that inductive 
reasoning is unreasonable, unworthy of a clear thinker. What 
does follow is that we must find other criteria with which to 
check and control our reasoning than the criteria provided 
by the rules of deductive reasoning. It is far more difficult 
to discover these criteria, to make them explicit, and to 
formulate rules than is the case with deduction. To do so 

* Within the limits of a short chapter it is impossible even to indicate all the 
topics that must be included in any study of scientific method. It is essential for 
students who are reading for university examinations to consult other textbooks 
on scientific method. See M.LL., Pt. II; Cohen and NageL Introduction to Logic 
and Scientific Method, Bk. II. 

t Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Sect. IV, Pt. I. 

1 66 


constitutes one of the main problems of what is known as the 
methodology of science 5 , i.e. a systematic investigation of the 
logical character of the methods employed in the empirical 
sciences. It must be admitted that this investigation is still in 
a stage that may be described as rudimentary. 

It is impossible within the limits of a single chapter to do 
more than to indicate some of the chief questions that arise 
in connexion with the methodology of science, and in this way 
to suggest to the reader how wide is the field for study.* 

Everyone makes inferences by simple enumeration. The 
statement just made is itself an instance of such a mode of 
inference. It is vital to simple enumeration that there should 
be no conflicting evidence, that is, no instances of the class in 
question which lack the characteristic which has been found 
to belong to all the observed instances. A single contradictory 
instance at once disproves the conclusion. Many Europeans 
who have observed a few instances of the class Japanese^ 
and have found them all to be dark-eyed, have drawn the 
conclusion: All Japanese people are dark-eyed. A single example 
of a blue- or a grey-eyed Japanese would disprove this con 
clusion. But it might still be reasonable to hold that the 
percentage of dark-eyed people among the Japanese is very 
high. It would not be very surprising to find that among a 
nation, which for centuries did not intermarry with other 
nations, there should be a tendency towards one colour of 

Consider the following statements: 

Artists with dark hair and blue eyes almost always paint landscapes, 
while short artists with dark hair and dark eyes paint figures. 

Blue-eyed painters with relatively broad heads tend to figure painting, 
and those with long heads to landscapes. 

An exceptionally short head means artistic versatility and the ability 
to paint both landscapes and figures. 

Women tend more to paint figures than do men. 

These statements were made in a short article in the News 
Chronicle (Sept. 7, 1938). Perhaps the reader will agree with 
the author of this book that the statements are surprising. If 

* I have dealt at considerable length with methodological problems in 
Part II ofM.LL. The student must consult some textbook about these problems, 
for the account in this chapter is nothing but a sketch. He is recommended to 
read also J. S. Mill, System of Logic, Introduction, Bk. Ill, Chs. I-X, XIV, XXI. 


so, we should ask ourselves why they are surprising. Variation 
in the colour of hair or eyes, in height, and in width of head 
do not strike us as likely to be correlated with artistic ability 
or with the sort of pictures an artist paints. Especially is this 
the case with regard to colouring. If we ask why this should 
be so, the answer is not far to seek. We are accustomed to 
seeing hens of various colours, and cows, roses, and rabbits; 
we think of colouring as an accidens of a species. That there 
should be a correlation between colouring and the kind of 
picture an artist is likely to paint seems hard to believe.* On 
the other hand, we are not surprised to learn that a specific 
glandular deficiency is correlated with a specific mental 
defect, that a deficiency in vitamin G is correlated with the 
disease known as scurvy. We expect the waves to dash against 
the rocks after a gale has been blowing. As these illustrations 
show we have found in our experience that characteristics 
often go together in groups. It is for this reason that we find 
class-names indispensable, e.g. artists, cows, politicians, Ameri 
cans, measles. Such classes as these differ from the artificial 
classes we make at will, such as square scarlet things, black-haired 
archdeacons. Cows, for example, possess in common char 
acteristics which differentiate them from other classes, such 
as horses, buffaloes; whereas black-haired archdeacons probably 
have no characteristics in common, except the colour of their 
hair, which are not also possessed by other black-haired men 
or by other archdeacons. We feel that being black-haired is not 
a characteristic in any way relevant to the performance of 
archidiaconal functions. This feeling has a respectable basis 
in our past experience and in the recorded experience of 
generations of men, as handed down to us in their class- 
names, and in records of their observations. Such classes as 
these may be called natural kinds, to adopt a name from 
J. S. Mill. 

The nature of induction by simple enumeration can be 
stated as follows: Such and such instances of0 have the property !F; 
no instances of0 lacking W have been observed] therefore, every & has 

* The statements quoted from the News Chronicle are given in a report of the 
conclusions reached by Dr Mostyn Lewis after four years of investigation; 
his work is described as research in racial psychology 5 . The number of artists 
analysed was said to be 1 3 ooo, 


W. The instances of constitute a class having the properties con 
noted by "W*\ 

Inferences of this sort belong to a very early stage of man s 
thinking; without a considerable accumulation of the results 
of such inferences science would be impossible. Class-names 
enable us to abbreviate and to connect; it is the connexion 
of properties that is essential not only to scientific thinking 
but also to the ordering of our daily lives. Although some 
things c just happen so 3 , we all believe that there are depend 
able regularities in the world. Everyone believes that if he is 
hungry and eats food, his hunger will be satisfied; that water 
will quench his thirst; that fire will warm him; that heat will 
melt snow and butter; that day will alternate with night. 
Such beliefs as these are held with varying degrees of strength. 
They may be mistaken. The thirst of fever is not quenched by 
water; a dying man is not \varmed by the fire. Nevertheless, 
without believing in some dependable regularities we should 
not act as in fact we all do. That our expectations are some 
times fulfilled shows that we have learnt that natural happen 
ings can be regarded as having some kind of order; that they 
are sometimes disappointed reveals our partial ignorance. 

We are, then, accustomed to distinguish between occur 
rences which we regard as being regularly connected and occur 
rences which we consider to be only accidentally, or casually, 
conjoined. Occurrences of the first type we shall call uniformi 
ties^ of the second type multiformities* Simple enumeration 
leads us to discover such minor uniformities as the connexion 
between flames and warmth^ drinking water and quenching thirst, 
being a negro and having curly black hair. The last example differs 
from the first two in that it is a uniformity of co-existing 
characteristics, whereas the other two are uniformities of 
successive occurrences. The latter may be called causal con 
nexions. For the analysis of causal connexions simple enumera 
tion does not suffice. 


The earliest stage of a science consists in distinguishing multi 
formities from uniformities and in recognizing in some 


multiformities characteristics relevantly connected in such a 
way that uniformities of higher generality and abstractness 
may be discovered. Hence, the first task of the scientist is to 
describe and classify. As was suggested in the last section 
everyone engages in this type of scientific activity; we pass 
insensibly from common-sense knowledge through organized 
common sense to knowledge that can be called strictly 
scientific. There is no sudden break.* Primitive savages have 
to make some effort to control their environment; certainly 
knowledge gives power. 

The scientist is not interested in singular statements such 
as This water has just boiled, I am feeling hot now, This man is 
angry, except in so far as the fact each describes can be 
regarded as an instance of some type of order. The sciences 
are branches of orderly knowledge: the scientist aims at seeing 
the connexions between things of certain sorts, natural hap 
penings (i.e. events in nature), and organizing them into 
systems. The scientist takes note of the particular occurrence, 
This water has just boiled, only in order to determine the con 
ditions under which it has boiled, the temperature at boiling- 
point, the change which occurs as it passes into steam, and so 
on. "Water" now signifies a constant conjunction of characteristics, 
which we call properties of water. To say this thing has such 
and such a property* is a way of saying that this thing under 
certain conditions behaves in such and such a way . For example: 
Iron has the property of expanding with rise of temperature means 
Iron expands when heated; Sugar has the property of solubility means 
Sugar dissolves in fluids. 

As the above examples suggest and our daily experiences 
abundantly show, the way in which something behaves (e.g. 
a lump of sugar, a poker) depends both upon the sort of 
thing it is and the situation in which it happens to be placed. 
This lump of sugar dissolves in water; this poker does not. 
The poker thrust into a fire becomes hot; taken out and put 

* Consider, for instance, how often the result of a complicated set of psycho 
logical experiments (e.g. the formulation of practice curves ) strikes the layman 
as just a statement of what everyone knows about the improvement of ability 
to perform something as a result of practising. Nevertheless, the scientific 
investigation prepares the way for formulating more precise and generalized 
statements about human behaviour than is possible at the common-sense level. 


in the fender It becomes cold again and reverts, approxi 
mately, to its former condition. After frequent recurrences of 
being heated and left to cool its shape gradually changes: 
eventually it may be hardly recognizable as that poker. Each 
of these things we recognize as an instance of what we have 
called a natural kind^ i.e. a thing having characteristics of a 
certain sort which make it the sort of thing it is. Whenever a 
certain kind of thing is in a certain definite situation it will 
exhibit certain characteristic modes of behaviour; these are 
recurrent modes of change. Causal laws are the laws of these 
recurrent modes of change. 

The recognition that kinds of things behave characteristic 
ally leads us to the discovery of causation and conditions. 
Similar modes of change recur in situations that differ in 
certain respects. Iron becomes red-hot in a furnace, in a fire 
in a cottage, in a burning factory, in the muzzle of a cannon 
when many cannon-balls have been fired. Thus shortly to 
indicate widely different situations in w^hich something very 
familiar to us is happening (iron becoming red-hot) will not 
serve our present purpose unless we can forget what we are 
familiar with. (Think, for example, of Charles Lamb s story 
of the Chinaman s discovery of roast pork.) We discover that 
there are occurrences to the happening of which much else 
that is also happening in the same spatio-temporal situation 
is irrelevant. If this were not so there could be no causal laws 
and no science. The discovery of a causal law is the discovery 
of what is relevant to a given mode of behaviour. It is for this 
reason that the discovery of causal laws requires observation 
of particular situations. It is only from observation that we 
know that sugar dissolves in water and pokers become red-hot 
in a fire. Thus causal laws cannot be deduced from a single 
situation which is passively observed; they are discovered by 
analysis of different situations in which things are brought 
into relations with other things; we observe their behaviour 
in varying situations. By eliminating factors present in different 
situations we can discover which factors are irrelevant to a 
given mode of behaviour. In the next section we shall be 
concerned with methods by which causal laws can thus be 


It is important to distinguish causal laws from the par 
ticular causal propositions which state exemplifications of the 
laws. A particular causal proposition states a definite causal 
occurrence happening once only. For example. This shot 
through his heart caused this marts death. In asserting that his 
death was caused by the shot we are asserting more than the 
historical fact that two particular occurrences were con 
joined. When anything is happening there are always multi 
tudes of other things happening simultaneously and in close 
succession. To say that the man s death was caused by the 
shot must mean that whenever a bullet passes through a 
man s heart there follows the cessation of the beating of his 
heart, i.e. he dies. The form of such a causal law is: Whenever 
an occurrence having the characteristic happens at a time t to a 
thing of the kind k^ then an occurrence having the characteristic W 
happens at a time t 2 to a thing of the kind k%. It may be the case 
that (i) and ^are the same sort of characteristic., k and k 2 
are the same thing; (iii) t : and t 2 are the same time. It is the 
causal law that is fundamental, not the particular causal 
proposition stating an instance of causation. 

When we ask for the cause of an occurrence, e.g. the break 
ing of this window, we expect an answer that would hold good 
in other cases. On reflection, at least, we should agree that 
whatever caused this window to break would also cause other 
windows to break. But we are not always thinking at the same 
level when we ask questions about the breaking of the win 
dow. What broke the window? 3 is a question which would 
probably be satisfied by the answer, c An air-raid , or by C A 
bomb . The first answer is extremely abstract, but it does 
indicate one important element in any satisfactory answer to 
the question, for it cites an occurrence without which (it is 
presumed) that particular window would not have been 
broken when and as it was. The second answer cites an 
essential factor in the particular situation. But it would 
unhesitatingly be admitted that the mere presence of a bomb 
in the neighbourhood would not have sufficed to do the 
damage. An unexploded bomb might be harmless. A third 
answer might be, c The explosion of a bomb . However, there 
are (we assume) other windows in the same neighbourhood 


which are not broken. A fourth answer, The impact from 
the blast of an exploded bomb , approaches the scientific 
level of thinking. In ordinary life, What broke the window? 
is probably asked at the level of thought of the first or 
second answer; the last two state the circumstances more 

This example may suffice to show that c the cause of an 
occurrence, A\ is an ambiguous expression. The reader 
should ask himself what sort of answer would satisfy a medical 
officer of health who inquires, What is the cause of this 
outbreak of typhoid in my district? 5 He does not want an 
answer in terms of bacilli; he knows that wherever people 
have contracted typhoid a bacillus is present; his interest is in 
the source that carried the bacilli; is it the water, or the milk, 
or the meat, or what? But this knowledge had to be gained 
by long and patient research. This involved at the beginning 
a careful examination of complicated situations in which 
people were ill with typhoid; their circumstances had to be 
carefully noted and one type of situation compared with 
another. The form of the question that controls this activity 
of thinking is: What factor is present in these situations 
which is such that whenever it is present typhoid occurs? 3 The 
word "factor" here must not be assumed to stand for some 
thing simple. 

