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Full text of "The money question; the legal tender paper monetary system of the United States; an analysis of the specie basis or bank currency system, and of the legal tender paper money system"

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'    Y 


WM.    A.    BERKLEY, 
dent  »f  I'kfenix  Furniture  Company, 

M)    KAI'IPS.     Ml<    H. 




(  >  F     'I1  I  I  K 





l!v    WILLIAM   A.    HERKEY. 


\V.    \Y.     IIAIIT,    STEAM     HOOK     AND    .1O|J 



I.v  appearing  before  the  public  in  the  character  of  a 
writer,  upon  what  is  commonly  supposed  to  be  a  very 
abstruse  subject,  a  word  of  explanation  seems  to  be  neccs- 
>ary.  For  over  a  quarter  of  a  century  I  have  been  actively 
engaged  in  business,  as  a  manufacturer,  and  have  naturally 
been  led  to  enquire  into  the  laws  which  govern  the  produc- 
tion and  distribution  of  wealth.  It  was  a  matter  of  perplexity 
to  me  why  it  was  that  a  nation  possessed  of  the  wonderful 
natural  resources  and  the  enormous  productive  powers  that 
are  possessed  by  the  American  people,  should  not  enjoy 
general  and  uninterrupted  prosperity;  and,  knowing  that 
wealth  is  chiefly  the  product  of  labor,  that  the  industrial 
classes^!'  society  are  unable  to  retain  anything  like  a  fail- 
proportion  of  the  wealth  produced  by  their  labor.  The 
fanner,  usually  considered  the  most  independent  of  mortals, 
is  engaged  in  a  never-ending  struggle  to  secure  a  mere  com- 
petency; the  same  is  true  of  the  mechanic,  the  laborer,  etc.; 
and  the  merchant,  the  manufacturer  and  others  engaged  in  the 
production  and  distribution  of  wealth,  aided  by  capital,  arc 
oppressed  with  a  consciousness  that  their  capital  may  at  any 
time  take  to  itself  wings  and  fly  away,  no  matter  how  wisely 
or  prudently  they  may  conduct  their  affairs.  On  the  other 
hand,  wealth  is  seen  flowing  in  a  constant  stream  into  the 
laps  of  those  who  do  not  employ  their  capital  in  any  wealth 
producing  pursuit,  but  use  it,  in  the  shape  of  money,  as  an 
instrument  to  control  property  and  labor.  This  certainly  is 
sufficient  to  justify  the  suspicion  that  the  unequal  distribu- 
tion of  the  products  of  labor  which  is  constantly  going  on 
in  the  land,  greatly  to  the  disadvantage  of  society,  is  due  to 

IV.  j'l;  ! 

tin-  manner  in  which  money  is  instituted;    and  the  <|ucxti 

-' •,  in  \vh:it    re>]iect    ix    money    improperly   instituted,  and 
wliat  is  the  remedy? 

If  it  had  not  been  for  the  experience  furnished  during  the 
Kchcllioii,  the  great  body  of  the  American  people  would 
doubtless  liave  continued  to  struggle  on,  in  entire  ignorance 
of  tlie  fact  that  it  is  possible  to  establish  a  monetary  system 
on  any  other  principles  than  those  inculcated  by  the  udvo- 
the  -pecie  hasix  or  bank  currency  sy>tem.  Fortu- 
nately, however,  it  was  then  fully  demonstrated  that  a  >ystem 
of  money,  Mich  as  was  suggested  by  Jefferson  and  other 
eminent  founders  of  the  republic,  could  be  instituted  upon 
entirely  different  principles  a  system  thai  would  distribute 
the  product*  of  labor  in  entire  harmony  with  the  law- 
trade,  and  far  more  equitably  than  could  possibly  be  done 
through  the  instrumentality  of  bank  currency.  The  ma- 
undoubtedly  reali/e  the  truth  of  this,  but  are  at  loss  to  give 
-i  reason  for  the  faith  that  is  in  them.  This  is  not  at  all 
Mranire.  The  wealth,  intelligence  and  ability  of  the  nation, 
.veil  as  the  power  of  the  prcxx,  arc  arrayed  on  the  side  of 
the  banks,  precisely  as  the  same  element-  were  arrayed  on 
ihe  side  "f  the  1'nitcd  States  liank  in  the  memorable  context 
between  that  institution  and  the  people,  under  the  patriotic 
leadership  .if  (ieneral  Jackxon.  Kven  j»rofesx«.rx  of  political 

aorny  are  dragooned  into Jthe  same  ignoble  service,  ami 
compelled  to  distort  tho  principles  ol  the  science,  to  which 

they  pr«»fcx>  to  be  devoted,  for  the  juirjMise  of  «icceivinur  the 
public.  In  piirsuinLT  my  «»wn  invi-stiirati«»nx,  T  found,  to  my 
siirprix.-,  that,  e\<-ej.t  Kcllo^-/*  admirable  work,  written 
s..m«-  \.-arx  before  the  war,  there  \va-  no  book  extant  of  a 
popular  character,  from  which  anything  like  a  clear  under-  of  the  .juextioiis  involved  in  the  pre-eiit  crisis  could 
I"  obtained;  and  that  the  public  was  entirely  dependent 

ri:  i:  K  4CB.  \. 

upon  (he  fugitive  writings  of  tin-  t'ew  earnest  and  aide  men, 
who  have  espoused  the  cause  of  the  people,  for  information 
upon  the  subject.  It  was  in  view  of  these  circumstance- 
that  this  work  was  undertaken.  I  would  have  been  glad, 
indeed,  if  some  one,  who  was  better  prepared  for  the  duty, 
had  undertaken  it;  but  as  that  did  not  seem  probable,  and, 
knowing  the  great  want  of  such  a  work  from  my  own  expe- 
rience, I  determined  that  it  should  be  written  at  all  events, 
in  order  that  the  American  people  might  have  a  fair  oppor- 
tunity to  decide  intelligently  upon  this  all  important  ques- 
tion. No  claim  is  made  to  originality,  nor  has  there  been 
any  effort  made  in  regard  to  style.  My  sole  aim  has  been  to 
present  the  facts  and  principles  relating  to  the  subject 
correctly,  and  in  plain,  simple  language;  and,  as  will  be 
observed,  I  have  not  hesitated  to  quote  extensively  whenever 
it  could  be  done  to  advantage.  In  preparing  the  work  for 
the  press  I  have  also  availed  myself  of  competent  assistance, 
in  order  that  the  subject  matter  might  be  presented  to  the 
public  as  forcibly  as  possible.  Special  care  has  been  taken 
to  give  credit  to  those  whose  ideas  or  language  have  been 
adopted,  but  I  am  much  indebted  to  the  fugitive  writings 
above  referred  to,  and  I  desire  in  a  general  way  to  express 
my  acknowledgments  for  the  same,  and  especially  to  Hon.  W. 

D.  Kelley,  General  Win.  Brindle,  Henry  Carey  Baird  and 

E.  M.  Davis,  of  Philadelphia;  Peter  Cooper  and  Pliny  Free- 
man, of  New  York  City;   John  G.  Drew,  of  New  Jersey; 
and  to  the  Cincinnati  Enquirer,  the  Chicago  Industrial  Age 
and  the  Indianapolis  Sun. 


GRAND  RAPID?,  MICH..       > 
Mav   20th,  1870.  J 




The  Nature  of  Money 26 

The  Intrinsic  Value  of  Money 30 

The  Uses  of  Money 37 

Systems  of  Money 48 

The  Power  to  Make  Money  a  Governmental  Function..  53 
How  Paper  Money  issued  by  the  Government  Repre- 

sents  Value 70 



The  Bank  of  Venice 80 

The  Bank  of  Genoa 87 

The  Bank  of  Amsterdam 87 

The  Bank  of  Hamburg : 88 

The  Bank  of  England 88 

The  Banks  of  Scotland 97 

The  French  System  of  Finance.' 100 



Early  Colonial  Currency 109 

Continental  Money 112 

State  Banks  of  Issue 117 

The  First  Bank  of  the  United  States 119 

The  Money  Panic  of  1809 I  •_>  I 

The  Money  Panic  of  1814 125 

The  Second  Bank  of  the  United  States 120 

The  Money  Panic  of  1819 l-_'7 

The  Money  Panic  of  1825 133 

The  War  with  the  United  States  Bank 133 

The  Money  Panic  of  1837-1839-1841 150 

The  Money  Panic  of  1857 !">:> 

The  Suspension  of  180 1 154 

State  Banks  of  Issue  Supplanted  by  National  Banks...  153 

Vlll.  •    0  NTKNTS. 


(  IIAITKU'     VI.—  HlSTOEY    OF    nn;    PAI-KI:    MONKY 
l-->n  i>   DriMMi  nn;  KKHELLION.  161 

Tin-  First  Loan  Acts  ...............................    J  r,4 

Treasury  Note  hearing  interest  and  not  a  Legal  Tender.  171 
Full  Legal  Tender  Treasury  Not^  not  bearing  interest.  172 

Secretary  Chafe's  First  Annual  Report  ...............  173 

The  First  Le-al  Tender  Bill  ........................  175 

The   lircenback  ...................................  ]!><> 

Temporary  Deposits  in  the  Sub-Treasury  .............  203 

Certificates   of    Indebtedness  ........................  2o:i 

The  Second  Lcu'al    Trmlrr  Act  .....................  204 

The  Second  Annual  Kcport  of  Secretary   Chase  .......  Jo  4. 

Tin-  Third  Le-al  Tender  Act—  %900,000,000  Loan  Act.  200 

The  National  Bank  Hill  ...........................  209 

Public  Del  »t  Statement,  1863  ........................  210 

Amount  and  kiixl  of  Paper  Circulation,  June  30,  1*04..  215 

Bonds  Fxcnipted  from  Taxation  .....................  216 

(ireenhacks  Limited  to  $400,000,000  .................  216 

iden  Appointed  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  .......  216 

McCulloch  Appointed  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  .......  217 

Deht  and  Circulation  of  the  United  States,  isr.5  .......  210 

McCullocli*>  Contraction  Policy  .....................  210 

Amount  Contracted,  .July,  1868  .....................  222 

Act  of  Conirrc»  Suspendin«r  Contraction  of  (ireenhacks  223 

An  Act  to  Strengthen  the  Public  Credit  .............  2&I 

KcfundinLT  the  Public  Debt  .........................  230 

Public   Debt  Statement,  November,  1875  .............  231 


•  try  Chase  Recommends  a  National  Banking  La\\ 

National  IJank  Hill  Reported  in   the  Senate 245 

The  National  Bankinir  Law 240 

Of  the  Orirani/ation  of  National  Banks 247 

The  Protitx  of  National    Banks 2-",o 

The  Panic  of   1873 

The  ( 'ovt  of   Bank  Currency 

Failure^  in  the  Country  since    Is«:i 264 

K\travairane< — ()\  i-r    !'i-oduction 266 

An  Act  to  L'fMinie  Specie    Payments  and    Make    Bank- 
ing Fn-c  to    Bondholders 270 

The  Little  Tariff  Bill— an  Act  to  Enable  the  National 

to  Monopoli/e   the  Currency 271 

ro  N  i  i.  N  i  8,  ix- 


How  Interest  mi  Government   Bonds  is  Paid 27  J 

The  Specie  Resumption  Ad 279 

The  Aiiumnt  of  Gold  in  the  Country 281 

I {cMimption    Impossible 2821 

The  Consequences  of   Korced  Resumption 289 

The  Kxperience  of  Great  Britain  in  1819 — 182:} 290 

The  Consequences  of  Forced  Resumption  in  the  United 

States 30O 

CHAPTER    IX.       A    MOXETAHY    SVSTKM     Forxi.KD 

UPON    Soi.ND    Plil. \CIPLE8.  305 

The  I  teal  Issue  in  the  Impending  Crisis 311 

An  Analysis  of  the  Specie  Basis  or  Bank  Currency  Sys- 
tem of  Money ..'...  312 

The  Cost  of  the  Credit  System :J24 

Commercial  Crashes  and  Money  Panics 326- 

An  Analysis  of  the  Lejj^al  Tender  Paper  Money  Svstem.  33O 

What  is  a  Dollar? .* 333 

Money  of  Account 334 

The  Legal  Tender  Question 341 

How  .Much  Money  a  Nation  Should  Have 344 

How  Interest  Should  be  Regulated 349 

The  3.65  Bond  Plan 352 

How  the  Public  Note  is  Put  in  Circulation 355 

The  National  Debt 356 

Conclusion 359 


Horace  Greeley's  Famous  Editorial  on  the  3.65  Bond 
Plan 363 

The  Legal  Tender  Bill  as  it  passed  the  House  of  Rep- 
resentatives, Feb.  6,  18(52 367 

The  Legal  Tender  Act  of  February  25,  1862 37O 

Speech  of  the  Hon.  Thaddeus  Stevens  in  the  House  of 
Representatives,  December  19,  1862 37$ 

Table  Showing  the  Monthly  Range  of  the  Gold  Pre- 
mium since  1862 381 

The  Frem-h  As^ignats 382 


The  table  given  on  page  231  exhibiting  the  amount  and  character  of  the  public 
debt,  bearing  interest,  on  the  30th  day  of  November,  1875,  is  incomplete.  By  au 
oversight  the  currency  bonds  issued  to  the  Pacific  Railroads  were  omitted.  The 
amount  of  thn  currency  bonds  outstanding  at  that  date  was  $64,623,512,  which, 
added  to  the  amount  given  on  page  231,  would  make  the  total  public  debt,  bearing 
interest,  November  30, 1875,  $1,758,874,812. 

On  pag«'  ss  for  "  out,"  tho  last  word  on  the  page,  read  "about." 

On  page  17.  In  the  <evcnth  line  from  the  bottom  of  the  page,  substitute  '"April" 
to  "March." 





THE  prosperity  of  a  people  depends  chiefly  on  the  use 
which  they  are  enabled  to  make  of  their  natural  resources. 
It  frequently  happens  that  nations  possessing  great  natural 
advantages  fail,  through  want  of  properly  directed  industry 
6r  defective  laws,  to  attain  even  a  reasonable  degree  of 
prosperity;  and,  on  the  other  hand,  that  nations  possessing 
but  limited  resources  succeed,  under  wise  laws  and  by  means 
of  well  directed  energy,  in  achieving  great  wealth.  History 
abounds  in  instances  illustrating  the  truth  of  this  statement. 
At  the  present  time  Ireland  and  Holland  may  be  cited  a> 
cases  in  point.  Ireland  possesses  a  fertile  soil,  salubrious 
climate,  fine  harbors,  noble  rivers,  and  a  population  naturally 
brave,  quick  and  capable  of  great  labor;  but  her  people,  by 
reason  of  unequal  laws  and  bad  government,  are  chained 
to  poverty  and  ignorance.  Holland,  a  land  reclaimed  from 
the  ocean  and  held  only  by  sleepless  vigilance,  was  orig- 
inally destitute  of  even  ordinary  advantages;  but  under 
enlightened  laws,  industry  and  art  have  accomplished  the 
most  marvelous  results.  "  Below  the  level  of  the  sea,  and 
the  surface  of  adjacent  rivers  and  canals,  have  been  created 

10  i:ix>i  •];•  i.-   "}••  Till;   IN  1 1  i.D  M  A  i  );•>. 

l»y  human  art,  fat    pastures  teeming   with    llocks  and  he 
rich   artilicial  garden   land,  nourishing  the  industriou^  a 
thriving  population  of  innumerable  cities,  towns  and  \  illa_ 
Tin-  \er\  j  an  artificial  fortification  against  tin-  ocean, 

the  ancient  and  natural  monarch  of  the  country,  Here  lie 
is  defied  by  leagues  of  artificial  sea  banks — there  by  mile-  of 
granite  masonry.  Ui\rr>  an«l  canals  are  made  t<>  run  many 

ahnvc  the  level  of  the  cuimtry.      Annie-  ••!'  indefatigable 
wind  mills  are  perpetually  pumping  and  draining.     AmMer- 
dam  and  K"ttenl:mi,  ]M>puh>u>,  opulent  and   splendid   c'r 
•  Irivcn  into  the  mud."'     Thu>,  l»y  well   din- 
indu>try,  under  wi>e  law^,  ha\c  the  people  of  Holland    I- 
enabled  to  achieve  a  wonderful    victnry  over  the  forces  of 
nature,  and  to  clothe  thcm>dvcs  \\'ith  general  prosperity. 
The  people  of  the  I'nited  States  are  peculiarly  r\(  h  in  all 

iM.untio   of    nature.     They    po-^c<s  a    land   wlm>c   area 
4,000,000  of  square   miles.     Within    its   Imundaries 
•re  embraced  e\ery  variety  of  >oil  and  climate;  ine\hau>tible 
minex  «.f  iron,  coal,  copper,  lead, /'me,  gold   and  silver;  im- 
men-i-    :  -rand   lakes   and    mighty   ri\ei>.     A    better 

id..  eat  extent  may  be  formed  by  comparing  & 

..f  the,  v  ,,f  the  Union    with   the    kingdoms   of    Km 
California,  for  example,  u  equal  in  si/.e  to  Kngland,  Scotland,. 
Ireland,  Wale-,  Ilelgium,  Holland  and  I'ortugal;  and  T- 

jiial  to   France,  Holland,  Jielgium   and    Denmark.     The- 
mineral  reflOUTCefl  of  tlie  country  are  alnio-t    beyond    conij»n- 
tation.      For  example,  it  i>  e-tiinated    that    coal    enough    ha- 
already  bi-.-u  <!i-.-..\  i-red  to  Mipply  a  population  of  l.oooj 
000  for  •  (  Mlier   mineraU,  comparatively  sj.eak- 

,  an-  equally  abundant.     Tlie  gold  ]»roducing    region   of 

country  COTen  an  area  of  o\er  1,000,000  of  square  miles, 
•   the  di-.-.-\,'i-y  of   •_•-., Id    in    California   in    ] ^40,  tlie 
gold  yield  of  the  world  did  not  exceed   $20,000,000  a    \ 

i:i  -.'i  i:<  Bfl   <»!••  TIM-:    IM  n:i>   81  ,\TE8.  1  1 

\o\v  tin1  I'nitcd  States  alone  produce  annually  over 
*7:),000,000  worth  of  bullion. 

The  agricultural  roourees  of  the1  country  are  cijually 
i'oundlcss.  In  almost  every  section  the  noil  yields  bounti- 
fully, while  in  SOUK-  regions,  as  in  the  great  States  of  the 
\Ve>t,  its  fertility  is  unsurpassed.  The  agricultural  produc- 
tions of  that  region  alone  have  reached  an  almost  fabulous 

The  gn-at  natural  advantages  possessed  by  the  country 
have  enabled  its  manufacturing  interests  to  make  great 
progress,  in  spite  of  the  ever  changing  and  illy  devised  tariff 
laws,  which,  for  the  greater  part  of  the  time,  have  disiigured 
the  statute  books  of  the  nation.  While  agriculture  and 
manufactures  flourish  side  by  side,  in  all  parts  of  the  country, 
greatly  to  the  advantage  of  both,  it  happens  that  the  peculiar 
facilities  and  advantages  enjoyed  by  different  sections  of 
the  country  have  caused  their  industries  to  vary  greatly  in 
character.  Thus,  the  people  of  the  Eastern  States  are 
devoted  chiefly  to  manufactures  and  commerce;  the  people 
of  the  Middle  States,  although  engaged  largely  in  com- 
merce, manufactures  and  agriculture,  are  also  occupied 
extensively  in  dealing  in  iron,  coal,  lumber,  salt,  petroleum, 
etc.;  the  people  of  the  Western  and  South  Western  States, 
while  po»es>cd  of  large  mineral  and  other  interests,  as  yet 
find  their  chief  profits  in  the  vast  agricultural  resources 
which  they  enjoy;  the  people  of  the  Southern  States  are 
engaged  principally  in  tlve  production  of  the  valuable  staples 
common  to  that  section,  such  as  cotton,  rice,  sugar,  tobacco, 
etc.;  and  the  people  of  the  Pacific  States,  besides  their 
immense  agricultural  and  commercial  interests,  find  a  wide 
field  for  employment  in  developing  the  rich  mines  of  gold, 
-ilver,  etc.,  which  have  rendered  that  region  famous 
throughout  the  world. 

i; i.-«>!  i:«  j;>   OK    MIK   i  MTKI>  STATES. 


To  glance  briefly  at  a  fe\v  detail.%  the  a»e>sed  value  of 
the  farms  and  stock  in  the  1'nited  States  in  1870  wa*  nearly 
|1 1,000,000, ouo,  and  this  sum  did  not  cover  one-half  their 

actual  \alue.    The  following  statement, gathered  from  the 

CenMix  Keport  of  1870,  gives  a  partial  vie\\-  of  the  airricul- 
tural  operations  of  the  country  during  the  preceding  year: 

Farm  product*,  including  addition!  to  >  $2,500,000,000 

Farm  \sa-« •-,  ineludinir  value  of    board 310,000,000 

Wheat 2^.<>oo,000 

B         17,oon,ooi) 

Indian  <'<>rn 701,000,000 

<  >al - 2S2,000,000 

Barley 30,000,000 

Buckwheat 10,000,000 

Flax  Seed 1.700,000 

Clover  Seed l',OO,000 

u    600,000 

P"t  .it.M"* 144,000,000 

Sweet 21,000,000 

I    Means 5,500,000 

( '"ft. .11 1,200,000,000    pound-. 

Flax 27,000,000 

Hemp 25,000,000 

H..p> 25,000,000 


\N '"-,] 100,000,000 

T"bace«, 203,000,000 

Butter 500,000,000 

Cheese -JM,OOO,OOO 

27,000,000  ton*. 

And  the  following  statement  presents  a  general  view  of 
the  manufarturiiii;  inteiwt^  «,f  the  country  in  1H70: 

Number  of  inanufacturiiig  establishments...  252,148 

Number  of  operati\c- :.!M<7 

<  'apital   in\extrd $2,118,000,000 

Animal  salaries  paid 776,000,000 

K'.iu     material    u-ed , 


BX8O1  i:«  B8  OF  TIIK   t  MII.I>  >  r  \  i  KS.  13 

111  considering  the  resources  and  advantages  of  the  coun- 
try, it  is  proper  to  notice  the  labor  saving  machine ry,  largely 
the  result  oi'  American  ingenuity,  which  now  performs  such 
an  important  part  in  all  the  departments  of  labor.  In  (ircat 
Britain  the  power  of  the  machinery  of  that  country  i>  e-ti 
mated  as  equal  to  that  of  600,000,000  of  -men.  In  this 
country  it  probably  does  not  reach  that  amount,  but  it  is 
MitHciently  large  to  add  enormously  to  the  productions  of 
the  country.  In  many  sections  one  thousand  acres  of  land 
can  now  be  cultivated  with  no  more  cost  than  was  formerly 
required  to  cultivate  one  hundred. 

The  great  and  varied  industries  of  the  country  are  rendered 
vastly  more  useful  and  profitable  by  reason  of  the  channels 
of  communication,  natural  and  artificial,  which  extend  in 
everv  pov.vihle  direction.  In  addition  to  the  many  lakes  and 
riveis,  which  traverse  the  country,  it  is  covered  with  a  net- 
work of  railroads  from  ocean  to  ocean,  affording  ample 
means  of  transportation  to  gather  and  distribute  the  products 
of  the  nation. 

From  this  outline  of  the  wealth  and  resources  of  the 
United  States,  it  is  apparent  that  the  American  people  are 
pn.s>e>si-d  of  vast  advantages,  such  as  are  hardly  possessed 
by  any  other  nation  on  the  globe.  It  is»estimated  that  the 
United  States  are  capable  of  sustaining  a  population  of 
upwards  of  350,000,000,  while  the  population  of  the  country 
now  scarcely  exceeds  40,000,000.  If  enabled  by  wise  laws 
and  well  directed  industry  to  make  a  proper  use  of  their 
advantages,  the  people  of  the  United  States  ought  to  enjoy 
general  and  uninterrupted  prosperity.  And,  as  the  govern- 
ment of  the  Unite*  1  States  is  republican  in  form — based  upon 
the  theory  that  all  power  emanates  from  the  people,  the 
responsibility  of  any  failure  on  their  part  to  a'ttain  wealth 
and  prosperity  must  rest  with  the  people  themselves. 

14  .  >  M.I: AI.   IM:<>MM:KITY. 

IMI   TBS    \\IKKK  A.N    PEOPLE    KN.JOY    GENERAL    1-iiospERITY? 

•vithstandin^  their  boasted  industry,  intelligence  aii'l 
enterprise,  :in<l  tin-  vast  resources  which  they  possess,  the 
people  of  the  1'nited  States,  as  a  nation,  have  failed,  utterly 
and  di-L:racefully,  to  attain  anything  like  a  reasonable 
irencral  prosperity.  We  sliall  not  resort  to  any 
elaborately  prepared  statistics  to  establish  tin-  truth  of  the 
a*-crtion,  hut  will  simply  call  attention  to  a  few  important 

the  < -onvideration  of  which,  we  believe,  cannot  fail  to 
prodm-i*  conviction. 

TI;N  IIMI-  within  the  past  sixty  years  has  the  country 
IM-.-II  visiti-d  l>y  coniniercial  crashes  and  money  panics, 
accunijjanied  or  followed  by  general  stagnation  of  business, 
ruin  ami  bankruptcy.  From '1814  to  1801  the  country  suf- 
fered MM;  JIMKS  in  this  way,  and  only  o//ce,  from  1841  to 
L857,  did  it  c-cape  a  financial  crash  for  a  hinder  period  than 
ff.n  :/'  '  •  .  At-  the  present  time  the  country  is  suffering 
f'rnni  thi-  crash  of  1.^7:;,  or  rather  from  the  same  cauM->  that 
|iro«lucrd  that  cra>h.  The-e  coniniercial  crashes  have 
invariably  paraly/ed  all  forms  of  productive  industry,  bank- 
rupted huv'm<.vv  im.n,  ><l  the  debtor  cla>s  of  their 
prop«-rt\,  and  occasioned  want  and  distress  amoii^-;  nearly 
all  classes  of  peoph-.  When  we  look  back  over  the  pa-; 
half  century,  we  find  that,  a>  a  matter  of  fact,  the  people  at 
lar-je  have  never  had  an  opportunity,  even  between  these 

-  of  financial  disturbance,  to  enjoy  more  than  a 
glimpse  of  prosperity.  They  have  been  kept  hii^y,  either 
HtniirLTliii'-:  to  a\')id  impendiiiLC  ruin,  in  view  of  a  commercial 
crash,  <>r  laboring  \<>  rebuild  their  shattereil  fortunes,  after 

:;ic  had  subsided.  And  now,  the  (i  \II.\M\I.  YI-:AI:. 
1870,80011  to  be  celebrated  with  Lrreat  pomp  on  the  banks  of 

tiuylkill,  under  the  auspice*  of  a  irreat  city  writhinL' 
under  tlie  heel  «.f  a  corrupt  K'inir.  finds  the  people,  in  the. 

.KNKKAI.    IM:o>n.KI  I  '>  . 

midst  of  plenty,  distressed,  exlUNRftted  and  poor.  And  how 
does  this  happen?  Has  nature  frowned  upon  the  husband- 
man and  refused  to  ropond  t<>  his  toil?  Has  the  earth 
declined  to  yield  up  her  precious  stores?  Has  the  hand  of 
the  artisan  or  nu-chanic  lost  its  cunning,  or  the  arm  of  the 
laborer  its  strength?  Not  at  all.  The  graneries  of  the 
Wot  are  bursting  with  the-  products  of  the  soil;  the  valuable 
^taples  of  the  South  are  as  ready  as  ever  to  respond  to  the 
touch  of  labor;  the  mineral  wealth  of  the  earth  lies  exposed 
on  every  hand;  the  wheels  of  the  workshop  and  the  factory 
are  faithful  as  ever;  and  the  mechanic  and  laborer  are  not 
•  nly  able  and  willing,  but  anxious  to  work.  The  cause  of 
the  whole  trouble  lies  concealed  in  the  simple  word  — 

In  civilized  nations  at  the  present  day  a  circulating  medium 
•of  exchange,  called  money,  is  as  essential  to  the  production 
and  distribution  of  wealth  in  all  its  forms  as  railroads  and 
wagons  are  to  its  transportation.  In  1ST:*  an  epidemic 
among  the  hordes,  for  a  few  weeks,  seriously  interfered  with 
trade  and  travel.  Were  all  the  railroads  and  canals  of  the 
country  to  suspend  operations  for  a  single  season,  it  is  not 
difficult  to  surmise  the  amount  of  disaster  and  distress  that 
would  ensue.  And  the  public  might  as  well  try  to  conduct 
the  affairs  of  life  without  railroads  and  wagons,  or  the  far- 
mer try  to  cultivate  the  soil  without  implements,  as  for  a 
nation  to  attempt  to  develop  its  producing  forces,  or  carry 
on  successfully  the  operations  of  trade,  without  an  adequate 
amount  of  money  in  the  channels  of  circulation. 

The  business  affairs  of  the  country  during  and  after  the 
late  war  increased  largely.  The  wealth  of  the  nation,  in 
spite  of  the  ravages  of  war,  increased  from  $16,000,000,000 
in  1*00  to  $30,000,000,000  in  1870.  All  the  money  and 
evidences  of  indebtedness  of  the  government,  which  could 
be  uxrd  a*  a  circulating  medium  of  exchange,  were  actively 
-employed.  The  people,  for  the  n'rst  time  in  their  history, 

16  N"   -.I.NUIM.   i'i:o.Ni'i-;i:iTY. 

i  an  abundance  of  money  in  circulation  and  were  enabled* 
in  develop  tin-  resources  <>f  tin-  country  and  add  to  its  wealth 
in  :i  corresponding  degree.  The  increased  production  in 
«  -MTV  department  of  labor  rendered  the  burdens  of  tax.r 
liirht,  and,  at  the  same  time,  increased  the  revenues  of  the 
irovernment  to  an  enormous  extent.  The  government,  in 
'•"ii-e<juence  of  its  largely  increased  revenue,  was  enabled, 
at  the  close  of  the  war,  to  begin  the  reduction  of  the  public 
debt  at  a  rapid  rate.  The  people,  notwithstanding  the  bur- 
den .if  taxation  which  they  were  compelled  to  bear,  wen-. 
individually,  out  of  debt.  But  matters  began  to  cha; 
The  -hannels  of  trade  became  stagnant  or  sluggish,  bu-i- 
nevs  began  to  languish,  factories  and  workshop?*  \\ 
obliged  to  suspend  or  reduce  labor  and  wages,  real  estate 
fell  in  value,  and  enforced  idleness  began  fa  grow  common; 
and.  as  in  times  prior  to  the  war,  the  climax  was  capped  by  a 
financial  panic.  The  cause  of  this  astonishing  change  in 
the  Condition  of  the  country  —  from  activity  and  prosperity 
to  inactivity  and  distress  —  will  be  found  in  the  following 
statement.  *akcn  from  the  books  of  the  Treasury  Department 
by  I  Inn.  MOM-X  \V.  i-'ield,  which  exhibits  the  contraction  of 
the  cin-iil-ituig  medium  of  the  country  that  took  place  from 
September  1,  1865,  to  December  1,  1873: 

Amount    of   money,  currency,  and  circulating  medium,  Sep- 
tember I,  1805,  (exclusive  of  coin:) 

I'nited  State*  Note*  ......................    $433,160, 

rYactional    Currency  ......................          26,344,7  r_' 

anal   r.ank  NotVs  .....................      180,000,000- 

<  'ompoimd  Interest  LcLral-tender  Notes  ......        217,024,160- 

Temporary    Loan    (  Yrt'iticates,  (lOnl^l,)  ......        107,148,71:; 

of    Indebtedlievx  ................  H5,093.' 

Treasury  live  per   cent,  legal    tenders  ........  32,536,991 

Tre:ivllrv    Note-.,    p^r    due,   legal-lenders,    and 

not    prevented  ........................  1,50: 

Uank    N-.Tev  ........................  78,867.- 

Hiree  year  Treasury   v            ..............  s:}u,ooo,ooo 

Total  Sept.  i,  i860  ...................  $1,996,67^ 


•ulating    medium,  <  \dusive  of   coin,    1  K-rember    I,   i 

I'nited  Stat.  >   Notes $367,001, 

1'Yactional    Currency 48,0<H>, 

Certiiicat;-  ..;'  Indebtedness  (bearing  Interot)  678,000 

National    liank    Currenev 850,000,000 

Total   December   I,   1S73 $706,679,665 

Contraction    from    Sept.    1,   1865,  to    Dec.    1, 

l^7:i,  (causiiiLT  a   money    panic) $1. •_»:{< >,!»!»9,085 

r'rom  the  foregoing  statement  it  Appears  that  the  circula- 
ting medium  of  tlie  country  (or  evidences  of   indebtedness 

of  the  government,  used  as  sucli)  was  contracted  over 
$1,200,000,000  in  eight  years.  The  greater  part  of  this 
amount  consisted  of  the  Three  year  Treasury  Notes  ($830,- 
000,000.)  These  notes  \\cre  called  in  and  bonds  substituted 
in  their  Mead  prior  to  isr.s.  The  crash  of  1873  followed  as 
an  inevitable  consequence.  It  won't  do  to  say  that  it  was 
the  result  of  the  Avar,  or  of  extravagance,  or  of  over  produc- 
tion, or  of  anything  of  the  kind,  ('rashes  and  money  panics 
]U8t  like  it  occurred  before  the  war,  on  an  average,  crery 
fire  yr'/rx,  and  this  <-ra>h  did  not  occur  until  c'njht  years 
"ff>  i'  the  war.  The  periodical  money  panics,  Avhich 
occurred  before  the  war,  were  the  natural  results  of  the 
specie  basis  system  of  money;  and  the  panic  of  1873  was 
caused  by  enforcing  the  policy  of  contraction,  which  was 
planned  at  the  same  time  that  the  National  Ranking  system 
was  projected,  in  order  that  the  specie  basis  system  might 
he  re-estal .Fished.  The  act  of  Congress  of  March  1-J,  1SOO, 
authorizing  a  contraction  of  the  currency,  A\as  adopted  on 
the  recommendation  of  Hugh  McCullodi,  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury.  It  gave  him  unlimited  control  over  the  finances 
of  the  country,  and  he  did  not  fail  to  use  the  power  placed 
in  his  hands,  to  the  fullest  extent,  in  aiding  the  money 
power,  with  which  he  was  in  league,  to  rob  the  country  and 


I:  \I. 

tin-   people.      When    McCulIochV   infan  rayal   of 

high    tru.-t    ivpo^-d   in    him    becomes   fully   understood,  liis 
name  will  be  a    l»y-wi»nl    ami   reproach  throughout 

tin-  nation. 

Apart    from    commercial    crashes,    or    money     pani 

,  idcnt   thai   there   i>  something   radically   wrong  in    the 
-trm   of   the  country — that    then-    i>    some    con- 

'ly  operating  cause,  which  tends  uto  fcrtili/e  tlie  rich 
man's  iichl  l»y  the  sweat  of  the  ]»oor  man's  hr«»w."  The 
ma-M's  toil,  day  after  day  and  year  after  year,  seeking  to 

ire  a   competency   and    scarcely  succeed    in    obtaining   a 
The  lictter  chives  may  succeed  in  building  up 
hnim-s,  l»ut  t!  never  M-CUIV   in  their   PO-M--MOH,  until 

they    ha.  --ed    siitlicicnt    proj>erty    to    at    least    enable 

them  to  outl  --in  of  financial  depression.     The  pr 

of   labor  tlow  in  a   steady    stream    into  the  hands    of    non- 

Lncera,  who  an-  e!iLTa.Lri'd  in  manipulatiiiLC  money.      1 
not  ditl'u-ult  to  di-c(»\cr  the  rea-on.      .Money  is  c-oential  to  the 

•  lopnieiit   of   the  producing   forces  of   the  country,  and 
to  the  diMribution  of  its  products     It  is  far  more  n 

that  money  >!niuhl  l>e  abundant    and   cheap,  than   that    t! 
should    be    abundant    and    cheap    means    of    transportation. 
.  tlM  IM-CII  the  LTeneral    rule   since   the 
nstitutcil  a  nation.     They  imfortu- 

•  ly  inherited  the  Uriti-h  -\-tem  of  l>anks  of  i--ue.  \\hicli 
thefl  the  moneyed  olawefl  \\ith  unlimited  control  OV6T  the 
••ilating    medium    «.f    a    country.     "Money    shoiihl    1)C  tlie 

•ervunt  and  not  the  ma-ter..f   wealth,  and  then    it    will  flow 
in  flie  channels  <•'  in  obedience  to  the  natural  la\\ 

demand;  Imt  the  jtei.plc  have  permitted  the 
power  to  fmiii-h  the  i-irculating  medium  <»f  the  country  to  be 
filched  fnmi  lh«-  nation  and  gi\cn  over  to  individuals  and 
corporations  to  1  L  ai  a  monopoly.  At  present  money 

NO  <;I-:N  1.1:  M.    n;< >»ri:i:rrv.  19 

has  ceased  to  till  tin-  channels  of  trade,  and,  refusing  to 
perform  its  oilices,  has  taken  refuge  in  the  luniks  in  the 
commercial  centers.  Statesmen,  like  Senator  ( '?iristianc\ , 
may  tell  the  £>eople  atO  gO  tO  work  in  any  and  c-very  form 
of  ]•: •"'iiirtive  induMries,"  and  coniinand  it,  to  return,  and 
imagine  that  they  are  uttering  a  great  deal  of  wi>dom,  lint 
M  here  are  the  productive  industries;'  If  Senator  (  'hristiaiicy 
had  been  in  .Moses's  place,  the  .Irws.  possibly,  would  have 
heel!  at  in*  h»>s  In»\v  to  ''make  bricks  without  straw:"  lmt  a- 
sucli  wisdom  is  not  available  in  tliis  country,  it  is  to  be 
reu'retted  that  lie  did  not  turn  up  in  Kirypt  a  few  thousand 
years  ap'.  instead  of  in  the  I'nitcd  States  Senate  at  the 
pi'i-seiit  lime. 

It  is  of  course  mere  matter  of  speculation  as  to  what, 
would  In-  tlie  condition  of  the  country  now  if  u'old  and  silver 
had  l>ecn  its  circulating  medium  in  i'act  as  well  as  theory, 
01-  if  a  lcLr:il  tender  paper  money  had  IK-CM  adopted  at  an 
early  period)  ftfl  ur^ed  l>y  Franklin,  Jeiferson,  ('alhouu  and 
-•thers.  With  Mothinix  out  gold,  and  sil\  er  the  progress  of  the 
eoiMitry  Av»»uld  undoiiMrdlv  have  oeen  slow,  ]>ut  tlie  people 

generally  would  doubtless  be  better  off  than  they  are  MOW. 

With  :i  K-gal  tender  paper  uioney,  in  the  light  of  late  expe- 
rience, it.  is  more  than  that  the  Tinted  States  would 
to-day  l>e  the-  richest,  most  jio \verful  and  most  prosperous 
nation  on  the  gl. •!»»-.  Neither  M->ICMI  of  u'loMcy,  however, 
was  :idopt«Ml.  The  government  allowed  the  circulating 
medium  to  U-  taken  out  of  its  hands  and  erected  int<»  a 
giga.utic  monop(»ly  in  tlie  han<ls  of  individuals  and  corpora- 
tions. The  gold  and  silver  of  the  country  v.erc  locked  up 
in  l>ank  Aaiilt>,  as  the  p:-e:.-nde«l  basis  of  bank  notes,  and  the 
people  were  compelled  to  pay  an  exorbitant  price  for  a  false, 
iluctuating  and  unsafe  currency,  subject  to  the  entire  control 
of  those  who  issued  iL 


kg  of  itt  :i  :i  fruitful  source  of   disaster, 

in  (  IJritain  an«l  in  tin    Hike  --mr- 

agit  .nt>  and  inflating  their  circulation  they  greatly 

stimulate   business   of  all  kinds.      As  the  process  goes  on, 
168  inflated  to  an  unlimited  extent,  until  a  turning 
point,  beymid  which  inflation  cannot  go  without  burstim 
•hed.     \Vhilsttheprocessof  inflating  the  currency  and 
lit  of  the  country  is  going  on,  great  activity  prevails  in 
all  departments  of  industry,  and  everybody  seems  to  be  on 
the  high  n»ad  to  wcaJth  and  prosperity.     But  it  1 
in  •«  M  -s>ary  or  desirable  for  the  banks  to   put  themselves  in 
funds,  and  they  begin  to  convert  their  discounted  bills  into 
money  as  rapidly  as  possible.     They  cease  discounting  and 
call  in  their  loans.     "If  by  such  means  they  do  not  actually 
obtain  specie,  they  redeem  their  notes,  which  might  other- 
\s  i-e  l,e  presented  for  redemption  in  coin.     Prices  begin  to 
fall.     Merchants,  deprived  of  their  accustomed   facility  for 
borrowing,  and  with  obligations  coming  round    every  day, 
upon    which   they  are   liable   as   principals    or    cndor- 
anxious  to  sell,  while  none  of  them  want  to  buy.     The 
.ins  in   the   great   marts   of    foreign  trade,  and 
iid-  from  them  to  the  dealers  in  the  interior.     The  latter 
crowded  for  payment  by  their  di>tr<—  <d    <  !'«  dit"!'-,  and 
crowd  their  debtors  in  turn.     Property  of  all  kinds  depre- 
ciates and  becomes  difficult  to  sell,  when  every  body  wants 

-••11,  and  is  an\imis  to  restrict  his  purchases  to  the  kn\ 
practicable    amount.     Sale-,    nevertheless,    are    made    upon 
the   purpose  of  obtaining   contracts   to   deliver 
if,  a  future  day,  which   can   be  Fold  to  Usurers,  who 
in  their  harvest    Collections  are  enforced  by 

:  at  the  expense  of  :i  heavy  toll  to  utMrneyv 
and   Sheriffs'  officers,  OUt  of  the  pr.M-.cdv   of    i 
~-»n«.  uho-e  pn.p,  •  t]M. 


NO  (.1  \  1.1:  \\.   ri:osi'i;i:irv.  21 

rates,  t"  the  payment  of  their  debts,  become  bankrupt  from 
tin-  failure  of  their  debtors  to  pay  promptly.  When  the 
<loors  of  a  ban-king  house  arc  closed  in  die'  afternoon,  and  a 
merchant's  obligation  is  protested,  his  credit  is  gone,  and  he 
Oeasefl  the  effort  to  maintain  it  by  ruinous  sacrifices.  The 
failure  of  one  increases  (lie  embarrassment  of  his  creditors, 
and  repeated  failures  spread  general  distrust.  As  one  after 
another  goes  down,  however,  there  is  one  less  engaged  in 
the  scramble  for  money,  and  the  survivors  experience  the 
same  sort  of  relief  as  men  in  a  crowd  do  when  some  of  them 
faint  and  are  carried  out."*  These  financial  crises  invariably 
involve  a  general  suspension  of  specie  payments.  The 
suspension  is  charged  up  to  the  people,  who  arc  told  that 
they  have  been  *•  producing  too  much,"  or  "living  too 
extravagantly;"  and  the  banks  are  enabled  to  retain  their 
reserve  of  gold  and  silver,  to  repeat  the  operation  as  soon 
as  the  Sheriffs  services  are  no  longer  required,  and  "confi- 
dence has  been  restored/1 

The  power  which  such  a  system  confers  upon  those,  to 
whom  the  right  to  furnish  the  circulating  medium  of  the 
country  has  been  delegated,  is  immense.  The  price  which 
the  people  are  compelled  to  pay  for  their  circulating  medium 
of  exchange-  is  of  itself  sufficient  to  rob  labor  and  industry 
of  their  profits.  The  wealth  of  the  country  increases,  a> 
Statistics  show,  a  little  over  three'  per  cent,  a  year,  and  with 
money  in  circulation  that  costs  from  6  to  25  per  cent.,  it  is 
not  difficult  to  see  how  it  is  that  the  wealth  of  the  country 
has  a  constant  tendency  to  accumulate  in  the  hands  of  the 
few.  The  profits  of  industry  are  eaten  it])  by  interest  on  the 
circulating  medium  of  exchange — if  not  entirely,  a  commer- 
cial crash  will  take  what  is  left.  How  seldom  do  people, 
when  handling  money,  think  of  the  great  difference  which 

•Political  Economy  by  E.  Teshine  Smith. 

22  NO    GENERAL 

•  tueen  ;i  1'nited  Slates  legal  tender  note  (greenback) 
and  ;i  National  bank  bill.  The  greenback  represents  the 
property  of  the  people,  on  which  it  is  a  lien,  and  in  the 
performance  of  it>  mission  of  usefulness,  as  it  ilics  from  hand 
to  hand,  feeding  tlie  hungry,  clothing  the  naked,  ministering 
to  the  sick  or  distressed,  or  furthering  the  operations  of 
industry  and  trade,  no  keen  eyed  usurer  marks  its  flight;  it 
is  not  burdened  with  interest.  J  Jut  it  is  otherwise  with  the 
National  bank  bill.  Whether  serving  the  purposes  of  money 
in  the  channels  of  trade,  or  stowed  away  in  the  recesses  of 
a  bank  vault,  it  is  perpetually  drawing  interest.  That 
intereM,  although  paid  by  individuals,  is  a  tax  upon  the 
community  at  larire.  No  one  can  hope  to  escape  his  share 
of  the  tax  by  "keeping  out  of  bank/'  (tciiera!  laws  in  the 
economical  world  arc  as  universal  and  constant  in  their 
elVecj  as  the  law  of  gravit.ition  is  in  the  natural  world. 

The  specie  b:;sis  system   of  money  has   existed    in   G 
Britain  for  nearly  two  hundred  years,  and   the  result  of  its 

workings  there  can  be  >een  at  a  glance.  The  bulk  of  tin- 
wealth  and  property  of  the  kingdom  is  held  by  a  small  and 
-tantly  decreasing  class,  whilst,  the  masses  are  steeped  in 
poverty  and  ignorance.  During  the  wars  with  France,  from 
!7'.»7  to  l*ii:i,  the  people  of  (Jreat  Uritain  had  an  irn-deema- 
lile  jiaper  cui-rency.  For  twenty-five  years,  notwithstanding 
the  drain  of  a  great  war,  they  enjoyed  unparalleled  prosper- 
ity, by  reason  of  the  abundance  of  money  in  circulation. 
l!ut  the  money  power  demanded  a  return  to  specie  payments, 
and  in  1819  Ull  act  of  1'arliameiit  was  passed  decreeii 
return  to  specie  payments  in  |sj:{.  Fngland  pO88e88ed 
abundance  of  gold,  had  no  fureign  del»t,  the  balance  of  trade 
TOM  in  hei-  favor,  and  the  difTerence  between  gold  and  paper 
money  was  only  three  percent.  Notwithstanding  all  tl 

i-able  circumstance-,  the  enforced    return  to   specie   pay- 

NO  <;;: M.i:\i,  PROSPERITY.  23 

ments  prostrated  the  industries  of  the  kingdom,  ruined  the 
fanning,  manufactaring  and  business  interests,  and  plunged 
the  entire  nation  into  bankruptcy.  The  masses  of  Great 
Britain,  whose  labor  and  valor  had  just  enabled  the  British 
government  to  prosecute  to  a  successful  termination  one  of 
the  most  gigantic  Avars  of  modern  times,  wore  hurled  by  an 
act  of  Parliament,  at  the  instance  of  the  money  power  of 
the  kingdom,  in  the  most  heartless  manner  and  without  the 
slightest  grounds  of  excuse,  from  a  state  of  prosperity  into 
the  depths  of  ruin  and  poverty. 

At  the  demands  of  the  same  power  the  people  of  the 
United  States  are  now  being  subjected  to  like  treatment. 
With  but  little  gold,  scarcely  $100,000,000,  in  the  country, 
with  tin1  balance  of  trade  against  the  nation,  with  a  large 
public  debt  mostly  held  abroad,  and  with  a  difference 
between  gold  and  paper  money  of  over  twelve  per  cent., 
enforced  resumption  of  specie  payments  has  been  decreed 
to  take  place  in  1879.  In  the  light  of  English  experience 
umler  vastly  more  favorable  circumstances,  the  people  of 
the  United  States  can  look  forward  to  nothing  else  but 
continued  and  increasing  prostration  of  all  forms  of  industry, 
and,  when  the  fatal  hour  for  resumption  arrives,  a  general 
crash,  burying  the  entire  nation  in  its  ruins. 

The  people  of  the  United  States  are  a  forbearing  and  long 
suffering  people,  but  it  is  scarcely  possible  that  they  would 
continue  to  submit  in  silence  to  the  exactions  of  the  money 
power,  if  they  were  fully  apprised  of  the  nature  and  extent  of 
the  robbery  to  which  they  have  been,  and  are  still,  subjected, 
by  reason  of  a  false  and  corrupt  monetary  system.  The 
public  debt  of  the  United  States  in  1805  was  $2,682,593,026; 
on  September  1,  1875,  it  was  $2,127,393,836,  showing  a 
reduction  of  $555,199,190.  Besides  this  $555,199,190,  the 
people  have  paid  in  the  past  TEX  YEAKS,  for  interest  on  the 

.\<»    (.KNKKAI.    I'Kosl'KIMTY. 

public  debt,  navy,  war,  civil  service,  pensions  ami  Indians, 
.  or  in  all  tlic  enormous  sum  of  $3,879,759,- 
1)75,  which  is  .Hie-half  more  than  the  oriirinal  amount  of 
the  national  debt,  or  a  sum  Creator  than  the  national  debt  of 
(Jrcat  IJritain.  This  vast  sum  has  been  pa 'hi  principally  by 
the  producing  classes  for  the  bondholder  ami  moncv  power 
irem-rally  hear  no  part  of  the  expenses  of  ^«\ eminent.  It  is 
hii^h  time  that  the  burdens  of  taxation  should  he  more 
equally  distributed.  This  can  be  done  only  by  the  imposi- 
tion of  a  -jTadiiated  income  tax,  than  which  nothing  can  be 
more  just. 

1'roident  (irant  siiifLrested  in  his  last  annual  mcs^airc  tliat 
the  ( 'cntennial  year  would  be  a  tit  time  to  inaugurate  reforms. 
\Ye  agree  with  him.  Let  the  people  take  a  Icsvnn  from 
exjierience  and  reform  their  monetary  system.  AS  it  is  the 
year  for  the  general  elections,  something  mi.irht  al-o  be 
done  in  the  way  of  purifying  the  administration  of  public 
a(Tair>.  The  (  Vntennial  year  can  thus  be  i-i-ndi-retl  d«>ubly 
memorable  in  the  annals  of  the  country. 

Tin-  rclehratcd  Junius  said:   -The  ruin  or  prosperity  <>f  :i 
State  depends  so  much  on  the  administration  of  the  •_ 
iiient,  that  to  be  acquainted  with  the  merit  of  ;i  ministry  we 
need  nnly  uh«.iTvc  tin1  condition   of  the    people.      If    n 
them    <»bedieiit    to    the    laws,   prosperous   in    their    industry, 
united  at  home   and    respected    abroad,  we    may    iv.i^.nably 

presume  that  their  affairs  are  conducted  by  men  «.f  e\peri- 

ability    and     \irtue.      If    on    the    eontrary    \\  e 
univcrx;d  vpirii  <.f  <li-tru-t  and  di--;it i«.faction,  :i  rapid  decay 

of  trade,  dissensions  in  all  parts  of  the  empire,  and  a  total 

i  re-p«-i-t  iii  the  eyeN  i,f  forei-n  p<«\\er-,  we  may  pro- 
nomi'-e.  without  he-it:iti<.n,  that  the  --,  ,\  ei-iimeiil  <-f  that 
country  i-  \\  I:\K,  DI8TRA<  PED  \M>  •  OBB1  n." 



IN  :i  state  of  civilization  money  performs  an  important 
part  in  the  production,  distribution  and  accumulation  of 
wealth;  it  is  necessary,  therefore,  that  it  should  be  based 
on  sound  principles.  A  great  deal  of  nonsense  lias  been 
written  about  money  and  its  "  hidden  power,"  partly  through 
ignorance  and  partly  through  design.  So  widely  have 
political  economists  diiTered  in  regard  to  its  nature  and 
functions  that  it  is  not  surprising  that  people  have  been 
willing  to  ascribe  to  it  some  mysterious  power,  or  that  they 
should  have  almost  despaired  of  being  able  to  comprehend 
the  principles  on  which  it  is  founded  and  by  which  its 
movements  are  governed.  And  this  delusion  has  been 
encouraged  in  every  way  possible  by  the  moneyed  and  gov- 
erning classes,  who  are  thus  enabled  to  found  systems  of 
money  on  the  false  theory  that  money  is  the  master  and 
not  the  servant  of  labor  and  property. 

P>ut  the  age  is  characteri/ed  by  a,  spirit  of  progress,  and 
old  systems  are  rapidly  yielding  to  new  ones.  The  signs  of 
the  times  indicate  that  the  hoary  tyranny  of  the  money 
power,  which  has  exercised  despotic  sway  for  ages  over  the 
masses  of  mankind,  will,  sooner  or  later,  be  compelled  to 
succumb  to  the  influences  of  an  enlightened  public  senti- 
ment. A  distinguished  Knglish  writer,*  in  commenting  on 
the  imperfect  and  rudimentary  condition  of  the  science  of 
political  economy,  says:  '-The  steam  engine,  steam  naviga- 
tion, railways,  mechanical  inventions,  the  electric  telegraph, 

*Sir  John  r,arn:ii-a  I'.vles. 

.MOM  Y    A  MI    ITS    11  S 

mod< TII  chemistry,  have  net  appeared  for  nothing.  A 
science  of  political  economy  will  yet  dawn  that  shall  perform 
as  well  as  promise — a  science  that  will  rain  the  rid 
nature  into  the  laps  of  the  staning  poor.  Mm  <lo  not  yet 
dream  of  the  prosperity  M  nidi  is  in  store  foi-  ail  or.! 
the  people."  A  large  ami  increasing  number  of  leading 
thinkers,  state-men  ami  philanthropists  of  the  day  are  calling 
public  attention  to  the  unequal  and  unjust  distrihuti'  -n  of 
the  products  of  industry  that  is  constantly  going  on  through 
the  agem-.y  of  a  fal>e  :ind  corrupt  nioni-tary  sy^ti-m,  ami 
their  views  have  already  made  a  profound  impiv»ion  <>n 
the  public  mind.  Tlu-  i_Lrm»rant  nias>es  of  <iiH-a?  liritnin 
may  In-  deluded  into  liclicvinir,  :is  is  tauifht  liy  the  <li>mal 
school  of  Kn^Tisli  ])olitical  economi>ts,  "that  it  i->  natural, 
and  if  natural,  proper — though  M  c  may  i 

that  jMJverty  and   want  and   disease  and    misery    should   lie 
I  OOF  neighbors  of  \\ealtli  nn<l  unbounded  ]»ro^]»ei-ity;"! 
but  the  intelliirent  fanners,  mechanics   and    laboi. 
United  States  are  not    to  easily  convinced   that    the  surplus 
wealth,  which  their  labor  produces  annually,  should  naturally 
be  owned  at    the   end    of  the   year  by   the   financiering  and 
BOn-prodttcing   classes   of  the   country.      When    people   find 
themselves  beiiiir  robbed,  they  are  apt  t«»  try  to  discover  the 
offender  and  the    means   by    which    it    U   accomplished.      A 
\ery  moderate  amount  of  in\  estimation,  u  c  think,  will  - 
ndid  mind  that  the  theory,  that,  the   money    p<,\ 
the  robber,  \\  hich  dej»ri\  «-s  labor  of  its  ju-t  r«  u  ard.  and  that, 
a  corrupt,  monetary  sxsteiu  i-  the  instrumentality,  by  i 
of    which    the    robbery    N    perpetrated,   i-   ba^ed    on    sound 

reason  v. 

i  in  ifOH  M  • 

MOIICN.  m  iN  ordinary  si^niliration.  i-  ttl  ;;ireiie\   of  trade. 
Civili/^ition    has   de\doped    a    --real   \ariet\    «.f    want<    and 


industries,  and  labor  has  come  to  be  divided  into  innumera- 
ble forms,  requiring  a  constant  exchange  "f  commodities. 
Individuals  are  dependent  on  their  fellow  men  for  every 
thing, except  the  particular  product  of  their  own  labor.  One 
class  furnislies  food,  another  the  material  for  clothing,. 
another  builds  houses,  etc.,  etc.,  and  each  class  is  susceptible 
«>f  innumerable  subdivisions.  When  we  come  to  individ- 
uals, each  one  has  to  give  his  labor,  or  the  product  of  his 
labor,  or  the  product  of  the  labor  of  others,  for  that  which 
he  needs  or  desires.  This  exchange  is  effected  through  the 
iiey  of  money.  It  is  necessary,  therefore,  that  money 
should  poxse-s  a  legal  representative  value.  It  must  possess 
representative  value  to  be  the  equivalent  of  the  commodity  or 
labor  for  which  it  is  exchanged,  and  its  representative  value 
must  be  established  by  law,  otherwise  its  acceptance  by  a 
creditor  would  be  optional.  As  the  value  and  power  of 
money  depend  on  law,  its  institution  and  regulation  are 
duties  which  devolve  upon  the  legislature  or  governing 
power  of  a  nation. 

The  adoption  of  money  or  a  medium  of  exchange  wa^ 
undoubtedly  «ne  of  the  first  steps  in  civilization.  In  a  simple 
>tato  of  society,  as  in  newly  settled  countries  now,  the 
exchange  of  commodities  took  place  by  means  of  barter,  but 
the  necessity  of  a  medium  of  exchange  becoming  apparent, 
different  representatives  of  value  were  adopted,  according  to 
the  wants,  taMcs  and  possessions  of  the  communities  or 
nations  concerned.  Thus  the  Spartans  adopted  iron,  the 
ancient  Romans  bars  of  copper  and  cattle,  the  North  Ameri- 
can Indian  beads,  and  the  East  Indian  and  African  shells. 
At  an  early  age  gold  and  silver  came  to  be  regarded  as  the 
most  suitable  materials  for  the  purposes  of  money  for  many 
reasons,  among  others  on  account  of  their  po-M-viiig  large 
value  in  a  small  and  compact  form.  Coins  or  tokens  made 

28  Till-:    NA'ITKK    OF    -Mo1. 

of  these  metals   next  appeared,  but    originally  -.1    no 

other  j.oucr  llian  tliat  which  they  derive.!  iV'.ni  tin-  intrinsic 
value  of  the  materials  of  which  they  were  made,  which  wa> 
determined  by  weight,  as  is  the  cast-  now,  when  iiM-d  in 
commerce  between  different  nations.  (Governments  next 
assumed  the  ri^ht  to  make  ami  regulate  the  value  <»f  money, 

in  consequence  of  the  necessity  of  establishing  ;i  common 
representative  of  value  to  be  used  in  the  payment    of  debts 
and  taxes.     As  civili/ation  progressed  and  wealth  incr- 
requir'niLT  a  more  rapid  and  extensive  exchange  of  commod- 
ities, it.  became   Decenary   that    the    medium  iianire 
shonld  be  increased  in  the  same  proportion.     It  \\a^  imp.»- 
silile  to  obtain   jjohl  and   silver  in    sufficient   quanti: 
answer  the  purposes  of  money,  and  it  would  scemiiiLrl; 
been  l»ut  the  part  of  wisdom  to  have  adopted  new  systems  of 
money,  )»ut   history  LT'IVCS  but  one  or  two  instances  wluxe 
anything  of  the  kind  was  attempted.     The  scarcity  of  money 
led  to  the  use  <»f   credit,  wliich  now  j.lays  such  an  important 
part  in  the  commerce  of  the  world.      IJills  of  exchaiiLr«- 
invented,  it  !->  bclic\cd,  hy  the  .Jews  of  Loinbardy  in  ti 
century.      In  the  l:uh,  14th   and    I."»ih    ccniiii:  reatcr 
put  of  the  Commerce  of    Kurope  wa<  accomj.lished   at    peri- 
odical   markets   or    fairs.      Merchants   and    trader-,  or  their 
brokers,  would  meet    at   these    fairs   with    their  account-*  or 
h'l/niix  (balance)  made  out,  and    by   tran-ferrinjj  debl^  and 
cn-d-N  fnun  one  to  another,  effect  a                      I  \vith  the  u-e 

more  money  than  was  re<|iiired  to  settle  balanc. 
many  parts  of  ihese    fairs    arc    still   held,  alt; 
h»>t   ninxt   of  their    f.»nncr    importance,      \ 
other  dev  icefl  t-»  increase  the  circulating  ine«lium  ••;'  e\.-JianLfc 

liecn  rc-o!-:ed  to  by  dilVcrent  nations,  such  as  reducing 

the  amount  of  bullion  in  iheir  coins  from  time  to  time,  until 

iin  but  a    fraction    of   the    \aluc    \\hidi    their 

i  HI:   N.M  i  I:K  OF  HONEY.  29 

names  originally  called  for.    In  tin*  days  of  William,  tin- 

Conqueror,  tin-  u  pound"  actually  was  a  pound  weight  of 
silver,  and  ;i  shilling  \\a>  :i  twentieth  part  of  a  pound,  but  at 
the  present  time  a  pound  of  silver  is  coined  into  sixty-six 
shillings.  Tin.-  legal  money  of  England  has  been  regulated 
or  altered  in  this  way  by  the  English  government  one  hun- 
dred and  eighty-four  times. 

The  specie  basis  system  of  Great  IJritain,  which  was 
adopted  nearly  two  hundred  years  ago,  owes  its  origin  to 
the  same  cause — the  necessity  of  increasing  the  medium  of 
exchange.  The  effect  of  the  system  is  to  centralize  wealth. 
In  Great  I>ri(ain  it  has  enabled  the  aristocratic  and  moneyed 
classes  to  acquire  enormous  wealth,  and  lias  reduced  the 
industrial  classes  t»  ;i  condition  of  abject  poverty.  In  the 
I'nited  States  it  lias  had  the  same  tendency. 

The  only  people-  of  former  times,  who  seemed  to  fully 
understand  the  nature  of  money,  were  the  Venetians.  In 
the  l-'th  century  they  adopted  a  system  of  money,  based  on 
the  wealth  and  credit  of  the  people,  which  lasted  over  600 
years.  Inscriptions  on  the  books  of  n  bank,  established  by 
the  State,  which  were  divisible  to  any  desired  amount  and 
transferable  on  the  books  of  the  bank  from  one  to  another, 
formed  the  chief  medium  of  exchange  during  the  period 
named.  These  inscriptions  of  credit  were  not  redeemable 
in  coin,  but,  notwithstanding  that,  they  commanded  a  high 
premium  over  gold  and  silver.  The  Venetians  were  enabled, 
principally  through  their  enlightened  system  of  money,  to 
attain  great  prosperity,  which  they  enjoyed  for  centuries, 
and  commercial  crashes  and  money  panics  were  unknown 
amongst  them.  (See  Chap.  IV.) 

The  French  people  manage  their  financial  affairs  with 
more  wisdom  than  any  other  nation  of  the  present  day. 
When  specie  is  scarce  an  irredeemable  legal  tender  paper 


money  is  UM-IJ  uj  1.     Great  pains   are    taken    l»y  the 

French  g« '\crnmcnt  to  keep  every  section  amply  supplied 
with  a  circulating  medium  of  exchange,  in  order  to  develop 
the  producing  forces  of  the  country — a  policy  that  has  1 
crowned  with  marked  success. 

The  American  people  have  had  some  experience  in  r» 
to  the  advantages   of  a  legal   tender  paper   money   system 
>ince   ls(il,but  the   notes  of   the  government  (greenb:i< 
were  issued  in  such  a  mutilated  form,  and  the   workings  of 
the  system  have  been  so  materially  interfered   with    by  the 
money  power,  by  means  of  corrupt  legislation,  that  as  yet 
they  have  had  no  fair  opportunity  to  judge  of  its  real  m« 

From   an   early  period,  then,  money  came  to  derive  its 
power,  as    an   agent  to   represent,  measure    and    exch.v 
value,  from,  public  authority.     Individuals  and  nati 
to  exchange  and  accumulate  property  and  commodities,  and 
money   is  desirable  only  on  account  of   the   power,   with 
which  it  is  clothed  by  public  authority,  to  command  prop. 

ibor.     It  is  not  useful  of  itself,  for  it  cannot  be 
food,  or  clothing, or  shelter.     It  must  be  parted  with  be- 
any service  01-  value  can  be  obtained  from  it.     In  an  accumu- 
lated form,  as  capital,  it  can  bring  no  income  until   it   i>  put 
to  use — parted  with.      It  is,  therefore,  the   immaterial  princi- 
ple 01-  po\\  ei-  to  represent  value  that  is  the  • 
and  this  it  can  only  derive  from   law.     *•  M-mey   i-  then."  in 
the    language   of  Kellogg,  "a  legal    existence,  bein 
tilted  a,  national  representative  of   property;  con^ecjuently    it 
is  a  public  lien  on  all  property  for  sale  in  the  nation,  a  public 
medium     for    the    exchange    of    products  and   a   tender    in 
payment  of  debt-." 

I  III!     IN!  KIN -I.       \ 

QOIkey  i-  a  legal  public  medium   of  exchange,  p- 
ing  representative  value,  it  is  not  nece^ary  that  the  mat 

TIIK  IN  rancsie  VALUI  01  KONBY,  m 

of  which  it  is  made  should  pOSSesi  intrinsic  or  commercial 
value.  To  usi'  again  the  language  of  tin-  author  last  quoted, 
"The  value  of  money  perpetually  depends  upon  its  power  t«> 
represent  value  and  not  upon  its  material,  bemuse  money 
ne\er  reaches  8  point  at  which  it  can  be  used  us  an  article 
of  actual  value."  Tin-  value  ol'  the  material  can  add  nothing 
to  ils  pi. wcr  as  money;  it  can  only  render  its  value  more1 
certain,  ;;>  when  money  is  issued  by  a  \\eak  and  irresponsible 
L;-(>vernment,  or  l>y  a  nation  possessing  few  or  no  products 
for  which  it  can  be  exchanged.  When  issued  by  a  stable 
aiul  I'esponsible  government,  whose  people  j>os^ess  ample 
property  and  valuable  products,  its  value  corresponds  to  the 
value  of  the  products  of  the  country  for  which  it  can  be 
exchanged.  If  money  made  of  paper  will  procure  the  same 
property  or  commodities,  as  if  made  of  a  material  possessing 
intrinsic  value,  like  gold  or  silver,  it  possesses  the  same 
power  in  one  instance  as  in  the  other.  If  A.  has  a  ten 
dollar  gold  piece  and  1>.  has  a  ten  dollar  legal  tender  note, 
and  the  gold  piece  and  paper  money  will  each  purchase  the 
same  article  of  value,  in  parting  with  them  A.  does  not  part 
with  anything  more  than  K,  although  A's  money  pOSSCSSea 
an  intrinsic  \alneand  U's  does  not.  And  as  long  as  the 
gold  piece  is  used  as  money,  it  is  not  possible  for  any  one 
to  derive  any  more  UM-  or  value  from  it,  than  that  which 
belongs  to  it  in  its  representative  capacity  by  \irtue  of  law. 
Dr.  Walker,  a  political  economist  of  the  bullionist  school, 
in  speaking  of  money  as  an  instrument  of  exchange,  says: 
-Anything  which  by  general  consent,  or  in  obedience  to 
law,  all  receive  in  exchange  will  answer  the  purpose  (of 
money.)  ^o  far  as  this  function  N '  concerned,  it  is  of  no 
consequence  whether  the  article  has  value  or  not;  safety 
and  convenience  are  the  only  considerations  of  importance. 
Money  in  this  respect  is  Dimply  ;l  counter,  token  or  universal 


The  power  of   money,  then,  whether    made   of  :i   ma 

possessing  yalue  or  not,  depends  <Mi  its  ability  to  r- 
value.    How  a  piece  of  paper,  posses-ing  little  or  no  intri- 
value,   can    acquire   tin-   power  1o   ivpiv-ent  value,  will 
explained  further  on.     In  the  meantime  it  will  appear  from 
a  slight  examination  that  it  is  a  disadvantage   t«>    money  to 
possess  an  intrinsic  value1,  and  that  gold  ami  silver,  lm\\. 
suitable  they  may  be  to  adjust  balances  between  nation-. 
not  the  proper  substances  out  of  which  to  make  the  circula- 
ting medium  of  a  nation.     If  money  p<  an   intrii 
as  well  as  a  representative  value,  it  is  then   a  commodity 
well  as  money,  and  is  subject  to  two  diiYcrent   and    often 
antagonistic  sets  of  laws.     As  money  it  seek-  to  perform  the 
functions  of  money  and  to  fill  the  channels  of  trade,  whii 
a  commodity  il  is  compelled  to  obey  the  u  uncontrollable  ! 

apply  and  demand."    In  commerce  gold  and  silver 

commodities  and  are  taken  in   exchange   for   product.-,  when 
they  are  preferable,  in   a   business   point  of   view,  to   other 
products  OF  Commodities,  OF   in   the  settlement    of    balan 
after  an  exchange   of  products    ha-    been    made.      They 
thus  liable  to   be  taken   at    any   time    from    the  channel 
circulation  by  the  demands  of  commerce,  and    thi>    can    be 
done  nio-t  readily  when  they  an-  stored  in  bank  vault-  a-  tin- 
basis  of  bank  notes.       In  this  way  the  amount  of  t! 
lating  medium   in   :i  country  is   rendered   dependent   on 
wants   and    whims  of   Other   nations,  and    i-,  OOfl86quei 
uncertain  in  amount  and  fluctuating  in  value.    It  may  be  -;it'e]\ 

rteil  that,  there   was  scarcely   e\  er  a  time  in  the  hi-' 
of  the  1'nited  States,  \\lien    the    Specie    bftSU    §ystem    \\.i-   in 

tence,  that  the  Emperor  of  china  could  not  ha-, 

siojn-d   :i  commercial    <-ra-h    and    money    panic,   by    simply 
decreeing   that    the    idols    and    image-    worshipped    by 
subjects  shouhl  1  M. 

Tin-:    INI  EUXrSIC    V.M.I  !•;   OF    MONET.  33 

Gold  and  silver  money  are  objectionable  on  account  of 
the  inconvenience  and  \-\>k  which  attend  their  u>e,  and  for 
many  other  reasons,  but  the  chief  objection  to  gold  i- 
scarcity,  which  also  renders  it  expensive.  There  is  not 
sufficient  gold  money  in  circulation  to  answer  the  A\  ants  of 
any  one  of  the  leading  commercial  nations  o!'  the  world, 
and  for  all  to  seek  to  use  it  as  an  exclusive  medium  of 
exchange  is  simply  an  absurdity.  It  is  true  the  difficulty  is 
remedied  in  part  in  some  countries  by  issuing  paper  notes 
based  on  gold,  but  these  notes  are  not  legal  representatives 
of  value,  but  merely  representatives  of  the  credit  of  those  who 
issue  them,  and  constitute,  as  experience  has  proved,  an 
unsafe  and  unreliable  medium  of  exchange,  as  will  hereafter 
more  fully  appear.  As  compared  with  the  vast  amount  of 
money  required  to  pay  interest  on  debts,  national,  state, 
municipal  and  corporate,  and  the  expenses  of  governments, 
and  to  cany  on  the  transactions  of  hundreds  of  millions  of 
people,  the  amount  of  gold  in  use  as  money  is  as  a  grain  of 
sand  to  a  mountain. 

.And  when  properly  considered  the  intrinsic  value  of  gold 
and  silver  is  comparatively  trifling.  These  metals  owe 
their  chief  value  to  their  use  as  money.  If  that  use  were 
discontinued  to  any  considerable  extent,  their  value  would 
depreciate  in  a  corresponding  degree.  Only  recently  Ger- 
many demonetized  silver,  and  it  depreciated  so  rapidly  in 
value  that  it  became  a,  matter  of  importance  to  the  German 
government  to  dispose  of  its  supply  at  the  earliest  moment 
possible.  In  1704  the  British  Board  of  Trade  objected  to 
the  use  of  legal  tender  paper  money  in  the  colonies,  doubt- 
less because  it  rendered  the.  people  of  the  colonies  independ- 
ent of  the  money  power  of  Great  Britain,  on  the  ground 
that "  every  medium  of  exchange  should  have  an  intrinsic 
value,  which  paper  money  has  not."  To  this  Dr.  Franklin 
replied : 

TI1K    1N'T1:1N>1<      VAUK    <>F    .MuNKY. 

"However  fit  a  particular  thing  may  IK-  for  a  particular 

purpoM-,  A\hencver  tliat  tiling  is  not  to  he-  had,  or  n»t  to  he 
had  in  suilicicnt.  quantity,  it  hrconics  necessary  to  MM-  some- 
thing  else,  the  fittest  that  can  be  got  in  lieu  of  it.  *  *  JJank 

hills  and  hankers1  notes  are  daily  Used  here  [in  Knuland] 
medium  of  trade,  and  in  lai'ire  dealings  perhaps  the 
Lrrcater  part  is  transacted  hy  their  means,  ami  yet  tlu-y  l:a\c 
no  intrin>ic  value,  hut  re>t  on  the  O'edit  of  tho>e  that  i»m-il 
tlu-iii,  a>  pa[>er  hills  in  the  eolon'u'.s  do  on  the  eivdit.  of  tin- 
dve  setth-iiu-iits  thei-e.  These  (hank  hill>)  heinir 
j)ayal.le  in  ea>h  upon  si-'ht  hy  the  drawers  i>,  indee<l,  a 
circuinstanee  that  cannot  attend  the  colony  hill>,  f.-r  the 
reason,  ju-t  al.o\c  mentioned,  tlu-ir  cash  (hullion)  hi-iiiir 
di-a\vn  from  them  hy  the  IJi'itish  trade;  hut  the  Iciral  ten<U-r 
l.i-in-_r  suhstituted  in  its  place,  is  rather  a,  greater  sulvantagt* 
to  the  pO88668Or,  since  he  nerd  not  l.e  at  the  trouhle  of 

•  .articular  hank  or  hanker  to  demand  the  money." 
"At  this  very  time  t-ven  the  silver  money  in   England   is 
•d  lo  ihe  le-al  tender  for  a  part  of  its  value;  that  part 
which  is  the  difference  lu-t  \\cen  its  real  \\ciirht  and   denom- 
ination.     <Jr«at    part    of    tin-    shiHinirs    ami    si\-pen<-«- 
current  are,  hy   \\  earing,  hecoine  live,  ten.  .  and   some 

of  tlie  si\-jteii«M •>  even  fifty,  per  cent,  too  liirlit.  l''"i'  this 
difTerence  het\\  fen  tin-  real  and  nominal  you  ha\  e  no  inti'insic 
value;  you  ha\  c  n«>J.  so  much  us  paper;  you  have  nothing. 

lender,  with  the  kno\\  ledire  that  if    can 
[forth*  ••'/<»,  that  makes  t/,,-,,   />enny- 

silver  pa^s  for  BlX-pi 

!d  and  siher  are  ii"t  iutriiisirally  of  e«|iial  value    with 

:i   metal    in    itself   ca]  DUUiy    inor.-  lu-m-lits    to 

.iml.     ThciT  Value  re«t§  chiefly   in    the   e-timation  tliey 

happent..he  in  :inmn«r   the  generality   of   nations,  ami  the 

credit  Lfi\en  to  the  opinion  that  the  estimation  will  continue. 

Till:    INTlMNMi1    VAl.t'K   OF    MONEY.  85 

Otherwise  a  pound  of  gold  would  not  be  a  real  equivalent 
for  even  a  bushel  of  wheat/1  [Franklin's  Works:  Duane's 
edition,  1809;  volume  4.] 

Gold  or  silver,  or  Loth,  however,  are  used  for  the  pur- 
poses of  money  by  nearly  all  nations,  and  hence  k  is  that 
these  metals  have  come  to  be  used  in  the  commerce  of  the 
world,  not  as  money,  but  as  commodities,  under  the  name  of 
bullion,  possessing  an  established  and  universally  recognized 
value.  Gold  at  the  present  time  is  a  commonly  accepted 
equivalent  for  all  other  commodities.  It  will  be  borne 
in  mind,  however,  that  this  general  recognition  of  the 
value  of  gold  depends  chiefly  upon  the  fact  that  gold  is  a 
legal  tender,  when  coined  into  money,  in  all  nations  where 
it  is  used.  No  law  exists  compelling  citizens  of  different 
nations  to  receive  from  each  other  gold  in  payment  of 
debts,  but  people  will  always  take  that  in  payment  of  debts 
which  they  can  in  turn  apply  to  the  same  purpose.  It  is 
incorrect,  therefore,  to  speak  of  gold  as  the  l>  money  of  the 
world."  No  such  money  has  ever  been  established,  nor  can 
be  until  all  nations  adopt  a  uniform  unit  of  value  as  well  as 
of  money.  Different  units  of  weight,  length,  value,  etc., 
have  grown  up  in  different  nations,  in  the  same  manner  a-> 
different  languages,  manners  and  customs  have  grown  up, 
and  it  would  be  almost  as  ea>y  to  establish  a  universal 
language  &fl  to  induce  the  vari<»u>  nations  of  the  world  to 
adopts  common  system  of  money.  A  person  who  takes 
$100  in  gold,  coined  in  the  "Tinted  States,  to  England,  U 
obliged  to  sell  his  coin,  just  as  he  would  sell  a  bale  of  cotton, 
in  order  to  obtain  money  which  will  pass  current  in  that 
country;  and  if  he  cm^es  over  to  France  he  is  obliged  to 
sell  English  coin  in  the  same  way.  And  it  may  happen, 
and  frequently  has  happened,  that  a  person  may  be  unable 
to  obtain  money  for  gold  or  silver.  During  the  financial 

36  ivnriNsif    \  .M.t  ;  \  MY. 

crisis  in  Knuland,  in  1*47,  it  wis  impossible  in  borrow  a  £5 
note  nn  thousands  <,f  dollars  worth  nt'  silver,  because   sti 
not  a  le-'al  tender  I'm*  an  amount  over  forty  shilii: 
and  was,  therefore,  practically  useless  for  the  purposes  of 

money;  and  in  Calcutta,  where  silver  money  is  the  legal 
tender  of  the  country,  during  the  stringency  of  1S04,  it 
impossible  to  borrow  money  on  gold.  It  is  well  authenti- 
cated that,  during  that  crisis,  persons,  with  as  much  a< 
$100,000  worth  of  gold  in  their  possession,  were  obliged  to 
allow  their  notes  to  go  protest,  because  they  could  not 
borrow  x  i  o  in  silver  money  on  a  bushel  of  gold. 

.Another  clap-trap  name  given  to  gold   and   silver,  now   in 

common  use,  is  "  honest  money."    .Money  is  hones?   or 

honest  according  to  the-  uses  it  performs  and  the  manner  in 
which  it  performs  them.     <Jn!d  or  silver  may  perform  tin- 
uses  of   money   in    an    honest.  manner  —  it    is  then   Hi< 
money;"1  lint  it  has    been,  and    still    is,  the    misfortune 
these  naturally  honest  metals   to   be    made    the    basis   of  all 
the  rascally  systems  of  money  ever  founded. 

And    it   may    be    well,  loo,  to   notice   brietly    aiiotl: 
name  .vhidi  is  nnu-h  relied  upon  by  the  bullionlsts  to  dec< 
and    intluenee  ;i  hn-^e   and    intelligent   class   of   people.      In 

the  memorable  fight  between  the  people,  under  the  tea 

and  patriotic  leadership  of  President  .Jarksmi,  and  the 
money  pi»wer,  represented  by  the  I'nitcd  States  IJank,  the 
tei'in  "hard  money"  became  deservedly  popular.  <Jnld  and 
silver  <-oin  \\ere  then  the  people's  niolie\  --the  **hn; 

money"  of  the  country,  a->  the  greenback  i-  now;  and  the 
of  the  controversy  TOM  then,  preci-«  ly  as  it.  i-  iii  the  pending 
Straggle  now,  whether  th<  dmiihl    retain    the   eonti-ol 

of  the  circulating  medium  of  the  nation  in  their  own  hai 
uhere  ir  is  placed  by  the  (  'oiistifiition  .,f  the  I'nited  St., 
OF  should  permit  individuals  and  corporate-:  -urp 

TIN:    IN  rBINSK     v  kLUB   OF   MONET.  37 

the1  functions  <>t'  the  general  government,  and,  in  its  stead, 
make*  :ind  regulate  the-  medium  «•!' exchange  of  the-  country. 
(See  Chapter  V.) 

If  gold  and  silver  were  demoneti/cd  by  tin:  principal 
nations  of  the  earth,  they  would  owe  their  value  as  commod- 
ities to  the  use  that  could  be  made  of  them  for  other  pur- 
poses, as  for  ornaments  or  in  the  arts;  and  as  they  could 
then  be  had  for  such  purposes  in  abundance,  their  value1 
would  doubtless  diminish  to  but  a  fraction  of  what  it  is  now. 

THE    USES    OF    MONEY. 

The  uses  of  money  correspond  to  its  powers  or  properties 
viz:  to  represent  value,  to  measure  value,  to  accumulate 
value  and  to  exchange  value.*  Actual  or  real  value  belongs 
to  property  or  products,  which  are  necessary  or  desirable', 
and  money  is  the  legal  medium  by  which  it  is  represented, 
measured  and  exchanged.  In  an  accumulated  form,  as 
capital,  it  represents  accumulated  property  or  labor,  and  is 
capable  of  accumulating  value1  in  the  same1  manner  that  the 
property  or  labor  which  it  represents  could  be  used  for  that 
purpose.  It  measure's  value  because  it  is  the  legal  standard 
of  value  established  by  law,  just  as  weights  and  measures  to 
determine  the  weight,  length  and  bulk  of  articles  are'  estab- 
tablished;  and  if  based  on  sound  principles,  it  would  prove 
;is  unvarying,  as  a  standard  of  value-,  as  are-  the'  standards  of 
measurement  of  weight  and  quantity.  The  value  of  prop- 
erty and  products  would  the'ii  rise'  and  fall  in  obedience  to 
the  laws  of  supply  and  demand,  but  the  standard  of  value, 
money,  would  remain  the  same'  as  previously  determined  by 
the  law  which  instituted  it,  provided  the  law  emanated  from 
a  responsible  source.  This  may  be-  illustrated  in  a  measure 
by  the  greenback  now  in  use,  though  not  with  the  same 
degree  of  force  and  certainty  that  it  could  be  done,  if  the 

•See  Kellogg,  page  40. 

THK    1  -1  -    ->K    MONEY. 

ijrccnback  iia«l  n»>t  been  mutilated  :iu«l  depreciated  by  law. 

\aiuc  of  property  and  commodities  is  now  measured  by 
tin-  ;.  "  the  value  of  the   i;rcei:back  corres- 

ponds to  tlie  idea  of  value  carried  in  llie  minds  of  the-  people 
of  the  United  States.  The  unit  of  value  in  the  United  States 
is  the  dollar,  ami  this  unit  of  value  is  iixed  in  the  mind,  just 
as  the  units  of  measurement  expressed  by  a  pound,  a  bushel, 
a  yard  or  a  di  irree,  are  fixed  there,  that  i>  by  u>c  ami  eustoni. 
Partial  leiral  tender  paper  money  (the  greenback)  is  now 
the  money  or  medium  of  exchange  of  the  country,  and  cor- 
responds to  the  idea  of  value  iixed  in  the  minds  of  the 
p'-o  pie.  People  think  in  irrecnhacks  when  cstima:' 
value.  If  told  that  the  price  of  a  horse  is  x|nn,  the  amount 
or  value  rly  referred  to  the  greenback  standard  of 

measurement.  The  price  of  particular  commodities.  a>  well 
as  the  price  of  Lr<>ld,  may  change  daily  without  anYctiiiLT  the 
j.i-ico  of  olher  eommoditio,  as  mea>iiri-d  by  the  ^rcenba-'k 

lai'd,  whirh  could  not  be  the  ca>e  if  it  were  tli< 

.    that    tliK-tiialed.      Hence   it    may    be    inferred,  anionLr 
other  thim_r-,  that  cditoi>  ,,f  u«-w^papcrv.  \vln»   miot<- 
l>:u-ks  as  worth    so    many  cent>  on    the   dollar   as   eonijiarcd 
with  Lr«»ld,  are  cither  «rr« »!•.>!%•  ignorant  «>f  the  nature  of  mo: 
or  ha\i'  become-  entangled  in  the  toils  of  the   money   po\. 

IJut  it  is  of  the   u-cv   of  iiK.ney   in   a    legfl   technical 
that  we  wish  to  speak.      .Mom-y  has  come  to   be  a  vital 
incut   in   production,  in   the  operation-*  «.f  trade  and    in    the 
bu-i.  '!'  life.     In  a  simjilc  vta'<  :\.a-in 

ever    now,  indi\iduals  and    families   ;nu    for  th«» 
par:   «eif-.npp.,rtinLr.     'I'hc  farm  su]»plicN   fond    and 
'••rial    for   c|(, tiling,  and  the  spinning  wheel  and  loom  are 
found    in   e\ery    household,      lint    whci-e   the  advan' 

ization  and   a   medium   «»f  exdian-jv   ha\c  once   become 

•lit ion  of  ail. 

TIN:   USES   OF   HONEY.  39 

merchant,  the  tailor,  the  carpenter,  the  shoemaKer,  the 
blacksmith,  the  doctor,  etc.,  etc.,  have  made  their  appearance, 
find  individuals  and  families  arc  no  longer  self-support  ing, 
l>ut  wholly  dependent  upon  each  other.  M«»ncy  is  then  a 
necessity.  Food,  clothing,  rent,  fuel,  light,  taxes,  insurance, 
railroad  fares,  etc.,  etc.,  require  cash,  and  a  general  scarcity 
of  money  will  occasion  w-ant  and  suffering,  even  in  the 
midst  of  plenty.  How  dependent  individuals  are  upon  each 
other  in  a  state  of  civilization,  is  thust  set  forth  by  Kellogg: 

"The  necessity  for  the  exchanye  of  commodities  is  gen- 
erally acknowledged.  Few,  however,  even  among  thinking 
men,  are  a \varc  how  indispensable  these  exchanges  are  to  the 
subsistence  and  comfort  of  the  human  family.  Men  are 
social  beings,  and  mutually  dependent.  To  appreciate  this 
important  truth,  we  must,  consider  the  inability  of  each  man 
to  provide  for  the  numerous  wants  of  his  nature;  and  the 
ignorance  and  discomfort  to  which  each  would  be  exposed, 
were  lie  not  benefited  by  the  labor  of  others.  If  every  man 
could  build  his  own  house,  furnish  his  own  food  and  cloth- 
ing, and  make  all  the  instruments  and  utensils  that  he  needs 
to  use:  if  the  mate-rials  for  all  these  things  were  placed  upon 
eveiy  acre  of  land,  and  every  man,  woman  and  child,  were 
endowed  with  sufficient  skill  and  strength  to  produce  them, 
there  might  be  no  need  of  an  exchange  of  commodities. 

But  all  men  are,  in  many,  in  most  things,  dependent  on 
the  labor  of  their  fellow  men.  For  example,  take  the 
farmer,  who  is  acknowledged  to  be  the  least  dependent  of 
men,  and  see  for  how  many  things  even  he  is  indebted  to  the 
labor  of  others.  He  must  have  implements  for  the'  cultiva- 
tion of  his  farm,  a  plow,  harrow,  shovel,  hoe,  sickle,  cradle, 
scythes,  a  fan,  or  fanning  mill,  and  a  cart  or  wagon.  The 
farmer  is  dependent  on  the  miner  for  the  iron  ore;  on  the 
collier  to  dig  the  coal;  on  the  furnace  worker  to  smelt  the 


:m«l  tin-  smith  to  make  Iiiin  his  iron  and 

..-ii. lent  -MI  the  wagon  inak- 
tin-  maehinist  f"i-  his  fanning  mill;  on  tho 
:  on  the  nail  maker  for  nails;  on  tho 

glass  manufa<  -  -;    on  the   stone   cutter  and  the 

ma-oji  w.»rk;  on  the  brick  maker  for   brie'* 

for  barrels,  tubs  and  pails;  on  the  saw  maker  for 

:  .MI  the  rolling  mill  to  roll  out  the   iron   or 

.  on  the  tin-plate  worker  for   kitchen  utensils;  on  the 

mouM  of  iron  f,,r  iron   ]><>N;   on   the  miner  of 

i  <>n  the  copper  :iml  brass  founder  for  bra»>  ami 

ttles;  on    tin-   pump   maker   for  a  pump,  etc.,  etc. 

:    the    needle    maker,  the1    pin    maker,  the 

maker,  the  ^ilk  grower,  the  tanner,   the  shoemaker, 

He  ami  harness  maker,  the  cabinet  maker, 

ami   t'  er,  type   setter  ami    printer.      Not    one  of 

..Mending  to  his  particular    employment, 

•o,l  ami  clothing;  and  all  would    be   destitute 

Of  them,  Unless  Supplied   with  them    by  the   labor  of  others. 

all    of    hi-    food,   except    salt,  tea,  • 

nid  the  like;  the^e,  and  the  ships  to 

rheni,  inn*?  he  furnished  by  others.     These   wants 

rail     into     emi  •     ^dip     earpcnter*,    sailors,    compass 

i-hart     maker-.    «•!,-.      The    fanner    must 

ll    :;.p   or   flax,   or   el>e    be   dependent  Oil 

ing.      If  the  farmer,  \\h«i  is  the  leaM  <le].end- 

:M  others  so  many  supplies,  how  i-  it 

with  r     and    shot-maker?     The    former    mak- 

the    h.  .id,   the   latter  one  to  COT6T  th- 
:  t!.e  additional  -upplie*  of  both  muM  be  furnished   by 

•  |.«  nd  upon   each   otlu-r 

for  the  di!'  I"   tln-ir   \\ork;  the   cotton    mannfac- 

-i*t<-,|  by  others  to  carry  forward   his   maim- 

Mo.NKY.  41 

fact  urc.  Many  articles,  such  as  watch  springs,  are  useless 
unless  they  aiv  combined  with  other  jiarls.  It  is,  thru,  of 
paramount  importance  that  no  obstacle's  be  thrown  in  the 
way  of  :i  ready  exchange  of  commodities. 

A  certain  quantity  of  one  kind  of  produce  is  worth  as 
much  as  a  certain  quantity  of  another  kind;  and  all  civilized 
nations  have  adopted  sonic  im.Jiirin.  by  means  of  which  all 
kinds  of  produce  may  be  more  easily  exchanged  than  by 
direct  barter.  We  hear  it  sometimes  asserted  that  there  is 
no  need  of  a  medium  of  exchange.  But  the  articles  of  trade 
could  not  be  divided  and  distributed  to  supply  the  numerous 
wants  of  a  people  without  a  representative  of  value  through 
which  the  distribution  could  be  made.  For  example,  a  man 
brings  to  market  five  hundred  bushels  of  wheat.  The  pur- 
chaser tenders  corn  in  payment;  and  they  agree  that  seven 
hundred  and  fifty  bushels  of  corn  are  worth  as  much  as  five 
hundred  bushels  of  wheat.  The  seller  can  use  but  a  small 
portion  of  the  corn,  and  finds  a  purchaser,  with  whom  he 
exchanges  the  surplus  for  hams.  He  disposes  of  the  hams 
for  hats  and  shoes.  If  he  endeavor  to  divide  the  hats  and 
shoes,  and  exchange  them  for  the  articles  that  he  needs,  he 
may  spend  two  years  before  he  can  return  to  his  farm  to 
raise  a  second  crop  of  wheat.  Yet  he  is  fairly  dealt  with. 
All  those  with  whom  he  exchanges,  give  him,  as  nearly  as 
possible,  an -equivalent  of  actual  value  for  the  actual  value 
that  they  receive;  and  all  the  articles  are  such  as  all  need. 
In  fact,  all  trade  is  simply  a  barter  of  one  useful  thing  for 
another.  A  person  who  produces  more  of  an  article  than 
he  needs  for  his  own  use,  exchanges  his  surplus  for  the 
surplus  articles  of  others.  If  the  farmer  had  sold  the  wheat 
for  money,  the  money  would  have  been  a  tender  for  any 
other  article  that  he  wished  to  purchase." 

In  the  large  operations  of  trade,  as  with  foreign  countries 


and  I"  US  of  the  country.  \a>t    sums  of 

stantly  required.     The   foreign   trade  of  the 

Unite  i  :i  ordinary  times  amounts  ;.»   nearly  *  1,000,- 

000,0"  ,  ami  tin-  trade  between  the  different  sections 

of  the  country  amounts  to  probably  live  times  that  sum.      It 

that,  in  the  tra<le  with    foreign   nations   and    be* 

"f  tlie  nation,  the  tra:  i   re-transfer  of 

:n  one  to  the  other  is  rendered  unnecessary  by  the 

•  •hecks,  ilrafts  ami  bi!N  of    exeliaiiLTe,  except    t<»   settle 

l»al:in-  in   the   production,   transportation,  n-j 

handling  and  distribution  of  the  commodities,  represented 

by  the  \a>t  sums  r«-fen'e<l  to,  the  amount  of    money  required 

I-'nr  example,  in  the  movement  of  the  en 

lh«-  \Vrxti-ni  States  aim  '-.-ish   is   recjuiivd   eaeh    year 

tlian    i  an    l>e  had    for  the   ]iur]io>e;   an<l    in   the  days   of  the 

-rein    the    Western    banks,  as    is    well    known, 

i  the  habit  at  siieli  i  :nie>  of  issuing  their  notes  witliout 

any    regard    to   Iriral    limi;ati<»ns.      I'n-ident    (irant   in    liis 

!'   ^ember,  1^7::,  aft(  r  the    j.anie    and    l»efoiv  lie 

•1.  bauehed    by    the    money  power,   eallcd    the 

•  the  fact  in  the  following  language: 

•eiit  t(»  the  ino-t   casual  <»b>erver  that  much    moi'e 

Or  money   is  required    to   transact    the    legitimate 

the   cnimiry  during  tin-  fall  and  winter   months, 

when   the    \  ast    crop«.    are    beiniT   r<-iin»\ cd,  than   during  tlie 

balan  A'ith  our  present  system,  the  amount 

in  tin  .ins  the  same  throughout  the  entire  year, 

lesultitii:  in  a:i  accumiilati«»n  of  all  the  surplus  capital  of  the 

country   in  a   few    centers,  when    not   employed    in    moving 

pti-d  there  by  the  offer  (.f  interest   on    eall    loans. 

:  •    paid,    this    surplus    capital    must     earn     the 

id    with   a    pr«.t!:.      llei::^    sUb'  .ill/  it  can 

'••••I,  only  in  part  :    man- 

TIN-:  r*i-:s  oi-1  MOM^  .  4& 

ufactuivr,  for  u  lixcd  term.  Hence,  no  matter  how  much 
currency  there  might,  be  in  the  country,  it  would  In-  absorbed,, 
prices  keeping  ]>acc  with  the  volume,  and  panics,  stringcii'-v 
and  disasters  would  ever  be  recurring  with  the  autumn. 
Elasticity  in  our  monetary  system,  therefore,  is  the  object  to 
be  attained  iirst,  and  next  to  that,  as  far  as  possible,  a  pre- 
vention of  the  use  of  other  people's  money  in  stocks  and 
other  species  of  speculation." 

Money  is  also  an  important  element  of  production.  When 
the  channels  of  circulation  are  supplied  with  money,  the 
industries  of  the  country  are  quick  and  active,  and  the  entire 
nation  becomes  engaged  in  adding  to  its  wealth.  It  lias 
been  well  said  that  u  A  nation,  whether  it  consumes  its  own 
products,  or  with  them  purchases  from  abroad,  can  have  no 
more  value  than  it  produces.  The  supreme  policy  of  every 
nation,  therefore,  is  to  develop  the  producing  forces  of  its 
own  country.  What  are  they?  The  workingmcn,  the  land, 
the  mines,  the  machinery,  the  water  power,  etc."*  The 
producing  forces  of  a  country  can  be  developed  only  slowly 
and  laboriously  without  the  aid  of  money.  The  productive 
soil,  the  iron,  the  coal,  the  timber,  the  water  power,  the 
machinery,  the  labor,  etc.,  may  all  be  at  hand,  but  until 
touched  by  the  vitalizing  current  of  money,  as  it  circulates 
in  the  channels  of  trade,  they  can  give  forth  but  a,  feeble 
spark  of  the  life  and  power  which  they  possess. 

At  an  early  day  in  the  history  of  the  colonies  the  inhabi- 
tants were  subjected  to  great  drawbacks  for  the  want  of  a 
legal  medium  of  exchange.  Dr.  Franklin,  in  1764,  stated  to 
the  British  J.oard  of  Trade  that:  "Tn  1723  Pennsylvania 
was  totally  stripped  of  its  gold  and  silver.  *  *  *  The 
difficulties  for  want  of  cash  were'  accordingly  very  great, 
the  chief  part  of  the  trade  being  carried  on  by  the  extremely 

'Sir  John  Barnard  Byles. 

t  t  B  OF    MONKY. 

inconvenient  method  of  barter,  wlii'ii,  in  1  7:M,  paper  money 

there  \\hich  i;ave  new  life  to  business,  promo- 

ftlemcnt   of    new    lands,    whereby    the 

pro\i:  •••atlv   inc>v:iM-d    in   inhabitants   that  the 

export  from  thence  thither  [to  England]  i<  ii"\\-  more  than 

-Id  \\hat  it  then  u 

In   I  .  liadly  in  need  of  money  or  a  niedium 

'i:m-_re.      A  paper  money  bottomed  on    a   spe.-itir    tax 

:,  \vhirh  afTordc<l  alumdant  relief,  and,  as  \ve  learn 

from.'  >  nerer  depreciated  a  farthing  in  value.     IJnt 

a  mi.n-  marked  instance'  of  tlie  value  of  money  as  an  dement 

•  dnetion  is  fiinii>lied  hy  the    exj.erieiiee   of    Pennsylva- 
iiirin^    the    prenenl    century.     In    1841   the   ]>eople   of 

mi  the  \er_re  of  lianknipley.     The   State 

pay  interest  on  tlie   puhlic  debt,  or  even    ]tay 

era  for  work  done  on   the   pnhlie    works. 

l»ankrnpt,  and  merehants  were  in  nearly 

•icition.     Then-  was  no  money,  and  consequently 

nid  production  \\-cn-  <-ompletely  paraly/ed.    The  State 

Jvania  in  thi^   rri-is   issued   $3,100,000    of   what 

•  il!«'d  nTief  n-.tcv,  ln-ariii;:  simj>ly  a  promise*  tliat   tliey 
would  I..-  red  ived  1>\   ih«-  Treasury  of  tlic  State  in    payment 

of  all-  obligations  due  to  the  State.    uTliev(. 

t.ik.-n  -jreedily  l>y  the  people.      Hanks  iiiM-rted  in 

•nt    of   their  1 bian    :i'_fi-eement    that   the    depo>itor 

'.ii  rheek  the  same  kind  of  money  he   depox- 
.ind   then   t(u,k    these    note-.      'I'hey    dix-ounted    paper 

\\iflitin-m.    The  wbeeb  of  industry  were  Bel  in  motion  hy 

-,  \\hidi   promi^<-d    nothing  hut    that    tliey  would 

•  aces,      The   State   paid    her 

:md   the-e   lia-lciied    to   j.ay  theirs  or  to 

supply    their  wants    l.y  piuvhasr.,   for   which    there 

i:   the  hinin  -ind  the  spindle  were 

Tin-:  i  8ES  OF  .MMNKY.  45 

again  heard;  labor,  lifted  from  despair,  found  \\  »rk  and 
wages,  and  with  tlio  great  resources  of  Pcnn.-ylvani:i  under 
full  and  free  development,  she  was  soon  exporting  m«>iv 
than  she  iinj)oried.  Gold  and  silver  llo\ved  in  upon  her; 
and  the  broken  banks  resumed  specie  payments.  We  then 
did,"  says  the  Hon.  William  D.  Kelley,  of  Pennsylvania, 
from  whom  wo  quote,  "what  France  does;  we  were  wise 
enough  then  to  know  that  it  is  labor,  not  coin,  that  main- 
tains the  public  credit  and  gives  prosperity  to  the  people." 

But  the  people  of  the  1'nityd  States  have  had  ample  proof, 
during  the  past  few  years,  of  the  great  advantages  to  be 
derived  from  an  abundance  of  money.  The  activity  in  all 
forms  of  productive  industry  during  and  immediately  after 
the  war,  which  constituted  an  inexhaustible  fountain  of 
strength  to  the  Federal  Government,  and  which,  in  spite  of 
the  ravages  of  war,  enabled  the  country  to  double  its  wealth 
in  ten  years,  from  1SGO  to  1870,  was  attributable  entirely  to 
the  vast  amount  of  money,  or  evidences  of  indebtedness  of 
the  government  used  as  such,  that  then  filled  the  channels 
of  circulation.  The  condition  of  the  country  then,  when 
money  was  plenty,  and  now,  under  the  policy  of  contraction, 
which  has  withdrawn  the  circulating  medium  of  exchange 
from  the  channels  of  trade,  is  thus  eloquently  portrayed  by 
the  distinguished  statesman  quoted  above  (Kelley),  in  a 
recent  address  to  the  citi/.cns  of  Philadelphia: 

"You  have  seen  a  strong  man,  full  of  life,  rise  in  the  morn- 
ing as  a  lion  shake^  the  dew  from  his  mane  and  go  forward 
to  the  battle  of  life,  full  of  vigor,  full  of  hope,  full  of  energy, 
full  of  enterprise.  His  brawny  nether  limbs  bear  his  stout 
body  ably;  his  muscular  arm  and  his  cunning  hand  go  glibly 
and  gladly  to  their  duties,  performing  their  functions.  But 
an  accident  happens,  an  artery  is  cut;  the  blood  docs  not 
ooze,  but  flows  from  him.  The  surgeon  comes  just  in  time 


his  life,      lie  Maundies  tin-  wound  and  hinds  it  up. 
Uut    tin-    man    i>    another    heiiiu',   IK-   lies    there    pallid  and 

shrunken.     His  sturdy  limbs  will  not  even  bear  his  wasted 

His    muscles  art-   tlaccid,  and  his  lingers  have  lost 

kill.     II:  >ne,  and  he  dreams  not  of  enter- 

This  is  our  condition  to-day  a-  a  people.  In 
•ind  l^'if.  every  man  in  Anu-rica  who  had  tin-  skill  and  the 
will  to  lalmr  could  <-arn  ua^cs  to  support  his  family  and  lay 
thing  hv.  All  industries  were  (jiiic-k  and  active.  I'ro- 
dn<-ti(.n  ran  <«n.  The  American  ]>e<»p!e  waked  up  each  new 
iiiorni:  !  that  there  were  LTii-at  duties  hei'ore  them; 

that  there  were  mines  to  he  opened,  forces  and   t'nrn:i<-e»   t«» 

•Aork  the-  iron,  the  copper,  the  silver  and  the 

New   h"iiM  v   \\-I-IT  hnilt.     Skill,  energy,  science  and 
\ed  t->  «|nicken  and  cheapen   productive    pro- 
.      <  >ur  wealth  Lrreu-  as  it,  or  that  of  any  other  people, 
had    D  "Wii.      \Vi-    were   moving  onuai'd,   when   one 

'   ulloch  tapi»e<l  a    irreat  arteiy   and    let   nearly   all 
ll<»\\-  from  the   body   politic.      Diseased,  paraly/ed, 
shrinking  fn»in  day  today,  \\hat    Ameriean    has   the  rneriry 
in  dr\  eloping  a  lu-w  mine:'      IVmisvl  vanians,  who 
:\   I"  e.Hi-truct  a  new  foi'LTe  or  a  new  furnace'/ 

building    to-day?     Your    laborers— 

.lien,  in  uant — are  be'_:urinx  the    poor   privih 

'•ami;  1  by  an  day's  labor.    Their  homes 

nipped  i,f  e\ei-ythiii'_r  tliey  chc-rish.      (Jo  thr..u-li 

,-   city,  halt  before  the   houses    when-   of  a 

>mid  \\ould,  a   few    years   air<>,  ha\e    found 

.nily  Lrathere.l  about    the  melodeoii  or  the  cheap  piano. 

Him  \\lio   had   «_rivrii  them  tlu-ir  lines 

i"  tin  .      All!   the  ln.u-e  i^  silent    now;    the 

iployiiieilt,  the    §OM    are     ill     idleness,  the 

-  ,    w..rk;  the  juel.Hleon   or  piano  is  L"'nc. 

TIIK   rsKs  OK  .MONKY.  47 

Aye,  WOI-M-  than  tliaf,  tin1  most  cherished  mementoo,  though 
of  little  value  measured  in  dollars  and  cenN— the  cheap 
jewelry — the  trinket  that  the  young  lover  toiled  in  over 
hours  tliat  he  might  huy  and  see  it  grace  the  person  of  his 
sweetheart,  the  amulet  he  hung  upon  the  neck  of  his  bride 
—the  silver  cup  that  marked  the  birth  or  christening  of  their 
first  born — cherished  by  all,  but  they  have  gone,  to  the 
pawnbroker  or  jeweler  to  bring  them  food.  Courage  gone, 
hope  gone,  despair  crushing  him  to  the  earth,  and  destroy- 
ing all  the  pride  that  made  the  American  mechanic  the 
boast  and  honor  of  his  country,  how  many  u  man  to-day, 
longing  for  honest  work  but  powerless  to  obtain  it,  creeps 
and  crawls  from  town  to  town,  foot-sore,  ragged,  dusty,  to 
beg  from  strangers  rather  than  from  those  who  know  him 
and  will  remember  it — to  be  denounced  as  a  'tramp'  and 
commended  to  the  custody  of  the  police!" 

As  the  end  and  object  of  money  are  to  exchange  com- 
modities and  promote  production,  it  should  be  increased  in 
amount  in  proportion  to  the  increase  of  population  and 
trade.  Bullionists  assert  the  contrary,  but  they  can  furnish 
no  sound  reason  or  proof  upon  which  to  base  their  theory. 
They  invariably  rest  their  argument  on  the  fact  that  nations 
have  increased  in  wealth  and  population  without  adding  to 
their  monetary  circulation,  and  most  always  cite  Great  Brit- 
ain as  a  case  in  point.  Properly  considered  the  experience 
of  Great  Britain  docs  not  sustain  their  theory.  How  does 
Great  Britain  manage  to  conduct  its  large  and  increasing 
business  without  a  corresponding  increase  of  money?  The 
answer  is  by  means  of  inflated  bank  credit.  On  account 
of  the  want  of  a  sufficient  medium  of  exchange,  the  British 
people  are  compelled  to  use  and  pay  for  the  credit  of  banks 
to  an  enormous  extent.  This  is  a  heavy  tax  upon  the  indus- 
trial classes  of  that  kingdom,  and  explains  why  the  wealth 

48  VKY. 

of  tin-  :i^tant!y   flowing   int;>   the    hands   of    the 

\\  '«•  tiii'l  the  following  statement  used  1,\-  Dr.  \Y 
a  polr  the  bullionist  school,  to  shov, 

•  !e  of  Great  Britain  can  iret  along  with  but  a 
limited  Amount  of  money.  We  submit  that  it  shows  much 
more  forcibly  to  what  ;i  desperate  use  of  inflated,  credit 
that  i.  11  driven  by  a  false  monetary  M 

'.  an  Ulastration  in  }>oint,  Sir   John    Lulihock 

in  a  paper  read  before  the  Statistical  Society,  in  June, 
1865,  an  analysis  of  £19,000,000  paid  into  his  banking  house 
in  a  few  < 

^  and  bills  ..............  £18,395,000,  OH  !'7  per  cent. 

Hank  of  Knirland  notes  ........  '  >00  } 

Cmnitry  note*  ................  79,000  V  3  per  rent. 

(  ...............  1  I  -.DIM)  ) 

.1  which  statement  it  ajipear>  that  «»ii!y  th.vr  p»-r  cent. 

!»ai<l    in    the    form    of    money,  i.   e.,  notes    and    coin 

of  which  a  little  mo:v  than   <nu-lt'ilf  <>f  one  per 

\*     The   bullionists   pretend   t«>    DC 

much  of  the  evil  COnsequenCCfl  »f  inflation;  Imt  when 

:i  ofT,  it  is  apparent  that  they  are  only  con- 
I  alt  ••  nt    retaining  the   power  to   inflate   in   their    own 

-   09    HO3S 

J  nation  has  it8  OWH  peculiar  s\-tem    «»f  linancc,  the 
in    details  than   in  principles. 
;i  <>f    the  I'nited  States  is  nowcoini 

Independent  Tn-i-ury  \\  the  recei] 

and  dwbursemcnt  of  tiie  n-vmu'--;  of  the  Treasury  proper, 

which  maintains  an  i>-nc  of  about  $370,000,000  of  Treasury 

i,  conxtii-;  ;1     tender  m 

•itry,  ami  about  %  !  •  »('  fractional  currency; 

of  the  National  ]  tin  number,  with  a  circulation 


of  over  #360,000,000;  and  :i  number  of  Stale  l>ank-,  otab- 
lished  under  Slate  authority. 

The  medium  of  exchange  of  the  United  States,  it  will  be 
observed,  is  composed  of  Treasury  notes  (greenbacks)  and 
bank  notes.  It  is  important  to  notice  the  difference  between 
the  Treasury  note  and  the  bank  note,  because  they  belong 
to  two  entirely  different  and  distinct  systems  of  money;  and 
a  clear  perception  of  the  difference  is  essential  to  a  proper 
understanding  of  the  money  question  and  of  the  political 
issues,  growing  out  of  it,  which  now  agitate  the  country. 

A  bank  note  is  a  bill  of  credit,  promising  payment  in  law- 
ful money  on  demand,  issued  by  and  resting  on  the  credit 
of  a  private  corporation  established  by  law.  Being  payable 
or  redeemable  in  money  on  demand,  it  represents  money 
and  circulates  as  such,  and  performs  nearly  all  of  its  func- 
tions. Private  corporations,  therefore,  upon  whom  the 
privilege  or  power  to  issue  bank  notes  is  conferred,  are 
practically  invested  with  the  authority  and  power  to  make 
and  put  in  circulation  a  medium  of  exchange.  If  the  bank 
note  is  secured  by  a  deposit  of  stock  or  bonds  to  insure  its 
payment  and  maintain  its  value,  as  is  the  case  with  the 
National  Hank  note,  which  is  secured  by  a  deposit  of  United 
States  bonds  in  the  Treasury  of  the  Federal  Government,  it 
will  form  a  perfectly  safe,  uniform  and  convenient  medium  of 
exchange.  But  a  bank  note  possesses  two  peculiar  features, 
which  do  not  belong  to  money,  (of  any  kind,  whether  made 
of  gold,  silver,  or  paper)  and  which  render  it  a  costly 
medium  of  exchange.  One  peculiarity  of  :i  bank  note  is 
that  it  enters  into  circulation  encumbered  with  interest,  and 
constantly  accumulates  value,  whether  it  is  in  use  or  not. 
Its  very  existence,  therefore,  is  a  tax  upon  production  and 
trade.  The  other  peculiarity,  which  grows  out  of  the  one 
just  mentioned,  is  that  a  bank  note  is  not  free  to  obey  the 

50  -  *• 

natural  laws  of  trade,  but  is  subject  to  tlie  will  and  control 

of  the  corporation  which  puts  it  in  circulation.     This  can  be 

IK  by  supposing  two  notes,  a  greenback 

and  a  National  IJank  note,  to  be  put  into  circulation  at  the 

same    time    and    observing    the    c»ur-c   taken   l>y  each.     A 

'•ark  dollar  is  paid  out  by  the   United    States   govern- 

• -juivalciit  in  labor  or  value.     A.  pays   it 

for  a  dollar's  worth  of  commodities.     1>.  lends  it  to  ('. 

for  tli!  per  cent  interest.     C.  pays  it  to  P.  for  a 

MS  it  ip  hi>  pov-cssion  for  three  months  and 

then  puts  it  in  circulation  again.     It  pusses  from   hand  to 

until  finally  it  reaches  Z.,  who  pays  it  to  a  collector  of 

internal  revenue,  when  it  is  returned  to  the  Federal  Treasury, 

to  be  used  over  and  over  again  in  the  same  manner.     While 

:uing  its  use  as  a  medium  of  exchange,  it  bore  no 

-t.     When  held  by  D.  for  three  months  in  a  state  of 

idlen<  I  no  value  for  any  one.      It  is  true  B. 

lent  it  to  ('.  for  thirty  days  at  0   per  cent,  interest,  but  that 

was  an  individual  transaction  and  extended  no  further  than 

M-t-rned.     As   soon  as  C'.  put  it  in  circulation 

and    unencumbered    as 

uhen  it  left  the  Trea-nry  of  the    United   State-.      Hut  it  is 

iiflferent  with  a  bank  note.     The  bank,  which   i^ues  u. 

!a\s  at  say  0   per  cent,  interest,  and 

A.  puts  it  in  circulation.     At  tin-  expiration  of  sixty  day-,  A., 

unable  to  return  the  identical  note  which  he  borrowed,  pays 

the  bank  with  a  greenback  or  another  bank  note.     This  note 

••  ly  lent  to   15.,  and    the   process   goc-   on 

:ial  bank  n<>t,-  thus  constantly  reali/es 

M    accumulates    value    for   the  bank,  whether  it 

Circulate*  in  the  channels  of  trade,  or  reposes  in    the   vaults 

b  M  a  deport,  ,,r  lies  rotting  at  the  bottom  of  the 

This  interest  comes  out  of  the  profits  of  production, 

SYSTEMS    OF    MuNKV.  51 

and  is  a  tax  upon  the  community  at  large.  The  tax  thus 
imposed  upon  the  pul)lic  for  a  medium  of  exchange  is  a 
greater  burden  than  industry  can  bear,  and  every  few  years 
labor  is  driven  to  the  wall  and  production,  except  of  the 
necessities  of  life,  ceases.  To  promote  production,  or  in 
other  words,  to  "develop  the  producing  forces  of  a  country," 
it  is,  as  we  have  seen,  more  essential  to  have  a  cheap  medium 
of  exchange,  than  it  is  to  have  cheap  transportation;  but  a 
bank  note  is  the  most  expensive  medium  of  exchange  that 
could  possibly  be  devised,  because  it  is  accumulating  value 
all  the  time,  whether  it  is  performing  the  uses  of  money  or 
not.  The  bank  note  is  subject  to  the  will  and  control  of 
the  corporation  which  issues  it,  because  when  the  bank 
ceases  to  discount  paper,  as  it  usually  does  whenever  there 
is  a  money  stringency,  and  calls  in  its  circulation,,  it  is 
obliged  to  leave  the  channels  of  trade,  no  matter  how  much 
its  services  are  needed  as  a  medium  of  exchange,  and  return 
to  the  bank.  But  this  is  not  all.  The  tax  which  banks  are 
thus  authorized  to  impose  on  the  medium  of  exchange 
issued  by  them,  enables  them  to  control  not  only  their  own 
notes,  but  the  money  of  the  country,  whether  coin  or  legal 
tender  [taper  money,  as  will  be  more  fully  explained  in 
another  chapter,  and  thus  it  happens,  as  at  the  present  time, 
that  the  circulating  medium  of  the  nation  every  few  year* 
becomes  concentrated  in  the  money  centers  of  the  country. 