We may, then, say X causes T 5 means Given that X 
happens, then ^happens . We shall see later that this is not 
accurate, but it is sufficiently accurate to guide investigation 
in its earliest stage. * Cause 5 and effect* are names used for 
the referent and the relatum, respectively, of the causal rela 
tion. This relation is asymmetrical; in certain usages of the 
word "causes" it is also a many-one relation. 


J. S. Mill attempted to formulate with some precision various 
methodical procedures for the purpose of ascertaining the 
causes of specified phenomena (i.e. occurrences). He did not 
achieve all that he believed himself to have achieved but his 
methods , with certain qualifications, show the ways in 


which we must prepare the material in order to obtain an 
answer to the question, What is the cause of 27 (where 
T is an illustrative symbol). They have the merit of making 
clear the fundamental part played by elimination in causal 
inquiry. Our statements of Mill s methods must be very 

The methods rest upon two principles fundamental to the 
concept of cause: (i) Nothing is the cause of an effect which 
is absent when the effect occurs; (2) Nothing is the cause of 
an effect which is present when the effect fails to occur. These 
are acceptable to common sense; indeed, Mill s methods do 
little more than organize the procedures of plain men when 
they seek to find the answers to such questions as: What 
makes the drawer stick? , c Why won t the car start? , c Why 
is honey so scarce in this district this year? 

In stating the methods we shall assume throughout that we 
are searching for the cause of an occurrence, T (called by 
Mill a phenomenon ). In the next section we shall notice 
how large are the assumptions tacitly made as we proceed 
on our investigations. Plain men always make large, tacit 

We have to prepare our material in order to investigate 
the cause of T; the two principles of causation given above 
show that we shall do well to: (i) compare different situations 
in which T is present; (ii) compare situations in which T 
occurs with other situations in which T does not occur in 
spite of similarity in various respects. 

(i) The Method of Agreement. Rule: If two or more instances 
of the occurrence of T have only one factor in common, 
then this factor, in which alone all the instances agree, is the 
cause of T. 

For example, all the patients suffering from typhoid (in a 
given district) may be found all to have used the same water 

* I shall not state the methods in Mill s own words, mainly in order to be 
briefer, but also to avoid certain mistakes in his formulation which he probably 
did not notice. The student must read Mill s own account (see System of Logic, 
Bk. Ill, Ch. VIII). It would also be advisable to read M.I.L., Ch. XVII, 
especially 2, where a detailed example of an experimental investigation is given. 
To read this section may suffice the lazy or over-worked student; others are 
advised to work out for themselves, in detail, some example of an experimental 
inquiry. The snippety examples often given in textbooks are of little value. 


supply; hence, the water is causally connected with the 
patients having typhoid. 

It will be noticed that the example does not fit the rule. 
Picture to yourself what happens when several people - in 
the same district - fall ill of typhoid (or any other disease). 
They all, ex hypotkesi, live in the same neighbourhood; but 
certainly some will be men, some women, some fat, some 
thin, some fair-haired, some dark, some may be agricultural 
labourers, some plumbers, some university students, and so 
on. This and so on 5 is justified, for we can all quite easily 
fill up the details. We know that some of the patients will 
agree in being males, others (or some of the former) agree 5 
in being labourers, others agree 5 in being fair-skinned, etc. 
It is not possible to find instances in which all the circum 
stances but one differ. We cannot begin to use the rule until 
we have made an immense number of judgements of irrele 
vance. When we have done so then we may find that only 
one factor is always present in the set of instances in which 
Tis present; in that case we are justified in asserting that this 
factor is the cause of T. But in most cases we cannot be sure 
that our judgements of irrelevance are correct; hence, we 
should at the level of practical common sense, begin to look 
for cases in which J*was absent even though these resembled 
the former to a considerable extent. Hence, we use the next 

(2) The Joint Method of Agreement and Difference. Rule: If a set 
of instances of the occurrence of T have only one factor, A, 
in common while several instances in which T does not occur 
have distributed among them the other factors that were 
present with T except A 9 then A is probably causally con 
nected with T. 

This method suggests that we must find a set of instances 
in which T is present conjoined with a number of factors, 
but in any two instances only one factor A is present in both. 
These are called the positive instances. We then find a set of 
instances resembling the first as much as possible but all 

* Mill gives next the Method of Difference. For reasons which, I hope, will 
be made clear in the text, I have put the Joint Method second. In formulating 
the Rule for the Joint Method I have departed widely from Mill s formulation. 
(For the reasons for this, see M.I.L., pp. 336-7.) 


agreeing in the absence of T. These are the negative instances. 
Comparison between the two sets of instances shows that 
when A is present T occurs, when A is absent T does not 
occur. Hence, in accordance with the two fundamental prin 
ciples we can conclude that A causes T or is at least con 
nected with its causation. 

For example, in the typhoid investigation, it may be sus 
pected that the water is the source of the typhoid infection. 
If all those who have typhoid have used the same water 
supply, it will be a help to consider people living in the 
district who have not got typhoid, and have water from 
another source, and to inquire whether some of these have 
meat from the same butcher as some of the typhoid patients, 
and if some of the former have milk from the same dairy as 
the latter. If so, then we can judge that the meat and the milk 
are irrelevant factors. 

This method is well adapted to such inquiries as the follow 
ing: Is the direct method of teaching Latin satisfactory? Are 
hasty marriages likely to end in divorce? Are limes as good 
as oranges as a protection against scurvy? 
(3) The Method of Difference. Rule: If an instance in which T 
occurs and an instance in which T does not occur have in 
common all factors except A, and A occurs only in the 
instance when T occurs, then A is the effect, or the cause, 
or an indispensable part of the cause of T. 

This method is clearly more cogent in its conclusion than 
either of the other two. The method of agreement might lead 
us to conclude that two concomitant occurrences, e.g. the 
sounding of a hooter in a factory and the ringing of a bell in 
a school, were cause or effect of each other. People have often 
assumed that a patent medicine is a cure for a disease because 
of the evidence offered in unsolicited testimonials printed 
in advertisements; they forget that those who were not cured 
did not write to the proprietors. If we can find a negative 
instance resembling the positive instance in all relevant 
factors but one, then that factor is undoubtedly causally 
connected with T. 

It is clear that it is difficult to secure these conditions, for 
it must be possible to introduce, or to withdraw, A without 


there being any other change than the non-recurrence of T. 
If, however, we can be reasonably sure that the two instances 
differ in only one re j evant respect, then the method is applic 
able under certain experimental conditions* For example, 
dropping a piece of blue litmus paper into an acid; it turns 
red; we conclude that the acid is the cause of the change in 
colour. We put sugar into a cup of tea, and it tastes different; 
the sugar is the cause of the different taste. 

These examples are artificially adapted to illustrate the 
method; we know what examples to choose. But if we see, 
from the example, how the method is used, we may be able 
to put it into practice when we really are investigating an 
occurrence to discover its cause and not merely talking about 
someone else s investigation. Only we must be very careful 
to see that our judgements of irrelevance are justified. These 
remarks can be applied to all the methods, but are most 
obviously illustrated by the Method of Difference. 

It should be noticed that we never use the Joint Method 
if we can secure the more stringent conditions required by 
the Method of Difference. 

(4) The Method of Concomitant Variations. Rule: If, in a com 
plex situation containing both A and T, the factor Y varies 
in some manner whenever A varies, then A is causally con 
nected with Y. 

We reason in accordance with this method when we con 
clude that applying heat to a tube filled with mercury is the 
cause of the rise of mercury in the tube. This method is 
important in connexion with the investigation of quantita 
tive variation; it requires data derived from measurement. 
If we seek to examine the effects of a rise in the price of 
tobacco upon the consumption of tobacco, we should be 
applying a principle of concomitant variation. But the 
variation would probably not be precise; there might be 
many disturbing factors (e.g. as the price rises, it so hap 
pens, that more people are at leisure, or there are air-raids 
and people smoke more during the night) which prevent us 
from being certain how much an increase in price would 
decrease consumption on occasions when those factors are 


(5) The Method of Residues. Rule: If in the case of a complex 
occurrence, certain factors, W 9 V, T, are known, from 
previous investigations, to be the effects of C, E, H, then the 
residual effect % is caused by the only other factor, A, which 
is jointly present with W, F, T. 

There is no good ground for considering this as an inde 
pendent method. In so far as it is applicable it uses the 
method of difference theoretically to establish a conclusion 
that is dependent upon previous investigations.* The argu 
ment is in fact deductive. 

In thus summarily stating Mill s methods we have inci 
dentally suggested that they suffer from grave defects if they 
are to be regarded as complete methodical procedures for 
establishing causal connexions. The following points should 
be noted: (i) Each method presupposes that judgements 
of irrelevance have been correctly made. (2) This means 
that the investigator is already in a position to formulate 
an hypothesis of the form: In this situation the possible 
cause of T must be found among the factors A, B, C, D. 
But this step is one of the most difficult, and nothing in 
Mill s account of the methods shows that he recognized 
either its difficulty or its importance. (3) Each method, 
when it can be properly used, gives some grounds for the 
conclusion that is drawn, but these grounds are far from 
being conclusive. 

The value of Mill s methods lies mainly in the fact that 
they lay down what may be described as minimal conditions 
for the investigation of causes of occurrences. By using them 
with due care we eliminate factors that might seem to be 
possible causes because these factors have been present when 
the investigated effect was at first observed. They show that 
A cannot be the cause of T unless (i) A is regularly followed 
by T, (ii) A is never present when T is absent, (iii) A and T 
vary together. 

* The favourite example of this method Is afforded by the discovery of the 
planet Neptune, as the result of calculating the orbit of Uranus from the known 
effects of the known planets, and finding a discrepancy between the calculated 
orbit and the observed orbit. It was suggested that another planet must be the 
cause of the residual effect. This reasoning is clearly deductive (see M.I.L., 
pp. 346-7). 


Mill himself recognized a practical difficulty in applying 
the Method of Agreement, namely, that on one occasion A 
may indeed cause T but on another occasion T may be 
caused by B. There can be no doubt that as cause is used 
in ordinary discussion there can be such a plurality of causes. 
It is well known that men die from many different causes. 
That is to say the causal relation is assumed to be many-one. 
For practical purposes it is certainly convenient to know 
that there are many ways of encompassing the death of one s 
enemy or of giving enjoyment to one s friends. But is it in 
fact true that different causes result in exactly the same effect? 
The procedure of a coroner s court is based upon the denial 
that the causal relation is many-one; it is assumed that if the 
characteristics of the effect Y (viz. this person s death) be 
carefully analysed, then it will be seen that variation in the 
complex situation described by "2"" is in one-one correlation 
with variation in the complex situation described by "A". 
This assumption is plausible. At the same time it must be 
admitted that it accords ill with our common-sense use of the 
concept cause. If we admit that the plurality of causes is pos 
sible, then we cannot agree with Mill that it affects only his 
Method of Agreement. It is true that a rigorous use of the 
Method of Difference can assure us that in the given case no 
other cause was possible; but this does not suffice to show 
that in another situation the effect T may not be the result 
of quite other factors. 

As the admission that there may be a plurality of causes 
shows, Mill s methods are insufficiently analytic. He did not 
sufficiently recognize the truth of Francis Bacon s remark: 
the force of the negative instance is greater . If we have 
reason to suppose that A is the cause of T, it is vitally 
important that we should seek for instances of the occurrence 
of T conjoined with A in which the factors other than A are 
varied as much as possible.* Repetition of instances of the 
conjunction of A with T have little value unless these 
instances vary widely among themselves. 

* J. M. Keynes has laid stress upon the importance of such variation: not 
resemblance but unlikeness is what we must look for. See A Treatise on Prob 
ability, Chs. XIX-XX, and cf. M./.L., Ch. XTV, 3. 



If we are interested in the process whereby scientific dis 
coveries are made, we can hardly over-emphasize the part 
played by the formulation and development of hypotheses. 
An hypothesis is a proposition suggested by the evidence 
available to establish the conclusion but insufficient to demon 
strate the conclusion. Hypotheses are formed when we seek 
to ask why something has happened. Why, for instance, are 
booms followed by slumps? (If booms are not followed by 
slumps, cadit quaestio.} Why does water not run uphill and 
yet it rises in a pump? Why does water not rise in a pump 
to a height greater than thirty-three feet at sea-level? Why 
are some people so much afflicted by nightmares? 

The question asked by "Why 53 may require an answer in 
terms of human, or divine, purpose, or it may require an 
answer in terms of what previously happened on account of 
which this (which initiated the question) happened. The 
first is a demand for a teleological explanation, the second 
demands how things are connected independently of any 
one s purposes and desires. This is often called scientific 
explanation; it would be a mistake, however, to suppose that 
scientific explanations cannot involve reference to purposes; 
they must involve such reference when actions, as distinct 
from natural occurrences, are involved. 

It must be noticed that an intelligent question beginning 
with Why or with How cannot be asked except on the basis 
of some knowledge about the situation which prompted the 
question. It cannot be answered without considerably more 
knowledge than the questioner possessed. The question and 
answer may be formulated by the same person; in that case, 
he is first seeking for knowledge, later he is in possession of 
the knowledge sought - assuming that he has answered the 
question correctly. Even a cursory acquaintance with the 
history of a scientific discovery suffices to show how indis 
pensable is a background of relevant knowledge.* In this 
short sketch we take the possession of relevant knowledge for 

* See M.I.L., Ch. XIII, 3-4; XVI, 1,2. 


granted, but it must not be forgotten that we have done so. 

The method of using an hypothesis to answer a question 
is commonly regarded as consisting of four steps: (i) Aware 
ness of a complex familiar situation in which something is 
felt to call for explanation. (2) Formulation of an hypothesis; 
i.e. the statement of a proposition which connects the unex 
plained occurrence with data derived from previous obser 
vations, the proposition being such that, if it is true, then the 
given occurrence, together with other occurrences not yet 
observed, could be deduced. (3) Deduction from the hypo 
thesis of its consequences; these consequences must include 
both the given occurrence and other supposed occurrences 
which will happen provided the proposition is true. (4) 
Testing the hypothesis by appeal to observable occurrences. 
This last stage is usually called the Verification 3 of the hypo 
thesis. The name is not very fortunate, since what is verified 
is that the consequences take place., rather than that the original 
proposition - the hypothesis - is true. Various hypotheses 
may be consistent with the happening of the occurrence 
which is being investigated. 

To state a simple example, we will suppose that someone 
asks: Why is there no meat in the meat-safe, for I put the 
week s ration there this morning? First hypothesis (A x ) : Per 
haps someone got in and has stolen it. If so, then you must 
have seen someone pass the window for [the meat-safe is in 
the back garden and no one could get over the back-garden 
wall; the only approach is by a path down the side of the 
house; anyone who goes there passes the window of the front 
sitting-room]. But you did not see anyone pass the window; 
we shall conclude that no one did, as you always notice a 
shadow - at this time of day - falling across the window. 
Perhaps the maid has put the meat in the scullery (A 2 ). If so, 
then it will be there still; but it is not there. Perhaps a dog 
jumped the wall and stole the joint (A 3 ). If so, there will be 
scrabbles on the wood of the safe; there are marks of 
scrabbling; therefore, a dog got in and stole the joint.* 

* This records an instance which actually happened. The remarks in brackets 
give information to the reader that was taken for granted by the occupiers of 
the house. 


The form of this reasoning is as follows: If h then p(A) 
(where "A" is shorthand for the alleged occurrence deduced 
from h^ and "p(A)" is shorthand for the proposition that the 
occurrence took place. Analogous shorthand symbols are 
used throughout). But not-^(^). If A 2 , then p(B); but 
not-p(B). If A 3 , then p(C); but p(C]. The rules of formal 
deduction show that if A x implies p(A), then not-p(A] implies 
h^ Hence, the truth of not p(A] (i.e. the falsity of p(A}) 
justifies us in asserting that h^ is false. The formal procedure 
is the same with regard to A 2 . But in the case of h z the 
position is different; here we have: If A 3 , then^(C); but/>(C); 
therefore A 3 . This commits the fallacy of the consequent. We 
can, therefore, accept h z only on condition that A ls A 2 , A 3 
together exhaust the possible hypotheses; we should then 
have the following valid argument: (where "p(0}" is short 
hand for the proposition The meat has disappeared}. 

(i) Ifp(0) 9 then either A x or A 2 or A 3 ; 
h l or k 2 or h 3 = A x and A 2 and 7z 3 is false. 

(ii) If A!, then/>(^4); but j)(4) is false; /. A x is false. 
(iii) If A 25 then^(-B); but _p(JB) is false; . . A 2 is false. 
(iv) Ifp(0) 9 then either A x or A 2 or A 3 ; but not h^ or A 2 ; 

It may be said that in the investigation of matters of fact 
it is never possible to assert a proposition of the form (i) 
above; we cannot be sure that we have exhausted all possible 
hypotheses. Thus the assertion that our hypothesis is Verified 
by the consequences does not amount to the assertion that 
the hypothesis is certainly true\ rather we should say that the 
deduced consequences are verified and the hypothesis is 

When the deduced consequences are not verified (i.e. the 
proposition stating that such and such an occurrence has happened 
is false), it is by no means always the case that the original 
hypothesis is totally discredited; it may be that it can be 
emended in such a way that the original deduced conse 
quence is no longer implied. 

A successful prediction is often regarded as of very great 
importance in establishing an hypothesis. It is, however, easy 


to overestimate its significance, as we shall see if we remember 
that more than one hypothesis may be consistent with the 
facts. Those who rely on the predictions of newspaper 
astrologists forget this; they seem to think that the only 
hypothesis consistent with the successful prediction is that 
the astrologer obtained his information from the stars. 


Although a science begins with such piecemeal discoveries 
as, e.g. Water rises in a pump, It becomes more difficult to breathe 
as one ascends higher and higher up a mountain, it does not 
advance very far until sets of discoveries (established by 
means of the method discussed in the last section) can be 
connected together. The discovery that air has weight con 
nected the rise of mercury in a barometer, the rise of water 
in a pump, the difference in the boiling-point of water at 
sea-level and on the top of Snowdon, etc. To be brief, 
Newton s great physical synthesis connected together the 
fall of unsupported bodies^ the phenomena of high and low 
tides and of neap and spring tides, the movements of the 
moon, the revolution of the planets round the sun and . . ., 
for the list could be much extended. Discoveries made in one 
small department of one branch of science are relevantly 
connected with those made in another department of the 
same branch; discoveries in one branch of science (say, 
chemistry) are connected with discoveries in another branch 
of science (say, physiology) ; the outcome may be a body of 
specialized knowledge reaching the dignity of a new branch 
of science (say, biochemistry). The metaphor of "branches" 
- if not pressed - is significant, for it suggests that the various 
sciences tend to develop and grow together, so that discoveries 
in one reinforce discoveries in another. This is all too brief, 
and, if it be forgotten that we are here engaged merely in 
making comments on a vast subject, what has just been said 
may be downright misleading. The point to be insisted upon 
is that, with many qualifications, we can assert that natural 
occurrences are interconnected in such a way that, for 
example, a thorough understanding of how it is that sap 


rises in trees would involve taking note of the law of gravita 
tion and the behaviour of living matter. 

We might put the point in this way: On what grounds are 
we justified in believing that water runs downhill? That we do 
believe it is not questioned. The child s answer is: Because 
water always does run downhill 5 ; a more advanced answer is, 
Because water seeks its own level ; another answer is, 
Because water is a very good example of a fluid. Each of 
these answers does something to connect the behaviour of 
water with something else; even the child s answer asserts 
that this water running down this hill is not to be regarded 
as an isolated phenomenon. Perhaps the answer we should 
give today is: That water runs downhill follows from the prin 
ciples of mechanics. Accordingly, either there is something 
wrong with the principles of mechanics or water runs down 
hill. To dispute the principles of mechanics is to upset a 
whole domain of ordered knowledge. This may have to be 
done; to some extent it has been done as the result of the 
work of Einstein, but this work would not have been accept 
able unless it had fulfilled two conditions: (i) the new hypo 
thesis is in accordance with all the observed occurrences 
including those hitherto accounted for satisfactorily by the 
Newtonian scheme and those discrepant with it; (2) the new 
hypothesis does itself offer fruitful deductions guiding sub 
sequent experimental inquiry. It is well known that Ein 
stein s theory satisfies these conditions. 

The method of science is sometimes called hypothetico- 
deductive. There is some merit in this appellation. Einstein has 
said: Theory is compelled to pass more and more from the 
inductive to the deductive method, even though the most 
important demand to be made of every scientific theory will 
always remain that it must fit the facts. The more advanced 
a theory is the more its exposition assumes deductive form; in 
consequence, an advanced science is an immense system of 
interconnected facts; new discoveries are fitted in to the 
system, even if at times the system must be modified to 
accommodate them. Our trust in any one generalization 
(which may have begun with the precarious and childish 
method of simple enumeration) is in no small part dependent 


upon our trust in the system as a whole. We have trust in 
the fidelity- of the system to the observable occurrences 
because we find that it works it guides us to further experi 
mental observations; it connects what had hitherto been 
isolated and thus unexplained; finally, it shows us what are 
the right questions to ask if we seek to understand the world 
in which we live. To understand a statement is to know what 
implied it and what it implies. Little though the activities 
of men can be thought to be in harmony with Aristotle s 
belief in homo sapiens^ we understand how he could have 
entertained it when we reflect upon the fact that man alone 
(so far as we know) asks questions - occasionally - solely in 
order that he may know the intellectual satisfaction of having 
his questions answered. 

A P P E N Y D I X 

Containing References for 
Further Reading, Exercises,, and a Key 


Abbreviations used in citing the titles of books to which frequent 
reference is made will be given in square brackets after the first citation 
of the book in question. The references have been kept to a minimum; 
the student who consults any of these books will find further guidance 
in them for his future reading. Those references marked with an asterisk 
may be regarded as alternative readings on the same topic; those 
marked with a dagger are intended for more advanced students. 



Stebbing, L. Susan. A Modern Introduction to Logic (Methuen: 2nd or 
3 rd edition only). Chs. I, II, XXIV, i. [Jlf.7.LJ 

* Cohen, M. R. and Nagel, Ernest. An Introduction to Logic and Scientific 
Method (Geo. Roudedge & Sons Ltd, 1934). Ch. I. [C. and N.] 

* Eaton, R. M. General Logic (New York: Charles Scribner s Sons, 
1931). Pt. I, i, 2, 8. [Eaton.} 

Keynes, John Neville. Studies and Exercises in Formal Logic (Macmillan: 
4th ed., 1906). Introduction. [F.LJ] 

Chapman, F. M. and Henle, P. The Fundamentals of Logic (Charles 
Scribner s Sons, 1933). Pt. I 3 Ch. I. 

t Joseph, H. W. B. An Introduction to Logic (Oxford University Press: 
2nd ed. 3 1916). Ch. I. 


1. In the case of each of the following statements, find two statements 
from which the given statement would follow: (a) Some taxes are un 
economic, (b) Mr Crab is a bore, (c) Cora ripens in the sun. (d) Some 
monkeys can be taught tricks. 

2. Find an example of argumentative discussion (taken from any book 
or newspaper) ; set out the conclusion the writer seeks to establish, and 
specify the premisses given in support of it. 

3. Distinguish between validity and truth. 





* M.I.L. Chs. IV, V. 
*C. andji. Chs. II, III. 
Eaton. Pt. I, Ch. V, i. 
f FJL. Pt. II, Chs. Ill, IV. 


4. What is the purpose of restating categorical propositions in regular 
A 9 E, I 3 forms? Try to restate each of the following statements in one 
(or more) of these forms; indicate whether anything has been lost in the 

(1) Only metals are good conductors of heat. 

(2) He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day. 

(3) Sometimes all our efforts fail. 

(4) Who drives fat oxen should himself be fat. 

(5) No admittance except on business. 

(6) Man alone repines. 

(7) A man may smile and smile and be a villain. 

(8) To be great is to be misunderstood. 

(9) Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced. 
(10) He who praises everybody praises nobody. 

(i i) Where you see a Whig you see a rascal. 

(12) Popular preachers are not always sound reasoners. 

(13) All that glisters is not gold. 

(14) To the pure all things are pure. 

(15) Humour is not given to all great teachers. 