A  bank  note  medium  of  exchange,  whether  redeemable  in 
coin,  as  in  England,  or  in  greenbacks,  as  in  the  United 
States  at  the  present  time,  it  will,  therefore,  be  observed, 
constitutes  a  peculiar  and  distinct  system  of  money,  and  one, 
it  may  be  added,  that  has  proved  an  infinite  source  of  dis- 
aster and  weakness  in  both  England  and  America. 

It  was  for  these  reasons,  in  days  gone  by,  that  Jefferson 
insisted  that  "Bank  paper  must  be  suppressed  and  the  circu- 

to  tin-  nation  to  whom  it  belongs;"  that  John 

Adaiu  i'.-uik  pa]>  .:le  freak  of  those  who 

i  in  T"rviMii  and   Ilritish  idolatry;  that  Jackson 

:iks  of   is  MIC;  that  C'alhoun  labored  to 

J   tender  paper   money,  to  be  i»ued   by  the 

1  imient;  ami  it  is  for  the  same  reasons  that  a 

host  of   tin*   foremost   Matomen,   political   economists  and 

philanthropists  nf  tlir  country  are  to-<lay  urging  the  people 

ft  th'-ir  rights  and   prevent  the 

•  .in  destroying  the  greenback,  in  order  that 

-nbvtitute  tin-  National  Hank  note  in  its  stead,  ami 

thus  secure  tbc  entire  control  of  the  medium  of  exchange  of 


A  Treasury  note  issued  1>\  the  Federal  Government  rej»re 

'In-   j.rojM  ny  and   ]>roductions  of   the  country  to  the 

\alue  invcribeil  ,,n  its  face.      It  rests  on  the  credit 

government  in   the  same  manner  that  a  bank  note 

rests   on    the    credit    of    a   corporation,  and   represents   the 

property  and   j)r«)ducti<.ns    of    the  country   (including    gold 

which  it  is  exchangeable,  just  as  a  bank  note 

the  «  "in  or  Tivaxury  m>te  in  which   it   is   payable 

'••emahlc.      fl'1ie    foundation    <.f    the    Treasury    D 

[Jnited  States  bond,  which  secures  the 

p:i\im-nt  and  maintains  the  value  of  the   bank  note,  and  it, 
therefore,  possesses   the   highest  and  best  security  that  a 
.11  jM,sxii,ly  liave.*    A  bank  note  is  a 
promise  to  pay  immey,  but  a  Treasury  note,  being  a 

«-f   \alue  (proprrty  and  product- »,  is   money. 

'//— it  would  be  more 

to  receive.    It  is  true 

•    ndi-p   moiM-y  of  the  Tnited   S 

(&•  greenback)  promi-.  .vliich  is  a 

•Sw  note  at  tbo  end  of  thl»  chapter. 

I  KM-i    OF    Mn.N  i:\  . 

misfortune,  becau-"   it    misleads   people,  even    prof, 
political  economy,*  but  the  promise   is    an    empty    phi 
Wholly  foreign  tO  the  nature  of  the  Treasury  note    and  the 
principles  upon  which  it  is  based.     It  was  spread  on  the  face 
of  the  greenback  at  the  instance  of  the  money  power,  which 
was  unwilling  to  recognize  any  other  kind  of  money  than 
that  based  on  bullion,  and  for  the  purpose   of  depreciating 
its  value  as  a  medium  of  exchange. 

It  is  apparent,  therefore,  that  legal  tender  paper  money  or 
Treasury  notes  and  bank  notes  belong  to  two  separate  and 
distinct  systems  of  money,  based  on  entirely  different  prin- 
ciples. In  the  one  case  the  medium  of  exchange  is  furnished 
by  the  government  and  subject  only  to  the  natural  laws 
which  govern  trade1.  Iii  the  other,  it  is  furnished  by  private 
corporations,  who  tax  the  public  heavily  for  its  use,  and  is 
subject,  not  to  the  laws  of  trade,  but  to  the  control  of  the 
corporations  issuing  it.  In  Great  Britain,  where  the  system 
originated,  the  legal  tender  money  of  the  country,  in  which 
bank  notes  are  payable,  is  gold  and  silver,  as  was  the 
case  in  the  United  States  prior  to  the  war,  and  hence 
the  system  is  commonly  known,  and  is  generally  referred 
to  in  these  pages,  as  the  specie  basis  system.  When  the 
medium  of  exchange  is  limited  to  gold  and  silver,  or  paper 
money  based  on  gold  and  silver,  the  public  is  compelled,  on 
account  of  the  scarcity  of  these  metals,  to  use  bank  credit, 
which  explains  why  the  money  power  is  now  striving  to 
force  the  American  people  to  submit  to  a  return  to  specie 
payments,  no  matter  at  what  sacrifice. 


The  power  to  make  and  regulate  money  lias  long  been 
recognized  as  a  governmental  function,  or,  in  the  language 
of  Tooke,  "Tn  every  civilized  country  supplying  and  regu- 

*See  Professor  Newcomb's  silly  comments  ou  this  point  in  Appendix. 

54  POWER  TO   MAKI-:  KQ] 

.;vulatini£   iiii'iliiuiL  is  a  function  of  sovereign 

'     The  reason  of  this  is  obvious.     Money  to  be 

,Mic  medium  of  exchange  must  pOMCSfl  legal  reprcsenta- 

i-l  this  can  be  derived  only  from  tlie  sovereign 

•\v  making  i»«. \\crof  a  nation.     The  bullionists  do  not 

thi-,  l»ut  profevs  to  believe  that  the  government  is 

-imply  with   the   posver  to  coin  gold   and   silver, 

mse  "the   Stan-    can    do   the   work  best,     *     *     as  no 

atU--  iirhtand  purity  of  coin)  furnished  by 

private  ]  an    compote  in  authority  with  the  stamp 

impo-.  d    bv    the    jjoverumcnt   mint."*     This   view   of  the 

mattei-   gr«i\vs   out   of   the  peculiar  ideas  in  regard  to  tin 

•:'   money   held   by  those  who  advocate  the  specie 

:  i.     r.onamy  Price,  Professor  of  political  economy 

in  the  t'nivcrsity  of  Oxford,  England,  say-:  ^('oin,  metallic 

•  money  and  nothing  else  is,  unless  it  be  a 

mo.lity,  as  an  ox,  a  cow,  or  a  piece  of  salt," — preci>ely 

the  of  money,  it  will  be  observed,  as  that  held 

by  tin-  ancient  Romans,  who  u>ed  bars  of  copper  and  cattle, 

and  by  the  American  Indian  of  the  present  day. 

<  'oii-titiition  ,,f  the  United  "lifers   upon   Con- 

Lo wing,  among  Other,  powers,  \ix:  4-To  lay  and 

,  dutii-,  imports  and   excises,  to   ]»ay   the    debts 

the  common   defense  and   ^encKal    welfare 

1  '      *     to   borro\v    inoiu-y    on    the 

1  s    *    *    to  coin  money,  regulate 

tlu-Nali;  ;  and  of  foreign  coins;     *     *     and  to  make 

all  la\\M  \vhicli  shall  be  n<'e,-v-ai-y  and    proper  to   carry    into 
i'orcgoing   power-,   efo."     It    also    j.rohil.its  the 
•  oinin-r  nmncy,  emitting  bills  of  credit,  or  inak- 
•'iiii'_j  but  t^old  or  silver  coin  a  tender  in  payment  of 
•ti.     Tlie   e\<-lusivo   ].o\ver  to   make   and    regulate   the 
rcncr  «nd  Banking,  by  Bonamy  Price,  pa. 

A   GOVEKNM  i:\T.\I,    I  L  \<  TION.  55 

medium  of  exi-hangi',  therefore,  devolves  upon  the  Federal 
Government  At  the  time  the  Federal  Constitution  AV.-I^ 
framed  the  money  question  was  one  that  had  to  be  handled 
\vith  great  delicacy.  The  money  power,  then  as  always  in 
fact,  was  on  the  alert,  and  care  had  to  be  taken  not  to  incur 
its  hostility,  lest  it  might  prevent  the  ratification  of  the  Con- 
stitution by  the  several  States.  When  it  was  proposed  to 
insert  a  clause  in  the  Constitution  empowering  the  Federal 
Government  "  to  emit  bills  of  credit,"  it  was  boldly  stated 
on  the  floor  of  the  Convention  that  "  the  moneyed  interest 
would  oppose  the  plan  of  government  if  paper  emissions 
(bills  of  credit)  be  not  prohibited,"  and  the  clause  was 
rejected  by  a  vote  of  nine  States  against  to  two  for.  A* 
"bills  of  credit"  are  promises  to  pay  in  lawful  money  and 
belong  to  the  specie  basis  system  of  money,  it  is  fortunate 
that  no  such  provision  was  inserted  in  the  Constitution.  In 
this  respect  its  frame rs,  perhaps,  "builded  better  than  they 
knew."  As  the  Federal  Government  is  clothed  with  no 
power  "to  emit  bills  of  credit,"  and  States  are  expressly 
prohibited  from  doing  so,  it  is  a  very  pertinent  question  a^s 
to  how  either  the  Federal  or  a  State  government  can  dele- 
gate that  power  to  a  private  corporation.  Individuals  can 
issue  promises  to  payMbecause  they  are  in  the  nature  of  a 
common  contract,  but  when  it  comes  to  corporations  issuing 
promises  to  pay  (bills  of  credit),  under  special  authority 
of  law,  which  are  clothed  with  the  attributes  of  money,  it  is 
a  very  different  matter.  The  well  known  legal  maxim 
that  what  one  "does  through  another  he  does  himself," 
would  seem  to  fit  the  case  pretty  closely.  But  the  people 
can  not  afford  to  waste  time  with  constitutional  quibbles. 
They  can  compel  their  Representatives  in  Congress  to 
extinguish  banks  of  issue  and  "restore  the  circulation  to  the 
nation  to  whom  it  belongs,"*  and  if  it  is  necessary  to  amend 

•Thomas  Jefferson. 

r.r,  mi:   POWKK  TO  MAKI-:  MOXKV 

ill,-  <  in  order  to  accomplish  that  purpose,  they 

•lo  that. 

Jjut  the,  •  tO  be  no  ditliculty  so  l';ir  as  the  Constitu- 

tion  i<  conCN  rm-d.     That  the  framers  of  the   Constitution, 
1  to  empower  the  Federal  Government  "to 
emit  hills  of  credit/'  <li<l  not  intend  to  prohibit  paper  money 
or  in  any  way  curtail  the  legitimate  functions  of  government 
with    n-Nj..-1-t    to    making   ami    regulating    the    medium   of 
tin- country,  is   apparent  from    CMtcmporaneous 
h'iM<  veil    as   tin-   subsequent  course  of  the  govern- 

ment. .Mr.  Madison,  who  was  ;i  member  of  the  Convention 
which  framed  tlie  Constitution,  in  speaking  of  his  vote 
airain-t  empuwi-ring  the  Kedi-ral  (Government  "to  emit  hilN 

<•!'  credit. 

"Tin-  \"ic  in  the  aHirmative  by  Virginia   wa-   nee:ixioiKMl 

by  the  acqoleflOeBOe  of   Mr.  Madison,  who   became    satisfied 

\vords  ['to  emit  bills  of  credit']  would 

not  overnmcnt  from  the  use  of  public,  notes,  a> 

nld  I..-  safe  and  proper;  and  would  only  cut  off 

paper  currency,  and  particularly  for  making 

the  bills  [of  credit  currency)   a   tender  either   for   public   or 

pri\  ••  .Madi-on  Papers."] 

repeatedly  urged  that,bank^of  issue  should 
i  and   that   public   note<    issued    by  the    Federal 
should    be    Hib.xiituted    for    bank    not. 

.      In   a  letter  dated   June   24,  181! 
..-law    Kppis,  who  \vasa  member  of   the    committee 

IDS  of  the  national  House  of  1  Jcproentat  i  \ 
iut.  In-  s.-,id: 
var  ..f  17.-,.-),  our  State  availed  itself  of  this  fund, 

paper  currency,  bottomed  on  a  Bp  for 

its  i-.-d.-!,,pti,,,,,  :md  to  in>ure  the  creclii,  bearing  an  interest 
"f  I-  nt  Within  a  very  short  time,  not  ;i  bill  of  this 

A  <,OVKKNMK\TAL  Ft\<  n<>\.  57 

emission  was  found  in  circulation.      It  was  locked  up  in   the 
chests  of  executors,  guardians,  widows,  farmers,"  etc. 

"We  then  issued  bills  bottomed  on  a,  redeeming  tax,  but 
bearing  no  interest.  Tliese  were  received,  and  never  depre- 
ciated a  single  farthing." 

"In  the  revolutionary  war,  the  old  Congress,  and  the 
States,  issued  bills,  without  interest  and  without  tax.  They 
occupied  the  channels  of  circulation  very  freely,  until  those 
channels  were  overflowed  by  an  excess  beyond  the  calls  of 
circulation.  But  although  we  have  so  improvidently  suffered 
the  field  of  circulating  medium  to  be  filched  from  us  by 
private  individuals,  yet  I  think  we  may  recover  it,  in  part, 
and  even  in  the  whole,  if  the  States  will  co-operate  with  us/' 

"If  Treasury  bills  are  emitted,  on  a  tax  appropriated  for 
their  redemption  in  fifteen  years,  and  (to  insure  preference 
in  the  first  moments  of  competition)  bearing  an  interest  of 
six  per  cent.,  there  is  no  one  who  would  not  take  them  in 
preference  to  bank  paper  now  afloat,  on  a  principle  of  patri- 
otism, as  well  as  interest,  and  they  would  be  withdrawn 
from  circulation  into  private  hoards  to  a  considerable 
amount.  Their  credit  once  established,  others  might  be 
omitted,  bottomed  also  on  a  tax,  but  not  bearing  interest; 
and  if  ever  their  credit  faltered,  open  public  loans,  on  which 
these  bills  alone  should  be  received  as  sp.-cie.  Tliese  oper- 
ating as  a  sinking  fund,  would  reduce  the  quantity  in  circu- 
lation, so  as  to  maintain  them  in  an  equilibrium  with  specie. 
It  is  not  easy  to  estimate  the  obstacles  which,  in  the  begin- 
ning, we  should  encounter  in  ousting  the  banks  from  the 
possession  of  circulation." 

Mr.  Jefferson's  plan,  it  Avill  be  observed,  is  identical  in 
principle  with  the  much  derided  3.65  inter-convertible  bond 
plan,  so  ably  advocated  by  Pliny  Freeman,  Judge  Kelley, 

58  TIN-:   i»o\vi:i:  TO   MAKI-:  M<- 

Hor.  -cy*  and  a  host  of  able  ami    earnest   friends  of 

\merican  ilia- 
Tin-  issue  of  Tn-a.xury  notes  under  the  Constitution  aceonl- 
invrlv    he-_ra:i   at   an  early  day,  though   not   \\  ithout  meeting 
witli    fierce    oj >j x >-it ion    from   the  money    power,  and  their 
,ity    has  IMM-II   sanctioned   from  the  first  by  all    depart- 
inents  of  the  government.     The  first  issue  of  Treasury  n< 

made  in  pursuance  of   an  act  of  Congress   of  June   :i(), 
Kurt!  were  authorized  by  the  acts  of  Con- 

U  ot  I-\hniary  25,  1813;  3Iarcli  4,  and  December  26r 
1814;  October  12,  1837;  January  31,  and  August  31,  1842; 
July  L'-J,  ls4»>;  and  January  28,  1857. 

The  validity  and  constitutionality  of  these  acts  were  t 
and  affirmed  in  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United   States,  in 
the  caxf  of  Thorndike  against  the  United   States.     Judur< 
dt  !i\  (  i  in'_r  the  opinion  of  the  court,  said: 

itcs  of  the  United  States,  under  which  the 
.xiiry   notes  have   been   issued,  it  is  enacted    that   such 
«  ivaole   in   payment  to   the   United    States 
3,  and    sales   of   public    lands,  to   the    full 
amount  of  the  principle!  and  intrre-t   accruing,  due  on  such 
notrx.     It  follows,  of  course,  [that  they  are  a  leiral   tender 
in  payment  of  debts  of  this  nature,  due  to  the  United  St.: 
.  l.y  tli-   very  terms  of  the  acts,  public  officers  are  hound 
oetve  them." 

Whcntheact  of  Congress  of  October    1J,  1 -::7,  author- 
an  i-xM.-  of  TivaMiry  not«-x,  \Va>    landing,  Mr.  Calhoun 
the    m«-a>uro    m    Ktrong   terms.     The   following 
h  deliver,  d    by   him    September    10th, 

prior  to  the  passage  of  the  bill,  confirm  the  distinction  which 
made  between  public  notcx  and  bills  of  credit,  and 

lain  what  was  meant  when  wo  stated  that  it  would  be 

<•«  Greeley's  famous  editorial  on  the  C.CO  Buud  plau  will  be  found  in  the 
Append!  k. 


more  accurate  to  drscrilie  ;i  greenback  :is  :L  promise  to 
receive  than  a  promise  to  pay.*  He  said: 

"It  is,  then,  my  impression,  that  in  the  present  condition 
of  the  world,  a  paper  currency,  in  some  form,  is 

almost  indispensable  in  financial  and  commercial  operations 
of  civilized  and  extensive  communities.  In  many  respect- 
it  has  a  vast  superiority  over  a  metallic  currency,  especially 
in  great  and  extended  transactions,  by  its  greater  cheapness, 
lightness,  and  the  facility  of  determining  the  amount."  *  * 

"It  may  throw  some  light  on  this  subject  to  state,  that 
North  Carolina,  just  after  the  revolution,  issued  a  large 
amount  of  paper,  which  was  made  receivable  in  dues  to  her; 
it  was  also  made  a  legal  tender,  but  which,  of  course,  was 
not  obligatory  after  the  adoption  of  the  Federal  Constitu- 
tion. A  large  amount,  say  between  four  and  five  hundred 
thousand  dollars,  remained  in  circulation  after  that  period, 
and  continued  to  circulate,  for  more  than  twenty  years,  at 
par  with  gold  and  silver  during  the  whole  time,  with  no 
other  advantage  than  being  received  in  the  revenue  of  the 
State,  which  was  much  less  than  one  hundred  thousand 
dollars  per  annum." 

"No  one  can  doubt  but  that  the  government  credit  is 
better  than  that  of  any  bank;  more  reliable — more  safe. 
Why,  then,  should  it  mix  it  up  with  the  less  perfect  credit 
of  those  institutions?  Why  not  use  its  own  credit  to  the 
amount  of  its  own  transactions?  Why  should  it  not  be  safe 
in  its  own  hands,  while  it  shall  be  considered  safe  in  the 
1  lands  of  eight  hundred  private  institutions,  scattered  all 
over  the  country,  and  which  have  no  other  object  but  their 
own  private  profit;  to  increase  which  they  extend  their 
business  to  the  most  dangerous  extremes.  And  why  should 
the  community  be  compelled  to  give  six  per  cent,  discount 

*See  page  52. 

»;i»  POU  KB  TO    M  AKI:   .MO.S  i:v 

;overnn:cnt  credit,  blended  with  that  of  the  bank, 
[1  the  Superior  Oredit  of  the  government  could   bo   fur- 
nMicd  separate,  without  discount,  to  the  mutual   advant:. 
of  tlit-  irovernment  and  the  community:''1 

leving  that  there  might  bo  a  sound  and  safe  paper 

currency,  founded  on  tlie  credit  of  the   government   cxclu- 

:y,  I  was  desirous   that  tliose   Avlio   arc  responsible,  and 

have    the    power,  should    have    availed    themselves    of   the 


*•  We  are  told  the  form  I  MiiriTcsted  is  hut   a    repetition  of 

the 'old  Continental  money;    a  Lrhost  that  is   ever  conjured 

up  by  all  who  wish  to  Liivc  the  banks  an  exclusive  monopoly 

"\  eminent  credit.     The  assertion    is  not  true;  there  N 

not  flu-  least  analogy  between  them.     The  one 

ay,  when  there  was  no  revenue;  and  the  other  a 
to  receive  in  the  dues  of  ^ovc-rnment  when   there   is   abun- 
dant reu'imc." 

"  We  are  told  that  there  is   no    instance    of   a    u«>veniment 
er  that  did  not  depreciate.     In  reply,  I  aflirm,  that  then 

one,  assuming  the  form  I  propose,  that  ever  did  depre- 
ciate. Whenever  a  paper,  receivable  in  due-  of  -•(  .venmienb 
had  anything  like  a  fair  trial,  it  has  j  1.  lu-tance 

tlie    case    of    North    Carolina,   ref«-rred   to    in    my    openiii-- 
n -in. irk-.     The  drafts  of   the  Trea-ury,  at  this  moment,  with 
all  their  iiirumhraiscc,  are  nearly  at  ]>ar  with  i^old  an<l  silver. 
The  (MM-  of  Ku>sia  mi-lit  al>o  be  mentioned.     In 
.'  she  had  a  lived  paper  circulation  in  the    form  of  bank 
;f  \\hich  were  inconvertible,  of  upward  of  one  hun- 
dred and  twenty  million*,  of  dollars,  otimated  in  the  metallic 
rouble,  and  which  had  for  years   remained   without   fluctua- 
tion, having  nothing  to  sustain  it,  but.  that  it   \\  M  received  in 
the  dues  of  the  government,  and  that  too  with  a  revenue  of 
"it  ninety  millions  of  dollars  annually.     I  speak  on 

A    «;oVKKN.MI-:.\TAL   FUNCTION.  01 

the  authority  of  a  respectable  traveller.     Other   inMun 
no  doubt,  might,  be  added,  hut  it  needs  no  such  .support." 

"It  has  another  striking  advantage  over  brink  circulation, 
in  its  superior  cheapness,  as  we'll  as  greater  stability  and 
safety.  JJauk  paper  is  cheap  to  those  who  make  it;  but 
deai-,  very  dear,  to  those  who  use  it,  fully  as  much  as  gold  and 
silver.  It  is  the  little  cost  of  its  manufacture,  and  the  dear 
rates  at  which  it  is  furnished  to  the  community,  which  gives 
the  great  profit  to  those  who  have  a  monopoly  of  the  article. 
Some  idea  may  be  formed  of  the  extent  of  the  profit,  by.  the 
splendid  palaces  which  we  see  under  the  name  of  banking 
houses,  and  the  vast  fortunes  which  have  been  accumu- 
lated in  this  branch  of  business;  all  of  which  must  ultimately 
be  derived  from  the  productive  powers  of  the  community, 
and  of  course  adds  so  much  to  the  cost  of  production.  On 
the  other  hand,  the  credit  of  government,  while  it  would 
greatly  facilitate  its  financial  operations,  would  cost  nothing, 
or  next  to  nothing,  both  to  it  and  to  the  people,  and  of 
course  would  add  nothing  to  the  cost  of  production;  which 
would  give  to  every  branch  of  industry,  agriculture,  com- 
merce and  manufactures,  as-  far  as  circulation  might  extend, 
great  advantages,  both  at  home  and  abroad." 

Subsequently,  March,  3838,  Mr.  Calhoun,  in  his  speecli 
on  the  Independent  Treasury  bill,  said  : 

"I  now  undertake  to  affirm  positively,  and  without  the 
least  fear  that  I  can  be  answered — what  heretofore  I  have 
but  suggested — that  a  paper  issued  by  government,  with  the 
simple  promise  to  receive  it  in  all  dues,  leaving  its  creditors 
to  take  it,  or  gold  and  silver,  at  its  option,  would,  to  the 
extent  to  which  it  would  circulate,  form  a  perfect  paper  cir- 
culation, which  could  not  be  abused  by  the  government;  that 
would  be  as  steady  and  uniform  in  value  as  the  metals  them- 
selves. I  shall  not  go  into  the  discussion  now,  but  on  a 


suable  occasion  I  shall  be  able  to  make  good  every  word  I 
have  uttered.  I  will  be  able  to  do  more — to  prove  that  it  is 
within  the  constitutional  power  of  Congress  to  use  such  a 
paper,  in  the  management  of  its  finances,  according  to  the 
most  rigid  rule  of  construing  the  Constitution ;  and  that  those 
at  least  who  think  that  Congress  can  authorize  the  no- 
private  corporations  to  be  received  in  the  public  due-  are 
estopped  from  denying  its  right  to  receive  its  own  paper."* 

The  United  States  Treasury  notes,  issue. 1  prior  to  the  war 
of  1861,  had  never  been  made  a  tender  in  payment  of  pri- 
vate debts,  nor  had  they  been  issued  in  u  suitable  form  to  use 
as  a  circulating  medium  of  exchange.  But  when  the  Re- 
bellion broke  out  in  1861,  the  necessity  for  an  incr 
amount  of  money  became  imperative,  and  it  became  neces- 
sary  to  issue  public  notes  better  adapted  to  the  wants  of  the 
times.  The  banks  of  Xew  York,  Boston,  and  Philadelphia, 
soon  after  the  war  began,  agreed  to  lend  the  Federal  Gov- 
ernment $150,000,000.  After  the  loan  had  been  negotiated, 
the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  unexpectedly  to  the  banks, 
required  it  to  be  paid  in  specie  instead  of  bank  notes,  and 
the  result  was  that  the  banks  throughout  the  country  were 
obliged  to  suspend  sj.ccie  payments. 

The  government  stood  in  need  of  soldiers,  ships,  gun- 
boats cannon,  guns,  ammunition,  commissary  stores,  quarter- 
ma-ter  stores,  transportation,  etc.  The  people  at  large  were 
obliged  to  supply  the  wants  of  the-  government,  and  fortu- 
natelv  p.,— e-sed  both  the  ability  and  willingness  to  do  so, but 
it  \\a->  impracticable  to  accomplish  the  ends  desired  except 
through  the  inst rumentality  of  a  medium  of  c\chair_rc  - 
money.  Congres<,  by  virtue  of  the  sovereign  pivrMgativr 
inherent  in  the  people,  and  as  their  representative  duly 
authori/.ed  by  the  Constitution,  enacted  a  law  authori/ing 
and  directing  the  Treasury  Department  of  the  I-Ydcral  Gov- 

A    GOVKIiNMKNT.M.    I-T  M  TIOX.  63 

•eminent  to  issue  public  notes  wl i'u-1 1  should  ho  a  legal  tender 
for  debts,  hotli  public  and  privato.  As  they  were  issued  by 
tin-  jtoople  ill  their  collcotivo  capacity,  and  represented  the 
property  and  products  of  the  nation,  it  was  eminently  just 
and  proper  that  they  should  declare  that  what  they  did  in 
their  collective  capacity  should  be  binding  upon  them  indi- 
vidually. In  fact,  in  no  other  way  could  the1  people  all  have 
boon  put  upon  the  same  platform  Avith  respect  to  the  wants 
of  the  government,  in  the  exigency  which  then  existed,  than 
by  declaring  their  public  notes  a  legal  tender  in  payment  of 
debts.  These  notes,  as  we  liave  said,  represented  the  prop- 
erty and  products  of  the  nation,  and  by  virtue  of  their  legal 
tender  property  they  naturally  and  necessarily  conformed  to 
the  unit  and  standard  of  value  of  the  country.  They  there- 
fore possessed  the  power  to  measure  and  exchange,  as  well 
as  to  represent  value,  and  consequently  possessed  all  the 
attributes  of  money — in  a-  word  were  money,  in  every  sense 
of  the  term;  and  the  American  people  found  tliemselve>, 
unexpectedly,  it  is  true,  in  the  enjoyment  (to  use  the  language 
of  President  Grant)  "of  the  best  currency  that  was  ever 

When  public  notes  were  issued,  the  people  in  a  collective 
capacity  in  effect  said  to  those  who  were  able  to  supply  the 
wants  of  the  government:  "Give  the  government  all  the 
guns,  ships,  food,  transportation,  etc.,  that  is  required,  and 
the  rest  of  the  people  will  make  good  to  you  whatever 
amount  you  may  contribute  over  and  above  your  share  out 
of  any  other  property  or  products  which  they  may  po- 
that  you  need  or  desire."  As  it  was  a  matter  of  compulsion 
on  the  part  of  the  people  to  supply  the  want*  of  the  govern- 
ment, it  was  an  act  of  supreme'  folly  in  them  to  encumber 
their  circulating  medium  with  interest  directly  or  indirectly, 
.as  was  done,  which  can  only  be  compared  to  a  man  paying 

64  Tlli-:    J'OW  Mil 

some-body  else  interest  f<>r  tin-  privilege  of  using  his  own 
money.  Jt  simply  made  it  the  prey  of  speculators  and 
money  dealers,  greatly  to  the  disadvantage  of  the  nation. 
That  it  was  imnere-ary  appears  from  the  fact  that  green- 
backs to  the  amount  of  hundreds  of  millions  of  dollars  cir- 
culated in  the  channels  of  trade  and  performed  all  I 
of  money,  as  effectively  as  gold  or  silver  could  have  done,  for 
more  than  a  year  before  the  United  SfaUs  hoiid>,  hearing  six 
per  cent,  interest  in  gold,  with  which  they  were  interchange- 
able, were  i»ued,  and  continued  to  do  so  after  their  inter- 
changeability  was  taken  away  by  act  of  Congrc— .  Mr. 
Spaulding,  chairman  of  the  sub-committee  of  Ways  and 
Means  of  the  House  of  Representatives,  in  a  speech  on  Jan- 
nary  !•_',  isii3,  said:  "The  Secretary  has  paid  out  nearly 
x !'.">« ),oi)< i.niii)  li.--.-il  tender  notes,  bcingall  that  he  was  author- 
i/ed  to  issue;  and  notwithstanding  he  has  had  authority  for 
the  la^t  ten  months  to  sell  N.500,000,000  of  live-twent;. 
per  cent,  bonds  at  the  market  price,  he  has  only  di>povd  of 
about  $25,000,000, and  has  still  authority  to  sell  §475,000,000 
at  the  market  price,  and  take  his  pay  for  them  in  legal  tender 
notes.  One  of  the  reasons  \\hymoreof  these  bonds  have 
not  been  disposed  of  is,  that  there  has  been  no  redundancy 
of  currency,  and  it  has  been  difficult  for  the  Secretary  of 
the  Treasury  to  get  legal  tender  notes  on  a  sale  of  the  bonds 
and  sevcn-threc-tenths  notes  that  he  has  alread\ '  ne^olia; 
In  other  words,  the  people  needed  greenbacks  far  w«ir>c  than 
anything  e!>e,  and  could  not  spare  them  to  invent  in  live- 
twenty  bonds,  which  have  since  been  paid  both  principal  and 
interest  in  gold.  At.  this  time  gold  ranged  from  1  :M  to  160. 
Had  Congress  not  yielded  to  the  demands  of  the  niom-y 
power,  but  passed  the  legal  tender  act  as  originally  framed 

and  offered  in  th«-  House  of  Representative  to  -ay, 

had  made  the  greenback  a  full  h-gal  tend.  able  for 

A     '.oVKKNMKNT  AI.    l'T\<   HON.  05 

on  import  >  as  well  as  other  public  dues),  and  not  made 
tin-  interest  en  tlu-  bonds,  with  which  it  was  intended    io   he 

interchangeable,  payable  in  gold;  and  resorted  to  a  judicious 

-\-tein  of  taxation,  using  tin-  bonds  only  to  sustain  the 
greenback  in  case  its  credit  ever  faltered,  by  receiving  it 
alone  as  specie  i'nr  lioinls,  there  is  every  reason  to  believe, 
from  the  experience-  of  the  country  lit  that  time  and  since, 
that  the  war  could  have  been  carried  through  successfully 
without  incurring  but  a  fraction  of  the  debt  now  owed  by 
the  Federal  Government,  and  that  the  debt,  whatever  it 
might  be,  would  be  held  mostly  at  home  instead  of  abroad. 
Hut  no  sooner  had  the  legal  tender  act  made  its  appearance  in 
Congress  than  the  money  power  was  up  in  arms  against  its 
passage.  Delegations  of  bankers  from  New  York,  Boston 
and  Philadelphia  hurried  to  Washington;  and  formally 
organi/ing,  by  selecting  one  of  their  number  chairman,  they 
summoned  the  Finance  Committee  of  the  Senate,  the  Com- 
mittee of  Ways  and  Means  of  the  House,  and  the1  Secretary 
of  the  Treasury  into  their  presence.  In  the  end  the  money 
power,  although  it,  did  not  succeed  in  preventing  the  passage 
of  a  legal  tender  act,  secured  a  complete  triumph.  The 
interest  of  the  bonds  was  made  payable  in  gold  in  order 
to  create  a  demand  for  gold,  and  then  duties  on 
imports  were  made  payable  in  gold  in  order  to  get  the 
gold  to  pay  the  interest  on  bonds.  A  premium  on  gold 
was  thus  established,  and  the  public  notes  of  the  gov- 
ernment were  dishonored  by  the  government  itself;  and.a- 
we  have  seen,  the  premium  on  gold  was  run  up  to  100  before 
ever  the  gold  interest  bearing  bonds  of  the  <j<»'<  mment 
were  issued.  A  National  Hanking  law  was  also  enacted  to 
enable  the  money  power  to  regain  control  of  the  monetary 
affairs  of  the  nation.  This  was  the  beginning  of  the  most 
stupendous  robbery,  boldly  and  openly  planned  and  remorse- 

66  THH    1'OWKH    TO    MAKE    MOMiY 

lessly  executed,  to  be  found  in  the  annal>  of  any  nation,  of 

either  ancient  .»r  modern  times,  the  details  of  which  will  1m 
accurately  set  forth  in  a  coming  chapter  (Cliai •• 
the  end  i>  not  yet. 

The    legal    tender  acts   passed    during  the   war  not  only 
received  the  sanction  of  every  department    of  the  govern- 
ment, Imt  met  with  the  universal  approbation  of  the  wealth 
producing  classes  of  the  nation.     Their  validity  and   con-ti- 
tutionality,  which  were  of  course   contested   by   the   money 
power,  have  been  affirmed   by  the  Supreme   Court  of   the 
United  States,  and  by  the  Supreme  Court  of  fifteen   St- 
and only  iii  one  instance  has  a  State  Court  failed  t<>  endorse 
their   constitutionality.     The    Constitution    of    the    United 
States  does  not  in  express  terms  confer  upon  Congress  the 
authority  to  make  anything  a  tender  in  payment  of  d« 
the  word  tender  being  no  where  mentioned  in  that  instru- 
ment, except  in  the  clause  prohibiting  States   from   making 
anything  but  gold  and  silver  a  tender,  but  the  right  to  d 
i-  so  clearly  an  incident  of  the  general  powers  of  ('mi- 
over  the  currency  of  the  country,  that  it  has  never  hesitated 
to  enact  such  laws  upon  the  subject  as  the   intercut-    of  the 
nation  required.      The  right  to  declare  by  law  what  shall    be 
a   tender  in   payment   of  debt*  has  thus   been    .  by 

Congress  in  twenty-four  statute-  passed   during  the  adminis- 
trations of  Washington,  .b-lTcr>«»n,  Madi-»n.  M«>nroe..l 
Tyler,  Polk,  Killmorc,  Pierce,  L;iM-,,ln  and  John-on. 

Hut  driven  out  of  the  Supreme  Court,  the  money  ]><>• 
now  busy  striving  to  inculcate   the    doctrine    tl: 
could  only  make  public  notes  a  tender  in  payment  <»f  ]>ri 
debts    in   time   of  war.     A    distinguished    lawyer,*  who  li:m 
made  himself  cons], iciious  of    late  in    i  mislead 

the  public  upon  this  subj.  -That  the  only  currency 

•lion.  Reverdy  Johnson. 

V     i.oYKKN  MKN  1   \l.     K1MTION.  67 

known  to  the  Constitution  is  gold  and  silver,  or    paper   con- 
vertible into  it  on  demand,"  and  gi\es  il  as  his  opinion  that, 
the  Sapreme  Court  did  not  intend  to  go  BO  far,  in  tin-  legal 

tender  C:IM->  decided  at  the  I  )ecember  term,  1870,  as  to 
decide  that  Midi  an  aet  would  he  Constitutional  il'  |»a»ed 
in  time  of  peace.  As  the  framt  rs  of  the  Constitution,  afl 
has  already  heen  explained,  refused  to  authori/e  Congress 
"to  emit  bills  of  credit,"  (paper  coin  crlible  into  gold  or 
.silver  on  demand)  it  is  evident  that  this  distinguished  advo- 
cate of  banks  of  issue,  in  asserting1  that  such  a  eunvney  i- 
"known  to  the  Constitution,"  lias  allowed  his  y.eal  to  outrun 
his  judgment,  and  lie  is  no  less  in  error  in  regard  to  the 
opinion  of  the  Supreme  Court.  I\Ir.  Justice  liradley,  one  of 
the  Judges  of  the  Supreme  Court,  who  read  an  opinion  in 
the  cases  referred  to,  says: 

"Another  ground  of  the  power  to  issue  Treasury  notes  or 
bills  is  the  necessity  of  providing  a  proper  currency  for  the 
country,  and  especially  of  providing  for  the  failure  or  dis- 
appearance of  the  ordinary  currency  in  times  of  financial 
pressure  and  threatened  collapse  of  commercial  credit. 
Currency  i>  a  national  necessity.  The  operations  of  the  gov- 
ernment, as  well  as  private  transactions,  are  wholly  depend- 
ent upon  it.  The  State  governments  are  prohibited  from 
making  money  or  issuing  bills.  Uniformity  of  money  was 
one  of  the  objects  of  the  Constitution.  The  coinage  of 
money  and  regulation  of  its  value  is  conferred  upon  the 
(Icneral  ( Jovcrninent  exclusively.  That  government  ha-* 
also  the  power  to  issue  bills.  It  follows  as  a  matter  of 
necessity,  as  a  consequence  of  these  various  provisions,  that 
it  is  specially  the  duty  of  the  General  Government  Co  provide 
a  national  currency.  The  States  cannot  do  it,  except  by  the 
charter  of  local  banks,  and  that  remedy,  if  strictly  legitimate 
constitutional,  is  inadequate,  fluctuating,  uncertain  and 

nii:  ro\\  i;u  TO   .MARK  MOM.Y 

insecmv,  and  operates  with  all  the  partiality  to  local  intei 
which  it  was  the  very  object  of  tin;  ('..n-titntion  to  avoid. 

But   regarded   as  a  duty  of  the  General    < io\ eminent,  it  is 
strictly  in  accordance  with  the  spirit  of  the   Constitutio: 
well    as    in    line   with    national   necessities"      (  1  •_'    Walla 
Re-port  N  f,r,-_'.) 

The  necessities  of  peace  may  he  as  irreat,  though  of  a  dif- 
ferent character,  as  those  of  war,  as  the-  American  people  are 
experiencing    at    the  present    time.      Fur  several   years  the 
nation  has  been  suffering  a  daily  loss  of  millions  of  dollars, 
by  reasor  of  its  inability  to  develop  the  producing  fore. 
the  country,  as  they  mi^ht  be  developed   under  wiser  la\v>. 
Nor  need  anyone  indulge  the  hope  that  a times  will  chan 
lie-cause  there  c;m   be  no  change,  except  from   bad  to  \\  • 
until  the  cause  \\hich   has  produced  the  present  prostration 
all  form--  of  productive  industry  is  removed.     Tin-  repeal 
of    the   :i<-t  decreeing  specie    i-esumptioii    .January    1,   1 
which  rcst^  as  an  incubus  upon  the  industries  of  the  com, 
niiirht  afford  temporary  relief,  and  would  certainly  avert  the 
ire M era  1  bankruj)tey,  which  is  ine\  liable  if  its  provisions  are 
can-led  out,  but  to   place   the  affairs  of  the  nation  on  a  sure 
foundation  soinethinir  more  is  required,  vi/..,  the  extinction  of 
banks  or  issue  and  the  adoption  of  a  monetary  system  based 
on    sound   principles.     Specie  circulation   would   then  come 
naturally  as  soon  a^   ;he   nation  produced  a  sufficient  sin-plus 
of     products   to    caitM-    its    return.     This   was    witnessed   in 
Prance  after  the  late  war  with  (ierman\.     Stimulated  by  an 
abundance  of  irredeemable   h-iral   lender  paper  money,  the 
nch  pcoph-  bent  every  eiier'j;y  to\\ar«U  producing  wealth, 
and  in  less  than  three  years  a-tonNied  the  world   by  paying 
off  the   German    indemnity  of    $1,000.000,000;    and   sp- 
now  cii-ciilatc-s  thei'e  >id«     b\   ride   at    par  with  irredeemable 
paper  money.     The  immense  sum  paid  by  FIM 

OVTtBB  MI:N  i  \\.    /i  \.   HON.  69 

many  \\.-IN  not  paid  iii  actual  gold,  but  i:i  bilU  «•!'  exchange, 
etc.,  which  rcprocnicd  i!n-  proceeds  of  l<Ycnch  industry.    : 
a  common  error  in  the  I'nited  Slates  to  suppose  that  interest 

on  the  public  debt  is  paid  in  gold,  and  that  therefore  it  ism 

>arv  to  require  duties  on  i  in  ports  to  ho  paid  in  gold.  1 1.  is  :i  more 
iiction.  The  interest  of  American  securities  held  abroad 
paid  in  products,  and  products  do  not  sell  for  :i  farthing  nx-iv 
or  los  in  foreign  markets,  on  account  of  boing  HR'asured 
and  exchanua'd  in  the  United  States  by  greenbacks  instead 
of  gold.  The  premium,  however,  on  gold,  which  oxi.sts  by 
reason  of  the  law  requiring  duties  on  imports  to  be  paid  in 
gold,  is  a  disadvantage  to  all  classes,  except  the  bondholder 
and  money  dealer,  which  should  be  remedied.  It'  the  green- 
back were  made  a  full  legal  tender,  and  sustained  by  an 
interest-bearing  bond  with  which  it  was  interchangeable, 
there  is  c\  cry  reason  to  believe  that  the  premium  on  gold 
would  almost  totally  disappear.  In  1861,  by  the  acts  of  , July 
17  and  August.."),  the  Treasury  .Department  was  authori/ed  to 
i>xiie  *•"> ii, 01 1! >,<><)<)  in  what  were1  commonly  known  then  as  de- 
mand noto.  An  additional  issueof  $10,000,000  was  author- 
ized Feb.  It),  lxii-j.  'These  notes  were  receivable  for  all  public 
dues,  duties  on  imports  inoluded,  and  were  subsequently 
made  a  legal  tender  for  private  debts,  and  the  result  \\a^ 
that  they  commanded  the  same  premium  o\  er  the  ordinary 
greenback  that  gold  did,  and  went  up  with  gold,  step  by  stop, 
to  the  enormous  premium  of  L'S.">.  Could  any  better  evidence 
than  this  be  required  to  prove  that  a  greenback  made  a  full 
legal  tender  would  circulate  at  par,  or  nearly  so,  with  gold? 
These  "  demand  notes"  were  of  course  very  obnoxious  to  the 
bullionistS,  because  they  gave  the  lie  to  all  their  theories 
about  paper  money,  and  accordingly  they  were  got  out  of 
the  way  at  the  earliest  moment  possibh — all  except  about 
$75,000,  which  are  probably  lost  and,  if  such  is  the  case, 
constitute  a  gain  of  that  amount  to  the  people  at  large. 

70  HOW    i-Ai-KK    MONKV    i»i  I:D    i;v   -j  HE 

HOW    1'AJ'KK    MONKY    isst  KI>    r,v   TIN;    <;OVKI:XMK.\T  1:1:1 
-I:\TS     VAI.I  i:. 

Tin-  natmv  of  money  has  been  BO  constantly  and  generally 
misrepresented  that,  as  we  have  already  suggested,  it  is  not 
surpri-ing  that  people  find  it  difficult  to  understand  how 

:i  piece  of  paper  issued  by  tliG  government  represents  value. 
This  can  l)e  fully  understood  by  considering  briefly  the  atti- 
tude of  the  individual  with  respect  to  his  duties  and  obliga- 
tions to  the  government.  In  an  organi/ed  state  of  society 
the  Controlling  power,  or  sovereignty,  is  exercised  for  the 
common  good  through  the  agency  of  a  government.  A< 
the  sovereignty  in  the  United  States  resides  in  the  people  at 
large,  the  duties  of  the  individual  may  be  said  to  be  self- 
imposed.  The  powers  with  which  the  government,  whether 
Federal,  State,  or  local.  i-  vested,  imply  a  corresponding  duty 
on  the  part,  of  the  individual.  It  is  the  duty  of  the  Federal 
( iovernment  to  provide  for  the.  common  defense  and  general 
welfare.  In  time  of  peace  it  imposes  taxes  to  defray  the1 
expenses  of  government  and  discharge  its  obligation-;  and 
in  time  of  Avar  it  can  demand  the  personal  services  of  tin- 
individual.  Thus  the  entire  wealth  of  the  nation  is  held 
subject  to  the  need-  of  the  State.  Private  property  is  taken 
daily,  no  matter  ho\v  much  it  may  be  endeared  to  the  indi- 
vidual by  a-.-ociation,  for  public  uses,  Bfl  in  the  0886  of  rOftdt, 
street-,  etc.,  and  the  tax  warrant  takes  precedence  over  all 
other  liens,  without  re.-pect  to  priority. 

The  expenses  of  the  government  are  paid  out  of  the  earn- 
ings of  the  people  at  large.  When  the  government  needs 
money  it  has  to  look  t->  the  people  for  it;  taxes  are  laid 
and  the  people  are  obliged  to  re-pond.  Hut  if  thcr- 
no  money  in  the  country,  people  are  unable,  not  only  to  cany 
on  private  Iran-action-,  but  to  supply  the  necrs-ities  of  the 
government.  They  may  pOOSeSfl  property  and  products  in 

.  .i:s  MI.N  i    I;I.]-I;I;-I.N  TS    \  M.I  i:.  7  I 

abundance,  but  they  can  imt  In-  made  available  for  the  U 
of  the-  government,  except  through  the.  instruiiiciitalily  of  a 
medium  of  exchange,  and  it  is  necessary,  therefore,  that  a 
medium  of  exchange  be  deviled.  The  government  might 
borrow  gold  or  silver,  or  the  credit  of  corporations  in  t he- 
shape  of  bank  notes,  by  paying  interest;  but  why  should  the 
people  bo  compelled  to  pay  interest  for  the  use  of  a  com- 
modity like  gold,  when  they  have  abundance  of  other 
commodities  at  the  service  of  the  government,  which  only 
require  a  medium  of  exchange  to  be  made  available,  or  for 
the  credit  of  corporations,  when  their  own  credit  is  much 
better  than  that  of  any  corporation?  Through  the  agency 
of  the  Federal  Government,  upon  whom,  under  the  Constitu- 
tion, that  duty  devolves  exclusively,  the  people  in  a  collective 
rapacity  can  issue  their  own  notes,  which  cover  the  entire 
property  and  wealth  of  the  nation,  including  gold,  silver — 
•ythinir,  in  :i  word,  that  can  be  reached  by  a  tax  warrant. 
These  notes  represent  property  to  the  amount  inscribed  on 
their  face,  which  the  government  was  entitled  to  demand  in 
the  way  of  taxes  at  the  time  the  notes  were  issued.  It  was 
in  this  sense  that.  Calhoim  declared  that  they  were  in  reality 
"promises  to  receive,"  and  bore  no  analogy  to  notes  prom- 
ising payment  in  money.  As  between  citi/en  and  govern- 
ment they  are  the  same  as  money,  and,  if  the  individual  in 
turn  is  not  obliged  to  receive  them  as  the  representative  of 
property  to  the  amount  inscribed  on  their  face,  it  is  tanta- 
mount to  the  people  repudiating  individually  what  they  have 
done  collectively.  It  is,  therefore,  but  a  matter  of  simple 
justice  and  equity  that  Congress  should  declare  the  public, 
nntes  of  the  government  a  legal  tender.  It  is  also  a  matter 
of  great  advantage  to  the  people,  for  when  a  public  note 
is  made  a  legal  tender  it  acquires  all  the  functions  and 
serves  all  the  purposes  of  money.  The  public  note  is 

72  v,'  r.u-Kii  MOXKY  js.srKn  i;v  Tin: 

not,  then,  one  tiling  t<>  the  government  and  another  to  the 
people,  hut  ils  value-  becomes  iixcd  and  certain,  as  determined 
by  law.  A  dollar  legal  tender  note  of  the  government  then 
represents  a  dollar's  worth  of  property — neither  more  mu- 
lt consequently  corresponds  to  the  unit  of  value 
in  the  minds  of  the  people  In-  usage  and  education,  and  is  a 
mea.Mirc  of  value.  It  lias,  therefore,  representative  value 
and  the  power  to  ine.-'.surc  and  exchange  property;  in  other 
words,  all  the  attributes  or  functions  of  money.  As  it  rep- 
resents a  dollar's  worth  of  property,  it  cannot  vary  as  a 
standard  or  measure  of  value,  except  as  the  unit  of  value  may 
vary  in  the  minds  of  the  people.  This  is  not  the  case  with 
money  possessing  intrinsic  value,  because  its  power  as 
money  then  depends  chietly  upon  the  value  of  the  material 
of  which  it  is  made,  and  as  that  will  fluctuate'  according  to 
the  laws  of  supply  and  demand,  it  cannot  be  used  as  a  fixed 
measure  of  value.  Thus  gold  fluctuates  in  value,  and  is 
itself,  whether  in  coin  or  bullion,  a  thing  to  be  measured. 
That  a  measure  of  value  must  po»c»  /////•///*/>  yah,' 

i  of  the  schools,  which  men  of  science,  out  of  a  desire  to 
Distent  perhaps,  adhere  to — notwithstanding  t!i 
that,  they  are  furnished  with  abundant  proof  to  the  contrary 
in  almost,  every  transaction  of  daily  life— with  as  much  per- 
tinaciiv,  as  the  men  of  science  and  the  churchmen  < 
17th  century  adhered  to  the  opinion  that  it  wa>  the  sun  that 
revolved  around  the  earth  and  not  the  earth  around  the  MIII. 
When  tin-  Federal  <  lovernnient  pays  out  a  dollar  legal 
tender  note  for  value  received,  it  will  be  a.-kcd  h<>\\,  when 
and  where-  is  the  ln.lder  to  obtain  the  property  or  \altie 
which  it.  represents?  The  Federal  <  io\  eminent  could  say, 
this  note  represent?-  property,  which  the  government  is  n..\v 
entitled  to  reeeive,  and  a  tax  warrant  can  produce  th:« 
property  any  moment,  if  it  takes  the  la-t  dollar's  worth 

I     VAI   IK  73 

in  tin-  country;  but  tin-  government  is  constantly  receiving 
proper!  v,  or  its  equivalent,  in  the  shape  of  revenue, and  there 
is  no  ncce»iiy  to  make  :i  special  levy  of  taxes  to  pay  this 
particular  dollar;  nor  is  there  any  necessity  to  fix  a  time  for 
its  redemption  in  property.  -Being  :i  legal  tender,  every 
individual  in  the  nation  will  take  it  at  the  value  inscribed  on 
its  face,  and  in  the  natural  course  of  events  it  will  redeem 
itself,  in  one  sense,  liy  re-turning  to  the  Federal  Treasury  in 
the  form  of  taxes  or  revenue.  Tt  was  for  this  reason  that, 
in  the  ease  of  North  Carolina,  mentioned  by  Mr.  Calhoim, 
M-veral  hundred  thousand  dollars  of  legal  tender  paper  money, 
issued  l>y  the  government  of  that  State, circulated  for  years  at 
par  with  gold  and  silver,  with  no  other  advantage  than  being 
reeeived  in  the  revenue  of  the  State,  which  was  less  than 
one  hundred  thousand  dollars  per  annum. 

The  wealth  of  the  United  States  is  estimated  at  over 
$40,000,000,000.  The.  annual  expenditures  of  the  Federal 
Government  amount  to  about  $300,000,000,  rcqui ring  a  corres- 
ponding revenue.  The  amount  of  public  notes,  based  on 
sound  principles,  which  the  Federal  Government, backed  by 
$40,000,000,000  of  property,  with  a  revenue  of  $300,000,000 
:i  year,  could  safely  is.Mie,  is  a  matter  of  opinion,  arrhed  at 
in  much  the  same  way  that  the  credit  of  an  individual  is  mcas- 
u red.  The  amount  of  money  required  by  a  nation  is  just 
what  can  be  used  safely  and  profitably  in  carrying  on  its 
affairs,  public,  and  private.  Tt  will  vary  in  different  years 
and  at  different  seasons  of  the  same  year,  through  the 
operation  of  causes  existing  in  various  parts  of  the  world. 
Hence  the  necessity  of  sustaining  the  legal  tender  note  of 
the  government  with  :i  bond,  with  which  it  may  bo  inter- 
changeable in  times  of  redundancy;  and  it  might  be  possible, 
if  the  government  were  out  of  debt,  to  accomplish  the  same 
end  by  increasing  or  diminishing  the  rates  of  taxation  as 
occasion  required. 


GOVERNMENT    BECURITf    TIN-:    s.\KF-:sT. 

NOTE.— On  ]>.-mv  .vj  we  stated  that  "the  foundation  of  tho 
Treasury  note  (greenback)  is  the  same  as  that  of  a  I'nited 
States  bond,  which  secures  the  payment  and  sustains  the 
value  of  the  bank  note,  ami  it,  therefore,  ]>  the 

highest  and  be>t  security  that  a  medium  of  exchange  can 
•»ly  have."  Professor  Bonamy  Price,  although  lie 
seems  to  think  that  notes  issued  by  a  government  are  not 
as  LCood  as  bank  notes,  because  uthere  are  no  means  for 
compelling  a  irovernment  to  ]>ay  money,  if  il  chose-  to  .vav 

that  it  haa  none,"  (Currency  and  Banking,  page  45)  never- 

theless,  is  of  the  opinion  that  no  guarantee  for  the  solvency 
of  the  notes  of  a  bank  is  so  natural  and  safe  as  a  deposit  oY 
irovernment  securities.  lie  says:  U15ank  notes  circulate 
largely  amonic  the  poor  and  uneducated,  and  when  the  bank 
breaks,  the  loss  is  severe  and  distressing.  These  facts  supply 
ample  \varrant  to  the  State  to  require  of  issuing  bankers,  not 
only  that  they  should  pay  their  debts  to  the  utmost  extent  of 
their  fortunes,  as  any  other  person,  but  further  that  they 
shall  lodire  such  security  as  shall  al\vay>  provide  for  the 
payment  of  the  debt  acknowledged  on  the  note.  A  guaran- 
tee for  the  solvency  of  the  notes  may  be  obtained  in  various 
ways,  but  none  seems  so  natural  and  so  simple  as  ;i  deposit 
<>t  Lfveriimeiit  securities  with  some  ollicer  of  the  State.  It 
combines  two  advantages — safety,  and  a  natural  and  fitting 
profit,  for  the  banker  from  the  interest  accruing  on  the  bonds 
*ock.  The  old  Exchequer  bill  of  the  KiiLrlish  government 
\\  :;s  an  excellent  specimen  of  this  kind  of  security.  It  could 
always  be  paid  in  for  taxes,  bore  a  daily  interest,  and  u;t- 
thoroughly  trusted,  and  with  reason,  by  the  whole  commu- 
nity/' (Currency  and  Banking,  p  It  i-  a  bad  <•: 
that  obl'iLTes  a  professor  of  politieal  economy  to*  blow  liot 
and  cold'  in  this  manner. 



BANKING  h:ul  its  origin  at  an  early  period  in  the  history  of 
commerce,  and  a  banker  originally  was  simply  a  dealer  in 
money.  In  the  New  Testament  mention  is  made  of  a  bank 
in  which  money  could  be  placed  at  interest,  and  only 
recently  the  tablets  of  an  ancient  banker,  with  their  inscrip- 
tions uneffaced,  were  brought  to  light  by  the  explorations 
now  being  made  amongst  the  ruins  of  Italy.  In  England, 
until  as  late  as  the  beginning  of  the  18th  century,  the  busi- 
ness of  banking  was  carried  on  by  goldsmiths.  IJanking, 
however,  as  it  is  n<»\v  conducted,  is  an  institution  of  modern 
growth.  The  check,  certificate  and  bill  of  exchange  have 
come  to  perform  an  important  part  in  the  work  of  exchange. 
It  is  n<»L  the  intention  to  enter  into  a  consideration  of  the 
principles  and  details  of  banking  further  than  is  necessary 
to  a  proper  uiidcrManding  of  the  question  of  money,  with 
which  it  is  intimately  connected.  Money,  as  has  been 
explained,  is  an  agency  of  trade,  and,  in  an  accumulated  form 
as  capital,  an  instrument  of  production.  The  lir>t  thought 

of  the  possessor  of  money  is  safety  and  the  next  profit. 
Money  cannot  accumulate  value  of  itself,  and  consequently 
has  to  be  put  to  u>e  in  order  to  bring  its  owner  a  return. 
When  hoarded  it  is  not  only  useless  to  the  owner,  but 
society  i*  deprived  of  the  advantage  of  an  important  agency 
of  exchange  and  of  production.  It  is,  therefore,  a  matter  of 
importance  to  FI>  ',ety,  as  well  as  to  the  individual,  that 
money  should  be  afforded  every  opportunity  to  occupy  the 
channels  of  trade  and  perform  the  uses  for  which  it  is 

76  IJANK>  AND   I:ANKI\<-. 

designed.  Tin?  interests  of  society,  as  we  ha\e  seen,  arc 
best  promoted  by  a  division  of  labor.  OIK-  class  is  devoted 
to  agriculture,  another  to  manufactures,  trade, education, < 

etc.,  ami  each  class  is  again  subdivided  into  innumerable 
forms  of  industry.  In  this  way  it  happens  that  a  class  ha- 
grown  U]>  which  is  specially  engaged  in  tlie  collection, 
custody  ami  investment  of  money,  and  in  dealing  in  di- 
and  crcilits  based  on  money.  The  banker  offers  reasonable 
safety  and  re])ayment  on  demand,  or  moderate  interest,  and 
in  turn  lends  the  money  for  the  purposes  of  trade.  The 
offices  of  a  bank  are  to  receive  money  on  deposit  subject  to 
order,  to  collect  money,  to  invest  money,  to  lend  money,  ami 
to  buy  and  sell  securities  and  exchange.  The  check  and 
bill  of  exchange  are  invaluable'  aids  to  business  and  com- 
merce, and  for  many  purposes  are  preferable.  to  money. 
The  great,  facilities  which  a  bank  affords  for  the  transaction 
of  business,  as  well  as  its  ability  to  promote  the  circulation 
of  money  and  foster  enterprise,  render  it  an  agency  of  trade, 
•ml  in  importance  and  usefulness  only  to  money  itself. 
Like  all  other  human  institutions,  banking  is  of  course  liable 
toabuscs,but  when  legitimately  ami  properly  Conducted  then- 
is  no  other  institution  so  closely  connected  with  the  well 
being  of  every  individual,  or  One  which  is  capable  of  ren- 
dering so  much  service  to  soeiet\.  It  is, therefore, impor- 
tant that  banking,  like  money,  should  be  ha-ed  upon  sound 
principles.  Hanking  legitimately  conducted  is  purely  a 
matter  of  private  enterprise,  as  much  so  as  dealing  in  grain 
or  lumber,  ami  the  relation,  which  the  banker  sustains  to 
the  community,  differs  in  no  n-speet.  from  that  of  an  individ- 
ual, following  any  other  pursuit,  or  profession.  Hanking 
should,  therefore,  be  free,  and  subject  only  to  gei.- 
laws,  such  as  the  laws  under  which  partnerships 
conducted.  The  generally  rceogni/ed  and  ackiiuwled 


importance  ..!'  hanks,  however,  have  led  individuals  to   - 
and  governments  to  bc>t«i\v    upon   them   powers   aii«l    jirivi- 
leges,  snch  as  are  bestowed  upon  tlir  v(»ca!i<ui  <»r  no  niln-r 

class  <>f  society.  \Ve  refer  more  particularly  to  the  power, 
with  which  banks  arc  clothed  by  law,  of  isMiing  promissory 
notes,  nominally  payable  on  demand,  to  circulate  as  money. 
There  is  no  reason  why  bankers  should  be  invested  with 
tins  authority  any  inure  than  any  other  class  of  society. 
The  temporary  relief  which,  by  reason  of  this  privilege, 
they  are  enabled  to  afford  to  individuals,  and  from  which 
the  community  derives  ;i  henelit,  has  blinded  society  to  the 
far  greater  evils  which  flow  from  the  custom.  .V  distin- 
guished writer'"  upon  the  subject  of  money  and  iinance,  in 
speaking  of  this  feature  of  banking,  says:  "The  bad  pra< 
which  originated  with  the  IJank  of  England  was  an  agree- 
ment to  pay  gold  on  demand  for  its  inscriptions  of  credit. 
This  was  to  undertake  to  do  an  impossibility.  The  general 
debts  of  a,  bank  are  redeemed  by  its  general  rexmrccs,  and 
these  consist  mostly  of  loans  and  discounts  which  mature  in 
the  future.  A  more  flagrant  violation  of  sound  banking  was 
never  conceived.  It  has  repeatedly  involved  the  banks  of 
the  Tnited  States  in  fatal  embarrassments,  and  brought 
ruin  upon  thousands  of  merchants  who  were  otherwise  able 
to  pay  their  debts  and  retain  :i  handsome  surplus/'  It  is 
not  alone  the  excessive  and  unfair  profits  which  this  system 
(banks  of  issue)  enables  those  engaged  in  it  to  reap  from 
the  public,  but  the  periodical  derangement,  of  business  and 
trade,  so  fruitful  of  disaster,  which  it,  leads  to,  that  renders 
it  so  obnoxious.  Jefferson,  who  never  failed  to  warn  hi* 
countrymen  against  the  evils  of  the  >\st«-m,  in  a  letter  upon 
the  subject  in  l>!o,said:  »•  I  Jut  it  will  be  asked,  '  Are  we  to 

have  no  banks?    Are  merchants  and  others  to  be  deprived 

•J.  S.  Gibbous,  In  Jobnsou's  Universal  Cyclopedia. 

.78  HANKS    AND    BANKING. 

of  the  resource  of  short  accommodations  found  so  conven- 
ient;'' J  answer,  let  us  liave  banks;  but  let  them  bo  such  M 
an-  alone  to  be  found  in  any  country  on  earth,  except  Great 
Britain.  *  No  one  has  a  natural  right  to  the  trade  of 

a  money-lender  but  he  who  lias  the  money  to  lend.  Let 
those,  then,  among  us  who  have  a  moneyed  capital,  and  who 
•prefer  employing  it  in  loans  rather  than  otherwise,  set  up 
banks,  and  give  cash,  or  national  bills  (United  S; 
Treasury  notes)  for  the  notes  they  discount.  It  is  from 
<  ircat  Britain  we  copy  the  idea  of  giving  paper  in  exchange 
for  discounted  bills;  and  while  we  have  derived  from  that 
country  some  good  principles  of  government  and  legislation, 
uc  unfortunately  run  into  the  most  servile  imitation  of  all 
her  practices,  ruinous  as  they  are  to  her,  and  with  the  gulf 
yawning  before  us  into  which  these  practices  are  precijnta- 
ting  her/' 

The  dependence  of  the  government  upon  a  medium  of 
exchange  for  its  revenues  lias  contributed  largely  to  the 
abuses  of  the  banking  system,  to  which  we  refer,  but  since 
the  Treasury  note,  made  a  legal  tender,  has  been  found  to 
answer  all  the  purposes  of  money,  much  better  than  gold, 
silver,  or  the  bank  note,  there  is  DO  longer  any  reason  for 
tolerating  banks  of  i^ue.  That,  this  theory  in  substance 
finds  able  advocates,  even  in  Kngland.  is  manifest  from 
following  extract  from  an  article  in  the  II 
/;<  oii  >r  of  October,  1-7:',,  entitled,  "The  Mint  and  the  P.ank 
of  Kngland:'' 

"In  breaking  this  monopoly  of  the  bank,  we  should   be 
taking  great  Strides  toward  the  attainment  of  that  ideal 
tern  of  currency  which   Sir   II«»bert    iVel    mu>t    have  had    in 
heart  when   he  passed   his  currency   I  n   under 

which  the  State  shall  be  the  sole  fountain  of  issue;  under 
which  no  money  shall  circulate  on  credit,  or  if  it  does,  shall 

I;\NK->    \\i«    r.  \\KIN...  79 

circulate  on  the  credit  of  the  State,  all  liank  OOteS,  U  uell  U 
coins,  bearing  the  image  and  siipcrscript'n  .....  f  tin-  head  of 
tin-  Staff,  and  under  which  all  profits  upon  the  issiio  of 
money  shall  form  part  of  the  imperial  revenue.  *  The 

power  of  issue,  no\v  exercised  by  the  IJank  of  Kngland. 
and  by  the  English,  Irish  and  Scotch  hanks,  [all  private 

corporations,]  is  a  relio  of  feudalism.  rrhe 

manufacture  of  coin  lias  been  suppressed  long  ago,  but 
the  manufacture  of  paper  money  still  remains,  and  the  protiN 
of  this  manufacture  are  allowed  to  remain  in  private  hand-. 
the  State  taking  upon  itself  the  manufacture  of  the  only  part 
of  the  currency  upon  which  there  is,  or  can  be,  a  lo>s.  If  jx 
high  time  this  state  of  things  ceased;  that  all  rights  <>f  i»ne 
were  gathered  into  the  hands  of  the  State;  that  the  debt  of 
the  Bank  of  England  was  paid  off;  that  all  notes  but  those 
•of  the  State  were  suppressed;  that  the  powers  of  issue,  now 
•exercised  t>y  the  banks,  were  vested  in  the  royal  mint,  *  * 
and  that  the  profits  upon  paper  currency  were  claimed  by 
the  State,  and  appropriated  *  *  *  to  the  reduction 
of  taxation." 

Public  banks  in  the  United  States  are  conducted  solely 
for  private  gain,  and  are  free  from  governmental  connection 
or  control.  They  are,  however,  as  we  have  already  observed, 
invested  with  extraordinary  privileges  and  franrhi.M-s  of  a 
public  nature,  intended  for  the  public  good.  While  they 
are  eminently  successful  in  enabling  their  corporators  and 
stockholders  to  secure  their  own  ends,  they  are  far  from 
being  beneficial  to  the  public.  The  languishing  condition 
of  the  country  at  the  present  time  demands  that  the  right  to 
make  :i  circulating  medium  of  exchange  shall  no  longer  be 
suffered  to  remain  in  private  hands,  but  shall  be  restored  to 
the  nation,  to  whom  it  belongs,  and  by  whom  alone  it  can 
<be  exercised  in  a  spirit  of  -equal  and  exact  just  ice  .to  -all. 



IMPORTANT  lessons  can  "be  learned  from  the  teachings 
of  experience.  A  brief  glance  at,  the  banks  of  the  old  world 
will  be  found  useful  at  the  present  time,  as  well  as  interest- 
ing. The  first  bank  of  which  history  gives  an  authentic, 
account  is  the  Bank  of  Venice,  established  in  the  year  11 71, 
and  which,  strange  to  say,  furnishes  an  example  of  success 
that  has  never  been  equaled. 

TIII-:  HANK  or  VKM< 

The  JJaiik  of  Venice  \vas  established  under  peculiar 
circumstances.  The  Venetian  government,  under  the  Duke 
Vitale  Michel  II.,  was  engaged  in  a  war  Avith  the  (Grecian 
Emperor,  on  account  of  an  outrage  perpetrated  in  his  empire 
upon  Venetian  merchants,  and  also  iii  a  war  with  the 
Kmperor  of  the  AVeM.  Standing  greatly  in  need  of 
means,  the  Venetian  government  reported  to  a  forced  loan, 
and  required  its  wealthier  cili/.eiis  to  contribute  to  the 
support  of  the  government  ac<-ording  to  their  ability.  A 
chamber  of  loans  was  organ i/cd,  of  which  the  credi: 
constituted  the  managers,  bookfl  were  opened  and  an  inscrip- 
tion of  credit  entered  for  the  amount  paid  in  by  each, 
on  which  the  State  agreed  to  pay  interest,  at  the  rate 
of  four  per  cent.  a.  year.  The^e  inscriptions  of  credit  \\ 
made  transferable  in  whole  or  in  part  on  the  books  of  tin- 
bank.  The  government  entered  into  no  obligation  to  repa\ 
the  money,  but,  to  quote  from  C'olwell,  "reimbursement  of 

the  loan  ceased  to  be  rega  either  necessary  or  desi- 

I;A\KS   OF  TIM-:   m.n   woi;i.i>.  81 

rable.  Kvcry  creditor  was  reimbursed  when  he  tran-t'crn  .i 
his  claim  on  thi'  books  of  the  bank.  Fnun  being  convenient 
and  valuable  as  an  investment  readily  obtained,  juul  as 
readily  disposed  of,  it  became,  by  a  natural  proces-. 
medium  of  payment,  in  transactions  of  commerce.  That 
fund,  which  was  desirable  to  all  seeking  investment,  would 
be  willingly,  in  many  instances,  accepted  in  payment  of 
debt*  already  existing,  or  for  goods  ju>t  purcha>ed.  There 
is  urood  reason  to  believe  that  this  fund  was  largely  used  in 
tills  way  for  centuries  before  the  final  arrangements  were 
made,  of  which  our  accounts  are  more  clear,  *  *  There 
is  no  question,  although  we  have  not  the  details,  that  the 
government  had  found  it  perfectly  easy  to  enlarge  the 
amount  of  the  original  loan  or  stock  of  the  bank,  as  the 
demand  for  its  funds  generally  exceeded  the  supply.  All 
money  deposited  for  the  purpose  of  obtaining  a  credit  in 
bank  was  accounted  an  addition  to  the  original  loan,  and  as 
Mich  taken  into  the  public  treasury  as  money  lent  the  State. 
Every  such  investment  increased  the  stock  of  the  bank,  and 
replenished  the  treasury  of  the  republic.  If  individuals 
could  make  purchases  and  pay  debts  by  transfers  in  bank, 
the  public  treasury  could  well  afford  to  receive,  in  payment. 
of  its  dues,  credits  in  bank,  as  that  would  only  be  equivalent 
to  taking  up  its  own  obligations.  Thus,  the  more  these 
credits  were  employed,  the  more  the  demand  for  them 
increased,  the  more  rapidly  money  flowed  into  the  treasury, 
and  the  more  readily  the  government  could  afford  to  receive 
payment  of  its  revenues  in  the  funds  of  the  bank." 

The  history  of  the  Bank  of  Venice  is  presented  by  Mr. 
Colwell,  in  his  abl?  work  entitled,  "The  Ways  and  Mean- 
of  Payment,"  in  such  a  clear  light,  that  we  can  do  no  better 
than  to  continue  to  quote  from  him  at  length  as  follows: 

"  The  way  was  opened,  by  the  experience  of  two  centuries 


and  a  half ,  for  the  next  chief  characteristic  of  the  Bank  of 
Venice.     In    the  year  1423,  in    the    administration    of   the 
Doge  Thomas  Moncenigo,  it  was  decreed  that  all  bill- 
exchange  payable  in  Venice,  whether  domestic,  or  f.>r  ' 
should  be  paid,  unless  otlier\vi>e  stipulated  and  so  expressed, 
ill  the  bank;  and  that  all  payments  in  gross,  or  in  whole 
transactions,  should  be  effected  also  in  bank.     This   at  once 
brought  the  mass  of  the  payments  of  that  great  commercial 
city  to  the  bank.     Whatever  irregularities,  and   whatever 
confusion  had  prevailed,  this  introduced  a  uniform  and,  from 
long  familiarity  with  the  bank,  an  intelligible  system.     The 
endless  diversity,  and  bad  condition  of  the  coins  circulating 
in  Venice  were   a,   suflicient   recommendation   of  the    i 
regulation  to  all  who  had  not  very  special  reasons,  ind 
for  disliking   it.     This   measure   at   once    created   a   great 
additional  demand  for  the  funds  of  the  bank,  and  brought 
large  sums  into  the  public  coffers.     The  government,  how- 
ever, no  longer  paid  interest  for  the  sums  received  from  the 
bank.     The  funds  obtained  in  this  way  were  brought  t«»  the 
bank  for  the  payment  of  bills  of  exchange,  and  were  paid  in 
for  that  purpose,  and  not  with  a  view  to  interest.     The  rapid 
succession  of  payments  occurring  at  a  point  where  all  {In- 
payments of  Venetian  commerce  were  accomplished,  n 
the  intervals  during  which  the  funds  remained  in  the  hands 
of  any  one  merchant  too  short  to  make  him  solicitous  at 
interest  on  balances  or  deposits.     As  all    payment*  of  the 
kind  above  designated  were,  by   law,  to  be    made   in   hank, 
unless  otherwise  agreed,  and  as  that  mode  of   payment 
far  more  convenient,  it  became  alni'.-t  the   exclusive   Of 
"f  trade.     All  who  had  engagements  to'mert,  found   1l 
in  the  bank:  of  conr-e,  all  such   provided 

py  to  meet  them,  «>r  carried  to  the  bank  the   amount 
of  coins  renuUitc  lor  the  purpose.     The  government  con- 

i:  \\K>    MI-'     !  III!    OLD    W<>KM>.  83 

tiiiiicil  to  take-  nil  money  paid  in  as  a  consideration  for 
allowing  an  in>cription  on  the  hooks  of  tin-  bank  to  tin- 
credit  of  tin-  depositor.  The1  sums  which  thus  flowed  through 
(he  bank  into  the  treasury  would,  with  the  previous  bank 
funds,  make  up  the  quantity  needful  for  the  convenient 
discharge  of  the  commercial  payments  of  Venice.  As  thU 
amount  fluctuated  from  year  to  year,  and  during  each  year, 
with  the  course  of  commerce',  a  very  effective  modi-  of 
accommodating  the  supply  of  bank  funds  to  the  exigency  of 
the  demand  came  obviously  into  use.  AVhcn  the  payment^ 
in  bank  were  heavy,  and  the  bank  funds  in  great  demand, 
money  flowed  freely  into  bank,  and  the  credits  were  propor- 
tionnbly  increased.  When  an  occasional  demand  for  the 
precious  metals  arose,  the  holders  of  bank  funds  could 
readily  dispose  of  them  at  a  slight  reduction  for  coins.  The 
purchasers  of  bank  funds  were  sure  of  meeting  soon  a 
demand  for  them;  for  the  demand  for  a  medium  in  which 
the1  ever-recuning  payments  of  debts  were  made  so  much 
exceeded  in  intensity  the  occasional  demand  for  specie  for 
exportation,  or  any  other  use,  that  during  the  whole  existence 
of  the  bank,  with  very  slight  exception,  the  bank  fund  was 
at  a  large  premium  over  coin^,  so  large  that  it  was  finally 
fixed  by  law  at  20  per  cent." 

"The  republic  could  well  afford  to  maintain  a  liberal 
policy  towards  an  institution  so  important,  both  as  a  fiscal 
and  commercial  agent.  That  the  inhabitants  of  Venice  were 
satisfied,  we  cannot  doubt,  as  not  an  objection  was  ever 
made  to  the  bank,  at  least  none  is  extant;  neither  book,  nor 
speech,  nor  pamphlet,  have  we  found,  in  which  any  merchant 
or  dweller  in  Venice  ever  put  forth  any  condemnation  of 
its  theory,  or  its  practice.  There  was  no  hesitation  in 
carrying  money  to  the  bank,  so  long  as  it  was  not  doubted 
that  the  bank  funds  would  purchase  specie  without  a  loss, 

BANKS    OF    THE    OLD    WoKLI). 

whenever  it  might  be  needed;  and  the  uniform  premium  of 
kink  funds  settled  tli:it  point.  Under  such  in,  the 

regular  payments  of  trade  would  proceed  with  a  rapidity 
and  economy  previously  unknown,  so  far  as  the  history  ..f 
coiip-ieive  informs  us." 

"It  is  worthy  of  remark,  that  this  very  etlicient  mode  of 
adjustment  discovered  and  used  so  largely  at  this  early 
period  in  the  history  of  commerce,  was  not  dependent  for 
its  efficacy  on  the  guarantee  of  the  republic.  That  guarantee 
sprung  out  of  the  mode  in  which  the  bank  originated:  this 
convenient  method  of  liquidation  sprung  from  the  u 
this  new  substitute  for  money." 

"  The  facility  of  payment  furnished  by  the  bank,  which 
made  it  the  admiration  of  Europe,  honorable  at  once  to  the 
government  and  merchants  of  Venice,  and  a  support  to  the 
pride  and  power  of  its  people,  consisted  in  substituting, 
medium  of  payment,  the  debt  of   the  republic   for  current, 
coin.       *       *       *       The  government  took  the   coin* 
time  for  all,  giving  therefor  a  corresponding  credit  in  the 
bank;  and  allowed   the  depositor  or  lender   to  transfer  his 
claim  upon  the  republic  in  payment  of  his  debt,  in   pi.-, 
transferring  over  the  coin  in  each  payment.      \Vliat. -\  • 
can  employ  in   payment   of   debts,  they  will    be    willing  to 
receive  in  payment,  and  this  independent  of  any   legal  com- 

"Experience  soon  evinced  the  power  and  convenience  of 
this  mode  of  payment.  These  bank  credits  were  divisible  to 
every  desirable  -  and  they  could  be  transferred  with 

a    readiness,    speed     and     safety,    beyond     all     comparison, 
Superior  tO  any  mode  of   paying  in  coin.     Tin- same  sum   or 
credit  might  be  kept    in   such   rapid   circulation,  as  to 
an  amount  of  payments,  in  a  specified  time,  far  beyond   any 
;H nt  of  coin.     This   rapidity   1- 

RAJS  !(!•:  oi.  i>   woiM.n. 

ioiny,  for  :i  mnch  lc-s  sum  of  credits  \\a-  made  to  c: 
a  given  amount  of  payments  with  far  greater  speed  than 
could  have  b«'.-n  attained  with  ruin.  Imt  this  ceonomy 
resulting  front  an  increased  speed  aii'l  power  of  circulation 
\\  as  still  more  important,  arising  from  the  fact  that  tin-  coins 
which  were  deposited  as  the  basis  <>f  tin-  crnl'it  \\. 
MM  ui  again  ivstmv«l  to  the  n^iial  cliannrls  of  circulation 
the  payments  of  government.  Thus  the  coin  was  nut  with- 
drawn from  its  proper  functions,  and  the  credits  remained  a 
perpetual  fund,  to  In-  employed  in  larirc  payments.  ThN 
tem  of  payments  was  so  well  adapted  to  the  exigencies  of 
commerce,  that  it  was  maintained  in  full  vigor,  in  t: 
Commercial  city  of  Venice,  for  almost  four  hnndrrd  year<. 
It  was  nil  institution  or  device  of  the  credit  system,  f«»r  by 
its  aid  payments  Avere  effected,  and  that  to  :i  vast  amount 
annually,  without  any  n>e  of  coins  or  bullion.  It  only 
perished,  when  the  city  itself  fell,  at  the  conquest  of  Italy 
by  Napoleon;  but  the  conqueror  carried  off  no  coin,  no  penny 
of  prey.  The  credits  of  the  bank  were  crushed  under  the 
rude  touch  of  nu  invading  foe.  They  wen-  l^t  to  the 
proprietor,  but  no  equivalent  passed  into  the  hands  <.f  the 

destroyers.  If  the  holders  of  thoe  credits  suffered,  the 
invaders  were  not  enriched.  In  assuming  the  sovereignty 
of  Venice,  the  conqueror  assumed  the1  right  and  duty  of 
making  good  these  bank  credi 

The   Venetian  government  was    careful   at  all   tini 
provide  for  the  wants  of  the  public.     In   course  of  tin 
became  necessary  to  establish  in  the  bank  a  department   for 
the  custody  of  coin  or  bullion,  which  the  o\\  ner  might  desire 
to  use.     Deposits  of  this  kind   were   subject  to  the  order  of 
the  owner,  who  could  reclaim  them  at  pleasure,  or  transfer 
them  in  the  same  manner  as  bank  credits.     This  feature  of 
the  bank  prove  eminently  useful  to  the  public,  but  did  not 



lead  to  any  diminution  in  thv-  i'niin  if,  as  the 

demand  for  inscriptions  of  credit  was  al\\  ;»-r  than 

tlie  supply.     The  original  capital  of  the  hank  was  2,000,000 
ducats,  but  it  rose  to  about  5,000,000  in   the    ]sth   century, 
and  to  over  14,000,000  (about  816,000,000)  at  the  d 
long  and  remarkable  career. 

The  history  of   the  bank    of   Venice   establi>hes   several 
important  facts  of  deep  significance  to  the  American  pi 
at  the  present  time.     The  inscriptions  of  credit  of  the  bank 
were  simply  evidences  of  indebtedness  of  the  government, 
bearing  no  interest,  which  constituted  a  medium  of  excha: 
The  law  which  required  nil  bills  of   exd, 
Venice  t<>  be  paid  at  the  bank,  unless  otherwi- 
stipulated,  was  apparently  an  arbitrary  requirement,  but  it 
worked    no*  injustice;    <>n   the   contrary    it    increased    the 
>lrength    of  the  bank  inscriptions,  and  resulted  in  greatly 
promoting  the  facilities  of  commerce  and  in  making 
the  commercial  metropolis  of  the  world  for  centuries.     The 
evidence  of    indebtedness,   which   the  government  in   the 
iirst  instance  required  its  creditors  to  take,  it  in  efl'ect.  made 

•gal  tender  for  private  debts,  which  was  no  more  than 
ju>t.  The  large  premium  which  these  inscriptions  hoiv  W3£ 
ii(jt.  dm;  t«)  any  act  of  the  government,  but  to  the  value 
attached  to  them  by  the  public.  It,  r  9  high  as  30 

per   cent.,  when  the  gi.v«-rm<  nt  f-«und  Li 

a  limitation,  which  was  1i\cd  at  'JO  per  cent.     This  premium 
on  inscriptions  of  ere. lit  in  :i  bank,  which  \  pede<  in- 

able  or  payal.le  in  gold,  (mere  *•  rag  money"  they  might  be 

•  d)  uliich   e\i-tcd    f..r  centories,  ifl    inexplicable  on   any 
i-y   \\iiidi    C;MI    !•••    advaj;  'lie    bullioni-fs.      The 

ai  .!--d,  by  the  Use  of  their  invdeemabl" 

of    credit,  to   achieve   ;L   decree  of    DOWCT  :md 
prosj»ei-ity,  \\hi«-h  they  retaiix-,1  f,,r  ccnturio,  that  proved  a 

OF  'Mir:   <  •;  D    \\  <  >i;u  >.  87 

con-tai'l  >oiirce  o!  rn\  y  and  wonder  to  the  rcM  ol  llie  world; 
MIK!  <luri.i  ;_;'  the  A\  hole  time  they  never  once  suflVivd  fr«»m 
commercial  cra^i  cs  or  money  panics,  such  a  i-rienrrd 

in  Kngland  aiiu  the  United  States  e\cry  six  to   t« 
It  lias  been  :i  mallei-  of  sir.-prisc  tliat  other  nations  \\  iin.- 
the  j.i-osperity  of  Venice  did  Hot  imitate   her  c\amj.le, 
that  is  not  liali'  so  jstrango  us  tlie  fact  that  the  people  of  the 
CTnited  States,  having  experienced  the  great  advantag< 

c-ven  jKirtial  le-'al  tender  paper  money,  should  blindly  cliiiLC 
to  the  rotten  and  disastrous  vpr.-ie  l.a-is  >\>tem  of  bank- 

THE    UAXK    OF    CKXOA. 

Tlie  Bank  of  Genoa  was  established  early  in  the  1'Uh 
century,  and,  like  the  Bank  of  Venice,  had  its  origin  in  the 
ncces>ities  of  the  State.  The  loans  upon  which  it  \va^  l»a-cd 
were  not,  however,  forced,  but  were  the  spontaneous  oll'ei ; 
of  the  people.  The  creditors  of  the  bank  bccam. 
powerful  body.  In  the  course  of  time  the  bank  adopted 
various  new  devices,  and  its  system  became  greatly  compli- 
cated. According  to  C'olwell,  the  Bank  of  (ii-no.-t  \\as  the 
first  to  originate  the  bank  note,  which  has  since  played  so 
important  a  part  in  the  affairs  of  the  world.  It  met  with  the 
same  fate  that  befell  the  Bank  of  Venice  at  the  time  of  the 
French  invasion  under  Napoleon. 

Till-:    HANK     «»!•'    AMSTKKDAM. 

The  Bank  of  Amsterdam  was  established  in  1609  on  the 
theory  that  deposits  once  made  could  never  be  withdrawn. 
For  nearly  two  centuries  it  enjoyed  great  credit,  and  con- 
tributed largely  to  the  prosperity  of  Amsterdam.  Coin  and 
bullion  were  also  received  on  special  deposit,  and  could  be 
reclaimed  by  the  owner  at  pleasure.  The  fact  that  deport x 
once  made  could  not  bo  withdrawn,  resulted  in  the  bank 

88  HANKS  OF  Tin-:  oi.i*  WOULD. 

accumulating  a  vast  amount  of  money,  but  how  much  was 

kept  a  secret.     "When  tin-  supply  of  credits  based  < 

led  the  demand,  the  bought  up  bv  the 

bank,  through  brokers,  at  a  premium  of  four  per  cent.  In 
1790  it  was  discovered  that,  during  the  preceding  fifty  years, 
large  loans  lia<l  been  secretly  made  to  the  East  India  Com- 
pany, the  Provinces  of  Holland  and  the  city  of  Amsterdam, 
and  that  there  was  but  little  treasure  left  in  the  bank.  It 
consequently  failed  through  the  unfaithfulness  of  its  officers. 

Till:    UAXK    OF    HAMBURG. 

The  Uank  of  Hamburg  v\":is  established  in  1G19  on  the 
model  of  the  Bank  of  Amsterdam.  It,  is  still  in  existence, 
and  is  a  useful  and  flourishing  institution. 


The  next  great  bank  established  in  the  course  of  time  was 
the  JJank  of  England,  an  institution  which  has  exercised, 
from  its  organization,  a  powerful  influence  in  the  commercial 
and  financial  affairs  of  the  world.  Its  charter  was  obtained 
in  ir.!»4,  and  it  went  into  operation  January  ],  100.",.  Its 
eliarter  conferred  on  it  full  authority  to  borrow  or  receive 
money  ami  give  security  for  the  same  under  seal,  buy  or  sell 
bullion,  gold  or  silver,  etc.,  etc.  No  special  power  was 
granted  to  issue  bank  notes,  but  the  authority  to  do  so  was 
assumed  as  an  incident  to  the  general  powers  -with  which 
the  bank  was  invented.  It  was,  in  brief,  chartered  as  a  bank 
of  deposit,  loan,  discount,  i>sue  and  circulation.  The  whole 
amount  of  the  capital  stock  originally  subscribe.  1,  £1,200,000, 
was  handed  over  to  the  government  as  a  special  loan,  the 
interest  on  which  was  secured  by  certain  ta  nated 

for  that  purpose,  and  the  sum  of  $20,000  a  year  was  allowed 
by  the  'j-overnment  to  the  bank  for  the  management  of 
the  loan.  The  capital  stock  of  th  c  bank  is  HOW  out 

OF  TIIK  OIL  \V<H:LD.  89 

t,000,000,  and  the  accruriulated  profits  about    i.;,000,000 

—in  all  about  $88,000,000,  It  can  i»iu-  bank  notes  to  the 
amount  of  870,000,0000, not  under  1*5  (*2">)  in  denomination, 
;iivt  thai  amount  of  government  securities,  and  also  to 
the  amount  of  gold  and  silver  held  in  its  vaults  fur  their 

At  an  curly  period  in  the  rareer  of  the  bank,  it  took  a 
bold  and  dangerous  step,  which  introduced  a  new  feature  in 
banking.  By  its  charter  the  bank  was  authorized  to  deal  in 
bills  of  exchange  and  promissory  notes,  and,  as  has  been 
mentioned,  it  also  assumed  the  right  to  issue  its  own  n> 
1  Jills  of  exchange  and  promissory  notes,  then  as  now,  enter-  -d 
largely  into  all  commercial  transactions,  and  usually  had 
some  time  to  run  before  they  were  payable.  In  order  to 
acquire  favor  with  the  public,  and  increase  its  business,  the 
bank  adopted  the  custom  of  giving  its  own  notes,  payable  on 
demand,  for  discounted  paper,  payable  in  the  future.  This 
custom  was  adopted  on  the  theory  that  the  small  bills  of  the 
bank  would  pass  into  circulation,  like  money,  and  be  dispersed 
throughout  the  kingdom;  that  they  would  become  indispen- 
sable in  business  transactions,  which  would  be  greatly 
increased  by  the  number  in  circulation,  and  that  consequently 
they  would  not  be  returned  suddenly,  or  in  large  amounts  to 
the  bank  for  redemption. 

The  unsoundness  of  the  principles  of  banking,  adopted 
.about  this  time  by  the  Bank  of  England,  and  upon  which 
the  specie  basis  system  of  banking  has  been  built  up,  is  fully 
demonstrated  by  Colwell,  from  whom  we  again  quote  a^ 
follows:  "Upon  such  considerations,  the  bank  decided  to 
issue  notes  payable  to  bearer  on  demand,  in  exchange  for 
individual  paper  payable  at  a  future  day.  The  bank  thus 
undertook  to  do  an  impossibility,  in  the  hope  that  it  would 
not  be  called  upon  to  redeem  the  promise  or  make  the 

90  I  IK    OJ.D    WORLD. 

attempt.     Wliat  the 'bank  could  do  was  to  give  its  own  n 

of  convenient  denominations  for  circulation  in  exchange  for 
individual  paper  and  payable  at  the  same  time;  and  in  d 

tliis  alone,  the  hank  could  have  rendered  ;i  great  service  to 
the  public  with  small  risk.  The  bank  had  not  the 
and  could  not,  therefore,  purchase  the  paper  offered;  the 
notes  offered  by  the  hank  were  not,  money,  though  a  much 
better  subMitule  for  money  than  the  notes  of  individuals, 
which  could  only  circulate  to  :i  very  limited  extent  as  a  me- 
dium of  payment.  The  hank  issued  notes  payable  to  hearer, 
without  endorsement,  and  this  certainly  added  to  the  facility 
and  convenience  of  their  passing  rapidly  from  hand  to  hand 

currency.  It,  departed  from  sound  principles  when  it, 
made  thoe  notes  payable  on  demand  in  gold  or  silver;  for 
it  must  be  contr.  >und  principles  to  undertake  to  do 

what  cannot  he  done.     The  hank  notes  were  nothing  n 
and  should  not  have  been  held  up  to  the  public  as  anything 
more,  than  the  mere  promissory  notes  of  the  bank,  conven- 
ient   in   form  for  circulation   among  all  tho-e  who  chose  to 

them,  not   as  money,  but  as  promises  to  pay  mo: 
The  promise  should    have   been  only  such  as  the  bank  could 
perform.     Strictly  speaking,  the  hank  could  only  pay  in  coin 
when  it  received  in   coin.      It  could  c\a<  t    p-yment    for   the 
note  received  of  every  individual  only  when   the   note   ma- 
tured   and   not   before.     The   accommodation    between    the 
bank  and  its  customers  was  mutual  in  this  exchange  of  li- 
the  hank    iv«-eived  a  profit,  and   the  cu-toiner   received    the 
bank  n<  '  'er  medium  of  payment,  one   \\hich    would 

he  received  out  of  bank  a-  w«-ll  as  in  it,  in  payment  of  d< 
oi' in  making  of  purchases.     lint  it  should  >een 

imagined   t'«  >r  a  moment,  that   by   t  the 

}>ank  and  its  c  iln-y  manufactured  money.      * 

This    advantage,    (notes    payable    <•:»    demand.)    which    the 

BANKS  Of  'I  UK  OLD   woi:i.i>.  !H 

IJank  of  I'ji^laml  only  ofl'ercd  in  the  lirM  in-taiice  to  attract 
biiMiiess,  and  f«>  p  ve  currency  to  tlu-ir  notes,  lias  been  paid 
i'or'  since  l>y  the  people  uf  Kii^land,  in  :i  scries  of  pressure-, 
revulsions,  and  currency  iliictuations,  which  have  inflicted 
injuries  and  losses  upon  the  H'ON  eminent  and  people  of  <  Jrea: 
Britain,  in  c.)iuparison  with  which  the  present,  national  debt 
may  he  iiiMpiiiicant.  * 
M  Bat  the  bank  was  stil]  more  daring;  it  discounted  .notes 

largely,  and  carried  the-  amount  of  the  proceeds  to  the  credit 
of  the  party,  as  so  much  money  deposited;  that  is,  in  the 
same  column  in  which' the  bank  ufave  its  customers  credit 
for  gold  and  silver  deposits,  it  LTave  them  credit  for  the' 

amounts  of  notes  and  acceptances  having  months  to  run  before 

maturity,  anil  eniraiLvd  to  pay  the  amount  of  the^e  securi- 
ties on  demand.  It  mingled  :i  process  of  credit  with  apn» 
of  cash,  in  a  modi'  as  absurd  in  theory  as  it  was  dangerous 
in  practice.  The  men  who  had  ^iven  their  notes  on  time 
had  provided  i'or  a  regular  progression  of  payments, accord- 
ing to  the  movements  of  business  and  the  demands  of  con- 
sumption; but  the  Bank  of  England  virtually  abolished  the 

contract  of  deferred  payment  between  the  parties,  and 
became  paymaster  on  demand  of  debts  not  due  for  months, 
to  an  immense  amount."' 

"The  bank  had  no  warrant,  in  principle  or  practi«-e,  }<>r 
this  hazardous  eii'_ra^emcnt.  Its  only  excuse  was  the  same 
which  was  -iven  for  the  i>Mie  of  bank  notes  payable  on 
demand,  Without  the  money,  namely,  that  the  bank  would 
not  be  asked  to  pay  for  them  all  at  one  time." 

k*\Ye    n-LTard    this    error  of  the    Hank   of   Kn^land  as  the 

parent  of  the  uTeau-r  portion  of  the  mischief s  and  evils  for 

which  banks  in  more  modern  times  are  answerable.  The 
banks  from  that  day  to  this  have  continued  to  issue  notes 
payable  on  demand,  and  to  u'rant  credits  so  payable,  in  e\- 

HANKS    <>K    Till;    <H.).    WOKI.Jt. 

change  !'<>r  -  payable  in  from  '.',()  to  120  days.     They 

do  this,  relying  wholly  on  the  forbearance  of  the  public. 

i'.ank  of  Fngland  did  at  iirst.     Sad    experience   ha- 

shown,  that  there  are  times  when  the  public  is  not  only  not 
forbearing, but  when  men  rush  with  frantic  haste  to  demand 
of  the  hank  payment  of  both  notes  and  deposits.  Nearly 
every  bank  in  existence,  conducted  on  this  plan,  has,  at  some 
period  of  its  history,  felt  the  power  and  rashness  of  the  public 
iu  seasons  of  commercial  panic.  The  banks  lose  their  power 
and  usefulness  at  the,  very  moment  when  the  public  mo>t 
needs  their  assistance.  Friends  in  sunshine,  they  beo 
enemies  in  the  storm/' 

Tin-  most  notable  event  in  the  hi>tory  of  the  Hank  of 
Knglaml  was  the  suspension  of  specie  payments  in  IT'.'T. 
Thi>  was  catiM-d  by  the  large  advances  made  by  the  bank 
to  the  government,  to  aid  in  the  pn.-ecution  of  the  wars  with 
France.  The  spe.-ic  in  tin-  bank  had  been  reduced  to  a  little 
.'too. (ion,  when  the  directors  of  the  bank  became 
alarmed  and  brought  the  matter  to  the  attention  of  the  Privy 
Council.  The  council  on  the  L'Tth  of  February,  ]7'.'7, 
determined  k>  that  it  is  indispensably  necessary  for  the  public 
service,  that  the  .Direct. .rs  of  the  Bank  of  Finland  should 
forbear  is^uin^  any  cash  in  payment,  until  the  p 
Parliament,  can  be  taken  on  the  subject."  <  hi  the  :;d  of  May 
following,  the  ftUflpensioi]  w:i^  sanctioned  f-u-a  limited  time 
by  an  a«'t  of  I  'aiTiament,  and  wa»i  subseijuently  continued 
by  repeated  act--  of  Parliament  until  is-jo,  when  an 
pa-M-d  pn,\  idiiiLT  for  the  resumption  of  specie  payments  by 
inning  on  the  Nt  of  October,  1820,  and  reach- 
ing full  payment  on  the  1st  of  May,  1823.  The  people  of 
.1  r.ritain  were  obliged,  theref."  ry  on  tlx-ir 

affairs  for  :i  jicriod  of  twcnty-tive  jean  with  an  irredeemable 
bank  paper  currency.     During  this  period,  notwithstanding 

BANKS   "!     i  in:   OLD    \\  <H:I.I>.  93 

tin1  vast  expenditures  of  war  and  the  great  burdens  of  taxa- 
tion, (in-at  IJritain  increased  in  wealth  and  prosperity  more 
rapidly  than  at  any  other  period  in  her  liistory.  The  public 
revenues  were  increased  from  £23,126,000  in  1707  to 
672,210,000  in  1815,  at  the  cl"M-  of  the  Avar  -with  rYance, 
and  stood  at  £54,-Js-J,oou  in  is-JO.  The  amount  raised  by 
loan  and  taxation,  during  the  time  referred  to,  was  never 
less  in  any  one  year  than  £47,362,000;  during  nine  years  it 
was  over  £70,000,000  a  year;  and  for  the  years  1813  and 
1^14  it  was  respectively  £108,397,000  and  £105,698,000. 
The  loans  negotiated  by  the  bank  for  the  government  during 
the  suspension  of  specie  payments  amounted  to  £350,000,000. 
During  this  period  the  Bank  of  England  was  a  lower  of 
strength  to  the  government.  I>ut  what  after  all  enabled 
Great  IJritain  to  surmount  all  difficulties  and  eome  off  victo- 
rious in  one  of  the  greatest  contests  of  modern  times,  was 
lli'-  wonderful  development  of  her  producing  forces,  occa- 
<-d  by  the  abundance  of  money  put  in  circulation  by  the 
Avar,  irredeemable  though  it  was.  During  this  time  3,000,000 

<>t*  acres  of  unimproved  land  were  brought  under  cultivation, 

:md  the  exportation  of  manufactured  cotton  goods  increased 
in  amount  from  £7,000,000  in  1801  to  £27,000,000  in  1822. 
All  classes  of  society  participated  in  the  general  prosperity 
which  prevailed,  and  during  the  entire  period  the  nation 
never  once  Miil'ered  from  a  commercial  crash  or  money 

The  guns  of  Waterloo,  however,  had  hardly  ceased  to 
echo,  until  the  money  power  became'  clamorous,  just  as  it  is 
in  the  United  Siaies  n,.\\,  for  a  return  to  specie  payments. 
No  one  was  so  blind  as  not  to  be  able  to  see  that  Great 
Hritain  was  enabled,  by  her  paper  money  alone,  to  carry  on 
her  wars  on  the  Continent,  and  that  by  it  alone  Avere  the 
people  enabled  to  make  such  remarkable  progress  in  com- 

9-1  I ;. \.\K-    OK    TIIK    OI.I>    WOULD. 

mcrce,  agriculture  and  manufactures;  but  there  were,  m 
llieles>,  large    JiiuiilKTs    who  Avcre  bitterly   hostile   to  paper 
currency,  and  who  seemed  to  imagine  that  they  were  bein'_r 
subjected,  in  some  way,  to  :i  great  wrong.    Landlords, for 

example,  in  many  instance's,  in  contempt  of  tlie  la\v  which 
gave  tlieir  tenants  the  right  to  pay  in  bank  notes,  compelled 
them  to  pay  their  dues  in  gold.     There  were  evidently  fools 
and   rascals  in  th<>M-  days,  as  we'll  as  at  the   present  time. 
The   "  political    economists,"  backed    by   the  ''cannibaN 
change  alley,"  were  strong  in  Parliament,  and  the  country 
gentlemen    were   led   to  believe  tliat  a  return  to  specie  wa- 
essential    to    their    interc-sts    and    safety.     Specie    p:mi) 
\\cjx-    accordingly    resumed    in    1823,    and    the   resumption 
was  accompanied  by  the  most  disastrous  commercial  crash 
and  money  panic  that  ever  visited  any  nation.     The  era  of 
general  prosperity  departed  to  return  no  more.     Jlral   otatc 
depreciated  largely  in  value,  and  the  real  estate  owners  of 
the  kingdom  decreased  in  number  from  over  150,000  to  ] 
than  40,000;  bu>inc>s  men,  merchant^,  manufacturers^  < 
were    ruined    by    the    thou>and;    wages   -\vero   re«biced,   and 
laborers  thrown  out  of  employment,  by  the  tens  of  thousand^: 
and  the  public   revenue  fell  oft'  to  such   an   extent  that  pay- 
ments on  the  public  debt,  cea-ed,  and  have  never  practicably 
been  roumed.* 

The  bank  act  of  ISM,  by  which  the  isMie  department 
separated  from  the  general  banking  bu-ine->   of  the   institu- 
tion, remedied  T-omc  of  the  defects  of  the  sy-tem  which  the 
bank   had   founded,  but    sii-pen-ioii>  of  j^perie  payment   are 
still    of   frequent  occurrence.      In    lv;7    another  cra-h    and 
money    panic,    occurred    in     Kngland,   which    al-«»   involved 
this   country.     C'oiigre^,  in    ]^:'.L',  had   raided    the   pri«-e 
gold,  as  compared  with  silver,  to  sixteen  to  one,  and  demon- 

•See  Chapter  ou  Specie  Kesnmiitlon. 

OK  'J  UK  out  \voi:i.j».  95 

eti/ed  silver  by  making  it  a  legal  tender  only  for  small  Minis. 
Gold  thus  became  the  basis  of  the  currency,  and  when  the 

Hank  of  England  called  it  away  to  supply  the  wants  of 
England,  tin-  banks  of  the  I'nited  States  were  obliged  to 
MisjK-nd.  IMIHIIC-S  in  tin-  United  States  was  brought  to  a 
-complete  stand,  and  for  three  years  the  American  people 
•were  left  without  any  iiold  basis,  and  uere  e<»nse<]uently 
obliged  to  use  shinpla^tei>.  In  Kngland  the  looses  were  »> 
enormous  and  the  distress  so  threat,  that  Parliament  at  its 
next  session  reorganized  the  bank  by  separating  the  issue 
department  from  the  general  business  department, as  already 
mentioned . 

From  September  "7,  ls44,  -when  the  bank  was  reorganized, 
to  February  4,  ls:>s,  it  altered  its  rate  of  interest  n'fty-six 
times,  raising  it,  from  time  to  time,  from  two  to  ten  per 
rent.,  in  an  effort  to  retain  its  specie  in  its  vaults;  this,  in 
the  meantime,  led  to  great  linancial  embarrassment,  and  a 
panic  was  only  averted  by  the  bank  suspending  specie  pay- 
ments (October  2:*,  1847)  and  affording  relief  by  issuing 
irredeemable  paper.  In  1S57,  having  ruined  the  merchants 
and  business  of  England,  it  "\vas  again  obliged  to  suspend. 
Eleven  changes  in  the  rate  of  interest  were  made  between 
April,  3857,  and  January,  1858.  The  bank  again  drew 
upon  the  United  States  for  gold,  causing  the  banks  to  sus- 
pend, involving  thousands  of  people  in  ruin  and  bankruptcy. 

In  1806  the  ]>ank  of  England  suffered  another  suspension 
in  consequence  of  the  war  on  the  Continent  of  Europe;  but 
this  time  the  United  States  escaped.  (Greenbacks  were  the 
medium  of  exchange,  and  the  nation  was  no  longer  at  the 
mercy  of  foreign  banks.  Gold  was  shipped  abroad  to  the 
amount  of  $45,000,000,  and  sold  as  a  commodity  at  a  Jiigli 
price  for  the  use  of  the  Bank  of  England,  without  occasion- 
ing the  slightest  ripple  in  the  business  affairs  of  the  country. 

96  l.ANKS    OF    TIIK    OLD   "WORLD. 

A  distinguished  statesman,*  in  commenting  on  these  facts,. 

"Thus,  three  times  -within  less  tlian  twenty  years  in  tliis 
generation,  each  time  in  violation  of  law  and  without  right, 
has  the  bank  of  England  suspended,  and  acknowledged  her 
bankruptcy!  "what  a.  'marvel  of  financial  strength  ami  credit' 
sin-  has  been, to  be  sure!  AVcll  may  the  hullionists  sing 
jin  ans  to  this  destructionist  of  all  values  for  their  benefit. 
True,  each  time  her  failure  was  sanctioned  by  a  healing  act 
of  Parliament,  because  her  illegal  suspensions  \\  ere  necessary 
to  save  the  credit  of  the  government  itself  and  to  prevent 
the  widespread  destruction  of  all  values  and  the  overthrow 
of  commerce  and  manufactures  which  was  then  going  on." 

"Neither  of  these  suspensions  took  place  until  she  had 
refused  all  discount  to  her  customers,  even  on  the  best  sixty 
day  commercial  bills  secured  by  government  securities.  It 
will  be  thus  seen  that  gold  was  not  the  regulator  of  the 
currency  of  England,  but  the  price  paid  for  money  at  her 
bank,  and  having  provided  herself  with  a  currency  based  on 
gold,  in  order  to  retain  that  basis  whenever  it  is  wanted 
foreign  loans,  or  he-cause  of  a  foreign  war,  slie  i«*  obliged  to 
increase  the  value  of  her  unit  by  changing  the  rate  of  dis- 
count, or  the  interest  which  her  people  were  obliged  to  pay 
for  their  mon 

"This   is  a  very   important  matter  to  be  borne  in   mind. 
Indeed  it  is  the  root  of  the  ^hole  matte)-,  and  in  <li>< -n  — 
questions  of  finanrc  has  h< •< -n  too  ofien  overlooked,  i 
it  ahows  that  after  all,  a  currency  based  on  gold  must  have 
its  value  determined  by  the  rate  of  interest  paid  for  it,  and 
not  by  the  stability  in  value  of  gold  itself.      Because  of  thi> 
necessity  of  keeping  gold  in  her  vaults,  the  Bank  of  England 
could  not  maintain  a  steady  and  permanent  rate  of  int. 

«A<Mrr'«  of  Hon.  15.  F.  I'utltr.  :it   i  t   the  Board  of  Trade  of  Sew 

York  City,  Oct.  II 


for  money  to  which  her  business  men  could  adjust  their 
affairs.  Hence  come  fluctuations  of  trade,  financial  depres- 
sion, ruin  of  commerce,  the  stoppage  of  manufacture.  Who 
can  cany  o?  business  requiring  credit,  successfully  and 
without  failure,  when  the  rate  of  interest  which  he  must  pay 
for  his  accommodations  and  loans,  alters  day  by  day  and 
quintuples  in  a  month,  and  especially  when  these  changes 
come  from  causes  that  he  can  neither  foresee,  guard  against, 
hinder  or  alleviate?" 

"I  challenge  all  the  bullionists  of  the  country  to  show  any 
disasters  and  losses  in  trade  and  commerce,  traceable  to 
inconvertible  paper,  continental  money  and  all,  which  shall 
be  equal  in  effect,  either  as  to  sums,  amounts,  disasters  or 
ruin  to  the  business  and  people  of  a  country,  with  these  I 
have  sketched  coining  from  a  currency  called  'honest money,' 
based  on  gold  in  the  vaults  of  a  bank." 

The  average  bank  note  circulation  of  the  Bank  of  England 
for  the  past  twenty-eight  years  has  been  $100,000,000;  its 
average  of  bullion,  $80,000,000;  its  average  rate  of  discount, 
4  per  cent.;  its  average  deposits,  $100,000,000;  its  average 
liabilities,  $102,000,000;  and  its  average  reserve,  $9,500,000. 


The  first  public  bank  in  Scotland  was  established  in  1695, 
under  a  charter  from  the  Scottish  Parliament  before  the 
union  with  England.  The  Scotch  banking  system  is  similar 
to  that  of  England,  but  is  conducted  very  differently.  With 
a  population  of  a  little  over  3,000,000,  Scotland  has  nearly 
400  banks.  From  C'ohvell  we  learn  that,  "Whilst  the  Bank 
of  England,  from  its  first  conception,  was  identified  with  the 
government,  the  Bank  of  Scotland,  and  those  which  suc- 
ceeded it,  identified  themselves  with  the  whole  body  of  the 
people,  from  the  laborer  who  could  save  five  pounds  to  the 

98  .KS  OK  THI-:  OLD  WOJU.D. 

richest  merchants  and  manufacturers.     They  became  at  once, 
and  have  continued  to  be,  tin-  savings  banks  of  the  poor  but 
industrious  clashes.     The  banks  paid  OIK-  per  cent,  below  the 
current  rate  of  interest  for  these  deposits,  and  returned  them 
on  demand,  or  according  1<>  stipulation.    The-e  savl 
the  poor  help  largely  to  make  up  the  vast  sum  of  dep< 
\vhieh   characterize  the  banks  of  Scotland.     One  result  ha- 
been   to  give  the  benefits  of  those  savings   to   the   general 
customers  of  tlie  banks,  instead  (»f  their  being  invested  in 
tlie    ]»nblic   debt,  or    lent  upon    mortgage,  as   in    Kngland. 
No   doubt  this   has    contributed    greatly   to    that   pro- 
in  weal tli  and  productive  industry  which  has  so  much  distin- 
guished Scotland  for  more  than  a  century.     It  had  another 
good   effect   in   begetting   that  care,  caution   and   prudent 
management  for  which  the  banks  of  Scotland  have  so  well 
founded   a  reputation.*'     Another   peculiar   feature  of  the 
banking    system    of    Scotland    consists    in    the    manner   of 
.irivini;  cash  credits.     An  applicant  <lepo>its  :ij»pn»ve«l  secu- 
rities with  the  bank  and  is  allowed  a  standiiiLT  credit  on 
book-.      He  then  draws  checks  for  this  amount  and  makes 
<lcpo>its  in  the  ordinary  way.     An  account  is  made-  up  e\ 
six  months,  the  rate  of  interest  charged  on    loan-   I- 
per  cent,  more  than  that  allowed  on  dej»o>it>.      In  comment- 
ing upon  this  feature  of  banking  in  Scotland,  Colwell  say-: 
"•In  Knirland,  the  bank  which  deals  in  promi^ory  notes  and 
bills   of    exchang  .iling    in    paper   which    repiv- 

business  transactions  which  are  pa-t;  in   Scotland,  the  bank 
ope:  th    rcb'i'ence   to   busi: 

which  5^  i,,  conic.     Tn  Scotland,  th"  bank- 
me:  :   which   helps  their  standing,  and  upon    which 

they  can  draw  for  the  purpose  of  payment,  whenever  t' 

need.     The    theory    of   the    KnglMi    banks    \<,  that  the 
mrrency  mi;-t  folh»\\ ,  and  be.  cditi-olled  in  quantity,  by  the 

HANKS    <>;•'    TIIK    Ol.Ii    WoKl.H.  99 

business  transactions  which  go  before.  The  theory  of  the 
Scotch  banks  is,  that,  these  business  transactions  being  all 
managed  by  nun  of  business,  who  decide  according  to  the 
exigencies  c>f  industry  and  trade  what  will  promote  their 
private  interest,  and  meet  tlie  wants  of  the  people,  it  mu>t 
prove  an  important  aid  to  men  thus  engaged  to  supply  them, 
in  advance  of  the  progress  of  their  business,  with  :i  credit 
upon  which  they  can  draw  at  pleasure.  *  In  England, 

they  think  this  will  lead  to  over-trading,  by  the  stimulus  it 
affords  to  so  largo  :i  class  of  dealers:  in  Scotland,  long 
experience  has  taught  them  that  this  Knglish  apprehension 
is  wholly  groundless.  They  know  that  the  dealers  who 
enjoy  these  cash  credits  are  so  immediately  brought  under 
the  supervision  of  the  banks,  and  their  own  sureties,  that 
they  are,  perhaps,  the  most  prudent  and  safe  men  of  business 
in  the  world.  There  is  a  prevalent  idea  among 

statesmen  and  writers  upon  money,  that  there  should  1)0  a 
broud  basis  of  money  or  g«,hl  coin,  under  and  as  a  support 
to  the  paper  circulation;  *  *  that  a  paper  currency,  to 
be  perfect,  should  fluctuate  as  a  gold  currency  would  do,  if 
it  were  the  sole  medium  of  payment.  To  the  mind  of  a 
Scotch  hanker,  a  greater  absurdity  could  not  be  presented 
in  as  many  words.  He  would  say:  'What!  when  a  demand 
springs  up  for  !_r-»M,  in  consequence  of  some  foreign  Avar, 
must  we  so  regulate  the  issues  of  our  banks,  as  to  reduce 
the  currency  of  notes  in  the  same  proportion  that  the 
currency  of  gold  is  carried  off!  Rather  should  we  increase 
our  issues,  and  supply  the  place  of  the  currency  that  is 
exported.'  They  km»\v  that  bank  notes  can  fully  discharge 
the  functions  of  money,  for  they  see  it  every  day;  and  not 
only  so,  but  they  are  certain  that  almost  no  business  of 
Scotland  is  carried  on  by  means  of  a  currency  of  gold. 
The  Scottish  people  can  never  be  made  to  comprehend  why 

100  BANKS   OF   THE   OLD  WORLD. 

their  bank  notes,  hank  deposits,  and  cash  credits,  should 
fluctuate  in  amount  as  gold  would  fluctuate,  it'  exclusively 
employed.  These  forms  of  currency  do  not  come  of  gold; 
they  are  not  founded  upon  it,  and  they  have  nothing  to  do 
with  it.  In  Scotland  they  understand,  as  well  as  they  do  in 
England,  the  use  of  gold  as  money;  they  know  its  value  as 
a  commodity,  but  being  a  costly  commodity,  they  do  not 
incline  to  employ  it  as  a  currency,  except  BO  far  as  their  bank 
currency  fails  of  its  object;  nor  do  they  wish  to  purchase  or 
hold  it  as  a  commodity,  except  for  such  special  purpose  as 
may  promise  adequate  advantage.  Their  system  of  banking 
enables  them  to  dispense  with  it  almost  entirely.  In  this, 
they  are  far  from  thinking  themselves  behind  their  neigh- 
bors, in  intelligence  or  financial  skill."  The  hanks  of 
Scotland  issue  bank  notes  as  low  as  £1,  and  the  people  of 
Scotland  are  always  amply  supplied  with  a  medium  of 

THE    FKKNril    M'STKM    OF    FINANCE. 