5. Construct a set of propositions to illustrate the square of opposi 
tion. Which terms in these propositions are distributed, and which are 

6. Determine the logical relation holding between each pair of the 
following propositions:* 

(1) All cruel actions are unjustifiable. 

(2) All unjustifiable actions are cruel. 

(3) Some justifiable actions are not cruel. 

(4) No justifiable actions are cruel. 

(5) Some justifiable actions are cruel. 

(6) Some cruel actions are not unjustifiable. 

(7) Some actions that are not cruel are not unjustifiable. 

7. Give the obverse and the contrapositive (where possible) of the 
following: (i) All are not saints that go to Church, (ii) Only small 
children love tin soldiers, (iii) No shrimps are obtainable today. 

8. Restate the following propositions in such a way that without being 
weakened they may all have the same subject-term and the same 

* In answering questions of this kind the student will probably find it helpful 
to formulate the propositions in various ways (e.g. obverse, etc.) so that 
equivalent and non-equivalent propositions can be easily recognized by means 
of immediate inference. 


predicate-term: (i} All F is not-C; (ii) Some not-F is C; ^iii , JVb not-F is C; 
(iv) Some F is C. 

9. Granted that Some sailors are patriotic is true ? show which of the 
following statements may be inferred to be true, which false, and w lich 

(1) Some who are not sailors are unpatriotic. 

(2) No patriotic people are sailors. 

(3) Some patriotic people are not other than sailors. 

(4) No unpatriotic people are sailors. 

(5) Some sailors are not unpatriotic. 

10. Give the contradictory and a contrary of: No man can be a politician 
except he be first a historian or a traveller.* 

1 1 . Show that Some aeroplanes are bi-planes is the subimplicant of the 
contradictory of the subimplicant of the contrary of the contradictory of 
the subcontrary of itself. 

12. Consider whether there are any ambiguities in the following state 
ments: (i) All are not just that seem so. (ii) Some of the soldiers were not 
afraid, (iii) All the fish weighed 4 Ib. Assign the contradictory of each 
of the interpretations you give. 



M.I.L. Chs. V, VII. 

C. andN. Ch. II, 3. Ch. Ill, 3, 5. 

f F.L. Pt. II, Chs. IX, X. 

f Johnson, W. E. Logic. Pt. I, Ch. II. 

Joseph, H. W. B. An Introduction to Logic. Ch. IX. 


13. Give the contradictory of: *Man is born free; and everywhere he 
is in chains.* 

14. In the case of each of the following propositions give three other 
composite propositions equivalent to the original: 

(i) If wages are increased, prices will rise. 

(ii) Either the child was badly taught or he is exceptionally stupid, 
(iii) You cannot both eat your cake and have it. 
(iv) If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts. 

(v) Either we are not responsible for our actions or our actions are 

within our own power, 
(vi) If C is D, then not R. 

15. Suppose you wish to choose a tutor who will teach you enough 
logic to pass your examination. You have the following evidence with 
regard to four tutors, -4, B, C, D: 

(a) Either a student is not taught by A or he fails to pass. 

(b) Unless a student is not taught by B, he fails to pass. 

(c) Only if a student is not taught by C does he not pass. 

( d) Only if a student is not taught by D does he pass. 

How can you decide which tutor to select? 


1 6. Construct an argument in the Modus tollendo tollens:, obtain the 
same conclusion from equivalent premisses but stated in (i) modus tollendo 
ponens. (ii) modus ponendo tollens^ (iii) modus ponendo ponens. 

17. Exhibit the logical structure of the following arguments, adding 
any premisses that may be required; determine in each case whether the 
argument is valid: 

(i) If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, a just and reasonable 
peace would be made. But, since he is dead, a just and reasonable 
peace will not be made. 

(ii) "If the law supposes that", said Mr Bumble, "the law is an 
ass - a idiot". 

(iii) Either the Pythagorean theorem in geometry is true or it is not 
worth the labour of studying it; but it is true; therefore, it is not 
worth while to study it.* 

(iv) Trices only fall if there is over-production. But if there is not 
over-production, factories close; if factories close, the number of 
the unemployed increases. If more people are unemployed, there 
is dissatisfaction and social unrest. Consequently, if prices fall, 
there is dissatisfaction and social unrest. 

(v) This author is certainly muddle-headed; for, if I follow his 
argument, he is certainly muddled, and if I do not follow it, 
he is obscure hi his statement of the argument. 

(vi) If your uncle is rich, you will not be afraid of asking him for 
a loan. But you are not afraid. Consequently, I conclude that 
your uncle is rich. 

(vii) It is an undertaking of some degree of delicacy to examine into 
the cause of public disorders. If a man happens not to succeed 
in such an inquiry, he will be thought weak and visionary; if he 
touches the true grievance, there is a danger that he may come 
near to persons of weight and consequence, who will rather be 
exasperated at the discovery of their errors, than thankful for the 
occasion of correcting them. If he should be obliged to blame 
the favourites of the people, he will be considered as the tool of 
power; if he censures those in power, he will be looked on as an 
instrument of faction. But in all exertions of duty something has 
to be hazarded (Burke). 

1 8. Select from the following, those statements which are equivalent: 

(1) Where you see a Whig you see a rascal. 

(2) If you see a Whig you don t see a rascal. 

(3) If you see a Whig you see a rascal. 

(4) Either you see a rascal or you don t see a Whig. 

(5) Only if you see a rascal do you see a Whig. 

(6) Only if you do not see a rascal do you not see a Whig. 

(7) Unless you see a rascal you do not see a Whig. 

19. Give the contradictory and a contrary of each of the following: 

(1) If poetry comes not as naturally as leaves to a tree, it had better 
not come at all. 

(2) I am certain that you are wrong. 

(3) All endogens are all parallel-leaved plants. 




ALI.L. Chs, VI, VII. 

C. andN. Ch. IV. 

f F.L. Pt. Ill, Chs. I-VIII. 

f H. W. B. Joseph. An Introduction to Logic. Chs. XII-XVL 


20. State the rules that are necessary and sufficient to ensure the 
validity of a categorical syllogism. Prom directly from these rules:* 

(1) That the mood EIO is valid, and the mood IEO invalid, in every 

(2) That O cannot be a premiss in figure I, a major premiss in figure 
II, a minor premiss in figure III, nor a premiss in figure IV. 

(3) That, if the major term is predicate in its own premiss, the minor 
premiss cannot be negative. 

(4) That an A proposition can be proved only in figure i. 

(5) That if the middle term is distributed in both premisses, the con 
clusion must be particular. 

21. Show, by means of the general rules of the syllogism, in how many 
ways it is possible to prove a proposition of the form SeP. 

22. (i) All intelligent people are competent, 
(ii) No unintelligent people are reliable. 

(iii) Not all competent people are unreliable, 
(iv) Some unreliable people are not competent. 
Determine whether (iii) and (iv) are implied by (i) and (ii) jointly. 

23. Determine the mood and figure of a valid syllogism which con 
forms to the conditions: (i) the major premiss is affirmative; (ii) the major 
term is distributed both in the conclusion and in its own premiss; (iii) 
the minor term is undistributed in both premiss and conclusion. 

24. Construct a significant syllogism in Bocardo\ restate the argument 
so as to obtain an equivalent conclusion from equivalent premisses in 
the mood Darii. 

25. Given the special rules of figure I, show by reductio per impossibile 
that, in figure II the conclusion must be negative, and in figure III the 
conclusion must be particular. 

26. Construct a valid Sorites consisting of five propositions and having 
Some young men are not shy in advising their elders for its conclusion. Name 
the form of the Sorites you give. 

27. If C is a sign of the presence of A, and B is likewise a sign of Z>, 
and if B and C never co-exist, can it be validly inferred that A and D 
may sometimes not be found together? 

* It should be carefully noted that the proof asked for is to be a deduction 
from the general rules of the syllogism, not from the special rules for^each figure; 
thus (i) cannot be proved by examining each of the four figures in turn; it is 
necessary to show that the validity of EIO and the invalidity of IEO follows 
directly from the general rules irrespective of the position of the terms, i.e. with 
out reference to the special rules. 


28. Examine the validity of the following arguments, supplying any 
premiss that is implicit: 

(1) His generosity might have been inferred from his humanity, for 
all generous people are humane. 

(2) Of course the U.S.A. is an Anglo-Saxon nation, in spite of its 
mixture of races; for all Anglo-Saxon nations are devoted to freedom, 
and devotion to freedom is nowhere more evident than in America.* 

(3) *I cannot help you to do this because I am not able to do it 

(4) Only sensitive people resent criticism and, since only sensitive 
people are musical, it follows that all musical people resent criticism. 

(5) Two bodies must touch each other when there is nothing between 
them; consequently a vacuum is impossible. 5 

(6) You cannot consistently maintain that no one who does not work 
ought to have money that he has not earned, for you hold that a man 
should be permitted to leave his sons and daughters his whole fortune, 
and in many cases this suffices to maintain them in idleness for the rest 
of their lives. 

(7) He cannot maintain that all wars are unjustifiable, since he denies 
that persecution is justifiable, and it is sometimes not possible to prevent 
persecution except by making war upon the persecutors. 

(8) Only pacifists are Quakers, but not all pacifists are Quakers; only 
Socialists - and not all of them - are Marxists; among both pacifists and 
Socialists you will find those who support the raising of the school- 
leaving age. Hence we can conclude that no Quakers are Marxists, but 
not all non-Marxists are Quakers; further, some of those who are not 
Quakers and also some who are not Marxists support the raising of the 
school-leaving age. 

(9) If you deny that industry and intelligence are incompatible, and 
I deny that they are inseparable, we can nevertheless agree that some 
industrious people are intelligent/ 

(10) The country needs clever politicians; a clever politician is one 
who knows how to control his party-machine; anyone who knows how to 
control his party-machine is apt to engage in shady practices. Hence, 
we conclude that the country needs those who are apt to engage in 
shady practices. 

(i i) Whatever is desired by all is desirable; all men desire their own 
happiness; therefore every man desires the happiness of all men, so 
universal happiness is desirable. 

(12) Some fashionable views are not true, for no fashionable views 
are subtle and some true views are subtle. 

(13) To be wealthy is not to be healthy; not to be healthy is to be 
miserable; therefore, to be wealthy is to be miserable. 

(14) It is impossible to prove that industry can flourish without com 
petition unless you can also prove that the lack of any competition does 
not lead to decreased effort on the part of the workers; for it is certainly 
the case that when the efforts of the workers decrease, industry does not 

(15) Most of those present at the meeting were in favour of opening 
a second front now, and most of those present were Conservatives; 
hence, some Conservatives are in favour of opening a second front* now. 




M.I.L. Ch. I, i. Ch. IV, 5, 6. Cb. VII, 5. Ch. IX, i. Ch. X, 
i, 2, 3. 

*C. and*. Ch. VI, i, a, 3. 

* Eaton. Pt, I, Ch. VIII. 

Chapman, F. M. and Henle, P. The Fundamentals of Logic. Chs. Ill, 

Johnson, W. E. Logic. Pt. I, Chs. VIII, X, XIII. 

Langer, S. K. An Introduction to Symbolic Logic (Geo. Allen & Unwin, 
1937). Chs. I, II. 

| Russell, Bertrand. An Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (Geo. Allen 
& Unwin, 1920). Ch. V. 


29. Construct a significant example of each of the relations listed 
below, and assign the logical properties of the relation in each case: 
greater than, twin of, ancestor of, married to, factor of, exactly matches 
in coloiiTj aunt of, in debt to, imply 3 lover of. 

30. Give examples of: (i) many-one relation- (ii) one-one relation; 
(iii) relative product. Construct three propositions each of which con 
tains the converse of one of your examples. 

31. What is a class? How can there be (i) empty classes, (ii) single- 
membered classes? 

32. Formulate the following propositions existentially: 

(1) Some Italians are not Fascists. 

(2) None but the brave deserve the fair. 

(3) No butterflies live long. 

(4) Only legal experts can draft an act of parliament. 

33. S A11 deductive inference depends on the logical properties of 
relations. Discuss. 

34. Discuss the validity of the inference of Some not-S is not-P from 
the premiss All S is P. Illustrate your answer by using the proposition 
All far-sighted statesmen have failed to find a means of abolishing war. 

35. Given that universal propositions are existentially negative and 
particular propositions are existentially affirmative, determine the 
validity of the following inferences: (i) SaP /. PoS; (ii) MaP and SaM, 

/. SiP; (iii) PeS :. SiP. 



M.I.L. Chs. Ill, XXII. 