France  enjoys  a  financial  system  superior  to  that  of  any 
Other  nation.  The  iiscal  a  flairs  of  the  government  are 
conducted  by  a  central  administration,  or  Ministry  of  Final 
and  ei;_rhty-six  branches  located  in  different  di>tricts.  All 
transactions  between  the  LI'ON  eminent  and  the  people  arc 
carried  on  in  the  iWms  ami  methods  of  the  tiva-ury  depart- 
ment, without,  the  intervention  of  banks.  The  government 
has  no  connection  with  the  Hank  of  France,  but  deals  with 
it  as  it  does  with  individual.-,  except  that  its  QOtefl  arc  m 
•_ral  tender  whenever  the  scarcity  of  specie  ivnder<  such 
JSary.  The  tna-ury  department  of  France  in 
many  re-pec;  fflkg,  Ii  :  i«-d  as  a 

duty  by  the  French  Lro\  eminent  to  afford  tl  •  all  the 

facilities  in  the  way  of  domestic  exchange  that  banks  could 

TIM-:  FI:I:N<  ir  SY-IIM   OF   ri\\\«i:.  101 

give,  instead  of  allowing  it  to  be  i'urmshcd  exclusively  by 
the  1  tanks. 

In  each  district  there  is  a  receiver  general,  in  whose  office 
tlu-  revenues  of  the  district  arc  paid.  AVhen  once  paid  in 
they  are  subject  to  the  order  of  the  central  ad  ministration 
alone,  and  abundant  precautions  exist  to  insure  strict 
accountability  and  integrity.  The  treasury  is  managed  with 
special  reference  to  the  wants  and  requirements  of  the 
public.  The  manner  in  which  its  operations  in  this  respect 
are  conducted  is  thus  set  forth  by  Colwell:  "Among  its 
numerous  officials,  is  one  in  direct  relations  with  the  chief 
minister  of  finance,  who  ha*  special  charge  of  the  locality  of 
all  money  in  the  treasury.  lie  can  neither  receive  nor  pay 
money;  but  he  can  transfer  the  public  money  from  one 
office  of  the  treasury  to  another,  and  place  it  wherever  the 
exigencies  of  the  government  may  require.  It  is  in  the 
office  of  this  functionary  that  is  established  a  direct  and 
very  important  connection  with  the  current  business  of  the 
day.  Bis  duty  requires  of  him  a  careful  and  timely  study 
of  the  points  of  public  expenditure;  he  must  know  not  only 
where  the  money  will  be  wanted,  but  he  must  have  it  ready 
when  required.  To  accomplish  this  important,  object,  it 
becomes  his  duty  to  study  the  domestic  trade  of  the  country, 
that  he  may  avail  himself  of  the  internal  exchanges  in  the 
necessary  distribution  of  money  in  the  treasury.  It  is  very 
rare,  indeed,  that  the  French  treasury  ever  shifts  the  locality 
of  gold  or  silver.  It  may  require  many  circuitous  tran.xfers 
to  move  the  excess  of  revenue,  in  some  departments,  to  the 
points  of  expeniture,  and  to  supply  the  deficiency  in  other 
departments.  To  make  these  transfers,  the  officer  who  has 
special  charge  of  that  duty  relies  almost  wholly  on  the 
domestic  exchanges.  lie  is  well  informed  where  funds  are 
wanted  for  the  purposes  of  industry  or  trade;  he  learns 

102  THE    I-'KKNCII    sYsTKM    OF   FIXAN*  i:. 

where  and  when  those  "who  reside  in  the  vicinity  of  each 
office  of  the  treasury  desire  to  remit  funds;  and  lit;  learns 
whence  and  when  they  wish  to  draw  them.  His  office 
becomes  the  depository  of  this  information,  Because  lie 
intervenes  in  this  biisinos  of  giving  drafts  upon  the  treasury, 
payable  at  other  points,  and  giving  money  at  his  own  office 
for  money  received  at  other  offices.  His  intervention  in  the 
transmission  of  funds  assists  in  balancing  the  internal 
exchanges  of  the  country;  for,  of  course,  the  office  is  only 
applied  to  when  the  business  of  individuals  requires  such 
accommodation.  But  this  business  is  not  confined  to  receiv- 
ing money  at  an  office  of  the  treasury  in  one  place,  and 
paying  the  amount  as  may  be  required  at  another  oilice,  in  a 
different  place;  that  is,  to  a  mere  exchange  of  money  between 
the  treasury  and  individuals  at  different  places;  it  goes  much 
further.  At  times  and  places  where  large  transfers  of  funds 
become  necessary,  the  proper  officer  of  the  treasury  becomes 
the  receiver  of  commercial  or  individual  paper  to  a  large 

"The  receivers-general  of  the  eighty-six  departments,  and 
their  subordinates,  the  recei\ers  of  the  treasuries  of  the 
aiTOiidissnicnts  and  communes,  maintain  reciprocal  bu>ii. 

relations  by  frequent  exchanges  of  money,  by  drafts  upon 

each  other,  and  by  bills  upon  Paris  and  oilier  place-.  The 
chief  officers  of  the  treasury  become,  by  the  constant  report 
of  this  business  to  them,  intimately  acquainted  \\iih  the 
whole  industrial  and  commercial  movement  of  the  popula- 
tion. They  regard  it  as  extremely  important  to  th- 

.  that,  the  money  which  is  necessarily  withdrawn  from 
private  n  88  for  public,  purposes,  should  be  retained  in  the 
trea-ury  as  short  a  time  as  po>sibl«>.  Out  of  300,000,000  or 

.000,000  of  francs  annually  remitted  from  the  country 
treasuries  to  Paris,  not  more  than  ten  per  cent.,  or  30,000,000 

Tin:   I'KKNf  n   SYSTKM  or  FINANCI;.  103 

or  40,000,000  of  fr;tn<-<,  arc  ever  at  one  time  in  the  public 
treasuries.*  This  shows  thai  disbursement  follows  so  rapidly 
upon  receipt,  that  the  money  taken  from  the  people  for  t;< 
does  not  remain,  on  the  average,  more  than  a  month  or  two 
out  of  its  proper  channels,  and  that  the  government  has 
carefully  reduced  the  inconvenience  and  disadvantage  of 
taxation  to  the  lowest  possible  point.  By  this  regular  and 
constant  communication  with  men  of  capital  and  business, 
by  this  constant  association  with  them  in  the  business  of 
transferring  funds,  the  officers  of  the  treasury  are  able  at  all 
times  to  command,  in  advance  of  the  regular  receipts,  large 
sums  of  money,  which  are  freely  placed  in  the  public  treasury 
at  low  rates  of  interest.  Money  is,  in  fact,  frequently  pressed 
upon  the  various  receivers  by  those  who  desire  short  but  safe 
investments,  and  by  those  who  would  secure,  in  good  season, 
the  aid  of  the  treasury  in  placing  money  at  particular  points. 
The  treasurers  of  the  departments  do  not  lend  money, 
though  they  receive  it  in  the  way  of  short  loans;  they 
transfer  money  for  individuals,  and  they  purchase  bills  of 
exchange  ilpon  such  points  as  the  exigencies  of  the  public 
may  require.  Upon  one  side,  then,  there  are  open  relations 
between  the  public  treasuries  and  the  movements  of  trade, 
industry  and  currency;  that  is,  upon  the  side  of  the  domestic 
exchanges  of  the  country;  the  transactions  of  the  treasury, 
in  relation  to  the  distribution  of  its  funds,  are  blended  with 
the  movements  of  the  internal  exchanges  as  conducted  by 
the  individuals  concerned  in  it.  This  constitutes  a  very 
broad  field  of  contact  between  the  business  of  the  country, 
from  which  the  money  is  withdrawn  by  taxation,  and  the 
public  treasury.  The  public  money  being  retained  for  the 
shortest  possible  time,  is  so  managed,  nevertheless,  as  to 
render  an  important  service  in  aiding  and  regulating  the 
internal  exchanges."1 

*This  was  prior  to  I860. 


\atiun    having    reached,   in    France,   a   point   beyond 

whi' •}•  '  IK-  increased  without  passing  the  ability  of 

,11  alleviation  of  the  burden,  like  that  we 

'list  mentioned,  i-  <»f  n^nal  advantage.     According  to 

•-in  of   Francis  the   money  remained 

,ny  months  in  the  hands  of  the  receivers,  who  merely 

inces,  on  interest,  to  the  government  from  time  to 

•Yd    their   accounts  once    a    year.     Now,  all 

money  is  held  to  be  in  the  treasury  from  the  moment  it  is 

the  ofhYe  of  any  department;  and  it   5- 

neral  circulation  airain  with  as  little  delay  as  posssihle. 

Tin-    .  !V«»rded    to    the    adjustment    of    the 

'•eatly  promotes  ])unctuality  in  com- 

•il  ami  industrial  payments  and  remittances,  by  diinin- 

e    and    the    disturbances    occasioned    by 

the  internal   trade.     These   features 

of  th«  financial   system,  by  which    it    is   so    ch)^ely 

with     the     internal     trade    and    exrhaMuv^.    are 

by    an    eminent    French    writer   upon    finance   as 

58ary  in  France  than   in   other  cnnntries, 

••junrnt  of  credit  in  bankinir  which  is  so  prevalent 

cNc\\  here." 

in    France,  o\\  in-_r  in  the   abundance    «.f   money 

;.f   in  circulation,  is  dom*  mainly  with  cash,  and 

in,  \\hich  has  \\roim'ht  so  much  evil  in  (ireat 

Britain  and    the  t'nited  Mat.  8,  haa  never  .irained  a  foothold 

the    prejudice    nf    the    French    peoj)le 

tem,  doubth->>  because  they  aiv  not   blin.I   Jo 

••rkiiiL's   ii  d,  that   they  cannot    be    indue. 

ordinary  hank  aeenunN    and    use  elieeks,  in   the 

•i-iness.       M.    I'inard,   .Mai;  the    Comptofa 

be    Fn-nch    commission    of 

;  '"  1865-8,  that  irreat  etTort-  had  been  made  by  that 


institution  to  induce  French  merchants  and  shop-keepers  to 
adopt  Ku-lish  liabits  in  this  respect,  but  in  vain;  "  it  was  no 
MM*  reasoning  with  them,"  lie  said,  "they  would  not  do  it, 
because  they  would  not." 

Gold  and  silver  are  the  legal  tender  money  of  France, 
but  whenever  occasion  renders  it  necessary  the  notes  of  the 
Bank  of  France  are  declared  a  tender  in  payment  of  debts; 
and  the  channels  of  trade  are  thus  always  supplied  with  a 
medium  of  exchange,  to  keep  the  producing  forces  of  the 
nation  at  work.  The  wisdom  of  this  policy  has  been  signally 
illustrated  twice  within  the  past  thirty  years — in  1848  and  in 
1870.  In  1848,  after  the  revolution,  the  republic  found 
itself  without  revenue  and  the  people  out  of  employment. 
.Matters  were  in  a  precarious  situation,  and  the  Bank  of 
France  alone  possessed  any  available  money.  Instead  of 
looking  after  its  own  interests  alone,  it  united  with  the 
government  in  a  hearty  effort  to  stimulate  industry,  by 
supplying  the  arteries  of  trade  with  a  fresh  supply  of  money. 
To  accomplish  this  end,  the  government  declared  the  notes 
of  the  bank  a  legal  tender — an  act  which  was  everywhere 
denounced  by  the  bullionists  as  suicidal.  The  marvelous 
results  of*this  step  are  thus  depicted  by  the  London  Times, 
of  February  16, 1849,  although  less  than  a  year  before  it  had 
been  loud  in  its  denunciation  of  such  a  course: 

'•As  a  mere  commercial  speculation,  with  the  assets  which 
the  bank  held  in  its  hands,  it  might  then  have  stopped  pay- 
ment, and  liquidated  its  affairs  with  every  probability  that  a 
very  few  weeks  would  enable  it  to  clear  off  all  of  its  liabili- 
ties. But  this  idea  was  not  for  a  moment  entertained  by 
M.  D'Argout,  and  he  resolved  to  make  every  effort  to  keep 
alive  what  may  be  termed  the  circulation  of  the  life  blood 
of  the  community.  The  task  was  overwhelming.  Money 
was  to  be  found  to  meet  not  only  the  demands  of  the  bank 

100  ; i;M  () 

•!i  public  and  private.  «•!'  every  rank  in 

;iti:il   to   enable   the    manufacturers  to 

eir  workmen,  driven  1o  desperation,  should  fl'mic 

thci!  :hc    most   violent  enemies   of    public 

II  was  c-scntial   to  provide   money   for  the  food   of 

•  the  pay  of  tlu-  troops,  and  for  the  daily  support  of 

tUc  a  '•''.     A  failure  on  any  one  point  would 

have  led    1o  a   !Ve>li   con vulsioii.     I>ut   the    panic   had  I>een 

followed  bv  BO  -jTc.-it  :'  scarcity  of  tlie  metallic  currency,  that 

v  day>  la'er,  out  of  a  payment  of  'JO  millioiis  fallen  due, 

onlv  -IT.ooi)  francs  could  be  recovered  in  silver."* 

'•In  thi>  extremity,  when  the  bank  alone  retained  any 
available  sums  of  money,  the  government  came  to  the  rescue, 
and,  on  the-  ni^lit  of  the  l."»th  of  ^laix-h,  the  notes  of  the 
ban'.  decree  made  a  le^al  tender,  the-  i»ue  <»f 

iiein^   limited    in   all   to   :;."><)   millions,  but  the 
int   of   the   lowest   of   them   reduced  for  the  public;  con- 
\enieii<-e  to   10()  francs.     One  of  the  irreat,  difficulties   men- 
tioned in  the  report,  was  to  print  thcM-  loo   fi-am-   note^   ' 

i-^h  for  the  public  consumption — in  ten  days  the  amount 
•d  in  this  form  had  reached  80  millions.      Xo  sooner  was 
the   bank    relieved    from  the  necessity   of  paying  :1way  the 
remnant  of  it-,  coin,  than  it.  made  every  exertion  to  inciv 
it>  metallic  re-t.      About  4n  millions  of  silver  wen-  purchased 
iirli  prii-e.     -Move  than  TOO  millions  wen-  ma«le 
•  in  dollars  to  the  treasury  and  the  executive  departments 
in  Paris.      In  all,  taking  into  account  the  branch  banks,  B 

millions  of  five-franc  pieces  have  been  thrown  by  the'  bank 

titty  since   March,  and   her  currency    was   thus 
supplied  to  all  the  channels  of  the  social  >\  Mem."' 

S   the   strictly  monetary  operations,  the    Hank  of 
1  >und  means  to  furnish  a  scries  of  loans  to  the  gov- 
—  "iO    million  he<juer  l)ills  on   the   31st  of* 

THE   FRENCH    ^Wi-KM    OF   FINANCE.  107 

March,  30  millions  on  the  5th  of  May,  and  <>n  the  3d  of  June, 
150  millions,  to  be  paid  up  before  the  end  of  .March,  1849; 
of  this  last  sum  only  one-third  has  yet  been  re.tuiivd  by  the 
State.  The  bank  also  took  a  part  in  the  renewed  loan  of 
250  millions,  and  made  vast  advances  to  the  City  of  Paris, 
to  Marseilles,  to  the  department  of  the  Seine',  and  to  the 
hospitals,  amounting  in  all  to  260  millions  more.  But  even 
this  was  not  all.  To  enable  the  manufacturing  interests  to 
weather  the  storm,  at  a  moment  when  all  the  sales  were 
interrupted,  a  decree  of  the  National  Assembly  had  directed 
warehouses  to  be  opened  for  the  reception  of  all  kinds  of 
good?*,  and  provided  that  the  registered  invoice  of  these 
goods,  so  deposited,  should  be  made  negotiable  by  endorse- 
ment. The  Bank  of  France  discounted  these  receipts.  In 
Havre  alone,  18  millions  were  thus  advanced  on  Colonial 
produce4,  and,  in  Paris,  14  millions  on  merchandise  —  in  all, 
GO  millions  were  thus  made  available  for  the  purposes  of 
trade.  Thus,  the  great  institution  had  placed  itself,  as  it 
were,  in  direct  contact  with  every  interest  of  the  community, 
from  the  Minister  of  the  Treasury  down  to  the  trader  in  a 
distant  outport.  Like  a  huge  hydraulic  machine,  it  employed 
its  colossal  powers  to  pump  a  fresh  stream  into  the  exhausted 
arteries  of  trade,  to  sustain  credit,  and  to  preserve  the  circu- 
lation from  complete  collapse." 

Again,  in  September,  1870,  after  France  became  involved 
in  the  war  with  Germany,  the  Bank  of  France  suspended 
specie  payments  and  issued  legal  tender  notes  to  an  immense 
amount,  with  like  marvelous  results.  In  June,  1870,  the 
circulation  of  the  bank  was  $275,000,000;  in  1871,  after  the 
termination  of  hostilities,  it  amounted  to  $420,000,000,  and 
in  October,  1ST:],  to  ^602,000,000.  When  the  first  install- 
ment of  the  indemnity  of  *  1,000,000,  000  to  Germany  fell 
due,  gold,  for  a  short  period,  bore  a  premium  of  2-J  per  cent., 

108  Tin:  KI:I:\«  H   >VSTI-:M-  OF  FINANCE. 

but  with  this  exception  the  notes  of  the*  hank  circulated  at 
par  with  coin,  and  continue  to  do  so  to  this  day.  The 
amount  of  irredeemable  bank  notes  in  circulation  iii  France 
at  the  present  time  is  nearly  $500,000,000.  The  only  reason 
that  can  possibly  be  given  why  French  irredeemable  bank 
notes,  to  the  amount  of  *o  00,000,000,  circulate  at  par  with  coin, 
while  United  States  Treasury  notes,  less  than  $400,000,000 
in  amount,  arc  at  a  depreciation  of  over  12  per  cent,  is  that 
the  Fivnch  notes  are  a  full  legal  tender  for  all  debts  and 
duo,  both  public  and  private,  while  the  "Tinted  States 
Treasury  notes  are  only  :i  partial  legal  tender,  not  being 

ivablc  for  duties  on  imports. 

By  the  f:  of  irredeemable  paper  money,  tlie  French 

people,  like  the  people  of  the  United  States  during  the 
Rebellion,  were  enabled  to  rally  to  the  support  of  their 

'•rnnient.    !>ut  there  the  parallel  ends.    After  the  German 

war  had  ended,  the  circulation  of  irredeemable  bank  notes, 

vc  seen,  was  increased  nearly  §200,000,000,  and  the 

producing  forces  of  the  French  people  were  developed  in 

•v  way  possible,  in  order  to  repair  the  losses  sustained 
during  the  war,  and  to  enable  the  government  to  pay  the 
indemnity  to  Germany.  The  wonderful  success  of  this 
policy  IS  known  tO  all  the  world.  The  German  indemnity 
of  $1,000,000,000  was  paid  before  it  fell  due,  apparently 
without  an  effort,  and  gold  has  flowed  into  France  until 
now  tlie  French  people  have,  besides  their  legal  tender  bank 
notes,  a  specie  circulation  estimated  at  $1,200,000,000.  It 
ha-  been  the  lot  of  the  French  people  to  suffer,  in  common 
with  other  nations,  many  evils  resulting  from  bad  govern- 
ment, but  they  have  great.  C:IUM-  to  feel  profoundly  thankful 
that  they  have  never,  in  the  administration  of  their  finances 
i  cursed  with  a  Hugh  McCulloch. 



THE  trials  and  tribulations  to  which  the  American  people 
have  been  subjected  from  the  earliest  settlement  of  the 
country,  on  account  of  the  want  of  a  proper  and  well  settled 
system  of  money,  would  form  a  sad  but  instructive  chapter 
in  American  history.  The  limits  of  this  volume,  ii..\\. 
preclude  more  than  a  cursory  view  of  the  subject,  but  that 
will  be  sufficient  to  establish  the  fact  that  when  paper  money 
fails  to  perform  the  functions  of  money,  it  is  because  it  is 
not  based  on  sound  principles,  and  also  that  bank  notes, 
nominally  redeemable  in  specie,  constitute  the  worst  form 
of  paper  money  ever  devised. 

For  many  generations  after  ihe  first  settlement  of  the 
colonies  the  work  of  production  was  slow  and  labor! 
and  the  surplus  products,  at  least  such  as  could  tind  their 
way  to  foreign  markets,  were  hardly  sufficient  to  procure  in 
return  the  common  necessaries  of  life.  The  small  sums  of 
money  brought  to  the  country  by  the  settlers  were  soon 
exhausted — sent  abroad  for  merchandise,  and  trade  for  the 
most  part  had  to  be  carried  on  by  the  inconvenient  method 
of  barter.  The  Indians  found  along  the  shores  of  L 
Island  Sound  were  more  advanced  in  civilization  than  tlic-e 
further  north,  and  used  a  circulating  medium  of  exchange 
consisting  of  beads  of  two  kinds,  one  white,  made  out  of  the 
end  of  a  periwinkle  shell,  and  the  other  black,  made  out  of 
the  dark  part  of  a  clam  shell.  They  were  rubbed  down  and 
polished,  and,  when  artistically  arranged  in  strings  or  1>< 
formed  objects  of  real  beauty.*  These  beads  circulated 

4Professor  Stunner's  History  of  American  Currency. 

1  HI  ,'i.y    4  OLOJH  \i    <  !'KKI:\ 

tin-  [ndians  as  money,  one  black  bead  beini. 

tli  tuo  white  one-,  and  were  known  as  wampum  or 
wainpumpeair.  The  colonists  came  to  use  them,  first  in  tlicir 

\\ith  tlu-  Indians  and  then  amongst  themselves.  Fn 
Massachusetts  they  became  by  custom  the  common  currency 
of  the-  c«»lony,  and  were  made  a  leiral  tender  for  1J  pence. 

IJarter  currency  was  established  at  an  early  day  in  the 
(ol-.nie^,  and  products  of  all  kinds  were  made  :i  tender  in 
p.-ivnient  ofdeliS.  "In  C'onnecticut  there  were  four  p 

'money,1  an<l  'trustiiiLr.'     The  mei'- 

cliant  asked  his  customer  how  he  would   ]>ay    before   fixing 

his    price.      'Pay'    was    bailer    at     the    government     rates. 

-finish  t>i'  New   Knirland  coin,  also   wampum 

for  clianLTc.     i  I 'ay  as  money'  \\as  barter  cnrrrency  at  ]>rices 

one-thii'd   le^s  than   the  government  rates.     'Trusting'  was 

an    enhanced   price  according  to  time.      A    six-penny  knife 

Jd.  in   pay,  .^d.  in  pay  as  money,  and    Gd.  in   coin."* 

About  the  middle  of  the    17th  century  the  trade   with  the 

lo  briiiLC  i"  coin,  and  a   mint  was  estab- 

i!,  thouirh  an  infraction  of  the  prerogative  of 

>WIL     Laws  forbidding  the  exportation  of  coin  were 

passed,  but  it  could  not   lie  kept  in  the   country.     The  first 

i^ne  of  p:ip'T  money  made  in  the  colonie-  wa>  made  b 

>:u-liu-efts  in   KJIM),  before  tin-  establishment  of  the 

Hank  of  I-jiLfland.      An  expedition  h:»d  been  sent  out  against 

:id,    i-eturninLT    without    spoils    and    in    a    state   of 

re  clamorous  for  thei: 

X>m    ~>  shilling  to  f.3.     The  form  of 

follow  B:   "This   indented    bill    of 

due    from    (1i«      UaSSachtlSettl    colony    to    the 

possessor,  F!I all   be  in   value  e«jnal   t<>   money,  and  hliall  be 

:-urer  and   r 

•rrofcMorSumncr'sllHtory  of  American  Ciirr 


dinate  to  him,  in  all  public  payments,  and  for  any  stock 
(cattle)  at  any  time  in  the  treasury.""  Then  followed  the 
date  and  the  signatures  of  the  committee  appointed  to  is>ue 
them.  They  were  not  a  legal  tender,  but  were  receivable 
merely  for  taxes  and  property  in  the  treasury.  In  1692  it 
was  ordered  that  these  bills  be  received  at  5  percent,  pre- 
mium oxer  coin  in  the  treasury,  and  the  result  was  that  they 
circulated  at  par  with  coin  for  twenty  years,  until  redeemed, 
and  barter  currency  ceased  for  a  time,  or  at  least  became 

3  common.  In  1703  another  issue  of  bills  in  the  same 
form,  for  £15,000,  was  authorized  by  act  of  Parliament,  but 
they  were  not  made  a  tender.  A  subsequent  act  passed  in 
1712,  however,  made  them  a  tender  for  private  debts.  In 
1710  another  issue  of  bills  to  the  amount  of  £150,000  was 
authori/ed  by  an  act  of  Parliament;  to  be  distributed  among 
the  different  counties  of  the  province;  and  to  be  put  into 
the  hands  of  live  trustees  in  each  county,  to  be  appointed  by 
the  legislature,  to  be  let  out  by  the  trustees  on  real  estate 
-ecurity  in  the  county,  in  certain  specified  sums,  for  the 
space  of  ten  years,  at  five  per  cent,  per  annum.  These  bills 
u  ere  not  made  a  tender.  Another  act  for  £50,000  in  bills 
was  passed  in  1720,  containing  similar  provisions.  In  1773 
Massachusetts  was  out  of  debt. 

In  1720  bills  were  issued  by  the  colony  of  Rhode  Island 
and  were  made  a  tender  for  all  debts,  except  special  ones; 
and  similar  bills  were  authorized  at  different  times  subse- 
quently, some  a  tender  and  others  not. 

The  colony  of  Connecticut  issued  similar  bills  at  various 
times  between  1709  and  1731.  Xew  York  began  to  issue 
bills  in  1709;  Pennsylvania,  in  1723;  Maryland,  in  1733; 
Delaware,  in  1739;  Virginia,  in  1755;  and  South  Carolina, 
in  1703.  The  first  emission  of  bills  by  Virginia  bore 
interest  at  5  per  cent.,  and,  according  to  Jefferson,  in  a  very 

1  1  _'  EARLY    COLON l\L    <  I  i 

short  time  not  one  of  them  \vas  to  be  found  in  circulation. 

Thev  were  locked  up  in  the  chests  of  exeeutors,  guardians, 
widows,  farmers,  etc.  "AYe  then,"  says  Jefferson,  "issued 
hills  bottomed  on  a  redeeming  tax,  hut  hearing  no  inti •' 

i  ceived,  an<l   never  depreciated   a  farthing."* 

In    17'il    J)r.    Franklin   bore   testimony  before  llie  .British 

1  <>f  Trade,  as  we  have  already  mentioned,!  to  the  value 

and  usefulness  of  the  bills  issued  by  Pennsylvania.     Just 

ili<-  Revolution  North  Carolina  issued  a  large  amount 

iper  money,  whieh  was  made  receivable  in  dues  to  her; 

it  w  adc  a  legal  tender.     Several  hundred  thousand 

dollars  of  this  paper  money  remained   in   circulation   more 

than  twenty  years,  at  par  with  gold  and  silver,  with  no  other 

advantage  than  bring  received  in  the  revenues  of  the  State.J 

In  17">1  Parliament  passed  an  aet  forbidding  the  issue  of 

any  more  paper  money,  save  in  the  form  of  exchequer  bills 

.ble  in  a    year,  except  in   case  of  war,  when  they 

made  redeemable  in  four  years;  and  in  1763  all 

colonial  arts  for  i>suing  paper  money  AA  ere  declared   by 

:ment  to  be  void.     Dr.  Franklin   protested  against 

.  but  without  avail.     The   Kngli>h   had  reached   the 

condition  that  nothing  u  ;>>  money  but  gold  and  >il\er,and, 

1    by    that    p<culiar    spirit  which   has  characteri/cd 

'•iiiiinedi  ndant.N  in  this  country,  wen- determined 

that,  ri-ht  or  \\r«»ng,  e\  ,  i -\  body  el>e  should  MibM-ribt-  to  the 

same  opinion.     In   1773, however, Parliament  allowed  any 

bills  i^ued  by  the  colonies  to  be-  a  tender  to   their  treasury. 

CON  I  IM.N  1A!.     ICONZT. 

During    the    Revolutionary   war  Congress  issued   nearly 
$350,000,000  in  bills  of  credit.  The  first  i»ue  \\a-in  177-"),  and 


M  follow-:   "This   bill   entitle-;  the 
•See  page  M.      tScc  page  43.      jscc  page  M. 

COS  i' IN  I:\TAI,   MOM-:Y.  113 

bearer  to  receive. .  ..Spanish  milled  dollars,  or  I  ho  value 
thereof,  in  gold  or  silver,  according  to  the  resolutions  <.f 
Congre>«.."  The  last  emission  was  in  1780  under  the  guar- 
antee of  Congrcs.v,  ami  was  in  the  following  I'-TIII:  "The 
posse»or  of  this  bill  shall  be  paid .  .  .  .Spanish  milled  dollars 
by  the  31st  of  December,  1780,  with  interest,  in  like  money, 
at  the  rate  of  5  per  cent,  per  annum,  by  the  State  of.  .  .  . 
according  to  an  act  of  the  legislature  of  the  State  of...., 

the day  of.  .  . .,  1780."     The  endorsement  by  Congress 

was:  "The  United  States  insure  the  payment  of  the  within 
bill,  arid  will  draw  bills  of  exchange,  annually,  if  demanded, 
according  to  a  resolution  of  Congress  of  the  18th  of  March, 
1780."  The  bills  were  required  by  Congress  to  issue  upon 
the  responsibility  of  the  several  States,  and  the  confederated 
colonies  pledged  their  faith  for  their  payment.  They  were 
not  made  a  legal  tender,  doubtless  because  Congress  did 
not  possess  the  authority  to  make  them  such.  They  circu- 
lated at  par  with  silver  for  over  a  year,  but.  after  that  they 
began  to  depreciate  rapidly  in  value,  owing  to  the  character 
of  the  bills  and  the  excessive  amount  put  in  circulation.  In 
March,  177s,  they  were  depreciated  to  $1.75  for  $1,  and 
before  the  end  of  the  year  to  $4  for  *  1 ;  March,  1770,  *  10  for 
*1;  September,  1779,  $18  for  $1;  March,  1780,  $40  for  $1. 
Congress  then  passed  a  resolution  to  fund  the  whole  mass 
at  that  rate,  but  the  depreciation  continued  until  it  reached 
$500  for  $1,  in  1781,  and  after  that  they  ceased  to  circulate. 
In  1791  they  were  still  permitted  to  be  funded  at  the  rate  of 
$100  for  $1.  Continental  money,  according  to  .leil'erxm, 
"expired  without  a  single  groan.  Not  a  murmur  was  heard 
among  the  people.  On  the  contrary  universal  congratula- 
tions took  place  on  their  seeing  the  gigantic  mass,  whose 
dissolution  had  threatened  convulsions  which  should  shake 
their  infant  confederacy  to  its  center,  quietly  interred  in  its 

1M  .  INKS  I'M.    MONKV. 

gnti  ire,  indeed,  who  do  not  like  tin-  natives  feel 

indul'4<  i  -  memory,  :t^  of  a   bein^    which    has   vindi- 

d  their  liberties  and  fallen  in  the  moment  of  victory, 
ha\ebe.-n  I. .ud.  and  still  are  loud  in  their  complaints.  A 
of  them  have  reason;  but  the  most  noi>y  .-ire  not  the 
of  tin-ill.  They  are  persons  who  have  become  bankrupt 
l»y  unskillful  attempt-  at  commerce  with  America.  That 
they  may  have  s^me  pretext  to  oll'er  to  their  creditors,  they 
have  bought  up  great  masses  of  this  detfd  money  of  America, 
when-  it  i-  to  be  had  at  live  thou-and  for  one,  and  they 
show  tin-  certificates  of  their  paper  possessions.  M  if  they  had 
died  in  their  hands,  and  had  been  the  cause  of  their  bank- 

A-  ( 'ontinental  money  is  the  "ghost  conjured  up  by  all  who 

wi-h  to  uise  the  bank>  an  exclusive  monopoly  of  govern- 
ment cn-dit,"*  it  may  lie  well  to  pau>e  a  moment  to  consider 
Die  paper  money  i>Mied  by  the  several  colonies 
prior  to  the  Revolution  hail  answered  the  purposes  of  money 
admirably,  thoiiirh  not  issued  accordinij;  to  any  well  settled 
policy.  \Vlu-ne\i-r  it  had  a  fair  trial,  however,  it  never 
fail-  cd.  lint  Continental  money  \\a^  i^^iu'd 

und-  different  circumstance-.     The  Colonies  had  been 

ht  together  not  ont  of  choice  but  by  ncce-vit\.    ('«»n- 

assumed  the  powers  which  it  exercised  through   in 

irere  acquiesced  in  by  the  people  only  out  of 

-     .      (  •        had  no  power  to  lay  and 

col!-  ,  and    the   confederation    was   without    revenue. 

\Vhate\ei-    prM  «J-nie,   had   to   be    done    through    the    States. 
it  after  the  adoption  of  the  Ailicles  of  (  kmfed<  ration,  in 
17^  only  the   semblance  of  authority. 

•Jii'i  de-ei-ibex  the  situation    at    the   time    in    the   fol- 

lowing   lan-ua«^e:  *•  In    the    tir-t   place   there    was  an   utter 
•Calhoun,  »ee  page  CO. 

CON  TIN  i:\IAI.    MoNK.V.  115 

want  of  all  coercive  authority  to  carry  into  effect  its  own 
<-on>titutioiial  measures.  This  of  itself  was  sufficient  to 
de:stroy  its  whole  efficiency,  as  a  superintending  government, 
if  that  mav  he  called  a  government  which  posscs>es  no  one 
solid  attribute  of  power.  *  *  In  truth,  Congress  possessed 
only  the  power  of  recommendation.  It  depended  altogether 
upon  the  good  will  of  the  Stales  whether  a  measure  should 
be  carried  into  effect  or  not.  *  *  Even  during  the 
Revolution,  while  all  hearts  and  hands  A\erc  engaged  in  the 
common  cause,  many  of  the  measures  of  Congress  were 
defeated  by  the  inactivity  of  the  States;  and  in  some 
instances  the  exercise  of  its  powers  was  resisted.  But  after 
the  peace  of  1783  such  opposition  became  common,  and 
gradually  extended  its  sphere  of  activity,  until,  in  the 
expressive  language  already  quoted,  'the  confederation 
became  a  shadow  without  the  substance.'  *  *  But  a  still 
more  striking  defect  was  the  total  want  of  power  to  lay 
and  levy  taxes,  or  to  raise  revenue  to  defray  the  ordinary 
expenses  of  government.  The  whole  power  confided  to 
Congress  upon  this  head  was  the  power  to  ascertain  the 
sums  necessary  to  be  raised  for  the  service  of  the  United 
States,  and  to  apportion  the  quota  or  proportion  on  each 
State.  But  the  power  was  expressly  reserved  to  the  States 
to  lay  and  levy  the  taxes,  and  of  course  the  time,  as  well  as 
the  mode  of  payment,  was  extremely  Uncertain.  The  evils 
resulting  from  this  source,  even  during  the  Revolutionary 
war  were  of  incalculable  extent;  and  but  for  the  good 
fortune  of  Congress  in  obtaining  foreign  loans,  it  i^  far  from 
being  certain  that  they  would  not  have  been  fatal.  *  * 
Requisitions  were  to  be  made  upon  thirteen  independent 
States,  and  it  depended  upon  the  good  will  of  the  legislature 
of  each  State,  whether  it  would  comply  at  all;  or  if  it  did 
comply,  at  what  time  and  in  what  manner.  The  very  tardi- 

DTKNTA1    \lo\i  \. 

,:ion,  in  tin*  ordinary  cour*e  of  things, 

was  Mill!  involve  tin-  government  in  perpetual  embar- 

rassment, ami   to   defeat    many   of  its  best    measures,   even 

the  utmost  good  faith  ami  promptitade  on 

•he  State*,  in  complying  with   the   requisite 

lint    many    n  "iicurred    to    produce    a    total    want  of 

f  Toniptitude   on    the    part    of  the  States,    ami,  in   numerous 

instances,  a  total  disregard  of  the  requisitions.     Indeed  from 

Mioment  that  the  peace  of  178.3  secured  the  country  from 

the  distressing  calamities  of  war,  a  general   relaxation  took 

ml  many  of  the  States   successively  found  apologies 

their  gross  neglect  in  evils  common  to  all,  or  complaints 

listened  to  by  all.     Many  solemn  and  affecting  appeals  were 

from  time  to  time  made  by  Congress  to  the  State*,  but   they 

d  with  no  salutary  effect.     Many  measures  \\ 

.  .si-d  to  obviate  the  difficulties,  nay  the  dangers  which 

ted     the     I'liion;     but    they    failed    to    produce    any 

in   the   eonfederation.      An   attempt  was  made 

.  during  the  war,  to  procure  from  the   States   an 

authority  to  h-\y  an  impost  of  live  per  cent,  upon    imported 

and  |.ii/  .  I »ut  the  as-nit  of  all    the   States   could   not 


The  population  of   the  thirteen  colonies   u;i,-   estimated   in 
177">  at  L',44s.uoo,f  and  the  entire  property  of  the  country  at 
than    $600,000,0(10.     That    a    paper   currency,  i^ued  to- 
ED  <  amount,  by    thirteen    sparsely    settled    colm.' 

;.elli«iii.  Milder  a    revolutionary   government 
-easing  only   a   vl,ad<>w   ,,f   authority,  against    t; 

,!  nation  on  the  earth,  should  ha\e  ein  ulated    at  all, 

trkahlc    fact*    connected    with 

1  on,  and  is  t"  -only  by  the  patriotism 

:  in    that   memorai  jh-.      IJi;- 

Vol.  I.  |>«K«  1"1. 
tJ*ff*r»on'«.  Work«,  Vol.  9.  pp.. 

MOHSY,  117 

have  seen,  it  circulated  I'm-  over  :i  year  at  par  with  silver, 

and  iii  177s,  three  years  after  tin-  lirst  emi-Mon,  it  depreci. 
only  to  £1.75  for  $1.  Congress  resorted  to  various  measures 
to  sustain  tin1  credit  of  Continental  bills,  l>ut,  as  ought  t'» 
have  been  expected,  without  success,  Money,  as  lias  been 
fully  explained,  derives  it  power  to  represent  value  from  law, 
but  there  must  be  value  in  property  or  product*,  for  which 

it  can  be  exchanged,  for  it  to  represent,  and  the  law  must 
emanate,  from  a  roponsible  source — from  a  government 
possessing  the  right  and  power  to  command  such  property 
for  its  uses,  otherwise'  it  is  only  money  in  name.  It  is 
worthy  of  note,  too,  that  Continental  bills  were  not  issued 
in  the  form  of  paper  money,  such  as  was  iirst  introduced  by 
Massachusetts,  and  subsequently  adopted  l»y  many  of  the 
other  colonies,  but  in  the  form  of  promises  to  pay  specie,  at 
certain  specified  times,  which,  under  the  circumstances,  was 
a.  manifot  impossibility.  The  gradual  depreciation  of  Con- 
tinental money,  as  it  pa>scd  from  hand,  inHicted  a  ]«••*>  upon 
each  Mi<-cessive  holder,  which  came  to  be  regarded  in  the 
nature  of  a  tax  or  contribution  towards  the  cause  of  inde- 
pendence. The  large  sums  held  by  individuals  after  it 
'•i-.-oed  to  circulate'  were  taken  at  its  greatest  depreciation, 
and  no  great  h»s  wa-  Mi-stained.  When,  after  it  had  seen 
the  liberties  of  the  people  \indicated,  it  sank,  in  the  moment 
of  victory,  quietly  into  it>  grave,  no  commercial  crash  or 
money  panic  attended  its  fall.  Its  ghost  has  troubled  no 
one  since,  except  the  advocates  of  the  British  system  of 
bank  currency,  which,  perhap>.  i>  only  in  accordance  with 
the  eternal  titnc—  ,,f  thing-. 

IJA.NKs    OF    TIIK    I'MTKl)    > TA TKS. 

We  come  now  to  a  new  era  in   the   history  of  American 
currency.     When  the  colonies  entered   the   Federal  Union, 

in:    r.M  i 

titution  framed  in  17*7.  they  surrendered  all 

<>r  control  over  the  question  nt'   money  to  the  Federal 

nment.     The  object  of  this  was  to  secure  to  the  pro pk- 

;i  luiifonu  ami  .stable  medium  of  exchange,  an«l  hence  it  was 

W*B    inserted    in    the    Constitution    c.xprcvsly 

prohibiting  from    coining   money,  emitting    ''ills  of 

.  eU'.*    But  this  u  i-e  provision  of  tlie  Constitution  was 

totally   subverted   by  the   money   power,  through  tlie 

instrumentality  of  banks  of    tone,   modeled   on   the   Hritish 

:   of  bank   currency:  and   practically   the   currency  of 

the  country  lias  been  subject   to   the   control   of   th:,t    power 


About  the  close  of  the  Revolution  four  banks  of  is>uc  were 

established  in  the  United  States;  one  in  each  of  the  States 

!iis\lvania.  New    York,  .Massachusetts  and  Maryland. 

At  the  tin:  leral   Constitution  was  framed,  then-  WM 

and  formidable   party,  with    aristocratic   notions  and 

.  under  the   leadership  of  Alexander    Hamilton,  a 

"f   undoubted  patrioti.Mii   and  -.Teat   ability,  which 

:!y  in  favor  of  the  formation   of  what  \va<  termed 

This  policy  urew  out.  of  a  want  of 

faith  in  the  )>••., pi.-,  and  the  belief  that   tic  incapable 

:'-i:overnment.      In   a   speech   on   thi>   -ul.j. -ct.  June  1>. 

Hamilton  sai-1:  "I  believe  the  IJritish  LT<»vernment 

•lei    the    \\orld    ever    pr<»«luced,  and    such 

haabt'Mi  its  pn  .  the  minds   of   many,  that    this  truth 

Lrradually  ^ains  ^roiiml.     Thi>  .LT«»\  eminent  h ..  .bject, 

ii-th  and  individual  security.      It    i-   s;,id    uith   us 

to  be  unattainable.      If  it  \\  rmed  it  would  maintain 

All  communities  divide  themselves  into  the  f<-\\-  and 

rich    and    \\cll    born,  the  other 

iss  of  the  people.     *     *     Can  a  democratic',  assembly, 
•»«•  page  i«. 

I:.\\K<   OF  TIII:   rvrn.i.   VTA  \  :  119 

who  annually  revolve  in  the  mass  of  the  people,  lie  supposed 
M lily  to  pursue  the  public  good?     Nothing  hut  a  perma- 
nent body  can  check  the  independence  of  democracy.    Their 
turbulent  and  uncontrolling  disposition  requires  checks   *   * 

Let  one  body  of  the  legislature  be  constituted  during  good 
behavior  or  life.  Let  one  executive  he  appointed  (for  life) 

who  dare^  execute  hi*  powet-v.  All  State  laws  to  be 

absolutely  void  which  contravene  the  general  laws.  An 
officer  to  be  appointed  in'each  State  to  have  a  negative  on 

all  State  laws.  All  the  militia  and  the-  appointment  of 
otlicci-v  to  be  under  the  national  government.  The 

people  are  gradually  ripening  in  their  opinions  of  govern- 
ment; they  begin  to  tire  of  an  excess  of  democracy/'*  This 
policy  of  a  strong  government,  based  on  an  aristocracy  of 
wealth,  was  rejected  by  the  convention;  but  it  has  never 
been  abandoned  by  the  money  power  «.f  (he  country.  In 
1863,  in  :i  speech,  in  the  House  of  tteproentativcs,  in  support 
of  the  National  Hank  Currency  Bill,  lion.  E.  G.  Spaulding, 
a  banker  of  New  York,  boldly  asserted  that,  "Tt  is  now 
im»t  apparent  that  the  policy  advocated  by  Alexander 
Hamilton  of  a  strong  central  government  was  the  true 
policy;''  and  at  the  present  time  we  "have  the  policy  of  a 
third  term  openly  and  fearlessly  advocated  by  the  money 
power  and  il>  tools. 

Hamilton,  who  was  the  lirM  Secretary  of  the  Treasury, 
urged  the  establishment  of  a  National  Bank  modeled  upon 
the  IJriiish  syMem,  and  upon  his  recommendation  the  lirst 
Bank  of  the  United  States,  with  a  capital  of  $10,000,000,  was 
chartered  by  Congress, February  -~>*  17!»l.for  a  period  of 
twenty  years.  .Jefferson,  who  wa*  then  Secretary  of  State, 
LTUVC  a  written  opinion  denying  the  power  of  Congress  to 
Incorporate  a  bank  of  issue,  and  ^Madison,  who  was  in 

*Vato-'  Debate  of  the  Coii-titutionai  Convention  (',: 

HI:    INI:  i.i>    BTA  i 

:  it,  in  a  powerful  speeeh,  as  a  violation  of 

the  Constitution,     fn  1M1  the  bank  applied  to  Congress  for 
wal  of  its  charter,  but  it  was  not  granted.     Clay  and 
other  lead'  men  opposed  its  re-charter  on  the  ground 

that    if    wa-  "une. institutional,  anti-American,  and  strictly  a 
KritMi  institution." 

In  the  meantime  a  mania  to  start  banks  had  sprung  up  in 

Kn-land,  which  siiloe.juently  extended   to   the    .Middle 

.  and  finally  all  over  the  country.     In    1815  Jefferson 

•fie  following  statement  of  the  number  of  banks  which 

had  been  established  up  to  that  time: 

"In    17*1   we  had    1    bank,  capital $1,000,000 

-     1 79 1         '          »»   bank-,       "       1  :*, 500,000 

•J  \  "'      20,472,000 

1803        •       84        -  u       29,112,000 

iii;        "       amount  of  capital  ii()t  known. 

ime  (isl'i)    we   have   probably  one    hundred 

the   eonstitntional    prohibition    a;_: 

emitting  bi!l>  ».!'  nvdit,  chartt-i-s,  incorporating  jirivatu  in>ti- 
authorized  t<>  i-mit  bills  of  credit  (bank  ii' 
by    tin-    h"4Matmv>   <.f  the   M-\rral    States    in    larirr 
,  in  utter  di^n-ir:inl  <•!'  the  ( 'mi-tit i;t ion,  as  well 

i.      In    IN-nn-ylvaiiia,  for  example,  twenty-live 

incorporat  -    banks  of   iwu,.,  were 

ed  daring  the  flension  of  1^1;;,  but  \ven-\et.M-d  by  the 

1  At  the  i. ,11  of  the  leuri-latnre,  in   I 

bill  \\  .1-  the   Veto  of  the  (io\rrnor  rhartt-ring 

,  u  ith  a  eaj.ital  of  $17,000,000.     Thirt\ 
:i  u.nt  info  operation  at    -e,  and   ^i\    nio: 

-n-prinled  specie  payment   The  manner  of  obtaining 

Was   \ery  simple.      A    petition    .setting   forth  "the 
of   the  pe. .),!,-"  in  the  l...-alit\    where  the  bank    \\a>   (o 

BARKS  or  Tin-:  r\i  n-:i>  8TATJ  121 

be  established  wax  all  thai  WM  n-.jiiired;  political  inilucncc 
and  intrigue  accomplished  the  re-t. 

Specie  basis  banks  arc  always  required  by  law  to  redeem 
their  notes  in  specie,  but  as  they  are,  also,  always  authori/cd 
to  issue  notes  to  three  times  the  amount  of  their  capital 
Stock,  their  redemption  in  specie  becomes  an  impossibility. 
This  feature  in  banking,  as  has  been  explained,*  was 
originally  nothing  more  than  a  bold  plan  on  the  part  of 
certain  ingenious  financiers  and  schemers  to  acquire  favor 
with  the  public  for  the  Bank  of  England  and  increase  its 
business.  As  the  system  in  time  was  found  to  have  a 
tendency  to  concentrate  wealtli  in  the  hands  of  the  few,  it 
commended  itself  to  the  aristocratic,  or  governing  class,  of 
that  kingdom,  ami  soon  became  an  integral  part  of  the 
structure  of  British  society.  Transplanted  to  the  free 
atmosphere  of  America  the  system  was  afforded  an  oppor- 
tunity to  develop  its  latent  evils,  greatly  to  the  disad- 
vantage of  American  society.  If  banks  were1  authorized  to 
isMie  only  a  dollar  of  paper  for  a  dollar  of  specie  held  for 
its  redemption,  there  would  be  no  advantage  in  issuing  notes; 
they  might  as  well  lend  the  specie.  Individuals  obtain 
charters  to  cany  on  the  business  of  banking  on  the  theory 
that,  they  have  capital  to  employ  in  that  business,  but  under 
the  specie  basis  system  they  are  not  required  to  use  their 
capital  at  all.  Bank  notes  arc  issued  and  exchanged  for 
the  notes  of  individuals.  These  bank  notes  are  based  on 
the  credit  of  the  institution  which  JSMICS  them,  and  represent 
nothing  more;  if  redeemed,  they  are  good;  if  not,  they  are 
as  worthless  as  the  note  of  an  insolvent  individual.  A  bank 
of  issue  in  effect  simply  substitutes  its  notes,  of  various 
denominations  and  otherwise  convenient  for  use  in  payments, 
for  the  notes  of  its  customers.  As  a  large  portion  of  the 

*See  page  89. 

122  BANK-   «•:••    i  IM-:   rvi  :  ID   BTATi 

community    arc    r..n>tanlly    having    payments    to    make   in 

hank,  tin-  notes  of  tin-  bank  an-  BS  u'ood  to  them   as  money, 

and  tlu-y  thus  come  t«»  perform  not  only   tin-    functions  of 

tlic  individual    note-,  f,,r  which   they  were   substituted,  but 

.c  function-  of  :i  circulating  medium.    \Yhilst  in  reality 

re  nothing   more  than    promises  to   pay,  representing 

•  f  the  indebtedness  of  the  bank.)  they  al 

me  time  become  substitutes  lor  money.     In  this  \\-ay 

a  bank  of  i>>uc  enables  its  corjiorators  and    stockhol.h-i->  to 
their  credit,  or   evidences   of  indebtedness,  upon   the 
jtuldic,  at  a   hi^h   rate   <•!'   interest,  and   compel    it<    <!-• 
circulating  medium,  \vhi-ther  the  public  de-'nvs  to  u-e  it  or 
The  medium  of  exchange  fhus  foi'ceil  upon  the  pulilic, 
encuiuliered  \\ith  intercut,  1.  B   ta\    upon    the   commu- 

nity at  larire,  because  iu  cc»-t  enters  into  the  price  <»f  coin- 
bankii'''  '  ntii-ely  UJMHI  private  credit, 

dcprcciatinii  in  value,  which    inip»M--  an 
additional   burden   upon   trade  and  production.      It  i-.  as  we 

•  •f   the    sped.  <\    to   treat    dis- 

c"imt' -1    p:!p«-i-  a-   deposits,  and  this  furnishes  flu-   ba-i-    f«.r 
additional  loai  lit.      I5y   enCOOraglDg   discounts  and 

lendi'  ,  through  the  instrumentality  of  bank  DOl 

d    capital,   luisinevs    l.e.-,,in<'s    active,    prices 

iid    -peculation    bccoino    rife.      Intlatinn   of   bank 

•  and  nut-  M   an-'   a  Inure   slrueturt     «.f  credit    i< 

n  in-i^'niticant  )>a-i-  «.f  gpeoie,  Mipj..,-,  d  to  be 

;  in  the  \ault>  of   the  hank,  which    is   toppled  OV<  r    l-\ 

the  lir-t  linaiicial  brcc/.c   that    sj.riiiLTs   up,  and    the   puMic   is 

i  in    its   ruins.      When    the    bai,'        .        •  ailed    upon    to 

i"  pay  they  arc  of  course   unable  in 

.    f«»r    the    uif    of    man    ha  d.-\i-cd    a   u 

d-.llar-    \\ith    -_r"ld    dollar.      Like 

•««•  pave  49.      tft 

<n«'  Tin:  rxrn:i>  M 


individuals,  banks  can  be  thrown  into  bankruptcy  and  com- 
pelled to  go  into  Ii«jui«lali«Mi,  but.  Mich  ;i  stcp<»nly  aggravates 
the  distress  of  the  public,  and  is  raivly  adopted;  and  the 
banks  are  permitted  to  escape,  only  to  repeat  the  operation 
as  soon  as  confidence  has  been  restored  through  the  aid  of 
the  Sin-riff.*  The  extent  to  which  hanks  are  enabled  to 
lend  their  credit  by  means  of  the  specie  basis  system  of 
banking  will  appear  from  an  examination  of  the  following 
table,  which  is  an  abstract  of  the  Commissioners'  Report  of 
the  banks  of  Connecticut  for  a  period  of  twelve  years,  from 
1837  to  ls47  inclusive  and  the  year  1840.  The  banks  of 
Connecticut,  it  should  be  mentioned,  were  conducted  during 
this  period  with  as  much  safety  to  the  public  as  those  of  any 
other  State  in  the  Union: 






Loans  and 



:,li97  50 
8,754,41)7  ;')0 
8,87!VJr-  (i" 
8,873,<'-7  MI 
8,876,:}  17  f.T 
8,580,393  50 
st2'.«2.2.",s  00 
8,359,748  00 
8,475,630  00 


l.'.i'JO,552  45 
3,987,815  45 
2,325.f>y  95 
•J.7S  1,721  4.". 
J..~>.V>,638  33 
5359,947  02 
3,490,%3  (1C. 
4,102,444  (K) 
3.565,947  0<> 
4.i:;7.c.:;i  (MI 


]2,it:)0,572  40 
13,»W,373  45 
\052  32 
12.tilt,12t  60 
14,472.c>l  82 
r..v.i-j.«;s5  2:. 

15,784,772  04 

S415.386  10 
535,447  86 
.".112,180  15 
455.  Tin  3d 
481,3«i7  OH 
462,165  5,3 

$13,246,495  08 
9,769.286  80 
12,286,946  97 
10,428,630  87 
10,944,673  35 
10,1)83,413  37 

10,842,955  35 
12,477,196  06 
13,032,600  78 

i-j.7-1,^      ; 


,629  57 

/J17  00 

,-.:.-)  i:j, 
4,,f»7l  oo 


$5,168,957  95 
575.676  00 

$126,292.898  33 

13,740.  ••'!  i"i 


$5,744.633  95 

$140.033.489  33 

Average  Capital,       - 
Average  Liabilites,       - 
Average  Specie,         ... 
Average  Loans  and  Discounts,    - 

$8,688,295  55 

13,129,239  37 

478,719  50 

11,669,457  44 

Kellogg,  who  gives  thi>  table,f  in  commenting  upon  it, 
BHj  s:  "By  the  fore-.. ing  table  it  will  be  seen  that  the  average 
amount  of  the  .specie  held  by  the  banks  in  the  State  of 
Connecticut,  for  the  twelve  years,  was  $478,719,  while  the 
average  amount  of  their  loans  to  the  public,  during  the  same 

*See  page  520.       1  KeHogp'^  New  Monetary  System,  page  204. 

i;\  in:   rsi  i  1:1.   >i  \  i 

peri  im-re  than   t  wen  ty-foiir  and  ono- 

lliinl  time-  a-  iniich  money  a-  tin-  l)anks  had  specie.  The 
:iiinu:il  inlen-M  on  $11,661M  -7  W&6  1700,167.  If  they  could 
ha\e  loaned  only  tlicir  specie,  the  interest  would  have 
amounted  to  lint  x-JS.7;.';;.  The  hanks  Lrained  from  tlic  juihlir 

annually  $671,444  above  tin-  mtrn-M  <»n  tlic'n-  >.|iccic;  am.l, 

in  the  tu  .      They  rullrrh-d  thiv  int< 

in  :»'l\ancc,  :iinl  in:nlf  their  divi<lcinls  half  yearly  to  their 
i-x;  then-tore,  it  is  j»r<i|M-.-  to  (-oiMj.ouiid  thi^ 
half  yearly,  which  would  swell  their  u'aiu^  1<»  nearly 
$12.'  that  i-  i"  Bay,  X|,<)<>I>,<HH)  intrn^t  annually. 

Th'  M-Hial  u-ain-,  as  much  reali/.ed  l.y  the^e  liank 

if  they  had  produced  and  sold  annually  *7<Hijt;7  \\di-tli  <»f 

'•nltnral    |n-odurtx."      (The    statements  of   the    li:ink- 

of  the  large  cities  pablished  from  time  in  time  in  the 
neu>|.aj.ei  v,  will  diseh».c  a  similar  inflation  of  credit  at  the 
jire-ent  time.  Tin-  fact  that  the  National  Hanks  do  not 

«-m  their  notex  in  sj»ecie  makes  no  difference.  They  are 
liank-  of  ix^iir  .-ind  ln-h.-n-j;  t,.  the  >j.e<-ie  l»asi-  ^y»tc-m  all  the 

The  banks  of  the  United  Siat«^  have  i-  ijielh-d  to 

10  |.:i\menix  :it  \arioiis  times  as  follow-,  to  wit: 
in  1-0-..,  1814,1810,1        ,         ;.  1837,  L839,  1841,  1857,  1861, 

and    in    1^7:;    rurn-ney    payment.      Th-  aaionfl    ha\c 

in\        •  i    LTi'eat    jml.lic    «  1  i-t  :•«•->,  and    in    se\ei'al 

in-tan.  .  >    h.i\e   in\..l\e.l    the  enliiv  country    in    l>ankni| 
and  i  uln,  from  \\hieli  it.  to.ik   yeait  \er.      In    .March, 

S(  ite   «.f    liliodc    Nland 

made    an    i-xaiiiinat  ion    into    the    affairs     of     the     l-'anm  -r-' 
'  :  .  and    it    \\  as    f.nind    that    the 

hank  had  *:>-o,oo<>  of  it-  llOtea  in  circulation,  and  only 
$8t>.  r  their  redemplion.  Ilcfore  the  end  of 

the  ~;<.n  «.f  the  liank-  •  1  !ii'_rland 

took  .iid   it  \\a>  di-e,.  \eivd  Jiiaf  they  were  neai'ly  all 

in  the  -  ,  iitioii  —  no  hj.e.  i«  and  nothing  to  show  l>ut 
the  irorthlesi  notea  of  >j.c<  nlators. 

BANK*   <>!•'  Till-:    I  \iii:i>    8TA1  !-•"> 

CKASII    OF    is  I  I. 

In  1814  all  the  banks  ..HIM,!,.  ,,f  \(-u  Kn^'land,  including 
the  forty-one  banks  chartered  by  the  Pennsylvania  legislature 
in  the  early  part  of  the  year,  were  obliged  to  suspend  specie 
payment, occasioning  great  distress.  The  peoph-  \vn-e  help- 
tan,  and  OOOld  do  no  better  than  to  use  their  depreciated 
note's.  This  condition  of  affairs  lasted  for  years.  The 
following  table  shows  the4  depreciation  of  the  notes  of  the 
banks  of  the  cities  of  Baltimore, New  York  and  Philadelphia 
during  the  suspension: 

It.-iltimoro.       Philadelphia.        NVw  York. 
IVr  cent.  I'«T  cent.  1'er  cent. 

1  s  1  l—  September 20 

October i:> 

November 10 

December 14 

1815 — January 20  . .  15 

February 5  . .                  2 

March 5  . .                    5 

April 10  ..                     6i 

May 14  5                     5 

June JG  9  11 

July •  20  11  14 

August 19  11  12£ 

September 20  15  13~ 

October 21-J-  15  10 

November |:>  1(>  12 

December 18  14  12£ 

is  10—  January i:,  \4  12.£ 

February 1:;  14                      o" 

March..' is  1-j.i,  12.J- 

April 23  14].  10J 

May 20  14~  U  I 

June 20  U>  li". 

July 15  15                    <j" 

August 12  10  5 

September 10  77,                  :* 

October 8  94                    2 

November 0  7                      1  $ 

Decembei- !)  7  *2j- 

is  17 — January 2  -U  2.}- 

Februai-y j  \  4  2| 

126  BAKKfl    0*    i  ii  K    UNITED    BTATBS. 

On  tin-  tir>t  of  January,  1S17,  tin-  second  Bank  of  the 
United  States  In-Lean  luisiness,  and  on  the  I'ntli  uf  February 
following  specie  payments  were  nominally  resumed.  The 
e\t<-nt  ami  character  of  the  resumption  that  took  plaec  may 
b  'hered  from  tin-  following  0*86  cited  by  Simmer,  i:i  his 
Hixi«'ry  of  American  Currency:  "In  1V17  a  ca-e  at  Uidi- 
mond,  after  >pcr'h'  ].ayin<Mit>  \\'r|-c  i-oiinic'l,  LT:»VC  an  insight 
UltO  the  State  of  things.  A  man  having  jiiH-riit'-il  ten  onr 
liiimlri'il  «lollar  not«--  f  \t  re  Innjition  \va<  ivfii^r«l.  IIv  cuiihl 
r  a  lau'yi-r  to  take  a  c-a-c  a^ain^t  the  hank  fora  huii; 
time.  Finally  having  ohtained  judirmcnt,  the  Sheritl  \va- 
sent  to  eolleet.  The  pn-vi-lciit  of  the  hank  was  taken  liefon- 
i  irt,  1'iit  refnx-il  t<>  pay.  The  hank  wa>-eh»s«-il  hy  the 

SlieriiT,  hut  soon  after  opened  and  went  on." 

The  >perie  l»a-i-  -\-tem  had  now  heen  in  operation  IOIIL^ 
i-ii'. iiuh  t<>  produce  its  legitimate  fruits,  and  accordingly  we 
lind  that  here  and  there  the  people  were  hecominu:  alarmed 
neroaelmieiiN  upon  their  rights,  as  well  ax  at  the  e\  iU 
which  it  inflicted  upon  the  pnhlie.  The  following  i-  an 
extract  from  a  report  of  a  legislative  committee  of  the  State 

i  -irk  in    1M  B: 

all    ar'MiH-raeir-.    none    inon-    <-,  .mpletely    en-!.' 
people    than    that    of    money;  and,   in    tin-    opinion    of    \oiir 
«'ommittee,  no    -\xji-i, i    \\:lx   «'\er   hetter  de\  i-ed  BO   ]»ei-fe<-tly 

to  enslave  a  oommunity  as  that  of  the  present  mode  ••!' r<ni- 

diiftin^  hanking  establishments.      Like  the  siren  of  the  fahle, 

•    dexn-,,y.        They    hold    the    |»ui  xc-vtrin 

,  and,  l»y  moiiM|Mili/inir  the    whole  of  the   circulating 

medium  of  the  coiurtry,  they  form  a  preearioiix  standard,  hy 

which  all  property  in   the  country — home-,  land-,  del.N  and 

tS,    per-omd    ;m,l    n-al    .  all    .lc-cri].tioiix — are 

1,    thux    i-end'-rin^    the    whole    community    dependent 

•hem;   pr..x,-rihin^  exery  man  \\  ho  dare-  to  CXpOSC  their 

BAKKfl   <•!•    i  in:    i  MTKi>   MA  i  127 

unlawful  practice.-.  It'  lit-  happens  to  be  out  of  their  reach, 
-o  a>  to  require  no  favors  from  them,  his  friends  an-  made 
tlic  victims;  so  no  one  dares  complain.  Tin-  committee,  on 
taking  a  general  view  of  our  State,  au<l  comparing  tli«^«- 
parts  where  hanks  have  been,  for  some  time,  established  \vith 
those  tliatliavo  none,  are  astoiiishe<l  at.  the  alarming  disparity. 
They  see,  in  the  one  case,  the  desolation  they  have  made  in 
societies  that  were  before  prosperous  and  happy;  the  ruin 
they  have  brought  on  an  immense  number  of  the  more 
wealthy  farmers,  and  they  and  their  families  suddenly  hurled 

from  wealth  and  independence  into  the  abyss  of  ruin  and 
despair.  If  the  facts  stated  in  the  foregoing  be  true,  (and 
your  committee  have  no  doubt  they  are,)  together  with 
others  equally  reprehensible  and  to  be  dreaded,  such  a> 
that  their  influence  too  frequently,  nay,  often  already,  begins 
to  assume  a  species  of  dictation  altogether  alarming,  and, 
unless  some  judicious  remedy  is  provided  by  legislative 
wisdom,  we  shall  soon  witness  attempts  to  control  all  selec- 
tions to  offices  in  our  counties — nay,  the  elections  to  the 
very  Legislature;  Senators  and  members  of  assembly  will 
be  indebted  to  the  banks  for  their  seat  in  this  capitol;  and 
thus  the  wise  end  of  our  civil  institutions  will  be  prostrated 
in  the  dust  of  corporations  of  their  own  raising." 

Tin:  niAsii  OF   1819. 

In  1818  the  bank  of  the  United  States  had  discounted  to 
the  amount  of  $43,000,000,  and  had  $2,000,000  in  specie.  It 
had  established  eighteen  branches,  and  its  notes  could  not 
be  signed  fast  enough  for  the  public.  To  increase  its  reserve 
of  specie  it  had  bought  $7,000,000  of  bullion  abroad,  at  a 
cost  of  $800,000  for  expenses,  but  it  was  exported  as  fast  as 
it  was  imp. uled.  The  Bank  of  England,  which  had  been 
in  suspension  since  1797,  was  preparing  to  resume  specie 

HE   i- \n  i:i»  -TATES. 

awing  -pe.-ie  from  every  source  tliat 

!:iiilc.      Iii  April,  1818,  less  than  iil'teen  months  after 

the  Hank  of  the  I'liilcd  States  started,  it  was  believed  to  be 

•mmittee,  appointed  by  Congress  to  im 

affairs,  reported  ;i  resolution  requiring  the  bank  to 

086  why  its  eharter  should  not  be  forfeited,  but  the 

ution  was  lost,  forty  members  of  Congress  being  stock- 

Icrs  in  the  bank.     The  bank  now  resorted  to  vigorous 

; Mires  to   save  itself   from  bankruptcy,  and  in   a  little 

;  tuo  months  was  once  more  solvent.     It  had,  however, 

ruined  the  country.     The  amount  of  bank  note  circulation 

in  is  13- 14  was  about  $45, 000,000;  in  181 7-18, $100,000,000; 

and  in  1819  about  $45,000,000.     Contraction  had  done  its 

work,  and  the  ruin  which  it  had  accomplished  was  deep  and 

widespread.     In   August,  1819,  20,000  persons  were  seeking 

employment  in  Philadelphia,  and  a  similar  condition  of  affairs 

prevailed  in  New  York,  Baltimore  and  other  cities.    The 

dist  least  severe  in  Xew  England.     In  the  Western 

was  intense.      In  the  South  the  banks  still  pretended 

§pecie,  but  the  following  account  of  the  manner  in 

•h  they  did  bu>iness  in  some  localities  would  hardly  justify 

j. retention;  ( )ne  who  presented  a  bill  had  to  make  oath  in 

bank  that  the  bill  was  his  own  and  that  he   was  not  an 

:.t   for   any   one.      He    was    required    to    make   this   oath 

before  the  ea>hier  and  five  directors,  and  had  to  pay   *1. 

"ii  each  bill. 

•lafioii  and  distros  hiMed  throughout  the   year 
Wl  KO  cent*,  per  bu>hel  in  Kentucky.    At  Pittsburgh 

(lour  was  *i    p,.r  barrel,  hoanU,  x-j   per  thousand,  etc.,  <•!«•., 
while  imported   goods  remained   at  their  old    price-..     < 
a  half  bushels  of  wheat  would  buy  a  pound  of  roflV. 
f  flour  would  buy  a  pound  of  tea,  and   twelve   and   a 
•f  flour  would  buy  a  yani  dcloth. 

I;A\K->   or    MM:   t  MII:J>   BTATB&  129 

a  better  idea  <>f  tin*  condition  of  affairs  may  be  formed, 
pcrh:i]>s,  from  a  report  of  :i  committee  of  the  Senate  of 
Pennsylvania,  of  which  the  distinguished  Condy  Raguet 
was  chairman,  made  on  the  20th  of  rYbruary,  is-jo.  It  is 
as  follows: 

"In  ascertaining  the  extent  of  the  public  distress,  your 
committee  lias  had  no  difficulties  to  encounter.  Members  of 
the  legislature  from  various  quarters  of  the  State,  have  been 
consulted  in  relation  to  this  subject,  and  their  written  testi- 
mony in  answer  to  interrogatories  submitted  to  them  by  the 
committee,  has  agreed,  with  scarcely  a  single  exception,  on 
all  material  points.  With  such  respectable  weight  of  evi- 
dence, added  to  that  which  has  been  derived  from  the 
prothonotaries,  recorders  and  sheriffs  of  the  different  counties, 
from  intercourse  witli  numerous  private  citi/ens  residing  in 
different  parts  of  the  state,  as  well  as  from  the  various  peti- 
tions presented  to  the  legislature,  your  committee  can  safely 
assert  that  a  distress  unexampled  in  our  country  since  the 
period  of  its  independence,  prevails  throughout  the  common- 
wealth. This  distress  exhibits  itself  under  the  various 
forms  of — 

"  1.  Ruinous  sacrifices  of  landed  property  at  sheriffs  sales, 
whereby,  in  many  cases,  lands  and  houses  have  been  sold  at 
less  than  a  half,  a  third,  or  a  fourth  of  their  former  value, 
thereby  depriving  of  their  homes,  and  of  the  fruits  of  labo- 
rious years,  a  vast  number  of  our  industrious  farmers,  some 
of  whom  have  been  driven  to  seek,  in  the  uncultivated  forests 
of  the  West,  that  shelter  of  which  they  have  been  deprived 
in  their  native  State. 

"2.  Forced  sales  of  merchandise,  household  goods,  farming 
stock  and  utensils,  at  prices  far  below  the  cost  of  production, 
by  which  many  families  have  been  deprived  of  the  common 
necessaries  of  life,  and  of  the  implements  of  their  trade. 


Numerous  bankruptcies  and  pecuniary  embarrassments 
v-eription,  as   well  among  the   agricultural   and 
manufucturiBg  as  tlir  mercantile  classes. 

neral  scarcity  of  money  throughout  the  country, 
tarhich  renders  it  almost  impossible  for  the  husbandman  or 

other  owners  of  n-;il   estate  to  borro\\-  at  :i  usurious  ii. 
an<l  \\  here  landed  security  of  the  most  indubitable  character 
!  -ledge.     A  similar  difficulty  of  procuring  on 
loan  had  existed  in  the   metropolis  previous  to  October  last, 
lint  has  since  then  been  partially  removed. 

neral   suspension   of  labor,  the  only  legitimate 

source  of  wealth,  in  our  cities  and  towns,  by  which  thousands 

•   ni«.-t    useful   citi/ens  are  rendered  destitute  of  the 

-    of   Mipj»ort,  and    are    reduced  to  the  extremity    <•]' 

|Hi\erly  ami  despair. 

An  almost  entire  cessation  of  the  usual  circulation  of 
oommodities,  and  a  cnnsetjuent  Btagnation  of  business,  which 

is  limited  to  the  mere  ])urchase  and  sale  of  the  necessaries  of 
iidof'snch    arti<-lc>   of  c(»nsumpti<»n    as   are  :ibsolutely 

rcijuired  l»y  ihe  season. 

A   iini\  cr>al   suspension   of  all    manufacturing   0 
I'V  which,  in  addition  to  the  diMin^al  of  the  numerous 
!:ii»»ivr-  Iier«-t«»fin-e  eiiuraired  therein,  who  can  find 
nt,  the   public    lofiefl    the    revenue   of  the 
Capital  invested  in  machinery  and  buildings. 

I'-mi'Mi-  •!!-,  whereby   corporations    in-!itutcd 

,:ice   and    other   purposes,  in   violat: 
•  Uevofthe  products  of  industry   without 
ing  an  e.jiiivalent. 

«  >\  ci-tl«'\\  iug  of  our  prisons  with  insolvent  delitors, 

"f   wliom  are  r«.ntined   f'»r  tritling  sum^,  \\  hereby  the 

community  loeei  a  j.oii'mn  «  .d  is  com- 

i-v\K^  oi    TIM-:   i  \m.:>  >TATI>.  1  ••] 

pelled  {<»  support  families  liy  charity  who  have  tints  been 
deprived  of  their  protectors. 

"10.  Numerous  law-suits  upon  the  dockets  of  our  courts 
:iinl  of  our  justices  of  the  peace,  which  lead  to  extravagant 
eoM<  and  loss  of  a  great  portion  of  valuable  time. 

"11.  Vexatious  losses  arising  from  the  depreciation  and 
fluctuation  in  the  value  of  bank  notes,  the  imposition  of 
brokers  and  the  frauds  of  counterfeiters. 

"12.  A  general  inability  in  a  community  to  meet  with 
punctuality  the  payment  of  debts  even  for  family  expenses, 
which  is  experienced  as  well  by  those  who  are  "wealthy  in 
property  as  by  those  who  have  hitherto  relied  upon  their 
current  engagements.  With  such  a  mass  of  evils  to  oppiv-^ 
them,  it  cannot  be  wondered  at  that  the  people  should  be 
dispirited,  and  that  they  should  look  to  their  representatives 
I'm-  relief.  Their  patient  endurance  of  suffering,  which  can 
only  be  imagined  by  those  who  have  habitually  intermingled 
with  them  at  their  homes  and  by  their  firesides,  merits  the 
commendation  of  the  legislature  and  prefers  a,  powerful 
claim  to  their  interference." 

The  people  of  the  United  States  had  not  been  without 
warning  as  to  the  evils  and  dangers  of  the  specie  basis  system, 
but  they  had  supinely  allowed  the  money  power  to  gain 
control  of  the  monetary  affairs  of  the  country, precisely  as  they 
are  doing  now.  January  16,  1814,  previous  to  the  crisis  of 
that  year,  Jefferson  wrote  as  follows:  "Everything  predicted 
by  the  enemies  of  the  hanks  in  the  beginning  is  now  com- 
ing to  pass.  We  are  to  be  ruined  by  the  deluge  of  bank 
paper,  as  we  were  formerly  by  the  old  Continental  paper. 
It  is  cruel  that  such  revolutions  in  private  fortunes  should 
be  at  the  mercy  of  avaricious  adventurers,  who,  instead  of 
employing  their  capital,  if  any  they  have,  in  manufactures, 
commerce,  and  other  useful  pursuits,  make  it  an  instrument 

HANKS   OF  '\}ii:   rvi  i  i:n   BTA1 

to  burthen  all  the  interchanges  of  property  with  their 
-\\indliiiL;  profit*,  profits  which  arc  the  price  of  no  useful 
industry  of  theirs.  *  *  I  am  an  enemy  to  all  banks  dis- 
counting bills  or  notes  for  anything  but  coin."  And  airain, 
January  G,  1816  he  wrote  as  follows:  "The  American  mind 
is  mm-  in  that  state  of  fever  which  the  world  lias  so  often 
seen  in  the  history  of  other  nations.  We  arc  under  the 
bank  bubble,  as  England  was  under  the  South  Sea  bubble, 
France  under  the  Mississippi  bubble,  and  as  every  nation  is 
liable-  to  be,  under  whatever  bubble,  design  or  delusion  may 
puff  up  in  moments  when  off  ijuard.  We  arc  now  taught  to 
believe  that  legerdemain  tricks  upon  paper  can  produce  as 
solid  wealth  as  hard  labor  in  the  earth.  It  is  vain  for 

eDSe  to  ui'LTc  that  notli'nuj  can  produce   but 
*      *     Not  Quixot    enouirh,  however,   to   attempt   to    ; 
Bedlam  to  rights,  my  anxieties  are  turned  to  the  m<>-f  practi- 
tneanfl  of  withdrawing  us  from  the  ruin  into  which  we 
MII.     Two  hundred  millions  of  paper  in  the  hands  of 
the  people,  (and  less  cannot,  be  from  the  employment  of  a 
banking  capital  known  to  exceed  one  hundred  milli" 

ul  tax  to  fall  at  hap-ha/ard  on  their  heads.  *  *  And 
what  ha\e  we  purchased  with  this  tax  of  two  hundred 
millions,  which  we  are  to  pay  by  wholesale,  but  usury, 

•windling  and  new  forms  of  demoralization.'1    As  we  have 

heel),  the    bubble    hlllM,   as    predicted    by    Jefferson,    ill    1819. 

.iti-.ji    and    distress    continued   during    1-.M    and 

1822.     In    1823   there  was   a    large    creation  of   banks   in 

'-mk  of  the    I'liiicd   States  be^an  to 

expand.      In   I--JI  all  the  banks  hciran  to  expand.      IVims-yl- 

of  I  -  M.     Tn  the  Hprinc^  of  1825 

t»ks  ami  insurance  coinp  :cky  there 

narchv.      Alalian.  \ 

or  TIM:  r\rn:i>  STA  i  133 

discount.  Indiana,  Illinois  and  Missouri  wen- still  suffering 
from  the 'relief '  system  (^t.-iy  taws  against  the  collection  of 

debts,  etc.)  Tin.1  Xc\v  York  and  r>oMon  banks  were  fighting 
the  country  is-ucs.  *  *  The  bank  of  tlie  United  States 
increased  its  issues  over  $3,000,000."* 

CKASII    OF    IS  I'.'. 

Ill  the  hitter  part  of  is-jl-  and  beginning  of  1825  the  JJank 
of  England  found  it  necessary  to  curtail  its  discounts,  in 
order  to  check  the  outflow  of  bullion.  This  occasioned 
another  terrible  crisis  in  that  country.  Seventy  banks  fuile-d 
and  nearly  two  thirds  of  the  merchants  and  manufacturers 
stopped  payment,  causing  great  distress  among  the  working 
classes.  Gold  begun  to  fio\vr  from  the  United  States,  and 
the  banks  were  obliged  to  suspend  specie  payments.  Fifty 
failures  occurred  in  Xew  York  befoi'O  Deeember,  and  banks 
went  under  all  over  the  country.  The  crisis,  however,  was 
BOt  felt  SO  Severely  in  the  rnited  States  as  it  was 'in  Kng- 
land,  because  the  banks  had  not  yet  had  sufficient  time  to 
inflate  their  credit  and  circulation  to  the  greatest  extent. 
Here  and  there  throughout  the  country  industrial  activity 
u  as  stimulated  somewhat  during  the  next  few  years  by  the 
high  tariff  of  1824  and  1828,  and  by  the  building  of  railroads, 
which  began  in  1830;  but  business  generally  continued  to 
suffer  from  the  rotten  monetary  system  which  had  been 
fastened  upon  the  country,  and  distress  was  more  or  less 

TIIK    WAlt    AV1TII    Till-:    VMTKI>    sTATKS     HANK. 

The  fight  between  President  Jackson  mid  the  United 
States  Bank,  whh-h  occupied  the  attention  of  the  people-  for 
years,  now  began.  The  specie  basis  system  had  been  in 
operation  for  over  a  quarter  of  :i  century,  and  during  the 
whole  time  the  country  had  never  once  enjoyed  the  advan- 

*Sumner's  History  of  American  Currency. 

i:M  r.ANK-;  OF  'i  in:   r\r:  KS. 

md  currency.    Pecuniary  distress, periodical 

returns  of  e\pan>ion  and  contraction,  deranged  currency, 
ruined  exchanges,  and  panics  and  convulsions  had  charac- 
teri/ed  the  entire  period.  TIio  banks,  although  based  on 
"hard  money/' and  professing  to  pay  coin,  we're  in  a  state 
of  chronic  suspension.  The  press  of  the  country  was  com- 
pletely sub>idi/ed;  Congress,  as  well  as  State  legislatures, 
i  in  abject  submission  to  the  mandates  of  the  money 

;  aixl  even  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United  States 
did  not  ex-ape  its  contaminating  influence.  The  people 
perfectly  helpless,  and  the  outlook  of  American  free- 
dom and  independence,  was  dark  indeed.  It  is  worthy  of 
mention  that  Pitt,  in  1  70  1,  when  Hamilton  brought  forward 
lii<  funding  and  banking  scheme,  said:  "Let.  li:e  Americans 
adopt  their  funding  system  and  go  into  their  banking 
institutions,  and  their  boasted  independence  will  be  a  mere 
phantom/'  J>nt  fortunately  for  the  country  the  election  of 
1828  resulted  in  the  choice  of  Andrew  Jack-on  as  President 
of  the  Tinted  States,  and  the  people  found  in  him  a  leader, 

:-le>s  as  he  was  patriotic.  In  his  1ir>t  message  to- 
Decembers,  ISi'D,  in  lan^na^1  of  extreme  mod- 

,  he  called  ].ul)lic  attention  to  the  Unitc'«l  States  Rank, 

and  expressed  himself  ac  unfavorable  to  ha  continued  exist- 

'•The  charter  of  the  Hank  of  tin-  ("niied  States  e\pi: 

•ckholders  will  probably  apply  for  a  renewal 

of  their  privileges.     In  order  \<>  avoid  the  evils  resulting 

precipitancy   in    a   meastin*  involving  sii'-h   important 

principle,  and   such   <leep  pecuniary  interests,  I   fed   that 

iot,    in    jnxti.-,.    ;  ,  .rties   intere-t«-d,    t«»> 

f  it  to  the  delil.erafe  c-oii-idrratioii  of  the  legislature 

and  the  pe«.plr.     llnjli  the  coiKfiiutionality  and  «-\jiediency 

of   tlie  la\v  creating  this  bank  are  well  questioned  by  a 

BANKS   OP  Til!'    UNITED    -- 1  \  i 

large  portion  of  mi"  fellow  citi/ens;  and  it.  must  In-  admitted 
by  all  that,  it.  has  f.iiled  in  the  grout  end  of  .  Mablishing  a 
uniform  am!  sound  currency." 

The  bank  immediately  began  preparations  for  war. 
Through  its  branches  and  its  control  over  State  banks,  its 
power  extended  into  every  part  of  the  country.  Millions  of 
dollars  (belonging,  as  it  subsequently  appeared,  to  depositors 
and  stockholders)  were  squandered  for  the  purpose  of 
corrupting  the  people.  Statesmen,  Congressmen,  brawling 
politicians, editors,  all  succumbed  to  Its  influence,  very  much 
in  the  same  way  as  they  are  seen  bowing  to  the  power  of 
the  National  J>anks  at  the  present  day.  After  :i  careful 
survey  of  the  field  and  a  thorough  canvass  of  Congress,  it  was 
determined  by  the  bank  that  :i  renewal  of  its  charter  should 
Le  applied  i'<;r  during  the  session  of  Congress  immediately 
preceding  the  next  general  election  in  1832.  The  bill  passed 
Congress  by  a  majority  of  eight  in  the  Senate  and  twenty- 
two  in  the  House.  As  was  expected,  it  was  returned  with 
the  President's  veto,  on  the  10th  of  July,  1832.  The  contest 
was  then  transferred  to  a  wider  lield  and  carried  on  with 
excessive  virulence.  The  money  power  everywhere  went  to 
work  to  defeat  Jackson.  In  Philadelphia,  for  example, 
"the  bank  would  order  the  business  men  to  hold  public 
meetings  in  its  behalf  in  order  that  it  might  ascertain  who 
were  its  friends,  and  who  were  courageous  enough  to  stand 
by  the  government  in  its  efforts  to  redeem  the  people,  and 
then,  in  turn,  would  appoint  places  for  the  assembling  of 
the  different  trades,  in  order  that  the  employers  might 
who  of  their  workmen  had  opinions  which  they  dared 
maintain."*  The  masses,  however,  rallied  to  the  support  of 
the  President,  and  the  capacity  of  the  American  people  for 
self-government  was  triumphantly  vindicated.  President 

*From  Speech  of  liou.  W.  D.  Kelley,  at  ludlanapolis,  Aug.,  1875. 

OF   'i  in-:    UNITED   >i  4.1 

Jack  ';i!'_:  -Mi'.  (  228 

>rul  college.      I'pon  examination   it  will  he 
i-l  dial  the   principles  involved    in   the   contest   between 
and  tin-  I'nited   States    Hank   arc  pivci- 
Jiirh  underlie  the-  impending  eoi 
.ic  and  tin-   National    Hanks.     The   subject 
worthy  of  more  than  a  passing  notice.     Il.-nton, 
ill  liis  *'Thir:_  ;:i  the  Tinted    States    Senate,"  in    coui- 

,tiiiL,r    upon    some    errors    of    MOMS,  do  Toe<jne\ille   fc-in 
tion  to  the  Hank  of  the  United  States,  the  Pre-ident  and 
the    peo]  clear  and    coinjirelien  sive  analysis  of 

princij.les  and    jiurjM>^-s   involved    in    the   content,  from 
which  we  (jilote  as  f«»llo\\  N: 

"Thi<   ]•••  uas  tlie   ufrand    feature    of   the 

ri>'n  nt.  and  judicial  decisions, going  hack  to 

the  Constitution  and  the  foundation  of  party  on  principle; 

and  risking  a  contest  at  the  commencement  of  his  adminis- 

tion,  which  a  mere  politician  would  have  put  off  to  the 

Tiie    Supreme    Court     had    derided    in     favor   of    the 
^tifutionality  of  th<-  in-titution;  a  democratic  ( 
in  charterin'4  a  second  hank,  had  yielded  the    (jucstion,  hoth 

of  censtitotion&lity  and  expediency.     .Mr.  .Ma-!i-«»n,  in  siirn- 

the    hank    charter   in    ISlfi,   yiel-Ied    to    the    autliorities 
without    surrend. -rin^  hi-   e«,n\ict  •    t    tin-  el: 

the  v;n,|(.  in  hclialf  of  the  institution,  and  against  th«-  Coi 

•v  ..f    party  founded  "n  prinri- 

|  le.     It  thvr\v  do\v!i  t!ie'_T)'cat  landmark  of  party,  and  yielded 
.\ver  of  construction    which   nullified   the   limitation-  "f 
the   ('oiivtitu:ion,  and    left    ('.mirrcvx  at    lih'-rty   to    ] 
uliich    it  d  carry   into 

:ted  p..v  •'•^iiiiiriit  for  tlie  bank  turned 

up.  tted 

•See  P»K- 

i;  ANK-   OF  'i  in     i  \i  i  i:i»   ST  \i  i>. 

powers    granted    to    CoDgreSSJ     :in<l    gave    ri8€    to    the 

division  of  parties  in  Washington's  time—  tin-  federal  party 
beiii"-  for  the  consfrurtion  which  'would  aulhori/e  a  national 


bank;  the  democratic  party  (republican,  as  then  railed,) 
being  against  it. 

"  It  was  not  merely  the  bank  which  the  democracy  opposed, 
but  the  latitudinarian  construction  which  would  authori/e 
it,  and  wliicli  would  enable  Congress  to  substitute  its  own 
will  in  other  cases  for  the  won  Is  of  the  Constitution,  and  do 
what  it  pleased  tinder  the  plea  of  *  necessary'  —  a  plea  under 
which  they  would  be  left  as  much  to  their  own  will  as  under 
the  'general  welfare'  clause.  It  was  the  turning  point 
between  a  strong  and  splendid  government  on  one  side, 
<loing  what  it  pleased,  and  a  plain  economical  government 
on  the  other,  limited  by  a  written  Constitution.  The  con- 
struction was  the  main  point,  because  it  made  a  gap  in  the 
Constitution  through  which  Congress  could  pass  any  other 
measures  which  it  deemed  to  be  'necessary;'  still  there  were 
great  objections  to  the  bank  itself.  Experience  had  shown 
such  an  institution  to  be  a  political  machine,  adverse  to  free 
government,  mingling  in  the  elections  and  legislation  of  the 
country,  corrupting  the  press,  and  exerting  its  influence  in 
thi>  only  way  known  to  the  moneyed  power  —  by  corruption. 
General  Jackson's  objections  reached  both  heads  of  tin- 
case  —  the  unconstitutionality  of  the  bank  and  its  inexpedi- 
ency. It  was  a  return  to  tlie  .IelTer>onian  ami  Ilamiltonian 
times  of  the  early  administration  of  (icneral  Washington, 
and  went  to  tlu'  words  <»f  the  Constitution,  and  not  to  the 
interpretations  of  the  administrators  for  its  meaning. 

"Such  a  message,  from  such  a  man  —  a  man  not  apt  to  look 
back  when  lie  had  set  his  fare  forward  —  elect  rilied  the 
democratic  spirit  of  the  country.  The  old  democracy  felt 
as  if  they  were  to  see  the  Constitution  restored  before  they 

hi:    '  \n  i.i)    BTA1 

died — l!  f  they  were  suiiimnnril  to  the  recon- 

struction of  the  work  of  their  fathers.     It  was  evident  that 
uiing  "",  and  the  odds  entirely  against 

tin-  President.  On  tin-  one  side,  the  undivided  ])liahuix  of 
the  federal  party  (for  they  had  not  then  taken  the  name  of 
whig);  a  large  part  of  the  democratic  party,  yielding  to 
preredent  and  judicial  decision;  the  bank  itself,  with  its 
colossal  money  power — its  arms  in  every  State  by  means  of 
branches — its  power  over  the  State  banks — its  power  over 
the  business  community — over  public  men  who  should 
become  ii>  debtors  or  retainers — its  organization  under  a 
single  head,  issuing  its  orders  in  secret,  to  be  obeyed  in  all 
places  and  by  all  subordinates  at  the  same  moment.  Such 

the  formidable  array  on  one  side:  on  the  other  side  a 
divided  democratic  party,  disheartened  by  division,  with 
nothing  to  rely  upon  but  the  goodness  of  their  cause,  the 

/'';/<   of  Jackson's  name,  and  the  presidential  power; — 
j.-iinst  anything  less  than  two-thirds  of  Congress  on 
the  final  •jiiestiun  of  the  re-charter;  but  the  risk  to  rui 
his  noil-election  before  the  final  question  came  on. 

••1'ndcr  such  oircumstances  it  required  a  strong  sen 

duty  in  the  new  President  to  commence  hi>  career  by  risking 
-!;  but  he  believed  the  institution  to  be  uncon- 
stitutional and  dangerous,  ami  that  it  ought  to  <-ca-e  t«»  e 
ami  then-  WM  a  clause  in  the  Constitution — that  Constitution 
which  he  had  sworn  to  siij»port — which  commanded    him  to 
>::iinend  to  (  'oiigrcx.v,  f,»r  its  consideration,  such  measures 
as  ||«-  should  deem  expedient,  and  proper.     Under  th 

duty,  ami    under   the   obligation   of   this  oath,  President 

ommended  to  Congress  the  non-renewal  of 

the  bank  charter,  and  the  subsfituti -m  of  a  different  fiscal 

r  tin-  «.jM-i-ation>  of   the   government — if  any  such 

'•|uiied.     And  with   1  d  frankness, 

BANKS   OP   THE   UNITED    M  \i  130 

and  the  fairness  of  a  man  who  has  nothing  but  tin-  public 
good  in  view,  and  with  a.  disregard  of  self  which  |»cnnils  no 
personal  consideration  to  stand  in  the  way  of  a  discharge  of 
a  public  duty,  lie  made  the  recommendation  six  years  before 
the  expiration  of  the  charter,  and  in  the  first  message  of  hi* 
lirst  term;  thereby  taking  upon  his  hands  such  an  enemy  as 
the  Bank  of  the  United  States,  at  the  very  commencement 
of  his  administration.  That  such  a  recommendation  against 
such  an  institution  should  bring  upon  the  President  and  his 
supporters,  violent  attacks,  both  personal  and  political,  with 
arraignment  of  motives  as  well  as  of  reasons,  was  naturally 
to  be  expected;  and  that  expectation  was  by  no  means 
disappointed.  Both  he  and  they,  during  the  seven  years  that. 
the  bank  contest  (in  different  forms)  prevailed,  received  from 
it — from  the  newspapers  and  periodical  press  in  its  interest, 
and  from  the  public  speakers  in  its  favor  of  every  grade- — 
an  accumulation  of  obloquy,  and  even  of  accusation,  only 
lavished  upon  the  oppressors  and  plunderers  of  nations — a 
Verres,  or  a  Hastings." 

"  lie  impnnged  neither  the  integrity  nor  the  skill  of  the 
institution,  but  repeated  the  objections  of  the  political  school 
to  which  he  belonged,  and  which  were  as  old  as  Mr.  Jeffer- 
son's cabinet  opinion  to  President  Washington,  in  the  year 
1791,  and  Mr.  Madison's  great  speech  in  the  House  of 
Representatives  in  the  same  year.  He,  therefore,  made  no 
attack  upon  the  bank,  either  upon  its  existence,  its  character, 
or  any  one  of  its  rights.  On  the  other  hand,  the  bank  did 
attack  President  Jackson,  under  the  lead  of  politicians,  and 
for  the  purpose  of  breaking  him  down.  The  facts  were 
these:  President  Jackson  had  communicated  his  opinion  to 
Congress  in  December,  1829,  against  the  renewal  of  the 
charter;  near  three  years  afterwards,  on  the  9th  of  January, 
1832,  while  the  charier  had  yet  above  three  years  to  run. 

140  i:\'  i  UK  rvn 

Mini  :i  new  '  elected  before  its  expiration,  and 

ntial  election  impending — (Ciencrul  Juekson  and 
Mr.  Clay  the.  candidates) — the  memorial  of  tlie  pn 
and  directors  of  the  bank  was  suddenly  presented   in   the 
of  tin*  Vnitcd  States,  for  renewal  of  its  charter, 
w,  how  came  that  memorial  to  be  presented  at  a  time 
>o  inopportune?  so  premature,  so  inevitably  mixing 
with  tlio  presidential  election,  and  so  encroaching  upon  the 
of  the  ptople,  in  snatching  the  question  out  of  their 
hand-,  ami  having  it  decided  by  a  Congress  not  elected  for 
the  purpose — and  to  the  usurpation  of  the  rights  of  the 
:    for  the  purpose?     IIow  came  all   these 
.lies?  al]  these  violations  of  right,  decency  and  propri- 

16  thus:  tlie  bank  and  its  leading  nnti-J;' 

friends  believed  that  the  institution  was  stronger  than -the 
lent — that  it  could  beat  him  in  the  election — that  it 
could  beat  him  in  Congress  (as  it  then  stood),  and  curry  the 
charter — driving  him  upon  the  v<tn  power,  and   rendering 
him  odious  if  1,,.  nM-d  it,  and  disgracing  him  if  (after  what 
1)  lie  did  m»t.    This  was  the  opinion  of  the  leading 
pol!t;<-i.i!i>  frit  ndly  to  tlie  bank,  and  inimical  to  the  Presi- 
dent.     Iliif  the  bank  had  :i  class;  of  friends  in  Conirn -s  aN«> 
-'•n;  and  between   these  two   classes 
vehement  opposition   of  opinion  on  the  point  of 
•_C  f'-r  the   new  charter.     Tt,  was  found   impossible,  in 
coinmnmcations    l»ct\\  t-.-n    Wushingt«m     and     Philadelphia, 
-\»\v  and   Uncertain,  10   Mage  coach   conveyances,  over 
miry  roads  and  fro/en  waters,  to  come  to  conclusions  on  the 
difficult  point.      Mr.  Middle  and  the  director^  were  in  doubt, 
nould   not    do  to   move    in    the   matter,  unless   all   the 
tlie  bank   in    '  '.     Tn    this 

••f  nneertaint;..  '  .'Iwallader,  of   Philadelphia, 

i  and  confidant  of  Mr.  Middle,  and  his  usual  envoy  in 

BANKS  OP  Tin-:   UNITED   STATES.  141 

all  the  delicate  bank  negotiations  or  troubles,  was  sent  to- 
Washington  to  obt:iin  a  ivsult;  and  the  union  of  both  wing* 
of  the  bank  party  in  favor  of  the  desired  movement.  lie 
came,  and  the  mode  of  operation  was  through  the  machinery 
of  caucus — that  contrivance1  by  which  a  few  govern  many. 
The  two  wings  being  of  different  politics,  sat  separately,  one 
headed  by  Mr.  Clay,  the  other  by  Gen.  Samuel  Smith  of 
.Maryland.  The  two  caucuses  disagreed,  but  the  democratic 
being  the  smaller,  and  Mr.  Clay's  strong  will  dominating 
the  other,  the  resolution  was  taken  to  proceed,  and  all  bound 
to  go  together." 

"The  prudential  counsels  of  such  men  as  Mr.  Dallas  did 
not  prevail;  political  counsels  governed;  the  bank  charter 
was  pushed — was  carried  through  both  Houses  of  Congrc^ 
— dared  the  veto  of  Jackson — received  it — roused  the  people 
— and  the  bank  and  all  of  its  friends  were1  crushed.  Then 
it  affected  to  have  been  attacked  by  Jackson;  and  Mons.  de 
Tocqueville  has  carried  that  h'ction  into  history,  with  all  the 
imaginary  reasons  for  a  groundless  accusation,  which  the 
bank  had  invented. 

"The  remainder  of  this  quotation  from  Mons.  de  Tocque- 
ville is  profoundly  erroneous,  and  deserves  to  be  exposed,  to 
prevent  the  mischiefs  which  his  book  might  do  in  Europe, 
and  even  in  America,  among  that  class  of  our  people  who 
look  to  European  writers  for  information  upon  their  own 
country.  lie  speaks  of  the  well  informed  classes  who  rallied 
round  the  bank;  and  the  common  people  who  had  formed 
no  rational  opinion  upon  the  subject,  and  who  had  joined 
General  Jackson.  Certainly  the  great  business  community, 
with  few  exceptions,  comprising  wealth,  ability  and  educa- 
tion, went  for  the  bank,  and  the  masses  for  General  Jackson; 
but  which  had  formed  the  rational  opinion  is  seen  by  the 
event.  The  'well  informed'  classes  have  bowed  not  merely 

P. A  !  UK    t'NITKI)    STAT 

to  the  decision,  Inn  to  the  intelligence  of  tin-  masses.  They 
..dopted  their  opinion  of  the  institution — condemned  it 
—repudiated  it  18  an  'oh>olcte  idea;'  and  of  :ill  of  is  former 
advocate*,  not  one  now  exists.  All  liave  yielded  to  that 
instinctixe  sagacity  of  the  people,  whieli  is  an  overmatch  for 
book-learning;  and  which  being  the  result  of  common  - 
is  u-iially  right;  and  being  disinterested,  i<  always  ],. 
I  adduce  this  instance — a  grand  national  one — of  the  suc- 
cumbing of  the  well  informed  classes  to  the  instinctive 
sagacity  of  the  people,  not  merely  to  correct  Mon*.  de 
Toc<|ueville,  but  for  the  higher  purpose  of  showing  the 
capacity  of  the  people  for  self-government.  The  rest  of  the 
^notation,  'the  independent  existence — the  people  accus- 
tomed to  make  and  unmake — startled  at  this  obstacle — 
irritated  at  a  permanent  institution — attack  in  order  to  shake1 
and  control;'  all  this  is  fancy,  or  as  the  old  English  wrote 
it.  fantasy — enlivened  by  French  vivacity  into  witty  theory, 
as  fallacious  as  witty/1 

u  Now,  while  Minis,  de  Tocqueville  was  arranging  all  this 
line  ecominm  upon  the  bank,  and  all  this  censure  upon  its 
adversaries,  the  whole  of  which  is  nothing  but  a  French 
translation  of  the  bank  publications  of  the  day,  fov 
and  a-_rain^t  IVc-ident  Jackson — during  all  this  time  there 
•.foiug  on  in  the  Congress  of  the  United  Stales. 
by  which  it  wa»  proved  that  the  bank  was  then  insolvent, 
and  living  from  day  1o  day  upon  expedients  and  getting 
hold  of  property  and  money  by  contrivances  which  the  law 
would  qualify  as  swindling — plundering  it-  own  M"ckh..lder< 
—and  bribing  individuals,  institutions,  and  meinb. 

itive  bodiex, -\\here\er  it,  could  be  done.  ThoM-  line 
notes,  of  which  he  speak<,  were  then  without  solid  value. 
The  salutary  restraint  attributed  to  its  control  over  local 
banks  was  noon  exemplified  in  its  forcing  many  of  them  into 

BANKS    oF    TI1K    r.MTKM    STATES, 

•complicity  in  its  crimes,  ami  all  int<>  t\v<>  general 
of  specie  payments,  headed   )>y  it>elf.     Its  solidity  and  it- 
honor  \\  •  •  h"\\  ii  'i  open  bankruptcy —  in  the  dishonor 

of  its  notes — the  violation  of  sacred  deposits— (he  disap- 
pearance of  its  capital— the  destruction  of  institutions  con- 
nected with  it — the  extinction  of  lil'iy-.-.ix  millinns  of  capital 
(its  own,  and  that  of  others  drawn  into  its  vortex); — and  the 
ruin  or  damage  of  families,  both  foreign  and  American,  who 
had  been  induced  by  its  name,  and  by  its  delusive  exhibi- 
tions of  credit,  to  invest  their  money  in  its  stock.  Placing 
the  opposition  of  President  Jackson  to  such  an  institution 
to  the  account  of  base  and  personal  motives — to  feelings  of 
revenge  because  lie  had  been  unable  to  seduce  it  into  hi- 
support — is  an  error  of  fact  manifested  by  all  the  history  of 
the  case;  to  say  nothing  of  his  own  personal  character.  II« 
was  a  senator  in  Congress  during  the  existence  of  the1  iirst 
national  bank,  and  was  against  it;  and  on  the  same  grounds 
of  unconstitutionality  and  of  inexpediency.  lie  delivered 
Jiis  opinion  against  this  second  one  before  it  had  manifested 
any  hostility  to  him.  His  first  opposition  was  abstract  — 
against  the  institution — without  reference  to  its  conduct;  he 
knew  nothing  against  it  then,  and  neither  said,  or  insinuated 
anything  against  it.  Subsequently,  when  misconduct  was 
discovered,  he  charged  it;  and  openly  and  responsibly. 
Equally  unfounded  is  the  insinuation  in  another  place,  of 
subserviency  to  local  banks.  He,  the  instrument  of  local 
banks!  he  who  could  not  be  made  the  friend,  even,  of  the 
great  bank  itself;  who  was  all  his  life  a.  hard  money  man  - 
an  opposer  of  all  banks — the  denouncer  of  delinquent  banks 
in  his  own  State;  who,  with  one  stroke  of  his  pen,  in  the 
recess  of  Congress,  and  against  its  will,  in  the  summer  of 
1836,  struck  all  their  notes  from  the  lisl  of  land  office  pay- 
ments! and  whose  last  message  to  Congress,  and  in  his 


farewell  address  to  the  people,  admonished  them  earnestly 

and  affectionately  against  the  whole  system  of  paper  money 
:.k  currency) — the  evils  of  which  he  feelingly  described 
!  filing  heaviest  upon  the  most  meritorious  part  of  the 

community,  and  the  part  least  able    to    bear    them — the 

productive  classes." 

The  United  States  Bank  continued  its  war  upon  the 
administration  until  the  last  moment  of  its  existence.  It> 
charter  expired  by  limitation  in  1836,  but  it  was  entitled  to 
years  in  which  to  wind  up  its  affairs.  Instead  of  prepar- 
ing to  cl<»v'  up  its  Intsinc.vs  it  resorted  to  new  and  desperate 
measures  to  prolong  its  powers.  In  Januan. .  bill 

"snaked"  through  the  legislature  of  Pennsylvania, by 
•;'  bribery  and  corruption,  entitled  "An  Act  to  repeal 
.,  and  to  continue  the  improvement  of  the  State 
by  railmads  and  canals,  and  for  other  purpo.xcs;"  and  under 
He  generality  of  "other  purposes,"  was  found  a. 
charter  for  the  United  States  Bank,  adopting  it  as  a  State 
liank.     Thf   people  of  Pennsylvania  were  astounded,  and 

denounce  the  act  and  demand  its  rep 

and    at   the   next,  S'-^ioii   of  the  legislature  an  investigation 
ordered,  but,  as  is  iiMial  in  such  cases,  it  came  to  nothing. 

ii  and  corrupt  as  the  institution  subsequently  proved  to 

be,  it  went  on  for  se\,-ral  year*,  and  exerted  great  influence 
iu  the  commercial  and  political  affairs  of  the  country.  Th* 
two  general  sii-peii-i-  uis  .  ,f  Bpecie  payment-.,  headed  by  tin- 
I'nited  Slates  Hank,  referred  to  in  the  foregoing  extracts 

Bton,  were  th<-  suspensions  ,        I         -,  in  the 

latter  of  which  the  bank  cloM-d  its  doors  upon   its  creditors 

October  full,  1839,  never  really  to  open  them  again.    A  report 

•s  affairs  was  ma*!  'inmittee  of  Stockholders, and 

I,  to  (jiiotc  again  from  Ilenton,  ••  such  an  exhibition  of 

waste  and  destruction,  and  of  downright  plundering  and 

n A\k>   <>\'    i  in:   i  MI  I:D    - 

Criminal  misconduct,  as  was  n<-\cr  smi  bel'oiv  in  the  annals 
of  banking.  Fifty-six  and  three-quarter  millions  of  capital 
out  of  eighty-two  and  one-quarter  millions,  (including  its 
own  of  thirty-live,)  wore  Mink  in  the  limits  of  Philadelphia 
alone;  for  the  great  monster,  in  going  down,  had  carried 
many  others  along  with  her;  and,  like  the  strong  man  in 
scripture,  slew  more  in  her  death  than  in  her  life.  Vast  was 
her  Held  of  destruction — extending  all  over  the  United 
States — and  reaching  to  Europe,  where  four  millions  sterling 
of  her  stock  was  he-Id,  and  large  loans  had  been  contracted. 
Universally  on  all  classes  the  ruin  fell — foreigners  as  well  as 
citixens — peers  and  peeresses,  as  well  as  the  ploughman  and 
the  wash-woman — merchants,  tradesmen,  lawyers,  wards  and 
guardians;  confiding  friends  who  came  to  the  rescue;  de- 
ceived stockholders  who  held  on  to  their  stock,  or  purchased 
more:  the  credulous  masses  who  believed  in  the  safety  of 
their  deposits,  and  in  the  security  of  the  notes  they  held — 
all — all  saw  themselves  the  victims  of  indiscriminate  ruin. 
An  hundred  millions  of  dollars  was  the  lowest  at  which  the 
destruction  was  estimated;  and  how  such  ruin  could  be 
worked,  and  such  blind  confidence  kept  up  for  so 'long  a 
time,  is  the  instructive  lesson  for  history;  and  that  lesson  the 
report  of  the  stockholders'  committee  enables  history  to  give. 
From  this  authentic  report  it  appears  that  from  the  year  1830 
to  1836 — the  period  of  its  struggles  for  a  re-charter — the 
loans  and  discounts  of  the  bank  were  about  doubled — iis 
expenses  trebled.  Near  thirty  millions  of  these  loans  were 
not  of  a  mercantile  character — neither  made  to  persons  in 
trade  or  business.  *  To  whom  were  they  made? 

To  members  of  Congress,  to  editors  of  newspapers,  to  brawl- 
ing politicians,  to  brokers  and  jobbers,  to  favorites  and 
connections;  and  all  with  a  view  to  purchase  a  re-charter,  or 
to  enrich  connections  and  exalt  himself,  (Nicholas  Kiddle, 

140  i:\Mv>    (>K    Till:    UNITED    STATES. 

President  of  the  Bank.)     The  importance  of  the  destruction 

of  the  United  States  Bank  cannot  be  overestimated.    In 

no  other  wav  could  the  government  have  la-en  rescued  from 

the  domination  of  the  money  power,  which  was  sparing  no 

pains  to  subvert  the  liberties  of  the  people.     John  Randolph 

warningly  said:   "Charter  a  bank  with  thirty-five  millions  of 

capital;  let  it  establish  and  learn  its  power;  and  then  find,  if 

you  can,  means  to  *  bell  the  cat.'     It  will  be  beyond  your 

power;  it  will  overawe  your  Congress,  and  laugh  at  your 

1 1  i  s  w ( ) rd  s  were  fully  verified.    Even  Clay,  who  had 

said,  in  1811,  "I  conceive  the  establishment  of  this  bank 

(National  Bank)  as  dangerous  to  the  safety  and  welfare  of 

this  republic,"  and  Webster,  who  had  declared  his  hostility 

to  bank  currency  repeatedly,  as  "one  of  the  great* 

political  evils,"  and  "a  contrivance  for  cheating  the  laboring 

>  of  mankind,9'  were  both  dragooned  into  the  support  of 

;iited  States  Bank,  in  its  application  for  a  renewal  of 

its  charter;  and  all  this  power  over  the  monetary  and  political 

-  of  the  country  was  developed  by  the  bank  while  it 

yet  in  its  infancy  and  rotten,  financially,  to  the  c< 

We  have  dwelt  at  some  length  upon  the  subject  of  the 

Unite.;  i.ank,  because'  the  country  is  now  undergoing 

a  similar  ordeal.     The  money  power  i- 

Secure  control  ,,f  ii,t.  monetary  and  political  affairs 

country  through  the  instrumentality  of  the  National  Banks. 

The  monger   is   n-»w   hydra-headed.      fa    p--litical    tooN   of 

both  partie>,  in  and  out  of  Congress,  pretend  to  be  in 

of  specie   circulation — of  "hard   money,*'  Hiom •-!   money," 

etc.    It  is  a  UK  iae,    If  they  were  honestly  for  "hard 

.-id  opposed   to  "paper  money,"  their   first   step 

would  IM-  i  ,  >:;  per  money  of  the  tanks,  because, 

of  all  forms  of   paper  money,  that  is  t1  and  most 

dangerous.    Benton,  the  great  champion  of  hard  money, 


could  tolerate  United  States  Treasury  notes,  and  even  voted 
for  a  bill  authorizing  their  issue;  but,  unlike  these  hypocrit- 
ical champions  of  hard  money  of  the  present  day,  lie  left  no 
one  in  doubt  in  regard  to  his  views  upon  the  question  of 
banks  of  issue.  In  his  speech,  on  the  Divorce  of  Bank  and 
State,  in  1837,  he  said:  "Banks  of  circulation  are  banks  of 
ha/ard  and  of  failure.  It  is  an  incident  of  their  nature. 
Those  without  circulation  rarely  fail.  That  of  Venice  has 
stood  seven  hundred  years;  those  of  Hamburg,  Amsterdam, 
and  others,  have  stood  for  centuries.  The  Bank  of  England, 
the  great  mother  of  banks  of  circulation,  besides  an  actual 
stoppage  of  a  quarter  of  a  century,  has  had  her  crisis  and 
convulsion  in  average  periods  of  seven  or  eight  years,  for 
the  last  half  century— in  1783,  '93,  '97,  1814,  '19,  '25,  '36— 
and  has  only  been  saved  from  repeated  failure  by  the  pow- 
erful support  of  the  British  government,  and  profuse  supplies 
of  exchequer  bills.  Her  numerous  progeny  of  private  and 
joint  stock  banks  of  circulation  have  had  the  same  convul- 
sions; and  not  being  supported  by  the  government,  have 
sunk  by  hundreds  at  a  time.  All  the  banks  of  the  United 
States  are  banks  of  circulation;  they  are  all  subject  to  the 
inherent  dangers  of  that  class  of  banks,  and  are,  besides, 
subject  to  new  dangers  peculiar  to  themselves.  From  the 
quantity  of  their  stock  held  by  foreigners,  the  quantity  of 
other  stocks  in  their  hands,  and  the  current  foreign  balance 
against  the  United  States,  our  paper  system  (bank  currency) 
has  become  an  appendage  of  that  of  England.  *  *  The 
power  of  a  few  banks  over  the  whole  presents  a  new  feature  of 
danger  in  our  system.  It  consolidates  the  banks  of  the  whole 
Union  into  one  mass,  and  subjects  them  to  one  fate,  and  that 
fate  to  be  decided  by  a  few,  without  even  knowledge  of  the 
rest.  (This  was  strikingly  illustrated  by  the  almost  general 
suspension  of  the  National  Banks  in  1873.)  An  unknown 


div:in  of  bankers  sends  forth  an  edict  which  sweeps  over 
the  empire,  orO006fl  tin-  lines  of  States  with  the  facility  of  a 
finnan,  pros! rating  all  State  institutions,  breaking  up  all 
engagements,  and  leveling  all  laws  before  it.  This  is  a  kind 
b£ Consolidation  which  the  genius  of  Patrick  Henry  had  not 
even  c.meeived.  But  while  this  firman  is  thus  potent  and 
irresistible  for  prostration,  it  is  impotent  and  powerh- 
resurrection.  It  goes  out  in  vain,  bidding  the  prostrate 
lianks  to  rise.  A  veto  power  intervenes.  One  voice  is 
sufficient  to  keep  all  down;  and  thus  we  have  seen  one  word 
from  Philadelphia*  annihilate  the  New  York  proposition  for 
resumption  and  condemn  the  many  solvent  hank-  to  the 
continuation  of  a  condition  as  mortifying  to  their  feelings 
as  if  is  injurious  to  their  future  interests.  Again  from  the 
mode  of  doing  business  among  our  banks — using  r:n-h 
others  notes  to  bank  upon,  instead  of  holding  each  other  to 
weekly  settlements,  and  liquidation  of  balances  in  specie, 
our  banks  have  all  become  links  of  one  chain,  the 
strength  of  the  whole  being  dependent  on  tin-  strength  of 
eaeh.  A  few  govern  all.  Whether  it  U  to  fail,  MI- to  resume, 
the  f«-w  govern;  and  not  only  the  few  but  the  weak.  A  few 
il;  a  panic  ensues,  and  the  rest  shut  up;  many 
strong  onei  ire  ready  to  roume;  the  weak  are  not  ready, 
ami  the  strong  must  wait.  Thus  the  principles  «,{'  safety, 
and  the  rules  of  government,  arc  reversed.  The  weak 
ii  the  strong;  the  bad  govern  the  good;  and  the 

gOTOri]  the  solvent.      This  jx  our  sy>tem. 