C.andN. Ch. XII. 

Eaton, Pt. II, Chs. VI, VII. 

Joseph, H. W. B. An Introduction to Logic. Chs. IV, V, VI. 

j Russell, Bertrand. An Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. Ch. XVI. 

Mill, John Stuart. A System of Logic. Chs. II, VIII. 



36. Distinguish between extension and denotation, giving examples. 

37. With regard to each of the following terms cite not less than six and 
not more than ten subclasses: plane figure, symbol, vehicle, university student, 

38. \Vhat do you understand by "connotation"? How would you 
answer the question asked by a schoolboy: What is "rationalize"? 

39. Assign the various predicables for (i) aviator, (ii) sonnet, (iii) 
schooner, (iv) paviour, (v) communique. 

40. Which of the following definitions seem to you to be faulty? For 
what reason? Suggest an emended definition in any two of the examples: 

(i) A square is a rectangle; (2) spinster means one who spins cotton; 
(3) negligence is want of proper care; (4) twinkle means scintillate; (5) 
a soldier is a man of military skill serving in the army. 

41. Illustrate, by reference to the term ship, what is meant by the 
inverse variation of extension and connotation. 

42. Arrange the following in an orderly manner: lyric, novel, literary 
work of art, sonnet, epic poem, comedy, narrative prose work, historical 
work, scientific treatise, ode, Origin of Species, Ly ell s Principles of Geology, 
fiction, triolet, Moll Flanders, drama, Alice in Wonderland. 

43. How do you account for the omission of ordinary proper names 
from a dictionary? Discuss the logical characteristics of such names. 



MJ.L. Chs. II, VIII, IX, i, 2. Ch. X, 5. 

C. andN. Gh. VI, 4. 

f Johnson, W. E. Logic. Pt, II, Ch. III. 

Langer, S. K. An Introduction to Symbolic Logic. Ch. II, 3-6. 

| Russell, Bertrand. An Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. Ch. XV. 


44. Explain the use of illustrative symbols, giving examples. Distin 
guish illustrative symbols from variables. 

45. Explain and illustrate: propositional form, variable proposition, 
values of a function, range of significance of a propositional form. 

46. Define " ID ", and give examples. 

47. What is an extensions! interpretation of logical relations? 



M.I.L. Ch. XXIV. Ch. IX, 4. Chs. X, XI, XII. 

C.and N. Chs. VII, IX. 

Eaton. Pt. II, Ch. V, 5, 6. 

Johnson, W. E. Logic. Pt. I, Chs. Ill, IV. 



48. What is meant by "the laws of thought"? Comment upon the 
statement, Logic is the science which investigates the general principles of 
valid thought*, with special reference to the words italicized. 

49. Indicate the kind of evidence required to establish each of the 
following statements: 

(1) There is a cathedral in Salisbury. 

(2) A square has four right angles. 

(3) Iron expands when heated. 

(4) Jack is taller than Tim implies Tim is shorter than Jack. 

(5) Red roses are red. 

(6) There are mountains on the other side of the moon. 

(7) Light waves are electromagnetic. 

(8) There are three feet in a yard. 

(9) A married man has a wife. 

(10) No two people have the same finger-prints. 

50. What is a circular proof? 

51. Distinguish between persuasion and proof. 

52. Give examples of (i) contingent, (ii) tautological, (iii) self-contra 
dictory statements. 

53. How would you define "logic"? 



M.LL. Pt. II. 
C.andN. Ghs. X-XIV. 

Joseph, H. W. B. Introduction to Logic. Chs. XVIII-XXIV. 
MiU, J. S. A System of Logic. Introd. Bk. II, Ch. I, Bk. Ill, Chs. 


Full answers are given only to those questions which admit of a definitive 

1. (a) All taxes which are costly to collect are uneconomic; Some taxes 
are costly to collect, (b) All people whose conversation is mainly about 
their own exploits are bores; Mr Grab s conversation is mainly about his 
own exploits, (c) All cereals ripen in the sun; Corn is a cereal, (d) Any 
animal that is attentive and imitative can be taught tricks; Some 
monkeys are attentive and imitative. 

Note. - These are examples of premisses fulfilling the condition speci 
fied in the question. It should be noticed that, in every case, the terms 
in the conclusion each appear in one premiss. 

2. See Ch. I, 2. 

3. See Ch. I, 3. 

4. See Ch. II, 3. The purpose of restating any proposition is to 
exhibit clearly the way in which its constituent elements are put together; 
if we can find certain formulations that can be taken as standard forms, 
we can more easily see how different statements are related logically to 
one another. So-called reduction to logical form is a matter of con 
venience, but convenience is important; we need aid in deciding what 
inferences are permissible. Thus, for example, 8# 2 = 3* 8 is usually 
rewritten 8# 2 $x + 8 = o in order to bring out its resemblance to 
ax* -f bx -h c = o, which is the standard form. 

(1) All good conductors of heat are metals. (This statement can .also 
be restated No non-metals are good conductors of heat.} 

(2) All who fight and run away are among those who may live to 
fight another day. (This restatement has less force, since the significance 
of the verb may is weakened when it is used in an adjectival sentence.) 

(3) Some failures are failures of all our efforts. 

(4) All who drive fat oxen are properly themselves fat. (In replacing 
should be by are properly the significance is weakened.) 

(5) All who are allowed to be admitted are those on business. 

(6) No non-hum an creature is one who repines. (Alternatively, All 
who repine are human and none who are non-human are those who repine.) 

(7) Some who smile and smile are villains. (This restatement loses 
the implication that smiling and villainy seem to be incompatible but are 
not so in fact.) 

(8) All who are great are misunderstood. (This restatement fails to 
bring out the implication that being misunderstood is a consequence of 
being great. In the traditional reformulation of propositions the A, E, /, 
forms are interpreted as existentially affirmative, i.e. it is assumed that 
classes determined by the subject- and predicate-terms have members. 
The statement All S*s are P s may be asserted as the result of an examina 
tion of the members of the class ; this leaves open the possibility that 
every member of S happens to be also a member of P even though there 
is no essential connexion between S and P. See page 25 above.) 



(9) Nothing not-experienced is real. (Alternatively, Ail that is real is 

(10) All who praise everybody are praisers of nobody. (See comment 
on (8;.) 

(n) All Whigs are rascals. (This is much less emphatic than the 
original. See further, exercise 18.) 

(12) Some popular preachers are not sound reasoners. 

(13) Some glistering things are not gold. (Note that All ... not 
. . /, in the example, is used so as to distribute gold things but to leave 
glistering things undistributed.) 

(14) All who are pure are those who find all things pure. (Alterna 
tively, All things are pure to those who are pure.) 

(15) Some great teachers are not endowed with humour. 

5. (i) All sea-gulls are greedy; (ii) No sea-gulls are greedy; (iii) Some 
sea-gulls are greedy; (iv) Some sea-gulls are not greedy. 

(i) and (iv) are contradictories; (ii) and (iii) are contradictories; 
(i) and (ii) are contraries; (iii) and (iv) are subcontraries; (i) is super- 
implicant to (iii), (ii) is superimplicant to (iv} 5 whilst (iii) is subimplicant 
to (i) and (iv) subimplicant to (ii); (iii) and (iv) are subcontraries. 
Hence the four given propositions illustrate the square (or figure) of 

6. (Note. - The answer given here provides an example of the pro 
cedure recommended in the note added to the question. It should, 
however, be observed that the question is fully answered once the name 
of the logical relation in each case has been assigned.) 

Let C, U, C, O represent cruel actions, unjustifiable actions, and their 
contradictories, in accordance with the usual convention. We shall first 
write down each proposition with, on the same line, some immediate 
inferences from it; we then set out the full answer to the question as 

(1) CaU == CeO (obv.) = OeC (com. ofobv.}. 

(2) UaC = UeC (obv.) == Cell (com. ofobv.) == CaO (obv. of com. 


(3) OoC s= OiC (obv.) E= CiO (com. ofobv.} = CoU (obv. of com. 

of obv.} . 

(4) UeC === OaC (obv.) -> CiO (com. ofobv.). 

(5) OiC ss CiO (com.} = CoU (obv. of com.). 

(6) CoU = CiO (obv.) 35 OiC (com. ofobv.) == OoC (obv. of com. 


(7) CoU 53 CiO (obv.) = OiC (com. ofobv.) == OoC (obv. of com. 

of obv.}. 

i and 2 independent (complementary); 3 subimplicant to i; i and 4 
equivalent; i and 5 contradictories; i and 6 contradictories; i super 
implicant to 7 (inverse); 2 superimplicant to 3 (inverse); 2 and 4 
independent; 2 and 5 independent; 2 and 6 independent (contra- 
complementary); 2 superimplicant to 7 (inverse); 3 subimplicant to 4; 
3 and 5 subcontraries; 3 and 6 subcontraries; 3 and 7 equivalent; 4 and 

5 contradictories; 4 and 6 contradictories; 4 superimplicant to 7; 5 and 

6 equivalent; 5 and 7 subcontraries; 6 and 7 independent. 

7. (i) = Some who go to church are not saints. Obverse: Some who go 
to church are other than saints; Contrapositive; Some who are other than 


saints go to church, (ii) =s All who love tin soldiers are small children. 
Obverse: None who love tin soldiers are other than small children; 
Contrapositwe: None other than small children love tin soldiers, (iii) 
Obverse: All shrimps are unobtainable today; Contrapositive: Some things 
unobtainable today are shrimps. 

8. (i) FaC S3 FeC == CeF. 
(ii) FiC S3 OF = CoF. 
(iii) FeC 53 CeF = CaF. 
(iv) FiC 35 OF. 

The required forms are CeF, CoF, CaF, CiF. 

g. By reformulating these five propositions as immediate inferences, 
we can exhibit their relation to one another: 

(1) SiP (using S for sailors, S for its contradictory, P for patriotic people, 
P for its contradictory). 

( 2 ) p e s == SeP. 

(3) PoS - PiS 1 (obv.) SE &P (.) 

(4) PeS 53 &P ss iP. 

( 5 ) .&J5 == ^p. 

Thus (2) to (5) form the square of opposition (omitting the o proposition), 
whilst (i) is an inverse of (4); hence, given SiP is true, then (i) and (4) 
are doubtful; (2) is false; (3) and (5) are true. 

10. Contradictory. Some man can be a politician without being either 
a historian or a traveller. 

Contrary. All men can be politicians without being either historians 
or travellers. 

1 1 . Let A stand for aeroplanes, B for bi-planes, then the given proposition 
is AW. The following diagram shows what is required: 

Aab > AeB 

AiB > AoB 

The four propositions are assumed to stand at the corners of the figure 
of opposition. The arrows show the passage from AiB to its subcontrary 
AoB, to AaB, contradictory of AoB, and so on, in accordance with the 
numbered steps. 

12. (i) This statement might mean that no one who seems just is 
just (an E proposition), or it might mean some are not (an 

(ii) This statement may mean that some of the soldiers were and 
some were not afraid, i.e. "some" may be used for "some only"; 
it might also be used to assert that at least some and perhaps all 
were afraid. 

(iii) This statement may mean either that the fish together weighed 
4 Ib. or that each fish weighed 4 Ib. The contradictories (given 
in the order of interpretation) are: 
(t) Some who seem just are just. All who seem just are just. 


(w) Either no soldiers were afraid or all soldiers were afraid. No 

soldiers were afraid. 
(Hi) The total weight of the fish was less than, or more than, 4 Ib. 

Some of the fish weighed less, or more, than 4 Ib. 

13. Either man is not born free or he is not everywhere in chains. 

14. (i) If prices do not rise, wages are not increased. 

Either prices will rise or wages will not increase. 

It is not the case both that prices will not rise and wages will 

(ii) If the child is not badly taught, then he is exceptionally stupid. 

If the child is not exceptionally stupid, then he is badly taught. 

It is not the case both that the child w T as not badly taught and 

also that he is not exceptionally stupid, 
(iii) Either you do not eat your cake or you do not have it. 

If you eat your cake, you do not have it. 

If you have your cake, you do not eat it. 
(iv) Either a man will not begin with certainties or he will end in 


If a man shall not end in doubts, he will not begin with 


It is not the case both that a man will begin with certainties 

and also not end in doubts, 
(v) If we are responsible for our actions, then our actions are within 

our own power. 

If our actions are not within our own power, then we are not 

responsible for our actions. 

It is not the case both that we are responsible for our actions 

and that our actions are not within our own power, 
(vi) Either C is not D or Q,is not R. 

IfQisR, then C is not ZX 

It is not the case both that C is D and Q,is R. 