I--   ealled,   which   lias  no  feature  of   OOllSUrteney,    no 

principle  •  .  and   which    is 'nothing  but   the   floating 

appen  .1    f.. reign  and   overpowering   system."      Who 

can    d-.ul.t    U    tO  whew  :    and    IJciiton    would    stand 

.,    if    they    were    alive,    in    regard    to    the    i  — ue    now 

;r_r,  whether  the  government  and  peoph-  ..f  tin-  United 

i;  \NKS   en-1    nil-:    r\i  i  i:i»   BT  \ 

beg  shall  use  I'nited  States  Treasury  notes,  or  National 
JJank  notes,  nominally  redeemable  in  gold,  for  their 
Circulating  medium?  It  was  impossible  in  Jackson's  time 
for  the  administration  to  suppress  State  banks  of  is.-iie, 

deeply  liad  they  become  rooted  in  the  structure  of 
American  society,  but,  everything  possible  was  done  t<> 
curtail  their  power  for  mischief.  The  lirst  step  taken  in 
this  direction  was  the  publication,  July  11,  J^'.r.,  of  the 
famous  *•  specie  circular,*'  ordering  agents  for  the  sale  of 
public  lands  to  take  nothing  in  payment  but  specie.  This 
circular  was  based  on  a  law  passed  in  1816,  requiring  the 
Secretory  of  the  Treasury  to  take-  nothing  but  specie,  Treasury 
notes,  or  the  notes  of  specie  paying  banks.  The  notes  of 
eastern  banks  at  this  time'  were  sent  West  for  :i  ugood  circu- 
lation," and  "coon-box  banks"' were  set  up  in  the  Western 
States,  which  issued  notes  in  easy  loans  to  land  speculators.* 
The  title  to  land  was  passing  rapidly  to  speculators,  and  the 
treasury  was  being  filled  with  worthless  paper.  Ten  millions 
of  bank  currency  of  this  sort  was  arrested  by  the. circular  on 
its  way  to  the  land  ollicc  at  Washington.  The  money  power 
was  highly  indignant,  and  Congress,  then  as  now  its  suppli- 
ant tool,  at  its  next  session  parsed  a  bill  rescinding  the 
circular,  but  it  was  not  signed  by  the  President  and  failed 
to  become  a  law.  This  led  to  the  establishment  of  the 
Independent  Treasury  system,  of  which  more  will  be  said 
hereafter.  The  number  of  specie  basis  banks  in  existence 
during  this  period  were  as  follows: 

Years,       Number,            Years,        Number.            Years.        Number, 
IS20 1835.  .  .  .  i--- 0(i:J 

1830 330  ls:5t; :.<;?  1839 slu 

1834 500  1837 (i:'»  t  1840 1)01 

The  country   was  flooded   wi'li    a.  depreciated  currency, 
based  on  "hard  money,"1  and  commercial  crashes  and  money 

•History  of  American  Currency. 


panics  occurred  with  almost  as  much  regularity  as  the  ebb 
ami  flow  of  the  tides. 

THE    CRASH    OF    1837. 

Iii  the  latter  part  of  1836  several  large  failures  occurred 
in  <  .real  Britain.  This  was  the  beginning  of  a  crisis  which 
eonvul>ed  both  Europe  and  America.  Early  in  May  one 
bank  in  New  York  City  and  three  in  Buffalo  failed.  On 
the  10th  of  May  all  the  banks  in  New  York  suspended 
payments,  under  a  law  passed  by  the  legislature 
allowing  tin-in  to  suspend  for  one  year.  The  banks  through- 
out the  (••  .nut  ry  soon  followed  their  example.  The  <li>: 
of  the  year  were  aggravated  by  a  failure  of  the  wheat  crop. 
The  New  York  hanks  being  required  by  law  to  resume  M  :y 
10,  1838,  contracted  their  circulation  as  rapidly  as  possible. 
It  was  reduced  over  $12,000,000,  or  one-half,  during  the 
year  1S:}7.  The  banks  of  New  England  were  in  a  had 
condition,  the  best  of  them  having  only  $1  in  specie  to 
redeem  $11  iii  notes.  A  meeting  of  bank  delegates  in  New 
York  was  called  for  November  27,  1837,  to  confer  in  regard 
to  resumption,  but  the  United  States  Bank  refusing,  the 
convention  did  not  meet.  The  New  York  Banks  resumed 
on  the  loth  of  .May,  1 838,  and  nearly  all  the  banks  through  out 
the  country  soon  followed,  at  least  nominal!  iho^e 

of  Philadelphia.  Towards  the  end  of  the  year  the  Bank  of 
Knirland  again  became  involved  in  trouble,  producing  the 
usual  effect  'm  America. 

CRASH    OP    1839. 

on  the   Huh  of  October,  1839,  the  Bank  of  the  United 

el.. sed  its  doors,  and  was  followed  by  nearly  all  the 
-  -nth  and  WeM.     The  banks  in  New  York  and 
Kii'  made  a  show  of  holding  out,  but  to  no   pur- 
pose.    According  to  Sunnier,  343  out  of  850  banks  closed 

BANKS    OP   TIII-3    UNITED    STATES.  151 

1'iitiivly,  ;ui<l   02   p-irtially,  and   the   government  l»st  over 
$2,000,000  in  deposit <. 

«   KASII    OF    1841. 

An  attempt  was  made  to  resume  specie  payments  in  1841. 
But  a  run  was  made  on  tlie  United  States  Bank,  which  had 
again  opened,  and  it  was  compelled  to  finally  close  February 
4,  1841.  This  led  to  another  general  suspension,  followed 
by  great  distress.*  Specie  payments  were  not  again  resumed 
until  March,  1842. 

During  all  these  years  of  banking  on  the  specie  basis 
system,  banking  operations  had  been  carried  on  in  the  most 
reckless  manner,  without  regard  to  personal  integrity,  or  the 
laws  of  banking.  Every  possible  device  was  resorted  to  by 
banks  to  put  their  notes  in  circulation,  in  such  a  way  as 
would  prevent  their  speedy  return  for  redemption.  Judge 
Kelley,  in  an  able  speech  on  the  subject  of  banking, 
delivered  at  Indianapolis,  in  August,  1875,  thus  felicitously 
describes  the  manner  in  which  this  was  frequently  done: 

"Do  you  know  where  the  phrase  'carpet-bagger'  came 
from?  The  younger  men  of  our  day  think  it  was  invented 
to  describe  a  man  from  the  North  who  went  South  and  got 
an  office.  Oh,  no;  not  at  all.  The  older  members  of  my 
audience  will  attest  the  truth  of  what  I  say  when  I  state  that 
the  phrase  '  carpet-bagger '  arose  from  the  fact  that  nearly 
every  specie  basis  bank  had  its  carpet-bagger — a  fellow  it 
sent  with  notes  by  the  carpet-bag  full  into  some  distant  State 
to  get  them  into  circulation  there.  If  he  could  not  buy 
cattle,  corn,  hogs  or  something  else  in  which  there  might 
be  a  profit,  he  was  to  enter  into  a  treaty  with  the  carpet- 
bagger or  other  officer  of  some  bank  out  there  for  an 
exchange  of  notes.  For  instance:  The  Frogtown  bank — 
for  I  am.  told  there  were  banks  located  occasionally  in 

*How  tills  distress  was  relieved  iu  Pennsylvania,  see  page  44. 


ulin  np>,  ami  in  those  days,  you  must 

Lember,  there  were  no  telegraphs  and  but-  few  railn. 
— the  fellow  from  Frogtown  would  get  way  out  into  Skunk- 

,i,  another  almost  Inaccessible  place,  and  lie  \vonld  efl 
an   <  •  of  ten,  twenty,  or  thirty  thousand   dollar- 

I  u  l)ank  nou-s  for  a  like  amount  of  Skunktown  bank 
;d  the  SkunktOWB  bankers  would  put   off  t! 
town  noics  on  their  customers,  and  the  Frogtown  ban 
would  put  oft'  the  Skunktown  bank  notes  on  theirs,  and  thu*. 
they    would    go  on   with  this  legitimate   business   to   tlieir 
common  advantage.     I  am  giving  you  a  histori>  hen 

I  tell  you  that  I  iirst  became  acquainted  with   that  term  in 
fellows  who  were  traveling  from  on<-  «mt- 
M'-way  place  to  .-mother  with  a.  carpet-bag  full  of  not, 
exchange,  so  tliat  tiie  notes  put,  in  circulation  in   Skunktown 
couldn't   find    their    way    back    to    Frogtown,   because   the 
people  in  Skunktown  didn't  know  where  Frogtown  wa>.  and 
the  people  in  Frogtown  didn't  know  where  Skunktown 
— and  if  they  did  they  couldn't  get  there-;   the  people  in  one 
:  to  the  other  to  get   the-   specie  on    which 
the  nntcN    were    based.      Then    after  the   bank  at    Frogtown 
had  paid  out   the   Skunktown    notes,  the-   bank   ;ii    Fn>gt«»\vii 
would  refuse  to  receive  the  Sknnktown   note>,  but   it   would 

I  the  holder,  \vho  wax  it*  debtor,  around  the  corner   : 
broker,  uho   would    buy    them    at   seven    or    nine    per   cent, 
di-coiiut,  :md  then    the  bmkcr  and   the   bank    would   di 
the  proceeds  of  thU  gold  i».i-i>  t:-an>action.     That  la 

-•  <HI  all  over  the-  <  oiintn  ." 
In    referring   to  this   period,  in    tip 

''oreibly  say-:     "It,  is  u-ual    to    >|>cak    <•!'    l 

;7,  but   f  16    unbr. 

f  individual  sulTering,  roulling  from  the  alternating 
ins  and  coutr  |  ;    on 

HANKS    <>F    TIIK    L'.NITKD    STATUS. 

what  it  could  not  get,  and  could  not.  have  retained  if  it  had 
-gold  coupled  with  permission  to  issue  notes  and  lend 
mom-}'  deposited  for  safe  keeping." 

In  1S40  the  Independent  Treasury  act  was  passed,  which 
took  from  the.  hanks  the  custody  of  the  funds  of  the  govern- 
ment. This  act  excited  great  indignation  amount  the  hanks 
and  their  tools,  and  the  next  year,  :i  new  administration 
coming  into  power,  Harrison  having  been  elected  President, 
the  iirst  step  taken  by  Congress  was  to  repeal  it.  It  was 
re-enacted,  however,  in  1846,  and  remained  in  force  until 
1861,  when  it  was  suspended  to  enable  the  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury  to  deposit  the  funds  of  the  government  with  ''specie 
paying  banks."  (The  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  was  about 
to  negotiate  a  loan  of  $150,000,000  from  the  banks  ot  New 
York,  Boston  and  Philadelphia,  and  the  Independent  Trea- 
ury  act  was  suspended  at  their  instance,  so  as  to  enable  them 
to  retain  their  gold  and  pay  the  government  in  bank  cur- 
rency; but  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury1  unexpectedly 
required  the  loan  to  be  paid  in  specie,  and,  after  that,  there 
were  no  "specie  paying  banks1'  left  in  which  to  deposit 
eminent  funds.) 

The  stimulus  of  the  tariff  of  1842,  a  great  demand  for 
breadst tiffs  from  abroad,  the  introduction  of  foreign  capital, 
the  discovery  of  gold  in  California,  and  other  causes  com- 
bined fo  carry  the  country  through  from  1841  to  1857 
without  a  commercial  crash  or  money  panic. 

<  KASII   OF    I  So 7. 

In  is/37,  however,  the  people  of  (Ireat  IJritain  were  over- 
taken by  another  of  their  periodical  crises,  which,  as  usual, 
involved  the  banks  of  the  United  States.  The  Ohio  Life 
and  Trust  Company  failed  AIUTIM  -24,  is/37,  with  liabilities 
to  the  amount  of  $7,000,000.  Sumner  says,  "at  this  period 


no  rule  M-ems  to  have  governed  issues  save  to  keep  one-third 
of  the*  circulation  in  specie,  and  in  some  States  even  this 
dwindled  down  to  one-tenth  or  one-twelfth.  Such  a,  rule, 
however,  5^  entirely  fallacious,  as  any  other  arbitrary  rule  of 
reserve  must  be,  and  it  proved  in  the  time  of  trial  that  there 
\va<  no  strength  to  endure  any  shock."  The  New  York 
banks,  as  an  example  of  the  contraction  which  followed, 
curtailed  their  loans  from  $116,000,000,  August  29,  1857,  to 
$94,500,000,  November  28,  1857.  The  banks  of  Philadel- 
phia, Washington,  Baltimore,  and  interior  towns,  suspended 
in  September,  and  those  of  New  York,  Boston  and  of  the 
country  generally,  in  October.  Stocks  fell  40  or  50  per 
cent.,  and  20,000  persons  were  thrown  out  of  employment 

s  York  City  within  a  fortnight.*   But  it  is  unnec- 
to  go  into  details.     It  was  the  same  old  story  over  again. 
The  people  \\ere  accused  of  " extravagance,"  "over  produc- 
tion," etc.,  and  after  "confidence"  had  been  restored  by  the 
Sheriff,  the  banks  started  afresh. 

-(-PENSION    OP    1861. 

Iii  the  beginning  of  1861,  when  the  great  Rebellion  broke 
out,  the  number  of  hanks  in  the  United  States  was  about 
1,600,  with  a  circulation  of  over  $200,000,000.  Of  this  circu- 
lation, about  three-fourths  belonged  to  the  Northern  States. 
The  Specie  reserve  of  the  banks  of  the  Northern  States,  kept 
on  hand  for  the  purposes  of  redemption,  amounted  to  proba- 
bly some  $60,000,000.  The  necessities  of  the  government 
Ymg  urgent,  tvo  loan  acts  were  pa»ed  by  Congress, 
during  the  extra  session  of  1861,  one  approved  July  17th 
and  the  other  August  /ith.  By  the  act  of  July  17th  Con 
authori/cd  loans  to  the  amount  of  two  hundred  and  fifty 
millions  of  dollars,  in  bonds  running  twenf;.  at  not 

,   per  cent,  interest;  in  7-30  notes  runnning  three  year-; 
•Sumner,  page  183. 

I5ANKS    OF    TIM-:     IMTKI)    MAM,-.  155 

or  fifty  millions  of  the  amount  could,  at  the  discretion  of 
the  Secretary,  be  issued  in  the  form  of  Treasury  notes, 
I  >:iy:ible  on  demand,  without  interest*  The  act  of  Congress 
t»t'  August  5th  authorized  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  to 
issue  6  per  cent,  bonds,  running  twenty  years,  for  the  purpose 
of  funding  the  Treasury  notes,  etc.,  and  also  suspended  the 
provision  of  the  sub-Treasury  act  of  1846,  "so  far  as  to 
allow  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  to  deposit  any  of  the 
moneys  obtained  on  any  of  the  loans  now  authorized  by  law, 
to  the  credit  of  the  United  States,  in  such  solvent  specie 
paying  banks  as  he  may  select."  Then,  to  quote  from 
Spaulding's  Financial  History  of  the  War,  "  the  banks  in 
New  York,  Boston  and  Philadelphia  most  patriotically  cai no 
forward  and  made  arrangements  in  several  negotiations 
with  Secretary  Chase  to  loan  the  government  8150,000,000 
under  the  provisions  of  the  two  loan  acts  passed  at  the  extra 
session.  Of  this  sum  $105,000,000  was  apportioned  to  the 
.^-ociated  banks  of  New  York,  payable  in  installments. 
The  banks  were  in  good  condition,  *  *  and  the  loan  to  the 
government  was  made  with  the  expectation  that  the  money 
would  be  checked  out  under  the  direction  of  the  Secretary,  in 
pursuance  of  the  sixth  section  (suspending  the  sub-Treasury 
act)  above  referred  to.  The  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 
refused  to  use  the  discretionary  power  conferred  upon  him 
by  that  section,  and  would  not  check  on  the  banks  for  the 
expenses  of  the  war,  so  that  current  bank  notes  could  be 
paid  or  balances  settled  through  the  clearing  house,  but 
insisted  that  the  banks  should  pay  the  money  loaned  into 
the  sub-Treasury  in  gold  or  gold  Treasury  notes.  *  *  The 
banks  having  been  committed  to  making  the  loans,  and 
having  made  partial  advances  on  account  of  the  same,  were 
obliged,  to  complete  the  loan,  notwithstanding  the  Secretary 

*The«e  notes  (known  aftorwards  as  old  demand  notes)  were  subsequently 
u  lull  legal  tender  aud  circulated  at  pur  with  gold.    See  Chapter  VI. 

15G  U'  >TA I : 

iMiry  deemed  it    ineMiiipatible  with   hi> 
duty,  and  the  tradition-  <>f  the  sub-Treasury  i 

tin-  government,  oven  under  the 
rdinary  exigency  under  which  the  loan*  were  i.. 
;his  it  appears  that  when  the  banks  "  most  patriot 

forward"'  to  lend   the  government,  tlie   sum  <>1 

000,000,  they  confidently  expected  that  they  would  be  per- 
mitted   to   exchange    l»auk   currency    for  the   bonds   of  the 
.incut,  and   in  eil'ect    to   i>ecome   factor-   bet  \\ven   the 
:nnent  and  tlie  people,  in  exchanging  the  bond-  ot'  the 
:iiiu-iit  for  the  products  of  industry.     I  lad  this  ai  : 
iiinit.  IM-  n  carried  out,  it  is  not,  difficult,  in  the  light  of  sixty 
rien<  <•   with   the  specie   basis  banking  sy>U-m,  to 
conjecture  what  would  have  been  the   result.     Tlie    banks 
would  have  taken  the  loans  of  tlie  government  a^    : 
they  were  offered,  and  inllatcd  their  circulation  to  a  corres- 
ponding d>  er  or  later  tlie  inflation   would  have 
ended  in  a  commercial  crash  and  money  panic;  the  hanks 
wouhl    have  Mispnidrd    specie  paymentfl   U    usual,  and  the 

found  themselves  with  some  hund:> 

millions  of  dollars  of  worthless  nr  depreciated  paper  on  their 
hamN    -in  M' bankruptcy.  .ry  Chase  undoubt- 

edly Ijecamc  entangled  in  the  toils  of  the  ni,.ney  j»ower,  but 
his  action  in  this  particular,  in  refusing  to  take  anything  but 
sj.crie  from  the  banks  on  account  of  their  loan  of  ^150,000^- 
000,  was  a  foi'tunate  circumstance,  which  led  to  imj)«»rtant. 
result.-.  When  nr-ed  to  check  upon  the  banks,  in>1- 
re(jiiiring  them  to  j  ,  he  said,  '•  however  harm! 

•ial  it  might  be,  it'  <•  .nt'mcd   to  the   Ne\v    Y..rk   b -inks, 
i!d  inevitably  result  in  :d   payment  :ind  receipt 

for  public  dnes  or  bank  - .  hi«  -h  in  turn  \\"uld  1 

••uld  terminate  in  >fl  and 

:id  bank 
•Lett«T  ..r  .1 .  l  .  William*  lo  Hoi..  B.  !».< 

IN:   i  M  i  I:D   MA  i  157 

Tin-  banks  accu&ed  ii  ry  of  the  Treasury  of  acting 

in  bad  faith  with  them,  in »t  only  in  the  mailer  of  requiring 
tin-in  to  pay  specie,  l>ut  in  rout  inning  to  issue  Treasury  notes 
(demand  notes  under  the  act  of  July  17,  1861)  after  he  had 
given  assiuraces  to  the  contrary,  and  a  general  suspension 
of  specie  payments  took  place  on  the  28th  of  Dec-ember, 
1861.  A  prominent  banker*  iu  speaking  of  this  period  say>: 
'*  Kven  with  all  these  unfavorable  circumstances  surrounding 
them  (the  banks),  it  was  an  encouraging  fact  observed  by 
those  who  were  anxiously  watching  the  practical  operation 
of  this  great  and  novel  experiment,  that  while  the  circula- 
ting notes  in  the  country  were  restricted,  the  disbursements 
of  the  government  l'<»r  the  war  were  so  rapid,  and  the  con- 
sequent internal  trade  movement  was  so  intense,  that  the 
coin  paid  out  upon  each  installment  of  the  loan  came  back 
to  the  banks,  through  the  community,  in  about  one  week. 
The  natural  effect  of  this  general  commercial  activity  upon 
the  circulating  medium  being  to  quicken  its  flow.  After 
taking  the  third  amount  of  fifty  millions  by  the  associated 
hanks,  those  in  New  York  who  had  at  that  time  paid  in  of 
their  proportion  over  eighty  millions  in  all  found  themselves 
in  this  position: 
Their  aggregate  coin,  which  on  the  I7tli  of  August,  before 

the  first  payment  into  the  Treasury,  was $49,733,990 

Was  on   December  7th 42,318,610 

A  reduction  of  only $7,415,380 

and  the  other  two  cities  in  like  proportion." 

In  the  latter  part  of  isui  gold  began  to  1low  towards 
Europe.  This,  together  with  the  issue  of  demand  notes, 
caused  the  specie  reserve  of  the  banks  to  diminish  rapidly. 
The  drain  upon  the  Xew  York  banks  in  December  went 
on  at  the  following  rate: 

•Letter  of  Geo.  S.  Coe  to  E.  G.  Spauldlng,  Financial  History  of  the  War. 


•iber  7,  1861,  the  banks  had  in  specie $42,300,000 

14,  "  "  39,000,000 

"         21,  "  "  "  36,800,000 

"         28,  u  "  "  29,300,000 

After  a  final  conference  with  Secretary  Chase,  in  which 
he  refused  to  abandon  the  course  he  had  thus  far  pursued, 
the  banks  decided  that  it  was  expedient  to  suspend 
payment-,  and  accordingly,  as  already  mentioned,  a  general 
suspension  took  place  on  December  28,  1861.     From  this 
time  on  the  specie  in  the  New  York  banks  began  to  in« 
i,  and  March  8,  1862,  was  $30,000,000. 

The  State  banks  continued  to  circulate  their  notes  until 
after  the  National  Banks  were  put  in  operation,  when  they 
were  driven  out  of  circulation  by  taxation.  The  National 
Banking  bill  became  a  law  on  the  25th  of  February,  1863, 
and  (.n  the  3d  of  March  following  an  act  of  Congress  w;i- 
passed  imposing  a  tax  of  one  per  cent,  each  half  year,  on  a 
graduated  scale,  of  State  bank  circulation,  according  to  the 
capital  stock  of  each  bank.  This  was  dime  for  the  purpose 
of  getting  the  E  :iks  of  issue  out  of  the  way  of  the 

:ial    Banks,   and   proved   successful.     Thus,   af: 
eventful  career  of  n\er  half  a  century,  during  which  they 
had    inflicted    incalculable    injury   and    suffering  upon  the 
American  people,  the  s;  is  banks  of  is>ue.  Ofg 

onder  State  authority,  passed  away,  not  in  a  merited 

of  public  indignation,  but.  quietly  and  stealthily  at  the 
mand  of  the  money  p. .\\i-r,  to  enable  it  to  erect   in   their 

:••  powerful  and  dangerous  development  • 
same  system  of  l»anki: 

N  \TI"N   M       I'  ' 

Tlie  National  Hanking  sy-fem   was  ]»lanned   shortly  after 

ChaM-  entered   upon   tin-  duties  of  his  nflicc,  and 

was  recommended  by  him  in  his  first  annual  report  to  Con- 


gress,  December  10,  1801.  It  was  found  impossible  to  put 
tin-  system  into  operation  soon  enough  to  meet  the  necessities 
of  the  government,  and  it  became  necessary  to  issue  Treas- 
ury notes  (greenbacks.)  There  is  abundant  reason  to  believe 
that  the  instigators  of  the  National  Banking  system  were  in 
no  particular  hurry  to  have  it  put  into  operation.  As  the 
circulation  of  the  National  Banks  was  to  be  based  on  gov- 
ernment bonds,  it  became  an  object  to  these  conspirators, 
chief  among  whom  was  the  Hon.  John  Sherman,  United 
States  Senator  from  Ohio,  to  so  shape  legislation  as  to 
depreciate  the  paper  of  the  government  and  enable  them  to 
secure  the  bonds  necessary  to  establish  the  National  Banking 
system  at  the  lowest  possible  figure.  The  National  Banking 
bill,  therefore,  was  not  pressed  until  1863.  It  was  then  foisted 
upon  the  country  at  a  time  when  National  Banks  could  render 
no  possible  service  to  either  government  or  people — in  fact, 
were  :i  disadvantage,  for  their  circulation  differs  in  no 
material  respect  from  the  circulation  of  specie  basis  banks 
of  issue,  and  is  a  breeder  of  inflation.  The  National  Banking 
system  was  conceived  in  fraud,  and  its  promoters,  who 
found  it  to  their  advantage  to  first  depreciate  by  legislation 
and  then  decry,  as  they  are  still  doing,  the  paper  of  the 
government,  were  more  dangerous,  because  more  subtle 
enemies  of  the  government,  than  Jefferson  Davis  and  all  his 
hosts.  The  last  step  in  the  scheme,  p'..i:med  by  Secretary 
Chase  and  certain  capitalists  and  politicians,  is  now  in- 
process  of  consummation.  TVo  refer  to  the  retirement  of 
the  greenback  and  tho  resumption  of  specie  payments, 
January  1,  18 TO.  "When  this  is  accomplished  the  National 
Banks  will  hold  the  purse  strings  of  society,  and,  by  monop- 
olizing tho  whole  of  tho  circulating  medium  of  the  country, 
by  which  all  property  in  the  country — homes,  lands,  debts 
and  credits,  personal  and  real  estate  of  all  descriptions — are 

160  I  IIH    I'MTKI)    STA'I  i 

valued,  will  render  tin-  whole  community  dependent  upon 
them.  John  Randolph  predicted,  and  his  prediction  ua^ 
v«  niicd,  that  if  a  National  Bank  was  established  with  :i 
capital  of  $35,000,000,  it  would  '-overawe  Congress  and 
laugh  at  its  laws."  Now  we  have  2,<K)0  National  Banks 
with  a  capital  of -nearly  #400,000,000.  Benton  characteri/.ed 
the  unity  of  interest  of  the  old  State  bank*  of  i--i;e  as  "a 
,-olidation  of  a  kind  which  the  genius  of  Patrick  Henry 
had  not  even  conceived."  The  National  Hanking  system  con- 
stitutes "a  consolidation"'  besides  which  the  one  denoun 
by  Ben!< -n  is  a  mere  pigmy.  Hamilton  when  he  son 
to  found  a  strong  government,  based  on  an  aristocracy  of 

i!h,aiid  to  that  end  urged  the  establishment  of  a  1'ir 

States  Bank  modeled  on  the  British  system,  never  dreamed 

of  such  a  consolidated   power  as  that  now  constituted    by 

2,000  National  Banks,  modeled  on  that  (the  British)  system. 

But,  apart  from  the  dangerous  power  over  the   property 

and   political   affairs  of  the  country,  which   such   a   system 

fera  upon   :i  comparatively  small  class  of  people,  why 

ild  all   other  classes  be  compelled  to  pay  the  hanking 

clu^  interest  on  £400,000,000,  more  or  less,  of  paper  money 

1  on  bonds  of  the  government,  for  which  the  people  arc 

•  nsible,  when  they  can  have  a  better  circulating  medium, 

without  inferexf,  based  on  precisely  the  same  Becori 

The  history  of  the  National  Hanking  svMrm  can  be  more- 
rtfa  in  connection  with  the  hi>tory  «.f  the  le. 

.ring  tlie  war,  and  with  that  will  form 

the  subject  of  the  next  chapter.      The  details  of  the  system 
will  be  duly  explained  in  a.  subse«|iient  cha]>ter  (Chapter  VII.) 


HISTORY    OF    Till:    IVUM-M!    M«»M;y    [g&UBD    DUKING 

MONEY,  as  has  been  fully  explained,  is  an  important 
clement  in  the  production  and  distribution  of  wealth  in  all 
its  forms.  Without  it  production  is  slow  and  laborious,  aiM 
the  distribution  of  the  products  of  industry  difficult  and 
expensive.  Hence  the  necessity  of  an  abundance  of  money 
based  on  sound  principles — that  is  money  that  is  free  to 
obey  the  natural  laws  of  trade,  and  not  subject  to  the  control 
of  private  corporations,  as  is  the  ease  with  bank  currency— - 
to  fill  the  channels  of  circulation.  With  a  sound  currency 
in  circulation  the  production  and  accumulation  of  wealth 
would  go  on  gradually  and  steadily, and  coimnereial  crashes 
and  money  panics  would  be  unknown.  Individuals  would 
Mieeeed  or  fail,  as  now,  but  it  would  be  through  natural 
eauses.  That  a  people  can  carry  on  coimnereial  operations 
of  great  magnitude  for  centuries,  by  means  of  an  enlightened 
M  -tern  of  money,  without  being  visited  once  by  such  crises 
and  convulsions  as  have  marked  the  history  of  Great  Britain 
and  the  United  States,  since  the  adoption  of  the  specie  basis 
(banks  of  issue)  system  of  money,  is  fully  demonstrated  by 
tin-  history  of  the  Venetians,*  and  the  experience  of  other 
European  nations  in  more  recent  times.  The  weakness  of 
the  specie  basis  system  lias  been  nu»t  signally  illustrated, 
however,  in  times  of  war,  when  great  activity  in  both 
production  and  distribution  became  absolutely  imperative. 
In  the  war  with  France,  from  IT 93  to  1815,  Great  Britain 
was  obliged  to  abandon  a  medium  of  exchange  based  on 

*See  Chapter  IV. 

162  IIISTOIIY  or  TIII-:  PAIM-II:  M«»\KY 

'her.      P>y  means  of  irredeemable  paper  money 
slit-  \\.-i-  enabled   to  carry  on   succe>>i'iilly  OIK-   of  the   i. 
tremendous    wars   of   modern    times,  and   at  its   <-l«><e   tlie 
people  c- 1'  (Jival  Britain  were,  individually  ami  collectively. 
OS.     Ignoring  the  teachings  of  experience  she  waded 
Lack   through   individual   bankruptcy  and  ruin  to  tin-  old 
and   lias   had   her  commercial   crashes   and    money 
panics  since  with  the  same  regularity  as  before.      If  paper 
money  is  found  to  be  so  invaluable  in  the  production  and 
distribution   of  the   products  of    industry,   under  the    n 
disadvantageous  circumstances,  in  time  of  war,  what  is  to 
hinder  it  from  being  equally  invaluable  in  time  of  pe 
when   no  uncertainty  in   regard  to  its  ability  to    represent 
value  can   attend   its   use?     That  the    use   of  paper   money 
durinLr  war  is  a  matter  of  compulsion,  is  the  merest  sophistry. 
During  the  Revolutionary  war,  when   Continental   money, 
which  ran  hardly  be  said  to  have  been   based  on  anything, 
in  to  #row  worthless,  Congress  declared  that  th»>e   who 
refuse. 1  to  take  it  should   be    regarded    as  public   eneii; 
The  public,  smiled,  and  barbel's  papered  their  shops  with  it.* 

1'aper  money,  however,  undoubtedly  becomes  an  acknowl- 
edged m-ci-xxity  during  war  especially  in   countries   \\i. 

lium   of   exchaiiire    lielongs   to  the   specie    b 
In(ln-at  Ilritain  lnisiness  affairs  in  tin. 

irted  almoxt  entirely,  as  we  h:i  ;  by  mean 

-tern,   on    account    of  the    limited 

•  nut  of  money  in  circulation,  and   when  an   emergency 
quiring  great  rapidity  of  production  and  distrilni- 
tion,  both  government  and  people  iind  then^ehcs  without 
B  l«-.|iiate  -mplish  the  ends  . 

n  tho  TJelH-Hion  broke  out  in  1SG1,  the  p( -,,plo  of  the 
P6  in  the  enjoyment  of  unusual  prosperity. 
•Simmer's  History  of  American  Currency.      1£cc  page  47. 

ISSUED   nri:i\«;  TIM:   I:KI:I-:I.UON.  !»;:; 

The  crop>  li;ul  been  moiv  than  ordinarily  gund,  and  the  coun- 
try generally  Mas  rapidly  rccnxcring  iVnin  the  cra-h  of  1857. 
Tin-  cotton  crop  of  1SOO  had  reached  the  enormous  amount 
of  5,387,052  halos  (of  400  Ihs.  each.) 

The  state  of  the  hanks  ami  the  currency  from  1857  to  1863 
\va*  a>  follows: 

Circulation,  Deposits.  Loans,  Specie, 

1857—  1214,700,000  $230,309,000  $684,400,000  $58,300,000 

1858 —  155,200,000   185,900,000  583,100,000  74,400,000 

1859 —  193,300,000   259,500,000  657,100,000  104,500,000 
ls,;o_  207,100,000   253,800,000  691,900,000  83,500,000 

1861—  202,000,000   257,200,000  696,700,000  87,600,000 

1862—  183,700,000   296,300,000  646,300,000  102,100,000 

1863—  238,600,000   393,600,000   648,600,000  101,200,000 

Preparations  for  war  were  begun  hy  the  Federal  Govern- 
ment on  a  scale  of  great  magnitude,  with  an  empty  Treasury. 
The  real  and  personal  property  of  the  country,  according  to 
the  census  report  of  1860,  amounted  to  $16,159,616,068,  or, 
leaving  out  the  States  in  rebellion,  to  $10,957,450,961.  The 
people  of  the  States  which  sustained  the  Federal  Govern- 
ment possessed  ample  resources  and  were  inspired  hy  a 
sincere  feeling  of  patriotism.  The  only  question,  therefore, 
was  as  to  the  means  hy  which  the  resources  of  the  people 
could  he  rendered  available  to  the  government.  It  could 
of  course  he  done -only  through  the  instrumentality  of  a 
medium  of  exchange.*  Taxation  was  impracticable  at  the 
ouNet,  becau-e  the  government  did  not  possess  the  ma- 
chinery for  laying  and  collecting  taxes,  and  funds  were 
required  at  once;  and  besides  the  amount  of  money  in 
circulation  w  is  insignificant  as  compared  with  the  wants  of 
the  government.  There  was  manifestly  but  one  of  two 
eoursv-s-  to  p::vsue.  Either  to  adopt  the  machinery  of  the 
hanks  and  through  them  exchange  the  credit  of  the  govern- 
ment for  the  products  of  industry,  or  deal  directly  with  the 

"Head  ia  this  connection  page  C2,  also  pages  TO,  71,  72  and  73. 

-TORY   OP    'illi:    I'APKK    MOXEY 

l.y  issuing  legal  tender  Treasury  notes,  based  on  and 
-••nting  tin-  wealth  of  the  country  and  redeemable  in 
venues  of  tin-  government.  Neither  course,  hov 
!<iirsued,  or  rather  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 
attempted  to  u>e  both  ]>lans  in  part,  :ind  with  the  mo<t 
iicd  results. 


During  the  extra  session  of  Congress  in  July  and  August, 
1861,   two   important  loan   acts   were    passed,   which    are 

,  ing  of  special  notice,  one  approved  July  17th  and  the 
other  August  5th.  By  the  act  of  July  17th  the  Secretary  of 
the  Treasury  was  authorized  to  borrow  $250,000,000,  for 
which  he  was  authori/ed  to  issue  coupon  bonds  or  registered 
bonds  or  Treasury  notes  in  such  proportions  of  each  as  he 
might  deem  advisable.  The  bonds  were  to  bear  interest  n<»t 
exceeding  seven  per  cent,  per  annum,  payable  semi-annually, 
and  to  run  for  twenty  years,  when  they  would  be  redeemable 
,;t  the  pleasure  of  the  United  States;  and  the  Treasury  notes 
•ued  in  denominations  of  not  less  than  $50, 
payable  three  years  after  date,  with  interest  at  7  3-10  per 
cent.,  payable  semi-annually,  and  exchangeable  at  any  time 
for  twenty  years  six  per  cent,  bonds.  Or,  at  his  option,  the 

tary  of  the  Treasury  might  issue  $50,000,000  of  the 
loan  in  Treasury  notes,  payable  on  demand,  in  denom- 
inations of  not  less  than   ten   dollars  each,  without  in: 

payable'   for   salaries   and    other  dues  from   the 

1'nite  (afn-rwards  known  as  old   demand 

l;e   miirht    i  — ue   Treasury   notes,   payable  ill   one 

from   date,  bearing  interest  at  3   65-100  per  cent,  per 
annum,    ••\changeablc    at   any    time    in    sums   of   $100,   or 
upwards,  for  three  year  Treasury  notes  bearing  7  :;-IO  in' 
l»y  the  act  of  August  5th,  which  was  supplementary  to  the  act 
of  July  17th,  ti  ary  of  the  Treasury  was  authorized 

[SSUED   i.iKiv;  TIIK   i:i:i;i:i.i.iON'. 

tO  iSSUe  bonds  bearing  interest  at  six  }»er  cent.  per  annum, 
payable  after  twenty  years  from  date-,  which,  in  denomina- 
tions not  less  than  $500,  might  lie  exchanged  for  Treasury 
nok's  bearing  7  3-10  per  cent,  interest.  Tin-  act  of  July  17th, 
fixing  the  denomination  of  the  Treasury  notes  without 
interest  (demand  notes)  at  not  less  than  ten  dollars  Avas 
modified  so  as  to  fix  the  limit  at  not  less  than  five  dollars, 
and  these  notes  (demand  notes)  were  made  receivable  'in 
payment  of  public  dues.  By  the  sixth  section  of  this  act 
the  Sub-Treasury  act  of  1846  was  "suspended  so  far  as  to 
allow  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  to  deposit  any  of  the 
moneys  obtained  on  any  of  the  loans  now  authorized  by 
law,  to  tin-  credit  of  the  Treasurer  of  the  United  State--. 
such  solvent  specie  payiny  banks  as  he  may  select? 
By  an  act  of  Congress  approved  February  12,  1862,  the 
Secretary  of  the  Treasury  was  authorized  to  issue  $10,000,000 
of  Treasury  notes,  payable  on  demand,  not  bearing  interest, 
in  addition  to  the  $50,000,000  of  like  notes  authorized  by 
acts  of  July  17th  and  August  5th,  1861,  which  should  be 
deemed  part  of  the  loan  of  $250,000,000  authori/cd  by  said 
acts.  And  by  the  act  of  March  17,  1802,  it  was  enacted 
that  these  demand  notes  ($60,000,000  in  all)  shall,  in,  addi- 
tion to  beiny  receivable  in  payment  of  duties  on  im- 
ports, be  receivable,  and  shall  be  lawful  money  and  </ 
I'  Ii<i1  fender,  in  like  manner  and  for  the  same  purp««M-> 
and  to  the  same  extent  as  the  notes  (^reenbarks)  authorized 
by  the  act  approved  lu-bniary  '_'."),  is  «;•_'.  These  demand 
notes  were  the  only  notes  issued  during  the  war  that  wen- 
made  a  full  legal  tender,  that  is,  receivable-  for  all  public 
•  lues  (including  duties  on  imports)  and  a  tender  for  private 
debts.  After  they  were  made  a  full  legal  tender  they 
circulated  at  par  and  went  up  with  gold  to  a  premium  of 
$2.85,  or  in  other  words  it  cost  $2.85  in  greenbacks  to  buy 
a  dollar  in  gold  or  demand  notes. 

HISTORY    OF    Till:    I'.M'KK     M"\I  y 

of  Congress  it  appears   that   Secretary 

9  clothed  with  the  most  ample  powers  to  borrow 

money.       He    immediately    proceeded    to    New    York    ami, 

<»n    the    9th  of  Aii'_:u-t,    1801,   held  :i  consultation   with    a  of    leading    hankers    ami    capitalists    of    the    cities 

;k.  I  Jo-ton  and  Philadelphia,  wlioin  he  met  there 

by  appointment.      It  wa  -  Ited  on  the  part  of  tlie  hanks, 

that  the  hanks  of  the   North   should  form   an  "or^ani/ation 

that  would  combine  them  into  an   efficient   and    inseparable 

lor  the  purpose  of  advancing  the  capital  of  the  country 

upon  LTuvernmcnt  bonds  in  lar^e  amounts,  and  through  their 

clcariiiir  house  facilities  and  other  well  known   expedients, 

to  distribute-  them  in  smaller  sums  amon^  the  people  in  a 

manm-r   that    would    secure  active   co-operation   amoiiLr  the 

meinln-rs  in  thi>  special  work,  while  in  all   other   n- 

»-ach    bank    could    pursue    its   independent    business.     This 

tion,"  say>  Mr.  C'oc'.  iVom  whom  we  (juotc.*  iv  met  the 

approbation  of  the  assembled  company,  and  ai 

rnot    attention  of  the   Secretary.     At   his    rr«jue>t    it 

was  pn-(  nted  to  the  consideration  of  the  banks  at  a  mectiiiLT 

called  fm-  that  purpose  at  the  American  Exchange    IJank  on 

016  foUowing  day,  and  WM  80    far  entertained    ;i^    I.. 

tin-  appointment  of  a  committee  of  ten  bank  <>fliccr>,  to 

it  form   and    coherence.     The    committee    convened    at    the 

Dank  of  Comim  ivr,  whose  officers   /calously   united  in  the 

effort,  and   a   plan    was    reported    unanimously.      It   may  be 

found,  with    the    names   of  the   committee,  in   the    P,anker>' 

•!  ^••ptemhcr,    ISIJL     Thi>   n-p«»rt    was    cordially 

accepted  and  adopted  by  the  bankfl  in  New  5Tork,tho 

i  and  Philadelphia  bein^  i-epresi-nted  at  the  meeting 
and  a>  y..-:d«»u>ly  and  cordinlly  united  in  the  ori;ani/.ati..n. 
'  itly  de>in-d  to  include  also  the  bank>  of  the  \Ve-t, 

•Lf  tur  of  Gco.  8.  Coe,  Esq. :  Spaaldltig's  Financial  History  of  the  War.  Apx.  p.  90. 

[88UED   DUKING   TIN-:   i:!:isi-;i.i.i.  >.N.  107 

but  it  was  found  impracticahle  to  secure  the  co-operation  of 
;l«-  hanks  of  Ohio  and  In.  liana,  and  the  Slate  hanks 
(.!'  Mi  —  ouri,  tin-  only  other  or^ani/ation  under  a  compacted 
-y-tcin,  were  Mil-rounded  hy  conihatanis.  It  \v:is  at  once 
unanimously  agreed  that  tin-  associated  hanks  of  the  three 
rities  would  take  lii'ty  niillioiis  of  7  3-10  notes  at  par,  witli 
the  privilege  of  an  additional  fifty  millions  in  sixty  days, 
and  a  further  amount  of  tit'ty  millions  in  sixty  more,  making 
$150,000,000  in  all,  and  offer  thorn  to  the  people  of  the 
country  at  the  same  pricv,  without  change." 

The  amount  of  specie  held  by  the  banks  of  the  three  cities 
at  this  time  was  as  follows  : 

Banks  of  Xe\v   York  ........................  840,7: 


:,  lGo,039 

The  Treasury  notes  could  not  be  delivered  at  once,  as  time 
was  required  for  their  preparation  and  execution.  It  A\  as 
manifestly  impossible,  therefore,  for  the  banks  to  advance 
the  several  amounts  of  the  loan,  in  specie,  without  danger  of 
exhausting  their  reserve.  The  Sub-Treasury  act,  as  ^ve  have 
seen,  however,  had  been  suspended,  evidently  at  the  instance 
of  the  banks,  with  a  vic\v  to  enabling  them  to  handle  the 
bonds  and  securities  of  the  government,  in  return  for  bank 
currency.  "Accordingly,"  says  Mr.  Coe,  from  AV!:  m  we 
have  just  quoted,  "it  was  at  once  proposed  to  t:  S  tary 
that  he  should  suspend  the  operations  of  the  Sub-Treasury  act 
in  respect  to  these  transactions,  and  following  the  course  of 
commercial  business,  that  he  should  draw  checks  upon  some 
one  bank  in  each  city  representing  the  association,  in  small 
sums  as  required,  in  disbursing  the  money  thus  advanced. 
By  this  means  his  checks  would  serve  the  purpose  of  a  circu- 

168  HISTORY  OF  TMK   PA1  ::v 

lating  medium,  continually  redeemed,  ami  the-  exchai 
capital  ami  imliistry  be  he>t  promoted.  To  the 

astonishment  of  tin-  committee,  Mr.  Chase  refused/'  It  was 
iir-c.l  by  the  bankers  tliat  the  Sub-Treasury  act  had 
suspended  for  tliis  very  purpose,  but  Mr.  Chase  thought 
differently,  declaring  that  it  had  no  sueh  meaning  or  intent. 
Another  subject  of  discussion  between  the  banks  and  the 
Secretary  was  the  issue  of  demand  notes.  A  small  amount 
of  thcM-  notes  had  already  been  emitted,  and  a  resolution 
requesting  the  Secretary  to  refrain  from  issuing  any  more, 
until  all  other  means  had  been  exhausted,  had  been  adopted 
by  the  associated  banks.  Mr.  Coe  says  that  the  Secretary 
<_rave  :;s-iiranres  of  his  acquiescence  in  this  suggestion,  but 
refu>ed  "to  openly  pledge  himself  not  to  exercise  a  power 
conferred  by  law,"  ami  "that  with  this  understanding  the 
banks  began  their  work,  paying  into  the  treasury  in  coin 
$150,000,oon,  in  sums  at  the  rate  of  about  $5,000,000  at  inter- 
vaN,,f  six  day-."'  The  rapid  disbursements  by  the  govern- 
ment, and  the  intense  activity  of  the  movements  of  trade,  as 
we  ha\e  sren,*  brought  the  coin  nearly  all  back  to  the  banks 
within  a  \\  (•••'<.  after  it.  \\as  issued,  so  that  in  December  the 
banks  <»f  New  York,  after  paying  to  the  government  over 
$80,000,000,  found  their  specie  reserve  reduced  only  from 
149,733,090,  August  17th,  to  $42,:M8,Ol  -,  I  >< 
The  banks  Undoubtedly  expected  th  I 
tary  (  M  b«-  induced  to  accede  to  their  plan,  ' 

tinned  to  issue  the  demand  n<>;.-^it  b  circnt 

in  the  latter  part  «•!'    DeC(    nbcr,  l-'il,  after  the  banks  had 
paid  in  a  1  <•!'  their  loan,  that  the  Secretary  wa< 

niiied  to  adhere  to  his  ciwn  c««urse;  find  after  :i  confer- 
in  which  he  expre'-M'd  himself  t->  that  effect,  the  banks 
t    it    was  expedient  t<>   suspend  S]  nients 

*S««  pago 

nriMNt;  Tin:   i:::i;\.  109 

forthwith,  and  did  so  on  the  28th  of  the  month.     The  l>;i!  r 
of  tin-  l<>;m    was  paid   by  the  kinks  principally  in  Treasury 
notes,  and  was  finally  closed  on  the  3rd  of  February,  1862. 

The  patriotism  of  the  banks  oo/ed  out  as  soon  as  they 
found  that  They  could  not  control  Secretary  Chase  in  their 
interests.  After  they  had  succeeded  in  paying  the  greater 
part  of  their  loan  without  any  material  diminution  of  their 
specie,  there  was  manifestly  no  good  reasor  why  they  should 
suspend  specie  payments,  other  than  on  account  of  the 
inherent  weakness  of  the  specie  basis  system.  Their  circu- 
lation did  not  exceed  $140,000,000,  and  their  specie  reserve 
was  unusually  large,  about  $60,000,000.  The  suspension 
complicated  matters  greatly.  With  irredeemable  bank  paper 
and  demand  notes  of  the  government  promising  to  pay  specie, 
when  it  had  no  specie,  tilling  the  channels  of  circulation, 
gold  of  cour>e  began  to  command  a  premium.*  Had  Secre- 
tary Chase  adopted  the  plan  of  the  banks,  the  securities  of 
the  government  could  unquestionably  have  been  handled  by 
them  during  the  first  part  of  the  war  with  advantage  to  the 
government.  In  that  event  the  government  should  have  issued 
no  paper  currency.  Hut  the  result  would  undoubtedly  have 
been  dis-ist-rou<  in  the  end.  The  expenses  of  the  government 
soon  reached  $2,000,000  a  day.  To  meet  the  necessities  of 
the  government,  the  banks  would  have  been  obliged  to  inflate 
their  circulation  to  an  alarming  extent.  The  first  financial 
bree/.e  that  sprung  up  would  have  occasioned  a  panic;  the 
banks  would  ha\e  b.-i-n  obliged  to  suspend,  as  they  had  done 
nine  times  before  during  their  brief  existence,  and  most,  too,  ;it  a.  critical  period  of  the  war,  which  could 
not  fail  to  have  resulted  in  great  distress  and  general 
demoralization,  to  the  great  peril  of  the  government.  Se<-- 

rctary  Chase  seemed  to  apprehend  the  danger  of  adopting 

vv  t.ibh-  -liowing  the  monthly  range  of  gold,  from  1862  to  1876,  will  be  found  in 
the  Appendix. 

170  HisToKY  *>i'  TIN-:  I-AI-KK   MOVFV 

the  jilan  suggested  by  the-  associated  hanks,  hut  in  ail  other 
respectfl  he  proved  himself  utterly  incompetent  as  a  Minister 
\Vheu  he  renounced  the  machinery  of  the 
banking  system,  instead  of  urging  upon  Congress  the  neces- 
sity of  adopting  at  once  the  full  legal  tender  money  system, 
ami  devising  a  judicious  system  of  taxation,  he 

the  •  xtuftlixltim 'nt  <>f  flic.  X'ifio.Ki 
.V//N/'  ///.  The  inconsistency  of  his  action  in  this  re-pee? 
cannot  fail  to  strike  the  reader,  when  it  is  considered  that  the 
National  Hanking  system  differs  in  no  essential  particular 
from  the  Slate  Hanking  system,  which  he  had  just  re' 
BXCepI  that  its  notes  instead  of  being  secured  by  State  bond-, 
as  in  the  case  of  the  banks  of  New  York,  were  to  he  -eciired 
by  bonds  of  the  Federal  (Government. 

^Yhen  Congress  convened,  December  -J,  ls<il,the  para- 
mount <juestii»n  was  that  relating  to  the  finances  of  the 
Federal  (Government.  The  people  of  the  Northern  Males 

-ed  un!:iiiited  resources,  were  animated  by  t'celii 
devoted  patriotism,  and  were  willing  to  assume  any  burdens 
in  the  shape  of  taxation,  or  otherwise,  thai  Cmigre^  might 
deem  necessary  to  impose  for  the  legitimate  prosecution 
of  the  \\ar  for  the  preservation  of  the  I'liion.  It  simply 
de\ol\ed  upon  Congress  to  devise  the  ways  and  means  to 
render  the  resources  of  the  nation  available  to  the  govern- 
ment. As  this  could  be  done  only  through  the  instrumen- 
tality of  a  medium  of  exchange,  it  was-  the  tir-t  duty  of 
Congress  to  see  that  the  channels  of  trade  wen-  supplied 
with  a  HiHicicnt  amount  of  money  to  develop  the  producing 

<•!'  the  nation  to  their  utmost  capacity,  and  enable  the 
people  to  re-pond  to  the  requirements  of  the  government. 
I  manifest,  that  the  banks  could  not  be  relied  upon  for 

that  purpox,.  with  any  degree  of  certainty  or  sat',  ty.      There 

iicrcfore,  HO   other   alternative    but  for  Congress,   by 

fflSTTED    i.i  !M\«.   Tin:   KKHKI.I.ION.  171 

virtue  of  the  x'vnvign  prerogative  inherent  in  the  people, 
and  as  thi-ir  representative  duly  authori/cd  by  tin-  ('insti- 
tution, to  ivsiic  full  legal  tender  Treasury  notes,  not  bearing 
interest.  The  reason  of  this  is  obvious.  The  chief  end 
desired  was  to  create  <i  <•>,•<•  nl  <itt  ,i  <j  medium  of  exchange, 
and  this  end  could  be  accomplished  only  by  issuing  Trcas- 
ury  notes  in  a  form  that,  would  enable  them  to  perform  the 
functions  and  serve  the  purposes  of  money. 



And  here  it  is  proper  to  call  attention  to  the  difference 
between  an  ordinary  Treasury  note,  bearing  interest  and  not 
a  legal  tender,  and  a  full  legal  tender  Treasury  note,  not 
bearing  interest.  They  are  both  based  on  the  wealth  and 
credit  of  the  nation,  but  there  the  similitude  ends.  A 
Treasury  note,  bearing  interest  and  not  a  legal  tender,  is 
simply  an  evidence  or  security  of  indebtedness,  and  differs 
from  a  bond  only  in  form.  It  does  not  possess  the  attributes, 
nor  can  it  perform  the  functions,  of  money.  A  creditor 
of  the  government  may  be  obliged  to  take  it  at  its  face  value 
or  wait  an  indelinite  time  for  his  money;  but,  as  it  is  not  a 
legal  tender,  no  one  else  is  obliged  to  receive  it  at  the  value 
inscribed  on  its  face.  By  its  nature  it  is  nothing  more  than 
a  security  in  which  to  invest  money,  and  is  not  designed  or 
'•ainilated  to  serve  the  purposes  of  a  medium  of  exchange. 
The  fact  that  it  bears  interest  is  a  disadvantage  to  it  as  a 
medium  of  exchange,  because  in  the  ordinary  transactions 
of  life  people  cannot  stop  to  reckon  interest  every  time  it 
changes  hands;  and  the  fact  that  it  is  a  partial  legal  tender 
(payable  for  certain  dues  or  taxes  to  the  government)  leads 
those  who  have  such  duties  to  pay  to  decry  its  value  in  order 
that  they  may  purchase  it  at  a  depreciation.  It  is  on  the 

17-J  HISToKY    OF    TIIK    CAI'F.I:    MON'KY 

same  principle  that  the  greenback  i>  decried  by  tlio  bullion- 
.  because  they  have  gold  to  sell,  and  it  i>  to  tlieir  advan- 
tO  lniy  greenbacks  (with  gold)  as  cheaply  as  po:ssible. 

FII.I.    I.K'iAl.    TKNDKIi    TKKA^UKY     NoTK,     NOT 

I;I-:AI:I\«;  I\TKKK>  i. 

On  the  other  hand  a  Treasury  note,  not  bearing  interest, 
cannot  be  used  as  a  security  in  which  to  invest  money. 
Like  money  (made  of  gold  or  silver)  it  is  of  no  use  to  the 
pov-essor  until  it  is  parted  with.*  If  only  a  partial  legal 
tender  (receivable  for  certain  dues  to  the  government),  it  i- 
to  the  interest  of  many,  as  already  mentioned,  to  decry  its 
value,  in  order  to  obtain  it  as  cheaply  as  possible.  If  the 
Lfvernme'it  obliges  i:s  creditors  to  take  it  at  its  face  value, 
and  it  is  not  a  le^al  tender  in  payment  of  debts,  no  one 

••bliged    to    receive    it    at    the    >ame   value,  or    indeed    to 

ive  it  at  all.  While  it  is  then  the  same  as  mone\ 
between  the  government  and  its  creditor,  it  is  quite  a  differ- 
ent thing  between  the  creditor  and  the  public.  This  U 
manifestly  unjust.  TivaMiry  notes  are  i»ued  by  the  people 
in  their  collective  capacity,  through  the  agency  of  the  gov- 
ernment, and,  unlevs  simply  intended  a»  an  interest  bearing 

irity,  not   doiirned  to  pel-form   the   functions    of    nm 
oii'_rht    clearly  to  be  made  a  h-jfal  tender  for  private  debts  as 
well  as  public  duo,  otherwise  it   |. laces  it   in   the  power  of 
tin-  public   to   repudiate   individually   what    they   have  done 
collectively,  and   the   people  do  not  all  stand   on    the   same 
platform  with  respect  to  the  government   or  to  each   other. 
The  Treasury   note,  therefore,  in    this    form    (a   l«"_ral    tender 
and    not    bearing    interest)    constitute^   a    peculiar    form 
indebtednrxx  or  credit,   which    serves  all    the  purpo^o  of  a 
medium  of  exchange  and    enable-,   the   government   to  draw 

upon  the  resources  of  the  people  in  advance  of  t<> 

•See  page  30. 

i>ti:i\i,   TIM:    REBELLION.  1T;>- 

bearing  equally  upon  every  individual  in  tin-  nation.  The 
bllllionisls  and  their  organs,  in  their  efforts  to  decry  the 
legal  tender  Treasury  note  and  deceive  the  public,  are 
constantly  asserting  that  it  costs  tin-  government  nothing 
more  tfian  the  expense  of  printing,  and  is,  therefore,  worth- 
K -xv.  'This  is  not  a  mere  fallacy — it  is  a,  willful  perversion 
of  the  truth.  Kvery  dollar  of  legal  tender  paper  money 
i>Mied  by  the  government  costs  the  people  precisely  one 
dollar's  worth  of  property  or  labor.  A  dollar  greenback  is 
put  in  circulation  by  the  government  for  value  received  in 
property  or  services;  it  passes  from  hand  to  hand,  com- 
manding a  dollar's  worth  of  property  or  services  every  time 
it  is  used  as  a  medium  of  exchange;  until  finally  it  is 
returned  to  the  Federal  Treasury  in  the  shape  of  taxation  or 

On  the  5th  of  December,  1861,  the  Committee  of  Ways 
and  Means  was  organized  as  follows: 

THADDEUS  STEVENS,  of  Penn.,  Chairman. 
JUSTIN  S.  MOKIHLL,  of  Vt.         JOHN  S.  PHELPS,  of  Mo. 
E.  G.  SPAULDING,  of  N.  Y.        V.  B.  HOUTON,  of  Ohio. 
Ki:  ASTUS  CORNING,  of  N.  Y.      SAMUEL  HOOPER,  of  Mass. 
HORACE  MAYNARD,  of  Tenn.      J.  L.  X.  SHATTON,  of  N.  Y. 


On  the  10th  of  December,  ls<j  1,  the  Secretary  of  the  Treas- 
ury submitted  his  annual  report  to  Congress.  He  set  forth 
in  strong  terms  the  weakness  and  disadvantages  of  the 
banking  system  of  the  country,  and  expressed  the  belief  that 
the  emission  of  bills  of  credit  by  state  hanks  was  in  violation 
of  the  spirit,  if  not  the  letter,  of  the  Constitution.  He  said: 
"It  has  been  well  questioned  by  the  most  eminent  Statesmen 
whether  a  currency  of  bank  notes,  i^ued  by  local  institutions 
under  State  laws,  is  not  in  fact  prohibited  by  the  national 
Constitution.  Such  emission  certainly  falls  within  the  spirit, 

171  HisiuKY  OK  TIN:   I-APKI:   MOXKY 

if  nut  within  tin-  letter,  of  the  constitutional  i»rohibition  of 
the  enii>-iuii  of  -1. ills  of  credit'  by  the  States  and  of  the 
making  by  them  of  anything  except  gold  and  silver  coin  a 
il  tender  in  payment  of  debts.  However  this  may  be, 
it  i<  too  clear  to  be  reasonably  disputed,  that  Congress, under 
iN  constitutional  power  to  lay  taxes,  to  regulate  commerce, 
and  to  regulate  the  value  of  coin,  p  ample  authority 

to  control  the  credit   circulation  which  enter-  BO  largely  into 

the  transactions  of  commerce,  and  affects  in  >o  many  u 

the  value  of  coin.  In  the  judgment  of  the  Secretary,  the 
time  has  arrived  when  Congress  should  exercise  this  power. 
Two  plans  for  effecting  this  object  are  Miggt M< -d. 
The  tirst  contemplates  the  gradual  withdrawal  from  circula- 
tion of  the  notes  of  private  corporations,  and  for  the  issue,  in 
their  stead,  of  United  States  notes,  payable  in  coin  on  demand, 
in  amounts  sufficient  for  the  useful  ends  of  a  representative 
currency.  The  second  contemplates  the  preparation  and 
delivery,  to  institutions  and  associations,  of  notes  prepared 
for  circulation  under  national  direction,  and  tube  secured,  as 
to  prompt  convertibility  into  coin,  by  the  pledge  of  United 
States  bunds  and  other  needful  regulations." 

The  Secretary  then    proceeds  to  say,  that  the  fir-4  of  the<e 
plan-  WM   partially  adopted    by   Congress   during   the   . 

ion    in    July    and    August,   iu   authori/ing    the    i>su. 
$50,000,000  of  demand   notes,  and  atV  'ing  ><>n 

the  advantage-  and    disadvantage  "f  the  plan,  concludes  l.y 
;hat     he    fccK    him-elf    con-trained    t..     furbi-ar 
'•inineniling  its  adoption."      The   principal  features  of  the 

•nd    plan    are    presented     by    the    Secretary    ta    foli 
"•l-'ir-t,  a  circulation  of  M»  Lng  a  <-«,!umon    impress  ion 

and   authenticated  by  a  common  authority:      9 

aption  of  these  notes  by  th  iations  and  institution^ 

to  which   they   may   be   delivered    for   i--ue;  and,  third,  the 

ESStTXD    i>t -I:IN»;   TIM:\.  175 

security  of  that  redemption  by  tlie  pledge  of  United  Stat<-> 
Stocks,  ami  an  adequate  provision  of  specie."  After  eulogi- 
zing tin'  plan,*  lie  adds:  "The  Secretary  entertains  the 
opinion  that  if  a  credit  circulation  in  any  form  l>c  desirable, 
it  is  most  desirable  in  this." 


The  Committee  of  Ways  and  Means  appointed  a  sub- 
committee, consisting  of  Messrs.  Spaulding,  Hooper  and 
Corning,  on  the  proposed  National  Bank  currency,  the  issue 
of  Treasury  notes  and  bonds,  and  the  mode  of  raising  means 
to  carry  on  the  war.  The  chairman  of  the  sub-committee, 
.Mr.  Spaulding,  prepared  a  National  IJank  currency  bill  by 
the  end  of  the  month  (December),  and  also  drafted  a  legal 
tender  Treasury  note  section,  to  be  added  to  the  bank  bill, 
for  the  issue  of  Treasury  notes  to  be  used  while  the  bank 
bill  was  being  put  in  operation  throughout  the  country. 
In  his  Financial  History  of  the  War,  Mr.  Spaulding  says 
that,  "upon  more  mature  consideration  and  further  examin- 
ation, he  came  to  the  conclusion  that  the  bank  bill,  contain- 
ing sixty  sections,  could  not,  with  the  State  .Hanks  opposed 
to  it,  be  pawed  through  both  Houses  of  Congress  for  several 
months,  and  that  so  long  a  delay  would  be  fatal  to  the 
Union  cause.  *  *  lie,  therefore,  changed  the  legal 
tender  section  intended  originally  to  accompany  the  bank 
bill  into  a  separate  bill,  with  alterations  and  additions,  and 
on  his  <>\vn  motion  introduced  it  into  the  House  by  unani- 
mous consent  on  the  30th  of  December,  1861."  The  bill 
was  duly  considered  by  the  Committee  of  AVays  and  .Mean-, 
and,  on  the  7th  of  January,  1862,  was  reported  from  the 
committee  to  the  lions.-. 

The  original  bill  oil'ered  by  [Mr.  Spaulding  authorized  the 
Secretary  of  the  Treasury  "to  issue  on  the  credit  of  the 

*£ee  Chapter  VII.  ou  National  Banks. 


Tinted  Stales  8100,000,000  of  Treasury  notes,  not  bearing 

~t,  payable  generally,  without  specifying  any  pi. 
time    <»!'   payment,  and   of   such    denominations   as    lie    inav 
. -\ :pe« lient,  not  less  than  live  dollars  each;  and 
.  and  all  other  Treasury  notes  payable  on   demand,  inn 
bearing  interest,  that  liave  been  heretofore  authori/ed 
issued,  shall  be  receivable  for  all  debts  and  demands  due  t«» 
the    United    States,  and    for    all    salaries,  duo,   debts   and 
demands  owing  by  the  United  States  to  individuals,, 
rations  and  associations  within  the  United  States;  and  shall 
also  be  lawful  money,  and  a  legal  tender  in  payment  of  all 
debts,   public    and   private,   within  the  United   States,  and 
shall  be  exchangeable  in  sums  not  less  than  one  hundred 
dollars,  at  any  time,  at  their  par  value,  at  the  Trca-ury  of 
the    United    States,     *      *     for    j;:;y    of   the    six    per    cent, 
twenty  years  coupon  or  registered  bonds  which  the  Secretary 
of  the  Treasury  is  now,  or  may   hereafter  be,  authori/ed  to 
i-Mie;  and  such  Treasury  notes  shall   be  received   the   saun- 
as coin  at   their  par  value,  in    payment  for  any   bonds  that 
may  be  hereafter  negotiated  by  the  Secretary  of  the  Treas- 

nd  such  Treasury  notes  may  be  n-i»ue«l  from  time  to 

time,  as  the  exigency  of  the  public  nay  require." 

Thi>  bill  was  no  sooner  made  public,  than   delegate  •: 
bankers  from  New  York,  r>«»>f«»n   and    Philadelphia  hurried 
to  Wa-liiii_rt<>M  to  oppii>i>   it.     They   organi/.rd    in   a    t 
manner  by  the  >eleeii<.u  of  a  chairman  (S.  A.   Men 
Philadelphia),  and   invited    the   Finance   Committee  ««f   the 
Senate,   and    the    Committee   of    Ways   and    Mean-*   of    the 
meet    them  at  the  ofhYe  of  th-  ;ry  of  the 

Treasury, January  11, 1862,    The  invitat'  .'pted. 

At  the  meeting  which  followed,  the  bankers  sp.»kc  in  oppo- 
sition  to   the    bill,   and    submitted   the   following   plan   for 

raising  money: 

Tin;  J.K<;.M.  TENDEB   ACTS.  177 

"1.  A  tax  bill  to  raise  $125,000,000  over  and  ab<»\e  duties 
on  imports  by  taxation. 

'2.  Not  t<>  isMie  anv  demand  Treasury  notes,  except  those 
authori/.ed  at  the  extra  session  in  .July  last. 

'•'•.  1-Mie  £100,000,000  Treasury  notes  at  two  years,  in  sums 
of  live  dollars  and  upwards,  to  lie  receivable  for  public  dues 
to  the  Lroveninieiit,  except  duties  on  imports. 

4.  A  suspension   of  the   Sub-Treasury  act,  so   as   to   allow 
the  banks  to  become  depositories  of  the   u'ovcrnmenl  of  all 
loans,  and  to  check  on  the  banks  from  time   t<»  time  as  the 
LToveriiinent  may  want  money. 

5.  Issue  six  per  cent,  twenty  year  b.»mU,  to  be  negotiated 
by  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  and  v/'////o//f  <in;/  //////'///- 
(nut    <(*    to    the  prict    /"'    in";/    ohtn'in   for    tin-in    in    the 


(».  That  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  be  empowered  to 
make  temporary  loans  to  the  extent  of  any  portion  of  the 
funded  stock  authori/ed  by  Congress,  with  power  to  hypoth- 
ec-ate such  stock,  and  if  such  loans  are  not  paid  at  maturity, 
to  sell  tJie  .s7of/-  It  t/],<.fl,<  <'<it,  it  f,,,-  tli,  !>,  f<f  i,,fii'k>  t  />rl<;t 

.Mr.  S]»auldinu:  sav>  that  "'tliese  proposition^  ha\  IIILC  been 
read,  the  Secretary  and  Finance  Committees  of  the  Senate 
awd  House  expressed  themselvefl  favorable  to  the  iiiM  proj)- 
osition  to  raise  by  taxation  £125,000,000  :i  year,  over  ami 
above  duties  on  imports.  It  will  be  ol»er\ed  that  this  plan 
did  not  include  the  national  currencv  bank  bill  recommended 
by  the  Secretary  of  the1  Treasury  in  his  annual  report,  and 
was  not,  therefore,  in  this  respect  satisfactorv  to  him.  The 
meeting  was  somewhat  conversational  in  character,  but 

there   appeared  to  be  a  ireneral  dNM'iit  by  the  Secretary  and 

committeee  from  all  other  propositions.      *      *      The  only 
remarks  that  I  (Mr.  SpauldinLr)  fan  1ind   reported  as  being 

TIIK   U:<;AI,  TK.VDKK   A 

made  l»y  any  member  of  the  committees  of    the  Senate  and 
Hou-r  .-ire  in  tin-  New    York    7V//,, /,,,/,  Januan  J,  in 


Sub-Committee  of  Ways  and   Means,  through   Mr. 
tiding, objected  t(»  any  and  every  form  of  "shinning"  by 
'•rnmeiit   through    Wall   or  State  streets,  to    begin    with; 
ol)jecfed   to  the   knocking   down   of  government   stock- 

nty-tive  or  sixty  cent*  on  the  dollar,  the  ine\  -'liable  result 
of  throwing  a  new  and  large  loan  on  the  market,  tritium* 
/iiiiif'ififm  a$  t<>  i>,'n-,  ;  claimed  for  Treasury  n<>tc>  a- 
much  virtue  of  par  value  as  the  notes  of  banks  which  have 
su-jieiided  x|M.,-i,.  payments,  l>ut  which  yet  circulated  in  the 
trade  of  the  North;  and  finished  with  lirmly  refusing  to 
nt  to  any  .scheme  which  should  permit  a  speculation 
by  broker^,  bankers,  and  others,  in  the  government  securi- 
ties and  particularly  any  scheme  which  should  double  the 
public  debt  of  the  country,  and  double  the  expenses,  by 
damaging  the  credit  of  the  g<»\ -eminent  to  the  extent  of 
ling  it  to  "shin"  through  the  shaving  shops  of  New  York, 
•on  and  Philadelphia.  lie  atlirmed  his  conviction  a-  a 
banker  and  IcgMatnr.  that  it  was  the  lawful  policy,  as  well 
S8  the  manife-t  duty  of  the  government  in  the  pre-cnt 
e\iirrncy,  to  h-irali/c  a->  tender  it>  iifty  million  i>Mie  of 
demand  Treasury  notcN  anthori/.ed  at  the  extra  .se»ion 
in  July  last,  and  to  add  to  this  stock  of  legal  tender 
immediat'  The  conference  adjourned  without 

I    ii|»on   any  plan   <»•  arrangement.     The  bank   <lele- 
••\\r\cr,  remaincil  in    \Va>hingl«»n,  and   held    further 
-ultations     with     Secretary     ('ha-»e.    extending     through 
.  which   n-Milted  in  an  arrangement  with  him  to 
the  eHY  |    i-tlier   thing-,  that    Congn-.-s   should    be 

•  ]'-t--  the  National   JJank  bill,  and  tliat  the  amount 
Of  tlie  demand    i  be   incn-  -nd   the 

!   K..  \i.    TKM>  179 

$50,000,000  authori/ed  by  tin-  art  of  July,  1861,  and  aliso 
that  Congros  should  1K'  urired  to  extend  the  provisions  of 
the  existing  loan  acts,  so  as  to  enable  tlu-  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury  to  exchange  intercut  hearing  Treasury  notes  for 
the  demand  notes,  not  bearing  interest,  ami  get  them  out  of 
the  way. 

Tli us  while  the  masses  were  exerting  every  energy  to  sus- 
tain the  government,  the  money  power  was  plotting  to  get 
control  of  its  finances,  in  order  that  it  might  be  enabled  to 
prey  upon  the  people  in  the  hour  of  their  extremity.  How 
well  it  succeeded  will  duly  appear. 

On  the  22d  of  January  the  legal  tender  bill  was  again 
reported  from  the  Committee  of  Ways  and  Means,  with  an 
additional  section  authorizing  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 
to  issue,  on  the  credit  of  the  United  States,  coupon  bonds  or 
registered  bonds  to  an  amount  not  exceeding  $500,000,000, 
and  redeemable  at  the  pleasure  of  the  government,  after 
twenty  years  from  date,  and  bearing  interest  at  six  per  cent. 
per  annum,  payable  semi-annually,  to  enable  the  Secretary 
of  the  Treasury  to  fund  the  Treasury  notes  and  floating  debt 
of  the  United  State's;  and  it  was  made  the  special  order  for 
the  28th  day  of  the  month.  The  debate  on  the  bill  accord- 
ingly began  on  that,  day,  and  was  opened  by  Mr.  Spaulding 
in  an  able  argument  in  its  favor.  The  debate,  which  contin- 
ued until  the  Oth  day  of  February,  when  the  hill  passed  the 
House,  with  some  slight  modifications,  was  characterixed  by 
unusual  ability.  If  had  never  before,  in  the  history  of  the 
government,  been  deemed  necessary  to  issue  Treasury  notes, 
in  the  legal  tender  form,  not  bearing  interest,  to  enable  them 
to  circulate  as  a,  medium  of  exchange  and  perform  the  func- 
tions of  money,  and  there  was  naturally  a  great  diversity  of 
opinion  upon  the  subject.  Several  substitutes  and  amend- 
ments were  offered,  most  of  them  in  the  interest  of  the 


money  power.     Tin-  views  held  by  those  who  advocated  the 
Treasury  notes,  but  honestly  opposed  the  legal  tender 
feature,  as  an  infraction  of  the  Constitution,  were  embodied 
,b>titute  offered  by  -Mr.  Vallandigham,  and  were  sup- 
ported   by   ablr   speeche-,  « -pecially    that    delivered   by  Mr. 

Pendleton,of  Ohio.    Mr.Vallandigham'fl  substitute  provided 

for  the  same  issue  of  notes  ax  the  original  bill,  but  not  made 

:;  legal  tender,  and   instead  of  making  them  payable  in  coin 

on  demand,  they  were  to  be  simply  receivable  for  all  public 

In  this  particular  (making  them  receivable  for  public 

dues  instead  of  payable   in   coin   on   demand),  the  substitute 

wav  preferable  to  the  original  bill.    A  Treasury  note,  properly 

understood,  is  "a  promise  to  receive"  and  not  "a  promise  to 

and  making  it  redeemable  in  coin  could  add  nothing 

value,  but  under  the  circumstance's  was  calculated  only 
to  depreciate  i-t>  value,  because  it  misled  the  public,  especially 

jaora  of  political  economy.  The  following  extracts 
from  the  speech  of  the  Hon.  Thaddeus  Stevens  in  support  of 
the  bill,  will  sufficiently  explain  the  nature  and  character  of 
-  and  amendments  offered,  and,  also,  of  the 
arguments  employed  for  and  against  them,  as  well  as  the 
bill  itself.  Mr.  >•  id: 

UT!  -  ii-y    of    the   Treasury,    in    his    report,   n 

im-nded  a  scheme  to  produce  a  uniform  national  currency, 
and  furnish  a  market  for  government  bonds.  It  pro  poses 
that  the  banks  ^hall  receive  their  circulation  from  the  gov- 
<  nnii'  amount  of  government  bonds  pledged,  with 

[YeMOiy    for   their  security;    and    that   n«»    more   notes 
should    be    ivxiied    than    the   par   value  of  such    bonds,  and 

'.  be  n-deemed  by  the  bank-. 

kinking  in  ordinary  tin*  •  ry  useful    in    rciru- 

the  cm  i  1   l,y  the  -ale  of  bonds  the  govern- 

Hee  pages  62  it  ». 

T1IK     l.K'.AI.     !  181 

ment  might  command  coin.  IJut  while  tin-  l>:inks  are  in 
suspension,  it  is  not  easy  to  see  how  it  would  relieve  the 
government.  If  the  notes  were  procured  it  must  he  by 
accepting  payment  by  the  government  in  depreciated  circu- 
lation. How  would  that  he  any  better  than  the  government's 
own  notes?  The  security  of  the  government  is  equal  to  that 
of  the  banks,  and  would  give  as  much  currency.  To  the 
banks  I  can  see  its  advantage.  They  would  have  the  whole 
benefit  of  the  circulation  without  interest,  and  at  the  same 
time  would  draw  interest  on  the  government  bonds  from  the 
time  they  «j;"t  the  notes.  Now,  it  is  very  plain,  that  it'  the 
United  State*  i^iied  tlm^e  notes  direct,  they  would  have  the 
benefit  of  the  whole  circulation.  In  other  words,  it  would 
be  equal  to  a  loan,  without  interest,  to  the  full  amount  of 
the  circulation.  This  project,  therefore,  however  desirable 
as  a  banking  system,  could  afford  no  immediate  relief, 
especially  as  it  would  afford  no  sale  for  additional  bond- 
the  banks  ha\e  already  as  many  as  would  form  the  basis  of 
their  operations.  Having,  as  I  think,  shown  the  impossibility 
of  carrying  on  the  government  in  any  other  way,  let  u* 
briefly  notice  some  of  the  objections  to  it.  First,  is  it  con- 

"The  power  to  emit  bills  of  credit  and  make  them  a  legal 
tender  is  nowhere  expressly  given  in  the  Constitution;  but 
it  is  known  that  but  few  of  the  a<-N  which  government  can 
perform  are  specified  in  that  instrument.  It  would  require 
a  volume  larger  than  the  Pandects  of  Justinian  or  the  Code 
of  Napoleon  to  make  such  enumeration,  whereas  our  Con- 
stitution has  but  a  few  pages.  Hut  everything  necessary  to 
carry  out  the  granted  powers  of  the  government  is  not  only 
implied  but  expressly  given  to  Congress.  If  nothing  could 
be  done  by  Congress  except  what  is  enumerated  in  the 
Constitution,  the  government  could  not  live  a  week. 

182  \i.    i  KM.KI:  A(  is. 

4*Ti  arc   prohibited   from    making   anything  but 

.•I  and  silver  coin  u  tender  in  the  payment  of  debts;'  but 
such  jirnliiliitii.n  does  not  extend  to  Congress.     The  Consti- 
tution is  sill-lit  as  to  the-  power  of  Congress  over  that  subject 
The  question  of  the  right  to  emit  bills  of  credit  by 
38  was  considered  in  the  convention  that,  framed  the 
-titution.     It  was  reported   as  a  part  of  the  power  to 
4 borrow  money.'    It  was  objected  to  as  tending  to  make  a  currency  with  legal  tender,  and  a  motion   was  made 
to  strike  it  out  and  insert  an  express  j>rohil>ition.     This  was 
-ted,  IM -cause,  as  .Mr.  Mason  said,  *  it  could  not  be  1 
.   what  the  necessities  of  the  government  might  at  some 
require.'     'The  late  war,'  he  said,  *  could  not  have  been 
led    on    had    such   prohibition  existed.'     It  was  finally 
ed  to  strike  out  the   express   power,  and    not  insert   the 
prohibition,   leaving   it   to    the    exigencies    of    the   times  to 

:;iilie  its  necessity." 

"If  constitutional,  is  it  expedient?      It  is  objected    by   the 

•leinaii    from    Ohio    that   the   legal    tender   clause    would 

depreciate  the  notes.      All  admit  the  necr»ity  of  the   issue. 

jed  to  their  being  made  money,      ll  \<  '. 

to  pei-ceive  how  QOtea   N-ued  without    being   made   immedi- 
cable in  specie  can  be  made  any   wor-e    by   making 
i  a  legal  t'-ndcr.      And   yet    that  is  the  whole  argument. 
*O  far  as  expediency  is  concerned.     Other  gentlemen  argued 

this  would  impair  contracts  by  making  a  debt  payable 

ther  money  than  that  which   existed   at  the   time   of  the 

contract,    and    would    BO    b.-    unconstitutional.      Where    do 

•lenien  find  any  prohibition  on  Con-  UWl   pa  — ing 

i  impairing  contracts f    There  is  none,  though  it  would 

be  unjust  to  do  it.      Hut  this  impairs  n-.  contract.      All   con- 

.•!«•   not   only  with   a  \it-w  to  present  laws,  but 

subject  to  the  future  legislation  of  die  country.     We  have 

•j  111:   LBGAL    i  ENDEB    \-  tS,  183 

more  than  once  changed  the  value  of  coin.  Neither  our 
gold  nor  silver  coin  "IN  as  valuable  as  it  was  lil'l y  years  ago. 
Congress  in  1853, 1  believe,  regulated  the  Weight  and  value 
of  silver.  They  debased  it  over  seven  j>er  cent,  ami  made 
it  a  legal  tender.  AVho  ever  pretended  tliaL  that,  was  uncon- 
stitutional? The  gentlemen  from  Vermont  [Mr.  Morrill| 
and  Ohio  [Mr.  lYndlcton]  think  it  an  ex  post  facto  law.  It 
is  not  wonderful  that  my  distinguished  colleague,  not  being 
a  professional  lawyer,  should  not  be  aware  that  the  <  .'•  />o«t 
j'tn'to  laws  prohibited  by  the  Constitution  refer  only  to 
crimes  and  misdemeanors,  and  not  to  civil  contracts.  The 
gentleman  from  Ohio  no  doubt  knew  but  forgot  it." 

"I  know  the  danger  of  granting  to  irresponsible  institu- 
tions or  individuals  the  right  to  issue  paper  currency  not 
immediately  Convertible, because  their  avarice  would  always 
abuse  the  privilege  and  over  issue.  ]>ut  when  the  govern- 
ment thus  issues,  the  fault  and  the  crime  is  theirs  if  they  do 
not  restrain  it  within  proper  bounds.  Is  the  proposed  i- 
of  $150,000,000  too  much?  It  is  believed  that  the  ordinary 
business  of  the  country,  especially  now,  requires  a  circulation 
of  $400,000,000.  The  bank  circulation  has  been  about 
$200,000,000,  with  coin  to  the  amount  of  $250,000,000. 
The  bank  paper,  now  in  suspension,  would  largely  disappear 
before  this  par  paper;  and  during  suspension,  which  means 
during  the  war,  there  will  be  but  little  coin  circulation.  If 
the  whole  $150,000,000  of  United  States  notes  c<>uld  be 
kept  circulating,  I  do  not  think  the  surviving  bank  paper 
would  furnish  a  sufficient  currency  for  commercial  purposes 
— some  coin  must  be  added.  But  it  is  not  probable  that  it 
could  all  bo  kept  out;  much  would  rest  in  banks,  in  the 
pockets  of  private  individuals,  or  await,  investment  tempo- 
rarily, at  least,  for  a  while. 

"I>ut  my  distinguished  c<>ll<-a'_nie  from  Vermont  fears  that. 

1-  t  TIIK   i  I:«;AI.  TKMU-:!:  A«  rs. 

mormons  issues  would  follow  to  supply  tin-  expenses  of  the 

war.      I  do  not  think  any  nmiv  would  be   needed  than  the 

$150,000,000.     The  notes  hear  no   interest.     No  one  would 

>n-k    tin-in    I'm-    investment.      In    the    rapi<l    circulation   of 

monrv,  xjnu  in  a  year  is  turned  so  often  as  to  purrha- 

time>   it-s   \.-ilur.     This    money   would   soon    lodge   jn    large 

quantities  with  the  capitalists  ami   banks,  who    •///"*/   take 

them.     JJut   the    instinct   of   gain,  perhaps    I    may   call    it 

a\arice,  \voiihl  not  allow  tlieni  to  keep  it  long  unproductive. 

A  dollar  in  a  miner's  safe  unproductive  is  a  sore  disturbanrr. 

\Vherecouldtheyin\e-t  ii'/     In    I'nited  States  loans  at  six 

lit,  redeemable  in  gold  in  twenty  years,  the  l»est.  and 

moet  valuable  permanent  investment  that  could  be  de-ircd. 

The   L;-O\  eminent  would  thus  again   ]»n^>ess   sucli   notes  in 

i.\rhanu-r   t'..i-    bond-,  and   again    rri^ur  them.      I    have    no 

doubt,  that  thus  the  8500,000,000  of  bonds  authori/rd  \\ould 

-orhrd    in    lr>s    time  than   would  be   needed    by  the 

nment;  and  thus  £150,000,000  would  do  the  work  of 

$500,000,000  of   bonds.      When    further   loans   are   wanted, 

you  nerd  only   authori/.e  the   sale  of  IIUMV   bonds;  the  same 

•'•,000,000  of  notes  will   be   ready  to   take   them. 

u  I  ruiitcnd  that  this  curn-ncy  will  be  better  than  any   this 

country  ran   produce.      Hank   note-   are   merely   local.     The 

holder  of  them    in    St.  l.ouiv,  wisliin^  t«>  transmit   t< 

V«»rk,  must  pay  a  discount,  of  from  one  to  ten    per  cent.      If 

he  has  gold,  the  ro-t    of  t raiis]M>rtation    is   considerable.      If 

hetra\el,it.  is  cumbersome.      \\\\\    if  he   has   Tinted   States 

par  not,-,  he  ran  send  them  without  cost  all  o\  er  the  T'nion. 

iillemen    are  clamorous  in   favor  of  those   \\  ho   have 

dur  them,  h-t  the  debtor  should  tin-  inure  easily   piy 

bi.      I  -lo  net  much  syinpalhi/e  A\ith  such  importunate 

J    li-mlrrs.      lint    widows  and    orphans   are 

and  in  tear*  lest  their  estate  should  br  badly  i  i 

TIIK     1  K'.AI.    TK.NI'  185 

pity  no  one  who  has  his  money  in\es!ed    in    United   S: 
bonds,  payable  in  gold  in   twenty  years,  witli    iiitcrc-t    semi- 

'•  Hut  while  these  iiH-n  have-  agonized  bowels  over  the  rich 
man's  cau>e,  they  ha\c  no  pity  for  the  poor  widow,  the 
sulYeriii-j;  soldier,  the  wounded  martyr  to  liis  country's  good, 
who  must  receive  these  notes  without  legal  tender  or  noth- 

iiiLS  all(l  who  must  give  half  of  it  to  the  Sliylock-  to  get  the 
necessaries  of  life.  Sir,  I  \visli  no  injury  to  any,  nor  with 
our  bill  could  any  happen;  but  it'  any  must  lose,  let  it  not  be 
the  soldier,  the  mechanic,  the  laborer,  and  the  farmer. 

"Lot  me  restate  the  various  projects.  Ours  proposes 
United  States  notes,  secured  at  the  end  of  twenty  year- 
be  paid  in  coin,  and  the  interest  raised  by  taxation,  semi- 
anuuully;  such  notc>  to  be  money,  and  of  uniform  value 
throughout  the  Union.  No  better  investment,  in  my  judg- 
ment, can  be  had;  no  better  currency  can  be  invented. 

"The  amendment  of  the  gentleman  from  Ohio  [Mr.  Val- 
landigham]  proposes  the  same  issue  of  notes,  but  objects  to 
a  legal  tender;  but  does  not  provide  for  their  redemption  on 
demand  in  coin.  lie  fears  our  notes  would  depreciate. 
Let  him  who  is  sharp  enough  to  see  it  instruct  me  how  notes 
that  every  man  must  take  are  worth  less  than  the  same  n 
that  no  man  need  take-,  and  few  would,  being  irredeemable 
on  demand.  J>ut  he  doubts  its  constitutionality.  He  who 
admits  our  power  to  emit  bills  of  credit,  nowhere  e\pre^ly 
authori/ed  by  the  Constitution,  is  a  sharp  and  unreasonable 
doubter  when  he  denies  the  power  to  make  them  a  1 


"The  proposition  of  the  gentleman  from  Ne\v  York  [Mr. 
Ko>eoe  Conkling]  authorizes  the  issuing  of  seven  per  cent. 
bonds,  payable  in  thirty  one  years,  to  be  sold  ($250,000,000 


Tin:   I.KI.AI.  1 

OF  exchanged  forthe'-///Vfc/«-y  of  the  banks  of  \\ 
New  York  and  Philadelphia. 

,  tlii-  proposition  seems  to  :;ir  to  lack  every  (.•lenient. 
10  legislation.  -.Make  a  loan  payable  in  irredeemable 
«  urrcncy,  ami  pay  that  in  its  depreciated  condition  to  our 
contractors,  soldiers,  and  creditors  generally!  Tin-  banks 
would  issue  unlimited  amounts  of  what  would  become  trash, 
and  buy  good  hard  money  bonds  of  the  nation.  Was  there 
<  \  i T  such  a  tempation  to  swindle? 

44  He  further  proposes  to  issue  ¥200,000,000  United   States 
redeemable  in  eoin  in  one  year.     Does  not  the  gentle- 
man   know   that   such   notes  must  be   dishonored,  and  the 
plighted  faith  of  the  government  broken;*     No  one  believes 
That   we  could  then   pay  them,  ami  it  would  run  down  at 

If  we  are  to  use  suspended  note<  to  pay  oiire.\j« 

why  not  u-e  our  own?     Are  they  not  a*  safe  as  bank  notes? 

During    the    suspension    the    government    would    have   the 

benfit   of   the   whoh-  cireulation,  without  interot,  until  they 

'iinded — that  is,  the  interest  of  all  we  c»uld    keep  out 

would  accrue  to  the  government.      If  the  ^^50,000,000   wi-re 

ntly    afloat,   it    would    be   a  loan    to   the    ir»vernment, 

without  interest,  to  that  amount,  $0,000,0(ni  a    \<ar.      IJut   if 

•  1  tin-  Mispended  paper  of  the  )>anks  our  bonds  would 

Qteresf  from   the   inxtaiit,  we  .u«'t  their  notes — a  good 

for  tin-  suspended  bank-.      Be6ld<  -.government  would 

the    bem-fit    of    all    the    lost    and    destroyed    notOfl — a  item. 

"  La-:  comet  the  Mibxtimte  of  the  minority  of  the  commit- 
I    look   upon    it    ax    a    eurio>iiy.      It    j.r..j.o-i  -    t-»   i->ue 

-,  not  :•  l.-Lral  teiide)-,  bearing  an    ii 

of  three  and    si\ty-ti\e   hundred*  -rut.,  and    fundable 

into  He ven  and  three-tenths  per  eent.  b,.nd-,  but  not  payable 

:uand,  but  at  the  pica-lire  ,,f  the   United  States. 

•i  i  IK   ).):., AI.  '1  i  M.I  i:    \«  TS.  187 

.  s  one  and  three-tenths  per  cent,  higher  interest  than  our 
loan,  an. 1  n««t  being  redeemable  <m  demand,  would  fare  the 
fate  of  all  non-specie  paying  notes  not  a  legal  tender.  But. 
the  ingenious  minority  ha\e  invented  :i  kind  of  currcncx 
never  before  known — a  cn-<-nt(it;<,,i,  £/•//,•/////  interest. 
Honda  or  notes  intended  for  investments  bear  interest,  but 
no  one  expects  they  will  be  used  as  currency;  whether  in 
the  shape  of  bonds  or  notes  they  will  be  used  only  as  invest- 
ments, or  as  pledges  on  which  to  procure  loans.  Suppose  a 
tailor,  shoemaker,  or  other  mechanic  or  laborer,  were  to 
take  one  of  these  bills,  and  in  a  week  he  should  wish  to  UM- 
it  in  market,  or  store,  or  elsewhere,  he  must  sit  down  and 
calculate  the  interest  on  the  days  lie  has  had  it  to  find  its 
value.  This  would  be  rather  inconvenient  in  a  frosty  day. 
This  currency  would  make  it  ntM-r-^n-y  for  every  man  to 
carry  an  arithmetic  or  interest  table  A\  ith  which  to  «r:uiLre 
the  value  of  the  circulating  medium.  Gentlemen  must  see 
how  ridiculous,  if  not  impracticable,  this  scheme  is. 

"Here,  then,  in  a  fe\v  words  lies  your  choice.  Throw 
bond*  at  six  or  seven  per  cent,  on  the  market  between  this 
and  December,  enough  to  raise  at  lea-t  $600,000,000 — about 
this  sum  is  already  appropriated,  $557,000,000 — or  issue 
Tinted  States  notes,  not  redeemable  in  coin,  but  fundable  in 
specie  paying  bonds  at  twenty  years;  such  notes  either  to  l>e 
made  a  legal  tender,  or  to  take  their  chance  of  circulation 
by  the  voluntary  act  of  the  people. 

"I  maintain  that  the  highest,  sum  you  could  sell  your 
bonds  at  would  be  seventy-live  per  cent.,  payable  in  currency 
itself  at  a  discount.  That,  A\ould  pro.iuce  a  loss  which  no 
nation  or  individual  doing  a  large  business  could  stand  a  year. 

"I  contend  that  I  have  shown  that  such  issue,  without 
being  made  money,  must  immediately  depreciate,  and  would 
go  on  from  bad  to  worse.  I  flatter  myself  that  I  have  dem- 

188  'M       I  KM' 

i,  both   from   reason   and  undoubted   authority,  that 
notes,  made  :i  lc-_ral  tender  and    n«»t    i--ucd  in  ( 
tin-  demand,  \viil  remain  at  jiar  and  pa-^  in  all   transaction-. 
at  ami  small,  at  tin*  full  value  of  their  face;  that  we  shall 
have  one  currency   for  nil   sections  of  tho  country  and   for 
t-very  class  of  people,  tin-  poor  as  well  as  the  rich. 

ae  irentlcmen  an-  a>v  Jiiuch  frightened  as  if  this   were 

an  unwonted  apparition,  for  the  iirst  time  prowling  forth  to 

BWallow  the  rich  Creditor  and   nurse   the   poor  debtor.      No 

nation,  it  is  said,  has  ever  tried  anything  like  it." 

"Mr.  Chairman,  lei  me  say  in  conclusion  that  nnlos  this 

bill  is  t«»  pass  with  the  Iciral  tender  clause  in  it,  it  i>  not 
desirable  to  its  friends  or  to  the  administration  that  it  should 
pass  at  all,  and  those  who  think  as  I  do  will  have  to  vote 

ins!  it  if   it    shall  be  thus  mutilated  and  emasculated.      If 
it  i»  to  be  defeated,  I  should  be  v;lad   if  we   had   tlu-    power 
which  they  have   in   the    Uritish    Parliament — to    rc-iu'ii  OUT 
places  On  the  Committee  of   Ways   and    Mean-*  and  lca\ 
to  tho^e  who  oppo>e  this  bill  to  mature  some  other  measure. 

Far  a-  I  am  concerned,  I  shall  be  inodcM    enough    »Ot  to 
attempt  any   other  scheme.     The  Committee    of   Ways  and 
M'-an*    have    labored    in    the   p reparation    of    this    measure 
anxiously  and  to  the   be>i    of  their  jmor  abilitic-.      We 
not    inialliblc.      \\'<-  d»  not  <  onie  near  it.      I    am    but    poo.-ly 

qualified  for  anything  of  this  kind.     Hut  we  ha\c  ui\cn  it 

our   ni"-t   aiixiniis  consideration,  and    ha\e   con>ulted    ti 
whom  \\  (    beliex  ed  to  be  the  la-^t  (jiialitied  to  a-l\  i-e  u-.     We 

ha\<- v,,ii'_'iit  to  harmonize  conflicting yiewa in  the  .substitute 

which  the  majority  of  the  co.mniltcc  have  prepared,  tnd  we 

hope  it  \\ill  pass.      W«-  believe  that  the  credit  of  the  country 
will  be  sustained  by  it,  that  under  it  all  classes  will   be  paid 
in  money  \\hich  all  ch-»es  ean  Ose,  and   that  it   \\ill    CO1 
HO  advantage  on  tin- capitalist  o\  er  the  p •  laboring  man. 

Tin;    ii...  \i.  '1  I:\IH.I:    A.CT8.  Ibtt 

If  this  bill  shall  pa-.-,  I  -hall  hail  it  as  the  mo.-t  aii>pieious 
measure  of  this  Commas  it'  it  should  fail,  tin-  n-Milt  will  be 
more  deplorable  than  any  disaster  which  could  befall  n.-."1 

Mr.  Stevens'  speech  closed  the  debate,  and  the  bill  came 
up  for  final  action  in  the  House,  February  6,  1862,  and  \\  it- 
adopted  by  a  vote  of  93  to  59. 

TIN-:   LEGAL   TENDER   BILL   IN    TIN-:    >KNAli:. 

On  the  10th  day  of  February,  1802,  Mr.  Fessenden,  C 'hair- 
man  of  the  Committee  on  Finance  in  the  Senate*  reported 

tlie  House  bill  from  the  Finance  Committee  with  amend- 
ments. The  important  amendments  were  as  follow-: 

1.  That  the  legal  tender  notes  should  be  receivable  for  all 
claims  and  demands  against  the  United  States  of  every  kind 
whatever,  "  except  for  interest  on  bond*  <in<!  //o^-x,  irhick 
shall  be  paid  in  coin" 

2.  That  the  Secretary  might  dispose  of  United   States 
bonds  "at  the  market  value  thereof,  for  coin  or  Treas- 
ury notes" 

3.  A  new  section,  No.  4,  authorizing  deposits  in  the  Sub- 
Treasuries  at  tive  per  cent.,  for  not  less  than  thirty  days,  to 
the  amount  of  $25,000,000,  for  which   certificates  of  deposit 
might  be  issued. 

4.  An   additional  section,  No.  5,  "that  all  duties  on  im- 
ported goods,  and  proceeds  of  the  sale  of  public  lands,''  etc., 
should  be  set  apart  to  pay  coin    iutere-t   on    the   debt  of  the 
I/nited  State-;  and  one  per  cent,  for  a  sinking  fund,  etc. 

On  the  1-Jth  day  of  February,  1862,  the  debate  in  the 
Senate  was  opened  by  .Mr.  Fe>senden  in  a  lengthy  speech. 
A  motion  was  made  by  .Mr.  Collamer  to  strike  out  the  legal 
tender  clause,  which  was  lost.  On  the  14th  inst.  the  bill, 
.mended,  pa<scd  the  Senate  by  a  vote  of  30  to  7,  and  was 
returned  to  the  Huu-e. 

100  I.K<;  \\.  YKM»I:I:    \ 

TIIK   r.n.i.  A«;AI.Y  i.v  TMI-:   ii«" 

On  the  istli,  .Mr.  Stc\eiix  reported  tin-  bill,  as  amended  by 
the  Senate,  from  (lie  Committee  of  \Va\>  :unl  .Means  to  the 
HOUM-,  and  said,  tkT  have  no  purpose  of  considering  the  bill  at 
this  time.  I  desire  that  it  shall  be  referred  to  the  Comm> 
of  the  Whole,  and  be  made  the  special  order  for  to-inorro\v 
at  one  o'clock.  I  hope  «rentlemen  of  the  House1  will  read 
the  amendments.  Tin-;/  «,'<  very  'nn]>»,'t  <i  ,,t ,  <i,t<l,  in  ,,n/ 

judgment,  very  pernicious,  hut  I  hope  the  Hi  HIM.-  will 

examine  them." 

On  Wednesday,  the  L  9th,  Mr.  Spaul  ding  Opened  the  debate 
in  opposition  to  some  of  the  amendmets  of  the  Senate.  \Ve 
•  jilote  as  follows  : 

"Mr.  Chairman,  I  de>ire   especially  to  oppo>e  the  amend- 
ments of  the  Senate  which  require  the  interest  on  bonds  an  1 
notes  to  be  paid  in  mi,,  semi-annually,  and  which  authori/.e> 
the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  to  sell  six  per  cent,  bond- 
the  market  price  for  coin  to  pay  the  interest. 

k-The  Treasury  note  bill,  as  reported  first  from  the* 
mitter  of  \Vay>  and  Means  as  a  ni-cessary  war  measmv.  wa- 
simple  and  perspiciiou>  in  its  terms,  and  ea>ily  understood. 
It  \\a^  so  plain  that  everybody  could  understand  that  it 
authori/ed  the  is>ue  of  $150,000,000  of  h-iral  tender  demand 
note-,  to  circiilat  Jioiial  currency  ainon_!J  tlie  people 

in  all  parts  of  the  I'nited  State-,  and  that  they  miirht,  at  any 
time,  be   funded    in   six    per  cent,  twenty  year-'  hoinU.     The 

of  the  mea-ure  in  this  hou^e  wa>  hailed  with  Bfl 
faction  by  the  iireat  mass  of  the  people  all  over  the  country. 
It  ivcrixed  the  hearty  endon-riiM-nt  of  such  bodies  a-  the 
mben  «-f  ( '..iiiinerce  of  New  ^'..|•k,  (  "mcinnati,  St.  L..ui-. 
Chicago.  UufTalo,  Mil  waiikee.  and  other  pla<-cs.  I  havt-  nrvci 
known  any  im-a^urc  nMi-i\«-  a  more  hearty  approval  from  the 


THK    1. K»,. VI.    Tr.M>i:K    A  191 

every  amendment  to  tin-  l>ill  since  it  was  matured 
has  rendered  it  more  complex  and  diffiooll  of  execution.     I 

regret  to  >av  that  some  of  tlu*  amendments  of  tin-  8 

render  tin1  bill  incongruous  and  tend  to  defeat  its  great 
object,  namely — to  prevent  all  forcing  of  the  Governmentto 
sell  its  bonds  in  tlui  market  to  the  highest  bidder  for  coin. 
It  might  be  very  pleasant  for  the  holders  of  the  seven  ami 

three-tenths  Treasury  notes  and  six  percent*  bonds,  to  receive 

their  interest  in  coin  semi-annually,  but  very  disastrous  to 
the  government  to  In-  compelled  to  sell  its  bonds,  at  ruinous 
rates  of  discount,  every  six  months  to  pay  them  gold  and 
silver,  while  it  would  pay  only  Treasury  notes  to  the  soldier, 
sailor,  and  all  other  creditors  of  the  government. 

w*  1  am  opposed  to  all  those1  amendments  of  the  Senate 
which  make  unjust  discriminations  between  the  creditors  of 
the  government.  A  soldier  or  sailor  who  performs  service 
in  the  army  or  navy  is  a  creditor  of  the  government.  The 
man  who  sells  food,  clothing,  and  the  material  of  war,  for 
the  use  of  the  army  and  navy,  is  a  creditor  of  the  govern- 
ment. The  capitalist  who  holds  your  seven  and  three-tent  h> 
Treasury  notes  or  your  six  per  cent,  coupon  bonds, is  a  cred- 
itor of  the  government.  All  are  creditors  of  the  government 
on  an  equal  footing,  and  all  are  equally  entitled  to  their  pay 
in  gold  and  silver. 

"lam  opposed  to  all  those  amendments  of  the  Senate 
which  discriminate  in  favor  of  the  holders  of  bonds  and 
liotes  by  compelling  the  government  to  go  into  the  streets 
every  six  months  to  sell  bonds  at  the  -market  pi-ice,'  to 
purchase  gold  and  silver  in  order  to  pay  the  interest  lin  coin' 
to  the  capitalists  who  now  hold  United  States  stocks  and 
Treasury  notes  heretofore  issued,  or  that  may  hold  bonds 
and  notes  hereafter  to  be  issue*  1;  while  all  persons  in  the 
United  States  (including  the  army  and  navy  and  all  who 


them    with    food    and    clothing)   are   compelled   to 
tender  Treasury  notes  in  payment  of  demands 
due  tliem  from  the  LTovernment. 

••  Why  make  this  discrimination  ^     Who  a>k>  to  liave  one 

creditors  placed  on  a  better  foutinir  than  another 

.•la^?      Do  the  people  of  New  Knu'land,  the  Middle  St. 

or  the  people  of  the  Wot  and  Xorthwest,  or  anywhere  else 

in  the  rural  districts,  ask  to  have  any  such  discrimination 

made   in    their   favor;'      Does  the    soldier,   the    farmer,   the 

mechanic,  or  the  merchant  ask  to  have  any  such  discrimina- 

tion made  in  his  favor;'      No.  sir;  no  such  unjust  preference 

-ked  for  by  this  class  of  men.     They  ask  for  the  legal 

ier  note  hill  pure  and  simple.     They  ask  for  a  national 

currency  which  shall  be  of  e«jual  value  in  all  parts  of  the 

'•ountry.     They  want  a  currency  that  shall   pass  from  hand 

to   hand  amoiiLT  all  the  people   in   every  State,  county,  city, 

town  ami  village  in  the  United   States.     They  want  a  cur- 

rency -.M-iired  l>y  adequate  taxation  upon  the  whole  property 

of  the  country,  which   will   pay  the  soldier,  the  farmer,  the 

mechanic,  and  the  banker  alike  for  all  debt  due.     They   ask 

that  the  •rovenmieiil  shall  stand  upon  its  own  responsibility, 

•un    rights,  and    exert    its   vast  power-,  piv--  <\\n 

lit,  and  Cany  IU   safely   through   this   Lri^antic  rebellion, 

in  the  shortest    time,  and    with   the    least    possible   sacril: 

y    intend    d.    f,.«,t    all    the    bills,  and    ultimately    pay  the 
whole  amount,  principal  and  interest,  in  -_rold  and  silver. 

"  \Vh<>,  then,  are  they  that    a-k  to  have  a  preference  ^iven 
tD  them  Over  Other  On  ••vernmcnt;'     Sir.  i 

•labl.-  claM   of  Lfentlemen,  but    a   «-la--   of   men 
very  sharp  in  all  inom-y  transactions.     Tiiey  are  not 

the  producing  classefl  —  not    amoii'_r  th 
their    labor  ill,    make    the    wealth    of    the 

but  a  class  of  im-n  that    i.  -dth. 

•nn:   LEG  LL  'i  RHDEB   A,<   PS.  103 

men  who  arc  willing  to  lend  money  to  the  government  if 
you  will  make  the  security  beyond  all  question,  gi\e  them  a 
high  rate  of  interest,  ami  make  it  payable  in  coin.  Yes,  sir, 
the  men  Avho  are  asking  these  extravagant  terms,  who  want 
to  be  preferred  creditors,  are  perfectly  willing  to  lend  money 
to  the  government  in  her  present  embarrassments,  it'  you  will 
only  make  them  perfectly  secure,  give  them  extra  interest, 
and  put  your  bonds  on  the  market  at  the  '  market  price,'  to 
purchase  gold  and  silver  to  pay  them  interest  every  six 
months.  Yes,  sir,  entirely  willing  to  loan  money  on  these 
terms!  Safe,  no  hazard,  secure,  and  the  interest  payable 
'in  coin!'  Who  would  not  be  willing  to  loan  money  on  such 
terms?  Sir,  the  legal  tender  Treasury  note  bill  was  intended 
to  avoid  all  such  financiering  and  protect  the  government, 
and  people  who  pay  the  taxes,  from  all  such  hard  bargains. 
It  was  intended  as  a  shield  in  the  hands  of  the  patriotic 
people  of  the  country  against  all  forced  sales  of  bonds,  and 
all  extravagant  rates  of  interest. 

"The  legal  tender  note  bill  is  a  great  measure  of  equality. 
It  proposes  a  currency  for  the  people  which  is  based  upon 
the  great  faith  of  the  people  and  all  their  taxable  property. 
All  are  obliged  to  receive-  ami  pass  it  as  money,  and  all  are 
obliged  to  submit  to  heavy  taxation  to  provide  for  its  ulti- 
mate redemption  in  gold  and  silver.  Every  attempt  on  the 
part  of  any  class  of  citi/ens  to  create  distinctions  and  secure 
a  legal  preference,  mars  the  simplicity  and  success  of  the 
whole  plan.  The  very  discrimination  proposed  carries  on  its 
face  notice  to  everybody,  that  although  the  notes  are  declared 
to  be  'lawful  money  and  a  legal  tender  in  payment  of  debts,' 
yet  that  there  is  something  of  higher  value,  that  must  be 
sought  after  at  a  sacrifice  to  the  government,  to  pay  a  pecu- 
liar class  of  creditors  to  whom  it  owes  money — a  kind  of 
absurdity  and  self-stultification  which  docs  not  appear  well 

194  THE    I.K'.AL   T7:\I. 

on  thr  face  of  the  bill.     Il  is  an  unjust  discrimination  which 

do<->  appear  well  now,  ami  will  not  look  well  in  history. 

i  will,  if  tho  Senate's  amendment  is  adopted,  depreciate, 

by  your  ou  n  act-.,  your  own  bonds  and  notes,  and  effectually 
destroy  the  symmetry  and  harmonious  workings  of  the 
whole  plan.'' 

*  (Mr.  Spaiilding,  in  his  Financial  History  of  the  War,  calls 
iition  to  the  fact  that  "at  the  time  the  abo\e  remarks 
were  made  by  him  the  duties  on  import*  were,  as  the  bill 
then  stood,  payable  in  legal  tender  notes;  but  this  was  after- 
wards changed  in  the  committee  of  conference,  making 
thoM-  duties  payable  in  ro/'y/,  so  that  the  interest  might  be 
paid  in  coin,  without  being  obliged  to  force  the  bonds  on  the 
market  to  obtain  coin  for  that  purpose.") 

During  the  discussion  in  the  Committee  of  the  Whole  an 

•ndment  to  the  Senate  amendment  requiring  interest  on 

bonds  and  notes  to  be  paid  in  coin,  was  offered  by  ]NIi.  IVn- 

dleton  to  the  effect,  "that  the  officers,  soldiers,  seamen  and 

marines,  cn^a^ed   in   the   military  service   of  the    United 

should  also  be  paid  in  coin,  which  was  not  agreed  to. 

On  the  L'Oth  the  House  resumed  consideration  of  tho 
Senate  amendments.  Mr.  Stevens  closed  the  debate.  We 
quote  from  hi-  speed)  as  follows 

"Mr.  Speaker,  I  have  a  \t-ry  few  words  to  say.     I  approach 
the    subject     with    inoiv    depre--i«»n    of   spirits    than    I    « 
before   approached    any   <jue-tion.      No   p. TV,  ,nal    motive  or 

feeling  influences  me.    [hope  not,  at  Ica^t.    I  have  a  mel- 

anrlmly    foreboding    that.    NSC    are   about    to    consummate   a 

cunningly    de\i><d    scheme,   which   will   carry  great   injury 

-s  to  all   clasps  of  the   per,ph»  throughout  this 

I  ].t  one.      With   in-  ie,  T   belii-ve  that  no 

of  legislation  of  t  i-nment  wa^  ever  hailed  with 

as  much  delight  throughout  the  whole  length   and  breadth 

THK    LKiiAL    TEN'DKK    A<    P8,  195 

of  this  Union,  by  every  class  of  people,  witliout  any  excep- 
tion, as  the  bill  we  passed  and  sent  to  the  Senate.  Congrat- 
ulations from  all  classes  —  merchants,  traders,  manufacturers, 
mechanic*  and  laborers  —  poured  in  upon  us  from  all  quarter^. 
The  Hoard  of  Trade  from  Boston,  New  York,  Philadelphia, 
Cincinnati,  Louisville,  St.  Louis,  Chicago  and  Milwaukee 
approved  its  provisions,  and  urged  its  passage  as  it  was. 

"I  have  a  dispatch  from  the  Chamber  of  Commerce  of 
Cincinnati,  sent  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  and  by 
him  to  me,  urging  the  speedy  passage  of  the  bill  as  it  passed 
the  House.  It  is  true  there  was  a  doleful  sound  came  up 
from  the  caverns  of  bullion  brokers,  and  from  the  saloons  df 
the  associated  banks.  Their  cashiers  and  agents  were  soon 
on  the  ground,  and  persuaded  the  Senate,  with  but  little 
deliberation,  to  mangle  and  destroy  what  it  had  cost  the 
House  months  to  digest,  consider,  and  pass.  They  fell  up«  »n 
the  bill  in  hot  haste,  and  so  disfigured  and  deformed  it,  that 
its  very  father  would  not  know  it.  Instead  of  being  a 
beneficent  and  invigorating  measure,  it  is  now  positively 
mischievous.  It  has  all  the  bad  qualities  which  its  enemies 
charged  on  the  original  bill,  and  none  of  its  benefits.  It 
now  creates  money,  and  by  its  very  terms  declares  it  a 
depreciated  currency,  ft  makes  two  classes  of  money  —  one 
for  the  banks  and  brokers,  and  another  for  the  people.  It 
discriminates  between  the  rights  of  different  classes  of 
creditors,  allowing  the  rich  capitalist  to  demand  gold,  and 
compelling  the  ordinary  lender  of  money  on  individual 
security  to  receive  notes  which  the  government  had  pur- 
posely discredited. 

"Let  us  examine  the  principal  amendments  separately, 
and  see  their  effect.  The  first  important  one  (being  the 
fifth)  makes  the  notes  issued  under  the  law  of  July  17th  a 
legal  tender,  equally  with  those  authorized  by  this  bill. 

100  TIIK  LI:<;AL  'IK.\J»KI:  ACTS. 

There  can  be  1ml  little  wisdom  in  putting  these  two  classes 
nn  an  equality.  The  notes  of  July  bear  seven  and  threc- 
tcnths  per  cent,  interest,  and  are  payable  in  three  years. 
rl'li is  gives  them  a  sufficient  advantage  over  notes  bearing 
no  interest  and  payable  virtually  in  twenty  years,  with  six 
per  rent,  interest.  Why  give  them  this  additional  advan- 
tage? Simply  because  the  $100,000,000  issued  are  all  held 
by  the  associated  banks,  and  this  is  their  amended  bill. 
They  would  displace  $100,000,000  of  this  money  in  the 
( -ire-illation,  and  render  it  impossible  to  use  any  considerable 
amount  of  these  [ ~ni ted  States  notes  as  a  currency.  These 
notes  have  served  their  purpose.  Why  allow  them  to  block 
up  the  market  against  further  relief  to  the  government? 