15. The four given statements can be reformulated as hypothetical 
propositions as follows: 

(a) If a student is taught by A, he fails. 

(b) If a. student is taught by B, he fails. 

(c) Fa student is taught by C, he passes. 

(d) If a student is taught by D, he fails. 

By successively affirming the antecedents of (a), (b) and (d) 9 we affirm 
in turn their consequents; hence, the tutors A 9 B, D are each excluded; 
the antecedent of (c) being affirmed, we can affirm its consequent, viz. 
he passes. Thus we decide that C is the tutor who will ensure that the 
student passes the examination. 

Note. -The student will find it useful to study the following^ equiva 
lences, assuring himself (by means of the intuitive apprehension of a 
significant example) that these equivalences hold: 

Ifp 9 fanqsslfq, thenf ss Either p or q = Only iff, q = Only if q, p 
== Unless p, q = Unless q,p. 

1 6. Modus iollendo tollens: If civilians are cowardly, then factories stop 
work in an air-raid: but factories do not stop in an air-raid; .*. civilians 
are not cowardly. 



(i) Either civilians are not cowardly or factories stop work in an 

But., Factories do not stop work in an air-raid; 
.". Civilians are not cowardly. 

(ii) It is not the case both that civilians are cowardly and that 
factories do not stop in an air-raid. 
But, Factories do not stop work in an air-raid. 
. . Civilians are not cowardly. 

(iii) If factories do not stop work in an air-raid, then civilians are 
not cowardly. 

But, Factories do not stop work in an air-raid. 
.*. Civilians are not cowardly. 

Note. - In the example given above the antecedent and the consequent 
of the original argument are both affirmative statements; this is by no 
means necessary. 

17. (i) If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, then a just and reason 
able peace would be made. Abraham Lincoln is not alive 


/. A just and reasonable peace will not be made. 

Invalid: fallacy of denying the antecedent. 
(ii) If the law supposes that, the law is an ass, a idiot. 

(But the law supposes that); 

.*. The law is an ass, a idiot. 

Valid (provided the premiss in parentheses is granted) . 
(iii) Either the Pythagorean theorem ... of studying it. 

But the Pythagorean theorem ... is true; 

/. It is not worth while to study it. 

Invalid: fallacy of affirming an alternant. 

(iv) (a) If prices fall, then there is over-production; and if there is 
not over-production, then factories close; 
(But either there is over-production or there is not over 
production) ; 

.*. Either prices fall or the factories close. 
Invalid: The omitted premiss is almost certainly the premiss 
given in parentheses. But this premiss affirms the conse 
quent of the first proposition and the antecedent of the 
second, whereas, what is required for establishing the con 
clusion is the alternative affirmation of both antecedents. 

(b) If factories close, the number of unemployed increases; 
If the number of unemployed increases, there is dissatis 
faction and social unrest; 

( .*. If factories close, there is dissatisfaction and social 
unrest) . 

Although these two arguments are valid, the conclusion given in the 
original argument, viz. If prices fall, there is dissatisfaction and unrest- 
does not follow. The conclusions of (a) and (b) taken together warrant 
only the conclusion: Either prices fall or there is dissatisfaction and social 


(v) If I follow his argument he is muddled; if I do not follow his 
argument, he is obscure in his statement, 
(But either I follow his argument or I do not} ; 
.*. Either he is muddled or obscure in his statement. 
Valid. Note, however, that the speaker has made the doubtful 
assumption that his inability to follow the argument could not 
be due to any other cause than the author s obscurity in 

(vi) If your uncle is rich, you will not be afraid ... a loan. 
But you are not afraid; 
.". Your uncle is rich. 

Invalid: fallacy of affirming the consequent. (Probably the speaker 
has in mind the premiss, Only if your uncle is rich . . ., and 
this is equivalent to If you are not afraid, then your uncle is . . .) 
The argument would then be a valid modus ponendo ponens. 

(vii) (a) If a man happens not to succeed . . ., he will be thought 
weak and visionary; and if he succeeds (touches the true 
grievance) , he may come near . . . correcting them. 
(But he will succeed or not succeed) ; 
.". Either he will be thought weak ... or come near . . . 
correcting them. 

(b) If he should be obliged . . . people, he will be considered 
. . . power, and if he censures those in power, he will be 
looked on ... faction. 

(But either he will be obliged to blame the favourites or 
will censure those in power) ; 

.". Either he will be considered the tool of power or he will 
be looked on as an instrument of faction. 

(c) If anyone is thought weak ... or comes near ... be ex 
asperated, or is considered the tool of power or as . . . 
faction, then he is engaged in an undertaking of some 
degree of delicacy. 

(But anyone who examines the cause of public disorders is 
thought weak ... or comes near ... or is considered the 
tool of power or as ... faction) ; 

.*. Anyone who examines the causes of public disorders is 
engaged in an undertaking of some degree of delicacy. 

(d) If anyone is engaged in an undertaking of some degree of 
delicacy, he has to hazard something; 

(If anyone is exerting himself in duty, he has to engage in 
an undertaking of some degree of delicacy) ; 
/. If anyone is exerting himself hi duty, he has to hazard 

These four arguments are valid, provided that the implicit 
premisses enclosed in parentheses are granted. 

18. Statements (i), (3), (4), (5), (7) are all equivalent; each is 
equivalent to the categorical statement, All Whigs are rascals. Statement 
(2) is equivalent to the categorical statement, No Whigs are rascals. (6) 
is independent and equivalent to All rascals are Whigs. 


19. (i) Contradictory: It is the case both that poetry does not come as 

naturally as leaves to a tree and that it had better come than 
not come. Contrary: If poetry comes as naturally as leaves to 
a tree, it had better come. 

(2) Contradictory: I am not certain that you are wrong. 
Contrary: I am certain you are right. 

(3) Contradictory: Either some endogens are not parallel-leaved or 
some parallel-leaved plants are not endogens. 

Contrary: No endogens are parallel-leaved plants. 

20. For the rules, see p. 57. 

(i) To prove that EIO is valid in every figure: 

Since the major premiss is universal its subject is distributed, and since 
it is also negative, its predicate is distributed; . . both major and middle 
terms are distributed in this premiss whether it is of the form P-M or 
M-P. Since the conclusion is particular the minor term is not distributed; 
accordingly the minor premiss SiM, or MiS, can be combined alterna 
tively with PeM, or MeP. The mood EIO is thus valid in every figure. 

To prove that IEO is invalid in every figure: 

Since the major premiss is particular affirmative, the major term will 
be undistributed whether it is subject or predicate; but, since the minor 
premiss is negative, the conclusion must be negative; hence, P, the major 
term, will be distributed in the conclusion. Thus the mood IEO involves 
illicit major, no matter what the position of the major term may be hi 
its own premiss; accordingly, IEO is invalid in every figure. 

(2) * (a) O cannot be major premiss in figure I, for, if it were the 
minor premiss must be affirmative; in that case, M will be undistributed 
"* ^ e Pi 001 premiss, so M must be distributed in the major premiss of 
which it is subject. But is particular; hence its subject is undistributed; 
.". cannot be the major premiss in figure I. 

(b}^0 cannot be minor premiss in figure I, for, if it were, the major 
premiss must be affirmative and the conclusion must be negative. But 
P is predicate in the major premiss, and would be undistributed if this 
premiss were affirmative; thus, there would be a fallacy of illicit major; 
.". O cannot be the minor premiss in figure L 

(c) cannot be major premiss in figure II, since one premiss must be 
negative (in order to distribute M, which is predicate in both premisses), 
and, in consequence, the conclusion will be negative with a distributed 
predicate, viz. P. But P is subject in the major premiss which must, then, 
be universal to secure the distribution of P; /. cannot be the major 
premiss in figure II. 

(d) cannot be a minor premiss in figure III, for the same reason as 
in figure I (see b above). 

- * i?t stu l ent should notice that there are a variety of slightly different ways 
in which such proofs as these can be given. The exact wording is not important- 
consequently, in the following answers variations are deliberately introduced 
? ?!r t0 S that the relevant P * 311 * can be differently stated. Henceforth 
5 M l .y 111 ** used to stand respectively for minor, middle, and major terms. 
Proofs will be less and less fully stated, since, once a student has grasped the 
procedure, he should have no difficulty in fitting in the indications provided in 


(e) cannot be a major premiss in figure IV, for the same reason as 
in figure II (see c above). 

(/; cannot be a minor premiss in figure IV, for the same reason as 
in figure I, except that, in this case^ the illicitly undistributed term would 
be M, which would be subject of a particular minor premiss, and predi 
cate of an affirmative major premiss, and thus would not be distributed 
in either premiss. 

(3) This theorem can be proved from the considerations already 
adduced in the answer to (2) . (Note that, if P is predicate (i.e. the major 
premiss is M-P), it can be distributed only if the major premiss be nega 
tive; but, if either premiss is negative, P will be distributed in the con 

(4) To prove an A proposition both premisses must be affirmative, and 
the minor must be universal to distribute S; hence the minor premiss 
must be SaM. In this premiss M is undistributed; it must, therefore, be 
distributed in the major, which is affirmative; hence, the major premiss 
must be universal affirmative with M as subject. The syllogism is, there 
fore, MaP, SaM, . . SaP, and no other combination of premisses will 
yield SaP. 

(5) There are three cases: (a) Both affirmative; Since M is to be distri 
buted in both, it must be subject of both, and the premisses must be 
universal; S will be predicate of an affirmative premiss, and will thus 
be undistributed; hence, the conclusion must be SiP. 

(b) One affirmative and one negative premiss: Together these can distribute 
three terms; of these terms two must be M, and the remaining term P 
(since the conclusion must be negative). Thus S cannot be distributed, 
i.e. the conclusion must be SoP. 

(c) Both premisses negative: excluded by general rules of quality. 

21. To prove SeP. 

Both premisses must be universal, with one affirmative 3 and one 
negative; i.e. the premisses must be A and E in either order. 

(i) Let the major be E, i.e. either MeP or PeM. The minor must then 

be affirmative, with S distributed; . . it must be SaM. 
(ii) Let the minor be E, i.e. either SeM or MeS. The major must then 
be affirmative, with P distributed; .". it must be PaM. 

Accordingly, SeP can be proved in four different moods, viz.: 

(i) MeP (2) PeM (3) PaM (4) PuM 

SaM SaM SeM MeS 

:. SeP :. SeP :. SeP :. SeP 

(Note. -In (i) and (2) the major, and in (3) and (4) the minor, 
premisses are simple converses of each other.) 

22. Let / stand for intelligent, / for unintelligent, people; and let R 
stand for reliable, R for unreliable, people. Then the four given proposi 
tions can be represented as follows: 

(i) laC, (ii) leR, (iii) CoR, (iv) RoC. 

Now (ii) leR = Rel (com.) = Ral (obv.). Combine Ral with (i) IaC 3 
and thus obtain the Barbara syllogism: laC, Ral, /. RaC. 

Now (iii) CoR = CiR (obv.), which is the converse per acddens of RaC; 
hence (i) and (ii) jointly imply (iii). 


Now (iv) RoC 555 RiC (obv.) 9 and RiC is the inverse of RaC\ hence (i) 
and (ii) jointly imply (iv), provided that R and C exist. 

23. By (i) the major premiss is affirmative, and by (ii) the major term 
is distributed in this premiss, of which it must, therefore, be the subject 
and the premiss must be universal; hence the required premiss is PaM. 
By (ii) the major term is given as distributed in the conclusion, which 
must, therefore, be negative, and, since by (iii), the minor term is 
undistributed in the conclusion, the conclusion must be SoP. Since M is 
undistributed in PaM, it must be distributed in the minor premiss, which 
must be negative, with S undistributed (by iii); hence, the minor premiss 
is SoM. The required syllogism is thus PaM, SoM, . . SoP (i.e. AOO in 
figure II). 

24. Bocardo: Some archers are not graceful., All archers are athletes, /. Some 
athletes are not graceful. In order to obtain an equivalent conclusion from 
equivalent premisses in the mood Darii, we require the A proposition as 
major premiss with the subject and predicate reversed. This cannot, 
however, be done, since A converts to /, which is non-equivalent, and 
would not, with another particular premiss, yield any conclusion at all. 
There is the further difficulty that an proposition has no convert. 
Hence, to obtain equivalent premisses we must use obversion as well as 
conversion. The required steps are as follows: (i) obvert the original 
major; (2) convert this obvert; (3) transpose the premisses; (4) draw a 
conclusion from the premisses thus obtained. This syllogism will be in 
Darii; (5) convert the new conclusion; (6) obvert the convert; this yields 
the original conclusion. 