''The  banks  took  $50,000,000  of  six  per  cent,  bonds,  and 
shaved  the  government  $5,500,000  on  them,  and  now  ask 
to  shave  the  government  fifteen  or  twenty  per  cent,  half 
yt-arly,  to  pay  themselves  the  interest  on  these  very  bon«l-. 
They  paid  for  the  $50,000,000  in  demand  notes,  not  sj*t-ie, 
and  now  demand  the  specie  for  them.  Vet,  gentlemen  talk 
about  our  making  other  loans  in  these  times.  They  are  cra/y 
or  sleeping,  one  or  the  other,  I  do  not  know  which."  * 

"The  notes,  by  another  amendment,  are  authorized  to 
be  invested  in  notes  or  bonds  payable  in  two  years,  and 
bearing  an  interest  of  seven  and  three-tenths.  One  of  the 
•_'!••  at  objects  was  to  induce  capitalists  to  invest  in  six  pel- 
cent,  bonds  «>r  IOM-  their  interest,  and  thus  to  furnish  a 
continually  recurring  currency  by  the  sale  of  tlu^c  six  per- 
cent, bonds.  This  provision  would  effectually  prevent  the 
funding  a  dollar  in  tlm>e  bonds.  They  would  all  go  in 
preference  int.,  M-ven  and  three-tenths  bonds,  due  ill  tWO 
•  •1)  no  ..IK-  believes  We  call  pay  tllClll. 

1  tlii-   is  not  the  worst.     The  tenth   amendment  pro- 
vides that  any  holder  of  the  I'nited  States  legal  tender  notes, 

Tin:   I.KI;  M.  THNHKI:    \  197 

if  lie  have  $100  and  upwards,  shall  draw  five  or  six  per  cent, 
interest  <»ii  tin-in  until  lie  choM-s  to  u>e  them.  The  p.i.»r 
who  have  lexs  thanv$100  shall  draw  no  interest.  It,  is  plain 
that,  by  these  two  contrivances,  not  one  <!<>llar  of  tlu->e 
United  States  notes  will  ever  be  funded  in  six  per  cent. 

"But  now  comes  tlie  main  clause.  All  da»es  of  people 
shall  take  these  notes  at  par  for  every  article  of  trade  or 
contract  unless  they  have  money  enough  to  buy  United 
States  bonds,  and  then  they  shall  be  paid  in  gold.  AVho  N 
that  favored  class?  The  banks  and  brokers,  and  nobody 
else.  They  have  already  $250,000,000  of  State  debt,  and 
their  commissioners  would  soon  take  all  the  rest  that  might 
be  issued. 

"But  how  is  this  gold  to  be  raised?  The  duties  and  public 
lands  are  to  be  paid  for  in  United  States  notes,  and  they  or 
bonds  are  to  be  put  up  at  auction  to  get  coin  for  these  very 
brokers  who  would  furnish  the  coin  to  pay  themselves,  by 
getting  twent\  per  cent,  discount  on  the  notes  thus  bought. 

"Now,  in  less  than  a  year,  taking  the  public  debt  at  what 
my  colleague  makes  it — I  make  it  more — $1,200,000,000, 
what  will  the  interest  be  upon  it  at  seven  and  throe-tent h> 
per  cent,  for  it  will  all  center  in  that  rate  of  interest?  It  will 
be  $87,000,000,  and  one-half  of  that  amount,  $43,500,000, 
must  be  raised  every  six  months  for  the  paying  of  thi> 
interot,  and  is  to  be  raised  in  coin,  which  nobody  holds  but 
the  large  capitalists.  Does  anybody  suppose  that  they  are 
going  to  give  that  coin  for  such  notes  as  we  are  now  about 
to  issue,  at  par?  They  will  sell  the  gold  for  what  their 
conscience  will  allow,  and  they  will  compel  the  government 
to  give  anything  they  choose,  unless  the  government,  con- 
sents to  become  dishonored.  The  first  purchase  of  gold  by 
the  government  will  h'x  the  value  of  these  notes  which  we 

198  THE    I.KtiAl,    TKNDKK    ACTS. 

issue  and  declare  to  be  a  legal  tender.  That  sale-  will  fix 
their  value  at  ten,  fifteen,  or  twenty-five  per  cent.  di>eounl  , 
and  then  every  poor  man,  when  he  buys  his  beef,  his  ]>..rk, 
and  his  Supplies,  must  submit  to  this  fifteen  or  twenty-five 
per  cent.  discount,  because*  you  have  said  that  that  shall  Le- 
the value  of  the  very  notes  which  you  have  ina«le  a  legal 
tender  to  him,  but  not  a  legal  tender  to  thoM-  \\ho  fix  the 
value  of  these  very  notes.  DI-CS  any  one  believe  that  any- 
Lody  l)iit  l)ankers  and  brokers  fixes  the,  depreciation  of 
currency:*  So  you  will  thus  have  fixed  the  market  value  of 
your  notes  at  seventy-live  or  eighty  per  cent.,  and  yet  they 
are  a  legal  tender  to  the  poor  of  the  country,  while  they  an- 
no legal  tender  to  those  who  hold  the  coin  of  the  country. 
*•  Ily  the  original  bill  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  w:i* 
allowed  to  sell  these  bonds  at  their  value  for  lawful  money 
— that  is,  for  these  le--al  tender  notes.  J>ut  now,  by  the 
provisions  of  this  bill,  after  the  market  value  has  Leen  fixed 
and  they  are  depreciated,  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  i~ 
authorixed  to  go  into  the  market  and  sell  them  for  coin,  not 
at  par,  hut  at  the  market  value;  therefor.  Was  then-  ever 
a  more  convenient  contrivance  ijot  up,  into  which  Llin«l  mi«-e 
run,  to  catch  them;'  Was  c\  cr  before  sm-h  a  machine  LT"1 

op  for  swindling  the  g^overnment  and  making  the  fortunes 
of  the  gold  bullionists  in  one  single  year'^ 

*' Hut  as  if  this  ai-cumulateil   folly  were  not  quite  enough, 

another  amendment,   provides   that   the-e    notes,   ^hen    piv- 
•••d  in  sums  n<»t  h-^s  tlian    ^K'l),  may    be   transferred   ii.;,> 
n  and  three-tenths  noti-x  payable  in   two   year-.      I  *a 

may  buy  these  notes  at  a  discount  and  jmt  them  into  note* 

payaLle  in   bullion    at,  tuo  year-,  at,  se\cu   and   thiv.-tenths 
interot,  for  that,  is  a  part  of  the  whoh;  system. 

•  w,  sir,  <b.(.s  any  man  In-iv  Lelie\c  thai,  notu  it  h-tan-l- 
ing  the   vietorirs   u.-   an?  gaining,  the  government,  will  be 

Tin:   I.I:».AL  'i  i  M>I  K    A«  T8.  199 

able  to  redeem  thrse  notes  in  two  years?  If  not,  they  will 
be  shoved  U|M,H  tic-  market  aiul  sold  for  coin  at  whatever 
discount  may  be  demanded." 

Mr.  Storms  also  offered  an  amendment  to  ]»ay  the  anny 
ami  navv  in  specie,  tin-  same  as  the  bondholders1  ink-rest  in 

coin,  which   was  \oied  down.    Tin;  Senate;   amendments 

were  concurred  in  only  in  part,  which  rendered  the  appoint- 
ment of  a  committee  of  conference  necessary.  The  confer- 
ence committee  appointed  by  the  Senate  consisted  of  Mes-r-. 
rYvM-nden,  Sherman  and  Carlisle,  and  the  conference  com- 
mittee of  the  House  of  Messrs.  Stevens,  Norton  and  Sedg- 
wick.  The  conference  committee  were  in  seoioii  two  or 
three  days,  and  finally  reported  the  bill  with  several  altera- 
tions, the  most  important  of  which  Mas  that  the  duties  on 
inijKn'tti  alum/it  /><>,  jKti'l  in.  coin*  so  as  to  do  away  with 
the  necessity  of  forcing  the  bomK  on  the  market  to  procure 
coin  to  pat/  intercut,  /'//  '••////,  »n-  the  bonded  debt  of  the 

On  the  24th  of  February,  lsU>;j,  tin*  action  of  the  confer- 
ence committee  was  agreed  to  by  the  House  by  a  vote  of 
97  to  22.  On  the  25th  the  Senate  concurred  in  the  action 
of  tin'  conference  committee,  and  the  same  day  the  legal 
tender  act  was  approved  by  the  President^ 

TIIK    c.KKKNHA'   K. 

Thus  were  the  mo.M.  sacred  interests  of  the  people,  espe- 
cially of  the  producing  classes — the  farmer,  the  mechanic, 
the  manufacturer  and  the  laboring  man,  i^ro^ly  and  wickedly 
betrayed  into  the  hands  of  the  money  ] x» we r  by  the  Senate 
of  the  Tinted  States.  The  Senate  at  that  time  was  a  small 
body,  but  twenty-four  States  beiiiLC  represented,  with  but 
three  or  four  members  who^e  ability  I-OM-  above  mediocrity. 

:i  Dt"  Mini.  Tli:i<Mt'ii^  St.-vriis  in  tli(>  A|tp<-iiili  \. 
tThe  Legal  Tender  Act  a-  tiuallj  j>a— «•<!  will  be  found  in  the  Appendix. 

•joo  'i  UK    I.KCAI.  "i  i.\i>i:i:    A.   i  8. 

Tin-  occupants  ,,C  geatl  once  tillc«l  by  statesmen, whose  ability 
.-UK!  eloquence  had  made  the  Senate  of  the  I'nited  States 
famous  throughout  the  world,  they  became  puffed  up  with 
lf-importance,  which,  with  the  venality  of  the  Sher- 
man-, of  tin1  body,  rendered  tlu-m  easy  prey  lor  the  sharks  of 
Wall  street.  It  will  be  observed  that  the  points  contended  for, 
so  strennoiixly  ami  successfully,  by  the  conference  committee 
of  the  Senate,  which  rej»resente<l  the  sentiment  of  the 
majority  of  that  body,  were',  in  substance  and  effect,  the 
same  a>  those  c<  .ntained  in  the  plan  of  the  bankers,  offered  at 
their  meetinir,  which  convcm-d  in  Washington  immediately 
after  the  introduction  of  the  le^al  tender  bill  in  the  House.* 
That  the  Senate  was  controlled,  in  its  action  in  regard  to 
the  leiral  tender  bill,  by  improper  influences  is  not  a  matter 
of  conjecture,  bat  of  history.  In  his  speech  at  Philadelphia, 
January  !•">,  1*70,  Jud_ire  Kclley  says:  kil  remember  the 
errand  'Old  Commoner''  (ThaddeUfl  Steven*-)  with  liis  hat  in 
his  hand  and  his  cane  under  his  arm,  when  he  returned  to 
the  IIoiiv,.  after  the  final  conference,  and  shedding  hitter 
Over  the  i-e<ult.  '  Ve<,"  said  he,  'we  have  had  to  yield; 
the  Senale  wa*.  stubborn.  We  did  not  yield  until  we  found 
tjnit  fl»  ,-,,« ,,t ,-ij  must  be  ?n#t  or  tji*  ftunk*  ?><  ///'"' 
and  we  have  sought  to  save  the  country  in  spite  of  the 
cupidity  of  its  wealthier  citi/en^." 

Men-  bf/iiix  one  of  the  darkest  chapters  in  American 
hi-t-.i-y.  It  will  be  found  that  every  ^tcp  taken  by  Coir_rre-> 
IV.. m  tliis  on,  in  matter^  pertaining  to  the  finances  of  the 
nation,  has  been  dictated  by  the  money  power.  Korean 
capitalists,  such  as  the  Hothsehild-,  became  deeply  intere-t.  d 
in  the  scheme  of  robbery  inaugurated  by  the  ]>a—  a-_r'-  of  the 
first  |«-Lr;il  tender  act,  and  through  their  agents,  such  as 
Aniriist  r>elmont,  banker  and  whilom  chairman  of  the  Dein- 
•  \::. 

TIIK  i.i:<;  u.  TKNDKI:  A<  T8,  201 

ocratic  National  Committee,  have  aided  tin-  money  power 
linv  materially  in  controlling  the  policy  of  botb  of  ilia 
great  political  parties.  The  amount  stolen  from  the  people 
during  tin-  war  by  the  financial  policy  then  adopted, ami  which 
now  encumbers  the  nation  in  the  shape  of  ;i  bonded  debt, 
payable  principal  and  interest  in  gold,  is  estimated  by  MK  h 
writers  upon  the  subject  of  finance  as  .1.  S.  (iibbons  (contrib- 
utor to  Johnson's  Universal  Cyclopaedia)  at  over  one  thou- 
sand millions  of  dollars,*  to  say  nothing  of  the  thousands  of 
millions  of  which  the  people  have  been  robbed  indirectly, 
by  means  of  the  pernicious  monetary  system  then  foisted 
upon  the  country. 

The  first  legal  tender  notes  (greenbacks)  issued  under  the 
act  of  Congress  of  February  25,  ISH'J,  were  issued  bearing 
<late  March  10,  1862,  and  on  the  back  of  them  was  printed 
these  words: 

"This  note  is  a  legal  tender  for  all  debts,  public  and 
private,  except  duties  on  imports  and  interest  on  the  public; 
debt,  and  is  exchangeable  for  United  States  six  per  cent. 
bonds,  redeemable  at  the  pleasure  of  the  United  States 
after  five  years." 

Notwithstanding  the  mutilated  form  in  which  the  green- 
backs were  sent  out  by  the  Treasury  department,  they  per- 
formed a  marvellous  work.  The  producing  forces  of  the 
nation  were  set  at  work,  and  there  was  no  longer  any  diffi- 
culty in  rendering  the  resources  of  the  people  available-  t<> 
the  government.  In  speaking  of  this  period,  Judge  Kelley, 
in  his  Philadelphia  speech  of  January  last,  thus  graphically 
and  eloquently  pictures  the  wonderful  change  which  followed 
the  passage  of  this  legal  tender  act.  He  says:  "Hut  the 
patriots,  (Lincoln,  Stevens,  etc.,)  to  whom  I  have  referred, 
had  studied  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States.  They 

'Letter  of  J.  S.  Gibbon?:  Spaulding's  Fiiiaucial  History  oj  the  War. 

202  THE    I.KiiAI.   TKMiKR    A-    f  s. 

knew  that  it  imposed  upon  them  tlni  duty  of  saving  the 
nation.  They  knew  that  money  is  the  sinew  of  war,  and 
that  it  must  he  ha«l.  They  knew  that  tin*  (  '"limitation 
uuthorixrd  the  coining  of  the  puhlic  credit  into  money. 
They  'smote  the-  rock  of  puhlic  credit,"  and  power  and  pros- 
perity irushed  forth.  'Smote  the  rock  of  puhlic  credit!' 
What  docs  that  mean  ?  Why,  they  called  into  i  xistence 
'the  raur-baby  !'  They  said  to  every  man  that  would  work — 
'Here  are  waives  for  you;  this  rajjf-hahy  will  pay  you."  They 
said  to  ship-owners,  'unfurl  your  rotting  sails  and  open  vow 
hatchways;  we  have  brought  you  grain  from  the  farm,  carry 
it  ahroad  to  buy  us  clothing  and  arms;  for  our  industries 
ha\e  hecn  stricken,  and  we  cannot  provide  Mothiim'  or  arms 
for  the  army  that  is  to  sustain  the  l"nion."  The  '  rag-baby ' 
hhowered  greenbacks  upon  them,  and  the  >hip->  spread  their 
sails,  and  carried  rich  cargoes  to  foreign  lands,  which  were 

exchanged  for  clothing,  anna  and  munitions  of  war.     Indus- 

try  was  rife  throughout   the    land.     The    farmers,  wlu»    had 
Keen   without  an  adequate  or  remunerative  market  for  years, 
jetting  good    prices  for  their  grain,  were  paying   their 
to  the  local  merchant,  who  in  turn  paid  his  to  those  of 
the  Lrivaf   cities.      A    marvellous    child    was   that  'raiT-hahy.' 
While  not  yet  a   month  old,  its  name,  *  LTreenhack,1   n 
familiar  to  the  people,  it  lighted  the  fires  in  every  for-e  and 
furnace  of  the  country;   it  hired  ships,  and  bought  oth. 
blockaded    the    whole   x,mthern    const;   it    rallied  an  army  of 
7:/. 'MM.  men,  and    we    soon   after   heard    rimr'niLT   through  the 
the  shout  of  well    paid  and  well  clad  soldiers,  'we're 
comiiiLr,  Father   Abraham,  three   hundred    thousand    more! 
The  'rair-baby '  was  welcomed  by  every  commi--»ary,  «juart«-r- 
:•  and    paymaster.      It    furnished    transportation;  it  met 
all  demands,  and  the  American  people — at  least  those  of  the 
-with  the  -j-rcat  war  on  their  hands,  were  pi 

Tin:   LEGAL  T  r\M  i:  203 

OUH  as  they  had  i:rv<  r  been  before,  thanks  to  the  marvellou.- 

power  of  the  *  rag-baby.'    *    *    [name  it  not  the  'rag-baby;1 

I  take  (lie  dcri.xixe  term  from  the  door  of  the  Presidential 
mansion.  I  cannot  imply  a  want  of  respect  for  the  constitu- 
tional IcLral  tender  money  of  the  country,  the  Treasury  note, 
which  did  all  that  I  have  attributed  M  the  k 

The  premium  on  Lr<'ld,  which  was  :{£  JUT  eent.  when  the 
leiral  tender  act,  was  passed,  February  L'-"),  I  *»'>•_>,  immediately 
bewail  to  decline,  and  did  not  LI'<>  np  a^ain  until  the  latter  part 
of  May.  United  States  bonds  immediately  went  up  from 
90  to  loj. 


I>y  the  fourth  seetion  of  the  h-iral  tender  act,  the  Secretary 
of  the  Treasury  was  authorized  to  receive  deposits  in  the 
Sub-Treasury  to  the  amount  of  $25,000,000,  in  sums  of  not 
less  than  $100,  at  five  per  cent,  interest,  Avith  the  privilege 
of  drawiiiLC  it  out  a^ain  on  ten  days'  notice  after  thirty  days. 
On  the  17th  day  of  .March,  1SG2,  the  authority  to  receive 
these  deposits  was  increased  to  $50,000,000.  On  the  llth 
of  July,  1862,  it  was  still  further  extended  to  $100,000,000; 
and  by  the  act  of  January  30,  1864,  to  $150,000,000,  and  the 
Secretary  was  authori/.cd  to  pay  as  hi^h  as  six  per  cent. 
interest.  These  deposits  reached  the  sum  of  $120,176,196. 

<  Kirnri'  A  1  1:>  <>K  IM>KHTI:I>M.--~. 

By  the  act  of  March  K  ls<',2,  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 
was  authorized  to  issne  to  public,  creditors  "who  may  be 
desirous  to  receive  the  same  in  satisfaction  of  audited  and 
settled  demands  against  the  Tinted  State-,"  certificates  of 
indebtedness  in  sums  not  less  than  $1,000  each,  payable  in 
one  year,  with  interest  at  six  per  cent.  And  by  the  act  of 
March  17,  1862,  this  power  was  enlarged,  so  as  to  embrace 
checks  drawn  in  favor  of  creditors  by  disbursing  officers 

._'"!  rm;   i.i:<,.\i,  TKNDKI:  ACTS. 

upon  sums  placed   to  their  credit  on  tlic  books  of  the  Tr 
urcr.     These  certilicates  wen-  issued   in  the  form  of  bank 
notes   ami    circulated   to  :i    larire    extent    as   currency.     The 

amount  of  certificates  <>f  indebtedness  in  circulation  Novem- 
ber,  Mil,  W  .M3,000. 

TIII-:  SKI-ON  i>   I.I;<;AL  TKNDKI:   A«  r. 

On  the  7th  <lay  of  June,  1862,  Secretary  Chase  sent  :v 
ei  •nun iin irat ion  to  the  Committee  of  Ways  and  Means  of  the 
ll«»u>e  a>kin<x  for  autliority  to  issue  ^150,000,000  more  leLfal 
temler  Treasury  notes,  ami  that  $35,000,000  of  this  sum 
should  be  of  a  less  denomination  than  five  dollars.  On  the 
1 1th  of  June  a  bill  was  reported  to  the  House  from  the 
Committee  of  Ways  and  Means.  The  bill  was  made  the 
special  order  for  the  17th  inst.  On  that  day  the  debate  \vas 
opened  by  Mr.  Spauldinir  in  a  speech  in  favor  of  the  bill. 
A  vote  was  reached  June  iMth,  when  the  bill  passed,  sub- 
stantially as  recommended  by  the  Secretary,  by  a  vote  of  76 

to  47. 

On  the  i»stli  of  June  the  Finance  Committee  of  the  Senate 
reported  it  to  that  body  with  amendments.  On  the  2d  of  July 
it  passed  the  Senate,  as  amended,  by  a  vote  of  L'2  to  l:?.  The 
Iloii-e  rrfu.-ed  to  a-_rree  to  the  amendments;  the  farce  of  a  con- 
ference committee  was  airain  i^one  through  with;  the  report 
of  the  conference  committee  was  agreed  to  mi  the  8th  of 
July,  and  on  the  1  1th  the  bill  was  approved  by  the  President. 

o\i)  ANM  u.  i;i;i-oi:r  OK  >K«-I;I:  r  \i:  v  CHA8B, 
Congress  Convened  in  regular  vr>s5on  December  1,  1862. 
On  the  4th  Secretary  Chase  submitted  his  second  annual 
report.  After  an  elaborate  review  of  the  revenues  and 
<  \pciidilui-cs  of  the  LTovcrnment,  he  di-cu—ed  the  tinancial 
affairs  of  the  nation  at  lai-j-c.  lie  reiterated  his  objections 
to  the  State  banks  and  declared  that,  M  between  a  eurreney 

TIIK  I.K<;AL  TKM»F-:I:   A.  is.  -jn.- 

furnished  by  numerous  ami  unconnected  banks  in  various 
Stales  and  a  currency  furnished  by  the  government,  he 
unhesitatingly  gave  his  "preference  i'or  a  circulation  author- 
ized and  issued  by  national  authority." 

He  took  issue  with  those  who  entertained  the  opinion  that 
the  rise  in  the  price  of  gold  was  due  to  the  redundancy  of 
the  currency,  and  supported  his  views  with  great  force,*  but 
it  did  not  occur  to  him  to  suggest  the  true  reason,  viz: 
because  coin  was  the  only  currency  that,  was  a-  full  legal 
tender.  He  again  took  occasion  to  renew  his  recommenda- 
tion of  the  National  Banking  system.  lie  said: 

"While  the  Secretary  thus  repeats  the  preference  he  ha* 
heretofore  expressed  for  a  United  States  note  circulation, 
even  when  issued  directly  by  the  government  and  dependent 
on  the  action  of  the  government  for  regulation  and  final 
redemption,  over  the  note  circulation  of  the  numerous  and 
variously  organized  and  variously  responsible  banks  now 
existing  in  the  country;  and  while  he  now  sets  forth,  more 
fully  than  heretofore,  the  grounds  ©f  that  preference,  he 
still  adheres  to  the  opinion  expressed  in  his  last  report,  that 
u  circulation  furnished  by  the  government,  but  ism"  •! 
by  banking  associations  organi/ed  under  a  general  act  of 
Congress,  is  to  be  preferred  to  either." 

The  amount  to  be  provided  for  by  Congress  for  the  current 
year  he  estimated  at  about  $300,000,000,  and  for  the  next 
fiscal  year,  (beginning  July  1st,)  $600,000,000,  and  recom- 
mended that  the  chief  dependence  ot  the  government  to 
secure  that  amount  be  placed  on  the  negotiation  of  bonds. 

Congress  was  then  urged  by  the  Secretary  to  repeal  that 
portion  of  the  act  of  Congress  of  February  25,  1862,  which 
restricted  the  sale  <>f  ?>»n<7*  to  fhc'ir  market  price,  and 

•See  Report  of  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  :  Appendix  to  the  Congressional 
Globe,  ISftJ-'GU. 

206  THE   I.K<;AI,  TKXHKB  A 

also  the  clause  providing  for  the  convertibility  >  • 

<I,K/,  Treasury  -jtnfe*,  (yreenbackx.)  In  conclusion  lie 
said:  "The  gene-nil  views  of  the  Secretary  may,  there: 
l»c  thus  briefly  summed:  He  recommends  that  whatever 
amount  may  be  needed  beyond  the  sums  supplied  by  revenue 
ami  through  other  indicated  mode-,  1K.  obtained  by  loan-, 
without  increasing  the  issue  of  United  States  notes  beyond 
the  amount  fixed  by  law,  unless  a  clear  public  exigency  shall 
demand  it.  lie  recommends,  also,  theorganizat  ion  of  banking 
ociutions  for  the  improvement  of  the  public  credit,  and 
for  the  supply  to  the  people  of  a  safe  and  uniform  currency. 
And  he  recommends  no  change  in  the  law  providing  for  the 
negotiation  of  bonds  except  the  necessary  increase  of  amount. 
and  the  repeal  of  the  absolute  rexf  ?><''>>»>  f<>  imirket 
vahie  and  of  the  clauses  authorizing  convertibility 

THE   THIRD    LEGAL    TKXDKIE    ACT  -  $900,000,000     I.  "AN     A«  L 

Karly  in  the  session   the   Hon.  Thaddeus   Stevens    intro- 
duced  a  bill  "to  provide  means  t«>  defray  the  e\pcn>e- 
the  government,"  which,  in  his  own  language-,  fc-  product- 
howl  among  the  money  changers  as  hideou^  as  that   sent  up 
by  their  Jewish  cousins   when  they  were  kicked  out  of 
temple."     This  bill   was  in  substance  the  same  as  the  !•• 
tender  bill,  as  it  originally   passed   the    House  and   bcfo- 
WEB  mutilated  by  the   Senate  in  the  manner  above  explained. 
It  was  intended  to  bring  the  government   back  to   the  full 
legal    tender    money   system,  "the   simplicity   and    harmony 
of  which  had  been  mangled  and  dcMroyed    by  the   Senate/1 
In   a   brief,  but   powerful    speech,  (  December  L':*,  1862)    M 

ens  pointed  out  the  injustice  and  danger  of  the  financial 
policy  which  was  then  being  pursued,  and  closed  with  this 
prophetic  warning:  "Hut  T  ought  perhap-  i-efore  I 

96,  to  my  country  banking  friends  that  they  need   not 

TIIK    l.Kt.M.    TKNDKK     \  207 

alarmed.  There  is  IK.  L,nvat  prospect,  that  we  shall  return 
to  the  .system  I  have  indicated,  nor  do  much  to  protect  the 
people  fniin  tlu-ir  own  ca^cr  speculations.  When  a  few 
years  /«'//>•,  ^  the  people  shall  have  been  brought  to 
'funeral  ban/cnrj,f<->/  by  their  mm -ITU  luted  enterprise,  I 
shall  have  the  satisfaction  to  know  that  I  attempted  to 
previ-nt  it."  (Mr.  Stevens'  speech  will  be  found  in  full  in 
the  Appendix.) 

On  the  8th  of  January,  1863,  the  Committee  of  Ways  and 
Means  reported  a  bill  entitled,  "A  bill  to  provide  Ways  and 
Means  for  the  Support  of  the  Government,"  afterwards 
known  as  the  $900,000,000  loan  act.  The  bill  reported 
•contained  no  provision  for  the  repeal  of  the  clause  in  the 
ad  of  February  25,  1862,  restricting  the  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury  in  the  sale  of  bonds  to  their  "market  value,"  or  of 
the  clause  allowing  the  holders  of  legal  tender  notes  to 
convert  them  at  any  time  into  5-20  six  per  cent,  bonds. 

On  the  12th  of  January  the  bill  was  taken  up  in  the 
House,  and  Mr.  Spaulding  opened  the  debate  in  a  lengthy 
speech  in  support  of  the  bill,  in  which  he  discussed  the 
National  Hanking  scheme,  recommended  by  the  Secretary, 
arguing  in  its  favor.  On  the  17th  of  January,  186:3,  a  joint 
resolution  was  passed  "to  provide  for  the  immediate  pay- 
ment of  the  army  and  navy  of  the  United  States,"  authori/- 
ing  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  to  issue  $100,000,000  legal 
tender  Treasury  notes,  to  be  covered  by  the  bill  then  pend- 
ing ($900,000,000  loan  act.)  On  the  26th  of  January,  1863, 
the  bill  was  passed — a  substitute  offered  by  Mr.  Hooper,  and 
one  by  Mr.  Stevens,  having  been  first  decided  in  the  nega- 
tive— without  a  division.  On  the  13th  of  February,  1863, 
the  bill,  after  being  amended,  passed  the  Senate  by  a  vote  of 
32  to  4.  The  usual  routine  of  a  conference  committee  was 
gone  through  with,  with  the  usual  result,  and  the  bill  was 

208  TIM-:    I.KiiAL    TENDER   ACTS. 

finally  agreed  to  as  amended  by  the  Senate,  and  approved 
by  the  President  March  3,  18G3.  The  following  is  a  synop- 
sis of  tin-  bill  as  given  by  Mr.  Spaulding:* 

"1.  The  first  section  authorizes  a  loan  of  $300,000,000  for 
tin-  then  current  year,  and  $600,000,000  for  the  then  next 
fiscal  year,  and  to  issue  bonds  therefor  at  not  less  than  ten 
nor  more  than  forty  years,  at  not  exceeding  six  per  cent* 
interest,  in  coin,  not  exceeding  in  all  $900,000,000. 

"2.  By  section  second  of  the  same  act  the  Secretary,  in 
lieu  of  an  equal  amount  of  said  bonds,  was  authorized  to 
issue  $400,000,000  of  Treasury  notes,  bearing  interest  not 
<  \< •eeding  six  per  cent.,  payable  in  lawful  money,  which 
notes,  payable  at  periods  expressed  on  their  face,  might  be 
in  1 1  >le  a  legal  tender  at  their  face  value. 

"3.  By  the  third  section  $150,000,000  in  amount  of  United 
States  notes,  made  a  legal  tender,  might  be  issued.  The 
restriction  in  the  sale  of  bonds  to  'market  value  was  re- 
pealed. ''And  the  holders  of  United  States  notes  issued 
under  former  acts,  shall  present  the  same  for  the  pur- 
]»mQ  of  exchanging  them  for  bonds  as  therein  provided, 
on  or  before  the  first  of  July,  1863,  and  thereafter  the 
rig  lit  t»  exchange  the  same  shall  cease  and  determine? 

"4.  This  section  imposed  a  tax  of  one  per  cent,  each  half 
year,  on  a  graduated,  scale  of  State  bank  circulation^ 
according  to  the  capital  stock  of  each  bank." 

Making  the  interest  of  the  bonds  payable  in  gold  and 
declaring  that  the  legal  tender  Treasury  note  (greenback) 
should  not  be  receivable  for  duties  on  imports,  was  a  Lrr«»-s 

betrayal  of  the  interests  of  the  people  by  the  Senate  of  the 

United  States.  But  that  body  was  capable  of  still  greater 
perfidy.  It  will  be  olocrved  by  the  synopsis  of  the  $900,- 
000,000  ],,an  a«-t,  given  above,  that  the  convertibility  of  the 

•Financial  History  of  llic  War,  page  ISO. 

Tin:   I.KC.M.  TENDjRB    ACTS.  209 

greenback  with   Knitrd   Si.itr-  >i\  JUT  rent,  bond:-,  .-is  provi- 
dcd  by  the  act  of  February  25,  1862,  was  repealed 

By  the  terms  of  the  act  of  February  25,  1862,  under  which 
the  greenback  was  issued,  the  right  to  exchange  it  for  United 
Suites  bonds  was  distinctly  guaranteed,  and  was  in  the  na- 
ture of  a  contract,  made  by  the  government  with  the  holder, 
and  to  abrogate  this  right  was  an  act  of  repudiation.  The 
motive  which  inspired  the  act,  was  to  still  further  depiv<  iate 
the  paper  of  the  government.  It  is  a  fact  worthy  of  note, 
that  when  Congress  perpetrated  this  act  of  repudiation,  "no 
doleful  sound  came  up  from  the  caverns  of  the  bullion 
brokers  or  the  saloons  of  the  associated  banks,"  nor  was 
there  any  howl  heard  from  the  gentlemen  of  the  press,  who 
were  so  quick  to  detect  repudiation  in  Mr.  Stevens'  bill  to 
restore  the  legal  tender  act  to  the  condition  in  which  it  first 
the  House.*" 

NATIONAL    r.AN'K    15ILL. 

Oil  the  2d  of  February,  1863,  the  National  Bank  bill, 
a>-  prepared  by  Mr.  Spaulding  in  December,  1861,  was 
reported,  with  alterations  ami  amendments,  from  the  Finance 
Committee  to  the  Senate  by  Mr.  Sherman.  The  debate  upon 
it  began  in  the  Senate  on  the  9th,  and  on  the  12th  (three 
days  after)  the  bill  passed  by  a  vote  of  23  to  21.  It  was 
taken  up  in  the  House  on  the  19th,  and  passed  the  next  day 
by  a  vote  of  78  to  64;  and  received  the  President's  signature 
March  25,  1863.  (See  Chapter  on  National  Banks.) 

The  money  power  now  had  matters  all  its  own  way,  and 
was  in  a  situation  to  prey  upon  the  government  and  people 
at  its  pleasure.  Duties  on  imports  were  payable  in  gold; 
interest  on  the  bonds  of  the  Tinted  States  were  payable  in 
gold;  the  exchangeability  of  the  greenback  with  bonds  had 

*Seo  Speech  of  Tlon.  Tlinddpiis  Stevens  in  the  Appendix. 

210  TIIK    I.i:(,AL    TF.NDKU    . 

been  abrogated;  the  country  waa  flooded  with  e\M 

indebtedness   of  tlic  <rovernment  in  all  forms  ami  shapes, 
such    as    demand    notes,    Treasury    notes    bearing   inte 
mutilate. 1   leLTal   tender  note-,  eertitieates  of  deposit,  certifi- 
cates of  indebtedness,  etc.;  and  a  bunking  bill,  authorizing 
the  issue  of  $300,000,000  in  bank  notes  bad  been  passed. 

The  following  statement  of  the  public  debt  (January  2, 
1863)  will  show  exactly  the  amount  and  character  of  the 
indebtedness  of  the  government  at  this  time: 

Loan  of  1842 $2,883,364   1 1 

1847 9,415,250  00 

"         1  -'  IS 8,908,34  ! 

"         1858 20,000,000  00 

«         1860 7,022,000  no 

1861,  act  of   February  8,  1860 18,415,000  00 

1861,  act  of  July   18,  1861 50,002,000  00 

"        1862,  five-twenty  six  per  cent 25,050,850  no 

is  indemnity 3,401,000  00 

Oregon  war  debt I,OL'»;,I;OO  00 

>debt 112,01)2   «;:• 

Old  funded  and  unfunded   debt 1  It, I  UJ 

Trcasiirv  notes  under  acts  prior  to  1857.  .  .  .  104, ~><'<  I 

"               "             subsequent 2,750,350  00 

Treasury  note*  seven-thirty  per  cent,  interest  139,998,000  00 

Temporary  deposits  at  four  per  cent 38,458,00* 

live  per  cent 41,777,<52H    Hi 

United  State-  note*,  le^al  tender  and  receiv- 
able, for  customs 1  l.'.'i 

Tinted  State's  notes,  leu-al  tender 223,108,000  00 

I'.-tal  currency  less  than   one  dollar »;.S.H, «»;>,<>  00 

Certificates  of  indebtedness,  six  per  cent...   110,321,241 
uisitions:  (,n   the  Treasurer  for  soldiers' 
pay  and  other  creditors,  due  but  not  paid     51),!  17,r>07  46 

Total  funded  and  unfunded  debt  to  January 
2,   I  "!'•:'>,  according  to  the   books   in   the 

asury    Department $783,804,252 

The  time    had    now   arrived    to   put  the  $500,000,000  of 

TIM:   LEGAL  TI:M>I:I:  ACTS.  211 

United  States  bonds  authm -i/.rd  by  the  act  of  February  25, 
1862,  on  the  market.  Notwithstanding  tin;  urgent  need  of 
the  government  during  this  time,  Secretary  Ch:ise  had  licld 
these  bonds  back  for  over  a  year  on  tho  pretence  that  the 
restriction  to  a  sale  at  "market  value"  prevented  him  from 
negotiating  their  sale  to  any  considerable  amount.  Mr. 
<jrurley,  of  Ohio,  effectually  disposed  of  this  plea  in  the 
course  of  his  speech  on  the  nine  hundred  million  loan  act. 
He  said:  "He  did  not  agree  with  the  Secretary  in  several 
things  contained  in  his  report;  the  banking  scheme,  which 
the  Secretary  admits  would  not  afford  any  immediate  relief, 
should  be  rejected;  we  need  a  sensible,  practicable  plan 
that  will  furnish  immediate  means  to  pay  the  army  and 
navy.  lie  insisted  that  Congress,  by  the  act  of  February 
•25,  1862,  authorized  the  Secretary  to  sell  $500,000,000  six 
per  cent.  5-20  bonds  at  'the  market  value  thereof,'  which  he 
Jutd  not  done,  as  intended  by  Congress,  and  the  conse- 
quence was  that  the  soldiers  and  sailors  were  not  paid,  as 
they  ought  to  have  been  before  this  time.  *  *  The  words 
*  market  value'  do  not  mean  par  value,  nor  any  specified 
time  or  sums.  The  market  value  was  the  price  they  would 
bring  when  offered  in  the  market.  There  has  been  no 
business  day  or  week  since  the  law  was  passed,  when  any  of 
the  many  agents  of  the  Secretary  in  New  York  could  not 
have  placed  one  million,  or  several  millions,  in  the  market, 
and  sold  them  H>mewlu>ro  near  par,  to  raise  money  to  pay 
the  army  and  navy." 

In  May,  1863,  Jay  Cooke,  "an  enterprising  banker"  of 
Philadelphia,  was  employed  to  dispose  of  the  five-twenty 
bonds.  The  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  up  to  this  time,  had 
put  out  only  about  $25,000,000,  leaving  $475,000,000  yet  to 
be  sold.  3sTo  effort  was  made  by  Mr.  Cooke  to  negotiate 
these  bonds  with  bankers  or  capitalists,  but  (to  quote  from 

212  TIIK    I.K»;.\I.    TKNDKi:    ACTS. 

Spaulding),  "the  editors  of  newspapers  and  others  wen* 
enlisted  to  bring  the  advantages  of  the  loan  before  the 
people,  in  order  to  make  it  a  great  popular  loan,  to  bo  taken 
by  them  in  large  and  small  sums  in  all  the  loyal  States.  Mr. 
Cooko  succeeded  admirably  in  this  undertaking.  The  loan 
became  very  popular,  and  was  taken  extensively  by  farm 
mechanics  and  laboring  people,  in  all  the  towns,  villages  and 
cities  over  the  country.  By  the  first  of  July,  1 803,  the  amount 
of  $1 68,880,250  of  these  bonds  were  taken;  and  by  the  Hi 
October  following,  $278,511,500  had  been  taken  uj>;  and  by 
the  21st  of  January  following  the  whole  sum  of  8500,000,000 
had  been  taken  at  par,  and  the  rush  was  so  great  near  tin- 
closing  out  of  the  loan,  that  nearly  $11,000,000  extra  had 
D  subscribed  and  paid  for  before  notice  could  be  given 
to  sulKigents  that  the  amount  authori/ed  by  that  act  had 
been  taken  uj>.  Congress,  however,  BOOH  after  authorized 
this  extra  sum  to  be  issued." 

Hugh   McCulloch   also   bears  testimony  as  to  what  elas> 
of  people  took  the  5-20  bond*.      In  a  letter  to  the  New  York 
7V//////M  ,  .lateil   -it,  T,<  •)<!•  n   in  September  last,  lie  said:  ii  1 
recollect  the  time  when  suovribers  lor  Tinted  States  bond- 
were  regarded   as   patriot*,  and    I  happen   to  know  to   what 
class   they   belonged.      With   rare  exception   they  were  not 
capitali>ts.      *      *     The  purchasers  of  our  bonds  were  the 
patriotic  men  of  all  parties,  chiefly  men  of  moderate  means. 
who    were    iv>ohrd    that  the   Union    should    be   saved,  no- 
matter    at    what    cost    of    money    or    blood.''      It    may    h« 
interesting  to  state  that  Mr.  McCulloch  was  not  one  of  ti. 
who    were    n  <olved    that   the    t'nioii    should    be    BEVed, 
matter  at  what  D  iie  time  lie  refers  to,  he  w 

:»try   banker   "of   moderate   in-  in   the 

elk-ve,  by  the  Sub- 

-[•HI:   LEGAL    i  KNDKI:   ACTS.  213 

Treasurer  of  the  United  States,  Mr.  Cisco,  to  have  his  bank 
take  and  dispose  of  some  of  " our  bonds."  lie  treated  the 
request  with -contempt.  This  matter  was  so  well  known  at 
the  time  of  his  appointment  as  Secretary  of  the  Treasury, 
as  to  be  talked  of  on  the  streets  of  Washington,  and  was 
hushed  up  by  ms  friends  only  v.ith  great  difficulty. 

The  partial  legal  tender  Treasury  note  (greenback),  issued 
by  the  government,  now  constituted  the  medium  of  exchange 
of  the  nation.  Its  legal  tender  property  gave  it  the  power  and 

functions  of  money,  to  measure  and  exchange  values.  The 
legal  tender  money  of  a  country  is  the  measure  of  all  values 
and  the  basis  of  all  money  contracts  among  its  people;  conse- 
quently prices  in  the  Tinted  States  came  to  be  regulated  by 
the  greenback  and  not  by  gold.  Any  one  can  satisfy  him- 
self on  this  point  by  comparing  the  market  prices  of  any  of 
the  leading  products  of  the  country  for  a  given  time  with 
the  fluctuations  in  the  price  of  gold.  Secretary  Chase 
referred  to  this  fact  in  his  second  annual  report,  in  which 
he  said:  uThat  such  is  the  case  (no  redundancy  of  the  cur- 
rency) may  he  reasonably  inferred  from  the  fact  that  the 
prices  of  many  of  the  most  important  articles  of  consumption 
have  declined  or  not  materially  advanced  during  the  year. 
Wheat,  quoted  at  xi.:;s  to  $1.45  per  bushel  on  the  first  of 
November,  1861,  was  quoted  at  $1.45  to  $1.50  on  the  first  of 
November,  1802.  Prime  mess  pork  on  the  first  of  Novem- 
ber, 1861,  was  quoted  at  & 1  ~>  to  $15.50  per  barrel,  and  on 
the  first  of  November,  1862,  at  $12.50  to  $13.  Corn  sold  on 
the  first  of  November,  1861,  at  62  to  63  cents  per  bushel, 
and  on  the  first  of  November,  1862,  at  71  to  73  cents.  A 
comparison  between  the  prices  of  hay,  beef,  and  some  other 
staples  of  domestic  produce,  at  the  two  dates,  exhibits 
similar  conditions  of  actual  depression  in  price  or  moderate 

214  THE    I.Er.AL   TEXDET5   ACTS. 

rise."  Products  rise  and  fall  in  price  according  to  the 
laws  of  supply  and  demand.  Foreign  goods,  however,  the 
duties  on  which  have  to  be  paid  in  gold,  are  subject  to  a 
different  standard  of  payment,  and  are  governed  in  price 
•ly  by  the  price  of  gold.  The  price  of  gold  is  reirulated 
by  the  laws  of  supply  and  demand,  supplemented  by  the  arts 
and  efforts  of  speculators  and  gold  gamblers.  As  long  as 
the  greenback  was  convertible  at  the  will  of  the  holder  into 
a  six  per  cent,  gold  interest  bond,  there  was  no  danger  of 
its  becoming  redundant,  or  in  any  way  affecting  the  price 
of  domestic  products.  But,  as  we  have  seen,  this  converti- 
bility was  taken  away,  in  the  face  of  the  plighted  faith  of  the 
government,  after  July  1,  1863. 

On  March  3,  1864,  an  act  of  Congress  was  passed  giving 
Secretary  Chase  still  further  discretionary  power.  It  author- 
ize-1  him  to  issue  $200,000,000  of  bonds,  bearing  date  March  1, 
1864,  or  any  subsequent  date,  redeemable  after  five  years  and 
payable  in  forty  years,  in  coin,  bearing  interest  not  exceeding 

per  cent.,  subsequently  known  as  10-40  bonds.     Un 
authority  of  this  act,  Secretary  Chase,  immediately  after  the 
5-20  bonds  bearing  six  per  cent,  interest  had  been  di>j> 
of,  put  10-40  bonds  bearing  only  Jive  per  cent,  inu -iv>t   mi 
the  market.     Very  naturally  the  loan  did  not  prove  a  suc- 

.  and  by  the  1st  of  July,  1864,  the  sum  reali/ed  from 
10-40  bonds  amounted  to  only  $73,337,750.  In  order  to 
defray  tin-  expenses  of  the  Lro\  eminent,  the  Secretary  OOD- 
tinn  e  evidence*  of  indebtedness  of  the  government 

in  various  forms  calculated  to  circulate  as  a  eurrency.     By 
this  lime  National  Bank  notes  he^an  to  swell  the  volume  of 

the  currency.    The  following  statement  shows  the  amount 
and  kinds  of  paper  in  circulation  June  30,  1864: 

Tin:    i.Kt-.M.   TENDER    A-   i -.  J  1  5- 

U.  S.  not,-,  greenbacks *4:)  1,1 78,070  84 

iWal,    fractional    currency 2i',s!) 4,*77  25 

Interest  bearing  legal  tender  Treasury  notes  1  (is,:,;  1,150  00 

Certificates  .,f   Indebtedness 100,720,00000 

National  liank  notes 25,825,095  00 

State  liank   circulation    about 135,000,00000 

Seven-thirty   Treasury    notes 100,350,15000 

Temporary  deposits  1'or   which    certificate* 

were    issued 72,330,101  44 

$1,125,877,034  53 

From  the  above  table  it  will  be  seen  that  the  country  was 
flooded  with  paper  securities  of  the  government  of  every 
description,  mostly  bearing  interest  and  issued  in  a  form  to 
circulate  as  currency.  Now  take  into  consideration  the 
fact  that  over  'S700,000,000  of  bonds  bearing  interest  payable 
•in  [i old  had  just  been  issued,  and  also  that  the  military 
situation  was  very  critical,  and  no  one  can  fail  to  see  into 
what  a  wretched  condition  the  finances  of  the  country  had 
been  brought.  The  ''bulls'"  and  "bears"  of  Wall  street  fairly 
rioted  in  the  speculation  and  gold  gambling  which  ensued. 
The  premium  on  gold  began  to  go  up.  On  the  15th  of 
January,  1804,  it  was  1.55;  on  the  15th  of  February,  1.59; 
on  the  loth  of  April,  I.7S;  on  the-  15th  of  June,  1.79;  on  the- 
30th  of  June,  2.50;  and  on  the  llth  of  July,  2.85£.  The 
business  affairs  of  the  country  were  of  course  greatly 
deranged,  and  distrust  became  general.  The  credit  of  the 
government  suffered  enormously — worse  than  if  it,  had  BUS? 
taincd  a  do/en  defeats  in  the  field.  P»ut  the  iraine  had  been 
carried  too  far,  and  it  was  no  longer  possible  to  deceive  the 
public,  so  something  had  to  be  done  to  allay  public  feeling 
and  restore  confidence.  Secretary  Chase  was  compelled  to 
resign  June  30,  1804.  No  change,  however,  was  made  in 

216  TIIK    LK(iAL    T  KM>  F.i:    ACTS. 

the  policy  of  the  Treasury  Department,  and  matters  went 
on  from  bad  to  worse. 


LIMITED    TO    8400,000,000. 

By  the  act  of  June  30,  1864,  the  amount  of  greenbacks 
issued  or  to  be  issued,  was  limited  to  8400,000,000,  and  "such 
additional  sum,  not  exceeding  $50,000,000,  as  may  be  tem- 
porarily required  for  the  redemption  of  temporary  loans." 
The  Secretary  was  authorized  to  issue  $200,000,000  legal 
tender  Treasury  notes  bearing  interest,  payable  in  three  years. 
By  the  same  act  all  bonds,  coupons,  national  currency,  United 
States  notes,  Treasury  notes,  fractional  notes,  certificates  of 
indebtedness,  certificates  of  deposit,  etc.,  were  declared  to 
be  exempt  from  taxation  by  or  under  State  or  municipal 


William  P.  Fessenden,  United  States  Senator  from  Maine, 
was  appointed  to  succeed  Secretary  Chase,  and  entered  upon 
the  duties  of  his  office  July  5,  1864.  Secretary  Fessenden 
raided  tlie  means  to  carry  on  the  government  to  March  4, 
1865,  by  issuing  greenbacks,  7-30  Treasury  notes,  interest 
bearing  Treasury  not« •-,  eutificates  of  indebtedness,  5-20 
bonds,  etc.  Secretary  Fessenden,  while  in  the  United  States 
Senate,  had  played  a  conspicuous  part  in  mutilating  the 
greenback,  and  the  following  paragraph  from  his  annual 

1  ier,  1  MM,  in  view  of  his  course,  cannot  fail 

to  strike  the  reader  as  n,  singular  admission.    lie  said:  "Tke 

o  of  the  past  few  months  cannot  have  failed  to 

convince  the  most  careless  observer  that,  whatever  may  be 

lundant  circulation  upon  the  price  of  coin, 
other  causes  have  ext  greater  and  more  deleterious 

THE  LE<;AL  TI:M  217 

influence.  In  tin.-  course  of  :i  few  days  the  price  of  this 
article  n»e  *l.f>t)  to  x-J.sri  in  paper  1'or  $1.00  in  spe«-i«-, 
and  subsequently  fell,  in  as  short  a  period,  to  $1.87,  mill 
then  again  rose  us  rapidly  to  $2.50;  and  all  irifhont  any 
tuifsiy  nable  cause,  traceable  to  an  i>  <>r  decrease 

in  circulation  of  paper  money,  or  an  expansion  or  con- 
traction of  credit  or  other  similar  influence  <»n  the  market, 
tending  to  occasion  a  fluctuation  so  violent.  It  is  quite 
apparent  that  the  solution  of  tlic  problem  may  be  found 
in  the  unpatriotic  and  criminal  efforts  of  8jn:culator89 
and  probably  of  secret  enemies,  to  raise  the  price  of  coin, 
regardless  of  the  injury  inflicted  upon  the  country,  —  or 
desiring  to  inflict  it."  No  man  living,  except  John  Sherman 

•of  Ohio,  was  better  able  to  explain  how  and  through  whoso 
instrumentality  these  rascally  speculators  were  enabled  to 
prosecute  their  "  unpatriotic  and  criminal  efforts"  than  Mr. 
Feesenden  himself.  Under  the  circumstances  Mr.  Fesscn- 
den  did  not  iind  the  position  of  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 

.a  very  comfortable  one;  and  at  the  beginning  of  Mr. 
Lincoln's  second  term  he  surrendered  it  with  feelings  of 
great  relief. 


Immediately  afler  I  'resident  Lincoln  entered  upon  his 
•second  term  of  office  Hugh  McCulloch,  a  banker,  of  the 
State  of  Indiana,  was  appointed  Secretary  of  the  Treasury. 
Mr.  Me('ulloch  was  unknown  to  the  public,  but  it  was 
hoped  that,  being  a  banker  and  of  course  familiar  with  the 
manner  in  which  the  government  and  people  were  being 
robbed  by  the  money  power,  and  not  identified  with  the 
corrupt  political  ring  at  Washington  through  which  it 
operated,  he  would  endeavor  to  restore  the  finances  of  the 
•country  to  a  more  healthy  condition.  Never  were  a  people 

218  THE  I.I:<;AL  TKNDKI:  A«  TS. 

•  loomed  t->  be  more  bitterly  disappointed.     McCulloeh  not 
<»nly    entered    into    tin-    de-i^ns  of  the   money   power,  but 
became  its  most  subservient  tool,  and  retired  with  tlie  repu- 
;ig  tlie  iirst  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  of  the 
Uni-  9  who  had  ever  prostituted  hb  high  olliee  for  tlie 

purpose  of  enriching  himself  and  his  associates.    Henry  C. 
CM  ivy,  wh->  had  a  conversation  with  him  immediately  after 
his  accession  to  office,  says  that  lie  expressed  himself  then 
i  favorable  to  contraction,  and  quotes  him  us  saving  that 
he  ^.should  gladly  see  it  (gold)  at  1.75,"  meaning  that  he 
would  not  favor  contraction  for  the  purpose  of  reducing  the 
premium  on  gold.     "Three  months  later,"  says  31  r.  (.'a. 
k>he    was   instructing   his  representatives   abroad   to  give- 
assurances  that  we  should  have  resumed   specie   payments- 
before  the  7-30\s  became  due.     Two  months  yet  later  came 
the  destructive  Fort  Wayne  decree  (a  letter  from  McCulloch 
in  which  he  expressed  himself  in  favor  of  the  policy  of  con- 
traction), ami  from  that  hour  did  the  Secretary    persist  in 
the  ab>urd  and  injurious  policy  therein  announced." 

Mr.   McCulloch,  at  the  same  time  that   lie   was   giving 
instructions   to    his  representatives  abroad   that  we  should 
have  r.->umcd  specie  payments  before-  the  7-HO's  became  due,, 
was    issuing    7-:50    Treasury    jioles    and   compound  inte. 
bearing  Treasury  notes-,  made  :i  tender  at  their  face  value, 
to  an  enormous  amount.     The  payment  of  the  army,  which 
inu.stcivd    out    of    service    during    this    period,    alone 
re.juircd   an  sum,  which   was  obtained  by  selling 
i-ury  noles  through  the  agency  of  Jay  Cooke.    The 
amount  of  7-:;i)  Treasury  QOteS   ouMaiiding  October,  1SG5,, 
which  were,  convertible  in  ]e->  than  thi  into  5-'Jo 

nt.  bonds,  was  $830,000,000. 

The  following  -it  of  the  debt   and   circulation! 

Of  tlie  United  Stato,  Us  it  stood  October  31,  lb< 

Tin:  LEGAL  TI:M»I.I:   .-.  219 

Bonds,  HMO'S,  live  per  cent.,  due  in  1  On  t  .  .  *i  T-J,  770,100  00 

IJonds,  I'a.-itic  U.  U.,  o  percent,  duein  i  i^:.s"oooo 

Bonds,  5-20X0  per  cent,  due  in  1882/84/85  Ofi               )  00 

Bonds,  C.  per  cent.,  dub  in   18S1  ..........  265,947,400  00 

I'x.nds  :>  per  (-nil.,  due  in    isso  ..........  is.i  i.-,,nno  00 

ISonds,  :>  JUT  cent.,  due  in    1S74  ..........  2i.»,«>0«uii»0  00 

Bonds,  5  per  cent,  due  in   1*71  ..........  ">  00 

Uonds,  0  percent.,  due   in    |s<;s  ..........  U  80 

Bonds,  6  per  cent,  dne  in   1*07  ..........  9,415,25 

llnnds,  Texas  indemnity,  jiart  <liR'  ........  "  ><)  ()<> 

s.  Trc-asury  notes,  etc.,  part  due-  ......  oi 

Total  IJ.nids  ....................  Ul,  103,769,611  8& 

Compound  interest  notes, 

.tui-  in  1SU7-'08  .......  ^173,012,141  OO 

7-30  Treasury  notes,  duo 

in  ISO?  and  isos  ......    830,000,000  00 

'IVmiiorary  loans,  1(»  da\  -' 

notice.  '  ...........  ..  90,107,745  4G 

Certificates  of  indel»ted- 

ni-x.  due  in  1800  ......  55,905,00000 

Tre-isurv  notes,.")  percent., 

I  )ec.  'l,    1865  .........  32,536,901  00 

United  States  notes  .....  4'js,h;i»,r,o«)  00 

Fractional  currency  .....  20,057,409  20—  1,044,  77D,s-J5  66 

Total  debt  October  :J1,  1805  ......  x-J.-o-.:-  I1.'.  437  55 

National   Uank  notes  issued  .............     $185,000,000  00 

State  Bunk  notes  issued  ................         65,000,000  00 

Treasury  notes,  greenbacks,  etc  ..........    l,044,779,s-j:, 

Total  circulation*  ...............  $1,894,779,825  66 

Secretary  McCulloch,  in  his  lir>t  annual  n-port,  Dec-eiiibt,-! 
4,  1865,  argued  that  the  legal  tender  acts  were  war  measures 
and  only  temporary  in  character,  and  "ought  not  to  remain 
in  force  a  day  longer  than  would  be  necessary  to  enable  the 
people  to  prepare  for  a  return  to  the  gold  standard;  and  that 

•See  table  of  circulation,  Sept.  1,  isco,  yax'e  16. 

220  TIIK    1KGAL    TKN'DKi:    I 

the  work  of  retiring  the  notes  which  have  been  issued  should 
bo  commenced  without  delay,  iind  carefully  and  persistently 
continued  until  all  are  retired."  On  the  18th  of  December, 
1 865,  Congress  adopted  a  resolution  "  cordially  concurring 
in  the  views  of  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  in  relation  to  a 
contraction  of  the  currency,"  by  a  vote  of  144  to  G.  This  was 
followed  by  an  act  of  Congress,  approved  April  12,  1866, 
authorizing  the  Secretary  to  sell  5-20  bonds,  and  with  the 
proceeds  to  retire  six  per  cent,  compound  interest  notes  and 
legal  tender  notes  (greenbacks),  and  other  evidences  of 
indebtedness  of  the  government,  but  not  to  retire  more  than 
four  millions  of  dollars  of  greenbacks  a  month,  or  forty-eight 
millions  of  dollars  in  a  year,  but  without  restriction  as  to  the 
amount  of  compound  sixes  and  seven-thirties.  This  net  gave 
Secretary  McCulloch  unlimited  control  over  the  monetary 
affairs  of  the  country. 

The  banks  and  sharks  of  Wall  street  and  their  kind,  at 
home  and  abroad,  held  hundreds  of  millions  of  securities  of 
the  government,  which  they  had  purchased  at  various  prices 
ranging  from  thirty-five  cents  on  the  dollar  upwards.  During 
the  war  whilst  these  securities  were  being  emitted,  it  was  the 
policy  of  the  money  power  to  depreciate  their  value  in  every 
way  possible,  in  order  that  they  might  be  bought  in  ata  sac- 
rifice. Hence  it  was  that  interest  on  the  bonds  and  duties 
on  imports  were  made  payable  in  gold,  and  Subsequently, 
that  the  convertibility  of  legal  tender  notes  into  bonds  \V;LS 
abrogated.  It  was  for  the  same  reason,  too,  that  Congt 
instead  of  adopting  a  plain,  simple  system,  easily  understood 
by  the  public,  SUCh  as  tli»-  Iciral  tender  Treasury  note  sus- 
tained by  an  interest  bearing  bond,  JM  i  authorizing 
the  S"i-ivt-i.ry  of  the  Treasury  to  issue  government  securi' 
bearing  interest,  and  mostly  payable  in  three  years,  in  all 
.sorts  of  forms  and  shape-.  G  .  •  nnnent  obligations  were 

•i  in;    LEGAL    1  BNDXB    ACTS.  ii-J  1 

issued  during  tin?  w:ir  by  the  Treasury  Department  in  fifteen 
different  forms.  It  wa>  of  course  impossible  for  the  general 
public  to  keep  the  run  of,  much  less  t<>  understand,  all  t! 
various  forms  of  indebtedness,  nor  was  it  designed  that  they 
should.  It  need  scarcely  bo  added,  that  issuing  the  securi- 
ties of  the  government  in  these  peculiar  forms  furnished  the 
banks  an  additional  opportunity  to  prey  upon  the  people. 

As  soon  as  the  last  batch  of  7-30  Treasury  not,  > 
disposed  of  by  McCulloch  to  raise  means  to  pay  off  the  ai  my 
oil  the  eve  of  its  disbandment,  the  money  power  changed 
its  policy.  It  was  now  to  the  advantage  of  the  holders  of 
government  securities  to  do  everything  in  their  power  to 
enhance  their  value.  Accordingly  from  this  time  on  the 
efforts  of  the  money  power  will  be  found  turned  in  that 
direction.  Secretary  MeCulloch,  who  had  informed  Mr. 
Carey  that  he  would  like  to  see  gold  stay  at  $1.75,  as  we 
have  seen,  was  soon  brought  to  terms,  and  was  now  a  xcaloiis 
champion  of  contraction,  for  the  purpose  of  bringing  the 
country  back  to  "honest  money."  The  Treasury  n 
purposely  made  payable  in  three  years,  and  which  wen* 
convertible  into  5-20  bonds,  constituted  the  greater  part  of 
the  public  debt  held  at  home.  These  notes  were  payable  in 
lawful  money  (greenbacks),  and  it  became  an  important 
object  to  have  them  converted  into  long  time  bond-, 
that  the  money  power  might  have  ample  time  to  secure  such 
legislation  as  would  result  in  the  principal  as  well  as  the 
interest  being  paid  in  gold.  Mr.  MoCulloch  entered  into 
this  method  of  liquidating  the  outstanding  obligations  of  the 
government  with  great  zeal.  The  following  items  taken 
from  his  report  of  December,  1866,  exhibit  the  ehara 
and  extent  of  the  contraction  which  took  place  (by  Mil»ti- 
tuting  5-20  bonds  for  Treasury  notes,  etc.,)  from  August  31, 
1865,  to  October  31,  1866: 

222  THE  I.KC.AL  TI;M>I-;U  ACTS. 

Temporary  l«i.-m,  •!,.">  and  G  per  cent.,  arN  •  >{' 

February  25,  I  862,  and  June  30,  1804. .  .  $502,140,714  27 
C'crtilirates  of  indebtedness,  0  per  cent.,  acts 

of  March  1,  1802,  mid  March  3,  1803 84,911,000  00 

Treasury  notes,  5  per  cent.,  one  and  two 

years,"  art  of  March  3,  1863 31,000,000  00 

Treasury  notes,  7-:w,  act  of  July  17,  1861 . .  295,100  00 

Compound  interest  notes,  0  per  cent.,  act  of 

July  30,  1864 68,512,020  00 

Treasury  notes,  7-30,  acts  of  June  30,  1864, 

and  March  3,  1865 105,985,700  00 

United  States  notes,  acts  of  July  17,1861, 

and  Fein-nary  12,  1862 134,610  00 

United  States  notes  (greenbacks),  acts  of 

February  25,  1802,  and  March  3,  1863.  .  .       U^::"J74_00 

Amount  retired  first  year *;ii)5,.S15,318  27 

This  policy  was  persisted  in  until  all  evidences  of  indebt- 
edness of  the  government  bearing  currency  interest,  and 
having  hut  a  short  time  to  run,  "were  converted  into  gold 
interest  long  bonds.  The  following  synopsis  of  the  public 
debt  statement  contained  in  Secretary  McCulloch's  annual 
report  of  December  1,  1868,  will  exhibit  the  progress  made 
by  him  on  the  1st  day  of  July,  180*: 


r>  per  cent,  bonds $221,588,400  00 

0  per  cent,  bonds 1,848,415,24  1  so 

Navy  IVn.Mon  fund 13,000,000  00 — $2,083,003,641  80 

J>I:I;T  r,r..\i:i\i;  <TI:I:ENCY  INTKKI 

6  per  cent,  bond*. $29,089,000  00 

:;  yearcomp'nd  int.  notes      21,604,890  00 

•  7-::i)   not.- 25,534,90000 

:;  "per  cent,  eertiiicates.  .       50,000,000  00 —    $126,228,790  00 

MA  n  i:n>   DEBT  BTOT  P&B8EN1  i:i»  F«»I:  ]-.\^  M  i 
Treasury  notes,  com  pound  int'st  n..t.  •>,<•!<-.         .  j  »;t 

DEBT  BEABHTG   NO  IN  I  11:1  8T. 

reenbacks)  -s;;;,«;j  \  1.723  oo 
tional  currency.  ;  i  75 

Gold  oertific'sof  deposit      1  7,678,740  00—   $406,447,414  75 

Total  debt XL>}ij:;o,207,149  19 

Tin:   pBG  \i.  TKXDEB   A<  i  >.  223 

In  thi'  meantime  contraction  lia.l  d«»ne  IN  work.  IIu 
men  began  to  suil'er  ami  the  induM rics  of  the  country  to 
•decline.  "Hugh  McCulloeh  had  tapped  a  great,  artery  ami 
let  nearly  all  the  Mood  How  from  the  body  politic.*'  Ue>idcs 
the  hundreds  of  millions  of  evidences  of  indebtedness  of  the 
.government,  used  as  currency,  taken  from  the  channels  of 
trade,  the  greenback  circulation  was  contracted  from  August* 
1865,  to  July,  1868,  $70,730,630.76.  The  public  began  to 
realize,  though  only  partially,  the  cause  of  the  great  ch  mge 
that  was  going  on  in  the  business  a  flairs  of  the  country,  ami 
•called  a  halt.  Mr.  J.  A.  Stevens  President  of  the  Chamber 
of  Commerce  of  New  York  City,  in  a  letter  to  the  New 
York  Times  in  1873,  thus  refers  to  this  period:  '-The 
•country  at  large  had  felt  the  pressure  of  the  screw,  but  had 
not  been  able  to  discover  precisely  from  what  quarter  the' 
pinch  came,  the  contraction  being  confined  to  those  outside 
forms  of  Treasury  obligations  which,  though  not  currency 
in  the  strict  acceptation  of  the  \\ord,  were  still  used  as  such 
in  the  larger  transactions  of  trade  and  financial  exchange. 
"When,  in  a  time  of  general  pressure,  the  currency  itself 
became  the  subject  of  the  pruning  knife,  the  country  not 
•only  felt  the  knife,  but  saw  how  it  was  handled,  and  refused 
to  submit  to  the  *  heroic  treatment.'" 

Congress  was  compelled,  in  January,  1868,  by  the  force 
•of  public  sentiment,  to  pass  a  law  declaring  "that  from  and 
after  its  passage,  the  authority  of  the  Secretary  of  the 
'Treasury  to  make  any  reduction  of  the  currency  by  retiring 
or  cancelling  United  States  notes  (greenbacks)  shall  be  and 
is  hereby  suspended/'  But  the  mischief  had  already  1 
•done.  The  greenback,  however,  was  saved  to  the  people. 

In  1865  and  1SOO,  after  the  termination  of  the  war,  indus- 
try, by  reason  of  the  abundance  of  money  in  circulation,  was 
rife  throughout  the  country,  and  production  went  on  as  it 


TIN-:    l.Kt.AL    TKNDKIi    ACTS. 

hail  never  done  In-fore.  During  the  years  1863,  '64, '65  ana' 
66  the  failures  throughout  the  country,  as  reporter!  in  Hunt's 
Magazine,  averaged  only  545  a  year.  In  1807  they  run 
up  to  2,386,  and  continued  above  that  number  until  1ST:',, 
when  they  reached  5,181,  with  liabilities  to  the,  amount  of 

In  1865  general  prosperity  prevailed,  and  as  McCulloch 
himself  lias  since  admitted,  the  people  were  individually  out 
of  debt.  Business  then  was  done  for  cask.  But  as  money 
grew  scarce  business  men  were  obliged,  as  in  days  before  the 
war,  to  resort  to  the  banks  and  borrow  bank  credit,  i Business 
was  no  longer  done  on  cash  principles.  As  like  causes  pro- 
duce like  effects,  so  the  use  of  bank  credit,  rendered  necessary 
by  the  scarcity  of  money,  brought  the  business  affairs  of  the 
nation  back  to  the  same  condition  in  which  they  had  been 
for  sixty  years  prior  to  the  war.  A  commercial  crash  was  only 
a  question  of  time,  and  accordingly  it  came  in  1873. 


TMT]:i>    STATKS. 

Every  ;ict  of  Con  -       .  ig  to  the  financial  measures 

of  the  government  «U.  war  was  passed  with  a  viewto- 

depreciating  the  public  credit.  So,  now,  after  the  war  wa- 
over,  and  the  money  power  had  obtained  possession  of  pll 

the  outstanding  obligations  of  the  government,  every  act 
that  was  passed  was  pa-scd  with  :i  view  to  increasing  their 
value.  The  5-20  bonds  Of  the  government  were  payable  in 
lawful  money  of  the  Tinted  States.  It  will  be  remembered 
that  when  the  first,  legal  tender  act  wa^  l-Vhruary 

.',  the  ch'n  I'  1>  'Mention    lielweeii    the  Senate  and 

II<«iiM>    was   the    payment    of  tin-    I  "ii    the   bonds  in 

ader    notes    were    made   a   tender    for   "all 

as  and  demands  .  x    • '  cs  of  every 

THJ:    I.KI.AI.  TI  MX  i:    A«TS.  225 

kind   whatsoever,  except  f <>i-  interest   »/">K   i>«n<(.-<  dud 

note*,  which  shall  be  paid  in  coin,  and  shall  also  In-  lawful 
money  and  :i  legal  tender  in  payment  of  all  debts,  public 
and  private,  within  the  United  States,  except  duties  on 
imports  and  interest  as  aforesaid/'  This  language  is  per- 
fectly plain  and  explicit  and  leaves  no  room  for  doubt. 
When  the  bill  was  pending  in  the  Senate,  Mr.  Collamer,  of 
Vermont,  offered  an  amendment  depriving  the  greenback 
of  its  legal  tender  quality  so  far  as  the  public  debt  was 
concerned,  and,  at  the  same  time,  said  that  if  the  bill  did 
not  mean  that  bonds  were  payable  in  greenbacks,  it  meant. 
nothing.  His  amendment  was  voted  down.  Senator  Wilson, 
of  Massachusetts,  declared  that  greenbacks  ought  to  be  a  legal 
tender  for  the  payment  of  the  public  debt,  and  that  if  they 
were  not  lie  would  vote  against  the  bill.  The  Hon.  Thaddeus 
Stevens  subsequently  declared,  that  "when  the  bill  was  on 
its  final  passage,  the  question  was  cxpiv^ly  asked  of  the 
chairman  of  the  Committee  on  Ways  and  Means,  and  as 
expressly  answered  by  him,  that  only  the  interest  was  pay- 
able in  coin.  If  I  knew,"  he  added,  "that  any  party  in  this 
country  would  g<»  for  paying  in  coin  that  which  is  payable  in 
money,  thus  enhancing  it  one-half;  if  I  knew  then-  was  such 
a  platform,  and  such  a  determination  on  the  part  of  any 
party,  I  would  vote  on  the  other  side.  I  would  vote  for  no 
such  swindle  upon  the  tax  payers  of  this  country;  I  would 
rote  for  no  such  speculation  in  favor  of  the  large  bondhold- 
ers— the  millionaires  who  took  advantage  of  our  folly  in 
granting  them  coin  payment  of  interest." 

The  first  mo\e  made  by  the  bullionists  and  bondholders 
was  to  educate  public  sentiment,  through  the  press,  in  regard 
to  the  "sacrcdncss  of  the  public,  faith."  The  leading  new- 
papers  of  the  principal  cities  took  up  the  song,  and  before  a 
great  while  the  gentlemen  of  the  country  prc»<,  who  are 

L'_'t;  I.Kti.M.    TKXI»K1I     '. 

quick  t«>  Irani  which  way  the  wind  lilu\\>,  were  heard, 
together  with  the  demagogues  of  both  parties,  joining  in  the 

chorus.  In  many  (A'  the  Western  States,  whose  peopk-  arc 
not  so  completely  en-laved  by  tlie  money  power  as  their 
brethren  of  the  east,  public  opinion  manifested  a  disposi- 
tion  to  demand  tliat  the  five-twenty  bonds  should  be  paid 
agreeably  to  the  terms  of  the  acts  providing  for  their  issue — 
in  greenbacks.  This  was  not  confined  to  any  particular 
party.  Accordingly  we  find  Senator  Sherman,  in  a  speech 
in  the  Senate,  February  -7,  1S08,  uttering  the  following  sen- 
timents. He  said:  ul  say  that  equity  and  justice  are  amply 
•v'ltistied  if  we  redeem  these  bonds  at  the  end  of  fi\  e  year-. 
in  the  same  kind  of  money,  of  the  same  intrinsic!  value  it 
bore  at  the  time  they  were  issued.  Gentlemen  may  reason 
about  the  matter  over  and  over  again,  and  they  cannot  come 
to  any  other  conclusion;  at  least,  that  has  been  my  conclu- 
sion after  the  most  careful  deliberation.  Senators  are  some- 
times in  the  habit,  in  order  to  defeat  the  argument  of  an 
antagonist,  tO  Say  that  this  is  repudiation.  Why,  sir,  every 
citi/en  of  the  I'nited  States  ha>  conformed  his  business  to 
the  legal  tender  clan-  Kvery  State  in  the  I'ni.m, 

without  exception,  has  made  its  contract-,  MM,-.-  jhe  legal 
J'-nder  claii-e,  in  currency  and  paid  them  in  currency."  And 
itor  Morton  declared  that,  t%  we  should  do  foul  injustice 
to  the  government  and  the  people  of  the  Tinted  States,  after 
we  have  sold  these  homN  on  an  average  for  not  more  than 
-i\ly  cents  on  the  dollar,  now  to  propose  to  make  a  new 
contract  for  the  benelit  of  the  bondholder." 

The  Presidential  campaign  of    |si;.s   was  impending,  and 
it  became  neces>ary  for  the  money  power  to  report   to   extra- 
Miary  efforts  to  obtain   the  direction   of  political   affair-.. 
The    JiotliM-hilds    were    in    pO8fe881OH    of   several    hundred 
of  5-20  bonds,  purchased   at  about  sixty   cents  on 

TIIK   LEGAL    F  I.M.I  i:    A.  TS.  227 

the  dollar  or  lex>,  :md  were  particularly  interotc.i.  Their 
agent,  August  Belmont,  who  had  secured  the  position  of 
chairman  of  the  Democratic  National  Committee,  was 
instructed  by  l>aron  .lames  Rothschild  as  early  as  March  13, 
1868,  that  unless  the  Democratic  party  went  in  for  paying 
the  .r>-'jo  bonds  in  gold,  it  must  be  defeated.  The  fir>t  step 
\vas  to  have  the  national  convention  held  in  New  York  City. 
It  accordingly  convened  there  on  the  4th  of  July,  1808. 
IJelmont  and  his  satellites  were  unable  to  control  the  con- 
\ention,  at  least  in  the  matter  of  the  platform.  After  a 
Monny  session  the  platform  was  promulgated  on  the  7th  of 
July,  and  contained  the  following  plank:  "Resolved,  Third: 
When  the  obligations  of  the  government  do  not  expressly 
Mate  upi.ii  their  face,'  or  the  law  under  which  they  were 
issued  does  not  provide  that  they  shall  be  paid  in  coin,  they 
ought  in  right  i«»  be  paid  in  the  lawful  money  of  the  United 
States."  This  resolution  doomed  the  party  to  defeat.  At 
this  time  Mr.  Ilclmont  owned  a  large  interest  in  the  New 
York  H '"/•///,  generally  regarded  as  the  leading  Democratic 
newspaper  in  the  country.  About  the  first  of  October  this 
interest  is  believed  to  have  been  transferred  to  Man  ton 
Marble,  editor  and  part  proprietor  of  the  paper.  On  the 
l."ith  day  of  October,  a  few  weeks  before  the  general  election, 
the  ir<//-A/,  to  the  consternation  of  the  democracy  through- 
out the  country,  came  out  in  a  leading  editorial  denouncing 
Horatio  Seymour,  the  candidate  of  the  party  for  the  I'IVM- 
dcncy,  as  unfit  and  unavailable,  and  advising  his  withdrawal. 
This  act  of  treachery  has  ne\er  been  equaled  in  the  unnaK 
of  politics;  and,  strange  to  say.  the  W<>r!<l,  under  the  same 
corrupt  influence,  continues  to  occupy  the  position  of  a 
leading  Democratic  newspaper.  The  money  power  was 
more  successful  with  the  leaders  of  the  Republican  party. 
Through  its  aid  (4rant  was  triumphantly  elected.  President 

228  TIM-:   i.i-:«;  AI.  'i )  \i>i  i:  AITS. 

(ii-:mt  wax  duly  inaugurated  on  tin?  -it!)  of  March,  1869, 
and  in  pursuance  of  the  programme  marked  out  for  him, 
thus  alluded  to'-the  sacrcdness  of  the  public  faith''  in  his 
inaugural  message,  lie  said:  "Let  it  be  understood  that  no 
repudiator  of  one  farthing  of  our  public  debt  will  be  trusted 
in  public  place,  aiwl  it  will  go  far  toward  strengthening  a 
credit  which  ought  to  be  the  best  in  the  world,  and  will 
ultimately  enable  us  to  replace  the  debt  with  bonds  bearing 
less  interest  than  we  now  pay."  This  was  intended  as  a 
warning  to  all  those  who  might  desire  to  stand  well  with 
the  administration. 

On  the  12th  of  March  a  bill  was  introduced  in  the  House 
by  Mr.  Schenck,  of  Ohio,  entitled  "  An  act  to  strengthen  the 
public  credit  of  the  United  States*"  Indue  tinw  it  pas^-d 
both  branches  of  Congress,  and  was  approved  by  the  1'rc-i- 
dent  March  IS,  JHOO.  It  was  the  first  act  of  Congress  that 
received  his  official  sanction.  This  act  provides  as  follows: 

•  ///;  it  enacted,  etc..  That,  in  order  to  remove  any  doubt 
a^  to  the  purpose  of  the  government  to  diseharge  all  its 
obligation-*  to  the  public  creditors,  and  to  settle  conflicting 
<|ii«'stions  and  interpretations  of  the  law,  by  virtue  of  which 
such  obligations  have  Keen  contracted,  it  is  hereby  pro\  ided 
and  declared  that,  the  faith  of  the  I'nited  States  is  solemnly 
pledged  to  the  payment  in  coin,  or  its  equivalent,  of  all  tin; 
obligations  of  the  1'iiitcd  States  not  bearing  interest,  known 
as  Tinted  States  notes,  and  of  all  the  interest  bearing  obli- 
gations, except  in  0*061  where  the  law  authorizing  the  issue 
of  any  such  obligations  has  expressly  provided  that  the  sam«- 
may  be  paid  in  lawful  money,  or  in  other  currency  than  gold 
and  Ml\er;  but  none  of  the  said  interest  bearing  obligations, 
not  already  due,  shall  be  redeemed  or  paid  before  maturity, 
unlessatsuch  tinn-sa*  Tnited  States  note-  shall  be  convertible 
>  coin  at  the  option  of  the  holder,  or  unless  at  such  time 

LOTS.  229 

bonds  of  the  United  States,  bearing  ;i  lower  rate  of  interest 
than  the  bonds  t«>  lie  redeemed,  can  be  sold  al  par  in  coin. 
And  the  United  States  al><>  solemn! v  pledges  its  1'aith  to 
make  provision  at  the  earliest,  practicable  period  for  the 
redemption  of  the  United  States  notes  in  coin." 

To  show  conclusively  that  the  5--JO  six  per  cent,  bonds  of 
the1  United  States  were  not  regarded  either  at  home  or 
abroad  as  payable  in  coin,  Mr.  Lawrence,  of  Ohio,  called 
attention  to  the  fact  that,  "on  the  30th  day  of  November, 
1867,  (over  two  years  after  the  war  was  over)  «»iir  five-twenty 
six  percent,  bonds  sold  in  London  at  To;-  cents,  while  New 
Brunswick  and  Cape  of  (iood  Hope  six  per  cents  sold  at 

i  <)•"> ;  Russian  five  per  cents  at  86  :iud  Brazilian  live  per  cents 

at  75." 

Congress  and  the  President  had  done  everything  in  their 
power  to  make  the  5-L'n's  payable  in  gold,  but  the  Roths- 
childs and  the  money  power  generally  were  apprehensive  as 
to  the  future,  inasmuch  as  the  act  of  Congress  of  March  18, 
1869,  was  in  violation  of  the  terms  of  the  contract  under 
which  the  bonds  had  been  issued,  and  might  be  repealed. 
No  time  was  lost,  therefore,  in  inducing  the  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury  to  pay  off  these  bonds  in  gold.  By  means  best 
known  to  themselves,  .McCulloch  had  been  induced  to  redeem 
about  $150,000,000  of  these  bonds,  during  his  administration 
of  the  Treasury,  and  the  process  t?as  continued  under  llout- 

well  and  his  successor^,  until  the  5-%JO  bonds,  issued  under 
the  original  act  of  February  'J.~>,  lsr»-_',  were  all  redeemed  in 
gold  or  its  equivalent.*  This  single  act  of  robbery,  for  it  is 
only  one  of  the  manv  acts  of  robbery  which  have  been 
perpetrated  by  the  money  power  during  the  past  few  years 
under  the  guise  of  law,  will  foot  up  about  as  follows: 

'See  public  debt  statement,  p.-uro  _v:i. 

230  TIII-:  I.K«;AI.  TKNDKR  ACTS. 

Amount  of  5-20  six  per  cent,  bonds $500,000,000  00 

Interest  in  gold  at  six  JHT  cent.,  compounded 

semi-annually,  fur  ten  years 403,096,1 

Total §903,090,132  7  1 

Cost  of  $500,000,000  bonds  at  say  sixty  cents 

on  the  dollar 300,000,000  00 

Net  profit  in  ten  years,  in  gold $603,096,1::-'  71 


The  next  move  of  the  money  power  was  to  have  the  public 
debt  refunded,  in  order  to  place  its  payment  in  coin  beyond 
all  question.  Accordingly  an  act  entitled  "An  act  to  author- 
ize the  refunding  of  the  national  debt,"  was  passed  and 
approved  July  14,  1870.  This  act  provided,  uThat  the  Sec- 
retary of  the  Treasury  is  hereby  authori/ed  to  is-ue,  in  a  -un: 
or  sums  not  exceeding  in  the  aggregate  $200,000,000,  coupon 
or  registered  bonds  of  the  United  States,  in  such  forms  a^ 
he  may  prescribe,  and  of  denominations  of  fifty  dollars,  or 
some  multiple  of  that  sum,  redeemable  in  coin  of  the 
present  standard  value,  at  the  pleasure  of  the  Tinted  St  , 
after  ten  years  from  the  date  of  their  issue,  and  hearing 
interest,  payable  semi-annually  in  such  coin,  at  the  rate  of 
five  per  cent,  per  annum."  $300,000,000  of  like  bonds, 
bearing  four  and  a  half  per  cent,  interest,  redeemable  after 
fifteen  years,  and  also  a  sum  of  bonds  bearing  f«>»r  |«'i'  <^''»t- 
interest,  redeemable  after  thirty  year — in  all  not  t«.  exceed 
$1,000,000,000,  were  also  authori/ed.  The  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury  was  authori/ed  to  sell  the>c  bonds  at  par  for  coin, 
and  with  the  proceeds  to  redeem  any  of  the  bonds  of  the 
United  States  outstanding,  known  :t>  live-twenty  bonds,  "or 
/"  ///"//  exchange  the  same  •/ <  j>>-<  firenty  bonds^ 

par  for  par." 

.  IJy  t lie  act  of  January  20,  1*71,  the  act    last    n-cited   was 

THE   LK(iAL  TEXDKR   A«    18,  231 

amended  go  a*  to  incrcaM-  tin-  amount  of  ti\e  per  eent.  gold 
bonds  authori/ed  t.>  be  iwiied  to  *.~>nn,()00,000,  and  to  make 
the  interest  «ni  tin-  bonds  payable,  at  the  discretion  of  the 
Secretary,  " 

Under  these  two  acts  gold  IMUI.U  to  the  amount  of  $465,- 
558,450  wore  issued  up  to  Novi-iulu-r,  is;:,;  and  :i  liill, 
of  ;i  like  c-liaractc-r,  introduced  l»y  Sherman  in  the  Senate,  is 
now  pending  iu  Con^rex,  to  coinpK'te  the  job.  When  it 
shall  have  pasvd  (  'oii^rr«-»,  the  c-ntire  jiuhlie  deht,  contracte.i 

in  lawful  money  at  a  time  when  it  was  ^ivatly  de|>ivciated 
as  eomparud  with  i^old,  will  be  transformed  into  a  debt 
payable,  principal  and  interest,  in  gold. 

The  following  table  exhibits  the  amount  and  eharart 
the  public  debt,  bearing  interest,  on  the  30th  day  of  Novem- 
ber, 1875.     It  will  be  observed  that  the  ^reater  part  of  the 
debt  of  the  United  States,  incurred  during  the  war,  is  now 
represented  by  bonds  issued  since  the  war: 

Loan  of  1858,  act  of  June  14,  1858,  5  per  cent.  $260,000 
Loan  of  February,  1861,  (M*-)  a.  i  of  1-Ybni'y 

8,  1861,  0  per  Vent.  .....................  18,415,000 

Oregon  War  Debt,  act  of  March  2,  '6  1,  6  per  c.  945,000 
Loan  of  July  and  August,  1861,  (81's)  act  of 

July  17,  aiid  Aug.  5,  1861,  6  per  cent  ......  189,321,350 

Loan  of  1863,  (Si's),  act  of  March  3,  '63,  6  p.  c.  75,000,000 

Ten-forties  of  1864,  act  of  .March  :*,  '64,  5  p.  c.  194,566,300 
Five-twenties  of  June,  1804,  act  of  June  30, 

1864,  6  per  cent  ........................  46,891,100 

Five-twenties  of  1865,  a.  -t  of  March  3,  '65,  6  p.  c.  152,534,250 

(  ousels  of  1865,  act  of  March  3,  1865,  6  p.  c.  202,663,100 

Consols  of  1867,  act  ot  March  3,  1865,  6  p.  c.  310,622,750 

Consols  of  1S6S,  act  of  March  3,  1865,  6  p.  c.  :*7,474,000 
Funded  Loan  of  18SI,  actfl  of  July  14,  1870, 

and  January  20,  I87la  '•  per  cent*  .........  465,558,450 

Total  ........................  $1,694,251,300 

TIIK    I.K«;.V1.    TKNDKR    ACTS. 
SPEriK    i;i:>l  MI'TIOX. 

It  now  only  remains  i'<»r  the  money  power  to  bring  about 
sumption  of  specie  payments  and  it  will  have  accom- 
plished all  its  ends;  and  the  American  people  will  once 
again  be  completely  under  its  domination.  From  the  day 
that  the  old  State  banks  suspended  specie  payments  until  the 
present,  time,  that  object  has  never  been  lost  sight  of  for  a 
moment.  No  system  of  money  lias  ever  been  devised  that 
confers  such  absolute  control  over  the  currency,  and  through 
it  over  the  property  and  business  affairs  of  a  nation,  upon  the 
money  power,  as  banks  of  issue;  and  hence  the  adoption  of 
the  National  Banking  scheme.  But  the  greenback  intern 
very  materially  with  the  workings  of  the  system,  and  it  is 
important  that  it  should  be  got  out  of  the  way.  There  is 
also  another  great  incentive  to  cause  the  money  power  to 
seek  a  return  to  specie  payments.  By  a  single  stroke  the 
bondholding  and  creditor  class  will  be  enriched  to  the 
amount  of  hundreds  of  millions  of  dollars. 

In  January,  1875,  the  bullionists  found  themselves  strong 
enough  in  Congress  to  pass  a  law  decreeing  spent-  resump- 
tion .January  1,  1879.  The  composition  of  the  House  of 
UepreM-ntatives,  at  this  time,  is  worthy  of  note,  and  should 
open  the  eyes  of  the  people  to  the  necessity  of  sending  a, 
different  class  of  men  to  represent  them  in  that  body.  The 
Hon.  Moses  VY.  Field,  of  .Michigan,  in  a  recent  speech  Ljives 
a  detailed  statement  of  the  professions  and  railings  of  the 
members  of  the  4:Jrd  1  louse,  of  which  he  was  a  member, 
a.s  follow>:  "Tin-  forty-third  Congress,  t<»  which  I  belonged, 
was  e.unpi.M'd  of  :;7!»  members.  In  this  number  there  u 
-i\  lumbermen,  thirteen  manufacturers,  seven  doctors,  foiir- 
i  men-hunts,  thirteen  fanners,  three  millers,  one  land 
.  one  priest,  one  pn.fewnr  of  latin,  one  doctor  of 

ft, One  barber,  iiiech;inic,  ninety-nine  lawyers,  and  one 

Tin-:    i  BO  M     i  I:M'(  i:    \<  i -. 

hundred  and  eight\ -nine  bankers.  \\hirh  includes  -mckhold- 
ers  in  National  I>ank>."  Almost  ;l  ,-lear  majority  of  member^ 
were  either  hankers  or  interested  in  National  lianks.  The 
specie  resumption  act  then  passed  restfl  like  an  incubus  upon 
the  industrial  interests  «,f  the  country.  Kver\  tiling,  li«»\v«-\  t-r. 
is  working  to  tin1  satisfaction  of  the  luillionixix  and  the  bond- 
holder-. As  industry  and  production  laiiLruMi.  property 
of  all  kindd  depreciates  in  value,  and  when  rt-xinnptioii  takt-x 
place,  the  money  power  will  he  enahlcd  to  gather  it  in,  to  the 
amount  of  hundreds  of  millions  more,  on  it-  own  tcrmv  It 
seems  hard  indeed  that  the  farmer,  the  mechanic,  the  manu- 
facturer, and  the  producing  clasM-s  LTenerally,  who  hear 
almost  the  entire  hurden  of  taxation,  should  thn<-  he  oppressed 
by  legislation,  and  millions  of  industrious  people  \n-  dejin\  ed 
of  the  opportunity  of  even  earning  their  bread,  for  no  other 
purpose  than  to  further  enrich  a  single  cla-s,  whi<-h  contril>- 
utes  not  one  iota  to  the  LTeneral  wealth  of  the  country.  But 
the  masses,  as  lonu:  :»s  they  sink  the  duties  and  privile;:v«>  p| 
freemen  in  a  blind  partisanship,  and  permit  themselves  to  be 
manipulated  bv  demagogues  through  tlu-  instrumentality  of 
party  machinery,  can  expect  no  better  fate.  The  «jue»ti"n 
of  re-uinption  is  one  of  such  vital  importance  that  it  is 
dexervin^  of  more  than  a  passing  notice.  It,  will,  therefore, 
receive  more  particular  attention  in  a  separate  chapter, 
(Chapter  VIII.) 

V     IlKIl.l      UKIUOSI'ECT. 

Ill  1SH1,  whc-ii  the  1-Vderal  ( iovernment,  unable  t..  borrow 
money  at  home  or  abroad,  uax  obliged  to  ap]>eal  to  the 
masses,  who  wc-re  l)0th  able  and  willing  to  respond,  the 
great  question  was  :,s  to  how  the  reaonroefl  «»f  the  people 
were  to  be  rendered  available  to  the  «_rm crnnient.  Taxation 
was  impracticable  in  the  begiiminir,  because  the  iroverinnent 
did  not  possess  the  machinery  for  laying  and  collectinvr 

L'34  Tin:   I.KU  \i.  TKNDKK  A.<  i  B. 

Taxes,  ami,  moreover,  there  was  not   a  sufficient  amount  of 
money  in  circulation  at  that  time  to  enable  the  peopi. 
meet  the  extraordinary  demands  of  the  occasion.      I'rud1 
and  labor  the  people  possessed  in  abundance,  but  they  could 
be  rendered  availably  only  through  the  instrumentality  o 
medium  of  exchange.      Besides  it  was  necessary  to  establish 
new  forms  of  production,  requiring  capital  to  a  large  amount 
in   the  form  of  money.     The  first   requisite,  therefore, 
manifestly  :i  medium  of  exchange.     This  t-mhl   he   supplied 
only  by  the  Federal   Government;  for  all   power  over  tin- 
currency  of  the  nation  is  vested  in  the   Federal  ( Tovcrnment 
by  the  Constitution. 

The  Federal  (rovernment  wanted  guns,  ships,  food,  ••loth- 
ing,  transportation,  etc.  The  farmer  could  furnish  fond; 
the  manufacturer,  guns,  wagons,  etc.;  and  the  ship  builder.* 
ships.  Other  classes  did  not  possess  such  things  as  the 
government  required,  but  they  did  possess  property 
various;  kinds  and  labor,  which  were  wanted  by  the  ship 
builder,  the  gun-maker  and  the  farmer.  The  people  collec- 
tively desired  the  gun-maker,  the  ship  builder  and  tin-  farmer 

to  forniBh  the  Federal  Government  with  such  article-  as  ir 

required  and  they  were  able  to  supply,  and  were  willing  in 
turn  to  supply  the  gun-maker.  The  ship  builder  and  the 
farmer  with  sii'-h  property  or  labor  as  they  might  desire.  to 
whatever  amount  they  might  be  entitled,  IJut  how  could 
this  interchange  he  effected:'  In  no  betler  uay  than  by  a 
medium  of  exchange  representing  the  property  of  the  nation. 
The  people  in  their  collective  capacity,  through  the  Li"Vern- 
Jnent,  could  issue  public  note-,  repi-cM-nting  the  entire  prop- 
erty of  the  nation,  including  gold,  silver— e\  erything  in  I 
word  that  could  be  reached  by  a  tax  warrant.  The  public. 
note, of  the  value  of  say  one  dollar,  if  paid  by  the  u<^  -eminent 
to  the  gun-maker,  would  entitle  him  to  receive  one  do]! 

UN:    LEG  \i.    i  IMT.I:    \.  i-.  235- 

worth  of  property,  neither  more  nor  less,      iiut  -nppose  lh:it 

the  people,  after  they  had  nade  this  anangOBQUt  with  the 

gun-maker,  tin-  farmer  and  the  ship  builder,  in  their  collec- 
tive capacity,  through  the  agency  of  tlie  government,  should 
refuse  individually  to  rccei\e  this  paper  dollar,  representing 
the  property  of  the  nation  on  which  it  is  a  lien,  what  then:' 
This  would  clearly  he  acting  in  had  faith  with  the  gun- 
inaker,  the  fanner  ami  the  ship  builder,  and  would  lie  tanta- 
mount to  the  people  repudiating  individually  what  they  hail 
done  collectively.  Hence  it  is  nothing  more  than  a  matter 
of  equity  and  fair  dealing  that  the  public  note  should  be 
made  a  legal  tender;  in  fact  in  no  other  way  could  the 
farmer,  the  gun-maker  and  the  ship  builder  be  reimbursed 
from  the  property  of  the  rest  of  the  people  for  the  guns, 
food,  etc.,  furnished  to  the  government.  A>  N  generally 
understood  by  lawyers,  if  not  by  political  economists,  the 
legal  tender  money  of  a  country  is  the  basix  of  all  money 
contracts  among  its  people  and  the  measure  of  all  value-: 
and  necessarily  conforms  to  the  unit  of  value  fixed  in  the 
minds  of  the  people  by  usage  and  education.  By  making 
the  public  note  a  legal  tender,  it  is  clothed  with  all  the 
functions  of  money.  It  possesses  value  (the  value  of  the 
property  which  it  represents),  and  by  virtue  of  its  legal 
tender  quality  the  power  to  measure  and  exchange  value. 
A  public  note, based  on  sound  principles,  it  will  be  observed, 
therefore,  is  capable  of  pel-forming  a  two-fold  ser\  ice. 
In  the  first  place  it  enables  the  government  which  i>-iir-  it 
to  draw  upon  the  resources  of  the  people  in  advance 
taxation.  The  government  pays  it  out  for  property  or 
services,  and  receives  it  again  for  taxes.  In  the  second 
place,  whilst  in  circulation,  it  performs  all  the  functions  of 
money,  and  in  the  end  furnishes  the  mean-  for  the  tax  payer 
,to  meet  his  obligations  to  the  government.  The  amount  of 

236  THK  I.KG.VL  TKMtKi;  A.CTB. 

greenbacks  now  in  circulation  is  over  $360,000,000.  The 
annual  revenues  of  the  government  amount  to  about  $300,- 
000,000.  It  is  apparent,  therefore,  that  the  greenback  circu- 
lation could  all  be  redeemed  in  the  revenues  of  the  govern- 
ment in  a  little  over  a  year.  From  this  it  is  evident  that  the 
clamor  of  the  bullionists  for  the  redemption  of  greenbacks 
in  gold,  or  the  funding  of  them  in  bonds  payable  in  gold,  is 
only  for  the  purpose  of  enabling  them  to  swindle  the  gov- 
ernment and  people  to  the  extent  of  the  premium  which  tke 
government  would  be  obliged  to  pay  to  obtain  gold  for  that 

It  is  clear,  then,  that  the  iirst  step  for  the  government  to 
take  at  the  breaking  <-ut.  of  the  rebellion,  to  enable  it  r«>  draw 
upon  the  resources  of  the  people,  was  to  issue  a  legal  tender 
public,  or  Treasury  note,  lint  no  more  money  can  be  u-ed 
by  a  people  than  is  required  by  the  legitimate  operations  of 
trade.  Professor  Bonamy  Price,  whom  we  are  glad  to  find 
right  occasionally,  illustrates  the  point  in  this  way:  u  Carts 
and  money  are  both  tools — instruments  of  conveyanre, 
endowed  with  the  same  nature  and  subject  to  the  same 
general  laws.  The  question  for  each  is  the  sanu — how 
many  are  wanted  for  the  work  which  they  were  invented 
to  do.  In  the  ea>e  of  money,  how  much  gold  (or  legal  tender 
paper  money)  can  a  nation  use?  How  much  can  it  find 
employment  for?  The  answer,  as  with  earts,  must  be  sought 
from  the  special  work  money  has  to  perform — that  is,  from 
fchc  amount  of  exchanging  which  calls  for  the  agency  of  this 
tool,  the  quantity  of  property  of  which  the  ownership  has  to 
b,-  transferred  l>y  this  instrument.  A  cart  tran-fcr-  \\ciglit; 
money,  owner-hip;  and  all  tin-  world  knows  that  the  cartage 
t"  be  done  determines  the  number  of  cart-.  In  the  same 
way.  tin- ownership  of  property  which  requires  to  be  trans- 
ferred by  the  actual  employment  of  money  iNclf,  determines 

THE    J.t  '.Al.    'I  KM.KK    Ar'is.  237 

bow  much  money  theiv  «.u-lit  t<>  !»«•  in  :i  nation.  No  other 
answer  is  possible,  unless  it  is  denied  that,  money  is  only  a 
tool;  if  BO,  another  explanation  of  the  nature  of  money  must 
be  produced."  For  the  government  to  issue  legal  tender 
notes  in  return  for  property  to  an  indefinite  amount  after  the 
channels  of  circulation  had  been  supplied,  would  be  contrary 
to  all  sound  principles  of  finance,  as  well  as  political  economy. 
The  next  step  for  the  government  to  have  pui>m<l  was  to 
draw  upon  the  resources  of  the  people  by  taxation.  But  as 
it  was  manifest  at  the  time  that  the  extraordinary  expenses 
of  the  war  could  not  be  wholly  defrayed  by  taxation — in  other 
words,  that  the  government  could  not,  under  the  circum- 
stances, act  upon  the  principle — "pay  as  you  go" — without 
causing  oppression  and  interfering  materially  with  the 
producing  ability  of  the  nation,  the  third  and  last  step  was 
to  issue  a  bond  bearing  interest,  in  order  that  the  govern- 
mernt  might  avail  itself  of  the  surplus  capital  of  individuals. 
No  more  perfect  system  of  money  or  finance  than  this  has 
ever  been  devised.  It  is,  moreover,  simple  and  easily  under- 
stood by  the  people.  This  system  was  embodied  in  the 
original  legal  tender  act,  as  framed  by  the  Hon.  E.  G.  Spaul- 
ding,  an  able  financier  and  statesman.  It  was  ardently 
supported  by  the  Hon.  Thaddeus  Stevens,  who  had  thor- 
oughly acquainted  himself  with  all  the  systems  of  money  and 
finance  of  ancient  and  modern  times,  with  all  his  powerful 
ability.  It  met  with  the  hearty  endorsement  of  the  Boards 
of  Trade  and  Chambers  of  Commerce  of  all  the  principal 
cities  of  the  North  and  AVest.  Its  adoption  by  the  House 
of  Representatives  was  hailed  with  marks  of  approbation 
and  satisfaction  by  the  intelligent  classes  every  where  through- 
out the  country.  That  it  would  have  worked  admirably  in 
practice  is  abundantly  demonstrated  by  the  performances  of 
the  greenback  in  the  most  trying  period  of  the  nation's  his- 

•238  THE   I.K<;AI,  TKMH-:I:  A-  C8, 

tory,  and  by  tin-  manner  in  which  the  people  took  the  loan 
of  $500,000,000  of  five-twenty  bonds. 

But  through  the  machinations  of  the  money  power,  and 
the  weakness  and  venality  of  the  United  States  Senate,  a  full 
legal  tender  money  system  was  rejected, and  in  its  stead  ua> 
.adopted  a  policy,  which  would  have  bankrupted,  in  a  short 
time,  any  nation  not  possessing  the  boundless  resource- 
the  United  States. 

During  the  war  every  act  and  measure  relating  to  finances 
was  calculated  to  depreciate  the  public  credit;  but  as  soon 
.as  the  war  was  over  an  entire  change  of  policy  ensued,  cal- 
culated to  render  the  burdens  of  the  people  doubly  oppress!  \  e. 
That  this  may  be  seen  at  a  glance,  we  give  below  a  recapitu- 
lation of  the  leading  incidents  and  measures  which  marked 
the  two  periods — during  and  after  the  war,  as  follow- : 


1.  The  banks  of  New  York,  Boston  and  Philadelphia  pro- 
cured the  suspension  of  the  Sub-Treasury  act,  Aug.  ~>.  I  ^»;  i . 

•2.  The  banks  of  Xew  York,  Boston  and  Philadelphia  com- 
bined to  prevent  lh<'  passage  of  the  legal  tender  act,  and 
sent  delegates  i«»  Washington  City  for  that  purposr.  .Jan- 
uary, 1862. 

3.  The  representatives  <>f  the  banks  of   \cw    York,  IJnsti.n 
and  Philadelphia  effected  an  arrangement  with  the  S 
tary  of  the  Treasury  and  leading  members  of  the  Senate 
to  oppose  a  full  legal  tender  bill,  and  to  urge  the  p.-. 

of  a  National  Banking  1  ••«"'. 

4.  The  legal  tender  act  parsed  in  a  mutilated  form — int«- 

on  bonds  and  duties  on  import^  made  payable  in  g.«ld, 
February  25,  1862. 

&.  Paper  emissions  authnri/ed  by  CoDgrett  and  i-- lied  by 
the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  to  an  enormous  amount, 
in  fifteen  different  forms. 

Tin:    i  EG  vi.    i  i  \  i»:  i:     \«   Rg,  239 

€.  The  $500,000,000  of  5-20  six  per  cent.  bonds  held  l.\ 
tin-  Secretary  of  tin-  Treasury  for  over  :i  year,  until  the 
country  uas  flooded  \\ith  paper  cmU-ions  of  all  kind-, 
and  then  jmt  out  as  a  popular  loan  at  par  amount  the 
pe-.plc,  to  be  bought  iii  by  the  hullionixt*  at  lit'ty  cents  or 
less  on  the  dollar. 

7.  Legal  tender  Treasury  notes  (greenbacks)  further  mutila- 
ted (March  3,  1863)  by  repealing  the  clause  in  the  original 
act  which  made  them  interchangeable  with  ">-20  bonds. 

8.  Immense  sums  of  Treasury  notes,  bearing  interest,  pa\a 
ble  in  one,  two  and  three  years,  issued,  when  it  was  well 
known  that  the  Treasury  Department  was  unable  to  make 
any  provision  for  their  payment  at  maturity. 

0.  A  bill  passed  (I-YbYy  42f>,  1S03,)  authorizing  the  establish- 
ment. of  National  J>anks,  which  could  render  no  aid  t.. 
the  government,  and  whose  currency  tended  to  swell  the 
volume  of  paper  in  circulation. 

10.  The  $500,000,000  loan  of  si\  per  cent,  bonds  no  sooner 
taken   than  the  Secretary  attempted  j,,  put  out  a  new  loan 
bearing  only  live  per  cent,  interest. 

11.  Tht;  failure  to  float   the  live   per  cent,   bonds   made   an 
excuse    for   emitting   additional    sums   of  Treasury  notes, 
bearing    interest,   and    other   forms   of    paper  suitable  for 
a  circulating  medium. 

12.  The  emission  at  the  close  of  the  war  of  immense  sums 
of  7-30  Treasury  notes,  payable   in   three   \  cars,  and  con- 
vertible at  the  option  of  the  holder  into  long  bonds  bear- 
ing gold  interest. 

BE<   <>M>     I'KKIOD  —  -AFTKi:    TIM-:     V,    \l:. 

1.  "All  bonds,  Treasury  not  »  -  and  other  obligations  of  the 
government  shall  be  exempt  from  taxation  by  or  under 
State  or  municipal  authority."  (Act  of  June  30,  1864. 

240  Till:     I.K..AL    TKNDKK    A-    1  <. 

Although  parsed  before  tin-  termination  of  the  war,  this 
act  belongs  to  tliis  period.  Like  the*  National  Banking 
law,  it  simply  anticipated  events.) 

2.  McCulloch  issued  his  Fort  Wayne  decree,  announcing 
his  determination  to  contract  the  currency. 

3.  McCulloch  submitted  his  annual  report,  December,  1865, 
in  which  he  recommended  contraction. 

4.  Congress  passed  a  resolution,  December  18,  1865,  con- 
curring in  the  views  of  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 
in  relation  to  the  necessity  of  contracting  the  currency. 

5.  Congress  passed  an  act,  April   12,  1866,  authorizing  a 
contraction  of  the  currency. 

0.  McCulloch  began  to  pay  off  the  .5-20  bonds  in  gold  or  its 

7.  .McCulloch  substituted  long  bon. Is  hearing  gold  interest  for 
Treasury  note.-,  etc.,  to  the  amount,  of  about  $1,200,000,000, 
which  operated  as  :i  contraction  of  the  medium  of 
exchange  of  the  country  to  that  amount,  occasioning  grc.-n 
financial  derangement.  Also  retire-.  1  over  $70,000,000  of 
ureeiib.-icks  between  August,  1  s<;f>,  ;,nd  July,  1868. 

s.  COII-JTC  — ,  compelled  by  public,  sentiment,  repealed  (Jan- 
uary, l-'J-j  so  much  of  the  act  of  April  12,  ISO*',,  M 
provided  for  the  retirement  of  greenbacks,  but  took  no 
note  of  the  contraction  in  other  forms  of  the  currency. 

!).  The  people  of  both  political  parties  began  to  protest 
against  the  payment  of  the  5-20  bonds  in  gold,  as  a  viola- 
tion of  the  spirit  and  letter  of  the  act  under  which  they 
\v«-rc  i>xued. 

10.  The  money   power  selected    a    President  of  the    I'nited 

tea  i  L86 

11.  The    I'rexident  of   the    Cnite.l    State*.,  in   his    inaugural 
message,  March   t,  l^'i'.»,  notilied  the  public  that  he  would 

-.i-d  all   who  did  not  fax  or  the  payment  of  5-20  bonds 

Tin:   I.K«;AI.  TKNDI.I:   li  241 

in  gold  as  repndiators,  who  need  expert   no  f':ivi>rs  from 
his  administration. 

12.  Congress  passed  a  credit  strengthening  ,l(  r,   March    l\ 
1869,  the  first  act  which  received  President  ( Want's  official 

13.  The  original  loan  of  5-L'o  bonds  paid   <>tY   in   full   in  gold 
or  its  equivalent. 

14.  Congrexx   passed   a   law,  July   14,  187",  authorizing  the 
Secretary  of  the  Treasury  to   refund  x500,OOU,Ono  of  the 
public  del)t  in  bonds  payable,  principal  and  interest,  in  gold. 

15.  McCulloch's  contraction  policy  bore  its  legitimate  fruits, 
and  the  country  was  visited  by  an  old  fashioned   .•..mmer- 
cial  crash  and  money  panic,  September,  1873, 

10.  The  people  demanded    relief,  and    Coiigro*,  at  it*  ne\t 
session,  passed  a  bill  authorizing  the  reissue  of  the  -_ri«  •  n 
backs  which  had  been  retired  (44,000,000),  and  fixing  the 
amount   of    the   greenback    circulation    at    $400,000,000. 
This    bill    was    denounced    by    the    money    power    a*    an 

"inflation" measure, and  accordingly  was  vetoed  by  IVe-.- 
ident  (Jrant,  April  'Jii,  1874. 

17.  The    people    rebuked     the    action    of    the    I'rexidcnt    by 
electing,  at  the  ne\l  general  election,  in    the    fall    of 

a  Democratic.  IIou<e  of  lJ»-|»re>entati\  *•-. 

18.  At  its  next  session,  Congress  (the  old   Congre»),  under 
the  pretense  of  affording  relief  to  the  oppiv»ed  industries 
of   the    country,   made    National    Uanking   free   to    bond- 
holders, by  act  of  January  1  I,  1*7 ">. 

19.  And   at  the    same    time    decree. I    -peeie    resumption,   to 
take  place  January  1,  ls70. 

20.  An  act  to  complete  the  refunding  of  the   public   debt    in 
gold  bonds  is  now  pending  before  ( 'oii^re**. 

21.  Bonds  of  the  Tinted  State-,  which  during  the  \\ar  were 

bought  and  sold  at  a*  low  a*  thirtv-ti\  e  cent*  on  the  dollar 

"242  THK    I.Kii.YL    TKXDKit    ACTS. 

in  gold,  now  sell  for  over  Si. 18,  or  at  a  premium  of  over 

live-  per  cent,  in  gold. 

In  1865,  when  the  Rebellion  terminated,  the  producing 
forces  of  the  Northern  and  Western  States,  the  workingincn, 
the  land,  the  machinery,  the  mines,  the  water  power,  etc., 
were  developing  wealth  in  every  possible  direction,  and  the 
people,  individually  free  from  debt,  were  in  the  enjoyment 
of  unparalleled  prosperity.  The  wealth  of  the  nation,  in 
spite  of  the  ravages  of  war,  had  increased  a*  it  had  never 
done  before.  The  assessed  valuation  of  the  property  of  the 
nation  in  1870,  notwithstanding  the  ruined  condition  of  the 
South,  was  over  $30,000,000,000,  as  against  *  16,000,000,000 
in  1860.  Out  of  the  abundance  of  their  productions  the 
people  were  enabled  to  meet  all  the  demands  <>l'  tin-  govern- 
ment with  ease.  The  Federal  Government,  indeed,  began 
to  pay  off  the  public  debt  rapidly.  But  in  carrying  out  the 
policy  of  the  money  power,  it  first  paid  off,  by  substituting 
bonds,  all  those  forms  of  indebtedness  of  the  government 
which  served  the  purposes  of  money,  thus  depriving  the 
producing  forces  of  the  nation  of  their  most  important  tool. 

At  this  time  the  South,  with  all  her  magnificent  resources, 
lia< I  been  restored  to  the  Union.  Money  was  m •< -esaary  to 
set  the  producing  forces  of  that  section  at  work.  Instead  of 
wisely  taking  this  fact  into  consideration,  and  making  some 
provision  that  would  enable  the  people  of  that  section  to 
ivenve r  from  the  disasters  of  the  war,  and  contribute  their 
share  towards  bearing  the  burdens  of  governmental!  entirely 
opposite  policy  was  purMicd.  The  production  of  cotton, 
the  chief  Maple  of  the  South,  in  1870  amounted  to  only 
3,011,990  bales,  or  a  little  over  50  per  cent,  of  the  amount 
raised  in  1860. 

Now  tin-  American  people  are  poor  and  in  debt.  Nearly 
all  forms  of  productive  industry  are  paralyzed,  and  the 

TIIK   i.i...  \i.  'i  i:\i-i.i:   A«  rs.  i>43 

channels  of  trade  are  stagnant  or  sluggish.  Real  estate  is 
rapidly  depreciating  in  value,  which  \\\\\  inevitably 
in  a  general  foreclosure  of  mortgages  and  transfer  of 
erty  from  the  debtor  to  the  creditor  class  throughout  the 
country.  Instead  of  a  million  of  non-producers  carrying 
muskets,  as  was  the  case  during  the  war,  there  are  now 
several  millions  of  people,  who  would  gladly  work  for  a 
mere  subsistence,  in  a  state  of  enforced  idleness,  living  on 
the  bitter  bread  of  public  or  private  charity.  In  a  country 
possessing  boundless  natural  wealth,  tramps  and  paupers 
have  become  common.  The  nation  is  scarcely  producing 
more  now  than  the  necessities  of  life.  And  yet  the  j 
are  told  that  the  present  condition  of  affairs  is  due  to  over 
production  and  like  causes.  The  only  over  production 
troubling  the  nation  just  now  is  an  over  production  of  fools 
and  rascals — rascals  who  teach  such  nonsense,  to  divert 
the  public  mind  from  the  true  source  of  the  trouble,  and 
fools  who  believe  it.  Since  the  attempt  to  re-establish  a 
false  monetary  system  by  means  of  contraction  has  worked 
such  wide  spread  ruin,  it  would  seem  to  be  but  the  part  of 
common  wisdom,  on  the  part  of  the  people,  to  demand  a 
different  policy,  if  not  from  conviction,  at  least  as  an  experi- 
ment It  certainly  could  not  make  matters  worse. 



SECRETARY  ('MASK,  soon  after  lie  entered  upon  the  dis- 
charge of  the  duties  of  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  became 
enlisted  in  a  scheme  to  destroy  the  old  State  banks  an<l  rivet 
in  their  stead  a  system  of  National  Banks  whose  circulation 
would  be  uniform  throughout  the  country.  In  his  first  report 
to  Congress,  in  December,  1861,  he  recommended  the  pas- 
sage of  a  law  to  accomplish  this  end.  A  bill  was  immedi- 
ately prepared  by  the  Hon.  E.  <J.  Spaulding,  chairman  of 
the  Sub-Committee  of  Ways  and  Means,  but  it  became 
manifest  that  the  machinery  of  such  a  system  could  not  be 
put.  into  operation  in  time  to  meet  the  demands  upon  the 
government,  and  Congress  was  obliged  to  pass  a  law  author- 
izing the  Seeretary  of  tho  Treasury  to  issue  Treasury  notes 

The  admirable  manner  in  which  the  greenback  per- 
formed the1  uses  of  a  medium  of  exchange  aud  its  great 
popularity  rendered  it  tolerably  certain  that  the  people 
would  never  willingly  abandon  it  to  return  to  the  u-e  of 
State  bank  currency.  The  money  power  Mas  <juick  to 
perceive  this,  and  also  that  in  no  other  way  than  through 
the  instrumentality  of  such  a  scheme  as  that  proposed  by 
Secretary  Chase  and  his  advisers  could  it  hope  to  again 
obtain  its  former  control  over  the  currency  of  the  country. 
The  National  Hanking  scheme,  therefore,  which  at  first, 
excited  .-onie  opposition  on  the  part  of  the  old  State  banks, 
MM, n  came  to  be  regarded  by  the  majority  of  them  as  of  the 

IHK     \\llo\\l.     i:\NKIN-.     BYHTiCIf,  245 

highest  importance.      In    December,  L86S  ,ry   Chase, 

in  his  second  annual  report,  again  urged  tin-  pa-*age  of  a 
National  Hanking  law,  for  the  purpose  .,t  e-taMi»hing  "one 
sound,  uniform  circulation  of  equal  value  throughout  tin* 
country,  upon  the  foundation  of  national  credit,  combined 
with  private  capital."  There  was  no  expectation  <.; 
pretense  that  the  system  could  aid  the  government  in  any 
way  in  the  war  then  pending. 

On  the  2d  of  February,  1803,  Senator  Sherman  n  ; 
a  National  Currency  Bank  bill  from  the  Finance  Committee 
to  the  Senate.  It  was  taken  up  in  the  Senate  on  the  Oth, 
and  passed  on  the  12th  by  a  vote  of  22  to  21.  On  the  1.1th 
it  was  sent  to  the  House,  but  was  not  referred  to  the  Com- 
mittee on  Ways  and  Means.  On  the  19th  it  was  taken  up 
for  consideration  in  the  House,  and  was  passed  on  the  20th 
by  a  vote  of  78  to  64.  It  was  approved  by  the  Piv>i -lent 
and  became  a  law  February  25,  1863. 

The  brief  time  given  to  the  consideration  of  this  important 
act,  establishing  a  consolidation  in  the  interest  of  the  money 
power,  compared  with  which  the  monster  that  .Jackson  slew 
(the  United  States  Hank)  was  a  mere  pigmy,  cannot  escape 
notice.  The  people  were  absorbed  in  the  war,  and  the 
money  power  had  full  sway  in  Congress.  The  lion.  W.  P. 
Noble,  one  of  the  few  members  who  protested  against  the 
passage  of  the  act,  alluded  to  this  fact  in  the  opening  of  hi* 
speech  against  the  bill  in  these  terms:  "Mr.  Speaker,  it  is 
not  because  I  expect,  by  anything  I  ran  say,  to  change  a 
single  vote  upon  this  bill,  that  I  now  claim  the  attention  of 
the  House.  On  the  contrary  I  am  (satisfied,  from  the 
and  untiring  efforts  that  are  being  made  by  the  Secretary  of 
the  Treasury  in  its  favor,  that  the  passage  of  this  bill  is  a 
foregone  conclusion;  not  because  it,  or  anything  like  it,  is 


demanded   by  the  people,  but  simply  because  it  is  a  pet 
measure  of  the  present  head  of  that  department." 


The  National  Banking  law  provides:  First:  That  any 
number  of  persons  not  less  than  five  may  form  an  association 
for  carrying  on  the  business  of  banking. 

Second:  That  any  such  association  shall  have  corporate 
power,  to  have  succession  for  the  period  of  twenty  years,  to 
make  contracts,  to  sue  and  be  sued,  etc. 

Third:  The  capital  of  such  associations  shall  be  not  less 
than  850,000  in  places  whose  population  does  not  exceed 
six  thousand;  not  less  than  $100,000  in  places  whose  popu- 
lation exceeds  six  thousand;  and  not  less  than  $200,000  in 
places  whose  population  exceeds  fifty  thousand. 

Fourth:*  The  aggregate  amount  of  circulation  is  fixed  at 
$354,000,000,  to  be  apportioned  as  follows:  $150,000,000 
among  the  several  States  and  territories  according  to  repre- 
sentative population;  $150,000,000  to  be  distributed  by  the 
Secretary  of  the  Treasury  according  to  his  discretion;  and 
the  remaining  $54,000,000f  to  such  States  and  territories, 
having  less  than  their  share,  as  may  make  application  prior 
to  July  12,  1871. 

Fifth:  No  association  is  authorized  to  commence  business 
until  it  shall  have  deposited  United  States  bonds  to  the 
amount  of  £30,000  with  the  Treasurer  of'  the  United  State>. 

Sixth:   Kvery  such  association  is  entitled  to  receive  from 

the  Comptroller   of   the   Currency   circulating  notes  to  the 

amount  of  ninety  per  cent,  of  the  capital  stock,  if  it  does  not 

••••d    *500,000;    eighty    per   cent,  if  it  exceeds  $500,000, 

but  do«-s  n«.t   rxoeed  £1,000,000;  seventy-five  per  cent,  if  it 

•00,000,  but    does   not    c\cced   $3,000,000;   and 

per  n  nt.  it'  it  exceeds  $3,000,000. 

•Mv    Mir  :i'-t  II.  1ST.'..  Hli^  M-rtioi)   \v;i<  rrj.rnlrd. 

t*54,000,000  additional  bank  note*  werp  authorized  by  the  act  of  July.  1870. 

Tin:    \\IION\I.    u  \SKIN..    BTBTm.  247 

No  National  Hank  currency  was  i^ued  until  about  tin* 
beginning  of  IW4.  It  will  he  remembered  that  the  #.V 
000,000  of  5-LM)  bonds  were  not  sold  until  tin-  latter  part  of 
ist;:t;  consequently  matters  were  not  yet  ripe  for  the  1ml- 
lionists  an«l  hankers.  In  1SG4,  ho\s«-\er,  their  plans  W( 
sufficiently  matured  to  enahle  them  t<>  run  gold  up  to  an 
enormous  pivmium,  in  what  .Mr.  Ke^rii-leii,  A\  ho  was  thru 
Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  considered  a  very  v-nnpan-i" 
manner.  For  more  than  :i  yi-ar  -<'M  lluctuate.l  Lrtween 
ahout  1.50  and  2.50,  at-ronlin^  to  the  suerrx  which  attended 
the  efforts  of  the  gold  operators  in  controlliiiLC  the  market. 
.Bonds  of  the  government  were  bought  during  this  period  at 
as  low  a  price  as  thirty-five  cents  on  the  dollar  in  Lfold. 
This  gave  the  bullionists  and  bankers  an  excellent  opportu- 
nity to  lay  in,  at  low  tiiritro,  all  the  bonds  that  wen-  needed 
to  establish  National  Hanks. 

The  amount  of  National  Hank  notes  in  circulation  on 
January  1,  1804,  was  $280,000;  on  July  1,  l*t)4,  it  \\a- 
$31,234,420;  and  on  July  1,  1805,  it  wa-  x|  »«;.:::>.rs030. 
Shortly  after  this  the  whole  amount  authori/.ed  by  law 
was  taken,  and  National  JJank  stock  beiran  to  command  a 
premium.  Thus  was  the  National  Hanking  sy>ten, 
upon  the  country  at  a  time  when  it  \\.i-  neither  ncedrd  nor 
desired,  solely  for  the  purpose  of  enabling  the  money  po\\rr 
to  again  usurp  the  right  of  supplying  the  na'iou  with  a 
medium  of  exchange.  It  only  remains  now  to  retire  the 
greenback  and  resume  .specie  payments,  and  the  money 
power  of  the  Tinted  States  will  be  clothed  with  a  more 
absolute  control  o\er  the  monetary  alTair>  of  the  country 
than  it  ever  had  before. 

OP    TIIIC    OK<,.\M/ATIO.\    or     \MI"N\!.    I'.ANKS. 

National  Hanks  are  established  on  the  theory  of  combining 
private   capital    with    public    credit.     It   will   be   found    on 


examination,  however,  that  this  is  purely  a  delusion.  Private 
capital  is  not  an  essential  element  in  the  establishment  of  a 
National  Bank;  private  credit  will  do  as  well.  This  may  be 
illustrated  in  various  ways.  Suppose  A.  owns  #100,000  in 
<>  per  cent  Tinted  States  bonds.  B.,  C'.,  I).,  E.  and  K,  five 
persons,  jointly  1>orrow  these  bonds  from  A.,  agreeing  to 
pay  liim  the  interest  regularly  as  it  malure>,  and  return  the 
>ame  or  like  bonds  at  some  specified  time,  say  in  five  or  ten 
years.  \\..  ('..  I).,  K.  and  I«\  organize  a  National  Bank, 
deposit  the  bonds  with  the  Treasurer  of  the  1'nited  States, 
and  obtain  £90,000  of  National  Bank  currency  from  the 
Comptroller.  So  far  as  the  bank  or  its  currency  is  con- 
cerned, there  is  no  element  of  private  capital  involved  in 
the-  matter.  Its  corporators  or  Stockholders  have  not  paid  in 
a  dollar  for  the  capital  stock  of  the  concern.  A.'s  bonds  are 
not  capital,  because  the  people  have  already  borrowed  A.'> 
capital  and  are  paying  him  six  per  cent,  interest  in  gold  for  it 
('poll  what  capital  then  is  the  bank  established?  Upon  no 
<»thcr  capital  clearly  than  the  public  credit  represented  by 
the  $90,000  of  bank  currency  lent  to  B.,  C.,  D.,  K.  and  I-'., 
without  interest,  on  the  strength  of  what  the  government 
owes  A. 

Tin-re  are  of  course  innumerable  ways  in  which  individu- 
als can  utili/e  their  capital  or  credit  in  the  establishment  of 
National  Hanks.  The  lion.  S.  S.  Marshall,  of  Illinois,  in  :i 

sp.-rch  on  the  iloor  of  Congress,  .July  21, 1868,  mentioned 

the  following  instance:  "An  association  of  gentlemen  (in  an 
Ka-t.-ni  State)  raised  $300,000  in  currency.  They  went  to 
the  office  of  the  Uegistcr  of  the  Treasury  and  exchan 
their  currency  for  $300,000  in  SIX.  per  cent,  gold  bearing 
bomK  They  then  went  to  the  otlice  of  the  Comptroller  of 
the  Currency,  in  the  same  building,  organi/.ed  a  National 

mi:    NATIONAL   IJANKIM;  M  -i  249 

Hank,  deposited  their  $:iOO,000  in  bonds  ami  received  for 
their  hank  #270,000  in  national  currency.  They  had  let 
(he  government  have  $30,000  in  cunvney  IIK.IC  than  they 
received  fur  hanking  purposes,  and  ha«l  on  deposit  *:{no,000, 
4111  which  they  reeei\ ed  as  interest  from  tlie  government 
$  18,000  :i  year  in  gold  (ami  exempt  from  taxation.)  Thi> 
wa-  pretty  good  financiering  for  these  bankers  to  receive 
1518,000  a  year  in  gold  on  the  $:JO,000  in  eurrcney  wliich  they 
had  thus  loaned  to  the-  «roverniiient.  J>tit  this  is  not  the  whole 
story.  Tliey  had  their  hank  made  a  puhlic  ih-positury. 
Tlu-y  so<»n  discovered  that  then-  \va*«  x-an-i-ly  ever  le-s  than 
^51,000,000  of  irovernment  money  deposited  within  their 
vaults.  They  did  not  like  to  see  thix  Va*i  *um  lie  idle. 
They,  then-fore,  took  X!,(KMI.(MM»  of  this  u,.\  ernment  mom-y 
and  bought  $1,000,000  of  live-twenty  homU  with  it.  In 
other  words  they  loaned  *  1,000,000  of  the  u'o\  enuneiifs  ,,\vn 
money  to  the  government,  and  deposited  the  ImmU  rei-ei\e.| 
in  the  vaults  of  their  bank,  on  which  they  received  from  the 
same  «rovernment  $00,000  :i  year  in  «;ohl  as  interest.  Thu> 
for  the  $30,000  in  currency,  which  they  oriirinallv  loaned  the 
irovernment,  they  received  annually  in  all  $78,000  in  Lrold." 
15ut  this  was  by  no  means  the  limit  to  the  le<_rali/ed  rohberv 
which  these  gentlemen  were  capable  of  perpetrating  nmh-r 
the  National  Hanking  law.  Since  they  had  no  seruple^  about 
investing  the-  •government  deposit  of  $1,000, (inn  in  ">-•.'(»  bonds 
and  appropriating  the  interest  to  their  own  UM-,  it  iv  not  at 
all  likely  that  they  would  stop  there,  when,  hv  simplv  dep.»>- 
iting  the  $1,000,000  in  5-20  bonds  with  the  Comptroller  of 
the  Currency,  instead  of  in  their  bank  vaults,  they  could 
draw  eighty  per  cent,  more  currency,  or  by  starting  two 
new  banks  of  $500,000  each,  they  could  draw  ninety  pel- 
cent,  more  currency,  to  substitute  for  that  amount  of  the 
original  deposit  of  the  government  iiM-d  by  them. 

TIIK     \.VIIo\.M.    ISANKINt;    SYSTKW. 

The  following  table  exhibits  the  number,  nominal  capital, 
etc.,  of  the-  National  Hanks  in  existence  September  1, 
together  with   the  amount   of  their  earnings,  from  March, 

.  to  September,  is;:t: 

Ho.  Banks.  Capital.  Surplus.  Hot  Earnings. 

New  England  States,             -196  $157,014,832  $38,303,887  $10,103,7:  n*. 

Mi.I.ll..-  States,                        .'.'1  192,234,009  53,431,089  12,565,331 

Southern  State?,                     Irtl  33,259,530  3,600,607  .t>>,024 

Western  States,                       707  10V>92,5SO  22,778,26->  8,206,900 

Total*,  11)53          8488,100,951        $118,113,848          188422,000 

At  this  time,  September,  1873,  the  National  Bank  circula- 
tion was  as  follows: 

Amount  nf  «'in-u1atioi» 

Circulation.  j>er  r:ipit:i. 

New  Knirland  States $110,489,996 

Middh-  States 124,008,139  12.82 

Southern    States 38,160,308  'J.!H 

Western    States 78,785,148 

Pacific  Slate>   and  Territories 1,924,688  L.82 

Total  for  States  ami  Territories..  .$353,968,279          459. is 

The  protit.s  of  tlie  National  Banks,  according  to  their  own 
rcpoi-T  M>rth   in   the  foregoing  tables,  are  enormous. 

This  will  appear  from  the  following: 

Nominal  capital  of  National    Hanks  in    1873..  .$488,1! 
IJank  note  circulation    furnished  by  the  govern- 
ment, without  interest :r> 

i:  -a!  capital *134.1::-J. 

Surplus  earnings 1  Is.  I  I  3,fi  1  - 

Total  real  capilal  and  Mirplus  earnings x-J.~--.VJ  t»; 

Net  rarning.s  from  March  \lt  September,  Is73,  (si\  mouths) 

-J,'xio.     Tin*  net    carniiiLT-   «-on<e(|Uently   amounted    to 

25J  per   cent.,    .,r  :>\    per    06ttt    a    year    on    the    real    capital 

:   or  l:{  per  cent.,  or  JU  per  cent,  a  year  on  the 

ij.ital  and  Mirplus  earning  ad«led   to'_rrther  ($252,246,- 

C  en..rmous  proiits  oj.erate   ai   a   tax   on   the   me<lium 

TIM:     NATIONAL     HANKIMi    tTSTBL  251 

of  exchange  of  the  nation,  :in<l  enter  into  the  price  of  :ill 
commodities.  They  also  enable  the  bunks  to  control  the 
circulating  nicdiuin  of  the  country,  ami  explain  \vliy  it  is 
that  periodically  money  leaves  the  channels  of  trade  and 
becomes  concentrated  in  the  vaults  of  the  banks. 

THK    PANIC    OF    1873. 

The  enormous  contraction  of  the  circulating  medium  of 
exchange  and  evidences  of  indebtedness  of  the  government, 
which  were  used  as  such,  inaugurated  and  carried  on  by 
McCulloch,  together  with  the  operations  of  the  National 
Banking  system,  began  to  affect  the  industries  of  the  coun- 
try injuriously  as  early  as  1807.  Mr.  Spanieling  estimated 
the  amount  of  paper  issues  which  served  the  purposes  of 
currency,  on  the  30th  of  January,  1804,  at  $1,125,877,0:54', 
and  to  this  amount  is  to  be  added  several  hundred  millions 
of  7-30  Treasury  notes  issued  in  1804  and  1805.  The  greater 
part,  of  this  vast  sum  was  called  in  by  the  government  prior 
to  1808,  and  its  place  supplied  in  part  by  bank  note  currency 
and  bank  credit.  Business  could  no  longer  be  done  for 
cash,  as  was  the  case  when  the  channels  of  trade  were  fully 
supplied  with  a  medium  of  exchange,  and  business  men  were 
compelled,  by  reason  of  the  growing  scarcity  of  money,  to 
resort,  as  in  days  before  the1  war,  to  the  banks  and  borrow 
bank  credit.  During  the  year  1SGO  the  banks  increased 
their  loans  (inflated  their  credit)  $107,000,000.  As  contrac- 
tion went  on,  bank  loans  increased,  and  it  was  only  a  question 
<>f  time  as  to  when  the  bubble  of  inflated  bank  credit  would 

That  McCulloch  and  the  bankers  generally  anticipated 
financial  distress  amongst  the  people,  and  probably  a  com- 
mercial crash  and  money  panic,  is  dear  from  the  conv<- 
pondence  between  Mr.  Spauldin<_c  and  Secretary  McCulloch, 

•See  pajje  20. 

L'.VJ  TIIK   NATION*  \i.  J;ANKIN«. 

in  December,  1800,  from  which  we  take  the  following 
extracts:  Mr.  Spaulding,  in  a  letter  dated  at  his  banking 
house  in  JiufTalo,  December  4,  1860,  to  McCuUoeh,  says: 
'•  V«»u  have  no  doubt  no\v,  to  a  large  extent,  control  of  the 
finances  of  the  country  (by  virtue  of  the  contraction  act  of 
April  12,  1866),  and  I  think  that  you  will,  of  iieees.Mt  \ 
tract  moderately,  so  as  to  preserve  a  tolerably  easy  money 
market,  in  order  to  be  able  to  fund  the  compound  G's  and 
7-30's  into  long  gold  bearing  bonds  between  this  and  the 
15th  of  July,  1868.  There  may  be  occasional  spasms  and 
tightness  for  money  with  the  speculators,  but  generally  I 
shall  look  for  plenty  of  money  for  legitimate  business  /,,/• 
at  least  a  year  to  come?  To  this  McCulloch  replied, 
December  7,  1866:  "What  we  need  is  an  increase  of  labor. 
If  we  could  have  the  productive  industry  of  the  country  in 
full  exercise,  we  could  return  to  specie  payments  without 
any  very  large  curtailment  of  United  State**  notes.  My 
object  has  been  to  keep  the  market  steady,  and  to  work 
back  to  specie  payments  without  a  financial  collapse" 
Whilst  thus  prating  about  "having  the  productive  industry 
of  the  country  in  full  exercise/'  McCulloch  was  straining 
his  authority  as  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  to  deprive  the 
productive  industry  of  the  country  of  its  most  essential  tool, 
a  medium  of  exchange,  and  give  to  the  banks  the  entire 
control  of  its  monetary  affairs.  That  a  financial  collap-c  <T 
commercial  crash  did  not  immediately  follow  the  Midden  and 
complete  retirement  of  the  various  forms  of  indebtedness  of 
•  vernment  n-ed  as  :i  currency,  was  due,  lii^t,  to  the  pro- 
ductive strength  of  the  country  which  had  been  enormously 
developed  during  and  after  the  war,  by  reason  of  the  abun- 
danci-of  money  in  circulation;  second,  to  the  large  increase 
of  bank  note  circulation,  and  the  great  inflation  of  bank 
credit  which  followed;  and,  third,  to  the  large  volume  of 

TIN:    \MI«.\AI,  itA\Ki\<;   SYSTEM,  253 

greenback  money  in  the  hunds  of  the  people,  which,  not 
being  burdened  with  interest,  was  as  yet  beyond  the  control 
of  the  hanks. 

In  isw;  the  best  00  day  paper  ruled  in  New  York  City  at. 
5  to  7  per  cent.  In  .January,  1807,  the  same  paper  rated  at 
K  to  10  per  cent.,  and  during  the  following  summer  a  great 
many  failures  occurred.  The  effects  of  McCulIoclfs  policy 
of  contraction  began  to  he  seriously  felt  throughout  the 
country.  In  obedience  to  public  sentiment,  Congress  was 
compelled,  in  January,  istjs,  to  suspend  the  law  authorizing 
the  retirement  of  the  legal  tender  notes  (greenbacks.)  The 
amount  of  greenbacks  outstanding  at  this  time  was  $356,- 
000,000.  Congress,  however,  took  no  action  in  reference  to 
the  enormous  contraction  of  paper  emissions  in  other  forms. 
The  amount  of  paper  emissions  of  the  government  which 
were  actively  employed  as  a  tool  of  industry  in  the  produc- 
tion and  distribution  of  wealth  in  1865  and  1806  was  about 
*  1,800,000,000.  When  McCulloch,  under  the  flimsy  pre- 
tense of  bringing  the  country  back  to  "honest  money,"  set 
out  to  retire  this  va^t  volume  of  currency,  what  provision 
had  been,  made  by  the  government  to  supply  its  place? 
JVoite  whatever^  except  the  establishment  of  National 
/>V///,-.v,  authorised  to  issue  bank  currency  to  the  amount  of 
$300,000,000.  The  practical  effect  of  McCulloch's  policy, 
t  he  re  lore,  was  >imply  to  deprive  the  nation  of  any  other 
circulating  medium  than  bank  currency.  In  view  of  these 
circumstances  it  is  impossible  to  arrive  at  any  other  conclu- 
sion than  that  MeCulloch  had  deliberately  conspired  with 
the  money  power  to  enrich  the  bondholders  and  to  give  the 
National  IJanks  control  of  tlie  monetary  affairs  of  the  nation. 
The  history  of  the  world  furnishes  no  parallel  to  this  gigan- 
tic scheme,  having  for  its  object  the  robbery  of  a  nation 
under  cover  of  law,  so  successfully  carried  out  by  McCulloch 
and  his  associates. 

2."»4  TIIK    X  ATI  OX  AT.    BANKING    sY.xTKM. 

The  policy  of  contraction  and  the  National  Hanking  sys- 
tem together  soon  wrought  a  complete  revolution  in  the 
business  affairs  of  the  country.  In  1865-66  the  producing 
-  of  the  nation  were  in  active  operation,  producing 
wealth  as  it  had  never  been  produced  before.  "The  Amen 
can  people  waked  up  each  new  morning  to  feel  that  there 
irreat  duties  before  them.''  Labor  was  fully  employed 
at  the  very  time  that  McCulloch  was  hypocritically  prating 
about  "the  need  of  an  increase  of  labor"*  and  the  necessity 
of  having  "the  productive  industry  of  the  country  in  full 
exercise."  Business  was  everywhere  done  cheaply,  because 
it  was  done  for  cash,  and,  as  McCulloch  himself  lias  since 
admitted,  the  people,  "  individually,  wero  free  from  debt.'' 
The  enormous  productive  strength  of  the  country  was  in 
full,  and  the  immense  burden  of  taxation  imposed 
by  the  war  was  scarcely  felt.  Indeed,  the  revenues  of  the 
government  were  so  large  during  this  period  that  the  public 
debt  was  extinguished  to  the  amount  of  about  $500,000,000. 

\Ye  now  turn  to  what  followed.  All  evidences  of  indebt- 
edness of  the  government  used  as  a  currency,  except  the 
greenback,  had  been  retired — paid  off  or  converted  into 
long  bonds  bearing  gold  interest.  The  National  Hanking 
ii  was  in  the  full  tide  of  successful  operation.  By 
the  act  of  July,  1870,  an  additional  i>Mie  of  bank  notes, 
to  the  amount  of  $54,000,000,  was  authori/ed,  making  in  all 
$354,000,000.  The  entire  issue  authori/ed  by  law  A 
active  employment,  and  bank  stock  commanded  a  high 
premium.  The  circulating  medium  of  the  country  in  1869 
consisted  of  lawful  money  and  hank  currency  as  follows: 

I.eL'al  tender  note! $356,000,000 

National  Bank  Currency 300,000,000 

Kractional  Currency  about 

To  this  add  amount  of  National  Bank  currency 

authorized  by  act  of  July,  1870 '.       54,000,000 


mi:    s  \  noN  \i.   I;ANKIN«;   BTWWBt  255 

The  National  Hanks  of  the  principal  cities  were  required 
by  law  to  keep  on  hand  in  lawful  money  of  the  I'liiled 
States  an  amount  equal  to  at  least  twenty-five  per  cent, 
of  the  aggregate  amount  of  their  notes  in  circulation  and 
their  deposits;  and  other  associations  fifteen  per  cent.  As 
bank  deposits  and  loans  increased,  requiring  a  proportionate 
increase  of  tin-  reserve  of  lawful  money,  it  is  manifest  that 
a  further  contraction  of  the  circulating  medium  followed. 
The  following  table  exhibits  the  inflation  of  bank  credit  that 
took  place  from  1866  to  1873: 


Jan.  1,  1866 $213,  00,000  $513,600,000  $498^00,000 

"       1867 291,000,000  555,100.000  608,400,000 

"       1868 294,300,000  531,800,000  616,600,000 

July  1,  1868 294  900,000  575,800,000  655,700,000 

Jan.  1    1869 294.400.00U  568,500,000  644,900,000 

1869 292,700,000  574,300,000  686,300,000 

1870 292,800,000  546,200,000  688,800,000 

1870 291,100,000  542,100,000  719,300,000 

1871 302,200,000  561,900,000  768,300,000 

July  1 






1871 307,700,000       602,100,000       789,400,000 

1872 333,400,000       625,700,000       872,500,000 

Sep.  12,  1873 339,000,000       622,600,000       940,200,009 

Instead  of  $1,800,000,000  of  paper  currency,  a  large  por- 
tion of  which  bore  interest  in  the  hands  of  the  holders, 
filling  the  channels  of  trade',  the  business  of  the  country  was 
now  carried  on  with  bank  currency  and  bank  credit  (about 
$1,000,000,000),  involving  the  payment  of  an  enormous 
tribute  to  the  National  Hanks  for  its  use.  The  business  of 
the  country  was  no  longer  done  for  cash.  Money  became 
scarce  and  commanded  a  high  price,  and  the  price  of  prop- 
erty fell  in  a  corresponding  ratio.  New  business  enterprises 
were  no  longer  thought  of.  Those  already  established,  yield- 
ing small  profits  and  requiring  ready  money  for  their  suc- 
cessful operation,  were  obliged  to  succumb.  The  ability  of 
the  nation  to  produce  wealth  was  enormously  diminished. 
Taxes,  which  before  were  scarcely  felt,  now  became  a  great 


burden.  Merchants  and  manufacturers  who  were  obliged 
to  pay  interest  lor  money  and  bank  credit  added  the  amount 
to  the  cost  of  their  goods.  The  retail  dealer  was  obliged  to 
do  the  same,  and  the  cost  of  bank  currency  and  bank  credit, 
..•ml  times  multiplied,  had  to  be  paid  in  the  end  by  the 
consumer,  whose  ability  to  pay  had,  for  the  same  reasons, 
been  greatly  diminished.  Such  is  the  natural  course  of 
affairs  under  a  system  of  currency  furnished  and  controlled 
by  banks  of  issue.  The  same  system  had  been  tried  for 
over  sixty  years  prior  to  the  war  and  had  proved  utterly 
unsound.  It  had  inflicted  upon  the  country  a  commercial 
crash  on  an  average  every  six  years.  And  the  marvelous 
thing  is,  that  notwithstanding  all  their  bitter  experience,  the 
people  of  the  United  States  should  suffer  such  a  system  ta 
be  re-established  in  a  more  powerful  and  dangerous  form 
than  ever.  During  this  period  the  industries  of  the  country 
were  sustained  and  buoyed  up  in  a  manner  that  is  worthy 
of  special  mention.  Congress  had  granted  a  large  number 
of  subsidies  in  the  shape  of  lands  to  aid  in  the  construction 
of  railroads.  Uonds  secured  by  mortgages  on  the  lands 
granted  by  Congress  had  been  negotiated,  mostly  abroad, 
to  the  amount  of  many  hundreds  of  millions  of  dollar-. 
The  funds  thus  acquired  contributed  largely  to  the  support 
of  many  industries,  which  otherwise  would  have  been 
obliged  to  succumb  to  McCuIlorh's  policy.  Among  other 
corporations  thus  suhsidi/ed  was  the  Northern  I'acitic.  Kail- 
'1  Company,  owned  and  controlled  by  the  banking  house 
of.IayCooke  and  Company.  Ft  was  confidently  expected 
by  .lay  <'«H»keand  Company  that  the  bonds  of  the  Northern 
ific  Kailroad  ( 'mnpany  could  be  negotiated  abroad.  Tli< 
Austrian  and  (ierman  bankers,  to  whom  they  were  offered, 
r,  sent  0\  xpertx  to  examine  the  road  and  the 

country  through  which  it  extended.    They  reported  adversely 

•i  111     RATIONAL    BANKING    5Y8TOI,  257 

to  taking  the  bonds.  .lay  Cooke  ami  Company  then 
attempted  to  dispose  of  their  bonds  to  tin-  American  public, 
through  the  aid  of  the1  religions  pre<s  and  tin-  clergy  of  the 
country.  Their  plan  was  only  partially  surro-ful.  The 
times  had  become  too  stringent,  and  on  the  18th  of  Septem- 
ber, 1873,  the  banking  house  of  Jay  Cookc  and  Company 
failed.  The  country  had  been  ripe  for  a  commercial  crash 
for  some  time,  and  this  brought  matters  to  a  crisis.  The 
failure  of  .Fay  Cooke  and  Company  was  immediately  fol- 
lowed by  the  failure  of  a  number  of  leading  banks  in  New 
York  City.  The  Stock  Exchange  of  that  city  also  closed 
its  doors  for  a  period  of  ten  days.  The  premium  on  gold 
began  to  decline,  and  fell  during  the  month  to  7;j  per  (rent. 
Greenbacks  commanded  a  premium  over  certified  checks  of 
from  :{•  to  rt  per  cent.  The  suspension  of  payments  by  the 
banks  of  New  York  soon  extended  to  all  the  principal  cities 
and  towns  throughout  the  country.  Exchange  on  New 
York,  which  usually  commanded  a  premium,  was  at  a  dis- 
count, if  not  entirely  unavailable.  The  su>pension  lasted 
about  forty  days,  and  the  industrial  interests  of  the  country 
received  a  shock  from  which  they  have  not  yet  recovered. 
To  the  great  mass  of  the  people,  who  judge  of  the  pros- 
perity of  the  country  by  the  activity  observable  in  its  busine» 
affairs,  the  panic  of  1S7:>  was  wholly  unexpected  and  came 
like  a  clap  of  thunder  from  a  cloudless  sky.  The  harvest 
of  the  year  was  about  over,  and  the  crops  were  good.  Tlu- 
mining  and  manufacturing  interests  seemed  to  be  flourishing, 
and  to  all  external  appearances  there  was  abundant  evidence 
of  general  prosperity.  But,  beneath  the  surface,  matters 
presented  a  very  different  appearance.  The  industries  of 
the  country  had  been  laboring  from  year  to  year  since  1866 
under  an  increasing  burden  imposed  by  the  banks.  Busi- 
ness had  ceased'  to  be  done  for  cash,  and  business  men 


TIM-:     \.\TIo\.\l.    BANKING     >YSTEM. 

<'\erywhcre  were  carrying  a  load,  more  or  less,  of  credit — 
struggling  <>n  from  year  to  year  in  tlie  hope  that  the  coming 
spring  or  the  coming  fall  would  in  some  way  bring  a  cha; 
that  would  afford  relief.  A  temporary  spurt  in  busii 
might  relieve  an  individual  here  and  there;  but  under  such 
a  system  of  money  there  eould  he  no  general  relief.  A 
commercial  crash  was  inevitable.  The  reason  of  this  i- 
i-asily  explained.  The  average  growth  of  national  wealth 
is  about  three-  and  one-half  per  cent,  per  annum.  Individual 
wealth  cannot  increase  more  rapidly  than  that.  The  higher 
gains  of  some  are  counterbalanced  by  the  lower  gain 
absolute  losses  of  others.  As  money  is  an  essential  tool  in 
the  production  and  distribution  of  wealth,  it  is  important 
that  it  should  be  abundant  and  rule  at  low  rates  of  interest. 
But  under  .1  s\-tcm  of  banks  of  issue  money  scarcely  circu- 
lates ;,i  .-ill.  Jt  is  lurked  up  in  bank  vaults,  and  in  its  >teud 
the  public  is  obliged  to  use  bank  currency.  I>ank  currency 
<-an  only  be  obtained  by  the  payment  of  a  high  rate  of 
interest.  It  i-,  therefore,  far  more  expensive  than  even  gold 
mid  silver.  ThcM-  metals  simply  cost  their  equivalent  in 
labor  or  product-.  When  mice  obtained  they  will  circulate 
in  the  rhanneN  of  trade,  whilst  they  remain  in  the  country, 
unburdened  with  interest.  Individuals  may  acquire  a  sur- 
plus and  lend  it  to  others,  but.  this  is  an  individual  trans- 
action. The  gold  or  silver  thus  lent  is  put  to  n-c  by  the 
horrouers  and  passes  into  the  channels  of  circulation  : 
of  intere-t.  The  same  is  true  of  leg-'d  tender  paper  money 
d  by  the  government.  It  costs  its  face  value  in  labor 
or  products  to  obtain  it  from  the  government.  It  enters  into 

circulation   unencumbered   by  interest.     Individuals  may 

acquire  a  surplus  of  legal  tender  paper  money  and  lend  it  to 
others.  AH  in  the  case  of  gold  or  silver,  thi<  is  purely  an 
individual  transaction.  Neither  gold  nor  legal  tender  paper 


money  can  accumulate  value  except  when  employed.  But 
bank  currency  constitutes  a  peculiar  medium  of  exchange 
very  different  in  its  nature  from  gold  money  or  legal  tender 
paper  money.  Bank  currency  is  not  money.  Bank  notes  arc 
simply  evidences  of  indebtedness  of  the  banks  which  is<u.- 
them — promises  to  pay  money.  They  enter  into  -/irculation 
encumbered  with  interest,  and  continue  to  accumulate  value 
for  the  bank  which  issues  them,  whether  they  are  performing 
the  uses  of  money  or  not  For  the  sake  of  illustration,  say 
that  A.,  a  manufacturer,  borrows  a  $100  bank  note  from  a 
National  Bank  for  sixty  days  at  six  per  cent,  interest  IIev 
uses  this  note  in  the  prosecution  of  his  business,  and  adds 
the  interest  which  he  is  obliged  to  pay  to  the  bank  to  the 
cost  of  the  article  manufactured  by  him.  At  the  expiration 
of  sixty  days,  A.,  unable  to  return  the  identical  note  bor- 
rowed by  him,  pays  the  bank  with  a  $100  greenback.  Tliis 
in  turn  is  lent  by  the  bank  to  B.,  and  so  on  indefinitely. 
The  bank  is  thus  enabled  to  realize  compound  interest 
indefinitely  on  the  original  note  lent  to  A.,  which  was  not 
money  but  simply  credit — no  matter  what  becomes  of  it, 
whether  it  is  occupying  the  channels  of  circulation  or  rotting 
ut  the  bottom  of  the  ocean.  It  is  apparent,  therefore,  that 
when  the  nation  uses  a  medium  of  exchange  consisting  of 
bank  currency  it  is  obliged  to  pay  compound  interest  for  its 
use.  As  must  be  manifest  this  is  a  great  burden  upon  the 
industries  of  the  nation.  The  more  this  kind  of  currency  is 
inflated  the  heavier  will  be  the  burden  imposed  upon  the 
industries  of  the  country.  A  great  deal  is  said  by  the  money- 
power  and  their  organs  in  regard  to  the  evils  of  inflation, 
whenever  it  is  pi-op. -id  to  increase  the  issue  of  legal  tender 
paper  money,  but  nothing  is  ever  said  about  the  real  danger, 
which  invariably  attends  the  inflation  of  bank  currency  and 
bank  credit.  By  reference  to  the  table  given  on  page  255, 



showing  the  deposit^  ami  loans  of  the  banks  from  1866  to 
1873,  it  will  be  seen  that  the  banks  inflated  their  credit  from 
$498,800,000  in  1866  to  $940,200,000  in  1ST;].  This  immense 
sum  of  inflated  credit,  bearing  compound  interest,  entered 
into  ami  ramified  all  tin-  industries  of  the  country,  and 
added  immensely  to  the  cost  of  production. 

The  following  table  exhibits  the  discounts  on  nix  mouths' 
notes  for  a  term  of  sixty  years.  We  copy  it,  along  with  the 
following  explanatory  remarks, from  Kellogg  "A  thousand 
dollars  in  money  are  taken,  and  with  this  sum  a  note  payable 
months  is  discounted.  When  the  first  note  is  paid,  a- 
M-rond  note  having  six  months  to  run  is  discounted  with  its 
'  <ls,  and  a  third  note  with  the  proceeds  of  the  second. 
This  calculation  is  continued  on  six  months'  notes  for  sixty 
years.  The  table  shows  the  accumulation  on  xi.noo  for 
sixty  years,  at  the  various  rates  of  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  s,  1  -J,  is, 
24  and  30  per  cent,  per  annum,  taking  off  the  discount,  as  is 
always  done  by  banks  and  broker>. 

1  PEB  CKNT. 

5  PKB  CENT. 

12  PKR  CKXT. 

10  years  

$1,105  45 

lOyenrs  $1,65924 

10  years. 

.      $3,417  1.: 

'20     •'     

:  02 

20     "     

2,753  06 

20     "     . 


30     "     

1,350  87 

30     "     . 

4.5(37  97 

30     "     . 


1.493  33 

40     ••     

•  33 

40     "     . 


50    ••   


M     "     

12.575  87 

50     "     . 

486.6  U  <U 

r"     -    

1,824  87 

60     "     


60     "     . 


2  PER  CBXT. 



IS  i 




10  yean  

$1.838  93 



20     "     

1,494  83 

20     "     

3.381  66  • 

20     "     . 

43,485  4X 

:to    ••    

1.827  63 

30     "    

6,218  65 

30     "     . 

286.75S  62 

40      "     


40     "    

11.435  67 

40     -     . 

I.KIW.'.IHS  71 

2.732  00 

50     "     

21,029  39 

50     *'     . 

«0     "     


60     ••     

38,671  58 

60     "     . 


3  PKB  CEXT. 




B  CEjrr. 


$1,352  93 

10  yean  


10  yean. 

.     $!•.'.- 

20     "     

1.H30  46 

20     ••    

4,158  22 

20     "     . 

.     I*'.. 

:?o    ••    

2,476  43 

30     "     

8,479  32 

30     "     . 


40     "     

17,290  79 

40     "     . 

fiO     " 

4.583  vi 

50     "     

35,258  90 

50     "     . 


U)      "     

6,132  73 

60     "     

71,898  92 

60     "     4,592,819,317  8fl 

4  PEB  CEKT. 

8  PEBC 


30  PKR  CKST. 


$1,497  89 


$2,262  43 

10  years,         $25,80011 

20     "     

2.24S  66 

20     "    

5,118  59 

20     " 

3,360  75 

30     "    

11,580  46 

30     " 


40     M    

26,199  97 

40     "        443,084 

W      " 

1  GO 

50     "     ...t. 
60     - 

59,275  70 
134,107  05 

50     "  11,431,62<>. 
60     ••  294,936,059,207  37 

THK    RATIONAL    BAHKIHG   -%wrEM.  261 

"The  highest  rate  calculated  is  thirty  per  cent.  per  annum, 
or  two  and  a  half  j>er  month,  a  rate  not  nearly  so  high  as 
is  often  paid  in  Wall  street. 

"In  the  foregoing  table  it  appears  that  interest  atone  per 
cent,  would  transfer  $824  worth  of  the  products  of  labor  to 
the  eapitalists  t<>  pay  for  the  use  of  $1,000  for  the  sixty 
years;  at  six  per  cent.,  1537,671.58;  at  seven  per  cent., 
$70,898.92;  and  at  thirty  per  cent.,  $294,950,058,207.37.  In 
any  community  the  rise  of  the  rate  of  interest  on  all  the, 
money  used,  whether  for  a  longer  or  a  shorter  period,  trans- 
fers from  producers  to  capitalists  a  sum  proportioned  to  the 
increase  of  the  rate  per  cent.,  as  demonstrated  in  this  table." 

The  power  of  money  at  interest  to  aceiimulate  value  is  not 
fully  understood  or  appreciated  by  the  public.  The  follow- 
ing extract,  which  will  further  serve  to  illustrate  this  point, 
is  taken  from  an  able  lecture  delivered  by  Wallace  P. 
Groom,  Ksq.,  editor  and  publisher  of  the  New  York  Mer- 
cantile Journal,  on  the  subject  of  the  ••(  'urrency  Needs  of 

"Many  carelessly  infer  that  the  increase  of  money  at  six 
per  cent,  is  just,  twice  as  rapid  as  at  three  per  cent.;  but  in 
reality  the  increase  is  vastly  more  rapid  than  this.  In  ono 
hundred  years,  at  six  per  cent.,  the  increase  on  any  given 
»um  is  about  eighteen  times  a,s  much  a.s  at  three  per  cent 

**Tf  one  dollar  be  invested  and  the  interest  added  to  the 
principal  annually,  at,  the  rates  named,  we,  shall  have  the 
following  result  as  the  accumulation  of  one  hundred  years: 

One  dollar.  100  years,  »t  1  i»or  iM-ut,  fS'l4'    One  dollar.  100  r'rs,  at  7  per  cent.,       $    88S 

•:      ••  TX 


:        "  MM 

i        -  XH, 

s      -  tjax 

o  B,^a 

10        -  13,80» 


4.V.    "  US        -  LS,1*S,007 

i        *  I31&  SI        »•        3^51,799,401 

•     -        wo 


"  There  are  probably  few,  however  familiar  with  the  sub- 
ject of  the  rapid  increase  of  capital  put  out  at  interest,  who 
would  not  be  startled  at  the  statement  that  the  cost  of  the 
outfit  of  Cristopher  Columbus  in  his  lirst  voyage  of  discov- 
ery, put  at  interest  at  six  per  cent.,  would  by  this  time  have 
amounted  to  more  than  the  entire  money  value  of  this  conti- 
nent, together  with  the  accumulations  from  the  industry  of 
those  who  have  lived  on  it.  If  any  doubt  this,  let  them 
reckon  the  amount,  estimating  the  entire  outfit  to  have  cost 
only  the  small  sum  of  five,  thousand  dollars,  and  remembering 
that  money  doubles,  at  six  per  cent.,  in  a  little  less  than  twelve 
years — or  accurately  in  eleven  years,  ten  months  and  twenty- 
one  days.  Allowing  it  to  double  every  twelve  years,  this 
five  thousand  dollars  at  interest  at  six  per  cent-,  since  1402, 
it  will  be  found,  will  have  amounted  to  $17,895,700,000,000; 
which,  estimating  the  population  of  the  entire  continent  of 
America  (North  and  South)  to  be  eighty-five  millions,  or 
Kevcnteen  million  families  (averaging  five  members  each), 
would  give  more  than  a  million  dollars  as  the  possession  of 
every  one  of  these.  The  interest  upon  a  million  of  dollars 
at  MX  percent,  is  sixty  thousand  dollars,  which  would  n  >\v 
be  the  princely  annual  income  of  each  of  these  seventeen 
million  families  from  the  accumulations  up  to  this  time  upon 
M>  Mnall  a  sum  as  that  named  for  the  outfit  of  the  discoverer." 

But  it  must  not  be  forgotten  that  banks  of  issue  do  not 
lend  capital  or  money,  but  simply  credit;  and  iu  this  con- 
sists the,  great  injustice  of  the  system.  A  hingle  class  is 
clothed  with  authority  to  emit  bills  of  credit,  and  compel 
all  other  classes  to  use  them  as  a  circulating  medium  ami 
pay  compound  interest  for  their  u-e.  The  fact  that  the 
government  issues  the  National  Hank  notes  to  the  banks 
does  not  change  their  nature.  It  is  simply  equivalent  to  the 
government  guaranteeing  their  payment.  The  notes  them- 

•I  I  IK    NATIONAL    BANKING     SYMKM.  263 

selves  represent  the  credit  of  the  institutions  which  issue 
them.  There  is  no  sound  reason  why  the  -o\  eminent 
should  confer  this  privilege  uj»«.ii  the  b<»ndholdcr  and  the 
banker,  an<l  not  upon  the  fanner,  the  men-hunt  or  the  man- 
ufacturer. On  the  other  hand  it  is  in  violation  of  the  plainest 
principles  of  equity,  as  well  as  public  policy,  for  the  govern- 
ment to  bestow  such  :i  privilege  upon  any  class. 

How  long  it.  takes  the  money  power,  through  the  ma- 
chinery of  banks  of  issue,  to  rob  the  people  of  their  annual 
increase  of  wealth  (3.V  per  cent.)  is  not.  a  matter  of  specula- 
tion. The  experience  of  sixty  years  demonstrates  that  the 
system  will  bring  about  a  commercial  crash  on  an  average 
every  six  years.  A  commercial  crash  is  simply  a  general 
settlement  and  a  re-distribution  of  property  rendered  neces- 
sary by  the  natural  operations  of  the  system — by  the  manner 
in  which  the  people  are  obliged  to  conduct  their  a  flairs. 

The  enormous  cost  of  a  medium  of  exchange,  consisting 
of  bank  currency  and  bank  credit,  may  be  arrived  at  approx- 
imately in  several  ways.  On  the  1st  of  September,  1875, there 
were  in  operation  2,087  National  Hanks.  The  net  earnings 
of  the  banks  for  the  previous  six  months  amounted  to  about 
$30,000,000,  or  $60,000,000  for  the  year.  The  officers  of  the 
banks,  including  presidents  cashiers,  tellers,  bookkeepers, 
clerks,  attorneys,  notaries,  etc.,  constitute  an  army  of  non- 
producers.  Averaging  the  number  at  ten  for  each  bank 
would  give  20,000  persons.  The  chief  officers  of  a  bank 
are  usually  large  stockholders,  and  the  subordinate  positions 
are  mostly  filled  by  their  relatives,  and  in  no  other  busim  — , 
perhaps,  do  salaries  rate  so  high.  Averaging  the  salaries  at 
$2,000  per  year  each  for  20,000  persons  will  give  a  total  of 
$40,000,000,  which,  added  to  the  net  earnings,  gives  a  grand 
total  of  $100,000,000  a  year.  Or,  again,  the  aggregate  loans 
and  discounts  of  the  National  Banks  on  the  first  day  of 
October,  1875,  amounted  to  $980,222,951.  At  ten  per  cent 
interest  the  amount  paid  for  this  sum  would  be  over 
$98,000.000.  To  this  add  the  interest  paid  by  the  people 


on  the  bonds  deposited  with  the  Treasurer  of  the  United 
States — about  $390,000,000 — at  six  per  cent,  in  gold — about 
$27,000,000,  and  it  will  give  a  grand  total  of  $127,000,000. 
From  this  it  appears  that  the  people  are  paying  annually  to 
the  banks  the  enormous  sum  of  about  $127,000,000,  a  sum 
greater  than  the  interest  on  the  public  debt,  for  the  use  of 
some  $350,000,000  of  bank  currency.  This  burden  is  entirely 
unnecessary.  A  medium  of  exchange  could  and  ought  to 
l>e  furnished  by  the  government;  or,  in  the  language  of 
Jefferson,  "bank  currency  should  be  suppressed  and  tiie 
circulation  restored  to  the  nation  to  whom  it  belongs."  The 
people  would  then  have  a  medium  of  exchange  unencum- 
bered with  interest,  and,  what  is  vastly  more  important,  one 
that  would  occupy  the  channels  of  circulation,  subject  only 
to  the  natural  laws  of  trade. 


The  prostration  of  all  forms  of  industry  which  followed 
the  panic  of  1873  still  continues.  Indeed,  matters  are  grow- 
ing worse.  The  following  table  exhibits  the  number  of 
failures,  with  the  aggregate  amount  of  liabilities,  which  have 
taken  place  since  1863: 


Number  <>f  A srorrejrate 

Year.  Failure  Liabilities. 

1863 495 $7,899,000 

1864 520 8,579,000 

1805 530 17,625,000 

1866 632 47,333,000 

1867 2,386 86,218,000 

1868 2,197 f>7,275,000 

1869 2,411 05,246,000 


1870 3,5.->  l 88,242,000 

187  1 2,915 85,252,000 

1872 4,<M)'j 121,056,000 

8 5,181 228,490,000 

\ 5,695 151,689,000 

7,404 195,289,000 

1870  (first  «,u;irtrr) 2,806 64,644,000 


The  failures  during  1875,  it  will  ho  seen,  numbered  7,404. 
The  failures  for  the  first  quarter  of  1875  numbered  1,733; 
.and  for  the  first  quarter  of  1876,  2,806,  or  an  increase  of  over 
60  per  cent,  over  the  corresponding  quarter  of  last  year. 
At  the  same  rate  the  failures  this  year  will  reach  about 

In  times  prior  to  the  war,  when  bank  currency  was  nom- 
inally redeemable  in  specie,  the  banks  did  not  hesitate  to 
•expand  their  circulation  as  soon  as  a  general  settlement  had 
been  effected  and  "confidence  had  been  restored  "  through 
the  instrumentality  of  the  Sheriff,  which  usually  took  about, 
•one  year.  Business  then  began  to  improve,  and  the  banks  and 
the  people  together  soon  started  on  another  era  of  inflation 
and  speculation,  only  to  wind  up  in  a  few  years  in  another 
crash.  But  now  a,  different  condition  of  affairs  exists. 
Gold  bears  a  premium  over  the  lawful  money  of  the  country, 
because  it  is  a  full  legal  tender,  whilst  lawful  money  (green- 
hacks)  is  only  a  partial  tender.  It  is  true  in  ante-war  times 
bank  currency  was  at  a  discount  as  compared  with  gold,  but 
then  it  was  issued  at  par  and  the  loss  fell  upon  the  people. 
Now,  however,  specie  payments  have  been  decreed  to  take 
place  January  1,  1879,  and  the  banks  do  not  intend  to 
redeem  their  notes  in  specie  until  the  government  has  first 
furnished  them  with  the  specie.  Consequently  they  are 
•calling  in  their  circulation.  This  contributes  largely  to  the 
general  depression  All  transactions,  since  the  passage  of 
the  law  decreeing  forced  specie  resumption,  except  of  the 
most  limited  character,  both  in  respect  to  time  and  amount, 
.have  naturally  ceased.  Money  is  appreciating  in  value  by 
operation  of  law,  and  property  of  all  kinds  is  depreciating  in 
a  corresponding  ratio.  No  one,  with  forced  specie  resumption 
in  view,  will  invest  either  in  property  or  business.  Money  is 
borrowed  only  in  cases  of  great  urgency,  or  for  a  short  period 


for  purposes  of  speculation.  As  production  diminishes  the 
people  grow  poorer  and  failures  multiply.  The  producing 
forces  of  the  nation  are  paraly/cd  for  the  want  of  a  healthy 
circulation  of  money,  and  general  bankruptcy  and  ruin  are 
inevitable.  As  for  the  money  power,  it  awaits  the  final 
convulsion  with  serene  composure.  The  fall  in  the  price  of 
all  commodities  renders  living  cheap  to  all  who  have  an 
income.  As  their  investments  are  mostly  exempt  from 
taxation,  they  are  not  concerned  about  the  burdens  of  gov- 
ernment. The  appreciation  in  the  value  of  money  and 
bonds,  as  compared  with  property  of  all  kinds,  which  is 
silently  going  on,  is  adding  enormously  to  their  wealth,  and 
when  the  crisis  arrives  they  will  be  enabled  to  reap  where 
they  have  not  sown  and  gather  in  a  rich  harvest. 


When  the  panic  of  1873  occurred  the  bullionists  and  the 
money  power  generally  raised  the  old  cry  of  extravagance 
and  over  production.  The  same  cry  has  been  used  to  account 
for  every  crash  that  has  occurred  during  the  present  century* 
The  charge  of  extravagance  scarcely  requires  refutation.  The 
producing  classes  as  a  rule  are  anything  but  extravagant. 
The  farmers,  with  the  help  of  their  wives,  NOUS  and  daugh- 
ters, as  is  well  known,  are  enabled  only  by  hard  labor  and 
strict  economy  to  come  out  ahead  at  the  end  of  each  year. 
The  same  is  true  of  the  mechanics,  the  trades  people,  the 
laborers,  and  the  toiling  masses  generally.  The  only  extrav- 
agance that  has  developed  itself  to  any  extent  in  the  United 
States  is  among  those  who,  l>y  means  of  corrupt  legislation- 
rind  a  false  monetary  sy>t< -m,  arc  enabled  to  riot  in  wealth 
stolen  from  the  people. 


The  cry  of  over  production  is  equally  groundless.  Human- 
ingenuity  is  being  constantly  taxed  to  increase  and  cheapen 

T1IK    NATIONAL    HAN  KIN. .    vysrKM.  267 

production,  in  order  that  the  good  things  of  life  miiy  be 
within  the  reach  <>f  all.  The  production  of  commodities  is 
govemed  entirely  by  the  laws  of  supply  and  demand. 
When  it  happens,  us  at  the  present  time,  that  productive 
industry  in  many  forms  becomes  paraly/ed,  on  account  of 
the  \vant  of  a  healthy  circulation  of  money  in  the  channels 
of  trade,  large  classes  are  deprived  of  the  means  of  supply- 
ing their  wants,  and  the  markets  become  suddenly  gorged 
with  certain  commodities.  For  the  sake  of  illustration  we 
give  the  following  table  exhibiting  the  comparative  produc- 
tion of  five  staple  articles  in  1860  and  1870,  five  years  after 
the  termination  of  the  war: 

l  M,  1870.  Decrease. 

Cotton,    2,200,000,000  Ibs.  1,200,000,000  Ibs.  4!)  per  cent. 

Hemp,          149,000,000    "  25,000,000    "  s:j          " 

Rice,           187,000,000   a  73,000,000   "  00 

Silk,                      12,000    "•  4,000   "  <><> 

Tobacco,    434,000,000    "  202,000,000    "  40 

Total,       2,970,012,000  1,560,004,000  o2 

During  this  period  the  manufacturing  establishments  of 
the  country  increased  in  number  from  140,433  to  252,148, 
and  their  products  from  $1,885,861,676  to  $4,232,325,442; 
and  the  population  of  the  country  increased  from  31,443,321 
to  38,558,371. 

That  over  production  can  produce  a  commercial  crash  is 
DOW  acknowledged  by  all  political  economists,  whose  opin- 
ions are  entitled  to  any  weight,  to  be  an  exploded  fallacy. 
John  Stuart  Mill,  in  his  work  on  political  economy,  says: 

"A  general  over-supply  or  excess  of  all  commodities  above 
the  demand,  HO  far  as  demand  consists  in  means  of  payment, 
is  thus  shown  to  be  an  impossibility.  I  have  already 
described  the  state  of  the  markets  for  commodities  which 
accompanies  what  is  termed  a  commercial  crisis.  At  such 


times  there  is  really  an  excess  of  all  commodities  above  the 
money  demand — in  other  words,  there  is  an  under-supply  of 
money.  But  it  is  a  great  error  to  suppose  that  a  commercial 
crisis  is  the  result  of  a  general  excess  of  production." 

And  E.  Peshine  Smith,  a  distinguished  American  political 
economist,  disposes  of  the  question  as  follows: 

"In  treating  of  supply  and  demand,  no  reference  has  been 
made  to  the  notion,  by  which  some  writers  have  been 
bewildered,  of  a  general  over  production  in  commodities. 
The  proposition  that  any  good  thing  has  ever  been  produced 
in  excess  of  the  wants  of  humanity  will  not  bear  a  moment's 
examination;  nor  is  there  the  slightest  reason  to  apprehend 
that  such  an  event  is  likely  to  occur.  The  truth  of  the 
matter  may  be  quite  as  correctly  rendered  by  the  statement 
that  the  supply  of  other  commodities  is  deficient,  as  that 
any  particular  one  is  redundant.  Where  has  it  been,  in  any 
community,  sufficiently  numerous  to  permit  the  application 
of  the  general  consideration!  in  which  political  economy 
deals,  that  any  product  of  industry  has  been  offered  in  such 
:i  quantity  as  to  surpass  what  the  comfort  of  all  its  members 
would  require?  The  trouble  is,  that  many  of  those  who 
would  gladly  be  consumers  have  not  produced  enough  to 
enable  them  to  be.  The  true  remedy  for  what  is  called 
over  production  in  any  article  is  an  increased  production  of 
other  things." 

When  Congress  convened  in  December,  1873,  there  was 
a  strong  public  sentiment  in  favor  of  inn-rasing  the-  amount 
of  legal  tender  paper  money.  The  people  as  a  body  have 
never  failed,  when  an  opportunity  offered,  to  signify  their 
preference  for  legal  tender  Treasury  notes.  This  is  undoubt- 
edly to  be  attributed  to  "the  instinctive  sagacity  of  the 
people,"  to  use  Benton's  language,  "which  is  an  overmatch 
for  book-learning;  and  which  being  the  result  of  common 

THE   NATIONAL   HA\KT\».    sVsTEM.  269 

sense,  is  usually  right;  and  being  disinterested,  is  always 
honest/'  In  obedience  to  tliis  sentiment  Congress  passed  a 
bill  authorising  the  Secretary  of  tlie  Treasury  to  reissue 
$44,000,000  of  legal  tender  Treasury  notes  which  had  been 
retired  under  the  policy  of  contraction.  This  step  would 
undoubtedly  have  afforded  great  relief  to  the  oppressed 
industries  of  the  country,  but  it  would  have  been  only  tem- 
porary. In  a  short  time  the  whole  amount  would  have  been 
absorbed  by  the  banks.  Individuals  here  and  there  would 
have  been  benefited,  but  in  the  end  the  nation  would  have 
been  as  poorly  off  as  ever.  The  money  power,  however, 
was  unwilling  to  have  its  plans  interfered  with  to  even  this 
extent;  a  howl  was  at  once  set  up  by  their  organs  against 
inflation,  and  a  large  delegation  of  bankers,  requiring  a 
special  train  of  cars,  at  once  proceeded  to  Washington  to 
induce  the  President  to  interpose  his  veto.  They  succeeded 
as  usual,  and  on  the  22d  of  April,  1874,  the  bill  was  returned 
to  Congress  with  the  President's  veto.  Five  months  prior 
to  this  President  Grant,  in  his  annual  message,  argued 
that  the  panic  was  due  to  the  great  contraction  of  the  cur- 
rency that  had  taken  place,  and  referred  to  the  greenback 
in  the  following  eulogistic  terms.  He  said:  "The  experi- 
ence of  the  present  panic  has  proved  that  the  currency  of 
the  country,  based  as  it  is  upon  the-  credit  of  the  country,  is 
the  best  that  has  ever  been  devised.  Usually  in  times  of 
such  trials,  currency  has  become  worthless,  or  so  much 
depreciated  in  value  as  to  inflate  the  values  of  all  the  neces- 
saries of  life  as  compared  with  the  currency.  Every  one 
holding  it  has  been  anxious  to  dispose  of  it  on  any  terms. 
Now  we  witness  the  reverse.  Holders  of  currency  hoard 
it  as  they  did  gold  in  former  experiences  of  a  like  nature." 
Public  indignation  at  this  betrayal  of  the  interests  of  the 
people  by  the  President  found  vent  at  the  polls  at  the  next 


general  election,  and  a  Democratic  House  of  Representatives 
was  elected  by  an  overwhelming  majority. 

When  Congivjss  met  in  December,  1874,  it  was  apparent 
that  some  measure,  looking  to  the  relief  of  the  oppressed 
industries  of  the  country,  must  be  adopted.  The  result  of 
the  election  also  occasioned  great  consternation  among  the 
bullionists  and  bondholders.  Their  plans  had  not  been  fully 
carried  out.  Specie  resumption  had  not  yet  been  attained. 
They  could  manage  Congress  as  it  was  then  constituted,  but 
their  influence  with  a  new  Congress  was  not  so  well  assured. 
An  act  to  force  specie  resumption  was  at  once  prepared  and 
entrusted  to  that  subservient  tool  of  the  money  power,  Sena- 
tor Sherman.  It  was  introduced  in  the  Senate  at  an  early 
period  in  the  session,  was  passed  by  both  houses  and  was 
signed  by  the  President  on  the  14th  of  January,  1875.  In 
order  to  deceive  the  public,  banking  was  made  free,  a 
measure  that  had  been  contemplated  from  the  beginning, 
and  which,  as  has  since  been  fully  demonstrated,  could  con- 
tribute nothing  to  the  relief  of  the  public.  The  hanks  at  the 
time  had  abundance  of  currency,  and  there  were  several 
millions  of  bank  note  circulation  assigned  to  States  having 
le>s  than  their  quota,  not  yet  taken.  It  is  now  possible  for 
the  bondholders  to  inflate  the  bank  currency  of  the  country 
to  the  full  amount  of  the  bonded  indebtedness  of  the  Federal 
Government,  about  $1,700,000,000.  That  advantage  is  not 
taken  of  this  act  to  increase  the  bank  note  circulation  is  due 
entirely  to  the  specie  resumption  act.  Hanks,  on  tin 
trary,  are  withdrawing  their  circulation  and  going  out  of 
business.  Two  hundred  National  Banks  have  already  with- 
drawn their  circulation,  as  i>  disclosed  by  the  records  of  tin- 
office  of  the  Comptroller  of  the  Currency,  and  four  hundred 
more  are  engaged  in  doing  the  same.  The  amount  of 
National  Bank  note  circulation  withdrawn  during  the  past 


year  is  $13,482,540,  ami  the  legal  tender  notes  held  on 
deposit  for  the  redemption  of  National  Bank  notes  in  process 
of  retirement,  amount  to  $27,098,429,  making  in  all  a  con- 
traction of  $40,580,975.  During  the  same  period  the  green- 
haek  cireulation  has  been  contraeteil  £11,244,752,  and  the 
fraetional  currency  $2,758,278. 


The  specie  resumption  act,  passed  in  January,  1875,  pro- 
vided for  the  retirement  of  the  fractional  currency  issued 
by  the  government.  Long  before  specie  payments  are 
resumed  the  nation  will  be  deprived  of  a  circulating  medium 
of  any  kind.  Under  the  specie  basis  system  of  banking,  as 
it  existed  before  the  war,  the  people  were  frequently  driven, 
in  times  of  great  stringency,  to  use  the  notes  of  individual-, 
•firms  and  corporations,  which  circulated  under  the  name  of 
shinplasters,  and  cities,  towns  and  boroughs  were  obliged 
to  issue  promises  to  pay,  which  were  commonly  known  a< 
scrip.  To  prevent  the  people,  in  the  approaching  stringency, 
from  availing  themselves  of  even  this  method  of  relief  and 
to  give  the  National  Banks  absolute  control  over  the  circu- 
lating medium  of  the  country,  an  act,  approved  February  s, 
1875,  was  passed  by  Congress,  which  imposes  a  penalty  of 
ten  per  cent,  on  any  individual,  firm,  association,  city,  town 
or.  municipal  corporation,  except  National  Banks,  that  shall 
issue  or  use  such  notes.  This  bill  was  smuggled  through 
Congress  under  the  title  of  an  act  "To  amend  existing  cus- 
toms and  internal  revenue  laws  and  for  other  purposes,"  and 
reads  as  follows:  "Section  19.  That  every  person,  firm, 
association  other  than  National  Bank  associations,  and 
every  corporation,  State  bank,  or  State  banking  association, 
shall  pay  a  tax  of  ten  per  centum  on  the  amount  of  their 
own  notes  used  for  circulation  and  paid  out  by  them." 

"Section  20.  That  every  such  person,  firm,  association, 


corporation,  State  bunk,  or  State  banking  association,  and 
also  every  National  Banking  association,  shall  pay  a  like  tax 
of  ten  per  centum  on  the  amount  of  notes  of  any  person, 
firm,  association  other  than  a  National  Banking  association, 
or  of  any  corporation,  State  bank,  or  State  banking  associa- 
tion, or  of  any  town,  city,  or  municipal  corporation,  used  for 
circulation  and  paid  out  by  them."  The  National  Banks 
evidently  expect,  in  due  time,  to  furnish  the  entire  circulation 
of  the  nation,  including  fractional  currency. 

When  specie  resumption  takes  place  it  will  be  found  that 
the  greenbacks  will  all  be  in  the  possession  of  the  banks. 
The  reserve  held  by  the  National  Banks,  on  the  first  day  of 
October,  1875,  amounted  to  $235,000,000.  They  have  still 
over  two  years  to  gather  in  the  greenbacks  that  are  still  out- 
standing. On  the  1st  of  January,  1879,  the  government  will 
be  called  upon  to  pay  the  sum  of  $300,000,000  in  specie  to 
redeem  the  greenbacks.  The  banks  will  then  be  in  pos- 
sion  of  abundant  specie,  furnished  at  the  expense  of  the 
people,  to  enable  them  to  begin  banking  on  a  genuine  specie- 
basis,  in  the  manner  in  which  banking  was  conducted  prior 
to  the  war.  In  the  meantime  the  nation  will  be  entirely 
stripped  of  a  medium  of  exchange,  involving  an  almost  entire 
cessation  of  production,  attended  by  general  ruin  and  bank- 
ruptcy. The  suffering,  want  and  misery,  which  the  people 
of  the  United  States  will  be  called  upon  to  endure,  during 
the  next  few  years,  on  account  of  the  machinations  of  the 
money  power,  will  be  terrible  beyond  that  experienced  by 
any  nation  in  modern  times,  not  even  excepting  the  exjKv 
rknce  of  the  people  of  Great  Britain,  under  like  circum- 
stances, in  1819-25.  (See  next  chapter.)  Beyond  that  it  is 
idle  to  speculate,  for  then  there  will  probably  be  no  National 
Hanks,  unless  the  liberties  of  the  American  people  shall, 
in  the  meantime,  have  been  entirely  subverted. 



A  PREMIUM  was  placed  on  gold  by  the  first  legal  tender' 
art,  passed  February  25,  1862,  which  declared  that  interest 
on  United  States  bonds  and  duties  on  imports  should  be 
paid  in  coin.  This  was  nut  only  unnecessary,  but  was  in 
violation  of  the  plainest  principled  of  public  policy.  The 
people  were  obliged  to  respond  to  the  re<niircments  of  tin 
government,  and  a  medium  of  exchange  was  absolutely 
necessary  to  enable  them  to  render  their  resources  available 
to  the  government.  It  was  manifest  that  this  medium  of 
exchange  had  to  be  supplied  by  the  government,  and  it 
could  be  done  only  by  issuing  public  notes,  made  a  full 
legal  tender.  In  no  other  way  than  by  making  the  public 
note  a  full  legal  tender  was  it  possible  to  place  the  people 
all  on  the  same  platform  with  respect  to  the  government 
and  to  each  other,  and  compel  each  individual  in  the  nation 
to  bear  his  proportionate  share  of  the  public  burden.  These 
principles  were  fully  embodied  in  the  original  legal  tender 
act  as  it  passed  the  House  of.Reprcsentativo,  but  the  sharks 
of  Wall  street  and  the  money  power  generally  perceived 
that  if  it  became  a  law  they  would  be  deprived  of  all  power 
to  shave  either  the  government  or  tho  people.  The  passage 
of  the  bill,  therefore,  met  with  a  desperate  opposition  in  the 
Senate.  In  tho  conference  between  the  committee*  of  the 
Senate  and  the  House  which  followed,  the  Senate  committee 
was  stubborn  and  tho  House  committee  was  obliged  to  yield. 
The  Hon  Thaddeus  Stevens  declared,  whilst:  hedding  bitter 
tears  over  the  result,  that  the  House  committee  did  not  yield 

274  BESVMPTTON     OK    M'K<   IK    I'AYMKM-. 

until  it  found  that  cither  the  banks  must  be  gratified  or  the 
country  be  lust.* 

The  only  plea  or  justification  offered  for  making  the 
interest  on  the  bonds  payable  in  gold  was  that  it  would 
induce  capitalists  to  invest  in  them.  Subsequent  events 
have  wholly  disproved  the  necessity  of  any  such  stop.  A» 
a  matter  of  fact  the  war  was  carried  on  for  over  a  year  with 
partial  legal  tender  paper  money  (greenbacks),  and  the 
$500,000,000  of  bonds  authorized  by  Congress  were  in  the 
end  taken  at  par  by  the  people  (not  capitalists  or  bankers) 
out  of  a  spirit  of  patriotism.  If  further  proof  is  required  it 
is  to  be  found  in  the  fact  that  the  currency  bonds  of  the 
government  to-day  command  a  higher  premium  than  the 
gold  bonds,  simply  because  they  have  a  longer  time  to  run. 
Having  made  the  interest  on  the  bonds  payable  in  gold, duties 
on  imports  were  made  payable  in  gold  in  order  to  obtain  the 
gold  to  pay  the  interest  on  the  bonds.  This  was  also  entirely 
unnecessary.  No  bonds,  as  we  lia\  e  mentioned,  were  issued 
for  over  a  year,  and  as  the  interest  would  not  fall  due  until 
six  months  after  they,  were  issued,  the  government  would 
then  have  had  ample  time  to  dcviM-  a  way  to  obtain  the 
necessary  gold. 

The  effect  of  making  the  interest  on  government  bond* 
and  duties  on  imports  payable  in  gold  was  to  impose  a  tax 
on  all  foreign  commodities  for  the  benefit  of  the  bank' 
bullionists  and  bondholders,  and  to  greatly  disarrange  the 
monetary  affairs  of  the  country.     A  great  many  people  are 
partially  reconciled  to  the  payment  of  this  tax  under  the 
mi-taken  belief  that  it  inures  in  some  way  to  the  advant. 
of  the  government.     Such  is  not  the  fact.    Commodities  are 
purchased  abroad  with  American  product >;  and  the  {.rice  of 
American  products  abroad  is  regulated  solely  by  the  laws  of 

•See  page  200. 

OK     8P*    M.     I-  \YMF.\T*. 

suppi\   .-iii.l  demand.     The  total  imports  and  exports  of  the 
United  States  for  the  years  1873  and  1874  were  as  follows: 

Imports  in    1*7:1  ..............  $642,136,210 

KxportH         "       ..............  575,227,017 

Balance  againM    t'nitr.l  Suites.  .  $66,909,193 

Exports  in    is  74  ..............  $633,339,30* 

Imports          -        ..............  507,406,:J4i: 

Balance  in  favor  of  I'nited  State-  $65,933,026 

Balance  against  the  United  States  in  two  years,        $976,167 

It  appears,  therefore,  that  the  imports  and  exports  of  the 
United  States  during  the  two  years  (1873  and  1H74)  balanced 
each  other  to  within  less  than  one  million  of  dollars.  The 
exchange  of  commodities  between  different  nations  is  effected 
principally  1  »y  means  of  bills  of  exchange.  The  manner  in 
which  this  is  done  is  thus  referred  to  by  Colwell:  "If  the 
United  States  and  Great  Britain  have  mutually  exported  to 
each  other  commodities  to  the  value  of  £100,000,000,  the 
amount  is  adjusted  by  the  familiar  process  of  bills  of 
exchange.  He  who  has  exported  commodities  to  the  value 
of  $110,000  is  paid  when  he  sells  a  bill  for  the  amount.  The 
adjustment  proceeds  afterwards  without  any  further  trouble 
on  his  part.  The  bills  are  concentrated  in  a  few  hands  in 
each  country.  If  a  house  in  London  purchases  in  each  week 
a  million  of  dollars  of  American  paper,  and  a  house  in  New 
York  with  which  it  is  in  business  relations  purchases  a 
million  of  dollars  each  week  in  bills  on  London,  it  is  easy  to 
see  that  it  requires  no  money  to  pay  to  each  other  the  two 
millions.  As  business  is  generally  conducted,  the  bills  are 
forwarded  from  this  country,  and  the  respective  claims  art- 
balanced  and  extinguished  on  the  books  of  the  London 
house."  After  an  adjustment  is  thus  effected  the  balance  is 

276  MI'IToN     UK    M'K<   IK    PAYMENTS. 

paid  in  bullion.  As  this  process  is  going  on  constantly, 
bullion  (gold  and  silver)  will  flow  into  the  country  when 
the  exports  exceed  the  imports,  and  out  of  the  country  when 
the  imports  exceed  the  exports.  In  order  to  cause  gold  to 
flow  into  and  remain  in  the  country,  it  is  manifest,  there- 
fore, that  the  thing  to  do  is  to  develop  the  producing  forces 
of  the  country  to  such  an  extent  as  will  enable  it  to  export 
more  than  it  imports.  This  fact  was  fully  rccogni/ed  and 
endorsed  by  President  (Jrant  in  his  annual  message  in  1S7:'>. 
lie  said:  "My  own  judgment  is  *  *  that  a  specie  ba.M.s 
cannot  be  reached  and  maintained  until  our  exports,  exclu- 
sive of  gold,  pay  for  our  imports,  interest  due  abroad,  and 
other  specie  obligations,  or  so  nearly  so  as  to  leave  an 
appreciable  accumulation  of  the  precious  metals  in  the 
country  from  the  products  of  our  mines." 

When  foreign  commodities  are  received  in  the  United 
States  the  merchant  to  whom  they  are  consigned  is  obliged 
to  pay  the  custom  duties,  established  by  law,  in  gold. 
Ban  kern  and  brokers  deal  in  gold,  and  sell  it  at  the  highest 
price  that  they  can  get.  During  the  war  it  will  be  remem- 
bered that  the  btillionists  succeeded  in  running  up  the  pre- 
mium on  gold  to  as  high  a«  $1.85£  over  the  lawful  money 
of  the  country,  while  the  volume  of  the  currency  and  the 
price  of  domestic  products  remained  unchanged.  This  of 
course  added  greatly  to  the  cost  of  all  imported  article*. 
The  premium  on  gold,  which  was  paid  by  the  merchant  in 
the  fir.-t  place  and  by  the  people  in  the  end,  was  a  clear 
profit  to  the  bullionist*.  Until  18(54  no  gold  was  required  by 
the  government  to  pay  interest  on  bond-*,  consequently  the 
burden  thus  imposed  on  the  people  was  entirely  unnec. 
:u.d  inured  to  the  advantage  of  no  one  except  the  dealers  in 
gold.  If  the  war  had  terminated  in  the  early  part  of  1H63, 
fJiere  would  have  been  no  necessity  for  issuing  any  gold 

KKS[-MTM!«.\     <•}••    M'K.    IK     rWNfKVTS.  277 

interest  bonds  at  all.  The  total  funded  and  uiifuiiclcd  debt 
of  the  government  then  uas  only  $783,804,252,  consisting 
chiefly  of  legal  tender  iiotos,  7-,'JO  Treasury  notes  and  certifi- 
cates of  indebtedness,  all  of  which  could  have  IK-CM  railed 
in,  or  provided  for,  by  taxation  in  two  years,  if  desired. 
But  the  bullionists  had  their  plans  well  laid.  The  Treasury 
notes  bearing  interest  were  purposely  made  payable  in  one, 
two  and  three  years,  in  order  that,  as  soon  as  the  gold 
interest  bonds  were  issued,  they  could  be  advantageously 
converted  into  money  and  the  proceeds  invested  in  bond.-,. 
With  the  gold  of  the  country  and  the  bonds  both  in  their 
lK>ssession,  the  business  of  selling  gold  was  wonderfully 
simplified.  The  bankers  and  bullionists  sold  their  gold  to 
the  merchant  to  pay  the  government,  and  the  government 
immediately  returned  it  in  the  shape  of  interest  on  bonds  to 
the  banker  and  bullionist.  ruder  this  arrangement  it  was 
not  even  necessary  to  transfer  the  gold  from  the  vaults  of 
the  banks.  The  whole  matter  could  be  adjusted  by  means 
of  gold  certiticates  ami  checks. 

The  amount  of  gold  held  by  the  National  Hanks,  at  any  one 
time  during  the  past  ten  years,  would  scarcely  have  sufficed 
to  pay  the  duties  on  imports  at  New  York  City  alone  for 
two  weeks.  On  the  1st  of  October,  187~>,  the  gold  held  by 
the  National  Banks  of  New  York  City  was  $4,955,624,  of 
which  sum  $4,201,720  was  in  T.  S.  gold  certificates  and 
only  $75^,904  in  coin.  The  amount  received  by  the  govern 
inent  for  duties  on  imports  during  the  past  ten  years  has 
*veraged|180,000,000  a  year,  or  in  all  $1,800,000,000;  the 
interest  on  the  public  debt  for  the  same  period  has  been 
about  $100,000,000  a  year,  or  in  all  *  1,000,000,000.  It.  is 
manifest,  therefore,  that  if  the  payment  of  duties  on  imports 
and  interest  on  bonds  in  gold  was  not  a  pure  fiction,  the 
government  could  have  accumulated  $800,000,000  of  gold 
in  the  past  ten  years. 


Since  specie  resumption  became  desirable  to  the  bullioniste 
and  bankers,  it  is  common  to  hour  it  asserted  that  the  differ- 
ence between  paper  money  and  gold  compels  the  people  of 
the  Unite. 1  States  to  trade  with  the  rest  of  the  world  at  a 
disadvantage.  This  would  imply  that  foreigners  are  enabled 
to  reap  some  advantage  on  art-omit  of  the  premium  on  gold 
in  the  United  States.  A  moment's  consideration  will  satisfy 
any  one  that  this  is  not  true.  Foreign  commodities,  as  we 
have  seen,  are  purchased  with  American  products.  The 
premium  paid  by  Americans  on  gold  and  for  bills  of 
exchange  is  not  an  essential  part  of  the  transaction.  The 
products  of  America  are  sold  in  foreign  markets  at  the 
ruling  price  there,  and  with  the  proceeds  commodities  are 
purchased  in  turn.  To  say  that  American  products  sell  for 
any  more  or  less  in  foreign  markets  because  of  the  premium 
on  gold  in  the  United  States  is  simply  absurd.  As  has 
already  been  suggested,  not  even  the  interest  on  the  boiuU 
held  abroad  is  paid  in  gold.  It  is  paid  in  products,  against 
which  bills  of  exchange  are  drawn.  When  the  exports  of  the 
United  States  fall  short  the  balance  is  paid  in  bullion,  the 
product  of  our  mines;  and  this  would  be  done  just  the  >ame 
whether  there  were  any  bonds  held  abroad  or  uot.  The 
same  is  true  of  the  bonds  held  at  home.  Interest  on  them 
is  paid  in  current  money  at  gold  rates.  The  conclusion. 
then,  is  unavoidable  that  the  mily  persons  wh«»  are  benefits) 
by  the  premium  n\\  gold,  established  by  the  legal  tend 
are  the  bullionists  and  bondholders  of  the  Tinted  State-,. 

The  bankers  and  biillionist*  having  secured  possession 
of  the  bonds,  their  convertibility  with  greenbacks  \\.-is 
then  taken  away,  and  they  were  also  exempted  from 
taxation.  The  original  loan  of  $500,000,' HJO  of  f>-_'u  bonds 
has  been  retired  or  converted  into  gold  bonds.  By  the 
act  of  March  18,  1869,  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  ia 

L-I  -i  UPTION    or   SPECIE    PAlClf]  279 

forbidden  to  redeem  any  of  the  -ViMi  bonds,  payable  in 
law  I  ul  money,  still  outstanding  (>ome  several  hundred  mil- 
lions) until  greenbacks  an-  <>n  a  par  with  g»»ld.  The  bonds 
of  tin-  I'nitcd  Stairs  now  command  a  high  premium.  The 
following;  is  a  liM  of  the  (juotaliniix  nf  l"nhed  States  bonds 
on  the  -Jtith  of  April,  1870: 

U.  S.  6  per  cent,  bonds  of   1881 122 

U.  S.  a-ii()  bonds  of    lst;r>,  Nov 11^ 

IT.  S.  o-^O  l)onds  of  1865,  .July 119 

I*.  S.  ,-i-20  bonds  of  18(57,  July 121J 

U.  S.  5-20  bonds  of  l^tis,  .July PJi'A 

U.  S.  5  per  cent.  10-40  bonds*. 118| 

IT.  S.  5  per  eent.  funded  lo:m  bonds 117^ 

U.  S.  ti  per  eent.  currency   bonds 126^ 

The  money  power  having  thus  succeeded  in  robbing  the 
poople  to  the  utmost  extent  in  this  direction,  it  is  now  pro- 
posed to  continue  the  process  by  means  of  specie  resumption. 
The  action  of  the  bullionists  and  bankers,  in  this  particular, 
was  hastened,  as  we  have  seen,  by  the  result  of  the  elections- 
in  1874. 


Soon  after  Congress  convened  in  December,  1874,  a  specie 
resumption  act  was  hurried  through  that  body  and  was 
approved  by  the  President,  January  14,  1875.  The  act  pro- 
vides as  follows: 

The  h'rst  section  requires  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury, 
us  rapidly  as  practicable,  to  cause  to  be  coined,  silver  coins- 
of  the  denominations  of  ten,  twenty-five  and  fifty  cents,  of 
standard  value,  and  to  is>ue  them  in  redemption  of  un  c»mal 
number  and  amount  of  fractional  currency,  until  the  whole 
amount  of  such  fractional  currency  outstanding  shall  be 

The  second  section  repeals  the  authority  to  charge  a 
per  ce-ntage  for  coining  bullion. 

The  third  section  repeals  so  much  of  the  National  Bank- 


ing  law  as  limits  the  aggregate  circulation  of  the  banks  to 
$354,000,000,  and  makes  banking  free  to  bondholders.  It 
also  provides  that  "on  and  after  the  1st  day  of  January, 
1879,  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  shall  redeem  in  coin  the 
United  States  legal  tender  notes  then  outstanding,  on  their 
presentation  for  redemption  in  sums  of  not  less  than  fifty 

The  greenback,  although  issued  in  a  mutilated  form,  (not 
payable  for  interest  on  bonds  and  duties  on  imports)  was 
made  a  legal  tender  for  private  debts.  It  was  not,  therefore, 
simply  an  evidence  of  indebtedness  of  the  government — a 
mere  promise  to  pay  money;  it  was  something  more  than 
that,  ft  beeanie  the  measure  of  all  values,  the  basis  of  all 
money  contracts,  and  the  standard  of  all  payments  among 
the  people.  For  fourteen  years  it  has  constituted  the 
lawful  money  of  the  country.  All  exchanges  of  property, 
during  this  period,  have  been  made  and  all  existing  debts 
have  been  contracted  on  the  basis  of  greenback  money. 
If  the  standard  of  payment  is  changed,  all  existing  indebt- 
edness will  change  with  it.  For  example  if  A.  owes  II. 
$10,000  and  he  is  compelled  to  pay  the  amount  in  gold, 
which  rules  at  say  51.12,  he  is  obliged  to  pay  *1 1,200 
instead  of  £10,900.  When  the  entire  indebtedness  of  the 
country,  individual,  corporate  and  municipal,  is  taken  into 
consideration,  it  will  be  seen  that  the  amount  thus  added 
by  changing  the-  standard  of  payment  is  enormous.  Estima- 
ting the  aggregate  indebtedness  of  the  country,  of  individ- 
uals towns,  cities,  townships,  counties,  states,  railroads  and 
other  corporations,  at  *  10,OUO,UOU,000,  the  amount  would  be 
increased  $1,200,000,000. 

The  alteration  of  the  coinage  of  a  nation  is  universally 
rded  as  a  matter  of  the  greatest  delicacy,  only  to  In- 
attempted  when  absolutely  required  by  the  highest  consid- 
erations of  public  policy.  When  the  legal  tender  act  was 

RESUMPTION'    OK    ftPtt    KB     IWYMKNT^.  281 

pending  the  only  plausible  argument  offered  by  the  money 

power  against  its  passage,  was  that  it  would  work  injustice 
to  the  creditor  class,  by  enabling  debtors  to  pay  their  debts 
in  a  depreciated  money.  The  specie  resumption  law,  how- 
ever, compels  the  debtor  class  to  pay  one-eighth  more  than 
it  contracted  to  pay,  and  the  debtor  class,  owing  to  the 
workings  of  contraction  and  the  National  Hanking  system, 
now  embraces  all  the  industrial  classes  of  the  country.  N«> 
alteration  of  the  coinage  was  ever  attempted  by  any  nation 
that  would  at  all  compare  with  this. 

(The  bondholders  have  provided  against  any  alteration  of 
the  coinage  so  far  as  they  are  concerned.  The  act  of  Con- 
gress of  July  14,  1870,  for  refunding  the  public  debt  pro- 
vides that  the  bonds  shall  be  redeemed  "in  coin  of  the 
present  standard  value") 

Th    amount  of  gold  in  the    ountry,  in  view  of  the  resump- 
tion of  specie   payments,  has  become  a  matter  of  serious 
importance,  because  the  circulation  of  the  country,  whether 
the  gold  is  actually  used  as  a  medium  of  exchange,  or  made 
the  basis  of  a  bank  note  currency,  as  in  times  prior  to  the 
war  will  necessarily  be  limited  by  the  amount  of  gold  on 
hand.     On  the  27th  of  February,  1870,  the  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury,  in  response  to  a  resolution  passed  by  the  House  of 
Representatives  calling  for  a  statement  of  the  gold  coin  in  the 
possession  of  the  government,  submitted  the  following  report  : 
Coin  coupons  ...........................      $1,547,402  0(5 

Coin    certificates  ........................         1,427,200  00 

Sinking  fund  and  interest  ................         l,873,sii;>  0<) 

Bonds    redeemed  and  interest  .............      13,882,553  •;:> 

Interest  due  and  unpaid  ..................        9,254,034  50 

Outstanding  bonds  called  for  sinking  fund.        2,548,000  00 
Outstanding  coin  certificates  .......  ".  ......      33,908,300  00 

Silver  coin'  and  bullion  ...................  14,193,U1S  7<> 

$78,645,533  01 
Actual  gold  coin  available  ...............      13,34  1  ,423  7«; 

Total  ....................   $91,980,957  07 


N     OF    SI'K(   IK     I'AYMKXTS. 

IJy  tin-  terms  of  the  specie  resumption  act  .the  government 
will  be  required  to  redeem  the  legal  tender  notes  outstanding- 
on  the  first  of  January,  1^7!),  (x;jon.ono,000)  in  coin.  Tin- 
will  take  nearly  x-j IK), 000,000  more  coin  than  there  is  avail- 
able gold  in  the  Treasury.  Where  and  how  is  this  immense 
amount  of  gold  to  be  obtained?  The  estimated  product 
of  the  mines  of  the  L'nited  States  for  the  past  three  \ear- 
lias  been  about  $50,000,000  a  year.  The  annual  iiitt 
on  the  public  debt,  one-half  of  which,  it  is  estimated,  is  held 
abroad,  is  about  #100,000,000.  As  long  as  the  imports  of 
the  country  exeeed  the  exports,  the  difference  will  have  to- 
be  made  up  in  specie.  The  imports  of  the  Tinted  States  a^ 
a  rule  have  exceeded  the  exports  for  many  years  past,  and 
to  such  an  extent,  that  notwithstanding  the  enormous  yield  of 
American  mines,  there  is  not  at  the  present  time  $100,000,000 
of  specie  in  the  country.  And  now  that  the  productive 
ability  of  the  nation  has  been  greatly  diminished,  and  is  still 
diminishing  under  the  operations  of  contraction  and  of  the 
National  Hanking  system,  the  excels  of  import-  o\er  exports 
must  naturally  increase,  and  thus  augment  the  neces.-ity  for 
sending  the  product  of  American  mines  to  foreign  countries. 
It  i>  dear,  therefore,  that  until  the  producing  forces  of  the 
nation  are  sutlieiently  developed  to  enable  it  to  export  more 
than  it  imports,  there  can  be  no  accumulation  of  gold 
obtained  from  the  mines  of  the  country.  The  amount 
required  to  resume  specie  payments  then,  if  obtained  at  allr 
must  come  from  other  nation-.  The  demand  for  gold  at 
the  present  time  abroad  is  unusually  great  on  account  of  the 
demonetization  of  silver  in  (iermain  and  other  count; 
The  government  of  the  Tinted  States  has  already  had  some 
experience  in  trying  to  obtain  gold  in  Kurope.  When  the 
gold  bond-  of  the  I'nited  States  were  put  on  the  market  in 
Kurope,  $21,000,000,  resulting  from  their  sale,  accumulated 


in  the  Bank  of  England  The  Bank  of  England  objected 
to  the  traiisfi-r  of  this  sum  to  the  I'liilcd  States,  ami  the 
government  was  forced  to  turn  round  an<l  invest  it  in  other 
bonds,  which  had  been  purchased  pr.ihably  at  lc»s  than  60 
cents  on  tin-  dollar.  Senator  Boutwell  detailed  the  facts  in 
this  caM-,  in  a  speech  in  the  1'nited  States  Senate,  January 
22,  IsT-l,  a*  follows:  "When  tin1  negotiations  were  going 
on  in  London  for  the  sale  of  the  largot  amount  of  United 
States  bonds  that  have  ever  been  sold  then-  at  one  time,  it 
was  foreseen  by  the  Bank  of  England  that  a  quantity  of 
coin  would  accumulate  as  the  proceeds  of  these  bonds  to 
the.  credit  of  the  government  of  the  United  States.  As  a 
mutter  of  fact,  there  was  an  accumulation  of  about  $21,000,- 
000.  The  Hank  of  England,  foreseeing  that  there  would  be 
an  accumulation  of  coin  to  the  credit  of  the  United  States 
which  might  be  taken  away  bodily  in  specie,  gave  notice 
to  the  officers  of  the  Treasury  Department  of  the  United 
States  that  the  power  of  that  institution  would  be  arrayed 
against  the  whole  proceeding  unless  we  gave  a  pledge  that 
the  coin  should  not  be  removed,  and  that  we  would  reinvest 
it  in  the  bonds  of  the  United  States  as  they  were  offered 
in  the  markets  of  London.  We  were  compelled  to  do  it." 
Mr.  Boutwell  aKo  mentioned  another  case  in  point,  which  is 
equally  significant,  as  follows:  "There  is  another  fact, 
known  to  all.  We  recovered  at  Geneva  an  award  against 
(i real  Britain  of  815,500,000.  When  this  claim  was  matu- 
ring, the  banking  and  commercial  classes  of  (Ireat  Britain 
induced  the  government,  to  interpose,  and  by  diplomatic 
arrangements  through  the  State  Department  here,  operating 
upon  the  Treasury  Department,  secured  the  transfer  of  secu- 
rities and  thus  avoided  the  transfer  of  coin.  In  the  presence 
of  these  facts,  is  it  to  be  assumed  for  a  moment  that  we  can 
go  into  the  markets  of  the  world  and  purchase  coin  with 

284  r:i-:si-Mi*rioN   OF  SPECIE  PAYMENTS. 

which  we  can  redeem  one,  two,  three  or  four  hundred  mil- 
lions of  outstanding  legal  tender  notes." 

If  any  further  argument  is  required  to  show  that  it  is  not 
only  utterly  impossible  for  the  government  of  the  United 
States  to  obtain  the  requisite  amount  of  gold  to  resume 
specie  payment  at  a  fixed  time,  but  that  it  is  also  undesirable, 
even  if  it  were  possible,  because  it  would  disturb  all  the 
industrial  and  social  relations  of  the  world,  it  will  be  found 
in  the  following  extract  from  an  able  speech  delivered  on 
the  2Gth  of  April,  1870,  by  Senator  Jones  in  the  Senate  of 
the  United  States,  in  favor  of  placing  silver  on  an  equality 
with  gold  as  a  medium  of  exchange.  lie  said: 

"The  world's  stock  of  coin  is  $5,700,000,000,  of  which 
nearly  one-half  is  silver.  Of  this  sum  Europe,  America,  and 
the  rest  of  the  Occidental  world  employ  about  $3,600,000,000. 
Previous  to  the  late  demonetizations  of  silver  in  the  Latin 
union,  and  in  Germany  and  the  United  States,  these  $3,600,- 
000,000  consisted  of,  let  us  say,  $2,000,000,000  of  gold 
and  $1,600,000,000  of  silver.  They  now  consist  of  about 
$2,600,000,000  gold  and  $1,000,000,000  silver.  By  continu- 
ing to  exclude  silver  from  equal  participation  with  gold  in 
the  currency  of  the  United  States  and  attempting  to  resume 
specie  payments,  we  occasion  a  demand  for  say  $350,000,000 
of  gold  wherewith  to  pay  off  the  greenbacks  and  furnish 
bank  reserves,  and  $50,000.000  of  silver  in  lieu  of  the  frac- 
tional notes.  If  we  could  obtain  these  $400,000,000  of 
metal  without  drawing  it  from  other  countries  in  Europe  or 
America,  they  would  add  so  much  to  the  stock  of  coin  in 
the  Occidental  world,  which  would  then  be  $2,950,000,000 
of  gold  and  $1,050,000,000  of  silver.  This  is  the  answer  to 
the  question  so  far  as  the  Occidental  world  i>  <•<  >nr(-nied 
The  quantity  of  the  precious  metals  needed  for  money  and 
the  basis  of  credit  in  the  Occidental  world — that  is  to  say, 

MMI'MoN     OF    M'KMi:     I'AYMI.MTs. 

tlii'  quantity  needed  to  maintain  prices  at  their  present  le\el 
—is  at  least  $4,000,000,000.  Of  this  sum  the  I'nit.  -.1  S 

%  it  iracceeds  in  resuming  specie  payments,  will  hold  about 
$400,000,000,  of  which  $350,000,000  must  be  in  gold. 
Where  is  it  to  come  from:'  % 

"Anticipating  the  argument  that  no  such  sum  is  nece-<-ai  y 
to  specie  resumption,  because  prior  to  suspension  in  i 
our  entire  stock  of  coin  included  m>t  more  than  $225,000,000 
of  gold,  he  reminded  the  Senate  that  population  since  then 
had  increased  per  50  cent^,  and  that  in  1801  oar  whole  circu- 
lating medium  consisted  of  $300,000,000  in  coin  and  $200,- 
000,000  in  bank  notes,  which  circulated  within  limited  areas 
at  nearly  par;  whereas  now  it  consists  of  not  more  than 
$100,000,000  of  coin  and  some  $850,000,000  of  government 
aud  bank  paper,  the  latter  circulating  (throughout  nearly  the 
whole  country)  at  about  87J  cents  on  the  dollar;  say  total 
circulation  at  par  equal  to  $850,000,000.  This  is  70  per- 
cent. more  than  the  par  circulation  of  1801,  an  incontestible 
proof  that  the  exchanges  have  increased  in  volume  at  least 
70  per  cent.  It  cannot  be  doubted  that  the  bulk  of  to-day's 
exchanges  in  this  country  is  at  least  double  that  of  a  corres- 
ponding day  in  1802.  Put  it  at  only  70  per  cent,  higher; 
then,  in  order  to  resume  specie  payments  upon  at  least  as 
firm  a  footing  as  specie  payments  in  1801,  we  shall  require 
at  least  70  per  cent,  more  specie  than  we  employed  in  1801. 
Add  70  per  cent  to  $300,000,000  and  you  have  $510,000,000. 
Allow  $100,000,000  for  specie  already  in  the  country,  in  the 
banks,  in  private  hands,  and  in  the  vaults  of  the  Treasury, 
and  you  will  need  $410,000,000  in  order  to  resume,  say,  for 
round  figures,  $400,000,000  of  specie,  of  which,  under  the 
operation  of  the  act  of  1873,  about  $350,000,000  must  be 

"I  warn   gentlemen   to  beware  of  making  a  mistake  in 


respect  to  this  matter,  for  a  mistake  will  set  us  buck  many 
years.  The  Jiritish  government  tried  to  resume  in  1S17, 
after  :i  suspension  of  20  years,  but.  it  failed,  ami  sii>|>cn>i,<n 
was  deferred  until  1823.  If  we  try  to  resume  in  1S71)  with 
$100,0001000  and  fail,  we  may  be  set  back  a  quarter  of  a 
century.  Moreover,  if  we  fail,  some  clique  of  stock  gam- 
blers will  make  15  or  20  per  cent,  out  of  the  operation. 
Knowing  that  $100,000,000  was  the  limit  of  the  government's 
ability  to  pay,  they  could  easily  make  arrangements  with  the 
banks  and  depositories  throughout  the  country  to  withdraw 
$100,000,000  of  greenbacks  on  the  eve  of  the  day  of  resuni]>- 
tion,  and  present  them  for  payment  at  the  Treasury  After 
having  drawn  the  last  dollar  of  specie  out  of  the  latter,  they 
could,  by  presenting  an  additional  note,  compel  it  to  suspend 
again.  Then  gold  would  go  up  once  more,  perhaps  to  the 
full  extent  of  the  figure  from  which  it  would  have  fallen, 
and  the  clique  could  sell  their  specie  in  the  market  and 
realize  their  profit.  .  We  cannot  resume  with  $100,000,000 
nor  with  $200,000,000.  We  have  had  $200,000,000  in  -  pect- 
in the  Treasury  on  several  occasions  during  the  past  ten 
years.  If  it  is  practicable  to  resume  now  with  $100,000,000, 
why  was  it  not  practicable  on  those  occasions  with  $200,- 
000,000?  It  was  certainly  not  for  lack  of  desire  on  the  part 
of  the-  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  but  simply  that  both  th<- 
Secretary  and  Congress  saw  that  the  thing  could  not  bo 
done.  Where  are  the  nee. led  *;550,000,000  in  gold  to  come 
from?  The  annual  gold  product  of  the  world  is  x!)7,mn),oiM). 
More  than  half  of  this  is  needed  in  the  arts.  One  and  a  half 
per  cent,  on  $2,600,000,000,  the  present  Occidental  >t« 

1  for  the  maintenance  of  money  to  replace  ahra-ion 
and  loss.  This  is  $39,000,000.  Deduct  thoe  <ums  and  there 
remains  a  surplus  of  $10,000,000  a  year,  out  of  which  our 
needed  $350,000,000  must  come,  unless  it  comes  out  of  the 

17KM  MiTios   91  PA1  MI  N  i-  287 

existing  stock  in  other  count! -u •>.     It  would  take  W  yean  t«» 

accomplish  the  result  Upon  the  in««>t   fax  Mi-able  hyp«»thr-i-. 
"But  tin*   increased    population   of  tlie    Occidental    \v<>rl,l 

will  make  increased  demand  tor  gold  e\ehange>  ami  t'«»i-  it- 

UM-  in  art-  e.jual  to  at  least  $6,000,000  annually,  ami  the 
annual  product  of  gold  i.-  diminishing  instead  «>f  inciva-ing. 
When  these  elements  of  the  circulation  are  all  -Moderately 
provided  for,  there  will  remain  perhaps  $500,000  per  an- 
num of  surplus,  taking  7<»n  year>  to  get  our  fc:*50,000,000. 
And  even  this  cannot  be  done  unless  Austria,  Italy  and 
Russia  shall  leave  us  to  monopoli/e  all  the  gold  we  need 
before  they  reform  their  own  debased  currency.  I  tell  you, 
gentlemen,  the  thing  cannot  be  done.  Redemption  in  gold 
is  out  of  the  question.  Tt  is  not  practical  tinancially,  metal- 
lurgically,  internationally,  or  politically;  in  short,  it  is  not 
practical  at  all. 

"The  stock  of  coin  which  forms  the  substratum  of  the 
world's  prices  is  the  accumulation  of  50  centuries,  and  bar- 
gains are  being  made  every  day  which  cover  long  periods 
of  time.  To  disturb  these  prices  and  contracts  by  forcing 
the  exchanges  of  the  country  to  be  inea>uivd  by  a  sum  of 
specie  so  vastly  less  than  its  usual  measure,  as  $  100,000,000, 
or  even  $200,000,000,  would  be  tantamount  to  the  violent 
destruction  of  vast  interests  and  a  wrenching  of  all  the 
relations  of  industrial  and  social  life. 

"The  Senator  proceeded  to  argue  that  we  cannot  get  the 
gold  from  Europe,  with  which  to  resume,  becau>e  its  whole 
Mipply  is  only  $2,600,000,000,  and  mi  every  one  of  tl, 
dollars  stands  a  vast  and  almost  toppling  superstructure  of 
credit  in  every  conceivable  form.  Try  to  buy  one  sixth  or 
seventh  of  that  amount,  and  the  rate  of  interest  would  go 
up  in  Europe  in  order  to  check  the  outflow  of  gold;  and  so 
the  price  of  gold  would  rise  until,  in  order  to  secure  the 


amount  required,  we  would  be  obliged  to  sell  all  our  mova- 
bles at  prices  that  would  bankrupt  every  interest  in  the 
country.  We  might  get  $50,000,000  or  $100,000,000  possi- 
bly, but  it  would  be  at  the  expense  of  a  tremendous  financial 
convulsion  abroad,  reacting  with  equally  alarming  disaster 
to  ourselves.  Recollect  that  the  problem  is  that  of  taking 
$350,000,000  in  gold  out  of  a  fully  occupied  and  heavily 
overtopped  basis  of  only  $2,600,000,000  in  the  Occidental 
world.  It  is  not  the  whole  stock  of  metal,  both  in  silver 
and  gold,  that  we  can  now  call  upon.  Silver  has  been 
demonetized  in  several  countries  in  Europe,  and  here  we 
have  so  thoughtlessly  worded  our  laws  that,  until  we  alter 
them,  we  can  only  pay  in  gold." 

By  the  act  of  April  12, 1873,  the  silver  coins  of  the  United 
States  were  declared  to  be  a  legal  tender  at  their  nominal 
value  for  any  amount  not  exceeding  live  dollars  in  any  one 
payment.  Silver  as  a  commodity  fluctuates  in  value  agree- 
ably to  the  laws  of  supply  and  demand.  The  effect  of  the 
law  above  mentioned  was  to  partially  demonetize  silver, and 
hence  silver  coins  are  now  (May,  1876)  quoted  at  about  3 
per  cent,  less  than  legal  tender  Treasury  notes. 

There  is  no  good  end  to  be  attained  by  specie  resumption 
that  could  not  be  attained  by  simply  making  the  greenback, 
a  full  legal  tender,  as  should  have  been  done  in  the  first 
instance.  By  making  the  greenback  a  full  legal  tender,  the 
product*  of  the  country  would  be  placed  upon  the  same 
footing  with  foreign  commodities,  and  that  is  all  that  is 
proposed  to  be  accomplished  by  specie  resumption*  The 
public  would  then  l»e  relieved  of  the  onerous  tax  imposed 
on  gold  to  pay  duties  on  imports,  which  redounds  solely  to 
the  advantage  of  the  bullionists  and  bondholders  of  the 
rnitcd  States.  If  this  method  were  adopted,  no  disturbance 
of  the  industrial  or  social  relations  of  the  country  c6uld 

i;>  M    M!'Tlo\     Ml-'    s|M  i    [I       I-  \\\\]  'JK9 

possibly  occur.  Koivcd  -pecir  resumption  .•:ui  be  a«-rom- 
piished  only  through  ;i  complete  revolution  of  all  tin-  husi- 
.iiul  social  relations  of  thr  rountry.  This  will  appear 
from  a  brief  consideration  ,,!'  tin-  Mcps  that  will  nrrevsarily 
precede  resunij)tion.  Tin-  circulation  of  the  country  mi  the- 
1st  of  April,  1H7G,  was  as  follows: 

Legal  tender  Treasury  notes *?o7".7-vvj  i^ 

Fractional  currency 12,604,808 

National  Bank  notes ••• 

Total £743,739,045 

The  lawful  money  reserve  of  th«-   National    IJanks  on   the 
1 8t  day  of  October,  1S7.~>,  \\a>  a-  follow-: 

Legal  tender  Treasury    notes ..'•_'  I 

United  State's  ccrtiticatcs  of  deposit<),00(> 

Due  from  reserve  agents S5,044. 

Redemption  fund  with  Treasurer 10,23:'.. 


Specie 8,050,328 

Total >52:{.j,lor,,40U 

It  will  be  seen  that  the  lawful  money  reserve  of  the 
National  Banks,  exelusive  of  specie,  now  amounts  to  , 
two-thirds  of  the  entire  greenback  circulation.  The  bunks 
have  still  two  years  and  a  half  to  i^tther  in  the  remainder 
of  the  outstanding  LTi-cen backs — all  that  arc  not  locked  up 
in  private  hoards.  To  call  in  their  own  circulation  i>  an 
easy  matter.  If  the  banks  cease  dix-ountiiii;-  paper  for  six 
months  there  will  scarcely  be  a  bank  note  left  in  circulation. 
That  they  will  do  so  is  not  to  be  doubted.  The  notes  of  the 

banks  are  simply  evidences  of  their  own  indebtedness,  and 

it  is  not  to  be  supposed  that  they  \\ill  voluntarily  add  twelve 
per  cent,  or  more  to  their  o>\  n  indebtedr.e-s  \\lien  they  can 
easily  avoid  it.  Long  before  the  first  day  of  January,  1879^ 
the  banks  will  have  i> --ion  of  the  entire  circulation  of 


KKSTMl'TUiN     <»K    Sl'KCJK     !•  V  ^  MKN  1's. 

the    country,    both    greenbacks    and    bank    notes,    and     the 
nation  will  be  completely  stripped  of  a  medium  <»f  cxchai 

Tin-  public  will  be  helpless.  The  people  will  not  pos- 
•even  the  poor  privilege  of  issuing  and  usin'j,  shinplasters  and 
scrip,  because  it.  will  be  impossible  to  raise  money  enough 
to  j»:iy  the  ten  per  cent,  fax  imposed  upon  all  notes  not  issued 
by  National  .Hanks.  Forced  resumption,  therefore,  means 
something  more  than  adding  I-  per  cent,  to  the  amount  of 
•every  debt  owed  in  the  Tinted  State*.  Without,  a  medium 
•of  exchange  people  will  be  unable  to  pay  their  debts  at  all; 
industry  and  trade  will  be  completely  paraly/ed;  and  bank 
ruptey.  distress,  starvation  and  riot,  will  ensue. 

SI'Kl'IK    KKSirMTTlON     IN     K.NiiLAM'. 

The  experience  of  the  people  of  (ireat  Britain  from  IK  19 
to  1825,  under  similar  circumstances,  is  full  of  instruction  to 
the  people  of  the  Tnit.ed  States.  In  1797  the  Bank  of  K up- 
land was  obliged  to  suspend  specie  payments."'  (ireat  Ilrit- 
ain  at  the  time  WAS  engaged  in  war  with  France.  In  179*7 
large  sums  of  gold  were  required,  abroad,  and  the  price  of 
Hold  be^an  to  rise.  In  September,  1790,  the  standard  price 
"f  -_:old  was  I'::,  I  7s.,  fid.  per  ounce,  and  in  June,  1800,  it  wati 
L'4,  5s.  per  ounce.  The  war  with  France  ended  in  |sl5. 
During  I  his  period  and  for  several  years  after  the  war  the 
pi-<.ple  of  (ireat  Britain  were  obliged  to  u>e  an  irredeemable 
paper  currency  for  their  medium  of  exchange.  IVior  to  the 
suspension  of  specie  payments  the  <-onditi<'ii  of  a  flairs  in 
Great  Britain  was  gloomy  indeed.  Sir  Archibald  Alison, 
the  historian,  in  speaking  of  the  period  immediately  pn 
in«j  suspension  sa\s:  "Nor  was  the  internal  sullerin^  of  this 
ill-ornened  pi  riod  inferior  to  its  external  disaster.  It  bewail 
witli  the  severe  commercial  distress  «»f  179:;,  unprecedented 
;it  rliat  ]>eriod  in  intensity  and  duration,  and  which  was  only 

••See  Bank  of  I-ln^laml,  ? 

KKM    Ml'l  IMS      ,  ,  |<     MMJ.    I  1-.     P\YMKN  :  'J'M 

relieved  !»y  an  extensive  loan  to  the  trailing  elas>es  by  gov- 
ernment; ami  it  terminated  in  the  dreadful  monetary  critiis 
ami  run  upon  the  bank  ami  mutiny  in  the  fleet,  in  tin?  spring 
of  1707,  which  brought  tin-  nation  to  tin-  brink  of  ruin,  ami 
forced  upon  the  £overninent  the  neeoMty  of  su^pemlinj; 
rahh  payments.91  Tin*  Hritish  (Jovernment  ami  people  had 
been  vainly  trying  t«>  carry  "ii  ^n-at  operations  with  :in 
iii:ti]c(ju:i(e.  int'diuni  of  excluingc.  The  Mi<pcn>ion  of  th<- 

Hunk  <>f  KnirlamJ  ii-d  to  the  us»r  of  irredeemable  paj*'i- 

uidiii'V  tc»  an  enormous  amount,  or,  to  use  :ui  uxpi ••  ^-i"ii  now 
;rrratly  ridiculcMJ  ]»y  the  hullionists,  "to  an  amount  equal  t> 
The  wants  of  trade/"  The  result  was  matrieal.  AYe  will 


;tLjain  <[tiot«;  from  Sir  Archibald  Alison.  He  says:  "The 
next  eighteen  years  of  the  war,  from  1707  to  isi.'i,  were,  as 
:dl  the  world  knows,  tin*  mo^t  glorious,  ;md,  taken  as  :i 
•whole,  the  most  prosj>erous,  which  (ireat  liritain  had  ever 
known.  lTsh«-reil  in  ny  a  combination  of  circumstances  the 
most  calamitous,  both  with  reference  to  external  security 
and  internal  industry,  it  terminated  in  a  bla/.«'  of  j^lory  and 
a  ll->od  of  pi-os]»erity  whidi  have  never,  since  the  beginning 
of  the  world,  descended  upon  any  nation.  Hardly  had  the 
run  upon  the  bank  shaken  t->  its  center  the  whole  fabric  of 
our  commercial  prosperity,  and  the  mutinies  of  the  Norc. 
Plymouth  and  o!F  Cadi/,  paraly/.cd  the  arm  of  our  naval 
defender*,  when  the  victories  of  St.  Vim-nit  and  Camper 
UOM.II  a;_rain  iv-tore«l  t^>  IM  the  dominion  of  the  v,.i;  aiid  ere 
lonu:  the  thunderbolts  of  the  Nile  ami  Trafalgar  prostrated 
the  naval  strength  of  the  enemy,  and  the  \icf.»rie<  nf  Wei 
lington  lirst  arrested,  ami  at  leiiLTfh  broke  his  militant 
]»ower.  Prosperity,  universal  and  unheard  of,  pei'vadeil 

eveiy  department  of  the  empire.     Our  colonial  po»rssions 

eiu-ircled  the  earth — (he  whole  We^f.  Tndi.-i  Islands  had 
falJen  into  our  hands;  an  empire  of  sivfy  millions  of  men  in 


Hindostan  acknowledged  our  rule;  Java  was  added  to  oar 
eastern  possessions;  and  the  flag  of  France  had  disappeared 
from  every  station  beyond  the  sea.  Agriculture,  commerce 
and  manufactures  at  home  had  increased  in  an  unparalleled 
ratio;  the  landed  proprietors  were  in  affluence;  wealth  to 
an  unheard  of  extent  had  been  created  among  the  farmers; 
the  soil  daily  increasing  in  fertility  and  breadth  of  cultivated 
land,  had  become  almost  adequate  to  the  maintenance  of  a 
rapidly  increasing  population;  our  exports,  imports  and 
tonnage  had  more  than  doubled  since  the  war  began;  and 
though  distress,  especially  during  1810  and  1811,  had  :it 
times  been  severely  experienced  among  the  manufacturing 
operatives  (occasioned  by  Bonaparte's  decrees  against  Brit- 
ish goods),  yet,  upon  the  whole,  and  in  average  years,  their 
condition  was  one  of  extraordinary  prosperity.  The  revcnu  • 
raised  by  taxation  within  the  year  had  risen  to  £72,000,000 
in  1815  from  £21,000,000  in  1796;  the  total  expenditure- 
from  taxes  and  loans  had  reached  in  1814  and  1815,  th  • 
enormous  amount  of  £117,000,000  each  year.  In  the  ycurn 
1813  and  1814,  being  the  twentieth  and  twenty-first  of  th  - 
war,  Great  Britain  had  ibove  a  million  of  men  in  arms  in 
Europe  and  Asia,  and  remitted  £11,000,000  yearly  in  subsi- 
dies to  the  continental  powers.  Yet  was  this  prodigiou-r 
und  unheard  of  expenditure  so  far  from  exhausting  either 
thf  capital  or  resources  of  the  country,  that  tho  loan  in  1814 
was  obtained  at  the  rate  of  £4,  11s.,  id.  per  cent,  being  a 
lower  rate  than  that  paid  at  the  commencement  of  the; 
although  the  annual  loan  at  its  close  was  above  £35,000,000, 
and  the  population  of  the  empire  at  that  period  was  onlv 
eighteen  millions." 