(ij Some archers are not graceful = Some archers are ungraceful. 

(2) Some ungraceful people are archers. 

(3) (Major) All archers are athletes. 

(Minor) Some ungraceful people are archers; 

(4) .*. Some ungraceful people are athletes, 

(5) = Some athletes are ungraceful, 

(6) 5= Some athletes are not graceful. 

25. See pp. 62-4, above. Since we are given that the major premiss 
is universal and the minor is affirmative, we find that the moods in 
figure I must fit into the scheme: 

If every (or some) Xis T (or not), 

And every (or some) is X; 

Then, every (or some) is T (or not). 

In reductio per impossibile we deny the conclusion; we thus obtain the 
schema, Every (or some) is not T (or is) . Combining this successively 
with the schemas for the two premisses, we obtain: 

(i) If every (or some) is not T (or is) minor premiss, 

and every X is T (or not) major premiss, 

then, every (or some) is not X conclusion. 

(ii) If every (or some) < is not T (or is) major premiss, 

and every (or some) is X minor premiss, 

then, some X is not T (or is) conclusion. 

(i) yields the moods of figure II, in each of which the conclusion must 
be negative; (ii) yields the moods of figure III, in each of which the 
conclusion must be particular. 


26. No self-confident people are shy in advising their elders. 
All good administrators are self-confident. 

All Civil Service officials are good administrators. 
Some young men are Civil Service officials, 
.*. Some young men are not shy in advising their elders. 

This is a Goclenian Sorites. 

27. The information provided can be stated in the premisses: 


To establish the desired conclusion, we must be able to deduce from these 
premisses at least one of the propositions AoD or Do A. But neither D nor A 
is distributed in the original premisses, whilst D is distributed in AoD, 
and A in Do A; therefore, neither of these conclusions can be obtained. 
Accordingly, the answer to the question is in the negative. 

28. (Note. - In answering this question only brief indications of the 
premisses will be given.) 

(1) All generous people are humane. (Invalid, ; undistributed middle.} 
He is humane; 

.*. He is generous. 

(2) All A.-S. nations are ... to freedom. (Invalid, . undistributed 

The U.S.A. is ... to freedom. 
.*. The U.S.A. is an A.-S. nation. 

(3) This argument is invalid because it assumes that what I cannot do 
alone, I cannot do with others. The fallacy is analogous to the fallacy of 

(4) All who resent criticism are sensitive. (Invalid, ". undistributed 

All musical people are sensitive, 
.*. All musical people resent criticism. 

(5) Invalid, for the conclusion, Two bodies with nothing between must touch, 
assumes the point to be proved, viz. There cannot be nothing between bodies, 
i.e. a vacuum is impossible. Thus the argument commits the fallacy of 
begging the question. 

(6) Tou admit: A fortune can be left to a man s children which is 
sufficient to keep them in idleness, i.e. it is permissible for heirs to a 
fortune to have unearned money without working. 

Tou maintain: No one ought to have unearned money without working. 
These two statements are contradictory. 
The argument is valid. 

(7) Persecution is not justifiable. 

. . Whatever is needed to prevent persecution is justifiable. 
The conclusion does not follow; accordingly, the remainder of the argu 
ment is irrelevant. 

(8) Using P, Q 3 5, M, R, for pacifists, Quakers, Socialists, Marxists, and 
those who support the raising of the school-leaving age, respectively, the informa 
tion given can be summed up in the premisses: 

QaP, Pod, MaS, SoM, PiR, SiR. 

The conclusion is said to be: QeM and fidoQ;, QiR and MiR. 


On examination it will be found that the conclusion does not follow, 
although none_of the four constituent propositions is inconsistent with 
the premisses QiR == RoQ } and MiR == RoM, but any attempt to con 
nect Q, and AI, or Q, anc ^ R? or M anc * ^? or their contradictories, by 
combining the premisses in any order would involve illicit distribution. 

(9) Let S represent those who are industrious and P represent those who 
are intelligent. Then, you deny SeP, I deny SaP and PaS. 

Now, denying SeP = affirming SiP; 
and denying SaP and PaS = affirming either SoP or PoS. 

Question is whether these two denials can be said to agree that some 
industrious people are intelligent*, i.e. whether SiP is true. Either SoP or 
PoS neither implies nor is implied by SiP, but these are consistent. Hence, 
if agree that SiP is true 5 means do not assert SeP , then you and I 
agree; if, however, agree, etc. means assert that SeP is false , we do 
not agree. 

(10) This argument is valid only on the assumption that to need X, 
when X is inseparable from T, implies needing T also. This assumption 
is manifestly untrue. 

(i i) All men desire their own happiness does not imply that each man desires 
the happiness of all. Hence, even if it be granted that whatever is desired by all 
is desirable, it does not follow that the happiness of all (i.e. universal happi 
ness) is desirable. The conclusion is consistent with the premisses (provided 
it is assumed that it is possible both to desire one s own happiness and the 
happiness of all other people) ; but to assert that the premisses imply the 
conclusion is to commit the fallacy of composition. 

(12) No fashionable views are subtle. 
Some true views are subtle; 

/. Some fashionable views are not true. 
This argument is invalid: it commits the fallacy of the illicit major. 

(13) Using initial letters for class-names, these propositions may be 
symbolized as follows: WoH and HaM, .*. WaM. _ _ 

Now WoH == WiH-, then we have the syllogism, HaM, WiH, .*. WaM, 
which involves the fallacy of illicit minor. But to be wealthy is not to be 
healthy* is ambiguous; it may be used to assert WeH which obverts to 
Watt, and WaH and HaM implies WaM. 

(14) This argument may be briefly formulated as follows: 
If decreased effort, then industry does not flourish. 
If no competition, then decreased effort; 

.*. If no competition, then industry does .not flourish. 
It is valid. It should be noted that the validity depends upon the 
assumption that "competition" has exactly the same force in both 
statements. It may well be relevant to stress the difference between 
competition between different firms and competition between different workers in 
the same firm (as in piece-work). 

(15) This argument is of the form: Most M is C, Most M is S; :. Some 
S is C. This is valid, since "most" means "more than half", so that, 
taking the two premisses together, the middle term, M, is referred to 
in its whole extent, i.e. is distributed. 

29. His income is greater than yours: asymmetrical, transitive. 
Castor is twin of Pollux: symmetrical, intransitive. 
Henry VII is ancestor of Elizabeth: asymmetrical, transitive. 


Othello is married to Desdemona: symmetrical^ non-transitive . 

7 is a factor 0/42: asymmetrical^ non-transitiie. 

This ribbon exactly matches in colour that dress: symmetrical, transitive. 

Jane is aunt of Thomas: asymmetrical, intransiiiie. 

Tom is in debt to Dick: asymmetrical^ non-transitize. 

The falsity of the conclusion implies the falsity of at least one 

premiss in a valid syllogism: non-symmetrical , transiiizv. 
John is a lover of Mary: rum-symmetrical, non-transitive. 

30. (i) servant of; child of; (ii) eldest son of a father; double of; 
(iii) cousin of; step-father of. 

(i) Edward is Jacob s master; (ii) 10 is the half of 20; (iii) Marina is 
the cousin of George, 

31. See pp. 78-81; 87-9. 

32. (i) Non-Fascist Italians =^= 0. 

(2) Non-brave people deserving the fair = 0. 

(3) Long-lived butterflies = 0. 

(4) Non-legal experts able to draft an act of parliament = 0. 

33. See pp. 81-4; 93-9. 

34. See pp. 88-93. 

35. (i) SaP, on the given assumption, states that SP O, whilst PoS 

states SP 4= O. But SaP does not imply the existence of P or of 
S; hence, the inference is invalid. 

(ii) MaP states MP = and SaM states SSl = 0, whereas the 
conclusion SiP states SP 4= 0. But the premisses do not suffice 
to establish the existence of S (i.e. the minor term); hence the 
inference is valid. 

(iii) PeS states PS = 0, whereas SSP states SP =J= O; but if nothing is 
both P and S, either P = or S =J= 0; consequently P&S implies 
S =i= unless nothing is P. But, if P = 0, then P 4= 0. It 
follows that fflP, and thus the inference is valid. 

36. See pp. 102-7. 

37. See pp. 107-12. 

38. See p. 102. In answering a schoolboy s question: What is 
"rationalize"?*, it would be necessary to ascertain the context, since the 
verbal form rationalize has three wholly distinct meanings in common use, 
and a fourth meaning from which, in devious ways, the other three 
meanings have been derived. Context alone can settle which meaning 
is relevant. (See any Dictionary for these meanings, viz. original, used in 
mathematics, in economics, in psychoanalysis. To explain properly the 
meaning of a word it is essential to give examples illustrating its use, 
for we do not understand a word until we know how to use it in different 

39. It should be remembered that various definitions of a word can 
be given, and that there are various propria and accickns. The following are 
illustrative examples: 

Genus Differentia Propria Accidens 

(i) (Amator), 

man. Able to pilot an Having know- Member of 

aeroplane. ledge of R.A.F. 



(ii) (Sonnet), 






Having 14 deca 

Having a rhyme 

Having the 

syllabic lines, 





one idea. 

abba cdcdcd. 

(iii) (Schooner), 



Having masts. 

Having a 




(iv) (Pamour), 


Employed to lay 

Having arms. 

Being English. 


(v) (Communique), 




Depressing in 


matters of 



40. (i) Too wide; it requires the differentia - having four equal sides. 
(2) Too narrow, since the spinning need not be confined to cotton. 
There is an additional (and now distinct) meaning, viz. "unmarried 
woman". (3) Satisfactory. (4) Errs by defining the unknown by what 
is likely to be more unknown. Def.: "Shine with quivering or inter 
mittent light". (5) Too narrow, since military skill may be lacking. Def.: 
"A person serving in an army". 

41. Ship is a class-name used for a variety of sea-going vessels; hence 
there are numerous subclasses constituting the extension of ship, the con 
notation of which is "large sea-going vessel". If we arrange the sub 
classes in an orderly classification, then any subclass has smaller exten 
sion than its superclass, but has increased connotation, since its connotation 
will contain the property (or properties) differentiating one subclass 
from a co-ordinate class and from the superclasses. For example, sailing 
ship excludes steam-ship, etc., and adds differentiating property sailing. 
Again, the subclass brigantine excludes schooners and brigs, etc., and adds 
to sailing ship, the differentia having two masts a brig s foremast, square- 
rigged, a schooner s main-mast, fore-and-aft rigged (see pp. 107-12, above). 

42. We clearly need a class not included in the list, under which 
literary work of art and scientific treatise may find an appropriate place. 
The following is a possible arrangement: 

non-literary prose work 

literary work of art 




i . 




poem drama 

rV r- 

epic lyric comedy 






Alice in 

Origin of 





ode sonnet triolet 


This is a logically unsatisfactory arrangement, but it is difficult to see 
what good purpose could be served by classifying the various classes given 
in a single classificatory table. To mark the criticism, queries have been 
put to indicate omission of essential superclasses. To include in the 
table individuals, e.g. Origin of Species , is to make a muddle of any classifl- 
catory scheme (see p. 105 above;. 

It must be noticed that familiarity with the nature of the subclass is 
essential for the purpose of classifying. 

43. See pp. 103-5, above. Main points to be noted: (T; the sense in 
which ordinary proper names lack connotation, whereas dictionary 
meaning is usually the connotation; (ii) the significant use of ordinary 
proper names depends upon the speaker s knowledge that many descrip 
tions do in fact describe the individual so named (cf. M.LL. 9 Gh. Ill, 

44. See above, pp. 14-15 and pp. 126-9. 

45. See above, pp. 130-5. 

46. See above, pp. 135-41. 

47. See above, pp. 141-4. 

48. See pp. 146-52. 

49. (i) Empirical proposition: Granted that there is agreement with 
regard to the mining o f "cathedral", the evidence required is observa 
tional. Testimony may be used to establish it, but those who testify to 
its truth must have relied upon observation at some stage. 

(2) This statement is true by definition; hence, the evidence required 
is given provided "square" has been defined. 

(3) Causal law: Observation and assumptions with regard to natural 
happenings provide the evidence. 

(4) The second of these two propositions follows from the first, since 
the meaning of "taller than" necessitates the second. 

(5) Tautology. 

(6) Observation would suffice to establish this proposition, in the same 
way as in example (i). It might also be established by indirect observa 
tional methods, depending upon measurement of shadows. It is not in 
fact possible for anyone dwelling on the earth to test its truth or falsity, 
since there is no practicable way of observing the other side of the moon. 
This fact does not in the least affect the logical status of the evidence 

(7) Observation and experiment, together with mathematical deduc 

(8) This is a tautology, true by definition. 