All  this  was  accomplished  in  Great  Britain  during  the 
early  part  of  the  present  century  by  irredeemable  paper 
money.  The  bullionists  try  to  blunt  the  force  of  this  argu- 


ment  by  attributing  tin-  prosperity  of  i  during 

period  to  the  vast  outlays  of  the  government,  but  if  this 
the  cause,  why  did  it  not  produce  the  same  effect  during 
period  prior  to  the  suspension,  when  the  government 
making  similar  outlays?    The  simple  truth  is  that  the  people 
of  Great  Britain  possessed  patriotism  and  faith  in  the  sta- 
bility of  their  government  and   institutions,  and  when  fur- 
nished with  industry's  most  essential  tool,  an  abundant  and 
cheap  medium  of  exchange,  they  were  enabled  to  devt 
the  producing  forces  of  the  nation  to  their  utmost  ext* 
with  the  marvelous  results  above  given.     And  the  loiric  of 
the  whole  matter  is,  that  if  paper  money  will  perform  such 
marvels  in  time  of  war,  danger  and  uncertainty,  it  ean  be 
made  to  perform  the  same  or  greater  marvels  in  time  of 
peace,  when  no  uncertainty  need  attend  its  uaa 

When  the  several  acts  of  Parliament  were  pa^-ed  contin- 
uing Pitts'  "bank  restriction"  (continuing  the  suspension  of 
specie  payments),  one  clause  was  always  retained,  and  • 
was  that  the  bank  was  "to  resume  cash  payments"  within  a 
few  months  after  peace  should  be  established.     Doubloday, 
in  his  Financial,  Monetary  and  Statistical  History  «.f  I 
land,  says  that  "  it  has  been  asserted  that  Pitt  never  m 
this  clause  to  be  enforced,  at  least  as  far  a*  regard. -d  tho 
fundholders  (bondholders);  and  that  he  intimated   a*  much 
in  Parliament  on  one  occasion."     However,  it  \\:is  adhered 
to.     The    bullionists  immediately   began    to    clamor   for   a 
return  to  specie  payment*.     The  bank   of  Kngland,  u 
had  "bales  of  paper  money"  in  circulation,  was  obliged  to 
Contract  to  an  extent  that  would  enable  it  to  redeem  the 
remainder  in  coin.    This  began  to  occasion  distress  amongst 
the   merchants   and   manufacturers.      In    speaking   of    : 
period  Doubleday  says:  »*  During  former  revulsions,  sue: 
that  of  1810,  caused  by  the  decrees  of  Bonaparte  agu 


the  admission  of  British  goods,  the  hank  had  conn-  promptly 
forward  with  loans  and  discount*  to  relieve  the  pressure. 
Now, ho wever, the  directors  .scarcely  dared  to  move  an  inch. 
They  knew  that  the  political  economists  were  strong  in  the 
House,  and  that  they  were  bent  upon  c;ish  payments  at  all 
risks.  They  knew  that  the  Jews  of  Change  Alley  would 
secretly  abet  the  same  doctrine.  Against  a  combination  of 
usurers  and  theorists,  one  set  all  selfishness,  the  other  all 
crotchets,  there  was  m>  defen>e  l«>  be  ma/lc.  The  country 
gentlemen,  who  were  the  duj>es  of  the  economics.  ^ 
tO  believe  that  Cash  payments  wen;  necessary  for  both  the- 
interest  and  security  of  themselves.  Those  who  had  t. he- 
power  were  resolved,  and  nothing  was  left  to  the  hank  but 
to  narrow  its  issues,  and  look  about  for  gold  and  silver 
wherewith  to  meet  the  storm.  This  was  altogether  a  diffi- 
cult business.  In  the  year  1S10  alone  thirty-seven  coir 
banks  had  become  bankrupt.  The  commercial  world 
required  additional  propping.  But  the  government  ^tho 
bank)  was  in  the  same  dilemma;  and  t<»  it  the  merchant.-* 
were  sacrificed.  Between  February  and  April,  1810,  the- 
directors  lessened  their  discount  from  I'l-'^Ooi  1,000  to 
.€11,000,000;  and  before  February,  1817,  to  £8,000,000;  and 
before  August  of  tlie  same  year  to-  £7,000,000;  whilst  up  t» 
nearly  the  same  period  they  held  of  Kx.-hequcr  bill>,  .  .. 
£25,000,000.  *  *  This  reduction  of  the  bank  issuo,  and 
destruction  and  crippling  of  the  ••ountry  bank-,  had  another 
and  still  more  important  effect,  ina-mu<-h  as  b\  causing  the 
price  of  gold  to  fall  to  nearly  the  mint  j»ri«'f,  it  ciicour;1. 
the  political  cconomistn  t>»  JHV-S  forward,  and  at  last,  in 
1819,  to  pass  an  act,  the  most  important  in  iss  oonteqaei 
Mid  extraordinary  in  its  circumstances,  that  ever  was  decided 
upon  by  any  legislature,  in  any  ajv  or  coiintn .  The 

Currency  bill  of  (May)  18 in  v,  d  at  Uic  insUiuce  oi" 

RB8UMP1  I«.N  i     pA\  MI  »T8, 

A  Committee,  amongst  the  members  of    whom  were  included 
all  tin-  parliamentary  dabblers  in   political   economy  of  unv 
name  Or  talent,  and  of  whom   IVcl  was  chairman.      Hnrn»-rr 
the  chairman  of  the  bullion   committee  «.f    isi.i.  \\as  dead; 
but  in  his  htoad,  they  liad  Kicanh>,  a  rich  Jew   stock-jol>; 
who  having  made  an  immense  fortune  by  this  vsor-* 
of  gambling,  had  also  contrived   to  nhtain   a   reputation   l.s 

the  publication  of  some  bookfl  <»n  political  economy. 

Hacked  ]>y  the  authority  of  this  rich  and  arrogant  man,  the 
economists  obtained  on  this  occasion  an  almi»»-t  entire  »-om- 
rnand  of  the  House  of  Commons.  *  *  The  HOUM-  madc 
Ihe  plunge  "\vitli  one  accord.  There  Mas  hardly  the  sem- 
blance of  an  opposition.  Kicardo  had  the  enormous  folly 
id  tell  the  House  that  the  bill  was*  not  worthy  of  half  an 
hour  of  even  tlieir  consideration;"  and  assured  them  that  tlu- 
Whole  question  was  one  of  'throe  per  cent:'  this  being  the 
extent  of  the  fall  of  prices,  which  this  man  calculated  would 
take  place,  after  all  the  one  ami  two  pound  notes  in  the 
kingdom  were  burned,  and  the  remainder,  of  live  pound 
notes  and  upwards,  mat  le  -payable  on  demand  in  gohl. sover- 
eigns worth  £3,  17s.,  lOAd.  the  ounce/  In  short  there  was 
only  one  man  in  the  Commons  who  really  understood  and 
opposed  the  measure,  and  this  man  was  Mr.  Matthias  Att- 

wood,    *     *    and  Mr.  Attwood  was  prevailed  upon  to  quit 

the  House  that,  the  vote  might,  be  unanimous.  Tn  the  llou-.- 
of  Lords,  Lord  (irey  alone  ventured  t«»  di-^cnt  from  til-- 
measure; *  *  The  Houses,  however,  for  once  *  \\ere  all  in 
one  aeeord/  *  *  AH  a  bit  of  legislation,  this  e\  er-merao- 
ra-ble  act  is  remarkably  brief  and  to  the  point;  consisting 
only  of  thirteen  not  very  long  nor  wordy  claiiM->.  It  repeal*, 
in  the  first  place,  all  the  acts  for  restraining  the  bank  from 
paying  its  creditors,  which  bad  been  passed  from  1707  up 
to  that  time,  the  repeal  going  into  effect  'from  and  after  the 



lirst  day  of  May,  1823.'  This  was  a  repeal  of  all  bank  notes 
on  demand  for  sums  less  than  five  pounds.  It  then  provides 
for  a  gradual  return,  in  the  meantime,  by  the  bank  to  cash 
payments;  beginning  with  an  issue  of  gold  at  four  pounds 
one  shilling  the  ounce,  in  1820,  and  ending  with  the  stand- 
ard mint  price  of  £3,  17s.,  10£d." 

The  premium  on  gold  during  this  period  fluctuated  aa 

1814 30£  per  cent. 

1815 18}         " 

1826 2£  " 

1816,  Oct.  to  Dec.  r  " 

1817 2£  per  cent. 

1818 5         " 

1819 6£       " 

1820 par. 

Although  the  Currency  bill  passed  Parliament  unani- 
mously, it  did  not  fail  to  excite  great  alarm  and  opposition 
among  the  industrial  and  business  classes  of  the  kingdom. 
The  Directors  of  the  Bank  of  England  protested  against  its 
passage, declaring  that  <•  they  could  not  venture  to  advise 
sin  unrelenting  continuance  of  pecuniary  pressure  upon  the 
commercial  world,  the  consequences  of  which  it  was  impos- 
sible for  thorn  to  foresee  or  estimate-,"  or  countenance  a 
measure  in  which  '  tlu-  whole  community  was  so  deeply 
involved,  and  which  would  possibly  compromise  the-  univer- 
sal interests  ,,f  the  empire  in  all  the  relations  of  agriculture, 
manufactures,  commerce  and  revenue."  Tin;  hankers  and 
merchants  of  London  joined  in  a  petition  against  it,  in  which 
they  predict  CM!  the  most  disastrous  results. 

The  contraction  of  the  currency,  which  was  augmented 
by  the  passage  of  the  bill,  noon  produced  the  most  alarming 
rcMilis.  We  airain  quote  from  Alison's  History  of  Europe. 
He  says:  tkThe  effects  of  this  extraordinary  piece  of  le-_;i>l.i- 
tion  were  s<x,n  apparent.  The  industry  of  the  nation  wan 
speedily  congealed,  as  a  flowiug  stream  is  by  the  severity  of 
an  Arctic  winter.  The  alarm  became  as  universal 

Ml'IlMN     Of    x|'K<   IK     PAYMKNTs. 

spread  us  confidence  ami  activity  had  recently  been.  The 
«-ountry  hankers,  who  had  ad\anced  largely  on  tin-  slock> 
of  goods  imported,  refused  to  continue  their  support  to  their 
customers,  and  they  were  forced  to  bring  their  stocks  into 
the  market.  Prices  in  consequence  fell  rapidly;  that  of 
e«,:ton,  in  particular,  sank  in  three  months  to  half  its  former 
level.  The  country  banker-^  association  wax  contracted  l>y 
no  less  than  five  millions  sterling  ($24,000,000);  and  the 
entire  circulation  of  England  fell  from  $235,545,000*  in  1818 
to  $174,385,000  in  1820,  and  in  the  succeeding  year  it  sank 
as  low  as  $142,757,000.  *  *  The  effects  of  this  sud 
iind  prodigious  contraction  of  the  currency  were  soon  appa- 
rent, and  they  rendered  the  next  three  years  a  period  of 
ceaseless  distress  and  suffering  in  the  Uritish  Inlands.  The 
accommodation  granted  by  bankers  diminished  so  much  in 
consequence  of  the  obligation  laid  upon  them  to  pay  in 
^jM-cie,  which  was  not  to  be  got,  that  the  paper  under  dU- 
count  at  the  Bank  of  England,  which  in  1810  had  been 
$115,000,000,  and  in  1815  not  less  than  $103,000,000,  sank 
in  1820  to  $23,360,000,  and  in  1821  to  $13,610,000.  The 
effect  upon  prices  was  not  le>s  immediate  or  appall: 
They  declined  in  general,  within  six  months,  to  half  their 
former  amount,  and  remained  at  that  1<>\\  h-\rl  f.-r  the  next 
three  years.  Distress  was  universal  in  the  latter  months  of 
1819,  and  that  distrust  and  discouragement  were  felt  in  all 
branches  of  industry  which  are  at  once  the  forerunner  and 
cause  of  disaster."  From  Mr.  Douhlcday's  history  we  also 
quote  as  follows:  "We  have  already  seen  the  fall  in  price> 
produced  by  the  immense  narrowing  of  the  paper  circulation. 
The  distress,  ruin  and  bankruptcy  which  MOW  took  place 
were  universal,  affecting  the  great  interests  both  of  land 
and  trade;  but  especially  among  land  owners,  whoso  estates 
were  burthened  by  mortgages,  settlements,  lc-_racie-,  etc., 

•Amounts  are  given  in  dollars  instead  of  pound;. 


the  effects  were  most  marked  and  out  of  the  ordinary  oonr*<v 
In  handreda  of  cases,  from  the  tremendous  reduction  which 
now  took  place,  the  estates  barely  sold  for  as  much  as  would 
pay  off  the  mortgages;  and  hence  the  owners  were  stripped 
of  all  ami  made  beggars."  lie-lore  the  close  of  the  v 
1X10  the  di>ln-ss  became  insufferable,  (treat  meetii! . 
held  throughout  England  and  Scotland  dnrinir  the  summer. 
In  August  00,000  people,  men,  women  and  children,  assem- 
bled near  Manchester.  A  collision  occurred  between  the 
people  and  the  troops,  in  which  a  number  were  killed  and 
many  wounded.  This  created  intense  e.veitcnicnt,  and  the 
meetings  of  the  people  held  in  Liverpool,  York,  Leeds,  and 
various  other  cities,  were  attended  by  vast  multitudes  of 
Buffering  j>eoplc,  demanding  vengeance.  Serious  riots 
occurred,  which  were  only  <juell.d  by  military  force.  In 
1820  a  conspiracy  was  discovered,  which  had  for  its  object 
the  murder  of  all  the  King's  Ministers,  and  which  was  only 
frustrated  through  the  cowardice  of  one  of  the  eonspira'< 
who  betrayed  his  associates.  Military  training  went  on 
amongst  the  people,  and  th:  government  was  obliged  to 
provide  a  large  military  force  to  pr.  v  nt  an  outbreak.  "On 
Sunday  morning,  the  I'd  of  April,"  :ays  Aiison,  ua  treason- 
able proclamation  was  found  placarded  all  over  the  street* 
of  Glasgow,  Paisley,  Stirling,  and  the  neighboring  tol 
and  villages,  /,;  f /u:  name  »t'  a  ,  -'I  governn 

calling  on  the  people  to  tlesist   from    labor;  on    all    nianu 
turers  to  close   their   work>hop«:;   and   <>n   all   the   fr'n-ii'ls   ,.f 
their  country  to  come   forward   and   effect  a   revolution    },y 
force,  with  a  view  to  the  establishment  of  an  entire  equality 
of  civil  rights.      Strange  to  say,  this  proclamation,  D! 
and    proceeding    from    an    unknown    authority,   was    widely 
obeyed.    Work  immediately  ceased;   the  manufactories  AS 
closed, from  the  desertion  of  \\  orkmeit;  the  streets  were  filled 

nm  MPI  ION  »v  MM  en  tona 

with  anxious  crowds  eagerly  expecting  neu  s  from  tin-  south: 
the  sounds  of  industry  were  no  longer  heard,  :m<l  two  hun- 
dred thousand  persons  in  the  hnsirst  districts  of  the  country 
were  thrown  into  :i  state  of  compulsory  idleness  hy  the 
mandates  of  an  unseen  and  unknown  po\\«-r."  Ki\r  thou- 
sand troops  were  immediately  assembled  at  (llas-^ow,  and 

tho  immrgents  were  overawed     IScforc  the  end  of  ih. 

tin*  ^oviTiiinrnt  had  iiHMvaM-d  it^  \oluntfi-r  forrr  1-.  : 
iiu-n.  "  \Vit)u)iit  «l«>uht,"says  Alison,  "this  powerful  \olunti-rr 
forrr,  or^ani/cd  operially  in  flir  maniifarturin^  tli^ti'irt-, 
at  this  period,  and  the  derisive  demonstration  it  afforded 
of  moral  and  physical  strength  on  the  part  of  thti  govern- 
ment, was  tin-  chief  rau^e  through  which  (ireat  IJritain 
csrapi'd  an  aiariiiin^  (Convulsion." 

Thus  wore  the  masses  of  Great  Kritutn,  whose  valor  and 
Jahor  had  <-arried  the  nation  to  the  acme  of  iclory  and  pro— 
p<-rity,  ruthlessly  and  wantonly  sacriiiced  «»n  tin-  altar 
railed  k* honest  money,"  only  to  further  enrich  the  nio:M-\«-d 
chiss  of  the  kingdom.  l>nt  after  all  forced  specie  resump- 
tion proved  a  failure.  Parliament  was  ohli-^yd  to  retrace  its 
Kfeps.  In  ls-J2  an  act  was  p.-ixsi-d  auf Iioi-i/.inic  the  issue  of 
one  and  two  pound  notes  for  a  period  of  ten  \ears  longer, 
and  the  one  pound  notes  if  ere  ///>"/,•  ,t  /> :/";  -very 

where   except  at  the  bank  of   Kngland.     ^This  a. •«." 
Alison,  "coupled    with   the  grant  of  £4,000,()n»k   K\rlie<jiu-r 
l>ills,  which  the  government  was  authori/.ed   to  issue  in  :n,I 
<»f  the  agricultural  interest,  had  a  surprising  elTe.-t  in  rest^.r 
ing    confi<lonce    and    raising    prices;    and    by    doing 
repealed,  so  long  as  it  continued,  the  nn^t   injurious  parts-  of 
the  act  of  1819."     I>ut  (he  ruin,  suffering  :md  misery   \\hich 
had  attended  the  attempt  to  Wee  ipeCM  payments  could  not. 
be  undone,  nor  could  the  broken  fortunes  be  restored.     By 
a  return  to  specie  payments  finally,  the  Npocie  IKLS'IS  banking 


>!•}•;<  11-;   I-AVMKM-. 

and  credit  system,  the  whole  tendency  of  which  is  to  con- 
centrate wealth  in  the  hands  of  the  few,  was  re-established ; 
and  the  industrial  classes,  especially  the  agricultural  class, 
"have  never  since  been  able  to  recover  from  the  blow  then 

"Princes  and  lords  may  flourish,  or  may  fade, — 
A  breath  can  make  them,  as  a  breath  has  made: 
Hut  a  bold  peasantry,  their  country's  pride, 
When  once  destroyed,  can  never  be  supplied." 

In  1822  the  land  owners  of  England  numbered  165,000. 
According  to  the  census  of  1861  the  number  was  about 
30,000,  and  one-half  of  the  whole  kingdom  is  now  owned 
by  not  more  than  twelve  persons. 

From  this  mere  outline  of  the  disastrous  events  which 
attended  specie  resumption  in  Great  Britain,  revolutionizing 
the  whole  structure  of  British  society,  and  shaking  to  the 
center  the  foundations  of  the  government  itself,  some  ide:< 
may  be  formed  of  what  the  American  people  will  be  obliged 
to  suffer  during  the  next  few  years,  (ireat  Britain  then 
Sfled  many  advantages  which  arc  not  possess, -d  by  the 
United  States  at  the  present,  time.  Her  industries  wen-  i-; 
full  operation;  the  balance  of  trade  was  largely  in  her  favor; 
she  had  a  lar^e  Mipplv  of  specie  to  begin  with;  the  premium 
on  gold  was  only  about  live  per  cent.;  and,  as  the  country 
was  limited  in  extent  and  densely  populated,  money  circula- 
te*! ^ith  great  rapidity.  On  the  other  hand,  the  industries 
of  the  Tnited  States  :)re  already  prostrate;  the  balance  of 
trade  is  against  the  country;  the  specie  in  the  country  \* 
Inconsiderable  in  amount;  the  premium  on  gold  is  over 
twice  as  high  as  :  was  in  Knghmd;  and  the  immense  extent 
•«i'  the  country  precludes  :my  possibility  of  money  circulating 
with  rapidity.  In  addition  to  this,  British  thought  and 
liabit  had  been  educated  under  the  «.pcci«-  basis  :m,l  credit 

union  01  v,., ,  n.  i-v,  M, 

•  in   of   money;   whilst,  in    the    1'nited    States,  BXporioncC 

baa  fully  demonstrated  that  the  •ysteni  is  inc,,iiMstent  \\ith 

the  genius  of  American  institutions  and  repugnant  to  . \mer- 
ican  habits  and  idea-. 

There  is  e\ery  reason,  therefore,  to  helic\r  that  tin-  di-:i-- 
ter  and  distress  which  will  attend  an  attempt  to  fOTOC  Bp 
payments  in  the  1'nited  States  will  exceed  in  intensity  that 
which  marked  the  experience  of  lin-at  IJrit.-iin  an  hundred 
fold.  The  contraction  which  took  place  just  after  tin- 
was  earned  on  wholly  by  the  government  The  evil  DOOM- 
C|uences  of  this  contraction  were  partially  averted  l>y  the 
emission  of  over  $350,000,000  of  bank  currency.  Hut  n«>\\ 
a  different  kind  of  contraction  is  going  on.  The  National 
Banking  System  has  already  enabled  the  banks  to  ac.juin- 
possession  of  over  two-thirds  of  the  greenback  circulation, 
and  it  is  a  question  of  but  a  short  time  until  they  will  hold 
almost  the  entire  amount.  Their  own  notes  are  em-umbered 
with  interest,  and  are  not  subject  to  the  natural  laws  of 
trade,  but  to  the  will  of  the  banks.  It  will  take  but  a  shoi  t 
time,  therefore,  to  call  them  all  in.  The  organ*  of  tin-  banks 
arc  constantly  repeating  the  statement  that  there  is  plenty 
of  money  in  the  banks,  and  that  any  one  can  get  it  who  has 
anything  to  get  it  with,  and  the  statement  is  echoed  and 
re-echoed  by  all  the  demagogies  and  weak  minded  tools  of 
the  money  power  in  the  country.  Properly  consider,  d,  we 
submit  that  this  fact  alone  confirms  all  the  objections  which 
we  have  urged  against  the  system  of  bank-*  of  i-xue.  Why 
is  money  plenty  in  the  banks,  and  why  is  it  not  occupying 
the  channels  of  trade  and  honestly  performing  the  functions 
for  which  money  is  designed?  For  the  simple  reason  that 
a  medium  of  exchange  consisting,  even  in  part,  of  bank 
currency  will  not  obey  the  natural  laws  of  trade,  because  it 
is  burdened  with  interest  which  robs  the  industry  of  the 


nation  of  more  than  its  average  j>rotit.  In  ordinary  time*, 
after  industry  had  boon  drivon  to  the  wall  ami  a  commercial 
crash  had  brought  about  an  adjustment,  the  banks  begun  to 
expand  their  circulation,  and  the  banks  and  the  people  would 
enter  upon  another  era  of  inflation,  only  to  end  in  the  same 
manner.  IJut  now  the  spoeie  resumption  act  not  only  pre- 
vents any  such  expansion,  but  compels  both  the  banks  and 
the  people  to  contract  in  every  way  possible  to  prepare  for 
the  impending  crash.  True  enough,  money  is  plenty  in  the 
hunks,  and  it  will  grow  plentier  there  before  the  nation  is  n 
year  older.  In  fact  the  contraction  of  the  banks  has  scarcely 
more  than  begun.  lint  as  failures  multiply,  as  they  are  now 
doing  with  startling  rapidity,  loans  and  discounts  will  grow 
l«-s*  eorninon,  until  finally  the  country  is  entirely  deprived 
of  ti  circulating  medium.  This  can  end  only  in  the  complete 
destruction  of  all  values.  It  will  be  as  difficult  to  pay 
small  debt  as  a  largo  one,  for  money  will  be  everything  and 
property  nothing.  Taxes  cannot  be  paid,  for  there  will  be 
no  money  to  pay  them  with.  Not  only  will  individual 
bankruptcy  be  general,  but  the  decline  in  the  public  reve- 
nues, which  must  follow,  will  render  it  impossible  for  the 
Federal  or  State  Governments  to  meet  their  obligation*. 
This  is  the  only  kind  of  repudiation  that  need  ever  be  feared 
in  America.  The  people  are  being  rapidly  deprived  by  the 
policy  of  the  money  power,  not  only  of  the  ability  to  sustain 
the  government,  but  of  the  ability  to  provide  for  themselves 
and  families.  That  a  nation  pos*e*sing  the  \\onderful 
advantage*  and  the  skill  and  enemy  poxxt^xrd  b\  the  Amer- 

ic.-ui  people  should  bo  brought  to  even  its  present  di<t 

condition  in  the  pur>nit  of  a  phantom,  is  simply  monstrous. 
And  when  the  crisis  is  reached,  what  will  have  been  attained? 
'•Honest  money?''  No.  Nothing  but  a  circulating  medium 
Consisting  of  bank  currency,  <.nly  nominally  redeemable  in 

l-'     s|M..    IK     ]•  \  V  Ml 
•co'lll.        A88UIIlilIg   1 1  Kit    the  Lr<>N  ''I'll  I  IK '1 1 t   Will   be  able  t«.   .  i -i  1 1  -i  -I  II 

the  greenback  circulation  •'•nd  that  tin-  amount  is  paid  to  the 
hanks,  itis  n.>t  difficult  to  foretell  tin-  result.  The  hankn 
will  i-sue  bank  currency,  redeemable  in  coin.  \Vlu-iir\- 

dernand  for  specie  arises,  American  securities  \\\\\ 
be  thrown  upon  the  market,  :uul  tin-  iT"l<i  in  th«-  country  will 
<li>:i|i]ic:ir  in  a  «I:iy.  The  )>anks  will  IK-  (»}>liLT«'»l  to  K  I>|M-IH| 
vj.ri-ii'  jKiyiniMits,  precisely  as  the  ol<l  State  banks  of  i 
were  obliged  t<>  do.  time  an«l  ri^riin.  nmler  similar  ciivuni- 
>t:mcc>.  I'nih-r  th«-  oNl  State  banking  sytiMii  the  people 
-were  compelled  to  use  bank  currency  even  whe'i  they  knew 
if  was  a  fraud  and  a  lie,  because  they  had  nothinu;  else  to 
use.  l>uf  under  the  National  Hanking  arrangement  the 
notes  of  the  banks  will  be  taken  without  hesitation,  not 
because  they  are  convertible  into  coin,  but  beeause  they  are 
guaranteed  by  the  rV.h-ral  Government— bused  upon  the 

faith  ami  wealth  of  the  nation.  In  the  end,  therefor. •.  s,,  far 
^is  specie  circulation  is  concerned  it  will  prove,  a^  in  the 
•  lays  before  the  war,  a  fraud  and  a  delusion.  The  National 
Hanks,  however,  will  have  accomplished  their  end.  They 
Will  have  obtained  absolute  control  o\cr  the  monetary  ami 
political  affairs  of  the  nation.  The  whole  affair  is  in 
but  a  irrand  scheme  to  accomplish  that  purpose,  and  it  is 
marvelous  that  intelligent  people  can  be  dreie\ed  in  bcliev- 
tng  Otherwise.  In  ITlll.  when  Hamilton  «oiiLrht  to  establish 

his  funding  and  banking  scheme,  the  «rrcat  I'itt  said:  "L.  t. 

tlie  Americans  adopt  their  fundini;  system  and  Lr<»  into  their 
banking  institutions,  and  their  imlcpendene.  \\ill  be  a  mere 
phantom."  What  Hamilton,  With  all  his  genius  and  .. 
ability  and  influence  was  unable  to  accomplish  in  the 
Infancy  of  the  republic,  a  pack  <»f  venal  dema^OLTues  ha\e 
well  niijjh  accomplished  nearly  a  century  later.  People  are 
wont  to  say,  and  apparently  seem  to  think  that  it  is  au 


evidence  of  their  good  sense,  "  tliat  they  don't  know  nor  care 
anything  about  this  financial  question."  It  is  high  time  that 
everybody  should  seek  to  understand  this  question,  because 
until  the  National  J>.-inks  are  destroyed  and  a  system  of 
money  is  founded  upon  sound  principles,  there  can  be  no 
enduring  prosperity  in  the  country,  and  the  "independence 
of  the  people  will  be  a  mere  phantom."  The  demoralization 
which  is  now  going  on  throughout  the  country  in  conse- 
quence of  the  enforced  idleness  and  poverty  of  millions  of 
people,  is  a  matter  of  serious  import,  and  one  which  should 
awaken  to  a  sense  of  duty  and  action  every  Christian  man 
and  woman  in  the  land,  and  especially  ministers  of  the 
Gospel,  who  profess  to  follow  Him  whose  tenderest  care  was- 
ever  manifested  for  the  weak,  the  lowly  and  the  oppr 

There  is  another  fact  which  may  convey  a  warning  t«> 
those  who  are  lending  themselves  to  the  ignoble  rause  nf 
enriching  the  money  power  at  the  expense  of  ruin,  poverty 
and  distress  to  the  masses.  When  the  American  people  are 
driven  to  the  extremity  that  the  English  and  Scotch  people- 
were,  by  an  attempt  to  force  resumption,  and  gather  in  vast 
multitudes,  as  the  English  did  at  Peterloo  and  the  Scotch  at 
Glasgow,  to  demand  redress,  matters  will  assume  a  very 
different  shape  in  tho  United  States  from  what  they  did  in 
Great  Britain.  It  is  true  that  an  organ  of  a  notorious  Waif 
street  operator,  the  New  York  Tribune,  has  intimated  that 
any  such  demonstrations  would  promptly  be  met  with  "shot 
and  slaughter;'*  but  in  the  United  States  that  is  more  CHM!;, 
Kuid  than  done.  The  day  has  not  yet  arrived  when  Ameri- 
cans can  be  intimidated  by  such  threats.  As  yet  they  "their 
duties  know,  but  know  their  RK;IITS,  and  knowing  dare 
maintain  them."  AVhile  the  American  people  undoubtedly 
possess  too  much  patriotism  and  intelligence  to  jeopardi/** 
the  stability  of  their  institutions,  they  nevertheless  may 
f.«,s^il)ly  forget,  in  the  hour  of  their  distress,  that* the  Lord 
hath  said,  "vengeance  is  mine."  In  that  day  the  Sherman* 
and  McCulloclis  had  better  never  have  been  born. 



IT  is  a  common  error,  inculcated  by  the  bullionists,  to 
suppose  that  metallic  coins  alone  are  money,  and  that  money 
is  the  same  thing  in  all  parts  of  the  world.  Nothing  could 
be  further  from  the  truth.  Population,  commerce  and  trade 
have  long  since  outgrown  the  world's  supply  of  the  precious 
metals.  Every  nation  builds  up  a  monetary  system  of  its 
own,  and  no  two  systems  are  or  can  be  alike.  The  monetary 
system  of  a  nation  is  an  outgrowth  of  its  civilization,  pre- 
cisely as  are  its  manners,  its  customs,  its  language  and  its 
government.  For  example,  Great  Britain  and  France  both 
use  metallic  coins  and  paper  money,  and  yet  the  monetary 
systems  of  the  two  nations  differ  in  almost  every  particular. 
Several  centuries  ago  the  increase  in  population,  trade  and 
manufactures  and  the  limited  supply  of  gold  and  silver  ren- 
dered it  impossible  for  the  people  of  Great  Britain  to  secure 
a  sufficient  amount  of  coin  to  form  an  adequate  medium 
of  exchange.  The  true  nature  and  functions  of  money  were 
but  imperfectly  understood,  and  no  effort  was  made,  on  the 
part  of  the  government  of  that  kingdom,  to  remedy  the  diili. 
culty  under  which  the  people  labored  in  effecting  their 
exchanges.  The  people  were  obliged  to  do  the  best  they 
could.  Exchanges  of  property  and  commodities  thus  came 
to  be  effected  to  a  great  extent  by  means  of  promissory 
notes,  book  accounts,  and  other  de\  ices  of  the  credit  system. 
In  the  course  of  time  the  Bank  of  England  was  established. 
Soon  after  it  was  established  its  managers  conceived  the 


idea  of  issuing  bank  notes,  to  be  exchanged  for  the  notes  of 
individuals.  Merchants  and  others  gladly  availed  them- 
selves of  an  opportunity  to  substitute  the  notes  of  a  respon- 
sible and  widely  known  institution  for  the  notes  of  individ- 
uals, which  could  only  circulate  in  a  limited  sphere.  Bank 
notes  were  found  to  be  capable  of  greatly  facilitating  the 
operations  of  trade,  and  became  the  chief  medium  of 
exchange  of  the  nation.  Bank  notes,  it  will  be  perceived, 
are  purely  an  offshoot  or  development  of  the  credit  system, 
invented  to  remedy  the  want  of  an  adequate  medium  of 
exchange.  In  this  manner  a  monetary  system  of  a  peculiar 
character  has  been  developed  in  Great  Britain,  which  has 
exercised  a  powerful  influence  upon  the  destinies  of  the 
people  of  that  kingdom  and  also  upon  the  rest  of  the  world. 
The  monetary  system  thus  developed  in  Great  Britain, 
although  based  on  specie,  is  made  up  almost  wholly  of 
credit.  The  statement  of  Sir  John  Lubbock,  given  on  page 
4S,  shows  that  of  £19,000,000,  paid  into  his  bank  in  a  iV\v 
days,  only  one-half  of  one  per  cent.  <-onsi>tcd  of  coin. 
Every  dollar  in  coin  in  Great  Britain  thus  becomes  the  basis 
of  an  immense  superstructure  of  credit.  Gold  coins  are  the 
legal  tender  money  of  the  country,  silver  being  a  tender 
only  for  small  stim>.  As  the  exchanges  of  the  country 
are  carried  on  with  a  medium  of  exchange  only  a  small  pcr- 

ge  of  which  is  coin,  whenever  a  stringency  occurs,  or 
a  want  of  confidence  prevails,  which  inevitably  happens  :i> 
soon  as  the  credit  of  the  nation  becomes  fully  inflated, 
everybody  seeks  to  obtain  PUSM-MOII  of  this  small  per- 
centage of  the  circulating  medium,  which  alone  is  a  tender 
in  payment  of  debts.  Coin  consequently  ri>es  in  value  and 
is  no  longer  a  proper  measure  <»f  other  values.  In  this 

•t  at  least  its  functions  as  money  are  totally  perverted. 
Money  thus  instituted  is  given  a  tremendou^  power  over 

Sol  Mi    l'KIN<   !]•:  307 

property  and  labor,  and  tin-  whole  tendency  of  the  system  is 

lo  make  the  rich  richer  and  tin.?  \»»>r  \ vr.     The  s 

however,  is  in  accord  with  the  views  held  by  the  ari-t 
or  governing  class  of  Britain,  and  finds  its  champions 
in  a  school  of  political  economists,  who  profits  to  believe, 
and  strive  to  inculcate,  the  doctrine  that  it  is  natural  and 
proper  that  poverty  and  want  and  disease  and  misery  should 
be  next  door  neighbors  of  wealth  and  unbounded  prosperity. 
It  is  due  chiefly  to  this  system  of  money  that  su< -h 
extremes  of  wealth  and  poverty  are  to  be  found  in  < 

France,  like  Great  Britain,  uses  both   coin   and 
monc},  but  money  in  France  is  instituted   upon   entirely 
different  principles.     The  policy  of  the  I-Yem-h  (iovemmeiit 
is  to  render  money  abundant  and  cheap,  in  order  that  the 
exchanges  of  the  nation  may  be  effected  with  the  lea-- 
possible,  and  that  the  productlvo  ability  of  the  people  may 
be  developed  to  the  utmost  extent.     The  men  who  moulded 
the  French  system  were  wise  enough  to  know  that  labor  is 
the  true  source  of  wealth,  and  that  the  surot  way  to  render 
the   government   powerful   was  to  enable  the   ma- 
become  prosperous.     This  was  not  accomplished  without  a 
great   struggle.     Colwell,  in  his  work  on  The  "\Va\ 
Means  of  Payment,  says:  "The  system  of  public  tina 
France,  once  so  cumbrous  and  awkward,  so  e\j>cii-:-. 
otherwise  disadvantageous  to  the  nation,  has,  during  t: 
half  century,*  under  the  able  direction  of  Count  M 
the  Marquis  ITAudriiTet  and  other  eminent  men,  und< 
such  radical  changes  as;  have  completely  modified  both  its 
principles  and  its  mode  of  operation.     Thc-e  reform!  were 
resisted,  in  every  d    with   every  weapon,  by   the 

parties   (the   money  power)   interested    in   mamtainin 

*Tliis  was  written  prior  to  1860. 


abuses.  The  persevering  efforts  of  honest  and  intelligent 
men  for  thirty  or  forty  years  overcame  all  opposition,  ami 
France  now  enjoys  a  financial  system,  in  not  a  few  respects, 
superior  to  any  other  nation."  The  people  of  France  have 
the  cash  system  and  pay  as  they  go.  The  circulation  of  the 
country  consists  of  about  $1,200,000,000  in  specie  and  about 
$5500,000,000  of  irredeemable  legal  tender  paper  money, 
issued  by  the  Bank  of  France.  The  London  Standard  of 
April  14,  1876,  in  commenting  on  the  remarkable  condition 
of  the  French  finances,  says: 

"The  Bank  of  France  at  the  present  time  occupies  in  the 
financial  world  a  position  more  remarkable  than  has  ever 
been  held  by  such  an  establishment!  Its  notes  enjoy  a 
forced  currency  and  are  a  legal  tender  in  all  l>uMnc>s  trans- 
actions, yet  those  notes  suffer  no  depreciation.  They  pa.v* 
from  hand  to  hand  for  precisely  the  same  value  as  gold.  A 
sufficient  explanation  of  this  fact  may,  perhaps,  be  found  by 
some  persons  in  the  circumstance  that  the  bank  has  accumu- 
lated in  its  coffers  at  this  moment  the  greatest  quantity  of 
the  precious  metals  that  has  ever  yet  been  possessed  by  a 
single  establishment.  That,  however,  does  not  really  account 
for  the  undiminished  credit  of  the  bank.  For  even  in  the 
agony  of  the  last  war,  when  the  veteran  armies  of  the  empire 
were  prisoners  in  Germany,  when  Paris  was  closely  in\  • 
and  one-third  of  the  departments  were  occupied  by  the 
invader,  the  bank's  notes  were  at  no  greater  discount  than 
two  or  three  per  cent.,  and  almost  immediately  ro-e  to  par. 
It  is,  then,  the  admirable  management  of  the  bank,  not  the 
satisfactory  nature  of  its  reserve,  which  gives  to  it  the  confi- 
dence it  commands.  It  adds  to  the  peculiarity  of  the  POM- 
tion  that,  although  tho  bank  p».vM  x.,  >  u  stock  of  gold  and 
silver  out  of  all  proportion  greater  than  is  held  by  any  other 
bank  in  the  world,  it  does  nut  propose  immediately  to 

UPON    BO1    M'     1'IMN.   [PI 

resume  specie   payments      And   what   i*  more  remarkable 
still,  nobody  demands  thai  it  shall  do  - 

A  further  examination  of  the  monetary  s\-tem«  <»t 

nations  would  diselo-e  >imilar  peculiarities  and   dinVn-nces 
in  some  gold  is  the  only  tender,  in  others   >il\cr, 
others   gold,  silver  and   paper.     In    Au*tria,    for   example, 
silver  pieecs  of  the  denomination  of  one  and  one  and  a  hah' 
florins  are  a  legal   tender   to  any    amount.     <i«»ld    i- 
coined  into  pieces  of  the  denomination  of   four  and  ei-^lit 
florins  (about  %L}  and  $4),  but  as  gold   is   not   :i   tender,  r 
is   regarded    as    merchandise    and    fluctuate*   in    value   like 
other  merchandise.     The   Austrian  *y>tem  i*  modeled  after 
the  British  system,  silver  forming  the  ha*i*  instead  of  ^ol-l, 
and  it  lias  proved  there  as  elsewhere  a   peri»  M»U: 

From  these  facts  it  is  manifest  that  a  people  >h<>uld  b»» 
far  more  concerned  about  the  manner  in  which  their  mone- 
tary system  is  instituted  than  ain.ut  the  material  of  which 
their  money  is  made.  The  chief  function  of  money  is  to 
exchange  property  and  commodities,  and  it  should  l»e  in^ti- 
tuted  in  such  a  manner  as  to  enable  this  to  lie  -lone  econom- 
ically and  equitably,  so  that  all  rla**e<  may  be  duly  ivu 
in  the  distribution  of  the  products  of  labor,  according  to 
their  deserts. 

People  strive   to  accumulate   wealth,  ami    wealth,  in  it* 
ordinary  signification,  consists  of  property  and   mone\ .      A^ 
money,  by  virtue  of  its  legal  properties  U  :m  equivalent   for 
all  kinds  of  property,  its   pos>e»'nm    i-   eagerly  sought,  and 
hence  it  seems  that  people  are  seeking  solely  for  n 
which  is  not  the  fact.     Money  N  -imply  the  mean*  to  attain 
the   end,  which    is   dominion   o\er   property.       K<:il    value 
belongs  only  to  property  or  product*,  and  money  is  the 
medium  by  which  it  is  represented,  mea*ured  and  exchanged, 


and  hence  money,  properly  considered,  is  simply  a  tool  of 

As  has  already  been  explained,  the  population,  commerce 
and  trade  of  the  world  lias  long  since  outgrown  the  supply 
of  the  precious  metals  available  for  the  purposes  of  a  medi- 
um of  exchange.  Other  forms  of  money  are  in  use  in  all 
civilized  nations.  The  larger  operations  of  trade,  both  for- 
eign and  domestic,  are  carried  on  almost  wholly  by  means 
of  paper  devices  or  substitutes  for  money,  which  represent 
and  are  based  on  the  value  of  the  commodities  exchanged. 
Bills  of  exchange  constitute  the  real  "money  of  the  world." 
The  trade  between  different  sections  of  the  country,  like  the 
foreign  trade,  is  carried  on  almost  entirely  by  means  of  bills 
of  exchange,  checks,  drafts,  etc.,  and  no  one  will  say  that  it  is 
not  more  economically  and  safely  done  than  if  it  was  carried 
on  by  means  of  gold  and  silver.  The  volume  and  amount 
of  the  bills  of  exchange,  etc.,  used  are  limited  only  by  the 
exchanges  to  be  made.  If  any  one  were  to  suggest  that  bills 
of  exchange,  drafts,  etc.,  whether  foreign  or  dcmicstic,  should 
be  limited  in  volume  and  amount  by  law,  he  would  probably 
be  denounced  as  a  fool,  and  yet  it  is  just  as  absurd  and  fin- 
more  unjust,  to  limit  the  volume  and  amount  of  the  legal 
tender  money  to  an  amount  manifestly  inadequate  t«>  effect 
the  exchanges  of  the  nation. 

Money,  by  reason  of  its  legal  properties,  under  any  cir- 
cumstances, has  sufficient  power  over  property  to  enable  it 
to  perform  all  the  osential  functions  of  money,  namely,  to 
exchange  and  accumulate  value;  but  to  limit  it  in  amount, 
as  by  selecting  ;i  rare  and  expensive  material  like  gold,  or 
by  arbitrarily  declaring  by  law,  as  in  the  ca-c  of  legal 
der  Treasury  Dotes,  that  it  shall  not  exceed  a  certain  sum, 
without  regard  to  population,  extent  of  country,  or  exchanges 
to  be  effected,  is  to  invest  money  with  an  extraordinary 

UPON  soi  MI  PIMM  M- 

|K>wer  over  property,  labor  and  trade,  -und  in  princi- 

ple as  it  li;iv  proM-d  niinoii.v  in  pra< •• 


The  issue  presented  lo  tlu-  American   people,  tii.-u,  in   t|K. 
present  crisix,  i>  not   between   specie  ami    paper'-y,  Imt 

BOH  tWO   systems  of  money,  both    in\ol\ 
pajii-r  i-ui-iTiic-y.     Xo  IIKUV  in»|Mirtant  ijm^t'nm  c«.'i!,i  •.. 
arise,  for   upon    its   |»nipi-r   solution   dt-j.i-n.N  .y   the 

present  prosperity  of  the  nation,  i»ut  tin-  wrlta:  •  «.t'  the 

plb  for  i;vmTation>  t«»  conn-.     "  .Muiu-tary   lau  -,"  sayi    K<  . 
ure  ^le  luost  important  that  arc  fiiai-tc-.l,  for  by  these 
s  money  is  made  the   temler  for  <lehts  an-1   tin-   nifliuin 
of  exchange  for  products.     All  indivi-luaU  arc  <•  .inpcllcd  to 
found  their  contracts  for  the  necessaries  oi'  liu-  upon  the 
standard  lixed  by  law.     However  good  the  intention  of  tin- 
panics,  their  contracts  will  partake  of  the  evil  of  the  mone- 
tary laws  upon  which  they  are  founded,  and  every   la\v   that 
goes  to  support  the  fulfillment  of  the  contract*  will  partake 
of  the  same  evil.     *     *     The  laws  make  money  tin-  founda- 
tion for  all  business  contract*.     The  value  of  thi>  fotin 
is  unjust  and  continually  varying,  so  that  parties  in  fulfilling 
their  contracts  are  compelled  to  give  either  more  Of  ten 
than  a  just  equivalent  for  their  pur. 
all  'contracts  are  as  varying  and   unjust  as  their  foun-! 
The  continual  fluctuation^  in   the  value  of  money  m 
sort  of  gambling  system  of  all  trade.' 

Tlu1  distinguishing  feature-  of  the  t\\o  i 
The  Specie  JJaMs  or  Hank  Currency  Sy>Um  and   The    i 

Tender  Paper  Money  System,  which  are  now  p. 

the  American  people  for  th-ir  adoptioi, 

been    duly    explained    in    l!ie    fore-join:  If     only 

remains  now   to   bring  them    t<  t    the 


advantages  and  disadvantages  of  each  may  be  fully  dis- 


The  specie  basis  or  bank  currency  system  originated  with 
the  Bank  of  England;*  it  was  introduced  into  the  United 
Stales  about  the  time  of  the  Revolution,  and  has  exercised 
a  powerful  influence  upon  the  business  and  social  relations 
of  the  people  of  the  United  Stales  since  that  time. 

The  fact  that  bank>  of  issue  have  existed  in  the  United 
States  for  over  three-quarters  of  a  century  has  led  many  to 
suppose  that  issuing  and  lending  bank  notes  constitute  the 
chief  business  of  banks.  Issuing  or  lending  bank  not 
the  contrary,  is  a  mere  incident  of  the  business  of  hanking. 
The  great  function  of  banking  is  the  adjustment  of  pay- 
ments, growing  out  of  the  exchange  of  property  and  com- 
modities, by  means  of  devices  of  the  credit  system,  such  as 
bills  of  exchange,  etc.  Banking,  as  we  have  explained.*  is 
an  agency  of  trade,  second  in  importance  only  to  money 
itself.  For  many  purposes  of  trade  the  means  of  payment 
afforded  by  hanks  are  preferable  to  the  use  of  cash,  a<  where 
they  obviate  the  nece»ity  of  transferring  or  ret  ran>f  erring 
money  between  individuals,  localities  and  nations  having 
mutual  dealings.  The  great  error  of  the  specie  basil 
bank  currency  system  of  bunking  consist*  in  thi>,  that  the 
banks,  not.  satisfied  with  furnishing  the  mean*  of  payment 
best  adapted  for  carrying  on  the  larger  operations  of  trad-', 
seek  to  compel  the  public  to  use  the  same  means  of  payment 
(device*  of  the  credit  system)  in  all  the  operation^,  of  trade, 
although  for  many  purposes  ca>h  is  preferable  to  credit. 
Xo  dividing  line  can  }>c  established  between  the  n*r  of  casi, 
and  credit,  and  it  is  manifestly  but  the  part  of  wisdom  to 
have  money  -<>  instituted  that  commerce  and  trade  can  avail 

•See  page  v.t.      tSee  page  76. 

N    BOOTH)   ri:i\.  IPLE8,  313 

themselves  of  either  cash  or  credit   in  such   proportioi:- 
Jiiay  IK-    most    advantageous.      If   tin-    circulation    UQUfif( 
bank  currency  this  cannot  bo  done,  because    bunk   <  in  ivnr\ 
is  credit  and  not  cash.     "The  l):mks  of  tin*  I'm'ted  St.v 
Bays  Col  well,  one  of  the  mod  oonscientioai  a-  \\«! 

found  writers  upon  the  subject  of  moncx,  "are,  properly 
hpeakinir,  dealers  in  credit.  So  far  as  their  capital  i-  i 
up  in  LC'>ld  or  silver,  it  is  reserved  as  a  security  l'.»r  their 
circulation.  It  is  a  rare  thing  that  a  hank  lends  i^-ld  ni 
silver.  Their  business  consists  mainly  in  pun-ha*iiiur  <-"in- 
inercial  paper — that  is,  the  eviilences  of  debt  taken  by  m< -;i 
of  business  in  the  ordinary  course  of  their  affairs;  in  pa;, 
for  that  paper  with  bank  notes,  or  with  credits  granted  upnii 
their  books;  in  receiving  upon  deposit  their  own  n«.te-  and 
claims  or  transfers  upon  other  banks;  in  allowing  a  n  mutant 
transfer  of  deposits,  in  the  way  of  payment,  amon^  their 
customers  and  those  with  whom  they  deal.  The  banks, 
then,  are  not  lenders  of  money,  though  compelled  to  pay 
their  obligations  in  money.  They  are  founded  on  the  idea. 
tliat  an  av-ociation  of  men,  with  a  paid  up  capital,  and  a 
corporate  existence-,  is  entitled  to  a  higher  credit  than  indi 
viduals,  and  that  the  latter  mi-lit  tind  it  ^really  for  their 
advantage  tO  avail  themselves  in  their  bu-inexs  transacti'>n» 
of  this  superior  credit/'  It  is  undoubtedly  highly  advanta- 
geous to  individuals  to  be  enabled  to  avail  theniM-lvi-s  of 
this  superior  credit  in  many  of  the  operations  of  trade,  but 
it  is  equally  important  that  they  should  be  enabled  also  t«> 
avail  themselves  of  the  use  of  cash  in  other  operations. 
Under  the  hank  currency  system  cash  does  not  circulate 
the  channels  of  trade,  hut  bank  notes  and  these  are  contin- 
ually beinu:  returned  to  the  hanks  in  payment  of  debts. 

The  following  extracts  from  The   Wayt  and   M.-ans  of 
Payment,  to  which  we  are  already  so  much  indebted,  will 


convey  11  clearer  idea  of  the  leading  principles,  which 
underlie  the  specie  basis  system,  than  we  could  otherwise 
hope  to  give.  It  should  be  remembered  that  Mr.  CohvelPs 
work  was  written  prior  to  1860: 

"We  have  seen,"  says  Col  well,  "that  the  credit  system 
rests  upon  the  fact,  that  the  business  of  purchasing  ami 
selling  commodities  is  separated  from  the  business  of  pay- 
ments; and  upon  the  further  fact,  that  the  commodities 
which  men  sell  are  made  to  pay  for  those  they  purchase. 
So  far  as  credits  and  payments  are  concerned  it  is  the  main 
object  of  every  man  to  apply  his  credits  to  pay  his  debts;  to 
employ  what  is  due  to  him  by  others  in  discharging  that 
which  he  owes  to  others.  The  main  agency  in  this  is  the 
banks.  It  is  well  known  that  all  the  large  transactions  of 
business  are  made  upon  the  credit  of  the  parties  concerned 
in  them;  that  the  great  staples  of  the  country,  as  well  as 
foreign  goods  in  large  quantities,  are  bought  and  sold  upon 
individual  credit.  The  market  value  involved  in  cvcry 
transaction  is  expressed  in  money  of  account,  and  appears 
on  the  face  of  the  bills  of  exchange  and  promissory  notes 
which  the  purchaser  gives,  and  the  seller  tikes,  as  evidence 
of  the  debt  incurred  and  credit  given  in  each  case.  Tl. 
evidences  of  debt  and  credit,  which  represent,  in  various 
shapes,  the  market  value  of  the  commodities,  foreign  and 
and  domestic,  as  they  move  in  the  channels  of  trade  are  the 
very  articles  in  which  it  is  the  object  and  proper  business  of 
the  banks  to  deal.  The  parties  to  these  evidences  of  debt, 
or  this  commercial  paper,  having  delivered  and  received  the 
commodities  upon  which  the  credits  and  indebtedness 
alike  founded,  have  the  remaining  duty  of  payment  to 
fulfill."  *  * 

"Men  extensively  engaged  in  commercial  and  industrial 
pursuits  are, by  the  very  nature  of  their  business,  both  buyers 

N    BOOTD    ri;i.s.  n-LBS. 

ami  sellers — both  del  dors  ami  creditor-,      [tlfl  important  to 
pay  their  debts,   and    realize   their   credit-,    \\itii    the   least 
trouble,  expense  and  waMe  of  time  possible.    When  any  two 
of  them  have  mutual  accounts  against  e:ieh  other  01 
books,  they  compare  and  balance  them;  < 
paid,  and  credits  so  realized,  Are  a<  xri-factorily  paid  and 

reali/ed  as  if  gold  liad  pa-M-d  <>n  each  tr.iii-.i 
man  of  business  indebted  upon  promi^m  \  note*  and  bills 
of  exchange,  and  holding  sm-h  paper  «>!'  othen  t'-n-  debts 
due  to  liini,  is  only  desirous  of  applying  his  credit*  to  his 
debts.  He  never  thinks  of  looking  for  gold  or  sihir  to 
effect  a  discharge  of  his  debts,  and  as  little  do.-*  he  think  of 
exacting  such  payment  from  those  who  ;nv  indebted  t.» 
him."  *  * 

"The  banks  of  the  United  Stato  are  the  cliict 
in  this  mode  of  payment.  They  offer  t!u*  means  and  f.i--i!i- 
lies  of  payment  which  the  partie-;  t.>  thi*  bii>ine—  p-iper- 
reijuire.  They  receive  this  paper.,  having  some  months  to 
run  to  maturity,  and  deducting  interest  for  the  time,  give 
the  parties  bank  notes,  or  a  credit  on  their  book-*  for  the 
pyoeeeds.  This  is  not  turning  indi\  idual  notes  into  money, 
it  is  -imply  turning  them  into  promissory  not.  bank, 

or  deposits;  these  being  of  higher  credit,  and  lilted,  from 
the  manner  in  which  they  a:e  issued,  to  !»•  u-ed  a<  ::  « m 
rency  or  a  medium  of  payment.      The  real   basis  of   the. 
individual  notes  discounted  by  the  bank  i-  the  «  .'inmodities 
which  the  person  giving  the  not.  d.     Th> 

contracted  debts  to  the  .^evcral  amounts  of  their  notes,  and 
against  these  debts  they  hold  the  purchased  comnu> 
They  offer  the  goods  thus  purchased   to  the  public,  and 
expect,  from  their  sale,  to  realize  the  means  of  paying  t he- 
debts.     The  discounted  paper,  therefore,  exhibits  on  i: 
the  true  market  value  of  thc»  commodities  purchased  by  it; 

316  .v  MONKTAUY  SY>TKM   F«»UXI>KI> 

and  the  bank  notes,  or  bunk  credits,  given  for  this  individual 
paper  have  the  same  basis,  with  the  added  guarantee  of  the 
bank.  All  bunk  notes  and  bank  credits  issued  upon  real 
business  paper  are  virtually  issued  for  commodities  actually 
moving  in  the  regular  channels  of  trade.  The  purcha- 
of  these  commodities  expect  to  realize  enough,  by  their  Hale, 
not  only  to  pay  for  them,  but  a  profit  beside. 

"It  is  this  process  which  is  continuall,/  nhtorbiixj 
bank  notes  and  returning  them  to  the  bunk*.  The 
sellers  of  goods  receive  the  paper  of  the  purchasers,  and 
dispose  of  it  to  the  bank,  taking  therefor  bank  notes  and 
bank  credits,  the  latter  of  which  they  employ  in  paying  their 
debts,  and  the  former  pass  into  circulation  in  the  retail 
business,  and  in  this  way  soon  reach  the  hands  of  the 
debtors  of  the  banks,  to  whom  they  are  always  as  valuable 
as  the  equivalent,  or  same  nominal  amount  of  gold  or  silver, 
and  even  more  desirable,  because  they  pay  debts  to  the 
bank  equally  well,  and  with  less  trouble,  expense  and  haz- 
ard." *  * 

"If  the  banks  in  any  community  have  discounted  notes  to 
the  amount  of  a  million,  averaging  sixty  day>  to  maturity, 
granting  credits  therefor  to  the  amount  of  $990,000,  they 
will  promptly  give  up  any  or  all  the  notes  going  to  make 
up  the  million,  for  a  return  of  their  credits  to  the  amount. 
The  banks  give  nothing  for  the  notes  discounted  but  credits 
on  their  books:  what  they  gave  for  the  notes  they  are 
willing  to  receive  in  kind  for  them.  The  profits  of  the 
bank,  being  the  intcre-t,  for  which  they  i  — ued  no  credits, 
must  of  course  be  paid  when  the  notes  are  retired.  The 
main  business  of  the  banks  consists,  then,  in  pnn-ha>in_r 
Commercial  securities  and  evidences  of  debt,  paying  for 
them  with  their  own  notes  and  b;uik  credits,  and  deducting 
the  interest  for  their  profit  In  doing  this,  they  not  only 

i  I-..N   IOUHD   ri:i\.  ii  317 

furnish  a  medium  of  payment   in   which  these  < 
•eeurities  can  be  discharged,  &til  «  <-'ir,',',n<>y  »r/,,v/, 
be  employed  in  the  itift ••/•<•///,  In-fore  it  is  app! 
extinction  of  these  debts.    What  chiefly  make>  th; 
available  and  effective  is,  that  there  is  an  acti\c  and 
ileinuml  for  it,  to  the  whole  amount  due  to  tin-  hanks  th:it 
is,  for  more  than  all  the  banks  have  ixxited.     This  demand 
is  active,  urgent,  daily,  unremitting:   the  ootei   in   hank  are 
maturing  daily,  and  the   demand,  tlieivfoiv,   n.  \.r   flags; 
every  day  lias  ils  payments,  which  are  to   he  enV.-ied  with 

money,  or  the  issues  of  the  bank*.     The  latter,  in  any  « i- 

muiiity  where  there  arc  banks  of  circulation,  hcin-_:  tin*  chief 
medium  of  payment,  is  the  medium  inoxt  in  demand. 

"We  have  shown  that,  in  all  casex  \vhcre  the  n.»tc>  dix- 
counted  by  the  banks  were  given  by  the  makers  of  them  fur 
commodities  of  daily  use  and  consumption,  t!  ;. nodi- 

ties  are  immediately  offered  to  the  public  for  hank  notes,  or 
checks  on  bank  deposits,  as  the  proper  fund  with  which  to 
pay  the  discounted  notes.  The  commoditie-,  by  their  sale, 
give  origin  to  promissory  notes;  the  promissory  in»t«is  give 
rise  to  the  bank  notes  and  credits;  these  become,  in  their 
turn,  a  medium  with  which  to  purchase  the  commodities;  and 
the  bank  notes  and  bank  credits  coming  thu^,  by  circulation, 
into  the  hands  of  the  debtors  to  the  banks,  are  returned  to 
the  banks  in  payment  of  the  discounted  notes." 

"In  cases  where  banks  discount  paper  not  given  for  prop- 
erty transt't  rred  at  the  time,  it  K  or  should  be,  on  u-  ii 
grounded  confidence  that  the  maker  of  the  paper  has  tho 
power  or  means  of  redeeming  from  the  hands  of  the  public- 
an e«|iial  amount  of  the  issues  of  tho  bank.  The  hanks 
being  large  holders  of  individual  paper,  either  discounted 
or  deposited  with  them  for  collection,  they  are  of  course 
constantly  looked  to  for  the  mca-  nu-nt;  a 


on  the  hook*  of  a  bank, granted  »>y  tho  bank,  or  derived 
from  another  quarter,  being  .'ill  that  is  required,  it  is  earnestly 
sought  for  that  purpose.  Where  there  arc  many  banks,  ami 

Tansaetions  in  business  and  upon  credit,  the  movement 
of  these  payments  in  banks,  and  the  consequent  movement 
of  bank  credits  or  deposits,  become  far  too  complicated  to 
be  followed  up  by  any  process  of  analysis.  One  great  fea- 
ture, however,  must  ever  be  prominent,  and  that  the  most 
effective  of  all  in  sustaining  the  present  banking  system; 
that  is,  that  every  debtor  of  a  bank  is  an  active  agent  in 
purchasing  and  returning  to  the  bank  its  notes  and  credits; 
that  the  issues  of  the  banks,  whether  notes  or  credits  on 
their  books,  are  more  available,  convenient  ami  economical 
for  these  debtor*,  than  the  legal  currency  of  coins.  They 
.ire  more  abundant,  more  easily  obtained,  and  equally 
effective.  It  is  this  which  gives  to  bank  notes  and  bank 
credits  th<  ir  efficiency  and  rapidity  of  movement.  The 
amount  of  the  circulation  of  the  New  York  banks  avcra^'d 
over  $8,000,000  in  1857,  ami  the  deposits  averaged  over 
$87,000,000.  These  constitute  tho  medium  in  which  the 
payments  of  the  City  of  Xcw  York  are  chietly  made.  With 

.  there  is  a  daily  payment  to  be  made  of  from  $30,000,- 
000  to  $50,000,000,  and  they  are  quite  capable  of  making 
that   amount   of   payments  each   day,  for  both  notes  and 
depo-ii>  may  be  paid  many  times  during  the  day.     It  ; 
safe  to  assume  that  over  $30,000,000  of  city  bank  not' 
depoftite  are  paid  each  btuinesfl  day  in  New  York.    There 
is  a  demand, then, Upon  these  notes  and  deposits  in 

i-aymenN,  to  tho  amount  of  $200,000,000,  and  in 

month  for  $800,000,000.     This  demand  daily,  weekly, 

monthly,  constantly  pressing  upon  a-  fund  of  bank  not« 

deposits,  which    may  at  no  tin  «1  $100,000,000,  is 

certainly  active  and  proving  enough  p  up  the  value 

ri:i\«  IIM  i>.  319 

of  a  fun<l  MI  min-h  n-ed,  ami  s<>  indispensable  to  tin-  men 
who  have  *-JOO,000,000  to  pay  every  week. 

"That  these  sums  an;  far  within  the  actual  daily  payments 
of  New  York  is  apparent  from  the  operations  of  the  C'learing- 
hou>e.  The  amount  cleared  daily,  in  1 80 7,  was  over  $20-, 
000,000,  and  these  clearings  are  but  the  balances  on  the 
transactions  between  tho  banks.  A  vast  stun  of  payments 
is  made  every  day  in  the  business  of  sa  -h  a  city  as  \e\v 
York,  which  is  in  no  way  embraced  in  the  transactions  of 
the  Clearing-house.  If  we  assume  that  the  whole  of  the 
payments  effected  yearly  through  the  agency  of  banks  in 
the  United  States,  is  only  ten  times  greater  than  the  amount 
paid  yearly  in  New  York,  wo  shall  have  an  aggregate  400 
times  greater  than  the  amount  of  tho  precious  metals  in  the 
country;  500  times  the  amount  of  the  bank  note  circulation 
of  the  United  States;  400  times  the  amount  of  bank  deposits; 
and  oU  times  the  annual  value  of  the  whole  productive 
industry  of  the  country." 

"In  the  great  movements  of  industry  and  trade,  goods 
and  services  pay  for  goods  and  services;  the  promissorv 
notes,  bank  notes,  bank  credits,  or  other  currency^  which 
intervene,  are  devices  of  adjustment)  and  not  the  very  pa  v- 
nu'iit  ultimately  aimed  at.  Men  give  what  they  have  t-» 
spare,  to  obtain  what  they  .desire.  If  they  do  not,  in  the 
first  instance,  sell  for  money,  and  with  that  purchase  what 
they  want,  they  tike  a  security  or  evidence  of  debt;  thev 
make  their  purcha>es  upon  their  individual  credit,  and  give 
evidences  of  debt.  The  debt  and  credit  extinguish  each 
other  in  the  banks,  and  the  parties  have,  in  substance, 
exchanged  goods;  all  the  rest  is  merely  keeping  and  bal- 
ancing accounts  between  them.  These  securities  are  issued, 
in  this  country,  to  an  amount  not  less  than  §1,000,000,000 
every  three  months,  in  which  period  this  amount  continually 


runs  off  and  is  renewed,  making  ^4,000,000,000  in  the  year. 
Of  this  $1,000,000,000  of  securities,  the  banks  become  the 
owners  and  collectors;  and  for  half  this  amount  they  are 
under  a  constant  engagement  to  pay  money  on  demand. 
To  meet  this  engagement,  the  banks  hold  860,000,000 
against  #500,000,000,  or  twelve  per  cent,  of  the  amount. 
Of  course,  absolute  convertibility  of  all  this  fund  of  securi- 
ties into  specie,  on  demand,  is  an  impossibility.  If  all  the 
gold  and  silver  in  the  country,  estimated  at  $250,000,000,, 
were  in  the  banks,  it  would  be  an  impossibility.  It  must. 
therefore,  continue  to  be  impossible;  and  IK-IK-"  arises  one 
of  the  gravest  difficulties  connected  with  banks  of  circula- 

"If  bank  notes,  like  checks  upon  banks,  were  confined  in 
their  use  and  circulation  to  those  at  whose  special  instance 
they  are  issued,  and  whose  debts  are  to  be  adjusted  by 
them,  there  would  be  less  occasion  for  any  public  interven- 
tion or  concern.  For  the  public  have  little  interest,  whether 
men  thus  mutually  indebted  discharged  their  debts  by  bal- 
ancing accounts,  by  bank  notes,  or  by  checks  on  banks. 
I>ut  the  experience  of  a  century  and  a  half  lias  sho\vn  that,, 
where  bank  notes  are  offered  as  a  currency,  they  are  fr. 
received,  and  BOOB  become  the  chief  medium  of  exchange. 
It  is  almost  invariably  true  that,  wherever  bank  notes  are 
offered  as  a  currency,  with  even  the  slightest  pretentious  to- 
regularity  and  security,  they  are  accepted,  and  pa>s  rapidly 
into 'general  circulation.  This  facility  of  converting  bank 
paper  into  a  currency  is  a  strong  temptation  to  ivxirt  to  it, 
and  accounts  in  p:trt  for  the  multiplication  of  banks  of 
circulation  in  this  country  and  eKewhere;  but  it  lias  given 
,  also,  to  that  ceaseless  jealousy  with  which  this  system 

of  banking  has  b.-ni  \vat.-lie.l.  There  N,  perhaps  more 
ground  for  this  jealousy  than  many  friends  of  the 

N  BOUVD  no 

have  been    willing  to  a<-kno\\  K -.1^,..     If  the  <  in-ulation  of 
bonk  notes  had  been  confined  to  the  payment  of  the 

in  whicli  they  originate,  n<>  more  mi~  >:ild  cn-ue  tlinit 

now  arises  from  the  cmplo\  nu-nt   of  oheokl   upon 
which  the  parties  using  them  are  interested  to  ke,  ], 

legitimate  and  safe  bounds.      Hut   as   hank   not,-,  wl* 
Offered,  Secure  8   wide  circulation,  it    is   n,,t   t-ii.Mfjh    • 
let  people  take  them  at  their  ri-k,  a-  tlu-y  take  them  at  their 
discretion."  * 

"We  have  said,  and  the  ti^mvs   uc  ha\i-  addm-.-d   >ho\v, 

that  convertibility  of  tl»e  notrs  and  d«-p«.-iN  <»f  our  !»• 

impossible,  evi-n  when  the  hanks  are  in  tlie  lu--t   nutditiuii. 

And  that  this  must,  continue  t«»   In-   tin-  « 

the  banks  of  the  I'nitcd  Statt-^  aiv,  i-  U  certain, 

feiltitn-   of  the    bu>im-v>   of   tlie>i-   lianks    i>   the   di-«-<,unt   of 

notes  maturing  at  ft  future  time:    Wvi  have  previously  assumed 

that  the  average  time  to  nuiy  ol  the  paper  ilm^  «i 

is  ninety  days,  or  one-fourth  of  n  veai-.     Tlu-y  i>^iu-  t«>  the 

jiarties   at  whose  instance   thr-«-  di^eount-   an-    m.idi-,   their 

notes  payable  on  <lemand,  or  virive  tliem  eredit  on  : 

for  the  proceeds,  payable  in  like  nianm-r  on  demand. 

•  lejMi»its  of  the  banks  are  made   up,  almost   altogether,  from 

the  notes  thus  issued,  and   the  credits  thu»   granted.     The 

circulation  and  deposits  <.f   l^:>i;  amounted  to  $443,000,000, 

for  which  the  banks,  by  this  modi-  of  doin-_r  bu>ine--,  '(HMMIHI- 

liable  on  demand;   that  is,  they  i    from  their 

mers  claims  on   tin-   public   malurinir   in   three   months,  and 

they  become  liable  t«>  |>ay  a  rertaiu  amount   on   di-mai 

the 'year  185G,  for  instance,  in  e\cry  tlim-  mouth*,  *  4  43,000-, 

000,  and  in   1837,  in  every  like  jHiioil,  ^500,000,000.     The 

paper  discounted  by  the  banks  not  feeing  payable  on  demand 

would   only  be    paid,   and    could    only    be   demanded 

matured  from  dav  to  day;  whether  the  stuns  thus  paid   into 


the  banks  were  eiglit  or  ten  millions  daily,  it  was  all  the 
banks  could  exact,  and  if  the  notes  had  not  been  discounted, 
the  amount  required  to  pay  them  would  have  been  the  same. 
But  the  banks  became  liable  to  the  payment  of  from  $445,- 
000,000  to  8500,000,000  in  any  one  day  in  1S5G  and  1857— 
a  position,  stripped  of  the  mists  and  prejudice  which  con- 
stantly surround  it,  which  should  be  called,  as  it  really  is. 
stupendously  absurd;  and,  in  times  of  commercial  revulsion, 
not  less  dangerous  than  absurd." 

"Banks  of  circulation,  however,  here  and  elsewhere,  are 
and  continue  to  be  placed  under  stringent  legal  obligations 
to  pay  their  liabilities  in  coins.  If  any  law  could  compel 
them  to  do  this,  and  still  leave  them  power  sufficient  t» 
carry  on  the  business  of  banking  with  the  same  advantage 
to  their  customers  and  the  public  as  at  present,  the  currency 
they  would  furnish  would  indeed  be  the  best  attainable  for 
circulation.  For  a  paper  currency  of  sufficient  amount, 
absolutely  and  at  all  times  convertible,  would  combine 
almost  every  conceivable  advantage.  The  obstacle  is,  that 
such  a  convertibility  is  impossible;  no  legislation  can  a 
plish  it;  the  omnipotence  of  the  British  Parliament  could 
not  achieve  it.  Even  the  unusual  provision  in  the  constitu- 
tion of  the  State  of  New  York,  which  denies  the  power  to 
the  Legislature  of  legalizing  a  suspension  of  specie  payments, 
availed  not  in  1857,  during  the  tearful  panic  of  the  hundred 
days,  This  precaution  about  the  notes  did  not  extend  to 
the  deposit-,.  The  bank*  suspended  upon  their  deposits, 
which  were  ten  times  the  amount  of  their  note-.  They  have 
since  resumed,  and  have  now  $31,000,000  of  specie  t<» 
$90,000,000  of  notes  and  deposits.  With  this  enormoii-  and 
unusual  accumulation  of  gold,  payment  on  demand  AMU 
only  on  the  forbearance  of  the  people.  The  depositors 
could  bring  the  banks  to  a  fckite  of  Mi>pcn>ion  in  two  hours. 

UPON    801  M>     I'KIN.   II  323 

Upon  tliis  MHIOM  phrase  that   .Mir  bank 

circulation  ix  haM-d  ,,.,  -,,]  I  an. I  .silv.-r   i*  absoluti-ly  uiitrur. 
If  our  paper  currency    had    no  otln-r  I»:IM*  than   l\\\^ 
uncertain.  iiiM-cure,  ami  ultimately  impo^'ibl,-  convertibility. 

d  not  be  upheld  f..i-  a  ireekyDor  even  .-i  day.  Tin- 
real  ba>i>  nt'  mil-  paper  currency,  that  \vhi«-h  <l<H-s  M^taiii  it 
through  extraortlinary  cnicpj-rn. •!(•-.  i-  tin-  imliviiluiil  • 
issory  n.'.tes,  and  other  t-\i.K-nci->  of  ,1,-l.t,  in  e\«-han 
which  it  is  issued.  The>i-  inu>t  all  !•»•  pai«l,  or  the  debtors 
must  fail  or  sus])en«l.  The  l)iisines<  nu-n  of  th«-  I'nitr.l 
States  owed  the  banks,  in  1850,  the  MUM  of  $684,000,000; 
and  the  hanks  were  indebted,  for  their  eirrulatiiui  and 
deposits  X44.->?000,000.  If  we  supjM.^e  that  tlioe  debtors  to 
the  banks  wen-  100,000  in  number,  « '\\in-_:  an  a\er:ige  of 
$6,840  each,  all  this  mass  of  bosinesa  m«  n  would  be  :n-ti\r 
agents  in  redeeming  the  iaraei  <>f  the  bank-,  «-f  which  the 
average  burden  of  eaeh  would  be  ^4,450.  The  products  of 
the  industry  of  a  country  being  sold,  indiv'ulnal  paper  being 
given  therefor,  and  the  i»in-x  <-f  the  bank  bein^  «_riven  f«u- 
that  individual  paper,  it  is  evident  imt  only  that  the  : 
are  based  upon  that  paper,  but  it  is  equally  evident  that  the 
commodities  for  whieh  the  individual*  i^>u«-,l  their  paper 
have  eonie  into  their  hands,  that  they  have  these  commodi- 
ties t--- offer  to  the  public  for  the  notes  in  eilvtilation,  and 
for  checks  on  the  banks,  with  whieh  to  pay  their  debts.  The 
real  strength  of  the  banks  is  in  this  that  their  business  IB 
founded  on  the  trade  and  industry  of  the  country;  and  all 
the. business  men,  with  the  eommod-  -ump- 

tion  in  their  hands,  are  under  the  stnmgt-t    in.lneenn 
offer  these  commodities  for  the  notes  and  d  t  the 


"It  must  not,  then,  we  repeat,  be  supposed  that  the  basis 
of  our  paper  currency  i-  ipecie;    the  fact  is,  and  must  be, 


otherwise;  that  is  no  foundation  to  be  relied  upon,  which 
must  go  with  the  tirst  flood.  No  superstructure  like  our 
banking  system  should  be  reared  upon  a  quicksand.  We 
do  not  urge  this  as  an  argument  against  convertibility  on 
demand,  in  the  aspect  of  a  check  upon  tlie  banks.  It  may 
be  necessary  or  expedient,  but  cannot  be  so  on  the  ground 
of  its  being  the  basis,  or  adequate  security,  <>t*  bank  issues 
We  should  not  make  the  concession  even  by  implication, 
that  $50,000,000  or  $60,000,000  of  gold  and  silver  can  be 
any  proper  basis  for  issues  or  liabilities  of  the  banks  to  the 
amount  of  $445,000,000  to  $500,000,000:  it  is  a  mere  delu- 
sion, to  regard  the  former  amounts  as  sufficient  to  sustain  a 
demand  for  the  latter/' 

u  \Ve  object,  then,  to  a  phrase  so  likely  to  mislead,  as  that 
of  calling  gold  or  silver  the  basis  of  paper  currency,  under 
the  present  constitution  of  our  banks.  The  obligation  to 
pay  on  demand  can  be  nothing  more  than  a  check  on  the 
abuse  of  banking,  or  a  security  to  the  public,  and  as  such 
only  should  it  be  regarded  and  discussed.  If  it  be  indi  — 
pcnsable,  it  is  upon  the  ground  that  no  other  adequate 
security  is  attainable.  \Vo  do  not  believe  this,  and  regard 
tli is  attempt  to  place  the  credit  system  on  the  back  of  our 
coinage  system,  as  partaking  of  that  caution  and  wisdom 
which  would  place  a  locomotive,  for  its  best  service,  upon  a 
one-horse  cart." 


I'nder  the  specie  basis  system  the  money  of  the  country- 
is- locked  up  in  bank  vaults  as  the  basis  of  bank  currency, 
and  the  business  of  the  country  is  necessarily  earned  on  with 
credit  and  currency.  The  amount  of  credit  and  currency 

IB  limited,  not  by  the  amount  of  specie  held  by  the  bank-, 
but  by  the  amount  of  property  and  commodities  moving 

S    BOUND    I'KiNi  IIM.I>. 

in  tin'  channels  of  trade.     Tlic  cost  of  such  .1  medium  of 
exchange  is  enormous.     The  amount  of  the  loans  and  di- 
counts  of  the  banks  during  the  year  is;.")  amounted,  on  an 

average,  to  nearly  *  1,000,000,000,  the  interest  on  which  at 
10  per  cent,  is  $100,000,000.*  The  loans  and  discounts 
made  outside  of  the  banks  doubtless  exceed  the  loans  and 
discounts  of  the  banks,  but  assuming  that  they  are  the  same 
(*  1,000,000,000),  and  that  the  rate  of  interest  averages  15  per 
cent,  f.u-  the  year,  it  would  amount  to  *  1">0,  000,000,  or  in  all 
$250,000,000  paid  yearly  in  the  way  of  interest. 

there  is  another  method  of  arriving  at  an  approximate 
cost  of  the  syMem,  which  makes  the  amount  much  larger. 
The  clearings  of  the  banks  of  New  York  city  average 
about  $20,000,000  daily.  Estimating  the  payments  of  the 
city  of  New  York  at  £40,000,000  daily,  and  the  payments 
of  the  whole  country  at  five  times  that  amount,  or  $200,000,- 
000  daily,  will  give  $60,000,000,000  for  the  year.  If  this 
vast  sum  of  payments  costs  the  payers  on  an  average  60 
•day*'  interest,  or  say  one  per  cent,  on  the  whole  amount,  it 
will  make  the  sum  paid  yearly  under  the  credit  system 
$000,000,000.  This  vast  sum  is  paid  by  the  industries  of 
the  country.  AVith  a  medium  of  exchange  occupying  the 
channels  of  trade,  unencumbered  by  interest,  such  as  specie 
or  legal  tender  Treasury  notes,  the  greater  portion  of  this 
enormous  sum  would  be  saved  to  the  producing  classes  of 
the  nation.  The  interest  paid  for  a  inodivm  of  exchange 
furnished  by  the  banks  and  for  the  use  of  credit  rendered 
necessary  by  the  bank  currency  system,  is  a  burden  upon 
production  and  trade,  that  can  only  be  removed  by  tin- 
extinction  of  banks  of  issue  and  the  substitution  of  legal 
tender  Treasury  notes  for  bank  currency. 

«See  Page  2GO. 



When  the  business  affairs  of  the  country  are  in  . 
operation,  the  whole  amount  of  credit  and  currency  available 
for  the  purposes  of  trade  is  in  constant  demand.     A 
increases  the  demand  for  credit   and   currency   i: 
until  it  becomes  inflated  to  a  dangerous  extent,  or  a  demand 
for  specie  may  arise  abroad.     In  either  event  the  banks  arc- 
obliged  to  provide  for  their  own  safety,  and  the  withdrawal 
from  business  men  of  the  required  amount  of  currency  and 
credit  produces  a  stringency,  which  inevitably  leads  to  d: 
ter.     The  manner  in  which  this  happens  is  thus  explained 
by  Col  well: 

"  It  is  not  difficult  to  see  what  abundant  food  for  panic  there 
is  in  such  a  condition  of  things.  Persons  in  the  Unite' I  S; 
have  claims  to  the  amount  of  8400,000,000  on  the  hunks, 
payable  on  demand;  these  claimants  know  that  the  hanks 
cannot  pay  in  specie  the  fifth  part  of  them,  and  often  not 
the  tenth  part.  And  although  the  specie  is  not  what  they 
need,  or  would  ever  have  asked,  yet  they  know  that  the 
hanks  may  stop  payment  in  an  hour;  that  they  will  then  be 
branded  as  bankrupt;  and  that  they  may  thereupon  be  sub- 
jected to  injurious  and  damaging  legal  proceedings:  panic 
becomes,  therefore,  inevitable.  Men  in  such  ciivui: 
feel  themselves  to  be  involved  in  a  widespread,  complicated 
calamity.  They  fear  the  roult,  not  only  for  the  amount  of 
their  present  dcp«»>iN,  and  the  bank  notes  they  h<»ld,  but 
they  tremble  for  oilier  debts  due  to  them,  and  are  in  equal 
dread  about  what  they  owe.  They  know  that  if  this 
machinery  of  the  credit  system  i>  Mopped,  or  seriously 
diMtirbed,  debts  cannot  be  paid.  The  banks,  under  the 
influence  of  a  panic, knowing  that  they  can  neither  tru«t  one 
;hcr,  n«»r  the  unreasoning  public,  for  an  hour,  adopt  what 
ins  to  them  the  only  >aic  OOHT8e;  th-  6  in  payment 

UPON    SOL'M)    1'KIN*  II'LES.  327 

all  their  issues  a>  t'a-t  a>  cunviit  payments  return  them, 
without,  however,  as  usual,  keeping  up  the  currency  liy 
fresh  discounts.  If  the  payments  at  the  banks  amount  in 
the-  1'nited  Stato,  for  each  day,  to  $300,000,000,  tin-  with- 
drawal of  the  iiMial  facilities  at  the  banks  by  contraction,  to 
the  extent  of  even  one-half,  would  rapidly  al)sorb  the  stock 
of  bank  notes  and  deposits  applicable  to  current  payni- 
and  of  course  make  thoe  payment^  daily  more  difficult,  and 
finally,  to  a  large  extent,  impossible.  High  interest,  such 
a>  eighteen,  twenty-four  or  thirty-six  per  cent,  per  annum, 
supervenes  in  this  hour  of  trial  to  check  still  further  the 
circulation  of  that  portion  of  the  bunk  notes  and  dep* 
not  absorbed  by  the  banks." 

"The  contraction  in  New  York,  in  the  panic  of  1857,  is  a 
specimen  of  what  the  banks  are  constrained  to  do,  to  save 
themselves.  They  can  only  protect  their  coffers  by  refusiiiir 
to  issue  the  usual  supply  of  currency.  The  diminution  of 
loans  and  deposits  in  the  banks  of  New  York  stood  thus  in 
August  and  October,  1857: 

Loans.  Deposits. 

loth  of  August $121,241,472         $92,356,328 

19th  of  September 108,777,421  75,772,774 

17th  of  October 97,245,826  52,894,623 

"This  exhibits  a  reduction  of  discounts,  in  one  month,  of 
$13,000,000,  and  the  succeeding  month  of  $11,000,000;  that 
is,  824,000,000  in  sixty  days:  in  one  month  dep>»ii<  ran 
down,  under  this  operation,  $17,000,000;  in  the  succeeding 
month,  $23,000,000;  making,  in  the  two  months,  a  redue:i"ii 
in  the  chief  medium  of  payment  of  $40,000,000.  The 
deposits  were  thus  reduced  nearly  one-half.  It  cannot  U 
surprising  that,  under  such  a  process  of  contraction,  interest 
went  14)  to  between  fifteen  and  thirty-six  per  cent.,  and 
exchange  down  to  nine  or  ten  per  cent,  below  par.  \Vhat 
the  banks  did  in  New  York  was  done,  in  a  greater  or  les> 


degree,  in  other  cities;  bankruptcy,  ruin  and  destruction 
followed.  It  is  estimated  that  from  five  to  six  thousand 
failures  occurred,  involving  an  indebtedness  of  from  $280,* 
000,000  to  8300,000,000,  with  a  loss  to  creditors  of  more 
than  £150,000,000.  But  this  loss  bears  no  comparison  with 
that  arising  from  the  depreciation  of  securities,  and  from 
the  fall  in  price  of  real  and  personal  property,  which,  judg- 
ing from  the  results  of  estimates  carefully  made,  cannot  be 

than  ?•"> 00,000,000,  and  may  not  improbably  be  t\\ 
that  sum.  The  loss  sustained  by  the  men  who  labor  for 
their  living  is  even  more  severe  in  its  consequences,  if  not 
equal  in  pecuniary  am  unit.  A  million  of  men  idle  for 
six  months  involves  a  loss  to  the  country  of  $150,000,000, 
besides  the  loss  upon  the  machinery,  shops,  tools  and  facto- 
ries which  stand  idle  when  the  workmen  are  unemployed. 

"Tlie  late  panic  has  inflicted,  in  all  its  bearings  and  rami- 
fications, a  loss  upon  the  country  which  may  be  variously 
estimated  from  $500,000,000  to  $1,000,000,000.  No  doubr 
the  ill  effects  of  the  panic-  were  much  enhanced  by  the  piv- 
vious  abuse  of  credit,  ami  that  a  considerable  portion  of  this 
devastation  should  be  set  down  to  that  account.  With 
every  allowance  in  that  respect,  \ve  shall  have  a  vast  -um  of 
lovs  to  charge,  to  the  panic;  and  whether  this  sum  be  $400,- 
000,01  HI,  ,,i-  $800,000,000,  matters  not  to  our  view.  The  LoM 
\va»,  to  jjivat  extent,  unnecosary,  cruel,  terrible — a  lo-- 
which  ha>  can-led  privation,  di-trcss  and  ruin  to  a  million 
of  home-.  For  a  time,  at  lea-t,  not  yet  passed,  it  reduced 
hundreds  of  thousands  of  the  best  people  to  a  state  of  entire 
•  lence,  if  not  beggary. 

44  Wlial  was  the  occasion   of  the-e    dire    calamities;'     The 
bank-  i,f  the  United  States  had  a  reserve  of  specie   f,.r  sev- 
eral years  previous  to  H.57,  and  during  the  fiiM  half  of  ' 
year,  am«»unting  lo  somewhat  over  $50,000,000;  and  of  tin-, 

\    BOUND   PI:IX<  iru>.  329 

tho  banks  in  tin-  city  of  New  York  held  a  little  more  than 
one-tifth.  To  save  this  amount  of  specie,  tin-  banks  con- 
tracted the  currency  one-half,  denied  the  usual  facilities 
upon  tlieir  books,  put  up  tlic  rate  of  intercut  from  twelve  to 
thirty-six  per  cent.,  put  down  exchange  upon  Kngland  t«> 
nine  or  ten  per  cent.  In-low  par,  reduced  the  revenue  from 
customs  to  less  than  half  the  usual  amount,  drew  a  surplus 
of  $20,000,000  of  gold  out  of  the  public,  treasury,  and  drove 
the  government  to  an  issue  of  paper  promises  to  pay  it- 
current  expenses,  deprived  hundreds  of  thousands,  perhap> 
millions,  of  their  customary  employment,  caused  some  live 
«»r  s':\  thousand  failures  among  men  of  business,  and  finally 
inflicted  a  loss  on  the  country,  in  the  depreciation  of  securi- 
ties,  in  the  reduction  of  prices  and  by  insolvency,  of  several 
hundred  millions. — Not  to  save  this  sum  of  fifty  millions 
from  being  lost,  sunk  in  the  ocean,  or  thrown  away,  were  all 
these  evils  encountered,  but  merely  to  prevent  it  from  pa  — 
ing  into  circulation  among  the  people,  or  at  the  worst,  to 
prevent  it  from  being  exported  in  payment  of  debts  due  in 
foreign  countries.  Nine-tenths  of  the  debts  of  the  country 
are  paid,  as  we  have  seen,  by  the  agency  of  discounts  and 
deposits,  with  some  aid  from  the  circulation  of  the  banks; 
but  the  banks  have  been  placed  under  such  heavy  penalties 
to  pay  all  their  liabilities  in  specie  on  demand,  that  when 
they  are  threatened  with  a  panic,  a  commercial  revulsion,  or 
a  heavy  export  of  specie  to  foreign  countries,  they  an-  com- 
pelled, like  Sampson  in  the  temple  of  the  Philistines,  to  pull 
down  the  whole  fabric  of  credit,  public,  and  private,  ;ib. nit 
the  ears  of  the  people,  to  disturb  and  check  the  progress  of 
industry  in  all  iUs  departments,  to  make  bankrupts  of  their 
customers,  and  to  sow  pauperism  broadcast  in  the  field  of 

"This  compelled  policy  of  the  banks,  under  the  stringency 

330  A    MONKTAKY    SYSTEM     K«>UM>KI> 

of  the    l:i\vs    which    govern    them,   has  been    called    p;r 
-pecie.      JJut  with  how  little  propriety.      Instead   <>f   p:r 
their  liabilities  with  eoiiiuiercial  promptness  an«l   tin-  faith- 
fulness of  those    who   are   discharging   a   legal   and    moral 
obligation,  they   resist  it  with   all  the   power  and   wea: 
they  can  command.      In  the  struggles  incident  to  tl 
ance,   they    strike    down    friends    as    well    a>    enemie-s,    and 
deprive  the  public,  of  an   amount    «>f  currency   nece»ary  to 
businessmen  times  greater  than  the  specie  they  are  unwilling 
to  pay  out.     Ami  this  is  the  convertibility  so  long  aimed  at, 
and    to    secure    which    so    much    legislation    and   so    \\ 
thought  has  been  expended!     This  is  the  triumph  «<£  banks 
which  pass  through  a  season  of  panic  and  revulsion  without 
suspending] — a  triumph  like  the  victory  which  leaves  100,000 
dead   bodies   on   the   Held  of   battle,   which    rnako    lu,uoo 
widows,  50,000  orphans,  and  200,000  pauper-." 


With  the  clear  and  comprehensive  analysis  of  the  princi- 
ples of  the  bank  currency  system,  contained  in  tl.  ing 
extracts  from  The  Ways  and  Means  of  Payment,  before  us, 
it  IB  not  difficult  to  understand  how  public  notes  i^m-d  by 
the  government  can  perform  the  functions  of  a  medium  of 

The  great  object  of  trade  i>  the  exchange  of  commodities 
and  M-rvici--,  and  it  is  immaterial   to  the  parlies  ii/ 
whether  this  exchange   i>   effected  by   means  of  a    medium 
possessing  intrinsic,  value,  or  p-pre>entative   value,  a-   i 
as  it  i>  done  with  equal  safety,  convenience  and  C 

Public  notes,  like  bank  notes,  are  virtually  based  on  com- 
modities moving  in  the  channels  of  trade.     There   i 
stant  interchange  of  commodities   and   services  <>i 
scale    going   on    between    individuals,   growing  out  of   the 

8Ol  M>    I-IM.N"  IPLB&  331 

necessities  of  government,  Federal,  Slate  and  local.  To 
effect  tliis  exchange  a  medium  is  rctjuired.  On  the  one  >ide 
arc  the  people,  who  :ire  obliged  to  contribute  out  of  their 
substance  in  proportion  to  their  means  towards  the  expenses 
"I"  government.  On  the  other,  there  i»  a  va>t  multitude  of 
people  to  whom  the  government,  r'edcral.  State  and  local, 
is  indebted  for  commoilities  and  services.  The  people 
possess  abundant  property  and  products  desired  Ivy  the 
creditors  of  the  government,  and  the  only  problem  to  be 
solved  is  as  to  the  manner  in  whieh  the  exchange  can  be 
equitably,  speedily  and  economically  accomplished.  This 
can  be  done,  and  as  it  is  a  matter  in  which  the  entire  nation 
is  directly  interested,  it  is  eminently  proper  that  it  should 
be  done,  through  the  instrumentality  of  public  notes  i>sued 
by  the  government.  Individuals  engaged  in  trade  employ 
the  superior  credit  of  banks  to  enable  them  to  exchange 
commodities  and  services;  and  this  superior  credit  of  the 
banks,  for  reasons  which  have  been  fully  explained,  sei\  e< 
the  purposes  of  money,  in  the  interval  between  the  time  it 
is  issued,  in  the  form  of  bank  notes,  to  creditors  of  the 
banks,  until  it  is  returned  by  the  debtors  of  the  banks.  In 
the  same  manner  the  superior  credit  of  the  government, 
issued  in  the  form  of  public  notes  to  the  creditors  of  the 
government,  performs  the  functions  of  money,  until  it  is 
returned  to  the  Federal  Treasury  by  the  debtors  (tax  payers) 
of  the  government.  The  bank  notes  n  >t  upon  the  credit  of 
the  institutions  which  issue  them,  and  are  a  lien  upon  the 
assets  of  the  banks,  which  consist  of  the  property  of  the 
banks  and  of  their  debtors.  The  public  notes  rest  upon  the 
credit  of  the  government,  and  are  a  lien  upon  the  whole 
property  of  the  nation.  Thus  far  the  analogy  between  pub- 
lic- notes  and  bank  notes  is  complete,  with  the  advantage 
largely  in  favor  of  public  notes,  for  two  re-i^on^:  in  the  first 


place,  public  notes  constitute  a  more  economical  ^medium  of 
<  -\  change,  because  they  do  not  bear  interest,  and  in  the 
second  place  their  security  is  more  ample.  There  is  not 
an  objection  to  the  use  of  public  notes,  as  a  medium  of 
i-xchange,  that  does  not  apply  with  ten  fold  more  force  to 
the  use  of  bank  currency;  while  there  are  a  great  many 
objections  to  the  use  of  bunk  currency,  which  cannot 
be  unveil  against  the  use  of  public  notes.  It  is  said 
by  the  bullionists  and  bankers  that  the  "security,  though 
ample,  is  too  general  and  intangible  for  the  purpose; 
ami  that  the  'whole  property'  can  only  be  reached  and 
applied  through  the  slow  process  of  taxation."  Tin 
begging  the  question.  The  process  of  taxation  is  going  on 
constantly,  and  in  point  of  fact  the  "whole  property"  of  the 
people  can  be  reached  by  a  tax  warrant  much  more  speedily 
and  certainly  than  the  property  of  the  banks  and  their 
debtors  can  be  reached  by  process  of  law. 

A'_rain  it  is  contended  by  the  bullionists  and  bankers  that 
a  paper  currency,  in  order  to  perform  the  functions  of 
money,  should  be  convertible  into  gold  on  demand.  It  has 
already  been  sufficiently  explained  that  this  is  impossible 
under  the  bank  currency  system,  unless  the  amount  of  notes 
i>sued  does  not  exceed  the  amount  of  gold  held  for  their 
redemption;  and  in  that  event  there  is  no  need  to  issue  any 
notes,  for  the  public  ini^ln  as  \\-ell  use  the  gold.  Nothing 
ran  be  clearer  than  that  paper  currency  is  used  chiefly  for 
the  purpose  of  supplying  the  deficiency  of  money  occasioned 
by  the  scarcity  of  the  precious  metals;  and  to  issue  paper 
notes  to  the  amount  of  three,  five  or  ten  times  the  amount  of 
1  held  for  their  redemption,  and  say  that  they  are  con- 
•ible  into  gold  on  demand,  is  nothing  more  nor  le>s  than 
a  fraud  and  a  delusion,  which  inevitably  leads  to  di>;: 

There  is  but  one  way  to  make  paper  money  equal  to 

UPON   SOlNf    Pins.  II'LES. 

>pecie,  ami  that  is  t«>  clothe  it  with  the  ability  to  perform 
the  same  functions  that  specie  will  perform.  That  this  can 
be  done  is  fully  demonstrated  by  the  instances  referred  t<» 

by  Jefferson*  and  ( 'alhoun, f  ami  by  the  experience  of  the 
French  people  at  the  present  time.  The  partial  legal  tender 
paper  money  of  the  United  States  now  in  use  fails  to  circu- 
late at  a  par  with  gold,  because  it  is  not  clothed  with  the 
•ame  powers  as  gold,  That  Treasury  notes  of  the  govern- 
ment, when  made  a  full  legal  tender,  will  circulate  at  par 
with  specie  was  clearly  established  by  the  "old  demand 
notes"  issued  in  1801,  which,  after  they  were  made  a  full 
legal  tender,  went  up  with  gold  to  $2.85,  as  compared  with 
greenbacks;  and  at  the  present  time  we  find  the  currency 
bonds  of  the  United  States  government  quoted  at  a  premium 
of  three  or  four  per  cent,  over  gold  bonds. 


Much  confusion  arises  in  regard  to  the  nature  and  func- 
tions of  money,  from  the  fact  that  people  have  been  led  t<» 
believe  that  gold,  in  some  way  or  other,  has  been  made  a 
standard  of  value.  Such  is  not  the  fact,  either  theoretically 
or  practically,  as  will  be  fully  shown. 

The  idea  of  value  is  something  that  exists  in  the  miinN  of 
the  people  independent  of  coins.  The  unit  of  value,  which  is 
established  by  custom  and  education,  whatever  may  ha\v 
been  its  origin,  is  used  abstractly.  When  once  a  unit  of 
value  becomes  fixed  in  the  minds  of  the  people,  or  in  other 
words  has  passed  into  the  "money  of  account,"  it  measure- 
all  values  and  is  capable  of  measuring  the  value  of  gold  and 
silver,  the  same  as  any  other  commodities.  "The  value  of 
the  unit,  or  beginning  point,  being  once  firmly  fixed  in 
men's  minds  by  constant  use,"  says  Colwell,  "remains  there 
wholly  independent  of  subsequent  changes  of  price  which 

*See  page  56.      tSee  page  19. 

A    MoNKlAKV    sYMK.M    FoL  \J)ED 

may  affect  the  specific  article  from  which  it  took  its 
Thus  if  it  sprung  from  a  coin,  or  a  certain  quantity  of  gold 
or  silver,  it  becomes  afterwards  so  independent  of  the^< 
to  In-  <jnite  capable  of  expressing  the  changing  prices  of  that 
or  any  other  coin.  It  is,  then,  a  matter  of  fact  that  all  com- 
mercial people,  keep  their  accounts,  compute  money,  and 
express  prices  by  the  use  of  a  money  of  account.  The 
naming  a  price  with  them  is  not  naming  a  coin,  or  any 
specific  quantity  of  gold  or  silver;  but  it  is  the  employment 
of  the  denominations  of  the  money  of  account,  which  all 
understand  to  express  a  price.  There  is  scarcely  any  mental 
operation  more  generally  and  constantly  in  exercise  than 
that  which  is  used  to  express  prices."  It  was  thus  that  the 
people  of  Great  Britain  came  to  keep  their  accounts  in 
pounds,  shilling>  and  pence.  The  unit  of  value  with  them 
had  its  origin  in  comparing  values  with  the  value  of  a  pound 
of  silver,  which  was  divided  into  twenty  parts  denominated 
shillings.  This  unit  of  value  was  changed  by  successive 
changes  in  the  silver  coinage,  until  about  a  century  ago, 
since  which  time  the  unit  of  value  in  England  has  remained 
unchanged.  From  about  1660  until  1816,  the  pound  sterling 
had  no  corresponding  piece  of  coin.  The  Knglish  guinea 
had  been  intended  to  represent  a  pound,  but  it  had  not  been 
proporly  adjusted,  and,  owing  also  to  the  fluctuations  in  the 
price  of  gold,  it  varied  in  value  until  1717,  when  its  value 
was  fixed  at  twenty-one  shillings.  In  181(5,  after  much  delib- 
eration, it  was  decided  to  fix  the  weight  of  the  sovereign  at 
"•  I icnny weights, .'!  grains  and  171-U-j:1,  thousandths  of  a  grain. 
It  i-  manifest  that  the  whole  difficulty  was  in  establishing  a 
coin  whose  value  should  correspond  to  the  unit  of  value 
of  the  money  of  account,  carried  in  the  minds  of  the  people. 
The  Knglish  sovereign  has  since  been  changed  Several  til: 
The  people  of  the  United  States  have  undergone  a  -imilar 

s    BOUXD    i'i:is.  i: 

experience.     Prior  {••  tin-  [Devolution  the  money  of  account 

•of  tlu  coloiiic<  wa-  i  xjuv-M'd  in  pounds,  shilling-**  and  pence. 
The  unit  of  value,  the  pound,  not  only  differed  from  the 
Knglish  pound  sterling,  l»ut  wa<  different  in  different  colo- 
nie>.  The  pound  in  the  following  named  coloniex  \aried 
from  the  present  money  of  account  in  the  I'nited  ^ 

I'l  —  New  England  and  Virginia,     $3.33  or  6s.  to  the  dollar. 
\.  \v  York  and  North  Carolina,  -2.~>()  or  8s. 
Penns\Tnia  and  Middle  States,  2.66  or  7>.,  r,d. 

^     South  Carolina,  4.28  or  4s.,  sd. 

There  \vcrc  no  coins  in  existence  correspond ini:  to  tln-se 
amounts.  These  different  units  of  value  had  their  origin  in 
vari-'iis  causes,  which  we  will  not  stop  to  dU<-u-s;  l»ut  when 
industry  and  trade  had  Become  sufficiently  advanced  they 
hccanu-  fixed.  The  trade  of  the  colonies  with  the  \\Y-t  In- 
d'n-<  had  introduced  into  the  country  a  considerable  amount 
of  Spani>h  coins.  The  names  and  values  of  these  coins  did 
•  •! •!•«  -]n)iid  to  the  money  of  account  of  the  people,  and 
their  value  was  estimated  in  the  money  of  account  of  the 
several  colonies  precisely  as  that  of  wheat,  or  any  other 
-commodity,  wa>  estimated.  Fn  IT'.*1-'  an  act  was  passed  by 
•Con Lr rex  with  a  view  to  estalili>hin'_r  a  uniform  money  of 
•  unt  throughout  the  country.  I'eopK-  reckoned  in  pounds, 
shillings  and  jx-nce,  and  paid  in  Spanish  dnllars.  It  will  be 
rememnei-eil  that  continental  money  \va^  payable  in  "Span- 
i^li  milled  dollars,  or  the  value  thereof  in  ^old  or  silver." 
The  Act  of  CongreW  of  April,  17!'_\  ,l,.rlar.-d—  "That  the 
money  of  account  of  the  I'nited  States  shall  l»e  expressed  in 
dollars  or  units,  dimex  or  tenths,  cents  or  hundreths,  and 
mills  or  thousandths;  a  dime  beinir  the  tenth  part  of  a  dollar, 
a  cent  the  hundreth  part  of  a  dollar,  etc.;  and  that  all  ac- 
counts in  the  public  offices,  and  all  proceedings  in  the  courts 


of  the  t'nitcd  States,  shall  be  kept  and  had  in  conformity  to* 
tliis  regulation."  This  is  belie\  ed  t»>  be  the  first  time  that  :i 
money  of  account  was  ever  established  by  law — moneys  of 
account  having  in  all  nations  grown  up  in  the  minds  of  the 
people.  The  word  dollar,  however,  expressed  a  value  which 
was  fully  understood  by  the  people,  without  any  reference  to  a 
fixed  amount  of  gold  or  silver.  The  great  difficulty  consisted 
in  fixing  the  amount  of  gold  and  silver  that  would  be  equal  to- 
il dollar.  By  the  same  act  a  coinage  of  gold  and  silver  was 
provided  for;  "Dollars,  or  units,  each  to  be  of  the  value  of  a 
Spanish  milled  dollar,  as  the  same  is  now  current,  and  to 
contain  371  4-16  grains  of  pure,  or  410  grains  of  standard 
silver.  *  *  Eagles,  each  to  be  of  the  value  of  ten  dol- 
lars, and  to  contain  247^-  grains  of  pure  or  270  grains  of 
standard  gold."  Other  coins  were  to  be  in  the  same  propor- 
tion. It  was  then  declared  and  established,  that  371  4-T5 
grains  of  pure  and  416  grains  of  standard  silver,  shall  be 
current  as  money  at  the  price  of  one  dollar,  the  value  of  the 
unit  of  the  money  of  account;  and  gold  eagles  and  half 
eagles  were  made  current  in  like  manner.  The  act  further 
provides,  "that  the  proportional  value  of  gold  to  silver,  in 
all  coins  which  shall  be  current  as  money  within  the  United 
States,  shall  be  as  fifteen  to  one,  according  to  quantity  in 
weight,  of  pure  <_>-ohl  or  pure  silver."* 

This  attempt  to  li\  the  price  of  <^ohl  and  silver  bv  law 
proved  ;t  failure.  The  price  of  u'ohl  as  compared  with  silver 
was  fixed  lower,  as  it  proved,  than  ihe  market  price,  and  the 
roull  was  that  gold  ceased  to  circulate  as  monev  to  anv 

extent,  until  L884,when  the  amount  of  pure  gold  in  the  e  , 

was  changed  from  L'-lT.'i  grains  to  L':;L'.  After  the  dN<-<>\<Ty 
•  »f  gold  in  California  and  Australia,  gold  depreciated  in  value, 

and  silver,  becoming  the  more  valuable  metal  of  the  two, 

•  I'diiiLC  to  the  standard  otablished  bv  (  < 

\    BOVHD    ri;i\.  in  i  >.  337 

the  channels  of  trade.  This  wa-  remedied,  in  a  measure,  by 
the  act  of  ]>.'•:'.,  wliirli  changed  the  coinage  of  >il\  er  :il  M  Mlt 
Bevdn  percent  Tin-  weight  of  silver  half  dollars  \\asti\ed 
:it  19'J  grains,  and  tin-  smaller  coin-*  in  the  same  proportion. 
Tho  simple  fact  i>,  that  u«'ld  and  silver  fluctuate  in  value 
like  other  merchandise,  beiiiLC  jjoverncd  entirely  l»y  tlic 
uncontrollable  law  of  snp|ily  and  dnnand,  and  it  i<  alnuit  a< 
abMird  to  attempt  to  fix,  by  law,  an  unchangeable  price  on 
LT«'ld  or  silver  as  upon  a  bushel  of  wheat  or  a  day's  labor. 

Sir  James  Stewart,  in  his  work  on  political  economy,  says: 
u  Money  which  I  call  money  of  account,  is  no  more  than  a 
>cale  of  equal  parts,  invented  for  measuring  the  re-pective 
Vftlae  of  thingfl  vendible.  .Money  of  account  pel-- 

forms the  same  otlice,  with  regard  to  the  value  of  thi: 
that  decrees,  minutes,  M'cond>,  etc.,  <h>  with  regard  to  an^le<, 
or  as  scales  do  to  -fo^raphical  maps,  or  to  plans  of  any  kind. 
In  all  the>e  inventions  then-  i<  >'»mc  denominative  taken  for 
the  unit.  In  angles,  it  is  the-  de^n-e;  in  LrcoLrraphy,  it  U  the 
mile;  in  plan*-,  it  is  the  foot  or  yard;  in  money,  it  is  the 
pound,  livre,  florin,  etc.  The  decree  has  no  determinate 

length,  so  neither  has  that  part  of  the  scale  upon  plans  or 
maps  which  marks  the  unit;  the  usefulness  of  all  the^e  beinir 
>olely  conh'iu'd  to  the  marking  of  j)ro})ortionv.  .h^t  >o,  the 
unit  in  money  can  have  no  invariable  determinate  proportion 
to  any  part  of  value;  that  is  to  sa\,  it  cannot  be  ti\ed  in 
pei*petuity  to  any  j>articular  <|uantity  of  urold  or  silver,  or  any 
other  commodity.  The  value  of  commodities  depend" 
circumstance^ — their  value  ouirht  to  be  roiiMdered 

in«4  with  re>pect  to  one  another  only ;  consequently  anything 

which  troubles  or  perplexes  the  a-M-ertainiiiLC  these  cliai. 
of  proportion  by  the  means  of  a   ireneral   determinate  and 
invariable  scale,  must   be   hurtful   to  trade;    and   this  is  the 
infallible  consequence  of  every   \  ice  in  the  policy  of  money 

338  A    MoNKTAKY    SYSTEM 

or  coin.       *       *       It  does  not  follow,  from  this  adju- 

of  the   metals   to   the    scale  of   value,  that   they    themselves 

should,  therefore,  beOOmfi  the  scale." 

It  i>  of  course  denied  by  the  Imllionists  that  any  such  cur- 
rency can  be  established,  as  will   naturally  conform  to  the 
money  of  account;  but  upon  what  other  hypothesis  can  the 
gncoess  (>f  the  greenback,  as  a  currency,  be  accounted  for? 
During  and  since  the  rebellion  the  greenback  lias  performed 
all  the  functions  of  money.     Gold  in  the  meantime  lias  ranged 
from  par  to  82.85.     If  gold  was  the  standard  of  value  the 
price  of  all  commodities  would  fluctuate  with  gold;  but  com- 
modities rise  and  fall  in  price,  as  measured  by  the  greenback, 
without  reference  to  the  price  of  gold  (except  articles  on  which 
duties  are  paid  in  gold.)     It  is  said,  however,  that  now  that 
matters  have  become  settled  the  price  of  gold  shows  the  de- 
preciation of  the  greenback;  and  only  recently  a  distinguished 
ex-United  States  Senator,*  in  a  letter  to  the  Hon.  S.  S. 
proposed  to  change  the  unit  of  value  (the  dollar)  from  K»u 
pentfl  to  say  85,  or  the  supposed  present  value  of  the  g 
back  as  compared  with  gold.     If  gold  coins  and  greenbacks 
::ie  footing,  such  reasoning  might  carry  sonic 
weight,  for  then-  would  be  reason  to  believe  that  the  D 
of  account  of  the  country  had  undergone  a  change;  but  until 
greenbacks  are  made  a  full   legal   tender,  it  is  entitled 
consideration  whatever.     If  gold   was   only  a  partial 
tender  and  greenbacks  were  a  full    legal   tender,  greenbacks 
would  probably  bear  a  premium  over  gold,  ju-t  as  CUT 
bond-  bear  a  higher  premium  than  gold  bond-,  bcrau-e  they 
-light  ad vai it ::•_:<•  "Vcr  gold  bonds  in  point  of  time. 
The   inconvertible    inscriptions   of  credit  of   the  JJank  of 
Venice  were  at  a  premium  of  20  per  cent.  M  for 

centuries,  simply  because  they  \\,  .-»\ved   with  superior 

-  \r  Cowan,  of  Pennsylvania. 

ri'M\    BOUND    I'KIM  [FLE&  339 

powers  t<»  coin;  and  for  centuries  these  inscriptions  ,,f  credit, 
conforming  as  they  did  by  law  to  the  money  of  account  of 
Tin-  people,  con-titut  -d  an  unvarying  standard  of  value,  by 
which  all  commodities,  including  g»ld,  were  measured. 

•.-tndard  of  valuo  of  the  Venetians  thus  instituted 
changed  only  with  the  money  of  account  of  the  country. 

!,  if  not  made  a  legal  tender  in  payment  of  debts, 
performs  the  functions  of  a  medium  of  exchange  simply  as 
an  equivalent;  but  when  made  a  tender  it  is  invested  with 
additional  powers.  If  the  amount  of  gold  put  in  a  dollar 
is  less  in  value  than  the  money  of  account,  injustice  is  done 
to  the  creditor;  if  more-,  injustice  is  done  to  the  debtor; 
and  when  too  much  gold  is  put  in  a  coin,  it  will  cease,  if 
there  is  any  other  tender,  to  circulate  as  money  at  all.  The 
fact  is  that  the  precious  metals,  considered  in  their  true 
light,  have  simply  come  to  perform,  in  the  commercial 
world,  the  functions  of  an  universal  equivalent,  ami  pavs 

'._rhl,  except  when  made  a  tender  in  the  shape  of  coin^; 
and  are  Mil.ject,  in  regard  to  price,  to  the  >ame  la\\->  which 
govern  other  commodities  At  the  pre-eni  time  silver  is 
some  two  nr  three  per  cent.  In-low  par.  while  gold  is  about 
twelve  per  cent,  above,  as  measured  by  the  greenback. 
This  is  due  almost  entirely  to  the  character  of  the  legislation 
which  regulates  the  circulation  of  gold,  silver  and  paper. 

(told,  then,  performs  the  functions  of  a  medium  of 
exchange  by  reason  of  its  imrin-ic  value;  and  public  notes 
und  bank  notes  perform  the  same  olliccs  by  reason  of  their 

-iiiLT  representative  value,  not  of  gold,  but  of   property 

"iimoditie-,  includiiiLT  -_T«>ld.  (It  will  be  ohx,.rved  that 
in  using  the  words  "public  notes."  Treasury  notes  are 
referred  to,  not  as  a  legal  tender,  but  as  a  device  of  the 
credit  system,  the  same  as  bank  notes.)  The  bank  note 
virtually  represents  the  commodities  niovin-_r  in  the  channels 

o40  A   MONETARY    SY>TI..M    i  uL'NDKD 

of  trail o,  which  brought  it  into  circulation,  and  rests  upon 
the  credit  of  the  institution  which  issued  it;   in  like  manner 

the  public  note  virtually  represents  the  property  or  commod- 
ities levied  by  the  government  to  defray  its  e.\pen>es  and 
discharge  its  obligations,  and  is  backed  by  the  credit  of  the 
government  and  the  entire  property  of  the  nation.  It  was 
in  this  sense  that  Calhoun  asked,  u  \Vliy  not  use  its  own 
credit  (the  credit  of  the  government)  to  the  amount  of 
own  transactions?  Why  should  it  not  be  safe  in  its  own 
hands,  while  it  shall  be  considered  safe  in  the  hands  of 
eight  hundred  private  institution*,  scattered  all  over  the 
country,  and  which  have  no  other  object  but  their  own 
private  profit;  to  increase  which  they  extend  their  business 
to  the  most  dangerous  extreme^  And  why  should  the 
community  be  compelled  to  give  six  per  cent,  discount 
the  government  credit,  blended  with  that  of  the  banks,  when 
the  superior  credit  of  the  government  could  be  furnished 
•eparate,  without  discount,  to  the  mutual  advantage  of  the 
government  and  the  community'.-'"* 

Public  notes  issued  by  the  government  for  the  purp<> 
effecting  the  exchange  of  property  and  product*  constantly 
taking  place  between   the   people  *>u   the  one  side  and  the 
creditors  of  the  government  on  the  other,  should  naturally 
conform  to  the  money  of  account  in  which  they  are.  stated, 
and  would  undoubtedly  do  so  if  founded  upon  sound  princi- 
ples.    The  nation  pottettef  abundant  property  and  prod  . 
of  almost  every  description,  subject  to  the  demands  of  the 
Lfovernment;  and  the  government  Unquestionably  ]<• 
the  ability  to  command  every  dollar's  worth  of  property  and 
products  befonir'niLT  1o  the  nation.     The  credit  of  the  LL 
eminent,  therefore,  should  be  beyond  <jiicsfi<>n,  and  iN  paper 
^hould  reproent  and  command  property  and  products  to  the 
t  amount  Mated  on  its  face.     A  note  of  the  government 

BOUND    riMNfii'  341 

i>  virtually  :iu  order  given  by  the  people  collectively  n 
themselves,  payable  in  property  and  products.  To  n. 
tltis  order  payable  in  precioux  metals,  when  the  people  ha\.- 
no  precious  metals,  or  only  a  very  limited  amount,  i- 
to  render  it  impossible  for  tin*  people  to  comply  with  the 
order,  and  compel  them  to  dishonor  the  public  credit.  A 
law  making  public  notes  payable  in  diamonds  of  a  certain 
degree  of  purity  and  weight  Would  be  eolith-red  very 
oppressive,  as  well  as  absurd,  and  yet  it  is  upon  precisely  (In- 
sane principle  that  the  public  note  is  made  redeemable  in 
gold.  The  public  note  will  command  property  and  products, 
if  properly  instituted,  to  the  preci-e  amount  inscribed  on  its 
face,  and  gold  coins  can  do  no  more.  The  creditor  of  the 
government  wants  property  and  products,  and  the  tax  payer 
must  have  money  (public  notes)  to  pay  his  taxes.  It  is  thi*. 
that,  in  the  first  instance,  gives  circulation  to  public  note-. 
The  tax  payers  constitute  ;i  vast  army  of  agents  en^a^cd  in 
selling  commodities  for  public  notes,  with  which  to  dis- 
charge their  obligations  to  the  State,  just  as  the  debtors  of 
the  banks  form  a  large  body  of  agents  engaged  in  collecting 
bank  notes  to  pay  their  debts  in  bank. 


People  cannot  be  compelled  to  part    with   their  property 
for  money,  bat  public  policy  requires  that  some  equivalent 
of  property  should  be  established  as  a  tender  in  payment  of 
debts,  and  this  equivalent  is  styled  money.      To  the  creditor 
it  should  be  immaterial   whether  this  equivalent    pOMOf 
intrinsic   or   representative    value,    provided    it    commanded 
property  to  the  amount  attached   to  it  by  law.     A  dol! 
worth  of  gold,  when  coined   and  declared   the  only  ten.l-r, 
is  endowed   with  great  advantages  over  all  other  kind- 
property,  as  well  a<  over  the  public  note  which  repre- 
property.     C'rediturs  can  refuse  to  take  property  or  public 

342  A    MoNKTAKY    SYsTKM     FOUNDED 

notes,  at  no  matter  what  valuation,  but  gold  coins  they 
obliged  to  take  at  the  price  fixed  by  law.  Hence  it  is  that  a 
public  note,  which  represents  property  to  the  amount  in- 
scribed on  its  face,  and  should  command  property  of  any 
kind,  including  gold,  will  not  command  gold.  The  gold 
lias  been  transformed  into  money  by  being  made  a  legal 
tender.  Gold  being  clothed  with  special  powers  over  prop- 
erty, as  well  as  over  the  public  note,  comes  to  be  in  great 
demand,  and,  as  it  is  limited  in  amount,  is  absorbed  by 
capital,  to  be  used  as  an  instrument  to  control  property  and 
public  notes;  its  functions  as  a  medium  of  exchange  are  thus 
capable  of  being  perverted,  and  the  object  of  the 
tender  law  is  consequently  also  perverted,  greatly  to  the 
injury  of  society  and  of  the  public  credit.' 

The  public  note  is  intended  to  perform  the  functions  of  a 
medium  of  exchange  for  the  exchange  of  all  kinds  of  prop- 
erty, including  gold,  and  should,  therefore,  be  made  a  legal 
tender.  If  any  commodity  is  to  be  made  a  tender,  it  should 
be  such  a  commodity  as  the  people  possess  or  can  readily 
acquire  at  its  market  value.  The  great  object  of  trade  i>  the 
exchange  of  property,  not  property  for  money  or  money  for 
property;  and  money  which  is  designed  to  effect  this  ex- 
change should  be  instituted  in  such  a  manner  as  to  form 
an  unvarying  representative  and  measure  of  value,  conform- 
ing to  the  money  of  account  of  the  nation.  ]>\it,  if  money  is 
made  of  a  commodity,  it  will  rise  or  fall  in  vali 
to  circumstances,  and  will  render  trade  uncertain,  or, 
Kellogg  aptly  expressed  it,  will  make  a  gambling  system 
of  all  trade. 

The  responsibility  of  furnishing  a  medium  of  exohl 
or  declaring  what  shall  be  a  tender,  rests   with   the   I-Ydi/ml 
eminent.       It   is   a   matter   of   vital    importance    l>    the 
nation,  individually  and  collectively,  to  have-  money  so  insti- 

.c»r\i>   r!:!\<  ii-i 
tilted  as  to  ci..U'  the  production  and  exchange-  of  the  nation 

as  little  at  possible.    In  this  advanc.-d  age  credit  is  every- 

where  uvrd  in  trade,  when  ere.lit  can   In-    u-ed    t->    exchai 

products  more  advantageously  than  a  medium  of  exchai 

-••>sing  intrinsic,  value.  It  is  nut  only  eminently  proper, 
but  it  is  a  matter  of  public-  advantage,  therefore,  for  the 
gOrernment  tO  U0e  itB  own  credit,  at  l<-a-t,  to  the  extent  of 
its  own  operations.  To  do  this  its  notc<  sliould  l>o  ma«le 
a  full  leiral  ti-ndcr,  otlier\\'i>e  tin-  people  can  repudiate1 
individually  what,  they  have  done  collectively,  which  ine\  it- 
alily  works  injustice  to  the  creditor  of  the  jjovenmient,  and 
impairs  the  credit  of  the  nation. 

The  bullionists  assert  that  a  paper  money,  not  redeemable 
in  gold,  issued  by  the  government,  can  p  >  value; 

and  that  it  virtually  consists  of  bits  of  paper  with  tig; 
and  words  printed  on  them;  and  political  economic  are 
found  so  shallow,  or  worse,  as  to  adopt  this  theory.  If  this 
is  true,  then  are  all  the  paper  devices  of  rivilixation,  l.y 
means  of  which  property  is  held  or  exchanged,  a  IVaud  and 
a  delusion.  But  public  notes  are  not  simply  bits  of  paper, 
to  be  issued  to  an  unlimited  extent.  Kvery  dollar  emitted 
by  the  Federal  Government  in  payment  for  property,  Cer- 
vices, or  in  discharge  of  its  obligations,  eo^ts  the  people 
precisely  one  dollar  in  property  or  products,  to  redeem  it 
and  return  it  to  the  public  Treasury.  When  publi«-  n< 
representing  commodities  moving  in  the  channels  of  trade, 
are  issued  by  the  government  to  the  extent  of  its  own  trans- 
actions and  arc  made  a,  legal  tender,  they  conform  to  the 
money  of  account  of  the  nation,  ami  become  the  measure  of 
all  values,  the  standard  of  all  payments  and  the  l»a-U  of  all 
money  contracts;  they,  therefore, perform  all  the  offices  of 
money,  and  pass  into  general  circulation.  They  are  paid 
out  by  the  government  for  property  or  >erviees  at  their  1 


value;  being  :i  tender  they  pay  debts  at  their  face  value; 
and  in  the  end  arc  re-turned  to  the  Federal  Treasury  in  the 
shape  of  taxes,  in  lieu  of  property,  to  the  amount  inscribed 
on  their  face.  Xo  evidence  of  debt  or  device  of  the 
credit  *y*tem  ever  devised  possessed  greater  elements  of 
strength  and  security  than  the  public  note  of  a  rich  and 
powerful  nation,  made  a  legal  tender  and  issued  to  the 
ut  of  its  own  transactions.  The  notes  of  the  Bank  of 
France,  as  we  have  seen,  although  not  redeemable  in  specie, 
circulate  at  par  to  the  amount  of  hundreds  of  millions  of 
dollars,  when  made  a  legal  tender  and  backed  by  the  credit 
of  the  people.  Who  will  say  that  the  revenues  of  the  t'nited 
States  are  not  as  certain  as  those  of  France,  or  that  the  ability 
of  the  American  people  to  produce  wealth  does  not  equal 
that  of  the  French  people,  or  that  the  Federal  Government 
is  not  as  stable  as  the  French  Government;'  The  French 
people  are  uncertain  as  to  whether  they  will  be  living  under 
a  monarchical  or  ji  republican  form  of  government  in  ten 
years  from  to-day,  and  yet  we  see,  at  the  present  time, 
$500,000,000  of  inconvertible  notes  of  the  Hank  of  France, 
made  a  legal  tender,  circulating  at  par,  on  the  credit  of  the 
government;  while  in  tho  United  States  the  notes  of  the 
government,  not  exceeding  $400,000,000  in  amount,  circulate 
at  a  depreciation,  as  compared  with  gold,  of  over  twelve  per 
<-ent.  This  is  clearly  the  fault  of  legislation — making  the 
notes  of  the  government  only  a  partial  tender,  when  in  order 
to  conform  to  the  money  of  account  of  the  nation,  they 
ought  to  be  made  a  full  tender. 


The  «|iie.xtion  as  to  how  much  money  a  nation   needs  has 

led   t<»   a   great  deal    of   mystification.      A    nation    evidently 

need*  a  *ntlicient  amount  of  money  to  enable  it  to  effect  it* 

exchanges  in  the  most  economical  manner  possible.     A*  ha- 

t   I'oN     RO1    M»     I'IMN.    II- 

been  explained,  many  of   the  operation-   of  trade,  exp,.,-ia!ly 
of    a    larire    character,    can    In-    conducted     m*  lily, 

economically    ami    safely    by    means    of   tin-    dexicrx   ..t' 
err. lit  xystem,  Midi  a-  bills  of  exchange,  note-,  cheek-,  • 
while,   on    the    other  hand,  in    other  operations    cash    i^    an 
alinoNt    imlNj»en>al»le    aui-ncy.        1  Iy    i-a^li    i>    meant    nnnn-\. 
Mich  as  LT"1<1  "i-  silxer  <-»>ins,  or  j.ulilic   note*,  ma-lc  a   !«--al 
tender  in   j)aynuMit  of  debts.     Tlicre  should,  thi'ivt'Miv,   IM- 
a  sutVu-icnt  amount  «>!'  nmiiey  in   eireulation    to   »-nal>lc   t1 
en^aired  in  exehaiiiriniLr  projH-rty  or  servires   to  avail   tlu-in- 
selves  of  either  cash  or  credit,  or   both,  in    Mich 
as  may  be  im»t  ad\  anta-_:'eou-. 

Under  the  bank  currency  system,  money,  ux  we  have 
scarcely  circulates  at  all.  Tin-  medium  of  e\chaii'_r«'  conxi>t> 
of  bank  eiirrency,  which  is  u>cd  a^  a  substitute  for  ca>h. 
Jiank  currency  bears  interest,  and  it,  therefore,  con-titute> 
a  very  expensive  medium — far  more  expense  than  Lr<»ld 
or  silver,  «>r  Ic^'al  tender  public  notes  which  bear  int* 
only  when  used  as  capital  in  individual  transaction-.  The 
volume  of  bank  currency  is  regulated,  not  by  the  want-  of 
trade  or  the  exchanges  to  be  effected,  but  by  artificial  cir- 
cumstances; and  it  frequently  happens  that  bank  cunvnc\. 
as  at  the  present  time,  will  desert  the  channel-  of  circulation 
almost  entirely,  because  industry  cannot  afl'ord  to  pay  tin- 
tax  which  it  entails  upon  the  community. 

The  precious   metals    can    be    obtained    only    by    di_ 
them  out  of  the  ground  in  localitic-  win-re  they  exi-t,  or  by 
oxi-han.irinLf  products   for  them   at   their  market    value;  and 
when    obtained   can   be   retained    in    the    country    only    b\ 
importing  commodities  to  a  le-<  amount  than  are  exported. 

l.i--_r:il  tender  juibTu-  notes,  like-  bank  note-,  can  he  i--iied 
to  an  unlimited  amount;  and  the  only  ijucstion  to  be  con- 
sidered is  as  to  the  amount  which  tin-  ifvcrnmeiit  ou^hf  t'-> 

346  A  MOM-:TAI:Y  SVMKM   K«r.\nEn 

issue.  It  is  perfectly  clear  lliat  tlio  government  ought  to 
issue,  at  least,  an  amount  sufficient  to  conduct  its  own 
transactions  with  the  people.  This  amount  is  based  on 
commodities  moving  in  the  channels  of  trade  (l>ct\veeu  the- 
tax  payers  and  the  creditors  of  the  government),  as  certainly 
and  as  securely  as  any  commercial  paper  or  hank  currency 
was  ever  based  on  commodities,  to  which  they  owed  their 
origin.  The  revenues  of  the  government,  for  example, 
amount  to  about  $300,000,000  a  year.  This  require- 
exchange  of  property  or  products  to  that  amount.  H<>w 
inuch  money  will  it  take  to  effect  this  exchange?  Who  can 
tejl?  The  public,  note,  when  issued  by  the  government  to 
effect  this  exchange,  passes  into  circulation  and  performs  the 
offices  of  a  medium  of  exchange,  not  only  for  the  purposes 
of  the  govern iiient,  but  for  the  trade  of  the  nation.  Its 
offices  are  limited,  therefore,  not  by  the  immediate  transac- 
tions of  the  irovernment,  but  by  the  exchanges  or  trad 
the  entire  nation.  It  follows,  then,  that  the  amount  of  pub- 
lic notes  put  in  circulation  by  the  government  should 
limited  only  by  the  exchanges  of  the  nation.  This  theory, 
as  to  the  amount  of  money  required  by  a  nation,  is  fully 
recogni/cd  and  endorsed  by  political  economists,  who  stand 
high  with  the  bullioni>t>.  PnitVssor  Pxinamy  Price,  in  the 
quotation  given  on  page  -'•'•*>,  says:  "  A  cart  transfers  weight; 
money,  ownership;  ami  all  the  world  knows  that  the 
to  be  done  determines  the  number  of  cart-,"  etc.;  and  airain, 
in  speaking  of  the  amount  of  bank  notes  that  will  circulate, 
lie  says:  ''The  answer  is  the  same  as  that  which  has  already 
been  given  to  the  parallel  question  respecting  coin, 
many  bank  notes  as  the  public  has  a  distinct  \vant  for  will 
circulate,  and  no  more.  It  is  the  universal  law  of  all  com- 
modities in  use,  the  law  of  demand  and  supply  '' 

should    be    instituted   in  such   ;i  manner  that  the 

UPON    sorNn    IM:I\.  MM  us.  :H7 

amount  in  circulation   will   conform   to  tin-   \\-.\  ,dc, 

Otherwise  it  Will  not  prove  an  unvarying  standard  of  meas- 
ure ami  payment.  If  money  is  scarce  ami  interest  U  high, 
all  exchanges  become  difficult  and  expensive;  properly  an. I 

products  depreciate  in  value;  wages  fall  and  production  U 

diminished.  On  the  other  hand,  if  money  is  redundant,  it 
will  depreciate  in  value,  and  property.,  products  and  wages 
will  appi-eciate  in  value  in  a  corresponding  ratio.  In  either 

•  •\ent,  money  fails  to  conform  to  the  money  of  account  of 
the   nation,  greatly  to  the  derangement   of  all   value-,  and 

•  specially  of  exchanges  of  property  founded  on  conn 

It  is  far  better,  however,  for  a  nation  that  money  should 
be  too  plenty  than  too  scarce,  for  when  money  is  scarce  pro- 
duction languishes,  wages  are  low,  and  idleness  prevail-;  hut 
when  it  is  too  plenty  capital  alone  sutlers  and  it  i-  better 
for  the  interests  of  the  nation  and  of  >oci.-ty  that  capital 
should  bo  idle  than  lab«»r.  In  the  one  instance  (if  capital  is 
idle),  people  are  deluded  with  the  idea  that  they  are  much 
better  off  than  they  really  are,  because  property  rules  at 
high  figures;  and  in  the  other  (if  labor  is  idle),  the  m:,- 
are  much  worse  off  than  they  ouirht  to  be,  because  property 
and  labor  are  at  a  great  discount;  individuals  are  brought 
to  want;  the  public  revenues  an-  cut  down;  the  e\j. 
government  become  oppressive;  and  demorali/.ati.»n  is  rife. 

It  is  said,  however,  that,  in  any  cxeiit,  the  amount  of 
public  notes  issued  by  the  g.i\tM-nment  should  not  exceed 
the  annual  revenues  of  the  government;  othcrv\i-e  the\ 
will  become  redundant.  Why  limit  the  amount  by  the 
revenues  <»f  a  year,  instead  of  a  shorter  or  longer  period'/ 
This  is  illusory.  The  public  note  performs  the  oftic«  »  ..i  a 
medium  for  the  entire  trade  of  the  nation,  and  to  limit  it- 
issue  to  an  amount  corresponding  to  the  evict  am-. in  ' 
the  immediate  transactions  of  the  government  would  be 

348  A    MOXETAIIY    SVSTKM     FOI'XI»K1> 

similar  to  limiting  the  aiuouiit  of  bills  of  exchange  u>ed  in 
trade  t<»  tin-  exact  amount  of  property  to  be  exchanged.  It 
is  possible  that  a  less  amount  of  public  notes  would  suffice 
to  effect  the  exchanges  of  the  nation;  it  is  probable  that  a 
larger  quantity  would  be  required.  Whether  the  public 
--ued  can  be  redeemed  in  the  revenues  of  the  govern- 
ment in  one,  two  or  three  years,  is  a, matter  that  will  not 
effect  their  value  in  the  slightest  degree,  as  long  as  their 
security  is  undoubted  and  their  use  is  required  in  the  chan- 
nels of  trade.  This  lias  been  abundantly  demonstrated  by 
the  greenback,  both  during  and  since  the  war. 

It    is  idle,  therefore,  for  people  to   speculate   as   to   how 
much    money  should  be  issued    by   the  government  with   a 
view  to  fixing  the  amount  by   law.     As  already  sug'j 
innumerable  contingencies  are  constantly  arising  which  will 
cause  the  amount  required  to  vary.     How  much  is  needed 

can  never  be  known  until  money  is  properly  instituted,  and 
then  people  will  not  care  to  know.  Some  idea  may  be 
formed  of  the  vast  character  of  the  exchange**  constantly 
taking  place  in  the  nation,  when  w<-  reflect  that  the  annual 
product  of  industry,  agricultural  and  manufacturing,  in  the 
I'nited  States  exceeds  $6,000,000,000  a  year,  ami  that,  this 
mighty  mass  of  products  is  exchanged  many  times  and  in 
many  forms.  All  that  can  be  safely  said  is  that  money, 
the  principal  tool  by  means  <,f  which  these  exchanges  :in- 
efl'ected,  should  be  commensurate  in  amount  with  the  work 

to  be  performed. 

When  money  becomes  too  plenty,  or,  as  :*  ;-  f'-""-d, 
redundant,  prices  go  up,  property  enhances  in  value,  and 
•tagefl  become  high.  This  is  detrimental  to  trade,  works 
injustice  to  creditors,  and  impairs  the  public  credit,  if  public 
•  •nstifute  the  money  of  the  nation.  It  is  therefore,  a 
matter  of  almost  as  much  importance  to  the  public,  that 

I  po\    8O1   \i>    ri:is<  M'l.i.x. 

money  should  not  he  redundant  MX  that  it  should  n..t   he 
ICarce,       How    ix    this    to    he    remedied?      1'uhlic    notes    are 

issued  by  the  government  I'm-  property  or  ser\  ices,  and  are 

returned  to  tin-  Treasury  in  tlie  shape  of  taxes.  An  inei  < 
in  tin-  rate  of  taxation  would  soon  relieve  the  nation  of  any 
redundancy  in  the  currency,  jiM  ax  hank  currency  U  P8- 
turned  to  the  hanks  under  similar  circumstances.  Hut  in 
this  connection  another  <juestion  arises,  which  lias  an  im- 
portant hcarini:  upon  the  suhjeet,  and  that  ix  the  <|iicMioii  of 


1  \TKEE8T. 

The  price  paid  for  the  use  of   money    or    it>   suhstitutex    i> 
ternu'tl  interest.      When  money  posM-^ses  intrinsic  value, 
in  the  eax.-  ,,f   --,  -Id  coins,  the  value  of  the   metal   of   which 
the  coin   is   made   ix  one  tiling,   while    the    rate   of    int. 
which  the  coin  will   hear  is  •juite  another.     The  fluctuation 
in  the  price  of  the  precious  nietaU  hears   no    relation    to   the 
fluctuation  in  the  rates  of  interest  of  money.     The  prii  < 
-old   depends  upon  the  laws  of  demand   and   .supply,  which 
u"\crn  the  commerce  of  the  world;    hut  the  rate  of  int' 
of  money,  as  money  is  now  instituted,  is  regulated  hy  causes 
of  a  local  character,      (iold  may  not  vary  a   fraction    in   the 
markets  of   the   world,  and   yet  money   and    its   Mihxtitutes 
may,  at  the  same  time,  he  in  such  demand    for  the  purpo>ex 
of  trade  as  to  command  exorhitant  rates  of  interext.     It  then 
fails  to  continue  an  unvarying  measure  of  value  or  standard 
of  payment.      A  dollar  that  will  command   TJ  per  cent,  inter- 
69)  is  a  very  difTerent    tiling    from    one    that    will    only   com- 
mand (5  j>er  cent.     To   make    money   an    unvarying   measure 
of  value  and  standard   of  payment,   it    is   necessary    that    it 
should  hear  a  uniform  rate  of  inter. 

That  money  should    hear   interest    is   not  only  legitimate, 
hut  essential  to  the  performance  of  its  function^  as  a  medium 


•  >f  t -M-hange.  Money  represent*  value  and  should  be  able 
to  accumulate  value;  otherwise  it  would  not  be  accepted  in 
exchange  for  property.  But,  as  has  been  suggested,  its 
power  in  this  respect  should  be  uniform,  in  order  that  it 
may  prove  an  unvarying  measure  of  value  and  standard  of 
payment.  It  has  long  since  been  discovered  that  usury  laws 
are  in  vain,  because  they  are  not  based  upon  sound  principles. 
But  money  can,  and  ought  to  be  so  instituted  as  to  com- 
mand only  a  uniform  rate  of  interest,  proportionate  to  the 
profits  of  labor.  Money,  by  reason  of  its  legal  tender 
property,  naturally  possesses  a  command  over  property 
and  labor,  and  if  it  is  instituted,  as  at  present,  so  that  it 
can  be  made  to  command  any  rate  of  interest  that  can  be 
extorted  by  capital,  its  functions  are  not  only  perverted,  but 
it  is  enabled  to  rob  labor  of  its  entire  profits. 

On  the  other  hand,  if  legal  tender  public  notes  are  issued 
by  the  government  in  excess  of  the  wants  of  trade,  they  will 
lose  the  power  of  money  to  accumulate  value,  and  their 
functions  as  money  will  be  totally  perverted,  greatly  to  the 
disadvantage  of  the  nation  and  to  the  injury  of  the  public 
credit.  It  is,  therefore,  as  necessary  to  provide  airaiust  a 
redundancy,  which  will  lead  to  such  results,  as  it  is  to 
puMic  notes  to  supply  the  want  of  a  medium  of  exchange. 

Inflation,  in  the  sense  in  which  the  word  is  now  used,  is 
undoubtedly  an  evil,  second  perhaps  only  to  contraction. 
The  application  of  the  term,  however,  is  limited  by  the 
bullionists  to  an  over  issue  of  public  notes,  which  leads  to 
error  and  confusion.  Public  notes,  if  properly  instituted. 
do  not*  depreciate  in  valuo  when  over  issued,  because  the 
people  do  not  possess  sufficient  property  to  redeem  them, 
but  because  the  excess  is  not  required  for  the  purposes  of 
trade,  and  they,  therefore,  fail  to  accumulate  value.  It  is 
not  on  account  of  the  weaknos  of  the  credit  of  the  people 

VPON   SOI-M.   ri:i\.  ir; 

that  j»lil>lic  notes  under  Midi  riivinnstam-t  - 
on  a,  ]>ar   with   the   money  of  accouni,  but    IxfCfttlM   «>f  their 
redundancy.       This    is    evident     iV..iu    the    fart    that    bonds 
bearing  interest,  wlii<-li  rest    upon    tin-   same   f..imdati.  >n  (tin- 
pnbllO  credit)  can  he  i^iied  j,»  a  much  Lrreater   amount   than 
])ill)iic  notes.      An    excess   of   public    notes    U    ],,,t,  tin-re! 
strictly  speaking,  an  intlati":i  «il'  jmhlic  cre.lit,  l.ut   >iinply  a 
6UperflllOU8. amount  of   in*»ne\',  an    e\  il    NN'hic'n    can    eaM'lv   l»e 
remedied.     l>nt  it  IS  Otherwise  with  hank  cnnvnc\.     '1'hen  it 
is  not  money  that  heemne^  intlated,  hut  it  is  cre.lit,  in  all   IN 

lorms, that becomea  e\j»ainlni.    This  is  real  inflation, and 

is  iar  more  dangerous  to  the  interests  of  >ocictv  than  a 
redundancy  of  money,  because  it  inevitahlv  leads  to  com- 
mercial crashes  and  money  panics.  The  advocate^  of  the 
specie  basis  <>r  hank  currency  M'Mem  are,  therefore,  the  real 
inflationists  of  the  nation.  It  is  pMxxiUlf,  as  tlu1  la\v  no\v 
stands,  to  isMie  hank  currency  t.»  the  full  amount  «.f  tlie 
bondeil  LndebtedneSf  <»f  the  counn  v,  aliont  -S  1,7 I'M, 000,000, 
and  .">11  that  is  wanting  to  call  that  amount,  of  hank  currency 
into  circulation  is  an  oj)portunity.  The  loan-  and  discounts 
of  the  banks  in  l^T.")  am<>unte<l  t«>  ah..m  xl.non.iino.inMi, 
Which  indicated  the  amount  of  credit  u»en  'iirposes 

of  trade  at  that  time. 

Bonds  of  the  government    hearing   interest   can    he    i-Mied 
to  a  larger  amount,  than   ]>ul»lic   notev,  Kecaii^e  the  ability  of 
the  ]»iihlic  note  to  accumulate  \alne  i^  limited  to  its  u-c  as  a 
medium  of  exchange,  \\liile  the  amount  of  bonds  which  can 
be    issued    depends    upon    entirely    different    <•'  -iisiderat : 
PnbllQ  notes  will  not  seek  investment  in  a   bond   as    loiii£  as 
they  are  needed  in  the  dianneU  of  trade.      ] hiring  the-  \sar 
•^500,000,000  of  5-20  bon.N,  with   which   -rcenbat  !, 
conyertible,  were    in   the   market,  for  o\er  a    \car.  and   the 
Secretary  <>t  the  TreaMiry  wa«»  unable  to  di^po-e  of  more  than 

352  A    MOXKTAirV    SYSTEM     FOUNDED 

$25,000,000.  The  reason  is  obvious.  The  greenbacks  were 
needed  for  the  purposes  of  trade,  and  could  accumulate  value 
more  rapidly  in  the  production  and  distribution  of  wealth 
than  a  six  per  cent,  gold  interest  bond;  and  it  was  not  until 
the  channels  of  circulation  were  amply  supplied  with  a 
medium  of  exchange  that  the  ">-20  bonds  could  be  sold. 

We  have  already  .suggested  that  a  redundancy  of  money 
(legal  tender  public  notes)  could  be  remedied  by  incrca.-ed 
taxation;  but  it  may  happen,  as  was  the  case  during  the  war, 
that  taxation  cannot  be  resorted  to,  to  the  extent  of  the  wants 
of  the  government,  or  the  necessities  of  the  occasion,  with- 
out producing  distress  and  defeating  the  ends  of  the  gov- 
ernment. It  then  becomes  necessary  to  employ  the  credit 
of  the  government  in  another  form — in  the  shape  of  an 
interest  bearing  bond.  This  bond  or  evidence  of  indebted- 
ness represents  property  or  products,  payable  i.i  the  form  of 
money  in  the  future;  while  the  public  note  represents  prop- 
erty in  the  process  of  exchange  between  the  tax  payer  and 
the  creditor  of  the  government,  ami  is  virtually  payable  in 
the  present. 

When  money  (legal  tender  public  notes)  becomes  redun- 
dant, it  is  manifest  that  there  are  more  notes  in  circulation 
than  there  is  property  or  products  moving  in  the  chain 
of  trade  to  be  exchanged  through  their  instrumentality,  ami 
consequently  more  than  the  exchanges  growing  nut  of  the 
transactions  of  the  government  will  justify.     Taxation  must 
be  increased  to  increase  the  transactions  between  tax  p.-* 
and  creditor;  or,  if  that  is  inexpedient  or  unnecessary,  the 
form  in   which   the  government  credit  is  issued   muM   In- 
changed,  that  is,  the  public  note,  not  bearing  interest,  i»ued 
in  excess  of  the  wants  of  trade,  must  be  converted  int 
bond  bearing  interest;  or  in  other  words,  as  the  government 
note  is  no  longer  payable  in  the  present,  it  must  be  made 

N    SOUXD    ri:i\«  ir 

payable  in  the  fiifuiv,  and  justice  re,|iiiivx  that  it  shoiiM  bear 
interest  (accumulate  \  alue),  ju-t  as  tin-  public  note.  when 
not  redundant,  was  capable  of  accumulating  value,  ami  this, 
U  i-  oh\  ioiix,  ,.:m  ,,iily  he  done  in  the  t'«»nn  of  a  lion.  I. 

A  l.on.l,  inter-converiible  with  the  public  note  of  th- 
eminent,  is  capable  of  performing  a  two-fold  v,.r\  i.-,  •;  it  will 
prevent  a  re.lun.laney  «.f  pnldie  note-,  and  it  will  regulate 
the  rate  of  interest  which  nioiiev  will  c<»innian«l.  \V!ien 
public  notes  become  iv.lumlant  ami  are  unable  to  accumulate 
value,  the  8X0688  woiil.l  naturally  seek  investment  in  an 
interest  bearing  boml;  ami  when  money  (public  in>' 
able  to  accumulate  value  more  rapidly  in  production  and 
trade,  and  intercut  ri^ex,  the  inti-re^t  hear'niLr  ImmN  of  the 
iiment  would  airain  be  <••  inverted  into  money,  and  thus 
the  equilibrium  would  be  restored. 

Money  thus  instituted  could  not    do  otherwise  thai 
form,  in  value,  to  the  money  ..f  a»-'-nnnt   of  the  nation,  and, 
in  amount,  to  the   wan;>  of   Tide.      It    would  then    always 
circulate  on  a  par  with   money   of  account      a   dollar  note 
would    mean    a    dollar,    neither    more    m»r    lew,    :md    would 
always    command    a    dollar's    worth    of    property;     i: 
would    not   vary   a    fraction    lor    any    length    of    time;     and 
money  would  prove,  what  it  i-  designed  to  be,  a:i  mnaryinir 
standard  of  measure  and    payment.      I'ndcr  such   a   BJ 
of  money  the   excl  of   the    nation    could    be   efl 

economically  and  equitably,  and  capital  and  labor  \\.»uhl 
e;ich  secure  a  due  share  of  the  products  of  industry,  and 
commercial  cra>hc*  and  money  panic-  coiild  not 


The  amount   of  interest    which  an   inter-eon\  ertiblc 
should  bear  is  a  matter  of  detail  which  can  be   settled    fully 
only  by   experience.      Interest    on    in-  lias   been    IOg- 

i,  should  be  in   j.roportion   to   the   profits  of  industry, 
-  j  .  i 

:!~>4  A    MON'KTARY    SYSTKM     F«  »r.\I>KI> 

otherwise  capital  will  be  enabled  to  reap  more  than  its  «lu« 
share  of  the  profits  of  labor.  The  average  rate  of  increase 
of  wealth  in  the  nation  is  estimated  at  about  3^  per  cent. 
Capital  is  entitled  to  a  proportionate  share  of  this  inciva>»-, 
and  hence  the  rate  of  interest  of  money  should  not  exceed 
greatly,  if  at  all,  the  average  increase  of  wealth.  For  the 
>ake  of  convenience  in  computing  interest  it  is  BUgg 
that  a  bond  bearing  interest  at  the  rate  of  one  per  cent,  a 
day  on  $100,  or  3.65  per  cent,  per  annum,  should  be  isMu-.l. 
This,  as  well  as  other  details,  can  only  be  settled  by  expe- 
rience. The  important  point  is  the  institution  of  a  monetary 
system  based  on  sound  principles,  and  its  details  can  be 
safely  left  to  the  government,  if  its  affairs  are  placed  in  the 
hands  of  capable  and  trustworthy  men,  in  sympathy  with 
the  wants  and  interests  of  the  nation. 

It  is  urged  by  many  who  are  favorable  to  the  use  of  the 
public  credit,  in  the  shape  of  public  notes,  that  a  bond  is  not 
<  ntial  part  of  the  legal  tender  paper  money  syMem: 
that  it  would  be  absorbed  by  capital,  and  in  the  end  would 
constitute  a  burden  upon  the  nation.  This  is  borrowing 
trouble.  The  public  notes  of  the  government  would  not  be 
funded  in  an  interest  bearing  bond  as  long  as  they  could 
accumulate  more  value  in  production  and  trade;  and,  when 
funded,  they  would  return  to  the  channels  of  trade  U 
as  their  services  were  required. 

The   inter-COnvertible  bond  plan  is  greatly  derided  by  the 

bnllionists  and  their  tools,  who  «lo  not  fail  to  misrepresent 

tin-  principles  upon  which  it  is  based  in  every  way  ].ov-ibU-. 
The  pub  lie  note  is  treated  by  them  as  simply  a  promise  to 
pay  money,  and  upon  this  hypothesis  it  is  not  difficult  to 

l»-"\<  that  it  is  a  very  worthless  piece  of  paper.  The  public- 
note,  as  has  been  sufficiently  explained,  i>  a  representative, 
not  of  money  but  of  property,  and  a>  the  great  ol>: 

-«'i  M-    ri:i\.  in  M,  355 

trade  is  to  exchange  property  ami  not  iii<>nc\.  it  U  far  more 
important  tliat  tin-  public  n»tc  should  represent  property 
than  money  (irold  coins).  Tin-  amount  of  property  in  the 
country  is  estimate*!  at  $40,000,000,000;  tin-  amount  of  jn.ld 
at  $100,000,000.  It  is  to  exchange  this  $40,000,000,000  of 
property  tfaat  money  i*  required  ami  not  the  $100,000,000; 
and  to  base  the  public  cre.lit  on  $100,000,<>oo  ,,f  ^.M,  when 
it  should  he  hased  on  $40,000,000,000  of  property,  is  in  utter 
violation  of  the  plainest  principles  of  the  credit  system,  t«» 
which  all  paper  devices  for  the  exehange  of  property, 
whether  public  or  private,  belong. 

Airain  it  is  asserted  that  the  inter-convertible  note  and 
bond  i>  simply  paying  <>ne  1'ajM-r  d»-bt  witli  another.  If  the 
public  note  was  simply  a  promise  to  pay  money  this  would 
l»e  true,  but  the  public  note,  properly  understood,  is  not  a 
promise  to  pay  money,  but  is  a  representative  of  property  to 
the  amount  inscribed  <>n  its  face,  which  the  government  i- 
entitled  to  demand  and  re.-eive  forthwith  from  the  people, 
and  in  this  sense  was  described  by  Calhoun  as  a  "promise 
to  receive,"  and  not  a  "promise  to  pay."* 

HOW  Tin-:  rrr.i.i.    ffOTE  BE!   PO  m-:  i'i  1    INT"  •  n:«  i  I.AII.'N. 

How  the  paper  money  of  the  government  is  to  be  put 
into  circulation  is  a  matter  worthy  of  consideration,  Mpe- 
cially  as  friends  of  the  system,  with  the  best  intentions  in 
the  world,  have  frequently  allowed  thcniM-l\i-s  to  be  led 
into  error  by  failing  to  carry  the  principle-  of  the  system  to 
their  logical  result-.  A-  the  public  note  represrnts  property 
and  products  which  the  iro\  ••rnment  is  entitled  to  demand 
and  receive  forthwith,  in  the  way  of  taxation,  to  the  amount 
inscribed  on  its  face,  and  5>  virtually  bas.-d  -m  such 
erty  or  products  in  the  process  of  transfer  from  the  M\  payer 
to  tlie  creditor,  just  as  other  de\  ice-  of  the  en 

•See  page  CO. 

A     MONKTAKY    sYsTMM     For  NDK1) 

:.iv   based  on  commodities  moving  in  the  channels  of  trade. 
it  is.  clear  that  it  (the  public  note)   should  only  be 
by  the  government  for  property  or  services.     If  the  g« 
ment  should  issue  public  notes  without  reference  to  the  ability 
of  the  nation  to  respond  in  property  and  products  in  the  way 
of  taxation,  as  for  example,  to  pay  oft'  the  public   debt  in 
paper  money,  when  a  corresponding  amount  of  property  and 
products  COuld  not  be  transferred   at   the   same  time   to  tin- 
creditors  of  the  government,  would,  as  is  manifest,  be  a 
infraction  of  the  principles  upon  which  the  legal   tender 
paper  money  system  is  founded.     The  creditors  of  th- 
'•rnment  are  paid  in  property   or  products,  and  the  public 
note  must  not  only  represent  such  property,   but   must  be 
able  to  command  it,  which  can  be  done  only   to  the  extent 
to  which  the  people  are  able  to  respond  in  the   way  of  taxa- 
tion.    Hence  it  is  idle  to  talk  about  liquidating  the  public 
debt  with  paper  money,  or  any  other  kind  of  moii- 
more  rapidly  than  the  people  are  enabled  to  produce  wealth 
(property  and  products),  which  can  be  applied  to  that  pur- 
It  has  already  been  explained  that  the  amount  of  money 

which    the    government    can    i»ue    is    limited,    not   by   the 
amount  of  the  transactions  of  the  government  for  any 
tied  time,  but  by  the  transactions  of  the  entire  nation,  which 
are  constantly  varying  in  amount,      lint   when  the  channels 
"f  circulation  are  supplied  with  a  medium  of  exchai, 
more  public  notes  can  be  used;   it  i-  e^ential,  the! 
that  their  emission   by  the   government   should   go  hand   in 
hand  with  taxation. 

i  in:    NA  i  IMNAI.    i.i:i;i. 

Debt,  whether  individual  «»r  national,  is  inconsistent  with 
true  independence,  and  the  payment  of  the  national  debt  at 

\     8O1    M'     I'IMSi    I!': 

LiTiext  'lay  practicable  should  nc\er  be  i..-t  -i-ht 
:l  moment. 

It'  tin-  hondx  of  the    I'nited    State-   ire    payable    in    lawful 
money,  it    is  then    jh.xxiU,.    jo    redeem    them    in    prop, 
product-,  iii   which   they  should    be   redeemable,  a.x  rapidl\ 
as    tin.1    nation    can    produce-  a   surplus    of    products,    luit    if 
made    payable    in    jr«'l«l,   Nvh'u-li    <lot-s    not    cin-ulatc    in    tlu- 
<-lianiR-ls  of  tra«K-,  tln-ir  redemptiOD   U  rc-mlcrc.!    \\rll   ni-_'li 
iinjHisxihlj'.     If  forced  rc-uiii]>tion  takes  j.lacc  tin-  jnihli- 
of  tin-  1'nitrd  States  may  IK'  ri-^ardrd  as  ju-nnaiu-nt,  and   itx 
incrrasi-    ini'vitaMi'.      Tlio   c\i.cri.'iic»-    of    Kn^laiid    in   this 
iVxjHM-t  L8  Worthy  Of  llOte.      At  the    clo»e   of    the    NajM.h-ojii. 

n  L8 15  the  producing  foroefl  «•!'  Kn.irland  \vnv  in  full 

«'XiT<-isf,  and  thr  ivvi'nik-s  of  tlu-  «xoviTiiiiifiit  \\«-n-  »-no|-iuou-. 
KiiLchnnl  immediately  In-iran  to  reduce  her  jmMir  di-lit;    luit 
tlie  money  powi-r  interfered  and   n-xinnptinn   \vax  d. 
and  the  li<|iiidation  of  the  public   del>t    ci-a>ed.      When  the 
Kel.ellion    ended    in    the    I'nite.i  production    ran  on, 

OWing  tO  the  abundance  of  m-.m-y  in  circulation,  to  a  mar- 
velous extent,  and  the  Federal  (iovernment  wax  ,-nahled  t-» 
reduce  the  pul.lic  del.t  some  ^500,000,000.  Hut  the  policy 
of  contraeticn  soon  ciirtailfd  production,  the  revenue-  ol 
the  government  lie-an  t«)  decline,  and  the  payment  of  the 
public  debt  practically  06a0ed,  It  remains  now  to  return  to 
>pecie  payments  to  render  it  permanent,  and  to  accomplix'n 
this  end  the  money  power  is  e\ertin«r  its  he-t  etTort>.  It  ix 
to  the  advance  of  the  money  ] M. \\er  to  ha\e  natioiix  i:i. 
volve<l  in  debt,  as  \\ell  as  to  have  money  scarce;  in  this 
way  LToyernments  and  nations  are  rendered  subservient  to 

N  >  event  in  modern  time-  ha-   spread   -uch   alarm  amon- 
the   money   kiiiLT>   «>f    the    wt.rld    a-   the   adnpt'mn    of 
tender  paper   money   by   the   people    of    the    Tun 

358  A    MONKTAKY    >V>TKM    FOr.VDKD 

None  know  better  than  the  money  kings  that  if  tlic  s 
is  adopted  in  its  entirety,  it  will  ultimately  release  tlie  ma»es 
from  the  bondage  in  which  they  have  been  held  for  ages  by 
capital,  and  hence  the  bitter  opposition  with  which  th 
tcm  meets.  For  several  hundred  years  past  commerce  and 
trade  have  been  engaged  in  a  constant  struggle  to  <•! 
money,  the  tool  of  exchange;  but  it  was  not  until  the 
United  States  made  the  public  note  a  legal  tender  that  any 
progress  was  made,  except  in  the  use  of  substitutes  for 
money,  which  were  controlled  entirely  by  bankers  and  money 
lenders.  When  the  American  government  began  to  N-ue 
legal  tender  paper  money,  the  money  kings  of  the  world 
perceived  the  necessity  of  taking  measures  to  reverse  the 
tendency  of  affairs,  and  they  organized  not  only  to  d- 
legal  tender  paper  money,  but  also  to  demonetize  silver,  in 
order  that  they  might  be. able  to  maintain  their  rule.  That 
an  organized  conspiracy  exists  to  demonetize  silver  for  the 
purpose  of  increasing  the  power  of  money,  is  evident  from 
what  has  occcurred  in  Europe  and  in  America  within  the 
past  few  years.  Silver  has  been  demonetized  in  England, 
Germany  and  Holland,  and  practically  in  France  and  in  the 
United  States. 

No  country  in  the  world  produces  so  much  gold  and  silver 
as  the  United  States,  and  yet  the  people  of  the  United  S 
are  unable  to  retain  it  in  the  country.     The  same  condition 
of  affairs  prevailed  prior  to  the  war,  when  we  had  the  - 
basU  system  of  money,  so  that  the  inability  of  the  peopli-  to 
retain  gold  and  silver  cannot  be  charged  to  the  use  of  public 

The  simple  fact  is  that  gold  and  silver  cannot  be  retained 
in  the  country  until  the  producing  forces  of  the  nation  are 
sufficiently  developed  to  enable  the  nation  to  export  more 
than  it  imports;  and  in  the  second  place  gold  ami  silver  and 

i  I-MN    KM  \i.   nuH  in  ES,  350 

paper  money  will  not.  all  occupy  tlu'  <-hannels  of  circulation 
at  the  same  time,  unless  tlu-y   arc  all   clothed   with 
:•«  -\\ers  as  money. 

[f  specie  Circulation  is  de^m-d,  therefore,  it  can  only  be 
.•ittainc.l  by  making  g"ld,  silver  ami  tin-  public  note  e.jnal 
iciral  tender-;  then,  af  SOOn  M  tin-  nation  is  al)!c  t.»  retain 
thi'  j»rcci«»us  metals,  they  will  occupy  the  channels  of  trade 
as  a  matter  of  c<>m>c.  The  l)ullii>iii>ts  ami  !»ai,kci>  thein- 
M-lvos  are  comjtellud  to  ackn<>\\  Icd^e  tliat  forcrtl  rc-umption 
will  not  give  specie  rireulation,  but  tlu-y  say  it  will  fix  prices 
at  a  gold  standard.  This,  as  ha*  Keen  fully  shown,  is  not 
only  a  delusion  but  a  barefaced  fraud.  The  notes  of  banks 
»f  i^Mie,  which  the  public  will  be  obliged  to  u>e,  cannot  be 
maintained  on  a  par  with  coin,  if  redeemable  only  in  coin, 
unless  the  bunks  ean  retain  the  coin  to  redeem  them,  and  to 
say  that  the  banks  can  retain  specie  in  the  country,  when 
the  nation  cannot  retain  it,  U  absurd,  as  well  as  contrary  to 

The  only  way  in  which  the  people  can  hope  to  reduce  and 
eventually  liquidate  the  public  debt,  is  by  the  adoption  of  a 
system  of  money,  such  as  has  Keen  described,  which  will 
give  industry  free  development)  mod  enable  the  nation  not 
only  to  largely  increase  its  production  of  wealth,  but  to 
render  it  available  when  produced. 


Those  who  desire  to  fully  understand  the  money  <|ii. 
•  •an  only  hope  to  do  so  by  always  keeping  in  view  the  fact 
that  the  great  object  of  commerce  and  trade  U  the  exchange 

of  property  and  products,  and  that  inonty  is  designed  to  bo 
simply  a  tool  to  accomplish  that  end.  M  .  is  nothing 
more  than  "one  of  man's  0\\  n  inventions,  a  contrivance 

which  lie  lias  himself  de\  i-ed  for  rendering  an  indispensable 

360  \<  i.rsii.%. 

M-rvicc  to  the  practical  life  of  every  civili/cd  people."*  Its 
institution  is  a  governmental  duty,  and  as  political  sover- 

j  in  the  United  States,  theoretically  at  lea>t.  iv>ide<  in 
the  prople,  it,  is  incumbent  upon  them  to  take  hold  of  this 
question  and  compel  their  servants  to  dispose  of  it  in  such 
a  manner  as  will  best  subserve  the  interests,  not  of  a  single 
class,  but  of  the  entire  nation.  Thus  far  almost  the  entire 
rourse  of  Federal  legislation  has  been  controlled  and 
directed  by  the  few,  in  utter  disregard  of  the  rights  of  the 
many  and  of  the  honor  of  the  government,  and  especially 
was  this  the  case  during  the  late  Rebellion.  Eulogies,  it  is 
true,  are  frequently  heard  from  servile  or  subsidi/cd  sources 
<>f  the  patriotism  of  capital  during  that  trying  period.  They 
ore  utterly  false.  "Not  a  patriotic  act  can  be  found  in  its 
history.  It  neither  volunteered  its  services  nor  submitted 
t<»  a  draft.  Its  support  of  the  government  was  purcha>ed  at 
tin-  highest  price  ever  paid  by  a  bleeding  people.  It  was  in 
truth  a  traitor  to  the  existence  of  the  Tnion  —  a  baser  traitor 
than  lie  who  fought  to  destroy  it  upon  the  field  of  battle-. 
Tt  hid  itself  from  danger,  and  sold  its  assistance  only  for 
enormous  pay,  while  the  rebel  soldier  offered  his  life  on  the 
field  of  battle  for  nothing,  except  his  devotion  to  an  errone- 
ou>  principle.  While  the  soldiers  of  the  North,  too,  were 
freely  going  to  the  front  by  the  million,  the  capitalists,  who 
now  trample  upon  them  and  their  children,  were  allured 
from  their  safe  retreats  in  the  midst  of  their  hoarded  treas- 

«nly  by  va«t  golden  briber  Ncilher  in  law  or  in 
equity,  neither  in  the  sight  of  human  court  <  or  courts  di\  ine, 
have  they  any  claim  upon  the  forbearance  or  gratitude  of 
ti  «•  American  people."  And  then,  not  content  with  the 

jains  wrung  from  the  people  in  the  hour  of  their 
.ity,  they  perfected  a  plan,  to  quote  again  from  the 

•CiiiTrm-v  :unl  Hanking,  hy  linn.imv  I'ri<  ••. 

CON  •    i 

••  eloquent  champion  of  tin-  ]•»••,  j,l,-'>  cail»C/  utO  hold  the 
bonds  uf  tin-  Lrovernment  :is  a  foundation  for  hanking.     Tin- 
\s  '  althy  classes  \\erc  unwilling  that  tin-    pivcriniiciit    -InniM 
deal  directly  with  tin-  people  and  furnish  them  \\ith  a  «•! 
and  safe   currency.      They    insisted    upon    s!andin-_r    bct\\- 
the  u'overnment  ami  people.      They  insisted    uj,..ii   hcc,,niiie_: 
the  'middle  men'  in  tin-  matter  «.f   l'urni>!iiie^   a   ••in-iilatin-j 
juediiun;    and  the  jirntit>  that  have  ac.-ni.-.l  t,,  th.-ni   as   xU,-h 
*nii«lillr    men'  and    have   hern   paid   l.y    the   ta\    j.a\ 

without  a  parallel  in  tin-  hiitoiy  of  any  other  financial 

tem  Upon  the  face   of   the    ;_rl"l>c.         *         *          \     _•>,.•!: 
policy  \\hi.-h  thus  taxes  i;..  p,-,,plc  in  <irder  to  fulfill  a  plain 
<luty  to  them,  can  only  he  properly  character!  /ed  a-   h- 

Since    the    war   every    energy    ha<    luvn    direi-ted    l»y    the 
money    power    tow:ird>    the    destruction    of    the    ^reeiiliai-k 
and  :i  return   to   the   spr,-i,.    L.-i^is    >\xtmi    of   IIHHM-X.     Tin 
machinery  of  tht'  govern  ment  is  in  its  hamU,  and   it    is   n,,\\ 
aiming   to  control   the  two   -ivat    political   or^ani/..! 
the  country,  in  or.ler  that  it    may   i-oiiMiiuniate    it-    piirp..- 
'The  i.sMie  has  l.cen  forced  upon  tin*  nation  l»y  the  Bullion 
the  bondholders  and  the  money  lenders,  who-,-  tools  an 
be  found  in  every  party  convention  and   caucus  held  in  the 
country.     Thr  crisis  has  arrived,  and  tin-  masses   mit«t  ariw? 
ill  their  majesty  and  as>rrt  their  rights,  or  liherM  in  America 
will  be  a  mere  phantom.     It  is  not  from  kings  or  emperors 
that  the  American  people  m-ed  fear  the   IOSH  of  liberty,  but 
from  a  moneyed  aristocracy,  who*,,  hand  now    rests   heaviU 
upon  the  nation.     The  question  is  one  of  paramount   impor- 
tance, involving  as  it  docs  not  only  the  j.  resent  welfare  of 
the  people,  but  the  well  bein^  <»f  tin-  nation  f«>r  many  jjener- 
•itions  to  come.     It  is  a  question,  too,  i:i   which  the  do 

*Hon.  I).  AV.  Vor, 


trodden    masses  of  other  nations  have  a  deep  interest,  for, 
if  the  money  power  is  able  to  accomplish  its  designs  in  1 
republican  America,  where    else    can    the  people   hope  to 

tpe  its  bondage':' 

The  contest  will  undoubtedly  be  bitter,  surpassing  in  that 
respect  the  memorable  contest  between  the  money  power 
and  the  people  under  the  lead  of  General  Jackson   in    1 3 
but  "the  flower  safety  is  only  plucked  from  the  nettle  dan- 
ger."     The  political  organizations  of  the  country  are  no 
longer  faithful  exponents  of  the  popular  will,  nor  can  they 
be  until  the  money  changers  are  driven  from  their  tern; 
The  people  must  regain  control  of  their  party  machinery, 
or  be  led  like  sheep  to  the  slaughter.     But  it  is  to  be  hoped, 
in  the  language  of  Jackson's  farewell  address  touching  the 
same  subject,  "that,  while  the  people  remain 
uncorrupted  and  incorruptible,  and  jealous  of  their  rights, 
the  government  is  safe,  and  the  cause  of  freedom  will  con- 
tinue to  triumph  over  all  its  enemies." 


BELOW  we  give  an  able  article  from  the  pen  <>f  Horace 

(ireelcy,  oil   the  subject   of   till*  intcr-CollN  crt  ible    bt>lld.  \\llicli 

appeared  in  the  New  York  TVt&tm*  of  November  9,  1871. 

It  will  be  oh>cr\  i-«l  that  .Mr.  (ireelcy  sugge-:« d  tliat  tin-  bond* 
should  bear  a  moderate  gold  intcrot.     Tliis  is  n: 
and    would  be  taken  advantair*'  «»t'  by   the   Lr"M   .irainl»lrr>. 
Tin-  currency  bonds  of  the-  Unit.  <  i-  >\  crnnu-nt  to-ilay 

bear  a  larire  ]iiviiiiiun  over  the  Lrold  bmids.  siniply  In-cattSO 
tliey  pO8868fl  a  slight  advantage  in  point  of  the  time  they 
have  to  run.  It  may  be,  however.  tl»at,if  the  public  im- 
properly instituted  (made  a  full  leiral  tender  and  sustained  by 
a  bond), it  WOQld  practically  make  no  difference  whether  the 
OOndfl  of  the  gOVemmeiU  \\<-re  payable  both  principal  and 
interest  in  gold  or  leiral  tender  notes.  Thi-  view  U  held  by 
many  eminent  per*nn>.  The  lion.  Fr:m.-ix  \V.  Huj 
Pennsylvania,  a  di^tiii.ur»i^hed  leader  in  the  democratic  party. 
as  well  as  one  of  me  mo>t  profound  lawyer*,  in  tin-  .  ..imtry, 
in  a  speech  at  Scranton,  1'a.,  in  October,  1875,  in  di*cu*Mn^ 
this  jioint,  said: 

-What   better   ^ysteni    could    be   de\  i-,-d   and  what 
guarantee  could  he  afforded,  that  our  paper  lei_ral  temh- 
always  remain  e.jnal  to  par   with    Lrold,   than    that 
there  -hall  be  an   eXOejM   of  eurreney  it  can  and  \\ill  go  into 
iiment    bonds  j><i>f<if>l>    in  //"/'/.      1  i.  1..  ,-ati-« 

I  regard  i:  M   immaterial    wliether   under  me]  n    the 

bonds  be  jiayable  in   gold    or  not — either   way   they   can   be 
made,  as  now.  /"  tf»  r  ///•/-•  ;/»/>l.    Our  gi.vernmeiit  bon 
at  I'M  and  1'4  ]»er  cent,  above  par  in  our  r<irf',,il  legal  tender 


currency,  and  from  three-  to  eight  per  cent,  above  par  in  gold. 
Did  OUT  government  not  discredit,  our  greenbacks  by  refus- 
ing to  take  them  for  duties  on  imports, and  did  it  not  thereby 
inake  a  market  for  gold,  the  paper  legal  tenders  would  I 
always  remained  at  par  with  gold.  The  $60,000,000  of  full 
legal  tenders  1irst  i-siied  remained  at  par  with  gold,  when  the 
latter  wa-  as  to  partial  legal  tenders  at  a  premium  of  _ 
Let  t lie  bonds  be  payable  in  gold,  and  what  then?  "Why, 
whenever  the  is>ue  of  legal  tenders  is  in  excess  of  the 
wants  of  business,  by  a  law  of  its  own  nature  as  fixed  as  the 
law  of  gravity,  such  excess  of  currency  will  go  baek  into 
such  gold  bonds.  Can  such  legal  tenders  ever  get  below 
par  in  gold?  Never,  so  long  as  government  bonds  shall  be 
at  a  given  rate  of  interest.  Let  experience  determine  this. 
I  believe  that  under  such  a  system  the  government  credit 
would  be  so  assured  that  3.05  bonds,  as  have  been  proposed, 
would  go  above  par  in  gold.  In  such  case  the  int< 
should  be  less.  Let  results  determine  the  proper  rate  of 
interest,  or,  if  need  be,  perhaps  some  functionaries  under 
careful  guards,  might  be  aulhori/ed  to  lessen  or  increase  the 
rate  of  interest.  This  is  a  subject  for  legislation,  and  from 
the  many  suggestions  that  have  been  made  a  proper  method 
can  readily  be  adopted." 

"It  is  not  proposed  to  abolish  gold  as  a  legal  tender. 
Whether  as  an  article  of  merchandise  or  as  a  coin,  let  u- 
have  the  benefit  of  it  to  the  extent  we  may.  Hut  let  us  also 
have  a  NATIONAL  CUI:KI-:N«-V.  ()ne  that  will  not  keep  us 
involved  in  Kuropean  money  complications,  but  secure  to 
u-  perfect  independence  therefrom."1 

The  following  is  Mr.  Grccley's  editorial: 

HOW  TO   KKDLTK  THK   I\  I  i:i:i -:ST  OF  THE   NATIONAL   DEBT. 

•".Mr.  KoiitweH'M  plan  of  funding  the  national  debt  has 
had  a  pretty  fair  trial.  True,  the  times  have  been  ad\  CI-M-, 
but  we  have  generally  found  them  so  when  we  needed  to 
borrow  money. 

The  Mini  and  substance  of  the  Secretary's  success  is  the 
funding  of  x _>o 1 1,()00,000  at  5  per  cent,  on  the  payment  «>f 
the  bonus  of  11  per  cent,  to  the  syndicate  of  foreign  banker- 
who  ha\e  airreed  to  take  the  loan.  We  would  not  disparage 
this  achiexenient,  for  \\e  regard  if  as  decidedly  better  than 
nothing.  Add  to  the  interest  (*3,000,000)  $1,000,000  more 
for  the  a.  •  of  printing  the  new  bond-,  ad\  erti^ing. 


explaining  and  commending  tin-  l«»:m,  ami  the 

tm i.l in-  the  $2oo,ooo,»' 

$4,000,ooM.      It  9CH  iiis  to  iiu-  that  this  d»es  M,,I  jii-:n\  a  h..p,- 
that  our  $1,500,000,000  of  instantly  or  presently  redeemable 

sixes  ran    IM-   promptly   funded   e\e||   at    ~>   per  n-ilJ. 

Having  gi\eu  to  the  Secivtai  .  ;-po,t 

throughout, WO  urge  that  ;i  radically  different  plan  ni.-r. 
ha\e  a  fair  trial,     I'.efore  we  send  another  bond  abroad  to  be 
ha\vkc(l  from  hanking   IHUIM*   to   liankiiiLf   hoiis(.  thr..u-h..iit 
EurujK',  >\c  ask  the  government  to  try— ju>t  rann -sfl\ 
— to  fund  the  bill*  of  our  drl>t  at   hom.  .      \V,    ro'uld  mit 
have  sold  our  ImmU  durinir  tin-  dark  ln.urs  of  mir  «-i\  il  war 
to  Kuropu  at  any  price,  m>  matter  l»o\v  ruinous,  if  \\  «•  had 
not  first  shown  our  faith   in  them  by  taking  liundi- 
millions  of  tlu-iu   om-M-lvi-.      s.,    no\v,   havii  lm\v 

reluctantly  they  tiikc  our  n-i^^uex  at  .">  per  rent.,  uit!: 
count,  let  us  show  them  that  we  stand  ready  to  tak 
amount  at  a  lo\\.-r  rate  of  interest   at    par.      ll< T.     ID    I 
of  our  proposition. 

Let  Congress  make  our  «_rreen hacks  fumlable,  at  the  pleas- 
ure  of  the  holder,  in  bonds  of  $100,  *  1,000  an  i 
drawing  interest  at  the   rate   of  one   rent    per  day   <>h 
$100  (or  3.05  per  annum),  and  e\dianeable  in  LTI  eenl.a«-k>  at 
the  pleasure  of  the  li older.     NOW  authori/e  the  Treasury  to 
purchase  aud  extinguish  our  outstanding  l»m-i- 
is  supplied  with  the  means  of  s,,   doing   by   receipts   «.f  nin- 

tOniS  Ol*  Otherwise,  and    to    isvllt.    m-w    grerllbacks    \\in-ne\er 

larger  amounts  shall  be  required,  every  one  being  fundable 
iii  sums  of  $100,  1,000  or  $10,000,  a«  aforesaid,  at   the 

ure  of  the  holder,  in   bonds  drawing  an  annual   intei 
3.65  in  coin  per  annum,  and  thes,.  b-.n-U  exehan^rai.U-  into 
greenbacks  win-never  a  holder  shall  de-ire  it. 
The  benefits  of  this  system  Would  be  these: 

1.  Our   greenbacks,    which    are    now    virtual    raNrhoodt, 
would    be   truths.      The   government    would    pay    them    on 
demand   in   bonds  as  aforesaid,  which   is   in   substantial  ac- 
cordance with  the  plan  on  which  the  c  first 

2.  Every  person  having  greenbacks  for  which  he  had  no 
present  need  would  present  them  at  -omr  Sub-Treasury  and 
exchange   them    at    par    for  these   bond-.      Suppose  he  had 
$10,000  which   he  exprrted    to   use   a   month    hencr.  he  can 
make  them  earn  him  *:JO  meantime,  >\  ithout  incurring  the 

366  APPK.VDIX. 

smallest  danger  of  loss  by  bank  failures  or  otherwi- 
with  a  positive  certainty  tliat  the  money  would  be  really  for 
him  whenever  he  chose  to  take  it. 

3.  A  merchant  leaves  New  York  with  a  million  of  dollars 
which  he  proposes  to  invest  in  wheat  at  the  West  or  in  cot- 
ton at  the  South.     He  calls  at  our  Sub-Treasury,  exchange- 
his  greenbacks  for  these  bonds,  and  takes  or  sends  t! 
Chicago,  Saint   Paul,   New   Orleans,  or   <4alveston,  t«>    be 
exchanged  for  use  when  needed.     After  looking  about  for  a 
month,  he   buys  half  the  produce  he  originally  intended, 
converts  half  his  bonds  into  greenbacks,  receives  $50  per 
day  or  81,500  in  all,  as  interest,  and  makes  his  payments. 
After  traveling  and  looking  for  another  month,  he  invests 
the  remainder   of  his   capital,  receives  $3,000  as  interest 
thereon  for  the  two  months  he  has  held  the  last  half  million 
of  bonds,  and  lays  his  course  homeward.     His  bonds  may 
have  lain  nearly  all  the  time  he  owned  them  in  the  vaults  of 
some  bank;  but  they  were  earning  money,  not  for  that  l»ank 
but  for  him. 

4.  Our  greenbacks,  no  longer  false,  but  convertible  at 
pleasure  into  bonds  bearing  a  moderate  gold  interest,  and 
exchangeable  as  aforesaid,  could  not  fail  to  appreciate  stead- 
ily until  they  nearly  reached  the  level  of  gold.    Indeed,  they 
would,  unless  issued  too  profusely,  be  really  better  than 
gold.     Drawing  a  higher  rate  of  interest  than  British  con- 
suls,  and   convertible   at  pleasure,   as    these    arc    not,   they 
would  in  time  obtain  currency  even  in  the  Old  World. 

5.  The  trouble  so  inveterately  borrowed  by  thousands 
with  respect  to  over-issues,  redundant  currency,  etc.,  would 
(or  at  least  should)  be  hereby  dispelled.     If  there  wen-  at 
any  time  an  excess  of  currency,  it  would  tend  to  precipitate 
itself  into  the  bonds  aforesaid.     If  there  should   ever  be  a 
scarcity    of   currency,    bonds    would    be    exchanged    at    the 
Treasury   for  greenbacks   till    the   want  was   fully   supplied. 
Black  Fi-idays  and  the  locking  up  of  greenbacks  would  BOOB 
In-  numbered  with  lost  :irts  and  hobgoblin  tcrn»r>. 

«J.  Though  the  demand  for  tlie-e  bonds  might  for  month* 
t>6  moderate,  their  convenience  and  manifest  utility  would 
S.M.M  dilTiiM'  their  popularity  and  stimulate  an  ever  widening 
demand  fur  them.  They  would  be  a  favorite  investment 
with  guardians  and  trustees  win.  would  expect  to  be  required 
to  pay  over  the  funds  held  by  them  at  an  early  day,  whether 
fixed  or  uncertain.  They  would  say,  though  I  illicit  invent 

APT!    N  :  Ml 

«>r  deposit  thcM-  funds  when-  tliry   \\.-uld  .-..111111.111.1  :i   .' 
interest,  I  ohooae  t<»  pla<-»-  them  uhnv  1  km»\\    tli«-y    will    be 
>afe  ami  at  hand  when  called  i'«,r. 

7.   ritimately,  we  hi-lir\»-  i'n.-\    ironld   '-••••me  *o  popular 
that  hundreds  of  million!  of  them  would  !•«•  ab-«- 
very  near  the  par  of  >pecir,  ami  that  \sith  tin-  pri..-,-.-,u  an 

ftjual  amount  of  our  out-tand'ni- 

.ami    cancelled,    without    ad\  eriNin^    f  .r    L.ans    or    pa\  ini; 
Itankcrs  to  shin   for  us  thrmi^hmit    Km-']*-.     Tin-   i: 
thus  saved  to  our  country  woul«l  In-  au  Jmportant  it«-m. 

Such  are  the  rude  outlino  «•!   a  plan   which   w«-  <li«l   not 
originate,  but  which  we  heartily  eml«.r--.      \Vh\    : 
a  trial?     We  should  dearly  like  t<»  int'.»nn  Kuropr  that. 
she  seems  not  to  want  any  more  of  our  liomU  at  .~>  per  < ••  -nt., 
Ave  have  concluded  t«>  take  the  bal:.  :*f." 


The  following  is  a  copy  of  the  principal  MM-HOMS  <>f  the 
iirst  legal  tender  bill  as  it  passed  the  House  of  li 
lives,  February  6,  1862: 
•"An  Act  to  authorize  the  issue  of  United  States  notes, 

!  for  the  red*', ,</•''•-.<  <••  / 
funding  the  floating  debt  of  '/«;  Cnit€<! 
SECTION!.  Be  i'  s  '*eof 

Representatives  of  the  i'  ^  \ 

s.n.hled:    That  to'meet  the   nc. •,  — iti«->  ,.f  the  T 
the  United  States,  and  t<>  pro\  ide  a  »-urn-n.-y   receivabh-   fnr 
the   public    dues,  the    Secretary   ..!'    the   Trea-«ir\    i-    i 
authorised  to  issue,  on  the  ereCUl  of  the  Vnit.       -•         .  $150-f 

000,000  of  I'nited  State*  ootet,  nol  beari 

to  bean-r  at  the  Trea-ury  ..f  the  I'ni'  Oiinvr- 

ton  or  New  Fork, and  of  such  dflnominatkmi  a^  he  m.i\ 

dt-em  expedient,  not  lr-s  than   ti\e   dollars  each,      i 
ho\\e\er,  that  $50,000,000  of  said  nor,->   M.ail    1»-   in    ' 

the  deinand  Treasury  notes  aothoriied  to  ted  by  the 

Act  of  July   17,  1801;    which   -aid   demand   tioh-s   shall    be 
taken  up  as'  rap  idly  a-  prarticablr,  ami  11.  i^eivin   pro- 

vided for   substituted    for   thum:     And  j>r«.>  irther, 


that  the  amount  of  the  two  kinds  of  notes  together,  shall,  at 
no  time,  exceed  the  sum  of  $150,000,000.     And  such  n< 
herein    authorized,   shall  be   receivable   in    payment    of    all 
taxes,  duties,  imports,  excise,  debts  and  demands  of  e\ 
kind  due  to  the  United  State-.,  and  for  all  salaries,  debts  and 
demands  owing  by  the  United   States  to  individuals.  <-,,rp<,- 
rations  and  associations  -within  the  United  States,  and  shall 
also  be  lawful  money  and  a  legal  tender,  in  payment  of  all 
debts,  public  ami  private,  within  the  United  States.     And 
any  holders  of  said  United  States  notes,  depositing  any  sum 
not  less  than  #50,  or  some  multiple  of  #50,  with  the  Trea- 
urer  of  the  United  States,  or  either  of  the  Assistant  Tr- 
urers,  shall  receive  in  exchange  therefor  duplicate  certihV 
of  deposit,  one  of  which  may  be  transmitted  to  the  Secretary 
of  the  Treasury,  who  shall  thereupon  issue  to  the  holder  aii 
equal    amount  of   bonds  of    the    United  States,  coupon  or 
registered,  as  may  by  said  holder  be  desired,  bearing  interest 
at  the  rate  of  six  per  centum  per  annum,  payable  semi-annu- 
ally,  at  the  Treasury  or  Sub-Treasury  of  the   United   St- 
and redeemable  at  the  pleasure  of  the  United  States,  after 
twenty   years  from   the  date   thereof.      Provided,  that    the 
Secretary  of  the  Treasury  shall,  upon  presentation   of  said 
certificates  of  deposit,  issue  to   the  holder  thereof,  at   his 
option,  and  instead  of  the  bonds  already  described,  an  equal 
amount  of  bonds  of  the  United  States,  coupon  or  regi>tered. 
a*  may  by  said  holder  be  desired,  bearing  interest  at  the  rate 
of  seven    per  rent,   per  annum,   payable   semi-annually,  ami 
redeemable  at  the  pleasure  of   the    United   States,  after  the 
years  from  the  date  thereof.     And  such  United  States  P 
shall    be    received   the  same  as  coin,  at  their  par  value,   in 
payments  for  any  loans  that  may  be  hereafter  sold  or  in- 
Mated  by  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  and  may  be  reissued 
from  time  to  time,  as  the  exigencies  of  the  public  inter 
.shall    require.     There  shall  be  printed  on   the   back  of  tin- 
United  States  notes,  which  may  be   issued   under  the  provi- 
sions of  this  act,  the  following  words;  'The  within  is  a  h/«_ral 
tender  in   payment  of  all  debts,  public,   and   private,  and    i* 

exchangeable  for  bonds  of  the  United  State-,  bearing  >iv 

per  centum  interest   at   twenty    ye.-ir-.  or  in   seven   per  cent. 

bom  Is  at  th  e  yean.1 

Jj  '2.    Ami  '/,,'    it  further  enacted.   That   to  enable  the 

Tetaiy  of  the  Treasury   to    fund   the   Treasury   notes  ;md 

floating  debt  of  the   United  States,  he   U  hereby   authorized 

A  i  •  i  •  i   BTDIZ.  369 

to  U-UC,  mi  the  credit  "f  tin-  I'nitcd  States,  coupon  bonds, 
of  registered  bonds,  to  an  amount  not  -  iim:  *"'•" 

000,  ainl  iv.  len  nalile  at  tin-  pleasure  of  t  In-  'j.«\  en  mien  r. 

twenty  years  from  date,  ana  bearing  interest  at  ih  •  r 

MX  per  centum  JUT  aniiinii,  pa\  able  scmi-annually  ;  ami  the 
bonds  liiTrin  authori/ed  shall  be  of  such  denominations.  n,,t 
less  than  fifty  dollars,  as  may  be  determined  ii|»<>n  b\  flu* 
Secretary  of  tin-  Treasury;  ami  tin-  Secretary  of  tin-  Treasury 
may  dispose  of  Mich  bonds  at  any  time  for  lawful  money  of 
the  United  States,  «,r  for  any  of  tin-  Treasury  notes  tliat  liave 
1>«  rii,  or  may  lu-reaftor  In-,  is>ue«l  nmU-r  any  f^n-mn-  a«-t  of 
C'oiiirn-»,  or  for  I'liiti'ti  Stairs  notr<  that  may  !•••  i--ur<l 

under  the  provisions  of  this  act;  an«l  all  stocks,  bonds,  and 

other  securities  of  the  l'nite.1  State-,  liehl  l»y  imlivi.Iuals, 
eorjtorat  ions,  or  associations,  within  the  l"nite«l  States,  shall 
i»e  evemjit.  from  taxation  l»y  any  State  or  county. 

g  3.  And  b*  it  f»rtlii  r  <  nocted:  That  the  United  S 
mite<  ami  the  coupon  or  registered  bonds,  aothorued  l»y  this 

act,  shall  be,  in  Mu-li  forms  as  the  Sn-rrtary  <»f  tin-  Trra^ury 
may  .lirect,  an<l  shall  hear  the  u  ritten  or  i'm_rra\«-.|  Slgnatarefl 

of  the  Treasurer  <•!'  the  l'nite<l  State-,  ami  the  Keni-try  <»t'  the 

Treasury,  and  also  as  evidence  <»f  lawful  issue,  the-  imprint 
of  a  copy  of  the  M-al  of  the  Tr«.-a>ury  Department,  which 
imprint  shall  be  made  under  the  direction  of  the  Secretary, 
after  the  said  mites  or  homls  shall  he  received  from  the 
engravers,  and  In-fore  they  an-  i^ncd:  or  the  said  note-  and 
homls  >hall  he  signed  hy  tlui  Treasurer  of  the  I'nited  Statr^, 
or  for  the  Treasurer  hy  such  persons  a<  may  he  imperially 
appointed  l»y  the  Secretary  of  the  Trea-ury  for  that  pnrpOM, 


and  sliall  he  eounteiNi^neil  hy  the  Ke-_ri^ter  of  ihr  Trra-ury, 
or  for  the  Ife^i^ter  hy  -uch  persons  as  the  Secretary  "f  the 
Treasury  may  e-perially  appoint  for  that  purpose;  and  all 
the  provisions  OX  the  act  entitle-1  •  An  act  to  authori/.e  the 

isMie  of  Treasury  note*,1  approved  the  -'--I  day  of  December, 

1857,  SO   far   a>    they    can    he    applied   to  this   act,   and    imt 
inconsistent  t  hereu  ith,  are   hen-hy   revixed   and    i 
ami  the  sum  of  $:l(>0,000  is  hrreKy  ap|»ropriate<l,  out   of  any 
money  in  the  Treasury  not  otherwise  appropriated,  to  enable 
the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  to  carry   this  act    into  effect." 

Two  penal  section!  (jj  ^  ami  jj'o  irere  adopted  as  part  of 

this  bill,  to  guard  airainM  counterfeitinir,  but  it  is  not  impor- 
tant to  insert  them  here,  as  they  do  not  affect  the  principles 
of  the  bill. 



"An  Act  to  authorize  the  issue  of  United  State*  / 
dud  for  the  redemption  or  fii,,</i,i:i  thereof^  «ndfor 
funding  the  floating  debt  of  the  United  States. 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  Senate  and  House  of  Represen- 
tatives of  the  United  States,  in  Congress  a**>  ////;/<  <// 
That  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  is  hereby  authorized  t<» 
issue  on  the  credit  of  the  United  States  one  hundred  ami 
fifty  millions  of  dollars  of  United  State**  imte-.  not  bcarin<L: 
interest,  payable  to  bearer,  at  the  Treasury  of  the  Tinted 
States,  and  of  such  denominations  as  he  may  deem  expe- 
dient, not  less  than  five  dollars  each. 

/'/•'tvicled,  however,  that  fifty  millions  of  said  notes  shall 
be  in  lieu  of  the  demand  Treasury  m>Us  j  uthori/ed  to  be 
issued  by  the  act  of  July  17th,  1801,  which  said  demand 
notes  shall  be  taken  up  as  rapidly  as  practicable,  and  the 
notes  herein  provided  for  substituted  for  them;  and 

d  further^  That  the  amount  of  the  two  kinds  of 
i< 'Aether  shall  at  no  time  exceed  the  sum  of  one  hun- 
dred and  fifty  millions  of  dollars;  and  such  notes  herein 
authorized  shall  be  receivable  in  payment  of  all  taxes,  inter- 
nal duties,  excises,  debts  and  demands  of  every  kind  due  to 
the  United  States,  except  duties  on  imports,  ar.d  of  all 
claims  and  demands  against  the  United  States  of  every  kind 
whatsoever,  except  for  interest  upon  bonds  and  notes,  which 
shall  1-e  paid  in  coin;  and  shall  also  be  lawful  money  and  a 
leiral  tender  in  payment  of  all  debts,  public  and  private, 
within  the  United  States,  except,  duties  on  imports  and 
interest  as  aforesaid;  and  any  holder  of  said  United  States 
note*  depositing  any  sum  m>t  less  than  fifty  dollars,  or  BODIfl 
multiple  of  fifty  dollars,  With  the  Treasurer  of  the  United 
States,  or  either  of  the  Assistant  Treasurers,  shall  receive  in 
exchange  then-tor  duplicate  certificates  of  deposit.  <mc  of 
which  may  be  transmitted  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury, 
who  shall  thereupon  i-^ue  to  the  holder  an  e«jual  amount  of 
the  bonds  of  the  United  States,  coupon  or  registered,  aa  may 

by  said  holder  be  desired,  bearing  interest  at  the  rate  of  six 
per  <•< •ntum  per  annum,  payable  semi-annually,  and  redeema- 
ble at  the  pleasure  of  the  United  States  after  five  year*,  and 
payable  twenty  year*  from  the  date  thereof;  and  such  United 
all  be  received  the  same  a*  coin,  at  their  par 

\   I'  I'  I  .  N    .  M71 

value,  in  payment  l'..r  :uiy  lo 

or  negotiated  hy  ti  .  ,ry  ..t'  th-  ..  and  n 

•  •d  from  time  tO  time   a*    tin-   «•• 
interest*  -hall  rcijuirc. 

.I"-/  /••  •'//,/•  tnaettdi  That  to  enal.le  the 

taryof   the  Tn-a-m-y   to   fund   the  Tn-a- 
floathlg  debt  Of  the   1'nited  State-,  he   i*    herehy   aiirl,. 

te  on  the  credit  of  the  Unit  -  coupon  I  ......  I-  or 

registered  bonds,  to  an  atnoont  not  »-\«-cr.iinur  tix,.  ),,, 

million  dollars,  an«l  n-.lcniialiK'  at  tin-  |>l<  i  In-  I  "nil.  ••! 

States  after  tivi«  years,  ami  payal.le  twnr 

and  lieai-iiiir  interest  at  the  rate  ot  M\  j,,  i  ,-.  niiiin  JM-I-  aiiniiiii, 
jiayal.le    >enii-annually;     and    the    hoinU    }i«-r<-in    anil  . 
shall  )>e  of  >uch  denomination,  not  h-^x  than  fifty  dollars,  as 
may  lie  detenniiu-d  u|*on  l»y  t!ie  Seen-tai-y  of  the  Treasury; 
and  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  may  di~ 
at  any  time  at  the  market  \  aim-  li  ;  lawful  money.  th«- 

•coin  of  the  t'nited  Statr^,  or  for  :m\    of   the  Trea>nry 
tli.-tt  have  lieen,or  may  liereaftrr  I"  .  i^u.  d  undrr  an\"t- 
act  of  Conirivss  or  tor  the  I'nitrd  Statt-s  notes  iliat  "n. 
is>ued  under  the  j»n»\  i^ioiis  of  this  act;  and  all  M«H-k-,  l»«ni«U, 
and  other  securities  of  the  t'nited  States  held  l»y  indiviiluaU, 

corporation  A  or  associations  within  the  l*nit«  .  - 

eiiipt  from  taxation  l,y  or  under  State  authority. 

fl/«r*A0r<  ,'/-•'../.  That  the  I'niti-d  States 
notes  and  the  coupon  or  registered  ii«»mUauti  .\  thi-* 

net  nhall  l»c»  in  sueh  form  as  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 
may  direct,  and  shall  lu-ar  the  written  or  eii-,'i  '  •' 
of  the  Treasurer  of  the   Tnitcd   Stati-x   and    the   Keuri-' 
Hi"  Ti-easiiry,  and  aNo,  as  e\  iden.-e  of  lawful   i-xu,-,  tl 
print  of  a  eopy  of  the  seal  of  the  Treasury  Deparlineiit.  which 
imprint  shall   l>e  made  under  the  direction  of  the  Sec: 
after  the  said  note*  ,,••   l,.,nd-   >hall   be  received  from  the 
eiiLTravers,  and  l>efore  they  are  i--ucd;  or  the  said  notes  and 
bonds  shall  l>e  signed  l,v  d,,  •  t|M.  I*,, 

or  for  the  Treasurer,  by  such  pcr-ons  as  may  be  special  ly 

a]ij»ointed  1>\  the  Secretary  of  the  Tiva-iiry  for  that  j»ur|»o>«-. 

and  shall  l>e  eniuiter-iirnetl  l»y  t!      1  ,' 

or  for  the  IJeirister.  l»y  >u.-h  ].er*onx    .  g  ,f  the 

~:iry  may  appnint  for  that  purj»ose;    and  all    : 
of  the  act    entitled   *.\n    act    to   authoi'i/e    t(. 

-ury  notes,  approved  the  fu  enty-third  da\  of  Deer 
•  (•iirhteen  hundred  and  tifty-»evi-n,  -o  f;iras  they  can  1»e  applied 


to   this    act,    and    not  inconsistent   therewith,   are    hereby 
revived  and  re-enacted;  and  the  sum  of  three  hundred  thou- 
sand dollars  is  hereby  appropriated,  out  of  any  money  in 
the  Treasury  not  otherwise  appropriated,  to  enable  th- 
retary  of  the  Treasury  to  carry  this  act  into  effect. 

g  4.  And  be  it  farther  enacted,  That  the  Secretary  of 
the  Treasury  may  receive  from  any  person  or  persons,  or 
any  corporation,  United  States  notes  on  deposit  for  not  less 
than  thirty  days,  in  sums  of  not  less  than  one  hundred  dollars, 
with  any  of  the  assistant  treasurers  or  designated  deposito- 
ries of  the  United  States  authorized  by  the  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury  to  receive  them,  who  shall  issue  therefor  certificates 
of  depo>it,  in  such  form  as  the  Secretary  of  the  TreaMiry 
shall  prescribe,  and  said  certificates  of  deposit  shall  bear 
interest  at  the  rate  of  five  per  centum  per  annum;  and  any 
amount  of  United  States  notes  so  deposited  may  be  with- 
drawn from  deposit  at  any  time  after  ten  days'  notice  on  the 
return  of  said  certificates;  r,-<>vided,  that  the  inter* 
ail  such  deposits  shall  cease  and  determine  at  the  pl« 
of  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury;  and  Provided  further^ 
that  the  aggregate  of  such  deposits  shall  at  no  time  « 
the  amount  of  twenty-five  million  dollars. 

$5.  And  I><  'it  further  enacted,  That  all  duties  on  ini] 
goods  which  shall  be  paid   in  coin,  or  in  notes  payable  on 
demand,  heretofore  authorized,  to  be  received  ami  by  law 
receivable  in  payment  of  public  dues,  and  the  coin   so  paid 
>hall  be  set  apart  as  a  special  fund,  and  applied   as   follows: 

First — To  the  payment  in  coin  of  the  interest  on  the  bomK 
and  notes  of  the  United  States. 

Second — To  the  purchase  or  payment  of  one  per  centum 
of  the  entire  debt  of  the  United  States,  to  be  made  within 
each  fiscal  year  after  the  first  day  of  July,  1862;  which  is  to 
be  Bel  apart  as  a  sinking  fund;  and  the  interest  of  which 
shall  in  like  manner  be  applied  to  the  purchase  or  payment 
of  the  public  debt,  as  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  shall 
from  time  to  time  direct. 

Third — The  residue  thereof  to  be  paid  into  the  Treasury 
of  the  United  States." 

The  penal  sections  (§  6  and  §  7),  in  relation  to  counter- 
feiting, etc.,  of  no  importance  here,  are  omitted. 

SPEECH  OF  HON.  THAIHH  I  S  STEVENS  IN    Mil:  lln!  s|   m 

W H K.\  Congress  convened  in  I>e. -, •,    i*ij-j,  the 
Thaddeus  Stevens,  Chairman  of  the  Committee  of  Ways  and 
Means,  offered  a  bill  similar  to  the  original  1,-,'al  tender  bill, 
whieh  passed  the  IIou*e  of  Uepre*entatives,  February  0, 1- 
This  bill  was  intended    to    remedy  the   evil*   whieh   had  re- 
sulted  from    the   partial    le^al   tender    act,  but    the    m..iu-\ 
power  raided  a  -real  hue  and  cry,  and   Iff.  fi  .  lindm- 

that  it,  was  impossible   to  carry  the   measure,   \va*    t 
abandon   it.     His  remarks   upon  the  occasion  were  ax  fol- 

Mr.  STI-:VI-:\S.     I  a>k  the  gentleman  from   Maryland. 
Cristield,)  who  is  entitled  to  the  floor,  to  permit  me  to  in. 
a  statement  in  reference  to  the  national  tinan 

Mr.  CKISFIELD.  I  yield  to  the  gentleman  for  that  purpose. 

Mr.  STKVENS.    The  bill  which   I   introduced  some  days 
since,  to  provide  mean*  to  defray  the  expen*c*  of  the  irov< 
inent,  produced  a  howl  amon^r  the  money-chan_  Ic- 

ons as  that  sent  forth   by   their  Jewish   cou*in*    \\heii    they 
were  kicked  out  of  the  temple.      It    produced,  what 
to  me,  an  unaccountable  excitement  in  tinancial  circle*.    Thi* 
wa<  eau*ed,  1  suppose,  by  wronir  information  a*  to  it*  origin, 

and  a  misunderstanding  as  to  its  object,    'r          i*  partly 

the  fault  of  letter  writers,  and  partly  the  fault  of  stocK-j 
biiiLT  money  editor^.      I   j.ereei\e  the  money  article  of  the 
1'hiladclphia  Piv**,  of  Monday  of  this   \\,-,  k,  r.  pri-xent*  the 
bill  as  reported  by  the  Committee  of  \Va\  *  and    Means,  not- 
withstanding the  papers  of  la*t    \\  -in. 
I   *uppose  these  money-article  editors  are  BOine  d 
brokers  who  make  «rain  by  their  mi*v-                  tfoaa     The 
bill,  as  all  knew  who  wi*hed  to  know,  was  introduced  by  m«- 
on   my  individual    responsibility,  «»n  the  call  of  the  States, 
with  the  sole  object,  as  I  then  stated,  of  referring  it  in 
Committee  of  Ways  and   Mean*.     Neither  the  9 
the  Treasury  nor  the  Committee  of   Way*  and    M  .id 


ever  been  consulted  with  regard  to  it;  nor,  although  referred 
to  them  on  motion  of  the  mover,  has  it  ever  been  cons! 
by  the  committee. 

So  much  for  the  origin  of  the  bill. 

IT-  contents  and  objects  s.-cm  to  be  equally  misunderstood 
or  misrepresented. 

It  is  known  to  this  House  that  I  do  not  approve  of  the 
present  financial  system  of  the  government.  When  this 
Congress  ;:  — '-mbled  a  year  ago,  all  the  banks  of  the  Union,. 
as  well  as  the  government,  had  suspended  specie  payments. 
The  last  *;io,(  loo.ooO  of  loan,  which  had  been  taken  by  the 
hanks  at  a  discount  of  15,600,000,  payable  in  coin,  was  no 
longer  paid  in  anything  but  the  currency  of  suspended  banks. 
The  immense  expenses  of  the  government,  (from  $2,000,000 
to  $3,000,000  daily,)  were  to  lie  provided  for.  It  was  impos- 
sible to  negotiate'  loans,  except  at  a  ruinous  discount.  The 
( 'oinmitlee  of  Ways  and  Means  were  expected  to  provide  the 
means,  without  any  suggestions  from  any  imartcr  to  aid 
them.  After  careful  deliberation,  the  committee,  or  rather 
as  it  turned  out,  the  one-half  of  them,  determined  to  inaugu- 
rate a  system  of  national  currency  consisting  of  legal  tender 
receivable  in  all  transactions  bet  ween  individuals,  and 
hetween  individuals  and  the  government,  and  convertible 
into  bonds  of  the-  United  States,  bearing  six  per  cent,  inter- 
est, payable  semi-annually  in  lawful  money,  and  redeemable 
in  twenty  years  in  gold  or  silver  coin.  The  is>ue  of  $150,- 
000,000  of  such  notes  was  authorized,  ami  of  $500,0< 
of  twenty  years  bonds. 

The  system    was  -imple    in  its    machinery,   and    easily  un- 
derstood.     It  formed  a   uniform   currency,  sustained    by  the 
faith  of  the   government,  and    furnishing  but    one   currency 
for  all  classes  of   people.      It  was   believed   that  as    the 
tender  notes  accumulated  in  the  hands  of  bankers  and  capi- 
talists they  would  invest    them  in    six  per  cent.    bond*. 
U>  realise  a  profit  from    their  capital.     The    instinct   oi 
rice  and  gain  would    never  allow   them  to  remain  hmir  idle. 
This  coii\crsion  and  reconversion  would  have  absorbed  the 
$500,000,0<M)    within  the   fiscal    year,  and    supplied   all    tin- 
wants  of  government.     So  long  as  the  legal   tender 
remained  unconverted    the  government  would  have  had  the 
benefit    of  the    circulation   without  interest.     This  wa>  the 
plan  of  the  committee.     The  currency  has  proved   the  most 
able  ever  offered  to  the   people.      This  was  the  • 

\  IT  1    \  I.  I   \. 

lion  <>f  tlu>   liills  us   presented  ori/mally,  :unl   as  they  passed 
tin-  House. 

Hut    the    simplicity    an.  I    hann«»uy    of    thi- 
doumed  t<>  iu-  manirled  and   desjro\ed   a-  if    pa  —  .-d  through 
tin-  Senate.     They  began   by  making  t\\o  kinds  «• 
lor  tin-  same  community  —  a  fatal  mistake  when\  91 
They  provided  tliat  bonds  issued  as  ah,.\e  stair.  I  sh-.uld  re- 
tin1  interest,  iii  p»l«l,  while  the   interest  of  all   other 
bonds  should  he  pax  able  in  leu'.tl  tcii-lcr    n..trx,  thii^ 

tlu-  niitM-t  a  (Irpivriati.Hi    nt'   tln-rnit.    i    - 
and    rrr:itin^   a   (Ifiiiand    1'.  «r    'j"M  t<  -  I  "    taken  ad\  ant., 
st-iui-aiiiiually  l>y  Imllion  nn»ii'_r»T>.      Without  Mich  i'f.»\i>ion 
tlu-ri-  would    ha\f   IKM-II    no   demand  for   a   MULT!*'    dollar  of 
to    In-    u-'-d    ill    tliis   country.      If  merchants    wi.-i 

import  «r«M»ds  IM-VOIM!  .uir  r\pnrt>,  and  that  iv«|uiivd  .ir-»l«i,  I 
should  feel  hut  little  sympathy  for  them,  \\hate\er  premium 
they  were  ohliired  to  pay.  IJeiiiL?  unal'le  to  defeat  tiii-  pro- 
vision, I  procured  to  I,.-  in>t-rte.l  a  pi..\i-i..n  making  the  du- 
•i  imports  payable  in  Lr<(ld.  'I'hi-  ual»le  the 

jfovernmrnt  to  meet  the  payment  of  interest  in  coin.  That 
had  one  good  and  one  l»ad  etl'e.-t.  It  innvasrd  ,,Mr  tariff 
soim-  thirty  j>er  cent.,  l»ut  it  conipi-lled  our  mm-hants  logo 
:iinonur  Hi*-  Shyloi-ks  to  pmvha>r  coin  to  pay  their  duties. 
The-e  comhined  form  :i  mine  of  wealth  for 
brokers  and  hanker^.  Tin-  duties  and  int«-rest  \\  ill  ivi|tiiro 
$60,000,000  of  go  Id  annually,  and  >«>on  douhle  that  amoimL 
N.'\\,  our  hanks  and  hroker>  h:i\  iy  that  ft] 

han.l.     Tlu-y  may  j»ut    the   price   as    hiurh   as   they  p!«   . 
must  l>e  paid.     Sup|.ose  the  l.anks   in   our  three   irrea;    com- 
mercial <-itie>  to  have  ju^t  that  amount.      If  half-yearly  they 

sell  the  half  of  it  tothegovetnmeal  and  nu-rchants  at  thirty 

per  cent.,  nMiiL?    the  other  half  to  the  i-nd    of   the   \.-ir    and 

thru    selling    it,    they  would    clear   by  th;~ 

thirty  per  cent.  «>n  their  capital,  and    have  all    the    pr.*' 

loans,   on    deposit-*,   and    currency  circulation  betide*,      The 

irold  would  rrturn  to  their    \ault-,  poxxihly,   hy  the  payment 

of    interest,   on    the  \ery  l.oiids  they  held  tlicniM'h 

to  he  for  the  same  operation  at    the    n.  .nmial 

]>ayment,  tloiiblin^  their  capital  in  three  years.      If  a  finan- 

cial system  \\hieh  ]«ro,  luces  MU-|I  re-u!t-»   1-    \\i^,  -.   t!u-n  I  am 

laboring  under  a  ureat  mistake. 

The  ne\t  error  was  to  ,  -h^  ir   bonds  into 

boiuls  redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  government  in  live 


years,  and  payable  in  twenty  years.  We  all  know  these  long 
loans  sell  much  higher  than  short  ones.  But  the  most  un- 
salable kind  of  bond  is  that  payable  in  a  short  time  if  the 
obligor  choose,  or  at  any  intermediate  time  up  to  a  distant 
day  at  his  option.  Every  man  wishes  to  know  when  his  in- 
vestment will  fall  due,  so  as  to  know  how  to  arrange  for  busi- 
ness for  re-investment.  The  very  uncertainty  of  the  day  of 
payment  is  a  great  fault;  hence  our  bonds  sell  some  five  per 
cent,  lower  than  an  absolute  twenty-year  loan  would;  yet  no 
one  believes  that  we  shall  be  able  to  redeem  them  short  of 
that  time.  The  only  justification  for  this  change  would  be 
the  expectation  of  being  able  to  pay  in  five  years.  He  must 
be  a  very  hopeful  man  who  can  indulge  that  idea. 

Another  change,  which  seems  to  me  equally  injudicious, 
was  the  allowing  the  holders  of  legal  tender  notes  to  deposit 
them  with  the  government  agent  at  interest  not  exceeding 
five  per  cent.,  and  payable  on  call  after  ten  days.  This  ef- 
fectually destroyed  the  hope  of  any  very  speedy  conversion 
of  them  into  bonds.  A  holder  of  them  would  much  prefer 
lending  them  on  short  call  at  a  smaller  interest,  and  wait  for 
emergencies  to  speculate,  than  to  fund  them  in  government 
stock.  The  consequence  is,  that  while  $80,000,000  have 
been  deposited  on  short  loan,  only  about  $20,000,000  have 
been  invested  in  bonds.  One  singular  feature  of  this  pro- 
vision is,  that  when  $50,000,000  or  more  of  these  notes  are 
thus  borrowed  by  government,  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 
shall  keep  on  hand  $50,000,000  of  legal  tender  notes  to  meet 
the  call,  either  by  not  issuing  the  amount  authorized,  or 
holding  others.  It  is,  in  effect,  the  same  as  if  the  govern- 
ment agreed  to  take  a  loan  of  $50,000,000  at  four  per  cent., 
and  keep  it  in  their  vaults  without  use  until  the  lender  called 
for  it;  in  other  words,  paying  four  per  cent,  interest  for  the 
privilege  of  holding  unused  a  special  deposit.  How  these 
short  loans  and  the  pressing  demands  for  other  claims  are  to 
he  paid,  at  least  after  all  the  greenbacks  are  once  issued,  I 
do  not  well  see.  Had  they  twenty  years  to  run,  I  should 
feel  easy.  These  are  the  objections  which  I  have  to  the 
present  system. 

I  will  now  briefly  state  the  provisions  of  the  bill  which  I 
introduced.  It  was  intended  to  restore  the  law  just  to  the 
condition  in  which  it  left  the  House  of  Representative^  and 
nothing  more. 

The  first  section  provides  that  the  Secretary  of  the  Treas- 

API-  :177 

ury  shall  p:iy  off  and  cancrl  all  the  tive-t\v  •  1ft  and  all 

others  whose  inteiv-t  i-   payable   in   ir-'l-l,   and    to    exchange 
new  bonds  for  tin-in  on  -urh  torn  ill  IH*  agreed  0 

pay  tin-in  in  leijal  tend' 

Certain  money  cdit«»r-  ha\e  professed  to  8e<  :i  Vio- 

lation of  public  faith,  which  promised  tin-  payment  in  gold. 

Nothing  &  more  fata,     It  pn»p..M-d  to  HfttMM  bonds,  by 
negotiating  with  the  holder*,  at  Mich  •  -u Id  be  agreed 

on.    If  the  holder  declined  to  >dl.  In-  would  !•«•  «-ntr 
receive  hi*  interest  in  gold,  according  t«»  tin 

tract.      I  suppose  in*  man  nuiM  IM-  fnuml    in  thi-  H.>nM*bMe 
iMn»u«^li  to  nro|M>sii  repudiation.      N"in-  lur  fupid  U1AII 

COtlhl  BO  misn-ad  tin-  dill.      True,  it  pmpoM-d  t«.  iaUM  n»  niorr 
-  t»i'  that  kind,  and  repealed  the  law  aiitlmri/inu'  it-    And 
yet  it  has  heen   thought   «'f  Mitl'n-icnt    inn  jravcly  to 

introduce  the  resolution    hen-  de<-larinur   in   adxatb.    t; 
intended  to  make  no  rhaiiiri*  in  the  law.      NVIiat  Im-iness  Han 
nnyhody  to  iiKjuire  whetlu-r  in  onr  future  i-xn«   ot    l.oi 
intVnd  'to  pay  the    inteivM    in   e«»in   or  h-_r;,|   tender'.'      It  i-* 
enoiiirh  for  them  to  kn«»w  that  in  contract>  al: 
the  Lr<'Vernment  will    keep  its  faith. 

It  further   pn.po-ed    to   pay   olT  the  li-iral   tender  interest- 
liearinLf   deposits,   and    to    repeal    the    law   anthori/in'_r 
loan.      It  has   turn<-d   out   ju>t    as   the   emnini"  ::-  t«-d, 

that  such  demand  loan  ha>  :  i  the  conv.-r-.ion  to  any 

ieralile  amount.  While  $80,000,000  of  legal  tender 
are  deposited  on  call,  hut  about  *20,000,0»>o  have  been 
invented  iii  homU.  It  i>  ol»\ioiis  that  at  that  rate  the  Hale 
«»f  bonds  will  aid  but  little  in  carrying  <»n  the  war. 

It  proposes  to  repeal  the  law  re.juiring  the  payment  of 
<lnties  in  coin,  as  well  a-  the  interest  on  future  w*ii€*  of 
})ond-.  OXOep4  "iie-lifth  of  the  amount  of  du'i- -.  Thi-.  i-* 
retained  -o  a-  to  furnish  the  •government  with  c«>in  to  •'. 
the  foreign  diplomatic  and  <-onsular  expenses,  and  the 
<-har<_res  of  our  courts  in  foreign  j»orts.  an«l  the  costs  of  des- 
titute seamen.  Thus  the  whole  currcn.-y  n.M-drd  in  thi« 
country  would  be  leiral  tender  l'nite.1  Stat»-s  not.-s.  The 
bullion  monirers  would  lose;  the  merchant*  and  government 
would  L,rain. 

Saving  restored  the  law  to  its  original  shape,  it  proposes 
to  raise  money  to  pay  the  pressing  aebts  due  to  dep« 
and   gold-bearing  bonds,  the  pay  due  soldiers,  ana  oth-r 
expenses,  by    issuing    K-iral    tender   notes,  not  exceeding 


$200,000,000  beyond  those  already  authorized,  and  to  i>sue 
*  1,000,000,000  of  bonds,  bearing  six  per  cent,  interest,  pay- 
able   semi-annually    in    lawful    money,   and    redeemable   in 
twenty  years  in  coin.     With  $500,000,000  of  legal  tender 
notes  in  circulation,  they    would    accumulate  sn  faM   with 
capitalists  and  banks  that  the  holders  would  be  glad  to  turn 
them  to  profit  by  purchasing  the  loans;    and    I  d«mb: 
before  the  year  would   expire  the  whole  $1,000,00' 
bonds  would  be  called  for  at  par.     In  my  opinion,  with  the 
present  law  this  amount  can  never  be  sold  except  at  rui: 
discount.      I  believe  that  this  disposes  of  the  provision-  of 
this  bill,  which   were   intended   to  restore  the  committ.    '« 
project,  and  which  was  sanctioned  by  a  large  ma; 
the  House. 

The  balance  of  the  bill  refers  to  State  banks,  and  im: 
a  tax  of  fifty  per  cent,  on  all  their  circulation   beyond  one- 
half  of  their  capital.     This  tax  is   obviously   intended   for 
prohibition,  and  not  for  revenue.     I  incline  to  think  it  sh 
have  taxed  all  above  three-fourths,  instead  of  one-half  of  the 
capital.     The  object  of  this  provision   was  two-fold:    first, 
to  give  a  wider  circulation  to  United  States  notes,  and  thus 
induce   their   conversion;    secondly,   to   prevent  the    undue 
inflation  of  the  currency.      I  suppose  that  such  a  law  would 
drive  at  least  $1 00,000,000  of  bank  notes  out  of  circulation, 
leaving  about  the  same  amount  afloat.  Those,  together  with  the 
United  States  notes,  would  give  a  circulation  of  $(500,000,000. 
I  believe  the  business  of  this  country  reouires  that  amount. 
Before  the  rebellion  the  paper  issues  were  over  $200,000,' 
and   the  coin    was   at    least  $300,000,000.     I    suppose    svhat 
may  properly  be  called    the   present   circulation   amount - 
more  than  that  sum.     The  checks  which  pass  as  currency  in 
our  large  cities  are   as    much  a    paper   circulation    as   bank 
notes.     They  amount  to  some  $200,000,000,  I  imagine,  and 
almost    entirely    supersede    bank    notes    in    New    York    and 
Bo-ton.      When  it  was  said   that  the  currency  necessar; 
do  the  businr>s  of  (ireat    Britain   was  near  two   billion   dol- 
lars, the  hank  note  circulation    was   less  than    four   hundred 
millions.     The  re-t  was  supplied  by  bills  of  exch.v 

But  in  time>  of  -u-pen-ion  of  specie  payments,  bank*  will 

md  to  an   unlimited   amount    unless   re-trained    I-;. 
national  law.     I  can  account   for  the   present   high   pric-- 

rything  in  no  other  way  than  by  such  expansion  or  the 
expectation  of  it.     I  fear  the  true  amount  of  present  ciivula- 

A  i-  1-  i:\nix. 

t'.on  1-  not  ascertained.      Take,  as  :ui  example,  :i  very    sound, 
well-managed  bank  in  my  own   district;    it   \IM  a  capita 
0,000j   it  In.  1,1s  .il.oiit  $150,000  of  V  md 

fteven-thlrty  per  cent  bonds;  it  has  on  vi,,,rt  i,.    , 

il  tender;  it  has  $80,000  in   coin;    ami  its  cireu 
^000.      In  an  adjoining  district   a    hank    \\  .oQO 

capital  has  more  than  its  \\hoie  capital  nm-M,-!  i:i  TI, 

Statt-s    l..aii-,   ami    lias   a    rirnilation    ,.f   f> 
isMu-s  nnixt  inflate  the  mnvin-y.     'I'lu-  p.-.,p|,.  will  run  niad 
\\itlj  >piMMiIali«»n,  an«l   in   a   tW    \cu-   I    noenU   rr.-i-h   will 
folln\\  .     My  jiropoMtimi  \v»>ul«l  riot  rr.liu-f  Uank  profit^  lie-low 

a  fair  train.    Wlme  suspension  continue*  tln-y  mi-^lit  hold,  as 

tlu-y  now  liavc,  th»-ir  wlioK'  capital  in  LT«>\  cninu-nt  stocks, 
l)c'ariiiiX  at  least  six  p<T  cent.  JKT  anninn.  Tin  \  c..ul.|  1, 
Tho  profits  of  a  circulation  c.jual  to  three-fourth  of  th.-ir  caj»- 
ital,  and  hank  on  whatever  deposits  tliey  ha\e.  Tlii-  would 
irivc  tlu'in  at  lea^t  ten  per  cent.  infeivM  t,,  j,:ty  their  expenses 
and  dividends  to  stockholder^  This  i> 

15ut  I  ouuht  perhaps  to  -  ay.  Let..  re  I  olose,  to  my  country 

iVirnds  that    tlie      nccil   n«>t    !,»•   alarmed.     'I'liei- 

no  i^ivat  prosi.eet   that  we  shall  return  to  p 
indicated,  nor  do  much  to  protect  the  people  from  their  own 
i-aiTer  speculation*.      \Vlieii,  a    fe\\    yssn    In-nce,  tin-  people 
sliall    liave    heen    hroii-jht   to    ireneral    hankruptcy    l.y    their 
unre<?ulated  enti-rpri-e,  I  shall  have-  the  -ion  to  k: 

that  I  attempted  t«»  prevent  it. 

Mr.  Steven^'  views  in  regard  to  the  defects  of  the  partial 

Legal  tender  system  have  IH.H  fully  continnetl  by  fourt. 
\  -ca  i  -s'  experience,  and  his  prediction^  h  :t'ud  in 

markable  manner.     Notwithstanding  the  defects  of  the 

system,  h<>  \\e\ci-,  and  in  spite  of  hostih-   legislation   and   the 
existence  of  the   National    Hanks,  it  has  proved   im: 
superior  to  the  specie  l.asis  or  hank  eurn-n«-  .  .  whicli 

cursed  the  country  for  o\cr  half  a  centui-y  prior  to  the 
Rebellion,  and  which  the  hullionists  and  bankers  are  now 
seeking  to  re-establish.  The  people  ha\e  Ix-en  bn.u-ht  t-» 
the  verge  of  bankruptcy  by  the  machination*  ,,f  the  money 
j»ower,  and  the  intcrcM*  of  the  nation  deman«l  that  a  fuU 

380  A  1'  PKX  DIX. 

legal  tender  money  system  In-  no\v  given  a  fair  trial.     Thi< 
end  can  only  be  accomplished  at  the  poll*.     The  bullion 
and  bankers,  and  their  tools,  are  already  in  the  field,  manip- 
ulating party  conventions  and  caucuses  all  over  the  country, 
to   carry   out  their  designs.      The   masses    must   organize 
against  them,  throw  party  prejudice  aside,  and  vote  for  no 
man  for  any  official  position,  from  the  lowest  to  the  higli 
who  is  not  known  to  be  honestly  in  sympathy  with  the  peo- 
ple's cause,  and  in  favor  of  full  legal  tender  money. 

A   I'l'I     \   |.|   \. 

Monthly  Kaiik'o  of  tin-  (...M  Premium  for  FmurtMB  Yfan. 

Tin-  following  table  shows  tin-  l..\\,-t  ami  hi-jhe«t  prices 

ofgoM  at  \.\\-  York,  for  ,-.i«-li  m.-nrii  in  tin-  la»t  foAt66O 
years.  Tin-  l.-ft-li.-m.l  ••••lumn  of  t-:u-l»  \-  n-  -Imwn  the  lowest 
price,  ami  the  right-haml  column  the  highe»t* 


00  — 



-i  -i  ; 

-      H    aSlll  MNHM 

•From  the  Tribune  Almanac  tor  MW, 

—  —  to  to  tc  :.-  ^  i  - 



FRENCH  A>signats  and  Continental  money  are  ghosts 
which  have  been  conjured  up  to  frighten  the  public  by  the 
bullionists  and  bankers,  who  wish  to  monopolize  the  right  to 
furnish  the  circulating  medium  of  the  nation.  The  subject 
•of  Continental  money  was  fully  disposed  of  in  the  chapter 
on  Banks  of  the  United  States;*  and  a  word  of  explanation 
in  regard  to  French  Assignats  seems  to  be  necessary.  Thiers, 
in  his  life  of  the  celebrated  John  Law,  tells  what  Assignats 
were  as  follows  : 

"  Assignat  was  a  name  given  to  a  peculiar  species  of  paper 
money,  issued  during  the  first  French  revolution. 
The  first  issue  of  assignats  was  made  on  the  security  of  1 1n- 
forfeited  [confiscated  Ecclesiastical]  property;  and  was 
.adopted  as  a  preferable  alternative  to  throwing  the  forfeited 
lands  on  the  market;  which,  *  *  so  large  an  amount 
of  property  would  glut.  The  holder  of  the  assignats  might 
use  them  as  money  or  claim  the  land  which  they  repre- 

"The French  revolutionary  government  wished  to  pay  the 
debt  of  the  monarchy  and  the  expense  of  a  universal  war 
with  the  national  property  [confiscated  church  property],  tin- 
property  not  being  disposable,  on  account  of  the  quantity 
and  want  of  confidence,  it  anticipated  the  sale,  and  repre- 
sented the  results  by  papers  called  assignats. 
But  as  the  success  of  the  revolution  began  to  be  distrusted, 
and  doubts  arose  as  to  the;  maintenance  of  the  national  sale, 
they  declined,  and,  as  they  declined,  the  government,  t<» 
supply  the  deficiency,  in  value,  was  obliged  to  double  the 
issue,  and  the  repletion  contributed,  with  distrust,  to  depre- 
ciate them." 

Upon  the  overthrow  of  the  revolutionary  government  and 
the  formation  of  a  responsible  government,  under  Napoleon, 
the  church  property  was  restored  to  its  lawful  owners,  and 
the  a»i'_rnats  became  wurthlc^. 

To  compare  the  legal  tender  money  of  the  I'nited  8 
to  assignats,  is  simply  an  insult  to  the  intelligence  of  the 
American  people. 

•See  page  112. 


i\  ii:\<  IN  IKOM  KI:I  i  IM.I.. 

::!•:  nio>t  fundamental  and  important   tnr  ition 

!    in.  Mi.  \  ,  h:t\e  ah|  ip    by 

••hnicalities  of  la\v  as  com: 

tltli.iiivrli    tin  •;. 
known  :ili«l  t'clt  that  tilde  Ua-  sometime,' 

Writers  upon  political   economy,  public  in 

jrfncral,  have  taken  it  for  granted  that  tin*  1 

iiirlit  in   founding  thu  value  of  money   in   tin-  innate 
value  of  the  <rold  aii«l  sil\«-r   metal  which    r 

<Miim-il:   lu-nce  the  onnrluMoiK  at  whirli  th«-y  mn^t  all  ani\r* 
are  ju-:  a-  false  as  the  premi-»e<  npuii  which  ti  \     i 

political  rcomimi-N  may  contii   the  public 

may  cuntimie  to  ar  the-r  pr- 

C.MIIC,  ami  l»e  ju^t  a^  far  from  tin-  truth  a-  \\  ! 
instituted  Upon  thill   bai  N-      Aith-taii.lii;^  thi-   my-titi.-a- 

ti«'ii    about    inom-y.  r  ami    |".u  .  r    :t;  t 

dimple,  an<l  ncc.l  only  TO  U-  drarly  and  f:iirl\  •  m«-ct 

the  approval  (•!'  the  common  mind;  and  then  the  public  imM 
know   that  the  present   ccntrali/iicj  is  as 

an  imposition  upon  the  eonmion  §en»e  of   ID 
upon  the  common  rights  pf  labot.  and  propi-i"-  if  tlie 

material  of  neither  ^o!d,  >ilver  no"  paper  inon»-y  i-an  ii 
be    uxt-d    av    food,   clotliinir    <>r   >helter,   then    certainly    the 
scarcity  or  abundance  of  money,  or  the  scarcity  or  'abundance 
of  the  niateriaU  of  money,  oii^ht  never  in  the  le:i-t    t«. 
fere  \\ith  a  LTeneral  and  full  >upply  of  all    the   nej-e-^u 
life.      l-'or  thcvc  nccr^arie-  «.f  !:'  dcntlv  the   pmduet 

of  labor,  and   not    the   pn'duct   «.f  m..m-\.      Vet    th«-    j. 

powi-r  of  money  U  Mich  that  the  people  are  comjH-lh 

to  work  for  money,  and  then  to  depend    upon   tin- 

money  to  Mipply  the  m  of  life.     Tim-  the  j...\.. 

money    i<   first,'  and    tlie   jMiwer  of    labor   i^ 

money  i-ominand^   the   labor  instead    of   lalmr  eoiiunandini: 

the   nionev.       This   ix    ezaOtljf    '-«-N  «  r-in-_r    the    trn« 

thinirs  f"i'  it   »x  niakinir  a  «lea-l 

ami    tyranni/e   over  the   li\  ; 

the  productive  ouirht  always  to  <  ommand    the   unj»roductive 

power.      If  any  writer*  upon  political  economy,  or  any  finaii- 

.   have   discovered   the  true   nature,  j»ower  and 
money,  they  have  not  made  Mich  discovery   manifest   to  the 
Understanding  <d'  the  public.      For  the  laws  of  nations,  as 
well  a*  the  newspapers   and   other  publication*  of  th< 

384  Al'l'KNDlX. 

are  still  carrying  forward  and  enforcing  the  idea  that  money 

is  a  productive,  living  power.  Yet  the  power  of  money  i< 
entirely  a  dead  power,  and  totally  unproductive,  notwith- 
standing its  legal,  accumulative  powers." 

"THE  avarice  that  pervades  the  civilized  world  has  IK-CM 
ingrafted  upon  society  by  the  too  great  power  of  money. 
In  most  countries  it  has  made  production  by  labor  degrading 
to  the  child  whose  necessity  compels  him  to  perform  it. 
The  skill  to  gain  by  lending  money,  and  by  taking  advan- 
tage of  others  in  bargaining,  lias  been,  and  is  taken  as  evi- 
dence of  superior  talent,  until,  by  example  ami  precept, 
avarice  has  been  instilled  into  the  minds  of  childern.  It 
lias  grown  with  their  growth  and  strengthened  with  their 
strength  until  it  has  corrupted  the  very  foundations  of 
society.  The  percentage  incomes  on  bank,  railroad.  State, 
and  other  stocks,  and  the  rates  at  which  money  can  he  bor- 
rowed and  lent,  are  the  great  leading  topics  of  a  bu>i: 
community.  The  topics  are  not,  How  shall  we  contrive  to 
produce  by  our  labor  the  greatest  supply  of  all  the  nce< 
ries  of  life  for  the  general  good?  but,  on  the  contrary,  How 
shall  we  contrive  to  get  the  largest  possible  per  cen; 
income  with  the  least  possible  production  on  our  part':*  This 
state  of  society  is  directly  at  variance  with  such  a  one  a-  a 
just  monetary  syMcm  would  naturally  induce.  It  is  as  much 
opposed  to  the  natural  rights  of  society  as  falsehood  5*.  to 
truth;  and  no  continuance  of  competition  in  production  or 
distribution,  under  the  present  monetary  laws,  will  be  any 
more  likely  to  remedy  the  evils  of  this  deba>ing  ny>tcm, 
than  competition  in  false-hood  would  be  likely  to  produce 
aixl  sustain  truth.  We  must  begin  improvement  by  doing 
away  the-  great  gain  by  unrighteous  per  ceutage  interot  on 
money;  and  then  theVealth  will  naturally  be  widely  di- 
tributed  among  those  who  do  the  most  for  the  good  of  man, 
instead  of  being  gathered  in  by  a  few,  who  thus  become  the 
great  oppressors  of  the  human  family." 

Berkey,  William  Augustus 

60$  The  mone -r  question 