(9) Similar to (8). 

(10) This can be established only by induction by simple enumeration 
(see Gh. IX, i). It is not logically impossible that two people should 
have the same finger-prints, but the amount of evidence suffices to make 
the acceptance of the proposition reasonable. 

50. See p. 163. 

51. See p. 160, and cf. M.I.L., Ch. XXIV, i. 

52. (i) It will rain tomorrow. Examples are provided by nos. (i), (3), 

(6), (10), and (7), in question 49. 

(ii) A right-angled triangle is right-angled. Examples given in 
nos. (2), (4), (5), (8), (9), in question 49. 


(iii) Red roses are not red. The widower s wife has called. Five 

times six is forty. 

53. Note. -Your definition must cover all the topics which -you con 
sider should be dealt with by logicians, and exclude any topic lying 
outside their scope. 


The paragraph-headings giren in the Table of Contents 
should also be consulted. \ o references are given to the 
names of authors or titles of books cited in the Appendix 

Abstracting, not difficult, 76; and 
recognizing similarities, 76 

Abstraction, 80 

Accident, 113 

Affirmation, and affirmative and 
negative sentences, 18; and denial, 
1 8; and Tes and j\b, 18 

Affirmative sentence, and affirmation, 
1 8; and denying, 18 

"All", ambiguous use of, 81 

Alternant, def., 28 

Antecedent, def., 28 

Antilogism, def., 64 

Argument, a fortiori, 99; conclusive- 
ness of, 8; deductive and inductive, 
5; examples of, 2, 3, 7; validity of, 
7 seq., 75, 160 _ . 

Argument of prepositional function, 

Argumentative discourse, def., 3 

Arguments, compound modes of, 49; 
well-constructed, 160 

Aristotle, 21, 55, 64, 65, 113, 146, 162 

Assertion, 19 seq. 

Axiom de omni, 65 

Axioms, of distribution, 57; of 
quality, 57 

Bannerman, Sir H. Campbell, 54 

Baylis, C. A, viii, 152 n. 

Belief, and assertion, 19 seq.; and 

proposition, 17, 20; and truth, 160 


Bennett, A. A., vin 
Boole, G., 93 n., 99 n. 

Causation, and conditions, 171 

Cause, of an occurrence, 1 72 seq. 

Causes, plurality of, 179 

Chains of deduction, 0$ 

Characteristic, and determination of 
class, 80; and pr opri ion, 113 n. 

Characteristics, and class, 78, 102; 
and exemplification, 77; and exist 
ence, 77; and words, 76 

Class, and characteristics, 102; ele 

ments, 78; empty, 37, 88 seq. t 
103; enumerativc selection of, 79; 
existent, 37; -inclusion, 79, 87, 97; 
-membership, 79, 87; sub-c., 88, 
1 08; super-c., 88; universal class, 
92; and words, 78 

Class-property, 80 

Classes, and associations, 81; and 
existence, 78 

Classification, 107 seq.; and sub 
classes, 1 08 

Collective membership of a class, 81; 
and denotation, 103 

Composite propositions, 29; alter 
native, 28; disjunctive, 28 

Conclusion, and premiss, 3 seq.; 
evidence for, 4; irrelevant, 162 

Conjunctive proposition, 29 

Connotation, and definition, 121; and 
proper names, 121 seq.; of words, 
102 seq. 

Consequent, 28 

Consistency, 33 

Construct, and form, 10 

Context, of propositions, 35 

Contradiction, 32; def., 32; law of, 

Contradictory terms, 35 

Contraposition, def., 39; schema of, 


Contrariety, def., 32 

Conversion, def., 38; and logical pro 
perties of relation, 97; per accident, 
38; schema of, 39 

Conviction, rational, 160; and truth, 

Copula, 22 

Deductive form, science and, 184; and 

theory, 184 
Definiendum, 119 
Definiens, 119 
Definition, and connotation, 120; 

ostensive, 116; per genus et differ" 

entiam, 115; real, 120; rules of, 119; 

verbal, 120 
de Morgan, A., 93 n. 




Denial, and affirmation, 19; by 
affirming contradictory or by af 
firming contrary, 43 

Denotation, 102; and class, 103; and 
collective membership of class, 103 

Descriptions, definite plural, 125; in 
definite, 125; singular, 125 

Differentia, 112 

Dilemma, 51 seq. 

Disjunction, 137 n. 

Distribution, of terms, 23 

Division, Logical, 107; dichotomous, 
109; rules of, 109 

Eaton, R. M., 113, 113 n., 159 n. 

Eddington, A. S., 158 n. 

Einstein, A., 184 

"Either . . . or . . .", interpretation 
of, 49; 45 seq. 

Entailing, 136, 140, 152 

Enihymeme^ 56 

Enumerative selection, 79 

Epicheirema, 73 

Equality, and identity, 84; of rela 
tions, 84 

Equivalents, 30, 31, 34 seq. , in moods 
of syllogism, 61 

Euclid, 115 

Euler s circles, 25 

Evidence, i; premiss as e for con 
clusion, 4; e for different kinds of 
propositions, 153 seq. 

Exemplification, 77 

Exist, 77 

Existence, see Class 

Existentially affirmative, 91 

Existentially negative, 91 

Extension, def., 105; inverse variation 
with intension, 106 

Fact, and proposition, 18; and true, 
false, 1 8 

Fallacy of, circular argument, 163; 
composition, 162; division, 162; 
four terms, 161; illicit distribution, 
161; illicit major, 161; illicit minor, 
161; irrelevant conclusion, 162; 
ignoratio elencki. 162; petitio principii, 

Form, and construct, 10; gram 
matical, 10; implicational, n; 
logical, 9 seq., 122; and material, 
10; musical, 10; and pattern, 9; and 
shape, 9; and validity, 15 

Fundamentum dwisionis, 108 

Galenian figure, 64 
Generalization, 155, 166 
Genus, 112 seq. 

Hypothesis, def., 8; nature of, 180; 
and prediction, 182; verified, 182 

Hypothetical proposition, 44; com 
plementary, 46 

"I", explained, 18; use of, 126 seq. 

Identity, 85 

Implication, def., 4; extensional and 

intensional interpretation of, 142; 

formal, 142; material, 135 seq., 138, 

140; necessary, 136 
Imply, and entails, 136 
Inconsistent triad, 68 
Individual, 76; and class, 88; naming 

an, 126; specifiable, 130 
Induction, by simple enumeration. 

1 66 seq. 

Inductive methods, 1 74-6 
Inference, and assertion, 19; def., 21; 

and evidential relations, 21; im 
mediate, 36; mediate, 36 
Intension, 104. See also Extension, 

Inversion, def., 39; validity of, 94 

Jackson, R., 164 n. 
James, William, 77, 99 
Johnson, Samuel, 2 seq. 
Johnson, W. E., 46 
Joseph, H. W. B., 100 n. 

Ladd-Franklin^ C., 68, 94 n, 

Laws, causal, 169, 172; of Nature, 158 

Laws of thought, 146 

Logic, a formal science, 12 

Logical form, and grammatical simi 
larity, 122. See also Form 

Logical Positivists, 152 n., 158 

Logical principles, necessity of, 158 
seq. See also Principles 

Material implication, 135 seq. , para 
doxical consequences of, 140; and 
truth, 141 ; and truth-values, 145 

Mill, J. S., 121, 122 n., 164 

Moore, G. E., 136, 140 

Multiformities, 169 

Necessity, of logical principles, 158 
seq.; and meaning, 158; and self- 
evidence, 159 

Negation, 140 

Negative sentence, see Affirmative 

Obversion, def. of, 37; schema of, 37 
Opposition, of propositions, 33; figure 
of, 34; square of, 33 

INDEX 213 

Parameters, 130 n. 

Peano, 134 n. 

Pirandello, 93 n. 

Ponendo ponens, 49 se q. 

Ponendo tollens, 49 seq. 

Porphyry, 113 n. 

Predicables, 112 

Predicate, of proposition, 22, 27 

Principle, applicative, 985 148; of 
contradiction, 146; of deduction, 
148; of excluded middle, 146,, 149 
seq. , of identity, 146; of skipped 
intermediaries, 99; of substitution, 
98, 148; of syllogism, 148 

Proof, and conviction, 160; reasoned, 
1 60; syllogistic, 163 

Proper names, 121 seq. 

Proposition, alternative, 28; and 
assertion, 19 seq.; and belief, 17; 
compound, 27, 29; contemplated, 
20; contingent, 157; def., 17; 
diagrammatic representation of, 25; 
disjunctive, 28; factual, 152, 154, 
157; general, 27, 30, 133; hypo 
thetical, 28; hypothetically enter 
tained, 20; independent, 32; neces 
sary, 152; non-factual, 157; par 
ticular, 22 seq.; relational, 29; 
self-contradictory, 157; simple, 27, 
29; singular, 154; stated, 19; and 
statement, 16; subject-predicate, 
27; undecidable, 151; universal, 22 

Prepositional form, and function, 130; 
and proposition, 128, 134; and 
schema, 129; and specification, 127 

Prepositional forms, and verbal state 
ments, 21 

Prepositional function, 130; range of 
significance of, 132; and traditional 
schema of propositions, 135 

Propositions, traditional analysis of, 

Propriiffn, 113 

Quality, of propositions, 22 
Quantity., of propositions, 22 

Range of significance, 132 

Reasoning, def., 2; deductive, 166; 
inductive, 166 seq. See Argument 

Reasons, demand for, I 

Reduction, direct, 66; indirect, 67 

Referent, 82 

Relation, aliorelative, 85; asym 
metrical, 84; connexity of, 85; 
converse of, 83; domain of, 83; 
dyadic, 82; field of, 83; intransitive, 
84; logical properties of, 83, 97; 

many-many, 82 a 86; many-one, 86; 
non-s\Tnrnetrica!j 84; non-transi 
tive, 84; one-many, 86; one-one, 
86; polyadic, 82; sense of, 82; sym 
metrical, 84 

Relation^ 82 

Relevant connexion, and meaning, 
*38, 145 

Richards, I. A,, 117 n. 

Russell, Bertrand, 83, 123, 130, 136, 
137, 142, 159 

Satisfying a function, 131 

Sentence, and proposition, 16 seq. 

Sign, conventional, 13; natural, 13; of 
quantity, 22; and symbol, 13 

Signifying, relation of, 102 

4k Some", interpretation of, 24 

Sorites, 71-2, 99 

Species, 113 

Specification, of individuals, 126 seq. 

Statement, ambiguity of, 16; com 
pound, n; def., 3; implications of, 
6; and premiss, 3 

Stating, a proposition, 19 

Subcontraries, 34 

Subcontrariety, 32 

Subimplicant, 32 

Subject, of proposition, 22, 27 

Superimplicant, 32 

Syllogism, Aristoue s definition of, 55; 
corollaries of rules of, 57; defining 
characteristics, 54 seq.; distinctive 
characteristics of figures of, 70; 
figures, 58; major, minor, middle 
term of, 55, 59 n.; moods of, 58; 
polysyllogism, 71; principle of the, 
148; special rules of figures of, 61 
seq.; strengthened, 64; terms of, 55; 
valid moods of, 62 seq.; weakened 
moods, 62 

Symbolism, traditional, 22; use of, 23, 

Symbols, and class, 79; constant, 126, 
130; and conventional sign, 12; 
illustrative, 14, 126, 129; natural 
sign, 13; shorthand, 14; variable, 
126 , 129; &x } 131; 0x 9 131; 3*, 

135; => 138; ~, 137; v > J 37; 

"...= ... df", 138 
Syntax, and formal structure, 1 1 

Tarrant, Z>., viii 

Tautologies, 157 seq. 

"Term", ambiguity of, 101 

Terms, class-t, 101; distribution of, 
23, 6 1 n.; of a proposition, 22; rela 
tion, 29; signified, signifying of a 
syllogism, 55, 59 n. 

Thinking, logical, 2; solving problem, Universe of discourse, 92, 95 

Thomson, AI. E, F., viii 
Tollendo ponens, 49 
Tollendo tollens^ 49 
Truth, and validity, 6 
Truth-table, 139 
Truth-values, 139 

Uniformities , 169 

Validity, and form, 15; and truth, 

6 seq., 75 
Variable, apparent, 134; real, 134; 

values of a variable, 129 

Watehead, A. JV., 21, 83, 130 n. 
Word, understanding a, 118 seq.; 
using and talking about, 19 

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